SANTA BARSAiA STATE .lL«« ^ ^>jRaRY PEVERIL OF THE PEAK BY SIR WALTER SCOTT BOSTON AND NEW YORK HOUGHTON MIFFLIN COMPANY COPYRIGHT, I913 BY HOUGHTON MIFFLIN COMPANY ALL RIGHTS RESERVED il!Tf^ TV/ r;- ' ^ "lESELURi r!"'* PEVERIL OF THE PEAK VOLUME I ' If my readers should at any time remark that I am particularly dull, they may be assured there is a design under it.' — British Essayist. INTRODUCTION If I had valued my own reputation, as it is said I ought in prudence to have done, I might have now drawn a line, and remained for life, or (who knows?) perhaps for some years after death, the 'ingenious author of Waver- ley.' I was not, however, more desirous of this sort of immortality, which might have lasted some twenty or thirty years, than Falstaff of the embowelling which was promised him after the field of Shrewsbury, by his patron the Prince of Wales. * Embowel'd? If you em- bowel me to-day, you may powder and eat me to- morrow!' If my occupation as a romancer were taken from me, I felt I should have at a late hour in life to find me out another; when I could hardly expect to acquire those new tricks which are proverbially said not to be learned by those dogs who are getting old. Besides, I had yet to learn from the public that my intrusions were dis- agreeable; and while I was endured with some patience, I felt I had all the reputation which I greatly coveted. My memory was well stored, both with historical, local, and traditional notices, and I had become almost as licensed a plague to the public as the well-remembered beggar of the ward, whom men distinguish by their fa- vour, perhaps for no better reason than that they had been in the habit of giving him alms, as a part of the busi- ness of their daily promenade. The general fact is unde- niable: all men grow old, all men must wear out; but men of ordinary wisdom, however aware of the general ix INTRODUCTION fact, are unwilling to admit in their own case any special instances of failure. Indeed, they can hardly be expected themselves to distinguish the effects of the Archbishop of Granada's apoplexy, and are not unwilling to pass over in their composition, as instances of mere care- lessness or bad luck, what others may consider as symp- toms of mortal decay. I had no choice save that of ab- solutely laying aside the pen, the use of which at my time of life was become a habit, or to continue its vagaries, until the public should let me plainly understand they would no more of me — a hint which I was not unlikely to meet with, and which I was determined to take with- out waiting for a repetition. This hint, that the reader may plainly understand me, I was determined to take when the publication of a new Waverley novel should not be the subject of some attention in the literary world. An accidental circumstance decided my choice of a subject for the present work. It was now several years since my immediate younger brother, Thomas Scott, al- ready mentioned in these notes, had resided for two or three seasons in the Isle of Man, and having access to the registers of that singular territory, had copied many of them, which he subjected to my perusal. These papers were put into my hands while my brother had thoughts of making some literary use of them, I do not well re- member what ; but he never came to any decision on that head, and grew tired of the task of transcription. The papers, I suppose, were lost in the course of a military man's life. The tenor of them, that is, of the most re- markable, remained engraved on the memory of the Author. The interesting and romantic story of William Chris- INTRODUCTION tian especially struck my fancy. I found the same indi- vidual, as well as his father, particularly noticed in some memorials of the island, preserved by the Earl of Derby, and published in Dr. Peck's Desiderata Curiosa. This gentleman was the son of Edward, formerly governor of the island ; and William himself was afterwards one of its two Dempsters, or supreme judges. Both father and son embraced the party of the islanders, and contested some feudal rights claimed by the Earl of Derby as king of the island. When the earl had suffered death at Bol- ton-le-Moors, Captain Christian placed himself at the head of the Roundheads, if they might be so called, and found the means of holding communication with a fleet sent by the Parliament. The island was surrendered to the Parliament by the insurgent Manxmen. The high- spirited countess and her son were arrested and cast into prison, where they were long detained, and very indifferently treated. When the restoration took place, the countess, or by title the queen-dowager of the island, seized upon William Dhone, or Fairhaired William, as William Christian was termed, and caused him to be tried and executed, according to the laws of the island, for having dethroned his liege mistress and imprisoned her and her family. Romancers, and readers of romance, will generally allow that the fate of Christian, and the contrast of his character with that of the high-minded but vindictive Countess of Derby, famous during the civil wars for her valiant defence of Latham House, con- tained the essence of an interesting tale. I have, how- ever, dwelt little either on the death of William Chris- tian or on the manner in which Charles II viewed that stretch of feudal power, and the heavy fine which he xi INTRODUCTION imposed upon the Derby estates for that extent of jurisdiction of which the countess had been guilty. Far less have I given any opinion on the justice or guilt of that action, which is to this day judged of by the people of the island as they happen to be connected with the sufferer, or perhaps as they may look back with the eyes of favour upon the Cavaliers or Roundheads of those contentious days. I do not conceive that I have done injury to the memory of this gentleman or any of his descendants in his person; at the same time I have most willingly given his representative an opportunity of stating in this edition of the Novel what he thinks neces- sary for the vindication of his ancestor, and the reader will find the exposition in the Notices, for which Mr. Christian desires admission.^ I could do no less, consid- ering the polite and gentlemanlike manner in which he stated feelings concerning his ancestry, to which a Scots- man can hardly be supposed to be indifferent. In another respect, Mr. Christian with justice com- plains, that Edward Christian, described in the romance as the brother of the gentleman executed in consequence of the countess's arbitrary act of authority, is pourtrayed as a wretch of unbounded depravity, having only in- genuity and courage to rescue him from abhorrence, as well as hatred. Any personal allusion was entirely un- designed on the part of the Author. The Edward Chris- tian of the tale is a mere creature of the imagination. Commentators have naturally enough identified him with a brother of William Christian, named Edward, who died in prison after being confined seven or eight years in Peel Castle, in the year 1650. Of him I had no access ' See Appendices. xii INTRODUCTION to know anything; and as I was not aware that such a person had existed, I could hardly be said to have tra- duced his character. It is sufficient for my justification that there lived at the period of my story a person named Edward Christian, 'with whom connected, or by whom begot,' I am a perfect stranger, but who we know to have been engaged in such actions as may imply his having been guilty of anything bad. The fact is, that upon the 5th June 1680, Thomas Blood, the famous crown- stealer, Edward Christian, Arthur O'Brien, and others, were found guilty of being concerned in a conspiracy for taking away the life and character of the celebrated Duke of Buckingham ; but that this Edward was the same with the brother of William Christian is impossible, since that brother died in 1650; nor would I have used his christened name of Edward, had I supposed there was a chance of its being connected with any existing family. These genealogical matters are fully illustrated in the notes to the Appendix. I ought to have mentioned in the former editions of this romance, that Charlotte de la Tremouille, Countess of Derby, represented as a Catholic, was, in fact, a French Protestant. For misrepresenting the noble dame in this manner, I have only Lucio's excuse: *I spoke ac- cording to the trick.' In a story where the greater part is avowedly fiction, the author is at liberty to introduce such variations from actual fact as his plot requires, or which are calculated to enhance it; in which predicament the rehgion of the Countess of Derby, during the Popish Plot, appeared to fall. If I have over-estimated a ro- mancer's privileges and immunities, I am afraid this is not the only, nor most important, case in which I have done xiii INTRODUCTION so. To speak big words, the heroic countess has far less grounds for an action of scandal than the memory of Virgil might be liable to for his posthumous scandal of Dido. The character of Fenella, which, from its peculiarity, made a favourable impression on the public, was far from being original. The fine sketch of Mignon in Wil- helm Meister's Lehrjahre, a celebrated work from the pen of Goethe, gave the idea of such a being. But the copy will be found greatly different from my great prototype ; nor can I be accused of borrowing anything, save the general idea, from an author, the honour of his own country and an example to the authors of other king- doms, to whom all must be proud to own an obligation. Family tradition supplied me with two circumstances, which are somewhat analogous to that in question. The first is an account of a lawsuit, taken from a Scot- tish report of adjudged cases, quoted in note to Chapter XX. The other — of which the editor has no reason to doubt, having often heard it from those who were wit- nesses of the fact — relates to the power of a female in keeping a secret, sarcastically said to be impossible, even when that secret refers to the exercise of her tongue. In the middle of the eighteenth century, a female wan- derer came to the doorof Mr. Robert Scott, grandfather of the present author, an opulent farmer in Roxburghshire^ and made signs that she desired shelter for the night, which, according to the custom of the times, was readily granted. The next day the covmtry was covered with snow, and the departure of the wanderer was rendered impossible. She remained for many days, her mainten- ance adding little to the expense of a considerable house- hold ; and by the time that the weather grew milder, she xiv INTRODUCTION had learned to hold intercourse by signs with the house- hold around her, and could intimate to them that she was desirous of staying where she was, and working at the wheel and other employment, to compensate for her food. This was a compact not unfrequent at that time, and the dumb woman entered upon her thrift, and proved a useful member of the patriarchal household. She was a good spinner, knitter, carder, and so forth, but her excellence lay in attending to the feeding and bring- ing up the domestic poultry. Her mode of whistling to call them together was so peculiarly elfish and shrill, that it was thought by those who heard it more like that of a fairy than a human being. In this manner she lived three or four years, nor was there the slightest idea entertained in the family that she was other than the mute and deprived person she had always appeared. But in a moment of surprise she dropped the mask which she had worn so long. It chanced upon a Sunday that the whole inhabitants of the household were at church excepting Dumb Lizzie, whose infirmity was supposed to render her incapable of profiting by divine service, and who therefore stayed at home to take charge of the house. It happened that, as she was sitting in the kitchen, a mischievous shepherd boy, instead of looking after his flock on the lea, as was his duty, slunk into the house to see what he could pick up, or perhaps out of mere curiosity. Being tempted by something which was in his eyes a nicety, he put forth his hand unseen, as he conceived, to appropriate it. The dumb woman came suddenly upon him, and in the sur- prise forgot her part, and exclaimed, in loud Scotch and with distinct articulation, *Ah, you little deevil's limb!' XV INTRODUCTION The boy, terrified more by the character of the person who rebuked him than by the mere circumstance of having been taken in the insignificant offence, fled in great dismay to the church, to carry the miraculous news that the dumb woman had found her tongue. The family returned home in great surprise, but found that their inmate had relapsed into her usual mute con- dition, would communicate with them only by signs, and in that manner denied positively what the boy aflirmed. From this time confidence was broken betwixt the other inmates of the family and their dumb, or rather silent, guest. Traps were laid for the supposed impostor, all of which she skilfully eluded ; firearms were often sud- denly discharged near her, but never on such occasions was she seen to start. It seems probable, however, that Lizzie grew tired of all this mistrust, for she one morn- ing disappeared as she came, without any ceremony of leave-taking. She was seen, it is said, upon the other side of the English Border, in perfect possession of her speech. Whether this was exactly the case or not, my informers were no way anxious in inquiring, nor am I able to authenticate the fact. The shepherd-boy lived to be a man, and always averred that she had spoken dis- tinctly to him. What could be the woman's reason for persevering so long in a disguise as unnecessary as it was severe could never be guessed, and was perhaps the consequence of a certain aberration of the mind. I can only add, that I have every reason to believe the tale to be perfectly authentic, so far as it is here given, and it may serve to parallel the supposed case of Fenella. Abbotsford, ist July 183 1. PREFATORY LETTER FROM THE REV. DR. DRYASDUST OF YORK TO CAPTAIN CLUTTERBUCK Residing at Fairy Lodge, near Kennaquhair, N. B. Very worthy and dear Sir, To your last letter I might have answered, with the classic, Haud equidem invideo, miror magis. For though my converse, from infancy, has been with things of antiquity, yet I love not ghosts or spectres to be com- mentators thereon; and truly your account of the con- versation you held with our great parent, in the crypt, or most intimate recess, of the publishers at Edinburgh, had upon me much the effect of the apparition of Hec- tor's phantom on the hero of the jEneid — Obstupui, steteruntque comae. And, as I said above, I repeat that I wondered at the vision, without envying you the pleasure of seeing our great progenitor. But it seems that he is now permitted to show himself to his family more freely than formerly; or that the old gentleman is turned somewhat garrulous in these latter days; or, in short, not to exhaust your patience with conjectures of the cause, I also have seen the vision of the Author of Waverley. I do not mean to xvii PREFATORY LETTER take any undue state on myself, when I observe, that this interview was marked with circumstances in some degree more formally complaisant than those which attended your meeting with him in our worthy pub- lisher's; for yours had the appearance of a fortuitous rencontre, whereas mine was preceded by the com- munication of a large roll of papers, containing a new history, called Peveril oj the Peak. I no sooner found that this manuscript consisted of a narrative, running to the length of perhaps three hun- dred and thirty pages in each volume, or thereabouts, than it instantly occurred to me from whom this boon came ; and having set myself to peruse the written sheets, I began to entertain strong expectations that I might, peradventure, next see the Author himself. Again, it seems to me a marked circumstance that, whereas an inner apartment of Mr. Constable's shop was thought a place of sufficient solemnity for your audience, our venerable senior was pleased to afford mine in the recesses of my own lodgings, inira parietes, as it were, and without the chance of interruption. I must also remark, that the features, form, and dress of the eidolon, as you well term the apparition of our parent, seemed to me more precisely distinct than was vouch- safed to you on the former occasion. Of this hereafter; but Heaven forbid I should glory or set up any claim of superiority over the other descendants of our common parent from such decided marks of his preference. Laus propria sordet. I am well satisfied that the honour was bestowed not on my person, but my cloth: that the pre- ference did not elevate Jonas Dryasdust over Clutter- buck, but the doctor of divinity over the captain. Ce. xviii PREFATORY LETTER dant arma toga — a maxim never to be forgotten at any time, but especially to be remembered when the soldier is upon half-pay. But I bethink me that I am keeping you all this while in the porch, and wearying you with long inductions, when you would have me properare in mediam rem. As you will, it shall be done; for, as his Grace is wont to say of me wittily, 'No man tells a story so well as Dr. Dryasdust, when he has once got up to the starting- post.' Jocose hoc. But to continue. I had skimmed the cream of the narrative which I had received about a week before, and that with no small cost and pain; for the hand of our parent is become so small and so crabbed that I was obliged to use strong magnifiers. Feeling my eyes a little exhausted towards the close of the second volume, I leaned back in my easy- chair, and began to consider whether several of the ob- jections which have been particularly urged against our father and patron might not be considered as appl3dng, in an especial manner, to the papers I had just perused. *Here are figments enough,' said I to myself, 'to confuse the march of a whole history — anachronisms enough to overset all chronology! The old gentleman hath broken all bounds: ahiit, evasit, erupitJ As these thoughts passed through my mind, I fell into a fit of musing, which is not uncommon with me after dinner, when I am altogether alone, or have no one with me but my curate. I was awake, however; for I remembered seeing, in the embers of the fire, a repre- sentation of a mitre, with the towers of a cathedral in the background; moreover, I recollect gazing for a certain time on the comely countenance of Dr. White- xix PREFATORY LETTER rose, my uncle by the mother's side — the same who is mentioned in The Heart of Midlothian — whose portrait, graceful in wig and canonicals, hangs above my mantel- piece. Further, I remember marking the flowers in the frame of carved oak, and casting my eye on the pistols which hang beneath, being the firearms with which, in the eventful year 1746, my uncle meant to have es- poused the cause of Prince Charles Edward; for, in- deed, so little did he esteem personal safety in comparison of steady High Church principle, that he waited but the news of the Adventurer's reaching London to hasten to join his standard. Such a doze as I then enjoyed, I find compatible with indulging the best and deepest cogitations which at any time arise in my mind. I chew the cud of sweet and bitter fancy, in a state betwixt sleeping and waking which I consider as so highly favourable to philosophy, that I have no doubt some of its most distinguished systems have been composed under its influence. My servant is, therefore, instructed to tread as if upon down; my door-hinges are carefully oiled, and all appli- ances used to prevent me from being prematurely and harshly called back to the broad waking-day of a labo- rious world. My custom, in this particular, is so well known, that the very schoolboys cross the alley on tip- toe, betwixt the hours of four and five. My cell is the very dwelling of Morpheus. There is indeed a bawling knave of a broom-man, quern ego — But this is matter for the quarter-sessions. As my head sunk back upon the easy-chair in the philosophical mood which I have just described, and the eyes of my body began to close, in order, doubtless, PREFATORY LETTER that those of my understanding might be the more widely opened, I was startled by a knock at the door, of a kind more authoritatively boisterous than is given at that hour by any visitor acquainted with my habits. I started up in my seat, and heard the step of my ser- vant hurrying along the passage, followed by a very heavy and measured pace, which shook the long oak- floored gallery in such a manner as forcibly to arrest my attention. 'A stranger, sir, just arrived from Edin- burgh by the north mail, desires to speak with your reverence.' Such were the words with which Jacob threw the door to the wall; and the startled tone in which he pronounced them, although there was nothing particular in the annunciation itself, prepared me for the approach of a visitor of uncommon dignity and importance. The Author of Waverley entered, a bulky and tall man, in a travelling great-coat, which covered a suit of snuff -brown, cut in imitation of that worn by the great Rambler. His flapped hat — for he disdained the mod- ern frivolities of a travelling-cap — was bound over his head with a large silk handkerchief, so as to protect his ears from cold at once and from the babble of his pleas- ant companions in the public coach from which he had just alighted. There was somewhat of a sarcastic shrewdness and sense which sat on the heavy penthouse of his shaggy grey eyebrow; his features were in other respects largely shaped, and rather heavy than promis- ing wit or genius ; but he had a notable projection of the nose, similar to that line of the Latin poet — Immodicum surgit pro cuspide rostrum. xxi PREFATORY LETTER A stout walking-stick stayed his hand; a double Barce- lona protected his neck; his belly was something promi- nent, 'but that's not much'; his breeches were substan- tial thick-set;. and a pair of top-boots, which were slipped down to ease his sturdy calves, did not conceal his com- fortable travelling stockings of lamb's wool, wrought, not on the loom, but on wires, and after the venerable ancient fashion known in Scotland by the name of *ridge-and-furrow.' His age seemed to be considerably above fifty, but could not amount to threescore, which I observed with pleasure, trusting there may be a good deal of work had out of him yet; especially as a general haleness of appearance — the compass and strength of his voice, the steadiness of his step, the rotundity of his calf, the depth of his 'hem,' and the sonorous emphasis of his sneeze, were all signs of a constitution built for permanence. It struck me forcibly, as I gazed on this portly person, that he reahsed, in my imagination, the Stout Gentle- man in No. II, who afforded such subject of varying speculation to our most amusing and elegant Utopian traveller, Master Geoffrey Crayon. Indeed, but for one little trait in the conduct of the said Stout Gentleman • — I mean the gallantry towards his landlady, a thing which would greatly derogate from our senior's char- acter — I should be disposed to conclude that Master Crayon had, on that memorable occasion, actually passed his time in the vicinity of the Author of Waverley. But our worthy patriarch, be it spoken to his praise, far from cultivating the society of the fair sex, seems, in avoiding the company of womankind, rather to imitate the humour of our friend and relation, Master Jonathan xxii PREFATORY LETTER Oldbuck, as I was led to conjecture, from a circumstance which occurred immediately after his entrance. Having acknowledged his presence with fitting thanks and gratulations, I proposed to my venerated visitor, as the refreshment best suited to the hour of the day, to summon my cousin and housekeeper, Miss Catharine Whiterose, with the tea-equipage; but he rejected my proposal with disdain worthy of the Laird of Monk- barns. 'No scandal-broth,' he exclaimed — 'no un- idea'd woman's chatter for me. Fill the frothed tankard — slice the fatted rump; I desire no society but yours, and no refreshment but what the cask and the gridiron can supply.' The beefsteak, and toast, and tankard were speedily got ready; and whether an apparition or a bodily presen- tation, my visitor displayed dexterity as a trencherman which might have attracted the envy of a hungry hunter after a fox-chase of forty miles. Neither did he fail to make some deep and solemn appeals not only to the tankard aforesaid, but to two decanters of London par- ticular Madeira and old port; the first of which I had extracted from its ripening place of depositation within reach of the genial warmth of the oven ; the other, from a deep crypt in mine own ancient cellar, which whilom may have held the vintages of the victors of the world, the arch being composed of Roman brick. I could not help admiring and congratulating the old gentleman upon the vigorous appetite which he displayed for the genial cheer of Old England. 'Sir,' was his reply, 'I must eat as an Englishman to qualify myself for tak- ing my place at one of the most select companies of right English spirits which ever girdled in and hewed xxiii PREFATORY LETTER asunder a mountainous sirloin and a generous plum- pudding.' I inquired, but with all deference and modesty, whi- ther he was bound, and to what distinguished society he applied a description so general. I shall proceed, in humble imitation of your example, to give the subse- quent dialogue in a dramatic form, unless when descrip- tion becomes necessary. Author of Waverley. To whom should I apply such a description, save to the only society to whom it can be thoroughly applicable — those unerring judges of old books and old wine — the Roxburgh Club of London? Have you not heard that I have been chosen a member of that society of select bibliomaniacs? ^ Dryasdust (rummaging in his pocket). I did hear something of it from Captain Clutterbuck, who wrote to me — ay, here is his letter — that such a report was current among the Scottish antiquaries, who were much alarmed lest you should be seduced into the heresy of preferring English beef to seven-year-old black-faced mutton. Maraschino to whisky, and turtle-soup to cock- a-leekie; in which case, they must needs renounce you as a lost man. 'But,' adds our friend, looking at the letter, his hand is rather of a military description, better used to handle the sword than the pen — * our friend is so much upon the shun,' — the shun, I think it is — 'that it must be no light temptation which will with- draw him from his incognito.' ^ The author has pride in recording that he had the honour to be elected a member of this distinguished association, merely as the author of Waverley, without any other designation; and it was an ad- ditional inducement to throw off the masque of an anon>Tnous author, that it gives him a right to occupy the vacant chair at that festive board. xxiv PREFATORY LETTER Author. No light temptation, unquestionably; but this is a powerful one, to hob-or-nob with the lords of the literary treasures of Althorpe and Hodnet, in Madeira negus, brewed by the classical Dibdin; to share those profound debates which stamp accurately on each 'small volume, dark with tarnished gold,' its collar, not of S. S. but of R. R.; to toast the immortal memory of Caxton, Valdarar, Pynson, and the other fathers of that great art which has made all, and each of us, what we are. These, my dear son, are temptations to which you see me now in the act of resigning that quiet chimney- corner of life in which, unknowing and unknown — save by means of the hopeful family to which I have given birth — I proposed to wear out the end of Hfe's evening grey. So saying, our venerable friend took another emphatic touch of the tankard, as if the very expression had sug- gested that specific remedy against the evils of life recommended in the celebrated response of Johnson's anchorite — Come, my lad, and drink some beer. When he had placed on the table the silver tankard, and fetched a deep sigh to collect the respiration which the long draught had interrupted, I could not help echoing it in a note so pathetically compassionate that he fixed his eyes on me with surprise. 'How is this?' said he, somewhat angrily; 'do you, the' creature of my will, grudge me my preferment? Have I dedicated to you and your fellows the best hours of my life for these seven years past; and do you presume to grumble or repine because, in those which are to come, I seek for XXV PREFATORY LETTER some enjoyment of life in society so congenial to my pursuits? ' I humbled myself before the offended senior, and professed my innocence in all that could possibly give him displeasure. He seemed partly appeased, but still bent on me an eye of suspicion, while he questioned me in the words of old Norton, in the ballad of the Rising in the North Country. Author. What wouldst thou have, Francis Norton? Thou art my youngest son and heir; Something lies brooding at thy heart — Whate 'er it be, to me declare. Dryasdust. Craving, then, your paternal forgiveness for my presumption, I only sighed at the possibihty of your venturing yourself amongst a body of critics to whom, in the capacity of skilful antiquaries, the investi- gation of truth is an especial duty, and who may there- fore visit with the more severe censure those aberrations which it is so often your pleasure to make from the path of true history. Author. I understand you. You mean to say these learned persons will have but little toleration for a romance or a fictitious narrative founded upon history? Dryasdust. Why, sir, I do rather apprehend that their respect for the foundation will be such that they may be apt to quarrel with the inconsistent nature of the super- structure; just as every classical traveller pours forth expressions of sorrow and indignation when, in travel- ling through Greece, he chances to see a Turkish kiosk rising on the ruins of an ancient temple. Author. But since we cannot rebuild the temple, a kiosk may be a pretty thing, may it not? Not quite correct in architecture, strictly and classically criticised; xxvi PREFATORY LETTER but presenting something uncommon to the eye, and something fantastic to the imagination, on which the spectator gazes with pleasure of the same description which arises from the perusal of an Eastern tale. Dryasdust. I am unable to dispute with you in meta- phor, sir; but I must say, in discharge of my conscience, that you stand much censured for adulterating the pure sources of historical knowledge. You approach them, men say, Hke the drunken yeoman who, once upon a time, polluted the crystal spring which supplied the thirst of his family, with a score of sugar loaves and a hogshead of rum; and thereby converted a simple and wholesome beverage into a stupifying, brutifying, and intoxicating fluid, sweeter, indeed, to the taste than the natural lymph, but, for that very reason, more seduc- tively dangerous. Author. I allow your metaphor, doctor; but yet, though good punch cannot supply the want of spring water, it is, when modestly used, no malum in se; and I should have thought it a shabby thing of the parson of the parish had he helped to drink out the well on Sat- urday night and preached against the honest, hospitable yeoman on Sunday morning. I should have answered him that the very flavour of the liquor should have put him at once upon his guard ; and that, if he had taken a drop over much, he ought to blame his own imprudence more than the hospitality of his entertainer. Dryasdust. I profess I do not exactly see how this applies. Author. No; you are one of those numerous dispu- tants who will never follow their metaphor a step further than it goes their own way. I will explain. A poor fel- xxvii PREFATORY LETTER low, like myself, weary with ransacking his own barren and bounded imagination, looks out for some general subject in the huge and boundless field of history, which holds forth examples of every kind ; lights on some per- sonage, or some combination of circumstances, or some striking trait of manners,' which he thinks may be advantageously used as the basis of a fictitious nar- rative; bedizens it with such colouring as his skill sug- gests, ornaments it with such romantic circmnstances as may heighten the general effect, invests it with such shades of character as will best contrast with each other, and thinks, perhaps, he has done some service to the pubHc, if he can present to them a lively fictitious picture, for which the original anecdote or circum- stance which he made free to press into his service only furnished a slight sketch. Now I cannot perceive any harm in this. The stores of history are accessible to every one, and are no more exhausted or impoverished by the hints thus borrowed from them than the fountain is drained by the water which we subtract for domestic purposes. And in reply to the sober charge of falsehood against a narrative announced positively to be ficti- tious, one can only answer by Prior's exclamation — Odzooks, must one swear to the truth of a song? Dryasdust. Nay; but I fear me that you are here eluding the charge. Men do not seriously accuse you of misrepresenting history; although I assure you I have seen some grave treatises in which it was thought neces- sary to contradict your assertions. Author. That certainly was to point a discharge of artillery against a wreath of morning mist. xxviii PREFATORY LETTER Dryasdust. But besides, and especially, it is said that you are in danger of causing history to be neglected, readers being contented with such frothy and superficial knowledge as they acquire from your works, to the effect of inducing them to neglect the severer and more accurate sources of information. Author. I deny the consequence. On the contrary, I rather hope that I have turned the attention of the pub- lic on various points which have received elucidation from writers of more learning and research, in conse- quence of my novels having attached some interest to them. I might give instances, but I hate vanity — I hate vanity. The history of the divining-rod is well known: it is a slight, valueless twig in itself, but indi- cates, by its motion, where veins of precious metal are concealed below the earth, which afterwards enrich the adventurers by whom they are laboriously and care- fully wrought. I claim no more merit for my historical hints; but this is something. Dryasdust. We severer antiquaries, sir, may grant that this is true ; to wit, that your works may occasion- ally have put men of solid judgment upon researches which they would not perhaps have otherwise thought of undertaking. But this will leave you still accountable for misleading the young, the indolent, and the giddy, by thrusting into their hands works which, while they have so much the appearance of conveying information as may prove perhaps a salve to their consciences for employing their leisure in the perusal, yet leave their giddy brains contented with the crude, uncertain, and often false, statements which your novels abound with. Author. It would be very unbecoming in me, reverend xxix PREFATORY LETTER sir, to accuse a gentleman of your cloth of cant; but, pray, is there not something like it in the pathos with which you enforce these dangers? I aver, on the con- trary, that, by introducing the busy and the youthful to 'truths severe in fairy fiction dressed,' ^ I am doing a real service to the more ingenious and the more apt among them; for the love of knowledge wants but a beginning — the least spark will give fire when the train is properly prepared; and having been interested in fictitious adventures, ascribed to an historical period and characters, the reader begins next to be anxious to learn what the facts really were, and how far the novelist has justly represented them. But even where the mind of the more careless reader remains satisfied with the light perusal he has afforded to a tale of fiction, he will still lay down the book with a degree of knowledge, not perhaps of the most accu- rate kind, but such as he might not otherwise have acquired. Nor is this limited to minds of a low and incurious description; but, on the contrary, compre- hends many persons otherwise of high talents, who, nevertheless, either from lack of time or of perseverance, are willing to sit down contented with the slight inform- ation which is acquired in such a manner. The great Duke of Marlborough, for example, having quoted in conversation some fact of Enghsh history rather inac- curately, was requested to name his authority. ' Shake- speare's historical plays,' answered the conqueror of 1 The doctor has denied the Author's title to shelter himself under this quotation; but the Author continues to think himself entitled to all the shelter which, threadbare as it is, it may yet be able to afford him. The truth severe applies not to the narrative itself, but to the moral it conveys, in which the Author has not been thought deficient. The ' fairy fiction * is the conduct of the story which the tale is invented to elucidate. XXX PREFATORY LETTER Blenheim; 'the only English history I ever read in my life.' And a hasty recollection will convince any of us how much better we are acquainted with those parts of English history which that immortal bard has drama- tised than with any other portion of British story. Dryasdust. And you, worthy sir, are ambitious to render a similar service to posterity? Author. May the saints forefend I should be guilty of such unfounded vanity! I only show what has been done when there were giants in the land. We pigmies of the present day may at least, however, do something; and it is well to keep a pattern before our eyes, though that pattern be inimitable. Dryasdust. Well, sir, with me you must have your own course; and for reasons well known to you it is impossible for me to reply to you in argument. But I doubt if all you have said will reconcile the public to the anachronisms of your present volumes. Here you have a Countess of Derby fetched out of her cold grave and saddled with a set of adventures dated twenty years after her death, besides being given up as a CathoUc when she was in fact a zealous Huguenot. Author. She may sue me for damages, as in the case Dido versus Virgil. Dryasdust. A worse fault is, that your manners are even more incorrect than usual. Your Puritan is faintly traced in comparison to your Cameronian. Author. I agree to the charge; but although I still consider hypocrisy and enthusiasm as fit food for ridi- cule and satire, yet I am sensible of the difficulty of holding fanaticism up to laughter or abhorrence without using colouring which may give offence to the sincerely xxxi PREFATORY LETTER worthy and religious. Many things are lawful which, we are taught, are not convenient; and there are many tones of feeling which are too respectable to be insulted, though we do not altogether sympathise with them. Dryasdust. Not to mention, my worthy sir, that per- haps you may think the subject exhausted, AtUhor. The devil take the men of this generation for putting the worst construction on their neighbour's conduct! So saying, and flinging a testy sort of adieu towards me with his hand, he opened the door and ran hastily downstairs. I started on my feet and rang for my serv- ant, who instantly came. I demanded what had be- come of the stranger. He denied that any such had been admitted. I pointed to the empty decanters, and he — he — he had the assurance to intimate that such vacan- cies were sometimes made when I had no better com- pany than my own. I do not know what to make of this doubtful matter, but will certainly imitate your exam- ple in placing this dialogue, with my present letter, at the head of Peveril of the Peak. I am, Dear Sir, very much, Your faithful and obedient Servant, Jonas Dryasdust. Michaelmas Day, 1822, York. PEVERIL OF THE PEAK CHAPTER I When civil dudgeon first grew high , And men fell out, they knew not why; When foul words, jealousies, and fears Set folk together by the ears. Butler. William, the Conqueror of England, was, or supposed himself to be, the father of a certain William Peveril, who attended him to the battle of Hastings, and there distinguished himself. The liberal-minded monarch, who assumed in his charters the veritable title of Guliel- mus Bastardus, was not likely to let his son's illegitimacy be any bar to the course of his royal favour, when the laws of England were issued from the mouth of the Nor- man victor, and the lands of the Saxons were at his un- limited disposal. William Peveril obtained a liberal grant of property and lordships in Derbyshire, and be- came the erector of that Gothic fortress which, hanging over the mouth of the Devil's Cavern, so well known to tourists, gives the name of Castleton to the adjacent vil- lage. From this feudal baron, who chose his nest upon the principles on which an eagle selects her eyrie, and built it in such a fashion as if he had intended it, as an Irish- man said of the Martello towers, for the sole purpose of puzzling posterity, there was, or conceived themselves 87 I WAVERLEY NOVELS to be, descended (for their pedigree was rather hypo- thetical) an opulent family of knightly rank, in the same county of Derby. The great fief of Castleton, with its adjacent wastes and forests, and all the wonders which they contain, had been forfeited in King John's stormy days by one William Peveril, and had been granted anew to the Lord Ferrers of that day. Yet this WilHam's de- scendants, though no longer possessed of what they al- leged to have been their original property, were long dis- tinguished by the proud title of Peverils of the Peak, which served to mark their high descent and lofty pre- tensions. In Charles the Second's time, the representative of this ancient family was Sir Geoffrey Peveril, a man who had many of the ordinary attributes of an old-fashioned country gentleman, and very few individual traits to distinguish him from the general portrait of that worthy class of mankind. He was proud of small advantages, angry at small disappointments, incapable of forming any resolution or opinion abstracted from his own pre- judices; he was proud of his birth, lavish in his house- keeping, convivial with those kindred and acquaintances who would allow his superiority in rank; contentious and quarrelsome with all that crossed his pretensions; kind to the poor, except when they plundered his game; a Royalist in his political opinions, and one who detested alike a Roundhead, a poacher, and a Presbyterian. In religion, Sir Geoffrey was a High Churchman of so ex- alted a strain that many thought he still nourished in private the Roman Catholic tenets, which his family had only renounced in his father's time, and that he had a dispensation for conforming in outward observances PEVERIL OF THE PEAK to the Protestant faith. There was at least such a scan- dal amongst the Puritans, and the influence which Sir Geoffrey Peveril certainly appeared to possess amongst the Catholic gentlemen of Derbyshire and Cheshire seemed to give countenance to the rumour. Such was Sir Geoffrey, who might have passed to his grave without further distinction than a brass plate in the chancel, had he not lived in times which forced the most inactive spirits into exertion, as a tempest influences the sluggish waters of the deadest meer. When the Civil Wars broke out, Peveril of the Peak, proud from pedigree and brave by constitution, raised a regiment for the King, and showed upon several occasions more capacity for com- mand than men had heretofore given him credit for. Even in the midst of the civil turmoil, he fell in love with, and married, a beautiful and amiable young lady of the noble house of Stanley; and from that time had the more merit in his loyalty, as it divorced him from her society, unless at very brief intervals, when his duty permitted an occasional visit to his home. Scorning to be allured from his miHtary duty by domestic induce- ments, Peveril of the Peak fought on for several rough years of civil war, and performed his part with sufficient gallantry, until his regiment was surprised and cut to pieces by Poyntz, Cromwell's enterprising and successful general of cavalry. The defeated Cavalier escaped from the field of battle, and, like a true descendant of William the Conqueror, disdaining submission, threw himself into his own castellated mansion, which was attacked and defended in a siege of that irregular kind which caused the destruction of so many baronial residences during the course of those unhappy wars. Martindale WAVERLEY NOVELS Castle, after having suffered severely from the cannon which Cromwell himself brought against it, was at length surrendered when in the last extremity. Sir Geoffrey himself became a prisoner, and while his liberty was only restored upon a promise of remaining a peace- ful subject to the Commonwealth in future, his former delinquencies, as they were termed by the ruling party, were severely punished by fine and sequestration. But neither his forced promise nor the fear of further impleasant consequences to his person or property could prevent Peveril of the Peak from joining the gallant Earl of Derby the night before the fatal engagement in Wig- gan Lane, where the earl's forces were dispersed. Sir Geoffrey, having had his share in that action, escaped with the rehcs of the Royahsts after the defeat, to join Charles II. He witnessed also the final defeat of Wor- cester, where he was a second time made prisoner; and as, in the opinion of Cromwell and the language of the times, he was regarded as an obstinate Malignant, he was in great danger of having shared with the Earl of Derby his execution at Bolton-le-Moors, having par- taken with him the dangers of two actions. But Sir Geoffrey's Hfe was preserved by the interest of a friend, who possessed influence in the councils of Ohver. This was a Mr. Bridgenorth, a gentleman of middhng quaUty, whose father had been successful in some commercial adventure during the peaceful reign of James I ; and who had bequeathed his son a considerable sum of money, in addition to the moderate patrimony which he inher- ited from his father. The substantial, though small-sized, brick building of Moultrassie Hall was but two miles distant from Mar- PEVERIL OF THE PEAK tindale Castle, and the young Bridgenorth attended the same school with the heir of the Peverils. A sort of com- panionship, if not intimacy, took place betwixt them, which continued during their youthful sports — the rather that Bridgenorth, though he did not at heart admit Sir Geoffrey's claims of superiority to the extent which the other's vanity would have exacted, paid defer- ence in a reasonable degree to the representative of a family so much more ancient and important than his own, without conceiving that he in any respect degraded himself by doing so. Mr. Bridgenorth did not, however, carry his com- plaisance so far as to embrace Sir Geoffrey's side during the Civil War. On the contrary, as an active justice of the peace, he rendered much assistance in arraying the militia in the cause of the Parliament, and for some time held a military commission in that service. This was partly owing to his rehgious principles, for he was a zealous Presbyterian, partly to his political ideas, which, without being absolutely democratical, favoured the popular side of the great national question. Besides, he was a moneyed man, and to a certain extent had a shrewd eye to his worldly interest. He understood how to im- prove the opportunities which civil war afforded of ad- vancing his fortune, by a dexterous use of his capital; and he was not at a loss to perceive that these were hkely to be obtained by joining the Parliament; while the King's cause, as it was managed, held out nothing to the wealthy but a course of exaction and compulsory loans. For these reasons, Bridgenorth became a decided Roundhead, and all friendly communication betwixt his neighbour and him was abruptly broken asunder. S WAVERLEY NOVELS This was done with the less acrimony that, during the Civil War, Sir Geoffrey was almost constantly in the field, following the vacillating and unhappy fortunes of his master; while Major Bridgenorth, who soon re- nounced active miUtary service, resided chiefly in Lon- don, and only occasionally visited the hall. Upon these visits, it was with great pleasure he re- ceived the intelHgence that Lady Peveril had shown much kindness to Mrs. Bridgenorth, and had actually given her and her family shelter in Martindale Castle when Moultrassie Hall was threatened with pillage by a body of Prince Rupert's ill-disciplined Cavaliers. This acquaintance had been matured by frequent walks to- gether, which the vicinity of their places of residence suffered the Lady Peveril to have with Mrs. Bridgenorth, who deemed herself much honoured in being thus ad- mitted into the society of so distinguished a lady. Ma- jor Bridgenorth heard of this growing intimacy with great pleasure, and he determined to repay the obliga- tion, as far as he could without much hurt to himself, by interfering with all his influence in behalf of her unfortunate husband. It was chiefly owing to Major Bridgenorth's mediation that Sir Geoffrey's life was saved after the battle of Worcester. He obtained him permission to compound for his estate on easier terms than many who had been less obstinate in malignancy; and finally, when, in order to raise the money to the composition, the knight was obliged to sell a consider- able portion of his patrimony. Major Bridgenorth be- came the purchaser, and that at a larger price than had been paid to any Cavalier under such circumstances by a member of the Committee for Sequestrations. It is 6 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK true, the prudent committeeman did not, by any means, lose sight of his own interest in the transaction, for the price was, after all, very moderate, and the property lay adjacent to Moultrassie Hall, the value of which was at least trebled by the acquisition. But then it was also true that the unfortunate owner must have submitted to much worse conditions had the committeeman used, as others did, the full advantages which his situation gave him; and Bridgenorth took credit to himself, and re- ceived it from others, for having, on this occasion, fairly sacrificed his interest to his liberality. Sir Geoffrey Peveril was of the same opinion, and the rather that Mr. Bridgenorth seemed to bear his exulta- tion with great moderation, and was disposed to show him personally the same deference in his present sunshine of prosperity which he had exhibited formerly in their early acquaintance. It is but justice to Major Bridge- north to observe that in this conduct he paid respect as much to the misfortunes as to the pretensions of his far- descended neighbour, and that, with the frank generosity of a blunt Englishman, he conceded points of ceremony, about which he himself was indifferent, merely because he saw that his doing so gave pleasure to Sir Geoffrey. Peveril of the Peak did justice to his neighbour's deli- cacy, in consideration of which he forgot many things. He forgot that Major Bridgenorth was already in pos- session of a fair third of his estate, and had various pecuniary claims affecting the remainder to the extent of one-third more. He endeavoured even to forget what it was still more difficult not to remember, the altered situation in which they and their mansions now stood to each other. WAVERLEY NOVELS Before the Civil War, the superb battlements and tur- rets of Martindale Castle looked down on the red brick- built hall, as it stole out from the green plantations, just as an oak in Martindale Chase would have looked beside one of the stunted and formal young beech-trees with which Bridgenorth had graced his avenue; but after the siege which we have commemorated the enlarged and augmented hall was as much predominant in the land- scape over the shattered and blackened ruins of the castle, of which only one wing was left habitable, as the youthful beech, in all its vigour of shoot and bud, would appear to the same aged oak stripped of its boughs and rifted by lightning, one half laid in shivers on the ground, and the other remaining a blackened and ungraceful trunk, rent and splintered, and without either life or leaves. Sir Geoffrey could not but feel that the situation and pro- spects of the two neighbours were exchanged as disad- vantageously for himself as the appearance of their mansions ; and that, though the authority of the man in office under the Parliament, the sequestrator and the committeeman, had been only exerted for the protec- tion of the Cavalier and the Mahgnant, they would have been as effectual if applied to procure his utter ruin, and that he was become a client while his neighbour was ele- vated into a patron. There were two considerations, besides the necessity of the case and the constant advice of his lady, which en- abled Peveril of the Peak to endure, with some patience, this state of degradation. The first was, that the poh tics of Major Bridgenorth began, on many points, to assimilate themselves to his own. As a Presbyterian, he was not an utter enemy to monarchy, and had been considerably PEVERIL OF THE PEAK shocked at the unexpected trial and execution of the King; as a civilian and a man of property, he feared the domination of the military; and though he wished not to see Charles restored by force of arms, yet he arrived at the conclusion that to bring back the heir of the royal family, on such terms of composition as might ensure the protection of those popular immunities and privileges for which the Long Parliament had at first contended, would be the surest and most desirable termination to the mutations in state affairs which had agitated Brit- ain. Indeed, the major's ideas on this point approached so nearly those of his neighbour that he had wellnigh suffered Sir Geoffrey, who had a finger in almost all the conspiracies of the Royalists, to involve him in the un- fortunate rising of Penruddock and Groves in the west, in which many of the Presbyterian interest, as well as the Cavalier party, were engaged. And though his habitual prudence eventually kept him out of this and other dangers. Major Bridgenorth was considered, dur- ing the last years of Cromwell's domination and the interregnum which succeeded, as a disaffected person to the Commonwealth and a favourer of Charles Stuart. But, besides this approximation to the same political opinions, another bond of intimacy united the families of the castle and the hall. Major Bridgenorth, fortun- ate, and eminently so, in all his worldly transactions, was visited by severe and reiterated misfortunes in his family, and became, in this particular, an object of compassion to his poorer and more decayed neighbour. Betwixt the breaking out of the Civil War and the Restoration, he lost successively a family of no less than six children, apparently through a delicacy of constitu- WAVERLEY NOVELS tion, which cut off the little prattlers at the early age when they most wind themselves around the heart of the parents. In the beginning of the year 1658, Major Bridgenorth was childless; ere it ended, he had a daughter, indeed, but her birth was purchased by the death of an affec- tionate wife, whose constitution had been exhausted by maternal grief, and by the anxious and harrowing re- flection that from her the children they had lost derived that delicacy of health which proved unable to undergo the tear and wear of existence. The same voice which told Bridgenorth that he was father of a living child (it was the friendly voice of Lady Peveril) communicated to him the melancholy intelligence that he was no longer a husband. The feelings of Major Bridgenorth were strong and deep, rather than hasty and vehement; and his grief assumed the form of a sullen stupor, from which neither the friendly remonstrances of Sir Geoffrey, who did not fail to be with his neighbour at this distressing conjuncture, even though he knew he must meet the Presbyterian pastor, nor the ghostly exhortations of this latter person, were able to rouse the unfortunate widower. At length Lady Peveril, with the ready invention of a female sharpened by the sight of distress and the feelings of S3rmpathy, tried on the sufferer one of those experi- ments by which grief is often awakened from despond- ency into tears. She placed in Bridgenorth's arms the in- fant whose birth had cost him so dear, and conjured him to remember that his Alice was not yet dead, since she survived in the helpless child she had left to his paternal care. 10 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK * Take her away — take her away ! ' said the unhappy man, and they were the first words he had spoken : 'let me not look on her; it is but another blossom that has bloomed to fade, and the tree that bore it will never flourish more ! ' He almost threw the child into Lady Peveril's arms, placed his hands before his face, and wept aloud. Lady Peveril did not say 'Be comforted,' but she ventured to promise that the blossom should ripen to fruit. 'Never — never!' said Bridgenorth; 'take the un- happy child away, and let me only know when I shall wear black for her. Wear black!' he exclaimed, inter- rupting himself, 'what other colour shall I wear during the remainder of my life? ' 'I will take the child for a season,' said Lady Peveril, 'since the sight of her is so painful to you; and the little AHce shall share the nursery of our JuHan, until it shall be pleasure and not pain for you to look on her.' 'That hour will never come,' said the unhappy father; 'her doom is written — she will follow the rest — God's will be done. Lady, I thank you — I trust her to your care; and I thank God that my eye shall not see her dying agonies.' Without detaining the reader's attention longer on this painful theme, it is enough to say that the Lady Peveril did undertake the duties of a mother to the little orphan; and perhaps it was owing, in a great measure, to her judicious treatment of the infant that its feeble hold of life was preserved, since the glimmering spark might probably have been altogether smothered, had it, like the major's former children, undergone the over- II WAVERLEY NOVELS care and over-nursing of a mother rendered nervously cautious and anxious by so many successive losses. The lady was the more ready to undertake this charge, that she herself had lost two infant children; and that she attributed the preservation of the third, now a fine healthy child of three years old, to Julian's being sub- jected to rather a different course of diet and treatment than was then generally practised. She resolved to fol- low the same regimen with the little orphan which she had observed in the case of her own boy; and it was equally successful. By a more sparing use of medicine, by a bolder admission of fresh air, by a firm, yet cau- tious, attention to encourage rather than to supersede the exertions of nature, the puny infant, under the care of an excellent nurse, gradually improved in strength and in liveHness. Sir Geoffrey, like most men of his frank and good- natured disposition, was naturally fond of children, and so much compassionated the sorrows of his neighbour that he entirely forgot his being a Presbyterian, until it became necessary that the infant should be christened by a teacher of that persuasion. This was a trying case: the father seemed incapable of giving direction, and that the threshold of Martindale Castle should be violated by the heretical step of a dis- senting clergyman was matter of horror to its orthodox owner. He had seen the famous Hugh Peters, with a Bible in one hand and a pistol in the other, ride in tri- umph through the court-door when IMartindale was surrendered ; and the bitterness of that hour had entered like iron into his soul. Yet such was Lady Peveril's influence over the prejudices of her husband, that he 12 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK was induced to connive at the ceremony taking place in a remote garden-house, which was not properly within the precincts of the castle wall. The lady even dared to be present while the ceremony was performed by the Reverend Master Solsgrace, who had once preached a sermon of three hours' length before the House of Com- mons, upon a thanksgiving occasion after the rehef of Exeter. Sir Geoffrey Peveril took care to be absent the whole day from the castle, and it was only from the great interest which he took in the washing, perfuming, and as it were purification, of the summer-house that it could have been guessed he knew anything of what had taken place in it. But, whatever prejudices the good knight might en- tertain against his neighbour's form of reHgion, they did not in any way influence his feehngs towards him as a sufferer under severe affliction. The mode in which he showed his sympathy was rather singular, but exactly suited the character of both, and the terms on which they stood with each other. Morning after morning the good baronet made Moul- trassie Hall the termination of his walk or ride, and said a single word of kindness as he passed. Sometimes he entered the old parlour where the proprietor sat in soli- tary wretchedness and despondency; but more fre- quently, for Sir Geoffrey did not pretend to great talents of conversation, he paused on the terrace, and stopping or halting his horse by the latticed window, said aloud to the melancholy inmate, 'How is it with you, Master Bridgenorth? (the knight would never acknowledge his neighbour's miUtary rank of major) ; I just looked in to bid you keep a good heart, man, and to tell you that 13 WAVERLEY NOVELS Julian is well, and little Alice is well, and all are well at Martindale Castle.' A deep sigh, sometimes coupled with *I thank you. Sir Geoffrey; my grateful duty waits on Lady Peveril,' was generally Bridgenorth's only answer. But the news was received on the one part with the kindness which was designed upon the other; it gradually became less painful and more interesting; the lattice window was never closed, nor was the leathern easy-chair, which stood next to it, ever empty, when the usual hour of the baronet's momentary visit approached. At length the expectation of that passing minute became the pivot upon which the thoughts of poor Bridgenorth turned during all the rest of the day. Most men have known the influence of such brief but ruling moments at some period of their lives. The moment when a lover passes the window of his mistress, the moment when the epi- cure hears the dinner-bell, is that into which is crowded the whole interest of the day; the hours which precede it are spent in anticipation, the hours which follow in reflection on what has passed; and fancy, dwelling on each brief circumstance, gives to seconds the duration of minutes, to minutes that of hours. Thus, seated in his lonely chair, Bridgenorth could catch at a distance the stately step of Sir Geoffrey, or the heavy tramp of his war-horse. Black Hastings, which had borne him in many an action; he could hear the hum of 'The King shall enjoy his own again,' or the habitual whistle of 'Cuckolds and Roundheads,' die into reverential silence, as the knight approached the mansion of affliction ; and then came the strong, hale voice of the huntsman- soldier with its usual greeting. 14 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK By degrees the communication became something more protracted, as Major Bridgenorth's grief, like all human feelings, lost its overwhelming violence, and permitted him to attend, in some degree, to what passed around him, to discharge various duties which pressed upon him, and to give a share of attention to the situa- tion of the country, distracted as it was by the contend- ing factions, whose strife only terminated in the Restor- ation. Still, however, though slowly recovering from the effects of the shock which he had sustained, Major Bridgenorth felt himself as yet unable to make up his mind to the effort necessary to see his infant ; and though separated by so short a distance from the being in whose existence he was more interested than in anything the world afforded, he only made himself acquainted with the windows of the apartment where little Alice was lodged, and was often observed to watch them from the terrace, as they brightened in the evening under the influence of the setting sun. In truth, though a strong- minded man in most respects, he was unable to lay aside the gloomy impression that this remaining pledge of affection was soon to be conveyed to that grave which had already devoured all besides that was dear to him ; and he awaited in miserable suspense the moment when he should hear that sjonptoms of the fatal malady had begun to show themselves. The voice of Peveril continued to be that of a com- forter, until the month of April, 1660, when it suddenly assumed a new and different tone. 'The King shall enjoy his own again,' far from ceasing, as the hasty tread of Black Hastings came up the avenue, bore burden to the clatter of his hoofs on the paved court- 15 WAVERLEY NOVELS yard, as Sir Geoffrey sprang from his great war-saddle, now once more garnished with pistols of two feet in length, and, armed with steel-cap, back and breast, and a truncheon in his hand, he rushed into the apartment of the astonished major, with his eyes sparkUng and his cheek inflamed, while he called out, 'Up! — up, neigh- bour! No time now to mope in the chimney-corner! Where is your buff-coat and broadsword, man? Take the true side once in your life, and mend past mistakes. The King is all lenity, man — all royal nature and mercy. I will get your full pardon.' 'What means all this?' said Bridgenorth. 'Is all well with you — all well at Martindale Castle, Sir Geoffrey? * 'Well as you could wish them, Alice and Juhan and all. But I have news worth twenty of that. Monk has declared at London against those stinking scoundrels the Rump. Fairfax is up in Yorkshire for the King — for the King, man ! Churchmen, Presbyterians, and all, are in buff and bandelier for King Charles. I have a let- ter from Fairfax to secure Derby and Chesterfield, with all the men I can make. D — n him, fine that I should take orders from him! But never mind that! all are friends now, and you and I, good neighbour, will charge abreast, as good neighbours should. See there! read — read — read ; and then boot and saddle in an instant. Hey for cavaliers, ho for cavaliers, Pray for cavaliers, Dub-a-dub, dub-a-dub, Have at old Beelzebub, Oliver shakes in his bier!' After thundering forth this elegant effusion of loyal enthusiasm, the sturdy Cavaher's heart became too full. i6 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK He threw himself on a seat, and exclaiming, 'Did ever I think to live to see this happy day ! ' he wept, to his own surprise, as much as to that of Bridgenorth. Upon considering the crisis in which the country was placed, it appeared to Major Bridgenorth, as it had done to Fairfax and other leaders of the Presbyterian party, that their frank embracing of the Royal interest was the wisest and most patriotic measure which they could adopt in the circumstances, when all ranks and classes of men were seeking refuge from the uncertainty and varied oppression attending the repeated contests between the factions of Westminster Hall and of Wal- lingford House. Accordingly, he joined with Sir Geoffrey, with less enthusiasm indeed, but with equal sincerity, taking such measures as seemed proper to secure their part of the country on the King's behalf, which was done as effectually and peaceably as in other parts of England. The neighbours were both at Chester- field when news arrived that the King had landed in England; and Sir Geoffrey instantly announced his purpose of waiting upon his Majesty, even before his return to the Castle of Martindale. *Who knows, neighbour,' he said, 'whether Sir Geoffrey Peveril will ever return to Martindale? Titles must be going amongst them yonder, and I have de- served something among the rest. Lord Peveril would sound well — or stay, Earl of Martindale — no, not of Martindale — Earl of the Peak. Meanwhile, trust your affairs to me — I will see you secured. I would you had been no Presbyterian, neighbour — a knighthood — I mean a knight-bachelor, not a knight-baronet — would have served your turn well.' 87 17 WAVERLEY NOVELS *I leave these things to my betters, Sir Geoffrey/ said the major, * and desire nothing so earnestly as to find all well at Martindale when I return.' 'You will — you will find them all well,' said the baronet — 'Julian, Alice, Lady Peveril, and all of them. Bear my commendations to them, and kiss them all, neighbour, Lady Peveril and all; you may kiss a countess when I come back: all will go well with you now you are turned honest man.' *I always meant to be so, Sir Geoffrey,' said Bridge- north, calmly. 'Well — well — well, no offence meant,' said the knight, 'all is well now; so you to Moultrassie Hall, and I to Whitehall. Said I well, aha? So ho, mine host, a stoup of canary to the King's health ere we get to horse. I forgot, neighbour, you drink no healths.' 'I wish the King's health as sincerely as if I drank a gallon to it,' repHed the major; 'and I wish you, Sir Geoffrey, all success on your journey, and a safe return.' CHAPTER II Why then, we will have bellowing of beeves, Broaching of barrels, brandishing of spigots; Blood shall flow freely, but it shall be gore Of herds and flocks, and venison and poultry, Join'd to the brave heart's blood of John-a-Barleycoml Old Play. Whatever rewards Charles might have condescended to bestow in acknowledgment of the sufferings and loy- alty of Peveril of the Peak, he had none in his disposal equal to the pleasure which Providence had reserved for Bridgenorth on his return to Derbyshire. The exertion to which he had been summoned had had the usual effect of restoring to a certain extent the activity and energy of his character, and he felt it would be unbecom- ing to relapse into the state of lethargic melancholy from which it had roused him. Time also had its usual effect in mitigating the subjects of his regret; and when he had passed one day at the hall in regretting that he could not expect the indirect news of his daughter's health which Sir Geoffrey used to communicate in his almost daily call, he reflected that it would be in every respect becoming that he should pay a personal visit at Martin- dale Castle, carry thither the remembrances of the knight to his lady, assure her of his health, and satisfy himself respecting that of his daughter. He armed him- self for the worst: he called to recollection the thin cheeks, faded eye, wasted hand, pallid lip, which had marked the decaying health of all his former infants. *I shall see,' he said, 'these signs of mortality once 19 WAVERLEY NOVELS more: I shall once more see a beloved being to whom I have given birth gliding to the grave which ought to inclose me long before her. No matter! it is unmanly so long to shrink from that which must be — God's will be done!' He went accordingly, on the subsequent morning, to Martindale Castle, and gave the lady the welcome assur- ances of her husband's safety, and of his hopes of pre- ferment. 'For the first, may Almighty God be praised!' said the Lady Peveril ; ' and be the other as our gracious and restored sovereign may will it. We are great enough for our means, and have means sufficient for contentment, though not for splendour. And now I see, good Master Bridgenorth, the folly of putting faith in idle presenti- ments of evil. So often had Sir Geoffrey's repeated attempts in favour of the Stuarts led him into new mis- fortunes, that when, the other morning, I saw him once more dressed in his fatal armour, and heard the sound of his trumpet, which had been so long silent, it seemed to me as if I saw his shroud and heard his death-knell. I say this to you, good neighbour, the rather because I fear your own mind has been harassed with anticipa- tions of impending calamity, which it may please God to avert in your case as it has done in mine; and here comes a sight which bears good assurance of it.' The door of the apartment opened as she spoke, and two lovely children entered. The eldest, JuHan Peveril, a fine boy betwixt four and five years old, led in his hand, with an air of dignified support and attention, a httle girl of eighteen months, who rolled and tottered along, keeping herself with difficulty upright by the 20 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK assistance of her elder, stronger, and masculine com- panion. Bridgenorth cast a hasty and fearful glance upon the countenance of his daughter, and, even in that glimpse, perceived, with exquisite delight, that his fears were unfounded. He caught her in his arms, pressed her to his heart, and the child, though at first alarmed at the vehemence of his caresses, presently, as if prompted by nature, smiled in reply to them. Again he held her at some distance from him, and examined her more atten- tively; he satisfied himself that the complexion of the young cherub he had in his arms was not the hectic tinge of disease, but the clear hue of ruddy health ; and that, though her little frame was slight, it was firm and springy. *I did not think that it could have been thus,' he said, looking to Lady Peveril, who had sat observing the scene with great pleasure; 'but praise be to God in the first instance, and next, thanks to you, madam, who have been His instrument.' 'Julian must lose his playfellow now, I suppose?' said the lady; 'but the hall is not distant, and I will see my little charge often. Dame Martha, the housekeeper at Moultrassie, has sense, and is careful. I will tell her the rules I have observed with Httle AUce, and — ' *God forbid my girl should ever come to Moultrassie,' said Major Bridgenorth, hastily; 'it has been the grave of her race. The air of the low grounds suited them not; or there is perhaps a fate connected with the mansion. I will seek for her some other place of abode.' 'That you shall not, under your favour be it spoken, Major Bridgenorth,' answered the lady. 'If you do so, WAVERLEY NOVELS we must suppose that you are undervaluing my quali- ties as a nurse. If she goes not to her father's house, she shall not quit mine. I will keep the little lady as a pledge of her safety and my own skill ; and since you are afraid of the damp of the low grounds, I hope you will come here frequently to visit her.' This was a proposal which went to the heart of Major Bridgenortli. It was precisely the point which he would have given worlds to arrive at, but which he saw no chance of attaining. It is too well known that those whose families are long pursued by such a fatal disease as existed in his become, it may be said, superstitious respecting its fatal effects, and ascribe to place, circumstance, and individual care much more perhaps than these can in any case contrib- ute to avert the fatality of constitutional distemper. Lady Peveril was aware that this was peculiarly the impression of her neighbour; that the depression of his spirits, the excess of his care, the feverishness of his apprehensions, the restraint and gloom of the solitude in which he dwelt, were really calculated to produce the evil which most of all he dreaded. She pitied him, she felt for him, she was grateful for former protection re- ceived at his hands, she had become interested in the child itself. What female fails to feel such interest in the helpless creature she has tended? And to sum the whole up, the dame had a share of human vanity; and being a sort of Lady Bountiful in her way, for the char- acter was not then confined to the old and the foolish, she was proud of the skill by which she had averted the probable attacks of hereditary malady, so inveterate in the family of Bridgenorth. It needed not, perhaps, in 22 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK other cases, that so many reasons should be assigned for an act of neighbourly humanity; but civil war had so lately torn the country asunder, and broken all the usual ties of vicinage and good neighbourhood, that it was unusual to see them preserved among persons of different political opinions. Major Bridgenorth himself felt this; and while the tear of joy in his eye showed how gladly he would accept Lady Peveril's proposal, he could not help stating the obvious inconveniences attendant upon her scheme, though it was in the tone of one who would gladly hear them overruled. 'Madam,' he said, 'your kindness makes me the happiest and most thankful of men; but can it be consistent with your own convenience? Sir Geoffrey has his opinions on many points which have differed, and probably do still differ, from mine. He is high-born, and I of middling parentage only. He uses the Church Service, and I the catechism of the Assem- bly of Divines at Westminster — ' *I hope you will find prescribed in neither of them,' said the Lady Peveril, ' that I may not be a mother to your motherless child. I trust, Master Bridgenorth, the joyful Restoration of his Majesty, a work wrought by the direct hand of Providence, may be the means of closing and healing all civil and religious dissensions among us, and that, instead of showing the superior purity of our faith, by persecuting those who think otherwise from ourselves on doctrinal points, we shall endeavour to show its real Christian tendency, by emu- lating each other in actions of good-will towards man, as the best way of showing our love to God.' 'Your ladyship speaks what your own kind heart dic- 23 WAVERLEY NOVELS tates,' answered Bridgenorth, who had his own share of the narrow-mindedness of the time; 'and sure am I, that if all who call themselves loyalists and Cavaliers thought like you — and Uke my friend Sir Geoffrey (this he added after a moment's pause, being perhaps rather complimentary than sincere), we, who thought it our duty in time past to take arms for freedom of conscience, and against arbitrary power, might now sit down in peace and contentment. But I wot not how it may fall. You have sharp and hot spirits amongst you ; I will not say our power was always moderately used, and revenge is sweet to the race of fallen Adam.' 'Come, Master Bridgenorth,' said the Lady Peveril, gaily, ' these evil omenings do but point out conclusions which, unless they were so anticipated, are most un- likely to come to pass. You know what Shakespeare says — To fly the boar before the boar pursues Were to incense the boar to follow us, And make pursuit when he did mean no chase. But I crave your pardon ; it is so long since we have met that I forgot you love no play-books.' 'With reverence to your ladyship,' said Bridgenorth, *I were much to blame did I need the idle words of a Warwickshire stroller to teach me my grateful duty to your ladyship on this occasion, which appoints me to be directed by you in all things which my conscience will permit.' 'Since you permit me such influence, then,' replied the Lady Peveril, 'I shall be moderate in exercising it, in order that I may, in my domination at least, give you a favourable impression of the new order of things. So, 24 . PEVERIL OF THE PEAK if you will be a subject of mine for one day, neighbour, I am going, at my lord and husband's command, to issue out my warrants to invite the whole neighbourhood to a solemn feast at the castle on Thursday next ; and I not only pray you to be personally present yourself, but to prevail on your worthy pastor and such neighbours and friends, high and low, as may think in your own way, to meet with the rest of the neighbourhood, to rejoice on this joyful occasion of the Kjng's Restoration, and thereby to show that we are to be henceforward a united people.' The Parliamentarian major was considerably embar- rassed by this proposal. He looked upwards and down- wards and around, cast his eye first to the oak-carved ceiling, and anon fixed it upon the floor; then threw it around the room till it lighted on his child, the sight of whom suggested another and a better train of reflections than ceiling and floor had been able to supply. 'Madam,' he said, 'I have long been a stranger to festivity, perhaps from constitutional melancholy, per- haps from the depression which is natural to a desolate and deprived man, in whose ear mirth is marred, like a pleasant air when performed on a mistuned instru- ment. But though neither my thoughts nor tempera- ment are jovial or mercurial, it becomes me to be grate- ful to Heaven for the good He has sent me by the means of your ladyship. David, the man after God's own heart, did wash and eat bread when his beloved child was removed; mine is restored to me, and shall I not show gratitude under a blessing, when he showed resignation under an affliction? Madam, I will wait on your gra- cious invitation with acceptance, and such of my friends 2S WAVERLEY NOVELS with whom I may possess influence, and whose presence your ladyship may desire, shall accompany me to the festivity, that our Israel may be as one people.' Having spoken these words with an aspect which belonged more to a martyr than to a guest bidden to a festival, and having kissed and solemnly blessed his little girl, Major Bridgenorth took his departure for Moultrassie Hall. CHAPTER III Here's neither want of appetite nor mouths; Pray Heaven we be not scant of meat or mirth I OU Play. Even upon ordinary occasions, and where means were ample, a great entertainment in those days was not such a sinecure as in modern times, when the lady who pre- sides has but to intimate to her menials the day and hour when she wills it to take place. At that simple period, the lady was expected to enter deeply into the arrangement and provision of the whole affair; and from a httle gallery, which communicated with her own pri- vate apartment, and looked down upon the kitchen, her shrill voice was to be heard, from time to time, Hke that of the warning spirit in a tempest, rising above the clash of pots and stew-pans, the creaking of spits, the clattering of marrow-bones and cleavers, the scolding of cooks, and all the other various kinds of din which form an accompaniment to dressing a large dinner. But all this toil and anxiety was more than doubled in the case of the approaching feast at Martindale Castle, where the presiding genius of the festivity was scarce provided with adequate means to carry her hospitable purpose into effect. The tyrannical conduct of hus- bands, in such cases, is universal; and I scarce know one householder of my acquaintance who has not, on some ill-omened and most inconvenient season, announced suddenly to his innocent helpmate that he had invited 27 WAVERLEY NOVELS Some odious Major Rock, To drop in at six o'clock, to the great discomposure of the lady, and the discredit, perhaps, of her domestic arrangements. Peveril of the Peak was still more thoughtless; for he had directed his lady to invite the whole honest men of the neighbourhood to make good cheer at Martindale Castle, in honour of the blessed Restoration of his most sacred Majesty, without precisely explaining where the provisions were to come from. The deer-park had lain waste ever since the siege; the dovecot could do little to furnish forth such an entertainment; the fish-ponds, it is true, were well provided (which the neighbouring Presbyterians noted as a suspicious circimistance) , and game was to be had for the shooting upon the extensive heaths and hills of Derbyshire. But these were but the secondary parts of a banquet; and the house-steward and bailiff, Lady Peveril's only coadjutors and coun- sellors, could not agree how the butcher-meat — the most substantial part, or, as it were, the main body of the entertainment — was to be suppKed. The house- steward threatened the sacrifice of a fine yoke of young bullocks, which the baiHff, who pleaded the necessity of their agricultural services, tenaciously resisted; and Lady Peveril's good and dutiful nature did not prevent her from making some impatient reflections on the want of consideration of her absent knight, who had thus thoughtlessly placed her in so embarrassing a situation. These reflections were scarcely just, if a man is only responsible for such resolutions as he adopts when he is fully master of himself. Sir Geoffrey's loyalty, like that of many persons in his situation, had, by dint of hopes 28 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK and fears, victories and defeats, struggles and sufferings, all arising out of the same moving cause, and turning, as it were, on the same pivot, acquired the character of an intense and enthusiastic passion; and the singular and surprising change of fortune, Dy which his highest wishes were not only gratified but far exceeded, occa- sioned for some time a kind of intoxication of loyal rapture which seemed to pervade the whole kingdom. Sir Geoffrey had seen Charles and his brothers, and had been received by the merry monarch with that graceful, and at the same time frank, urbanity by which he con- ciliated all who approached him; the knight's services and merits had been fully acknowledged, and recom- pense had been hinted at, if not expressly promised. Was it for Peveril of the Peak, in the jubilee of his spirits, to consider how his wife was to find beef and mutton to feast his neighbours? Luckily, however, for the embarrassed lady, there existed some one who had composure of mind sufficient to foresee this difficulty. Just as she had made up her mind, very reluctantly, to become debtor to Major Bridgenorth for the sum necessary to carry her hus- band's commands into effect, and whilst she was bit- terly regretting this departure from the strictness of her usual economy, the steward, who, by the by, had not been absolutely sober since the news of the King's land- ing at Dover, burst into the apartment, snapping his fingers, and showing more marks of deHght than was quite consistent with the dignity of my lady's large parlour. 'What means this, Whi taker?' said the lady, some- what peevishly; for she was interrupted in the com- 29 WAVERLEY NOVELS mencement of a letter to her neighbour on the unpleas- ant business of the proposed loan. 'Is it to be always thus with you? Are you dreaming? ' *A vision of good omen, I trust,' said the steward, with a triumphant flourish of the hand ; ' far better than Pharaoh's, though, like his, it be of fat kine.' * I prithee be plain, man,' said the lady, *or fetch some one who can speak to purpose.' 'Why, odds-my-life, madam,' said the steward, 'mine errand can speak for itself. Do you not hear them low? Do you not hear them bleat? A yoke of fat oxen, and half a score prime wethers. The castle is victualled for this bout, let them storm when they will; and Gatherill may have his d — d mains ploughed to the boot.' The lady, without further questioning her elated domestic, rose and went to the window, where she cer- tainly beheld the oxen and sheep which had given rise to Whitaker's exultation. 'Whence come they?' said she, in some surprise. 'Let them construe that who can,' answered Whit- aker; 'the fellow who drove them was a west-country- man, and only said they came from a friend to help to furnish out your ladyship's entertainment. The man would not stay to drink; I am sorry he would not stay to drink — I crave your ladyship's pardon for not keep- ing him by the ears to drink; it was not my fault.' 'That I'll be sworn it was not,' said the lady. 'Nay, madam, by G — , I assure you it was not,' said the zealous steward; 'for, rather than the castle should lose credit, I drank his health myself in double ale, though I had had my morning draught already. I tell you the naked truth, my lady, by G — !' 30 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK 'It was no great compulsion, I suppose/ said the lady; 'but, Whitaker, suppose you should show your joy on such occasions by drinking and swearing a little less, rather than a Httle more, would it not be as well, think you?' 'I crave your ladyship's pardon,' said Whitaker, with much reverence; *I hope I know my place. I am your ladyship's poor servant; and I know it does not become me to drink and swear like your ladyship — that is, like his honour. Sir Geoffrey, I would say. But I pray you, if I am not to drink and swear after my degree, how are men to know Peveril of the Peak's steward — • and I may say butler too, since I have had the keys of the cellar ever since old Spigots was shot dead on the northwest turret, with a black-jack in his hand — I say, how is an old Cavalier Hke me to be known from those cuckoldy Roundheads that do nothing but fast and pray, if we are not to drink and swear according to our degree?' The lady was silent, for she well knew speech availed nothing; and, after a moment's pause, proceeded to inti- mate to the steward that she would have the persons whose names were marked in a written paper, which she delivered to him, invited to the approaching banquet. Whitaker, instead of receiving the list with the mute acquiescence of a modern major-domo, carried it into the recess of one of the windows, and, adjusting his spectacles, began to read it to himself. The first names, being those of distinguished Cavalier families in the neighbourhood, he muttered over in a tone of approba- tion — paused and pshawed at that of Bridgenorth — yet acquiesced, with the observation, ' But he is a good 31 WAVERLEY NOVELS neighbour, so it may pass for once.' But when he read the name and surname of Nehemiah Solsgrace, the Presbyterian parson, Whitaker's patience altogether forsook him; and he declared he would as soon throw himself into Eldon Hole^ as consent that the intrusive old Puritan howlet, who had usurped the pulpit of a sound orthodox divine, should ever darken the gates of Martindale Castle by any message or mediation of his. 'The false, crop-eared hypocrites,' cried he, with a hearty oath, 'have had their turn of the good weather. The sun is on our side of the hedge now, and we will pay off old scores, as sure as my name is Richard Whi taker ! ' 'You presume on your long services, Whi taker, and on your master's absence, or you had not dared to use me thus,' said the lady. The unwonted agitation of her voice attracted the at- tention of the refractory steward, notwithstanding his present state of elevation ; but he no sooner saw that her eye gHstened and her cheek reddened than his obstinacy was at once subdued. 'A murrain on me,' he said, 'but I have made my lady angry in good earnest ! and that is an unwonted sight for to see. I crave your pardon, my lady! It was not poor Dick Whitaker disputed your honourable commands, but only that second draught of double ale. We have put a double stroke of malt to it, as your ladyship well knows, ever since the happy Restoration. To be sure, I hate a fanatic as I do the cloven foot of Satan; but then your honourable ladyship hath a right to invite Satan himself, cloven foot and all, to Martindale Castle; and * A chasm in the earth supposed to be unfathomable, one of the wonders of the Peak, 32 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK to send me to hell's gate with a billet of invitation — and so your will shall be done.' The invitations were sent round accordingly, in all due form; and one of the bullocks was sent down to be roasted whole at the market-place of a Uttle village called Martindale-Moultrassie, which stood consider- ably to the eastward both of the castle and hall, from which it took its double name, at about an equal dis- tance from both; so that, suppose a hne drawn from the one manor-house to the other to be the base of a triangle, the village would have occupied the sahent angle. As the said village, since the late transference of a part of Peveril's property, belonged to Sir Geoffrey and to Bridgenorth in nearly equal portions, the lady judged it not proper to dispute the right of the latter to add some hogsheads of beer to the popular festivity. In the meanwhile, she could not but suspect the ma- jor of being the unknown friend who had relieved her from the dilemma arising from the want of provisions; and she esteemed herself happy when a visit from him, on the day preceding the proposed entertainment, gave her, as she thought, an opportunity of expressing her gratitude. 27 CHAPTER IV No, sir, I will not pledge; I'm one of those Who think good wine needs neither bush nor preface To make it welcome. If you doubt my word, Fill the quart-cup, and see if I will choke on't. Old Play. There was a serious gravity of expression in the dis- clamation with which Major Bridgenorth repHed to the thanks tendered to him by Lady Peveril for the supply of provisions which had reached her castle so opportunely. He seemed first not to be aware what she alluded to; and when she explained the circum- stance, he protested so seriously that he had no share in the benefit conferred that Lady Peveril was com- pelled to believe him; the rather that, being a man of a plain downright character, affecting no refined deli- cacy of sentiment, and practising almost a Quaker-like sincerity of expression, it would have been much con- trary to his general character to have made such a disavowal, unless it were founded in truth. 'My present visit to you, madam,' said he, 'had in- deed some reference to the festivity of to-morrow.' Lady Peveril listened, but as her visitor seemed to find some difficulty in expressing himself, she was compelled to ask an explanation. 'Madam,' said the major, 'you are not perhaps entirely ignorant that the more tender-conscienced among us have scruples at certain practices, so general amongst your people at times of rejoicing that you may be said to insist upon them 34 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK as articles of faith, or at least greatly to resent their omission.' *I trust, Master Bridgenorth,' said the Lady Peveril, not fully comprehending the drift of his discourse, * that we shall, as your entertainers, carefully avoid all allu- sions or reproaches founded on past misunderstanding.' *We would expect no less, madam, from your candour and courtesy,' said Bridgenorth; 'but I perceive you do not fully understand me. To be plain, then, I allude to the fashion of drinking healths, and pledging each other in draughts of strong Uquor, which most among us con- sider as a superfluous and sinful provoking of each other to debauchery, and the excessive use of strong drink; and which, besides, if derived, as learned divines have supposed, from the custom of the blinded pagans, who made Hbations and invoked idols when they drank, may be justly said to have something in it heathenish, and allied to demon-worship.' The lady had already hastily considered all the top- ics which were likely to introduce discord into the pro- posed festivity; but this very ridiculous, yet fatal, discrepancy betwixt the manners of the parties on convivial occasions had entirely escaped her. She en- deavoured to soothe the objecting party, whose brows were knit like one who had fixed an opinion by which be was determined to abide. * I grant,' she said, 'my good neighbour, that this cus- tom is at least idle, and may be prejudicial if it leads to excess in the use of liquor, which is apt enough to take place without such conversation. But I think, when it hath not this consequence, it is a thing indifferent, af- fords a unanimous mode of expressing our good wishes 35 WAVERLEY NOVELS to our friends and our loyal duty to our sovereign; and, without meaning to put any force upon the inclination of those who believe otherwise, I cannot see how I can deny my guests and friends the privilege of drinking a health to the King, or to my husband, after the old English fashion/ *My lady,' said the major, *if the age of fashion were to command it. Popery is one of the oldest English fash- ions that I have heard of; but it is our happiness that we are not benighted hke our fathers, and therefore we must act according to the hght that is in us, and not after their darkness. I had myself the honour to attend the Lord-Keeper Whitelocke, when, at the table of the chamberlain of the kingdom of Sweden, he did positively refuse to pledge the health of his queen, Christina, thereby giving great offence and putting in peril the whole purpose of that voyage; which it is not to be thought so wise a man would have done, but that he held such compliance a thing not merely indifferent, but rather sinful and damnable.' * With all respect to Whitelocke,' said the Lady Peveril, * I continue of my own opinion, though. Heaven knows, I am no friend to riot or wassail. I would fain accom- modate myself to your scruples, and will discourage all other pledges ; but surely those of the King and of Peveril of the Peak may be permitted?' 'I dare not,' answered Bridgenorth, 'lay even the ninety-ninth part of a grain of incense upon an altar erected to Satan.' 'How, sir!' said the lady; 'do you bring Satan into comparison with our master King Charles and with my noble lord and husband?' 36 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK 'Pardon me, madam,' answered Bridgenorth, *I have no such thoughts — indeed they would ill become me. I do wish the King's health and Sir Geoffrey's devoutly, and I will pray for both. But I see not what good it should do their health if I should prejudice my own by quaffing pledges out of quart flagons.' 'Since we cannot agree upon this matter,' said Lady Peveril, 'we must find some resource by which to offend those of neither party. Suppose you winked at our friends drinking these pledges, and we should connive at your sitting still? ' But neither would this composition satisfy Bridge- north, who was of opinion, as he expressed himself, that it would be holding a candle to Beelzebub. In fact, his temper, naturally stubborn, was at present rendered much more so by a previous conference with his preacher, who, though a very good man in the main, was particularly and ilHberally tenacious of the petty dis- tinctions which his sect adopted; and while he thought with considerable apprehension on the accession of power which Popery, Prelacy, and Peveril of the Peak were like to acquire by the late revolution, became natu- rally anxious to put his flock on their guard, and prevent their being kidnapped by the wolf. He disliked extremely that Major Bridgenorth, indisputably the head of the Presbyterian interest in that neighbourhood, should have given his only daughter to be, as he termed it, nursed by a Canaanitish woman; and he told him plainly that he liked not this going to feast in the high places with the uncircumcised in heart, and looked on the whole conviviahty only as a making merry in the house of Tirzah. 37 WAVERLEY NOVELS Upon receiving this rebuke from his pastor, Bridge- north began to suspect he might have been partly wrong in the readiness which, in his first ardour of gratitude, he had shown to enter into intimate intercourse with the Castle of Martindale; but he was too proud to avow this to the preacher, and it was not till after a considerable debate betwixt them that it was mutually agreed, their presence at the entertainment should depend upon the condition that no healths or pledges should be given in their presence. Bridgenorth, therefore, as the delegate and representative of his party, was bound to stand firm against all entreaty, and the lady became greatly embar- rassed. She now regretted sincerely that her well-in- tended invitation had ever been given, for she foresaw that its rejection was to awaken all former subjects of quarrel, and perhaps to lead to new violences amongst people who had, not many years since, been engaged in civil war. To yield up the disputed point to the Presby- terians would have been to offend the Cavalier party, and Sir Geoffrey in particular, in the most mortal degree; for they made it as firm a point of honour to give healths and compel others to pledge them as the Puritans made it a deep article of religion to refuse both. At length the lady changed the discourse, introduced that of Major Bridgenorth's child, caused it to be sent for and put into his arms. The mother's stratagem took effect ; for, though the ParHamentary major stood firm, the father, as in the case of the Governor of Tilbury, was softened, and he agreed that his friends should accept a compromise. This was that the major himself, the reverend divine, and such of their friends as held strict Puritan tenets, should form a separate party in the large parlour, while the hall 38 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK should be occupied by the jovial Cavaliers; and that each party should regulate their potations after their own conscience or after their own fashion. Major Bridgenorth himself seemed greatly relieved after this important matter had been settled. He had held it matter of conscience to be stubborn in maintain- ing his own opinion, but was heartily glad when he es- caped from the apparently inevitable necessity of af- fronting Lady Peveril by the refusal of her invitation. He remained longer than usual, and spoke and smiled more than was his custom. His first care on his return was to announce to the clergyman and his congregation the compromise which he had made, and this not as a matter for deliberation, but one upon which he had al- ready resolved ; and such was his authority among them, that, though the preacher longed to pronounce a separ- ation of the parties, and to exclaim 'To your tents, O Israel ! ' he did not see the chance of being seconded by so many as would make it worth while to disturb the unanimous acquiescence in their delegate's proposal. Nevertheless, each party being put upon the alert by the consequences of Major Bridgenorth's embassy, so many points of doubt and delicate discussion were started in succession, that the Lady Peveril, the only person, perhaps, who was desirous of achieving an effec- tual reconciliation between them, incurred in reward for her good intentions the censure of both factions, and had much reason to regret her well-meant project of bring- ing the Capulets and Montagues of Derbyshire together on the same occasion of public festivity. As it was now settled that the guests were to form two different parties, it became not only a subject of dispute 39 WAVERLEY NOVELS betwixt themselves which should be first admitted within the Castle of Martindale, but matter of serious appre- hension to Lady Peveril and Major Bridgenorth, lest, if they were to approach by the same avenue and entrance, a quarrel might take place betwixt them, and proceed to extremities, even before they reached the place of en- tertainment. The lady believed she had discovered an admirable expedient for preventing the possibility of such interference, by directing that the CavaUers should be admitted by the principal entrance, while the Roundheads should enter the castle through a great breach which had been made in the course of the siege, and across which there had been since made a sort of bye-path, to drive the cattle down to their pasture in the wood. By this contrivance the Lady Peveril imagined she had altogether avoided the various risks which might occur from two such parties encountering each other, and disputing for precedence. Several other circum- stances of less importance were adjusted at the same time, and apparently so much to the satisfaction of the Presbyterian teacher that, in a long lecture on the sub- ject of the marriage garment, he was at the pains to ex- plain to his hearers that outward apparel was not alone meant by that Scriptural expression, but also a suitable frame of mind for enjoyment of peaceful festivity; and therefore he exhorted the brethren, that, whatever might be the errors of the poor blinded Malignants, with whom they were in some sort to eat and drink upon the morrow, they ought not on this occasion to show any evil will against them, lest they should therein become troublers of the peace of Israel. Honest Dr. Dummerar, the ejected Episcopal vicar of 40 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK Martindale cum Moultrassie, preached to the Cavaliers on the same subject. He had served the cure before the breaking out of the RebelKon, and was in high favour with Sir Geoffrey, not merely on account of his sound orthodoxy and deep learning, but his exquisite skill in playing at bowls, and his facetious conversation over a pipe and tankard of October. For these latter accom- plishments, the doctor had the honour to be recorded by old Century White amongst the roll of lewd, incompe- tent, profligate clergymen of the Church of England, whom he denounced to God and man, on account chiefly of the heinous sin of playing at games of skill and chance, and of occasionally joining in the social meetings of their parishioners. When the King's party began to lose ground, Dr. Dummerar left his vicarage, and, be- taking himself to the camp, showed upon several occa- sions, when acting as chaplain to Sir Geoffrey Peveril's regiment, that his portly bodily presence included a stout and masculine heart. When all was lost, and he himself, with most other loyal divines, was deprived of his living, he made such shift as he could; now lurking in the gar- rets of old friends in the university, who shared with him and such as him, the slender means of livelihood which the evil times had left them; and now lying hid in the houses of the oppressed and sequestrated gentry, who respected at once his character and sufferings. When the Restoration took place. Dr. Dummerar emerged from some one of his hiding-places, and hied him to Martindale Castle, to enjoy the triumph inseparable from this happy change. His appearance at the castle in his full clerical dress, and the warm reception which he received from the 41 WAVERLEY NOVELS neighbouring gentry, added not a little to the alarm which was gradually extending itself through the party which were so lately the uppermost. It is true, Dr. Dummerar framed (honest, worthy man) no extrava- gant views of elevation or preferment; but the probabil- ity of his being replaced in the Hving, from which he had been expelled under very flimsy pretences, inferred a severe blow to the Presbyterian divine, who could not be considered otherwise than as an intruder. The inter- est of the two preachers, therefore, as well as the senti- ments of their flocks, were at direct variance; and here was another fatal objection in the way of Lady Peveril's scheme of a general and comprehensive heahng ordin- ance. Nevertheless, as we have already hinted. Dr. Dum- merar behaved as handsomely upon the occasion as the Presbyterian incumbent had done. It is true that, in a sermon which he preached in the castle hall to several of the most distinguished CavaUer famihes, besides a world of boys from the village, who went to see the novel circumstance of a parson in a cassock and surplice, he went at great length into the foulness of the various crimes committed by the rebellious party during the late evil times, and greatly magnified the merciful and peaceful nature of the honourable lady of the manor, who condescended to look upon, or receive into her house in the way of friendship and hospitaHty, men holding the principles which had led to the murder of the King, the slaying and despoihng his loyal subjects, and the plun- dering and breaking down of the church of God. But then he wiped all this handsomely up again with the ob- servation that, since it was the will of their gracious and 42 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK newly restored sovereign, and the pleasure of the wor- shipful Lady Peveril, that this contumacious and rebel- lious race should be, for a time, forborne by their faith- ful subjects, it would be highly proper that all the loyal liegemen should, for the present, eschew subjects of dis- sension or quarrel with these sons of Shimei; which les- son of patience he enforced by the comfortable assurance that they could not long abstain from their old rebellious practices; in which case, the Royalists would stand ex- culpated before God and man in extirpating them from the face of the earth. The close observers of the remarkable passages of the times from which we draw the events of our history have left it upon record that these two several sermons, much contrary, doubtless, to the intention of the worthy divines by whom they were delivered, had a greater effect in exasperating than in composing the disputes betwixt the two factions. Under such evil auspices, and with corresponding forebodings on the mind of Lady Peveril, the day of festivity at length arrived. By different routes, and forming each a sort of pro- cession, as if the adherents of each party were desirous of exhibiting its strength and numbers, the two several factions approached Martindale Castle ; and so distinct did they appear in dress, aspect, and manners, that it seemed as if the revellers of a bridal party and the sad attendants upon a funeral solemnity were moving towards the same point from different quarters. The Puritanical party was by far the fewer in num- bers, for which two excellent reasons might be given. In the first place, they had enjoyed power for several years, and, of course, became unpopular among the common 43 WAVERLEY NOVELS people, never at any time attached to those who, being in the immediate possession of authority, are often obliged to employ it in controlling their humours. Be- sides, the country people of England had, and still have, an animated attachment to field sports, and a natural unrestrained joviality of disposition, which rendered them impatient under the severe discipline of the fan- atical preachers; while they were not less naturally dis- contented with the military despotism of Cromwell's major-generals. Secondly, the people were fickle as usual, and the return of the King had novelty in it, and was therefore popular. The side of the Puritans was also deserted at this period by a numerous class of more thinking and prudential persons, who never forsook them till they became unfortunate. These sagacious personages were called in that age the Waiters upon Providence, and deemed it a high delinquency towards Heaven if they afforded countenance to any cause longer than it was favoured by fortune. But, though thus forsaken by the fickle and the selfish, a solemn enthusiasm, a stern and determined depth of principle, a confidence in the sincerity of their own motives, and the manly English pride which inclined them to cling to their former opinions, Hke the traveller in the fable to his cloak, the more strongly that the tem- pest blew around them, detained in the ranks of the Puritans many who, if no longer formidable from num- bers, were still so from their character. They consisted chiefly of the middling gentry, with others whom in- dustry or successful speculations in commerce or in mining had raised into eminence — the persons who feel most umbrage from the overshadowing aristocracy, and 44 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK are usually the most vehement in defence of what they hold to be their rights. Their dress was in general stu- diously simple and unostentatious, or only remarkable by the contradictory affectation of extreme simplicity or carelessness. The dark colour of their cloaks, varying from absolute black to what was called sad-coloured; their steeple-crowned hats, with their broad shadowy brims; their long swords, suspended by a simple strap around the loins, without shoulder-belt, sword-knot, plate, buckles, or any of the other decorations with which the CavaHers loved to adorn their trusty rapiers; the shortness of their hair, which made their ears appear of disproportioned size; above all, the stern and gloomy gravity of their looks, announced their belonging to that class of enthusiasts who, resolute and undismayed, had cast down the former fabric of government, and who now regarded with somewhat more than suspicion that which had been so unexpectedly substituted in its stead. There was gloom in their countenances; but it was not that of dejection, far less of despair. They looked hke veterans after a defeat, which may have checked their career and wounded their pride, but has left their cour- age imdiminished. The melancholy, now become habitual, which over- cast Major Bridgenorth's countenance well qualified him to act as the chief of the group who now advanced from the village. When they reached the point by which they were first to turn aside into the wood which sur- rounded the castle, they felt a momentary impression of degradation, as if they were yielding the highroad to their old and oft-defeated enemies the Cavaliers. When they began to ascend the winding path, which had been 45 WAVERLEY NOVELS the daily passage of the cattle, the opening of the wooded glade gave them a view of the castle ditch, half choked with the rubbish of the breach, and of the breach itself, which was made at the angle of a large square flanking-tower, one half of which had been battered into ruins, while the other fragment remained in a state strangely shattered and precarious, and seemed to be tottering above the huge aperture in the wall. A stern, still smile was exchanged among the Puritans, as the sight reminded them of the victories of former days. Holdfast Clegg, a millwright of Derby, who had been himself active at the siege, pointed to the breach, and said, with a grim smile, to Mr. Solsgrace, * I Httle thought that, when my own hand helped to level the cannon which Oliver pointed against yon tower, we should have been obliged to climb hke foxes up the very walls which we won by our bow and by our spear. Methought these Mahgnants had then enough of shutting their gates and making high their horn against us.' 'Be patient, my brother,' said Solsgrace — 'be patient, and let not thy soul be disquieted. We enter not this high place dishonourably, seeing we ascend by the gate which the Lord opened to the godly.' The words of the pastor were like a spark to gun- powder. The countenances of the mournful retinue sud- denly expanded, and, accepting what had fallen from him as an omen and a light from Heaven how they were to interpret their present situation, they uplifted, with one consent, one of the triumphant songs in which the Israelites celebrated the victories which had been vouch- safed to them over the heathen inhabitants of the Pro- mised Land : — 46 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK 'Let God arise, and then his foes Shall turn themselves to flight, His enemies for fear shall run, And scatter out of sight; And as wax melts before the fire, And wind blows smoke away. So in the presence of the Lord, The wicked shall decay. God's army twenty thousand is. Of angels bright and strong, The Lord also in Sinai Is present them among. Thou didst, O Lord, ascend on high, And captive led'st them all, Who, in times past, thy chosen flock In bondage did enthral.' These sounds of devotional triumph reached the joy- ous band of the Cavaliers, who, decked in whatever pomp their repeated misfortunes and impoverishment had left them, were moving towards the same point, though by a different road, and were filling the principal avenue to the castle with tiptoe mirth and revelry. The two parties were strongly contrasted; for, during that period of civil dissension, the manners of the different factions distinguished them as completely as separate uniforms might have done. If the Puritan was affectedly plain in his dress and ridiculously precise in his manners, the Cavalier often carried his love of ornament into tawdry finery, and his contempt of hypocrisy into licen- tious profligacy. Gay, gallant fellows, young and old, thronged together towards the ancient castle, with gen- eral and joyous manifestation of those spirits which, as they had been buoyant enough to support their owners 47 WAVERLEY NOVELS during the worst of times, as they termed Oliver's usur- pation, were now so inflated as to transport them nearly beyond the reach of sober reason. Feathers waved, lace glittered, spears jingled, steeds caracoled; and here and there a petronel or pistol was fired off by some one, who found his own natural talents for making a noise inade- quate to the dignity of the occasion. Boys — for, as we said before, the rabble were with the uppermost party, as usual — hallooed and whooped, 'Down with the Rump,' and 'Fie upon Oliver!' Musical instruments, of as many different fashions as were then in use, played all at once, and without any regard to each other's tune; and the glee of the occasion, while it reconciled the pride of the high-born of the party to fraternise with the gen- eral rout, derived an additional zest from the conscious triumph that their exultation was heard by their neigh- bours, the crestfallen Roundheads. When the loud and sonorous swell of the psalm-tune, multiplied by all the echoes of the cliffs and ruinous halls, came full upon their ear, as if to warn them how little they were to reckon upon the depression of their adversaries, at first it was answered with a scornful laugh, raised to as much height as the scoffers' lungs would permit, in order that it might carry to the psalm- odists the contempt of their auditors; but this was a forced exertion of party spleen. There is something in melancholy feelings more natural to an imperfect and suffering state than in those of gaiety, and when they are brought into collision the former seldom fail to tri- umph. If a funeral-train and wedding-procession were to meet unexpectedly, it will readily be allowed that the mirth of the last would be speedily merged in the 48 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK gloom of the other. But the Cavaliers, moreover, had sympathies of a different kind. The psalm-time which now came rolling on their ear had been heard too often, and upon too many occasions had preceded victory gained over the MaHgnants, to permit them, even in their triumph, to hear it without emotion. There was a sort of pause, of which the party themselves seemed rather ashamed, until the silence was broken by the stout old knight. Sir Jasper Cranbourne, whose gal- lantry was so universally acknowledged that he could afford, if we may use such an expression, to confess emo- tions which men whose courage was in any respect Hable to suspicion would have thought it imprudent to acknowledge. 'Adad,' said the old knight, *may I never taste claret again, if that is not the very tune with which the prick- eared villains began their onset at Wiggan Lane, where they trowled us down Hke so many ninepins! Faith, neighbours, to say truth and shame the devil, I did not like the sound of it above half.' ' If I thought the Roundheaded rogues did it in scorn of us,' said Dick Wildblood of the Dale, ' I would cudgel their psalmody out of their peasantly throats with this very truncheon'; a motion which, being seconded by old Roger Raine, the drunken tapster of the Peveril Arms in the village, might have brought on a general battle, but that Sir Jasper forbade the feud. 'We'll have no ranting, Dick,' said the old knight to the young franklin — *adad, man, we'll have none, for three reasons: first, because it would be ungentle to Lady Peveril; then, because it is against the king's peace; and lastly, Dick, because, if we did set on the 27 49 WAVERLEY NOVELS psalm-singing knaves, thou mightest come by the worst, my boy, as has chanced to thee before.' ' Who, I, Sir Jasper ! ' answered Dick — ' I come by the worst! I'll be d — d if it ever happened but in that accursed lane, where we had no more flank, front, or rear than if we had been so many herrings in a barrel.' 'That was the reason, I fancy,' answered Sir Jasper, ' that you, to mend the matter, scrambled into the hedge and stuck there, horse and man, till I beat thee through it with my leading-staff; and then, instead of charging to the front, you went right-about, and away as fast as your feet could carry you.' This reminiscence produced a laugh at Dick's expense, who was known, or at least suspected, to have more ton^e in his head than mettle in his bosom. And this sort of rallying on the part of the knight having for- tunately abated the resentment which had begun to awaken in the breasts of the Royalist cavalcade, further cause for offence was removed by the sudden ceasing of the sounds which they had been disposed to interpret into those of premeditated insult. This was owing to the arrival of the Puritans at the bottom of the large and wide breach which had been formerly made in the wall of the castle by their victori- ous cannon. The sight of its gaping heaps of rubbish, and disjointed masses of building, up which slowly winded a narrow and steep path, such as is made amongst ancient ruins by the rare passage of those who occasionally visit them, was calculated, when contrasted with the grey and sohd massiveness of the towers and curtains which yet stood uninjured, to remind them of their victory over the stronghold of their enemies, and 5<^ PEVERIL OF THE PEAK how they had bound nobles and princes with fetters of iron. But feelings more suitable to the purpose of their visit to Martindale Castle were awakened in the bosoms even of these stern sectaries when the lady of the castle, still in the very prime of beauty and of womanhood, ap- peared at the top of the breach with her principal female attendants, to receive her guests with the honour and courtesy becoming her invitation. She had laid aside the black dress which had been her sole attire for several years, and was arrayed with a splendour not unbecom- ing her high descent and quality. Jewels, indeed, she had none; but her long and dark hair was surmounted with a chaplet made of oak-leaves, interspersed with lilies; the former being the emblem of the King's preser- vation in the Royal Oak, and the latter, of his happy Restoration. What rendered her presence still more interesting to those who looked on her was the presence of the two children whom she held in either hand ; one of whom was well known to them all to be the child of their leader. Major Bridgenorth, who had been restored to life and health by the almost maternal care of the Lady Peveril. If even the inferior persons of the party felt the heal- ing influence of her presence, thus accompanied, poor Bridgenorth was almost overwhelmed with it. The strictness of his cast and manners permitted him not to sink on his knee and kiss the hand which held his Httle orphan; but the deepness of his obeisance, the faltering tremor of his voice, and the glistening of his eye, showed a grateful respect for the lady whom he addressed, deeper and more reverential than could have been ex- 51 WAVERLEY NOVELS pressed even by Persian prostration. A few courteous and mild words, expressive of the pleasure she found in once more seeing her neighbours as her friends; a few kind inquiries, addressed to the principal individuals among her guests, concerning their families and con- nexions, completed her triumph over angry thoughts and dangerous recollections, and disposed men's bosoms to sympathise with the purposes of the meeting. Even Solsgrace himself, although imagining himself bound by his office and duty to watch over and counter- act the wiles of the ' Amalekitish woman,' did not escape the sympathetic infection; being so much struck with the marks of peace and good-will exhibited by Lady Peveril that he immediately raised the psalm, — *0 what a happy thing it is, And joyful, for to see Brethren to dwell together in Friendship and unity!' Accepting this salutation as a mark of courtesy re- paid, the Lady Peveril marshalled in person this party of her guests to the apartment where ample good cheer was provided for them; and had even the patience to remain while Master Nehemiah Solsgrace pronounced a benediction of portentous length as an introduction to the banquet. Her presence was in some measure a restraint on the worthy divine, whose prolusion lasted the longer, and was the more intricate and embarrassed, that he felt himself debarred from rounding it off by his usual alliterative petition for deliverance from Popery, Prelacy, and Peveril of the Peak, which had become so habitual to him that, after various attempts to conclude with some other form of words, he found himself at last 52 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK obliged to pronounce the first words of his usual formula aloud, and mutter the rest in such a manner as not to be intelligible even by those who stood nearest to him. The minister's silence was followed by all the various sounds which announce the onset of a hungry company on a well-furnished table; and at the same time gave the lady an opportunity to leave the apartment, and look to the accommodation of her other company. She felt, indeed, that it was high time to do so; and that the Royalist guests might be disposed to misapprehend, or even to resent, the prior attentions which she had thought it prudent to offer to the Puritans. These apprehensions were not altogether ill-founded. It was in vain that the steward had displayed the royal standard, with its proud motto of Tandem Triumphans, on one of the great towers, which flanked the main entrance of the castle; while from the other floated the banner of Peveril of the Peak, under which many of those who now approached had fought during all the vicissitudes of civil war. It was in vain he repeated his clamorous * Welcome, noble Cavaliers ! — welcome, gen- erous gentlemen ! ' There was a slight murmur amongst them that their welcome ought to have come from the mouth of the colonel's lady, not from that of a menial. Sir Jasper Cranbourne, who had sense as well as spirit and courage, and who was aware of his fair cousin's motives, having been indeed consulted by her upon all the arrangements which she had adopted, saw matters were in such a state that no time ought to be lost in con- ducting the guests to the banqueting-apartment, where a fortunate diversion from all these topics of rising dis- content might be made, at the expense of the good cheer S3 WAVERLEY NOVELS of all sorts which the lady's care had so liberally pro- vided. The stratagem of the old soldier succeeded in its utmost extent. He assumed the great oaken chair usu- ally occupied by the steward at his audits; and Dr. Dummerar having pronounced a brief Latin benedic- tion, which was not the less esteemed by the hearers that none of them understood it, Sir Jasper exhorted the company to whet their appetites to the dinner by a brimming cup to his Majesty's health, filled as high and as deep as their goblets would permit. In a moment all was bustle with the clang of wine-cups and of flagons. In another moment the guests were on their feet like so many statues, all hushed as death, but with eyes glanc- ing with expectation, and hands outstretched, which displayed their loyal brimmers. The voice of Sir Jasper, clear, sonorous, and emphatic as the sound of his war- trumpet, announced the health of the restored monarch, hastily echoed back by the assemblage, impatient to render it due homage. Another brief pause was filled by the draining of their cups, and the mustering breath to join in a shout so loud that not only the rafters of the old hall trembled while they echoed it back, but the garlands of oaken boughs and flowers with which they were decorated waved wildly and rustled as if agitated by a sudden whirlwind. This rite observed, the company proceeded to assail the good cheer with which the table groaned, animated as they were to the attack both by mirth and melody, for they were attended by all the minstrels of the district, who, like the Episcopal clergy, had been put to silence during the reign of the self- entitled saints of the Commonwealth. The social occu- 54 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK pation of good eating and drinking, the exchange of pledges betwixt old neighbours who had been fellow- soldiers in the moment of resistance, fellow-sufferers in the time of depression and subjugation, and were now partners in the same general subject of congratulation, soon wiped from their memory the trifling cause of com- plaint which in the minds of some had darkened the festivity of the day; so that when the Lady Peveril walked into the hall, accompanied as before with the children and her female attendants, she was welcomed with the acclamations due to the mistress of the ban- quet and of the castle — the dame of the noble knight who had led most of them to battle with an undaunted and persevering valour which was worthy of better success. Her address to them was brief and matronly, yet spoken with so much feeling as found its way to every bosom. She apologised for the lateness of her personal welcome, by reminding them that there were then pre- sent in Martindale Castle that day persons whom recent happy events had converted from enemies into friends, but on whom the latter character was so recently im- posed that she dared not neglect with them any point of ceremonial. But those whom she now addressed were the best, the dearest, the most faithful friends of her husband's house, to whom and to their valour Peveril had not only owed those successes which had given them and him fame during the late unhappy times, but to whose courage she in particular had owed the preserva- tion of their leader's life, even when it could not avert defeat. A word or two of heartfelt congratulation on the happy restoration of the royal line and authority com- 55 WAVERLEY NOVELS pleted all which she had boldness to add, and, bowing gracefully round her, she lifted a cup to her lips as if to welcome her guests. There still remained, and especially amongst the old Cavaliers of the period, some glimmering of that spirit which inspired Froissart, when he declares that a knight hath double courage at need when animated by the looks and words of a beautiful and virtuous woman. It was not until the reign which was commencing at the moment we are treating of, that the unbounded license of the age, introducing a general course of profligacy, degraded the female sex into mere servants of pleasure, and, in so doing, deprived society of that noble tone of feehng towards the sex which, considered as a spur to 'raise the clear spirit,' is superior to every other impulse save those of religion and of patriotism. The beams of the ancient hall of Martindale Castle instantly rung with a shout louder and shriller than that at which they had so lately trembled, and the names of the knight of the Peak and his lady were proclaimed amid waving of caps and hats, and universal wishes for their health and happiness. Under these auspices the Lady Peveril ghded from the hall, and left free space for the revelry of the evening. That of the Cavaliers may be easily conceived, since it had the usual accompaniments of singing, jesting, quaffing of healths, and playing of tunes, which have in almost every age and quarter of the world been the accompaniments of festive cheer. The enjo3anents of the Puritans were of a different and less noisy character. They neither sung, jested, heard music, nor drank healths; and yet they seemed not the less, in their own 56 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK phrase, to enjoy the creature-comforts which the frailty of humanity rendered grateful to their outward man. Old Whitaker even protested that, though much the smaller party in point of numbers, they discussed nearly as much sack and claret as his own more jovial associ- ates. But those who considered the steward's preju- dices were inclined to think that, in order to produce such a result, he must have thrown in his own by- drinkings — no inconsiderable item — to the sum total of the Presbyterian potations. Without adopting such a partial and scandalous re- port, we shall only say, that on this occasion, as on most others, the rareness of indulgence promoted the sense of enjoyment, and that those who made abstinence, or at least moderation, a point of religious principle, enjoyed their social meeting the better that such opportunities rarely presented themselves. If they did not actually drink each other's healths, they at least showed, by looking and nodding to each other as they raised their glasses, that they all were sharing the same festive grati- fication of the appetite, and felt it enhanced, because it was at the same time enjoyed by their friends and neigh- bours. Religion, as it was the principal topic of their thoughts, became also the chief subject of their conver- sation, and as they sat together in small separate knots, they discussed doctrinal and metaphysical points of belief, balanced the merits of various preachers, com- pared the creeds of contending sects, and fortified by Scriptural quotations those which they favoured. Some contests arose in the course of these debates, which might have proceeded further than was seemly but for the cautious interference of Major Bridgenorth. He 57 WAVERLEY NOVELS suppressed also, in the very bud, a dispute betwixt Gaffer Hodgeson of Charnelycot and the Reverend Mr. Solsgrace upon the tender subject of lay-preaching and lay-ministering; nor did he think it altogether prudent or decent to indulge the wishes of some of the warmer enthusiasts of the party, who felt disposed to make the rest partakers of their gifts in extemporaneous prayer and exposition. These were absurdities that belonged to the time, which, however, the major had sense enough to perceive were unfitted, whether the offspring of hypocrisy or enthusiasm, for the present time and place. The major was also instrumental in breaking up the party at an early and decorous hour, so that they left the castle long before their rivals, the Cavaliers, had reached the spring- tide of their merriment — an arrange- ment which afforded the greatest satisfaction to the lady, who dreaded the consequences which might not improbably have taken place had both parties met at the same period and point of retreat. It was near midnight ere the greater part of the Cava- liers, meaning such as were able to effect their departure without assistance, withdrew to the village of Martin- dale-Moultrassie, with the benefit of the broad moon to prevent the chance of accidents. Their shouts, and the burden of their roaring chorus of — • 'The King shall enjoy his own again,' were heard with no small pleasure by the lady, heartily glad that the riot of the day was over without the occur- rence of any unpleasing accident. The rejoicing was not, however, entirely ended; for the elevated Cavaliers, finding some of the villagers still on foot around a bon- S8 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK fire on the street, struck merrily in with them, sent to Roger Raine, of the Peveril Arms, the loyal publican whom we have already mentioned, for two tubs of merry stingo, as it was termed, and lent their own powerful assistance at the 'dusting' it off to the health of the King and the loyal General Monk. Their shouts for a long time disturbed, and even alarmed, the little village; but no enthusiasm is able to withstand for ever the natural consequences of late hours and potations pottle- deep. The tumult of the exulting Royalists at last sunk into silence, and the moon and the owl were left in un- disturbed sovereignty over the old tower of the village church, which, rising white above a circle of knotty oaks, was tenanted by the bird and silvered by the planet.^ * See Note i. CHAPTER V T was when they raised, 'mid sap and siege, The banners of their rightful liege, At their she-captain's call, Who, miracle of womankind! Lent mettle to the meanest hind That mann'd her castle wall. William S. Rose. On the morning succeeding the feast, the Lady Peveril, fatigued with the exertions and the apprehensions of the former day, kept her apartment for two or three hours later than her own active habits and the matutinal custom of the time rendered usual. Meanwhile, Mistress Ellesmere, a person of great trust in the family, and who assumed much authority in her mistress's absence, laid her orders upon Deborah, the governante, immediately to carry the children to their airing in the park, and not to let any one enter the gilded chamber, which was usu- ally their sporting-place. Deborah, who often rebelled, and sometimes successfully, against the deputed author- ity of Ellesmere, privately resolved that it was about to rain, and that the gilded chamber was a more suitable place for the children's exercise than the wet grass of the park on a raw morning. But a woman's brain is sometimes as inconstant as a popular assembly; and presently after she had voted the morning was like to be rainy, and that the gilded chamber was the fittest play-room for the children. Mis- tress Deborah came to the somewhat inconsistent reso- lution that the park was the fittest place for her own 60 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK morning walk. It is certain that, during the unrestrained joviality of the preceding evening, she had danced till midnight with Lance Outram, the park-keeper; but how far the seeing him just pass the window in his woodland trim, with a feather in his hat and a cross-bow under his arm, influenced the discrepancy of the opinions Mrs. Deborah formed concerning the weather, we are far from presuming to guess. It is enough for us that, so soon as Mistress Ellesmere's back was turned, Mistress Deborah carried the children into the gilded chamber, not without a strict charge (for we must do her justice) to Master Julian to take care of his Httle wife. Mistress Alice; and then, having taken so satisfactory a precaution, she herself glided into the park by the glass-door of the still- room, which was nearly opposite to the great breach. The gilded chamber in which the children were, by this arrangement, left to amuse themselves, with- out better guardianship than what Julian's manhood afforded, was a large apartment, hung with stamped Spanish leather, curiously gilded, representing, in a manner now obsolete, but far from unpleasing, a series of tilts and combats betwixt the Saracens of Grenada and the Spaniards under the command of King Ferdi- nand and Queen Isabella, during that memorable siege which was terminated by the overthrow of the last frag- ments of the Moorish empire in Spain, The little Julian was careering about the room for the amusement of his infant friend, as well as his own, mimicking with a reed the menacing attitude of the Abencerrages and Zegris engaged in the Eastern sport of hurling the ' jerid,' or javelin; and at times sitting down beside her, and caressing her into silence and good- 6i WAVERLEY NOVELS humour, when the petulant or timid child chose to be- come tired of remaining an inactive spectator of his boisterous sport; when, on a sudden, he observed one of the panelled compartments of the leather hangings slide apart, so as to show a fair hand, with its fingers resting upon its edge, prepared, it would seem, to push it still farther back. Julian was much surprised, and some- what frightened, at what he witnessed, for the tales of the nursery had strongly impressed on his mind the terrors of the invisible world. Yet, naturally bold and high-spirited, the little champion placed himself beside his defenceless sister, continuing to brandish his weapon in her defence as boldly as if he had himself been an Abencerrage of Grenada. The panel, on which his eye was fixed, gradually con- tinued to slide back, and display more and more the form to which the hand appertained, until, in the dark aperture which was disclosed, the children saw the figure of a lady in a mourning dress, past the meridian of life, but whose countenance still retained traces of great beauty, although the predominant character both of her features and person was an air of almost royal dignity. After pausing a moment on the threshold of the portal which she had thus unexpectedly disclosed, and looking with some surprise at the children, whom she had not probably observed while engaged with the management of the panel, the stranger stepped into the apartment, and the panel, upon a touch of a spring, closed behind her so suddenly that Julian almost doubted it had ever been open, and began to apprehend that the whole apparition had been a delusion.^ ' See Note 2. 62 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK The stately lady, however, advanced to him, and said, 'Are not you the little Peveril?' 'Yes,' said the boy, reddening, not altogether without a juvenile feeling of that rule of chivalry which forbade any one to disown his name, whatever danger might be annexed to the avowal of it. 'Then,' said the stately stranger, *go to your mother's room and tell her to come instantly to speak with me.' 'I wo'not,' said the little Julian. 'How!' said the lady, 'so young and so disobedient! but you do but follow the fashion of the time. Why will you not go, my pretty boy, when I ask it of you as a favour? ' 'I would go, madam,' said the boy, 'but — ,' and he stopped short, still drawing back as the lady advanced on him, but still holding by the hand Ahce Bridgenorth, who, too young to understand the nature of the dialogue, clung, trembhng, to her companion. The stranger saw his embarrassment, smiled, and re- mained standing fast, while she asked the child once more, 'What are you afraid of, my brave boy; and why should you not go to your mother on my errand? ' 'Because,' answered Julian, firmly, 'if I go, httle AHce must stay alone with you.' 'You are a gallant fellow,' said the lady, 'and will not disgrace your blood, which never left the weak without protection.' The boy understood her not, and still gazed with anxious apprehension, first on her who addressed him, and then upon his little companion, whose eyes, with the vacant glance of infancy, wandered from the figure of the lady to that of her companion and protector, and at 63 WAVERLEY NOVELS length, infected by a portion of the fear which the latter's magnanimous efforts could not entirely conceal, she flew into Julian's arms, and, clinging to him, greatly aug- mented his alarm, and, by screaming aloud, rendered it very difficult for him to avoid the sympathetic fear which impelled him to do the same. There was something in the manner and bearing of this unexpected inmate which might justify awe at least, if not fear, when joined to the singular and mysterious mode in which she had made her appearance. Her dress was not remarkable, being the hood and female riding- attire of the time, such as was worn by the inferior class of gentlewomen ; but her black hair was very long, and several locks, having escaped from under her hood, hung down dishevelled on her neck and shoulders. Her eyes were deep black, keen, and piercing, and her features had something of a foreign expression. When she spoke, her language was marked by a slight foreign accent, although in construction it was pure Enghsh. Her slightest tone and gesture had the air of one accustomed to command and to be obeyed ; the recollection of which probably sug- gested to Julian the apology he afterwards made for being frightened, that he took the stranger for an 'enchanted queen.' While the stranger lady and the children thus con- fronted each other, two persons entered almost at the same instant, but from different doors, whose haste showed that they had been alarmed by the screams of the latter. The first was Major Bridgenorth, whose ears had been alarmed with the cries of his child as he entered the hall, which corresponded with what was called the gilded 64 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK chamber. His intention had been to remain in the more public apartment until the Lady Peveril should make her appearance, with the good-natured purpose of assur- ing her that the preceding day of tumult had passed in every respect agreeably to his friends, and without any of those alarming consequences which might have been apprehended from a collision betwixt the parties. But when it is considered how severely he had been agitated by apprehensions for his child's safety and health, too well justified by the fate of those who had preceded her, it will not be thought surprising that the infantine screams of Alice induced him to break through the bar- riers of form, and intrude farther into the interior of the house than a sense of strict propriety might have war- ranted. He burst into the gilded chamber, therefore, by a side door and narrow passage, which communicated betwixt that apartment and the hall, and, snatching the child up in his arms, endeavoured by a thousand caresses to stifle the screams which burst yet more violently from the little girl on beholding herself in the arms of one to whose voice and manner she was, but for one brief interview, an entire stranger. Of course, Alice's shrieks were redoubled, and seconded by those of Julian Peveril, who, on the appearance of this second intruder, was frightened into resignation of every more manly idea of rescue than that which con- sisted in invoking assistance at the very top of his lungs. Alarmed by this noise, which in half a minute became very clamorous. Lady Peveril, with whose apartment the gilded chamber was connected by a private door of com- 27 65 WAVERLEY NOVELS munication opening into her wardrobe, entered on the scene. The instant she appeared, the Httle Alice, extri- cating herself from the grasp of her father, ran towards her protectress, and when she had once taken hold of her skirts, not only became silent, but turned her large blue eyes, in which the tears were still glistening, with a look of wonder rather than alarm towards the strange lady. Julian manfully brandished his reed, a weapon which he had never parted with during the whole alarm, and stood prepared to assist his mother if there should be danger in the encounter betwixt her and the stranger. In fact, it might have puzzled an older person to ac- count for the sudden and confused pause which the Lady Peveril made as she gazed on her unexpected guest, as if dubious whether she did or did not recognize in her still beautiful, though wasted and emaciated, features a countenance which she had known well under far differ- ent circumstances. The stranger seemed to understand her cause of hesi- tation, for she said in that heart-thrilling voice which was peculiarly her own — 'Time and misfortune have changed me much, Margaret, that every mirror tells me; yet methinks Margaret Stanley might still have known Charlotte de la Tremouille.' The Lady Peveril was Httle in the custom of giving way to sudden emotion, but in the present case she threw herself on her knees in a rapture of mingled joy and grief, and, half embracing those of the stranger, ex- claimed in broken language — 'My kind, my noble benefactress — the princely Countess of Derby — the royal Queen in Man — could I doubt your voice, your features, for a moment. O, forgive — forgive me ! ' 66 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK The countess raised the suppliant kinswoman of her husband's house with all the grace of one accustomed from early birth to receive homage and to grant protec- tion. She kissed the Lady Peveril's forehead, and passed her hand in a caressing manner over her face as she said — 'You too are changed, my fair cousin, but it is a change becomes you, from a pretty and timid maiden to a sage and comely matron. But my own memory, which I once held a good one, has failed me strangely if this gentleman be Sir Geoffrey Peveril.' * A kind and good neighbour only, madam,' said Lady Peveril; 'Sir Geoffrey is at court.' *I understood so much,' said the Countess of Derby, 'when I arrived here last night.' 'How, madam!' said Lady Peveril. 'Did you arrive at Martindale Castle — at the house of Margaret Stan- ley, where you have such right to command, and did not announce your presence to her? ' 'O, I know you are a dutiful subject, Margaret,' an- swered the countess, ' though it be in these days a rare character; but it was our pleasure,' she added with a smile, 'to travel incognito; and finding you engaged in general hospitality, we desired not to disturb you with our royal presence.' 'But how and where were you lodged, madam?' said Lady Peveril; 'or why should you have kept secret a visit which would, if made, have augmented tenfold the happiness of every true heart that rejoiced here yester- day?' 'My lodging was well cared for by Ellesmere — your Ellesmere now, as she was formerly mine; she has acted as quartermaster ere now, you know, and on a broader 67 WAVERLEY NOVELS scale. You must excuse her — she had my positive order to lodge me in the most secret part of your castle (here she pointed to the sliding panel) ; she obeyed orders in that, and I suppose also in sending you now hither.' 'Indeed I have not yet seen her,' said the lady, 'and therefore was totally ignorant of a visit so joyful, so sur- prising.' 'And I,' said the countess, 'was equally surprised to find none but these beautiful children in the apartment where I thought I heard you moving. Our Ellesmere has become silly ; your good-nature has spoiled her : she has forgotten the discipline she learned under me.' 'I saw her run through the wood,' said the Lady Peveril, after a moment's recollection, 'undoubtedly to seek the person who has charge of the children, in order to remove them.' 'Your own darlings, I doubt not,' said the countess, looking at the children. 'Margaret, Providence has blessed you.' 'That is my son,' said Lady Peveril, pointing to Ju- lian, who stood devouring their discourse with greedy ear; 'the little girl — I may call mine too.' Major Bridgenorth, who had in the meantime again taken up his infant, and was engaged in caressing it, set it down as the Countess of Derby spoke, sighed deeply, and walked towards the oriel window. He was well aware that the ordinary' rules of courtesy would have rendered it proper that he should withdraw entirely, or at least offer to do so ; but he was not a man of ceremo- nious politeness, and he had a particular interest in the subjects on which the countess's discourse was likely to turn, which induced him to dispense with ceremony. 68 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK The ladies seemed indeed scarce to notice his presence. The countess had now assumed a chair, and motioned to the Lady Peveril to sit upon a stool which was placed by her side. ' We will have old times once more, though there are here no roaring of rebel guns to drive you to take refuge at my side, and almost in my pocket.' *I have a gun, madam,' said little Julian, 'and the park-keeper is to teach me how to fire it next year.' * I will list you for my soldier, then,' said the countess. 'Ladies have no soldiers,' said the boy, looking wist- fully at her. 'He has the true masculine contempt of our frail sex, I see,' said the countess; 'it is born with the insolent varlets of mankind, and shows itself so soon as they are out of their long clothes. Did Ellesmere never tell you of Latham House and Charlotte of Derby, my Uttle master?' * A thousand, thousand times,' said the boy, colouring; * and how the Queen of Man defended it six weeks against three thousand Roundheads, under Rogue Harrison, the butcher.' 'It was your mother defended Latham House,' said the countess, 'not I, my Uttle soldier. Hadst thou been there, thou hadst been the best captain of the three.' 'Do not say so, madam,' said the boy, 'for mamma would not touch a gun for all the universe.' 'Not I, indeed, Julian,' said his mother; 'there I was for certain, but as useless a part of the garrison — ' 'You forget,' said the countess, 'you nursed our hos- pital, and made lint for the soldiers' wounds.' 'But did not papa come to help you? ' said Julian. 'Papa came at last,' said the countess, 'and so did 69 WAVERLEY NOVELS Prince Rupert; but not, I think, till they were both heartily wished for. Do you remember that morning, Margaret, when the Roundheaded knaves, that kept us pent up so long, retreated without bag or baggage, at the first glance of the Prince's standards appearing on the hill; and how you took every high-crested captain you saw for Peveril of the Peak, that had been your partner three months before at the queen's mask? Nay, never blush for the thought of it — it was an honest affection; and though it was the music of trumpets that accom- panied you both to the old chapel, which was almost entirely ruined by the enemy's bullets, and though Prince Rupert, when he gave you away at the altar, was clad in buff and bandeHer, with pistols in his belt, yet I trust these warUke signs were no type of future discord?' 'Heaven has been kind to me,' said Lady Peveril, 'in blessing me with an affectionate husband.' 'And in preserving him to you,' said the countess, with a deep sigh; 'while mine, alas! sealed with his blood his devotion to his king.^ 0, had he lived to see this day!' 'Alas! alas! that he was not permitted!' answered Lady Peveril; 'how had that brave and noble earl re- joiced in the unhoped-for redemption of our captivity!' The countess looked on Lady Peveril with an air of surprise. ' Thou hast not then heard, cousin, how it stands with our house? How indeed had my noble lord wondered, had he been told that the very monarch for whom he had laid down his noble Hfe on the scaffold at Bolton- ^ The Earl of Derby and King in Man was beheaded at Bolton-on- the-Moors, after having been made prisoner in a previous skirmish in Wiggan Lane. 70 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK le-Moor should make it his first act of restored monarchy to complete the destruction of our property, already wellnigh ruined in the royal cause, and to persecute me his widow!' 'You astonish me, madam!' said the Lady Peveril. 'It cannot be that you — that you, the wife of the gal- lant, the faithful, the murdered earl — you. Countess of Derby and Queen in Man — you, who took on you even the character of a soldier, and seemed a man when so many men proved women — that you should sustain evil from the event which has fulfilled — exceeded — • the hopes of every faithful subject — it cannot be!' * Thou art as simple, I see, in this world's knowledge as ever, my fair cousin,' answered the countess. 'This restoration, which has given others security, has placed me in danger; this change, which reheved other Royal- ists — scarce less zealous, I presume to think, than I — has sent me here a fugitive, and in concealment, to beg shelter and assistance from you, fair cousin.' 'From me,' answered the Lady Peveril — 'from me, whose youth your kindness sheltered — from the wife of Peveril, your gallant lord's companion in arms — you have a right to command everything; but, alas! that you should need such assistance as I can render ! Forgive me, but it seems like some ill-omened vision of the night : I listen to your words as if I hoped to be reheved from their painful import by awaking.' 'It is indeed a dream — a vision,' said the Countess of Derby; 'but it needs no seer to read it: the explana- tion hath been long since given — " Put not your faith in princes." I can soon remove your surprise. This gentleman, your friend, is doubtless honest?' 71 WAVERLEY NOVELS The Lady Peveril well knew that the Cavaliers, like other factions, usurped to themselves the exclusive de- nomination of the honest party, and she felt some diffi- culty in explaining that her visitor was not honest in that sense of the word. 'Had we not better retire, madam?' she said to the countess, rising, as if in order to attend her. But the countess retained her seat. *It was but a question of habit,' she said; 'the gentleman's principles are nothing to me, for what I have to tell you is widely blazed, and I care not who hears my share of it. You remember — you must have heard, for I think Mar- garet Stanley would not be indifferent to my fate — that, after my husband's murder at Bolton, I took up the standard which he never dropped until his death, and displayed it with my own hand in our sovereignty of Man.' 'I did indeed hear so, madam,' said the Lady Pev- eril; 'and that you had bidden a bold defiance to the rebel government, even after all other parts of Britain had submitted to them. My husband. Sir Geoffrey, de- signed at one time to have gone to your assistance with some few followers; but we learned that the island was rendered to the Parliament party, and that you, dearest lady, were thrown into prison.' 'But you heard not,' said the countess, 'how that dis- aster befell me. Margaret, I would have held out that island against the knaves as long as the sea continued to flow around it. Till the shoals which surround it had become safe anchorage — till its precipices had melted beneath the sunshine — till of all its strong abodes and castles not one stone remained upon another, would 72 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK I have defended against these villainous, hypocritical rebels my dear husband's hereditary dominion. The little kingdom of Man should have been yielded only when not an arm was left to wield a sword, not a finger to draw a trigger, in its defence. But teachery did what force could never have done. When we had foiled various attempts upon the island by open force, treason ac- compHshed what Blake and Lawson, with their floating castles, had found too hazardous an enterprise: a base rebel, whom we had nursed in our own bosoms, betrayed us to the enemy. This wretch was named Christian — ' Major Bridgenorth started and turned towards the speaker, but instantly seemed to recollect himself, and again averted his face. The countess proceeded, without noticing the interruption, which, however, rather sur- prised Lady Peveril, who was acquainted with her neigh- bour's general habits of indifference and apathy, and therefore the more surprised at his testifying such sud- den symptoms of interest. She would once again have moved the countess to retire to another apartment, but Lady Derby proceeded with too much vehemence to endure interruption. 'This Christian,' she said, 'had eat of my lord his sovereign's bread, and drunk of his cup, even from child- hood; for his fathers had been faithful servants to the house of Man and Derby. He himself had fought bravely by my husband's side, and enjoyed all his con- fidence; and when my princely earl was martyred by the rebels, he recommended to me, amongst other in- structions communicated in the last message I received from him, to continue my confidence in Christian's fidelity. I obeyed, although I never loved the man. He 73 WAVERLEY NOVELS was cold and phlegmatic, and utterly devoid of that sacred fire which is the incentive to noble deeds, sus- pected too of leaning to the cold metaphysics of Calvin- istic subtilty. But he was brave, wise, and experienced, and, as the event proved, possessed but too much inter- est with the islanders. When these rude people saw them- selves without hope of relief, and pressed by a blockade, which brought want and disease into their island, they began to fall off from the faith which they had hitherto shown.' 'What!' said the Lady Peveril, 'could they forget what was due to the widow of their benefactor, she who had shared with the generous Derby the task of better- ing their condition? ' *Do not blame them,' said the countess; 'the rude herd acted but according to their kind: in present dis- tress they forgot former benefits, and, nursed in their earthen hovels, with spirits suited to their dwelHngs, they were incapable of feeling the glory which is at- tached to constancy in suffering. But that Christian should have headed their revolt — that he, born a gentleman, and bred under my murdered Derby's own care in all that was chivalrous and noble — that he should have forgot a hundred benefits — why do I talk of benefits? — that he should have forgotten that kindly intercourse which binds man to man far more than the reciprocity of obligation — that he should have headed the ruffians who broke suddenly into my apartment, immured me with my infants in one of my own castles, and assumed or usurped the tyranny of the island — that this should have been done by William Christian, my vassal, my servant, my friend, was a deed of un- 74 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK grateful treachery which even this age of treason will scarcely parallel ! ' 'And you were then imprisoned,' said the Lady Peveril, ' and in your own sovereignty ! ' 'For more than seven years I have endured strict captivity/ said the countess. 'I was indeed offered my liberty, and even some means of support, if I would have consented to leave the island, and pledge my word that I would not endeavour to repossess my son in his father's rights. But they Httle knew the princely house from which I spring, and as little the royal house of Stanley which I uphold, who hoped to humble Charlotte of Tremouille into so base a composition. I would rather have starved in the darkest and lowest vault of Rushin Castle than have consented to aught which might diminish in one hair's breadth the right of my son over his father's sovereignty.' 'And could not your firmness, in a case where hope seemed lost, induce them to be generous, and dismiss you without conditions? ' 'They knew me better than thou dost, wench,' an- swered the countess; 'once at liberty, I had not been long without the means of disturbing their usurpation, and Christian would have as soon uncaged a lioness to combat with as have given me the slightest power of returning to the struggle with him. But time had lib- erty and revenge in store — I had still friends and parti- zans in the island, though they were compelled to give way to the storm. Even among the islanders at large, most had been disappointed in the effects which they expected from the change of power. They were loaded with exactions by their new masters, their privileges 75 WAVERLEY NOVELS were abridged, and their immunities abolished, under the pretext of reducing them to the same condition with the other subjects of the pretended republic. When the news arrived of the changes which were current in Brit- ain, these sentiments were privately communicated to me. Calcott and others acted with great zeal and fidel- ity; and a rising, effected as suddenly and efifectually as that which had made me a captive, placed me at liberty and in possession of the sovereignty of Man, as regent for my son, the youthful Earl of Derby. Do you think I enjoyed that sovereignty long without doing justice on that traitor Christian? ' 'How, madam?' said Lady Peveril, who, though she knew the high and ambitious spirit of the countess, scarce anticipated the extremities to which it was cap- able of hurrjdng her. 'Have you imprisoned Chris- tian?' *Ay, wench, in that sure prison which felon never breaks from,' answered the countess. Bridgenorth, who had insensibly approached them, and was listening with an agony of interest which he was unable any longer to suppress, broke in with the stern exclamation — 'Lady, I trust you have not dared — ' The countess interrupted him in her turn. *I know not who you are who question, and you know not me when you speak to me of that which I dare, or dare not, do. But you seem interested in the fate of this Chris- tian, and you shall hear it. I was no sooner placed in possession of my rightful power than I ordered the Dempster of the island to hold upon the traitor a High Court of Justice, with all the formahties of the isle, as 76 . PEVERIL OF THE PEAK prescribed in its oldest records. The court was held in the open air, before the Dempster and the Keys of the island, assembled under the vaulted cope of heaven, and seated on the terrace of the Zonwald Hill, where of old Druid and Scald held their courts of judgment. The criminal was heard at length in his o^vn defence, which amounted to little more than those specious allegations of public consideration which are ever used to colour the ugly front of treason. He was fully convicted of his crime, and he received the doom of a traitor.' 'But which, I trust, is not yet executed?' said Lady Peveril, not without an involuntary shudder. 'You are a fool, Margaret,' said the countess, sharply; 'think you I delayed such an act of justice until some wretched intrigues of the new English court might have prompted their interference? No, wench ; he passed from the judgment-seat to the place of execution, with no further delay than might be necessary for his soul's sake. He was shot to death by a file of musketeers in the common place of execution, called Hango Hill.'^ Bridgenorth clasped his hands together, wrung them, and groaned bitterly. 'As you seem interested for this criminal,' added the countess, addressing Bridgenorth, ' I do him but justice in reporting to you that his death was firm and manly, becoming the general tenor of his Hfe, which, but for that gross act of traitorous ingratitude, had been fair and honourable. But what of that ? The hypocrite is a saint, and the false traitor a man of honour, till oppor- tunity, that faithful touchstone, proves their metal to be base.' * See Note 3. 77 WAVERLEY NOVELS *It is false, woman — it is false!' said Bridgenorth, no longer suppressing his indignation. 'What means this bearing, Master Bridgenorth?' said Lady Peveril, much surprised. 'What is this Christian to you, that you should insult the Countess of Derby under my roof? ' 'Speak not to me of countesses and of ceremonies,' said Bridgenorth; 'grief and anger leave me no leisure for idle observances, to humour the vanity of overgrown children. Oh, Christian, worthy — well worthy — of the name thou didst bear! My friend — my brother — the brother of my blessed Alice — the only friend of my desolate estate ! art thou then cruelly murdered by a female fury, who, but for thee, had deservedly paid with her own blood that of God's saints, which she, as well as her tyrant husband, had spilled like water! Yes, cruel murderess!' he continued, addressing the countess, ' he whom thou hast butchered in thy insane vengeance sacrificed for many a year the dictates of his own con- science to the interest of thy family, and did not desert it till thy frantic zeal for royalty had wellnigh brought to utter perdition the little community in which he was bom. Even in confining thee, he acted but as the friends of the madman, who bind him with iron for his own preservation; and for thee, as I can bear witness, he was the only barrier between thee and the wrath of the Com- mons of England ; and but for his earnest remonstrances, thou hadst suffered the penalty of thy malignancy, even like the wicked wife of Ahab.' 'Master Bridgenorth,' said Lady Peveril, 'I will allo-w for your impatience upon hearing these unpleasing tid- ings; but there is neither use nor propriety in furthei 78 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK urging this question. If in your grief you forget other restraints, I pray you to remember that the countess is my guest and kinswoman, and is under such protection as I can afford her. I beseech you, in simple courtesy, to withdraw, as what must needs be the best and most becoming course in these trying circumstances.' 'Nay, let him remain,' said the countess, regarding him with composure, not unmingled with triumph; 'I would not have it otherwise: I would not that my re- venge should be summed up in the stinted gratification which Christian's death hath afforded. This man's rude and clamorous grief only proves that the retribution I have dealt has been more widely felt than by the wretched sufferer himself. I would I knew that it had but made sore as many rebel hearts as there were loyal breasts afflicted by the death of my princely Derby ! ' 'So please you, madam,' said Lady Peveril, 'since Master Bridgenorth hath not the manners to leave us upon my request, we will, if your ladyship lists, leave him, and retire to my apartment. Farewell, Master Bridgenorth; we will meet hereafter on better terms.' 'Pardon me, madam,' said the major, who had been striding hastily through the room, but now stood fast and drew himself up, as one who has taken a resolution — ' to yourself I have nothing to say but what is respect- ful; but to this woman I must speak as a magistrate. She has confessed a murder in my presence — the mur- der, too, of my brother-in-law — as a man and as a magistrate I cannot permit her to pass from hence, excepting under such custody as may prevent her farther flight. She has already confessed that she is a fugitive, and in search of a place of concealment, until she should 79 WAVERLEY NOVELS be able to escape into foreign parts. Charlotte, Countess of Derby, I attach thee of the crime of which thou hast but now made thy boast.' 'I shall not obey your arrest,' said the countess, com- posedly; 'I was born to give, but not to receive, such orders. What have your English laws to do with my acts of justice and of government within my son's hereditary kingdom? Am I not Queen in Man as well as Countess of Derby? A feudatory sovereign indeed ; but yet independent so long as my dues of homage are duly discharged. What right can you assert over me? ' 'That given by the precept of Scripture,' answered Bridgenorth — '"Whoso spilleth man's blood, by man shall his blood be spilled." Think not that the barbarous privileges of ancient feudal customs will avail to screen you from the punishment due for an Englishman mur- dered upon pretexts inconsistent with the Act of In- demnity.' 'Master Bridgenorth,' said Lady Peveril, 'if by fair terms you desist not from your present purpose, I tell you that I neither dare nor will permit any violence against this honourable lady within the walls of my husband's castle.' 'You will find yourself unable to prevent me from executing my duty, madam,' said Bridgenorth, whose native obstinacy now came in aid of his grief and desire of revenge; 'I am a magistrate, and act by authority.' 'I know not that,' said Lady Peveril. 'That you were a magistrate. Master Bridgenorth, under the late usurp- ing powers, I know well; but till I hear of your having a commission in the name of the King, I now hesitate to obey you as such.' 80 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK 'I shall stand on small ceremony,' said Bridgenorth. 'Were I no magistrate, every man has title to arrest for murder against the terms of the indemnities held out by the King's proclamations, and I will make my point good.' 'What indemnities? What proclamations?' said the Countess of Derby, indignantly. ' Charles Stuart may, if he pleases, and it doth seem to please him, consort with those whose hands have been red with the blood, and blackened with the plunder, of his father and of his loyal subjects. He may forgive them if he will, and count their deeds good service. What has that to do with this Christian's offence against me and mine? Born a Manxman, bred and nursed in the island, he broke the laws under which he lived, and died for the breach of them, after the fair trial which they allowed. Me- thinks, Margaret, we have enough of this peevish and foolish magistrate; I attend you to your apartment.' Major Bridgenorth placed himself betwixt them and the door, in a manner which showed him determined to interrupt their passage; when the Lady Peveril, who thought she had already shown more deference to him in this matter than her husband was likely to approve of, raised her voice and called loudly on her steward, Whit- aker. That alert person, who had heard high talking, and a female voice with which he was unacquainted, had remained for several minutes stationed in the ante- room, much afflicted with the anxiety of his own curi- osity. Of course he entered in an instant. 'Let three of the men instantly take arms,' said his lady; 'bring them into the ante-room, and wait my further orders.' 27 CHAPTER VI You shall have no worse prison than my chamber. Nor jailer than myself. The Captain. The command which Lady Peveril laid on her domes- tics to arm themselves was so unlike the usual gentle acquiescence of her manners that Major Bridgenorth was astonished. 'How mean you, madam?' said he; 'I thought myself under a friendly roof.' 'And you are so, Master Bridgenorth/ said the Lady Peveril, without departing from the natural calmness of her voice and manner; 'but it is a roof which must not be violated by the outrage of one friend against another.' 'It is well, madam,' said Bridgenorth, turning to the door of the apartment. ' The worthy Master Solsgrace has already foretold that the time was returned when high houses and proud names should be once more an excuse for the crimes of those who inhabit the one and bear the other. I believed him not, but now see he is wiser than I. Yet think not I will endure this tamely. The blood of my brother — of the friend of my bosom — shall not long call from the altar, " How long, O Lord, how long? " If there is one spark of justice left in this unhappy England, that proud woman and I shall meet where she can have no partial friend to protect her.' So saying, he was about to leave the apartment, when Lady Peveril said, 'You depart not from this place, 82 PEVERH. OF THE PEAK Master Bridgenorth, unless you give me your word to renounce all purpose against the noble countess's liberty upon the present occasion.' 'I would sooner,' answered he, 'subscribe to my own dishonour, madam, written down in express words, than to any such composition. If any man offers to interrupt me, his blood be on his own head ! ' As Major Bridge- north spoke, Whitaker threw open the door, and showed that, with the alertness of an old soldier, who was not displeased at seeing things tend once more towards a state of warfare, he had got with him four stout fellows in the knight of the Peak's livery, well armed with swords and carabines, buff-coats, and pistols at their girdles. 'I will see,' said Major Bridgenorth, 'if any of these men be so desperate as to stop me, a free-born Englishman and a magistrate, in the discharge of my duty.' So saying, he advanced upon Whitaker and his armed assistants with his hand on the hilt of his sword. 'Do not be so desperate. Master Bridgenorth,' ex- claimed Lady Peveril; and added in the same moment, 'Lay hold upon and disarm him, Whitaker, but do him no injury.' Her commands were obeyed. Bridgenorth, though a man of moral resolution, was not one of those who un- dertake to cope in person with odds of a description so formidable. He half drew his sword, and offered such show of resistance as made it necessary to secure him by actual force; but then yielded up his weapon, and de- clared that, submitting to force which one man was un- able to resist, he made those who conmianded and who 83 WAVERLEY NOVELS employed it responsible for assailing his liberty without a legal warrant. 'Never mind a warrant on a pinch, Master Bridge- north,' said old Whitaker; 'sure enough you have often acted upon a worse yourself. My lady's word is as good a warrant, sure, as Old Noll's commission; and you bore that many a day, Master Bridgenorth, and, moreover, you laid me in the stocks for drinking the King's health, Master Bridgenorth, and never cared a farthing about the laws of England.' 'Hold your saucy tongue, Whitaker,' said the Lady Peveril; 'and do you, Master Bridgenorth, not take it to heart that you are detained prisoner for a few hours, until the Countess of Derby can have nothing to fear from your pursuit. I could easily send an escort with her that might bid defiance to any force you could muster; but I wish. Heaven knows, to bury the remembrance of old civil dissensions, not to awaken new. Once more, will you think better on it — assume your sword again, and forget whom you have now seen at Martindale Castle?' 'Never,' said Bridgenorth. 'The crime of this cruel woman will be the last of human injuries which I can forget. The last thought of earthly kind which will leave me will be the desire that justice shall be done on her.' 'If such be your sentiments,' said Lady Peveril, 'though they are more allied to revenge than to justice, I must provide for my friend's safety by putting restraint upon your person. Li this room you will be supplied with every necessity of life and every convenience ; and a message shall relieve your domestics of the anxiety which your absence from the hall is not unlikely to occa- 84 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK sion. When a few hours, at most two days, are over, I will myself relieve you from confinement, and demand your pardon for now acting as your obstinacy compels me to do.' The major made no answer, but that he was in her hands, and must submit to her pleasure; and then turned sullenly to the window, as if desirous to be rid of their presence. The countess and the Lady Peveril left the apartment arm-in-arm ; and the lady issued forth her directions to Whitaker concerning the mode in which she was desir- ous that Bridgenorth should be guarded and treated during his temporary confinement; at the same time ex- plaining to him that the safety of the Countess of Derby required that he should be closely watched. In all proposals for the prisoner's security, such as the regular relief of guards and the like, Whitaker joyfully acquiesced, and undertook, body for body, that he should be detained in captivity for the necessary period. But the old steward was not half so docile when it came to be considered how the captive's bedding and table should be supplied; and he thought Lady Peveril dis- played a very undue degree of attention to her prison- er's comforts. *I warrant,' he said, 'that the cuckoldy Roundhead ate enough of our fat beef yesterday to serve him for a month ; and a Httle fasting will do his health good. Marry, for drink he shall have plenty of cold water to cool his hot liver, which, I will be bound, is still hissing with the strong Hquors of yesterday. And as for bedding, there are the fine dry boards, more wholesome than the wet straw I lay upon when I was in the stocks, I trow.' 8S WAVERLEY NOVELS *Whi taker,' said the lady, peremptorily, ' I desire you to provide Master Bridgenorth's bedding and food in the way I have already signified to you; and to behave yourself towards him in all civiUty.' 'Lack-a-day! yes, my lady,' said Whi taker; 'you shall have all your directions punctually obeyed; but, as an old servant, I cannot but speak my mind.' The ladies retired after this conference with the stew- ard in the ante-chamber, and were soon seated in an- other apartment, which was pecuHarly dedicated to the use of the mistress of the mansion; having, on the one side, access to the family bed-room, and on the other, to the still-room, which communicated with the garden. There was also a small door, which, ascending a few steps, led to that balcony, already mentioned, that overhung the kitchen ; and the same passage, by a separ- ate door, admitted to the principal gallery in the chapel; so that the spiritual and temporal affairs of the castle were placed almost at once within reach of the same regulating and directing eye.^ In the tapestried room from which issued these vari- ous sally-ports, the countess and Lady Peveril were speedily seated ; and the former, smiling upon the latter, said, as she took her hand, 'Two things have happened to-day which might have surprised me, if anything ought to surprise me in such times. The first is, that yonder Roundheaded fellow should have dared to use such insolence in the house of PeverU of the Peak. If your husband is yet the same honest and downright Cavaher whom I once knew, and had chanced to be at home, he would have thrown the knave out of window. ^ See Note 4. 86 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK But what I wonder at still more, Margaret, is your gen- eralship. I hardly thought you had courage sufficient to have taken such decided measures, after keeping on terms with the man so long. When he spoke of justices and warrants, you looked so overawed that I thought I felt the clutch of the parish beadles on my shoulder to drag me to prison as a vagrant.' *We owe Master Bridgenorth some deference, my dearest lady,' answered the Lady Peveril: *he has served us often and kindly in these late times ; but neither he nor any one else shall insult the Countess of Derby in the house of Margaret Stanley.' 'Thou art become a perfect heroine, Margaret,' re- plied the countess. 'Two sieges and alarms innumerable,' said Lady Peveril, 'may have taught me presence of mind. My courage is, I believe, as slender as ever.' 'Presence of mind is courage,' answered the countess. 'Real valour consists not in being insensible to danger, but in being prompt to confront and disarm it; and we may have present occasion for all that we possess,' she added, with some slight emotion, 'for I hear the tramp- ling of horses' steps on the pavement of the court.' In one moment, the boy JuHan, breathless with joy, came flying into the room, to say that papa was returned with Lamington and Sam Brewer; and that he was him- self to ride Black Hastings to the stable. In the second, the tramp of the honest knight's heavy jack-boots was heard, as, in his haste to see his lady, he ascended the staircase by two steps at a time. He burst into the room, his manly countenance and disordered dress showing marks that he had been riding fast; and without looking 87 WAVERLEY NOVELS to any one else, caught his good lady in his arms, and kissed her a dozen of times. Blushing, and with some difficulty, Lady Peveril extricated herself from Sir Geof- frey's arms; and in a voice of bashful and gentle rebuke, bid him, for shame, observe who was in the room. 'One,' said the countess, advancing to him, 'who is right glad to see that Sir Geoffrey Peveril, though turned courtier and favourite, still values the treasure which she had some share in bestowing upon him. You can- not have forgot the raising of the leaguer of Latham House? ' 'The noble Countess of Derby!' said Sir Geoffrey, doffing his plumed hat with an air of deep deference, and kissing with much reverence the hand which she held out to him. 'I am as glad to see your ladyship in my poor house as I would be to hear that they had found a vein of lead in the Brown Tor. I rode hard in the hope of be- ing your escort through the country. I feared you might have fallen into bad hands, hearing there was a knave sent out with a warrant from the council.' ' When heard you so? and from whom? ' 'It was from Cholmondley of Vale Royal,' said Sir Geoffrey; 'he is come down to make provision for your safety through Cheshire, and I promised to bring you there in safety. Prince Rupert, Ormond, and other friends do not doubt the matter will be driven to a fine ; but they say the chancellor and Harry Bennet, and some others of the over-sea counsellors, are furious at what they call a breach of the King's proclamation. Hang them, say I. They left us to bear all the beating, and now they are incensed that we should wish to clear scores with those who rode us like nightmares!' PEVERIL OF THE PEAK *What did they talk of for my chastisement? ' said the countess. *I wot not,' said Sir Geoffrey; 'some friends, as I said, from our kind Cheshire, and others, tried to bring it to a fine; but some, again, spoke of nothing but the Tower, and a long imprisonment.' 'I have suffered imprisonment long enough for King Charles's sake,' said the countess, 'and have no mind to undergo it at his hand. Besides, if I am removed from the personal superintendence of my son's dominions in Man, I know not what new usurpation may be attempted there. I must be obliged to you, cousin, to contrive that I may get in security to Vale Royal, and from thence I know I shall be guarded safely to Liverpool.' 'You may rely on my guidance and protection, noble lady,' answered her host, 'though you had come here at midnight, and with the rogue's head in your apron, like Judith in the Holy Apocrypha, which I joy to hear once more read in churches.' 'Do the gentry resort much to the court?' said the lady. 'Ay, madam,' replied Sir Geoffrey; 'and according to our saying, when miners do begin to bore in these parts, it is "for the grace of God, and what they there may find."' 'Meet the old Cavaliers with much countenance?' continued the countess. 'Faith, madam, to speak truth,' replied the knight, 'the King hath so gracious a manner that it makes every man's hopes blossom, though we have seen but few that have ripened into fruit.' 'You have not yourself, my cousin,' answered the 89 WAVERLEY NOVELS. countess, ' had room to complain of ingratitude, I trust? Few have less deserved it at the King's hand.' Sir Geoffrey was unwilling, like most prudent persons, to own the existence of expectations which had proved fallacious, yet had too little art in his character to conceal his disappointment entirely. 'Who? I, madam?' he said. 'Alas! what should a poor country knight expect from the King, besides the pleasure of seeing him in Whitehall once more, and enjoying his own again? And his Majesty was very gracious when I was presented, and spoke to me of Worcester, and of my horse, Black Hastings — he had forgot his name, though — faith, and mine too, I believe, had not Prince Rupert whis- pered it to him. And I saw some old friends, such as his Grace of Ormond, Sir Marmaduke Langdale, Sir Philip Musgrave, and so forth; and had a jolly rouse or two, to the tune of old times.' * I should have thought so many wounds received — so many dangers risked — such considerable losses — merited something more than a few smooth words,' said the coimtess. 'Nay, my lady, there were other friends of mine who had the same thought,' answered Peveril. 'Some were of opinion that the loss of so many hundred acres of fair land was worth some reward of honour at least; and there were who thought my descent from William the Conqueror — craving your ladyship's pardon for boast- ing it in your presence — would not have become a higher rank or title worse than the pedigree of some who have been promoted. But what said the witty Duke of Buckingham, forsooth — whose grandsire was a Lei's- tershire knight, rather poorer, and scarce so well-born go PEVERIL OF THE PEAK as myself? Why, he said that, if all of my degree who deserved well of the King in the late times were to be made peers, the House of Lords must meet upon Salis- bury Plain ! ' 'And that bad jest passed for a good argument!' said the countess; 'and well it might, where good arguments pass for bad jests. But here comes one I must be ac- quainted with.' This was Httle Julian, who now reentered the hall, leading his little sister, as if he had brought her to bear witness to the boastful tale which he told his father, of his having manfully ridden Black Hastings to the stable- yard, alone in the saddle; and that Saunders, though he walked by the horse's head, did not once put his hand upon the rein, and Brewer, though he stood beside him, scarce held him by the knee. The father kissed the boy heartily; and the countess, calling him to her so soon as Sir Geoffrey had set him down, kissed his forehead also, and then surveyed all his features with a keen and pene- trating eye. *He is a true Peveril,' said she, 'mixed as he should be with some touch of the Stanley. Cousin, you must grant me my boon, and when I am safely established, and have my present affair arranged, you must let me have this little Julian of yours some time hence, to be nurtured in my house, held as my page, and the playfellow of the little Derby. I trust in Heaven, they will be such friends as their fathers have been, and may God send them more fortunate times !'^ 'Marry, and I thank you for the proposal with all my heart, madam,' said the knight. 'There are so many * See Note 5. 91 WAVERLEY NOVELS noble houses decayed, and so many more in which the exercise and discipline for the training of noble youths is given up and neglected, that I have often feared I must have kept Gil to be young master at home; and I have had too little nurture myself to teach him much, and so he would have been a mere hunting, hawking knight of Derbyshire. But in your ladyship's household, and with the noble young earl, he will have all, and more than all, the education which I could desire.' 'There shall be no distinction betwixt them, cousin,' said the countess; 'Margaret Stanley's son shall be as much the object of care to me as my own, since you are kindly disposed to entrust him to my charge. You look pale, Margaret,' she continued, 'and the tear stands in your eye. Do not be so foolish, my love; what I ask is better than you can desire for your boy; for the house of my father, the Duke de la Tremouille, was the most famous school of chivalry in France; nor have I degen- erated from him, or suffered any relaxation in that noble discipline which trained young gentlemen to do honour to their race. You can promise your Julian no such ad- vantages, if you train him up a mere home-bred youth.' 'I acknowledge the importance of the favour, madam,' said Lady Peveril, 'and must acquiesce in what your ladyship honours us by proposing, and Sir Geoffrey approves of; but Juhan is an only child, and — ' 'An only son,' said the countess, 'but surely not an only child. You pay too high deference to our masters, the male sex, if you allow Julian to engross all your affec- tion, and spare none for this beautiful girl.' So saying, she set down Julian, and, taking Alice Bridgenorth on her lap, began to caress her; and there 92 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK was, notwithstanding her masculine character, some- thing so sweet in the tone of her voice and in the cast of her features, that the child immediately smiled, and re- plied to her marks of fondness. This mistake embar- rassed Lady Peveril exceedingly. Knowing the blunt impetuosity of her husband's character, his devotion to the memory of the deceased Earl of Derby, and his cor- responding veneration for his widow, she was alarmed for the consequences of his hearing the conduct of Bridge- north that morning, and was particularly desirous that he should not learn it save from herself in private, and after due preparation. But the countess's error led to a more precipitate disclosure. 'That pretty girl, madam,' answered Sir Geoffrey, *is none of ours; I wish she were. She belongs to a neigh- bour hard by — a good man, and, to say truth, a good neighbour, though he was carried off from his allegiance in the late times by a d — d Presbyterian scoundrel, who calls himself a parson, and whom I hope to fetch down from his perch presently, with a wannion to him! He has been cock of the roost long enough. There are rods in pickle to switch the Geneva cloak with, I can tell the sour-faced rogues that much. But this child is the daughter of Bridgenorth — neighbour Bridgenorth, of Moultrassie Hall.' 'Bridgenorth!' said the countess. *I thought I had known all the honourable names in Derbyshire; I re- member nothing of Bridgenorth. But stay — was there not a sequestrator and committeeman of that name? Sure, it cannot be he.' Peveril took some shame to himself as he replied, 'It is the very man whom your ladyship means, and you 93 WAVERLEY NOVELS may conceive the reluctance with which I submitted to receive good ofl&ces from one of his kidney; but had I not done so, I should have scarce known how to find a roof to cover Dame Margaret's head.' The countess, as he spoke, raised the child gently from her lap and placed it upon the carpet, though little AUce showed a disinclination to the change of place, which the Lady of Derby and Man would certainly have in- dulged in a child of patrician descent and loyal parent- age. * I blame you not,' she said ; ' no one knows what temp- tation will bring us down to. Yet I did think Peveril of the Peak would have resided in its deepest cavern sooner than owed an obligation to a regicide.' 'Nay, madam,' answered the knight, *my neighbour is bad enough, but not so bad as you would make him: he is but a Presbyterian — that I must confess — but not an Lidependent.' *A variety of the same monster,' said the coimtess, 'who hallooed while the others hunted, and bound the victim whom the Independents massacred. Betwixt such sects I prefer the Lidependents. They are at least bold, barefaced, merciless villains, have more of the tiger in them and less of the crocodile. I have no doubt it was that worthy gentleman who took it upon him this morning — ' She stopped short, for she saw Lady Peveril was vexed and embarrassed. *I am,' she said, 'the most luckless of beings. I have said something, I know not what, to distress you, Mar- garet. Mystery is a bad thing, and betwixt us there should be none.' 94 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK 'There is none, madam/ said Lady Peveril, some- thing impatiently; 'I waited but an opportunity to tell my husband what had happened. Sir Geoffrey, Master Bridgenorth was unfortunately here when the Lady Derby and I met; and he thought it part of his duty to speak of — ' 'To speak of what?' said the knight, bending his brows. 'You were ever something too fond, dame, of giving way to the usurpation of such people.' 'I only mean,' said Lady Peveril, 'that as the person — he to whom Lady Derby's story related — was the brother of his late lady, he threatened — but I cannot think that he was serious.' 'Threaten! — threaten the Lady of Derby and Man in my house ! — the widow of my friend — the noble Charlotte of Latham House! By Heaven, the prick- eared slave shall answer it! How comes it that my knaves threw him not out of the window? ' 'Alas! Sir Geoffrey, you forget how much we owe him,' said the lady. 'Owe him!' said the knight, still more indignant; for in his singleness of apprehension he conceived that his wife alluded to pecuniary obligations; 'if I do owe him some money, hath he not security for it? and must he have the right, over and above, to domineer and play the magistrate in Martindale Castle? Where is he? what have you made of him? I will — I must speak with him.' 'Be patient, Sir Geoffrey,' said the countess, who now discerned the cause of her kinswoman's apprehension; 'and be assured I did not need your chivalry to de- fend me against this discourteous faitour, as " Morte 95 WAVERLEY NOVELS d'Arthur" would have called him. I promise you, my kinswoman hath fully righted my wrong; and I am so pleased to owe my deliverance entirely to her gallantry, that I charge and command you, as a true knight, not to mingle in the adventure of another.' Lady Peveril, who knew her husband's blunt and im- patient temper, and perceived that he was becoming angry, now took up the story, and plainly and simply pointed out the cause of Master Bridgenorth's interfer- ence. *I am sorry for it,' said the knight; 'I thought he had more sense, and that this happy change might have done some good upon him. But you should have told me this instantly. It consists not with my honour that he should be kept prisoner in this house, as if I feared anything he could do to annoy the noble countess, while she is under my roof, or within twenty miles of this castle.' So saying, and bowing to the countess, he went straight to the gilded chamber, leaving Lady Peveril in great anxiety for the event of an angry meeting between a temper hasty as that of her husband and stubborn like that of Bridgenorth. Her apprehensions were, however, unnecessary; for the meeting was not fated to take place. When Sir Geoffrey Peveril, having dismissed Whit- aker and his sentinels, entered the gilded chamber, in which he expected to find his captive, the prisoner had escaped, and it was easy to see in what manner. The sliding panel had, in the hurry of the moment, escaped the memory of Lady Peveril, and of Whitaker, the only persons who knew anything of it. It was probable that 96 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK a chink had remained open, sufficient to indicate its existence to Bridgenorth; who, withdrawing it alto- gether, had found his way into the secret apartment with which it communicated, and from thence to the postern of the castle by another secret passage, which had been formed in the thickness of the wall, as is not uncommon in ancient mansions ; the lords of which were liable to so many mutations of fortune, that they usually contrived to secure some lurking-place and secret mode of retreat from their fortresses. That Bridgenorth had discovered and availed himself of this secret mode of retreat was evident; because the private doors communicating with the postern and the sUding panel in the gilded chamber were both left open. Sir Geoffrey returned to the ladies with looks of per- plexity. While he deemed Bridgenorth within his reach, he was apprehensive of nothing he could do; for he felt himself his superior in personal strength, and in that species of courage which induces a man to rush, without hesitation, upon personal danger. But when at a dis- tance, he had been for many years accustomed to con- sider Bridgenorth's power and influence as something formidable; and, notwithstanding the late change of affairs, his ideas so naturally reverted to his neighbour as a powerful friend or dangerous enemy, that he felt more apprehension on the coimtess's score than he was willing to acknowledge even to himself. The countess observed his downcast and anxious brow, and requested to know if her stay there was likely to involve him in any trouble or in any danger. 'The trouble should be welcome,' said Sir Geoffrey, 'and more welcome the danger, which should come on 27 97 WAVERLEY NOVELS such an account. My plan was, that your ladyship should have honoured Martindale with a few days' resi- dence, which might have been kept private until the search after you was ended. Had I seen this fellow Bridgenorth, I have no doubt I could have compelled him to act discreetly; but he is now at liberty, and will keep out of my reach; and, what is worse, he has the secret of the priest's chamber.' Here the knight paused, and seemed much embar- rassed. 'You can, then, neither conceal nor protect me?' said the countess. 'Pardon, my honoured lady,' answered the knight, 'and let me say out my say. The plain truth is, that this man hath many friends among the Presbyterians here, who are more numerous than I would wish them; and if he falls in with the pursuivant fellow who carries the warrant of the privy council, it is likely he will back him with force sufficient to try to execute it. And I doubt whether any of our own friends can be sum- moned together in haste sufficient to resist such a power as they are like to bring together,' 'Nor would I wish any friends to take arms, in my name, against the King's warrant, Sir Geoffrey,' said the countess. 'Nay, for that matter,' replied the knight, 'an his Majesty will grant warrants against his best friends, he must look to have them resisted. But the best I can think of in this emergence is — though the proposal be something inhospitable — that your ladyship should take presently to horse, if your fatigue will permit. I will mount also, with some brisk fellows, who will 98 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK lodge you safe at Vale Royal, though the sheriff stopped the way with a whole posse comitatusJ The Countess of Derby willingly acquiesced in this proposal. She had enjoyed a night's sound repose in the private chamber, to which Ellesmere had guided her on the preceding evening, and was quite ready to resume her route, or flight. 'She scarce knew,' she said, 'which of the two she should term it.' Lady Peveril wept at the necessity which seemed to hurry her earliest friend and protectress from under her roof, at the instant when the clouds of adversity were gathering around her; but she saw no alternative equally safe. Nay, however strong her attachment to Lady Derby, she could not but be more readily recon- ciled to her hasty departure, when she considered the inconvenience, and even danger, in which her presence, at such a time, and in such circumstances, was likely to involve a man so bold and hot-tempered as her husband Sir Geoffrey. While Lady Peveril, therefore, made every arrange- ment which time permitted and circumstances required for the countess prosecuting her journey, her husband, whose spirits always rose with the prospect of action, issued his orders to Whitaker to get together a few stout fellows, with back and breast-pieces, and steel-caps. ' There are the two lackeys, and Outram and Saunders, besides the other groom fellow, and Roger Raine, and his son — but bid Roger not come drunk again — thy- self, young Dick of the Dale and his servant, and a file or two of the tenants; we shall be enough for any force they can make. All these are fellows that will strike hard, and ask no question why: their hands are ever 99 WAVERLEY NOVELS readier than their tongues, and their mouths are more made for drinking than speaking.' Whitaker, apprised of the necessity of the case, asked if he should not warn Sir Jasper Cranbourne. 'Not a word to him, as you live,' said the knight; 'this may be an outlawry, as they call it, for what I know; and therefore I will bring no lands or tenements into peril saving mine own. Sir Jasper hath had a troublesome time of it for many a year. By my will, he shall sit quiet for the rest of 's days.' CHAPTER VII Pang. A rescue! a rescue! Mrs. Quickly. Good people, bring a rescue or two. Henry IV, Parti. The followers of Peveril were so well accustomed to the sound of ' Boot and saddle,' that they were soon mounted and in order; and in all the form, and with some of the dignity, of danger proceeded to escort the Countess of Derby through the hilly and desert tract of country which connects the frontier of the shire with the neigh- bouring county of Cheshire. The cavalcade moved with considerable precaution, which they had been taught by the discipline of the Civil Wars. One wary and well- mounted trooper rode about two hundred yards in advance; followed at about half that distance by two more, with their carabines advanced, as if ready for action. About one hundred yards behind the advance came the main body; where the Countess of Derby, mounted on Lady Peveril's ambling palfrey, for her own had been exhausted by the journey from London to Martindale Castle, accompanied by one groom of approved fidelity, and one waiting-maid, was attended and guarded by the knight of the Peak and three files of good and practised horsemen. In the rear came Whit- aker, with Lance Outram, as men of especial trust, to whom the covering the retreat was confided. They rode, as the Spanish proverb expresses it, 'with the beard on the shoulder,' — looking around, that is, from time to lOI WAVERLEY NOVELS time, and using every precaution to have the speediest knowledge of any pursuit which might take place. But, however wise in discipline, Peveril and his fol- lowers were somewhat remiss in civil policy. The knight had communicated to Whitaker, though without any apparent necessity, the precise nature of their present expedition; and Whitaker was equally communicative to his comrade Lance, the keeper. ' It is strange enough, Master Whitaker,' said the latter, when he had heard the case, 'and I wish you, being a wise man, would expound it — why, when we have been wishing for the King, and praying for the King, and fighting for the King, and dying for the King, for these twenty years, the first thing we find to do on his return is to get into harness to resist his warrant ! * 'Pooh! you silly fellow,' said WTiitaker, 'that is all you know of the true bottom of our quarrel ! Why, man, we fought for the King's person against his warrant all along from the very beginning; for I remember the rogues' proclamations, and so forth, always ran in the name of the King and Parliament.' *Ay! was it even so?' replied Lance. 'Nay, then, if they begin the old game so soon again, and send out warrants in the King's name against his loyal subjects, well fare our stout knight, say I, who is ready to take them down in their stocking-soles. And if Bridgenorth takes the chase after us, I shall not be sorry to have a knock at him for one.' 'Why, the man, bating he is a pestilent Roundhead and Puritan,' said Whitaker, 'is no bad neighbour. What has he done to thee, man?' 'He has poached on the manor/ answered the keeper. I02 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK 'The devil he has ! ' replied Whitaker. 'Thou must be jesting, Lance. Bridgenorth is neither hunter nor haw- ker ; he hath not so much of honesty in him.' 'Ay, but he runs after game you little think of, with his sour, melancholy face, that would scare babes and curdle milk,' answered Lance. 'Thou canst not mean the wenches?' said Whitaker: 'why, he hath been melancholy mad with moping for the death of his wife. Thou knowest our lady took the child, for fear he should strangle it, for putting him in mind of its mother, in some of his tantrums. Under her favour, and among friends, there are many poor Cava- liers' children that care would be better bestowed upon. But to thy tale.' 'Why, thus it runs,' said Lance. 'I think you may have noticed, Master Whitaker, that a certain Mistress Deborah hath manifested a certain favour for a certain person in a certain household.' 'For thyself, to wit,' answered Whitaker; 'Lance Outram, thou art the vainest coxcomb — ' 'Coxcomb!' said Lance; 'why, 'twas but last night the whole family saw her, as one would say, fling herself at my head.' 'I would she had been a brick-bat, then, to have broken it, for thy impertinence and conceit,' said the steward. 'Well, but do but hearken. The next morning — that is, this very blessed morning — I thought of going to lodge a buck in the park, judging a bit of venison might be wanted in the larder, after yesterday's was- sail; and, as I passed under the nursery window, I did but just look up to see what madam governante was 103 WAVERLEY NOVELS about; and so I saw her, through the casement, whip on her hood and scarf as soon as she had a glimpse of me. Immediately after I saw the still-room door open, and made sure she was coming through the garden, and so over the breach and down to the park; and so, thought I, "Aha, Mistress Deb, if you are so ready to dance after my pipe and tabor, I will give you a couranto before you shall come up with me." And so I went down Ivy-Tod Dingle, where the copse is tangled and the ground swampy, and round by Haxley Bottom, think- ing all the while she was following, and laughing in my sleeve at the round I was giving her.' 'You deserved to be ducked for it,' said Whitaker, *for a weather-headed puppy; but what is all this Jack- a-Lantern story to Bridgenorth? ' 'Why, it was all along of he, man,' continued Lance, 'that is, of Bridgenorth, that she did not follow me. Gad, I first walked slow, and then stopped, and then turned back a Httle, and then began to wonder what she had made of herself, and to think I had borne myself something like a jackass in the matter.' 'That I deny,' said Whitaker, 'never jackass but would have borne him better; but go on.' 'Why, turning my face towards the castle, I went back as if I had my nose bleeding, when, just by the Copely thorn, which stands, you know, a flight-shot from the postern gate, I saw Madam Deb in close con- ference with the enemy.' 'What enemy?' said the steward. 'What enemy! why, who but Bridgenorth? They kept out of sight, and among the copse. " But," thought I, "it is hard if I cannot stalk you, that have stalked so 104 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK many bucks. If so, I had better give my shafts to be pudding-pins." So I cast round the thicket, to watch their waters; and, may I never bend cross-bow again, if I did not see him give her gold, and squeeze her by the hand ! ' 'And was that all you saw pass between them?' said the steward. 'Faith, and it was enough to dismount me from my hobby,' said Lance. 'What! when I thought I had the prettiest girl in the castle dancing after my whistle, to find that she gave me the bag to hold, and was smug- gling in a corner with a rich old Puritan ! ' 'Credit me. Lance, it is not as thou thinkest,' said Whitaker. 'Bridgenorth cares not for these amorous toys, and thou thinkest of nothing else. But it is fitting our knight should know that he has met with Deborah in secret, and given her gold; for never Puritan gave gold yet, but it was earnest for some devil's work done or to be done.' 'Nay, but,' said Lance, 'I would not be such a dog- bolt as to go and betray the girl to our master. She hath a right to follow her fancy, as the dame said who kissed her cow; only I do not much approve her choice, that is all. He cannot be six years short of fifty; and a ver- juice countenance, under the penthouse of a slouched beaver, and bag of meagre dried bones, swaddled up in a black cloak, is no such temptation, methinks.' 'I tell you once more,' said Whitaker, 'you are mis- taken ; and that there neither is nor can be any matter of love between them, but only some intrigue, concerning, perhaps, this same noble Countess of Derby. I tell thee, it behoves my master to know it, and I will presently tell it to him.' WAVERLEY NOVELS So saying, and in spite of all the remonstrances which Lance continued to make on behalf of Mistress Deborah, the steward rode up to the main body of their little party, and mentioned to the knight and the Countess of Derby what he had just heard from the keeper, add- ing at the same time his own suspicions that Master Bridgenorth of Moultrassie Hall was desirous to keep up some system of espial in the Castle of Martindale, either in order to secure his menaced vengeance on the Coun- tess of Derby, as authoress of his brother-in-law's death, or for some unknown, but probably sinister, purpose. The knight of the Peak was filled with high resent- ment at Whitaker's communication. According to his prejudices, those of the opposite faction were supposed to make up by wit and intrigue what they wanted in open force; and he now hastily conceived that his neigh- bour, whose prudence he always respected, and some- times even dreaded, was maintaining, for his private purposes, a clandestine correspondence with a member of his family. If this was for the betrayal of his noble guest, it argued at once treachery and presumption; or, viewing the whole as Lance had done, a criminal in- trigue with a woman so near the person of Lady Peveril was in itself, he deemed, a piece of sovereign imperti- nence and disrespect on the part of such a person as Bridgenorth, against whom Sir Geoffrey's anger was kindled accordingly. Whitaker had scarce regained his post in the rear, when he again quitted it, and galloped to the main body with more speed than before, with the unpleasing tid- ings that they were pursued by half a score of horsemen and better. 1 06 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK 'Ride on briskly to Hartley Nick,' said the knight, 'and there, with God to help, we will bide the knaves. Coun- tess of Derby, one word and a short one. Farewell! you must ride forward with Whitaker and another careful fellow, and let me alone to see that no one treads on your skirts.' 'I will abide with you and stand them,' said the coun- tess; 'you know of old, I fear not to look on man's work.' 'You must ride on, madam,' said the knight, 'for the sake of the young earl and the rest of my noble friend's family. There is no manly w^ork which can be worth your looking upon: it is but child's play that these fel- lows bring with them.' As she yielded a reluctant consent to continue her flight, they reached the bottom of Hartley Nick — a pass very steep and craggy, and where the road, or rather path, which had hitherto passed over more open ground, became pent up and confined, betwixt copse- wood on the one side and on the other the precipitous bank of a mountain stream. The Countess of Derby, after an affectionate adieu to Sir Geoffrey, and having requested him to convey her kind commendations to her little page-elect, and his mother, proceeded up the pass at a round pace, and, with her attendants and escort, was soon out of sight. Immediately after she had disappeared, the pursuers came up with Sir Geoffrey Peveril, who had divided and drawn up his party so as completely to occupy the road at three different points. The opposite party was led, as Sir Geoffrey had ex- pected, by Major Bridgenorth. At his side was a person in black, with a silver greyhound on his arm; and he was 107 WAVERLEY NOVELS followed by about eight or ten inhabitants of the village of Martindale-Moultrassie, two or three of whom were officers of the peace, and others were personally known to Sir Geoffrey as favourers of the subverted govern- ment. As the party rode briskly up, Sir Geoffrey called to them to halt; and as they continued advancing, he ordered his own people to present their pistols and cara- bines; and after assuming that menacing attitude, he repeated, with a voice of thunder, 'Halt, or we fire!' The other party halted accordingly, and Major Bridgenorth advanced, as if to parley. 'Why, how now, neighbour,' said Sir Geoffrey, as if he had at that moment recognised him for the first time, 'what makes you ride so sharp this morning? Are you not afraid to harm your horse or spoil your spurs? ' 'Sir Geoffrey,' said the major, 'I have no time for jesting: I am on the King's affairs.' 'Are you sure it is not upon Old Noll's, neighbour? You used to hold his the better errand,' said the knight, with a smile which gave occasion to a horse-laugh among his followers. 'Show him your warrant,' said Bridgenorth to the man in black formerly mentioned, who was a pursuivant. Then taking the warrant from the officer, he gave it to Sir Geoffrey. 'To this, at least, you will pay regard.' 'The same regard which you would have paid to it a month back or so,' said the knight, tearing the warrant to shreds. 'What a plague do you stare at? Do you think you have a monopoly of rebellion, and that we have not a right to show a trick of disobedience in our turn? ' io8 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK 'Make way, Sir Geoffrey Peveril,' said Bridgenorth, 'or you will compel me to do that I may be sorry for. I am in this matter the avenger of the blood of one of the Lord's saints, and I will follow the chase while Heaven grants me an arm to make my way.' 'You shall make no way here, but at your peril,' said Sir Geoffrey; 'this is my ground. I have been harassed enough for these twenty years by saints, as you call yourselves. I tell you, master, you shall neither violate the security of my house, nor pursue my friends over the grounds, nor tamper, as you have done, amongst my servants, with impunity. I have had you in respect for certain kind doings, which I will not either forget or deny, and you will find it difficult to make me draw a sword or bend a pistol against you; but offer any hostile movement, or presume to advance a foot, and I will make sure of you presently. And for these rascals, who come hither to annoy a noble lady on my bounds, unless you draw them off, I will presently send some of them to the devil before their time.' 'Make room at your proper peril,' said Major Bridge- north; and he put his right hand on his holster-pistol. Sir Geoffrey closed with him instantly, seized him by the collar, and spurred Black Hastings, checking him at the same time, so that the horse made a courbette, and brought the full weight of his chest against the counter of the other. A ready soldier might, in Bridgenorth's situation, have rid himself of his adversary with a bullet. But Bridgenorth's courage, notwithstanding his having served some time with the ParHament army, was rather of a civil than a military character; and he was inferior to his adversary, not only in strength and 109 WAVERLEY NOVELS horsemanship, but also and especially in the daring and decisive resolution which made Sir Geoffrey thrust him- self readily into personal contest. While, therefore, they tugged and grappled together upon terms which bore such httle accordance with their long acquaintance and close neighbourhood, it was no wonder that Bridgenorth should be unhorsed with much violence. While Sir Geoffrey sprung from the saddle, the party of Bridge- north advanced to rescue their leader, and that of the knight to oppose them. Swords were unsheathed and pistols presented; but Sir Geoffrey, with the voice of a herald, commanded both parties to stand back, and to keep the peace. The pursuivant took the hint, and easily found a reason for not prosecuting a dangerous duty. ' The war- rant,' he said, 'was destroyed. They that did it must be answerable to the council ; for his part, he could proceed no farther without his commission.' 'Well said, and like a peaceable fellow!' said Sir Geoffrey. 'Let him have refreshment at the castle; his nag is sorely out of condition. Come, neighbour Bridge- north, get up, man. I trust you have had no hurt in this mad affray? I was loth to lay hand on you, man, till you plucked out your petronel.' As he spoke thus, he aided the major to rise. The pursuivant, meanwhile, drew aside; and with him the constable and head borough, who were not without some tacit suspicion that, though Peveril was interrupting the direct course of law in this matter, yet he was Hkely to have his offence considered by favourable judges; and therefore it might be as much for their interest and safety to give way as to oppose him. But the rest of the PEVERIL OF THE PEAK party, friends of Bridgenorth and of his principles, kept their ground notwithstanding this defection, and seemed, from their looks, sternly determined to rule their con- duct by that of their leader, whatever it might be. But it was evident that Bridgenorth did not intend to renew the struggle. He shook himself rather roughly free from the hands of Sir Geoffrey Peveril; but it was not to draw his sword. On the contrary, he mounted his horse with a sullen and dejected air; and, making a sign to his followers, turned back the same road which he had come. Sir Geoffrey looked after him for some minutes. 'Now, there goes a man,' said he, 'who would have been a right honest fellow had he not been a Pres- byterian. But there is no heartiness about them: they can never forgive a fair fall upon the sod; they bear malice, and that I hate as I do a black cloak, or a Geneva skull-cap, and a pair of long ears rising on each side on 't, like two chimneys at the gable ends of a thatched cottage. They are as sly as the devil to boot; and, therefore, Lance Outram, take two with you, and keep after them, that they may not turn our flank, and get on the track of the countess again after all.' 'I had as soon they should course my lady's white tame doe,' answered Lance, in the spirit of his calling. He proceeded to execute his master's orders by dogging Major Bridgenorth at a distance, and observing his course from such heights as commanded the country. But it was soon evident that no manoeuvre was intended, and that the major was taking the direct road home- ward. When this was ascertained, Sir Geoffrey dismissed most of his followers; and, retaining only his own domes- tics, rode hastily forward to overtake the countess. Ill WAVERLEY NOVELS It is only necessary to say further, that he completed his purpose of escorting the Countess of Derby to Vale Royal, without meeting any further hindrance by the way. The lord of the mansion readily undertook to conduct the high-minded lady to Liverpool, and the task of seeing her safely embarked for her son's hered- itary dominions, where there was no doubt of her re- maining in personal safety until the accusation against her for breach of the royal indemnity, by the execution of Christian, could be brought to some compromise. For a length of time this was no easy matter. Claren- don, then at the head of Charles's administration, con- sidered her rash action, though dictated by motives which the human breast must, in some respects, sym- pathise with, as calculated to shake the restored tran- quillity of England, by exciting the doubts and jeal- ousies of those who had to apprehend the consequences of what is called, in our own time, a reaction. At the same time, the high services of this distinguished family, the merits of the countess herself, the memory of her gallant husband, and the very peculiar circumstances of jurisdiction which took the case out of all common rules, pleaded strongly in her favour; and the death of Christian was at length only punished by the imposition of a heavy fine, amounting, we beUeve, to many thou- sand pounds, which was levied, with great difficulty, out of the shattered estates of the young Earl of Derby. CHAPTER VIII My native land, good-nightl Byron. Lady Peveril remained in no small anxiety for several hours after her husband and the countess had departed from Martindale Castle; more especially when she learned that Major Bridgenorth, concerning whose motions she made private inquiry, had taken horse with a party, and was gone to the westward in the same direction with Sir Geoffrey. At length her immediate uneasiness in regard to the safety of her husband and the countess was removed by the arrival of Whitaker, with her husband's commenda- tions, and an account of the scuffle betwixt himself and Major Bridgenorth. Lady Peveril shuddered to see how nearly they had approached to renewal of the scenes of civil discord; and while she was thankful to Heaven for her husband's immediate preservation, she could not help feeling both regret and apprehension for the consequences of his quarrel with Major Bridgenorth. They had now lost an old friend, who had showed himself such under those circumstances of adversity by which friendship is most severely tried; and she could not disguise from herself that Bridgenorth, thus irritated, might be a troublesome, if not a dangerous, enemy. His rights as a creditor he had hitherto used with gentleness; but if he should employ rigour, Lady Peveril, whose attention to domes- 27 113 WAVERLEY NOVELS tic economy had made her much better acquainted with her husband's affairs than he was himself, foresaw con- siderable inconvenience from the measures which the law put in his power. She comforted herself with the recollection, however, that she had still a strong hold on Bridgenorth, through his paternal affection, and from the fixed opinion which he had hitherto manifested that his daughter's health could only flourish while under her charge. But any expectations of reconciliation which Lady Peveril might probably have founded on this circumstance were frustrated by an incident which took place in the course of the following morning. The governante, Mistress Deborah, who has been already mentioned, went forth, as usual, with the chil- dren, to take their morning exercise in the park, accom- panied by Rachael, a girl who acted occasionally as her assistant in attending upon them. But not as usual did she return. It was near the hour of breakfast, when Ellesmere, with an unwonted degree of primness in her mouth and manner, came to acquaint her lady that Mistress Deborah had not thought proper to come back from the park, though the breakfast-hour approached so near. 'She will come, then, presently,' said Lady Peveril, with indifference. Ellesmere gave a short and doubtful cough, and then proceeded to say, that Rachael had been sent home with little Master Julian, and that Mistress Deborah had been pleased to say she would walk on with Miss Bridge- north as far as Moultrassie Holt; which was a point at which the property of the major, as matters now stood, bounded that of Sir Geoffrey Peveril. 114 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK *Is the wench turned silly,' exclaimed the lady, some- thing angrily, 'that she does not obey my orders, and return at regular hours?' 'She may be turning silly,' said Ellesmere, mysteri- ously; 'or she may be turning too sly; and I think it were as well your ladyship looked to it.' 'Looked to what, Ellesmere?' said the lady, impa- tiently. 'You are strangely oracular this morning. If you know anything to the prejudice of this young wo- man, I pray you speak it out.' 'I prejudice!' said Ellesmere. 'I scorn to prejudice man, woman, or child in the way of a fellow-servant; only I wish your ladyship to look about you, and use your own eyes, that is all.' 'You bid me use my own eyes, Ellesmere; but I sus- pect,' answered the lady, 'you would be better pleased were I contented to see through your spectacles. I charge you — and you know I will be obeyed — I charge you to tell me what you know or suspect about this girl, Deborah Debbitch. ' ' / see through spectacles ! ' exclaimed the indignant abigail; 'your ladyship will pardon me in that, for I never use them, unless a pair that belonged to my poor mother, which I put on when your ladyship wants your pinners curiously wrought. No woman above sixteen ever did white-seam without barnacles. And then as to suspecting, I suspect nothing ; for, as your ladyship hath taken Mistress Deborah Debbitch from under my hand, to be sure it is neither bread nor butter of mine. Only (here she began to speak with her lips shut, so as scarce to permit a sound to issue, and mincing her words as if she pinched off the ends of them before she suffered "5 WAVERLEY NOVELS them to escape) — only, madam, if Mistress Deborah goes so often of a morning to Moultrassie Holt, why, I should not be surprised if she should never find the way back again.' ' Once more, what do you mean, Ellesmere? You were wont to have some sense ; let me know distinctly what the matter is.' 'Only, madam,' pursued the abigail, 'that, since Bridgenorth came back from Chesterfield, and saw you at the castle hall. Mistress Deborah has been pleased to carry the children every morning to that place ; and it has so happened that she has often met the major, as they call him, there in his walks — for he can walk about now like other folks — and I warrant you she hath not been the worse of the meeting — one way at least, for she hath bought a new hood might serve yourself, madam ; but whether she hath had anything in hand be- sides a piece of money, no doubt your ladyship is best judge.' Lady Peveril, who readily adopted the more good-na- tured construction of the governante's motives, could not help laughing at the idea of a man of Bridgenorth's precise appearance, strict principles, and reserved habits being suspected of a design of gallantry ; and readily con- cluded that Mistress Deborah had found her advantage in gratif }dng his parental ailection by a frequent sight of his daughter during the few days which intervened be- twixt his first seeing little Alice at the castle and the events which had followed. But she was somewhat sur- prised when, an hour after the usual breakfast-hour, during which neither the child nor Mistress Deborah appeared. Major Bridgenorth's only man-servant ar- ii6 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK rived at the castle on horseback, dressed as for a journey, and having delivered a letter addressed to herself, and another to Mistress Ellesmere, rode away without wait- ing any answer. There would have been nothing remarkable in this, had any other person been concerned ; but Major Bridge- north was so very quiet and orderly in all his proceed- ings, so little liable to act hastily or by impulse, that the least appearance of bustle where he was concerned ex- cited surprise and curiosity. Lady Peveril broke her letter hastily open, and found that it contained the following lines : — For the hands of the Honourable and Honoured Lady Peveril — These : Madam — Please it your Ladyship, I write more to excuse myself to your ladyship than to accuse either you or others, in respect that I am sen- sible it becomes our frail nature better to confess our own imperfections than to complain of those of others. Neither do I mean to speak of past times, particularly in respect of your worthy ladyship, being sensible that if I have served you in that period when our Israel might be called triumphant, you have more than requited me, in giving to my arms a child, redeemed, as it were, from the vale of the shadow of death. And therefore, as I heartily forgive to your ladyship the unkind and violent measure which you dealt to me at our last meeting, seeing that the woman who was the cause of strife is accounted one of your kindred people, I do entreat you, in like manner, to pardon my enticing away from your service the young woman called Deborah Debbitch, whose nurture, in- 117 WAVERLEY NOVELS structed as she hath been under your ladyship's direc- tion, is, it may be, indispensable to the health of my dearest child. I had purposed, madam, with your gra- cious permission, that Alice should have remained at Martindale Castle, under your kind charge, until she could so far discern betwixt good and evil that it should be matter of conscience to teach her the way in which she should go. For it is not unknown to your ladyship, and in no way do I speak it reproachfully, but rather sorrowfully, that a person so excellently gifted as your- self — I mean touching natural qualities — has not yet received that true light which is a lamp to the paths, but are contented to stumble in darkness, and among the graves of dead men. It has been my prayer in the watches of the night that your ladyship should cease from the doctrine which causeth to err; but I grieve to say that, our candlestick being about to be removed, the land will most likely be involved in deeper darkness than ever; and the return of the King, to which I and many looked forward as a manifestation of Divine favour, seems to prove little else than a permitted triumph of the Prince of the Air, who setteth about to restore his vanity fair of bishops, deans, and such-like, extruding the peaceful ministers of the Word, whose labours have proved faithful to many hungry souls. So, hearing from a sure hand that commission has gone forth to restore these dumb dogs, the followers of Laud and of Williams, who were cast forth by the late Parliament, and that an Act of Conformity, or rather of deformity, of wor- ship was to be expected, it is my purpose to fiy from the wrath to come, and to seek some corner where I may ^Ii8 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK dwell in peace and enjoy liberty of conscience. For who would abide in the sanctuary after the carved work thereof is broken down, and when it hath been made a place for owls and satyrs of the wilderness? And herein I blame myself, madam, that I went in the singleness of my heart too readily into that carousing in the house of feasting, wherein my love of union, and my desire to show respect to your ladyship, were made a snare to me. But I trust it will be an atonement, that I am now about to absent myself from the place of my birth and the house of my fathers, as well as from the place which holdeth the dust of those pledges of my affection. I have also to remember, that in this land my honour, after the worldly estimation, hath been abated, and my utility circumscribed, by your husband. Sir Geoffrey Peveril; and that without any chance of my obtaining reparation at his hand, whereby I may say the hand of a kinsman was lifted up against my credit and my life. These things are bitter to the taste of the old Adam; wherefore, to prevent further bickerings, and, it may be, bloodshed, it is better that I leave this land for a time. The affairs which remain to be settled between Sir Geoffrey and myself, I shall place in the hand of the righteous Master Joachim Win- the-Fight, an attorney in Chester, who will arrange them with such attention to Sir Geoffrey's con- venience as justice and the due exercise of the law will permit; for, as I trust I shall have grace to resist the temptation to make the weapons of carnal warfare the instruments of my revenge, so I scorn to effect it through the means of Mammon. Wishing, madam, that the Lord may grant you every 119 WAVERLEY NOVELS blessing, and, in especial, that which is over all others, namely, the true knowledge of His way, I remain, Your devoted servant to command, Ralph Bridgenorth. Written at Moultrassie Hall this tenth day of July 1660. So soon as Lady Peveril had perused this long and singular homily, in which it seemed to her that her neigh- bour showed more spirit of religious fanaticism than she could have supposed him possessed of, she looked up and beheld Ellesmere with a countenance in which mortifi- cation and an affected air of contempt seemed to strug- gle together, who, tired with watching the expression of her mistress's countenance, applied for confirmation of her suspicions in plain terms. *I suppose, madam,' said the waiting-woman, 'the fanatic fool intends to marry the wench? They say he goes to shift the country. Truly, it 's time, indeed ; for, besides that the whole neighbourhood would laugh him to scorn, I should not be surprised if Lance Outram, the keeper, gave him a buck's head to bear; for that is all in the way of his oflSce.' 'There is no great occasion for your spite at present, Ellesmere,' replied her lady. ' My letter says nothing of marriage; but it would appear that Master Bridgenorth, being to leave this country, has engaged Deborah to take care of his child ; and I am sure I am heartily glad of it, for the infant's sake.' 'And I am glad of it for my own, 'said Ellesmere; 'and, indeed, for the sake of the whole house. And your lady- 120 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK ship thinks she is not like to be married to him? Troth, I could never see how he should be such an idiot; but perhaps she is going to do worse, for she speaks here of coming to high preferment, and that scarce comes by honest servitude nowadays; then she writes me about sending her things, as if I were mistress of the wardrobe to her ladyship — ay, and recommends Master Julian to the care of my age and experience, forsooth, as if she needed to recommend the dear little jewel to me; and then, to speak of my age. But I will bundle away her rags to the hall, with a witness!' *Do it with all civility,' said the lady, 'and let Whit- aker send her the wages for which she has served, and a broad-piece over and above ; for, though a light-headed young woman, she was kind to the children.' *I know who is kind to their servants, madam, and would spoil the best ever pinned a gown.' 'I spoiled a good one, Ellesmere, when I spoiled thee,' said the lady; ' but tell Mrs. Deborah to kiss the little Alice for me, and to offer my good wishes to Major Bridgenorth, for his temporal and future happiness.' She permitted no observation or reply, but dismissed her attendant, without entering into further particulars. When Ellesmere had withdrawn. Lady Peveril began to reflect, with much feeling of compassion, on the letter of Major Bridgenorth — a person in whom there were certainly many excellent qualities, but whom a series of domestic misfortunes, and the increasing gloom of a sin- cere, yet stern, feeling of devotion, rendered lonely and unhappy; and she had more than one anxious thought for the happiness of the little Alice, brought up, as she was likely to be, under such a father. Still the removal 121 WAVERLEY NOVELS of Bridgenorth was, on the whole, a desirable event; for while he remained at the hall, it was but too likely that some accidental collision with Sir Geoffrey might give rise to a rencontre betwixt them, more fatal than the last had been. In the meanwhile, she could not help expressing to Dr. Dummerar her surprise and sorrow that all which she had done and attempted to stablish peace and unanim- ity betwixt the contending factions had been perversely fated to turn out the very reverse of what she had aimed at. 'But for my unhappy invitation,' she said, 'Bridge- north would not have been at the castle on the morning which succeeded the feast, would not have seen the countess, and would not have incurred the resentment and opposition of my husband. And but for the King's return, an event which was so anxiously expected as the termination of all our calamities, neither the noble lady nor ourselves had been engaged in this new path of diffi- culty and danger.' 'Honoured madam,' said Dr. Dummerar, 'were the affairs of this world to be guided implicitly by human wisdom, or were they uniformly to fall out according to the conjectures of human foresight, events would no longer be under the domination of that time and chance which happen unto all men, since we should, in the one case, work out our own purposes to a certainty, by our own skill, and, in the other, regulate our conduct accord- ing to the \aews of unerring prescience. But man is, while in this vale of tears, like an uninstructed bowler, so to speak, who thinks to attain the jack, by delivering his bowl straight forward upon it, being ignorant that 122 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK there is a concealed bias within the spheroid, which will make it, in all probability, swerve away and lose the cast.' Having spoken this with a sententious air, the doctor took his shovel-shaped hat, and went down to the castle green to conclude a match of bowls with Whitaker, which had probably suggested this notable illustration of the uncertain course of human events. Two days afterwards, Sir Geoffrey arrived. He had waited at Vale Royal till he heard of the countess's being safely embarked for Man, and then had posted home- ward to his castle and Dame Margaret. On his way, he learned from some of his attendants the mode in which his lady had conducted the entertainment which she had given to the neighbourhood at his order; and, notwith- standing the great deference he usually showed in cases where Lady Peverilwas concerned, he heard of her liber- ality towards the Presbyterian party with great indig- nation. 'I could have admitted Bridgenorth,' he said, 'for he always bore him in neighbourly and kindly fashion till this last career — I could have endured him, so he would have drunk the King's health, Hke a true man; but to bring that snufHing scoundrel Solsgrace, with all his beggarly, long-eared congregation, to hold a conventicle in my father's house — to let them domineer it as they listed — why, I would not have permitted them such liberty when they held their head the highest! They never, in the worst of times, found any way into Mar- tindale Castle but what Noll's cannon made for them; and, that they should come and cant there, when good 123 WAVERLEY NOVELS King Charles is returned, — by my hand, Dame Mar- garet shall hear of it!' But, notwithstanding these ireful resolutions, resent- ment altogether subsided in the honest knight's breast when he saw the fair features of his lady hghtened with affectionate joy at his return in safety. As he took her in his arms and kissed her, he forgave her ere he mentioned her offence. 'Thou hast played the knave with me, Meg,' he said, shaking his head, and smihng at the same time, 'and thou knowest in what matter ; but I think thou art true churchwoman, and didst only act from some silly wo- manish fancy of keeping fair with these roguish Round- heads. But let me have no more of this. I had rather Martindale Castle were again rent by their bullets than receive any of the knaves in the way of friendship. I always except Ralph Bridgenorth of the hall, if he should come to his senses again.' Lady Peveril was here under the necessity of explain- ing what she had heard of Master Bridgenorth — the disappearance of the governante with his daughter, and placed Bridgenorth's letter in his hand. Sir Geoffrey shook his head at first, and then laughed extremely at the idea that there was some little love-intrigue between Bridgenorth and Mistress Deborah. 'It is the true end of a dissenter,' he said, 'to marry his own maid-servant or some other person's. Deborah is a good, likely wench, and on the merrier side of thirty, as I should think.' 'Nay — nay,' said the Lady Peveril, 'you are as uncharitable as Ellesmere ; I believe it but to be affection to his child.' 124 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK ^ Pshaw! pshaw!' answered the knight, 'women are eternally thinking of children; but among men, dame, many one caresses the infant that he may kiss the child's maid; and where 's the wonder or the harm either, if Bridgenorth should marry the wench? Her father is a substantial yeoman; his family has had the same farm since Bosworth field — as good a pedigree as that of the great-grandson of a Chesterfield brewer, I trow. But let us hear what he says for himself; I shall spell it out if there is any roguery in the letter about love and liking, though it might escape your innocence, Dame Margaret.' The knight of the Peak began to peruse the letter accordingly, but was much embarrassed by the pecuUar language in which it was couched. 'What he means by moving of candlesticks, and breaking down of carved work in the church, I cannot guess; unless he means to bring back the large silver candlesticks which my grandsire gave to be placed on the altar at Martindale- Moultrassie, and which his crop-eared friends, Hke sacrilegious villains as they are, stole and melted down. And in Hke manner, the only breaking I know of was when they pulled down the rails of the communion- table, for which some of their fingers are hot enough by this time, and when the brass ornaments were torn down from the Peveril monuments; and that was breaking and removing with a vengeance. However, dame, the upshot is, that poor Bridgenorth is going to leave the neighbourhood. I am truly sorry for it, though I never saw him oftener than once a day, and never spoke to him above two words. But I see how it is — that little shake by the shoulder sticks in his stomach; and yet, 125 WAVERLEY NOVELS Meg, I did but lift him out of the saddle as I might have lifted thee into it, Margaret. I was careful not to hurt him ; and I did not think him so tender in point of hon- our as to mind such a thing much. But I see plainly where his sore lies; and I warrant you I will manage that he stays at the hall, and that you get back Julian's little companion. Faith, I am sorry myself at the thought of losing the baby, and of having to choose another ride when it is not hunting-weather than round by the hall, with a word at the window.' 'I should be very glad. Sir Geoffrey,' said Lady Peveril, 'that you could come to a reconcihation with this worthy man, for such I must hold Master Bridge- north to be.' 'But for his dissenting principles, as good a neighbour as ever lived,' said Sir Geoffrey. 'But I scarce see,' continued the lady, 'any possibility of bringing about a conclusion so desirable.' 'Tush, dame,' answered the knight, 'thou knowest little of such matters. I know the foot he halts upon, and you shall see him go as sound as ever.' Lady Peveril had, from her sincere affection and sound sense, as good a right to claim the full confidence of her husband as any woman in Derbyshire; and, upon this occasion, to confess the truth, she had more anxiety to know his purpose than her sense of their mutual and separate duties permitted her in general to entertain. She could not imagine what mode of reconciliation with his neighbour Sir Geoffrey (no very acute judge of man- kind or their pecuharities) could have devised, which might be not disclosed to her; and she felt some secret anxiety lest the means resorted to might be so ill chosen 126 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK as to render the breach rather wider. But Sir Geoffrey would give no opening for further inquiry. He had been long enough colonel of a regiment abroad to value him- self on the right of absolute command at home; and to all the hints which his lady's ingenuity could devise and throw out, he only answered, 'Patience, Dame Mar- garet — patience. This is no case for thy handling. Thou shalt know enough on 't by and by, dame. Go, look to Julian. Will the boy never have done crying for lack of that Httle sprout of a Roundhead? But we will have little Alice back with us in two or three days, and all will be well again.' As the good knight spoke these words, a post winded his horn in the court, and a large packet was brought in, addressed to the worshipful Sir Geoffrey Peveril, Justice of the Peace, and so forth; for he had been placed in authority so soon as the King's restoration was put upon a settled basis. Upon opening the packet, which he did with no small feehng of importance, he found that it contained the warrant which he had solicited for re- placing Doctor Dummerar in the parish, from which he had been forcibly ejected during the usurpation.^ Few incidents could have given more delight to Sir Geoffrey. He could forgive a stout, able-bodied sectary or nonconformist, who enforced his doctrines in the field by downright blows on the casques and cuirasses of himself and other Cavaliers; but he remembered, with most vindictive accuracy, the triumphant entrance of Hugh Peters through the breach of his castle; and for his sake, without nicely distinguishing betwixt sects or their teachers, he held all who mounted a pulpit with- * See Note 6. 127 WAVERLEY NOVELS out warrant from the Church of England — perhaps he might also in private except that of Rome — to be disturbers of the public tranquillity, seducers of the congregation from their lawful preachers, instigators of the late Civil War, and men well disposed to risk the fate of a new one. Then, on the other hand, besides gratifying his dis- Hke to Solsgrace, he saw much satisfaction in the task of replacing his old friend and associate in sport and in danger, the worthy Doctor Dummerar, in his legitimate rights, and in the ease and comforts of his vicarage. He communicated the contents of the packet, with great triumph, to the lady, who now perceived the sense of the mysterious paragraph in Major Bridgenorth's letter concerning the removal of the candlestick, and the extinction of Hght and doctrine in the land. She pointed this out to Sir Geoffrey, and endeavoured to persuade him that a door was now opened to reconciliation with his neighbour, by executing the commission which he had received in an easy and moderate manner, after due delay, and with all respect to the feelings both of Sols- grace and his congregation, which circumstances ad- mitted of. This, the lady argued, would be doing no injury whatever to Dr. Dummerar — nay, might be the means of reconciling many to his ministry, who might otherwise be disgusted with it for ever, by the premature expulsion of a favourite preacher. There was much wisdom, as well as moderation, in this advice; and, at another time, Sir Geoffrey would have had sense enough to have adopted it. But who can act composedly or prudently in the hour of triumph? The ejection of Mr. Solsgrace was so hastily executed as 128 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK to give it some appearance of persecution ; though, more justly considered, it was the restoring of his predecessor to his legal rights. Solsgrace himself seemed to be desir- ous to make his sufferings as manifest as possible. He held out to the last; and on the Sabbath after he had received intimation of his ejection, attempted to make his way to the pulpit as usual, supported by Mas- ter Bridgenorth's attorney, Win-the-Fight, and a few zealous followers. Just as this party came into the churchyard on the one side, Dr. Dummerar, dressed in full pontificals, in a sort of triumphal procession, accompanied by Peveril of the Peak, Sir Jasper Cranbourne, and other Cavaliers of distinction, entered at the other. To prevent an actual struggle in the church, the par- ish officers were sent to prevent the farther approach of the Presbyterian minister; which was effected with- out further damage than a broken head, inflicted by Roger Raine, the drunken innkeeper of the Peveril Arms, upon the Presbyterian attorney of Chesterfield. Unsubdued in spirit, though compelled to retreat by superior force, the undaunted Mr. Solsgrace retired to the vicarage; where, under some legal pretext which had been started by Mr. Win-the-Fight (in that day un- aptly named), he attempted to maintain himself — bolted gates, barred windows, and, as report said (though falsely), made provision of firearms to resist the ofiicers. A scene of clamour and scandal accordingly took place, which being reported to Sir Geoffrey, he came in person, with some of his attendants carrying arms, forced the outer gate and inner doors of the house, and, proceeding to the study, found no other garrison «7 129 WAVERLEY NOVELS save the Presbyterian parson, with the attorney, who gave up possession of the premises, after making protes- tation against the violence that had been used. The rabble of the village being by this time all in motion, Sir Geoffrey, both in prudence and in good- nature, saw the propriety of escorting his prisoners, for so they might be termed, safely through the tumult; and accordingly conveyed them in person, through much noise and clamour, as far as the avenue of Moultrassie Hall, which they chose for the place of their retreat. But the absence of Sir Geoffrey gave the rein to some disorders, which, if present, he would assuredly have restrained. Some of the minister's books were torn and flung about as treasonable and seditious trash, by the zealous parish officers or their assistants. A quantity of his ale was drunk up in healths to the King and Peveril of the Peak. And finally, the boys, who bore the ex-parson no good-will for his tyrannical interference with their games at skittles, football, and so forth, and, moreover, remembered the unmerciful length of his sermons, dressed up an effigy with his Geneva gown and band and his steeple-crowned hat, which they paraded through the village, and burnt on the spot whilom occu- pied by a stately Maypole, which Solsgrace had for- merly hewed down with his own reverend hands. Sir Geoffrey was vexed at all this, and sent to Mr. Solsgrace, offering satisfaction for the goods which he had lost; but the Calvinistical divine replied, 'From a thread to a shoe-latchet, I will not take anything that is thine. Let the shame of the work of thy hands abide with thee.' Considerable scandal, indeed, arose against Sir 130 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK Geoffrey Peveril, as having proceeded with indecent severity and haste upon this occasion ; and rumour took care to make the usual additions to the reality. It was currently reported that the desperate Cavalier, Peveril of the Peak, had fallen on a Presbyterian congregation, while engaged in the peaceable exercise of religion, with a band of armed men, had slain some, desperately wounded many more, and finally pursued the preacher to his vicarage, which he burnt to the ground. Some alleged the clergyman had perished in the flames; and the most mitigated report bore, that he had only been able to escape by disposing his gown, cap, and band near a window, in such a manner as to deceive them with the idea of his person being still surrounded by flames, while he himself fled by the back part of the house. And although few people beHeved in the extent of the atrocities thus imputed to our honest Cavalier, yet still enough of obloquy attached to him to infer very serious consequences, as the reader will learn at a future period of our history. CHAPTER IX Bessus. T is a challenge, sir, is it not? Gentleman. 'T is an inviting to the field. King and No King. For a day or two after this forcible expulsion from the vicarage, Mr. Solsgrace continued his residence at Moultrassie Hall, where the natural melancholy attend- ant on his situation added to the gloom of the owner of the mansion. In the morning, the ejected divine made excursions to different families in the neighbourhood, to whom his ministry had been acceptable in the days of his prosperity, and from whose grateful recollections of that period he now found sympathy and consolation. He did not require to be condoled with because he was deprived of an easy and competent maintenance, and thrust out upon the common of life, after he had reason to suppose he would be no longer liable to such muta- tions of fortune. The piety of Mr. Solsgrace was sincere; and if he had many of the uncharitable prejudices against other sects which polemical controversy had generated, and the Civil War brought to a head, he had also that deep sense of duty by which enthusiasm is so often dignified, and held his very life httle, if called upon to lay it down in attestation of the doctrines in which he believed. But he was soon to prepare for leaving the district which Heaven, he conceived, had assigned to him as his corner of the vineyard ; he was to abandon his flock to the wolf; was to forsake those with 132 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK whom he had held sweet counsel in religious communion; was to leave the recently converted to relapse into false doctrines, and forsake the wavering, whom his contin- ued cares might have directed into the right path — these were of themselves deep causes of sorrow, and were aggravated, doubtless, by those natural feelings with which all men, especially those whose duties or habits have confined them to a limited circle, regard the sepa- ration from wonted scenes and their accustomed haunts of solitary musing or social intercourse. There was, indeed, a plan of placing Mr. Solsgrace at the head of a Nonconforming congregation in his present parish, which his followers would have readily consented to endow with a sufficient revenue. But although the Act for universal conformity was not yet passed, such a measure was understood to be impending, and there existed a general opinion among the Presbyterians that in no hands was it likely to be more strictly enforced than in those of Peveril of the Peak. Solsgrace himself considered not only his personal danger as being con- siderable — for, assuming perhaps more consequence than was actually attached to him or his productions, he conceived the honest knight to be his mortal and determined enemy — but he also conceived that he should serve the cause of his church by absenting him- self from Derbyshire. 'Less known pastors,' he said, 'though perhaps more worthy of the name, may be permitted to assemble the scattered flocks in caverns or in secret wilds, and to them shall the gleaning of the grapes of Ephraim be better than the vintage of Abiezer. But I, that have so often carried the banner forth against the mighty — I, 133 WAVERLEY NOVELS whose tongue hath testified, morning and evening, like the watchman upon the tower, against Popery, Prelacy, and the tyrant of the Peak — for me to abide here were but to bring the sword of bloody vengeance amongst you, that the shepherd might be smitten and the sheep scattered. The shedders of blood have already assailed me, even within that ground which they themselves call consecrated; and yourselves have seen the scalp of the righteous broken, as he defended my cause. Therefore, I will put on my sandals and gird my loins, and depart to a far country, and there do as my duty shall call upon me, whether it be to act or to suffer, to bear testi- mony at the stake or in the pulpit.' Such were the sentiments which Mr. Solsgrace ex- pressed to his desponding friends, and which he expati- ated upon at more length with Major Bridgenorth ; not failing, with friendly zeal, to rebuke the haste which the latter had shown to thrust out the hand of fellowship to the Amalekite woman, whereby he reminded him, *He had been rendered her slave and bondsman for a season, Hke Samson, betrayed by Delilah, and might have remained longer in the house of Dagon, had not Heaven pointed to him a way out of the snare. Also, it sprung originally from the major's going up to feast in the high place of Baal, that he who was the champion of the truth was stricken down and put to shame by the enemy, even in the presence of the host.' These objurgations seeming to give some offence to Major Bridgenorth, who liked no better than any other man to hear of his own mishaps, and at the same time to have them imputed to his own misconduct, the worthy divine proceeded to take shame to himself for his own 134 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK sinful compliance in that matter; for to the vengeance justly due for that unhappy dinner at Martindale Castle, 'which was/ he said, 'a crying of peace when there was no peace, and a dwelHng in the tents of sin,' he imputed his ejection from his living, with the destruc- tion of some of his most pithy and highly prized volumes of divinity, with the loss of his cap, gown, and band, and a double hogshead of choice Derby ale. The mind of Major Bridgenorth was strongly tinged with devotional feeling, which his late misfortunes had rendered more deep and solemn; and it is therefore no wonder that, when he heard these arguments urged again and again by a pastor whom he so much respected, and who was now a confessor in the cause of their joint faith, he began to look back with disapproval on his own con- duct, and to suspect that he had permitted himself to be seduced by gratitude towards Lady Peveril, and by her special arguments in favour of a mutual and tolerating HberaHty of sentiments, into an action which had a ten- dency to compromise his religious and pohtical prin- ciples. One morning, as Major Bridgenorth had wearied him- self with several details respecting the arrangement of his affairs, he was reposing in the leathern easy-chair, beside the latticed window — a posture which, by natu- ral association, recalled to him the memory of former times, and the feelings with which he was wont to expect the recurring visit of Sir Geoffrey, who brought him news of his child's welfare. 'Surely,' he said, thinking, as it were, aloud, 'there was no sin in the kindness with which I then regarded that man.' Solsgrace, who was in the apartment, and guessed 135 WAVERLEY NOVELS what passed through his friend's mind, acquainted as he was with every point of his history, replied — ' When God caused Elijah to be fed by ravens, while hiding at the brook Cherith, we hear not of his fondling the un- clean birds, whom, contrary to their ravening nature, a miracle compelled to minister to him.' *It may be so,' answered Bridgenorth, 'yet the flap of their wings must have been gracious in the ear of the famished prophet, like the tread of his horse in mine. The ravens, doubtless, resumed their nature when the season was passed, and even so it has fared with him. Hark ! ' he exclaimed, starting, ' I hear his horse's hoof- tramp even now.' It was seldom that the echoes of that silent house and courtyard were awakened by the trampKng of horses, but such was now the case. Both Bridgenorth and Solsgrace were surprised at the sound, and even disposed to anticipate some further op- pression on the part of government, when the major's old servant introduced, with little ceremony (for his manners were nearly as plain as his master's), a tall gentleman on the further side of middle Ufe, whose vest and cloak, long hair, slouched hat, and drooping feather, announced him as a Cavalier. He bowed formally, but courteously, to both gentlemen, and said, that he was 'Sir Jasper Cranbourne, charged with an especial mes- sage to Master Ralph Bridgenorth, of Moultrassie Hall, by his honourable friend Sir Geoffrey Peveril of the Peak, and that he requested to know whether Master Bridge- north would be pleased to receive his acquittal of com- mission here or elsewhere.' 'Anything which Sir Geoffrey Peveril can have to say 136 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK to me/ said Major Bridgenorth, 'may be told instantly, and before my friend, from whom I have no secrets.' ' The presence of any other friend were, instead of being objectionable, the thing in the world most to be desired,' said Sir Jasper, after a moment's hesitation, and looking at Mr. Solsgrace; 'but this gentleman seems to be a sort of clergyman/ * I am not conscious of any secrets,' answered Bridge- north, ' nor do I desire to have any, in which a clergyman is an unfitting confidant.' 'At your pleasure,' replied Sir Jasper. 'The confi- dence, for aught I know, may be well enough chosen, for your divines — always under your favour — have proved no enemies to such matters as I am to treat with you upon.' 'Proceed, sir,' answered Mr. Bridgenorth, gravely; 'and I pray you to be seated, unless it is rather your pleasure to stand.' ' I must, in the first place, deliver myself of my small commission,' answered Sir Jasper, drawing himself up; 'and it will be after I have seen the reception thereof that I shall know whether I am or am not to sit down at Moultrassie Hall. Sir Geoffrey Peveril, Master Bridgenorth, hath carefully considered with himself the unhappy circumstances which at present separate you as neighbours. And he remembers many passages in former times — I speak his very words — which incline him to do all that can possibly consist with his honour to wipe out unkindness between you ; and for this desirable ob- ject he is willing to condescend in a degree which, as you could not have expected, it will no doubt give you great pleasure to learn.' 137 WAVERLEY NOVELS 'Allow me to say, Sir Jasper,' said Bridgenorth, 'that this is unnecessary. I have made no complaints of Sir Geoffrey; I have required no submission from him. I am about to leave this country; and what affairs we may have together can be as well settled by others as by ourselves.' ' In a word,' said the divine, ' the worthy Major Bridge- north hath had enough of trafficking with the ungodly, and will no longer, on any terms, consort with them.' ' Gentlemen both,' said Sir Jasper, with imperturbable politeness, bowing, 'you greatly mistake the tenor of my commission, which you will do as well to hear out before making any reply to it. I think. Master Bridge- north, you cannot but remember your letter to the Lady Peveril, of which I have here a rough copy, in which you complain of the hard measure which you have received at Sir Geoffrey's hand, and in particular when he pulled you from your horse at or near Hartley Nick. Now, Sir Geoffrey thinks so well of you as to believe that, were it not for the wide difference betwixt his descent and rank and your own, you would have sought to bring this mat- ter to a gentlemanhke arbitrement, as the only mode whereby your stain may be honourably wiped away. Wherefore in this slight note, he gives you, in his gener- osity, the offer of what you, in your modesty, for to no- thing else does he impute your acquiescence, have de- clined to demand of him. And withal, I bring you the measure of his weapon ; and when you have accepted the cartel which I now offer you, I shall be ready to settle the time, place, and other circumstances of your meeting.' 'And I,' said Solsgrace, with a solemn voice, 'should the Author of Evil tempt my friend to accept of so 138 i PEVERIL OF THE PEAK bloodthirsty a proposal, would be the first to pronounce against him sentence of the greater excommunication.' * It is not you whom I address, reverend sir/ replied the envoy; 'your interest, not unnaturally, may determine you to be more anxious about your patron's life than about his honour. I must know from himself to which he is disposed to give the preference.' So saying, and with a graceful bow, he again tendered the challenge to Major Bridgenorth. There was obvi- ously a struggle in that gentleman's bosom between the suggestions of human honour and those of religious prin- ciple; but the latter prevailed. He calmly waived re- ceiving the paper which Sir Jasper offered to him, and spoke to the following purpose : — 'It may not be known to you. Sir Jasper, that, since the general pouring out of Christian light upon this kingdom, many solid men have been led to doubt whether the shedding human blood by the hand of a fellow-creature be in any respect justi- fiable. And although this rule appears to me to be scarcely applicable to our state in this stage of trial, seeing that such non-resistance, if general, would sur- render our civil and religious rights into the hands of whatsoever daring tyrants might usurp the same; yet I am, and have been, inclined to limit the use of carnal arms to the case of necessary self-defence, whether such regards our own person or the protection of our country against invasion; or of our rights of property, and the freedom of our laws and of our conscience, against usurp- ing power. And as I have never shown myself unwilling to draw my sword in any of the latter causes, so you shall excuse my suffering it now to remain in the scabbard, when, having sustained a grievous injury, the man who 139 WAVERLEY NOVELS inflicted it summons me to combat, either upon an idle punctilio or, as is more likely, in mere bravado.' *I have heard you with patience,' said Sir Jasper; 'and now, Master Bridgenorth, take it not amiss if I beseech you to bethink yourself better on this matter. I vow to Heaven, sir, that your honour lies a-bleeding; and that in condescending to afford you this fair meeting, and thereby giving you some chance to stop its wounds, Sir Geoffrey has been moved by a tender sense of your condition, and an earnest wish to redeem your dis- honour. And it will be but the crossing of your blade with his honoured sword for the space of some few min- utes, and you will either live or die a noble and honoured gentleman; besides that the knight's exquisite skill of fence may enable him, as his good-nature will incline him, to disarm you with some flesh wound, Httle to the damage of your person, and greatly to the benefit of your reputation.' 'The tender mercies of the wicked,' said Master Sols- grace, emphatically, by way of commenting on this speech, which Sir Jasper had uttered very pathetically, 'are cruel.' 'I pray to have no further interruption from your reverence,' said Sir Jasper; 'especially as I think this affair very little concerns you; and I entreat that you permit me to discharge myself regularly of my commis- sion from my worthy friend.' So saying, he took his sheathed rapier from his belt, and passing the point through the silk thread which se- cured the letter, he once more, and literally at sword- point, gracefully tendered it to Major Bridgenorth, who again waived it aside, though colouring deeply at 140 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK the same time, as if he was putting a marked constraint upon himself, drew back, and made Sir Jasper Cran- bourne a deep bow. 'Since it is to be thus/ said Sir Jasper, * I must myself do violence to the seal of Sir Geoffrey's letter, and read it to you, that I may fully acquit myself of the charge entrusted to me, and make you. Master Bridgenorth, equally aware of the generous intentions of Sir Geoffrey on your behalf.' *If,' said Major Bridgenorth, 'the contents of the letter be to no other purpose than you have intimated, methinks further ceremony is unnecessary on this occa- sion, as I have already taken my course.' 'Nevertheless,' said Sir Jasper, breaking open the letter, ' it is fitting that I read to you the letter of my wor- shipful friend.' And he read accordingly as follows: — For the worthy hands of Ralph Bridgenorth, Esquire, of Moultrassie Hall — These : By the honoured conveyance of the Worshipful Sir Jasper Cranbourne, Knight, of Long MalUngton. Master Bridgenorth — We have been given to understand by your letter to our loving wife. Dame Margaret Peveril, that you hold hard construction of certain passages betwixt you and I, of a late date, as if your honour should have been, in some sort, prejudiced by what then took place. And al- though you have not thought it fit to have direct re- course to me, to request such satisfaction as is due from one gentleman of condition to another, yet I am fully minded that this proceeds only from modesty, arising 141 WAVERLEY NOVELS out of the distinction of our degree, and from no lack of that courage which you have heretofore displayed, I would I could say in a good cause. Wherefore I am pur- posed to give you, by my friend Sir Jasper Cranbourne, a meeting, for the sake of doing that which doubtless you entirely long for. Sir Jasper will deliver you the length of my weapon, and appoint circumstances and an hour for our meeting; which, whether early or late, on foot or horseback, with rapier or backsword, I refer to yourself, with all the other privileges of a challenged person; only desiring that, if you decline to match my weapon, you will send me forthwith the length and breadth of your own. And nothing doubting that the issue of this meeting must needs be to end, in one way or other, all unkindness betwixt two near neighbours, I remain, Your humble servant to command, Geoffrey Peveril of the Peak. Given from my poor house of Martindale Castle, this same of sixteen himdred and sixty. 'Bear back my respects to Sir Geoffrey Peveril,' said Major Bridgenorth. 'According to his hght, his mean- ing may be fair towards me; but tell him that our quar- rel had its rise in his own wilful aggression towards me ; and that, though I wish to be in charity with all man- kind, I am not so wedded to his friendship as to break the laws of God, and run the risk of suffering or commit- ting murder, in order to regain it. And for you, sir, me- thinks your advanced years and past misfortunes might teach you the folly of coming on such idle errands.' 142 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK 'I shall do your message, Master Ralph Bridgenorth/ said Sir Jasper ; ' and shall then endeavour to forget your name, as a sound unfit to be pronounced, or even remem- bered, by a man of honour. In the meanwhile, in return for your uncivil advice, be pleased to accept of mine — namely, that as your religion prevents your giving a gentleman satisfaction, it ought to make you very cau- tious of offering him provocation.' So saying, and with a look of haughty scorn, first at the major and then at the divine, the envoy of Sir Geof- frey put his hat on his head, replaced his rapier in its belt, and left the apartment. In a few minutes after- wards the tread of his horse died away at a considerable distance. Bridgenorth had held his hand upon his brow ever since his departure, and a tear of anger and shame was on his face as he raised it when the sound was heard no more. *He carries this answer to Martindale Castle,' he said. 'Men will hereafter think of me as a whipped, beaten, dishonourable fellow, whom every one may bafiie and insult at their pleasure. It is well I am leav- ing the house of my father.' Master Solsgrace approached his friend with much sympathy, and grasped him by the hand. 'Noble bro- ther,' he said, with unwonted kindness of manner, * though a man of peace, I can judge what this sacrifice hath cost to thy manly spirit. But God will not have from us an imperfect obedience. We must not, like Ananias and Sapphira, reserve behind some darhng lust, some favourite sin, while we pretend to make sacrifice of our worldly affections. What avails it to say that we have but secreted a little matter, if the sUghtest remnant 143 WAVERLEY NOVELS of the accursed thing remain hidden in our tent? Would it be a defence in thy prayers to say, " I have not mur- dered this man for the lucre of gain, like a robber; nor for the acquisition of power, like a tyrant; nor for the gratification of revenge, like a darkened savage ; but be- cause the imperious voice of worldly honour said, * Go forth — kill or be killed — is it not I that have sent thee?'" Bethink thee, my worthy friend, how thou couldst frame such a vindication in thy prayers; and if thou art forced to tremble at the blasphemy of such an excuse, remember in thy prayers the thanks due to Hea- ven, which enabled thee to resist the strong tempta- tion.' 'Reverend and dear friend,' answered Bridgenorth, *I feel that you speak the truth. Bitterer indeed, and harder, to the old Adam is the text which ordains him to suffer shame than that which bids him to do valiantly for the truth. But happy am I that my path through the wilderness of this world will, for some space at least, be along with one whose zeal and friendship are so active to support me when I am fainting in the way.' While the inhabitants of Moultrassie Hall thus com- municated together upon the purport of Sir Jasper Cranbourne's visit, that worthy knight greatly excited the surprise of Sir Geoffrey Peveril by reporting the manner in which his embassy had been received. *I took him for a man of other metal,' said Sir Geof- frey; *nay, I would have sworn it, had any one asked my testimony. But there is no making a silken purse out of a sow's ear. I have done a folly for him that I will never do for another; and that is, to think a Presbyterian would fight without his preacher's permission. Give 144 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK them a two hours' sermon, and let them howl a psalm to a tune that is worse than the cries of a flogged hound, and the villains will lay on Hke threshers; but for a calm, cool, gentlemanHke turn upon the sod, hand to hand, in a neighbourly way, they have not honour enough to un- dertake it. But enough of our crop-eared cur of a neigh- bour. Sir Jasper, you will tarry with us to dine, and see how Dame Margaret's kitchen smokes; and after dinner I will show you a long-winged falcon fly. She is not mine, but the countess's, who brought her from London on her fist almost the whole way, for all the haste she was in, and left her with me to keep the perch for a season.' This match was soon arranged; and Dame Margaret overheard the good knight's resentment mutter itself off, with those feelings with which we listen to the last growhng of the thunderstorm, which, as the black cloud sinks behind the hill, at once assures us that there has been danger and that the peril is over. She could not, indeed, but marvel in her own mind at the singular path of reconciliation with his neighbour which her husband had, with so much confidence, and in the actual sincerity of his good-will to Mr. Bridgenorth, attempted to open; and she blessed God internally that it had not termin- ated in bloodshed. But these reflections she locked carefully within her own bosom, well knowing that they referred to subjects in which the knight of the Peak would neither permit his sagacity to be called in ques- tion nor his will to be controlled. The progress of the history hath hitherto been slow; but after this period so little matter worthy of mark oc- curred at Martindale that we must hurry over hastily the transactions of several years. «7 CHAPTER X Cleopatra. Give me to drink mandragora, That I may sleep away this gap of time. Antony and Cleopatra. There passed, as we hinted at the conclusion of the last chapter, four or five years after the period we have dilated upon, the events of which scarcely require to be discussed, so far as our present purpose is concerned, in as many lines. The knight and his lady continued to reside at their castle — she, with prudence and with patience, endeavouring to repair the damages which the Civil Wars had inflicted upon their fortune; and murmuring a Httle w^hen her plans of economy were interrupted by the liberal hospitality which was her husband's principal expense, and to which he was attached, not only from his own English heartiness of disposition, but from ideas of maintaining the dignity of his ancestry — no less remarkable, according to the tradition of their buttery, kitchen, and cellar, for the fat beeves which they roasted, and the mighty ale which they brewed, than for their extensive estates and the number of their retainers. The world, however, upon the whole, went happily and easily with the worthy couple. Sir Geoffrey's debt to his neighbour Bridgenorth continued, it is true, un- abated; but he was the only creditor upon the Martin- dale estate, all others being paid off. It would have been most desirable that this encumbrance also should be 146 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK cleared, and it was the great object of Dame Margaret's economy to effect the discharge; for although interest was regularly settled with Master Win-the-Fight, the Chesterfield attorney, yet the principal sum, which was a large one, might be called for at an inconvenient time. The man, too, was gloomy, important, and mysterious, and always seemed as if he was thinking upon his broken head in the churchyard of Martindale cum Moultrassie. Dame Margaret sometimes transacted the necessary business with him in person; and when he came to the castle on these occasions, she thought she saw a mali- cious and disobliging expression in his manner and coun- tenance. Yet his actual conduct was not only fair but liberal; for indulgence was given, in the way of delay of payment, whenever circumstances rendered it necessary to the debtor to require it. It seemed to Lady Peveril that the agent, in such cases, was acting under the strict orders of his absent employer, concerning whose welfare she could not help feeling a certain anxiety. Shortly after the failure of the singular negotiation for attaining peace by combat which Peveril had at- tempted to open with Major Bridgenorth, that gentle- man left his seat of Moultrassie Hall in the care of his old housekeeper, and departed, no one knew whither, having in company with him his daughter Alice and Mrs. Deborah Debbitch, now formally installed in all the duties of a governante; to these was added the Reverend Master Solsgrace. For some time pubHc rumour per- sisted in asserting that Major Bridgenorth had only retreated to a distant part of the country for a season, to achieve his supposed purpose of marrying Mrs. Deborah, and of letting the news be cold, and the laugh 147 WAVERLEY NOVELS of the neighbourhood be ended, ere he brought her down as mistress of Moultrassie Hall. This rumour died away; and it was then affirmed that he had removed to foreign parts, to ensure the continuance of health in so delicate a constitution as that of little Alice. But when the major's dread of Popery was remembered, together with the still deeper antipathies of worthy Master Nehemiah Solsgrace, it was resolved unanimously that nothing less than what they might deem a fair chance of con- verting the Pope would have induced the parties to trust themselves within CathoHc dominions. The most prevailing opinion was, that they had gone to New Eng- land, the refuge then of many whom too intimate con- cern with the affairs of the late times, or the desire of enjoying uncontrolled freedom of conscience, had in- duced to emigrate from Britain. Lady Peveril could not help entertaining a vague idea that Bridgenorth was not so distant. The extreme order in which everything was maintained at Moultrassie Hall seemed — no disparagement to the care of Dame Dickens, the housekeeper, and the other persons en- gaged — to argue that the master's eye was not so very far off but that its occasional inspection might be appre- hended. It is true, that neither the domestics nor the attorney answered any questions respecting the resi- dence of Master Bridgenorth; but there was an air of mystery about them when interrogated that seemed to argue more than met the ear. About five years after Master Bridgenorth had left the country, a singular incident took place. Sir Geoffrey was absent at the Chesterfield races, and Lady Peveril, who was in the habit of walking around every part of 148 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK the neighbourhood unattended, or only accompanied by EUesmere or her little boy, had gone down one evening upon a charitable errand to a solitary hut, whose inhab- itant lay sick of a fever, which was supposed to be infec- tious. Lady Peveril never allowed apprehensions of this kind to stop ' devoted charitable deeds ' ; but she did not choose to expose either her son or her attendant to the risk which she herself, in some confidence that she knew precautions for escaping the danger, did not hesi- tate to incur. Lady Peveril had set out at a late hour in the evening, and the way proved longer than she expected; several circumstances also occurred to detain her at the hut of her patient. It was a broad autumn moonlight when she prepared to return homeward through the broken glades and upland which divided her from the castle. This she considered as a matter of very little importance in so quiet and sequestered a country, where the road lay chiefly through her own domains, especially as she had a lad about fifteen years old, the son of her patient, to escort her on the way. The distance was better than two miles, but might be considerably abridged by passing through an avenue belonging to the estate of Moul- trassie Hall, which she had avoided as she came, not from the ridiculous rumours which pronounced it to be haunted, but because her husband was much displeased when any attempt was made to render the walks of the castle and hall common to the inhabitants of both. The good lady, in consideration, perhaps, of extensive latitude allowed to her in the more important concerns of the family, made a point of never interfering with her hus- band's whims or prejudices; and it is a compromise 149 WAVERLEY NOVELS which we would heartily recommend to all managing matrons of our acquaintance; for it is surprising how much real power will be cheerfully resigned to the fair sex for the pleasure of being allowed to ride one's hobby in peace and quiet. Upon the present occasion, however, although the Dobby's Walk was within the inhibited domains of the hall, the Lady Peveril determined to avail herself of it, for the purpose of shortening her road home, and she directed her steps accordingly. But when the peasant- boy, her companion, who had hitherto followed her, whisthng cheerily, with a hedge-bill in his hand, and his hat on one side, perceived that she turned to the stile which entered to the Dobby's Walk, he showed symp- toms of great fear, and at length, coming to the lady's side, petitioned her, in a whimpering tone, 'Don't ye now — don't ye now, my lady — don't ye go yonder.' Lady Peveril, observing that his teeth chattered in his head, and that his whole person exhibited great signs of terror, began to recollect the report that the first squire of Moultrassie, the brewer of Chesterfield, who had bought the estate, and then died of melancholy for lack of something to do, and, as was said, not without suspicions of suicide, was supposed to walk in this sequestered avenue, accompanied by a large headless mastiff, which, when he was alive, was a particular favourite of the ex-brewer. To have expected any pro- tection from her escort, in the condition to which super- stitious fear had reduced him, would have been truly a hopeless trust; and Lady Peveril, who was not appre- hensive of any danger, thought there would be great cruelty in dragging the cowardly boy into a scene which 150 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK he regarded with so much apprehension. She gave him, therefore, a silver piece, and permitted him to return. The latter boon seemed even more acceptable than the first; for, ere she could return the purse into her pocket, she heard the wooden clogs of her bold convoy in full retreat, by the way from whence they came. Smiling within herself at the fear she esteemed so ludicrous, Lady Peveril ascended the stile, and was soon hidden from the broad hght of the moonbeams by the numerous and entangled boughs of the huge elms, which, meeting from either side, totally overarched the old avenue. The scene was calculated to excite solemn thoughts; and the distant glimmer of a light from one of the numerous casements in the front of Moultrassie Hall, which lay at some distance, was calculated to make them even melancholy. She thought of the fate of that family — of the deceased Mrs. Bridgenorth, with whom she had often walked in this very avenue, and who, though a woman of no high parts or accomplishments, had always testified the deepest respect and the most earnest gratitude for such notice as she had shown to her. She thought of her blighted hopes — her pre- mature death — the despair of her self -banished hus- band — the uncertain fate of their orphan child, for whom she felt, even at this distance of time, some touch of a mother's affection. Upon such sad subjects her thoughts were turned, when, just as she attained the middle of the avenue, the imperfect and checkered light which found its way through the silvan archway showed her something which resembled the figure of a man. Lady Peveril paused a moment, but instantly advanced; her bosom, perhaps, 151 WAVERLEY NOVELS gave one startled throb, as a debt to the superstitious belief of the times, but she instantly repelled the thought of supernatural appearances. From those that were merely mortal she had nothing to fear. A marauder on the game was the worst character whom she was hkely to encounter; and he would be sure to hide him- self from her observation. She advanced, accordingly, steadily; and, as she did so, had the satisfaction, to observe that the figure, as she expected, gave place to her, and glided away amongst the trees on the left-hand side of the avenue. As she passed the spot on which the form had been so lately visible, and bethought herself that this wanderer of the night might, nay must, be in her vicinity, her resolution could not prevent her mend- ing her pace, and that with so little precaution, that, stimibHng over the Hmb of a tree, which, twisted off by a late tempest, still lay in the avenue, she fell, and, as she fell, screamed aloud. A strong hand in a moment afterwards added to her fear by assisting her to rise, and a voice, to whose accents she was not a stranger, though they had been long unheard, said, *Is it not you, Lady Peveril? ' *It is I,' said she, commanding her astonishment and fear; 'and, if my ear deceive me not, I speak to Master Bridgenorth.' *I was that man,' he repHed, 'while oppression left me a name.' He spoke nothing more, but continued to walk beside her for a minute or two in silence. She felt her situation embarrassing; and, to divest it of that feeling, as well as out of real interest in the question, she asked him, 'How her god-daughter Alice was now? ' 152 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK 'Of god-daughter, madam/ answered Major Bridge- north, *I know nothing; that being one of the names which have been introduced to the corruption and pol- lution of God's ordinances. The infant who owed to your ladyship, so called, her escape from disease and death, is a healthy and thriving girl, as I am given to understand by those in whose charge she is lodged, for I have not lately seen her. And it is even the recollec- tion of these passages which in a manner impelled me, alarmed also by your fall, to offer myself to you in this time and mode, which in other respects is no way con- sistent with my present safety.' 'With your safety. Master Bridgenorth!' said the Lady Peveril; 'surely, I could never have thought that it was in danger!' 'You have some news, then, yet to learn, madam,' said Major Bridgenorth; 'but you will hear, in the course of to-morrow, reasons why I dare not appear openly in the neighbourhood of my own property, and wherefore there is small judgment in committing the knowledge of my present residence to any one connected with Martindale Castle.' 'Master Bridgenorth,' said the lady, *you were in former times prudent and cautious; I hope you have been misled by no hasty impression — by no rash scheme ; I hope — ' 'Pardon my interrupting you, madam,' said Bridge- north. ' I have indeed been changed — ay, my very heart within me has been changed. In the times to which your ladyship, so called, thinks proper to refer, I was a man of this world, bestowing on it all my thoughts, all my actions, save formal observances, little 153 WAVERLEY NOVELS deeming what was the duty of a Christian man, and how far his self-denial ought to extend, even unto giving all as if he gave nothing. Hence I thought chiefly on carnal things — on the adding of field to field, and wealth to wealth, of the balancing between party and party, securing a friend here without losing a friend there. But Heaven smote me for my apostasy, the rather that I abused the name of religion, as a self-seeker, and a most blinded and carnal will-worshipper. But I thank Him who hath at length brought me out of Egypt.' In our day, although we have many instances of enthusiasm among us, we might still suspect one who avowed it thus suddenly and broadly of hypocrisy or of insanity; but, according to the fashion of the times, such opinions as those which Bridgenorth expressed were openly pleaded as the ruHng motives of men's actions. The sagacious Vane, the brave and skilful Harrison, were men who acted avowedly under the influence of such. Lady Peveril, therefore, was more grieved than surprised at the language she heard Major Bridgenorth use, and reasonably concluded that the society and cir- cumstances in which he might lately have been engaged had blown into a flame the spark of eccentricity which always smouldered in his bosom. This was the more probable, considering that he was melancholy by consti- tution and descent, that he had been unfortunate in several particulars, and that no passion is more easily nursed by indulgence than the species of enthusiasm of which he now showed tokens. She therefore an- swered him by calmly hoping, 'That the expression of his sentiments had not involved him in suspicion or in danger.' 154 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK 'In suspicion, madam!' answered the major; 'for I cannot forbear giving to you, such is the strength of habit, one of those idle titles by which we poor potsherds are wont, in our pride, to denominate each other. I walk not only in suspicion, but in that degree of danger that, were your husband to meet me at this instant — me, a native Englishman, treading on my own lands — I have no doubt he would do his best to offer me to the Moloch of Romish superstition who now rages abroad for victims among God's people.' 'You surprise me by your language. Major Bridge- north,' said the lady, who now felt rather anxious to be reheved from his company, and with that purpose walked on somewhat hastily. He mended his pace, however, and kept close by her side. 'Know you not,' said he, 'that Satan hath come down upon earth with great wrath, because his time is short. The next heir to the crown is an avowed Papist; and who dare assert, save sycophants and time-servers, that he who wears it is not equally ready to stoop to Rome, were he not kept in awe by a few noble spirits in the Commons' House? You believe not this; yet in my soHtary and midnight walks, when I thought on your kindness to the dead and to the Hving, it was my prayer that I might have the means granted to warn you, and lo! Heaven hath heard me.' 'Major Bridgenorth,' said Lady Peveril, 'you were wont to be moderate in these sentiments — compara- tively moderate, at least — and to love your own reK- gion, without hating that of others.' ' What I was while in the gall of bitterness and in the bond of iniquity, it signifies not to recall,' answered he. 155 WAVERLEY NOVELS *I was then like to Gallio, who cared for none of these things. I doted on creature-comforts — I clung to worldly honour and repute — my thoughts were earth- ward, or those I turned to Heaven were cold, formal, Pharisaical meditations. I brought nothing to the altar save straw and stubble. Heaven saw need to chastise me in love. I was stripped of all that I clung to on earth ; my worldly honour was torn from me ; I went forth an exile from the home of my fathers — a deprived and desolate man — a baffled, and beaten, and dishonoured man. But who shall find out the ways of Providence? Such were the means by which I was chosen forth as a cham- pion for the truth, holding my life as nothing, if thereby that may be advanced. But this was not what I wished to speak of. Thou hast saved the earthly Hfe of my child; let me save the eternal welfare of yours.' Lady Peveril was silent. They were now approaching the point where the avenue terminated in a communi- cation with a pubKc road, or rather pathway, running through an uninclosed common field; this the lady had to prosecute for a little way, until a turn of the path gave her admittance into the park of Martindale. She now felt sincerely anxious to be in the open moonshine, and avoided reply to Bridgenorth that she might make the more haste. But as they reached the junction of the avenue and the public road, he laid his hand on her arm, and commanded, rather than requested, her to stop. She obeyed. He pointed to a huge oak, of the largest size, which grew on the summit of a knoll in the open ground which terminated the avenue, and was exactly so placed as to serve for a termination to the vista. The moonshine without the avenue was so strong that, 156 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK amidst the flood of light which it poured on the vener- able tree, they could easily discover, from the shattered state of the boughs on one side, that it had suffered damage from lightning. 'Remember you,' he said, 'when we last looked together on that tree? I had rid- den from London, and brought with me a protection from the committee for your husband; and as I passed the spot — here on this spot where we now stand, you stood with my lost Alice — two — the last two of my beloved infants gambolled before you. I leaped from my horse ; to her I was a husband — to those a father — to you a welcome and revered protector. What am I now to any one? ' He pressed his hand on his brow, and groaned in agony of spirit. It was not in the Lady Peveril's nature to hear sorrow without an attempt at consolation. 'Master Bridge- north,' she said, 'I blame no man's creed, while I believe and follow my own ; and I rejoice that in yours you have sought consolation for temporal afEictions. But does not every Christian creed teach us alike that afEiction should soften our heart? ' 'Ay, woman,' said Bridgenorth, sternly, 'as the light- ning which shattered yonder oak hath softened its trunk. No ; the seared wood is the fitter for the use of the work- men ; the hardened and the dried-up heart is that which can best bear the task imposed by these dismal times. God and man will no longer endure the unbridled profli- gacy of the dissolute — the scoffing of the profane — the contempt of the Divine laws — the infraction of human rights. The times demand righters and avengers, and there will be no want of them.' 'I deny not the existence of much evil,' said Lady 157 WAVERLEY NOVELS Peveril, compelling herself to answer, and beginning at the same time to walk forward; 'and from hearsay, though not, I thank Heaven, from observation, I am convinced of the wild debauchery of the times. But let us trust it may be corrected without such violent reme- dies as you hint at. Surely the ruin of a second civil war, though I trust your thoughts go not that dreadful length, were at best a desperate alternative.' 'Sharp, but sure,' replied Bridgenorth. 'The blood of the Paschal lamb chased away the destroying angel; the sacrifices offered on the threshing-floor of Araunah stayed the pestilence. Fire and sword are severe reme- dies, but they purge and purify.' 'Alas! Major Bridgenorth,' said the lady, 'wise and moderate in your youth, can you have adopted in your advanced life the thoughts and language of those whom you yourself beheld drive themselves and the nation to the brink of ruin? ' 'I know not what I then was; you know not what I now am,' he replied, and suddenly broke off; for they even then came forth into the open light, and it seemed as if, feeling himself under the lady's eye, he was disposed to soften his tone and his language. At the first distinct view which she had of his person, she was aware that he was armed with a short sword, a poniard, and pistols at his belt — precautions very un- usual for a man who formerly had seldom, and only on days of ceremony, carried a walking rapier, though such was the habitual and constant practice of gentle- men of his station in Hfe. There seemed also something of more stern determination than usual in his air, which indeed had always been rather sullen than affable; and PEVERn. OF THE PEAK ere she could repress the sentiment, she could not help saying, 'Master Bridgenorth, you are indeed changed.' 'You see but the outward man,' he replied; 'the change within is yet deeper. But it was not of myself that I desired to talk: I have already said that, as you have preserved my child from the darkness of the grave, I would willingly preserve yours from that more utter darkness which, I fear, hath involved the path and walks of his father.' 'I must not hear this of Sir Geoffrey,' said the Lady Peveril; 'I must bid you farewell for the present; and when we again meet at a more suitable time, I will at least Usten to your advice concerning JuHan, although I should not perhaps incline to it.' 'That more suitable time may never come,' replied Bridgenorth. 'Time wanes, eternity draws nigh. Hearken! It is said to be your purpose to send the young JuHan to be bred up in yonder bloody island, under the hand of your kinswoman, that cruel murderess, by whom was done to death a man more worthy of vital existence than any that she can boast among her vaunted ancestry. These are current tidings. Are they true?' 'I do not blame you. Master Bridgenorth, for think- ing harshly of my cousin of Derby,' said Lady Peveril; 'nor do I altogether vindicate the rash action of which she hath been guilty. Nevertheless, in her habitation, it is my husband's opinion and my own that Julian may be trained in the studies and accomplishments becoming his rank, along with the young Earl of Derby.' ' Under the curse of God and the blessing of the Pope of Rome,' said Bridgenorth. 'You, lady, so quick- 159 WAVERLEY NOVELS sighted in matters of earthly prudence, are you blind to the gigantic pace at which Rome is moving to regain this country, once the richest gem in her usurped tiara? The old are seduced by gold, the youth by pleasure, the weak by flattery, cowards by fear, and the courageous by ambition. A thousand baits for each taste, and each bait concealing the same deadly hook.' *I am well aware, Master Bridgenorth,' said Lady Peveril, 'that my kinswoman is a Catholic;^ but her son is educated in the Church of England's principles, agreeably to the command of her deceased husband.' 'Is it likely,' answered Bridgenorth, 'that she, who fears not shedding the blood of the righteous, whether on the field or scaffold, will regard the sanction of her promise when her religion bids her break it? Or, if she does, what shall your son be the better, if he remain in the mire of his father? What are your Episcopal tenets but mere Popery, save that ye have chosen a temporal tyrant for your pope, and substitute a mangled mass in English for that which your predecessors pronounced in Latin? But why speak I of these things to one who hath ears indeed, and eyes, yet cannot see, listen to, or under- stand what is alone worthy to be heard, seen, and known? Pity, that what hath been wrought so fair and exquisite in form and disposition should be yet bhnd, deaf, and ignorant, like the things which perish! ' 'We shall not agree on these subjects, Master Bridge- north,' said the lady, anxious still to escape from this strange conference, though scarce knowing what to apprehend; 'once more, I must bid you farewell.' 1 I have elsewhere noticed that this is a deviation from the truth: Charlotte Countess of Derby was a Huguenot. 1 60 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK 'Stay yet an instant,' he said, again laying his hand on her arm ; ' I would stop you if I saw you rushing on the brink of an actual precipice; let me prevent you from a danger still greater. How shall I work upon your un- believing mind? Shall I tell you that the debt of blood- shed yet remains a debt to be paid by the bloody house of Derby? And wilt thou send thy son to be among those from whom it shall be exacted?' 'You wish to alarm me in vain, Master Bridgenorth/ answered the lady ; ' what penalty can be exacted from the countess for an action which I have already called a rash one has been long since levied.' 'You deceive yourself,' retorted he, sternly. 'Think you a paltry sum of money given to be wasted on the debaucheries of Charles can atone for the death of such I a man as Christian — a man precious alike to Heaven and to earth? Not on such terms is the blood of the I righteous to be poured forth! Every hour's delay is numbered down as adding interest to the grievous debt which will one day be required from that bloodthirsty woman.' I At this moment, the distant tread of horses was heard on the road on which they held this singular dialogue. Bridgenorth listened a moment, and then said, 'Forget I that you have seen me — name not my name to your nearest or dearest — lock my counsel in your breast — profit by it, and it shall be well with you.' So saying, he turned from her, and, plunging through a gap in the fence, regained the cover of his own wood, along which the path still led. The noise of horses advancing at full trot now came nearer; and Lady Peveril was aware of several riders, 27 i6i WAVERLEY NOVELS whose forms rose indistinctly on the summit of the rising ground behind her. She became also visible to them; and one or two of the foremost made towards her at increased speed, challenging her as they advanced with the cry of ' Stand ! Who goes there? ' The foremost who came up, however, exclaimed, ' Mercy on us, if it be not my lady ! ' and Lady Peveril, at the same moment, recog- nised one of her own servants. Her husband rode up immediately afterwards, with 'How now, Dame Mar- garet? What makes you abroad so far from home, and at an hour so late? ' Lady Peveril mentioned her visit at the cottage, but did not think it necessary to say aught of having seen Major Bridgenorth; afraid, it may be, that her husband might be displeased with that incident. ' Charity is a fine thing, and a fair,' answered Sir Geof- frey; 'but I must tell you, you do ill, dame, to wander about the country like a quacksalver at the call of every old woman who has a colic-fit ; and at this time of night especially, and when the land is so unsettled besides,' ' I am sorry to hear that it is so,' said the lady, ' I had heard no such news.' 'News!' repeated Sir Geoffrey; 'why, here has a new plot broken out among the Roundheads, worse than Venner's by a butt's length;^ and who should be so deep in it as our old neighbour Bridgenorth? There is search for him everywhere; and I promise you, if he is found, he is like to pay old scores.' 'Then I am sure I trust he will not be found,' said Lady Peveril. ' The celebrated insurrection of the Anabaptists and Fifth Monarchy men in London, in the year 1661. 162 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK *Do you so?' replied Sir Geoffrey. 'Now I, on my part, hope that he will; and it shall not be my fault if he be not; for which effect I will presently ride down to Moultrassie, and make strict search, according to my duty; there shall neither rebel nor traitor earth so near Martindale Castle, that I will assure them. And you, my lady, be pleased for once to dispense with a pillion, and get up, as you have done before, behind Saunders, who shall convey you safe home.' The lady obeyed in silence; indeed, she did not dare to trust her voice in an attempt to reply, so much was she disconcerted with the intelligence she had just heard. She rode behind the groom to the castle, where she awaited in great anxiety the return of her husband. He came back at length; but, to her great relief, without any prisoner. He then explained more fully than his haste had before permitted that an express had come down to Chesterfield with news from court of a purposed in- surrection amongst the old Commonwealth men, espe- cially those who had served in the army; and that Bridge- north, said to be lurking in Derbyshire, was one of the principal conspirators. After some time, this report of a conspiracy seemed to die away like many others of that period. The warrants were recalled, but nothing more was seen or heard of Major Bridgenorth; although it is probable he might safely enough have shown himself as openly as many did who lay under the same circumstances of suspicion.^ About this time also, Lady Peveril, with many tears, took a temporary leave of her son Julian, who was sent, * See Note 7. 163 WAVERLEY NOVELS as had long been intended, for the purpose of sharing the education of the young Earl of Derby. Although the boding words of Bridgenorth sometimes occurred to Lady Peveril's mind, she did not suffer them to weigh with her in opposition to the advantages which the pa- tronage of the Countess of Derby secured to her son. The plan seemed to be in every respect successful ; and when, from time to time, Julian visited the house of his father, Lady Peveril had the satisfaction to see him, on every occasion, improved in person and in manner, as well as ardent in the pursuit of more solid acquirements. In process of time, he became a gallant and accomplished youth, and travelled for some time upon the Continent with the young earl. This was the more especially necessary for the enlarging of their acquaintance with the world, because the countess had never appeared in London, or at the court of King Charles, since her flight to the Isle of Man in 1660; but had resided in solitary and aristocratic state, alternately on her estates in Eng- land and in that island. This had given to the education of both the young men, otherwise as excellent as the best teachers could render it, something of a narrow and restricted character; but though the disposition of the young earl was hghter and more volatile than that of Julian, both the one and the other had profited, in a considerable degree, by the op- portunities afforded them. It was Lady Derby's strict injunction to her son, now returning from the Continent, that he should not appear at the court of Charles. But having been for some time of age, he did not think it absolutely necessary to obey her in this particular; and had remained for some time in London, partaking the 164 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK pleasures of the gay court there, with all the ardour of a young man bred up in comparative seclusion. In order to reconcile the countess to this transgression of her authority, for he continued to entertain for her the profound respect in which he had been educated, Lord Derby agreed to make a long sojourn with her in her favourite island, which he abandoned almost entirely to her management. JuHan Peveril had spent at Martindale Castle a good deal of the time which his friend had bestowed in Lon- don; and at the period to which, passing over many years, our story has arrived, as it were, per saltum, they were both living, as the countess's guests, in the Castle of Rushin, in the venerable kingdom of Man. CHAPTER XI Mona, long hid from those who roam the main. Collins. The Isle of Man, in the middle of the seventeenth cen- tury, was very different, as a place of residence, from what it is now. Men had not then discovered its merit as a place of occasional refuge from the storms of life, and the society to be there met with was of a very uni- form tenor. There were no smart fellows, whom for- tune had tumbled from the seat of their barouches, no plucked pigeons or winged rooks, no disappointed specu- lators, no ruined miners — in short, no one worth talk- ing to. The society of the island was limited to the natives themselves, and a few merchants, who Hved by contraband trade. The amusements were rare and mo- notonous, and the mercurial young earl was soon heart- ily tired of his dominions. The islanders also, become too wise for happiness, had lost relish for the harmless and somewhat childish sports in which their simple ancestors had indulged themselves. May was no longer ushered in by the imaginary contest between the queen of returning winter and advancing spring; the listeners no longer sympathised with the Uvely music of the fol- lowers of the one or the discordant sounds with which the other asserted a more noisy claim to attention. Christmas, too, closed, and the steeples no longer jan- gled forth a dissonant peal. The wren, to seek for which used to be the sport dedicated to the holytide, was left 1 66 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK iinpursued and unslain. Party spirit had come among these simple people, and destroyed their good-humour, while it left them their ignorance. Even the races, a sport generally interesting to people of all ranks, were no longer performed, because they were no longer inter- esting. The gentlemen were divided by feuds hitherto unknown, and each seemed to hold it scorn to be pleased with the same diversions that amused those of the oppo- site faction. The hearts of both parties revolted from the recollection of former days, when all was peace among them, when the Earl of Derby, now slaughtered, used to bestow the prize, and Christian, since so vin- dictively executed, started horses to add to the amuse- ment.^ Juhan was seated in the deep recess which led to a latticed window of the old castle; and, with his arms crossed, and an air of profound contemplation, was sur- veying the long perspective of ocean, which rolled its successive waves up to the foot of the rock on which the ancient pile is founded. The earl was suffering under the infliction of ennui, now looking into a volume of Homer, now whisthng, now swinging on his chair, now traversing the room, till at length his attention became swallowed up in admiration of the tranquillity of his companion. 'King of men!' he said, repeating the favourite epi- thet by which Homer describes Agamemnon — ' I trust for the old Greek's sake, he had a merrier office than being King of Man. Most philosophical Julian, will nothing rouse thee, not even a bad pun on my own royal dignity? ' » See Note 8, 167 WAVERLEY NOVELS 'I wish you would be a little more the King in Man/ said Julian, starting from his reverie, 'and then you would find more amusement in your dominions.' 'What! dethrone that royal Semiramis my mother/ said the young lord, 'who has as much pleasure in play- ing queen as if she were a real sovereign? I wonder you can give me such counsel.' 'Your mother, as you well know, my dear Derby, would be delighted did you take any interest in the affairs of the island.' ' Ay, truly, she would permit me to be king ; but she would choose to remain viceroy over me. Why, she would only gain a subject the more, by my converting my spare time, which is so very valuable to me, to the cares of royalty. No — no, Julian, she thinks it power to direct all the affairs of these poor Manxmen; and, thinking it power, she finds it pleasure. I shall not interfere, unless she hold a high court of justice again. I cannot afford to pay another fine to my brother. King Charles. But I forget — this is a sore point with you.' 'With the countess, at least,' replied Julian; 'and I wonder you will speak of it.' ' Why, I bear no mahce against the poor man's mem- ory any more than yourself, though I have not the same reasons for holding it in veneration,' replied the Earl of Derby; ' and yet I have some respect for it too. I remem- ber their bringing him out to die. It was the first holi- day I ever had in my Hfe, and I heartily wish it had been on some other account.' 'I would rather hear you speak of anything else, my lord,' said Julian. 'Why, there it goes,' answered the earl; 'whenever I i68 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK talk of anything that puts you on your mettle and warms your blood, that runs as cold as a merman's — to use a simile of this happy island — hey pass! you press me to change the subject. Well, what shall we talk of? O Julian, if you had not gone down to earth yourself among the castles and caverns of Derbyshire, we should have had enough of delicious topics — the playhouses, Julian! both the King's house and the Duke's — Louis's establishment is a jest to them; and the Ring in the Park, which beats the Corso at Naples; and the beauties, who beat the whole world!' * I am very willing to hear you speak on the subject, my lord,' answered Julian; 'the less I have seen of the London world myself, the more I am likely to be amused by your account of it.' *Ay, my friend, but where to begin? with the wit of Buckingham, and Sedley, and Etherege, or with the grace of Harry Jermyn, the courtesy of the Duke of Monmouth, or with the loveliness of La Belle Hamilton, of the Duchess of Richmond, of Lady , the person of Roxalana, the smart humour of Mrs. Nelly ' * Or what say you to the bewitching sorceries of Lady Cynthia? ' demanded his companion. 'Faith, I would have kept these to myself,' said the earl, 'to follow your prudent example. But since you ask me, I fairly own I cannot tell what to say of them; only I think of them twenty times as often as all the beauties I have spoke of. And yet she is neither the twentieth part so beautiful as the plainest of these court beauties, nor so witty as the dullest I have named, nor so modish — that is the great matter — as the most obscure. I cannot tell what makes me dote on her, 169 WAVERLEY NOVELS except that she is as capricious as her whole sex put together.' 'That I should think a small recommendation,' an- swered his companion. 'Small, do you term it,' rephed the earl, 'and write yourself a brother of the angle? Why, which hke you best? to pull a dead strain on a miserable gudgeon, which you draw ashore by main force, as the fellows here tow in their fishing-boats; or a Hvely salmon, that makes your rod crack and your Hne whistle — plays you ten thousand mischievous pranks — wearies your heart out with hopes and fears — and is only laid pant- ing on the bank after you have shown the most unmatch- able display of skill, patience, and dexterity? But I see you have a mind to go on angling after your own old fashion. Off laced coat, and on brown jerkin; lively colours scare fish in the sober waters of the Isle of Man ; faith, in London you will catch few, unless the bait glistens a little. But you are going? well, good luck to you. I will take to the barge; the sea and wind are less inconstant than the tide you have embarked on.' * You have learned to- say all these smart things in London, my lord,' answered Julian; 'but we shall have you a penitent for them, if Lady Cynthia be of my mind. Adieu, and pleasure till we meet.' The young men parted accordingly; and while the earl betook him to his pleasure-voyage, Julian, as his friend had prophesied, assumed the dress of one who means to amuse himself with angling. The hat and feather were exchanged for a cap of grey cloth; the deeply laced cloak and doublet for a simple jacket of the same colour, with hose conforming; and finally, 170 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK with rod in hand and pannier at his back, mounted upon a handsome Manx pony, young Peveril rode briskly over the country which divided him from one of those beautiful streams that descend to the sea from the Kirk- Merlagh mountains. Having reached the spot where he meant to commence his day's sport, Julian let his Httle steed graze, which, accustomed to the situation, followed him like a dog; and now and then, when tired of picking herbage in the valley through which the stream winded, came near her master's side, and, as if she had been a curious amateur of the sport, gazed on the trouts as JuHan brought them strugghng to the shore. But Fairy's master showed, on that day, little of the patience of a real angler, and took no heed to old Isaac Walton's recommendation to fish the streams inch by inch. He chose, indeed, with an angler's eye, the most promising casts, where the stream broke sparkling over a stone, affording the wonted shel- ter to a trout; or where, ghding away from a rippling current to a still eddy, it streamed under the projecting bank, or dashed from the pool of some low cascade. By this judicious selection of spots whereon to employ his art, the sportsman's basket was soon sufficiently heavy to show that his occupation was not a mere pretext; and so soon as this was the case, he walked briskly up the glen, only making a cast from time to time, in case of his being observed from any of the neighbouring heights. It was a little green and rocky valley through which the brook strayed, very lonely, although the slight track of an unformed road showed that it was occasion- ally traversed, and that it was not altogether void of 171 WAVERLEY NOVELS inhabitants. As Peveril advanced still farther, the right bank reached to some distance from the stream, leaving a piece of meadow ground, the lower part of which, being close to the brook, was entirely covered with rich herbage, being possibly occasionally irrigated by its overflow. The higher part of the level ground afforded a stance for an old house, of a singular structure, with a terraced garden, and a cultivated field or two beside it. In former times a Danish or Norwegian fastness had stood here, called the Black Fort, from the colour of a huge heathy hill, which, rising behind the building, appeared to be the boundary of the valley, and to afford the source of the brook. But the original structure had been long demolished, as, indeed, it probably only con- sisted of dry stones, and its materials had been appHed to the construction of the present mansion — the work of some churchman during the i6th century, as was evident from the huge stonework of its windows, which scarce left room for Kght to pass through, as well as from two or three heavy buttresses, which projected from the front of the house, and exhibited on their sur- face little niches for images. These had been carefully destroyed, and pots of flowers were placed in the niches in their stead, besides their being ornamented by creep- ing plants of various kinds, fancifully twined around them. The garden was also in good order; and though the spot was extremely solitary, there was about it altogether an air of comfort, accommodation, and even elegance, by no means generally characteristic of the habitations of the island at the time. With much circumspection, JuKan Peveril approached the low Gothic porch, which defended the entrance of 172 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK the mansion from the tempests incident to its situation, and was, like the buttresses, over-run with ivy and other creeping plants. An iron ring, contrived so as when drawn up and down to rattle against the bar of notched iron through which it was suspended, served the pur- pose of a knocker; and to this he appHed himself, though with the greatest precaution. He received no answer for some time, and indeed it seemed as if the house was totally uninhabited; when at length, his impatience getting the upper hand, he tried to open the door, and, as it was only upon the latch, very easily succeeded. He passed through a Uttle low- arched hall, the upper end of which was occupied by a staircase, and turning to the left, opened the door of a summer parlour, wainscoted with black oak, and very simply furnished with chairs and tables of the same materials, the former cushioned with leather. The apartment was gloomy — one of those stone-shafted R windows which we have mentioned, with its small lat- ticed panes, and thick garland of foliage, admitting but an imperfect light. Over the chimney-piece, which was of the same mas- j sive materials with the panelling of the apartment, was the only ornament of the room — a painting, namely, I representing an officer in the military dress of the Civil Wars. It was a green jerkin, then the national and peculiar wear of the Manxmen; his short band, which hung down on the cuirass, the orange-coloured scarf, but, above all, the shortness of his close-cut hair, show- ing evidently to which of the great parties he had be- longed. His right hand rested on the hilt of his sword; and in the left he held a small Bible, bearing the inscrip- 173 WAVERLEY NOVELS tion, 'In hoc signo.' The countenance was of a light complexion, with fair and almost effeminate blue eyes, and an oval form of face ; one of those physiognomies to which, though not otherwise unpleasing, we naturally attach the idea of melancholy and of misfortune.^ Apparently it was well known to Julian Peveril; for, after having looked at it for a long time, he could not forbear muttering aloud, 'What would I give that that man had never been born, or that he still lived!' *How now — how is this?' said a female, who entered the room as he uttered this reflection. * You here. Mas- ter Peveril, in spite of all the warnings you have had! You here, in the possession of folks' house when they are abroad, and talking to yourself, as I shall warrant!' * Yes, Mistress Deborah,' said Peveril, 'I am here once more, as you see, against every prohibition, and in defiance of all danger. Where is Alice? ' 'Where you will never see her, Master Julian, you may satisfy yourself of that,' answered Mistress De- borah, for it was that respectable governante; and sink- ing down at the same time upon one of the large leathern chairs, she began to fan herself with her handkerchief, and complain of the heat in a most ladylike fashion. In fact. Mistress Debbitch, while her exterior inti- mated a considerable change of condition for the better, and her countenance showed the less favourable effects of the twenty years which had passed over her head, was in mind and manners very much what she had been when she battled the opinions of Madam EUesmere at Martindale Castle. In a word, she was self-willed, obsti- nate, and coquettish as ever, otherwise no ill-disposed ' See Note 9. 174 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK person. Her present appearance was that of a woman of the better rank. From the sobriety of the fashion of her dress, and the uniformity of its colours, it was plain she belonged to some sect which condemned superfluous gaiety in attire ; but no rules, not those of a nunnery or of a Quaker's society, can prevent a Httle coquetry in that particular, where a woman is desirous of being supposed to retain some claim to personal attention. All Mistress Deborah's garments were so arranged as might best set off a good-looking woman, whose countenance indicated ease and good cheer, who called herself five- and-thirty, and was well entitled, if she had a mind, to call herself twelve or fifteen years older. JuHan was under the necessity of enduring all her tiresome and fantastic airs, and awaiting with patience till she had 'prinked herself and pinned herself,' flung her hoods back and drawn them forward, snuffed at a little bottle of essences, closed her eyes Hke a dying fowl, turned them up hke a duck in a thunderstorm — when at length, having exhausted her round of minauderies, she condescended to open the conversation. 'These walks will be the death of me,' she said, 'and all on your account, Master Juhan Peveril; for if Dame Christian should learn that you have chosen to make your visits to her niece, I promise you Mistress Ahce would be soon obliged to find other quarters, and so should I.' 'Come now. Mistress Deborah, be good-humoured,' said Juhan; 'consider, was not all this intimacy of ours of your own making? Did you not make yourself known to me the ver^' first time I strolled up this glen with my fishing-rod, and tell me that you were my for- 175 WAVERLEY NOVELS mer keeper, and that Alice had been my little playfel- low? And what could there be more natural than that I should come back and see two such agreeable persons as often as I could? ' 'Yes,' said Dame Deborah; 'but I did not bid you fall in love with us, though, or propose such a matter as marriage either to Alice or myself.' ' To do you justice, you never did, Deborah,' answered the youth; 'but what of that? Such things will come out before one is aware. I am sure you must have heard such proposals fifty times when you least expected them.' 'Fie — fie — fie, Master Julian Peveril,' said the governante; 'I would have you to know that I have always so behaved myself that the best of the land would have thought twice of it, and have very well considered both what he was going to say and how he was going to say it, before he came out with such pro- posals to me.' 'True — true. Mistress Deborah,' continued Julian; 'but all the world have not your discretion. Then Alice Bridgenorth is a child — a mere child; and one always asks a baby to be one's little wife, you know. Come, I know you will forgive me. Thou wert ever the best- natured, kindest woman in the world; and you know you have said twenty times we were made for each other.' 'O no, Master Julian Peveril; no — no — no!' ejacu- lated Deborah. 'I may indeed have said your estates were born to be united; and to be sure it is natural to me, that come of the old stock of the honest yeomanry of Peveril of the Peak's estate, to wish that it was all within the ring fence again; which sure enough it might be, 176 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK were you to marry Alice Bridgenorth. But then there is the knight your father and my lady your mother; and there is her father, that is half crazy with his reli- gion; and her aunt, that wears eternal black grogram for that unlucky Colonel Christian; and there is the Countess of Derby, that would serve us all with the same sauce if we were thinking of anything that would displease her. And besides all that, you have broke your word with Mistress Alice, and everything is over between you ; and I am of opinion it is quite right it should be all over. And perhaps it may be. Master Julian, that I should have thought so a long time ago, before a child like Alice put it into my head; but I am so good- natured.' No flatterer like a lover who wishes to carry his point. *You are the best-natured, kindest creature in the ' world, Deborah. But you have never seen the ring I bought for you at Paris. Nay, I will put it on your ll finger myself ; what ! your foster-son, whom you loved so well, and took such care of!' He easily succeeded in putting a pretty ring of gold, with a humorous affectation of gallantry, on the fat finger of Mistress Deborah Debbitch. Hers was a soul I of a kind often to be met with, both among the lower j and higher vulgar, who, without being, on a broad scale, accessible to bribes or corruption, are nevertheless much attached to perquisites, and considerably biassed in their line of duty, though perhaps insensibly, by the love of petty observances, petty presents, and trivial compliments. Mistress Debbitch turned the ring round, and round, and round, and at length said, in a whisper, 'Well, Master Julian Peveril, it signifies nothing deny- 27 177 WAVERLEY NOVELS ing anything to such a young gentleman as you, for young gentlemen are always so obstinate ! and so I may as well tell you that Mistress Alice walked back from Kirk-Truagh along with me just now, and entered the house at the same time with myself.' 'Why did you not tell me so before?' said Julian, starting up; 'where — where is she?' 'You had better ask why I tell you so now, Master Julian,' said Dame Deborah; 'for, I promise you, it is against her express commands; and I would not have told you had you not looked so pitiful. But as for seeing you, that she will not; and she is in her own bedroom, with a good oak door shut and bolted upon her, that is one comfort. And so, as for any breach of trust on my part — I promise you, the little saucy minx gives it no less name — it is quite impossible.' 'Do not say so, Deborah — only go — only try — tell her to hear me — tell her I have a hundred excuses for disobeying her commands — tell her I have no doubt to get over all obstacles at Martindale Castle.' 'Nay, I tell you it is all in vain,' replied the dame. 'When I saw your cap and rod lying in the hall, I did but say, "There he is again," and she ran up the stairs like a young deer; and I heard key turned and bolts shot ere I could say a single word to stop her ; I marvel you heard her not.' 'It was because I am, as I ever was, an owl — a dreaming fool, who let all those golden minutes pass which my luckless life holds out to me so rarely. Well — tell her I go — go for ever — go where she will hear no more of me — where no one shall hear more of me ! ' 'O, the Father!' said the dame, 'hear how he talks! 178 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK What will become of Sir Geoffrey, and your mother, and of me, and of the countess, if you were to go so far as you talk of? And what would become of poor Alice too? for I will be sworn she likes you better than she says, and I know she used to sit and look the way that you used to come up the stream, and now and then ask me if the morning were good for fishing. And all the while you were on the Continent, as they call it, she scarcely smiled once, unless it was when she got two beautiful long letters about foreign parts.' ' Friendship, Dame Deborah — only friendship — cold and calm remembrance of one who, by your kind permission, stole in on your solitude now and then, with news from the living world without. Once, indeed, I thought — but it is all over — farewell.' So saying, he covered his face with one hand, and ex- tended the other, in the act of bidding adieu to Dame Debbitch, whose kind heart became unable to with- stand the sight of his affliction. 'Now, do not be in such haste,' she said; 'I will go up again, and tell her how it stands with you, and bring her down, if it is in woman's power to do it.' And so saying, she left the apartment and ran up- stairs. Julian Peveril, meanwhile, paced the apartment in great agitation, waiting the success of Deborah's inter- cession ; and she remained long enough absent to give us time to explain, in a short retrospect, the circumstances which had led to his present situation. I CHAPTER XII Ah me! for aught that ever I could read, Could ever hear by tale or history, The course of true love never did run smooth! Midsummer Night's Dream. The celebrated passage which we have prefixed to this chapter has, Uke most observations of the same author, its foundation in real experience. The period at which love is formed for the first time, and felt most strongly, is seldom that at which there is much prospect of its being brought to a happy issue. The state of artificial society opposes many complicated obstructions to early marriages; and the chance is very great that such obstacles prove insurmountable. In fine, there are few men who do not look back in secret to some period of their youth at which a sincere and early affection was repulsed, or betrayed, or became abortive from oppos- ing circumstances. It is these little passages of secret history which leave a tinge of romance in every bosom, scarce permitting us, even in the most busy or the most advanced period of life, to listen with total indifference to a tale of true love. Juhan Peveril had so fixed his affections as to ensure the fullest share of that opposition which early attach- ments are so apt to encounter. Yet nothing so natural as that he should have done so. In early youth. Dame Debbitch had accidentally met with the son of her first patroness, and who had himself been her earliest charge, fishing in the little brook already noticed, which watered 1 80 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK the valley in which she resided with Alice Bridgenorth. The dame's curiosity easily discovered who he was; and besides the interest which persons in her condition usu- ally take in the young people who have been under their charge, she was delighted with the opportunity to talk about former times — about Martindale Castle and friends there, about Sir Geoffrey and his good lady, and now and then about Lance Outram, the park-keeper. The mere pleasure of gratifying her inquiries would scarce have had power enough to induce Julian to repeat his visits to the lonely glen; but Deborah had a com- panion — a lovely girl — bred in solitude, and in the quiet and unpretending tastes which solitude encour- ages — spirited also, and inquisitive, and listening, with a laughing cheek and an eager eye, to every tale which the young angler brought from the town and castle. Tlie visits of Julian to the Black Fort were only occa- sional; so far Dame Deborah showed common sense, which was, perhaps, inspired by the apprehension of losing her place, in case of discovery. She had, indeed, great confidence in the strong and rooted belief, amount- ing almost to superstition, which Major Bridgenorth entertained, that his daughter's continued health could only be ensured by her continuing under the charge of one who had acquired Lady Peveril's supposed skill in treating those subject to such ailments. This belief Dame Deborah had improved to the utmost of her simple cunning — always speaking in something of an oracular tone upon the subject of her charge's health, and hinting at certain mysterious rules necessary to maintain it in the present favourable state. She had availed herself of this artifice to procure for herself and i8i WAVERLEY NOVELS Alice a separate establishment at the Black Fort; for it was originally Major Bridgenorth's resolution that his daughter and her governante should remain under the same roof with the sister-in-law of his deceased wife, the widow of the unfortunate Colonel Christian. But this lady was broken down with premature age, brought on by sorrow; and, in a short visit which Major Bridge- north made to the island, he was easily prevailed on to consider her house at Kirk-Truagh as a very cheerless residence for his daughter. Dame Deborah, who longed for domestic independence, was careful to increase this impression by alarming her patron's fears on account of Alice's health. The mansion of Kirk-Truagh stood, she said, much exposed to the Scottish winds, which could not but be cold, as they came from a country where, as she was assured, there was ice and snow at midsummer. In short, she prevailed, and was put into full possession of the Black Fort — a house which, as well as Kirk- Truagh, belonged formerly to Christian, and now to his widow. Still, however, it was enjoined on the governante and her charge to visit Kirk-Truagh from time to time, and to consider themselves as under the management and guardianship of Mistress Christian — a state of subjec- tion the sense of which Deborah endeavoured to lessen by assuming as much freedom of conduct as she possibly dared, under the influence, doubtless, of the same feel- ings of independence which induced her, at Martin- dale Hall, to spurn the advice of Mistress Ellesmere. It was this generous disposition to defy control which induced her to procure for Alice, secretly, some means of education, which the stern genius of Puritanism 182 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK would have proscribed. She ventured to have her charge taught music — nay, even dancing; and the picture of the stern Colonel Christian trembled on the wainscot where it was suspended while the sylph-like form of Alice, and the substantial person of Dame Deborah, executed French chaussees and borees, to the sound of a small kit, which screamed under the bow of Monsieur de Pigal, half smuggler, half dancing-master. This abomination reached the ears of the colonel's widow, and by her was communicated to Bridgenorth, whose sudden appearance in the island showed the importance he attached to the communication. Had she been faith- less to her own cause, that had been the latest hour of Mistress Deborah's administration. But she retreated into her stronghold. 'Dancing,' she said, 'was exercise, regulated and timed by music; and it stood to reason that it must be the best of all exercise for a delicate person, especially as it could be taken within doors, and in all states of the weather.' Bridgenorth listened, with a clouded and thoughtful brow, when, in exemplification of her doctrine. Mistress Deborah, who was no contemptible performer on the viol, began to jangle Sellenger's round, and desired Alice to dance an old English measure to the tune. As the half-bashful, half-smiling girl, about fourteen, — for such was her age, — moved gracefully to the music, the father's eye unavoidably followed the light spring of her step, and marked with joy the rising colour in her cheek. When the dance was over, he folded her in his arms, smoothed her somewhat disordered locks with a father's affectionate hand, smiled, kissed her brow, and took his 183 WAVERLEY NOVELS leave, without one single word further interdicting the exercise of dancing. He did not himself communicate the result of his visit at the Black Fort to Mistress Christian, but she was not long of learning it, by the triumph of Dame Deborah on her next visit. *It is well,' said the stern old lady; *my brother Bridgenorth hath permitted you to make a Herodias of Alice, and teach her dancing. You have only now to find her a partner for life; I shall neither meddle nor make more in their affairs.' In fact, the triumph of Dame Deborah, or rather of Dame Nature, on this occasion, had more important effects than the former had ventured to anticipate; for Mistress Christian, though she received with all form- ality the formal visits of the governante and her charge, seemed thenceforth so pettish with the issue of her remonstrance upon the enormity of her niece dancing to a little fiddle, that she appeared to give up interference in her affairs, and left Dame Debbitch and Alice to manage both education and housekeeping — in which she had hitherto greatly concerned herself — much after their own pleasure. It was in this independent state that they lived, when Julian first visited their habitation; and he was the rather encouraged to do so by Dame Deborah, that she believed him to be one of the last persons in the world with whom Mistress Christian would have desired her niece to be acquainted — the happy spirit of contradic- tion superseding, with Dame Deborah, on this as on other occasions, all consideration of the fitness of things. She did not act altogether without precaution neither. She was aware she had to guard not only against any PEVERIL OF THE PEAK reviving interest or curiosity on the part of Mistress Christian, but against the sudden arrival of Major Bridgenorth, who never failed once in the year to make his appearance at the Black Fort when least expected, and to remain there for a few days. Dame Debbitch, therefore, exacted of Julian that his visits should be few and far between ; that he should condescend to pass for a relation of her own, in the eyes of two ignorant Manx girls and a lad, who formed her establishment; and that he should always appear in his angler's dress made of the simple lougthan, or buff-coloured wool of the island, which is not subjected to dyeing. By these cautions, she thought his intimacy at the Black Fort would be entirely unnoticed, or considered as immaterial, while, in the meantime, it furnished much amusement to her charge and herself. This was accordingly the case during the earlier part of their intercourse, while Julian was a lad and Alice a girl two or three years younger. But as the lad shot up to youth and the girl to womanhood, even Dame Deborah Debbitch's judgment saw danger in their continued intimacy. She took an opportunity to com- municate to Julian who Miss Bridgenorth actually was, and the peculiar circumstances which placed discord between their fathers. He heard the story of their quarrel with interest and surprise, for he had only resided occasionally at Martindale Castle, and the sub- ject of Bridgenorth's quarrel with his father had never been mentioned in his presence. His imagination caught fire at the sparks afforded by this singular story; and, far from complying with the prudent remonstrance of Dame Deborah, and gradually estranging himself from 185 WAVERLEY NOVELS the Black Fort and its fair inmate, he frankly declared, he considered his intimacy there, so casually com- menced, as intimating the will of Heaven that Alice and he were designed for each other, in spite of every obsta- cle which passion or prejudice could raise up betwixt them. They had been companions in infancy; and a little exertion of memory enabled him to recall his child- ish grief for the unexpected and sudden disappearance of his little companion, whom he was destined again to meet with in the early bloom of opening beauty, in a country which was foreign to them both. Dame Deborah was confounded at the consequences of her communication, which had thus blown into a flame the passion which she hoped it would have either prevented or extinguished. She had not the sort of head which resists the masculine and energetic remonstrances of passionate attachment, whether addressed to her on her own account or on behalf of another. She lamented and wondered, and ended her feeble opposition by weep- ing, and S}'Tnpathising, and consenting to allow the con- tinuance of Julian's visits, provided he should only ad- dress himself to Alice as a friend; to gain the world, she would consent to nothing more. She was not, however, so simple, but that she also had her forebodings of the designs of Providence on this youthful couple ; for cer- tainly they could not be more formed to be united than the good estates of Martindale and Moultrassie. Then came a long sequence of reflections. Martindale Castle wanted but some repairs to be almost equal to Chatsworth. The hall might be allowed to go to ruin; or, what would be better, when Sir Geoffrey's time came, for the good knight had seen service, and must be break- i86 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK ing now, the hall would be a good dowry-house, to which my lady and Ellesmere might retreat; while, empress of the still-room and queen of the pantry. Mistress Deborah Debbitch should reign housekeeper at the cas- tle, and extend, perhaps, the crown-matrimonial to Lance Outram, provided he was not become too old, too fat, or too fond of ale. Such were the soothing visions under the influence of which the dame connived at an attachment which lulled also to pleasing dreams, though of a character so differ- ent, her charge and her visitant. The visits of the young angler became more and more frequent; and the embarrassed Deborah, though fore- seeing all the dangers of discovery, and the additional risk of an explanation betwixt Alice and Julian, which must necessarily render their relative situation so much more delicate, felt completely overborne by the enthu- siasm of the young lover, and was compelled to let mat- ters take their course. The departure of Julian for the Continent interrupted the course of his intimacy at the Black Fort, and while it relieved the elder of its inmates from much internal apprehension, spread an air of languor and dejection over the countenance of the younger, which, at Bridge- north's next visit to the Isle of Man, renewed all his terrors for his daughter's constitutional malady. Deborah promised faithfully she should look better the next morning, and she kept her word. She had re- tained in her possession for some time a letter which Julian had, by some private conveyance, sent to her charge, for his youthful friend. Deborah had dreaded the consequences of delivering it as a billet-doux, but, 187 WAVERLEY NOVELS as in the case of the dance, she thought there could be no harm in administering it as a remedy. It had complete effect : and next day the cheeks of the maiden had a tinge of the rose, which so much de- lighted her father, that, as he mounted his horse, he flung his purse into Deborah's hand, with the desire she should spare nothing that could make herself and his daughter happy, and the assurance that she had his full confidence. This expression of liberality and confidence from a man of Major Bridgenorth's reserved and cautious dis- position gave full plumage to Mistress Deborah's hopes; and emboldened her not only to deliver another letter of Julian's to the young lady, but to encourage more boldly and freely than formerly the intercourse of the lovers when Peveril returned from abroad. At length, in spite of all Julian's precaution, the young earl became suspicious of his frequent solitary fishing- parties; and he himself, now better acquainted with the world than formerly, became aware that his repeated visits and solitary walks with a person so young and beautiful as Alice might not only betray prematurely the secret of his attachment, but be of essential prejudice to her who was its object. Under the influence of this conviction, he abstained, for an unusual period, from visiting the Black Fort. But when he next indulged himself with spending an hour in the place where he would gladly have abode for ever, the altered manner of Alice, the tone in which she seemed to upbraid his neglect, penetrated his heart, and deprived him of that power of self-command which he had hitherto exercised in their interviews. It required but a few energetic words to explain to Alice at once his PEVERIL OF THE PEAK feelings and to make her sensible of the real nature of her own. She wept plentifully, but her tears were not all of bitterness. She sat passively still, and without reply, while he explained to her, with many an interjection, the circumstances which had placed discord between their families; for hitherto all that she had known was that Master Peveril, belonging to the household of the great Countess or Lady of Man, must observe some precau- tions in visiting a relative of the unhappy Colonel Christian. But, when Julian concluded his tale with the warmest protestations of eternal love, ' My poor father ! ' she burst forth, 'and was this to be the end of all thy precautions? This, that the son of him that disgraced and banished thee should hold such language to your daughter ! ' 'You err, Alice — you err,' cried Julian eagerly. 'That I hold this language — that the son of Peveril addresses thus the daughter of your father — that he kneels to you for forgiveness of injuries which passed when we were both infants, shows the will of Heaven that in our affec- tion should be quenched the discord of our parents. What else could lead those who parted infants on the hills of Derbyshire to meet thus in the valleys of Man?' Alice, however new such a scene, and, above all, her own emotions, might be, was highly endowed with that exquisite dehcacy which is imprinted in the female heart, to give warning of the sHghtest approach to impropriety in a situation like hers. 'Rise — rise. Master Peveril,' she said; 'do not do yourself and me this injustice; we have done both wrong — very wrong; but my fault was done in ignor- ance. God! my poor father, who needs comfort so 189 WAVERLEY NOVELS much — is it for me to add to his misfortunes? Rise!' she added, more firmly; 'if you retain this unbecoming posture any longer, I will leave the room, and you shall never see me more.' The commanding tone of Alice overawed the impetu- osity of her lover, who took in silence a seat removed to some distance from hers, and was again about to speak. 'Julian,' she said, in a milder tone, 'you have spoken enough, and more than enough. Would you had left me in the pleasing dream in which I could have listened to you for ever ! but the hour of wakening is arrived.' Pev- eril waited the prosecution of her speech as a criminal while he waits his doom ; for he was sufficiently sensible that an answer, delivered not certainly without emo- tion, but with firmness and resolution, was not to be in- terrupted. 'We have done wrong,' she repeated — 'very wrong; and if we now separate for ever, the pain we may feel will be but a just penalty for our error. We should never have met. Meeting, we should part as soon as possible. Our further intercourse can but double our pain at parting. Farewell, Julian; and forget we ever have seen each other ! ' 'Forget!' said Julian; 'never — never. To you it is easy to speak the word — to think the thought. To we, an approach to either can only be by utter destruction. Why should you doubt that the feud of our fathers, Hke so many of which we have heard, might be appeased by our friendship? You are my only friend. I am the only one whom Heaven has assigned to you. Why should we separate for the fault of others, which befell when we were but children?' 'You speak in vain, Julian,' said Alice. 'I pity you; 190 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK perhaps I pity myself. Indeed, I should pity myself, perhaps, the most of the two ; for you will go forth to new scenes and new faces, and will soon forget me; but I, remaining in this solitude, how shall / forget? That, however, is not now the question. I can bear my lot, and it commands us to part.' ' Hear me yet a moment,' said Peveril ; ' this evil is not. cannot be, remediless. I will go to my father — I will use the intercession of my mother, to whom he can refuse nothing — I will gain their consent — they have no other child — and they must consent, or lose him for ever. Say, Alice, if I come to you with my parents' con- sent to my suit, will you again say, with that tone so touching and so sad, yet so incredibly determined — "Julian, we must part"?' Alice was silent. 'Cruel girl, will you not even deign to answer me?' said her lover. 'We answer not those who speak in their dreams,' said Alice. 'You ask me what I would do were impossibil- ities performed. What right have you to make such sup- positions, and ask such a question? ' 'Hope, Alice — hope,' answered Julian, 'the last sup- port of the wretched, which even you surely would not be cruel enough to deprive me of. In every difficulty, in every doubt, in every danger, Hope will fight even if he cannot conquer. Tell me once more, if I come to you in the name of my father — in the name of that mother to whom you partly owe your life — what would you answer to me?' *I would refer you to my own father,' said Alice, blushing, and casting her eyes down ; but instantly rais- ing them again, she repeated, in a firmer and a sadder WAVERLEY NOVELS tone — 'yes, Julian, I would refer you to my father; and you would find that your pilot, Hope, had deceived you, and that you had but escaped the quicksands to fall upon the rocks.' ' I would that could be tried ! ' said Julian. ' Methinks I could persuade your father that in ordinary eyes our alliance is not undesirable. My family have fortune, rank, long descent — all that fathers look for when they bestow a daughter's hand.' 'All this would avail you nothing,' said Alice. 'The spirit of my father is bent upon the things of another world ; and if he hstened to hear you out, it would be but to tell you that he spurned your offers.' 'You know not — you know not, Alice,' said Julian. 'Fire can soften iron: thy father's heart cannot be so hard, or his prejudices so strong, but I shall find some means to melt him. Forbid me not — forbid me not at least the experiment ! ' 'I can but advise,' said Alice; 'I can forbid you no- thing; for to forbid implies power to command obedi- ence. But if you will be wise and Hsten to me — here, and on this spot, we part for ever ! ' 'Not so, by Heaven!' said Julian, whose bold and sanguine temper scarce saw difficulty in attaining aught which he desired. 'We now part indeed, but it is that I may return armed with my parents' consent. They de- sire that I should marry — in their last letters they pressed it more openly — they shall have their desire ; and such a bride as I will present to them has not graced their house since the Conqueror gave it origin. Farewell, Alice! — farewell, for a brief space!' She replied, 'Farewell, Julian! — farewell for ever!' 192 V PEVERIL OF THE PEAK Julian, within a week of this interview, was at Mar- tindale Castle, with the view of communicating his pur- pose. But the task which seems easy at a distance proves as difl&cult upon a nearer approach as the fording of a river which from afar appeared only a brook. There lacked not opportunities of entering upon the subject; for, in the first ride which he took with his father, the knight resumed the subject of his son's marriage, and liberally left the lady to his choice ; but under the strict proviso, that she was of a loyal and an honourable fam- ily; if she had fortune, it was good and well, or rather, it was better than well ; but if she was poor, why, ' There is still some picking,' said Sir Geoffrey, 'on the bones of the old estate; and Dame Margaret and I will be content with the less, that you young folks may have your share of it. I am turned frugal already, Julian. You see what a north-country shambling bit of a Galloway nag I ride upon — a different beast, I wot, from my own old Black Hastings, who had but one fault, and that was his wish to turn down Moultrassie avenue.' 'Was that so great a fault?' said Julian, affecting in- difference, while his heart was trembling, as it seemed to him, almost in his very throat. 'It used to remind me of that base, dishonourable Presbyterian fellow, Bridgenorth,' said Sir Geoffrey; 'and I would as lief think of a toad. They say he has turned Independent, to accomplish the full degree of rascality. I tell you, Gil, I turned off the cow-boy for gathering nuts in his woods. I would hang a dog that would so much as kill a hare there. But what is the matter with you? You look pale.' Julian made some indifferent answer, but too well «7 193 WAVERLEY NOVELS understood, from the language and tone which his father used, that his prejudices against Alice's father were both deep and envenomed, as those of country gentlemen often become, who, having little to do or think of, are but too apt to spend their time in nursing and cherish- ing petty causes of wrath against their next neighbours. In the course of the same day, he mentioned the Bridgenorths to his mother, as if in a casual manner. But the Lady Peveril instantly conjured him never to mention the name, especially in his father's presence. 'Was that Major Bridgenorth, of whom I have heard the name mentioned,' said Julian, *so very bad a neigh- bour?' *I do not say so,' said Lady Peveril; 'nay, we were more than once obliged to him, in the former unhappy times; but your father and he took some passages so ill at each other's hands, that the least allusion to him disturbs Sir Geoffrey's temper in a manner quite unusual, and which, now that his health is somewhat impaired, is sometimes alarming to me. For Heaven's sake, then, my dear Julian, avoid upon all occasions the slightest allusion to Moultrassie or any of its inhabitants.' This warning was so seriously given, that Julian him- self saw that mentioning his secret purpose would be the sure way to render it abortive, and therefore he returned disconsolate to the isle. Peveril had the boldness, however, to make the best he could of what had happened, by requesting an inter- view with Alice, in order to inform her what had passed betwixt his parents and him on her account. It was with great difficulty that this boon was obtained; and Alice Bridgenorth showed no slight degree of displeasure when 194 I PEVERIL OF THE PEAK she discovered, after much circumlocution, and many efforts to give an air of importance to what he had to communicate, that all amounted but to this, that Lady Peveril continued to retain a favourable opinion of her father, Major Bridgenorth, which Julian would fain have represented as an omen of their future more per- fect reconciliation. ' I did not think you would thus have trifled with me. Master Peveril,' said Alice, assuming an air of dignity; 'but I will take care to avoid such intrusion in future. I request you will not again visit the Black Fort; and I entreat of you, good Mistress Debbitch, that you will no longer either encourage or permit this gentleman's visits, as the result of such persecution will be to compel me to appeal to my aunt and father for another place of residence, and perhaps also for another and more pru- dent companion.' This last hint struck Mistress Deborah with so much terror, that she joined her ward in requiring and de- manding Julian's instant absence, and he was obliged to comply with their request. But the courage of a youthful lover is not easily subdued; and Julian, after having gone through the usual round of trying to forget his ungrateful mistress, and again entertaining his pas- sion with augmented violence, ended by the visit to the Black Fort the beginning of which we narrated in the last chapter. We then left him anxious for, yet almost fearful of, an interview with Alice, which he had prevailed upon Deborah to solicit; and such was the tumult of his mind, that, while he traversed the parlour, it seemed to him that the dark, melancholy eyes of the slaughtered Christ- 195 WAVERLEY NOVELS lan's portrait followed him wherever he went, wdth the fixed, chill, and ominous glance which announced to the enemy of his race mishap and misfortune. The door of the apartment opened at length, and these visions were dissipated. I CHAPTER XIII Parents have flinty hearts! No tears can move them. Otway. When Alice Bridgenorth at length entered the parlour where her anxious lover had so long expected her, it was with a slow step and a composed manner. Her dress was arranged with an accurate attention to form, which at once enhanced the appearance of its Puritanic sim- plicity and struck Julian as a bad omen ; for although the time bestowed upon the toilet may, in many cases, intimate the wish to appear advantageously at such an interview, yet a ceremonious arrangement of attire is very much allied with formality, and a preconceived determination to treat a lover with cold politeness. The sad-coloured gown, the pinched and plaited cap, which carefully obscured the profusion of long dark- brown hair, the small ruff, and the long sleeves, would have appeared to great disadvantage on a shape less graceful than Alice Bridgenorth's; but an exquisite form, though not, as yet, sufficiently rounded in the out- lines to produce the perfection of female beauty, was able to sustain and give grace even to this unbecoming dress. Her countenance, fair and delicate, with eyes of hazel, and a brow of alabaster, had, notwithstanding, less regular beauty than her form, and might have been justly subjected to criticism. There was, however, a life and spirit in her gaiety, and a depth of sentiment in her gravity, which made Alice, in conversation with the very 197 WAVERLEY NOVELS few persons with whom she associated, so fascinating in her manners and expression, whether of language or countenance, so touching also in her simplicity and purity of thought, that brighter beauties might have been overlooked in her company. It was no wonder, therefore, that an ardent character like Julian, influ- enced by these charms, as well as by the secrecy and mystery attending his intercourse with Alice, should prefer the recluse of the Black Fort to all others with whom he had become acquainted in general society. His heart beat high as she came into the apartment, and it was almost without an attempt to speak that his profound obeisance acknowledged her entrance. 'This is a mockery. Master Peveril,' said Alice, with an effort to speak firmly, which yet was disconcerted by a slightly tremulous inflection of voice — * a mockery, and a cruel one. You come to this lone place, inhabited only by two women, too simple to command your ab- sence, too weak to enforce it; you come in spite of my earnest request, to the neglect of your own time, to the prejudice, I may fear, of my character; you abuse the influence you possess over the simple person to whom I am entrusted — all this you do, and think to make it up by low reverences and constrained courtesy! Is this honourable, or is it fair? Is it,' she added, after a moment's hesitation — 'is it kind?' The tremulous accent fell especially on the last word she uttered, and it was spoken in a low tone of gentle reproach, which went to Julian's heart. * If,' said he, * there were a mode by which, at the peril of my life, Alice, I could show my regard — my respect 198 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK — my devoted tenderness — the danger would be dearer to me than ever was pleasure.' 'You have said such things often,' said Alice, 'and they are such as I ought not to hear, and do not desire to hear. I have no tasks to impose on you — no enemies to be destroyed — no need or desire of protection — no wish, Heaven knows, to expose you to danger. It is your visits here alone to which danger attaches. You have but to rule your own wilful temper — to turn your thoughts and your cares elsewhere, and I can have no- thing to ask — nothing to wish for. Use your own rea- son — consider the injury you do yourself — the injust- ice you do us — and let me, once more, in fair terms, entreat you to absent yourself from this place — till — till—' She paused, and Julian eagerly interrupted her. 'Till when, Alice? — till when? Impose on me any length of absence which your severity can inflict, short of a final separation. Say, "Begone for years, but return when these years are over"; and, slow and wearily as they must pass away, still the thought that they must at length have their period will enable me to live through them. Let me, then, conjure thee, Alice, to name a date — to fix a term — to say till when I ' ' Till you can bear to think of me only as a friend and sister.' 'That is a sentence of eternal banishment indeed!' said Julian; 'it is seeming, no doubt, to fix a term of ex- ile, but attaching to it an impossible condition.' 'And why impossible, Julian?' said Alice, in a tone of persuasion. 'Were we not happier ere you threw the mask from your own countenance, and tore the veil 199 WAVERLEY NOVELS from my foolish eyes? Did we not meet with Joy, spend our time happily, and part cheerily, because we trans- gressed no duty, and incurred no self-reproach? Bring back that state of happy ignorance, and you shall have no reason to call me unkind. But while you form schemes which I know to be visionary, and use language of such violence and passion, you shall excuse me if I now, and once for all, declare that, since Deborah shows herself unfit for the trust reposed in her, and must needs expose me to persecutions of this nature, I will write to my father, that he may fix me another place of residence; and in the meanwhile I will take shelter with my aunt at Kirk-Truagh.' 'Hear me, unpitying girl,' said Peveril — 'hear me, and you shall see how devoted I am to obedience in all that I can do to oblige you! You say you were happy when we spoke not on such topics — well, at all expense of my own suppressed feelings, that happy period shall return. I will meet you — walk with you — read with you — but only as a brother would with his sister or a friend with his friend; the thoughts I may nourish, be they of hope or of despair, my tongue shall not give birth to, and therefore I cannot offend; Deborah shall be ever by your side, and her presence shall prevent my even hinting at what might displease you — only do not make a crime to me of those thoughts which are the dearest part of my existence; for, believe me, it were better and kinder to rob me of existence itself.' 'This is the mere ecstasy of passion, Julian,' answered Alice Bridgenorth; 'that which is unpleasant, our selfish and stubborn will represents as impossible. I have no confidence in the plan you propose — no confidence in 200 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK your resolution, and less than none in the protection of Deborah. Till you can renounce, honestly and explic- itly, the wishes you have lately expressed, we must be strangers; and could you renounce them even at this moment, it were better that we should part for a long time; and, for Heaven's sake, let it be as soon as pos- sible; perhaps it is even now too late to prevent some unpleasant accident — I thought I heard a noise.' 'It was Deborah,' answered Julian. * Be not afraid, Alice; we are secure against surprise.' 'I know not,' said Alice, 'what you mean by such security. I have nothing to hide. I sought not this in- terview; on the contrary, averted it as long as I could, and am now most desirous to break it off.' 'And wherefore, Ahce, since you say it must be our last? Why should you shake the sand which is passing so fast? The very executioner hurries not the prayers of the wretches upon the scaffold. And see you not — I will argue as coldly as you can desire — see you not that you are breaking your own word, and recalling the hope which yourself held out to me?' 'What hope have I suggested? What word have I given, Julian? ' answered Alice. 'You yourself build wild hopes in the air, and accuse me of destroying what had never any earthly foundation. Spare yourself, Julian — spare me — and in mercy to us both depart, and return not again till you can be more reasonable.' 'Reasonable!' replied Julian; 'it is you, Alice, who will deprive me altogether of reason. Did you not say that, if our parents could be brought to consent to our union, you would no longer oppose my suit? ' 'No — no — no,' said Alice, eagerly, and blushing 20I ^mh mmm sm coiiese umkh WAVERLEY NOVELS deeply — ' I did not say so, Julian; it was your own wild imagination which put construction on my silence and my confusion.' 'You do not say so, then?' answered Julian; 'and if all other obstacles were removed, I should find one in the cold, flinty bosom of her who repays the most de- voted and sincere affection with contempt and disHke? Is that,' he added, in a deep tone of feeHng — 'is that what Alice Bridgenorth says to Julian Peveril?' 'Indeed — indeed, Julian,' said the almost weeping girl, 'I do not say so — I say nothing, and I ought not to say anything, concerning what I might do in a state of things which can never take place. Indeed, JuHan, you ought not thus to press me. Unprotected as I am — wishing you well — very well — why should you urge me to say or do what would lessen me in my own eyes? to own affection for one from whom fate has separated me for ever? It is ungenerous — it is cruel — it is seeking a momentary and selfish gratification to your- self at the expense of every feeling which I ought to entertain.' 'You have said enough, Alice,' said JuHan, with sparkling eyes — ' you have said enough in deprecating my urgency, and I will press you no further. But you overrate the impediments which he betwixt us; they must and shall give way.' 'So you said before,' answered Alice, 'and with what probability, your own account may show. You dared not to mention the subject to your own father; how should you venture to mention it to mine? ' 'That I will soon enable you to decide upon. Major Bridgenorth, by my mother's account, is a worthy and 202 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK an estimable man. I will remind him that to my mo- ther's care he owes the dearest treasure and comfort of his life; and I will ask him if it is a just retribution to make that mother childless. Let me but know where to find him, Alice, and you shall hear if I have feared to plead my cause with him.' 'Alas!' answered Alice, 'you well know my uncer- tainty as to my dear father's residence. How often has it been my earnest request to him that he would let me share his solitary abode or his obscure wanderings ! But the short and infrequent visits which he makes to this house are all that he permits me of his society. Some- thing I might surely do, however Httle, to alleviate the melancholy by which he is oppressed.' 'Something we might both do,' said Peveril. 'How willingly would I aid you in so pleasing a task ! All old griefs should be forgotten — all old friendships revived. My father's prejudices are those of an Englishman — strong, indeed, but not insurmountable by reason. Tell me, then, where Major Bridgenorth is, and leave the rest to me; or let me but know by what address your letters reach him, and I will forthwith essay to discover his dwelling.' 'Do not attempt it, I charge you,' said Alice. *Heis already a man of sorrows; and what would he think were I capable of entertaining a suit so likely to add to them? Besides, I could not tell you if I would where he is now to be found. My letters reach him from time to time by means of my aunt Christian ; but of his address I am entirely ignorant.' 'Then, by Heaven,' answered Julian, 'I will watch his arrival in this island and in this house; and ere he has 203 WAVERLEY NOVELS locked thee in his arms he shall answer to me on the sub- ject of my suit.' 'Then demand that answer now,' said a voice from without the door, which was at the same time slowly opened — ' demand that answer now, for here stands Ralph Bridgenorth.' As he spoke, he entered the apartment with his usual slow and sedate step, raised his flapped and steeple- crowned hat from his brows, and, standing in the midst of the room, eyed alternately his daughter and Julian Peveril with a fixed and penetrating glance. 'Father!' said Alice, utterly astonished, and terrified besides, by his sudden appearance at such a conjuncture — 'father, I am not to blame.' 'Of that anon, Alice,' said Bridgenorth; 'meantime, retire to your apartment. I have that to say to this youth which will not endure your presence.' 'Indeed — indeed, father,' said Alice, alarmed at what she supposed these words indicated, 'Julian is as little to be blamed as I ! It was chance — it was fortune, which caused our meeting together.' Then suddenly rushing forward, she threw her arms around her father, saying, 'O do him no injury; he meant me no wrong! Father, you were wont to be a man of reason and of religious peace.' 'And wherefore should I not be so now, Alice?' said Bridgenorth, raising his daughter from the ground, on which she had almost sunk in the earnestness of her sup- plication. 'Dost thou know aught, maiden, which should inflame my anger against this young man more than reason or religion may bridle? Go — go to thy cham- ber. Compose thine own passions: learn to rule these, 204 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK and leave it to me to deal with this stubborn young man.' Alice arose, and, with her eyes fixed on the ground, retired slowly from the apartment. Julian followed her steps with his eyes till the last wave of her garment was visible at the closing door; then turned his looks to Ma- jor Bridgenorth, and then sunk them on the ground. The major continued to regard him in profound silence; his looks were melancholy and even austere; but there was nothing which indicated either agitation or keen resentment. He motioned to Julian to take a seat, and assumed one himself; after which he opened the con- versation in the following manner: — 'You seemed but now, young gentleman, anxious to learn where I was to be found. Such I at least conjec- tured from the few expressions which I chanced to over- hear; for I made bold, though it may be contrary to the code of modern courtesy, to listen a moment or two in order to gather upon what subject so young a man as you entertained so young a woman as Alice in a private interview.' * I trust, sir,' said Julian, rallying spirits in what he felt to be a case of extremity, * you have heard nothing on my part which has given offence to a gentleman whom, though unknown, I am bound to respect so highly.' *0n the contrary,' said Bridgenorth, with the same formal gravity, ' I am pleased to find that your business is, or appears to be, with me, rather than with my daugh- ter. I only think you had done better to have entrusted it to me in the first instance, as my sole concern.' The utmost sharpness of attention which Julian ap- plied could not discover if Bridgenorth spoke seriously 205 WAVERLEY NOVELS or ironically to the above purpose. He was, however, quick-witted beyond his experience, and was internally determined to endeavour to discover something of the character and the temper of him with whom he spoke. For that purpose, regulating his reply in the same tone with Bridgenorth's observation, he said that, not having the advantage to know his place of residence, he had applied for information to his daughter. 'Who is now known to you for the first time?' said Bridgenorth. 'Am I so to understand you?' 'By no means,' answered Julian, looking down; 'I have been known to your daughter for many years; and what I wished to say respects both her happiness and my own.' 'I must understand you,' said Bridgenorth, 'even as carnal men understand each other on the matters of this world. You are attached to my daughter by the cords of love; I have long known this.' 'You, Master Bridgenorth?' exclaimed Peveril — ^you have long known it?' ' Yes, young man. Think you that, as the father of an only child, I could have suffered Alice Bridgenorth — the only living pledge of her who is now an angel in Heaven — to have remained in this seclusion without the surest knowledge of all her material actions? I have, in person, seen more both of her and of you than you could be aware of ; and when absent in the body, I had the means of maintaining the same superintendence. Young man, they say that such love as you entertain for my daughter teaches much subtilty; but believe not that it can overreach the afifection which a widowed father bears to an only child.' 206 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK 'If,' said Julian, his heart beating thick and joy- fully — *if you have known this intercourse so long, may I not hope that it has not met your disapprob- ation?' The major paused for an instant, and then answered, 'In some respects, certainly not. Had it done so — had there seemed aught on your side or on my daughter's to have rendered your visits here dangerous to her or dis- pleasing to me — she had not been long the inhabitant of this solitude, or of this island. But be not so hasty as to presume that all which you may desire in this matter can be either easily or speedily accomplished.' 'I foresee, indeed, difficulties,' answered Julian; but, 'with your kind acquiescence, they are such as I trust to remove. My father is generous; my mother is candid and liberal. They loved you once; I trust they will love you again. I will be the mediator betwixt you; peace and harmony shall once more inhabit our neighbourhood, and — ' Bridgenorth interrupted him with a grim smile; for such it seemed, as it passed over a face of deep melan- choly. 'My daughter well said, but short while past, that you were a dreamer of dreams — an architect of plans and hopes fantastic as the visions of the night. It is a great thing you ask of me — the hand of my only child — the sum of my worldly substance, though that is but dross in comparison. You ask the key of the only fountain from which I may yet hope to drink one pleas- ant draught ; you ask to be the sole and absolute keeper of my earthly happiness; and what have you offered, or what have you to offer, in return of the surrender you require of me?' 207 WAVERLEY NOVELS 'I am but too sensible,' said Peveril, abashed at his own hasty conclusions, 'how difficult it may be.' 'Nay, but interrupt me not,' replied Bridgenorth, 'till I show you the amount of what you offer me in exchange for a boon which, whatever may be its intrinsic value, is earnestly desired by you, and comprehends all that is valuable on earth which I have it in my power to bestow. You may have heard that in the late times I was the antagonist of your father's principles and his pro- fane faction, but not the enemy of his person.' 'I have ever heard,' replied Julian, 'much the con- trary ; and it was but now that I reminded you that you had been his friend.' 'Ay. When he was in afHiction and I in prosperity, I was neither unwilling nor altogether unable to show myself such. Well, the tables are turned — the times are changed. A peaceful and unoffending man might have expected from a neighbour, now powerful in his turn, such protection, when walking in the paths of the law, as all men, subjects of the same realm, have a right to expect even from perfect strangers. What chances? I pursue, with the warrant of the king and law, a mur- deress, bearing on her hand the blood of my near con- nexion, and I had, in such a case, a right to call on every liege subject to render assistance to the execution. My late friendly neighbour, bound, as a man and a magis- trate, to give ready assistance to a legal action — bound, as a grateful and obliged friend, to respect my rights and my person — thrusts himself betwixt me — me, the avenger of blood — and my lawful captive ; beats me to the earth, at once endangering my life, and, in mere human eyes, sullying mine honour; and, under his pro- 208 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK tection, the Midianitish woman reaches, like a sea- eagle, the nest which she hath made in the wave- surrounded rocks, and remains there till gold, duly administered at court, wipes out all memory of her crime, and baffles the vengeance due to the memory of the best and bravest of men. But,' he added, apostrophising the portrait of Christian, 'thou art not yet forgotten, my fair-haired William! The vengeance which dogs thy murderers is slow, but it is sure ! ' There was a pause of some moments, which Julian Peveril, willing to hear to what conclusion Major Bridgenorth was finally to arrive, did not care to inter- rupt. Accordingly, in a few minutes, the latter pro- ceeded. 'These things,' he said, 'I recall not in bitter- ness, so far as they are personal to me — I recall them not in spite of heart, though they have been the means of banishing me from my place of residence, where my fathers dwelt, and where my earthly comforts lie in- terred. But the public cause sets further strife betwixt your father and me. Who so active as he to execute the fatal edict of black St. Bartholomew's day, when so many hundreds of Gospel-preachers were expelled from house and home — from hearth and altar — from church and parish, to make room for belly-gods and thieves? Who, when a devoted few of the Lord's people were united to lift the fallen standard, and once more ad- vance the good cause, was the readiest to break their purpose — to search for, persecute, and apprehend them? Whose breath did I feel warm on my neck, whose naked sword was thrust within a foot of my body, whilst I lurked darkling, like a thief in concealment, in the house of my fathers? It was Geoffrey Peveril's 87 209 WAVERLEY NOVELS — it was your father's ! What can you answer to all this, or how can you reconcile it with your present wishes?' Julian, in reply, could only remark, 'That these injuries had been of long standing; that they had been done in heat of times and heat of temper, and that Master Bridgenorth, in Christian kindness, should not entertain a keen resentment of them, when a door was open for reconciliation.' 'Peace, young man,' said Bridgenorth, 'thou speakest of thou knowest not what. To forgive our human wrongs is Christian-like and commendable; but we have no commission to forgive those which have been done to the cause of religion and of liberty ; we have no right to grant immunity, or to shake hands with those who have poured forth the blood of our brethren.' He looked at the picture of Christian, and was silent for a few min- utes, as if he feared to give too violent way to his own impetuosity, and resumed the discourse in a milder tone. 'These things I point out to you, Julian, that I may show you how impossible, in the eyes of a merely worldly man, would be the union which you are desirous of. But Heaven hath at times opened a door, where man beholds no means of issue. Julian, your mother, for one to whom the truth is unknown, is, after the fashion of the world, one of the best and one of the wisest of women; and Providence, which gave her so fair a form, and tenanted that form with a mind as pure as the original frailty of our vile nature will permit, means not, I trust, that she shall continue to the end to be a vessel of wrath and perdition. Of your father I say nothing — he is what the times and example of others, and the counsels of his lordly priest, have made him; 2IO PEVERIL OF THE PEAK and of him, once more, I say nothing, save that I have power over him, which ere now he might have felt, but that there is one within his chambers who might have suffered in his suffering. Nor do I wish to root up your ancient family. If I prize not your boast of family hon- ours and pedigree, I would not willingly destroy them; more than I would pull down a moss-grown tower, or hew to the ground an ancient oak, save for the straight- ening of the common path, and the advantage of the public. I have, therefore, no resentment against the humbled house of Peveril — nay, I have regard to it in its depression.' He here made a second pause, as if he expected Julian to say something. But, notwithstanding the ardour with which the young man had pressed his suit, he was too much trained in ideas of the importance of his fam- ily, and in the better habit of respect for his parents, to hear, without displeasure, some part of Bridgenorth's discourse. 'The house of Peveril,' he replied, 'was never hum- bled.' ' Had you said the sons of that house had never been humble J answered Bridgenorth, 'you would have come nearer the truth. Are you not humbled? Live you not here, the lackey of a haughty woman, the play-com- panion of an empty youth? If you leave this isle and go to the court of England, see what regard will there be paid to the old pedigree that deduces your descent from kings and conquerors. A scurril or obscene jest, an impudent carriage, a laced cloak, a handful of gold, and the readiness to wager it on a card or a die, will better advance you at the court of Charles than your father's 211 WAVERLEY NOVELS ancient name, and slavish devotion of blood and fortune to the cause of his father.' *That is, indeed, but too probable,' said Peveril; 'but the court shall be no element of mine. I will live like my fathers, among my people, care for their comforts, decide their differences — ' 'Build Maypoles, and dance around them,' said Bridgenorth, with another of those grim smiles which passed over his features like the Hght of a sexton's torch, as it glares and is reflected by the window of the church, when he comes from locking a funeral vault. 'No, Julian, these are not times in which, by the dreaming drudgery of a country magistrate and the petty cares of a country proprietor, a man can serve his unhappy country. There are mighty designs afloat, and men are called to make their choice betwixt God and Baal. The ancient superstition — the abomination of our fathers — is raising its head and flinging abroad its snares, under the protection of the princes of the earth; but she raises not her head unmarked or unwatched: the true English hearts are as thousands which wait but a signal to arise as one man, and show the kings of the earth that they have combined in vain! We will cast their cords from us; the cup of their abominations we will not taste.' 'You speak in darkness, Master Bridgenorth,* said Peveril. 'Knowing so much of me, you may, perhaps, also be aware that I at least have seen too much of the delusions of Rome to desire that they should be pro- pagated at home.' 'Else, wherefore do I speak to thee friendly and so free?' said Bridgenorth. 'Do I not know with what 212 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK readiness of early wit you baflaed the wily attempts of the woman's priest to seduce thee from the Protestant faith? Do I not know how thou wast beset when abroad, and that thou didst both hold thine own faith and secure the wavering belief of thy friend? Said I not, " This was done like the son of Margaret Peveril"? Said I not, "He holdeth, as yet, but the dead letter; but the seed which is sown shall one day sprout and quicken"? Enough, however, of this. For to-day this is thy hab- itation. I will see in thee neither the servant of that daughter of Eshbaal nor the son of him who pursued my hfe and blemished my honours; but thou shalt be to me, for this day, as the child of her without whom my house had been extinct.' So saying, he stretched out his thin, bony hand and grasped that of Julian Peveril; but there was such a look of mourning in his welcome that, whatever delight the youth anticipated spending so long a time in the neighbourhood of Alice Bridgenorth, perhaps in her society, or however strongly he felt the prudence of conciliating her father's good-will, he could not help feeling as if his heart was chilled in his company. CHAPTER XIV This day at least is friendship's; on the morrow Let strife come an she will. Otway. Deborah Debbitch, summoned by her master, now made her appearance, with her handkerchief at her eyes, and an appearance of great mental trouble. 'It was not my fault. Major Bridgenorth,' she said; 'how could I help it? like will to like — the boy would come — the girl would see him.' 'Peace, foolish woman/ said Bridgenorth, 'and hear what I have got to say.' 'I know what your honour has to say well enough,' said Deborah. ' Service, I wot, is no inheritance nowa- days — some are wiser than other some — if I had not been wheedled away from Martindale, I might have had a house of mine own by this time.' 'Peace, idiot!' said Bridgenorth; but so intent was Deborah on her vindication, that he could but thrust the interjection, as it were edgewise, between her ex- clamations, which followed as thick as is usual in cases where folk endeavour to avert deserved censure by a clamorous justification ere the charge be brought. 'No wonder she was cheated,' she said, 'out of sight of her own interest, when it was to wait on pretty Miss Alice. All your honour's gold should never have tempted me, but that I knew she was but a dead cast- away, poor innocent, if she were taken away from my lady or me. And so this is the end on 't! — up early and 214 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK down late, and this is all my thanks! But your honour had better take care what you do; she has the short cough yet sometimes, and should take physic, spring and fall.' 'Peace, chattering fool!' said her master, so soon as her failing breath gave him an opportunity to strike in ; 'thinkest thou I knew not of this young gentleman's visits to the Black Fort, and that, if they had displeased me, I would not have known how to stop them ? ' 'Did I know that your honour knew of his visits!' exclaimed Deborah, in a triumphant tone — for, like most of her condition, she never sought further for her defence than a lie, however inconsistent and improbable — 'did I know that your honour knew of it? Why, how should I have permitted his visits else? I wonder what your honour takes me for ! Had I not been sure it was the thing in this world that your honour most desired, would I have presumed to lend it a hand forward? I trust I know my duty better. Hear if I ever asked an- other youngster into the house, save himself, for I knew your honour was wise, and quarrels cannot last for ever, and love begins where hatred ends; and, to be sure, they look as if they were born one for the other; and then the estates of Moultrassie and Martindale suit each other like sheath and knife.' 'Parrot of a woman, hold your tongue!' said Bridge- north, his patience almost completely exhausted; 'or, if you will prate, let it be to your playfellows in the kitchen, and bid them get ready some dinner presently, for Master Peveril is far from home.' 'That I will, and with all my heart,' said Deborah; 'and if there are a pair of fatter fowls in Man than shall 215 WAVERLEY NOVELS clap their wings on the table presently, your honour shall call me goose as well as parrot.' She then left the apartment. 'It is to such a woman as that,' said Bridgenorth, looking after her significantly, ' that you conceived me to have abandoned the charge of my only child? But enough of this subject; we will walk abroad, if you will, while she is engaged in a province fitter for her imderstanding.' So saying, he left the house, accompanied by Julian Peveril, and they were soon walking side by side, as if they had been old acquaintances. It may have happened to many of our readers, as it has done to ourselves, to be thrown by accident into society with some individual whose claims to what is called a serious character stand considerably higher than our own, and with whom, therefore, we have conceived ourselves likely to spend our time in a very stiff and constrained manner; while, on the other hand, our de- stined companion may have apprehended some disgust from the supposed levity and thoughtless gaiety of a disposition so different from his own. Now, it has fre- quently happened that, when we, with that urbanity and good-humour which is our principal characteristic, have accommodated ourself to our companion, by throwing as much seriousness into our conversation as our habits will admit, he, on the other hand, moved by our liberal example, hath divested his manners of a part of their austerity; and our conversation has, in conse- quence, been of that pleasant texture, betwixt the use- ful and agreeable, which best resembles 'the fairy-web of night and day,' usually called in prose the twilight. 216 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK It is probable both parties may, on such occasions, have been the better for their encounter, even if it went no further than to establish for the time a commimity of feeling between men who, separated more perhaps by temper than by principle, are too apt to charge each other with profane frivolity on the one hand or fanati- cism on the other. It fared thus in Peveril's walk with Bridgenorth, and in the conversation which he held with him. Carefully avoiding the subject on which he had al- ready spoken. Major Bridgenorth turned his conversa- tion chiefly on foreign travel, and on the wonders he had seen in distant countries, and which he appeared to have marked with a curious and observant eye. This discourse made the time fly light away; for, although the anecdotes and observations thus communicated were all tinged with the serious and almost gloomy spirit of the narrator, they yet contained traits of interest and of wonder, such as are usually interesting to a youthful ear, and were particularly so to Julian, who had in his disposition some cast of the romantic and adventurous. It appeared that Bridgenorth knew the south of France, and could tell many stories of the French Huguenots, who already began to sustain those vexa- tions which a few years afterwards were summed up by the revocation of the Edict of Nantz. He had even been in Hungary, for he spoke as from personal knowledge of the character of several of the heads of the great Protestant insurrection, which at this time had taken place under the celebrated Tekeli; and laid down solid reasons why they were entitled to make common cause with the Great Turk, rather than submit to the Pope of 317 WAVERLEY NOVELS Rome. He talked also of Savoy, where those of the Reformed religion still suffered a cruel persecution ; and he mentioned, with a swelling spirit, the protection which Oliver had afforded to the oppressed Protestant churches; 'therein showing himself,' he added, 'more fit to wield the supreme power than those who, claiming it by right of inheritance, use it only for their own vain and voluptuous pursuits.' 'I did not expect,' said Peveril, modestly, 'to have heard Oliver's panegyric from you, Master Bridge- north.' 'I did not panegyrise him,' answered Bridgenorth; * I speak but truth of that extraordinary man, now being dead, whom, when alive, I feared not to withstand to his face. It is the fault of the present unhappy King if he make us look back with regret to the days when the nation was respected abroad, and when devotion and sobriety were practised at home. But I mean not to vex your spirit by controversy. You have lived amongst those who find it more easy and more pleasant to be the pensioners of France than her controllers; to spend the money which she doles out to themselves than to check the tyranny with which she oppresses our poor brethren of the religion. When the scales shall fall from thine eyes, all this thou shalt see; and seeing, shalt learn to detest and despise it.' By his time they had completed their walk, and were returned to the Black Fort by a different path from that which had led them up the valley. The exercise and the general tone of conversation had removed, in some degree, the shyness and embarrassment which Peveril originally felt in Bridgenorth's presence, and which the 218 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK tenor of his first remarks had rather increased than diminished. Deborah's promised banquet was soon on the board; and in simplicity, as well as neatness and good order, answered the character she had claimed for it. In one respect alone there seemed some inconsistency, perhaps a httle aJEEectation. Most of the dishes were of silver, and the plates were of the same metal ; instead of the trenchers and pewter which Peveril had usually seen employed on similar occasions at the Black Fort. Presently, with the feeling of one who walks in a pleasant dream from which he fears to awake, and whose delight is mingled with wonder and with uncertainty, Julian Peveril found himself seated between Alice Bridgenorth and her father — the being he most loved on earth, and the person whom he had ever considered as the great obstacle to their intercourse ! The confusion of his mind was such, that he could scarcely reply to the importunate civilities of Dame Deborah, who, seated with them at table in her quality of governante, now dispensed the good things which had been prepared under her own eye. As for Alice, she seemed to have formed a resolution to play the mute ; for she answered not, excepting briefly, to the questions of Dame Debbitch; nay, even when her father, which happened once or twice, attempted to bring her forward in the conversation, she made no further reply than respect for him rendered absolutely necessary. Upon Bridgenorth himself, then, devolved the task of entertaining the company; and, contrary to his ordinary habits, he did not seem to shrink from it. His discourse was not only easy, but almost cheerful, though ever and 219 WAVERLEY NOVELS anon crossed by some expressions indicative of natural and habitual melancholy, or prophetic of future mis- fortune and woe. Flashes of enthusiasm, too, shot along his conversation, gleaming like the sheet-lightning of an autumn eve, which throws a strong, though moment- ary, illumination across the sober twilight, and all the surrounding objects, which, touched by it, assume a wilder and more striking character. In general, however, Bridgenorth's remarks were plain and sensible; and as he aimed at no graces of language, any ornament which they received arose out of the interest with which they were impressed on his hearers. For example, when Deborah, in the pride and vulgarity of her heart, called Julian's attention to the plate from which they had been eating, Bridgenorth seemed to think an apology neces- sary for such superfluous expense. 'It was a symptom,' he said, 'of approaching danger, when such men, as were not usually influenced by the vanities of life, employed much money in ornaments composed of the precious metals. It was a sign that the merchant could not obtain a profit for the capital, which, for the sake of security, he invested in this inert form. It was a proof that the noblemen or gentlemen feared the rapacity of power, when they put their wealth into forms the most portable and the most capable of being hidden; and it showed the uncertainty of credit, when a man of judgment preferred the actual possession of a mass of silver to the convenience of a goldsmith's or a banker's receipt. While a shadow of liberty re- mained,' he said, 'domestic rights were last invaded; and, therefore, men disposed upon their cupboards and tables the wealth which in these places would remain 220 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK longest, though not perhaps finally, sacred from the grasp of a tyrannical government. But let there be a demand for capital to support a profitable commerce, and the mass is at once consigned to the furnace, and, ceasing to be a vain and cumbrous ornament of the ban- quet, becomes a potent and active agent for furthering the prosperity of the country.' *In war, too,' said Peveril, 'plate has been found a ready resource.' 'But too much so,' answered Bridgenorth. 'In the late times, the plate of the nobles and gentry, with that of the colleges, and the sale of the crown jewels, enabled the King to make his unhappy stand, which prevented matters returning to a state of peace and good order, until the sword had attained an undue superiority both over King and Parliament.' He looked at Julian as he spoke, much as he who proves a horse offers some object suddenly to his eyes, then watches to see if he starts or blenches from it. But Julian's thoughts were too much bent on other topics to manifest any alarm. His answer referred to a previous part of Bridgenorth's discourse, and was not returned till after a brief pause. 'War, then,' he said — 'war, the grand impoverisher, is also a creator of the wealth which it wastes and devours?' 'Yes,' replied Bridgenorth, 'even as the sluice brings into action the sleeping waters of the lake, which it finally drains. Necessity invents arts and discovers means; and what necessity is sterner than that of civil war? Therefore, even war is not in itself unmixed evil, being the creator of impulses and energies which could not otherwise have existed in society.' 221 WAVERLEY NOVELS 'Men should go to war, then,' said Peveril, 'that they may send their silver plate to the mint, and eat from pewter dishes and wooden platters?' 'Not so, my son,' said Bridgenorth. Then checking himself, as he observed the deep crimson on Julian's cheek and brow, he added, ' I crave your pardon for such familiarity; but I meant not to limit what I said even now to such trifling consequences, although it may be something salutary to tear men from their pomps and luxuries, and teach those to be Romans who would otherwise be Sybarites. But I would say, that times of public danger, as they call into circulation the miser's hoard and the proud man's bullion, and so add to the circulating wealth of the country, do also call into action many a brave and noble spirit, which would otherwise lie torpid, give no example to the living, and bequeath no name to future ages. Society knows not, and cannot know, the mental treasures which slumber in her bosom, till necessity and opportunity call forth the statesman and the soldier from the shades of lowly life to the parts they are designed by Providence to perform, and the stations which nature had qualified them to hold. So rose Oliver — so rose Milton — so rose many another name which cannot be forgotten — even as the tempest summons forth and displays the address of the mariner.' 'You speak,' said Peveril, 'as if national calamity might be, in some sort, an advantage.' 'And if it were not so,' replied Bridgenorth, 'it had not existed in this state of trial, where all temporal evil is alleviated by something good in its progress or result, where all that is good is close coupled with that which is in itself evil.' 222 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK *It must be a noble sight,' said Julian, 'to behold the slumbering energies of a great mind awakened into energy, and to see it assume the authority which is its due over spirits more meanly endowed.' 'I once witnessed,' said Bridgenorth, 'something to the same effect; and as the tale is brief, I will tell it you, if you will : — 'Amongst my wanderings, the Transatlantic settle- ments have not escaped me; more especially the coun- try of New England, into which our native land has shaken from her lap, as a drunkard flings from him his treasures, so much that is precious in the eyes of God and of His children. There thousands of our best and most godly men — such whose righteousness might come between the Almighty and His wrath, and prevent the ruin of cities — are content to be the inhabitants of the desert, rather encountering the unenlightened sav- ages than stooping to extinguish, under the oppression practised in Britain, the light that is within their own minds. There I remained for a time, during the wars which the colony maintained with Philip, a great Indian chief, or sachem, as they were called, who seemed a messenger sent from Satan to buffet them. His cruelty was great — his dissimulation profound ; and the skill and promptitude with which he maintained a destruc- tive and desultory warfare inflicted many dreadful calamities on the settlement. I was, by chance, at a small village in the woods, more than thirty miles from Boston, and in its situation exceedingly lonely, and sur- rounded with thickets. Nevertheless, there was no idea of any danger from the Indians at that time, for men trusted to the protection of a considerable body of troops 223 WAVERLEY NOVELS who had taken the field for protection of the frontiers, and who lay, or were supposed to lie, betwixt the hamlet and the enemy's country. But they had to do with a foe whom the devil himself had inspired at once with cun- ning and cruelty. It was on a Sabbath morning, when we had assembled to take sweet counsel together in the Lord's house. Our temple was but constructed of wooden logs; but when shall the chant of trained hire- lings, or the sounding of tin and brass tubes amid the aisles of a minster, arise so sweetly to Heaven as did the psalm in which we united at once our voices and our hearts! An excellent worthy, who now sleeps in the Lord, Nehemiah Solsgrace, long the companion of my pilgrimage, had just begun to wrestle in prayer, when a woman, with disordered looks and dishevelled hair, entered our chapel in a distracted manner, screaming incessantly, " The Indians! The Indians! " In that land no man dares separate himself from his means of defence, and whether in the city or in the field, in the ploughed land or the forest, men keep beside them their weapons, as did the Jews at the rebuilding of the Temple. So we sallied forth with our guns and pikes, and heard the whoop of these incarnate devils, already in possession of a part of the town, and exercising their cruelty on the few whom weighty causes or indisposition had with- held from public worship; and it was remarked as a judgment that, upon that bloody Sabbath, Adrian Hanson, a Dutchman, a man well enough disposed towards men, but whose mind was altogether given to worldly gain, was shot and scalped as he was summing his weekly gains in his warehouse. In fine, there was much damage done; and although our arrival and en- 224 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK trance into combat did in some sort put them back, yet being surprised and confused, and having no appointed leader of our band, the devilish enemy shot hard at us, and had some advantage. It was pitiful to hear the screams of women and children amid the report of guns and the whistUng of bullets, mixed with the ferocious yells of these savages, which they term their war-whoop. Several houses in the upper part of the village were soon on fire; and the roaring of the flames, and crackling of the great beams as they blazed, added to the horrible con- fusion; while the smoke which the wind drove against us gave further advantage to the enemy, who fought, as it were, invisible, and under cover, whilst we fell fast by their unerring fire. In this state of confusion, and while we were about to adopt the desperate project of evacuating the village, and, placing the women and chil- dren in the centre, of attempting a retreat to the nearest settlement, it pleased Heaven to send us unexpected assistance. A tall man of a reverend appearance, whom no one of us had ever seen before, suddenly was in the midst of us, as we hastily agitated the resolution of re- treating. His garments were of the skin of the elk, and he wore sword and carried gun; I never saw anything more august than his features, overshadowed by locks of grey hair, which mingled with a long beard of the same colour. "Men and brethren," he said, in a voice like that which turns back the flight, "why sink your hearts ? and why are you thus disquieted? Fear ye that the God we serve will give you up to yonder heathen dogs? Fol- low me, and you shall see this day that there is a captain in Israel!" He uttered a few brief but distinct orders, in the tone of one who was accustomed to command; 27 225 WAVERLEY NOVELS and such was the influence of his appearance, his mien, his language, and his presence of mind, that he was implicitly obeyed by men who had never seen him until that moment. We were hastily divided, by his orders, into two bodies; one of which maintained the defence of the village with more courage than ever, convinced that the Unknown was sent by God to our rescue. At his command they assumed the best and most sheltered positions for exchanging their deadly fire with the In- dians; while, under cover of the smoke, the stranger sallied from the town, at the head of the other division of the New England men, and, fetching a circuit, at- tacked the red warriors in the rear. The surprise, as is usual amongst savages, had complete effect; for they doubted not that they were assailed in their turn, and placed betwixt two hostile parties by the return of a detachment from the provincial army. The heathens fled in confusion, abandoning the half- won village, and leaving behind them such a number of their warriors that the tribe hath never recovered its loss. Never shall I forget the figure of our venerable leader, when our men, and not they only, but the women and children of the village, rescued from the tomahawk and scalping- knife, stood crowded around him, yet scarce venturing to approach his person, and more minded, perhaps, to worship him as a descended angel than to thank him as a fellow-mortal. "Not unto me be the glory," he said: "I am but an implement, frail as yourselves, in the hand of Him who is strong to deliver. Bring me a cup of water, that I may allay my parched throat, ere I essay the task of offering thanks where they are most due." I was nearest to him as he spoke, and I gave into 226 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK his hand the water he requested. At that moment we exchanged glances, and it seemed to me that I recog- nised a noble friend whom I had long since deemed in glory; but he gave me no time to speak, had speech been prudent. Sinking on his knees and signing us to obey him, he poured forth a strong and energetic thanks- giving for the turning back of the battle, which, pro- nounced with a voice loud and clear as a war-trumpet, thrilled through the joints and marrow of the hearers. I have heard many an act of devotion in my life, had Heaven vouchsafed me grace to profit by them ; but such a prayer as this, uttered amid the dead and the dying, with a rich tone of mingled triumph and adoration, was beyond them all: it was like the song of the inspired prophetess who dwelt beneath the palm-tree between Ramah and Bethel. He was silent; and for a brief space we remained with our faces bent to the earth, no man daring to lift his head. At length we looked up, but our deliverer was no longer amongst us; nor was he ever again seen in the land which he had rescued.' Here Bridgenorth, who had told this singular story with an eloquence and vivacity of detail very contrary to the usual dryness of his conversation, paused for an instant, and then resumed — ' Thou seest, young man, that men of valour and of discretion are called forth to command in circumstances of national exigence, though their very existence is unknown in the land which they are predestined to deliver.' 'But what thought the people of the mysterious stranger? ' said Julian, who had listened with eagerness, for the story was of a kind interesting to the youthful and the brave. 227 WAVERLEY NOVELS 'Many things,' answered Bridgenorth, 'and, as usual, little to the purpose. The prevailing opinion was, not- withstanding his own disclamation, that the stranger was really a supernatural being; others believed him an inspired champion, transported in the body from some distant climate, to show us the way to safety; others, again, concluded that he was a recluse, who, either from motives of piety or other cogent reasons, had become a dweller in the wilderness, and shunned the face of man.' 'And, if I may presume to ask,' said Julian, 'to which of these opinions were you disposed to adhere? ' ' The last suited best with the transient though close view with which I had perused the stranger's features,' replied Bridgenorth; 'for although I dispute not that it may please Heaven, on high occasions, even to raise one from the dead in defence of his country, yet I doubted not then, as I doubt not now, that I looked on the living form of one who had indeed powerful reasons to conceal him in the cleft of the rock.' 'Are these reasons a secret?' asked JuHan Peveril. 'Not properly a secret,' repHed Bridgenorth; 'for I fear not thy betraying what I might tell thee in private discourse; and besides, wert thou so base, the prey lies too distant for any hunters to whom thou couldst point out its traces. But the name of this worthy will sound harsh in thy ear, on account of one action of his life — being his accession to a great measure which made the extreme isles of the earth to tremble. Have you never heard of Richard WhalleyP' 'Of the regicide?' exclaimed Peveril, starting. 'Call his act what thou wilt,' said Bridgenorth; 'he was not less the rescuer of that devoted village, that, 228 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK with other leading spirits of the age, he sat in the judg- ment-seat when Charles Stuart was arraigned at the bar, and subscribed the sentence that went forth upon him.' *I have ever heard,' said Julian, in an altered voice, and colouring deeply, 'that you. Master Bridgenorth, with the other Presbyterians, were totally averse to that detestable crime, and were ready to have made joint cause with the Cavaliers in preventing so horrible a parricide.' 'If it were so,' replied Bridgenorth, 'we have been richly rewarded by his successor!' ' Rewarded ! ' exclaimed Julian. ' Does the distinction of good and evil, and our obligation to do the one and forbear the other, depend on the reward which may at- tach to our actions? ' 'God forbid!' answered Bridgenorth, 'yet those who view the havoc which this house of Stuart have made in the church and state — the tyranny which they exer- cise over men's persons and consciences — may well doubt whether it be lawful to use weapons in their de- fence. Yet you hear me not praise, or even vindicate, the death of the King, though so far deserved, as he was false to his oath as a prince and magistrate. I only tell you what you desired to know, that Richard Whalley, one of the late King's judges, was he of whom I have just been speaking. I knew his lofty brow, though time had made it balder and higher ; his grey eye retained all its lustre ; and though the grizzled beard covered the lower part of his face, it prevented me not from recognising him. The scent was hot after him for his blood; but, by the assistance of those friends whom Heaven had 229 WAVERLEY NOVELS raised up for his preservation, he was concealed care- fully, and emerged only to do the will of Providence in the matter of that battle. Perhaps his voice may be heard in the field once more, should England need one of her noblest hearts.' ^ 'Now, God forbid!' said Julian. 'Amen,' returned Bridgenorth. 'May God avert civil war, and pardon those whose madness would bring it on us ! ' There was a long pause, during which Julian, who had scarce lifted his eyes towards Alice, stole a glance in that direction, and was struck by the deep cast of melancholy which had stolen over features to which a cheerful, if not a gay, expression was most natural. So soon as she caught his eye, she remarked, and, as Julian thought, with significance, that the shadows were lengthening and evening coming on. He heard ; and although satisfied that she hinted at his departure, he could not, upon the instant, find resolution to break the spell which detained him. The language which Bridgenorth held was not only new and alarming, but so contrary to the maxims in which he was brought up, that, as a son of Sir Geoffrey Peveril of the Peak, he would, in another case, have thought himself called upon to dispute its conclusions, even at the sword's point. But Bridgenorth's opinions were delivered with so much calmness — seemed so much the result of conviction — that they excited in Julian rather a spirit of wonder than of angry controversy. There was a character of sober decision and sedate melancholy in all that he said which, even had he not been the father of Alice (and perhaps * See Note lo. 230 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK Julian was not himself aware how much he was influenced by that circumstance) , would have rendered it difficult to take personal offence. His language and sentiments were of that quiet yet decided kind upon which it is difficult either to fix controversy or quarrel, although it be impossible to acquiesce in the conclusions to which they lead. While Julian remained as if spell-bound to his chair, scarce more surprised at the company in which he found himself than at the opinions to which he was listening, another circumstance reminded him that the proper time of his stay at Black Fort had been expended. Little Fairy, the Manx pony, which, well accustomed to the vicinity of Black Fort, used to feed near the house while her master made his visits there, began to find his pre- sent stay rather too long. She had been the gift of the countess to Julian whilst a youth, and came of a high- spirited mountain breed, remarkable alike for hardiness, for longevity, and for a degree of sagacity approaching to that of the dog. Fairy showed the latter quality by the way in which she chose to express her impatience to be moving homewards. At least such seemed the pur- pose of the shrill neigh with which she startled the female inmates of the parlour, who, the moment afterwards, could not forbear smiling to see the nose of the pony advanced through the opened casement. 'Fairy reminds me,' said Julian, looking to Alice and rising, ' that the term of my stay here is exhausted.' 'Speak with me yet one moment,' said Bridgenorth, withdrawing him into a Gothic recess of the old-fash- ioned apartment, and speaking so low that he could not be overheard by Alice and her governante, who, in the 231 WAVERLEY NOVELS meantime, caressed, and fed with fragments of bread, the intruder Fairy. 'You have not, after all,' said Bridgenorth, 'told me the cause of your coming hither.' He stopped, as if to enjoy his embarrassment, and then added, 'And indeed it were most unnecessary that you should do so. I have not so far forgotten the days of my youth, or those affec- tions which bind poor frail humanity but too much to the things of this world. Will you find no words to ask of me the great boon which you seek, and which, perad- venture, you would not have hesitated to make your own without my knowledge and against my consent? Nay, never vindicate thyself, but mark me further. The patriarch bought his beloved by fourteen years' hard service to her father, Laban, and they seemed to him but as a few days. But he that would wed my daughter must serve, in comparison, but a few days, though in matters of such mighty import, that they shall seem as the service of many years. Reply not to me now, but go, and peace be with you.' He retired so quickly, after speaking, that Peveril had literally not an instant to reply. He cast his eyes around the apartment, but Deborah and her charge had also disappeared. His gaze rested for a moment on the portrait of Christian, and his imagination suggested that his dark features were illuminated by a smile of haughty triumph. He started and looked more attentively ; it was but the effect of the evening beam, which touched the picture at the instant. The effect was gone, and there remained but the fixed, grave, inflexible features of the republican soldier. Julian left the apartment as one who walks in a 232 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK dream; he mounted Fairy, and, agitated by a variety of thoughts which he was unable to reduce to order, he re- turned to Castle Rushin before the night sat down. Here he found all in movement. The countess, with her son, had, upon some news received or resolution formed during his absence, removed, with a principal part of their family, to the yet stronger castle of Holm- Peel, about eight miles' distance across the island; and which had been suffered to fall into a much more dilap- idated condition than that of Castletown, so far as it could be considered as a place of residence. But as a fortress Holm-Peel was stronger than Castletown ; nay, imless assailed regularly, was almost impregnable; and was always held by a garrison belonging to the Lords of Man. Here Peveril arrived at nightfall. He was told in the fishing- village that the night-bell of the castle had been rung earHer than usual, and the watch set with circumstances of unusual and jealous precaution. Resolving, therefore, not to disturb the garrison by entering at that late hour, he obtained an indifferent lodging in the town for the night, and determined to go to the castle early on the succeeding morning. He was not sorry thus to gain a few hours of solitude, to think over the agitating events of the preceding day. CHAPTER XV What seem'd its head, The likeness of a kingly crown had on. Paradise Lost, SoDOR, or Holm-Peel/ SO is named the castle to which our Julian directed his course early on the following morning, is one of those extraordinary monuments of antiquity with which this singular and interesting island abounds. It occupied the whole of a high rocky peninsula, or rather an island, for it is surrounded by the sea at high- water, and scarcely accessible even when the tide is out, although a stone causeway of great solidity, erected for the express purpose, connects the island with the mainland. The whole space is surrounded by double walls of great strength and thickness ; and the access to the interior, at the time which we treat of, was only by two flights of steep and narrow steps, divided from each other by a strong tower and guard-house, under the former of which there is an entrance arch. The open space within the walls extends to two acres, and contains many objects worthy of antiquarian curiosity. There were, besides the castle itself, two cathedral churches, dedicated, the earlier to St. Patrick, the latter to St. Germain, besides two smaller churches; all of which had become, even in that day, more or less ruinous. Their decayed walls, exhibiting the rude and massive archi- tecture of the most remote period, were composed of a * See Note ii. 234 PEVEREL OF THE PEAK ragged grey stone, which formed a singular contrast with the bright red freestone of which the window-cases, corner-stones, arches, and other ornamental parts of the building were composed. Besides these four ruinous churches, the space of ground inclosed by the massive exterior walls of Holm- Peel exhibited many other vestiges of the olden time. There was a square mound of earth, facing, with its angles to the points of the compass, one of those motes, as they were called, on which, in ancient times, the Northern tribes elected or recognised their chiefs, and held their solemn popular assemblies, or comitia. There was also one of those singular towers, so common in Ireland as to have proved the favourite theme of her antiquaries, but of which the real use and meaning seem yet to be hidden in the mist of ages. This of Holm-Peel had been converted to the purpose of a watch-tower. There were, besides. Runic monuments, of which the legends could not be deciphered ; and later inscriptions to the memory of champions of whom the names only were preserved from oblivion. But tradition and super- stitious eld, still most busy where real history is silent, had filled up the long blank of accurate information with tales of sea-kings and pirates, Hebridean chiefs and Norwegian resolutes, who had formerly warred against, and in defence of, this famous castle. Super- stition, too, had her tales of goblins, ghosts, and spectres, her legends of saints and demons, of fairies and of familiar spirits, which in no corner of the British em- pire are told and received with more absolute credulity than in the Isle of Man. Amidst all these ruins of an older time arose the castle 235 WAVERLEY NOVELS itself, now ruinous; but in Charles II 's reign well gar- risoned, and, in a military point of view, kept in com- plete order. It was a venerable and very ancient build- ing, containing several apartments of sufficient size and height to be termed noble. But, in the surrender of the island by Christian, the furniture had been, in a great measure, plundered or destroyed by the Republican soldiers; so that, as we have before hinted, its present state was ill adapted for the residence of the noble pro- prietor. Yet it had been often the abode, not only of the Lords of Man, but of those state prisoners whom the Kings of Britain sometimes committed to their charge. In this castle of Holm-Peel the great King-Maker, Richard Earl of Warwick, was confined during one period of his eventful life, to ruminate at leisure on his further schemes of ambition. And here, too, Eleanor, the haughty wife of the good Duke of Gloucester, pined out in seclusion the last days of her banishment. The sentinels pretended that her discontented spectre was often visible at night, traversing the battlements of the external walls, or standing motionless beside a particular solitary turret of one of the watch-towers with which they are flanked ; but dissolving into air at cock-crow, or when the bell tolled from the yet remaining tower of St. Germain's church. Such was Holm-Peel, as records inform us, till towards the end of the seventeenth century. It was in one of the lofty but almost unfurnished apartments of this ancient castle that Julian Peveril found his friend the Earl of Derby, who had that mo- ment sat down to a breakfast composed of various sorts of fish. 'Welcome, most imperial Julian/ he said — 236 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK 'welcome to our royal fortress; in which, as yet, we are not like to be starved with hunger, though wellnigh dead for cold.' Julian answered by inquiring the meaning of this sudden movement. * Upon my word,' replied the earl, ' you know nearly as much of it as I do. My mother has told me nothing about it, supposing, I believe, that I shall at length be tempted to inquire ; but she will find herself much mis- taken. I shall give her credit for full wisdom in her pro- ceedings, rather than put her to the trouble to render a reason, though no woman can render one better.' 'Come — come, this is affectation, my good friend,' said Julian, 'You should inquire into these matters a little more curiously.' ' To what purpose? ' said the earl. ' To hear old stories about the Tinwald laws, and the contending rights of the lords and the clergy, and all the rest of that Celtic barbarism, which, like Burgesse's thorough-paced doc- trine, enters at one ear, paces through, and goes out at the other? ' 'Come, my lord,' said Julian, 'you are not so indiffer- ent as you would represent yourself: you are dying of curiosity to know what this hurry is about; only you think it the courtly humour to appear careless about your own affairs.' 'Why, what should it be about,' said the young earl, 'unless some factious dispute between our Majesty's minister, Governor Nowel, and our vassals? or perhaps some dispute betwixt our Majesty and the ecclesiastical jurisdictions? for all which, our Majesty cares as little as any king in Christendom.' 237 WAVERLEY NOVELS *I rather suppose there is intelligence from England,' said Julian. ' I heard last night in Peeltown that Green- halgh is come over with unpleasant news.' *He brought me nothing that was pleasant, I wot well,' said the earl. 'I expected something from St. Evremond or Hamilton, some new plays by Dryden or Lee, and some waggery or lampoons from the Rose Coffee-house; and the fellow has brought me nothing but a parcel of tracts about Protestants and Papists, and a folio play-book, one of the conceptions, as she calls them, of that old madwoman, the Duchess of Newcastle.' 'Hush, my lord, for Heaven's sake,' said Peveril; *here comes the countess; and you know she takes fire at the least slight to her ancient friend.' 'Let her read her ancient friend's works herself, then,' said the earl, 'and think her as wise as she can; but I would not give one of Waller's songs or Denham's satires for a whole cart-load of her Grace's trash. But here comes our mother, with care on her brow.' The Countess of Derby entered the apartment accord- ingly, holding in her hand a number of papers. Her dress was a mourning-habit, with a deep train of black velvet, which was borne by a little favourite attendant, a deaf and dumb girl, whom, in compassion to her misfortune, the countess had educated about her person for some years. Upon this unfortunate being, with the touch of romance which marked many of her proceedings, Lady Derby had conferred the name of Fenella, after some ancient princess of the island. The countess herself was not much changed since we last presented her to our readers. Age had rendered her step more slow, but not less majestic; and while it traced some wrinkles on 238 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK her brow, had failed to quench the sedate fire of her dark eye. The young men rose to receive her with the formal reverence which they knew she loved, and were greeted by her with equal kindness. 'Cousin Peveril/ she said, for so she always called Julian, in respect of his mother being a kinswoman of her husband, 'you were ill abroad last night, when we much needed your counsel.' JuHan answered with a blush which he could not pre- vent, ' That he had followed his sport among the moun- tains too far, had returned late, and, finding her lady- ship was removed from Castletown, had instantly fol- lowed the family hither; but as the night-bell was rung and the watch set, he had deemed it more respectful to lodge for the night in the town.' 'It is well,' said the countess; 'and, to do you justice, Juhan, you are seldom a truant neglecter of appointed hours, though, like the rest of the youth of this age, you sometimes suffer your sports to consume too much of time that should be spent otherwise. But for your friend Philip, he is an avowed contemner of good order, and seems to find pleasure in wasting time, even when he does not enjoy it.' 'I have been enjoying my time just now at least,' said the earl, rising from table, and picking his teeth carelessly. ' These fresh mullets are delicious, and so is the Lachrymas Christi. I pray you to sit down to break- fast, Julian, and partake the goods my royal foresight has provided. Never was King of Man nearer being left to the mercy of the execrable brandy of his dominions. Old Griffiths would never, in the midst of our speedy retreat of last night, have had sense enough to secure 239 WAVERLEY NOVELS a few flasks, had I not given him a hint on that import- ant subject. But presence of mind amid danger and tumult is a jewel I have always possessed.' 'I wish, then, Philip, you would exert it to better purpose,' said the countess, half smiling, half displeased; for she doted upon her son with all a mother's fondness, even when she was most angry with him for being de- ficient in the peculiar and chivalrous disposition which had distinguished his father, and which was so analog- ous to her own romantic and high-minded character. 'Lend me your signet,' she added with a sigh; 'for it were, I fear, vain to ask you to read over these des- patches from England, and execute the warrants which I have thought necessary to prepare in consequence.' 'My signet you shall command with all my heart, madam,' said Earl Philip; 'but spare me the revision of what you are much more capable to decide upon. I am, you know, a most complete roi faineant, and never once interfered with my maire de palais in her proceed- ings.' The countess made signs to her little train-bearer, who immediately went to seek for wax and a light, with which she presently returned. In the meanwhile, the countess continued, addressing Peveril — 'Philip does himself less than justice. When you were absent, Julian, for if you had been here I would have given you the credit of prompting your friend, he had a spirited controversy with the bishop, for an attempt to enforce spiritual censures against a poor wretch, by confining her in the vault under the chapel.' ^ * See Note 12. 240 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK *Do not think better of me than I deserve,' said the earl to Peveril; 'my mother has omitted to tell you the culprit was pretty Peggy of Ramsey, and her crime what in Cupid's courts would have been called a peccadillo.' *Do not make yourself worse than you are,' rephed Peveril, who observed the countess's cheek redden; ' you know you would have done as much for the oldest and poorest cripple in the island. Why, the vault is under the burial-ground of the chapel, and, for aught I know, under the ocean itself, such a roaring do the waves make in its vicinity. I think no one could remain there long and retain his reason.' 'It is an infernal hole,' answered the earl, 'and I will have it built up one day, that is full certain. But hold — hold; for God's sake, madam, what are you going to do? Look at the seal before you put it to the warrant; you will see it is a choice antique cameo, Cupid riding on a flying fish. I had it for twenty zechins from Signor Furabosco at Rome — a most curious matter for an antiquary, but which will add little faith to a Manx warrant.' 'How can you trifle thus, you simple boy?' said the countess, with vexation in her tone and look. 'Let me have your signet; or rather, take these warrants and sign them yourself.' 'My signet — my signet. Oh! you mean that with the three monstrous legs, which I suppose was de- vised as the most preposterous device to present our most absurd Majesty of Man. The signet — I have not seen it since I gave it to Gibbon, my monkey, to play with. He did whine for it most piteously. I hope he 27 241 WAVERLEY NOVELS has not gemmed the green breast of ocean with my symbol of sovereignty!' 'Now, by Heaven/ said the countess, trembling and colouring deeply with anger, 'it was your father's signet, the last pledge which he sent, with his love to me and his blessing to thee, the night before they murdered him at Bolton!' 'Mother — dearest mother,' said the earl, startled out of his apathy, and taking her hand, which he kissed tenderly, ' I did but jest : the signet is safe — Peveril knows that it is so. Go fetch it, Julian, for Heaven's sake, here are my keys; it is in the left-hand drawer of my travelling-cabinet. Nay, mother, forgive me, it was but a mauvaise plaisanterie — only an ill-imagined jest — ungracious, and in bad taste, I allow, but only one of Philip's follies. Look at me, dearest mother, and forgive me!' The countess turned her eyes towards him, from which the tears were fast falling. 'Philip,' she said, 'you try me too unkindly and too severely. If times are changed, as I have heard you allege — if the dignity of rank, and the high feelings of honour and duty, are now drowned in giddy jests and trifling pursuits — let me at least, who live secluded from all others, die without perceiving the change which has happened, and, above all, without perceiving it in mine own son. Let me not learn the general prevalence of this levity, which laughs at every sense of dignity or duty, through your personal disrespect. Let me not think that when I die — ' ' Speak nothing of it, mother,' said the earl, interrupt- ing her affectionately. ' It is true, I cannot promise to 242 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK be all my father and his fathers were; for we wear silk vests for their steel coats, and feathered beavers for their crested helmets. But believe me, though to be an absolute Palmerin of England is not in my nature, no son ever loved a mother more dearly, or would do more to oblige her. And that you may own this, I will forth- with not only seal the warrants, to the great endanger- ment of my precious fingers, but also read the same from end to end, as well as the despatches thereunto apper- taining.' A mother is easily appeased, even when most offended ; and it was with an expanding heart that the countess saw her son's very handsome features, while reading these papers, settle into an expression of deep serious- ness, such as they seldom wore. It seemed to her as if the family likeness to his gallant but unfortunate father increased when the expression of their countenances became similar in gravity. The earl had no sooner perused the despatches, which he did with great atten- tion, than he rose and said, 'Julian, come with me.' The countess looked surprised. *I was wont to share your father's counsels, my son,' she said; 'but do not think that I wish to intrude myself upon yours. I am too well pleased to see you assume the power and the duty of thinking for yourself, which is what I have so long urged you to do. Nevertheless, my experience, who have been so long administrator of your authority in Man, might not, I think, be superfluous to the matter in hand.' 'Hold me excused, dearest mother,' said the earl, gravely. 'The interference was none of my seeking; had you taken your own course, without consulting me, it 243 WAVERLEY NOVELS had been well ; but since I have entered on the affair — and it appears sufficiently important — I must transact it to the best of my own ability.' *Go, then, my son,' said the countess, 'and may Heaven enlighten thee with its counsel, since thou wilt have none of mine. I trust that you. Master Peveril, will remind him of what is fit for his own honour; and that only a coward abandons his rights, and only a fool trusts his enemies.' The earl answered not, but, taking Peveril by the arm, led him up a winding stair to his own apartment, and from thence into a projecting turret, where, amidst the roar of waves and sea-mews' clang, he held with him the following conversation : — 'Peveril, it is well I looked into these warrants. My mother queens it at such a rate as may cost me not only my crown, which I care little for, but perhaps my head, which, though others may think little of it, I would feel it an inconvenience to be deprived of.' 'What on earth is the matter? ' said Peveril, with con- siderable anxiety. 'It seems,' said the Earl of Derby, ' that Old England, who takes a frolicsome brain-fever once every two or three years, for the benefit of her doctors, and the pur- ification of the torpid lethargy brought on by peace and prosperity, is now gone stark staring mad on the subject of a real or supposed Popish Plot. I read one programme on the subject, by a fellow called Oates, and thought it the most absurd foolery I ever perused. But that cun- ning fellow Shaftesbury, and some others amongst the great ones, have taken it up, and are driving on at such a rate as makes harness crack and horses smoke for it. 244 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK The King, who has sworn never to kiss the pillow his father went to sleep on, temporises and gives way to the current; the Duke of York, suspected and hated on account of his religion, is about to be driven to the Continent; several principal Catholic nobles are in the Tower already; and the nation, like a bull at Tutbury running, is persecuted with so many inflammatory rumours and pestilent pamphlets that she has cocked her tail, flung up her heels, taken the bit between her teeth, and is as furiously unmanageable as in the year 1642.' 'All this you must have known already,' said Peveril; *I wonder you told me not of news so important.' *It would have taken long to tell,' said the earl; 'moreover, I desired to have you solus ; thirdly, I was about to speak when my mother entered ; and, to con- clude, it was no business of mine. But these despatches of my politic mother's private correspondent put a new face on the whole matter; for it seems some of the in- formers — a trade which, having become a thriving one, is now pursued by many — have dared to glance at the countess herself as an agent in this same plot — ay, and have found those that are willing enough to believe their report.' 'On mine honour,' said Peveril, 'you both take it with great coolness. I think the countess the more composed of the two; for, except her movement hither, she exhib- ited no mark of alarm, and, moreover, seemed no way more anxious to communicate the matter to your lord- ship than decency rendered necessary.' 'My good mother,' said the earl, 'loves power, though it has cost her dear. I wish I could truly say that my 245 WAVERLEY NOVELS neglect of business is entirely assumed in order to leave it in her hands, but that better motive combines with natural indolence. But she seems to have feared I should not think exactly like her in this emergency, and she was right in supposing so.' 'How comes the emergency upon you?' said Julian; 'and what form does the danger assume?' 'Marry, thus it is,' said the earl: 'I need not bid you remember the affair of Colonel Christian. That man, besides his widow, who is possessed of large property — Dame Christian of Kirk-Truagh, whom you have often heard of, and perhaps seen — left a brother called Edward Christian, whom you never saw at all. Now this brother — but I daresay you know all about it?' 'Not I, on my honour,' said Peveril; 'you know the countess seldom or never alludes to the subject.' 'Why,' replied the earl, 'I believe in her heart she is something ashamed of that gallant act of royalty and supreme jurisdiction, the consequences of which maimed my estate so cruelly. Well, cousin, this same Edward Christian was one of the dempsters at the time, and, naturally enough, was unwilling to concur in the sen- tence which adjudged his aine to be shot like a dog. My mother, who was then in high force, and not to be con- trolled by any one, would have served the dempster with the same sauce with which she dressed his brother, had he not been wise enough to fly from the island. Since that time, the thing has slept on all hands; and though we knew that Dempster Christian made occa- sionally secret visits to his friends in the island, along with two or three other Puritans of the same stamp, and particularly a prick-eared rogue called Bridgenorth, 246 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK brother-in-law to the deceased, yet my mother, thank Heaven, has hitherto had the sense to connive at them, though, for some reason or other, she holds this Bridge- north in especial disfavour.' 'And why/ said Peveril, forcing himself to speak, in order to conceal the very unpleasant surprise which he felt — 'why does the countess now depart from so prudent a line of conduct?' 'You must know the case is now different. The rogues are not satisfied with toleration: they would have supremacy. They have found friends in the present heat of the popular mind. My mother's name, and especially that of her confessor, Aldrick the Jesuit, have been mentioned in this beautiful maze of a plot, which, if any such at all exists, she knows as little of as you or I. However, she is a Catholic, and that is enough; and I have little doubt that, if the fellows could seize on our scrap of a kingdom here, and cut all our throats, they would have the thanks of the present House of Com- mons, as willingly as old Christian had those of the Rump for a similar service.' 'From whence did you receive all this information?' said Peveril, again speaking, though by the same effort which a man makes who talks in his sleep. 'Aldrick has seen the Duke of York in secret, and his Royal Highness, who wept while he confessed his want of power to protect his friends — and it is no trifle will wring tears from him — told him to send us information that we should look to our safety, for that Dempster Christian and Bridgenorth were in the island, with secret and severe orders ; that they had formed a con- siderable party there, and were likely to be owned and 247 WAVERLEY NOVELS protected in anything they might undertake against us. The people of Ramsey and Castletown are unluckily discontented about some new regulation of the imposts; and, to tell you the truth, though I thought yesterday's sudden remove a whim of my mother's, I am almost satisfied they would have blockaded us in Rushin Castle, where we could not have held out for lack of provisions. Here we are better supplied, and, as we are on our guard, it is Hkely the intended rising will not take place.' 'And what is to be done in this emergency?' said Peveril. 'That is the very question, my gentle coz,' answered the earl. * My mother sees but one way of going to work, and that is by royal authority. Here are the warrants she had prepared, to search for, take, and apprehend the bodies of Edward Christian and Robert — no, Ralph Bridgenorth, and bring them to instant trial. No doubt, she would soon have had them in the castle court, with a dozen of the old matchlocks levelled against them — that is her way of solving all sudden difl&culties.' 'But in which, I trust, you do not acquiesce, my lord,' answered Peveril, whose thoughts instantly re- verted to Alice, if they could ever be said to be absent from her. 'Truly, I acquiesce in no such matter,' said the earl. 'William Christian's death cost me a fair half of my in- heritance ; I have no fancy to fall under the displeasure of my royal brother. King Charles, for a new escapade of the same kind. But how to pacify my mother, I know not. I wish the insurrection would take place, and then, as we are better provided than they can be, we might 248 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK knock the knaves on the head ; and yet, since they began the fray, we should keep the law on our side.' 'Were it not better,' said Peveril, 'if by any means these men could be induced to quit the island?' 'Surely,' replied the earl; 'but that will be no easy matter: they are stubborn on principle, and empty threats will not move them. This storm-blast in London is wind in their sails, and they will run their length, you may depend on it. I have sent orders, however, to clap up the Manxmen upon whose assistance they depended, and if I can find the two worthies themselves, here are sloops enough in the harbour: I will take the freedom to send them on a pretty distant voyage, and I hope matters will be settled before they return to give an account of it.' At this moment a soldier belonging to the garrison ap- proached the two young men, with many bows and tokens of respect. 'How now, friend?' said the earl to him. 'Leave off thy courtesies and tell thy business.' The man, who was a native islander, answered in Manx that he had a letter for his honour. Master Julian Peveril. Julian snatched the billet hastily, and asked whence it came. *It was delivered to him by a young woman,' the soldier replied, 'who had given him a piece of money to deliver it into Master Peveril's own hand.' 'Thou art a lucky fellow, Julian,' said the earl. 'With that grave brow of thine, and thy character for sobriety and early wisdom, you set the girls a-wooing, without waiting till they are asked; whilst I, their drudge and vassal, waste both language and leisure, without getting a kind word or look, far less a billet-doux.' 249 WAVERLEY NOVELS This the young earl said with a smile of conscious tri- umph, as in fact he valued himself not a little upon the interest which he supposed himself to possess with the fair sex. Meanwhile, the letter impressed on Peveril a different train of thoughts from what his companion apprehended. It was in Alice's hand, and contained these few words: 'I fear what I am going to do is wrong; but I must see you. Meet me at noon at Goddard Crovan's Stone, with as much secrecy as you may.' The letter was signed only with the initials * A. B.'; but Julian had no difficulty in recognising the handwriting, which he had often seen, and which was remarkably beautiful. He stood suspended, for he saw the difficulty and impropriety of withdrawing himself from the count- ess and his friend at this moment of impending danger, and yet to neglect this invitation was not to be thought of. He paused in the utmost perplexity. 'Shall I read your riddle?' said the earl. 'Go where love calls you — I will make an excuse to my mother; only, most grave anchorite, be hereafter more indulgent to the failings of others than you have been hitherto, and blaspheme not the power of the little deity.' 'Nay, but, cousin Derby — ' said Peveril, and stopped short, for he really knew not what to say. Secured him- self by a virtuous passion from the contagious influence of the time, he had seen with regret his noble kinsman mingle more in its irregularities than he approved of, and had sometimes played the part of a monitor. Circumstances seemed at present to give the earl a right of retaliation. He kept his eye fixed on his friend, as if he waited till he should complete his sentence, and 250 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK at length exclaimed, 'What! cousin, quite d la mort! O, most judicious Julian! O, most precise Peveril! have you bestowed so much wisdom on me that you have none left for yourself? Come, be frank — tell me name and place, or say but the colour of the eyes of the most emphatic she, or do but let me have the pleasure to hear thee say, " I love ! " Confess one touch of human frailty, conjugate the verb amo, and I will be a gentle school- master, and you shall have, as Father Richards used to say, when we were under his ferule, "licentia exeundi." ' 'Enjoy your pleasant humour at my expense, my lord,' said Peveril. *I fairly will confess thus much, that I would fain, if it consisted with my honour and your safety, have two hours at my own disposal, the more especially as the manner in which I shall employ them may much concern the safety of the island.' 'Very likely, I daresay,' answered the earl, still laugh- ing. 'No doubt you are summoned out by some Lady Politic Wouldbe of the isle, to talk over some of the breast-laws; but never mind — go, and go speedily, that you may return as quick as possible. I expect no im- mediate explosion of this grand conspiracy. When the rogues see us on our guard, they will be cautious how they break out. Only, once more, make haste.' Peveril thought this last advice was not to be neglected; and, glad to extricate himself from the rail- lery of his cousin, walked down towards the gate of the castle, meaning to cross over to the village, and there take horse at the earl's stables for the place of rendezvous. CHAPTER XVI Acasto. Can she not speak? Oswald. If speech be only in accented sounds, Framed by the tongue and lips, the maiden's dumb; But if by quick and apprehensive look. By motion, sign, and glance, to give each meaning, Express as clothed in language, be term'd speech, She hath that wondrous faculty; for her eyes, Like the bright stars of heaven, can hold discourse. Though it be mute and soundless. Old Play. At the head of the first flight of steps which descended towards the difficult and well-defended entrance of the Castle of Holm-Peel, Peveril was met and stopped by the countess's train-bearer. This little creature — for she was of the least and slightest size of womankind — was exquisitely well formed in all her limbs, which the dress she usually wore, a green silk tunic of a peculiar form, set off to the best advantage. Her face was darker than the usual hue of Europeans ; and the profusion of long and silken hair which, when she undid the braids in which she commonly wore it, fell down almost to her ankles, was also rather a foreign attribute. Her coun- tenance resembled a most beautiful miniature; and there was a quickness, decision, and fire in Fenella's look, and especially in her eyes, which was probably rendered yet more alert and acute because, through the imperfection of her other organs, it was only by sight that she could obtain information of what passed around her. The pretty mute was mistress of many little accom- plishments, which the countess had caused to be taught to her in compassion for her forlorn situation, and 252 PEVEREL OF THE PEAK which she had learned with the most surprising quick- ness. Thus, for example, she was exquisite in the use of the needle, and so ready and ingenious a draughts- woman, that, like the ancient Mexicans, she sometimes made a hasty sketch with her pencil the means of con- veying her ideas, either by direct or emblematical re- presentation. Above all, in the art of ornamental writ- ing, much studied at that period, Fenella was so great a proficient as to rival the fame of Messrs. Snow, Shel- ley, and other masters of the pen, whose copy-books, preserved in the libraries of the curious, still show the artists smiling on the frontispiece in all the honours of flowing gowns and full-bottomed wigs, to the eternal glory of calligraphy. The little maiden had, besides these accomplishments, much ready wit and acuteness of intellect. With Lady Derby and with the two young gentlemen she was a great favourite, and used much freedom in conversing with them by means of a system of signs which had been gradually established amongst them, and which served all ordinary purposes of communication. But, though happy in the indulgence and favour of her mistress, from whom indeed she was seldom separate, Fenella was by no means a favourite with the rest of the household. In fact, it seemed that her temper, exas- perated perhaps by a sense of her misfortune, was by no means equal to her abilities. She was very haughty in her demeanour, even towards the upper domestics, who in that establishment were of a much higher rank and better birth than in the families of the nobility in general. These often complained, not only of her pride and reserve, but of her high and irascible temper and 253 WAVERLEY NOVELS vindictive disposition. Her passionate propensity had been indeed idly encouraged by the young men, and par- ticularly by the earl, who sometimes amused himself with teasing her, that he might enjoy the various sin- gular motions and murmurs by which she expressed her resentment. Towards him, these were of course only petulant and whimsical indications of pettish anger. But when she was angry with others of inferior degree — before whom she did not control herself — the expres- sion of her passion, unable to display itself in language, had something even frightful, so singular were the tones, contortions, and gestures to which she had recourse. The lower domestics, to whom she was liberal almost beyond her apparent means, observed her with much deference and respect, but much more from fear than from any real attachment ; for the caprices of her temper displayed themselves even in her gifts; and those who most frequently shared her bounty seemed by no means assured of the benevolence of the motives which dictated her liberality. All these peculiarities led to a conclusion consonant with Manx superstition. Devout believers in all the legends of fairies so dear to the Celtic tribes, the Manx people held it for certainty that the elves were in the habit of carrying off mortal children before baptism, and leaving in the cradle of the new-born babe one of their own brood, which was almost always imperfect in some one or other of the organs proper to humanity. Such a being they conceived Fenella to be; and the small- ness of her size, her dark complexion, her long locks of silken hair, the singularity of her manners and tones, as well as the caprices of her temper, were to their thinking 254 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK all attributes of the irritable, fickle, and dangerous race from which they supposed her to be sprung. And it seemed that, although no jest appeared to offend her more than when Lord Derby called her in sport the Elfin Queen, or otherwise alluded to her supposed con- nexion with *the pigmy folk,' yet still her perpetually affecting to wear the colour of green, proper to the fairies, as well as some other peculiarities, seemed vol- untarily assumed by her, in order to countenance the superstition, perhaps because it gave her more authority among the lower orders. Many were the tales circulated respecting the count- ess's elf, as Fenella was currently called in the island; and the malcontents of the stricter persuasion were con- vinced that no one but a Papist and a Malignant would have kept near her person a creature of such doubtful origin. They conceived that Fenella's deafness and dumbness were only towards those of this world, and that she had been heard talking, and singing, and laugh- ing most elvishly with the invisibles of her own race. They alleged, also, that she had a 'double,' a sort of apparition resembling her, which slept in the countess's ante-room, or bore her train, or wrought in her cabinet, while the real Fenella joined the song of the mermaids on the moonlight sands, or the dance of the fairies in the haunted valley of Glenmoy, or on the heights of Snae- fell and Barool. The sentinels, too, would have sworn they had seen the little maiden trip past them in their solitary night-walks, without their having it in their power to challenge her, any more than if they had been as mute as herself. To all this mass of absurdities the better informed paid no more attention than to the 255 WAVERLEY NOVELS usual idle exaggerations of the vulgar, which so fre- quently connect that which is unusual with what is supernatural.^ Such, in form and habits, was the little female who, holding in her hand a small, old-fashioned ebony rod, which might have passed for a divining-wand, con- fronted Julian on the top of the flight of steps which led down the rock from the castle court. We ought to ob- serve that, as Julian's manner to the unfortunate girl had been always gentle, and free from those teasing jests in which his gay friend indulged, with less regard to the peculiarity of her situation and feelings, so Fenella, on her part, had usually shown much greater deference to him than to any of the household, her mistress, the countess, always excepted. On the present occasion, planting herself in the very midst of the narrow descent, so as to make it impossible for Peveril to pass by her, she proceeded to put him to the question by a series of gestures, which we will en- deavour to describe. She commenced by extending her hand slightly, accompanied with the sharp, inquisitive look which served her as a note of interrogation. This was meant as an inquiry whether he was going to a dis- tance. Julian, in reply, extended his arm more than half, to intimate that the distance was considerable. Fenella looked grave, shook her head, and pointed to the count- ess's window, whch was visible from the spot where they stood. Peveril smiled and nodded, to intimate there was no danger in quitting her mistress for a short space. The little maiden next touched an eagle's feather which she wore in her hair, a sign which she usually employed ' See Note 13. 256 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK to designate the earl, and then looked inquisitively at Julian once more, as if to say, 'Goes he with you?' Peveril shook his head, and, somewhat wearied by these interrogatories, smiled, and made an effort to pass. Fenella frowned, struck the end of her ebony rod per- pendicularly on the ground, and again shook her head, as if opposing his departure. But finding that Julian persevered in his purpose, she suddenly assumed another and a milder mood, held him by the skirt of his cloak with one hand, and raised the other in an imploring attitude, whilst every feature of her lively countenance was composed into the like expression of supplication; and the fire of the large dark eyes, which seemed in gen- eral so keen and piercing as almost to over-animate the little sphere to which they belonged, seemed quenched, for the moment, in the large drops which hung on her long eyelashes, but without falling. Julian Peveril was far from being void of sympathy towards the poor girl, whose motives in opposing his departure appeared to be her affectionate apprehension for her mistress's safety. He endeavoured to reassure her by smiles, and, at the same time, by such signs as he could devise, to intimate that there was no danger, and that he would return presently; and having succeeded in extricating his cloak from her grasp and in passing her on the stair, he began to descend the steps as speedily as he could, in order to avoid further importunity. But with activity much greater than his, the dumb maiden hastened to intercept him, and succeeded by throwing herself, at the imminent risk of life and limb, a second time into the pass which he was descending, so as to interrupt his purpose. In order to achieve this, she 27 257 WAVERLEY NOVELS was obliged to let herself drop a considerable height from the wall of a small flanking battery , where twopatereroes were placed to scour the pass, in case any enemy could have mounted so high. Julian had scarce time to shud- der at her purpose, as he beheld her about to spring from the parapet, ere, like a thing of gossamer, she stood light and uninjured on the rocky platform below. He endeav- oured, by the gravity of his look and gesture, to make her understand how much he blamed her rashness; but the reproof, though obviously quite intelligible, was entirely thrown away. A hasty wave of her hand intimated how she contemned the danger and the remonstrance ; while at the same time she instantly resumed, with more eager- ness than before, the earnest and impressive gestures by which she endeavoured to detain him in the fortress. Julian was somewhat staggered by her pertinacity. 'Is it possible,' he thought, 'that any danger can ap- proach the countess, of which this poor maiden has, by the extreme acuteness of her observation, obtained knowledge which has escaped others?' He signed to Fenella hastily to give him the tablets and the pencil which she usually carried with her, and wrote on them the question, 'Is there danger near to your mistress, that you thus stop me? ' 'There is danger around the countess,' was the answer instantly written down; 'but there is much more in your own purpose.' 'How! what! what know you of my purpose?' said Julian, forgetting, in his surprise, that the party he ad- dressed had neither ear to comprehend nor voice to reply to uttered language. She had regained her book in the mean time, and sketched, with a rapid pencil, on one of 258 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK the leaves, a scene which she showed to Julian. To his infinite surprise, he recognised Goddard Crovan's Stone, a remarkable monument, of which she had given the outline with sufficient accuracy; together with a male and female figure, which, though only indicated by a few slight touches of the pencil, bore yet, he thought, some resemblance to himself and Alice Bridgenorth. When he had gazed on the sketch for an instant with surprise, Fenella took the book from his hand, laid her finger upon the drawing, and slowly and sternly shook her head, with a frown which seemed to prohibit the meeting which was there represented. Julian, however, though disconcerted, was in no shape disposed to submit to the authority of his monitress. By whatever means she, who so seldom stirred from the countess's apart- ment, had become acquainted with a secret which he thought entirely his own, he esteemed it the more neces- sary to keep the appointed rendezvous, that he might learn from Alice, if possible, how the secret had trans- pired. He had also formed the intention of seeking out Bridgenorth ; entertaining an idea that a person so rea- sonable and calm as he had shown himself in their late conference might be persuaded, when he understood that the countess was aware of his intrigues, to put an end to her danger and his own by withdrawing from the island. And could he succeed in this point, he should at once, he thought, render a material benefit to the father of his beloved Alice, remove the earl from his state of anxiety, save the countess from a second time putting her feudal jurisdiction in opposition to that of the crown of England, and secure quiet possession of the island to her and her family 259 WAVERLEY NOVELS With this scheme of mediation in his mind, Peveril determined to rid himself of the opposition of Fenella to his departure with less ceremony than he had hitherto observed towards her; and suddenly lifting up the damsel in his arms before she was aware of his purpose, he turned about, set her down on the steps above him, and began to descend the pass himself as speedily as possible. It was then that the dumb maiden gave full course to the vehemence of her disposition; and, clap- ping her hands repeatedly, expressed her displeasure in a sound, or rather a shriek, so extremely dissonant, that it resembled more the cry of a wild creature than anything which could have been uttered by female or- gans. Peveril was so astounded at the scream as it rung through the living rocks, that he could not help stop- ping and looking back in alarm, to satisfy himself that she had not sustained some injury. He saw her, how- ever, perfectly safe, though her face seemed inflamed and distorted with passion. She stamped at him with her foot, shook her clenched hand, and, turning her back upon him without further adieu, ran up the rude steps as lightly as a kid could have tripped up that rug- ged ascent, and paused for a moment at the summit of the first flight. Julian could feel nothing but wonder and compassion for the impotent passion of a being so unfortunately cir- cumstanced, cut off, as it were, from the rest of man- kind, and incapable of receiving in childhood that moral discipline which teaches us mastery of our wa}^vard passions, ere yet they have attained their meridian strength and violence. He waved his hand to her, in token of amicable farewell ; but she only replied by once 260 X XJ V J-JXVXXJ V^i- X XXXJ X Xlstairs to be rid of her importunity; for she chose, in her way, to contest my going abroad in such an obstinate manner that I had no other mode of getting rid of her.' 'She must have supposed your departure, at a mo- ment so critical, was dangerous to the state of our garri- son,' answered the earl; 'it shows how dearly she esteems my mother's safety, how highly she rates your prowess. But, thank Heaven, there sounds the dinner-bell. I would the philosophers, who find a sin and waste of 286 f PEVERn. OF THE PEAK time in good cheer, could devise us any pastime half so agreeable.' The meal which the young earl had thus longed for, as a means of consuming a portion of the time which hung heavy on his hands, was soon over; as soon, at least, as the habitual and stately formality of the count- ess's household permitted. She herself, accompanied by her gentlewoman and attendants, retired early after the tables were drawn; and the young gentlemen were left to their own company. Wine had, for the moment, no charms for either ; for the earl was out of spirits from ennui, and impatience of his monotonous and solitary course of life; and the events of the day had given Peveril too much matter for reflection to permit his starting amusing or interesting topics of conversation. After having passed the flask in silence betwixt them once or twice, they withdrew each into a separate em- brasure of the windows of the dining-apartment, which, such was the extreme thickness of the wall, were deep enough to afford a solitary recess, separated, as it were, from the chamber itself. In one of these sat the Earl of Derby, busied in looking over some of the new publi- cations which had been forwarded from London; and at intervals confessing how little power or interest these had for him, by yawning fearfully as he looked out on the solitary expanse of waters, which, save for the flight of a flock of sea-gulls or of a solitary cormorant, offered so little of variety to engage his attention. Peveril, on his part, held a pamphlet also in his hand, without giving, or affecting to give, it even his occa- sional attention. His whole soul turned upon the inter- view which he had had that day with Alice Bridgenorth 287 WAVERLEY NOVELS and with her father; while he in vain endeavoured to form any hypothesis which could explain to him why the daughter, to whom he had no reason to think him- self indifferent, should have been so suddenly desirous of their eternal separation, while her father, whose opposition he so much dreaded, seemed to be at least tolerant of his addresses. He could only suppose, in explanation, that Major Bridgenorth had some plan in prospect which it was. in his own power to further or to impede; while, from the demeanour, and indeed the language, of Alice, he had but too much reason to appre- hend that her father's favour could only be conciliated by something, on his own part, approaching to derelic- tion of principle. But by no conjecture which he could form could he make the least guess concerning the na- ture of that compliance of which Bridgenorth seemed desirous. He could not imagine, notwithstanding Alice had spoken of treachery, that her father would dare to propose to him uniting in any plan by which the safety of the countess, or the security of her little kingdom of Man, was to be endangered. This carried such indelible disgrace in the front, that he could not suppose the scheme proposed to him by any who was not prepared to defend with his sword, upon the spot, so flagrant an insult offered to his honour. And such a proceeding was totally inconsistent with the conduct of Major Bridgenorth in every other respect, besides his being too calm and cold-blooded to permit of his putting a mortal affront upon the son of his old neighbour, to whose mother he confessed so much of obhgation. While Peveril in vain endeavoured to extract some- thing hke a probable theory out of the hints thrown out PEVERIL OF THE PEAK by the father and by the daughter — not without the additional and lover-Hke labour of endeavouring to reconcile his passion to his honour and conscience — he felt something gently pull him by the cloak. He un- clasped his arms, which, in meditation, had been folded on his bosom ; and withdrawing his eyes from the vacant prospect of sea-coast and sea which they perused, with- out much consciousness upon what they rested, he beheld beside him the little dumb maiden, the elfin Fenella. She was seated on a low cushion or stool, with which she had nestled close to Peveril's side, and had remained there for a short space of time, expecting, no doubt, he would become conscious of her presence; until, tired of remaining unnoticed, she at length solicited his attention in the manner which we have described. Startled out of his reverie by this intimation of her presence, he looked down, and could not, without inter- est, behold this singular and helpless being. Her hair was unloosened, and streamed over her shoulders in such length, that much of it lay upon the ground, and in such quantity, that it formed a dark veil, or shadow, not only around her face, but over her whole slender and minute form. From the profusion of her tresses looked forth her small and dark, but well- formed, features, together with the large and brilliant black eyes: and her whole countenance was composed into the imploring look of one who is doubtful of the reception she is about to meet with from a valued friend, while she confesses a fault, pleads an apology, or solicits a reconciliation. In short, the whole face was so much alive with expression, that Julian, though her aspect was so familiar to him, could hardly persuade himself 87 289 WAVERLEY NOVELS but that her countenance was entirely new. The wild, fantastic, elvish vivacity of the features seemed totally vanished, and had given place to a sorrowful, tender, and pathetic cast of countenance, aided by the expression of the large dark eyes, which, as they were turned up towards Julian, glistened with moisture, that, neverthe- less, did not overflow the eyelids. Conceiving that her unwonted manner arose from a recollection of the dispute which had taken place be- twixt them in the morning, Peveril was anxious to restore the little maiden's gaiety, by making her sensible that there dwelt on his mind no unpleasing recollection of their quarrel. He smiled kindly, and shook her hand in one of his; while, with the familiarity of one who had known her from childhood, he stroked down her long dark tresses with the other. She stooped her head, as if ashamed and, at the same time, gratified with his caresses; and he was thus induced to continue them, until, under the veil of her rich and abundant locks, he suddenly felt his other hand, which she still held fast in hers, slightly touched with her lips, and, at the same time, moistened with a tear. At once, and for the first time in his Hfe, the danger of being misinterpreted in his familiarity with a creature to whom the usual modes of explanation were a blank occurred to Julian's mind; and, hastily withdrawing his hand and changing his posture, he asked of her, by a sign which custom had rendered familiar, whether she brought any message to him from the countess. In an instant Fenella's whole deportment was changed. She started up and arranged herself in her seat with the rapidity of lightning; and at the same moment, with one 290 I PEVERIL OF THE PEAK turn of her hand, braided her length of locks into a natural head-dress of the most beautiful kind. There was, indeed, when she looked up, a blush still visible on her dark features ; but their melancholy and languid expression had given place to that of wild and restless vivacity, which was most common to them. Her eyes gleamed with more than their wonted fire, and her glances were more piercingly wild and unsettled than usual. To Juhan's inquiry, she answered, by laying her hand on her heart — a motion by which she always indicated the countess — and rising and taking the direction of her apartment, she made a sign to Julian to follow her. The distance was not great betwixt the dining-apart- ment and that to which Peveril now followed his mute guide; yet, in going thither, he had time enough to suffer cruelly from the sudden suspicion that this un- happy girl had misinterpreted the uniform kindness with which he had treated her, and hence come to regard him with feelings more tender than those which belong to friendship. The misery which such a passion was likely to occasion to a creature in her helpless situation, and actuated by such lively feelings, was great enough to make him refuse credit to the suspicion which pressed itself upon his mind; while, at the same time, he formed the internal resolution so to conduct himself towards Fenella as to check such misplaced sentiments, if indeed she unhappily entertained them towards him. When they reached the countess's apartment, they found her with writing-implements and many sealed letters before her. She received Julian with her usual kindness; and having caused him to be seated, beckoned 291 WAVERLEY NOVELS to the mute to resume her needle. In an instant Fenella was seated at an embroidering-frame, where, but for the movement of her dexterous fingers, she might have seemed a statue, so little did she move from her work either head or eye. As her infirmity rendered her pres- ence no bar to the most confidential conversation, the countess proceeded to address Peveril as if they had been literally alone together. * JuHan,' she said, 'I am not now about to complain to you of the sentiments and conduct of Derby. He is your friend — he is my son. He has kindness of heart and vivacity of talent; and yet — ' 'Dearest lady,' said Peveril, 'why will you distress yourself with fixing your eye on deficiencies which arise rather from a change of times and manners than any degeneracy of my noble friend? Let him be once en- gaged in his duty, whether in peace or war, and let me pay the penalty if he acquits not himself becoming his high station.' *Ay,' replied the countess; 'but when will the call of duty prove superior to that of the most idle or trivial indulgence which can serve to drive over the lazy hour? His father was of another mould ; and how often was it my lot to entreat that he would spare, from the rigid discharge of those duties which his high station imposed, the relaxation absolutely necessary to recruit his health and his spirits!' 'Still, my dearest lady,' said Peveril, 'you must allow that the duties to which the times summoned your late honoured lord were of a more stirring, as well as a more peremptory, cast than those which await your son.' 292 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK 'I know not that/ said the countess. 'The wheel appears to be again revolving; and the present period is not unlikely to bring back such scenes as my younger years witnessed. Well, be it so; they will not find Charlotte de la Tremouille broken in spirit, though depressed by years. It was even on this subject I would speak with you, my young friend. Since our first early acquaintance, when I saw your gallant behaviour as I issued forth to your childish eye, hke an apparition, from my place of concealment in your father's castle, it has pleased me to think you a true son of Stanley and Peveril. I trust your nurture in this family has been ever suited to the esteem in which I hold you. Nay, I desire no thanks. I have to require of you, in return, a piece of service, not perhaps entirely safe to yourself, but which, as times are circumstanced, no person is so well able to render to my house.' 'You have been ever my good and noble lady,' an- swered Peveril, *as well as my kind, and I may say maternal, protectress. You have a right to command the blood of Stanley in the veins of every one; you have a thousand rights to command it in mine.'^ 'My advices from England,' said the countess, 're- semble more the dreams of a sick man than the regular information which I might have expected from such correspondents as mine ; their expressions are like those of men who walk in their sleep, and speak by snatches of what passes in their dreams. It is said a plot, real or fictitious, has been detected amongst the Catholics, which has spread far wider and more uncontrollable ^ The reader cannot have forgotten that the Earl of Derby was head of the great house of Stanley. 293 WAVERLEY NOVELS terror than that of the fifth of November. Its outlines seem utterly incredible, and are only supported by the evidence of wretches the meanest and most worthless in the creation ; yet it is received by the credulous people of England with the most imdoubting belief.' 'This is a singular delusion to rise without some real ground/ answered Julian. 'I am no bigot, cousin, though a Catholic,' replied the countess. 'I have long feared that the well-meant zeal of our priests for increasing converts would draw on them the suspicion of the English nation. These efforts have been renewed with double energy since the Duke of York conformed to the CathoHc faith; and the same event has doubled the hate and jealousy of the Protes- tants. So far, I fear, there may be just cause for sus- picion that the duke is a better Catholic than an Eng- lishman, and that bigotry has involved him, as avarice, or the needy greed of a prodigal, has engaged his bro- ther, in relations with France, whereof England may have too much reason to complain. But the gross, thick, and palpable fabrications of conspiracy and murder, blood and fire — the imaginary armies — the intended massacres — form a collection of falsehoods that one would have thought indigestible even by the coarse appetite of the vulgar for the marvellous and horrible; but which are, nevertheless, received as truth by both Houses of Parliament, and questioned by no one who is desirous to escape the odious appellation of friend to the bloody Papists, and favourer of their infernal schemes of cruelty.' ' But what say those who are most likely to be affected by these wild reports?' said Julian. 'What say the 294 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK English Catholics themselves — a numerous and wealthy body, comprising so many noble names? ' 'Their hearts are dead within them,' said the countess. 'They are like sheep penned up in the shambles, that the butcher may take his choice among them. In the obscure and brief communications which I have had by a secure hand, they do but anticipate their own utter ruin and ours, so general is the depression, so universal the despair.' 'But the King,' said Peveril — 'the King and the Protestant Royalists — what say they to this growing tempest?' 'Charles,' rephed the countess, 'with his usual selfish prudence, truckles to the storm; and will let cord and axe do their work on the most innocent men in his do- minions rather than lose an hour of pleasure in attempt- ing their rescue. And for the Royalists, either they have caught the general deHrium which has seized on Protes- tants in general, or they stand aloof and neutral, afraid to show any interest in the unhappy Catholics, lest they be judged altogether such as themselves, and abettors of the fearful conspiracy in which they are alleged to be engaged. In fact, I cannot blame them. It is hard to expect that mere compassion for a persecuted sect, or, what is yet more rare, an abstract love of justice, should be powerful enough to engage men to expose themselves to the awakened fury of a whole people; for, in the present state of general agitation, whoever disbelieves the least tittle of the enormous improbabihties which have been accumulated by these wretched informers is instantly hunted down, as one who would smother the discovery of the plot. It is indeed an awful tempest; 295 WAVERLEY NOVELS and, remote as we lie from its sphere, we must expect soon to feel its effects.' 'Lord Derby already told me something of this,' said JuHan; 'and that there were agents in this island whose object was to excite insurrection.' 'Yes,' answered the countess, and her eye flashed fire as she spoke; 'and had my advice been listened to, they had been apprehended in the very fact, and so dealt with as to be a warning to all others how they sought this independent principality on such an errand. But my son, who is generally so culpably negligent of his own affairs, was pleased to assume the management of them upon this crisis.' 'I am happy to learn, madam,' answered Peveril, * that the measures of precaution which my kinsman has adopted have had the complete effect of disconcerting the conspiracy.' 'For the present, Julian; but they should have been such as would have made the boldest tremble to think of such infringement of our rights in future. But Derby's present plan is fraught with greater danger; and yet there is something in it of gallantry, which has my sympathy.' 'What is it, madam?' inquired Julian, anxiously; 'and in what can I aid it, or avert its dangers?' 'He purposes,' said the countess, 'instantly to set forth for London. He is, he says, not merely the feudal chief of a small island, but one of the noble peers of England, who must not remain in the security of an obscure and distant castle when his name, or that of his mother, is slandered before his prince and people. He will take his place, he says, in the House of Lords, and 296 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK publicly demand justice for the insult thrown on his house by perjured and interested witnesses.' 'It is a generous resolution, and worthy of my friend/ said JuHan Peveril. 'I will go with him and share his fate, be it what it may.' 'Alas, foolish boy!' answered the countess, 'as well may you ask a hungry lion to feel compassion as a preju- diced and furious people to do justice. They are like the madman at the height of frenzy, who murders with- out compunction his best and dearest friend; and only wonders and wails over his own cruelty when he is recovered from his delirium.' 'Pardon me, dearest lady,' said Julian, 'this cannot be. The noble and generous people of England cannot be thus strangely misled. Whatever prepossessions may be current among the more vulgar, the Houses of Legis- lature cannot be deeply infected by them; they will remember their own dignity.' 'Alas! cousin,' answered the countess, 'when did EngUshmen, even of the highest degree, remember any- thing when hurried away by the violence of party feel- ing? Even those who have too much sense to beUeve in the incredible fictions which gull the multitude, will beware how they expose them, if their own political party can gain a momentary advantage by their being accredited. It is amongst such, too, that your kinsman has found friends and associates. Neglecting the old friends of his house, as too grave and formal compan- ions for the humour of the times, his intercourse has been with the versatile Shaftesbury, the mercurial Buckingham — men who would not hesitate to sacrifice to the popular Moloch of the day whatsoever or whom- 297 WAVERLEY NOVELS soever whose ruin could propitiate the deity. Forgive a mother's tears, kinsman; but I see the scaffold at Bolton again erected. If Derby goes to London while these bloodhounds are in full cry, obnoxious as he is, and I have made him by my religious faith and my conduct in this island, he dies his father's death. And yet upon what other course to resolve — ! ' 'Let me go to London, madam,' said Peveril, much moved by the distress of his patroness; 'your ladyship was wont to rely something on my judgment. I will act for the best — will communicate with those whom you point out to me, and only with them; and I trust soon to send you information that this delusion, however strong it may now be, is in the course of passing away; at the worst, I can apprize you of the danger, should it menace the earl or yourself; and may be able also to point out the means by which it may be eluded,' The countess Ustened with a countenance in which the anxiety of maternal affection, which prompted her to embrace Peveril's generous offer, struggled with her native disinterested and generous disposition. 'Think what you ask of me, Julian,' she replied, with a sigh. 'Would you have me expose the life of my friend's son to those perils to which I refuse my own? No, never!* 'Nay, but, madam,' replied Julian, 'I do not run the same risk: my person is not known in London; my situ- ation, though not obscure in my own country, is too little known to be noticed in that huge assemblage of all that is noble and wealthy. No whisper, I presume, how- ever indirect, has connected my name with the alleged conspiracy. I am a Protestant, above all; and can be accused of no intercourse, direct or indirect, with the 298 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK Church of Rome. My connexions also lie amongst those who, if they do not, or cannot, befriend me, cannot at least be dangerous to me. In a word, I run no danger where the earl might incur great peril.' 'Alas!' said the Countess of Derby, 'all this generous reasoning may be true; but it could only be listened to by a widowed mother. Selfish as I am, I cannot but reflect that my kinswoman has, in all events, the sup- port of an affectionate husband; such is the interested reasoning to which we are not ashamed to subject our better feelings ! ' 'Do not call it so, madam,' answered Peveril; 'think of me but as the younger brother of my kinsman. You have ever done by me the duties of a mother; and have a right to my filial service, were it at a risk ten times greater than a journey to London, to inquire into the temper of the times. I will instantly go and announce my departure to the earl.' 'Stay, Julian, ' said the countess; 'if you must make this journey in our behalf — and, alas! I have not gen- erosity enough to refuse your noble proffer — you must go alone, and without communication with Derby. I know him well : his lightness of mind is free from selfish baseness; and for the world, would he not suffer you to leave Man without his company. And if he went with you, your noble and disinterested kindness would be of no avail ; you would but share his ruin, as the swim- mer who attempts to save a drowning man is involved in his fate, if he permit the sufiferer to grapple with him.' 'It shall be as you please, madam,' said Peveril; *I am ready to depart upon half an hour's notice.' 299 WAVERLEY NOVELS 'This night, then,' said the countess, after a mo- ment's pause — ' this night I will arrange the most secret means of carrying your generous project into effect ; for I would not excite that prejudice against you which will instantly arise were it known you had so lately left this island and its Popish lady. You will do well, perhaps, to use a feigned name in London.' 'Pardon me, madam,' said JuUan; 'I will do nothing that can draw on me imnecessary attention ; but to bear a feigned name, or affect any disguise beyond living with extreme privacy, would, I think, be unwise as well as unworthy, and what, if challenged, I might find some difficulty in assigning a reason for, consistent with per- fect fairness of intentions.' *I believe you are right,' answered the countess, after a moment's consideration; and then added, 'You pro- pose, doubtless, to pass through Derbyshire and visit Martindale Castle?' 'I should wish it, madam, certainly,' replied Peveril, 'did time permit and circumstances render it advisable.' 'Of that,' said the countess, 'you must yourself judge. Despatch is, doubtless, desirable; on the other hand, arriving from your own family seat, you will be less an object of doubt and suspicion than if you posted up from hence, without even visiting your parents. You must be guided in this — in all — by your own prudence. Go, my dearest son — for to me you should be dear as a son — go, and prepare for your journey. I will get ready some despatches and a supply of money. Nay, do not object. Am I not your mother; and are you not discharging a son's duty? Dispute not my right of de- fraying your expenses. Nor is this all; for, as I must 300 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK trust your zeal and prudence to act in our behalf when occasion shall demand, I will furnish you with efifectual recommendations to our friends and kindred, entreating and enjoining them to render whatever aid you may re- quire, either for your own protection or the advance- ment of what you may propose in our favour.' Peveril made no further opposition to an arrangement which in truth the moderate state of his own finances rendered almost indispensable, unless with his father's assistance; and the countess put into his hand bills of exchange to the amount of two hundred pounds, upon a merchant in the city. She then dismissed Julian for the space of an hour; after which, she said, she must again require his presence. The preparations for his journey were not of a nature to divert the thoughts which speedily pressed on him. He found that half an hour's conversation had once more completely changed his immediate prospects and plans for the future. He had offered to the Countess of Derby a service which her uniform kindness had well deserved at his hand; but, by her accepting it, he was upon the point of being separated from Alice Bridge- north, at a time when she was become dearer to him than ever, by her avowal of mutual passion. Her image rose before him, such as he had that day pressed her to his bosom; her voice was in his ear, and seemed to ask whether he could desert her in the crisis which every- thing seemed to announce as impending. But Julian Peveril, his youth considered, was strict in judging his duty, and severely resolved in executing it. He trusted not his imagination to pursue the vision which presented itself; but resolutely seizing his pen, wrote to Alice the 301 ^'1 ilf^f^Sr^i OTSTV WAVERLEY NOVELS following letter, explaining his situation, as far as Jus- tice to the countess permitted him to do so: — *I leave you, dearest Alice,' thus ran the letter — 'I leave you; and though, in doing so, I but obey the com- mand you have laid on me, yet I can claim little merit for my compUance, since, without additional and most forcible reasons in aid of your orders, I fear I should have been unable to comply with them. But family affairs of importance compel me to absent myself from this island, for, I fear, more than one week. My thoughts, hopes, and wishes will be on the moment that shall restore me to the Black Fort and its lovely valley. Let me hope that yours will sometimes rest on the lonely exile, whom nothing could render such but the com- mand of honour and duty. Do not fear that I mean to involve you in a private correspondence, and let not your father fear it. I could not love you so much, but for the openness and candour of your nature; and I would not that you concealed from Major Bridgenorth one syllable of what I now avow. Respecting other matters, he himself cannot desire the welfare of our common country with more zeal than I do. Differences may occur concerning the mode in which that is to be obtained; but, in the principle, I am convinced there can be only one mind between us; nor can I refuse to listen to his experience and wisdom, even where they may ultimately fail to convince me. Farewell, Alice — • farewell! Much might be added to that melancholy word, but nothing that could express the bitterness with which it is written. Yet I could transcribe it again and again, rather than conclude the last communication which I can have with you for some time. My sole 302 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK comfort is, that my stay will scarce be so long as to per- mit you to forget one who never can forget you.' He held the paper in his hand for a minute after he had folded, but before he had sealed, it, while he hur- riedly debated in his own mind whether he had not ex- pressed himself towards Major Bridgenorth in so con- ciliating a manner as might excite hopes of proselytism which his conscience told him he could not realise with honour. Yet, on the other hand, he had no right, from what Bridgenorth had said, to conclude that their principles were diametrically irreconcilable; for though the son of a high Cavalier, and educated in the family of the Countess of Derby, he was himself, upon princi- ple, an enemy of prerogative and a friend to the liberty of the subject. And with such considerations he silenced all internal objections on the point of honour; although his conscience secretly whispered that these conciliatory expressions towards the father were chiefly dictated by the fear that, during his absence, Major Bridgenorth might be tempted to change the residence of his daugh- ter, and perhaps to convey her altogether out of his reach. Having sealed his letter, Julian called his servant, and directed him to carry it, under cover of one addressed to Mrs. Debbitch, to a house in the town of Rushin, where packets and messages intended for the family at Black Fort were usually deposited; and for that purpose to take horse immediately. He thus got rid of an attend- ant who might have been in some degree a spy on his motions. He then exchanged the dress he usually wore for one more suited to travelling; and, having put a change or two of linen into a small cloak-bag, selected 303 WAVERLEY NOVELS as arms a strong double-edged sword and an excellent pair of pistols, which last he carefully loaded with dou- ble bullets. Thus appointed, and with twenty pieces in his purse, and the bills we have mentioned secured in a private pocket-book, he was in readiness to depart as soon as he should receive the countess's commands. The buoyant spirit of youth and hope, which had, for a moment, been chilled by the painful and dubious cir- cumstances in which he was placed, as well as the depriv- ation which he was about to undergo, now revived in full vigour. Fancy, turning from more painful anticipations, suggested to him that he was now entering upon life at a crisis when resolution and talents were almost certain to make the fortune of their possessor. How could he make a more honourable entry on the bustling scene than sent by, and acting in behalf of, one of the noblest houses in England; and should he perform what his charge might render incumbent with the resolution and the prudence necessary to secure success, how many occurrences might take place to render his mediation necessary to Bridgenorth; and thus enable him, on the most equal and honourable terms, to establish a claim to his gratitude and to his daughter's hand. Whilst he was dwelling on such pleasing, though im- aginary, prospects, he could not help exclaiming aloud — *Yes, Alice, I will win thee nobly!' The words had scarce escaped his lips, when he heard at the door of his apartment, which the servant had left ajar, a sound like a deep sigh, which was instantly succeeded by a gentle tap. 'Come in,' replied Julian, somewhat ashamed of his exclamation, and not a little afraid that it had been caught up by some eavesdropper. 'Come in,' he again 304 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK repeated. But his command was not obeyed; on the contrary, the knock was repeated somewhat louder. He opened the door, and Fenella stood before him. With eyes that seemed red with recent tears, and with a look of the deepest dejection, the little mute, first touching her bosom and beckoning with her finger, made to him the usual sign that the countess desired to see him, then turned, as if to usher him to her apartment. As he followed her through the long, gloomy, vaulted passages which afforded communication betwixt the various departments of the castle, he could not but observe that her usual light trip was exchanged for a tardy and mournful step, which she accompanied with low, inarticulate moaning (which she was probably the less able to suppress, because she could not judge how far it was audible), and also with wringing of the hands, and other marks of extreme affliction. . At this moment a thought came across Peveril's mind, which, in spite of his better reason, made him shudder involuntarily. As a Peaksman, and a long resident in the Isle of Man, he was well acquainted with many a superstitious legend, and particularly with a belief which attached to the powerful family of the Stanleys, for their peculiar demon, a banshie, or female spirit, who was wont to shriek, 'foreboding evil times'; and who was generally seen weeping and bemoaning herself before the death of any person of distinction belonging to the family. For an instant, Julian could scarce divest himself of the belief that the wailing, gibbering form, which glided before him, with a lamp in her hand, was the genius of his mother's race come to announce to him his predestined doom. It instantly «7 305 WAVERLEY NOVELS occurred to him as an analogous reflection, that, if the suspicion which had crossed his mind concerning Fenella was a just one, her ill-fated attachment to him, like that of the prophetic spirit to his family, could bode nothing but disaster, and lamentation, and woe. CHAPTER XIX Now, hoist the anchor, mates, and let the sails Give their broad bosom to the buxom wind, Like lass that wooes a lovei. Anonymous, The presence of the countess dispelled the superstitious feeling which, for an instant, had encroached on Julian's imagination, and compelled him to give attention to the matters of ordinary life. 'Here are your credentials,' she said, giving him a small packet carefully put up in a sealskin cover; 'you had better not open them till you come to London. You must not be surprised to find that there are one or two addressed to men of my own persuasion. These, for all our sakes, you will observe caution in delivering.' 'I go your messenger, madam,' said Peveril; 'and whatever you desire me to charge myself with, of that I undertake the care. Yet allow me to doubt whether an intercourse with Catholics will at this moment for- ward the purposes of my mission.' 'You have caught the general suspicion of this wicked sect already,' said the countess, smiling, 'and are the fitter to go amongst Englishmen in their present mood. But, my cautious friend, these letters are so addressed, and the persons to whom they are addressed so dis- guised, that you will run no danger in conversing with them. Without their aid, indeed, you will not be able to obtain the accurate information you go in search of. None can tell so exactly how the wind sets as the pilot 307 WAVERLEY NOVELS whose vessel is exposed to the storm. Besides, though you Protestants deny our priesthood the harmlessness of the dove, you are ready enough to allow us a full share of the wisdom of the serpent; in plain terms, their means of information are extensive, and they are not deficient in the power of applying it. I therefore wish you to have the benefit of their intelligence and advice, if possible.' 'Whatever you impose on me as a part of my duty, madam, rely on its being discharged punctually,' an- swered Peveril. 'And now, as there is Httle use in defer- ring the execution of a purpose when once fixed, let me know your ladyship's wishes concerning my departure.' 'It must be sudden and secret/ said the countess; 'the island is full of spies ; and I would not wish that any of them should have notice that an envoy of mine was about to leave Man for London. Can you be ready to go on board to-morrow? ' 'To-night — this instant if you will,' said Julian; 'my little preparations are complete.' 'Be ready, then, in your chamber, at two hours after midnight. I will send one to summon you, for our secret must be communicated, for the present, to as few as possible. A foreign sloop is engaged to carry you over; then make the best of your way to London, by Martin- dale Castle or otherwise, as you find most advisable. When it is necessary to announce your absence, I will say you are gone to see your parents. But stay- — your journey will be on horseback, of course, from White- haven. You have bills of exchange, it is true; but are you provided with ready money to furnish yourself with a good horse?' 308 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK *I am sufl&ciently rich, madam,' answered Julian; 'and good nags are plenty in Cumberland. There are those among them who know how to come by them good and cheap.' 'Trust not to that,' said the countess. 'Here is what will purchase for you the best horse on the Borders. Can you be simple enough to refuse it?' she added, as she pressed on him a heavy purse, which he saw himself obliged to accept. 'A good horse, Julian,' continued the countess, 'and a good sword, next to a good heart and head, are the accomplishments of a cavalier.' 'I kiss your hands, then, madam,' said Peveril, 'and humbly beg you to believe that, whatever may fail in my present undertaking, my purpose to serve you, my noble kinswoman and benefactress, can at least never swerve or falter.' * I know it, my son — I know it; and may God forgive me if my anxiety for your friend has sent you on dan- gers which should have been his ! Go — go. May saints and angels bless you! Fenella shall acquaint him that you sup in your own apartment. So indeed will I; for to-night I should be unable to face my son's looks. Little will he thank me for sending you on his errand; and there will be many to ask whether it was like the Lady of Latham to thrust her friend's son on the danger which should have been braved by her own. But O! Julian, I am now a forlorn widow, whom sorrow has made selfish !' 'Tush, madam,' answered Peveril; 'it is more unlike the Lady of Latham to anticipate dangers which may not exist at all, and to which, if they do indeed occur, 309 WAVERLEY NOVELS I am less obnoxious than my noble kinsman. Farewell ! All blessings attend you, madam. Commend me to Derby, and make him my excuses. I shall expect a summons at two hours after midnight.' They took an affectionate leave of each other; the more affectionate, indeed, on the part of the countess, that she could not entirely reconcile her generous mind to exposing Peveril to danger on her son's behalf; and Julian betook himself to his solitary apartment. His servant soon afterwards brought him wine and refreshments; to which, notwithstanding the various matters he had to occupy his mind, he contrived to do reasonable justice. But when this needful occupation was finished, his thoughts began to stream in upon him like a troubled tide — at once recalling the past and an- ticipating the future. It was in vain that he wrapped himself in his riding-cloak, and, lying down on his bed, endeavoured to compose himself to sleep. The uncer- tainty of the prospect before him, the doubt how Bridge- north might dispose of his daughter during his absence, the fear that the major himself might fall into the power of the vindictive countess, besides a numerous train of vague and half-formed apprehensions, agitated his blood, and rendered slumber impossible. Alternately to recline in the old oaken easy-chair and listen to the dashingof thewaves under the windows, mingled, as the sound was, with the scream of the sea-birds, or to tra- verse the apartment with long and slow steps, pausing occasionally to look out on the sea, slumbering under the influence of a full moon, which tipped each wave with silver — such were the only pastimes he could in- vent, until midnight had passed for one hour; the next 310 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK was wasted in anxious expectation of the summons of departure. At length it arrived : a tap at his door was followed by a low murmur, which made him suspect that the count- ess had again employed her mute attendant as the most secure minister of her pleasure on this occasion. He felt something like impropriety in this selection; and it was with a feeling of impatience alien to the natural generos- ity of his temper that, when he opened the door, he be- held the dumb maiden standing before him. The lamp which he held in his hand showed his features distinctly, and probably made Fenella aware of the expression which animated them. She cast her large dark eyes mournfully on the ground; and, without again looking him in the face, made him a signal to follow her. He de- layed no longer than was necessary to secure his pistols in his belt, wrap his cloak closer around him, and take his small portmanteau under his arm. Thus accoutred, he followed her out of the keep, or inhabited part of the castle, by a series of obscure passages leading to a pos- tern gate, which she unlocked with a key, selected from a bundle which she carried at her girdle. They now stood in the castle-yard, in the open moon- light, which glimmered white and ghastly on the variety of strange and ruinous objects to which we have for- merly alluded, and which gave the scene rather the ap- pearance of some ancient cemetery than of the interior of a fortification. The round and elevated tower, the ancient mount, with its quadrangular sides facing the ruinous edifices which once boasted the name of cathe- dral, seemed of yet more antique and anomalous form when seen by the pale Ught which now displayed them. 311 WAVERLEY NOVELS To one of these churches Fenella took the direct course, and was followed by Julian; although he at once divined, and was superstitious enough to dislike, the path which she was about to adopt. It was by a secret passage through this church that in former times the guard- room of the garrison, situated at the lower and external defences, communicated with the keep of the castle; and through this passage were the keys of the castle every night carried to the governor's apartment, so soon as the gates were locked and the watch set. The custom was given up in James the First's time, and the passage abandoned, on account of the well-known legend of the 'Mauthe Dog' — a fiend, or demon, in the shape of a large, shaggy, black mastiff, by which the church was said to be haunted. It was devoutly believed that in former times this spectre became so familiar with man- kind as to appear almost nightly in the guard-room, issuing from the passage which we have mentioned at night, and retiring to it at daybreak. The soldiers be- came partly familiarised to its presence ; yet not so much so as to use any license of language while the apparition was visible ; until one fellow, rendered daring by intoxi- cation, swore he would know whether it was dog or devil, and, with his drawn sword, followed the spectre when it retreated by the usual passage. The man returned in a few minutes, sobered by terror, his mouth gaping, and his hair standing on end, under which horror he died; but, unhappily for the lovers of the marvellous, alto- gether unable to disclose the horrors which he had seen. Under the evil repute arising from this tale of wonder, the guard-room was abandoned and a new one con- structed. In like manner, the guards after that period 312 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK held another and more circuitous communication with the governor or seneschal of the castle; and that which lay through the ruinous church was entirely abandoned. '^ In defiance of the legendary terrors which tradition had attached to the original communication, Fenella, followed by Peveril, now boldly traversed the ruinous vaults through which it lay; sometimes only guided over heaps of ruins by the precarious light of the lamp borne by the dumb maiden; sometimes having the advantage of a gleam of moonlight, darting into the dreary abyss through the shafted windows, or through breaches made by time. As the path was by no means a straight one, Peveril could not but admire the intimate acquaintance with the mazes which his singular companion displayed, as well as the boldness with which she traversed them. He himself was not so utterly void of the prejudices of the times, but that he contemplated, with some appre- hension, the possibiHty of their intruding on the lair of the phantom-hound, of which he had heard so often; and in every remote sigh of the breeze among the ruins he thought he heard him baying at the mortal footsteps which disturbed his gloomy realm. No such terrors, however, interrupted their journey; and in the course of a few minutes they attained the deserted and now ruinous guard-house. The broken walls of the little edi- fice served to conceal them from the sentinels, one of whom was keeping a drowsy watch at the lower gate of the castle; whilst another, seated on the stone steps which communicated with the parapet of the bounding and exterior wall, was slumbering, in full security, with ^ This curious legend, and many others, in which the Isle of Man is perhaps richer than even Ireland, Wales, or the Highlands of Scotland, will be found in Note ii, p. 411. WAVERLEY NOVELS his musket peacefully grounded by his side. Fenella made a sign to Peveril to move with silence and caution, and then showed him, to his surprise, from the window of the deserted guard-room, a boat, for it was now high water, with four rowers, lurking under the cliff on which the castle was built; and made him further sensible that he was to have access to it by a ladder of considerable height placed at the window of the ruin. Julian was both displeased and alarmed by the secur- ity and carelessness of the sentinels, who had suffered such preparations to be made without observation or alarm given; and he hesitated whether he should not call the officer of the guard, upbraid him with negligence, and show him how easily Holm-Peel, in spite of its natu- ral strength, and although reported impregnable, might be surprised by a few resolute men. Fenella seemed to guess his thoughts with that extreme acuteness of ob- servation which her deprivations had occasioned her acquiring. She laid one hand on his arm, and a finger of the other on her own lips, as if to enjoin forbearance; and Julian, knowing that she acted by the direct author- ity of the countess, obeyed her accordingly; but with the internal resolution to lose no time in communicating his sentiments to the earl, concerning the danger to which the castle was exposed on this point. In the meantime, he descended the ladder with some precaution, for the steps were unequal, broken, wet, and sHppery; and having placed himself in the stern of the boat, made a signal to the men to push off, and turned to take farewell of his guide. To his utter astonishment, Fenella rather slid down than descended regularly the perilous ladder, and the boat being already pushed off, 314 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK' made a spring from the last step of it with incredible agility, and seated herself beside Peveril, ere he could express either remonstrance or surprise. He commanded the men once more to pull in to the precarious landing- place; and throwing into his countenance a part of the displeasure which he really felt, endeavoured to make her comprehend the necessity of returning to her mis- tress. Fenella folded her arms and looked at him with a haughty smile, which completely expressed the deter- mination of her purpose. Peveril was extremely embar- rassed; he was afraid of offending the countess, and in- terfering with her plan, by giving alarm, which otherwise he was much tempted to have done. On Fenella, it was evident, no species of argument which he could employ was likely to make the least impression ; and the question remained how, if she went on with him, he was to rid himself of so singular and inconvenient a companion, and provide, at the same time, sufficiently for her per- sonal security. The boatmen brought the matter to a decision; for, after lying on their oars for a minute and whispering among themselves in Low Dutch or German, they began to pull stoutly, and were soon at some distance from the castle. The possibility of the sentinels sending a musket- ball, or even a cannon-shot after them was one of the contingencies which gave Peveril momentary anxiety; but they left the fortress, as they must have approached it, unnoticed, or at least unchallenged — a carelessness on the part of the garrison which, notwithstanding that the oars were muffled and that the men spoke Httle, and in whispers, argued, in Peveril's opinion, great negli- gence on the part of the sentinels. When they were a 315 WAVERLEY NOVELS little way from the castle, the men began to row briskly towards a small vessel which lay at some distance. Pev- eril had, in the meantime, leisure to remark that the boatmen spoke to each other doubtfully, and bent anx- ious looks on Fenella, as if uncertain whether they had acted properly in bringing her off. After about a quarter of an hour's rowing, they reached the Httle sloop, where Peveril was received by the skipper, or captain, on the quarter-deck, with an offer of spirits or refreshments. A word or two among the seamen withdrew the captain from his hospitable cares, and he flew to the ship's side, apparently to pre- vent Fenella from entering the vessel. The men and he talked eagerly in Dutch, looking anxiously at Fenella as they spoke together; and Peveril hoped the result would be that the poor yoimg woman should be sent ashore again. But she baffled whatever opposition could be offered to her ; and when the accommodation-ladder, as it is called, was withdrawn, she snatched the end of a rope, and cHmbed on board with the dexterity of a sailor, leaving them no means of preventing her en- trance, save by actual violence, to which apparently they did not choose to have recourse. Once on deck, she took the captain by the sleeve, and led him to the head of the vessel, where they seemed to hold inter- course in a manner intelligible to both. Peveril soon forgot the presence of the mute, as he be- gan to muse upon his own situation, and the probability that he was separated for some considerable time from the object of his affections. 'Constancy,' he repeated to himself — 'constancy.' And, as if in coincidence with the theme of his reflections, he fixed his eyes on the 316 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK polar star, wliich that night twinkled with more than ordinary brilliancy. Emblem of pure passion and steady purpose — the thoughts which arose as he viewed its clear and unchanging light were disinterested and noble. To seek his country's welfare, and secure the blessings of domestic peace; to discharge a bold and perilous duty to his friend and patron; to regard his passion for Alice Bridgenorth as the loadstar which was to guide him to noble deeds — were the resolutions which thronged upon his mind, and which exalted his spirits to that state of romantic melancholy which perhaps is ill exchanged even for feelings of joyful rapture. He was recalled from these contemplations by some- thing which nestled itself softly and closely to his side — a woman's sigh sounded so near him as to disturb his reverie; and as he turned his head, he saw Fenella seated beside him, with her eyes fixed on the same star which had just occupied his own. His first emotion was that of displeasure; but it was impossible to persevere in it towards a being so helpless in many respects, so interest- ing in others ; whose large dark eyes were filled with dew, which ghstened in the moonlight; and the source of whose emotions seemed to be in a partiaHty which might well claim indulgence, at least, from him who was the object of it. At the same time, JuHan resolved to seize the present opportunity for such expostulations with Fen- ella on the strangeness of her conduct as the poor maiden might be able to comprehend. He took her hand with great kindness, but at the same time with much gravity, pointed to the boat, and to the castle, whose towers and extended walls were now scarce visible in the distance; and thus intimated to her the necessity of her return to 317 WAVERLEY NOVELS Holm-Peel. She looked down and shook her head, as if negativmg his proposal with obstinate decision. Ju- lian renewed his expostulation by look and gesture — pointed to his own heart, to intimate the countess, and bent his brows, to show the displeasure which she must entertain; to all which, the maiden only answered by her tears. At length, as if driven to explanation by his continued remonstrances, she suddenly seized him by the arm, to arrest his attention; cast her eye hastily around, as if to see whether she was watched by any one; then drew the other hand, edge-wise, across her slender throat, pointed to the boat and to the castle, and nodded. On this series of signs, Peveril could put no interpreta- tion excepting that he was menaced with some personal danger, from which Fenella seemed to conceive that her presence was a protection. Whatever was her meaning, her purpose seemed unalterably adopted ; at least, it was plain he had no power to shake it. He must therefore wait till the end of their short voyage to disembarrass himself of his companion; and, in the meanwhile, acting on the idea of her having harboured a misplaced attach- ment to him, he thought he should best consult her in- terest and his own character in keeping at as great a distance from her as circumstances admitted. With this purpose, he made the sign she used for going to sleep, by leaning his head on his palm; and having thus recom- mended to her to go to rest, he himself desired to be conducted to his berth. The captain readily showed him a hammock in the after-cabin, into which he threw himself, to seek that repose which the exercise and agitation of the preceding 318 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK day, as well as the lateness of the hour, made him now feel desirable. Sleep, deep and heavy, sunk down on him in a few minutes, but it did not endure long. In his sleep he was disturbed by female cries; and at length, as he thought, distinctly heard the voice of Alice Bridge- north call on his name. He awoke, and, starting up to quit his bed, became sensible, from the motion of the vessel and the swinging of the hammock, that his dream had deceived him. He was still startled by its extreme vivacity and live- liness. 'JuUan Peveril, help! — JuHan Peveril!' The sounds still rung in his ears; the accents were those of Alice, and he could scarce persuade himself that his im- agination had deceived him. Could she be in the same vessel? The thought was not altogether inconsistent with her father's character and the intrigues in which he was engaged; but then, if so, to what peril was she exposed, that she invoked his name so loudly? Determined to make instant inquiry, he jumped out of his hammock, half-dressed as he was, and stumbling about the little cabin, which was as dark as pitch, at length, with considerable difficulty, reached the door. The door, however, he was altogether unable to open; and was obliged to call loudly to the watch upon deck. The skipper, or captain, as he was called, being the only person aboard who could speak English, answered to the summons, and replied to Peveril's demand, what noise that was? — that a boat was going off with the young woman, that she whimpered a Httle as she left the vessel, and 'dat vaas all.' This explanation satisfied Julian, who thought it probable that some degree of violence might have been 319 WAVERLEY NOVELS absolutely necessary to remove Fenella; and although he rejoiced at not having witnessed it, he could not feel sorry that such had been employed. Her pertinacious desire to continue on board, and the difficulty of freeing himseh, when he should come ashore, from so singular a companion, had given him a good deal of anxiety on the preceding night, which he now saw removed by this bold stroke of the captain. His dream was thus fully explained. Fancy had caught up the inarticulate and vehement cries with which Fenella was wont to express resistance or dis- pleasure, had coined them into language, and given them the accents of AHce Bridgenorth. Our imagina- tion plays wilder tricks with us almost every night. The captain now undid the door, and appeared with a lantern, without the aid of which Peveril could scarce have regained his couch, where he now slumbered se- cure and sound, until day was far advanced, and the in- vitation of the captain called him up to breakfast. CHAPTER XX Now, what is this that haunts me like my shadow, Frisking and mumming, like an elf in moonlight? Ben Jonson. Peveril found the master of the vessel rather less rude than those in his station of Hfe usually are, and received from him full satisfaction concerning the fate of Fenella, upon whom the captain bestowed a hearty curse, for obUging him to lay-to until he had sent his boat ashore and had her back again. *I hope/ said Peveril, 'no violence was necessary to reconcile her to go ashore? I trust she offered no foolish resistance? ' 'Resist! mein GoU/ said the captain, 'she did resist like a troop of horse; she did cry, you might hear her at Whitehaven; she did go up the rigging like a cat up a chimney — but dat vas ein trick of her old trade.' 'What trade do you mean?' said Peveril. ' 0,' said the seaman, ' I vas know more about her than you, Mynherr. I vas know that she vas a Httle — very Httle girl, and prentice to one seiltanzer, when my lady yonder had the good luck to buy her.' 'A seiltanzer!^ said Peveril; 'what do you mean by that?' 'I mean a rope-danzer, a mountebank, a Hans Pickel- haring. I vas know Adrian Brackel veil; he sell de pow- ders dat empty men's stomach and fill him's own purse. 97 321 WAVERLEY NOVELS Not know Adrian Brackel, mein Gott! I have smoked many a pound of tabak with him.' Peveril now remembered that Fenella had been brought into the family when he and the young earl were in England, and while the countess was absent on an expedition to the Continent. Where the countess found her, she never communicated to the young men; but only intimated that she had received her out of com- passion, in order to relieve her from a situation of extreme distress. He hinted so much to the communicative seaman, who replied, 'That for distress he knew nocht's on't; only, that Adrian Brackel beat her when she would not dance on the rope, and starved her when she did, to prevent her growth.' The bargain between the countess and the mountebank, he said, he had made himself; be- cause the countess had hired his brig upon her expedi- tion to the Continent. None else knew where she came from. The countess had seen her on a public stage at Ostend, compassionated her helpless situation and the severe treatment she received, and had employed him to purchase the poor creature from her master, and charged him with silence towards all her retinue.^ 'And so I do keep silence,' continued the faithful confidant, 'van I am in the havens of Man ; but when I am on the broad seas, den my tongue is mine own, you know. Die fool- ish beoples in the island, they say she is a wechselbalg — what you call a fairy-elf changeling. My faith, they do not never have seen einwechselhalg; for I saw one myself at Cologne, and it was twice as big as yonder girl, and did break the poor people, with eating them up, like de ^ See Note 14. 322 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK great big cuckoo in the sparrow's nest; but this Venella eat no more than other girls: it was no wechselbalg in the world.' By a different train of reasoning, JuHan had arrived at the same conclusion; in which, therefore, he heartily acquiesced. During the seaman's prosing he was reflect- ing within himself how much of the singular flexibility of her hmbs and movements the unfortunate girl must have derived from the discipHne and instructions of Adrian Brackel; and also how far the germs of her wilful and capricious passions might have been sown during her wandering and adventurous childhood. Aristo- cratic, also, as his education had been, these anecdotes respecting Fenella's original situation and education rather increased his pleasure at having shaken ofif her company; and yet he still felt desirous to know any further particulars which the seaman could communicate on the same subject. But he had already told all he knew. Of her parents he knew nothing, except that 'her father must have been a damned hundsfoot and a schelm, for selHng his own flesh and blood to Adrian Brackel'; for by such a transaction had the mountebank become possessed of his pupil. This conversation tended to remove any passing doubts which might have crept on Peveril's mind con- cerning the fidelity of the master of the vessel, who ap- peared from thence to have been a former acquaintance of the countess, and to have enjoyed some share of her confidence. The threatening motion used by Fenella he no longer considered as worthy of any notice, except- ing as a new mark of the irritability of her temper. He amused himself with walking the deck and musing 323 WAVERLEY NOVELS on his past and future prospects, until his attention was forcibly arrested by the wind, which began to rise in gusts from the north-west, in a manner so unfavourable to the course they intended to hold, that the master, after many efforts to beat against it, declared his bark, which was by no means an excellent sea-boat, was unequal to making Whitehaven; and that he was compelled to make a fair wind of it, and run for Liverpool. To this course Peveril did not object. It saved him some land journey, in case he visited his father's castle; and the countess's commission would be discharged as effectu- ally the one way as the other. The vessel was put, accordingly, before the wind, and ran with great steadiness and velocity. The captain, notwithstanding, pleading some nautical hazards, chose to lie off, and did not attempt the mouth of the Mersey until morning, when Peveril had at length the satisfac- tion of being landed upon the quay of Liverpool, which even then showed symptoms of the commercial prosper- ity that has since been carried to such a height. The master, who was well acquainted with the port, pointed out to Julian a decent place of entertainment, chiefly frequented by seafaring people ; for, although he had been in the town formerly, he did not think it proper to go anywhere at present where he might have been unnecessarily recognised. Here he took leave of the sea- man, after pressing upon him with difficulty a small present for his crew. As for his passage, the captain de- cHned any recompense whatever ; and they parted upon the most civil terms. The inn to which he was recommended was full of strangers, seamen and mercantile people, all intent upon 324 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK their own affairs, and discussing them with noise and eagerness peculiar to the business of a thriving seaport. But although the general clamour of the public room, in which the guests mixed with each other, related chiefly to their own commercial dealings, there was a general theme mingling with them, which was alike common and interesting to all; so that, amidst disputes about freight, tonnage, demurrage, and such-like, were heard the emphatic sounds of 'Deep, damnable, ac- cursed plot.' 'Bloody Papist villains.' 'The King in danger — the gallows too good for them,' and so forth. The fermentation excited in London had plainly reached even this remote seaport, and was received by the inhabitants with the peculiar stormy energy which invests men in their situation with the character of the winds and waves with which they are chiefly conversant. The commercial and nautical interests of England were indeed particularly anti-Catholic; although it is not, perhaps, easy to give any distinct reason why they should be so, since theological disputes in general could scarce be considered as interesting to them. But zeal, amongst the lower orders at least, is often in an inverse ratio to knowledge; and sailors were not probably the less earnest and devoted Protestants that they did not understand the controversy between the churches. As for the merchants, they were almost necessarily inimical to the gentry of Lancashire and Cheshire, many of whom still retained the faith of Rome, which was ren- dered ten times more odious to the men of commerce, as the badge of their haughty aristocratic neighbours. From the Httle which Peveril heard of the sentiments of the people of Liverpool, he imagined he should act 325 WAVERLEY NOVELS most prudently in leaving the place as soon as possible, and before any suspicion should arise of his having any connexion with the party -which appeared to have become so obnoxious. In order to accomplish his journey, it was first neces- sary that he should purchase a horse; and for this pur- pose he resolved to have recourse to the stables of a dealer well known at the time, and who dwelt in the outskirts of the place; and having obtained directions to his dwelling, he went thither to provide himself. Joe Bridlesley's stables exhibited a large choice of good horses; for that trade was in former days more active than at present. It was an ordinary thing for a stranger to buy a horse for the purpose of a single jour- ney, and to sell him, as well as he could, when he had reached the point of his destination; and hence there was a constant demand, and a corresponding supply; upon both of which Bridlesley, and those of his trade, contrived, doubtless, to make handsome profits. Julian, who was no despicable hcrse-jockey, selected for his purpose a strong, well-made horse, about sixteen hands high, and had him led into the yard, to see whether his paces corresponded with his appearance. As these also gave perfect satisfaction to the customer, it re- mained only to settle the price with Bridlesley, who of course swore his customer had pitched upon the best horse ever darkened the stable-door since he had dealt that way ; that no such horses were to be had nowadays, for that the mares were dead that foaled them; and having named a corresponding price, the usual haggling commenced betwixt the seller and purchaser for adjust- ment of what the French dealers call le prix juste. 326 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK The reader, if he be at all acquainted with this sort of traffic, well knows it is generally a keen encounter of wits, and attracts the notice of all the idlers within hear- ing, who are usually very ready to offer their opinions or their evidence. Amongst these, upon the present occasion, was a thin man, rather less than the ordinary size, and meanly dressed ; but whose interference was in a confident tone, and such as showed himself master of the subject on which he spoke. The price of the horse being settled to about fifteen pounds, which was very high for the period, that of the saddle and bridle had next to be adjusted, and the thin, mean-looking person before mentioned found nearly as much to say on this subject as on the other. As his remarks had a concihat- ing and obUging tendency towards the stranger, Peveril concluded he was one of those idle persons who, unable or unwilling to supply themselves with the means of indulgence at their own cost, do not scruple to deserve them at the hands of others by a little officious com- plaisance; and considering that he might acquire some useful information from such a person, was just about to offer him the courtesy of a morning draught, when he observed he had suddenly left the yard. He had scarce remarked this circumstance, before a party of customers entered the place, whose haughty assumption of im- portance claimed the instant attention of Bridlesley and all his militia of grooms and stable-boys. 'Three good horses,' said the leader of the party, a tall bulky man, whose breath was drawn full and high, under a consciousness of fat and of importance — ' three good and able-bodied horses, for the service of the Commons of England.' 327 WAVERLEY NOVELS Bridlesley said he had some horses which might serve the Speaker himself at need; but that, to speak Christian truth, he had just sold the best in his stable to that gentleman present, who, doubtless, would give up the bargain if the horse was needed for the service of the state. 'You speak well, friend,' said the important person- age; and advancing to Julian, demanded, in a very- haughty tone, the surrender of the purchase which he had just made. Peveril, with some difl5culty, subdued the strong desire which he felt to return a round refusal to so un- reasonable a request, but, fortunately, recollecting that the situation in which he at present stood required, on his part, much circumspection, he repHed simply that, upon showing him any warrant to seize upon horses for the public service, he must of course submit to resign his purchase. The man, with an air of extreme dignity, pulled from his pocket, and thrust into Peveril's hands, a warrant subscribed by the Speaker of the House of Commons, empowering Charles Topham, their officer of the Black Rod, to pursue and seize upon the persons of certain individuals named in the warrant; and of all other per- sons who are, or should be, accused by competent wit- nesses of being accessory to, or favourers of, the hellish and damnable Popish Plot at present carried on within the bowels of the kingdom; and charging all men, as they loved their allegiance, to render the said Charles Topham their readiest and most effective assistance, in execution of the duty entrusted to his care. On perusing a document of such weighty import, 328 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK Julian had no hesitation to give up his horse to this formidable functionary, whom somebody compared to a lion, which, as the House of Commons was pleased to maintain such an animal, they were under the neces- sity of providing for by frequent commitments; until 'Take him, Topham,' became a proverb, and a formid- able one, in the mouth of the pubHc. The acquiescence of Peveril procured him some grace in the sight of the emissary, who, before selecting two horses for his attendants, gave permission to the stranger to purchase a grey horse, fnuch inferior indeed to that which he had resigned, both in form and in action, but very little lower in price; as Mr. Bridlesley, immedi- ately on learning the demand for horses upon the part of the Commons of England, had passed a private resolution in his own mind, augmenting the price of his whole stud by an imposition of at least twenty per cent ad valorem. Peveril adjusted and paid the price with much less argument than on the former occasion; for, to be plain with the reader, he had noticed in the warrant of Mr. Topham the name of his father. Sir Geoffrey Peveril of Martindale Castle, engrossed at full length, as one of those subjected to arrest by that officer. When aware of this material fact, it became Julian's business to leave Liverpool directly and carry the alarm to Derbyshire, if, indeed, Mr. Topham had not already executed his charge in that country, which he thought unlikely, as it was probable they would commence by securing those who lived nearest to the seaports. A word or two which he overheard strengthened his hopes. 'And hark ye, friend,' said Mr. Topham, *you will 329 WAVERLEY NOVELS have the horses at the door of Mr. Shortell, the mercer, in two hours, as we shall refresh ourselves there with a cool tankard, and learn what folks live in the neighbour- hood that may be concerned in my way. And you will please to have that saddle padded, for I am told the Derbyshire roads are rough. And you, Captain Danger- field, and Master Everett, you must put on your Pro- testant spectacles, and show me where there is the shadow of a priest or of a priest's favourer; for I am come down with a broom in my cap to sweep this north country of such-like cattle.' One of the persons he thus addressed, who wore the garb of a broken-down citizen, only answered, *Ay, truly. Master Topham, it is time to purge the garner.' The other, who had a formidable pair of whiskers, a red nose, and a tarnished laced coat, together with a hat of Pistol's dimensions, was more loquacious. 'I take it on my damnation,' said this zealous Protestant witness, ' that I will discover the marks of the beast on every one of them betwixt sixteen and seventy, as plainly as if they had crossed themselves with ink instead of holy water. Since we have a king wilting to do justice, and a House of Commons to uphold prose- cutions, why, damn me, the cause must not stand still for lack of evidence.' 'Stick to that, noble captain,' answered the officer; 'but, prithee, reserve thy oaths for the court of justice; it is but sheer waste to throw them away, as you do, in your ordinary conversation.' 'Fear you nothing. Master Topham,' answered Dan- gerfield; 'it is right to keep a man's gifts in use; and were I altogether to renounce oaths in my private discourse, 330 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK how should I know how to use one when I needed it? But you hear me use none of your Papist abjurations. I swear not by the mass, or before George, or by any- thing that belongs to idolatry; but such downright oaths as may serve a poor Protestant gentleman, who would fain serve Heaven and the king.' 'Bravely spoken, most noble Festus,' said his yoke- fellow. 'But do not suppose that, although I am not in the habit of garnishing my words with oaths out of season, I shall be wanting, when called upon, to declare the height and the depth, the width and the length, of this helHsh plot against the king and the Protestant faith.' Dizzy, and almost sick, with listening to the undis- guised brutaHty of these fellows, Peveril, having with difi&culty prevailed on Bridlesley to settle his purchase, at length led forth his grey steed ; but was scarce out of the yard, when he heard the following alarming conver- sation pass, of which he seemed himself the object: — 'Who is that youth?' said the slow soft voice of the more precise of the two witnesses. 'Methinks I have seen him somewhere before. Is he from these parts? ' 'Not that I know of,' said Bridlesley, who, like all the other inhabitants of England at the time, answered the interrogatories of these fellows with the deference which is paid in Spain to the questions of an inquisitor. 'A stranger — entirely a stranger — never saw him before; a wild young colt, I warrant him; and knows a horse's mouth as well as I do.' ' I begin to bethink me I saw such a face as his at the Jesuits' consult, in the White Horse Tavern,' answered Everett. 331 WAVERLEY NOVELS *And I think I recollect/ said Captain Dangerfield — 'Come — come, master and captain,' said the author- itative voice of Topham; 'we will have none of your recollections at present. We all know what these are likely to end in. But I will have you know, you are not to run till the leash is slipped. The young man is a well- looking lad, and gave up his horse handsomely for the service of the House of Commons. He knows how to behave himself to his betters, I warrant you; and I scarce think he has enough in his purse to pay the fees.'^ This speech concluded the dialogue, which Peveril, finding himself so much concerned in the issue, thought it best to hear to an end. Now, when it ceased, to get out of the town unobserved, and take the nearest way to his father's castle, seemed his wisest plan. He had settled his reckoning at the inn and brought with him to Bridlesley's the small portmanteau which contained his few necessaries, so that he had no occasion to return thither. He resolved, therefore, to ride some miles before he stopped, even for the purpose of feeding his horse; and being pretty well acquainted with the coun- try, he hoped to be able to push forward to Martindale Castle sooner than the worshipful Master Topham, whose saddle was, in the first place, to be padded, and who, when mounted, would, in all probabiHty, ride with the precaution of those who require such security against the effects of a hard trot. Under the influence of these feelings, Julian pushed for Warrington, a place with which he was well ac- quainted; but, without halting in the town, he crossed the Mersey, by the bridge built by an ancestor of his 1 See Note 15. PEVERIL OF THE PEAK friend the Earl of Derby, and continued his route to- wards Dishley, on the borders of Derbyshire. He might have reached this latter village easily had his horse been fitter for a forced march; but in the course of the journey he had occasion, more than once, to curse the official dignity of the person who had robbed him of his better steed, while taking the best direction he could through a coimtry with which he was only generally acquainted. At length, near Altringham, a halt became unavoid- able; and Peveril had only to look for some quiet and sequestered place of refreshment. This presented itself in the form of a small cluster of cottages, the best of which united the characters of an alehouse and a mill, where the sign of the Cat (the landlord's faithful ally in defence of his meal-sacks), booted as high as Grimalkin in the fairy tale, and playing on the fiddle for the more grace, announced that John Whitecraft united the two honest occupations of landlord and miller; and, doubt- less, took toll from the public in both capacities. Such a place promised a traveller, who journeyed in- cognito, safer, if not better, accommodation than he was like to meet with in more frequented inns; and at the door of the Cat and Fiddle Julian halted accordingly. CHAPTER XXI In these distracted times, when each man dreads The bloody stratagems of busy heads. Otway. At the door of the Cat and Fiddle, Julian received the usual attention paid to the customers of an inferior house of entertainment. His horse was carried by a ragged lad, who acted as hostler, into a paltry stable; where, however, the nag was tolerably supplied with food and Htter. Having seen the animal on which his comfort, per- haps his safety, depended properly provided for, Peveril entered the kitchen, which indeed was also the parlour and hall of the little hostelry, to try what refreshment he could obtain for himself. Much to his satisfaction he found there was only one guest in the house besides himself; but he was less pleased when he found that he must either go without dinner or share with that single guest the only provisions which chanced to be in the house, namely, a dish of trouts and eels, which their host, the miller, had brought in from his mill-stream. At the particular request of Julian, the landlady un- dertook to add a substantial dish of eggs and bacon, which perhaps she would not have undertaken for, had not the sharp eye of Peveril discovered the flitch hanging in its smoky retreat, when, as its presence could not be denied, the hostess was compelled to bring it forward as a part of her supplies. 334 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK She was a buxom dame about thirty, whose comely and cheerful countenance did honour to the choice of the jolly miller, her loving mate; and was now stationed under the shade of an old-fashioned huge projecting chimney, within which it was her province to 'work i' the fire,' and provide for the wearied wayfaring man the good things which were to send him rejoicing on his course. Although, at first, the honest woman seemed little disposed to give herself much additional trouble on Julian's account, yet the good looks, handsome figure, and easy civility of her new guest soon bespoke the prin- cipal part of her attention ; and while busy in his service, she regarded him, from time to time, with looks where something like pity mingled with complacency. The rich smoke of the rasher, and the eggs with which it was flanked, already spread itself through the apartment; and the hissing of these savoury viands bore chorus to the simmering of the pan, in which the fish were under- going a slower decoction. The table was covered with a clean huckaback napkin, and all was in preparation for the meal, which Julian began to expect with a good deal of impatience, when the companion who was destined to share it with him entered the apartment. At the first glance, JuUan recognised, to his surprise, the same indifferently-dressed, thin-looking person who, during the first bargain which he had made with Brid- lesley, had officiously interfered with his advice and opinion. Displeased at having the company of any stranger forced upon him, Peveril was still less satisfied to find one who might make some claim of acquaintance with him, however slender, since the circumstances in which he stood compelled him to be as reserved as pos- 335 WAVERLEY NOVELS sible. He therefore turned his back upon his destined messmate, and pretended to amuse himself by looking out of the window, determined to avoid all intercourse until it should be inevitably forced upon him. In the meanwhile, the other stranger went straight up to the landlady, where she toiled on household cares intent, and demanded of her what she meant by prepar- ing bacon and eggs, when he had positively charged her to get nothing ready but the fish. The good woman, important as every cook in the dis- charge of her duty, deigned not for some time so much as to acknowledge that she heard the reproof of her guest; and when she did so, it was only to repel it in a magis- terial and authoritative tone. *If he did not like bacon — bacon from their own hutch, well fed on pease and bran — if he did not like bacon and eggs — new-laid eggs, which she had brought in from the hen-roost with her own hands — why so put case — it was the worse for his honour and the better for those who did.' 'The better for those who like them!' answered the guest; 'that is as much as to say, I am to have a com- panion, good woman.' 'Do not "good woman" me, sir,' repUed the miller's wife, 'till I call you good man; and, I promise you, many would scruple to do that to one who does not love eggs and bacon of a Friday.' 'Nay, my good lady,' said her guest, 'do not fix any misconstruction upon me. I daresay the eggs and bacon are excellent ; only, they are rather a dish too heavy for my stomach.' 'Ay, or your conscience perhaps, sir,' answered the hostess. 'And now, I bethink me, you must needs have 336 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK your fish fried with oil, instead of the good drippings I was going to put to them. I would I could spell the meaning of all this now; but I warrant John Bigstaff, the constable, could conjure something out of it.' There was a pause here; but Julian, somewhat alarmed at the tone which the conversation assumed, became interested in watching the dumb show which succeeded. By bringing his head a little towards the left, but without turning round or quitting the project- ing latticed window where he had taken his station, he could observe that the stranger, secured, as he seemed to think himself, from observation, had sidled close up to the landlady, and, as he conceived, had put a piece of money into her hand. The altered tone of the miller's moiety corresponded very much with this supposition. *Nay, indeed, and forsooth,' she said, *her house was Liberty Hall; and so should every publican's be. What was it to her what gentlefolks ate or drank, providing they paid for it honestly? There were many honest gen- tlemen whose stomachs could not abide bacon, grease, or dripping, especially on a Friday; and what was that to her, or any one in her line, so gentlefolks paid hon- estly for the trouble? Only, she would say that her bacon and eggs could not be mended betwixt this and Liverpool; and that she would live and die upon.' *I shall hardly dispute it,' said the stranger; and turn- ing towards Juhan, he added, *I wish this gentleman, who I suppose is my trencher-companion, much joy of the dainties which I cannot assist him in consuming.' *I assure you, sir,' answered Peveril, who now felt himself compelled to turn about and reply with civility, * that it was with difficulty I could prevail on my land- 27 337 WAVERLEY NOVELS lady to add my cover to yours, though she seems now such a zealot for the consumption of eggs and bacon.' *I am zealous for nothing,' said the landlady, *save that men would eat their victuals and pay their score; and if there be enough in one dish to serve two guests, I see little purpose in dressing them two ; however, they are ready now, and done to a nicety. Here, Alice! — Alice!' The sound of that well-known name made Julian start; but the Alice who replied to the call ill resembled the vision which his imagination connected with the accents, being a dowdy, slip-shod wench, the drudge of the low inn which afforded him shelter. She assisted her mistress in putting on the table the dishes which the latter had prepared; and a foaming jug of home-brewed ale, being placed betwixt them, was warranted by Dame Whitecraft as excellent; 'for,' said she, *we know by practice that too much water drowns the miller, and we spare it on our malt as we would in our mill-dam.' 'I drink to your health in it, dame,' said the elder stranger; 'and a cup of thanks for these excellent fish; and to the drowning of all unkindness between us.' 'I thank you, sir,' said the dame, 'and wish you the like; but I dare not pledge you, for our gaffer says the ale is brewed too strong for women ; so I only drink a glass of canary at a time with a gossip or any gentleman guest that is so minded.' *You shall drink one with me then, dame,' said Pev- eril, 'so you will let me have a flagon.' 'That you shall, sir, and as good as ever was broached; but I must to the mill, to get the key from the good- man.' 338 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK So saying, and tucking her dean gown through the pocketholes, that her steps might be the more alert and her dress escape dust, off she tripped to the mill, which lay close adjoining. *A dainty dame, and dangerous, is the miller's wife,* said the stranger, looking at Peveril. *Is not that old Chaucer's phrase? ' *I — I beheve so,' said Peveril, not much read in Chaucer, who was then even more neglected than at present; and much surprised at a literary quotation from one of the mean appearance exhibited by the per- son before him. *Yes,' answered the stranger, 'I see that you, like other young gentlemen of the time, are better acquainted with Cowley and Waller than with the "well of English undefiled." I cannot help differing. There are touches of nature about the old bard of Woodstock that to me are worth all the turns of laborious wit in Cowley, and all the ornate and artificial simpHcity of his courtly com- petitor. The description, for instance, of his country coquette — Wincing she was, as is a wanton colt, Sweet as a flower, and upright as a bolt. Then again, for pathos, where will you mend the dying scene of Arcite? Alas, my heartis queen! alas, my wife! Giver at once, and ender of my life. What is this world ? What axen men to have? Now with his love, now in his cold grave Alone, withouten other company. But I tire you, sir; and do injustice to the poet, whom I remember but by halves.' 339 WAVERLEY NOVELS 'On the contrary, sir,' replied Peveril, 'you make him more intelligible to me in your recitation than I have found him when I have tried to peruse him myself,* * You were only frightened by the antiquated spelling and "the letters black/" said his companion. 'It is many a scholar's case, who mistakes a nut, which he could crack with a little exertion, for a bullet, which he must needs break his teeth on ; but yours are better em- ployed. Shall I offer you some of this fish? ' 'Not so, sir,' replied Juhan, willing to show himself a man of reading in his turn ; ' I hold with old Caius, and profess to fear judgment, to fight where I cannot choose, and to eat no fish.' The stranger cast a startled look around him at this observation, which Julian had thrown out on purpose to ascertain, if possible, the quality of his companion, whose present language was so different from the char- acter he had assumed at Bridlesley 's. His countenance, too, although the features were of an ordinary, not to say mean, cast, had that character of intelligence which education gives to the most homely face; and his man- ners were so easy and disembarrassed as plainly showed a complete acquaintance with society, as well as the habit of mingling with it in the higher stages. The alarm which he had evidently shown at Peveril's answer was but momentary; for he almost instantly replied, with a smile, 'I promise you, sir, that you are in no dangerous company; for, notwithstanding my fish dinner, I am much disposed to trifle with some of your savoury mess, if you will indulge me so far.' Peveril accordingly reinforced the stranger's trencher with what remained of the bacon and eggs, and saw him 340 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK swallow a mouthful or two with apparent relish; but presently after, he began to dally with his knife and fork, like one whose appetite was satiated; then took a long draught of the black-jack, and handed his platter to the large mastiff dog, who, attracted by the smell of the dinner, had sat down before him for some time, lick- ing his chops, and following with his eye every morsel which the guest raised to his head. 'Here, my poor fellow,' said he, 'thou hast had no fish, and needest this supernumerary trencher-load more than I do. I cannot withstand thy mute supplication any longer.' The dog answered these courtesies by a civil shake of the tail, while he gobbled up what was assigned him by the stranger's benevolence, in the greater haste, that he heard his mistress's voice at the door. 'Here is the canary, gentlemen,' said the landlady; 'and the goodman has set off the mill, to come to wait on you himself. He always does so, when company drink wine.' 'That he may come in for the host's, that is, for the lion's, share,' said the stranger, looking at Peveril. 'The shot is mine,' said JuHan; 'and if mine host will share it, I will willingly bestow another quart on him, and on you, sir. I never break old customs.' These sounds caught the ear of Gaffer Whitecraft, who had entered the room — a strapping specimen of his robust trade, prepared to play the civil or the surly host as his company should be acceptable or otherwise. At Julian's invitation, he doffed his dusty bonnet, brushed from his sleeve the looser particles of his pro- fessional dust, and sitting down on the end of a bench, 341 WAVERLEY NOVELS about a yard from the table, filled a glass of canary and drank to his guests, and 'especially to this noble gentleman,' indicating Peveril, who had ordered the canary. Julian returned the courtesy by drinking his health, and asking what news were about in the country. ' Nought, sir — I hears on nought, except this plot, as they call it, that they are pursuing the Papishers about; but it brings water to my mill, as the saying is. Between expresses hurrying hither and thither, and guards and prisoners riding to and again, and the custom of the neighbours, that come to speak over the news of an evening, nightly I may say, instead of once a week, why the spigot is in use, gentlemen, and your land thrives; and then I serving as constable, and being a known Protestant, I have tapped, I may venture to say, it may be ten stands of ale extraordinary, besides a rea- sonable sale of wine for a country corner. Heaven make us thankful, and keep all good Protestants from plot and Popery!' 'I can easily conceive, my friend,' said Julian, 'that curiosity is a passion which runs naturally to the ale- house; and that anger, and jealousy, and fear are all of them thirsty passions, and great consumers of home- brewed. But I am a perfect stranger in these parts, and I would willingly learn, from a sensible man like you, a little of this same plot, of which men speak so much and appear to know so little.' 'Learn a little of it! Why, it is the most horrible — the most damnable, bloodthirsty beast of a plot — But hold — hold, my good master; I hope, in the first place, you beheve there is a plot? for, otherwise, the 342 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK justice must have a word with you, so sure as my name is John Whitecraft.' 'It shall not need,' said Peveril; 'for I assure you, mine host, I believe in the plot as freely and fully as a man can believe in anything he cannot understand.' 'God forbid that anybody should pretend to under- stand it,' said the imphcit constable; 'for his worship the justice says it is a mile beyond him, and he be as deep as most of them. But men may believe though they do not understand; and that is what the Romanists say them- selves. But this I am sure of, it makes a rare stirring time for justices, and witnesses, and constables. So here 's to your health again, gentlemen, in a cup of neat canary.' 'Come — come, John Whitecraft,' said his wife, Mo not you demean yourself by naming witnesses along with justices and constables. All the world knows how they come by their money.' 'Ay, but all the world knows that they do come by it, dame; and that is a great confort. They rustle in their canonical silks, and swagger in their buff and scarlet, who but they? Ay — ay, the cursed fox thrives — and not so cursed neither. Is there not Dr. Titus Gates, the saviour of the nation — does he not live at Whitehall, and eat off plate, and have a pension of thousands a year, for what I know? and is he not to be Bishop of Litchfield so soon as Dr. Doddrum dies? ' 'Then I hope Dr. Doddrum's reverence will live these twenty years; and I daresay I am the first that ever wished such a wish,' said the hostess. 'I do not under- stand these doings, not I; and if a hundred Jesuits came to hold a consult at my house, as they did at the White 343 WAVERLEY NOVELS Horse Tavern, I should think it quite out of the Hne of business to bear witness against them, provided they drank well and paid their score.' 'Very true, dame,' said her elder guest; 'that is what I call keeping a good publican conscience; and so I will pay score presently, and be jogging on my way.' Peveril, on his part, also demanded a reckoning, and discharged it so liberally that the miller flourished his hat as he bowed, and the hostess curtsied down to the ground. The horses of both guests were brought forth; and they moimted, in order to depart in company. The host and hostess stood in the doorway to see them depart. The landlord proffered a stirrup-cup to the elder guest, while the landlady offered Peveril a glass from her own peculiar bottle. For this purpose, she mounted on the horse-block, with flask and glass in hand ; so that it was easy for the departing guest, although on horseback, to return the courtesy in the most approved manner, namely, by throwing his arm over his landlady's shoul- der and saluting her at parting. Dame Whitecraft could not decline this familiarity; for there is no room for traversing upon a horse-block, and the hands which might have served her for resist- ance were occupied with glass and bottle — matters too precious to be thrown away in such a struggle. Appar- ently, however, she had something else in her head; for, as, after a brief affectation of reluctance, she permitted Peveril's face to approach hers, she whispered in his ear, 'Beware of trepans!' an awful intimation, which, in. those days of distrust, suspicion, and treachery, was as effectual in interdicting free and social intercourse as the 344 PEVEREL OF THE PEAK advertisement of 'man-traps and spring-guns' to pro- tect an orchard. Pressing her hand, in intimation that he comprehended her hint, she shook his warmly in re- turn, and bade God speed him. There was a cloud on John Whitecraft's brow; nor did his final farewell soimd half so cordial as that which had been spoken within doors. But then Peveril reflected that the same guest is not always equally acceptable to landlord and land- lady; and unconscious of having done anything to excite the miller's displeasure, he pursued his journey without thinking further of the matter. Julian was a Uttle surprised, and not altogether pleased, to find that his new acquaintance held the same road with him. He had many reasons for wishing to travel alone; and the hostess's caution still rung in his ears. If this man, possessed of so much shrewdness as his countenance and conversation intimated, versatile, as he had occasion to remark, and disguised beneath his condition, should prove, as was likely, to be a concealed Jesuit or seminary priest, travelling upon their great task of the conversion of England, and rooting out of the Northern heresy — a more dangerous companion, for a person in his own circumstances, could hardly be imagined, since keeping society with him might seem to authorise whatever reports had been spread concerning the attachment of his family to the Catholic cause. At the same time, it was very difficult, without actual rude- ness, to shake off the company of one who seemed de- termined, whether spoken to or not, to remain alongside of him. Peveril tried the experiment of riding slow; but his companion, determined not to drop him, slackened his 345 WAVERLEY NOVELS pace so as to keep close by him. Julian then spurred his horse to a full trot; and was soon satisfied that the stranger, notwithstanding the meanness of his appear- ance, was so much better mounted than himself as to render vain any thoughts of out-riding him. He pulled up his horse to a more reasonable pace, therefore, in a sort of despair. Upon his doing so, his companion, who had been hitherto silent, observed, that Peveril was not so well qualified to try speed upon the road as he would have been had he abode by his first bargain of horse- flesh that morning. Peveril assented drily, but observed, that the animal would serve his immediate purpose, though he feared it would render him indifferent company for a person better mounted. 'By no means,' answered his civil companion; *I am one of those who have travelled so much as to be accus- tomed to make my journey at any rate of motion which may be most agreeable to my company.' Peveril made no reply to this polite intimation, being too sincere to tender the thanks which, in courtesy, were the proper answer. A second pause ensued, which was broken by Julian asking the stranger whether their roads were likely to lie long together in the same direction. 'I cannot tell,' said the stranger, smiling, 'unless I knew which way you were travelling.' * I am uncertain how far I shall go to-night,' said Juhan, willingly misunderstanding the purport of the reply. 'And so am I,' rephed the stranger; 'but though my horse goes better than yours, I think it will be wise to spare him ; and in case our road continues to lie the same way, we are likely to sup, as we have dined, together.* 346 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK Julian made no answer whatever to this round intima- tion, but continued to ride on, turning, in his own mind, whether it would not be wisest to come to a distinct un- derstanding with his pertinacious attendant, and to ex- plain, in so many words, that it was his pleasure to travel alone. But, besides that the sort of acquaintance which they had formed during dinner rendered him un- willing to be directly uncivil towards a person of gen- tlemanlike manners, he had also to consider that he might very possibly be mistaken in this man's character and purpose; in which case, the cynically refusing the society of a sound Protestant would afford as pregnant matter of suspicion as travelling in company with a disguised Jesuit. After brief reflection, therefore, he resolved to endure the encumbrance of the stranger's society until a fair opportunity should occur to rid himself of it; and, in the meantime, to act with as much caution as he possibly could in any communication that might take place be- tween them, for Dame Whitecraft's parting caution still rang anxiously in his ears, and the consequences of his own arrest upon suspicion must deprive him of every opportunity of serving his father, or the countess, or Major Bridgenorth, upon whose interest, also, he had promised himself to keep an eye. While he revolved these things in his mind, they had journeyed several miles without speaking; and now en- tered upon a more waste country and worse roads than they had hitherto found, being, in fact, approaching the more hilly district of Derbyshire. In travelling on a very stony and uneven lane, Julian's horse repeatedly stumbled ; and, had he not been supported by the rider's 347 WAVERLEY NOVELS judicious use of the bridle, must at length certainly have fallen under him. 'These are times which crave wary riding, sir,' said his companion ; ' and by your seat in the saddle, and your hand on the rein, you seem to understand it to be so.' 'I have been long a horseman, sir,' answered Peveril. 'And long a traveller, too, I should suppose; since, by the great caution you observe, you seem to think, the human tongue requires a curb, as well as the horse's jaws.' 'Wiser men than I have been of opinion,' answered Peveril, 'that it were a part of prudence to be silent when men have little or nothing to say.' 'I cannot approve of their opinion,' answered the stranger. 'All knowledge is gained by communication, either with the dead, through books, or, more pleasingly, through the conversation of the living. The deaf and dumb, alone, are excluded from improvement; and surely their situation is not so enviable that we should imitate them.' At this illustration, which wakened a startling echo in Peveril's bosom, the young man looked hard at his companion; but in the composed countenance and calm blue eye he read no consciousness of a further meaning than the words immediately and directly implied. He paused a moment, and then answered, ' You seem to be a person, sir, of shrewd apprehension; and I should have thought it might have occurred to you that, in the pre- sent suspicious times, men may, without censure, avoid communication with strangers. You know not me; and to me you are totally unknown. There is not room for much discourse between us, without trespassing 348 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK on the general topics of the day, which carry in them seeds of quarrel between friends, much more betwixt strangers. At any other time, the society of an intelli- gent companion would have been most acceptable upon my solitary ride ; but at present — ' *At present!' said the other, interrupting him, 'you are like the old Romans, who held that hostis meant both a stranger and an enemy. I will therefore be no longer a stranger. My name is Ganlesse; by profession I am a Roman Catholic priest. I am travelling here in dread of my Hf e ; and I am very glad to have you for a companion.' *I thank you for the information with all my heart,* said Peveril ; ' and to avail myself of it to the uttermost, I must beg of you to ride forward, or lag behind, or take a side-path, at your own pleasure; for as I am no Cath- olic, and travel upon business of high concernment, I am exposed both to risk and delay, and even to danger, by keeping such suspicious company. And so. Master Gan- lesse, keep your own pace, and I will keep the contrary; for I beg leave to forbear your company.' As Peveril spoke thus, he pulled up his horse and made a full stop. The stranger burst out a-laughing. 'What!' he said, 'you forbear my company for a trifle of danger? St. Anthony! how the warm blood of the Cavaliers is chilled in the young men of the present day ! This young gal- lant, now, has a father, I warrant, who has endured as many adventures for hunted priests as a knight-errant for distressed damsels.' 'This raillery avails nothing, sir,' said Peveril. *I must request you will keep your own way.' 349 WAVERLEY NOVELS 'My way is yours/ said the pertinacious Master Gan- lesse, as he called himself; 'and we will both travel the safer that we journey in company. I have the receipt of fern-seed, man, and walk invisible. Besides, you would not have me quit you in this lane, where there is no turn to right or left? ' Peveril moved on, desirous to avoid open violence; for which the indifferent tone of the traveller, indeed, af- forded no apt pretext; yet highly disliking his company, and determined to take the first opportunity to rid him- self of it. The stranger proceeded at the same pace with him, keeping cautiously on his bridle hand, as if to secure that advantage in case of a struggle. But his language did not intimate the least apprehension. ' You do me wrong,' he said to Peveril, 'and you equally wrong yourself. You are uncertain where to lodge to-night; trust to my guidance. Here is an ancient hall, within four miles, with an old knightly pantaloon for its lord, an all- beruffed Dame Barbara for the lady gay, a Jesuit in a butler's habit to say grace, an old tale of Edgehill and Worster fights to relish a cold venison pasty and a flask of claret mantled with cobwebs, a bed for you in the priest's hiding-hole, and, for aught I know, pretty Mis- tress Betty, the dairymaid, to make it ready.' 'This has no charms for me, sir,' said Peveril, who, in spite of himself, could not but be amused with the ready sketch which the stranger gave of many an old mansion in Cheshire and Derbyshire, where the owners retained the ancient faith of Rome. 'Well, I see I cannot charm you in this way,' con- tinued his companion; 'I must strike another key. I am 3SO PEVERIL OF THE PEAK no longer Ganlesse, the seminary priest, but (changing his tone, and snuffling in the nose) Simon Canter, a poor preacher of the Word, who travels this way to call sin- ners to repentance, and to strengthen, and to edify, and to fructify, among the scattered remnant who hold fast the truth. What say you to this, sir? ' *I admire your versa tiUty, sir, and could be enter- tained with it at another time. At present, sincerity is more in request.' ' Sincerity ! ' said the stranger. ' A child's whistle, with but two notes in it — yea, yea and nay, nay. Why, man, the very Quakers have renounced it, and have got in its stead a gallant recorder, called hypocrisy, that is some- what hke sincerity in form, but of much greater com- pass, and combines the whole gamut. Come, be ruled — ■ be a disciple of Simon Canter for the evening, and we will leave the old tumble-down castle of the knight aforesaid, on the left hand, for a new brick-built mansion, erected by an eminent salt-boiler from Namptwich, who expects the said Simon to make a strong spiritual pickle for the preservation of a soul somewhat corrupted by the evil communications of this wicked world. What say you? He has two daughters — brighter eyes never beamed under a pinched hood ; and for myself, I think there is more fire in those who live only to love and to devotion than in your court beauties, whose hearts are running on twenty follies besides. You know not the pleasure of being conscience-keeper to a pretty precisian, who in one breath repeats her foibles and in the next confesses her passion. Perhaps, though, you may have known such in your day? Come, sir, it grows too dark to see your blushes; but I am sure they are burning on your cheek.' 351 WAVERLEY NOVELS 'You take great freedom, sir,' said Peveril, as they now approached the end of the lane, where it opened on a broad common ; * and you seem rather to count more on my forbearance than you have room to do with safety. We are now nearly free of the lane which has made us companions for this last half -hour. To avoid your fur- ther company, I will take the turn to the left upon that common; and if you follow me, it shall be at your peril. Observe, I am well armed; and you will fight at odds.' 'Not at odds,' returned the provoking stranger, 'while I have my brown jennet, with which I can ride round and around you at pleasure ; and this text, of a handful in length (showing a pistol which he drew from his bosom), which discharges very convincing doctrine on the pressure of a forefinger, and is apt to equalise all odds, as you call them, of youth and strength. Let there be no strife between us, however; the moor lies before us — choose your path on it; I take the other.' *I wish you good-night, sir,' said Peveril to the stranger. ' I ask your forgiveness, if I have misconstrued you in anything; but the times are perilous, and a man's life may depend on the society in which he travels.' 'True,' said the stranger; 'but in your case the danger is already undergone, and you should seek to counteract it. You have travelled in my company long enough to devise a handsome branch of the Popish Plot. How will you look when you see come forth, in comely foho form, "The Narrative of Simon Canter, otherwise called Rich- ard Ganlesse, concerning the Horrid Popish Conspiracy for the Murder of the King and Massacre of all Protest- ants, as given on oath to the Honourable House of Com- mons; setting forth how far Julian Peveril, Younger, of 352 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK Martindale Castle, is concerned in carrying on the .1 'How, sir? What mean you?' said Peveril, much startled. 'Nay, sir,' repHed his companion, 'do not interrupt my title-page. Now that Gates and Bedloe have drawn the great prizes, the subordinate discoverers get little but by the sale of their "Narrative " ; and Janeway, New- man, Simmons, and every book-seller of them will tell you that the title is half the narrative. Mine shall there- fore set forth the various schemes you have communi- cated to me, of landing ten thousand soldiers from the Isle of Man upon the coast of Lancashire ; and marching into Wales, to join the ten thousand pilgrims who are to be shipped from Spain; and so completing the destruc- tion of the Protestant religion, and of the devoted city of London. Truly, I think such a "Narrative," well spiced with a few horrors, and published cum privilegio Parliamenti, might, though the market be somewhat overstocked, be still worth some twenty or thirty pieces.' 'You seem to know me, sir,' said Peveril; 'and if so, I think I may fairly ask you your purpose in thus bearing me company, and the meaning of all this rhapsody. If it be mere banter, I can endure it within proper limit, although it is uncivil on the part of a stranger. If you have any further purpose, speak it out; I am not to be trifled with.' 'Good, now,' said the stranger, laughing; 'into what an unprofitable chafe you have put yourself ! An Italian fuoruscito, when he desires a parley with you, takes aim from behind a wall with his long gun, and prefaces his 1 See Note i6. «7 353 WAVERLEY NOVELS conference with "Posso Hrare.^' So does your man-of- war fire a gun across the bows of a Hans-mogan India- man, just to bring her to; and so do I show Master Julian Peveril that, if I were one of the honourable society of witnesses and informers, with whom his imagination has associated me for these two hours past, he is as much within my danger now as what he is ever likely to be.' Then suddenly changing his tone to serious, which was in general ironical, he added, 'Young man, when the pestilence is diffused through the air of a city, it is in vain men would avoid the disease by seeking solitude and shunning the company of their fellow-sufferers.' *In what, then, consists their safety?' said Peveril, willing to ascertain, if possible, the drift of his compan- ion's purpose. *In following the counsels of wise physicians'; such was the stranger's answer. 'And as such,' said Peveril, 'you offer me your ad- vice?' 'Pardon me, young man,' said the stranger, haughtily, *I see no reason I should do so. I am not,' he added, in his former tone, 'your fee'd physician. I offer no advice; I only say it would be wise that you sought it.' 'And from whom or where can I obtain it?' said Peveril. 'I wander in this country like one in a dream, so much a few months have changed it. Men who formerly occupied themselves with their own affairs are now swallowed up in matters of state pohcy ; and those tremble under the apprehension of some strange and sudden convulsion of empire who were formerly only occupied by the fear of going to bed supperless. And to sum up the matter, I meet a stranger, apparently well 354 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK acquainted with my name and concerns, who first at- taches himself to me whether I will or no, and then re- fuses me an explanation of his business, while he menaces me with the strangest accusations.' 'Had I meant such infamy,' said the stranger, 'believe me, I had not given you the thread of my intrigue. But be wise, and come on with me. There is hard by a small inn, where, if you can take a stranger's warrant for it, we shall sleep in perfect security.' 'Yet you yourself,' said Peveril, 'but now were anx- ious to avoid observation ; and in that case, how can you protect me? ' ' Pshaw ! I did but silence that tattling landlady, in the way in which such people are most readily hushed ; and for Topham and his brace of night-owls, they must hawk at other and lesser game than I should prove.' Peveril could not help admiring the easy and confident indifference with which the stranger seemed to assume a superiority to all the circumstances of danger around him ; and after hastily considering the matter with him- self, came to the resolution to keep company with him for this night, at least; and to learn, if possible, who he really was, and to what party in the estate he was at- tached. The boldness and freedom of his talk seemed almost inconsistent with his following the perilous, though at that time the gainful, trade of an informer. No doubt, such persons assumed every appearance which could insinuate them into the confidence of their des- tined victims ; but Julian thought he discovered in this man's manner a wild and reckless frankness, which he could not but connect with the idea of sincerity in the present case. He therefore answered, after a moment's 355 WAVERLEY NOVELS recollection, 'I embrace your proposal, sir; although, by doing so, I am reposing a sudden, and perhaps an un- wary, confidence.' 'And what am I, then, reposing in you?' said the stranger. ' Is not our confidence mutual? ' * No; much the contrary. I know nothing of you what- ever ; you have named me ; and, knowing me to be Julian Peveril, know you may travel with me in perfect secur- ity.' ' The devil I do ! ' answered his companion. ' I travel in the same security as with a lighted petard, which I may expect to explode every moment. Are you not the son of Peveril of the Peak, with whose name Prelacy and Popery are so closely allied, that no old woman of either sex in Derbyshire concludes her prayer without a peti- tion to be freed from all three? And do you not come from the Popish Countess of Derby, bringing, for aught I know, a whole army of Manxmen in your pocket, with full complement of arms, ammunition, baggage, and a train of field artillery? ' * It is not very likely I should be so poorly mounted,' said Julian, laughing, 'if I had such a weight to carry. But lead on, sir. I see I must wait for your confidence till you think proper to confer it; for you are already so well acquainted with my affairs, that I have nothing to offer you in exchange for it.' 'Allans, then,' said his companion; 'give your horse the spur, and raise the curb rein, lest he measure the ground with his nose, instead of his paces. We are not now more than a furlong or two from the place of enter- tainment.' They mended their pace accordingly, and soon arrived 356 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK at the small solitary inn which the traveller had men- tioned. When its light began to twinkle before them, the stranger, as if recollecting something he had forgotten, *By the way, you must have a name to pass by; for it may be ill travelling under your own, as the fellow who keeps this house is an old Cromwellian. What will you call yourself? My name is — for the present — Gan- lesse.' 'There is no occasion to assume a name at all,' an- swered Julian. 'I do not incline to use a borrowed one, especially as I may meet with some one who knows my own.' *I will call you Juhan, then,' said Master Ganlesse; 'for Peveril will smell, in the nostrils of mine host, of idolatry, conspiracy, Smithfield fagots, fish on Fridays, the murder of Sir Edmondsbury Godfrey, and the fire of Purgatory.' As he spoke thus, they alighted under the great broad- branched oak-tree that served to canopy the ale-bench, which, at an earlier hour, had groaned under the weight of a frequent conclave of rustic politicians. Ganlesse, as he dismounted, whistled in a particularly shrill note, and was answered from within the house. ^ * See Note 17. CHAPTER XXII He was a fellow in a peasant's garb; Yet one could censure you a woodcock's carvingt Like any courtier at the ordinary. The Ordinary. The person who appeared at the door of the little inn to receive Ganlesse, as we mentioned in our last chapter, sung as he came forward this scrap of an old ballad — 'Good even to you, Diccon; And how have you sped? Bring you the bonny bride To banquet and bed? ' To which Ganlesse answered, in the same tone and tune — 'Content thee, kind Robin; He need Httle care, WTio brings home a fat buck Instead of a hare.' 'You have missed your blow, then?' said the other, in reply. *I tell you, I have not,' answered Ganlesse; 'but you will think of nought but your own thriving occupation. May the plague that belongs to it stick to it, though it hath been the making of thee,' 'A man must live, Diccon Ganlesse,' said the other. 'Well — well,' said Ganlesse, 'bid my friend welcome, for my sake. Hast thou got any supper?' 'Reeking like a sacrifice; Chaubert has done his best. That fellow is a treasure ! give him a farthing candle, and 358 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK he will cook a good supper out of it. Come in, sir. My friend's friend is welcome, as we say in my country.' * We must have our horses looked to first,' said Peveril, who began to be considerably imcertain about the char- acter of his companions; 'that done, I am for you.' Ganlesse gave a second whistle; a groom appeared, who took charge of both their horses, and they themselves entered the inn. The ordinary room of a poor inn seemed to have un- dergone some alterations, to render it fit for company of a higher description. There were a beaufet, a couch, and one or two other pieces of furniture, of a style incon- sistent with the appearance of the place. The tablecloth, which was ready laid, was of the finest damask; and the spoons, forks, etc., were of silver. Peveril looked at this apparatus with some surprise; and again turning his eyes attentively upon his travelling-companion Ganlesse, he could not help discovering (by the aid of imagination, perhaps) that, though insignificant in person, plain in features, and dressed like one in indigence, there lurked still about his person and manners that indefinable ease of manner which belongs only to men of birth and qual- ity, or to those who are in the constant habit of frequent- ing the best company. His companion, whom he called Will Smith, although tall and rather good-looking, besides being much better dressed, had not, neverthe- less, exactly the same ease of demeanour, and was obliged to make up for the want by an additional proportion of assurance. Who these two persons could be, Peveril could not attempt even to form a guess. There was nothing for it but to watch their manner and conversation. 359 WAVERLEY NOVELS After speaking a moment in whispers, Smith said to his companion, ' We must go look after our nags for ten minutes, and allow Chaubert to do his office.' 'Will he not appear and minister before us, then?' said Ganlesse. 'What, he! — he shift a trencher — he hand a cup! No, you forget whom you speak of. Such an order were enough to make him fall on his own sword; he is already on the borders of despair, because no craw-fish are to be had.' 'Alack-a-day!' replied Ganlesse. 'Heaven forbid I should add to such a calamity ! To stable, then, and see we how our steeds eat their provender, while ours is get- ting ready.' They adjourned to the stable accordingly, which, though a poor one, had been hastily suppHed with what- ever was necessary for the accommodation of four excel- lent horses ; one of which, that from which Ganlesse was just dismounted, the groom we have mentioned was cleaning and dressing by the light of a huge wax candle. 'I am still so far Catholic,' said Ganlesse, laughing, as he saw that Peveril noticed this piece of extravagance. *My horse is my saint, and I dedicate a candle to him.' ' Without asking so great a favour for mine, which I see standing behind yonder old hen-coop,' repHed Peveril, * I will at least relieve him of his saddle and bridle.' ' Leave him to the lad of the inn,' said Smith ; ' he is not worthy any other person's handling; and I promise you, if you slip a single buckle, you will so flavour of that stable duty that you might as well eat roast-beef as ragouts, for any relish you will have of them.' 'I love roast-beef as well as ragouts at any time,' said 360 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK Peveril, adjusting himself to a task which every young man should know how to perform when need is ; ' and my horse, though it be but a sorry jade, will champ better on hay and com than on an iron bit.' While he was unsaddling his horse and shaking down some litter for the poor wearied animal, he heard Smith observe to Ganlesse — ' By my faith, Dick, thou hast fallen into poor Slender's blunder: missed Anne Page and brought us a great lubberly postmaster's boy.' 'Hush! he will hear thee,' answered Ganlesse; 'there are reasons for all things — it is well as it is. But, pri- thee, tell thy fellow to help the youngster.' 'What!' replied Smith, 'd'ye think I am mad? Ask Tom Beacon — Tom of Newmarket — Tom of ten thousand, to touch such a four-legged brute as that? Why, he would turn me away on the spot — discard me, i' faith. It was all he would do to take in hand your own, my good friend; and if you consider him not the better, you are hke to stand groom to him yourself to-morrow.' 'Well, Will,' answered Ganlesse, 'I will say that for thee, thou hast a set of the most useless, scoundrelly, in- solent vermin about thee that ever eat up a poor gentle- man's revenues.' 'Useless! I deny it,' replied Smith. ' Every one of my fellows does something or other so exquisitely that it were sin to make him do anything else; it is your jacks- of-all-trades who are masters of none. But hark to Chaubert's signal ! The coxcomb is twangling it on the lute, to the tune of Eveillez-vous, belle endormie. Come, Master What-d'ye-Call (addressing Peveril), "get ye some water and wash this filthy witness from your hand," as Betterton says in the play; for Chaubert's 361 WAVERLEY NOVELS cookery is like Friar Bacon's head — time is — time was — time will soon be no more.' So saying, and scarce allowing Julian time to dip his hands in a bucket and dry them on a horse-cloth, he hurried him from the stable back to the supper- chamber. Here aU was prepared for their meal with an epicurean delicacy which rather belonged to the saloon of a palace than the cabin in which it was displayed. Four dishes of silver, with covers of the same metal, smoked on the table; and three seats were placed for the company. Beside the lower end of the board was a small side-table, to answer the purpose of what is now called a dumb waiter; on which several flasks reared their tall, stately, and swan-like crests, above glasses and rummers. Clean covers were also placed ■wdthin reach ; and a small trav- elling-case of morocco, hooped with silver, displayed a nimiber of bottles, containing the most approved sauces that culinary ingenuity had then invented. Smith, who occupied the lower seat, and seemed to act as president of the feast, motioned the two travellers to take their places and begin. 'I would not stay a grace- time,' he said, 'to save a whole nation from perdition. We could bring no chauffettes with any convenience, and even Chaubert is nothing unless his dishes are tasted in the very moment of projection. Come, uncover and let us see what he has done for us. Hum ! — ha! — ay — squab pigeons — wild-fowl — young chickens — veni- son cutlets — and a space in the centre, wet, alas ! by a gentle tear from Chaubert's eye, where should have been the soupe aux ecrivisses. The zeal of that poor fellow is ill repaid by his paltry ten louis per month.' 362 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK 'A mere trifle,' said Ganlesse; 'but, like yourself, Will, he serves a generous master.' The repast now commenced; and Julian, though he had seen his young friend the Earl of Derby and other gallants affect a considerable degree of interest and skill in the science of the kitchen, and was not himself either an enemy or a stranger to the pleasures of a good table, found that, on the present occasion, he was a mere novice. Both his companions, but Smith in especial, seemed to consider that they were now engaged in the only true and real business of Hfe, and weighed all its minutiae with a proportional degree of accuracy. To carve the morsel in the most delicate manner, and to apportion the proper seasoning with the accuracy of the chemist; to be aware, exactly, of the order in which one dish should succeed another, and to do plentiful justice to all — was a minuteness of science to which Julian had hitherto been a stranger. Smith accordingly treated him as a mere novice in epicurism, cautioning him, *to eat his soup before the bouilli, and to forget the Manx custom of bolting the boiled meat before the broth, as if Cutlar MacCulloch ^ and all his whingers were at the door.' Peveril took the hint in good part, and the enter- tainment proceeded with animation. At length Ganlesse paused, and declared the supper exquisite. 'But, my friend Smith,' he added, 'are your wines curious? When you brought all that trash of plates and trumpery into Derbyshire, I hope you did not leave us at the mercy of the strong ale of the shire, as thick and muddy as the squires who drink it? ' ' Did I not know that you were to meet me, Dick Gan- 1 See Note i8. 363 WAVERLEY NOVELS lesse? ' answered their host, ' and can you suspect me of such an omission? It is true, you must make cham- pagne and claret serve, for my burgundy would not bear travelling. But if you have a fancy for sherry or Vin de Cahors, I have a notion Chaubert and Tom Beacon have brought some for their own drinking.' 'Perhaps the gentlemen would not care to impart,' said Ganlesse. 'O fie! anything in the way of civility,' repHed Smith. 'They are, in truth, the best-natured lads aHve, when treated respectfully; so that if you would prefer — ' ' By no means,' said Ganlesse — ' a glass of champagne will serve in a scarcity of better.' 'The cork shall start obsequious to my thumb,* said Smith; and as he spoke, he untwisted the wire, and the cork struck the roof of the cabin. Each guest took a large rummer glass of the sparkling beverage, which Peveril had judgment and experience enough to pro- nounce exquisite. *Give me your hand, sir,' said Smith; 'it is the first word of sense you have spoken this evening.' 'Wisdom, sir,' replied Peveril, 'is like the best ware in the pedlar's pack, which he never produces till he knows his customer.' 'Sharp as mustard,' returned the bon vivant; 'but be wise, most noble pedlar, and take another rummer of this same flask, which you see I have held in an obUque position for your service, not permitting it to retrograde to the perpendicular. Nay, take it off before the bubble bursts on the rim and the zest is gone.' 'You do me honour, sir,' said Peveril, taking the 364 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK second glass. * I wish you a better oflSce than that of my cup-bearer.' ' You cannot wish Will Smith one more congenial to his nature,' said Ganlesse. ' Others have a selfish delight in the objects of sense. Will thrives, and is happy, by imparting them to his friends.' 'Better help men to pleasures than to pains, Master Ganlesse,' answered Smith, somewhat angrily. *Nay, wrath thee not. Will,' said Ganlesse; 'and speak no words in haste, lest you may have cause to repent at leisure. Do I blame thy social concern for the pleasures of others? Why, man, thou dost therein most philosophi- cally multiply thine own. A man has but one throat, and can but eat, with his best efforts, some five or six times a day; but thou dinest with every friend that cuts up a capon, and art quafiing wine in other men's gullets from morning to night — et sic de ccBteris.' 'Friend Ganlesse,' returned Smith, 'I prithee be- ware; thou knowest I can cut gullets as well as tickle them.' 'Ay, Will,' answered Ganlesse, carelessly; 'I think I have seen thee wave thy whinyard at the throat of a Hogan-mogan — a Netherlandish weasand, which ex- panded only on thy natural and mortal objects of aver- sion — Dutch cheese, rye-bread, pickled herring, onions, and Geneva.' 'For pity's sake, forbear the description!' said Smith; 'thy words overpower the perfumes, and flavour the apartment like a dish of salmagundi ! ' 'But for an epiglottis like mine,' continued Ganlesse, 'down which the most delicate morsels are washed by such claret as thou art now pouring out, thou couldst 365 WAVERLEY NOVELS not, in thy bitterest mood, wish a worse fate than to be necklaced somewhat tight by a pair of white arms.' 'By a tenpenny cord,' answered Smith; 'but not till you were dead ; that thereafter you be presently embow- elled, you being yet alive; that your head be then severed from your body, and your body divided into quarters, to be disposed of at his Majesty's pleasure. How like you that, Master Richard Ganlesse?' 'E'en as you like the thoughts of dining on bran-bread and milk-porridge — an extremity which you trust never to be reduced to. But all this shall not prevent me from pledging you in a cup of sound claret.' As the claret circulated, the glee of the company in- creased; and Smith, placing the dishes which had been made use of upon the side-table, stamped with his foot on the floor, and the table sinking down a trap, again rose, loaded with olives, sliced neat's tongue, caviare, and other provocatives for the circulation of the bottle. 'Why, Will,' said Ganlesse, 'thou art a more complete mechanist than I suspected; thou hast brought thy scene-shifting inventions to Derbyshire in marvellously short time.' 'A rope and pulleys can be easily come by,' answered Will; 'and with a saw and a plane, I can manage that business in half a day. I love that knack of clean and secret conveyance; thou knowest it was the foundation of my fortunes.' 'It may be the wreck of them too. Will,' replied his friend. 'True, Diccon,' answered Will; 'but dum vivimus, vivamus — that is my motto ; and therewith I present 366 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK you a brimmer to the health of the fair lady you wot of.' 'Let it come, Will,' replied his friend; and the flask circulated briskly from hand to hand. Julian did not think it prudent to seem a check on their festivity, as he hoped in its progress something might occur to enable him to judge of the character and pur- poses of his companions. But he watched them in vain. Their conversation was animated and lively, and often bore reference to the literature of the period, in which the elder seemed particularly well skilled. They also talked freely of the court, and of that numerous class of gallants who were then described as ' men of wit and pleasure about town ' ; and to which it seemed probable they themselves appertained. At length the universal topic of the Popish Plot was started, upon which Ganlesse and Smith seemed to en- tertain the most opposite opinions. Ganlesse, if he did not maintain the authority of Gates in its utmost extent, contended that at least it was confirmed in a great mea- sure by the murder of Sir Edmondsbury Godfrey, and the letters written by Coleman to the confessor of the French king.^ With much more noise and less power of reasoning, Will Smith hesitated not to ridicule and run down the whole discovery, as one of the wildest and most causeless alarms which had ever been sounded in the ears of a credulous pubHc. 'I shall never forget,' he said, 'Sir Godfrey's most original funeral. Two bouncing parsons, well armed with sword and pistol, mounted the pulpit to secure the third fellow who preached from being mur- * See Note 19. 367 WAVERLEY NOVELS dered in the face of the congregation. Three parsons in one pulpit — three suns in one hemisphere — no wonder men stood aghast at such a prodigy.'^ 'What then, Will,' answered his companion, 'you are one of those who think the good knight murdered him- self, in order to give credit to the Plot? ' *By my faith, not I,' said the other; 'but some true blue Protestant might do the job for him, in order to give the thing a better colour. I will be judged by our silent friend whether that be not the most feasible solu- tion of the whole.' *I pray you, pardon me, gentlemen,' said Julian; 'I am but just landed in England, and am a stranger to the particular circumstances which have thrown the nation into such ferment. It would be the highest degree of assurance in me to give my opinion betwixt gentlemen who argue the matter so ably; besides, to say truth, I confess weariness; your wine is more potent than I ex- pected, or I have drank more of it than I meant to do.' 'Nay, if an hour's nap will refresh you,' said the elder of the strangers, 'make no ceremony with us. Your bed — all we can offer as such — is that old-fash- ioned Dutch-built sofa, as the last new phrase calls it. We shall be early stirrers to-morrow morning.' 'And that we may be so,' said Smith, 'I propose that we do sit up all this night. I hate lying rough, and de- test a pallet-bed. So have at another flask, and the new- est lampoon to help it out — Now a plague of their votes Upon Papists and plots, And be d — d Doctor Gates! Tol de rol.' ' See Note 20. 368 PEVERIL OF THE PEAK 'Nay, but our Puritanic host/ said Ganlesse. * I have him in my pocket, man : his eyes, ears, nose, and tongue,' answered his boon companion, 'are all in my possession.' 'In that case, when you give him back his eyes and nose, I pray you keep his ears and tongue,' answered Ganlesse. ' Seeing and smelling are organs sufficient for such a knave; to hear and tell are things he should have no manner of pretensions to.' 'I grant you it were well done,' answered Smith; 'but it were a robbing of the hangman and the pillory; and I am an honest fellow, who would give Dun^ and the devil his due. So, All joy to great Caesar, Long life, love, and pleasure; May the King live for ever! 'T is no matter for us, boys.' While this Bacchanalian scene proceeded, Julian had wrapt himself closely in his cloak and stretched himself on the couch which they had shown to him. He looked towards the table he had left; the tapers seemed to be- come hazy and dim as he gazed; he heard the sound of voices, but they ceased to convey any impression to his understanding; and in a few minutes he was faster asleep than he had ever been in the whole course of his life. ^ See Note 21. S7 APPENDICES, NOTES, AND GLOSSARY APPENDICES TO INTRODUCTION No. I The following Notices were recommended to my attention in the politest manner possible by John Christian, Esq., of Milntown, in the Isle of Man, and Unrigg, in Cumberland, Dempster at present of the Isle of Man. This gentleman is naturally interested in the facts which are stated, as representative of the respectable family of Christian, and lineally descended from William Dhone. put to death by the Countess of Derby. I can be no way inter- ested in refusing Mr. Christian this justice, and willingly lend my aid to extend the exculpation of the family, fflSTORICAL NOTICES OF EDWARD AND WILLIAM CHRISTIAN, TWO CHARACTERS IN PEVERIL OF THE PEAK The venerable Dr. Dryasdust, in a preparatory dialogue, apprises the eidolon, or apparition, of the Author, that he stood 'much accused for adulterating the pure sources of historical knowledge '; and is answered by that emanation of genius, ' that he has done some service to the public if he can present to them a lively ficti- tious picture, for which the original anecdote or circumstance which he made free to press into his service only furnished a slight sketch; that by introducing to the busy and the youthful Truths severe in fairy fiction dress'd, and by creating an interest in lictitious adventures ascribed to a historical period and characters, the reader begins next to be anxious to learn what the facts really were, and how far the novel- ist has justly represented them.' The adventures ascribed to 'historical characters' would, how- ever, fail in their moral aim if fiction were placed at variance with truth; if Hampden or Sydney, for example, were painted as swin- dlers or Lady Jane Grey or Rachel Russel as abandoned women. 'Odzooks! must one swear to the truth of a song?' although 373 APPENDICES TO INTRODUCTION an excellent joke, were a bad palliation in such a case. Fancy may be fairly indulged in the illustration, but not in the perversion, of fact; and if the fictitious picture should have no general resemblance to the original, the flourish of Truths severe in fairy fiction dress'd were but an aggravation of the wrong. The family of Christian is indebted to this splendid luminary of the North for abundant notoriety. The William Christian represented on one part as an ungrateful traitor, on the other as the victim of a judicial murder, and his brother (or relative) Edward, one of the suite of a Duke ^ of Buckingham, were so far real historical persons. Whether the talents and skill of Edward in imposing on Fenella a feigned silence of several ye'ars be among the legitimate or supernatural wonders of this fertile genius, his fair readers do not seem to be agreed. Whether the residue of the canvass, filled up with a masterly picture of the most consummate hypocrite and satanic villain ever presented to the imagination, be consistent with the historical character of this individual, is among the subjects of research to which the novelist has given a direct invitation in his prefatory chapter. English history furnishes few materials to aid the investigation of transactions chiefly confined to the Isle of Man. Circumstances led me, many years ago, to visit this ancient Lilliput; whether as one of those 'smart fellows worth talking to,' 'in consequence of a tumble from my barouche,' 'as a ruined miner,' or 'as a dis- appointed speculator,' is of no material import. It may be that temporary embarrassment drove me into seclusion, without any of the irresistible inducements alluded to; and want of employment, added to the acquaintance and aid of a zealous local antiquary, gradually led to an examination of all accessible authorities on this very subject among others. So it happened that I had not landed many hours before I found the mournful ditty of William Dhone ('Brown' or 'Fair-Haired WUham,' this very identical WUham Christian) twanged through the demi-nasal, demi-gut- tural trumpet of the carman, and warbled by the landlady's pretty daughter; in short, making as great a figure in its little sphere as did once the more important ballad of Chevy Chace in its wider range; the burden of the song purporting that William • Not the duke described in Peveril, but the companion of Charles I. in his Spanish tomance. 374 J APPENDICES TO INTRODUCTION Dhone was the mirror of virtue and patriotism, and that envy, hatred, and malice, and all uncharitableness, operate the destruc- tion of the wisest and the best. Themes of popular feeling naturally attract the earUest notice of a stranger; and I found the story of this individual, though abundantly garbled and discoloured on the insular records, full of circumstances to excite the deepest interest, but which, to be rendered intelligible, must be approached by a circuitous route, in which neither elfin page nor maiden fair can be the companion of our walk. The loyal and celebrated James seventh Earl of Derby was in- duced, by the circumstances of the times, to fix his chief residence in the Isle of Man from 1643 to 1651.^ During this period he composed, in the form of a letter 2 to his son Charles (Lord Strange), an historical account of that island, with a statement of his own proceedings there, interspersed with much poUtical advice for the guidance of his successor, full of acute observation, and evincing an intimate acquaintance with the works of Machia- velli, which it appears, by a quotation, ^ that he had studied in a Latin edition. The work, although formally divided into chapters and numbered paragraphs, is professedly desultory,^ and furnishes few means of determining the relative dates of his facts, which must accordingly be supplied by internal evidence, and in some cases by conjecture. He appears to have been drawn thither, in 1643, by letters* intimating the danger of a revolt: the 'people had begun the fashion of England in murmuring'; 'assembled in a tumultuous manner, desiring new laws . . . they would have no bishops, pay no tithes to the clergie . . . despised authority, rescued people committed by the governor,' etc. etc. ' His countess resided at Latham House (her heroic defence of which is well known) until 1644 or 1645, when she also retired to the Isle of Man. A contemporary publica- tion, the Mercurius Aulicus, by John Birkenhead, says, 'The countesse, it seems, stole the earl's breeches, when he fled long since into the Isle of Man, and hath in his absence played the man at Latham.' This insinuation is certainly unjust; but the earl seems to consider some explanation necessary, 'why he left the land, when every gallant spirit had engaged himself for king and country.' Danger of revolt and invasion of the island constitute the substance of this explanation. There is reason, however, to con- jecture that he had been disappointed of the command he had a right to expect, when he brought a considerable levy to join the King at York. Any explanation, in short, might be listened to, except a doubt of his loyalty and ardent military spirit, which were above all impeachment. * Published in Peck's Desiderata Curiosa, in 1779. * Peck, p. 446 — fortiter calumniare, aliquid adhxrebit. * Peck, p. 446. ' Loth to dwell too long on one subject,' ' skip over to some other mat> ter.* * Peck, p. 434. 375 APPENDICES TO INTRODUCTION The earl's first care was to apply himself to the consideration of these insurrectionary movements ; and as he found some inter- ruption to his proceedings in the conduct of Edward Christian, "- an attempt shall be made, so far as our hmits will admit, to extract the earl's own account of this person. 'I was newly ^ got acquainted with Captain Christian, whom I perceived to have abilities enough to do me service. ... I was told he had made a good fortune in the Indies, that he was a Mankesman born. ... He is excellent good companie, as rude as a sea captain should be, but refined as one that had civilised himself half a year at court, where he served the Duke of Bucking- ham. . . . While he governed here some few years he pleased me very well, etc. etc. But such is the condition of man, that most will have some fault or other to blurr all their best vertues; and his was of that condition which is reckoned with drunkenness, viz., coveteousness, both marked with age to increase and grow in men. . . . When a prince has given all, and the favourite can desire no more, they both grow weary of one another.' * An account of the earl's successive public meetings, short, from the limits of our sketch, is extracted in a note * from the headings 1 For a history of this family, established in the Isle of Man so early as 1422, see Hutchinson's Rislory oj Cumberlatid, vol. m, p. 146. They had previously been estab- lished in Wigtonshire. ' This is an example of the difficulty of arranging the relative dates; the word ' newly,' thus employed at the earliest in 1643, refers to 1628, the date of the appointment of E. Christian to be governor of the Isle of Man, which office he had till 1635 (Sacheverell's Account of the Isle of Man, published in 1702, p. 100), the earl being then Lord Strange, but apparently taking the lead in public business during his father's lifetime. 3 Peck, p. 444. There is apparently some error in Hutchinson's genealogy of the family in his History of Cumberland : ist brother, John, born 1602; 2d, died young; 3d, William, born 1608; 4th, Edward, Lieutenant-Governor of the Isle of Man, 1629 (accord- ing to Sacheverell, p. 100, 1628). This Edward's birth cannot be placed earlier than 1609, and he could not well have made a fortune in the Indies, have frequented the court of Charles I., and be selected as a fit person to be a governor, at the age of nineteen or twenty. The person mentioned in the text was obviously of mature age; and Edward the governor appears to have been the younger brother of William Christian, a branch of the same family, possessing the estate of Knockrushen, near Castle Rushen, who, as well as Edward, was imprisoned in Peel Castle in 1643. ♦ Peck, p. 338, el seq. 'Chap. viii. The earl appoints a meeting of the natives, every man to give in his grievances; upon which some think to outwit him, which he winks at, being not ready for them, therefore cajoles and divides them; on the appointed day he appears with a good guard; the people give in their complaints quietly and retire. Chap. rx. Another meeting appointed, where he also appears with a good guard. Many busy men speak only Mankes, which a more designing person (probably Captain Chris- tian, a late governor) would hinder, but the earl forbids it; advice about it appearing in public; the Mankesmen great talkers and wranglers; the earl's spies get in with them and wheedle them. Chap x. The night before the meeting the earl consults with his officers what to answer; but tells them nothing of his spies; compares both reports, and keeps back his own opinion; sends some of the officers, who he knew v;ould be trouble- some, out of the way, about other matters; the (present) governor afresh commended; APPENDICES TO INTRODUCTION of the chapters (apparently composed by Peck). In the last of these meetings it appears that Edward Christian attempted at its close to recapitulate the business of the day. 'Asked if we did not agree thus and thus, mentioning some things (says the earl) he had instructed the people to aske; which, happily, they had forgot.' The earl accordingly rose in wrath, and, after a short speech, 'bade the court to rise, and no man to speak more.' 'Some,' he adds, 'were committed to prison, and there abided, until, upon submission and assurance of being very good and quiet, they were released, and others . . . were put into their rooms. ... I thought fit to make them be deeply fined. . . . Since this they have all come in most submisse and loving man- ner.' ^ Pretty efficient means of producing quiet, if the despot be strong enough, and with it such love as suits a despot's fancy! Among the prisoners were Edward Christian and his brother William of Knockrushen; the latter was released in 1644, on giving bond, among other conditions, not to depart the island without license. Of Edward, the earl says, 'I will return unto Captain Christian, whose business must be heard next week (either in 1644 or early in 1645). He is still in prison, and I believe many wonder thereat, as savouring of injustice, and that his trial should be deferred so long. . . . Also his business is of that condition that it con- cerns not himself alone. ... If a jurie of the people do passe upon him, being he hath so cajoled them to believe he suffers for their sakes, it is likely they should quit him, and then might he laugh at us, whom I had rather he had betrayed. ... I remem- ber one said it was much safer to take men's lives than their estates: for their children will much sooner forget the death of their father than the loss of their patrimonie.' ^ Edward died in custody in Peel Castle in 1650,^ after an imprisonment of between seven and eight years; and so far, at least, no ground can be dis- covered for that gratitude which is afterwards said to have been violated by this family, unless indeed we transplant ourselves to what counsellors the properest. Chap. xi. The earl's carriage to the people at his first going over; his carriage at the meeting to modest petitioners, to irapudtnt, to the most confident, and to the most dangerous, viz. them who stood behind and prompted others. All things being agreed. Captain Christian cunningly begins disturbance; the earl's reply and speech to the people; Christian is stroke blank; several (people] committed to prison and fined, which quiets them.' ' Peck, p. 442. 2 Peck, pp. 448, 449. ' Feltham 's Towr, p. i6i, places this event (while a prisoner in Peel Castle), on the authority of a tombstone, in 1660, 'John Greenhalgh being governor.' Now John Green- halgh ceased to be governor in 1651; the date is probably an error in the press for 1650. 377 APPENDICES TO INTRODUCTION those countries where it is the fashion to flog a public officer one day and replace him in authority the next. The insular records detail with minuteness the complaints of the people relative to the exactions of the church, and their ad- justment by a sort of pubhc arbitration in October 1643. But it is singular, that neither in these records nor in the earl's very studied narrative of the modes of discussion, the offences, and the punishments, is one word to be found regarding the more import- ant points actually at issue between himself and the people. The fact, however, is fully developed, as if by accident, in one of the chapters (xvi.) of this very desultory but sagacious performance. ' There comes this very instant an occasion to me to acquaint you with a special matter, which, if by reason of these troublesome and dangerous times, I cannot bring to passe my intents therein, you may in your better leisure consider thereof, and make some use hereafter of my present labors, in the matter of a certain holding in this country, called the tenure of the straw; ^ whereby men thinke their dwellings are their own auntient inheritances, and that they may passe the same to any, and dispose thereof without license from the lord, but paying him a bare small rent like unto a fee-farme in England; wherein they are much deceived.' William the Conqueror, among his plans for the benefit of his English subjects, adopted that of inducing or compelling them to surrender their allodial lands, and receive them back to hold by feudal tenure. The Earl of Derby projected the surrender of a similar right, in order to create tenures more profitable to himself — a simple lease for three lives, or twenty-one years. The mea- sure was entirely novel, although the attempt to prevent * alien- ation without license from the lord, for purposes of a less profit- able exaction, may be traced, together with the scenes of violence * In the transfer of real estates both parties came into the common law court, and the grantor, in the face of the court, transferred his title to the purchaser by the delivery of a straw; which, being recorded, was his title. The same practice prevailed in the transfer of personal property. Sir Edward Coke, iv. 6g, when speaking of the Isle of Man, says, 'Upon the sale of a horse, or any contract for any other thing, they make the stipula- tion perfect per Iradilionem stipulae' (by the delivery of a straw). Perhaps a more feasible etymology of 'stipulation' than the usual derivation from stipes (a stake or land-mark), or slips (a piece of money or wages). ' Among those instances in which 'the commands of the lord proprietor have (in the emphatic words of the commissioners of 1791, p. 67) been obtruded on the people as laws,' we find, in 1583, the prohibition to dispose of lands without license of the lord is prefaced by the broad admission, that, 'contrary to good and laudable order, and divers and sundry geneial restraints made, the inhabitants have, and daily do, notwith- standing the said restraints, buy, sell, give, grant, chop and exchange their farms, lands, tenements, etc., at their liberties and pleasures.' Alienation fines were first exacted in 1643. Report of Commissioners 0/ 1791. App. A, No. 7ii Rep. of Law Officers. APPENDICES TO INTRODUCTION it produced, through many passages in the ancient records,which would be inexplicable without this clue. The earl proceeded, certainly with sufficient energy and con- siderable skill, to the accompHshment of his object. In the very year of his arrival, Dec. 1643, he appointed commissioners^ to compound for leases, .consisting of some of his principal officers (members of council), who had themselves been prevailed on by adequate considerations to surrender their estates, and are by general tradition accused of having conspired to delude their simple countrymen into the persuasion that, having no title- deeds, their estates were insecure, that leases were title-deeds, and although nominally for limited terms, declared the lands to be descendible to their eldest sons. It is remarkable that the names of Ewan and William Christian, two of the council, are alone excluded from this commission. We have already seen two of the name committed to prison. The following notices, which abundantly unfold the ground of the earl's hostility to the name of Christian, relate to Ewan Christian, the father of William Dhone, and one of the deems- ters excluded from the commission. 'One presented me a petition against Deem.ster^ Christian, on the behalf of an infant who is conceived to have a right unto his farme, Rainsway (Ronaldsway) , one of the principal holdings in this country, who, by reason of his eminencie here, and that he holdeth much of the same tenure of the straw in other places, he is soe observed, that certainly as I temper the matter with him in this, soe shall I prevail with others.' . . . By policie * they (the Christians) are crept into the principal places of power, and they be seated round about the country, and in the heart of it; they are matched with the best families, etc. 'The prayer of the petition,^ formerly mentioned, was to this effect, that there might be a fair tryal, and, when the right was recovered, that I would graunt them a lease thereof, this being in the tenure of the straw. . . . Upon some conference with the petitioner, I find a motion heretofore was made by my commis- sioners, that the Deemster should give this fellow a summe of money. But he would part with none, neverthelesse now it may • The governor, comptroller, receiver, and John Cannell, deemster. ' Deemster, evidently Anglicised, the person who deems the law — a designation anciently unknown among the natives, who continue to call this officer brehon, identical with the name of those judges and laws so often mentioned in the histories of Ireland. ' Peck, p. 447. * Peck, p. 448. ' I have ascertained the date of this petition to be 1643. 379 APPENDICES TO INTRODUCTION be he will, and I hope be so wise as to assure unto himself his hold- ing, by compounding with me for the lease of the same, to the which, if they two agree, I shall grant it him on easy terms. For if he break the ice, I may haply catch some fish.' ^ The issue of this piscatory project was but too successful. Ewan bent to the reign of terror, and gave up Ronaldsway to his son William, who accepted the lease, and named his own descend- ants for the lives. Still the objects attained were unsubstantial, as being contrary to all law, written or oral; and the system was incomplete, untU sanctioned by the semblance of legislative confirmation. We have seen that the earl had in the island a considerable military force, and we know from other sources ^ that they lived in a great measure at free quarters. We have his own testimony for stating that he achieved his objects by imprisoning, until his prisoners 'promised to be good,' and successively filling their places with others, until they also conformed to his theory of public virtue. And the reader will be prepared to hear, without surprise, that the same means enabled him, in 1645, to arrange a legislature ' capable of yielding a forced assent to this notable system of submission and loving-kindness. This is perhaps the most convenient place for stating that, in the subsequent surrender of the island to the troops of the Parlia- ment, the only stipulation made by the islanders was, 'that they might enjoy their lands and liberties as they formerly had.' In what manner this stipulation was performed, my notes do not enable me to state. The restoration of Charles II., propitious in other respects, inflicted on the Isle of Man the revival of its feudal government ; and the affair of the tenures continued to be a theme of perpetual contest and unavailing complaint, until finally ad- justed in 1703, through the mediation of the excellent Bishop Wilson in a legislative compromise, known by the name of the Act of Settlement, whereby the people obtained a full recognition of their ancient rights, on condition of doubling the actual quit- • Covetousness is not attributed to the head of this family; but the earl makes him- self merry with his gallantry: natural children, it seems, took the name of their father, and not of their mother, as elsewhere, and 'the deemster did not get see many for lust's sake as to make the name of Christian flourish.' Of him, or a successor of the same name, it is related, that he 'won £500 at play from the Bishop of Sodorand Man, with which he purchased the manor of Ewanrigg in Cumberland, still possessed by that family.' * Evidence on the mock trial of William Dhone. ' We shall see, by and by, a very simple method of packing a judicial and legislative body, by removing and replacing seven individuals by one and the same mandate. 380 I APPENDICES TO INTRODUCTION rents, and consenting to alienation fines, first exacted by the Earl James in 1643.^ In 1648, William Dhone was appointed receiver-general; and in the same year we find his elder brother, John (assistant-deemster to his father Ewan), committed to Peel Castle on one of these occasions, which strongly marks the character of the person and the times, and affords also a glimpse at the feeling of the people, and at the condition of the devoted family of Christian. The inquisitive will find it in a note; * other readers will pass on. The circumstances are familiarly known, to the reader of English history, of the march of the Earl of Derby, in 1651, with a corps from the Isle of Man for the service of the King, his join- ing the Royal army on the eve of the battle of Worcester, his flight and imprisonment at Chester, after that signal defeat, and his trial and execution at Bolton in Lancashire, by the officers of the Parhament, on the 15th October of that year. Immediately afterwards, Colonel Duckenfield, who commanded at Chester on behalf of the Parliament, proceeded with an arma- ment of ten ships and a considerable military force, for the reduc- tion of the Isle of Man. William Christian was condemned and executed in 1662-63, for acts connected with its surrender, twelve years before, which are still involved in obscurity; and it will be most acceptable to the general reader that we should pass over the intermediate period,^ and leave the facts regarding this individual, all of them 1 Report of 1791. App. A, No. 71. ' A person named Charles Vaughan is brought to lodge an information, that, being in England, he fell into company with a young man named Christian, who said he had lately left the Isle of Man, and was in search of a brother, who was clerk to a Parlia- ment officer; that, in answer to some questions, be said, 'The earl did use the inhabit- ants of that isle very hardly, had estreated great fines from the inhabitants, had changed the ancient tenures, and forced them to take leases; that he had taken away one hundred pounds a-year from his father, and had kept his uncle in prison four or five years. But if ever the earl came to England, he had used the inhabitants so hardly, that he was sure they would never suffer him to land in that island again.' An order is given to imprison John Christian (probably the reputed head of the family, his father being advanced in years) in Peel Castle, until he entered into bonds to be of good be- haviour, and not to depart the isle without license. (Insular Records.) The young man in question is said to have been the son of William Christian of Knockrushen. ' Some readers may desire an outline of this period. The lordship of the island was given to Lord Fairfax, who deputed commissioners to regulate its affairs; one of them (Chaloner) published an account of the island in 1656. He puts down William Christian as receiver-general in 1653. We find his name as governor from 1656 to 1658 (Sache- verell, p. loi), in which year he was succeeded by Chaloner himself. Among the anom- alies of those times, it would seem that he had retained the office of receiver while oflBci- ating as governor; and Episcopacy having been abolished, and the receipts of the see added to those of the exchequer, he had large accounts to settle, for which Chaloner sequestered his estates in his absence, and imprisoned and held to bail his brother John, APPENDICES TO INTRODUCTION extraordinary and some of peculiar interest, to be developed by the record of the trial and documents derived from other sources. A mandate by Charles, eighth Earl of Derby, dated at Latham in September 1662, after descanting on the heinous sin of rebel- lion, aggravated by its being instrumental ^ in the death of the lord, and stating that he is himself concerned to revenge a father's blood, orders William Christian to be proceeded against forth- with, for all his illegal actions at, before, or after the year 1651 (a pretty sweeping range). The indictment charges him with ' being the head of an insurrection against the Countess of Derby in 165 1, assuming the power unto himself, and depriving her ladyship, his lordship, and heirs thereof.' A series of depositions appear on record from the 3d to the 13th October, and a reference by the precious depositaries of justice of that day to the twenty-four keys,- 'Whether, upon the examination taken and read before, you find ISIr. W. Christian of Ronaldsway within compass of the statute of the year 1422 — that is, to receive a sentence without quest, or to be tried in the ordinary course of law.' This body, designated on the record *so many of the keys as were then present,' were in number seventeen; but not being yet sufficiently select to approve of sentence without trial, made their return, ' To be tried by course of law.' On the 26th November, it is recorded that the governor and attorney-general having proceeded to the jaU 'with a guard of soldiers, to require him (Christian) to the bar to receive his trial, he refused, and denied to come and abide the same' (admirable courtesy to invite, instead of bringing him to the bar!); where- upon the governor demanded the law of Deemster Norris, who then sat in judication. Deemster John Christian having not for aiding what he calls his escape; his son George returned from England, by permission of Lord Fairfax, to settle his father's accounts. Chaloner informs us that the revenues of the suppressed see were not appropriated to the private use of Lord Fairfax, who, 'for the better encouragement and support of the ministers of the Gospel, and for the promoting of learning, hath conferred all this revenue upon the ministers, as also for the maintaining of free schools, i.e. at Castletown, Peel, Douglass, and Ramsay.' Chaloner pays a liberal tribute to the talents of the clergy and the learning and piety of the late bishops. 1 See the remark in Christian's dying speech, that the late earl had been executed eight days before the insurrection. ' The court for criminal trials was composed of the governor and councQ (including the deemsters) and the keys, who also, with the lord, composed the three branches of the legislative body; and it was the practice in cases of doubtjto refer points of custom- ary law to the deemsters and keys. 382 APPENDICES TO INTRODUCTION appeared, and Mr. Edward Christian/ his son and assistant, having also forborne to sit in this court, he the said Deemster Norris craved the advice and assistance of the twenty-four keys; and the said deemster and keys deemed the law therein, to wit, that he is at the mercy of the lord for life and goods. It will be observed that seven of the keys were formerly absent, on what account we shall presently see. All this was very clev- erly arranged by the following recorded order, 2gth December — 'These of the twenty- four keys are removed of that company, in reference to my honourable lord's order in that behalf; enumerat- ing seven names, not of the seventeen before mentioned, and naming seven others who 'are sworn ^ in their places.' The judi- cature is further improved by transferring an eighth individual of the first seventeen to the council, and filling his place with another proper person. These facts have been related with some minuteness of detail for two reasons: ist. Although nearly equalled by some of the subsequent proceedings, they would not be credited on common authority; and 2d, They render all com- ment unnecessary, and prepare the reader for any judgment, however extraordinary, to be expected from such a tribunal. Then come the proceedings of the 29th December — the pro- posals, as they are named, to the deemsters ' and twenty-four keys now assembled 'to be answered in point of law.' ist. Any male- factor, etc., being indicted, etc., and denying to abide the law of his country in that course (notwithstanding any argument or plea he may offer for himself), and thereupon deemed to forfeit body and goods, etc., whether he may afterwards obtain the same benefit, etc. etc.; to which, on the same day, they answered in the negative. It was found practicable, on the 31st, to bring the prisoner to the bar, to hear his sentence of being 'shot to death, that thereupon his life may depart from his body '; which sentence was executed on the 2d of January 1663. That he made ' an excellent speech ' at the place of execution is recorded, where we should little expect to find it, in the parochial register; the accuracy of that which has been preserved as such • The grandson of Ewan. It appears by the proceedings of the King in council, 1663, that 'he did, when the court refused to admit of the deceased William Christian's plea of the Act of Indempnity, make his protestation against their illegal proceedings, and did withdraw himself, and came to England to solicit his Majesty, and implore his justice.' ' The Commissioners of lygi are in doubt regarding the time when, and the manner in which, the keys were first elected; this notable precedent had perhaps not fallen under their observation. * Hugh Cannell was now added as a second deemster. APPENDICES TO INTRODUCTION in the family of a clergyman (and appears to have been printed on or before 1776 rests chiefly on internal evidence, and on its accordance, in some material points, with facts suppressed or dis- torted in the records, but established in the proceedings of the privy council. It is therefore given without abbreviation, and the material points of evidence in the voluminous depositions on both trials ^ are extracted for reference in a note.^ * One of the copies in my possession is stated to be transcribed in that year from the printed speech, the other as stated in the text. » Both trials: the first is for the same purposes as the English grand jury, with this most especial difference, that evidence is admitted for the prisoner, and it thus becomes what it is frequently called, the first trial; the second, if the indictment be found, is in all respects like that by petty jury in England. ' This testimony will of course be received with due suspicion, and confronted with the only defence known, that of his dying speech. It goes to establish that Christian had placed himself at the head of an association, bound by a secret oath to 'with- stand the Lady of Derby in her designs until she had yielded or condescended to their aggrievances'; among which grievances, during the earl's residence, we find incidentally noticed, 'the troop that was in the isle and their free quarterage'; that he had repre- sented her ladyship to have deceived him, by entering into negotiations with the Parliament, contrary to her promise to communicate with him in such a case; that Christian and his associates declared that she was about to sell them for twopence or threepence a-piece; that he told his associates that he had entered into correspond- ence with Major Fox and the Parliament, and received their authority to raise the country; that in consequence of this insurrection her ladyship appointed commis- sioners to treat with others 'on the part of the country,' and articles of agreement were concluded (see the speech) which nowhere now appear; that on the appearance of Duckenfield's ships, standing for Ramsay Bay, one of the insurgents boarded them off Douglas, 'to give intelligence of the condition of the country'; the disposable troops marched under the governor, Sir Philip Musgrave, for Ramsay; that when the ship- ping had anchored, a deputation of three persons, viz. John Christian, Ewan Cur- phey, and William Standish, proceeded on board to negotiate for the surrender of the island (where William was does not appear). The destruction of the articles of agree- ment, and the silence of the records regarding the relative strength of the forces, leave us without the means of determining the degree of merit or demerit to be ascribed to these negotiators, or the precise authority under which they acted; but the griev- ances to be redressed are cleared from every obscurity by the all-sufficient testimony of the terms demanded from the victors, 'that they might enjoy their lands and liberties as formerly they had; and that it was demanded whether they asked any more, but nothing else was demanded that this examinant heard of. The taking of Loyal Fort near Ramsay (commanded by a Major Duckenfield, who was made prisoner), and of Peel Castle, appear on record; but nothing could be found regarding the surrender of Castle Rushen, or of the Countess of Derby's subsequent imprisonment. Had the often-repeated tale of William Christian having 'treacherously seized upon the lady and her children, with the governors of both castles, in the middle of the night' (Rolt's History of the Isle of Man, published in 1773, p. 8g), rested on the slightest semblance of truth, we should inevitably have found an attempt to prove it in the proceedings of this mock trial. In the absence of authentic details, the tradition may be adverted to, that her ladyship, on learning the proceedings at Ramsay, hastened to embark in a vessel she had prepared, but was intercepted before she could reach it. The same uncertainty exists with regard to any negotiations on her part with the officers of the Parliament, as armed by the insurgents; the earPs first letter, after his capture and before his trial, says — 'Truly, as matters go, it will be best for you to make conditions for your- self, children, and friends in the manner as we have proposed, or as you can farther agree with Col. Duckenfield, who, being so much a gentleman bom, will doubtless, for his own honour, deal fairly with you.' He seems also to have hoped at that time 384 APPENDICES TO INTRODUCTION The last speech of William Christian, Esq., who was executed ad January 1662-63: — ' Gentlemen, and the rest of you who have accompanied me this day to the gate of death, I know you expect I should say some- thing at my departure; and indeed I am in some measure willing to satisfy you, having not had the least liberty, since my impris- onment, to acquaint any with the sadness of my sufferings, which flesh and blood could not have endured without the power and assistance of my most gracious and good God, into whose hands I do now commit my poor soul, not doubting but that I shall very quickly be in the arms of His mercy. 'I am, as you now see, hurried hither by the power of a pre- tended court of justice, the members whereof, or at least the greatest part of them, are by no means qualified, but very ill befitting their new places. The reasons you may give yourselves. 'The cause for which I am brought hither, as the prompted and threatened jury has delivered, is high treason against the Countess Dowager of Derby; for that I did, as they say, in the year fifty-one, raise a force against her for the suppressing and rooting out that family. How unjust the accusation is, very few of you that hear me this day but can witness; and that the then rising of the people, in which afterwards I came to be engaged, did not at all, or in the least degree, intend the prejudice or ruin of that family; the chief whereof being, as you well remember, dead eight days, or thereabout, before that action happened. But the true cause of that rising, as ^ the jury did twice bring in, was to present grievances to our honourable lady; which was done by me, and afterwards approved by her ladyship, under the hand of her then secretary, M. Trevach, who is yet living, which agree- ment hath since, to my own ruin and my poor family's endless sorrow, been forced from me. The Lord God forgive them the injustice of their dealings with me, and I wish from my heart it may not be laid to their charge another day! ' You now see me here a sacrifice ready to be offered up for that which was the preservation of your lives and fortunes, which were then in hazard, but that I stood between you and your (then in all appearance) utter ruin. I wish you still may, as hitherto, enjoy the sweet benefit and blessing of peace, though from that minute imtil now I have still been prosecuted and persecuted, nor that it might influence his own fate; and the eloquent and affecting letter written imme- diately before his execution repeatsthesameadmonitions to treat. — Roll, pp. 74 and 84. * This fact, as might be expected, is not to be traced on the record of the trial. 27 385 APPENDICES TO INTRODUCTION have I ever since found a place to rest myself in. But my God be for ever blessed and praised, who hath given me so large a measure of patience! 'What services I have done for that noble family, by whose power I am now to take my latest breath, I dare appeal to them- selves, whether I have not deserved better things from some of them than the sentence of my bodily destruction, and seizure of the poor estate my son ought to enjoy, being purchased and left him by his grandfather. It might have been much better had I not spent it in the service of my honourable Lord of Derby and his family; these things I need not mention to you, for that most of you are witnesses to it. I shall now beg your patience while I tell you here, in the presence of God, that I never in all my life acted anything with intention to prejudice my sovereign lord the King, nor the late Earl of Derby, nor the now earl; yet notwith- standing, being in England at the time of his sacred Majesty's happy restoration, I went to London, with many others, to have a sight of my gracious King, whom God preserve, and whom, until then, I never had seen. But I was not long there when I was arrested upon an action of twenty thousand pounds, and clapped up in the Fleet; unto which action I, being a stranger, could give no bail, but was there kept nearly a whole year. How I suffered, God He knows; but at last, having gained my Hberty, I thought good to advise with several gentlemen concerning his Majesty's gracious Act of Indemnity that was then set forth, in which I thought myself concerned; unto which they told me there was no doubt to be made but that all actions committed in the Isle of Man, relating in any kind to the war, were pardoned by the Act of Indemnity, and all other places within his Majesty's dominions and countries. Whereupon, and having been forced to absent myself from my poor wife and children near three years, being all that time under persecution, I did with great content and satisfaction return into this island, hoping then to receive the comfort and sweet enjoyment of my friends and poor family. But, alas! I have fallen into the snare of the fowler; but my God shall ever be praised: though He kill me, yet will I trust in Him. 'I may justly say no man in this island knows better than my- self the power the Lord Derby hath in this island, subordinate to his sacred Majesty, of which I have given a full account in my declaration presented to my judges, which I much fear will never see Ught,^ which is no small trouble to me. ' The apprehension was but too correct. 3S6 APPENDICES TO INTRODUCTION 'It was his Majesty's most gracious Act of Indemnity gave me the confidence and assurance of my safety; on which, and an appeal I made to his sacred Majesty and privy council, from the unjustness of the proceedings had against me, I did much rely, being his Majesty's subject here, and a denizen of England both by birth and fortune. And in regard I have disobeyed the power of my Lord of Derby's Act of Indemnity, which you now look upon, and his Majesty's Act cast out as being of no force, I have with greater violence been persecuted; yet, nevertheless, I do declare, that no subject whatever can or ought to take upon them acts of indemnity but his sacred Majesty only, with the con^rm- ation of Parhament. 'It is very fit I should say something as to my education and religion. I think I need not inform you, for you all know, I was brought up a son of the Church of England, which was at that time in her splendour and glory; and to my endless comfort I have ever since continued a faithful member, witness several of my actions in the late times of liberty. And as for government, I never was against monarchy, which now, to my soul's great satis- faction, I have Hved to see is settled and established. I am well assured that men of upright life and conversation may have the favourable countenance of our gracious King, under whose happy government God of His infinite mercy long continue these his kingdoms and dominions. And now I do most heartily thank my good God that I have had so much liberty and time to disburden myself of several things that have laid heavy upon me all the time of my imprisonment, in which I have not had time or liberty to speak or write any of my thoughts; and from my soul I wish all animosity may after my death be quite laid aside, and my death by none be called in question, for I do freely forgive all that have had any hand in my persecution ; and may our good God preserve you all in peace and qviiet the remainder of your days! 'Be ye all of you his Majesty's liege people, loyal and faithful to his sacred Majesty; and, according to your oath of faith and fealty to my honourable Lord of Derby, do you likewise, in all just and lawful ways, observe his commands; and know that you must one day give an account of all your deeds. And now the blessing of Almighty God be with you all, and preserve you from violent death, and keep you in peace of conscience all your days! 'I will now hasten, for my flesh is wilUng to be dissolved, and my spirit to be with God, who hath given me full assurance of His mercy and pardon for all my sins, of which His unspeakable 387 APPENDICES TO INTRODUCTION goodness and loving-kindness my poor soul is exceedingly satis- fied.' Note.^ — Here he fell upon his knees, and passed some time in prayer; then rising exceedingly cheerful, he addressed the sol- diers appointed for his execution, saying — * Now for you, who are appointed by lot my executioners, I do freely forgive you.' He requested them and all present to pray for him, adding, 'There is but a thin veil betwixt me and death ; once more I request your prayers, for now I take my last farewell.' The soldiers wished to bind him to the spot on which he stood. He said, 'Trouble not yourselves or me; for I, that dare face death in whatever form he comes, will not start at your fire and bullets; nor can the power you have deprive me of my courage.' At his desire a piece of white paper was given him, which with the ut- most composure he pinned to his breast, to direct them where to aim; and after a short prayer addressed the soldiers thus — 'Hit this, and you do your own and my work.' And presently after, stretching forth his arms, which was the signal he gave them, he was shot through the heart and fell. Edward Christian, the nephew, and George, the son, of the deceased, lost no time in appealing to his Majesty in council against this judicial murder; and George was furnished with an order 'to pass and repass,' etc., 'and bring with him such records and persons as he should desire, to make out the truth of his complaint.' Edward returned with him to the island for that purpose; for we find him, in April 1663, compelled, in the true spirit of the day, to give bond 'that he would at all times appear and answer to such charges as might be preferred against him, and not depart the isle without license.' George was prevented, by various contrivances, from serving the King's order; but on pre- senting a second petition, the governor, deemster, and members of councU were brought up to London by a sergeant-at-arms; and these six persons, together with the Earl of Derby, being com- pelled to appear, a full hearing took place before the King in per- son, the Chancellor, the Lord Chief Justice, Lord Chief Baron and other members of council; judgment was extended on the 5th. August, and that judgment was on the 14th of the same month ordered ' to be printed in foUo, in such manner as Acts of ParUa- ment are usually printed, and his Majesty's arms prefixed.' This authentic document designates the persons brought up as 'members of the pretended court of justice'; declares 'that the > This note is annexed to all the copies of the speech. APPENDICES TO INTRODUCTION general Act of Pardon and Amnesty did extend to the Isle of Man, and ought to have been taken notice of by the judges in that island, although it had not been pleaded; that the court refused to admit the deceased William Christian's plea of the Act of Indempnity,' etc. 'Full restitution is ordered to be made to his heirs of all his estates, real and personal.' Three ^ other persons 'who were by the same court of justice imprisoned, and their es- tates seized and confiscated without any legal trial,' are ordered, together with the Christians, ' to be restored to all their estates, real and personal, and to be fully repaired in all the charges and expenses which they have been at since their first imprisonment, as well in the prosecution of this business, or in their journey hither, or in any other way thereunto relating.' The mode of raising funds for the purposes of this restitution is equally pecu- liar and instructive; these 'sums of money are ordered to be fur- nished by the deemsters, members, and assistants of the said Court of Justice,' who are directed 'to raise and make due pay- ment thereof to the parties.' 'And to the end that the blood that has been unjustly spilt may in some sort be expiated,' etc., the deemsters are ordered to 'be committed to the King's Bench, to be proceeded against, etc. etc., and receive condign punishment.' (It is believed that this part of the order was afterwards relaxed or rendered nugatory.) The three members of council were released on giving security to ap- pear, if required, and to make the restitution ordered. 'And in regard that Edward Christian, being one of the deemsters or judges in the Isle of Man, did, when the court refused to admit of the deceased W. Christian's plea of the Act of Indemnity, make his protestation against their illegal proceedings, and did withdraw himself, and come to England to solicit his Majesty and implore his justice, it is ordered that the Earl of Derby do forthwith, by commission, etc., restore and appoint him as deem- ster, so to remain and continue,' etc. — which order was dis- obeyed. And lastly, that ' Henry Nowell, deputy-governor, whose fault hath been the not complying with, and yielding due obedience to, the order 2 of his Majesty and this board sent unto the island (O most lame and impotent conclusion!), be permitted to return' to the isle, and enforce the present order of the King in council. • Ewan Curphey, Samuel Ratcliffe, and John Caesar, men of considerable landed property. ' Tradition, in accordance with the dirge of William Dhone, says that the order to stop proceedings and suspend the sentence arrived on the day preceding that of his execution. APPENDICES TO INTRODUCTION Of the Earl of Derby no further mention occurs in this docu- ment. The sacrifices made by this noble family in support of the Royal cause drew a large share of indulgence over the exception- able parts of their conduct; but the mortification necessarily con- sequent on this appeal, the incessant complaints of the people, and the difficulty subsequently experienced by them in obtaining access to a superior tribunal, receive a curious illustration in an order of the King in coimcil, dated 20th August 1670, on a peti- tion of the Earl of Derby, ' that the clerk of the council in waiting receive no petition, appeal, or complaint against the lord or government of the Isle of Man without having first good security from the complainant to answer costs, damages, and charges.' The historical notices of this kingdom ^ of Lilliput are curious and instructive with reference to other times and different cir- cumstances, and they have seemed to require httle comment or antiquarian remark; but to condense what may be collected with regard to Edward Christian, the accomplished villain of Peveril, the insinuations of his accuser ^ constitute in themselves an abundant defence. When so little can be imputed by such an adversary, the character must indeed be invulnerable. Tradition ascribes to him nothing but what is amiable, patriotic, honourable, and good, in all the relations of public and private life. He died, after an imprisonment of seven or eight years, the victim of in- corrigible obstinacy, according to one, of ruthless tyranny, ac- cording to another, vocabulary; but resembling the character of the novel in nothing but unconquerable courage. Treachery and ingratitude have been heaped on the memory of WilUam Christian with sufficient profusion. Regarding the first of these crimes — if all that has been affirmed or insinuated in the mock trial rested on a less questionable basis, posterity would scarcely pronounce an unanimous verdict of moral and political guilt against an association to subvert such a government as is described by its own author. The pecuHar favours for which he or his family were ungrateful are not to be discovered in these proceedings; except, indeed, in the form of 'chastisements of the Almighty — blessings in disguise.' But if credit be given to the dying words of William Christian, his efforts were strictly limited to a redress of grievances — a purpose always criminal in the eye ' Earl James, although studious of kingcraft, assigns good reasons for having never pretended to assume that title, and among others, 'Nor doth it please a king that any of his subjects should too much love that name, were it but to act it in a play.' — Peck, p. 436. * Peck, passim, 390. APPENDICES TO INTRODUCTION of the oppressor. If he had lived and died on a larger scene, his memory wovdd probably have survived among the patriots and the heroes. In some of the manuscript narratives he is designated as a martyr for the rights and liberties of his countrymen; who add, in their homely manner, that he was condemned without trial and murdered without remorse. We have purposely abstained from all attempt to enlist the pas- sions in favour of the sufferings of a people, or in detestation of oppressions, which ought, perhaps, to be ascribed as much to the character of the times as to that of individuals. The naked facts of the case, unaided by the wild and plaintive notes in which the maidens of the isle were wont to bewail 'the heart-rending death of fair-haired William,' ^ are sufficient of themselves to awaken the sympathy of every generous mind; and it were a more worthy exercise of that despotic power over the imagination, so eminently possessed by the Great Unknown, to embalm the remembrance of two such men in his immortal pages, than to load their memories with crimes such as no human being ever committed. I am enabled to add the translation of the lament over the fair- haired William Christian. It is originally composed in the Manx language, and consists of a series of imprecations of evil upon the enemies of Christian, and prophecies to the same purpose: — On the Death and Murder of Receiver-General William Christian op RONALDSWAV, WHO WAS SHOT NEAR HaNGO HiLL, JANUARY 2, 1662 In so shifting a scene, who would confidence place In family, power, youth, or in personal grace? No character's proof against enmity foul; And thy fate, William Dh6ne, sickens our soul. You are Derby's receiver of patriot zeal, Replete with good sense, and reputed genteel. Your justice applauded by the young and the old; And thy fate, etc. A kind, able patron both to church and to state — What roused their resentment but talents so great? No character's proof against enmity foul; And thy fate, etc. Thy pardon, 't is rumour'd, came over the main. Nor late, but conceal'd by a villain ' in grain; • The literal translation given to me by a young lady. • A person named in the next stanza is said to have intercepted a pardon sent from England for William Christian, found, it is alleged, in the foot of an old woman's stock- ing. The tradition is highly improbable. If Christian had been executed against the APPENDICES TO INTRODUCTION T was fear forced the jury to a sentence so foul; And thy fate, etc. Triumphant stood Colcott, he wish'd for no more, When the pride of the Christians lay welt'ring in gore, To malice a victim, though steady and bold; And thy fate, etc. With adultery stain'd, and polluted with gore. He Ronaldsway eyed, as Loghuecolly before, 'T was the land sought the culprit, as Ahab before; • And thy fate, etc. Proceed to the once famed abode of the nuns. Call the Colcotts aloud, till you torture your lungs, Their short triumph's ended, extinct is the whole; And thy fate, etc. For years could Robert lay crippled in bed, Nor knew the world peace while he held up his head. The neighbourhood's scourge in iniquity bold; And thy fate, etc. Not one's heard to grieve, seek the country all through, Nor lament for the name that Bcmaccan once knew; The poor rather load it with curses untold; And thy fate, etc. Ballalough and the Creggans mark strongly their sin, Not a soul of the name's there to welcome you in; In the power of the strangers is centred the whole; And thy fate, etc. The opulent Scarlett, on which the sea flows. Is piecemeal disposed of to whom the Lord knows. It is here without bread or defence from the cold; And thy fate, etc. They assert then in vain, that the law sought thy blood. For all aiding the massacre never did good; Like the rooted-up golding deprived of its gold. They languish'd, were blasted, grew withered and old. When the shoots of a tree so corrupted remain. Like the brier or thistle, they goad us with pain; Deep, dark, undermining, they mimic the mole; And thy fate, etc. Round the infamous wretches who spilt Caesar's blood. Dead spectres and conscience in sad array stood, Not a man of the gang reach'd life's utmost goal; And thy fate, etc. Perdition, too, seized them who caused thee to bleed: To decay fell their houses; their lands and their seed Disappear'd like the vapour when morn 's tinged with gold; And thy fate, etc. tenor of a pardon actually granted, it would not have failed to be charged as a high aggravation in the subsequent proceedings of the privy council. APPENDICES TO INTRODUCTION From grief all corroding to hope I Ml repair, That a branch of the Christians will soon grace the chair, With royal instructions his foes to console; And thy fate, etc. With a book for my pillow, I dreamt as I lay, That a branch of the Christians would hold Ronaldsway; His conquest his topic with friends o'er a bowl; And thy fate, etc. And now for a wish in concluding my song, — May th' Almighty withhold me from doing what's wrong; Protect every mortal from enmity foul. For thy fate, William DhSne, sickens our soul! ' No. II At the Court at Whitehall, August the sth, 1663. George Christian, son and heir of William Christian, deceased, having exhibited his complaint to his Majesty in council, that his father, being at a house of his in his Majesty's Isle of Man, was im- prisoned by certain persons of that island, pretending themselves to be a court of justice; that he was by them accused of high trea- son, pretended to be committed against the Countess Dowager of Derby in the year 1651; and that they thereupon proceeded to judgment, and caused him to be put to death, notwithstanding the Act of General Pardon and Indempnity, whereof he claimed the benefit; and his appeal to his Majesty, and humbly imploring his Majesty's princely compassion towards the distressed widow and seven fatherless children of the deceased: His Majesty was graciously pleased, with the advice of his council, to order that Thomas Noris and Hugh Cannell, the two judges (by them in that island called deemsters), and Richard Stevenson, Robert Calcot, and Richard Tyldesley, three of the members of the pretended court of justice, and Henry Howell, deputy of the said island, should be forthwith sent for and brought up by a sergeant-at- arms here, before his Majesty in council, to appear and answer to such accusations as should be exhibited against them; which said six persons being accordingly brought hither the fifteenth day of July last appointed for a full hearing of the whole business, the Earl of Derby then also summoned to appear, and the Lord Chief Justice of the King's Bench, and the Lord Chief Baron of his Majesty's Exchequer, with the King's council, learned • It may be recollected that these verses are given through the medium of a meagre translation, and are deprived of the aid of the music, otherwise we would certainly think the memory of William Dbdne little honoured by his native bard. 393 APPENDICES TO INTRODUCTION in the laws, required to be present, and all the parties called in with their counsel and witnesses, after full hearing of the whole matter on both sides, and the parties withdrawn, the said judges being desired to deliver their opinion, did, in presence of the King's council, learned in the laws, declare that the Act of General Pardon and Indempnity did, and ought to be understood to, extend to the Isle of Man, as well as into any other of his Majesty's dominions and plantations beyond the seas; and that, being a publique General Act of Parliament, it ought to have been taken notice of by the judges in the Isle of Man, although it had not been pleaded, and although there were no proclamations made thereof. His Majesty, being therefore deeply sensible of this vio- lation of his Act of General Pardon, whereof his Majesty hath always been very tender, and doth expect and require that all his subjects in all his dominions and plantations shall enjoy the full benefit and advantage of the same, and having this day taken the business into further consideration, and all parties called in and heard, did, by and with the advice of the council, order, and it is hereby ordered, that all persons any way concerned in the seizure of the estate of the said William Christian, deceased, or instru- mental in the ejection of the widow and children out of their houses and fortune, do take care that intire restitution is made of all the said estate, as well real or personal, as also all damages sustained, with full satisfaction for all profits by them received since the said estate hath been in their hands; and that, whereas the said WilUam Christian, deceased, was one of the two lives remaining in an estate in Lancashire, that the detriment accrew- ing by the untimely death of the said William Christian therein or in like cases, shall be estimated, and in Hke manner fully re- paired. That in regard of the great trouble and charges the com- plainants have been at in pursuit of this business, ordered that they do exhibit to this board a true account, upon oath, of all ex- pences and damages by them sustained in the journies of them- selves and witnesses, and of all other their charges in the following of this business. And whereas Ewan Curghey, Sammual Radcliffe, and John Casar were by the same court of justice imprisoned, and had- their estates seised and confiscated without any legal trial, it is ordered that the said Ewan Curghey, Sammual Radcliffe, and John Casar be likewise restored to all their estates, real and personall, and fully repaired in all the charges and expences which they have been at since their first imprisonment, as well in the prosecution of 394 APPENDICES TO INTRODUCTION this business, or in their journey thither, or in any other way whatsoever thereunto relating; the which satisfaction, expences, and all other sums of money to be raised by virtue of this order, are to be furnished by the deemsters, members, and assistants of the said court of justice, who are hereby ordered to raise all such the said sums, and thereof to make due payment, and give full satisfaction unto the parties hereby appointed to receive it. And to the end the guilt of blood which hath been unjustly spilt may in some sort be expiated, and his Majesty receive some kind of satisfaction for the untimely loss of a subject, it is ordered that the said Thomas Norris and Hugh Cannell, who decreed this violent death, be committed and remain prisoners in the King's Bench, to be proceeded against in the ordinary course of justice, so to receive condign punishment according to the merit of so heinous a fact. That Richard Stevenson, Robert Calcott,and Richard Tyldes- ley be discharged from farther restraint, giving good security to appear at this board whensoever summoned, and not depart this city until full satisfaction be given, and all orders of this board whatsoever relating to this business fully executed in the island. And in regard that, upon the examination of this business, it doth appear that Edward Christian, being one of the deemsters or judges in the Isle of Mann, did, when the court refused to admit of the deceased William Christian's plea of the Act of Indempnity, make his protestation against their illegal proceedings, and did withdraw himself, and come into England to sollicite his Ma- jesty, and implore his justice, it is ordered that the Earl of Derby do forthwith, by commission, in due and accustomed manner, restore, constitute, and appoint the said Edward Christian one of the deemsters or judges of the said island, so to remain and continue in the due execution of the said place. And lastly, it is ordered that the said Henry Howell, deputy- governour, whose fault hath been the not complying with, and yielding due obedience to, the orders of His Majesty and this board, sent into this island, giving good security to appear at this board whensoever summoned, be forthwith discharged from all further restraint, and permitted to return into the island; and he is hereby strictly commanded to imploy the power and au- thority he hath, which by virtue of his commission he hath in that island, in performance of, and obedience to, all commands and orders of his Majesty and this board in this whole business, or any way relating thereunto. 395 APPENDICES TO INTRODUCTION (: Mgned by) Lord Chancellor. Earl of Carbery. Lord Treasurer. Lord Bishop of London. Lord Privy Seal. Lord Wentworth. Duke of Albemarle. Lord Berkeley. Lord Chamberlain. Lord Ashley. Earl of Berkshire. Sir William Compton. Earl of St. Alban. Mr. Treasurer. Earl of Anglesey. Mr. Vice-Chamberlain. Earl of Sandwich. Mr. Secretary Morice. Earl of Bath. Mr, Secretary Bennett. Earl of Middleton. Richard Browne, Clerk of the Council No. Ill At the Court at Whitehali,, August 14th, 1663. Present. The King's Most Excellent Majesty. Lord Chancellor. Lord Treasurer. Lord Privy Seal. Duke of Buckingham. Duke of Albemarle, Lord Chamberlain. Earl of Berkshire. Earl of St. Alban. Earl of Sandwich, Earl of Anglesey. Earl of Bath. Earl of Middleton. Earl of Carbery. Lord Bishop of London. Lord Wentworth. Lord Berkeley. Lord Ashley. Sir William Compton. Mr. Treasurer. Mr. Vice-Chamberlain. Mr. Secretary Morice. Mr. Secretary Bennett. To the end the world may the better take notice of his Ma- jesty's royal intention to observe the Act of Indempnity and Gen- eral Pardon inviolably for the publique good and satisfaction of all his subjects, it was this day ordered that a copy in the order of this board of the sth inst., touching the illegal proceedings in the Isle of Man against William Christian, and putting him to death contrary to the said Act of General Pardon, be sent unto his Ma- jesty's printer, who is commanded forthwith to print the same in the English letters, in folio, in such manner as Acts of Parliament are usually printed, and his Majesty's arms prefixed. Richard Browne. NOTES Note i, p. 59 The attempt to contrast the manners of the jovial Cavaliers and enthusiastic, yet firm and courageous, Puritans was partly taken from a hint of Shadwell, who sketched several scenes of humour with great force, although they hung heavy on his pencil when he attempted to finish them for the stage. In a dull play named The Volunteers, or The Siock-Jobbers, the dramatis personce present 'Major-General Blunt, an old Cavalier officer, somewhat rough in speech, but very brave and honest, and of good understanding, and a good patriot.' A contrast to the general is ' Colonel Hackwell, senior, an old Anabaptist colonel of Cromwell's, very stout and godly, but somewhat immoral.' These worthies, so characterised, hold a dialogue together, which will form a good example of Shadwell's power of dramatising. The stage is filled by Major-General Blunt and some of his old ac- quaintance Cavaliers, and Hackwell, the ancient Parliamentarian. Major-General Blunt. Fear not, my old Cavaliers. According to your laudable customs, you shall be drunk, swagger, and fight over all your battles, from Edgehill to Brentford. You have not forgotten how this gentleman {points to Colonel Hackwell) and his demure psalm-singing fellows used to drub us? 1st Cavalier. No, 'gad! I felt 'em once to purpose. M.-G. Blunt. Ah! a-dod, in high-crowned hats, collared bands, great loose coats, long tucks under 'em, and calves-leather boots; they used to sing a psalm, fall on, and beat us to the devil! Hackwell, senior. In that day we stood up to the cause; and the cause, the spiritual cause, did not suffer under our carnal weapons, but the enemy was discomfited, and lo! they used to flee be- fore us. 1st Cavalier. Who would think such a snivelling, psalm -sing- ing puppy would fight? But these godly fellows would lay about 'em as if the devil were in 'em. Sir Nicholas. What a filthy, slovenly army was this! I warrant you not a weU-dressed man among the Roundheads. M.-G. Blunt. But these plain fellows would so thrash your swearing, drinking, fine fellows in laced coats — just such as you 397 NOTES of the drawing-room and Locket's fellows are now — and so strip them, by the Lord Harry, that after a battle those saints looked like the Israelites loaden with the Eg>ptian baggage. Uackivell. \'erily, we did take the spoil and it served us to turn the penny, and advanced the cause thereby; we fought upon a principle that carried us through. M.-G. Blunt. Prithee, colonel, we know thy principle — 't was not right: thou foughtest against children's baptism, and not for hberty, but who should be your tyrant; none so zealous for Crom- well as thou wert then, nor such a furious agitator and test-man as thou hast been lately. Uackwcll, senior. Look you, Colonel, we but proceeded in the way of liberty of worship. M.-G. Blunt. A-dod, there is something more in it. This was thy principle, colonel — Dominion is founded in grace, and the righteous shall inherit the earth. And, by the Lord Harry, thou chdst so; thou gottest three thousand pound a-year by fighting • against the court, and I lost a thousand by fighting for it. — See The Volunteers or Stock-jobbers, Shadwell's Works, vol. rv, p. 437. In a former scene, Hackwell, the old fanatic officer, conceiving himself offended by one of the dramatis personcz, says, with great naivete — 'I prithee, friend, put me not to use the carnal weapon in my own defence.' Such are the traits of phraseology- with which Shadwell painted the old Puritan officers, many of whom he — no mean observer of human nature — must have known familiarly. Note 2, p. 62 The concealment and discovery of the Countess of Derby is taken from a picturesque account of a similar event, described to me by the person by whom it was witnessed in childhood. This lady, by name Mrs. Margaret Swinton, and a daughter of that ancient house, was a sister of my maternal grandmother, and of course my grand-aunt. She was, as often happens on such occa- sions, our constant resource in sickness, or when we tired of noisy play, and closed around her to listen to her tales. As she might be supposed to look back to the beginning of the last century, the fund which supplied us with amusement often related to events of that period. I may here notice that she told me the unhappy story of the Bride of Lammcrmoor, being nearly related to the Lord President, whose daughter was the heroine of that melancholy tragedy. 398 NOTES The present tale, though of a different character, was also suffi- ciently striking, when told by an eyewitness. Aunt Margaret was, I suppose, seven or eight years old when residing in the old man- sion-house of Swinton, and already displayed the firmness and sagacity which distinguished her through life. Being one of a large family, she was, owing to slight indisposition, left at home one day when the rest of the family went to church with Sir John and Lady Swinton, their parents. Before leaving the little invalid, she was strictly enjoined not to go into the parlour where the elder party had breakfasted. But when she found herself alone in the upper part of the house, the spirit of her great ancestress Eve took posses- sion of my aunt Margaret, and forth she went to examine the par- lour in question. She was struck with admiration and fear at what she saw there. A lady, 'beautiful exceedingly,' was seated by the breakfast-table, and employed in washing the dishes which had been used. Little Margaret would have had no doubt in account- ing this singular vision an emanation from the angelical world, but for her employment, which she could not so easily reconcile to her ideas of angels. The lady, with great presence of mind, called the astonished child to her, fondled her with much tenderness, and judiciously avoiding to render the necessity of secrecy too severe, she told the girl she must not let any one except her mother know that she had seen her. Having allowed this escape-valve for the benefit of her curiosity, the mysterious stranger desired the little girl to look from the window of the parlour to see if her mother was returning from church. When she turned her head again, the fair vision had vanished, but by what means Miss Margaret was unable to form a conjecture. Long watched, and eagerly waited for, the Lady Swinton at last returned from church, and her daughter lost no time in telling her extraordinary tale. 'You are a very sensible girl, Peggy,' an- swered her mother, ' for if you had spoken of that poor lady to any one but me, it might have cost her her life. But now I will not be afraid of trusting you with any secret, and I will show you where the poor lady lives.' In fact she introduced her to a concealed apartment opening by a sUding panel from the parlour, and showed her the lady in the hiding-place which she inhabited. It may be said, in passing, that there were few Scottish houses belonging to families of rank which had not such contrivances, the political in- cidents of the times often calling them into occupation. The history of the lady of the closet was both melancholy and 399 NOTES bloody, and though I have seen various accounts of the story, I do not pretend to distinguish the right edition. She was a young woman of extreme beauty, who had been married to an old man, a writer, named MacFarlane. Her situation, and perhaps her manners, gave courage to some who desired to be accounted her suitors. Among them was a young EngUshman, named Cayley, who was a commissioner of Government upon the estates forfeited in the rebeUion of 1715. In 1716, Mr. Cayley visited this lady in her lodgings, when they quarreled, either on account of his having offered her some violence, or, as another account said, because she reproached him with having boasted of former favours. It ended in her seizing upon a pair of pistols, which lay loaded in a closet, her husband intending to take them with him on a journey. The gallant commissioner approached with an air of drollery, saying, 'What, madam, do you intend to perform a comedy?' 'You shall find it a tragedy,' answered the lady; and fired both pistols, by which Commissioner Cayley fell dead. She fled, and remained concealed for a certain time. Her claim of refuge in Swinton House, I do not know; it arose probably from some of the indescribable genealogical filaments which connect Scottish families. A very small cause would even at any time have been a reason for interfering between an individual and the law. Whatever were the circumstances of Mrs. MacFarlane's case, it is certain that she returned, and lived and died in Edinburgh, without being brought to trial. Indeed, considering the times, there was no great wonder; for, to one strong party, the death of an English commissioner was not a circumstance to require much apology. The Swintons, however, could not be of that opinion, the family being of Presbyterian and Whig principles. Note 3, p. 77 The reader will find, in an Appendix to the Introduction, an account of this tragedy, as related by one who may be said to favour the sufferer. It must be admitted, on the other hand, that Captain Christian's trial and execution were conducted according to the laws of the island. He was tried in all due form by the Dempster, or chief judge, then named Norris, the keys of the island, and other constituted authorities, making what is called a Tinwald court. This word, yet retained in many parts of Scot- land, signifies vallis negotii, and is applied to those artificial mounds which were in ancient times assigned to the meeting of 400 NOTES the inhabitants for holding their comitia. It was pleaded that the articles of accusation against Christian were found fully relevant, and as he refused to plead at the bar, that he was, according to the laws of Man, most justly sentenced to death. It was also stated that full time was left for appeal to England, as he was appre- hended about the end of September, and not executed until the 2d January, 1662. These defences were made for the various ofiS- cers of the Isle of Man called before the privy council on account of Christian's death, and supported with many quotations from the laws of the island, and appear to have been received as a suflS- cient defence for their share in those proceedings. I am obliged to the present reverend vicar of Malew for a cer- tified extract to the following effect: 'Malew Burials, a.d. 1662. Mr. William Christian of Ronaldswing, late receiver, was shot to death at Hange Hall, the 2d January. He died most penitently and couradgeously, made a good end, prayed earnestly, made an excellent speech, and the next day was buried in the chancell of Kirk Malew.' It is certain that the death of William Christian made' a very deep impression upon the minds of the islanders, and a Mr. Cal- cell or Colquit was much blamed on the occasion. Two lesser inci- dents are worth preservation as occurring at his execution. The place on which he stood was covered with white blankets, that his blood might not fall on the ground; and, secondly, the precaution proved unnecessary, for, the musket wounds bleeding internally, there was no outward effusion of blood. Many on the island deny Christian's guilt altogether, like his respectable descendant, the present dempster; but there are others, and those men of judgment and respectability, who are so far of a different opinion, that they only allow the execution to have been wrong in so far as the culprit died by a military rather than a civil death. I wUlingly drop the veil over a transaction which took pla.ce flagranlibus odiis at the conclusion of a civil war, when Revenge at least was awake if Justice slept. Note 4, p. 86 This peculiar collocation of apartments may be seen at Haddon Hall, Derbyshire, once a seat of the Vernons, where, in the lady's pew in the chapel, there is a sort of scuttle, which opens into the kitchen, so that the good lady could ever and anon, without much interruption of her religious duties, give an eye that the roast- • 27 401 :ANTA ^mim STME OGllEiE LIlAfi NOTES meat was not permitted to burn, and that the turn-broche did hia duty. Note s, p. 91 Even down to a later period than that in which the tale is laid, the ladies of distinction had for their pages young gentlemen of distinguished rank, whose education proceeded within the family of their patroness. Anne Duchess of Buccleuch and Monmouth, who in several respects laid claim to the honours due to royal blood, was, I believe, the last person of rank who kept up this old custom. A general officer distinguished in the American war was bred up as a page in her family. At present the youths whom we sometimes see in the capacity of pages of great ladies are, I be- lieve, mere lacquies. Note 6, p. 127 The ejection of the Presbyterian clergy took place on St. Bar- tholomew's day, thence called Black Bartholomew. Two thousand Presbyterian pastors were on that day displaced and silenced throughout England. The preachers indeed had only the alterna- tive to renounce their principles or subscribe certain articles of uniformity. And to their great honour, Calamy, Baxter, and Rey- nolds refused bishoprics, and many other Presbyterian ministers declined deaneries and other preferments, and submitted to de- privation in preference. Note 7, p. 163 It is naturally to be supposed that the twenty years' triumph of the Puritans, and the violence towards the Malignants, as they were wont to call the Cavaliers, had generated many grudges and feuds in almost every neighbourhood, which the victorious Roy- aUsts failed not to act upon, so soon as the Restoration gave them a superiority. Captain Hodgson, a Parliamentary officer who wrote his own Memoirs, gives us many instances of this. I shall somewhat compress his long-winded account of his sufferings. *It was after the King's return to London, one night a parcel of armed men comes to my house at Coalley Hall, near Halifax, and in an unseasonable hour in the night demands entrance, and my servants within having some discourse with them on the out- side, they gave threatening language, and put their pistols in at the windows. My wife being with child, I ordered the doors to be opened, and they came in. After they had presented a pistol to 402 NOTES my breast they showed me their authority to apprehend me,' imder the hands and seals of two knights and deputy-lieutenants, 'for speaking treasonable words against the King.' The ci-devant captain was conveyed to prison at Bradford, and bail refused. His prosecutor proved to be one Daniel Lyster, brother to the peace-officer who headed the troop for his apprehension. It seems that the prisoner Hodgson had once in former days bound over to his good behaviour this Daniel Lyster, then accused of adul- tery and other debauched habits. 'After the King came in,' says Hodgson, 'this man meets me, and demands the names of those that informed against him, and a copy of their information. I told him that the business was over, and that it was not seasonable to rip up old troubles, on which he threatened me, and said he would have them. "The sun," he said, "now shines on our side of the hedge."' Such being his accuser, Hodgson was tried for having said, 'There is a crown provided, but the King will never wear it'; to which was added, that he alleged he had 'never been a turn- coat — never took the oath of allegiance, and never would do.' Little or no part of the charge was proved, while on the contrary it was shown that the prosecutor had been heard to say, that if times ever changed, he would sit on Hodgson's skirts. In fine, Hodgson escaped for five months' imprisonment, about thirty pounds expenses, and the necessity of swallowing the oath of allegiance, which seems to have been a bitter pill. About the middle of June 1662, Captain Hodgson was again arrested in a summary manner by one Peebles, an attorney, quar- termaster to Sir John Armitage's troop of horse-militia, with about twelve other Cavaliers, who used him rudely, called him rebel and traitor, and seemed to wish to pick a quarrel with him, upon which he demanded to see their authority. Peebles laid his hand on his sword, and told him it was better authority than any ever granted by Cromwell. They suffered him, however, to de- part, which he partly owed to the valour of his landlady, who sate down at the table-end betwixt him and danger, and kept his an- tagonists at some distance. He was afterwards accused of having assembled some troopers, from his having been accidentally seen riding with a soldier, from which accusation he also escaped. Finally, he fell under suspicion of being concerned in a plot, of which the scene is called Sowerby. On this charge he is not explicit, but the grand jury found the bill ignoramus. After this the poor Roundhead was again repeatedly accused 403 NOTES and arrested; and the last occasion we shall notice occurred on nth September 1662, when he was disarmed by his old friend Mr. Peebles, at the head of a party. He demanded to see the war- rant; on which he was answered as formerly, by the quartermaster laying his hand on his sword-hilt, saying it was a better order than Oliver used to give. At length a warrant was produced, and Hodg- son submitting to the search, they took from his dwelling-house better than £20 value in fowling-pieces, pistols, muskets, carbines, and such-like. A quarrel ensued about his buff coat, which Hodg- son refused to deliver, alleging they had no authority to take his wearing-apparel. To this he remained constant, even upon the personal threats of Sir John Armitage, who called him rebel and traitor, and said, ' If I did not send the buff coat with all speed, he would commit me to jail.' 'I told him,' says Hodgson, 'I was no rebel, and he did not well to call me so before these soldiers and gentlemen, to make me the mark for every one to shoot at.' The buff coat was then peremptorily demanded, and at length seized by open force. One of Sir John Armitage's brethren wore it for many years, after making good Prince Henry's observation, that a buff jerkin is a most sweet robe of durance. An agent of Sir John's came to compound for this garment of proof. Hodgson says he would not have taken ten pounds for it. Sir John would have given about four, but insisting on the owner's receipt for the money, which its former possessor was unwilling to grant, the Tory magistrate kept both sides, and Hodgson never received satisfaction. We will not prosecute Mr. Hodgson's tale of petty grievances any further. Enough has been said to display the melancholy picture of the country after the Civil War, and to show the state of irritability and oppression which must have extended itself over the face of England, since there was scarcely a county in which battles had not been fought, and deep injuries sustained, during the ascendency of the Roundheads, which were not afterwards retaliated by the vengeance of the Cavaliers. Note 8, p. 167 Waldron mentions the two popular festivities in the Isle of Man which are alluded to in the text, and vestiges of them are, I be- lieve, still to be traced in this singular island. The Contest of Winter and Summer seems directly derived from the Scandinavi- ans, long the masters in Man, as Oiaus Magnus mentions a simi- 404, NOTES lar festival among the Northern nations. On the first of May, he says, ' the country is divided into two bands, the captain of one of which hath the name and appearance of Winter, is clothed in skins of beasts, and he and his band armed with fire forks. They fling about ashes by way of prolonging the reign of Winter; while another band, whose captain is called Florro, represent Spring, with green boughs, such as the season offers. These parties skir- mish in sport, and the mimic contest concludes with a general feast.' — History of the Northern Nations, by Olaus, Book xv, chap. II. Waldron gives an account of a festival in Wales exactly similar: 'In almost all the great parishes, they choose from among the daughters of the most wealthy farmers a young maid for the Queen of May. She is drest in the gayest and best manner they can, and is attended by about twenty others, who are called maids of honour. She has also a young man, who is her captain, and has imder his command a good number of inferior officers. In oppo- sition to her is the Queen of Winter, who is a man drest in woman's clothes, with woollen hoods, fur tippets, and loaded with the warmest and heaviest habits, one upon another; in the same manner are those who represent her attendants drest; nor is she without a captain and troop for her defence. Both being equipt as proper emblems of the beauty of the spring and the deformity of the winter, they set forth from their respective quarters, the one preceded by violins and flutes, the other with the rough music of the tongs and cleavers. Both companies march till they meet on a common, and then their trains engage in a mock battle. If the Queen of Winter's forces get the better, so far as to take the Queen of May prisoner, she is ransomed for as much as pays the expenses of the day. After this ceremony. Winter and her company retire, and divert themselves in a barn, and the others remain on the green, where, having danced a considerable time, they conclude the evening with a feast ; the queen at one table with her maids, the captain with his troop at another. There are seldom less than fifty or sixty persons at each board, but . . . not more than three or four knives . . . Christmas is ushered in with a form much less meaning, and infinitely more fatiguing. On the 24th of De- cember, towards evening, all the servants in general have a holi- day; they go not to bed all night, but ramble about till the bells ring in all the churches, which is at twelve o'clock; prayers being over, they go to hunt the wren, and after having found one of these poor birds, they kill her, and lay her on a bier with the utmost 40s NOTES solemnity, bringing her to the parish church and burying her with a whimsical kind of solemnity, singing dirges over her in the Manks language, which they call her knell; after which Christmas begins. There is not a barn unoccupied the whole twelve days, every parish hiring fiddlers at the public charge; and all the youth, nay, sometimes people well advanced in years, making no scruple to be among these nocturnal dancers.' — Waldron's Description of the Isle of Man, folio, 1731. With regard to horse-racing in the Isle of Man, I am furnished with a certified copy of the rules on which that sport was con- ducted, under the permission of the Earl of Derby, in which the curious may see that a descendant of the unfortunate Christian entered a horse for the prize. I am indebted for this curiosity to my kind friend, the learned Dr. Dibdin. ) Articles for the plate which is to be run for in the said island, being of the ft > value of five pounds sterling {the fashion included), given by the Right ) Honourable William Earl of Derby, Lord of the said Isle, etc. ist. The said plate is to be run for upon the 28th day of July, in euery year, whiles his honour is pleased to allow the same (being the day of the nativity of the Honour- able James Lord Strange), except it happen upon a Sunday, and if soe, the said plate is to be run for upon the day following. ad. That noe horse, gelding, or mair shall be admitted to run for the said plate, but such as was foaled within the said island, or in the Calfe of Mann. 3d. That euery horse, gelding, or mair that is designed to run shall be entred at or before the viiijth day of July, with his master's name and his owne, if he be gener- ally knowne by any, or els his coUour, and whether horse, mair, or gelding, and that to be done at the x comprs. ofl'ice, by the cleark of the rolls for the time being. 4