m& mm LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Class f mm ■ ^fc 1 *-'^ i 1 ifefe |fe H i feces''*' 3 ^H SSHfe vHHH m Pte ^^^1 i IB KB B9K Em H 1 H 1 ;^\Ag/^£ ^^^H ■^h 3 '- 1 : IV. CARE IV HAZLITT BIBLIOGRAPHICAL Collections and Notes (1474— 1700) THIRD AND FINAL SERIES SECOND SUPPLEMENT mMmmm^ \<§>\<&\<&<®<&<&&'.<&G> LONDON BERNARD QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY GENERAL . PREFACE. THE totally unexpected delay which has taken place in the completion of the General Index to my Bibliography has, combined with the successive dispersion of numerous collections of books during the last two or three years, and my habitual practice of registering every item hitherto undescribed or imperfectly so, to produce a further Appendix to what I fully believed at the time to be a final issue of titles on the sectional principle. It might be supposed to be quite possible to hold over such new material until an opportunity arose for incorporating it with a consolidated alphabet,, But as that is a distant contingency, and the labour of acquir- ing these entries from an infinite variety of sources is so arduous, and the likelihood of the recurrence of the articles more or less slender, the risk of the destruction of my MSS. records is more than I care to encounter; while every title preserved in type is a gain and a relief. Since the First Supplement appeared in 1889, I have had under my eyes the large and important libraries of Sir Edward Sullivan, Mr. F. W. Cosens, Mr. Crawford of Cork, and Mr. Hailstone, besides numerous minor sales and an assortment of scarce books, tracts, and broadsides, obligingly lent to me by the always friendly booksellers. But the bulk of my acquisitions is necessarily derived from the incessant stores on view from season to season at the rooms of Messrs. Sotheby, Wilkinson, and Hodge. I wish it were in my power to speak as favourably of some private possessors of rare or unique volumes in early English literature. I have not been exceptionally unfortunate in this respect ; but in one or two instances where a so-called nobleman or gentleman is the owner of the only known copy of an ancient printed work, I have found it impracticable to prevail upon him to let me see it even for a few minutes under inspec- tion oy himself or his deputy. The Eight Honourable the Earl of Dysart refused to allow me to take a note of his unique copy of the Pastime of Pleasure, printed by Wynkyn y all Midwives, Nurses, & Young Married Women. Translated out of Latin by J. P. London, Printed for John Back, at the Black-Boy on London- Bridge, 1699. Sm. 8° or 12°, A— F in twelves, including a frontispiece. ARITHMETIC. See Introduction. ARTEMIDORUS. The Interpretation of Dreames, Digested into five books by that Ancient and ex- cellent Philosopher, Artemidorvs. Com- piled by him in Greek, and translated afterwards into the Latine, the Italian, the French, and Spanish, Tongues. And now more exactly rendered into English. . . . The fourth Edition, newly corrected, by the French, and Latine Copv. London, Printed by Bernard Alsop, 1644. Sm. 8°, A — N 4 in eights, including a frontispiece. Dedicated by the printer to Sir William Playters, Knight, and Baronet, &c. With a preface by Ro. Wood the translator. B.M. The Interpretation of Dreams. . . . The Fifth Edition, newly corrected by the French and Latine Copy. London, Prin- ted by Elizabeth Alsop, dwelling in Grub- street, near the Upper Pump. 1656. Sm. 8°, A— N 4 in eights, A 1 probably with the same frontispiece, but deficient in the copy used. B. M. Dedicated in this edition to Mr. Edmoncl Buck worth, of the County of Norfolk, Gentleman, but now resident in St. Kathe- rine's Court, London. ARTHUR OF BRITAIN. Histoire Des Merveillevx faicts du preux & vaillant Cheualier Artus de Bretaigne. Et des grandea adueniures on il e'est trmi iii' en son temps. A Paris, Par Nico;as Bonfons, . . . 1584. 4", A— Uo in fours. In two columns. With wood- cuts. ARTICLES. Articles whereupon it was agreed by the Archbishops and Bishops of both Pro- uinces, and the whole Cleargie : In the Conuocation holden at London in the yeere of our Lord Cod 1562 . . . Im- printed at London by Robert Barker, . . . 1605. 4", A— C in fours. ABTIOULL Articuli ad narrationea nouas perl in for- mal i. [Col.] Londini in edibua Riohardi Pynsoni regij impressoris. Cum priui- legio a rege indulto. Sm. 8°, A — D in eights. ARWAKER, EDMUND, M.D. An Epistle to Monsieur Boileau, Inviting Lis Muse to forsake the French Interest, and celebrate the King of England. By Edm. Arwaker . . . London, Printed by Tho. "Warren, for Francis Saunders . . . 1694. Folio, A— B, 2 leaves each. In ASCHAM. ROGER. The Scholemaster Or plaine and perfite way of teachyng children, to vnderstand, write, and speake, the Latin tong, but specially purposed for the priuate bring- ing vp of youth in Ientlemen and Noble mens houses, and commodious also for all such, as haue forgot the Latin tonge, and would, by themselues, without a Scholemaster, in short tyme, ami with small paines, recouer a sufficient habilitie, to vnderstand, write, and speake Latin. % By Roger Ascham. If An. 1570. At London. Printed by Iohn Dave, dwell- ing ouer Aldersgate. 51 Cum Gratia & Priuilegio Regiae Maiestatis, per Decen- niuni. [Col.] At London. Printed by John Daye dwellyng ouer Aldersgate. If Cum gratia & Priuilegio Regise Maies- tatis. 1570. 4°. Title, 1 leaf : Dedication bv Margaret Ascham to Sir W. Cecil, 1 leaf : B— T in fours, A omitted. In the Epistle to Cecil, his widow invokes his protection for her late husband's book, and in the preface the author explains the circumstances, now well known, under which it was written. ASSIS.E. Tabula libri assisaru -& plitorum corone. [The rest of the page is occupied by the printer, John Rastell's, device, and by the royal monogram with the motto : Justicia Regat, the two blocks enclosed in a border of lour pieces. At the end occurs :] Assisarum liber & plitoru corone foelicif explicit Folio. Title, prologue of John Rastell "in laudem legu," and preface, shewing " Qnod res publica non consiatit in diuiciis in potentate nee hon- oribus sed presertim in bonis legib3 (both in English)," and Table, 4 leaves : a, 8 : b, 8 : C— Z in sixes : A— R in sixes ; S, 8, S 8 blank. B. M. Tabula li. ass&r}. [London, Richard Pyn- son.] Sm. 8", a— v 2 in eights + Table, 2 haves. Without title and colophon, but with Pynson's device on v 2 W80. Si^n. r is printed on one side only in this copy. ASTROLOGER. A YRF.S. ASTROLOGER. The Character of a Quack-Astrologer : Or, The Spurious Prognosticator An- atomiz'd. . . . With Allowance. London, Printed, and are to be sold at the Book- sellers Shops, 1673. 4°, A— C in fours. ATKINS, SIR ROBERT, K.B., a Judge of the Common Pleas. The Power, Jurisdiction, and Priviledge of Parliament ; And the Antiquity of the House of Commons Asserted. Occasion'd by an Information in the King's Bench, by the Attorney General, against the Speaker of the House of Commons. As also a Discourse concerning the Eccle- siastical Jurisdiction in the Realm of England, Occasion'd by the Late Com- mission in Ecclesiastical Causes. By Sir Robert Atkyns, Knight of the Honourable Order of the Bath, and late one of the Judges of the Court of Common-Pleas. London, Printed for Timothy Goodwin, . . . 1689. Folio, A — U, 2 leaves each, A 1 with an Advertisement. AUGUSTINE, ST., Bishop of Hippo. Excitacio fidelis anime ad elemosinam faciendam A b to Augustino conscripta. [Oxford, Theodore Rood, about 1480.] 4°, a in eights, a 1 blank. B. M. This precious little tract was obligingly pointed out to me, July 9, 1891, by Dr. Garnett. It has only of late been recog- nised as a production of the Oxford press. A Pretiovs Booke of Heavenly Medita- tions : Called A private talke of the Soule with God. . . . Translated . . . By Tho. Rogers. . . . London, Printed by R. H. for the Company of Stationers. 1640. Sm. 8°, A — Aa in twelves, first and last leaves blank. A Heavenly Treasvre of Comfortable Meditations and Prayers Written by S. Avgvstin, Bishop of Hyppon. In three seuerall treatises of his Meditations, Solilo- quies, and Manual. Faithfully translated into English by the R. F. Anthony Batt Monke, of the holy order of S. Bennet of the Congregation of England. At S. Omers, For Iohn Heigham. Anno 1624. Sm. 8°, A — R in twelves. Dedicated by Batt to Gabriel Gifford de S. Maria, Archbishop and Duke of Rheims. B. M. Saint Avstins Care for the Dead, Or His Booke Intit'led De euro pro mortuis, trans- lated for the use of those who either haue not his volumes, or haue not knowlige in the Latine tongue. Printed & published, M. DC. XXXVI. Sin. 8°, A — E 4 in eights, E 3-4, and probably A 1, blank. B. M. On E 1 occurs a headline : "The Sovles Svpplication at the Hovre of Deth : Apply ed by the Church, to Soules departed ..." In verse. AUSTEN, RALPH. A Dialogve, Or Familiar Discourse, and conference betweene the Husbandman, and Frvit-Trees, in his Nurseries, Or- chards, and Gardens. . . . ByRa:Avsten, Practiser (50 years) in the Art of Plant- ing Frvit-Trees. . . . Oxford, Printed by Hen: Hall, fur Thomas Bowman. 1676. 8°. * 8 leaves : A— G 4 in eights, A 8 and G 4 blank. A VAUTS, MOSES, a faithful Votary, and free Denizen of the Commonwealth of Israel. The Husband's Authority Unvail'd ; Wherein it is moderately discussed whe- ther it be fit or lawfull for a good Man, to beat his bad Wife . . . London, Printed by T. N. for Robert Bostock, . . . 1650. 4°, A— 2 in fours. AVENAR, JOHN. The Enimie of Securitie Or A daily exer- cise of godlie meditations, . . . The 4. edition . . . 1583. [Col.] 1583. Im- printed at London, by Henrie Denham, dwelling in Pater noster Rowe, at the signe of the Starre. Sm. 8°, a or A — R or r in twelves, A 1 and R 12 blank. AYRES, JOHN. The New A-la-Mode Secretarie : Or, Prac tical Pen-Man. A New Copy-Book. Wherein the Bastard Italians, commonly called the New-ada-Mode, Round Hands, Mixt Running Hands, and Mixt Secre- tary's, are so Mod[elled] and Composed, as to dispatch Business with Facility and Neatness. ... By John Ayres, Master of the Writing-Schoo], at the Hand and Pen near St. Pauls School, in St. Pauls Church- yard, London. Sold by Hen. Hatlev, at the Three Flower-de-luces in St. Pauls Church-yard ; . . . Obi. 4°, 26 engraved and 2 printed leaves, including title. ( 6 ) B. B. D. The Insinuating Bawd : And the Repent- ing Harlot. Written by a Whore at Tun- bridge, and Dedicated to a Bawd at the Bath. London Printed, and are Sold by- most Booksellers. [Ahout 1700.] Folio, A — D, 2 leaves each. B. L. The Examination, confession, and con- demnation of Henry Robson Fisherman of Ryt, who poysoned his wife in the strangest maner that euer hitherto hath bin heard of. At London Printed by Felix Kingston for R. W. and are to be solde in Paternoster row at the signe of the Talbot. 1598. 4°, 4 leaves. B. P., G[entlem«n]. The Court Secret : A Novel. Part I. Written by P. B. G. London, Printed for R. Bentley and S. Magnes in Russel- street in Covent Garden. 1689. Sm. 8°. A, 6 leaves: B — N 6 in twelves : Part II. with a separate title, A — L in twelves. Dedicated by P. B. to John, Lord Love- lace, Captain of the Band of Pensioners. The writer describes himself as a stranger to his Lordship. B. T., Gent. Miscellany Poems on Several Subjects. London : Printed by R. Janeway, and Sold by J. Nutt, . . . mdcc II. Folio, B— T, 2 leaves each + title and halt-title. B. W. A Help to Discourse : Or, More Merri- ment mixt with serious Matters. . . . The fifteenth Edition ; . . . London, Printed by J. M. for Andrew Crooke, . . . 1663. Sin. 8°, A— Q in twelves : R, 6. BABEL. The Confusion of Babel. A Poem. Quid ?io.s Dvra Refugimus JEtai . . . London, Printed for \V. Davis in Anien- Corner. [2J~uly, 1683.] 4°, A— B in fours. The date is inserted in this copy in coeval MS., which also explains Didjo to be Lord Shaftesbury. BACCHANALIA. Bacchanalia : Or, A Description of a Drunken Club A Poem. Silenum jmeii solium vidert jacentem. Virgil. London ; Printed and Sold by E. W'Lit- lock, near Stationer's-Hall. L698. Folio, A— D, 2 leaves each. BACHELORS. An humble Remonstrance of the Batche- lore, in ai el ah'. mi London, to the Honour- able House, in Answer to a late Paper, Intituled A Petition of the Ladies for Husbands. [Col.] London, Printed for, and sold by the Book-selling Batchelors in St. Pauls Church-Yard, 1693. 4°, 2 leaves. In two columns. BACON, FRANCIS, Lord Verulam, die. The Essaies of Sr. Francis Bacon Knight, . . . Printed at London for Iohn laggard, dwelling at the Hand and Starre betweene the two Temple Gates. 1613. Sm. 8°, A— P 4 in eights, A 1 and P 4 blank. The Naturall and Experimentall History of Winds, &c. Written in Latine by the Right Honorable Francis Lo : Verulam, Viscount St. Alban. Translated into English by R. G. Gent. London, Printed for Humphrey Moseley, . . . and Tho. Dring . . . 1653. Sm. 8°, A— S in twelves : T, 4, the last leaf blank. With a portrait by T. Cross. BACON, ROGER. Rogerii Bacconis Angli, Viri Eminentis- simi Perspective. In Qua, Qvae ab Aliis Fvse Traduntur, succincte, neruose & ita pertractantnr, vt omnium intellectui facile pateant. Nunc primum in lucem edita Opera et studio Iohanr.is Combachii, . . . Francofvrti, . . . M.DC.XIV. 4°. Title, dedication and verses, 4 leaves : a — cc 3 in fours. With diagrams. Rogerii Bacconis . . . Specvla Mathema- tica : In Qua, de Speciervm Mvltiplica- tione, earundemque in inferioribus virtute agitur . . . Francofvrti, . . . M.DC.XIV. 4°. Title and dedication, 4 leaves : A— L 2 in fours. With diagrams. This and the preceding volume appear to have been printed together. BAGWELL, WILLIAM. The Merchant Distressed. His Observa- tions when he was a Prisoner for debt in London in the yeare of our Lord 1637. In which the Reader may take notice of his observations of many passages in the prison during his being there. The severall humours ami conditions of his fellow-prisoners and others. His advice to them, and to some of his and their kinds and vnkinde friends. Gtods singu- lar care and providence over all distressed prisoners and others who put then trust in him, and depend wholly upon him in t iieir afflictions. Written in plains Verse, by William Bagwell. London, Printed by T. 11. tor F. E. and are to he sold at BAILY. P. A UDIER. his Shop in Pauls Churchyard at the signe of the Marigold. 1644. 4°, A— It in fours, the leaf before the title occupied by a testimonial in favour of the book. Dedicated to William Barkeley, Alderman of London, and one of the Commissioners of Customs. BAILY or BAYLY, THOMAS, D.D. The Royal Chaiter Granted unto Kings, By God Himself: And collected out of his holy Word, in both Testaments. By T. B. Dr. in Divinitie. Wheieunto is added by the same Author, a short Treatise, wherein Episcopacy is proved to be Jure Divino. . . . London, Printed in the Year 1649. Sm. 8°, A— L in eights, title on A 2. With a folded frontispiece. BALFOUR, SIR ANDREW, M.D. Bibliotheca Balfounana, Sive, Catalogus Librorum, In quavis Lingua & Facilitate Insignium Illustris Viri D. Andreae Balfovrii M. D. & Equitis Aurati : Quo- rum Auctio Habebitur Edinburgi in sedi- bus Balfourianis, Anno 1695 : Quarto Die Mensis Februarii. Edinburgi, Ab Ha;redibus ac Successioribus Andreas Anderson, Typography Regum, Urbis & Academise, 1695. 4°. [A] 2 leaves : a, 2 leaves : B — in twos. The present copy ended imperfectly on Ff. BARCLAY, JOHN. Evphormionis Lusinini sive Ioannis Bar- claii Satyricon . . . Lugd. Batavorum ... A , cio ioc. xxxvu. Sm. 8°, A — Gg in twelves. The title is engraved. BARKER, THOMAS. A Poem, Dedicated to the Memory of Dr. Joseph Beaumont Regius Professor of Divinity, in Cambridge. By Thomas Barker A.M. Cantabr. . . . Cambridge, Printed by John Hayes, for Edward Hall Bookseller there. 1700. 4°, A — C in fours, A 1 with the half-title. BARTHOLOMEW FAIR. Reasons For the Punctual Limiting of Bartholomew-Fair in West-smithfield, To those Three Days to which it is deter- mined by the Royal Grant of it to the City of London. Humbly Address'd To the Right Honourable the Lord-Mayor, and to the Worshipful Court of Alder- men, and to the Common Council. London, Printed in the Year, 1708. 8°, A — B in eights. BARNARD, JOHN, Student in the Uni- versity of Cambridge. The tranquillitie of the minde. A verye excellent and most comfortable Oration, plainely directing euerye man, & woman, to the true tranquillitie and quyetnesse of their minde . . . now lately trans- lated into Englishe by Anthonv Marten. Melinra Spew. Anno. 1570. Imprinted at London by Henry Denham, for Wylliam Norton. 8°. Title and dedica- tion to Lord Howard of Effingham, 4 leaves : A— Ff in fours. BARO URBIGERUS, a Servant of God in the Kingdom of Nature. Aphorismi Urbigerani, Or, Certain Rules, Clearly demonstrating the Three Infal- lible Ways of Preparing the Grand Elixir or Circulatum majus of the Philosophers, Discovering the Secret of Secrets, . . . London, Printed for Henry Faithorne, at the Rose in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1690. 8°, A — Fin eights, includingafrontispiece. BARTON, WILLIAM. A View of many Errors and som gross Absurdities in the Old Translation of the Psalms in English Metre ; As also in som other Translations lately published : Shewing how the Psalms ought to be translated, to be acceptable and edifying. Together with sundry Epigramms and Suffrages of many Godly and Learned men in favour of the Author's Translation, and Reasons for publishing the same. By W. B. M.A. and Minister of the Gospel. . . . London, Printed by W. D. and are to be sold by F. Eglesfield and Thomas Vnderhill . . . and F. Tyton . . . m.dc.lv. 4°, A— C in fouis. BASTWICK, JOHN. Flagellum PontificisetEpiscoporum Lati- alium. Auctum et Multis Argumentis Locupletum. Autore Iohanne Bastwick M.D. . . . Londini, Typis Edwardi Grif- fini, sumptibus Michaelis Sparkes, sub Bibliis in Green Arbour, 1641. 12°, A — G 6 in twelves. Dedicated to the King, Parliament, and People of England. BATMAN, STEPHEN. The New Arival of the three Graces, into Anglia. Lamenting the abuses of this present Age. [Col.] Imprinted at Lon- don by Thomas East, for William Norton, and Stephen Bateman. 4°, A — F in fours. With woodcuts. In prose and verse. Dedi- cated "To his moste Louingand friendly Father (William Beeston Brewer)." ]>. M. Sotheby's, April 23, 1891, No. 293. A woodcut occupies the greater part of the title-page. The oidy copy known. BAUDIER, MICHEL. The History of the Administration of Cardinal Ximenes, Great Minister of State in Spain. Written Originally in French Bv the Sieur Michael Baudier of Langue- BEDFORDSHIRE. BISHOPS. doc, Councellor and Historiographer to His Most Christian Majesty ; and Trans- lated into English, by W. Vaughan. London, Printed for John Wilkins at the Sign of the Maiden-Head in New Cheap- side in Moor-fields. 1671. 8°. A, 8 leaves : (1)) 8 leaves : B— M 4 in eights, M 4 blank. Dedicated by Walter Vaughan to Sir Henry Herbert, Kt. Master of the Revels. With a portrait of Ximenes. BEDFORDSHIRE. A Full and True Relation of an Horrid and Bloody Murther Committed between Ravensden and Bedford, On the 11 th of July last, by one Neighbour upon another, Who beiii'4 both drunk quarrelled on the Road between Bedford and Ravensden the town where they lived, and after some scuffieing, the one stab'd the other into his breast with his Knife, of which wound he presently dyed : he that did it, is now in the County Jail. London, Printed, 1679. 4°, 4 leaves. BEHME, JACOB. Mereurius Teutonicus ; Or A Christian Information concerning the last Times. Being Divers Propheticall Passages of the Fall of Babel, and the New Buildings in Zion. Gathered out of the Mysticall Writings of that famous Germane Author, Jacob Behmen, alias Teutonicus Phyloso- phus. London; Printed by M. Simmons, for H. Blunden, at the Castle in Cornhill. 1649. 4°, A— H 2 in fours, H 2 blank. B.M. Avrora. That is, the Day-Spring or Dawning of the Day in the Orient Or Moniimj-Rednesse in the Rising of the Svn. That is The Root or Mother of • Philosophic, Astrologie & Theologie from the true Ground. . . . By Jacob Behme. Teutonick Philosopher. Being his First Book. Written in Gerlitz in Germany Anno Christi m.dc.xii. on Tuesday after the Day of Pentecost or Whitsunday vEtatis sua? 37. London, Printed by John Streater, for Giles Calvert, . . . 1656. 4°, A— 4 N 2 in fours -f- title and [b], 4 leaves. BEHN, APHRA. To the Most Illustrious Prince Christo- pher Duke of Albemarle, On his Voyage to His Government of Jamaica. A Pin- darick. By Mrs. A. Behn. London, Printed for John Newton . . . 1681. 4°, A— B 2 in fours. A Poem Humbly Dedicated to the Great Patera of Piety and Virtue Catherine Queen Dowager, On the Death of her DearL>r'l and Husband King Charles II. By Mrs. Behn. London, Printed by J. Play- f( n-d for Henry Playford, near the Temple- Church: 1685. Folio, A—B, 2 leaves each. BIBLE. The Holy Bible Containing y c Old and New Testaments Newly Translated out of y e Original Tongues, . . . London Printed by Iohn Field Printer to the Parliament, 1653. Sm. 8°, A— 3 D in twelves, last leaf blank. The title is engraved. The New Testament begins on Qq 3 with a new title. The Psalms are dated 1654, and make A — D in twelves. The Pearl Bible, remarkable for its mis- prints. Mamosse Wunneetupanatamoe Up-Bib- lum God Naneeswe Nukkone Testament kal Wonk AVusku Testament. Ne quosh Kinnumuk nahpe Wuttimeumoh Christ nob ascosewit John Eliot. Cam- bridge : Printeuoop nashpe Samuel Green kal Marmaduke Johnson. 1663. 4°. The Old Testament, A— 5 M 2 in fours, besides title and table, 2 leaves : New Testament, A — Xx in fours : Psalms, A — N 2 in fours, without a separate title. In two columns. The title to the Testament is dated 1661. Sotheby's, March 6, lSUO, No. 1299. A Collection of the Contents, of all the Chapters contained in the Bible ; Accord- ing to the translation which is appointed to be read in Churches. London Printed by Edward Allde, dwelling on Lambard hill, neere olde Fish-streete. 4 U , black letter, H, 4 leaves, and A— S 2 in fours, S 2 blank. On If 3 verso occurs : " Of the incompar- able treasure of the holy Scriptures, with a prayer for the true vse of the same," inverse. Figures de la Bible Demonstrans les Principals Hisioires de la Saincte Es- criture . . . Figures of the Bible In wieh almost every History of the holy Scrip- tures is described. Amstelodami, Apud Nicolaura Vis-cher. [1682-3.] Obi. 4°, A — Yy in fours, including the engraved title, Yy 4 blank -f 4 haves after the title with the License &c : The New Testament, A— Y iu fours, including the frontispiece or engraved title. The plates are by M. Merian. BISHOPS. A Catalogue of Svch Testimonies in all Ages as Plainly evidence Bjshops and Presbyters to be both one equal] and the same in [urisdiction, Office, Dignity, Order, and degree, by divine Law ami institution, and their disparity to 1" a meere humane ordinance Long after the Apostles time- ; And that the name of a BLAKE. BOOK. Bishop is onely a Title of Ministration, not Dominion," . . . Printed in the Yeere . 1637. 4°, A— D 2 in fours, A 1 blank. In two columns. BLAKE, STEPHEN, Gardener. The Compleat Gardeners Practice, Di- recting the Exact Way of Gardening. In {Garden of Pleasure, Physical Garden, Kitchin Garden. How they are to be ordered for their best Situation" and Improvement, with variety of Artificial Knots for the Beautifying of a Garden (all engraven in Copper) the choicest way for the Raising, Governing and Maintaining of all Plants cultivated in Gardens now in England. . . . London, Printed for Thomas Pierrepoint, . . . m.dc.lxiv. 4°, A— X in fours, a, 4 leaves : 28 plates. Dedicated to William Ouglander Esquire, son and heir of Sir John Ouglander. BLAND, PETER, of Gray's Inn. Resolved Vpon the Question. Or A Question Resolved concerning the Right which the King hath to Hull, or any other Fort or place of strength for the defense of the Kingdome. Wherein is likewise proved, that neither the setling of the Militia as tis done by the Parlia- ment, nor the keeping of Hull by Sir Iohn Hotham, nor any other Act that the Parliament hath yet done is illegall . . . Printed for Matthew Walbancke, 1642. 4°, A— B in fours. BLOOD. Royall and Loyall Blood, Shed by Crom- well and his Complices, in those unhappy late Rebellious Distractions. Being A full Narrative of all those Persons of Note that Suffered either before the Martyrdom of our late Soveraigne King Charles the First, or after ; to the end of those bloody Suffering times. . . . London, Printed for W. L. and are to be sold in Fleetstreet, Westminster-hall, and other Book-sellers shops, 1662. 8°. Title, preface, and table, 3 leaves : A, 8 leaves : * 2 leaves : B— F in eights : G, 5 leaves : H, 8 leaves : several leaves irregularly signed and paged (pp. 47-50, 36-7, 24, 40: K, 5 leaves : H, 8 leaves : b, 8 leaves : I, 4 leaves followed by p. 33, &c. Sotheby's, April 24, 1891, No. 630, a made-up copy of a book, which the publisher states that, owing to the ahseuce of the authors, he had been obliged to print as he could. The volume has much the appear- ance of having been originally formed from portions of separate tracts. BOCCACCIO, GIOVANNI. The Decameron Containing An hundred pleasant Nouels. Wittily discoursed, betweene seuen Honourable Ladies, and three Noble Gentlemen. London, printed by Isaac laggard, 1620. Folio. A— Mm in sixes : Nn, 5 leaves, including the Errata. Dedicated to Sir Philip Herbert, Knight, Earl of Montgomery. With woodcuts. This is a distinct impression from that of 1625. BOCALINI. Bocalinus Junior Or News from Pernassus Imparting the several both serious and pleasant Transactions of Apollo's grand Council at Delphos. For the delight and profit of the Ingenious. Scquitur non passibus (tquis Ascanius.—Hce nugce seria ducant. Beginning Wednesday the 17. and ending Wednesday 24. of July 1661. 4°, 4 leaves. Without printer's name. BOMBINUS, PAULUS, S.J. Vita et Martyrivm Edmvndi Campiani Martyris Angli . . . Editio posterior ab Author e multis aucta partibus, & emen- data. Mantvse, Apud Fratres Oremnas Ducales Impressores. cio. ioc. xx. Sm. 8°, a in eights, and A— X in eights, X 8 blank. BONAVENTURA. [The Mirrour of the Life of Christ. At the end occurs :] Emprynted by Rychard Pynson. Folio, A— D [?] in sixes : P— Q in eights. On Q 8 verso occurs the printer's large device. With numerous woodcuts. Sotheby's, February 17, 1891, No. 665, beginning on C 1. The Life of the Holie Father S. Francis Written By Saint Bonaventure, and as it is related by the Reuerend Father Aloy- sius Lipomanus Bishop of Veron. In his fourth tome of the life of Saintes. Hie vir deyriciens mum /urn, . . . Printed at Dovay by Lavrence Kellam. 1610. 8°. a, 4' leaves : B—R 4 in eights. De- dicated by E. H. " To the Right Worship- full and most worthy religious gentilman A. B." BOOK. A Coppie booke of thevsuall hands written with easie Rules by which one may learne to write of himselfe that can but reade . . . Printed & sould by P. Stent. Obi. 12°, 20 leaves, including title and frontispiece of a boy at a desk writing, the whole engraved. BORELLUS. BO YER. A Coppy Booke Conteyning Variety of Examples of the Secretary, Mixt, Roman, the Italian, and Text Hands. Loud,.,' Printed for Tlio: Parkhurst at the Bible and three Crownes in Cheapside and at the . . . London Bridge under the Gate 1673. Old. 4°, title-page 4- 14 plates -f- 4 leaves of letterpress. On the top of the first plate occurs : ' Samuell Cooper his Coppy Booke : 1675." The imprint of the copy used was slightly mutilated. BORELLUS, PETRUS, M.D. A Summary Or Compendium, Of the Life of the most Famous Philosopher Renatus Descartes. Written originally in Latin by Peter Borellus Physitian to the French King ; to which is also added an Epitome of his Life by Marcus Zurius Boxhornius Historiographer at Leyden. London, Printed by E. Okes for George Palmer at the King and Duke of York's Head near Arundel-House in the Strand, 1670. Sm. 8°. A, 4 leaves : B— H in eights. BOSMAN, WILLIAM, Chief Factor for the Dutch at the Castle of St. George d'Elmina. A New and Accurate Description of the Coast of Guinea, Divided into the Gold, the Slave, and the Ivory Coasts. Con- taining A Geographical, Political and Natural History of the Kingdoms and Countries : With a Particular Account of the Rise, Progress and Present Condition of all the European Settlements upon that Coast ; and the just Measures for Improv- ing the several Branches of the Guinea Trade. Illustrated with several Cutts . . . now faithfully done into English. To which is prefix'd, An Exact Map of the whole Coast of Guinea, that was not in the Originall. London, Printed for J. Knapton, A. Bell, R. Smith . . . 1705 8°. A, 4 leaves : B— Kk in eights. With a folded map and plates at pp. 41, 46, 58, 67, 148, 262, and 268. BOSSUET, J. B. Oraison Fvnebre de Ilenriette Anne DAn^leterre, Duchesse D'Orleans. Pro- noncee a Saint Denis. Par Messire Jacqves Benigne Bossuet, Conseiller du Roy en ses Conseils, Eveque de Condom Precepteur de Monseigneur le Davphin! A Lyon, Chez Thomas Amaulry, . . '. M.Dc.Lxxvr. Avec Permission. 8°/A— F in fours, F 4 blank. BOURNE, WILLIAM. A Regiment for the Sea, Containing verie necessarie matters for all sorts of men and trauailers, wherevnto is added an Hydrographicall discourse touching the hue seuerall passages to Cathav, written by William Borne. Newlie corrected and amended by Thomas Hood, who hath added a new Regiment, and Table of de- clination. H Imprinted at London by T. Est, for Thomas Wight. 4°. Title, 1 leaf : If B and % C, 4 leaves each : A— X 2 in fours. With a Luge cut of a ship on the title and diagrams. B. M. BOWACK, JOHN. The Antiquities of Middlesex ; Being a Collection of the several Cimrcli Monu- ments in that County : Also An Historical Account of each Church and Parish ; With the Seats, Villages, and Names of the most Eminent Inhabitants, &c. Part I. Beginning with Chelsea and Kensing- ton. Now in the Press, Part II. "Will contain the Parishes of Fulham, Ham- mersmith, Chiswick, and Acton. London, Printed by W. Redmayne for S. Keble [and others.] mdccv. Folio. A— G 2 leaves each 4- title and dedication 'to Hans Sloane, M.D., Fellow and Secretary of the Royal Society. (ii.) The Second Part of the Antiquities of Middlesex ; Being a Collection of the several Monuments and Inscriptions, in the Parish Churches of Fulham, Ham- mersmith, Chiswick, and Acton. Also an Historical Account of each Church and Parish ; With The Seats, Villages, and Names of the most Eminent Inhabitants, &c. Preparing for the Press, Part III. which will contain the Parishes of Eal- ing, New Brentford, Thisileworth, and Hanwell. London, Printed bv W. Red- mayne, for S. Keble ..." sidccvi. Folio, H— Q, 2 leaves each + title and dedication to the Bishop of London and Sir Stephen Fox. The signatures run on from Part I. Part III. is not known to have appeared. BOYER, ABEL. The Draughts f the most Remarkable Fortified Towns of Europe, In 44 Copper Plates. With a Geographical Descrip- tion of the said Places. And the History- of the Sieges they have sustain'd, and the Revolutions they have undergon, for above these Two hundred Yean last A AVork very Useful for all Gentlemen] and Officers in the Army. Bv Mr. Boyer. London, Printed for Isaac Cleave, next to Serjants-Inn in Chancery-Lane MDCCI. 4°. B— H, 2 leave's each : I, 1 leaf, and the title and dedication to the BOYER. BROME. Earl of Galloway + the folded frontis- piece and plates. BOYER, PIERRE. The History of the Vaudois . . . The Second Edition Corrected. London, Printed for Edward Mory, at the Three Bibles in St. Paul's Church-yard, mdcxcii. Sm. 8°, A— H 6 in twelves. BOYSE, JOHN. Sacramental Hymns Collected (chiefly) out of such Passages of the New Testa- ment As contain the most suitable matter of Divine Praises in the Celebration of the Lord's Supper. To which is added, one Hymn relating to Baptism, and an- other to the Ministry. Dublin, Printed for Matthew Gunn ; and are to be Sold at his Shop at the Bible and Crown near Essex-Gate. 1693. Sm. 8°. Title, Pre- face, and Errata, 6 leaves : B — I in fours. B.M. BRADFORD, JOHN. Godly Meditations vppon the Lords prayer, the Beleefe, and the Commande- ments. With many comfortable praiers & exercises gathered by Mr. Iohn Brad- ford, in the time of his imprisonment. Imprinted at London by E. Allde. 1597. Sm. 8°, A— Ff in eights, A— B repeated with title, Calendar, and Preface. Printed within borders. Black letter. BRAMHALL, JOHN, D.D., Bishop of Berry. The Consecration and Succession, Of Protestant Bishops justified. The Bishop of Duresme vindicated. And That in- famous Fable of the ordination at the Nagges head clearly confuted. By John Bramhall, D.D., Bishop of Derry. Necesse est vt lanc4 . . . Gravenhagh, By John Ramzey, Anno 1658. Sm. 8°, A— P in eights. BREMOND, S. The Pilgrim. A pleasant piece of Gal- lantry : Written in French by M. S. Bremond. Translated into English by P. Belon Gent. London, Printed for R. Bentley, and M. Magnes, . . . 1680. Sm. 8°. A, 6 leaves, besides the frontis- piece : B — I in twelves. Dedicated to the Duchess of Albemarle. BRETON, NICHOLAS. A Poste With A Packet of Mad Letters. London, Printed by William Stansby, for Iohn Smethwicke, and Iohn Marriot, and are to be sold in Saint Dunstans Church- yard in Fleetstreet. 1620. 4°, black letter, A — H in fours. Woodcut on title. Dedicated to Maximilian Dallison, of Hawlin, Kent. Sotheby's, April 23, 1891, No. 322. Wits Private Wealth, stored with choice of Commodities to content the Minde. London. Printed by B. Alsop and T. Fawcett, for George Hurrlock, and are to be sold at his Shop neare St. Magnus corner. 1639. 4°. Triphook's Catalogue, about 1820, No. 65. BRIAN, THOMAS, M[edicince) P[rofessor]. The Pisse-Prophet, Or, Certain Pisse-Pot Lectures. Wherein are newly discovered the old fallacies, deceit, and jugling of the Pisse-pot Science, used by all those, (whether Quacks, and Empirkks, or other methodical Physicians) who pretend knowledge of Diseases, by the Urine, in giving judgement of the same. By Tho. Brian, M. P. [sic] lately in the City of London, and now in Colchester, in Et-sex. Never heretofore published by any man in the English Tongue. Si populus vult decipi, decipiatur. London, Printed by S. and B. Griffin and are to be sold by Ben. Thrale . . . 1679. Sm. 8°, A— H in twelves. With a Preface addressed to his actual and prospective Patients. BROKER. A Miracle : An Honest Broker, Or, Rea- sons urging a more liberall Loane toward the maintenance of Religion, Law, and the Kingdomes safety in them Both : 2 ( Maine Quarrell ) Of this Army 5 +» } By-Engagements f so deeply en- (« 3 ] Base Pretences £ gaged against E" 1 <£ ( True Designes ) the Parliament. Wherein the Popish Plot is in its whole drawn Together with the Kingdomes dan- ger, laid open ; And the Great question between the Prerogative of Majesty, Privi- ledges of Parliament, and Liberties of the Subject is modestly handled. With the Removall of the Objections and usuall Slanders cast upon the Parliament. Printed at London, Anno Dom. 1642. 4°, A — F in fours. BROME, RICHARD. The Northern Lasse, A Comoedy. As it hath been Acted with great Applause, at the Theatre-Royal, By His Majesties Ser- vants. Written by Richard Brome. Hie totus volo rideat Libellxs. Mart. London : Printed for A. Moseley, at the Prince's Arms in Saint Pauls Church-yard. 1663. 4°, A — K in fours. The Northern Lass. A Comedy. As it is Acted at the Theatre-Royal. By Richard Brome, Gent. London, Printed BROMLEY. BUiXY.l.X. for D. Newman . . . 1684. 4°. A, 2 leaves : B — K 2 in fours, [BROMLEY, WILLIAM, Esquire.] Remarks in the Grande Tour of France &, Italy. Lately Performed bv a Person of Quality. London, Printed by E. H. for Tho. Basset, at the George in Fleet- street, 1692. 8°. A, 4 leaves : B— Bb in eights, Bb 8 blank, and A 1 with half- title. BROWN, THOMAS. Physick lies a Bleeding : Or The Apo- thecary turned Doctor. A Comedy, Acted every Day in most Apothecaries Shops in London. And more especially to be seen, by Those who are willing to be cheated, the First of April, every Year. Absolutely necessary for all Per- sons that are Sick, [or] may be Sick. [Quot. from Juvenal.] By Tho. Brown. London, Printed for E. Whittock, near Stationers-Hall, 1697. 4°. A, 2 leaves : B— D in fours : E, 2. Dedicated to that Worthv and Ingenious Gentleman Dr. J. B. ' On the back of the title are the names of the principal actors in this mock-play : John Galen, Tom Galypot, Lancet Pestle, &c. ; the scene is Apothecaries' Hall. BROWNE, J., M.D. An Account of the Wonderful Cures Perform'd by the Cold Baths. With Advice to the Water Drinkers at Tun- bridge, Hampstead, Astrope, Nasborough, ... To which is Prefix'd A Letter from Sir John Floyer, in Answer to One of the Author's to him, about the farther Use of Cold Baths. By Dr. Browne. London, Printed for J. How, . . . 1707. Sm. 8°. A, 6 leaves : b — d in sixes : B — N in sixes. BROWNE, SIR THOMAS, M.D. Religio Medici. The fourth Edition, Corrected and amended. With Annota- tions Never before published, upon all the obscure passages therein, London, Printed by E. Cotes for Andrew Crook . . . 1656. 8°. A, 8 leaves, including the frontispiece : A (repeated) — T in eights. T 7 — 8 with advertisements. La Religion Du Medecin, C'est a dire : Descriptionnecessaire ParThomas Brown, Medecin renomme a Norwich ; touchant un Opinion accordante le pur service Divin d'Angleterre. Imprimee l'An 1668. Sm. 8°, A— P in twelves, includ- ing the engraved title, copied from that before the English editions. Peeudodoxia Epidemica : Or, Enquiries Into verv many Received Tenents . . . The Fifth Edition. With Marginal Ob- servations, and a Table Alphabetical. Whereunto are now added Two Discourses The one of Urn-Burial, . . . The other of the Garden of Cyrus, . . . London, Printed for the Assignee of Edward Dod. 1669. Small folio, A— Kkk in fours, first leaf blank : The Cm-Burial, &c, A— K in fours, K 4 blank. BRYDALL, JOHN, of Lincoln 's Inn. Speculum Juris Anglicani, Or, A View of the Laws of England, As they are divided into Statutes, Common-Law and Customs : Incidently, Of the Cus- tomes appertaining to the Famous City of London, never before Printed ; together with Resolutions on several of them, given by the Reverend Judges at West- minster. By John Brydall, of Lincolnes- Inne, Barrester. The Interpreter of So- phocles . . . A Law is a Written Custom, and a Custom is an Umoritten Law. London, Printed by John Streater, Eliz. Flesher, and H. Twyford, Assignes of Rich. Atkyns and Edward Atkyns, Esquires . . . mdclxxiii. Cum Gratia & Privi- legio Regioe Majestatis. Sm. 8°. A, 4 leaves : B — L 4 in eights, L 4 blank. Dedicated to Sir Joseph Williamson. BUCHANAN, GEORGE. Histoire de Marie Royne D'Escosse, . . . traduicte de Latin en Francois. A Edim- bourg, Par Thomas Vvaltem. 1572. 8°, A — Y in lours. BULLINGER, HENRY. The Tragedies of Tyrantes. Exercised vpon the church of God, from the birth of Christ vnto this present yeere. 1572. Containing the causes of them, and the iust vengeance of God vpon the authours. Also some notable comtortes and exhor- tations to pacience. Written by Henrie Bullinger, and now Englished. Im- printed at London by William How, for Abraham Veale, . . . 1575. 8°. A, 4 leaves : B — T in eights. Dedicated to Matthew, Archbishop of Canterbury. BUNNY, EDMUND, B.JD. Of Divorce For Advlterie, and Marrying againe : that there is no sufficient warrant so to do. With a Note in the End, that R. P. many yeeres since was answered. Printed at Oxford by Joseph Barnes. Ann. Dom. 1610. 4°,* — ** in fours: ***, 2 leaves : A— Z 2 in fours. BUN Y AN, JOHN. The Pilgrim's Progress from this World to that which is to come : The Third Part B URGES. CAMBRIDGE. Delivered under the Similitude of a Dream. Shewing the several Difficulties and Dangers ... To which is added, The Life and Death of John Banyan, Author of the First and Second Parts ; tli us Compl eating the whole Progress. London : Printed by E. Millet, for J. Deacon, ... J. Back . . . and J. Blare . . . 1693. 12°. A, 6 leaves, including a frontispiece : B — K 4 in twelves, only 1 1 leaves in H. Meditations on the Several Ages of Man's Life : Representing, The Vanity of it, from his Cradle to his Grave. Adorn'd with proper Emblems. To which is Added, Scriptural Poems. Being several Portions of Scripture Digested into Eng- lish Verse ... By John Bunyan . . . London: Printed for J. Blare, . . . 1701. 8°, A— D 4 in eights, title on A 2 : the Scriptural Poems, with a new title, dated 1700, A— G 4 in eights, title on A 2, G 3 — 4 with advertisements. With cuts. The second portion is in verse. B. M. BURGES, CORNELIUS, D.D. [The Whipper Whipt. Being A Reply Upon a scandalous Pamphlet, called The Whip : Abusing that Excellent Work of Cornelius Burges, D r in Divinity, . . . En- tituled, The Fire of the Sanctuary Newly Discovered. Imprinted, m.d.c.xliv. 4°, A — F in fours. Dedicated by the Beplyer to the King.] BURTON, RICHARD, alias CROUCH. The Strange and Prodigious Religions, Customs, and Manners, of Sundry Nations . . . The Second Edition. By R. B. Licensed. London : Printed for and sold by Hen. Rhodes, next Door to the Bear Tavern, near Bride-Lane in Fleetstreet, 1688. Sm. 8°, B— K 10 in twelves, be- sides the title and preface. c, C. R. The Prodigals Pilgrimage. A Poem. Wherein is contained all the Remarkable Passages occurring from his Birth to his Return. . . . London, Printed for J. Nutt near Stationers-Hall. 1698. 4°, A— D in fours. In verse. Dedicated to the much honoured John Try, Esq. C. S. The Truth and Excellence of the Christian Religion . . . London: Printed for John Gellil.rand . . . 1685. 8°. A, 4 leaves: B — K in eights. Dedicated to Sir Thomas Roberts of Glassenbury in Kent, Knight and Baronet. CALVERT, THOMAS, M.A. The black Diet: Or The Historie of Christ's Passion, in which Hell devises the overthrow of Christ and his Doctrine, the Jews, High-Priests, Scribes and Pha- rises, with the Roman Magistrates, see to the Execution, and God turnes the death of Christ to sinfull Man's Salvation. By Thomas Calvert, M.A. of Sid. Coll. Cambr. Minister of the Gospel 1. . . . Yorke, Printed by Alice Broade, and are to be sold by Richard Lambert at the Minster- gates, 1664. 4°, B — E in fours, beside the title and Apjirobatio at the end. CALVIN, JOHN. A Faythful and moost Godlye treat yse concernynge the most sacret Sacrament of the blessed body and bloude of oure sauioure Christe, copiled by John Cal- uyne, a man of no lesse lernyng and literature, then Godlye studye, and ex- ample of liuyng ; And translated into Latyne by Lacius a man of lyke excel - lencie. And nowe laste of all, translated into Englyshe by a faythfull brother, no lesse desirous to profyt the weake brothers then to exercise the talent of the Lorde to this honoure and glorye. In declaration whereof, he hath set before this little booke an Epistle to the reader much more effectuous then in the fyrst edition. Wherunto the order that the Churche and congregation of Christ in Denmark doth vse in the receiuing of Baptisme, the Supper of y Lorde, ami Wedlocke : is added. Myles Couerdale. Luke. xix. Chapter Be doyng till I come. [No place &c.J Sm. 8°, A— F in eights. The Catechisme or maner to teach e Children the christian religion. Made by the excellent Doctour and Pastour in Christes Church, Ihon Calvin . . . Printed at London by Rouland Hall, dwellyng in Gutter Lane, at the sygne of the halfe Egle and the Keye. 1563. 8°, A— M in eights, M 8 blank. CAMBRIDGE, UNIVERSITY OF. Svnodia, Sive Musarum CantabrL'iensium CAMPBELL. CAT. Concentua et Congratalatio, Ad Serenis- simum Britanniarum Regem Carolum, De quinUsuasoljole, clarissima Principe, sibi nuper felieis.-ime nata. Ex Acade- mic Cantabrigiensis Typographeo. Anno Dora. 1637. 4°, A — K in fours : L, 7 : M — N in fours. Dedicated to the King, in verse, by Thomas Comber, Vice-Chan- cellor. Musarum Cantabrigiensium Luctus & Gratulatio : II le in Fvnere Oliveri Anglian, Scotise, & Hibernue Protectoris ; Hsec de Ricardi successione felicis.sima Ad Eundem. Cantabrigire : Apud Joannem Field, . . . 1658. 4°. Title and dedica- tion, 2 leaves : *, 4 leaves : A — H in fours. Academic Cantabrigiensis Sostra. Sive, Ad Carolum II. reducem, De Regnis ipsi, Musis per ipsum feliciter restitutis Gratulatio. Cantabrigian, Excudebat Joannes Field, . . . 1660. 4°. * and **, 4 leaves each : A — B in fours : b, 4 leaves : C — M in fours. CAMPBELL, ARCHIBALD, Earl of Argyle. The Speech of the Earl of Argyle at His Trial on the 12th of December 1681. [Col.] London: Printed for Richard Jane- way, in Queen's-head-al ley in Pater- noster- Row. 1682. A broadside. CAMPION, EDMUND. A Brief Censvre vppon two bookes Written in answere to M. Edmonde Cam- pions offer of disputation. [Quot. from Deut. 5. 5.] Imprinted at Doway by Iohn Lyon. 1581. With Privilege. 8°, A— F 2 in eights. B. M. Edmvndi Campiani Societatis Iesv Theo- loL'i, qui non ita pridem pro Catholica religione martyrium subiit, oblati certam- inis in causa fidei rationes decern redditie Academicis Angliae. Addita est brevis Narratio vitse & martyrii . . . Ingol- stadii, . . . cio. io. xxciv. Sin. 8°, A — I in twelves. CANISIUS, P. Certayne necessarie Principles of Reli- gion, which may be entituled, A Cate- chisme conteyning all the partes of the Christian and Catholique Fayth. Written in Latin by P. Canisius, one of the holy societie of the Iesuites, and nowe ampli- fied and Englished by T. I. Dvaci, Per Joannem Bogardum. Sm. square 8°, A — II in eights 4- ^j, 8 leaves, title on U 2. Sotheby's, March 13, 1891, No. 038, Dr. Bliss's copy. CAORSINUS, GUIL. [The Siege of Rhodes. At the end occurs : lmprynted at Lodon in the Fltestrete at y Bygne of the Rose garlonde by Robert Coplande. The yere of our lorde god. M.v.c.xxiiii. the xxiii. day of July. Folio [(] A— D in sixes: E, 4. With the large device of R. Copland at the foot of E 4. With woodcuts. This copy, commencing on A iii., was shown to liie by Mr. John Bohn, July 14, 1890, at Sotheby's. It was sold among Crawford of Cork's books. CARACCIOLI, GALEAZZO. The Italian Convert : . . . London, Printed for Abel Roper . . . 1689. 12°, A — D in twelves : E, 5. With a plate. CARLE TON, JOHN, of the Middle Temple. The Replication, Or Certain Vindica- tory Depositions, Occasioned by way of Answer, to the Various Aspersions, and False Reports of Ignorant and Malicious Tongues, and the Printed Sheets and Pamphlets of Base Detractors, Concern- ing the Late Acted Cheat. Written by Iohn Carleton of the Middle Temple London, Gent. Printed by the Authors Appointment in the Year, 1663. 4°, 4 leaves. CARLETON, MARY. An Exact and True Relation of the Examination, Tryal, and Condemnation of The German Princesse, otherwise cal'd, Mary Carlton, at Justice-Hall in the Old Bailey, January 17, 1672. Also, An account of the pretended Treachery which she was to discover to the Bench ; and the reason of her return from Jemeca. London, Printed for R. 0. 1672. 4°, 4 leaves. Black letter. CASTIGATIO. Castigatio Temporum : Or, A short View and Reprehension of the Errours and Enormities of the Times, both in Church and State ; And what is the most pro- bable Means to cure the Distempers in either. Printed at London, in the Year 1660. 4°, A— D 2 in fours. CASTRATION. Reasons Humbly offer'd For a Law to enact the Castration of Popish Ecclesias- tics, as the beat way to prevent the Growth of Popery in England. London, Printed, and are to lie sold by A. Baldwin in Warwicklane, 1700. 4°, A— G, 2 leaves each. CAT. A Cat may look upon a King. London : CATALOGUE. CA VE. Printed by E. Mathard in Fleet street. Price Two-pence. 8°. A 4 : B 2 : C 4 : D 8 . Woodcut on title. The headline on A 2 is : " A Cat may look upon a King. Answer'd Paragraph by Paragraph." CATALOGUE. A Catalogue of Books Printed and Pub- lished at London in Easter-Tenn, 1670. [At the end :] Collected by, and printed for the Booksellers of London. Folio, 2 leaves. This is marked No. 1. I have before me Nos. 2, 3, 11, 12, 15. These short cata- logues appear to have been published regu- larly from term to term. A True, perfect, and exact Catalogue of all the Comedies, Tragedies, Tragi-Come- dies, Pastorals, Masques, and Interludes, that were ever yet Printed and Published, till this present year 1671. All which you may either buy or sell, at the Shop of Francis Kirkman, in Thames-street, over-against the Custom House, London. [London, F. Kirkman, 1671.] 4°, A— B in fours. With a very interesting Adver- tisement at the end as to the circumstances attending the acquisition of the col- lection. This Catalogue is often found attached to the books published by Kirkman, and in one of the issues of Tom Tyler it is men- tioned on the title as forming part of the book. There is no regular title-page. A Catalogue of Excellent English and Latin Books, On most Subjects, (Com- prising the Libraries of the late learned Dr. Bryan of Coventry, and Mr. Phillips of Charleton,) Which will be Exposed to Sale by Way of Auction, On Wednesday the 19th of October, 1692. At the Kose and Crown in Sheffield, beginning ex- actly at Nine of the Clock in the Morn- ing, and continuing till Twelve, and from Two in the Afternoon, till Evening. Catalogues are distributed Gratis by Nevil Simmons, Bookseller in Sheffield. 4°, A — D, 2 leaves each. A Catalogue of English and Latin Books, Consistingchis-flyol Divinity and History, Which will be Exposed to Sale by way of Auction, or who bids most, [On Thured. Dec. y e 29th 1692 at Mr. William Bayliffs, over against y e Ship in Brig-gate in Leeds.] The Sale will begin exactly at [Two] of the Clock in the Afternoon . . . 4°, A— I, 2 leaves each. The matter between brackets is in coeval MS. The conditions of sale are inserted in the title. At the top of the leaf occurs a MS. memorandum : " For the Rever d Mr. Sharp Minister Present." CATECHISM. A short and useful Explanation of the Catechism, Appointed by the Church of England to be Learned by Youth, Before they be brought to be Continued by the Bishop. Throughly Proving the Au- thority and Reasonableness of every Question and Answer therein recom- mended against the Contemners of it, and Dissenters from it. London, Printed by George Croom, . . . 1686. 12°, A— B 3 in eights. CAUSSIN, NICHOLAS, S.J. The Holy Court in Five Tomes : The first treating of Motives, which should excite men of Qualitie to Christian Per- fection. The Second, Of the Prelate, Souldier, States-man, and Ladie. The Third, Of Maxims of Christianize against Prophanenesse. Divided into Three Parts. . . . Now first published in English, and much augmented according to the last Edition of the Authour. Containing the Lives of the most Famous and Illustrious Courtiers ; taken both out of the Old and New Testament, and other Moderne Authours. . . . Translated into English by S r T. H. and Others. London, Printed by William Bentley, and are to be sold by John Williams in Pauls Church-yard. cioiocl. Folio. * 6 leaves, first with half-title : **, 4 leaves : ***, 2 leaves : A (misprinted B) — Xx in sixes : Yy, 4 : Fourth Tome, with a new title — A, 4 leaves : B — R in sixes : S — 3 A in fours : 3 B, 2 leaves : 3 C, 4 leaves. The first portion is dedicated to Queen Henrietta Maria, the second to the Duchess of Buckingham. With portraits accom- panying the text, including Mary Queen of Scots, Queen Elizabeth, &c. CAVE, WILLIAM, D.D. Apostolic! : Or, The History of the Lives, Acts, Death, and Martyrdoms of those Who were Contemporary with, or immedi- ately Succeeded the Apostles. As also the Most Eminent of the Primitive Fathers For the First Three Hundred Years. To which is added. A Chronology of the Three First Ages of the Church. By William Cave, D.D. Chaplain in Ordi- nary to His Majesty. . . . London, Printed by A. C. for Richard Chiswel . . . mdclxxvii. Folio. A, 4 leaves, A with half- title and Imprimatur, A 2 with frontis- piece : %, 4 leaves : fl^lj 2 leaves : (*) and (**) in fours : ( a )— ( d ) in fours : B— Uu in fours. Dedicated to Nathanael, Bishop of Durham, and Clerk of the Closet. With en "ravines. CECIL. CHARLES II. Ecclesiastici : Or, The History of tin- Lives, Acts, Death?, & Writings, Of the most Eminent Fathers of the Church, That Flourisht in the Fourth Century. Wherein Among other things an Account is given of the Rise, Growth, and Progress ofArianism. and all other Sects of that Age descending from it. . . . London, Printed by J. R. for Richard Chiswel, . . . mdclxxxiii. Folio, a — b, 2 leaves each : c, 4 : d, 1 : *, 8 times repeated, 2 leaves each : *9, 1 leaf : B — 3 Z in lours : The Appendix, A— H in fours. With a frontispiece and a series of engraved medallions. Dedicated to William, Arch- bishop of Canterbury. CECIL, EDWARD, Viscount Wimbledon. A Iovrnall, And Relation of the Action which by his Maiesties commandement, Edward "Lord Cecil, Baron of Putney, and Viscount of Wimbledon, Admiral!, and Lieutenant Generall of his Maiesties Forces, did vndertake vpon the Coast of Spaine, 1625. Veritas premitiir, sed non opprmitur. Printed in the yeere 1627. 4°, A— D in fours. B. M. CERVANTES, MIGUEL. Delight in Severall Shapes. Drawne to the Life in Six Pleasant Histories, By the Elegant Pen of that famous Spaniard, Don Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, The same that wrote Don Quixot. Now ren- - dred into English. London, Printed for William Sheares, at the Bible in S. Pauls Church-yard, over against the little North - doore. 1654. Folio. A, 2 leaves : B— Rr in fours : Ss, 2 leaves. With a frontis- piece. The Exemplary Novels, 1640, under a new- title. CHANCY, CHARLES. The Retractation of M r Charles Chancy formerly Minister of Ware in Harford- shire. Wherein is proved the unlawful- ness and Danger of Ray ling in Altars or Communion Tables. Written with his own hand before his going to New England, in the veer, 1637 . . . London, Printed 1641. 4", A— F in fours. CHARACTER, The Informers Answer to the late Char- acter, Vindicating themselves from the Scandalous Truths of that unluckly Pamphlet. London Printed for T. C. 1675. 4°, 4 leaves. The Character of a True Church-of- England Man. [Col.l London, Printed by 1). Edwards for N. C. in the Year 1702. Price 2<>. 4", 4 leaves. CHARLES STUART I. (1625-48). EikonBasilike . . . Reprinted In R[egb] M[emoriam.] Anno Dom. 1648. Sin. 8". A — II in twelves, besides the frontispiece. Eikon Basilike. Le Povrtraict dv Roy de la Grand Bretagne . . . Reueue. cor- rigee, & augment ee de nouueau. A Paris, Chez Lovys Vendosme, . . . m.dc.xux. Sm. 8° ... A, 8 : B, 4 : C, 8 : D, 4 : E— Tt in eights and fours : Vv, 4. Sotheby's (Sullivan), May 1890, No. 1405, from the library at St. Cloud. On the fly- leaf occurs : " This vol. belonged to Buona- parte's library at St. Cloud, & was given to me there by Prince Blucher. 1815. J. W. C[roker]." But there is no apparent con- nection with Buonaparte. King Charles, His Defence Against some trayterous Observations, Vpon King lames His Judgement of a King, and of a Tyrant. With a necessary Preamble against Evill Counselloursof Princes. . . . [About 1645.] 4°, A in fours. CHARLES STUART II. (1660-85). His Majesties Gracious Speech, Together with the Lord Chancellors, To both Houses of Parliament, on Saturday the 27th day of December, 1660. Being the day of their Dissolution. As also that of the Speaker of the House of Commons, at the same time. London, Printed by John Bill, . . . 1660. Cvm Privilegio. Folio, A — H, 2 leaves each. The Speaker of the Commons, in his Address, refers to Acts in preparation for the better ordering the selling of Wines by retail, and for preventing abuses in the Mingling, Corrupting, and Vitiating of wines, and for settling and limiting the prices of the same ; also for tbe erection and establishment of a Post-Office. By the King. A Proclamation Touching Mariners, Sea-men and Souldiers, which are to serve in His Majesties Navy. Lon- don, Printed by John Bill and Christo- pher Barker, . . . 1664. A broadside. By the King. A Proclamation, Appoint- ing the General Fast, which according to former Order falleth out to be on Wed- nesday the First of November, being All-Saints day, to be kept on the Wed- nesday following, being the Eighth of that Month. Printed at Oxford, for John Bill and Christopher Barker, . . . Anno Dom. 1665. A broadside. By the King. A Proclamation For Ban- ishing all Popish Priests and Jesuites, and putting the Laws in speedy and due Execution against Popish Recusants, In the Savoy, Printed by the Assigns of John Bill". . . 1666. "A broadside. Certaiu persous are, as usual, excepted. CHARLES II. CHETTLE. Charles R. [A proclamation respecting the supply of provisions &c. to relieve the distress occasioned by the Great Fire. Sept. 5, 1666. A small broadside. Black letter. By the King. A Proclamation For the ett'ectual prosecution of His Majesties Com- mission for the Providing and Making of Salt-peter and Gun-powder. London, Printed by John Bill and Christopher Barker, . . . 1666. A broadside. By the King. A Proclamation For the keeping of Markets to supply the City of London with Provisions, and also for pre- vention of Alarms and Tumults, and for appointing the Meeting of Merchants. London, Printed by John Bill and Ch[ri]s- topher Barker, . . . 1666. A broadside. By the King. A Proclamation For a Thanksgiving for the late Victory by His Majesties Naval Forces, Against the Dutch. London, Printed by John Bill and Christopher Barker, . . . 1666. A broadside. By the King. A Proclamation For the Discovery and Apprehension of George Duke of Buckingham. In the Savoy, Printed by the Assigns of John BUI and Christopher Barker, His Majesties Printers, 166f-. A broadside. The Last Speeches of the Five Notorious Traitors and Jesuits : Viz. John Cavan alias Gaven. Anthony Turner. And John Fenwick, Procura- tor for the Jesuits in England. Thomas White' alias Whitebread, Provincial of the Jesuits in England. William Harcourt, alias Harrison, pre- tended Rector of London. > who were justly Executed at Tyburn, June 20. 1679. For Conspiring the Deaths of His Sacred Majesty, and the Subversion of the Government and Pro- testant Religion. Folio, 4 leaves. By the King. An Additional Proclama- tion Concerning Coffee-Houses. London, Printed by the Assigns of John Bill and Christopher Barker . . . 167§. Abroad- side. [A Notification, submitted by the Duke of Monmouth, F. Grey, and Lord Herbert, dated Nov. 2, 1681, respecting a state- ment by Nath. Thompson in the Public Intelligencer of Oct. 25 preceding.] A broadside. By the King. A Proclamation For Con- tinuing the Collection of the Customs and Subsidies of Tonnage and Poundage. London, . . . 1684. A broadside. By the King. A Proclamation For a Solemn and Publick Thanksgiving throughout the Kingdom, for His Majes- ties late Victories over the Rebels. Lon- don, . . . 1685. A broadside. CHARLETON, WALTER, M.D. The Darkness of Atheism Dispelled by the Light of Nature. A Physico-Theo- logicall Treatise, Written by Walter Charleton, Dr. in Physic, and Physician to the late King . . . London, Printed by J. F. for William Lee, . . . 1652. 4°. IT, 4 leaves, first blank : *, 4 leaves : a, b, c, in fours : [d], 2 leaves : A — Zz 2 in fours. Dedicated to Dr. Francis Prujean, President of the College of Physicians. The Immortality of the Human Soul, Demonstrated by the Light of Nature. In Two Dialogues. [Quot. from Arist. 3 de Generat. Animal] London, Printed by William Wilson for Henry Herring- man, . . . 1659. 4°, A — Bb in fours, A and Bb 3-4 blank. With a portrait of Charlton by Lombart, having verses beneath it " In Effigiem & librum Drs. Charlton," signed C. B. (Clement Barks- dale.) Dedicated to the Marquis of Dor- chester. CHESHIRE. The Arraignment and Execution] ( Edward Sudlow, \ 1 Hamlet Stockley, I Ofs Robert Lester, > Gentlemen. / John Sutton, 1 V And one Howlton J Who were executed at West-Chester, the three and twenty of September last, [1609.] for the heinous robbery, and cruell torturing of a Wealthy Yeoman, called [Tho]mas Worrall (alias Winter- ston) whom they would have compelled to [eat his] own flesh at a little Towne, called Bud worth, neare Chester. [Lon- don, 1609.] 4°, A— C in fours, title on A 2. With a large cut on ihe title. B. M. The title-page of this copy is mutilated, and the imprint lost. This leaf may have been printed of a larger size than the rest of the tract. CHETTLE, HENRY. Englands Mourning Garment : Worne heere by plaine Shepheards, in memorie of their sacred Mistresse, Elizabeth ; Queene of vertue while she liued, and Theame of Sorrow being dead. To the which is added the true manner of her Emperiall Funerall. With many new CHURCH. CLOWES. additions, being now againe the second time reprinted, which was omitted in the first Impression. After which followeth the Shepheards Spring-Song, for enter- tainment of King lames our most potent Boueraigne. Dedicated to all that loued the deceased Queene, and honour tlie lining King. Imprinted at London for Thomas Millington, and are to be sold at the signe of the Crane in Paules Church- yard by Walter Burre. 1603. 4", A— F in fours. CHURCH. The Grievances of the Church of Eng- land which are not in the Power of the Government of it to Remedy. By a Member of the Church of England. [Col.] Printed for R. Baldwin, in the Old-Baily, 1689. A broadside. CLARKE, SAMUEL. The Marrow of Ecclesiastic.il Historie, conteined in the Lives of the Fathers, And Other Learned Men, and Famous Divines, which have Flourished in the Church since Christ's Time, to this pre- sent Age. . . . Together with the Livelie Effigies of most of the Eminentest of them cut in Copper. By Samuel Clark Pastor of Bennet-Fink. . . . London, Printed by William Du-Gard, dwelling in Suffolk-lane, Anno Domini MncL. 4°. A, 4 leaves, including a leaf with some remarks by Edmund Calamy. With the portrait of Clark, " vEtatis suae 50° Octob: 10 : 1649," by Cross, having beneath it some verses by P. V., A. M. En^lands Remembrancer, containing A true and full Narrative of those two never to be forgotten deliverances : The one from the Spanish Invasion in Eighty eight : The other from the Hellish Powder Plot : November 5. 1605. Whereunto is added The like Narrative of that signal judgement of God upon the Papists by the fall of the house in Black-Friers Lon- don, Upon their fifth of November, 1623. Collected for the information and benefit of each Family, by Sam. Clark Pastor in Beimel Finck. . . . Printed by J. 0. for John Rothwel at the Fountain in ('heap- side, 1657. Sin. 8°. A, 4 leaves : B— F in eights. Dedicated to "The Honour- able And His much Honoured Friends Edward Russel, Esq., Son to the Right Honourable Francis Earl of Bedford. And to the Lady Penelope His Prudent ami Pious consort." A Geographical Description of all the Countries in the Known World. As also Of the greatest and famousest Cities, and Fabricks which have been, or are now remaining : Whereunto are now added, an Alphabttical-Description of all the Counties in England, and Wales ; and of the four Chiefest English Planta- tions in America. Together with the rarest Beasts, Fowls, Birds, Fishes, and Serpents which are least Known amongst us. . . . By Sa. Clarke, Sometime Pastor of the Church of Christ in Bennet Finck, ' London. . . . London, Printed by Tho. Milbourn for Robert Clavel, . . . 1671. Folio, A — Oo in fours, besides the frontis- piece by Gaywood. CLAVELL, ROBERT, Bonksi Ut r. A General Catalogue of Books Printed in England Since the Dreadful Fire of Lon- don, 1666. To the End of Trinity Term, 1674. Together with the Titles of all Publick and Private Acts of Parliament : Proclamations : . . . And an Abstract of the General Bills of Mortality since 1660. With A General Account of the Names of all the Books of Law, Navigation, Musick, &c. With a Catalogue of School Books. Collected by Robert Clavel. London : Printed by Andrew Clark, for Robert Clavel, . . . jidccxxv. Folio. Title and Preface, 2 leaves : B — Hh, 2 leaves each. CLERIADUS. Cy commence le Liure de messire Cleria- dus friz au Conte Desture Et de Meliadice hlle au roy dengleterre. On lea vend a Paris en la rue neufue nostre dame a len- seigne sainct Nicolas. xxv. C. [1525] [Col.] Cy finist le romant et cronique de Cleriadus et Meliadice fille au roy dangleterre Nouuejlement Imprime a Paris pour Pierre serjent demount! en la rue neufue nostie dame a lenseigne sainct Nicolas. 4", A— N in fours ; (), 8 : P— S in fours : T, 8 : V — Z in fours. Wood- cut on title. With the printer's device on Z 4 verso and below : xxnr. L. Puttick's, July 2, 1891, No. (553. CLEVELAND, JOHN. The ( haracter of a Moderate Intelligencer With some select Poems. Written by the same Author. J. C. 4", A — B 2 in lours. Without title and date. CLOWES, WILLIAM. A Profitable and Necessarie Booke of Ob- servations, for all those thai are burned with the Same ''I' < lun-powd< r, &c . . . With an addition of mot approved reme- dies, . . . Lasl of all is adioyned a short Treatise, for the cure of Lues Venerea COAL. 19 COMENIUS. . . . The third Edition. London, Printed by M. Dawson, and are to be sold by Benjamin Allen and Peter Cole. 1637. 4°, A — Ff in fours. With woodcuts and verses. The Treatise on the French pox has a separate title. COAL. Another Order of the Commons assembled in Parliament, Concerning Coals: Requir- ing the Lord Major of the city of London, forthwith to put the former Ordinance concerning the prices of Coals in execu- tion, . . . London, Printed for Edw. Hus- bands, . . . Aprill 21. 1643. 4°, 4 leaves. COBB, SAMUEL. Pax Redux : A Pindarick Ode on the Re- turn of His Majesty And the Happy Con- clusion of the Peace. London, Printed for E. Whitlock, near Stationers Hall, 1697. Folio, A— C, 2 leaves each. COCHL^US, JOHANNES. De futuro Concilio rite celebrando . . . Epi-tola Johannis Cochlei ad Archiepi- scopvi S. Andrea? in Scotia. Dresde in Misnia M D xxxnil. 4°, A — C in fours. COCK BURN, W., M.D., Physician to the Blue Squadron, H.M. Fleet. An Account of the Nature, Causes, Symp- toms and Cure of the Distempers That are incident to Seafaring People. With Observations on the Diet of the Sea-men of His Majesty's Navy. Illustrated with some Remarkable Instances of the Sick- nesse of the Fleet during the last Summer, historically related . . . London, Printed for Huuh Newman at the Grashopper in the Poultry. 1696. Sm. 8°. A, 6 leaves + Imprimatur: B— H in twelves: I, 6. Dedicated to the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. COCKER, EDWARD. Penna Volans or The young mans Ac- complishment being The quintessence of those curious Arts Writing & Arith- metick Whereby ingenious Youths may soone be made For Clearkship fit, or management of Trade. Invented Written & Engraven by Edward Cocker 16bl. Obi. 4°, 23 engraved leaves + 2 of letterpress, including title. Multnm in Parvo, Or The Pens Perfec- tion, lanched with variety of rare Ex- amples of all the curious Hands written in this Kingdom, and the Neighbouring Nations. With a new-invented Alphabet of Verses, . . . Invented, Written, and Engraven in Silver, By Edward Cocker, of London. Monument uvi Penna Perenne. An Elegi on the London, Printed and Sold by John Gar- rett, at Ins Shop, as you go up the Btaira of the Royal Exchange in Corn-hill, . . . Obi. 4", 26 engraved leaves, including engraved title -|- 4 of letterpress, includ- ing printed title. The Young Lawyer's Writing Master Be- ing A Book of Copies onely of Court and Chancery Hands . . . Written and En- graven by Edward Cocker. Printed and are to be Sold by Robert Walton . . . Obi. 8°, 4 leaves of letterpress and the same of engraved specimens. Perhaps the copy used was incomplete. COLCHESTER. ( Barbarous, ) < Vnparallel'd, > Murder, ( Vnsouldiery, ) Committed at Colchester, upon the persons of the two most incomparable, Sir Charles Lucas, and Sir George Lisle. London. Printed in the Year, 1648. 4°, 4 leaves. COLLECTION. An Exact Collection or Catalogue of out- English Writers on the Old and New Testament, Either in Whole, or in Part : Whether Commentators, Elucidators, Ad- notators, or Expositors, . . . London, Printed by R. Davennort for John Williams . . . mdclxiii. 8°, A — T 4 in eights, A 8 blank. COLY, WILLIAM. Warhafftige Zeitunge von auffgang des Euangelij / vnd Stratfen der abgesagten desselben Feinden der Papistischen Pfaffen in Schotland / aus einem Latei- nischen Sendbrief Guilielmi Coli / vnd den Achtbarn hocbgelarten Heren Iohan- nem Baleum weiland Bischoffen in Enge- land itziger Zeit aber Exulem zu Basel / verdeutscht. [Geneva, 1559.] 4", 4 leaves. Sotheby's (Crawford), March 14, 1891, No. 78(5. COMENIUS or KOMENSKI, J. A. The Gate of Tongves Vnlocked and Opened, Or else, A Seminarie or seed- plot of all Tongues and Sciences. That is, A short way of teaching and thorowly learning, within a yeare and a halfe at the farthest, the Latin, English, French, and any other tongue, . . . The second Edi- tion, much enlarged. By the labour and industry of lohn Anchoren, Licentiate in Divinity. London, Printed by Tho. Cotes, for Thomas Slater, dwelling at the White Swan, in duck-Lane. 1633. 8°, A— T 5 in eights. Latin, English, and French in parallel columns. COME TOGRA PHI A . CORDEROY. COMETOGRAPHIA. Cometographia. A Discourse of Comets : Shewing their Original Substance, Place, Time, Magnitude, Motion, Number, Color, Figure, Kinds, Names, and, more especi- ally, their Prognosticaks, Significations and Presages. . . . Where also is inserted an Essay of Judiciary Astrology, . . . Both occasioned by the Appearance of the late Comets in England and other Places. London, Printed for Brab. Aylmer, . . . 1684. Sin. 8°, A— U 4 in eights, but no A 3 in this copy. Dedicated to Seth, Bishop of Salisbury, but the epistle not subscribed. COMMONWEALTH. To Seiphos Ton Marturon. Or, A Brief Narrative of the Mysteries of State car- ried on by the Spanish Faction in Eng- land, since the Reign of Queen Elizabeth to this day for the supplanting of the Magistracy and Ministry, the Laws of the Land, and the Religion of the Church of England, . . . Together with a Vindica- tion of the presbyterian party, both of Church-men and States-men in the King- dom of England, . . . against the Inde- pendent and Popish party, who are both united and confederated to destroy them, and their Religion. Printed by Samuel Brown, English-Bookseller at the Hague, 1651. 4°, A— P in fours, except that F has only 2 leaves, and 4 leaves between E and F marked F and e 2, &c. Dedicated to " the Renowned Gentlemen of Europe, the Merchants of England." This tract contains a good deal of matter about Cromwell. CONNINGSBY. THOMAS, of North Mimms, Co. Hertford. The Many Sufferings of an Undone Gentleman, and his Family here truly remonstrated to publick consideration. [London, 1 lt548.] 4°, A— B in fours. A veiy interesting personal narrative, printed without a title, respecting the estates of Conningsby sequestrated under the ordinance for delinquents. CONVERSATIONS. Conversations of the Mareschal of Cleram- hault and the Chevalier de Mere. A Treatise of great Esteem Amongst the Principal Wits of France. English'd by A. Lovell, M.A. London : Printed by J. C. for Henry Brome, . . . 1677. Sm. 8°. A, 6 leaves: B— F in twelves: G, 6. COOK, AURELIAN, Gentlevian. Titus Biitannicus : An Essay of History Royal : In the Life & Reign of His Late Sacred Majesty Charles II. Of Ever Blessed and Immortal Memory . . . London : Printed for James Partridg, Stationer to His Royal Highness, George Hereditary Prince of Denmark, at the Pust-Omce bv Charing-Cross. 16*5. 8°. A, 8 : b, 8 : c, 4 : d, 8 : B— Kk in eights. With a portrait by Van Hove. Dedi- cated to the Archbishop of Canterbury and others. COOK, JAMES, of Warwick, M.D. Mellificium Chirurgire : Or, The Marrow of Chirurgery. With the Anatomy of Human Bodies, According to the most Modern Anatomists ; . . . The Fifth Edition Enlarged, with many Addi- tions. Illustrated in its Several Parts with Twelve Copper Cuts. By the Late Eminent Dr. James Cook, of War- wick, Practitioner in Physick and Chir- urgery. Revised ... By Tho. Gibson, M.D. . . . Licensed by the Colledge of Physicians, And fitted for the Use of all Sea Surgeons. London, Printed for William and Joseph Marshall at the Bible in Newgate-street, Where you may be supplied with the same Author's other Book, intituled, Select Observations of English Bodies, Price Bound 2s. 6d. 4°, A — 4 L 2 in fours. With a portrait of Dr. Cook, ..Etatis suae 71, by R. White, with verses beneath it, and the twelve copper plates. The dedication by the author to Lord Brook is dated from Warwick, August 26, 1675. COOPER, ANTHONY ASHLEY, Earl of Shaftesbury. Crackf'art & Tony : Or, Knave and Fool : In a Dialogue over a Dish of Coffee, Con- cerning Matters of Religion and Govern- ment. Printed in the Year. 1680. 4°, A— E 2 in fours. COOTE, EDWARD. The English School-Master. . . . Perused and approved by Publick Authority ; and now the 49 time Imprinted : With cer- tain Copies to Write by, at the end of the Book, added. Printed by R. Roberts for the Company of Stationers. 1700. 4°, A — K in fours. The English School-Master. . . . Printed and Approved by Publick Authority ; and now the Four and Fiftieth Time Im- printed. London : Printed by Eliz. James, for the Company of Stationers. 1737. 4°, A— K in fours. CORDEROY, JEREMY, Student in Ox. ford. A Short Dialogue, wherein is proved, COTTON. CULPEPPER. that no man can be saved without good workes. Edit. 2. With some Additions. ... At Oxford. Printed by Ioseph Barnes, and are to be sold in Paules Church-yard at the eigne of the Crowne, by Simon Waterson. 1604. Sm. 8°, A— E in twelves : F, 8. Dedicated to Sir Robert Vernon, Knight. COTTON, CHARLES. De Mirabilibus Pecci. Being the Won- ders of the Peak in Darby-Shire, . . . The fifth Edition corrected, &c. The Latins Written by Thomas Hobs of Malmsbury. The English by a Person of Quality. London, Printed for William Crook at the Green Dragon without Temple-Bar ni«h Devereux Court, being the passage into the Middle Temple 1683. Sm. 8°, A— C in twelves, C 12 blank. COTTON, SIR ROBERT. A Short View of the Reign of King Henry III. Shewing the Danger of the Subjects Arrogancy : The Methods of Great Mens Rise and Fallings : ... By Sir R. C. Knight and Baronet. London, Printed for Richard Janeway . . . 1681. 4°, A— D in fours, D 4 blank. COUNCILS. Newes concernynge the general coucell, holden at Trydent by the Emperoure and the Germaynes wyth all the nobles of Hungarye, Constantenople and Rome, translated oute of Germayne into Englysh by Jhon Holibush. Anno 1548. Cum Priuilegio. [Col.] Imprinted at Lond5 in Saynt Andrewes Paryshe in the ware drope, by Thomas Raynalde. Small 8°. Triphook's Catalogue of Books and Tracts, about 1820. No. 11. COURTS. Diversite de Court3 et lour iurisdictions et alia necessaria et vtilia. [Col.] Londini in edibus Richard i Pynsonis Regij impres- soris. Anno a Christ! natu. 1526. vige- simo idus Iunii. Cum preuilegio a Rege indulto. Sm. 8°, A— C iu eights, C 8 blank. CRASHAW, WILLIAM. Consilivm Quorundam Episcoporum Bo- nonise congregatorum ... Ex Biblio- theca W. Crashauij in Theolog. Bacchal. . . Londini Excudebat Gulih. White. 1613. 4°, A— C in fours, besides a small slip of Errata. CROFTS, ROBERT. The Terrestriall Paradise or Happines on Earth. By R. Crofts. London. Printed by T. Harper for William Adderton. 1639. Sm. 8°. A, 8 : B-E in twelves. The title is engraved. CROOKE, HELKIAH, M.D., Physician to His Majesty, and Royal Professor of Anatomy. Mikrocosmographia. A Description of the Body of Man. Together with the Controversies thereto belonging. Col- lected and Translated out of all the Best Authors of Anatomy, Especially out of Gasper Baubinus and Andreas Laurentius. . . . Published by the Kings Maiesties especiall Direction and Warrant according to the first integrity, as it was originally written by the Avthor. . . . Printed by William laggard dwelling in Barbican, and are there to be sold, 1615. Folio. Title and Epistle to the King, 3 leaves : Dedication to the Barber- Chirurgeons, from the author's house in St. Anne's Lane, May 31, 1615, 2 leaves : Table, 4 leaves : B — 4 P in sixes : 4 Q, 4 leaves. With numerous woodcuts. CROWLEY, ROBERT, Printer and Mini- ster. An Apologie, or Defence, of those En- glishe Writers & Preachers which Cerberus the three headed Dog of Hell, chargeth wyth false doctrine, vnder the name of Predestination. Written by Robert Crowley Clerke, and Vicare of Sainct Giles without Creplegate in London. Imprinted at London, in Paternoster Rowe, at the signe of the blacke boy, by Henry Binneman. Anno. 1566. Octo- bris. 14. 4°. a, 4 leaves, a 1 blank : A — Ee in fours. CROWSHEY, JOHN. The Good-Husbands Jewel. Or Plain and Easy Directions how to know the means, whereby Horses, Beasts, Sheep, &c. come to have many Diseases, . . . The fourth Edition, corrected, enlarged, and publisht by Authority. London, Printed for Nath. Ekins, and are to be sold by Francis Mawburn at Yorke, 1656. Sm. 8°, A — C 4 in eights, C 4 blank. CULPEPPER, NICHOLAS. A Directory for Midwives : Or, A Guide for Women, In their Conception, Bearing, And Suckling their Children. ... By Nich. Culpeper, Gent. Student in Physick and Astrologie . . . London : Printed by Peter Cole, ... 1651. Sm. 8°. 1, 12 leaves : A— P in twelves : Q, 8. With a portrait. Dedicated to the Midwives of England. C US AN US. UAUDIGUIER. A Directory for Mid-Wives : Or, A Guide for Women, C Conceptic \ Bearing. [n their-! Bearing. And (_ Suckling their Children. By Nich. Culpeper, Gent. Student in Physick and Astrology. . . . Edinburgh, Printed liy George Swinton and James Glen, ami are to be sold at their Shop.*. 1668. 8°, A— L in eights, L 8 with the label. CUSANUS, C. The Idiot In Four Books. The first and second of Wisdome the third of the Minde. The fourth of statick Experi- ments, Or experiments of the Ballance. London, Printed for William Leake, and are to be Bold at the si<_ine of the Crowne in Fleet-street. . . . 1(550. Sm. 8", A— I in twelves. "Without any prefixes. CUSTOM HOUSE. The rates of the Custome-house bothe in- warde and outwarde, the dyfference of Measures and Weyghts, and otlier Como- dities very necessarye fur all Merchantes to knowe newly correctyd and imprynted An. m.d.xm*. Imprynted at London by me Rycharde Kele, dwellynge at the longe shoppe in the Poultrye vnder Saynt Myldreds church. 8°. Triphook's Catalogue, about 1820, No. 455. D. D. C. An Elegv on the Death of the Queen. By C. D. Rector of K. in Suffolk]. Agrestem femu— Virg. London : Printed for John Cnamberlain, Bookseller in St. Edmunds- i Bury ; and are to be Sold by Peter Parker, . . . mdcxcv. Folio, A — D, 2 leaves each. D. L. Arts Master-Piece : Or, The Beautifying Part of Physick. Whereby all Defects of Nature in both Sexes are amended, Age renewed, Youth continued, . . . Never before extant, . . . London, Printed for Nath. Brook, . . . 1660. 12°, A— K in eights, besides the frontispiece. D. N. The Theatre of Ingenuity : Or, The Gentleman's and Lady's Pleasing Recrea- tion and Delightful Pastime at Leisure Hours. Containing the Quintessence of the Wits and Learned Men of the Past and Present Ages . . . To which is added, A Collection of the Choicest Songs, Sonnets, and Airs, that are in Chiefest Esteem and Request in City and Country . . . London : Printed by R. J. for Naihanael Dancer, . . . 1704. Sm. 8°. Title and preface, 2 leaves: B — G in twelves : II, 6 : I, 4. DANCING SCHOOL. The Dancing-School. With the Adven- tures of lie' E iter Holy-1 >ays. London, Printed by .1. How, . . . L700. Folio, A — D, 2 leaves each. In verse. Probably by Edward Ward. DANIEL, SAMUEL. The First Part of the Historie of Eng- land. By Samvel Danyel. London, Printed by Nicholas Okes, dwelling neere Holborne" Bridge. 1612. 4°, A— Gg 2 in fours. Dedicated to Sir Robert Carr, Viscottnt Rochester. The title is within an engraved compartment. DANVERS, HENRY, A Lover of Truth and Just Freedom. Certain Quarries Concerning Liberty of Conscience. Propounded To those Minis- ters (so called) of Leicestershire, when they first met to consult that Repre- sentation which they so privately framed, and yet afterwards so publiquely fathered upon that Count}'. London, Printed for Grles Calvert, ... 4°, 4 leaves. DARELL, J. A True and Compendious Narration ; Or (Second Part of Amboyney) of Sundry Notorious or Remarkable Injuries. Ijiso- lencies, and Acts of Hostility, which the Hollanders have Exercised from time to tune againsl the English Nation in the East Indies, &e. And Particularly, of the totall Plundering and Sinking of the Dragon & Catherine Both Ships and Men. . . .' London, Printed by T. Maid., lor Nathaniel Brooke, . . . 1665. 4". Pron- ti piece, title and pre a< . - leaves : B— F in tours. D'AUDIGUIER, VITALE. A Tragi-Comical History of Our Times. Under the Borrowed Names ol Lisand* r and Cali ta. London, Printed for Rich. DAUNCEY. DE FLORES. Lownds . . . 1650. Sm. 8", A— V in eights, V 8 blank. DAUNCEY, JOHN. Tue English Lovers : Or, A Girle Worth Gold. Both Parts, So often Acted with General Applause ; now newly formed into a Romance. By the accurate Pen of I. D. Gent. London, Printed for H. Brome at the Gun in Ivy-lane, 1662. 8°. Part L, A — E in eights : Part II., A — M in eights, M 8 with an Advertisement. Dedicated by John Dauncey to the Lady Elizabeth Bloundel. Part 2 has in this, the Bliss, copy a sepa- rate title dated 16(51. This Novel is founded on Hey wood's Fair Maid of the West, 1631. DAVE NAN T, SIR WILLIAM. Salmacida Spolia. A Masqve. Presented by the King and Queenes Maiesties at White-hall, on Tuesday the 21. day of Januarv, 1639. London, Printed bv T. H. "for Thomas Walkley . . . 16^9. 4°, B — D in fours, and the title-page. Davenant was associated with Inigo Jones in the preparation of this piece. See a note at the end. D'AUNOIS, MADAME. Secret Memoirs of the Duke and Dutchess of 0[rleans] Intermix'd with the Amorous Intrigues and Adventures of the Most Eminent Princes of the Court of Fiance. Written by Madame D'Aunoy, . . . Made English from the Paris Edition. London, . . . 1708. Sm. 8°. Title and Transla- tor's Preface, 2 leaves : B — N in twelves : 0, 4. With a portrait of the authoress. DEBES, LUCAS JACOBSON, M.A., Provost of the Churches of Feroe. Foerooe, & Foeroa Reserata : That is, A Description of the Islands & Inhabitants of Foeroe : Being Seventeen Islands sub- ject to the King of Denmark, lyiny under 62 deg. 10 m. of North Latitude. Wherein several Secrets of Nature are brought to Light, and some Antiquities hitherto kept in darkness discovered. Written in Danish . . . Englished by J. S. Doctor of Physick. Illustrated with" Maps. Printed by F. L. for William lies, at the Flower-de-Luce in Little-Brittain, over against St. Bar- tholomews Gate. 1676. Small 8°, A— S in twelves. With a folded map. Dedi- cated by John Sterpin to Thomas Hen- shaw Esq. late Ambassador to Denmark. DE BETHUNE, JAMES, Archbishop of Glasgow. L'Oraison Fvnebre De Havlt et Pvissant MonseignevrReverendissimeArcheuesrpie de Glasco, Melort lames de Bethune, Ambassadeur pres la Maieste" tres-Chres- tienne. Povr Serenissime, tres-puissant, & felicissime le Roy Iacques, premier d'Escosse, d'Angleterre & d'Jrlande. Au faux-bourgs S. Germain lez Paris, Par Henri Bourriquant, . . . 1603. Sm. 8", A — E 4 in eights. DE COSTES, GUALTIER, Seigneur de la Calprene'de. Hymen's Pneludia : Or, Love's Master- Piece. Being the first Part of that so much admir'd Romance, intituled, Cleo- patra. Written Originally in t he French, and now rendred into English By R. Lovedav. . . . London, Printed by J. G. for R. Lowndes, . . . 1654. 8°, A— Q 4 in eights, besides the frontispiece by Vaughan. Dedicated to the Lady Clin- ton. With verses by R. Brathwaite, James Howell, J. Wright, G. Wharton, &c. Hymen's Prseludia : . . . Being the second Part of . . . Cleopatra . . . rendred into English By P. Loveday. . . . London, Printed by J. G. for R. Lowndes, . . . 1654. 8°. A, 4 leaves : B— R in eights. Dedicated by Loveday to Viscount Cra- mond. With verses by A. Loveday (the translator's brother), J. Coles, and J. Wright. Hymen's Prceludia : . . . Being the third Part of . . . Cleopatra . . . rendred . . . by R. Loveday . . . London. Printed by J. G. for R. Lowndes, . . . 1655. 8°, A— Y in eights, A 1 blank. Dedicated to Ann, Lady Craniond, and Elizabeth, wife of Sir John Pettus. The translators seem to have occupied five years in their work (1654-9) ; I was five times as long in obtaining the full particu- lars of the twelve parts as originally issued. Parts I. -III. were perhaps published to- gether. DE FARIA Y SOUSA, EMANUEL, Knii/ht of the Order of Christ. The History of Portugal, From the first Ages of the World, to the late great Revolution, under King John IV. in the Year mdcxl. . . . Translated, and Con- tinued down to this present Year, 1698. By Capt. John Stevens. London, Printed forW. Rogers and Abel Hoper . . . 1698. 8°. A, 3 leaves : (a), 8 leaves : B— Pp in eights. Dedicated to Richard j\lin- siiull, of Bourton, co. Bucks. DE FLORES, JUAN. Historia de Aurelio y Isabela hija del Key de Escocia, mejor corregida que antes, puesta en Espanol y Frances^ p or los que quisieren deprender una len,r Ua DE GRANADA. 24 D ELLON. de otra. ... En An vers Chez Jean Richart m.d.lx. Sm. 8°. Spanish and French. Triphook's Catalogue, about 1820, No. 92. DE GRANADA, LOIS. The sinners Gvyde. A Worke Contayn- ing the whole regiment of a Christian life, deuided into two Bookes : . . . Com- piled in the Spanish Tongve, . . . Since translated into Latine, Italian, and French. And nowe perused, and digested into Eng- lish, by Francis Meres, ... At London, Printed by lames Roberts, for Paule Linley, & Iohn Flasket, . . . 1598. 4°. A, 4 leaves : B— Mm in eights : Nn, 4 : Errata, 1 leaf. Dedicated to Sir Thomas Egerton, from Loudon, May 10, 1598. DEKKER, THOMAS. The Dead Tearme. Or, Westminsters Complaint for long Vacations and short Termes. Written in manner of a Dia- logue betweene the two Cityes London and Westminster. The Contentes of this discourse is in the Page following. By T. Dekker. London, Printed and are to be sold by Iohn Hodgets at his house in Pauls Churchyard. 1608. 4°, A— G in fours, G 4 blank. Black letter. DE LA MARCHE, OLIVIER The Resolved Gentleman. Translated out of Spanishe into Englyshe, by Lewes Lewkenor Esquire. Nel"piu bel vedere, Circo. Imprinted at London, by Richarde Wat k i ns. 1 594. 4°, A— V in fours, V 4 blank. Dedicated to Anne, Countess of Warwick. Willi verses by Maurice Kyffin and and Robert Dillington. DE LA PENA, IVAN ANTONIO, of Madrid. Relacion De Las Fiestas Reales, Y Ivego De Cafias, Qvela Magestad Catolica del Rey nuestro sefior hizo a los veynte y vno de Agosto delle presente afio, para honrar y festejar los tratados desposorios del eerenissimo Principe de Gales, con la eenora Infanta dona Maria de Austria. [Col.] Impresso con licencia. En Ma- drid, por luan Gongalez. Ano 1623. Folio, 4 leaves. Without a regular title. DE LA QUEROUAILLE, MME, Duchess of Portuviouth. Histoire Secrette de la Duchesse de Ports- mouth. Ou Ton verra une Relation des Intrigues de la Cour du R. Ch. II. durant le Ministers de cette Duchesse, & une Relation auesi de la Mort de re Prince. Traduit ■. ( >r The Garden of curious Flowers. Wherin are handled sundry points of Humanity, Philosophy, Diuinitie, and Geography, be hi titled 'with many strange and pleasant Histories. First written iii Spanish, by Anthonio De Tnrquemeda, and out of that tongue translated into English. It was dedicated by the Author, to the Bight honourable and reuerent Prelate, Don Diego Sarmento de Soto Maire, Bishop of Astorga, &c. It is deuided into Bixe Treatises, composed in manner of a Dia- logue, ... At London, Printed by I. R. for Edmund Matts, and are to be solde at his shop, at the sigue of the hand and Plow in Fleet-streete. 1600. 4". A, 4 leaves, title on A 2 : IT, 2 leaves : B — Ss 2 in fours. Dedicated by Ferdinando Walker to Lord Buckhurst. DETHICK, JOHN, ofOaford. Questiones moralissime super librosEtbi- coru eruditissirai viri Joannis Deoicus artiuni liberalium triumq ; philosophi- arum magistri optime meriti / et in moralibus pre ceteris satis periti feliciter incipiunt suhtilissimis Oxoniensibus in philosophia morali lucubrare cupientibus non magis vtiles qg necessarie. [Col.] Explicitum est Joannis Dedici Oxoni- ensis in morali philosophia eruditissimi preclaru opuscule . . . Inipressumq5 in celeberrima vniuersitate Oxoniensi per me Johannem Scolar in viculo sancti Joannis Baptiste mora trahenie. Anno dfii. m.ccccc. decimooctauo. Mensisvero Maii die decimoquinto. 4°, A — H in eights and fours : I — N in fours. With the royal arms on the back of the title. DE THIERRY, FRANCIS, of Cork. Ivris Vtriusque Clavis Et De GEconomia. Edita per Fraiiciscum De Thyerry, Hib- ernian Corcagiensem, Iuris Vtriusque Doctorem, in gratiam cupidse legum & ( lanonum iuventutis. Gratianopoli, Apud Rohertum Philippes, Typograph. & Bib- liop. in Platea S. Andrea, m.dc.lxxi. Sm. 8°. a, 6 leaves : A— I in six es. 1 ) EVE REUX, ROBERT, Earl of EsSi x. A True Relation of the late Expedition of His Excellency, Robert Earl of Essex, for the Relief of Gloucester. With the Description of the Fight at Newbury. London, Printed for Ralph Rounth- waite. 1643. 4°, A — C in fours. DEVONSHIRE. A True Relation of the most Observable Passages, in and at the late Seige of Ply- mouth, from the fifteenth day of Sep- tember L643, nut ill the twenty lilt of December following. Attested from thence under the hands of mo.-t Credible Persons: . . . Together with an Exacl Map and Description of the Town and Foiti- D1GBY. DISCOURSES. fications thereof, . . . As also the Sum- mons of the Cavaliers . . . And Prince Maurice his Warrant to the Countrey • . . London Printed bv I. N. for Francis Eglesfield, . . . 1644. 4", B— D 2 in four', besides the title and map. DIGBY, SIR KENELM. A Late Discourse iuade in a Solemne Assembly ... By Sir Kenelm Digby, Kt. &c. . . /The fourth Edition, corrected and augmented, with the Addition of an Index. London, Printed by J. G. and are to be sold by Octavian Pulh-yn, . . . 1664. 12°, A— G in twelves, last sheet completed by Advertisements. Two Treatises, By the Honourable and truly Learned Sir Kenelm Digby Knight. The one, Of Choice and Experimented Receipts in Physick and Cnirurgery ; As Also Cordial and Distilled Waters and Soirits, Perfumes, and other Curiosities. The other, Of Cookery, With several ways for Making of Metheglin, Sider, Cherry-Wine, &c. Together with Ex- cellent Directions for Preserving. Con- serving, Candying, &c. Published by his Son's Consent. London, Printed for H. Brome at the Star in Little Britain. 1669. 8°. This is a general title printed to accom- pany the Closet and Receipts. DIGGES, LEONARD. A Booke Named Tectonicon, ... At London, Imprinted by Felix Kyngston. 1625. 4°, A— O in fours, besides a folded leaf between C 3 and C 4. DILKE, THOMAS. The Lover's Luck : A Comedy. As it is Acted at the Theatre in Little Lincolns- Inn-Fields, By His Majesty's Servants. Written by Mr. Dilke. Habet Comcedia tanto ; Plus Oneris quanta vtniw minus. — Hor. London : Printed for Henry Playford in the Temple-Change. And Benj. Tooke . . . 1696. 4°, A— G in fours, A 1 with half-title. Dedicated to Lord Raby. The Pretenders: Or, The Town Un- maskt. A Comedy. Acted at the Theatre in Little Lincolns-Inn-Fields. By His Majesty's Servants. Written by Mr. Dilke. Ficta voluntatis Causa sint proxima veris [Hor. Be Art. Poet.'] Lon- don, Printed tor Peter Buck, at the sign of the Temple, near the Inner-Temple- Gate in Fleet-street, 1698. 4°, A— G in fours. Dedicated to Thomas Barnar- diston, Esq. of Ketton, Suffolk. DINGLEY, ROBERT, M.A., of Magdalen College, Oxforl, Minister of Brixton, Isle of Wight. The Deputation of Angels, Or, The Angell-Guardian : .. . Chiefly grounded on Acts 12-15. It is His Angell. . . . London, Printed by T. R. for Edw. Dod, . . . 1654. 8°, A— -P in eights. Dedi- cated to Colonel Sydenham, a member of the Council of State, and Governor of the Isle of Wight. DISCIPLINE. A Remonstrance : Or Plaine Detection of some of the Favlts and Hideovs Sores of Svch Sillie Syllogismes and Impertin- ent Allegations, as ovt of sundrie factious Pamphlets and Rhapsodies, are cobled vp together in a Booke, Entituled, A Demonstration of Discipline : Wherein also, The true state of the Controuersie of most of the points in variance, is (by the way) declared. . . . Imprinted at London by George Bishop and Rate New- berie. An. Domini 1590. 4°, A— Ee in fours, Ee 4 with the Errata. Dedicated "To the Factiovs and Tvrbv- lent T.C.W.T. LP. and to the Rest of that Aharchicall disordered Alphabet-, which trouble the quiet and peace of the Church of England." DISCOURSE. A Discovrse Vpon the Meanes of Wei Governing and Maintaining in Good Peace, A Kingdome, Or Other Principa- litie. Divided into three parts, namely, The Counsel!, the Religion, and the Policie, which a Prince ought to hold and follow. Against Nicholas Machiavel the Florentine, Translated into English by Simon Patericke. London, Printed by Adam Islip. 1608. Folio, A— Hh in sixes : Ii, 8 -4- title and dedication to Francis Hastings and Edward Bacon, dated 1577, 3 leaves. A Discourse betweene A Resolved, and a Doubtfull Englishman. [About 1645.] 4°, A in fours. DISCOURSES. A Collection of Select Discourses out of the most Eminent Wits of France and Italy. A Preface to Monsieur Sarazin's Works by Monsieur Pellisson. A Dialogue of Love, ) By M. Wallenstein's Conspiracy, ) Sarazin. Alcidalis, a Romance, by M r Voiture. Fieskie's Conspiracy, by Signor Mas- card i. London, Printed by S. R. for Henry DISPUTATION. D YKE. Brome, . . . 1678. 8°, A— Q in eights, A 1 with Imprimatur. DISPUTATION. A Disputation betwixt the Devill and the Pope. Being a brief Dialogue between Yrbanus, a Pope of Rome and Pluto Prince of Hell. Concerning the Estate of five Kingdomes, Spaine, England, France, Ireland, and Scotland. Written by the Author to content his Friend, being Plea- sant and Delightf nil to the Reader. Lon- don, Printed, 1642. 4", 4 leaves. In verse. DISSENTERS. The Great Case of the Justices Stated and Determined, Touching their Duty of put- ting the Laws in Execution, whether Dissenters were Indulg'd, or Not. Or, A Discourse concerning the Oath of the Justice of Peace, . . . Published with Allowance. London, Printed by W. D. and are to be Sold by Randal Taylor. 1688. 12°, A— G in sixes, and a* 6 leaves. DODDRIDGE, SIR JOHN. Honors Pedigree, Or The Several Foun- taines of Gentry. Being a Treatise of the distinct degrees of the Nobilitie of this Kin^dome, ... By that Juditious Lawyer, Sir John Dodoredge, . . . Lon- don, Printed for William Sheares, . . . MDCLII. Sm. 8°, B— O 4 in eights, O 4 blank -4- title and preceding leaf with stationer's mark. DOLE, DORCAS. A Salutation of My Endeared Love to the Faithful in all Places, That bear their Testimony for the Lord, and Keep in the Lowliness to Truth as it is in Jesus. [Col.j London, Printed by John Bring- hurst in Leaden-hall, 1685. 4", 4 leaves. DORSETSHIRE. A Pacquet of Advices and Animadver- sions, Sent from London to the Men of Shaftesbury : Which is of Use for all His Majesties Subjects in the Three King- doms. Occasioned by a Seditious Pam- phlet, Entituh d, A Letter from a Person of Quality to Jli* Friend in Vie Countrey. London : Printed in the Year 1676. 4°, A — K 2 in fours : Second Pacquet, with a separate title, dated 1677, A — K 2 in lours. DRY DEN, JOHN. Luctus Britannicua : Or The Tears of the British Musis: For the Death of John Dryden,Esq; late Poel Laureat to Their Majesties. . . . London : Printed for Henry Piayfurd, . . . 1700. Folio, A-P, 2 leaves each : Aa — Ff, 2 leaves each. Dedicated by the publishers to William Stephens, Esq. DUBLIN. Anthologia Latina : Sive Epigrammatnm Poematum que Latinorum Florilegium. Ex Prioribus (pracipue) Veterum monu- mentis ... In Vsum Scholse inclytae CivitatisDublinii. Duhlinii,Typis Regiis, Et venum dantur apud Josephum Wilde. mdc.lxxiv. Sm. 8", A— M iu fours, and the Errata. DUGDALE, RICHARD. A Narrative of Unheard-of Popish Cruel- ties towards Protestants beyond Seas : Or, A New Account of the Bloody Spanish Inquisition. Published as a Caveat to Protestants. By Mr. Dugdale. London, Printed for John Hancock, . . . 1680. Folio. A — H, 2 leaves each. At the foot of the title of the copy used is the following early MS. note : " N.B. In 1701 a new Title k Preface was put to this Tract : It being Entit. The Spanish Slaughter House or a Narrative of the Original & Progresse of the Inquisition, as it is now practised in Spain, published to open the Eyes of all Protestants, that they may see the Designs of the Papists, DUNCON, ELEAZAR. Eleazaris Dvnconi SS. Theol. Apvd Br'i- tannos Professoris Celeherrimi de Adora- tione Dei versvs Altare. Determinatio Cantabrigise habita Martij 15. 1633. Pro L'radu Doctoratus. Editio Posthvma. [Cadomi.] m.dc.lx. Sm. 8°, a and <1 in eights, e 8 blank : A — D in eights. The preface is signed by Richard Watson, and is dated Sept. 13, lGoU DYER, SIR JAMES. Cy ensuont ascuns nouel cases, Collectes par le iadestresreuerendIudge,Mounsieur Bisques Dyer, chiefe Iustice del common banke, Ore nouelment publies & im- primies. Londini, in aedibus Richardi Tottelli, Ianuarii prima 1592. Cum priuilegio Regise Maiestatis. Folio. 1], 4 leaves : A— 3 B 4 in eights. [Col.] Im- printed at London in Fleetestrete within Temple Barre, at the Signe of the Hand and Starre by Richarde Tottyll. 1591. Cum priuilegio. Dedicated by R. Fare- well and James Dyer to Sir Thomas Bromley, Lord Chancellor. I >Y K E, .1 EREM V, Minister of Eppi>iir, bat with their surname, as Sir Nevill, Sir Hearne. This MS. was in Lilly's Catalogue for 1866, p. 102, and had at that time inside the old vellum cover : "Thomas Martin (of Palgrave) me tenet : " but it has since beeu rebound, and the interesting provenance has been lost. HEXHAM, HENRY. A Copious Englisg and Netherdutch Dictionarie, Composed out of our best English Authours. . . . Tot Rotterdam, Gedruckt by Arnout Leers, Anno 1660. 4°. (**), 4 leaves : A— Hh in eights : An English Grammar, A — D in fours, D 4 blank : the Dutch-English portion, A— Tt in eights : Vv— Bbb 2 in fours -f- title and dedication, 3 leaves. HEYLIN, PETER. Microcosmos A Little Description of the Great World. The eighth Edition. By Peter Heylin . . . Oxford, Printed by William Turner. Ann. Dom. 1639. 4 6 . % and 5[5f, 4 leaves each : **, 2 leaves : A— Eee in eights : Fff, 4. With a folded leaf between A 3-4. A Short View of the Life and Reign of King Charles, (The second Monarch of Great Britain) From his Birth to his Burial. [Quot from Tacitus Hist. Lib. 1. Alii diutius . . .] London, Printed for Richard Royston at the Angel in Ivy- lane. 1658. 12°, A— G in twelves, title on A 2. HEYNES, THOMAS, Gentleman. The Triumphs of Royalty In the Person of King Charles II. A Poem. London Printed for W. Freeman, . . . 1683. 4°, B — C in fours, and the title. HIPPOCRATES. Aphorismorum Hippocratis Liber Primus. Henri no interprete. . . . ExcusuntCanta- brigiae, Septemb. 6. 1631. 4°. f, 2 leaves : A — B in fours. HOBBES, THOMAS, of Malnwsbury. Le Corps Politiqve Ov Les Elements de la Loy Morale & Civile. Avec Des Re- llections Stir la Loy de Nature, . . . Par Thomas Hobbes. A Leide, Chez Jean & Daniel Elzevier. m.dc.uii. Sm. 8°. Title and Preface, 3 leaves : A — I in twelves : K, 8. HODDER, JAMES. llodder's Decimal Arithmetick ; Or, A plain and more methodical way of teach- in,' the said Art, . . . By Ja. Hodder, Writing-Master, in Bromly by Bow. Lon, Inn, Printed for T. 11. and 'sold by HOLYOKE. HOPE. Tlio. Taylor, next door to the Bee-hive in the new buildings on London-bridg, 1672. Sm. 8°. A, 5 leaves: B— I 4 in eights. With a portrait with verses beneath by T. H. Dedicated by the author to Mr. George Perryer, late of Loth bury, London, scrivener. The Pen- Mans Recreation : Or, A Copy- Booke newly published, Wherein is con- tained variety of all the most curious hands now practised in this Nation : With choice and Excellent Rules to attaine them : Also, How to make the Best Pens and Good Ink. Invented and Written by James Hodder Master in the Art of Writing and Teaching ; Dwelling in Louthbury neer the Royall Exchange, London. Are to be sold by Peter Stent at the White-Horse in Giltspur-street, without New-Gate : and Mathew Collings at the three Black-Birds in Cannon-street at the corner house of St. Nicholas-Lane, 1659. . . . Obi. 4°, 33 engraved leaves + 2 of letterpress, including title. The Pen-Mans Recreation : Or A Copy- Book newly published, Wherein is con- tained variety of all the most curious hands now practised in this Nation : With choice and Excellent Rules to attain them : Also How to make the Best Pens and Good Ink. Invented and written by James Hodder Master in the Art of Writing and Teaching. Engraven by Edward Cocker. Are to be sould by John Overton at the white Horse without Newgate, . . . 1673. Obi. 4°, 31 engraved leaves + portrait of Hodder, title and preface, 3 more. HOLY-OKE, FRANCIS. Dictionarivm Etymologicvm Latinvin, . . . That is, A Dictionarie declaring the originall and derivations of all words vsed in any Latine Authors, with the reason of their derivations and appella- tions ; neuer any in this kinde extant before : . . . wherevnio besides the hard and most vsefull words in Divinitie, Phi- losophic, Physicke, and Logicke, are added many thousand other words out of ap- proved authours old and new, . . . Here- vnto is also annexed the proper-names adorned with their Etymologies, . . . together with the Chronolo^ie of the per- sons, and the beginning of noted Citties, and plantation of sundrie Countries, . . . Lastly Riders Dictionarie, ... By the great industrie and paines of Francis Holyoke. Oxford. Printed by William Turner, Printer to the famous Vniuersity. Ann. Dom. 1627. 4°, A— 4 M 2 in eights, besides title and Preface, &c, 2 leaves : Rider's Dictionary, A — Hh in eights : Ii, 4 leaves : besides the title and Rider's dedication to Sir Francis Walsingham. In three columns. HOMER. Oprjpov Wins. Homeri Ilias, Id est, De Rebus ad Troiam testis. Londini, Excudebat Georgivs Bishop, Regiaa Ma- iestatis Typographi Deputatus. Anno salutis humanse. cio io xcr. 8°, A — LI in eights. Homeri Poetarum omnium seculorum facile Principis Gnomologia, Duplici Parallelismoillustrata ; . . . Per Jacobum Duportum Cantabrigiensem, . . . Canta- brigia?, Excudebat Johannes Field . . . 1660. 4°, (a)— (e) in fours : A— 3 C in fours. HOMILIES. Certaine Sermons appointed by the Queenes Maiestie, to be declared and read, by all Parsons, Vicars, and Curates, euery Sunday and Holy Day . . . Newly imprinted in partes, according as is mentioned in the booke of common prayers. 1587. Cum priuilegio Regiae Maiestatis. (ii.) The seconde Tome of Homilies. Of such matters as were promised, and entituled in the former part of Homilies. . . . Anno Domini. 1587. 4°. No printer's name. A— M 4 in eights : A — Pp 7 in eights. Perhaps Pp 8 had the colophon. B. M. HOOD, THOMAS. The Marriners guide. Set forth in forme of a dialogue, wherein the vse of the plaiue Sea Card is briefelie and plainely deliuered, to the commoditie of all such as haue delight in Nauigation. Written by Thomas Hood. IT The contents of the booke are set forth in the page following. Ignoti nulla cupido. TT Imprinted at London by Thomas Est, for Thomas Wight. 1592. 4°, A— F 2 in fours, F 2 with the colophon. Dedicated to Sir John Burrowes, Knight. B. M. HOPE, SIR W., Knight The Com pi eat Fencing- Master : In which is fully Described the whole Guards, Parades and Lessons, Belonging to the Small-Sword ; . . . The Second Edition. By Sir W. Hope, KK London, Printed for Dorman Newman at the King's Arms inthePoultrey,1691. Sm. 8°. A,' 8 leaves, title on A 2 : *, 4 leaves : B— N 4 in eights. With folding plates. This appears to have only the title-page from a Loudou press. HOPKINS. HUGO HOPKINS, CHARLES. The Art of Love : In Two Books Dedi- cated to the Ladies. A Poem. The Second Edition Enlarged. By Mr. Charles Hopkins. Author of a Tragedy called Boadicea Queen, of Brittain . . . London : Printed for R. Wellington, . . . 1704. 8°. A, 7 leaves, title on A 2 : List of Books, 1 leaf : verses to the author, 2 leaves : B — F in eights : G, 9 leaves : Second Book, with a separate title, B— C in eights, and the title : D, 4 : E, 2. HOWARD. His Grace the Duke of Norfolk's Charge Against the Dutchess, Before the House of Lords, And the Dutchesses Answer. With the Depositions at large, of the Witnesses that were Examined on both Sides. London, Printed in the Year, 1692. 8°. A 5 , including a half-title : C\ C 4 blank ; no B. On the title occurs in a coeval hand : "In Salmon's Chronology, 1693, y Duke recovers 100 marks of Germain in the King's Bench." HOWELL, JAMES. Parables, Reflecting Vpon the Times. Printed at Paris, mdcxlii. 4", A— B in fours. Dedicated " To the choicest of my Noble Friends, Sir D. Knight." Lvstra Lvdovici, Or The Life of the late Victorious King of France, Lewis the XIII. (And of his Cardinall de Richelieu.) Divided into Seven Lvstres. Consilium Armor am Ca>do. By lames Howell, Esq. London, Printed for Humphrey Moseley, . . . 1646. Folio. *, 4 leaves : A, 2 leaves : B— Bb in fours : Cc, 2 leaves. Dedicated to Prince Charles " From the prison of the Fleet this Mid- summer day 164fi." A portrait of the Prince surmounts the commencement of this Epistle on *2. HUDIBRAS. Hudibras On Calamy's Imprisonment, and Wild's Poetry. To the Bishops. A broadside in verse and two columns. Hudibras Answered By True de Case in his own Poem and Language. A broad- side in verse and two columns. HUE AND CRY. A Bpeedy live and Crie : After General 1 Maesie, Col. Poyntz, Sir Robert Pye, William Pr\ n, and many other new- inodelled Reform ad oes. Who for coun- tenancing tumults, betraying their trust to the Army, keeping backe supplies from languishing Ireland, plotting and contriv- ing a most horrid and bloody designe of prosecuting a new warre, and ingaging the City of London therin, are now fled into Scotland, and levying an Army against Sir Thomas Fait fax. . . . Printed in the Yeare of Jubile, 1647. 4°, 4 leaves. HUES or HUGHES, ROBERT. A Learned Treatise of Globes, Both Coelestiall and Terrestriall : with their severall uses. Written first in Latine, by Mr. Robert Hues : and by him so Pub- lished. Afterward Illustrated with Notes, by Io. Isa. Pontanus, And now lastly made English, for the benefit of the Vnlearned. By John Chilmead M.A. of Christ-Church in Oxon. London, Printed by the Assigns of T. P. for. P. Stephens and C. Meredith, . . . 1639. 8°, A— B in fours : )(, 4 leaves : C — V 4 in eights, V 3 with imprimatur and V 4 blank. With a few diagrams. HUGO OF CAUMPEDEN. The history of kyng Bocchus / & Sydracke howe he confoundyd his lerned men / and in y syght of them dronke stronge venym in the name of the Trinite & dyd hym no hurt. Also his diuynyte y* he lerned of the boke of Noe. Also his profycyes that he had by reuelacyo of the aungell. Also his aunsweris to the questions of wysdome / both morall and natural wyth moche worldly wysdome contayned in noumber . CCC.lxv. translatyd by Hugo of Caumpeden out of frenche into Englysshe. [Col.] Thus endeth the hystory and questios of kynge Boccus and Sydracke. Prynted at London by Thomas Godfray. At the coste and charge of dan Robert Saltwode moke of saynt. Austens at Canterbury. Cum priuilegio regalL [About 1530.] 4°. A, 6 leaves : B — z in fours : 3, 4 leaves : A — S in fours. Woodcut on title. In verse. A Preface by John Twyue is on the back of the title. HUGO, HERMAN. Pia Desideria : Or, Divine Addresses, In Three Books. Illustrated with xlvii. Copper- Plates. Written in Latine by Henn. Hugo. Englished by Edm. Ar- waker, M.A. London : Printed for Henry Bonwicke, at the Red-Lion in St. Paul's Church-Yard. MDCl.xxxvr. 8°, A— S in eights, A 8 apparently blank. Dedicated by Arwaker to the Princess Anne of Denmark. On the flyleaf of this copy occurs: "K. Hythe her book given by sweete Mrs. .lennoy Cowen 1687-" HURT ADO. 43 INTELLIGENCER. HURTADO, LOIS. Histoire Dv Prevx. Vaillant et Tres-Yic- toriev.v Chevalier Pahuerin D'Angleterre, fbsdu Roy Dom Edoard, . . . Premiere [et seconde] Partie. Traduite du Castellan en Francois & reueue & corrigee niieux qu'au par avant. A Paris, Chez Michel Somnius, . . . m.d.lxxiiii. 8°. prem. partie, a, 8 leaves : a — z in eights : A — X -1 in eights : sec. partie, Aa, 5 : A a — Zz in eights : AA— MM iu eights. HUSBANDMAN. The Husband-Mans Practice: Or. Prog- nostication for Ever . . . London, Printed by G. P. for George Sawbridge, on Lud- gate- Hill, neer Fleet-bridge. 1671. Sin. 8°, with woodcuts. The collation of this copy is difficult, as the volume has been transposed, and ap- pears to be imperfect. A complete copy should probably have A — M in eights. HUTCHINS, EDWARD. 1593. Davids Sling against great Goliali : Conteining diners notable Treatises, the names whereof folow next after the Epistle to the Reader : by E. H. . . . Printed by R. Yardley and Peter Short. Cum priuilegio Regise Maiestatis. [Col.] 1593. Imprinted at London by Richard Yardley and Peter Short, for the Assignes of W. Seres. Cum priuilegio Regise Maiestatis. Sin. 8°, A— P in twelves, P 12 blank. Printed within borders. Dedicated to Sir George Calveley, Knight, High Sheriff of Chester. B. M. I. INDIA. The East-India-Trade A Most Profitable Trade to the Kingdom. And Best Secured and Improved in a Company, And A Joint-Stock. Represented in a Letter written upon the Occasion of two Letters lately published, insinuating the Contrary. London, Printed in the Year, 1677. 4°, A — D in fours, D 4 blank. INGPEN, WILLIAM, Gentleman. Certaine Verie necessarie and profitable Tables viz. A Table of Sines, Tangents and Secants : Also a Table of the Right ascention of euerie degree of the Eelip- ticke. A Table of the Declination of the Sunne . . . W hereunto is annexed two Tables of the fixed Stars, . . . These are to be solde at the Authors house in Cole- man-Streete. 1609. 4°, A— B in fours. The Secrets of Nvmbers ; According to Theologicall, Arithmetical], Geometrical!, anil Harmonicall Computation. Drawne, for the better part, out of those Ancients, as well Neoteriques. . . . Being no other than a Key to lead a man to any doctrinall knowledge whatsoeuer . . . London, Printed by Hvmfrey Lownes for Iohn Parker, Anno Dom. 1624. 4°. *,4 leaves; A — in fours. Dedicated to Sir Francis Neale, one of the justices of the peace for Hampshire. With some Latin verses at the end signed G[ulielmus] I[ngpen ?] INTELLIGENCER. The Intelligencer, Published For Satisfac- tion and Information of the People. With Privilege. 4°, 4 leaves. This is No. 33, and is for Monday, April 25, 1664. The colophon . . . London, Printed by Richard Hodgkinson, living in Thames-street over againstBaynards-Castle, 1664. The Intelligencer, Published For Satis- faction and Information of the People. With sole Privilege. 4°, 4 leaves. This is No. 1, and is for Saturday, Dec. 2,1665. [Col.] London, Printed by Richard Hodgkinson ; living in Thames-street over- against Baynards Castle. 1665. The Kingdomes Intelligencer of The Affairs now in agitation in England, Scotland, and Ireland : together with Foreign Intelligence : To prevent False Newes. Published bv Authority. [1661- 3.] 4°, A— 3 Y in fours. [Col. of No. for Aug. 17-24 :] London, Printed by James Cottrel, Dwelling on Addle-hill, near Baynards Castle. The Parliamentary Intelligencer, Com- prising The Sum of Forraign Intelligence, with the Affairs now in Agitation in Eng- land, Scotland, and Ireland. For In- formation of the People. [1659-60.] A — 5 G in fours. [Col. of No. 50 :] Lon- don, Printed by John Macock, and Tho. Newcomb, 1660. The Publick Intelligencer, Communicat- ing ihe Chief Occurrents And Proceedings Within the Dominions of England, Scot- land, and Ireland : Together with an Ac- count of Affaires from several! Parts of Europe. [London Oct. 1, 1655-1660.] 4°. A— 10 S in fours. [Col. to No. 205 for Nov. 28-Dec. 5, 1659] London, Printed INTERPRETER. IRELAND. by Tlio. Newconib in Thames-street over against Bainards Castle. INTERPRETER. The Interpreter : Wherein, three princi- pall termea of State (The Papist, the Pro- testant, an 1 Puritan) very much mistaken of later Times, especially by the Vulgar Sort, are clearely unfoulded. Incerto Authore. Qui vnlt decipi, decipiatur. Printed in the yeare 1641. 4", A — C 2 in fours. In verse. INTRODUCTION. Arithmaticke : Or, An Introduction to learue to reckon with the Pen, or with Counters, in whole Numbers, or broken : . . . Loudon, Printed. 1629. 8°,A— 4 in eights. Black letter. B. M. Probably the latest republication of the Introduction. IRELAND. A Bartholomew Fairing, New, New, New. Sent from the Raised Siege before Dvblin, As a Preparatory Present To the great Thanksgiving-Day. To be communicated onelv to Independents. London: Printed in the Yeer, 1649. 4°, A— D in fours, D 4 blank. A political drama, with songs. Articles of Religion, Agreed vpon by the Archbishops, and Bishops, and the rest of tlieCiergieof Ireland, in the Conuocation Hidden at Dvblin in the yeare of our Lord God 1615, for the auoyding of Diuersities of Opinions, and the estab- lishing of Concent touching true Religion. London, Printed for the Company of Stationers of the Irish Stocke. 1629. 4°, A- E in fours, A 1 and E 4 blank. Leabhar nan Umaighthead Gcomhchoid- chiond. [The Book of Common Prayer. Translated into Irish by William Daniel. Dublin, John Frankton, 1608.] Folio. Title within a broad woodcut border, with royal arms on back, 1 leaf : 51, 2 leaves with Dedication by the Archbishop of Tuam to Sir Arthur Chichester, Lord Deputy of Ireland, from Ids house in St. Patrick's Close, Dublin, 20 Oct. 1609, 2 leaves : C — 3 C, 2 leaves each : a, 6 leaves: A — V, 2 leaves each : A A — VV, 2 leaves each : AAa — VVv, 2 leaves each, the last of VVv occupied by the arms of Sir Arthur Chichester. )>'. M. (2 copies). The Booke of Common Prayer and Admi- nistration of the Sacraments. And other l.'itcs and Ceremonies of the Church of England. Dvblin, Pnuted by the Societie of Stationers, Printers to the Kings mo-tie. m.dc.xxi. Cum Pri- vilegio. 4°, A — B in eights, B 4 wrongly marked : A (repeated) — Bb in eights. B.M. l Apparently the earliest edition of the Book of Common Prayer of the Estab- lished version printed in Ireland. The present copy is in the original calf binding, with the arms in gold on either side of Robert Dormer, Earl of Carnarvon, who fell at Newbury in 1643. [The New Testament in Irish.] Lon- don, . . . 1681. 4°, a— b in fours: B— 3 A 2 in fours, and the title. Dedi- cated to the Christian People of Ireland. B. M. Edited by Dr. William Bedell, and printed at the cost of Mr. Boyle. The first edition had appeared in 1602. This is the second. Leebhuir N s Seintiomna . . . The Books of the Old Testament Translated into Irish by the Care and Diligence of Doctor William Bedel, Late Bishop of Kilmore in Ireland, And, For the publick good of this Nation, Printed at London, Anno Dom. mdclxxxv. 4°, A— 7 E 3 in fours. In two columns. B. M. First edition of this portion of the Scrip- tures in Irish. Anno Regni Gulielmi Et Mariae, Regis & Reginye . . . Primo. On the Twenty seventh day of January, Anno Dom. 1689, In the First Year of their 'Majesties Reign, this Act Passed the Royal Assent. Dublin, Re-printed by Andrew Crook, Assignee of Benjamin Tooke, . . . 1690. Folio, 3 leaves. Anno . . . Tertio . . . Dublin, Re-printed by Andrew Crooke . . . 1691. Folio, 6 leaves. Acts and Statutes Made in a Parliament, Begun at Dublin the Fifth Day of October, Anno Dom. 1692. In the Fourth Year . . . Dublin, Printed bv Andrew Crook, . . . 1692. Folio, 6 leaves. Acts and Statutes Made in a Parliament, Begun at Dublin the Twenty Seventh Day of August, Anno Dom. 1695. . . . Dublin, Printed bv Andrew Crook, . . . 1695. Folio, A— Y, 2 leaves each : Z, 1 leaf : **, 16 leaves under dilferent fonts. Acts and Statutes Made in a Parliament Began at Dublin the Twenty seventh Day of August, Anno Dom. 1695. . . . Dublin : Printed by Andrew Crook, Printer to the King's Mosl Excellent Majestie, on the Blind Key, near Copper- AlK'v. MDCXCVIII. Folio. Title ami ISOCRA TES. 4 5 JAMES STUART I. Contents, 2 leaves, followed by the several Acts specified in the latter (16 in number). These Acts comprise Relief of Distressed Prisoners, Abuses in Butter-Casks and Packing of Butter, Duty on Woollen Manu- factures, Building, Acts of Settlement, Preservation of Game, the Fees of the Marshal of the Four Courts, the Travers- ing of Inquisitions, Deceitful and Disorderly Gaming, Plantations and Preservation of Timber, Inhibition of Papists from being Solicitors, &c. ISO-CRATES. Archidamvs, Or, The Covncell of Warre. Being 2000. yeares old, and written by Isocrates the couragious Orator, translated by a Tho : Barnes. London, Printed by William Iones for Nicholas Bourne, . . . 1624. 4°, A— E in fours, first and last leaves blank. B. M. Barnes states in the Preface that when he executed this performance, he was " in his apprentiship of Grammar Schoole." He concludes: " Courtious Reader, fare- well, and prosper, which is the word wherewich now I salute Westminster Schoole, thence hoysing sayle for Eton." ISRAEL. Israel's Reformation. Hcec ultra quid erit nisi Ludus — Juvenal. London : Printed in the Year, 1698. Folio, A— C, 2 leaves each. In verse. ITALY. A Coppie of the Letter sent from Ferrara the xxii. of November 1570. [Col.] Imprinted at London in Panles Church- yarde, at the signe of the Lucrece by Thomas Purfoote. 4°, 4 leaves. Triphook's Catalogue, about 1820, No. 233. This tract refers to the earthquake at Ferrara. J. J. R. The Inrichment of the Weald of Kent : Or, A Direction to the Husbandman, for the true ordering, manuring, and inrich- ing of all the Grounds within the Wealds of Kent and Sussex, and may generally serue for all the grounds in England, of that nature, . . . Painfully gathered for the good of this Hand, by a man of great eminence and worth. Printed at Lon- don by G. P. for Roger Iackson, . . . 1625. 4°, A— D 2 in fours. Dedicated by R. I. [? Richard Iobson] to Sir George Rivers of Chafford, co. Kent. B. M. J. S. An Historical Account of the Memorable Actions of the most Illustrious William Henry, Prince of Orange. And more particularly his last Generous and Glori- ous Expedition to England, to deliver the Three Kingdoms from Slavery and Arbi- trary Power, and to secure the Protestant Religion against Popery. Giving a true Relation of all that materially happened from time to time ; the whole containing a Summary from the Birth of his Highness to this day. London, Printed for R. H. . . . 1689.' Sin. 8°. A, 4 leaves, title on A 2 : B— H in twelves : I, 8. With a portrait, and a Preface subscribed S. J. JAMES STUART I., King of Great Bri tain (1 603-25 V The Psalms of Kin'' David Translated bv King lames. London. Printed by Thomas Harper. 1637. Cum Privilegio Regise Maiestatis. 8°, A — Z in eights, Z 8 blank, with the engraved license by W. Marshall, and the title also engraved. Flores Regij. Or Proverbes and Aphor- ismes, Divine and Morall. As they were at severall times vpon sundry occasions, Spoken by his Most Excellent Maiestie, lames, of famous Memory King of Great Brittaine. Collected by J. L. S. London, Printed by B. A. and T. F. for Ben : Fisher. 1627. Sm. 8°, A— K in eights : L, 6. With a portrait of the King having beneath it four lines of verse. The Gunpowder-Treason : With a Dis- course of its Discovery ; And A Perfect Relation of the Proceedings against those horrid Conspirators : Wherein is Con- tained their Examinations, Tryals, and Condemnations : Likewise King James's Speech to Both Houses of Parliament, On that Occasion ; Now Re-printed ... A Preface touching that Horrid Conspiracv, by the Right Reverend Father in God, Thomas Lord Bishop of Lincoln. And by way of Appendix, Several Papers or Letters of Sir Everard Di^by, Chiefly relating to the Gunpowder-Plot. Never before Printed. London, Printed by Tho. Newcomb, and H. Hills, . . . 1679. 8°, A — R in eights. With two copies of JAMES STUART II. 46 JEWS. verses at the end. A 1 lias the Impri- matur. JAMES STUART II., King of Great Britain (1685-8). A Full Answer to the Depositions ; And to all other the Pretences and Arguments ■whatsoever, Concerning the Birth of the Prince of Wales. The Intreague thereof detected, The whole design being set forth, with the way and manner of doing it. Whereunto is annexed, A Map or Survey Engraven of St. James's Palace, and the Convent there : Describing the Place wherein it is supposed the true Mother was delivered : With the particular Doors and Passages through which the Child was convey'd to the Queens Bed-Chamber. London, Printed for Simon Burgis. 1689. Folio, A — F, 2 leaves each, and the folded map. Overtogt Zeegen en Heldendaden Van Sijn Map Van Groot Britannien in Eng- land, Schotland Yerland, etc. [Amster- dam, about 1691.] 4°, 9 leaves engraved by Tangena. Le Theatre d'Angleterre represeutant la fuite de Iaques II. Roy de la grande Bretagne, son arrive en Yrlande et autres auantures. tot Amsterdam by Adr:Schoone- beck in de kalverstraat. [1692.] Obi. folio, A— S, a leaf each + the title : III. Deel, 21 leaves, one of which seems to be from another book, yet perhaps inserted at the time : IV. Deel, 20 leaves. JASZ-BEREUYI, PAUL P., A Transyl- vanian. A New Torch to the Latine Tongue : So enlightned, That besides the easie under- standing of all Classical Authours, there is also laid open A ready way to write and speak Latine well and elegantly. Being very useful for Gentlemen, Lawyers, and young Clerks, and all others : either for Englishmen that desire to better their Knowledge in the Latine Tongue, or for Strangers to learne and speak English. The Preface whereof will Shew the Con- tents and use ; . . . London, Printed by R. Wood, and are to be sold by Nath. Brooke . . . 1664. 8°. A, 5 leaves, including a duplicate title-page : B, 8 leaves : no C— H : I— Mm in eights. Dedicated to Cecil Tufton, Esq. The iia dated "Ex Charing Cross e luseeo meo l Nbvembr. 1663.' ; On H 8 v° occurs a oatohword Fax, to which there is nothing to correspond on I. JENKYN, WILLIAM. Allotrio-episcopos. The Busie Bishop. Or The Visitor Visited. In Answer to a very feeble Pamphlet lately Published by Mr." J. G. called Sion Colledge visited, . . . Bv William Jenkvn Minister of the Word of God at Christ-Church London. . . . London, Printed by A. M. for Christopher Meredith . . . 1648. 4°, A— 1 2 in fours. Certain Conscientious Queries from Mr. Will. Jenkin, Being the Grounds of his ■ late Petition and Submission to the pre- sent Power. Whereunto is Annexed his Petition still very much desired. With the Copy of a Letter formerly sent to him and Mr. Love . . . Also The Parliaments Most Gracious and indulgent Pardon to them all, notwithstanding their Acts of Treason against the peace of the Common- wealth. Sold by R. Harford at the Bible and States- Amies in Little-Britain, 1651. 4°, A — B in fours. JENNINGS, SAMUEL. The State of the Case, Briefly but Im- partially given betwixt the People called Quakers, in Pensilvania, &e. in America, who remain in Unity ; And George Keith . . . London, Printed and Sold by T. Sowle, . . . 1694. Sin. 8°. _ Title and preface, 3 leaves : B — H 4 in eights. JERUSALEM. A Description and Explanation of 268. Places in Jerusalem And in the Suburbs thereof, as it nourished in the time of Jesus Christ. Answerable to each of the 268. Figures that are in its large, and most exact Description in the Map ; . . . Translated by T. T. Reviewed, . . . By H. Jessey. London, Printed for R. 1. and P. S. and are. to be sold by Tho. Brewster . . . 1653. 4°, A— in fours, besides the frontispiece and map. JESTS. r Court, *\ A n B T}™n °J J f 9 -| Colledge llests. Or A Collection of j q^ b VCountry J The sixth Edition, much enlarged for the delight of the Reader. London, Printed for Richard Royston, and are to be sold at his Shoppe in Ivie-Lane at the signe of the Angell. 1640. Sin. 8°, A— in twelves, title on A 2. Part 2 begins with a separate title on G. .1 EWS. A Narrative of the late Proceeds at V* lute- Hall, Concerning the Jews: Who had desired by EL Manasses an Agent tor them, that they might return into England, and JONES. 47 KE TT. Worship the God of their Fathers herein their Synagogues, &c. Published for satis- faction to many in several parts of Eng- land, that are desirous, and inquisitive to hear the Truth thereof. London: Printed for L. Chapman, at the Crown in Popes- head-Alley. 1656. 4°, 8 leaves, or A in fours preceded by four unsigned leaves. A Brief Answer to some of the Objections and Demurs Made against the coming in and inhabiting of the Jews in this Com- mon-wealth. With a plea on their behalf, Or some arguments to prove it not only lawful, but the duty of those whom it concerns to give them their liberty and protection (they living peaceably) in this Nation . . . London, Printed by Henry Hills, and are to be sold by Thomas Brewster, . . . 1656. 4°, A— D in fours, D 4 blank. Dedicated to the Protector. An Information, Concerning the Present State of the Jewish Nation in Europe and Jvdea. Wherein the footsteps of Provi- dence preparing a way for their Conver- sion to Christ, and for their Deliverance from Captivity, are discovered. London, Printed by R. W. for Thomas Brewster, at the three Bibles near the West end of Pauls. 1658. 4°, A— D 2 in fours. JONES, EDWARD, Bishop of St. Asaph. A Short Narrative of the Proceedings Against the Bp. of St. Asaph. London. Printed in the Year. 1702. 8°. A 8 , B 1 : C— H in eights. JORDANUS, FRATER, of the Order of St. Augustine. Meditationes Jordani de vita & passione iesu Christi. [Col.] Exercitiu deuotis- sinii fratri3 iordani de vita et passione et resurrectione Jesu christi : ad laudem dei completum est in ciuitate London, per Richardum Pynson / Regium Impresso- rem (in the fletestrete) ad signum diui georgij moram trahentem. Anno incar- nationisdominice. M.ccccc.xiii. xvi. die Marcij. Sm. 8°, A— N in eights. With numerous woodcuts. N 8 verso has the device only. Puttick & Simpson, December 17, 1889, No. 259. JOSEPH BEN GORION. A Compendious and most marueilous History of the latter tymes of the Jewes commune weale, beginnynge where the Bible or Scriptures leaue, and continuing to the vtter subuersion and laste destruc- tion of that countrey and people : Written in Hebrew by Ioseph Ben Gorion, a noble man of the same countrey, who sawe the most thinges him selfe, and was auctour and doer of a great part of the same. Translated into Englishe by Peter Mor- wyng of Magdalen Colledge in Oxford. Londini. Anno Domini. 1558. [London, by Richard Jugge 1] 8°. >J«, 7 leaves : A — Nn 7 in eights, Nn 8 wanting in this copy, but which had probably the colo- phon. In Triphook's Catalogue of Books and Tracts, about 1820, No. 563, is a copy on vellum of the original Hebrew of Joseph Ben Gorion, Gorionides, or JosephoD, sup- posed to have been printed at Constan- tinople in 1480. It had been the Harleian copy. JOVIAN. Jovian. Or, An Answer to Julian the Apostate. By A Minister of London. London, Printed by Sam. Roycroft, for Walter Kettilby, . . . mdclxxxiii. 8°. A, 8 leaves : a — d in eights, d 8 with Errata : B — V in eights. JURY. The Security of English-Mens Lives, Or the Trust, Power, and Duty of the Grand J urys of England. Explained according to the Fundamentals of the English Go- vernment, . . . London, Printed for Benj. Alsop . . . 1682. 8", A— L 3 in eights. K. KENT. A Witty, Pleasant, And True Discourse of the Merry Cobler of Canterbury To- gether with the Pretty Conceits of Frier Bacon, how he served a Knight and the Cobler ; the Lady, and Joan the Coblers Wife. I am a Cobler of high renown, hey down, down, down, derry, &c. Edinburgh, Printed in the Year, 1705. Sm. 8°, A — B 3 in eights. In prose. KETT, FRANCIS, M. D. The Glorious and beautiful 1 Garland of Mans Glorification. Containing the Godly e Misterie of heauenly Iervsalein, the hel- met of our Saluation. . . . Made and set foorth by Fravncis Kett, Doctor of Phisick : K1LBURNE. 4* LANDSCAPES. ... At London printed by Roger Waul. 1585. 4°, A— D in fours, black letter. Dedicated to the Queen. A 1 lias the Royal arms, and the last three pages are occupied by verses to the Reader Bignetl F. K. and by a Prayer of Thanksgiving. B. M. Puttick's, April, 1890, No. 949, the "Wolfreston copy. KILBURNE, WILLIAM. Dangerous Errors in Several late printed Bibles To the great scandal, and corrup- tion of sound and true Religion. Dis- covered by William Kilbnrne Gent. Ex parvd scintilld. Printed at Finsbury Anno 1659. 4°, A— B in fours. KING'S EVIL. The Ceremonies for the Healing of them that be Diseased with the Kings Evil. Used in the Time of King Henry VII. Published by His Majesties Command. London, Printed by Henry Hills, Printer 1o the King's Most Excellent Majesty . . . 1686. Sm. 8°, A in twelves. Printed in red and black. L. E. An Account of Spain : Being A Descrip- tion of that Country and People ; And of the Sea-Ports along the Mediterranean : Of Ceuta, Tangier, &c. With a New and exact Map of the City and Harbour of Cadiz. To which is added, A Large Preface concerning the Establishment of the Spanish Crown, on the Duke of Anjou. London, Printed for John Chantry at the Pestle and Mortar with- out Temple-Bar, 1703. 8°. A, 4 leaves : a — c in fours : B — N in eights. With a folded map. Dedicated to the Duke of Norfolk. L. S. Considerations Humbly proposed As well to the Officers and Souldiers of the Army, as to others, In order to a quiet and Christian Submission to his High- ness the Lord Protector : Under these General Heads following ; 1. His Legal Inauguration ... By T. L. Gent. Lon- don, Printed for the publick good, and are to be sold in Pauls church-yard, and in Westminster-hall, 1658. 4°, A— B 2 in fours. LAMBARD, WILLIAM. Archion, Or, A Comentary Upon the High Courts of Ivstice in England. Com- piled by William Lambard of Lincolus- lnne, Esquire. London : Printed for Daniel Frere, and are to be sold at his shop in little; Brittaine, at the signe of the Red Bull, 1635. 8°. A, 4 leaves : B— T 4 in eights. Following the title occurs : The Epistle As it was Dedicated in the Manuscript, to the right Honorable Sir Robert Cecil Knight, one of her Maiosties most Honour- able Privy Counsull. LAMBERT, JAMES. The Country-Man's Treasure : Shewing the Nature, Cause, and Cure of all Dis- eases incident to Cattel. With Proper- Means to prevent their common Diseases and Distempers . . . London : Printed for Henry Twvford in Vine-Court Middle Temple, 1683. 8°. A, 3 leaves 4- a frontispiece : B — E 4 in eights. LAMBETH. Lambeth Ale. [Col.] London, Printed for Abel Roper, near Temple-Bar in Fleet-Street. 1693. 4°, 2 leaves. Iu two columns. A political tract. LAMPOON. The Innocent Lampoon : Or, The Devote Turn'd Lover. Dedicated and Presented to the Queen, for Entertainment of Her Majesty, and Her Honourable Attendance at the Bath. Et Nos Cedamus Amori. London : Printed for John Nutt, near Stationers-Hall. 1702. 4°, A— D 2 in fours. In verse. LANDSCAPES AND PAINTINGS. The Geometry of Laudskips and Paint- ings Made Familiar and Easie : Vseftil to Limners in Drawing, and Gentlemen in Choosing Pictures ; And Beneficial to Architects and Carvers in Proportioning the Graces and Statues of their Buildings to the due Distance of Sight, aud to Country Gentlemen in the more con- venient Framing of their Platforms tor Seats, and Prospects. In a better to a Friend. . . . London : Printed for Richard Baldwin, in the Old-Bailv, 1690. 4". Title and Preface, 2 leaves ; B— E 2 in fours. B. M. LA TIN. V> LEE. LATIN. A Comfortable ayde for Scholers, full of varietie of Sentences, gathered out of an Italian Authour, by Dauid Rowland. Bonis omnia in bonum. Imprinted at London, bv Henry Wykes. Anno Do- mini. 1568. 8°. A, 4 Laves : B, 8 leaves : B — K in eights, B being repeated. Dedicated by Rowland to his singular good Lord and Master, the Earl of Len- nox, under date of May 10, 1568. Sotheby's, Nov. 20, 1890, No. 3831, badly wormed. LAUD, WILLIAM, Archbishop of Canter- bury. A Summarie of Devotions, Compil'd and Used by Dr. William Laud, Sometime L d Arch -Bishop of Canterbvry. Now Published according to the Copy written with his own hand, and reserved in the Archives of St. John Baptist's Colledge Library in Oxon. Oxford, Printed by William Hall, Anno Dom. 1667. 8", B — Y 6 in eights and the title-page. LAUREL. The Laurel, A Poem on the Poet-Laureat. Nos sequimur Lauros Te Lauri sponte sequuntur. London, Printed for Benj. Tooke . . . 1685. 4°, A— F 2 in fours, F 2 blank. LA VALLIERE, MADAME. The Penitent Lady : Or Reflections on the Mercy of God. Written by the Fam'd Madam La Valliere, Since Her Retirement from the French Court to a Nunnery. Translated out of French, by a Divine of the Church of England. . . . London : Printed for Dorman Newman . . . 1684. Sm. 8°, A— F in twelves, F 1 2 blank. With a frontis] )iece containing a portrait of M me La Valliere. LAVENDER, THEOPHILUS. The Travels of certaine Englishmen into Africa, Asia, Troy, Bythinia, Thracia, and to the Black Sea. And into Syria, Cilicia, Pisidia, Mesopotamia, Damascus, Canaan, Galilee, Samaria, ludea, Palestina, Ierusalem, Iericho, and to the Red Sea : and to sundry other places. Begunne in the yeare of Iubile 1600. and by some of them finished this yeere 1608. The others not yet returned. Very profitable for the helpe of Trauellers, . . . London. Printed by Th. Haueland, for W. Asjdey, and are to bee sold at his .diop in Paules Church yard, at the signe of the Parrot. 1609. 4°, 1, 4 leaves, the first blank : A— X in fours, X 4 with the Errata, &c. LAWSON, WILLIAM. A New Orchard and Garden : . . . witli the Country Housewifes Garden for herbs of common vse, . . . [London printed for Francis Williams. 1626.] 4°, A— O in fours, O 4 blank. The imprint lias been derived from the second part, as that to the first has been cut off in the copy used. LEAGUE AND COVENANT. A Solemne League and Covenant, For Re- formation and Defence of Religion, The Honour and Happinesse of the King, and the Peace and Safety of the three King- domes of Scotland, England, and Ireland . . . Edinburgh, Printed by Evan Tyler, . . . 1643. 4°, A— B in fours, B 4 blank. A Solemne League and Covenant . . . Edinburgh, Printed by Evan Tyler, . . . 1648. 4°, B in fours, and the title. LEANERD, JOHN. The Country Innocence : Or, The Cham- ber-Maid Turned Quaker. A Comedy. With Alterations and Amendments. As it is now Acted at the Theatre-Royal. Written by John Leanerd. . . . London : Printed for Charles Harper, . . . 1677. 4°, A— I 2 in fours. Dedicated to Sir Francis Hinchman. The Counterfeits, A Comedy, As it is Acted at the Duke's Theatre. Vbi volun- tas quceritur, . . . London, Printed for Jacob Tonson, . . . 1679. 4°, A — G in fours, and a leaf of H. The Jealous Husbands, A Comedy With the Humours of Sir John Twiford. And the Rambling Justice. Acted at the Theatre Royal. . . . London Printed for T. Norman at the Popes Head in Fleet- street, betwixt Salisbury Court and Fleet- Bridge, 1680. 4°. A, 2 leaves : B— K 3 in fours. LE CLERC, DANIEL, M.D. The History of Physick, Or, An Account of the Rise and Progress of the Art, And The Several Discoveries therein from Age to Age. With Remarks on the Lives of the most Eminent Physicians. Made English by Dr. Drake, and Dr. Baden. With Additional Notes and Sculptures. London, Printed for D. Brown . . . 1699. 8°, A— Dd 5 in eights 4- a, 3 leaves. With folding portraits of Heraclitus, De- mocritus, and Hippocrates. Dedicated to Sir Thomas Millington, President of the College of Physicians and Physician in Ordinary to his Majesty. LEE, NATHANIEL. The Rival Queens, Or the Death of Alex- D LE FEVRE. 5o LENT/. ander the Great. Acted at the Theater- Royal. By Their Majesties Servants. By" Nat. Lee, Gent. — Naturd sublimis 12. LYL 54 MAX LOVE. As Churchyard died in 1604, the first edition of Lowe's book probably appeared about that date. LYLY, JOHN, M.A. Evphves. The Anatomie of Wit . . . Corrected ami Augmented. At London, Printed tor William Leake, dwelling in Paules Church yard, at the Signe of the Holy Ghost. 1607. 4°,hlack letter, A— U in fours. Evphves and His England. . . . At Lon- don, Printed for William Leake, dwelling in Pauls church-vard, at the si an Incovnter with P. R. the Avthor of the deceitful 1 Treatise of Mitigation : Concerning the Romish doctrine both in question of Rebellion and of Aequiuocation : By Thomas Morton. . . . Published by Authorise. London, Printed by Melch. Brad wood for loin. Bill ami Edmond Weauer. 1608. 4°. 1, 4 leaves, the first blank : MOUNT AGU. 59 A\ C A— R in fours. Dedicated to Robert, Earl of Salisbury. MOUNTAGU, RICHARD. A Gagg for the new Gospell. No : A New Gagg for An Old Goose. Who would ueedes vndertake to stop all Protestants mouths for euer, with 276. places out of their owne English Bibles. Or An Answere to a late Abridger of Controuersies, and Belyar of the Protestants Doctrine. By Richard Mountagu. Published by Avtlio- ritie. London: Printed by Thomas Snod- ham for Matthew Lownes and William Barret. 1624. 4°. Title and following leaves To the Reader, 8 leaves : *— 3 * in fours : A— Gg 2 in fours. MOXON, JOSEPH. A Tutor to Astronomie and Geographie : Or an Easie and speedy way to know the Use of both the Globes, Coelestial and Terrestrial. In six Books . . . More fully and amply then hath ever been set forth either by Gemma Frisius, Metius, Hues, Wright, Blaew, or any others . . . Whereunto is added the Ancient Poetical Stories of the Stars : . . . Collected from Dr. Hood. As also a Discourse of the Antiquity, Progress and Augmentation of Astronomie . . . London, Printed by Joseph Moxon : and sold at his Shop on Corn-hill, at the signe of Atlas. 1659. 4°. Frontispiece containing in the lower part a view of London, with preface, and verses by John Booker, 4 leaves : A — Ff in fours : the Discourse, B — F in fours. With engravings and diagrams. MUCEDORUS. A Most pleasant Comedieof Mucedorusthe Kings sonne of Valentia, and Amadine the Kings Daughter of Aragon. With the merry conceites of Mouse. Amplified with new additions, as it was acted before the Kings Maiestie at White-hall on Shroue-Sunday night. By his Highnes Seruants vsually playing at the Globe. Very delectable, and full of conceited Mirth. Imprinted at London for William Iones, dwelling neare Holborne Conduit, at the signe of the Gunne. 1610. 4 y , A— F in fours. B. M. MUGGLETON, LODOWICK. A Modest Account of the Wicked Life of that Grand Imposter Lo. Muggleton. Wherein is related all the Remarkable Actions he did, and all the strange Acci- dents have befallen him ever since his first coming to London to this 25 th of Jan. 1677. . . . London, Printed for R. H. 1676. 4°, 4 leaves. Muggleton Reviv'd : Or, New News of that Grand Impostor. Being A Narrative of his late Behaviour since his Sentence and standing in the Pillory. . . . London : Printed for D. M. 1677. 4°, 4 leaves. MURRELL, JOHN. Two Bookes of Cookery and Carving . . . 1641. In Hailstone's copy (Sotheby's, April 28, 1891, No. 1477) the New Book of Carving and Sewing was dated 1631, being apparent- ly republished without alteration from a preceding issue. It began with a new title on K 6. MUSTAPHA. The True History of Cara Mustapha, Late Grand Visier. Being A most faith- ful account of his first rising, the several degrees of his Fortune, his Amours in the Serraglio, his Etnplois, the true cause of his undertaking the Siege of Vienna, together with the particulars of his Death. Written Originally in French by a Person of quality, and now translated in English by Francis Philon.Gent. London, Printed for L. Curtiss . . . and Hen. Rodes . . . 1685. 12°. A, 6 leaves : B— G 10 in twelves. With a frontispiece. N. N. G. A Geographicall Description of the King- dom of Ireland. According to the 5. Provinces, and 32 Counties ; together with the Stations, Creeks, and Harbours belonging thereto : tit for Gentlemen, Souldiers, and Sea-men to acquaint them- selves with all. As also Declaring the Right and Titles of the Kin-s of England unto that Kingdom. Likewise Setting down a brief Relation of the former Rebellions, and of their suppres- sion ; especially that in Q. Elizabeths time by Tyrone : ... By a Well-wilier to the peace of both Kingdoms. London, Printed by I. R. for Godfrey Emerson, . . . 1642. 4°. A, 2 leaves: B— in fours. NAOGEORGUS. 60 NEWTON. NAOGEORGUS. THOMAS, otherwise KIRCHMAIER. The Popish Kingdome, or reigne of Anti- christ, written in Latitie verse In- Thomas Naogeorgus, and englished by Barnabe Googe. [Quot. from 2 Tim. 3.] tj Im- printed at London l»y Henrie Denham, for Kicharde Watkins. Antio. 1570. 4°. Title ami dedication to Q. Elizabeth, followed l>y the arms of Googe, 2 leaves • B, 3 leaves : C— Y in fours : Aa— Bb in lours : Table, 4 leaves. B. M. NATURA. Natura Exenterata : Or Nature Un- b, .welled By the most Exquisite Ana- tomizers of Her. Wherein are contained, Her choicest Secrets digested into Re- ceipts, fitted for the Cure of all sorts of Infirmities, . . . Collected and preserved by several Persons of Quality, . . . Where- unto are annexed, Many rare, hitherto un-imparted Inventions, for Gentlemen, Ladies and others, . . . London, Printed for, and are to be sold bv H. Twiford [and others] . . . ] 655. 8°. Title, pre- face, &c, 3 leaves : B — Ii in eights. With a portrait of the Lady Alathea Talbot, Countess of Arundel and Surrey. NAYLOR, JAMES. Milk for Babes; And Meat for Strom* Mm. A Feast of Fat Thing* : Wine well refined on the Lees. come young Men ami Maidens, old Men and Babes, drink Abundantly . . . The Third Edition. London, Printed in the Year, 16(38. 4° A— D in fours, D 4 blank. The introductory matter is dated May 5, 1661. NETHERLANDS. Observations Vpon the Prince of Orange And the States of Holland. [About 1650.] 4", A — B in fours. The Dutch Remonstrance Concerning the Proceedings and Practices of John de Witt Pensionary, and Rvwaert Van Pvtten hi Brother, with others of that Faction. Drawn up by a Person of Eminencv then-, and Printed lit the Hague. And' Trans- lated out of Dutch, August the 30th, 1672. London Printed by S. and J:. (I. and arc to be sold by R. Cover against the Globe in Little-Brittain. 4°. NEVE, JEFFREY. Neue. 1616. A Prognostication seruins for this yeare of our Lord God, and Sauiour Jesvs Christ, 1616. Whereinyou may beholde and obserue, the grounds of the alteration and lition of the foure Quarters of this year.-, . . . Collected ami published By leffrey Neue, Im- printed at Loudon, for the Companie of Stationers. Small 8°, B— C 3 in eights, the Almanac having doubtless formed a! NEW ENGLAND. A Narrative of the Proceedings of Sir Edmond Androsse and his Complices, Who Acted by an Illegal and Arbitrary Commission from the Late K. James, during his Government in New England. By several Gentlemen who were of Iris Council. Printed in the Year 1691. 4°, 6 leaves, or A— B 2 in fours, A not marked. The Revolution in New England Justi- fied, And the People there Vindicated from the Aspersions cast upon them By Mr. John Palmer, in his Pretended An- swer to the Declaration, Published by the Inhabitants of Boston, and the Country adjacent, on the day when they secured their late Oppressors, who acted by an Ille<:all and Arbitrary Commission from the Late King James. Printed for Joseph Browning at Boston in New England 1691. 4", A-G in fours, G 4 blank. The preface is subscribed by E. R. and S. S. Compare Ministers. NEWRY, CAPTAIN. The Life and Conversation of the Pre- tended Captain Charles Newry ; Together with some Remarks upon A Scurrilous and Scandalous Pamphlet, Called,Neweya [sic] case. London, Printed for the Author 1700. Folio, 8 leaves. NEWS. The Late Proceedings in All Trovbled Parts of Christendome this 25. of Ivne 1622. With the besidgeing and taking in of the Citty of Mayneueite, which was vnder the Arch DukeLeopoldus custodie. The weekely newes from Italie, Ger- manic, Hungarie, Bohemia, the Palatinate, and the Low Countries. Printed this 25. of Iune. London Printed by William Jones for Nicholas Bourne and Thomas Archer, . . 1622. 4", A-C in lours, A 1 blank. NEWTON, JOHN, A A The Countrey School-Master, Or, The Art "l Teaching Fair-Wriiing, and all the Useful Parts of Practical Arithmetick in a School-Method. To which is Added Some Fair Greek-Copies for the Use of Grammar-Schools. All Engraven on Copper-Plates. Loudon, Printed and to be sold (with SthooUPattime, . . . by Rob. Walton al the Globe and Compasses al the West-End of Sainl Pauls, as you turn towards Ludgate. 167& 4°. Title NICLAES. 61 OVID I US. dedication to Henry Norwood, Esq., Mayor of Gloucester, and Preface, 4 leaves : and 28 engraved leaves. NICLAES, HENDRICK. An Introduction to the holy Understand- ing of the Glasse of Righteousnesse . . . Set forth bv H. N. . . . London, Printed for George Whittington, . . . 1649. Sm. 8°, A — Aa in eights. The First Exhortation of H. N. to his Children, . . . London, Printed for Giles Calvert, . . . 1656. Sm. 8°, A— P in eights. NOMOPHILOS PHILOPOLIS. A Defence and Vindication of the Right of Tithes, Against sundry late scandalous Pamphlets : Shewing, The lawfulnesse of them, and the just Remedy in Law for them, as well in London as elsewhere. Mai. 3. 8. Will a man rob God ? . . . Penned by a Friend to the Church of England, and a lover of Truth and Peace. London, Printed by George Miller, dwell- ing in the Black-Friers, 1646. 4°, A— E in fours, E 4 blank. Dedicated to Thomas Adams, Lord Mayor of London. NORTHBROOK, JOHN. Spiritvs Est Vicarius Christi in terra. The poore mans Garden : Wherein are flowers of the Scriptures, and Doctours, . . . Truly collected, & diligeiitlie gathered together, by Iohn Northbrook, . . . f" Seene and allowed. At London, Printed by lames Roberts, Anno Dom. 1600. 8°/ 1, 8 leaves : A— LI in eights. NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. The Declaration of the Nobility, Gentry, and Commonalty at the Rendezvous at Nottingham, Nov. 22. 1688. A folio leaf. Without an imprint. O. GATES, TITUS. Oates Well Thresht. Being a Dialogue of Country-make Betwixt a Farmer, and his Man-Boy, Jack. The Good Man, who had lost much hy the Grain, Hears Presbyter-Jack to plead for it in vain. The Tune, Which no Body can deny, &c. The Burden must be Twice Repeated London, Printed for R. H. in the Year, 1681. A folio leaf in verse. OBSERVATIONS. Observations Upon the Times. [About 1645.] 4°, A in fours. OGILBY, JOHN. Britannia : Or, The Kingdom of England and Dominion of Wales, Actually Sur- vey'd : With A Geographical and His- torical Description of the Principal Roads, Explain'd by One Hundred Maps on Copper-Plates. With the Ichnography, or Draught of the several Cities, chief Towns, &c. And a View of the Churches, Houses, and Places of Note on the Road. Also An Account of the most remarkable Passages of Antiquity relating to them, and of their present State. By John Ogilby, Esq ; Cosmographer to King Charles the Second. London : Printed for Abel Swall, at the Unicorn in Pater- noster-row, and Robert Morden, at the Atlas in Corn-hill, mdcxcviii. Folio, A — N, two leaves each, and the Maps. OVERBURY, SIR THOMAS. A Wife. Now The Widdow of Sir Tho: Overbvrie. Being A must exquisite and singular Poem of the choice of a Wife. Wherevnto are added many witty Char- acters, . . . The third Impression ; With addition of sundry other new Characters. London Printed by Edward Griffin for Lawrence Lisle, and are to be sold in Paules Church-vard, at the Tigers head. 1614. 4°, A- H in fours. B. M. OVERTON, ROBERT, Governor of Hull. The Humble and Healing Advice of Collonel Robert Overton Governour of Hull. To Charles Lord Fleetwood, And General Monck, And all other inferiour Officers of both Armies in England and Scotland. London, Printed by T. M. for Livewell Chapman . . . 1659. 4°, 4 leaves. OVIDIUS NASO, PUBLIUS. Ovids Heroicall Epistles Englished by W. S. Veniam pro laude peto. . . . Second Edytion. London primed by R: B: for M: Snarke. 163. Sm. 8°, A— M in eights, title on A 2. Dedicated to the Virtuous Ladies and Gentlewomen of England. The title is engraved. In the present OWEN. PALMERIS. copy the last figure of the date had been lost. Ovid De Arte Amandi, And the Remedy of Love Englished. As also tlie Loves of Hem and Leander, A mock Poem : To- gether with Choice Poems, and Rare Pieces of Drollery. London, Printed in the Year, mdclxxxii. Sin. 8°, A— F in twelves, including a portrait : G, 6. Ovid De Arte Amandi, And The Remedy of Love Englished. As also the Loves of Hero and Leander : . . . London. Printed in the Year, mdclxxxiv. Sm. 8°, A — G 6 in twelves, A 1 with portrait of Ovid. OWEN, JOHN. Agvdezas de J van Oven Tradvcidas en Metro Castellano. Illvstradas, Con Adi- ciones, Y Notas, Por Don Francisco della Torre ... En Madrid : . . . 1674. 4°. % 8 leaves : A — X in eights. OXFORD, CITY OF. Vera Relazione Del Martirio Di due Reuerendi Sacerdoti, & due Laici. Se- gnito l'Anno 1589, in Oxonio Citta di Studio in In ghil terra. Stampata in Roma, Con licenzia de Superiori, & ri- Btampata in Firenze l'Anno 1590. 8°, 4 leaves. The French version purports to be taken from the Italiau. I have hitherto met with no English original. Gaisford, April 29, 1890, in Lot 1425. Two Speeches Spoken at the Councell- Table at Oxford. . . . reprinted at London for Iohn Hanson. 1642. 4° 4 leaves. Good Newes from Oxford (Of the Treaty) For the Surrender thereof: And how they ate packing up to march away on Thurs- day next, June 18. 1646. With the Sur- render of Slierbur ne-house already agreed. Also The particulars of the seven Visions seene at Gravenhage the 31. of May last ; Translated out of the Dutch Copies. Printed by the Original 1 Papers. . . . London, Printed by Jane Coe, 1646. 4°, 4 leaves. With a woodcut on last page. OXFORD, UNIVERSITY OF. Oxonii Lachiyma?, Rachel weeping for her Children, Or, a Patheticall Relation of the present Grievances of the late famous University of Oxford. London, Printed in the year, 1649. 4°, 4 leaves. Epicedia, Academiae Oxoniensis, in Obi- tum CeLsissimi Principis, Henrici Ducia Glocestrensis. Oxoniee, Typia Lichfield- ianis, M DC lx. 4°, A— H in fours, and d, 4 leaves between C and D. With an extra folded leaf after the title with a dedica- tion to Charles II. by John Wallis, en- closed in a border of Greek verses. A Dialogue between Two Oxford Schol- lars. [Col.] London, Printed for H. H. and T. J. near Temple-Bar. 4°. A, 2 : B, 2 : C, 1, besides the title. The Oxford Character of the London Diurnall Examined and Answered. [( !ol.] Printed, by M. B. 1645. 4°, 4 leaves. Without a title-page. P. M. A Character of Coffee and Coffee-Houses. London, Printed tor John Starkey, neer the Devil-Tavern, by Temple- Bar, 1661. 4", A — B 2 in fours. PALATINATE. Coppies of betters sent from Personages of Accompt vnto divers Personages of Worth in London ; Tritely relating all such remarkable Occurrences as haue hapned in the Palatinate from the 30th of May to the 11th of Ivne. Amongst which, the Prise thai < 'mint Mansfeild hath taken from the Bavarian. As also the mis-hap of the Duke of Biunswicke in his passage over the River of Mavne. Likewise a Etela'iOD of divers strange and miracu- lous Accidents, falling out thereabouts. Printed this 21. of lune 1622. London, Printed bv I. D. for Iohn Bartlet. . . . 1622. 4°,"A— B in fours, A 1 and B 4 blank. PALMERIN OF ENGLAND. The First Part of the No Lease rare, then excellent and stately Ilistorie, of the famous and fortunate Prince, Palmerin of England. Declaring the birth of him, and Prince Florian du Desart his brother, in the Forrest of great Bnttaine: The course of their lines afterward in pursuing Knightly Aduentures, and performing incomparable deeds of Chinalrie. . . . Translated nut of French by A. IW. one of the Messengers of her Maiesties Cham- PARACELSUS. 63 PARLIAMENT. her. Patere aut abstine. London, Printed by Thomas Creede. 1609. 4°. . Sotheby's, March 1891, No. 2331, a title- page belonging to an otherwise unknown impression, inserted in a titleless copy of the 4° of 1639. The volume was from the libraries of Major Pearson and George Steevens. The Third and last part of Palmerin of England. Enterlaced with the loues and fortunes of many gallant Knights and Ladies : A historie full of most choise and sweet varietie. Written in Spanish, Italian, and French, and translated into English by A. M. one of the Messengers of her Maiesties Chamber. Patere. aut ab- stine. At London, Printed by I. R. for William Leake, at the signe of the Grey- hound in Paules Church-yard. 1602. 4°, A-Dddd in fours. Dedicated to Master John Swinnerton, Esquire, and his wife. PARACELSUS, PHILIPPUS AUREO- LUS THEOPHRASTUS. The first part of the Key of Philosophie . . . AtLondon. Printed by Richard Day, to be sold at the long shop at the West ende of Paules. Sm. 8°. * 8 leaves : A — G in eights, G 8 apparently blank. PARKER, HENRY. The True Portraiture of the Kings of England ; Drawn from their Titles, Suc- cessions, Raigns, and Ends. . . . To which is added the political Catechism. . . . London, Printed in the Year 1688. 4°, A — I in fours. PARKER, SAMUEL, F.R.S., c£v. A Free and Impartial Censure of the Platonick Philosophie ; With An Account of the Origenian Hypothesis, concerning the Preexistence of Souls. In Two Letters, Written to Mr. Nath : Bisbie. The Second Edition. Oxford, Printed by Hen : Hall, ... for Ric : Davis, 1667. 8°. A, 4 leaves, A 1 with label and A 4 with duplicate title : B— R 4 in eights. Dedicated to Dr. Bathurst, President of Trinity College, Oxford. PARLIAMENT. The Protestation Protested : Or, A short Remonstrance, shewing what is princi- pally required of all those that have or doe take the last Parliamentary Protestation. [Eccl. 5, 45. When thou voicest . . .] Printed in the yeare. mdcxlii. 4°, A — C in fours. Votes of Both Housesof Parliament: With sundry Articles, or Acts of Parliament to confirme the same. Taken out of the Re- cords of the Tower. Also, Two Orders of both Houses of Parliament : The one, To all High Sheriffes, Justices of the peace, and other Officers, within 150. Miles of the City of Yorke : The other, In parti- cular to the high Sheritis . . . within the County of Lancaster. In generall, to all the Counties of England, and Do- minion of Wales. . . . London, Printed by E. Griffin, fur Christopher Latham. 1642. 4°, 4 leaves. Two Speeches Delivered by the Earl of Manchester, And Mr. Io : Pym, Esquire, In Gvild-Hall, on Friday the 25. of Nov. 1642. Concerning a present Supply of Money for the Army, and Propositions for easing the City for the time to come : And laying the burthen on the Neu- trallists and Malignents throughout the Kingdom. London : Printed by J. F. for Peter Cole, . . . 1642. 4°, 4 leaves. Two Speeches Made in the House of Peers, On Munday the 19. of December, For, and Against Accommodation. The one by the Earl of Pembroke, the other by the Lord Brooke. The latter Printed by Order of the House of Commons. London, Printed for Joh. Thompson. 1642. 4°, 4 leaves. The Parliament Scout : Communicating His Intelligence to the Kingdome. [Lou- don, 1643-4.] 4°. I have only seen Nos. 6-79, Thursday, 27th July 1643, to Thursday, 26th Dec. 1644. Apparently A — Ffff in fours. The colophon of No. 6 is : " Printed by G. Bishop, and R. White ; " of No. 79 : " London Printed for R. W. 1644." A Perfect Diurnall of some Passages in Parliament : And some other parts of this Kingdom, from . . . Printed for Francis Coles and Laurence Blaikelocke : And are to be sold at their Shops in the Old- Baily, and at Temple-Bar. ... 4°. A Perfect List of the Lords of the Other House, and of the Knights, Citizens, and Burgesses, and Barons of the Cinque Ports, now Assembled in this present Parliament holden at Westminster, for the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland, Jan. 27. 1658. London, Printed by T. N. for Thomas Gould, at the sign of the Church in Chancery-lane. 1659. A large broadside. A Discourse of the Rise & Power of Parliaments, Of Law's, of Courts of Judi- cature, of Liberty, Property, and Religion, of the Interest of England in reference to the Desines of France ; of Taxes and of Trade. In a Letter from a Gentleman in PAPSONS. 64 PETITIONS. the Country to a Member of Parliament. Solus Populi Suprema lex esto. Printed in the Year, 1677. 8". Title, 1 leaf: " Preface writ by the Bookseller's friend," * — *** in fours. Publisher to the Reader, 2 leaves: Contents and Errata, 2 leaves: A 4 — Q 4 in eights, Q 4 with a second Errata. PARSONS, ROBERT. A Booke of Christian Exercise Appertain- ing to Resolvtion, that is, shewing how that we should resolue our selues to be- come Christians indeede. By R. P. Per- used and accompanied nowe with a treatise tending to pacification, By Ed- mvnd Bvnny. Heb. 13, 8. Iesus Christ yesterday ... At Oxford, Printed by Ioseph Barnes, Printer to that famous Vniuersity. 1585. Sm. 8". * 12 leaves: A — Cc in twelves : Dd, 8. Dedicated to Edwin, Archbishop of York, by Bunny. The preface is dated July 9, 1584, from " Bolton Percie, in the auncientie or liber- ties of Yorke," and is also subscribed by Bunny. PASCAL, BLAISE. Monsieur Pascall's Thoughts, Meditations, and Prayers, Touching Matters Moral and Divine, As they were found in his Papers after his Death. . . . Done into English by Jos. Walker . . . London, Printed for Jacob Tonson . . . 1G88. 8°. A, 8 leaves : a — b 4 in eights : B — Bb 4 in eights. De- dicated to the Honourable Robert Boyle. PASQUIN. The Visions of Pasquin, Or, A Character of the Roman Court, Religion and Prac- tices : Together with an Account of the Arts of the Popes Nephews to get Money, The Tricks of the Priests to fill the Churches Coffers by Masses for the Dead, The Policy of the Jesuites to Cully Princes, and Cheat Christendom As Also An Exact Description of Purgatory and Hell. In a Dialogue between Pasquin and Marforio, Translated out of Italian. llLdaittiii diet re verum Quis vetat? Lon- don, Printed, and are to be Sold by Richard Baldwin . . . 1689. 4", A— 1 in fours. PECKE, THOMAS. To the Mosi High and Mighty Monarch, Charles the 1 1. By the Grace of Cud, . . . Thomas Peckeofthe Inner Temple, Esq ; Wisheth an Affluence of both Temporal and Eternal Felicity, And most humbly Devotetb this Heroiek Poem, In Honour of Hi- Majesties Establishment in the Throne of IP Ancei tours. London : Printed by James Cottrel mdclx. 4°, A — B in fours. PENN, WILLIAM. England's Present Interest Considered, With Honour to the Prince, and Safety to the People. In Answer to this one Ques- tion ; What is most Fit, Easie and Safe at this Juncture of Affairs to be done, . . . Submitted to the Consideration of our Superiours. London, Printed and Sold by T. Sowle, next Door to the Meet- ing-house in White-hart-court in Gracious- street, and at the Bible in Ladeen-hall- street, 1698. 12". A, 6 leaves : B— H in twelves. PENNSYLVANIA The Tryals of Peter Boes, } Thomas Budd, and George Keith, } William Bradford, Quakers, For several Great Misdemean- ours (As was pretended by their Adver- saries) before A Court of Quakers : At the Sessions held at Philadelphia in Pen- sylvania, the Ninth, Tenth, and Twelfth Days of December, 1(192. Giving also ah Account of the most Arbitrary Procedure of that Court. Printed first Beyond-Sea, and now Reprinted in London, for Richard Baldwin in Warwick-lane. 1693. 4°, A— D in fours, and a leaf of E. PERKINS, JOHN, of the Iimr Temple. Here Beginneth a verie Profitable booke of Master John Perkins felowe of the inner Temple, treating of the Lawes of this Realine wherunto is added A newe Table, and also is conferred with the Abridgementes, . . . nowe newelye im- printed. Londini in Aedibus Ricardi Totteli. 1555. Cum priuilegio . . . 8°. A, 4 leaves : A — B in eights with the Table : B— Y in eights. B. M. A profitable Booke of Master Iohn Per- kins . . . Apud Richardum Totteli. Cum priuilegio. [Col.] Imprinted at London in Fletestivete . . . by Richarde Tottel, the last day of August." 1581. 8°, A — Y in eights. PETITIONS. Several] Petitions Presented to the Honor- able Houses of Parliament, now As- sembled. 1. The humble Petition of many thousands of Courtiers, Citizens, Gentlemen, and Trades-mens wives, in- habiting within the Cities of London and Westminster: concerning the staying of the Queenes intended voyage into Hol- land, ... 2. An other of the Gentry, Ministers, and Comniunality of Cb Ireland in the County of Yorke, . . . .'5. The PETRONIUS ARBITER. 65 PHILIPS. humble Petition of the Gentlemen and other Inhabitants, of the County of Corn- wall. London, Printed by a true Copy for Iohn Wright. 1641. 4°, 4 leaves. PETRONIUS ARBITER, TITUS. The Satyr of Titus Petronius Arbiter, A Roman ' Knight. With its Fragments, recover'd at Belgrade. Made English by Mr. Burnaby of the Middle-Temple, and another Hand . . . London, Printed for Samuel Briscoe, over against Will's Coffee- House in C< .vent-Garden. 1694. 8°. A— K 4 in eights : + B 1- K in eights. PETTUS, SIR JOHN. A Narrative of the Excommunication of Sir John Pettus of the County of Suffolk, Knight. Obtained against him by a Lady. a Roman Catholick. . . . Printed in the Year, 1674. 4°. A, 2 : B— C in fours. PETTY, SIR WILLIAM, F.R.S. Observations Upon the Dublin-Bills of Mortality, 1681. And the State of that City. 8°, A 4 : B 2 : and 4 Tables. An Essay Concerning the Multiplication of Mankind : Together with another Essay in Political Arithmetick, Concerning the Growth of the City of London : . . . The Second Edition Revised and Enlarged. London : Printed for Mark Pardoe, at the Black Raven over against Bedford- house in the Strand. 1686. 8°, A— C in eights : 1), 2. Two Essays in Political Arithmetick, Concerning the People, Housing, Hos- pitals, &c. of London and Paris. By Sir William Petty, Fellow of the Royal Society . . . London, Printed for J. Lloyd . . . 1687. 8°, A— B in eights. Five Essays in Political Arithmetick, Viz. 1. Objections from the City of Rev in Persia ... II. A Comparison be- tween London and Paris in 14 particu- lars. III. Proofs that in London, within its 134 Parishes named in the Bills of Mortality, there live about 696 Thousand People . . . London, Printed for Henry Mortlock . . . 1687. 8°, A— G in eights, A 1 — 2 in this copy with a duplicate Imprimatur. PHAER, THOMAS. The Regiment of Life, wherunto is added a treatise of the pestilence, with the boke of children, newly corrected and enlarged by T. Phayre. [Col.] Imprinted at LSdon in Fletestrete at the signe of the Sunne oner against the condite, by Ed- warde whitchurche. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum. Sm. square 8°, A— Bb in eights, lib 7 with the colophon and Bb 8 blank. The Freface is dated " LoDdini, Mense Iunii. M.D.xlvi." The regiment of life, wherevnto is added a treatise of the pestilence, with the Booke of children, newly corrected and enlarged by Thomas Phaire. [Col.] Imprinted at London, by Ihon Kyngston and Henry Sutton, dwelling in Paules Church-yarde. Anno Domini . 1553. Sm. 8°, A— Bb in eights, Bb 8 blank and Bb 7 with the colophon. PHILADELPHIAN SOCIETY. Theosophical Transactions of the Phila- delphian Society, Consisting of Memoirs, Conferences, Letters, Dissertations, In- quiries, &c. For the Advancement of Pietv, and Divine Philosophy. Number I. For the Month of March, 1697. . . . London, Printed and are to be Sold by the Booksellers of London and West- minster 1697. Price One Shilling. 4°. Title and Preface, followed by Table, 2 leaves : A— I in fours : K, 2 : Title and Preface to Number II. for April, 1697 . . . Price Six Pence, 2 leaves : K 3—4 and L — N in fours : Number III. for May and June, 1697, Price, One Shilling. Six Pence, title, half-title, and folding plate, 3 leaves : D— Cc in fours : Dd, 6, last leaf blank : [No. 4 wanting in this copy :] Number V. for September, October, No- vember, 1697, Ii— Rr 2 in fours + title and following leaf. PHILALETHES. The Causes and Cures of an unwilling Warre. Or, Justice awakened from Gownes to Guns. Historified by Phila- lethes. Omnia tentanda priusquam Armis. Printed in the Year 1645. 4", A— E 2 in fours, E 2 blank. In verse. PHILALETHES. The Plain Mans Way For England's Pros- perity : more particularly Referred and Submitted to the Consideration of the Lords and Commons in Parliament As- sembled, 1698. London : Printed for A. Baldwin, . . . mdcxcviii. 4°, A — E 2 in fours. PHILIPS, JOHN. Joannis Philippi Angli Responsio Ad Apologiam Anonymi cujusdam tenebri- onis pro Rege & Populo Anglicam infan- tissimam. Londini, Typis Du-gardiani*. An. Dom. M. DC. lii. "Sm. 8°, "B— R in eights, besides the title-page and Errata, 2 leaves. Don Juan Lamberto : Or, a Comical His- PH1L0MUSUS. 66 PLUNKET. tory of the Late Times. The First Part. By'MonU'lion Knight of the Oracle, &c. London: Sold by Henry Marsh at the Princes Arms in Chancery-Lane near Fleet street. 1661. 4", A— G in fours, besides the title, F 2 misprinted H 2, and the last three pages occupied by adver- tisements. Black letter, without cut-. At the foot of G 3 recto occurs a notice as to tlie Errata. PHILOMUSUS. The Academy of Complements with many New Additions of Songs and Catches A-la- mode. London: Printed for P. Parker at the Leg and Star in Cornhil, 1684. Sm. 8°, B— N in twelves, besides the title and frontispiece. PHYSICIAN. The Doctors Physician : Or, Dialogues concerning Health. Translated out of the Original French. London, Printed for Joseph Hindmarsh, Bookseller to His Roval Highness, at the Black Bull in Cornhil 1, 1685. Sm. 8°, A- 1 in twelves : K, 6. PHYSICIANS, COLLEGE OF. A Short Account of the Proceedings of the College of Physicians, London, In relation to the Sick' Poor of the said City and Suburbs thereof, With the Reasons which have induced the College to make Medicines for them at the Intrinsick Value. London, Printed in the Year 1697. 4°, B— C in fours, and the title. PINCHION, WILLIAM, of Springfield, New England. The Jewes Synagogue : Or, A Treatise Concerning the ancient Orders and man- ner of worship used by the Jewes in their Synagogue- Assemblies. Gathered out of the Sacred Scriptures, . . . London, Printed for Iohn Bellamie, . . . 1652. 4°, A— N 2 in fours, N 2 blank + A, 2 leaves. Dedicated to the Christian Readers of Great Britany. P1ZACHARUS, BAPTISTA. Oratio ad Romanos per Baptistam Piza- charvm in Electione Pontifieis. [Col.] Kx ofncina Richardi Pynsonis / nonia Septembris. Cum priuilegio a rege in- dulto. 1". A B in iburs, B 4 blank: c— d in fours, Pynson's full-page device occupying D 4 verso. The oratio ends on B •'> verso ; on <• 1 com- mences a series of epigrams and epitaphs, the first being Ad auditorem. Others axe addressed to Henry VIII., Catherine of Arragon, Our Lady of Barking, Our Lady <>f Walsingham, Thomas More, -inlm Blunt, &c. Tin- epitaphs are mi William Griffith of Oxford, Nicholas Langdon, Baker, the Byrds, William Rose, Latimer, and the writer's relations, Roger and Isabella Con- stable, his brother Richard, and his sister Martha. On D 4 recto occurs : Cviq ; in Epigram- mata Typographi Thomas Bercvlse Epistola, in which the Vulijaria of Horman (1519) and the Epigrams of John Constable (1520) are mentioned. The woodcut initials on A 2 and D 4 appear to be of the same cha- racter. This volume, of which I never saw any copy except that before me, obtained from an old library in Devonshire, appears to have been published before the divorce of Catherine of Arragon and subsequently to 1520. The title-page refers to the election of Adrian VI. , 1522. From the heading to the Epistle at the end we might infer that the Epigrams, &c, were by Pynson himself, yet a perusal of the Epistle, taken with the poems on the Constables on the preceding page, almost justify us in concluding that the author was John Constable, who published in 1520 a volume of Epigrams attributed to the press of Pynson, an unique copy of which is in the Bodleian. PLOWDEN, EDMUND, Apprentice in the Common Laic. Cy ensuout certeyne Cases Beportes per Edmunde Plowden vn Apprentice en le commen ley, puis le primer imprimier des ses Commentaries, & ore a le seconde imprimier des les dies Commentaries a ces addes. . . . Cum Priuilegio. 1579. [Col.] U In JFAihns Biehardi Tottelli. 1579. Cum Priuilegio. Folio, A — Ss in fours : Tt, 6 leaves, the last blank : Table, 5 leaves : Vn Rport . . . Aii — D in fours. The colophon on Tt 5 verso is dated 1584. 15 die Februarij ; probably these law- books were made up from different issues or portions reprinted. Les Commentaries, ou Beports de Edmund Plowden vn Apprentice de le common Leye, de diners cases estant matters en ley, & des les Argumentes sur yeeux, en les temps del Baigns le Boy Ed. le size, le Roign Mary, le Roy & Boign Ph. & Mary, & le Roign Elizabeth. In iEdibus Richardi Tottelli. Cum Priuilegio. 1588. Folio. IF, 4 leaves : B — 1) in fours : A — 5 G in fours ; 5 1 1 . 6 haves, the last blank. PLUNKET, OLIVER, Titular Bishop of . I rmagh. Jus Primitiale : Or, The Ancienl Righl and Preheminency of the See of Armagh, Above all other Archbishopricks in the Kingdom of Ireland. Asserted by 0. A. T. II. P. Printed in the Fear 1672. 8°, A— Lin fours, L 3— 4 blank. POEMS. 67 PRICE. POExMS. Poems Or Epigrams, Satyrs, Elegies, Songs and Sonnets, Upon several Persons and Occasions. By No body must know whom, to be had every body knowes where, and for any body knowes what. London, Printed for Henry Broine, at the Gun in Ivie-Lane. 1658. 8°, A— H in eights. Chorus Poetarvm : Or, Poems on Several Occasions. By the Duke of Buckingham, the late Lord Rochester, Sir John Denliain, Sir Geo. Etheridge, Andrew Marvel, Esq ; The famous Spencer, Madame Behn, And several other Eminent Poets of this Age. Never before Printed. London: Printed for Benjamin Bragg, at the White-Hart, over against Water-Lane in Fleet-street. mdclxixiv. [sic for 1684.] 8°, A— M in eights, M 8 blank, and A 1 with an Ad- vertisement. With a dedicatory Epistle to Sir Fleetwood Sheppard by Charles Gildon. Loyal Poems and Satyrs Upon the Times, Since the beginning of the Salamanca Plot, Written by several Hands. Col- lected by M. T. [Quot. from Dryden's Absalom and Achitophel.] London, Printed for John Smith Bookseller in Russel- Street near Covent-Garden, 1685. 8°. A, 4 leaves : B — L in eights. Dedicated to the Lords and Gentlemen, members of the Loyal Club, at the Dog in Drury Lane. At the end of the dedication occurs under M. Taubman's name, in coeval MS.: "As great a Scoundrel as ever wrote w th Pen." POLANDER, The Lovely Polander : A Novel of Gal- lantrv. London, Printed for John Kidgel at the Atlas in Cornhil. [About 1680.] Sm. 8°. A, 3 leaves : B — D in twelves : E, 8. Dedicated by F[errand] S[pence] to the Countess Dowager of Ogle. POOLE, WILLIAM. The Coun[t]rey Farrier. Teaching divers and sundry approved Medicines, to Cure all sorts of Cattell : . . . Very useful and necessary for all Country -Farmers, Hous- holders, and generally for all sorts of people. The Second addition, . . . Lon- don, Printed by Tho. Forcet, dwelling in Old-Fishstreet. 1650. Sm. 8°, A— D 4 in eights, A 1 and D 4 blank. POPERY. II Put'inismo di Roma, Or the History of the Whores and Whoredom of the Popes, Cardinals and Clergy of Rome. Dis- covered by a Conclave of Ladies convened for the Election of a new Pope. Written in Italian by the Author of Cardinalismo and Nepotismo. And now made English by I. D. Esq; London, Printed, 1670. 8°. Title and Preface, signed I. D. A. S., 3 leaves. B— K 4 in eights. PORTUGAL. An Account of the Court of Portugal, Under the Reign of the present King Don Pedro II. With Some Discourses on the Interests of Portugal, with Regard to other Sovereigns ; Containing A Relation of the most Considerable Transactions that have pass'd of late betwene that Court, and those of Rome, Spain, France, Vienna, England, &c. London. Printed for Thomas Bennet, . . . 1700. 8°. Title and Con- tents, 2 leaves : A, 4 leaves : B — L in eights : M, 6. PRAYER. A Forme of Prayer, Used at Newport in the Isle of Wight : By His Majesties Di- rections, upon the 15 of September, 1648. Being the day of Fasting and Humiliation for the obtaining a Blessing upon the Personall Treatie Betweene the King and His Two Houses of Parliament. London, Printed for Richard Royston, in Ivie-lane. 1648. 8°, A in eights, A 1 with the Royal arms. Certain Prayers Fitted to severall Occa- sions. And Are to be used in His Majes- ties Armies. Published by His Higli- nesse Command. London. Printed in the Yeare, 1648. 8°, A— B in eights. PRESS. The Tears of the Press, With Reflections on the Present State of England. Lon- don, Printed, and are to be sold bv Richard Janeway ... 1681. 4°, A-C 2 in fours. A Letter to a Member of Parliament, Shewing, that a Restraint on the Press is inconsistent with the Protestant Reli- gion, and Dangerous to the Liberties of the Nation. The S< cond Impression. London, Printed by J. Darby, and sold by A. B. at the Cross-Keys and Bible in Cornhil. 1700. 4°, A — D in fours. PRICE, LAWRENCE. The Vertuous Wife Is the Glory of her Husband ; Or, A Good Woman in her Proper Colours. Shewing at large the Rare Endowments, Excellent Qualities, . . . Also ten Characters, or rare Jewels, hanging in the Crown of the vertuous Wife, . . . Lastly, A few counsels to all young men. . . . By L. P. A well-wisher to all Good Women. Printed for T. Pas- r RIDE A UX. 68 PRYNNE. senger, at the three Bibles on the middle of London-Bridge. 1667. Sin. 8°, A— B 4 in eights, including a frontispiece. In prose and verse. B. M. Sotheby's, July 18, 1890, No. 2393. Dr. Bliss's copy. PRIDEAUX. HUMPHREY, D.D. The True Nature of Imposture Fully Displayed in the Life of Mahomet. With A Discourse annexed, for the Vindicating of Christianity from this Charge ; Offered to the Consideration of the Deists of the present Age. London : Printed for Wil- liam Rogers, . . . mdcxcvii. 8°, A — N in eights, and a, 8 leaves. The Preface is dated from Norwich, March 15, 169?. A Letter to the Deists : Shewing, That the Gospel of Jesus Christ is no Impos- ture ; but the Sacred Truth of God. By Humphrey Prideaux, D.D. And Arch- Deacon of Suffolk. London, Printed by J. H. for W. Rogers, . . . 1697. 8°, A— K 4 in eights. PRIMER. Thys prymer in Englyshe and in Laten is newly traslatyd after the Laten texte. [This is a headline on A, there being no regular title. At the end we read :] Imprynted it Parystheyere of our Lorde. 1538. 8°, A— Z in eights, followed by a half-sheet of 4. With woodcuts. An Almanac for twelve years, beginning with 153G, is on the back of the title. The contentes of thys booke are below the parti- culars on A recto. (ii.) An exposicvon after the maner of a coteplacyo. . . . [Col.] Imprynted inParys the yere of our Lorde 1538. 8°, A— 114 in eights. Without a regular title, (iii.) Here becynneth the Pystles and Gospels : of euery Sonday and holy daye in the yere. 1838. [Col.] Imprinted at Paris The yere of our Lorde, m.d xxxviij. 8", A — H 7 in eights. In two columns, small type, with half-measure cuts. These articles were doubtless printed and sold together, though the Contents of the Primer do not embrace the other two parts. PRISONS. The Charitable Visit to the Prisons Con- taining Suitable and proper Advice or Counsel to those who arc Confined there. To which are added Prayers for the Use • i Prisoners. . . . London, Printed by J. Downing . . . 170!). Sni. 8°. A, •1 leaves : B — F in twelves : G, 5. PROTESTANTS. Some Considerations Tending to the un deceiving those, whose judgments are misinformed by Politique, Protestations, Declarations, &c. Being a necessary Dis- course for the present times, concerning the unseasonable difference between the Protestant and the Puritan. 4°, A— B in fours. Protestant Loyalty Fairly Drawn, In an Answer to A Pair of Scandalous and Popish Pamphlets. The First Intituled, A Dialogue at Oxford. . . . The Other Intituled, An Impartial Account of the Nature and Tendency of the late Ad- dresses. . . . London, Printed for Walter Kettilby, . . . 1681. 4", A— L in fours. A Discourse Shewing that Protestants are on the Safer Side, notwithstanding the uncharitable Judgment of their Adver- saries ; And that Their religion is the Surest Way to Heaven. London: Printed for Richard Chiswell, . . . mdclxxxvii. 4°, A — F 2 in lours, A 1 with Impri- matur. A Brief Account of the First Rise of the Name Protestant ; And what Protestant- ism is : with a Justification of it ; . . . By a Professed Enemy to Persecution. . . . London, Printtd in the Year 1688. 4°, A— E in fours. PRYNNE, WILLIAM. God, No Impostor Nor Delvder : Or, An Answer to a Popish and Arminian Cauill, in the defence of Free-Will, and vniver- sall Grace ; . . . By William Prynne. . . an vtter Barrester of Liucolnes lnne . . Printed, m.dc.xxix. 4", a* — e* 2 in fours. God No Impostor, Nor Delvder. Or, An Answer to a Popish and Arminian Cavill, in the defence of Free-Will, and vniver- sall Grace ; ... By William Prynne, . . . Printed, m.DC.xxx. 4°, a* — e* in fours, e* 4 blank -4- title and dedication. A Soveraign Antidote to Prevent, Ap- pease, and Determine our unnatural and destructive Civill Warres and Dissentions . . . The second Impression much en- larged . . . London, Printed in the Veare 1642. 4°, A— D in fours + Title and Preface. The Soveraigne Power of Parliaments and Kingdoms: Divided into Fovre Parts. Together with An Appendix : Wherein the Superiority of our owne, and most other Foraine Parliaments, States, King- domes, Magistrates, (collectively con- sidered,) over and above their lawfull Emperours, Kings, Princes, is abundantly evidenced, confirmed by pregnant Reasons, PRYNNE. 69 PRYNNE. Resolutions, Precedents, Histories, Autho- rities of all sorts, the contrary Objections re-i'elled : . . . . Printed at London for Michael Sparke Senior. 1643. Large 4°. First Title and Epistle to the Parliament, 4 leaves : second title and Preface, 2 leaves : A — M in fours : Second Part, title and preface, 2 leaves : A — E in fours : (*), 1 leaf : F— L in fours : Third Part, title and dedication to Sir Ferdinando Fairfax, Sir William Waller, and Sir William Brereton : A — T in fours : Fourth Part, A — E in fours : Aa — Eee 2 in fours, last leaf with Errata. An Exact Catalogue of All Printed Books and Paper of various Subjects, Written upon sundry Occasions By William Prynne Esq ; a Bencher of the Honour- able Society of Linculus-Inne. Before, i During, > His Imprisonment. Since, ) Jitcundi alti Labores. . . . London, Printed fur Michael Sparke, Senior. 1643. and Re-printed for Edward Thomas, at the Adam and Eve in Little Britain . . . 1660 [Oct.] 4°, A— B iu fours : C, 1 leaf. B. M. A Moderate Apology Against a Pretended Calumny. In Answer to some Passages in the Preheminence of Parleuient. Newly published by James Howell Esquire, . . . Printed at London for Michael Sparke, Senior. 1644. 4°, 4 leaves. The Falsities and Forgeries of the Anony- mous Author of a late Pamphlet, (supposed to be Printed at Oxford but in truth at London) 1644. Intituled The Fallacies of Mr. William Prynne, .... Printed at London, for Michael Sparke, Senior. 1644. 4°, 4 leaves. The Substance of the Speech made in the House of Commons By Wil. Prynn of Lincolns-Inn, Esquire ; On Munday the Fourth of December, 1648. Touching the Kings Answer to the Propositions ot both Houses upon the whole Treaty, . . . The third Edition. . . . London, Printed for Mich. Spark . . . 1649. 4°, A— S in fours. With a portrait : jEtat. suae 40, having four lines of verse beneath. The Epistle to the Reader is dated " from the sign of the King's-head, June 22, ] 648 ; " it is followed by " Mr. Prynne's Letter To the Borough of Newport iu Cornwall, for which he serves in Parliament." On the back of the portrait in this copy is a curious coeval MS. memorandum : '' S r I salute you, and desire you to exchange your new booke of M r Prynns, for this (w ch is I pre- sume new to you k. his cheife peice) worthy of your perusall. I have a good me[sse ?] of beife to dinner ; if you like it, come ; nil mihi reseribas, attamen Ipse ven[ias.] My service to Father k. Mother." A Short Demurrer to the Jewes Long dis- continued Remitter into England. Com- prising, An exact Chronological Relation of their first Admission into, their ill De- portnient, Misdemeanors, Condition, Suf- ferings, Oppressions, .... Printed at London, for Edward Thomas dwelling in Green- Arbor, 1656. 4°, A— B 2 in fours : A — M in fours : N, 5. This is an historical account of the rela- tions of the Jews to England at various times. A Gospel Plea (Interwoven with a Ra- tional and Legal) for the Lawfulnes & Continuance of the Ancient Setled Main- tenance and Tenthes of the Ministers of the Gospel : . . . London, Printed by E. Cotes for Michael Sparke, .... 1653. 4°, a — c in fours : A — X 2 in fours, beside the title and a folded leaf containing a portrait of the author, with verses and quotations (probably belonging to the volume). Dedicated to God. The portrait describes Prynne as " Christi servus etiam in sumina Captivitate Liber Anno 1654. jEtatis 49," and represents him behind prison-bars. The Quakers Unmasked, And clearly de- tected to be but the Spawn of Romish Frogs, Jesuites, and Franciscan Fryers ; sent from Rome to seduce the intoxicated Giddy-headed English Nation. By an Information newly taken upon Oath in the City of Bristol, Jan. 22. 1654. and some evident Demonstrations. TheSecond Edition Enlarged. London, Printed for Edward Thomas in Green Arbour, 1655. 4°, A— E in fours and the Errata. A Moderate, Seasonable Apology for in- dulging just Christian Liberty to truly Tender Consciences, Conforming to the Pvblike Liturgy, . . . London Printed for the Author by T. C. and L. P. 1662. 4". A, 4 leaves, followed by 6 marked (?) a : B— T in fours. Dedicated to Charles II. A Declaration and Protestation Against the Legal, Detestable, Oit-conoemned, New Tax and Extortion of Excise iu General ; And for Hops (a Native incer- tain commodity) in Particular. By William Prynne of Swainswick, Esq ; . . . London, Printed for the Author, ami are to be sold by Edward Thomas iu Green-Arbor, 1654. 4°, A — D in fours. Pendennis and all other standing Forts PSALMS. 70 PSALMS. Dismantled : Or, Eight Military Apho- risnies, Demonstrating the Vselessness, unprofitableness, hurtfulness, and Prodi- pill Expensivenes of all standing English Forts and Garrisons, to the People of England : their inability to protect them from Invasions, Depredations of Enemies or Pv rates by Sea or land : . . . Penned by William Prynne . . . London, Printed for the Author, and are to he sold by Edward Thomas, in Green-Arbour, 165.. 4", A — E in lours, A 1 hlank. Brief Animadversions on, Amendments of, & Additional Explanatory Records to the Fourth Part of the Institutes of the Lawes of England ; Concerning the Juris- diction of Courts . . . By William Prynne Esquire . . . London : Printed by Thomas Ratcliff, and Thomas Daniel, for A. Crooke, . . . 1669. Folio, A— 3 H in fours + title and (a), 3 leaves : and Table and Errata, &c. ; Iii — Bbbb, 2 leaves each. PSALMS. Bassvs [ Tenor, Contra Tenor, and Medivs] of the whole psalmes in four partes, whiche may be song to all Musical instru- mentes, set forth for the encrease ot vertue ■ and abolishyng of other vayne and tri- flyng ballades. Imprinted at London by John Day, dwelling ouer Aldersgate, be- neath Saynt Martyns. Cum gratia et priuilegio Regiae Maiestatis. per septen- nium. 1563.' Obi. 4°. Title with large woodcut on back and Table, 2 leaves: B — U in fours: Tenor, A — U 2 in fours: Contra Tenor, A — T 2 in fours: Medius, with the royal arms on back of title, A — U 2 in fours. The Whole Boke of Psalmes, collected into English metre by Thomas Stemhold, J. Hopkins and others: conferred with the Ebrue, with apt Notes t > Bynge them with all. Faithfully perused and alowed according to tin- order appoynted in the Queened Maiesties Iniunctions. Very mete to be vsed of all sorts of people priually for their solace & comfort : lay- ing a ]>art all vngodly songs & Ballades, which tend onely to the norishing of vice & corrupting of youth. . . . [mprintedat London by John Day, dwelling ouer Aldersgate, . . . An. L565. 4°, A— Gg 4 in eights, no Z in l'n>t gathering. Following the title is; "A short Intro- duction into bhe Scienoe "f Musicke, made for such as are desirous to haue the know- ledgl hei of, t"i I tie singing of the Psalmes. " 'W i t > j ili.' musical Dotation, Tin- Whole Booke of Psalmes, collected into English metre by T. Sternhold, . . . At London Printed by Iohn Daye, dwel- lyng ouer Aldersgate. Anno. 1584. Cum Gratia. ... 4°. A, 4: B— H in eights. In two columns. With the music. The Whole Book of Psalmes: Collected into English meeter, by Thomas Stern- hold, . . . London, % Printed for the Companie of Stationers. 1620. 4°, A — M in eights. With the music. In two columns. B. M. The Whole Booke of Psalmes. Collected into English Meetre by Thomas Stern- hold, Iohn Hopkins, . . . Set forth and allowed to be Sung in all Churches, . . . Printed for the Company of Stationers. 1639. Sm. 8°, black letter, with the music, A — X in eights. [Col.] London, Printed by I. H. for the Company of Stationers. 1639. The Psalmes : or Praiers taken out of Holy Scripture, Commonly called The Kynges Psalmes. Imprinted at London by H. Wykes. 1568. A— R in eights: The Queenes Praiers or Meditations, wherein the minde is stirred to sutler all afflic- tions here. Imprinted at London by H. Wykes. 1568. A— G in eights. Small scpaare 8°. B. M. At the end of the second portion occurs : "Imprinted at London in Fleetstret, 'by Henry Wykes." The whole book is printed in black letter within borders. The Museum copy is in the origiual gilt calf binding with strings. The Psalmes Or, Prayers Taken out of the Holy Scripture : commonly called, The King's Psalmes. At London, Printed by Valentine Sims. 1606. Sm. 8°. A— M in twelves. Printed within borders. The Whole Booke of Davids Psalmes, Both in Prose and Meetre : With ape Notes to sin, f them withall. London Printed for the Company of the Stationer.-. 1617. Sm. 8°, A— Ee in eights. With the music. The prose is in the margin. The Book of Psalms in Metre : Lately translated, with many whole ones, and choice ( lolL ctions ot the old Psalms added to the fust impression, Printed by Order of Parliament. And now much aug- mented and amended with the cream and flower of the b, si Anthoure, lollowing the common Tunes at this day used in, and about London : With the approbation of more I hen fourly eminent I >ivines of the City, & most of them of the Assembly, By William Barton, M* of Aits, and Minister ol [ohn Zecharias, London. . . . PSALMS. 7' PULSE. London, Printed by G. M. and are to be Sold by S. Gellibrand, .... 1645. Sm. 8°. A, 6 leaves, besides * 2 leaves be- tween A 3—4 : B— F in twelves : G, 8. In two columns, with the music. The Book of Psalms in Metre, Close and Proper to the Hebrew : Smooth and Plea- sant for the Metre. To be Sung in Usual and Known Tunes. Newly Translated, with Amendments, and Addition of many Fresh Metres. Fitted for the Ready Use and Understanding of all good Chris- tians. By William Barton, M r of Arts, as he left It Finished in his Life-time. . . . London : Printed by Tho. Snowden, for the Company of Stationers. 1692. Sm. 8°, A — S in twelves. The Whole Booke of Psalmes : With their Wonted Tunes, as they are sung in churches, composed into foure parts : Being so placed that foure may sing a seuerul part in this booke. . . . Imprinted at London by Thomas Est, the assigne of William Byrd : dwelling in Aldersgate streete at the signe of the black Horse, & are .there to be sold. 1594. 8°, B— T 4 in eights, besides the title and leaf of dedi- cation by Est to to Sir John Puckering. The Whole Booke of Psalmes : With their Wonted Tunes, as they are sung in Churches, composed into foure parts : . . . ... In London : Printed by Thomas Este, for the companie of Stationers. 1604. 8°, A— S 4 in eights. The Whole Booke of Psalmes : With their Wonted Tunes, as they are sung in Churches, composed into foure parts, . . ._ Printed at London for the Companie of Stationers. 1611. 8°, A— S 4 in eights. All the French Psalm Tunes with English words. Being A Collection of Psalms Accorded to the verses and tunes generally vsed in the Reformed Churches of France and Germany. Perused and approved by judicious Divines, both English and French. Omnis spiritus laudet Dominum.. London, Printed by Thomas Harper, with permission of the Company of Stationers. 1632. 8°. Title and dedication, 2 leaves : B— M in twelves. In the imprint of the copy used the fol- lowing variation has been made in eurly, if not coeval, MS.: "Printed by Thomas Harper, with permission of Authority & the Company of Stationers, for John Standish, dwelling in litle St. Bartolmews Church." ■ Christ The Psalmes of David, Trvly opened and explaned by Paraphrasis, according to the right sense of euery Psalme. With large and ample Arguments before euerie Psalme, .... Set foorth in Latin by that excellent learned man Theodore Beza. And faithfully translated into English, by Anthonie Gilbie. . . . Printed by Richard Yardley and Peter Short for the assignes of W. Seres. 1590. . . . Sm. 8°. A — Din twelves. Dedicated toKatherine, Countess of Huntingdon. PSALM-SINGING. A New and Easie Method to Learn to Sing by Book : Whereby One (who hath a good Voice and Ear) may, without other help, learn to Sing true by Notes. De- sign'd chiefly for, and applied to, the pro- moting of Psalmodv, and furnished with variety of Psalm tunes in Parts, with Directions for that kind of Singing . . . London, Printed for William Rogers, . . . 1 686. 8°, A— H 4 in eights, title on A 2. Dedicated by the unnamed author to Thomas Foley, eldest son of Thomas Foley of Witley, Esq., and to Letitia and Anne, eldest daughters of Philip Foley of Prest- wood, Esq. The Psalm-Singer's Necessary Com- panion : Being, A Collection of Most Single and Double Psalm-Tunes now in Use, .... First Collected for Private Use' and now Printed for Publick Good. The Second Edition. London, Printed by J. Heptinstall, for Henry Rhodes . . . 1700. Sm. 8°, A — L 4 in eights, includ- ing a frontispiece. With the music. With a preface dated from Standish, March 25, 1699, but unsigned. PULSE. The Pulse, or Method of the Passing-Bell of Controversie in Points of Religion, with the last Knell. And A Succinct satisfac- tory Discussion of the Greek Church, in- cluding the other Three Primitive Patri- archal Sectsof the Orient. Also A Reflec- tion upon domestick Viccissitudes to the same purpose. But first you are to know, there are Four very fair Frontispices cut in Brass, viz. Of the Whole Design. Of the Greek Church. Of the Latin Church. Of the Protestant Church, &c. 4°, A— I in fours. Without a title-page. ( 72 ) Q. QUAKERS. La Keli'-rion Des Koiuikres en Angleterre. A Paris, . in twelves. M.DC.XCIX. 12°, A— H R. R. R. A Letter from a Worthy Gentleman in Yorke-Shire, To hia Friend a Member of the Honorable House of Commons. . . . London Printed for R. Best October 6. 1642. 4°, 4 leaves. With a few verses on the last page. R. T. Pvrgatories Trivmph over Hell, Maugre the barking of Cerberus in syr Edward Hobyes Counter-snarle. Described in a Letter to the sayd Knight, from I. R. Aiuhour of the Answere vnto the Pro- testants Pulpit Babels . . . Permissu Superiorum, M. DC. xin. 4°, A — Dd in fours. R. T., A.M., Oxon. Lux Occidentalis: Or Providence Dis- play'd, in the Coronation of King William and Queen Mary, And Their Happy Ac- cession to the Crown of England. With other Remarks . . . London, Printed, and are to be Sold by Randal Taylor, moclxxxix. 4°, A — E 2 in fours. RACINE, JEAN. Britannicus, Tragedie, Par Monsieur Ra- cine. Suivant la Copie imprimee A Paris mdclxx. Sm. 8°, A — C in twelves. Achilles : Or, Iphigenia in Avlis. A Tragedy. As it is Acted at the Theatre Royal in Drury-lane. Written by Mr. Boyer. Radius Iliacum . . . Herat. Art. Pott. London, Printed for Tho. Bennet, at the Half-moon in St. Pauls Church- yard. 1700. 4°, A— G in fours. Dedi- cated to the Beautiful and Ingenious Diana, "From behind the Scenes in Drurv- lane, dan. the 10th 1700." RAMUS, PETER, of Verman&oia. Via Regia ad Geometriam. The Way to Geometry. Being necessary and useful), Fur Astronomers. Geographers. Land- meaters. Sea-men. Engineers. Architecks. Carpenters. Paynters. Carvers. &c . . . Now Translated and much enlarged by the Learned Mr. William Bedwell. Lon- don, Printed by Thomas Cotes ; And are, lo be sold by Michael Sparke, at the blew Bible in Greene Arbour. 1636. 4°, A— T in eights : V, 4 : X, 2 4- title and leaf of woodcuts. With diagrams. Dedi- cated to Mr. John Greaves, Professor of Geometry in Gresham College. RAPIN, M. Monsieur Rapin's Refiectionson Aristotle's Treatise of Poesie. Containing the Neces- sary, Rational, and Universal Rules for Epick, Dramatick. and the other sorts of Poetry. With Reflections on the Works of the Ancient and Modern Poets, and their Faults noted. Made English by- Mr. Rymer, by whom is added some Re- flections on English Poets. London, Printed by T. Warren, for H. Herring- man, and Sold by Francis Saunders, . . . 1694. 8°, A— N in eights. RAWSON. J., M.A. Poems on the Lamented Death of Her Most Excellent Majesty, Queen Mary. By J. Rawson, M.A. and Mr. Robert Smith. . . . London, Printed for Tho. Bennet, at the Halt-Moon in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1695. Foiio, A— D, 2 leaves each, A 1 and D 2 blank. REBEL. The Religious- Rebel 1, or The Pilgrim- Prince. ATragedy: Printed, Anno Dom. 1671. 4°, A— E in fours, E 4 with Epi- logue. RECORDE, ROBERT, M.D. of Tenby. The Grounde of Artes : teaching the work and practice of Arithmike, . . . Made by Mayster Roberte Record, . . . Printed at London by H. Bynneman. Anno Domini. 1579. 8°,"A— Ii 3 in eights (but Ii 4 was doubtless blank). Ii 3 verso contains verses by I. D. " to the earnest Arithmetician." The Grovnd of Artes . . . now lately dili- gently corrected and beautified with sun- drie new Rules. . . By Iohn Mellis of sli.ni Southwarke Schoolemaster. At London, Imprinted by Richard Field for Iohn Harison. 1590. 8°. The copy used ended on lib 8 imperfectly. Records Arithmctick : augmented by M. REFORMADO. 73 ROSWALL. John Dee. . . . Since enlarged ... by John Mel lis. . . . London, Printed by M. F. for John Hanson, . . . 1648. 8", A— Ss in eights. Two titles varying in the imprint were issued witli this edition. REFORMADO. The Disconsolate Reformado, Or The sad look of Presbyterian Jack. Or a true relation of the suddaine Change which hath happned in the City of London, since the 30th of July, till the 4th of August. Between the Renowned S r - Thomas Fairfax's Army, and Major Generall Massey's and Col. Poyn's Re- formadoes. London, printed 1647. 4°, 4 leaves. With a woodcut on A 2. REFORMATION. An Account of the Societies For Reforma- tion of Manners, in England and Ireland. With a Persuasive to Persons of all Ranks, To be Zealous and Diligent in Promo- tion of the Laws against Prophanem-ss and Debauchery, for the Effecting A Na- tional Reformation. Published with the Approbation of a Considerable Number of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Honourable Judges of both Kingdoms. The Third Edition. . . . London, Printed for B. Aylmer . . . 1700. For the more general Benefit of the Publick, the Book is sold at One Shilling Bound. 8°. * 4 leaves : a, 4 leaves : A, 8 leaves : a, 4 leaves: B — K in eights, With a por- trait of William III. by Van Hove. Putticks, Jan. 14, 1891, in Lot 354. This copy was supplied with a chain for some reason, and is perhaps the latest example of such a practice. It was perhaps intended for deposit in some public place. RELATION. A Trve Relation of the Prodigious Battle of Birds, Fought in the lower Region of the Air, Between the Cities of Dole and Salines, the 26th of February last 167£. According to the Letters from Besancon, after First of this Instant March, 1676. Oxford, Printed for John Collet, Anno Dom. 1676. 4°, 4 leaves, the last with a woodcut only. RELIGION. Modern Religion and Ancient Loyalty : A Dialogue. London, Printed in the Year 1699. Folio, A— D, 2 leaves each. In verse. REPLY. A Replv to the Second Return. [Col.] London Printed for E. S. 1681. Folio, 2 leaves. REVET, EDWARD. The Town-Shifts : Or, The Suburb-Jus- tice : A Comedy. As it is Acted at His RoyalHighness'theDukeofYork'sTheatre . . . London, Printed for Thomas Dring, . . . and William Cademan . . . 1671. 4°, A — K in fours, A 1 and K 4 blank. Dedicated by Revet to his friend, Stephen Mosedelf, Esq. ROBIN. Poor Robin's Dream, Or The Visions of Hell : With a Dialogue Between the Two Ghosts of Dr. T. and Capt. B. London : Printed by M. S. mdclxxxi. Folio, 4 leaves. In verse. E. M. ROESSLIN, EUCHARIUS. The Byrthof mankynd, otherwyse named the womans Boke. Newly set forth, cor- rected and augmented, .... By Thomas RaynaldPhisition. Anno, m.d.lii. [Col.] Imprinted at London by Tho. Ray[nald.] 4°, A — B in fours -f- 2 leaves of cuts : C — Y in eights. The Birth of Man-kinde : Otherwise Named, The Womans-Booke. . . . Lon- don, Printed for A. H. and are to be sold by Iohn Morris, at the two Tuns in little Britaine. 1634. 4°, black letter. A, 4 leaves : B — in eights. With woodcuts in G. ROIRK, DONATUS, Hibernus. Hibernia Resvrgens. Sive Refrigerium antidotale. Adversvs Morsvm Serpentis Antiqvi. In qvo modeste discutiiur im- modesta parechasis Thomse Dempsteri a Muresck Scoti de repressis mendicabulis. Et Hibernia? Sancti sui vindicantur, ac bona fide asseruntur. Auctore Donato Roirk Hiberno. . . . Rothomagi, Apud Nicolaum le Brun. 1621. 8°. Title and leaf of verses, 2 leaves : a, 4 leaves : A— T in eights, T 8 blank. RONQUILLO, PEDRO. The Idea of the Court of France, And The Method of their Proceedings, from the Time of the Peace of Nimeguen, until the Spring of the Year 1684. Supposed to be Written by Don Pedro Ronquillo, the Embassador of Spain at the Court of England. Done out of Spanish into Eng- lish. London : Printed for A. and J. Churchill, . . . mdcciv. Sin. 8°. A, 4 : B— H in twelves : I, 8. ROSWALL AND LILLIAN. A Pleasant History of Roswall and Lil- lian. Declaring The occasion of Roswall his removing from his Native Kingdom, to the Kingdom of Beahn, and what ROUNDHEAD. 74 S.J. In* fell him in his journey from his Steward: The entertainment he met with from an aged Wife : His Education at School ; With his fortunate admission to be servant to Lillian the Kings only Daughter, with whom she fell deeply in love. The reward of the three Lords, by whom he attained the honour of the three dayes justing before the Marriage of the Steward, who was knowen to be a Traitor and therefore justly executed ; with the renewed wished-for Marriage betwixt Roswalland Lillian : His thank- full remembrance of his friends ; the number of ids children ; and their good fortune, all worthy reading. Edinburgh, Printed by I. H. Anno, 1663. Sm. 8°, black letter, 14 leaves. Adv. Lib. Edinb. Roxburghe, 1812, £9, 9s., the same copy. This is in the main the same story as the Lord of Lorn. ROUNDHEAD. An Exact Description of a Roundhead, And A Long-Head Shag- Poll : Taken out of the Purest Antiquities and Records. Wherein are confuted the odious asper- sions of Malignant Spirits: Especially in answer to those most ridiculous, absurd and beyond comparison, most foolish Baffle-headed Pamphlets sent into the World by a Stinking Locust, viz. The Devill turnd^ f"The Vindication of the Round-Head. (I Round-Head, and The Resolution of j j Jourdan the Players the Round-Head. J (_ ex-exercising [sic]. [Large woodcut and four lines of verse.] London, Printed for George Thomlinson, and are to be sould in the Ould-Baily. 1642. 4°, 4 leaves. ROUND TABLE. La Deuise Des amies des Cheualiers de la Table ronde / qui estoientdu temps du tresrenome et vertueux Artus roy de la grant Bretaigne Auec la descriptio de huis armoiries. On les vend a Paris en la rue saiet Jaques a lensetgne de Lele- phant deuat les Mathurins. Sm. 8°, A — N 2 in eights. With the arms accompanying the letterpress. ROWLAND, WILLIAM. Judiciall Astrologie, Judicially Con- demned. Being A Survey and Examina- tion of S r - Christopher Heydons Apology for it. In Answer to Mr. Chambers. And of Will. Ramsey's Morologie in his pre- tended Reply (called Lux veritatis) to Doctour Nathanael Homes his Demono- logie. Together with the Testimonies of Mr. W. Perkins Resolution to the Coun- trey-man ; Mr. John Miltons Figure- Castor ; and Dr. Homes his demono- logie, all here exhibited against it. Seconded and backed by 1. Evident Scripture. 2. Apparent Reason. . . . London, Printed by Roger Daniel for Joseph Black-locke, in Ivie-lane. 1652. [December 9, 1651.] 8°, A— V in eights, V 7-8 blank, besides the preface, dated from Fournau, 15 Nov. 1651, 2 leaves. With complimentary verses by Sylvauus Morgan and others. B. M. The date between brackets is in coeval MS. in the Museum copy. RUSSELL, LORD WILLIAM. Animadversions on the Last Speech and Confession of the Late William Lord Russel. [Col.] London: Printed for T. Graves, mdclxxxiii. Folio, 2 leaves. s. S.G. A Letter from an Ejected Member of the House of < 'minimus, To Sir Jo : Evelyn : Shewing, Tin- Constitution of the Coun- sel!, and the Inlluenre it, hath had on the present Times, with a judgement of future Events. Printed in the yeare, 1648. 4°, A — D 2 in foit is. S. I. S[eniorli]. Nuptial Kites. Or the Several .Marriage < ' remonies Praci Lsed amongst, all the Nations in the World. I'.v l.S. S. Lon- don, Printed by T. S. Forthe Author, Anno Domini, L685i Sm. s", A G t in eights. S. J. The History of Monastical Conventions, And Military Institutions With a Survey of the Court of Rome. Or, A Descrip- tion id' the Religious and Military Orders in Europe Asia and Africa, tor above twelve Hundred years, . . . London, Printed lor 11. Rhodes next door to the Swann-Tavern near Bride-Lane in Fleet- street. 1686. Sm. 8°, A — I in twelves, title on A 2. S. J., M.A. Flagellum Flagelli : Or Doctor Bastwicke Quarters Beaten up in two or three Pomeri- s. 7. 75 SCAR RON. dian Exercises, by way of Animadversion upon his first Booke, intituled, Indepen- dency not Gods Ordinance. London, Printed by Matthew Simmons, dwelling in Aldersgate-streete. 1645. 4°, A— D 2 in fours, A 1 and D 2 blank. S. J., M.D. Paidon Noxemata. Or Childrens Diseases, Both Outward and Inward. From the time of their Birtii to Fourteen Years of Age. . . . London, Printed by W. G. and to be Sold by J. Playford and Zach. Watkins. . . . 1664. 8°, A— M in eights, including a frontispiece. The Preface is dated from Oundle, North- amptonshire, June 9, 1662. S. N. N. S. Arithmetics Compendium. Cui adijcitur [sic] Arithnieticorvm Anamnesne A. G. m.d.c.xxiii. 8°, A — B 4 in eights. B.M. S. R. A Letter to a Person of Quality, Occa- sion'd by the News of the Ensuing Par- liament. [1689.] 4°, 4 leaves. S. T. Youths Tragedy, A Poem : . . . The Fourth Edition by T. S. . . . London, Printed for John Star key . . . and Francis Smith . . . 1672. 4°, A— D in fours. SALTER, JAMES, formerly of St. Mary Magdalen's College in Oxon, now Vicar of St. Mary's Church in Devon. The Triumphs of Holy Jesus : Or, A Divine Poem of The Birth, Life, Death, and Resurrection, of our Saviour. . . . London, Printed for Samuel Smith, . . . 1692. 4°, A— D in fours. Dedicated to Dr. Richard Ainsley, Dean of Exon. SAMPSON, WILLIAM. Romes Hie est ille Cicero : Or Ciceroes Loyall Epistles According to Hanniball Caro Cornelius Nepos Et[c] By William Sampson gent. Ntdlce sunt inimicitiai nisiamoris acerbce. Prop: 1 : 2 : ele : 8 : 3. 4°, 55 leaves, including some blanks be- tween the Epistles. Dedicated " To the Right honWe the Ladie Lucye wiffe to the Lorde Hastinges." Not printed. An early hand has a mar- ginal note opposite the name of Lady Hast- ings : " Lady Lucie was daughter of S r John Davis attorney Gener." SANCTIFIED LEGION. Sphinx Lvgdvno-Genevensis Sive Refor- niatof Proteus. Containing the True Character of Sanctified Legion : Together with his Relations, Associates, and Re- tinue, Viz. Jealousie, Fears, Scruples, .... London, Printed for R. Sobers. muclxxxii. 4°. A, 2 leaves : B — D in four*, D 4 blank. SANDYS, GEORGE. A Paraphrase upon the Divine Poems. By George Sandys. London, Printed for O. D. mdcxlvii. 8", A — Aa in eights. SARPI, PAOLO. The History of the Qvarrels of Pope Pavl V. With The State of Venice. In Seven Books. Faithfully translated out of the Italian, and compared with the French Copie. London, Printed by John Bill, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Maiestv. m.dc.xxvi. 4°. 1, 2 leaves : 11, 4 leaves : A— 3 K 2 in fours. Dedi- cated by C. P. to Sir Thomas Coventry, Keeper of the Great Seal. The Letters of the Renowned Father Paul, Counsellor of State to the most Serene Republiuk of Venice ; . . . Written To Monsieur Del Isle Grostot, a Noble Pro- testant of France : The Learned Monsieur Gillot, and others ; in a Correspondence of Divers Years. Translated out of Italian By Edward Brown, Rector of Sunbridge in Kent. . . . London, Printed for Richard Chiswell, .... mdcxciii. 8°. A, 8 leaves : a — g 4 in eights, g 4 with the Errata : B — Eee in eights. With a three- quarter portrait of Sarpi by Stent. De- dicated to the Earl of Nottingham. SCAMOZZI, VINCENZO, Master Builder of Venice. The Mirrour of Architecture : Or The Ground-Rules of the Art of Building, Exactly laid down by Vincent Scamozzi M r Builder of Venice Reviewed and In- larged with the addition of a Diagonal Scale, . . . By Joachim Schuyiu of Am- sterdam Translated out of Dutch by W. F. Hereunto is added the Description and use of an Ordinary Joynt-Rule fitted with Lines ... By John Browne. Lon- don, Printed for William Fisher at the Postern-Gate near Tower-Hill. 1669. 4°. Engraved title containing portrait of Scamozzi, 1 leaf: A, 2 leaves : a, 2 leaves : B — G, 2 leaves each : a leaf with dia- grams before B : The Order of the Five Columns, 40 plates : Desertion of the Joint-Rule, with a new title, B — I, 2 leaves each, besides separate folded slips before B 2, E, F 2, G, and H 2. B. M. SCARRON, PAUL. Monsieur Scarron's Letters, To Persons of the greatest Endue >cy and Quality. Ren- SCOTLAND. 76 SCOTLAND. dered into English by Iohn Davies, of Kidwelley. London : Printed for George Dawes, and are to be Sold at his Shop 111 Chancery - Lane, against Lincolns - Inn- Gate. 1677. Sm. 8°, A — K in eights. With a portrait. Dedicated by Davies to the Worthily Honoured, William Ham- mond, Esq. In the dedication the translator refers to his previous inscription of the Novels of Scarron to Thomas Stanley, and there is an interesting little preface. SCOTLAND. Respublica Sive Statvs Regni Scotia) et Hi hernia} Diversorum Autorum. Lugd. Bat. Ex officina Elzeuiriana. . . . A" cioiocxxvii. Sm. 8°, A— R in eights : S, 6. The last leaf lias a summary of the Privilege. The title is engraved. This is a selection from Buchanan, Hector Boece, Camden, &c. A Large Declaration Concerning the Late Tumults in Scotland, from their tir&t originalls : Together with a Particular Deduction of the seditious Practices of the prime Leaders of the Covenanters : Collected out of their owne foule Acts and Writings. By which it doth plainly appeare, that Religion was onely pretended by those Leaders, but nothing lesse in- tended by them. By the King. London, Printed by Robert Young, His Majes- ties Printer for Scotland, Anno Doin. mdcxxxix. Folio. Portrait by Stent and title, 2 leaves : B — 3 G in fours : 3 H, 6 leaves, the last with the imprint only. A Solemn Acknowledgment of Publick Sins and breaches of the Covenant. And A Solemn Engagement to all the Duties contained therein, . . . With Two Acts of the Commission of the General Assem- bly. . . . Together also with, An Act of the Committee of Estates of the fourteenth of October for renewing the League and Covenant. Edinburgh, Printed by Evan Tyler, . . . 1648. 4°, A— C in fours, ('1 blank, besides a leaf, otherwise blank, headed on both sides: The subscribers of the League and Covenant. A Declaration of the Parliament, of Scot- land, To all his Majesties good Subjects. . . . Imprinted at Edinburgh by Evan Tyler, ami re-printed at London for J. I l'unscot 1648. 4°, A— B in fours. A True Account of the Great Victory ( \h\ lined over the Rebels in Scotland, By II w Majesties Forces under the ( lommand et III- ( J race the Duke of Monmouth, The 22d of this Instant June, 1679. Folio, 2 leaves. The Confession of Faith of the Kirk of Scotland. Subscribed By the Kings Ma- jestie and his Housholde, in the yeare of God 1580. . . . [Edinburgh, 1638.] 4°, A — B in fours. The present copy, bound up with three or four similar tracts, belonged to George Leslie, Burgess of Edinburgh, and is accom- panied by his autograph subscriptions. Put- tick's, June 25. 1890, No. 209, in the old vellum cover, with G. L. on the sides. The Confession of Faith, And the Larger and Shorter Catechisme. First agreed upon by the Assembly of Divines at West- minster, And now approved by the Gene- rail Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland, . . . Edinburgh, Printed by Evan Tyler. . . . 1650. Sm. 8°, A— H in twelves. The new Booke of Common Prayer. According to the forme of the Kirke of Scotland, our Brethren in faith and Cove- nant. Ephes. 2. 18. Through Christ . . . Printed by Iohn Ioness, 1644. 8°, A in eights. Sotheby's, Jan. 17, 1890, No. 146. The Psalmes of Dauid in metre, with diuerse notes and tunes augmented to them. Diligentlie corrected from manie faults escaped heeretofore : and now lastlie deuided into parts, as they are to be sung in the Kirk of Scotland. James. V. If any be afflicted . . . At Dort Imprinted by Isaac Canin, at the expences of the aires of Henrie Charteris, and Andrew Hart, in Edinburgh. Anno 1601. Cum Privilegio Regali. 8°, A— [probably] G 4 in eights. In two columns, with the music. Sotheby's, Nov. 22, 1889, No. 203, Lea "Wilson's copy, imperfect at end, and want- ing E 3, The Psalmes of David in metre, As they are sung in the Churches of Scotland. Printed in Aberdene. By Edward Raban, for David Melvil. 1626. [A duplicate title:] The Psalmes of David in Scottish metre. With a perfect Table for xxiij years to come, and an exact Ealendar For ever. Also, Morning and Euening prayer, together with many others. Anno 1626. Aberdene, Printed by Edward Raban, for David Melvill. Very small 8°. Two titles, 2 leaves : Calendar, 6 leaves : A Prayerfor the true understanding of Gods Word, 1 leaf : II 2—11 4, 3 leaves : A— K in twelves : L, 8. Sotheby's, June 1890, No. 05S (Young). SCOTLAND. n SELLER. The Psalmes of David. In Prose and Metre. With an exact Kalendar, the order of Baptisme and Marriage ; Morn- ing and Evening prayer ; and other godly prayers. Edinburgh, Printed by Robert Bryson, and are to be sold at his shop, at the signe ot Jonah, Anno Doni. 1641. Sm. 8°, a — c in eights : A — Cc in eights. With a second title on A 1, dated 1640. The Acts Made in the First Parliament of Charles the First. . . . Holden by him- eelfe, present in Person, with his Three Estates at Edinburgh, upon the Twenty eight day of June, Anno Domini, 1633. Edinburgh, Printed by David Lindsay, Anno Doni. m.dc.lxxxiii. Cvm Piivi- legio. 8° or 12°, A— N 6 in twelves. The Laws and Acts of the Second Parlia- ment, Of our most High and Dread Sove- reign, Charles the Second, . . . Begun at Edinburgh, the 19. of October, 1669. By a Noble Earl, John Earl of Lauderdail, Viscount Maitland . . . His Majesties Commissioner for holding the same, by vertue of a Commission under His Majes- ties Great Seal of this Kingdom. . . . Extracted from the Records of Parliament, by Sir Archibald Primerose of Chester, Knight and Barronet, Clerk to His Ma- jesties Council, Registers and Rolls. Edin- burgh, Printed by Evan Tyler, . . . 1670. Cum Privilegio. Folio, A — F in fours, F 4 blank. The Laws and Acts Made in the First Parliament of Our most High and Dread Soveraign James VII. . . . Holden at Edinburgh the Twenty Third Day of April 1685. By His Grace William Duke of Qneensberry, . . . Collected and Ex- tracted from the Registers . . . Edinburgh, Printed by the Heir of Andrew Anderson, . . Anno Dom. 1685 ... 8°. A— Ttt in sixes, Qq 6 blank, and the title. The Acts of William III. 6th Session of 1st Parliament begin on R, shewing that the volume was not issued in its present state till 1696. Minuts Of the Proceedings in Parliament, Tuesday July 19. 1698 , [to Thursday Sept. 1, 1698.] At the end occurs : Edin- burgh, Printed by the Heirs and Succes- sors of Andrew Anderson : . . . . 1698. Folio, 21 leaves, or 21 Numbers, each con- sisting of a single leaf. B. M. SEA. Another great Victory Obtained By Vice- Admiral Pen against the Hollanders, since the last great and terrible Engagement between both Fleets ; With the full Par- ticulars thereof, advertised by Letters from the Generals at Sea, to the Parliament and Councel of State : Together with a list of the Names of the ships taken, and brought to Dover, laden with Bars of Silver, Cocheneal, Wines, Sugar, S»lt, and Tobacco : The landing of seven hundred prisoners ; And the number of Ships sunk, burnt, taken, and dispersed. Like- wise, a Narrative of the great loss on the Pari. side. Whereunto is annexed, The Answer and Remonstrance of the Officers and Souldiers in Scotland, to the late Letter of the Lord Gen. Cromwel, .... London, Printed for G. Horton. [1653.] 4°, 4 leaves. SECTS. The original & sprynge of all sectes & ordres by whome, whe or were they be- ganne. Translated out of hye Dutch in Englysh. 1537. [Col.] Here endeth the treatyse of all sectes, orders and religions, both of Christendom and the Jewes : Translated out of hye Dutch in Englyshe. Printed in South warke by me James Nicol- son for Jhon Gough. Cum Priuilegio. 8°. +, 4 leaves : A— H in eights. SECURIS, JOHN. A Newe Almanacke and Prognostication, for the yere of our Lord, m.d.lxix. . . . Made chiefly for Englande, and applied sometimes to other countries. Composed in Sarisbury, by Iohn Securis, Maister of Arte and of Phisicke. Proceded to the Vniuersitie aboue. xxviij. yeare3 agone. (ii.) A new Prognostication, for the yere of our Loide God, m.d.lxix. Wherin is made mencio of diuers calamities, and great troubles, . . . Practised in Saris- bury by Iohn Securis . . . Anno Domini. 1569 . . . Imprinted at London in Flete streate, neare vnto Saint Dunstones Churche by Thomas Marshe. 8°. The Almanack, A — B in eights : the Proynus- ticatiwi, A in eights. SELLER, JOHN. Practical Navigation ; Or, An Introduc- tion to the whole Art. . . . The Fourth Edition, enlarged. By John Seller, Hy- drographer to the King. London, Printed by J. Durby, and are to be sold by the Author at the Hermitage in Wapping . . . 1680. 4°, A— 3 T 2 in fours, besides the frontispiece and folded diagrams at pp. 70, 82, 102, 106, 112, 188, 198, and 204, and numerous diagrams with the letter- press. Dedicated to Sir Nicholas Miller. A New Systeme of Geography. Designed SEA/EDO. 78 SETTLE. in a Most Plain and Eaeie Method, for the better Understanding of that Science. Accommodated with New Mapps, of all the Countries, . . . With Geographical Tables, Explaining the Divisions iu eaen Map. By John Seller, Hydrographer to the King and Queen. Aud are Sold by John Seller, Senior, at the Hermitage in Wapping, and by John Seller, Junior, at the West-end of St Paul's Church-yard. 1690. 8°, B— G in eights + title and frontispiece and six maps and diagrams, including an Instrument for finding the hour of the day with a revolving pointer. After G 8 follow maps of the world and of Europe, with engraved inscriptions, and then a partly numbered series of 56 maps with descriptions, the whole engraved. SEMEDO, ALVAREZ, Frate. The History of That Great and Renowned Monarchy of China. Wherein all the particular Provinces are accurately de- scribed : as also the Dispositions, Man- ners, Learning, .Lawes, Militia, Govern- ment, and Religion of the People. To- gether with the Traffick and Commodities of thatCountrey. Lately written in Italian by F. Alvarez Semedo, a Portnghess, after he had resided twenty two yeares at the Court, and other famous Cities of that Kingdom. Now put into English by a Person of quality, and illustrated with several Mapps and Figures, to satisfie the curious, and advance the Trade of Great Brittain. . . . London, Printed by E Tyler for John Crook, . . . 1655. Folio, A — Rr in fours. With a portrait of Se- medo by T. Cross. The Bellum Tarta- ricum at the end has a separate title and a portrait of the Tartar Emperor or Grand Khan. SERAPIAS. Some Observations Made upon the Root Called Serapias, or Salep, Imported from Turkey. Shewing its Admirable Vir- tues in Preventing Womens Miscarriages. Written by a Doctor of Physick in the Coiintreytohi8 Friend in London. Printed in the Year 101)4. 4°, 4 leaves. SESSIONS. A Narrative of the Sessions : Or, An Ac- count of the Notorious High-Way-Men and Others; Lately Tryed and Condemned At the Old-Bayly. With all their Parti- cular Crimes, . . . Printed for P. Brooksby, h;t:;. I", i leaves, the lasl page with a rough woodcut of the executions. News from ihr Sessions ; Or, A True Re- lation of all the Proceedings at the Ses- sions in the Old-bay ly, Sep. 9** 1674 .. . And Especially the Tryal & Behaviourof John Randal That lately Kill'd the Woman in Houlbourn. Printed for Phillip Brooksby. 1674. 4°, 4 leaves. A True and Perfect Account of the Pro- ceedings at the General Sessions of the Peace, liolden for London and Middlesex, Upon the 15. and 16. of January Instant. Or The Tryals, Examination and Confes- sion of the Woman that Burned her Child, and the Bayliff that Killed another of his Fellow Bayliffs at Soehoe. With the Tryals of the Merchants Prentice, who RobbM his Master, . . . London, Printed in the [year] 1674. 4°, 4 leaves. News from the Sessions. Or, The Whole Tryal of George Allen the Butcher who Murthered his Wife in the Fields behind Islington, On Friday the 5th of this In- stant February. And the manner how the same came to be Discovered. As also the Full Tryal of John Darter the Oastler, for stealing an Horse, and an Hundred and Twenty Pounds. . . . With the Tryals of several other Malefactors, . . . Printed for George Smith, 1675. 4°, 4 leaves. SETTLE, ELKANAH. The Triumphs of London, Performed on Thursday, Octob. 29. 1691. For the En- tertainment of the Right Honourable Sir Thomas Stump Kt ; Lord Mayor of the City of London. Containing A true de- scription of the several Pageants, with the Speeches spoken on each Pageant. All set forth at the proper Costs and Charges of the Worshipful Company of Drapers. By E. S: London, Printed by Alex. Milbourn, for Abel Roper at the Mitre near Temple-Bar, 1691. 4", A— D, 2 leaves each, and a leaf of E. 11. M. The Triumphs of London. Prepared for the Entertainment of the Right Honor- able Sir Thomas Lane, Knight, Lord Mayor of the City of London. Contain- ing A full Description of the Pageants, Speeches, Songs, and the whole Solemnity of the Day. Performed one [sic] Monday the 29 of October, 1694. Set forth al the Proper Cost and Charges of the Honor- able Company of Clothworkera. Pub- lished by Authority. London, Pnn ed and are to be Sold by Richard Baldwin, at the Oxford Arms' Inn. in Warwick- Line. I (ill I. -1", A D 2 leaves each. Dedicated by Settle to the Lord Mayor. /;. m. SETTLE. 7<> SINIBALDUS. The Triumphs of London. Performed on Tuesday, Octok 29. 1695. For the Entertainment of the Right Honourable S r - John Houblon, K> Lord Mayor of the City of London. Containing A True De- scription of the Several Pageants, with the Speeches Spoken on each Pageant. All Prepared, at the proper Costs and Charges of the Worshipful Company of Grocers. To which is added, A New Song upon His Majesty's Return. By E. S. Published by Authority. London, Printed by Jer. Wilkins ; And are to be Sold by Richard Baldwin, at the Oxford- Aims in Warwick-Lane, 1695. 4°, 8 leaves wrongly marked. B. M. Glory's Resurrection ; Being The Tri- umphs of London Revived, For the In- auguration of the Right Honourable Sir Francis Child, Kt. Lord Mayor of the City of London. Containing the Description (and also the Sculptures) of the Pageant, and the whole Solemnity of the Day. All set forth at the proper Cost and Charge of the Honourable Company of Goldsmiths. Published by Authority. London: Printed for R. Barnham in Little Britain, 1698. Price Six Perce. Folio, A — C. 2 leaves each. With four copperplate engravings. B. M. The Triumphs of London. For the In- auguration of the Right Honourable Sir Richard Levett, Kt- Lord Mayor of the City of London. Containing A Descrip- tion of the Pageants, together with the Public Speeches, and the whole Solemnity of the Day. Performed on Monday the 30th Day of October, Anno 1699. All set forth at the proper Cost and Charge of the Honourable Company of Haber- dashers. Published by Authority. Lon- don : Printed for A. Baldwin, at the Oxford Arms Inn in Warwick-Lane, mdcxcix. Folio, A — 0, 2 leaves each. B. M. SHAW, SAMUEL. AVords made Visible : Or Grammar and Rhetorick Accommodated to the Lives and Manners of Men. Represented in a Country School for the Entertainment and Edification of the Spectators. Lon- don, Printed by B. G. for Daniel Major, and are to be sold at the Flying-horse in Fleet-street, Dan. Brown at the Queen's- head without Temple-bar, and Tho. Orrel at the hand and Scepter in Fleet-street, 1679. Sm. 8°. A, 4 leaves : K— N in eights, N 8 with Advertisements. "With a curious Preface. SICTOR, JOHN, Bohemus. Panegyricon Inavgvrale Honoratissimi & Amplissimi Domini Praetoris Regi, sive Majoris Nobilissimae & Florentissimse Vrbis Londinensis, A forma Reipublicae breviter conscriptum. Cantabrigise, Ex Officina Rogeri Danielis. 1638. 4", B — C in fours, no A. SHIPS. A List of Several Ships Belonging to English Merchants, Taken by French Privateers, since December, One thousand six hundred seventy and three. Also A brief Account touching what Applica- tions hath been made tor liedress, at the Council-Board, and with the Committee of Trade. Amsterdam, Printed in the Year, 1677. 4°, A— L, 2 leaves each. Possibly the copy used wanted something at the end, as there was an appearance of a blotted catchword on L 2 verso. SHIRLEY, JAMES. Via ad Latinam Linguam Complanata. The Way made plain to the Latin Tongue. The Rules composed in English and Latine Verse : For the greater Delight and Benefit of Learners. By James Shirley. Avia Pieridum peragro loca. Lu- cret. London, Printed by R. W. for John Stephenson, at the signe of the Sun on Ludgate-Hill. 1649. Sin. 8°, A— I in eights, besides the engraved title by T. Cross. Dedicated " To the Most hopeful pledg of Honor, William Herbert, Son to the Right Honorable Philip Lord Her- bert." With commendatory verses by Thomas Stanley, Sir E. Sherburne, Ed. Saltmarsh, Geo. Blakeston, Fra. Langton, Alex. Broom, and John Ogilby. SHUTT, CHRISTOPHER. A verie godlie and necessary Sermon, preached before the yong Countesse of Cumberland in the North, the 24. of Nouember, 1577. . . . Imprinted at Lon- don by Christopher Barker, Printer to the Queenes Maiestie. Sm. 8°, black letter, A— G 4 in eights. SINIBALDUS. Rare Verities. The Cabinet of Venus Unlocked, And Her Secrets laid open. Being a Translation of part of Sinibaldus his Geneanthropeia, and a collection of some things out of other Latin Authors, never before in English. . . . London, Printed for R. Brigga, at the Dolphin in St Pauls Church -yard, 1658. Sm. 8°, A — G in eights, title on A 2. The preface to the Amorous Reader is subscribed Eroto-didascalus. and is dated Aug. 24, 1657. SLEZER. 80 SPAIN. SLEZER, JOHN. Theatrum Scotia;: Containing the Pro- spects of His Majesty's Castles and Palaces . . . London : Printed for D. Browne at Exeter Change; .... mdccxviii. Folio. Title and dedication to the Prince of Wales, 2 leaves : Description, 12 pp : and sixty plates irregularly numbered, besides a folded view of Edinburgh. On the 12th page of letterpress occurs : Printed for Arthur Johnstone, and Sold by him at the Golden Eagle in Old Round Court, Strand. SMITH, M. The Visum, Or A Prospect of Death, Heav'n and Hell. With a Description of the Resurrection and the Day of Judg- ment. A Sacred Poem. By M. Smith, Gent. London : Printed for Andrew Bell, at the Cross-Kevs and Bible in Corn- hill, near Stocks-Market ; 1702. 8°, A — M 4 in eights, M 4 with Advertisements, besides (a) 4 leaves, and the separate dedications to the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Parts. The title is followed by a general inscrip- tion "To the Right Honourable the L;idy Olimpia Roberts ; " and on (a 3) occurs a second "To the most Accomplish'd young Lady Mrs. Walpole," to whom the author soeaka as of having been brought up "in the Family of that Honourable and Emi- nently Pious Baronettessthe Lady Phillips." The second part is dedicated to ' ' My Dear Sister Mrs. Harvy ;" the third, "To the most Compleat young Lady Mrs. St. John," and the fourth, " To the Honourable Mrs. Jandrall, Daughter to the Right Honour- able the Late Lord Fitzharding." SMITH, WILLIAM. Two Treatises The one Entituled, A New Primmer, The other, A New Catechism : Printed in the Year 1668. 8°, A— H in eights. With separate titles to the two pieces. The former is dated from Worcester Gaol, 1661, the latter, of which the title bears date 1067, is dated from Nottingham Gaol, 1004. SNELL, CHARLES, Master of the Free Writing School in Foster-Lane. Rules for Book-Keeping, According to the Italian Manner : Now in General Use, Directing Young Acconiptants to the Books and Acconipts, where the Usual Occurrences in Trade are to be Entertt; And in the Stile properforsuch Entrances. London : Printed for John Place, at Furnivals-Inn-Gate in Holborn, mdcoi. Folio, A — D, 2 leaves each. SONGS. Methinks the Poor Town has been troubled too long. Or, A Collection of all the New Songs That are generally Sung, Either at the Court Or Theatres. Collected by one of the Duke's Servants. [Quot. from Martial, Lib. 5. Epigr. 23.] Printed in the Year 1672. 8°. A, 4 : B-C in eights: D, 4. The date in this copy (Gaisford's) is partly cut off. The Newest Collection of the Choicest Songs, As they are Sung at Court, Theatre, Mvs'ick-Schools, Balls, &c. With Musical Notes. London, Printed by T. Haly, for D. Brown, . . . and T. Benskin, . . . 1683. 8°, B— L in fours, no A. SOLDIER. The Faithfull Souldier. Or, The Speech of A Common Souldier Concerning Hi* Arrears, and Putting the King to Death. Printed in the Yeare, 1649. 4°, 4 leaves. SOLOMON. In puerbia Salomonis Roberti Holcoti seu Thome Gualesij viri (siue hie siue ille fuerit author) Anglicani & ordinispredica- toru longe doctissimi Explanations locu- pletissime .... Yenudantur Parrhisiis in edibus Ascensianis Joannis Parui & Joannis Frellon. [Col.] ... In edibus Ascesianis ad deciniii Caledas Octobris. M.ccccc.x. Deo. Sit. Gloria. 4°. Aa. 8 leaves : Errata, 2 leaves : a — z in eights : A— F in eights. SOUTHLAND, T. Love a la Mode. A Comedy. As it was lately Acted with great Applause at Middlesex-House. Written by a Person of Honour. Ficta, voluntatis causa, suit proxima veris. Hor. de Art. Poet. Lon- don, Printed by J. C. for John Daniel, at the three Hearts in St. Paul's Church- yard, near the West-end. 1663. 4", A — M in fours. With verses by Sir R. Colbrand, Bart., J. Kellvnge, Esq., and W. K. SOUTHWELL. ROBERT. An Epistle of Comfort, To the Reuerend Priests, and to the Honourable, Worship- full, & other of the Lay sort, . . . By R. S. of the Society of Iesvs . . . Permi-su Superiorum m.ik-.xvi. Sin. 8", A — Dd 4 in eights. B. M. S. Peters Complaint. And Saint Mary Magdalens FvneraU Teares. With sundry other selected, and deuout Poems. By the R. Father Robert Southwell, of the Society of [esvs. . . . Permissu Superi- orum. tf.DO.xx. Sin. b°, A — Lin eights. Dedicated by R, S. " To my Worthy Good Cosin Maister W. S." B. M, SPAIN. La Copie d'Vne Lettre Envoyee d'Angle- SPARKE. STATUTES. terre A Don). Bernardin de Mendoze Am- bassadeurenFrance pour le Roy d'Espagne. Par Laqvelle, est declare l'estat du Roi- aume d'Angleterre, contre l'attente de Dom Bernardin & de tous ses partizana Espagnols & aultres. Encore que ceste lettre fuit envoyee a Dom Bernardin de Mendoze, toutesfois de bon beur, la Copie d'icelle, taut en Anglois qu'en Francois, a este trouuee en la chambre de Richard Leygh Seminaire, lequel n'agueres fut execute pour crime de leze-Maieste & trahison commise au temps que 1'armee d'Espagne estoit en mer. Nouuelleinent Imprime, 1588. 8° A— G 5 in eights. The first portion of the narrative in this French version is dated Sept. 20, 1588. The Last Will and Codicil of Charles II. King of Spain. Made the 2d of October, 1700. With the Letters that have past betwixt the Most Christian King and the Regency of Spain on that Subject. Trans- lated at large from the Authentick Copy, printed at Paris in Spanish and French, by the French King's Authority. London, Printed for H. Ruodes, at the Star, the Corner of Bride lane in Fleetstreet : A. Bell, at the Bible and Cross-Keys in Corn- hill, and Stocks-Market ; and E. Castle, at Scotland-Yard-Gate, 1700. 4°, A— H, 2 leaves each. SPARKE, MICHAEL, Stationer. An Abstract Or Brief Declaration of the present state of his Majesties Revenew, with the Assignations and Defalcations upon the same. All Monies brought into his Majesties Coffers from time to time, since his coming to the Crown of Eng- land, by what meanes so ever. The ordi- nary Annuall Issues, Gifts, Records, and extraordinary Disbursements, as they are distinguished in the severall Titles here- after following. London, Printed for M. S. 1651. 4°. Title and Contents, 2 leaves : A — in fours : a, 2 leaves. The tract is subscribed at the end Mi. Scintilla, i.e., Michael Spaike. SPOTTISWOOD, or SPOTSWOOD, JOHN, Archbishop of St. Andrews. The History of the Church of Scotland, Beginning the Year of our Lord 2U3, and continued to the end of the Reign of King James the VI. of ever blessed Memory. Wherein are described, The Progress of Christianity, The Persecutions and In- terruptions of it ; The Foundation of Churches ; The Erecting of Bishopricks ; The Building and Endowing Monasteries, and other Religious Places ; . . . To- gether with great variety of other Matters. both Ecclesiasticall and Politicall. . . . London : Printed by J. Flesher, for R. Royston, at the Angel in Ivie-lane. mdclv. Folio, A— 3 B 3 in sixes, and a, 4 leaves. With a portrait of the author by Hollar and one of Charles I. (on a 4), preceding the dedication to that prince, dated by Spottiswood "From the place of my Peregrination 15 Novemb. 1639." SPRAT, THOMAS. Bishop of Rochester. Observations on Monsieur de Sorbier's Voyage to England. Written to Dr. Wren, Professor of Astronomy in Oxford. By Thomas Sprat, Fellow of the Royal Society. London, Printed for John Mar- ty n, . . . 1665. 8°, B— V 5 in eights, and the title. The date at the end is August 1, 1664. STANBR1DGE, JOHN, Grammarian. Stanbrigii Embryon Relimatvm, .... Nunc vero locupletatum, . , . London, 11 Sumptibus Clement Knight, sub signo Agni sancti in Coemiterio Paulino. An. Dom. 1630. 4°, A— H in lours. STANLEY, THOMAS. The History of Philosophy : . . . The Second Edition. London, Printed for Thomas Basset, . . . mdclxxxvii. Folio. Title, 1 leaf : Preface, 1 leaf : (a)— (c 2) in fours : B — 7 I in lours. With a por- trait of Stanley by W. Faithorne. STANNARIES. The Case of the Stannaries stated : With the Grounds and Reasons of their Petition to the Honorable House of Parliament : Together with the Answer to severall Objections that may be made against them in Law or Policy humbly proposed. [About 1645.] 4°, A in fours or 4 leaves. With- out a title. STATUTES. [Antiqua Statnta. Magna Carta, &c. At the end occurs :] Ad laudem & gloria cuctipotetisac beate virginis marie totaq3 celestis curia [sic] Paruo codex q Antiqua Statuta vocatur Explicit. Lodoii cum solerti cura ac diligetia prudetissimi viri honestissimiq3 Richardi Pynson (Regis ipressor exptissimo) nuprime exarato Anno Incarnatidis dflice Millesimo quin- getesimo. xix. tercio ido Septebris. 12°. Agenda form. Calendar, 6 leaves: A or a — N2m twelves: Gupitula,&c, 10 leaves, with the device only on the last {'age. Sotheby's, July 10, 1891, No. 2614, im- perfect. LeBregementdetouteslesEstatutes: aussi bien vielles come des nouelles : nouelle- STATUTES. 82 STATUTES. met abhreges / correctes et amendes par Guillame Owein du niedile temple. . . . [Col.] Exjilicitum abbreuiamentum statu- toru3 / impressti Londini per Richardum Pynsonnm regiuin Impressorem. Anno domini Millesuno quingentesimo vigesimo primo. Die octauo mensis Maij Cum priuileyio a rege indulto. 8°. Title and table, 5 leaves, followed by a blank : a — z in eights : two sheets of 8 irregularly marked : aa— bb in eights. B. M. Magnum abbreuiamentu statutorum An- glie vscjj ad annum . xv. H. viii. inclu- siue. [Col.] Johanes Rastel imprimi me fecit, i. die Decembris / anno din. M.ccecc.xxviii. Cum priuilegio regali. Title and Table, 8 leaves : a — z in eights, followed by a sheet of eight : a— q in eights, the device cm q 8 after the Errata. [Then follows a headline on A i :] Statuta de An. xx. Henrici. viii. Here after foloweth an abbrydgement of the statutes / made in the parlyment helde in the xxi. yere of kynge Henry the eyght.\ [Col.] Imprynted at LSdon in Fletestrete by me Robert Redman dwellynge at the sy^ne of the George . . . A — F 4 in eights : Statuta An. xxvi. Henrici. viii. [Col.] Imprynted at London in Flete Strete by me Roberte Redman. A — B in eights : The abregemente of the statute made in the xxvii. and xxviii. yere of the reyi, r ne of King Henry the eyghte. [Col] Im- prynted at London in Fletestrete / by me Roberte Redman / . . . A— F in eights : The abregement of the statutes of Anno. xxxi. Henrici. viij. [Col.] Imprynted at London in Fletestrete by me Elysabeth Redman late wyfe to Robert Redman. . . . A — B 6 in eights, B 6 with the mark only. 8". A Compendious Abridgement of All Sta- tutes (made in the 16 th and 17 th years of King Charles the first, and 12 th of King Charles tin- 2d) now in Force and Use. Beginning where Mr. Pulton ended, . . . By M. D. Barre.-ter. London, Printed for Robert Pawley, and are to be sold in Fl.-et-tr.et, 1661. Sm. b°. A,3:B— II in twelves : I, 1 leaf. Statuta apd We-tmonaslerifi edita Anno primo Retfia Ricardi teroij. [? London, W. de Machlinia.] Folio, a— b in eights, a 1 blank. B. M. Annoxi . Henr[i]ci vij. Statuta bonum publicum concernentia edita in parlia- ment otento apud westmonasterium. xiiij" die Octobris Anno re^ni Illustrissimi Dni nostn Regis Henrici spptimi. Folio. A 8 : B« : C° : D 6 ; FA With Wynkyn de Worde's device on E 6 verso. B. M. This copy is printed on vellum, and has the shield ou the back of the title em- blazoned. Anno xix Henrici vij. [This is in white letters on a black ground.] Statuta Bonum publicu concernentia edita in parliamento tento apud Westmonasteriu xxv. die Januarij Anno regni Ulustris- simi Domini nostri Regis Henrici sep- timi. [Col.] Here endeth the statues holden at Westmestyr the xxv ' daye of Januarie in y xix ■ yere of y moste nobvll reygne of kynge henry the vij. En- prynted in london within Seynt Helens be Guillam Faques y kyng Prynter. Folio, A — C in eiglits. The device is below the imprint at end. In English. B.M. This was Lord Lumley's copy, and has his autograph at the foot'of the title. The edition with the name of Pynson of this year of the King appears to be the same, and also has A— C in eights. The two printers may have shared the undertaking. Statuta in Parliameto apud Westmonas- teriu vicesimo quito die Ianuarii. Anno regni metuedissmi Regis Anglie & Friicie : ac domini hibernie Henrici septimi deci- monono tento p bono publico subdiioru suorum inter cetera edita. [Col.] Em- prented at London in Fletestrete at the signe of the Georye by Saint Dustones chyrche By me Rycharde Pynson Squyer and prenter vnto the Kynges noble grace. [1508.] Folio, A— C in eights. With a large woodcut on title. Anno. xxi. Henrici Octavi . . . Excude- bat Londini. Anno. 1562. [Col.] Lon- dini In AEdibvsThoniae Bertheleti Regij Impressoris. Folio, A — D in sixes : E, 4. Anno xxiitt. Henrici viii. . . . Londini In .EdibvsTliomae Bertheleti . . . Anno M.n.xxxviu. Cum Privilegio. Folio, A— C in sixes. Anno. xxxn. Henrici Octavi . . . Anno. m.d.xl. [Col.] Londini ex (Edidus [sic] Tbonise Bartheleti . . . Folio, A— M in Henry the Eyght by the Grace of God . . . beganne this tliirde Session of his moste high court of parliament in the line and tliyrty yere of his maie.-ties . . . reigne, and tnere held tyll the . xxix. .lay of ' Marche. . . . Londini In (Edibufl Thoma- Bertheleti . . . Anno verbi in- oarnati. jld.xliiii. Folio, A— Din sixes; E. 4. STEAD. 83 STUDBES. Anno xxvil. Reginse Elizabethan. . . . Imprinted at London by Christopher Barker, . . . 1585. Folio, A— I and Aa — Cc in sixes, and a leaf of Dd. STEAD, J. Military Discipline ; Or, The Art of War. Shewing Directions for the Postures in Exercising of the Pike and Musket The Dragoons, Grenadeers, and Horse ; The art of Doubling, wheeling, Forming, and Drawing up a Battalion ... The second Edition with many Additions, and Corrections. Improved and Designed by Captain J. S. Published and Sold by Robert Morden, . . . 1689. 8°. A, 4 leaves : B— H in eights. With 21 num- bered plates. STENNETT, JOSEPH. Hymns in Commemoration of the Suffer- ings of Our Blessed Saviour Jesus Christ. Compos'd for the Celebration of his Holy Supper. . . . London, Printed by J. Darbv, for And : Bell, at the Cross-Keys and Bible in Cornhil, near Stocks-market, 1697. 8°. A, 2 leaves : B— C in eights : D, 2. STEPNEY, GEORGE. A Poem Dedicated to the Blessed Memory of Her Late Gracious Majesty Queen Mary. By Mr. Stepney. London : Printed for Jacob Tonson, . . . 1695. Folio, A— C, 2 leaves each, C 2 blank. STEVENS, JOHN. A Brief History of Spain. Containing The Race of its Kings, from the first Peopling of that Country, but more parti- cularly from Flavius Cheridasuinthus, who Reign'd above 1000 Years ago, and from whom the present King Philip V. is Descended by the Mother's side. With an Account of their memorable Actions, Marriages, Issues, Titles, and all Tilings of Note that hapned during their several Reigns. To which is added, A Summary Account of the Dominions of that Crown, with its Revenues, &c. . . . Collected from the best Spanish Authors By Capt. John Stevens. London : Printed for J. Nutt near Stationers-Hall, 1701. 8°. A, 4 leaves : a, 2 : B— T 2 in eights. Dedi- cated to Peter, Earl of Fingall. ST. GERMAIN, CHRISTOPHER. Hereafter folowethaDyalogeinEnglysshe/ bytwyxt a Doctour of Dyuynyte / and a Student in the Lawes of Engiande : of the groundes of the sayd Lawes and of Conscyence. [Col.] Imprynted by me Robert Wyer / dwellynge in seynt Mar- tyns parysshe in the felde besyde Charyng- crosse / in the Bysshop of Norwyche Rentes. [On the following leaf, 8 <>, occurs : [And these bokes be for to sell at the sygne of seynt John Euangelyste in sevnt Martyns parysshe besyde Charyng- crosse. [Beneath this is the device with Robert Wyre at the foot.] Sin. 8°, a— r in fours, s, 6. The secude dyaloge in Englysshe bytwene a doctour of dyuynyte and a student in the lawes of Engiande. [Col.] Thus endyth the seconde dyaloge . . . Im- pryntyd at London in South warke by Peter Treuerys In the yere of our lorde god M.v.D.xxx. the . xxiiii. day of No- uembre. 8°, A— S in eights : T, 10. The title is in a curious border. STIRRUP, THOMAS. The Artificers Plain Scale : Or, The Car- penters new Rule. In two Parts. The first, shewing how to measure all Superfi- cies and Solids, . . . The second Shewing how to measure Board and Timber Instru- mentally, . . . Also, How to take Heights and Distances severall wayes, and to draw the Plot of a Town or City. By Thomas Stirrup, Philomat. London, Printed by R. & W. Leybourn, for Thomas Pirre- pont, at the Sun in Pauls Church yard. 1651. Sm. 8°, A— I 4 in eights, A 1 with a frontispiece. With diagrams. STODY, THOMAS, late of Cumberland. The Memory of that Faithful Man of God, Thomas Stody, Late of Cumber- land, Deceased, Revived by the Testimo- nies of several Faithful Friends given concerning him, his Sincere Life and Blessed End. . . . London: Printed, and Sold by T. Sowle, . . . 1692. 4°, A-C in fours. STOW, JOHN. The Summarie of English Chronicles. (Lately collected and published) nowe abridged and continued tyl this present moneth of Marche, in the yere of our Lord God, 1566. By I. S. Imprinted at London in Fletestrete by Thomas Marshe. Sm. 8°, A— Cc in eights. STOW, W. Remarks on London : Being An Exact Survey of the Cities of London and West- minster, Borough of Southwark, ... By W. Stow. London : Printed for T. Nor- ris, . . . 1722. 12°, A— Q in sixes. De- dicated to George Prince of Wales. STUBBES, PHILIP. A Crystal Glass for Christian Women . . . SUCKLIXG. 84 TAP. London, Printed F«>r John Wright, John Clark, William Thackeray, and Thomas Passinger. 1683. 4°, A— C in fours. Black letter. SUCKLING, SIR JOHN. The Works of S r - John Suckling. Con- taining All hi ! Poems, Plays, Letters. &c. Published by His Friends (from his own Copies) to perpetuate his Memory. Lon- don, Printed for Henry Herringman. . . . 1676. 8°. A copy before me with this title-page and the old bookplate of Charles De Laet of Lincoln's Inn, is in the original calf binding, and appears to be made up of the unsold stock of 1(348-58-9. SULPITIUS, JOHANNES, Grammarian. Granimatice Sulpitiana cu textu Ascesiano recognito & aucto : vt proximo patebit epistolio. [Col.] Auctum atq3 recog- nitu est hoc opus opera Ascensiana. Impressumqj in ciuitate Londh. Per Richardum Pynson : in vico dicto the Fletestrete / In signo Georgii comorantem. Anno. M.ccccc. v. xi. die Augusti. 4°, A — X in sixes : Aa— Hh in sixes : Ii, 4. SURREY. A Trve Relation of the Late Hurly Burly at Kingston upon Thames, on Wednesday the 12th of Janua. caused by Collonell Lundsford and the rest of his company, and the Towne fearing they would rise up in Rebellion, one cam speedily to declare it at London, upon which the Traine Band were raised and caused to Watch all night for the safety of the City. Printed in the yeare, 1642. * 4°, 4 leaves, including one of woodcuts at end. There is also one on title, and a third on A 3 verso. The Fruitful Wonder : Or, A Strange Relation from Kingston upon Thames, Of A Woman, who on Thursday an I Friday, being the 5th and 6th days of this Instant March, 167 J. was Delivered of Four Children at one Birth, Viz. Three Sous and one Daughter, . . . With Several Other Examples ol Numerous Births . . . Published by J. P. Student in Physick. Printed for Rich. Rosse,1674. 4°, 4 leaves. An Account of the Arraignment, Tryal, and Condemnation of Jonathan Frost the Clipper : Upon June the 17th instant, at the Marshalsey in Southwark. London : Printed in the Year 1675. 4°, 4 leaves. SWALLOW. Swallow 1646. An Almanacke, for the yeere of our Lord God 1646. Being the second after Bissextile. . . . London Printed by Iohn Dawson for the Com- pany of Stationers. Small 8", A — C 4 in eights. In two parts, the second with a separate title-page. SWAN, JOHN. Specvlvm Mundi. Or A Glasse Repre- senting the Face of the World ; . . . The second Edition enlarged. . . . Printed by Roger Daniel Printer to the Vniversitie of Cambridge. Anno Dom. 1643. 4°. IT, 8 leaves, including the frontispiece by W. Marshall : A— Hh in eights : Ii— Mm in fours : Nn, 2 leaves. T. T. H. An Uprore in the North, at, Hvll, About a ruoneth since by a company of souldiers against their Captaine. With the parti- cular Speeches spoke on either side before the said Captaine Edward Walbrvcke was miserably wounded and slaine. Itebellio 1 is as the sinne of Witchcraft. By 11. T. Printed Anno Dom. 1641. 4°, 4 leaves. T. T. Muggletoniana Principles Prevailing : Being An Answer in full to a Scandal- ous ami Malicious Pamphlet, Intituled A True Representation ol the Absurd and Mischievous Principles of the Sect called Muggletouians ; . . . Printed in the Year of our Lord God 1695. 4°. A, 2 leaves : B— K in fours : L, 2. TAP, JOHN. The Seamaus Kalender, Or, An Epheme- rides of the Sunne, Moon, and certaine of the moste notable lixed Starres. The third Edition : Newly corrected and en- larged with an abridged Table of signes, and some propositions thereupon, concern- ing Arithmetical] Naui ration. London Printed by Ed. Allde, for Iohn Tappe, and are to he solde at bia Shop on Tower-Hill, neiv the Bulwarke Gate. 1608. 4°, A — M 4 in eights, with a separate diagram TA TE. TA YLOR. on a slip after M 4. Dedicated to Sir John Paiton, Governor of Jersey, &c. B.M. The Path-Way to Knowledge; Containing the whole Art of Arithmetike, both in whole Numbers and Fractions ; with the extraction of Roots ; & also a briefe In- troduction or entrance into the Art of Cossicke Numbers, with many pleasant questions wrought thereby. Digested into a plaine and easie methode by way of Dialogue, for the better vnderstanding of the learners thereof. Wherewith is also adioyned a briefe order for the Keeping of Marchants Bookes of Accompts, by way of Debitor and Creditor. At London, Printed by T. Pvrfoot, for Tho: Pauier. An. 1613. 8°, A, 4 leaves : B— Bb in eights : Cc, 4 leaves : Dd — Ee in eights. Black letter, with diagrams. Dedicated by John Tap to Sir Thomas Smith, Governor of the East India and the "Vir- ginia Company. This and Harpur's Jewel of Arithmetic, 1617, are dedicated to the same person. TATE, NAHUM. Tne Sicilian Usurper : A Tragedy, As it w;is Acted at the Theatre-Royal. With a Prefatory Epistle in Vindication of the Author, occasioned by the Prohibition of this Play on the Staue. Written by N. Tate. Inultusutflebo Puer? Hor. Lon- don : Printed for James Knapton, at the Crown in St. Paul's Church-yard. 1691. 4°. Title, 1 leaf : Epistle to " My Es- teemed Friend, George Raynsford. E-q.," 5 leaves : B — H in fours, H 4 with Ad- vertisements. A Poem on the late Promotion of Several eminent Persons in Church and State. By N. Tate, Servant to Their Majesties. . . . London ; Printed for Richard Bald- win, . . . 1694. Folio, A— D, 2 leaves each. TATHAM, JOHN. Ostella : Or Love and Beauty Reconcil'd. By I. T. Gent. London : Printed for John Tey, at the White-Lion in the Strand, near the New Exchange, 1650. 4°, A— Q 2 in fours. Dedicated (i) " To the deservedly Honoured, and highly ac- complished Sir Richard Hastings, Baro- net," (ii) " To the truly Ingenious, and promising fulness of Gallantry, Kinsmel Lucie, Esquire." With a portrait having beneath it verses by Robert Chamberlain. On Q 1 occur lines " Vpon the Death of my Father." On Q 4 occur lines on the re- ported death of William Lawes. Londons Triumphs Celebrated The Nine and twentieth day of this present Month of October, 1657 : In Honour to the Truly Deserving Richard Chi verton, Lord Mayor of the City of London, at the Costs and Charges, of the Worshipful Company of Skinners. By John Tatham, Gent. Non muto pulicis stimulos fucique susurros. London, Printed by J. Bell, in the Year 1657. 4", A— B in fours, title on A 2. B. M. The imprint is partly obliterated. Londons Triumph : Presented In severall Delightfull Sccenes, both upon the Water and Land : and Celebrated in Honour of the truly Loyal, and known Deserve r of Honour, Sr. John Robinson, Knight and Baronet, Lord Mayor of the City of London ; At the Costs and Charges of the Worshipfull Company of Cloth- workers. London Printed for H. Brome at the Gun in Ivy-lane, 1662. 4°, A— C in fours. B. M. Attributed to Tatham. TATIUS, ACHILLES. A most pleasant Historie of Clitophon and Leucippe. [This is the running title.] London, Thomas Creede, 1597. 4°, black letter, [?] A — TJ in fours. Dedicated by W. B. to Henry Earl of Southampton. Puttick's, Jan. 14, 1891, No. 54, wanting before A 3 and after U 3. This translation was probably the work of the same person who executed one of Eurialus and Lucretia, by -^neas Sylvius Piccolomini, 159(3, namely, W. Braunch. TAUBMAN, MATTHEW. London's Annual Triumph : Performed on Thursday, Octob. 29. 1685 For the Entertainment of the Right Honourable Sir Robert Jeffreys, Kt. Lord Mayor of the City of London. With A Description of the several Pageants, Speeches, and Songs, made proper for the Occasion. All set forth at the proper Costs and Charges of the Worshipful Company of Iron-Mongers. Composed by Matt. Taub- inan. Printed and Published by Autho- rity. London, Printed for Hen. Plavford, near the Temple-Church. 1685. 4°, A— C in fours. B. M. TAYLOR, JEREMY, D.D., Bishop of Down and Connor. A new and easie Institution of Grammar. In which the Labour of many yeares, usu- ally spent in learning the Latine Tongue, is shortned and made easie. In usuin Juventutis Cmnbro-Britannicce. Non ob- stant lice Bisciplmce per illas euntibus, sed circa illas hceientibus. Quint. London, TERENTIUS. 86 TRIALS. Printed by J. Young, for R. Royston, and are to be sold at the signe of the Angtd in Ivie-Lane, 1647. 8°, A— H in eights, H 8 blank, and (a), 4 leaves, besides a frontis- piece. "With a dedication in Latin by "William "VVyatt, and in English by Jeremy Taylor, to Christopher, Lord Hatton of Kirby. There is also a copy of Latin verses on Taylor's book by F. Gregory. The author was probably led to undertake this work through his early connection with the Earl of Carbery. TERENTIUS AFER, PUBLIUS. Terence in English. Fabvlae Comici Faceti.-sinii . . . Quinta Editio mult6 emendatior. . . . London Printed by Iohn Legatt, and are to be sold by lames Boler, . . . 1629. 4 U , A— Ee 2 in eights. THYNNE, THOMAS, of Langleat. The Last Confession, Prayers and Medi- tations of Lieuten. John Stern, Delivered By hira on the Cart immediately before his Execution, to Dr. Burnet. Together with the last Confession of George Boroski, . . . With which an Account is given of their Deportment both in the Prison and at the place of their Execution, which was in the Pall-Mali, on the Tenth of March, in the same place in which they bad murthered Thomas Thvnn, Esquire, The Twelfth of February before, 168i. Written by Gilbert Burnet, D.D. And Anthony Horneck, D.D. London, Printed for Richard Chiswell . . . mdclxxxii. Folio, A — G, 2 leaves each : H, 1 leaf. TICHBORNE, ROBERT, Colonel A Cluster of Canaans Grapes. Being Severall experimented truths received through private communion with God by his Spirit, grounded on Scripture, and presented to open view, for publick Edifi- cation. Whereunto is added, The Rest of Faith : . . . London, Printed by M. Simmons, and are to be sold by Thomas Brewster at the three Bibles in Cited Lane . . . 1649. 4°. Title, Letter from Joseph Caryll, and two blanks, 4 leaves : second title and two leaves of the dedi- cation to Lord Fairfax, 3 leaves : a, 4 leaves : B— Hh in fours, Hh 4 blank : the Best of Faith, A — T in fours + Con- tents, 2 leaves. Dedicated to Cromwell. TICKELL, HUGH. Some Testimonies Concerning tlie Life and Death of Hu«di Tickell ; As also His Convincement, Travels, Sufferings and Service for the Lord, and his Eternal Truth. . . . London, Printed for Thomas Northcott. . . . mdcxc. 4°, A — B 2 in fours. TIJOU, JEAN. Nouueau Liure de Desseins ... A new Booke of Drawings Invented and Desined by John Tijou. Containing severall sortes of Iron worke as Gates, Frontis- peices, Balconies, Staircases, Paunels, &c. of which the most part hath been wrought at the Royall Building of Hampton Court, and to severall personsof Qualitves Houses of this Kingdome. All for the Use of them that will worke Iron in Perfection, and with Art. Sold by the Author in London. 1693. Folio, 20 numbered leaves, includ- ing title. B. M. The plates are engraved by Vanderbanck. TITHES. An Answer to the severall Petitions Of late exhibited to the high Court of Par- liament, And to his Excellency the Lord Generall Cromwell, By the poor Hus- band-men, Farmers, and Tenants in seve- rall Counties of England, for the taking away of Tithes, paid to Priests and Im- propriators. London Printed for I. M. 1652. 4°, A— D 2 in fours. An early MS. note on title ascribes this to Dr. Piers, Bishop of Bangor. TRADE. An Elegy on the Death of Trade. By a Relation of the Deceased. London, Printed in the Year 1698. 4°, 8 leaves : A — B in fours. A Letter to a Member of Parliament Con- cerning Clandestine Trade. Shewing how far the Evil Practices at the Custom-house at London tend to the Encouragement of such a Trade. Written by a Fair Mer- chant, London, Printed, and sold by A. Baldwin. 1700. 4°, A — B in fours. TREATISE. A Treatise of Oxen, Sheep, Hogs, and Dogs ; With their Natures, Qualities, and Uses. Together with Instructions How to Chuse, Govern, and preserve them in Health With Variety of Receipts . . . London : Printed for Ohadiah Blagrave . . . 1683. 8°, A— D in eights. Probably by James Lambert. A Treatise of the Celibacy of the Clergy, Wherein its Rise and Progress are His- torically Considered London, Printed by H. Clark, for James Adamson, . . . 1688. 4°, A— Y in fours. Attributed to Henry Wharton. TRIALS. The Trvals of Sir Henry Slingsby Kt., and John Ilewet D.D. For High Treason, TRINITY HOUSE. 87 TURLER. In Westminster-Hall. Together with the Lord President's Speech before the Sen- tence of Death was pronounced against the afore-said Sir H. Slingsby and Dr. Hevvet, being June 2. 1658. At which time, Mr. Mordant was by the Court Acquitted. As also The Manner of their Execution on Tower-hill, the eighth of June follow- ing : With the substance of their Speeches on the Scaffold. London : Printed in the Year 1658. 4°, A— C 2 in fours : The true and exact Speech of Dr. Hevvet, A in fours. TRINITY HOUSE. The Royal Charter of Confirmation Granted by His most Excellent Majesty King James II. To the Trinity-House of Deptford-Strond ; For the Government and Encrease of the Navigation of Eng- land, and the Relief of poor Mariners, their Widdowa and Orphans, &c Lon- don, Printed Anno, 1685. 8°, A— in eights, besides a frontispiece of the arms of the Trinity House Corporation. The Charter is accompanied by the oaths to be taken by officers, the Act 8 Eliz. in relation to Sea-Marks, &c, and the Consti- tution and Bye-laws. Although the title bears date 1685, the confirmation of the Bye-laws, &c, by Lord Chancellor Jeffreys, &c. , is dated June 24, 1687. The King by this Confirmation appoints the first Master, Samuel Pepys, Esquire, Secretary of the Admiralty, the Wardens, Elder Brethren, and Clerk. TRISTAN DE LEONNOIS or LYON- NESSE. II primo libro dello innamoramento di messer Tristano & di madonna Isotta nel qua! si tratta le mirabil pdezze di esso Tristano & di tutti li cavallieri de la Tauola Ritoda & etia3 de l'illustrissiino Artus Rede Inghilterra .... Cum Gratia Et Priuilegio. [Col.] Qui Finisse il Terzo Libro de Tristano Coposto per N. A. Impresso in Venetia per Alexadro & Bene- detto de Bindoni. Anno salutis m.d.xx. Die. xxvii. Mensis Iunii. Regnante lo inclito Principe Leonardo Lauredano. 8", a — b 4 in eights : A— F in eights. In ottava rima. With woodcuts. In two columns. TRIUMPHS. Triumphs of French Wit, In Some Pin- darick Odes. Or, The Emulation. To- gether with an Answer to an Objector against Female Ingenuity, and Capacity of Learning. Also, A Preface to the Mas- culine Sex, bv a YoungLady. London, Printed for T. Malthus . . . and J. Waltho, . . . mdclxxxiii. 4°, A— D hi fours, A 1 and D 4 blank. TRYON, THOMAS. Pythagoras His Mystick Philosophy Re- viv'd : Or, The Mystery of Dreams Vn- folded. Wherein the Causes, Natures, and Uses, of Nocturnal Representations, and the Communications both of Good and Evil Angels, and also departed Souls, to Mankind, are Theosophically Unfolded; ... By Tho. Tryon, . . . London : Printed for Tho. Salusbury, . . . 1691. Sin. 8°, A — U in eights. TUNSTALL, CUTHBERT, Bishop of Durham. Certaine Godly and Denout Prayers made in Latin by the Reuerend father in God, Cuthbert Tunstall, Bishop or Durham, and translated into Englishe by Thomas Paynell, Gierke. [Col.] Imprinted at London in Poules Churche Yanle, at the sygne of the holye Ghoste, by John Cawoode, Printer to the Kinge and Quenes Maiesties. Anno 1558. Triphook's Catalogue, about 1820, No. 454. TURKEY. Letters sent from Venice Anno. 1571. Containing the certaine and true newes of the most Noble Victorie of the Chris- tians ouer the Annie of the great Turke : And the names of the Lords and Gentle- men of the Christians slaine in the same battell. Translated out of the French Copie Printed at Paris by Giuliani de Niuerd, with the Kings Priuiledge. Im- printed at London by Henrie Bynneman. And are to be sold in Paules Church- yard by Anthonie Kitson. Small 8°, 6 leaves. Triphook's Catalogue of Booksand Tracts, about 1820, No. 12. This and the next are contemporary reports of the battle of Lepanto. The whole Discourse of the Victorie that it pleased God to giue to the Christians against the Turkes, and what losse hap- ned to the Christians in the said conflict. Englished by a French Copie Printed at Paris, by Fleuri Preuost, Priviledged by the King. Imprinted at London by Henrie Bynneman. And are to be sold in Pauls Churchyard by Anthonie Kitson. Small 8°, 6 leaves. Triphook, as above, No. 13. TURLER, JEROME. The Traveller of Jerome Turler, deuided into two Bookes. The first conteining a notable discourse of ihe maner, and ord^r of traueiling ouersea, or into strannge and forein Countreys. The second compre- hending an excellent description of the most delicious Realme of Naples in Italy. TU'YXE. 88 V. A. A woorke very pleasaunt for all persons to reade, and right profitable and neces- sarie vnto all such as are minded to Traut'vll. Imprinted at London by Wil- liam How, for Abraham Veale, 1575. Sm. 8°. Triphook's Catalogue, about 1820, No. 161. TWTNE, BRIAN. Antiqvitatis Academia? Oxoniensis Ado- logia, In tres Libros divisa. Avtliore Briano Twyno . . . Vltima Editio. Oxonise. Excudebant I. L. & I. S. Aca- demic Typography 1620. 4°. 1T,4leaves: A — LI in lours. IT 4 is blank. Dedicated to Robert Sackville, Earl of Dorset. TYPHON. Typhon : Or, The Gyants War with the Gods. A Mock-Poem. In Five Canto's. London : Printedfor Samuel Speed, at the Rainbow in Fleetstreet, between the two Temple -Gates. 1665. 8°. Title and Argument, 2 leaves : B — L in eights : List of Books, 1 leaf. u, URINES. The Judycyall of vryns : {[ Consyder- ynge that it is expedyent for euery man to know the operation and qualities of his body / and to know in what state and condicyon his body standeth in / whiche can not be knowen so well as by the vryne In consyderation wherof this worke is collected and gadered out of y sentecyals sayngis of al Auctours of Phi- sike / to the entent that euery man myght brefly come to the knolage of y pmisses / whiche sayd worke is diuided into. iii. seuerall bokes / where of the fyrst boke declaretli pryncypaly howe vryn is gen- dered in mans body / & of his qualites withall y hole workyng of nature in manes body. The second boke treateth of colours in vryn / & what they signi- fye. The thyrde boke treateth of cotens in vryns what they signifye / . . . . [No place, printer's name, or date.] Small folio, black letter, A — S 3 in lours, but no C, the text ending on S 3 verso, col. 1. Witli a large cut on the title. This copy has italic type in Bi — ii. USHER. JAMES, Archbishop of Armagh. A Discourse of the Religion Anciently professed by the Irish and British. By lames Vsher Archbishop of Armagh, and Primate of Ireland. London, Printed by R. Y. for the Partners of the Irish Stocke. 1631. 4°, A, 4 leaves : B - 1 in eights : K, 4. *, 4 leaves : ** — ***, the same. Dedicated to Sir Christopher Sibthorp, Knight, one of his Majesty's Justices for Ireland. The last leaf is occupied by the letter of thanks of James I. directed to the Bishop of Meath, under date Jan. 11, 1622-3, for his loyal services. The last two sheets (under ** and ***) contain: "A Speech De- livered in the Castle-Chamber at Dvblin, the xxii. of November, Anno 1622. At the Censuring of certain Officers, who refused to take the Oath of Sunremacie. By lames Bishop of Meath. Loudon, . . . 1631." The Reduction of Episcopacie Unto the Form of Synodical Government Received in the Ancient Church ; Proposed in the year 1641. as an Expedient for the preven- tion of those Troubles, which afterwards did arise about the matter of Church- Government. By . . . Dr. James Vsher, ... A true Copy set forth by Nicolas Bernard, D.D. Preacher to the Honour- able Society of Graves Inne occasioned by an imperfect Copv lately Printed. London, Printed bv E. C. for R. Royston . . . 1656. 4°/A— B in fours,' A 1 blank. V. V. A. An Essay for Regulating of the Coyn : Wherein also is set forth, First, How" we have lost that Import of Plate and Bul- lion, we formerly had. SecoJidly, what i become of the Vast Quantities of Money coyned in the Reign of King Charles II. and the preceding Reigns. Thirdly, The V. G. VAN HE l.MONT. necessity there is for to rectifie the pre- sent Coyn of the Kingdom ... By A. V. London, Printed by James O. for Richard Cumberland, . . . mdcxcvi. 4°. The copy used euded imperfectly on D 4. V. G. A Weeks Work : Shewing the Whole Duty of a Christian. ... To which is added seven Copper-plates, suitable to each davs Exercise. London, Printed by E. O. for William Crooke, . . . 1668. 8°. A, 4 leaves : B— G in eights. VALENTINE, BASIL. Basilius Valentinus Friar of the Order of St. Benedict His Last Will and Testa- ment. Which He himself, being alone, hid under a Table of Marble, behinde the High-Altar of the Cathedral Church, in the Imperial Citie of Erford : leaving it there to be found of him, whom Gods Providence should make worthy of it. Wherein lie sufficiently declareth the waves he wrought to obtain the Philosophers stone, and taught them all to his fellow Collegians, all of them attained also to the having the Philosophers stone : whereby not onely the leprous bodies of the impure, and inferior Metals are reduced unto the pure and perfect body of Gold and Silver, but also all manner of diseases whatsoever are cured in the bodies of unhealthfull men, and kept thereby in perfect health unto the prolonging of their lives. London, Printed Anno Domini, MDCLVII. Sin. 8°. [*], 4 leaves : A — V in eights : X, 4 leaves. This volume includes the Last Will and Testament in four parts, with separate titles, dated 1656 : Basilius Valentinus His XII. Keyes, with a separate title, dated 1656 ; A short way and Repetition of former Writ- ings of Basilius Valentinus, with a separate title, dated 1656 ; Conclusions and Experi- ments; The fifth and last part of the last Testament, with a separate title dated 1656 ; and Basilius Valentinus His Treatise concerning Microcosme, with a separate title dated 1656. VAN ETTEN, HENRI. Mathematical 1 Recreations. Or a Collec- tion of sundrie Problemes, extracted ont of the Ancient and Moderne Philosophers, as secrets in nature and experiments in Arithmeticke, Geometrie, Cosmographie, Horolographie, Astronomie, Navigation, Musicke, Opticks, Architecture, Staticke, Mechanicks, Chimestrie, Water-workes, Fireworks, &c. Not vulgarly made mani- fest untill this time : Fit for Schollers, Students, and Gentlemen, that desire to know the Philosophical! cause of many admirable Conclusions. Vsefull for others, toacuate and stirre them vp to the search of further knowledge ; and serviceable to all for many excellent things, both for plea- sure and Recreation. Most of which were written first in Greeke and Latine, lately compiled in French, by Henry Van Etten Gent. And now delivered in the English tongue, with the Examinations, Correc- tions, and Augmentations. Printed at London by T. Cotes, for Richard Haw- kins, dwelling in Chancery Lane, neere the Rowles, 1633. 8". A, 8 leaves, be- sides the frontispiece : *, 8 leaves : **, 4 leaves : B— S 4 in eights : T, 8 : V, 6, the last leaf having the Imprimatur. A 1 is occupied by verses signed W. S. on the frontispiece. Dedicated by Van Etten " To the thrice noble and most generous Lo. the Lo. Lambert Verreyken, Lo. of Hinden, Wolverthem, &c," from which epistle it appears that the writer of the French version was educated at the Uni- versity of Pont a Moullon, and was nephew to his patron. With engravings. ]}. M. VAN I1ELMONT, J. B. Deliramenta Catarrh i : Or, The Incon- gruities, Impossibilities, and Absurdities Couched under the Vulgar Opinion of Defluxions. The Author, That great Philosopher, by Fire, Job. Bapt. Van Helmont, &c. The Translator and Para- phrast Dr. Charleton, Physician to the late King. . . . London, Printed by E. G. for William Lee . . . 1650. 4°, A— L 2 in fours, and a, 2 leaves. Oriatrike Or, Physick Refined. The com- mon Errors therein Refuted, And the whole Art Reformed & Rectified : Being A New Rise and Progress of Phylosophy and Medicine for the Destruction of Dis- eases and Prolongation of Life. Written by . . . John Baptista Van Helmont, Toparch or Governor, in Morede, Royn- borch, Oorschot, Pelleries, &c. And now faithfully rend red into English, ... By J. C. Sometime of M. II. Oxon. . . . Lon- don, Printed for Lodowick Lloyd, and are to be sold at his Shop next the Castle in Cornhill. 1662. Folio. Title, 1 leaf: "To the Unutterable Word, the Author Offers up a Sacrifice in his Mother Tongue," 2 leaves : Translator's Premonition, 2 leaves : To the Friendly Reader, and Index, 13 leaves : A Prophesy, Concern- ing the Author Expressed in a Poem, 3 leaves subscribed S. D. a' A. : B — 7 L 2 in fours. With a frontispiece containing portraits of J. B. and Franciscus Mercurius Van Helmont, with their coat of arms. VA UCHOPIUS. 90 VIRG1LIU> The translator was John Chandler. In the left-hand top corner of the frontispiece occurs in this copy from the Tittenhan»er Library : " Pretium £1 2s. Julij 13° 1678." VAUCHOPIUS, GEORGIUS, Scotus. Georgii Vauchopii Scoti De Veteri Populo Romano Tractatus. Cadomi, Apud Vi- etnam Iacobi Bassi, Typographi Regij. M.D.XCV. Sm. 8". * 8 leaves, tw last blank : A — H 4 in eights. Dedicated to Sir George Douglas. VAUGHAN, EDWARD, of Stretton-Lef- f Id, Derby. A Divine Discoverie of Death, Directing all people to a triumphant resurrection, and euerlasting saluation. . . . London, Imprinted for William Iones, and Richard Boyle dwelling in the Blackefriers. 1612. Sm. 8°, A— 2 in eights. With separate inscriptions to Henry Earl of Huntingdon, the Dowager Countess of Leicester, and to the Right Worshipful Sir John Harper and Sir Philip Stanhope, of Derby, Knights, Master Richard Hall of London, Master Humphrey Bonner of Nottingham, and Master George Abney of Derbyshire. VAUGHAN, SIR WILLIAM. The Arraignment of Slander Perivry Blasphemy, and other malicious Sinnes, shewing sundry examples of Gods Iudge- ments against the Ofenders. Aswell by the Testimony of the Scriptures, and of the Fathers of the primatiue Church as likewise out of the reportes of Sir Edward Dier, Sir Edward Cooke, and other famous Lawiers ol this Kingdome. Published by Sir William Vaughan Knight. London. Printed for Francis Constable, and are to be sold in Pauls Church yeard at the signe of the Crane. 1630. 4". Title and following leaf : *, 4 leaves : A — Bb in fours. Dedicated to the Lords of the Privy Council, followed by addresses to the Readers and " To the Cvriovs Painters ol Circles." VERGIL, POLYDORE, of Urbino. An Abridgement of the notable woorke of Polidore Vergil, . . . Imprinted at London within the precincte of the late dissolued house of the Grey Friers, by Richard Grafton . . . M.D.xlvi. [Col.] Imprinted at London Within the piv- cincte of the late dis-olued house of the grey Friers, by Richard Grafton Printer to the princes grace, the . xvi . daie of April!, the yereof theLorde. 1546. Cum priuilegio. 8°. A, 8 leaves: a — x in eights, x 8 with the device. VERON, .1011 N T . Certayne Lite! Treaties Set forth by John Veron Senonoys, for the erudition and learnyng, of the syinple & ingnorant peopell. [Col.] Imprintyd at London by Humfrey Powell dwellyng Aboue Holburne conduit. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum. An. Do. 1548. Sm. 8", A— H 3 in eights. Dedicated by Veron to Master William Knight, assay - master of the Royal Mint in Soutnwark. VERSTEGAN, RICHARD. Theatre des Cruautez des Hereticques de nostre temps. Traduit de Latin en Fran- cois. En Anvers, Chez Adrien Hubert. 1588. Auec Priuilege. A — H 3 in fours, H 4 having been perhaps blank, besides the title and Advertissement, 2 leaves : A— M in fours, A 1 blank. With the same engravings. Theatre des Cruautez des Hereticques le nostre temps ... En Anvers, Cnez Adrien Hubert. 1607. Auec Priuilege. 4°, A — M in fours. The title is partly en- graved. VESTIBULUM. Vestibulum Technicum : Or, An Artificial Vestibulum Wherein The Sense of Janun, Linguarum is contained, and most of the leading Words, Chapter by Chapter, are compiled into plain and short Sentences, fit for the Initiation of Children. . . . Revised and Corrected by Seth Boncle. School-Master of the Right Worshipful Company of Mercers, London. The Fourth Edition. London : Printed for Tho. Parkhurst, .... 1701. Sm. 8°, A— F 4 in eights. VICKERS, RICHARD. A Just Reprehension to John Norn's of Newton St. Loe, For his Unjust Keflection on the Quakers. . . . Printed, and Sold by T. S. at the Crooked-Billet, in Holv- well-Lane, in Shoreditch, 1691. 4°, A— B in fours. VIRGILIUS MARO, PUBLICS. The . xiii . Bukes of Eneadosof the faniose Poete Virgill Translatet out of Lat\ in- verses into Scottish metir, bi the Reuerend Father in God, Mayster Gawin Douglas Bishop of Dunkel & vnkil to the Erie of Aliens. Euery buke hauing hvs perticu- lar Prologe. 51 Imprinted at Lonuo 1553. 4". Title, 1 leaf : B— Z in eights, except X, which has 9 leaves : a — z in eights ; aa — bb in eights. Les faictz nierueilleux de Yirirille Impri- mez nouuellement. [Col.] Cy finissent les laitz nierueilleux de Virg'ille. Im- primees [«c] nouuellement a Paris pour VITRUVIUS. 91 IV. H. Iehan Sainct Denis Librairedemourant en la rue neufue Nostre Dame a L'enseigne sainct Nicolas. 4°, A — D in fours. With woodcuts. Oti the verso of D 4 occurs the device of Wynkyn de Worde. Brunei. I quote this item, because I have not seen a copy myself, and it is very curious as a tract, of which the old English printer pro- bably arranged to take a certain number of copies for sale in London with his name at the end. VITRUVIUS. An Abridgment of the Architecture of Vitruvius. Containing A System of the whole Works of that Author. Illus- trated with divers Copper Plates, curiously engraved ; with a Table of Explanation. To which is added in this Edition The Etymology and Derivation of the Terms used in Architecture. First done in French by Mons r Perraulr., of the Aca- demy of Paris, and now Englished, with Additions. London : Printed for Abel Swalle and T. Child, at the Vnicorn in St. Paul's Church-yard. Sm. 8° Frontis- piece, title and To the Reader, 3 leaves : a, 4 leaves : B— M in eights, L 8 appa- rently blank : N, 4 leaves, including a folded one : 0. 6. VONDEL, J. V. Maria Stuart Of Gemartelde Majes- teit. Te Kevlen In Doude Druckerye. mdcxlvi. 4°, A— K in fours. With a vignette portrait on the title. VOSS, JENNY. The German Princess Revived : Or The Loudon Jilt : Being a True Account of the Life and Death of Jenney Voss, Who Afte r she had been Transported for being con- cerned with Sadler about Eiirht Years past for stealing my Lord Chancellors Mace, and several times since Convicted of fre- quent Fellonies was Executed On Friday the 19th of December, 1684 . at Tyburn. Published from her own Confession. [Col.] London, Printed by George Croom, at the Blue-Ball in Thames-street, over against Baynards Castle 1684. 4°, 4 leaves. VOSSIUS, ISAAC. A Treatise Concerning the Motion of the Sea and Winds. Written in Latine by Isaac Vossius : And Translated for tlie use of the Publick, but particularly such as go to Sea. London, Printed by H. C. for Henry Brome, . . . 1677. 8°. A, 4 leaves : a, 4 leaves : B— N in eights. Dedicated by Ar. Lovell to George, Lord Berkeley, Governor of the Levant Co. With diagrams on text and separate at pp. 114 and 128. w. w. c. Tack About ; Or, A New Model of a Marine Establishment, For Raising Sea- men for the Continual Service of Her Majesty's Fleet. Being A Plain, Easy, and Practicable Method to raise Seamen after any Juncture Sufficient Speedily to Man a very Considerable Fleet, and De- fend Our Trade : Without the Excessive Charges of Impress - Money, Impress- Lieutemmts, Yatches, or Bounty-Money. ... To which is added upon the same Ground of Establishment, A Probable Method to Supply continual Convoys to support Our New-Castle Trade, . . . And Keep Coals at a Moderate Price. London, Printed and Sold by John Nutt, near Stationers-Hall, 1703. Folio, A— G, 2 leaves each. W. E. A Discovrse of Miracles Wrought in the Roman Catholick Chvrch, Or, A full refutation of Dr. Stillinglleets unjust exceptions against Miracles, together with a large discovery of the Doctors inexcus- able frauds, Manifest in his many false, perverted, and impertinent Quotations. Antwerp, Printed by Michael Cnobbaert, at the Sign of S. Peter. 1676. Permissu Superiorum. 8°. a, 8 leaves : b, 4 : c, 3 : A — Aa in eights : Bb, 1 leaf. W. H., Gentleman. The Accomplished Courtier. Consisting of Institutions and Examples. By which, Courtiers and Officers of State may Square their Transactions Prudently and in good Order and Method. Quis enim nan vivit in Aula ? London, Printed for Thomas Dring, . . . 1658. 8°. A, 4 leaves : B — L in eights. Dedicated to John Fitz- James, Esq. of Leweston, co. Dorset. H. W. dates his epistle from his study or //-. J. 92 WALLER. Museum, nearBangor-House, Jan. 1, 1058. Stylo novo. W. J. A Choice Manuall, Or Rare and Select Secrets in Physick and Chyrurgery • . . . The Fifteenth Edition. London, Printed by Gartrude Dawson, and are to be sold by Margaret Shears . . . 1667. Sin. 12°, A — L 10 in twelves : A True Gentle- womans Delight, with a separate title dated 1665, M— S 6 in twelves, besides 2 leaves between title and M 2 with dedi- cation and preface. W. J. Beauties Treasury : Or, The Ladies Vade Mecum. Being' A Collection of the Newest, most Select and Valuable Re- ceipts, For making all Sorts of Cosmetick- Washes, Oils, Unguents, Waters, &e. Useful in Repairing lost Beauty, main- taining and improving good Completions, removing Blemishes of any Kind, and procuring Handsomness. To which are added, Receipts for making the best Cor- dial-Waters, as also the Finest Essences. And especially A Colled ion of the best Perfvmes and excellent Snvffs. Published lor the General Good, after many Ye us Experience of the Efficacy and Excellence of every one of them. By J. W. . . . Philo-Chvm. & Med. Lon- don, Printed and to be Sold, by S. Mal- thus next the Rose and Crown in London House Yard, near the West-End of St. Paul's, 1705. Sm. 8°, A-F in twelves, including a frontispiece. W. T. The Poets Complaint, A Poem. To which is added The Character of Poetry, Written in Prose. [Quot. from Shadwell.] Lon- don, Printed for D. Brown, at the Black- Swan without Temple-Bar, 1682. 4". The copy used ended imperfectly on C 4, having A, 2 : B, 4 : C, 4. W. W., Gentleman. The New Help to Discourse : Or Wit, Mirth and Jollity, ... By W. W. Gent, The Third Edition, with many new Addi- tions. . . . London, Printed by H. C. and sold by P. Parker . . . 1684. 8°. Title and to the Reader, 2 leaves : B — P in twelves : Q 4. Presumably by William Winstanley. WADSWORTH, JAMES. The Evropean Mercury. Describing the High waves and Stages from place to place, through the most remarkable parts of Christendome. With a Catalogue of the principal] Fairs, Marts, and Markets, thorowout the same. By J. W. Gent. Usefull for all Gentlemen, who delight in seeing forraign Countries ; and in- structing Merchants where to meet with their conveniences for trade. London, Printed by I. R. for H. Twyford . . . 1641. Sm. 8°, A— K in twelves : L, 8, L 7 with Imprimatur and L 8 blank, and between A and A 2, a, 4 leaves. Dedi- cated by Wadsworth to Robert Tracy, Esq., Coronet of Horsemen to Edward, Viscount Conway, and in a second epistle to the Nobility and Gentry of England. WALKER, WILLIAM. A Treatise of English Particles : Shewing much of the Variety of their Significa- tions and Uses in English : . . . With a Praxis upon the same. By William Walker, B.D. . . . London, Printed for M. Garth wait, at the Golden-Lion St. Bartholomews Hospital. 1670. 8°, A — Ii in eights, including a frontispiece or en- graved title by Hollar dated 1668. The Royal Grammar, commonly called Lyllys Grammar, Explained. In those Rules of it which concern the Genders and Irregular Declining of Nouns ; and the Preterperfect Tenses and Supines of Verbs ; ordinarily called Propria quce manbus ; quce genus ; and As in Prsesenti. By way of Question and Answer, Open- ing the meanings of the Rules with great plainness to the understanding of Chil- dren of meanest capacity. With Choice Critical Observations on the same, from the best extant Authours and Grammarians. For the amending of the Mistakes, and supplying of the Defects thereof. Bv William Walker, B.D. Authour of the Treatise of the English Particles. Lon- don, Printed for Robert Powlet . . . and Francis Heley . . . 1670. Sm. 8°, A— R in eights. Dedicated to Richard, Arch- bishop of York, from Colsterworth, August 2, 1669. WALLACE, SIR WILLIAM. The Life And Acts Of the most famous and valiant Champion, Sir William Wal- lace, Knight of Ellerslie . . . Edinburgh, Printed by Gfedeon Litbgow, 1648. Sm. 8", A — Y 4 in eights, besides the title and preliminary matter under IT. Black letter. Sotheby's, June 2G, 1*1>0, wanting in the prefixes after Ii S. WALLER, EDMOND. [The Panegyrike And the Storme Two Poetike Libells By Ed. Waller Vassall to the Vsvrper Answered By Most Faythfvll Subiects to His Sacred Ma tv King Charles y e Second. WAR. 93 WHARTON. Si sciret Regibut uti, Fastidiret Olus M.DC.LIX. 4°, A — D in fours, title on A 2 : Postscript and A Solemne & Serious Advertisement, 2 leaves : B — E, 2 leaves each : F, 1 leaf : IT, 2 leaves.] WAR. Of War. A Poem. Being An Encomium on the Bravery of the English Nation both at Sea ami Land. With A Particular Description of the Fleet. Written at the Command of a Person of Honour. Lon- don, Printed for John Chantry, . . . and Sold by John Nutt, . . . 1701. Folio, A — D 2 leaves each, D 2 blank. WARD, EDWARD. The London Spy for the Month of No- vember, 1698. [to April 1 700.] . . . 1698- 1700. Folio. Two vols. Each monthly part consists of A — D. 2 leaves each. Several of those in the cojiy employed are second and third editions. Sot's Paradise : Or, The Humours of a Derby-Ale-House : With A Satyr upon the Ale. The Third Edition. "London, Printed and Sold by J. How, . . . 1700. Folio, A — D, 2 leaves each. In verse. A Trip to Jamaica : With a True Cha- racter of the People and Island. By the Author of Sot's Paradise. The Seventh Edition. London, Printed and Sold by J. How ; . . . 1700. Folio, A— D, 2 leaves each. A Frolick to Horn-Fair. With a Walk from Cuckold's-Point thro' Deptford and Greenwich. London, Printed and Sold by J. How ; in the Rams-Head-Inn-Yard in Fenchurch-Street, 1700. Folio, A— D, 2 leaves each. The Poet's Ramble after Riches : With Reflections upon a Countrey Corpora- tion. Also The Author's Lamentation in the Time of Adversity. By the Author of the Trip to Jamaica. " The Third Edition. London, Printed and Sold by J. How, . . . 1701. Folio, A— D, 2 leaves each. In verse. A Step to the Bath : With A Character of the Place. The Second Edition. London Printed and Sold by J. How, . . . 1700. Folio, A — D, 2 leaves each. A Walk to Islington : With a Description of New Tunbridge-Wells, And Sadler's Musick-House. By the Author of the Poet's Ramble after Riches. The Second Edition. London, Printed in the Year 1701. Folio, A— C, 2 leaves each. In verse. WARREN, ELIZABETH, of Woodbridg*, Essex, A Lover of Truth and Peace. The Old and Good Way Vindicated : In a Treatise, Wherein Divers Errours (both in judgement and practice, incident to these declining Times) are unmasked, for the Caution of humble Christians. The second Edition much enlarged with a Letter, wherein she cleareth her self'e from black-mouth'd Calumny. . . . London : Printed for Henry Shepheard and William Ley, . . . 1646. 4°, A— F in fours, A 1 and F 4 blank. WELD, THOMAS, and Others. A false Jew : Or, A wonderfull Discovery of a Scot, Baptized in London for a Chris- tian, Circumcized at Rome for a Jew, rebaptized at Hexham for a Believer, but found out at Newcastle to be a cheat. Being a true Relation of the detecting of one Thomas Ramsey, .... Printed at London for Richard Tomlins, at the Sun and Bible at Pie Corner, 1 654. 4°, A— C in fours, C 4 blank. Dedicated by Thomas Weld, Sam. Ham- mond, Cuth. Sidenham, and Will. Durant, to Henry Dawson, Esqr. , Mayor of New- castle-on-Tyue. WESTMORELAND. A Book of some of the Sufferings and Passages of Myles Halluc of Mount-Joy in Under Barrow in the County of West- moreland. Asalso, Concerning his Labour and Travel in the Work of the Lord . . . Printed and Sold by A. Sowle, . . . 1690. 4°, A — D in fours. WHARTON, GEORGE. An Astrolo^icall Judgement Vpon His Maiesties present Martch : Begun from Oxford May 7, 1645. Ludit in humanis divina potentia rebus. By Geo: Wharton. Oxford, Printed by H. Hall. 1645. 4°, A— C 2 in fours, A 4 occupied by a diagram. Calendarium Ecclesiasticum : Or, A New Almanack Alter the Old Fashion, For the Commune yeare's of Man's Creation 5606. j Bei the First Redemption— 165/. ) ° from the Bissextile. To which is added, Gesia Britannorum : ... By George Wharton. Nos aliam ex aliis. London, Printed by John Grismond. 1657. Sin. 8°, A— G 4 in eights. With a portrait of Wharton. Dedicated by the author to William Bishop of South-Warnboro, co. Hants. "Wharton in the dedication speaks of this volume as his Rrfrigcria. WHELER. 94 WILLIAM III. WHELER, SIR GEORGE. An Account of the Churches, Or Places of Assembly, of the Primitive Christians ; From the Churches of Tyre, Jerusalem, and Constantinople. Described by Euse- bius. And Ocular Observations of Several very Ancient Edifices of Cnurches yet Extant in those Part*. With a Season- able Application. By Sir George Wheler, Preb. of Durham. London, Printed by S. Roycroft, for R. Clavell . . . 1689. Sm. 8°. Title and dedication to George Hick*, Dean of Worcester, 3 leaves : B— I in eights : K, 1 leaf. With a folded plate at pp. 12, 36, 54, and 62. WHITE, JOHN. A Rich Cabinet, With Variety of Inven- tions : . . . Collected by J. W. a lover of Artificial Conclusions. The Fifth Edi- tion, with many Additions. London, Printed for William Whitwood, . . . 1677. 8°, A — Q 4 in eights, including a frontis- piece, A 1 blank. WHITE, RICHARD, of Basingstoke. Ricardi Viti Basintochii . . . Ad Leges Decemvirorvm in Dvodecim Tabvlis Notae Iuris interpretati. Atrebati, Ex Officina Gulielmi Riuerij, M.D.XCVIH. Sm. 8°, A — Z in eights. WIDOWS. The Petition of the Widows, in and about London and Westminster for a Redress of their Grievances. By the same Sollicitor that drew up the Petition for the Ladies. [Col.] London, Printed for the Use of the Wide-os, 1693. 4°, 2 leaves. In two columns. WIFE. The New Wife of Beath Much better Re- formed, . . . Glasgow, Printed l>y Robert Sanders, . . . 1705. Sm. 8", A— B 4 in eights. Black letter. In verse. This is a rifucimento of the early fabliau of the woman who got into heaven by her pleading. WILDE, GEORGE. A Sermon Preached Upon Sunday the Third of March in St. Maries Oxford, Before the Great Assembly of the Mem- bers, of the Honourable House of Com- mons There Assembled. Oxford, Printed by Leonard Lichfield, . . . 1643. 4°. A, 2 leaves : B — G in fours. Dedicated in Sir William Boteler, I£t High Sheriff of Kent, and Colonel of a Regiment of Horse raised there for the King. WILLETT, ROWLAND, of Hurt Hall, Oxford. Saororvra Eiublematvm Centvria V na. qua- tarn ad exeniplum apte expressasunt, quam quae aut veteribus aut accepta, aut inventa ab alijs hactenus extant. In tres classes distribute, quarum prima emble- mata Typica, Siue Allegorica : Altera his- torica, siue res gesta : Tertia Physica, a rerum natura sumpta continet. Omnia a purissimis Scriptural fontibus denvata, & Anglolatinis versibus reddita . . . Ex officina Iohannis Legate florentissiniae Academiae Cantabrigiensis Typographi. 4", 32 leaves. Dedicated to Robert, Earl of Essex. WILLIAM, DUKE OF GLOUCESTER, son «f the Princess Anne. A Letter to a Friend Concerning the Sickness and Death of His Highness the Duke of Gloucester. . . . [Col.] Lon- don. Printed and Sold by A. Baldwin in Warwick-Lane. [1700.] Folio, 2 leaves. WILLIAM OF OCCAM. Incipit Dyalogo sup libertate ecclesias- tica inter hugonem decanu et oliuerium burgi' magistrum et caterum secretary interlocutores theueu. [Col.] Explicit dyalogus, super libertate ecclesiastica nouiter expositus et supra Rychensteyn impressus. Anno a natiuitate domini Millesimoquadringentesimoseptuagesimo septimo mensis Junij die vero deeima quarla. Folio, 14 leaves. "With catchwords and signatures. WILLIAM III. OF ORANGE, King of Great Britain (1688-1702). An Account of the Proceedings at West- minsier-Hall, on the 29th and 30th of June, 1688. Relating to the Tryal and Discharge of the Archbishop of Canter- bury, the Bishop of S. Asaph, Bishop of Chichester, Bishop of Ely, Bishop of Bath and Wells, Bishop of Peterborough, and the Bishop of Bristol. A folio leaf. A Answer to a Paper, Intitled, Reflec- tions on the Prince of Orange's Declara- tion. [1688.] 4°, 4 leaves. The Countrey-minister's Reflections on the City-Ministers Letter to his Friend ; Shewing the Reasons why We cannot Read the King's Declaration in Our Churches. [Col.] Allowed to be Pub- lish'd this 9th Day of July, 1688. Lon- don : Printed for E. Rayner and W. Faulkner. Folio, 4 leaves. A Collection of Papers Relating to the Present Juncture of Affairs in England. Viz. 1. The Humble Petition of Seven bishops to his .Majesty, [and 1 1 ether WILLIAM III. 95 WINCHESTER SCHOOL. papers.] Printed in the Year, 1688. 4", B— E in fours, the title, and a leaf of F. A Second Collection of Papers . . . Viz. I. An Enquiry into the Measures of Sub- mission to the Supreme Authority ; .... [and six other papers.] Printed in the Year, 16-8. 4°, B— E in fours, the title, and a leaf of F. A Third Collection of Papers ... Viz. I. The Expedition of the Prince of Orange for England, . . . [and three other papers.] London printed, and are to be sold bv Rich. Janeway . . . 1688. 4°,B-F3iii fours and the title. A Fourth Collection . . . Viz. I. The Prince of Orange's first Declaration from the Hague . . . [and eleven other papers.] London printed, . . . 1688. 4°, B— E in fours, the title, and a leaf of F. A Fifth Collection . . . Viz. I. The Hard Case of Protestant Subjects . . . [and 7 other papers.] London printed, . . . 1688. 4°. Same collation as last. A Sixth Collection . . . Viz. I. Five Letters from Scotland, . . . London printed, . . . 1689. 4°. Same collation. The tenth and concluding paper in this number is " A Narrative of the Miseries of New-England, by reason of an Arbitrary Government erected there." A Seventh Collection . . . Viz. I. Pro- posals humbly offered in behalf of the Princess of Orange. . . . London printed, 1689. 4°. Same collation. The Eighth Collection . . . Viz. I. Pro- posals to the present Convention for Setling the Government . . . London Printed, 1689. 4". Same collation. A Ninth Collection . . . Viz. I. A Dia- logue between two Friends, . . . London printed, . . . 1689. 4°. Same collation. A Tenth Collection . . . Viz. I. Reflec- tions upon our late and present Proceed- ings . . . London printed. . . . 1689. 4°. Same collation. The Present Case Stated : Or, The Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy no Badge of Slavery. London, Printed for R. Bald- win. 1689. 4°, A— Band D— E in fours, no C and E 4 blank, besides the title and preceding blank. An Elegy on His Grace John Late Arch- bishop of Canterbury. A Pindaric. Lon- don Printed, and are to be Sold by John Whitlock near Stationers-Hall, 169."). Price 3d. Folio, A — B, 2 leaves each. By the Lords Justices. A Proclamation for a General Fast. London, Printed by Charles Bill, and the Executrix of Thomas Newcomb, . . . 1695. A broadside. On the Peace. A Pindaric. — Hie mag- nos potius . . . Horat. Od. 2. London, Printed for Roger Clavill, .... 1697. Folio. A — C, 2 leaves each. Albina : Or, A Poem on the Death of His Late Sacred Majesty William III. . . . London : Printed for Joseph Wild at the Elephant at Charing-Cross. [1702.] Folio, A — D, 2 leaves each. A Form of Prayers Used by His Late Majesty, K. William III. When he Re- ceived the Holy Sacrament. London, Printed for J. Barnes at the Crown in the Pell-Mell. 1704. Sm. 8°, A— D in twelves, A 1 with an Advertisement. Puttick's, June 26, 1890, No. 295 a, on vellum. WILLIAMS, ROGER, of Providence, Neto England. The Hireling Ministry None of Christ's, Or A Discourse touching the Propagating the Gospel of Christ Jesus. . . . London, Printed in the second Moneth, 1652. 4", A — F 2 in fours. WILLIS, JOHN. The Art of Memory, So far forth as it dependethvpon Plans and Ideas. Written first in Latine, by John Willis Bachelour in Diuinitie : and now published in Eng- lish by the said Author, with such altera- tions thereof as seemed needful. . . . London, Printed by W. Iones, and are to be sold by Henry Seely. . . . 1621. Sm. 8°, A— D in twelves : E, 9. The last but one figure of the date has been altered to 5, apparently from 1. Mnemonica, Or, The Art of Memory. . . . London, Printed and are to be sold by Leonard Sowersby, at the Turnstile, near New-Market, in Lincolns-Inn fields, 1661. Sm. 8°, A— M in eights. Dedicated by the publisher to William Pierrepoint Esq WINCHESTER SCHOOL. Scholar Wintonensis Phrases Latinpc. The Latine Phrases of Winchester School. Corrected, and much Augmented, with Poeticals added ; and then Four Tracts, I. Of Words not to be used by Elegant Latinists. II. The Difference of many Wonls like one another, in Sound or Signification. III. Some Words governing a Subjunc- tive Mood, not mentioned in Liilies Grammar. WING. 96 WITHER. IV. Concerning xP ina a,H ' ^ V "M- *'"' L '"~ ticing children upon making of themes. By H. Robinson, D.D. The Eighth Edi- tion, with Additions. Published for the common Use and Benefit of the Granimar- Schools. London, Printed for A. M. and are to be Sold by R. Boulter. . . . 8", A — Cc in eights. The Address to the Reader, by the head- master of the Blue-Coat School, is dated Nov. 24, 1663. Dedicated by Robinson to Dr. Busby and oihers. WING, JOHN. The Saints Advantage Or The welfare of the Faithfvll, in the worst times. A Sermon, Preached at the Hage the 18. of May, 1623. before the most High, and Mighty Princesse, Elizabeth, . . . Qveene of Bohemia, ... By John Wing, an vn- worthy Minister of the Gospel, and Pastor of the English Church at Flishing in Zealand. ... At Flishing, Printed by Martin Abraham vander Nolck, dwelling at the signe of the Printing-house, 1623. 4°. Title and two dedications, 4 leaves : A — L 2 in fours. The second dedication is to Humfrey Browne, Thomas Aldersey, Thomas Shepe- heard, Robert Edwards, and Edward Foorde, Brethren of the Company of Mer- chant-Adventurers of England in London. WING, VINCENT, and WILLIAM LEYBOURN, Practitioners in the Mathematics. Urania Practua : Or, Practical Astrono- mie : In VII. Parts. . . . Unto which is added (for the benefit of Sea-men) diverse Rules and Tables, of extraordinary use in Navigation. . . . The second Edi- tion much inlarged. London. Printed by Robert and William Leybourn, in Monks-well street near Cripplegate 1652. 8°. Blank leaf, frontispiece and explana- tion, and printed title, 4 leaves : A — B in fours : C, 6 : D, 5 : E — Ii 2 in fours, besides a separate leaf of diagrams in S. With numerous illustrations on the text. Dedicated by the authors to Sir Janus Herrington, M.P. B. M. WINGATE, EDMONU. The Clarks Tutor For Arithmetick and Writing : Or, A Plain and Easie way of Arithmetick illustrated with apt useful Tables for Resolving the moat difficult Questions concerning Interest and Annui- ties, and other I'sel'ul Purposes ; Being the Remains of that Famous Arithmeti- cian and Eminent Lawyer, Edmond Wln- ■jaie, Esq., With aConvenient Copy Book For the attaining the most useful Hand- By Edward Cocker. London, Printed by S. G. for Henry Twiford in Vine Court, Middle-temple, 1671. Sm. 8°. Title and Preface, 3 leaves : B — L in eights : the Copy Book, 1 1 leaves. WINGFIELD, HENRY. A Compendious or Shorte Treatise, gathered of the chyefe and principal 1 Authors of Phisycke, conteynynge cer- teyn preceptes necessary to the presertta- cion of healthe, and lonne continuaunce of the same. : verye pleasaunte and pro- fitable to reade. [Col.] Imprinted at London by Robert Stoughton dwellynge wythin Ludgate, at the sygne of tiie Bishoppes Myter. [1552.] Sm.8°,A— E4 in eights, E 4 blank. Dedicated by Whit- field to Master William Cecil Esquire, from London, January 1, 1551-2. WISE MISTRESSES. The History of the Seven Wise Mistresses of Rome ; Whose Names were, Halicuja, \ ( Deborah, Mardula, f 1 Dejanarah, Cicre, I \ and Penthisilia, j ( Boadicia. Wherein the Treachery of Evil Couucel is Discovered, . . . London : Printed by W. O. for G. Conyers, in Little-Britain, over - against Bartholomew - Close - Gate. Sm. 8°, A — G in eights, A 1 with a frontispiece. With cuts. The Preface is signed Tho. Hoivard. WITHER, GEORGE. Three Grains of Spirituall Frankincense, Infused into Holy Hymues of Praise ; And Humbly offered toward the pub- like Thank-giving, commanded by Au- thority of Parliament to be celebrated throughout the Commonwealth of Eng- land, the 30. of this present January, 1650. . . . London, Printed by R.Austin, 1651. 8°, A in eights, A 8 blank. De- dicated to John Bradshaw, 1 President of the Council of State. The Grateful Acknowledgement of a Late Trimming Regulator. Humbly Presented to that Honest and Worthy Country Gentleman who is come lately to Town, and stiles himself by the name of Multum in Parvo. With a most Strange and Wonderful Prophecy, Taken out of Britains Genious. Written in the time of the late Wars, by that Famous and Divine Poet of our Age, Captain George Wither. London. Printed in the Year, 1688. 4", A— (', 2 leaves each. In verse. WITS. 97 YEAR-BOOK. WITS. The Wits, Or, Sport upon Sport. Being A Curious Collection of Several DroLs and Farces, Presented and Shewn For the Merriment and Delight of Wise Men, and the Ignorant : As they have been sundry times Acted in Publique, and Private, In London at Bartholomew \ Faires In the Countrey at other \ In Halls and Taverns. On several Mountebanks Stages, At Charing Cross, Lincolns- Inn-Fields, and other places. By Several Strolling Players, Fools, and Fidlers, And the Mountebancks Zanies With Loud Laughter and great Applause. Written I know not when, by several Persons 1 know not who : But now newly Collected by your Old Friend to please you, Francis Kirkman. London, Printed for Francis Kirkman, and are to be Sold by most Book-Sellers. 1673. 4°, A— H in fours. WOMOCK, LAURENCE, D.l>, Arch- deacon of Suffolk. < Pulpit-Conceptions, ) Q The Grand ( Popular-Deceptions y ' Debate resumed, In the Point of Prayer : Wherein it appears That those Free Prayers so earnestly contended for have no advan- tage above the Prescribed Liturgie in publick Administrations. . . . London. Printed for Richard Royston at the Angel in Ivie-Lane. 1662. 4°, A— K 2 in fours. WOOLNOUGH, HENRY. Fideles Aquae ; Or some Pious Tears Dropped upon the Hearse of the Incom- parable Gentlewoman Mrs. Sarah Gilly, The only Daughter of the Loyal and Worthy Gentleman Matthew Gilly Esq ; Together with some Elegies upon the Grave, and Religious Matron Her Grand- mother, The Courteous and Ingenious Gentleman Her Brother. By Henry Woolnough . . . London Printed for A. Crook . . . 1661. Sm. 8°, A— L 4 in eights. Dedicated "To the Worshipfull, and very much Honor'd Kins - man, Matthew Gilly Esq." WORCESTERSHIRE. A True Character of Worsters Late Hvrly- Bvrly. London, printed, Septemb. 22. 1642. 4", 4 leaves. WORLD. The Worldes Metamorphosis [and other Sacred Poems.] 4", A— F in fours : (F) 4 leaves : G, 1 leaf. A titleless poetical tract hound up at the end of the Gaisf ord copy of Jordan's Poetical Varieties, 1637. WORLIDGE, JOHN. The Second Parts of Systema Agrieul- tura, Or The Mystery "of Husbandry, And Vinetum Biitannicum, Or, A Trea- tise of Cider. . . . To which is added, An Essay towards the Discovery of the Original of Fountains and Springs. By J. W. Gent. London, Printed for George Grafton . . . 1689. 8°, A— 4 in eights, A 1 with half-title and 4 blank + a— a 4 in eights + a frontispiece and plates at pp. 43, 118, 139, 181, and 183. YEAR-BOOK. Annus quadragesimus Edwardi tercii nouiter impressus et castigatus, viia cum multis aliis casibus adiectis nnrnq? autea impressis. [A large woodcut of the King enthroned, &c] Ne moy reproues sans cause, qnar mon entent est de bone amour. [Col.] Iniprinie a Londres par moy Robert Redman le. x. iour de Marche, Pan de t^race m.ccccc.xxxiiii. Folio, A — F in sixes : G, 4 : H, 6 : I, 4 : K, 4. De termino Hillarii . An. xli. E. iii. [Col.] Explicit annus quadragesimus primus Edwardi tercij. Imprynted at London in Fletstrete by me Robert Redman dwel- Ivnge at the sygne of the George. Folio, A — H in sixes and fours. De termino hillarii Anno regni Regis Edwardi tertii Post conquestum Quadra- gesimo secundo. [Col.] Impressum per Richardum Pynson Reyis iiupressoreui. Folio, A— D in sixes. De termino sancti Hillarii. Anno regni Regis Edwardi tertii. xlii. [Col] Im- pressum per Richardum Pynson. Folio, A— C in sixes : D, 4 leaves : E, 4 leaves. De termino Hillarii . Anno regni Regis Edwardi tertii post conquestum Quad- ragesimo . iiii. [Col] Impressum per Richardum Pynson Regis impressoiem. Folio, A— G in sixes, G 6 with the device repeated on the verso. De termino Hillarii Anno r*>£jni Regis G YEAR-BOOK. YORK, CITY OF. Edwardi tertii Post conquestum Anglie Quadragesimo secundo [quinto]. At the end occurs : Impressum per Richardum Pynson Regis Impressorem. De termino Hyllarii . Anno regni Regis Edwardi iii. Post conquestum Anglie. xl.vi. [Col.] Impressum per Richardum Pynson regis impressorem. Annosalutis. M.ccccc.xvii. Folio, A — E in sixes, E 6 with the device. De termino Trinitatis . Anno regni regis Ed ward i tertij post conquestum quadra- gesimo septimo. [Col.] Annus . xlvii. E. iii. explicitus. Impressus Londini in edibus Richardi Pynsonis regii impres- soris Anno verbi incarnati millesimo quin- getesimo vigesimo . Idibus quinqj mensis Junii. Cum priuilegio a rege indulto. Folio, A — E in sixes. Anno regni Regis Edwardi tertii. Post conquestum quadragesimo octauo. [Col.] Explicit Annus, xlviii. Edwardii tertii. Imprimendq p Richardi! Pynson Regis Impressorem Anno M.D.xviii. die vero mensis Maii. x. Folio, A — D in sixes : E — F in fours. De termino Hyllarii . Anno regni Regis Edwanli. iii. Post conquestum Anglie. xlix. [Col.] Impressum p Richardum Pynson Regis Impressorem. Folio, A — E in lours : F, 4. De termino Hillarii Anno regni regis Edwardi tercii post Conquestum quin- (juagesimo. [Col.] Explicit Quiquages. Edwardi . iii. Impress? Londini. Anno verbi Incarnati. M.D.xix. per me Rich- ardum Pynson regium Impressorein / cum priuilegio a rege indulto. Folio, A — D in sixes : E in fours, E 4 with the full-page device. De termino Michi . A° . primo . E. iiii. [Col.] Per me Ricardum Pynson. Folio, 4 leaves, the first probably blank. De termino scti Mich. An" Reg. E. iiii pri- mo [et secundo] ; at the end of the Second year occurs : Explicit annus scdus . E. iiii. Bed us Townsendg de nouo impressus in academia / ere ac impensis honesti viri Richardi Pynson Regii Ipressoris. Folio, 8 — b iu fours : a — d in sixes : e, 4. These two years appear to have been printed together. De termino see Trinitatis anno iii. Ed- wardi quarti. [R. Pynson.] Folio, A — D in sixes : E, 7. 1 >e termino Pasche anno iiii. Edwardi iiii. [R.Pynaon.] Folio, A— G in sixes \ \\,ti, the last leaves blank. De termino Pasche . anno v. Edwardi quarti. [R. Pynson.] Folio, A — B in sixes. De Termino Michael . Anno . vi° Edwardi iiii. [Col.] Explicit Annus sextus Ed- wardi quarti. [R. Pynson.] Folio, A, 6 : B. 7. De Termino Pasche anno vii° Edwardi iiii tj - [Col.] Explicit annus septimus Edwardi iiii. [R. Pynson.] Folio, A— E in sixes. De termino Pasche, Trinitatis, Michaelis, et Hilarii, 7 Edw. iv. [London, R. Pyn- son.] Folio, A — D in sixes : E, 8. De termino Pasche Anno ix Edwardi iiij. [Col.] Explicit Annus . Nonus . Ed- wardi . quarti. Per me Ricardum Pyn- son. Folio, a — c in eights : d, 6 : e 6 : f, 6 : g, 8 : h, 7. De termino sancte trinitatis . Anno xi. E. iiii. [R Pynson.] Folio, a — b in sixes : c, 2, with Pynson's device on c 2 verso. De termino pasche . Anno . E. iiii. xxii. [Col.] Einprynted at London in Flete- strete at the sygne of the George by Richard Pynson / PrentervntotheKynges noble grace dweUynge besayde saynt Dun- stones Chirche. Folio, A — E in sixes : F, 4 : G, 6 : H, 4 : I, 6. Incipit Annus Primus E Quint. [London, no printer's name.] Folio, secretary type, A 8 : B 4 . With a large cut on title and others on back, &c. B. M. and Lambeth. On B commences with a new title : Inci- pit annus Primus Ricardi tertij. This is the volume described by Maitland {Early Printed Books at Lambeth, 1843, p. 253) as two separate tracts. Anno secundo Richardi. iii. [London, R. Pynson ?] Folio, A': B^: C 8 . Anno primo[ — quinto] Henrici septimi. [Col.] Explicit quintus Henrici septimi. q d , [left blank for the name of the editor.] Folio, a : b 3 : c 5 : d 6 : e-f [wanting in this copy :] g— k in sixes. Anno primo[ — octavo] Henrici . vii. [London, R. Pynson?] Folio, A— E in sixes : F, 3 : G— I in sixes : K, 8 : L, 6 : M, 4: N, 4: 0—1' in sixes. YORK, CITY OF. The Kings Noble entertainment at York AViih the Lord Maior of York his worthy Speech to the King. As also the manner how the Aldermen, Sherilfes, Citizens, and sundry other Gentlemen congratu- lated his Maiesty to York. Likewise how YORKSHIRE. 00 Z WING LI US. triumphantly hee was entertained with many rich Presents, and how they con- ducted his Maiesty to his Castle. Sent from York by Sir'Nathanael Rigby to a Merchant in" London. March 18. 1641. London, Printed for Thomas Williams. 1641. 4°, 4 leaves. Reports And Pleas of Assises At Yorke. Held before severall Judges in that Cir- cuit, "With Some Presidents usefull for Pleaders at the Assises : Never englished before . . . London, Printed by Ja. Flesher, for W. Lee, . . . 1651. Sin. 8°, A— L in eights, L 8 blank -4- a, 4 leaves Dedicated to the HonWe Bulstred Whit- lock Esqr., Richard Keeble, Serjeant at Law, and John Leisle Esquire, Lords Commissioners of the Great Seal of Eng- land, by John Clayton, from his Chamber in the Inner Temple, Jan. 1, 1650-[1.] The Thoughts of a Private Person ; About the Justice of the Gentlemen's Undertak- ing at York, Nov. 1688. Wherein is shewed, That it is neither against Scrip- ture, nor Moral honesty, to defend their just and Legal Rights, against the Illegal Invaders of them. Occasioned then by some private Debates, and now submitted to better Judgement. Printed in the Year. 1689. 4°, A— D in fours, D 4 blank. YORKSHIRE. The Declaration of the Right Honourable Henry Earle of Cvmberland Lord Liev- tenant Generall of His Maiesties Forces in Yorke-shire. And of the Nobility, Gentry, and others His Maiesties Sub- jects now assembled at Yorke . . . Printed at York by Stephen Buckley, 1642. By speciall command. 4°, 4 leaves. A True Relation of the Proceedings from York and Beverley. Shewing The gnat power and strength there raised against the Parliament and Hull, under the com- mand of the Lord of Carnarvon, the Lord Rich, Colonell Fielding, . . . Also The bountie of the Clergie, and of the Gentrie in York-shire, . . . Likewise some Re- hearsall of Bishop Williams his Sermon before the King, Iuly 24. . . . Aug. 3. London. Printed for Iohn Iohnson 1642. 4°, 4 leaves. A True and Perfect Relation of A victo- rious Battell Obtained against the Earl of Cumberland and his Cavaliers, By the Lo: Fairfax and Captain Hotham. Also, the manner of the Lo: Fairfax his besieg- ing of tiie City of York, .... And The taking of Eight of Sir John Hothams Souldiers prisoners by the Cavaliers, and the tormenting deaths they put them unto. With The Resolutions of Captain Hothams Souldiers there upon. London, Printed for William Ley. Nov. 3. 1642. 4°, 4 leaves. The Good and Prosperous Successe of the Pari laments Forces inYorkesl lire. Against the Earle of New-castle and his Popish Adherents. As it was writ in a Letter from the Right Honourable the Lord Fairfax, and read in both Houses of Par- liament on Monday, 30 Ian. 1642. With some Observations of the Lords and Com- mons upon the said proceedings: as so many Answers from Heaven which God hath' given to the prayers of his Servants. Published, that their mouthes and hearts may be as much enlarged with Praises as they have beene in Prayers . . . London, Printed for I. Wright in the Old baily. Ianuarv, 31. 1642. 4°, 4 leaves. Z ZWINGLIUS, HULDRICK. Certeyne Preceptes / gathered by Hul- ricus Zwinglius / declaring how the in- genious youth ought to be instructed and brought vnto Christ. Translated oute of Latin into Euglysh by Master Richarde Argentyne Doctour in Physicke. Im- printed at Ippeswich by Anthony Scolo- ker . Dwellyng in S. Nycholas Paryshe. Anno . 1548. Cum Priuilegio ad impri- mendum solum. Sm. 8°. a 8 : b 8 : c 8 . Dedicated to Master Edward Grimstone. c 6 has the device. ADDENDA. yESOP. Esops Fables Translated Loth Grammati- cally, and also in propriety of our Eng- lish phrase ; and, every way, in such sort as may be most profitable for the Gramtnar-schoole. Tiie use of it is ac- cording to the directiones in the Prefaces, and more fully set downe in Ludus Lit. or the Grammar-schoole. London, Printed by I. 1). lor Thomas Man. and are to be sold by Thomas Pavier, 1624. 8°, A— F 1 in eights. BALDWIN, WILLIAM. A treatyce of Mural philosophy. . . . First gathered and englished by Willia Baldwin, after ihar, twise augmented by Thomas Paulfreyman, one of the gentle men of the Queenes maiesties chaple, & now once againe enlurged by the first aucthor. Cum priuilegio. 1564 [Col.] Imprinted at London in Fieete strete within Teni])le bane at the signe of the hande and Starre, by Rvcharde Tottill. Tiie first day of Ueceinbre Anno. 1564. H Cum priuilegio. ... 8°, A— Ff in eights. The deilication to Edward Beauchamp, Earl of Hertford, by Baldwin, follows the title. BENSON, JOHN, Gentleman. England in its Condition, Briefly And most lively Characterized, by way of Essay. Whereunto are annexed some Acrosticke Verses, Vpon the Names of several 1 Members of the Honourable House of Commons, and others, ... By Iohn Benson, Gent. (Jmne tulil punctum. . . . Printed in the Yeare 1648. 4°, A— C in fours. In \ erse. The acrostics are upon Fairfax, Crom- well, Skippon, Lenthall, Sir Benjamin Rud- diard, &c. At (' ,'i is one on bin Eonoared Cap) Sn George Greeley, Knight, and the last page is occupied by :i second on his kinsman, John Westell, Esquire, M.P. BINNING, CAPTAIN THOMAS, Mari- ner. A Lighl tothi Art of Gunnery. . . . Lon- don, Printed by John Darby, for the Author, and are sold by Andrew Forres- ter, . . . 1676. 4°, A— Aa in fours. Dedicated to the Duke of Lauderdale. With diagrams, besides an engraved title and folded plates at pp. 105, 118-19-22-3 147, 157, and 171. CERVANTES, MIGUEL. [Part I. First Edition :] The / History / of / the valorovs / and wittie / Knight- Errant, / Don Qvixote / of the Manclia. / Translated out of the Spanish. / (a woodcut ornament of which the middle portion is a crowned rose.) London / Printed by William Stansbv, for Ed. Blount and / W. Barret. 1612. 4". This is a letterpress title. I incline to think that the engraved title (which, like the letterpress title of Vol. II., was printed for Ed. Blounte onlv) was not issued till 1620. Twelve preliminary leaves (including title) hearing signatures, 1[ in four and A in eight leaves. Text, pp. 1-591, followed by 4 pp. unnumbered. Every page is enclosed within lines completely framing the letter- press. In the inner part of the headlines throughout the book the words Fakt 1, PART 2, PART 3, PART 4 are printed in capitals. (Part I. Second edition :] The History <>f / Don-Qvichote / The first parte / Printed for Ed. Blovnt 4". The title is engraved. Eleven preliminary leaves : • 2, 3, 4 and A eight leaves. Text, pp. 1-572 ; followed by 4 unnumbered pages. Only the headlines are enclosed within rulings ; the remainder of the pages is open. The words Lib. 1, Lib. 2, Lib. 3, LIB. 4 oocupy the same places as Part 1, &c, in the first edition. ( In page A '2 preliminary in both editions we find the words (m the translation of Cer- vantes' Address to the Reader): "I will both fill up the margent, and also spend foure or five sheetes of aduantage at the end of the Booke." After the words ma**- gint in the original, the sentence goes ou thus, " y de gastar cuatro pliegos en el fin de el libro." Consequently in the transla- tion the wolds "of advantage " arc clearly CHARLES STUART /. ELDENTON. traceable to an intermediate French version, in which the words must have been quatre on cinq feuilles davantage (four or five leaves more). Sheltou translated literally the word davantage, which exists in its peculiar sense only in French, and lias no congener in Spanish or in Italian. The curious point is that no French translation is known to have been printed so early as 1612. Cesar Oudin'a first part did not appear till 1616. Shelton may have had the use of the manu- script. [The present article was communicated by an accomplished and valued correspon- dent.] CHARLES STUART I. (1625-48). Articles Accordez entre les Commissaires dv Serenissime Roy de la Grande Bretagne d'vne part : Et ceu'x du Roy tres-Chrestien de France & de Nauarre d'autre pour le Mariage, entre le Serenissime Prince de Galles tils du dit Serenissime Roy de la Grand Bretagne, & Madame Henriette Marie socur de la Majeste tres-Chrestienne. A Paris, m.dc.xxv. 8°, A— B in fours. L'Ordre des Ceremonies Observees Av mariage du Roy de la Grand' Bretagne, & de Madame sceur du Roy. Ensemble l'ordre tenue aux fiancailles faictes, an Cliasteau du Louure, en la Chambre de sa Majeste. Auec l'ordre du sendee ob- serue au souppe Royal faict en la grand salle l'embrissee de l'Archeuesche. A Paris, De l'Impremerie de lean Martin, rue de la vieille Bouclerie a l'escu de Bretagne. m.dc.xxv. 8°, A — B in fours. Le Triomphe Glorievx et L'Ordre des Ceremonies obseruees au mariage du Roy de la Grand' Bretagne, & de Madame sceur du Roy. Ensemble l'ordre tenue aux liancailles faictes au Cliasteau du Louure, en la Chambre de sa Majeste. Per le Sieur ]). B. A Paris, de l'Imprimerie de lean Martin, . . . m.dc.xxv. 8°, A— B in fours. DAVISON, FRANCIS. Poetical Rhapsody. . . . 1602. [Revised Collation: Title, 1 leaf: dedication and preface, 2 leaves : A — K in twelves : L, 7. L 8 was probably blank. Sotheby's, Nov. 10, 1891, No. 117, poor copy, £60. DE SALES. ST. FRANCIS. An Introduction to a Devoute Life com- posed in Frenche by the R. Father in God, Francis Sales Bishop of Geneva and translated into English by I. Y. The 2. Edition. By John Heigham with Per- mission, 1622. 8", A — Gg 6 in twelves. The title is enslaved. DRUNKENNESS. An inuectyueagaynstdronkennes. [Qaot from Prov. 20, Wyne makct/i a man scorn- ful,!. Col.] Imprinted at Ippiswiche by me Jhon Oswen. Cum priuilegio ad Imprimendum solum. 12" or sm. 8°, A— B in eights, B 8 apparently blank. The title is within a border of pieces. The copy employed was obligingly pointed out to me at Sotheby's by Mr. A. K.Smith, Sept. 14, 1891. DULICHIUS, HARTMANN [pseud.] A Worke entytled of y e olde god & the newe / of the olde doctryne and y e newe / or orygynall begynnynge of Idolatrve. [Col.] 'Here endeth y e boke of y e olde god & the newe, . . . Vive Le Roi. Im- prynted at London in Fletestrete by me Johan Byddell dwelling at y e sygne of our Lady of pite, next to Flete brydge. M. v. 1. xxxiiij. y e xv. day of June. Cum priuilegio Regali. Fyrste reade / and then Judge. 8°, A — R in eights. The preface is curious, and is dated Feb. 24, 1523-4, the period of the composition of the original text, of which this seems to be an English version through a Latin transla- tion. DUNSTALL, JOHN. The Therd booke of Flowers, Fruits, Beastes Birds and Flies exactly drawne. With additions by John Dunstall. Are to be sould by P. Stent at the Whit horse in Guiltspur Street betwixt New- gate and Pye Comer 1661. Oblong 4°, engraved title and 9 plates. I have not yet seen Books I. -II. DYMOCK, THOMAS. Englands Dust and Ashes raked up, Or, The King and People beguiled. Being a Historical Narration, ora generall Treatise upon the present warre, whose unlawful- nesse and authors are so plainly set out, as presents his Maiesties Sufferings, and the malice of his Adversaries, to a more neer and convincing discovery. ... By Col. Thomas Dyinock, his Majesties true Servant. Printed in the Yeare 164S. 4", A — in fours, and a, 4 leaves. B. M. ELDERTON, WILLIAM. Dr. Stories Stuniblinge into Englonde. A ballad. Printed by Thomas Col well, 1570. Under date of September 8, 1570, there is a precept to the Stationers' Company from the Lords of the Council directing the suppression of this piece, which is expressly said to have been already printed by Col- well. ELIZABETH TUDO, JACKS. ELIZABETH TUDOR, Queen of England (1558-1603). La Paix, Faiete entre Tresliaulte & Tres- puissants Princes Henry II. de ce nom, Tres Chrestien Roy de France, & Phi- lippe Roy d'Espagne trescatholique, les Roy & Royne d'Escosse, Dauphin, & la Royne d'Angleterre. A Lyon, Chez Nicolas Edoard. 1559. Avec Privilege. 8°, 4 leaves. ENGLAND. England's Happiness Improved : Or, An Infallible Way to get Riches, Encrease Plenty, and promote Pleasure. The Art of making Wine of English Grapes, and other Fruit, equal to that of France and Spain, &c. . . . The whole Art and Mis- tery of Distilling Brandy, Strong- waters, Cordial-waters, &c. To make all sorts of Plain and Purging Ales, Cyder, Mead, Matheglin, Rum, Rack, and many other useful Liquors. To Gather, Order, and Keep Fruit in all Seasons. . . . The whole Art and Mistery of a Confectioner. The Compleat Market-man or Woman, . . . The Second Edition. London, Printed for Roger Clavill, and sold by T. Leigh and D. Midwinter. . . . 1699. Sm. 8°. A— M in eights. Bound up with this copy as fly-leaves are some fragments of a catalogue of various select lots of books and prints to suit dif- ferent tastes, of which each was to be bought for a sovereign or pound. ERASMUS, DESIDERIUS, of Rotterdam . De Civilitate Morum Pueriliuni per D. Erasmum Roterodamum, Libellus ab Auctore recognitus, & Scholiis illtistratus per Gisbertum Longolium Ultraiectinum. Londini Typis H. Middletoni, impends Guil. Nortoni & Job. HarisonL 1578. 8vo, A — E in eights. GEE, EDWARD, Rector of St. Benedict, Paul's Wharf, and Chaplain in Ordinary to their Majesties. The Jesuit's Memorial, For the Intended Reformation of England, Under their First Popish Prince. Published From the Copy that was presented to the Late James II. With an Introduction, and some Animadversions, By Edward Gee. . . . London, Printed fur Richard Chis- wel, . . . mdcxc. 8°. A, 4 leaves, in- cluding half-title : (a)— (d 4) in eights: A 84ineights. Dedicated to the Bishop '.f si. Asaph, Lord Almoner. Tin' Introduction is of considerable Ln- trlV.st. GRAMMAR. Ad Grammaticen Ordinariam, Supple- menta Quaedam. Arma virumcf canit . . . Fcrid quartd Cincrum. Anno Tentationis. Londini, Excudebat Robertas White, 1648. 8°, A— F in eights. HANGING. Hanging, Not Punishment Enough, On Murtherers, High-way Men, and House- Breakers. Offered to the Consideration of the Two Houses of Parliament . . . London, Printed for A. Baldwin in War- wick-Lane, 1701. 4°. A, 2 leaves : L>— D in fours. HEAD, RICHARD. Compare Latroon infra. HOUGHTON, JOHN", F.R.S. A Collection of Letters For the Improve- ment of Husbandry & Trade. By John Houghton, Fellow of the Royal Society. London, Printed for John Lawrence, at the Angel in Cornhill near the Royal Exchange, 1681. 4". 2 vols. In num- bers, extending from Sept. 8, 1681, to June 16, 1683. HUBERTUS, CUNRADUS. Historia uera : De Vita, Obitv Sepvl- tvra, Accvsatione hrereseos, condemna- tione, exhuniatione, combustione, hono- rificaq ; tandem restitutione beatorum atque doctiss. Theologorum, D. Martini Bvceri & Pavli Fagi, quae intra annos xn. in Anglice regno accidit. Item Historia Catharines Vermiliae, D. Petri Martyris . . . coniugis, . . . 1562. [Col.] Ex- cvsvm Argentines Apvd Pavlum Machaeo- pceum, . . . Anno m.d.lxi. 8°, A— Ee in eights. Among the prefixes is an epistle from Sir Johu Cheke to Peter Martyr, dated from Westminster, March 10, 1551 [-2]. IVORY, JOHN. The Foundation of the LTniversity of Cambridge, With a Catalogue of the Prin- cipal Founders and Special Benefactours of ail the Colledges, and totall number of Students, Magistrates and Officers therein being, Anno L672. Printed by John Bayes, Printer to the University of Cam- bridge, for John Ivory. Herald-Painter, and are to be sold at his House over againsl the Sign of the Mitre in Cam- bridge, Anno Dom. 1672. A large broad- side. With the arms of the Colleges. JACKS. A Jerk for the Jacks : or All their Hopes LA TROON. 103 ORDINARY. are lost. Worthy the perusal of all that love ami wish the welfare of Old Eng- land. Fullof curious remarks and matters of fact. Being An Account of the Vast and Prodigious Expectations, our Foreign Foes and Domestics Enemies, the French, the Papists, and the Jacobites, lately had of a New Eevolution upon the Stop of Commerce, occasional by the Badness of, and Calling in our Silver Coin ; and how basely they are balk'd. London, Printed Anno Dom. 1696. 4°, A— D in fours. LATEOON, MERITON, Secretary to Urania, and Register to the Planets. News from the Stars : Or, Erra Paters Ghost, Declaring the grand Catastrophes, and miraculous Chances, that shall happen in the Year 1673. Likewise The several Aspects and Configurations of the Planets, with Monethly Observations. According to a New and Unheard of Astrology, formed from a new Hypothesis, proved to lie more certain, than the Hypothesis of Montelion, or Poor Robin. Calculated and fitted for the Meridian of Basing- Stone, where the Horns of Aries, are ele- vated 12. Inches and a half above the Peri- cranium . . . Printed in the Year, 1673. 8°, A — D in fours, B misprinted D, be- sides a leaf with a woodcut. At the end of the preface in this copy occurs the following MS. note in an early hand : " Rich. Head a Broken Bookseller & the Author of y° English Rogue writ this ; he turned Papist in his voiage to Spaine, [and] was drowned." LONDON. An Abridgment of the Charter of the City of London ; Being every Free-Man's Pri- vilege. Exactly Translated from the Original Record, and Rendered faithfully into English according to the said Record it self, ... Of great Use and Benefit to all Citizens of the said City in general, and other persons, being Foreign Mer- chants. London, Printed in the Year 1680. 4°, A— L 2 in fours. This tract contains the prices of goods at the time, and includes nearly all trades. M. A., M.D. of Trinity College. Dublin. An Anatomical Account of the Elephant Accidentally Burnt in Dublin : On Fry- dav, June 17. in the Year 1681. Sent in a Letter to Sir Will. Petty, Fellow of the Royal Society. . . . London, Printed for Sam. Smith, Bookseller, at the Prince's Arms in St. Paul's Church -Yard. 1682. 4°, A— E in fours : F, 2 : G— K in fours. K 3-4 with Advertisements. With two folded plates. The latter portion of the tract deals with, affections of the eyes in animals. M. J. School-Lawes. Or, Qui Mihi in English, by J. M. Train up a child in the ivay he should goe, and when he is old, he will not depart from it, Prov. 22, 6. London, Printed 1650. 8°, 4 leaves, the last blank, and in the copy used deficient. In verse. MARLOWE, CHRISTOPHER, and GEORGE CHAPMAN. Hero and Leander : Begunne by Christo- pher Marlowe, and finished by George Chapman. Ut Nectar, Ingemum. Lon- don, Printed by G. P. for Edward Blount, and are to be sold at bis shop in Pauls Church-yard, at the signe of the blacke Beare. 1617. 4°, A-M in fours. MELANCTUON, PHILIP, and Others. A famous and godly history, contaynyng the Lyues & Actes of the renowined" re- formers of the Christia Church, Martine Luther, John CEcolampadius, and hul- dericke Zuinglius. The declaracion of Martin Luthers fayth before the Empe- roure Charles the fyi't, and the illustre estates of the Empyre of Germanye, wyth an Oration of hys Death, all set forth in Latin by Phillip Melancthon, Wolfangus Faber, . . . Newly Englished by Henry Bennet Callesian. Imprinted at London by John Awdely, dwellyng in lytle Brittaine Streete, by great Saint Bar- thelmewes. Anno. 1561. 8°. A, 4 leaves: B— O in eights, O 8 with colophon and an apology for the Errata. Dedicated to Lord Wentworth. MUS^E. Musarum Anglicanarum Analecta . . . Oxon. E Theatro Sheldoniano, . . . M.DC.xc. 8°. 2 vols. Vol. i. A, 4 leaves : B— V 4 in eights : vol. ii. Title, Prefare, and Index, 3 leaves : A — U 2 in eights, U 2 blank. ORDERS. The Twenty five Orders of Honest Men. 1564. This was intended, doubtless, as a sequel to the xxv. Orders of Foots, and appears from an Elizabethan record published by Brayley (Londiniana, iv. 314) to have actu- ally passed the press ; for that authority furnishes the following extract: " Iteme, for Printing the xxv. Orders of Honest Men. xxd." The production was evidently a broadside. ORDINARY. [Thordynary of Cryst-n men. At the end /'. R 104 SCULl'ETUS. occurs: Here endeth the booke named the ordynarye of crysten men newely hystoryed and translated out of frenshe into Englysshe. Enprynted in the Cyte of London in the Fletestrete in tin- sygne of the sonne by Wynken de worde the vere of our lorde . M.CCCCC.ij. Below this the printer's small mark. 4°. Table, 4 leaves : a — ss in sixes : tt, 4 leaves, tt 4 with a leaf occupied by woodcuts. With numerous woodcuts. Puttick & Simpson, December 17, 1891, No. 624, imperfect, and with the title to the edition of 1500 inserted. P- R - ^ ™, The Bishops Looking-Glasse, Or The Clergies Prospective. Wherein they may cleerely see themselves in their Persons, Offices, in their Lives and Conversations. Laid open by way of Inquisition, by the following Discourse. London, Printed for F. Coules, and W. Ley at Patties Chain, 1641. 4", 4 leaves. PALATINATE News from Scotland. His Maiesties Manifest touching the Palatine Cause, and Acts of Parliament concerning the same, Read, Voiced, and Past in the Parliament of Scotland the 6 day of Sep- tember 1641 and published by His Ma- jesties Speciall Command. First printed at Edinburgh in Scotland by Robert and James Brvsons. and now printed at Lon- don by T. Fawcet for T. Bates, and are to be sold at his shop in the Old Bayly, 1641. 4 leaves, with a cut of arms on title. PARK Ell, MARTIN. Robin Conscience: Or, Conscionable Robin. His Progress through Court, City and Countrey : With his Entertain- ment at each severall Place, &c. London, Printed by T. P. for Fr. Coles, and are to be sold at the signe of the Lambe in the Old Baily. 1662. Sm. 8°, black leiter, A- I'. 4 in eights, A with a full- page cut and a second cut on the title. Sotheby's, Nov. 25, L891, No. 566, im- perfect, and in the same lot was a secoud copy of a different impression, also imper- fect, and said to he undescribed. PEACHA.M, HENRY. The Worth of a Peny, . . . By Henry Peacham. . . • London : Printed by S. Griffin for William Lee, formerly living at the Turks-head in Fleet Btreet : And nOW dwelling next to the Killg's-head Tavern in Chancery-Lane, next Fleet ,,-,, t. 1667. 4", A E in fours, IS I blank. PEELE, JAMES. [The Device of the Pageant borne before Sir Christopher Draper, Ironmonger, at his initiation into the Mayoralty, 29 Octo- ber, 1566. At the cost of the Worshipful Company of Ironmongers. By James 1'eele.] No printed copy of this work is known ; but it appears that Peele or I'ele received 30s. for it, and whereas he also supplied the Company with seveu pairs of gloves for the children in the show at fid. a pair, he may have been of the Glovers' Company. There is very little doubt that he was the father of the dramatist, who received from him Ins literarv bent. Like that of 15'JO. this pageant may here- after be found. That it was printed is established by the following entry in the Ironmongers' hooks : 4i Paide to the prynter for printing poses, speeches, and songs, that were spoken and songe by the children of y« pagent . . . v s ." "Whence we are entitled to infer that the tract was, in the same way as the Fish- mongers' above referred to, private')- printed for the Company, and perhaps only a few struck off. ROESSLIN, EUCHARIUS. The bvrth of mankynde, otherwise named The Womans Booke. . . . Imprinted at London for Thomas Adams. Cum Pri- uilegio. [Col] Imprinted at London for Thomas Adams. 1613. 4", mixed Li- ter. A, 4 leaves : B— in eights With two leaves of woodcuts in H. SANDERS, TIB. Fortunatus's Looking - Glass ; Or, An Essay Upon Lotteries. In A Dialogue between Jack ami Harry, wherein are discovered the Intrigues of Lotteries in general, nnd the great Advantages the Undertakers reap by them ; more parti- cularly the extravagant Profit of some of them now on foot : with other remark- able Passages in several of the Proposals. . . . London, Printed for A. Baldwin. MDCXCIX. 4°. A, 2 leaves ; P.— E 2 111 fours. SCULTETUS [or SCHULTZ,] JO- HAN N ES. The Chyrurgeons Store-House: Fur- nished witii Forty three Tables Cut ill Brass, In which Are all sorts of Instru- ments, both Anti.nt ami Modern ; u-el'ul to tin' performance of all Manual Oppera- tions, with an exact Description ot every Instrument. . . . Written by Johannes Sculietus. a famous Physitian, nnd Chyr- urcond Strict. " Mr. W. C. Hazlitt's second series of Bibliographical Collection!: and Notes (Quaritch) is the result of many years' searches among rare books, tracts, ballads, and broadsides by a man whose speciality is bibliography, and who h is thus produced a volume of high value, li any one will read through the fifty-four closely-printed columns relating to Charles I., or the ten and a half columns given to 'London' from" 1541 to 1794, and recollect that these are omy a supplement to twelve columns in Hazlitt's Handbook and five and a hall in his first Collections, he will get an idea of the work involved in this book. Other like entries are 'James I.,' 'Ireland,' 'Prance,' ' England,' ' Elizabeth,' 'Scot- land' (which has twenty-one and a half columns), and so on. As to the curiosity and rarity of the works that Mr. Hazlitt has catalogued, any one who has been for even twenty or thirty years among old books will acknowledge that the strangers to him are far more numerous than the acquaintances and friends. This second series of Collections will add to Mr. Hazlitt's well-earned reputation as a bibliographer, and should be in every real library through the English-speaking world. The only- thing we desiderate in it is more of his welcome marks and names, 13. M., liritwell, Lambeth, ftc, to show where all the books approaching rarity are. The service that these have done in Mr. Hazlitt's former books to editors for the Early-English Text, New Shakespere, Spenser, Hunte- rian, and other societies, has been so great that we hope he will always say where he has seen the rare books that he makes entries of." — Academy, August 26, 1882. 7. Bibliographical Collections and Notes. A Third and Final Series. 1886. 8vo. Uniform with the First and Second Series. This volume contains upwards of 3000 Articles. " Mr. Hazlitt has done much work during the last thirty years, and some of it has been bitterly attacked ; but we venture to think that the debt of gratitude which all students of Old Englisn literature owe to him for his bibliographical collections must remain in the most enduring opinion of his labours. We would bid all readers who care for the books of the past read the practical, manly, and comprehensive introduction prefixed to this volume. It forms one of the best pleas for the study of English literature which we know ; and coming close upon the important speech of Mr. John Morley, it takes up a phase of the subject not yet adequately recognised. The academic siue has been put by Mr. Morley, the practical by Mr. Hazlitt : ' The England in which we dwell is one with the England which lies behind us. So far as the period which I comprehend goes, it is one country and one race: and I do not think that we should precipitately and unkindly spurn the literature which our foregoers left to us and to our descendants forever, because it may at first sight strike us as irrelevant to our present wants and feelings. . . . The considerer of modem opinions and customs is too little addicted to retrospection. He seems to be to,, shy of profiting on the one hand by the counsels or suggestions, on the other by the mistakes of the men who have crossed the unrepassable line, who have dealt with the topics and pioblems with which we have to deal.' These are stirring and sensible words, and we should much like to see them more widely distributed than the limited issue of this volume will allow. " It is impossible, in a short notice such as we can only give, to do justice to the contents of this work. The titles of every book or tract are given in lull, having been transcribe i by Mr. Hazlitt himself; and there is often appended to the entry interesting information about the condition, history, and, above all things, the present locale of the book. Such work as this requires labour, and skill, and knowledge of no ordinary kind. Now that Mr. Bradshaw is dead, there are few indeed who possess these qualities, and apparently only one who puts them at the service of his fellow.-. It has been often said of late that the bibliographer and indexer are more needed than the book-writer ; and if this is true, as we are inclined to think it, Mr. Hazlitt's work must, in relation to the age in which it is produced, be awarded a very high place. It enables us to ascertain what has been done in English literature, and therefore ought to enable us to do our work so much the better. Almost all departments of study are now occupied as much with a reconsideration of old facts as with tie discovery of new, and for this purpose such books as Mr. Hazlitt's are indispensable. We are happy to say that a competent Cambridge student has undertaken to compile an index to the four volumes of bibliography issued by Mr. Hazlitt, and that this will be published by Mr. Quaritch as soon as it is ready." — The Antiquary, April 18S7. 8. Bibliographical Collections and Notes. Supplements to the Third and Final Series. 2 vols. Medium 8vo. 1889 92. 9. A General Index to Hazlitt's Bibliographical Works (1867-89). By G. J. Ghav. Medium 8va 1889. [In the Press.] This invaluable volume will assist the student and collector in using the several volumes of which the Series now consists, and will enable him to ascertain at a -lance whether ami where a book, tract, or broadside is to he found. It is a labour which Mr. Gray has under- taken con amove, and reflects the highest honour on his industry, discernment, and literary zeal. »* # All these books are now on sale by Mi;. QUARITCH. 10. Memoirs of William Hazlitt. With Portions of his Correspondence. Por- traits after miniatures by John Hazlitt. 2 vols. 8vo. 1867. During the last twenty years the author has been indefatigable in collecting additional information for the Life of Hazlitt, 1867, in correcting errorsj and in securing all the unpub- lished letters which have come into the market, some of greal interest, with a view to a new and improved edition. li. Inedited Tracts. Illustrating the Mannere, Opinions, and Occupations of Eng- lishmen during the lfith and 17th < lenturies. 1586 1618. With an Introduction and Notes. FucsirtiiUs. Ho. ( 3 ) 12. The Works of Charles Lamb. Now first collected, and entirely rearranged. With Notes. 4 vols. 8vo. E. Moxon <£• Co. 1868-69. 13. Letters of Charles Lamb. With some Account of the Writer, his Friends and Correspondents, and Explanatory Notes. By the late Sir Thomas Noon Talfourd, D.C.L., one of his Executors. An entirely new edition, carefully revised and greatly enlarged by W. Carew Hazlitt. 2 vols. 1886. Post 8vo. 13a. Mary and Charles Lamb. New Facts and Inedited Remains. 8vo. Wood- cuts and Facsimiles. 1874. The groundwork of this volume was an Essay by the writer in Macmillan's Magazine. 14. English Proverbs and Proverbial Phrases. Arranged alphabetically and annotated. Medium 8vo. 1869. Second Edition, corrected and greatly enlarged, crown Svo. 1882. 15. Narrative of the Journey of an Irish Gentleman through England in 1751. From a MS. With Notes. 8vo. 1869. 16. The English Drama and Stage, under the Tudor and Stuart Princes. 1547-1664. With an Introduction and Notes. 4to. 1809. A series of Reprinted Documents and Treatises. 17. Popular Antiquities of Great Britain. I. The Calendar. II. Customs and Ceremonies. III. Superstitions. 3 vols. Medium 8vo. 1870. Brand's Popular Antiquities, by Ellis, 1813, taken to pieces, recast, and enormously aug- mented. 13. Inedited Poetical Miscellanies. 1584-1700. Thick 8vo. With Notes and Facsimiles. 50 copies privately printed. 1870. 19. Warton's History of English Poetry. An entirely new edition, with Notes by Sir F. Madden, T. Wright, F. J. Fumivall, K. Morris, and others, and by the Editor. 4 vols. Medium 8vo. 1871. 20. The Feudal Period. Illustrated by a Series of Tales (from Le Grand). 12mo. 1874. 21. Prefaces, Dedications, and Epistles. Prefixed to Early English Books 1540-1701. 8vo. 1874. 50 copies privately printed. 22. Blount's Jocular Tenures. Tenures of Land and Customs of Manors. Origi- nally published by Thomas Blount of the Inner Temple in 1679. An entirely new and greatly enlarged edition by W. Carew Hazlitt, of that Ilk. Medium Svo. 1874. 23. Dodsley's Select Collection of Old Plays. A new edition, greatly enlarged, corrected throughout, and entirely rearranged. With a Glossary by Dr. Kichard Morris. 15 vols. Svo. 1874-76. 24. Fairy Tales, Legends, and Romances. Illustrating Shakespear and other Early English Writers. 12mo. 1875. 25. Shakespear's Library : A Collection of the Novels, Plays, and other Material supposed to have been used by Shakespear, An entirely new edition. 6 vols. 12uio. 1875. 26. Fugitive Tracts (written in verse) which illustrate the Condition of Religious and l'nlitical Feeling in England, and the State of Society there, during two centuries. 1493-1700. 2 vols. 4to. 50 copies privately printed. 1875. 27. Poetical Recreations. By W. C. Hazlitt. 50 copies printed. 12mo. 1877. A new edition, revised and very greatly enlarged, is in preparation. 2S. The Baron's Daughter. A Ballad. 75 copies printed. 4to. 1877. 29. The Essays of Montaigne. Translated by C. Cotton. An entirely new edition, collated with the best French text. With a Memoir, and all the extant Letters. Portrait and Illustrations. 3 vols. Svo. 1877. The only library edition. 30. Catalogue of the Huth Library. [English portion.] 5 vols. Large Svo. 1SS0. 200 copies printed. 31. Offspring of Thought in Solitude. Modern Essays. 1S84. 8vo, pp. 384. Some of these Papers were originally contributed to All the Year Bound, &c. ( 4 ) 32. Old Cookery Books and Ancient Cuisine. l2mo. 1886. " Full of curious information, this work can fairly claim to be a philosophical history of our national cookery."— Morning Post. 33. An Address to the Electors of Mid-Surrey, among whom I live. In rejoinder to Mr. Gladstone's Manifesto. 1886. 8vo, pp. 32. " "Who would not grieve, if suc h a man there be ? Who would not weep, if Atticus were he ? " — PoPB. 34. Gleanings in Old Garden Literature. 12mo. 1887. 35. Schools, Schoolbooks, and Schoolmasters. A Contribution to the History of Educational Development. 12mo. J. W. Jarvis <£• Son. 1888. Pp. 300 -f vi. Survey of the old system of teaching — Dr. Busby — Early Dictionaries — Colloquies in the Tenth, Twelfth, and Thirteenth Centuries— Earliest printed works of instruction, Donatus and others — Stanbridge — Robert Whittington — Guarini of Verona — Vulgaria of Terence — School Classics — Erasmus and More — Dean Colet — Foundation of St. Paul's — Thomas Lin- acre — AYolsey's Edition of Lily's Grammar — Merchant Taylors' School— Old Mode of Adver- tising Private Establishments— Museum Minervae at Bethnal Green — Manchester Old School —Shakespeare, Sir Hugh Evans, and Holofernes — Educational Condition of Scotland — Female Education— Shakespeare's Daughters— Goldsmith— Ascham and Mulcaster — Ben Jonson and Shirley, writers of Grammars— Foreigners' English— Phonography— Bullokar — Charles Butler— Dr. Jones. SELECTIONS FROM PRESS OPINIONS.— " A perusal of Mr. W. Carew Hazlitt's book is calculated to make both parents and boys thankful that they live in an age of comparative enlightenment. The work does not profess to be an exhaustive one, the object being 'to trace the sources and rise of our educational system, and to present a general view of the principles on which the groundwork of this system was laid.' In pursuing this plan the writer has succeeded in producing a book, which, though dealing with what some readers may consider rather a dry subject, is full of curious and interesting information, judiciously arranged and pleasantly conveyed." — Morning Post. " This book contains a great deal of very curious information. After an introductory chapter on the system of teaching in the good old times when holidays were unknown and stick ointment laid the basis of all culture, an account is given of the various vocabularies, glossaries, and colloquies in use in medifeval times. Some interesting and amusing details are also given of sixteenth century schoolbooks, and Mr. Hazlitt sketches the scholastic work done by Erasmus, Colet, Linacre, Lily, Ruddiman, and others, and gives us an insight into the methods followed in such schools as St. Paul's and the Merchant Taylors' Institution. . . . One of the most interesting chapters in the volume is that on female education." — Glasgow Herald. "... Mr. Hazlitt knows his subject, and he also knows how to write. No small praise."— Si. Stephen's Review. ... .,„,,,.. "... Some of Mr. Hazlitt's pages are occupied with the humorous side of school lite ; and as he tells a story well, these portions of the book come upon one with singular pleasure."— Antiquary. " Mr. Hazlitt has evidently a favourite speciality in school-books. He has collected them, we should judge, with a good deal of zeal, and has acquired a really considerable amount of knowledge about them," &c. — Spectator. 36. A Little Book for Men and Women about Life and Death. 12mo. Reeves cfc Turner. 1891. " Mr. Hazlitt believes that the only chance of shaking off the ignorance in which spiritual pastors help to keep the nation is to be found in the absolute secularisation of education."— Daily Telegraph. "This neat little volume discusses very ably and fairly several important questions."— Newcastle Daily Chronicle. " tliis is a well-written attack on a few of the irrational doctrines, folly, and trumpery, that go by the name of religion."— Christian Life. " Mr. Hazlitt sees that to overthrow the superstition which selects and endows incompetence, there must be a general lift in the quality and efficiency of education all round ; and he sketches a plan or curriculum which does credit to his breadth of view."— National Reformer. " Mr. Hazlitt is an original thinker. On the whole, he expresses himself moderately, temperately, and without needless offence. Those whose views Mr. Haalitt voices are a growing number, and will read his little book with sympathy."— Birmingham Daily Post. 37. Tales and Legends of National Origin or "Widely Current in England from Early Times. With Critical Introductions. 8vo. 1891. 38. A Survey of the Livery Companies of the City of London. With a General Introduction and Preface, and numerous Illustrations. 89. A Manual for the Collector and Amateur of Old English Plays. Sm. 4to. Only 250 copies printed. 1 ■ H SI ■9UW9I ■ ■ IIJPIMIIM3 Hi Mi V HI Hi ■ KKV ± a 5*711*An ^pr 2 2 raw. -925 * !i ill iH tilt Hi wm m^ c^ 1 mk mm