4 ^"^ THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESENTED BY PROF. CHARLES A. KOFOID AND MRS. PRUDENCE W. KOFOID m FifiieiJi Edition. PARIS, LONDON, AND NEW YORK. REPRESEXTING ALL THE DISEASES OP THE GENITAL ORGANS OF THE MALE AND FEMALE, THE MOST COMPLETE AND PRACTICAL WORK ON THE PE[TSIO LOGICAL MYSTERIES AND REVELATIONS OP THE MALE AND FEMALE SYSTEMS, WITH THE LATEST EXPERIMENTS AND DISCOVERIES IN REPRODUCTION. IT nXUSnUTES ANAXOSnCAIXY AM) FCXLY "WITH THE PLATES, KVKKXTH1N3 PERTAI>T\G TO THB MALE &. FEMALE GENITAL SYSTEMS} WITH A FULL DESCRIPTION OP THE CAUSES, SYMPTOMS AND MOST CERTAIN MODE OP CURBg OF ALL THE INFIRMITIES AND DISEASES TO WHICH THEY ARE LIABLE FROM THE SECRET HABITS OP YOUTH, AND EXCESSES OF MATURE AGE, AS INNOCENT OR UNFORESEEN AFFECTIONS, AND THOSE RE- SULTING FROM CONTRACTION, AS SYPHILIS, (PRIMARY AND CONSTITUTIONAL,) GONORRHCEA, OR BLEN- NORHAGIA, (clap,) GLEET, STRICTURES, ETC. ETC. WITH KUMEROUS CERTIFICATES OP THE MOST U2STARALLELED CUREa EVER PERFORMED. WITH NEARLY ONE HUNDRED ELECTROTYPED ENGRAVINOS. By M. liARMOXT, Physician auid Surgeon, JfEW YORK, (FORiTERLY FROII PARIS A>'D LOM)ON.) PUBLISHED BY THE AUTHOR, & DR. E. BANIS''^^. 1861. i^ SPECIAL CARD— DON'T FAIL TO READ IT. M. RicxjRn, of Pam, Actox, of London^ and the Author, in New York, have fur many years treated annually a larger number of patients for Genito- urinary diseases, than has fallen to the lot of any otlier surgeons. The same treatment has been pursued by all ; and the frequent recom- mendation of patients by each to the other, is the best guarantee of the public confidence in our mode of treatment. The Author is happy to state that this treatment is now pursued in all the best European venereal hospitals. Professional Notice. The Author and his associate, Dr. R Banister, devote their time to the cure of all the diseases referred to in this work, at G47 Broadway (up Btairs), three blocks above the St. Nicholas Hotel, N. Y. City. We have a nuMber of offices specially appropriated, so that patients never meet each other. For oiir hours of attendance at the offices, see the New York daily newspapers. Persons in need of medical aid, can apply to us with the most undoubted assurance of a cure, in the most speedy and convenient manner, with perfect privacy. The afflicted, therefore, who do not wish to submit to the dangerous and injurious treatment of mercury, copaiba, injections, cauterization, quack specifics, antidotes, etc, will read this book or apply to us for a speedy and radical cure. Patients at a distance, can be cured as secretly and as perfectly through the mail, and express, as by a personal visit — unless surgical operations are required — by giving a full statement of all their symptoms, appearance of the disease, and length of time they have suffered. N. B. — Our time is so fully occupied for those who sen influence on its performance, and not nnfrequently produce impotence, eitlier tem})orary or permanent, according to the nature, (treatment, if employed,) and severity of the disease. The Kidneys, which are the organs solely engaged in the secretion of the urine, are glandular bodies of an oblong shape, seated on either side of the spine, upon and below the two last ribs, and behind the stomach and intestines ; the right kidney is also under the liver, when the man is in an erect position, and the left under the spleen: the right kidney is generally the lower and the larger. It is said that these organs are considerable in size in those persons whose passions are very strong, and almost uncontrollable, than they are in those who are less addicted to sensuality. In shape the kid- ney resembles the kidney-bean ; its structure is almost wholly made up of arteries and veins, with a few small branches of nerves, derived partly from those which are connected with the ribs, and thence called intercostal, and partly form a branch from the stomach, thus causing a great sympathy between those organs. The artery by which the kidneys are supplied with blood, which is partly used for the support of the organ, and partly for the secretion of urine, is derived directly from the aorta, or great artery of the body. When it enters the kidney, which it does about its middle, it divides into branches which again are divided \nto smaller ones, and these into smaller still, until they terminate in vessels so exceedingly minute as to be invisible to the naked eye. From these the veins are formed, and by these the urine is secreted, and falls by drops into a pouch which is situated aliout the middle or lower part of the organ, and 26 THE ANATOMY OF which forms the commencement of tlie ureter. The vein joins the j^reat cava vein, and discliarges its blood into what is called by anatomists tlie" great portal system, by which it is conveyed to the hver, after it has been freed in the kidney from a certain portion of its sernm, and also from certain salts. The nerves of the kidneys are few and small. The Ureters are long hollow tubes, and consti- tute the continuation of the pelvis of the kidneys. There is one on each side of the body, and they pass downwards, and slightly inwards to the back and lower part of the bladder, which they pierce, running between its coats for about an inch, so that if the bladder should become exceedingly distended, its contents would not be forced back into these tubes. They are well supplied with branches of arteries, veins and nerves, and their sensibility, in a state ojp disease, is considerable. Their use is to convey the urine from the kidney into the bladder. The Bladder is situated in that part of the body called the pelvis. It is of considerable size, and admits, in some instances, of distension to a degree that would hardly be credited, were it not a well known fact. Such distension is at the risk of health and life. This organ in man lies directly on the bowels. It is of an oval shape, constitutes the great receptacle of the urine. The bladder is well supplied with arteries, veins and nerves. It has three coats, one of them being composed of muscular fibres ; its construction causes the ex- pulsion of the urine ; it has on that account been called the detrusor urina. The neck of the bladder — which in man is longer and narrower, and in woman is shorter and wider — is surrouDded ]>y a sphincter muscle, by which tho PLATE 3. THE GENERATIVE ORGANS. 29 continued runniuj^ away of the urine is prevented, unless from disease the muscle has become useless. The process by which the secretion of the urine is effected, is one of exceeding interest. The blood from which it is to be separated, is conveyed to the orgau by the venal artery, which divides into branches, supplying different parts of the organ ; and these again in their turn form arches of com- municatiou with each other, whence spring minute arteries or branchlets; these again constituting a complete net-work of vessels by a general inoscula- tion. They terminate in the commencement of veins, and also in uriniferous tubes, by which latter the separation of the urine is effected. The crypts or crypt(e, small round or oval bodies, which are found everywliere in the. net-work of vessels just spoken of, and which consist almost solely of ves- sels, are by some supposed to be the origin of the uriniferous tubes. The tubes terminate in a mam- millar process, which projects into a small mem- branous bag, called from its shape the infundibu- lum or funnel; into this bag the urine passes from the uriniferous tubes; it is thence conveyed to the larger pouch called the pelvis, and afterwards through the ureter into the bladder. The last named pouch, like the pelvis of the kidney, the ureters, bladder and urethra, is defended from the acrimony o-f the urine by a secretion of mucus which lines and sheathes its inner coat. In patients laboring under some difficulty from stricture in passing urine, the mind will often greatly increase the secretion of that fluid, and multiply the calls to pass it from the body. This will be exemplified in the chapter on strictures. The Scrotum, is a bag of skin, divided about tho so T.SE ANATOMY OF middle by a septum, so as to form two cavities, in each of which a testicle is contained. The situa- tion of this septum is marked externally by an irre- gular line called the raphae. The contraction or corruf^ation of the scrotum, which occurs at times, is said by some anatomists to depend on the action of a muscle which they call dartos. The testicles or organs which secrete the semen, are nourished and supplied with blood by long and teuaceous vessels which arise from the main arterial trunk, and are called spermatic arteries; the blood which they thus receive, serves for elimination and secretion of the seed, a process which is effected by the peculiar action of the testicles, and which secreting power affixes to these organs a value and importance in the human frame, not even second to that which attaches to those generally regarded by anatomists as the most noble, being those, the destruction or serious impairment of the functions of which may involve loss of life. The ancient Romans would not allow any one to bear witness against another in a court of justice, unless he were perfect in the organs of generation — unless the testicles were sound and entire. The papal clergy so far carry this rule into effect, that no one can be admitted a member of their priest- hood, against whom a similar defect can with truth be alleged. Occasionally the testicles, which before bi-rth are lodged within the cavity of the abdomen, do not descend into the scrotum or purse, but remain in the belly, generally within what is called the abdominal canal. Sometimes one only is retained in the abdom n, and that generally the left. lu this situation they are exposed to various causes of THE GENERATIVE ORGANS. 3} disease, and althougli not absolutely deprived of the power of secreting seed, yet their action is generally more or less imperfect, in all probability i'rom the compression they undergo, and the constant irrita- tion to which they are subject, from the narrowness of the canal by which they are, in fact, somewhat elongated, and flattened, and smaller than usual. The spermatic artery is a long undulating, and tortuous vessel. The blood which is thus conveyed to the organs, after having been employed by the testicles for the separation and secretion of the seed, is re-conveyed in a refuse state by other ves- sels, called the spermatic veins, back to the general circulatory system in the body. The double set of vessels, the veins and arteries, the old anatomists call the vasa deferentia, as being the parts prin- cipally concerned with the testicles in the prepara- tion of the seed. The spermatic arteries and veins are remarkable for their smallness, which prevents their containing more than a small quantity of blood at a time. They pass obliquely downwards and outwards, behind the peritoneum, and are contained in a com- mon protecting sheath with the veins, forming with the nerves of the testicles the spermatic chord ; they then run over the psoas muscles and ureters, and pass out through the rings of the abdomen and abdominal canal, over ^the os pubis, and into the scrotum, and supplies the testes, which also receives blood from the artery which supplies the vas deferens. The latter named organ, which is invested in its own sheath, called tunica vaginalis, is- com- posed of the body of the testicle, and the epididy- mis, the latter being situated at the upper part. It consists of an inhnite number of small tubes 32 THE ANATOMY OF (seminiferous) which terminate in the epididymis. These tubes are convohited on each other, and closely connected together, but which, unraveled and injected with quicksilver, will extend to a con- siderable length. The spermatic veins arise in three sets from the testicle, two of which soon unite. Tiiey are exceed- ingly tortuous in their course, and fully anastomose with each other, while in the lower part of the cord, but these inter-communications cease after they have entered the abdominal canal, on leaving which, while crossing the psoas muscle, they unite together and form one vein, which, on the right side, terminates in the lower vena cava, and on the left in the vein which arises from the kidney on that side. The larger veins are provided with valves. The nerves of the testicles are principally derived from those which supply the kidneys. They take the same course as the spermatic arteries, and constitute with them and the veins the vSpermatic cord. The spermatic nerves are finally distributed to the substance of the organ, to the due perform- ance of the function of which they are subsidiary. According to the correct laws of nature, each male person should have two testicles, one in each side of the scrotum, but I have had patients with but one, and some with three. It has been asserted that some males have been known to have four or live, but I doubt its truth. AVhen a man has but one testicle, it is generally larger than is natural; and in those 1 have seen who had three, one was generally smaller than the other two, but, in one case, one was larger than either of the other two. Such person's passions are generally stronger than those who have two ; yet those who had but one, THE GENERATIVE ORGANS. 33 differed but little from the major part of those who have two. Instances have been known of males never having any testicles from birth. Where these most important organs are natural in size, number and general appearance, they are generally nearly two inches in length, one and a half in the transverse direction, and one in thick- ness. The tunica vaginalis, or investing membrane of the testicles, consists of two layers, the inner one directly enveloping the testicle. It secretes a kind of serum which serves to lubricate it. Between the two layers of the vaginal tunic, is con- tained the fluid hydrocele of the scrotum. In some cases the cavity formed between the two layers of this membrane, remains continuous with the cavity of the abdomen. In such instances, there is the double danger of the occurrence of what is called congenital rupture. (Hernia.) Between the testicle and the tunica vaginalis, there is another tunic or coat, called the tunica albuginea, which is smooth, white, and inelastic. It completely covers the testicle, but not the q\)\' didymis. The testicle is also invested and protected by a muscle, called the cremaster. It expands all around the tunica vaginalis, which it closely em- braces, forming a hollow muscle, within w^hich tlic testicle and its tunics are contained, and which, when it is in action, contracts and draws the organ it encloses upwards to the abdomen, sustaining and compressing it, and forcing out along the vas deferens the semen previously secreted by the organ. The cremaster muscle is small and indistinct prior to puberty; after that period it is greatly developed in persons who are very muscular. It has already been observed, that the substanco oA THE ANATOSrV OF of the testicle consists of an infinite number of small tubes, which arc called the iabule seminiferi. Tliese are very numerous; the number has been calculated at eight hundred and forty, and their entire length at one thousand seven hundred and fifty feet, the mean length of each duct being twenty-five inches. They communicate readily with each other, and thus constitute one vast net-work of communication. Their size is greater in an active adult in the prime of life, while the organs are in full vigor. Tiiey differ in. the testicles of the same individual. Two or more tubes unite and form a conical lobe, of these, there are between four and five hundred in each testicle. The Epididymis, which it has been stated is seated at the upper and back part of the testicle, is the continuation of the numerous seed-bearing tubes ; it descends along the back part of the tes- ticle, gradually becomes larger in diameter, but less convoluted until it begins to ascend, when it obtains the name of vas deferens. It is no longer than the testicle. It consists principally of seminal canals, from which arise in the after part of the right testes, the vasa efferentia^ or defferent vessels, of which tubes there are generally twelve. Their average united length, is nearly eight feet, the separate length of each, being rather more than seven inches. The vas deferens^ the excretory duct of the testi- cle, forms a constituent part of the spermatic cord, and is readily distinguished from the arteries, veins, nerves and absorbents, by its cartilaginous feel. It terminates in the seminal vesicle, immediately above and behind the prostate gland, and with it, forms' the ejaculatory canal, which perforates the prosta* tic part of the urethra. THE GEXMPvATIVE ORGAKS. 3o The testicles in the foetns, are sitna.ted in the [ibdomcn, immediately below the kidneys. The epididymis is about one-third larger relatively to the body of the testicle, than it is in the adult. Towards the close of the period of puberty, the testicles are generally found in the scrotum. The non-descent of both testicles is of comparatively rare occurrence. One sometimes remains perma- nently fixed in the situation which it occupied when the child was born, but it occasionally descends prior to puberty, most generally between the second and the tenth year. An operation for the descent of a testicle, is tedious, severe, and sometimes fatal . The testicles not having descended into the scrotun^, are not generally deprived of their power of genera- tion. In some cases, their integrity is full. It occasionally happens that the testicles do not attain their full size and power of secreting semen. Such instances are not beyond the iuiioence of the proper treatment, however, unless they occur in the per- sons of idiots. This is treated upon, in the subse- quent pages of this work. Semen will not combine with water at any tem- perature, from zero to the boiling point, unless it has previously been liquified in nitric or sulphuric acids. The amount of seminal fluid emitted during the act of sexual congress, varies from one to tv.o or three drachms. As stated in the following pages of this work, healthy semen contains ani- malculss. The spermatozoa are imperfect or deficient in the semen of mules or hybrid animals. Hence depends, in all probability, the impotence or ster- ility of those creatures. They arc generally utterly incapable of generation There are, however, in- 36 THE AXATOMY OF stances both amona; the mammalia and birds, of individuals belonf^iiig to species universally held to be distinct, uniting and producing young, which again were prolific. The mule can engender with the mare, and the she mule can conceive. They occur, however, more frequently in warm countries. Buffon says, the offspring of the he goat and ewe, possess perfect powers of re-production. We might expect these animals, with the addition of the Chamois, to copulate together easily, because they are nearly of the same size, very similar in internal structure, and accustomed to artificial domestic life, and to the society of each other from birth up- wards. There is a similar facility in some birds, when such unions are often fruitful, and produce prolific offspring. The cock and hen canary birds, produce with the hen and cock, siskins and gold- finch ; the hen canary produces with the cock chaffinch, bullfinch, yellow-hammer, and sparrow. The progeny in all these cases is prolific, and breeds not only with both the species from which they spring, but likewise with each other. The common cock, and the hen partridge, as well as the cock and Guinea hen, and the pheasant and the hen, can produce together. Notwithstanding all these, and perhaps other examples which might be adduced, the general rule is, that hybrids are incompetent to perform the act of generation, so as to produce ofls})riiig ; and it is a wise provision of nature that such slionkl be the case, to prevent the world being inliabited by monstrous creatures, as would be the case, were it the general rule tiiat fecundation followed the act of copulation, when practised by the offspring of parents of different species. THE GENERATIVE ORGANS. 3/ The Yesicul.e Seminales, or seminal vesicles, are two sacs or oblique bags, behind and below tlie bladder, between it and the rectum, and closely connected with it by cellular tissue. That part which is applied against the bladder is concave, the opposite surface convex. They occupy an oblique position, their lower extremities being separated only by the different vessels, while their upper ends are at a considerable distance from each other. The latter are the larger, and their greatest breadth is generally three or four times less than their length, and their thickness is about one-third of their breadth; they are about three fingers, breadth in length; the contents pass through vesi- cles from one part of the tube to the other. The seminal vesicles have two coats ; on the sur- face of the inner one small cells exist. It, no doubt, is a secreting membrane. The seminal vesi- cles are well supplied with arteries, veins, nerves and absorbents. Near the prostate cells cease to appear ; the vesicle contracts, and forms a kind of duct which unites with the vas deferens at a very acute angle, the place of union being marked by a projecting septum or valve, by which the contents of the deffereut vessels are directed into the seminal vesicle. The ejaculatory duct thus formed by the union of the vas deferens and seminal vesicle, is from half an inch to three quarters long ; it continues to be- come narrower as it passes behind the third lobe of the prostate, perforates that body, and running some way along the under surface of the urethra, enters that canal obliquely by a small opening on the side of the caput galliuaginis. The junction of the two vessels which form this common duct, is 38 THE ANATOMY OF such, notwithstanding the acutcness of the angle, air gently thrown into the vas deferens by a blow pipe, will inflate the seminal vesicle before it enters the urethra, but if thrown with violence, it will im- mediately inflate both the uretlira and seminal vesi- cle. The seminal vesicles are very large in the boar, and divided into cells of considerable extent, having one common duct. They have no commu- nication with the vas deferens in the rat, nor in the beaver. In the Guinea pig, they constitute long cylindrical tubes, and have not any communication with the deflferent vessels. These facts do not afford conclusive proof, however, that the seed may not pass into the vesicles from the defiferent vessels in the human subject. Notwithstanding the acuteness of the angle between the two vessels at their junc- tion, from the length of the common tube the wide- ness of that part of it formed by the vesicle wher the two vessels meet, and the very small aperture by which it opens into the urethra, the fluid, w^hich form the length and contortion of the seminal tubes, must pass very slowly from the testicles, will insinu- ate itself much more readily through the large com- munication with the vesicle, than through the very small ones with the urethra, unless it be prevented from so doing by the vesicle attempting to throw its contents into the urethra at the same time. During coition, this attempt is made, and both fluids pass at once into the urethra, where the fluid •secreted by the vesicles being added to that coming from the testicles by the defferent vessels, between them, a proper quantity is produced to distend suf- ficiently the sinus of the urethra, that the muscles of ejection may act on its contents with more power. THE GENERATIVE ORGANS. 30 From the frequent excitement of the passions, and their gratification beinj:^ denied in the civiHzed state of human society, fluid nmst often be secreted in the testicles at times, when it cannot be natu- rally evacuated ; and although the accumulation of it in this organ sometimes produces tension and pain, the fullness of the vessels often subsides with- out these unpleasant symptoms having taken place. Thus, when the vis a tergo no longer drives the semen slowly on, the muscular properties of the vas deferens may assist in conveying that fluid on towards the vesicles, which may receive it until tlie time of ejectment arrives. They may thus under particular circumstances, — more likely to occur in the human species than in brutes, — be employed as reservoirs, although their ordinary use may be to secrete a fluid which, mixing with the semen during coition, may render the act more perfect, and more likely, therefore, to produce fecundation. An additional reason may be adduced in support of the theory, that the seminal vesicles act as reser- voirs for the seed in man, in the well known fact, that animals possessing a penis, but destitute of seminal vesicles, remain for a long time in sexual contact, because the fluid necessary for fecundation, from the long course it has to take during copula- tion, only flows from the urethra drop by drop. A distinct communication between the seminal vesicles and the deferent, takes place only in man, and in those animals which most resemble him in form, as in ti^e whole tribe of the simiae. The vesicles are altogether absent in the lion, panther, cat and dog. The prostate gland, in shape and size, resembles a chestnut. It is situated below and ))ehind the 40 THE ANATOMY OF bladder, and above and in front of the rectum. The base incHnes upwards and backwards, the apex pointing downwards and forwards. A notch in the middle of the base, divides the prostate into two Lateral lobes, immediately above which are the lowest parts of the deferent vessels, and seminal vesicles, the ducts of which begin to perforate the gland in the middle of the notch, and then pass into the under part of the urethra, where it is sur- rounded by the substance of the gland. The neck of the bladder is surrounded by the prostate, as is also the commencement of the urethra. When the prostate gland becomes enlarged from diseases, it passes upward towards the cavity of the bladder, immediately behind the commencement of the urethra, and occasionally bends over that opening, acting as a sort of valve to prevent the expulsion of the urine. The veins and absorbents of the prostate are numerous, and empty themselves into those which are connected with the bladder. The fluid which it secretes is of a white or cream color; it is viscid, and has a slightly salt taste. Its use seems to be to lubricate the surface of the urethra, along which the semen is to pass. It is thrown out in considerable quantity, when the parts are in a state fit for immediate copulation; much of it then unites with the seminal fluid, and is discharged with that fluid when emission takes place. The fluid of the prostate, like that of the seminal vesicles, is not absolutely necessary for the pur- poses of generation in all animals which possess testicles ; and although the gland is found in man and the tribes of the simiae, the lion, dog, etc., it is not present in the bull, the buck,' and ram, and goat, and most probably in all ruminating animals PLATE 4. THE GENE^TIVE ORGANS. 43 Both the ghiud and the seminal vesicles are v/ant- iiig* in birds and amphibious animals, and in lish which have testicles, as the ray kind. The prostate is said to be double in the elephant, camel, horse, and some other animals. The semen, is never evacuated, but where the liquor of the prostate gland goes before, and follows after it. It is obvi- vious, therefore, how powerfully it must conduce to health, to have the secretion of this gland in a sound and pure state, as it is so intimately connected with the finest functions in the animal economy. The seed and secretion of the prostate gland are intimately mixed together in the urethra. The appearance of the secretion of the prostate, when diseased, nearly resembles putrid matter. It is plentifully secreted in good health, and seems intended by nature to be a vehicle to dilute, nourish, and convey the thick and ash-colored concocted semen. We have seen in the most healthy men, who have long abstained from venery, a running of the humor from this gland, from its being in a relaxed state, during which the semen will be emited by the slightest straining, and from ideas of the mind, both while awake and asleep. The sooner the patient gets this relaxed state restored the better. I very often cure patients who had been under the charge of physicians, surgeons, and pro- fessors of our colleges, and who treated them for a venereal or gonorrhoeal affection, when, in fact, it was a diseased prostate and the neighboring parts. Errors of this kind produce great injury. Eunuchs often eject prostatic liquor when they have an erec- tion ; geldings often do the same when they strive to leap. Good semen cannot be found when these parts are diseased ; great caution should, therefore, 44- THE ANATOMY OF be observed by all those entering the marriage state, to be well assured that tliis humor of the prostate is m a sound and healthy state ; varioua . evils will arise in consequence, especially sterility and impotence. llealtliy men continually separate semen from the blood, which, being retained and inspissated, like the white of an egg or starch, would be most immoveable, if it were not for the more thin juice of the prostate gland, when in a sound state, wliich mixes v/ith it, and serves to lubricate the urethra, almost like an oil. Besides this, as the animalculas must stay a long time, perhaps, before it arrives in the uterus or womb, it seems necessary for it to be provided with a suitable aliment ; for, unless nature nourished the auimalcula3 when formed, it would certainly perish or become extinct : and this nutri- tious liquor is that of the prostate gland, which in some animals is larger than are the testicles them- selves. Cowper's glands, which are situate between the bulb of the urethra and the membranous portion, are about the size of two small garden peas. They open into the canal by two small ducts, and appear to secrete a mucus which serves to lubricate the urethra. The urethra, a membranous canal, extending from the neck of the bladder to the end of the penis, is divided into the prostatic, membranous, bulbous, and pendulous portions. Its coats are the same as those of the bladder, of which it is apparently a prolongation. The first or prostatic portion, com- mencing immediately from the neck of the bladder, is surrounded by the prostate. On the under side of its internal surface there is a projecting body, THE GENERATIVE ORGANS. 45 on the sid€S of which the coramou ducts of the deferent vessels and seminal vesicles open into the canal, as also the ducts of tiie prostate. The portion of the urethra between the prostatic and bulbous portions, is called the membranous; and the reason that has been alleged for this is, because its circumference is less than that of any other part of the canal. Its length is generally about an inch when the penis is in a state of erecticn ; when otherwise, it is somewhat less. It is cylindrical in form for about half its length. The urethra soon after takes the name bulbous, when it meets with the pendulous portion of the bulb, the substance of which, however, it does not enter until it reaches the arch of the pubis. At this part it is attached to the symphysis by muscular fibres. These muscles are influential in the expulsion of the semen. The urethra at this part enlarges somewhat at its under part, forming a kind of sinus. The canal afterwards bends forwards, and is surrounded by the spongy bodies through its course along the under surface of the penis. The whole of the internal surface of urethra is abundantly supplied with mucus to defend it from the acrimony of the urine. It is secreted partly by vessels which form small projections on the inner surface of the canal, as shown in the engraving, and partly by glandular structures situated at the bottom and sides of the very numerous lucunae, or depressioDs, dispersed over every part of the internal membrane, the openings of which are directed towards the termination of the urethra, so that the mucus is pressed out of their cavities by the urine as it flows from the bladder. The urethra is very vascular, and possesses a certain 4C THE ANATOMY OF degree of elasticity. Its memLvanes are ve) / thin, and almost transparent, and without fibres, so that in itself it does not possess the power of muscular contraction and relaxation. It is, however, pro- vided with muscles, tlie action of which is to assist the expulsion of the urine, and also of the semen during- copulation. The whole length of the penis is about twelve inches, though it varies much in different individuals. The Penis consists of the cavernous bodies, (Cor- poro cavernosa,) and of the spongy body, (Corpus spongiosum,) the latter terminating in the gland or glands. The cavernous bodies constitute the upper part of the penis ; in the upper groove there being a large vein, two arteries, nerves and absorbents, and in the lower the spongy body surrounding the urethra. The convex conical surface of the gland is covered by a fine membrane, in color resembling the red part of the lips. At its base, or corners, there are rows of projecting papillar, which secrete a sebaceous matter, having a peculiar smell. The gland, which possesses exquisite sensibility, is pro- tected by the loose covering called the prepuce or foreskin, which is tied to the penis, immediately below the orifice of the urethra, by the band called fraenum : this limits the motion of the prepuce, and tends to keep it in its proper place. The spongy substance of the urethra, which forms the glans penis, is covered externally with an exceeding thin membrane or cuticle, under which are placed the very sensible nervous papilla}, which are the chief seat and cause of pleasure and pain in this part. We may now understand why many, in the venereal act, have not the glans distended, though the whole penis is at the same time turgid, PLATE 5. Fifj. 6 THE GENERATIVE ORGANS. 49 because the glans beloni? entirely to the cavernous body of the urethra ; and if that body be paralytic or weakened from any preceding or existing cause, which we have often known to proceed from un- natural practices ; in all those people where the spongy body of the urethra is not distended, impo- tence will arise, which, if not perfectly understood, cannot be cured by any physician ; whereas, in healthy men, when these organs are in due tone during the orgasmus veneris, or the moment before the semen is ejected, the glans and whole cavernous body of the urethra are extremely turgid, so as to be ready to burst ; but soon after, a kind of con- vulsive motion follows, and the semen is discharged with a slight loss of strength for a little time throughout the whole body, which soon recovers its usual vigor. During coition, the corpus spongiosum and glans penis are rendered turgid by the blood filling their vascular structure, and the whole of the urethra is lengthened, but made narrower and straighter. The seed is gradually deposited in the sinus of the bulb, the glans being placed at the other extremity of the corpus spongiosum, and endowed with a pecu- liar sensibility. When a sufficient quantity of semen is collected, it excites the muscles covering the bulb to action, and the contraction of the fibres taking place, the semen is propelled rapidly along the canal; the blood in the bulb is at the same time pressed forwards, but requiring a greater impulse, it forms an undulatory wave behind the semen, narrowing the uretfera, and urging on the semen with in- creased force. When the passion of desire does not exist, the ])lood is not poured out into the cells of the corpora 50 THE ANATOMY OF cavernosa, but returns by the veins as usual, and the penis remains flaccid ; but when a person is under the influence of particular impressions which excite the nerves of these parts, the minute arterial branches, which before had tlieir orifices closed, have their action suddenly increased, and pour from their open mouths the blood into these cells, 60 as to distend them, of course overcoming the elastic power that, under ordinary circumstances, keeps them collapsed. In this way the penis is rendered fit to convey the semen to the female organs of generation. The erection of the penis is greatly aided by the action of certain muscles, called the erectors of the penis. The great vein of the penis is formed by branches from the gland, sides of the corpus spongiosum, and common integuments, runs along the back of the penis in the upper groove to its root, where it divides into two vessels which pass under the arch of the pubis, receive other veins from the prostate and bladder, and empty themselves into the internal iliac. The absorbents of the penis are very numer- ous, and terminate in the glands of the groins. A few observations here on puberty, and the changes it effects in the system, will, I think, be most opportune. The approach of puberty, induces marked changes in the general system of the male and female, as well as in the local organs which are subservient to generation. The growth of hair on the chin, upper lip, and sides of the face of the male, and on the pubes of male and female; the peculiar alteration of the voice, especially in the man, the greater firm- ness of muscle, the extraordinary change in the passions and feelings, together with the great in- THE GENERATIVE ORGy^NS. 51 crease in the size of the penis and testicles of tlie man, show the advent of a peculiar change in the system, by which it is adapted for the propagation of the species. The desire for coition, implanted by nature for a wise purpose, becomes developed after the period of puberty, and the organs by which the act is performed, gradually assume their full vigor and dimensions. The age at which the peculiar changes in the organism called puberty takes place, varies in dif- ferent climates and in different constitutions. It is also influenced by the mode of life and circum- stances of the individual. The period of puberty occurs earlier in warm than in cold climates; in temperate countries, it takes place from the four- teenth to the seventeenth year; the passions of youth living in large cities and towns, are, however, excited earlier than are those of the agricultural population, on account of the greater sources of temptation to which they are exposed. In those animals which are not endowed with reason to guide their actions, the desire for copula- tion occurs periodically, and in some the testicles increase in size until the season of procreation is over, and then decrease, and continue small, until the commencement of the next season. Evidence of this may readily be found in the testicles of the cock-sparrow, which progressively increase in size from January till the end of April, when the love season of these birds usually terminates. The in- crease and diminution of these organs, however, do not take place in birds only, but has been dis- covered in many other animals, more especially in the laud-mouse and mole. There are several reasons which might be alleged .52 THE ANATOMY OF for the existence of a periodical desire for copula- tion amonj^ animals — were it otherwise, as the pas- sion for sexual intercourse is very powerful, and animals do not possess the light of reason so as to be enabled to restrain or subdue their passions, it is probable that from its excessive indulgence, all their other habits might be lost, and even the necessity of providing for their present and future wants might be forgotten; besides which, in those animals which are very fruitful, and which do not long carry their young, their number would be in a short time exceedingly great, far beyond the means of support that nature has provided for them. Another reason might be alleged, that, were domestic animals always in heat, they would be of comparatively little service to man, while the flesh of wild ones would be too coarse and rank, and altogether unfit for the purposes of nourish- ment. Tiie period of the year during which the desire for copulation principally exists in animals, is that of spring — few experience any sexual desire during the winter, except the frog, wolf and fox; the severity of the cold seems to destroy, at least for the time, all such feelings. On the other hand, in climates where the summer is very hot, the geni- tal organs of animals become so much relaxed in tone, as to render them unfit for the proper per- formance of the necessary act. The case is, how- ever, somewhat difierent in domestic animals; the passion is less periodical, the secretion of semen, not being arrested by cold, to which they are much less exposed, and the circumstances in which they are placed being altogether different. Generally the desire in the male and female for procreation arises at puberty, and may be indulged THE GEXERATIVH ORGANS. 53 in, if health and the requisite powers continue, at all times and seasons of the year. Be'Ing endowed by nature with the high, and exalted function of rea- son, they are left free agents, having the full power to use or abuse such capabilities, with the conscious- ness that if they do abuse the functions with which they are gifted, they must abide the penalty, Man is not affected by changes of temperature as are the wild animals, either as respects excessive heat or in- tense cold, and, consequently the human testicles are generally the same in dimensions after puberty throughout the year. The secretion of semen by man, begins about the period of puberty. The passion for copulation, and the secretion of semen, are indications of the great change which takes place in the system at that time. Those eunuchs only are not influenced by the desire for procrea- tion who were deprived of the organs of generation prior to puberty; those who were castrated subse- quent to that event, still entertain the desire for in- tercourse, although in a less degree than men who have all their organs entire. Desire is more lan- guid in advanced age, than during the period of the adult life; the semen is then more sparingly secre- ted, and, indeed, all the functions of the system are performed in a less energetic manner, although, as will soon be shown, old men are not in every instance deprived of the power of generation. Desire is also generally moderate in persons who have small organs, occasionally it is altogether absent. To the use of the sexual organs for the continu- ance of his race, man is prompted by a powerful in- stinctive desire, which he shares with the lower animals. This instinct is excited by sensations; and these may either originate in the sexual organs 54 THE AX ATOMY OF themselves, or may be excited through tlie organs of special sensation. Thus in man it is most pow- erfully aroused by impressions conveyed through the sight or touch ; in many animals the auditory and olfactory organs communicate impressions which have an equal power; and it is not improba- ble that in certain morbidly, excited states of feel- ing, the same may be the case in ourselves. Local impressions — as stated in the subsequent part of this work — has a very powerful effect in exciting sexual desire, as the experience of almost every one will attest; local diseases, as hereafter mentioned, often cause the most criminal acts. The instinct, for sexual intercourse, when once aroused, even though very obscurely felt, acts upon the mental feelings, and thus becomes the source, though al- most unconsciously "so to the individual, of the tendency to form that kind of attachment towards one of the opposite sex, which is known as love. This tendency cannot be regarded as a simple pas- sion or emotion since it is the result of the combined operations of the reason, the imagination, and the moral feelings; and it is the engraftment, so to speak, of the physical attachment upon mere cor- poreal irrstiuct, that a difference exists between the sexual relations of man, and those of the lower animals. EEMALE GENERATIVE ORGANS. The female organs of generation are classed in two divisions — External and Internal. The Exter- nal consists of tlie mons veneris, labia externa, perin- eum, clitoris with its prepuce, nymphae, ve-'^tibuk, THE GENERATIVE ORGANS. 55 meatus urinarious, hymen in virg'ins, and carunculae myrliformies in matrons. The Internal are the vagina, uterus, two ovaries, and two fallopian tubes. The latter four are strictly copulative, and the others, generative organs. THE VULVA. The vulva, or pudendum, is a collective designa- tion for the external female genitals, including the mons veneris, the internal and external labia, the clitoris, and the orifice of the vagina. The mons veneris, which is the same as in man, is the elevation of the integuments directly over tho pubis. It is constituted of condensed cellular tis- sue and adipose matter, and in the adult is covered with hair. The labia externa, or mo jar a, are two folds of skin continuous with the mons veneris; they extend in the longitudinal direction, and terminate below in an angular commissure, — the fourchette. Like the mons veneris, they are composed of cellular tis- sue and fat, and form the anterior boundary of the sexual organs. The internal lining of these parts is a delicate, vascular epithelium, which is fur- nished with mucus follicles. The distance between the fourchette and the anus constitute the perineum and is about an inch in length. The labia interna or minora, called also the nymjphce, are duplicatures of the epithelial mem- brane within the external labia. They arise from the anterior commissure of those bodies, and sur- round the base of the clitoris, thus forming the prepiotium clitoridis. At the inferior margin of tiie clitoridis the folds of the nympha3 unite in the framir 56 THE ANATOMY OF lum, from wliicli point they divtrfrc, and are gradu* ally lost on the inner surface of the labia majora, at the orifice of the vagina. The clUoris, in several respects, resembles the male penis. It is formed of erectile tissue, and arises by two crura from the rami of the pubis and ischium. It has also a sus- pensory ligament, but is imperforate, and seldom exceeds the length of half an hich. Its free portion is called the glans clitoridis ; its internal structure is similar to that of the corpora cavernosa penis, and, like the latter, also, it is an erectile tissue, acted upon by a small muscle, the erector clitoridis. These muscular fibres arise from the rami of the pubis and ischium, pass on the under surface of the clitoris, and terminate at its apex. The orifice of the urethra is within the vulva, about an inch behind the clitoris, and directly above the vagina, where its position is marked by a small tubercle. The orifce of the vagina is an elleptical opening below or behind the meatus urinarious, having a thickened margin, and being founded laterly by the nymphsg. It is usually more or less closed by a duplication of mucous membrane, the hymen, which exists sometimes as a perforated septum, and some- times as a semilunar fold. It is more rarely imper- forate; in other circumstances, it has two or more orifices, and again it is represented by a partial, fringed margin, or may be congenitally deficient. Its rupture leaves an irregular edge, with thickened cicatrices, known as the carunculae myrtiformes. The vestibulum is the triangular surface between the clitoris before, and the vagina behind ; the urethra opens into it, and it is bounded latterly by the labia interna. PLATE 6. Fiq 7 59 (f ^jjliniatiaii 0f glnte. Fig. 7, Represents the vagina laid open by a longitu- dinal section, with the uterus and its appendages in situo. — 1, Orifice of the vagina with the carunculae myrtiformes ; 2, Body of the uterus ; 3, 3, Broad ligaments ; 4, 4, Round ligaments ; 5, 5, Fallopian tubes ; 6, 6, Their fimbriated termination ; 7, 7, Ovaries ; 8, Os tincae. Fig. 8, Diagram of a section of the unimpregnated graafian vesicle and its contents, showing the situation of the ovum. — 1, Mem- brana granulosa ; 2, Proligerous disk ; 3, Ovum ; 4, Inner and outer layers of the wall of the graafian vesicle ; 9. In- dusium of the ovary, derived from the peritoneum. Fig. 10, The unimpre^fnated ovum surrounded by ita proligerous disk, magnified about fifteen diameters. Fig. 11, A section of an unimpregnated ovum, representing the thick external envelopes, connected with the inner surface of the latter, the germinal vesicle. Fig. 12, Represents, within a sqare area, the unimpregnated human germinal vesicle magnified forty-five diameters. On one side of it is seen the germinal spot. Fig. 13, Is a corpus luteum, taken from a female who destroyed herself by drowning, eight days after impregnation. — 1, Mucous tunic of the graafian vesicle sprouting from the circumference toward the cen- tre ; 2, External tunic of the vesicle ; 3, Ovarian stroma ; 4, Ovarian membrane ; 5, Point at which the ovulum escaped from the graafian follicle. Fig 14. Represents the interior of the uterus, with the germ in progress of formation. — 1, 1,1, shows them much enlarged; the matter which is to become the mernbrana decidua, is seen deposited between and upon their sur- face ; 2,2,3,3, Uterine arteries extending into the decidua and there forming loops. ^mmil ©teerliatiaus 011 llemarkatjle dims. Seminal debility — involuntary loss of semen — will cause the following complications, in seven- eights of the afBlicted, when it, or the practice of self-abuse, has existed for two or three years. These extracts are from letters of patients, de- scribing their symptoms, when they applied to us for treatment, and all of whom we are hap- py to say, we have since cured, though some of them were under our care a year, before we would consent to its discontinuance. We relieved nearly all of such patients, however, of the pain- ful and troublesome symptoms in a very few days. Patients with diseases of this nature, will experience a relapse if the treatment is not per- severed in for a considerable time after they have been cured. We therefore take this occasion to warn them from doing so, till informed by us their cure is permanent, as the disease is much more obstinate after such relapse. As all of our communications are strictly pri vate and confidential, we, of course, neither at tach, nor copy the addresses, but if any persons— who may wish us to cure them — doubt their gen- uineness, we will present them with indubitable proofs, upon a personal visit. All patients may place implicit confidence in the strictest secrecy being kept by us, as we never divulge the name or residence of any patient, upon any pretext whatever. THE GENEKATIVE ORGANS. (i 1 THE VAGINA. The vagina is a canal interposed between the uterus and the vulva, and between the bladder and the rectum. Its length is from four to six inches; it is somewhat dilated near the uterus, and contracted at its commencement in the vulva, between which points it curves obliquely forward and downward, being flattened transversely, and having its pnrietes in close apposition. It is composed of three laminse; thcexterual one is a fibrous structure, strong and contractile, and much resembling the dartos of the scrotum. The middle layer is constituted of erectile tissue enclosed between two layers of fibrous mem- brane : it commences directly within the vagina, sur- rounds its upper half, and extends about an inch backwards in the direction of the uterus, its thick- ness being seldom more than two lines. This is the corjius spongiosum vngince^ so called on account of its resemblance to the analogous structure in the urethra. It is also called the plexus retiforwAs, and embraces a remarkable congeries of veins. The internal membrane belongs to the mucus class, it is furnished with laminae, and is marked by trans- verse folds or ridges — the rugaa of the vagina — which, however, are cliiefly confined to its anterior portion. A raphse, or longitudinal slightly elevated line commences on the anterior parietes of the vagina just within its orifice, and extending back is lost near the uterus, and a nearly similar line exists on the posterior surface. The epithelial covering of the mucus membrane is remarkably developed, and presents an abundant papillary structure. The glands of Duverney resemble, both in form and function, the glands of Cowper in the male. 62 THE ANATOMY OF They are situated on either side of the orifice of tho vagina, beneatli the sphincter muscle and the super- ficial porineal fascia. Tliey are from half an inch to an inch long, narrow and flattened, and their excretory duct opens in front of the carunculae myrtiformes. The sphincter vagina muscle has been already described. It embraces the orifice of the vagina like a broad ring, and covers the plexus retiformis. THE UTERUS. The uterus or matrix is a pyriform body, sus- pended in the pelvic region between the bladder before and rectum behind. It varies greatly in size ; its average length is about two and a half inches, its breadth across the upper and widest part an inch and a half, and its thickness an inch. It is divided into the fundus, or that part above the Fallopian tubes ; the cervfx or narrowed portion below; the body, which is intermediate between the fundus and cervix, and the ostincai or opening into the vagina. It is convex behind and flattened in front, with its base directed upward and for- ward, and its neck downward and backward. The anterior surface of the uterus has a peritonial covering over its upper half, which membrane is reflected from it to the bladder, constituting the anterior ligament. The posterior surface is entirely invested by the peritoneum, which in this instance, is reflected upon the rectum, so as to form a pouch between, and is called the posterior ligament. On the sides of the uterus, the anterior and posterioi laminae of peritoneum, meet in a longitudinal median line, and on them reflected from it to form the THE GENERATIVE ORGANS. 63 Iroad ligaments. These ligaments are extended transversely to the parietes of the lesser pelvis on each side, and thus form a paritial septum in its cavity, and transmit between tlieir laminae, the blood-vessels and nerve&, the uterus and ovaria. The round ligaments are given off on each side from the body of the uterus directly beneath the Fallopian tubes, whence they pass upwards and outwards until they reach the internal abdominal ring • they then run through the abdominal canal, come out at the external ring, and are inserted into and lost upon the mons veneris. They are strong, fibrous vascular cords, embraced between the folds of the broad-ligaments ; and they are- accompanied in the abdominal canal by a process of peritoneum, which sometimes extends to the exit of the liga- ment at the external ring. The cervix uteri projects by a mammillated ex- tremity into the vagina, and the two are joined at the base of this prominence. The cervix has a cen- tral perforation, — the os tinea of an oval shape, and placed transversely. It is bounded in front by a prominence of the cervix, called the anterior lip, and behind by a similarly formed but much smaller projection — the posterior lip. The cavity of the uter^ts is triangular with an ori- fice at each angle; one of those three orifices and much the largest, is continuous with the canal of the cervix, and of course communicates directly with the vagina, and is called the internal orifice of the uterus. It is smaller than the os iincce; but the canal between those openings is somewhat dilated, flattened from front to back, and marked by two longitudinal lines, one on the anterior, the other o'l the posterior surface. These are again G4 THE ANATOMY OF crossed by transverse and erratic striae, named from their branched appearance the arhor vitae, among which are interspersed some small mucous glands and follicles, known as the ovula Nahothi They are not confined to the cervical canal, but are also found in the cavity of the body. At the angles in the upper part of that cavity are two small orifices, one on each side, opening into the Fallopinn tubes. Tiie uterus is composed of three very dissimilar tissues, an exterior serous covering derived from the peritoneum; an internal mucus membrane, and between these the proper structure of the organ. The peritoneal coat has been already noticed, together with the manner in which it forms several of the uterine ligaments. The mucus membrane is a continuation of that which lines the vagina and is continued into the Fallopian tubes. It can only be separated in patches and with much difiiculty; whence its existence as a separate membrane has been sometimes denied. The proper tissue of the uterus is of a greyish color, of an almost cartilaginous hardness, and com- posed of fibres, respecting which a great diversity of opinion has always existed. By some anatomists they are regarded as simple fibrous tissue; by others, as muscular structure; and by others as a convertible substance, that is fibrous in the unim- pregnated state, but which, during pregnancy, ac- quires the character of muscular fibre, resembling that of the viscera of organic life, and like it en- dowed with contractility. Such is the opinion of Cruveilhier, who remarks, that the great influx of blood into the uterus and tlie consequent distension and development of its fibres in the gravid state, THE GENERATIVE ORGANS. 05 reveal a structure which was before concealed by an atrophy consequent to inaction; and he adds, tliat this view is confirmed by the microsco}3ic ob- servations of Roederer, the chemical experiments of Schwelgue, and also by the results furnished by comparative anatomy, which has shown circular and longitudinal muscular fibres in the uteri of some animals even in the uuimpregnated state. The gravid uterus, however, presents two layers of fibres which have the structure and function of true muscle: the external layer is formed both of longitudinal and oblique fibres, the former being chiefly developed on the anterior and posterior sur- faces, and upon the fundus; the oblique fibres are most distinct at the sides, where they are continued upon the Fallopian tubes and the round ligaments. The internal layer consists of circular fibres, with some longitudinal fibres on their internal surface; but around the cervix this structure becomes annu- lar, the fibres decussating at various angles. The muscular character of the uterine body, in preg- nancy, is strongly evidenced by its powerful con- tractions in the process of parturition. The internal substance of the uterus is thus com- posed of a mass of closely interwoven muscular or fibro-muscular fibres, together with a vast congeries of blood vessels, which though small in the uuim- pregnated state, acquire a surprisingly augmented size during the later periods of pregnancy. The arteries of the uterus, four in number, are derived from two sources: two from the hypogas- tric trunk, forming the proper uterine arteries, and two from the ovarian arteries, of which branches are also distributed to the ovaries and Fallopian tubes. The uterine veins are of great size during 66 THE AXATOMY OF pregnancy, and are tlicn culled the vtcrive. sin- uses. The nerves of the uterus are derived in part from the hypogastric, in part from the renal plexus. THE FALLOPIAN TUBES. These trumpet-shaped canals are given off from the superior angles of the uterus. They are em- braced within the folds of the broad ligaments, being undulated in their course and variable in their diameter. They are four or five inches in length, and extend almost to the sides of the pehis. Their diameter at the uterine orifice will only admit a bristle, but the canal at its external or free ter- mination is as large as a quill. This outer end is broken into a triple series of fringe-like irregular processes of unequal length, constituting the Jim- briated portion, or corpus finehriatum, in the centre of which is seen the orifice of the tube called the otium abdominale. One of the processes is attached to the proximate part of the corresponding ovary, by which means these structures are retained in their relative position. The tube is in itself a strong fibrous cord resem- bling the tissue of the unimpregnated uterus, and it is invested by the peritoneum by being i)laced between the duplication of this membrane that forms the broad ligament. The internal coat is mucus, analogous to that which lines the uterus, and re- markable for presenting a gradual transition into the peritonial coat, with w^hich, at its fimbriated orifice, it is continuous ; in other words, the mucus terminates in a serous membrane, and thus in the two openings of the Fallopiau tubes exist the only THE GENERATIVE ORGANS. 67 two normal perforations of the otherwise perfect sac of the peritoneum. The use of the Fallopian tube is that of an oviduct. It receives the ovum from the ovary and transmits it to the uterus, and also provides it with a double envelope — an internal one of a gelatinous or albuminous nature, and an external one, the chorion, which is fibrous, and appears to be pro- duced by the exudation of fibrine from the lining membrane of the tube. ■ftE OVARIES, These bodies, one on each side, are placed within a duplication of the broad ligament, and behind the Fallopian tubes. They are of a flattened oval form, reddish-white color, and unequal fissured surface. They are retained in their position partly by the broad ligament, and partly by an ovarian ligament, a rounded cord that connects them with the upper angles of the uterus, below the Fallopian tube. The ovaries are about an inch in length, and their distance from the uterus is about an inch and a half. They have an external investment derived from the peritoneum ; within which, and closely adherent to it, is the proper fibrous capsule, strongly resembling the tunica albuginea of the male, and, like the latter, sending prolongations into the gland that divides it into irregular compartments resem- bling a network of areolar tissue. Within and lining this fibrous capsule is a vascular membrane, analogous to the tunica vasculosa in man. The fibrous and vascular tissues are intimately blended into a spongy mass, called stroma, in the midst of which are the Graafian vesicles, of which bodies C8 THE ANATOMY OF ten or fifteen exist in a mature state in each ovary, besides a vast number that are imperfectly developed and never reach the perfect state. The Crraafian vesicle, or ovisac, consists of two layers, of which the outer one is a mere vascuLir tliickeniiig of the surrounding ovarian stroma ; while the internal one, which is the true ovisac, is transparent, and has no obvious structure. Within it is placed the ovum, the latent germ of the future being, betw^een which and ovisac is a granular mat- ter, arranged in the following manner : a series of the granules surround the ovum in a discoidal form, and assume the appearance of cells, so united as to form a sort of membrane, which is called by Dr. Barry the tunica granulosa, by others the proligerous disk. The granules that line the ovisac within are also collected in a membraniform structure, the mem- hrana granulosa. These two parts are connected by four band-like extensions of the same cellulo- membranous structure, which seem to suspend the ovum in its place, and are called the relinacula. The space between the membranes which is not occupied by the retinacula, is filled with fluid, in which few or no cells can be seen. The corpus luteum is a yellowish, spongy tissue, granular, friable and vascular, having a small cen- tral cavity lined by a dehcate membrane. It is the cicatrix left after the escape of the ovum from the ovary, and consequently varies much in size accord- ing to the time which has elapsed since conception. At first it is large, bean-shaped, and prominent, so as to occupy from a fourth to a half of the ovarium. But after parturition it diminishes in size, and in a a few months a cicatrix alone remains, and even this is finally effaced. Whence it happens that THE GENERATIVE ORGANS. 69 neither the corpora lutea, nor their remaining cica- trices, are certain indications of the number of chil- dren a woman may have borne. Dr. C. D. Meigs has published an interesting memoir on the corpus luteum, in which he maintains that the apparent structure, form, color, odor, coagulability and re- fractive power of this body are similar to those of the yolk of the egg-, a true vitellary matter "de- posited outside of the inner concentric spherule or ovisac of the Graafian vesicle." FUNCTION OF THE OVARIO-UTERINE SYSTEM. The result of successful coition between the two sexes is the injection of a certain portion of the spermatic fluid into the vagina; and fecundation appears to consist in the direct communication of the male spermatozoa with the Graafian vesicle of the ovarium, through the fissure of the zona pellu- cida to the contained ovum,, which ruptures and escapes from the ovisac. The corresponding Fallo- pian tube simultaneously embraces, by its fimbriated extremity, the ovarian surface, and receives the detached ovum into jts canal, while the ovisac itself remains as the lining membrane of the corpus luteum. While the fecundated ovum is yet in the Fallopian tube it acquires a gelatinous covering, the amnion, which is again surrounded by a mem- brane of fibrous texture, called the chorion. The amnion secretes a fluid, the liquor amnii, in which the germ is suspended. How long the ovum re- mains in the oviduct, in other words, what time it takes in its transit from the ovary to the uterus is not certain, but appears to vary from eight to four- teen days. The first action of the uterus is the 70 THH I'llVSIOLOGY OF secretion, on its inner surface, of a delicate cibriform membrane, the decidua, wliich is composed of two layers, the decidua vera, that lines the uterus, and the decidua rejiexa, that covers the ovum. Next forms the j)laccnta, which results from the pene- tration of the vili of the chorion into the structure of the decidua vera. Its fcctal portion is derived from the umbilical vessels, which diverge in every direction from the point at which they enter its substance; or, in other words, it is generated by the extensions of the vascular tufts of the chorion, formed from the capillary terminations of the um- bilical arteries and veins. The maternal portion of tho placenta is formed by the enlargement of the decidual uterine vessels, and these assume the char- acter of sinuses, against which the fcetal tufts pro- ject so as to form out of it a sheath for themselves. The blood is conveyed into the maternal placenta by the uterine arteries, and is returned by the corres- ponding system of veins ; but there is no direct vasculftr communication between the two placentae PUBERTY, The period of puberty, the commencement of that part of life which is distinguished by the capa- bility of propagating the species, does not occur exactly simultaneously in the two sexes; and still greater variety in this respect is caused by differ- ence of nation and climate. Puberty declares it- self in the female sex of our climate about the twelfth, thirteenth or fourteenth year, sometimes later, and is indicated by the occurrence of men- struation. In the male sex puberty begins about the fourteenth, fifteenth, or sixteenth year, and ifl THE GENERATIVE ORGANS. 7l atte.uded with the secretion of semen, and with the occurrence of discharges of that fluid. In hot ch- mates the body undergoes the changes of puberty earher than in cold cH mates. It is stated that in the hot regions of Africa, they take place in the female sex as early as the eighth year, and during the ninth, in Persia. Young Jewesses are said to mensti-uate earlier than other females. The capa- bility of reproduction generally ceases in the female sex, together with the function of menstruation, between the forty-fifth and fiftieth years. The du- ration of the reproductive power in man cannot be so exactly defined ; in general, it continues longer than in woman, and not unfrequently very old men manifest a remarkable degree of virile power. The changes in the system which characterize the period of puberty, are partly local, affecting the gene- rative organs, and partly of a general nature. The local changes consist in the growth of hair on the pubes in both sexes ; in the menstruation of the fe- male ; in the copious formation of semen, and occur- rence of erection in the male ; and in the enlarge- ment of the breasts in the female sex. The general changes of the system afltect principally the respia- tory and vocal apparatus, the entire form of the body and the physiognomy, the character of the mind, and the feelings relating to the sexes. The respiatory organs acquire an increase of volume at the age of puberty, especially in the male sex ; and the vocal apparatus undergoes the change so readily noticed in boys of sixteen to eighteen, the shrill, squeaking, broken and ultimately the deep-toned mascuhne voice. The whole body attains its most perfect form ; while the features receive their stamp of individuality, and present signs serving to express 72 THE rnVSIOLOGY OF the passions, though they are not as strongly marked as in many adults. Boyish indifference is changed to the most marked attention to the oppo- site sex. Sexual ideas arise instinctively and ob- scurely in the mind, and set in action the creative power of the imagination, but, at the same time by their influence on the whole mind, call into play the noblest mental faculties, so as to elevate and adorn the feeling of love. MENSTRUATION. Menstruation is the periodical discharge from the female generative organs of a bloody fluid poured out by the inner surface of the uterus. The first discharge is usually preceded and accompanied by some symptoms of general disturbance of the system, namely, by abdominal congestion, pain in the loins and a sense of fatigue in the lower limbs. Its periodical return is also attended in most women by unusual symptoms, which vary in differ- ent persons. The menstrual periods occur usually at intervals of a solar mouth; their duration being from three to six days. In some women the inter- vals are as short as three weeks, or even less; while in others they are longer than a month. Aristotle made the extraordinary statement, that menstruation rarely occurs every month; but in most women only every three months. This is evidence that the sage philosopher was an old bachelor, and studied books and not nature. I miglit as well add here, that those absurd and mis- chievous books purporting to have been written by Aristotle, are full of as false statements, silly direc- tions, and are blind leaders of the blind. THE GENERATIVE ORGANS. to Menstruation does not usually occur in pregnant women, nor in most cases in those who are suckling. In rare instances, however, it continues during the period of suckling, and even during pregnancy. The sun, moon, stars, nor even the migratory comet, do not exert an influence over this function, for upon every day in the month different females have their catamenia. It is now well known that the menstrual periods tend to regulate and moderate sexual indulgence. This wall be more fully ex- plained under the head of Concejpiion. SEXUAL INTERCOURSE. All the phenomina connected with the sexes which animals present, are dependant on the forma- tive generative organs ; the ovaries and testes, and on the influence which they exert on the rest of the organism. Xot merely does castration during youth, for the most part, prevent the development of the sexual feelings and emotions, but even when performed at adult age, that operation destroys almost entirely the sexual excitability. This is also the case with animals, in which common obser- vation detects its effects. The almost entire physical change which occurs in animals after this operation is readily suggestive of its controlling influence over the body as well as over the mind of men and animals. In both sexes the act of coition is attended with pleasurable sensations, but their respective share in the act itself is very different. In the female there is but a partial expenditure of the nervous power, when she fully participates in the sexual act, and none scarcely when her feelings do not prompt her 74 TTIE PJIVSIOLOGY OP to return the ardor of the male; neither does she expend any nervous power in the production of erection; no energetic rythmic muscular contrac- tions when the venereal excitement has reached its height, and no emission of semen ; but merely an increased secretion from the vagina, excited by the impressions on the sensitive nerves of the female sexual organs, and serving to lubricate the passage to facilitate sexual commerce. Tlie man feels exhausted after the act; the woman simply yields herself up to the pleasureable excite- ment. The clitoris, which is known to be the part most susceptible of the pleasurable sensations in in females, is not like the penis of the male, ren- dered by friction the seat of intense sensation and nervous excitement during coition, and hence its excitability is found not to be wholly exhausted after the act is completed. SEMEN. The semen, or fecundating matter, contains the property which gives integrity to the germ, and is capable of determining the particular form of the new animal or plant, but it is defective and cannot develop that form until it has united with the female germ. The defects of the ovum, or germ, and of the semen, are not the same in nature, for each contains that part in which the otlier is defi- cient. The ovum and semen are not similar halves of one whole. The ovum of animals contains the part destined to germinate, and is, in fact, the primary particle which forms the basis of the new organism, and maintains uniterrupted the chain of organization. The semen, on the contrary, does THE GENERATIVE ORGANS. 75 not itself germinate, but is a fluid excitor of ger- mination, endowed with the power of determining the form, not only of the species, but of the indi- vidual organism which produced it. COXCEPnON. Pregnancy may occur at any period after men- struation has been established, and until the cessa- tion of that function. That conception occurs more readily immediately after the menstrual periods, is a remarkable fact ; but that it will not take place after eight or twelve days from that period, as stated in some books, written to misguide, or from ignorance, is absurd and untrue. The catamenial function, is nature's guarantee that the females in whom it exists, are capable of conceiving and bearing offspring. The conditions necessary to the consummation of this object is, that the semen or seed from the opposite sex should enter the womb. Quantity has nothing to do with the success. The grand office of the semen is to awaken the life which previously exists in the animulculae in tlie ovaries of the female, and constitute (so to speak) the characteristic principles of vitality of both into cue individual embryo. To effect successful commerce between the sexes nature has arranged the organs of generation to a perfect adaptation, and impressed all animals with the desire to cohabit. The rewai-d of obedience to these natural laws are perfect physical happiness and the procreation of the species. In man and mammalia fecundation is the result 16 THE PHYSIOLOGY OF of the successful union of the sexes, in which the semen of the male enters the womb, traverses the Fallopian tubes to the ovum, and then comes into direct contact, in order that the function of impreg- nation be matured. This has been proved beyond the possibility of a doubt, by direct experiments upon numerous animals with uniformly the same result. It has been frequently observed that men whose copulative organs are very short, or those in whom the malformation consists of the opening- or mouth of the penis terminating any considerable distance from the end of the organ, are rendered impotent; from the fact simply that the condition of the penis prevents the semen from being thrown directly into the womb- PASSAGE OF THE OVUM INTO THE WOMB. The human ovum reaches the uterus in from one to two weeks after impregnation. The embryo is enclosed in a membraneous sac which nature has formed for nourishing and protecting it. When the blood vessels of the embryo have reached its surrounding membranes which have been developed from cells, and participate in the active properties of cells, it absorbs the nutriment. The nutritive matters thus absorbed are supplied by the blood of the mother in the human placenta. The ab- sorbed nutriment enters directly into the blood of the foetus. The process thus maintained between the foetal and maternal blood, supplies the process of respiration to the foetus, or an equivalent for that process. PLATE 7. i;eplanaton 0f |I a(c 7 antr | iguas 15 ani IS* Fig. 15. — Represents a foetus of two months' gestation (growth), surrounded by its uterine membranes, attached by the umbilical cord to the placenta (after-birth), and floating in fluid (amnial), and is the most perfect one of this period I have ever seen ; (a) the pellucid membranes, (b) the accumulation of vessels forming the placenta ; (c) the embryo seen through the membranes. Fig. 16. — Displays a fcEtus of five months within the womb, which has been laid open ; blood vessels are seen running through the various textures, and the cord is seen twisted around the neck and left ancle. Below is seen the postern surAice of the vagina, and on each side of the womb is seen the fallopian tubes terminating in many finger-like projections, and between them and the womb the ovaries. EEMARABLE CURES. June, 1858. Sir : — As we have arranged the fee for my cure, now for the desired explanation. Without having heard of Masturbation, or its conse- quences, and wholly unsuspicious of them, I did indulge to some extent in it. I should judge be- tween 14 and 17 years old. I am now 55, It is quite likely to excess for some part of the time, for at first I thought no evil in connection with it, but as I grew older, I knew better and aban- doned the habit. The result of this involuntary loss of semen continuing, was to produce a state of atony for some jesivs — an almost total loss of virile power, — though from the age of 30 I have been able to partially cohabit at times, when under the treatment of some of the best l^hysicians. The urethra has been sore ever since that period. This sub-inflammation (I sup- pose) now exists. It is for you now to infer the nature and extent of the functional derangements I labor under. Their indications at present are 80 REMARKABLE CURES. a loss of virile poiver , a weak flow of urine gentT- ally breaking' to pieces as it falls' occasional pains within the rectum, and a sore feeling in voiding urine. I have thought at times, that sexual commerce abated the seeming soreness of the parts. The feces when costive, are covered with blood and matter on one side, pain in mictura- tion sometimes, and a few drops of creamy look- ing matter will follow the urine. I am very often obliged to get up in the night to pass urine ; some- times very restless, and unable to sleep ; linen dis- colored, and sometimes I have a yellow discharge from the urethra, and in the morning shredy sub- stances pass with the urine. I have a pain at night in the rectum, which will last for hours, and be so severe as to prevent the passage of the urine." This case presents nearly the same complica- tion and symptoms, as almost every patient suf- fers with, whose disease has existed for any great length of time. Many young patients even at this writing though they have nearly all such symptoms, have not attained the 20th year. Out of the number of about one hundred and fifty pa- tients of this class, under our care and treatment at one and the same time, more than one hundred of them applied tons witli these seminal diseases, complicated with severe and dangerous affections of the urethra, testicles, bladder, and kidneys. Nearly all of them are laboring under indiges- tion and costiveness, and their nervous system so affected as to be partially or totally unfit for study or business. The affection of the bladder and kidneys is a most distressing and dangerous complication, as any physician will inform you. THE GENERATIVE ORGAXS. 81 DEVELOPEMEXT OF THE FCETUS. Within seven days after successful copulation and conception, the ovum (female germ) envelopes itself in membranes and passes into the womb through the Fallopian tube. The womb has also generated mem- branes within its cavity for the reception and nourish- ment of the embryo. The membranes enclosing the embryo, secrete a watery fluid in which it floats, protected by this means from uterine pressure and injury, or destruction from concussion or jars of the body of the mother. So small and delicate are the embryonic structures that at the commencement of the second month of gestation, the length is only from a few lines to half an inch. The extremities are leaf-like appendages and just visible. Then the mouth also exists, soon after the anus is seen ; the last bone of the spine, (the coccyx) is very large and the first bone formed. The head acquires a considerable size ; the eyes advance for- ward from being lateral, to their natural anterion position, and the nasal cavities are soon apparent. During the second month, the umbihcal cord is envel- oped i%its sheath, and' the intestines are discernable. About the end of the second month, the bones and muscles begin to form ; the heart is covered, and the great arteries assume their permanant position. The glandular organs, the lungs and liver exist ; then ap- pear rudimentary kidneys and the testes (Testicles) or ovaries. The external organs of genera tion make their appearance in the shape of wart-hke prominence ; the bladder soon after makes its appearance. Up to this period the mouth and nasal cavities are not separated ; the eye-lids and external ear are now 82 THE I'lIYSIOLOfiY OF apparent, and the extremities are more distinct, tbt fing-ers and toes are marked by separation. At this period of developemeiat the embryo is about an inch lonf^. In the course of the third month the foetus acquires about three inches in length and proportionate comple- tion of developement. In the fourth montli the sex is perceptible, and it has ol)tained four inches in length, and in the fifth twelve inches ; at this period begins the formation of the fat and nails, and signs of foetal life are perceptible to the mother. The foetus born at the sixth month of gestation often breathes but does not live. During the seventh month the foetus has acquired about sixteen inches, and if born may Uve. The skin is red. In the eighth lunar month the eye- lids become free, and the testes descend from the belly to the serotun. In the ninth month the hair appears on the head and the embryo measures about seventeen inches ; at the lower part of which it increases in size, so that in the tenth lunar month it measures about twenty inches, and weighs from six to twelve pounds The weight of infants at birth vary very much, but the first child a mother weans is generally smaller than those born subsequently-; and males weigh more than females, being a trifle larger also. I have myself seen a child live a few days, which weighed three and a half pounds. The elder Dr. Ramsbotham confined a woman who was delivered of a child weighing sixteen and a half pounds, and Mr. O. D. Owens assisted in the delivery of a child weighing seventeen pounds twelve ounces, measuring twenty-four inches in length. This was the largest child ever delivered, which is on record. Birth occurs at the end of nine months. THE GENERATIVE ORGANS. 83 STERILITY, CAUSES AXD CURE. The principal end of man's earthly existence is offspring. However widely opposed their general natures may be, all are united in the desire which finds its accomplishment in the reproduction of their kind. I say all, for I do not hesitate to as- sert without fear of contradiction, that no man and wife ever had their affections perfected or devel- oped who were deprived of legitimate offspring. It rs one of the first duties of the human race to increa'se and multiply, and the man who leaves the world without having obeyed the injunction, can scarcely be said to have fulfilled the great end of his existence. All men who are not of monstrous conformation, or who have not been seriously in- jured by artificial means, are equal to the task of reproduction; indeed, without the parts and means necessary to reproduction, he could scarcely exist at all, and would be no more a human being than if he were deficient of heart or brains. There is no such thing as barrenness in natural women, and the causes which are supposed to render women so, can, in ninety cases out of a hundred be removed. It is not denied, however, that a great many married persons are unblessed with offspring, whose exertions are undoubted, and who w^ould give much if it were otherwise. The causes of unfruit- ful marriages are numerous. One is, their unfit- ness in consequence of malformation, besides Fluor Albus, (generally termed whites,) Leucorrhoea, Prolapsus Uteri, (falling of the womb,) Chronic Gonorrhcea, or Gleet, extreme indulgence, and a very vitiated state of the system of either, or both man and wife, from Scrofula. The obliteration of Si THE DISEASES OF the vaginal canal, or absence of tlie ovaries or uterine tube in the female, also are causes; but these arc rare occurrences. My opinion is, that but very few females are of necessity barren Young married persons almost invariably become physically adapted to each other, though it occa- sionally happens that a couple will have no off- spring, and yet being divorced, will form other connections, and both will have children. It was so with Bonaparte and Josephine, A French writer says, that good authority reports the em- peror as having used various tinctures, borax, marjorura, etc., of course to no efiect. There is sometimes too much ardor in persons of full habits and amorous propensities; their intensity, however, is generally qualified by time. This is well exem- plified in newly married couples, as the first year of their marriage is generally unfruitful from their too frequent amorous embraces, thereby preventing the semen from attaining a healthy state. Moder- ation may be produced by a light vegetable diet, cooling medicine, and occasional sea-shore trips. Conjugal enjoyment on the part of the female should be followed by repose, as but very little motion or agitation in persons of warm tempera- ments is sometimes sujBQcient to prevent the ovulum from reaching its proper location. A female desir- ous of conceiving, must not cohabit too often, for the first month after her supposed conception, as the spasmodic agitation consequent on the embrace of a very amorous conple, is calculated to disturb the embryo in its earlier state of existence, and hence occasion abortion or miscarriage. Baillie, Swaumerdaur, Larry, Dubois, and others, Bay, that the great leading cause of sterility is THE GENERATIVE ORGAXS. 85 weakness or debility on tlie part of the male or female, or both; and Dubois says, if this matter was duly attended to, nine-tenths of the people who are now pining for heirs might be blessed with numerous progenies. Libertinism, and that horrid and loathsome prac- tice of self -abuse, or masturbation, are the principal causes, and I have, therefore, treated upon them largely in another part of this work. Among the less numerous causes, are dancing immoderately, and tight-lacing, as the pressure causes a weakness and lassitude of the system. Stimulating drugs, etc., such as Cautharides, tincture of lyttae, essence of marjorum, arrow-root, syrup of pine-apples and port-wine, mushrooms roasted and steeped in salad oil, or borax, are worse than useless, for many of them actually injure the person, as my large prac- tice for many years too well prove. General phy- sicians often administer such remedies, when they ought to know they will prove injurious; and if they do not, they are equally at fault; but those who should be eternally cursed are the unprin- cipled quacks, who palm off their injurious and nauseating stuff for money, regardless of the lasting injury to those who arc unfortunate enough to use them. Yet some of these remedies sold for the cure of sterility, impotency, weakness or debilita- tion, diurnal and nocturnal emissions, or loss of semen — with the consequent impoverishment of the whole system — are actually recommended by phy- sicians, either from ignorance or self-interest. I cure physicians every month of such diseases, which is the best proof possible to obtain, of their total ignorance of the causes, and proper treatment of Buch cases. 86 PREVCXTION OF OFFSPRING. Some authors think there are fertilizing virtues in water-cresses, duckweed, carrots, dandelions, artichokes, figs, potatoes, shell-fish, peaches, hemp- seed, eggs, calves'-feet jelly, etc. The most of these are incentives to amorous propensities, but no farther. Ludwig says the females of some countries swallow spiders, flies, ants, crickets, and even frogs to promote fecundation. Morning is undoubtedly the most auspicious to generation. When a female with a low womb is married to a masculine man, they must correct the difficulty by means that may seem obvious, or they will probably have no offspring, and the female suffer agony instead of pleasure. If the semen is placed beyond the proper location, it cannot im- pregnate. When the case is directly otherwise, a proper remedy will be necessary to secure it from falling short. It is a popular error that there is a mode by which male or female offspring may be produced at will. It is of no consequence whose theory of the mysteries of reproduction is correct, they are agreed on certain points, which shows this to be impossible. There are tolerably conclusive rules, however, for telling the sexes of children before they are born. Ladies experience more sickness with boys than with girls, which may be caused by their gen- erally being larger and more lively. Their appe- tites generally vary, such as food that is hearty for the one, and of a different kind for the other. A roundness of the form promises a boy; whereas, when the tendency is nearly all to the front, and the hips and back give but little evidence of the lady's situation, the great probability is that the little stranger is a girl. When a pregnant female PREVENTION OF OFFSPRING. 87 is prone to sickness in Ihc morning; — 1-ongs for food of an invigorating quality — and carries her increase of form rather all round her, than in any particular place, the chances are altogether in favor of a boy ; whereas, if her symptoms are otherwise, and as described above, she will, in all probability, be delivered of a girl. PREVENTION OF OFFSPRING. While all must admit that the reproduction of our kind is the evident intention of the sympathy of the sexes for each other, it is equally certain that there are numerous cases in all countries, wherein such a consummation were better avoided. For example, indigent people cannot be very anxious for numerous offspring to rear up in poverty; very fruitful females must find it very unpleasant to be nearly always in a state of pregnancy, nor is it to be supposed that married persons who are afflicted with hereditary diseases, can derive happiness from bringing into the world beings whose existence may, in all probability, be a burden to them. Many females are so constructed as only to bo able to give life to others at the sacrifice, or, at least, the risk of their own. This consequence alone, if no other, should prompt the physiologist, physician and philanthropist, to seek some remedy which would avert such awful suffering. Another reason, people, under ail circumstances, whether they are poor or afflicted with diseases, or so organ- ized, as to risk life in reproduction, will get married, hence, anything that will prevent the evil com- plained of, and yet allow nature her full rights, cannot but be of incalculable benefit to the public. bo PREVENTION OF OFFSl'RING. Other medical writers have treated upon this subject, but from eit4ier ignorance or delicacy, have not done so with sufficient fullness. I will reiterate here, v/hat I have previously stated — that those physicians who say that conception will not take place from the tenth or twelfth day after the cessa- tion of the menses, till their re-appearance, assert what they ought to know is not so, as many of my readers, no doijbt, know from their own experience; again: another proof of the absurdity of such a pretended discovery is, that females will often have their regular catamenial flow, for months after they have become pregnant. Any exercise that will disturb the embryo within twenty- four hours after conception, may be sufficient to prevent off- spring. Dancing, and urinating immediately after, will often prevent. Riding a trotting horse, or any exercise, that will agitate the ovum before it is securely located, will certainly prevent. If these fail but once in five years, females cannot have large families. Among the other anti-fecundating remedies, are strong cathartics, all stimulating fluids, victuals that will promote thirst, bathing soon after coition, terminating the conjugal act before it reaches its ultimatum, will often prevent it; but, as I have stated in another place, pre- viously, such a practice will produce seminal dis- eases and impotency in the male almost before they are aware of it. Prolonging the venereal act will also cause seminal disease and impotency. A fine sponge, of an inch and a half or so in diameter," fastened by a silk string to withdraw it after absorbing the generating fluid, is ineffectu- al to prevent conception. The French condams, or coverings worn by the male, are not only effectual PREVEXTION OF OFFSPRING. 89 \u preventing conception, bnt are nsed to prevent contractinp: venereal diseast^s. Three or four syringe-fulls of warm water energet- ically used immediately after coition, will sometimes prevent conception. Neither the various medicines nor mechanical appli- ances, which are advertised as harmless, yet effectual, can be relied ivfion. As neither of the preceding are positive and cer- tain preventives to conception, and as persons inclu- ding physicians from all parts of the country are applying to me every week by letter or in person, for a sure preventive for their wives, or some of their female patients, who cannot give birth to offspring without losing their own or the life of the child, I have after years of study, research and experiment, attained the great object which has been so unavail- ingly sought for heretofore, that is, for a man and his wife to fully enjoy sexual intercourse according to the iaws of nature, and at the same time not beget off- spring, or if they wish any, to limit the number accord- ing to their wishes or circumstances. It is used by the wife without inconvenience, and so secret that it cannot be known by the husband, and will last until the change in the wife's life, at about her fortieth year, renders its further use unnecessary, or in other words for a lifetime. . It cannot cause the male or female the slightest injury, or interfere in the least with the fullest sexual enjoyment. I have previously stated, that the French condoms will prevent conception, but the objection to them is, they are troublesome, liable to be torn in coition, prevent the full sexual enjoyment, as they do not allow 90 PREVENTION OF OFFSPRING. tliat reciprocal warmth of the male and female geni- tals which is necessary, as it prevents their coniinf^ in contact except through the covering, which often cliafes and irritates the female parts, and will if used for any great number of times, cause seminal weak- ness, debility and Impotency in tlie male. Preventing conception and producing abortion are very different from each other ; my 'plan does not allow the semen to enter the womb at all, which is the only possible way to prevent conception, as all of your family Physicians will inform you if asked. If the semen enters the womb, conception takes place, which cannot be got rid of without an abortion being produced, which all know endangers the life of the female, and leaves a lasting weakening disorganization of the sexual organs, sooner or later producing con- sumption or some general chronic disease, which proves fatal to the poor unfortunate ; to prevent such suffer- ing and calamities is the next great reason why I have consented to announce my remedy, as it must be plain to every one, that it will save an incalculable amount of suffering and crime, for from all the statistical information I can gain, there are thonsands of abor- tions daily produced in this civilized, but wicked world. T am sorry to say, I am very often applied to by married and single persons, who offer me large fees, if I would produce abortion for them, and to save myself the trouble of any more such applica- tions, I take this medium of announcing to the world, that I never have, and never will produce an abor tion for any person, however large a fortune they might offur me for doing it. The author is a Physician of a very extensive practice, and contrary to popular opinion, has the strongest sympathies for suffering humanity,, and PREVEXTIOX OF OFFSI'RIXG. 91 for u long time has made the pliysiological laws per- taining to the re[)i-oductiou of our species and it? attending conditions, a subject of close study. Tlie nature of conception and the mode of subsequent developement, of the Foetus, I have fully illustrated and explained in another part of this work. As I have before mentioned, the various plans which have been suggested by wise men, have either failed to answer the purpose, or were directly opposed to the full enjoyment of, or physically at variance with sexual union. Mankind will not adopt any remedy that will debar intercourse or interfere with the pleasure which nature has provided. Nature is nature, and all must admit, that it will not submit to being too much circumscribed. In fact you may as well try to suppress the sense of hunger and thirst by abstain- ing from food and drink, as to attempt to appease the equally imperative demands of sensual desh'es by some other method than the natural indulgence of the sexes. The apprehensions of accouchment, and the exhusting effects of nursing, to many, are too real. Many a fair women with spirit and vigorous health, will in a few years after becoming mothers, pine away into mere skeletons, with enough constant suffering to cause a hving death. Many married people of ardent natures are con- strained to forego the pleasures of love, or else see their children inevita])ly afflicted with some incurable hereditary disease, which they v.'ould entail upon them. The effectual prevention of conception, will greatly reduce the fearful crime of abortion, infanticide, and illegitimacy in many respectable families. Family dis- cords, jealousy, and suspicions of infidelity, in a great measure emanate from excessive aptitude of conception, and dread of the dangers of confinement on the part 92 PREVENTION OF OFFSlTJNf:. of the female, as natures demands cannot be restrained When the husband finds that his dearest rights are invaded or denied at home, (many, very many such married men, I cure every month of venereal diseases,) he too often for the preservation of domestic peace, seeks unlawful pleasures abroad, his appreciation of home endearments diminishes, and his wife's suspicions of infidelity are too justly aroused, and discord, dis- content, and very often a total rupture of the mar- riage relations ensue. . " Many persons no doubt, will charge me with encouraging immorality and crime, which is the very reason of my declining heretofore, to offer this inven- tion to the public ; but being so incessantly importuned, and satisfied of the rectitude of my motives, flattered also, with the firm belief that on calm reflection, this will appear insignificant, and tliat I will be more than compensated by the immense amount of suffering and crime it will be the means of preventing ; I present it to those whose welfare requires it. It certainly cannot be wrong to endeavor to legitimately promote our own happiness, or that of the common good of mankind. Is it a sin to preveot offspring, if it averts their being reared to swell the tide of ignorance, poverty, had moral degredation, that finds its end in the prisons? I certainly cannot bring myself to think so. It cannot be a sin to preserve the health of young mothers, thereby saving tliem tlie torture of broken constitutions, and an early grave ! Cer- tainly, to prevent the entailment upon our innocent offspring of an hereditary and incural)le disease, or insanity cannot be ! Those most interest(;d may decide these interrogations for themselves. Those who wish to avail themselves of our services, will remit our consultation fee of five dollars, PREVENTION OF OFFSPRING. 93 giving us a general description of the female, and state whether she is suffering with a falling of the womb, whites (discharge), any other de- bility or not. In directing letters to me, the number of my Post Office Box, 844 New York City, is all the direction that is necessary to write on the en- velope, as they will reach mo just as safe, as if my name was superscribed in full. N. B. — All let- ters containing money, should be registered. MANY IMPORTANT TRUTHS IN REGARD TO THE HUMAN SYSTEM, WITH THE BEST MODE OF RETAINING SEXUAL VIGOR, TO EXTREME OLD AGE. Coition. — Young persons often irretrievably injure themselves, by forcing the desire for coition. Nature must be your guide. Sexual commerce must not be prolonged or a fatal weakness may be the result. The virility of an old man will often be greatly increased and extended by marrying a young robust female. Young children should not be allowed to sleep with sickly or aged persons ; this advice should be strictly followed ; for we have too many diseased nurses in charge of our children imparting disease by the breath, or teaching them pernicious habits which may ruin them before they are discovered. Any ex- cess in youth detracts ten-fold from future abihties in old age. Child-bearing. — The usual period of pregnancy is nine months, though instances occasionally occur of its continuing ten or eleven months, and on the con- trary, six or seven mouths only. 94 niK PHYSIOLOGY of Fruitful Months. — February, March, April and May, are supposed to be the most fruitful, or in other words, May, June, July and August, are most auspicious for conception. Twins.— Females may have twins — the ofifspring of different fathers. Colored and white children at the same birth have proved this. In fact, the mothers have acknowledged cohabiting with another person on the same day besides their Imsbands. Color of Hair. — Fair, or red haired women are more ardent in their affections, and generally more fruitful. Miscarriages. — When a. female once miscarries, she will be always liable to miscarry when the same stage of pregnancy again occurs. Particular care should be taken at that period, by all females that have met with such an accident. The Hymen. — The existence of the hymen in women is no certain evidence of virginity; and, vice versa, its absence is no proof of unchastity; though as a general rule, if virtuous, it is found at marriage. Illness and various accidents will rup- ture it. Epilepsy. — The only cure for uterine epilepsy is marriage. Violation. — Conception will take place, even when a female is violated by force. Hermaphrodites. — There are no hermaphroditea, PLATE 8. 1f![iWiniiiwiiii' -kV 1« THE GENERATIVE ORGANS. 07 all mixed appearances which have been supposed to be such were caused by malformation. Effects of Bad Temper. — The pregnant female should be protected from irritation, and govern her own temper, to ensure amiable offspring. Signs of Pregnancy. — In addition to the usual known signs of pregnane}^, an experienced observer will detect a glassy appearance of the eyes in the early stage of pregnancy. Excesses — Total Abstemiousness. — Refrain — as I have previously stated the consequences — from youthful excesses. On the other hand, it has been maintained that total abstemiousness from sexual intercourse, would invigorate the mind, but facts prove otherwise. It is better to comply with nature than resist her altogether. Suckling, etc. — A debilitated or sickly female should not suckle her infant. Yet, when not so, its own mother is its best nurse. Bottled porter is strengthening for the mother, but it should be used sparingly. If the mother will take exercise in the open air regularly while pregnant, it will benefit both herself and the child. A FEW WORDS ON THE ChOICE OF A PaRTNER. The female should be from three to ten years younger than the male. If you are tall, choose a lady at least a head shorter than yourself. If you are of a lively disposition, your partner should be the reverse. A corpulent man should marry a spare women, and vice versa. A person of a dark com- 98 Tiii<: PHYSIOLOGY of' plexioii sliould be united with one that is light. In a word, married persons should almost be at direct antipodes to each other. 1 think it is directly in opposition to the laws of humanity for very sickly persons to get married This may seem a cruel interpretation, but I think it is more so, for patents to usher helpless infants into the world to lead out a miserable existence from hereditary diseases. By close observation for a considerable period of time, I find that in those couples where the age of the male is greater than the female, that a great majority of the children will be of the male sex, and when the female is the elder, they are of the female sex. Young ladies and gentlemen sliould test the correctness of this by examining into the cases of their friends and ac- quaintances. As they undoubtedly will find my researches correct, they should make choice of a partner in accordance with theii' future anticipa- tions. The most conclusive proof in favor of uniting opposites, is found in the evil consequences attend- ing marriages among blood relations. In such persons there is generally a moral and physical resemblance, which is certain to entail sufifering on their offspring. A glance at the degeneracy of the Royal families is the best of proofs that such unions should not be formed. In Spain the race has 1)ecome puny, sickly, and imbecile. Scrofula — that most offensive of hereditary diseases — afflicts all the Bourbons, and the reigning families of Holland, Austria, England, and most royal families. It has become a generally known fact, that Queen Vic- toria has had a running ulcer between her shoulders for many years. It is with man, as with animals. THE GENERATIVE ORGANS. 99 crossing the breed improves it. A writer says that the Persians, by adopting this crossing practice, have nearly obUterated the traces of their Mongo- lian origin. The most excruciating deaths of females at the time of delivery will be prevented, if persons will follow these and the foregoing directions in forming unions. A strong robust man should marry a woman with wide haunches, then the delivery of a robust child will be safe. A female, narrow through the haunches, should be united to a deli- cate, medium-sized man. A woman with narrow haunches always suffers extremely in giving birth to a child. A small one, therefore, will lessen it. A modern physiologist truly says that a well- formed woman should have her head, shoulders and chest small and compact; arms and limbs relatively; her haunches apart ; her hips elevated ; her abdo- men large, and her thighs voluminous. Hence, she should taper from the centre up and down. Whereas, in a well-formed man, the shoulders are more prom- inent than the hips. Great hoUowness of the back, the pressing of the thighs against each other in walk- ing, and the elevation of one hip above the other, are indications of the malformation of the pelvis. If a female throws her feet much to the rear in walking, her knees are inclined inward. A woman that marches, rather than walks, has large hips and a well-developed pelvis. If she moves along trip- pingly on her tip-toes, a large calf and strong muscles are indicated. The foot lifted in a slovenly manner, so as to strike the heel against the back of the dress, is a sure sign of a small calf and narrow pelvis. A heavy walk, when there is but little spring on the toes, gives evidence of a weak- ness of limbs. 100 THE rilVSIOLOGY OF A man or woman liaving dark eyes and a cou- Bumptive tendency, should choose a blue-eyed part- ner. Confirmed consumptive persons should never marry. In partial or artificially produced con- sumptive cases, marriage is often very beneficial. The most proper age for men to marry is between twenty-one and thirty; and for women, between eighteen and twenty-five years of age. The offspring of very early marriages is generally puny or con- sumptive: furthermore, their own health suffers, and their lives are shortened very materially. On the other hand, there is scarcely any freshness in the maiden of thirty; while the matron of that age, if her life has been a happy one, and her hymenial condition of not more than ten years standing, is scarcely in the hey-day of her charms. It is a vrell- known fact also, that bachelors grow old faster than married men. Twins. — The extraordinary distension and at- tractiveness of the uterus, is probably the cause of the birth of one or more children at one time. Some writers think it is occasioned by the presence of several vesiculae, ready to be detached from the ovaria, and consequently ripe for fecundation. They may be detected by motions in more than one part of the body at the same time. Parturition. — When the child has become fully developed, the probability is, that the labor pains are produced by the reaction of the fibres of the uterus, thus causing a great distension, which makes it compulsory on the fcetus to evolve itself. After confinement the uterus immediately closes, and falls into a state of repose, from which it is not Fig. 19— Represents a full grown foetus in the womb, /oUled up and in its n^Uural appearance and attitude, most ofvuitifully reprt-seiitnl and executed. THE GENERATIVE ORGANS. 103 proper to disturb it for at least a month, as it requires that time to recover its natural situation. Formation of Fcetus. — About the eighteenth ly after intercourse, t a determinate structure. day after intercourse, the ovum begins to assume KuRSiNG. — A pregnant woman should not suckle her child, as it not only robs the foetus, but injures the mother and child. The foetus absorbs a por- tion of all the aliments the mother partakes of, therefore the necessity of pregnant women being careful of what they eat and drink. The milk taken by a healthy infant equals in weight about a third of the food taken by the mother. Teething. — The small molar teeth appear be- tween the ages of eighteen months and two years, and then the first dentition is complete. Children at this time of life will do better in the country, or on the sea shore. Resemblance in the Offspring of the Parents. — Notwithstanding all the speculative nonsense that has been written on this subject, there is nothing certain as to the particular faculties or appearance imparted to the offspring by the father or mother. There is only a general rule of resemblance. The mental organs of children, are not influenced by the frame of mind in which the parents — or either of them — may have been in at the period of reproduc- tion. I think the fact of the semen not being created instantaneously — as it would have to be, for the offspring to be influenced by the state of mind of the parents at the time of coition — is a suf- 1 04 QUACKERY. ficient refutation of the tlicories promulgated by the would-he great physiolagists. They and every one else, who protend to any knowledge of tliis subject admit tliUt the semen must remain a certain length of time in its receptacles for it to perfect its vitality. Each assist in modeling the embryo after their own form and likeness. The parent who is most ener- getic and excited at the time of sexual action, may impart the most distinct features of resemblance. But this combined resemblance is not imparted by one to one part, and the other to another, but an un- definable union governs the whole frame. The qual- ity of one parent may preponderate, yet, that of the other, equally pervades the entire system. It is the same with color; the issue of a black and white, is well known to be of a uniform complexion. The children of aged parents — or where one is old and the other young — are generally delicate and spare of form, and very rarely well organized. QUACKERY AND QUACKS. Upon these subjects I have doubted the propriety and usefulness of an expose; for it is customary — nay, to pretenders, an all-important theme, upon which to discourse learnedly — to stave off public odium and contempt from themselves, by assuring the public of their prodigious learning and skill, in tearing down the edifices of others to build a flimsy, tottering, untenable superstructure for the gigantic "1, myself, the Dodo?'." All humbugs depend for their success upon their being forced upon the world by dint of un- tiring, unceasing exertions to palm them off. I cau QUACKERY. 105 estimate their sircccss by learning the amount of exertion spent upon them. As I have written a book or two, I shall not criticize a certain class of "Prodigies^' in that line, lest I might accidentally fall into the awful vortex, and grow giddy from the elevated estimation of my own extraordinary " productions/' But I must regret what cannot be helped, that all large cities are infested with a set of self-styled " Professional Gentlemen," who care more for the pulses of the purse than for the welfare of their patients. That every man should look carefully to his own finances is right and proper, but a physician has other duties to attend to also. It is all-important that Venereal patients have early, efiicient and skillful treatment, as a simple case will assume a malignant form or undermine the constitution if neglected or maltreated. In offering this plain practical work, I know those who follow its teachings, will give me credit for doing good, and of being candid. Specifics. — Tended medicines, warranted to cure everything, are worse than no remedies ; for in dif- ferent diseases there are also different states of the system ; and in different stages, even of the same disease, there is marked dissimilarity of action. In the inflammatory stage of Gonorrhoea, a warm bath is of great value in relieving pain, dif&culty of micturation, and fever in the part ; but no one of common sense would, therefore, advise a warm bath as the great remedy for clap. Yet this is what venders of patent medicines say, " Good for every thing." Since I have been so serious upon a subject I pur- posed to treat lightly, I may be excused in giving l')6 r^lsTRY. a poetical effusion of a conscientious '* Allopath of the Far West," which was shown me a few years ago by a western student, and which was regarded as a litera-ry curiosity. I regret that I did not recollect the name of the author, for it would be particularly gratifying to me to pay genius due credit. The Poem is entitled — THE HISTORY OF DOCTOR QUACKEY, JUNIOR. His history — Lis fame must 'write, Record a s, 20. GLEET. 121 firethra. Sometimes, tlierc is great difficulty of passing urine, witli excessive iuflaramation of the eiKl of the penis and prepuce. These symptoms are soon followed in many cases by Chordee, which depends upon the loss of elas- ticity of the tissues which surround the urethra, and which during erections do not yield as in health, so that the penis is drawn downwards or bent to either side, exciting great suffering in those whose organs increase much in size during erection. In severe cases, cramp, pains in the testicle, a feeling of tightness in the groin, pricking in the perineum below the testicles, and frequent desire to pass water, add to the severity of the case. These symptoms increase as the disease travels down the canal. These are the more urgent symptoms of the acute Chronic Stage — Gleet. — In consequence of no treatment, or that which is inefiQcient, the acute stage degenerates into the chronic, which is known ))y a marked mitigation of all the symptoms of the acute form. The discharge may become thin and vv^atery, or be thick and less copious. In other ^ases, no running is seen during the day, the lips of Uie meatus being merely glued together; the slight discharge upon the linen may only leave a stain like that of gum. It sometimes occurs that the only symptom, and one which is apt to frighten fidgety (nervous) persons, is a discharge of shreds of mucous which resembles false membrane, or bits of vermicelli. The Chordee may continue a considerable time after the other symptoms have ceased. Occasionally, when the Gonorrhoea is nearly 122 GLEET. • well, nocturnal pollutions occur, and not only ocoa* Biou great suffering, but excite a renewal of all the former symptoms. Difficulty of making water (micturition) may occur in this stage, which is caused by a spasmodic stricture, or inflammation in the canal, from taking cold. Or an opposite state may supervene. ■ The urethra loses, in part, its power of contracting, so that when the bladder has emptied itself, a small quantity of urine remains in the canal, which it is not able to evacuate, and as soon as the penis hangs in a dependent state it dribbles away, stain- ing the clothes, and is no inconsiderable annoyance to the patient. As I treat fully in another place upon Impotency, Seminal Weakness, Masturbation, and Sterility, I will simply state that chronic gonorrhoea, or gleet, will almost invariably cause impotence and sexual debility. The patient should not forget this im- portant truth, that is, that a private disease (vene- real or gonorrhoea) never dries up, or wears out. It will certainly continue or end by producing another disease, if not radically cured. I always have some patients — which, unfor- tunately for themselves and wives — can bear wit- ness to this fact. No person, therefore, who has cohabited with any female — other than his wife — should even think of sexual commerce with her, for at least two weeks after the other coition. I cure innocent wives weekly, whose husbands haft3 given them the disease, from not being aware of the necessity of refraining from having to do with them the length of time above stated. I have cured patients who had not cohabited within fifty days, but at the expiration of that time cohabited with CHORDEE. 123 their wives, and the next day the disease made its appearance, although they had felt, and the penis had looked perfectly well for the whole time. I have so many cases of disease that does not develop itself till a day or two after cohabiting with their wives, that I fearlessly assert as an indisputable fact, that nine out of every ten females will contract a disease from a man who has cohabited with a diseased woman, though the disease may not be developed for a day or two after the healthy con- nection. As a proof that his wife is pure, no private disease generally develops itself within five or six days after the connection. A chancre (pri- mary syphilis) may show itself — in consequence of an abrasion of the skin of the penis in the act of coition — within twenty-four hours, but under no other cireumstances will it do so. In consequence of the immense number of half- cured., constitutional and complicated cases, con- stantly being revealed to me, I think the best advice a person can follow who has been inoculated, is to open the bowels, adopt a spare diet, keep the parts clean with cold water, and apply immediately to a competent physician, but, above all, never use the cfuack or advertised remedies. The hands, and your clothes, must be kept clean and free from any discharge, or your eyes, nose, or anus will be in danger of inoculation, as the smallest possible quan- tity is sufficient to create a disease. Chordee. — By following the advice just directed, Chordee will seldom succeed, but when it does, im- mediate attention will be required. As erections are the main cause of suffering, they may be avoided or checked by dispensing with female society, lasci- 124 THE DISEASES OF vious thoughts, stimnlatinir and late meals, feather* beds, and much bed-clothing. When erections occur use cold bathing to the penis, and put the feet on the cold floor. An emul- sion, containing 5 grains of camphor, and an ciglith of a grain of morphine, (sulphate of morphine,) should be taken at bed-time. The camplior can be pulverized by adding a drop or two of alcohol; sweetened water, syrup, or gum-arabic water, can be used as a vehicle for the medicine, which must be continued as long as the chordee is distressing. Retention of Water. — This will sometimes happen, and will be relieved by hot mucilaginous teas drank freely, while a hot poultice is applied to the lower part of the bowels. Should this not succeed, the water must be drawn with the catheter. Inflammation of the Keck of the Bladder. — Which is indicated by a frequent and urgent call to make wa.ter, attended with pain on passing the last drops, and which may be mixed with blood. Muci- laginous drinks, low diet, and an enema, containing 20 to 30 drops of laudanum, must be thrown into the bowels twice-a-day. If severe, even more active means should be used, for which the advice of a physician will be necessary. Buboes. — When Buboes occur in the inflamma- tory stage of Clap, they are only sympathetic, a:.d require a hot poultice, or possibly a few leeches to be applied, and the bowels to be kept open. Sometimes, however, this class of buboes — especially if the patient is of a scrofulous diathesis — are of the most obstinate kind. THE GENERATIVE ORGANS. ] 2;j SWELLED TESTICLE. Generally, during the continuance erf Gonorrhoea, if the patient is at all observant of his symptoms, he will feel pain in the perineum, accompanied by a dull, heavy, aching sensation in the groin and along the course of the chord of the testicle, and finally a settled pain in the upper and back part of the scrotum, (bag,) so t'hat the hardness and swelling can be traced with the thumb and finger for a con- siderable distance along the cord. If the patient frets the organ by walking, or takes cold, the swelling is rapidly increased, the suffering on the slightest motion is excruciating. Often during sleep the suffering is suddenly rendered almost insupportable by the occurrence of nocturnal emis- sions. The semen may be accompanied with blood, which sometimes gives temporary relief. When the inflammation runs high, there will be fever, dry skin, furred tongue, hard quick pulse, pain in the testicle and belly (abdomen), sometimes constipation, accompanied with vomiting. But notwithstanding these severe symptoms, patients seldom die of this affectiom. The causes which excite this disease are cold, falling of mumps, fatigue, damp weather, sexual intercourse, and particularly are these causes more apparent, after gonorrhoea, which leaves the organs of generation very susceptible to slight influences. The inflammation in the uretlira may travel to the testicle directly. Sv/elled testicles seldom occurs during the inflam- matory stage of gonorrhoea, therefore I advice early and powerful means, which, instead of creating the disease of this sensitive organ, cures the primary 126 THE CONORRHCEA OF condition of the uretlia, thereby precluding the po* pibility of its occurrence. Tlie cord leading into the abdomen from the upper part of tiie testicle may also swell and be painful. To prevent the difficulty, Gonorrhua should be cured as early as possible, and when there has been uneasiness in the organ, a supensary bandage to liold up the part should be worn. When the diffi- culty has taken place, staying at home is of but little use unless the recumbent posture is perse ver- ingly maintained, and the testicle supported, as its own weight will help to aggravate the inflammation and augment the pain. The diet must be low, and all spirituous liquors, beer, etc., must not be allowed. The gonorrhoea — which is the usual cause of swelled testicle — will re-appear, or increase, as the swelling decreases, for it is a singular fact, that the discharge may cease during the whole time of the swelling of the testicle. GLEET. A Gonorrhoea, unaccompanied with pain in urmat- ing, is properly a chronic one, and a gleet is a slight discharge just before urinating, or may be only on rising in the morning. It will sometimes be so slight, that the lij)s of the urethra or meatus are glued or stuck together. This is often the case, when a stricture has formed. Chordee may con- tinue for a long time after the original disease is entirely eradicated, unless it is also removed by the proper treatment. It is a very usual occurrence for me to cure patients who have been under treat- ment for even twenty years, yet hi nineteen cases out of every twenty, I can cure them in two days, and often one. THE FEMALE. . 12t This coucludes what I have to say upon Gon orrhcea in the male, except a few words upon Gonorrhceal Rheumatism, and Sore Eyes. It is a most remarkable fact — and one, the solu- tion of which is far from beinj^ clear, or satisfac- tory — that a person who has been affected with Gonorrhoea, for only a few weeks' even, will often suffer from Rheumatism and Sore Eyes. And what is more remarkable than that wdiich I have just stated, is, that the only successful treatment for this sort of constitutional or sympathetic disease, is the same, as the one I adopt in curing constitu' tional Syphilis. The rheumatic affection, will very often continue for a long time after the local one has been cured. When the eyes are inoculated with the gonorrhceal virus, the rapidity and violence of the disease will destroy them in twenty-four hours even, if an heroically prompt treatment is not at once adopted, GONORRHCEA IN THE FEMALE. This affection is scarcely different — except in a few particulars — in its effects and symptoms in the female than in the male. As the female organs of generation are directly opposite in construction in the sense that they are calculated to receive the male organ, the capacity alone, renders the symj> toms and suffering from gonorrhoea in the female much less urgent and less severe. In fact, a female may have a discharge and even a gouorrhcea, and know nothing of its existence except from the stains found upon her linen. The usual symptoms, are heat, uneasiness, dis- charge, and sometimes, but not always, smarting while (micturating) making water. 128 . THE DISEASES CP As Uic disetise is purely local, the general sys* tern is bat little affected. The spirits and digestion may flag for a time, and the internal lips may be swollen, red and painful; but no difficulty will attend passing the water. On opening the inner lips, (nymphffi,) a thick yellow, or greenish-yellow matter will be observed issuing from the parts. When, however, the disease is situated in the urethra, there will be some pain in passing urine, but not so severe as in the opposite sex, for the canal is short and much larger. When the gonorrhoia is deep in the vagina, or in the uterus, (womb,) the cure is not so rapid, (in fact, is sometimes almost incurable,) as when less deep, or in the urethra. Frequent injections of water, to thoroughly cleanse the parts, is of the utmost importance. The female syringe should be of medium size, and bent at an obtuse angle, to enable the patient to use it herself. The injection should be gently thrown into the vagina; the beak of the instrument having been passed two or three inches, while the patient is in a bath, or on the edge of a seat. To retain it a few minutes, it will be necessary to lay upon the back with tlie hips slightly elevated. When the affection is in the outer portion of the vagina, dry lint, or soft linen cloth may be passed into the canal after injections have been used, to keep the irritated and inflamed surfaces apart, which will have a salutary effect. In deep-seated inflammation of the iinier lips, or nympha), suppuration will sometimes take pj-ace. The matter which forms, will produce a large «-uJ painful swelling of the part. WM THE CxEXERATIVE ORGANS. 131 EXCORIATIOX OF THE GENITALS. Under this head I shall treat of all simple abra- bIoiir, fretting- or chafing of the organs of genera- tion in both sexes. Excoriation, and little water, or other pimples are very common in some persons. They are cansed by gonorrhoea or syphilis, not having been tlioro"ughly eradicated — an irritation in the ure- thra — or by excessive sexual intercourse. It is more common in newly married people, and they should regard it as a kind warning against a too free indalgence in the pleasures of the honey-moon, by that prudent old matron, Dame Nature. For those who heed not, shall suffer the penalty of her stern laws. STRICTURE. Stricture is a common result of gleet, or a gonor- rhoea, long contin-ued. A stricture is a lessening of the natural size of the urethra. Sir Astley Cooper's classification of strictures hns been followed by most of the eminent surgical writers since his day, viz. : — the Permanent, the Spasmodic, and the Inflammatory. OF SPASMODIC STRICTURE. Sir Benjamin Brodie has so graphically and cor- rectly described this form of the complaint, that I shall quote his own words : " A man who is other- wise healthy, voids his urine one day in a full stream. On the following day, perhaps, lie is exposed to cold 132 THE DISEASES OF and damp ; or lie dines out, and forgets, amid the company of Lis friends, tlie quantity of champaignc, or puncli, or other liquor, containing a combination of alcohol with a vegetable acid, which he drinks. On the next morning he finds himself unable to void his urine. If you send him to bed, apply warmth, and give him Dover's powder; it is not improbable that in the course of a few hours the urine will begin to flow. After the lapse of a few more hours you give him a draught of infusion of senna and sulphate of magnesia, and wken this has acted on the bowels, he makes water in a full stream." As the affection is purely a local one, general treatment cannot be relied on too much, as no time should be lost. The emergency in such cases are great, and require prompt and efficient action. Under all such circumstances, I advise that a ])hysician should be called if practicable. The object and aim of these pages is not to discourage or depreciate the services of physicians, but, on the contrary, to elevate the standard of the profession in the estimation of the public, and particularly with that unfortunate class who may have fallen into the greedy grasp of medical vultures, whose scent for gold is prodigiou-s and unerring. INFLAMMATORY STRICTURE. This form of stricture arises usually in the acute stage of Gonorrhoea, or from the improper violence in tlie use of the catheter or bougie. The symi)toms are fever, pain, and inability to make water. Sliould a few drops escape, tlie torture is intense. Lec«:hes to the groin may be necessary, but THE GENERATIVE ORGANS, 133 asaally a free use of the infusion of salts and senna, and a warm, sitting bath, will give relief in a few hours. After the water flows, barley water, gum- arabic water, flax-seed tea, are all that will bo required. Instruments must be avoided. Young men are almost the exclusive subjects of this form of stricture. The frequency of the attack will depend very much upon the irritable condition of the system. The difiiculty is a spasm of the urethra near the bladder, and sometimes the suddenness of the attack and the severity of the symptoms are extremely alarming to the poor sufferer and his surrounding friends. The simple form which Sir Benjamin has BO beautifully described, and which we have just quoted, may become greatly aggravated and require further treatment. The desire to make water occurs without the ability to accomplish it. After several unsuccessful attempts, the patient becomes alarmed — he now suffers great distress in the region of the bladder, and not unfrequently pain is felt in the end of the penis. The efforts to make water are now constant and beyond his control, the muscles of the abdomen contract violently, and the restlessness and con- tortions of the body from pain, are agonizing to behold. The face is flushed, the tongue coated with a white fur, the pulse hard and bounding, the skin hot, and the countenance of the patient is indicative of the most excruciating suffering PERMANENT STRICTURES. In th-e present form under consideration, it will be borne in mind, is found that unpleasant difficulty 134 THE DISEASES OF which is j^eiicrally undorstood by tiic common term Stricture. It is usiially the result of chronic ixonorrhoca, but may occur from any other inflammation, or from injury. It is quite common in cases of seminal weakness. This form of stricture may depend npon an alteration of the surface of the mucous membrane, of tlie narrow canal or urethra, or upon a thickening of tliat membrane : in either case there exists a, mechnnical obstacle to the passage of the urine. It is unnecessary to enumerate, in a popular work like this, the various alterations of stricture, from ulceration, fungus or warty excrescences, etc., as it will be of but little practical value to the unprofessional reader. The situation of Stricture is more commonly met with in the membranous and bulbous portions of the canal, near the neck of the bladder; but any part of tlie urethra may be their seat. The accompanying cuts will give a correct idea of Strictures, although they are generally more simple- SYMPTOMS OF STRICTURE. Persons may have Stricture for a long time if they are inattentive, or ignorant of the earlier symptoms of its incipient stage. Tlie water ])asses with less freedom than natural, and finally the stream becomes smaller and smaller, and spirts out in several spiral or cork-screw streams, soiling the clothes or drop])ing upon th-c feet of the patient drop by drop, requiring time and patience to evacu- ate the bladder. Sometimes persons have no THE GENERATIVE ORGANS. 137 control over their hydraulic powers, there being an almost constant dribbling away of water. In chronic bad cases, the prostate gland, neck of the bladder, ureters and kidneys, become in- flamed, ulcerated or gangrened, gravel and stone will be formed, and the rest of his short life be almost intolerable. The prostate gland will sup- purate, and it has long been observed, (and I have cured many such cases,) in bad cases of stricture, the urethra becomes so impervious during erection, that the sperm cannot be ejaculated, but escapes with the urine when the penis is flaccid. Gleet may be the only symptom of stricture; therefore it often leads one to the cause of a long continued running, which may assume all the ap- pearance, at times, of genuine clap. Sometimes, nothing but little shreds of mucous is discharged resembling, by the magnifying powers of a hypo- chondriacal imagination, vermicelli or worms. This bug-bear is held up in silly and injurious books, to frighten patients to apply to the quacks, who practices copious depletion of the Purse; and the practice is wonderfully efficacious, allaying all apprehension of the devouring propensities of these animals. M. Ricord, a French Surgeon of great eminence on Venereal and Genito-Urinary Diseases, says, " I am well aware, that strictures are often more quickly cured in proportion as they are early treated." But I have permanently relieved strict- tures which had existed for ten to twenty years, in nearly as many minutes. The practice of allowing instruments to remain in the bladder during the night, as well as their frequent use, are not only unnecessary, but exceed- 138 THE DISEASES OF ingly miscliievous. I am often consulted by per* sons who have pursued such a pernicious course of treatment, who labor under all the distressing symptoms of irritation of the neck of the bladder, or from chronic inflammation of the prostate gland and bladder. I shall not go into a discussion of the pathologi cal results of the treatment of stricture by the use of the bougie. It has been my design from the first time I put my pen to paper in view of writing a practical treaties, to avoid enticing indulgence in theories and vain speculation. The genius of th-e age, is practical, and especially so in this Yankee part of Christendom, wnen all the elements and nature are whipped into the traces, and guided by the practical hand in the race of wind, steam and lightning. Truly, the awful thun- der-bolts of heaven have been tamed, and are being sent at will, by the commands of the humble creature, man. DISEASE OF THE PROSTATE GLAND, Symptoms. — Those who labor under disease of the prostate gland, experience uncomfortable or painful sensations in the affected parts, or in the space between the scrotum and anus, or near the margin of the latter, which vary in different individuals, and the extent of the disease. The symptoms are increased during the evacuation of the bowels, or urine, also after exertion on foot or horseback, or vehicle riding. Tlie sufferer experiences frequent and urgent desire to urinate, which is often felt so suddenly that it is irresistible; he will feel more or less pain near the neck of the bladder, particularly m THE GENERATIVE ORGANS. 141 at the commencement and termination of the flow of urine. He will feel as though there was more urine coming out, but he will not see it till after the penis becomes pendant. Such cases are extremely common in aged men, or those who have abused the sexual function. The patients often suffer from Stricture, or some- times almost obliteration of the urethra, within an inch or so of the prostate. I have cured many patients of this complaint. Chronic Inflammation of the Neck of the Bladder. — It is evident that there is a close afiinity between diseases of the prostatic portion of the urethra and those of the neck of the bladder. In- flammation of the urinary canal, may not only extend along its whole extent from the external orifice, but to the neck of the bladder, prostate gland, orifices of the seminal ducts, seminal recepta- cles, deferent ducts, and testicles, but also along the inner or mucous surface of the bladder, hence along the ureters, and from these to the kidneys. There are some superficially informed physicians who con- sider Gonorrhoea a very trifling disease, but their ignorance can only estimate its commonest symp- toms. This distressing complaint will often last a lifetime, as I have before stated. It often lays the foundation of many incurable diseases, not only oi" the genito-urinary organs, but likewise of those iu the head, chest, and abdomen. Purulent dis- charges are almost always present in diseases of the prostate and bladder. A severe cold, excessive use of spirituous liquors, or too frequent coition, will probably be the first warning the patient wil! have of his unfortunate situation. 142 THE DISEASES OP I will here warn persons ap;ainst the habit of re- taining the urine in the bladder after nature has exhibited, by the desire, the fact tliat her calls should be attended to, and the bladder should be evacuated at once. Irritation of the Testes. — When the testicles are excited or irritated, they secrete a much greater quantity of semen than in an ordinary condition; and this sperm is more watery and much less elaborated, and remains a shorter time in its recep- tacles, in which its watery parts are absorbed, while it is much more promptly evacuated, because the seminal receptacles are more sensitive to its excitement, and therefore more readily contract. This causes impoteucy in many men, as the penis no sooner touches the female genitals than the semen oozes out, the erection of course goes down, and will probably remain so for hours. And then, when again erected, they are subjected to the same dis- appointment and mortification. Hundreds of young and old men, newly married, have been placed in tliis horrible situation for weeks without accomplishing the marital duties, and then — notwithstanding their persevering efforts — have been obliged to apply to me to cure them. I have at least one or two such patients, always under my care. It is not necessary for me to ever hint at the situation of the poor female, who has been tantalized for such a great length of time, for I cannot think there is a man heartless enough to marry if he is aware of his unfortunate situation. Tiie object of this work is to guard and enlighten Doth sexes. It is evident from tiie foregoing statements, that the kidneys, ureters, bladder, vesiculae seminal&s Fig: 28. Ft.^; 29 Fig. 28. The Scrotum distondi-d to its utmost extent, and the position of the fluid. The Penis is almost always more oi- less drawn up, and in severe cases it appears drawn up so as scarcely to be per* ceptible. THE GENERATIVE ORGAN'S. I'lo and testicles, are under the influence of tbc samo causes, which produce the same effect. Varicocele and Hydrocele. — Arise from maS' turbation, venereal excesses, diseases, etc. We often see venous enlargements of the spermatic cord from all such causes. Circocde and Varicocele generally occur from the adult to old age, from these causes. Diseases of the Kidneys and Ureters. — The same excesses will disease these organs. Infiltration of Urine, caused by stricture or inflammation, will soon destroy the Testes, Scrotum, and Penis, and, of course, terminate in death. Hemorrhoidal and other circum-anal diseases arise from the same causes. Irritation of the Vagina and Uterus frequently causes Sterility, Schirrus, and Cancer occasionally. Venereal excesses of whatever kind will produce Uterine Hcemorrhage. Vegetations. — The urethra and vaginal discharge is so acrid in many cases as to excoriate the labia, and to give rise to excrescences or vegetations, which sometimes is succeeded by ulceration or sloughing. Phymosis and Paraphymosis. — When the pre- puce is inflamed and swollen, so that it cannot be drawn behind the glans penis, the disease is termed Phymosis ; and when this part, after it has been drawn behind the glans, and cannot be drawn over it, the disease is called Paraphymosis. In either case, there is danger of inflammation, sloughing (mortification), and more or less destruction of the 146 THE DISEASES OF penis. In cases of phymosis, when the glans can. not be uncovered, the internal membrane of the prepuce becomes inflamed from the accumuhition of the natural secretion, or from tlie acrid matter of chancres, or urethritis, and an artificial opening may be caused by ulceration. There is natural or congenital phymosis, which impedes the urine; also in adults, compressing the glans, (head of penis,) during erection, thereby preventing proper sexual commerce. In case the contraction of the prepuce is so small as to obstruct the evacuation of urine, after it has escaped from the urethra, irritation, inflammation, or sloughing, will ensue. Cases of rapid sloughing, and destruc- tion of the penis in aged and other persons, are quite frequent. All persons thus aflfected, should immediately apply for proper treatment. I relieve many such persons, in a simple manner, without leaving any traces of their former trouble very quickly, so that in a day or two they are well. Enlargement of the Epididymus and Spermatic CoRD.-^This disease often follows inflammation of the testicle, and may impede the transmission of the semen to its proper receptacles. Syphilis. — History of the Symptoms of Vene- real Diseases. — I have already stated that vene- real diseases are divided into two orders; to the first, I have sufficiently directed the attention of my readers. Tiiere remains, however, the second division, which is vastly of more importance, if con- sidered in relation to the general and constitutional results, which are the direct consequence of the primary affection. PLATE li tut 30 Fia 31 K^f 32 THE GENERATIVE ORGANS. 140 Syphilis is a virulent aflFection, the essential character of which is its dependence upon a special cause, or a distinct vims. The first stage includes primary symptoms, as Chancre, (a pimple or ulcer,) the specific cause, from the special virus or poisonous matter whicli has been deposited. The second stage embraces constitiUional symptoms, which follow as a consequence of absorption of the virus, and which is hereditary, and in my opinion capable of transmis- sion by inoculation. Example, various affections of the skin, and mucous membranes, Enlargement of the Glands, Scrofula, etc. The third stage com- prehends Tertiary symptoms, which can be trans- mitted, and is hereditary. This is the stage that principally affects the bones. The destructive effects of the Yenereal Disease is becoming so generally known, that it is unneces- sary to describe them minutely, though there are many persons even yet, who do not estimate the full extent of their direful consequences on health, reproduction, and longevity; A close and exten- sive observation in different institutions, established for the cure of venereal diseases, as well as a very extensive private practice for many years, has enabled me to bring the treatment of the various forms of these formidable maladies, almost to per- fection. My present purpose is not to give a minute account of all the ravages of these horribly disgusting and malignant complaints, I shall con- fine myself, therefore, to a few general remarks on their primary and constitutional effects on the human body, in the different conditions of life. Primary SYMPTvnis. — The first appearance of Syphilis, is a small vesicle on the glans, prepuce, or l50 THE DISEASES OF other part of the penis and testicles of the male, or on the hxbia, vagina, or uterns, of the female. This is called a Chancre. It arises from the a})plication of the syphilitic virus, on a delicate or abrased sur- face, from which it is speedily absorbed, in the same manner as the virus of a rabid animal, the virus of small-pox, or of vaccination — only not in so rapid a manner — is conveyed into the body. The whole system becomes sooner or later infected, and a vast number of diseases are developed. Amongst these are Buboes or Venereal Swellings of the glands of the groin, ulceration of the throat, a vast number of cutaneous eruptions, which at first are generally of a copper color, though they may assume the natural appearances of ordinary skin diseases. These symptoms are accompanied or succeeded by pains of the shin and other long bones, as the arms, and even the bones of the head, which are greatly aggravated at night, (I now have two patients that were so situated,) so as to prevent sleep, destroy the appetite and general health, and are often fol- lowed by inflammation and swelling of some por- tions of the periosteum, most commonly on the tibia or shin, instep, back, or palm of the hand. Bones thus affected are termed Nodes. In numerous cases there is partial or total des- truction by ulceration of the virile membQi*6, and of the female genitals, of the palate, cartilages of the nose, warts, vegetations or excrescences on the glans penis, or labia pudendi, various abscesses, pustules and fissures in different parts of the body; there are nervous, neuralgic and rheumatic pains, falling off of the hair, phthisis, and very frequently death closes the scene. Vision is often destroyed by the form of ophthalmia, (iritis,) there are severe 34. PLATE Ifi, 35. 36. 39. 41. THE GENERATIVE ORGANS. 1,53 pains in tlie bones, enlargement termed exostosis, and sometimes caries or mortification, and at other times, brittleness of tlie bones, which cause them to fracture on the slightest occasion. The ravages of Syphilis are often hideous, and when the destruction has become extensive, is some- times incurable. In other cases, supposed to be cured, the disease remains latent in the constitution for many years, is transmitted to the offspring, or destroys the foetus in the womb. Sometimes it .causes sterility. We often observe this disease in- ducing infecundity and death. In some cases, there is ulceration of the parts, between the bladder and vagina, and the latter and rectum, so that the urine and foeces are evacuated through the vagina, form- ing a most loathsome and painful disease. When the venereal contamination of either pa- rent is very considerable, though not apparent, the infant will be born dead, between the seventh and eighth month, in a state of putrefaction. It often happens that women have six or eight infants in rapid succession, which are born dead and decom- posed, in consequence of partially cured syphilis in the father. A man who has no external sign of syphilis, and who has been declared cured by his physician, and advised to marry, may contaminate his wife and offspring in various degrees, so that his infant may be born feeble, or covered around the genitals or mouth with red or dark copper-colored eruption. This may appear soon after birth. In primary syphilis of the mother, the infant will be liable to come in contact with the venereal sore, which would cause a chancre on the lip, eye, etc. A sore on the hp of the infant would infect the nipple of a healthy woman, who would then infect 154 RECOXnARY every one toiicliirii^ it. Gonorrliceal ophthalmia, will he contracted by the infant during its nativity — if the mother is infected — and will lose its sight in a few days unless proper and prompt treatment is adopted. A female can, and should be cured of gonorrhoea when pregnant, so that the infant will not be affected, (I now have a case of the kind,) but thi fatus cannot be purified of hereditary syphilis. The mother, however, should be treated without dehiy. A man may be relieved of a gonorrhoja, and be affected in no otiier way, excepting a slight gleet, or a thin watery discharge from the urethra, for years, but if he gets married or cohabits with a healthy woman, he will infect her. The frequency of venereal complaints is much greater than the pub- lic imagine. 1 very often cure boys and girls tiiat have scarcely arrived at puberty even. Young and diffident persons often conceal their situation, until their disease becomes alarming, and then the suf- ferer will probably apply for advice to advertising empirics, or use quack medicines, which, in nine cases out of ten, allow the disease to poison or destroy the constitution. The proper advice should be sought, and medicines taken on the first appear- ance of the disease, if the afflicted would save themselves from suffering. Transmission of the Venereal Virus. — The venereal virus may be transmitted in a few hours, and not in many days. When it is not absorbed at the time of coition, immediate washing of the parts will often prevent infection. I say, if it is not absorbed at the time of coition. What I mean by PLATE r SYPHILIS. 167 this, is, that if the penis is washed before it becomes flaccid, (erection goes down,) infection will often be prevented; but, if the poisonous matter has entered the little follicles or pores of the skin, which are opened in full erection, and close — shutting it in as the penis becomes flaccid — it cannot but be plain to every one, that it is utterly impossible then to pre- vent the development of the disease. The quack washes, therefore, to be used as an injection for the urethra, or external lotion, are mere humbugs, and worse than useless. Wearing a covering for the penis, is the only thing that will prevent inoculation. The conveyance of any venereal matter to a mucous surface, such as the lip, eye, nostril, anus, nipple, or to any part where the skin is tender or broken, will communicate the disease. Excoria- tions of the glans penis, prepuce and labia, are easily distinguished from chancres, and are mere local affections which cannot contaminate the sys- tem. Venereal diseases can be contracted from water-closets, privies, from paper or metalic money, washing in the sau>e wash-dish, wiping on the same towel, or using the same lather-brush and razor. I have cured patients who contracted the disease as above stated. As soon as a pimple or little blister has formed, after an impure connexion, on any part of the genitals, it should be properly treated at once. SECONDARY, OR COXSTITUTIONAL SYPHILIS. When venereal ulcers or eruptions appear, after a primary sore, on any part of the body, as the face, throat, chest, back, thighs, etc., the constitu- tion is affected, and a judicious treatment must be 158 svriiiLTs. employed at once, and continued for months after all symptoms have entirely disappeared. The actual leng^th of time necessary to continue the use of medicines varies in different persons, and no one who is not experienced in this class of diseases can safely give advice regarding it. It is important to distinguish pseudo-syphilis from the real disease, which is often a very difficult matter. Persons will have secondary syphilis and not have buboes. The symptoms of such a constitu- tional affection may show themselves in eight days, and may not in years, as I have stated. The term secondary is used to designate the morbid phe- nomena which appear on the skin, mucous mem- brane, eye, testicles, etc. When the skin is at first affected, it may appear like measles. The spots, however, will soon lose their rosy color, and assume a coppery hue, or they may disappear altogether. It may first appear in little pimples, or have a scaly appearance, or like chicken-pox, or the pustular form, which is generally very chronic in its course. Tliis form affects the health more than any other. There is another variety which appears on the scalp. A crust is formed around the roots of the hair, which, as often as rubbed off, is reproduced by a thick viscid secre- tion, matting the hair together; it is usually con- fined to a few spots, but the whole hair becomes affected, loses its lustre, gets dry, falls off, and the patient may become bald. The glands in the neck may often be enlarged; it often .accompanies the other forms of secondary syphilis. The tubercular form may be little hard tumors, or become ulcers. It may often be seen on the SYi'Hir.is. 159 face, nose, or at the angles of the month, around the anus, labia, groin, scrotum, lining of the prepuce, umbilicus, between the toes, and in the arm-pits. When ulcerated, it secretes an acrid matter, which causes irritation, and produces an ofifensive odor; it may remain stationary, or rapidly extend. SYPHILITIC AFFECTIONS OF THE MUCOUS MEMBRANE, MOUTH AND THROAT. Every portion of mucous membrane which the eye can observe is like the skin, subject to become the seat of secondary symptoms, as the lips, inside of the cheeks, tongue, fauces, and throat; not only the margin of the anus, but the inside of the intes- tine itself, qjso the lining of the prepuce. The vulva, vagina, and neck of the womb are also affected. The tliroat, from its functions, is frequently exposed to changes of temperature, and feels the effects of all excesses. A primary, as well as secondary affection of th*e mouth and throat, may exist. The symptoms of these affections, in the commencement, are only slight irritation or swelling, but if inflam- mation follows, the usual symptoms of sore-throat will occur, and the general symptoms may be severe. TERTIARY SYPHILITIC AFFECTIONS. This is a more advanced form of syphilis than any we have heretofore mentioned. Most frequently (in shattered constitutions, or in persons reduced by the combined effects of dissipation and bad treatment) some pain is felt in the throat or tongue; there is a thickness of the speech, wdiich at hrs* excites but little attention, but it will soon expose a tawny- 160 SYPHILIS. colored ulcer, which may expose the bone, or the palate-bone may be destroyed, and a coniniunk-ation exist between the mouth and nose. The whole back upper part of the mouth will be more or less affected. Not unfrequently pustular eruptions, forming scabs, appear on the extremities, and the general emaciation continues; the countenance has now a cadaverous appearance, and the pulse be speaks the general feebleness of the patient, who, if not relieved by proper treatment, sinks under the combined effects of colliquative sweats, diarrhoea, great suppuration, and want of sleep, from severe pain in the bones and joints, and loss of appetite. Such is a concise sketch of the most frequent form of tertiary syphilitic sore-throat, with its accom- panying symptoms, not to be mistaken when once witnessed. Sometimes little hard tumors, varying in size from that of a pea to a hazel-nut, which, if not properly treated, will soon proceed so that the speech will be very much interfered with. SYPHILITIC AFFECTIONS OF THE EYE. The eye, like the skin and throat, may become affected by syphilis in each of its different forms- primary, secondary and tertiary. The importance of the organ, and the rapidity with which the dis- ease can destroy the tissues composing it, deserve the particular attention of the reader. This affection is usually ushered in by consider- able constitutional disturbance, headache, inability to sleep from constant pain over the brow, which is aggravated in damp weather, and in the evening. The eye cannot bear a strong light, and there u usually more or less redness of the ball or lids. It PLATE 18. Fig 46 Fig. 4/ TERTIARY SVrilll-TS. 168 may appear on the eyelids in the form of nicer ations. In a case of direct inoculation of the eye by the primary syphilitic virus, which often happens by carelessness, in not keeping the hands washed clean, or wiping them on a cloth, which should be destroyed after such use. The affection will present nearly the same appearance and condition as a chancre on the genitals, only the discharge from the sore will rapidly spread over the whole eye, and if the patient is not careful while lying down or asleep, it will come in contact with the other eye, and both will be destroyed if the disease is not immediately checked. SYPHILITIC AFFECTIONS OF THE TESTICLES. Some months after the occurrence of the primary symptoms, the patient will complain of vague pains in one or both testicles, particularly felt toward night, and w^hich shoot upward toward the loins. In some instances no pain is felt, and the patient is surprised at finding one or both testicles gradu- ally enlarging, with a very considerable inconve- nience from their weight. The functions of the organs will become impaired if the disease is not speedily arrested, and the correct treatment fol- lowed up for mouths, so that the disease will be thoroughly eradicated from the system. TERTIARY SYPHILIS. This constitutional affection is included under the name of Nodes, inflammaiion of the periosteum, exostosis, caries, arul tubercles. Its destructions 164 TERTTAP.V .^YPniTJg. are principally confined to the bones. "Wlicn the cellular tissue is affected, small tumors will first be observed, either isolated or occurring on various parts of the body. They may not be noticed much for some months. They may be hard and un- attached to the adjacent structures. It may make its way to the surface, nlccrate, and then heal, but no sooner has one disappeared than another shows itself. TERTIARY SYMPTOMS AS THEY OCCUR IN THE OSSEOUS SYSTEM. The first symptoms of the aifection of the bones, consists in pain at first vague, or like rheumatism; they will generally become fixed to particular bones sooner or later, and become more severe at night. There are three varieties of Periostitis. Ostitis, shows the same preference for particular regions. After having existed a long time without giving other indications of its presence than pain, the swelling it nltimately gives rise to betrays it- self externally. In other cases it may give rise to parenchymatous, exostosis, or hyperostose. In the second part of this work will be found a great number of illustrative cases of all the diseases which have been mentioned, in the shape of certifi- cates of cures, and I shall pass on to that part. Enough, I think, has been shown to convince the most unthinking individual who may peruse these pages, of tlie evils and miseries induced by venereal abuses, excesses, and diseases. PLATE 19. Fig. 49 ^^4:^ v.: £-^' fyol 167 Special Notice of Injuries Received by Patients from Inexpe- rienced Physicians, Quacks, and their Kemedies. As we have but this additional page to give the statements of a lew more patients, of the injuries they received from treatment they had submitted to previous to applying to ns, we merety give their initials, and the most dangerous symptoms they were laboring under at the time of such ap- plicatiou. All of them can be seen in full, at our offices, but of course without their names. November 15, 1858. — A., Georgia. I have tried this physi- cian, and that, using copaiba, nitrate of silver, and other caustics for seventeen months, till I almost despaired of be- ing cured. I have nocturnal emissions, continual burning in, and discharge from the urethra; my semen is as thin as wa- ter, and can only partially cohabit with a woman. J. L. 0. October 26, 1858. — I have a continual desire to pass urine, and cannot retain it; am totally unable to cohabit with a woman ; loose semen nights, with urine, and at stool ; 1 paid about $150 for Triesemar, but received no benefit. C. F., N. Y., April 3. 1858. W. N. 13., N. Y., was treated for nine months by one of New York's most eminent professors without benefit, but we cured him in about a month. January 19, 1858. — R. T. B., Va., applied with noctui'nal emissions weekly ; total paralysis of the penis ; muddy and shredy urine ; pain and constant desire to pass it, day and night ; yellowish discbarge from the urethra, after using acids or stimulents, or with a cold ; scrotum relaxed, and testes swollen ; sleeplessness, giddiness, acidity of and wind in stomach, and bowels ; gloomy. Had been confined to the house a number of months, though he had been under the treatment of a number of the best physicians, more or less, for years. We cured him in a few mouths. November 30, 1857. — \V. R.. Iowa, came with nocturnal emissions every week ; weak back ; a tea-spoonful of a sandy looking sediment in -the urine that stood over night ; constant desire to pass urine night and day ; partial erec- "tions ; iritis ; had been cauterized a number of times ; cured by us in four months. PART II. PARTICULAR CAUTION. Avoid all quack or advertised remedies for any disease, espe- cially venereal, and all of tlie instruments advertised to cure Seminal Emissions, as they are injurious quack humbugs. Within tlie past year or two, there have arisen a number of muslu-oom doctors, pretending to be from Hospitals in tlie dif- lerent cities of Europe, or students of eminent men, such as Ilicord, Acton, etc., etc., using their medicines,- m-cdicated bougies, rectum suppositories, etc., etc., whose injured and uncured patients we are curing every week. Another caution, to save yourselves from imposition in our own building, bo certain you see our No., 047 Broadway, and tlie silver plates on each side of the door, stating the " Physician's Consulting Rooms are on the second floor," where, upon ascending the stairs, as directed, you will see our names upon silver door plates, cu the doors of the offices. 169 PREFACE. This work has been hastily prepared, in fact, waa uot oommenced until within the last few months, except the cases taken from my note-book, and has been prose- cuted amidst the most pressing professional engage- ments. Notwithstanding these disadvantages, I flatter myself that it will answer much of its intended pur- poses. These purposes are, mainly — To place before the reflecting public as unexceptiona- ble a work as may be, compatible with the unpleasant topic treated : To supply a desideratum in popular medical litera ture, great care has been taken to simplify the sub- ject in plain language, divested of technicalities and exceptionable phraseology : Avoiding everything calculated to excite the passiona or administer to an impure appetite for vulgar books, which, however, seems not to have been the aim of most writers on kindred subjects : To, finally, introduce to the family and social circles in a modest garb, a timely Adviser against the deplora- ble consequences of Onanism — that most fatal and per- nicious habit of youth— that dreadful scourge of hu- manity — that untimely Destroyer — " He, the younjr and strong, who cherish'd Noble longings for the strife. By the road-side fell and perisk'd, Weary with the march of life !" 170 By thus warning, I do not purpose to cast a gloom over the minds of sensitive suflferers, but to promise hope, rcMef and per&ct restoration, even iu the most un- happy state of extreme debility ; from my vast expe- rience and truly wonderful success in curing the moat unpromising subjects of Spermatorhoea and other dis- eases of a private nature — "The miserable have no other mrdioine, But only hope." But it is always advisable to seek relief early, thereby avoiding much unuecessas-y suffering. The deplorable condition of the nervous system in- duced by the depressing, d-3gradiug, demoralizing and disorganizing habit of Self-Pollution, in so many cases, causes that unhappy irritability of temper, melancholy dejection, moroseness, and finally that intellectual imbe- cility which terminates in an awful wreck of the men- tal and physical organism. It is not the object of the author to paint the effects of Onanism in the deepest dyes, to horrify young imaginations ; bu-t to warn— to- day — now — for to-morrow the shafts of disorganization may have been sunk too deeply into the system, ever to DC removed by the Healing Art. New York, 1852. THE AUTHOR. .171 INTRODUCTION. Throughout the present work, to prevent too fre» quent repetition, I shall use Spermatorhoea, to designate the disease consequent upon the habit of self-abuse ; in shorty any undue loss of semen, from whatever cause. A sufficient number of cases will be inserted to illus- trate the various effects of Onanism upon the different temperaments, or the peculiarities of age, sex, or consti- tutional predisposition to diseased action. The afflicted cannot expect to obtain, from any work on medical subjects, a sufficient knowledge of disease, in its different phases, complications and results, to be able to treat themselves. From the intimate association of one organ and its functions with others, and from the harmony existing throughout the whole frame, a part of the animal economy, however small it may be, cannot scarcely be disordered without causing deranged action in other parts; no modification can occur without involving in its changes other organs, and disordering their functions also. Even medical men, generally, are wholly incompe- tent to advise and treat successfully the affection under consideration. It may not be egotistical for me to remark here, *-hai am fully aware of the importance of the subject, and that, from my long and special attention exclusively lo the treatment of thousands of patients afflicted with 172 Spermatorhcea and other sexual comiJaiuts, and that, too, with the most flattering success ; that it is probably as well that this task was left to me by the profession. The public have not the least conception of the vast amount of suffering entailed upon humanity by the prac- tice of self-a-buse, and the too free indulgence of the baser passions. My readers, who will follow me to the end of this modest little volume, will \je amazed at tho sad effects of what they may have considered an innocent practice. Nor should I, in the outset, hesitate to repudiate tho pernicious conduct of quacks and low-minded men, who have written books purporting to be guides to the young, but, instead, have been inflammatory appeals to their, passions. And not a few of these books plainly incul- cate immorality, for the sake of administering to the impure desire for bawdy books, too common among youth of both sexes. The great aim of this work, there- fore, is to rescue the young and ignorant from the frightful abyss awaiting them, if deprived of a warning voice. The author also deems it his duty to denounce the introduction of plates representing the genital organs of 'joth sexes, as improper for a popular treatise. If ladies and gentlemen wish to study Anatomy and Physiology, we refer them to popular school-books upon those subjects, as a healthy and proper study for the most fastidious ; and not to resort to a book of bawdy, incorrect and intrusive plates, iu senseless and ridiculous books, issued as an advertising medium for Quack nos- trums, and, still worse, to ignorant pretenders, who set themselves up for Doctors. We here take a very important step, in warning our afflicted readers against applying to villainous impostors 173 wha infest large cities, and who not only swindle the inno>3ent patient of his money, but leaves the system a Avi-eck to poisonous nostrums. Another reason that induced me to send out into the world this volume, (I am sorry to say it), is the almost total ignorance of the members of our most benevolent Profession, many of them not knowing such a disease as Spermatorhcea. And I do hope, for the sake of human- ity, the medical profession generally will not rest a single day, until that knowledge is obtained ; as three- fourths of all the chronic diseases have their origin in Onanism. It is a deplorable fact, that young ladies, as well as youth of the opposite sex, are addicted to the habit of self-abuse to an alarming extent. This habit frequently has its origin in irritation of the genitals and lower bowels of children, from costiveness, or from pin-worms, (Ascarides), which are excessively annoying to some childi-en. The frequent inclination to rub or scratch the adjacent parts lead to the practice of Self-Pollution. Many instances of this character have come under my own observation. I have many times been consulted by mothers, whose daughters have suffered from these abuses, consequent upjn irritation of the Pudendum, at the age of puberty. " ]\Ime honor's such a ring : My chastity 's the jewel of our house, Bequeathed down from many ancestors ; Which were the greatest obloquy in the world, In me to lose." M. LARMONT 174 A FEW WORDS TO INVALIDS. However hopeless you may thiuk your case, whether from extreme debility and prostration of your entire system, or from the unsuccessful treatment of the score or more of Physicians you unfortunately may have been under, or from the false delicacy that many of my patients tell me kept them from an earlier appli- cation to me, or the no less fatal idea of your over- coming the disease by the advancement of age, and a strictly moral mind, &c., &c. ; for they one and all only make j'our case worse, and if it is an early one, from the cause being entirely local, it aflfects the entire ani- mal economy, and then requires general as well as local treatment, which I am hajjpy to be able to say, the sci- ence of Medicine and great improvement in the Healing Art, warrants mo in saying, that the most severe and obstinate cases, of however long duration, yields to my mode of treatment, as the numerous voluntarily written Certificates contained in the following pages, from per- sons of all ages and in the highest stations of life, which portray the difficult stages of the disease, as developed in the different constitutions, will fully attest. I give the initials onlj' in most of the cases from delicacy, but the full names by their cordial permission, can be seen at all times in my office, as well as letters from Mem- bers of the Medical Profession in this and other cities. The letters, or names of patients, are known only to myself, as I have no Assista-nt or Students ; notwith- stading this, I always destroy them at the termination of each case. Therefore, the unfortunate can disclose their bleeding hearts to one secret bo.«!om whose feeling throb will return that great boon, Health, for the so generously reposed confidence in him. THE AUTHOR. 177 CHAPTER 1. TlTE IMPORTANCE OF PERFECTLY UNDERSTANDING THB SUBJECT OF ONANISM — ITS EXISTENCE FROM THE EARLIEST PERIOD, AND YET THE IGNORANCE OF THE MEDICAL PROFESSION — IMPOTENCE AND STERILITY, A CERTAIN RESULT IF NOT CURED — THE EFFECTS, OP IMPOTENCY AND STERILITY ON THE HUMAN RACE. Why is this an important subject 1 It is because the commencement of this habit is the laying the founda- tion of almost every organic disease, the vital system is subject to. Any person on a moment's reflection, will be convinced of the intimate relation existing between the Mind and the Genital Organs, and their intimate connection with the whole nervous system. What ren- ders it of more importance still, is, there is scarcely anything known about it, by any one but the afflicted, as in the early studies of medical men, they are taught nothing of it, and in their later years, their time is so fully occupied with a general practice, they have not the opportunity requisite for an understanding of such a si^eciality, and yet, as regards health and happiness, there is none that possess one-twentieth part of the im- portance. To convince you that 1 do not speak without authority, I here insert an extract from Dr. Curling's remarks, when speaking of these organs : — " Their functions being so involved in those of other parts, are influenced by such peculiar causes, and are so dependent on and modified by particular events and cir- cumstances, that the investigation of them when disor- dered, necess^arily becomes of a complex and difficult character. The product too, of these glands, is one, the qua^iities of which it is almost impossible to appreciate, and which during life is never ailordcd in a pure and unmixed state ; and further, taking into account the repugnance felt to such inquiries, it is scarcely surprising that the subject has been but imperfectly investigated. 1V8 and rarely treated of by the pathologist and practitioner Indeed, the little information we possess respecting it, is chiefly to be found under the head of Impotency, in works on medical jurisprudence, in which it is cursorily considered, principally in relation to points of JMtHlico-le- gal interest, and scarcely at all in reference to practice." This certainly is the truth, and it no doubt will sur- prise many persons to learn, that the generality of phy- sicians know little or nothing of these matters. I often have patients who have applied to the most eminent physicians and surgeons, of the largest cities in tho world, and paid them consultation-fees, to be told there was nothing the matter with tliem. It is only a few weeks even, since a patient came to me, «and who, among other great men he had consulted, was Sir Benj. Brodie, of London, and whose directions were not to use any of their dirty beer, and he would be well enough ; that his disease was only imaginary, and if he would only think so, he would have no farther trouble. You can imagine the gentleman's feelings, as he was a strictly temperate man. From that time he began to despair, for he had lost almost all the power of the organs. What was more sad still, he had not the ambition nor desire, until he put himself under my charge. 1 am happy to say, however, that in a few weeks be was en- tirely in the full possession of that vigor, both of body and mind, which nature had formerly bestowed upon him. The statements of their individual eases by the pa- tients themselves, and their certiQcates for their cure by me, will be found in tho subsequent chapters, ar- ranged under their proper heads, according to their ad- vanced or primary stage which they had reached, pre- vious to my treatment. It will be suflicient, I opine, to not only illustrate the want of knowledge of the medical profession as to the proper treatment for such cases, but whether my own, is not superior to that of any other. From the want of knowledge as heretofore mentioned, there is very little, if any, positive know- ledge of these comiilaints being known as distinct dis- eases, in that catalogue which enumerated so many calamities with which our ancestors were afflicted. But we can infer to a certainty, I think, that it did exist for 179 centuries, prerioiis to its having become known th;it it was a distinct disease, when we are made acquainted with a fraction only of the immense amount of sufl'er- ing, at the present time, among the modest, diffident, pious youth, who, unconscious and ignorant of doing harm, when they first learned the practice at the semi- nary, academy, college, or from some of their acquaint- ances while at home. Josephus mentions this as a dis- ease, when relating the ancient purification laws of tht> Jews. He says, ••' He that sheds his seed in his sleep, shall be privileged with those who have wives." In re- lation to another disease, he gives us another of their laws : " Those who had a Gonorrhcea, were prohibited from coming within the bounds of the city." This not only bears witness to there having been such a disease known at that time, but it showed their wis- dom was far superior to many of the pretended medi- cal savans of the present day ; for they adopted a regu lation, which they supposed would be a remedy for ah such cases. Some have referred the origin of this abuse to the idolatrous worship of the northern Venus, named Fra- go, in oblation to whom her votaries were accustomed to shed their seed. The opinion of the All-wise, upon the enormity of this offence against reason and nature, will be found where he speaks of this dereliction of Onan, in Genesis, chapter thirty-eight, ninth and tenth verses : — " And Onan knew that the seed should not be his, and it came to pass, when he went in unto his brother's wife, that he spilled it on the ground, lest that he should give seed to his brother. And the thing which he did, displeased the Lord, wherefore he slew him also." It is only a few years since it was thought degrading for any one even to allude to masturbation, and espe- cially to speak openly or write about it. But as pro- gression is the spirit of the age, people have become more rational, and are beginning to know the practice is one of the most injurious, possible ; and that to be able to remove the disease, it must of course be imder- stood. As I have before stated, however, the hooka heretofore published on this subject, were entirely inad- missible to families. This work obviate? that objection, 180 and yet has entered sufficiently into the physiological and medical details to give a clear view of the evil. 1' rom the extracts which I give below, from the ancient medi- cal writers, the reader will be able to see how this sub- ject was regarded by eminent minds, in former ages. A tuimber of these extracts are from M. llssot and others. They are from the writings of the Fathers of Physic, many of whom lived centuries before Christ. Allow- ance must be made for the deficiency in scientific accu- racy, for the whole truth could not l>e toW as it was nob known. Hippocrates, the oldest and most correct observer, has already described the diseafes produced by abusing the pleasures of venery, under the term of dorsal consump- tion. " This disease," says he, " arises from the dorsal portion of the spinal marrow. It principally attacks young married people, or the licentious. They have no fever, and although they eat well, they grow thin and waste away. They have a sensation like ants crawling from the head down along the spine. Whenever they go to stool, or evacuate their urine, a considerable quan- tity of very thin seminal fluid escapes from the urethra. They lose the power of procreation, yet often dream of venereal pleasures. They become very weak, and walking produces shortness of breath ; they have pains in the head, and ringing in the cars, and finally, an acute fever (Libiria,) supervenes, and they die." !Some phj^sicians have ascribed to the same cause, a disease which he has described in another place, and have termed it the second dorsal consumption of Hippocrates, aud which has some relation to the first. But the pre- servation of the strength which he mentions particularly, seems to us a conclusive proof that this disease does not depend on the same cause, but seems rather to be a rheumatic affection. " These pleasures," says Celsus, in his excellent work on the preservation of health, " are always injurious to weak persons, and their abuses pros- trate the strength." We can find nothing more frightful than the descrip- tion by Aretaus, of the diseases produced by a too abundant evacuation of semen : " Young persons assume the air and the diseases of the aged; they becoma pale, «tupid, effeminate, weak, idle, and even void of 181 anderstanding ; their bodies bend forward, their legs' af« ■weak, they have a, disgust lor everything, become fit for nothing, and many are affected with paralysis.'' In another i^hKC he mentions the abuse of these plea- tfOres as among the six causes which produce paralysis. Galen has seen diseases of the brain and nerves from the same cause, and the powers of the body impaired ; and he also relates that a man who was convalescent from a violent attack of disease, died the same night after coition with his wife. Pliny, the naturalist, informs us, that Cornelius Gallus, the old praetor, and Titus Etherious, a Roman knight, died in the act of copula- lion. Aotius says, " the stomach is deranged, all the body wastes, beoomes pale, dry, and the eyes sunken." These remarks, of the most respectable ancient writers, are confirmed by the moderns. Sauetorious, who has examined wiih the utmost care, all the causes which act on our bodies, has observed, that ••this weakens the stomach, destroys digestion, prevents insensible perspiration, the derangement of which pro- duces such evil consequences, disposes to calculous dis- eases, diminishes the natural warmth, and is usually attended with a loss or derangement of sight." Lomni\i3, in his fine commentaries on the passages of Celsus, whom we have just cited, supports the remarks of the author by ais own observations : " Frequent emissions of semen relax, weaken, dry, enervate the body, and produce numerous otlier evils, as apoplexies, lethargies, ej^ilepsies, loss of sight, trembling paralysis, and all kinds of painful affections." One cannot read without horror, the description left us by Tulpius, the celebrated burgomaster and physician of Amsterdam : — " Not only," says he, " the spinal mar- row wastes, but the whole body and mind become lan- guid, and the patient perishes in misery. Samuel Ves- pertius was attacked, first with a humor upon the back of his neck and head ; it then passed to. the spine, to the loins, to the lower and lateral region of the abdomen, and to the hips. This unhappy man was affected with so much pain that he was entirely disfigured, and was emaciated so gradually by a slow fever, that he more than once asked to be relieved from hia misery by death." 182 ** Nothing," says a celebrated physician of Louvaine, ** weakens the system so much." 6l an card has known simple gonorrhoeas, dropsies and consumptions to do[>end on this cause ; and Mays has seen a man of good ago attacked with sjxjntaneous gangrene of the foot, which he attributed to the same kind of excesses. In the Meittoires dos Curieux de la Nature is men- tioned a case of blindness, which deserves to be given at length. " We are ignorant," says the author, " what sympathy the testicles have with the body, but particu- larly with the eyes." Salmuth has known a sensible hypochondriac to be- come a fool, and in another man the brain to become so collapsed that it was heard to rattle in the cranium, both from excesses in vencry. I have known myself a man, fifty-nino yeai's of age, who, three weeks after marrying a j'oung wife, became blind, and in four months died. The too great loss of the animal spirits weakens tho stomach, and destroys the appetite ; and nutrition not taking place, the action of tho heart becomes more reeble, all parts languish, aud the patient becomes epi- leptic. It is true, we are ignorant whether the animal spirits and the seminal fluid are the same ; but observa- tion shows, as we shall see hereafter, that these two fluids are v^ery analogous, and that loss of the one or the other produces the same complaints. Hoffman has seen tho most frightful symptoms ensue from the loss ef semen. " After long nocturnal jwllu- tions," says he, "the patient not only loses strength, becomes emaciated and pale, but the memory is im- paired, a continual sensntion of coldness affects all the extremities, the sight becomes dim, the voice harsh, and the whole body gradually wasted ; the sleep, disturbed by unpleasant dreams, does not refresh, and pains are felt like those produced by bruises." In a consultation for a young man, who, among other diseases produced by masturbation, was affected with weakness in the eyes, he .says, " I have seen several in- stances of young men, who, at mature age, when tho body possesses all its strength, were attacked, not only with severe pain aud redness of the eyes, but tho sight' S«oame so feeble, that they could neither read nor 183 write." He adds, " I have even seen two cases of gutta sereno, from the same cause." The history of the disorder which gave rise to thia consultation will be read with interest : " A young man commenced masturbation, when fifteen years old, and having indulged in it till he was twenty-three, expe- rienced so great feebleness in his head and eyes, that during the emission of semen there was severe pain in the latter. When he attempted to read anything, he had a feeling similar to that of drunkenness; the pupil was extraordinarily dilated ; the eyes were exceedingly painful ; the eyelids very heavy, and glued together every night ; they were often filled with tears, and a whitish matter collected very abundantly in the two corners, which were very painful. Although he ate with a good appetite, still he was extremely emaciated ; and after he had taken food, appeared as if drunk." The same author has mentioned another case of .vhich he was an eye-witness, and which, we think pro- per to mention here : — " A young man, eighteen years old, Avho had had frequent connections with a servant girl, suddenly fainted, and trembled exceedingly in all his extremities ; his countenance was red, and his pulse very small. He recovered from this state at the end of an hour, but continued very feeble. The same phe- nomena occurred very frequently with severe pain, and at the end of eight days there was a contraction and tumor in the right arm, with a pain in the elbow, which was always increased during the paroxysm. The dis- ease increased for some time, but wa« finally cured by Hoffman." Boerhavo portrays these diseases in that masterl/ manner and with that precision which characterizes all his descriptions : — " Too great loss of semen produces weakness, debility, immobility, convulsions, emaciation, dryness, pains in the membranes of the brain, impairs the senses, particularly that of sight, gives rise to dorsal consumption, indolence, and to the several diseases con- nected with them." The cases narrated by this great man to his auditors in explaining to them this aphorism, which related to the different kinds of evacuations, ought not to be omitted : — " I have seen," says he, " a sick man where 184 the disease commenced by a lassitude aud feebleness in the body, particularly in the loins ; it was accsmpanied by twitching of the tendons, periodicul spasms and loss of flesh, so as to destroy the whole body ; also pains in the membranes of the cerebrum, pains which the patient terms a dry burning, (ardeur seche), which constantly inflames this most "noble organ. 1 have also seen one young man affected with dorsal consumption. His fig- ure was good, and although often cautioned against in- dulging in these pleasures, he did not regard it, and bo- came so deformed before death, that the layer of flesh which appears above the spinous processes of the lumbar vertebrae, entirely disappeared. The cerebrum in this case seemed to be consumed ; in fact, the patient seemed to be stupid, and became so stiff, that we have never seen the body so immovable from any other cause. Tho eyes are so dull that the siglit is nearly lost." De Senac mentions in the first edition of his Essays, the dangers attending masturbation, and states that " all who indulge in "this vice will be affected in the flower of their youth with the infirmities of age." Wo can see in the following editions why this and other /emarks of the same chai'acter were suppressed. Ludwig in describing the diseases resulting from too frequent evacuations, docs not forget that of the semen. Young people of both sexes, who hidulge in lascivious- ness, ruin their health, by wasting strength which was designed to make them vigorous, and finally fall into consumption, De Gottier details the sad accidents arising trom this cause ; but they are too long to copy. We refer to the work, all those who can read the lan- guage in wliich it is written. Van Swieten, after quoting the description of Hippo- crates mentioned above, adds — "I have seen all these symptoms, and several others, in those unfortunate peo- ple who indulged in self-pollutions. I have employed uselessly, for three years, all the resources of medicine, for a young man who was diseased in consequence or this practice, with wandering, frightful, and general pains, with a sensation, sometimes of heat, and some- times of cold, in every part of tho body, but particularlr in the loins. Afterwards, these pains having diminished, his thighs and legs were so cold, that although they 185 seemed of tlie natural temperature when touched, ht wasconstaijtly warming himself by the fire, even during the warmest days of summer. I noticed particularly all this — a continued rotary motion of the testicles in the scrotum, and the patient felt a similar motion in the loins." This account does not mention whether this unfortunate creature died in three years, or continued to languish some time longer, which would be more dreadful — he could not have recovered. Kloekof, in a very fine work on the diseases of the mind, which depend on the body, confirms by his obser- vations what we have already mentioned. If these emissions, which are sure to be the sequence of such a habit, continue, they at first cause a feeling of lassitude, sleepiness, want of ambition, hesitancy of ac- tion and speech, occasional and permanent, even dim- ness of vision, thoughts difi"used, memory treacherous or Jost, nervousness, such as being easily frightened, sudden starts at trifliEg noises, want of confidence, a desire not to mingle in society, especially that of females, impo- tency and sterility, indigestion, costiveness, or diarrhoea, (generally costiveness). Those most annoying of any- thing, dark spots under and around the eyes, loss of flesh, pain in the chest and back, weakness, (particu- larly of the legs), coughing, consumption, idiotcy, and insanity. Now, these are the results, as hundreds of my patients are ready to testify. And yet there are pseudo-philanthropists who refuse to advertise, to let the world know. The physician and surgeon, they think, has demeaned himself, by devoting his time to this particular practice. Grave professors are following the same jack-o'-lantern. That is the reason medical students do not have the subject even mentioned to them, for I have some of them my pa- tients, every few weeks ; but that is not all — they have not only left the victims to themselves, but they have established that hydra-headed monster, Quackery, and the grave is now indebted to that abandonment for its thousands. One of the results, previously mentioned, of this vitiated indulgence, is Impotency. and finally sterility. A. person with the most circumscribed imagination, can easily foresee the consequent misery, certain to befalj 186 them, if they arc so imprudent as to enter into a matri- monial alliance before they are cured. The broken heart of their unsuspecting, and, ma}^ be, too confiding partner, 1 -will not say too confiding, for 1 have never met a single patient that would have entered the mar- riage state, if they had known what their deplorable situation would have caused. They would a thousand times have terminated their existence rather than the consummation of the marriage ceremony. I am fully convinced, that a majority of those who commit suicide are impelled to do so by that morbidly diseased state of the mind arising from the habit of mas- turbation, for when it has proceeded far enough to cause impotency and sterility, the mind is so affected, that reason is overpowered and replaced with the horrible idea that every one they meet is aware of their com- plaint, therefore the desire of ridding the world of their presence. This is not an ideal picture, by any means, as forty-nine out of fifty of the afflicted can testify to its reality. CHAPTER II. THE EFFECTS THE MIND HAS ON THE ORGANS OF GEN- ERATION — STRIKING CASES AS WITNESSED BY OTHER SURGEONS, AS WELL AS MYSELF. Persons of mature age have more or less experienced similar effects. A libertine, or sensually dissolute cha- racter, is a person whose mind is not actively employed in business, or close application of the mind in any pur- suit, but one who has been fortunate in inheriting wealth or a competency from their relatives or friends. If they have not been favored in that respect, to enable them to live without exertion, further than the planning of some sumptuous dinner, or the stimulation from liquors at champaigne suppers, sporting, &c., their resort is the gaming-table. The mind, excited with alcoholic drinks, or the highly 187 and richly seasoned food, has full scope to anticipate sexual pleasures, but when the labor necessary for the Buccess of business is preying on it, it only anticipates that rest which sleep so well affords, for I have known many and many a person so absorbed in some favorite or necessary pursuit, as to have months elapse without any desire for sexual indulgence, but as soon as the mind was at liberty again they discover their inability, and with the proper treatment, a full restoration. When the organs are in a healthy state, desire can be engen- dered or dissipated by mental impressions ; in fact, the growth and development of the organs can be accele- rated or retarded in a degree by the same means There are many persons who do not feel sexual de- sires until a late period of life ; the consequence is, the organs themselves are not only imperfectly developed, but the body and mind are also retarded in the same way. Sometimes-'the long suppressed feelings will re- ceive a sudden stimulus, from seeing some person of the opposite sex particularly adapted to make this de- sired impression upon their minds. Every pei'son of ex- perience very well knows that a certain impression must be made on the mind, before the animal feeling is experienced, or the phj^sical development takes place, for there are many of the opposite sex who excite dis- gust, and under such circumstances the certain feelings for enjoyment would not only not be produced, but if age with the necessary favorable circumstances, had not already caused a full development of the organs, there would be great danger of their ever fulfilling nature's intentions. This at once explains to us the reason of so many of those distressing cases of indifference and dislike to be met with between parties, and be a partial aid in giving the necessary treatment. There are good reasons for supposing that the sexual instinct is materially dependent upon a particular part of the brain, though we are not exactly certain what part it is, nor whether it is a mere development of it that is needed, or some peculiarity of structure or or- ganization. It is not at all uncommon to find men per- fectly organized in every respect with vigorous minds, and with every other faculty in full play, but yet almost wholly destitute of desire for sexual enjoj'ment. In 188 most of these cases, it is true, the generative oreanfl are small or inactive, yet in some they are of full aevelop- ment, healthy, and active. In such cases we can only account for the singular indifference exhibited, by sup- posing that the part of the brain which regulates the reproductive instinct has not had sufficient power, or else the senses have not been properly presented. In the same way, wc can account for the influence of the brain and nervous system on the generative organs, as previously mentioned; such as exhausting the nervous energy, if we can so speak, in thinking, or in muscular energy. The other functions, as well as the generative, are proportionally weakened. Authors are apt to be- come impotent, when the mind is very intently en- gaged on some particular subject. In the lives of sev- eral students, we have a further corroboration in proof of my assertion, as many of them have been remark- able for their coldness and incapacity, and particularly when engaged in such absorbing and abstract studies as Mathematics. As another instance — Sir Isaac Newton is said to have never known sexual ardor, though in every respect a perfectly formed man, and it is prob- able, I may say without a doubt, it was owing to his incessant and all-absorbing studies. I have the fullest proof in sustaining me in the as- sertion, that intense mental occupation will not only lessen the sexual ardor, hut that it will extinguish it entirely. This is not a simple fact which should be so easily passed over — as it is of the highest medical and moral importance. The only thing required in these cases, is, an intelli- gent and honest physician, who will examine and find the real cause, and then in a sympathizing manner ex- plain it to the patient, administer the proper treatment, and the cure can be effected. But if a wron^ course of procedure be adopted, then the evils will be con- firmed. It is in this, as in every thing else ; ignorance and concealment from the proper physician produce evils that only knowledge and mutual confidence can prevent or remove. Be cautious in choice of your "Doctor, Dear," But after that choice, abandon all fear. 180 CHAP. III. INJURIES OF THE BRAIN, CAUSING IMPOTENCY — CASES ILLUSTRATIVE OF THE SAME. •Baron Larrey gives the remarkable case of a soldier, v?liich came under his own notice. He was a healthy, robust man, ■with strong propensities and endowments, who had a portion of the back part of the head cut off by a sabre. He recovered from the wound, but lost the senses of sight and hearing on the right side. Pain was also experienced down the spine, and a peculiar creeping feeling in the organs, which also began to waste, and in fifteen days the power was entirely lost. M. Lallemand also mentions a case of a French soldier, similarly injured, in the expedition to Algiers, who speedily experienced the same wasting of the organs, loss of power, and sexual desire. In the American Journal of the Medical Sciences, for February, 1839, Dr. Fisher relates a curious instance of a gentleman injured in a railway car. He was look- ing out of the window at the moment when the coUi^on occurred, and the shock threw his head against the edge of it, striking the back of it with such force as to stun him ; he, however, recovered his senses, and was taken home, but suffered great pain in the back part of the head and tgp of the neck. His right arm was be- numbed a little, and some difficulty was experienced in passing the urine ; but in two weeks he was able to walk out with no other incouA-enience than a slight dim- ness of sight. About the fifth week he discovered that ho was impotent, and had lost all sexual desire. The means used to restore his genital powers were only par- tially successful, nor was his memory so perfect as be- fore, but all the other difficulties disappeared under the proper treatment. In the Lancet, for August, 1841, is an account of a medical student who received a blow on the face, in a quarrel, which knocked him do^vn, so that he fell on the back of his head. He was totally unconscious for eight or ten hours, but gradually recovered, and on the following day even resumed his studies, which he eon- 190 tinued unremittingly for the next six weeks. He, how- ever, became exceedingly irritable, with a feeling of general uneasiness, and after the first week, ho observed the genital organs begin to waste and the desire to grow less, till he finally became nearly impotent, but afterwards recovered under proper treatment. Many such cases are witnessed in persons affected \*ith paralysis, and other diseases, which, with the proper treatment, almost invariably recover. But in cases oc- curring from accidents as mentioned in the above cases, the cure is very uncertain, especially if they do not receive the attention proper and necessary without too much de- lay, for if the organs have time to become withered, the vessels do not secrete, and consequently become closed. In such a case, recovery is impossible, for the treatment cannot reach the affected part. This brings us to the conclusion, that the strength of the sexual desires depends in a great measure upon the organs themselves ; yet there are other influences that may operate upon them, as we have previously shown, according to the various mysterious sympathies ema- nating from other parts. The celebrated John Hunter giX'es us an instance he met with in his own practice. I have had many like it in mine. The patient was per- fectly incompetent for the marital duties, solely from fear. CHAP. IV. SPERMATORRHCEA, OR THE UNNATURAL AND EXCESSIVE LOSS OF SK.MIiN. When this is lost at the commencement of masturba- tion, it id supposed to be entirely harmless, because they think by sutli a practice, they will escape, to them, the immoral and degrading vice of licentiousness, and there- fore by the practice of it, when their ardent, youthfu! and healthy desires are too overjjowering, they think they a -e doing no more than fulfilling the behests of na- 191 lure. Ill this idea lies the great danger, not only tc themselves, but their companions. This is the cause ot its being so very prevalent and destructive, for befort the first one of a circle of acquaintances is warned oi his error, by its effei:ts on his former vivacity and weak- ness, nervousness and probably his own discovery of itjs preventing the proper development of youth, liundredf- may be in the same path to ruin, by its baneful effect.' on the mind, and the consequent premature decay anc death of its victim. The progress of course is gradual- first the vivacity and energy of youth is changed to list- less indifference ; the vigor of manhood remains no longer ; the peaceful content of mature life is changed to despondency and gloom. I have had many a patient, whose mental powers at the opening of the season of life were capable of making him (what every intellectual person desires.) both eminent and happ)', but whose bod- ily health and strength being lost, the mind becomes shattered and almo!- Btaining from serious occupation, the utility of travel- ing, of various amusements, and of a strict regimen ; and 205 the importance of free evacuations from tlic bowA^ )y means of pnrj^atives and injections, were agreed en. Many of the practitioners recommended the fi^quent ap- plication of leeches to the anus, with milk diet, &c. ; others thought, that assafoedita baths, and camphor, were indicated. None of their modes of treatment, bjwever, produced any considerable amendment; the leeches weakened tlie patient, and the milk diet disordered liis stomach ; his constii)ation continued, cold plunge-baths and cold effusions to the head relieved the insupportable spasms. M. De S. experienced great pains in his legs and face ; the waters of Aix, in Savoy, and the use of douches also appeared to produce some improvement. Still M. De S. became more irritable, and at the same time more apathetic. His attacks were more frequent and more violent, and he manifested greater indifference towards the persons and things he had before been par- tial to. The weakness of his limbs increased to such an extent, that he frequently fell, even on the most level ground. His nights were restless, his sleep very light, and often interrupted by nervous tremors, or acute pains, accompanied with cramp. The cerebral congestion in- creased, and the imminent fear of apoplexy rendered leeches, to the arms, venesection to the foot, tartar emetic ointment, blisters, mustard, pediluvia, and the applica- tion of ice to the head necessary. Notwithstanding the employment of these energetic measures, another violent attack of congestion occurred. I was summoned on this occasion, and I found the patient restless, agi- tated, and incapable of remaining two minutes in the same place ; his face was red, his eyes projected and fixed, his physiognomy expressed extreme dread ; his walk was uncertain, his legs bending under the weight of his body, his skin cold, and his pulse small and slow. " ' The last circumstance attracted my attention, and I also recommended the application of leeches to the anus. M. De S. immediately threw himself into a violent pas- sion, and asserted that leeches had always weakened him, without giving hini any relief. I was too much afraid of the occurrence of apoplexy to pay attention to this asserti'm. and I succeeded in obtaining the ap- plication of six leeches. The next day I found the pa- 206 tient very pale, and so weak he was uuable to walk— a source of much annoyauce to him, as he manifested a constant desire fur motion. An adamctous swelling of the parotid gland and of the right cheek followed, which was .succeeded, a few days after, by a similar state of the left leg and foot. Sleep had become indispensable, and the patient was much reduced from want of it ; he told mc, with tears in his eyes, that he had lost his appetite, and could no longer relieve his bowels. I also learned that he was habitually costive and llatulent ; that he often had recourse to injections and purgatives, in order to relieve his obstinate constipation ; and, lastly, tJiat his walks and the evacuation of his bowels had lately be- come the sole olyects of his thoughts and convci-sation. Having oljsei-ved analogous symptoms in almost every person affected by diurnal j)ollutions, I made further in- quiries respecting the attack in which it was supposed the right side had been paralyzed, and I was soon convinced that the intellectual powers had been wanting, and not the power in the hand which held the pen ; both sides of the body had, in fact, retained an equal degree of strength.' " Struck by a remark of Dr. Butini, respecting the progress of the disease soon after marriage,! made inqui- ries of Madam De S., and learned that the character of her husband had become so uncertain and tormenting, that his friends thought he must be unhappy in his mar- riage. I then sus'pected that the origin of the patient's disease had been mistaken ; and I requested that his urine might be kept for my inspection. The appearance of the urine was sufficient to convince me that my suspi- cions were well founded ; it was n])aque, thick, of a foetid and nauseous odor, resembling tliat of water in which anatomical specimens had been macerated. By pouring it ofT slowly, I obtained a fiocculent cloud, like a verv thick decoction of barley ; a gluey, ropy, greenish matter remained, strongly adherent to the bo'ttom of the vessel, and thick globules of a yellowish, white color, non-adherent, like dro]js of pus, were mixed with this deposit. I was therefore convinced, that Sper- matoiThcca existed, together with chronic inflamma- tion of the prostate gland and suppuration in the kidneys. 207 " Notvfithstancling the. state of M. De S's intellect, J was able, at a favorable moment, to obtain further in^ formation : — At the age of sixteen he had contracted blennorrhagia ; this he carefully concealed, and suc- ceeded in curing by the nse of refrigerant drinks. The following year the blennorrhagia returned, and was re- moved by astringents. Two years afterwards, from drinking freely of beer while heated, the discbarge again appeared, and after some time it again returned, from the etf'ects of horse-exercise. Since that time M. De S. had felt little sexual desire, and had abstained from inter- course without regret. Ejaculation during coitus had always been very rapid. " Fully convinced by combining all these circumstan- ces, 1 explained to M. De S. the nature of his disease, and he promised me to observe carefully. The next day he called me aside, and told me that the last drops of nrine were viscid, and that during an evacuation of the bowels, he had passed a sufficient quantity of a similar matter to till the palm of his hand. " Eight days after, another attack of cerebral con- gestion occurred, followed by stentorous breathing, cold skin, and an inappreciable pulse ; the patient fell into a kind of syncope, of which he died on the 1st of March, 1824." Every few weeks I have cases as nearly as possible to the above, and find it is the fault of the treatment used for the cure of the gonorrhoea — using astringent or caus- tic injections and such medicines as copaiba, cubebs, &c. Yet this treatment is still universally followed. By my own treatment in these cases, I find no trouble in curing them — in almost every instance, within twenty-four hours — whether they are of recent or of years' standing ; and I have never lost a patient, notwithstanding many were of the most horrible description of constitutional venereal affections. Constipation is occasionally the cause of Sperma- torrhoea, as I have before stated ; but very few would suppose, however, that it could have the effect which sometimes follows from it. The next Case will convince the most skeptical — though it is seldom we have so severe a case — they arc generally pretty bad. 208 '* M. De B. consulted me, (says M. Lallemand). in the month of May, 1834, respecting a cerebral alfection, on whose nature' distinguished physicians could not agree, but which all reganled as very serious. " He was of middle height, with a large chest, and a well-developed muscular system, his hair brown and cur* ly, his beard thick, his face full and deeply colored. Not- withstanding these signs of apparent strength and health, I noticed that his knees were slightly bent, and that he was unable to remain long standing, without shifting the weight of his body from one leg to the other; his voice was weak and husky, the motions of his tongue .scenied embarrassed, and he articulated his words in a confused manner ; his attitude was timid, and his manner had something of incertitude and fear ; he had been married fifteen days. His mothei'-in-law and his young wife, who accompanied him, informed me, that within this period he had had several attacks of congestion of the brain, during which his face was highly injected. At the flret of these attacks, the surgeon, called in the night, had bled him to the extent oi' three pounds, in order to prevent apoplexy ; repeated venesection, and the frequent application of leeches had rehevcd such attacks of congestion, but had not prevented their re- currence. The patient had become subject to attacks of vertigo, and was unable to look upwards without feeling giddy ; his legs had become so weak that he had fallen several times, even when walking on level ground. His ideas had lost their clearness, and his memory failed rapidly. " These symptoms had spread consternation through both the family of my patient, and that of his wife, espe- cially as several pmctitioners of reputation were agreed as to the existence of some serious disease of the brain, although they could not decide as to its nature. Most of them, however, were inclined to suspect ramollissement (softening). The countenance of the patient, during this recital, the coincidence of the congestion, with the period of his marriage, and the bad ctfects of blood-letting, made me suspect the nature of the disorder, and induced me to question the patient, separately. 209 " When we were alone he told me, stammering, that an ancxpected occurrence, immediately after his marriage, had at first prevented any conjugal intimacy, and that afterwards ho had found himself completely impotent. He attributed tliis misfortune to the attack-s of cerebral congestion, and to the bleedings he had undergone. On further in^piiiy. however, I discovered that he wtus affected ))y diurnal pollutions. '• The following is the history I obtained from this pa- tient, by dint of c|ucstioning : — At the age of sixteen, he possessed a very strong constitution and ardent and paa- sionate character. At school he contracted the habit of masturbation, and at the end of three months he had frequent noctural pollution?,, with pain in the chest, and troublesome palpitations, which warned him of the danger of the vice, and he renounced it forever. "When he became free from the restraints of school, he subdued the ardor of his temperament, by the most violent exer- cises — especially that of the chase — and he attached him- self to agricultural pursuits, with much energy. This new mode of life so completely reestablished his health, that he was tormented by energetic and contiimal erec- tions, to subdue which he employed river baths, even in the coldest seasons. He never committed excesses of any kind, and had never suffered from any blennorrhagic or syphilitic affection. In 1S31, the erections were slightly mitigated, but he became very much constipa- ted, which he attributed to the constant use of horse- exercise. In 1832, he experienced some numbness and creeping sensations in his feet and legs. In 1833, fre- quent dazzling of sight occurred, with vertigo, difficulty of vision, and flushes of heat towards the head and face. The patient attributed all these sjmiptoms to the eflfects of his still increasing constipation. At the same time that these symptoms occuiTcd, the patient's erec- tions became rarer, less energetic, and, after a time, in- complete ; his fitness for intellectual labor diminished ; the cerebral congestions became more frequent and more severe ; his face became habitually very red, his head burning, and almost constant fixed pain came on in the orbits, and his chai-acter became ficklo and conti-a- dictory. •'His family physician, attributing all these disorders 210 to a state of plethora, caused blood to be diawii several times, without benefit. '• In March, 1834, M. De D. engaged himself to a young lady, who lived about two leagues from his estate ; and in order to visit her without neglecting the care of hia property, he was obliged to make long and frequent journeys on horseback. Shortly before his marriage the.-t^e journeys became so frequent that he might be said to pass the greater part of his time on horseback. His constipation increased to such a degree that he passed forty days without foecal evacuation. During iiis efforts at stool, he passed semen in largo quantities, and in jets, although the penis remained flaccid. He had previously several times noticed the same occiu'- rence, but as he attriljutcd it to his long-continued conti- nence, lie paid little attention to the circumstance. Hw urine was constantly muddy ; it was passed slowly and with dilficulty, and threw down a large quantity of thick and flocculent deposit. " M. De 13. awaited the period of his marriage with a vague uneasiness, of which he could not imagine the cause. He was much attached to his betrothed, but nev- ertheless, he experienced more embai-rassment than plea.sm-e m her society. •' I have ah-eady stated what occurred aftei his mar- riage. I should add that, having examined his genital organs, I tbuud them, contrary to my exiiectations, of unusual development ; tlie testicles were large and firm, bat the scrotum was shghtly relaxed. The patient ex- periejaced a strangling in the organs, and at times felt as if they were compressed by a hand of iron. These sen- sations increased when near his wife, and the penis diminished in size and became retracted towards the pnbcs, in proportion as he endeavored to excite erection. The union of all these circumstances could not permit any doubt to remain on my mind as to the nature of his disease. It became evident that all idea of cerebral ai- fcction mu.st ))e abandoned, aud that the diui'ual pollu- tions, with all the symptoms of which they were the cause, miv-t be refeiTed to the patient's constipation. The first indication to be fulfilled, therefore, Wiis to re- lieve the constipation ; indeed, I hoped that wad all that would be necessary. The youth of the patient, the 211 development of his genital organs, and the strecgth of his constitution induced m-e to suppose thart his cure was prompt and easy. Things did not, however, follow so simple a course. The next daj% the patient began to ase ascending douches ; and was put on a vegetable diet, with iced-milk. "The first douches caused the evacuation of an im- mense quantity of foecar matter in lumps, as hard as bullets, and it was not till after the sixth douche that the foeces were of normal consistence. I then caused the temperature of the water to be lowered to about 88° of Fahrenheit, and afterwards to 81°. The last few douches were given at 6S^ Fahrenheit. After the twelfth douche bad been administered, they were omit- ted, the bowels having acted regularly every day, with- out the necessity of the slightest straining. By this time the patient's countenance had lost its purple tint, and presented a more natural appearance ; the straining sensations of which he had complained, diminished by degrees, and at length disappeared entirely ; his legs regained their strength, and he was able to continue in a standing position for a long time without fatigue, and to take long walks without inconvenience ; his voice resumed its natural tone ; his eye regained its expression, and all his motions acquired firmness. At the expira- tion of a fortnight the spermatic discharges during defa- cation had ceased entirely; but his urine still continued thick His erections had already acquired sufficient en- ergy to make him believe himself cured ; but ejaculation took place almost immediately. The use of ice and cold lotions, did not ameliorate his condition. " Such was INI. De B's state, at the end of a month, when, in order to act directly on the orifices of the ejaculatory ducts, I determined to cauterize the pros- tatic portion of the urethra As soon as the inflam- mation had subsided, his erections became more per- fect and energetic, yet ejaculation still took place too rapidly "The period for using the mineral water having ar- rived, I sent M. De B. to Aix, in Savoy, where I visit- ed him shortly after. He had experienced veiy little benefit from the uso of the waters, either oxtei-nally at 'Uternally 212 " I now prescribed douches, alternately very warm and very cold, en the perineum and loin?, the spnit be- ing changed when the sensation of either cold or heat became very intense. The bath was ended after about twenty or twenty-five minutes, by the cold douche, and the patient's skin remained highly injected for some hours afterwards. The effects of these douches were conclusive. After tlie first, the patient's erections ac- quired a degree of vigor and duration which reminded him of his early torments. He continued the use of the douches for some time after his re-establishment ; and when he left Ai.x, the functions of his genital organs were i)erfect. Ejaculation was a good deal protracted by the use of the douches. " I have entered into a somewhat lengthy detail of this case, because the subject affects gravely the most seriousj interests of society as well as the happiness and peace of families. Besides, I confess that I was much interested by the unhappy position of a young man whose misfortune was undeserved, and could not haA'e been forseen, as well as by that of his wife — a young woman, scarcely of age, who was obliged to enter into the most unpleasant details. _" It is evident that in the case of M. De B. the con- stipation was the cause of the involuntary seminal dis- charges. The patient had practiced masturbation, it is true, and nocturnal emissions followed ; but he had con- tinued the vice only three months, and his health, though disordered fur a short time, was soon re-established by the use of violent exercise. "M. De B. was even tormented for several years by erections, which must have been very energetic, if wo judge by the means he took to subdue them. From this time he had never committed any kind of excess, and he had never suffered from either syphilis or blen- norrhagia. There is then no circumstance in the history of his life, except his constipation, which would account for the involuntary discharges. " But to what is this constipation to be referred 1 After all I could learn from the patient concerning hia mode of life, I could only refer it to his constant horse exercise. In facli, M. Do B. sometimes pa.ssed whole days on horseback, either for the purpose of hunting or 213 of superin-tendtng the management of his property. Shortly before his marriage, his rides became more frequent and longer, and his bowels at this time did not act during forty days. The weakness of his legs, the stunning sensations, &c., increased ia proportion as hia costiveness became more confirmed. "This case recalls to my mind the well-known ob- servation of Hij^pocrates ou the impotence of the Scy- thians, and I have no doubt that his opinion was found- ed on analogous facts. I shall treat this subject more fully in another place ; but since at present 1 am con- sidering the causes of Spermatorrhoea which act on the seminal vesicles through the influence of the rectum, I report this striking case, showing the effects of long- continued horse-exercise. "M. De B. was accustomed to nutritious food, and of a well-marked sanguineous temperament ; he had a large chest, powerful muscles, and a highly-injected countenance ; it is therefore by no means extraordinary that he should have been bled frequently for the relief of the cerebral congestions to which he was subject. On the night of his marriage the blood rushed to his head with greater force than ever, so that an attack of apo- plexy was much feared. The weakness of the legs, the frequent falls and the attacks of vertigo, were therefore afterward attributed to an advanced stage of disease of the brain. This was a very natural opinion, but it was an incorrect one ; I doubted it from the commencement, although the patient was brought to me in consequence of a supposed cerebral affection. I formed a different impression, because I had previously seen many analo- gous cases. " There existed in all these patients something pecu- liar in the expression of the eyes, in the position, in the voice, and in the general appearance ; something of timidity and bashfulness, which I am unable to express, but which is instantly recognized by the experienced, although perhaps it is incapable of explanation. How- ever this may be, tho relation of the above case should draw attention to tho subject. " I admit that venesections seemed to be clearly indi- cated in the case of M. De B., but the loss of blood revei produced good effects, either immediate or remote • 214 and by analyzing the case carefully, his attendants would have seen that under this treatment the attacks increased in frequency. But pre-convictions throw a thick veil over the most acute perceptions. The as- cending douches put an end to the constipation .;^but freedom of foecal evacuation did not suffice to cure the disease. The seminal discharges, during the passage of fceces, diminished, indeed, or perhaps entirely ceased, but the patient's urine remained thick and muddy, and his erections were incomplete. The application of ice and of the nitrate of silver, and the use of sulphurous waters, were not sufficient to effect this cure ; yet there could not have existed any organic change in his genital organs. We can, therefore, only attril)ute the continu- ance of the seminal discharge, during the emptying of the bladder, to relaxation of the ejaculatory canals, pro- duced by their long habit of allowing the semen to escape in a passive manner — showing how necessary it is to put an end to the habit as early as possible." Every patient after reading this case, will at once see the injury which is caused by using the mechanical in- struments that are advertised for sale, and warranted to be the only sure cure of the emissions, by preventing them from taking place. Such rings, by being placed over the penis while it is in its natural state, of course becomes tight and causes pain, when an erection takes place, thereby waking the patient ; not, however, before the semen leaves the ducts and reaches the canal, which must then either pass out entirely or recede into the bladder, causing all the serious affections heretofore witnessed in the preceding cases, as well as many more, in the after part of the work. 1 shall also there speak fully on the different appliances that have been tried, as well as that of the medication generally adopted. The next Case shows the effects of worms in the rectum, not only producing but keeping up Spermatorr- hoea, and also in being the original cause of mastm-ba- tion, even in young children. "M. K., a student of medicine, (says Lallemand), enjoyed good health in his childhood, but about the age 215 of fifteen was tormented by prolonged and frequent erections. One evening, for the relief of the itching of which the extremity of the penis was the seat, he rubbed the organ violently between his hand?. This led to the 'establishment of the habit of masturbation as a habit, or rather as a passion, the patient practicing it some- times as often as eight or ten times a day. His health, by degrees, became so altered that one of his friends suspected his practice, and told him the danger of his situation. By degrees he corrected himself, though not entirely, before he had attained his twentieth year. On his renouncing masturbation, nocturnal emissions supervened, and often occurred two or three times a night. They diminished after a time, but without ceasing entirely, and seminal emissions during defacation and the emission of urine, were added to them. Thus his health became more and more disorderedj for nine years, notwithstanding absolute continence, a severe regimen, and the use of sedatives, tonics, and anti-spas- modics. At length he grew incapable of any mental exertion. " In 1837, he came to Montpelier, at the age of twen- ty-nine, in the following condition -—extreme emacia- tion, face pale, appearance stupid, and confused, intel- lect dull, reasoning powers much affected, the patient being incapable of connecting two ideas on the most simple topic of conversation ; loss of memory, constant headache, referred to the forehead and temples and in- creased by any mental excitement, being then accom- panied by nervous tremors, and an almost idiotic state sleep broken and unrefreshing, constant sighing, frequent aUaeks of congestion of the head, especially at nieht violent noise in the ears, resembling the sound of a water- lall, vertigo stunning sensations, giving rise to a con- stant fear of apoplexy, timidity carried to a ridiculous extent, panics of fear, even during the day, character gloomy, taciturn, restless and irritable, horror of the least noise and of all society, iiresistible restlessness great weakness, abundant sweats after every slie urine contains semen. This I have often verified with the microscope. I should, however, warn those who wish to repeat my experiments, that it is not in the midst of the flocculent cloud that the zoos- perraes arc to bo sought, but at the bottom of the vcs.sel to which they soon fall, on account of their greater specific gravity. " The results of all my obsei-vations on the dead sub- jects, therefore, convince me of the influence of serious and long-continued diseases on the functions of the spermatic organs. But it is not only in the morbid state that these experience great variations ; remark- able diflerences may exist between healthy individuals, not only in the quantity of semen secreted in a given time, but also in the number, appearance and dimen- sions of the spermatozoa. In this respect, I have ob- served dilferences amounting to a third, and in soni cases to a half. The comparison is very easily esta- blished. When the semen is kept under a thin glass, as 1 have described, it is not in danger of undergoing any changes, and may be always, by the addition of a drop of water, compared with a reccHt specimen. " Notwithstanding the facility with which nocturnal 2i3 pollutions may be recognized, 1 Lav* submitted the Bemen collected after them, by individuals in various conditions of health, to microscopic examination. At first, when the evacuations are still rare and the semen preserves its ordinary characteristics, the animalcules do not present any remarkable circumstances in regard to their number, dimensions, &c. ; but Avhen the disease has reached a suflacient degree of gravity to affect the rest of the sj'stem, the semen becomes more liquid, and the spermatic animalcules less developed and less lively. This number, however, does not as yet sensibly diminish ; indeed, in some eases, it seems increased. As the dis- order advances, the erections diminish, the semen be- comes more watery, and the animalcules are often a fourth or a third less than natural, and the tail is often distinguished with difficulty, under a power of three hundred diameters. At a still later period the animal- cules become fewer, and in two individuals, in the last stages of the affection, the semen no longer contained animalcules, although it retained its characteristic smell. Examined with high powers, and very proper precau- tion, I only found, in this semen, brilliant globules, all exactly alilie, and about the same size as the head of a spermatozoa. " The mioroscopic examination which I have made of semen passed during efforts at stool give analogous results, when such discharges only take place acci- dentally and at long intervals, the seincn is thick, whit- ish, impregnated with a powerful smell, and abundantly furnished with well developed animalcules. I have some- times even found a few alive after an hour or two. But when these discharges become so frequent or habitual as to constitute disease, they become less abundant and the semen loses its normal properties. The spermato- zoa are generally smaller than in the healthy condi- tion, and always less lively. I have some preparations in which they are only one-half the ordinary size, and I have never been able to find a single living animalcule a few minutes after the fluid had been expelled. When the disease has become much aggravated the spermatozoa become rare, and they are sometimes replaced by ovoid or spherical globules simi.ar to those of which I have %lready spoken In these patients in an extreme state 2i\ of disease, I found nothint; else, although they passed as much as a desert spo( u ul of semen at each stool. Such cas&s, however, are etLvX'dingly rare. " In diurnal pollutions happening during the passage of urine the following means may be employed to siiow the presence of spermatazoa : — The urine should first be filtered in a conical filter, vrhcn, on account of their weight, the greater number of the spermatozoa will remain on the lowest part of the paper. By taking this portion and turning it upside down in a watch-gla^e containing a few drops of water, the animalcules beconje detached from the paper by degrees, and fall to tae bottom of the fluid in the glass. After twenty-fi.ur hours maceration in this position, the paper may be taken away, and the spermatozoa may be readily ob- tained b}' using a drop from the bottom of the fliii'l in the watch-glass for examination. This mode of pro- ceeding is a sure one, but it requires considerable time and trouble for its performance. " I have already stated that the urine does not always contain spermatozoa in cases of diurnal pollutions ; therefore, the urine of the same individual would pcr- hap.s, require examination on many occasions, before the certainty of their presence could be established, and few medical men in active practice have time to devote to such experiments. I, for one, should have long since given up treating these patients, had I been obliged to repeat in every case such long and tiresome examina- tions. Ten days or a fortnight are sometimes passed without the appearance of spermatozoa in the urine, and hence all who are accustomed to microscopic researches, will admit the indefinite amount of trouble and time re- quired. Fortunately, however, there is a more simple method by which such examinations may be conducted. " It will be recollected that the semen always escapes with the la.st drops of urine, or immediately, or soon af- terwards. By directing the patients, therefore, to com- press the urethra immediately after micturating, and to receive the drop of fluid pre.ssed out on a piece of glass, sufficient animalcules will be obtained from the walls of the urethra for microscopio observation. These being covered with a thin camella of glass may be either at once placed under the microscope, or may be allowed tn 245 dry, and be exumincd at a future time — a drop of watei beiug previously added. This mode of examination is, therefore, easy for all practitioners who possess a good microscope, after they have accustomed themselves to the iflspuetion of the spermatozoa in their natural state. " The changes -which I have mentioned as occurring in the semen must be borne in mind, however, and the animalcules must not be expected to appear either so large, so well defined, or so numerous, as in cases where there is no disease." CHAPTER X. THE QUANTITY OF SEMEM LOST ; HOW IT AFFECTS TUB SYSTEM, AAD ITS INFLUENCE ON THE MIND. "A too great loss of semen weakens all the solid parts ; hence arise weakness, idleness, phthisis, tabes dorsalis, stupidity, affections of the senses, faintings and convulsions." Hoffman had already remarked that " those young people who practice the infamous habit of masturbation, lose gradually all the faculties of the mind, particularly the memory, and become entirely unfit for study." Lewis describes all these symptoms. We shall translate from his work only what relates to the mind: — "All the symptoms which arise from ex- cesses with females, follow still more promptly, and in youth the abominable practice of masturbation ; and it is difficult to jjaint them in as frightful colors as they deserve. Young persons addict themselves to this habit without knowing the enormity of the crime, and all the consequences w^hich physically result from it. The mind is affected by all the diseases of the body, but particularlj'- by those arising from this cause. The most dismal, melancholy, indifference and aversion to all pleasures, the impossibility to take part in conversa- tion, the sense of their own misery, the consciousness of having brought it upon themselves, the necessity of re- nouncmg the happiness of marriage, all affect them n2 246 much that they renounce the world — blessed if they es- cape suicide." The symptoms mentioned in the foregoing are almost a perfect type seen in the cases of masturbation ; but thL're are others more dei^lorable, which have but re- cently been discovered as arising directly from it ; I mean insanity, idiocy, and a total prostration of all physical and mental power, and which affects not only the person so addicted, but the innocent offspring, and whicn invariably leads to the extinction of the family name. It is but quite recent that these terrible evils have been found to be under our control. It has heretofore been considered a mysterious dispensation of Divine Providence, to be met and endured with patience and resignation. Very few eminent writers have already, though but recentlj', acknowledged the influence of self- abuse in producing idiocy, insanity and constitutional degeneracy, and urge the necessity of searching for the cause, in treating these evils. So convincing has this become, that it has even been recognized recently in a legislative document, which tells more wholesome truth — accompanied with more sound reasoning, 1 was about to say — than all the medical treatises heretofore pub- lished on the subject put together. I particularly refer to the Report on the subject of Idiocy, presented to the Ma.'ssachusetts Legislature by Dr. Howe, in February, 1848, complying with a resolution of that intelligent bod3', directing a report on that subject. I hope the introduction of that valuable document will be the means of eliciting the like truths, by all the other Legis- latures, without any farther delay, for the influence of such documents, from such sources, would accomplish more good, by preventing the unsuspecting from falling into so deplorable a vice, than all the asylums and medical treatment could ever think of doing by way of cure. I feel convinced that the time will speedily arrive .when this and similar reports will be eagerly sought for, and their inestimable value universally admitted. My ? notations from the rcjiort will not only corroborate all have said in these pages, but serve the additional purpose of more fully enlightening the public. Dr. H's able, forcible, sensible and convincing re 247 marks, on boldly approaching this subject, should for- ever silence and put to shame all aSected modesty in speaking upon this subject hereafter, for too many per- sons, aware of its existence heretofore, have foolishly been prejudiced by false modesty from doing so : — " There is another vice, a monster so hideous in mien, so disgusting in feature, altogether so beastly and loathsome, that, in very shame and cowardice, it hides its head by day, and, vampyre like, sucks the very life- blood from its victims by night ; and it may, perhai)s, commit more direct ravages upon the strength and reason of those victims than even intemperance ; anc" that vice is Self- Abuse. " One would fain be spared the sickening task of dealing with this disgusting subject ; but, as he who would exterminate the wild beasts that ravage his fields, must not fear to enter their dark and noisome dens, and drag them out of their lair; so he who would rid humanity of a pest, must not shrink from dragging it from its hiding-places, to perish in the light of day. If men deified him who delivered Lerna from its hydra, and canonized him who rid Ireland of its sei-pents, what should they do for one who would extirpate this monster vice ? What is the ravage of fields, the slaughter of flocks, or even the poison of serpents, compared with that pollution of body and soul, that utter extinction of reason, and that degradation of beings made in God's image, to a condition which it would be an insult to the animals to call beastly, and which is so often the conse- quence of excessive indulgence in this vice 1 " It cannot be that such loathsome wrecks of hu- manity as men and women, reduced to driveling idiocy by this cause, should bo permitted to float upon the tide of life without some useful purpose ; and the only one we can conceive, is that of awful beacons to make others avoid — as they would eschew moral pollution and dcAth — the cause which leads to such ruin. This may seem to be extravagant language, but there oan be no exag- geration — for there can be no adequate ractice in its innermost heart. The sous or daughters who dutifully, conscientiously, and religiously confess themselves to father, mother, or priest, on every other subject, never allude to this. Nay, they strive to cheat and deceive by false appearances ; ?or, as against this darling sin — duty, conscience, and 249 religion, are all nothing. They even think to cheat God, or cheat themselves into the belief that He who is of purer eyes than to behold iniquity, can still regard thfcir sin with favor. "Many a fond parent looks with wondering anxiety upon the puny frame, the feeble purpose, the fitful hu- mors of a dear child, and, after trying all other remedies to restore him to vigor of body and vigor of mind, goes journeying about from place to place, hoping to leave the offending cause behind, while the victim hugs the disgusting serpent clo-sely to his bosom, and conceals it Cij-efully in his vestment. " The evils which this sinful habit works in a direct and positive manner are not so appreciable, perhaps, as that which it effects in an indirect and negative way. For one victim which it leads down to the depths of idiocy, there are scores and hundreds whom it makes shanio-faced, languid, irresolute, and inefficient, for any high purpose of life. In this way the evil to individuals aiid to the community is very great. " It behooves every parent, especially those whose children (of either sex,) are obliged to board and sleep with other children, whether in boarding-schools, board- ing-houses, or elsewhere, to have a constant and watch- ful eye over them, with a view to this pernicious and insidious habit. The symptoms of it are easily learned, and if once seen, should be immediately noticed. '• Nothing is more false than the common doctrine of delicacy and reserve in the treatment of this habit. All hints, all indirect advice, all attempts to cure it by cre- ating diversions, will generally do nothing but increase the cunning with which it is concealed. The way is to throw aside all reserve ; to charge the offence directly home ; to show up its disgusting nature and hideous consequences in glowing colors ; to apply the cautery seething hot, and press it into the very quick, unspar- ingly and unceasing!}'. " Much good has been done, of late years, by the pub- lication of cheap books upon this subject. They should be put into the hands of all youth suspected of the vice. They should be forced to attend to the subject. There shoidd be no squeamishness about it. There need be no fear of weakening virtue by letting it look upon such 250 hideous deformity as this vice presents. Virtue is not salt or sugar, to be softened by such exposure, but the crystal or diamond that repels all foulness from its sur- face. Acquaintance with such a vice as this — .such ac- quaintance, that is, as is gained by having it held up before the eyes in all its ugliness, oan only serve to make it detested and avoided. '* Were this the place to show the utter fallacy of the notion that harm is done by talkiiiig or Avriting to the young about this vice, it could perhaps be done by argu- ment, certainly by the relation of pretty extensive expo- I'ience. This experience has shown, that in ninety-nine cases in a hundred, the existence of the vice was known to the young, but not known in its true deformity' ; and that in the hundredth, the repulsive character in which it was first presented, made it certain that no further acquaintance with it would be sought." My experience tells me, that the language of Dr. Howe is not too severe, for to speak directl^-^ to the point is what is nccei^sary, and, as he says, " not be evasive." He never did more real service to humanity than when he presented this Report, for there cannot be more momentous truths. Ignorance is made terribly apparent, both as regards the patient and society at large, in another part of this truly valuable document. Every one will be in danger, imtil knowledge takes the place of such ignorance : — " In some families that are degraded by drunkenness and vice, there is a degree of combined ignorance and depravity which disgraces humanity. It is not wonder- ful that feeble-minded children are born in such families ; or, being born, that many of them become idiotic. Out 0/ this class, domestics are sometimes taken by those in better circumstances, and thej^ make their employers feel the consequences of sufiFering ignorance and vice to exist in the community. " There are cases recorded in the appendix, Avhere servant-women, who had charge of little girls, deliber- ately taught them the habits of self-abuse, in order that they might exhaust themselves, and go to sleep quietly. This has happened in private houses as well as in the almshouses ; and such little girls have become idiotic. The mind instinctively recoils from giving credit to such 251 atrocious guilt ; nevertheless, it is there, with all ita hideous consequences ; and no hiding of our eyes, no wearing of rose-colored spectacles — nothing but looking at it in its naked deformity, will ever enable men to cure it. " There is no cordon sanitaire for vice ; we cannot put it into quarantine nor shut it up in a hospital ; if we allow its existence in our neighborhood, it poisons the very air which our children breathe. " The above remarks forcibly apply to all our public schools, for I have become too well acquainted, 1 was about to say, with the alarming extent with which it prevails, often even in the most open manner. The ex- tent of it is amazing, for it exists both among the teach- ers and the students, and what can be more absurd than the partial, even shunning of the subject 1 By so doing, it leads not only to the continuance in some, but the production of it in the yet uninitiated. " In some, as I have previously stated, persons com- mence the habit accidentally, but their numbers are very limited, compared to those who are taught it ; there- fore the immense importance of preventing contamina- tion by those already addicted. " There is one remarkable and valuable fact to be learned respecting this vice, from observation of idiots, and that is, that some of them, though they have no idea of right and wrong, no sense of shame, and no moral restraint, are nevertheless entirely free from it. They could never have been in the practice of it, else they woald never have abandoned it. " From this may be inferred, that it is a pest, gene- rally engendered by too intimate association of persons of the same sex, that it is handed from one to another like contagion, and that those who arc not exposed to the contagion are not likely to contract the dreadful habit of it. Hence we see that not only propriety and decency, but motives of prudence, require us to train up all children to habits of modesty and reserve. Children as they approach adolesence, should never be permitted to sleep together. Indeed, the rule should be — not with a view only to preventing this vice, but in view of many other considerations — that, after the infant has left its mother's arms, and become a child, it should ever afte* 8'eep in a bed by itself. The okier children grow and the nearer they approach to yonth, the more important does this become. Boys even should bo taught to shrink sensitively from any unnecessary exposure of person, before each other ; they should be trained to habits of delicacy and self-respect ; and the capacity which na- ture has given to all for becoming truly modest and re- fined, should be cultivated to the utmost. Habits of self-respect, delicacy, and refinement, with regard to the person, are powerful adjuncts to moral virtues. They need not be confined to the wealthy and favor- ed classes ; they cost nothing — On the contrary, they are the seeds which may be had without price, but which ripen into fruits of onjoymeut that no money can buy." It is true, that it is almost impossible, unfortunately, to entirely prevent children from learning *his vice, either by emulative practice or more direct instruction. We must necessarily then guard them against it, by a timely warning. I know of instances where parents supposed the information they had given their child, had produced the desired eflfect, but instead of that they have kept on with the practice, until they sunk into an antimely giave, and yet the parent was congratulating liimself upon the success of his precautions. Copland has an article on Insanity, which points out the various causes of this terrible affliction, and uses the following language, in speaking of self-abuse :— "Many, however, of those causes which thus aflFect nervous energy, favor congestion of the brain and oc- casion disease of other vital organs, tending to disoicI;>r the functions of the brain sympathetically. Of these, the most influential are masturbation and libertinism, or sexual excesses, sensuality in all its forms, and inor- dinate indulgence in the use of intoxicating substances and stimulants. The baneful influence of the first of these causes is very much greater, in both sexes, than is_ usually supposed, and is, I believe, a growing evil, with the dill'usion of luxury, of precocious knowledge, and of the vices of civilization. It is oven more preva- lent in the female than in the male sex, and in the former it usually occasions various disorders connected with the sexual or^ana — as leucorrhoea, or supnressed 253 or profuse menstiiiation, both regular and irregular hysteria, catalepsy ecstacies, vertigo, various states of disordered sensibifity, etc., before it gives rise to mental disorder. In both sexes epilepsy often precedes insanity from this cause ; and either it or general paralysis often complicates the advanced progress of the mental dis- order, when thus occasioned. Melancholia, the several grades of dementia, especially imbecility and morcom- ania, are the more frequent forms of derangement pro- ceeding Iroin a vice which not only ])rostrates the phy-i- cal powers, but al-:o impairs the intellects, debases the moral atlections, and altogether degrades the individual in the scale of social existence, even when manifest in- sanity does not arise from it." As I have asserted in a former page, the diflference between the efltects of masturbation and natural excess, . is very great, for the former is the operation of the im- agination entirely, while the latter is accompanied by the natural associations;, producing a pleasurable feel- ing ; to be sure, the latter is only partial when in excess. I very often have patients, who are unwilling slaves to th evice of masturbation to such an extent, that their hands must be fastened while at sleep, to prevent the practice. The mental tortures of fear and self-condem- nation, combined with the bodily exhaustion, produce a fearful havoc. Natural excesses seldom cause insanity or idiocy, except, perhaps, in the offspring ; but the solitary vice is sure to do so in both, if not prevented by judicious and timely treatment. The Massachusetts Report says, that, " one hundred and ninety-one of the idiots examined were known to have practiced masturbation, and in nineteen of them the habit was even countenanced liy the parents or nurses ! One hundi'ed and sixteen of this number were males, and seventy-five females. In four hundred and twenty who were born idiots, one hundred and two were addicted to masturbation, and in ten cases the idiocy of the children was ' manifestly attributable to self-abuse in the parents!' The ten cases known, justify the con- clusion, that in reality there are many more, which proves, beyond a shadow of doubt, that many cases of idiocy in children is attributable to the sexual vice of tlie parents. Is not this fact almost too fearful fur con- 254 templatinn, and the importance of it to the comnitiint* incalculable? "' Tlieie are many valuable statistics in the annual re- ports of the Massachusetts Lunatic Asylum. In the twelfth report, of the numljer of cases existing In the Institute, one hundred and thirty-nine are Ret down as having ))een caused by masturbation, which, from tlie language used in the repoit, is a decrease of the number to such an extent as to cause great satisfaction, and i.s attributed to the information that has been diffused on the suliject, and the warnings tliat have reached the young through the various channels of intelligence that have been opened on this hitherto obscure subject. The thirteenth report contains one-hundred and forty- five cases, as caused by self-abuse, with some remarks, which I add below :— " The causes of insanity may be divided into volun- tary and involuntary. Of the former, the principal are intemperance and the secret vice ; other causes may be of this class, such as hazardous speculation, many le- ligious vagaries, imi)rudent exposures and irregularities. None are so prominent as the two first named, and none so fully stain the character with guilt, which even the occurrence of hopeless disease can hardly wipe away. Intemperance disorders the senses, and induces apo- plexy, epilepsy, and palsy. The cases from this cause are about as favorable for recovery as the majority of others, but are most sure to return if the habit of in- temperance recurs. " The secret vice produces the very worst form of insanity, because it is so difficult to avoid the continu- ance of the cause, and because the energies of the s3-stem are more prostrated by it than by almost any other cause. Such patients become degraded animals, so entirely abandoned to the habit that hopeless dementia and driveling iiiooy generally follow. A few can be influenced to abandon the jjractice, and a few others can be cured in spite of it, but in almost all cases the disease will become worse, and these dreadful conse- quences will ensue. " The secret vice, though doubtless r. frequent can«? of insanity, and of other severe and fatal diseases, far more than is generally supposed, is most operative in 255 preventing recovery from insanity, arising from this and other causes. It is extensively and alarmingly the re- sult of an active propeiLsity excited by the disease, and unrestrained hy reason, mural inlliieuces, or self-respect Many cases ot a favorable character progress towards recovery, till this practice is commenced, then the pa- tient becomes listless, is inclined to lie down or sit in a bent position, walks moderately, looks fee'ble, and feels weak and miserable. His mind loses its energies, its sc(»{)e is circumscribed, more and more, till this beastly indulgence occupies all his thoughts, and the remnant of all the physical powers is concentrated to this single effort of gross and debased animal nature. Thus, the groveling sensualist lives, often a long life, a degraded sufferer, without a manly thought or a moral feeling worthy of his nature or his destiny, and finidly leaves the world without the regret of his friends, a useless, bui-thensome, loathsome object of abhorrence and dis- gust." Under the head of " Relation of Cause to Recovery," in the two reports, there are two hundred and seventy- one males and twenty-nine females, enumerated, from the effects of masturbation ; and of this number, one himdred and ninety-seven males and twenty-seven fe- males were incuraV>le ; which shows but the small num- ber of two of the females as having been cured. As one of the proofs against the absurd doctrine, that by giving this subject publicity, will increase the evil, by drawing the attention of those to it, who otherwise would not have known there was such a disease, I will insert some of the truths directly relating to the occupa- tion of those addicted to this vice, in these reports. Those educated as physicians of course undex-stand the sexual system, while others never study anything of the kind, for want of time or because it is not necessary. We will see by this tiie proportion of the educated and uneducated, as regards those made insane by masturba- tion. In the thirteenth report, there were sixty-two shoe- m;ikers in the asylum, of whom twenty-four Avere insane from this cause ; which shows that nearly one-half of this class of the population become so from self-abuse. By referring to the medical profession, we find phy 256 sicians made insane from other causes, b:it not a single case in either report caused bj' masturbation. This alone is conclusive evidence, that the greater tl»e knowl- edge of the subject the less will the habit be practiced, so that in the end we may almost hope for its entire ex- tinction. There are other facts also, in the same reports, which conclusively show, that this kind of knowledge is needed ; for instance, among students the proportion of insane from masturbation is about seventy-live per cent., there being eighteen from this cause, out of twenty-five. And among merchants, the proportion is nearly fifty per cent. Of lawyers, about thirty-three per cent. ; and clergymen fifty-six per cent. Intemperance is the gieat- est cause, yet there were many of them that were pro- duced by masturbation in the tii-st instance, and to drown their shame no doubt resorted to alcohol. Many, without doubt, used other stimulants as well as alcohol, as a temporary relief from the great exhaustion the practice always produces. Self-abuse, it ia well known, causes iJl health, and that was the cause of some of the cases ; but, notwith- standing, all of the other complaints combined do not, I am satisfied, cause as much insanity as the secret vi(;e of self-abuse. The influence of the occupation, as tending to this solitary vice is shown in these rojiorts. They conclu- sivelj' prove, that sedentary employments tend to cause it, while active, out-ot-door occupation opposes it, for among students, printers, shoemaliers, and mer- chants, fifty i)er cent, of the insanity arises from mastur- bation, but only twelve per cent, from intemperance. Among carpenters, blacksmiths, and others who are ac- tively employed, thirty-five per cent, arises from intem- perance, and only thirteen from mastiu-bation. Among seamen, fifty-four per cent, of the uisanity is caused by intemperance, and only eleven per cent, from solitary abu*e. Parents, therefore, after they have given their sons the proper advice, should allow^ them to choose their own emjiloyraent, and not confine a sanguine tempera- ment, recjuiring mental and muscular occupation of the most varied kind, to an office or counting-house, nor a PLATE 23 Fig. 71 represents the digestive tiil.e froai the esophagus to the anus. 1, esophagus, which is laid open at 2, to show its termination in the cardiac ori- fice of the stomach ; 3, interior of the stomach with itsrugtc ; 4, duodenum, commencing f,t the pylorus ; 5, gall-bladder with the cystic dact, which last passes downwards to open into the duodenum ; G, G, G, small intestine, ter- minating in the caecum, 7 ; 8, appendicula vermiformis ; 9, right ascending colon; 10, transverse arch of the colon; 11. loft descending colon; 12, sigmoid flexure ; 13, rectum ; 14, anus. 259 more intellectual iirofession, for the mcmotonous inactivi- ty, as we have stated above, is the greatest cause of sex ual cxce.sses, for the vital energy, instead of being ex ponded in active exertion, stimulates the sexual organs to an unnatural degree, and then causes the vice, both aa a gratification and relief. The every-day cases we meet with, present these ef fccts^most frequently — weakness of the eyes, SAvelling and soreness of the lids, the dark or tell-tale spots under the eyes, which is a sure symptom of an exhausted sys- tem, buzzing or singing in the ears, partial deafness, weakness of the back and limbs, especially the knees, headache, dizziness, flatulence, incontinence of urine, which is very freciuent, dian-hoea, but most generally con- stipation, and sometimes of the most obstinate form, pal- pitation of the heart, shortness of breath, loss of memo- ry, and confusion of ideas, melancholy, peevishness, and irritability. Once and awhile we meet with a case where there is a partial loss of speech, tendency to stammer or stutter; and in almost every instance there is a hesitancy and indecision in these patients. Sometimes there is a difficulty of swallowing, which is a partial paralysis pro- duced by the sj-mpathy with the organs below, and are veiy often troubled with a gulping or belching of wind, a whitening of the hair, and even baldness, are often produced from these causes ; pals}^ and epilepsy are very often the results, and so is paralysis, much oftener it is the case than is supposed. These are severe affections, but the sympathies of the generative organs are power- ful, and it is not surprising, therefore, as the exhaustion of the vital power is great, when caused by excess- ive action. For the better illustration of the subject, however, I will here insert a few cases from the note- book of M. Lallemand, and others ; but the mode of treatment I entirely dissent from, for it is very seldom, indeed, that a case presents itself, reciuiring, or which is adapted to it, and 1 have cured many a patient by my more simple treatment— which causes not the least pain— after they had submitted to numerous cauterisa- tions, the pain of which is always severe, and some- times causes a worse disease than the one for which it was applied. 260 CASB XVIII., '' M. D. of Philadelpliia, of a very robuj^t con.^iiutwn, contracted the habit of masturbatron while at school, when only eight years old. The first effect produced was a frequent desire to pass urine, and at twelve years of age this irritability had become so great that he was sometimes unable to retain his urine a quarter of a a houi". Before entering a house he always took cafe to micturate several times in rapid succession ; and, not- withstanding this precaution, he soon experienced re- newed uneasiness. He felt as though his bladder was never entirely empty, and the smallest quantity of urine induced spasmodic contractions. The irritability of the urinary f)rgans diminished by degrees after the period of puberty, but never ceased entirely, notwithstanding the various means which were employed ou different oc- casions. " At the age of sixteen, M. D. endeavored to break off his injurious habits by sexual intercourse, but he found himself completely impotent, and shame induced him to return to masturbation. He afterwards made further attempts to correct himself, but he experienced nocturnal pollutions, which often made him lose courage. At length, after many relapses, he succeeded completely, without observing any lurther nocturnal emissions. Still his health, instead of improving, became more and more impaired. His erections were less frequent, less pro- longed, incomplete, and at length gradually ceased, to- gether with all animal desire. " At the age of twenty-eight, the state of his urine, its frequent discharge, and the wandering yiains in the peri- neum and testicles, induced a fear of calculus ; sounding, however, oul}^ showed a morbid sensibility of the m^ethra, especially towards the neck of the bladder. " In the beginning of May, 1837, M. D. came to Mont- pelier, in the following condition : — Much debilitated, xmsteady in hit walk, easily chilled, and taking cold very quickly, wandering pains all over his body, .skin dry, memory impaired, digestiim difficult, extix^mities cold, scrotum relaxed and testicles soft— ver}' sensi- tive, and often causing a dull pain, a.s if they were forcibly compressed ; the semen (from the account he 261 gave of the last Hocturnal emisions be had experienced) clear, aqiieos, and inoderoas ; semeuul polhitions with the last drop of uriue, which were clanimy, and passed with difficulty, aad excited a sensation of tickling in the neighborhood of the anus, which extended to the orifice of the urethra. He often had diarrhoea, but, at other times was very costive, and his stools were parsed with difficulty and jiain. He did not, hovrever, often pass semen while at stool. " I discovered, several days following, the. presence of semen in M. D.'s urine, and catheterism showed an ex- cessive irritability of the urethra, especially In the neighborhood of the prostate, which, on examination, was found slightly enlarged, Kearly a tablespoonful of blood foUov/ed the withdrawal of the catheter. The circumstances did not leave the least doubt on my mind as to the state of the mucous membranes in the vicinity of the ejaculatory ducts ; and consequently, I imme- diately performed cauteriaation, from the neck of the bUidder as far as the membraneous portion of the urethra. ' Twenty days afterwards, M. D. left Montpelier for Italy, and when he returned, three months aftei-wards, he was completely cured — no involuntary seminal emis- sions having afterwards appeared. His urine was trans- parent, and could be retained seven or eight hours, without inconvenience ; its discharge took place without effort, and was not accompanied by any remarkable sensation. Lastly, the patient's impotence, which had been present nearly twelve years, had given place to a virility previously unknown to him ; I need hardly state tl.at his physical and moral energy had shared in this re- generation. " I have often had occasion to notice the connection that exists between the spennatic and urinary organs ; and I have shown that there is scarcely a cause of sper- matorrhoea which does not act more or less on the blad- der and kidneys. " The cause I am now investigating affords us numer- ous examples of this connection — of which the case I have just related, is a remarkable instance— the irrita- tion of the urinary organs having been developed very rapidly, having shown very marked symptoms, and having existed alone dui'ing several years. The patient 262 was only eighteen years of age when he first became ad- dicted to masturbation ; at this early age the uriuary urjrans al-ne possessed activity, and therefore they alone were able to suffer disturbance of their fimctioas ; on this account the symiitoms were confined for a long time to the urinary organs. The character of the symptoms showed that they arose from a chronic state of inflamma- tion, or from au acute irritation of the urinary organs, and this state must have extended also towards the sper- matic organs. Thus, the increased sensation of the kid- neys, and the extreme irritaljility of the bladder, would give a very clear idea of what took place in the spermatic organs at the period of puljerty. As soon as the testicles began to act, they fell under the same influence as the kidneys ; the seminal vesciclcs were in the same condi- tion as the bladder ; in other Avords, the semen was se- creted in large quantities, and was retained a very short tune in its reservoirs. Being, therefore, imperfectly formed, the usual effect on the erectile tissues produced by its presence, did not take place, and coitus was im- possible at the age of sixteen. " The occurrence of impotence at so early an age is sufficient to show that diurnal pollutions had already commenced, although the patient did not discover them for a long time aftenvards. He was still, however, able to practice masturbation ; and this is a circumstauce which has great effect in preventing persons addicted to the vice from renouncing their fatal habits. At a later period, nocturnal pollutions, which occurred after a few days' care, shook the patient's resolution. This is a much less s-erious circumstance than the one just men- tioned, but, at the same time, much more common. At length the patient left off his habits, and his nocturnal pollutions disappeared ; yet the disorder of his health continued to increase. His prudence, exercised too late, did not arise from the strength of his will, but from the weakness of his genital organs. The disappearance of hLs nocturnal emissions did not arise from the remedial measures used, but from the increase of his involuntary diurnal discharges, of which he only became aware long aftenvards. These common errors are the more danger- ous, >jeoause medical practitioners are apt to participate In them. 263 " In the case of M. D. the irritability of the canal wad very great, aud the effect of the cauterization was cor- respondingly prompt and decided." The above case is a very near type of the one froui my own note-book, and "which is tiic first case that 1 have presented. The age at which they commenced the habit of Onanism was the same ; my own patient, however, was married soon after he arrived at age. Both cases are highly instructive and important, for, when a parent finds their child is laboring under such a difficulty in the frequent passage of urine, they should, without delay, inquire into the cause. By so doing, the accruing difficidties that will arise from the advancing disease, can be averted. The next case also is an important one, as it shows how readily spermatorrheal symptoms may be thought to indicate almost every other disease, and, of course, the real difficulty is seldom discovered, unless the sur- geon is one of practical experience in these complaints. I am indebted, (says M. LaUemand), for the following re- markable case to the kindness of Dr. Daniel of Cette :— "On the 26th of May, 1836, I was called to F., a baker, aged twenty-two ; 1 found him in bed, in tho following condition : — Great moral prostration, carried even to a hatred of existence, prostration of strength ; anaenisQ ; lips pale and shriveled, remarkable palidity, eyes sunken, expression of countenance dull, great ema- ciation, skin hot and dry, pulse small, voice hoarse and so low that it was with "^difficulty a few words could be heard by approaching the ear, constant cough, scarcely permitting an instant's repose, general wandering pains, most severe in the loins and the sides of the chest, great irritability of the stomach — vomiting being excited after taking almost any kind of liquor or solid food. " At first, I thought that I recognized in this patient the symptoms of phthisis laryngea, complicated with chronic gastritis ; but the examination of his chest and abdomen did not support this opinion. The epigastrio region was not painful on pressure ; the respiratory mur- mur was heard all over the chest, and percussion emitted 264 a hoalthy sound, except luider the lett false ribs, whore it was slightly dull, aiul the patieut felt pain. " His debility did not permit lue to practice abstrac- tion of blood ; and, indeed, the pleuropneumonia of the \cft side did not seem either very extensive or very acute ; I therefore ordered a large bli^iter to be applied over the afi'ected spot, and prescribed a solution of tartar emetic and a strict diet. The pain in the side disap- peared, and two days afterwards the stomach could re- tain milk and barley-water. Still nothing explained the patient's emaciation, his almost total loss of voice, hoarseness, and constant cough. His parents attributed these symptoms to hereditary phthisis, and mentioned that several members of the family had died of that dis- ease. Minute and repeated examination of F's chest, however, assured me that this was not the case. " On the other hand, the symptoms were very severe, and I could not discover any visceral lesion sufhcient to account for them. In this state of uncertainty, your views on spermatorrhoea attracted my attention. 1 im- mediately questioned the patient respecting his pa^t life, and learned that at the age of seventeen, he practiced masturbation with such fury, that he had frequently Eassed aqueous semen, mixed with blood. Frigntened y these incidents he had corrected himself completely. But after about a fortnight's abstinence, he noticed that his urine contained a deposit of thick, whitish, liocculeut matter. He never attached any importance to this, al- though during four years he observed it constantly, and noticed that it was more abundant after he had been much fatigued in his business. He observed also, that the last drops of urine were thick and viscid, and that a . small quantity of viscid matter generally remained at the orifice of the urethra. " His bad symptoms first commenced at this time ; his erections and desires entirely disappeared, and, by the time he had attained the age of twenty-one, he was obliged to give up his employment, and shortly after- wards, his symptoms becoming aggravated, he was unable to quit his bed. I examined his urine, and found it in the condition he had de-^cribed — the deposit con- tained in it being about an ounce in quantity. I noticed that his testicles were soft, and his scrotum flaccid. Ho 265 agreed to my proposition of cauterizing the prostatic por tion of the urethra, with eagerness, and I performed it on the following day. The eflect of the cauterization was rapid. The second night afterwards the patient slept soundly ; the third day a change was observed in the voice, and erections occurred during the night. On the fourth day the patient was able to get up and take some light food, which was well digested ; his wan- dering pains had disappeared ; and by the ninth day af- ter the cauterization, the patient's strength had returned. Tonic regimen and the use of sea-bathing confirmed hia restoration." The next case especially exhibits that singular ten- dency of these diseases, if they go on unchecked, and which are sure to end in confirmed insanity. It gene- rally commences with the hallucination, that they are about to be defrauded, that everyone are aware of their disease, consequently they are despised, and finally, that they will be assassinated, for they are certain, they thmk, that society generally are leagued against them, and that they are the most ill-used persons living. "At the beginning of April, 1836, M. Emile G. was sent to consult me, by Dr. Cauviere, of Marseilles. He was twenty-five years of age, and had attracted noilce from the brilliancy of his intellect. At twenty-one years of age he had been admitted an advocate in a highly- flattering manner. He stooped much, and, though his bony sy.stem seemed to announce a strong constitution, Lla limbs were small and his muscles soft. His haii was black and thin, his skin pale, and his face without expression. His eyes were dull, and constantly cast down ; his voice weak and husky, and his general ap- pearance announced great timidity. His legs were constantly in motion. " I learnt that M. G. had contracted the habit of masturbation at school at twelve years of age, and that, whilst studying law in Paris at the age of nineteen, he found a change in his character commencing ; this T will describe in his own words *— " * At first I felt a gradually-increasing disgust of 266 everjrthing, and a constant sense of ennni. From that period I only saw the dark side of life. Thoughts of suicide soon afterwards occurred to me, and this state of mind continued for twelve months, after which other ideas took the place of those respecting suicide. I con- sidered myself a subject of ridicule, and fancied that the expression of my countenance or my manner excited an insulting gayety in the persons I met. This notion each day acquired new strength ; and often, when in the street, or even when at my own house, or in a room sur- rounded by my relations and friends, 1 fancied I heard insults which were aimed at me. I think so still. At length, as my state became worse, I thought that every one insulted me, and I still think so. If any one ex- pectorates or blows his nose, coughs, laughs, or puts his handkerchief before his face in my presence, 1 experience the most painful sensation. Sometimes I feel enraged ; but more frequently a depression of spirits, ending in involuntary tears. 1 look at no one, and my eyes are never fixed on any object. "Wrapped up in my own thoughts, I am inciifterent to all external impressions. These signs are evidently those of imbecility. I admit that I may have had — aiid that I may even now have — hallucinations, but I am fully persuaded that these ideas are not without foundation. I am convinced that the expression of my countenance has something strange in it ; that people read in my looks the fears which agitate and the ideas which torment me, and that they laugh at this unhappy weakness of intellect which they ought rather to pity.' "The patient experienced a sense of heaviness and oppression in his head, and, although fatigued by slight exercise, was constantly in motion. Two years before he consulted me he began to correct himself by degrees, and for nine months he liad entirely renounced the practice of masturbation ; yet, notwithstanding this, his state daily grew worse. His digestion was disordered ; he suffered from obstinate constipation, and his erections and venereal desires had left him for a long tin:ie. Yet he did not mention the last ftiets — in the written state- ment of his case — to me ; they were minor evils ; one idea alone absorbed him — the conviction that he was an •bject of contempt and ridicule to all who approached 267 him ; this idea was aggravated by their knowledge of his impotence and by shame for the cause which had produced it. ■ " This patient's urine usually contained an abundant flocculent deposit, resembling a thick decoction of barley ; it decomposed very rapidly, and emitted a disagreeable smell. After every stool the point of the glans' penis was covered with a' clammy, viscid matter, resembling a thick solution of gum. " These circumstances confirmed me in the idea that involuntary seminal discharges alone opposed the pa- tient's recovery. The frequent emission of the urine, the sensibility of the spermatic cords, of the testicles, and especially of the urethral mucous membrane and the injected state of the orifice of the urethra, made me attribute these evacuations to irritation of the spermatic organs rather than to relaxation. As, however, the patient refused to submit to cauterization, I ordered him iced-milk mixed with spa-watej.', cold lotions, &c., but he found himself much worse after the use of these means ; all his symptoms were aggravated, and his urine became thicker, and left a glaring deposit ad- hering to the bottom of the vessel. " At length, on the 23d of April, I persuaded M. G. to submit to cauterization, and I performed it immedi- ately, chiefly on the neck of the bladder and the prosta- tic portion of the urethra ; nothing particular occurred, except tiiat the inflammation of the urethra, which fol- lowed the application, was not entirely removed for three weeks. This, I believe, arose, in a great measure, from the severe weather which prevailed at the time. I or- dered two or three warm baths to be taken in a week, a few warm injections and demulcent drinks. " At the expiration of a month, the patient took plea- sure in going out, and occupied himself in gardening ; he felt stronger, and took longer walks ; he was able to employ himself longer without fatigue ; he also experi- enced nocturnal emissions, preceded by erratic dreams and lively sensations. At this he was at first alarmed, but he gained courage when he saw that he was not in- jured by them. " I had not seen him for more than a month, when one day he called on me, quite dispirited, to say that he 208 should never get well, as he was relapsing into his for- mer habits. I blamed him, but at the same tioie 1 ex- plained to him that the fact was a proof of his having regained his former virility, of which he should make more proper use. " M. G's mother came to me soon after, to speak of the propriety of marriage for her son, whom she saw ex- posed to various dangers. I easily persuaded her that before deciding on marriage, it would be necessary for him to be firmly assured during a considerable period of his perfect and decided recovery. M. G. had then re- gained his spirits, his boldness and his position in society, and eighteen months afterwards, all his functions being performed with energy, he married. Six months after his marriage I heard that his health had not for a mo- ment been disordered. " With this patient 1 received the following consulta- tion from Dr. Ksquirol : — " ' The undersigned cannot mistake a case of hj'po- chondriasis which has lasted three years. It is evident that the nervous affection was produced by the habit of masturbation to which the patient was addicted from the age of puberty, and of which he only succeeded in breaking himself seven months since. * The hypo- chondriasis continues very obstinately, as the cause which produced it acted for a long time, and very seri- ously weakened the nervous system. The undersigned attributes the little success attending medical treatment to the unfavorable weather, to the indocility of the pa- tient, who lives in seclusion and in physical and moral torpor, and to the weakness of his mother, who allows herself to be led away by the sight of false or exagge- rated sufierings. The means advised are those usually ordered in cases of hypochondriasis :— Tonics, anti- spasmodics, leeches to the anus, purging, change of scene, traveling, sulphuretted baths, sea-bathing, &c.' " Dr. Esquirol sums up liis opinion in conclusion, aa follows : — ' I must repeat what I have said above— weak- ened evacuation is the cau.se of the disease, and every- thing which can strengthen the nervous system, will be useful. It was clear that masturbation had been the first cause of the physical and moral derangement, called hypochondriasis ; but the patient had renounced this 260 vice during nine montlis, and his state became worsa daily, instead of improving. It wsts evident, therefore, that some other cause acted in keeping up the disorder; and it was just as evident that this cause was involun- tary diurnal discharges. " It is not necessary for mo to show that masturbation can, acting alone, induce involuntary discharges, or that the cure was due to cauterization only, although its ef- fects were not manifest for a month after the application of the caustic ; but I must insist on the pathological condition of the genital organs exciting these involun- tary evacuations, since they have been too frequently ascribed to a state of debility or relaxation of the tissues . The tonics ordered by Esquirol had produced no benefit. " ' I have described the symptoms which led me to sus- pect acute irritation of the prostatic portion of the ure- thra, and I have shown the injurious effects of cold lotions, iced-milk, spa-water, &c. It was then, not by causing contraction of the orifices of the ejaculatory duets, that the cauterization produced its beneficial ef- fects, but by dispersing the chronic engorgement of the mucous membrane. The advantage derived from warm baths during convalescence corroborates this opinion.' " In M. G's case a predominating symptom attracted the attention of the practitioners ; hence they looked on the disease as being hypochondriasis, monomania, or hallucination, continuing after the separation of its ex- citing cause, and becoming consequently, an idiopathic affection. I have, however, shown that all the functions had been altered more or less ; I should add, that the digestion was the last to bo re-established perfectly. Such mistakes are very common and very serious, and I cannot too strongly impress their importance on the attention of the profession. _" Esquirol justly stated, the hypochondriasis took its origin from masturbation ; that the nervous system was weak and excited. But he mistook the cause which kept up this condition of the brain. When masturbation has not iiKlueed involuntary seminal emissions, recovery soon follows, on Itaving off the habit which has destroyed the health. Within a week the patients begin to experience a notable improvemont, and in a very short time they 270 are hardly recognizable, whatever may have been the degree of weakness to which they were reduced. '• But when Dr. Esquirol wrote his opinion, seven months had ehip.sed, during which ]\I. G's conduct had been irreproachable, and when I saw him two montha after, his state was even worse, although he had never resumed his former habits. The symptoms were, how- ever, kept up by involuntary diurnal discharges. " The effects of cauterization were very conclusive, and so soon as its curative action was felt, the patient of his own accord, took various kinds of exercise, and sought out the different amusements which had been in vain ordered for him previously ; he entered into sp- ciety, and did, without being pressed, all that he had before refused to do ; his ideas, and his necessities al- tered in proportion as his functions were re-established. " It is in vain that we say to the so called hypochon- dria} — Amuse yourself, employ your mind, go into .-society, seek agreeable conversation ; so long as we have not re- moved the cause of his disorder, he is unable to profit lay our counsels. How can we expect that when a man is fatigued by the least exercise, he shall occupy him- self with walking or gardening 1 Hoav can we desire him to go into society, when the simple presence of a woman intimidates him, and recalls all his former mis- fortunes 1 How can we expect him to enjoy conversa- tion when he loses its thread every moment 1 When his memory loaves him, and he feels his nullity 1 We persuade him to seek amusements and pleasures, but are they such to him 1 Is not the happiness of others, his greatest punishment 1 Because he is unable to follow our advice, we accuse him of unwillingness, and we wish to compel him. Let us first remove the cause of our patient's disea.sc, and we shall soon see that his character and conduct will change, and that he will return to hia natural tastes and habits. " It is not long, in such cases, before we are em- barrassed by questions about the pi-opriety of marriage being put to us. This is a matter which is serious in all its aspects, and on which the least scrupulous should not pronounce, without having had sufficient assurance of their patient's health is now not the only one, nor is even his future happiness alone implicated ; the fate of 27J the innocent being who is about to bo associated with him is the matter of chief importance, .and justice to her demands that we do not counsel matrimony until Bufflciently long proof has been given that our patient's re-establishment is permanent." The above case will satisfy every one who are afflict- ed, or who have been subject previously to the habit, or to the emissions, and may be, wb>> have married, without having first been cured, b^t who think they are well enough ; vet they do no*" feel exactly as they should; or they may have be^^^'^der treatment, and supposed themselves conval^^<^"t ; but yet the testicle on the left side is weaker ;^' and hangs lower than the other, or than it shor';' the veins, no aoubt, are en- larged, or when yo; ^""^^ ^^"^ testicles m your fingers the!-e is a feelinc'-'^'^f worms collected together. Both testicles mav "^ ^P^P^^'^fi' '^^"^ sometimes they swell and f-el tcndo- f Pc<'ia% if tlie person has been indulging in sT^iri^ "^I liquors, or has a severe cold ; the desire for conr •,, ° finally grows less ; the person becomes weak, Will soon go to an early grave, probably an idiot, ril through these different stages there is either a Visible or invisible loss of semen, which must be stopped, and as I have just said, should satisfy every one there is no time to be lost, or thev may be past re- covery, for, so long as the spermatorrhoea continues, no cure can be expected, but, on the contrary, the patient must go on from bad to worse, notwithstanding all that can be done for him. In addition to what I have said as to the origin of this vice, I will insert what M Lallemand says on the same subject : — CHAPTER XL CAUSES OF ABUSE " These may be divided into two classes : — First, causes inherent in man, or those acting from within j these may be considered as predisposing causes ;• 272 secondly, cxterna-1 causes, or those arising from a'^ci- deutal circumstances, and these may be considered aa exciting causes. " Inlcrnal or predisposing causes.— Of the first class 5t causes, the mejt important is undoubtedly due to the buman organization. \n the lower animals tlie male and female live t^ogcthcr, as if there were no differeaee ot sex, except d^^^g the short rutting season. This period passed, pcrfc.., calm is restored. In the human species, the secretion o-.,e,uen constantly goes on, from he time of maturity unt,.^,,treme old age ; the secre- tion may, indeed be increa.., ^^ diminished by excite- ment or repose of the organs , ^^,^ ^^^^. f ^}^ It is never entirely suspended as ' „ „„ f, p^«i"u tissues are healthjl Still, this v^^^^^KL^t -.^'^1"''^. fact has been much neglected • its apphll^"'^ important " The foria of the superior extremities p." isevment. race also possesses a considerable influence ^^ 0"ui'}n posing to abuse. Many animals are always fit'^.''^'^''''' cundation, .spermatozoa being found in them ai _^" seasons. They are, however, unable to excite semini. impressions without the aid of the female. Other ani- mals, again, which, during the rutting season, show an al- most incredible amount of erotic fury, are still unable, by their own actions, to cause spermatic discharges ; their form alone prevents this, for they often attempt it, and a few even succeed. It is well known with what fury apes are addicted to raa.sturbation — the ape being, of all the lower animals, the nearest to man in form. To this origiual disposition, more perfect in man than in any other animal, must be added the influence of patho- logical causes. " I have already spoken of the irritation caused by ascarides in the rectum, of the erections they excite, and of the abuses induced by them. We shall see, by and by, that herpetic eruptions on the penis and prepuce may produce the same eff'ects, and I shall show also, that an accumulation of sebaceous matter, between the prepuce and glans, may have a similar influence. I must also mention irritation of the cerebellum^ as in- ducing serious abuse, of which I shall give cftses in their proper pkce. " There is even some connection between the organ? ot generation and distant diseases; for Dr. Desportes has mentioned a kind of angina which is frequently pre- ceded by a considerable increase in the venereal desires, and, consequently, by a disposition to all kinds of abuses. Pulmonary phthisis also is often attended by considerable venereal excitement. It may a^ well then be at once admitted, that causes predisposing to masturbation exist in the human organization itself. '' External or exciting causes. — Of these I shall lay particular stress on such as act before puberty, because they have hitherto attracted very little attention. The most anxious parents believe that there is no occasion to watch over the actions of their children with regard to their genital organs, previously to the epoch of pu- berty ; and few, even of our own profession, are led to suspect bad habits before that period. This is a fatal error, against which it is necessary to be on our guard ; numerous causes may give rise to abuses at a much earil£ puberty, while hanging one day by his arm, ho experi- enced an energetic erection, accompanied with pleasure, and that by his efforts to raise his body, he caused an abundant seminal emission*! This was the first. The next day he repeated the same motions, and noticed the same phenomena, and from that time he knew no other pleasure. From the principles which had been early instilled into him, he would have thought himself degraded by connection with a female, or by the least manual contact with his genital organs ; but his con- science was quiet with regard to these practices, because they had not been forbidden him. He continued, there- fore, to hang by the hands, from the furniture, doors, &c., without being suspected by any one, and fell by de- grees into a state of debility and wasting, equal to those caused by the most unbridled masturbation. After a time, from weakness the patient lost the power of hang- ing, and his voluntary emissions ceased ; but they were soon replaced by nocturnal emissions, which were very difficult of cure. CASE XXVIIl. " The following are a few passages from a letter 1 have recently received : — ' Being of an ardent tempera- ment, I abused myself from the age of eight years, by practicing masturbation, or rather, by still more hurtful manoeuvres. By compressing the penis between my legs, or against the seat on which I was sitting, I pro duced excitement, which was commonly followed by the discharge of a few drops of viscid and transparent fluid. This practice I repeated several times a day, up to the age of sixteen, when I ceased entirely, having been frightened by the discharge of nearly pure blood, which occurred several times. From this time I only sought natural enjoyments, but 1 found it impossible to obtain a complete erection. This state was attributed tc vreakness, and was combated by tonics, stimulents, and even irritants of all kinds, which have done mo much injury. 1 used also cold bathing and cold lotions '2M CASE XiiX. '• I have Been an officer of high rank who bad fallen nto the same condition, from the practice of similai uanoeuvrcs. He experienced the first sensation against the leg of the table, at the early age of ten years, and continued for several years to employ the same means. CASE XXX. " I have already related the case of another child, who allowed himself to slide down a wooden pole, and the deplorable influence which this circumstance ex- ercised on the remainder of bis life. " In a few of my patients, horse-exercise caused the first seminal emissions. I shall relate, by and by, the case of one of those who knew scarcely any other plea- sare, and who became quite impotent at the age when virility generally is the greatest. The extreme sus- ceptibility which the genital organs manifest at the period of puberty, should prevent horse-exercise from being commenced about this time, as is usually done. It should be begun a few years earlier, or a few years later. " I have already spoken of the danger of allowing children to sleep on the abdomen, (see Case 33, Lalle- mand.) 1 should add, that many of my patients thus contracted habits which ruined their health. Inde- pendently of the inconveniences to respiration, diges- tion &c., which arise in this position, erections are favored. The least friction awakens new sensations, and, once on the track, progress is soon made. Some- times recollections have caused the choice of this po- sition ; of this I have related a remarkable example, (see Case 34, Lallcmand); at other times, scruples early instilled by a sage foresight, but which the violence of the impulse has at length succeeded in eluding, have in- duced it. CASE XX3a. *• Thus, 1 have been told, respecting one of my pa- tients, that he would euSer death rather than defile 285 himself by touching the genital organs ; yet, for five or six years, he seldom passed a ni;jht without working his own destruction while lying on his abdomen. It is not necessary for me to enter into a description of the other means by which patients have sought to satisfy their genital impulses, without transgressing the re- ligious and moral principles which had been taught them from infancy. ^ufBce it to say, that if they have succeeded in satisfying their consciences, they have not succeeded in preserving their health. " But to abstain from all direct action on the genital organs, is not always sufficient to preserve the patient from serious disorders. A purely nervous excitement, awakened by other senses, or directly produced by erotic, may bring the same results as the worst abuses, if prolonged or repeated erections are caused by it. The following arc a feAv such examples :— CASE XXXII. " A student aged twenty-two, born in Switzerland, of sanguine temperament, and great muscular power, fell into the most complete state of impotence, after having been for some time exposed to ungratiiied excitement. He had never practiced any solitary vice ; but violent and prolonged erections came on, and were produced during the day by the influence of the memory. These erections caused abundant and frequent nocturnal em\s- sions. Absence put an end to. the excitement. I'b? nocturnal pollutions diminished by degrees, and at length ceased entirely. Yet this patient fell into the samo state of impotence as if he had committed the greatest excesses in masturbation, and at the same time pre- served the appearance of health and strength, fhs cause of his impotence was evident on examining hi.^ urine, and causing him to watch for diurnal poUutiotji while at stool, but the cure of these pollutions was only perfect after two years' treatment. CASE XXX III. " I have seen another case of the same kind, in a young man who passed from a state of habitual priapism 286 to one of absolute impotence, without any other cauM than violent excitement of the genital organs by an ar- dent attachment ; he had never given way to excess»of any kind. CASE XXXIV. " I also had under my care an English officer, who left Calcutta in perfect health, and arrived in London jompletely impotent, after having suffered during two months from almost constant excit'ement, caused by the presence of a female on board ship. This state, so op- posed to that which had preceded it, continued for two years — the whole of this time not being marked by the least sign of virility. It is scarcely necessary to add that this state was produced by diurnal pollutions. " I related a case a few pages back, in which noc- turnal pollutions were caused by reading an obscene book ; and I have seen a multitude of cases of this na- ture. From these I conclude, that in certain very ox- citabl6*individuals, reading such works, the sight of voluptuous images, lascivious conversation, in a word, all things that can excite or keep up irritation in the sper- matic organs, are capable of producing the same effects as actual abuse, even when the will is sufficiently power- ful to prevent the thoughts from leading to the acts. On the other hand, an abundant secretion of semen with importunate erections, irritation of the urethra and pro- state, alwaj's results under such circumstances, and those favor the occurrence of nocturnal and diurnal pol- lutions, as serious and perhaps more difficult of cure than those produced by masturbation, because it is impossible to act directly on the memory or imagination. " It is not sufficient then to prevent all material action on the genital organs ; it is necessary also to prevent all erotic excitement of the senses and all concentration of the ideas on lascivious objects. Fortune's favors are so distributed, that numbers live in absolute indolence without being blamed by the world, because they de- mand nothing from any one. This inaction produces results, the only remedy for which that I am awaro of, ig daily fatigue of the body by various kinds of cier- 287 CHAPTER XIJI. EFFECTS OF ABUSES. The effects produced by the different kinds of abuse of which I have been treating, vary according to the age of the patient, his idiosyncrasy, and the different organs chiefly affected. I have laid particular stress on the causes which may lead to bad habits some time before puberty, I must now consider theh* effects during this period. " The symptoms arising from masturbation in the child, (says Lallemand), have been always hitherto confounded with those produced in the adult ; they pre- sent certain distinctive characters, however, which re- quire our consideration. However young they may be, children lose flesh and become pale, irritable, morose and passionate ; their sleep is short, disturbed and broken. They fall into a state of marasmus, and at length die, if not prevented from pursuing their course. Examples of suoh a termination are so well known that T forbear to quote them. "Analogous symptoms are shown in the adult — follow nearly the same course — and may lead to the same ter- mination ; but in infancy, more or less severe nervous symptoms are superadded, which are not fouud in those who commenced the practice after puberty, or which at least are not in the latter case manifested to the same extent ; such are spasms and partial or general convul- sions, eclampsia, epilepsy and paralysis, accompanied with contraction of the limbs. These phenomena were present in all the children whose cases 1 have noticed, and numerous similar facts have been published by dif- ferent authors. Contractions of the limbs have been well investigated by Dr. Guerston. and he notices that they especially affect such children as are lank, un- healthy looking, nervous and worn out by bad habits. The following case is sufficiently remarkable :- - CASE XXXV. " In 1824, a woman brought her son, eight years old, t.o the hospital St. Eloi ; h« had lost the use of his lowcf 288 extrciaitics for some months. The limbs were fixed, drawn together, and all the mus(;les contracted. The child wa^ extremely thin, and his intellect was much disturbed. Masturbation, the cause of all these di.-;- oiders, had only been discovered by his mother a fev/ weeks before she placed him under my care, but she had used every means she could devise to prevent it without clTeet. After two or three trials I found that it was of no use trusting to the straight, waistcoats and othec means usually employed, and accordingly 1 determined to pass a gum-elastic catheter into the bladder, and to fix it so that the patient .should be unable to withdraw it. The presence of the foreign body excited inflammation of the urethra, as I expected ; when this occurred 1 withdrew the instrument, but replaced it as soon as the inflammation had subsided. I kept up in this manner a constant state of inflammation for a fortnight, which ren- dered the parts so painful that the child was unable to touch them. This treatment produced more deci.'iive success than I had ventured to hope. Within eight days the lower extremities had regained sufiicient strength and mobility to allow the child to get up ; and in another fortnight he was able to run about the yards 1 then sent him away, threatening him with a return of the same treatment if he relapsed. The pain caused by the catheter seemed to have removed all the other im- pressions, for his health continued good, and growth followed its ordinary course. " I have since employed the same means in many cases with just as much success, and I think it more sure than any other, because it is impossible to rely on the patient's will or on the assiduity of those who are ap- pointed to watch over him. Jn children too it leaves an impression on the memory which is often suflicieut to destroy the empire of habit and to prevent a return to the former manoeuvres. " But to resume the consiileration of the symptoms observed in children: In childhood, seminal emissions are never experienced, but, novertlieles.^, the patients fall into a state of marasmus, to which some even suc- cumb. These effects, like those observed under the same circumstances in the female, have induced some authors to leave out of their consideration the seminal 2Sl> discharges which are proi.luced by the same acts at a later period. They have iittributcd the debility, which follows all abundant discharges of semen, to the nei voua excitement and convulsive motions which usually ac- company the discharge. " The accidents observed before puberty are evidently only due to the etlects on the nervous system, and the same sensation accompany voluntary emissions after pu- berty ; it is natural to suppose that the nervous system plays as active a part then as in childhood. I willingly admit the importance of this nervous exhaustion in whatever manner it may be supposed to operate ; and, supposing even that its action on the economy ^is just as important as during childhood, (which is not'the case, as I shall pr CASE XXXVJII. I'KOSTATITIS. " Sevei-iil of my jwitiVnts suffered from retention of urine, iifter the must frightful abuses ; and it was ueces- BHiy to relieve some of thtm with the catheter. In one patient an abscess formed in the prostate, and discharged through the pereneum. " I have related many cases of acute and chronic cys- titis, of which masturbation was the sole cause. EMISSIONS OF BLOOD. " Some of ray patients had carried their passions so far as to provoke emissions of pure blood, or of semen mixed with blood. Authors contain many such cases, which show that the pathological condition of the ure- thra has extended itself to the lining of the seminal ves?i- cles. Other patients suffered from more or less severe attacks of hematuria ; many experienced irritation of the bladder and kidneys, attended with an abundant secre- tion of bloody urine and constant desire to pass urine — ' Rometimes even micturation was involuntary. Thus the inflammation or irritation caused by masturbation may, like that accompanying blennorrhagia, extend by de- grees, until it reaches the kidney. It will be easily be- lieved that the irritation does not extend In this direc- tion only. ORCHITIS, '* I have seen several cases in which the patients suf- fered from acute attacks of orchitis, after furious mas- turbation ; and frequently such orchitis has required v«ry active treatment for its relief. In one case the pa- tient had not reached puberty when this occurred. In many such cases no doubt accessory circumstances eX' isted, althougii the patients attributed the development of the orchitis only to masturbation. Others more slightly affected, experienced pain in the testicles and jpermatic cords, accompanied with swelling of the spididymis. Others, again, suffered a painful sense cf .ensioii ; they felt as if the testicles were held in a vice, or squeezed by a hand of iron. In many, the least con- tact of the parts with the clothes was insupportable, and the weight of the testicles caused very severe drag- ging pain. In all such cases the patients were obliged to wear suspensory bandages, and often to guard the testicles from friction with cotton, wool, or swans'-down. " These symptoms which I have considered separatel}-, generally occur together, and often form varying groups which present special appearances depending on the predominance of one of the symptoms. Sometimes the patients mention one circumstance only, because that one alone has attracted their attention ; but when questioned, they recollect many others which appeared trifling by the side of the more serious one. It is also important to remark, that diurnal pollutions generally follow very soon after the appearance of these symp- toms, and'that the patients are A long time without dis- covering them, and sometimes only detect them when taught what to expect. " The more we reflect on these morbid phenomena and the course of their appearance, the more striking is the resemblance between the effects of excessive masturba- tion and those of blennorrhagia. I admit that the symptoms do not always present the characters of well- marked inflammation, but they at least show those of active irritation of the parts. It is easy enough to give a clear explanation of what passes in all cases of this kind, with perhaps some slight shades of differ- ence. The testicles secrete more semen, which is im- perfectly formed ; the seminal vesicles participating ir the state of irritation of the neighboring organs, do not easily bear its presence — they contract more readily, as they are more easily affected by external impressions. Hence it becomes more and more difficult to avoid nocturnal pollutions. After a little time, diurnal pollu- tions occur and become more and more frequent and abundant ; that is to say, there is a constant disposition in the seminal vesicles to contract spasmodically and expel their content«s. " On the other hand, the semen, ill secreted by the teeticles, and remaining a shorter time in its reservoirs, •ecomes thinner and more watery ; and by degrees, as •298 it loses its physiological characters, it also loses its normal properties; it becomes, therefore, unfit to |./o- duce its effects on the seminal vesicles. The erection? are consequently less energetic and less lasting, and after a time incomplete and fleeting, whilst, in the end, in severe cases, they disappear altogether. Hence the embarrassment and timidity of such patients in the company of females, and the fear they experience of finding themselves in a position to expose their impo- tence ; and hence their indifference and even aversion for the sex, and the constantly increasing difficulty they experience in changing their habits. Such abuses, then, because their effects remain long after the habits have been altered, bring on symptoms, of which the cause is unsuspected. This is the reason why the health of some continues to deteriorate, whilst that of others, are re-established as soon as they have renounced their malpractices. This is why tonics, aphrodisiacs, cold bathing, and iced drinks, produce effects so different from those expected. " There are undoubtedly cases,in which the spermatic organs are weakened and relaxed. I shall relate several instances of this in a future chapter ; but we shall then see that such a state arises from primary relaxation of habit and rather from want of use of the organs, than from their abuse. " In concluding my remarks on the subject of mastur- bation, I may observe, that it is the most dangerous of all vices of this nature, because it is the most difficult to discover and to prevent, and because it does not re- quire any assistance for its consummation. From the cases I have seen, I conclude that the irritation excited by such manoeuvres very easily induces involuntary dis- charges ; that the appearance of nocturnal pollutions in those who attempt to abandon the vice, often causes them to r-eturn to their former habits, and that the di- minution of virility which follows, far from favoring the patient's amendment, frequently hinders it by proving an obstacle to their having sexual intercourse, while it does not prevent them from continuing their bad prac- tices. This circumstance is a powerful cause of the dis- orders which attend such as are reduced to vicioni habits." 299 CHAPTER XVI. EROTOMANIA AND SATYRIASIS. These affections are generally confounded together, yet the difference is very considerable, though their manife-ctations are similar. There is an unnatural sex- ual desire in both of them, which is often so unconsola- ble, that gratification is attempted at any sacrifice. They are produced by disease, as has been shown in the preceding Chapters of this work. Satyriasis is caused by a disease of the sexual organs, or the adjacent parts, which keep them in a constant irrita- tion, often so great as to prevent proper sleep and caus- ing the greatest uneasiness at all times, producing a most furious excitement ; those which are most likely to pro- duce satyriasis are the piles, ascarides, bladder, and the urethra or prostate gland. Dr. Curling remarks, that " The irritation attending the morbid condition of the mucous membrane of the prostatic portions of the ure- thra, tends in a very material degree to excite both the excessive seminal discharge and the secretions of the Ijrostate, and to produce that morbid craving for indul- gence and abuse which persons who have brought them- selves to this state find so difficult to repress and resist. " It is well known that any imtation at the orifice of an excretory duct usually acts as a stimulus to the se- cretion of the gland. Thus, hm-tful matter in the duodenum produces a flow of bile ; and a foreign body in the conjunctiva, as an inverted eye-lash, a discharge of tears ; so it is with the testes when irritation exists at the orifices of their excretory ducts. The disorder at this part, moreover, appears to react on the brain, and to become in part the cause of the patient's mind being constantly occupied with subjects of sexual excitement, and of his indifference and apathy to other matters ; so that the local disease induced by abuse powerfully aids in perpetuating the mischief; and, judging from the experience which I have had in these cases, is the object to which our treatment should be first directed. " In all of these cases reasoning is of no use whatever .• the cause must be removed or the disease will continue for the patient can no more control himself than he coula if he was laboring under a diarrhoea or fever. "This is a truth, I fear, not sufficient!}' impressed on the minds of medical men. One would be loath to offer any apology for the viciws habits and indulgences to which, it is well known, old men are occasionally ad- dicted—a melancholy example of the kind, in the higher ranks of life, having lately been brought under public notice. I cannot but think, however, that, in many in- stances, these canes are not undeserving of professional sympathy, and that the erotic longings— which some- times coTitinue to distress the aged long after the period at which, in the course of nature, they should have ceased— depend as much on physical infirmity as mental depravity, the former inciting and producing the morbid desires. If these propensities were regarded and treated as symptoms of disease, (and that they frequently occur in ccmnection Avith affection of the urinary passage, is we'll kiK)wn to practical surgeons), I believe they would often subside, and the distressing results to which they lead would be altogether avoided." Erotomania differs from satyriasis as respects the seat of the disease, as the former is in the brain arul not in the genitals directly, for they are only afil'cted in a secondary manner. Dr. Copeland is A'ery clear in his distinction of the two diseases ; but 1 will hero say, nymphomania, to which he refers, is the same disease in the female as satyriasis in the male. He says, " Erotomania— Monomunie erotique of Esquirol, is characterized by an excessive love of some object, real or imaginary. It is a mental affection in Avhieh amoroua ideas are as fixed and dominant as religious ideas are in religious momomauia or melancholia. Erotomania is very different from satyriasis and nymphomania. In the latter the mischief is in the reproductive organs ; in the former it is in the mind. The one is a physical, the other a moral disorder. " Erotomania is the result of an excited imagination, unrestrained by the powers of the understanding : sa- tyriasis and nymphomania proceed from the local irri- tation of the sexual organs, reacting upon the brain, and excitmg the passions beyond the restraints of ren* PLATE 2^. :£r^. 1% ^^;'% Fi^. U 303 son. In the former, there ia neither indecency nor the want of chastity ; in the latter, there is unrestrained expressions of sexual desire and excitement. The oneia commonly caused by ungratitied or disappointed affec- tion excited in a virtuous mind ; the other, by inordi- nate irritation or indulgence of the sexual passion. " In erotomania, the eyes are bright, the manner and expressions tender and passionate, and the actions free, without passing the limits of decency. Self and selfish interests are all forgotten in the devotion paid, often in secret, to the object of the mind's adoration. A state of ecstasy often occurs in the contemplation of the per- fections which the imagination attaches to the sub- ject of its admiration. The bodily functions languish during this state of moral di.sorder; the countenance becomes pale and depressed ; the features shrunk ; the body emaeiated ; the temper unquiet and irritable ; and the mind agitated and despairing. The ideas con- tinually revert to the loved and desired object ; and op- position or endeavors to turn them in a different direc- tion ordy render them more concentrated and determined in their devotion. At last, parents and fortune are abandoned, social ties broken asunder, and the most painful difficulties are encountered, in order to obtain the object of admiration. " In some cases the attempts made by the patient to conceal and overcome this atfeetiou, occasion a state of irritative fever, with sadness, depression, loss of appe- tite, emaciation, &c., Avhich has not inappropriately been termed by Lorrey, Erotic Fever, and which, after continuing an intermediate period, may even terminate fatally. " When a young person becomes sad, absent in mind, pale and emaciated, sighs frequently, sheds tears without any obvious reason, is incapable of any mental or bodily exertion, scarcely speaks to any one, loses ap- petite, &c., it is suflBciently evittent that the mind is inordinately possessed by some desired object. If a Btrong effort be not made to dispossess it of the pre- dominant sentiments, or if the object of desire be not obtained, the symptoms become still more distressing. The corporeal functions languish, the eyes sink, the pulse becomes weak and irregular, and the nights dis* not turbed and sleeplt3»s. At last a form of slow hoctie is produced^ and t&c weaker organs, especially the lungs and heart, are the seat of slowly-produced drsease ; the whole frame is blighted, and the patient sinks from tho injurious influence of the mental affection on the vital orpans- '• This form of moral disorder may increase, and affect the intellect in a much more serious manner, until general insanity or mania is developed ; and, with the progress of time, it may at last terminate in de- mentia or incoherent insanity. In each of these, the primary character of the disorder, or the original moral affection, will still continue to be manifested by the frequent suggestion of the same train of ideas, or re- currence to the object of devotion." I need not impress the importance of the selection of a proper phj'sician in all of the cases, which I have so fully treated on, in the foregoing pages, for I think the facts therein presented, and tho immense deal of suffer- ing and fatality, which has and still is caused by the Ehysicians not understanding the pi'oper treatment — om the lack of the necessary practice — will put all who are unfortunately afflicted, or who have any friends or relatives in such a position, on their proper guard, and where the most worthy among so great a number — say- ing nothing of their fitness to be employed — can be found. CHAPTER XVII. THE INFLUENCE WHICH DIFFERENT ARTICLES HAVE — MEDICINES AND OTHERS — IN PRODUCIN& AND CURING SPERIVIATORRHCEA AND IMPOTENCE. There are not many medicinal substances that act di- rectly on the genital organs ; some of those thftt do eo, are beneficial, and some of them highly injurious. From tho immense deal of imposition practiced both by the quacks and regular practitioners, I have con.-luded to present a few remarks and extracts, that others may o«> 805 oape their base productions, and thus save the confle- quent injury that their use would be sure to cause. There has always been an ignorant notion existing among the people generally, that physicians were ac- quainted with the secret specification of certain medi- eines on the generative functions, which would arouse a sexual ardor under almost any circumstances, and in or- der to play upon the credulity of the public, and at the same time better their pecuniary circumstances, have originated the various cordials, elixirs, stimulants, &c., which are so much advertised, in order to attract the attention of those who are troubled with emissions, sem- inal weakness, imiwtency and sterility. None of them are, in the slightest degree, capable of performing what Is promised ot them. It is only very recent that a discovery has been made of certain dn-.gs which will produce the most astonishing beneficial action, in those cases suffering from loss of power, yet each individual case requires its being ad- ministered with a skillful hand, after a full statement of the case has been presented, and it is to be hoped the knowledge of the ingredients will be kept from those char- latans who only know how to prescribe for all alike, notwithstanding the differences presented in almost every case. Purgatives are thought by almost everybody to act only upon the bowels, but mstead of that, as I have al- ready shown, irritation from spasmodic contractions of the rectum extends to the seminal vesicles, and produce just as great and distressing diurnal pollutions as those which arise from mechanical compression of the same organs ; so that of ascarides, diarrhoea, &c., produce emissions, they as a matter of course will be caused by drastic purgatives, because they act chiefly by irri- tating the large intestine, and which bring on in the rectum and neighboring parts a more permanent state of irritation, aud consequently excite an unnatural flow of urine by irritating the bladder. Now, the spermatic ducts and prostate gland are close to the rectum, and are just as much afiected as the bladder — which is one reason wh}-^ patients are injured instead of being benefit- ted by using such a mode of treatment — because they are costive, which they generally are. T have had a great r>or. many patients from physicians who so foolishly adopted such ticatiJieiit, in a worse state than they were before they visited them. NARCOTICS. I have often been obliged to prohibit patients the use of tobacco, liquor, coU'ee and tea, and as evidence that other surgeons also have found some or all of them in- jurious 1 will here insert some of their remarks. CoJJ'ec — M. Lallemand says, aflfects the cerebro-spinal system, and that attention has not been paid to its ac- tion on other organs. T.'iken in moderate tjuantities, it excites the bladder and kidneys, increases the secretion of urine, and renders its discharge more frequent. It acts in the same manner on the spermatic organs, aug- ments the venereal desires, favors erections, and accele- rates ejaculation. Taken in excess, however, it pro- duces injurious effects. Tea. — M. Lallemand is supported in his views of the action of tea by Dr. McDougal, and is satisfied its ef- fects are very similar to coHee. lie further says, there are many other agents besides those he has mentioned, which excite or increase involuntary seminal discharges. Tobacco. — This article produces similar effects on a great many persons to opium and other narcotics. At first they often stimulate, but afterwards they weaken ihe sexual organs, so much so as to cause complete impo- ;ency. This no doubt is caused by the relaxation of ihe ejaculatory ducts. In the thirteenth Annual Report of the Massachusetts State Lunatic Asylum, there are excellent remarks on tobacco, which I cannot refrain from inserting. After the remarks on.the injurious effects of alcohol it goes on to say, — "Alcohol is not the only narcotic which thus affects the brain and nervous system. Opium produces delirium tremens, and probably insanity. Tobacco is a powerful narcotic agent, and its use is very deleterious to the nervous .system, producing tremors, vertigo, faintnoss, palpitation of the heart, and other serious diseases. That tobacco certainly produces insanity, I am not able positively to observe ; but that it produces a prcdispo- 307 Mtion to it, . am fully confident. Its influence on the brain and nervous system generally, is hardly less ob- vious than that of alcohol, and, if used excessively, is equally injurious. The young are particularly suscepti- ble to 'the influence of these narcotics. If a young man hecomes intemperate before ho is twenty years of age, he rarely lives to thirty. If a young man uses tobacco while the s^-stem is greatly susceptible to its influence, he will not'^be likely to escape injurious effects that will be developed sooner or latei*, and both diminish the en- joyments of life and shorten its period. " The very general use of tobacco among young men at the present day is alarming, and shows the ignoranco and devotion of the devotees of this dangerous practice to one of the most virulent poisons of the vegetable world. The testimony of medical men, of the most re- spectable character, could be quoted to any extent to sustain these views of the deleterious influence of this dangei-ous narcotic. " Dr. Rush says of tobacco, ' It impairs the appetite, produces dyspepsia, tremors, vertigo, headache and ejnlepsy. It injures the voice, destroys the teeth, and imparts to the complexion a disagreeable, dusky brown.' " Dr. Boerhave says, that, 'Since the use of tobacco has been so general in Europe, the number of hypo- chondrical and consumptive complaints have increased by its use.' "Dr. Cullen says, 'I have known a small quantity snuffed up the nose to produce giddiness, stupor and vomiting. There are many instances of its more vio- lent cflFects, even of its proving a mortal poison.' " Dr. Darwin says, ' It produces disease of the sali- vary glands and the pancreas, and injures the power of iigestion by occasioning the person to spit off the saliva yhich he ought to swallow.' " Dr. Tissott once saw the smoking of it prove fatal. C.\SE XXXIX. "Dr. Pilcher details the particulars of a case of a medical student whom he had been requested to see ' This gentleman suffered under all the symptoms of phthisis. There was mneo-purulent expectoration 308 night sweats, &f,. Tho mucous membrane of the throat, epiglottis, and the neighboring parts, were coat^ ed with a brown fur. The patient had been an im- moderate snuff-taker; ho was told to discontinue the enuff— he did so, and recovered.' ' Dr. Chapman says, ' By a member of Congress from he west, m the meridian of life, and of a very stout frame, I was some time since consulted. He told me that from having been one of the most healthy and fear- less of men he had become sick all over and timid as a girl. He could not even present a petition to Congress much less say a word concerning it, though ho had long been a practicing lawyer, and served much in legisls^ tive bodies. By any ordinary noise he was startled or thrown into tremulousne-ss, and afraid to be alone at night. His appetite and digestion were gone ; he had painful sensations at the pit of the stomach, and unre- lenting constipated bowels. During the narrative of his suffering, his aspect approached the haggard wild- ness of mental distemperature. On inquiry, 1 found that his consumption of tobacco was almost incredible by chewing, snuffing and smoking. Being satisfied that all his misery arose from this poisonous weed Its use was discontinued, and m a few weeks he entirelv recovered. '' CASES XLI AND XMI. " Distressing as was this case, I have seen others, trom the same cause even more deplorable. Two youno- men were in succession brought to mo for advice, whom 1 found in a state of insanity, very much resembling de- lirium tremens. Each had chewed and smoked to- bacco to excess, though perfectly temperate as regarded drink. Iho further account given me was, 'that in early life adopting this bad practice, it grew with their frowth. Dyspepsia soon occurred, attended by great erangemeut of the nervous system, and ultimately tho mania, I have mentioned ; but I have also seen the same condition very speedily induced.' 309 " Dr. Franfilin says, ' He never used it, and nevof met with a man who did use it that advised him to fol' low his example.' " The venerable John Quincy Adams, in a recent letter on the subject, says, that in early life he used tobacco, but for more than thirty years he had discon- tinued the practice. ' I have often wished,' says he", ' that every individual of the human race, affected with this artificial passion, would prevail upon himself to try but for three months, the experiment which I have made, and I am sure it would turn every acre of to- bacco-land into a wheat-field, and add five years to the average of human life.' " Some cases have come imder my observation which show the injurious effects of tobacco where no evil was suspected. CASE XLIII. " A respectable merchant, who abstained wholly from ardent spirits, applied to me for advice. He com- plained of great weakness, tremor of the limbs and joints, with lassitude, general prostration of health, and depression of spirits. Knowing that he used tobacco freely, I advised him to discontinue it entirely ; he soon became better, and after a time was wholly relieved from these disagreeable symptoms. CASE XLIV. " A distinguished clergyman informed me that ho had been an extravagant snuff-taker ; that for years he had a disagreeable affection of the head, and his health was not good. He did not attribute either to the use of snuff, but thinking it a filthy habit and a growing evil, he resolved to leave it off. He was surprised to find that the diflBeulty in his head almost immediately left him, and his general health became quite good. CASE XLV. " A gentleman of athletic frame, and about twenty* four years, of age, applied to me for advice. He com- plained of insufferable faintness and distress of stomach. 310 morning sickness, vomiting, trembling, and prostration of strength. He diminished his tobacco considerably, and was immediately better, but had not resolution to abandon I he i)ernicious practice. " In our experience in the Hospital, tobacco in all its forms is injurious to the insane. It increases excitement of the nervous system in many cases, deranges the stom- ach, and produces vertigo, tremors, and stupor in others. It is difficult to control its u.se with the insane, and although considerable sufi'ering comes from its en- tire abandonment, it cannot be generally allowed with safety " One patient, while at labor, found a quantity of to- bacco, and hid it in his bed. He used it freely, became sick, lost his appetite, and confined himself to his bed, completely intoxicated. After some days, diligent search was made, and a store of tobncco Avas fouml in his straw bed; when this' was removed he almost imme- diately recovered, and in a few days he was as well as before. CASE XLVII. " A person who carac into the Hospital a furious ma- niac, soon became calm, and improved favorably. Ho labored in the field with propriety, and exhibited every indication of a favorable convalescence. Suddenly with- out any apparent cause, he again became very violent and insane. It was soon discovered that he had in some way obtained tobacco. After he ceased to use it, ho again became calm and convalescent. CASE XLVlir. " An aged lady was brought to us very insane. Tho practice of her friends for some time, had been to give her ardent spirits to intoxicate her at night, and tobac- co and simlf, in unlimited quantity, for the da}'. All these were withdrawn at once ; her sufferings for some days were great, but after a time, she became calm, and got better as soon as the influence of this excitement v,-aa over. 311 ** It is very natural to suppose that an article possess- ing the active properties of this fascinating narcotic, ehould produce most deleterious eifocts upon health — particularly upon the brain and nervous system. " The uninitiated cannot smoke a cigar or use tobacco in any form, without unpleasant effects — how then can it be possible that a poison so active can be used with impunity'? The stomach and brain, subjected to such influences, will become diseased, and show their effects as certainly as if alcohol were used. " If asked my medical opinion, which was safest, four glasses of wine or four quids of tobacco, daily 1 I should saj', unhesitatingly, the wine. Of the two evils, this would, in my opinion, be the least. Tobacco is the strongest, most dangerous narcotic — the habit of its use is the strongest and most diflScult to overcome, and the influence felt from it most baneful and destructive to health." Opium, of course, is much worse than tobacco, as the exhaustion it produces is not so readily recovered from, for if its use once cause impotency, it is quite doubtful if he can be restored to his former powers. I will close this article bj' quoting what M. Lallemand says, in a number of his cases, on its effects in decreasing and otherwise affecting the sexual desires. 1 very often have patients affected in the same way. CASE XLIX. " I have a young man of very nervous temperament at present under my care, in whom nocturnal and di- urnal pollutions have brought on pain in the loins, pal- pitation, difiiculty of breathing, &c., symptoms which were supposed to arise from disease of the spinal cord, cardia) affection and commencing phthisis. Among the exciting causes of these involuntary discharges, the effects of smoking occupy the chief place. The follow- ing is the patient's statement : — " ' At twenty years of age I wished to accustom my- self to smoking ; but a day never passed without my ex- periencing complete intoxication, attended with vomit- ing, vertigo, and trembling of the limbs. I continued the habit, however, and I soon began to perceive that 312 my sight became weak, and that I lost my memory ; my hands shook, and my digestion became much dis- ordered. I noticed also great debility of the genital organs ; my erections ceased ; and at the age of twenty- two 1 found myself completely impotent.' " This patient had rarely practiced masturbation, and had never committed any excess when he first began to smoke ; his health had previously been excellent. It is, therefore, evident, that the impotence as well as the other symptoms, arose from tobacco. Impotence at the age of twenty-two can only be produced by involuntary seminal discharges, provided there be no physical disa- bility. In the present case, there was no doubt on the point, the patient himself having discovered diurnal and nocturnal pollutions. " The action of tobacco on those Avho smoke for the first time, is too Avell known to require description ; more or less disorder of all the functions, varying according to the constitution of the individual, invariably arises from it ; and this disorder always presents more or less of the characteristics of poisoning by narcotics. These effects go off by degrees, as the patient becomes habitu- ated to the use of tobacco, and generally after a time cease to be manifested at all. Some nervous and ex- citable individuals are unable to accustom themselves to the habit, as in the case just mentioned ; in others, again, smoking becomes an artificial habit, which in many cases is almost a necessity. '* But this empire of custom has its limits, beyond which the narcotic influence re-appears. In such as are not easily affected, this acquired habit is generJiUy sup- ported with impunity ; but even then, if it be indulged in to excess, it must after a time bfe injurious. Thus it is that the most accomplished smokers often experience vertigo, cephalagia, anorexia, &c., when they have re- mained long in an atmosphere densely filled with smoke, which is then drawn into the lungs, and probably pro- duces worse effects than when merely drawn into the mouth, or swallowed, as in smoking. " In a word then, if the power of habit can prevent the momentary effects of smoking from showing themselves, the frequent repetition of the use of tobacco produces more lasting effects on different organs. Disorder ftf the 313 digestive orgaus is well-krl0^yn as occurring in inveterat'e smokers — that of the genital orgaus l^as uot hitherto been noticed." Dr. McDonald says, that " Many inveterate smokera among his professional friends have mentioned to him the diminution of their veneral desires, as one of the effects of tobacco." • CANTHAEIDES. The application of a blister on a particular part of the body will not only increase involuntary seminal dis- charges, but will cause them. Cantharides v?ill do this, whether used as a blister or administered as an internal remedy, because it will cause an inflammation of the bladder and the contiguous parts of the body to such an extent as to prevent the passage of the urine. This is the reason that physicians have administered this drug in cases of seminal discharges and impoteucy, supposing them to be caused from atony or a relaxation of the genital organs. But of the hundreds that have come to me, after its use, not one had received the slightest bene- fit ; but, on the other hand, had been injured to such an extent as to be troubled with a constant bearing down and other pains in the region of the bladder, obliging them to pass urine (in one bad case,) as often as ninety times within the twenty-four hours. Many patients le- ceived an increase of all their symptoms, and impotence taking the place of the weakness of the genitals. In- jecting the urethra produces the same result. If a physician does not understand the nature of a dis- ease, I am surprised that he would have even the re- motest idea of undertaking to cure it, much more doing so, for if they did understand it, they would not use cantharides, for instead, as they suppose, no doubt, of the disea-se — Emissions — being caused by a weakness of the organs, they are produced by irritation, and will in- crease instead of being removed, unless that irritation and cause is removed, which can never be done by this nor any other medicines ; yet, see patients every day that have been under the care of physicians, or used all of the remedies which are so much lauded in the papers as being the only cure. 314 The public have long labored under the great error of supposing canthjfridcs would create or restore power to the genital organs, and a desire for sexual gratitication, to an extent that would satisfy the purposes not only of those who really needed something of the kind ; but it has been given for base purposes in many a case, I have no doubt. Many a female case has been presented to me of gi^at sufferings, caused by its use. There has been very recent discoveries of harmless medicines, which are surprisingly effective in cases of impotency, sterility, and weakness of the generative system ; but I administer it, of course, in accordance to the peculiarities of each case. CAMPHOR. This is a good antidote for the injurious conse- quences of the use of cantharides ; but its use for th« cure of spermatorrhoea often causes injury. As an instance of its injurious efiFects, M. Lallemand says, " One of his patients who put camphor between the prepuce and glans penis, sutitred so much from di- urnal pollution as to endanger his life." It is a drug which quacks use, and I have found in a great many patients, after having used their remedies, an augmentation instead of diminution of their symp- toms NITRATE OF POTASS. I consider this almost as injurious and dangerous as cantharides ; but notwithstanding all its injurious effects, almost all doctors, and nearly every quack remedy, especially for the cure of gonorrhoea, gleet, tc., in- corporate it with their other drugs. In the inflamma- tory stage of these diseases it is supposed to have a sedative effect. It is considered a diuretic, because it increases the flow of urine, thereby stimulating the kidnej's. But if it would stop there it would not causa 30 much barm, for it produces hematuria, pain, and iu- 315 flammation of the bladder, consequently swelled tes- ticles, and increase of, or will originate an inflammation of the urethra and prostate gland. As further proof of its injurious effects I will insert a case mentioned by M. Lallemand : — " A merch^t of Genes, wishing to take a purgative, tfent to a druggist for an ounce of sulphate of mag- nesia. By mistake an ounce of nitrate of potass was returned by the messenger and taken. Violent inflam- mation of the urinary passages, accompanied with a dis- charge resembling bleunorrhagia (clap) resulted, swell- ing took place in about the centre of the urethra, and when the acute stage of inflammation had passed off", a circumscribed induration, which obstructed the dis- charge of urine, remained. Twenty years afterwards the patient still suffered from this obstruction, for the formation of which there had been no other cause than the inflammation produced by the nitrate of potass. The patient had never had bleunorrhagia, either before " It appears then the nitrate of potass acts as a stimu- lant of the whole urinary apparatus ; and it is at least probable that it produces the same effect on the sper- matic organs. I am led to this opinion partly by an- alogy, but chiefly because more than forty of the pa- tients whom I have treated for involuntary seminal dis- charges, had taken nitrate of potass in some form or other; and all, without exception, found themselves worse afterwards. Many of them also observed the same effects from preparsttion of squill, and, in fact, »r after, and had never suffered any injuiy of the part, ill other diuretics." ERGOT OF RYE. This article is generally used by physicians to e.Tpe- lite delivery in females, by increasing the action of the fomb. It also acts as a stimulant to the male genitals, by creating an inflammation of them, which of course E reduces seminal emissions. It is a dangerous and ighly injurious di-ug. 316 PHOSPHORUS This is the most dangerous of all the articles J have ret mentioned, and therefore should never be the light of for a moment, especially by those who arc not per- fectly well acquainted with its action. Its efifects are similar to cantharides, only a great deal more energetic, which renders it so much more dangerous, for its inju- ries are not easily recovered from There are various preparations of this mineral, which have been and still are used by a great many physicians in the treatment of spermatorrhoea. In what respect they consider it beneficial, I do not know, unless as a tonic ; that is what it is given for, no doubt. As a tonic for the system, it is useful in the proper cases, but as to any special benefits, or any particular influence di- rectly on the genital organs it possesses, I think is very indefinite and unsatisfactory indeed. Almost every pa- tient who comes to consult me, after having been under previous treatment, has used one or the other of its dif- ferent preparations. CHAPTEk XVIII. THE MECHANICAL MEANS ADOPTED FOR THE PREVEN- TION OF SEMINAL EMISSIONS. The reader will have noticed what some of my pa- tients experienced, by compressing the urethra at dif- ferent places, from in front of the testicles, back as far as the anus, for the purpose of preventing an erection of the penis and the semen from being ejected. I have also copied cases from M. Lallemand, Avhere the same means had been used by his patients. Fournier and Begin both had patients who had adopted the same mean? to prevent the Femen from escaping, thereby, a;* 311 they thought, effeetkig a cure. The different rneana jidopted to attain this end, I will now mention. CASE LII. A few years ago I had a patient, aged about thirty, who had, among the rest of his numerous successful remedies, adopted this one, and for a long time he sup- posed he had rid himself entirely of the harassing and dreaded nocturnal pollutions. At night, on going to bod, he would wind a piece ot tape losely around the penis while it was in its natural state. This would cause pain, when the penis became erect during the night — which it did at that time when an emission took place — and wake him from his sleep. For a long time ne did not see any semen escape from the urethra, and he flattered himself — though he had grown weaker and thinner — he had hit upon a very simple but sure cure. One morning, however, he discovered in the bottom of the vessel a thick mattery substance, which led him to examine the urethra, when he discovered what he was satisfied was semen, gradually oozing out, after he had passed urine. By examining the urethra after stool, he discovered the same thing, and, as his erections had ceased for some time, as well as all feelings of venereal excitement, he knew the semen was gradually escaping almost constantly. The physicians he had before con- sulted, not benefiting him in the least up to the time he applied his own remedy, he very wisely came to the conclusion not again to put himself under their charge. This was his situation when he applied to me. In a few weeks I cured him of his pollutions, and in a year after, he was a married man, in all the enjoyment of good health. A great many of my patients have adopted difi'erent means for the attainment of the same object- -that is, the 28cape of semen. Some have applied pressure on the pereneum by means of a pad ; some have placed grooved pieces of wood on each side of the penis, with tape wound around it ; others again have procured rings to fit the penis ; but the result in every case has been to cause the semen to flow into the bladder instead of out, through the urethra, which would not 31: have caused half as rauch injury as resulted from tbo former. In Cape 37 of M. Lallemand's work, the patient rup- tured the urethra by compressing it to prevent the dis- charge of semen, and which was followed the following day by a discharge resembling a gonorrhoea, and which he only succeeded in curing by cauterizing the canal. In this case this one compression created so much irrita- tion as to immediately cause involuntary emissions. The strangulation or compression of the urethra causes so much irritation at the orifi^'cs of the seminal ducts that it produces an inflammation in that part of tho canal which extends itself either way, and, finally, if the practice is continued for only a short time even, will cause a stricture, (and in some cases I have found as many as three in different parts of the canal which were irritable and otherwise very bad), in addition to the diurnal pollutions, an inflammation of the prostate gland. CASE LIII. In one of my cases, a man of about forty years ot age, was so severe that it ulcerated and endangered his life. The bladder is sure to become involved also, as will be seen, when you consider the amount of the for- eign substance that is being constantly thrown into it The inflammation of the bladder, in these cases, is often of the severest nature, and sometimes requires a long time, with the most energetic troatment, to restore it to its natural state. Ever3' human being, with an intellect sufficient to enable them to distinguish between right and wrong, will at once brand those who continue to use such mechani- cal treatment, in defiance, and regardless of such unde- niable proofs, of the certain injury to those persons who may be so unfortunate as to accidentally adojit their mode of tr-jatment, as arrant knaves and inipc stors, or ignoramuses, that would do mankind a better turn by Etreet-sweeping than the practice of an honorable pro- fession. Such, however, I am sorry to say, are baso enough to advertise appliances of the above description, as great inventions, and the only thing that is capable o 1 of eflfecting a cure. One impostor, to more easily mis- lead the ignorant, says, " the meaical faculties in Eu- rope use them." The assertion is a base falsehood; the public will rightly judge such a character. When any person is so unscrupulous as to say, that there is no one else but himself capable of effecting a cure, of whatever complaint he may mention, it seems to me the public would be unanimous in condemning him as an impostor, for no one but a knave would have the effrontery to arrogate to himself such superiority over all others. There is a falsehood on the very face of all such declarations, which humanity at this en- lightened daj' should be able at once to discover. The treatment, remedies, of all such persons, cause a thou- sand times more injury than the disease itself, as I think these pages sufficiently prove. M. Lallemand sa^'s, " An ti- venereal treatment is frequently also employed for patients who have suffered oaerely from blennorrhagia, and in a verj' numerous class of cases it produces a serious increase of the irrita- tion in the genital organs, and causes the appearance or exasperates the effects of involuntary spermatic dis- charges." Cases of this nature often present consider- able difficulties of diagnosis ; and the solution of these obscurities is always of much importance in determining the treatment to be followed. Anti-venereals are not the only therapeutic agents which produce such unfortunate effects ; those which a blind routine of practice employs in cases of blennorr- hagia have not been less injurious. Among these it is especially necessary for me to mention astringent in- jections, copaiba, cubcbs, tonics, and bitters, employed too soon, or in extreme dose.'«. All these means act more or less by exciting the genito-urinary organs ; it is, therefore, easy to understand that their untimely or immoderate use must favor an extension of the inflam- mation from the urethra to the mucous membranes, which are continuous with it. " Lastly, spermatorrhoea is often made worse by th« very means employed for its removal, and among these may be ranked* eold baths, ice. tonics, bitters, sulphur- baths, &c. "The further we advance the more plainly we shall 320 jee how necessary it is for the difiFerent forms ot sper- matorrhoea to be described as simple affections — how necesj-ary it is to regard tl era in all their aspects, and to take account of all the circumstances which assist in producing them. In practice we find it indispensable to weigh well all the points connected with a case of sper- matorrhoea, before deciding on any diagnosis, prognosis^ or especially on our treatment." CHAPTER XIX. NYMPHOMANIA PRODUCTIVE OF MONOMANIA AND CRIME — MASTURBATION PRACTICED BY FEMALES — REMARKS SHOWING ITS DREADFUL EFFECTS ON THE CON' STITUTION. The following extraordinary case of Nymphomania was related to me by one of the most prominent phy sicians of this city : — Miss , of a wealthy and highly respectable family, residing in one of the thousand-jjalaces of avenue, attracted my attention while engaged in my professional attentions to a member of the family, by marked respect at first ; soon, however, her manner changed to sociable familiarity. Yet I only regarded this as a clever display of a brilliant mind, highly educated. Subsequently, tho pathetic execution of several love songs, sung to ma while, apparently by accident, alone with her, led me to observe her conduct narrowly, which the lingering ill- ness of my patient gave me ample opportunity to do. By closely scrutinizing her conduct, I discovered every possible means resorted to, to secure my company and attention.- Thus, from day to day I observed the de- velopment of criminal passions, in this beautiful crea- ture. Tho slightest accident soon directed my atten- tion to the real cause, not until, however, after frequent ^nd extravagant demonstrations of a criminal passioui 321 heated by an ardent temperament, perpetrated the warmest and most eloquent declaration of love. The affair now assumed an alarming aspect. I being her senior and a married man, I reasoned, remonstrated, threatened to disclose the whole conduct to her parents, which only fanned the j^assions to a blaze. The accidental discovery of the cause occurred in this way : — In going to my patient's sick-room I passed, one warm evening, the bath-room, the door of which stood ajar ; a glance revealed the secret of this strange con- duct. 1 saw this poor creature sitting in a bath, which her mother told me that she too frequently used as a cold sitting-bath, asking my opinion of the propriety. 1 observed, after the bath, her conduct was invariably modest. The cause of this strunge conduct then was inflammation and excessive irritation of the genital organs. After a consultation with the parents, I explained to her, her situation, which I was always compelled to do, immediately after the cold hip-bath, to prevent the immodest conduct of the absolutely insane young lady. This then, sir, is the case for which 1 wrote you the note asking your plan of treatment, which, I am happy to acknowledge, speedily restored my unfortunate patient to perfect health, and who is so grateful to you, as I deemed it my duty to tell her confidentially that you was the savior of her virtue, of her health, and of her happiness. She begs you will accept the accompanying $100 note, with the wish that j'ou will give her the opportunity to make her personal acknowledgments. Yours, truly, M. D., Bleeckerst., N. V. Nciv York, June 11, '52. Dr. Larmont: Dear Sir, — In answer to your request of the publi cation in 3'our popular work, of the interesting case of nymphomania, for which I consulted you, 1 am happy to inform you that the young lady feels so greatly in- debted, that for the sake of humanity and in considera- tion of your invaluable services, she cheerfully consenta to your request- 322 It is not necessary, of course, to ask to ctnceal every- thing that would lead to suspicion who our patient is, as the delicacy of a charming, talented and admired young lady, would suffer the deepest mortiQcation, al' though her conduct was the direct consequence of jjliy- sicul disease. Accept my kindest regards, Yours, truly, M. D., Bleeckcr st., N. Y. This case is one only of a number which has passed under my own knowledge. The complaint produced what we might call a species of monomania. Whether the ardent temperament ! an over-healthy or very vigo- rous constitution ! ascarides or worms in the rectum ! or masturbation, is the cause, the result is the same. Such — yes, many cases like this, do exist, and parents and guardians should be able to obviate a criminal result, by arranging a proper marriage ; or, if pro- duced by any foreign excitant, as masturbation, or tho troublesome and tormenting little worms, the experi- enced physician in the cure of these complaints, should be consulted, without a day's delay. By adopting these timely remedies, they may not only save their child or relative from an ignommious and horrible end, but themselves from everlasting disgrace. Onanism particularly exists among females ; and that too, to a very alarming extent. It is scarcely pos- sible for an unprofessional person to conceive the long train of ills it produces, it is a knowledge of this fact, as I have stated in the preface to this work, that induced me to present to the world truths which will serve as a saving monitor to the unsuspecting of both sexes. We address these few pages to mothers and guardians, with the two-fold view of furnishing them with the means of preserving the morals of their daughters, and of sparing them the pain and sorrow of seeing them wither and perish at an age whvii they ought to bo tho ornament of their domestic circle, and enjoy health and happiness. This life-destroying habit, will enable pa- rents and guardians of joutli, to recognize by number- less symptoms, the gradual disease which is hurrying 323 them to the tomb ; and I must reiterate a pevious asser- tion, that I cannot but hope this work will be the mcana of saving many from a lingering suicide. Let every mother, lather, and' guardian, therefore, read this work, and they can learn from it, whether their children or charges are safe from this vice, or have strayed from the paths of health and chastity. Have you ever seen a lovely flower, when the least breath would scatter its leaves to the winds of heaven, md yet retain its original loveliness 1 Such a flower is the innocent child which is on a brink so perilous, that, unless warned at once, is sure to perish and leave sor- rowing relatives to mourn its loss. Health and beauty are not the only blessings to be pre- served ! All moral feeling, all proper sentiments, the happiest gift of intellect, and every hope of happiness will surely be destroyed. These individuals who yield themselves up to the en- joyment of solitary pleasure, to secret pernicious habits, soon exhibit more or less the symptoms of tabes dorsalis —a species of consumption. At first they are not trou- bled with fever ; and, although they may still preserve their appetite, their bodies waste away ; walking par- ticularly wearies them and produces profuse perspira- tion, headache, ringing in the ears, derangement of the serves and brain, and terminating with stupidity. The (tomach becomes deranged, the patient is pale, dull and indolent ; their eyes are hollowed, their bodies thin, .heir legs can no longer sustain them ; they are totally flnhinged, incapable of any exertion, and in many eases ittacked with palsy. The weakness and constitutional .rijury thus produced are the reasons why such patients !)ear less easily those diseases which all are subject to. The chest particularly becomes aff"ected, indigestion •somes on, the most robust girls are soon rendered weak ; ind sometimes a slow fever, a raj^id consumption, or apoplexy, soon terminates the scene. Such are some of the evils produced by solitary im- prudence — evils which have attracted the attention of some of the most celebrated physicians of antiquity, as Hippocrates, Coden, Celsus, which I have already quoted at length, Areteus, Atius, &c. Other physicians, who have enjoyed great celebrity in modern times, con- firm the observations of the ancients, and increase the frightful catalogue of ilft which the medical writers x>f antiquity had described. Men of such celebrity as Sanctorious, Lommius, Ht'ffman, 45oerhave, Van Swie- ton, Kloehof, Mechel, HuUer, and Harvey, all of whom have described in vivid and fearful colors the diseases of those who are addicted to solitary vices, must con- vince the most skeptical. Hofleland , speaking of young girls who are the victims of this fearful vice, says — " She is a withered rose, a tree whose bloom is dried up ; she is a walking spectre." "How many persons," exclaims the venerable Portal, a physician who published * Observations on Pulmonary Consumption,' *' have been the victims of their unhappy Eassions ? Medical men every day meet with those who, y this means, are rendered idiotic, or so enervated, both in body and mind, that they drag out a miserable existence ; others perisli with marasmus, and too many die of a real pulmonary consumption." We have the most indubitably awful proof under our own eyes every week, by reading the deaths reported in the different cities, Koifice the preponderance of deaths of those over ten years, from consumption, apoplexy, marasmus, and epilepsy, and you must be convinced there is some unknown secret cause, to hurl so many into eternity every day, from these diseases. In a work upon the terrible malady of Kickets, the writer says, while speaking on a particular form, that young persons who yield tiiemselves up to tlie seduction of solitary pleasures are often the subjects of the disease, and he cites a number of cases which came under his own observation. Among them, he mentions that of a young female of seventeen who died suddenly of tliem, and which v/ere brought ou by masturbation. These are his words — " I saw a young girl of seventeen, of puny stature, but who became so rapidly curved, that m six months she was quite hurhp-backed. The chest was thrust in at the base of the breast-bone ; there was a complete hollow at tiie region of the stomach, while the belly protruded," A justly celebrated physician of Lyons, who gave himself up for many years to deeds of benevolence and humanity, the sensible author of a work entitled * Mo* 325 dium of the Heart,' M. A. Petit, seein,^ the number of maladies whicSi the indulgence of solitary habits pro- duced, thought it was necessary t« erect a monument to me of the victims of this vice, not only to avert its danger, but to attest its power in the production ot pulmonary consumption. In his preface he says — " Let It be known that pulmonary consumption, whose horri- ble ravages in Europe ouglit to give the alarm to all governments has drawn from this very source its fatal activity." And then, in the most eloquent verses, he speaks of the last moments of an unfortunate victim whom he himself witnessed, and whom the tomb of Mont Cindre had closed upon, while yet in the very spring of life. This example is one which has occurred in our own times, and the tomb is placed on one of the fertile mountains which border the Saone on the north- west, in approaching Lyons, and the unfortunate %ictim who has there found her last resting-place is not yet, in all probability, become part of that dust which has re- ceived her. Her miserable error had doubtless been of too long duration ; the blow her constitution had re- ceived, was too deep. Baron Boyer, in his ' Treatise on Surgical Diseases,' believed that this constitutional injury may even be prolonged to old age, when this kind of abuse allows its victim to attain it ; and that is a secondary cause of many of those cases of dry gangrene, which are observed at that period of life. These solitary habits in mauy females produce a swelling of the neck, from the force and frequency of those convulsions which so often follow the repetition of this imprudent act, as well as by the arrest of blood which it occasions in the principal vessels of the neck, in the same way as is observed in epileptic patients. The complexion assumes a yellow tint in some, while others find their skin become covered with scurf. Professor Kichard reports in his ' Chirurgical Noso- graphy,' a very remarkable example of the power of this cause in the production of eruptions : — "A lady had at the same time this pernicious habit and an eruption of blotches. She was advised to discontinue the practice ; Bhe did so, and they disappeared. She again took up the habit ; the eruption again made its appearance ' 326 her reason again taught her the error of her ways, and she once more conquered the penchant, and she was.uever again trouhled with those blotches which had so dis- figured her." C>omc persons are troubled with cramp in the stomach and pains in the back ; some will have pains in the loins and kidneys ; others sutler from pains in the upper part of the nose, in the summit and back part of the head, in the groins, as well as in all the limbs ; lucorrhoea or whites, acrid and irritating discharges of different kinds, fluxes, hemorrhage of the womb. While some are aflBicted for the remainder of their life by relaxation and fall of this organ — pains, at first vague and undefined, then fixed — sometimes dull, at other times excruciating — are in others but the signs of scirrhus or cancer of the womb itself. The belly becomes enlarged, hard and distended ; the eyes are surrounded with a leaden-hued circle ; the enamel of the teeth assumes a grayish white color, and no longer presents that exquisite polish nor that ivory tint which has caused them to be compared to pearls encased in roses. A number of painful ulcers are sometimes found on the tongue and the interior of the mouth. A lady had abandoned herself to all the intoxicating enjoyment of solitariness. When she gave way to these excesses her mouth was filled with ulcers of the most distressing kind ; when she ceased from these imprndent acts, these ulcers disappeared. The flesh loses its solidity, and becomes flaccid, paleness ensues, wasting wrinkles, inaptitude for all kinds of work or exercise, take the place of the freshness, the soundness, the grace and ac- tivity of the body ; the bosom, Avhich by its exquisitely developed beauty, shows that the age of puberty and love has arrived — the bosom, wliose fullness in the young mother shows that it incloses an abundance of that nourishment so necessary to the tender state of man's infancy ; in those who yield to this habit, ex- hibits nothing but the meagre outline of what it should be, and cries aloud the truth — speaks of nothing but eteniity. If suoh persons enjoy health, they must lose it ; if they are attacked with illness, their restoration to health is diflicult ; if they are so fortunate as to recover they are ever liable to bo again assailed. Proper habits 32T are no less necessary for a perfect restoration to health than proper sleep, exercise, and pure air. Solitary vicious habits have great influence in develop' ing scrofulous diseases. The white swellings which ap- pear in various parts of the body, and filled with a white humor, inclosed in a membraneous bag, formed from the muscular tuniclcs, are very common : and wo cannot doubt that this disorder, which is a species of scrofula, owes its increase to the misfortunes that ai-e in- separable from war and its attendant privations. But what ravages has it not made among persons who have destroyed their constitution by the deadly incentives of a vicious solitude ! The hospitals in Europe teem with subjects worn out by the suppuration of these tumors, who owe their frightful fate to this habitual vice. The degeneracy of morals, the absence of principle, and the contagion of example, united with unavoidable priva- tions, have multiplied the forms of scrofulous swellings, which were very rare, and of which the cure is attended with the greatest difficulty, in proportion as these com- bining causes continue. Human nature will always be human nature ; and necessarily will be mixed up with both vice and virtue. Was not this vice common among the Jews since it so forcibly drew down the attention of their Legislator, who felt himself compelled, in order to restrain its pro- gress, to bring home to the imagination of his people the terrible example of Onan, mentioned in the first part of this work 1 The celebrated Joubert, chancellor of the University of Montpelier, one hundred and fifty years ago, com- plained also, in his Treatise on Popular Errors, of the calamities that this very vice entailed on its votaries of both sexes. Finally, is it not true in this nineteenth century that many dissertations are published on this same subject "? The vicious (solitary) habits then are, beyond a doubt, unhappily too common ; but who can say, they were less so in by-gone times \ But, however that may be, there is no abatement in their eflFect. For if we except poisons and some few frightful maladies, the human system has no greater cause of destruction to dread than their sinful secret vices. 828 Sydenham says, " The organs of respiration are tlia w^eakesfc of ail those belonging to the human race ; two- thirds of mankind die of diseases of the lungs ; and the most common period in which young persons resort to these vicious habits is precisely that wherein the chest exhibits the greatest susceptibility. There is, more- over, a species of consumption to which women are greatly exposed by the very nature of their constitution, each as tuberculose and lymphatic consumption." CHAPTER XX. f.IFE, WHA.T IS 1t1 — IT IS MERE EXISTENCE WITHOUT HEALTH. Poets have described life to be the dream of a sha- dow — a species of flight ; have feigned that the gods did not make man a present of life, but that they rather sold it to him. Our life may be truly said to be the dream of a shadow ; but this shadow has feeling— is endowed with understanding, and by acting wisely, the dream may be rendered a long and happy one. That our existence is fugitive, the rapid succession of years, the flight from infancy to youth, from youth to old age, and from old age to the dust that follows it, abundantly testify. But we are in possession of a means of giving to this varying existence — which has so mani- fest a tendency to its own destruction— a more fixed character ; and that is moderation, the source of all virtue and of all happiness. The Author of our being, in granting us life, appears indeed to have surrounded it with numerous duties ; but duties are not burthen- Bcme, when those by whom they are imposed furnish their tributaries, at the same time an inexhaustible treasure, by which they may be freed from them. With this treasure we are well acquainted ; it is deposited within us ; we are allowed free acccs* to it, and indeed, are enjoined to draw from it ; and if mankind would »nly make use of it, if they wouM boldly render them- 329 aelves subservient to their reason, they would soon discover that nature was really desirous that they should be happy. It must nevertheless be admitted, that if Heaven haa granted to man the splendid gift of reason, it has at the same time rendered it very necessary for him. No other animated being is subject to such numerous diseases, none die from such variety of causes, and none bear within them so many germs of evil as himself. li he knows not how to use those means which have been bestowed upon him for preserving himself from them. But if we may look upon life as the dream of a shadow — if it be no more than a fugitive existence — if we may in some degree saj', not that the Supreme Being has sold life to us — for that would be impious, if taken literally — but it would still seem that it may be so said of those, and that dearly sold too, who have given themselves up as victims of a solitary vice. Independently of the disposition of the human species towards so many different affections, each individual has a particular tendency to one or more kinds of de- struction, by the unequal division of strength, whereby the organs of which they are endowed ; and the truth of this is daily attested in our intercourse with the world, when we hear that such and such a one has a weak stomach, a delicate chest, &c. ; and as the weakest organs are the first to suffer from the influence of the causes of disease, and as there can be none more power- ful than evil practices, it may be safely predicted of all persons yielding to the delirium of solitary vice, the kind of malady their imprudence will bring upon them. In vain it wiU be believed, that we do not bear within our- selves the "beau ideal" of human organization; and even though so extreme a favor might have been granted to some indi^dduals, it, nevertheless, cannot be contended that such a perfect organization is unaltera- ble. Even Thetis herself could not render AchiUes in- vulnerable throughout the whole of his body. Bickat, in his General Anatomy, advances a similar opinion, and which has now for a long time been esta- blished. He says, " Life is a great exercise, which keeps by desires the various organs in motion, and which leads at length to their repose — this repose is 330 death. But each organ arrircs there more or less soon, according to the desire of strength with which it is in- vested — proportioned to the greater or less disposition to exhaust it — in the course of this great exercise." CHAPTER XXI. MASTURBATION PRODUCES EFFECTS UPON THE FEMALE i EASILY DISCERNED BY THE GENERALITY OF PEOPLE. Persons who are devoted to secret vicious habits, whether they be characterized by the delicacy or the too great activity of the nerves, may rest assured that they will become epileptic, subject to fits, to palpitations, and all other nervous affections. Any one who may observe a woman who has not been irreproachable in such secret practices, of an apathetic charactea, weak and languid appearance and pale com- plexion, you may be assured that sne will become idi- otic. Mankind cannot imagine the effect these prac- tices have on the present generation, or the destructive influences and consequences that will ensue to those in future. If pale and sickly children could only be preserved in their early innocence — if those whose parents have fallen victims to pulmonary complaints, could only be kept ^haste — if persons who are subject to consumption, would only loftd a life of purity, we should soon discover that Buch disorders of the chest are neither so hereditary nor infectious as they are supposed to be. If the innocent offspring that I have cured of venereal affections, knew the cause of their infirmities and sufferings — their tnaimings through their whole lives — they would curse — (and I think properly so, too) — the very beings — the very parents — who, as instruments in the hands of Di- vine Providence, gave them their existence. My extensive experience, in treating all classes, ages and sexes, for venereal affections, has not only convinced we, but has proven, that a large mojority of th« ool scrofulous diseases have been directly produced by the parents or ancestors having had venerciial diseases.^ and did not — though they may have supposed so — have the poison entirely eradicated from the system. All per- sons, then, who have ever had any disease of a venereal character, should know — by applying to me — whether anything of the kind is still lurking in their system, awaiting an opportunity — from some peculiarly exciting cause — to show its hydra head. All judicious persons will certainly not lose any time in attending to it. Many of the offspring of venerea.1 affected parents, die in infancy ; many are dead when born ; but those who do linger, and drag out a short and painful existence, merely jwstpone their existence a little longer, only to descend at a later period to an early and disgusting death. I will hasten from this painful subject to one more in consonance with chastity, and refinement of the feelings nature intended us to be possessed of. Every animated thing — the plant, the brute, the hu- man species — are born delicate and fragile, and grow up in strength ; the tender shoot of the oak becomes a hardy tree ; the weakest infant — if its source is healthy — a soldier, a laborer, a vigorous man — if nothing be done to prevent it. If nature sleeps, languishes, or is deceived, it knows when to awaken and retrieve each error — if it be not incessantly thwarted or crushed — no matter by what means. The Author of nature has traced out its steps, has dictated its laws ; and a premature death, the melancholy con.sequence of evil practices, is only one of the rules of his immortal code ; let them, therefore, bo engraved on the heart. How much it were to be desired, that persons would not so frequentl}' despise themselves in the world, and that they would not invariably attribute to family dis- ease, or the contagious nature of consumptions, that which is traceable to vicious habits alone. Persons bom of healthy parents, of sound constitutions, and who themselves are quite robust, and always breathing a fine air, find the chest affected by their evil habits, and the grave opening before them, long before their time ; while, on the other hand, they on whom heaven seema only to have bestowed a very short life, are preserv<'d, 332 by a purity of eoiidnct, to the limits of extreme old age. Far then from asserting that persons afflicted, as pre- viously mentioned, are to be despised or blamed ; 1 think, on the contrary, that with some (as I have there stated.) it is more the result of an unhappy destiny than merited ; and that every motive of benevolence urges to pity, and a relief of their condition. The blame we may feel dis- posed to attach to some persons for their bad formation. Vou will remember, I have mentioned that rickets aro caused by masturbation — can only be addressed with justice, to those whose childhood and youth have not always been free from reproach. It is easy to distin- guish between those whom we ought only to pity, and those whom we ought, at the same time, to blame. The former have the head large, relatively to the rest of the body, and the arms long — as it were, drawn out — the latter do not show these peculiarities. They first are usually gay and lively, while the second, on the con- trary, combine with their deformity extreme stupidity and inertness. All functions, except respiration, are well discharged by the former ; with the others, all are accomplished badly and languidly. These always ap- pear to be laboring under a severe malady, and are in- capable of any toil ; while those are wholly free from this appearance, and daily engage in occupations more or less difficult — in study, in the cultivation of science, and the practice of the arts. What will become of a lady's beauty when her health is deeply impaired 1 It can only bloom and disappear like the withered form and faded color of a flower nipped in the bud ; or, to make use of another comparison, like the ruins of a temple destroyed by profane hands. It loses the elegance and majesty which delighted the imagination and inspired respect long before years and decay would have impaired those qualities. A young woman is this temple, and must expect to lose all the attributes of beauty, when once she gives herself up to this most destructive of all passions. The growth of the body, the development of the figure, all grace and freshne.-ean surgeon and physician of standing who have pub- ished w(jrks on private diseases, say there are five va- rieties of primary syphilis, and two when they have become constitutional : and that each kind requires a different treatment. How persons, then, who havo 319 not had the necessary txperience in the cure of these diseases, expect to be able to rid their patients of such a dangerous aflfection, every sensible unfortunate had better find out before they put themselves under their care. Gonorrhoea, blcnnorrhagia or clap, is as distinct a dis- ease from syphilis, and requires as distinct treatment as emall-pox and cholera. Syphilis affects the system, but the clap is local in its action, producing such local com- plications as swelling of the testicles, phimosis, para- phimosis, inflammation of the bladder, prostate gland, stricture, bubo and gleet. The eyes may sometimes bo affected sympathetically. Each one of these stages or complaints require dif- ferent treatment. All the medicine in the world cannot cure a stricture, or gleet. The same medicines that might be beneficial in a case of clap has no effect on a gleet, or the nose or eyes when they have been inocu- lated with the discharge. The eyes have been destroj-ed in twenty-four hours by the rapid progress of the disease, when direct inoculation has taken place. Any person, then, who is acquainted with these diseases, and sells a quack remedy as a cure-all, do so to get your money — and without the remotest idea that you will be bene- fited by taking them. I have not given full descriptions of the various forms of i'enereal diseases ; nor have I referred to my treat- ment, or entei-ed into the details of the various modes of relief. As I have often said, each case requires that treatment which the symptoms and disease indicate ', and medicines in the hands of the ignorant, irresolute, or timid patient, docs more harm than good. In this way only can we hope to rescue the aflJicted from making a degrading application to a more degraded quack, or the unfeeling and dangerous routine of tho regular but inexperienced graduate. 380 DON^r FAIL TO READ THIS ADVICE TO THE AFFLICTED The momcut you discover that you have contractod a private disease, or if you have had any affection of the kind, at any time previous — even years before — and which you have supposed you were cured of, by your country or other physicians, apply to me for this reason. Few physicians have ever been taught anything about the treatment of venereal diseases. Even if they had, it was that of the old mercurial or copavia remedies, and which often causes more injury and suffering than the original disease. Further — this, as well as more en- larged works, too plainly show, that many are pro- nounced cured — by inexperienced physicians — who get married, the disease is reproduced by the time which may have elapsed, and the extra excitement such an event generally produces, and the unsuspecting victim finds that he is yet affected, also the child, if the wife happens to be pregnant. In some cases, the child may not show any signs of being affected for some years after it has been born. Sooner or later, however, it will show itself in the whole circle, if the original complaint was not entirely eradicated. Or if you have had an emis- sion involuntarily. Sit down and write mo a full state- ment, by giving your age and sex — single or married ; when you had the suspicious connection, and when you cohabited with your wife la^t. Whether Silious or nervous temperament; complexion, habits, and occu- pation. Then state the case, symptoms, duration of illness, and supposed cause, and whether your bowels are regular. Then refrain from everything that ia stimulating ; keep the parts clean, and be careful not to inoculate the eyes, nose, anus, or any other part, with the poison. I can then send you the necessary remedies by mail or express — stato which you prefer — in time to check, and permanently cure you at once, even if you are in the remotest part of the Union or British Pro- vinces. All my packages sent are sealed, so as to be proof B^uinst detection ; and as they are so rapid and con- 381 venient in destroying the disease, you can cure yourself, even amongst the most fastidious friends, with perfect secrecy. Letters for advice or treatment must contain fiv«j dollars, or they cannot be noticed, as I am so much occupied that I cannot even read letters that do not pay me for my time. Those who reside in small or inquisi- tive places, need only write the following on their letters : " Box &i4. New York Post Office." I shall get them just as safe as I would if my own name was super- scribed on them. Patients who apply personally, should be careful and notice my office. N. B. — My office is divided oflf into separate rooms, so that patients are only seen by myself. If I had supposed it would have been necessary, or in- teresting to those who may find this unpretending work sufficiently instructive to read its entire contents, every letter and illustrative case included, I would have con- tinued the letters and cases to as many more. Tho reader or patient will please understand, however, that I do not preserve any letters,, without the patients or my coiTCSpondents desire me to publish them as addi- tional proofe of m}' superior practice, for the purpose of convincing those who may have given up all hope of ever finding a physician who could cui-e them. I liavo letters almost daily from such unfortunates who havo been under the care of different physicians for years and years, all this time, however, loosing strength and health. If such persons could call in person, I could present to them living proofs, as well as the written ones, of the invariable success of my treatment. I will therefore only say in conclusion, that I can offer you such treatment, as it appears caoinot be obtained any- where else in America. 382 TREATMENT OF FEMALE DISEASES. But a very few physicians correctly understand the different complaints, the delicate constitution of femalea are subject to. The most frequent complaints to which they are liable, are the irregularity of the menses, and prolapsus uteri, or a falling of the womb, accompanied or produced by fluor albus, or whites. Either of these diflBculties will cause consumption, if they are neglected, or allowed to progress, and the proper treatment for their cure not understood. Those who wish to be cured of fluor albus, (whites,) or prolapsus uteri, (falling of the womb,) can do so by giving me a full statement of their case. $5.00 consultation fee must be remitted when making the application, or the value of my time will prevent ita being noticed. CERTIFICATES. From a German Physician. New York, December 12, 1853. Dr. Larmont. Dear Sir,— I know all about the best treatment of the diseases upon which your work treats, as I resided in France several years, but still know notliing equal to the cures effected by you. Respectfully, DR. J. D. From a Physician in Florida. I treated myself a number of months for the cure of a Chronic Gonorrhoea without success, and hearing from patient of mine that Dr. Larmont had cured him and others of his acquaintances in a very short time, I re- solved — as I was to be married in three weeks — not to 383 lose any more time, but to extend my visit as far north as New York, and put myself under his care at once. Jt is with the greatest pleasure that I bear witness to his having cured me entirely, in forty-eight hours, and of course advise all who are similarly situated to em ploy him, to render them the same kind services. Dil. A. G. From an old Physician in Virginia. It is with heartfelt gratitude that I state an additional remarkable cure of Dr. Larmont, as he cured me in less than two months of Impotency, with all its compli- cated general derangements, which I had labored under for many years, notwithstanding ail the treatment which my position, as an old physician, enabled me to obtain. It is about a year since the cure, and I there- fore know it to be permanent, though my age is very far advanced. DR. C C. I can only add short extracts from two or three other Certificates of Cures. I was treated by other doctors three months, for tho cure of a Clap, but Dr. Larmont cured me in one day. CASPER GEISINGER, 40 Delancy street. I had been under the care of about thirty physicians within twelve years, to be cured of Impotency and its various complications, yet finally, I was obliged to go to Dr. Larmont, who cured me in about two months. J. S. R. I was totally Impotent for over 8 years, the semen was almost constantly oozing from the urethra ; I had been under the care of a number of Professors in the Medical Colleges, and eminent physicians in this and other cities, and was given up as having Consumption, (hav- ing a cough,) Heart disease, and almost every symptom 38-1 of diseaso that the human system is afifected with, but Dr. Larmont cured me entirely in about three monfeha without cauterization. F. S. My brother and myself have used the humbug instru- ment, which a doctor advertises will cure seminal dis- eases, but I grew worse, and he became insane from the seminal loss. We used them nearly two years. G. A. Y., Connecticut. Dr. Larmont cured mo of Diurnal and Nocturnal emissions in one week, after I had been given up aa incurable. J. G. I was cured by Dr. Larmont, of Impotency and Diur- nal Emissions in one week, by local treatment only. J. E. P., Vermont. Constitutional Syphilis caused my body to be covered with deep Ulcers. I paid the most eminent professor, physician and surgeon in this country $100, and was under his charge one year to no benefit, as my body was the same when I went to Dr. Larmont, but he cured me in about three months. G. L., New Jersey. We advise every person — whether married or single '- to procure a copy of the Medical Adviser and Marriage Guide, illustrated with colored anatomical plates, an i numerous cases. The author, Mr. Larmont, Physi cian and Surgeon, mails them free to any address on the receipt of $1. 385 Opinioiv3 ov the Press editorially, ami maji2 EMINENT Physicians, in favor of my superiok ABILITY. From the Rahway Advocate and Register. We wish to call the attention of om* readers to the ad- vertisement of M. Larmont, Surgeon, of 42 Reade street. New York. We have seen the manusciipt of his forthcoming work, and are satisfied that a know- ledge of its contents will be the means of rescuing thousands of individuals from an early grave. This is also the opinion of a number of eminent New York phy- sicians that we have met, who are acquainted with hia new and superior mode of treating all diseases of a private nature, for it is time that quackery should bo suppressed. Ur. L's reputation for quick cures is well- established, not only in the city, but in all the States, the West Indies, the British Possessions, etc. From the Essex {Elizabethtoivn,) Standard. We are assured by a friend, in whose judgment we place great confidence, that the doctor's forthcoming work will be found worthy of the attention of all those for whose benefit it is designed. From the New Brunswick Times We have known Dr. Larmont for a number of years, and not only coincide with the above, but are well con- vinced that the assertions made in his advertisement (in another column.) may be relied on as strictly true. Those interested, will, therefore, be able to shun th« impostors who infest New York and other cities. From the National Police Gazette^ New York, We take pleasure in referring to the advertisement of Dr. Larmont, in another column From the Rahway Advocate and Register. Dr. Larmont, of 42 Reade street, New York, has fully satisfied us that stricture of the urethra is one of 886 (Ho most dangerous complaints that man is afflicted with. The reason is, every one is liable, for it is not caused by private disease only, in more thac a tithe of the cases ; another and greater reason is, its progress and fatal development is so insidious that the victim ia unconscious of danger, till he is at the brink of eternity. From the Rahivay Advocate and Register. Diseases of a private nature, as almost every person i? avrare, are entirely dififerent from those of a genera* character ; that is, the private one is entirely local at first, but if alloAved to remain uncurcd for mure than a very few days indeed, is absorbed into the system, and of course becomes general, lo vviJLl be seen by Ur. 7.-armoiit's new advertisement, that he p-ablishes some i emarkable certificates of immediate cvxcs. Pi-om the Raktcay Advocate atid Ref^ister. We are satisfied that there are many inrocent, or, in other words, diseases of the generative system, which all are liable to have however moral a life they may lead, and we are further satisfied that a physician like Dr. Larmont, of 42 Reade street, New-Yoik, who has received his education from the highest sources, and who has for years dovoted his entire attention to their cure, is fully ablo to treat thorn successfully. From the Essex {Elizabethtown) Standard, N. J. We fully agree with the above editorial rotice, and oan say further, that J3r. La.rjr.or.t'o advertisement, in s.r.othor column, says no more than he does daily. From the New Ycyrk Day Book. An eminent physician of this city, who has been ac- quainted with Dr. Larmont, of 42 lleade street, for a number of years, assures us that his treatment of those diseases, belonging to that specially arising from indis- cretion, &c., is unequaled. We, therefore, fully indorse the encomiums of the New Brunswick Times, Essex Elizabethtown Standard, and Rahway Advocate and Register, of N. J. 387 We take pleasure in recording merit, aud especially so when acknowledged oy those of the same profession, and for that reason copy the above in reference to the ability of Dr. Larmont, 42 Reade street. — Notice from the Sunday Dispatch. From the National Democrat. Being convinced, from the highest professional as well as other assurances, the encomiums of the New York Day Eook, Essex Standard, New Brunswick Times, Rahway Advocate and Register, (of New Jersey,) and the Sunday Dispatch, are only an acknowledgment of superior merit, we fully acquiesce in them in regard to Dr. Larmont of 42 Reade street, New York. Editorial Extract from the New York Staatszeitung. Dr. Larmont's system of curing Venereal Diseases is the quickest, cheapest, and surest of any with which we are acquainted. Dr. Larmont receives patients of either sex at his Office, 42 Reade street, corner Broadway. The latest cures that have been effected by the Doctor have established his reputation on so firm a basis, that his time is fully occupied by the most respectable patients. From the New York Courier Des Etats Unis, July 28, 1853. We suppose to do some service to the public in call- ing their attention to the work advertised to-day in our columns under the title of " Medical Adviser and Marriage Guide." Its author. Dr. Larmont, is a sur- geon whose name is already known throughout Europe, and the work is written with as much conscience as science. The Doctor does not think he has done enough yet to humanity with his pen, for he can be consulted every day for all kinds of diseases. Editorial Notice of the Reform {German Daily.) Dr. Larmont's method of cureing all Venereal Dis- Wises, — as we are assured by many persons who hare 888 had the advantage of his professional abilities— is th« quickest and surest of all. We beg to call the attentioa of our readers to his advertisement in another column of our paper. From the Empire City. We warned our readers against the Quack impostors, alias Doctors, tvho post up their decoy obscenities on the lamp posts, fences, etc., in violation of the city ordinan- ces ; and the better to prevent the afflicted from falling into their snares, advise them to read Dr. Larmont's advertisement in another column, and purchase his valuable work, as we coincide fully with the Editorial's of all the papers, referred to in his work. The Medical Adviser. — This book, as published by Dr. Larmont, purports to give a synopsis of the causes, Byinptoms, and most certain cure of all those diseases brought on by the indiscretions of youth and to which they are especially subjected in a city like this. The price is only one dollar. — National Police Gazett?. Doctor Larmont's Work, advertised in another column should be in the hands of every person old enough to read. We know there are hundreds of thousands who are bringing disease upon themselves without knowing it, as family or general practitioners have not the opportunity to investigate the cause of the speciality of which this work treats. — National Police Gazette. * * We not only agree to all of the above, but take pleasure in saying that Surgeon Larmont has Bold thousands of his valuable work within a few months, in the different sections of this great country. He mails his Medical Adviser and Marriage Guide, with colored anatomical plates, which every person should read, to any address free of postage, on the receipt of one dollar Send for it— iV. Y. Pick. Testimonials from physicians of the most emioeat ability can be seen, with his Diploma, at his office. N« ODO now, after all these evidences, need go astray. HIGHLY IMPORTANT TO THE MARRIED AND THOSE CO.NTEMPLATI.XG MARRIAGE. From the New York Atlas, of June 15, 1856. Paris and London Medical Adviser and Marriaqk Guide. 366 pages. Twentieth edition. 12mo., cloth. Profusely illustrated with nearly 100 beautiful electrotype engravings. By M. Larmoat, Physician and Surgeon, New York. Medical hterature has been greatly depressed by the fre- quent periodical avalanches of medical books and pamphlets, which have buried the truth in antediluvian darkness. The false teachings of these works have misguided the public, de- praved the taste and refinement of the young, and so dis- torted nature's laws, as to cause them to be despised and tram- pled upon. "We therefore take the more pleasure, in a brief notice of the Medical Adviser and Marriage Guide, in commending it upon its real merits. It holds the mirror up to nature, in good earnest, anatomically and physiologically. To the young as well as to the married, it is replete with interest and information. The particular department treated of is that of the Genito- CTrinary organs and their diseases, which are ably treated by the doctor. To the married and those who contemplate forming those holy bonds, the work is of the most inestimable value. Price $1, and four letter stamps, to pre-pay postage. Surgery. — "We call attention to the notice of a work, on our outside, by Dr. Larmont, an experienced surgeon of this city. In curing the diseases to which the doctor pays his particular attention^ he has no superior in this country, if he has an equal. 390 The following unsolicited editorial is from the National Po- lice Gazette of January 16, 1857 : Medical Adviser and Marriage Guide ; by M. Larmont, corner of Spring and Mercer streets, New York City. This work is an awful warning to those who run the risk of con- taminating themselves by breaking the laws of nature and society. It presents the whole anatomy of man in his rela- tions to his family and offspring, and, seriously considered, such a work if widely circulated might save the blood of a large portion of the race from corruption and deterioration. Price one dollar. And was copied by the Neiv- Yorker Cfriminal-2jeitung and Bel- letrisiisches Journal of February 4, 1858, as an editorial. And by the New Yrablance of Offspring to ParentR 103 Pseudo Physiologists ; Seminal Vitality ; Sexual Pas- sion ; Effects of in Offspring ; Transniissibility of Parental Qualities ; Color ; Age ; Effects on Off- s^pring ; Quackery and Quacks ; Modus Operandi of 104 Cities Infested with ; Pulses of the Purse ; Duties of a Physician; Importance of Early Treatment of Dis- ease ; Quack Nostrums 105 History of Dr. Quackey, Jr. ; Poetry on lOG and 107 History of Venereal Disease ; Definition of Term .... 107 Early History of; Jewish Laws in reference to ; Levit- icus, chapters 13 and 15 ; Syphilis Confounded with Leprosy by the Ancients , 108 Biblical History Regarding Gonorrhoea ; Mosaic Cere- monies ; Solomon in Reference to Sexual Abuses 109 St. Paul's Views upon Matrimony ; Ubertius ; Death of ; Bolonese Physician ; Views of ; Roman do. ; Bell's Discovery ; Ricord's Views 110 Non-Virulent Affections ; Virulent do. ; Parisian Fe- males ; Peculiarities of. Virgins Ill Acrid Mucous Discharges ; Common Character of Mu- cous Membranes ; Non-Virulent Discharge iu the Male ; Discharges Peculiar to Females ; Leucorrhoea Common 112 1 etition of a Congressman ; False Alarm ; Cleanliness. 113 Hygienic Treatment ; Case of Leucorrhoea ; Pregnan- cy ; Barrenness ; Absence of Menstruation 114 Ce'ssation of the Function of; Acute a-4d Chronic Suppression of; Females of Full Habits ; Treatment of 115 400 C0x\TENT3. PACK. Peculiarities of Temperament of Womeu ; Menstrua- tion Reestablisb(!(l by Treatment ; Remedies 116 Electricity a Powerful Agent; Dr. Ash well in refer- ence to ; Remedial Agents for ; Different Medicines used for 117 Suspension of the Uterine Functions Fatal ; Gonorrhoea, Blennorrhagia, or Clap, in the Male ; Derivation of name ; Some Persons more liable to Contract it than others ; Symptom of Clap 118 Engravings Representing Clap and Chordee ; Engrav- ing Representing Gonorrhoea! Discharge Magnified ; Engraving of Gonorrhoeal Opthalmia 119 and 120 Chordee ; Deformity of Penis ; Chronic Gonorrhoea ; Gleet ; Symptoms of. 121 Nocturnal Pollutions from ; Danger of other Diseases from ; Coition ; when Safe 122 Indiscriminate Coition 5 Danger of Inoculation from Gleet ; Chordee, How Avoided 123 Treatment of; Retention of Urine; Inflaramaiion of the Neck of the Bladder ; Buboes from Sympathetic 124 Swelled Testicle ; Symptoms of ; Not Dangerous 125 Diet and Remedies ; Gleet 126 Gonorrhoeal Rheumatism and Sore Eyes ; Gonon-hoeti in the Female 127 Effect of upon other Functions ; Treatment 128 Beautiful Electrotype Engraving, illustrating Primary Syphilis and Gonorrhoea in the Female 129 and 130 Excoriations of the Genitals in both Sexes ; Warning Against Excessive Coition ; Strictures ; Sir Astley Cooper on ; Spasmodic Stricture ; Sir Benjamin Bro- die on , 131 Treatment of. lufiammatory Strictures ; Treatment of 132 COXIT^NTS. 401 PAGE £xcessivc Desire to Urinate ia ; Primary Strictures. . . 133 Mecbaaical Obstru-ctioa of Uriae in ; Symptoms of Stric- ture IM Engraving of Urethral Strictures 135 and 136 Bugbear ; Depletion of Purse ; M. Ricord 137 Genius of the Ago ; Yankee Part of Christendom : Diseases of the Prostate Gland ; Symptoms 138 Engraving of the Bladder and Enlargement of the Prostate Gland ; with Stricture 139 and 140 Chronic Inflammation of Neck of Bladder ; Induction of other Diseases by ; Spirituous Liquors 141 Calls of Nature ; Observance of; IiTitation of the Testes 142 Engraving of Swelled Testicle ; with Explanation ; Engraving of Severe Case of Hydrocele ; Engraving Representing Vegetations or Warts on Penis. 143 and 144 Variocele ; Hydrocele ; Diseases of Kidneys and Ure- ters ; Infiltration of Urine 5 Hemorrhoids 5 Irritation of Vagina and Womb ; Vegetations or Warts ; Phy- mosis and Para-Phymosis 145 Enlargement of Epididymis and Spermatic Cord ; Sy- philis ; Symptoms of 146 Engravings Representing Phymosis, Para-Phymosis ; Clap ; Chancres (Pox) ; Phymosis from Pox : Deep- Seated Ulcers on the Scrotum 147 and 148 General Remarks on Syphilis ; Primary Symptoms 149 Chancre ; Description of ; Virus 5 Rabid Animals : Small Pox ; Diseases of Bones ; Palate ; Nose ; Eyes 150 Eight Beautiful Engravings, Showing the Different Stages of Development of Chancres (Pox). .151 and 152 Horrid Ravages of Syphilis ; Children Born with 153 Gonorrhoea! Opthalmia ; Frequency of Venereal Dis- eases ; Transmission of Venerial Virus 154 402 CONTENTS. PAGE. Three Beautiful Engravings, Representing Syphilitic Discharge Magnified ; Chancres in the Urethra and Bladder ; and Syphilitic Ulcers on Tongue and Throac 155 and 156 How to Prevent Syphilis and Clap ; IIow Contracted ; Secondary, or Constitutional Syphilis ; When it Be- comes so 157 False and Real Disease ; When Secondary Syphilis ; When Manifest ; Skin Disease from 158 Syphilitic Affections of the Mucous Surfaces ; Tertiary Syphilis 159 Ulceration of Bones ; Rheumatic Pains in ; Sore Throat ; Syphilitic Affections of the Eye ; Rapid Destruction from ; Symptoms of 160 Three Engravings, Representing the Destruction of the Eye by Syphilis 5 Constitutional Syphilitic Affection of the Eye, and Syphilitic hydro-sarcocele of Testi- cle 161 and 162 Syphilitic Disease of Testicle ; Time of Occurrence ; Perfect Curability of; Tertiary Syphilis; Nodes; Periostitis; Exostosis; Caries; Tubercles 163 Syphilis in the Bones ; Three Varieties ; Illustration of Cases 164 Four well- executed Engravings, Representing Nodes on the Frontal Bone, Caries in the Teeth ; Ulcers on ; and Destruction of the Nose by Syphilis. . .165 and 166 Special Notice of Injuries Received by Patients from Inexperienced Physicians, Quacks, and their Reme- dies 167 Part 2d. Caution to Patients 168 Prefac/) ; Character of the Work 16P CONTENTS. 403 PAGE. Preface continued : Evil Results from Onacism 170 latroduction ; Harm-oiiy of the Physical Organism 171 Appeal to the Public ; Bawdy Books 172 Self-abucse by Girls ; Causes of 173 A Few Words to Invalids 17-i Two Engravings, Representing Opthalmia (Diseases of Eyes), from involuntary loss of Semen — caused by Self-abuse — and the Meagre Appearance of the Fea- tures ... .175 and 176 Onanism ; Self-abuse ; Masturbation 177 Ignorance of Physicians on ; Individual Cases 178 Early History of the Disease ; Biblical Notice of ; False Modesty 179 Ancient Writers on ; Hyppocrates on ; Areteus on. . . . 180 Symptoms of ; Galen ; Pliny ; Cornelius Gallus ; Titus Ertherius, Death of in Copulation ; Actius ; Sane- torius ; Soninius ; Celsus ; Tulpius 181 Blancard on Seminal Diseases ; Muys on ; Blindness from ; Salmuth on ; Hoffman on 182 Effects from Excessive Indulgence ; Boerhaave on 183 De Senac on ; Ludwig on ; De Gottier on 5 Van Sv/ie- ten on 184 Klokof on Mental Affection in ; Neither the Treat- ment nor the Diseavse mentioned in Medical Colleges. 185 Suicides, Aflfected with ; Sexual Organs ; Influence of Mind on ; Gaming Table 186 Sexual Desires Late in Life ; Sexual Instinct 187 Sexual Desires Absent in the Studious ; Sir Isaac New- ton ; Intelligent Physicians 188 Injuries of the Brain, causing Impotency ; Baron Lar- rey on ; Lallemand on ;• London Lancet 189 Unnatural and Excessive Loss ot"" Semen 190 404 CONTENTS. Vigor of Maubood ; Loss of ; The Onanist 191 Mind and General System AflFectfed by ; The Exemplary and Virtuous Victims of 192 Spermatorrhoea Causing Disease of the Bladder, Kid- neys, Urethra and Rectum ; Eunuchs ; Imperfection of Mind and Body of 193 Cause of Spermatorrhoea 194 Occurrence After Fever ; DeWlity of Seminal ducts. . . 195 Medicines Causing the Disease ; Cantharides. Phosphor- us ; Iron ; Opium ; Cases from my own Note Book ; with Certificates of ray having Cured them 106 Two Striking Engravings, Representing Varicocele of the Testicle from Self-pollution ; and Total Relaxa- tion of both from 197 and 198 Headache from ; Affection of the Eyes from ; Moral Teachings Inefficacious 199 Misanthropes ; Hermits, Case No. 1 ; Mr. S. ; Cure 200 Case No. 2, Mr. M. ; Cure 201 Case 3, Mr. P., New York ; Cure 202 Case 4, Remarks, Lallemand 203 Dr. Butini ; Dr. Bailey 204 Medicines and Treatment 205 Spermatorrhoea and Diseases of Prostate Gland 206 Injections, Copaiba, Cubebz, Nitre, etc. Cause Emis- sions 20i Case 5, M. De B.— , Lallemand 2QB Diurnal Pollutions, Symptoms 209 Severe Constipations. 210 Baths, Cauterization 211 Constipation from Horse Exercise 212 Impotence of the Scythians • 213 Injury from Mechanical Appliances and Instruments.. . 214 CONTKNTS. 405 PAGB (jvm' 6, M. R., a Modicai Student, LallemtuKl 215 TTre-^ral Irritation 21G Worrfls Cause of Seminal Losses ; Injury from False btrficacy 217 Applications from Fathers and Mothers — Sperma- torrhoea hereditary; Case 7, Lallemand 218 Cases 8, 9, 10, and 11 219 Cases 12, 13, and 14 220 Case 15, R. H. ; Dr. McDou.£?all 221 Periodical Returns of Seminal Disease ; Insanity 222 Death of a Hermit 223 Case 16 ; Dr. McDougall; Have great many like it 224 Blennorrhagia, Orehitis, Phimosis, Inflammation of Bladder 225 Several other symptoms by which Spermatorrhoea may be detected 226 Warning by first involuntary emission ; Greatest Causes of Impotency ; Ignorance of patients 227 Impotency ; Sterility ; Infecundity 228 Fifteen Engravings, representing microscopical views of Semen, and the Testicle injected with mer- cury 229 and 230 Healthy semen; How long retained in the body. Healthy animalcules ; Confidence iu Parents 231 Stricture, obstacle to seminal discharge ; continuance of the disease 232 Inability to copulate ; Female tantalized ; microscop- ical researches 233 Testicle ; Change of structure ; Case 17 ; Fruitless marriages 234 Microscopic examinations ; How made 235 Transparency of Spermatozoa 236 400 CONTENTS. PAGK. Appearance of Animalcules 237 Spermatozoa in the Uretlwa ; Immense numbers of 238 Absence of Animalcules in the Teaticles 239 Absence of in Consumptives 240 Spermatozoa in the urine 241 Ditference between Pus and Semen 2 i2 Characteristic smell 243 Loss of semen at stool 244 The quantity of semen lost ; physical and mental effects 245 Report on to Massachusetts Legislature 24G Compared to the vice of Intemperance ; idiocy 247 Prevalence of the vice 248 Personal appearance of those addicted to the vic3 ; Treatise on the subject ; value of to the Public 249 Birth of Feeble-minded Children ; Servants teach Chil- dren the practice 250 Atrocious Guilt ; Sleeping Companions of Children. . . 251 Modesty of Person ; Copland on Insanity 252 Melancholy 253 Lunatic Asylum 254 Evil Prevented by Publicity 255 Comparative Frequency of Insanity from, in the Professions and Trades ; Sedentary Life 256 Engraving, with Explanations of Stomach ; Intoetines, etc 257 and 258 Appearance of Masturbators 259 Case 18, M. D 260 Appearance of Urine 261 Errors of the Medical Profession 262 Frequency of Micturation ; Dr. Daniel ; Case 19 ; McF 263 Misconception of the Disease 264 CONTENTS. 40*1 PAGB. Mental Hallucination ; Case 20 ; M. Emile G., Dr. Cauirere 265 Indifference to External Impressions 266 Disordered Digestion 266 Cauterization 267 Marriage ; when advisable ; Dr. Esquirol 268 Hypochondriasis 269 Removal of Cause 270 Physician's Advice on Matrimony in reference to the Bride ; Causes of Abuse, predisposing 271 Internal Causes of ; Rutting Season in Animals 272 The Ape ; Resembltince to Man ; Irritation of Brain. . . 272 External or Exciting Causes of ; Case 21 ; Dr. Deslandes 273 Rousseau ; Case 22 ; Son of a Physician 274 Shirt of Mail 275 Case 23 ; Parent Duchatelet 276 Educational Eetablishment 277 Gymnastics 278 Varieties of Abuse 279 Cases 24, 25, and 26 280 Dreams 281 Effects of Absence of Sleep 282 Cases 27 and 28 283 Cases 29, 30, and 31 284 Cases 32 and 33 ; Treatment ; Habitual Priapism 285 Case 34 ; English Officer 286 Effects of Abuses ; Case 35; Female 287 Straight Waistcoat 2«8 Abuses During Childhood ; Case 36 ; Deslandes. Dr. Nurambeau 289 Nervous Disorders.- 290 Rapid Return to Health 291 i08 CONTENTS. FAGK. Resolution? of the Afflicted 292 Suitable Treatment 293 Effects of Temperament ; Idiosyncrasy 294 Urethral discbarges ; Case 37 295 Case 38 ; Prostatitis ; Cystitis ; Emissions of Blood ; Orchitis 296 Morbid Phenomena 297 Embarrassment of Females 298 Erotomania and Satyriasis ; Dr. Curling ; 299 Old Men Subjects of; Nymphomania . 300 Plate representing Wasted Testicle, from Excess and Abuse, and Undescended Testicle, causing Impo- tency 301 and 302 Unmistakable Signs of Erotomania 303 Fatality ; The Influence which different Articles have ; Medicines and others, in producing and curing Sper- matorrhcEa and Impotence 304 Purgatives ; Injurious Effects of 305 Narcostics ; Coffee ; Tea ; Tobacco ; Alcohol 30G Nervous Influences of; Drs. Rush, Boerhave, CuUen, Darwin ; Tissott on Tobacco ; Case 39 ; Dr Pilchor.. 307 Case 40 ; Dr. Chapman ; Cases 41 and 42 ; Dyspepsia. 308 Dr. Franklin, and Hon. John Quiucy Adams on use of Tobacco; Cases 43, 44, and 45 309 Hospital Experience ; Cases 4U, 47, and 48 310 Opium ; Injuries from ; Case 49 311 Artificial Habits ; Power of Habit 312 Dr. McDonald ; Cantharides ; Effects of 313 Camphor ; Case 50 ; Nitrate of Potash 314 Case 51 ; Ergot of Rye. . .'. 315 phosphorus ; Iron ; Mechanical Means Adopted for the Prevention of Seminal Emissions 31# CONTENTS. 409 TAGS. Case 52 ; Strangury of the Urethra 317 Case 53 — Bladder complications 318 Anti-Venereals 319 Nymphomania productive of Monomania and Crime ; Masturbation practiced by Females ; Remarks sliow- ing its dreadful effects upon the constitution 320 Case 51, very interesting 320 Letter from an M.D 321 Onanism among Females 322 Health and beauty — how preserved 323 Pulmonary Consumption 324 Baron Boyer ; Prof. Richard 325 Cramp in Stomach ; Pains in Back 326 Human nature always the same 327 Sydenham. Life, "What is it ? It is mere existence with- out health 328 Achilles. Biehat 329 Masturl>ation produces effects upon the Female ; easily discerned by the generality of people 330 Offspring of Venereal Parents 331 Childhood and Youth. A Lady's beauty 332 Four engravings representing Venereal taint in the Oflf- ppring ; Venereal Eruption ; Deep-seated ulcers in the neck and throat ; Caries of the Cheek bone, 333 ana 334 Maiden purity ; Chastity, the daughter of modesty. Socrates 335 Causes of Female Prostitution 336 Wells. Woodbridge. Gove. Fowler 337 Masturbation practiced by nine boys in tea 338 Heart-sickening cases in my own practice. Case 54... 339 Case 55 ; Attempted Suicide ,«,...- 340 Mere Skeleton, Case 56 ,,.o«.. ...... ... 311 410 CONTENTS. PAGE. Recommendatory Letters 342 Interesting Letter 343 Certificates given me by the Patients themselves, for curing them of Emissions, Seminal weakness, Impo- tency, and General Debility, after they had been un- der the charge of a number of Physicians, and used all of the quack remedies, such as Cordials, Elixirs, Antidotes, Drops, Compressions, and Mechanical In- struments 344 to 355 Three Engravings representing Sloughing Chancre, Venereal Eruptions after Suppuration, Sypliilitic Ulcers in the Heart 355 and 356 Cases, and Certificates of Cures from 356 to 363 Five beautiful Engravings representing Chancres. Pus- tules on the Skin, G-angreene, Venereal Eruption on the Penis, with Buboes 363 and 364 Certificates of Cures from 364 to 373 Three beautiful Engravings representing Syphilitic Ul- cers on the Leg, Primary Syphilis from Inoculation, and Tubercular Syphilis 373 and 374 Certificates of Cures 375 to 377 Advice to Venereal Patients 377 A Sample of the Ingredients composing the different Advertised or Quack Remedies 378 Means of rescuing the afflicted 379 Don't fail to read this advice to the afflicted 380 Address of the Author ; Post Office Box 381 Unpublished Letters 381 Treatment of Female Diseases 382 Consultation Fee ^ Certificates 382 A Virginia Physician 383 Letters. A Patient's Advice to read the Medical Ad- viSEK AND Makriage Guide 384 Opinions of the Press, Editorially, and many eminent Physicians, in favor of my superioi" abilities. . . 384 to 390 1 15-8 4-4 RETURN TO the circulation desk of any University of California Library or to the NORTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY Bldg. 400, Richmond Field Station University of California Richmond, CA 94804-4698 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS • 2-month loans may be renewed by calling (510)642-6753 • 1-year loans may be recharged by bringing books to NRLF • Renewals and recharges may be made 4 days prior to due date. DUE AS STAMPED BELOW SENT ON ILL JUN 2 8 2001 U. C. BERKELEY 12.000(11/95)