r LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO ~> r"~ lLJO Slllu CJ&gS Once rD5.de tfceir brags Fun &r a. fad \o ]ooke. One cjrofe Vr\e. rKijme And all Vne Kme Felt sure. H=ie muse cjouldjok.* iQ. The picture m&n In glee beo^n To illustrate tn"e v&rse,. Tke task is done H ljiII be ftJn To see cjKicK is Hie ujorse. CSKlTOEi MOM NRNmRfiAGOHS « aU ta TIHII «IPY©K] WUSS TOSL[lSyEllS-Kli¥Y@K, COPYRIGHT, 1905, BY HERMAN LEE MEADER Powers Photo Engraving Co., New York LITTLE DROPS OF GASOLINE LITTLE BITS OF STEEL MAKE A LOT OF NOISE AND SMELL CALLED AN AUTOMOBILE sfends for Axle The best uill often kre&k When tKeu do - look out* A header qou u/ill teJ<^. ijoti going my l^relto meud ? &ui5mobtle sKoui *5tr she saad uou intend to buq e\ machine? < >i >It| <'»< »tt>0 ffiere to be seen. stands for Bre&kgloun They h&jojoen every de\cj If you're f&r from home For feu ljou h&vetejo&y. 4h Litlle Jevck Horner I Would ctask round a^ corner never would, slow ujo & bit l He cL not even Wcxrn I WitK *v toot of his Horn 2vndi dressed in a coal Like an old namj jsoat she looked as oiell as she feels. S3 stends for Danger A uarnin^ you should hee< If you are not careful I TWe ambulance cjou 11 need. I SJaed ujo Ifce hill The fcibes ^5o I oul of carter UJa bleu the c&r Aind now Giiis Jd^ H&s no de&r little daughter. ir£f stands jbr Engine Their cylinders explode What Felt -Jolenty more Don't hlock uh fhe rofvd ! ■'^r^'^. W^fc^ vT^- N M |. • ;■-. ills !::.: ' ■■■■;■ ii (•-die .;,Mog^-: Old Mme. Laf&rjie Went to the ^rage To dive her boor doO a. ride For repairs rney re all £pne !ZJ Said the chaf feur folorn [So there isrit an aufe inside To sesve you from the shte^sh But useless if zs. ff iskey J^lug Through the mud should dash mmm Good Thing Cole Vv^s e\ silly old soul A silly old &ss cj&s he He called for \He sfer Bui Ke^got her mecm^ \/\/hile $\e chorus se\ng unrn jglee. \^!s stands for Goggles To shield cjour eyes from dosf Seems as if a sandstorm Cajne cjilti every ^5ust. Three silly M r> The tS».1e of" But tfceftWil little cjounj* men from j^JJ Ra^ree auiomobileboais coent to see^ tlnie frifo Ljouldni he so short crafts in a squall were c&ugjhdk 17 /-i lJ stands for Horn To give a, little snorl~ JKnd sfarr a runsxje^y Is most exciting sjaorfc ^ .AArnosr crazy \Vhu c/ont qour aufojgo? It mevu foe bourgeois In a cheajo trolleu car But really it tsnt so slou. L-j sfends for Ignite \v^hai the g^s should do Often everything ignites \vTWs left tsxvA ujorth ^ sou Tom - Hie bankers son Killed e^ig just for jtin thought he ought to j>ay. chejp dashed right £vlj£\.u. I fevfids for JudOe I \v no fines you if you sjoeed He scorches on a. heuyca.rir {^L K)ur foorie-monnaae you 11 rtee,d & *« .>>> ^> axlmoiselle Bonne^u Sesl in vr\e tonne a.u Speeding Ker a^crhS one ctay {JJp rode fke ^endkrme SKe felf no e\la.rm But merrily Kejot onker u/ajj, He thought it would be fun To sell the staff J6r gasoline Nouj see ujti2*f He's done. Little Tom Tomofoile Put his money in ev deaJl But kis margins urent so lour THe j ere wees & rnona i&cuj Who Sc\rig on {tie ste^e SKe had so many autes SHe dot to be tfce ra^e The ddrt*&ge CMJjSnt lire Her an0el looted sore SKe only smiled and said Run off and buy some more! u lj stands for Muffler The noise it tries lo siojp Isnt heJf so bad ^s C Whai Mou Ke2vr on toja. JtcKery JLJicKery uoc The consfahte held a clock Bui he'd heiter not heed The r<*te of 4fieii~ sjaeed Or helldet £^ ferrttle shock stends for Nufc To kgejo {he c/heels on H"dht \e{ fKey offen 6et unscreued Wke^ & fearful Joli^ht I $§pp IV Humjbfcj Dumont had *x ta&loon thai he could sa.il to the moon motors and tiiree score more maJ^e Humhfcjs air shija soar. V_y stands ^6r Overch&rde No uonder he is sore \ The &uxo cost htm quite a^ sum Repairs now cosi him more. r ^' [kffy lj^s zs. foalet c|irl And Ta^fg uas Itie craze Tkffy sfele Johnies Kesris Witfe Her winning tjaajs An old man smiled ai Taj jtj And 1^119 she smiled feo Tevffo ^Soi an acife c£vr. He dot Merci BeaLicoujo 6j I stixnds for Pumja li \ou must Knoui tjKen to steja For if you t^eejo on fctouin^ Somemin^s sure te Joojo.f #£ corcKer Simon Met a, Jotema^n In an acito race aid tfie Joieman Xo scorcher Simon Whg* Hi L\ stands for TonneewLi An ideal tja^u to eloJDe Irate d&d fecr beKind Loosing kree^tfc and Kobe. Qj^h diddle diddle i Here is & riddle Who is Hits French jjr&ndee? Why just for fedaoj The owners &lj&l| b So his ch&ffeur is ^J&H uji inc*ee« V=^ stXnds for Upholstering Fine leeAfier online sesvts Cushions stuffed cjith hair For her he&cl zsndi feeT\ Nolj his f Peter Peter coas 2\ jay | Had a tjif^e jujKo ran away (Motor cycle then he bought LJay uj^rd shouse is caujihi. sfonds forViclfm It uould indeed be feme If tjou motered all day lon<5 WiHi no one uou could mearn % kMf [ Little Bo Peejo She lost her sleejo In automobile c&h rides But never you mind For fun she it fTnd As scji^tlcj eilong she glides stands fbr Winner The reason he's evne^ct All of his competitors Are broken doun or dead. Stntf zx song of hard luck A, ravsttj horrid Jorank Standing in ttie tnuddtj ro&d Trutntf te whirl ffce crank i Suddenly she sferfe Hie czvr \ou jumjo twvck likg a. fool DieJble ~ Fudge MonDieu! Houj c€\n she be so cruel? Not _ If tjou. shocild bel H\e crevze Exjoense cjill quite do you. \v£ml" you buy one of my elites Saadffie saAesmjsn zA meshou \Je ajuevys te^kje the highest j^rtze U { Your tar ices evreni so hi^gK Just mHe me ^Sr ev tri?st ride," But ske rode e^nd didnr buy. For siyle aoid sjoeed you 1<£iolj. If your cars e^re all uou ckim lj stands for Yulettde \v^Ken aJl is uhite and tfaxj Wheels <>et frozen f&st in snou You 11 uish qou had a sleigh. eur ace There cja^s & crooked ch&f \vTio had a crooked y\lon<^ es. crooked Kighueoj He steered a crooked race And Ke Kit ev crooked colj Thai steod in ^ crooked hrook Nolj stoj^ this crooked nonsense Or you loo LJili be ^ crook. sfends J5r Zefor^s Exlfncl: ftiey soon uiill be For Hie fittest must survrv TKe sav^nte evil degree . I ro^ Boy Blue Come blou uour horn H >Wt ^7 e s shotted mu snine And mashed mu corn [OK ujere is tfoe coJ3 J To stoja tfce\r< ^Vnd Pai ^ both did lkeir best: TKe cKavr^e is jgrsxve But neither kn^ve Intended but to jest". UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 000 771 713 5 TKecj cjrote avnd dre cjr Until tn.ecj ^recj To re>ve on s^uto caj~s 5o noca irKeir fa^te- 5a\d -to relexte Is |oaclded. cell ex.nd fa^rs.