A GUIDE TO T1IK Current Periodicals and Serials OF THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA 1909 COMPILED BY HENRY ORMAL SEVERANCE LIBRARIAN UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI AND CHARLES HARPER WALSH LIBRARY OF CONGRESS UNIVI ANN ARHOK, MICH. GEORGE WAHR, Pcblisheb i 90S v Copyright 1906 Copyright 1908 BY GEORGE WAHR t* ** The Ann Arbor Press PREFACE This Guide has been compiled to facilitate the work of the librarian in his selection, purchase and care of periodicals ; to assist the bookseller and the subscription agent by placing before them in convenient form the cur- rent periodical literature of the United States and Canada; to guide the private citizen in his choice of magazines for his home, his office, or his club. The business man wants to know what magazines cover the field in which he is especially interested and the prices at which they are published ; the subscription agent is interested to know the names of periodicals and serials, publishers' addresses, and subscription prices; the librarian must have the whole information concerning periodical literature classified, in- dexed, and conveniently accessible. Every librarian and subscription agent must be aware of the meagre information that we possess concerning our periodical literature. The English have "Willing's Press Guide", the French their "Annuaires des Journaux", the German their "Journal-Katalog", but there is nothing published in this country which corresponds exactly to these foreign lists. Our newspaper annuals fill the place for which they are designed, and give information which up to the present time can not be found elsewhere ; but they are not sufficiently comprehensive and their con- tents are not conveniently arranged for ready reference. The material in this Guide is arranged first alphabetically by titles and secondly by subject matter. In the alphabetical arrangement the titles of periodicals and serials and the names of societies are arranged in one list by the first word of the title, not an article, or the name of the society. Bulletins, journals, proceedings, reports, and transactions of societies are entered under the names of the societies. The aim has been to give the name of the publication, date of first issue, frequency of publication, the publisher's name and address and the subscription price. In the second part of the Guide, the material so far as possible has been arranged by subjects, but not having been able to examine all the periodicals personally the com- piler craves indulgence for errors and omissions. It is hoped to make the Guide an annual publication, corrected each vear, and kept up to date. No one better understands the incompleteness of the present edition than the compiler himself and he consents to its pub- lication in the hope of being able to make future editions more nearly com- plete. The aim has been to include all periodicals and serials published in the United States and Canada with the exception of local and political news- 18G762 4 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS papers, administrative reports, state and government publications. Inform- ation regarding these publications is accessible in other forms. In the preparation of this work the compiler has drawn on various sources for his material. The publishers of the periodicals have responded with promptness and courtesy to requests for information, and frequent use has been made of N. W. Ayer and Son's American Newspaper Annual, of the Catalogue of Copyright Entries, Part 2 : Periodicals ; of the List of Serials in Public Libraries of Chicago and Evanston, and of the second edition of the supplement to the list issued by the John Crerar Library. Any suggestions, corrections or information intended to make the Guide more nearly accurate and complete, and therefore more serviceable, will be gratefully received. The compiler respectfully suggests that notice of any change in title, frequency of publication, subscription price, publisher, and publisher's address, of the publications listed on the following pages, and new 'publica- tions or notices of them, may be sent to him for inclusion in the next edition. The compiler is especially indebted to Mr. Theodore W. Koch, Librarian, University of Michigan, and to Mr. Byron A. Finney, assistant, for their valuable suggestions and advice, and to the latter for assistance in reading and revising the proof. This work was nearly completed when the compiler was appointed Librarian of the University of Missouri ; the work, however, was practically all done at the University of Michigan. Henry Ormal Severance General Library University of Missouri Columbia, Mo. January, 1907. PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION In preparing the second edition of the Guide, the compiler has heen assisted by Charles Harper Walsh of the Copyright office, Library of Con- gress. Under his supervision the Guide has been checked by the card index of current periodicals received by the Library of Congress, and by the "Hand-book of Learned Societies*' to be issued soon _by the Carnegie Institution. From the former list 1 146 new titles were added ; from the latter 210; from other sources 910, making the total number of additions to the present edition of the Guide 2266 titles. The Guide now contains more than 10,000 titles. Thanks arc due to Mr. C. B. Guittard of the Periodical Division, Li- brary of Congress, for his assistance in preparing this edition of the Guide and to the Carnegie Institution for the use of the advance sheets of their forth-coming "Hand-book of Learned Societies." It has been found impractical to issue an edition of the Guide every \ ear. It is hoped to issue a supplement in 1909 giving new titles and noting those which have either suspended publication or have changed their names. The next edition of the Guide, therefore, may be expected in the fall of 1910. General Library HENRY ORMAL SEVERANCE- University of Missouri, April, 1908. PART I ALPHABETICAL LIST GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Part I Alphabetical List ABBREVIATIONS a = annual. s-m = semi-monthly, b-m = bi-montaly. s-w = semi-weekly. b-w = bi-weekly. w = weekly. d = daily. f = fortnightly. 6 d = daily, six days in the week. irreg. = irregular, m =z monthly. The date refers to the time the periodical or serial was founded. The price is th* publisher's subscription price. ABC Pathfinder and dial express list, q $ .50 New England railway pub. co., Boston, Mass. ABC Pathfinder and dial once a week, w 3-5° New England railway pub. co., Boston, Mass. ABC Pathfinder and dial postal guide, q * 50 New England railway pub. co., Boston, Mass. ABC Pathfinder and dial shippers' guide, q 1.00 New England railway pub. co., Boston, Mass. ABC Pathfinder railway guide, 1849, m 3-°° New England railway pub. co., Boston, Mass. ABC Pathfinder shipping and mailing guide,a 3. 50 New England railway pub. co., Boston, Mass. A. L. A. Booklist, 1905, m 1 . 00 American library association, 34 Newberry st, Boston, Mass. A. L. A. Bulletin, 1907, b-m. For members only. .American library assn, 34 Newberry st, Boston, Mass. A. M. E. church review, 1884, q 1 .00 H. C. Kealing, 631 Pine St., Phila., Pa. A. O. H. Record, 1878, m 50 John D. Cunningham, New Haven, Conn. A. O. U. W. Bulletin, 1897, m H. C. Sessions, Sioux Falls, S. D. A. O. U. W. Emblem, m 50 Grand lodge of Wash., Seattle, Wash. A. O. U. W. Guide, 1893, m 50 H. L. Cross, Bentonville, Ark. io GUIDE TO PERIODICALS A. O. U. W. Guide, 1883, w 50 David Ramaley, 69 E. 4th St., St. Paul, Minn. A. O. U. W. Messenger, 1892, m 50 J. H. Thompson, Nashville, Tenn. A. O. U. W. Record, 1887, m 50 Pierce pub. co., Denver, Colo. A. O. U. W. Reporter, 1899, rri Frank Davey, Portland, Ore. Discontinued with July, 1907. A. O. U. W. wolverine workman, m 50 Perry F. Powers, Lansing-, Mich. Abbey student, 1891, bi-m r .00 St. Benedict's college, Atchison, Kans. Abel's photo, weekly, 1901, w 1 .00 18 E. 23rd st., New York, N. Y. Abendschule, 1853, b-w 2.00 Louis Lange pub. co., 3600 Texas ave., St. Louis, Mo. Ability, 1905, m 1 .00 Geo. W. Calderwood, 5 Beekman St., N. Y., N. Y. Abogado Cristiano, 1880, m 1.00 Rev. T. Harwood, Albuquerque, N. M. Acacia, m 1.00 L. D. Woodruff, Lincoln, Neb. Academia de ciencia, Anales, m 2 . 25 J. LeRoy, Havana, Cuba. Academia de ciencias medicas, fisicas y naturales de la Habana. Anales, 1864 3 pesos (gold) per semester Calle de Cuba 84 A, Habana, Cuba. Academian, 1898, b-w 1.50 Students of Northwestern university, Evanston, 111. Academic herald, 1905, tri-w 50 College of the city of N. Y., N. Y., N. Y. Academy bulletin, 1902, 6 nos. Northwestern University, Evanston, 111. Academy notes, 1905, m 2 . 00 179 Washington st., Buffalo, N. Y. Academy of natural sciences of Philadelphia. Proceedings, 1841, 3 nos., per vol 6.25 Journal, 1817, irreg., per vol 12.50 Logan square, Phila., Pa. Academy of science and letters of Sioux City, Iowa. Proceed- ings, 1903 Academy of Science of St. Louis, membership per year 6.00 Proceedings, 1841 Transactions, 1867, irreg. St. Louis, Mo. Acadia athenaeum, 1874. m. dur. coll. yr 1 . 00 Acadia athenaeum soc, Wolfville, N. S. Acadiensis, 1809, Q I • 5° David Russell Jack, St. Johns, N. B. Accident insurance manual, a *. 2.00 Spectator co., N. Y., N. Y. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS I i Acetylene journal, 1899, 111 5° Acetylene journal pub. co., 324 Dearborn st.. Chicago, 111. Achievement, 1900, m 1 .00 Young - people's magazine pub. co., 17 Quincy st., Chicago, 111. Acker und gartenzeitung, 1870, w 1 .00 Herold co., Milwaukee, Wis. Acologist, m T • 00 R. S. J. Perry, Farmington, Minn. Acta Victoriana, 1876, m. dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Union lit. soc. of Victoria university, Toronto, Canada Actuarial society of america Transactions 1S89, irreg.. per no 75 32 Nassau St., N. Y. Ad, 1899. m 50 Pioneering advertising co., Honolulu, Hawaii. Ad cuts, 1 904. m Horton & Williams, 630 Williamson bldg., Cleveland, Obio. Ad-man's helper, 1904. m 1.00 116 Nassau st., New York, N. Y. Ad sense, m 1 . 00 Ad sense co,, 204 Dearborn st, Chicago, 111. Adams's magazine, 1905, m 10 Adams's magazine co., 131 W. 24th st., N. Y., N. Y. Adelbert, 1890. m dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Students of Adelbert college, Cleveland, O. Adelphi bulletin, 1907 ( Nov.) Adelphi college, Brooklyn, N. Y. Adjuster, 1890, m 3 . 00 J. A. Carey, 303 California st, San Francisco, Cal. Adler's suggester, 1899, m, free. David Adler and sons clothing co., Milwaukee, Wis. Adult Bible class and teacher training monthly, 1907, m 50 Methodist book concern, 150 Fifth ave, New York, N. Y. Adult bible class magazine, 1906, (j 30 Pilgrim press, 14 Beacon st., Boston, Mass. Adult class, 1906, q 10 Am. bapt. pub. soc, 1630 Chestnut St., Phila., Pa. Advance, 1904, m Advance pub. co.. Birmingham, Ala. Advance, 1867, w 2.00 Advance pub. co., 225 Dearborn st., Chicago. Advance advocate, m 1 . 00 Internat. brotherhood of maintenance of way employees, Benoist bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Advance ideas in furs, supp. to American album of fur novelties, 1903 " Amer. fashion co., New York, N. Y. Advance reports supplemental to the legal intelligencer, w . . . . Robert McAfee, Harrisburg, Pa. Advance sheet of the American digest. . .bound, $7.00; unbound, $4.00 Lawyers' co-operative pub. co., Rochester, N. Y. 12 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Advance styles, supp. to Amer. ladies' tailor, 1905, m Jno. J. Mitchell co., 122-124 Fifth ave., New York, N. Y. Advanced quarterly, teachers' ed, 1905, q 30 pupils' ed, 1905, q 30 Standard pub co, Cincinnati, O. Advanced quarterly, 1879, Q* • » IO Am. bapt. pub. soc, 1630 Chestnut St., Phila., Pa. Advanced quarterly, 1887, q 08 Bapt. Sunday school board, Nashville, Tenn. Advanced scholars' lesson leaf Ref. church Sunday school board, 1308 Arch st, Phila., Pa. Advanced scholars' quarterly, 1882, q 10 Ref. church Sunday school board, 1308 Arch st., Phila., Pa. Advanced therapeutics, 1889, m 3 .00 A. L. Chatterton & co., 259 William St., N. Y., N. Y. Advent review and Sabbath herald, 1850, w 1 . 50 Review and herald pub. ass'n, 222 N. Capitol St., Wash- ington, D. C. Advertiser and publisher, w 1 .00 Advertiser and pub. co., 108 LaSalle St., Chicago, 111. Advertiser-quarterly, q Publishers' commercial union, Chicago, 111. Advertisers' aid, q 20 Richard Mathews, 134 Monroe st, Chicago, 111. Advertisers' almanack, 1907 Advertisers' magazine, 1907, m 50 E. S. Horn, Kansas City life bldg, Kansas City, Mo. Doubleday, Page & co, New York, N .Y. Advertisers news, 1906, m 1 .00 Charles E. Handy, N. Y., N. Y. Advertising, m 1 . 00 Arthur E. Swett, Royal insurance bldg., Chicago, 111. Advertising agent, 1906, m S. W. Merrill, N. Y. Advertising suggestions, 1905, w 10 350 Broadway, N. Y., N. Y. Advertising world, 1896, m 35 Charles S. Anderson, Cleveland, O. Advocate, 1902, w 1.00 Barmann & White, Hammond, Ind. . Advocate, 1893, w 1.00 Fred W. Bean, Utica, N. Y. Advocate and family guardian, 1835, s-m 1 .00 936 Woody crest, N. Y., N. Y. Advocate of peace, 1834, m 1 .00 Am. peace soc, 31 Beacon st., Boston, Mass. Ad-writer, 1897, m 1 .00 Ad-writer co., Pozzoni bldg., St. Louis, Mo. African methodist, 1898, w 1 -OO African Methodist pub. co., New Orleans, La. African record, 1906, 111 P. \. I. M. board, Plainfield, Ind. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS I? Africo- American presbyterian, 1879, w T -OO Afnco-American presbyterian pub. co., Cbarlotte, N. C. Afton stjernan, 1806, m 30 Oscar E. Johnson, Gowrie, la. Aftenloesning, 1 895, w 50 T. Guldbrandsen pub. co., Journal bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. Agassiz association, Wilson ornithological chapter, 1895, q 50 Oberlin, Ohio. Agents' bulletin, 1892, w, for agents N. Y. life ins. co., 346 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Agricultural advertising, 1894, m 50 I.ong-Critchfield corporation, Powers bldg., Chicago, 111. Agricultural college bulletin, 1902, p free Oregon agri. college, Corvallis, Ore. Agricultural college bulletin, q Mich, agricultural college, Agricultural college, Mich. Agricultural college extension bulletin, 1905, m Ohio state university, Columbus, O. Agricultural epitomist, 1882, m 50 Epitomist pub. co., Spencer, Ind. Agricultural experiments, 1901, m 50 T. T! Baceller, Boston block, Minneapolis, Minn. Agricultural herald, 1895, m 50 B. O. Bristow, Darlington, S. C. Agricultural news, s-m, per copy id Imperial dept. of agriculture for the West Indies, Barbadoes. Agricultural student magazine, 1894, m. dur. coll. yr 50 Agric. student pub. co., Columbus, O. Agriculturalist, 1904, m 50 Agriculturalist pub. co., Grand Island, Neb. Ainslee's, 1898, m 1 .80 Ainslee magazine co., 156 fifth ave., N. Y., N. Y. Alabama. Department of archives and history Bulletin, 1904 •>.... Thos. M. Owen, director, Montgomery, Ala. Alabama baptist, 1874, w 2.00 Rev. F. W. Barnett, Birmingham, Ala. Alabama christian advocate, 1881, w 1 .50 Birmingham, Ala. Alabama elk, 1902, m 1 .00 H. W. English, Birmingham, Ala. Alabama farmer, 1905, m 25 Alabama farmer co., Montgomery, Ala. Alabama geological survey. Bulletin Montgomery, Ala. Alabama historical society Publications, miscellaneous collections, 1901 ■ Transactions, 185 1 Tuscaloosa, Ala. Alabama industrial and scientific society University, Ala. i 4 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Alabama knight, 1897, m 1 00 Jacob Peppcrman, Montgomery, Ala. Alabama medical journal, 1886, m 2.00 John C. LeGrand, Birmingham, Ala. Alabama polytechnic institute. Historical papers, 1904 Montgomery, Ala. Alabama university bulletin, q free University, Ala. Alameda public library, monthly bulletin, 1901 Alameda, Calif. Alaska mining news-record, m, 1905 2.0c Alaska news-record co., Nome, Alaska. Alaska monthly magazine, 1906, m 2 . 50 Johnston, Conutant co., Juneau, Alaska. Alaska monthly magazine, 1905. m 3. 00 C. W. Taylor. Juneau, Alaska. Alaska-Yukon magazine, 1905, m 3. 00 E. S. Harrison, Seattle, Washington. Albany institute. Transactions, 1828 Albany, X. Y. Albany law journal, 1870, m 3 . 00 Albany law journal co., Albany, X. Y. Albany medical annals, 1880, m 2 .00 Alumni ass n. Albany med. coll., Albany, X T . Y. Albion college pleiad, 1886, b-w dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Students of Albion college, Albion, Mich. Albright's farm and ranch, 1902, w so P. H. Albright, Winfield, Kan. Albright's office practitioner, 1904. m r .o< * J. D. Albright, 900 N. 48th St., Phila.. Pa. Album universel, 1884, w 3 .00 Montreal photo-engraving co., Montreal, Canada Alcolm red book, 1905. m free Alcolm pub. co., Jersey City, X T . J. Alexander's magazine, [902 (?) m 1 .no Chas. Alexander, 714 Shawmut ave., Boston, Mass. Alexandria journal, 1906 L. Murray Gotwald, Alexandria, Va. Alfred Gordon's Crystal Lake world-news Alfred Gordon, Crystal Lake, 111. Alfred university monthly, m. dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Students of Alfred university, Alfred, N. Y. Alfred university publications, 1902, b-m Alfred, N. Y. Algoma missionary news, 1878, m 50 Algoi na missionary press, Toronto, Canada Alienist and neurologist, 1880, q 5.00 H. L. Hughes, St Louis, Mo. All opinions of the United States supreme court. Advance sheets. Lawyers' cooperative pub. co., Rochester, N. Y. AD the world, 1 882, m 1 . 00 Salvation army house, Toronto, Canada GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 15 All-story magazine, 1904, m 1 .00 Frank A. Munsey co., Flatiron bldg., N. Y., N. Y. Allegheny college, college bulletin, q Meadville, Pa. Allegheny herald, 1888, m 30 J. S. Fulton, Pittsburg, Pa. Allegheny literary monthly, m. dur. coll. yr 1 .25 Students of Allegheny college, Meadville, Pa. L'Allegro, 1908, m. except July and Aug 1 .00 Winthrop musical co., Aurora, N. Y. Allen's mailing directory and magazine, 1907 (Feb), (revived), b-m 1 . 50 Geo. R. Allen, Kennedy, N. Y. Allied printing trades journal, 1902, m 75 Chicago allied print, trades council, 260 S. Clark St., Chicago, 111. Alma college bulletin, 1904, q Alma college, Alma, Mich. Alpha and omega, 1895, m • 50 Home pub. co., Aurora, Ind. Alpha phi quarterly, 1888, q 1 .00 Eta chapter, Boston university, Boston, Mass. Alpha phi quarterly, 1888, q 1 . 00 Alpha chapter, Syracuse university, Syracuse, N. Y. Alpha tau omega palm, 1880, q 1 . 50 H. P. Simpson, 1330 Whitney ave., N. W., Washington, D. C. Alpina Americana, 1907 (American alpine club), Philadelphia, Pa. Altruist, 1868, m 10 Altruist community, 271 1 Franklin ave., St. Louis, Mo. Altruistic interchange, 1893, q 5° Altruistic interchange co., 70 fifth ave., N. Y., N. Y. Alumni association, C. P. & S., journal, 1897, q 1 .00 Friedemvald co., Baltimore, Md. Alumni association of Washington university : Bulletin, 1907, a 822 Security bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Alumni news letter, 1903 ( Je) , q *« Northwestern university, Evanston, 111. Alumni quarterly, 1905, q 1 . 50 University of Missouri alumni, Columbia, Mo. Alumni quarterly of the University of 111., 1907 (Jan), q 1 .00 Alumni ass'n. University of 111., Urbana, 111. Alumni register, m. dur. coll. yr 2.00 General alumni soc. of the university of Pennsylvania, Phila., Pa. Alumni report, m College of pharmacy, 145 No. 10th St., Phila., Pa. Alumni weekly, 1900, w dur. coll. yr 3.00 Princeton pub. co., Princeton, N. J. l6 • GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Amalgamated ass'n of street and electric railway employes of America. Yearbook, a 601 Hodges Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Amalgamated journal, 1900, w i . 50 Ben I. Davis. Pittsburg, Pa. Amateur naturalist, 1904, bi-m 50 Chas. D. Pendell, Ashland, Me. Amateur sportsman, 1888, m 1 .00 M. T. Richardson co., 27 Park place, N. Y., N. Y. Amateur Thespian, 1906, m 1 .00 227 Lincoln road, Brooklyn, N. Y. Amateur work, 1901, m 1 .00 Consolidated with electrician and mechanic in 1908. Ambition, 1906, m 50 International textbook co., Scranton, Pa. America, 1906, m America pub. co., Chicago, 111. America, 1907, m 50 .American home magazine co., 990 Eighth ave., New York. America cientifica Munn & co., New York, N. Y. American, 1906 American pub. co., St. Louis, Mo. American, s-m 1 . 00 National council Jr. O. U. A. M., Raleigh, N. C. American Aberdeen-Angus herd-book, 1886 American Aberdeen-Angus breeders' ass'n, Thos. McFar- lane, sec, Chicago, 111. American academy of arts and sciences Memoirs, 1780, irreg., per vol 10.00 Proceedings, 20 per yr 10.00 Wm. Watson, secy., 28 Newbury st., Boston, Mass. American academy of medicine Bulletin, 1891, b-m 3.00 The academy, Easton, Pa. American academy of political and social science Annals, 1890, b-m (to libraries $5.00) 6.00 Phila., Pa. American advertiser, 1885, m 1 .00 41 Park Row, N. Y. American adviser, 111 American adviser co., Chicago, 111. American agency bulletin, 1903, m 1 .00 159 Devonshire st., Boston, Mass. American agriculturalist, 1842, w 1 .00 ( )range Judd co., 52 Lafayette place, N. Y., N. Y. American album of fur novelties, 1893, m 20.00 American fashion co., 853 Broadway, New York, X. Y. American amateur photographer, 1880, m, (contin as American photography). GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 17 American and English corporation cases, annotated, 1896, per vol 4-5° The Michie co., Charlotteville, Va. American and Engish decisions in equity, 1895, a 6.50 M. Murphy, Phila., Pa. American and English railroad cases, annotated, 1894 Charlottesville, Va. American angler, 1881, m 1 .00 Outing- pub. co., 239 Fifth ave., N. Y., N. Y. American annals of the deaf, 1849, D_m 2 °° E. A. Vzy, Kendall Green, Washington, D. C. American anthropological association Memoirs, 1905, irreg. Lancaster, Pa. American anthropologist, 1888, q 4.00 Am. anthropological association, Lancaster, Pa. American antiquarian and oriental journal, 1877, b-m 4.00 Rev. S. D. Peet, 440 fifty-seventh st., Chicago, 111. American antiquarian society, 1812 Proceedings, 1843, s_m 5-°° Amer. antiquarian soc, Worcester, Mass. American architect and building news, reg. ed., w 6.00 International ed., 1876, \v 16.00 Am. architect co., 238 Tremont st., Boston, Mass. American art annual, 1902, a 5-00 Am. art annual, 20 W. 34th st., N. Y. American art in bronze and iron, 1906 Wm. D. Mitchell, New York, N. Y. American art journal, 1863, w 3. 00 Wm. M. Thorns & co., 114 Fifth ave., N. Y., N. Y. American art news, \v 2 . 00 Am. art news co., 1265 Broadway, N. Y., N. Y. American artisan and hardware record, 1880, w 2.00 Daniel Stern, 69 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. American asiatic, 1901, m 3. 00 212 Sansome s.t, San Francisco, Cal. American Asiatic association journal, 1908, m ' 1 .00 78 Beekman st., N. Y. American asphalt journal, 1905, m 2.00 126 Market st., Chicago, 111. American association for the advancement of science Proceedings, 1848, a 2.00 L. O. Howard, sec'y, Cosmos club, Washington, D. C. American association for labor legislation. Pubs. 1908 (Apr.) Varies John R. Commons, sec, Madison, Wis. American association of obstetricians and gnecologists Transactions, 1888, a 5. 00 Dr. W. W. Potter, sec'y, 284 Franklin st., Buffalo, N. Y. American association of park superintendents Bulletin, 1906, m John W. Duncan, secy., Boston, Mass. 18 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS American author, 1 902, m • 1 . 00 Society of Am. authors, Dobb's Ferry, N. Y. American automobile ass'n yearbook, 1907, a American automobile ass'n, 437 Fifth ave., New York, N. Y. American banker, 1836, w 5. 00 Steurer pub. co., N. Y. American bank reporter, 1836, s-a 7.00 Steuer pub. co., 149th st. and Bergen ave., N. Y. American banker, ] 836, w 5 • 00 Chas. D. Stciner. 149th st. & Bergen ave., N. Y., N. Y. American bankers' association Proceedings, 1875, a 20 Broad st.'. N. Y., N. Y. American bankruptcy reports annotated, a 5. 00 M. Bender & co., Albany, N. Y. American baptist, 1879, w - " 1 .25 Win. H. Steward, Louisville, Ky. American baptist flag, 1875, w 1 .50 Xat. baptist pub. co., Fulton, Ky. American baptist missionary union ■ Report, 18 14, a Boston, Mass. American baptist year book, a 50 Am. bapt. pub. soc, 1630 Chestnut st., Phila.. Pa. American bar association ■ Reports of annual meetings, 1878, a 75 John Hinkley, sec, St. Paul, Minn. American bee journal, 1861, w 1 .00 Geo. W. York & co., 334 Dearborn st., Chicago, HI. American bee-keeper, 1890, m 50 Falconer mfg. co., Falconer, N. Y. American Berkshire record, 1899, a American Berkshire ass'n, Springfield, 111. American bird magazine, m 1 .00 Charles K. Reed, Worcester, Mass. American blacksmith, 1901, m 1 .00 Am. blacksmith co., Prudential bldg., Buffalo, N. Y. American board of commissioners for foreign missions -Reports. 181 o, a Free Boston, Mass. American bock prices current, [895, a 7 .50 Dodd, Mead & co., N. Y. American bookseller, 1904, q 10 Beaver Springs, Pa. American botanist, 1901, 111 1 .00 Willard X. Clute, Joliet, 111. American bottler, 1881, m 2.00 VV. A. Peters, 67 Liberty st., N. Y., N. Y. American boy, 1 899, m 1 . 00 Sprague pub. co.. Majestic bldg., Detroit, Mich. American breeder and feeder, 1906. w 1 .00 4134 Halstead st., Chicago, 111. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 19 American breeders' association Proceedings, [905, a 1 .00 Washington, D. C. American brewer, [868, m 6.00 A. Schwarz sons, 200 Worth st, N. Y., N. Y. American brewing academy Annals of the alumni, 1901. Proceedings at anniversary reunion of the alumni, a Chicago, 111. American brewers' review, 1 887. 111 5 . 00 Am. brewers' review co., 145 FaSalle st., Chicago, 111. American building association news, 1880, m 1 .00 Am. building ass'n news CO., 140 Monroe st., Chicago, 111. American bureau of shipping. Record of American and foreign shipping, 1906, s-m. . . . ■ 66-70 Beaver st.. \. V. American business man, [907 (Sept), m 2.00 American business man pub. CO., Fisher bldg., Chicago, 111. American business man, 1007. m 2.00 American business man pub. Co.. jyn Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. American cabinet maker and upholsterer, 1870, w 3.50 j. Henry Symonds & co., 116 Walker st., X. Y., N. Y. American carpenter and builder, 1905, m 2.00 Am. carpenter and builder co., 196 Fifth ave., Chicago, lib American carpet and upholstery journal, 1875, m 2.00 Trade- pub. Co.. 102 S. 12th st., Phila., Pa. American cartoon, 1 90f>, w 2j American cartoon co., 200 William st., X. Y. American cartoonist magazine, 1903, q 1 .00 Am. cartoonist co., Denver, Colo. American catholic historical society of Phila. —Records, 1884, q 200 Am. catholic historical soc, Phila., Pa. American catholic historical researches, 1884, q 2.00 Martin I. J. Griffin, 2009 N« I2tn st -- Phila., Pa. American catholic quarterly review, 1876, q 4.00 Patrick J. Ryan. Phila., Pa. American ceramic society Transactions, [899, a 6. 00 Columbus, ( ). American chaffeur, 1007 ( Aug), m r .00 Xew York, X. Y. American checker review, 1 888, m 1 . 50 Denvir bros., 137 P>luc Island ave., Chicago, 111. American cheesemaker, 1 886, m 50 Tradesman co.. Grand Rapids, Mich. American chemical journal, 1879, m 5.00 Johns Hopkins press, Baltimore, Md. American chemical society Journal, 1868, m 6.00 Chemical pub. co.. ESaston, Pa. 20 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS American chess world, 1901, m 1 .00 J. T. McPeak, 262 E. 1226 st, N. Y., N. Y. American Chester-White record, a Am. Chester-White record ass n, Dayton, O. American Cheviot sheep breeders' association, flock book, 1893, a F. E. Dowley, sec, Fayctteville, N. Y. American church almanac and year book, a 35 E. S. Gorham, 285 Fourth ave.. N. Y., N. Y. American church and Sunday school magazine, m 1 .25 Geo. W. Jacobs & co., Phila., Pa. American church missionary society Reports, 1861, a Free 281 Fourth ave., N. Y., N. Y. American civic association ■ Bulletin, 1904 Clipping sheet, 1905, q 10 Department sheet, 1905 Department pamphlet, 1905 25 Clinton Rogers Woodruff, N. A. bldg., Phila., Pa. American climatological association Transactions, 1884, a 2 . 50 Dr. Guy Hinsdale, secy, Hot Springs, Va. American cloak album, 1900, m 50.00 American fashion co., 853 Broadway, New York, N. Y. American clothier, 1898, m 1 .00 Frank P. Bennett & co., 61 E. 9th st., N. Y., N. Y. American college and public school directory, a 5.00 Buschart bros., 1522 Locust st , St. Louis, Mo. American commerce and industries, 1900, m t .00 Nat. com'l and industrial league, 11 Broadway, N. Y. American conference of pharmaceutical faculties Proceedings, 1906, a 2.00 J. O. Schlotterbeck, secy, Ann Arbor, Mich. American contractor, 1879, w 5 .00 Am. contractor pub. co., 40 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. American co-operative journal, 1905, m 1 .00 Co-operative pub. co., Chicago, 111. American corporation legal manual, 1893, a 5. 00 Corporation legal manual co., Plainfield, N. J. American cotton manufacturer, 1904, w 3. 00 Am. cotton mfr. pub. co., Charlotte, N. C. American cricketer, 1877, m 3-00 Associated cricket clubs of Phila., 632 Chestnut st, Phila., Pa. American criminal reports, 1878, a 5. 00 Callaghan & co., Chicago, 111. American cultivator, 1839, w 2.00 Am. cultivator pub. co., 220 Wash. si.. Iloston, Mass. American dental journal, 1902, m 1 .00 Frink and Young, 607 Masonic Temple, Chicago, 111. American dentist at home and abroad, m 50 Am. dental pub. co., Bradford, Pa. (il IDE TO PERIODICALS 21 American dermatological association Transactions. 1877, a 1 .00 Grafton press, Buffalo, N. Y. American Devon cattle club. Year book, a 50 American Devon cattle club, Newark, < >. American digest annotated, a 0.00 West pub. CO., St. Paul, Minn. American directory of the knitting trade in the U. S. and Canada, 1883, a 1 .oc Lord & Nagle, 144 Congress st., Boston, Mass. American dressmaker, 1901, m i.oo Dry goods pub. co., 172 Fifth ave.. X. Y., N. Y. American druggist, 187 1, s-m 1.50 Am. druggist pub. co., 62 AV. Broadway, N. Y., N. Y. American duroc-jersey record, 1884, a Amer. duroc-jersey swine breeders' ass'n, S. B. Pearson, sec. Thornton. Ind. American eagle, 1906, w 7? \\~. Koreshan Unity, Estero, Fla. American economic association Publications, 1 886, q 4 • °o Quarterly ? Am. economic ass'n. Ithaca. X. Y. American economist, 1887, w 2.00 Am. protective tariff league. 339 Broadway, X. Y.. X. Y. American education, 1897, 10 nos 1 .00 X. Y. education co., Albany, X. Y. American educational catalogue, 1870, a 50 Publisher's weekly, X. Y., X. Y. American educational review, m 1 .00 Am. educational co., 315 Dearborn st.. Chicago, 111. American electro-chemical society Transactions, 1002. a 4.00 Phila., Pa. American electro-therapeutic association Transactions, a 1 . 00 Chicago, 111. American elevator and grain trade, i8X_>. m 1 .00 MitchcP bros., Manhattan bldg., Chicago, 111. American engineer and railroad journal, 1832, m 2.00 R. M. VanArsdale, 140 Nassau st.. X. Y.. X. Y. American entomological society Transactions, 1867. a 4.00 Phila., Pa. American esperanto journal, [907 ( Jan. ), m 1 .00 Am. esperanto ass'n, Boulevard station. Boston, Mass. American exchange and review, 1862, m 5.00 Review pub. & print, co., Fourth & Walnut sts., Phila., Pa. American export journal, 1905. m 50 T. F. Nightingale co., 683 Atlantic ave.. Boston, Ma — . American exporter, 1 ^jj, m 2 .00 American exporter, n«5 William st., New York, X. Y. 22 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS American family journal, i<)04. m 20 Ladies home magazine, 5th ave. & 14th st.. X. ^ .. X. ^ . American fancier, 1893. \v T .OO Howard pub. co„ Washington, D. C. American fancier and breeder, 1884, m 25 Am. fancier and breeder pub. co.. DeKalb, 111. American farm and orchard, 1902, m 25 Farm and orchard pub. co., Mexico. Mo. American farm library, 1906, b-m 5° Ralph H. Searle, Edgar, Neb. American farm world, 1906, m 15 Vickery-HilJ pub. co., [12 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. American farmer, m 4° Charles N. Goodc, sec, Indianapolis. Ind. American farming, 1906, m Doubleday, Page & co.. X. Y., X. V. American federationist, 1894, m 1 .00 Am. federation of labor, 423 G. St., X. \\\. Washington, D. C. American fertilizer, m 2 . 00 Ware bros., 1336 Cherry st., Phila., Pa. American fertilizer hand book, 1908, a 3 .00 Ware bros. co., toio Arch st., Phila., Pa. American field, 1874, w 4.00 Am. field pub. co., Masonic Temple, Chicago, 111. American fish culturist, 1904, m 1 . 30 E. X T . Carter, St. Johnsbury, Vt. American florist, 1885, w 1 -oo Am. florist co., 724 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. American florist co., directory, a 2.00 Vm. florist CO., 324 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. American folk-lore society. Memoirs, 1894 irreg. American food journal, 1906 1 .00 H. B. Meyers, Chicago, 111. American forest congress Proceedings, 1905, a 1.25 Am. forestry ass'n, 131 1 G. st. X. W., Washington, D. C. American forester, m 1 .00 Thos. II. Andrew. Seattle, Wash. American forester review, m 1 . 00 J. Label, 120 O'Farrell st., San Francisco, Calif. American roundsmen's association, membership 5.00 Transactions, 1904 . ." Richard Moldenke, sec. Watchung, X. I. American friend, 1 847, w 1 • 5° Am. friend pub. co., 1010 Arch st.. Phila.. Pa. American fruits, [903, m 1.00 Am. fruits pub. CO., Rochester, X. Y. American fur and feather, 1900, s in 50 Thos. Leavitt & CO., 161 Adams st., Boston, Mass. American furrier Jno. J. Mitchell co., X. Y., X. Y. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 23 American galloway herd book, 1883, a Am. galloway breeders' ass'n., Independence, Mo. American gas institute, entrance fee, $25.00; annual dues 10.00 Proceedings, to appear soon, a [ohn \Y. Dunbar, sec. New Albany, Ind. American gas light association -Proceedings, 1873, a. 530 Broadway, N. Y., N. Y. American gas light journal, 1859, w 3 °° A. M. Callender & co., 42 Pincst., N. Y., N. Y. American gastro-enterological association Transactions, 1897, a Charles D. Aaron, secy, Detroit, Mich. American gentleman, 1901 , m 7-5° American fashion co., 853 Broadway, New York, N. Y. American geographical society of New York. Bulletin (formerly journal) 1859, irreg., per year 5. 00 15 W. 81st st., N. Y. American glance ahead, 1906 ■ Johns & Nathan, Phila., Pa. American glass trade directory, 1905, a 2.00 Commoner pub. co.. 121 4th ave., Pittsburg, Pa. American grange bulletin and scientific farmer, 1874, w 1 .00 Grange bulletin co., Cincinnati, O. American graphic, 1879, m l • 5° Am. graphic press, 92 Auditorium bldg., Chicago, 111. American grocer, 1869, w 3 • °° Grocer trade pub. co., 90 W. Broadway, N. Y., N. Y. American gymnasia and athletic record, 1905, m . 1.50 19 Myrtle St., Boston, Mass. American gynecological society Transactions, 1876, a 5- 00 J. R. Goft'e, secy, 29 W. 46th st., N. Y., N. Y. American hairdresser, 1877, m I -°° H. R. Hamell, 645 Pacific st., Brooklyn, N. Y. American hatter, 1872, m 2 • °° Gallison & Hobron co., 13 Astor place, N. Y., N. Y. American hay, flour and feed journal, 1901, m 50 Leonard Gibson, Produce exchange, N. Y., N. Y. American Hebrew, 1879, w 3 • °° Philip Cohen, 489 Fifth ave., N. Y., N. Y. American herald, 1890, m 2 . 50 Democrat pub. co., 14 Barclay st., N. Y., N Y. American Hereford record and Hereford herd book, 1885 Am. Hereford cattle breeders' ass'n, C. R. Thomas, sec, Kansas City, Mo. American high school, 1904, m 5° Am. high school pub. co., Indianapolis, Ind. American highways, 1906 (June), m i-OO \merican highways pub. co.. 188 E. Fulton St., Grand Rapids, Mich. 24 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS American historical association, membership 3.00 Report, 1884, a to non-members varies Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C. American historical magazine, 1906 (Jan.), b-m 3. 00 The Americana society, 36 E. 23d st., New York, N. Y. American historical review, 1895, q 4.00 The Macmillan co., 66 Fifth ave., N. Y., N. Y. American home, 1902, m 10 Sawyer pub. co., Waterville, Me. American home journal, 1902, m 1.00 Southern young people co., Dallas, Tex. American home magazine, 1905, m 25 American home mag. co., 40 Rose st., N. Y. American home magazine, 1891, m 10 Cramer-Krasselt co., Milwaukee, Wis. American home magazine, 1906 Am. home magazine co., 719 Walnut st., Phila., Pa. American home-maker, 1898. m 50 Am. home-maker co., Syracuse, N. Y. American home missionary, 1895, m 25 American christian missionary society, Cincinnati, O. American home monthlv, 1905, m Henry Ridder, N." Y., N. Y. American homes and gardens, 1905, m 3. 00 Munn & co., 361 Broadway, N. Y., N. Y. American homestead, 1883, w 1 .00 Homestead pub. co., Omaha, Neb. American homoeopathic, ophthalmological, otological and laryn- gological society Transactions, a 5 • 00 D. W. Wells, secy, Boston, Mass. American horse breeder, 1882, w 2.00 Am. horse breeder pub. co., 161 High st., Boston, Mass. American horse owner, 1884, m 1 .00 Jefferson Jackson, 358 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. American household, 1904, m 25 Anderson pub. co., 32 Union square, N. Y., N. Y. American housekeeper, 1886, m 1 .00 R. D. Boniface co., Clifton Park, N. J. American humane association Report, 1877, a • Fall River, Mass. American illustrated methodist magazine, 1899, 111 1 .00 Methodist mag. pub. co., Olive & 2d st., St. Louis, Mo. American illustrator and home education, 1899, m 1.00 Clark co., Scranton, Pa. American industries, s-m 1 .00 Nat'i manufacturers co., 170 Broadway, N. Y. American institute of architects Quarterly bulletin, 1900, q I.OO Proceedings, 1867, a 2.00 Washington, 1). C. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 2 1 American institute of banking. Bulletin, 1899, m 2.00 Amer. institute of banking', 35 Nassau st., N. Y. American institute of electrical engineers Transactions, 1884, m 5-00 95 Liberty st., N. Y., N. Y. American institute of homoeopathy Transactors, 1844, a 5- 00 Ch. Gatchcll, secy, 100 State st., Chicago, 111. American institute of instruction Proceeding's, 1830, a 25 Win. C. Crawford, sec, 80 Ashford st., Boston, Mass. American institute of sacred literature, quarterly bulletin, 1906, q. . — University of Chicago press, Chicago, 111. American institute of mining engineers. Membership 10.00 Bi-monthly bulletin, 1906, b-m Transactions, 1871, a R. H. Raymond, secy, 99 John st., N. Y., N. Y. American insurance journal, m 50 Am. pub. co., Columbus, O. American inventor, 1898, s-m 1 . 50 Hensey & Gough, 114 Liberty st., N. Y., N. Y. American investment ledger, 1905, w ' 5 .00 Amer. investment ledger co., 107 Dearborn st., Chicago. American-Irish historical society Publications, irreg., a 5 .00 Boston, Mass. American iron and steel association Bulletin, 1866, s-m 4.00 Report, 1872, a 3.00 Phila., Pa. American issue, 1893, w 1 .00 Anti-saloon pub. co., Columbus, O. American jeweler, 1882, m 1 .00 Hazlitt & Walker, 373 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. American Jewess, 1895, m 1 . 00 Am. Jewess pub. co., 96 Fifth ave., N. Y., N. Y. American Jewish historical society Publications, 1893, a 5.00 Baltimore, Md. American Jewish year book, 1893, a 75 Jewish pub. soc, Phila., Pa. American journal of anatomy, 1901, q 5-°° Cor. Wolfe and .Monument sts., Baltimore, Md. American journal of archaeology, 1885, q 5-00 Macmillan co., 66 Fifth ave., N. Y., N. Y. American journal of clinical medicine, m 1 .00 Clinic pub. co., 1416 E. Ravcnswood park, Chicago, 111. American journal of conchology, 1865, per vol 6.00 Academy of natural sciences, Logan square, Phila., Pa. American journal of dental science, m 1 .00 Dental pub. CO., Madison. Wis. 26 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS American journal of dermatology and genito-urinary diseases 1897, b-ni 1 . 00 Am. journal of dermatology. Fidelity bldg., St. Louis, Mo. American journal of education, 1867, m 1 .00 Gillan & co., Milwaukee. Wis. American journal of engineers, [907, m 1 .00 Moses Harmon, 500 Fulton st, Chicago, 111. American journal of improvements in the useful arts, 1828, q. . W. Greer, Washington, D. C. American journal of insanity, 1844, q ^.00 Johns Hopkins press, Baltimore, Md. American journal of international law, 1907, q 5. 00 Laker, Voorhis & co., 47 Liberty st.. New York. X. Y. American journal of mathematics, 1878. q 5.00 Johns Flopkins press, Baltimore, Md. American journal of numismatics, 1866, q 2.00 W. T. R. Marvin, 73 Federal st., Boston, Mass. American journal of nursing, 1900, m 2.00 J. B. Lippincott & co., Phila., Pa. American journal of obstetrics, 1868, m. . 5-00 Wra. Wood & co.. 51 Fifth are., N. Y., N. Y. American journal of ophthalmology, 1884, m 3. c;o Adolf Alt, St. Louis, Mo. American journal of orthopedic surgery, 1903, q 5. 00 Am. orthopedic ass'n, Boston, Mass. American journal of pharmacy, 1825, m 3.00 Phila. college of pharmacy, Phila., Pa. American journal of philately, 1888. m 50 Scott stamp & coin co., ltd., 18 East 23d st., X. Y. American journal of philology, 1880, q 3.00 Johns Hopkins press, Baltimore, Md. American journal of physiology, 1898, m 5.00 Boston, Mass. American journal of progressive therapeutics, 1897, m l - 00 Am. X-Ray pub. co., Masonic Temple, Chicago, 111 American journal of psychology, 1887, q 5.00 Louis N. Wilson, Worcester, Mass. American journal of public hygiene and journal of the Massa- chusetts Association of boards of health, 1892, q 1 .00 739 Boylston st., Boston, Mass. American journal of real estate, 1904, m 1 .00 Am. journal of real estate pub. co., Kansas City, Mo. American journal of religious psychology and education, 1904, 3 nos 3 . 50 Louis N. Wilson, Worcester, Mass. American journal of science, 1819, m 6.00 E. S Dana, New Haven, Conn. American journal of Semitic languages and literatures, 1895, q. 4.00 University of Chicago press, Chicago, 111. American journal of sociology, 1895, b-m 2.00 I nivcrsity of Chicago press, Chicago, 111. GUIDE TO l'KKinMCAI.S -; American journal of surgery, [888, m i .00 Surgery pub. co., 92 William st., X. Y. American journal of the medical sciences, 1820, in 5-00 l.oa bros., 706 Sansom St., Phila., Pa. American journal of theology, [fc »/. q 3-O0 University of Chicago press, Chicago, 111. American journal of urology, 11)04, m 3- 00 The Grafton press, 70 Fifth ave., X. Y., X. Y. American junior, 1904, in 1.00 St. Louis, I\Io. American kennel gazette, [888, m 2.00 Am. kennel club, 55 Liberty st., X. V.. X. Y. American knit-goods review, 1898, m 3. 00 Francis K. Fitch, 47 Broadway, X. Y., X. Y. American ladies' tailor, 1903, 10 nos 20.00 John J. Mitchell co'., 122 Fifth ave.. X. Y.. X. Y. American laryngological association Transactions. 1879, a 2.50 .1. E. Newcomb, secy, 118 \Y. 69th st., X. Y., N. Y. American laryngological, rhinological and otological society membership 10.00 Transactions, 1805. a St. Louis, Mo. American laundry journal, T882, m r .00 Louis IT. Dickerman, Troy, X. Y. American law directory, a 1 5 . 50 J. B. Martindale, T42 LaSalle st., Chicago. 111. American law register, 1852, m 2.00 Students of law dept., University of Pa., Phila., Pa. American law review, 1866, b-m 5. 00 Review pub. co.. 14 S Broadwa.v, St. Louis. Mo. American law school review, 1003. trreg I No charge to law students. I West pub. co.. St. Paul, Minn. American law times, 1905, b-m 1 .00 21 Murray st.. X T . Y., N. Y. American lawn tennis, [907 (Apr.), m (Oct.-June), s-m (July- Sept.) 2.00 American lawn tennis. Times bldg., Xew York. X. Y. American lawyer, 1893. m 2.00 Stumpf & Steurer, 20 Xassati st., N. Y., X. Y. American lawyers quarterly, q Am. lawyers co., Cleveland, ( '. American legal news, [889, m 1 . 00 Sprague pub. co., Majestic bldg., Detroit, Mich. American legion of honor, journal, 1879, ni 5° J. A. Cummings print, co., l»oston, Mass. American library association. Membership 2.00 Bulletin, 1907, b-ra • Handbook, 1901, a Papers and proceedings, 1870, a., to non-members 1.00 34 Newbury st.. Iloston, Mass 28 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS American literary exchange bulletin, 1899, irreg 10 Am. lit. exchange. Hudson Heights, N. J. American live stock and poultry raiser, 1884, m 50 Am. farmer co., 400 Century bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. American lumberman, 1899, w 4.00 Am. lumberman, 315 Dearborn st, Chicago, 111. American machinist, 1877, \v 4.00 Hill pub. co., World bldg., N. Y., N. Y. American made goods, 1 904, q 2 . 50 Am, made goods export co., 17 State St., New York, N. Y. American magazine, 1876, m 5 .00 Phillips pub. co., 5th ave.; N. Y. American magazine, 1906, m 1 .00 1000 X. nth st., St. Louis, Mo. American magazine, 1876, m 1.00 Phillips pub. co., 341 Fifth ave., New York, N. Y. American magazine of aeronautics, 1907 (July), m 3.00 E. L. Jones, 142 W. 65th st., New York, N. Y. American magazine of mining and investment, 1902, m 1 .00 Advisor pub. co., Cleveland, O. American magazine section New York American and journal, \v. American-journal-examiner, N. Y., N. Y. American manufacturer, 1905, m 1 .00 Anier. cotton manufacturer pub. co., Charlotte, N. C. American manufacturer and iron world, 1866, w 3. 00 Nat. iron & steel pub. co., Pittsburg, Pa. American marine engineer, 1906, m 1 .00 Marine engineers' beneficial ass'n, 325 Dearborn st., Chi- cago, 111. American mathematical monthly, m 2.00 B. F. Finkel, Springfield, Mo. American mathematical society Bulletin, 1891, 10 nos 5. 00 ; Transactions, 1900, q 5-00 Macmillan co., 66 Fifth ave., N. Y., N. Y. American meat trade and retail butchers' journal, w 2.00 Wm. H. Hornidge, 147 Chambers st., N. Y., N. Y. American mechanics' advocate, 1869, m 50 Chas. J. Dittcss & co., 122 N. 6th st, Phila., Pa American medical association Council on medical education. Conference, 1905, a. . . \m. med. association, Chicago, 111. American medical association Journal, 1883, w 5. 00 Am. med. ass'n, 103 Dearborn ave., Chicago, 111. American medical compend, 1884, m 1 .00 \Y. \Y. Grube, Toledo, O. American medical directory, [906, a 7-5° Am. med. ass'n. 103 Dearborn st.. Chicago, 111. American medical journal, 1873, m 2.00 M. M. 1 lamlin. St. Louis, Mo. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 2 g American medical journalist, m 50 Am. medical journalist co., 220 Broadway, N. Y., N. Y. American medical monthly, 1882, m 1 .00 Henry Chandlee, Baltimore, Md. American medical temperance association Bulletin. iSch, q 1 .00 1 '.attic Creek, Mich. American medicine, 1901, m 1 .00 Am. medicine pub. co., T321 Walnut st., Phila., Pa. American medico-psychological association Proceedings, 1894, a 1 . 00 Chas. W. Pilgrim, secy, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. American merchant, 1901, w 1.00 Am. merchant pub. co., 312 Vine st., St. Louis, Mo. American messenger, 1889, m 50 Frederic Drake, 155 Washington st., Chicago, Bl. American messenger, 1843, m 5° Am. tract soc, 150 Nassau, N. Y., N. Y. American metal market and iron and steel report, 1883, 5d. . . . 1.00 Am. metal market co., 81 Fulton st., N. Y., N. Y. American microscopical society Transactions, 1S78, a 2.00 Buffalo, N. Y. American miller, 1873, m. 2.00 Mitchell bros., Manhatten bldg., Chicago, Bl. American mining congress Papers and addresses, 1898, a J. F. Callbreath, sec, Denver, Colo. Amer. mining congress Proceedings, 1897, a Jas. F. Callbreath, jr., Denver, Colo. American mining review, 1896, w 3. 00 Mining review co., t 20-22 North Broadway, Los Angeles, Cal. American missionary, 1857, to nos. . 50 Am. missionary ass'n. Fourth ave. and 22d st., N. Y., N. Y. American missionary association Reports, 1847, a 4th ave. and 22cl st., N. Y., N. Y. American modiste, 1903 (Jan.), q 1.50 Page H. Gregg, 453 Van Buren St., Chicago, 111. American monthly digest, 1 <)Oj, m 4 . 00 West pub. co.. St. Paul, Minn. American monthly magazine, 1892, m 1.00 Daughters of Am. revolution, 902 F st., Washington, D. C. American monthly review of reviews, 1890, m 3 .00 contin as American review of reviews. American modiste, 1903, q 1 . 50 Page H. Gregg, 870 W. Van Buren st., Chicago, Bl. American mosquito extermination society, membership 5. 00 Bulletin. [904 Yearbook, 1904 Henry Clay Weeks, sec. Room 74, Tribune bldg., N. Y. 3 o GUIDE TO PERIODICALS American motherhood, 1 895. m 1 . 00 Crist, Scott & Parshall, Cooperstown, N. Y. American museum of natural history American museum journal. 1901, (j 1. 00 — Bulletin, 1881, a 4.00-6.00 Memoirs. 1893, irreg Report, 1870. a Free 77th st. and Central park \\\. X. Y. American music journal, 1900. m 50 Am. music journal co., Cleveland, O. American musical directory, a 2 . 50 Louis Blumenberg, St. Janus bldg., N. Y., N. Y. American musician, 1897. m 50 Am. musician co., Cincinnati. < >. American musician and art journal Musical courier co., X. Y.. X. Y. American national red cross, 1000 <| Washington, 1 ). C. American naturalist, 1867, m • 4.00 Science press, sub-station 84. Xew York, X. Y. American naturalist, igo4, b-m =;o Chas. D. Pendell, Binghamtmi. X. Y. American negligence report, current series, 1897, per vol 6.50 Reniick, Schilling & co., [49 Church st, X. Y., X. Y. American negro academy — Occasional papers, irreg Yaries Am. negro academy, Washington, D. C. American newspaper annual, 1880, a i 00 X. W. Aver & Son, Phila., Pa. American newspaper directory, 1869, a 10.00 Rowell & co., X. Y.. X. Y. American new life, [902, q 10 William I*.. Towne, Holyoke, Ma^s. American numismatic and archaeological society. Proceedings, 1878. a J. Sanford Saltus, corres. sec. 1271 Broadway, X. Y. American oddfellow, 1889, m 1 . 00 H. A. Thompson, Williamston, Mich. American ophthalmological society Transactions, 1865, a 1 .50 Dr. S. I'-. St. John, sccv, Hartford, Conn. » - American oriental society, membership 5.00 Journal. 1840 E. Washburn Hopkins, corres. sec, 235 Bishop st.. Xew I laven Conn. American organ, 101)7. b-m 150 Lorenz pub. co., 150 Fifth ave., New York, X. Y. American ornithology, 190T, m 1 .00 Chas. K. Reed, Worcester, Mass. American orthodontist, 1007. m Martin Dewey, Kansas City, Mo. V. v GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 31 American osteopathic association Journal. 1902, m 5- 00 Am. osteopath, association, Chattanooga, Tenn. American otological association Transactions, 1868. Fred L. Jack, secy, Boston, Mass. American packer, 1898, w 2.00 Am. packer pub. co., Baltimore, Md. American pediatric society Transactions, [889, a. .tree to med. institutions and jour. 1 50 Dr. S. S. Adams, secy, Washington, D. C. American perfumer, 1906 Ungerer & co., N. Y„ N. Y. American perfumer and essential oil review, 1906, m 2.00 Perfumer pub. co., too William St., \. Y. American pharmaceutical association Proceedings, 185 I, a 5 .00 C. Caspari. Jr.. secy, Baltimore, Md. American philological association Transactions, 1869, a 2.00 Ginn & co., Boston, Mass. American philosophical association, membership 1 .00 Proceedings . . . meetings, 1902 John G. I libben, sec. treas., Princeton Univ., Princeton, N. J. American philosophical society Proceedings, 1840, per vol 3 .00 Transactions, irreg 5.00 Phila., Pa. American phonographer, 1897, m 5° Win. Hope. 81 E. 125th st., N. Y., N. Y. American photographer, 1902, m 50 Z. T. Briggs & co., Atchison, Kan. American photography, 1007 ( July ), m 1 . 50 Amer. photographic pub. co., 361 Broadway, New York, X. Y. American physical education review, m, 9 nos 3. 00 American physical education ass"n, J. II. McCurdy, sec, Springfield, Mass. American physician, 1876, m 2.00 A. L. Cbatterton & co., 259 William St., N. Y., N. Y. American pigeon keeper, s-m 1 .00 Amer. pigeon keeper co., 155 Washington st., Chicago, 111. American pilot and engineer of the great lakes, 1907, a 1 .00 American piliot and engineer pub. co.. Detroit, Mich. American political science association Proceedings, [904, a 2.00 Baltimore, Md. American political science review, [906, <| 3. 00 Am. pol. sci. ass'n, Baltimore. Md. American pomological society Proceedings, 1887, b-a John Craig, sec., Ithaca, \. Y. 32 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS American postcard exchange bulletin, 1907, m 35 American postcard exchange, 112 Lawrence St., New York, N. Y. American potter's journal, t888, w 1 .00 John A. McCormick, Trenton, N. J. American pottery gazette, 1905, m 2.00 Potters pub. co., 1 Madison ave., N. Y., N. Y. American poultry advocate, 1903, m 50 Clarence C. DePuy, Syracuse, N. Y. American poultry journal, 1874, m 50 Am. poultry pub. co., 103 S. Clinton st., Chicago, 111. American poultry raiser and live stock journal, 1885, s-m 75 C. M. Parker, 3701 Haverford ave., Phila., Pa. American practitioner and news, 1866, s-m 1 .00 Am. practitioner and news pub. co., Louisville, Ky. American pressman, 1890, m 1 .00 Theo. F. Galomskowsky, 21 S. Third st., St. Louis, Mo. American primary teacher, 1870, 10 nos 1 .00 N. E. pub. co., 29 A Beacon st., Boston, Mass. American printer, 1885, m 2.00 Oswald pub. co., 25 City Hall place, N. Y., N. Y. American producer, colonist and investor, 1901, m 1 .00 Arrier. producer pub. co., 86 Washington st., Chicago, 111. American public health association Reports, 1885, a 5.00 C. O. Probst, secy, Columbus, O. American quarterly of roentgenology, 1906, q American roentgen ray society, Geo. C. Johnston, sec, Pitts- burg, Pa. American queen, 1895, m 50 Am. queen corporation, 125 E. 23d St., N. Y., N. Y. American railway engineering and maintenance of way ass'n. Bulletin, 1899, m 6.00 Proceedings, T900, a 2 . 50 I. C. Fritsch, secy, Monadnock bldg., Chicago, 111. American racing manual, a Daily racing form pub. co., 124 5th ave., Chicago, 111. American railv/ay association, membership 10.00 — Proceedings, 1886, s-a, per copy. . . 1 .00 W. F. Alien, sec, 24 Park Place, N. Y. American railway master mechanics' association Report of proceedings, 1868, a 1 . 50 Rookery bldg., Chicago, 111. American Ramabai association Report, 1889, a Free lioston. Mass. American red man, 1893, w 1.00 M. L. Marshall, Louisville, Ky. American referee, 1902, w 2.00 Exchange news & pub. co.. 1 15 Nassau st., N. Y., N. Y. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 33 American review of reviews, 1890, m 3.00 Review of reviews pub. co., 13 Astor place, New York, N. Y. American review of shoes and leather, 1903, in 1 .00 Sam'l D. Gilpin, 44 4th St., Phila., Pa. American saddle-horse register, 1891, biennial 2.00 Am. saddle-horse breeders' ass'n, Louisville, Ky. American scenic and historic preservation society. Annual report, 1896 Edward H. Hall, sec, Tribune bldg., N. Y. American school board journal, 1890, m 1 .00 Win. Geo. Bruce, Milwaukee, Wis. American school of correspondence at Armour institute Bulletin, 1904, q Free Armour institute, Chicago, 111. American school of home economics Bulletin, 1906, q American school of home economics, 3325 Armour ave., Cbicago, 111. American sheep breeder and wool-grower, 1883, m 1 .00 Am. sheep breeder co., 182 Ontario st., Chicago, 111. American shepherd's bulletin, m 1 .00 Frank P. Bennett, 530 Atlantic ave., Boston, Mass. American Shetland club stud book, 1901, a .• • • • 3-0O Mortimer Levering, Lafayette, Ind. American Shetland club stud book, 1893, a Am. Shetland pony club, Columbia, Mo. American shipbuilder, 1889, w 2 .00 G. Foster Howell, 7 Coenties slip, N. Y., N. Y. American shoemaking, 1901, w 2.00 Deming & Rogers, 683 Atlantic ave., Boston, Mass. American shoemaking, 1882, w 2 . 00 Deming & Rogers pub. co., 683 Atlantic ave., Boston, Mass. American shoemaking directory, a 2.00 Deming & Rogers pub. co., Boston, Mass. American short-horn herd book, 1846, s-a 10.00 American short-horn breeders' ass'n, 17 Exchange ave., Chi- cago, 111. American Shropshire sheep record, a 3 .00 Mortimer Levering, Lafayette, Ind. American silk journal, 1882, m 2.00 Am. silk journal co., 19 Union square, N. Y. American skirt album, 1900, m 25 .00 American fashion co., 853 Broadway, New York, N. Y. American soap journal and manufacturing chemist, m 2.00 Dr. Henry Gathmann, Milwaukee, Wis. American society for testing materials Proceedings, 1898, a 4.00 Phila., Pa. American society for the extension of university teaching Syllabi, 1891 , irreg Varies Phila., Pa. 34 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS American society of civil engineers Transactions, 1873, s ~ m 10.00 Proceedings, 1877, IO nos 6.00 220 W. 57th st., N. Y., N. Y. American society of heating and ventilating engineers Transactions, 1895, a 12 W. 31st St., N. Y., N. Y. American society of mechanical engineers Transactions, 1880, a 5.00 N. Y., N. Y. American society of naturalists Records, 1884, a E. L. Thorndike, sec, teachers' college, Columbia univ.. New York, N. Y. American society of naval engineers Journal, 1889, q 5. 00 Navy dept., Washington, D. C. American sociological society, membership 3. 00 Papers and proceedings, 1907. C. W. Veditz, sec, George Washington Univ., Wash., D. C. American society of refrigerating engineers, entrance fee 5. 00 Annual dues 10.00 Transactions, 1906, a 10.00 William H. Ross, sec, Suite 806, 258 Broadway, N. Y. American spectator, 1903, w . . 4.00 H. M. Suter pub. co., Washington, D. C. American sportsman, 1890, w 2 .00 Am. sportsman co., Cleveland, O. American standard, 1905, m American standard jewelry co., Detroit, Mich. American state reports, 1887, a, per vol . 5.00 Bancroft- Whitney co., San Francisco, Calif. American stationer, 1873, w 2 . 00 Lockwood trade journal co., 150 Nassau St., N. Y., N. Y. American statistical association Publications, 1888, q 2.00 491 Boylston st., Boston, Mass. American street and interurban railway association, membership 25.00 Report of the . . . annual meeting, 1882 B. V. Swenson, sec, 60 Wall st., N. Y. American stock farm and advance farmer, 1880. m 50 Stock farm pub. co., Winona, Minn. American stock-keeper, 1888, w 1 .00 Am. stock-keeper pub. co., 30 Broad st., Boston, Mass. American stockman, 1901, m 1 .00 Am. stockman pub. co., Sta. A., Kansas City, Mo. American street railway investments, a 5. 00 McGraw pub. co., 239 W. 39th St., New York, N. Y. American suburbs, 1906, m American suburbs co., 19 Park place, N. Y. American Suffolk sheep record, a 2.00 American Suffolk flock register ass'n. Des Moines, la. GUIDE 1*0 PERIODICALS 35 \merican sugar industry and beet sugar gazette, 1899, s-m ... 2.50 Beet sugar gazette, 145 LaSalle St., Chicago, 111. Amer. Sunday school union quarterly, international lessons, 1880, q 16 Amer. S. S. union, 1816 Chestnut st., Phila., Pa. American Sunday school quarterly, q 20 Am. Sunday school union, 1122 Chestnut st., Phila., Pa. American Sunday school union Report of the John Crerar Fund, 1894, a Chicago, 111. \merican surgical association Transactions, 1883, a 5. 00 R. H. Harte, sec, 1503 Spruce st., Philadelphia, Pa. American swineherd, 1884, rri 5° Amer. swineherd pub. co., ^2^ Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. American syren and shipping, w 5 - 00 116 Produce bldg., N. Y., N. Y. American tailor and cutter, 1880, m 3.00 J. J. Mitchell co., 122 Fifth ave., N. Y., N. Y. American Tamworth swine record association Register, 1903, irreg Howell, Mich. American telephone journal, 1891, w 1 .00 Am. telephone journal co., 100 William St., N. Y. American textile manufacturer, 1893, w 2.00 Textile pub. co., Charlotte, N. C. American therapist, 1892, m 1 .00 F. W. Koch, 75 Fulton st., N. Y., N. Y. American therapeutic society Transactions, 1903, a N. Y. American thresherman, 1898, m 50 Am. thresherman, Madison, Wis. American tribune, 1880, w 1 .00 Am. tribune co., Tribune bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. American trotting register association : Yearbook, 1885, a 4.00 355 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. American truck farmer, 1903, m 50 Am. truck farmer pub. co., Railway exchange bldg., St. Louis, Mo. American undertaker, 1900, w 1 .00 Geo. W. Dorntee, 18 Elm st., Boston, Mass. American underwriter, m 2.00 Thrift pub. co., 141 Broadway, N. Y., N. Y. American university courier, 1892, q 25 1419 F st., N. W., Washington, D. C. American vehicle, 1888, m 1 .00 Charles B. Sherron, 25 N. 7th, Phila., Pa. American veterinary review, 1877, m 3- 00 Robert W. Ellis, 509 W. I52d st.. New York, N. Y. 36 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS American waist album, 1900, m 25 .oc American fashion co., 853 Broadway, New York, N. Y. American waterworks association Proceedings, 1881, a 3-QO J. M. Diven, secy, T4 George st., Charleston, S. C. American weekly, 1884, \v 1 .50 Christian century pub. co., 358 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. American wine press and mineral water news, 1897, m 2.00 L. J. Vance, 245 Broadway, N. Y., N. Y. American wire rope news, 1906, irreg Free Am. steel & wire co., The Rookery, Chicago, 111. American woman, m 15 Vickery & Hill pub. co'., Augusta, Me. American woman's educational association Report, 1853, a N. Y. American woman's home journal W. R. Hearst, N. Y., N. Y. American woman's review, 1889, 111 25 Chaperone magazine pub. co., Chaperone bldg., St. Louis, Mo. American woodman, 1899, m • 5° Richard M. H. Wharton, Harrisburg, Pa. American wool and cotton reporter, 1887, w 3. 00 Frank P. Bennett & son, 530 Atlantic ave., Boston, Mass. American workman, 1888, w 1 .00 Warren C. Browne, 102 Fulton st., N. Y., N. Y. American year-book of medicine and surgery, s-a, per vol 3.00 W. B. Saunders & co., Phila., Pa. American Yorkshire record, 1901, irreg — — Amer. Yorkshire club, Minneapolis, Minn. American youth, 1904 (Mar.), irreg .20 Ezra D. Sargent, Morgan, Ky. Amerika, 1 884, w ................ 1 . 00 Amerika pub. co., Madison, Wis. Amerika cesti postimees, bi-m 50 Rev. H. Rebane, 26 Danforth st.,* Boston. Mass. Amerikaner, 1904, w 1 . 50 Der Amerikaner pub. co., 165 E. Broadway, N. Y., N. Y. Amerikanischer botschafter, 1847, m 2 5 Am. tract soc, 150 Nassau st., N. Y., N. Y. Amerikanische turnzeitung, w 2 .00 Freidenher pub. co., Room 52, Herold bldg., Milwaukee, Wis. Amerikanski slovence, 189 1, w 1 .00 Slovence Amer. print, co., Joliet, 111. Amerikansky Russky viestick, 1892, w 2.00 Paul J. Zsatkovich, 522 E. Fifth St., N. Y., N. Y. Amerika s westnesis, s-rri 1 .00 Rev. J I. Rebane, 2(1 Danforth st.. Boston, Mass. Ames botanical laboratory. Contributions, 1904, irreg. Oakes Ames, director. North Easton, Mass. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 37 Amol banner, 11)05 1 .00 Tobias, Neb. Anatomical record, 1907, irreg Wister Institute. Phila., Pa. Anchor, 1887, m. dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Anchor association, Holland, Mich. Anchor and shield, 1879, m 60 Anchor and shield pub. co., Pekin. 111. Anchor and shield, 1895, w 3° Anchor and shield pub. co., St. Paul, Minn. Anchora of Delta gamma, 1905, q Champlin printing co., Columbus, O. Ancient astrologer, 1907, m 25 James K. Carson, Pittsburg, Pa. Ancient forester, 1882, m 25 Wm, Biggs, Toronto, Canada Ancient forester, 1903, m 50 J. B. San ford', Ukiah, Calif. Angelus, 1884, w 75 Angelus pub. co., 62 Griswold st., Detroit, Mich. Angelus magazine, 1895, m 1 .00 Angelus magazine co., Cincinnati, O. Anglican church chronicle, m 2 . 50 Rev. Alexander Mackintosh, Honolulu, Plawaii Animal life, 1901, m 50 Animal life pub. co., Richmond, Va. Annals of gynecology and paediatry, 1887, m 2.00 Annals pub. co., 148 Pearl st., Boston, Mass. Annals of Iowa, q 1.00 Historical dep't of Iowa, Des Moines, la. Annals of Jackson county, Iowa, 1905, irreg (Jackson county hist, soc), Maquokta, Iowa. Annals of mathematics, 1884, q 2.00 Harvard university, Cambridge, Mass. Annals of ophthalmology, 1892, q 4.00 Jones II. Parker, St. Louis, Mo. Annals of otology, rhinology and laryngology, 1892. q 4.00 Jones H. Parker, St. Louis, Mo. Annals of surgery, 1885, m 5.00 J. B. Lippincott co., Phila., Pa. Annals of the propagation of the faith, b-m Society for the propagation of the faith, Baltimore, Md. Annual American catalogue, 1886, a 3.00 Publishers weekly, N. Y., N. Y. Annual book for American boys, a r . 50 Bible house, 323 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. Annual drift of the market, 1902, a 1 . 50 Mass. pub. co., Everett station, Boston, Mass. Annual library index, 1905, a 3-5° Publishers weekly! N. Y., X. Y. 38 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Annual official directory of the textile industries and the yarn trade, 1895, a 2.00 Lord & Nagle co., 299 Devonshire st., Boston, Mass. Anti-middleman, 1907, m Albert Nathan, New York, N. Y. Anti-trust mail order herald, 1908, m 1.00 Flood's market, 1015 15th st., Denver, Colo. Antioch college College bulletin, q free Antioch college, Yellow Springs, O. Antiochian, 1874, m 1 .00 Antiochian ass'n of Antioch college, Yellow Springs, O. Anunciador, 1886, m 2.00 Export pub. co., 78 Market place, N. Y., N. Y. Anybody's magazine, 1906, m 1 .00 C. E. Esselstyne, Sacramento, Calif. Apostolate, 1903, m 50 Dubuque archciiocesan total abstinence union, Dubuque, la . Apostolic messenger, s-m 25 900 Silver ave., Greensboro, N. C. Apostleship of prayer, m .30 801 W. 181st st., N. Y. Apothecary and New England druggist, 1888, m 1 .00 N. E. druggist pub. co., 145 High st., Boston, Mass. Appalachia, 1876, irreg 50 Houghton, Mifflin & co., Riverside press, Cambridge, Mass. Apparel gazette, 1889, s-m 2.00 Fairchild co., 147 5th ave., Chicago, 111. Apparel retailer, 1903, m 1 .00 Apparel retailer pub. co., 11 Columbia st., Boston, Mass. Appeal to reason, 1895, w 5° J. A. Wayland, Girard, Kan. Apple specialist, 1904, m 50 James McKinnay, Quincy, 111. Apples of gold, 1873, w American tract society, 150 Nassau st., N. Y. Appleton's magazine, (formerly Booklovers), 1903, m 1 .50 Appleton & co., 436 Fifth ave., N. Y., N. Y. Apteryx, 1905, q I -OO Providence, R. I. Arbeiter-Zeitung, 1886, w 2.00 Buffalo printing co., 317 Genesee St., Buffalo, N. Y. Arbitrator, 1901, w 2.00 Arbitrator pub. co., 70 LaSalle st., Chicago, 111. Arbitrator, 1903, w 2. 50 Arbitrator pub. co., Providence, R. I. Arbor and bird day annual, 1899, a Free Supt. of public instruction, Indianapolis, Ind. Arbor tent news, 1907, m to members free Arbor tent no. 296, K. O. T. M., Ann Arbor, Mich. Arboriculture, 1902, m 1 »oo John I'. Brown. Conncrsville, Ind. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 39 Arcanian of California, 1901 , 111 50 Santa Monica, Cal. Architect and builder, 1886, m 2.00 Lawrence Gihvec, Junction bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Architect and engineer of California, 1905, m 1 .00 • San Francisco, Calif. Architects' and builder's directory of Penn., a 2.50 Directory pub. co., 603 Chestnut st., Philadelphia, Pa. Architects and builders journal, 1899, m 2.00 Globe pub. & print, co., Baltimore, Md. Architects' and builders' magazine, 1882, m 2.00 Wm. T. Comstock, 23 Warren st., N. Y., N. Y. Architectural and builders' supply magazine, s-m Williams & co., 123 Liberty St., New York, N. Y. Architectural annual, 1900, a 2.00 Architectural league of America, 729 15th st. N. W., Washington, D. C- Architectural art and its allies, 1905, m 3. 00 349-351 Carondelet st., New Orleans, La. Architectural record, 1891, m 3. 00 Architectural record co., 14 Vesey St., N. Y., N. Y. Architectural reprint, 1901, q 3-5° The reprint co., 1423 F St., Washington, D. C. Architectural review, 1891, m 5-°° Bates and Guild co., Boston, Mass. Architecture, 1899, m 5 °° Forbes & co., 160 Fifth ave., N. Y., N. Y. Architecture, 1905, m 3 . 00 La. architectural ass'n, New Orleans, La. Archives of diagnosis, 1908, q 1.00 2 5° W 73rd st., N. Y. Archives of international medicine, 1908, m 4.00 Am. med. ass'n., 103 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. Archives of ophthalmology, 1879, b" m 5- °° Putnam's sons, 27 W. 23d st., N. Y., N. Y. Archives of otology, 1879, b-m 4.00 Putnam's sons, 27 W. 23d St., N. Y., N. Y. Archives of pediatrics, 1884, m 2.00 E. B. Treat & co., 241 W. 23d St., N. Y., N. Y. Archives of philosophy, psychology and scientific methods, 1905, irreg 5.00 The Science press, N. Y., N. Y. Archives of physiological therapy, 1905, m 3-00 R. G. Badger, 194 Boylston st., Boston, Mass. Archives of the roentgen ray (Am. ed.), 1898, m 4.00 Rebman co., 1123 Broadway, N. Y. Archivos de la policlinica, m 1 .00 E. Saladrigas, Havana, Cuba Arena, 1898, m 2 . 50 Albert Brandt, Trenton, N. J., and Boston, Mass. Argonaut, 1876, w 4 . 00 406 Sutter st., San Francisco, Cal. 4 o GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Argosy, 1874, m. dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Eurhetorian soc. of Mt. Allison university, Sackville, N. B. Argosy, 1882, m 1 .25 Frank A. Munsey co., in Fifth ave., N. Y., N. Y. Argus, 1870, m 3 . 00 Rollins pub. co., Royal insurance bldg., Chicago, 111. Argus, 1904, w 2 .00 180 St. James st., Montreal, Canada. Argus, 1892, w 2.00 H. A. Chadwick, 426 Arcade annex, Seattle, Wash. Arizona cattleman, 1903, w 2 . 00 Cattleman pub. co., Phoenix, Arizona Arizona magazine, 1905, m 1 .00 Arizona magazine co., Phoenix, Arizona Arizona mining review, 1906, w 2. 00 Prescott pub. co., Prescott, Ariz. Arizona-New Mexico workman, 1899, m. 50 Geo. W. Brown, Phoenix, Arizona Arizona Pythian record, 1903, m 1.00 A. M. Foster, Yuma, Arizona Arkansas baptkt, 1906, w 1 . 50 Little Rock, Arkansas Arkansas historical association Publications, 1906 J. H. Reynolds, sec, Fayetteville, Ark. Arkansas homestead, 1900, m 50 S. L. Kay, Little Rock, Arkansas Arkansas law reporter, w 6.75 112-117 E. Markahm st., Little Rock, Ark. Arkansas medical society Journal, 1903, m 2 .00 A. N. Kellogg co., Little Rock, Arkansas. Arkansas methodist, 1882, w 1 . 50 Revs. J. A. Anderson and A. C. Millar, Little Rock, Ark. Arkansas school journal, 1896, m 1 .00 W. J. McTlwain, Little Rock, Arkansas Arkansas Thomas cat, w 2. 00 J. Davis Oren, Hot Springs, Arkansas Arkansaw traveler, 1882, m 50 Arkansaw traveler co., 242 S. Water st., Chicago, 111. Armenia, 1905, m 50 P. O. Box 2285, Boston, Mass. Arminia, 188 1, m 1.00 Freidcnker pub. co., Milwaukee, Wis. Arms and the man (formerly Shooting and fishing), w 2.00 Arms and the man pub. co., 299 Broadway, N. Y. Army and navy critic, 1900, m 1 .00 Army and navy critic pub. co., 203 Broadway, N. Y., N. Y. Army and navy journal, 1863, w 6.00 W. C. & F. P. Church, 93 Nassau st., N. Y., N. Y. Army and navy life and the united service, m 2 . 50 Army and navy press, N. Y., N. Y. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 41 Army and navy magazine, 1893, m 3.00 Herbert Cecil Lewis, 606 F St., N. W., Washington, D. C. Army and navy register, 1878, w 3 . 00 Army and navy pub. co., Bond bldg., Washington, D. C. Around the world, 1901, 25 Woman's bapt. for. miss, soc., Ford bldg., Boston, Mass. Arrow, 1904, w 25 Indian industrial school, Carlisle, Pa. Art and story magazine, 1905, m 1 .00 Mid-West pub. co., Des Moines, Ta. Art bulletin, 1900, w 2.00 Am. art annual, 20 W. 34th St., N. Y., N. Y. Art de la mode, 1882, m 3 . 50 Morse-Broughton, co., 3 E. 19th St., N. Y., N. Y. Art in architecture, 1903, m 1 .00 J. H. Daverman & son, Grand Rapids, Mich. Art in photography, 1904, b-m 1 .00 Photo Era pub. co., T70 Summit St., Boston, Mass. Art review, m 1 . 00 Arthur A. Kocian, 617 Locust St., St. Louis, Mo. Art student, 1894, q • • -5° Ernest Knaufft, 427 Fourth ave., N. Y., N. Y. Art world, 1907 (Apr.), m 3-°° Victor Neuhous, Denver, Colo. Artisan, 1899, w 1 . 00 Artisan pub. and print, co., Cleveland, O. Artsman, 1903, m 1 .00 Horace Traubel, Rose Valley, Pa. Artist engraver, q 8 . 00 Macmillan CO., 66 Fifth ave., N. Y. Artists' year book, a 3 . 00 Art league pub. ass'n., Fine Arts bldg., Chicago, 111. As others see us, 1908, s-m 5 . 00 Thomas O'Halloran, 46 E. 30th St., N. Y. Asociacion medica de Porto Rico, m 29 Plaza Baldowotz, San Juan, P. R. Asociacion medico-farmaceutica de Cuba, Rivista, m 5. 00 Havana, Cuba. Aspirations calendar, a 1.00 Paul Elder & co., San Francisco, Calif. Assembly herald, 1899, m 50 General assembly, Presby. church, 1328 Chestnut St., Phila., Pa. Assiniboia church advocate, 1904, m 25 Rev. E. T. Holling, Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan Associate presbyterian magazine, 1858, rn 1 .25 S. H. McNeel, Chesley, Ont. Associated charities and the citizens' relief ass'n, 1882, a 811 G St., W., Washington, D. C. Associated charities of Boston Report, 1880, a Boston, Mass. 42 (iUIDE TO PERIODICALS Associated charities of Worcester Report, 1891, a — : — Worcester, Mass. Associated merchants' adjuster, 1902, q 5. 00 131 La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Association boys, b-m 1 .00 Internat. comm. of Y. M. C. A. ass'ns, 3 W. 29th st., N. Y. Association for the preservation of Virginia antiquities Year book, 1896, irreg. Free to members Richmond, Va. Association jeweler, 1902, m 50 Am. retail jewelers' ass'n, jj Mich, ave., Detroit, Mich. Associaton men, 1875, m 1 .00 Internat. committee, Y. M. C. A., 3 W. 29th st., N. Y. Association monthly, 1907, m 1 .00 Nat. Y. W. C. A., Lexington ave., New York, N. Y. Association of American anatomists Proceedings, 1888, a (Printed as supplement to Am. J. of Anat.) Association of American medical colleges Minutes of annual meetings, 1898, a Easton, Pa. Association of American physicians Transactions, 1886 5.00 Dr. S. S. Cohen, 1525 Walnut St., Phila., Pa. Association of American Portland Cement Manufacturers Bulletins, 1906, m Free Association of American railway accounting officers Report. 1 889, a C. G. Phillips, sec, 79 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. Association of American universities Journal of proceedings and addresses, 1900, a University of Chicago press, Chicago, 111. Association of civil engineers, Cornell university, 1893, a 1 .00 Association of civil engineers, Ithaca, N. Y. Association of colleges and preparatory schools of the middle states and Maryland Proceedings, 1887. a Free to members Prof. Arthur H. Quinn, sec, Univ. of Penn., Phila., Pa. Association of collegiate alumnae Publications, 1881, a 35 Williamstown, Mass. Association of electric lighting engineers of New England, membership 5 . 00 Transactions, 1903 3 .00 C. R. Brown, sec-treas., 516 Atlantic ave., Boston, Mass. Association of engineering societies Journal, 1881, m 3-0O 31 Milk st., Boston, Mass. Association of hospital superintendents Reports, 1 899, a The association, foot of E. 26th St., N. Y. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 43 Association of officials of bureaus of labor statistics of America Proceedings, 1883, a W. L. A. Johnson, sec, Topcka, Kan. Association of Ontario land surveyors Report and proceedings, 1886, a 50 The association, Toronto, Canada Association of railway superintendents of bridges and buildings, entrance fee, $3.00 ; annual dues 2 00 Proceedings, 1891 75 S. F. Patterson, sec, 35 Pleasant st. Concord, N. H. Association of the bar of the city of New York Reports, a 42 N. 44th st., N. Y Association of transportation and car accounting officers, Railway equipment & pub. co., 24 Park place, N. Y. Association reporter, 1907, June, b-w. Louis Dischler, 23 W. 24th st., New York, N. Y. Association review, b-m Y. M. C. A., Honolulu, Hawaii Association stories, 1907, s-m 2 . 50 Louis Dischler, 23 W. 24th St., New York, N. Y. Association reporter, 1907, bi-w 2 . 50 Louis Dischler, 119-121 N. 4th st., Phila., Pa. Association review, 1899, bi-m 2 . 50 Frank W. Booth, Edge wood park, Pa. Assurance, m 2 . 50 Hooper and Underwood, 87 Nassau St., N. Y. Astronomical journal, 1849, s " m 5-°° S. C. Chandler, Wellesley Hills, Mass. Astronomical society of the Pacific Publications, 1889, per vol 5.00 San Francisco, Calif. Astrophysical journal, 1895, m. except Feb. and Aug 4.00 LJniversity of Chicago press, Chicago, 111. At home magazine, 1905, m 1 (X> At home magazine co., Louisville, Ky. At the market, 1906, m, to clients Free Bartlett, Frazier & Carrington, Western Union bldg., Chicago, 111. Athenee Louisianais. Comptes-rendus, 1876 Bussiere Rouen, sec, P. O. box 725, New Orleans, La. Athenaeum, 18S8, w. dur. coll. yr 1 .25 Students of West Ya. university, Morgantown, West Va. Athletic club journal, 1892, m 1 .00 F. M. Crossctt, Central park south, N. Y. Atlanta journal-record of medicine, m 1 .00 M. B. Hutchins. Atlanta, Ga. Atlanta university. Publications, 1896, per no 50 Atlanta, Ga. Atlantic city boardwalk life, 1908, w 5.00 Boardwalk publishers, Atlantic city, N. J. 44 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Atlantic city bureau bulletin, 1906, q Free Atlantic city bur. of information, Atlantic city, N. J. Atlantic educational journal, 1905, m 50 Maryland educational pub. co.. Baltimore, Md. Atlantic messenger, 1900, m 25 M. P. Davis, New-Bern, N. C. Atlantic monthly, 1857, m 4.00 Houghton, Mifflin & co., Boston, Mass. Atlantic reporter, 1885. \v 5. 00 West pub. co., St. Paul, Minn. Atlantic slope naturalist, 1903, b-m 50 W. E. Ratzell, Nabberth, Pa. Atlantic union gleaner, 1902, w 50 Jennie Thayer, South Lancaster, Mass. Atom, 1906, m 1 .00 1027 Gates ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Atzlan, 1907, m 25 Peerless printing co., Penn Yan, N. Y. Auburn seminary record, 1905, b-m 1.00 Auburn theological seminary, Auburn, N. Y. Audubon societies, national committee, 1903, bi-m N. Y. Augsburg Sunday school teacher, 1875, m 55 Lutheran pub. society, 1424 Arch st., Phila., Pa. Augustana, 1855, w l -7$ Augustana book concern, Rock Island, 111. Augustana college and theological seminary. Augustana library publications. 1898, irreg Rock' Island, 111. Augustana journal, 1894, s-m 75 Augustana book concern, Rock Island, 111. Auk, 1 884, q 3 . 00 Am. ornithologists' union, 2 E. 34th st., N. Y. Aurora, 1901 (Jan.), m 1.00 Sisters of Providence, St. Mary's, Ind. Aurora and Christliche woche, 185 1, w 1. 50 Germ. Roman Catholic orphan asylum, 564 Dodge st., Buffalo, N. Y. Aurore, 1866, w 1 .00 L'Aurore pub. co., Montreal, Canada Aurum, m. dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Students ass'n state school of mines, Rapid City, S. D. Aus der musikalischen welt, 1907 J. Fischer & bro. liiblc House, New York, N. Y. Austin forum, i<)02, w 1.00 Forum printing co., Austin, Texas. Auto-crank, [905, m 1 .50 506 ( Hive St., St. Louis, Mo. Auto-crat, [Q06, m Free Daimler manufacturing co., Long Island City, N. Y. Autocrat of the writing table, 11)07, m 50 White, Wvckoff infer, co., Holyoke, Mass. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 4g Auto-life, 1004, 111 1 .00 Auto-life pub. co., Drexel bldg., Phila., Pa. Auto review, 1 905, m I • 50 Auto review pub. co., 210 Olive st., St. Louis, Mo. Automobile, 1899, w 3 -00 Class journal co., Flatiron bldg., N. Y. Automobile calendar, a 2. 150 Moffat, Yard & co., 289 Fourtht ave., N. Y. Automobile dealer and repairer, 1906 1 .00 Motor vehicle pub. co., 24 Murray st., New York, N. Y. Automobile magazine, 1899, m 2.00 Automobile press, 136 Liberty st., N. Y. Automobile topics, 1900, w 2.00 Automobile topics, 1440 Broadway, N. Y. Autumn leaves, 188S, m 1 . 00 Herald pub. house, -Lamoni, la. Auxiliar, el, T904, fortnightly 50 Pbro. Urbano Llamas, Manati. Porto Rico. Ave Maria, 1865, w 2.00 Rev. D. E. Hudson, Notre Dame, Ind. Awakener, 1803. m 25 State Sunday school ass'n of Indiana, Law bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. Ayrshire breeder's association. Year book, a. . The Association, Brandon, Vt. B. Y. P. U. quarterly, 1901, q .40 S. S. board of southern bapt. convention, Nashville, Tenn. Baby, T904, m m.-.w : ••• r ' 00 Baby pub. co., Louisville, Ky. Baby pathfinder railway guide, 1885, m 1 .00 New England railway pub. co., Boston, Mass. Babyhood, 1884, m 1.00 Babvhood pub. co., 140 Nassau st., N. Y. Bachelor magazine, 1905, m 3. 00 it Broadway, N. Y. Bad debt exterminator and business adviser, hi — — People's pub. co., Indianapolis, Ind. Badger, 1898 (Feb.) . m 50 Badger pub. co., Milwaukee, Wis. Badger workman, 1899, m • • 50 C. Rabenstein, Neillsville, Wis. Bailey, Banks & Biddle co. Year book, a Phila., Pa. Baker and candy maker, 1903, m 1 .00 Allied trades press co., 425 Front st., San Francisco, Calif. Baker & Taylor co., monthly bulletin, 1898, m Zy?>7 E. i/th st., N. Y. Bakers' helper, 1 887, m 2 . 00 H. R. Clissold, 315 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. Bakers' journal and deutsch amerikanische baecker zeitung 1885, w I «6o Bakers' international union, 268 North ave., Chicago, 111. 46 CUIDE TO PERIODICALS Baker's review, 1898, m 1 .ou Win, R. Gregory co., Produce exchange bldg., N. Y. Bakers weekly, 1907, w 2.0c Anier. trade pub. co., 90 W. Broadway, N. Y. Balance, 1905, m 50 J. Howard Cashmere, Denver, Colo. Balance sheet, 1897, m (Oct. to June) 50 Business High School, Washington, D. C. Baltimore & Richmond christian advocate, 1832, w 2.00 Advocate pub. co., 1015 E. Main st, Richmond, Va. Baltimore journal of commerce, w 3. 00 Bank of Balto. bldg., Balto., Md. Baltimore southern methodist, 1906, w 1 .00 Southern methodist pub. co., Balto., Md. Baltimore underwriter, 1865, s-m 3. 00 James H. McClellan, 18 W. Saratoga st., Balto., Md. Band of hope review, w 20 Upper Canada tract society, Toronto, Canada. Baneret, T901, w 1.00 1101 Washington ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. Bank advertising, 1904, m 7-5° Bankers' ad-service co., N. Y. Bank advertiser, 1907, m 1 .00 C. E. Auracher, Lisbon, la. Bank man, 1906, m 1 .00 Chicago chaper of Am. inst. of bank clerks ; Press and bulletin committee, Mount Morris, 111. Bank notes, 1904, b-m 30 Levey bros. & co., Indianapolis, Ind. Bankazine, 1906, m Bankazine pub. co., New York, N. Y. Banker, 1907, q Free Geo. Woodruff, Joliet, 111. Banker, 1898, w 5.00 Harry Wilkinson, Monadnock bldg., Chicago, 111. Banker, 1889, b-m 1 .00 Banker pub. co., Pittsburg, Pa. Banker and investigator, s-m 2.00 132 Pearl st., Boston, Mass. Banker and stockholder, 1881, 6 d 10.00 Anthony Stumpf pub. co., 22 Pine st., N. Y. Banker and tradesman, 1872, w 5 .00 Review and record co., 146 Franklin square, Boston, Mass. Bankers' and brokers' directory, s-a 2.00 Williams & co., 123 Liberty st., New York, N. Y. Bankers' encyclopaedia, 1895, s ~ a P.ankers' encyclopaedia co., 1402 E. Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, 111. Bankers' magazine, 1846, m 5. 00 Bradford Rhodes & co., 87 Maiden Lane, N. Y. Bankers' record of municipal bonds Roger W. Babsori, Wellesley Hills, Mass. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 47 Bankers' register, s-a Credit co., Pontiac Bldg., Chicago, 111. Banking and mercantile world, b-m 5 .00 Hanking and mercantile world co., 59 Clark St., Chicago, 111. Banking law journal, 1889, m 4.00 Thos. B. Paton, 27 Thames St., N. Y. Banks' New York state lawyers' diary, 1902, a 2.00 Banks & Co., 473 Broadway, Albany, N. Y. Banner, (formerly Banner of Truth) 1866, w 1 .50 Rev. Henry Beets, Grand Rapids, Mich. Banner, 1807, m 5° Wm.'G. Dustin, Dwight, 111. Banner and herald, 1884, m 1 .00 A. L. Wardell, 1725 S. 13th st., Phila., Pa. Banner of gold, 1892, m 50 Banner of gold pub. co., 269 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. Banner of light, 1857, w 2.00 Banner of light pub. co., 204 Dartmouth st., Boston, Mass. Baptist, 1892, w 1 .00 G. S. Anderson, Abilene, Texas Baptist, 1898, w 2.00 Miss, baptist pub. co., Jackson, Miss. Baptist advance, 1902, w 2.00 Advance pub. co., Little Rock, Ark. Baptist and reflector, 1836, w 2.00 Folk and Holt, Nashville, Tenn. Baptist argus, 1897, w 2 . 00 Baptist argus, Louisville, Ky. Baptist banner, 1903, w 1 .00 A. Nunnery, Martin, Tenn. Baptist banner, 1888, w 1 .00 Banner printing co., -Parkersburg, West Va. Baptist boys and girls, 1904, m. in wkly parts 32 S. S. board of southern bapt. convention, Nashville, Tenn. Baptist bulletin, 1885, m 50 A. M. Brinckle, 136 N. 13th st, Phila., Pa. Baptist chronicle, 1886, w 2.00 Chronicle pub. co., Alexandria, La. Baptist commonwealth, 1895, w l • 5° Harper & bro., 1330 S. Alden st., Phila., Pa. Baptist courier, 1869, w 2.00 W. W. Keys & A. J. S. Thomas, Greenville, S. C. Baptist flag, 1865, w 1 . 50 Nat. Baptist pub. house, Fulton, Ky. Baptist herald, 1901, w 1 .50 Rev. B. R. Bell, Memphis, Tenn. Baptist herald, 1902, m 50 Harvey J. Ellis, Alliance, Neb. Baptist home mission monthly, 1878, m 50 Am. baptist home mission society, 312 Fourth ave., N. Y. Baseball magazine, 1907, m 1 -oo Prospectus baseball mag. co.. 19 Congress st., Boston, Mass. 48 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Baptist messenger, 1883, ra 75 Rev. A. Brown, Baltimore, Md. Baptist messenger, 1902, w 1 .00 Rev. W. H. McLean, Cambridge, Mass. Baptist missionary magazine, 1803, m 1.00 Am. baptist missionary union, Tremont temple, Boston, Mass. Baptist observer, 1902, w 1 .00 A. D. Berry & C. M. Phillips, Greensburg, Ind. Baptist reaper, 1901 , \v 50 A. H. Shaffer, Lexington, Ky. Baptist record, 1877, w 2.00 T. J. Bailv, Jackson, Miss. Baptist Record, w 1 . 00 Record pub. co., Richmond, Va. Baptist record, w 1 . 00 Sadler bros. & co., Pella, la. Baptist recorder, 1902, w 1 . 00 W. L. Douglas, Chattanooga, Tenn. Baptist review, 1873. s-m 1 .00 Rev. B. W. Nash, Goldsboro, N. C. Baptist review and expositor, 1904, q 2.00 Faculty southern baptist theological seminary, Louisville, Ky. Baptist sentinel, 1898, w 1 .00 Sentinel pub. co., Raleigh, N. C. Baptist standard, 1888, w 2 . 00 Baptist standard pub. co., Dallas, Tex. Baptist superintendent, 1884, m 25 Am. bapt. pub. society, 1630 Chestnut St., Phila., Pa. Baptist sword and shield, 1895, w l - 00 Southern printing co., Tyler, Tex. Baptist teacher, 1869, m 50 Am. bapt. pub. society, 1630 Chestnut st., Phila., Pa. Baptist trumpet, 1 89 t ,, w 1 . 00 J. G. Webb, Tioga, Tex. Baptist truth, w 1 . 00 D. F. Douglass, Macon, Ga. Baptist truth, 1895, w 1 .00 C. C. Wilson, Cairo, 111. Baptist union, 1888, m 25 E. R. Waddill, Danville, Va. Baptist vanguard, 1882, w 1 .00 R. M. Caver & S. M. Wesley, Little Rock, Ark. Bar, 1894, m i- 00 West Va. bar ass'n., Morgantown, W. Va. Bar and barber, 1905, m 1 .00 Bar and barber magazine co., 167 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. Bar and buffet, 1906, m 1 .00 416 Elm st., Cincinnati, O. Barber mirror, 1907 (May), m 1 .00 Ilarber shop supply co., Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. Barbers' journal, 1902, m 1.00 Barbers' journal co., 1135 Broadway, N. Y. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 49 Bargain counter, 1907, m Free Robert Dawson, Fort Smith, Ark. Barnard bulletin, 1901 , w 1 . 50 Students of Barnard college, N. Y. Barnens Tidning, w 50 Am. bapt. pub. society, 1630 Chestnut st., Phila., Pa. Barnum's midland farmer, 1898, s-m 50 Barnum's midland farmer co., Allen bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Barnyard talk, 1905, m Minneapolis, Minn. Barrel and box, m 1 . 50 E. H. Defebaugh, Louisville, Ky. Barrels and bottles, m 1.00 Barrels and bottles pub. co., Indianapolis, Ind. Bassett's scrap book, 1904, m 50 Abbot Bassett, 221 Columbus ave., Boston, Mass. Bates bulletin, 1903, q 50 Bates college, Lewiston, Maine. Bates student, 1873, m. dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Junior class of Bates college, Lewiston, Maine Batten's wedge, m Free George Batten co., 11 E. 24th St., N. Y. Bay view magazine, 1893, 8 nos 1 .00 John M. Hall, 165 Bost. Boulevard, Detroit,Mich. Baylor university bulletin, q Free Waco, Texas Baylor university college of medicine Bulletin, 1903 Dallas, Texas Beacon, 1884, w 1 .0x5 Beacon pub. co., 3 State st., Boston, Mass. Beacon light, m 1 00 E. C. Hatfield, Little Rock, Ark. Beadle's frontier series, 1908, w 2. 50 Ivers & co., 379 Pearl st., N. Y. Beatty bullfrog miner, 1905, w 3.00 T. G. Micklin, Beatty, Nye co., Nevada. Beautiful woman, 1904, m 1 #Q o Julia Mays pub. co., 240 Fifth ave., N. Y. Beauty and Health, m 60 Bernarr Macfadden, Helmetta, N. J. Bee hive, 1881, m c Riverside print, co., 240 Fifth ave., N. Y. Bee-keepers' review, 1888, m 1.00 W. Z. Hutchinson, Flint, Mich. Beeson's marine directory of the northwestern lakes, 1885, a Harvey C. Beeson, Niles, Mich. Beginners' golden text cards, 1906, q 02 Standard pub. co., Cincinnati, O. Beginners' large pictures, 1906, q 3.00 Standard pub. co., Cincinnati, O. 50 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Beginners' quarterly, 1906, q 50 Standard pub. co., Cincinnati, O. Beginners' teacher, q 30 D. C. Cook pub. co., Elgin, 111. Bellevue college advocate, 1894, m (Univ. of Omaha), Belleville, Nebr. Bellman, 1906, w ^ . 00 Bellman co., Minneapolis, Minn. Beloit college bulletin, 1902 Free Beloit, Wis. Bench and bar, 1905, m 3 . 50 31 Nassau st., N. Y. Bender hygienic laboratory studies, 1904, a Albany, N. Y. Bender's code citations analyzed (N. Y.), a 1 .00 Matthew Bender & co., Albany, N. Y. Bender's law book quarterly, q 511 & 513 Broadway, Albany, N. Y. Bender's lawyers' diary and directory for the state of N. Y. 1892, a 2.00 Matthew Bender & co., 511 Broadway, Albany, N. Y. Bender's nat. lawyers' diary, 1904, a 2.00 Matthew Bender & co., 511 Broadway, Albany, N. Y. Benton's monthly cotton (-coffee) quotation record Benton's monthly grain-provision quotation record, 1904, m. . . . Benton's monthly quotation record See monthly quotation record. Benziger's magazine, 1899, m 2 .00 Benziger bros., 36 Barclay St., N. Y. Berea college bulletins, 1902 Berea, Ky. Berean intermediate lesson quarterly, q $y 2 c Western methodist book concern, Cincinnati, O. Berean lesson pictures, q 10 Western methodist book concern, Cincinnati, O. Berean primary teacher, q 40 Western methodist book concern, Cincinnati, O. Berkeley (Cal.). Public library. Monthly bulletin, 1902 25 Berks, Bucks and Oxon archaeological journal, 1903, q 50 Rev. P. H. Litchfield, Reading, Pa. Berkshire athenaeum. Quarterly bulletin, 1898 Pittsfield, Mass. Berkshire evangel, 1898, m 50 Canaan four corners, N. Y. Berkshire hills, 1900, m 2.00 Col. W. H. Phillips, Pittsfield, Mass. Bernardsville hills, 1905, s-m 1 .00 Bernardsville news press, Bernardsville, N. J. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 51 Bernice Pauali Bishop museum of Polynesian ethnology and natural history. Occasional papers, 1898 Memoirs, [899 William T. Bingham, director, Honolulu, H. I. Besidka sokolska (United Bohemian-American workingmen gym- nastic association, "Sokol"). 432 E. 72 st., X. V. Best's insurance reports, tire, marine, etc.. 1900, a Best's insurance reports, life, 1906, a Best reporting co., 100 William st.. New York, N. Y. Best's key ratings of fire insurance cos., 1908, s-a Alfred M. Best co. (inc.), 100 William st., N. Y. Beta theta pi, 1873. m. dur. coll. yr 2. 00 Fraternity society, 363 W. 20th St., N. Y. Beth Israel pulpit, 1905, m, (Sept.-June) 1 .00 Congregation Beth Israel, pub., Portland, Ore. Bethany collegian, it ivy Lit. societies of Bethany college, Bethany, W. Va. Better times, 1903, m Free W. H. Butler, Ann Arbor, Mich. Between us, 1906, m Schwab clothing co., St. Louis, Mo. Beverages, 1900, w 1 .00 Liquor trades gazette co., 41 Beaver st., N. Y. Beverly calendar, a 3 • 00 Dodd, Mead & co., N. Y. Bibelot, reprint of poetry and prose for book lovers, 1895, m 50 Portland, Maine Bible advocate and herald of the coming kingdom, 1866, w. . . . 2.00 Church of God pub. house, Stanbury, Mo. Bible class quarterly, 1902, q 16 S. S. board of southern bapt. convention, Nashville, Tenn. Bible in every land, 1901, q 10 Amor, bible soc... Bible house, Astor place, N. Y. Bible lesson pictures, q 3-00 Am. bapt. pub. society, 1630 Chestnut st., Phila., Pa. Bible lesion quarterly, 1875 J 8 Standard pub. co., Cincinnati, O. Bible record, 1904, m (except July- Aug.) 1 .00 Winona Bible school, 541 Lexington ave., New York, N. Y. Bible review, 1887, m 1 .50 Esoteric fraternity, Applcgate, Calif. Bible society record, 1843, m « • •« 3° Am. Bible society, Bible house, N. Y. Bible student, 1886, q 40 Christian pub. co., 2712 Pine st., St. Louis, Mo. Bible student, 1897, m 2.00 R. L. Bryan co., Columbia, S. C. Bible student and teacher, m 1 .00 The Amor. Bible league, Bible house, N. Y. 52 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Bible study home department quarterly, q 20 Western methodist book concern, Cincinnati, O. Bible study manual, q 5° Bible study pub. 00., 250 Devonshire St., Boston, Mass. Bible teacher, 1870, m 60 United presbyterian board of pub., Pittsburg, Pa. Biblical recorder, 1835, w 1 • 5° Biblical recorder co., Raleigh, N. C. Biblical world, 1893, m . 2.00 University of Chicago press, Chicago, 111. Bibliographical society of America, membership 3.00 Bulletin, T907, q Proceedings and papers, 1905, biennial W. D. Johnston, sec, Library of Congress, Washington, D. C. Bibliophile society. Year book, a., for members only Boston, Mass. Bibliotheca sacra, 1844, q 3.00 Bibliotheca sacra co., Oberlin, Ohio Biblioteka polska, 1898, m 2 .00 A. A. Pan-ski, Toledo, O. Bicycling world, 1877, w 2.00 Goodman co., 154 Nassau st, N. Y. Biddle's bulletin, irreg., no price. James G. Biddle, 11 14 Chestnut st., Phila., Pa. Biene, w 5 • °° Aug. Lehmann, Holyoke, Mass. Big Stick, 1906, m 5° 15 E. 3rd st., Cincinnati, O. Bikuben, 1876, w 1 • 5° Bikuben pub. co., Salt Lake City. Utah. Biles' semi-monthly pocket edition whiskey price list, s-m J. W. Biles co., Cincinnati, O. Billboard, w 4-Oo Billboard pub. co., Cincinnati, O. Billposter and distributor, 1897, m 1 .00 Billposter and distributing co., 11 33 Broadway, N. Y. Biltmore botanical studies, 1900, irreg varies Biltmore herbarium, Biltmore, N. C. Bimonthly digest, bi-m, not bound 4.00 Advance sheets, bi-m 7.00 St. Paul, Minn. Bi-monthly owl, 1906, 2 5 E. V. Weller, Highland Park, Los Angeles, Cal. Biographical annals of Ohio, 1902, biennial Free State library, Springfield, O. Biological bulletin of the marine biological laboratory, 1899, m 6.00 Prof. Frank R. Lillie, University of Chicago, Chicago, 111. Biological society of Washington Proceedings, 1880. irreg 3-°° Wilfred A. Osgood, sec, U. S. dept. of agric, Washington, D. C. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 53 Bird-lore, 1899, b-m 1 .00 Macmillan co., 66 Fiftli ave., N. Y. Birds and nature, 1897, m 1 . 50 Contin. as Birds and nature magazine. Birds and nature magazine, 1897, m 1 . 50 Atkinson, Meutzer & Grover, Chicago, 111. Bishop's ABC guide, 1885, m 2 . 50 Traffic pub. co., 429 Montgomery st., San Francisco, Calif. Bit and spur, 1905, s-m 1 .00 Bit and spur pub. co., Chicago, 111. Black and gold, 1906, m 1 . 25 Honolulu high school, Honolulu, Sandwich Islands. Black cat, 1895, m 50 Short story pub. co., 144 High st., Boston, Mass. Black diamond, 1885, w 3-00 Black diamond pub. co., Old Colony bldg., Chicago, 111. Black diamond express, 1897, m 50 Lehigh valley railroad. Passenger dept., 143 Liberty st., N. Y. Blatter der heilung, 1900, m 50 Zion printing and pub. house, 1300 Michigan ave., Chicago, 111. Black hills mining review, 1895, w 2.00 Jesse Simmons, Deadwood, S. D. Blackburnian, 1881, m. dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Blackburnian pub. co., Carlinville, 111. Blacksmith & wheelright, 1880, m 1 .00 M. T. Richardson co., 2y Park place, N. Y. Blacksmiths' journal, 1900, m 50 Robt. B. Kerr, Monon Bldg., Chicago, 111. Blackwood's magazine, 1905, m 1 .00 Seattle, Washington Blackwood's magazine (Am. ed.), 1817, m 3-00 Leonard Scott pub. co., 7 Warren st., N. Y. Blade, 1898. w 1 .00 W. T. Jones, Vicksburg, Miss. Bladet, 1877, w 1 . 50 John Martenson, 205 Oak st., Chicago, 111. Blair's railroad and steamship directory, 1907, m 10.00 Blair's railroad and steamship directory co., 943 Van Ness ave., San Francisco, Cal. Blett's poultry pointers, 1908, m 15 E. B. Blett, Farwelf, Mich. Blooded stock, 1896, m 25 Times pub. co., Oxford, Pa. Blue and bronze, m 5° Belmont college, Nashville, Tenn. Blue and gold, a. University of Cal., Berkeley, Cal. Blue book magazine, 1905, m 1 .00 Story press corporation, Chicago, 111. Blue book of American shipping, 1895, a 5.00 Penton pub. co., Cleveland, O. 54 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Blue book textile directory, 1886, a 4.00 401 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Blue book, travelers' and shippers' guide, 1907, m 2.50 Index pub. co., 114 Railroad ave., Seattle, Wash. Blue devil, 1906, m 1 .00 Louisville, Ky. Bluejacket, 1900, m r . 50 Fred J. Buenzle, Newport, R. I. Blue jay, 1904, a 1 . 50 Bell & Hosmer, Fulton, Mo. Blue mule, 1906, m 50 Blue mule pub. co., 17 Fremont st., San Francisco, Calif. Blue review, 1907, m 1 . 50 Blue review pub. co., 43 Wall St., N. Y. Blue ribbon magazine, 1905, m 1 .00 1424 Twelfth st., N. W., Washington, D. C. Blue stocking, 1905, q 25 Sam'l Reed Cook, Rockport, Ind. B'nai B'rith messenger, 1897, s-m 1 .00 B'nai B'rith messenger co., Los Angeies, Calif. Board of trade journal, 1888, m 1.00 M. C. Rich, Portland, Me. Board of trade journal, 1904, m 1.00 C. F. Miller, Bd. of Trade Bldg., Scranton, Pa. Board of trade journal, 1905, m 1.00 Portland board of trade, Chamber of commerce, Portland, Ore. Board of trade journal, 1906, q 50 Wilkes-barre, Pa. Board of trade journal, 1889, m 1 .00 Geo. H. Webb, Providence, R. I. Boat and shot recorder, 1882, w 25 W. L. Terhune, 179 South st., Boston, Mass. Boating, 1905, m 1 . 00 (contin as power boating.) Bob Taylor's magazine, 1905, m 1 .00 (contin as Taylor-Trot wood magazine.) Bohemian, 1899, q 1.00 Henrie C. S. Gorman, ed. and prop., Fort Worth, Texas. Bohemian, 1900, m 1 . 00 James Knapp Reeve, Deposit, N. Y. Boiler maker, 1901, m 2.00 The boiler maker, 17 Battery place, N. Y. Boiler maker and sheet metal worker, 1892, m 1 .00 Joseph T. Ryerson & son, Chicago, 111. Boiler makers and iron ship builders journal, 1892, m 1 .00 S. I. Meseraull, Kansas City, Kan. Boletin de archivo nacional, bi-in Havana, Cuba. Bon ton, 185 1 , m 3 . 50 S. T. Taylor co., 930 Broadway st., N. Y. Bond buyer, R. R. securities supplement, a Nat. press intelligence co., 25 W. Broadway, New York, N. Y. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 55 Bond buyer, 1891, d 120.00 National press intelligence co., 25 W. Broadway, N. Y. Bond buyer, 1892, w 5.00 National press intelligence co., 25 W. Broadway, N. Y. Bond news, 1896. d 84.00 Stumpf & Stenrer, 20 Nassau st., N. Y. Bonds and mortgages, 1895, m 1.00 Bonds and mortgages, Monadnock bldg , Chicago, 111. Bonfort's wine and spirit circular, 1871, s-m 5.00 Clias. McK. Leaser's sons, 34 Beaver st., N. Y. Book and news-dealer, 1890, m... 1.00 Consolidated retail booksellers, 30 E. 21st st., N. Y. Bookbuyer, 1867, m 1 . 50 Scribner's sons, 153 Fifth ave., N. Y. Book crier, 1905, m 50 84 Adams st., Chicago, 111. Book-keepers bulletin, m 50 Bulletin pub. co., Chicago, 111. Book-keeper's bulletin, m 50 Bulletin pub. co., 708 Pine st., St. Louis, Mo. Bookman, 1895. m 2 . 00 Dodd, Mead & co., 372 5th ave., N. Y. Book news, 1882, m 50 John Wanamaker, 13th & Market sts., Phila., Pa. Book notes, 1883, Fortntly 50 Sidney S. Rider, Providence, R. I. Book of ratings of the Pacific coast mercantile agency, 1901, a Pacific mercantile agency, Beaver st., San Francisco, Cal. Book of the alamo, m 1 . 50 Alamo book pub. co., San Antonio, Texas. Book of the month, 1897, m 25 Junto book co., 149 Elm st., Yonkers, N. Y. Book of the royal blue, 1897, m 50 B. & O. railroad, Baltimore, Md. Book plate booklet, 1907, q Sheldon Cheney, P. O. box 307, Berkeley, Cal. Book-keeper's bulletin, 1900, m 50 126-132 Market st., Chicago, 111. Bookman, 1895, m 2 . 50 Dodd, Mead & co., 372 Fifth ave., N. Y. Book review digest, 1906, m 5 .00 H. W. Wilson co., Minneapolis, Minn. Bookseller, 1896, m 1.00 C. A. Huling, 91 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. Bookseller and latest literature, m 1 .00 89 Washington st., Chicago, 111. Bookseller, newsdealer and stationer, 1893, s-m 1 .00 E. O. Chapman, 156 Fifth ave., N. Y. Bookseller and stationer, 1884, m 1 .00 MacLean co., Toronto, Canada Book wants, 1904, m 1 . 50 515 W. 173d st., N. Y. 5 o GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Boost book, 1907, m 50 Delmarth Shop, 35 Arch St., Phila., Pa. Booster, 1907, irreg 28 Reade St., N. Y. Boot and shoe recorder, 1882, w 2 . 50 W. L. Terhune, 179 S. St., Boston, Mass. Boston advocate, 1905, w 2.00 6 Beacon st., Boston, Mass. Boston Alaskan, 1906, m 1 .00 27 State st., Boston, Mass. Boston budget and beacon, 1879, w 2 • 5° See Budget. Boston city hospital Medical and surgical report, a Boston^ Mass. Boston commercial, m 2. 00 22 Exchange PL, Boston, Mass. Boston cooking school magazine, 1896, 10 nos 1 .00 372 Boylston st., Boston, Mass. Boston copper book, a 1 . 50 Mass. pub. co., Everett station, Boston, Mass. Boston financial news, 1894, d 8.00 Commercial-financial printing co., 109 State St., Boston, Mass. Boston ideas, 1892, w 1 .00 See Ideas. Boston journal of commerce and textile industries, 1870, w. . . . 3.00 Boston journal of commerce pub. co., Boston, Mass. Boston life, 1906 Ida Sprague Hobart, Boston, Mass. Boston medical and surgical journal, 1828, w 5.00 D. C. Heath & co., Boston, Mass. Boston mycological club, membership 1 .00 Bulletin, 1897, irreg Cambridge, Mass. Boston news bureau, 1887, d 12.00 C. W. Barron, Exchange place, Boston, Mass. Boston pocket manual, 1897, m 1 .00 Pocket manual co., 79 Milk St., Boston, Mass. Boston press, 1905, m 1 .00 262 Washington St., Boston, Mass. Boston provident association Report, 1852, a Boston, Mass. Boston public library Annual list of new books, a Quarterly bulletin, 1896, 25 Trustees of Boston public library, Boston, Mass. Boston society of civil engineers, entrance fee 10.00 Monthly bulletin, 1906 715 Tremont temple, Boston, Mass. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 57 Boston society of natural history Bulletin ■ Memoirs, 1863, irreg varies Proceedings, 1841, irreg varies Occasional papers, 1869, irreg varies Boston, Mass. Boston transcript index (typewritten), 1908 ( ?) w 12.00 Boston indexing bureau, 61 Court St., Boston, Mass. Bostonia, 1900, q Boston university, 12 Somerset st., Boston, Mass. Bostonian society Collections, 1887, a 2.00 Proceedings, 1882, a 2.00 Old State house, Boston, Mass. Botanical club of Canada, membership 25 Phenological observations, 1892 Halifax, Nova Scotia. Botanical gazette, 1875, m 5 . 00 University of Chicago press, Chicago, 111. Bote der neuen kirche, 1854, m 2.00 C. A. Nussbaum, 191 1 N. 12th st., St. Louis, Mo. Bothsides, 1905, m. dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Harvard univ. debating council, Thayer hall, Cambridge, Mass. Both sides, 1895, w 2 -°° Both sides pub. co., 424 Meallet ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Boudoir, 1908, m 1 00 Boudoir co., 1974 Broadway, N. Y. Bowdoin college association of alumni Obituary record of graduates, 1904, q Brunswick, Me. Bowdoin college bulletin, 1904, q 40 Bowdoin college, Brunswick, Me. Bowdoin college library Bibliographical contributions, 1891 Bowdoin orient, 1871, w dur. coll. yr 2.00 Students of Bowdoin college, Brunswick, Me. Bowdoin quill, 1896, m. dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Students of Bowdoin college, Brunswick, Me. Bowery boy, 1906, w 2 . 50 Winner library co., 165 W. 15th St., N. Y. Bowlers' journal, 1894, w 5° Louis F. Schutte, 5 New Chambers st., N. Y. Bowler's magazine, 1893, w * • 5° L. F. Schutte, 113 Park Row, N. Y. Box maker, m 1 • 5° Box maker pub. co., Worcester, Mass. Box trade journal, 1899, m 1 .00 155 Wash, st., Chicago, 111. Boyhood, 1902, 5 nos. per yr 1 .00 Elias G. Brown, 481 W. 145th st., N. Y. Boys and girls, 1903, m 50 Consolidated with Children's magazine. 58 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Boys and girls, m 3° Am. bapt. pub. society, 1630 Chestnut st., Phila., Pa. Boys' and girls' monthly, m 4° Bible study pub. co., 250 Devonshire st., Boston, Mass. Boys' and girls' quarterly, q 12 Western methodist book concern, Cincinnati, O. Boys' friend, m 1 5 Friend pub. co., Mystic, Conn. Boys' journal and girls' magazine, 1907 (June), m. . .• 25 More printing co., 618 Fulton st., Louisville, Ky. Boy's magazine, 1907, m 5° Boy's mag. pub. co., 332 E. 18th st., N. Y., N. Y. Boy's teacher, m 60 D. C. Cook pub. co., Elgin, 111. Boys' world, 1902, w 5° D. C. Cook pub. co., Elgin, 111. Bradstreet's, 1879, w 5-°° Bradstreet co., 346 Broadway, N. Y. Brahma vadin, m 2 . 00 Yedonta society, 62 W. 71st St., New York, N. Y. Brainard's musical, 1899, q 4° S. Brainard's sons co., N. Y. Brains for the retailer and advertiser, w 5-°° Outing pub. co., Deposit, N. Y. Brann's iconoclast, 1892, m 1 .00 Iconoclast pub. co., 157 Washington st., Chicago, 111. Brass world and platers' guide, 1905, m 1.00 Brass world pub. co., 260 John st., Bridgeport, Conn. Brauer-zeitung, 1886, w 2 . 00 National union U. B. W., Cincinnati, O. Breeder and sportsman, 1882, w 3-°° F. W. Kelley, 36 Geary St., San Francisco, Calif. Breeder's gazette ,1881, w. 2.00 J. H. Sanders pub. co., 358 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. Breeders' special, 1907, w T • 5° Morse-Howard-Walker co., Kansas City, Mo. Brentano's book chat, 1907, m 25 Brentano's, 5th ave., New York, N. Y. Brethren evangelist, 1879, w I • 5° Brethren pub. board, Ashland, O. Brewer and maltster, 1882, m 5-°° Eugene A. Sittig & son, Lake & Clark sts., Chicago, 111. Brewers' handbook, 1874, a 11. S. Rich & co., 315 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. Brewer's journal, 1876, m 5-°° Brewer's journal co., 1 Hudson st., N. Y. Briarcliff once a week, 1907, w Arthur \V. Emerson, Briarcliff manor, N. Y. Brick, 1894, m l - 00 Kenfield pub. co., 45 Plymouth Court, Chicago, 111. Brickbuilder, 1892, m 5-°° Rogers & Manson, 85 Water st.. Boston, Mass. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 59 Bricklayer and mason, m 75 Bricklayers' and masons' international union of America, 23 Duane st., N. Y. Brief of Phi delta phi, 1900, q C. H. Topping, 15 William st., X. Y., N. Y. Brigham Young college. Bulletin, q Logan, Utah. Brill's magazine, 1007, m J. G. Brill co., Phila., Pa. British- American, 1887, w 1 .00 P>ritish-American pub. co., 6th and Chestnut sts., Phila., Pa. British-Calif ornian, 1897, m 1 .00 British-California pub. co., 927 Market st., San Francisco, Calif. British Columbia mining exchange and investors' guide, 1899, m 1 -oo C Sheldon-Williams, Vancouver, B. C. British Columbia mining record, 1895, m 2.00 British Columbia record, Victoria, B. C. British Columbia pharmaceutical record, 1905, m 1 .00 John H. Emery, Victoria, B. C. British Columbia reporter, Victoria, B. C. British workman, w 30 Upper Canada tract society, Toronto, Canada. British world, 1898, m 1 .00 Magnus Flaws & co., 83 Fifth ave., Chicago, 111. Broadway magazine, 1898, m 1 .50 Broadway magazine, 7 W. 22d st., New York, N. Y. Broadway weekly, 1903, w 4.00 Broadway weekly co., 27 E. 21st st, N. Y. Brockton public library Quarterly bulletin, 1899, q Free Brockton, Mass. Broker and promoter, 1907, m 15 Business development co. of America, New York, N. Y. Broker & stockholder, 1903 J. T. Pendegast & co., 80 Broad st., N. Y. Brome county historical society, membership 1 .00 Transactions, 1897 Knowlton, P. O., Canada. Brookline historical society Proceedings, 1901, a 25 Special papers, irreg., each 25 Brookline, Mass. Brookline public library, bulletin, 1894 Free Brookline, Mass. Brooklyn daily eagle almanac, a 25 Brooklyn daily eagle, Brooklyn, N. Y. Brooklyn engineers' club. Proceedings, 1897, per vol., 2.00 197 Montague st., Brooklyn, N. Y. 6o GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Brooklyn institute of arts and sciences Year book, 1889 Science bulletin, 1901, irreg., per vol 3. 00 Museum, memoirs of arts and archaeology, 1902, irreg.. . .varies Museum news, 1905, monthlv Oct-May, Free Brooklyn, N. Y. Brooklyn life, 1890, w <, 3.00 Brooklyn life pub. co., Eagle bldg., Brooklyn, N. Y. Brooklyn medical journal, 1888, m 2.00 Med. society county of Kings, 13 13 Bedford ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Brooklyn public library Bulletin, 1901, m Free Brooklyn, N. Y. Broom maker, m 25 Internat. broom & whisk makers union, Amsterdam, N. Y. Brooms, brushes, and handles, m 1 .00 Packages pub. co., Milwaukee, Wis. Brotherhood, w 1 .00 E. A. Williams, Cincinnati, O. Brotherhood of electric railway motormen's magazine, 1903, m 1.00 Lorain, O. Brotherhood of locomotive engineers Journal, 1867, m l •°° Cleveland, O. Brotherhood star, 1890, m 50 J. D. Long & J. G. Hammer, Jr., 23 Gold St., N. Y. Brown alumni monthly, m. dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Brown alumni mag. co., Providence, R. I. Brown and white, 1894, s-w. dur. coll. yr 2.00 Students of Lehigh university, South Bethlehem, Pa. Brown daily herald, 1891, 6d. dur. coll. yr 3. 50 Students of Brown university, Providence, R. I. Brown university bulletin, 1904, b-m Brown university, Providence, R. I. Brown- Wales co. bulletin, 1907 m Free Brown-Wales co., Boston, Mass. Brownell guide, 1905, q Inland press co., Denver, Col. Browning's industrial magazine, 1902, m 1 .00 Browning press, Collinwood, Ohio Browning's magazine, 1890, m 25 Browning, King & co., 16 Cooper sq., N. Y. Brown's directory of American gas companies, a 5.00 Progressive age pub. co., 286 Broadway, N. Y. Brown's farmer, 1906, m 25 Wm. H. Brown, Mandan, N. D. Brueder botschafter, 1866, w 1-5° Rev. Karl A. Mueller, Watertown, Wis. Brunonian, 1829, m. dur. coll. yr. 2 . 50 Students of Brown university, Providence, R. I. Brush and pencil 2 . 50 Brush and pencil pub. co., Chicago, 111. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 6 T Bryan-Marsh co. Bulletin, 1906, irreg Free Bryan-Marsh co., Chicago, 111. Bryn Mawr alumnae quarterly, 1907 (Apr.) 1 .00 Alumni ass'n of Bryn Mawr col., Bryn Mawr, Pa. Bryn Mawr college monographs Monograph series, 1901, irreg varies Reprint series, 1901, irreg varies Bryn Mawr college, Bryn Mawr, Pa. Bryologist, 1898, b-m 1 .00 Mrs. Annie M. Smith, 78 Orange St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Bubier's popular electrician, m (Continued as Electrician & mechanic.) Buchtelite, 1888, Fortntly dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Students of Buchtel college, Akron, O. Buckeye funeral director, 1904, m 1 .00 Edward E. Fisher, Columbus, O. Buckeye trail, m 50 H. N. Clemens, Cleveland, O. Bucknell mirror, 1882, m. dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Students of Bucknell university, Lewisburg, Pa. Bucknell university bulletin, 1901, q Bucknell university, Lewisburg, Pa. Bud og hilsen, 1900, m 50 S. Tunheim & Ed. Myrsven, Crookston, Mich. Budget, m The Sadler-Rowe co., Baltimore, Md. Budget, 1879, w 2 • 5° Budget co., 220 Wash, st, Boston, Mass. Budget, 1903, m . . 1 .00 Stanford-DeBaun, 65 Fourth ave., N. Y. Buds of hope, 1883, w 20 Standard pub. co., Cincinnati, O. Buff and blue, 1892, m 1.00 Students of Gallaudet college, Washington, D. C. Buffalo historical society Publications, 1879, a 4.00 Buffalo, N. Y. Buffalo medical journal, 1845, m 2.00 Wm. W. Potter, 284 Franklin st., Buffalo, N. Y. Buffalo society of natural sciences Bulletin, 1873, 4 parts to vol 4.00 Buffalo, N. Y. ' Builder, m (cont. as Realty record & builder) 3.00 F. W. Choisel, Odd Fellows bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Builder, m 2 . 00 T. M. Walker, Pittsburg, Pa. Builder and contractor, 1893, w 2.50 Harry lies, Los Angeles, Calif. Builders' gazette, 1886, w 5. 00 Thos. F. Hodges, Pittsburg, Pa. Builders' news, 1904, w 2 . 00 The Albert W. Lewis co., Baltimore, Md. 62 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Building & engineering trades reference book of Mass. & R. I., F. W. Dodge, 114 Federal St., Boston, Mass. Building management, 1906, m 2.00 315 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. Building material, 1907, m II. E. Davis, Chicago, 111. Building news, 1902, m 1 .00 Speed pub. co., Evansville, Ind. Building trades employers' association Bulletin, 1900, m 1 .00 Frederick M. Crossett, 1123 Broadway, N. Y. Buildings, 1905, m 1 . 00 Buildings pub. co., Cleveland, O. Bulletin, m 99 Concatenated order of hoo-hoo, Nashville, Tenn. Bulletin, 1876, w 2.0 > John W. Black's executors, Pittsburg, Pa. Bulletin, 1891, w 1 .tx> Bulletin co., Toledo, O. Bulletin, 1893, m . 1 .00 Bulletin pub. co., Toronto, Canada Bulletin, 1894, 6 d 6.00 Puget Sound pub. co., Seattle, Wash. Bulletin, 1894, w 2? County high school, Effingham, Atchinson co., Kan. Bulletin, 1904, m 138 Federal St., Boston, Mass. Bulletin, 1906 (Dec), m .50 Paterson, N. J. Bulletin new music for the pianola, pianola-piano, aeriola, orchestrelle and aeolian grand, 111 Free Aeolian co., 362 5th ave., N. Y. Bulletin of American palaeontology, 1895, irreg., per page 01 G. D. Harris, Cornell university, Ithaca, N. Y. Bulletin of bibliography, 1897, q (free to libraries) .' 1 .00 Boston book co., 83 Francis st., Fenway, Boston, Mass. Bulletin of commerce, 1874, w 5.00 Briggs & co., 118 N. 3rd St., St. Louis, Mo. Bulletin of eclectic shorthand, 1899, m 50 Scott, Foresman & co., 378 Wabash ave., Chicago, 111. Bulletin of metrostyle and themodist music, m Free Aeolian CO., 362 5th ave., N. Y. Bulletin of new music, irreg Free G. Schirmer, New York, N. Y. Bulletin of pharmacy, 111 1 .00 E. G. Swift, Detroit, Mich. Bulletin of photography, 1907 (Aug. 14), w 1 .75 606 Sanson st., Phila., Pa. Bulletin, sanitary and sociological, m Colorado fuel & iron co., l'ueblo, Colo. Bulletins of American palaeontology, 1895 Ithaca, N. Y. GLIDE TO PERIODICALS 63 Bullinger's monitor guide, 1869, w 7.00 E. W. Bullinger, 53 Park pi., N. Y. Bullinger's postal and shipping guide, a 3-5° E. W. Bullinger, 53 Park pi., N. Y. Bundle of sticks, 1883, nl l -°° Spahr & Glenn, Columbus, O. Bunker hill monument association Proceedings, a Bur, b-m 50 R. C. Brophy, 72 Canal St., Chicago, 111. Burning brush, 1902, \v 1 .00 Met. church assoc., 223 N. Kedzie ave., Waukesha, Wis. Burr Mcintosh monthly, 1903, m 3.00 Burr pub. co., 4 W. 22d St., N. Y. Business, 1895, m • 1 .00 J. S. Robertson co., Toronto, Canada Business, 1905, m 1 . 00 Trade journal pub. co., Louisville, Ky. Business aid, 1907 (July), m '. . 1 .00 J. L. Rosenberger, 112 Clark st., Chicago, 111. Business and finance, 1903, m 1 . 00 Business development co., 117 Nassau St., New York, N. Y. Business bringer for retail druggists, 1905, m Edward S. Mayo, 82 Duane st., N. Y. Business builder, 1906, m 25 Brown & Biglow, 54 E. 6th st., St. Paul, Minn. Business change recorder, 1906 (Oct.) , m 50 H. G. Butcher, Haddonfield, N. J. Business educator, 10 nos 1 .00 Zaner and Bloser, Columbus, O. Business getting, 1907, m 30 Burt C. Bean, Security Bldg., Chicago, 111. Business magazine, 1897, m 1 .00 Business magazine co., Knoxville, Tenn. Business man's magazine and the book-keeper, 1888, m 1 .00 Book-keeper pub. co., Detroit, Mich. Business men's N. C. R. National cash register co., Dayton, < >. Business monthly magazine, KJ03, m 50 H. E. Read, Peoria, 111. Business opportunities, m Business opportunity co., N. Y. Business philosopher, 1904 (Dec), 111 1.00 Science press, the Republic, Chicago. 111. Business phiolsopher, 1905, m i .00 Sheldon university press, Libertyville, 111. Business woman's magazine, 1903, m nm Louise Lee Hardin, Denver, Colo. Business world, 1877, b-m 25 Piatt R. Spencer, Detroit, Mich. Business world, 1886, m 1 .00 Business pub. co., 25 City Hall place, N. Y. UNIVERSITY 64 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Bussey institution, Bulletin, 1874 Jamaica Plain, Mass. Busy bee, 1867, m C. F. Seiss, P. O. box 905, Phila., Pa. Busy bee, 1903, m 50 Thorne pub. co., New York, N. Y. Busy man's magazine, m 2. 00 The MacLean pub. co., Toronto, Canada Butcher & grocery clerks journal, 1885, m 1.00 Butcher & grocery clerks pub. co., Chicago, 111. Butchers' advocate and market journal, 1879, w 2.00 Jacob Mayer, 13, Park Row, N. Y. Butchers' and packers' gazette, 1808, w 1 .00 Butchers' and packers' gazette pub. co., St. Louis, Mo. Butchers' and stock growers' journal, 1896, w 2.00 Fred J. Sinclair, 628 Montgomery st., San Francisco, Calif. Butler collegian, 1885, w 1 .00 Students of Butler college, Indianapolis, Ind. Butter prints from the homestead Weston engineering co., N. Y. Butterfly quarterly, 1907, q 1 . 25 George Wolfe Plank, 1126 Walnut St., Phila., Pa. Butterick fashions, m 12 Butterick pub. co., N. Y. Butterick herald, 1903, m Butterick pub. co., N. Y. Buttericks moden-revue, 1906, m Butterick pub. co., N. Y. Buyer-American and foreign, m 1 .00 130 Pearl st., N. Y., N. Y. Buyers and sellers magazine, 1908, m Free Leonard Darbyshire, inc., 179 St. Paul st., Rochester, N. Y. Buyers guide, 1906, m F. B. Mills co., Rose Hill, N. Y. Buyer's index, b-m 1 . 25 Buyer's index pub. co., 59 Pearl st., N. Y. Buyers' reference, 1892, q., 5 editions, for each 1 .00 Buyers' reference co., 123 Liberty st., N. Y. By Archer Road, 1906 (May), m 75 Charles W. Espey, 358 W. 22d st., Chicago, 111. C. K. and L. of A. journal, m 50 Henry T. Hayes, 1312 Ashland block, Chicago, 111. C. K. and L. of A. journal, m 50 Porter bldg., Memphis, Tenn. C. L. of O. index, 1903, m 20 Rosary press co., Somerset, O. C. M. B. A. journal, 1890, m 75 Jas. Coffey. Montreal, Canada C. T. postal monthly, m Free Curt Teich & co., 117 Lake St., Chicago, 111. Cadenza, 1894, m 1 . 00 C. L. Partie co., 5 E. 14th st., N. Y. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 65 Caduceus of Kappa sigma, 1891, b-m 1.50 Supreme executive comm. of the Kappa fraternity, 516 Minor st., Phila., Pa. Caecilia, 1874, m ; 2.00 John Singenberger, St. Francis, Wis. Caledonian, 1901, m i-OO Caledonian pub. co., Bible house, N. Y. Calendar of gallant living, a 5° L. J. Thompson, North Attleboro, Mass. California A. O. U. W., 1897, m 25 1312 Market st., San Francisco, Calif. California academy of sciences Memoirs, 1868, irreg. Proceedings, third series, 1897, botany, irreg. Proceedings, third series, 1897, geology, irreg. Proceedings, third series, 1897, math-phys., irreg. Proceedings, third series, 1897, zoology, irreg. San Francisco, Calif. California agricultural journal, 1902, s-m 50 S. C. Longwell, Fresno, Calif. California appellate decision, s-w District court of appeals of the state of California, San Francisco, Cal. California Christian advocate, 185 1, w 1 .50 Methodist book concern, San Francisco, Calif. California club woman, 1900, m 50 Mrs. M. D. Hamilton, 218 S. Broadway, Los Angeles, Calif. California cultivator, 1889, w 1.00 Cultivator pub. co., Los Angeles, Calif. California decisions, s-w 12.00 Recorder printing and pub. co., San Francisco, Cal. California education, 1905, q 1 .00 State normal school, San Francisco, Calif. California elks, 1901, m 1 .00 A. P. Murgatten, San Jose, Calif. California fruit grower, 1888, w 2.00 Estate of Brainard N. Rowley, 320 Sansom st., San Francisco, Calif. California historic-genealogical society Publications, 1900 San Francisco, Calif. California independent, 1896, w 1 . 50 Independent pub. co., 209 S. Broadway, Los Angeles, Calif. California journal of technology, m. dur. coll. yr 50 Students of university of California, Berkeley, Calif. California knight, 1902, m 50 P. J. Ryan, Oakland, Calif. California magazine, 1902, m 25 Blue book pub. co., 347 Pacific electric bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. California medical and surgical reporter, 1904, m 1 .00 Calif, med. and surgical reporter co., Los Angeles, Calif. 66 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS California medical bulletin, q I -OO Med. alumni ass'n, San Francisco. California medical journal, 1888, m 1 • 5° California med. college, San Francisco, Calif. California moderna, 1904, m 1 .00 !•',. M Navarette, 22 Clay st., San Francisco, Calif. California new?, 1 885, m 5° California institution for the deaf and dumb and blind, Berkeley, Cal. California odd fellow, 1894, m 1 .00 C. M. Harrison, Sacramento, Calif. California petroleum miners' ass'n, bulletin, 1901 San Francisco, Calif. California products, 1905, m 1 .00 California products co., Los Angeles, Calif. California review, 1903, m 1 .00 Harry F. Pernan, 543 Clay St., San Francisco, Calif. California state journal of medicine, 1902, m 3.00 Med. soc. of the state of Calif., Y. M. C. A. bldg., San Francisco, Calif. California state library News notes of California libraries, 1906, q Sacramento, Cal. California teachers' association Proceedings, 1892, a I. OO J. P. Greeley, sec, Santa Anna, Calif. California tourist and hotel reporter, 1904, w 2.00 Jas. J. Toy, 338 S. Los Angeles st., Los Angeles, Calif. California. University publications American archaeology and ethnology, 1903, irreg varies Botany, 1902, irreg varies Classical philology, 1904, irreg varies Education, 1893, irreg varies Geology, 1893, irreg varies Pathology, 1903, irreg varies Philosophy, 1904, irreg 2.00 Physiology, 1903, irreg 2 .00 Semitic philology, 1905, irreg varies Zoology, 1902, irreg 3-5° Astronomy — Lick observatory publications, irreg 3. 00 Bulletin, irreg 2.50 Calendar, \v. dur. coll. yr 50 Register, a 25 Berkeley, Calif. California volksfreund, 1885, w 2.50 Calif, volksfreund pub. co., San Francisco, Calif. California woman's magazine, 1899, 1 .00 Gates pub. co., San Francisco, Calif. Californian, 1 X. 13, d. dur. coll. yr 2 . 50 Californian pub. co., Berkeley, Calif. Callanan's magazine, b-m L. I Callanan, New York,- N. Y. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS ',,- Calvary herald, 1907, w I.. O. Thayer, New York, N. Y. Cambrian, r88o, m 1.O0 Thomas J. Griffith. I'tica, N. Y. Cambridge (Mass.). Public library, m 25 Bulletin, 1896. Cambridge, Mass. Camera, 1897, m 1 .00 Camera pub. co., 114 S. 7th st., Phila., Pa. Camera and dark room, 1899, m 1 .00 Contin. in American photography. Camera craft, 1900, m 1 . 50 Camera craft pub. co., San Francisco, Calif. Camera work, 1903 ...*.... Alfred Stieghtz, N. Y. Camp and circle, 1901, m 50 Camp and circle pub. co., Portland, Ore. Camp fire, 1897, m °° Baltimore, Md. Camp news, 1867, m 1 .00 C. W. & H. Weikel, 510 Susquehanna ave., Phila., Pa. Campbell's illustrated journal, 1890, m 1 .00 Campbell pub. co., 315 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. Campus, 1884, m. dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Ottawa univ. oratorical ass'n, Ottawa, Kan. Campus, 1899. s-m. dur. coll. yr 1 . 50 University of Maine pub. ass'n, Orono, Me. Campus, 1874. Fortnightly 1 .00 Students of the university of Rochester, Rochester, N. Y. Campus, 1876, w. dur. coll. yr 1 . 50 Students of Allegheny college, Meadville, Pa. Canada, 1906, w 10.00 180 St. James st.. Montreal, Canada Canada educational monthly, 1897, m 1 .00 Toronto, Canada Canada lancet, 1868, m 2.00 Ontario pub. co., Toronto, Canada Canada law journal, 1855, s-m 5. 00 Canada law book co., Toronto, Canada Canada lumberman, 1880, m 1 .00 C. H. Mortimer pub. co., Toronto, Canada Canada medical record, 1872, m 1 .00 John Lovell & son, Montreal, Canada Canadian, 1904, m 1 .00 Canadian pub. co., 346 Broadway, N. Y. Canadian annual digest, a 3-5° Canadian law book co., Toronto, Canada. Canadian annual financial review, a 5-°° Moody corporation, 35 Nassau st., Xew York, N. Y. Canadian antiquarian and numismatic journal, 1872, q 2.00 Numismatic & antiquarian soc. of Montreal, Montreal, Canada 68 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Canadian architect and builder, 1888, m 2.00 C. IT. Mortimer pub. co., Toronto, Canada Canadian baker, confectioner and restaurateur, 1889, m 1.00 James Acton pnb. co., Toronto, Canada Canadian baptist, T854, w 1 . 50 Board of publication, Toronto, Canada Canadian bee journal, 1893, m 1 .00 The Hurley printing co., Brantford, Canada. Canadian boards of trade journal, 1899, m 2.00 Canadian commercial pub. co., Toronto, Canada Canadian bookseller and library journal, 1888, m 1 .00 Canadian bookseller, Toronto, Canada Canadian cement and concrete review, 1906, m Canadian engineer, Toronto, Canada. Canadian churchman, 1871, w 2.00 Frank Wootten, Toronto, Canada. Canadian cigar and tobacco journal, 1895, m 1 .00 H. Gagnier, Toronto, Canada Canadian club, 1904, m 1 . 00 Canadian club co., Montreal, Canada. Canadian congregationalist, 1854, w 1 .00 W. E. Mertens, Toronto, Canada Canadian contract record, 1890, w 3 .00 Hugh C. MacLean, ltd., Toronto, Canada. Canadian co-operator, 1882, m 40 R. J. Doyle, Owen Sound, Ontario Canadian craftsman and masonic record, 1867, m 1 .00 Canadian craftsman pub. co., Toronto, Canada Canadian criminal cases, annotated, 1898, q . Toronto, Canada. Canadian druggist, 1889, m t .00 Wm. J. Dyas, Toronto, Canada Canadian eagle, 1904, m 1 .00 Frank E. LeRoy, Victoria, B. C. Canadian electrical news and engineering journal, 1891, m 1 .00 C. H. Mortimer co., Toronto, Canada Canadian engineer, 1893, m 2.00 Canadian engineer, Toronto, Canada. Canadian entomologist, 1868, m 1 .00 Entomological society of Ontario, Guelph, Canada Canadian Epworth era, 1899, m 50 Rev. Win. Briggs, Toronto, Canada Canadian farm implements, 1905, m 50 Canada farm implements, Winnipeg, Manitoba Canadian farmer, w 50 Rideau press, Ottawa, Canada Canadian florist, 1903, s-m 1 .00 I). C. Nixon & co., Toronto, Canada Canadian forester, 1 880, m 50 II. Cummer, Guelph, Canada Canadian forestry journal, [905, q 1 .00 Canadian forestry association, Ottawa, Canada GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 69 Canadian freeman, 1885, \v 1 .00 Patrick J. Daley, Kingston, Ontario Canadian friend, 1905, m F. Cornell, Newmarket, Ont., Canada. Canadian good housekeeping, m 1 .00 Dominion Phelps, Toronto, Canada Canadian grocer, 1886, w 2.00 MacLean pub. co., Toronto, Canada Canadian harness and carriage journal, 1900, m 1 .00 Wm. J. Dyas, Toronto, Canada Canadian home, 1904, m 1 .00 Joseph Phillips, Toronto, Canada Canadian horticulturist, 1878, m 1 .00 Ontario fruit growers' ass'n., Toronto, Canada Canadian implement and vehicle trade, 1900, m 1 .00 Trade pub. co., Toronto, Canada Canadian institute Proceedings, 1852, irreg varies Transactions, 1889 Toronto, Canada Canadian journal of commerce, 1875, w 3-00 M. S. Foley, Montreal, Canada Canadian journal of fabrics, 1883, m 1 .00 Biggar-Samuel, Toronto, Canada Canadian journal of medicine and surgery, 1897, m 1 .00 Toronto, Canada. Canadian kennel gazette, 1889, m 1 .00 H. B. Donovan, Toronto, Canada Canadian laundryman, 1897, m 1 .00 Edgar A. Willis, Toronto, Canada Canadian law review, 1901, m 5«oo Canadian law review co., Toronto, Canada Canadian law review, 1906, w 1. 00 Canadian law review co., Toronto, Canada Canadian law times, 1881, m 5. 00 Carswell co.. Toronto, Canada Canadian machine shop, 1905, m : . 1 .00 Toronto, Canada Canadian machinery and manufacturing news, m 1 .00 MacLean pub. co., Montreal, Canada Canadian magazine, 1893, m 2 . 50 Ontario pub. co., Toronto, Canada Canadian manufacturer, 1880, s-m 1 . 50 Canadian manufacturer pub. co., Toronto, Canada Canadian military gazette, 1885, s-m 2.00 MacLean pub. co., Toronto, Canada Canadian military institute, membership 5.00 Selected papers from the transactions, 1890, irreg., per no., 50c to 1 . 00 University avenue, Toronto, Ont. Canadian mining institute journal, 1898, a 413 Dorchester st., Montreal, Canada. 7° GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Canadian mining journal, 1882, m 3. 00 Review pub. CO., Montreal, Canada Canadian month, i<)05. m 1 .00 I lalifax. Nova Scotia. Canadian motor, 1905, m 1 .00 The Vehicle, Toronto, Canada Canadian municipal journal, 1905, m 1 .00 107 St. James St., Montreal, Canada. Canadian music and trades journal, 1900, m 1 .00 D. C. Nixon & co., Toronto, Canada Canadian pacific courier, 1895, m 50 Acton Burrows co., Toronto, Canada Canadian pharmaceutical journal, 1868, m 1.00 Pharm. pub. co. of Toronto, Toronto, Canada Canadian pigeon fancier, 1903, m 50 Kedwell pub. co., London, Ontario Canadian pointer and decorator, 1904, m 1.00 James Acton pub. co., Toronto, Canada Canadian poultry news, 1898, m 35 Robt. R. Cameron, Owen Sound, Ontario. Canadian poultry review, 1877, m 5° H. B. Donovan, Toronto, Canada Canadian practitioner and review, 1876, m 2.00 A. H. Wright, Toronto, Canada Canadian printer and publisher, 1892, m 2.00 MacLean pub. co., Toronto, Canada Canadian railway cases, 1902, q Toronto, Canada. Canadian railway club, membership 2.00 Official proceedings, 1902 m (Sept.-May), per no 15 Windsor Hotel, Montreal. Canadian record of science, 1885, q 1 .50 Natural history society, Montreal, Canada Canadian royal templar, 1883, m 5c T. J. Shanks, Hamilton, Ontario Canadian shoe and leather journal, 1888, m 1 .00 James Acton pub. co., Toronto, Canada Canadian society of civil engineers, Transactions, m 1 .50 C. II. McLeod, Sec, 413 Dorchester St., Montreal, Canada. Canadian sportsman and live stock journal, 1870, w 2.00 Toronto, Canada Canadian teacher, 1897, s-m., except July-Aug 1.00 Educational pub. co., Toronto, Canada Canadian thresherman, m 50 Canadian thresherman pub. co., Winnipeg, Manitoba Canadian trade review, 1885, w 2.00 Trade review pub. co., Montreal, Canada Canadian wheelman, 1883, s-m 1 .00 Canadian wheelman pub. co., Toronto, Canada Canadian white ribbon tidings, 1904, s-m 50 I Mitario W. C. T. U., London, Ontario GUIDE TO PERIODICALS /I Canadian woodman, m 50 W. C. Fitzgerald, London, Ontario Canadian workman, 1879, m 50 John Curran, Orillia, Ontario Canadian year book, 1898, a 25 Alfred Hewett, Toronto, Canada Canal record, 1907, w Isthmain canal commission, Ancon, Canal zone. Candrian's handy guide of San Francisco, Oakland, Alameda and Berkeley, 1906, m 3. 00 San Francisco map & guide co., 4630 18th st., San Fran- cisco, Cal. Candrian's state guide of California and Nevada, 1907, m 3. 00 San Francisco map & guide co., 4630 18th St., San Fran- cisco, Cal. Candrian's street number directory and map, 1907, m 3. 00 San Francisco map & guide co., 4630 18th st., San Fran- cisco, Cal. Canis index, 1908, s-a William B. Canis, 1702 Auditorium Tower, Chicago, 111. Canned goods directory, 1907, a 5-00 O. L. Deming, 22 Randolph st., Chicago, 111. Canner and dried fruit picker, 1895, w 3- 00 O. L. Deming, 22 Randolph st., Chicago, 111. Canners and packers directory, 1886, a 5.00 E. D. Fisher, Rock Island, 111. Canoeing, 1904, m 50 E. T. Keyser, 5 Beckman st., N. Y. Cap and gown, 1895 University of Chicago, Chicago, 111. Capital autoist, 1906, m 1 .00 John Marshall pi., Washington, D. C. Capitalist, 1889, m I - 00 Capitalist co., 62 Trinity Place, N. Y. Carbonic acid, 1905, m 1.00 108 Fulton st., N. Y. Carbonic acid and carbonated bevereges, 1904, m 1 .00 Nickerson & Collins co., 315 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. Cardinal, 1892, 6 d. dur. coll. yr '. 3.00 Students of university of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. Caricature, 1904, w 5.00 Phila, Pa. Carleton college Bulletin, 1905, q Northfield, Minn. Carletonia, 1881, s-m. dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Students of Carleton college, Northfield, Min«;. Carleton's state of Maine sportsman's journal, 1906, m. . 1.00 Sportsman's journal pub. co., Augusta, Me. Carnations, 1906, q Delta sigma phi fraternity, 151 W. 140th st., New York, N. Y. 72 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Carnegie foundation for the advancement of education Bulletin, 1907, irreg. The Carnegie foundation, 542 Fifth ave., N.Y. Carnegie institute Carnegie museum annals, 1901 Carnegie museum memoirs, 1903 Celebration of founders day, 1896 Pittsburg, Pa. Carnegie institution of Washington Publications, 1902, irreg varies Year book, 1902, a I -°° Carnegie institution, Washington, D. C. Carnegie library of Atlanta. Bulletin, 1902, m Free Atlanta, Ga. Carnegie library of Pittsburgh Monthly bulletin, 1896, m Pittsburgh, Pa. Carnegie museum Annals, 1901, a, in parts 3-5° cloth t 4-00 Memoirs, 1901, irreg., in parts 10.00 cloth 10.75 Reports, 1898, a 25 Pittsburg, Pa. Carolina fruit and truck grower's journal, f 1.00 Journal pub. co., Wilmington, N. C. Carolina medical journal, 1878, m 2 .00 Wakefield, Gibbon & Jewett, Charlotte, N. C. Carolina Pythian, 1896, m 5° J. G. Baird, Charlotte, N. C. Caroline Brewer Croft cancer commis'n of Harvard med. sch'l Report, 1898, a R. B. Greenough, secy., 377 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. Carolinian, 1 883, m dur. coll. y r 1 • 5° Lit. societies of S. C. college, Columbia, S. C. Carpenter, 1881, m 5° United brotherhood of carpenters and joiners of Amer- ica, Stevenson bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. Carpentry and building, 1879, m I,0 ° David Williams co., 232 William st., N. Y. Carpet and upholstery trade review, 1870, s-m 3.00 Review pub. co., 31 Union sq., N. Y. Carpets, wall paper and curtains, 1879, w * -5° W. P. Symonds, 116 Walker St., N. Y. Carriage and wagon workers journal, 1902, m 50 Chas. A. Baustain, 36 La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Carriage dealers' journal, 1890, m 1 .00 Journal pub. co. of Troy, Troy, N. Y. Carriage monthly, 1865, m 2.00 Ware bros., 1336 Cherry St., Phila, Pa. Carthage public library bulletin, 1906, m Carthage, Mo. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 73 Casa grande doings, 1905, vv 1 .00 Mrs. Henry J. Johnson, Pasadena, Cal. Case and comment, 1894, m 5° Lawyer's co-operative pub. co., Rochester, N. Y. Case school of applied science Contributions from the chemical laboratory, irreg Cleveland, O. Casket, 1876, m 1 .00 Mrs. T. A. Nirdlinger, Rochester, N. Y. Casket, 1852, w 1.00 Casket print. & pub. co., Antigonish, N. S. Cassells little folks. (See Little folks). Cassell's magazine (Am. ed.) , 1874, m 1 . 50 Cassell & co., 43 E. 19th St., N. Y. Cassier's magazine, 189 1, m 3. 00 Cassier's magazine co., 3 W. 29th St., N. Y. Cassinia, 1892, a 50 Delaware Valley ornithological club, Academy of natural sciences, Phila., Pa. Castelle's magazine, 1904, m 1 . 50 Castelle & De la Torre Bueno, 11 1 Fifth ave., N. Y. Castings, 1907, m 1 . 00 Gardner printing co., Caxton bldg., Cleveland, O. Cat journal, 1901, m 1 .00 C. H. Jones, Rochester, N. Y. Cat review, 1903, s-m 1 .00 Dayton, O. Catch words, 1906, m 1 . 00 Highland Park, 111. Caterer, 1893, m 2.00 Caterer pub. co., no W. 34th St., N. Y. Catholic, 1844, w 1 -50 Catholic pub. co., Pittsburg, Pa. Catholic, 1900, w 1 . 50 Denver catholic pub. co., Denver, Colo. Catholic advance, 1901, w 2.00 Catholic advance pub. co., Wichita, Kan. Catholic citizen, 1870, w 2.00 Citizens co., Milwaukee, Wis. Catholic club. Bulletin, 1905, m 120 Central park, south, N. Y. Catholic Columbian, 1875, w 2.00 Columbian print, co., Columbus, O. Catholic columbian-record, 1883, w 2.00 John A. Kuster, Columbus, O., and Indianapolis, Ind. Catholic courier, 1889, w 1 .00 Ogdensburg courier co., Ogdensburg, N. Y. Catholic deaf mute, m 50 291 Clenmore ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Catholic directory, almanac and clergy list, a 1 .75 Witzius & co., Milwaukee, Wis. 74 UUlDlf lO PERIODICALS Catholic educational association Report of proceedings, a The association, Columbus, O. Catholic forester, in Philip J. McKenna, Milwaukee, Wis. Catholic fortnightly review, 1903, s-m 2.50 Arthur Preuss, 13 N. 3rd St., St. Louis, Mo. Catholic home annual, 1883, a 25 Benziger bros., 36 Barclay st., N. Y. Catholic home companion, m 5° Companion co., Zanesville, O. Catholic home magazine, 1906 (Nov.) 1 .00 7 Bethune ave., Detroit, Mich. Catholic journal, 1889, w 1 .00 Catholic journal pub. co., Rochester, N. Y. Catholic journal of the south, 1882, w 1 .00 John J. Shea, Memphis, Tenn. Catholic knights of America. Journal, 1885, m 25 Jos. Berning, Cincinnati, O. Catholic light, 1890, w 1 . 50 Wm. F. Shean, Scranton, Pa. Catholic messenger, m 5° Catholic messenger pub. co., Elizabeth, N. J. Catholic mirror, 1 850, w 2. 00 Catholic mirror co., Baltimore, Md. Catholic monthly, 1897, m 50 Catholic monthly co., Baltimore, Md. Catholic news, 1886, w 1 .00 Catholic news pub. co., 5 Barclay st., N. Y. Catholic pilot, 1874, w 1 . 50 M. J. Cahill, 171 Washington St., Chicago, 111. Catholic record, 1878, w 2. 00 Thos. Coffey, London, Ontario. Catholic record, 1905, m 25 Jost & Bahne, Quincy, 111. Catholic record, 1906, m 5° Morris & McMurtry, New Brunswick, N. J. Catholic register, 1 899, w 1. 00 Catholic register co., Kansas City, Mo. Catholic register, 1 893, w 1-5° Catholic register pub. co., Toronto, Canada Catholic school journal, 1901, m 1.00 Catholic school journal pub. co., Milwaukee, Wis*. Catholic sentinel, 1869, w 1-5° Sentinel pub. co., Portland, Ore. Catholic sentinel, 1 889, w I • 5° Catholic sentinel pub. co., Chippewa Falls, Wis. Catholic standard and times, 1866, w 2.00 1 latholic standard & times pub. co., 211 S. 6th st., I'liila., Pa. (■.I'll)!-: TO I'F.RH iDICALS 75 Catholic sun. 1892, w 2.00 Syracuse print. & pub. co., Syracuse, N. Y. Catholic telegram, 1 83 1 . w 2 . 00 Catholic telegraph co., Cincin., O. Catholic tidings, 111 50 Tidings pub. co., Baltimore, Md. Catholic transcript, 1876, w 1 .50 Conn, catholic pub. co., Hartford, Conn. Catholic tribune, 1879, w 2.00 M. Lawlor, St. Joseph, Mo. Catholic tribune, 1 899, w 2 . 00 Catholic print, co., Dubuque, la. Catholic truth, 1897 (Apr.), m 50 Catholic truth. Nazareth, N. C. Catholic union, 1891, w 1 .50 Catholic union pub. co., New Bedford, Mass. Catholic union and times, 1872, w 2.00 Buffalo catholic pub. co., St. Stephens Hall, Buffalo, N. Y. Catholic universe, 1874, w 2.00 Catholic universe pub. co., Cleveland, O. Catholic university of America. Bulletin, 1895, q Year book, a Catholic university, Washington, D. C. Catholic visitor, 1 875, w 1-50 Juan A. Pizzini, Richmond, Va. Catholic witness, 1901, m 1 .00 Catholic witness pub. co., San Francisco, Cal. Catholic world, 1865, m 3 .00 Paulist fathers, 120 W. 60th St., N. Y. Cattarian, 1903, m 1 .00 U. S. official register association, 310 1st St., S. E., Washington, D. C. Cattle specialist, 1907, m 50 David Roberts Vet. co., Waukesha, Wis. Caughnawaga gazette, 1905, 1 .00 Quebec, Canada Cavalier, 1905, s-m 1 .00 Fortress Monroe, Va. Caxton club. Publications, 1896, irreg ( Issued as monographs under distinctive titles.) 1010 Fine Arts bldg., Chicago, 111. Cement, b-m 1 . 00 Progress pub. co., 13 Park Row, N. Y. Cement age, 1904, m 1 .00 Bruce and Johnson, 42 Broadway, N. Y. Cement and engineering news, 1896, m 2.00 Win. Scafert, 162 La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Cement and slate, 1900, m 2.00 E. F. Ochs and brother, Allentown, Pa. 76 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Cement era, 1903, m 1 .00 •842 Monadnock block, Chicago, 111. Cement era, 1904, m .25 C. B. Parsons, 82 Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. Cement world, 1907 ( Apr. ) , m 50 Win. A. Radford, 241 5th ave., Chicago, 111. Censor, 1895, w 2.00 The Censor co., 318 Granite bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Cent per cent and obispo news Cent per cent pub. co., N. Y. Centinela de la Verdad, 1903, m 50 B. E. Connerly, Mayaguez, Porto Rico. Central baptist, 1865, w 2.00 Central baptist pub. co., 911 Locust St., St. Louis, Mo. Central California woodman, 1902, m 50 Geo. A. Andrews, Freshno, Cal. Central Christian advocate, 1856, w 1 .60 Jennings and Graham, 1123 McGee st., Kansas City, Mo. Central college magazine, m 1.00 Lexington, Mo. Central collegian, 1872, m. dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Students of Central college, Fayette, Mo. Central farmer, 1905, m 1 . 00 F. D. Eager, Lincoln, Neb. Central law journal, 1874, w 5.00 Central law journal co., 919 Olive st., St. Louis, Mo. Central New Yorker, 1906, m 1.00 Central New Yorker co.. Seneca Falls. N. Y. Central news, 1897, w. dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Students of central university, Danville, Ky. Central presbyterian, 1837, w 2. 00 Rev. Jas. P. Smith, Richmond, Va. Central railway club, Official proceedings, 5 nos. Harry D. Vought, 62 Liberty St., New York, N. Y. Central ray, 1876, m. dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Students Central university, Pella, la. Central states eagle, 1905, m 50 Frank Charlson, Evansville, 111. Central states guide, 1886, m 1 . 50 Guide pub. co., Norwalk, O. Central states medical monitor, m i.OO Monitor co., Indianapolis, Ind. Central states water works association. Proceedings, 1903, a 1 .00 Win. Allen Veach, sec, Newark, Ohio. Central station, 1901 (Jan.), m 1 .00 The central station, 220 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Central station list and buyer's manual, s-a 4.00 Central station list, 114 Liberty st, N. Y. Central university of Kentucky. Record, 1905, q Danville, Ky. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 77 Central Wesleyan bulletin, 1908 Free Warrenton, Mo. Central Wesleyan star, 1883, m dur. school year 50 Central Wesleyan college,- Warrenton, Mo. Central west, 1905, m 25 Milton Junction, Wis. Centre college cento, 1889, m. dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Students of Centre college, Danville, Ky. Century, 18S1, m 4. 00 Century co., 33 E. 17th St., N. Y. Century path, w 4.00 Theosophical pub. co., Pt. Loma, Cal. Cesko-slovansky svet, 1905, w 1 . 50 American tract soc, 150 Nassau St., N. Y. Chacamas valley chronicle, 1905 Chacamas plantation co., 1009 Trude bldg., Chicago, 111. Chain lightning, 1905, q 30 Chain lightning pub. co., 655 Larrabee St., Chicago, 111. Chamber of commerce bulletin, 1902, m 1 .00 David N. Mosessohn, Portland, Ore. Chameleon, 1898. m free Sherwin-Williams co., Cleveland, O. Champion of fair play, 1878, w 2.00 R. J. Halle, 307 Schiller theater bldg., Chicago, 111. Geo. M. Wrong, sec, Univ. of Toronto, Toronto, Ont., Can. Champlain educator, 1891, q 2.00 Mosher pub. co., 39 E. 43d St., N. Y. Champlain society, membership 10.00 ■ -Annual report, 1906 Channon's review, 1905 50 Gundlach & Gundlach, Chicago, 111. Chaparral, 1900, s-m. dur. coll. yr 2.00 Students of Leland Stanford Junior university, Stanford University, Cal. Character builder, 1900, m 1 .00 Human culture co., Salt Lake City, Utah. Charities and the commons, 1897, w 2.00 Charity organization society, 105 E. 22d St., N. Y. Charities record, q 25 101 W. Saratoga st., Baltimore, Md. Charity organization society of the city of New York. Annual report, 1882 Edward T. Devine, gen. sec, 105 E. 22nd St., N. Y. Charity organization society of the city of New York Committee on social research. Publications, irreg. . . . 105 E. 22d st., N. Y. Charlotte medical journal, 1892, m 2 . 50 E. C. Register, Charlotte, N. C. 7 g GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Chase's magazine, m 1 .00 C. G. Chase co., Terre Haute, Ind. Chat ( Sec Monthly chat) Chautauqua quarterly, 1901, q Chautauqua press, Chautauqua, N. Y. Chautauquan, 1 880, m 2 . 00 Chautauqua press, Chautauqua, N. Y. Chautauquan weekly, w 1 .00 Chautauquan press, Chautauqua, N. Y. Cheerful moments, 1892, m 25 Geo. W. Willis pub. co., 154 E. 23d St., N. Y. Cheerful year book, a 1 . 50 Henry Holt & co., 29 W. 23d st., New York, N. Y. Cheese and dairy journal, 1903, ra 1 .00 Cheese and dairy pub. co., Whitewater, Wis. Chef, steward and housekeeper, 1891, m 1 .00 Epicurean print. & pub. co., 356 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. Chemical abstracts, 1907, s-m 6.00 Am. chemical society, 440 First ave., N. Y. Chemical engineer, 1904, m 3 .00 Chem. engineer pub. co., Phila., Pa. Chemical trade review and dyers' journal, 1895, m 3-00 Trades review pub. co., 136 S. 4th st., Philadelphia, Pa. Cherokee messenger, 1895, m 25 Fletcher Smith, Rome, Ga. Chester county historical society. Bulletins, 1898, irreg., per vol 50 Gilbert Cope, sec, West Chester, Pa. Chic, 1905, m 1 .00 132 Geary st., San Francisco, Cal. Chicago academy of sciences Bulletin of the geol. and nat. hist, survey, 1896, irreg. . Special publications, 1902, irreg Chicago, 111. Chicago alumni magazine, 1907 (Feb.), m 2.00 Geo. E. Fuller, Univ. of C.,Chicago,Ill. Chicago amateur baseball annual, a 10 Am. sportsman pub. co, 15 Warren st., N. Y. Chicago apparel gazette, 1890, s-m 2.00 Fairchild co., Chicago, 111. Chicago Banker (See Banker) Chicago citizens' association. Report, 1874, a Bulletin, 1900 Chicago, 111. Chicago clinic and pure water journal, m 1 .00 Geo. Thomas Palmer co., Springfield and Chicago, 111. Chicago commerce, 1906, w 50 Chicago as>'n of commerce, yj Jackson boulevard, Chicago, 111. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 79 Chicago daily news almanac and year book, 1884, a 50 Chicago daily news co., Chicago, 111. Chicago dairy produce, 1896, w 1 . 50 Chicago produce CO., 154 Lake St., Chicago, 111. Chicago federationist, 1897, s-m 2.00 A. P. Clarke, 155 E. 'Washington st, Chicago, 111. Chicago gynecological society Transactions, 1891, a Dr. Palmer Findley, sec, 4009 Lake ave., Chicago, 111. Chicago historical society year book, 1856, a Chicago historical society, Chicago, 111. Chicago household guest, m - — ■ Household guest co., 334 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. Chicago law directory, 1876, a 1 .00 Gritman & Sullivan, 44 La Salle st., Chicago, 111. Chicago law journal, 1877, w 2 . 50 Chicago law journal pub. co., Hartford bldg., Chicago, 111. Chicago ledger, 1872, w 1 .00 W. D. Boyce co., 112 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. Chicago legal news, 1868, w 2 . 20 Chicago legal news co., no Clark st., Chicago, 111. Chicago live stock world, 1899, 6 d 4. 00 Halliwell & Baum co., Union stock yards, Chicago, 111. Chicago markets, 1885, w 75 W. O. Hoffman, 356 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. Chicago medical recorder, 1891, m 2.00 Medical recorder pnb. co., Pullman bldg., Chicago, 111. Chicago medical times, 1868, m 2.00 Finley Ellingwood, 100 State st., Chicago, 111. Chicago pan-path, m 1 .00 Nat. med. univ. press, 441 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. Chicago pathological society Transactions, 1894, q 3. 00 G. H. Weaver, sec, 535 Wash, boul., Chicago, 111. Chicago public library. Bulletin, 1887, irreg., per copy 03 Chicago, 111. Chicago seminary quarterly, 1901, q Free Chicago theological seminary, Chicago, 111. Chicago socialist, w 5° 163 Randolph st., Chicago, 111. Chicago teachers' federation bulletin, 1901, w I .Oc Federation bulletin, Unity bldg., Chicago, 111. Chicago, the electric city, 1903, m 1 . 00 Electric city pub. co., Chicago, 111. Chicago, the great central market, 1904, m Chicago commercial assn., jj Jackson boul., Chicago, 111. Chicago theological seminary register, 1908 (Mar.), q 81 Ashland Boulevard, Chicago. 111. g GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Chicago. University Bulletin of anthrophology, irreg Varies Contributions from Hull botanical lab., irreg Varies Contributions from Walker museum, irreg Varies Contributions to philosophy, irreg Varies Economic studies, irreg Varies English studies, irreg 1 .00 Germanic studies, irreg 5.00 Studies in classical philology, irreg Varies University of Chicago press, Chicago, 111. Chicagoan, 1908, m 1 . 00 Chicagoan pub. co., 108 Monroe st., Chicago, 111. Chief, 1897, w 2 . 50 Chief pub. co., 53 Park Row, N. Y. Child and state, 1904, q 1 .00 The boys' and girls' aid society of Cal., 532 Clay St., San Francisco, Cal. Child of Mary, 1906, q 1. 00 Sisters of providence, St. Marys, Ind. Child-garden, 1892, m 1 .00 A. W. Mumford, 378 Wabash ave., Chicago, 111. Children, 1901, m 1 .00 Children pub. co., Cincinnati, O. Children's aid society of N. Y. Reports, 1854, a Children's friend, 1906, m 1.00 277 Tremont st., Boston, Mass. Children's friend, 1864, w 50 Rev. W. R. Funk, Dayton, O. Children's friend, 1902, m 1 .00 General bd. of primary assns.. Salt Lake city, Utah. Children's friend, 1866, w 50 Committee of publication, Richmond, Va. Childrens friend, w 30 Upper Canada tract society, Toronto, Canada. Children's home finder, 1889, m 1 .00 Children's home aid society, 79 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. Children's hospital society. Report, 1903, a Chicago, 111. Children's leaflet calendar, a 75 Paul Elder & Co., San Francisco, Cal. Children's magazine, 1888, m 1 .00 Holiday pub. co., 116 E. 28th st., N. Y. Children's missionary, 1 903 Nashville, Tenn. Children's star magazine, i<)07, m 2 oc Children's star pub. co., The Sherman, Wash., D. C. Children's tribune, Suppl. to Minneapolis tribune, 1904, w .Minneapolis, Minn. Children's visitor, 1854, w 6b Smith and Lamar, Nashville, Tenn. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 8l Child's calendar beautiful, a I . OO Burt-Terry-Wilson co., Lafayette, Ind. Child's companion, w 30 Upper Canada tract society, Toronto, Canada. Child's gem, m 24 S. S. Bel. southern bapt. convention, Nashville, Tenn. Child's own magazine, w 20 Upper Canada tract society, Toronto, Canada. Chimes, 1 880, w I . OO Chimes pub. co., Baltimore, Md. Chimes, 1906, m 1 .00 Scranton, Pa. China, glass and lamps, 1890, w 2.00 J. G. Kaufmann, Pittsburg, Pa. China, glass and pottery review, 1897, m 1.00 Clifford & Lawton, 19 Union square, N. Y. China's millions, m 50 China Inland Mission, 235 School Lane, Germantown, Phila., Pa. Chironian, 1884, m I .00 Alumni and students of N. Y. horn. med. college and hos- pitals, 63, 64th and Avenue A, N. Y. Chiropractor, 1904, m 50 B. J. Palmer, Davenport, la. Choir and choral magazine, m Oliver Ditson co., Boston, Mass. Choir herald, m .90 Lorenz pub. co., Dayton, O. Choir journal, 1899, m 50 B. F. Wood music co., 221 Columbus ave., Boston, Mass. Choir leader, 1894, m 90 Lorenz pub. co., Dayton, O. Choir magazine, 1907 (Jan.), m except July-Aug .50 Choir magazine co., Boston, Mass. Chop suey, 1905, m 1 . 00 Brown & Bigelow, St. Paul, Minn. Choral society bulletin, 1899, irreg Free Wash., D. C. Christian, 1866, m 1 .00 Mrs. H. L. Hastings, 47 Cornhill, Boston, Mass. Christian, 1883, m .50 Barnes & co., St. John, N. B. Christian, 1894, m ". 1 .00 Thomas J. Sheldon, Denver, Colo. Christian advocate, 1850, w 2.00 John W. Baswell, New Orleans, La. Christian advocate, 1850, w 2.00 St. Louis christian advocate co., 1414 Locust St., St. Louis, Mo. Christian advocate, 1850, w 1 .00 Advocate co., 457 Washington St., Buffalo, N. Y. 82 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Christian advocate, 1826, w 2 . 50 Eaton & Mains, 150 Fifth ave, N. Y. Christian advocate, 1855, w 1 .50 Raleigh advocate co., Raleigh, N. C. Christian advocate, 1833, w 1 .00 W. L. Dixon, Pittsburg, Pa. Christian advocate, 1902, s-m 1 .00 Manila, P. I. Christian advocate, 1832, w 2.00 Smith and Lamar, Nashville, Tenn. Christian advocate, 1832, w 1 . 50 Advocate pub. co., Richmond, Va. Christian and missionary alliance, 1888, w 1 . 50 A. B. Simpson, 692 Eighth ave., N. Y. Christian arbitrator, m 25 J. B. Wood, 7th & York sts., Camden, N. J. Christian art, 1877, a Church kalendar co., 1 Madison ave., N. Y. Christian art, 1907, m 5 .00 John C. Winston co., 1016 Arch st, Phila., Pa. Christian art, 1907, m 5 . 00 R. G. Badger, 194 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. Christian banner, 1888, w 1.00 Banner pub. co., 1842 Lombard St., Philadelphia, Pa. Christian calendar, a 25 United brethren pub. house, Dayton, O. Christian century, w 1 . 50 Christian century co., 358 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. Christian city, m 1 . 00 N. Y. city church extension and missionary society, 150 Fifth ave., N. Y. Christian companion, 1 867, w 1 . 50 Guide print. & pub. co., Louisville, Ky. Christian conservator, 1885, w 1 . 50 Rev. W. H. Clay, Huntington, Ind. Christian courier, 1888, w 1 . 50 G. A. Faris, Dallas, Tex. Christian cynosure, 1868, m 1 .00 National christian assn., 221 W. Madison, Chicago, 111. Christian educator, 1889, b-m 50 Western methodist pub. co., Cincinnati, O. Christian endeavor quarterly, 1907, q L. H. Koepsel, Kansas City, Mo. Christian endeavor quarterly, 1890, q 25 Endeavor pub. co., Erie, Kansas. Christian endeavor world, 1875, w 1 .50 Golden rule co., Tremont temple, Boston, Mass. Christian-evangelist, 1840, w 1 .50 Christian pub. co., 2712 Pine St., St. Louis, Mo. Christian family, 1906, m 1 .00 St. Joseph's technical school, Techny. 111. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 8 3 Christian guardian, 1 829, w 1 . 00 Rev. W. Briggs, Toronto, Can. Christian harvester, 1873, m 40 Thos. K. Doty, Cleveland, O. Christian herald, 1903, w 1 .00 W. B. Cochran, Aurora, Mo. Christian herald, 1 878, w 1 . 50 Louis Klopsch, Bible house, N. Y. Christian hope, 1893, w 1 .25 M. D. Duncan, Birmingham, Ala. Christian index, 1 82 1 , w 2 . 00 Bell & Graham, Atlanta, Ga. Christian index, 1867, w 1 .00 C. H. Phillips, Jackson, Tenn. Christian instructor and united presbyterian witness, 1844, w. . 1 .50 Collins & co... 715 Sansom St., Philadelphia, Pa. Christian intelligencer, 1829, w 2.65 Christian intelligencer assn., 4 Warren ave., N. Y. Christian leader and the way, 1886, w 1 . 50 James S. Bell, Cincinnati, O. Christian life, 1896, m 50 Wilmer Turner, Reading, Pa. Christian messenger, 1900, w 1.00 Christian home and foreign missionary society, New Bedford, Mass. Christian messenger, s-m 1 .00 R. Bntchart, Toronto, Can. Christian missionary, m 50 Alva M. Kerr, Dayton, O. Christian monthly, 1900, m 50 Christian monthly co., Richmond, Va. Christian mother Joseph Schaefer, 9 Barclay St., N. Y. Christian nation, 1 884, w 2. 00 Christian nation pub. co., Tribune bldg., N. Y. Christian news, 1894, w 1 .00 H. E. Wetherell. Bethany, Neb. Christian observer, 1813, w 2.50 Converse & co., Louisville, Ky. Christian plea, 1902, s-m 50 Rev. G. W. Williams, Shaw, Miss. Christian recorder, 1852, w 1 .00 J. H. Collett, 631 Pine st., Phila., Pa. Christian register, 1821, w 3.00 Christian register ass'n, 272 Congress St., Boston, Mass. Christian republic, 1889, nl 5° M. R. Church, 1026 Arch st., Phila., Pa. Christian safeguard, 1866, m 1 .00 Mrs. H. L. Hastings, 47 Cornhill, Boston, Mass. Christian science daily lessons, 1907 Frederick Albert Manger. New York, N. Y. 84 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Christian science journal, 1883, 111 2 .00 Christian science pub. society, 250 Huntington ave., Boston, Mass. Christian science quarterly, q • 50 Christian science pub. society, 250 Huntington ave., Boston, Mass. « Christian science sentinel, 1847, w Christian science pub. society, 250 Huntington ave., Boston, Mass. Christian standard, 1867, w 1 . 50 Christian standard co., Gainesville, Fla v Christian standard, 1866, w I • 5° Standard pub. co., Cincin., O. Christian student, 1900 N. Y. Christian union, w 1 .00 Atlanta, Ga. Christian union, 1895, w 1 .00 Christian union pub. co., Des Moines, la. Christian union herald, 1880, w 80 United presbyterian b'd. of pub., Pittsburg, Pa. Christian union messenger, w 1 .00 Rev. D. L. Vandament, Roachdale, Ind. Christian witness and advocate of Bible holiness, 1870, w. . . . . 1.50 Christian witness co., 151 Washington St., Chicago, 111. Christian work and evangelist, 1866. w. . . : . . . . . 3. 00 Rev. J. N. Hallock, 86 Bible house, N. Y. Christian worker, 1892, w 1 . 50 Christian worker pub. co., Toronto, Canada Christian worker, 1887, m 5° Christian worker pub. co., Des Moines, la. Christian worker, 1897, w 1 .00 Christian worker co., Pittsburg, Pa. Christian world, 1848, w 1 . 50 Christian world co., Cleveland, O. Christian world, 1848, w 1 . 50 Christian world co., Dayton, O. Christian youth, s-m . . 1 .00 Rev. E. J. Homme & son, Wittenberg, Wis. Christianity in earnest, 1889, q - 50 (Contin. as Christian republic) Christliche apologete, 1839, w 2.00 Jennings & Graham, Cincin., O. Christliche botschafter, 1836, w 2.00 J. H. Lamb, Cleveland, O. Christliche mutter, m. Joseph Schaefer, <) Barclay st., New York, N. Y. Christlicher hausfreund, 1879, w 1 .00 Seventh day adventist pub. co., Battle Creek, Mich. Christmas news-boy, [899, w I. C. Evans co., i_> School st., Concord. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 85 Christy calendar, a 3 ■ 00 Moffat, Yard & co., 289 Fourth ave., N. Y. Chronicle, m 50 Lemcke bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. Chronicle, 1866, w 3. 00 Chronicle co.. ltd., 90 William St., X. Y. Chronicle, 1891, w 50 Frank L. Rist, Cincin., O. Chronicle, 1900, m 50 Rev. E. R. Roberts, Florence, S. C. Chronicler, 1906, w 1 . 50 117 Nassau St., N. Y. Church advocate, 1835, w 2.00 B'd. of pub. of churches of God, Harrisburg, Pa. Church and mission herald, 1906, m 25 Helmut P. Holler, Gowanda, N. Y. Church building quarterly, 1882, q 30 Cong'l church building society, 4th ave. and 22d St., N. Y. Church chronicle, 1880, m 50 Rev. Geo. H. Edwards, Cincin., O. Church eclectic, 1873, m 2.00 Edwin S. Gorham, 285 Fourth ave., N. Y. Church economist, 1896, m . . . *. 1 .00 Church economist pub. co., 31 Union sq., N. Y. Church helper of western Michigan, 1880, m 50 Board of missions, Hastings, Mich. Church in Georgia, 1892, s-m 50 Church in Ga. co., Brunswick, Ga. Church life, 1887, m 75 Rev. A. A. Abbott, Cleveland, O. Church messenger and Rhode Island Christian endeavorer, 1892, m 50 Cora A. Wells, Providence, R. I. Church militant, 1898, m 1 .00 820 F. st. X. W., Washington, D. Q. Church muiic, [905, b-m 1 . 50 Am. ecclesiastical review, 1305 Arch st.. Phila., Pa. Church news, 1870, m 1 . 00 Shultz print, co., 1017 Morgan st., St. Louis, Mo. Church news, 1885, m 50 Lewis block, Pittsburg, Pa. Church news and American churchman, 1882, m 1 .00 Rev. W'alter C. Whitaker, Jackson, Miss. Church progress and catholic world, :878, w 1 .50 Catholic pub. co., Fullcrton bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Church record, 1876, m 50 Rev. C. Herbert Shutt. St. Paul, Minn. Church record, 1892. m 50 Rev. Stewart McQueen, 96 Mobile st., Montgomery. Ala. Church review, 1892, m 50 Review pub. co., Hartford, Conn. . jjO GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Church standard, 1 830, w 2 . 50 Church standard co., 133 S 12th St., Phila., Pa. Church times, 1890, m 1.00 Rev. C. B. B. Wright, Milwaukee, Wis. Church woman's magazine, 1899, m 1.00 Church woman's mag. pub. co., Des Moines, la. Church work, m 5° Commercial print, co., Halifax, N. S. Churchman, 1895, m 5° Church woman's mag. pub. co., Des Moines, la. Churchman, 1844, w 3-5° Churchman co., 47 Lafayette pi., N. Y. Churchman, 1888, m 50 Rev. H. H. Gowen, Seattle, Wash. Churchman, 1901, m 5° W. S. Gilbert, Spokane, Wash. Cigar and tobacco journal, 1896, m 1 .00 C. S. Bartram, Boston block, Minneapolis, Minn. Cigar makers' official journal, m 1 .00 Cigar makers' internat. union of Am., Chicago. 111. Cincinnati museum association Report, 1882, a Cincinnati. O. Cincinnati price current, 1844, w S-°° Charles B. Murray, Cincin., O. Cincinnati public library Annual list of books added, a Special reading list, irreg Public library, Cincin., O. Cincinnati society of natural history Journal, 1878 Cincin., O. Cincinnati. University Bulletin, 1900. . . „ # . University studies, ser. 2, 1905, b-m University record, 1904, b-m. . Cincin., O. Cincinnati. University observatory Publications, irreg Varies Cincin., O. Cincinnatian, 1889, w 1 .00 1890, m . . 25 Foster pub. co., Cincin., O. Circle, 1907, m ." 1 . 50 Funk & Wagnalls co., 44-60 E. 23d st., N. Y. Citator, Mich., la., 111., Kan., Minn., Mo. and Wis. eds, 1897, q. 3.00 Reed, Adams & co., Lapeer, Mich. City sentinel, 1907, m 25 ( Mass. total abstinence soc), Rev. Alfred Noon, Quincy, Mass. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 87 Citizen, 1 89 1 , w 50 United trades and labor council, Cleveland, O. Citoyen, Franco- Americain, 1887, w 1.00 Gustave Michaud, Springfield, Mass. City college quarterly, 1905, q 1.00 City college quarterly ass'n, 17 Lexington ave., N. Y. Civic club. Bulletin, 1907, m 25 161 5 Walnut St., Phila., Pa. Civic news, 1905, w 1 .00 Civic news co., Grand- Rapids, Mich. Civic publications, 1907 (July), m 1 .50 Benj. S. Catchings, 20 Vesey St., New York, N. Y. Civic sentinel, m 25 (Anti-saloon league of Virginia), 28 N. 9th st., Richmond, Va. Clarion-advocate, 1892, w 1.00 Clarion pub. co., Denver, Colo. Clark college record, 1906, q Clark university, Worcester, Mass. Clark university library Publications, 1903, irreg \ Clark university press, Worcester, Mass. Classic, 1906, m 1.00 Pittsburg, Pa. Classical journal, 1905, 8 nos 1 . 50 University of Chicago press, Chicago, 111. Classical philology, 1906, q r. 2 . 50 University of Chicago press, Chicago, 111. Classical quarterly, 1906, q 3-5° Ginn & co., 29 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. Classical review, m., 9 nos 2 . 00 Ginn & co., 29 Beacon st., Boston, Mass. Classical weekly, 1907, w 1 .00 Charles Knapp, sec'y, Barnard college, New York, N. Y. Classmate, w 50 Eaton & Mains, 150 Fifth ave., N. Y. Classmate, w 75 Western methodist book concern, Cincinnati, O. Clay record, 1892, s-m 1 .00 Clay pub. co., 303 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. Clay-worker, 1884, m 2.00 T. A. Randall & co., 227 E. Ohio st., Indianapolis, Ind. Clearing house quarterly, 1895, q 5-00 Attorneys national clearing house co., Minneapolis, Minn. Clemson agricultural college extension work, 1905, b-m Free Clemson college, S. C. Clerk, 1904, rh 50 Clerk pub. co., Wabash, Ind. Cleveland chamber of commerce annual, a Free Cleveland, O. Cleveland medical journal, 1902, m 1 .00 Cleveland medical journal co., Cleveland, O. 88 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Cleveland office tattler Cleveland office tattler pub. co., Schofield bldg., Cleveland, O. Cleveland public library. See Open shelf. Clews, Henry & co, weekly financial review, vv 11-17 Br oad St., N. Y., N. Y. . Clifton monthly, 1899, m 20 Clifton pub. co., Waterville, Me. Climax, 1887, m 1 .00 Phillips & Co., 144 La Salle st, Chicago, 111. Clinic and pure water journal, m 1 .00 Geo. Thomas Palmer, 521 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. Clinical excerpts, 1895, m Continental color & chemical co., 128 Duane St., N. Y. Clinical reporter, 1888, m 1.00 W. W. Gilbert, St. Louis, Mo. Clinical review, 1892, m 2 . 50 Chicago, 111. Clinique, 1880, m 2.00 70 State St., Chicago, 111. Clinique, m 2 . 00 Halsey bros. co., Lansing, Mich. Clipper, 1905, w 2.00 R. H. McLaughlin, Cleveland, O. Clipper, 1853, w 4-00 Frank Queen pub. co., 47 W. 28th St., N. Y. Cloaks and furs, 1872, m 2.00 Gallison & Habron co., 13 Astor pi., N. Y. Cloche du dimanche, 1900, w 1 .00 Tribune pub. co., Woonsocket, R. I. Clothier and furnisher, 1872, m 1 .00 Geo. N. Lowrey co., 13 Astor pi., N. Y. Clothier and haberdasher, m 1 .00 H. Gagnier, Toronto, Canada Clover leaf, 1906 (Dec), irreg 25 Saxonburg, Pa. Clover leaves, 1901, m 5° Toledo, St. Louis & Western railroad, Toledo, O. Club and hotel quarterly, q 2 . 00 Club and hotel pub. co., Louisville, Ky. Club-fellow, 1898, w 4-OQ Club-fellow pub. co., Flatiron bldg., N. Y. Club for colonial reprints. Publications, 1903, irreg Club life, 1907 (Jan.), m 1 .00 23 Park Row, New York, N. Y. P. O. box 1275, Providence, R. I. Club life (clubwoman's guild), 1903, m 1.00 Office, 207 Hearst bldg., San Francisco, Cal. Club notes, 1902, 111 50 Club notes pub. co., Blackstone bldg., Cleveland, O. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 89 Club woman, 1897, m 1 .00 Club woman co., 500 Fifth ave., N. Y. Club woman's weekly, 1907, w., Sept. to June 2.00 J. W. Grayhurst, 289 Fourth ave., New York, N. Y. Coal, 1905, w 2.00 C. \V. Smith co., Pittsburg-, Pa. Coal analysis reports, m Fuel engineering co., 1712 Marquette bldg., Chicago, 111. Coal and coke, s-m 2 .00 Coal and coke co., Baltimore, Md. Coal dealers blue book' 1885, s-a J. B. Sanborn co., 324 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. Coal mining law journal, 1907 (Mar.), m 2.00 Thomas R. Mould, Belleville, 111. Coal field directory, 1905, a 6.00 Keystone consolidated pub. co., Pittsburg, Pa. Coal trade bulletin, 1898, s-m 2 . 00 Coal trade co., Pittsburg, Pa. Coal trade journal, 1 869, w 5 • °° Frederick E. Saward, 41 Park Row, N. Y. Coast, 1900, m 1 .00 Coast pub. co., Seattle, Wash. Coast review, 1871, m 3-00 Coast review co., San Francisco, Cal. Coast seamen's journal, 1887, w 2 .00 Sailors' union of the Pacific, San Francisco, Cal. Cockrill's magazine, 1901, m 1 .00 H. B. Cockrill, Louisville, Ky. Coe college cosmus, 1890, s-m dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Editorial board of Coe college, Cedar Rapids, la. Coe college courier, 1899, m 25 Coe college press, Cedar Rapids, la. Colby college bulletin, q Colby college, Waterville, Me. Colby echo, 1876, w dur. coll. yr 1.50 Students of Colby university, Waterville, Me. Cold storage and ice trade journal, 1899, m 2.00 Food trade pub. co., Produce exchange, N. Y. Colegio de Abogardos de la Habana. Memoria, a Calle de Cuba esquina a Tacon, Habana, Cuba. Colgate Madisonensis, 1868, s-m 1 .50 Colgate university, Hamilton, N. Y. Collector, 1905, irreg 1 . 00 1 E. 31st st., N. Y. Collector and art critic, w 2.00 Collector and art critic co., 489 Fifth ave., N. Y. College advance, 1896, m .25 Soule college, Dodge city, Kan. College chips, 1 874, m Luther college, Decorah, Iowa. 9o GUIDE TO PERIODICALS College forum, b-m 5° J. W. Beach, 680 Main St., Buffalo, N. Y. College independent, 1902, m dur. coll. yr 5° Students of the People's university, Olympia, Wash. College index, 1870, m 1 .00 Students of Kalamazoo college, Kalamazoo, Mich. College mercury, 1879, f dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Mercury ass'n of Coll. of city of N. Y., 23d and Lexington ave., N. Y. College news, 1901, w dur. coll. yr 75 Students of Wellesley college, Wellesley, Mass. College of physicians of Philadelphia Transactions, 1793, a varies College of physicians, Phila., Pa. College olio, 1 872, m dur. coll. y r 1 . 00 Students of Marietta college, Marietta, O. College rambler, 1878, s-m dur. coll. yr 1 .00 College rambler joint stock co., Jacksonville, 111. College review, 1879, m dur. coll. yr 1 .00 College review joint stock co., Upper Alton, 111. College review, m dur. college yr 50 Students of Milton college, Milton, Wis. College settlement of Philadelphia. News of the college settlement, 1905, m 100 Lombard St., Phila., Pa. College signal, 1890, f I .OO Students of Mass. agri. college, Amherst, Mass. College student, 1881 , m dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Literary societies of Franklin and Marshall college, . Lancaster, Pa. College times, 1857, 3 times a yr 1 .00 Students of Upper Canada college, Toronto, Canada College topics, 1889, s-w dur. coll. yr 2.00 Athletic ass'n of University of Va., Charlottesville, Va. College world, 1885, s-m dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Literary societies of Adrian college, Adrian, Mich. Collegian, 1895, m 50 Mark Fenwick, St. Johns, N. F. Collegian, 111 dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Literary societies of Guilford coll., Guilford college, N. C. Collegian, 1 888. q 50 Faculty of Oxford college, Oxford, O. Collier's self-indexing annual, a 5-°° Collier & son, 521 W. 13th St., N. Y. Collier's weekly, 1 877, w 5 • 20 P. F. Collier & son, 416 W. 13th St., N. Y. Colman's rural world, 1848, w 1 .00 Norman J- Colman, 211 N 7th st., St. Louis, Mo. Colonial dames of the state of New York. Annual register, 1893. a Mrs. Theo. W. Scarborough, secy., 33 E. 50th St., N. Y. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 9' Colonial society of Massachusetts. Publications, [895 John Noble, corres. sec, 28 State St., Boston, Mass. Colorado bar association Annual meeting, 1898, a Lucius W. Hoyt. Denver, Colo. Colorado college publications, 1890. every 6 w dur. coll. yr 50 Colorado college, Colorado Springs, Colo. Colorado college studies, 1890 — 1 — Colorado college scientific society, Colorado Springs, Colo. Colorado council brand, 1901, m O. S. Galbraith, Durango, Colo. Colorado fruit grower, 1905, w 1 .00 Clinton ( Miver, Paonia, Colo. Colorado medical journal, 1894, m 2.00 Wm. N. Beggs, Denver, Colo. Colorado medicine, 1905, m 2.00 Colorado state med. society, Denver, Colo. Colorado oddfellow, 1895, s-m 1 . 50 J. M. Norman, Denver, Colo. Colorado school journal, 1885, IO nos l 0O H. M. Barrett, Denver, Colo. Colorado. School of mines, Bulletin, s-m Golden, Colo. Colorado scientific society Proceedings, 1883, irreg Varies Denver, Colo. Colorado. University Investigations in the department of psychology and education, 1902, irreg Varies Studies, 1902, irreg Varies Boulder, Colo. Coloradoan, 1884. \v 2.00 Modern message pub. co., 1824 Curtis st., Denver, Colo. Colored Alabamian, 1907, w 1 .00 105 Tatum st., Montgomery, Ala. Colored American magazine, 1900, m 1 . 50 Colored cooperative pub. co., 5 Park sq., Boston, Mass. Colored Cumberland presbyterian, 1884. w 1 .00 J. M. W. Deshong, Fayetteville, Tenn. Colored teacher, 1906, m 1 .00 John F. Guillaume, 240S Orleans st.. New Orleans, La. Colorists and dyers year book, 1896, a Herman A. Metz, 122 Hudson st.. New York, N. Y. Columbia, 1 872. w 2 . 00 Columbia pub. co., Milwaukee, Wis. Columbia historical society. Records, 1897 M. I. Wcller, corres. -sec, 602 F. st. N. \\\. Washington, D. C. Columbia jester, s-m dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Students of Columbia university, N. Y. 92 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Columbia law review, 1901, 8 nos 2.00 Macmillan co., 66 Fifth ave., N. Y . Columbia monthly, 1893, m dur. coll. yr 1 .50 Students of Columbia college, N. Y. Columbia river and Oregon timberman, 1899, m 1.00 Geo. M. Cornwall, Portland, Ore. Columbia spectator, 1877, 6 d dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Columbia students' pub. co., 116th st. and Amsterdam ave., N. Y. Columbia university Bulletin of information 25 Columbia university press. Columbia university publications Biochemical researches, 1899, irreg., per vol 5. 00 Biological series, 1894, irreg Varies Contributions from the department of botany, 1886, irreg., per vol 5 .00 Contributions from the department of electrical engi- neering, 1889, irreg Contributions from the department of geology, irreg. Contributions from the department of mineralogy, 1892, irreg. Contributions from the Havemeyer laboratories, 1898, a Contributions from the herbarium Contributions from the observatory, 1892, irreg Contributions to philosophy, psychology and educa- tion, 1894, irreg Varies Germanic studies, 1899, irreg Varies Indo-Iranian series, 1900, irreg Varies Memoirs of the department of botany, 1895, irreg., per vol 6.00 Oriental studies, 1902, irreg Varies Studies from the department of pathology, 1890, irreg., per vol 1. 00 Studies in comparative literature, 1899, irreg Varies Studies in classical philology, 1902, irreg Varies Studies in English, 1900, irreg Varies Studies in hist., economics and pub. law, 1891, irreg. Varies Studies on romance philology and literature, 1900, irreg ' Varies Columbia university, N. Y. Columbia university quarterly, 1890, q 1 .00 I olumbia university press, N. Y. Columbiad, m 1 . o 1 !olumbiad pub. co., 18 Boylston st., Boston, Mass. Columbian, i,X<^. m 25 I.. N. Cushman, 291 Congress St., Boston, Mass. Columbian, a 1 . 50 Students of Columbia university, N. Y. Columbian herald, [897, m 50 I >rder of Columbian knights, 704 Masonic temple, Chicago. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 93 Columbus horticultural society Journal, 1885, q 50 Columbus, O. Columbus medical journal, 1876, m 1 .00 ( olumbus mod. pub. co., Columbus, O. Combe-Polk directory co's St. Joseph city directory, a 6.00 C.inibe-Polk directory co., St. Joseph, Mo. Combined official N. Y. digest, 1906, m 5 .00 J. B. Lyon co., Albany, N. Y. Combination street directory and map, 1906, m, per copy IO Wheaton, Sweet & Co., Providence, R. I. Comercio, 1875, m 3 .00 J. Shepherd Clark co., 126 Liberty St., N. Y. Comfort, 1888, m '. 15 W. H. Gannett, Augusta, Me. Commerce monthly, 1905, m 1 .00 Commerce pub. co., 420 Olive St., St. Louis, Mo. Commerce of Pittsburg, 1898, m '. . 1 . 50 Commerce co., Pittsburg, Pa. Commercial, 1 882, w 2 . 00 Hugh C. MacLean co., Winnipeg, Manitoba Commercial, 1884, w 2 . 00 Charles T. Dukelow, 22 Exchange pi., Boston, Mass. Commercial, 1795, 6 d 6.00 Commercial newspaper co., 8 Spruce st., N. Y. Commercial America, 1905, m 2 .00 Phila. commercial museum, Phila., Pa. Commercial and financial chronicle, .1865, w 10. 00 Wm. B. Dana, P. O. box 958, N. Y. Commercial and financial world, 1898, w 5 .00 Com. & financial world pub. co., 36 Gold St., N. Y. Commercial broker, 1899, m. 50 Thomas Eastburn, 29 S. Water St., Phila., Pa. Commercial bulletin, 1859, w 4.00 Curtis, Guild & co., yj Kilby St., Boston, Mass. Commercial bulletin and daily record, 1885, 6 d. 16:00 Commercial bulletin co., Cleveland, O. Commercial bulletin and northwest trade, 1882, w.i 2.00 Commercial bulletin co., Boston blk., Minneapolis, Minn. Commercial education, 1 904, m \ . 1 . 00 Geo. Walker, Indianapolis, Ind. Commercial enquirer, 1881. w 3. 00 Clucas pub. Co., 395 Broadway, N. Y. Commercial gazette, 1886. w 1 .00 J. Lovell Wiseman, Montreal, Canada Commercial gazette, 1893, w 1 .00 Leo Pottlitzer, Lafayette, Ind. Commercial herald and market review, 1852, w 5-00 Com. herald & market rev. pub. co., San Francisco, Cal. Commercial lawyer, q 3 . 00 Commercial Lawy. pub. co., Chemical bldg., St. Louis, Mo. ,, 4 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Commercial list and price current, 1826, w 4.00 Commercial list pub. co., 241 Dock St., Phila., Pa. Commercial news, 1899, m I -5° E. J. Mannix, Sioux Falls, S. D. Commercial poultry, 1890, m 5° Commercial poultry co., Marseilles, 111. Commercial poultry, 1892, m 5° J. F. Schureman, 112 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. Commercial record, 1 882, w 3 • °° Record pub. co., New Haven, Conn. Commercial reporter, 1884, w 1.00 Clucas pub. co., 395 Broadway, N. Y. Commercial reports, 1905, m 1 .00 Commercial reports co., Toledo, Ohio. Commercial review, 1895, w 00 Briggs & co., St. Louis, Mo. Commercial review, 1889, w 3- 00 Leo Peterson, Portland, Ore. Commercial stamp trade journal, 1892, m 1.00 Commercial stamp trade journal co., 132 Market St., Chicago, 111. Commercial traveler, 1903, m 1 .00 Fisher & Evans, Winnipeg, Manitoba Commercial travellers' bulletin Percy Eldred Dowe, Black River, N. Y. Commercial tribune, 1883, w 1 .00 Commercial pub. co., Denver, Colo. Commercial vehicle, 1906, m 1.00 Flatiron bldg., N. Y. Commercial west, 1901, w 3-00 Commercial west co., Guaranty bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. Common good, 1907, q 1.00 Civics press, 102 Fulton st., New York, N. Y. Common sense, 1901, m 1.00 Common sense pub. co., 90 Wabash ave., Chicago, 111. Commoner and glass worker, 1882, w 2.00 Commoner pub. co., Pittsburg, Pa. Commonwealth, 1894, m 1.00 Commonwealth co., 28 Lafayette pi., N. Y. Communicant, 1903, m 1 .00 St. Paul's M. E. church, West end ave., and 86th st., N. Y., N. Y. Companion, 1 865, m 75 Secret society pub. co., Columbus, O. Compendium of official life insurance reports, 1889, a 2.00 Spectator co., 135 William st., New York, N .Y. Compendium of passenger rates and divisions, 1886, a 20.00 W. F. Bailey, 2229 McKinley ave., Berkeley, Cal. Comprehensive teachers' quarterly, q 20 D. C. Cook pub. co., Elgin, 111. Compressed air, 1896, in 1 .00 W. L. Saunders, 26 Cortlandt St., N. Y. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 95 Comrade, 1900, m 1 . 00 Comrade pub. co., 11 Cooper sq., N. Y. Concept, 1 89 1, m 1 . 00 Converse college, Spartansburg", S. C. Concerning municipal ownership, 1906, m 25 Tbe M. O. pub. bureau, 349 Fifth ave., N. Y. Concordiensis, 1877, w dur. coll. yr 2.00 Union college students, Schenectady, N. Y. Concrete, 1903, m 1 .00 Concrete pub. co., Home bank bldg., Detroit, Mich. Concrete age, m 1 . 00 Concrete pub. co., Atlanta, Ga. Concrete engineering, 1907, s-m 1 .00 Technical pub. co., Caxton bldg., Cleveland, O. Concrete review, s-m Association of Amer. portland cement manufacturers, Land title bldg, Phila. Condensed figures from the latest annual reports of the princi- pal railway and industrial companies in the U. S. 1896, q Free H. Amy & co., 44 Wall st., New York, N. Y. Condor, b-m 1 . 50 H. S. Clifton, Pasadena, Cal. Conemaugh valley monthly, 1906, m 1.00 Conemaugh valley pub. co., Johnstown, Pa. Confectioner and baker, 1877, m 1.00 Thompson pub. co., 85 Washington St., Chicago, 111. Confectioners' and bakers' gazette, 1881, m 2.00 H. B. Winton, 125 Worth St., N. Y. Confectioners' journal, 1874, m 2 .00 Confectioners' journal pub. co., 209 S. 6th St., Phila., Pa. Confectioners' review, 1902, m 1 .00 Confectioners' review pub. co., Cincin., O. Confederate veteran, 1893, m 1.00 S. A. Cunningham, Nashville, Tenn. Conference herald, 1891, m 25 C. B. Rettew, Harrisburg, Pa. Conference on weights and measures of the U. S. 1905, a Bureau of standards, Washington, D. C. Conferencia nacional de beneficencia correccion. Publications, 1902, a Habana, Cuba. Confidential banker, 1905, m 25 Charles E. Walters, Council Bluffs, la. Congo news letter, 1 906 Congo reform ass'n, 710 Tremont temple, Boston. Congregational Iowa, 1883, m 25 la. cong'l home miss, society, Oskaloosa, la. Congregational Michigan, 1905, q .10 Mich, home missionary society, Lansing, Mich. Congregational news, 1887, m 75 Congregational news co., 140 Normal St., Chicago, 111. 9 6- GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Congregational work, 1890, 10 nos 25 Congregational S. S. & pub. society, 4th ave. & 22d St., N. Y. Congregationalist & Christian world, 1816, w 3-00 Pilgrim press, 10 Beacon st., Boston, Mass. Congress of American physicians and surgeons Transactions, 1888, tri-ennial W. H. Carmalt, secy., New Haven, Conn. Congressional record, 1873, l° n g term, 6 d . . 8.00 short term, 6 d 4.00 The U. S. congressional record, Washington, D. C. Conjurers' monthly magazine, 1906. -^ — - Harry Houdini, 278 W. 113th St., N. Y. Connecticut academy of arts and sciences Transactions, 1866, irreg. Varies Yale university, New Haven, Conn. ■ Connecticut churchman, 1906, q 50 E. M. Huntsinger, Hartford, Conn. Connecticut farmer, 1879, w 1 .00 Farmer pub. & print, co., New Haven, Conn. Connecticut historical society Collections, 1825, a, per vol.. 3-00 Reports, a Hartford, Conn. Connecticut magazine, 1895, q 2.00 Connecticut mag. co., Hartford, Conn. Connecticut medical society Proceedings, 1830, a 1 .00 Walter R. Steiner, secy., Hartford, Conn. Connecticut reports — supreme court, m except July-Aug 3.75 Banks law pub. co., 21 Murray st., New York, N. Y. Connecticut school document, 1889, irreg Free State board of education, Hartford, Conn. Connecticut society of civil engineers. Papers and transactions, 1885, irreg J. F. Jackson, sec, New Haven, Conn. Connecticut valley historical society Papers and proceedings, irreg 3 .00 Tbe C. V. hist, society, Springfield, Mass. Connoisseur, 1886, q — Baily, Banks and Biddle, Pbila., Pa. Connoisseur and society journal, 1904, w 2 .00 Connoisseur press, Columbus, O. Consecrated life, 1835, m ... 1 .00 Pepper pub. & print, co., Gainesville, Fla. Consecrated life, 1835, m 1 .00 The consecrated life co., Phila., Pa. Conservator, 1 890, m 1 . 00 Horace Traubel, 1624 Walnut St., Phila., Pa. Conservatory, 1904, b-m 50 68 W. 83d St., N. Y. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 97 Consolidated chart of insurance organizations, a 5-00 Fraternal monitor, Rochester, N. Y. Construction, 1905, w 5- 00 1001-2-3-4 House bldg., Pittsburg, Pa. Construction news, 1895, w 5-°° Construction news co., Security bldg., Chicago, 111. Consumers' league of the city of New York Report, a N. Y. Consummation, 1906, m 1 .00 Temple court bldg., Denver, Colo. Contemporary review (Am. ed.), 1866, m 4-5° Leonard Scott pub. co., 7 Warren ave., N. Y. Continental Dorset club sheep record, a Continental Dorset club, J. E. Wing, Sec, Mechanicsburg, O. Continuous scripture studies Advanced pupils' ed., 1905, q Advanced teachers' ed., 1905, q Intermediate pupils' ed., 1905, q Intermediate teachers' ed., 1905, q Junior pupils' ed., 1906, q Junior teachers' ed., 1906, q Primary teachers' ed., 1906, q Standard pub. co., Cincin., O. Contractor, 1898, s-m 1 .00 E. H. Baumgartner, 810 Security bldg., Chicago, 111. Contribution to Indiana palaeontology, 1898, irreg., per part. . .25 Ewing & Zeller, New Albany, Ind. Contributions to rhetorical theory, irreg Varies Prof. F. N. Scott, Ann Arbor, Mich. Contributor, 1 872, m 1.00 Jas. H. Earle & co., 178 Washington St., Boston, Mass. Contriver 25 C. D. V. Carter, Lowville, N. Y. Convention teacher, m 48 S. S. board of southern baptist convention, Nashville, Tenn. Converted catholic, 1883, m 1 .00 Rev. Jas. O'Connor, 142 W. 21st St., N. Y. Conveying and transmission, 1906, m 1 .00 Stephens Adamson mfg. co., Aurora, 111. Cooking club, 1895, m 50 Club pub. co., Goshen, Ind. Cook academy. Bulletin, 1904, q Montour Falls, N. Y. ' Cook's American traveller's gazette, 1851, m 1 .00 Thos. Cook & son, 245 Broadway, N. Y. Cook's annotated criminal and penal codes, a 6.00 Matthew Bender & co., Albany, N. Y. Cooper union, 1 905, m 1 . 00 Cooper union, N. Y. 9 8 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Coopers' international journal, m I .OO Jas. A. Cable, Kansas City, Kan. Copper, 1907, m 1 . 50 Copper pub. co., 61 Cliff St., New York, N. Y. Copper and brass, 1 907, m Copper and brass pub. co., Detroit, Mich. Copper Handbook, 1900, a 5-00 H. J. Stevens, Houghton, Mich. Copy, 1907 (Jan.), irreg. Gridley Adams, 1789 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Corbett's herald, 1879, w * -°° Corbett's herald co., Providence, R. I. Cordage trade journal, 1888, s-m 2 . 00 130 Water St., N. Y. Corey's notes, 1906, m 1 . 00 James Corey, Butte, Montana. Corn belt magazine, 1906, m 1 .00 Corn belt pub. co., Powers bldg., Decatur, 111. Cornelia, 1879, s ~ m I - 2 5 J. L. Harr, Cleveland, O. Cornell alumni news, 1899, m dur. coll. yr 2.00 Alumni news pub. co., Ithaca, N. Y. Cornell civil engineer, 1893, m 2.00 Ithaca, N. Y. Cornell college bulletin, q Mt. Vernon, la. Cornell countryman, 1903, m 1 .00 Cornell countryman, Ithaca, N. Y. Cornell daily sun, 1880, 6 d dur. coll. yr 3.00 Students of Cornell university, Ithaca, N. Y. Cornell era, 1868, m dur. coll. yr , 2.00 Students of Cornell university, Ithaca, N. Y. Cornell rural school leaflet, 1907 (Sept.), m except June- Aug. . . N. Y. state coll. of agr., Ithaca, N. Y. Cornell university Bulletin, 1888 Bulletin of science, 1874 ■ Cornell studies in classical philology, 1887 Varies The university, Ithaca, N. Y. Cornell university electrical society Proceedings, a . Prof. Henry H. Norris, Cornell university, Ithaca, N. Y. Cornell university studies in philosophy, irreg., per no 75 Macmillan co., 66 Fifth ave., N. Y. Cornellian, 1879, b-w. dur. coll. yr 1 .25 Students of Cornell college, Mount Vernon, la. Cornucopia, 1 885, m 50 Cornucopia pub. co., Norfolk, Va. Corporation bulletin, 1904, q 2.00 Corporation legal manual co., 5 W. 31st st., New York, N .Y. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 99 Correct clothing for gentlemen, 1908, q 25 Schloss bros. & co., Baltimore, Md. Correct clothes monthly, 1906, m Alfred Benjamin & co., N. Y. Correct English — how to use it, m 1 .00 Correct English pub. co., Evanston, 111. Correspondent, 1887, m 50 J. W. Gunnels, Toledo, O. Cosmopolitan, 1886, m 1 .00 International magazine co., N. Y. Cosmopolitan osteopath, 1906, m 25 Cosmopolitan osteopath pub. co. Cosmopolitan sanatorium journal, 1907, m 5. 00 Cosmopolitan sanatorium co., Cleveland, (3. Cosmos, 1908, m 1 .00 Cosmos pub. co., inc., 225 5th ave., N. Y. Cosmos, 1907, m 1 .00 Cosmos pub. club, 27 E. 22d st,. New York, N. Y. Costume royal, 1895, m 3-5° Royal pattern co., 174 Fifth ave., N. Y. Cotner university Bulletin, q Free Nebraska Christian university, Bethany, Nebr. Cottager and artisan, w 30 Upper Canada tract society, Toronto, Canada. Cotton, 1899, m 2.00 Cotton pub. co., Atlanta, Ga. Cotton and cotton oil news, 1900, w 3-00 Ginner & Miller pub. co., Dallas, Tex. Cotton bale, 1903, m 50 H. R. Greer, Shreveport, La. Cotton-coffee quotation record, 1901, m 2.00 C. Mont. Benton co., 526 W. 28th st., N. Y. Cotton quotation record, m Ticker pub. co., 312 Wall-Exchange bldg., N. Y. Cotton trade journal, 1901, m 1.00 Julius A. Nelson, Savannah, Ga. Cotton seed oil magazine, m 1 .00 Cotton seed oil mag. pub. co., Atlanta, Ga. Councilor, 1902, m 50 V. M. Wilcox, Fredericksburg, Va. Counter book, 1905 (Mar.), m Home pattern co., 615 W. 43rd st., New York, N. Y. Country gentleman, 1 83 1 , w 1 . 50 Luther Tucker & son, Albany, N. Y. Country life in America and country calendar, 1 901. m 3. 00 Doubleday, Page & co., 133 E. 16th st., N. Y. Country merchant, 1899, w 1 .00 J. P. Israel, Lincoln, Neb. Country time and tide, 1902, q 1 .00 E. P. Pressly, ed., Montague. Mass. 100 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS County superintendents' monthly, 1899, m, (Sept. -June) 1 .00 Hammond & Stephens co., Fremont, Neb. Country visitor, 1902, s-m 50 Glidden & Prater, Paw Paw, Mich. Country world, 1898, m 50 Country world pub. co., Jamestown, N. Y. Coupon and dividend register, 1904, a Moody pub. co., 35 Nassau St., N. Y. Coupon manual, 18S3, q Inside title: "Manual of coupon ticket points." Chicago, 111. Courage, 1 907, m 50 Surdus pub. co., 156 Fifth ave., N. Y. Courant, 1898, m 1 .00 Courant pub. and print, co., St. Paul, Minn. Courier, 1901, w 1 .00 Commercial print, and pub. co., Newport news, Va. Courier of medicine, 1879, m 2.00 Courier of medicine co., 318 N. Garrison ave., St. Louis, Mo. Courier de Montmagny, 1891, w 50 Alphonse Caron, Montmagny, Quebec. Courrier magazine, 1907, m 2 . 50 Dr. Nellie Beighle, 1256 Broadway, Oakland, Cal. Court index, 6 d 1 5 . 00 Vinton R. Shepard, Cincin., O. Craftsman, 1901, m 3-00 Gustave Stickley, 29 W. 34th st., N. Y. Cranberry grower, 1903, m 1 .00 Cranberry grower pub. co., Cranmoor, Wis. Cream of the law, 1905, q 4.00 Crawfordsville, Ind. Creamery journal, 1890, m 1 .00 Fred L. Kimball estate, Waterloo, la. Credit and commercial cases for the month, 1902, m 1 .00 Credit corporation of America, 625 Locust St., St. Louis, Mo. Creighton medical bulletin, 1898, m dur. coll yr 1 .00 Creighton medical college, Omaha, Nebr. Crerand's cloak journal, 1891, m 1.00 Wm. F. Crerand & co., 732 Broadway, N. Y. Crescent and grip, 1903, m 1 .00 Josiah M. Dresser, St. Paul, Minn. Cresset, m 1 . 00 Students of N. Y. med. coll. and hosp. for women, 19 W. 101 st., N. Y. Crest magician, 1907, m 1 .00 144 W. 37th st., N. Y., N. Y. Crimson, 1904, m 75 Students of Brigham Young college. Logan. Utah. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS IOI Crimson-white, 1894, w 1 . 50 Students of University of Alabama, University, Ala. Criterion, 1888, m 1 .00 Criterion pub. co., 156 Fifth ave., N. Y. Criterion, 1901, bi-m 1 . 50 Abb Landis, Winchester, Tenn. Criterion, 1907, w 12.00 Class' pub. co., 45 W. 34th st., N. Y. Critic, 10 nos 1 . 00 S. C. Lewis co., Minneapolis, Minn. Critic, 1 889, w 2 . 00 A. D. Fassett, Toledo, O. Critic and guide, m 1 .00 Critic guide co., 119 E. 128th st., N. Y. Crocker-Wheeler co:, bulletin, irreg. Crocker-Wheeler co., Ampere, N. J. Crockery and glass journal, 1874, w 2.00 Whittemore & Jaques, 92 W. Broadway, N. Y. Crockery and glass journal, 1874, w 2.00 Wbittemore & Jugues, 92 W. Broadway, N. Y. Crofts and Reed's messenger, 1907, m 25 Crofts and Reed, Chicago, 111. Croghan commissary, 1904, irreg., Crogban bank & savings co., Freemont, O. Cronaca illustrata, 1893, w 3- 00 E. Cantclmo, 88 centre st., N. Y. Cronina medico-quirurgica, s-m 3-00 Colle del Prado, Havana, Cuba. Crop reporter, m U. S. dept. of agriculture, Washington, D. C. Crop reports, a Commercial national bank of Chicago, Chicago, 111. Crow bar, 1 892, m 50 O. P. Hand, 220 N. 2d St., Minneapolis, Minn. Critique, 1894, m 1 .00 Denver journal pub. co., Denver, Colo. Cruiser, 1906, q 1 .00 Rudder pub. co., 9 Murray st., N. Y. Crusader, 1906, b-m 50 G. P. Waring, 1008 Masonic bldg., Chicago, 111. Crusader monthly, 1887, m 25 W. C. T. U., Evanston, 111. Crystal Lake world-news, 1906, w 1 . 50 Crystal Lake world-news co., Crystal Lake, 111. Cuba ilustrada, 1899, m 4.00 Arthur J. Alvarez, Havana, Cuba. Cuba musical, 1 902, m 5° J. Mann Yarona, Havana, Cuba. Cuba review and bulletin, 1903, m 5° Cuba review and bulletin co., N. Y. 102 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Cuba y America, tqoi, w 8.00 Adrian del \ alio, San Miguel 43, (A), Havana, Cuba. Cuban interpreter, 1907, w 3-0° Dank of Nova Scotia bldg., Havana, Cuba. Cumberland presbyterian, 1840, w I -5° Cumberland presbyterian pub. house, Nashville, Tenn. Cumulative book index, 1898, m 6.00 The H. W. Wilson co., Minneapolis, Minn. Cumulative index-digest Illinois ed., 1902, q 5.00 Wisconsin ed., 1902, q 3. 00 Fiske & co., Springfield, 111. Cupid, 1885, m H. B. Wellman, 304 W. 27th St., N. Y. Curioso Americano, 1907, m 1 . 50 Dr. Manuel Perez Beato, Cardenas 14, Habana, Cuba. Current anecdotes, 1894, m Contin. as Expositor and current anecdotes. Current events, s-m E. Olga Hertz, Chicago, 111. Current law, 1903, m 13-00 Keefe-Davidson co., St. Paul, Minn. Current literature, 1888, m 3. 00 Current lit. pub. co., 34 W. 26th St., N. Y. Custom house guide and guide list of steamers arriving at New York, 1880, a 25 Hamilton Fulton, Custom house, New York, N. Y. Cycle and automobile trade journal, 1896, m 1.00 Trade advertising and pub. co., 1213 Filbert St., Phila, Pa. Cycling, 1890, s-m 1 .00 Miln & Bingham, Toronto, Canada. Cycling and auto-car news, m 1 .00 R. H. Miln & co., Toronto, Canada. Cyfaill, 1837, m 1 .00 T. S. Griffiths, Utica, N. Y. Dacotah magazine, 1907, m 1 . 50 Dacotah mag. co., Watertown, S. D. Daheim, 1884, w 1 .00 Wm. F. Webber, Fond du lac, Wis. Daily attractions in New York, 1906, w 2.00 Daily attractions in New York, 1 Madison ave., New Yokr, N. Y. Daily Bible, 1901, m 50 World's morning watch, 541 Lexington ave., N. Y. Daily farmers and drovers journal, 1873, d 4.00 Drover journal pub. co., U. S. yards, Chicago, 111. Daily hints for the housekeeper, q I [ouch co., 7 E. Concord st., Boston, Mass. Daily live stock record (See Live stock record) Daily maroon, 1001, d 3. 00 Geo. E. Fuller, Univ. of C, Chicago, 111. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 103 Daily mining record, 1899, d. except Sunday 5.00 Reinert bros. pub. co.. Denver, Colo. Daily national live stock reporter (see National live stock reporter) Daily racing form, 1894, d. except Monday First-class mail 17.00 Second-class mail 12 . 00 Frank H. Brunell, 124 Fifth ave., Chicago, 111. Daily Nebraskan, 1901, d 2.00 University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. Daily Palo Alto, 1892 , 3 . 00 Leland Stanford Junior University, Cal. Daily Princetonian, 1876, 4.00 Students of Princeton university; Princeton, N. J. Dairy produce, 1894, w 1 . 50 Louis J. Bachand-Vertefeuille, New Era bldg., Chicago, III. Daily record, 1888, 6.00 Daily record co., 321 St. Paul St., Balto., Md. Daily record, 1888 , Ernest E. Smith, bus. mgr., 521-3 Locust St., Kansas city, Mo. Daily reporter, 1893, 12.00 The reporter pub. co., 39 East Noble st, Columbus, O. Daily trade record directory, a 112 Worth st., N. Y. Dairy and produce review, w 1 .00 Review pub. co., San Francisco, Cal. Dairy record, 1900, w 50 Minn, state butter & cheese makers' assn., St. Paul, Minn. Dairy report, 1891, w I.00 Elgin dairy report, Elgin, 111. Dairy world, 1 884, m 1 . 00 Thompson pub. co., 85 Washington st., Chicago, 111. Dakota elk, 1902, m 1.00 J. T. Cogan & J. H. Keenan, Sioux Falls, S. D. Dakota farmer, 1881, s-m 60 W. F. T. Bushnell co., Aberdeen, S. D. Dakotan, 1898, m 1. 00 South Dakotan co., Aberdeen, S. D. Dalhousie gazette, 1867, m. dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Students of Dalhousie university, Halifax, N. S. Dante society report, 1882, a 75 Ginn & Co., Boston, Mass. Dartmouth, 1867. w. dur. coll. yr 2.50 Undergraduates of Dartmouth college, Hanover, N. H. Dartmouth bi-monthly, 1905, b-m 1 .00 Alumni assn. of Dartmouth college, Hanover, N. H. Dartmouth college. Obituary record, a Dartmouth college, Hanover, N. H. Dartmouth magazine, 1886, m. dur. coll. yr 2.00 Students of Dartmouth college, Hanover, N. H. 104 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Dauchy & co's newspaper catalogue, 1889, a 5- 00 Dauchy & co., 9 Murray st., New York, N. Y. Daughters of the American revolution. Lineage book, 1890. . . 1.00 Nat. society D. of A. R., Washington, D. C. Dauphin county reporter, 1898, w 5 .00 Warren O. Foster, 213 Walnut st., Harrisburg, Pa. Davenport academy of sciences Proceedings, 1876, irreg., per vol 3 .00 Davenport, la. Davis co. baptist, 1895, m 2 5 Wm. D. Nowlin, Owensboro, Ky. Davison's cordage trade, 1901, a 2.00 Davison pub. co., 407 Broadway, N. Y. Davison's silk trade directory, 1896, a 3- 00 Davison pub. co., 407 Broadway, N. Y. Dawn, 1901, q The anti-vivisection society of Maryland, Balto., Md. Dawn of day, w 25 Upper Canada tract society, Toronto, Canada. Days of youth, 1902, w 50 Standard pub. co., Cincinnati, O. Day's work, 1905 , University bldg., N. Y. Deaconess advocate, m 50 J. S. Meyer, 57 Washington st., Chicago, 111. Deaf mutes' journal, 1871, w 1 .00 E. A. Hodgson, Broadway and 163d st., N. Y. Deaf mutes' register, 1884, w 1 .00 Deaf mutes' register, Rome, N. Y. Dealers daily bulletin, 1907 (Apr.), d 25.00 Waste trade pub. co., 108 Fulton st., New York, N. Y. Dealers and consumers directory, 1907 (Sept.), a 4.00 Waste trade pub. co., 108 Fulton st., New York, N. Y. Decaturian, 1903, m 1 .00 James Millikin univ., Decatur, 111. Decorative furnishers, 1901, m 1 . 50 T. A. Cautha & co., 27 E. 21st st., New York, N. Y. Defender, 1903, w 1 .00 American protective tariff league, Wm. P. F. Ferguson, 400 W. 23rd st., N. Y. Degree of honor review, m 75 Mrs. L. K. Webster, Belding, Mich. Delaware college bulletins, 1903, q Free Delaware college, Newark, Del. Delaware college review, 1884, m. dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Students of Delaware college, Newark, Del. Delaware conference advocate, m 35 Rev. A. L. Henry, Easton, Md. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 105 Delaware county historical society. Proceedings, 1895 Chas. Palmer, sec. Media, Pa. Delaware county institute of science Proceedings, 1905, q 1.00 Carolus M. Broomall, Media, Pa. Delaware farm and home, 1885, vv 5° Delaware farm and home pub. co., Wilmington, Del. Delaware historical society papers, 18(34, irreg Wilmington, Del. Delaware workman, 1895, m 50 J. Milton Davidson, Dover, Del. Delaware workman, 1895, m 50 Joseph H. Martin, Wilmington, Del. Delineator, 1873, m 1 .00 Butterick pub. co., Butterick bldg., N.' Y. Delphic, 1884, m. dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Delphic pub. association, Des Moines, la. Delta, 1893, m 1 . 00 J. Sam Rodgers, Marshall, Mo. Delta chi quarterly, 1903, q 1 .00 Monton M. Wyvell, Ithaca, N. Y. Delta kappa epsilon quarterly, 1882, q 1 .00 Council of Delta kappa epsilon, 1135 Broadway, N. Y. Delta sigma nu, 1883, q 1 . 00 Clarence E. Woods, Richmond, Ky. Delta upsilon quarterly, q 1.00 102 College Hall, University of Penn., Philadelphia, Pa. Delta upsilon quarterly, 1880, q 1 .00 Goldwin Goldsmith, in Fifth ave., N. Y. Delta upsilon quarterly, 1880, q 1 .00 Thornton B. Penfield, 41 S. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Democracy, 1903, w 2.00 Democracy printing co., 132 Nassau St., N. Y., N. Y. Demonstrator, 1904, s-m 50 Lakebay P. O., Howe, Wash. Denaturized alcohol journal magazine, 1906, m 1 .00 Henry H. Kryger, Minneapolis, Minn. Denison university Bulletin of the scientific laboratories, 1885, q Granville, O. Denisonian, w. dur. coll. yr 1 .25 Students of Denison university, Granville, O. Dental brief, 1896, m 1 .00 L. D. Caulk, Broad and Chestnut sts., Philadelphia, Pa. Dental clippings, in 50 Wm. H. Stuart, Houston, Tex. Dental cosmos, 1859, m 1 .00 S. S. White dental mfg. co., 12th and Chestnut sts., Philadelphia, Pa. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Dental digest, 1895, m 1 - 00 J. N. Crouse, 2231 Prairie ave., Chicago, 111. Dental era, 1902, m 1 .00 John T. Nolde dental mfg. co., 916 Olive St., St. Louis, Mo. Dental headlight, 1 879, q 50 Morrison bros., Nashville, Tenn. Dental hints, in 5° League supply co., Augusta, Ga. Dental journal, 1892, b-m 50 Ann Arbor printing co., Ann Arbor, Mich. Dental news, 1902, m 50 Stowe and Eddy co., 1133 Broadway, N. Y. Dental office and laboratory, 1868, b-m 1 .00 Johnson & Lund, 620 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. Dental register, 1847, m 1 .00 Samuel A. Crocker & co., Cincinnati, O. Dental review, 1887, m 1.00 H. D. Justi & son, 55 State St., Chicago, 111. Dental summary, 1881, m 1.00 Ransom & Randolph co., Toledo, O. Dental world, m 1 .00 W. H. Weaver, La Grange, Ga. Dentists' magazine, m 1 . 00 Cogswell dental supply co., Cleveland, O. Denver amusement guide, 1907, w Colin W. Landin, Denver, Colo. Denver (Colo.) public library. Bulletin, 1889, m Denver medical times, 1882, m 1 .00 T. H. Hawkins, Denver, Colo. Department store review, 1901, m 1 .00 Edwin Rose, Franklin bldg., Buffalo, N. Y. De Pauw palladium, 1895, f. dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Students' pub. co., Greencastle, Ind. De Pauw university bulletin, 1903, q Depauw university, Greencastle, Ind. Depew's real life, 1905, s-m 1.00 431 Diamond St., Pittsburg, Pa. Descriptive real estate, 1907, m Win. II. Cutler, New York, N. Y. Deseret evening news, 1850, 6 d 9.00 w 2 . 00 Deseret semi-weekly news, 1850, s-w 2.00 The Deseret news, Salt Lake city, Utah. Desert farmer, 1904, m 1 .00 Desert farmer pub. co., Provo city, Utah. Designer, 1 804, m 50 Standard fashion co., 12 Vandam St., N. Y. Desmos, q 1 .00 Supreme chapter D. S. M. fraternity, Indianapolis, Ind. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 107 Detroit law journal, [898, w Detroit law journal co., 4<) Buhl block. Detroit, Mich. Detroit legal news, 1894, w 4.00 1895, d 6.00 Detroit legal news co., Detroit, Mich. Detroit medical journal, 1 90 1 . 111 1 . 00 Detroit medical journal co., Detroit, Mich. Detroit (Mich.) public library. Monthly bulletin of new books, 1905, 25 Detroit museum of art. Bulletin, 1904, q Detroit museum of art, Detroit, Mich. Detroit observatory. Transactions, 1904, irreg Detroit observatory, Ann Arbor, Mich. Deutsch-Amerikanische typographia. — ■ Jahres-bericht. Indianapolis, Ind. Deutsch amerikanische buchdrucker zeitung, 1873, s-m : . 1 .00 Hugh Miller, Indianapolis, Ind. Deutsch amer. apotheker zeitung, 1880. m 1 .00 104 John st., N. Y. Deutsch-amerikanische geschichtsblaetter, 1901, m 3. 00 609 Schiller bldg, Chicago, 111. Deutsch-amerikanischer farmer, w 1 .00 Press pub. co., Lincoln, Neb. Deutsch amerikanischer jugend freund, 1890, m 50 Eden pub. house, 1716 Chouteau ave, St. Louis, Mo. Deutsch amerikanische zeitschrift fur theologie und kirche, 1879, b-m 1 .00 John C. Marting, Berea, O. Deutsch-texanische monatshefte, i8q6, m 1 .50 Lafrentz & Penniger, Fredericksburg, Tex. Deutsche eiche, 1 896, w 2 . 00 Oak printing co., 147 Chambers st., N. Y. Deutsche eiche, 1869, w 2.00 W. Rosenthal. Reading, Pa. Deutsche hausfrau, 1904, m 25 Herold co., Milwaukee, Wis. Deutsche historische gesellschaft fuer den District Columbia, Berichte, 1905, q 1 .00 Washington, D. C. Deutsche vorkampfer, 1907 (Jan.). m 1 .00 L. Yiereck. 1 175 Broadway. Xew York. X. Y. Deutscher evangelist, 1879, s_rn l - 00 Eastern print, co., 254 Hopkins st., Brooklyn, N. Y. Deutscher gesellig-wissenschaftlicher verein von New York. Verhandlungen, t88o. q 1 .00 Vbrtrage, 1881. Dr. Ernest Richard, sec, Columbia univ.. X. Y. DeutEcher pionies — verein von Philadelphia. Mitteilungen, [906. C. F. Huck. sec. [218 X. Franklin st.. Phila., Pa. 10 8 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Deutscher versicherungs-journal von Amerika, 1897, m 1 .00 Z. Zellermayer, 850 Broadway, Brooklyn, N. Y. Deutscher volksfreund, 1871, w 2.00 Am. tract society, 150 Nassau St., N. Y. Devil's advocate, m Continued as Big Stick. Devotional meeting topics, 1904, m Marsh-Baker co., Fredonia, N. Y. DeWitt historical society of Tompkins county. Publications, 1905 „ \V. E. Griffis, pres., Ithaca, N. Y. Dial, 1880, s-m 2.00 Dial co., Fine Arts bldg., Chicago, 111. Dial, m. dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Students of St. Mary's college, St. Mary's, Kan. Dial of progress, 1890, w , 1 .00 W. R. Cole & I. N. McCash, Des Moines, la. Dialect notes, 1896, a 1.00 Amer. dialect society, Norwood, Mass. Diamond, 1892, w 1 .00 Diamond pub. co., Brockton, Mass. Dickerman's U. S. treasury counterfeit detector, 1884, m 3-00 John Haller, 15 Broadway, N. Y. Dickinson literary monthly, 1872, m. dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Belles lettres and Union philosoph. societies of Dickin- son college, Carlisle, Pa. Dickinson union, 1877, m. dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Literary societies of Dickinson seminary, \\ illiamsport, Pa. Dickinsonian, 1896, w. dur. coll. yr 1 .50 Carlisle, Pa. Dietetic and hygienic gazette, 1884, m 1 .00 Gazette pub. co., 33 W. 42d St., N. Y. Digit and painters' review, m 25 Digit pub. co., New Brighton, Staten Island, N. Y. Dinero, 1907, m John Vavasour Noel, Habana, Cuba. Diocesan magazine, m 50 St. Johns, N. F. N. C. pine ass'n, Norfolk, Va. Directory labor organizations, 1905, a 200 A. L. Macdonald, 128 LaSalle st., Chicago, 111. Directory of directors in city of New York, 1899, a Audit co., 43 Cedar st., New York, N. Y. Directory of pine lumber mfg. in Va., N. C, S. C, Ga. & Fla. 1906, a 5-00 Directory of the Washington academy of sciences and affiliated societies, 1899, a Washington academy of sciences, Washington, D. C. Dirt mover, s-m 1 .00 \\ . A. Marsh, Columbus, O. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 109 Dirva, q 2 . 00 Rev. A. M. Milukas, Shenandoah, Pa. Disc guide, 1 907, m I. C. Wilson, Oakland, Cal. Discovery, 1907, m 1 .00 John \Y. Harding, 119 E. 31st st., New York, N. Y. Dispatch, 1 894, w 2 . 00 C. W. Woodman, San Antonio, Tex. District call, 1906, s-m 1 .00 Barnaby B. Downs, Fort Totten, N. Y. District of Columbia. Public library. Monthly bulletin, 1907 15 Reference list, 1905, m Washington, D. C. Diversified farmer, 1905 15 Anniston, Ala. Divine life, 1906 Mrs. Celestia Root Long, Chicago, 111. Divinity, m J. C. F. Grumbine, Brookline, Mass. Dixie, 1 885, m 1 . 00 Southern states pub. co., Atlanta, Ga. Dixie game fowl, 1894, m 1 .00 T. E. Lipscomb, Columbia, Tenn. Dixie home, m 50 Rountree pub. co., Birmingham, Ala. Dixie manufacturer, 1896, s-m 2.00 Rountree pub. co., Birmingham, Ala. Dixie miller, 1894, m 1 .00 Dixie miller co., Nashville, Tenn. Dixie woodworker, 1885, m 1. 00 Southern states pub. co., Atlanta, Ga. Dixieland, 1904, m 1 .00 Dixieland pub. co., Dallas, Tex. Doane owl, 1 878, m 1 . 25 Students of Doane college, Crete, Neb. Dog fancier, 1 89 1 , m 5° Eugen Glass, Battle Creek, Mich. Dogdom, 1900, m 1.00 Dogdom pub. co., Battle Creek, Mich. Dodge county farmer, 1899, m 25 E. E. Parker, Beaver Dam, Wis. Dolphin, 1902, m 4.00 American ecclesiastical review, 825 Arch St., Phila., Pa. Domestic engineering, 1889, w 1 .00 Domestic engr. co., 58 W. Jefferson st., Chicago, 111. Domestic science bulletin, 1906, m 5° Marion A. McBride, Arlington Heights, Mass. Dominant, 1 893, m 1 • 00 Gazette pub. co., 33 W. 42d st., N. Y. IIO GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Dominicana, 1 900, 111 1 . 00 Dominican fathers, San Francisco, Cal. Dominion dental journal, 1889, m 1 .00 Nesbitt pub. co., Toronto, Canada Dominion medical monthly, 1893, m 1 .00 Nesbitt pub. co., Toronto, Canada Dominion of Canada labor gazette, m 20 Dept. of labor, Ottawa, Canada. Dominion presbyterian, w 1.00 C. B. Robinson, Ottawa, Canada Donahoe's magazine, 1878, m 2 .00 Donahoe's magazine co., 18 Boylston st., Boston, Mass. Dorchester beacon, 1873, w 1 .25 Thomas Leavitt, 584 Columbia road, Dorchester, Mass. Dos Americas, 1906, m 1 .00 Edward Ewer, Montclair, N. J. Dosimetric medical review, m 1 .00 W. J. Morrison, 43 Broad st., N. Y. Double-track news, 1906, w Free G. R., H. & C. R. R., Grand Rapids, Mich. Dover. Public library bulletin, 1900, q Free Public library, Dover, N. H. Draft horse journal and breeders' guide, 1907, m 25 E. C. Babcock, 474 E. 55th St., Chicago, 111. Drafting, 1908 (Jan.), m 1.00 Inland pub. co., Collinwood, O. Draftsman, 1902, m 1 .00 Contin. as Industrial magazine. Drake, 1903, m dur. coll. yr 50 Drake pub. co., Des Moines, la. Drake delphic, 1884, s-m. dur. coll. yr 1-50 Delphic pub. co., Des Moines, la. Drake university bulletin, b-fn Des Moines, la. Dramatic journal, 1903, w 1 .00 Dramatic journal pub. co., St. Paul, Minn. Dramatic mirror (See New York dramatic mirror) Dramatic news, 1 88 1 , w 4 . 00 Edwin S. Bettelheim, 1441 Broadway, N. Y. Dramatic review, 1893, w 1 .00 Review co., 48 Winter st., Boston, Mass. Dramatic review and music and drama, 1882, w 3. 00 Farrell & Lombard, San Francisco, Cal. Dramatic times, 1891, w 4.00 Edwin S. Bettelheim, 167 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. Drawing and manual training journal, 1902, 10 nos 1 .00 Teresa \\. Johnson and Elizabeth M. Gatz, Charleston, s.c. Dress, [906, 111 5.00 McCready-Beals co., 24 E. 21st st., N. Y. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS I i i Dressmaking at home, 1905, in 50 Dressmaking- at home pub. co., 306 Masonic Temple, Chicago, 111. Drexel institute bulletin, 1904, m dur. coll. yr 50 Faculty of Drexel institute, Phila., Pa. Drift of the market, 1902, m 1 . 50 Mass. pub. co., Everett station, Boston, Mass. Drovers' journal, 1875, b-w 2.00 Chicago, 111. Drovers' journal-stockman, 1886, 6 d 4. 00 Journal-stockman, South Omaha, Neb. Drovers' telegram, 1882, 6 d 4.00 Drovers' telegram co., 1710 w 16th St., Kansas City, Mo. Druggists' circular, 1857, m 1 . 50 Wm. O. Allison, 100 Williams St., N. Y. Drugs, oils and paints, 1885, m 2. 00 G. B. Heckel, the Bourse, Phila., Pa. Drury college bulletin, q Springfield, Mo. Drury mirror, 1886, s-m. dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Students of Drury college, Springfield, Mo. Dry goods, 1901, m 5. 00 Dry goods pub. co., 172 5th ave., N. Y. Dry goods economist, 1846, w 5 .00 Textile pub. co., 200 Greene St., N. Y. Dry goods guide, 1898, m . 1 .00 Black pub. co., 415 Broadway, N. Y. Dry goods journal, 1906 (June), m 1.00 Home pattern co., 615 W. 43rd St., New York, N. Y. Dry goods record, 1904, m 1 . 00 Canadian trade journals, Montreal, Canada Dry goods reporter, 1871, w 3.00 Dry goods reporter co., 233 Fifth Ave., Chicago, 111. Dry goods review, 1890, m 2.00 MacLean pub. co., Toronto, Canada Drygoodsman and general merchant, 1898, w 2.00 Tradesmen's pub. co., 112 N. 9th st., St. Louis, Mo. Duch casu, 1877, w 2.00 Aug. Geringer, 150 W. 12th st., Chicago, 111. Dun's review, 1893, w 2.00 R. G. Dun & co., 290 Broadway, N. Y. Duroc-Jersey swine record, 1891, irreg. Nat. Duroc-Jersev record ass'n, Peoria, 111. Dutch boy painter, 1908, m Free Nat. lead co., N. Y. Dutton's monthly reader's guide, 1905, m Free E. P. Dutton & co., 31 W. 23d St., N. Y. Dyers' bulletin, 1898, m 2.00 Foremen dyers' pub. co., 502 N. 6th St., Phila., Pa. Dye's government counterfeit detector, 1850, m 3 .00 F. A. Lester, Corcoran bldg.. Washington, D. C. II2 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Dynamo, 1 889, 9 nos I • 00 Students of Mt. Union college, Alliance, Ohio. Dynamotor, 1907 Mart & co., Fostoria, O. Dzienswiety, 1892, \v 1 .00 W. Smulski, 565 Noble St., Chicago, 111. Eagle, 1888, s-m 50 Anthony R. Davison, Tunnel Springs. Eagle, 1 904, m 1 • 00 Frank Le Roy, Victoria, B. C. Eagle's aerie, 1904, m 1 1 .00 John W. Stailey, Los Angeles, Cal. Eagle library, m 1 . 00 Brooklyn daily eagle, Brooklyn, N. Y. Earlham college bulletin, q free Earlham college, Earlham, Ind. Early settlers ass'n of Cuyahoga co. Annals, 1879 Cleveland, O. Earnest christian and golden rule, i860, m 1 . 10 Rev. B. H. Roberts, North Chili, N. Y. Earnest worker, 1871, m 60 Committee of publication, Richmond, Va. Earth, 1904, m 25 1 1 18 Railway Exchange bldg., Chicago, 111. East, 1900, bi-m 25 Win, R. Moscow, yy Lander st., Newburgh, N. Y. East and West, 1903, w 75 Committee of S. S. publications. Presbyterian church in Canada. Toronto, Canada. East side house settlement Report, 1892, a Foot 76th St., N. Y. Eastern churchman, 1894, m 50 Brewington bros., Salisbury, Md. Eastern drug market, m Eastern drug co., Boston, Mass. Eastern law reporter 30 Adelaide St., Toronto, Canada Eastern poultry man, 1899, m 25 Geo. P. Coffin, Freeport, Me. Eastern star, 1888, m 1 .00 Mrs. Nettie Ransford, the Windsor, Indianapolis, Ind. Eastern star signet, m 1 .00 6035 Jeerson ave., Chicago, 111. Eastern underwriter, m 3 . 00 II. II. Putnam, Annuity bldg., Boston, Mass. Eastman journal of practical education, 1898, bi-m Eastman college, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Ecclesiastical art review, 1889, m Free Daprato statuary co., 173 \Y. Adams st., Chicago, 111. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 1 13 Ecclesiastical review, 1889, 111 3-5° Dolphin press, 1305 Arch st., Phila., Pa. Echo, 1883, m 1. 00 Echo music co., 358 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. Echo, 1888, f. dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Students of Olivet college, Olivet, Mich. Echo, 1 86 1 , m 25 Five points mission, 63 Park St., N. Y. Eclectic medical gleaner, 1889, m 1 .00 Lloyd library, Cincin., O. Eclectic medical journal, 1836, m 2.00 Scudder bros., Cincin., O. Eclectic review, m 1 .00 Eclectic med. college, 40 E. 41st st., N. Y. Economic bulletin, 1908, (Apr.), q 2.00 Am. economic ass'n, Baltimore, Md. Economic geology, 1905, s-q 3 .00 Univ. of 111.. Urbana, 111. Economist, 1 888, w 5 . 00 Economist pub. co., 189 La Salle st., Chicago, 111. Economist, 1 897, m 2. 00 Economist print. & pub. co., Toronto, Canada Economkt short cut, 1906 Textile pub. co., 192^-200 Greene st., N. Y., N. Y. Economista, w 10 . 00 L. V. De Abod, Havana, Cuba Economista internacional, 1900, m 2 . 00 Internat. economist co., 42 Barclay St., N. Y. Economy lighting educator, 1907, irreg free Economy electric co., Warren, O. Edinburgh review (Am. ed), 1802, q 4.00 Leonard Scott pub. co., 7 Warren St., N. Y. Edison business record, 1905, m National phonograph co., Orange, N. J. Editor, 1895, m 1 .00 Editor pub. co., 150 Nassau St., N. Y. Editor and publisher, 1901, w 1.00 Editor and publisher co., 17 Park Row, N. Y. Education, 1880, 10 nos 3.00 Palmer co., 50 Bromfield st., Boston, Mass. Education bi-monthly, 1906, b-m University of Chicago press, Chicago, 111. Education in business, 190^, m 50 H. E. Read, Peoria, 111. Educational, 1896, m ." 1.00 Zach McGhee, Columbia, S. C. Educational bi-monthly, 1906 b-m . Free Chicago normal school, Chicago, 111. Educational exchange, 1885, m 1 .00 Dewberry & sons, Birmingham, Ala. ii4 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Educational foundations, 1889, m 1 .25 A. S. Barnes & co., N. Y. Educational gazette, 1885, 10 nos 1 .00 Educational gazette pub. co., Syracuse, N. Y. Educational monthly of Canada, 1879, IO nos l °° University co., Toronto, Can. Educational outlook, 1903, q 50 Wm. A. Wheatley, Chester, N. Y. Educational outlook, 1903, m 50 Powers advertising co., Cape Girardeau, Mo. Educational record, 1881, m 1.00 Canada stamp co., Quebec, Can. Educational review, 1887, m 1 .00 George U. Hay, St. John, N. B. Educational review, 1891, m 3. 00 Educational review pub. co., Columbia university, N. Y. Educational science, 1903, 10 nos 1 .00 Cincinnati university press, Cincinnati, O. Educational sun, m 75 Frank Marsh, Bellefontaine, O. Educational work Educational work co., Worcester, Mass. Educator, 1889, 10 nos 1 .00 W. Hazleton Smith, 102 Seneca st., Buffalo, N. Y. Educator-journal, 1856, m 1 .00 Educator-journal co., Commercial club bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. Egg reporter, 1895, m 1 .00 Fred. L. Kimball estate, Waterloo, la. Eight hour miller, 1903, m Eight hour miller pub. co., 406 Corn exchange, Minneapolis, Minn. Electric journal, 1904, m 1 . 50 Electric club, Pittsburg, Pa. Electric railway directory and buyers' manual, 3 times per yr. . 3.00 McGraw pub. co., N. Y. Electric railway guide and central New York red book, 1901, m Guide pub. co., Utica, N. Y. Electric railway review Kenfield pub. co., Plymouth court, Chicago, 111. Electric traction weekly, w 1 .00 516 Caxton bldg., Cleveland, O. Electric storage battery co. Bulletin, irreg Free Alleghany ave. and 19th St., Phila., Pa. Electric trunk line age, i6, w 1 .00 W. J. Murphy, Minneapolis, Minn. Farmer's union league, 1906, w 1 .00 Guide pub. co., Birmingham, Ala. Farmers' union magazine, 1906, m 1 .00 Dallas, Tex. Farmers' voice and rural outlook, 1862, w 60 Farmers' voice pub. co., 45 Plymouth pi., Chicago, 111. Farmer's wife, 1900, m 25 Webb pub. co., St. Paul, Minn. Farming, 1906, m 1.00 (Merged in Garden magazine.) Farming world and Canadian farm and home, 1883, s-m 60 Dominion Phelps, Toronto, Canada. Fashion suggester, 1901, s-y free David Adler & sons clothing co., Milwaukee, Wis. Fashion world, 1900, m 50 L. N. Cushman, 291 Congress st., Boston, Mass. Fashionable waists, 1906 National cloak and suit co., 119 W. 23d St., N. Y. Fashions, 1891, m 1.00 Alfred M. Slocum co., 718 Arch st., Philadelphia, Pa. Father Matthew herald, 1894, m 1 .00 Edmond L. Grimes & co., 132 Pearl st., Boston, Mass. Feather, 1895. m 50 G. E. Howard. 714 Twelfth st., N. W., Washington, D. C. Feathered warrior, m 25 W. M. Storrs. Carlisle, N. Y. Federal reporter, 1880, w 10.00 West pub. co., St. Paul, Minn. . Federal reporter, 1902, m 1 .00 138 Front st., N. Y. Federation, 1 899, 4 a yr 1 . 00 Federation of churches and Christian organizations, 119 E. 19th st., New York. Federation bulletin, 1904, 9 nos 50 May Alden Ward and Helen A. Whittier, Lowell, Mass. Federation news, 1904, w 1 .00 E. R. Webb, Rome, Ga. Federationist, 1902, m 1.00 Edward Feller, New Brunswick, N. J. Feld und flur, 1 898, m 50 Feld und flur, pub. co., Dallas, Tex. I2 (5 GUIDE 1*0 PERIODICALS Fellowship, m. Fellowship pub. co., Los Angeles, Cal. Fenestrum, 1 904, m 1 .00 Fenestrum pub. co., Toronto, Canada. Fergus county free high school. Bulletin, 1903 Lewiston, Mont. Fern bulletin, 1893, q 75 Willard N. Clute, Joliet, 111. Ferris institute journal. Ferris institute, Big Rapids, Mich. Festal days, b-m 15 Lorenz pub. co., 150 Fifth ave., N. Y. Fibre and fabric, 1885, w 2.00 Jos. H. Wade, 146 Franklin St., Boston, Mass. Field, 1902, m Phoenix mutual life insurance co., Hartford, Conn. Field and fancy, w 2.00 Field and fancy pub. co., 5 Dey St., N. Y. Field and farm, 1885, w 2.00 Lute Wilcox, Denver, Colo. Field and stream, 1885, m 1 • 5° Field and stream, 35 W. 21st St., N. Y. Field dog stud book, 1901, a Amer. field pub. co., 801 Masonic temple, Chicago, 111. Field museum of natural history. Publications Report series, 1895, a Botanical series, 1895, irreg Geological series, 1895, irreg Zoological series, 1895, irreg Anthropological series, 1895, irreg Chicago, 111. Field sports, 1890, m 3. 00 Thomas E. Flynn, San Francisco, Cal. Field studies in botany, s-m See Michigan university. "57," m . H. J. Heinz co., Pittsburg, Pa. Figaro, 1885, \v Ramon A. Catala, administrador, Obispo num. 62, Habana, Cuba. Figaro, 1905, w : 1 .00 256 W. Van Buren st., Chicago, 111. Filipino, 1906, b-m 1 .00 Filipino co., 1032 Seventeenth St., N. W., Washington, D. C." Filson club publications, 1884, irreg., per vol 3.00 The Morton co., Louisville, Ky. Finance, 1 897, in 1 . 00 Financial pub. co., 1 N. Broadway, St. Louis, Mo. Finance, 1 899, w 5-00 Finance pub. co., Cleveland, O. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 127 Finance and commerce, 1 $i)2, in 5 . 00 Securities co., The Bourse, Philadelphia, Pa. Finance and trade, 1900, w 5. 00 Kohl bldg., San Francisco, Cal. Financial age, w 5-00 F. Howard Hooke, 53 Park Row, N. Y. Financial and commercial review, 1905, w 5. 00 Drexel bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. Financial brieflet, w 3 . 00 Lidell Baker, Portland, Ore. Financial bulletin, 6 d 3 .00 Financial bulletin, 142 S. 4th st., Philadelphia, Pa. Financial diary, 1907, a 3 . 50 Financial calendar co., 25 W. Broadway, New York. Financial inquirer, w 2 . 00 B. G. Smith, 115 Nassau st., N. Y. Financial news, 6 d 6 . 00 35 Congress st., Boston, Mass. Financial news, 1870, 6 d 8.00 Alex. C. Lassen, 44 Trinity pi., N. Y. Financial record and investors' manual, 1890, w 3. 00 44 Trinity pi., N. Y. Financial red book of America, a 10.00 6 Wall st., New York, N. Y. Financial-reporter, 1895, 6 d 5.00 Reporter pub. co., Fitzgerald bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. Financial review, a 2. 00 Commercial and financial review, N. Y. Financial review, 1882, w 5°° Charles G. Rives, 132 Church st., N. Y. Financial review, 1888, m 2.00 Credit co., Pontiac bldg., Chicago, 111. Financial review, 1892, s-m 1 .00 Merged into U. S. investor, 1906 (Dec). Financial review, 1905, w 5°° Wellborn print, co., 28 E. 3d St., Cincinnati, O. Financial wisdom, 1905, m 1 .00 Financial wisdom co., Milwaukee, Wis. Financial world, 1902, w 4.00 Guenther pub. co., 18 Broadway, New York. Financier, 1863, w 10.00 Financier co., 62 Trinity pi., N. Y. Fine arts journal, m 2 . 00 T. J. Campbell, Record-Herald bldg., Chicago, 111. Fire and water engineering, 1877, w 3 .00 Shepperd & Burnham, Bennett bldg., N. Y. Fire insurance pocket index, 1869, a 25 and . 50 Spectator co., 135 William st.. New York. Fireman's herald, 1881, w 2.00 C. M. Palmer, 253 Broadway, N. Y. 128 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Firemen's standard, 1879, s ~ m 1 .00 James M. Gould, Sudbury bldg., Boston, Mass. Fireproof magazine, 1902, m 1 .00 Pub. suspended. Fireside companion, 1867, w 3.00 Geo. Munro's sons, 17 Vandewater St., N. Y. Firm foundation, 1 884, w 1 . 00 Firm foundation pub. co., Austin, Tex. First aid, 1905, m 1 .00 Am. white cross first aid society, 934 Fine arts bldg., Chicago, 111. First studies in the Bible, 1906, q Teachers' ed 16 Scholars' ed 08 Am. baptist pub. society, 1630 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Fishing gazette, 1884, w 1 .00 G. E. Jennings, 203 Broadway, N. Y. Fisk herald, 1883, m 50 Literary societies and clubs of Fisk university, Nashville, Tenn. Fitchburg historical society. Publications, 1892, irreg., per vol. 2.00 Fitchburg, Mass. Fitchburg public library. Bulletin, 1892 Library, Fitcburg, Mass. Five Points house of industry. Monthly record, 1858, m 1 .00 New York. Fitz public library. Quarterly bulletin. 1907, q. Chelsea, Mass. Flaming sword, 1 889, w 1 . 00 Guiding star pub. house, Estero, Fla. Fletcher free library. Bulletin, 1906, irreg Burlington, Vt. Fleur de lis, 1890, b-m 1 .00 Fleur de lis pub. co., St. Louis University, St. Louis, Mo. Flock record of Hampshire-down sheep, 1890, b-a 2.00 Am. Hampshire sheep assn., C. A. Tyler, sec, Nottawa, Mich. Floral life, 1903, m 1 .00 Floral life pub. co., 812 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Florence Crittenton magazine, 1899, m 1 .00 Nat'l Florence Crittenton Mission, 218 3d st. N. W., Wash., D. C. Florida, 1 905, m 50 F. A. Davis co., 1914 Cherry St., Philadelphia, Pa. Florida agriculturist, 1872, w 2 .00 Painter pub. co., Jacksonville, Fla. Florida Christian advocate, w 1 . 50 J. C. Trice, Tallahassee, Fla. Florida Christian recorder, w 1 . 50 Florida Christian recorder pub. co., Orlando, Fla. Florida fraternal record, 1898, m 1 .00 J. W. White, Jacksonville, Fla. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 12' ) Florida fruit grower and investor, 1904, m 1 .00 Allan R. Parish, Miami, Fla. Florida medical association. Transactions J. D. Fernandez, sec, Jacksonville, Fla. Florida Pythian, 1895, m 50 Grand lodge K. of P. of Florida, Clearwater Harbor, Fla. Florida school exponent, 1893, 10 nos 1 .00 Florida school exponent pub. co., Gainesville, Fla. Florida state horticultural society. Proceedings, 1892, a 1 .00 Jacksonville, Fla. Florida strawberry journal, m 25 Chas. V. Smith, Lakeland, Fla. Florists' exchange, 1888, w . 1 .00 De La More print, pub. co., 2 Duane St., N. Y. Florists' review, 1897, w 1.00 Florists' pub. co., Caxton bldg., Chicago, 111. Flour and feed, 1900, m 1 .00 Packages pub. co., Montgomery bldg., Milwaukee, Wis. Flour trade news, hay, grain and feed, 1902, m 50 \Ym. R. Gregory co., Produce exchange, N. Y. Folke-vennen, 1879, w 1 . 50 Folke-vennen pub. co., 332 Grand ave., Chicago, 111. Food and drink, 1899, m 50 Food and drink pub. co., 1408 Dean St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Food topics, 1903, m 1.00 Food topics, Milwaukee, Wis. Foolish almanack, a 75 J. W. Luce & co.. 209 Washington st., Boston, Mass. Foolish book, 1902, m 1 .00 Arkell co., 35 W. 21st st., N. Y. Foote's slate talk, 1908, bi-m 50 James L. Foote, Slatington, Pa. For California, 1903, m Cal. promotion committee, 25 New Montgomery st., San Francisco, Cal. Force, 1903, m 1 .00 Force pub. co., 312 Vine St., St. Louis, Mo. Fordham monthly, 1882, m. dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Students of St. John's, college, N. Y. Ford's Christian repository and home circle, 1852, m 2.00 S. H. Ford, 4th and Olive St., St. Louis, Mo. Fore 'n' aft, 1905, m 2.00 524 Wabash ave., Chicago, 111. Foreign banker's almanac, 1906, m 5-0O Franklin Dickey. 43 Wall st., N. Y. Foreign buyer, four editions each "m 2.00 Foreign buyer pub. co., 130 Pearl st., N. Y. Foreign mission journal, 1872, m 25 Foreign mission bd. of southern baptist convention, Richmond, Va. 130 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Foreign missionary tidings, m 15 Toronto, Canada. Forest and stream, 1871, w 4.00 Forest and stream pub. co., 346 Broadway, N. Y. Forest echoes, 1898, m 50 John W. Haigh, Seattle, Wash. Forest leaves, 1886, b-m 1 .00 Penn. forestry association, 1012 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Forester, 1880, m 1 .00 Hunter, Rose & co., Toronto, Canada. Forester, 1906 (June), m 50 Port Huron, Mich. Forester gazette, m 50 Forester gazette co., 5019 Calumet ave., Chicago, 111. Foresters' magazine, 1891, m 50 Robt. A. Sibbald, Park Ridge, N. J. Foresters' Review, 1901, m 5° Foresters' review pub. co., 331 Adams St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Forestry and irrigation, 1895 1 .00 131 1 G st. N. W., Washington, D. C. Forestry quarterly, 1903, q 2.00 Ithaca, N. Y. Forsamlingen vet hemmet, 1896, m 5° A. P. Nelson, 927 Melville pi., Chicago, 111. Fortnightly review (Am. ed.), 1865, f 4.50 Leonard Scott pub. co., 7 Warren st., N. Y. Fort Wayne medical journal-magazine, 1892, m 1 .00 Journal magazine co., Fort Wayne, Ind. Forum, 1886, q 2.00 Forum pub. co., 45 E. 42d st., N. Y. Forum, 1904, w i-OO Forum printing co., Austin, Tex. Fosterlandet, 1884, w 1 .00 J. E. Norling, 59 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. Forward, 1 882, vv 75 Presbyterian bd. of publication, 13 19 Walnut st., Philadelphia, Pa. Foundry, 1892, m 1 -00 Penton pub. co., Cleveland, O. 400, 1893, m 1 -00 H. R. Persinger and E. C. Sullivan, 130 Sherman st., Chicago, 111. 400 magazine, 1904, 111 1 .00 S. \Y. Merrill,, 9 Murray St., N. Y. Fourth estate, 1 894, w 2 . 00 Ernest l\ Birmingham, [9 Park Row, N. Y. Frank Haines' monthly, [906, m 10.00 Mentor pub. co., 82 Duane St., New York, N. Y. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS [31 Franklin and Marshall college. Obituary record, 1897, a 10 Lancaster, Pa. Franklin institute. Journal, 1826, m 5 .00 Franklin institute, 15 S. 7th St., Philadelphia. Pa. Franklin magazine, 1907, m 1 .00 Franklin pub. co., Brunson bldg., Columbus, O. Frater, q 1 . 00 Psi Omega dental fraternity. Tiffin, O. Fraternal index, 1888, m 50 Order of star of Bethlehem, 39 W. Elizabeth st, Detroit, Mich. Fraternal journal, 1904, m 1 .00 R. B. Wilson, Paxton block, Omaha, Neb. Fraternal ledger, w 1 . 00 Rev. R. B. Brooks, Jacksonville, Fla. Fraternal monitor, 1890, m 50 Fraternal monitor co., Rochester, N. Y. Fraternal news, 1890, m 50 Fraternal news pub. co:, Hartford, Conn. Fraternal news, 1904, w 1 . 50 L. Anloff, Portland, Ore. Fraternal news, 1907, m free K. O. T. M., 36 Division st., Grand Rapids, Mich. Fraternal sif tings, 1904, m 1 .00 S. H. Loeb, Denver, Colo. Fraternal traveler, 1900, m 50 Fraternal pub. co., 447 S. Main, Los Angeles, Cal. Fraternities review, 1893, m 1 .00 Pythian period, co., Nashville, Tenn. Fraternity, 1905. m 1 .00 H. A. Kibbe, 149 Church st., N. Y. Freak, 1905, m 50 Freak pub. co., 107 Mass. ave., Boston, Mass. Free baptist visitor, 1902, m 50 J. E. T. Clark, Coalgate, Ind. Ter. Free citizen, 1900, w t .00 I'nion printing co., Danville, 111. Free lance, 1887, m dur. coll. yr Students Penn. state college, State college, Pa. Free light, 1904, m Free 328 Warren ave., Chicago, 111. Free mason, 1 88 1 , m 50 Cowan & Co., Toronto, Canada Free mason and western mason, 1896, 111 1 .00 Henry J. Lloyd, Stowell block, Los Angeles, Cal. Free methodist, 1868, w 1 . 50 S. K. J. Chesbro, 14 N. May st., Chicago, 111. Free press, \v 1 . 00 E. L. Weber, Louisville, Ky. Free son, 1907, m 25 20 Warren st., Newark, N. J. I, 2 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Free synagogue pulpit, 1908, m 1 .00 Block pub. co., 738 Broadway, New York. Free trade broadside, 1905, q 25 Am. free trade league, 6 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. Freeman's journal and catholic register, 1839, w 2 -5° Freeman's journal, 46 Park place, N. Y. Freewill baptist, 1881, w 1 .00 Freewill baptist pub. co., Ayden, N. C. Freidenker, 1 872, w 2 . 00 Freidenker pub. co., Herold bldg., Milwaukee, Wis. Freight, 1903, m 5 .00 Freight pub. co., 116 Nassau St., N. Y. Freischiitz, 1 866, w 2 . 50 W. V. Weber, 130 E. Houston St., N. Y. Friedenstaube, 1886, m 50 Rev. Philipp Vollmer, 1315 S. Cleveland ave., Phila., Pa. Freyja, 1 898, m 1 . 00 Mrs. M. J. Benedictsson, Winnipeg, Manitoba James M. Gould, Sudbury bldg., Boston, Mass. Friend, 1 842. m 1 . 50 Hawaiian evangelical ass'n, Honolulu, Hawaii Friend, 1 827, w 2 . 00 Edwin P. Sellew, 207 Walnut place, Phila., Pa. Friendly visitor, w 30 Upper Canada tract society, Toronto, Canada. Friends' Bible school quarterly, 1883, q 2.00 Pub. ass'n of friends, Plainfield, Ind. Friends' historical society of Philadelphia. Bulletin, 1906, irreg. .3$ Philadelphia, Pa. Friends' intelligencer, 1844, w 2.00 Friends' intelligencer ass'n, 15th and Cherry St., Phila., Pa. Friends' missionary advocate, 1885, m 50 Mrs. Eliza C. Armstrong, Plainfield, Ind. Friendship, 1904, m 25 C. A. Nichols, jr., Chili, N. Y. Friendship banner, 1903, w 1 .00 Rev. M. P. Hall, Rock Hill, S. C. Froliche botschafter, 1846, w 1 .35 Rev. W. R. Frank, Dayton, O. Frontier, 1905, m 50 Western pub. co., Colorado Springs, Col. Fruit belt, 1905, m 50 Fruit belt pub. co., Grand Rapids, Mich. Fruit-grower, 1897 (Jan.), m 1 .00 The fruit-grower, St. Joseph, Mo. Fruit growers' association of Ontario — ; Report, 1869. a Toronto, Canada Fruit growers' journal, 1 883, m 50 \. M. DuBois Cobden, Chicago, 111. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 133 Fruit produce news, \v 1 .00 P. & D. pub. co., 8 Jay St., N. Y. Fruit trade journal and produce record, 1888, w 3-00 Fruit trade journal co., 76 Park pi., N. Y. Fruitman and garden guest, m 50 M. E. Hinkley, Mount Vernon, la. Fruitman's guide, 1896, w 3 .00 James C. Harvey, 8 Joy st., N. Y. Fiihrer, 1 872, w 2 . 30 Machauer & Schmetterling, 344 Bowery, N. Y. Fuel, 1902, w 3.00 Fuel pub. co., 293 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. Fulfillment, 1901, m 1 .00 Fulfillment pub. co., Denver, Col. Funeral director and bulletin, 1903, m 75 F. W. Wallace, Sussex, N. B. Fur, fin, and feather, 1868, b-m 50 Charles Snydam, 114 Warren st., N. Y. Fur news, 1905 (Jan.). in 1 .00 Somerville, X. J. Fur trade directory, a. F. Stallknecht, 32 Waverly pi., New York, N. Y. Fur trade review, 1873, m 2.00 F. Stallknecht, 32 Waverley pi., N. Y. Furniture and upholstery journal and undertakers' gazette, 1894, m 1 .00 James Acton pub. co., Toronto, Canada Furniture index, 1900, m 50 Furniture index co., Jamestown, N. Y. Furniture industry, 1901, m 1 .00 Furniture industry pub. co., Evansville, Ind. Furniture journal, 1888, s-m 2 .00 Trade periodical co., 353 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. Furniture news, 1889, m 1 .00 Furniture gazette pub. co., Burlington bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Furniture record, 1900, m 1 .00 Grand Rapids furniture record co., Grand Rapids, Mich. Furniture trade review and interior decorator, 1880, m 1 .00 Review pub. co.. 31 Union sq., N. Y. Furniture worker, 1883, s-m 2.00 Furniture worker pub. co., Cincin., O. Furniture world, w 2 . 00 Towse pub. co., 150 Fifth Ave., N. Y. Furrow, 1894, q. Deere & co., Moline, 111. Future, 1908, m 1 .00 Future pub. co., 43 W. 27th St., New York. Gaceta agricola, 1904, m 40 Havana, Cuba Gaceta economica, 1901, s-m Enrique Barbarrosa, Habana, Cuba. U4 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Gadite, 1907 Ancient order of Gadites, Philadelphia, Pa. Gaelic American, w 2 . 00 Gaelic American pub. co., 12 Dutch St., N. Y. Gage, 1901, q to customers only Free Gage brothers & co., Chicago, 111. Gage chic products, 1907, q free Gage brothers co., 129 Michigan ave., Chicago, 111. Gaillard's southern medicine, 1866, m 2. 00 Gaillard's southern medicine, Savannah, Ga. Game bird, 1892, m 25 Alex. W .Cummings, Derby, Ind. Game fanciers' journal, 1879, m 50 Geo. S. Barnes, Battle Creek, Mich. Game fowl monthly, 1885, m 1 .00 C. L. Francisco, Sayre, Pa. Garden magazine, 1904, m 1.00 Doubleday, Page & co., 133 E. 16th st., N. Y. Gardeners' chronicle of America, 1905, m 1 .00 Jersey City, N. J. Gardeners' directory, a 500 Am. florist co., 324 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. Gardening, 1892, s-m 2.00 Gardening co., Monon bldg., Chicago, 111. Gardiner's magazine, 1901, m 1.00 Gardiner's pub. co., 320 Broadway, N. Y. Garment buyer and manufacturer, 1887, m 2.00 Garment trade pub. co., 231 W. 39th st., New York, N. Y. Garment dyers' guide, 1901, m 1.00 L. M. Carriat, 502 N. 6th st., Phila., Pa. Gas engine, 1898, m 1.00 Gas engine pub. co., Cincin., O. Gas engine age, 1906, m 50 Burns bldg., Detroit, Mich. Gas logic, 1906, m Robert E. Livingston, N. Y. Gas power, 1903, m 1 .00 Gas power pub. co., St. Joseph, Mich. Gas review, 1908, m 50 Madison, Wis. Gas-ps, 1907, m Suburban gas co., Philadelphia, Pa. Gateway, 1903, m 50 128 Shelby St., Detroit, Mich. Gathered sheaves, 1905, m 1 .00 Guthrie, Okla. Gazeta katolicka, 1871, w 2.00 J. F. Smulski, 565 Noble St., Chicago, 111. Gazeta Wisconsinska, 1892, w 1 .00 M. Kruszka, Milwaukee, Wis. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS *35 Gazette, 1896, w 1.00 Walter S. Bush, Peoria, 111. Gazette and guide, 1902, m 1 .00 Monthly gazette and guide mag. co., 13^2 Swan St., Buffalo, N. Y. Gazette des campagnes, 1861, w 1 .00 Hector A. Proulx, Ste. Anne de la Pocatiere, Quebec. Gefliigel-ziichter, 1888, m 50 Geflugel-ziichter pub. co., Hamburg, Wis. Gegenwart, 1 888, m 1 . 50 Th. G. Steinke, 336 N. Ashland ave., Chicago, 111. Gem state rural, 1895, w 1.00 Gem state rural pub. co., Caldwell, Idaho Genealogical exchange, 1904, m 50 Mrs. Natalie R. Fernald, 217 Utica st, Buffalo, N. Y. Genealogical magazine, 1890, q 3 00 To be discontinued in 1907. Genealogical society of Penn. Publications, 1895, irreg 2.00 1300 Locust st., Phila., Pa. General baptist, 1903, w 1 .00 General baptist print, co., Everton, Mo. General digest. Am. and English. / Bi-monthly advance sheets 4.00 Monthly advance sheets, 1886, m 7.00 Lawyers co-operative pub. co., Rochester, N. Y. General electric co. Bulletin, irreg Free General electric co., Schenectady, N. Y. General electric review, 1903, m 2.00 General electric co., Schenectady, N. Y. General manager, 1888, m 1 .00 Lanward pub. co., 315 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. General society of mechanics and tradesmen of the city of N. Y. Reports, 1785, a The society, Mechanics institute, N. Y. Geneva cabinet, 1878, m. dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Geneva cabinet joint stock co., Beaver Falls, Pa. Gentlewoman, 1887, m 12 The gentlewoman, 649 W. 43rd st., New York, N. Y. Geographic society of Chicago Bulletin, 1899, 1TTe S Varies Rand Macnally & co., Chicago, 111. Geographical society of Philadelphia Bulletin, 1895, q 2.50 Phila., Pa. Geographical society of the Pacific Bulletin, a 50 San Francisco, Cal. 136 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Geological society of America Bulletin, 1889, irreg 5.00 Rochester, N. Y. George Fuller Golden journal, 1907. George Fuller Golden, Saranac Lake, N. Y. George Washington university Bulletins, 1902, q . . Washington, D. C. Georges creek press, 1898, w. 1 .00 C. T. Clayton, Lanaconing, Md. George's weekly (cont. as "Coloradoan"). Georgetown college journal, 1872, m dur. coll. yr 1 .50 Students of Georgetown university, Wash., D. C. Georgetown university publications, 1904, q Free Washington, D. C. Georgia baptist, 1880, w 1 .50 Georgia baptist print, co., Augusta, Ga. Georgia bar association Reports, 1885, a Cartersville, Ga. Georgia eclectic medical journal, 1879, m 1.00 Atlanta, Ga. Georgia geological survey Bulletin, 1894 } Atlanta, Ga. Georgia historical society Collections, 1840, irreg Savannah, Ga. Georgia medical association Transactions, 1849 Claude H. Smith, sec, Atlanta, Ga. Georgia planter, 1895, m 50 Planter pub. co., Macon, Ga. Georgia practician, 1905, m 2. 00 J. S. Hawkins, Savannah, Ga. Georgia state horticultural society Publications, 1876, a Rome, Ga. Georgia tech, 1894, s-m dur. coll. vr 75 Blosser print, co., Atlanta, Ga. German-American annals, 1897, m 3-0O German-American historical society, 1120 Chestnut st., Phila., Pa. Gettysburgian, 1897, w dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Students of Gettysburg college, Gettysburg, Pa. Geyer's stationer, 1 877, w 2. 00 Andrew Geyer, 318 Broadway, N. Y. Ghourki, 1 90 1 , m 25 Morganstown, . W. Va. Gibson's directory Jos. W. Gibson, 19 Union sq., N. Y. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 137 Gids, 1894, m 25 John Smith, De Pere, Wis. Ginner and Miller, 1900, m 1 .00 Ginner and Miller pub. co., Memphis, Tenn. Girls' companion, 1902, w 50 D. C. Cook pub. co., Elgin, III. Girls' friendly magazine, 1889, m 50 Girls' friendly society, 281 Fourth ave., New York, N. Y. Girls' friendly society of America. Associates record, 1890, m. . .35 281 Fourth ave., New York, N. Y. Gittit, 1906, 111 1 . 25 Daily News bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. Glass & pottery world, 1893, m 1 .00 Porter, Taylor & co., 358 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. Gleaner, 1893 (Oct.), s-m 50 G. H. Slocum, Detroit, Mich. Gleaner, 1903, m ." 50 Gleaner pub. co., Toledo, O. Gleanings, 1893, m 5° Hopkins & Billings, North Manchester, Ind. Gleanings in bee culture, 1873, s_m l - 00 A. I. Root co., Median, O. Globe (Saturday mag. section), 1904, w Toronto, Canada. Globe news, 1906, m Globe -optical co., 403 Washington St., Boston, Mass. Globe quarterly review, 1889, q 2 .00 Win. H. Thorne, 1727 Aberdeen St., Phila., Pa. Glocke, 1006, m 3.00 '"Die Glocke" pub. co., Evanston, Chicago, 111. Glocke, 1882, w 2.00 Wm. Kuhlmann, Lemcke bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. Glovers' journal, 1881, m 1 .00 O. H. Bame & Co., Gloversville, N. Y. Glovers' review, 1901 , m 1 .00 T. J. Ouaile, Gloversville, N. Y. God's revivalist, w 1 . 00 Mrs. M. W. Knapp, Cincinnati, O. Golden age, 1906, w 2.00 Golden age pub. co., Lowndes bldg., Atlanta, Ga. Golden age, 1906, m 1 .00 48 W. 27th st., N. Y. Golden Caribbean, 1903, m United fruit co., Long Wharf, Boston, Mass. Golden cross journal, 1886, m 50 Edw. Hartshorn, 71 Blackstone st., Boston, Mass. Golden days for boys and girls, 1880, w 3-00 James Elverson, 9th and Spruce St., Phila., Pa. Golden eagle, 1903, m 50 J. Monroe Boyer, 4075 Haverford ave., Phila., Pa. 138 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Golden elk, 1904, 111 1 .00 Golden press, Los Angeles, Cal. Golden hours, 1 888, m 25 Norman L. Munro, 24 Vandewater St., N. Y. Golden moments, m 10 Lane's list, Augusta, Me. Goldenrod monthly, 1905, m 1 .00 Willard F. Bailey, Grand Island, Neb. Goldfield gossip, 1906, m 1 .00 Goldfield, Nev. Gold-silver-copper world, 1907, m. Thomas F. Gaynor, New York, N. Y. Goldsmith and silversmith, m 2. 00 New Haven, Conn. Golf, 1 894, m 2 . 00 A. E. Pottow, 213 E. 24th st., N. Y. Golfers' magazine, 1902, m 1.00 Crafts W. Higgins, Monadnock bldg., Chicago, 111. Good business, 1905, m William H. Hoskins co., 904 Chestnut St., Phila., Pa. Good cheer calendar, a 60 Pilgrim press, 14 Beacon st., Boston, Mass. Good food, 1906, m ' 50 Herbert Steed, Braintree, Mass. Good government, 1882, m 1.00 Nat'l civil service reform league, 79 Wall St., N. Y. Good health, 1866 1 .00 Good health pub. co., Battle Creek, Mich. Good health clinic, 1898, m 50 E. E. Keeler, Syracuse, N. Y. Good housekeeping, 1885, m 1 .00 Phelps pub. co., Springfield, Mass. Good literature, 1892, m 35 F. M. Lupton, 23 City Hall place, N. Y. Good living, 1905, b-m. James Butler, New York, N. Y. Good reading, m 25 A. D. Porter co., 52 Duane St., N. Y. Good reading, 1905, m 25 Monongahela, Pa. Good roads magazine, 1882, m 1 .00 E. L. Powers co., 150 Nassau St., N. Y. Good stories, m 15 Vickcry & Hill pub. co., Augusta, Me. Good things to eat, m free Fred Wolferman, Kansas City, Mo. Good work, 1 894, m 25 Am. baptist pub. society, 1630 Chestnut St., Phila., Pa. Goodall's farmer, 1873, w 25 Drovers journal pub. CO., U. S. Yards, Chicago, 111. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS i y, Goodsell observatory. Publications, 1890 Carleton college, Northfield, Minn. Goodwin's weekly, 1902, w 2.00 C. C. Goodwin, ed., 320 Dooley blk., Salt Lake City, Utah. Gospel advocate, 1 866. \v 1 . 50 McQuiddy print, co., Nashville, Tenn. Gospel advanced quarterly, q 50 McQuiddy print, co., Nashville, Tenn. Gospel banner, 1 878, w 1.25 H. S. Hallman, Berlin, Ontario Gospel intermediate quarterly, q 25 McQuiddy print, co., Nashville, Tenn. Gospel light, 1902, w 1 . 00 H. A. Todd, Rushville, Ind. Gospel messenger, 1883, w 1 . 50 Brethren pub. co., Elgin, 111. Gospel messenger, 1876, m 50 Syracuse, N. Y. Gospel messenger, 1878, m 1 .00 S. Hassell, Williamston, N. C. Gospel news, 1897, m 1 . 25 J. M. Perkins, Mayfield, Ky. Gospel trumpet, w 1 . 00 Gospel trumpet co., Moundsville, West Va. Gospel worker, 1903, w 1 .00 Harris print, co., Richmond, Va. Gossip. Metropolitan life bldg., New York, N. Y. Gould's greater New York and state lawyers' diary, a W. Reid Gould, 141 Nassau St., New York. Gould's St. Louis directory, a 7-5° Gould directory co., St. Louis, Mo. Gourick's Washington digest, 1889, D- m 1 .00 Gourick's digest co., Washington, D. C. Government, 1907. m 1 .00 24 Milk st., Boston, Mass. Government accountant, 1907 (May), m 1 .00 Government accountant pub. co., 1300 Mass. ave., Wash., D. C. Government publications, 1900, m 50 Mary C. Greathouse, 510 Twelfth st. N. W., Wash., D. C. Graceland college bulletin, 1906, q free Graceland college, Lamoni, la. Graduate magazine of the Univ. of Kansas, 1902, m. dur. coll. yr. 1 .00 Alumni ass'n of V. of K., Lawrence, Kan. Grail, 1905, m 1 .00 2034 Seventh ave., N. Y. Grain dealers' journal, 1898, s-m 1 .00 Grain dealers' co., 255 La Salle st., Chicago, 111. Grain man's guide, 1905, hi 1 .00 Grain man's guide co., Decatur, 111. 140 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Grain-provisions quotation record, 1902, m 2.00 C. Mont. Benton co., 526 W. 28th st., N. Y. Gran logia, f 2 . 50 Aurelio Miranda, Havana, Cuba. Grand army advocate and W. R. C. magazine, 1882, s-m 1 .00 J. F. Bishop, Des Moines, la. Grand Rapids furniture record, m 1 .00 Cor. Lyon and Ottawa sts., Grand Rapids, Mich. Grand Rapids public library Bulletin, 1904, m 25 Grand union herald Grand union tea co., Brooklyn N. Y. Granite, 1891, m 1 .00 A. M. Hunt & co., 131 Devonshire st., Boston, Mass. Granite cutters' journal, 1877, m 1 .00 Granite cutters' national union, Wash., D. C. Granite state magazine, 1906, m 1 . 50 Granite state pub. co., Manchester, N. H. Grant Parish's referee, 1888, m 50 Grant Parish, Station B, Wash., D. C. Grape Belt and Chautauqua farmer, 1892, s-w 1 .00 Dunkirk print, co., Dunkirk, N. Y. Graphic, w 2 . 50 Graphic pub. co., 392 Wilcox bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Graphic arts and crafts year book, 1907, a 5. 00 Republican pub. co., Hamilton, Ohio. Graphite, m Free Joseph Dixon crucible co., Jersey City, N. J. Graphonotes, 1907, m Columbia phonograph co., New York. Gray goose, 1896, m 50 James Knapp Reeve, Deposit, N. Y. Great elephant, 1908, m 50 Jos. T. Gleason, 150 Nassau st., New York. Great southwest magazine, 1906, m 50 New southwest pub. co., Denver, Colo. Great west, western subjects and western writers, 1898, m 1 .00 C. C. Tennant Clary, Omaha, Neb. Greater Boston magazine, 1906, m William W. Robinson, 21 Hawley St., Boston, Mass. Greater light, 1899, m 1 .00 James France, 4432 Frank ford ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Greater Norfolk record, 1906, m 1 .00 The 200,000 league, Norfolk, Va. Greater west, 1905, m 2.00 .Marian A. White, 11 15 Pratt ave., Chicago, 111. Greek confectioner and business magazine, 1906, m 1.50 John liooras, 108 Greenwich st., New York. Green bag, 1 889, m 4 . 00 Boston book co., 83 Frances St., Fenway, Boston, Mass. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS M' Green's, 1 1 toy, m 50 E. P. Greene, 122 Mich, ave., Detroit, Mich. Green's fruit grower and home companion, 1881, m 50 Chas. A. Green, Rochester, N. Y. Greenroom glimpses, 1906, w free National theatre, Washington, D. C. Gregg writer, 1896, m 1 . 00 Gregg pub. co., 151 Wabash ave., Chicago, 111. Grinnell review, 1905, m 1 .00 Iowa college, Grinnell, la. Grit and steel, 1899, m 50 Ed. H. De Camp, Gaffney, S. C. Grit ( story section ) , \v Williamsport, Pa. Grocer and country merchant and tobacconist, 1874, w 2.50 J. J. Menzies, 109 California ave., San Francisco, Cal. Grocers' criterion, 1873, w 5- 00 Grocers' criterion co., 358 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. Grocer's journal, 1879, f 2.00 Clucas pub. co., 395 Broadway, N. Y. Grocer's magazine, m 1 .00 Grocer's magazine co., 11 India place, Boston, Mass. Grocers' monthly review, m 1 . 00 Grocers' review pub. co., 46 N. Moore st., N. Y. Grocers' review, m 50 Retail grocers' association, 202 S. 9th st., Phila., Pa. Grocery world, 1887, w 3 . 00 Grocery world pub. co.. 927 Arch st.. Phila., Pa. Grolier Club. Transactions, 1884 Annual report, 1893 J. L. Morton, curator, 29 E. 32d st., New York City. Growth, 1907 (Jan.), m, per no 25 Pasadena, Cal. Guaranteed attorney's quarterly, 1901, cj 10.00 U. S. fidelity & guaranty co., Baltimore. Md. Guardian, 1 902. m 50 Hongsche & Co., Baltimore, Md. Guardian angel, 1867, w 1 .00 Daniel F. Gillin, 6424 Woodland ave., Phila., Pa. Guide to Detroit, 1907, m Richard R. Barnes & co., 13 Woodward ave., Detroit, Mich. Guide to the current periodicals and serials of the U. S. and Canada, 1007, a 2.00 George Wahr, Ann Arbor. Mich. Guidon, 1 898, m 1 • 00 Guidon pub. co., Manchester, N. H. Gulf biologic station. Bulletin, 1902, irreg. B. H. Guilbean, director, Cameron, La. Gulf coast magazine, 1905, q 5°" Wm. Doherty, Corpus Christi. Tcxa^-. 1 4-' GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Gulf coast record, w 4 . 00 \Y. J. Kilduff, Mobile, Ala. Gulf states poultry journal, 1905, m 50 Gulf states poultry journal pub. co., Mobile, Ala. Gunnels' monthly, 1887, m 50 J. W. Gunnels, Toledo, O. Gunter's magazine, 1905, m : 1 .00 Home pub. co., 3 E. 14th st., N. Y. Habana medica, m 3 .00 Ymprenta militar, Havana, Cuba Haberdasher, 1881, m 3.00 Haberdasher co., 19 Union sq. W, N. Y. Haberdasher's correct dress chart Haberdasher Co., N. Y. Hacienda, 1905, m 2 . 50 La Hacienda Co., box 974, Buffalo, N. Y. Hackley public library. Quarterly bulletin, 1907, q. Muskegon, Mich. Haerolden, 1906, m 75 Augustana book concern, Rock Island, 111. Hahneman medical college and hospital bulletin, 1904, q Phila.. Pa. Hahnemannian advocate, 1873, m 2.50 Hahnemannian pub. co., 6704 Lafayette ave., Chicago, 111. Hahnemannian monthly, 1865, m 3 .00 The Hahnemannian monthly, 1437 Spruce St., Phila., Pa. Hall-Moody school journal, 1904, q Hall-Moody institute, Martin, Tenn. Hamilton library association of Carlisle, Pa. Annual report of the president. William E. Miller, secy. Hamilton life, 1898, w dur. coll. yr 1 .75 Students of Hamilton college, Clinton, N. Y. Hamilton literary magazine, 1866, m dur. coll. yr 2.00 Students of Hamilton college, Clinton, N. Y. Hamilton scientific association. Membership $1.00. Journal and proceedings, 1882, a Public library bldg., Hamilton, Out., Canada. Hamiltonian, 1900, m 1 . 00 Hamilton club, Chicago, 111. Hammer and pen, m 50 9] W. 103d st., New York. Hammond herald, 1905, m 50 N. Y. Hampshire-down breeders' ass'n, a. C. A. Tyler, sec, Union stock yards, Chicago, 111. Handbook for mining investors, [906, q 1 .00 Reinert pub. CO., Denver, Colo. Handels-zeitung, 1 85 1 , w 10.00 Meyer Anerhaeh, T3 Cedar st., N. Y. GUIDK TO PERIODICALS 143 Handy guide to premium rates, applications and policies of Am. life insurance companies, 1892, a 2.00 Supplements, 3 per year y^ Handy index, 1Q08, m - Handy index CO., Tribune bldg., New York. Handy mailing list Railway equipment and pub. co., N. Y. Hansdoktor, 1890, m 1 .00 104 John St., N. Y. Hapgoods opportunities, 1093, m 5 .00 Employers' ed., 1903, m 5- 00 Hapgoods, 305 Broadway, N.'Y. Happy days, 1 894. w 2 . 50 Frank Tousey, 24 Union sq., N. Y. Happy homes, 1905, m 10 Moore print, co., McComb, O. Happy hours, m 15 Vickery & Mill list, Augusta, Me. Happy home, 1 903, m 50 Dubuque archdiocesan total abstinence union, Dubuque, la. Harbinger, 1902. w 1 .00 Raleigh, N. C. Hardware, 1 890. s-m 1 . 00 Hardware pub. co., 309 Broadway, N. Y. Hardware and metal & Canadian machinist, 1889, w 2.00 MacLean pub. co., Toronto, Canada Hardware dealers' magazine, 1893, m 1 .00 Daniel T. Mallett, 253 Broadway, N. Y. Hardware messenger, 1006, m free F. A. ITard\' & co., 131 Wabash ave., Chicago, 111. Hardware monthly of Canada, 1904, w 1 .00 Canadian trade journals, Montreal, Canada Hardware record, 1895, s-m 1 00 C. V. Kimball, 134 Monroe St., Chicago, 111. Hardware review, 1907, m 1 -OO Pentz pub. co., 299 Broadway, New York. Hardware trade, 1 890, f ...... 1 . 00 Commercial bulletin co., Boston block, Minneapolis, Minn. Hardwood record, 1895. s-m T o° C. V. Kimball, 134 Monroe st , Chicago, 111. Hardy messenger, 1 906, irreg F. A. Hardy co., 131 Wabash ave., Chicago. Harlem evening high school news, 1906. m (Sept.- Apr.) 31 W. Il6th st.. New York. Harlequin, 1 899, w 2 . 00 J. M. Leveque, Cotton exchange bldg.. New Orleans, La. Harmsworth self-educator magazine, 1906, f 3.00 International publications, limited. Toronto, Canada , 4 _, GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Harness, 1 887, m 1 . 00 Trade news pub. co., 24 Murray St., N. Y. Harness gazette, 1882, m 1 .00 Harness gazette co., Rome, N. Y. Harness herald, 1904. m 1 . 00 Jackson pub. co., 709 Pine St., St. Louis, Mo. Harness world, 1 888, m 1 . 00 Harness world co., Cincin., O. Harolden, 1906, m 75 Augustona book concern, Rock Island, 111. Harper hospital bulletin, b-m 1 .00 Drs. Hickey and Walker, 32 Adams ave., Detroit, Mich. Harper's bazar, 1868, m 1 .00 Monthly magazine, 1850, m 4.00 Weekly, 1856, w 4-0° Harper & bros., Franklin sq., N. Y. Harrison Fisher Calendar, a 3 • 00 Scribner & sons, N. Y. Hartford monthly, 1906, m 1 .00 Hartford monthly pub. co., Hartford, Conn. Hartford public library. Bulletin, 1878 Hartford, Conn. Hartford seminary bulletin, q, 1905 free Hartford theological seminary, Hartford, conn. Hartford seminary record, 1890, q 1 .00 Hartford seminary press, Hartford, Conn. Hartwick seminary monthly and eastern Lutheran, 1880, m.. .50 Rev. James Pitcher, Hartwick seminary, N. Y. Harvard advocate, 1866, f dur. coll. yr 2.50 Students of Harvard university, Cambridge, Mass. Harvard bulletin, 1898, w dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Athletic ass'n of Harvard graduates, 50 State St., Cam- bridge, Mass. Harvard crimson, 1882, 6 d dur. coll. yr 3. 00 Students of Harvard university, Cambridge, Mass. Harvard economic studies, 1906, irreg Harvard university, 2 University hall, Cambridge, Mass. Harvard engineering journal, 1903, q 1 .00 Harvard university, Cambridge, Mass. Harvard graduates' magazine, 1892, q 2.00 Harvard graduates' mag. ass'n, Exchange bldg., Boston, Mass. Harvard historical studies, 1896, irreg Harvard university, 2 University hall, Cambridge, Mass. Harvard illustrated magazine, [899, m dur. coll. yr 2.00 L T ndergraduaU's of Harvard university, Cambridge, Mass. Harvard lampoon, 1876, f dur. coll. yr 2.50 Students of Harvard university, 8 Holyoke St., Cambridge. Mass. Harvard law review, 1887, 8 nos 2.50 Harvard law review pub. co.. Cambridge. Mass. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 145 Harvard medical alumni ass'n. Bulletin, 1891 Boston, Mass. Harvard monthly, 1885, 10 nos 2.00 Students of Harvard university, Cambridge, Mass. Harvard oriental series, irreg Varies Harvard university, 2 University hall, Cambridge, Mass. Harvard psychological studies, 1906, irreg., per vol 4.00 Houghton, Mifflin & co., Boston. Harvard studies in classical philology, irreg Varies Harvard university, 2 University hall, Cambridge, Mass. Cambridge, Mass. Harvard theological review, 1908, q 2.00 Faculty of divinity in Harvard univ., Cambridge, Mass. Harvard university Contributions from the cryptogramic laboratory, irreg. Contributions from the Gray herbarium, irreg Contributions from Jefferson physical laboratory, tory, 1903, a Studies and notes in philology and literature, 1892, irreg, a . . . - Harvard university, 2 University hall, Cambridge, Mass. Harvard university. Astronomical observatory Annals, 1852, irreg Report of director, a Report of H. Draper memorial, a Harvard university gazette, 1906, w (S.-Jl.) 1 .00 2 University Hall, Cambridge, Mass. Harvard university. Library Bibliographical contributions, 1878, irreg Varies Cambridge, Mass. Harvard university. Museum of comparative zoology Bulletin, 1863, irreg Varies Memoirs, 1865, irreg Varies Harvard university official register, 1905, s-m Harvey lectures, 1905 Harvey society, 338 E. 26th St., New York City. Hat review, 1873, m 1 .00 F. Stallknecht, 32 Waverley place, N. Y. Hathaway-Brown magazine, 1906, m Alumnae of Hathaway-Brown school, Cleveland, O. Hatman, m Crofut & Knapp co., N. Y. Haus und bauernfreund, 1873, w 1 .00 Germania pub. co., Milwaukee, Wis.. Haus und herd, 1872, m 1 . 50 Jennings and Graham, Cincin., O. Haverford college bulletin, 1902, q 1.00 Haverford college, Haverford, Pa. Haverfordian, 1879, 9 nos 1 .00 Students of Haverford college, Haverford, Pa. 146 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Haverhill public library. Bulletin, 1901, irreg free Haverhill, Mass. Haversack, 1901, a 1 .00 The Cadet Corps, Bronville, Mo. Hawaiian almanac and annual, 1875, a 75 Thos. G. Thrum, Honolulu, Hawaii. Hawaiian forester and agriculturist, 1904, m 1.00 Hawaiian gazette co., Honolulu, Hawaii. Hawaiian historical society Reports, 1892, a * 25 Papers, 1892, s-a 25 Honolulu, Hawaii. Hawaiian planters' monthly, 1882, m 2 . 50 Hawaiian gazette co., Honolulu, Hawaii. Hawaiian sugar planters' association. Div. of pathology and physiology. Bulletin. Honolulu, Hawaii. Hawaii's young people, 10 nos Dept. of pub. instruction, Lahaina, Hawaii. Hay and grain reporter, w 1 . 00 Hay and grain reporter co., Rialto bldg., Chicago, 111. Hay trade journal, 1892, w 1.00 Hay trade journal pub. co., Canajoharie, N. Y. Hayden's cyclopedia of insurance, 1891, a Insurance journal co., Hartford, Conn. Hayes' bulletin, 1906 P. Harold Hayes, Buffalo, N. Y. Hayworth's aphorisms, 1906, m 50 512 Eighth st., N. W., Washington, D. C. Health, 1899, m 1 . 00 Health pub. co., 321 Fifth ave., N. Y. Health and recreation, 1904, m 1.00 1947 Broadway, N. Y. Health-culture, 1894, m 1.00 Health culture co., 151 W. 23d St., N. Y. Health journal of natural science of healing, 1907, q 50 J. R. Ohmstede, St. Paul, Minn. Healthy home, 1890, m 50 W. H. Brock & co., Athol, Mass. Healthy home quarterly, 1901, q 1 .00 W. H. Brock & co., Athol, Mass. Healthy life, 1907, m 50 Adams Ave., Scranton, Pa. Hearst's American home magazine, 1905, m 12^ 2 Duane st., New York, N. Y. Hearth and home, m 15 Vickery & Hill list, Augusta, Me. Hearthstone, m 25 Contin. in Housewife. Heating and ventilating magazine, 1904, in 1 .00 Heating and ventilating mag. co., 1123 Broadwav, New York. N. Y. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS H7 Hebrew, 1863, \v 5 .00 Philo Jacoby, 612 Commercial St., San Francisco, Cal. Hebrew leader, 1 848, w 2 . 00 Hebrew leader ass'n, 23 Duane St., N. Y. Hebrew standard, 1882, w 2.00 Wm. J. Solomon, 87 Nassau St., N. Y. Hee-how, 1907, m 50 Davis & Shaw, 15th and Larimer sts., Denver. Heidelberg home department quarterly, 1900, q 16 S. S. bd. of reformed church, 1308 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. Heidelberg teacher, 1873, m 60 S. S. bd. of reformed church, 1308 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. Helena public library. Bulletin, s-a Free Helena, Mont. Hello Bill ! 1899, m 1 .00 John C. Weckert, Richmond, Va. Helper, 1905, m 1 .00 Sunday companion pub. co., 10 Barclay St., N. Y. Helping hand, 1902, m 2.00 A. J. Stover, p. o. box 667, Chicago, 111. Helping hand, 1843, m 2 5 Women's baptist foreign miss, society, Ford bldg., Boston, Mass. Henry Phipps institute for the study, treatment and prevention of tuberculosis Report, 1904, a Henry Phipps institute, Phila., Pa. Herald, 1888, m 50 Bucher & Reed, Oelwein, la. Herald, 1903, w 1 .00 Geo. A. Jones, Monaca, Pa. Herald and presbyter, 1839, w 2.50 Monfort & co., Cincinnati, O. Herald of gospel liberty, 1805, w 1 .50 Christian pub. co., Dayton, O. Herald of life, 1 863, w 2 . 00 Life and advent union, Springfield, Mass. Herald of osteopathy Evans & Downer, Chattanooga, Tenn. Herald of salvation, m 25 E. & A. Mahew, Mt. Pleasant, Mich. Herald of truth, 1864, w 1 .00 Mennonite pub. co., Elkhart, Ind. Herd register American Jersey cattle club. (See also list in Orange Judd's almanac, 1905.) Herkimer county historical society. Papers, 1896, a varies Arthur T. Smith, sec'y, Herkimer, N. Y. Hermandad, 1889, m 50 Alex. M. & Annie G. Darley, Pueblo, Colo. I4 g GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Hermanns-sohn, 1903, s-m 5° St. Paul, Minn. Hermanns-sohn in Montana, m 50 Waldemar Stein, Helena, Mont. Herold, 1884, w 2.00 Steichman & Dreyer, 149 Monroe St., Detroit, Mich. Herold der christian science, 1903, m 1 .00 Christian science pub. co., 250 Huntington ave., Boston, Mass. Herold des glaubens, 1850, w 2.00 German print, and pub. ass'n, Temple bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Hesperian, q 50 A. N. De Menil, 7th and Pine St., St. Louis, Mo. Hibernian, 1 893, s-m 1 . 00 Geo. Sheehan, 7 Water St., Boston, Mass. Hide and leather, 1890, w 3.00 Jacobsen pub. co., 154 Lake St., Chicago, 111. High school aegis, m 50 Students of Bloomington high school, Bloomington, 111. High school biology leaflet, 1906, m 70 Geo. C. Wood, Brooklyn, N. Y. High school English leaflet, 1906, 10 nos 75 The English leaflet co., 1570 Fulton St., Brooklyn, N. Y. High school life, 10 nos 40 Fine Arts bldg., Chicago, 111. High school magazine, m 50 Callahan co., 59 Washington St., Chicago, 111. High school meet, 1905, m 1 .00 Effingham, 111. Higher science of the motion of matter, 1901, m 1 .00 Frank H. Heald, Los Angeles, Cal. Higiene, 1895, every 10 d 50 Ramon Ramirez, Havana, Cuba. Hills family genealogical and historical ass'n. Report, 1895, a Boston, Mass. Hillsdale college bulletin, 1906, q Free Hillsdale, Mich. Himmel's manna, 1876, m 25 John G. Stauffer, Quakertown, Pa. Hints, 1 899, 1 o nos 1 . 00 Hints pub. co., 53 Bible house, N. Y. Hiram college advocate, 1887, s-m 1 .00 Literary societies of Hiram college, Hiram, O. Historic leaves, 1902, q , Somerville historic soc, Somerville, Mass. Historic magazine and notes and queries, 1905, m 1 .00 Manchester, N. H. Historical and philosophical society of Ohio. Membership $10.00. Quarterly publication, 1906 The Librarian, Burnet Woods Park, Cincinnati, O. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 149 Historical and scientific society of Manitoba. Membership $3.00. Annual report, 1880 Transactions, 1882 Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Historical bulletin, 1903, m 75 Discontinued. Historical journal of the More family, 1892, a John More association, Seattle, Wash. Historical New England, 1899, m 1 .00 Rumford print, co., Concord, N. H. Histrical register Sec Med ford historical register. Historical society of Beeks county. Transactions, 1898 Geo. M. Jones, sec'y, 52 N. 4th st, Reading, Pa. Historical society of Dauphin county. Transactions, 1903 James M. Lamberton, Harrisburg, Pa. Historical society of Frankford. Papers, 1906 Miss Eleanor E. Wright, sec'y, 4308 Frankford Ave., Phila- delphia, Pa. Historical society of Linn county, Iowa. Procedings, 1904. . . Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Historical society of Montana Transactions, 1876, irreg 2.50 Helena, Montana. Historical society of Montgomery co., Pa. Sketches, 1895, irreg 2.00 Morristown, Pa. Historical society of Newburgh Bay and the Highlands. Historical papers, 1884, irreg W. C. Belknap, corres, sec'y, 112 1st st., Newburgh, N. Y. Historical society of New Mexico. Publications, 1881 L. Bradford Prince, pres., Santa Fe, N. M. Historical society of Schuylkill county, Pa. Publications, 1905. V. G. Lubold, sec'y, Pottsville, Pa. Historical society of southern California Publications, 1890, a 35 J. M. Guinn, sec, Los Angeles, Cal. Historical society of York county, Pa. Proceedings and col- lections, 1902 free Geo. R. Prowell, libr., York, Pa. Hitchcock's machine tool list, 1906, m 626-27 Monadnock blk., Chicago, 111. Hittite, 1907, m 50 American home journal co., Jackson st., Dallas, Texas. Hlas, 1 87 1 , w 2 . 00 Bohemian lit. soc, 1625 S. nth st., St. Louis, Mo. Hlas Lidu, 1886, 6 d 8.00 Co-operative printing co., 436 E. 72d st., N. Y. Hoard's dairyman, 1870, w 1 .00 W. D. Hoard co., Fort Atkinson, Wis. lS0 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Hobart college bulletins, 1902, q Free Hobart college, Geneva, N. Y. Hobart herald, 1879, m - dur. co ^- y r l *5° Students of Hobart college, Geneva, N. Y. Hofman system, 1905 John Hofman co., Rochester, N. Y. Hogwallow Kentuckian, 1905, vv 75 George Bingham, Mayfield, Ky. Hoisting engineer, 1902, m 1.00 T. E. Jenkins, Dansville, 111. Holcad, 1884, m. dur. coll. yr I -OO Students of Westminster college, New Wilmington, Pa. Holland society of New York Collections, 1891, irreg Varies Year book, a 2.00 New York. Holland reminder, 1891, m 5° Holland memorial presbyterian church, Philadelphia, Pa. Holland's magazine, m 1.00 Texas farm and ranch pub. co., Dallas, Tex. Holstein-Friesian ass'n of America. Advanced register, 1887. . . Holstein-Friesian ass'n of America, F. L. Houghton, sec, Battleboro, Vt. Holstein-Friesian herd-book, 1886, a Holstein-Friesian ass'n of America, F. L. Houghton, sec, Bottleboro, Vt. Holstein-Friesian register, 1886, s-m 1 .00 F. L. Houghton, Battleboro, Vt. Holston Christian advocate, 1898, w 100 Holston printing co., Knoxville, Tenn. Holy Cross magazine, 1889, m 5° Order of the Holy Cross, West Park, N. Y. Holy Cross purple, 1887, m (Oct.-July) 1 .00 Holy Cross college, Worcester, Mass. Holy family, 1902, m 1 .20 Edward J. Sweeney, Jenkintown, Pa. Holyoke library record, 1902, irreg Public library, Holyoke, Mass. Home advocate, 1896, m 5° Home advocate, 1414 Arch st., Philadelphia, Pa. Home advocate, 1893, m 1 .00 Home advocate pub. co., Dallas, Tex. Home and abroad, 1846, w 3- 00 147 Summer St., Boston, Mass. Home and family, 1901, m. 25 Home pub. co., Roe bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Home and farm, 1 875, s-m 5° Home and farm pub. co., Louisville, Ky. Home and flowers, 1889, m 25 Home and flowers pub. co., Westgrove, Pa. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 151 Home and health magazine, 1904, m 10 Home and health co., Rockland, Me. Home and school journal, 10 nos 75 Sylvester Grogg, St. Joseph, Mo. Home and state, 1903, m 50 Home and state co., Dallas, Tex. Home and studio, 1907, m Internat. sch'l of art needlework, Phila., Pa. Home art, 1885, q 1.00 Home art pub. co., Medinah bldg., Chicago, 111. Home budget, 1903, m 25 C. L. McArthur & son, Budget bldg., Troy, N. Y. Home chimes, 1904, m 10 Home chimes pub. co., San Francisco, Cal. Home companion, 1903, m 1 .00 Companion pub. co., Richmond, Va. Home craft and national club woman's review, 1903, m 1.00 Nat. club woman's corporation, Lynn, Mass. Home department quarterly, 1907 20 Standard pub. co., Cincinnati, O. Home department quarterly, 1898, q 20 Cumberland presby. pub. house, Nashville, Tenn. Home department quarterly, q 25 Smith & Lamar, Nashville, Tenn. Home department quarterly, q 20 Committee of publication, Richmond, Va. Home education, 1903, q 50 Home education co., 66 Sherman st., Chicago, 111. Home encyclopaedia of hygiene and medicine Jean F. Chauvenau, 43 Broad st., N. Y. Home friend, 1904, m 25 Koch & Young, Kansas City, Mo. Home friend, 1905, m 50 Home friend pub. co., 13 Vandewater st., N. Y. Home herald, w 2 . 00 Frederick L. Chapman, no Lasalle st., Chicago, 111. Home instructor, 1904, m 25 A. Otis Arnold, Quincy, 111. Home journal and news, 1891, w 1.50 Yonkers catholic news co., Yonkers, N. Y. Home life, 1 899, m 1.00 Victoria pub. co., White Plains, N. Y. Home life, 1 892, m 25 Home life pub. co., 52 Wabash ave., Chicago, 111. Home light, 1880, w 1.00 M. J. Cahill, 52 W. Jackson boul., Chicago, 111. Home lovers magazine, 1905, m 30 Frank \V. Williams, 1204-14 W. Taylor st., Chicago, 111. Home magazine, m 1 . 00 Bobbs-Merrill co., Indianapolis, Ind. 152 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Home magazine, 1884. m 25 P. V. Collins pub. co., 511 S. Seventh St., Minneapolis, Minn. Homemaker, 1897, m 50 Homemaker co., Denver, Colo. Home mission choes, 1897, m 25 Am. and Woman's baptist H. M. societies, Tremont temple, Boston, Mass. Home mission monthly, 1886, m 50 Woman's bd. H. M. presby. church, 156 Fifth ave., N. Y. Home missionary, 1828. 10 nos 50 Cong'l home mission society, 4th ave. and 22d St., N. Y. Home monthly, 1877, m 20 Home monthly co., 627 W. 43rd St., N. Y. Home needle work magazine, 1899. q 50 Florence pub. co.. Florence, Mass. Home queen, 1881, m 50 Sawyer pub. co., Waterville. Me. Home record, 1872, m 30 Mrs. Florence Hopkins, Leavenworth, Kan. Homeseeker, 1904, m 25 V. B. Gentry, Quincy, 111. Home seeker and investor, m 1 .00 Home seeker and investor pub. co., 103 Randolph St., Chicago, 111. Home study, 1900, m 1.00 Book-keeper pub. co., Detroit, Mich. Home study magazine, 1904, 10 nos 1 .00 W. S. Athearn and C. R. Scroggie, Des Moines, la. Home study quarterly, q 20 Rev. R. Douglass Fraser, Toronto, Canada. Home visitor, 1859, m 60 Home for the friendless, 5059 Vincennes ave., Chicago, 111. Home visitor, 1896, m 50 Fred Schwartz, 1813 X. 16th st., Philadelphia, Pa. Home weekly, 1876 1 .00 Ohio soldiers and sailors orphan home, Xenia, Ohio. Home world, 1905, m 50 Monadnock blk., Chicago, 111. Homefolks, 1 894, m 25 Currier-Boyce pub. co., 63 Washington St., Chicago, 111. Homeless boy, 1907, m 1 .00 John Daly. Milwaukee, Wis. Homeless child and messenger of St. Joseph's Union, 1884, a. . . .25 St. Joseph's Union, 375 Lafayette St., New York. Homemaker, 1 903, m 50 Currier-Boyce pub. co., 63 Washington St., Chicago, 111. Homemaker, 1 897, m 50 Homemaker co., Des Moines, la. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS J 53 Home-maker, m 50 Home-maker co., Beverly, Mass. Homes, 1906, -(Sep.), m 50 Tlios. Benjamin & son, Grand Rapids, Mich. Homestead, 1855, w • • • • 1 00 Homestead co., Des Moines, la. Homiletic monthly and catechist, 1900, m 3.00 Joseph F. Wagner, 9 Barclay St., N. Y. Homiletic review, 1 876, m 3 . 00 Funk and Wagnall, 44 E. 23d St., N. Y. Homing exchange, 1884, m . 1 .00 Charles F. Hoser, Norristown, Pa. Homoeopathic eye, ear and throat journal, 1895, m 2.00 J. B. Garrison, 115 E. 71st St., N. Y. Homoeopathic magazine, 1892, m 1 .00 Magazine pub. co., Medical blk., Minneapolis, Minn. Homoeopathic medical society of the state of New York Transactions, 1863 Dr. H. W. Paige, sec, 256 W. 57th St., N. Y. Homoeopathic medical society of the state of Pennsylvania Transactions, 1866, a Dr. Edward M. Gramm, sec, 1833 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Homoeopathic recorder, 1886, m 1 .00 Boericke & Tafel, Lancaster, Pa. Honey jar, 1898, m : 50 Honey jar co., Columbus, O. Hood farm news, 1907 Hood farm, Lowell,. Mass. Hooper service, 1899, m Will P. Hooper, 59 Fifth avc, N. Y. Hoosier A. O. U. W. watchman, 1890, m 50 Walter A. Legeman, Evansville, Ind. Hoosier monthly, 1902, m 10 Hoosier pub. co., Montpelier, Ind. Hope, 1866, w 2.00 J. R. Kanters, Holland, Mich. Horse gazette, 1890, w 1 .00 L. S. Beeman, 26 Casey st., Buffalo, N. Y. Horse review, 1 889, w 2 . 00 John C. Bauer, Masonic temple, Chicago, 111. Horse show monthly, 1895, m 1 .00 Horse show monthly pub. co., Commonwealth bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Horse world, 1889, w 2.00 Horse world co., 668 Ellicott sq., Buffalo, N. Y. Horseless age, 1895, w 2.00 E. P. Ingersoll, 9 Murray st., N. Y. Horseman, 1881, w 3.00 Chicago horseman newspaper co., 358 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. i - 4 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Horseman and stockman, 1887, m 1 .00 Horseman and stockman pub. co., Minneapolis, Minn. Horseshoers' journal, 1875, m 1 .00 Master horseshoers' nat. protective ass'n, Detroit, Mich. Horticulture, 1904, w 1.00 Horticulture pub. co., Hamilton pi., Boston, Mass. Hospital bulletin, m 1 .00 Hospital bulletin co., Baltimore, Md. Hospital messenger, 1906, q free Episcopal eye, ear and throat hospital, 1147 15th St., Wash., D. C. Hospodar, 1891, f 1.00 National print, co., Omaha, Neb. Hospodarske listy, 1898, w 1.00 Bohemian Benedictine press, 464 W. 18th St., Chicago, 111. Hot journal, irreg. Barnes & Erb co., Phila., Pa. Hot Springs medical journal, 1892, m 1 .00 Dr. Wm. F. Bermast, Hot Springs, Ark. Hotel and club news, 1906, m 1.00 Alfred De Neurisse, 46 N. 12th st, Philadelphia, Pa. Hotel and wine gazette, m 2. 00 Hotel and wine gazette pub. co., Oakland, Cal. Hotel bulletin, 1890, d. ex. Sun 5. 00 Hotel bulletin pub. co., Denver, Colo. Hotel gazette, 1888, w 2.00 Gazette pub. co., 103 E. 2d st., Los Angeles, Cal. Hotel gazette, 1876, w 2.00 Hungerford & Martin, 1123 Broadway, N. Y. Hotel guide and liquor dealers' advocate, 1884, s-m 2.00 Hotel guide pub. co., Pittsburg, Pa. Hotel guide of America, s-m Am. hotel register co., 51 Wash, st., Chicago, 111. Hotel life, 1888, s-m 2.00 265 Woodland ave., Cleveland, O. Hotel monthly, 1893, m 1 .00 John Willy, 325 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. Hotel news (formerly Rocky mts. hotel mo.), 1907, m 1.00 E. L. Bostwick, Denver, Col. Hotel register, 1884, w 4-°° Hotel register co. of N. Y., St. Paul bldg., N. Y. Hotel register and caterer, 1904, m 1 .00 Wm. A. Hollingsworth, Denver, Colo. Hotel reporter, m I -OO Bambrick & De Meurisse, 34 S. 7th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Hotel reporter, 1874, 6 d 8.00 Daily hotel reporter co., Chemical bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Hotel reporter, 1 893, 6 d 5- 00 I. A. Medlar co., Omaha, Neb. Hotel reporter, 1877, 6 d 18.00 Charles F. Larzelere, 76 Elm st., N. Y. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS I55 Hotel reporter, 1903, 6 d 7.00 Fort Pitt pub. co., Pittsburg, Pa. Hotel world, 1875, w 3-00 H. J. Bohn & bro., 324 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. House and garden, [90 1 . m 3 . 00 John C. Winston co., toi6 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. House and home, 1 883. m 1 . 00 Bell pub. co., 234 S. 4th st., Philadelphia, Pa. House beautiful, 1 896, m 2 . 00 Herbert S. Stone, 11 Eldridge ct., Chicago, 111. House furnishing review, 1892, m 1 .00 I. B. Scott. 59 Park pi.. N. Y. Household, 1902. m 25 Arthur Capper, Topeka, Kan. Household animals, 1904, m t .00 E. C. Vick, 744 Broadway, N. Y. Household companion, 1879, m 1 .00 Budget co., 62 Summer St., Boston, Mass. Household guest, 1891, m 25 Household guest co., 334 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. Household journal, 1887, m 1 .00 Household journal pub. co., 1813 N. 16th st. Philadelphia, Pa. Household realm, 1886, m 50 Household realm co., 356 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. Household words and grape leaf, 1891, m 50 Household words and grape leaf co., 165 Broadway, N. Y. Housekeeper, 1877, m 60 Housekeeper corporation, 801 S. 4th st. Minneapolis, Minn. Housewife, 1882. m 25 A. D. Porter co., 52 Duane st., N. Y. Houstonian, 1 904, w 2 . 00 Cargill co., Houston, Tex. How, 1 904, m 15 Baltimore, Md. How to know the books, 1903, m 50 George S. Goodwin, 602 Drexel bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. How to live, 1900, m 1 .00 G. F. Butler pub. co., 1410 E. Ravenswood park, Chicago, 111. Howard collegian, 1897, m 1 .00 East Lake, Ala. Howard-Payne exponent, m. dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Lit. societies of Howard-Payne college, Fayette, Mo. Howard university record, 1907, q 25 Howard university, Washington. D. C. Howitzer, 1900, a — U. S. military academy, West Point, X. Y. Hoye's Kansas City directory, 1877, a 7.00 Hove directory co., Kansas City. Mo. I5 6 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Hub, 1 858, m 2 . 00 Trade news pub. co., 24 Murray St., N. Y. Hub advertiser Jacob Marks, New York, N. Y. Hubbell's legal directory, 1870, a Hubbell pub. co., 305 Broadway, New York. Huebsch's year book, a Varies perpetual year book, a Varies B. W. Huebsch, 150 Nassau st., N. Y. Huguenot society of America. Proceedings, 1883, a 105 E. 22d st., N. Y. Huguenot society of South Carolina. Transactions, 1889. Per no 60 Charleston, S. C. Huisvriend, m 50 H. H. D. Langereis, Grand Rapids, Mich. Human culture, m 1 .00 Mrs. L. A. Vaught, 130 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. Human life, 1904, m 1 .00 Human life mag. co., inc., New York. Human life, 1905, m 50 Human life pub. co., 93 Broad st., Boston, Mass. Humane journal, 1 872, m 1 . 00 Martha S. Landon, 134 Van Buren st., Chicago, 111. Humane review, q 1 . 20 Macmillan co., 66 Fifth ave., N. Y. Humanitarian review, 1904, m 1 .00 S. W. Davis, 852 E. Lee st., Los Angeles, Cal. Humanity, 1906, ( Feb. ) , m 1 . 00 Humanity print and pub. co., 6 S. 18th st., St. Louis, Mo. Humanity, 1906, in 1 .00 Portland hotel bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Humanity, m 1 . 00 R. W. A. Simmons, Pittsburg, Pa. Humorist, 1879, w 2.00 Henry Hermanns, 206 S. 4th st., St. Louis, Mo. Hungerford's magazine, 1907, (Sep.), m 1 .00 Herbert Ilungerford, Binghamton, N. Y. Hunter-trader-trapper, 1900, m 1 .00 A. R. Harding, Columbus, O. Hustler, 1889, w. dur. coll. yr 2.00 Vanderbilt athletic ass'n, Nashville, Tenn. Hustlers' magazine, 1905, m 1 .00 Unity bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. Hutt, H., calendar, a 2.00 Scribner's sons, N. Y. Hyde Park historical record, 1891, a 50 Hyde Park historical society, Hyde Park, Mass. I. C. S. messenger, 1900, w. to employes only Free International text book co., Scranton, Pa. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 157 I. H. S., 1905, q 1 .00 Rev. E. F. Callahan, Johnson City, Tenn. I. O. G. T. news, m 30 J. R. Faulds, Stevensville, Mont. I. O. O. F. lodge record, 1893, s-m 1 .00 A. B. Parker, Watertown, N. Y. I. S. C. student, 1890, s-w. dur. coll. yr 1 .50 I. S. C. student staff, Ames, la. Ice, 1907, (July ) , 111 1 .or Geo. D. Lowe pub. co., Atlanta, Ga. Ice and refrigeration, 1891, m 2.00 Nickerson & Colline co., 315 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. Ice cream trade journal, 1905, m 1 .00 Cutler-Williams co., 150 Nassau St., N. Y. Iconoclast, 1903, w 3-50 Iconoclast pub. co., 6 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. Idaho magazine, Dec. 1903, m 1 .00 Magazine pub. co., Boise, Idaho. Idaho scimitar, Nov. 2, 1907, w 2.00 Schimitar printing and pub. co., ltd., Boise, Idaho. Idaho unionist, 1903, w 1 . 00 Idaho unionist pub. co., Boise, Idaho. Idea, 1906, m 1 .00 Adon A. Yoder, Lynchburg, Va. Ideal catolico, 1899, w 2. 00 Miguel Pon, Ponce, Porto Rico. Ideal home magazine, 1904, m 25 Ideal home magazine pub. co., Pontiac bldg., Chicago, 111. Ideal house, 1905, m 1 .00 T. A. Cawthra & co., 27 E. 21st St., N. Y. Ideal masonico, m San Juan, Porto Rico. Ideal power, 1904, m 25 Ideal power pub. co., 1014 Fisher bldg., Chicago, 111. Ideas, 1892, w 1.00 Idea pub. co., 27 Beach St., Boston, Mass. Ideas, 1903, m 50 F. W. Smith, Alliance, O. Idler, 1904, m 50 Stanford de Baun, 65 4th ave., N. Y. Illini, 1871, 5 d 2.00 Students of university of Illinois, Urbana, 111. Illinois agriculturist, 1892, 9 nos 50 Agricultural club, college of agriculture, Urbana, 111. Illinois bulletin of public charities, 1899, q State commissioner of pub. charities, Springfield, 111. Illinois college of law weekly, 1905, w Free 301 E. Erie St., Chicago, 111. Illinois farmer, 1905, m 25 Illinois Farmer co., Quincy, 111. 158 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Illinois free baptist, 1900, s-m 35 Geo. A. Gordon, Campbell Hill, 111. Illinois freemason, 1885, m i.OO D. D. Darrah, Bloomington, 111. Illinois law review, 1906, m., 9 nos 3. 00 Northwestern university law pub. ass'n, Chicago, 111. Illinois medical bulletin, m 1 .00 Illinois med. college, 103 State st., Chicago, 111. Illinois medical journal, 1899, m 3. 00 Illinois state med. society, Springfield. 111. Illinois oddfellow, 1894, m 1 .00 W. R. Humphrey, 79 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. Illinois official reporter, b-m 4.00 Bloomington, 111. Illinois red man, 1902, m 50 Geo. M. Adams, Bloomington, 111. Illinois society of engineers and surveyors. Proceedings, 1886, a . 50 E. E. R. Tratmann, sec, Monadnock bldg., Chicago, 111. Illinois state bar association. Proceedings, 1878, a James H. Matheny, sec, Springfield, 111. Illinois state dental society. Transactions, 1865 A. H. Peck, sec, 92 State st., Chicago. Illinois state geological survey. Bulletin, 1906, irreg University of Illinois, Urbana, 111. Illinois state historical library. Bulletin, 1905, irreg Springfield, 111. Illinois state historical library. Publications, irreg Illinois state historical library, Springfield, 111. Illinois state historical society. Transactions Published as a number of the Illinois state historical library publication. Illinois state laboratory of natural history Bulletin, 1876 Report, b-a Springfield, 111. Illinois state museum of nat. history Bulletin, 1882, irreg Springfield, 111. Illinois tradesman, 1897, w 1 .00 R. E. Woodmansee, Springfield, 111. Illinois. University Astronomical observatory bulletin, 1898 Board of trustees' report, 1867 Bulletin, m. dur. coll yr Free Chem. survey of waters of Illinois, report, 1897 Press bulletin, 1900 University studies, 1900 Urbana, 111. Illinois (73d) volunteer survivors association Minutes of proceedings, 1887, a 20 W. H. Newlin, Springfield, 111. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 159 Illuminated world life, 111 1 . 75 Illuminated world life pub. co., Minneapolis, Minn. Illuminating engineer, 1906, m '2.00 Illuminating engineering pub. co., 12 W. 40th st., N. Y. Illuminating engineering society. Membership $2.00. Transactions (to be issued monthly). Arthur H. Elliott, secy, 4 Irving place, New York City. Illuminating world, 1906, m 1 .00 Illuminating world pub. co., Cincinnati, O. Illustrated North American, 1902, q 1 .00 Illus. N. A. pub. co., 15 Vandewater St., New York City. Illustrated berean lesson quarterly, q 12 Eaton & Mains, 150 Fifth ave, N. Y. Illustrated companion, 1880, m 50 F. B. Warner & co., 77 Reade St., N. Y. Illustrated events, 1903, m 1 . 50 James E. Jones, Kilbourn, Wis. Illustrated family herald, m 10 Lane's list, Augusta, Me. Illustrated foot wear fashion, 1899, s-m Oran McCormick, 143 Summer st., Boston, Mass. Illustrated home journal, 1894, m 1 .00 Louis Lange pub. co., 3600 Texas ave., St. Louis, Mo. Illustrated London news (Am. ed.), w 6.00 International news co., 83 Duane st., N. Y. Illustrated milliner, 1900, m 3-00 Illustrated milliner co., 31 E. 17th st., N. Y. Illustrated news, w 2 . 00 N. Y. illustrated news co., 234 Broadway, N. Y. Illustrated outdoor news, 1903, m 3 .00 Merged in Recreation. Illustrated police news, 1866, w 4.00 B. H. Benton, 321 Washington st., Boston, Mass. Illustrated studies, teachers quarterly, q 18 D. C. Cook pub. co., Elgin, 111. Illustrated Sunday school quarterly, 1879, c l T 6 W. A. Wilde co., no Boylston st., Boston, Mass. Illustrated weekly, 1890, w 1.00 Illustrated weekly co., Denver, Colo. Illustrated world, 1889, m 1.00 Illustrated world pub. co., 1016 Wyandotte St., Kansas City, Mo. Illustrator and process review, 1896, m 1 .00 Illustrator pub. co., Beekman bldg., N. Y. Illustreret familie journal, 1880, w 1 . 50 C. Rasmussen pub. co., 720 Fourth st. S., Minneapolis, Minn. Illustrierte jugedblaetter, 1885, m 25 Reading, Pa. Immigration restriction league. Pubs., 1894, irreg Boston. Mass. 160 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Imperial standard, 1905 1 . 00 Standard pub. co., Imperial, Cal. Implement age, 1892, f 1 .00 Ware bros. co., 1336 Cherry St., Philadelphia, Pa. Implement blue book, 1903, a Midland pub. co., 8th and Pine sts., St. Louis, Mo. Implement and vehicle journal, m 1 .00 Implement and vehicle journal co., Dallas, Tex. Implement and vehicle news, 1900, m 1 .00 Spokesman pub. co., Cincinnati, O. Implement and vehicle record, 1904, m 1 .00 T. M. Shearman, San Francisco, Cal. Implement dealer, m 1 .00 E. E. Loomis, Council Bluffs, la. Implement trade journal, 1886, w 1 .00 Implement trade journal co., 1309 W. nth st., Kansas City, Mo. Impressions, 1907, q free Chas. H. Elliott co., 17th and Lehigh sts., Philadelphia, Pa. Impressions calendar, a 1.00 Paul, Elder & co., San Francisco, Cal. Impressions quarterly, 1902, q 50 Paul, Elder & co., San Francisco, Cal. Imprint, 1907, m Free American bank note co., 86 Trinity place, New York, N. Y. Improvement bulletin, 1892, w 5-00 Chapin pub. co., 912 Lumber exchange, Minneapolis, Minn. Improvement era, 1897, m 2.00 Young men's mutual improvement ass'n, 214-15 Temple bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah. In familien kreise, 1877, f x -25 Herold co., Milwaukee, Wis. In his steps, 1 898, m 60 Christian literature co., 459 Washington st. Buffalo, N. Y. Income values and quotation record Stocks, 1903, w 5-00 Bonds, 1906, w 5- 00 French ed., 1906, w 5.00 Francis E. Fitch, 47 Broadway, N. Y. Independent, 1900, w 1 .00 Independent print, co., Vancouver, B. C. Independent, 1899, w 1 .00 515 Keith & Perry bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Independent, 1899, w 1 .00 Independent pub. co., Boone, la. Independent, 1848, w 2.00 Clarence W. Bowen, 130 Fulton St., N. Y. Independent, 1901, w 1.00 Independent pub. co., Janesville, Wis. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 161 Independent druggist and advertising economist, 1904, m 1 .00 Trade advertising co., 377 W. Lake St., Chicago, 111. Independent farmer, 1859, w 1.00 Lincoln, Neb. Index to current events, 1907, q 3-00 Wis. Lib'y Comm., Madison, Wis. Index to legal periodicals and law library journal, 1908 (Jan.), q 5.00 Am. Ass'n law libraries, 5613 Drexel ave., Chicago, 111. Independent forester of America, 1895, m 25 Joseph P. Young, Valparaiso, Ind. Independent odd fellow, 1898, m 1 .00 W. S. Johnston, Toronto, Canada. Index, w 2 . 00 Index co., Pittsburg, Pa. Index medicus, 2d ser., 1903, m 5-00 Carnegie institution, Washington, D. C. India rubber review, 1902, m 1.00 J. E. Smith, Jr., Akron, O. India rubber world, 1889, m 3 00 India rubber pub. co., 150 Nassau st., N. Y. Indian leader Haskell Institute, Lawrence, Kan. Indian rights association. Report, 1883, a Indian rights, ass'n, 1305 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. Indian school journal, m 1 . 00 Indian school journal, Chilocco, Okla. Indiana academy of sciences. Proceedings, 1891, a 1 .00 Indianapolis, Ind. Indiana bulletin of charities and corrections, 1890, q 20 Board of state charities, Indianapolis, Ind. Indiana engineering society. Entrance fee $2.00 ; annual $3.00. Proceedings, 1881, a. Per no 50 C. C. Brown, sec'y, Commercial Club bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. Indiana farmer, 1845, w 60 Indiana farmer co., N. Delaware St., Indianapolis, Ind. Indiana historical society. Publications, 1895, irreg J. P. Dunn, sec'y, room 87, State House, Indianapolis, Ind. Indiana horticultural society. Transactions, 1861, a, membership r .00 W. B. Flick, sec, Indianapolis, Ind. Indiana med. journal, 1 882, m 1 . OO Indiana med. journal pub. co., 224 N. Meridian St., Indianapolis, Ind. Indiana public library commission. See Library occurent. Indiana quarterly magazine of history, 1905, q 1.00 Geo. S. Cattman, Indianapolis, Ind. Indiana serial digest, Jan. 1905, q 3-5° Serial digest pub. co., Grand Rapids, Mich. Indiana state bar association. Report, a Merrill Moores, Bloomington, Ind. ,,,_, GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Indiana state library. Monthly bulletin, 1905, m Indianapolis, Ind. Indiana university bulletin, 1903, bi-m Bloomington, Ind. Indiana university contributions from the geol. lab., 1891, irreg. C. H. Ergemnann, Bloomington, Ind. Indianapolis public library. Bulletin, 1904, m Indianapolis, Ind. Indian's friend, 1888, m 5° National Indian association, 156 Fifth ave., N. Y. Indicator, 1880, w 100 Indicator co., Chicago, 111. Indicator, 1882, s-m 3 - 00 F. H. Leavenworth pub. co., McGraw bldg., Detroit, Mich. Indice para compradores, 1904, b-m 1.25 Buyers' index pub. co., 59 Pearl St., New York, N. Y. Individualist, w 25 D. B. Potter, 199 Berkeley St., Boston, Mass. Indoors and out, 1905, m 3 • °° (Contin. m House beautiful.) Industrial enterprise, m Industrial school for boys, Lansing, Mich. Industrial advocate, 1884, m 1 .00 Industrial pub. co., Halifax, N. S. Industrial advocate, 1901, w 1 .00 Central labor union, Pittsburg, Pa. Industrial advocate, 1880, w 1 .00 M. L. Robinson, Alexandria, Va. Industrial age, 1899, s-m 1 .00 E. W. Brinker. Adams Express bldg., Chicago, 111. Industrial banner, 1892, w 1 .00 Tiades & labor council, London, Canada. Industrial Canada, 1900, m 1 .00 Canadian manufacturers ass'n, Toronto, Canada. Industrial gas co. Bulletin, irreg Free Industrial gas co., Flatiron bldg., New York, N. Y. Industrial herald and citizen, 1902, w 1 .00 Industrial herald pub. co., Bay City, Mich. Industrial journal, 1880, m 1 .00 Journal pub. co., Bangor, Me. Industrial journal, 190 1, w ' 1 .00 Vrank E. Cline, Charlotte, N. C. Industrial magazine, Jan. 1902, m 2.00 W. 1). Browning, Collinwood, O. Industrial magazine, 1901, m 1 -OO ( '1 ill in wood, ( ). Industrial missions magazine 105 E. 22d st., N. Y. Industrial quotation record, m Ticker pub. CO., 312 Wall-Exchange bldg., New York. GUIDE !< » PERIODICALS 10; Industrial quotation guide, [899, m 2.00 C. Mont. Benton co., 526 \\ . 28th St., N. Y. Industrial record, 1900, w 3. 00 Industrial record co., Jacksonville, Fla. Industrial review, 1901 , s-m 1 .00 Superior print, co.. Fort William, Canada. Industrial school advocate, 1865, m 65 Industrial school association, Rochester, N. Y. Industrial times and mining record, 111 1 .00 Industrial times pub. co., 253 Broadway, N. Y. Industrial weekly, 1905, w 1 .00 Gafney & Meeker, Syracuse, N. Y. Industrial worker, Tan. 1906, m 50 Joliet. 111. Industrial world, 1866, w 3-00 Xat'l iron & steel pub. co., 213 9th St., Pittsburg, Pa. Industrialist, \v Free Kansas state agri. college, Manhattan, Kan. Industry, 1906, ( ' )ct. ). m 2.00 Industry pub. co., Pittsburg, Pa. Industries, 1 902, w 3-00 Mahoning and Shenango valleys pub. co., Youngstown, O. Infants' magazine, w 30 Upper Canada tract society, Toronto, Canada. Information, 1904, m 50 Homefolks pub. co., 63 Washington St., Chicago, 111. Information, m 1 . 00 Wm. G. Beecraft, Madison, Wis. Ingot, 1904. b-m 50 Connersville, Pa. Inklings, 1905, m Boston, Mass. Inland, 1892, m 50 Alden pub. co., 821 Chestnut St., St. Louis, Mo. Inland architect, 1884, m 10.00 Inland pub. co., 358 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. Inland farmer, 1 902, w 1 . 00 Inland farmer pub. co., Louisville, Ky. Inland farmer, 0)04, m 1 .00 Inland pub. co., Spokane, Wash. Inland grocer, 1 90 1 , \v 2 . 00 Inland grocer pub. CO., Cleveland, O. Inland investor and midland magazine, m 1 .00 Investor pub. co., Topeka, Kan. Inland operator, 1903, m 1 .00 Inland operator, Cincinnati, O. Inland poultry journal, 1 896, m 50 Inland poultry journal co., Greenfield, End: Inland printer, 1 883, m 3 .00 Inland printer co., 120 Sherman st., Chicago, 111. , ( , 4 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Inland review, m 50 H. M. Daniels, Akron, O. Inland teacher, 1903, m 1 .00 Edward M. Rutledge, Dallas, Tex. Inlander, 1 89 1 , b-w 50 Pub. suspended. Inner circle, 1906, cj 10 New thought pub. co., 1299 Farwell ave., Chicago, 111. Inquirer, w 2 . 50 Leander Richardson, 109 W. 43d st., N. Y. Inside information, 1904, m 50 Inside information pub. co., 40 Metropolitan block, Chicago, 111. Insignia, 1893, m l °° Chas. F. Burgman, San Francisco, Cal. Institute, 1904, m 1 . 50 Students of Mass. institute of technology, Boston, Mass. Institute, 1905, m 1 . 00 Anna Groff-Bryant, Fine Arts bldg., Chicago, 111. Institut Canadien Francais de la Cite d'Ottawa. Transactions (to be published soon). 150 Rue Rideau, Ottawa, Ont., Canada. Institute tie, m t 00 80 Institute place, Chicago, 111. Instruccion primaria, f Dr. F. Freyre de Andrade, Havana, Cuba. Insulator, 1906, irreg Free Standard varnish works, 29 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Insurance, 1883, w 1.00 Davis & Lakey pub. co., 203 Broadway, N. Y. Insurance advocate, m 3.00 J. H. Ashley, 136 Liberty st., N. Y. Insurance age, 1873, m 3-00 Matthew Griffin, 167 Broadway, N. Y. Insurance agent, 1888, m 3 .00 Hero & Evans, New Orleans, La. Insurance and commercial magazine, 1876, m 3. 00 Chas. F. Howell, 108, Fulton st., N. Y. Insurance and commercial review, 1901, m 1 .00 D. H. McCarthy, Dubuque, la. Insurance and finance chronicle, 1881, w 2.00 R. W. Smith, Montreal, Canada. Insurance cases for the month, m Murdoch law bank co., St. Louis, Mo. Insurance critic, 1 874, m 3 . 25 Estate of Geo. W. Corliss, 80 William St., N. Y. Insurance engineering, in 3 . 00 Insurance press, 120 Liberty St., N. Y. Insurance field, 1 888, w 3 . 00 Insurance field co., Louisville, Ky. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 165 Insurance index, m 2 . 50 R. B. Coverly, 203 Broadway, N. Y. Insurance journal, 1 873, s-m 3 . 00 Insurance journal co., Hartford, Conn. Insurance journal, 1862, f 3 00 N. Y. insurance pnb. co., 5 Dey St., N. Y. Insurance law journal, 187 1, m 6.00 C. C. Hine's sons co., 100 William St., N. Y. Insurance leader, m 3 .00 Leader pub. co., Missouri Trust bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Insurance magazine, m 3 .00 D. \Y. Wilder & son., Massachusetts bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Insurance monitor, 1853, m 3-00 C. C. Hine's sons, 100 William St.. N. Y. Insurance news, 1879, m 3. 00 W. S. Schemerhorn, 337 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Insurance observer, 1895, s-m 2.00 Insurance observer co., 55 Liberty St., N. Y. Insurance post, 1892, s-m 2 .00 Insurance post pnb. co., Royal insurance bldg., Chicago, 111. Insurance press, w 5 - 00 Illustrated edition, m 3. 00 Insurance press, 120 Liberty St., N. Y. Insurance register, 1896, m 3 .00 B. F. Hughes, 337 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Insurance report, 1897, m 3 .00 Insurance report co., Denver, Colo. Insurance solicitor, 1905, m Louis E. Smith, 79 Milk St., Boston, Mass. Insurance sun. m 3 . oq Insurance sun pub. co., San Francisco, Cal. Insurance times, 1868, m 3. 00 Estate of P. T. Kempson, 29 Broadway, N. Y. Insurance topics, m 3 .00 Insurance topics co., 63 Kilby st, Boston, Mass. Insurance world, 1 874, w 3 . 00 J. C. Bergstresser, Pittsburg, Pa. Insurance year book Life, casualty, etc., a 6.00 Fire and marine, a 6. OO Spectator co., 135 William st., New York, N. Y. Intelligencer, 1857, m 2.00 Intelligencer pub. co., 421 Chestnut st., Philadelphia, Pa. Intercollegian, m. dur. coll. yr 5° The Intercollegian, 3 W. 29th St., N. Y. Intercollegiate, 1899, m. dur. coll. yr 2.00 1 130 Am. tract society bldg., N. Y. Intercollegiate athletic calendar, 1900, a 1 .65 Yale university. New Haven, Conn. [66 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Intercollegiate athletics, 1904. m 1 .00 [ntercollegiate pub. co., 1 East 42CI St., New York. Interior, 1 850, w 2 . 50 The Interior, Chicago, 111. Interior decoration, 1905, m 1 .00 Clifford & Lawton, 19 Union sq., N. Y. Interlude, every 6 w. dur. sch. yr 50 South Bend, Ind. Intermediate Bible quarterly, t888, q 10 Standard pub. co., s. e. cor. 9th and Cutter sts., Cincinnati, O. Intermediate quarterly, q 50 Bible study pub. co., 250 Devonshire st, Boston, Mass. Intermediate quarterly, q 10 Am. Bapt. Pub. society, 1630 Chestnut st., Phila., Pa. Intermediate quarterly, q 08 S. S. bd. of southern baptist convention, Nashville, Tenn. Intermediate quarterly, 1 879, q 20 Cumberland presby. pub. house, Nashville, Tenn. Intermediate quarterly, 1887, q 15 Smith & Lamar. Nashville, Tenn. Intermediate quarterly, q 08 S. S. bd. reformed church, 1308 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. Intermediate quarterly, 1875 09 Standard pub. co., Cincinnati. O. Intermediate quarterly, — teachers' edition, 1905, q 20 Pupils' edition, 1905, q 12 Standard pub. co., Cincinnati. O. Intermediate Sunday school quarterly, 1879, q 20 W. A. Wilde co., 1 10 Boylston st., Boston, Mass. Intermountain catholic, 1899, w 2.00 Intermountain catholic co.. Salt Lake City, Utah. Intermountain Christian advocate, 1902, w 1 .00 Harry G. Kemp, Salt Lake City, Utah. Intermountain educator, 1905, m., 10 nos 1 .00 Dillon, Mont. Intermountain magazine, 1904, in 1 .50 Charles P. Diehl, Salt Lake City, Utah. Inter-municipal committee on household research. Bulletin, Nov. 1904, m 1 t 1 E. 23d st., New York. Inter-nation, 1904, m 1 .00 Inter-nation co., Board of trade bldg., Boston, Mass. International, 1896, m 1 .00 A. T. II. Brower, 358 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. International acetylene ass'n. Proceedings. 1908, a L. S. Bigelow, 265 Broadway, New York. International ass'n of municipal electricians, 1896, a Frank P. Foster, sec'y, Corning, N. Y. International auctioneer, 1 898, in 1 .00 M. Cumings, Monon bldg., Chicago, 111. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 167 nternational brotherhood of boiler makers. Journal, 1888, m. . 1 .00 Kansas City, Mo. nternational bookbinder, 1900, m 1 .00 J. L. Fueney, 423 G st. N. W., Washington, D. C. nternational brotherhood of boiler makers, iron ship builders and helpers of America, Journal, m 1 .00 Kansas Citj , Kansas. nternational brotherhood of stationary firemen's journal, m. . . .50 C. L. Shamp, Kansas City, Kan. nternational bureau of the American republics -Monthly bulletin, 1893, m 2.00 Report, 1891, a Free Chief clerk of the Bureau. Washington, D. C. nternational business opportunities, [907, (June), m A. P. Schwartz, San Antonio, Tex. nternational christian endeavor monthly, Apr. 1905, m 40 Oswego, Kan. nternational clinics, 1891, q 9.00 J. B. Lippincott co., Phila., Pa. nternational confectioner, 1892, m 1 .00 T. F. Harvey, 150 Nassau st., N. Y. nternational dental journal, 1879, m 2 -5° J. B. Lippincott co., Phila., Pa. nternational economist, 1903, m 1 .00 International economist co., 42 Barclay St., N. Y. nternational engineer, 1907, m 1 . 50 Stationary engineer pub. co., 108 Fulton st., New York, N. Y. nternational good templar, m 1 .00 Evening Wis. co., Milwaukee, Wis. nternational Hahnemannian ass'n., 1884, a 2.00 J. E Fairest, Batavia, 111. nternational horseshoers' magazine, 1900, m 50 Roady Kenehan, Den ever, Colo, nternational journal of ethics, 1890, q 2 . 50 1305 Arch st, Philadelphia, Pa. nternational journal of surgery, 1888, m 1 .00 Internat. journal of surgery co., 100 William St., N. Y. nternational journal, Tantrik order Robert E. Young, St. Louis, Mo. nternational marine engineering, 1897, m 2.00 309 Broadway, N. Y. nternational master boiler makers ass'n., Official proceedings, a ,J$ Harry I). Vought, 62 Liberty St., New York. nternational medical annual, a 3 00 E. B. Treat, 241 W. 23d st., N. Y. nternational messenger, 1893, m 50 F. M. Barton, Rose blclg., Cleveland, O. nternational mining news, 1903, m 1 .00 International mining news pub. co., Los Angeles, Cal. nternational moulders' journal, m 50 Iron moulders' union of N. A., Cincinnati, O. 68 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS nternational musician, 1901, m 50 Owen Miller, 20 Allen bldg., St. Louis, Mo. nternational printer, m 2 . 00 International printer co., 210 Lippincott bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. nternational railway and steam navigation guide, 1866, m. . . . 1.00 International railway pub. co., Montreal, Canada, nternational railway journal, m 1.00 International transportation co., Philadelphia, Pa. nternational socialist review, 1900, m 1.00 Charles H. Kerr & co., 56 Fifth ave., Chicago, 111. nternational steam engineer, m 1.00 Stationary engineer pub. co., 108 Fulton St., N. Y. nternational studio, 1897, m 5 .00 John Lane, 67 Fifth ave., N. Y. nternational Sunday school evangel, 1890, m 50 Evangel pub. co., Chemical bldg., St. Louis, Mo. nternational sunshine society, Sunshine bulletin, m Cynthia Westover Alden, N. Y. nternational therapeutics, m 1 .00 International therapeutic co., New York, nternational trade index, 1905, m Free M. M. Ruttenau, 24 Stone St., New York, N. Y. nternational veterinary review, 1902. m 1 .00 International pub. co., Grand Rapids, Mich. nternational wood worker, 1890, m 50 Thomas I. Kidd, Garden city block, Chicago, 111. nter-state cotton seed crushers' association Bulletin, 1906, m Free L. A. Ransom, Atlanta, Ga. nterstate elk, 1903, s-m 2.00 Nathan L. Baker, Kansas City, Mo. nterstate farmer, 1903, m 50 Interstate pub. co., Davis City, la. nterstate grocer, 1889, w 1 . 00 Grocers' journal co., Temple bldg., St. Louis, Mo. nterstate journal, 1900, m 50 Charles R. Cummings, White River Junction, Vt. nterstate medical journal, 1893, m 2 . 00 Interstate med. journal, St. Louis, Mo. nterstate school review, 1891, w 1 .00 111. print, co., Danville, 111. nterstate trade bulletin, 1904, m 1 .00 Geo. V. Richards, Denver, Colo, nter-urban trolley guide of New England, 1907, q. . Interurban pub. co., South Framingham, Mass. nter-varsity and college review, 1907, m 3. 00 A. \Y. Wylde & co., 194 Broadway, New York, N. Y. nterview, 1 893, m 1 . 00 Interview pub. co., 106 Fulton St., N. Y. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 169 Inventive age and patent index, 1889, m 1 .00 Inventive age pub. co., 918 F St., N. W., Wash., D. C. Inventor, 1906, m 58 Broad St., Boston, Mass. Inventors' journal, 1007, duly), m 1 .00 Ralph T. Olcott, Rochester, N. Y. Investigator, 1874, w 3 .00 Herbert W. Bloomington, 177 La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Investing for profit, 1905, m 1 .00 J. H. Gregory, 78 Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, 111. Investment guide, 1898, a : . . . Free Henry Clews & co., P. O. Box 191 5, New York, N. Y. Investor, w 50 Investor pub. co., Security bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Investor and home guide, Sept. 1906, m 25 144 South Broadway, Yonkers, N. Y. Investor's guide, Feb. 27, 1905, w Huske & Smith, Washington, D. C. Investors' review, 1895, w 5. 00 S. K. Booth, 73 Broad St., N. Y. Iowa academy of sciences Proceedings, 1887, a 1 .00 Des Moines, la. Iowa agriculturist, 1901, 10 mos 5° Agri. club of Iowa state college, Ames, la. Iowa alumnus, 1903, b-m dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Graduates of State university of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. Iowa catholic messenger, 1882, m 2 .00 Fred B. Sharon, Davenport, la. Iowa Christian endeavor, 1898, m 25 I. W. Cook, Oskaloosa, la. Iowa churchman, 1877, m » • -5° Rev. John E. Sage, Dubuque, la. Iowa college bulletin, 1903, q Free Iowa college, Grinnell, la. Iowa college circulars, 190 1, b-m Free Iowa college, Grinnell, la. Iowa college news letter, 1900, m (S.-Jl.) Chicago Hall, Grinnell, Iowa. Iowa engineer, b-m 1 . 00 Engineering dept., Iowa state college, Ames, la. Iowa engineering society Proceedings, 1888, a 50 Glenwood, la. Iowa health bulletin, m Free Des Moines, la. Iowa journal of history and politics, 1903, q 2.00 State hist, society of Iowa, Iowa City, la. Iowa library commission, Quarterly, 1901, q Des Moines, la. ,-., GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Iowa masonic library. Quarterly bulletin, 1898, q 50 Cedar Rapids, la. Iowa medical journal, 1895, m 2.00 E. E. Dorr, Dcs Moines, la. Iowa methodist, 1882, m 75 H. H. Fairall, Iowa City, la. Iowa missionary, igoi , q 25 E. 13 .Stevenson, Cedar Rapids, la. Iowa naturalist, 1905, q 50 T. J. Fitzpatrick, Iowa City, la. Iowa normal monthly, 1 877, m 1 . 50 Normal monthly pub. co., Dubuque, la. Iowa odd fellow, 1 89 1 . s-m 1 . 00 L. R. Shepherd pub. co., Maxwell, la. Iowa presby terian, 1 90 1 , m 25 I. \\ . Cook, Oskaloosa, la. Iowa railway club. Membership $3.00. Proceedings, 1902, m ( Sept. -June) 2 .00 A. T. Woodruff, sec'y, Union station, Des Moines, Iowa. Iowa state bar association. Report Sam S. Wright, secy., Tipton, la. Iowa state college of agriculture Contributions from the botanical department, 1896, irreg Free- Ames, la. Iowa state homoeopathic medical journal, 1907, (Sep.). m 1.00 Erwin Schenk, Des Moines, Iowa. Iowa state horticultural society. Report, 1866, a 1 .00 1 )es Moines, la. Iowa state institutions, q Dubuque, Iowa. Iowa state normal school Bulletin, 1900, q Cedar Falls, la. Iowa state register and farmer, 1856, w 50 Iowa farmer pub. co., Des Moines, la. Iowa. University Bulletin, every 6 w dur. coll. yr Contributions from the physical laboratory, 1907, (issued as a series of the bulletin), irreg Iowa natural history bulletin, 1888 Studies in sociology, economics, politics and history, irreg Studies in psychology, 1897, irreg Iowa City, la. Iowa Sunday school helper, 1893, m 25 Iowa sabbath school ass'n, Oskaloosa, la. Iowa teacher, 1885, 10 nos 75 Teacher print, co., Charles City, la. Iowa trade journal, 1903, m 1 .00 \V. J. Pilkington, Des Moines, la. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 171 Iowa unionist, 1 899, w 1 . 00 I Vs Moines, la. Iowa woodman, 1 90 1 , 111 50 D. 11. Murphy, Calumet, la. Iowa year book of agriculture, a 1 )es Moines, Ja. Iowan, 1901, d dur. coll. yr 2.00 low an pub. CO., Iowa City, la. Ipswich historical society Publications, 18S7, irreg Varies Salem press co., Salem, Mass. Irish- American advocate, w 1 . 50 Irish-American co., 15 Vandewater st., N. Y. Irish-American review, i80Q R. T. Lowery, New Denver, B. C. Ledger, 1872, w x 00 W. D. Boyce co., 112 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. Legal adviser, 1861, m j >00 Legal adviser pub. co., 92 La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Legal aid review, 1903, q Legal aid society, New York, N. Y. Legal bibliography, 1881, q F ree Boston book co., 83 Francis St., Fenway, Boston, Mass. Legal intelligencer, 1843, w ^ 00 H. W. Page, Phila., Pa. Legal journal, 1853, w 3.20 John S. Murray, Pittsburg, Pa. Legal news, 1895, 6 d 6.00 ^94, w 3.00 Detroit legal news co., Detroit, Mich. Legislative news, 1903, w 200 J. M. O'Hanlon, Troy, N. Y. Lehigh burr, 1905, m (Cf-Jl.) 1 .25 144 South Main St., Lehigh, Pa. Lehigh county historical society of Pennsylvania. Proceedings, 1906 Allentown, Pa. Lehre und wehre, 1855, m 2.00 Concordia pub. house, St. Louis, Mo. Lektions blaetter, 1 874, q 25 German baptist pub. co., Cleveland, O. Leland Stanford Jr. university Publications; contributions to biology from the Hop- kins seaside laboratory, 1895, irreg Varies Trustees' series, 1897, i rre g- Stanford university, Cal. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 189 Lend a hand record, m 1 . 00 K. H. Blodgett & co., 1 Beacon st., Boston, Mass. Lens, q Free Emil H. Arnold, Ann Arbor, Mich. Leonard's illustrated medical journal, 1879, Q 5° 1 11ns. med. journal co., 18 John R. St., Detroit, Mich. Leonard's railway news, w 2 . 00 John H. Leonard, 74 Cortland St., N. Y. Lesbian herald, 1897, m. dnr. coll. yr 75 Students of woman's college, Frederick, Md. Leslie's weekly, 1855, w 5.00 Judge co., Parker bldg., N. Y. Lessons for evangelical lutheran Sunday schools, 1902, every 6 weeks 25 Lutheran pub. co., 214 Southampton St., Buffalo, N. Y. Lesson leaves, q 09 Standard pub. co., Cincinnati, O. Lesson quarterly, q 12 Committee of publication, Richmond, Va. Letras, 1905. s-m 4.80 Xostor Carbonell, Armistad 81, Habana, Cuba. Letters H. M. Van Holsen co., Chicago, 111. Letters and life, 1905, b-m 50 137 Grant ave., Jersey City, N. J. Leucocyte, 1895, m 1 .00 Alumni and students of Detroit college of medicine, Detroit, Mich. Lewis institute Bulletin, 1903 Lewis Institute, Chicago, 111. Lewisiana or the Lewis letter, 1889, m 1 .00 Carl A. Lewis, Box 194, Guilford, Conn. Lex, 1 907, m 1 . 00 X. Y. university school of law, Washington sq., New York, N. Y. Liberia, 1892 (Nov.), issued Feb. and Nov., free to members, copy .25 American colonization soc, 450 Penna. ave., Washington, D. C. Liberal review, 1904, m 1 .00 Liberal review co., 140 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. Liberator, 1807, m 1 .00 Irani; K. Foster, 116 Eliot St., Boston, Mass. Libertas, d 12.00 Manuel Ravago, Manila. P. I. Liberty, 1 906, q 25 Religious liberty bureau, Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Liberty bell magazine, 1905 (June), m 1 .50 Pub. on board U. S. S. Pennsylvania. Library association of Portland. Bulletin. Central library, Portland, Ore. iqo GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Library company of Phila. Bulletin, 1868, m Phila., Pa. Library journal, 1876, m 4.00 R. R. Bowker, 298 Broadway, N. Y. Library leaflet, m Public library, Cincin., O. Library news, 1890 Free public library, Newark, N. J. Library notes and news, 1904 • Minn, state library commission, Minneapolis, Minn. Library occurrent, 1906, irreg Public library commission of Indiana, Indianapolis, Ind. Library of universal literature, 1906 Alden bros., Bible house, N. Y. Library record, 1892 Jersey city free public library, Jersey City, N. J. Library work, 1906, irreg Free to libraries The H. W. Wilson co., Minneapolis, Minn. Lick observatory. University of California See University of California publications; astronomy. Lietuva, 1 893, w 2. 00 A. Olszewski, 924 Thirty-third St., Chicago, 111. Life, 1894, m 1 .00 A. P. Barton, 3332 Troost ave., Kansas City, Mo. Life, 1883, w 5.00 Life pub. co., 17 W. 31st St., N. Y. Life association news, 1906, m 1 .00 N. H. Weed, 35 Liberty St., New York, N. Y. Life and health, 1885, m 50 Review and herald pub. ass'n, Washington, D. C. Life and light for woman, m 60 Woman's bd. of missions, congregational house, Boston, Mass. Life and health, m 1 .00 East Michigan tract soc, Holly, Mich. Life boat, 1897, m 50 Workingmen's home and life boat mission, Hinsdale, 111. Life insurance courant, 1895, m 2.00 A. J. Flitcraft, Oak Park, 111. Life insurance educator monthly of the insurance field, 1904, m 2.00 Insurance educator co., Louisville, Ky. Life insurance independent, 1889, m 2.00 N. II. Weed, 35 Liberty st., New York, N. Y. Life line, 1904, m 50 B. S. Taylor, Mooers, Clinton co., N. Y. Life line, 1908, m 50 Life line pub. co., South Framingham, Mass. Liga agraria, 1886, m Carlos Theye y Lhoste, Havana, Cuba. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 191. Light, in 1 . 00 Light pub. co., 265 Broadway, N. Y. Light, heat and power, 1901, m 1.00 265-67 Broadway, N. Y., N. Y. Light house, 1902, m 50 H. W. Talmage, McKcesport, Pa. Light of India, m 1 .00 730 W. 10th st., Los Angeles, Calif. Light of truth, 1887, w 50 Light of truth pub. co., Ellsworth bldg., Chicago, 111. Lila topics, 1906 (-Vug. 2), irreg ] 1. A. McFadden, Winnipeg and Vancouver. Lime light, 1907, ( Feb.), in 25 Tribune bldg., Chicago, 111. Lincoln (Neb.) city library. Monthly bulletin, 1902 25 Lincoln trade review, 1902, w 1 .00 13th and X sts., Lincoln, Neb. Lincoln magazine, 1905, m 1 .00 67 W. 125th st., N. Y. Lincoln trade review, 1902, (June), w 1 .00 Herbert M. Bushnell, Lincoln, Nebr. Line longer letters, 1906, w 50 Walter E. Reid, 739 Boylston st., Boston, Mass. Linksma walanda, 1899, m 50 D. T. Boczkowski, Mahanoy City, Pa. Linnean magazine, 1905, m 1 .00 Linnean pub. co., Minneapolis, Minn. Linnaean society of New York. Abstract of the proceedings, 1888 American museum of natural history, New York, N. Y. Linotype bulletin, 1904, m Free Tribune bldg., New York, N. Y. Lippincott's monthly magazine, 1868, m 2.50 Lippincott co., 227 S. 6th st., Phila., Pa. Liqueurs et tabacs, 1902, m 1 .00 Trades pub. co., Montreal, Canada. Liquor dealer's journal, 1904, w 1 . 50 Journal pub. co., Pittsburg, Pa. Liquor trades review, 1895, w 3. 00 28 Park row, New York, N. Y. List of architects Buyers' reference co., N. Y. List of buyers Buyers' reference co., N. Y. Literary and historical society of Quebec Transactions, 1829 Historical documents, 1838 Bulletin, 1900 P. O. Box 153, Quebec, Canada. Literary digest, 1890, w 3.00 Funk and W'agnalls co., 44 E. 23d St., N. Y. 192 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Literary gems, 1897, m 1 .00 Monitor co., Cincin., O. Literary go-between, 1007, m Free Strawbridge and Clothier, Phila., Pa. Literary monthly, 1887, m. dur. coll. yr 2.00 Students of Amherst college, Amherst, Mass. Little Christian, s-m 30 Mrs. H. L. Hastings, 47 Cornhill, Boston, Mass. Little chronicle, 1900, w 1 . 50 Little cnronicle pub. co., 358 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. Little classic, 1907 (Jan.), m 1 .00 Los Angeles, Cal. Little devil Little devil pub. co., Los Angeles, Calif. Little folks, 1897 (Nov.), m 1.00 S. E. Cassino co., Salem, Mass. Little folks, m 1 . 50 Cassell & co., 43 19th st., N. Y. Little folk's annual, a 10 Benziger bros., 36 Barclay st., N. Y. Little folks spokesman review, 1906 (newspaper suppl.) Spokane, Wash. Little journeys, m 3-00 Elbert Hubbard, East Aurora, N. Y. Little leader, 1906 (suppl. to Cleveland Leader) Cleveland, Ohio. Little pilgrim beginners' lesson, w 25 Pilgrim press, 14 Beacon st., Boston, Mass. Little Rock sketch book, 1906, q 1 .00 Mrs. Bernie Babcock, Little Rock, Ark. Little visitor, b-m 25 Sanitol chem. lab. co., St. Louis, Mo. Little wanderer's advocate, 1865, q 1 .00 N. E. home for little wanderers, 202 W. Newton St., Boston, Mass. Little white dove, T907, m 5. 00 H. L. Burnette, 85 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. Live longer letters, 1906, w 50 Walter E. Reid, 739 Boylston st., Boston, Mass. Live stock and dairy journal, 1903, m 1 .00 Live stock and dairy journal pub. co., San Francisco, Cal. Live stock inspector, 1895, s-m 1 .00 W. E. Bolton, Woodward, Okla. Live stock journal, 1868, w 1 .00 T. A. Buttcrworth, 394 Fifty-fifth st., Chicago, 111. Live stock journal, [889, 6 d .4.00 Indianapolis live stock jour, and ptg. co., Union stock yards, Indianapolis, Ind. Live stock journal, 1896, b-m 1 .00 Sam S. English, Louisville, Ky. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 193 Live stock journal, 6 d 4.00 Market review pub. co., Pittsburg, Pa. Live stock record, 1901, 6 d 4.00 Record pub. eo., Sioux City, la. Live stock record, 1901, 6 d 3-00 Record pub. co., East Buffalo, N. Y. Live stock report, 1 89 1 , w 50 John Clay, Jr., Union stock yards, Chicago, 111. Live stock reporter, 1896, 6 d 4.00 Reporter pub. co., Fort Worth, Tex. Live stock reporter, 1888, w 1 . 50 C. C. Watson, Midland, Tex. Live stock review, 1875, w 1 .00 C. B. Murray, Cincin., O. Live stock tribune, 1895, m 50 Kruckeberg press, 123 Los Angeles St., Los Angeles, Cal. Live wire (formerly the "Ocean"), 1907, (Mar.), m 1.00 Frank A. Munsey, 175 Fifth ave., New York, N. Y. Living age, 1844, w 6.00 Living age co., 8 Beacon st., Boston, Mass. Living church, 1878, w 2.50 Young churchman co., Milwaukee, Wis. Living epistle, 1866, w I.OO J. H. Lamb, Cleveland, O. Living truths, 1902, m 1 .00 Living truths co., 38 W. 18th st., N. Y. Living water, 1891, w 1 .00 Pentecostal mission pub. co., Nashville, Tenn. Livingston county historical society. Proceedings, 1878, a Geneseo, N. Y. Lloyd Library and museum. Bulletin, 1900, irreg Mvcological notes, 1898, irreg Free 224 W. Court st., Cincinnati, Ohio. Locomotive, 1880, q 50 Hartford steam boiler inspection and insurance co., Hartford, Conn. Locomotive engineers' journal, See Brotherhood of locomotive engineers' journal. Locomotive firemen's magazine, 1876, m 1 . 50 John F. McNamee, Indianapolis, Ind. Lodge, club and ass'n record, 1886, m 2.00 Record pub. co., 319 Pearl st., N. Y. Lodge echoes, 1 900, w 1 . 00 Echo pub. co., 258 S. Main st., Los Angeles, Cal. Lodge journal and guide, 1901, w 1 .00 Guide pub. co., Norfolk, Va. Log, 1894, m loo Will Graham, Patchogue, N. Y. , 04 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Logan adviser, 1907 Alfred II. Kind, Phila., Pa. Lombard review, 1834, m. dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Lombard review joint stock co., Galesburg, 111. Lone star chief, 1904, m 5° F. F. Mayfield, Dallas, Tex. Lone star Pythian, 1904, m 1 00 Pythian print, co., Temple, Tex. Lone star workman, 1 897, m 25 W. S. Robson, La Grange, Tex. Lonelyite, 1908 (Jan.) m 1.00 3329 Caroline St., St. Louis, Mo. Long Island gazette, 1907, (Feb.), m Thomas P. Hughes, Brooklyn, N. Y. Long Island magazine and real estate review, 1906, m 1 .00 Merrick pub. co., 1 W. 34th st., New York, N. Y. Long Island medical journal, 1907, m 2.00 Associated physicians of L. I., Brooklyn, N. Y. Longevity, 1907, m 2 . 50 Hyland C. Kirk, 242 N. Capitol st., Washington, D. C. Lookout, 1888, w 60 Standard pub. co., Cincin., O. Loomis' musical and masonic journal, 1867, m 1 .00 Charles H. Loomis, New Haven, Conn. Los Angeles herald. Weekly magazine, 1907 (newspaper suppl.) Los Angeles, Cal. Los Angeles journal of eclectic medicine, 1904, m 1 .00 Los Angeles eclectic pub. co., Los Angeles, Cal. Los Angeles medical journal, m 1 .00 C. B. Nichols, Los Angeles, Cal. Los Angeles public library. Annual report. Monthly bulletin, 1892 25 Los Angeles, Cal. Los Angeles Sunday times, 1898, w 3. 50 Los Angeles, Cal. Lose blaetter, 1906 (July 16) Fr. Schnake, 509-11 S. 12th st., Omaha, Neb. Lost people of the world, 1907, (Jan.), m 5° Lightfoot pub. co., Denver, Colo. Louisiana baptist, 1898, w r • 2 5 Louisiana baptist missionary convention, Alexandria, La. Louisiana Christian, 1902, s-m 5° \V. O. Stephens, Crowley, La. Louisiana grocer, 1902, m 1 .00 Retail grocers' association, New Orleans, La. Louisiana historical society. Publications, 1895 Pierce Butler, corres.-sec. and librarian, New Orleans, La. crime TO PERIODICALS 195 Louisiana planter and sugar manufacturer, 1888, w 3. 00 Louisiana planter and sugar mfg. co., 339 Carondelet st., New ( Means, La. Louisiana school review, 10 nos 1 .00 W. C. Roaten, Bcrnice, La. Louisiana state university and agri. and mechanical college University bulletin, q Baton Rouge, La. Louisiana sugar report, 1827, a 3. 00 A. Bouchereau, 325 Camp st., New Orleans, La. Louisville monthly journal of medicine and surgery, m 1.00 Louisville, Ky. Lowell observatory Annals, 1894, irreg Bulletins, 1903, irreg The Observatory, Flagstaff, Ariz. Lowell textile school, Bulletin, q Lowell. Mass. Lower Norfolk county, Virginia, antiquary, 1895, lVTe g Edward W. James, Baltimore, Md. Lowery's claim, 1901 (June), m 1.00 R. T. Lowerv, New Denver, B. C. Loyal guard magazine, 1895, m 5° Loyal guard magazine, Flint, Mich. Loyal odd fellow, 1900, m 75 G. H. Pearson, Montreal, Canada. Loyal workman, 1886, m 1 .00 Record print, co., Muscatine, la. Luce, 1882 ( ?) irreg 50 Dr. Fahrney & sons co., Chicago, 111. Lucky dog, 1899, irreg 50 Timothy Burr Wright, Springfield, Ohio. Lumber review, 1897, m l - 00 Lumber review co., 1020 Caxton bldg., Kansas City, Kan. Lumber review, m 2 .00 Lumber review co., 355 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. Lumber trade journal, 1882, s-m 2.00 Lumber trade journal, New Orleans, La. Lumber trade journal, 1886, s-m 2.00 18 Broadway, N. Y. Lumberman, 1904, m 1.00 D. Todd Lees, Vancouver, B. C. Lumberman's review, 1892, m 1 . 00 John G. Staats, 45 Broadway, N. Y. Lumenary, 1906, m Lumen hearing co., Buffalo, N. Y. Lundy's Lane historical society. Membership 1 .00 Publications, irreg Varies Niagara Falls South, Ontario. Lustige bruder, 1 890, w 1 . 50 Karl Bernhardt. Minneapolis, Minn. igC, GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Luther league review, 1889, m 50 Luther league of America, 131 Liberty St., N. Y. Lutheran, m 50 Lutheran bd. of pub. society, Elizabethville, Pa. Lutheran, 1861, w 2.00 Lutheran pub. board, 1522 Arch St., Phila., Pa. Lutheran church review, 1882, q 2.00 Rev. Ernest R. Cassaday, 1605 S. Broad St., Phila., Pa. Lutheran church visitor, 1904, w 1 . 50 United synod pub. co., Columbia, S. C. Lutheran evangelist, 1876, w 1.00 Lutheran evangelist co., Dayton, O. Lutheran literature, 1898, m 50 156 Fifth ave., N. Y. Lutheran missionary journal, 1878, m 30 Lutheran pub. society, 1424 Arch St., Phila., Pa. Lutheran observer, 1831, w 2.00 Lutheran observer association, Real Estate Trust bldg., Phila., Pa. Lutheran quarterly, 1870, q 2 . 50 Prof. P. M. Bikle and associates, Gettysburg, Pa. Lutheran standard, 1842, w 1 . 25 Lutheran book concern, Columbus, O. Lutheran Sunday school herald, i860, m 20 Lutheran pub. society, 1424 Arch St., Phila., Pa. Lutheran witness, 1872, f 1.00 American Lutheran pub. board, Pittsburg, Pa. Lutheran world, 1892, w 1 . 50 Lutheran world co., Greenville, Pa. Lutheraner, 1 844, f 1.00 ■Concordia pub. house, St. Louis, Mo. Lutheraneren, 1895, w 1 .00 Augsbury pub. house, Minneapolis, Minn. Lutherische herold, 1856, w 1 . 50 Evangel. Lutheran ministeriun of N. Y., N. Y. Lutherische kirchenzeitung, 1859, w 1 .25 Lutheran book concern, Columbus, O. Lutherisches kirchenblatt, 1883, w 2.00 Pastors of the general council, Reading, Pa. Luxemburger gazette, 1871, w 2.00 Catholic print, co., Dubuque, la. Luzerne legal register, 1872 (Jan.), w 3. 00 The Wilkesbarre law and library ass'n., Wilkesbarre, Pa. Lyceumite, 1902, m (combined with "Talent," and cont. as Ly- ceumite and talent) 1 .00 Lyceumite and talent, 1902, m 1 .00 Edwin L. Barker, Steinway Hall, Chicago, 111. Lying-in hospital of the city of New York Bulletin, 1904, q 1 .00 Lying-in hospital prebs, 2d ave. and 17th St., N. Y. Lynn, Mass., public library. Bulletin, 1902 (Dec), bi-m GUIDE TO PERIODICALS I97 Lynn review, 1898 (Nov.), m 50 Lynn, Mass. Lyon credit tracer supplement, w Lyon furniture agency, 416 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Lyre, m 50 Wright & Campbell, Traverse City, Mich. M. A. C. record, 1896, \v. dur. coll. yr 50 Mich, agricultural college, Agricultural college, Mich. M. A. P. in America, 1906, m 1.20 41 Union square, N. Y., N. Y. M. A. S. bulletin, 1904 (May), See Mich, academy of science. M. S. B. Customers' bulletin, 1902, m 50 Mitchell. Schiller & Barnes, 29 Broadway, New York, N. Y. M. S. U. independent, 1894, w 1 .00 Students of university of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. M. S. U. savitar, 1895, a 1 -5° Students of university of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. Macalester college bulletin, 1905, m 50 Saint Paul, Minn. Macaroni and noodle manufacturers' journal, 1903, m 2.00 Macaroni journal co., Cleveland, O. Maccabaean, 1 90 1 , m 1 . 00 Maccabaean pub. co., 320 Broadway, N. Y. McCall bazaar of fashions, m The McCall co., 236 W. 37th St., N. Y. McCall's magazine, 1873, m 50 McCall co., 236 W. 37th st., N. Y. McClure's magazine, 1893, m 1 . 50 S. S. McClure co., 44 E. 23d St., N. Y. McClurg & co's monthly bulletin of new books, m Free A. C. McClurg & co., 215 Wabash ave., Chicago, 111. McGill college and university Papers from the department of applied science, 1896. . Papers from the department of botany, 1896 Papers from the dept. of chem. and mineralogy, 1896. Papers from the department of classics, 1903 Papers from the department of engineering, 1896 Papers from the department of geology, 1896 Papers from the department of opthalmology, 1902. . . Papers from the department of pathology, 1896 Papers from the department of philosophy, 1896 Papers from the department of physics, 1896 1 Papers from the department of physiology, 1896 Papers from the department of zoology, 1901 Montreal, Canada. McGill outlook, 1898, w. dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Students of McGill university, Montreal, Canada. Machine tool pocket-list, 1905, q 1.00 42 Broadway, N. Y. [98 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Machinery, 1894 Shop ed., m 1 .00 Engineering ed., m. .. 2.00 Foreign ed., m •. 3. 00 Industrial press, 66 W. Broadway, N. Y. Machinery buyers' guide, 1907, bi-m Free McDowell, Stacker & co., 16 S. Jefferson St., Chicago, 111. Machinery list, 1899, m Free A. II. Hitchcock, Chicago, 111. Machinist's monthly journal, 1889, m 1 .00 D. Douglas Wilson, McGill bldg., Washington, D. C. Mack & co's home news, irreg Free Mack & co., Ann Arbor, Mich. McKittrick's directory of advertisers, 1900, a Geo. McKittrick & co., 108 Fulton st., N. Y. McMaster university monthly, m. dur. coll. yr Students of McMaster university. McMaster's commercial cases, 1901, q 6.00 McMaster co., 69 Wall St.. New York, N. Y. McMaster's commercial decisions, 1897, q 6.00 Commercial book co., 69 Wall st., New York, N. Y. McMicken review, T879, m - dur. co ^- Y r x - 00 McMicken pub. co., University of Cincin., Cincin., O. Madame, 1903, m 1.00 Ford pub. co., Indianapolis, Ind. Madden's magazine, 1906, m 1 . 50 Madden pub. co., Wash., D. C. Madisonensis, 1867, f 1 .75 Students of Coleate university, Hamilton, N. Y. Madison's budget, 1898, a James Madison, 114 East 79th St., N. Y. Magazin fur evangelische theologie und kirche, 1873, bi-m.... 1.50 Deutschen evang. synode von N. A., St. Louis, Mo. Magazine, 1900, m 50 Cleveland magazine co., Cleveland, O. Magazine of American history, 1877, m 1 .00 Alvah P. French, Port Chester, N. Y. Magazine of Christian art, m 5-00 Contin. as Christian art, Phila., Pa. Magazine of history, 1905, m 5-00 William Abbatt, 141 E. 25th st., N. Y. Magazine of mysteries, 1901, m 1 .00 Thompson & co., 22 N. William st., N. Y. Maghnal's stock market forecaster, 1004, m 50.00 James M. Langham, Box 102, Moorestown, N. J. Magic city hoof and horn, 1887, w ' 1 .00 Magic city print, and pub. co., South Omaha, Neb. Magnet, 1 903, m 10 Magnet pub. co., West Derry, N. H. Magyarok vasarnapja, 1901, vv 2.00 Magyarok vasarnapja pub. co., Cleveland, O. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 190. Mahatoma, 1895, m 1.00 T. Francis Fritz, 805 Halsey st., Brooklyn, N. Y. Mail and herald, 1898, w 1 .00 Mrs. Cora B. Nagel, Seattle, Wash. Mail order journal, 1898, m 1 .00 Mail order jour. pub. co., 109 Randolph St., Chicago, 111. Mail order monthly, 1 898, m 5° J. L. Lovering, St. Paul, Minn. Mail trade ideas, 1901, m 1.00 Graves-Shaffer, 34 Merchant Row, Boston, Mass. Maine bar association. Report, 1892, a Augusta, Me. Maine farmer, 1833, w 1 .00 Maine farmer pub. co., Augusta, Me. Maine historical society Collections, 183 1 Proceedings, 1899 H. W. Bryant, sec, 485 Congress st., Portland, Me. Maine medical association. Transactions, 1854, a W. E. Tobie, sec, Portland, Me. Maine ornithological society . Journal, 1899, q 1 .00 W. H. Bronson, Portland, Me. Maine sportsman, 1 893, m I . OO Herbert W. Rowe, Bangor, Me. Maine state board of health. Bulletin, bi-m Augusta, Me. Maine temperance record, 1878. m 50 Brackett & co., Belfast, Me. Maine. University Bulletin, irreg Free Studies, irreg, 1900 Orono, Me. Maine woods. 1877, w 1 .00 J. W. Brackett co., Phillips, Me. Major magazine, 1901, m 1 .00 A. H. Major co., 412 N. 9th St., St. Louis, Mo. Maiden public library Bulletin, 1899 Children's room bulletin, 1900 Maiden, Mass. Mallard's magazine, 1907, m Mallard distilling co., New York, N. Y. Manchester historical association Collections, 1896 G. W. Brown, sec, 859 Elm st., Manchester, N. H. Manila. Camara de comercio filipina. Boletin, m Manila, P. I. Manila town topics, 1904, w 4.00 Dan O'Connell, McCullough bldg., Manila, P. I. Manitoba college journal, 1885, m. dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Students of Manitoba college, Winnipeg, Manitoba. 200 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Manitou messenger, 1886, m. dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Students of St. Olaf college, Northfield, Minn. Manna, 1878, m 25 John G. Stauffer, Ouakertown, Pa. Manning's monthly science, m U. G. Mannirg, South Bend, Ind. Manning's monthly service for retail druggists, 1889 1.00 U. S. MannMg, South Bend, lnd. Man's best friend, s-m 1 .00 Chas. H. Mason, 150 Nassau st., N. Y. Manual of conchology, 1879, nre g-> P er P art > colored 5.00 Academy of nat. sciences, conchological section, Phila., Pa. Manual of statistics stock exchange hand-book, 1879, a 5-°° Manual of statistics co., 25 W. Broadway, N. Y. Manual of the coupon ticket points Chas. J. Stromberg, Chicago, 111. Manual training magazine, 1899, q 1 .00 Peoria, 111. Manufacturer, 1888, s-m 3- 00 Manufacturers' club, 608 Chestnut St., Phila., Pa. Manufacturer and merchant, 1898, m 20 Manufacturer pub. co., Hall bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Manufacturers' designs, 1907, m 1 .00 Manufacturers' designs co., 520 Main st., Buffalo, N. Y. Manufacturers' journal, 1894, m 2.00 Geo. F. Saward, 204 Montague St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Manufacturers' new designs, 1907, m 25 Mfg. new design co., 520 Main st., Buffalo, N. Y. Manufacturers' record, 1882, w 4.00 Manufacturers' record pub. co., Baltimore, Md. Manufacturing jeweler, 1884, w 1.00 Walter B. Frost & co., Providence, R. I. Maple leaf, 1905, m 1 .00 York, Pa. Marconi wireless news, 1906 Reall & co., Land title bldg., Phila., Pa. Marietta college bulletin, 1904, b-m , Marietta, Ohio. Marine biological laboratory, biological lectures, 1890 Wood's Hole, Mass. Marine journal, 1878, w 3-°° Marine journal co., 17 State st., N. Y. Marine review, 1878, w 3°° Penton pub. co., Cleveland, O. Mariners' advocate, 1900, m Horace P. Chandler, 11 North Square, Boston, Mass. Maritime farmer and co-operative dairyman, 1895, s-m 1 .00 R. D. Robinson, Sussex, N. B. Maritime journal, 1 885, w 3 • °° Samuel B. MacDonnell, 133 Bank ave., Phila., Pa. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 201 Maritime medical news, 1889, m 1 .00 James Ross, Halifax, N. S. Maritime merchant, 1892, f 1 .00 Imperial pub. co., Halifax, N. S. Maritime register, 1869, w 35-00 World's maritime news co., 61 William St., N. Y. Market place, 1905, m 1 . 00 Market place co. , Newark, N. J. Maroon, 1892, 5 d. dur. coll. yr 3.00 Maroon, 1902, m. dur. coll. yr 1 .75 Students of the university of Chicago, Press bldg., Chicago, 111. Mars weekly planet Benjamin Burdick, Chicago, 111. Martindale mercantile agency. Annual guide, 1868, a 395 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Martin's magazine, 1896, w 50 Advocate pub. co., Roanoke, Va. Maryland academy of sciences Transactions, 1888, per vol 1-50 Edward Stahler, Jr., sec, 105 W. Franklin St., Balto., Md. Maryland agricultural college quarterly, q Free Chemical dept., Aid. agricultural college, College Park, Md. Maryland baptist, 1902, s-m 1 .00 M. J. Webb, Baltimore, Md. Maryland bar association. Reports, a Conway W. Sams, sec, Baltimore, Md. Maryland chronicle, 1907, w 1 .00 D. H. Deloe, Berwyn, Md. Maryland churchman, 1885, m 1 .00 Cushing co., Baltimore, Md. Maryland educational journal, 1905, m 50 Contin. as Atlantic educational journal. Maryland historical magazine, 1906, q 3-0O Maryland hist, society, Baltimore, Md. Maryland historical society Annual report, 1849 Geo. W. McCreary, asst.-sec and librarian, Balto., Md. Maryland historical society Archives, 1883 Fund publications, 1867 Baltimore, Md. Maryland home and fireside (official organ for Md. anti-saloon league) 1899 1 3 17 W. North ave., Baltimore, Md. Maryland medical journal, 1877, m 2 .00 Med. journal co., 608 Professional bldg., Baltimore, Md. Maryland monthly magazine, 1905, m 1 .00 319 W. German st., Baltimore, Md. 202 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Maryland original research society of Baltimore city Membership 3 - oo Bulletin, 1906, per no 1.00 A. L. Richardson, sec, 817 N. Charles St., Balto., Md. Maryland. University. Hospital bulletin, 1905, m 1.00 Hospital bulletin co., Baltimore, Md. Maryville college bulletin, q Maryville college, Maryville, Tenn. Masonic advocate, 1867, m 1 .00 Martin H. Rice, Masonic temple, Indianapolis, Ind. Masonic chronicle, 1881, m 75 Secret society pub. co., Columbus, O. Masonic chronicler, 1900, w 1 .00 Abbott & Schmidt, 324 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. Masonic constellation, 1889, m 1.00 Masonic pub. co., Security bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Masonic forum, 1903, w 1 .00 Masonic forum pub. co., Jacksonville, Fla. Masonic herald, 1895, m 1.00 Max Meyerhardt, Rome, Ga. Masonic home journal, 1883, s-m 1 .00 Masonic widows and orphans home, Louisville, Ky. Masonic journal, 1887, m 50 Smith & Sale, Portland, Me. Masonic light, 1907, m 1 . 50 Parrick & Puckett, Kay City, Okla. Masonic news, m 75 C. S. DeGraff, Peoria, 111. Masonic northern New-Yorker, 1907, m 50 Whitehall, N. Y. Masonic observer, 1900, w 50 J. C. Townsend, Minneapolis, Minn. Masonic review, 1892, m 1.00 Henrietta D. Cotes, Tacoma, Wash. Masonic standard, 1898, w 2.00 C. C. Hunt, 53 W. 24th st., N. Y. Masonic sun, 1 897, s-m 1 . 00 MasoHc pub. co., Toronto, Canada. Masonic tidings, 1885, m I -OO Herbert N. Laflin, Milwaukee, Wis. Masonic token, 1867, q 12 Stephen Berry. Portland, Me. Masonic trestle board, 1904, w 2 .00 Edward P. Critcher, 190 Fifth ave., Chicago, 111. Masonic trowel, 1 887, m 1 . 00 Geo. Thornburgh, Little Rock, Ark. Masonic voice-review, 1845, m 1 .50 Masonic voice-review co., Masonic temple, Chicago, 111. ^Massachusetts charitable mechanic association Proceedings, 1792, a Boston, Mass. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 203 Massachusetts general hospital. Publications, 1906 Journal of med. research, Boston, Mass. Massachusetts historical society Collections, 1792, per Vol 3.00 Samuel A. Green, librarian, 1154 Boylston st, Boston, Mass. Massachusetts historical society. Proceedings, 1791, a 3.00 Boston, Mass. Massachusetts horticultural society. Transactions, a Boston, Mass. Massachusetts institute of technology. Research laboratory of physical chemistry. Contributions, 1903 Boston, Mass. Massachusetts journal of osteopathy, 1903 (Apr.), m 50 Mass. college of osteopathy, 697 Huntington ave., Boston, Mass. Massachusetts labor bulletin, 1897, b-m Boston, Mass. Mass. magazine, 1908, q 2 . 50 Salem press co., Salem, Mass. Massachusetts medical journal, 1881, m 1.00 Bay state pub. co., 36 Bromfield St., Boston, Mass. Massachusetts ploughman, 1841, w 2.00 Mass. ploughman pub. co., 3 State St., Boston, Mass. Massachusetts reports, supreme judicial court, 8 nos 2.25 Little, Brown & co., 254 Washington st., Boston, Mass. Master car-builders association. Reports and proceedings, 1867 Joseph H. Taylor, 667 Rookery, Chicago, 111. Master grocer, 1891, m Free San Francisco, Cal. Master mason, 1905, m 1 .00 Nathan L. Baker, Kansas City, Mo. Master painter, 1896, m 1.00 A. Ashmun Kelley, Malvern, Pa. Master printer, 1904, m 1.00 Master printer association, 929 Chestnut st., Phila., Pa. Master sheet metal workers journal, 1906, m 50 Phila., Pa. Masters in art, 1900, m 1 . 50 Bates & Guild, 42 Chauncy St., Boston, Mass. Material men's mercantile association book, 1886, a 41 Park row. New York, N. Y. Matilda Ziegler magazine for the blind, 1907, m 10 1913 Broadway. New York. N. Y. Mauser mfg. co. Leader bulletin, 1906 Mt. Vernon, N. Y. Maxwell's talisman, 1 00 1 . m 1 . 00 Geo. H. Maxwell, Fisher bldg., Chicago, 111. Mayflower, w 3° Pilgrim press, 14 Beason St., Boston, Mass. Mayflower, 1 885, in 5° Mayflower pub. co., Floral Park, N. Y. 204 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Mayflower descendant, 1899, o6. ( Aug. ) , m 1 . 00 Schwed Bros., Schwed bldg., New York, N. Y. Money maker, i<;c)2, ra Free W. M. < >strander, N. A. bldg., Phila., Pa. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 221 Money maker magazine, 1903, m 1 .00 Money maker co., Kaken bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Money talks, 1906 (July), m Free First national bank, Birmingham, Ala. Monist, 1890, q • 2.00 Open court pub. co., 320 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. Moniteur du commerce, 1880. \v 2.00 F. D. Shallow & co., Montreal, Canada. Monitor, 1858, w 2.50 Monitor pub. co., 738 Mission St., San Francisco, Cal. Monitor, 1 899, w I • 00 Monitor pub. co., St. John, N. B. Monitor, \v 1 . 00 Fraternal pub. co., Pittsburg, Pa. Monitor magazine, 1889, m 1 .00 Monitor magazine co., Cincin., O. Monmouth college bulletin Free Monmouth college, Monmouth, 111. Monroe's magazine, 1903, m 1 .00 Monroe & Monroe, 25 Broad st., N. Y. Montana agricultural college Science studies. Botany, 1904, irreg Bozeman, Mont. Montana churchman, 1 883, m 5° Rev. John B. Gibble, Butte, Mont. Montana eagle, 1904, m 2.00 Eagle pub. co., Helena, Mont. Montana historical society. Contributions with trans., 1865, a. 2.50 Helena, Mont Montana stockman and farmer, 1894, s-m 1 .00 John W. Pace and Charles H. Reifernath, Helena, Mont. Montana. University Bulletin, biological series, 1901, irreg Bulletin, geological series, 1903, irreg Missoula, Mont. Montana workman, 1891, m 1 -OO Independent pub. co., Townsend, Mont. Montgomery county law reporter, w i-OO F. G. Hobson, Norristown, Pa. Month, 1 865, m John Murphy & co., Baltimore, Md. Monthly book list, 1905, m Free Connecticut pub. library committee, Hartford, Conn. Monthly bulletin, 1899, m Free Public library, Pasadena, Cal. Monthly bulletin of current prices, 1871, m 1 .00 Shea Smith & co., 18 and 20 Custom house pi., Chi- cago, 111. Monthly bulletin of vital statistics, 1897, m Free Secretary of state, Lansing, Mich. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Monthly chat, 1907, (Jan.), m Free Tea tray co., Newark, N. J. Monthly Cincinnatian, 1890, m 20 Foster pub. co., 15 E. 7th st., Cincin., O. Monthly credit rating book, 1905, m 6.00 James H. Waldron, Springfield, O. Monthly current rating book, 1906, m ■. . James H. Waldron, Springfield, O. Monthly cyclopaedia of practical medicine, 1887, m 2.00 F. A. Davis co., 1914 Cherry st., Phila., Pa. Monthly digest, unbound, $4; bound vol 7.00 Rochester, N. Y. Monthly fire bulletin, m Free Knight & Thomas, Boston, Mass. Monthly fire bulletin, 1897 Knight and Thomas, inc., Birmingham, Ala. Monthly journal of insurance economics, m 3 . 00 Henry H. Putnam, Annuity bldg., Boston, Mass. (Cont. as The Eastern underwriter.) Monthly magazine of fashion, 1905, m Free Newcomb-Endicott co., Detroit, Mich. Monthly quotation record, m C. Mont Benton, 526 W. 28th st., New York, N. Y. Monthly record, 1895, m 50 Moore printing co., McComb, Ohio. Monthly record of scientific literature, m Free Van Nostrand co., 23 Murray st., N. Y. Monthly story blue book, 1905, m 1.00 Contin. as Bluebook magazine. Monthly style book, 1905, (Feb.), Home pattern co., 615 W. 43rd st., New York, N. Y. Monthly union, 1880, m 50 N. Y. newspaper union, 134 Leonard st., N. Y., N. Y. Montreal medical journal, i860, m 3.00 Gazette printing co., Montreal, Canada. Monumental news, 1888, m 1 .00 R. J. Haight, 324 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. Moody's magazine and American investments, 1905, m 3 00 The Moody corporation, 35 Nassau St., N. Y. Moody's manual of industrial and miscel. securities, 1900, a. . . . 10.00 Moody pub. co.. 35 Nassau st., N. Y. Moore's monthly messenger, 1905, m 10 John C. Moore corporation, Rochester, N. Y. Moore's wholesale price list of newspapers and magazines s-a Free Brockport, N. Y. Moorhead's quarterly record, 1904, q S. W. B. Moorhead, Pittsburg, Pa. Moravian, 1 856, w 1 . 50 H. A. Jacobson, Bethlehem, Pa. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 223 Moravian historical society Transactions, 1876 Nazareth, Pa. More juice, 1905 50 Ried &'Rae, Detroit, Mich. More sales, 1906 W. C. Holman, Ellsworth bldg., Chicago, 111. Morningside college bulletin, 190 1 Free Morningside college, Sioux City, la. Morning star, 1868, w 2.00 Morning star pub. co., New Orleans, La. Morning star, 1826, w * 2.00 A. L. Freeman, 457 Shawmut ave., Boston, Mass. Morning star, 1903, s-m 60 Morning star pub. co., Columbus, Miss. Morning star and free baptist, 1884, w ■ .Morning star pub. house, Jamaica Plains, Boston, Mass. Morse and Rogers money saver, 1894, (Feb.), m Free Morse and Rogers, N. Y. Mortarboard, 1 897, a 1 . 00 Students of Columbia university, N. Y. Mother earth, 1906, m 1 .00 210 E. 13th st., N. Y. Mother goose calendar, a 2 . 50 Scribner's sons, N. Y. Mother's journal, 1893, m 1 .00 Jas. R. Bolton & co., New Haven, Conn. Mother's magazine, 1905, m 5° D. C. Cook pub. co., Elgin, 111. Motor, 1903, m 3 .00 Trade ed., 1906 New publication co., 1879 Broadway, N. Y. Motor age, 1899, w 2.00 Trade press co., 1200 Michigan ave., Chicago, 111. Motor boat, 1 904, -s-m 2 . 00 Motor boat pub. co., 1133 Broadway, N. Y. Motor boating magazine, 1907, m 1 .00 Motor boating co., 138 Liberty st., N. Y. Motor car, 1904, m 1 -oo W. G. Pierson pub. co., 108 Fulton st., N. Y. Motor cycle magazine, 1903, m 1 .00 154 Nassau St., N. Y. Motor field, 1892, m 1 00 G. A. Wahlgreen, Barclay bldg., Denver, Colo. Motor news, 1904, m .•••": x •°° Motor news pub. co., 90 Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. Motor print, 1906, m 1 00 Motor print co., 418 Sansom st., Phila., Pa. Motor talk, 1905, m 5° • Walter G. Morley, P. O. Box 514, Detroit, Mich. 224 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Motor trade directory, 1907, b-m 3-OQ The motor, 2 Duane St., New York, N. Y. Motor traffic, 1906, m 1 .00 Times bldg., N. Y. Motor vehicle register, 1907, m 250 Register pub. co., Drexel bldg., Phila., Pa. Motor vehicle, 1906, m 1 . 00 318 Am. trust bldg., Cleveland, O. Motor wagon, 1906 ( Mar. ),m 1.00 Trade press co., 309-10-11 Michigan ave., Chicago, 111. Motor way, w 2 . 00 45 Plymouth ct., Chicago. Motor world, 1900, w 2 . 00 Goodman co., 154 Nassau st., N. Y. Motorcycle illustrated, 1906, 1 .00 A. D. Brown, mgr., 15 Vandewater st., N. Y., N. Y. Motoring and boating, 1904, w 2.00 John H. Gerrie, 125 W. 37th st., N. Y. Motorist, 1906 2.00 Motorist pub. co., Newark, N. J. Motorman and conductor, 1895, m 50 W. D. Mahon, Detroit, Mich. Mount Holyoke college. Bulletin, 1900 (Jan.), q South Hadley, Mass. Mount Morris college. Bulletin, 1903, q Mount Morris, 111. Mount Tom, 1905, m 50 Gerald Lee, Northampton, Mass. Mount Union college. Quarterly bulletin, q Alliance, O. Mountain educator, 1903, m 50 Harrison, Cloyd and Yuden, Lexington, Ky. Mountain magazine, 1906, m 1 .00 Great Cacapon, W. Va. Mountain state gavel, 1 893, m 75 E. D. Lappert, New Martinsville, W. Va. Mountain state odd fellow, 1900, m 50 Floyd J. Triplett, Elkins, W. Va. Moving picture world, 1907, (Mar. 9), w 2.00 Amer. photographic pub. co., Broadway, New York, N. Y. Muck rake, 1906, m 50 W. O. Saunders, Norfolk, Va. Muhlenbergis, 1900, m 1 .00 A. A. Heller, Los Gatos, Cal. Muirson & Wright monthly desk blotter, m Muirson & Wright, 67 W. Santa Clara St., San Jose, Cal. Mundo de los negocios, 1907, m 1 .00 Felipe G. Canton, N. Y. Municipal art society Publications. Bulletin, 1904, irreg , Hartford, Conn. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 225 Municipal engineering, 1890, m 2.00 Municipal engineering co., Indianapolis, Ind. Municipal journal and engineer, 1895, m 2.00 Municipal journal pub. co., 253 Broadway, N. Y. Municipal world, 1 89 1 , m 1 . 00 Municipal world, St. Thomas, Ontario. Municipality, 1899, m 1 .00 S. E. Sparling, Madison, Wis. Munroe's marconigram, 1893, m 1 .00 Munroe's pub. co., N. Y. Munsey's magazine, 1 889, m 1 . 00 Frank A. Munsey co., t ii Fifth ave., N. Y. Munsing underwear magazine, 1906 Wm. B. Morris, Minneapolis, Minn. Muntere saemann, 1858, m 75 German baptist pub. soc, Cleveland, O. Museum news, m (O.-May) Brooklyn institute of arts & sciences, Brooklyn, N. Y. Museum of fine arts bulletin, b-m Copley sq., Boston, Mass. Music lovers calendar, a 50 Wa-Wan press, Newton Center, Mass. Music lover's calendar, 1905, a 50 East Aurora, N. Y. Music of the world, 1907, m 1.00 Evons press, 108 N. 10th st, Phila., Pa. Music student, 1905 80 Edward F. Beal, 400 South st., Springfield, Mo. Music teacher and home magazine, 1885, b-m 50 A. J. Showalter & co., Dalton, Ga. Music trade review, 1897, w 2.00 Edward Lyman Bill, 1 Madison ave., N. Y., N. Y. Music trades, 1 890, w 2 . 00 Music trades co., 135 Fifth ave., N. Y. Music world, 1907, m 1 .00 Louis E. Evans, 108 N. 10th st., Phila., Pa. Musical age, 1 89 1 , w 4 . 00 32 East 23d st., N. Y. Musical and educational directory of Detroit and eastern Mich. Frank A. Barrett, 140 Joy St., Detroit, Mich. Musical America, 1905, w 1 .00 The musical America co., 135 Fifth ave., N. Y. Musical courier, 1 880, w 5 . 00 Musical courier co., St. James bldg., N. Y. Musical courier extra, 1897, w 4.00 Musical courier co., St. James bldg., N. Y. Musical directory of greater Cincinnati and visitors' guide, I9°5. a : • Lawriston press, Cincin., O. Musical echo, 1894, m 1 .00 N. Y. musical echo co., Savannah, Ga. 226 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Musical enterprise, 1888, m 50 \V. M. Kain, Camden, N. J. Musical era, 1 890, b-m 1 . CK) C. E. Dobson, 686 Sixth ave., N. Y. Musical herald, 1906 Musical herald, Chicago, 111. Musical harp, 1880, m 1 .00 Harp pub. co., Berea, O. Musical leader and concert goer, 1895, w 2.50 C. & F. French, 250 Wabash ave., Chicago, 111. Musical light, 1907, m 50 N. W. Allphin, Fort Worth, Tex. Musical medium, 1907, (July), m 1 .00 Phillips pub. co., Cincinnati, O. Musical million, 1870, m 25 Ruebush-Kieffer co., Dayton, Va. Musical news, 1890, m 75 J. S. Unger, Reading, Pa. Musical observer, 1907, m 1 .00 48 Cooper sq.. New York, N. Y. Musical record and review, 1878, m 1 .00 Oliver Ditson, 150 Tremont St., Boston, Mass. Musical review, m : 1 .00 429 Front st., San Francisco, Cal. Musical standard, 1905, m 1 .00 Musical standard pub. co., 610 Fine arts bldg., Chicago, 111. Musical tempo, 1897, b-m 50 Edward A. Meyer, 823 Arch st., Phila., Pa. Musical times, 1 848, m 1 . 25 H. W. Gray co., 21 E. 17th st., New York, N. Y. Musical times, 1881, w 3. 00 Chicago musical times co., 207 Michigan boul., Chicago, 111. Musical trade review, 1879, w 2.00 Edward L. Bill, 1 Madison ave., N. Y. Musical trio, [897, m 50 Dean & Henley, t 1 3 T j S. 4th st.. Waco, Texas. Musician, 1 897. 111 : 1 . 50 ( Hiver Ditson co., 150 Tremont st., Boston, Mass. Musicians' monthly magazine, 1908, m 10 1712 E. 55th st., Cleveland, Ohio. Mutual interests, 1 885, m Free Mutual life insurance co., 34 Nassau st., New York. X. Y. Mutual investor, 1896, m 50 Investor print, and pub. co., Lemcke bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. Mutual underwriter and savings and loan review, 188 1, m 1 .00 Mutual underwriter co., Rochester, N. Y. Mycological bulletin, 1902, m 25 W. A. Kellerman, Columbus, Ohio. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 227 Mycological notes, 1898, irreg Free C. G. Lloyd, Cincin., O. Myerson's American family magazine, 1905, m 1 .00 Samuel F. Myerson print, co., Myerson bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Myrtle, 185 1 , w 5° Universalist pub. house, Boston, Mass. Myrtle, 1843, w 5° A. L. Freeman, 457 Shawmut ave., Boston, Mass. Mystery, 1 907. 111 5° 21 N. Market St., Frederick, Md. Mystic, 1906, m 10 Segnogram pub. co., Los Angeles, Cal. Mystic magazine, 1905. m 25 Colonial bldg., Boston, Mass. Mystic worker Koble bros. & Rittenhouse co., Mt. Morris, 111. N. A. R. D. notes, w 1 .00 Nat. ass'n of retail druggists, 79 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. N. C. R., 1888. m Dayton, Ohio. N. C. R. for cafes, bars and restaurants, 1905 Dayton, Ohio. N. E. L. A. bulletin, 1907 (Aug.), m Xat'l elec. light asso., 29 W. 39th st., N. Y., N. Y. Nashua public library Quarterly bulletin, 1903 (Jan.) Nashua, N. H. Nashville journal of medicine and surgery, 1851, m 1 .00 C. S. Briggs, Nashville, Tenn. Nashville, University. Bulletin, 1902, 3-m Nashville, Tenn. Nassau literary magazine, 1842, 9 nos 2. 50 Senior class of Princeton university, Princeton, N. J. Nassau monthly, 1906, m 1 00 Nassau pub. co., 116 Nassau st., N. Y. Nation, 1865. w 3 00 W. J. Pattison, 206 Broadway, N. Y. National academy of sciences Biographical memoirs, 1877, irreg Memoirs, 1866, irreg Report, 1863, a National academy of sciences, Smithsonian institution, Washington, D. C. National advertiser, 1878, w 2 -00 Consolidated press co., 6 E. 14th st., N. Y. National advocate, 1866, 111 l 00 Xat'l temp, society and pub. house, 3 K. 14th st., N. Y. National association for study of epilepsy. Transactions, 190 1, a Dr. W. P. Spratling, Craig colony for epileptic-. Sonvea, N. Y. 1TY ) 228 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS National association of cement users, membership 5-00 Proceeding's, 1905, a Harrison bldg., Phila., Pa. National association of cotton mnfrs. Transactions, 1854, s-a., 2 v 10.00 International trust bldg., Boston, Mass. National association of credit men Bulletin, 1897, m 50 Chas. E. Meek, 41 Park Row, New York, N. Y. National association of manufacturers of the U. S. Proceeding, 1896, a Phila., Pa. National association of railway commissioners Proceedings, 1889, a Interstate commerce commission, Wash., D. C. National association of state universities in the U. S. A. Transactions and proceedings, 1903, a E. A. Birge, sec, Madison, Wis. National ass'n of the officials of bureaus of labor statistics Proceedings, 1883, a Hartford, Conn. National association of wool manufacturers. Bulletin, 1869, q. 2.00 683 Atlantic ave., Boston, Mass. National auctioneer, 1898, m 1 .00 M. Cummings, 1414 Wabash ave., Chicago, 111. National bad debt exterminator, 1907 National credit bureau, Chicago, 111. National baker, 1 896, m 1 . 00 National baker pub. co., 411 Walnut St., Phila., Pa. National banker, 1892, m 1 .00 J. H. Francis & co., 84 La Salle St., Chicago, 111. National baptist flag, 1896, w 1.00 Baptist pub. co., Oklahoma City, Okla. National baptist magazine, 1893, m 1 .25 445 Fourth st., N. E., Washington, D. C. National baptist teacher, q National baptist pub. co., 1404 Locust St., St. Louis, Mo. National baptist union, w 1 .00 National baptist convention boards, Nashville, Tenn. National barber and druggists' gazette, 1890, m 1 ,00 E. T. Tyndall, 2216 Germantown ave., Phila., Pa. National board of fire underwriters Reports, 1904, irreg S. H. Lockett, sec, 135 William St., N. Y. National bottlers' gazette, 1882, m 3. 00 W. B. Keller, 99 Nassau St., N. Y. National brake and electric co. bulletin, irreg Free National brake & electric co., Milwaukee, Wis. National builder, 1 885, m 2 . 00 Porter Taylor & co., 358 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS _'_'<) National bulletin of charities and correction, q 50 Nat. con. of charities, Alexander Johnson, sec, Indianapolis, Ind. National civic federation review, 1903, b-m 1 .00 National civic federation, 281 Fourth ave., N. Y. National civil service reform league Proceedings, a 79 Wall st., N. Y. National commercial teachers' federation. Proceedings, 1896, a. J. C Walker, sec, Detroit, Mich. National conference of charities and corrections Proceedings, 1874, a 1 .50 Alexander Johnson, sec, Indianapolis, Ind. Nat. congress of mothers magazine, 1907, m except July-Aug. .50 147 No. 10th st., Fhila., Pa. National congress of mothers report, 1897, a 50 147 X. 10th st., Phila., Pa. National consumers' league. Report, 1899, a 1 .00 105 E. 22d st., N. Y. National co-operator, 1903 (Dec), m 158-168 W. Van P.uren st., Chicago, 111. National co-operator and farm journal, 1880, w 1 .00 Farmers' educational and co-operative union pub. co., Dallas, Texas. National coopers' journal, 1885, m 2 .00 John A. McCann, Phila., Pa. National corporation reporter, 1890, w 3-00 U. S. corporation bureau, The Temple, Chicago, 111. National council of congregational churches in the U. S. Addresses, etc., triennial 75 614 Congregational house, Boston, Mass. National dental association. Transactions, 1897 Josephine D. Pfeifer, Masonic temple, Chicago, 111. National dental critic, 1906, m 1 .00 Emory A. Bryant, ed., 1202 H st., Washington, D. C. National detective and police review, 1891, m 1 .00 Indianapolis, Ind. National druggist, 1882, m 1 .00 Henry R. Strong, Century bldg., St. Louis, Mo. National eclectic journal on osteopathy, 1904, m 2.50 408 Green St., Phila., Pa. National educational association, membership 2.00 Journal of proceedings, 1865, a Dept. of superintendence. Proceedings, 1879, a Irwin Shepard, sec, Winona, Minn. National educator, i860, m 5° T. K. Home, Allentown, Pa. National electric light association. Proceedings, 1885, a 2.50 136 Liberty st., N. Y. National electrical contractor, 1902, m 5° W. H. Morton, Utica, N. Y. 230 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS National elks' horn, 1899, in 1 . 50 Elks pub. co., Holland bldg., St. Louis, Mo. National engineer, 1897, m 1 .00 National engineer, 325 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. National farm and stock grower, 1898, m 50 Hale pub. co., St. Louis, Mo. National farm journal, 1902, m 50 Farmers' monthly co., Laclede bldg., St. Louis, Mo. National farmer, 1902, f 50 Joseph Leicht, Winona, Minn. National farmer and home magazine, m 10 Lane's list, Augusta, Me. National farmer and stock grower, 1898, m 50 Hale pub. co., 3550 Vista ave., St. Louis, Mo. National finance, 1904, m 1 .00 1564 Monadnock block, Chicago, 111. National fire protection ass'n quarterly bulletin, q Hartford, Conn. National flag-union war journal, 1850, m 60 Chas. Edgar Rice, Ossining, N. Y. National fruit grower, 1896, m 50 Fruit growers pub. co., St. Joseph, Mich. National geographic magazine, m 2 . 50 National geographic society, Hubbard memorial ball, Washington, D. C. National glass budget, 1884, w 1.00 G. B. Kimes, Pittsburg, Pa. National guard magazine, 1907 (Jan.), m 1 .00 Edward T. Miller, Columbus, Ohio. National guardsman, 1896, m 1 .00 Pickham & Barber, 134 Van Buren St., Chicago, 111. National guardsman, 1903, m 1.00 Kramer printing co., Nashville, Tenn. National hardware bulletin, 1901, m 1 .00 M. L. Corey, Argos, Ind. National harness review, 1879, m J - 00 Jefferson Jackson, 358 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. National hibernian, 1901, m 1 .00 P. J. Haltigan, 618 F St., Washington, D. C. National home and music journal, 1893, m 1 .00 Chicago book and news co., 266 Wabash ave., Chicago, 111. National home journal, 1906, m 50 Theo. J. Goe, 8th and Locust sts., St. Louis, Mo. National hospital record, 1897, m 1 .00 D. T. Sutton, Buhl blk., Detroit, Mich. National hotel reporter, 1 87 1 , 6 d 5 . 00 F. W. Rice, Auditorium, Chicago, 111. National humane educator, 1893, m 1 .00 Cincin., O. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 231 National illustrated magazine-rural topics, 1885, m .50 Geo. E. Howard, 714 Twelfth St., N. W., Washington, D. C. National investor, 1900, m 1 .00 N. C. Westerfield, North American bldg., Phila., Pa. National labor standard, 1876, w 1 .00 National labor standard pub. co., Patterson, N. J. Nitional labor tribune, 1873, w 2.00 Joseph Telford, Pittsburg, Pa. National laundry journal, 1878, s-m 1 .00 Donist bros. co., 9 S. Ann St., Chicago, 111. National leaflet, m National casualty co., Detroit, Mich. National lithographer, 1893 ( Jan.) , m 1 . 50 Warren C. Browne, 150 Nassau st., New York, N. Y. National live stock bulletin, 1896, m 1 .00 208 Corcoran bldg., Washington, D. C. National live stock reporter, 1890, 6 d 4.00 t-w 2 . 00 w 1 . 00 Reporter pub. co., National stock yards, 111. Nat. lumber mfg. credit corporation Credit rating book, 1901, s-m Nat. lumber mfg. credit corporation, Victoria bldg., St. Louis, Mo. National magazine, 1894, m 1.00 Chappie pub. co., 944 Dorchester ave., Boston, Mass. National magazine of Cuba, 1906, m 5° Cuban pub. co., 75 Monroe st., Chicago, 111. National messenger, 1904 (Jan.), q National life insurance co., Montpelier, Vt. National metal trades association. Bulletin, m 1.00 Union trust bldg., Cincin., O. National monthly of Canada, 1902, m 1.00 Joseph Phillips, Toronto, Canada. National monthly farm press, 1894, m 25 198 5th ave., Chicago, 111. National municipal league Proceedings, 1895, a 1 . 50 National municipal league, Phila., Pa. National nurseryman, 1893, m 1 .00 National nurseryman pub. co., Rochester, N. Y. National Poland-China record, a 10.00 Nat. Poland-China record co., Dayton, Ohio. National police gazette, 1846, w 4.00 Richard K. Fox., Franklin sq., N. Y. National printer-journalist, 1884, m 2.00 National printer-journalist co., 1317 W. Ravenswood Park, Chicago, 111. National prison association of the U. S. Proceedings, 1873, a. . 1.50 A. W. Butler, sec, Indianapolis, Ind. 2^2 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS National progress, 1903, m 3-00 National progress co., 95 Washington St., Chicago, 111. National provisioner, 1891, w 3-00 Food trade pub. co., Produce exchange, N. Y. National racing review and turf reporter, 1904, (May), w 8.00 National racing review, Chicago, 111. National real estate and postal herald, 1907, m National real estate exchange, Washington, D. C. National real estate exchange, 1905 (Jan.), m The Metzger pub. co., Brookston, Ind. National real estate record, 1907, m Wm. H. Cutter, New York, N. Y. National rebekah, 1894, m 1.00 Mrs. Eunice Melville, Minneapolis, Minn. National reporter system, 1879, w This covers the United States in 10 divisions at a total subscription of 52 . 00 West pub. co., St. Paul, Minn. National review, 1890, w 1.00 Bean bros. & Long, San Francisco, Cal. National rice and cotton journal, 1904, m 5-00 National rice and cotton journal, Houston, Tex. National rip-saw, 1904, m 1 .00 Philip Wagner, 305 Olive St., St. Louis, Mo. Nat. shippers express guide Eastern edition, a Western edition, a Nat. shippers pub. co., Kansas City, Mo. National single taxer, 1891, m 1 .00 Geo. P. Hampton, 62 Trinity pi., N. Y. National society for the scientific study of education. Year book, 1 901 , s-m 53 University of Chicago press, Chicago, 111. National society of the daughters of the American revolution Report, 1890, a Washington, D. C. National society of the sons of the revolution. Year book, a. . Cleveland, O. National sportsman, 1899, m 1.00 Tilton pub. co., 63 Kilby st., Boston, Mass. National stockman and farmer, 1877, w 1 .00 Axtell-Rush pub. co., Pittsburg, Pa. National swine magazine, 1906, (Oct.), m 50 R. R. Fisher, Frecport, 111. National traveler, 1887, w 1 .00 W. A. Hutton, Des Moines, la. National tribune, 1877, w 1.00 519 Thirteenth st. N. W., Washington, D. C. National union, 1898 (Nov.), m P. O. Box 82, Toledo, Ohio. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 233 National underwriter, 1892, m 1 .00 National underwriter co., Baltimore, Md. National visitor, 1906, m 10 National visitor co., 311 S. Figueroa st., Los Angeles, Cal. National zeitung, 1 88 1 , w 2 . 00 Held, Gorenflo & co., Erie, Pa. Native American, 1900, w 25 Phoenix, Ariz. Natural gas journal, 1907 (Jan.), m 1.00 56 Pine St., N. Y., N. Y. Natural history society of New Brunswick. Bulletin, 1882, a. per no 50 St. Johns, N. B. Naturalist, m Ottawa field naturalists' club, Ottawa, Canada. Naturaliste Canadien, m 1 .00 Rev. V. A. Huard. Ouebec, Canada. Nature calendar, a 2 . 50 Dodd, Mead & co., 372 Fifth ave., N. Y. Nature cure magazine, 1902 (Jan.), m i.OO August F. Reinhold, Chicago, 111. Nature guard, 1899 (?) m R. I. college of agriculture, Kingston, R. I. Nature magazine cure, 1907, m 1 .00 Nature cure pub. co., 308 Ashland ave., Chicago, 111. Nature study and elementary agriculture, 1906, irreg Florence E. Lillie, Minneapolis, Minn. Nature study review, 1904, 9 nos 2.00 M. A. Bigelow, Geneva. X. Y. Naturopath and herald of health, m 1 .00 Benedict Lust, 124 E. 59th st., X T . Y. Nautical gazette, 1 87 1 , w 2 . 00 Crossett & Bates, 156 Fifth ave., N. Y. Nautilus, m 1 . 00 C. W. Johnson, Berkeley st., Boston. Mass. Nautilus, 1897, q 40 Manual training high school, Kansas City, Mo. Nautilus, 1898, m 50 Elizabeth Towne, Holyoke, Mass. Naval stores review, 1 890, w 2 . 50 Thos. Gamble, Jr., Savannah, Ga. Navy, 1 907, m 1 . 00 Navy pub. co., 732 13th st. X. W.. Washington, D. C. Nebraska academy of science. Publications, 189 1, a Lincoln, Neb. Nebraska blue print, 1901, a 50 Nebraska engineering society, Lincoln, Nebr. Nebraska congregational news, 1880, m 75 H. A. French, Lincoln, Neb. Nebraska dairyman and up-to-date farmer, 1897, m 50 Dairymen pub. co., Lincoln, Neb. 234 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Nebraska engineering, 1902 Univ. of Nebraska engineering society, Lincoln, Neb. Nebraska farm journal, 1897, m 50 Jas. W. Earley, Lincoln, Neb. Nebraska farmer, 1869, w 1 .00 Nebraska farmer co., Lincoln, Neb. Nebraska Hermanns sohn, w J. H. Lohmann, Bloomfield, Neb. Nebraska legal news, 1892, w 1 . 50 D. M. Butler, Lincoln, Neb. Nebraska library bulletin, 1906 Public library commission, Lincoln, Neb. Nebraska ornithologists' union Bird protection leaflet, 1903 Proceedings, 1900, a Varies Lincoln, Neb. Nebraska physician, m 1 .00 Nebraska state eclectic medical society, Lincoln, Neb. Nebraska public library commission. Farm circular, 1906 Lincoln, Neb. Nebraska state bureau of statistics. Bulletin, 1906, m Lincoln, Neb. Nebraska state historical society Proceedings and collections, 1885, irreg Lincoln, Neb. Nebraska state homoeopathic medical society. Journal, q J. North & co., Lincoln, Neb. Nebraska state medical society. Transactions H. W. Orr, sec, Lincoln, Neb. Nebraska state pharmaceutical association Proceedings, 1882, a Grand Island, Neb. Nebraska teacher, 1890, m 1.00 Crabtree & Towne, Lincoln, Neb. Nebraska. University Bulletins, m., irreg College of medicine, 1906, q 1.00 Contributions from chemical lab., irreg Studies from zoolog. lab., 1804, irreg University studies, 1888, q., per no 75 Lincoln, Neb. Nebraska workman, 1885, m 50 W. N. Huse, Norfolk, Neb. Nebraskan, 1903, m 25 A. H. Barks, Ansley, Neb. Nebraskan, 1901, d. dur. coll. yr 2.00 Hesperian pub. co., Lincoln, Neb. Needlework catalog illustrating the ladies' home journal pat- terns, 1906, (Aug.), s-a 10 Home pattern co., New York, N. Y. N GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 235 Neighborhood, 1908 (Jan.), m copy .05 East side house settlement, 76th & East River, N. Y., N. Y. Neighborhood house, 1901, w 25 Rev. Chas. S. Daniel. 618 Addison St., Phila., Pa. Neglected Arabia, (formerly Quarterly letters), 1892, q Free Arabian mission, 25 E. 22(1 st., New York, N. Y. Negro enterprise, 1900, s-m 1 .00 Negro enterprise co., Birmingham, Ala. Neume, 1905, a 1.00 X. E. conservatory of music, Boston, Mass. Nevada mining securities review, 1906, ■ Goldfield, Nevada. New age, 1865, m 1 .00 Wm. H. Barnes, San Francisco, Cal. New age, 1904, m 1 . 50 Supreme council of the 33d degree A., and A. Scottish rite S. J. U. S. A., 433 3d st. N. W., Washington, D. C. New Albany medical herald, 1879, m 1 .00 New Albany, Ind. New Bedford free library. Monthly bulletin, 1896 New Bedford, Mass. New boy, 1905, m 50 New boy pub. co., 128 E. 23d st., N. Y. New Brunswick S. S. advocate, 1899, m 25 St. John, N. B. New Brunswick historical society Collections, 1894, per no 5° St. John, N. B., Canada. New century, 1886, w 2.00 H. J. Desmond, 116 Evening star annex, Washington, D. C. New century path, t886, w 2.00 Cont. as Century path. New century Sunday school teachers' monthly, 1899, m 60 D. C. Cook pub. co., Elgin, 111. New Christianity, 1888, m 1 .00 S. H. Spencer, Yonkers, N. Y. New church life, i88t, m 2.00 General church of the new Jerusalem, Bryn Athyn, Pa. New church messenger, w 3-0° Rev. John S. Saul, Masonic temple, Chicago, 111. New church messenger, 1855, w 3-00 Rev. S. C. Eby, Delmar and Spring aves., St. Louis, Mo. New church review, 1 894, q 2. 00 Massachusetts new church union, Boston, Mass. New collegian, 1878, w 1 .00 Students of Hillsdale college, Hillsdale, Mich. New education, 1887, m 1 .00 New education pub. co., 3 E. 14th st., N. Y. New England alkaloidist, 1906 1 .00 Alkaloidist pub. co., Milford, Mass. 27,6 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS New England ass'n of colleges and preparatory schools Addresses and proceedings, 1885, a University of Chicago press, Chicago, 111. New England automobile journal, 1901, s-m 1 .00 Pawtucket, R. I. New England baptist chronicle, 1907, w 1 .00 95 Camden st., Boston, Mass. New England conservatory magazine, 5 times per yr 50 New England conservatory of music, Franklin sq, Boston, Mass. New England cotton manufacturers' association Transactions, 1866, s-m 5. 00 Boston, Mass. New England catholic historical society Publications, 1901 W. A. Leahy, sec, 64 Pemberton sq., Boston, Mass. New England craftsman, 1905 (Oct.), m 2.00 Warren B. Ellis, 900 Masonic temple, Boston, Mass. New England family history, 1907 (July i),q 1 .00 H. C. Quinby, 1507 Hanover bang bklg., Boston, Mass. New England farmer, w 1 .00 Battleboro, Vt. New England grocer, 1877, w 2.00 N. E. retail grocers' pub. co., 46 Clinton st., Boston, Mass. New England historic-genealogical society. Proceedings, 1863. Boston, Mass. New England historical and genealogical register, 1847, 9 3- °° N. E. hist, genealog. society, Boston, Mass. New England homestead, 1867, w 1.00 (Eastern ed. of American agriculturist, N. Y.) Orange Judd co., Springfield, Mass. New England housekeeping, 1906, m Ginter grocery co., Boston, Mass. New England liquor journal and directory, m 2. 50 J. J. Dowling & co., Hecht bldg., Boston, Mass. New England magazine, 1889, m 3-00 America co., 238 Tremont st., Boston, Mass. New England medical gazette, 1865, m 2.00 Otis Clapp & son, 10 Park sq., Boston, Mass. New England medical monthly, 188 1, m 1 .50 Danbury medical print, co., Danbury, Conn. New England modern language association, membership 1.00 Publications, 1905 Maro S. Brooks, sec, High school, Brookline, Mass. New England poultry journal, 1902, m 50 N. E. poultry journal pub. co., Hartford, Conn. New England railroad club. Entrance fee $5.00, annual $2.00. Proceedings, 1894 1 .00 E. L. Janes, sec'v, 185 Summer st., Boston, Mass. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 237 New England statist, 6 d 6 . 00 35 Congress St., Boston, Mass. New England tobacco grower, 1902, m 1 .00 Tobacco grower pub. co., Hartford, Conn. New England waterworks association. Journal, 1886, m 3-00 New London, Conn. New England zoological club. Proceedings, 1899, lve S 7 Kirkland St., Cambridge, Mass. New era, in 5° Toronto, Canada. New era, 1 889. w 1 . 00 E. L. Cronk, Louisville, Ky. New era, 1898, s-m 1 .00 A. E. Vorhis, Scranton, Pa. New era bulletin, 1904, m 1 .00 New Era association, Grand Rapids, Mich. New era illustrated magazine, m 2 .00 New Era illustrated magazine co., 38 Park Row, N. Y. New era monthly, 1900, m 25 New Era co., 550 Pearl St., N. Y. New era transformation monthly, m New Era co., 550 Pearl St., N. Y. New freeman, 1902, w 1 .00 New freeman pub. co., St. John, N. B. New guide, w Trustees of M. P. bd. of pub., Pittsburg, Pa. New Hampshire college monthly, m. dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Students of N. H. college of agriculture, Durham, N. H. New Hampshire farmer, 1851, w 1.00 Union pub. co., Manchester, N. H. New Hampshire genealogical record, 1903, q 1 .00 C. W. Tibbetts, Dover. N. H. New Hampshire historical society. Collections, 1824, irreg. ... 2.50 Concord, N. H. New Hampshire issue, 1901 , m 50 N. H. anti-saloon league, Concord, N. H. New Hampshire magazine, 1904, m 1.00 New Hampshire magazine co., Concord, N. H. New Hampshire medical society Transactions, a D. E. Sullivan, sec, Concord, N. H. New Hampshire public libraries. Bulletin, 1899 (Jan.), q Concord, N. H. New Hampshire sanitary bulletin, 1900, (Jan.), q State board of health, Concord, N. H. New Haven colony historical society Papers, 1865, irreg 5-°° New Haven, Conn. New Haven free public library bulletin, Apr, 1894 New Haven, Conn. New idea, 1879, m I0 ° F. Stearns & co., Detroit, Mich. 238 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS New idea fashions, 1894, m 636-38 Broadway, New York. New idea woman's magazine, 1896, m .50 New idea pub. co., 636 Broadway, N. Y. New ideas, 1895, m 25 J. M. Fogelsanger, 1210 Frankford road, Phila., Pa. New Jersey ass'n for the study of children and youths Papers, 1899 Bloomfield, N. J. New Jersey baptist bulletin, 1891, m 25 Rev. D. Dewolf, Newark, N. Y. New Jersey commerce and finance, 1905, w . 3.00 N. J. commerce and finance co.. Newark, N. J. New Jersey crusader, m 40 Charles A. Gischel, Phillipsburg, N. J. New Jersey gazette, 1869, w 1 .00 A. C. Graw, Camden, N. J. New Jersey historical society Archives, 1888, irreg Collections, 1846, irreg Proceedings, 1845 2 • 5° Newark, N. J. New Jersey junior American mechanic, 1897, m 25 New Jersey junior American pub. co., Burlington, N. J. New Jersey law journal, 1878, m 3-°° N. J. law journal pub. co., Plainfield, N. J. New Jersey lawyers' diary, 1890, a Soney & Sage. 42 Clinton st., Newark, N. J. New Jersey magazine, 1907, m 1 -oo New Jersey pub. co., Newark, N. J. New Jersey methodist Epworth advocate, 1890, w 1 .00 N. J. methodist pub. co., Camden, N. J. New Jersey patriot, 1894, s-m 60 Charles A. Gischel, Phillipsburg, N. J. New Jersey poultry journal, 1907, m -5 Albert Angell, Jr.. Orange N. J. New Jersey state horticultural society Proceedings, 1876. a I 00 Trenton, N. J. New Jersey trade review, 1887. s-m 1 00 Merchant and manufacturer pub. co., Newark, N. J. Mew Knowledge, [905, w 1 .00 Bible house, N. Y. New light, 1 903, w 75 Rev. M. A. Sturks, Gainesville, Fla. New London county historical society — Records and papers, 1890, irreg., per no 50 New London, Conn. New magnet library, 1907, w, per copy 15 Street & Smith. New York. (HIDE TO PERIODICALS 23<) New medal library, 1907, w, per copy 15 Street & Smith, New York. New Mexico bar association. Minutes, 1886, a Edward L. Bartlett, Santa Fe, N. M. New Mexico collegian, m dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Mesillo Pane, N. M. New Mexico medical association Journal, 1905, q 1.00 Albuquerque, N. M. New Mexico. University Bulletins. Biological series, irreg Varies Geological series, irreg Varies Language series, 1907 (Dec), q Albuquerque, N. M. New music review and church music review, 1900, m 1 .00 H. W. Gray co., 21 E. 17th st., New York, N. Y. New Occident, 1900, m 1 .00 New Occident pub. co., 608 Mission st., San Francisco, Cal. New Orleans medical and surgical journal, m 2.00 Tulane ave., New Orleans, La. New philosophy, 1898 (Mar.), q 1 .00 Lancaster, Pa. New review, 1896, m 5° R. G. Badger, 194 Boylston st., Boston, Mass. New San Francisco magazine, 1906, m 2.50 Bundy, Davidson & Kellogg, 1805 Fillmore st., San Fran- cisco, Cal. New Shakespeareana, 1901 , q 2 . 50 Shakespeare press, P. O. box 617, Westfield, N. J. New south. !<)o6 (Jan. 15), s-m 5.00 New south pub. co., L. L. & G. bldg., New Orleans, La. New southwest, 1904, m 5° Mo. pacific immigration bureau, St. Louis, Mo. New southwest magazine, 1905, m 1 .00 J. E. Guier, Stonewall, Ind. Ter. New story magazine, 1905, m 1 .00 North American bldg., Chicago, 111. New styles, 1900, m 5° Merged into Popular fashions. New theology magazine, Jan. 1908, q Box 2592. Boston, Mass. New thought, 1891, m 5° New thought pub. co., 1299 Farwell ave., Chicago, 111. New way, 1905, m • •• l °° 1107 E st., N. W., Washington, D. C. New world, 1 892, w 2 . 00 Catholic press co., 256 La Salle st., Chicago, 111. New York academy of medicine. Transactions, 1X47, irreg. . . . 12 \Y. 43d st., N. Y. New York academy of sciences. Annals, 1877, irreg 3.00 R. W. Tower, Librarian, care Am. mus. of nat. hist. 24 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS New York academy of sciences. Memoirs, 1895, P er P art I -°° New York City. New York athletic club journal, m 1 .00 Central Park, N. Y. New York botanical garden. Bulletin, 1896 3.00 Contributions, 1899, lTre § 5-°° Journal, 1900, m 1 .00 Memoirs, 1900, irreg 2.00 N. Y. botanical garden, Bronx Park, N. Y. New York city visiting committee of the state charities aid ass'n Reports, 1904, a 105 E. 22d St., N. Y. New York civil service reform association. Report, 1881, a. . . . The association. N. Y. New York clipper, 1853, w 4.00 Frank Queen pub. CO., ltd., 47 W. 28th St., N. Y. New York curb stock. C. Mont Benton, New York, N. Y. New York dramatic mirror, 1879, w 4.00 Duamatic Mirror co., 121 W. 42d St., N. Y. New York Edison co. Bulletin, 1902, m free New York Edison co., 55 Duane st., New York, N. Y. New York entomological society. Journal, 1893, q 2.00 77th st and 8th ave., N. Y. New York eye and ear infirmary. Reports, irreg Putnam & son, 29 W. 23d St., N. Y. New York farmer, 1881, w 1 . 00 Tri-state pub. co., Port Jervis, N. Y. New York fashions, m National cloak and suit co.. N. Y. New York genealogical and biographical record, 1869, °1- New York genealogical and hiographical society, 226 W. 58th st., New York, N. Y. New York historic and picturesque : a calendar, a 1 . 50 A. Wessels co., 43-45 E. 19th St., N. Y. New York historical society. Collections, 1809, irreg Report of the executive committee, 1847 George R. Schieffelin, corres. sec'y, 8th ave. bet. 76th and 77th sts., New York City. New York institute of stomatology, Am. acad. of dental science, Harvard odontol. society, and the Metropolitan dis- trict. Journal, 1906, q 2 .00 Committee of pub., 63 W. 48th st., N. Y. New York insurance journal, 1862, s-m 3. 00 N. Y. insurance co., 187 Broadway, New York. New York labor bulletin, 1899, q Free State dept. of labor, Albany, N. Y. New York Latin leaflet, w. dur. coll. yr 50 X. Y. Latin club, 35 Myrtle ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 241 New York liberator, 1902, m 25 Instructor pub. co., Dansville, N. Y. New York libraries, 1907 (Oct.), q free N. Y. state ed. dept., Albany, N. Y. New York lumber trade journal, 1886, s-m 2.00 New York lumber trade journal, 18 Broadway, New York, N. Y. New York Maccabee, 1902, m 50 Arthur MacArthur, Troy, N. Y. New York magazine of mysteries, 1900, m 1 00 Wm. J. Housman, 22 N. William St., N. Y. New York manufacturer, 1905, m 2.00 Manufacturers ass'n, New York. New York medical journal, 1865, m 5.00 A. R. Elliott pub. co., 66 W. Broadway, N. Y. New York medical times, 1870, m 1.00 Medical times co., 669 Fifth ave., N. Y. New York medicinische monatsschrift, 1889, m 2.00 A. Ripperger, 64 Madison ave., N. Y. New York men's wear directory. Fairchild co., New York, N. Y. New York news letter, 1868, b-m N. Y. life ins. co., New York. New York observer, 1823, w 3.00 New York observer co., 156 Fifth ave., N. Y. New York pathological society. Proceedings, 1881, m 1.50 James T. Dougherty, 201 W. 55th St., N. Y. New York produce review and American creamery. See Produce review. New York public library. Bulletin, 1897, m 1 .00 New York public library, N. Y. New York railroad club Official proceedings, m, 9 nos., to members free. Harry D. Vaught, 62 Liberty st., New York, N. Y. New York realty journal, 1905, w 1 .00 Realty press, 220 Broadway, New York. New York society library. Recent accessions, 1897, q New York. New York review, 1905, b-m 3 .00 Yonkers, N. Y. New York state charities and association. Reports, 1873, a. . . . Free 105 E. 22d St., N. Y. New York state conference of charities and corrections Proceedings, 1900, a Albany, N. Y. New York state educational department. Bulletin, 1906, irreg. Free Convocation proceedings, 1863, a Associated academic principals, 1886, a Albany, N. Y. Oklahoma farm journal, 1893, s-m 5° Farm journal co., Oklahoma City, Okla. 242 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS New York state fashion bulletin, 1905 (Sept.), q 10 Metropolitan life bldg., New York. New York state historical association, membership 2.00 Proceedings, 1900, a The association, 32 Broadway, N. Y. New York state journal of medicine, 1901, m 2.00 Medical society, state of N. Y. 1313 Bedford ave., N. Y. New York state lawyers' diary, 1903, a 1 .50 Banks & co., Albany, N. Y. New York state muieum. Annual report, 1847 Bulletin, 1887 Memoir, 1889 Report of state geologist, 1881 Handbooks, 1893 John M. Clarke, director, Albany, N. Y. New York state pharm. association. Proceedings, 1898, a Free S. V. B. Swan, sec, N. Y. New York state science teachers ass'n. Proceedings, 1898, a. . Free State education department, Albany, N. Y. New York styles, Aug. 1907, m 104-08 W. 42d St., New York. New York supplement, 1 888, w 5. 00 West pub. co., St. Paul, Minn. New York teachers' monographs, 1898, q 1.00 New York teachers' monographs co., 21 E. 14th St., New York, N. Y. New York templar, 1880, m 40 Grand lodge, I. O. of G. T., Delhi, N. Y. New York times Saturday review of books, w 1 .00 N. Y. times co., Times square, New York, N. Y. New York times weekly financial quotation review, w 1 .00 N. Y. times co., Times square, New York, N. Y. New York tribune farmer, w Tribune association, N. Y. New York tribune index, a 1.00 Tribune association, N. Y. New York university. Bi-weekly bulletin, 1901, b-w Washington sq., N. Y. New York university bulletin of the medical sciences, q 1.00 Macmillan co., 66 Fifth ave., N. Y. New York. University of the state of New York Free Annual report, a College dept. Annual report, 1898, a Bulletin, 1899 Home education dept. Annual report, 1893, a Bulletin, 1891 Public libraries New York state museum. Annual report, 1848 Bulletin (in annual report) Memoirs, 1889, i rrc £ GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 243 -State library. Bulletin. Bibliography, 1895 History, 1898 Legislation, 1891 Library school, 1891 Traveling libraries, 1900 Trustees' annual report, a. Regents' bulletin (in annual report), 1890 Albany, N. Y. New York weekly witness, 1871, w 1 .00 150 Nassau st., New York. New York zoological society. Membership per year 10.00 Bulletin, 1896, q Report, a X. Y. zoological park, New York, N. Y. New Yorker, 190 1, w 4.00 N*nv Yorker co., 65 Trinity pi., N. Y. New Yorker echo, 1902 (May 3), w 4-0° Herman Alexander, 3 E. 14th St., New York, N. Y. Newark advertiser.. Book supplement, 1905, w Newark, N. J. Newark, N. J. Free public library. Bulletin, July 1904 Finding list, 1900 Library news, 1890, m Newburyport (Mass.) public library bulletin, 1903 Newport casino, 1907 J. W. Grayhurst, New York, N. Y. Newport natural history society. Proceedings, 1883, a Newport, R. I. News, 1898, w 2.00 St. Louis news co., St. Louis, Mo. News and notes, 1906 John D. Newman, Upper Montclair, N. J. News letter, m 1 .00 Oliver C. Sabin, 1329 M St., N. W., Washington, D. C. News letter, 1902, m 20 Robinson & Currie, St. John, N. F. News notes of California libraries, 1906, q State library, Sacramento, Cal. Newsboys magazine, 1905, m 1 .00 Newsboys co., 116 Nassau St., N. Y. Newsbureau, 1887, 6 d 12 .00 C. W. Barron, 17 Exchange pi., Boston, Mass. Newsdealer, m 5° National ass'n of newsdealers, 19 Park pi., N. Y. News-letterette, 1906 (June), w. For agents X. Y. life ins. co., 346 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Newspaper rate book, 1898, a 5.00 Nelson Chesman & co., 1127 Pine St., St. Louis, Mo. Newspaperdom, 1 892, w 2 . 00 Newspaperdom pub. co., 150 Nassau st.. N. Y. 244 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Niaraga historical society. Membership 50c. Publications, 1896, each 20 Annual report, 1896 Niaraga-on-the-Lake, Ont., Canada. Niagara index, 1870, s-m 1 . 75 Students of Niagara university, Niagara univ., N. Y. Niagara spray, 1894, m 50 Danford J. Penfold, Lockport, N. Y. Nickell magazine, 1894, m 50 Buffalo, N. Y. Nickel pathfinder railway guide, 1898, m 5a New England railway pub. co., Boston, Mass. Niedziela, 1890, w 2.00 Niedziela pub. co., St. Aubin and Garfield aves, Detroit, Mich. Nineteenth century and after (Am. ed.), 1877, m 4-5° Leonard Scott pub. co., 7 Warren st., N. Y. Nippon, 1903, m 2.00 Nippon pub. co., 420 California st., San rrancisco, Cal. Nor-Ohio I. O. O. F. bulletin, 1905, w 50 Fraternal pub. co., Cleveland, O. Nor'-west farmer, 1882, s-m 1 .00 Nor'-west farmer, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Nord Amerika, 1871, w 2.50 John Wiesler, Jr., 1006 N. 5th St., Phila., Pa. Norden, 1903, m 50 Norden pub. co., Racine, Wis. Normal, 1901, m. dur. sch. yr 1 .00 State normal school, Spearfish, S. D. Normal advance, m., Oct.-June 75 Indiana state normal school, Terre Haute, Ind. Normal college news, w. dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Normal college, Ypsilant , Mich. Normal herald, 1895, °I State normal school of Indiana, Indiana, Pa. Normal index, 1885, w 50 Agricultural and mechanical college, Normal, Ala. Normal instructor and teachers' world, 1891, 10 nos 75 F. A. Owen pub. co., Dansville, N. Y. Norske Selskab i Amerika. Membership $1.00. Aarbog, 1903 Kvartalskrift, 1905 Minneapolis, Minn. No. American A. B. C. railway and tourist guide, 1908, m 3. 60 No. American A. B. C, Temple Court bldg., Beekman and Nassau sts, N. Y. North American checker-board, 1896, m 2.00 Lyman M. Stearns, West Derby, N. H. North American farmer, 1901 , s-m 50 Columbus, O. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 245 North American flora, 1905, irreg., per part 1 .50 New York botanical garden, Bronx Park, N. Y. North American horticulturist, 1895, m 50 N. A. H. pub. co., Monroe, Mich. North American journal of homoeopathy, 1852, m 3-00 Journal pub. co., 181 W. 83d St., N. Y. North American review, 1815, m 5-°° North American review pub. co., Franklin sq., N. Y. North American weekly, s-m 5 . 00 North American weekly pub. co., 43 E. 8th St., N. Y. North and south, 1903, m 1 .00 C. C. Packard, Louisville, Ky. North Carolina baptist, 1891, w 1 .00 Pub. suspended. North Carolina board of health Bulletin, m Raleigh, N. C. North Carolina booklet, 1901, q 1 .00 Mary Hilliard Hinton, Raleigh, N. C. North Carolina Christian advocate, 1855, w 1 .50 Greensboro, N. C. North Carolina department of agriculture. Bulletin, m N. C. state bd. of agriculture, Raleigh, N. C. North Carolina geological survey. Bulletin, 1893, irreg Economic papers Reports, 1892, biennial Chapel Hill. N. C. North Carolina journal of law, 1904 (Jan.), m 3.00 North Carolina univ., dept. of law, Chapel Hill, N. C. North Carolina Sunday school beacon, m 25 North Carolina S. S. association, Raleigh, N. C. North Carolina university magazine, 1844, 6 times d. coll. yr. . 1.50 Chapel Hill, N. C. North central association of colleges and secondary schools Proceedings, 1896, a 25 J. E. Armstrong, Englewood high school, Chicago, 111. North Dakota farmer, 1809, w 5° E. F. Ladd & co., Fargo, N. D. North Dakota magazine, 1906, m 60 Bismarck, N. D. North Dakota. State university and school of mines University bulletin, 1904, a University, N. D. North Dakota university bulletin, q North Dakota university, N. D. North Dakota workman, 1895, m Brown and Gage, Fargo, N. D. North Dakotan, 1903, m 5° North Dakota pub. co., Fargo, N. D. North east, 1872, m 1.00 Portland, Me. 246 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS North Pacific rural spirit, 1869, w 1 . 50 Portland, Ore. Northeastern reporter, 1885, w 5.00 West pub. co., St. Paul, Minn. Northern, 1905, m 50 Portsmouth, N. H. Northern Christian advocate, 1841, w 1 .50 Eaton & Mains, Syracuse, N. Y. Northern crown, 1904 (Apr.) 1 .00 Anna Morrison Reed, Ukiah, Cal. Northern Indiana historical society Publications, 1899, irreg George A. Baker, sec'y, South Bend, Ind. Northern messenger, 1866, w 30 John Dougall & son, Montreal, Canada. Northland weekly, 1903, w 1 .00 Ungdommens ven pub. co., Minneapolis, Minn. North shore reminder, 1902, w, per no 15 673 Boylston st., Boston, Mass. T. W. Flannagan, sec'y, 35 E. 3d st., St. Paul, Minn. Northwest, 1903, m Lindsey pub. co., Minneapolis, Minn. Northwest, 1907 (May), m 1 .00 1414 second ave., Seattle, Wash. Northwest baptist, 1885, m 50 Baptist convention, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Northwest farm and home, w 2. 00 Washington farmer pub. co., North Yakima, Wash. North west guide, m W. M. Patterson, Seattle, Wash. Northwest homeseeker and investor, m 1 .00 Hutchinson & Bronson, Spokane, Wash. Northwest horticulturist, 1887, m 5° Tacoma, Wash. Northwest implement trade, 1903, m 1 .00 Northwest implement trade co., Fargo, N. D. Northwest journal of education, 1889, 10 nos 1 .00 B. W. Brintnall, Seattle, Wash. Northwest magazine Blaine Phillips, Boise, Idaho. Northwest medicine, m 2 . 50 Washington medical library ass'n, Seattle, Wash. Northwest mining journal, 1906 (Jan.), m 2.00 James B. Adair, Seattle, Wash. Northwest mining news, 1906, m 2 . 50 Spckane, Wash. Northwest railway club Official proceedings, 1895 2.00 Northwest pacific farmer, 1871, w 1.00 Pacific farmer co., Portland, Ore. Northwest poultry journal, m 50 Northwest poultry journal pub. co., Salem, Ore. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 247 Northwest review, w 2 .00 Moore print, co., Winnipeg, Manitoba. Northwest review, 1902, m 25 Northwest review pub. co., Spokane, Wash. Northwestern, 1871, 3 times per w. dnr. coll. yr 2.25 Students of Northwestern university, Evanston, 111. Northwestern agriculturist, 1886, m 5° P. V. Collins pub. co., Minneapolis, Minn. Northwestern banker, 1895, m 2.00 Northwestern banker pub. co., Des Moines, la. Northwestern Christian advocate, 1852, w 1 .60 Jennings & Graham, 57 E. Washington St., Chicago, 111. Northwestern chronicle, 1866, w 2 .00 Northwestern chronicle co., St. Paul, Minn. Northwestern clerk and window dresser, 1887, m 50 Northwestern clerk pub. co., Minneapolis, Minn. Northwestern coal dealer, 1904, m I. C. Cuvellier, Lumber exchange, Minneapolis, Minn. Northwestern college chronicle, 1869, m. dur. coll. yr 75 Students of Northwestern college, Naperville, 111. Northwestern dental journal, 1903, q 50 Alumni ass'n, Northwestern dental school, Chicago, 111. Northwestern druggist, 1899, m 1 .00 Chapin pub. co., Minneapolis, Minn. Northwestern horseman and stockman, 1890, m 1.00 Northwestern horseman and stockman co., Minneapolis, Minn. Northwestern magazine, 1904, m 1 .00 Northwestern university, Evanston, 111. Northwestern miller, 1870, w 3 .00 Miller pub. co., Minneapolis, Minn. Northwestern miner, manufacturer and metallurgist, 1899, s-m. 1.00 Seattle, Wash. Northwestern photographic recorder, m 50 Zimmerman bros., St. Paul, Minn. Northwestern churchman, 1871, m 50 C. L. Parker, Portland, Ore. Northwestern reporter, 1879, w 5 .00 West pub. co., St. Paul, Minn. Northwestern shoe and leather journal, 1896, m 1 .00 Northwestern shoe journal co., St. Paul, Minn. Northwestern sportsman, 1901, m 1 .00 Sportsman pub. co., Milwaukee, Wis. Northwestern templar, 1902, ra 25 C. L. Thompson, Clinton, la. Northwestern university, Evanston, 111. Bulletin, 1901, q Bulletin of law, 1902, q Quarterly bulletin (dental), 1901, q Quarterly bulletin (medical), 1905, q Quarterly bulletin (musical), 1903. q . Quarterly bulletin (pharmaceutical), 1901, q 248 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Northwestern university. Medical school. Quarterly bulletin, q. 2431 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. Norton's monthly, 189 1, m 25 S. F. Norton, 544 Ogden ave., Chicago, 111. Notes and queries, historical and genealogical, relating to inte- rior Pennsylvania, 1894 Harrisburg, Pa. Notes for Bible study, 1881, m 36 William Henderson, Toronto, Canada. Notes on books, m Free Longmans, Green & co., 91 Fifth ave., N. Y. Notes on new remedies, q 50 Lehn & Fink, 120 William st., N. Y. Notes on the constitutions, statutes, etc., 1907, q 5.00 Fiske & co., Springfield, 111. Notes on the Epworth league devotional meeting topics, s-a. . . Methodist book concern, 5th ave. and 20th St., N. Y. Notes to statutes of Indiana, 1903, q 3.00 National annotating co., Crawfordsville, Ind. Nouvelle-France, 1902, m 1.25 Quebec, Canada. Nova Scotia historical society Collections, 1879, each 50 Halifax, N. S., Canada. Nova Scotian institute of science Proceedings and transactions, 1868, irreg Varies Novel world, 1906 1 .00 Win. F. Hartman, Wayland, N. Y. Novellen-Schutz, 1857, f 2 . 50 S. Zickel, 129 Duane st., N. Y. Now, 1900, m 1 .00 H. H. Brown, 33 S. 2d St., San Jose, Cal. Nugents' bulletin, 1882, m 1 .00 The Allen-Nugent co., 13 Astor pi., N. Y. Nugget, 1905, 9 nos 50 Nugget pub. co., Lead, S. D. Numismatic and antiquarian society of Philadelphia Proceedings, 1865 W. W. Longstreth, sec'y, 132 S. 32d St., Philadelphia, Pa. Numismatist, 1888, m 1 .00 George P. Heath, Monroe, Mich. Nurses' journal of the pacific coast, 19 34, q 1 .00 California state nurses' ass'n, 140 Fern ave., San Francisco, Cal. Nut-grower, 1902 (Aug.), m 50 Poulan, Ga. Nutshell, 1904, q 10 J. H. Goodwin, 121 5 Broadway, N. Y., N. Y. Nuttall ornithological club of Cambridge. Membership $2.00. Memoirs, 1886, irreg C. F. Batchelder, treas., 7 Kirkland st., Cambridge, Mass. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 249 Nya wecko posten, 1878, w 1 . 50 Rev. E. Wingren, 383 Wells St., Chicago, 111. O. A. C. review, 1889, 8 nos 50 Students of Ontario agri. college, Guelph, Ont. Oaff's farm and poultry review, 1900, m 10 Oaff's farm and poultry review pub. co., 28 11 Locust St., St. Louis, Mo. Oak leaves, 1907 (June), m 1 .00 Fair oaks pub. co., Fair oaks, Sacramento co., Cal. Oberlin college bulletin, q Laboratory bulletin, 1889 Oberlin, O. Oberlin review, 1872, w 1 . 50 Union library assoc. of Oberlin college, Oberlin, Ohio. Obermayer bulletin of information for foundry men, free to foundrymen, s-m 50 The S. Obermayer co., Cincin., O. Obispo plantation news, 1905, m 29 Broadway, N. Y. Obrero, 1902, w 1 .00 Julio Aybor, Mayaguez, Porto Rico. Observatio Meteorologico. Boletin mensuel, m Climatological data for Manila Observaciones verificados Manila, P. I. Observatorio del Colegio de Belen. Observaciones meteorlogicas, 1857 Calle de Compostela esquina a Luz, Habana, Cuba. Observer, 1899, w 1 . 50 Charles J. Jaegle, Pittsburg, Pa. Obzor hospodarsky, s-m 60 F. Fabian, Hallettsville, Tex. Occident, 1881, w. dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Occident pub. co., Berkeley, Cal. Occident, 1 872, w 3 . 00 Occident pub. co., 55 E. 12th st., Chicago, 111. Occident, 1905, m 50 L. Frances Estes, Brocton, Mass. Occidental, mystic and occult, 1907, m 1 .00 1438 Tremont pi., Denver, Colo. Occult, 1907, m 75 Mrs. Don M. Davidson, 279 Woodward ave., Detroit, Mich. Occult science, 1906 (Mar.), m 50 Chestnut hill station, Boston, Mass. Ocean, 1907, m (cont. as Live wire, Feb. '08) 1 .00 Frank A. Munsey co., New York, N. Y. Octographic review, 1 856, w 1 . 50 Bittle & Sommer, Indianapolis, Ind. Odalmannen, 1904, s-m 50 Minneapolis, Minn. 250 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Odd fellow, in spirit and truth, 1901, w 1 .00 Martin and Pitcher, Memphis, Tenn. Odd fellow reporter, 1902, m 1.00 E. T. Duckert, New Orleans, La. Odd fellow review, 1884, m I .oc Winn Powers, St. Paul, Minn. Odd fellow weekly, 1904, w 1 .00 Will Smith and Brame Dalton, West Point, Miss. Odd fellow world, 1894, m 1 .00 James M. Patton, Sioux Falls, S. D. Odd fellows' friend, 1885, m 75 Richard Hoe, Milwaukee, Wis. Odd fellows' herald, 1876, s-m 1 .25 Mary P. Miller and John Sikes, Springfield, 111. Odd fellows journal, 1904, m 50 J. W. Roberts, Huntsville, Ala. Odd fellows' journal, 1897, w 1 . 25 J. C. Asbury, 1132 Lombard st., Phila., Pa. Odd fellows' sif tings, 1874, m 50 C. A. Ulrich, 1319 Buttonwood st., Phila., Pa. Odd fellows' talisman, 1868, m 1 . 50 F. Foster Reynolds, Indianapolis, Ind. Odontoblast, m. dur. coll. yr Students of Detroit dental college, Detroit, Mich. Office and field, 1905, w 2.00 W. B. Campbell, Toronto, Canada. Office appliance journal, m 1 .00 Marquette bldg., Chicago, 111. Office appliances, 1904, m 1 .00 Patterson & Thurman, Republic bldg., Chicago, 111. Office blotter, 1903, m 1.00 W. D. Whiteman, Minneapolis, Minn. Office economics, 1904, q F. S. Webster co., 211 Madison St., Chicago, 111. Office equipment journal, 1907, m Wesley A. Stanger, Chicago, 111. Office outfitter, 1908 (Jan.), m 1.00 Class periodical co., 975 Old Colony bldg., Chicago, 111. Official Am. textile directory, a 3-00 Lord & Nagle, 144 Congress st., Boston, Mass. Official Catholic directory, 1887, a M. H. Wiltins co., 413 Broadway, Milwaukee, Wis. Official edition of law reports and session laws, State of New York, w 20.00 J. B. Lyon co., no Beaver st., Albany, N. Y. Official electric railway guide and central New York red book, 1906 Benjamin Steger, Utica, N. Y. Official guide of Columbus, 1907, m Free Greater Columbus pub. co., 83 3d st., Columbus, O. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 251 Official guide of St. Louis, 1896, m 2.00 Mississippi valley advertising co., St. Louis, Mo. Official guide of the railways and steam navigation lines of the United States, Porto Rico, Canada, Mexico and Cuba, 1868, m 8.00 National railway pub. co., 24 Park pi., N. Y. Official guide of Toledo Daniel F. Dreher and Chas. B. Miller, Toledo, O. Official hotel red book and directory, a 3 .00 Official hotel red book and directory co., Grand union hotel, N. Y. Official journal A. M. C. & B. W. of N. A., 1901, m H. D. Call, Syracuse, N. Y. Official railroad and marine gazette, 1894, m 1 • 5° John Bennett, Seattle, Wash. Official railway equipment register, 1884, m 5 .00 Railway equipment and pub. co., 24 Park pi., N. Y. Official register and directory of the women's clubs in America, 1899. a 1. 00 Helen M. Winslow, Shirley, Mass. Official theatrical guide, 1894, a 1 .00 Supplement. Sept. to April free Julius Cahn, Empire theatre, New York, N. Y. Official yearbook and directory of golf and automobiling, 1899, a 5.00 Stettiner bros., 52 Duane St., New York, N. Y. Ogontz mosaic, 1885, m 1-5° Ogontz school for young ladies, Ogontz, Pa. Ohio archaeological and historical quarterly, 1887, q 3.00 Ohio state archaeological and historical society, Columbus, O. Ohio architect and builder, m 1 .00 Ohio architect and builder co.. Cleveland, O. Ohio bulletin of charities and corrections, q 20 Ohio bd. of state charities, Columbus, O. Ohio educational monthly, 1852, m 1. 00 O. T. Corson, Columbus, O. Ohio electric light association Proceedings, 1904, per no 1 .oo D. L. Gaskill, sec'y-treas., Greenville, O. Ohio endeavorer, 1 898, m 2 5 S. J. Clark, Toledo, O. Ohio engineering society. Proceedings, 1879, a 5° E. G. Bradbury, sec, 85 E. High st., Columbus, O. Ohio farmer, 1848, w 60 Lawrence pub. co., Cleveland, O. Ohio geological survey. Bulletins, irreg Varies Columbus, O. Ohio harp, 1904 (Nov.), m 5° Ohio state school for blind, Columbus, O. Ohio homoeopathic medical society. Transactions, 1865, a. . . . Columbus, O. 252 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Ohio law bulletin, 1 876, vv 4 . 50 Laning co., Norwalk, O. Ohio law reporter, 1903 (Apr. 20), w 5.00 806 Alain st., Cincinnati, O. Ohio magazine, 1906, m 2 .00 Ohio magazine pub. co., Columbus, O. Ohio mechanics institute Quarterly bulletin, 1904 Cincinnati, Ohio. Ohio merino sheep breeders' ass'n. Register, 1906, a Wesley Bishop, sec'y, Delaware, Ohio. Ohio naturalist, 1900, 8 nos 1 .00 Biological club of Ohio state university, Columbus, O. Ohio poultry journal, 1884. m 50 J. C. Ely, Dayton, O. Ohio sanitary bulletin, 1896 State board of health, Columbus, Ohio. Ohio school journal, 1904, m 75 Ohio school journal co., Columbus, O. Ohio state academy of sciences. Report, 1891, a Special papers, 1899, irreg Columbus, O. Ohio state archaeological and historical society Annual report, 1885 E. O. Randall, sec'y, state house, Columbus, O. Ohio state lantern, 1879, w 1 . 25 Ohio state university, Columbus, O. Ohio state library Monthly bulletin, 1905 Columbus, O. Ohio state medical journal, 1905, m 1.00 Ohio state medical association, Columbus, O. Ohio state university. Bulletin, m Botanical series Contribu. from dept. of zoology and entomology 1899. — Columbus, O. Ohio teacher, 1880, m 75 H. G. Williams, Athens, O. Ohio university bulletin, q. dur. coll. yr 25 Students of, Ohio university, Athens, O. Ohio valley manufacturer, 1887, w 3-00 Ohio valley manufacturer, Wheeling, W. Va. Ohio Wesleyan transcript, 1866, w. dur. coll. yr 1 .25 Ohio Wesleyan transcript, Delaware, O. Ohio Wesleyan university bulletin, 1902, b-m Delaware, O. Ohio workman, 1900, m 50 A. T. Roever, Cincin., O. Oil City derrick, 1871, d 7. 00 Derrick pub. co., Oil City, Pa. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 253 Oil mill gazetteer, 1900, m '. 50 Oil mill supt's assoc, Brownsville, Texas. Oil paint and drug reporter, 1871, w 4.00 Wm. O. Allison, 100 W 7 illiam St., N. Y. Oil workers' journal, 1900, m 50 Geo. F. Crouch, Cygnet, O. Okanogan farm journal, 1904, m 1.00 D. R. Young, Victoria, B. C. Oklahoma and Indian Territory odd fellow, 1893, m 1 .00 G. W. Bruce, Guthrie, Okla. Oklahoma baptist, 1905, w 1 .00 Oklahoma baptist pub. co., So. McAlester, I. T. Oklahoma farmer, 1890, w 50 Farmer pub. co., Guthrie, Okla. Oklahoma historical society Biennial report of the president, 1897 Carnegie bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. Oklahoma journal of commerce, 1903, m 1. 00 C. M. White, Oklahoma City, Okla. Oklahoma law journal, m 2 . 00 D. H. Fernandes, Guthrie, Okla. Oklahoma medical news-journal, 1893, m 1.00 J. R. Phelan, Oklahoma City, Okla. Oklahoma school herald, 1892, m 1 .00 C. W. Turner, Oklahoma City, Okla. Oklahoma Sunday school worker, 1895, m 2 5 William Rogers Medford, Okla. Oklahoma. State university. Bulletin, q Free University of Oklahoma, Norman, Okla. < Oklahoma workman, 1 893, m 50 S. L. Johnson, Guthrie, Okla. Old continental, 1901 ( Sept. ) , b-m 50 Iowa sons of the American revolution, Des Moines, la. Old Dartmouth historical sketches, 1903, irreg New Bedford, Mass. Old dominion journal of medicine and surgery, 1902 (July), m. 1.00 Old dominion pub. co., Richmond, Va. Old Eliot, 1907, q Eliot, Me. Old magazine, 1906, m 10 Le Roy, N. Y. Old Maryland, 1905, m 1. 00 Baltimore, Md. "Old northwest" genealogical quarterly, q 3- 00 Frank T. Cole, Columbus, O. Old Penn, 1903, w 1.00 Students of Univ. of Penn., Phila., Pa. Old south leaflets, 1883, irreg Directors of the old south work, Boston, Mass. Old theology quarterly, 1889 06 Watch tower Bible and tract society, Bible house, Allegheny, Pa. -54 • iUlDE TO PERIODICALS Old ulster, 1905 (Jan.), 111 25 Benjamin M. Brink, Kingston, N. Y: Olive and blue, w. dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Students of Tulane university, New Orleans, La. Olivet college bulletin, 1901, 8 nos Free Olivet, Mich. Omaha public library bulletin, 1897 Omaha, Neb. Omaha trade exhibit, 1891, w 1.00 G. C. Porter, trade exhibit co., Omaha, Neb. Omahan, 1 900, m 1 . 00 C. C. T. Clary, Omaha, Neb. Omnibus, 1866, w 2 . 00 Geo. W. Krippenstapel, Louisville, Ky. Oneida historical society at Utica — Yearbook, 188 1 Memorial bldg., Utica, N. Y. One-hoss philosophy, 1897, q 25 J. A. Wa viand, Girard, Kan. Onondaga historical association Historical leaflet, 1896, irreg 311 Montgomery st., Syracuse, N. Y. Ontario association of architects Proceedings, 1901, a — ■ — Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Ontario churchman, m 25 British whig pub. co., Kingston, Ontario. Ontario, Canada. Ontario historical society. Papers and records, 1899, a 1 .00 Report, 1891, a Toronto, Canada. Ontario law reports, 1899 Toronto, Canada. Ontario natural science bulletin, 1905, a 25 Wellington field naturalists' club, Guelph, Ont., Canada. Ontario weekly reporter, 1902 (Jan. 4) 32 Adelaide st., East Toronto, Canada. Onward, 1891, w 60 Rev. W. Briggs, Toronto, Canada. Onward, 1893, w 50 Universalist pub. house, 30 West st., Boston, Mass. Oologist, 1884, m 50 Frank H. Lattin, Albion, N. Y. Open shop, 1902 1 .00 National metal trades assoc., Cincinnati, Ohio. Open air quarterly, 1906, q 50 H. T. Fontaine, Concord, N. H. Open court, 1 887, m 1 . 00 Open court pub. co., 324 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. Open road, 1906, m 1 .00 Jeremiah pub. co., 163 Randolph st.. Chicago, Til. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 255 Open road, 1905, b-m 50 (Contin. as Letters and life.) Open shelt, q Cleveland public library, Cleveland, O. Open window, 1885, in 1 .00 Shut in society, 1 14-120 W. 30th St., N. Y. Opera glass, 1879, w 2.00 R. C. Johnson & co., Galveston, Tex. Opera house guide, 1907, m 2. 50 416 Elm St., Cincinnati, O. Operative miller, 1896, m 1 .00 Operative miller co., 114 Sherman st., Chicago, 111. Ophthalmic record, 1891, m 300 C. C. Clute High bldg., Chicago, 111. Ophthalmologist, m 2 . 00 Charles McCormick, 84 Adams St., Chicago, 111. Ophthalmology, 1904, q 5. 00 105 Grand ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Opportunities, 1905, m 1 .00 126 Market St., Chicago, 111. Opportunities of today, 1904, m 1.00 Majestic bldg., Chicago, 111. Opportunity, 1907, m 25 Opportunity pub. co., 7 Doane St., Boston, Mass. Opportunity, 1895, m 50 Opportunity pub. co., 341-351 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. Opportunity, m 50 Segnogram pub. co., Los Angeles, Cal. Opportunity, 1905, m 50 Opportunity co., 218 Kittredge bldg., 279 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. Opportunity informer, 1907, m 3. 00 Inter-state business exchange, Denver, Colo. Optical instrument monthly, 1905, m 1 .00 Edward P. Buffet, 108 Fulton st., N. Y. Optical journal, 1 889, w 2 . 00 Frederick Boger pub. co., 1 Maiden Lane, N. Y. Optical news, 1902, m Free J. W. Jarvis, Buffalo, N. Y. Optical review, 1907, m 1 .00 Jewelers' circular pub. co., New York, N. Y. Optimist, 1903 (June), m ; 1.00 Interdenominational pub. co., 1420 Chestnut st., Phila., Pa. Optimist, 1903, m 1 - 00 Optimist pub. co., Camden, N. J. Optimist, 1906, m 10 N. C. Merrill, Vancouver, B. C. Oracle, 1896, m. dur. coll. yr 1 00 Students of Monmouth college, Monmouth, 111. Oracle, 1888, s-m. dur. coll. yr 1 00 Students of Hamline university, Hamline, Minn 256 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Orange, 1903, d. dur. coll. yr 2.50 Orange pub. co., Syracuse, N. Y. Orange and blue, 1897, m. dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Students of Bucknell university, Lewisburg, Pa. Orange and white, 1906, w 1 . 50 Students of the university of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tenn. Orange Judd farmer, 1888, w 1 .00 Orange Judd co., Marquette bldg., Chicago, 111. Orchard and farm, 1886, m 1 .00 Culkins newspaper syndicate, San Francisco, Cal. Orchard and garden monthly, 1905, m 50 Orchard and garden pub. co., Quincy, 111. Orden revue, 1900, m 75 Gustav Gebhardt, 96 Wykcoff st., Brooklyn, N. Y. Oregon agriculturist and rural northwest, 1891, s-m 50 Rural northwest, Portland, Ore. Oregon booster, 1905, w 1 . 00 147 Front St., Portland, Oregon. Oregon historical society. Quarterly, 1900, q 2.00 Portland, Ore. Oregon pioneer association Transactions, 1875, a -> P er no 5° Geo. H. Himes, sec, City hall, Portland, Oregon. Oregon reporter, 1887, m 75 J. H. Zane, Portland, Ore. Oregon state conference of charities and corrections Report, 1902, a Portland, Ore. Oregon teachers' monthly, 10 nos 1 .00 Teachers' pub. co., Salem. Ore. Oregon. University. Bulletin, n. s., 1903, b-m Eugene, Ore. Oregon woodman, 1896, m 50 V. P. Fiske, Dallas, Ore. Ores and metals, 1892, s-m 2 .00 Ores and metals pub. co., Denver, Colo. Organ, 1890, b-m 1 .00 Geo. Molineux, 150 Fifth aave., N. Y. Organist, b-m ... 1 . 50 Lorenz pub. co., Dayton, O. Organized charities association of the city of New Haven Report, 1879, a New Haven, Conn. Organized labor, 1900, w 1 . 50 Organized labor pub. co., San Francisco, Cal. Orient magazine, 1907 (Dec), m 1.50 Orient mag. pub. co., 1923 Broadway, N. Y., N. Y. Orphans' friend and masonic journal, 1876, w 1.00 Oxford orphan asylum, Oxford, N. C. Orphans home paper, 1 897 50 Evangelical Lutheran orphans' home, Topton, Pa. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 257 Orpington poultry journal, 1902, m 60 Win. Cook & sons, Scotch Plains, N. J. Orr's advertising service, 1905, m 3 . 50 Laclede bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Osborne county farmer, 1873 (Jan.), w 1 .50 B. P. Walker, Osborne, Kan. Osprey, 1896, m 1 .00 Osprey co., 321 \ x / 2 St., N. W., Washington, D. C. Ostenburg press, 190s, w 75 Milev M. Griffith, Ostenburg, Pa. Osteopathic advocate, 1905, m 50 1 135 Broadway, N. Y. Osteopathic brief, 1906, m 50 Dr. J. H. Crenshaw, Ariel bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Osteopathic directory and year book, a 1 .00 Journal of osteopathy pub. co., Kirksville, Mo. Osteopathic health, 1901, m 50 Osteopathic pub. co., 171 Washington St., Chicago, 111. Osteopathic physician, 1902, m 5° Osteopathic pub. co., 171 Washington st., Chicago, 111. Osteopathic review, 1902 (Jan.), m 50 Dr. James M. McGee, 11 12 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Osteopathic truth, 1905 Elgin, 111. Osteopathic truths, 1906 Osteopathic truths pub. co., N. Y. Osterhout free library. Bulletin, 1902 (Apr.), m 50 Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Ostrander's money maker, iqoi, m 50 W. M. Ostrander, 437 5th ave., N. Y., N. Y. Otis library and Peck library Co-operative bulletin, 1903 (Nov.), Norwich, Conn. Otis weekly, 1905, w 5° Geo. Otis, 153 Milk st., Boston, Mass. Otsego farmer, 1885, w 1 • 5° Crist, Scott & Parshall, Cooperstown, N. Y. Ottawa chautauqua assembly herald, 1892, m 25 C. S. Musbaum, Ottawa, Kan. Ottawa literary and scientific society. Membership 3.00 Transactions. 1897, per no 5° Ottawa, Ont., Canada. Ottawa naturalist, T883, m l - 00 Ottawa field naturalists club, Ottawa, Canada. Ottawa university. Quarterly bulletin, q free Ottawa, Kan. Otterbein aegis, 1890, m. dur. coll. yr 50 Philophronean pub. co., Westerville, O. Our baby, 1905, m i-00 Flatiron bldg., N. Y. 258 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Our Bible lesson quarterly, 1878, q 20 Rev. W. R. Funk, Dayton, O. Our Bible teacher, 1873, m 60 Rev. W. R. Funk, Dayton, O. Our boys, 1902, m 1 .00 Our boys pub. co., Pittsburg, Pa. Our boys magazine, 1900, m 50 Charles B. Monroe. Our church life, 1 894, m 25 Wisconsin home missionary society, Madison, Wis. Our church record, 1894, w 1.00 J. F. McCulloch, Greensboro, N. C. Our commonwealth, 1897, w 1 .00 Thomas Bawden, 157 Park St., Detroit, Mich. Our commonwealth magazine, 1906, b-m 20 Otis A. McKelvie, P. O. box 480, Los Angeles, Cal. Our day, 1888, m 2.00 Frederick L. Chapman, no La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Our drummer, m Butler bros., Chicago, 111. Our dumb animals, 1868, m 50 Massachusetts S. P. C. A., 19 Milk St., Boston, Mass. Our eastern star, 1899, m 1 . 50 Rev. I. P. Daniels, Little Rock, Ark. Our educational dawn, 1907, m 1 .00 Charles E. Lukens, Lima, O. Our fourfooted friends, 1902 (Apr.), m 50 Animal rescue league, 4 Fayette St., Boston, Mass. Our home companion, m 50 Smith & Sale', Portland, Ore. Our home department, 1906, m 15 Excelsior pub. co., 42 Edgewood St., Boston, Mass. Our home field, 1888 (Aug.), m 25 Baptist home mission hoard, Atlanta, Ga. Our homes and our homeless, 190 1 American home finding association, Chicago, 111. Our homes and the news record, 1900 (June), m 25 A. S. Chick, jr., Du Iiois, Xehr. Our hope, 1894, m 1 .00 A. C. Graehelein, 80 2nd ave., N. Y. Our hope and life in Christ, 1889, w 1 . 50 Western advent Christian pub. ass'n, Mendota, 111. Our horticultural visitor, 1894, m 50 E. G. Mendenhall, Kimmundy, 111. Our junior citizens, 1903, w San Francisco, Cal. Our juniors, m Baptist young peoples' union of America, Chicago, 111. Our little dots, w 30 Upper Canada tract society, Toronto, Canada. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS -'59 Our little friend, 1 874, w 50 Pacific press pub. co., Mountain View, Cal. Our little ones, in, in weekly parts 22 Am. baptist pub. soc, 1630 Chestnut St., Phila., Pa. Our little people, 1887, m., 10 nos 35 D. H. Knowlton & co., Farmington, Me. Our magazine, 1905, m 1 .00 Rochester, N. Y. Our magazine, Birmingham press Our magazine, N. Y. Our mascot, 1906 (Apr.), m 1.00 Mrs. J. B. Mott, Hicks bldg., San Antonio, Texas. Our monthly, 1867, m 1 .00 Thornwell orphanage, Clinton, S. C. Our morning guide, 1862, w 50 F. W. Pierpont, Pittsburg, Pa. Our productions, w American pub. and eng. co., N. Y. Our pulpit, 1887, w 1. 00 Oscar Klonower, 1435 Euclid ave., Phila., Pa. Our race news-leaflet, 1893, m 1 .00 Our race pub. co., New Haven, Conn. Our record, 1769, m 65 Commercial pub. co., 39 Plymouth ave., Buffalo, N. Y. Our salesmen's journal, 1905, m Chicago, 111. Our second century, 1876, m 5 .00 Mrs. C. F. Diehm, 509 W. 185th St., N. Y. Our standard, 1892, s-m 1 .00 Dr. J. F. Collen, Franklin bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. Our state army and navy, 1897, m 1 . 50 Charles J. Hendler, 1103 Betz bldg., Phila., Pa. Our story quarterly, q • 04 Am. baptist pub. society, 1630 Chestnut St., Phila., Pa. Our times, 1890, w l • 2 5 A. S. Barnes & Co., N. Y. Our young folks, 1 876, w 75 Christian pub. co., 2712 Pine st., St. Louis, Mo. Our young men, w 3° Upper Canada tract society, Toronto, Canada. Our young people, 1892, m 1.00 Young people co., Milwaukee, Wis. Our youth's friend, 1 888, w 5° Publishing ass'n of friends, Plainfield, Ind. Out west, 1894, m 2.00 Out west co., 115 S. Broadway, Los Angeles, Cal. Outdoor life, 1898, m 2.00 Denver, Colo. Outdoor news See Illustrated outdoor news. 260 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Outdoors, 1 894, m 1 . 50 Field and stream, 35 W. 21st St., N. Y. Outer's book, 1 90 1 . m 1 . 50 Sportsman pub. co., Milwaukee, Wis. Outing, N. Y., 1882, m , 3.00 Outing pub. co., 239 Fifth ave., N. Y. Outlook, 1905 (Dec), m 1.00 P. O. Box 423, Manila, P. I. Outlook, w 25 Outlook co., Camden, N. J. Outlook, 1869, w 3-00 Outlook co., 287 Fourth ave., N. Y. Outlook, 1 886, m 25 R. I. woman's Christian temperance union, Providence, R. I. Outlook for the blind, 1907, q 50 Mass. inst. f. promoting interests of the blind, Cambridge, Mass. Oven, 1905, m 75 Students of university of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. Overland monthly, 1868, m 1 . 50 Overland mo. co., San Francisco, Cal. Overland monthly, 1904, m 1 .00 Horace W. Roberts, Allentown, Pa. Overseer, 1879, m 50 Overseer pub. co., St. Louis, Mo. Owl, 1899, q 1 .00 Geo. D. Wing, Kewaunee, Wis. Owl, 1904, m (?) Fresno high school, Fresno, Cal. Oxford college bulletin, 1888, q 50 Faculty of Oxford college, Oxford, O. Oxygenator record, 1904, irreg Elvard L. Moses, Buffalo, N. Y. Oyler's magazine, 1905 1 .00 Minneapolis, Minn. P. E. topics, 1906, m I. OO P. E. pub. co., Los Angeles, Cal. Pacific, 1852, w 2.00 Pub. co. of the Pacific, Y. M. C. A. bldg., San Francisco, Cal. Pacific automobiling, 1 897, m 50 C. F. Gates, 120 N. Main St., Los Angeles, Cal. Pacific baptist, 1877, w 20 ° Pacific baptist pub. co., Portland, Ore. Pacific builder and engineer, 1903, w 5-00 Seattle, Wash. Pacific Christian, w 2 . 00 Pacfic Christian pub. co., San Francisco, Cal. Pacific Christian advocate, 1853, w 1 . 50 Jennings & Graham, Portland, Ore. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 2 6l Pacific churchman, 1866, s-m 2.00 Diocese of California, 721 Cal. st., San Francisco, Cal. Pacific coast fanciers' monthly, 1885, m 75 Charles R. Harker, San Jose, Cal. Pacific coast gas association Proceedings, bi-a., per vol 2.50 John A. Britton, sec.-treas., 925 Franklin st., San Francisco, Cal. Pacific coast implement and vehicle record, 1904, m 1 .00 T. M. Shearman, 523 Market st., San Francisco, Cal. Pacific coast journal of homoeopathy, 1882, m 2.00 Journal pub. co., San Francisco, Cal. Pacific coast liquor dealers' journal, 1894, m 2.00 Pacific coast pnb. co., 539 Cal. st., San Francisco, Cal. Pacific coast mercantile agency book of ratings, 1904, s-m Pacific mercantile agency, 7 Beaver st., San Francisco, Cal. Pacific coast merchant, 1899, s ' m 1 .00 Pacific coast pub. co., 83 New Montgomery st., San Francisco, Cal. Pacific coast musical review, 1897, m 2.00 Musical review co.. San Francisco, Calif. Pacific coast railway club Official proceedings, 1899, m Oakland, Cal. Pacific coast wood and iron, 1884, m 1 . 50 S. L. Everett, San Francisco, Cal. Pacific dairy review, 1901, w 1 .00 Savior pub. co., 36 Commercial st., San Francisco, Cal. Pacific dental gazette, m 1 . 50 Jas. W. Edwards, 825 Market st., San Francisco, Cal. Pacific drug review, 1887, m 1 .00 Carl S. Kelty, Portland, Ore. Pacific druggist, 1890, m 1 .00 Pacific druggist pub. co., 23 Second st., San Francisco, Cal. Pacific empire magazine Los Angeles, Cal. Pacific ensign, 1891, w 1 .00 Pacific ensign co., 132 McAlister st., San Francisco, Cal. Pacific era, 1907, m 3. 00 211 Moffat bldg., Detroit, Mich. Pacific fancier, 1905, m 50 Los Angeles, Cal. Pacific fisherman, 1903, m 2 .00 Pacific fisherman co., Seattle, Wash. Pacific fruit world, 1895, w 1 .00 Fruit world pub. co., Los Angeles, Cal. Pacific furniture trade, m 1 00 Pacific trades pub. co.. 587 Mission st., San Francisco, Cal. Pacific goldsmith, 1903, s-m 1 .00 A. J. Lyons, 36 Geary St., San Francisco, Cal. Pacific hardware journal, 1901 W. W. Everett, 4 California st., San Francisco, Cal. 262 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Pacific health journal, 1885, m 50 W. H. Jones, St. Helena, Cal. Pacific homestead, 1900, w 1 . 00 Homstead co., Salem, Ore. Pacific issue, 1899, m 5° Bacon bldg., Oakland, Cal. Pacific lumber trade journal, 1895, m 1 .00 Lumber trade journal co., Seattle, Wash. Pacific marine review, 1904, m 3 . 00 Pacific marine review pub. co., Seattle, Wash. Pacific mason, 1895, w 1.00 J. M. Taylor, Seattle, Wash. Pacific medical journal, 1857, m 2.00 Winslow Anderson, 1025 Sutter St., San Francisco, Cal. Pacific methodist advocate, 1854, w 2.00 1 170 Market st., San Francisco, Cal. Pacific miner, s-m 2 .00 Phillip S. Bates, Portland, Ore. Pacific mining and oil reporter, s-m 2.00 1300 Golden Gate ave., San Francisco, Cal. Pacific monthly, 1 898, m 1.00 Pacific monthly pub. co., Portland, Ore. Pacific motoring, 1897, m 1 .00 Charles F. Gates, Los Angeles, Cal. Pacific municipalities, m 1.00 789 Buena Vista ave., San Francisco, Cal. Pacific northwest and official ABC railway and marine guide, 1880, m 2.00 Bushong & co., Portland, Ore. Pacific northwest society of engineers Proceedings, 1902, per no 25 Seattle, Wash. Pacific odd fellow, 1892, m 1 .00 W. A. Wheeler, Portland, Ore. Pacific oil reporter, 1899, w 2 . 50 Mrs. Maria R. Winn, 318 Pine St., San Francisco, Cal. Pacific outlook, 1895, w 2 . 00 Arthur Conklin, Grant's Pass, Oregon. Pacific postal journal, 1883, m 1 . 50 John D. Robertson, 420 Montgomery St., San Francisco, Cal. Pacific poultryman, 1 896, m 50 Charles C. Johns, Tacoma, Wash. Pacific progress, 1897, m 25 E. J. Martin, Seattle, Wash. Pacific Pythian, 1902, m 1 .00 F. E. Covey, Oakland, Cal. Pacific reporter, 1883, w 5.00 West pub. co., St. Paul, Minn. Pacific rural press, 1870, w 2 .00 Dewey pub. co., 330 Market St., San Francisco. Cal. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 263 Pacific sportsman, 1903, m 1 .00 Sportsman pub. co., Seattle, Wash. Pacific states bee journal, 1903, m 1 00 P. F. Adelsbach, Tulane, Cal. Pacific states investor, 1902, m 1 .00 Investor pub. co., San Francisco, Cal. Pacific underwriter, 1887, s-m 2.00 Robt. W. Neal, 320 California st., San Francisco, Cal. Pacific unitarian, 1893, m l OO Pacific unitarian conference, 318 Post st., San Francisco, Cal. Pacific university bulletin, 1866, irreg Free Forest Grove, Oregon. Pacific wine and spirit review, 1880, m 2 . 00 Treasury register co., 628 Montgomery st., San Francisco, Cal. Pacific woodman, 1890, w 50 Philips & Smyth, San Francisco, Cal. Packages, 1898, m 1 .00 Packages pub. co., Milwaukee, Wis. Packer, 1899, w 1 .00 Barrick pub. co., 2 Clark st., Chicago, 111. Packer, 1893, w 1.00 Barrick pub. co., Packer bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Packer, 1901, w 1.00 Barrick pub. co., Pack pi., N. Y. Packer, 1900, w . . . 1 .00 Barrick pub. co., Cincin., O. Paedagogische monalshefte, 1900, m 1 . 50 Herold co., Milwaukee, Wis. Pageant, 1905, m 50 Blue sky press, Chicago, 111. Paint brush, 1905, 1 .00 Mary E. Rogers, Trenton, Tenn. Paint, oil and drug review, 1883, w 2.00 D. Van Ness Person, 84 La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Painter and decorator, 1887, m 1 .00 Brotherhood of painters, decorators and paper hangers of America, Lafayette, Ind. Painter and wood finisher, 1902, m 1 .00 Painter and wood finisher pub. co., Columbus, O. Painters' magazine, 1874, m 50 Wm. O. Allison, 100 William St., N. Y. Painters' official journal, m 1 .00 Brotherhood of painters and decorators of America, Lafayette, Ind. Painter's paint, 1905, m Chicago, 111. Palette and bench, 1908, m 4.00 Keramic studio pub. co., Syracuse, N. Y. 264 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Palladium, 1883, m 1 .00 D. L. Martin, Nashville, Tenn. Palm Beach life, 1906, w 10 R. O. Davies pub. co., Palm Beach, Fla. Palmer monthly, m 1 . 00 W. K. Palmer co., Kansas City, Mo. Palo Alto, 1892, 6 d 3 .00 Students of Leland Stanford university, Stanford, Cal. Pan American banker, 1905, m 2. 00 Land Title bldg., Phila., Pa. Pan-American review, 1905, m 1.00 Pan-American review pub. co., Land Title bldg., Phila., Pa. Panama mail, 1905, m 1.00 11 Broadway, N. Y. Pandex of the press, 1905, m 1 . 50 Calkin's newspaper syndicate, 320 Sansom st., San Francisco, Cal. Panhandle bulletin, 1903, w 1.00 Bennett Hatcher, Amarillo, Tex. Paper box maker and American book binder, 1892, m...: 2.00 L. D. Post, Park Row bldg., N. Y. Paper buyer, 1905, m Harper paper co., 10 E. 13th St., N. Y. Paper dealer, m 1 . 00 157 Washington st., Chicago, 111. Paper mill and wood pulp news, 1876, w 300 L. D. Post, Park Row bldg., N. Y. Paper trade, 1874, w 300 J. Fred Waggoner, 155 Washington St., Chicago, 111. Paper trade journal, 1872, w 4.00 Lockwood trade journal co., 150 Nassau st., N. Y. Papyrus, m 50 Parliament prudential patricians of Pompeii, Saginaw, Mich. Papyrus, 1903 (July) 1.00 Michael Monahan, East Orange, N. J. Paradise of the Pacific, 1888, m 1 . 50 Wm. M. Langton, P. O. box 789, Honolulu, H. T. Paragon monthly, 1898, m 25 Paragon pub. co., 22 N. William St., N. Y. Parish of the good shepherd, 1894, q 25 E. M. Huntsinger, Hartford, Conn. Parish visitor, 1852, m 50 T. Whittaker, Bible house, N. Y. Parisiennes, 1897, m 20.00 American fashion co., 853 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Park and cemetery and landscape gardening, 1891, m 1 .00 R. J. Haight, 324 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. Park college record weekly, 1879, w 30 Park college, Parkville, Mo. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 265 Park review, (899, q 1 .00 Review pub. co., Parkville, Mo. Parker- Finn book, 1906, q Parker and Finn, N. Y. Park's floral magazine, 1 87 1 , m 25 Geo. \Y. Park, La Park. Pa. Parliamentarian, 1906, b-m 50 Strickland institute of parliamentary law, Rockford, 111. Parthenon, 1 905, w 3. 00 Sakellarios & Pappageorgion, 17 Hallis St., Boston, Mass. Passe temps, 1895, f 1.50 J. E. Beloir, Montreal, Canada. Passing show, 1907, w 2.00 Mrs. J. A. Jones, 209 Book bldg., San Antonio, Tex. Patent and trade mark review, 1902, m 2 .00 Richards & co., 309 Broadway, N. Y. Patent record, 1898, m 1 .00 Patent record co., 618 F st., N. W., Washington, D. C. Pathfinder, 1 894, w 1 . 00 Pathfinder pub. co., inc., Washington, D. C. Pathfinder, 1901, m 50 Red men's pub. co., Baltimore, Md. Pathfinder, 1906, m : 50 University press, Sewanee, Tennessee. Pathological society of Philadelphia Proceedings, 1897, m College of physicians, Phila., Pa. Patriot, 1894, w 1 . 50 J. G. Deponal, Harper bldg., Washington, D. C. Patriot, 1894, w 1 .00 Jas. T. Parks, Orangeburg, S. C. Patriot, 1 888, w 2 . 00 Excelsior pub. co., Milwaukee, Wis. Pattern makers' journal monthly, 1891, m 50 Pattern makers' league of N. A., 25 Third ave., N. Y. Patterson's college and school directory of the United States and Canada, a 5 • 00 Am. educational co., 315 Dearborn st., Chicago. Paul Quinn weekly, 1886, w 50 Poul Quinn college aid association, Waco, Tex. Peabody institute library Bulletin, 1897, q Danvers, Mass. Peabody museum of American archaeology and ethnology of Harvard university Archaeological and ethnological papers, 1888 Memoirs, 1896 Reports, 1868 Cambridge, Mass. 266 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Peabody record, m. d. coll. yr 1 .00 University of Nashville, Nashville, Term. Peacemaker and court of arbitration, 1882, m 1.00 Universal peace union, 1305 Arch St., Phila., Pa. Peach grower and fruit culturist, 1903, m 1 .00 Peach grower pub. co., Savannah, Ga. Peach growers' journal and apple trade review, 1899, m 1 .00 W. J. Hinchey, Middleport, N. Y. Pearls for little ones, w 15 Committee of pub., Richmond, Va. Pearsons' magazine, 1898, m 1 . 50 Pearson pub. co., 2 Astor pi., N. Y. Peck-Judah railroad blue book and hotel directory, 1906 Peck-Judah co., Los Angeles, Cal. Pedagogical seminary, 1891, q 5-00 Louis N. Wilson, Worcester, Mass. Pediatrics, 1896, m 2. OO F. M. Crossett co., N. Y. "Peerless" envoy, 1905, m Free R. E. Thibaut, 50 E. 13th St., N. Y. Peerless fashion guide, m 12 Independent-peerless pattern co., 107 W. 25th st., N. Y. Pelican, 1903, 5 nos 40 Students of University of California, Berkeley, Cal. Pell's notes, m 75 Robert Harding co., Richmond, Va. Penberthy engineer and fireman, 1894,, m 10 Penberthy injector co., Detroit, Mich. Pemberton lawyers' diary and directory — Mass., a 2.00 Standard diary co., Cambridge, Mass. Peninsula methodist, 1875, w 1.00 L. Bates Russell, Chestertown, Md. Penman-artist and business educator, 10 nos 1 .00 Zaner and Bloser, Columbus, O. Penman's art journal, 1877, m 1.00 National penmanship press, 203 Broadway, N. Y. Penn chronicle, 1886, m. dur. coll. yr Students of Penn college, Oskaloosa, la. Pennsylvania bar association. Report, 1895, a 1.00 Wm. H. Stoake, Franklin bldg., Phila., Pa. Pennsylvania county court reports, 1885, w 5.00 T. & J. W. Johnson & co., Phila., Pa. Pennsylvania dental journal, 1897, b-m. dur. coll. yr 50 FJndergraduates of dept. of dentistry, University of Pennsylvania, Phila., Pa. Pennsylvania. Dept. of agriculture. Monthly bulletin of zoology, 1903, m Free Pennsylvania elk, 1904, m 1 .00 Farmers' bank bldg., Pittsburg, Pa. Pennsylvania farmer, 1882, w 1.00 E. P. & R. X. Brown, Meadville, Pa. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 267 Pennsylvania federation of historical societies Acts and proceedings, 1906, a Free Samuel P. Heilman, sec, Dale, Pa. Pennsylvania-German, 1900, m 1 .00 W. H. Kuebel and H. A. Schuler, East Greenville, Pa. Pennsylvania. German society Proceedings and addresses, 1891 H. M. M. Richards, sec, Lebanon, Pa. Pennsylvania grange news, 1904, m . 25 Patrons of husbandry, Chambersburg, Pa. Pennsylvania grit, w 2 . 00 Grit pub. co., Williamsport, Pa. Pennsylvania herald, 1894, m 25 Pennsylvania state Sabbath school ass'n 1414 S. Penn sq., Phila., Pa. Pennsylvania lumberman, 1903, m I • 5° B. F. Landig, Scranton, Pa. Pennsylvania magazine of history and biography, 1877, q 3.00 Pennsylvania historical society, 13th and Locust sts., Phila., Pa. Pennsylvania medical journal, 1897, m 2.00 Cyrus Lee Stevens, Athens, Pa. Pennsylvania methodist, 1876, w 1 .00 Methodist book room, Harrisburg, Pa. Pennsylvania museum and school of industrial art Bulletin, 1903 Report, 1875, a Phila., Pa. Pennsylvania Pythian, m 25 John B. Minton, 200 S. 10th St., Phila., Pa. Pennsylvania school journal, 1852, m 1.60 J. P. McCaskey, Lancaster, Pa. Pennsylvania society Year bock, 1901 Bulletin, 1902, irreg Ban Ferric, sec, 7 Warren st., N. Y. C. Pennsylvania. University. Publications Series in astronomy, irreg Varies Series in botany, irreg Varies Series in hygiene, irreg Varies Series in mathematics, 1897, irreg Varies Series in zoology, irreg Varies Series in history, irreg Varies Series in philology and literature, irreg Varies Series in philosophy, 1890 Varies Series in political economy and pub. law, irreg Varies Contributions from the John Harrison laboratory of chemistry, irreg Varies Botanical laboratory, irreg Varies Botanical laboratory, irreg Varies Department of mathematics, irreg Varies 268 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Laboratory of hygiene, irreg Varies Zoology laboratory, irreg Varies Laboratory of neuropathology, irreg Varies Phila., Pa. Pennnsylvanian, 1884, d. dur. coll. yr 3.00 Students University of Pennsylvania, 3451 Woodland ave., Phila., Pa. Penny magazine, 1896, m 10 Penny magazine pub. co., Phila., Pa. Penny monthly, 1896, m 10 Penny monthly co., Youngstown, O. Penrose's pictorial annual, a 2 . 50 Tennant & Ward, 287 Fourth ave., N. Y. Pentecostal era and national advocate of perfect love, 1903, w. . .25 Rev. H. B. Hosley, 943 Mass. ave., Wash., D. C. Pentecostal herald, 1889, w 1.00 Pentecostal pub. co., Louisville, Ky. People, 1898. q 25 The People pub. co., 40 Dover st., W. Somerville sta., Boston, Mass. People, 1896, m 25 F. L. Marriott, St. Johns, N. F. People, 1901, 6 d 3.50 1 89 1 , w 50 National exec. com. socialist labor party, 2 New Reade St., N. Y. People, 1902, w 1. 00 J. L. Cooper, Akron, O. People, 1902, w 2. 00 Drexel Biddle, 415 Locust st., Phila., Pa. People's companion, 1898, m 25 People's companion co., 40 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. People's druggist, 1904, m SO 102 Franklin st., Phila., Pa. People's friend, 1902, s-m 60 Rev. Charles Zollicoffer, Sunlieht, N. C. People's health journal of Chicago, 1885, m 1 .00 People's health journal co., 441 Dearborn ave., Chicago, 111. People's home journal, 1885, m 35 F. M. Lupton, 23 City Hall pi., N. Y. People's institute bulletin, 1905, w 5 2 318 E 15th st., N. Y. People's literary companion, m Lane's list, Augusta, Me. People's magazine, 1906, m I .oo Street & Smith, 7th ave and 15th st., N. Y. People's magazine and home university, m 1 .00 Home university ass'n, Oak Park, 111. People's popular monthly, 1896, m 5° People's monthly co., Des Moines, la. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 2 6q Peoples press, 1898. w .50 J. B. Lcnan, pub., 11 1 Blue Island ave., Chicago, 111. People's railway guide, m 1. L. Pease, Albany, N. Y. Pepper's musical times and band journal, 1877, m 1 .00 J. W. Pepper, 8th and Locust sts., Phila., Pa. Percheron register, 1904, a 1 .00 Percheron registry co., Chas. C. Glenn, sec, Columbus, O. Percheron stud book of America, 1905, irreg 5. 00 Percheron society of America, Geo. W. Stubblefield, sec, Pedigree bldg., Chicago, 111. Pernin's monthly stenographer, 1889, m 1.00 H. M. Pernin, 213 Woodward ave., Detroit, Mich. Pessimist, 1905, irreg Piermont, N. Y. Pet dog journal, 1907, m 1 .00 C. H. Jones, E. & B. bldg., Rochester, N. Y. Pet stock magazine, 1900, m 50 A. D. Hosterman, Springfield, O. Pet stock news, 1901, m 1 .00 Charles H. Gard, 162 Colorado ave., Chicago, 111. Petit maitre de francais, 1907, m 2.00 B. H. Cunningham, Newark, N. J. Petroleum gazette, 1897, m 1 .00 Murray bros., Pittsburg, Pa. Phagocyte, m 75 Ohio medical university, Columbus, O. Pharmaceutical era, 1887, w 3. OO D. O. Haynes & co., 90 William st, N. Y. Pharmaceutical journal, 1890, m 1.00 Henry Miles, Montreal, Canada. Pharmaceutical review, 1882, m 2.00 Pharmaceutical review pub. co., Milwaukee, Wis. Pharos, m. dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Students of the Wesleyan university of W. Va., Buckhannon, W. Va. Phi alpha gamma quarterly, 1902, q 1.00 9 N. Queen st., Lancaster, Pa. Phi gamma delta, 1879, m 2.00 532 Newton Claypool bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. Phials A special annual number of University homoeopathic observer. Philadelphia advocate of osteopathy, 1906, q 25 Phila., Pa. Philadelphia commercial museum, scientific department Bulletin, 1899 Phila., Pa. Philadelphia (Pa.) inquirer. Supplement, 1905, w., free with paper Philadelphia liquor dealers' journal, 1906, w 2.50 Cornelius Dougherty, 1427 Catharine st.. Phila.. Pa. j 7o GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Philadelphia, Penn. and Delaware insurance directory, a 2.00 Review pub. & ptg. co., Locust St., Philadelphia, Pa. Philadelphia playhouse program and city guide, 1907 (Aug. 5), w 05 Herbert Thomson, Drexel bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. Philanthropic index and review, m 25 C. T. Wilbur, Kalamazoo, Mich. Philanthropist, 1886, q 50 Henry W. Wilbur, 207 E. 15, N. Y. Philatelic star, 1901, m 25 Judson N. Burton, Madison, N. Y. Philippine agricultural review, 1908 (Jan.), m., in P. I Free Bureau of agri., Manila, P. I. Philippine christian advocate, 1902, m 5° A. E. Chenoweth, 338 Calle Cervantes, Manila, P. I. Philippine gossip, w 4. 00 1 H. B. Mulford, Manila, P. I. Philippine Islands. Mining bureau Bulletin, 1902, irreg Free Manila, P. I. Philippine journal of science, 1906, 10 nos 5.00 Bureau of science of the gov't of the Philippine islands, Manila, P. I. Philippine museum Bulletin, 1903 Manila, P. I. Philippine teacher, 1905, m 2.00 McCullough bldg., Manila, P. I Philistine, m 1 . 00 Elbert Hubbard, East Aurora, N. Y. Phillips academy. Department of archaeology Bulletin, 1904, irreg Varies Phillips Exeter academy —Bulletin, 1905, q Free Exeter, N. H. Philological club Studies in philology, 1906 Louis R. Wilson, sec, I T niversitv of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, X. C. Philomat, 1907, m Free C. II. Vandom, Newark, X. J. Philopolis, 1906 (Oct.), m 1 00 1 7 17 Cal. st., San Francisco, Cal. Philosopher, 1896, m 1 .00 Van Vechten & Ellis, Wausau, Wis. Philosophical journal, 1865, w 1 .00 Pliilosopbical pub. co., sta. B., San Francisco, Cal. Philosophical monographs of the psychological review, 1907, irreg., per vol 4.00 Review pub. co.. Lancaster, Pa., and Baltimore, Md. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 271 Philosophical review, 1892, b-m 3 .00 Macmillan co., 66 Fifth ave., N. Y. Philosophical society of Washington, membership 3. 00 Bulletin, 1874, irreg Proceedings Washington, D. C. Phoenix, 1881, m. dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Students of Swarthmore college, Swarthmore, Pa. Phono-meter, 1897, m 50 Geo. Andrew Lewis, 35 Adelaide St., Detroit, Mich. Phonographic magazine, 1887, m 1 .00 Phonographic institute co., Cincin., O. Phonoscope, 1896, m 1 .00 Phonoscope pub. co., 4 E. 14th St., N. Y. Photo-American, 1889, m 1 .oc Photo-American pub. co., Stamford, Conn. Photo-Beacon, 1889, m 1 . CX3 Suspended. Photo era, 1898, m 1 . 50 Photo era pub. co., 383 Boylston st., Boston, Mass. Photo miniature, 1899, m 2 . 50 Tennant & Ward, 287 Fourth ave., N. Y. Photographer, 1904, w 2.00 Photographer pub. co., 24 E. 21st St., N. Y. Photographic poster, 1904, m 50 O. H. Peck co., Minneapolis, Minn. Photographic student, 1905, m 50 Cal. college of photography, Palo Alto, Cal. Photographic times, 1870, m 1 .00 Photographic times pub. ass'n, 122 Fifth ave., N. Y. Phreno-cosmian, 1889, m. dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Students of South Dakota university, Mitchell, S. D. Phrenological journal, 1838, m 1 .00 Fowler & Wells co., 24 E. 22d St., N. Y. Physical culture, 1898, m 50 Physical culture co., Spotswood, N. J. Physical review, 1893, m 5.00 Macmillan co., 66 Fifth ave., N. Y. Physician and surgeon, 1 879, m 3 • 00 John Wm. Keating, Ann Arbor, Mich. Physio-medical record, 1850, m 1 . 50 Phvsio-med. press, Indianapolis, Ind. Physique culture for boys and girls, 1905, m 50 Physical culture co., Spotswood, N. J. Piano and organ workers' official journal, m 1 .00 857 N. Irving ave., Chicago, 111. Piano trade, 1903, m 25 Geo. B. Armstrong, Steinway hall, Chicago, 111. Pick and drill, 1903, m 1 . 00 Pick and drill pub. co., San Francisco, Cal. 272 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Picket guard, 1888, m 50 H. D. O'Brien, 421 Chestnut St., St. Louis, Mo. Pickings from Puck, ni 1 .00 Keppler & Schwarzmann, 39 E. Houston st., N. Y. Pictorial American, 1902, in 1 .00 Pictorial American pub. co., Los Angeles, Cal. Pictorial primer chart, 1906, q 2.00 Standard pub. co.. Cincinnati, O. Pictorial review, 1899. m 1 .00 American fashion co., 853 Broadway. New York, N. Y. Picture and art trade, 1 880, m 1 .00 J. Sawtelle Ford, Monadnock bldg., Chicago, 111. Picture bulletin, 1907 Picture bulletin co., Chicago, 111. Picture lesson cards, 1906 09 Standard pub. co., Cincinnati, O. Picture lesson paper, w 25 Western methodist book concern, Cincinnati, O. Picture store Picture store pub. co., Chicago, 111. Pigeon flying, m 1 . 00 Chas. H. Jones, 10 S. Broad St., Phila., Pa. Pigeon news, 1894, s-m 1 . 00 C. E. Twombly, 32 Hawley St., Boston, Mass. Pigeons, 1906, m 1 .00 Poultry pub. co., Peotone, 111. Pilgrim, 1899, m (cont. in National home journal) Pilgrim of our Lady of Martyrs Apostles of prayer, N. Y. Pilgrim teacher, 1885, m 50 Pilgrim press, 14 Beacon st., Boston, Mass. Pilot, m 1 .00 John H. Harris, 168 Hamlin ave., Chicago, 111. Pilot, 1 836, w 2 . 50 Pilot pub. co., 211 Tremont temple, Boston, Mass. Pilot Old Dominion steamship co., 81 Beach st., New York, N. Y. Pioneer, 1902, w 1 .00 Toronto, Canada. Pit and post Knight, Donnelley & co., The Rookery, Chicago, 111. Pitman's journal, 1904, q 25 Isaac Pitman & sons. 31 Union sq., N. Y. Pittsburg Christian advocate, w 1 .00 Conference committee, 524 Penn ave., Pittsburg, Pa. Pittsburg (Pa.) dispatch, Magazine section, 1907, w., free with paper. Pittsburg (Pa.) leader, Boys and girls magazine section, 1906, w., free with paper. Pittsburg legal journal, 1 853, w 3 . 20 John S. Murray, Pittsburg, Pa. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS VZ Pittsburg (Pa.) press, Boys and girls magazine, 1905, w., free with paper. Plant world, 1897, m 1 .00 Francis E. Lloyd, 604 W. 115th st. Planters' journal, w 50 Bedford and Rowe, Memphis, Tenn. Plantation missionary, 1890, bi-m 1 .ofj Industrial missionary ass'n of Ala., Beloit, Ala. Platform and pulpit, 1 904, m 2 . 00 F. S. Mickey, Lincoln, Neb. Playthings, 1906, m 50 The Henry C. Nathan co., 409 Broadway, N. Y. Pleasant hours, 1 880. w 30 Rev. W. Briggs, Toronto, Canada. Play, 1905, m iloo Play pub. co., 1947 Broadway, N. Y. Plays and players, 1908, q 1 .00 Library supply co. of America, 60 Wall st., N. Y. Plexus, 1895, m 1 .00 Culver and Signfoos, South Omaha, Neb. Plow share, 1904, m 1.00 Culver and Signfoos, South Omaha, Neb. Pluck, m 50 Pluck co., Logansport, Ind. Pluck and luck, 1898, w 2 . 50 Frank Tousey, N. Y. Plumber, 1903, m 50 Plumber pub. co., Columbus, O. Plumbers' trade journal, steam and hot water fitters' review, 1881, s-m 1. 00 Plumbers' trade journal pub. co., 61 Beekman st., N. Y. Plymouth weekly, 1883, w 1.00 W. C. Conover, 10 Cleland bldg., Detroit, Mich. Pocahontas magazine, 1907 (Jan.), m 1 .00 A. W. Conway, Norfolk, Va. Pocket directory of shoe mfgs., 1904, a 2.00 Shoe and leather reporter, 183 Essex st., Boston, Mass. Pocket list of railroad officials, q 2.00 Railway equipment and pub. co., 24 Park pi., N. Y. Poet-lore, 1889, q 4.00 Poet-lore co., 194 Boylston st., Boston, Mass. Poetry banner of right, 1907 (Jan.), m 25 S. R. Beals, Louisville, Ky. Pointer, 1884, m 1 .00 113 Adams St., Chicago, 111. Police and fire dispatch, 1899, w 2.00 Jas. W. Higgins, 196 S. Clark st., Chicago, 111. Police chief, 1906, w 1 . 00 Chief pub. co., 43 Centre st., New York, N. Y. Police gazette sporting annual, a 10 Richard K. Fox, Franklin square, N. Y. -'74 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Policy holder, 1906 ( < )ct. ) , m 1 .00 Samuel Barnett, Atlanta, Ga. Political equality series, 1905, m 10 Xat'l Amer. woman suffrage ass'n., Warren, O. Political liberty herald, 1907, per copy 05 Daniel J. M. O'Callaghan, N. Y. Political science quarterly, 1886, q 3-00 Ginn & co., Boston, Mass. Political world, 1906, w 50 Harvey Anderson, Chattanooga, Tenn. Polk & co's students' directory of the U. of M., a 2 . 50 R. L. Polk & co., Detroit, Mich. Polk's architects,' engineers,' builders' and contractors direc- tory of Ohio, 1906, a 5. 00 R. L. Polk & co., York, Pa. Polk's dental register and directory of the United States and Canada, irreg 10.00 R. L. Polk & co., Detroit, Mich. Polk's medical register and directory of North America, irreg. . 10.00 R. L. Polk & co., Detroit, Mich. Polly Pry, 1903, w 10 Denver, Colo. Polytechnic, 1890, m. dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Students of the Polytechnic institute, Brooklyn, N. Y. Polytechnic, 1885, m., 10 nos 1 .00 Students of Rensselaer polytechnic institute, Troy, N. Y. Pony service, 1907, m 6.00 W. D. Showalter, 150 Nassau st. New York, N. Y. Poor's manual of railroads, a 10.00 Poor's railroad manual co., 68 William St., N. Y. Popular astronomy, 1 893, 10 nos 3 . 50 Wm. W. Payne, Northfield, Minn. Popular educator, 1877, 10 nos 1 .00 Educational pub. co.. 50 Bromfield st., Boston, Mass. Popular fashions, 1889, m 50 Popular fashions co.. 201 Congress. Boston. Mass. Popular magazine, 1903, m 1 . 20 Street & Smith, 238 William st., N. Y. Popular mechanics, 1902, m 1 .00 Popular mechanics co., Journal bldg., Chicago, 111. Popular odd fellow, 1893, m 50 John W. Bourlet, Concorn, N. H. Popular science monthly, 1872, m 3 .00 Science press sub-station 84, N. Y. Portage Lake mining gazette, 1859, w 2.00 Mining gazette co., Houghton, Mich. Portland society of natural history Proceedings, 1862, irreg Varies Portland, Me. Portland transcript, 1904, m 1 .00 Transcript pub. co., Portland, Me. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS _> 75 Portland transcript, 1837, m 1 .oc West brook pub. co., Westbrook, Me. Porto Rico magazine, 1 906, m 5c 25 Broad St., N. Y. Porto Rico review, 1906, \v 1 .00 \V. Sweet, ed., 9 Cruz st., P. O. Box No. 65, San Juan, P. R. Porvenir, 1 904. m 1 . 00 Porvenir pub. co., Kittredge bldg., Denver, Colo. Posse gymnasium journal, 1892, 1 1 nos 1 .00 Posse gymnasium club, 206 Massachusetts ave, Boston, Mass. Posselt's textile journal, 1907, m 3. 00 E. A. Posselt, 2028 Beeks st., Phila., Pa. Post, 1 901, m 50 Monthly post co., Utica, N. Y. Post card and national stationer, 1907, m 1 .00 Ad-service pub. co., 154 Nassau st., N. Y. Postal card collector, 1905, m 50 White art pub. co., Wantagh, L. I. Post card collector, 1907, m 75 510 12th st. N. W., Washington. D. C. Post card dealer, 1906 ( Feb. ), m 50 Rotograph co.. 684 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Post card world, 1906, m 50 4280 Evans ave., St. Louis, Mo. Post-graduate, 1885, m 1 .00 2d ave. and 20th st., N. Y. Post-graduate bulletin, 1905, q 1.00 Post-graduate bulletin pub. co., Milwaukee, Wis. Postal card exchange, 1906, m 1 .00 E. Smithson, 207 E. 24th st., X. Y. Postal card exchange and collector, 1906, m 1 .00 White art pub. co., Wantagh, Long Island, N. Y. Postal clerk, 1901 , m 20 United national association P. O. clerks, 915 W. 56th St., Chicago, 111. Postal information, 1905, w ■ Free Postmaster, Wash., D. C. Postal monthly, 1906, m Curt Teich, Chicago, 111. Postal progress, 1907 (Feb.), m 1 .00 James L. Cowles, 361 Broadway, New York, X. Y. Postal record, 1889, m 1 .00 National association of letter carriers, 945 Penn ave., Washington, D. C. Postelsia, 1901, irreg Varies Joseph E. Tilden, Minneapolis, Minn. Postmaster-carrier, 1904, m 25 Postmaster-carrier pub. co., Dallas, Tex. Postmaster everywhere, 1903. m t .00 H. A. Hopkins. St. Clair. Mich. 2 7 f) GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Postmasters' advocate, 1895, m 5° J. W. McKinley, May bldg., Washington, D. C. Poultry, 1904, m 5° Poultry pub. co., Peotone, 111. Poultry advocate, 1898, m -5° Kcdwell & co., London, Canada. Poultry and berries, 1903, m 5° A. J. Moseley, St. Joseph, Mo. Poultry and pet stock, 1905, m 1.00 Wash, farmer pub. co., N. Yakima, Wash. Poultry culture, 1897, m 5° Poultry culture co., Life bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Poultry dige.t, 1906, m 25 Eugene L. Orvis, 43 Centre St., New York, N. Y. Poultry gazette, 1 898, m 35 Gillies pub. co., Topeka, Kan. Poultry gem, 1900, m 25 William bros., Stuttgart, Ark. Poultry herald, 1888, m 50 Webb pub. co., St. Paul, Minn. Poultry husbandry, 1906, m 25 Hawkins pub. co., Waterville, N. Y. Poultry item, 1 899, in 25 Item pub. co., Tricks, Pa. Poultry journal, 1895, w 1-5° Frank H. Snow, Petaluma, Cal. Poultry keeper, 1884, m 5° Poultry keeper pub. co., Quincy, 111. Poultry life in America, 1891, w 52 Poultry life pub. co., Belton, Tex. Poultry news, 1903, m 25 Williams & Metlar, New Brunswick, N. J. Poultry review, iqo^, m 50 E. R. Philo, Elmira, N. Y. Poultry review, 1904, m 50 John F. Eisenhower, Bustleton, Pa. Poultry standard, 1899, m O Poultry standard pub. co., Stamford, Conn. Poultry success, 1889, m 5° Poultry success co., Springfield, O. Poultry topics, 1891, m 25 J. C. Seacrest, Lincoln, Neb. Poultry tribune, 1895, m 50 R. R. Fisher, Freeport, 111. Poultry world, 1904 (June), m 25 Woolstencraft & Housell, Heron Lake, Minn. Poultry yard, 1906 (Feb.), m 25 Elam & Dooley, Charlotte, N. C. Power, 1 884, m 2. 00 Hill pub. co., World bldg., N. Y. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS ' 27J Power and lighting economist, 1901, q 1 .00 Economist co., Troy, N. Y. Power and poise, [908, q '. 5° Tower and poise pub. co., 2183 East 74th st., Cleveland, O. Power and transmission, 1885, b-m 50 Power. and transmission pub. co., Mishawaka, Ind. Power boat news, 1905, w 2.00 Pub. suspended. Power boating, 1905, m 1 .00 Teuton pub. co., Cleveland, Ohio. Practical age, 1891, m 5° J. W. Warr, Moline, 111. Practical carpenter, 1 903, m 25 Contin. as Woodworker's review. Practical cutter and tailor, ra 3 • °° Chas. J. Stone, 194 La Salle st., Chicago, 111. Practical dairyman, w x -OO Manhattan diary pub. co., 1 S. Nassau st, New York, N. Y. Practical dental journal, m 5° Xoah Spears co., San Antonio, Tex. Practical druggist, 1897, m 1 .00 Lillard & co., 108 Fulton st., N. Y. Practical engineer, 1897, m 5° L. L. Rice, 46 N. 12th st., Phila., Pa. Practical farmer, 1855, w 1 00 Farmer co., Market and 18th st, Phila., Pa. Practical ideals, m 1 .00 Starr pub. co., 30 Hunting ave., Boston, Mass. Practical machinist, 1905, m 5° Cont. as "Southern machinery." Machinist pub. co., Atlanta, Ga. Practical photographer, 1904, m : 2 . 50 Photo era pub. co., 170 Summer st., Boston, Mass. Practical printer, 1899, m 25 Inland type foundry, 217-19 Pine st., St. Louis, Mo. Practical psychology, 1900, q 35 Wm. A. Barnes, 505 Massachusetts ave., Boston, Mass. Practitioner's visiting list, a 1-25 Lea bros. & co., 706 Sansom St., Phila., Pa. Prairie farmer, 1841, w J -OO Rand, McNally & co., Chicago, 111. Pratt institute free library. Monthly bulletin, m. ex. Aug.-Sept. Free Brooklyn, N. Y. Pratt institute monthly, 1892, m (Nov.-June) 75 Brooklyn, X. Y. Preacher safeguard, 1893, w I -°o Rev. C. A. Buchanan, West Point, Miss. Preacher's assistant, 1889, m '. 1 • 5° Frank J. Boyer, Reading, Pa. Preachers' helper, 1894, m 1 00 Rev. G. Holzapfel, Cleona, Pa. 278 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Presbrey's little book, 1907, ra Frank I'resbrey co., New York, X. Y. Presbyterian, 1884, w 1 . 50 Westminster co., Toronto, Canada Presbyterian, 1885, w 2.00 Atlanta presbyterian pub. co., Atlanta, Ga. Presbyterian, 1889, m 5° The synod, Kingston, Jamaica. Presbyterian, 1831, w 2.50 Presbyterian pub. co., 1014 Witherspoon bldg., Phila., Pa. Presbyterian banner, 1814, w 2.00 Presbyterian pub. co., Pittsburg, Pa. Presbyterian college journal, 1881, m 1 .00 Presbyterian college, Montreal, Canada. Presbyterian historical society Journal, 1901, irreg 2.00 Phila., Pa. Presbyterian quarterly, 1887, q 2.00 Whittet & Shepperson, Richmond, Va. Presbyterian record, 1876, m 50 Presbyterian church in Canada, Montreal, Canada. Presbyterian review, 1898, m 25 Rev. Fred W. Hawley, Oklahoma City, Okla. Presbyterian standard, 1858, w 2.00 Presbyterian pub. co., Charlotte, N. C. Presbyterian witness, 1848, w 1 . 50 Presbyterian witness co., Halifax, N. S. Presbyterianer, 1867, w 1 . 50 Convention of German presbyterian ministers and elders of the west, Dubuque, la. Press and printer, 1887, f 1.00 Press and printer co., 68 Devonshire, Boston, Mass. Press monthly, 1900, m 25 East Avon press, East Avon, N. Y. Presto, 1884, m 2.00 Presto pub. co., Monon bldg., Chicago, 111. Price current, 1889, w 1 .00 Price current pub. co., Wichita, Kan. Primary education, 1892, 10 nos 1 .00 Educational pub. co., 50 Bromfield St., Boston, Mass. Primary lessons, m, in weekly parts 48 Am. baptist pub. "soc, 1630 Chestnut st., Philadelphia, Pa. Primary lessons and cards, m 40 Bible study pub. co., 250 Devonshire St., Boston, Mass. Primary monthly, m 40 Bible study pub. co.,. 250 Devonshire st., Boston, Mass. Primary plans, 111 Prang ed. co., 113 Univ. pi., New York, N. Y. Primary plans, 1903, 10 nos 1 .00 F. A. Owen pub. co., Dansville, N. Y. C.UIDI-: 10 PERIODICALS 270 Primary quarterly, 1883, q 12 Amer. S. S. union, 1816 Chestnut St., Phila., Pa. Primary quarterly, q 20 Rev. R. Douglass Fraser, Toronto, Canada. Primary quarterly, q 10 American baptist pub. society, 1630 Chestnut St., Phila., Pa. Primary quarterly, 1887, q 08 Baptist S. S. board, Nashville, Tenn. Primary quarterly, q 12 Committee of publication, Richmond, Va. Primary quarterly (chromo primer cards), 1906, q 10 Standard pub. co., Cincinnati, O. Primary Sunday school teacher, q 50 D. C. Cook pub. co., Elgin, 111. Primary teacher, q 50 D. C. Cook pub. co., Elgin, 111. Primary teacher's helper, m 50 Bible study pub. co., 250 Devonshire st, Boston, Mass. Primary teachers quarterly, 1906, q 20 Standard pub. co., Cincinnati, O. Primitive baptist, 1886, w 1 .00 Cayces & Turner, Martin, Tenn. Primitive missionary, w 1.00 J. O. Raines, Manchester, 111. Primitive monitor and church advocate, 1886, m 1.00 Elder R. W. Thompson, Greenfield, Ind. Primitive occult journal, 1905 1 .00 Helena, Mont. Prince Edward Island agriculturist, 1883, w 1 . 50 Summerside, P. E. I. Prince Edward Island magazine, 1890, m 50 Archibald Irwin, Charlotttetown, P. E. I. Prince society. Publications, 1858, irreg Varies Boston, Mass. Princeton alumni weekly, 1900, w 3-00 Princeton pub. co., Princeton, N. J. Princeton magazine, 1905, m 1 .00 Princeton, N. J. Princeton seminary bulletin, 1907 (May) Princeton, N. J. Princeton theological review, 1890, q 3-00 MacCalla & co., 237 Dock St., Phila., Pa. Princeton tiger, 1 882, m 2 . 00 Students of Princeton university, Princeton, N. J. Princeton university Contribution to psychology, 1895, irreg Varies Contribution to philosophy, 1898, irreg Varies University press, Princeton, N. J. Princetonian, 1876, 6 d. dur. coll. yr 4.00 Students of Princeton university, Princeton, N. J. 2 8o GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Printer's calendar, 1908, m 50 Crescent embossing co., Plainfield, N. J. Printers' ink, 1888, w 2.00 Printers' ink pub. co., 10 Spruce St., N. Y. Printing art, 1903, m 5 .00 University press, Cambridge, Mass. Printing art sample book, 1908, m 1 .00 University press, Cambridge, Mass. Prism magazine, 1907 ( June) , m free Bausch and Lomb optical co., Rochester, N. Y. Prison association of New York Annual report, 1844 Samuel J. Barrows, corres.-sec, 135 E. 15th St., N. Y. Prix courant, 1887, w 1 . 50 Trades pub. co., Montreal, Canada. Proctologist, 1907, q 1 .00 Rollin H. Barnes, 412 N. Sarah st, St. Louis, Mo. Produce reporter company's credit book and gazetteer of U. S., 1907, a Weekly credit sheet, w Produce reporter co., 34 S. Clark st., Chicago, Bl. Produce review and American creamery, 1895, w 1 .00 Urner-Barry co., 173 Chambers St., N. Y. Producers' review, 1904, m 50 Texas producers' review co., Dallas, Tex. Professional and amateur photographer, 1896, m 1.00 Professional photographer pub. co., 220 Washington st., Buffalo, N. Y. Professional barber, 1898, m 1.00 Professional barber pub. co., De Soto bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Professional standard, 1907, irreg free Hirschberg art co., 334 N. Howard st., Baltimore, Md. Profit, 1903, m 1. 00 Spatula pub. co., Sudbury bldg., Boston, Mass. Profit and loss, 1904, m 50 Newton and Cunningham, Denver, Colo. Profitable advertising, 1891, m 2.00 Kate E. Griswold, 140 Boylston st., Boston, Mass. Profitable investing, 1907, m 1 .00 Pierce Underwood, 140 Dearborn st., Chicago, Bl. Profits, 1883, w 1 .00 Theodore B. Creamer, 521 Chestnut St., Phila., Pa. Progress, w 2.00 H. C. Tripp, Los Angeles, Cal. Progress, 1902, m 1 .00 Progress pub. co., 1839 Champa St., Denver, Colo. Progress, 1906, m 10 Wilshire pub. co., 200 William St., N. Y. Progress magazine, 1906, m 1 .00 Progress magazine co., Indianapolis, Ind. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 281 Progress of the west, 1904, m 1 .00 Killam & Manning, Denver, Colo. Progress reporter, 1004, irreg Free Miles- Bcment- Pond co., 136 Liberty St., N. Y. Progressive age, 1875, w 1 .00 Wm. R. Dobbyn & sons, Minneapolis, Minn. Progressive age, 1883, s-m 3 .00 E. C. Brown, 280 Broadway, N. Y. Progressive American, 1894, m 1 .00 Progressive American pub. co., 1404 S. Pennsylvania sq., Phila., Pa. Progressive bee-keeper, 1891, m 50 Leaby mfg. co., Higginsville, Mo. Progressive country life, 1902, w 60 Lambert and Batman, Rockville, Ind. Progressive farmer, 1886, w 1 .00 Agricultural pub. co., Raleigh, N. C. Progressive farmer, 1907, m 50 Lacrosse, Wis. Progressive farmer, 1901, m 50 East Ryegate, Vt. Progressive medicine, 1899, q, cloth 9.00 paper 6 . 00 Lea bros. & co., Phila., Pa. Progressive monthly, 1899 5° Progressive pub. co., 1468 Broadway, N. Y. Progressive poultry journal, 1903, m 50 Progressive poultry journal pub. co., Mitchell, S. D. Progressive printer, 1898, m 2.00 Pawly pub. co., 417 Pine St., St. Louis, Mo. Progressive quarterly, q 50 Bible study pub. soc, 250 Devonshire St., Boston, Mass. Progressive teacher, 1895, 10 nos 1 .00 Claude J. Bell, Nashville, Tenn. Progressive therapeutics, m 2 . 00 M. M. Reynolds, 55 State st., Chicago, 111. Progressive thinker, 1893, w 1 .00 J. R. Francis, 40 Loomis St., Chicago, 111. Prominent patrons of life insurance, 1898, a 1 .00 Spectator co., 135 William St., N. Y. Prosperity, 1905, m 1 .00 185 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. Protectionist, 1889, m 1 .00 Home market club, jy Summer St., Boston, Mass. Protector, 1897, m 50 Thomas Larkin, Montreal, Canada. Protector, w 1 . 50 C. E. Fields, Omaha, Neb. Protest, 1902, m .25 Anti-saloon league of the D. & C, Wash., D. C. 282 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Protestant episcopal church in the U. S. Western Mich, diocese ■ Journal of proceedings of the annual convention, a. . . Rev. Charles Donahue, Grand Rapids, Mich. Protestant episcopal review, 1886, 10 nos 1 .00 Faculty of Virginia seminary, Theological seminary, Va. Protestant review, 1901, w 1 .50 Rev. Wilson Delaney, 1315 S. 20th st., Phila., Pa. Providence journal almanac, a 10 Providence journal co., Providence, R. I. Providence medical journal, b-m 1 .00 Providence medical association, Providence, R. I. Providence pocket manual, 1906, m 1.00 Wheaton Sweet & co., Providence, R. I. Providence (R. I.) public library Quarterly bulletin, 1903 Provincial museum and art gallery of Ontario Annual archaeological report, 1886 Free Educational department, Toronto, Ont, Canada. Provision news, 1900, w 2.00 Trade press co., 269 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. Psyche, 1874, b-m 1 .00 Cambridge entomolog. club, Cambridge, Mass. Psychological bulletin, 1904, m 2 . 00 Index, 1894, a 75 Review, 1894, b-m 4.00 Monograph suppl., irreg., per vol 4.00 Review pub. co., Lancaster, Pa., and Baltimore, Md. Psychological clinic, 1907, m 1 .00 West Phila. station, Phila., Pa. Psychological year book, a 50 Paul Elder & co., San Francisco, Cal. Public, 1898, w 1. 00 The Public pub. co., 1st nat. bank bldg., Chicago, 111. Public health, 1896, m 1 .00 W. B. Atkinson, 1400 Pine st., Phila., Pa. Public health journal, 1886, m 1 .00 Internat. bd. of health journal co., 18 E. 70th st., N. Y. Public health, Michigan, 1906, q Free State department of health, Lansing, Mich. Public libraries, 1896, m, 10 nos 1.00 Library bureau, 156 Wabash ave., Chicago, 111. Public library of the District of Columbia, Monthly bulletin, HJ07 (Mar.), m free The public library, Washington, D. C. Public library quarterly See Kansas city public library quarterly. Public policy, w 2. 00 Public policy pub. co., 132 Market st., Chicago, 111. Public safety, 1908, m R. B. Caverly, 203 Broadway, N. Y. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 283 Public school journal, 10 nos 1 .00 Public school journal co, Cincin., O. Public service, 1907, m 25 Maurice E. Eldridge, 264 E. Kinzic st., Chicago, 111. Publicite-publicity, 1905, m 2.00 L. J. Francois, Montreal, Canada. Publicity, 1908, m 50 Publicity bureau, 123 E. & B. bldg., Rochester, N. Y. Public's companion, 1899, m 10 Public's companion pub. co., Anderson, Ind. Publisher and advertiser, 1905, m 1 .00 112 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. Publisher and retailer, 1904, m 1 .00 W. E. Price, 24 E. 21st st., N. Y. Publishers' guide, 1 893, m 2 . 00 Publishers' guide co., 150 Nassau St., N. Y. Publishers' trade list annual, 1875, a 2 -00 R. R. Bowker, 298 Broadway, N. Y. Publishers' weekly, 1872, w 4.00 R. R. Bowker, 298 Broadway, N. Y. Puck, 1877, w 5 .00 Keppler & Schwarzmann, 39 E. Houston, N. Y. Puck's monthly magazine and almanac, 1887, m 1 . 00 Keppler & Schwarzmann, 39 E. Houston, N. Y. Puck's quarterly, q Keppler & Schwarzmann, 39 E. Houston, N. Y. Pulp and paper magazine, 1903, m 1.00 Biggar-Samuel, Toronto, Canada. Pulpit, 1889, m 1 .00 Rev. G. Holzapfel, Cleona, Pa. Pulpit and pew, 1903, s-m 75 Rev. J. S. McLeod, Way Cross, Ga. Pulpit monthly magazine, 1904, m 1 .00 Jas. E. Bergen & co., 120 E. Market St., Indianapolis, Ind. Punch bowl, m. dur. coll. yr 75 Students of University of Pennsylvania, Phila., Pa. Purchasers' reference-list of importers, mfg. and wholesalers s-a Williams & Co., 123 Liberty st., N. Y. Purdue engineering review, 1905, a 50 Engineering society of Purdue univ., Lafayette, Ind. Purdue university Bulletin, 1901, q LaFayette, Ind. Purdue university library. Publications, 1906, irreg Lafayette, Ind. Pure products, 1905, m 3. 00 Scientific station for pure products, 22 Whitehall st., N. Y. Pure words, 1877, w 25 Standard pub. co., Cincin., O. _>84 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Purity, 1907, m 1 .00 Purity pub. co., Lowell, Mass. Purple and gold, 1883, q 1 . 50 Chi psi fraternity, Cleveland, O. Purple and gold, 1900, m. dur. coll. yr 50 Students and faculty of Ashland college, Ashland, Wis. Purple bell, 1907, m Thomas Milligan, Sangus, Mass. Purpose monthly, 1906,* m Sunlight specialty co., Columbus, O. Push, m 50 Robert Harding co., Richmond, Va. Putnam's monthy and the reader, 1906, m 3.00 Putnam's sons, N. Y. Pythian, m 50 F. B. Laramie, Whiting, Ind. Pythian advocate, 1884, m 1 .00 Fred E. Wheaton, Minneapolis, Minn. Pythian age, 1889, m 1 .00 Pythian age pub. co., Madison, Wis. Pythian banner, 1891, m 50 John M. Stanley, Piedmont, W. Va. Pythian chronicle, 1901, m 1 .00 Calkins' newspaper syndicate, 320 Sansam St., San Francisco, Cal. Pythian gleaner, 1895, m 1 .00 H. C. Allen & co., 113 Dudley St., Boston, Mass. Pythian guest, 1889, m 50 D. F. Harrison, Union City, Ind. Pythian herald, 1904, w 1.00 L. D. Jones, Fort Smith, Ark. Pythian herald, 1891, m 1 .00 Dockery & Sullivan, 933 Broadway, Kansas City, Mo. Pythian herald gazette, 1889, m 1.00 S. Sanderson, Little Rock, Ark. Pythian journal, 1874, m 1.00 A. M. Preston & co., Century bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. Pythian journal, 1898, m 1 .00 Pythian pub. co., Centreville, Miss. Pythian knight, 1894, m 50 Henry Rosenthal, Evansville, Ind. Pythian knight, 1 886, m 1 . 00 W. H. St. John, Rochester, N. Y. Pythian leader, 1903, w 1.00 Frank A. Hoy, 84 La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Pythian lodge secret, 1890, m 1 .00 H. Cronheim, Atlanta, Ga. Pythian monitor, 1902, m 50 Pythian pub. co., Cincin., O. Pythian news, 1897, w 1.00 Pythian news co., Cincin., O. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 2 8r .-i Pythian record, 1 888, m i . oo Pythian record pub. co., 79 Fifth ave., Chicago, 111. Pythian review, m 1 .00 E. Allison Powers, Montreal, Canada. Pythian shield, m 50 James Nichols. Madison, Neb. Pythian sunbeam, 1903, m 50 Pythian sunbeam co., Lincoln, Neb. Pythian times, 1903, m 1 .00 J. E. Shanafelt, Perry, Okla. Pythian tribune, 1895, m I -OO W. D. Kennedy, 6023 Princeton ave., Chicago, 111. Pythias and Calanthe, 1 897, m 50 Wra. Grandison, Cambridge, Mass. Quaker city year book, 1906, a . . . .' r .00 Lippincott co., Phila., Pa. Quarry workers' journal, 1904, m 50 P. F. McCarthy, Barre, Vt. Quarterly bulletin, 1906 George H. Hosmer, Everett, Mass. Quarterly bulletin of new music, q Free Oliver Ditson co., Boston, Mass. Quarterly journal of economics, 1887, q 3-00 Geo. H. Ellis co., Boston, Mass. Quarterly journal of inebriety, 1877, q 2.00 Hartford, Conn. Quarterly review (Am. ed.), 1809, q 4.00 Leonard Scott pub. co., 7 Warren St., N. Y. Quarterly style book, 1906 (Mar.), q 1.25 Home pattern co., 615 W. 43rd St., New York, N. Y. Quarterly supplement to the rating index, q Thrift pub. co., N. Y. Quebec. Conseil d'hygiene Bulletin sanitaire, 1901, m 76 Rue St. Gabriel, Montreal, Canada. Queen's medical quarterly, q 1.00 W. T. Connell, Kingston, Ontario. Queen's quarterly, 1893, q 1.00 Professors and alumni of Queen's university, Kingston, Ontario. Queen's university journal, 1873, s " m 1 .00 Alma mater society Queen's univ., Kingston, Ontario. Quill, m 50 111. press ass'n, 7221 Princeton ave., Chicago, 111. Quinabang historical society Leaflets, 1902, irreg., per no 10 Allan H. Fanon, sec, Southbridge, Mass. Quincy. Free public library Bulletin, 1905, irreg Quincy, 111. jXn GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Quincy record, 1 900, w 1 . 00 Illinois farmer co., Quincy. 111. Quiver, 1866, m 1 . 50 Cassell & co., 43 E. 19th St., N. Y. R. F. D. news, 1903, m 50 H. H. Windsor, Journal bldg., Chicago, 111. Racing calendar, w 5 00 H. A. Buck, Windsor arcade, N. Y. Racing form, 1895, 6 d 14.00 Daily racing form pub. co., 126 Fifth ave., Chicago, 111. Radcliffe college monographs, 1888, irreg Varies Gim & co., Boston, Mass. Radius, 1903, m during school yr 50 Prosso prep, school, Kansas City, Mo. Radium, 1906, q 10 Heber Roberts, 310 Chemical bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Radium light, 1903, per copy 2^ Heber Robarts, 5899 Cates ave., St. Louis, Mo. Ragus rays, 1907, m Free Ragus tea and coffee co., N. Y. Railroad conductor, 1879, m 1 .00 Order of railway conductors, Cedar Rapids, la. Railroad echo, 1904, w 1 .00 Miss Ferdie Trichel, Houston, Tex. Railroad employee, 1891, m 50 B. E. Chapin, Newark, N. J. Railroad gazette, 1856, w 4.20 Railroad gazette, 83 Fulton st., N. Y. Railroad herald, m . 1 .00 E. C. Laird, Atlanta, Ga. Railroad man's magazine, 1906, m Frank A. Munsey co., 175 Fifth ave, N. Y. Railroad men, 1886, m 1 .00 Railroad Y. M. C. A., 361 Madison ave., N. Y. Railroad quotation record, m Ticker pub. co., 312 Wall-Exchange bldg., N. Y. Railroad quotation record, 1896, m 2.00 C. Mont. Benton co., 526 W. 28th St., N. Y. Railroad record and common carrier, 1900, m 1 .00 Frank Weldon, Atlanta, Ga. Railroad reporter, 1906, m 1 .00 Thomas Kristic, N. Y. Railroad telegrapher, 1885, m 1 .00 Order of railroad telegraphers, Fullerton bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Railroad trainmen's journal, 1883, m 1 .00 Brotherhood of railroad trainmen, Cleveland, O. Railway age, 1 876, w 4 . 00 Railway age co., Monadnock bldg., Chicago, 111. Railway and engineering review, 1868, w 4.00 The railway review, 1305 Manhattan ave., Chicago, Til. GUIDE TO 1'KRlODlCALb 287 Railway and hotel news, 1882, d 5 .00 Kan way and liotei news co., bt. Paul, Minn. Railway duu locomotive engineeinig, lyo/j tu ring us binciair cu., acw Ioik, i\. 1. Railway and marine news, 1904, s-m 2.00 Kanway and marine news pub. co., Seattle, Wash. Railway and snipping world, 1890, m 1 . 00 Acton Burrows co., Toronto, Canada. Railway carmen's journal, 1899, m 1 .00 Droiherhood 01 railway carmen of Amer., Kansas City, Mo. Railway clerk, 1902, m 50 Order of railway clerks of America, Kansas City Life bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Railway club of Pittsburg, official proceedings, 1901 (Oct.), m, 9 nos 1 . 00 Railway club of Pittsburg, Pittsburg, Pa. Railway conductor, 1884, m 1 .00 Order of railway conductors, Cedar Rapids, la. Railway critic, 1902, m 1 .00 143 Liberty St., N. Y. Railway employees' journal, 1891, m 50 E. H. Call, Scranton, Pa. Railway engineering and maintenance of way, 1905, m 1 .00 Bruce V. Crandall co., Security bldg., Chicago, 111. Railway epicurean, 1905, m 1 .00 Thomas Burdine, 3221 State st., Chicago, 111. Railway gazette, 1885, m 1 .00 Gazette pub. co., Denver, Colo. Railway hand book, 1889 (Feb.), m 1 .00 Railway hand book pub. co., San Francisco, Calif. Railway journal, 1 898, m 1.00 Railway journal pub. co., Wainright bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Railway line clearances and car dimensions, q 1 .00 Railway equipment and publication co., 24 Park pi., N. Y. Railway machinery, 1883, m 1 . 50 Industrial press, 66 W. Broadway, N. Y. Railway mail, 1880, s-m 1 . 50 Winrott & Rogers, Caxton bldg., Chicago, 111. Railway master mechanic, 1875, m 1 .oc Bruce V. Crandall co., Chicago, 111. Railway news and commercial traveler, f 1 .00 Railway news pub. co., St. Thomas. Ontario. Railwav record, T904, w 1 .00 Clarence Spooner, St. John, N. B. Railwav recorder, 1001, m 1 .00 Recorder co.. Pittsburg. Pa. Railway signal association. Membership 3. 00 Proceedings. 1897 Digest of proceedings. 1895 H. S. Balliet, sec, 335 Madison ave.. N. Y. 288 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Railway surgeon, 1894, rn 3 .00 Railway age co., Monadnock bldg., Chicago, 111. Railway surgical journal, m 5-00 E. H. Baumgarten, Security bldg., Chicago, 111. Railway world, 1857, w 4.00 Railway world pub. co., Witherspoon bldg., Phila., Pa. Rainbow, 1892, m 50 H. Gummer, Guelph, Ontario. Rainbow of Delta tau delta, 1877, q 1 .00 Delta tau delta fraternity, Toronto, Canada. Raja yoga messenger, 1904, m 50 Katherine Tingley, Point Loma, Cal. Rambler magazine, 1904, m 50 Kenosha, Wis. Ram's horn, 1890, w 1 . 50 Ram's horn co., no La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Ranch, 1895, s-m 1 .00 Ranch co., Seattle, Wash. Ranchman's reminder, 1904, m 25 Agri. college and exp. station, Laramie, Wyoming. Ranch and range, 1900, m 1.00 H. S. Groves, Annex bldg., Denver, Colo. Rand-McNally bankers' directory and list of attorneys blue book, 1883, s_a Rand, McNally & co., 166 Adams st., Chicago, 111. Rand McNally bankers' monthly, 1884, rn 2.00 Rand McNally & co., 168 Adams st., Chicago, 111. Randolph-Macon monthly, 1879, m. dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Lit. societies of Randolph-Macon college, Ashland, Va. Randolph-Macon college John P. Branch historical papers, 1901, per copy 1 .00 Ashland, Va. . Raphael's almanac 25 McClurg & co., Chicago, 111. Rapports de practique de Quebec, 1898, irreg 5.00 P. O. Box 805, Montreal, Canada. Rapports judiciaires de Quebec (Cour du banc du roi) 1892, m. . Eug. Globensky,, 54 Notre Dame st., Montreal, Canada. Rapports judiciaires de Quebec (Cour superieure) 1892, m.... Eug. Globensky,, 54 Notre Dame st., Montreal, Canada. Rarasek, m 1.00 Rovianek & co., Pittsburg, Pa. Rassegna Nord- Americana, w 2.00 Italian-American pub. co., 151 W. 4th St., N. Y. Rating index, 1901, m Thrift pub. co.. 141 Broadway, N. Y. Rawlins drug news, m Edward S. Mayo, N. Y. Raymond's red-letter, 1905, m T. H. Raymond, Cambridge, Mass. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 289 Razoo, 1902, q 50 looming advertising agency, St. Paul, Minn. Reader, 1 902, in 3 . 00 Merged in Putnam's monthly. Reader s guide to periodical literature, 1896, m 6.00 ii. VV. Wilson co., Minneapolis, Minn. Real estate, 1902, m 1 .00 National real estate exchange, inc., Phila., Pa. Real estate bulletin, 1902. s-m free Baltimore, Md. Real estate investor, m 50 Long Island Realty co., 153-55 Lafayette St., N. Y. Real estate news, [906, m 1 .00 Real estate news co., 172 W. Wash. St., Chicago, 111. Real estate record, 1888, m 50 '1 he Cradock Simpson co., 205 St. James St., Montreal, Canada. Real estate record and builders' guide, 1868, w 6.00 Real estate record association, 161 Vesey st., N. Y. Real estate record and builders' guide, 1886, w 5.00 John N. Gallagher, 46 N. nth st., Phila., Pa. Real estate record of Westchester county, w Westchester record co., White Plains, N. Y. Real estate register and rental guide, 1888, w 1 .00 B. S. Lake & co., Providence, R. I. Real estate report, 1906, m Luther W. Lee, Boston. Mass. Real estate searchlight, 1908, irreg Schroeder & Jennings, Colorado Springs, Colo. Real estate seller, 1907 (May), m A. M. & P. A. Webb, Fort Atkinson, Wis. Real estate talk and bargain list, 1907 (Mar.), m free F. Tombridge agency, 324 Chestnut st., St. Louis, Mo. Realty record and builder, m 1 .00 Frank \Y. Choisel. Odd Fellows bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Reason, m 5° Austin pub. co., Rochester, N. Y. Record, 6 d 9.00 Daily record co.. Railway exchange bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Record, 1 876. m 3. 00 Chas. J. Smith. Nassau and Liberty sts., N. Y. Record, 1888, 6 d 15 00 Ernest E. Smith. Kansas City. Mo. Record, 1889. w 5-00 Record pub. co., Pittsburg, Pa. Record, T894. w 1 00 T. S. Heskett, Spokane, W T ash. Record, 1898, m 5° R. J. Finley, Macon, Mo. Record, 1904. w 1 .00 Record print, and pub. co.. Cincin., O. 2go GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Record and guide quarterly, 1899, q 20.00 Record and guide, 14 Vesey St., N. Y. Record of Christian work, 1881, m 1 .00 Wm. R. Moody, East Northfield, Mass. Record of Five points house of industry, 1857, m 1 .00 Wm. F. Barnard, 155 Worth St., N. Y. Record-stockman, 1 880. 6 d 3 . 00 w 1 ■ oc Record stockman pub. co., Denver, Colo. Recorder, [880, m 50 I raag & Parris, 406 Race St., Phila., I 'a. Recorder, 1900, d. except Sun 12.00 Recorder pub. co., 422 Montgomery St., San Francisco, Cal. Recorder, d. except Sun 12.00 Daily recorder co.. St. Paul. Minn. Records of the past, 1 902, m 2 . 00 Records of the past exploration co., 215 Third St., S. E., Washington, D. C. Recreation, 1894, m 2.00 Outdoor news co., 4 W. 22nd st., New York, N. Y. Red and blue, 1889, m. dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Students of University of Pennsylvania, Phila.. Pa. Red book magazine, 1903, m 1 • 5° Red book corporation. North American bldg.. Chicago, 111. Red cross notes, 1897, irreg 1 .oo Johnson & Johnson, New Brunswick, N. J. Red hammer, m Free American printing co., Detroit, Mich. Red polled herd book, American ed., 1889, a Red polled cattle club, Dayton, Ohio. Red river valley farm journal, 1877, w 1 .00 Croakston journal print, co., Croakston, Minn. Redfield's stamp weekly, 1907, w 5° Redfield pub. co., Smithport, Pa. Redwood, 1903, in. dur. coll. yr ] • 5° Students of Santa Clara college, Santa Clara, Cal. Reed's isonomy, 1 883, m 1 • 00 J. Guy Reed, San Antonio, Tex. Reference book lumberman's credit ass'n, a Lumberman's credit ass'n. 1402 Jackson blvd., Chicago, 111. Referendum news, 1905, m 5° Merged with Equity. Reflector, <| 2 5 [34 \\ . 37th st., New York, N. Y. Reform advocate, 1891 . w 2.00 Bloch & Newman, 204 Dearborn st.. Chicago, 111. Reformed church herald, 1 895, w ~ c S. C. I [oover, Lisbon, la. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS j,,i Reformed church messenger, 1827. w 1 .25 Reformed church bd., [306 Arch St., Phila., Pa. Reformed church record, [888, w 1 .25 Daniel Miller. Reading, Pa. Reformed church review, [849, q 2.00 Reformed church pub. bd., 1306 Arch St., Phila.. Pa. Reformed presbyterian advocate, s-m 1 .00 Reformed presbyterian CO., .Minneapolis, Minn. Regal bulletin, [906 I Nov.), s-m. Free to stores and agents. Regal shoe co., East Whitmore, Mass. Register, [900, w 1 . 00 Register pub. co., 46 Park pi., N. Y. Regiiter of sawmill and planing mill auxiliary equipment, [906, a 10.00 Am. lumberman, 315 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. Regular baptist, 1875, f 1 . 25 Regular baptist pub. co.. Mexico, Mo. Regular medical visitor, [900, m 1 .00 Geo. H. Thompson, 904 Olive St., St. Louis, Mo. Reliable poultry journal, 1894. m 5° Reliable poultry journal pub. co.. Quincy, 111. Relief corps messenger, i<)oi, m 50 Olive G. Williams, Troy, O. Religious education, 1906, b-m 1 . 50 Religious education ass'n, 153 La Salle st., Chicago, 111. Religious education association. Official bulletin, 1903 Proceedings, 1003, a 2.00 Association bldg., Chicago, 111. Religious forum, 1002, w 1 .00 H. R. Bernard, Atlanta, Ga. Religious herald, 1828. \v 2.00 Religious herald co., Richmond, Va. Religious telescope, 1834, w 2.00 Rev. W. R. Funk, Dayton, O. Remarques, V9 r . 00 Win. Mayer & bro., Pittsburg, Pa. Remington notes, 1907. irreg free Remington typewriter co., Xew York, X. Y. Rensselaer society of engineers Selected papers, [885, irreg., per no 50 Rensselaer polytechnic institute. Troy. X T . Y. Reo echo, 1906, irreg Free Reo motor co.. Lansing. Mich. Repairer, m 35 Rev. E. E. Shelhamer, Atlanta, Ga. Repertoire magazine, 1005, m.. per copy 05 Repertoire pub. co., 1008 Pulton st.. Brooklyn, X. Y. Repertorio medico-farmaceutico, [898, m 1 .00 Jose Guzman, Havana, Cuba. Reporter (marble and granite). 1868, m 2.00 Nichols & co., 204 Washington boul., Chicago, 111. 292 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Reporter, 1 89 1 . 6 d 4 . 00 Reporter co., South St. Paul, Minn. Reporter, 1 88 1 , w 1 . 00 Chester news pub. co., Chester, Pa. Reporter, 1890, 6 d 4 . 25 Daily reporter co., Salt Lake City, Utah. Reporter, 6 d., morning ed 12.00 6 d., evening ed 3.00 Daily reporter co., Milwaukee, Wis. Reports of fire insurance companies, 1906, a 5. 00 Spectator co., 135 William St., New York, X. Y. Reports of the nat. banks of the principal banking centres of the U. S., 1898, 5 times a year 75 The evening post, 20 Yesey St., N. Y. Republic magazine, 1908, m 1 .00 Columbia pub. co., 624 Munsey bldg., Wash., D. C. Republican, 1902, m 1 .00 Wm. E. Beall, 308 Johnston bldg., Cincinnati, O. Reserve weekly, 1890, w. dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Students of Adelbert college, Cleveland, O. Resources of southern California, 1902, m 1 .00 Joseph D. Lynch, 311 New High st., Los Angeles, Cal. Results, 1904, irreg Mills bldg., San Francisco, Cal. Retail butchers' and grocers' guide, 1905, w 1 .50 Salt Lake City, Utah. Retail butchers' journal, m 1 .00 Charles Young, 147 Chambers St., N. Y. Retail clerks international advocate, 1901, m 60 Retail clerks international protective ass'n., P. O. box 158T. Denver, Colo. Retail coalman, 1900, m 1 . 00 Retail coalman co., Monadnock bldg., Chicago, 111. Retail confectioner and baker, 1903, m 1 .00 Clarence B. Hart, 140 Nassau St., N. Y. Retail druggist, 1894, m 1 . 50 Retail druggist pub. co., Hodges bldg., Detroit, Mich. Retail grocer, w 2. 00 Retail grocer pub. co., 214 California St., San Francisco, Cal. Retail grocers' advocate, 1896, w 2.00 Advocate pub. co., 207 Battery st., San Francisco, Ca.l Retail grocers' advocate, 1877, w 2.00 Retail grocers' pub. co., 147 Chambers St., N. Y. Retail hardware dealer, 1903, s-m 50 W. L. Agnew, St. Paul, Minn. Retail lumberman, m 5° Charles E. Bennett and Frank B. Faries, Minneapolis, Minn. Retail merchant, 1901, m 1 00 Retail merchant co., Dallas, Tex. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 293 Retail merchants' journal. 1905, s-m 50 N. Y. life 1)1(1-.. Omaha, Neb. Retail merchants' review, [899, w i .00 Retail merchants' pub. co., Pittsburg, Pa. Retailer and advertiser, i8<)2, \v 5. 00 James Knapp Reeve, Deposit, N. Y. Retailers' commercial agency credit guide, [880, a Retailers' commercial agency, 125 K. 2^rd st.. New York, \. Y. Retailers' journal, 111 50 Retailers' journal, 36 La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Retailers' league co. Bi-weekly bulletin, 1908 206 corn belt bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Retrospect of medicine and pharmacy, 1895, m 1 .00 Retrospect co., 306 Chestnut st., Phila., Pa. Retort, m 1 . 00 Milwaukee medical college, Milwaukee, Wis. Reveille, i860, m. dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Students of Norwich university, Northfield, Vt. Review, 1906, Oct. to May 75 Young men's hebrew ass'n., 1616 Master st., Phila., Pa. Review, 1 899, m 40 Western book and pub. co., Newton, Kan. Review, 1874, w. dur. coll. yr . 1 .50 Union library association, Oberlin, O. Review. 1 902, w 1 . 00 Review pub. co., Huntington, W. Va. Review and bulletin of the Southern university, 1884, q 1 .00 Southern university, Greensboro. Ala. Review and expositor, 1904, q 2.00 The review and expositor, Norton Hall, Louisville, Ky. Review and record and banker and tradesman, 1872, w 5. 00 Review and record co., 146 Franklin st., Boston, Mass. Review of American chemical research Published as a supplement to Am. chem. society. Journal. Review of catholic pedagogy, 1903, 10 nos 2 -5° 637 S. Harding ave., Chicago, 111. Review of education, 1895, 10 nos r .00 A. W. Mumford, 203 Michigan ave., Chicago, 111. Review of historical publications relating to Canada, 1896, a. . . 1 .50 University of Toronto. Toronto, Canada. Review of reviews See American monthly review of reviews. Review of the whale fishery, 1905. a William II. Bartlett, New Bedford. Review of trade and price current, w S. E. DeRackin. Manila, P. I. Revista catolica, 1 875, w 3 • °° Jesuit fathers, Los Vegas, N. M. Revista de construcciones y agrimensura, 1899, m 4.00 Sociedad de ingenieros y arquitectos de Cuba, Mercaderes 2, Habana, Cuba. 294 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Revista de medicina tropical, 1900, m 2.00 Dr. Emilio Martinez, Havana, Cuba. Revista de medicina y cirurgia, s-m Dr. J. A. Presno y Bastony, Havana, Cuba. Revista del foro, 1891, m Dr. Antonio L. Yalverde, Havana, Cuba. Revista medica Cubana, m 2 . 50 Charles E. Kahly, Havana, Cuba. Revista popular, 1888, m 1 .00 J. Beniquez, 40 Vesey St., N. Y. Revival, 1899, m 1 .00 Montreat pub. co., Montreat, N. C. Revolution, 1906, irreg., each 01 Boston, Mass. Revue Canadienne, 1863, m 3-00 Revue Canadienne pub. co., Montreal, Canada. Revue de jurisprudence (French and English), 1895, m 5-00 C. Theoret, Montreal, Canada. Revue legale, (French and English), 1867, m 5-00 C. Theoret, Montreal, Canada. Rhode Island advertiser, 1899, m 50 Frank R. Jelleff, Lapham bldg., Providence. R. I. Rhode Island historical society News sheet, 1902, irreg Providence, R. I. Rhode Island historical society Collections, irreg Varies Providence, R. I. Rhode Island historical tracts, 1877, irreg Varies S. S. Rider, Providence, R. i. Rhode Island issue, 1900, in 25 Rhode Island temperance league, 112 Clay St., Providence, R. I. Rhode Island medical society Transactions, 1859, a Stephen A. Welch, Providence, R. I. Rhodora, 1 899, m 1 . 00 New England botanical club, 300 Massachusetts ave., Boston, Mass. Rice industry, 1900, m 1 .00 Rice industry pub. co., Houston, Tex. Rice journal and gulf coast farmer, m 5° Signal pub. co., Crowley, La. Richland county historical society Proceedings, 1899 A. G. Baughman, sec, Mansfield, O. Richmond journal of practice, m 1 .00 J. F. Winn, Richmond, Va. Richmond railroad club. Proceedings, 1902 (Feb.), in, 9 nos.. . 1.00 F. ( ). Robinson, sec, Richmond, Va. Riddles of being, [907, (| 2.00 Kiddles of being, No. 752, Chicago, 111. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 295 Rider and driver and outdoor sport, 1891, w 5.00 Rider and driver and outdoor sport pub. co., 1 123 Broadway, N. Y. Ridgepole, 1 905, m J. A. & W. Bird & co., Boston, Mass. Ridgway's, 1906, w 5 - 00 Suspended pub. Right way, i»)04, in 50 Right way pub. co.. 1135 Broadway, N. Y. Ringler's magazine, 1905 92d st. and 3d ave., N. Y. Riverside bulletin, 111 free Houghton, Mifflin & co.. 4 Park st., Boston, Mass. Rivista evangelica, w 1 .00 Rev. Filoteo Taglialatela. 1 W. 115th st., N. Y. Roach's financial facts, 1907, w Free Henry X. Roach, $7$ Fifth ave., N. Y. Road and track, 1901, w 2.00 Samuel P. Town, 1020 Arch st., Phila., Pa. Roanoke collegian, 1874. m. dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Students of Roanoke college, Salem, Va. Rob Roy's we3kly, 1904, w 2.00 B. H. Benton, 321 Washington st., Boston, Mass. Robotnik, 1896 1 50 Polish socialist alliance, 621 Milwaukee ave., Chicago. Ill, Rochester academy of science Proceedings, 1890, irreg Varies Rochester, N. Y. Rock products, 1902, m 1 .00 Francis pub. co., Louisville, Ky. Rockefeller institute of medical research. Studies (reprints), 1904, a N. Y. Rockford public library Bulletin, 1905, m Rockford, 111. Rocky mountain baptist, 1894, s-m 1 .00 Asa Whitten, Boulder, Colo. Rocky mountain druggist, 1888, m 50 Rocky mountain druggist pub. co., Denver, Colo. Rocky mountain elk, 1902, m 1 .00 Gilmore & Roesch, Colorado Springs, Colo. Rocky mountain endeavor, 1901 , m 5° H. R. Chapman, Colorado Springs, Colo. Rocky mountain farming, 1906, m 50 Agricultural college of Utah, Logan, Utah. Rocky mountain herald, i860, w 1 .00 Bird Johnson, Denver, Colo. Rocky mountain husbandman, 1875, w 2 . 50 Rocky mountain husbandman co., Great Falls, Mont. 296 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Rocky mountain illustrated and commercial psychologist, 1905, m 50 Rocky mountain illustrated pub. co., Denver, Colo. Rocky mountain leader, 1901, s-m Montana school for the deaf and blind, Boulder, Mont. Rocky mountain magazine, 1903, m 10 1634 Tremont St., Denver, Colo. Rocky mountain miner, 1893, w 1 .00 Miner printing and pub. co., Denver, Colo. Rocky mountain official railroad guide, 1892, m 50 Rocky mountain official guide co., Denver, Colo. Rocky mountain pioneer, 1898, m 1 .00 Iris pub. co., Colorado City, Colo. Rocky mountain presbyterian, 1903, m 5° Robert M. Donaldson, Bozeman, Mont. Rocky mountain sentinel, 1887, w 1 .00 Sentinel pub. co., Denver, Colo. Rocky mountain workman, 1892, m 5° T. C. Crawford, Salt Lake city, Utah. Salt Lake city, Utah. Rod and gun in Canada, 1899, m 1 .00 Rod and gun pub. co., Montreal, Canada. Rodina, 1883, w 1 • 20 Krai & Stehlik, Racine, Wis. Roger Williams park museum Monograph, 1904, irreg varies C. Abbott Davis, curator, Providence, R. I. Rogerana, 1883, m. dur. coll. yr 25 Rogerana pub. co., Nashville, Tenn. Roller mill, 1882, m 5° E. L. Burdick co., Marine national bank bldg., Buffalo, N. Y. Roller monthly, 1885, m 50 Roller printing and paper co., Canton, O. Rollingpin, 1 870, m 1 . 00 Rollingpin pub. co., 212 N. 3d st., St. Louis, Mo. Rollins college bulletin, 1907, q Winter Park, Fla. Roosevelterian bluestocking, 1907, b-m 25 Rockport, End. Rosa Pearle's paper, 1894, w 1 . 50 Rosa Pearle, Sedaha, Mo. Rosary magazine, 1891, m 2.00 Rosary press, Somerset, O. Rose bush, 1 906. m Charles Grant Miller, Cleveland, O. Rose-jar, 1 904, q 2 . 00 W. E. Price, 24 E. 21st st., N. Y. Rose polytechnic, 1892, m 1 .00 Rose polytechnic institute, Terre Haute, Ind. 3 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 297 Rossvan classification of thoroughbreds, 1903, a Rossvan co., Monolith bldg., Chicago, 111. Rotary, 1S07. m VV. G. Crocker, Fargo, X. 1). Rough notes, 1 878. w 2 . 00 Rough notes co., 920 Law bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. Round table, 1854. u . dnr. coll. yr 2.00 Archaean union of Beloit college, Beloit, Wis. 'Round the beaches, K)07 Scenic pub. co., New York, X. Y. Rover, 1 898, m 1 . 00 E. & M. Hutchison. 107 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. Royal arcanum bulletin, m 30 W. O. Robson, 407 Shawmut ave., Boston, Mass. Royal arcanum messenger, 1897, m 50 Fraternal pub. co., 253 Broadway, N. Y. Royal astronomical society of Canada Journal. i<)07. b-m 2.00 Canadian institute bldg., Toronto. Royal craftsman, 1887, m 1 .00 Somerville pub. co., Somerville, N. J. Royal gazette, t 791 , w 1 . 50 R. T. Murray, Halifax, N. S. Royal gazette, 1791, w 25 John Coombs, Charlottetown, P. E. I. Royal neighbor, 1 893, m 1 . 00 State journal co., Lincoln, Xeb. Royal society of Canada Proceedings and transactions, 1882, a Ottawa, Canada. Royal templar, 1 870, m 50 McGerald pub. co., 43 Niagara St., Buffalo, N. Y. Royal trust monthly, 1906 (Mar.), m. To patrons free Royal trust co.. Chicago, 111. Royal woodman, [897, m 1 . 00 R. C. Dozier, Omaha, Neb. Rubber trade directory, 1908, a Henry C. Pearson, 395 Broadway, N. Y. Ruberoid album, 1 <)o6, m Standard paint co., New York, N. Y. Rudder, 1 890, m 2 . 00 Rudder pub. co., 9 Murray st., N. Y. Ruperts' magazine, 1898, m 50 Wm. F. Rupert, 114 Fifth ave.. N. Y. Rural advocate, 1903. m 25 Rural advocate pub. co.. Battle Creek, Mich. Rural beekeeper, 1904, m 50 W. H. Putnam, River Falls, Wis. Rural Calif ornian, 1877, m 1 .00 M. G. Heintz, Temple blk., Los Angeles, Cal. 298 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Rural farmer, 1 880, w 50 Rural farmer pnb. co., 153 S. Front St., Phila., Pa. Rural life, 1901, w 1.00 Rural life pub. co., Sterling, 111. Rural magazine, 1906, m 1 .00 Contin. in Home magazine. Rural New Yorker, 1849, w l - 00 John J. Dillon, 409 Pearl St., N. Y. Rural rooter, 1903, m 1 .00 Omar D. Gray, Sturgeon, Mo. Russell's convention dates, 1896, w 5-00 Hamlin Russell, 161 Washington St., Newark, N. J. Russell's manual, 1905, m A. L. Russell, 71 Broad st, N. Y. Rural weekly, 1904, w 25 Rural weekly pub. co., 92 E. 4th st., St. Paul, Minn. Rural young people and sunny hours, m 25 Rural young people pub. co., Milton, Pa. Ruralist, w 1 .00 Sedalia print, co., Sedalia, Mo. Rush medical college. Bulletin of the alumni, 1905, q Rush medical college, Chicago, 111. Russell's railway guide, 1890, m 2.00 Chas. A. Laurance & co., Cedar Rapids, la. Rutgers targum, 1869, w. dur. coll. yr 2.00 Students of Rutgers college, New Brunswick, N. J. Ryerson's monthly journal, 1900, m 1 .00 Joseph T. Ryerson & son, Chicago, 111. S. S. Stewarts' banjo, mandolin and guitar journal, b-m 50 Charles Morris, 42 N. 51st st., Phila., Pa. S. W. P. Sherwin-Williams co., Cleveland, O. Sabbath, q 40 American Sabbath union, 203 Broadway, N. Y. Sabbath reading, 1876, w 50 Witness and Sabbath reading co., 150 Nassau St., N. Y. Sabbath recorder, 1845, w 2.00 m 2.00 American Sabbath tract society, Plainfield, N. Y. Sabbath school worker, 1886, m 35 Review and herald pub. ass'n, Washington, D. C. Sacred heart review, 1885, w 2.00 Review pub. co., 294 Washington st., Boston, Mass. Sacred heart union, q 35 Rev. Thos. J. Morgan, Arlington, X. J. Safeguard and armory, 1896, q 25 Safeguard pub. co., Westbrook, Me. Sagebrush philosophy, 1904, m 1 .00 M. . & M. I\ Barlow, Don-las, Wyo. Sagamore, 1900, m 50 T. J. Bell, Tacoma, Wash. GUIDE R> PERIODICALS 299 Sail and sweep, [902, in 1 .00 Sail and sweep pub. co., 58 Congress St., W., Detroit. Mich. Sailor's magazine and seamen's friend, 1828, m 1 .00 American seamen's friend society, 76 Wall st., N. Y. St. Andrew's cross, 1886 1 .00 Brotherhood of St. Andrew, 88 Broad St., Boston, Mass. St. Anthony's almanac 25 Franciscan monastery, Patterson, N. J. St. George journal, 1876, f 1 .00 F. Dodd, 149 N. 9th st., Phila., Pa. St. George's sword and shield, 1890, m 50 Rev. H. D. Waller, 45 Locust st., Flushing, X. Y. St. John's university record, 1888, m 1 .00 Students of St. John's college. Collegeville, Minn. St. Joseph (Mo.) free public library Bulletin. 1896, irreg St. Lawrence bulletin, 1906, w (during summer only) 50 Bulletin pub. co.. Thousand Island Park, Xew York, N. Y. St. Louis and Canadian photographer, 1877, m 3.00 Mrs. Fitzgibbon-Clark, 3210 Lucas ave., St. Louis, Mo. St. Louis blue book, a The Simmonds co., St. Louis, Mo. St. Louis clinique, m 1 .00 301 S. Broadway, St. Louis, Mo. St. Louis courier of medicine, m 2.00 Courier of medicine co., St. Louis, Mo. St. Louis daily record, 1890, d 12.00 Daily record co., St. Louis, Mo. St. Louis dramatic news, 1906 (Dec. 5), w 1 .00 Dramatic news co., St. Louis, Mo. St. Louis (Mo.) globe-democrat Boys and girls magazine, 1905, w St. Louis lumberman, 1888, s-m 2.00 Journal of commerce co., Fullerton bldg., St. Louis, Mo. St. Louis medical and surgical journal, 1843, m 1 .00 Suspended. St. Louis medical review, w 1 .00 St. Louis medical review association, St. Louis, Mo. St. Louis. Public library Monthly bulletin, n. s., 1903, m St. Louis. Mo. St. Louis railway club. Official proceedings, m 1 .00 St. Louis railway club, Union station, St. Louis. Mo. St. Louis university Bulletin, 1905. q St. Louis university, St. Louis, Mo. St. Luke herald, i«;02, w too E. ( '■ of St. Luke, Richmond, \'a. Saint Luke's hospital. Medical and surgical reports, a 1427 Michigan ave., Chicago. III. jOO GUIDE TO PERIODICALS St. Nicholas, 1 863, m 3 . 00 Century co., 33 E. 12th St., N. Y. St. Olaf college bulletin, 1905, q Free Northfield, Minn. St. Paul (Minn.) dispatch Literary supplement, 1905, w St. Paul medical journal, 1899, m 2 . 50 Ramsey co. medical society, St. Paul, Minn. St. Paul messenger, 1901, m St. Paul Presbyterian church, Phila., Pa. St. Ritas magazine, m 3 . 00 569 E. 145th st., New York, N. Y. St. Vincent de Paul quarterly, q 50 Society of St. Vincent de Paul, 375 Lafayette St., N. Y. Saints' herald, 1 860, w 1 . 50 Herald pub. house, Lamoni, la. Salem public library. Bulletin, m 25 Salem, Mass. Sales agent, 1900, m 50 Park and Russell sts., Columbus, O. Sales' aid, 1906, m., to agencies Free Domestic sewing machine co., Newark, N. J. Sales ginger, 1906, b-m W .C. Hollman, Ellsworth bldg., Chicago, 111. Sales manager, 1907, m 1 .00 Hurt C. Beam, Security bldg., Chicago, 111. Sales specialist, 1908, irreg Edgar A. Russell, 1 Madison ave., N. Y. Salesmanship, m . 1 . 00 Salesmanship co.. Ellsworth bldg., N. Y. Salesmanship, 1907, m free H. M. I loosen co., 114 Sherman st., Chicago, 111. Salesmanship and office methods, 1903, m 1 .00 Salesmanship co., 200 Monroe st., Chicago, 111. Saline baptist, i< >, m 50 Warren I'. Clark, Slater, Mo. Salon of the dilettanti, 1907, m 1 .00 4709 Evans ave., Chicago, 111. Salt Lake mining review, 1899, s-m 2.50 Will C. Higgins, Salt Lake City, Utah. Sam Loyd's puzzle magazine, 1905, m 1 .00 N. Y. Samedi, 1 889, w 2 . 50 Poirier. Bessette & co., Montreal, Canada. Sameiningin, 1885, m 1 .00 Icelander Lutheran synod, Winipeg, Manitoba. Sample case, 1 89 1 , m 1 . 00 Riley N. Hull, Columbus. O. Sandebudet, 1 86 1 , w 1 . 50 Swedish .M. E. book concern, 152 Oak st., Chicago, 111. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 301 San Diego society of natural history Transactions, [905 varies San Diego. Cal. San Francisco and Oakland combination time-table and theatre guide II. II. Dubois. Oakland, Cal. San Francisco (Cal.) chronicle Fiction supplement, 1906, w San Francisco news letter, 1856, w 4.00 F. Marriott, San Francisco, Cal. San Francisco (Cal.) public library Monthly bulletin, 1895 25 San Francisco state normal school bulletins, 1902, irreg 30 State normal school, San Francisco, Cal. San Joaquin valley farmer, 1899, s-m 1 .00 W. R. Mcintosh and A. E. Fay, Freshno, Cal. San Jose (Cal.) free public library Bulletin. 1901, m Sangen musik tidning for artister och amatorer, 1901, q 2.00 Sangen pub. co., St. Paul, Minn. ' Sanitive medicine, 1891, m 1 .00 Lyle print co., Salem, O. Sanitation, 1 904, m 1 . 00 Wilmer R. Bott, 147 N. 10th St., Phila., Pa. Santa Barbara, 1906, m 50 Chamber of commerce of Santa Barbara co., Santa Barbara, Cal. Santa Barbara society of natural history Bulletin, 1878, irreg Varies Santa Barbara, Cal. Santa Fe employes magazine, 1906 (Dec), m, free to employes. 1.00 Albert MacRae, 1741 Railway exchange, Chicago, 111. Saratoga society review, m Fred Oppenheimer, Saratoga Springs, N. Y. Sartorial art journal, 1874, m 8.00 John J. Mitchell co., 122 Fifth ave., N. Y. Saturday chronicle, 1902, w 2.00 Connecticut press corporation, New Haven, Conn. Saturday evening herald, w 3 - 00 Saturday pub. co., 109 Randolph St., Chicago, 111. Saturday evening mail (Evening mail magazine section) 1897, w New York. Saturday evening post, 1 728, w 2 . 00 Curtis pub. co., 421 Arch st., Phila., Pa. Saturday night, 1887, w 2.00 Sheppard pub. co., Toronto, Canada. Saturday night, 1 906, w ! • 00 Concmaugh pub. co., Johnstown, Pa. Saturday record, 1882, m 2.00 Record printing co., Cedar Rapids, la. jOJ GUIDE TO 1'KKIODICALS Saturday review, 187O, w 1 .00 T. J. Wentworth, Baltimore, Md. Saturday times, 1907. w 2.O0 8 > Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. Saturday union record, w 2 .00 !•. E. Marlow, 722 S. 4th st., St. Louis, Mo. Savannah naval stores review, 1890, w 5 00 Savannah, Ga. Saving money, 1907, m 50 Hankers educational bureau, Wellesley, Mass. Savings, 1 905. m G. B. Gaiennie, Chicago, 111. Savings and loan review, 111 1 .00 Colonial pub co., 2"]"] Broadway, N. Y. Savings and trust review, m 3 .00 Savings and trust pub. co.. 149 Congress, Boston, Mass. Savings journal, 1889, m Free Washington loan & trust co., Wash., D. C. Sawyer trio, m Sawyer pub. co., Waterville, Me. Sawyer's monthly magazine, 1907, m 15 Sawyer pub. CO., Waterville. Me. Saxby's traveler's magazine, m 1 .00 Cincin., O. Scandilizer, 1 < 106, 111 Burns O'Sullivan, New York, X. Y. Scarlet and black, 1894, b-w. dur. coll. yr 1 . 50 Students of Iowa college, Grinnell, la. Scattered seeds, 1869, m 50 Ferris & Leach, 29 X. 7th st., Phila., Pa. Schemer, i8. Scholars' quarterly, q 30 Christian pub. co., 2712 Pine st.. St. Louis, Mo. Scholastic, 1867, w. dur. coll. yr 1 .50 Students of the University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Ind. School, ! 889, w 2 . 00 School news co., 154 Fifth ave., X. Y. School and fireside, 1 902, m 50 A. L. Barger & co., Baltimore, Md. School and home education, 1879, 10 nos T - 2 5 Public school pub. co.. Iiloomington, 111. School arts books, 1901, in., 10 nos 1 00 Davis press, 38 Front st.. Worcester. Mass. School bulletin and New York state educational journal, 1874, in 1 .00 ( '.. \\ . Bardeen, Syracuse. X. Y. School education, 1881, 10 nos 1 .00 School education co.. Minneapolis, Minn GUIDF. TO PERIODICALS jo? j School exchange, [906, b-m i .00 J. C. McLaury, Newark, X. J. School gazette, 1886, m 1 .00 John S. Arnold, Harrisburg, Pa. School guard, [894, 111 10 Massachusetts total abstinence soc, 36 Bromfield st., Boston, Mass. School herald, [892, 111 1 .00 Jasper Sipes, Oklahoma City, Okla. School journal, 1870, w 2 . 50 A. S. Barnes & co., 1 1 K. 24th st.. New York, X. Y. School life, 111 from Sept to June 1 .00 World's events pub. co., Dayton, Ohio. School monthly, 1903, m 50 W. E. Watt. 40 E. Randolph st., Chicago, 111. School music monthly, 1900, m 50 P. C. llayden. Keokuk, la. School music review, in 50 II. W. (-ray co., 21 E. 17th st.. New York. X. Y. School news and practical educator, 1887, m., 1 1 nos 1 .25 C. M. Parker. Taylorville, PI. School of mines quarterly, 1879, q 2.00 Columbia university, N. Y. School of practical science Papers read before the Engineering society, 1887 Toronto, Canada. School physiology journal, 1893, m 6c Mary IP Hunt. 23 Trull st., Boston, Mass. School register, 1896, m 1 . 00 School register co., Worcester, Mass. School review, 1893, m. except July and Aug 1 .50 University of Chicago press, Chicago, PI. School science, 1901, m., 9 nos 2.00 2583 Hermitage ave., Chicago, PI. School visitor, m 1 .00 John S. Royer & sons, Columbus, O. School weekly, 1898. m., 10 nos 1 .00 W. E. Watt, 40 E. Randolph st.. Chicago. 111. School work, [902, q I .00 School work, 70 Fifth ave.. New York, X. Y. School world, m 2 . 00 Macmillan co., 66 Fifth ave., X. Y. School world, 1906 School Xo. 79, Manhattan, N. Y. School world, 1 882, m 35 D. H. Knowlton & co., Earmington. Me. Schoolmaster, [906, in., 10 nos 1 .00 The schoolmaster, Saginaw, Mich. Schoolmasters' association of New York and vicinity Report, 1893, a O. G. Cartwright, Horace Mann school. N. Y. 304 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Schuster's yellow pine lumber rate book, eastern ed., m 12.00 II. II. Klaus, 420 Market St., St. Louis, Mo. Schwed's creation magazine, [906 ( Aug. ). m 5-°o Schwed bros., Schwed bldg., New York, \. VT. Schwed's novelty catalog, 1906 (Aug.), m 50- Schwed bros., Schwed bldg.. New York, N. Y. Science, 1 883, w 5 . 00 Macmillan co., 66 Fifth ave., N. Y. Scientific American, 1845, w 3. 00 Export ed., 1878, m 3 .00 Supplement, 1876, w 5. 00 Munn & co., 361 Broadway, N. Y. Scientific co-operator, 1005, m 20 Albaugh bros., Dover & co., Chicago, 111. Scientific society of San Antonio Bulletin, 1905, irreg San Antonio, Tex. Scotch-Irish society in America. Membership 3. 00 The Scotch— Irish in America. Proceedings and addresses, 1889 Scottish Canadian, 1896, m 1 . 00 Scottish Canadian co., Toronto, Canada. Scranton (Pa.) public library. Bulletin, 1895, irreg Scrap book, 1906, m 1 .00 Frank A. Munsey co., 175 Fifth ave., N. Y. Scribner's magazine, 1 887, m 3 . 00 Scribner's sons, 153 Fifth ave., N. Y. Scrip, 1905, m 1 . 50 Moffat, Yard & co., 289 Fourth ave., N. Y. Scroll, m 50 The scroll, 5508 Kimbark ave., Chicago, 111. Scroll of Phi delta theta, 1875, b-m 1 .00 John H. De Witt, Nashville, Tenn. Sea breeze, 1898, q 25 Boston seaman's friend soc, 14 Beacon St., Boston. Mass. Seaboard magazine, 1905, m 50^ Seaboard air line R. R., Industrial dept., Portsmouth. Va. Searcher, 1 907, m 25 Haverhill, Mass. Search-light, 1898, w 1 .00 Search-light pub. co., Little Rock, Ark. Searchlight, 1 899, m 50 i 100 Union Trust bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Searchlight, 1 899, ra 15 J. A. Laycock, Litchfield, 111. Search light, 1895, m 50 United brethren pub. house, Dayton, O. Search light of greater Pittsburgh, 1907, s-m 1 .00 Search light pub. co.. Pittsburg, Pa. Seattle pioneer pocket guide Arthur von Babo, Seattle, Wash. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 305 Seattle pioneer pocket guide, 1891, m 1.50 Arthur Yon Baho, Seattle, Wash. Seattle public library Bulletin, 1896, m Free Seattle, Wash. Seattle (Wash.) post-intelligencer Fiction supplement, 1906, w Seattle spirit magazine, 1907 (May), m 1 .00 A. B. Frasch, Seattle, Washington. Seattle (Wash.) Sunday times Hoys and girls magazine section, 1906, w Secolo nuovo, 1894, w 2.00 Secolo nuovo pub. co., 402 McAlister St., San Francisco, Cal. Secretary, 1906, m ■. 60 D. T. Blodgett, Des Moines, la. Secular thought, 1885, f 2.0x5 C. M. Ellis, Toronto, Canada. See America first magazine, 1907, m 3- 00 14th ave. and main St., Seattle, Wash. Seed-time and harvest, 1880, m 25 Seed-time and harvest pub. co., Scranton, Pa. Seen and heard, 1901, w 2.00 Louis X. Megargee, 312 Betz bldg., Phila., Pa. Select knight, 1899, m 50 Ben D. Lillard, Ottawa, Kan. Select knight journal, 1894, q 40 Geo. K. Staples, 727 Ellicott sq., Buffalo, N. Y. Self mastery, 1905 1 .00 Corry, Pa. Selling electricity, 1907 (Jan.), m i .00 C. W. Lee co., 54 Clinton st.. Newark, N. J. Selling juice, 1906 C. W. Lee co., Newark, N. J. Selling magazine, 1906, m 1 .OO Emerson P. Harris, Postal telegraph bldg., N. Y. Semaine commerciale, 1894, w 2.00 L. E. Thompson, Quebec, Canada. Semeur, Le, 1905, m Ass'n Catholique de la jennesse Canadienne-francaise, Montreal, Canada. Semi-annual review of the American silk trade, s-a Silk association of American Silk exchange bldg., N. Y. Semi-weekly derrick, s-m 1 .00 Derrick pub. co., Oil City, Pa. Seminary record, 1890, q 1 .00 Hartford seminary press, Hartford, Conn. Seminary review, 1897, m. dur. sem. yr 1 .00 Students of theolog. seminary of Auburn, Auburn, N. Y. Senator, 1 896, m 1 . 00 Jas. H. McKibben, Portland, Ore. 306 GUIDE JO PERIODICALS Sendbote, 1 874, m 2 . 00 Franciscan fathers, Cincin., O. Sendbote, 1866, w 2.00 German baptist pub. society, Cleveland, O. Senior Berean lesson quarterly, 1882, m 2.00 Eaton & Maines, 154 Fifth ave., N. Y. Senior class-book Privately printed by the senior class of Columbia college, N. Y. Senior home department quarterly, q 20 American baptist pub. society, 1630 Chestnut St., Phila.. Pa. Senior quarterly, 1883, Q 2 ° American baptist pub. society, 1630 Chestnut St., Phila.. Pa. Senior quarterly, 1879, q 20 Cuniberiand presbyterian pub. house, Nashville, Tenn. Senior quarterly, q 25 Smith and Lamar, Nashville, Tenn. Senior quarterly, q 50 Bible study pub. co., 250 Devonshire St., Boston, Mass. Sentinel, 1882, m. dur. coll. yr 1.00 Students of St. Mary's college, St. Mary's, Ky. Sentinel and orange and protestant advocate, 1874, w 1.00 Sentinel print, co., Toronto, Canada. Separator news, 1900, s-a Sharpless separator co., West Chester, Pa. Sequoia, 1891, b-m. dur. coll. yr 2.00 Students of Leland Stanford university, Stanford University, Cal. Service, 1891, m 1 00 Baptist young people of America, 324 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. Seventh regiment gazette, 1886, m 1 .50 F. M. Crossett, 156 Fifth ave.. N. Y. Sewanee literary magazine, 111. dur. coll. yr 1 .50 Literary societies of University of the South. Sewanee. Tenn. Sewanee purple, 1891, w. dur. coll. yr 2.00 Students of the University of the South, Sewanee, Tenn. Sewanee review, 1892, q 2.00 Longmans, Green & co., 93 Fifth ave., N. Y. Sewing machine advance, 1879, m 5° Walter Scates, 4109 Indiana ave., Chicago, 111. Sewing machine times, 1882, s-m 1 .00 E. H. Craige, 63 Beach st., N. Y. Shakespeare monthly and literary companion, 1906, m 50 The Shakespeare monthly, 16 Thomas st., N. Y. Shakespeare society of New York Publications, 1885, irreg William ( ). Bates, recording-sec 108^ Lincoln Place. Brooklyn, N. Y. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 307 Shareholder, w 4 . 00 68 Wall st., N. Y. Shareholder and insurance gazette, 1879, w 2.00 S. B. Foote & co., Montreal, Canada. Sharon historical society Publications, 1904, irreg Eugene Tappan, sec, Sharon. Mass. Sharp & Alleman co.'s lawyers' and bankers' directory, a 5.00 Sharp & Alleman, 900 Chestnut st., Phila., Pa. Sheaf. Mainly about people and books, 1905, m Free S. S. McClnre co.. 44 E. 23d st., N. Y. Shears, 1892, m 1 .00 Geo. E. Jenks, 198 S. Clark st., Chicago, 111. Sheldon bulletin, 1906 Sheldon school, Chicago, 111. Sheldon's buyers' reference book, 1886, a J. D. Sheldon & co., Leonard st. and W. Broadway, N. Y. Sheldon hunch, 1007. 111 Science press. 2oc) State st., Chicago. 111. Sheldon's jobbing trades and city offices, 1901, a J. D. Sheldon & co., Leonard st. & W. Broadway, N. Y. Sheldon's manufacturing trade, men's, women's and children's garments, a J. D. Sheldon & co., Leonard st. & \V. Broadway, N. Y. Sheldon's retail trade of the U. S. in dry goods, notions, etc. 1888, a J. D. Sheldon & co., Leonard st. & W. Broadway, N. Y. Shepard's annotations, N. Y. supreme court ed., q 4.00 Shepard's annotations, N. Y. misc. ed., q 2.00 Frank C. Shepard co., 190 W. Broadway, New York, N. Y. Shepard's citations, each 2.50 Alabama. Arkansas. California. Colorado (supreme and appeal). Connecticut. Dakota (X. & S.). Federal reporter. Florida. Georgia. Illinois (supreme). Illinois (appellate). Indiana. Iowa. K a n sa s . Kentucky. Louisiana (supreme). Louisiana (annual). Maine. Maryland. ■ — ^ I a ssachu setts. 3 o8 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Michigan. Minnesota. Mississippi. Missouri (supreme). Missouri (appeal). Montana. Nebraska. Nevada. New Hampshire. New Jersey. New York (chancery). New York (common law). New York court of appeals (including Howard's appeal, Abbott's decisions, Keyes' transcript appeals, Silvernail's appeals and Selden's notes). New York (miscellaneous). New York supreme (including Barbour, Lansing, Thompson & Cook, Silvernail, Hun and appellate div.). Northeastern reporter. Northwestern reporter. Ohio and Ohio state. O regon . Pacific reporter. Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania state. Pennsylvania superior. Rhode Island. Southern reporter. Southwestern reporter. Tennessee. Texas (supreme). Texas (appeal). United Statees supreme court. Utah. Virginia. Washington. West Virginia. Wisconsin. The Frank Shepard co., New York, N. Y. Shepherd's arms, w 4° m 15 Young churchman co., Milwaukee. Wis. Shepherd's criterion, 1891,111 50 A. Stone, 358 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. Sherman bulletin, 1907, w 25 U. S. Indian school, Riverside, Cal. Sherman's guide and price current, 1906 L. Sherman, Cincin., O. Shield and diamond, 1891, 5 nos 2.00 Pi kappa alpha fraternity, Charleston, S. C. Shield of Phi kappa psi, 1880, irreg 1 . 50 Terre Haute, Ind. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 309 Shield of Theta delta chi., 1884, q t .00 J. B. Smith, Jr.. 299 Alexander ave., N. Y. Shields' magazine, 1905, m 1 .00 G. O. Shields, 1269 Broadway, N. Y. Shields magazine of art, [899, m 2.50 Shields and Lewis. 5- W. 57th st., New York, X. Y. Shipping illustrated, 1902, w 5 .00 1 16 Produce exchange, N. Y. Shoe and leather corporation quarterly, q 3. 00 Weekly bulletin pub. CO., inc., Boston, Mass. Shoe and leather annual reporter, a Shoe and leather reporter, 183 Essex st., Boston, Mass. Shoe and leather facts, 1889, m 2.00 Haag & Haris, 406 Race St., Phila., Pa. Shoe and leather gazette, 1884, w 1 00 Tradesmen's pub. co., 412 N. 9th st., St. Louis, Mo. Shoe and leather reporter, 1857, w 4.00 Shoe and leather reporter, 183 Essex st., Boston, Mass. Shoe and leather world, 1904, \v 1 .00 Shoe and leather world co., Cincin., O. Shoe retailer and boots and shoes weekly, 1898, w 2.00 Shoe retailer co., 183 Essex st., Boston, Mass. Shoe trade journal, 1 893, w 1 . 00 Jacobsen pub. co., 154 Lake st., Chicago, 111. Shoe workers' journal, 1900, m 5° C. L. Baine, 432 Albany bldg., Boston, Mass. Shooting and fishing, 1885, w 3-5° Shooting and fishing pub. co., 150 Nassau St., N. Y. Shoppell's modern houses, 1877, q 4.00 Co-operative building plan ass'n, 203 Broadway, N. Y. Shoppell's owners & builders magazine, 1907 (Jan.), 111 1.00 Co-operative architects, 17 State st.. New York, X. Y. Shopper, 1904, w 02 712 Twelfth st., N. W.. Washington. D. C. Shopper, 1906, m • • , • -oo George West Wilson, Jacksonville, Kla. Short line blue book, 1901, m Colorado Springs & Cripple Creek district Ry., Denver, Colo. Short stories, 1890, m 2 . 50 Current lit. pub. co., 34 W. 26th St., N. Y. Shorter junior lesson quarterly, q 05 Western methodist bonk concern, Cincinnati, ( ). Shorthand writer, 1906, w • 2 .00 Robert F. Rose. W. L. James and F. R. TIanna, 79 Clark st., Chicago. 111. Show, 1905. m 5° Show pub. co., 2j K. 22nd st., New York, X. Y. Show card writer, 1 907. m 1 . 00 W. A. Thompson, 20 X. Saginaw st., Pontiac, Mich. Show world, [907 (Jan. 29), w L™> Warren A. Patrick, Grand opera house, Chicago. 111. 3[ GLIDE TO PERIODICALS Showalter's advertising promotion service, m \Y. D. Show-alter, 150 Nassau St., New York. X. Y. Sibley journal of engineering, 1887, m. dur. coll. yr 2.00 Students of Sibley college, Cornell university, Ithaca, N. Y. Sibyl, 1 87 1, 5 nos 1 .00 Senior class of Elmira college, Elmira, N. Y. Sidepaths, 1898, m 50 Sidepaths pub. co., Rochester, N. Y. Side talks, 1906 Geo. S. Parker, Janesville, Wis. Sierra club bulletin, 1891, irreg Sierra club, 302 Mills bldg., San Francisco, Cal. Sigma chi quarterly, 1882, q 2.00 Ralph F. Potter, Albion, Mich. Signet, in 50 I. J. Bender, Decatur, 111. Signs of the times, 1 874, w 1 . 50 Pacific press pub. co., Mt. View, Cal. Signs of the times, 1901, s-m 1 .00 Rev. R. D. Phillips, Wellborn, Fla. Signs that follow, 1907. b-m free Society of silent unity. Unity bldg.. Kansas City, Mo. Silas Bronson library Bulletin, 1899, m 25 Waterbury, Conn. Silent partner, 1906, m 1 .00 Leonard W. Smith, Cleveland, O. Silent success, 1 907, m 35 Joseph E. Morehouse, Graham, Mo. Silk, 1907, m 2.00 Robert H. McCready, 409 Broadway, X. Y. Silk, 1903, m 1 .00 Silk pub. co., Tallulah Lodge, Ga. Silk association of America, membership 50.00 Report, a Silk exchange bldg., X T . Y. Silver and gold, 1892, w. dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Students of the University of Colorado, Boulder, Colo. Silver cross, 1 889, m 1 . 00 Silver cross pub. co., 156 Fifth ave., N. Y. Silver leaf, 1 889, w 50 Geo. Robinson, Elgin, 111. Simple life calendar, a 1 .00 A. Wessels & co., 43 E. 19th st., N. Y. Simpsonian, 1870, m. dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Students of Simpson college, Indianola, la. Single tax review, q 1 . 00 Joseph D. Miller, 1 1 Frankford st., N. Y. Sions viiktare, 1 874, w 1 . 50 International pub. association, College View. Neb. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 31] Sioux stock journal, 1 889, vv 1 . 50 John Hayes, Fort Pierre, S. D. Sis Hopkins' own book, 111 1 .00 Judge co., 125 Fourth ave., N. Y. Sister republics, m 50 Frank Brady, Denver, Colo. Site and relic society of Germantown Annual report, 1902 Germantown, Pa. Skandinaven, 1866 (May), s-w 2.00 John Anderson, 646 Cleveland ave., Chicago, 111. Skandinavisk farmer journal, 1882, w 50 C. Rasmussen pub. co., Minneapolis, Minn. Sketch book, 1906, cj 1 .00 Mrs. Bernice Babcock, Little Rock, Ark. Skiagraphic atlas, 1905, m 5 .00 Commercial photographic designing co., N. Y. Skordemannen, 1888, s-m 75 Skordcmannen pub. co., Minneapolis, Minn. Skylight, 1901, m Sears, Roebuck & co., Chicago, 111. Slebodni orel, w 1 . 00 Free eagle pub. co., 522 Sixth St., N. Y. Sloan's K. P. weekly, 1900, w 1 .00 Major W. H. Sloan, Nashville, Tenn. Small farmer, 1902, m 50 Calcutt & Macomber pub. co., 31 E. 17th st., N. Y. Smart set, 1 900, m 2 . 50 Ess Ess pub. co., 452 Fifth ave., N. Y. Smith academy anvil, a 3 • 00 Smith academy, St. Louis, Mo. Smith academy record, m 1 . 00 Smith academy, St. Louis, Mo. Smith college bulletin, 1906, q Smith college, Northampton, Mass. Smith college monthly, 1893, m (Oct.-June) 1 .50 Conducted by the senior class, Northampton, Mass. Smith Gray' ways, 1902, b-w Free Smith, Gray & co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Smith's iconoclast, 1907, m 1 .00 Van Pelt Manor, Brooklyn, N. Y. Smith's magazine, 1905, m 1 .00 Smith pub. house, yj Seventh ave., N. Y. Smoker's magazine, 1899, m 1.00 Smoker's magazine co., 41 Park Row, N. Y. Smuler, 1901, m 1 .00 M. Moe's Bogtrykkeri, 49 E. 4th st., St. Paul, Minn. Smull's legislative hand book and manual of the state of Pennsylvania, a Thos. B. Cochran, Lancaster, Pa. 312 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Snap shots, 1905, m 45 West high school, Green Bay, Wis. So?p gazette and perfumer, 1899, m 2.00 C. S. Berriman, 108 Fulton St., N. Y. Soap talk, 1907, \v, for salesmen Swift & co., Chicago, 111. Soapmaw journal, 1906, m 50 Lewis Barney Fretz, Monticello, Ind. Social document, 1906. m 1 .00 Social document co., 4 W. 40th st., N. Y. Social progress, 1904, a 1.00 Baker & Taylor co., N. Y. Social recorder, 1906, w 2 . 00 Pub. suspended. Socialist review, 1904, s-m 25 Socialist party of West Hoboken, West Hoboken, N. J. Socialist woman, 1907, m 35 The Socialist woman pub. co., 619 E. 55th St., Chicago, 111. Sociedad economica de amigos del pais de la Habana Memorias, 1793 Diagones 62, Habana, Cuba. Societe de geographie de Quebec Societi bulletin, 1880, irreg Quebec, Canada. Societe historique de Montreal. Entrance fee 1 .00 Memoires, 1859 Montreal, Canada. Society for ethical culture News-letter, 1903 Year book, 1904 Society for ethical culture, N. Y. Society for experimental biology and medicine. Membership. . 2.00 Proceedings, 1903 Free Wm, J. Gies, sec, Columbia university, New York, N. Y. Society for philosophical inquiry Memoirs, 1893 J. Macbride Sterrett, Pres., Geo. Washington university, Washington, D. C. Society for the promotion of engineering education Proceedings, 1893, a Engineering news pub. co., N. Y. Society journal, w 2 .00 L. C. Riemer, 15 Vandewater St., N. Y. Society of American foresters. Membership 5. 00 Geo. 15. Sudeworth, sec, Atlantic bldg., Washington, D. C. Society of naval architects and marine engineers Transactions, 1893, a 10.00 29 W. 39th st., N. Y., N. Y. Society times, f 1 . 00 Society times pub. co., 41 Union sq., N. \. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 313 Soda fountain, [902, m 1.00 I), o. Haynes & co., 90 William st., N. Y. Soda fountain, 1002, m 1 .00 Dispenser pub. co., 87 Washington st., Chicago, 111. Sokol, 1897, m 1 .00 S. Barszczewski, 102 W. Division St., Chicago, 111. Sokol Americky, 1 Xjq, 111 75 National print, and pub. co., 566 W. 18th st., Chicago, 111. Soldiers' and sailors' historical society of Rhode Island Personal narratives. 1878, irrcg ' each .40 Providence, R. I. Somerset idea, m 50 Students of the high school, Somerset, Ky. Somerville (Mass.) public library Library bulletin, 1898, m 25 Sonntags blatt, 1834, w 2.00 N. Y. Staats-zeitung, Park Row, N. Y. Sonntagsgast, 1872, m 50 G. U. Wenner, Reading, Pa. Sons of Colorado, 1 906, m 1 . 00 Will C. Bishop, Denver, Colo. Soul winner, 1902, w 1 .00 Soul winner press, Cleveland, O. Soul winners, 1902, 111 25 American inland mission, Welmore, Ky. Sound readings for busy people, 1900 American league of the Cross, Chicago, 111. Soundview, 1904, m 50 Soundview co., Olalla, Wash. Sound waves, m 1 .00 Electricity magazine corporation, Chicago, 111. Sound waves, 1 90 1 . m 50 Electrical pub. co., Monadnock bldg., Chicago, 111. South America, 1907, m 1 .00 Latin America co., X. Y. South Atlantic quarterly, 1902, q 2.00 Students of Trinity college, Durham, N. C. South Carolina baptist, 1897, w 1 .00 Pittman & son, Greenwood, S. C. South Carolina historical and genealogical magazine, 1900, q.. . 3.00 South Carolina historical society, Charleston, S. C. South Carolina historical society. Collections, 1857, irreg 2.00 Walker, Evans & Cogswell co., Charleston, S. C. South Carolina medical association. Journal, m 2.00 South Carolina medical ass'n, Charleston, S. C. South Carolina methodist, 1903, w South Carolina methodist pub. co., Charleston, S. C. South Carolina standard, 1896, f 1 .00 Osborn & Wilson, Columbia, S. C. South Carolina. University. Bulletin, 1905, q free Columbia, S. C. 3M (iUIUE TO PERIODICALS South Dakota anti-saloon issue, 1903, m 50 Anti-saloon league of South Dakota, Mitchell, S. D. South Dakota educator, 1888, 10 nos 1 .00 Educator supply co., Mitchell, S. D. South Dakota farmer, 1877, w 1 .00 Datson & Bovver, Sioux Falls, S. D. South Dakota geological survey Bulletin. 1900, irreg Varies State university, Vermillion, S. D. South Dakota historical collections, 1902, biennial 2.00 State historical society of South Dakota, Pierre, S. D. South Dakota knight, 1894, m 75 Frank L. Mease, Madison, S. D. South Dakota state journal of education, 1899, s-m. dur. sch. yr. 1 .00 Madison, S. D. South Dakota workman, 1891, m 50 Charles E. Baldwin, Aberdeen, S. D. South side sun, 1869, w 1 .00 Drovers journal pub. co., U. S. yards, Chicago, 111. Southeastern baptist, 1899, w 1 .00 Southeastern baptist pub. co., Dermott, Ark. Southeastern reporter, 1887, w 5.00 West pub. co., St. Paul, Minn. Southeastern underwriter, 1890, m 3-00 Southeastern underwriter co., Atlanta, Ga. Southern advance, 1902, m 1 .00 H. R. Bernard, Athens, Ga. Southern advertiser, 1904, m 1 .00 G. C. Earl, Birmingham, Ala. Southern agriculturalist, 1869, s-m 50 B. Rankin, Nashville, Tenn. Southern agriculturist, m 2.00 Southern agriculturist co., New Orleans, La. Southern agriculturist and home, 1869, s-m Southern agri. and home co., Nashville, Tenn. Southern and southwestern railway club. Membership 3. 00 Proceedings, 1891, q W. A. Love, sec, (P. O. Box 755), Atlanta, Ga. Southern and western textile excelsior, 1893, w 2.00 Cuthbertson & co., Charlotte, N. C. Southern architect and building news, 1889, w 5-°° Industrial press pub. co., Atlanta, Ga. Southern banker, 1 904, m 2. 00 Southern banking pub. co., Atlanta, Ga. Southern baptist, 1904, m 50 R. F. Stokes, San Antonio, Tex. Southern baptist witness, 1 884, w 1 . 50 Pub. by a board of trustees, Orlando, Fla. Southern buck, m 1 .00 Aubrey Murray, New Orleans, La. <;UIDE TO PERIODICALS 315 Southern building news, 1905, m 2.00 Building- news pub. co., Chattanooga, Term. Southern building record, 1905, 111 1 .00 B. Rankin, Nashville, Tenn. Southern California academy of sciences Bulletin, 1902 Proceedings, 1896 Los Angeles, Cal. Southern California elk, 1904, m 1.00 C Franklin Hayes, Wilson blk., Los Angeles, Cal. Southern California woodman, 1903, m 50 C. A. Seay, Downey, Cal. Southern California practitioner, 1886, m 1 00 Dr. Walter Lindley, 1414 S Hope St., Los Angeles, Cal. Southern carbonator and bottler, 1905, m 1 .00 Donald A Loyless, Atlanta, Ga. Southern Christian advocate, 1837, w 2.00 G. H. Waddell, Spartanburg, S. C. Southern Christian recorder, w * 1 .00 Rev. E. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. Southern churchman, 1836, w 2.00 Southern churchman co., Richmond, Va. Southern clinic, 1 878, m 1.00 C. A. Bryce, Richmond, Va. Southern colonist, S. E. Texas ed., 1907, m 1 .00 R. H. Rose, Beaumont, Tex. Southern commercial, 1906, s-m 2.00 Munsey bldg., Washington, D. C. Southern cultivator and Dixie farmer, 1843, s ~ m 1 .00 Cultivator pub. co., 1 So. Broad St., Atlanta, Ga. Southern dental journal and luminary, 1881, q 1 .00 W. R. Holmes, Macon, Ga. Southern drug and paint review, 1885, m 1 .00 Southern drug and paint review co., Savannah, Ga. Southern drug journal, 1902, m 1 .00 Southern drug journal co., Atlanta, Ga. Southern druggist, m 1 .00 Louis Phillips, Atlanta, Ga. Southern educational ass'n. Journal of proceedings, 1890, a. . . . 2.00 Knoxville, Tenn. Southern educational journal, 1893, m 1 .00 Mrs. G. A. Alexander, Atlanta, Ga. Southern electrician, 1906, m 1 .00 Southern electrician pub. co., Greensboro, N. C. Southern engineer, 1904, ra 1 .00 W. R. C. Smith pub. co., Atlanta, Ga. Southern evangelist, 1897, w 1.00 Alfred E. Seddon, Atlanta, Ga. Southern fancier, 1 887, m 50 Geo. M. Downs, Atlanta, Ga. 316 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Southern farm gazette, 1 895, s-m 50 Gazette pub. co., Starkville, Miss. Southern farm magazine, 1893, m 1 .00 Manufacturers' record pub. co., Baltimore, Md. Southern farmer, 1 886, m 50 J. J. & R. P. McDavid, Birmingham. Ala. Southern field, irreg Southern railway, Wash., D. C. Southern field and fireside, 1900, m 25 \Y. Henry Griffin, Ashwood, Ga. Southern field and home, 1897, m 25 Southern field and home pub. ^o., De Land, Fla. Southern freemason, 1903, m 1 .00 Carl C Lavery, Atlanta, Ga. Southern fruit grower, 1896, m 50 Southern fruit grower pub. co., Chattanooga, Tenn. Southern furniture journal, m 1 .00 Southern furniture journal co., High Point, N. C. Southern grocer, m . . .' ' 1 .00 Southern grocer pub. co., Atlanta, Ga. Southern historical society. Papers, 1869, a 3. 00 Richmond, Va. Southern history association Publications, 1897, b-m 3-00 Washington, D. C. Southern home, 1899, m 25 Southern home co., Louisville, Ky. Southern industrial and lumber review, 1893, m 1 .00 Charles A Newning, Houston, Tex. Southern industrial review, s-m 2 .00 Southern industrial review co., Memphis, Tenn. Southern journal of osteopathy, 1898, m 25 W. S. McClain, Franklin, Ky. Southern letter, 1884, m .50 Tuskegee normal and industrial inst., Tuskegee, Ala. Southern liquor dealer, 1904, m 1 .00 516 Natchez St., New Orleans, La. Southern liquor journal, 1904, m 2 . 50 Southern liquor journal co., Memphis, Tenn. Southern lumberman, 1881, s-m 2.00 Baird-Roberts pub. co., Nashville, Tenn. Southern machinery, [904, m 1 .00 W. R. C. Smith pub. CO., Atlanta, Ga. Southern manufacturer, 1902, s-m 1 .00 Southern manufacturer pub. co., Charlotte, N. C. Southern market reporter and wholesaler, 1899, m 50 Southern market pub. CO., Atlanta, Ga. Southern medicine and surgery, 1904, m 1 .00 Southern medicine pub. co., Chattanooga, Tenn. Southern merchant, [QOI, s-m 2 . 00 Southern merchant pub. co., Atlanta, Ga. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 317 Southern merchant, 1897. m 1 .00 Southern merchant pub. CO., Baltimore, Md. Southern mercury, 1882, w 1 .00 Southern mercury pub. co., Dallas, Tex. Southern messenger, 1 890, w 1 . 50 Southern messenger pub. co., San Antonio, Tex. Southern methodist, 1904, w 1 .00 Southern methodist pub. co., Baltimore, Md. Southern mills, 1903, s-m 1 . 50 Southern mills pub. co., Charlotte, N. C. Southern odd fellow, 1898, s-m 1 .00 Jacob Pepperman, Montgomery, Ala. Southern photographer, 1902, m 50 Badgley-Graham co., Louisville, Ky. Southern pit games, 1894, m 1 .00 Jeff Fleming, Blakely, Ga. Southern planter, 1840, m 50 Southern planter pub. co., Richmond, Va. Southern poultry courier, 1899, m .50 Mrs. Electa M. Craig, Waycross, Ga. Southern poultry journal, 1894, m 50 McReynolds & Hopper, Dallas, Tex. Southern practitioner, 1879, m IO ° Deerirg J. Roberts, Nashville, Tenn. Southern presbyterian, 1847, w 2.00 Rev. Thomas E. Converse, Atlanta, Ga. Southern printer, 1905 425 Eleventh st., N. W., Washington, D. C. Southern publisher, 1896, m , 50 Southern publishing co., Charlotte, N. C. Southern Pythian, 1905, w 1 -00 Pythian periodical pub. co., Nashville, Tenn. Southern reporter, 1887, w 5-°° West pub. co., St. Paul. Minn. Southern ruralist, 1895, m -5° Southern ruralist co., Atlanta, Ga. Southern school journal, 1889, m 1 00 Standard pub. co., Lexington, Ky. Southern sentinel, 1904, m \ .00 C. T. Allen, Mexico, Mo. Southern shippers' directory of fruits, vegetables and poultry and supplements, 1905, a 10.00 Theodore G. Thomas, 1919 Terry St., Houston, Tex. Southern shippers' guide, 1902, w l - ° Thomas-Willson pub. co.. Houston. Tex. Southern shippers' guide directory, 1905, a 10.00 Thomas-Willson pub. co., Houston, Tex. Southern sports, 1906, w * • 5° Candler bldg., Atlanta, Ga. Southern student, 1900, b-m 35 \Y. A. Little and A. A. Kuhl. Abbeville. Ga. }i8 CUIDE TO PERIODICALS Southern surgical and gynecological association Transactions, 1888 W. D. Haggard, sec, Nashville, Tenn. Southern tobacco journal, 1887, w 2.00 Southern tobacco journal pub. co., Winston-Salem, N. C. Southern tobacconist and modern farmer, 1887, m 50 Clinton M. Shultz, Richmond, Va. Southern witness, 188.?, w 1 .50 F. C. Edwards, Ocela, Fla. Southern woman, 1894, m 1 . 00 Mrs. J. Lindsay Johnson, Atlanta, Ga. Southern woodman, 1904, m 25 W. C. Caldwell, Jasper, Fla. Southern woodman, 1903, w 1 .00 Louisville, Ky. Southern workman, 1882, m 1 00 Hampton normal and agricultural institute, Hampton, Va. Southland, 1 90 1 , m 1 . 00 Edwin Walter, Atlanta, Ga. Southland magazine, 1902, irreg 1 .00 Edwin Walter, 617 Board of trade bldg., Norfolk. Ya. Southland queen, 1903, m 1 .00 E. J. Atchley, Beeville, Tex. Southwest, 1 906, ra Contin. as Great southwest. Southwest, in 50 L. M. Harris, Frisco bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Southwest kindergarten magazine, 1904, m 1 .00 Fcrt Worth kindergarten association, Fort Worth, Tex. Southwest official guide, m 2 .00 Southwest guide co., 215 Trust building, Los Angeles, Cal. Southwest photo, 1898, m 1 .00 C. Weichsel co., Dallas, Tex. Southwest trail, 1902, m Rock Island-Frisco lines, 723 LaSalle St., Chicago, 111. Southwestern advertiser, 1904, in 50 N. S. Rose, Deming, N. M. Southwestern banker, m 2 . 00 Southwestern banker pub. co., Massachusetts bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Southwestern Christian advocate, 1866, w 1 . 25 Eaton & Mains, New Orleans, La. Southwestern farmer and breeder, 1905, \v 50 Reporter pub. co.. Fort Worth, Tex. Southwestern grain and flour journal, 1902, s-m 1 .00 I-". W. Frasius. Wichita, Kan. Southwestern immigration and real estate review, 1904, m. ... I .00 Soutlnvestern immigration pub. co.. Dallas. Tex GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 3*9 Southwestern Jewish sentiment Frank J. Cohen, Dallas, Tex. Southwestern medical record, 1895, 111 1 .00 Houston medical pub. co., Houston, Tex. Southwestern presbyterian, 1868, w 2.00 Board of publications, New Orleans, La. Southwestern presbyterian univ. journal, 1885, m. dur. coll. yr. 1 .00 Students of Southwestern presbyterian university, Clarksville, Tenn. Southwestern reporter, 1886, w 5 .00 West pub. co., St. Paul, Minn. Southwestern stockman farmer and feeder, 1884, w 2.00 Charles W. Pugh, Phoenix, Ariz. Southwestern success, 1905, m 1 .00 Blue book pub. co., 349 Pacific electric bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Southwestern university medical college Bulletin, q ■ Southwestern university, Dallas, Tex. Southwestern's book, ra so Central union station, Cincinnati, O. Souvenir of Mass. legislators, 1891, a A. M. Bridgman, Stoughton, Mass. Sovereign odd fellow, 1904, m 25 I. O. O. F. pub. co., Gravette, Ark. Sovereign visitor, 1890, m 50 Omaha, Neb. Spalding's Buffalo amateur base ball year book, a 10 American sportsman pub. co., 15 Warren St., N. Y. Spalding's Denver amateur base ball year book, a 10 American sportsman pub. co., 15 Warren St., N. Y. Spalding's Minneapolis amateur base ball year book, a 10 American sportsman pub. co., 15 Warren st., N. Y. Spalding's St. Louis amateur base ball year book, a 10 American sportsman pub. co., 15 Warren St., N. Y. Spalding's Washington amateur base ball year book, a 10 American sportsman pub. co., 15 Warren St., N. Y. Span of life, 1 907, m 1 . 00 M. P. Clark, 4202 Crawford Place, Seattle, Wash. Spanish war journal, in 1 .00 Spanish war journal co.. Chemical bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Indianapolis, Ind. Spare moments, 1904, m 10 Leonard Darbyshire, Rochester, N. Y. Spare-time study, 1900, m 50 National correspondence inst., 509 Seventh St., N. W., Washington, D. C. Spatula, 1894, m 1 .00 Spatula pub. co., Sudbury bldg., Boston, Mass. Speaker, 1905, q • ■ 5° Pearson bros., Phila.. Pa. J20 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Speaking leaf, 1 900, m 50 Speaking leaf co., St. Paul, Minn. Special crops, m . . . . '. 1 . 00 C. M. Goodspeed, Skaneateles, N. Y. Spectator, 1906, m Students of Lake Forest academy, Lake Forest, 111. Spectator, 1 868. w 4 . 00 Spectator co., 95 William St., N. Y. Spectrum Sherwin-Williams co., Cleveland, O. Speed, 1903, m Free Harris automatic press co.. Niles, O. Sphinx, m 1 . 00 906 Main st., Kansas City, Mo. Sphinx, 1901,111 Sphinx pub. co., Chillicothe, O. Sphinx, 1902, m 1 . 00 A. M. Wilson, 906 Main st., Kansas City, Mo. Sphinx, 1899, m 300 Sphinx pub. co., 480 Massachusetts ave., Boston, Mass. Sphinx, 1899, f- dur. coll. yr 1 .50 Students of University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. Spice, 1 906 Box 969, N. Y. Spice mill, 1878, m 1 . 00 Spice mill pub. co., 521 Washington st., N. Y. Spirit of Kansas, 1 870, w 1 . 00 Kimball print co , Topeka, Kas. Spirit of missions, 1836, m 1 .00 Board of missions, 4th ave. and 22d st., N. Y. Spirit of '76, 1 894, m t . 00 Louis H. Cornish, 15 Vandewater st., N. Y. Washington, D. C. Spirit of the west, 1 890, w 1 . 00 Iowa turf pub. co., Des Moines, la. Spirit of the Word, 1885. m 1 .00 A. P. Adams, Beverly, Mass. Spiritual reformer and humanitarian, 1902, m 1 .00 A. A. Finck & co., Galveston, Tex. Spog og alvor, 1 899, m 65 J. Leachman & son, Minneapolis, Minn. Spogefuglen, 1893, s-m 1 .00 Axel Kringelbach, Minneapolis, Minn. Spokesman, 1905, w Kingsville, Texas. Spokesman of the carriage and associate trade, 1884, m 1 .00 Spokesman pub. co., Cincin., O. Sport, 1905, m .50 332 Seventh ave, Brooklyn, N. Y. Sporting boiler, 1903, w 2.00 Sporting boiler pub. co.. 134 S. 3d St., Phila., Pa. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 321 Sporting goods, 1904, m 1 .00 Herman \\ . Grannis, 112 W. 18th st., N. Y. Sporting goods dealer, 1900, m 5° Sporting goods co., 810 Olive St., St. Louis, Mo. Sporting goods gazette, 1888, m 1 .00 C. II. Mowry, Syracuse, N. Y. Sporting life, 1883, w 2.00 Sporting life pub. co., 34 S. rd St., Phila., Pa. Sporting mirror, 1902, m 1 -OO Millis & Ford, Houston, Tex. Sporting news, 1 902, \v 1 . 00 John T. Powers, 167 Washington st., Chicago, 111. Sporting news, 1886, w 2.00 Chas. C. Spink, 810 Olive st., St. Louis, Mo. Sports afield. 1887, m 1 . 50 Sports afield pub. co., 358 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. Sports and pastimes, m 1 ■ 00 Henditch & Kopper, 226 S. 4th st., Phila., Pa. Sports of the times, 1902, w 4.00 Sports of the times pub. co., 62 Trinity pi., N. Y. Sportsman, 1 90 1 , w 2 00 Sportsman pub. co., 711 Pine st., St. Louis, Mo. Sportsman, 1901, m 1 .00 Sportsman co., 53 Park Row, N. Y. Sportsmen's review, 1890, w 2.00 Sportsmen's review pub. co., Cincin., O. Sportsmen's year book, a 1 . 25 Scribner's sons, N. Y. Sprig of myrtle, 1886, m 5° A. P. Riddle, Minneapolis, Kan. Springfield churchman, 1890, m 50 Yen. F. A. DeRosset, Springfield, 111. Springfield city library bulletin, m free City library ass'n, Springfield, Mass. Squab bulletin, 1905, m 25 Informer pub. co., St. Paul, Minn. Square and compass, 1892, m 1 .00 Lawrence M. Greenleaf, Masonic temple, Denver, Colo. Square and compass, 1892, m 1 .00 A. Steeg, New Orleans, La. Square deal, 1905, m 50 Citizens industrial ass'n of America, 1 133 Broadway, N. Y. Squibb's materia medica, a E. R. Squibbs & son, 78 Beekman St., N. Y. Staff notes, 1907 (Aug.), f Brooklyn public library, Brooklyn, N. Y. Stage, 1 904, w 4 • 00 Stage pub. co., 1269 Broadway, N. Y. Standard, w 2.00 Charlotte, N. C. 322 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Standard, 1853, w 2.00 Goodman & Dickerson. Chicago, 111. Standard, 1895, w 1.00 G. Walter Barr, Keokuk, la. Standard, 1865, w 3.00 Standard pub. co., 73 Federal St., Boston, Mass. Standard and vanity fair, w 4. 00 American standard pub. co., 125 W. 37th St., N. Y. Standard beginners' quarterly, 1906, q 50 Standard pub. co., Cincinnati, O. Standard Bible commentary, 1905, q 1.00 Cincin., O. Standard Bible lessons quarterly, 1875, ^ 20 Standard pub. co., Cincin., O. Standard choir monthly, 1905, m 1.00 150 Fifth ave., N. Y. Standard chromo primer cards, q 10 Standard pub. co., Cincinnati, O. Standard farmer, 1899, m 50 Standard co., Temple blk., Kansas City., Mo. Standard fashions, m standard fashion co.. 12 Vandam St., N. Y. Standard fire insurance tables, a 25 Standard pub. co., 93 Broad st., Boston, Mass. Standard home department quarterly, 1907, q 20 Standard pub. co., Cincinnati, O. Standard intermediate quarterly, q Standard pub. co., Cincin., O. Standard Poland-China record, 1887 Standard Poland-China record ass'n, Marysville, Mo. Standard primary teachers' quarterly, q Standard puD. co., Cincin., O. Standard primer lesson chart, q 2.00 Standard pub. co., Cincinnati, O. Standard reference book of the furniture, carpet, upholstery and kindred trades, 1876, a Lyon furniture agency, 416 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Standard teachers' quarterly, q Standard pub. co., Cincin., O. Stanford alumnus, m. dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Stanford university alumni ass'n, Stanford Univ., Cal. Star, 1901, m 25 Maine state S. S. Association, Yarmouth, Me. Star monthly, 1 894, m 50 Hunter pub. co., Oak Park, 111. Star of hope, 1 899, s-m 2 . 50 Pub. by the inmates of Sing Sing prison, Ossining, N. Y. Star of the east, 1905, m 1 .00 Seattle, Wash. Star of zion, 1876, w fh . . 1 .00 John F. Moreland, Charlotte, N. C. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 323 Star quarterly, 1880, q 15 A. L. Freeman, 457 Shawmut ave., Boston, Mass. Starchroom laundry journal, 1893, m 1 .00 Starchroom pub. co., Cincin., O. State, irreg 25 State executive committee Y. M. C. A. of Michigan, Y. M. C. A. bldg., Detroit, Mich. State board journal of America, 1905, m 1 .00 921 Colorado bldg., Washington, D. C. State college of Kentucky. Bulletin, 5 nos free Lexington, Ky. State historical and natural history society — Biennial report, 1902 Chas. R. Dudley, sec, State house, Denver, Colo. State hi torical society of North Dakota Collections, 1906 Bismarck, N. D. State historical society of Wisconsin See Wisconsin. State historical society. State medical association of Texas See Texas. State medical association. State medical society of Wisconsin See Wisconsin. State medical society. Staten Island association of arts and sciences Proceedings, irreg., per vol 2.00 New Brighton, N. Y. Statesman, 1902, w 25 Statesman co., William sport, Pa. Statesman's yearbook, 1863, a 3-00 Macmillan co., 66 Fifth ave., N. Y. Statesmen, 1902, m 2.00 Statesmen pub. co., 55 Liberty St., N. Y. Stationers' ready reckoner, 1906 William Gay Wood, N. Y. Statistics fraternal societies, 1895, a Fraternal monitor, Trust bldg,. Rochester, N. Y. Steam mailing list, q Gage pub. co., 123 Liberty St., N. Y. Steam shovel and dredge, 1897, m 50 T. J. Dolan, Chicago, 111. Steel points, 1906 (Oct.), q 50 Win. G. Steel, Portland, Ore. Steinway bulletin, ni. 1907 free Steinway hall. New York, N. Y. Stellar ray, m r . 00 Hodges bldg., Detroit, Mich. Stenographe Canadien, 1889, m 1 .00 J. C. La Rochelle, Montreal, Canada. Stenographer, 1 890, m 1 . 00 Thomas MacTaggart. 1413 Filbert St.. Phila., Pa. 324 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Stenographers' magazine, 1907, m 50 Stenographia pub. co., 52 W. 45th St., New York, N. Y. Stentor, 1887, \v. dur. coll. yr 2.0c Stentor co.. Lake Forest, 111. Stevens institute indicator, 1884, q 1 . 50 Alumni and undergraduates of Stevens institute of technology, Hoboken, N. J. Steward and the stewards' bulletin, 1905, m 1 .00 Stewards' assoc. of N. Y., 49 East 28th st., N. Y. Still college journal of osteopathy, 1906, m 50 Des Moines, la. Stilwell S. S. calendar, a 3. 00 Scribner's sons, N. Y. Stimme der wahrheit, 1880, w 2 00 E. Andries, Cleveland, O. Stock farm, 1883, w 2 . 00 Kentucky stock farm pub. co., 133 E. main St., Lexington, Ky. Stock growers' journal, 1884, w 2 . 50 Journal pub. co., Miles City, Mont. Stock history, 1904, m 1 .00 Stock history pub. co., 39 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Stock yards journal, 6 d : 4 . 00 St. Joseph journal pub. co., South St. Joseph, Mo. Stockholder, 1881, 6 d 8.00 E. Martin Black, 176 Broadway, N. Y. ^ Stockholder, 1 862, w 5 • 00 B. W. Dinsmore, 44 Broad St., N. Y. Stockholder, 1890, 6 d 6.00 Stockholder pub. co., 402 Sansom St., Phila., Pa. Stockman, 1 90 1 , m .50 Stockman pub. co., De Funiah Springs, Fla. Stockman's brand, 1902, s-m 1 . 00 Brand pub. co., South Omaha, Neb. Stoddard's northern monthly, 1906, m 1 .00 J. R. Stoddard, Glen Falls, N. Y. Stokes' children's annual, a 1-5° F. A. Stokes, 333 Fourth ave., N. Y. Stomatologist, m., Oct. to May 50 Alumni of Phila. dental college, Phila., Pa. Stone, 1888, m 2.00 Frank A. Lent, 123 Liberty st., N. Y. Stone cutters' journal, 1887, m 1 .00 Tourneyman stone cutters' ass'n of North America, 803 Fifth st., N. W., Washington, D. C. Storer journal, 1887, irreg 15 Storer college, Harper's Ferry, W. Va. Stories from many lands, 1906, m 5° Benziger bros., 36 Barclay St., N. Y. Storms and signs, 1895, m 1 00 C. Coles, Kingston, Pa. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 325 Story magazine, [905, 111 1 00 Story press corporation, N. A. bldg., Chicago, 111. Stout's Chicago roster, 1907, q David Klias Stout, Chicago, 111. Stove mounters' journal, m 60 Stove mounters' international union of North America, 166 Concord ave., Detroit, Mich. Stoves and hardware reporter, 1878, w 1 00 Stoves and hardware pub. co., 708 St. Charles st., St. Louis, Mo. Strand magazine, 1895, m 1 .20 International news co., 83 Duane st., N. Y. Stray shots, w Success co., University bldg., N. Y. Straz, 1 894, w 1-5° S. A. Dougal, Scranton, Pa. Street and Smith's New York weekly, 1865, w 3.00 Street & Smith, X. Y. Street railway association of the state of New York Proceedings, 1906, q J. H. Pardee, sec.', 61 1 \V. 137th st., N. Y. C. Street railway bulletin, 1901, m 2.00 N. E. street railway club, 12 Pearl st., Boston, Mass. Street railway journal, 1885, w 3 ° McGraw pub. co., 114 Liberty st., N. Y. Street railway news, w 60 Street railway employers' print, co., Cleveland, O. Street railway review, 1891, m 3°° Windsor & Kenfield pub. co., Monon bldg., Chicago, 111. Street's pandex of the news, 1903, \v., m., q 10.00 Arthur I. Street, 305 Hartford bldg., Chicago, 111. Streets' weekly, 1876, w 2.00 J. K. and Ada A. Street, Dallas, Tex. Strode's lumber world, 1905, m T -OO Charles D. Strode, 334 S. Pine ave., Chicago, 111. Stud book of the American cat ass'n, 1907, a Miss Lucy C. Johnstone, secy, Amer. Cat. Ass'n (inc.), 5323 Madison ave., Chicago, 111. Student, 1874, 6 d. dur. coll. yr 2.00 Students of Indiana university, Bloomington, Ind. Student, 1867, w. dur. coll. yr 2.50 Students of Amherst college, Amherst, Mass. Student, 1882, m. dur. coll. yr 1 .50 Students of Wake Forest college, Wake Forest, N. C. Student, 1 887, m 75 Students of the University of North Dakota, University of N. I ). Student life, 1875, m. dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Students of Washington university, St. Louis, Mo. 326 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Student world, 1908 (April), q. 25 World's student christian federation, 3 W. 29th St., New York, N. Y. Students' herald, 1895, w dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Students of Kan. state agri. college, Manhattan, Kan. Students' journal, 1872, m 1 .00 Andrew J. Graham co., 1135 Broadway, N. Y. Studies in history, economics and public law, 1891, irreg Varies Faculty of political science, Columbia university. Columbia university press, N. Y. Studies in philology, 1906, University of North Carolina philological club, Chapel Hill, N. C. Stuffed club for everybody, m 1.00 R. R. Daniels, Denver, Colorado. Stump, 1903, m 50 E. M. Weil, Minneapolis, Minn. Sturm's Oklahoma magazine, 1904, m 1 .00 Sturm pub. co., Oklahoma City, Okla. Sturtevant engineering series Bulletin, irreg Free B. F. Sturtevant co., Hyde Park, Mass. Style, 1903, m 1 . 00 Howard pub. co., 163 W. 29th St., N. Y. Style, 1902, m 3.75 Style pub. co., Lincoln bldg., N. Y. Stylus, 1896, m 75 Senior class, Park college, Parkville, Mo. Stylus, 1904, m except Aug. and Sept 50 Justitia pub. co., 88 and 90 Washington St., Chicago, 111. Subert's monthly visitor, m B. Subert and sons, Chicago, 111. Submarine signal company Bulletin, 1906, irreg Boston, Mass. Suburban, 1903, m 50 F. B. Laramie, Whiting, Ind Suburban life, 1902, m 10 Colonial press, 156 Fifth ave., New York, N. Y. Suburbanite, 1903, m 50 Pass'r dept. Central R. R. of N. J., 143 Libertv st., New York, N. Y. Success, 1898, m 1 .00 Success co., University bldg., N. Y. Successful agriculture, 1903, m . . . . , 50 Successful agriculture pub co., St. Paul, Minn. Successful American, 1 899, m 300 Writers press ass'n, 23 Park Row, N. Y. Successful farming, 1 902, m 50 Successful farming pub. co., Des Moines, la. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 327 Succe sful miner, 1908, m 5° Successful miner pub. co., Frisco, Colo. Successful poultry journal, m 5° Successful poultry journal pub co., 355 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. Successful printer, 1907, b-m 25 Albert Nathan, 148 Worth St., New York, N. Y. Suffolk county historical society. Yearbook, 1896 Selah B. Strong, corres.-sec, Setauket, N. Y. Sugar beet, 1 880, q 5-0° Sugar beet co.. 608 Chestnut St., Phila., Pa. Sugar beet news and northwestern farmer, 1903, m 50 Menominee, Mich. Sugar planters' journal, 1890, w 2 .00 Sugar planters' journal co., New Orleans, La. Sun, 1905, w J - 00 Sun co., Tallahassee, Fla. Sun, 1892, w 1 .00 Sun printing co., Toronto, Canada. Sun, 1895, m 5° C. W. Congdon, 2257 N. Van Pelt St., Phila., Pa. Sunbeam, m 25 Mayes pub. co., Louisville, Ky. Sunbeam,' 1885, w 20 W. A. Laverty, Harrisburg, Pa. Sunday companion, 1900, w 5° Sunday companion pub. co., N. Y. Sunday lessons leaflet primary, q 12 Franklin press co., Petersburg, Va. Sunday school advocate, 1 84 1 , w 3° Eaton & Mains, 150 Fifth ave , N. Y. Sunday school banner, 1867, m 60 Rev. W. Briggs, Toronto, Canada. Sunday school concert trea ury, 1907, q 50 Lorenz pub. co.. Dayton, O. Sunday school gem, 1867, m and s-m 25 W. A. Laverty, Harrisburg, Pa. Sunday school helper, 1870, m 1 .00 Universalist prb. house, Boston, Mass. Sunday school herald, w 5° Christian pub. co., Dayton, O. Sunday school journal and Bible students' magazine, 1869, m. . .60 Eaton & Mains, 150 Fifth ave , N. Y. Sunday school lesson helps, q 20 Mennonite pub. co., Elkhart, Ind. Sunday school lesson illustrated, m 60 F. H. Revell co., Harrisburg, Pa. Sunday school magazine, 1 87 1 . m 5° Smith & Lamar, Nashville, Tenn. Sunday school quarterly, 1874, q 12 Rev. P. Anstadt & sons, York, Pa. 328 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Sunday school times, 1859, w 1 .00 Sunday school times, 103 1 Walnut St., Phila., Pa. Sunday school work, 1900, w 75 Cumb. presb. pub. house, Nashville, Tenn. Sunday school world, 1861, m 60 Am. S. S. union, 1122 Chestnut St., Phila., Pa. Sunday sun, 1900, w 8. 00 Paul Weems, Manila, P. I. Sunday tradesman, 1901, w 1.00 S. B. Bevill, Springfield. Mo. Sunday union, 1873, w 2.00 Jas. W. O'Brien, 310 Broadway, N. Y. Sunday watchman, 1887, w 2.00 Rev. D. S. Phelan, 8th & Chestnut sts., St. Louis, Mo. Sunflower, 1890, w 1 .00 Hamburg pub. co., Hamburg, N. Y. Sunflower undertaker, 1901, m 1.00 Roby & Knox, Topeka, Kan. Sunlight, m 25 E. W. Buehl, Memphis, Tenn. Sunny south, 1874, w 50 Sunny south pub. co., Atlanta, Ga. Sunny south, m Sunny south pub. co., Springfield, Mo. Sunnyside, 1871, m 1.00 Frank H. Chase, 51 W. 13th st, N. Y. Sunnyside magazine, 1903, m i.OO Sunnyside pub. co., Bonneterre, Mo. Sunset, 1898, m 1 .00 Sunset magazine co., 4 Montgomery st., San Francisco, Cal. Sunshine, 1896, m Sun life assurance co. of Canada, Montreal. Sunshine, m 1 . 20 416 ]\<^ed bldg., Phila., Pa. Sunshine, m 10 Lane's list, Augusta, Me. Sunshine, 1883, w 15 S. S. bd. of reformed church, 1308 Arch St., Phila., Pa. Sunshine bulletin, 1902, m 50 Mrs. C. W. Alden, 99 Fifth ave., N. Y. Sunshine for youth, m Lane's list, Augusta, Me. Sunshine magazine, 1890, m 50 Fdinboro pub. co., Edinboro, Pa. Superintendent, see Baptist superintendent. Superintendent & foreman, 1896, w 2.00 Superintendent & foreman co., 127 Federal st., Boston, Mass. Superintendent's quarterly, 1905, q 40 S. S. bd. of southern bapt. convention, Nashville, Tenn. UNIVERSITY GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 329 Supply journal, 1877, m 1 .00 J. W. F. Ruttenber, 90 Warren st., N. Y. Supply world, 1888, w 1 .00 Supply world pub. co., 157 Franklin St., N. Y. Supreme court reporter, 1882, b-w 2.00 Advance sheets 2.00 Bound vol. and advance sheets 5-00 West pub. co., St. Paul, Minn. Surgery, gynecology and obstetrics, m 5 .00 Surgical pub. co., 103 State St., Chicago, 111. Surveyor, 1892, f 3.00 A. G. Hall, 58 William st., N. Y. Susquehanna, 1891, m dur. coll. yr 75 Students' pub. ass 'n of Susquehanna university, Selingsgrove, Pa. Svava, m 1 . 00 Svava print. & pub. co., Gunli, Manitoba. Svenska family journal, 1889, s-m 1 .oo C. Rasmussen pub. co., Minneapolis, Minn. Svenska farm-journal, 1903, m 50 Swedish Am. pub. co., Omaha, Neb. Svenska roman-bladet, 1 888, w 1 . 50 C. E. Peterson, Minneapolis, Minn. Svojan, 1896, q 80 Alois Vanoucek, 150 W. 12th st., Chicago, 111. Swaps, 1907 (Mar.), m 1.00 John Conolly, Aldan, Pa. Swarthmore college Bulletin, 1903. q Swarthmore, Pa. Swastika, m 1 • 00 Wblgreen pub. co., Denver, Colo. Swedish baptist annual, 1879, a 2^ G. Hagstrom, 101 Reaper bklg., Chicago, 111. Swine breeders' journal, 1882, s-m 50 Morris print, co., Illinois st., Indianapolis, Ind. Switchman's union of N. A. Journal, 1898, m 1 .00 Switchman's union, Mooney bldg., Buffalo, N. Y. Syllabus, 1885, a 1 .00 Northwestern university, Evanston, 111. Synfleur bulletin, 1908 Alois Von Isakovics, Monticello, N. Y. Synfleur herald, 1906, irreg., not for sale. Alois von Isakovics, Monticello, N. Y. Syracuse (N. Y.) public library Bulletin. Syracuse university Bulletin, q The University, Syracuse, N. Y. 330 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS System, m 2.00 System co., First nat. Bank bldg., Chicago, 111. Szabadsag (Liberty) naptara, 1891, w 2.50 E. T. Kohanyi, 180 St. Clair St., Cleveland, O. T. P. A. magazine, 1897, m 50 Travelers' protective ass'n of America, 11 17 Pine St., St. Louis. Mo. Table cloth, 1890. m 50 E. E. Smith, 620 Fort Wayne ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Table talk, 1886. m 1.00 Table talk pub. co.. 11 13 Chestnut St., Phila., Pa. Tablet, 1 889, 5 nos 50 John Murphy & co., Baltimore, Md. Tahti, m 50 Finnish temperance ass'n, New York Mills, Minn. Tageblatt, 1 887, w 2 . 50 Tatjeblatt pub. society, 117 Turk St., San Francisco, Cal. Tailor, 1888, m 60 Journeyman tailors' union of America pub co., Bloomington, 111. Talent, 1890, m 1 .00 Merged with Lyceumite, June, 1907. Tales, q 1 . 50 Town topics pi i b. co.. 452 Fifth ave., N. Y. Talking machine world, 1905, m 50 Edward L. Bill, 1 Madison ave., N. Y., N. Y. Talks and thoughts, m 25 Hampton institute, Hampton, Va. Talks-sales and public opinion, 1893, m 1 .00 Columbia polvtechnic institute for the blind, 1808 H st. N. W., Washington, D. C. Tar heel, 1902, w 1 . 50 University of N. C, Chapel Hill, N. C. Tar heel poultryman, 1894, m 25 R. L. Simmons, Lexington, N. C. Tatler, 1892, w (Jan. -Mar.) 1 .00 Anna M. Marcotte, Cordova bldg., St. Augustine, Fla. Tattler, 1898, Glenwood high school, Milcreek, Pa. Taxpayers' association of Hamilton co., O. Quarterly report Cincinnati, Ohio. Tax payer, 1 904, w 2. 00 Temple court, Brooklyn, N. Y. Taylor-Trotwood magazine, 1907, m 1 .00 (Contin. as Bob Taylor's and Trotwood's magazine.) Taylor-Trotwood pub. co., Nashville, Term. Tea and coffee trade journal, 1901, w 2.00 F. H. Hobbs & co., 76 Park Row, N. Y. Tea leaf, 1906, m Free Union Pacific tea co., N. Y. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 331 Teacher, 1899, m l - 001 Chicago teacher & school bd. j'l. pub. co., 922 Opera House blk., Chicago, 111. Teacher, 1806, 10 nos 1 .00 Teacher pub. co.. 7153 Boyer St., Phila., Pa. Teachers' and students' friend, 1902, m I 25 Frank Trainer. Blue Mound, Til. Teachers' asserrblv herald, [908 (Apr.), d (Apr.May) Manila, P. i. Teachers' assistant. <| 25 Thomas Whitaker, Bible house, N. Y. Teachers' bulletin, T905. m University of Cincinnati, Cinciri,, O. Teachers' college bulletin, T90T. w 1 .00 Students of the Teachers' college. Columbia univ., N. Y. Teachers' college. Contributions to education, irreg., varies. Teachers' college. N. Y. Teachers' college record, 1900, 5 nos 1 .00 Columbia university press. N. Y. Teachers' everyday plans, 1906, q 1 . 25 World's events pub. co., Dansville, N. Y. Teachers' gazette. 1807, TO nos 2 5 . Teachers' gazette co.. Milford. N. Y. Teachers helper, 1905, q 1 .00 Northwestern school supply co., 327-29-31 14th ave. S. E., Minneapolis. Minn. Teachers' institute, 1878, 10 nos 1.00 E. L. Kellogg & co., 61 E. 9th st., N. Y. Teachers' journal, T901, m I 00 Teachers' journal co., Marion. Tnd. Teachers' journal, t8~4, m 56 Rev. P. A^stadt & sons, York. Pa. Teachers' magazine, to nos 1 .00 United edrcatioral prb. co., 61 E. 9th St., N. Y. Teachers' monthly, m 5° Rev. R. Douglass Fraser, Toronto, Canada. Teachers quarterlv, T906. q 20 Standard pub. co., Cincinnati, O. Teachers' world, 1006. m 1 .00 F. A. Owen pnb. co., Dansville, N. Y. Teaching hints for Bible studies, 190^, q 50 Mrs. F. U. Smith, Elyria. O. Team owners' review, 1902, m 1 .00 Consolidated pub. co., Pitttsburg, Pa. Tech, 1882, 3 per week dur. coll. yr 2.00 Students of Mass. inst. of technology, Boston, Mass. Tech, 1901, m. dur. coll. yr 5° Students of Toledo polytechnic school, Toledo, O. Technical literature, 1907, m 2 .00 220 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 332 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Technical world, 1 904, m 2 . 00 Technical world co., 3321 Armour ave., Chicago, 111. Technograph, 1885, a 50 University of 111., Urbana, 111. Technologist, m 1 . 00 Nat. ass'n of German-American technologists, 290 Broadway, N. Y. Technology architectural record, 1907, q 1 .00 Architect, soc. Mass. inst. tech., Boston, Mass. Tenchnology quarterly and proceedings of the society of arts, 1887, q. 3.00 Mass institute of technology, Boston, Mass. Technology review, q 1 . 00 Mass. inst. of technology, Boston, Mass. Telegram, 1 862, w 1 . 00 James Young, Baltimore, Md. Telegraph age, 1883, s-m 1 . 50 J. B. Taltavall, 252 Broadway, N. Y. Telephone world, 1906, m 50 Sterling electric co., Lafayette, Ind. Telephony, 1903, m 1 .00 Telephony pub. co., Manhattan bldg., Chicago, 111. Temperance cause, 1878, m 25 Mass. total abstinence society, 36 Bromfield St., Boston, Mass. Temperance leader, 1907, w Robert F. Simms, 467 C st. N. W., Washington, D. C. Temperance quarterly, 1885, q 25 Church temperance society, 281 Fourth ave., N. Y. Temple artisan, 1900. m 1 .00 Oceano, Cal. Temple review, \v 1 .00 Broad and Berks sts., Philadelphia, Pa. 10 story book, 1901, m 1 .00 Daily story pub. co., 320 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. Tennessee historical society Papers, 1884, irreg Nashville, Tenn. Tennessee mason, 1893, m 1 .00 W. H. Bumpas, Nashville, Tenn. Tennessee odd fellow, 1 899, m 50 Tennessee odd fellow pub. co., Clarksville, Tenn. Tennessee state medical ass'n Transactions, a George II. Price, sec, Nashville, Tenn. Tennessee university magazine, 1887, m dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Students of the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tenn. Terrestrial magnetism and atmospheric electricity, 1890, q. . . . 2.50 Johns Hopkins press, Baltimore, Md. Territory farmer, [903, m 50 Mertel & Crayton, Coalgate, Ind. Ter. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 333 Texas academy of science Transactions, 1892 F. W. Simonds, sec, Univ. of Texas, Austin, Texas. Texas banker's journal, 1907, m 2.00 W. W. Dexter, P. O. Box 423, Houston, Tex. Texas baptist-herald, 1855, w 2.00 Texas baptist-herald pub. co., Dallas, Tex. Texas Christian advocate, 1846, w 2 00 Blaylock pub. co., Dallas, Tex. Texas courier-record of medicine, 1880, m 1 .00 Texas nied. pub. co., Fort Worth, Tex. Texas court reporter. Advance sheets, \v 5. 00 Ben C. Jones & co., Austin, Tex. Texas dental journal, 1883, m 50 A. P. Cary co., Dallas, Texas. Texas farm and ranch, m 1 .00 Texas farm and ranch pub. co., Dallas, Tex. Texas farm journal, 1880, s-m 50 Stock and farm journal co., Dallas, Tex. Texas farmer, 1 878, w 1 . 00 Texas farmer pub. co., Dallas, Tex. Texas field and sportsman, 1898, m 1 .00 San Antonio, Tex. Texas freemason, 1 894, m 1 . 00 Texas freemason pub. co., San Antonio, Tex. Texas fruits, nuts, berries and flowers, 1907, m 1 .00 J. W. Canada. 601 Market St., San Antonio, Tex. Texas holiness advocate, w 1 .00 Keith & McConnell, Greenville, Tex. Texas insurance, 1903, s-m 1 . 00 Texas insurance pub. co., Houston, Tex. Texas junior, m 25 W. F. Duff man, Dallas, Tex. Texas liquor dealer, 1895, m 1 .00 Charles E. Hill, San Antonio, Tex. Texas-Louisiana petroleum record and oil investors' journal s-m 2 . 00 Holland S. Reavis, Beaumont, Tex. Texas medical journal, 1 885, m 1 . 00 F. E. Daniel, Austin, Tex. Texas medical news, 1891, m 1 .00 Texas medical news pub. co., Austin, Tex. Texas mirror, T907, w 5 • 20 Texas mirror pub. co., Houston, Tex. Texas odd fellow, 1895, m T °° Gibson & Walker, Dallas, Tex. Texas presbyterian, 1894, m 50 W. M. Warlick, Dallas, Tex. Texas printer, m 1 . 00 R. W. Wheeler, Dallas, Tex. Texas producers' review, 1904, m 1 .00 Texas producers' review co., Dallas. Tex. 334 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Texas protestant, 1895, w 1 .00 Rev. Judson S. Perry, Tehuacana, Tex. Texas Pythian banner-knight, 1903, in 1 .00 Gresham printing co., Temple, ^.ex. Texas school journal, 1883, m, 10 nos 1 .00 W. E. Darden, 525 Wilson bldg., Dallas, Tex. Texas school magazine, m 75 C. A. Bryant, Dallas, Tex. Texas state historical association. Quarterly, 1897, q 2.00 Austin, Tex. Texas state journal of medicine, 1905, m 3.00 State med. ass'n of Texas, Austin, Tex. Texas state medical association Transactions, a I. C. Chase, secy., Fort Worth, Tex. Texas statistical reporter, 1906, q 25 Albert J. Toole, ed., P. O. box 802, Dallas, Tex. Texas stockman and farmer, 1881, w 1 .00 Texas stockman and farmer pub. co., San Antonio, Tex. Texas stockman journal, 1880, w 1 . 50 Stockman pub. co., Fort Worth, Tex. Texas trade review and industrial record, 1899, s-m 2.00 Texas trade review pub. co., Dallas, Tex. Texas truck grower & shipper's guide Theodore G. Thomas, Houston, Tex. Texas university mineral survey bulletin (Issued as a series of the bulletins of the Univ. of Texas.) Texas. University Bulletin, s-m Free Contributions from zoolog. lab., 1900, a Austin, Tex. Texas woodman, 1899, m 5° M. E. Hindman, Fort Worth, Tex. Textile American, 1904, m 1 oc Textile American pub. co., Old South bldg., Boston, Mass. Textile colorist, 1879, m 5-°° M. M. Frank, 69 N. Front St., Phila., Pa. Textile manufacturers' journal, 1894, w 3 .00 J. H. Bragdon & Co., 377 Broaddway, N. Y. Textile supply directory, 1883, a 1 .00 Davison pub. co., 401 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Textile world record, 1868, m 2.00 Lord & Nagle co., 299 Devonshire St., Boston, Mass. Theatre, 1901, m 3°° Meyer bros. & co., 26 W. 33d St., N. Y. Theatre world, w Max Muscowitz, New York, N. Y. Theatrical news, 1907, w 2.00 R. II. La Gette, 726 Chicago opera house block. Chicago, 111. Theatrical star, 1906, m 1 .00 C. Bartell, 19 Park place, N. Y., N. Y. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 335 Theological quarterly, 1897, q 1 . 25 • Concordia pub. house, St. Louis. Mo. Theosophical quarterly, 1904, q 1. 00 Theosophical society, 159 Warren St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Therapeutic digest, 1902, b-m 1 .00 C. S. Chamberlin, 501 E. 5th st., Cincinnati, O. Therapeutic gazette, 1 876, m 2 . 00 E. G. Swift, P. O. box 484. Detroit, Mich. Absorbed Medicine, Jan. '07. Therapeutic medicine, 111 1 . 50 N. Y. therapeutic ass'n, New York, N. Y. Therapeutic record, 1905, m 1 .00 Kobt. C. Kenner, Louisville, Ky. Ther?peutic review, 1904, m 1 .00 Phila., Pa. Thsta xi fraternity quarterly, 1892, q 1 ,00 Alpha chapter of Theta xi, Troy, N. Y. Things chemical, 1905, m 50 Charles E. Sholes co., 164 Front St., New York, N. Y. Third rail, 1906 1.50 Brooklyn rapid transit employes' benefit ass'n, 164 Montague St., Brooklyn, N. Y. This for that, m 25 This for that pub. co., 144 W. Madison, Chicago, 111. This week in Boston, 1905, w Innovation pub. co., Boston, Mass. Thomas' register of Am, manufacturers, 1905, a 10.00 Thomas pub. co., 13 Park row, Xew York, N. Y. Thomas wholesale grocery and kindred trades directory, 1898, a 10.00 Thomas pub. co. Thompson's island beacon, 1897, m 5° Farm & trades school, Boston, Mass. Thoroughbred chronicle record, eastern ed., 1900, s-m, per copy .25 Yic Britton, in Nassau st., New York, N. Y. Thoroughbred record, 1875, w 2.00 1 horoughbred record co., Lexington, Ky. Thought, 1905, m 1 .00 4665 Lake ave., Chicago, 111. Thought and action, 1906, m 1 .00 A. P. Cox, 914 Steinway hall, Chicago, 111. Thresher world and farmers' magazine, m 50 46 Jackson boul., Chicago, 111. Threshermen's review, 1891, m 50 Threshermen's review co., St. Joseph, Mich. Thrift, 1904, m 1 - 00 Thrift co., Cedar Rapids, la. Thrift, 1906 Securities co. of N. A., Phila., Pa. Throop institute bulletin, 1907 Throop polytechnic institute, Pasadena, Cal. 336 GUIDE To PERIODICALS Ticker, 1 907. 111 3 . 00 Ticker pub. co., 45 Exchange pi., New York, X. Y. Ticker book and manual of the tape, 1904, q 5. 00 Stock and bond quotation co., 25 Broad St., N. Y. Tidings, 1895, w 1 . 50 Tidings co., 204 S. Main st., Los Angeles, Cal. Tidings, m 25 Aomen's baptist home mission society, 241 1 Indiana avc, Chicago, 111. Tidskrift (Swedish and English), q 1 .50 Augustina book concern, Rock Island, 111. Tiger, 1891, w. dur. coll. yr 1 .25 Students of Colorado college, Colorado Springs, Colo. Tig^r and crescent, m 50 H. W. Belding, 207 N. Broadway, St. Louis, Mo. Tile layers' and helpers' journal, 1900, m 60 James P. Reynolds, Allegheny, Pa. Timberman, 1899. m 1 .00 Geo. M. Cornwall, Portland, Ore. Time, T907, q . Internat. time recording co., Endicote, X. Y. Time, 1907, irreg Free Inter, time recording co., Endicott, N. Y. Time and the hour, 1895, w 2.00 Time and the hour co., 9 Beacon st., Boston, Mass. Timely suggestion, 1897, q 1 .00 Standard pub. co., Cincin., O. Times, 1 898, w 1 . 00 Canon print, co.. Canon City, Colo. Times Saturday review, 1 896, w 1 . 00 X. Y. times co.. 41 Park Row, X T . Y. Tioga Point historical society Proceedings and collections, 1896 Mrs. Louise W. Murray, corres.-sec'y, Spalding memorial library bldg., Athens, Pa. Tip top weekly, 1 898, w 2 . 5a Street & Smith, 70 Seventh ave.. N. Y. Tips, 1908, m Free Miller-Genz co., 348 Broadway, Milwaukee, Wis. Tipyn o' Bob, 1903 (Oct.), m, 8 nos 1 .85 John C. Winston co., 1006 Arch st.. Phila.. Pa. Tire and motor Tire news co., X. Y. Tissus and nouveautes, 1900, m 1 .00 Trades pub. co., Montreal, Canada. Tobacco, 1 886, w 2 . 00 Tobacco trade journal co., 150 Xassau St., N. Y. Tobacco leaf, 1 864, w 2 . 00 Tobacco leaf pub. co., 96 Maiden Lane, N. Y. Tobacco worker, m 50 Tobacco workers' international union, Louisville, Ky. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 337 Tobacco world, 1881 , w 2.00 Tobacco world pub. co., 224 Arch St., Phila., Pa. To-day Jeanne G. Pennington, Montclair, N. J. To-day, 1903, m 1 .00 Cedar-Crest pub. co., 47 W. 13 St., N. Y. To-day's magazine, m Uaterson pub. co., Warren, Pa. To-day's magazine, 1905, m 5° Daterson pub. co., Yonkers, N. Y. Todd's Nevada chronicle, m free Robt. B. Todd, Goldficld, Nevada. Todd's scrap book of love, marriage and divorce, 1906, m Mary Ives Todd, 2656 8th ave., N. Y. Toiler, 1904. w 1 .00 'Wisconsin toiler co., Eau Claire, Wis. Toiler, 1900, w 5° Toiler pub. co., Toronto, Canada. Toiler, 1 899, w 50 Toiler co., Terre Haute, Ind. Toiler, 1902, w 50 A. D. Wildey, Glens Falls, N. Y. Toilers' defense, 1904, w 1 . 50 Panther Valley co-operative pub. co., Coal Dale, Pa. Toilettes, 1881, m 2.00 Toilettes fashion co., 172 Fifth ave., N. Y. Toledo business man, 1907, m 1 . 00 Toledo business man co., Toledo, O. Toledo interurban electric railway guide, 1902, m 50 Interurban guide co., Toledo, O. Toledo medical and surgical reporter, m 1 .00 Toledo medical and surgical reporter co., Toledo, O. Tom Watson's magazine, 1905, m 1 .00 Thomas E. Watson, 121 W. 42d St., N. Y. Tomahawk, 1901, m 5° C. K. Chambers, Martinsburg, W. Va. To-morrow magazine, 1904, m 1 .00 To-morrow pub. co., 139 E. 56th st., Chicago, 111. Topical architecture, 1900, m 3-°° American architect co., 238 Tremont St., Boston, Mass. Topsfield historical society. Historical collections, 1895, a 50 Topsfield, Mass. Toronto. University of Toronto studies Anatomical series, 1900. Biological series, 1898. Geological series, 1900. History and economics, 1901. Papers from the chemical laboratories, 1904. Papers from the physical laboratories, 1900. Pathological series, 1906. Philological series, 1903. 338 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Physiological series, 1900. Psychological series, 1900. Studies in political science, 1899 Review of historical publications relating" to Canada, 1896 1.50 Toronto, Canada. Torrey botanical club Bulletin, 1870, m 3-0° Memoirs, i88(>, irreg., per vol 3-00 N. Y. Torreya, 1901, m 1.00 Torrey botanical club, N. Y. Touchstone, m. dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Students of Lafayette college, Easton, Pa. Tourist's educator, 1906 (Jan.), 50 McCann's tours, Flatiron bldg., New York, N. Y. Tourists monthly magazine, 1906, m 50 McCann's tours, Flatiron bldg., New York, N. Y. Town and country, 1846, w 4 . 00 Stuyvesant co., 289 Fourth ave., N. Y. Town and country journal, 1884, m 50 W. G. Bohannan, 914 Howard St., San Francisco, Cal. Town crier, 1903, w 1 .00 John Temperley, 75 Union St., Newton Centre, Mass. Town talk, 1904, m 1 .00 Two tee pub. co., St. Paul, Minn. Town talk, 1890, w 2 . 50 Town talk print, co., Newark, N. Y. Town talk, w 4 . 00 1 561 Post st., San Francisco. Cal. Town topics, 1897, w 2 .00 C. W. Handscomb, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Town topics, 1 878, w 4 . 00 Town topics pub. co.. 452 Fifth ave., N. Y. Town topics, 1 887, w 2 . 00 Town topics co., Cleveland, O. Trackman, w 1 .00 J. I. Sheppard, 6 No. Main st.. Fort Scott, Kans. Trade," 1878, w 2 .00 Trade co., 5 W. Pratt st.. Baltimore, Md. Trade, 1 894, w 1 • 00 Trade journal ass'n, 61 W. Congress st., Detroit, Mich. Trade, 1892, w 2.00 Williams & Rouleau, St. Paul, Minn. Trade and Canadian jeweler, 1879, m l °° Trnder pub. co., Toronto, Canada. Trade bulletin, 1886, w 2.00 H. Mason, Montreal, Canada. Trade exhibit, 1 89 1 , w 1 . 00 Trade exhibit co., Omaha, Neb. Trade index, 1 88(), m 2 . 00 New < Means board of trade, 402 board of trade bldg.. New < Orleans, La. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS ,W> Trade journal, i 800, w i . oo Win 11. Robson, Commercial club bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. Trade journal, 1 88 1 , in i . oo A. Munsell, Dubuque, la. Trade journal, [906, w 1-50 Trade journal pub. oo., Petersburg, Va. Trade mark, irreg free Win. G. Johnston & eo., Pittsburg, Pa. Trade-mark record, 1886, m 1 .00 Wise & Licbtenstein, 40 Exchange pi., N. Y. Trade news, 111 1 .00 W. D. Gatchell & sons, Louisville, Ky. Trade news, 1899, s " m l • 5° E. L. Millar, Duluth, Minn. Trade pilot, m .' 1 .00 Star printing co., Sioux City, la. Trade register, 1892, w 2.00 Lovett M. Wood, Seattle, Wash. Trade review, 1 902, w 1 . 00 H. M. Bushnell, Lincoln, Neb. Trade review, 1892, w 1 .00 Devine & O'Mara, St. Johns, N. F. Trade review, 1902, s-m 1 .00 Trade review pub. co., 287 Fourth ave., N. Y. Trade review, 1897, m : .00 Highlands & Highlands, Cincin., O. Trade review and export journal, 1869, w 5 00 Geo. W. Briggs, 214 Pine st., St. Louis, Mo. Trade union journal, 1903, w 1 .00 J. C. Howell, South McAlester, Ind. Ter. Trade unionist, 1896, w 1 .00 Trade unionist pub. co., 441 G st., N. W., Wash., D. C. Trader, 1906, in 50 Trader pub. co., Lynn, Mass. Traders exchange journal, 1896, s-m Oskaloosa, Iowa. Trades and labor gazette, 1902, w 1 .00 J. F. Dicus, Streator, 111. Trades journal, 1886, w 1 .00 Trades journal pub. co., Pittsburg, Pa. Trades record, 1 90 1 , w 1 • 00 D. A. Jennings, 210^ S. High st., Columbus, O. Trades union advocate, 1900, w 5° Reuben Forker, Trenton, N. J. Trades union gazette, 1903, \v 1 .00 Trades union gazette pub. co., Dallas, Tex. Tradesman, 1 902, w 1 ■ 00 Lawson print, co., Hutchinson, Kan. Tradesman, 1 879, s-m 2 . 00 Tradesman pub. co., Chattanooga. Tenn. 340 r.UIDE TO PERIODICALS Tradesman and commercial record, w 2.00 Portland tradesman co., Portland, Ore. Traffic review, 1906, m 5. 00 Cortis & Husted, 18 Broadway, N. Y. Train despatchers' bulletin, 1896, m 50 G. E. Collingwood, Toledo, O. Trained nurse and hospital review, m 2.00 Lakeside pub. co., 1 Madison sq., N. Y. Transallegheny historical magazine, 1901 Morgantown, W. Va. Transatlantic tales, 1905 (Mar.), (contin. of Tales from town topics) , m 1 . 50 Ess ess pub. co., 2 W. 40th St., N. Y. Transit, 1890, a 50 The Transit, Iowa City, Iowa. Trans-Pacific trade, 1907 (Jan. 3), w * 5.00 C. R. Buckland, Honolulu, Hawaii. Transportation, 1904, w 1 .00 W. L. Shafer, Pittsburg, Pa. Transylvanian, 1886, m. dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Literary societies of Kentucky univ., Lexington, Ky. Travel, m 1 . 00 Travel pub. co.,Odd Fellows bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Travel and recreation, 1897, m 1 .00 Travel and recreation pub. co., Toronto, Canada. Travel magazine, 1901, m 50 Geo. H. Daniels, 333 Fourth ave., N. Y. Traveler, 1902, q 80 Underwood & Underwood, 5th ave. and 19th St., N. Y. Travelers' railway guide (eastern section), m 2.00 Knickerbocker guide co., New York, N. Y. Travelers' railway guide (western section), 1871, m 2.00 American railway guide co., 168 Adams St., Chicago, 111. Travelers' railway guide, 1856, m 2 . 50 Knickerbocker guide co., 24 Park pi., N. Y. Travelers record, 1865, irreg Travelers insurance co., Hartford, Ct. Travelers' time-saver, 1892, m 2 .00 Travelers' guide, co., Omaha, Neb. Traveling man, 1908, m 1 .00 Traveling man pub. co., 230 Cary bldg., Milwaukee, Wis. Traveling world, 1904, m 3 • 00 220 Broadway, N. Y. Treasury of religious thought, 1883, m 2.00 E. B. Treat & co., 24 W. 23d St., N. Y. Merged with Record of Christian work, May 1, '07. Trenton (N. J.) public library Bulletin, 1907, b-m 10 Trestle board, 1887, m 1 .00 Trestle board co., 537 Clay St., San Francisco, Cal. iU'IDK TO I'Kkh )1)IC \I.S 341 Tri-city labor voice, 1900, s-m 75 Voice pub. co., Lyons, la. Tri-city unionist, 1899, ni 50 E. C. Berry, Rock Island, 111. Tri-state dental journal, 111 1 .00 The O'Brien- Worthen co., Keokuk, la. Tri-state elk, 1904, m 1 .00 503 Farmers' bank bldg., Pittsburg, Pa. Tri-state farmer and gardener, 1897, m 50 News pub. co., Chattanooga, Tenn. Tri-state odd fellow, 1902, s-m 1 .00 J. R. Reden, Greenville, S. C. Triangle, 1895, w. dur. coll. yr 1 .50 Students of N. Y. university, University Heights, N. Y. Tribune, 1901, w 2.00 R. W. Coleman, Sacramento, Cal. Tribune, 1903, w .* 60 G. F. Taylor, Cedar Rapids, la. Tribune, 1889, w 1 . 50 Thos. F. English, Springfield, Mass. Tribune almanac and political register, 1838, a 25 Tribune farmer, 1841, w 1 .00 Tribune review, 1901, w 1 .00 Tribune ass'n, 154 Nassau st., N. Y. Trident, 1904, w 1 . 00 Trident pub. co., Davenport, Iowa. Trinity archive, 1887, m 1 . 25 Senior class, Trinity college, Durham, N. C. Trinity college historical society Historical papers, 1897, a 50 Durham, N. C. Trinity college record, 1907, s-a 1 .00 Brookland, D. C. Trinity tablet, 1868, every 3d w. dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Students of Trinity college, Hartford, Conn. Trinity tripod, 1904, s-m. dur. coll. yr 2.00 Students of Trinity college, Hartford, Conn. Trinity university review, 1877, m 1 .00 Students of Trinity university, Toronto, Canada. Triple link, 1875. s_rn l 00 J. B. Jewell, Springfield. Mo. Trolley topics, 1902, irreg., w free G. R. railway co., Grand Rapids. Mich. Tropical and sub-tropical Amerin, T907 (Nov.), m 1.00 Tropical America pub. co., 18 Frankfort st., New York, N. Y. Trotter and pacer, 1894, w 2.0Q Toman & Logan, 460 W. Broadway, N. Y. Trotwood's monthly, 1005. m I 00 Contin. as Taylor-Trotwood magazine. Truck farmer, 1899, n1 * 00 Truck farmer pub. co., Dallas, Tex. 542 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS True flag, 1851, w 2 . 50 John W. Nichols, 18 -Arch St., Boston, Mass. True Pythian, m 50 Chas. O. Roemer, Ridgeley, W. Va. True republic, 1 89 1 , m 1 . 00 Mrs. Sarah M. Perkins, Cleveland, O. True voice, 1903, w 2.00 . True voice pub. co., Omaha, Neb. True witness and catholic chronicle, 1850, w 1 .50 True witness print, and pub. co., Montreal, Canada. Trunks, leather goods and umbrellas, 1898, m 1 .00 C. S. Smith & co., Knickerbocker building, Phila., Pa. Trust companies, 1904, m 3-Oo Trust companies pub. ass'n, 15 William st., N. Y. Trust companies magazine, 1904, m 3 .00 Trust companies magazine pub. ass'n, 43 Cedar st., N. Y. Truth, 1870, w • 2 . 00 S. Frank Wilson, Toronto, Canada. Truth, 1901, w 2.00 Truth pub. co., 1 1 Central blk., Salt Lake City, Utah. Truth, 1 886, m 3 . 00 Truth pub. co., 229 Fifth ave., N. Y. Truth, 1897, m 50 Rev. Thos. F. Price, Nazareth, N. C. Truth-seeker, 1874, w 3.00 Truth-seeker co., 28 Lafayette pi., N. Y. Tuftonian, 1874, m. dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Tufts college pub. ass'n, Tufts college, Mass. Tufts college studies, 1892, irreg Varies Tufts college, Mass. Tufts weekly, 1895, w. dur. coll. yr 1 .50 Tufts college pub. ass'n, Tufts college, Mass. Turf, farm and home, 1889, w 1 . 50 Turf pub. co., Waterville, Me. Tuskegee student, 1884, w 50 Tuskegee normal and indust. inst., Tuskegee, Ala. 20th century pastor, m 1 . 00 Downey & co., Phila., Pa., Wilmington, Del. 20th century stories, 1906, m 1 .00 Charles W. Jacobs, 315 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. Twentieth century boys and girls, 1903, m 25 F. E. Mason, 7 Warren ave., N. Y. Twentieth century farmer, hjoo, w 1 .00 Bee pub. co., Omaha, Neb. Twentieth century review, kjoi, m 1 .00 Twentieth century review pub. co., 1 t Spruce St., Detroit, Mich. Twenty-third infantry lantaka, 1907, w 1 . 50 23d infantry. I'. S. A., Sacked Harbor, N. Y. Twenty-third street men, HJ05, w 2; Y. M. C. A., 23d st., N. Y. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 343 Twenty years in the stock market, 1905, a 1.00 Massachusetts pub. co., Everett station, Boston, Mass. Twiggs county citizen, 1906, w 1 .oo \Y. C. Kclley, Jeffersonville, Ga. Twilight hours, 1904, m 10 Twilight hours pub. co., Florence, Colo. Twin city commercial bulletin, w 2.00 301 Boston blk., Minneapolis, Minn. Two step, 1894, 10 nos 2.00 Two step pub. co., 649 Main st., Buffalo, N. Y. Tyler-keystone, b-m 2 .00 Tyler pub. co., Ann Arbor, Mich. Type founder, irreg., free to printers 1 .00 Barnhart bros. & Spindler, Chicago, 111. Typewriter and phonographic world See My business friend. Typewriter topics, 1905, m 1 .00 309 Broadway, N. Y. Typographical journal, 1889, m 1 .00 J. W. Bramwood, De Soto bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. Uncle Eli's magazine, 1906, m 35 Elisha B. Southard, Toledo, O. Sunny south pub. co., 20 S. Forsyth st., Atlanta, Ga. Sunny south pub. co., Atlanta, Ga. Underwood and Campbell's digest, 1905, q 6.00 Card digests co., 1328 Euclid st., Washington, D. C. Underwood's U. S. counterfeit reporter, 1878, b-m 2.00 Stumpf & Steuer, 20 Nassau st., N. Y. Underwriter, 1865, s-m 3 .00 Jas. H. McClellan, Baltimore, Md. Underwriter, 1859, w 5.00 Underwriter print, and pub. co., 58 William st., N. Y. Underwriters' review, 1893, s-m 2 .00 Underwriters' review co., Des Moines, la. Ungdommens ven, 1890, s-m 1 .00 Ungdommens ven pub. co., Minneapolis, Minn. Ungdomsvannen, 1895, m 1 .00 Augustana book concern, Rock Island, 111. Union, 1 885, m 50 Union pub. co., Canon, Ga. Union, 1888, w 1 .00 Edwin F. Gould, 732 N. Penn. st., Indianapolis, Ind. Union, 1 886, w 1 . 00 Union pub. co., Minneapolis, Minn. Union, w 1 . 00 Central labor council, St. Joseph, Mo. Union advocate, 1895, w 1 .00 Wm. H. Bastian, Sioux City, la. Union advocate, 1900, w 1 .00 E. E. Sprague, Jamestown, N. Y. 344 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Union banner, 1898, w 1 .00 C. W. Woodman, Fort Worth, Tex. Union gazette, 1903, w 1 .00 Union gazette pub. co., Allentown, Pa. Union gospel news, 1888, w 50 Gospel news co., Caxton bldg., Huron St., Cleveland, O. Union index, 1902, w 1 .00 Miles A. Simpson, San Jose, Cal. Union label, 1903, w 1 .00 R. L. Telfer, San Jose, Cal. Union label, 1902, w 1.00 P. W. Carr, Tampa, Fla. Union label, 190 1, w 1 .00 John B. Stowers, Evansville, Ind. Union label, 1 898, m 1.00 Union label pub. co., Sudbury bldg., Boston, Mass. Union labor advocate, 1904, w 1.00 Wilber Hoppin, Burlington, la. Union labor advocate, 1900, m 1.00 Geo. Hodge, 275 La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Union labor journal, 1904, w 2 . 00 LTnion labor journal co., Bakersfield, Cal. Union labor news, 1901, w 1 .00 Union labor news co., 624 S. Broadway, Los Angeles, Cal. Union leader, 1902, w 1 .00 Union leader co., 88 La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Union magazine, 1905, m 25 439 W. 35th st., N. Y. Union medicale du Canada, 1872, m 2. 00 Montreal, Canada. Union obrera, 1902, w 1 . 20 Francisco Torres, Ponce, Porto Rico. Union of American Hebrew congregations Report, 1873, a Cincin., O. Union record, 1900, w 1 . 00 Union printing co., Seattle, Wash. Union seminary magazine, 1889, b-m dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Professors and students of Union sem., Richmond, Va. Union signal, 1874, w 1 .00 W. C. T. U., Evanston, 111. Union university quarterly, 1904, q Schenectady, N. Y. Union worker, m 50 Mamie W. Claflin, University pi., Neb. Unionist, 1902, w 1.00 Geo. Horsfield, Murphysboro, 111. Unionist, 1903, m 1.00 Wm. Chint Tullis, Muskogee, Ind. Ter. Unionist, 1902, w 50 Jas. Burton. Fort Scott, Kan. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 345 Unionist, 1900, w 1 .00 Unionist pub. co., Norfolk, Va. Unique comparative chart of premium rates, 1892, a 75 Sampson Dawe, 237a Shawmut ave., Boston, Mass. Unique monthly, 1 896, m 25 Unique co., 64 Fulton St., N. Y. Unit, 1890, m dur. coll. yr 1 .25 Students of Iowa college, Grinnell, la. Unitarian (formerly New unitarian), 1906, m 1.00 T. Fortson Pruett, Sidney, N. Y. Unitarian word and work, m free Am. unitarian association, Boston, Mass. Unitarian year-book, a 5° Am. unitarian ass'n, Boston, Mass. United brethren review, b-m 1-5° Rev. W. R. Funk, Dayton, O. United Canada, 1888, w 1 . 50 J. D. Grace, Ottawa, Canada. United forester, m 1 .00 Hathaway bldg., Milwaukee, Wis. United Hebrew charities of the city of N. Y. Report, 1875, a 356 Second ave., N. Y. United labor journal, 1897, w 1 .00 Fleming anc' Fonvergne, New Orleans, La. United labor journal, 1 889, w 1 . 00 Trades and labor council, Memphis, Tenn. United mercantile agency credit ratings for the marble and granite dealers of the U. S. and Canada, a A. M. Hunt & co., 43 Tremont St., Boston, Mass. United mine workers journal, 1891, w 1 .00 State Life bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. United presbyterian, 1 842, w 1 . 50 Murdock, Kerr & Co., 209 9th St., Pittsburg, Pa. United service, 1879, m . 1 .00 L. R. Hammersly, 49 Wall St., N. Y. United States catholic historical society Historical records and studies, 1899, irreg 3-50 Monograph series, 1902, irreg 346 Convent ave., N. Y. C. United States. Library of congress Catalogue of copyright entries, part 1 books, w 2.00 Part 2 periodicals, m 1.00 Part 3 musical compositions, w Part 4 engravings, w Washington, D. C. United States army and navy journal, 1863, w 6.00 N. Y. United States cavalry ass'n Journal, 1887, <1 2 -°° U. S. cavalry ass'n, Fort Leavenworth, Kas. 346 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS United States farmer, m 50 United States farmer co., 115 State St., Detroit, Mich. United States financial and mercantile examiner, 1895, w 5. 00 W. H. Carter, 76 Park pi., N. Y. United States gov't advertiser & municipal contractor, 1882, w. 5.00 Ridenour & Jenks, Post bldg., Washington, D. C. United States infantry association 1800 F st.. X. XV., Washington, D. C. United States investor, 1891, w 5.00 Frank P. Bennett & co., 530 Atlantic ave., Boston, Mass. United States military academy. Bulletin, 1908. Irreg West Point, N. Y. United States mining journal, m 1 .00 United States mining journal co., 150 Nassau St., N. Y. United States naval institute Proceedings, 1873, q 3 . 50 U. S. naval institute, Annapolis, Md. United States naval medical bulletin, 1907 (Apr.), q free Navy dept., Washington, D. C. United States naval observatory Publications, 2d ser., 1900, irreg Washington, D. C. United States navy and marine corps directory, 1885, m 5-00 Army and navy pub. co., Washington, D. C. United States official postal guide, 1874, m 2. 00 Albany, N. Y. United States paper maker, 1884, s-m 2.00 Walden pub. co., 182 William st., N. Y. United States patent office Official gazette, 1872, w 500 Washington, D. C. United States real estate journal, 1901, m 1 .00 U. S. real estate journal, Indianapolis, Ind. United States reports, cases adjusted in the supreme court, s-m Nov. -July Banks law pub. co.. 23 Park pi., New York, N. Y. United States review, 1868, w 3.00 United States review pub. co., 411 Walnut St., Phila., Pa. United States supreme court reports, L. ed. 1881, a 5. 00 Lawyers' co-operative pub. co., Rochester, N. Y. United States tobacco journal, 1874, w 4.00 I. S. Ellison, 136 Water st., N. Y. United States trade mark ass'n. Bulletin, 1S87. 111 10.00 32 Nassau st., New York, N. Y. Unity, 1878, w 2.00 Unity pub. co., 3939 Langley ave., Chicago, 111. Unity, 1 89 1, m. 1 .00 Unity tract society, 13 15 McGee st., Kansas City, Mo. Universal magazine, 1907, m 2^ Hale pub. co., 3550 Vista ave., St. Louis, Mo. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 347 Universal religion, 1893, 111 (O.-Jl.) 1 00 Seattle society for universal religion, Seattle, Wash. Universal song, 1891, q 25 Am. tonic sol fa ass'n, 124 Pearl st., N. Y. Universalist herald, 1850, w 1 .00 Rev. John M. Bowers, Canon, Ga. Universalist leader, [821, w 2 . 00 Universalist pub. house, Boston, Mass. Universalist register, 1855, a 25 Universalist pub. house, 30 West St., Boston, Mass. Universe, 1905, m 50 106 Fulton st., N. Y. Universidad de la Habana Revista de la facultad de letras y ciencias, 1905, bi-m. . . . Habana, Cuba. University beacon, 1876, s-m 1 .00 Students of University of Denver, Denver, Colo. University bulletin, 1898, w dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Students of University of Denver, Denver, Colo. University chronicle, q 1 .00 University of California, Berkeley, Cal. University chronicle, 1892, w 1 .00 Students of the University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah. University college of medicine Bi-monthly bulletin, b-m Alumni and faculty, Richmond, Va. University courier, q 25 American university, Washington, D. C. University cynic, 1883, f dur. coll. yr 1 . 50 Students of the University of Vermont, Burlington, Vt. University digest, 1 906, m 3 . 00 University research extension, Auditorium bldg., Chicago, 111. University hatchet, 1904, w 1.35 George Washington university, Washington, D. C. University herald, 1872, m dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Students of Syracuse university, Syracuse, N. Y. University herald, 1885, w 1.50 Parlette & Snyder, Ada, Ohio. University homeopathic observer, q 50 Univ. horn, observer co., Lancaster, Pa. University law review, 1891, 9 nos 2.00 F. M. Crossett, 156 Fifth aye., N. Y. University magazine, 1902, q 1 .00 McGill university, Toronto. University magazine, 1907 ( July) 3-O0 University magazine, 120 i '.roadway. New York, N. Y. University magazine, 1901, q 1.00 More and Macphail, Montreal, Canada. University medical journal, 1895. m 1 .00 Hunter & Finck, Galveston, Tex. 348 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS University melange University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyo. University monthly, 1900, m (N.-July) 1 .00 Univ. of Toronto alumni assoc., Toronto, Canada. University monthly, 1867, m dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Students of the University of New Brunswick, Frederic- ton, New Brunswick. University news bulletin, 1907, m Ohio state university, Columbus, O. University of Arizona monthly, m dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Students of University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona. University of Chicago weekly, (July 22), w 2.00 University of Chicago weekly, Chicago, 111. University of Colorado journal of engineering, 1904, a 50 Boulder, Colo. University of Colorado medical bulletin, 1904, q 1 .00 Reed pub. co., Boulder, Colo. University of Kansas news-bulletin, w 25 Lawrence, Kan. University of Michigan news-letter, 1898, w dur. coll. yr 25 Alumni association, Ann Arbor, Mich. University of Missouri newsletter, 1906, m Free University publisher, Columbia, Mo. University of Mississippi magazine, 1865 Literary societies of the Univ. of Miss., University, Miss. University of Nevada studies, 1908, q Reno, New University of North Carolina record, m Free North Carolina university, Chapel Hill, N. C. University of Oregon monthly, m dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Students of the University of Oregon, Eugene, Ore. University of Ottawa review, 1888, m 1 .00 Students of Ottawa university, Ottawa, Canada. University of Pennsylvania medical bulletin, 1888, m 2.00 University of Penn. press, Phila., Pa. University of Tenn. record, b-m 50 University of Tenn. press, Knoxville, Tenn. University of Texas magazine, 1885, m dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Lit. societies of University of Texas, Austin, Tex. University of Texas record, 1898, q 1.00 Faculty of University of Texas, Austin, Tex. University of the world, 1905, per no 25 C. A. Bowsher, Coxton bldg., Cleveland, O. University of Virginia. Alumni bulletin, 1894, q i.OQ J. P. Bell co., Lynchburg, Va. University of Virginia magazine, 1839, m dur. co ^- y r * -75 Lit. societies of University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Va. University record, 1896, q 1 .00 The University of Chicago press, Chicago, 111. University record, 1896, q University of Chicago, Chicago, 111. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 349 University record, 1898, (4 vos.), per vol 1 .00 University of Texas, Austin, Texas. University settlement review, 1 906, q University settlement ass 'n, Cincin., O. University weekly, 1895, w dur. coll. yr 1 .50 Syracuse university, Syracuse, N. Y. University weekly news, 1879, w 1 .00 Students of University of Cincin., Cincin., O. Unnatural history magazine, 1908. m 50 Henry C. Hopkins, 808 N. Howard St., Balto., Md. Unsere kleinen, 1886, m 15 German baptist publication society, Cleveland, O. Up to date, 1907, m 5° Acme pub. co., 56 Warren St., New York, N. Y. Upholsterer, 1888, m 2 00 Clifford & Lawton, 19 Union Square, N. Y. Up-to-date business change recorder, 1906, m 50 Business change recorder co., 616 Sansom st, Phila., Pa. Up-to-date, m 5° J. W. Rittenhouse, Scranton, Pa. Up-to-date distributor, m 2 .00 Will A. Molton, Cleveland, O. Up-to-date farming, 1898, w 1 .00 J. A. Everitt, 227 W. Washington st., Indianapolis, Ind. Urban and rural American, 1901, m 5° M. Piggott, Quincy, 111. Uric acid monthly, 1906, m Vass chemical co., Danbury, Conn. Ursinus bulletin, b-m Ursinus college, Collegeville, Pa. Ursinus weekly, 1902, w dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Students of Ursinus college, Collegeville, Pa. Utah commercial advertiser, 1905, w 5-°° Salt Lake City, Utah. Utah eagle, 1889, m Utah school for the deaf and blind, Ogden, Utah. Utah engineer, 1902, m 1 .00 Engineering soc. State school of mines, Salt Lake City, Utah. Utah odd fellow, 1890, m i-00 Utah odd fellow co., Salt Lake City, Utah. Vagteren, 1876, w J • 5° Rev. R. J. Petersen, Harlan, la. Valkyrian, 1897, m 1 00 Chas. K. Johansen, 108 Park Row, N. Y. Valley magazine, m 5° L. F. Smith pub. co., 621 Locust st., St. Louis, Mo. Valuations, irreg C. Mont. Benton, 526 W. 28th st., New York, N. Y. Valve world, 1905, m F fee Crane co., Chicago, 111. 35° iUIDK TO PERIODICALS Vancouver board of trade Annual report, 1887 Vancouver, B. C. Vanderbilt university studies, 1908, irreg Varies Nashville, Tenn. Van Nostrand's chemical annual, 1907, a 2.50 Van Nostrand co.. New York, N. Y. Vanderbilt observer, 1877, m dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Literary societies of Vanderbilt univ., Nashville, Tenn. Vanderbilt university Bulletin, m dur. coll. yr Nashville, Tenn. Vanderbilt university quarterly, 1901 ,q 50 Nashville, Tenn. Vanguard, 1881, s-ni 1 .00 Vanguard pub. co., 2335 Randolph st., St. Louis, Mo. Vannorden magazine, 1906 1 .00 Eastern pub. co., 786 5th ave., N. Y. Variety, 1905, w 4.00 Variety pub. co., 1402 Broadway, N. Y. Var Tjenare (Our Servant) , 1907, m 7^ 110 Hubbard st., Crookston, Me. Varsity, 1880, w dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Students of University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada. Varsity, w 4.00 Varsity pub. co., 1402 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Vassar college observatory Publications, irreg Free Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Vassar Miscellany, 1872, m 2 .00 Students of Vassar college, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Vatican and catholic star, 1894, \v 2.00 T. P. McClare, Albany, N. Y. Vaudeville, 1 906 Sime J. Silverman, N. Y. Veckoblad, 1 884, w 1 . 50 Minneapolis Veckoblad pub. co., Minneapolis, Minn. Ved arnen, 1874, w 1 .25 Decorah, Iowa. Vedanta monthly bulletin, 1905, m i .00 Vedanta society, 62 W. 71st St.. N. Y. Vegetarian magazine, 1896, m 1 .00 Vegetarian co., 167 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. Vehicle dealer, 1 902, m 1 . < >< i Ware bros., 1336 Cherry st., Pbila.. Pa. Veneers, [907 [ .00 Veneer pub. co., [ndianapolis, [nd. Vereinsbote (der), [893, 111 25 1 )er Walther Liga, 480 Glenwood ave., liulTalo, \". Y. Vereins-reporter, w 1 . 50 Carl Kuhl, 527 Callowhill st., Pbila.. Pa. GUID1''. TO PERIODICALS 551 Vereins-und logen zeitung, w 1 . 50 Alfred Schlesinger, 335 N. 6th St., Phila., Pa. Vermont antiquarian, 1902, q 1 .00 Eben Putnam. jn Broad st, Boston. Mass. Vermont antiquarian society Proceedings, 1897 W. J. Van Patten, pres., 386 Pearl st., Burlington, Vt. Vermont bird club Bulletin, 1906, a 10 George II. Ross, sec'v, Rutland. Vt. Vermont botanical club Bulletin, 1906, a 10 L. R. Jones, sec'v, 46 N. Prospect st., Burlington, Vt. Vermont bulletin, 1904, 5 nos University of Vt., Burlington, Vt. Vermont historical society Proceedings, i860 Edward M. Goddard, librarian, Montpelier, Vt. Vermont library commission. Bulletin, 1905, q Montpelier, Vt. Vermont medical monthly, 1894, m 1 .00 Vermont med. pub. co., Burlington, Vt. Vermont state medical society Transactions, a ■ Geo. H. Gorham, secy., Bellows Falls, Vt. Vermonter, 1895, m 1.00 Charles Spooner Forbes, St. Albans, Vt. Very small library magazine, 1906, m 50 Charles Carroll Brooks, 149 3rd ave.. New York, X. Y. Vesterheimen, 1892, w 1 .00 G. T. Hagcn, Crookston, Minn. Vestra sandebudet, 1890, m 5° Rev. T. R. Andrews & Co., 1224 Howard. San Francisco, Cal. Viajero, 1907. ( May ) , m Dupree, Young & co., New York. X. Y. Vick's magazine, 1878, (Mar.) 5° Vick pub. co., Dansville, X. Y. Vickery and Hill list, m 1 5 Vickery and Flill pub. co., Augusta. Me. Vickery's fireside visitor, m '5 Vickery and Hill list, Augusta, Me. Vidette, 1888, m. dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Vidette pub. co.. Normal, 111. Vidnesbyrdet, 1889. w 5° O. O. Twede, Portland, Ore. Views, 1889, m 2.00 Max Cohen, 509 Seventh st. X. \\ '.. Washington, D. C. Vigilant, 1893. m 2.00 P. J. Hanway, 31 Nassau st., X. Y. 352 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Vigor, 1906, m 75 Vigor pub. co., La Crosse, Wis. Viking, 1 906, m 1.00 E. & G. T. Johnson, Fremont, Nebr. Village, 1906, m 1 . 50 Village life pub. co., 35 Nassau st, New York, N. Y. Village life, 1906, m 1 .00 George West Wilson, Jacksonville, Fla. Vim, 1903, m 50 Con tin. in Health. Vindicator, 1883, s-m 3 .00 Vindicator pub. co., New Orleans, La. Vindicator, 1880, m 80 Vindicator committee, Brookville, O. Vineland historical and antiquarian society Annual report, 1894 Frank D. Andrews, sec'y, Vineland, N. J. Violin world, 1892, m 50 A. Gemiinder & sons, 42 E. 23d st., N. Y. Virginia baptist, 1894, w.- I .OQ Baptist pub. co., Richmond, Va. Virginia county records, 1905 varies Genealogical association, 209 W. 84th st., N. Y. C. Virginia courier, 1890, s-m .50 Virginia pub. co., Petersburg, Va. Virginia farmer, 1898, m 50 Farmer co., Emporia, Va. Virginia hospital bulletin, q 50 Univ. coll. of med., Richmond, Va. Virginia justice and citizen, 1905, m 1 .00 Pulaski, Va. Virginia law register, 1895, m 5 .00 J. P. Bell co., Lynchburg, Va. Virginia magazine, 1905, m 1 .00 E. H. Bozel, Fredericksburg, Va. Virginia magazine of history and biography, 1893, q 5-0O Va. historical society, Richmond, Va. Virginia medical semi-monthly, 1894, s-m 2.00 Landon B. Edwards, Richmond, Va. Virginia odd fellow, 1893, m 50 Ware & Duke, Richmond, Va. Virginia Pythian, 1901, m 50 Frank A. Owen, Petersburg, Va. Virginia school journal, 1892, m 1 .00 J. A. McGilvray, Richmond, Va. Virginia state library bulletin, 1908 (Jan.) q Redmond, Va. Virginia. University Bulletin, 1901, q Free Charlottesville, Va. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 353 Visitor, 1875, \v 2.00 Visitor printing co., Providence, R. I. Vital business secrets, 1907 Strong machinery & supply co., N. Y. Vitrinornator, 1906, in 1 .00 J. H. Borders, Kansas City, Mo. Vj Vilag, 1905, b-m • .00 Vj vilag- pub. co., 816 Olive St., St. Louis, Mo. Vogue, 1 892, w 3 ■ 00 Vogue co., 364 Fifth ave., N. Y. Voice, 1894, w 1 00 Voice pub. co., Winnipeg, Manitoba. Voice, 1881, w 1.25 Students of Wooster university, Wooster, O. Voice, 1904. ra 1 .00 415 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. Voice of fashion Diamond garment cutter co., Chicago, 111. Voice of Israel and signs of the times, 1902, q 50 Phillip Sidersky, Passyunk Station, Phila., Pa. Voice of missions, 1892, m 50 Miss. dept. of A. M. E. church, 61 Bible house, N. Y. Voice of the magi, m 50 Magi pub. co., Waldron, Arkansas. Voice of the negro, 1904, m 1 .00 Hertel Jenkins & co., Atlanta, Ga. Voice of the people, 1901, s-m 40 Bishop H. M. Turner, Atlanta, Ga. Voice of the people, 1904, w 2.00 Gerald Sullivan, Anaconda, Mont. Voice of the victor, 1906 Victor talking machine co., Camden, N. J. Volante, m dur. coll. yr 75 Students of Grand Island college, Grand Island, Neb. Volante, 1887, w 1 .00 Students' ass'n of the University of S. D., Vermilion, S. D. Volksf reund, 1 886, w 1 . 00 Volksfreund pub. ass'n, Cleveland, O. Volksfreund, 1889, w 1 .00 J. S. Glick, Pittsburg, Pa. Volunteers' gazette, 1897, w 2.00 Volunteers of America, 38 Cooper sq., N. Y. Voter, 1903, m 1 .00 Voter co., 315 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. Vox Wesleyana, 1898, m. dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Students of Wesley college, Winnipeg, Man. Voz del obrero, 1903, w Joaquim A. Becerril, San Juan, Porto, Rico. Wa-wan press, 1 90 1 , q 6 . 00 (Wa-wan series of Am. composition), Arthur Farwell, Newton Centre, Mass. 354 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Wabash, 1874, m dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Senior class of Wabash college, Crawfordsville, Ind. Wabash college record, q 25 Wabash college, Crawfordsville, Ind. Wachter, 1867, w 1 . 50 H. Holkeboer, Holland, Mich. Wageworker, 1904, w 1 .00 Wageworker pub. co., Lincoln, Neb. Wahrheit's freund, 1837, w 2 . 50 Benziger bros., (Jincin., O. Wake forest student, m 1 . 50 Wake Forest college, W A ake Forest, N. C. Wakeley's leaflets, 1906, m Ebenezer Wakeley, Chicago, 111. Walker magazine, 1876, q 50 W. & H. Walker, Pittsburg, Pa. Walker's weekly copper letter, w 3. 00 22 exchange place, Boston, Mass. Walkover shoe prints, 1906, m Geo. K. Keith co., Brockton, Mass. Wall paper news and interior decorator, 1892, m 1 .00 Clifford & Lawton, 19 Union sq., N. Y. Wall street daily news, 1876, 6 d 5 .00 E. Martin Black, 52 New St., N. Y. Wall street journal, 1882, 2 eds. per day ex. Sun 12.00 Dow, Jones & Co., 44 Broad St., N. Y. Wall street press, 1849, w 2.00 Wall street pub. co., 11 Broadway, N. Y. Wall street summary, 1893, 6 d 6.00 N. Y. news bureau ass'n, 51 Broad St., N. Y. Wallace's Amer. trotting register, 189 1, a Amer. trotting register assoc, room 1108 355 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. Wallace's farmer, 1878, w 1 .00 Wallace pub. co., Des Moines, la. Wallace's year-book of trotting and pacing, 1886 American trotting register assoc, 355 Dearborn St., Chi- cago, 111. Waltham (Mass.) public library Bulletin, m Wanderer, 1 867, w 2 . 00 Wanderer print, co., St. Paul, Minn. War cry, 1884, w 1 . 00 Salvation army print, house, Toronto, Canada. War cry, 1 884, w 2 . 00 120 W. 14th st., N. Y. Warbler, 1903, b-m 1 .00 Mayflower pub. co., Floral Park, N. Y. Warren county library Bulletin, 1889, q I0 Monmouth, 111. Gl'IDK TO PERIODICALS 355 Warren social science club Annual report and papers, 1902 Warren academy of sciences, Warren, Pa. Washburn college bulletins, 1901, q Topeka, Kan. Washburn weekly review, 1885, w dur. coll. yr 1 .50 Students of Washburn college, Topeka, Kan. Washington academy of sciences, membership, non-resident... 5.00 Proceedings, 1899, a Washington, D. C. Washington catholic, 1907, w 1 . 50 Catholic pub. co., room 408, Jenifer bldg., Wash., D. C. Washington county free library Bulletin, 1901, irreg Hagerstown, Md. Washington historical quarterly, 1906. q Seattle, Wash. Washington law reporter, 1874, w 3-00 Law reporter print, co.. Washington, D. C. Washington life, 1903, w 2.00 H. M. Suter, pub., 510 12th St., Washington, D. C. Washington liquor dealer, 1902, m 2 .00 Seattle, Washington. Washington magazine, 1906, m 1 .00 Washington magazine pub. co., Epler blk., Seattle, Wash. Washington news letter, m 1 .00 1329 M st. X. W., Washington, D. C. Washington odd fellow, 1892, m 1 .00 A. E. Partridge, Seattle, Washington. Washington. University Bulletin, 1902, q News-letter, s-m 50 Seattle, Wash. Washington university. Medical dept. Quarterly bulletin, 1903. q — St. Louis, Mo. Washington university association Bulletin, a , 50 St. Louis, Mo. Washington university record, 1905, m dur. coll. yr St. Louis, Mo. Washingtonian, 1892, s-m 50 State school for the deaf and the blind, Vancover, Wash. Wasp, 1876, w 5.00 Wasp pub. co., San Francisco, Cal. Waste trade journal, 1905. (Sept. 2), w 3 00 Waste trade pub. co., 108 Fulton st., New York. N. Y. Watchman, \v 1 . 00 Congregational Methodist pub. house, 12 So. Pryor st., Atlanta, Ga. 356 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Watch tower, 1872, w 1.00 Standard pub. co., Cincin., O. Watchman, 1819, w 2.50 Watchman pub. co., Tremont Temple, Boston, Mass. Watchman and the reflector, 1903 .50 Baltimore, Md. Watchword, 1893, w 1 .00 Rev. W. R. Funk, Dayton, O. Watchword and truth, 1878, m 1 .00 Robert Cameron, 31 State st., Boston, Mass. Water and forest, 1901, q 50 California water and forest assoc, San Francisco, Cal. Water and gas review, 1890, m 2 .00 Water and gas review pub. co., 35 Warren St., N. Y. Waterproofing, 1907, (July), m 1 .00 8 Burling slip, New York, N. Y. Waterways magazine, 1907, (Aug.), m 1 .00 P. J. Bethom, pres., Laclede bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Watson's illuminator, 1877, m 5° Will H. Watson, Biddeford, Me. Watson's Jeffersonian magazine, 1905, m 1 .50 Thomas E. Watson, Atlanta, Ga. Watson's magazine — suspended. Watts' official railway guide and hotel directory of the south, 1886, m 2 00 Watts pub. co., Atlanta, Ga. Waugh's blue book of leading hotels and resorts of the world, 1907- a 5-00 \Y. W. Waugh and son, Old South bldg., Boston, Mass. Wave, 1887, w '. 3.00 Wave pub. co., 24 Montgomery St.. San Francisco. Cal. Waverley magazine, 1850, m 1 .00 Waverley pub. co., 630 Washington st., Boston, Mass. Way of faith, 1 890, w 1 . 00 Oliver gospel missions, Columbia, S. C. Wayne county (Ind.) historical society Papers, 1903, irreg., each 25 Walter S. Davis, sec'y, Richmond, Ind. Wayne farmer, 1883, w 25 Farmer pub. co., Hagerstown, Ind. Wayside tales, 1901, m 1 00 Sampson-Hodges co., 159 La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Wealthy avenue baptist Sunday school quarterly, 1906, q Free J. J. Wood, 792 Wealthy ave., Grand Rapids, Mich. Weber's weekly, 1903, w 2 . 50 Geo. W. Weber, 1871 Sheridan road, Chicago, 111. Wedding bells, 1883, m 50 Wedding bells pub. co., 168 Tremont St., Boston, Mass. Wee wisdom, 1896, m 50 Unity tract society, 913 Tracy ave., Kansas City, Mo. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 357 Week: Sunday to Sunday, 1905, \v 2.CX) 615 Fourteenth St., N. \\ ., Washington, I). C. Week in New York Week in New York pub. co., N. Y. Weekly, 1855, w 3 00 Street & Smith, 238 William St.. N. Y. Weekly bulletin, 1 8j )i >. w 2 . 50 Weekly bulletin pub. co., 170 Summer St., Boston, Mass. Weekly bulletin of foreign trade information, w. Not for sale. IMiila. commercial museum, Philadelphia, Pa. Weekly bulletin of the clothing trades, 1901, w 1 .00 Weekly bulletin. Bible house, N. Y. Weekly bulletin of the leather & shoe news, 1896, w 2.50 Weekly bulletin pub. co., 170 Summer St., Boston, Mass. Weekly calendar, w : -00 The University of Chicago press, Chicago, 111. Weekly commercial news, 1875, w 2.00 Commercial pub. co., San Francisco, Cal. Weekly hotel bulletin, 1905, w Weekly hotel bulletin co., 65 Grand opera house blk., Chicago, 111. Weekly implement trade journal, 1886, w 1 .00 Implement trade journal co., 1309 W. nth St., Kansas City, Mo. Weekly optic and stock grower, 1879, w 2 M. M. Padgett, Las Negas, N. M. Wegweiser, 1876, m German baptist pub. soc, Cleveland, O. Welch's journal, 1902, 10 nos I Wm. M. Welch & co., Chicago, 111. Weekly statistical sugar trade journal, 1842, w 15 Willet & Gray, 42 Wall St., X. Y. Weekly tar heel, 1900, w 1 Tar heel pub. co., Greensboro, N. C. Welcome visitor, 1907, s-a James H. Lob, 290 Church St., Norfolk, Va. Wellesley magazine, 1892, m 1 Students of Wellesley college, Wellesley, Mass. Wellspring for young people, 1843, w Pilgrim press, Congregational house, Boston, Mass. Welt, 1901, q Press pub. co., Lincoln, Neb. Weltmer's magazine, m ' Ernest Weltmer, Nevada, Mo. Wentworth historical society Journal and transactions, 1892 5° Hamilton, Ont., Canada. We're here, 1 906, m 5° Iden printing co., Monett, Mo. Wesleyan, 1890, w. dur. coll. yr 1 00 Durham & Tyler, University Place, Neb. V/esleyan, 1847, w l °° S. F. Huestis, Halifax, N. S. 00 2 5 00 00 00 50 75 75 5 ( > o;> 358 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Wesleyan argus, 1868, w. dur. coll. yr 2.00 Students of Wesleyan university, Middletown, Conn. Wesleyan argus, [895, w 1 .00 Students of 111. Wesleyan university, Bloomington, 111. Wesleyan Christian advocate, 1836, w 2.00 Wesleyan advocate bd. of trustees, Atlanta, Ga. Wesleyan herald, w 2 . 00 John Macmillan, 1616 N. 54th st., Phila.-, Pa. Wesleyan literary monthly, [892, m. dur. coll. yr 2.00 Students of Wesleyan university, Middletown. Conn. Wesleyan methodist, 1 843, w 1 . 50 Rev. A. W. (Tall. Syracuse. X. Y. Wesleyan university bulletin, 1888. irreg Middletown. Conn. West American scientist, 1882, m 2.00 C. R. Orcutt. San Diego, Cal. West coast hotel and railway guide, 1906, ( Mar.), m 1.00 West coast pub. co., Portland, Ore. West coast lumberman, t88o, m 1 .00 Frank P>. Cole, Tacoma, Wash. West coast magazine, 1906, m 1.00 824 W. 3d st.. Los Angeles, Cal. West coast trade. 1 889, w 2 . 00 Orno Strong, Tacoma, Wash. West end magazine, 1905, m 1 .00 Laclede bldg., St. Louis, Mo. West side and Harlem news, 1901, w 2.00 R. P>. Adams. Tract society bldg., N. V. West Texas stock farmer, 1904, w 1 .00 S. L. Redwine, Colorado, Tex. V/est Virginia Christian, 1900, f 50 West Virginia Christian co., Bethany, W. Ya. West Virginia farm review, [892, m 05 West Virginia state bd. of agriculture. Charleston, W. Ya. West Virginia geological survey Publications, 1903, irreg Varies West Virginia medicd journal, 1 < ) 5, m 1 . 00 \Y Ya. med. ass'n., Wheeling, \Y Va. West Virginia methodist advocate, 1896, w 1 .00 John A. Grose. Sutton, AY Va. West Virginia methodist protestant, 1898, w 1 .00 Joe Williams. St. Mary's, W. Va. West Virginia school journal, 1872, m 1 .00 Thos. C. Miller, Morgantown, W. Va. West Virginia workman, 1897, m .50 (has. O. koeiner, I Sen wood, W. Ya. Western advertiser, in 1 .00 Charles D. Thompson, Omaha, Neb. Western American scientist, 1884, m 1 .00 C. R. Orcutt, San Diego, Cal. (H'II)K To PERIODICALS 35M Western architect, 1901, m 5.00 Western architect pub. CO., Minneapolis, Minn. Western architect and builder, 1SS7, w 4.00 Powell & White. Cincin., O. Western baptist, [900, 111 50 B. C. baptist convention, Victoria, B. C. Western baptist, 1903, w 1 .50 Western baptist pub. co., South McAlester, Ind. Ter. Western blue book and buyers' reference, iSSS, a 5- 00 M. E. Lowitz pub. co., 66 Sherman st., Chicago, 111. Western bowlers' journal, 1898, w 2.00 John G. Hammer, 175 Monroe st., Chicago, 111. Western breeders' journal, [898, m 25 Journal ptib. co., Clay center, Kan. Western brewer, 1 876. m 5 . 00 IT. S. Rich & co., 177 La Salle st., Chicago. 111. Western British American, 188S, w 2.co British-American co., 358 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. Western builder, 1002, m 1 .00 Western builder pub. co., Milwaukee, Wis. Western camera notes, 1899, m 1 .00 Western camera pub. co., Minneapolis, Minn. Western Canada contractor and builders' gazette, 1904, m 1 .00 C. H. Mortimer pub. co., Winnipeg, Manitoba. Western Canada medical journal, 1907, m 1 . 50 Winnepeg, Canada. Western catholic, 1867, w 2.00 Western catholic pub. co., 206 La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Western catholic, 1 897, w 1 . 00 John F. Ridder, Quincy, Til. Western chemist and metallurgist, 1905, (Feb.) Denver, Colo. Western Christian advocate, w t . 50 Derrick and Faglchargcr, Ardmore, Ind. Ter. Western Christian advocate, 1834, w 1 .60 Jennings & Graham. Cincin., O. Western Christian recorder, m 1 00 J. Frank McDorald, Macon. Mo. Western Christian union, 1890, m 5° Rev. F. W.. Pfaffenberger, Boonville, Mo. Western chronicle Free Burrows bros. co., Cleveland, O. Western churchman, 1 897, s-m 1 . 00 Western churchman co., Denver, Colo. Western churchman, 1896, m 1 .00 Rev. Robert C. Johnstone, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Western college magazine, 1879, m 1 .00 American educational co., 315 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. Western conference news letter, m. ex. July-Aug 25 Western unitarian conference, 175 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. 360 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Western contractor, 1 902, v/ 2 . 00 Ernest E. Smith, 214 E. Missouri ave., Kansas City, Mo. Western dental journal, 1887, m 1 .00 Hettinger bros. mfg. co., Kansas City, Mo. Western druggist, 1879, m l • 2 5 G. P. Engelhard & co., Chicago, 111. Western dry goods, 1885, w 2 . 00 Western dry goods co., St. Joseph, Mo. Western economist, 1895, m 1 .00 Western economist pub. co., Des Moines, la. Western educator, 1899, m l .00 W. G. Crocker, Fargo, N. Dak. Western electrician, 1887, w 3 . 00 Electrician pub. co., Marquette bldg., Chicago, 111. Western elk, 1899, m 1 . 00 Anderson & Treichler, Sacramento, Cal. Western empire, 1 898, m 25 Fruit world pub. co., Times Dldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Western evangel, 1 906, w 1 . 50 Western evangel co., Abilene, Tex. Western fancier, 1904, m Los Angeles, Cal. Western farm journal, 1872. m 25 Western farm journal co., Des Moines. la. •Western farmer, 1902, m 50 Charles Hillebrandt, Osborne, Kan. Western fashion journal, 1905, q 1 .00 Minneapolis, Minn. Western field, 1902, m 1 . 00 Western field co., 4 Sutter st., San Francisco, Cal. Western fireman and journal of public works, 1880, w 2.00 H. W. Bloomingston, 177 La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Western fruit grower, 1897, m 50 Sec Fruit-grower. Western grocer, butcher and clerk, m 1 . 00 W. S. Keller, Denver, Col. Western home journal, 1907, m 1 .00 Majestic bldg., Denver, Colo. Western home journal, 1896, m 50 Phil L. Axling, Seattle, Wash. Western home monthly, 1900, m 50 Home pub. co., Winnipeg, Manitoba. Western horseman, 1 878, w 2 . 00 Western horseman co., Fitzgerald bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. Western insurance review, 1867, m 3.00 Carleton bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Western investors' review, m 1 .00 Queen city printing and pub. co., Denver, Col. Western jobber, 1903, s-m 1 .00 Western jobber pub. co., Denver, Col. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS j6l Western journal of education, m i . 50 Whitaker & Ray co., 71 1 Mission st., San Francisco, Cal. Western journal of education, 1906, m 1 .00 Mich, state normal college, Ypsilanti, Mich. Western junior, 1902, w 1 .00 Western junior pub. co., Security bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Western knight, 111 1 . 00 I\i. A. Willumsen, Salt Lake City, Utah. Western laborer, 1 89 1 . \v 1 . 00 Frank A. Kennedy, Omaha, Neb. Western lady, 1 904, m 50 J. Frank Lee, Portland, Ore. Western law reporter, 1905. s-m 6.00 Toronto, Canada. Western life, npj. ( A.ug. ). 111 50 Walter R. Taylor! Portland, Ore. V/estern magazine, 1906, m Western pub. co., 524 6th st.. San Diego, Cal. Western Maryland college monthly, 1887, m. dnr. coll. yr 1 .00 Students of Western Maryland coll., Westminster, Md. Western medical journal, 1890, m 1 .00 Western medical journal co., Fort Scott, Kan. Western medical review, 1896, m 2.00 Western medical review co., Lincoln, Neb. Western methodist, 1881, \v 1 .50 Anderson, Millar & CO., Little Rock, Ark. Western methodist recorder, m 50 Methodist recorder print, and pub. co., Victoria, B. C. Western methodist times, 1905, m 50 Leonard Norman, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Western milliner, varies, m. and s-m 2.00 Western milliner, 233 Fifth ave., Chicago, 111. Western miner and financier, w 1 .00 R. S. Baker, Cooper bldg., Denver, Col. Western mining telegram, 1901, m 1 .00 W. G. Motley, 32 Broadway, N. Y. Western monthly, 1903, m 25 Charles E. Horn, 408 Slmkert bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Western musician, 1900, m 50 L. L. Smith, Dixon, 111. Western odd fellow, 1 886, s-m 75 Steevens & Steevens, Topeka, Kan. Western painter, 1892, m 1 00 Charles H. Webb, 40 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. Western penman, 1 884, m 60 Western penman pub. co., Cedar Rapids, la. Western poultry journal, 1888, m 50 E. E. Richards, Cedar Rapids, la. Western poultry world, 1902, m 25 Western poultry pub. co., Denver, Col. 362 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Western presbyter, \v 1 .00 C. C. Russell. Dallas, Tex. Western publisher, 1902, m 1 .00 Western newspaper union, 45 Plymouth pi., Chicago, 111. Western railway club Official proceedings, 1888, m (Sept. -May) 2.00 Joseph W. Taylor, secy, 390 Old Colony bldg., Chicago, 111. Western rancher and brand recorder, 1902. w 1 .00 Western rancher co., Ainsworth, Neb. Western rebekah, 1895, m 50 C. 1). Neal, Omaha, Neb. Western recorder, 1825, w 2.00 Baptist book concern, Louisville, Ky. Western reserve law journal, m 1 .00 Students of the law school of Western reserve university, Cleveland. O. Western reserve university Bulletins, 1895, q 50 The university, Cleveland, O. Western school journal, 1885, m 1 .00 John Mac Donald, Topeka, Kan. Western Scot, 1 904, m 50 James C. Lindsay, Omaha, Neb. Western shoe retailer, m 50 Western shoe retailer pub. co., San Francisco, Cal. Western society of engineers. Journal, 1896, b-m 2.00 Monadnock blk., Chicago, 111. Western sports, 1897, m 2 . 50 Western sports pub. co., San Francisco, Cal. Western sportsman and recreation pointers, 1893, m 1 .00 Frank T. Riley, Temple blk., Kansas City, Mo. Western swine breeder, 1894, m 50 J. C. Seacrest, Lincoln, Neb. Western tailor and fashion journal, 1898 1 . 50 A. W. Welander, 10 K. 14th st, N. Y., N. Y. Western teacher, 1892. 10 nos 1 .00 Gillan & co., Milwaukee, Wis. Western telephone journal, 1903, m 1 .00 Western telephone journal co., Vinton, la. Western tobacco journal, 1874, w 2.00 Thomas Mason, Cincin., O. Western trade journal, 1872, w 5.00 Fremont Arford, 128 E. Van Buren st., Chicago, 111. Western turf, 1 904, w 2. 00 C. Hacking, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Western undertaker, 1879, m 1 .00 Herbert S. Fassett, 263 Washington boul., Chicago, 111. Western underwriter, 1897, w 2.00 Western underwriter co., Chicago, 111. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS \6 ; Western university of Pennsylvania, Allegheny observatory Miscellaneous scientific papers, [901, irreg Allegheny, Pa. Western veteran, 1 884, 111 1 .a Western veteran pub. eo., Topeka, Kan. Western veterinarian, 1 904. q 50 San Francisco, Cal. Western watchman, 18 ;8, in 50 H. G. Alton, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Western watchman, 1865, w 2.00 Rev. D. S. Phelan, 8th and Chestnut sts., St. Louis. Mo. Western woodman, w 50 P. J. Mclntyre, Denver, Colo. Western work, m 50 Western work pub. eo., Oskaloosa, la. Western world, 1903, m [.00 Oliver O. App., Empire bldg., Denver, Col. Western world, 1 902, w 2 . 00 John Conally, Des Moines, Ta. Westerner, 1 1 104, m 25 Edgar L. Hampton, Seattle, Wash. Westinghouse electric and manufacturing co. Circular, irreg Pittsburg, Pa. Westland educator, 1899, 10 nos 1 .00 W. G. Crocker, Lisbon, N. D. Westminster, 1 896, m 1 . 50 Westminster CO., Toronto, Canada. Westminster, [875, w 2.00 Holmes press, 214 S. 5th St., Phila., Pa. Westminster college. Bulletins of information, [901, q Free Full on. Mo. We . ter college news letter, 1904, b-m Free Fulton, Mo. Westmin tcr monthly, [868, m [.00 Fult< n weekly gazette, Fulton. Mo. Westminster review (Am. ed.), 1824. m 4. 50 Leonard Scott pub. co., 7 \\ arren St., X. Y. Westminster teacher, [873, m 60 Presbyterian bd. of publications, [319 Walnut st.. Phila., La. Westonian, [895, 111 1. 00 Westtown alumni ass'n & Westtown old scholar's ass'n, Westtown, La. Wetmore's weekly, 1 904, w 5° Pan American press pub. co., Columbia bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Whalemen's shipping list, 1843. w 3 ■ ' 5 Geo. R. Phillips, New Bedford, Mass. What to eat, 1 896, m ' Pierce pub. co., Washington st. and Fifth ave., Chicago, Til. 364 C.UIDE TO PERIODICALS Wheelmen's gazette, 1883, m 50 Wheelmen's co., 241 Virginia ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Whist, 1906, m 1 .00 II. H. Ward, 194 Boylston st., Boston, Mass. Whitaker, J. and sons' almanac, a *. : 50 Scribner's sons, 153 Fifth ave., N. Y. White city magazine, 1905, m 1 .00 Schiller bldg., Chicago, 111. White ribbon banner, 1890, m 25 Mrs. L. K. Fuller, Scotland, Conn. White's class advertising, 1902, m 25 White's class advertising co., Caxton bldg., Chicago, 111. White's sayings, 1900, m 50 White's advertising bureau, Seattle, Wash. White's U. S. counterfeit reporter, s-a Credit co., Pontiac bldg., Chicago, 111. Whitman college quarterly, q Free Walla Walla, Wash. Whittier boys and girls magazine, 1893, m 50 Whittier state school, Whittier, Cal. Whittlings, m. to Whitten co.'s force Free R. H. Whitten co., Los Angeles, Cal. Whitworth college bulletin, m Free Tacoma, Wash. Wholesalers' and retailers' review, m 2 .go Globe pub. co., 421 California St., San Francisco, Cal. Wholesale jeweler, 1903, a 5- 00 W. F>. Frost & co., Providence, R. I. Who's who in America, 1899, a • • 3-5° A. N. Marquis, Chicago, 111. Who's who in New York, 1904, a 5.00 L. R. Iiamersly, 1 W. 34th St., N. Y. Wide way, 1 907, ra 1 . 00 Corwill pub. co., 24 E. 31st st., N. Y. Wide world magazine, 1898, m 1 . 20 Internat. news co., 83 Duane St., N. Y. Widow, 1892, f. dur. coll. yr 2.00 Students of Cornell university, Ithaca, N. Y. Wielkopolanin, 1899, w 1 . 50 56 Twenty-second St., Pittsburg, Pa. Wild flowers (calendar), a 1 .50 Uoubleday, Page & co., N. Y. Willamette collegian, 1889, m. dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Students of Willamette university, Salem, Ore. Will Carleton's magazine See Everywhere. William and Mary literary magazine, 189 1, m 1 .00 William and Mary college, Petersburg, Va. William Jewell student, 1894, m, 9 nos 1 .00 C. E. Brown print, co., Kansas City, Mo. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 365 William and Mary college monthly, 1892, in. dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Lit. societies cf William and Mary college, Williamsburg, Va. William and Mary college quarterly, 1892, q 3 00 Lyon G. Tyler, Williamsburg, Va. William Woods college record, m dur. coll. yr 50 William Woods college record, Fulton, Mo. Williams literary monthly, 1885, m. dur. coll. yr 2.50 Students of Williams college, Williamston, Mass. Williams' record, 1874, b-w dur, coll. yr 2.50 Students of Williams college, Williamston, Mass. Wilmington institute free library Bulletin, 1903, m 25 Wilmington, Del. Wilmingtonian, m. dur. coll. yr 50 Students of Wilmington college, Wilmington, O. Wilshire's magazine, 1 900, m 25 Wilshire pub. co., 200 William st., N. Y. Wilson bulletin, 1890, q 50 Wilson ornithological club, Oberlin, O. Wilson's photographic magazine, 1864, m 3. 00 Edward L. Wilson, 287 Fourth ave., N. Y. Windmill, 1900, s-m (9 issues) 25 Lawrence high school, Lawrence, Kan. Wine and spirit bulletin, 1886, m 5 .00 Bulletin pub. co., Louisville, Ky. Wine and spirit gazette, 1887, s-m 2.00 J. P. Smith, 15 Whitehall St., N. Y. Wine and spirit journal and brewers' review, m 1 .00 H. Gagnier, Toronto, Canada. Wine and spirit news, w 2 . 00 W 7 ine and spirit news co., Columbus, O. Winona Normal bulletin, q State normal school, Winona, Minn. Winona review, 1903, q 1 00 Winona pub. co., Winona Lake, Ind. Winthrop normal and industrial college of S. C, 1907, (Sept.), q Free Rock Hill, S. C. Wire market news, 1907, s-m Western wire sales co.. 324 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. Wisconsin academy of sciences, arts and letters, membership. . 2.00 Transactions, 1870, b-a Madison, Wis. Wisconsin agriculturist, 1877, w 60 Andrew Simonson, Racine, Wis. Wisconsin alumni magazine, 1899. m (O.-Jl.) ■ * °° Alumni assoc. Univ. of W., Madison, Wis. Wisconsin archaeologist, 1901. q ■ °° 1214 Chestnut st., Milwaukee, Wis. Wisconsin Christian advocate, 1895, m 5° Oshkosh. Wis. j66 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Wisconsin engineer, 1 896, q 1 .00 Students of the University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. Wisconsin experiment association, 1903, a R. A. Moore, Madison, Wis. Wisconsin farmer, 1881, w 75 Wisconsin farmer co., Madison, Wis. Wisconsin geological and natural history survey Bulletin, irreg Varies Library University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. Wisconsin good templar, 1891, w 5 Q Geo. A. & Ada R. Markham, Independence, Wis. Wisconsin homestead, 1904, m 5° J. L. Rohr, Milwaukee, Wis. Wisconsin jobber and retailer, w 1 • 5° Wisconsin jobber and retailer pub. co., Milwaukee, Wis. Wisconsin journal of education, 1871, m 1 .00 Madison, Wis. Wisconsin library bulletin, 1905, b-m 25 Wisconsin free library commission, Madison, Wis. Wisconsin literary magazine, 1903, m. dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Students of University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. Wisconsin medical journal, 1903, m 2.00 Wisconsin medical journal co., Milwaukee, Wis. Wisconsin medical recorder, m 1 .00 J. P. Thome, Janesville, Wis. Wisconsin memorial day annual, a Supt. of schools, Madison, Wis. Wisconsin natural history society Bulletin, 1900, q 2.00 Occasional papers, 1892, irreg., per no 75 Milwaukee, Wis. Wisconsin state board of health journal, 1904, q 25 State board of health. Madison, Wis. Wisconsin state historical society, membership 2.00 Bulletin of information, 1896, irreg Collections, biennial, 1855 2 . 50 Proceedings, 1874, a 75 Madison, Wis. Wisconsin state horticultural society Report, a Madison, Wis. Wisconsin sugar beet, 1901, m 1 .50 C. W. Fraser, Menomonee Falls, Wis. Wisconsin. University Bulletin, 1894, b-m. to res. of Wis Free to non-res. -i Varies Series in economics and political science Scries in history Philosophy and literature Science Engineering Madison, Wis. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 367 Wisconsin valley settler, [905, | Apr. ), m 1 .50 \V. 11. & C. F. Price Valley Junction, Wis. Wise-man, 1904. m 1 .00 Metaphysical pub. co., 500 Fifth ave., N. Y., N. Y. Witness, 1 87 1 , w 1 . 00 Witness & Sabbath reading co., 150 Nassau St., N. Y. Wittenberger, 1875, \v. dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Students of Wittenberg college, Springfield, O. Wofford college journal, 1899, m Spartanburg, S. C. Woman, 1 906, m 1 . 00 Frank A. Munsey co., 175 Fifth ave., N. Y. Woman beautiful, 1908, 111 1 . 50 Woman beautiful co., 355 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. Woman beautiful, 1906, -m 3 .00 Franklin pub. corporation, Boston, Mass. Woman's club bulletin, 1 901, irreg. (official organ of the Penn- sylvania and X. J. state federation of women's clubs. . . .50 Reading, Pa. Woman's club calendar, 1901, m 1 .00 Adelaide F. Chase, Tremont temple, Boston, Mass. Woman's college of Baltimore Bulletin, 1905, m. dur. coll. yr Baltimore, Md. Woman's column, 1888, f 25 Amer. woman suffrage ass'n, 3 Park St., Boston, Mass. Woman's evangel, 1882, m 50 Mary R. Albert, Dayton, O. Woman's exponent, 1882, s-m 2.00 Emmeline B. Wells, Salt Lake City, Utah. Woman's farm journal, 1891, m 10 Lewis pub. co., Magazine bldg.. St. Louis, Mo. Woman's forum, 1905, m 1 . 00 Marshall, Mich. Woman's gazette, 1905, m 10 Jordan pub. co., Pittsburg, Pa. Woman's home companion, 1873, m 1 -00 Crowell pub. co., Springfield, O. Woman's home journal, 1869, w 1 • 5° L. N. Cushman, 291 Congress St., Boston, Mass. Woman's home missions, 1 884, m 35 W. II. M. society of M. E. church. 150 Fifth ave., N. Y. Woman's home monthly, 1886, m ,0 H. M. Brockstedt, 404 X. Broadway, St. Louis, Mo. Woman's ideal magazine, [905, m 5° Woman's ideal magazine CO., Pittsburg, Pa. Woman's journal, 1905, m 2 5 700 Journal bldg.. Chicago, 111. Woman's journal, 1869, w 2 . 50 H. P.. & Alice Stone Blackwell, 3 Park St., Boston, Mass. 368 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Woman's journal, 1891, m. ..■ 50 Rev. H. E. Kilmer, Alliance, O. Woman's kingdom, 1893, m 25 Woman's kingdom co., Niagara Falls, N. Y. Woman's label league journal, 1902, m 50 E. E. Spragne, Jamestown, N. Y. Woman's magazine, 1899, m 10 Lewis pub. co., Magazine bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Woman's medical journal, 1893, m 2.or> Hackedorn pub. co., Toledo, O. Woman's missionary advocate, 1880, m 50 Smith and Lamar, Nashville, Tenn. Woman's missionary friend, 1869, m 50 Pauline J. Walden, 36 Bromfield st., Boston, Mass. Woman's missionary record, 1885, m 50 J. F. McCulloch, Greensboro, N. C. Woman's municipal league bulletin, 1902, m 31 Union sq., N. Y., N. Y. Woman's national daily, 1907, 6 d 1 .00 Lewis pub. co., St. Louis, Mo. Woman's realm, 1904, m 10 Woman's realm pub. co., Binghamton, N. Y. Woman's temperance work, ] 883, m 25 Mrs. Nellie H. Hutchinson, Owego, N. Y. Woman's tribune, 1883, f 1 .00 Clara B. Colby, Portland, Ore. Woman's ways magazine, 1905, m 25 210 Olive St., St. Louis, Mo. Woman's work, 1886. m 50 Women's boards of foreign missions of Presbv. church. New York, N. Y. Woman's work, 1887, m 5° T. L. Mitchell, Athens, Ga. Woman's work for woman, 1885 W. F. M. societies of presbvterian church, 156 Fifth ave., N. Y. Woman's world, 1885, m 25 W. D. Boyce co., Boyce bldg., Chicago, 111. Woman's world, 1900, m 1 .00 World pub. co., Fort Worth, Tex. Women's and infants' furnisher, 1895, m 2.00 Wm. F. Crerand & co., 732 Broadway, N. Y. Women's Canadian hitsorical society of Ottawa. Membership .50 Transactions, 1901 1 .00 Mrs. Thomas Ahearn, pres.. 584 Laurier ave. W., Ottawa. Ont., Canada. Women's Canadian historical society of Toronto. Membership .50 Annual report, 1897 Transactions, 1896. irreg 15 Toronto, Canada. GUIDK TO PERIODICALS 369 Women's missionary magazine, 1887, m 6° Marshall and Reneridge pub. co., Xcnia, O. Wood craft, m 1 . 00 Gardner pub. co., Cleveland, O. Wood-Harmon magazine, 1902, b-m 25 Wood, Harmon & co., 261 Broadway, New York, X. Y. Wood lawn times, 1893, w 1 .00 Dniversity printing co., 313 E. 63d st., Chicago, 111. Wood worker, 1882, in 1 .00 S. H. Smith, Commercial club bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. Wooden and willow-ware trade review, s-m 1 .00 Charles H. Delano & son, 81 Fulton St., N. Y. Woodland and roadside, 1 902, q 25 Massachusetts forestry ass'n, 1118 Tremont bldg.. Boston, Mass. Woodman, 1 899, w 75 Woodman print, co., Decatur, Til. Woodman, 1 903, m Woodman pub. co., Wainright bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Woodman journal, 1902, m 50 Woodman journal pub. co., Dallas, Tex. Woodmen chips, m 50 Woodmen chips pub. co., Oakland, Cal. Woodmen's herald, 1 006, m 50 Sidney Ascher, 1872 Lexington ave., N. Y. Woods and waters, 1898, q 35 Harry V. Radford, 212 E. 105th St., N. Y. Wood's official railway guide, m 1.00 John R. Wood. 115 Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. Woodworker's review, 1903, m 50 (Contin. of Practical carpenter.) Woodworker's review co., 16 Thomas st., New York, N. V. Wool and cotton reporter, 1887, w 3.00 Frank P. Bennett & co., inc., Boston, Mass. Wool markets and sheep, 1891, m 50 A. Stone, 258 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. Wooster quarterly, 1 886, q 1 . 00 Professors of Wooster university, Wooster, O. Worcester magazine, 1808, m 1 00 The Board of trade, Worcester, Mass. Worcester polytechnic institute. Journal, b-m 1 .00 Students of Worcester polytechnic institute, Worcester, Mass. Worcester society of antiquity. Collections, 1875, i rre ? 5-°° Worcester, Mass. Word, 1004, m 2.00 Theosophical pub. co., 244 Lenox ave., N. Y. Word and way, 1896, w T • 00 Word and way pub. co., Hall bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Word and work, 1879, m 5° Christian workers union, Springfield, Mass. ,- GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Word and works, 1888, m I .00 Word and works pub. co., 2201 Locust St., St. Louis, Mo. Words from a free pulpit, 1898, m l -oo Woman's alliance of unitarian church, Detroit, Mich. Words of faith, 1 874, m 5° Geo. W. McCalla, 18th st. and Ridge ave., Phila., Pa. Work at home, 1875, b-m 1 .00 Albany, N. Y. Work with boys, q • • 00 Thomas Chew, treas., Fall River, Mass. Worker, 1 890, w 5° 15 Soruce St., N. Y. Worker, 1891, w T 00 230 E. 84th St., N. Y. Workers, 1905, b-m 5° Shaw university, Raleigh, N. C. Workers' advocate, 1 906, m 1 • 00 Workers' advocate pub. co., 79 Dearborn st, Chicago, 111. Worker's record, s-m 25 Missouri tract soc, 1 109 E. T2th st., Kansas City. Mo. Working boy, 1 884, m -~5 Working boys' home, 38 Bennet st., Boston, Mass. Workman, 1 899, w 1 • 00 Louisville, Ky. Workman, 1 898, w .' 50 Nashville workman pub. co., Nashville, Tenn. Workman, 1 904, m 25 Z. M. Duckworth, Dallas, Tex. World almanac and encyclopedia, a 25 N. Y. world, N. Y. World evangel and Christian, 1894, in 50 F. M. Barton, 713 Caxton bldg., Cleveland, O. World review, IQ05, m -2.00 World review pub. Co., 225 E. 51st St., N. Y.. N. Y. World wide Bible work, i<)oi, q American Bible society, N. Y., X. Y. World today, 1 90 1 , m 1 • 5° World today CO., 67 Wabash ave., Chicago, 111. World wide, 1 90 1 . w 1 • 00 John Dongall & son, Montreal, Canada. World wide friend, 1 905. m 25 Granite blk., St. Louis, Mo. World wide missions, 1 888, 1 1 nos 25 Mission society of M. E. chnhch. 150 Fifth ave., N. Y. World's advance thought and universal republic, 1886, m 1.00 Lucy A. Mallory, Portland, Ore. World's business review, [907, m 1 .00 Internal, pub. CO., 301 Mansey bldg., Washington. D. C. World's crisis, 1 854, w 1 • 5° Advent Christian pub. society, 160 Warren ave.. Boston, Mass. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 371 World's events magazine, 1900, 111 50 World's events pub. co., Dansville, N. \. World's work, 1900, 111 3 .00 Doubletlay, Page & eo., 133 E. 16th st., N. Y. Wort (Das), 1894, m 1 .00 11. 11. Schroeder, 3537 Crittenden st., St. Louis, Mo. Wright magazine, 1904, m 1 .00 Association bldg., Chicago, 111. Writer, 1 887, 111 1 00 Writer pub. co., 146 Franklin st., Boston, Mass. Writers' and artists' yearbook, a 35 Macmillan co., 66 Fifth ave., New York, X. Y. Wunset magazine, 1903, m 01 81 New st., N. Y. Wyandotte county medical journal, 1904, q 50 Jas. W. May, Kansas City, Kan. Wyoming historical and geological society, 1858, a, 3.00 to. . . . 5.00 \\ ilkesbarre, Pa. Wyoming historical and geological society Proceedings and collections, 1858, a Wilkesbafre, Pa. Wyoming historical society Collections. 1897 Report, 1898 Cheyenne, Wyo. Wyoming industrial journal, 1899, m 1 . 00 Central west pub. co.,. Laramie, Wyo. Wyoming Pythian, 1904, m 1 .00 \\ yoming Pythian co., Sheridan, Wyoming. Wyoming. University. School of mines — Bulletin of the university geological survey of Wyoming, 1893, irreg. Petroleum series. Bulletin, 1896, irreg. Laramie, Wyo. X Y Z railway and steamboat guide, 1878, m 2 . 50 X Y Z railway and steamboat guide co., 132 Nassau St., N. Y. Xavier, m. dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Students of College of St. Francis Xavier, 30 W. 16th St., X. Y. Y. M. H. A. magazine, 1903, s-m 1 .co Pub. by a committee, New Orleans, La. Yachting, 1007, m • 3-°° Yachting pub. co., 20 Vesey St., New York, X. Y. Yachtman's guide and nautical calendar, 1S7S, a [.00 f. K. Waters co., (6 Peach st., Boston, Mass. Yale alumni weekly, 1891, \v. Oct.- June; m. June-Sept 3.00 Lewis S. Welch, New Haven. Conn. Yale courant, 1865. f 2.00 Students of Yale college, New Haven. Conn. J7 2 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Yale daily news, 1 878, 6 d 4 00 Students of Yale university, New Haven, Conn. Yale divinity quarterly, 1904, q 50 New 1 laven, Conn. Yale law journal, 1891, m 2. 50 Frank Kenna, New Haven, Conn. Yale literary magazine, 1836, m. dur. coll. yr 3.01 Students of Yale college, New Haven, Conn. Yale medical journal, 1894, m 2.00 Students of Y.ale medical school, New Haven, Conn. Yale monthly magazine, 1906, m W. T>. Roulston, New Haven, Conn. Yale news, 1878, d 4 .00 Yale university, New Haven, Conn. Yale psychological studies, 1S93 Pub. as monograph supplements of the Psychological review. Yale record, 1871, f. dur. coll. yr 2.50 Students of Yale college, New Haven, Conn. Yale review, 1892, q 3 00 Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor co., New Haven, Conn. Yale scientific monthly, 1S94, m. dur. coll. yr 2.50 Seniors of Sheffield scientific school, New Haven. Conn. Yale studies in English, 1898, irreg Varies Macmillan co., 66 Fifth ave.. N. Y. Yale university — ■ Bulletin, 1904, m., 8 nos Contributions from Kent chemical lab., irreq-. Sheffield lab., irreq;. New Haven, Conn. Yale university. Astronomical observatory Report, a Transaction^ 1887. . . . • New Haven, Conn. Yankee blade, 1 84 1 . m 50 W. M. I- add pub. co., YYaterville. Me. Ye quaint magazine, m 50 Quaint pub. co., 7 St. Paul St., Post on, Mass. Year book, army of the Philippines, i<)07. a .Martin J. O'Donnell, Kansas City, Mo. Year book of legislation of the N. Y. state library, a 1 .00 X. Y. state educational dept., Albany, X. Y. Year book of the central conference of American rabbis, 1801, a. Tobias Schanfarber, 4040 Grand boulevard. Chicago. 111. Year book of the council of supervisors of the manual arts, 1 90 1 , a 3 . 00 Edw. D. Griswold, sec'y, Hastings^-on-Hudson, X. Y. Yellow handbook, 1 906, m 1 .00 .Handbook pub. co., Denver, Colo. Yellow ribbon, 1 906, m Mrs. Katherine Reed Balentine, San Francisco, Calif. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS .?73 Yeoman, m 50 Yeoman pub. co., Aurora, 111. Yerkes observatory Publications, irreg Varies University of Chicago press, Chicago, 111. York pioneer and historical society Annual report Toronto, Canada. Young American, 1904, m 1 .00 St. Louis, Mo. Young Americans, 19C2, m 50 Success league, Albany, N. Y. Young catholic messenger, 1885, s-ni 50 G. A. Pflaum, Dayton, O. Young Christian soldier, 1853, \v. and m Bd. of missions, 4th ave. and 22d St., N. Y. Young churchman, 1870, w 80 Young churchman co., Milwaukee, Wis. Young citizen, 1901, 10 nos 1 .00 Charlotte W. Eastman, Cedar Rapids, la. Young folks catholic weekly, 1889, w 1 .00 H. L. Kilmer & co., 824 Arch St., Phila., Pa. Young folks music monthly, 1879, m r .00 Music pub. co., Strongsville, O. Young idea, 1887, m 5c Allen co., 4 Ashburton pi., Boston, Mass. Young Israel, 1907, w 1 .00 George Alexander Kohut, 99 Woodward ave., Detroit, Mich. Young Lutheran, 1883, m 50 Young Lutheran co., Greenville, Pa. Young Lutherans' magazine, 1902, m 25 Concordia pub. house, St. Louis, Mo. Young men's Christian association of North America Year book, a 3 W. 29th st., N. Y. Young people, 1880, w 60 American baptist pub. society, 1630 Chestnut St., Phila., Pa. Young people's lesson quarterly, 1894, q 25 Augustus Young, Akron, O. Young people's magazine, 1905, m 50 501 Fifth ave., N. Y. Young people's paper, 1894, m 75 Mennonite pub. co., Elkhart, Ind. Young people's weekly, 1 886, w 75 D. C. Cook pub. co., Elgin, 111. Young pilgrim, 1 862. w 35 Advent Chr'n pub. society, 160 Warren st., Boston. Mass. Young reaper, in 06 s-m 12 American baptist pub. society, 1630 Chestnut st., Phila., Pa. 374 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Young woman's journal, 1 889, m 1 . 00 General bd. Y. L. X. M. I. A., Salt Lake City, Utah. Young's magazine, 1897, m 1 .00 Courtland H. Young, 203 Broadway, N. Y. Your magazine, 1906. m 1 .00 Your magazine CO., Danville. Vt. Yours truly, 1905, q 1 .00 Fine arts bldg., Chicago. 111. Youth's banner, 1897, s-m 25 S. M. Hallam, Berlin, Ontario. Youth's companion, 1827. w 1 .75 Perry Mason 00.. Boston, Mass. Youth's guardian friend, 1 902, m 50 J. M. Thompson, Greenfield. Ind. Youth's instructor, 1852, w 75 Review and herald pub. ass'n. 222 N. Capitol st.. Washington, D. C. Youth's quarterly, 1 886, q 20 Christian pub. co., 2712 Pine St., St. Louis, Mo. Youth's realm, 1 896, m 35 A. Bullard & co., 446 Tremont St., Boston, Mass. Youth's temperance banner, 1866, m. and s-m 25 & .40 National temperance society and pub. house. ^ W. 18th st., N. Y. Youth's world, 111 in weekly parts 30 Am. bapt. pub. society, 1630 Chestnut st., Phila., Pa. Zeit-geist (spirit of the times), 1906, \v 1 .00 Foward assoc, 175 E. Broadway, X. Y., N. Y. Zenith, [902, m Free Marshall-Wells hardware co., Duluth, Minn. Zion banner, 1 90 1 , w 1 . 00 Rev. John Alex. Dowie, Zion City, 111. Zion's advocate, 1854, m 1 .00 J. G. Wiltshire, ^2 10th st. X. E., Washington. D. C. Zion's advocate, 1 828, w 2 . 50 Henry S. Burrage, Portland, Me. Zion's advocate, 1 854. m 1 . 00 John R. Daily, Luray, Va. Zion's ensign, 1 890, w 1 . 00 Ensign pub. house, Independence, Mo. Zion herald, 1907, w 1 .00 Wilbur Glenn Vblivia, Zion City, 111. Zion's herald, ] 823. w 2 50 Geo. E. Whitaker, 36 Bromfield st., Boston, Mass. Zion's hope, 1 869. w 50 Herald pub. house, Lamoni, la. Zion's landmark, 1 867, s-m • 1 . 50 P. D. Gold pub. co., Wilson, N. C. Zion's watch tower, 1 879, s-m 1 .00 Watch tower Bible & tract society, Allegheny. Pa. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 375 Zion's watchman, 1 879, \v 1.25 Walter II. Lemley, Albany, N. Y. Zionist, 1907, m 1 .00 Young people's union of Zion, Washington, D. C. Zgonda, 1880, w 1 • 5° Polish national alliance of N. A., 102-104 W. Division St., Chicago, 111. Zodiac, 1904, m. dur. sch. yr Lansing high school, Lansing, Mich. Zoological society bulletin, 1 896, q 50 N. Y. zoological society, 183d st. and Southern boul., N. Y. Zoological society of Philadelphia Annual report, 1872 Arthur E. Brown, secy, Fairmount park, Phila., Pa. Zsidok, 1907, a Latin press, 711 Seventh st. N. W., Washington, D. C. Zukunft, 1902, m 1 .00 Zukunft press federation, .so Suffolk st.. N. Y. PART II CLASSIFIED LIST Classified List ACCOUNTING. Journal of accounting. ACETYLENE. Acetylene journal. International acetylene ass n. Proceedings. ACTUARIES. See also Insurance. Actuarial society of America. ADVENTIf T. See also Religion and theology. Advent review and Sabbatu herald. Christl'cher hausfrennd. Evangeliets sendebud. Herald of life. Our hope and life in Christ. Sabbath school worker. Sions vaktare. World's crisis. ADVERTISING Ad cuts. Ad-man's helper. Advertisers' almanack. Advertiser's magazine. Ad sense. Ad -writer. Advertiser and publisher. Advertiser-quarterly. Advertisers' aid. .V'vf-r^e-s' a ,r> ~anack. Advertisers news. Advertising. Advertising agent. Advertising suggestions. Advertising world. Agricultural advertising. American advertiser. Bank a 'vertiser. Bank advertising. Batten's wedge. Middle's bulletin. Billposter and distributor. Rrains for the retailer, and advertiser. Rusiness. Business brinper for retail druggists. Channon's review. Chop suey. Common-sense. Croghan commissary. Economy lighting educator. Edison business record. Electric railway gu.de and central New York red book. Facts. Fame. Huh advertiser. Independent druggist and advertising econ- omist. Inklings. Ins'de information. Jlst. Judicious advertising and advertising expe- McKittrick's directory of advertisers, rience. Mail order journal. Mail trade ideas. Mertz's magazine. Moore's monthly messenger. More sales. ■_•_... Muirson & Wright monthly desk blotter. National advertiser. Newspaper rate book. Nutshell. Official guide of St. Louis. Our salesmen's journal. Overland monthly. Pacific coast advertising. Pioneer advertising co. Pony service. Poultry advertising. Printers' ink. Profitable advertising. Progressive monthly. Publicite-publicity. Razoo. Results. Retailor and advertiser. Rhode Island advertiser. Sales specialist. Sawyer's monthly magazine Scientific co-operator. Show card writer. Showalters advertising promotion service. Si^ns of the limes. Silent partner. Southern advertiser. Southwestern advertiser. Svnfleur bulletin. Time. Up-to-date distributer. Utah commercial advertiser. Vital business secrets. Welcome visitor. Western advertiser. Western monthly. While's class advertising. White's sayings. AERONAUTICS. American maarazine of aeronautics. AFRICAN METHODIST. See Methodist. AGENTS. Sun. AGR1CUITURE. See also. Floriculture: Forestry: 1-ruit; Horticulture: Live stock: Poultry. Ackerund gartenzeitung. Advertisers' aid. Agricultural college bulletin, (Mich.). Agricultural ccllege bulletin. (Oregon). Agricultural college extension bulletin. Agricultural epitomist. Agricultural experiments. Agricultural herald. Agricultural news. Agricultural student magazine. Agriculturist. Alabama farmer. Albright's farm and ranch. American agriculturist. American cultivator. American farm and orchard. American faun world. American farmer. American farming. American grange bulletin and scientific far- mer. American truck farmer. Baruum'a midland farmer. Breeders' special. Brown's farmer. .*8o GUIDE TO PERIODICALS California agricultural journal. California cultivator. Canadian farmer. Carolina fru.t and truck grower's journal. Central fanner. Clemson agricultural college extension work. Colmau'B rural world. Connecticut farmer. Cornell countryman. Cornucopia. Country gentleman. Country visitor. Country world. Crop reporter. Daiiy fanners and drover's journal. Dakota farmer. Delaware farm and home. Deseit farmer. De'utsch-Amerikanischer farmer. D, versified farmer. Dixie home. Dodge county farmer. Essex agricultural society. Farm. Farm and fireside. Farm and floral world. Farm and home. Springfield. III. Farm and home. Springfield, Mass. Farm and home and poultry journal. Farm and home sentinel. Farm and orchard review. Farm and poultry world. Farm and ranch. Farm and real estate journal. Farm and stock. Farm, field and fireside. Farm-garden and poultry. Farm gazette. Farm journal. Farm life. Farm magazine. Farm money maker. Farm news. Farm patriot. Farm progress. Farm star. Farm stock and home. Farm stock success. Farm students' review. Farmer. Farmer and breeder. Farmer and homeseeker. Farmer and mechanic. Farmer and stockman. Farmer herald. Farmers' advocate. Farmers' advocate and home magazine. Farmer's and merchant's review. Farmers and planters guide. Farmer's call. Farmer's digest. Farmers' family journal. Farmers' friend. Allegan. Farmers' friend. New York. Farmer's guide. Farmers' home journal. Farmers' institute bulletin. Farmers' magazine. Chicago. Farmers' magazine. Oklahoma City. Farmers mail and breeze. Farmers' monthly. Farmers' realm. Farmers' record. Farmer's review. Farmers' sentinel. Farmers' tribune. Minneapolis. Farmer's tribune. Sioux City. Farmer's uni< league. Farmers' union magazine. Farmers' voice and rural outlook. Farmer's wife. Farming world and Canadian farm and home. Feld und flur Field and farm. Florida agriculturist. Furrow. Gaceta agrlcola. Gazeta Wisconsinska. Gazette des campagnes. Georg a planter. Gleaner. Gleanings. Goodali s ;armer. Ilaus und bauernfreund. Hawaiian planters' monthly. Home and farm. Homeseeker. Homestead. HooKier monthly. Hospoda. Hospodarske listy. Illinois agriculturist. Illinois larn er. Illuminated world life. Independent farmer. Iud.ana farmer. Inland farmer. Louisville. Inlaid farmer. Spokane. Interstate farmer. Iowa agriculturist. Iowa siate register and farmer. Iowa year book of agricultuu. Island farmer. Journal d'agriculture and d uortlculture. Journal of agr. cultural science. Journal of agr. culture. Journal of agriculture and horticulture. Kansas farmer. Kentucky farmer and breeder. Keystone farmer. Landmann. Liga agraria. Maine farmer. Maritime farmer and co-operative dairyman. Maryland agricultural college. Massachusetts ploughman. Metropolitan and rural home. Michigan agriculturist. Michigan crop report. Michigan farmer. Mirror and farmer. Missturi agricultural college farmer. Missouri and Arkansas farmer and fruit man Missouri and Kansas farmer. Missouri state board of agriculture. Missouri Valley farmer. Miss' nri u oriel. Modern farm monthly. Modern farmer and busy bee. Modern farming. National co-operator and farm journal. National farm journal. National farmer. National farmer and home magazine. National farmer and stock grower National illustrated magazine-rural topics National monthly farm press. Nature study and elementary agriculture. Nebraska dairyman and up-to-date farmer. Nebraska farm journal. Nebraska farmer. Nebraskan. New England farmer. New England homestead. New Hampshire farmer. New York farmer. New York tribune farmer. Nor* -west farmer. North American farmer. North and south. North Carolina department of agriculture. North Dakota faimer. North pacific rural spirit. Northwest. Northwest farm and home. Northwest pacific farmer. GUIDE TO PERIi)Dir\I.S t8i Northwest review. Northwestern agriculturist. Nut-grower. Odalmanwen, i >h o farmer. Okanogan farm Journal. Oklahoma farm Journal. Oklahoma farmer. e fudd iarmer. Orchard and farm. Orchard and garden monthly. Oregon agriculturist and rural northwest. Orff's farm and poultry review. nty farmer. < >; aego farmer. Pac lie homestead. Pacific rural pr< Park's Poral n a a 'inc. Pennsylvania fa rmcr. Planters' Journal. Prticl cal farmer. rrairie fanner. Prince Edward Island agriculturist. Progressive country life. Pri res La Crr ?se. Progressive farmer. Raleigh. I r gressive farmer. East Kyegate. V 1. Red river valley farm journal. Rocky mountain farming. Rocky mountain husbandman. Rural advocate. Rural Oalifornian. Rnral fa rmi r. Rural life. Rural magazine. Rural New Yorker. 1 Km- San Joaquin valley farmer. - d-time and harvest. rl 1. Si Sknndinavisk farmer journal. Sk en. Small fnrmer. South Dakota farmer. Si hi hern agricult urist. hern agriculturst and home. s ii ' ultivator and dixie farmer hern farm gazette. Soui hern farm magazine. Southern farmer. - i hern field & home. - lutheru planter. Southern rnralist. Southern tobacconist and modern farmer. Southwestern farmer and breeder. Spirit of Kansas. Spirit of I he west. Standard farmer. ful agriculture. Successful farming. Snenska farm-journal. Sun. Sunday tradesman. Sunny sooth. Territory farmer. Texas fa'm and ranch. Texas farmer. Texas fruits, nuts, berries and flowers. Thresher world and farmers magazine. Town and country journal. Tr ; state farmer and gardener. Tribune farmer. Truck farmer. Turf, farm and home. Twentieth century farmer. United States farmer. Up-to-date farming. Urban and rural American. Vick's magazine. Wallace's farmer. Wayne farmer. Wesl Virgin a farm review. Western farm Journal. w • jtern farmer. Western fry t grower. Wisconsin agriculturist. Wiscon in ■ at ass'n. Wisconsin farmer. Wisconsin homes! end. Wise nsin \ . ■ tt ler. ALCOHOL. See also Liquors. Denaturized alcohol journal magazine. ALMANACS. American church almanac and year book. Brooklyn daily eagle almanac. Chicago daily news almanac and year book. Foolish almanack. Hawaiian almanac and annual New Fork historic anu picturesque: a cal- ei dar. Providep.ee journal almanac. Stilwell s. s. calendar. Tribune almarac and political register. Whitaker. J. and sons almanac. World almanac and encyclopedia. ALPHA PHI. Alpha phi quarterly. Boston. Alpha phi quarterly. Syracuse. ALPHA TAU OMEGA. Alpha tau omega palm. AMERICAN LECION OF HONOR. Amer ca □ legion of honor. AMERICANA. See i ry. nal "f American history. AMUSEMENTS. See also, Sports and sporting. Clipper. Daily attractions in New York. i: iver amusement guide. Midway. ANATOMY. See also Medicine. American journal of anatomy. Anatomical record. Association of American anatomists. Toronto. University of Toronto stud Toronto. University of Toronto studies. ANCIENT ORDER OF FORESTERS. Ancienl forester. Toronto. Anc ent forester. Ukiah. Foresters' magazine. ANCIENT ORDER OF HIBERNIANS. A. < i. II. record. Emerald Hibernian. National hibern ian. ANCIENT ORDER OF UNITED WORKMEN. A. 0. r. W. bulletin. A. <». U. W. emblem. a ii. r. W. gu de. Bentonvllle. A. <>. r. W. gu de. st. Paul. A. O. U. W. messenger. A. O. U. W. record. A. i». r. W. reporter. A. O. U. W. wolverine workman. Anchor and shield. Pekln. Anc .or and shield. St. Paul. Arizona New Mexico workman. Badger workman. California A. O. D. W. Canadian workman. ] i, •■'!•, •.. of honor review. Delaware workman. Dover. Delaware workman. Wilmington. Empire state workman. Guardian. Hoosier a 0. U. w. watchman. Iowa missionary. Kansas workman. Kentucky workman. Lone star workman. I. ova I workman. 3 82 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Michigan A. O. U. W. herald. Montana workman. Nebraska workman. Norm Dakota workman. Ohio workman. Oklahoma workman. Oregon reporter. Overseer. Protector. Rocky mountain workman. South Dakota workman. West Virginia workman. Western watchman. Workman. Louisville. Workman. Dallas. ANlhKOiOLOoi. See also Ethnology. American anthropological association American anthropologist. Chicago. University AN1I-s.ai.OON. See also Temperance. Amer.can issue. Civic sentinel. Maryland home and fireside. Minnesota issue. New iiainpsmre issue. South Dakota anti-saioon issue. ANlI-vIvlbcCiION. Dawn. AN'ii^oIlIES. See Archaeology. APPLES. See also Fruit ; Horticulture. Apple specialist. ARAlIa. Neglected Arabia. AREI'iRAlION. Advocate of peace. Arbitrator. Chicago. Arbitrator. Providence. Lake Mohawk conierence of the friends of the Indian. Lake Mohawk conference on international arbitration. ARCHAEOlOGV. American antiquarian and oriental journal. American journal of archaeology. Berks, Bucks .S: Oxon archaeological journal. Bosionian society California university. Canad an antiquities and numismatic jour. Essex antiquarian. oh.o slate archaeological and historical quarterly. Ohio state archaeological and historical so- ciety. Annual report. Peabody museum of American archaeology and ethnology of Harvard university. Phillips academy. Department of arch- aeology. Vermont antiquarian society. Proceedings. Wisconsin archaeologist. ARCHITECTURE AND BUILDING. American architect and building news. Amer.can building association news. Amer.can contractor. Amer.can homes and gardens. American Institute ol arch.tects. Architect and builder. Vrchitecl and engineer of California. Architects' and builders' directory. Architects' and builders' journal. Architects' and builders' magazine. Architectural and builders supply magazine. Architectural annual. Architectural art and its allies. Architectural record. Architectural reprint. Architectural review. Architecture. New York. Architecture. New Orleans. Art in architecture. Association for the preservation of Virginia antiquities. Brickbuilder. Builder. 1'ittsburgh. Builder. St. Louis. Builder and contractor. Builders' gazette. Builders' news. Building and engineering trades reference book of Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Building management. Building news. Buildings. Canad.au architect and builder. Construction. Construction news. Contractor. Empire builders' magazine. Handy index. 1 [omes. House and garden. Improvement bulletin. Inland architect.. Jewell's American homes. Journal ol medem construction. Keith's magazine. Modern arcnitecture. Modern construction. Modern home builder. National builder. Oh.o architect and builder. Ontario ass'n of architects. Proceedings. Pacific record. Keaity record and builder. Record. Sheppell's modern houses. Society of naval architects and marine en- gineers. Southern architect and building news. Southern building record. Technology architectural record. Topical architecture. United Slates advertiser and municipal coil- tractor. Western architect. Western architect and builder. Wertern builder. Western Canada contractor and builder's gazette. Western contractor. ARKANSAS. Arkansas homestead. ARMENIA. Armenia. ARM* AND NAVY. Army ana navy critic. Army and navy journal. Army and navy life and the united service. Army and navy magazine. Army and navy register. Blue jacket. Canadian military institute. District call. Journal of the United States artillery. Navy. Our state army and navy. Twenty-third infantry lantaka. United service. United Slates army and navy journal. United States infantry association. United States navy and marine corps direc- tory. Year-book army of the Philippines. ART. See also Photography. American art annual. Amer.can art journal. American art news. Art bulletin. Art in architecture. Art review. Art student. Art world. Artist engraver. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 383 Artists' year book. Artsman. Brush anil pencil. Burr Mcintosh monthly. Christian art. Collector and art critic. Craftsman. Detroit museum of art. Ecclesiastical art review. (Tine arts journal. Graphic arts and crafts. House beautiful. International studio. kenilworth prints. Keramic studio. Masters in art. Metropolitan museum of art. Minneapolis society or fine arts. Museum of tine arts. Outlines for the study of art. Pennsylvania museum school of Industrial art. Perry magazine. Picture and art trade. Picture bulletin. Sa'on of the dilettanti. Shields' magazine of art. Truth. ARTILLERY. See Army and navy. ASPHALT. American asphalt journal. ASTROi-OuY. See also new thought. Ancient astrologer. Philomat. Sphinx. Chillicothe. Sphinx. ASTRONOMY. See also Meteorology. Astronom.cal jouri at. Astronomical society of the pacific. As*"<>physical journal. California university. Cincinnati. University observatory. Columbia university. Detroit observatory. Evening sky map. Goodsell observatory. Harvard university. Astronomical observa- tory. Illinois. University. Astronomical observa- tory- Laws observatory. University of Missouri. Leander McCormick observatory of the Uni- versity of Virginia. Lick observatory. University of California. See University of California. Lowell observatory. Mars weekly planet. Pennsy.vania university. Popular astronomy. Royal astronomical society of Canada. Journal. United States naval ouservatory. Vassar college observatory. Western I niversity of Pennsylvania, Alle- gheny observatory. Miscellaneous scientific papers. Yale university. Astron. observatory. Yerkes observatory. ATHLETICS. See also Physical culture. American gymnasium and athletic record. Intercollegiate athletic calendar. Intercollegiate athletics. New York athletic club journal. Sokol Americky. Vim. AUCTIONEERS. International auctioneer. AUTOMOBILES. See Motoring. BABIES. See also Children ; Family. Baby. Babyhood. Our baby. BAKERS. Baker and candy maker. Bakers' helper. Bakers' journal and Deutsch-Ainerlkaulsche baker zeiiuug. Baker's review. Cai.adian baker, confectioner and restaur- ateur. Confectioner and baker. Confectioner's and baker's gazette. National baker. Retail confectioner and baker. BANKING. See also Investment ; Money. American bank reporter. American banker. Amer.can bankers' association. American institute of banking. Bulletin. Associated merchants' adjuster. Bank advertiser. Bank man. Bank notes. Banker. Chicago. Banker. Joliet. Banker. Pittsburg. Banker and investigator. Banker and stockholder. Banker and tradesman. Hankers' and brokers' directory. Bankers encyclopedia. Bankers' magazine. Bankers register. Banking and mercantile world. Banking law journal. New York. Banking law journal. Confidential banker. Directory of directors in, the city of N. V. Financier. Financial red book. Foreign banker's almanac. Mercantile reference book. National banker. Pan American banker. Rand-McNally bankers' directory and list of attorneys blue book. Band Mc.ally Bankers' monthly. Reports of the national banks. Saving money. Savings and trust review. Savings journal. Southern banker. Southwestern banker. Texas banker's journal. Trust companies. B APT 1ST. See also Religion and theology; Sunday schools. Alabama baptist. American baptist. American baptist Hag. Americr - baptist missionary union. American baptist year book. Arkansas baptist. Atlantic messenger. B. Y. P. U. quarterly. Baneret. Baptist. Baptist. Abilene. Baptist. Jackson. Baptist advance. Baptist ami reflector. Bsptlsl Brgus. Baptlsl banner. Huntington. Baptist banner. Martin. Bapl isl boys and girls. Baptist bulletin. Baptist chronicle. Baptlsl commonwealth. Baptlsl courier. Baptist flag. Baptist herald. Alliance. 584 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Raptist herald. Memphis. Baptist home mission monthly. Baptist messenger. Baltimore. Baptist messenger. Cambridge. Baptist missionary magazine. Baptist observer. Baptist reaper. Ba tist record. Baptist record, baptist recorder. Bartist review. Baptist review and expositor. Baptist sentinel. Baptist superintendent. Baptist standard. Baptist Bword and shield. Baptist teacher. Baptist trumpet. Baptist truth. Macon. Baptist truth. Cairo. Baptist union. Baptist vanguard. Bibl cal recorder. Canadian baptist. Central baptist. Christ an banner. Chr'stlan hope. Christian index. Chronicle (Florence, S. C.) Convention teacher. Examiner. Foro. s Christian repository and home circle. Fors am' in .'en vet liemmet. Free baptist visitor. Freewill baptist. ral baptist. Georgia baptist. <; 1 work. Gospel hand. Gospel light. pel messenger. Gospel news. Gospel worker. Home companion. Illino's free baptist. Journal ai d messenger. Juivjren herold. King's lvghway. Landmark baptist. an. Lcktions blaetter. 1 ouls'ara baptist. Maryland baptist. Messenger. New Orleans. Messenger. Owensville. Messenger and v ; sitor. Messenger of pence. Mich'gan Christian herald. Michigan helper. Miss or a ry worker. Mississ ; ppi baptist. Mornirg star. Morning star and free baptist. M untere sa -""an. \:ii loral baptist flag. National baptist magazine. National baptist teacher. National baptist union. New England baptist chronicle. New Jersey baptist bulletin. North Carolina baptist. Northwest baptist. Nya wecko posten. Oklahoma baptist. < mii home Geld. < Mir juniors. Pacific baptist. Panhandle bulletin. i 'reacher safeguard. Primitive baptist. Primitive monitor and church advocate. Pulpit and pew. Regular baptist. Religious forum. Religious herald. Review and expositor. Rocky mountain baptist. Sabbath recorder. Sa.ine baptist. Sendbote. Service. boutb Carolina baptist. South Carolina standard. South Eastern baptist. Southern advance. Southern baptist. Southern baptist witness. Southern witness. Standard. Swedish baptist annual. Texas baptist-herald. T nsere kleinen. Vlnd'cator. Virginia baptist. Watchman. Wegweiser. Western baptist. Victoria. Western baptist. South McAlester. Western evangel. Western recorder. Word ana way. Young people. Z' on's advocate. /ion's advocate. Zion's landmark. BARBERS. Car and barber. F!rrber mirror. Barbers' journal. Journeyman barber. National barber and druggists' gazette. Professional barber. Sartorial art journal. BASEBALL. See also Sports and sporting. Baseba'l magazine. Chicago amateur baseball annual. Spalding's Luffalo amateur baseball year book. Spalding's Denver amateur baseball year book. Spalding's Minneapolis amateur baseball year book. Spald rg's St. Louis amateur baseball year book. Spalding's Washington amateur baseball year hook. BEE KEEPING. American bee journal. American bee-keeper. Pee keepers' review. Canadian bee journal. Gleanings in bee culture. Pacific states bee journal. Progressive bee-keeper. Rural bee-keeper. Southland queen. BENEVOLENCES. See Charities. BETA THETA PI. Beta theta pi. BIBLE AND EIBLE STUDY. See also Sunday schools. American institute of sacred literature. Hible record. Bible society record. Bible student. Bible study manual. Biblla. Biblical world. Journal of Biblical literature. Standard Bible commeutory. BIBIIOCRAPHY. See also Books and book trade ; Libraries A. L. A. booklist. American educational catalogue. Annual American catalogue. Annual library index. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 385 Bibelot, reprint of poetry and prose for book lovers. Bibliophile society. Bibliographical society of America. Book review diirest. Boston public library. Annual list of new bi oks. Bulletin of Bibliography. Cincinnati public library. Annual list of books added. Cumulative book index. Cumulative index-digest. Engineering index. Good rending. Harvard university. Library. How to know the books. Index nied ; eus. Legal bibliography. Literary collector. New York tribune index. Reader's guide to periodical literature. Review of historical publications relating to Canada. Street's pandex of the press. United States. Library of Congress. BICYCLING. See Motoring. BIOGRAPHIES. Se j also History. Riographical annals of Ohio. Bowdoin college. Assoc, of alumni. Dartmouth college. Obituary record. Franklin and Marshall college. Obituary record. Library of universal literature. Men of Washington. New York genealogical and biographical register. Successful American. Who's who in America. Who's who in New York. BIOLOGY. See also Botany : Zoology. Biological society of Washington. Biolog'cal bulletin of the marine biological laboratory. Columbia university. Gulf biologie station. Hish school biolop-v leaflet. Leland Stanford Jr. university. Marine biological laboratory. Montana university. Society for experimental biology and medi- cine. Toronto. University of Toronto studies. BIRDS. Amercan bird magazine. American ornithology. Auk. Bird-lore. Birds and Nature. Cassinia. Maine ornithological society. Michigan ornithological club. Nebraska ornithologists' union. Nuttall ornithological club of Cambridge. Osprey. Vermont bird club bulletin. Warbler. Wilson bulletin. BLACKSMITHING. Amercan Blacksmith. Blacksmith and wheelright. BLIND. Matilda Ziegler's magazine for the blind. Out'ook for the blind. BOATING. See also Sports and sporting. Boating. Canoeing. BONDS. Bankers' record of municipal bond and misc. stock offerings. Moody's coupon and dividend register. BOOKBINDING. I leul mIi Anii'i- kiinlscbe builidrucker-zeltung. International hookbiudi 9 . BOOKKEEPING. See also Business. Book-keeper's bulletin. Bookkeepers' bulletin. Chicago. Bookkeepers' bulletin. St. Louis. Government accountant. Home study. BOOK PLATES. Book plate booklet. BOOKS AND BOOK TRADE. American book prices. American bookseller. American literary exchange. Baker & Taylor co. monthly bulletin. Book and news-dealer. Book crier. Book news. Book notes. Book wants. Bookman. Bookseller. Bookseller and latest literature. Bookseller and stationer. Bookseller, newsdealer and stationer. Brentam's book chat. Canadian bookseller and library Journal. Dutton's monthly readers' guide. Government publications. Jottings. Law book bulletin. Library leaflet. Literary po-between. McClurg & co.'s monthly Monthly book list. Monthly record of scientific literature. New York times Saturday review of books. Newark advertiser. North Carolina booklet. Notes on books. Publisner and advertiser. Publisher and retailer. Publishers' guide. Publishers' trade list annual. Publishers' weekly. Sheaf. Mainly about people and books. Stylus. Western chronicle. BOOTS AND SHOES. American review of shoes and leather. American sboemaking. American shoemaking directory. Boot and shoe recorder. Canadian shoe and leather Journal. Illustrated footwear-fashion. Northwestern stooe and leather Journal. Pocket directory of shoe manufacturers. Regal bulletin. Shoe and leather annual reporter. Shoe and leather corporation quarterly. Shoe and leather facts. Shoe and leather gazette. Shoe ard leather reporter. Shoe ard leather world. Shoe retailer ard boots and shoes weekly. Shoe trade Journal. Walk-over shoe prints. Weekly bulletin. Weekly bulletin of the leather & shoe news. Western shoe retailer. BOTANY. See also Floriculture; horticulture. American botanist. American breeders' ass'n. American florist. American florist eo. Ames botanical laboratory. Contributions. Piltmore botanical studies. Boston mycological club. Bulletin. Botanical club of Canada. Phenological ob- servations. Botanical gazette. *x. , GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Bryologist. California university. ch.cago university. Columbia university. Fern bulletin. Harvard university. Cryptogramic labora- tory. Harvard university. Gray herbarium. Iowa slate college of agriculture. Josselyn botanical society of Maine. Bulletin. Journal of mycology. Linnaean si ciety of New York. McGill college and university. Michigan university. Missouri botanical garden. Montana agricultural college. Scientific studies. Muhlcnbergia. Mycolog.cal bulletin. Mycological notes. New York botanical garden. Ninth American flora. Onio state university. Pennsylvania university. I'lam world. Rhodora. I i rre . botanical club. Torreya. Vermont botanical club. Bulletin. BOTTLlNii. American bottler. Nat in al bottlers' gazette. Southern carbonator and bouier. BOX MAKINo. Barrel and box. Box maker. Box i rade iournal. BOWLING. See also Sports and sporting. Bowlers' magazine. Wast era bowlers' journal. BOYS. See Juvenile ; youth. BRASS. Copper and brass. BREWING. Amer'can brewer. Amer'can brewers' review. Brewer and maltster. Brewers' handbook. Brewers' .iournal. Western brewer. BRICKS. See also Tottery. Brick. BRIDGE. Bridge. BRITISH-AMERICAN. Bri t i sh-A merican. British world. St. George .iournal. Western British-American. BROOMS. Brooms, brushes, and handles. BUILDING. See Architecture and building. BUSINESS. American business man. Business. Business aid. Business change recorder. Business getting. Business magazine. Business man's magazine and the book- keeper. Business monthly magazine. Business opportunities Business philosopher. Libertyville. Business philosopher. Business woman's magazine. Business world. Busy man's magazine. Good business. I. C. S. messenger. Leaks. Modern business. Modern business methods. Modern methods. Money getters. Office appliances. Office economics. Office outfitter. Profit. Sales ginger. Salesmanship. Salesmanship and office methods. Selling electricity. Sheldon hunch. System. '1 raveiing man. Up-to-date business change recorder. BUTChERS. Amer.can meat trade and retail butchers' journal. American packer. Butcher ai.d grocery clerks' journal. Butchers' advocate and market journal. Butchers' ai.d packers' gazette. Butchers' aid stock growerss journal. Official journal A. M. C. & B. W. of N. A. Retail butchers' ard grocers' guide. Retail butchers' journal. Western grocer, butcher and clerk. C. K. & L. OF A. C. K. and L. of A. journal. Chicago. C. K. and L. of A. journal. Memphis. C. O. C. F. Rainbow. CALINEi. See Furniture. CALENDARS. Aspirations calendar. Automobile calendar. Beverly calendar. Calendar of gallant living. Children's leaflet calendar. Child's calendar beautuul. Christian Calendar. Christy calendar. Girls' friendly calendar. Good cheer calendar. Harrison Fisher calendar. Ilutt, IB, calendar. Impressions calendar. Japanese floral calendar. Mother goose calendar. Music lovers' calendar. Nature calendar. Simple life calendar; Wild flowers (calendar). CALIFORNIA. For California. Resources of southern California. CANADA. Canada. Canadian. CANDY. See also Bakers. Baker and candy maker. Confectioner and baker. Confectioners' and bakers' gazette. Confectioners' journal. Confectioners' review. Greek confectioner & business mag. I nternat ional confeel loner. Retail confectioner and baker. CANOEING. See Boating. CARICATURE. See also Humor. Caricature. CARPENTRY. See Woodwork. CARPETS. See also Upholstery. American carpet and upnolstery journal. Carpet and upholstery trade review. Carpets, wall paper and curtains. GUIDE To PERIODICALS 387 Standard reference book on the furniture, carpet, upholstery and kindred trades. CARRIAGES. See also Motoring. Auier.cal vehicle. Canadian harness and carriage journal. Canadian implement aud vehicle trade. Carriage & wagon workers journal. Carriage dealers' journal. Carriage monthly. Commercial vehicle. Implement and vehicle journal. Implement and vehicle record. Implement and vehicle news. Pa :il c D ast implement and vehicle record. Spokesman of the carriage aud associated trade. Vehicle dealer. CARS. Master car-builders' association. CARIOONS. American cartoon. American cartoonist magazine. CAThCKIC. American catholic historical researches. American catholic historical society of i'hila. American catholic quarterly review. Amer can herald. Anier kansky Russky viestnik. Amer. kan ski slovet.ee. Amora and ChrJstliche woche. Angel us. Angelus magazine. Annals of the propagation of the faith. Apostolate. Ap< stleship of prayer. A u 1 Auxiliar. Ave maria. Benziger's magazine. Brewers handbook. C. L. of O. index. C. SI. B. A. journal. California volksfreund. Canad.an freeman. Casket Catholic. Denver. Catholic, l'ltisburg. Catholic advance. Catholic citizen. Catholic club. Bulletin. Catholic Columbian. Catholic columbian-record. Catholic courier. Catholic directory. Catholic educational association. Catholic fortnightly review. Catholic home annual. Catholic home companion. Catho.ic home magazine. Catholic journal. Catholic jourral of the south. Catholic knights of America journal. Catholic light. Catholic messenger. Catholic mirror. Catholic monthly. Catholic news. Catholic pilot. Catholic record. New Brunswick. Catholic record. London, Ontario. Catholic record. Quincy. Catholic register. Toronto. Catholic register. Kansas City. Catholic school journal. Catholic sentinel. Chippewa Falls. Catholic sentinel. Portland. Catholic standard and times. Catholic sun. Catholic telegram. Catholic tidings. Catholic transcript. Catholic tribune. Dubuque. Catholic tribune. .St. Joseph. t athoiic ti ut h. Catholic anion. < 'ai hollc onion and times. Catholic universe. Catholic visitor. Catholic Witness. Catholic wmid. Child of Mary. <'himes. Christian family. Church progress and catholic world. ( llocbe du dlmanche. Columbia. I lolphln. Dominicana. D01 ahue's magazine. Dzienswiety. Ecclesias! ical review. Ksi rella de antipolo. Excelsior. Extension magazine. Father Mathew herald. Freeman's journal and catholic register. Gazeta katolicna. ( Hocke. Happy home. Herold des glaubens. Hlas. Hcly Cross magazine. Holy family. Home journal and news. Homiletic monthly and catechist. Ideal catohco. I. II. S. Intel-mountain catholic. Iowa catholic messenger. Irish world. Jednota. Katalikas. Katholische rundschau. Katholische volks zeitung. Katholischer glaubensbote. Kat hoi 1 seher jugenfreund. Katholischer western. Katholisches sonntagsblatt. Katholisches wachenblatt. Leader. Libertas. Luxemburger gazette. Magazine. Magyarak vasarnapja. Men and women. Messenger. New York. Messenger. Worcester. Messenger of the sacred heart. Michigan catholic. Missionary. Monitor. St. John, X. K. Monitor. San I'i Month. Morning star. New century- New freeman. New world. Niedziela. Nord Amerika. Northwesl review. Northwestern chronicle. Observer. Official catholic directory. Patriot. Pilot. Register. Revista catollca. Rosary magazine. St. Ritas n agazine. Sacred heart review. Sacred heart union. Semeiir. Sendl Slebodnl orel. Soul hern messenger. Stinime der warhelt. \ 788 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Sunday union. Sunday watchman. Tablet. T dings. True voice. Tribune. True witness and catholic chronicle. Truth. United Panada. I'nited States catholic historical society. Vatican and catholic star. Visitor. Wahrheit's freund. Warderer. Washington catholic. Western catholic. Chicago. Western catholic. Quincy. Western home journal. Western watchman. Western world. Wielkopolanin. CATHO' IC ORDER OF FORESTERS. Catholic forester. CATS. Cat journal. Cat review. Stud book of the American cat ass'n. CATTLE. See also Live stock. American Aberdeen-Angus herd book American Devon cattle club. American galloway herd book. American Hereford record and Hereford herd book. American short-horn herd book. Arizona cattleman. Ayrshire breeders' ass'n. Cattle specialist. Hood farm news. Holstein-Fresian ass'n. Holstein-Fresian herd book Holstein-Fresian register. Red polled herd book, American ed. CAVALRY. See also Army and navy. United States cavalry ass'n. CEMENT. Canadian cement and concrete review. Cement Cement age. Cement ard engineering news. Cement and slate. Cement era. Cement world. Concrete review. Nat. ass'n of cement users. Proceedings. CERAMICS. See Tottery. CH/RITIES. Altruist. Altruistic interchange. Associated charities and the citizens' relief ass'n. Associated charities of Poston. Associated charities of Worcester. Char ; ties and the commons. Charities record. Charily organization society of the city of New York. Conferencia nacional de beneficiencia y cor- recion. Publications. Five Points house of industry. Monthly rec- ord. Home record Home visitor. Homeless boy. Homeless child and messenger of St. Joseph's union. Humanity [Him is bulletin of public charities. Indiana bulletin of charities and correc- IlllI'S International sunshine society, Sunshine bulletin. Lend a hand record. Life boat. Life line. Massachusetts charitable mechanic ass'n. Michigan state conference of charities and corrections. National bulletin of charities and correc- tion. National conference of chanties and correc- tions. National consumers' league. New York city visiting committee of the state charities ana association. New York state charities and ass'n. New York state conference of charities and corrections. Ohio bulletin of charities and corrections. Open window. Oregon state conference of cnaritles and corrections Organized charities association of tue city of New Haven. Philanthropist. St. Vincent de Paul quarterly. Sea breeze. Sunshine. Sunsh're bulletin. United Hebrew charities of the city of New York. CHECKERS. See also Sports and sporting. American checker review. North American checker-board. CHEESE. See dairying. CHEMISTRY. See also Electro-chemistry ; Pharmacy. American chemical journal. American chemical society. American electro-chemical society. Carbonic acid. Case school of applied sciences. Chemical laboratory. Chemical abstracts. Chemical engineer. Chemical trade review and dyers' journal. Columbia university. Journal of biolog cal chemistry. Journal of puysical chemistry. McGill college and university. Mass. institute of technology. Research lab- oratory. Nebraska university. Chemical laboratory. Thincrs-chemical. Toronto. University of Toronto studies. Van Nostrand's chemical annual. Western chemist and metallurgist. Yale university. CHESS. See also Sports and sporting. American chess world. Lasker's chess magazine. CHI PSI. Purple and gold. CHICAGO. atout's Chicago roster. Chicago the electric city. Chicago the great central market. CHILDREN. See also Rabies ; Family. Child and state. Children's aid society of New York. Children's friend. Children's hospital society. New Jersey association for the study of children and youth. Our homes and our homeless. CHILDREN. DISEASES. American journal of obstetrics. CHINA. See also Pottery. China, glass anil lamps. China, glass and pottery review. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 38. 1 CHRISTIAN. See Religion. CHK161IAN ENDEAVOR. Christian endeavor quarterly. Christian eudeavor world. Churi'h messenger and Rhode Island chris- tian endeavorer. Endeavor banner. Endeavorer of Alabama. Iowa Christ inn endeavor. Junior Christian endeavor world. K. L. C. E. journal. Lookout. Missouri endeavorer. Rocky Mountain endeavorer. CHRIS1IAN SCIENCE. Christian science daily lessons. Christian science journal. Chr.stian science quarterly. Christian science sentinel. Ilerold der Christian science. CHURCH OF CHRIST. Christian worker. Firm foundation. Octographic review. CHURCH OF ENGLAND. Church work. Western churchman. CHURCH OF COD. Church advocate. CIGARS. See Tobacco CIVIL EN(. INEERING. See Engineering. CIVIL SERVICE. Chief. Civic news. Good government. National civil service reform league. New York civil service reform ass'n. Tublic policy. CIVICS. American civic association. Chicago citizens' association. Civic club. Bulletin. Nat.onal civic federation review. Square deal. CLAV. See Pottery. CLIMATOLOGY. See also Meteorology. American c'imatoiogical association. CLOIHING. See Fashion. COAL. See also Minerals ; Mines and mining. Black diamond. Coal. Coal analysis reports. Coal and coke. Coal dealers blue book. Coal field directory. Coal mining law journal. Coal trade bulletin. Coal trade journal. Miner aid operator. Northwestern coal dealer. Retail coalman. COI D STORAGE. See Ice. COKE. See Coal. COLI EGES AND SCHOOLS. Abbey student. Academic herald. College of the city of Ni'\v York. Academian. Northwestern university. Acadia athenaeum. Wolfville. Acta Victoriana. Victoria university. Adelhert. Adclphi bulletin Agricu tural college bulletin (Oregon). Agricultural college bulletin (Michigan). Albion college pleiad. Alfred university monthly. Allegheny literary monthly. Alumni quarterly of the university of III. Alumni quarterly. University of Missouri. Alumni register. University of Penna. Alumni weekly. Princeton. American brewing academy. Chicago. American university courier. Anchor. Holland. Antiochian. Antioch college. Argosy. Mt. Albion university. Arrow. Association of Amer.can universities. Uni- versity of Chicago. Association of colleges and preparatory schools of the middle Btates ami Mary- land. University of I'enna. Association of collegiate alumnae. Wll- liamstown Athenajum. West Va. university. Atlanta university publications. Augustana college and theological seminary. Augustana library publications. Aurum. School of Mines, Rapid City. Barnard bulletin. Barnard college. Bates student. Bellevue college advocate. Bethany collegian. Black and gold. Honolulu high school. Liackburnian. Carlinville. Blue and bronze. Blue and gold. Bostonia. Bowdoin orient. Bowdoin quill. Brown alumni monthly. Brown and white. Lehigh university. Brown daily herald. Brunonian. Brown university. Bryn Mavvr alumnae quarterly. Buchtelite. Buchnell mirror. Buff and blue. Gallendet college. Butler collegian. Californian. Berkeley. Camps. Ottawa university. Campus. University of Maine. Campus. University of Rochester. Campus. Allegheny college. Cap and gown. University of Chicago. Cardinal. University of Wisconsin. Carolinian. - Carletonia. Catholic university of America. Central college magazine. Central collegian. Central news. Central ray. Centre college cento. Chaparral. Leland Stanford university. Chicago seminary quarterly. City college quarterly. Coe college cosmus. Coe college courier. Colby echo. Coleate madisonensis. College advance. College chips. College independent. People's university. College index. Kalamazoo college. College mercury. College of city of N. Y. College news. Wellesley college. College olio. Marietta college. College rambler. Jacksonville. College review. Upper Alton. Colic-,, review. Milton college. College Blgnal. Mas. agrl. college. College student. Frank. .n Marshall college. College times. Upper Canada college College topics. University of \a College world. Adrian college. Collegian. Guilford college. Collegian. Oxford college. Colombia Jester. 39 ' GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Columbia spectator. Columbian. Concept. Concord'ensis. Union college. Cook academy. Bulletin. Cornell alumni news. Cornell daily sun. Cornellian. Crimson. Crimson-white. University 01 Alabama. Daily Nebraskan. Daily Palo Alto. Dailv Princetonian. Dalhousie gazette. Dartmouth. Dartmouth bi-monthly. Dartmouth magazine. Decaturian. Delaware college review. Delphic. Des Moine, la. Denisonian. DePauw palladium. Dial. St. Mary's college. Dickinson literary monthly. Carlisle. Dickinson union. Williamsport. Dickinsonian. Carlisle. Doane owl. Drake delphic. Drury mirror. Dynamo. Mt. Union college. Eastman journal of practical education. Echo. Olivet college. Emory college phoenix. English graduate record. Columbia univer- sity. Erskinian. Exponent. Eiske herald. Fordham monthly. St. John's college. Free lance. I'enn. state col.ece. Geneva cabinet. Beaver Ealls. George Washington university. Georgetown college journal. Georgia tech. Atlantf Gettysburgian. (jettysburg college. Graduate ivagazine. University of Kansas. Grinnell review. Guidon. Manchester. Hamilton life. Hamilton literary magazine. Harlem evening high school news. Hartford seminary bulletin. Hartford seminary record. Harvard advocate. Harvard bulletin. Harvard crimson. Harvard illustrated magazine. Harvard lampoon. Harvard monthly. Harvard university gazette. Hathaway-Brown mag. Haverforuian. High school Aegis. Bloomington high school. Hi^h school life. Chicago. High school meet. Effingham. Hiram college advocate. Hohart herald. Holcad. Westminster college. Holy Cross purple. Howard collegian. Howard-Payne exponent. Howitzer. Hustler. Vanderbilt university. I. S. C. student. Ames. Illini. University of Illinois. Inlander. University of Michigan. Institute. Mass. Institute of technology. Intercolleglan, New York. Intercollegiate. Now York. Interlude. South Bend. Inter-varsity and college review. Iowa alumnus. State university of Iowa Iowa college news letter. Iowan. Jefferson ian. Philadelphia. Jeffersonian. Washington. Juniata college. Bulletin. Ka'an-.azoo college index. Kalends. Baltimore. Kansas citv school of law. Quarterly bulletin. Kansas university weekly. Kentuckian. Kenyon collegian. Gambler. Kings college record. Windsor. Knox student. Galesburg. Lafavette college. Bulletin. Lafayette. Easton. Lafayette record. Lantern. Columbus. Lariat. Waco. Latin and h'gh school review. Cambridge. Latin school reg'ster. Boston. Laurentian. Canton. Lawrentian. Appleton. Lehigh burr. Lesbian herald. Frederick. Literary monthly. Amherst. Lombard review. Galesburg. M. A. C. Agr : eultural college Mich. M. S. U. independent. Columbia. M. S. U. savitar. Columbia. Maca'ester college. Bul'etin. McGMl outlook. Montreal. McMaster university monthly. McMlcken review. Cincinnati. Madiso'ensis Hamilton. Manitoba college journal. Manitou messerger. Northfleld. Maroon. Chicago. Maryville college bulletin. Meadvi'le theological school. Quarterly bul- letin. Mercerian. Macon. Mercury. Gettysburg. Miami student. Oxford. Michigan alumnus. Michigan daily. Michiran mirror. Miclrgarens ; an. Minnesota alumni weekly. Minnesota daily. Minnesota magazine. Missouri Bible college. Mortarboard. New York. Mount Holyoke college. Nassau literary magazine. Princeton. National association of state universities in the U. S. A.. Nature guard. Nebraskan. New collegian. Hillsdale. New England association of colleges and preparatory schools. New Hampshire college monthly. New Mexico collegian. Niagara index. Normal. Spearfish. Normal advance. Terre Haute. Normal college news. Ypsilanti. Normal herald. North Carolina university magazine. North central association of colleges and preparatory schools. Northwestern. Evans ton. Northwestern college chronicle. Napervllle. O. A. C. Ouelph. Oberlin review. Occident. Berkeley. Ogontz mosaic. Ohio harp. Ohio state lantern. Ohio university bulletin. Ohio Wesley an transcript. Old Penn. 'Philadelphia. olive and blue. New Orleans. Oracle, llamline. Oracle. Monmouth. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 391 Orange. Syracuse. Orange and blue. Lewlsbnrg. Orange and white. Knoxville. Otterbeln aeg'.a Westervllle. Oven. Columbia. Owl Pacific university. Bulletin. Palo Alto. Stanford. Park college record. Paul Qnlnn weekly. Waco. Peabody record. Peliran. Berkeley. Penn chronicle. Oskaloosa. Penn sylvan Ian. Pharos. Puckhannon. Phoenix. Swarthmore. Phreno-cosmian. Mitchell. Polytechnic. Brooklyn. Polytechnic. Troy. Princeton nlumni weekly. 1'rinceton tiger. Princeton inn. Punch bowl. Philadelphia. Purple ard gold. Ashland. Queen's quarterly. Kingston. Queen's university journal. Kingston. Radius. Randolph-Macon monthly. Ashland. Bed and blue. Philadelphia. Bed wood. Santa Clara. Reserve weekly. Cleveland. Reve'lle. Xorthfield. Review. Oberl'n. Review ard bulletin of the Southern unlv. Roanoke collegian. Rogerina. Nashville. Round table. Beloit. Rutgers targum. New Brunswick. San Francisco state normal school bulletins. St. John s university record. Scarlet and black. Orinnell. Scholastic. Notre Dame. Seminary review. Auburn. Senior class-book. New York. Sentinel. St. Marys. Sequo'a. Stanford. Sewnree purple. Sewanee. Sheldon bulletin. Chicago. Sibyl. Elm'ra. S'lver ard gold. Boulder. Simpsonian. Indianola. Smith academy anvil. Smith academy record. Smith co'lcre bulletin. Smith college monthly. South Carolina. I'niversity. Bulletin. Southwestern presbyterian university Jour- nal. Spectator. Bake Forest. Sphinx. Madison. Stanford alumnus. Stentor. lake Forest. Storer journal. Student. Bloomington. Student. Amherst. Student. N. D. Student. Wake Forest. Student life. St. Louis. Students' herald. Manhattan. Stvlus. Susquehanna. Selling Orove. Swarthmore collejre. Bulletin. Talks and thoughts. Tar heel. Chapel mil. Teachers college bulletin. New York. Tech. Boston. Teen. Toledo. Tennessee university magazine. Throop institute bulletin. Tiger. Colorado Springs. Touchstone. Easton. Transylvan ; an. Lexington. Triangle. New York. Trinity archive. Durham. Trinity college record. Trinity tablet Hartford. Trinity tripod. Harl ford. Trinity university review. Toronto. Tuftonlan. Tufts college studies. TuftB weekly. Tuskegee student. Union university quarterly. Unit. Grlnnell. I 'niversity 1 eacon. B< Bton. University bulletin. Denver. University chronicle. Berkeley. University chronicle. Salt lake City. University courier. Washington. University cynic. Burlington. University hatchet. University herald. Syracuse. University magazine. I'niversity magazine. N. Y. I'niversity magazine. Montreal. University melange. Laramie. University monthly. University monthly. Fredericton. University news bulletin. Univers'ty of Arizona monthly. University of Mississippi magazine. University of Missouri newsletter. University of Oregon monthly. University of Ottawa review. University of Tennessee record. University of Texas magazine. University of Texas record. University of Virginia. Alumni bulletin. University of Virginia magazine. University record. University of Chicago. University record. University of Texas. University w T eekly. Syracuse. University weekly news. Cincinnati. Ursirus weekly. Vanderbilt observer. Vanderbilt university quarterly. Varsity. Toronto. Vassar miscellaney. Vidette. Normal. Voice. Wooster. Volante. Orand Island. Volante. \ermilli<>n. Vox Wesleyana. Winnipeg. Wabash. Wake forest student. Washburn weekly. Washingtonian. Washington university association. Bulletin. Washington university record. Wellesley magazine. Wesleyan. Univers'ty Place. Wesleyan argus. Middletown. Wesleyan argus. Bloomington. Wesleyan literary monthly. Middletown. Western college magazine. Western Maryland college monthly. Westminster monthly. Westonian. Whittier boys and girls magazine. Widow. Ithaca. Willamette collegian. William and Mary college monthly. William and Mary literary magazine. William Jewell student. Wi'liam Woods collcuc record. WiH'ams literary monthly. Wtll'.ams record. Wilmingtonian. Windmill. Wisconsin alumni mag. Wisconsin literary magazine. Wlttenberger. Springfield. Wofford college journal Xavier. New York. Yale alumni. Yale con rant. Yale daily news Yale literary magazine. 392 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Yale monthly magazine. Yale news. Yale record. Yale scientific monthly. Zodiac. Lansing. Colonial dames. Colonial dames of the state of New York. Annual register. COMMERCE. American asiatic. American asiatic ass'n. Journal. American commerce and industries. American export journal. American exporter. American made goods. American metal market and iron and steel report. Annual drift of the market. Anunciador. Baltimore journal of commerce. Benton's monthly cotton [-coffee] quotation record. Benton's monthly grain-provision quotation record. Benton's monthly quotation record. Blue book, travelers and shippers guide. Board of tra'le journal. Scranton. Board of trade journal. Board of trade journal.. Portland. Board of trade journal. Providence. Board of trade journal. Wilkesbarre. Boston journal of commerce and textile In- dustries. Bradstreet's. Budget. Bulletin of commerce. Buyers guide. Buyer's index. Buyers' reference. California products. Canadian boards of trade journal. Canadian journal of commerce. Canadian trade review. Central station list and buyer's manual. Chamber of commerce bulletin. Chicago commerce. Chicago markets. Cincinnati price current. Clearing house quarterly. Cleveland chamber of commerce annual. Comercio. Commerce monthly. Commerce of Pittsburg. Commercial. Boston Commercial. New York. Commercial. Winnipeg. Commercial America. Commercial bulletin. Commercial bulletin and daily record. Commercial education. Commercial enquirer. Commercial gazette. La Fayette. Commercial gazette. Montreal. Commercial herald and market review. Commercial list and price current. Commercial news. Commercial record. Commercial reporter. Commercial reports. Commercial review. Portland. Commercial review. St. Louis. Commercial tribune. Commercial west. Cotton quotation record. Country merchant. Crop reports. Dinero. Drift of the market. Dye's government counterfeit detector. Exporters review. I'xportador Americano. Exporters ard importers journal. Far eastern review. (La) Gaccta economica. Grain quotation record. Greater Norfolk record. Grocer and country merchant and tobac- conist. Handels-zeitung. Income values and quotation record. Indice para compradores. (La) Industria de la seda. Industrial buyer. Industrial quotation record. Industral review. International economist. Japan and America. Journal. Journal of commerce. Journal of commerce. Baltimore. Journal of commerce. Kansas City. • Journal of commerce. Memphis. Journal of commerce. Philadelphia. Journal of commerce. Richmond. Journal of commerce. San Francisco. Journal of commerce and commercial bulle- tin. Lincoln trade review. List of architects. List of buyers. McMaster's commercial cases. Manila. Camara de comercio filipina. Boletin. Maritime merchant. Market place. Martinda.e mercantile agency. Annual guide. Mercantile ana financial times. Merchant and general storekeeper. Merchant and manufacturer. Nashville. Merchant and manufacturer. Cincinnati. Merchant sentinel. Merchants' association review. Merchants' guide. Merchants' review. Mixed stocks. Monetary times, trade review and insurance chronicle. Moniteur du commerce. Monthly credit rating book. Monthly current rating book. Mundo de los negocics. New Jersey commerce and finance. New York manufacturer. Nippon. Oklahoma journal of commerce. Our drummer. Pacific coast mercantile agency book of ratings. Paradise of the Pacific. Philadelphia commercial museum. Scienti- fic department. Bulletin. Price current. Prix courant. Produce reporter company's credit book. Producers review. Purchasers' re'crence. Quarterly supplement to the rating index. Railroad quotation record. Rating index. Reference book lumberman's credit ass'n. Retailers commercial agency. Credit guide. Review and record and banker and trades- man. Sample case. Semaine commerciale. Sheldon's buyers' reference book. Sister republics. South America. Southern commercial. Southern market reporter and wholesaler. Southern merchant. Southern snipper's guide. Southwest trail. Southwestern success. Stock yards journal. Texas producers review. Texas truck crower and shipper's guide. Tnis for that. Trade. Detroit. Trade. St. Paul. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 3< >3 Trade bulletin. Trade exhibit. Trade journal. Trade news. Trade register. Trade review. New York. Trade review. St. Johns. Trade review. Lincoln. Trade review and export journal. Tradesman. Tradesman and commercial record. Traffic. Traffic review. Trans-Pacific trade. Twin city commercial bulletin. United mercantile agency. Credit ratings. Weekly bulletin of foreign trade information. Western blue book and buyers reference. White's U. S. counterfeit reporter. World's business review. Weekly commercial news. West coast trade. Western trade journal. Whittlings. Conchology. Manual of conchology. American journal of conchology. CONCRETE. See also Cement. Concrete. Concrete age. Concrete and constructional engineering. Concrete engineering. Concrete review. Confederate soldiers. Confederate veteran. Congo State. Congo news letter. CONGREGATIONAL, Advance. Berkshire evangel. Canadian congregationalist. Church building quarterly. Citoyen Franco-Americain. Congregational Iowa. Congregational news. Congregationalist and Christian world. National council of congregational churches in the United States. Nebraska congregational news. Our church i.ie. Pacific. Pilgrim teacher. Plymouth weekly. CONVENTIONS. Russell's convention dates. COOKING. See also Domestic economy. Boston cooking school magazine. Caterer. Chef, steward and housekeeper. Cooking club. Daily hints for housekeepers. Food and drink. Pood topics. Kitchen, craft and cuisine. Table talk. CO-OPERATION. American co-operative journal. COOPERAGE. XaConal coopers' journal. COPPER. Boston copper book. Copper. Copper and brass. Copper handbook. Wire market news. CORPORATION. Corporation bu.ietln. National corporation reporter. COTTON. See also Textile fabrics. American cotton manufacturer. American manufacture] . a rican wool and cotton reporter. Benton's monthly cotton Quotation record. < lot loll. I lol ion and cotton oil news. COttOn bale. ( lot ton quol a i ion record. Cotton seed oil magazine. Inter-State COtton seed crushers ass'n bulletin. National ass'n of cotton manufacturers. Wool and cotton reporter. CRANBERRIES. Cranberry grower. CROCKKRv. Crockery and glass journal. CRUEi/i x TO ANIMALb. American humane association. Report. Humane journal. Journal of zoophily. National humane educator. Our dumb animals. CRUSADERS. Herald of salvation. D. O. OF H. Deutsche eiche. DAIRY ING. American cheesemaker. Cheese and dairy journal. Chicago dairy produce. Creamery journal. Dairy and produce review. Dairy produce. Dairy record. Dairy report. Dairy world. Elgin dairy report. Hoard's dairyman. Jersey advocate and dairyman. Jersey bulletin. Kimball's dairy farmer. Live stock and dairy journal. Pacific dairy review. Practical dairyman. Produce review and American creamery. DANCING. Two step. DANTE. Dante society. Report. DAUGHTERS OF TriE AMERICAN REVO- LUTION. American monthly magazine. National society of the daii"hters of the American revolution. Report. Progress of the west. DEAF AND DUMB. Amer'can annals of the deaf. Catholic deaf mute. Courage. Deaf mutes' journal. Deaf-mutes' register. Rocky mountain leader. , Utah eagle. DEBATING. rtothsides. DECORATION. Interior decoration Merchant and decorator. Wall paper news and interior d.corilor. DECORATION DAY. Wisconsin memorial day annual. DELTA CHI. Delta chi quarterly. DETTA KAPPA EPSILON. Delta kappa epsuon quarterly. DELTA SICMA NU. Delta sigma nu. DELTA TAU. Rainbow of delta tau. DELTA UFSILON. Delta upsilon quarterly. Delta upsiion quarterly. DENTISTRY. American dental journal. American dentist at home and abro d. 394 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS American journal of ilcntal science. American orthodontist. Bur. College forum. Dentists' magazine. Desmos. Dental brief. Dental cl'ppings. Dental cosmos. Dental d'gest. Dental era. Dental headlight. Dental hints. Dental journal. Dental news. Dental office and laboratory. Dental register. Dental review. Dental summary. Dental world. Dominion dental journal. Frater. International dental journal. Items of interst. Kansas City dental journal. National dental critic. National dental association. Northwestern dental journal. Odontoblast. Pacific dental gazette. Pennsylvania dental journal. Polk's dental register and directory of the U. S. and Canada. Practical dental journal. Southern dental journal. Stroma'toloHst. Texas dental journal. Tri-state dental record. Western dental journal. DIALECTS. Dialect notes. DIRECTORIES. See also C.uides. Al'en's mai'in^ directory and magazine. American directory of the knitting trade in the United States and Canada. American fertilizer hand book. Am. glass trade directory. American medical directory. American pilot and engineer of the Great Lakes. Architects' and builders' directory. Bankers and brokers directory. Beeson's marine directory. Blair's railroad and steamship directory. Blue book te>-tile directory. Brewers' handbcok. Candrian's handy euide of San Francisco, Candrian's state guide of California. Candrian's street number directory and map. Canned poods directory. Coal dea'ers blue book. Coal feld directories. Combe-Polk directory co.'s St. Joseph city directnrv. Combination street directory and map. Davison's silk trade directory. Directory of directors in the city of N. Y. Directory 'abor organizations. Era druefist directory. Gibson's directory. Gould's St. Louis directory. Hoyes' Kansas City directory. Oakland, etc. Implement blue book. Julius Cahn's official theatrical guide. Kennv's hotel directory. McKittrick's directory of advertising. Mercantile reference book. Official Am. textile directory. Official register and directory of the women's clubs in America. Phila., Penn. & Del. insurance directory. Pocket directory of shoe mfgs. Polk & co's students' directory of the U. of M. Polk's architects', engineers', builders' and contractors' directory of Ohio. Purchasers' reference list of importers, mfg. & wholesalers. Rubber trade directory. Sharp and Alleman Co's lawyers' and bank- ers' directory. Textile supply directory. Thomas' register of Am. manufacturers. DISCIPLES. Christian. Christian century. Christian courier. Christian leader and the way. Christian messenger. Pacific Christian. Watch tower. DOGS. See also Cooking. American kennel gazette. Canadian kennel gazette. Dog fancier. Dogdom. Domestic science bulletin. Field dog stud book. Lake Placid conference on home economics. Man's best friend. Modern housekeeping and food news. Pet dog journal. DOMESTIC ECONOMY. See also Cockin"-. American household. American housekeeper. Budget. Canadian good housekeeping. Domestic science bulletin. Good housekeeping. Home art. Homemaker. House furnishing review. Lake Placid conference on home economics. Modern housekeeping. Modern housekeeping and food news. New England housekeeper. Pure products. Steward and the stewards' bulletin. DRAMA. See also Music. Amateur Thespian. Billboard. Criterion. Critic. Dramatic journal. Dramatic news. Dramatic review. Dramatic review and music and drama. Dramatic times. Greenroom glimpses. Iconoclast. Julius Calm's official theatrical guide. Madison's budeet. New York cl'pper. New York dramatic mirror. Opera house guide. Official theatrical guide. Philadelphia playhouse program and city guide. Play (The) Plays and players. Repertoire magazine. St. I,ouis dramatic news. Show. Stage. Standard and vanity fair. Theatre. Theatre world. Theatrical news. Theatrical star. Town topics. Variety. DRESSMAKING. American dressmaker. Dressmaking at home. GUIDE TO periodicals ;.,- DRUGS. See l'harmacv. DRY GOODS. Dry goods. Dry goods economist. Dry goods guide. Dr . ,^i ods journal. Dry goods record. Dry goods reporter. Dry goods review. Drygoodsman and general merchant. Economist short cut. Sheldon's jobbing trades and city offices. Sheldon's retail trade of the U. S. in dry goods, notions, etc. 'Trade review. Western dry goods. DYEING. Chemical trade review and dyers' journal. Dyers' bulletin. Garment dyers' guide. EAR AND EVE. American journal of ophthalmology. American ophthalmolog'cal society. Amer'can ofologieal association. Annals of ophthalmology. Annals of otology, rhinology and laryngol- ogy Archives of ophthalmology. Archives of otology. Journal of eye, ear and throat diseases. IffcGUl college and university New York eye and ear inrirmary. ophthalmic record. Ophthalmologist. Ophthalmology. Optical journal. EASTERN STAR. Eastern star. Eastern star signet. M'znah. Our eastern star. Signet. EDUCATION. See also Colleges ; Kindergarten ; Penman- ship. Ambit'on. American annals of the deaf. Amer'can college and public school direc- tory. American education. American educational review. Amer'can farm library. Amer'can illustrator and home education. American institute of instruction. American journal of education. American negro academy. Amer'can primary teacher. American school board journal. American society for the extension of uni- versity teaching. American woman's educational association. Arbor ard biru day annual. Arkansas school journal. Ass'n of colleges and preparatory schools of the middle states and Maryland. Association of collegiate alumnae. Atlantic cd. journal. Balance sheet. Boyhood. Business educator. California education. California teachers' association. California university. Canada educational monthly. Canadian churchman. Canadian teacher. Catholic educational association. Catholic school journal. Chautauqua quarterly. Chautauquan weekly. Chicago teachers' federation, bulletin. Collegian. Colorado school of mines. Bulletin. i Colorado Bchool Journal. Colored teacher. Columbia university. Connecticut school doci at. County superintendents' monthly. Drawing and manual training Journal. Drexel institute bulletin. Educat ion. Educat Ion in business. Educa i tonal. Educat lonal bi-monthly Educat lonal exchange. Educat lonal Coundal ions. Educational gazette. Educational monthly of Canada. Educational outlook". Educat lonal record. Educational review. New York. Educational review. St. .num. Educat Ions l science. Educational sun. educational work. Educator. Educator- journal. Elementary school teacher English leaflet. Enseignement prima ire. Etudlante. Fergus county free high school. Flor'da school exponent. Ha'1-Moodv schrol journal. Harmsworth self-educator magazine. Home ard school journal. Home education. Home study magazine. Industrial school advocate. Inland teacher. Instruccion prlmaria. International educator. Interstate school review. Iowa normal monthly. Iowa state institutions. Iowa teacher. John P. Slater fund for the education of fr. men. Occasional papers. Journal of educat !on. Journal of pedagogy. Kansas educator. Kansas star. Lila topics. Louisiana school review. Michigan schoolmasters' club. Midland schools. Mind and body. Minnesota school journal. Mississippi school journal. Mississ'ppi teacher. Missouri school journal. Moderator-top' cs Mountain educator. National association of slate universities in the IT. S. A. National commercial teachers' federation. National educat 'oi.al association. National educator. National society for the scientific study of education, year book. Nature study review. Nebraska teacher. New educat : on. New England ass'n of colleges and prepara- tory schools. New Jersey ass'n for the study of children and youths. New iort state education department. New York state science teacher-.' ass'n. New York teachers' monographs. New York university. and observer. Educ edition. Normal Index. Normal instructor and teachers' world. North central association of colleges and seconds r» atl <>ols. Northwest journal of education. 396 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Ohio educational monthly. Ohio school journal. Ohio teacher. Oklahoma school herald. Oregon teachers' monthly. Ottawa Chautauqua assembly herald. Our educational dawn. Our times. Patterson's college and school directory of the United States and Canada. Pedagogical seminary. Pennsylvania school journal. People (The). Petit mail re de francais. Philippine teacher. Platform and pulpit. Popular educator. Practical age. Pr.mary education. Primary plans. Progressive teacher. Public school journal. Religious education. Religious education association. Review of catholic pedagogy. Review of education. School. School and fireside. School and home education. Scnool arts book. Scnool bulletin and New York state educa- tional journal. School education. School gazette. School herald. School journal. School life. School monthly. School news and practical educator. School physiology journal. School register. School review. School science. School visitor. School weekly. School work. School world. School world. Fifth ave.. New York. School world. 79 Manhattan, New York School world. Farmington. Schoolmaster. Schoolmasters' association of New York and vicinity. Sherman bulletin Society for the promotion of engineering education. Somerset idea. South Dakota educator. South Dakota state journal of education. Southern educational association. Southern educational journal. Southern letter. Southern school journal. Southern student. Spare-time study. Sunshine magazine. Tattler. Teacher. ( hicago. Teacher. Phila. Teachers and students' friend. Teachers' bulletin. Teachers' col'c*e. Contributions. Teachers' college record. Teachers every day plans. Teachers' gazette. Teachers helper. Teachers' Institute. Teacher's journal. Teachers' magazine. Teachers' world. Texas school journal. Texas school magazine. Thompson's island beacon. University herald. Virginia school journal. Welch's journal. Western educator. Western journal of education. West Virginia school journal. AVestern journal of education. Western school journal. Western teacher. Westland educator. Winona norrral bulletin. Wisconsin journal of education. Wisconsin rre-norial day annual. Wooster quarterly. Young c'tizen. Young idea. EGGS. Egg reporter. ELECTRIC I IGHT. See Electricity. ELECTRICITY. See also Engineering. American institute of electrical engineers. Bryan Marsh co. Canadian electrical news and engineering Central station. Chicago, the electric city. Cornell university electrical society. Crocker- Wheeler co. bulletin. Dvna-^otor. Electric journal. Electric storage battery co. Electrcal age. Electrical era. Electrical list of buyers. Electrical record. Electrical review. Electrical worker. Electrical world. Electric'an and mechanic. Electricity. Electrochemical and metallurgical industry. Electrocraft. Electrocraft illustrated list of approved elec- trical fittings and revised nat. electrical code. Emerson monthly. Everbest ^a^azine. General electric co. General electric review. International ass'n of municipal electricians. Journal of electricity, power & gas. I.amp-oon. Monroe's magazine. More juice. National electrcal contractor. National electric light association. New York Ed'son co. Ohio electric light ass'n. Proceedings. Se'ling electricity. Sound waves. Southern electrician. Submarine signal company. Bulletin. Western electrician. Westinghouse electric and manufacturing co. ELKS. Alabama elk. California elks. Dakota elk. E Ik news. Elks-antler. Elks family magazine. Golden elk. Hello Pill ! Interstate elk. Jolly elk. Kentucky elk. National elk's horn. Pennsylvania elk. Rocky mountain elk. Rocky mountain herald. Southern buck. Southern California elk. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 597 Tri-stnte oik. Western oik. ELOCUTION. Entfneerraq agency bulletin. Nebraska blue print. Canadian society of civil engineers. Engineering review. Lafayette. Expression. ENGINEERING. m „, j See nlso Electricity: Heating and ventllat- irg; Marine: Mines nnd mining; Munic- ipal. Naval: Surveying: Water. Amerenn engineer and railroad Journal. American mnrire engineer. American soe'ety for testing materials. American society of civil engineers. American society of meehnnicnl engineers. American society of refrigerating engineers. Tra. inactions. American waterworks assoe'ation. Assoc : ation of civil engineers. Association of electric lighting engineers of New England. Transactions. Association of engineering societies. Boston society of civil engineers. Monthly bulletin. Brooklyn engineers' club. Proceedings. Butter prints from the homestead. Canadian contract record. Canadian engineer. Canadian societv of civil engineers. Cassier's magazine. Cement and engineering news. Chenreal ergineer. Columb'a university. Compressed air. Concrete and constructional engineering. Concrete engineering. m Connecticut society of civil engineers. Papers and transactions. Cornell civil engineer. Drafting. Domestic engineering, 1889. Domestic engineering, 1893. Ergineer. Engineer and builder. FnsrinerinT agency bulletin. Engineering and mining journal. Engineering-contracting. Engineering index. Engineering journal of Canada. Engineering magazine. Engineering news. Engineering record. Engineering review. KnST. Pacific era. FARM INC. See Agriculture. FASHIONS. Advance ideas in furs. Advance styles. Amer.can album of fur novelties. American cloak album. American clothier. American furrier. Amer can gentleman. American modiste. American skirt album. American waist album. Apparel gazette. Apparel retailer. Art de la mode. Ponton. Pet ween us. Putter ck fashions. Butterick herald. Putt cricks moden-revue. Chicago apparel gazette. Chicago household guest. Cloaks and furs. Clothier and furnisher. Clothier and haoerdasher. Correct clothing for gentlemen. Correct clothes monthly Costume royal. Counter book. Crerand's cloak journal Delineator. Designer. CHMDK To l'KKlODk'AI.S Press. Bllie stylos. English gentleman. Espejo do la moda. Farm loans and oily bonds. Fashion world. Fashionable waists. I asliioi.s. I' ashu n suggester. < lardmer's magazine. Com lewoman. Haberdasher's correct dress chart. Junior toilettes. I. ad os tailoring and dress. Latest fashion maga. inc. Mot all s bazaar of fashions. Mot. all s magasine. Mack & Cos home news. Mill's magazine. Metropolitan fashion. Min ir tics modes. Mode. Mouo magazine. M i . le un,\ erselle. Modes. Modos and fabrics. Monthly magazine of fashion. .Mc.llt.ll f St. Monthly style book illustrating the Ladies' home j« urnal i attorns. Munsing underwear magazine. Now idea fashions. Now styles. Now York fashion bulletin. Now York fashions. New ^ uik mens wear directory. New York styles. Parisiennes. Peerless fashion guide. Popular fashions. teriy styie book. Standard fashions. Stylo. Toilettes. Voice of fashion. Vogue. Women's and infants' furnisher. Western fashion journal. FERTILIZERS. Amer.can fertilizer. FINANCIAL. Had debt exterminator and business adviser. Banker and stockholder. Bonds and mortgages. Bond buyer. Bond nows. Boston financial news. Boston news bureau. Bulletin. Business and finance. Capitalist. Commercial and financial world. Coupon and dividend reg.ster. Dickermau's U. S. treasury counterfeit de- tector. Dun's review. Empire of finance and trade. ExpOSiti r. Ear eastern review. Finance. Finance and commerce. Finance and trade. Financial age. Financial and commercial review. 1- mancial briefleK Financial bulletin. Financial diary. Financial Inquirer. Financial news. Koston. Financial news. New York. Financial record and investors manual. Financial red book. Financial reporter. Financial review. Financial rei b'u. Chicago. Financial review. Clnciu, Financial review. New 1'ork. Financial review. Now York. Financial review. Washington. Financial w isdi m. Financial world. Japanese-American commercial weekly Journal of tii auce. Michigan Investor. Monej and r.sks. Monej i.i its. Monthly bulletin of current prices. Monetary record. Moody s magaz.ue and Amer. Investments Moody's manual of industrial and mlscellan euus socur. i les. Moorneaa s quarterly record. Morse aid Ltogers money Baver. National assoc.ation of credit men. National bad debt exterminator. National I. nance. -New south. New \,,ik times weekly financial quotation revicu . News bureau. Nonhwesu in banker. Onice blotter. t Istl andei s money maker. Pan-American review. Profit and loss. Profits. Reports of the nat. banks of the prim banking centres of the I'. S. Review oj the wha.e fishery. Roach s financial tacts. Kr.ssc.l s manuai. Savn gs and loan review. Sharon oloor. Shareholder and insurauce gazette. Sinn ii s iconoclast. St. Louis daily record. Stockholder, lit; Lroad, X. V. Stockholder. 44 Broad, N. Y Stockholder. Phila. Tax payer. Trust companies magazine. Twenty years in the stock market. Underwood's U. s. counterfeit reports. United siaios financial and mercantile ex- aminer. United Suites mining journal. Yaiu.oi den magazine. Wall street daily news. Wall .street journal. Wall street press. Wall street summary. FIRE. Journal of tire. FIREMEN. Fireman's herald. FIREx RuOFIN^.. Fireproof magazine. Western fireman and jour, ol public works Fireman's standard. FISHING. See also Sporting and sports. American angler. American flsb culturlst. l- isbmj,' gazel t e. Pacific fisherman. FLORICUL'l IRE. See also Botany; Horticulture. Canadian llor.st. Floral life. Florists' exchange. i la rdeners' directory. I loino and tlowors. Mayflower. FLOUR. Bee also Milling. Floor and feeu. Flour trade news. hay. grain and feed. 400 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS FOLKLORE. American folk-lore society. Memoirs. Journal of American folk-lore. FOOD. American food journal. Bakers weekly. Fsculent. Good food. Journal of therapeutics and dietetics. Modern housekeeping and food news. National provisioner. Provision news. Purity. Vegetarian magazine. What to eat. FORESTERS OF AMERICA. American forester. American forester review. Canadian forester. Forester. Foresters review. FORESTRY. American forest congress. Arboriculture. Canadian forestry journal. Forest leaves. Forestry and irrigation. Forestry quarterly. Hawaiian forester and agriculturist. Michigan roads and forests. Society of American foresters. Proceedings. Water and frost. Woodland and roadside. FOUNDRY. American foundrymen's ass'n. Transactions. Castincs. FRATERNITIES. American junior. Anchora of Delta gamma. Arcanian of California. Brief of Phi delta phi. Brotherhood. Christian cynosure. Columbian herald. Deutsche eiche. Florida fraternal record. Fraternal ledger. Fraternal monitor. Fraternal news. Hartford. Fraternal news. Fortland. Fraternal traveler. Ins'gnia. Lodge, club and ass'n record. Lodge echoes. Lodge journal and guide. Lonelyite. Monitor. Mystic worker. New era bulletin. Orden sevue. Papyrus. Recorder. Statistics fraternal societies. Telegram. Vereins-und logen zeitung. Vereins-reporter. Yeoman. FREE THOUGHT. Arminia. Pram's iconoclast. Liberal review. Light of India. Optimist. Reed's isonomy. Secular thought. Truth-seeker. FREE TRADE. Free trade broadside. Free trader bulletin. FREE WILL BAPTIST. See Baptist. FRIENDS. American friend. Canadian friend. Christian arbitrator. Friend. Friends' Bible school quarterly. Fr. ends' intelligencer. Friends* missionary advocate. Girls' friendly magazine. Girls' friendly society of America associates record. Missions- wan nen. Scattered seeds. Soul winner. Western work. FRUIT. American fruits. American fruits. Rochester. American fruits. New York. California fruit grower. Canner and dried fruit picker. Colorado fruit grower. Fancy fruit. Florida fruit grower. Fruit and produce news. Fruit belt. Fruit grower. Fruit growers' association of Ontario. Fruit growers' journal. Fruit trade journal and produce record. Fruitman's guide. Packer. Cincin. Packer. Chicago. Packer. Kansas City. Packer. New York. Practical fruit grower. FUEL. Fuel. FUR. Fur news. Fur trade review. FURNITURE. See also Wood work. Decorative furnisher. Funeral decorator and bulletin. Furniture and upholstery journal and un- dertakers' gazette. Furniture index. Furniture Industry. Furniture journal. Furniture news. Furniture record. Furniture trade review and Interior decor- ator. Furniture worker. Furniture world. Grand Uapids furniture record. Lantern. Michigan artisan. Midway manufacturer. Pacific furniture trade. Southern furniture journal. Spectrum. Standard reference book of the furniture, carpet, upholstery and kindred trades. GAME FOWL. Feathered warrior. Game bird. Game fanciers' journal. Game fowl monthly. Grit and steel. GAMES. See Sports and sporting. GARDENING. See also Agriculture; Horticulture. Garden magazine. Gardening. Park and cemetery and landscape gardening. GAS. American gas institute. Proceedings. American gas light association. Brown's directory of American gas com- panies. Gas engine. Gas engine age. Gas logic. Gas power. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 401 Gas review. Gas-ps. Industrial pas co. Bulletin. Journal of electricity, power and gaa Natural gas : ournal. Pacific coast gas association. Proceedings. Water and gas review. GENEALOGV. See also History. California historic-genealogical society. Daughters of the American revolution. Genealogical exchange. Genealogical society of Pennsylvania. Hill's family genealogical and historical association. Historical journal of the More family. Lewisiana or the Lewis letters. Mayflower descendant. Missing heirs and relatives news. Moffatana bulletin. New England family history. New England historical and genealogical register. New England historic-genealogical society. New Hampshire genealogical record. New York genealogical and biographical rec- ord. Notes and queries, historical and genealogi- cal, relating to inter or Pennsylvania. "Old northwest" genealogical quarterly. Owl. South Carolina historical and genealogical magazine. Virginia county records. GEOGRAPHY. See also Mountaineering: Travel. Geographic society of Chicago. Geographical society of the Pacific. Geograplrcal society of Philadelphia. Journal of geography. national geographic magazine. Societe de geographie de Quebec. Bulletin. GEOT OGY. California university. Columbia university. Economic geology. Geological society of America. Georgia geolog'cal survey. Illino's state geological survey. Journal of geology. Kansas. University geological survey. McGill college and university. Montana university. Mother earth. North Carolina geological survey. Ohio geological survev. South Dakota geological survey. Toronto. I'niveristy of Toronto studies. West Virginia geological survey. Wyoming historical and geological society. Wyoming. School of mines. GEORGIA. Southland. GINSENG. Special crops. GIRi S. Girls' friendly magazine. Girls' friendly society of America. Asso- ciates' record. GLASS. American glass trade directory. China, glass, and pottery review. Commoner and glass worker. Giass and potterv world. National glass budget. GLOVES. Glovers' journal. Glovers' review. GOATS. American stockman. GOLF. Golf. Golfers' magazine. Official yearbook and directory of golf and automobiling. GOOD ROADS. American highways. Good roads. Good roads magazine. Michigan roads and forests. GRAIN. See also Flow. American elevator and grain trade. Grain dealers' journal. Grain man's guide. Milling and grain news. GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC. American tribune. Grand army advocate and W. R. C. maga- zine. National tribune. Western veteran. GRANITE. Granite. GRANGE. Michigan patron. GRAPHITE. Graphite. GROCERIES. American grocer. Canadian grocer. Commercial broker. Commercial bulletin and noriuwest trade. Eli grocer and general merchant. Good things to eat. Grocer and country merchant and tobaccon- ist. Grocers' criterion. Grocer's journal. Grocers' magazine. Grocers' monthly review. Grocers' review. Grocery world. Inland grocer. Interstate grocer. Louisiana grocer. Master grocer. Merchants' journal. Modern grocer. New England grocer. Retail butchers' and grocers* guide. Retail grocer. Retail grocers' advocate. New York. Retail grocers' advocate. San Francisco. Retailers journal. Southern grocer. Southern merchant. Southwestern grain and flour journal. Thomas wholesale grocery a.id Kindred trades directory. Up-to-date. Western grocer, butcher and clerk. GUIDES. See also Directories. ABC path..uder and dial express list. ABC pathfinder and dial once a week. A B C pathfinder a... dial postal guide. ABC pathfinder and dial shippers' guide. B C pathfinder railway guide. ABC pathfinder shipping and mailing guide. Baby pathfinder railway guide. Bishop's A B C guide. Blair's railroad ami steamship directory. Blue book, travelers and shippers guide. Brownell guide. Cook's American traveller's gazette. Custom house guide. Denver amusement guide. Electric railway directory and buyers' man- ual. Guide to Detroit. Handy mailing list. International railway and steam navigation guide. Inter url. in trolley guide of New England. Kelly's directory of mereliants. manufactur- ers ard shippers of the world. Lakeside annual directory of the city of Chicago. 402 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Lakeside annual guide of Chicago. Michigan hand book. Mich, state gazetteer and business directory. Nickel pathfinder railway guide. North west guide. No. American A. B. C. railway and tourist guide. Official guide of Columbus, official gu.de of the railwavs and steam navigation lines of the United States, Canada, and Mexico, official guide of Toledo. Official railroad and marine gazette. Pacific northwest and official railway and marine guide. People's railway gu : de. Pilot. Pocket list of railroad officials. Polks dental register and directory of the T'nited States and Canada. Polk's medical register and directory of North America. Retailers commercial agency. Credit guide. Rocky mountain official railroad guide.' Russell's railway guide. San Francisco and Ookland combination time-table and theatre guide. Seattle pioneer pocket guide. Shopper (The). Short line blue book. Southwest official guide. Toledo interurban electric railway guide. Tourist's educator. Travelers' railway guide (western section). Travelers' railway guide. Travelers' time-saver. Watts' official railway guide and hotel direc- tory of the south. Weekly hotel bulletin. West coast hotel and railway guide. Wood s official railway guide. Yellow handbook. Yachtman's guide. X Y Z railway and steamboat guide. GYNECOLOGY AND OBSTETRICS. American association of oDstetricians and gynecologists. American gynecological society. American journal of obstetrics. Annals of gynecology and paediatry. Chicago gynecological society. Journal of surgery, gynecology and obstet- rics. Southern surgical and gynecological ass'n. Surgery, gynecology and obstetrics. HAIR DRESSING. American hair dresser. HARDWARE. See also Iron and steel. American artisan and hardware record. Hardware. Hardware and metal and Canadian machin- ist. Hardware dealers' magazine. Hardware messenger. Hardware monthly of Canada. Hardware review. Hardware trade. Iron and hardware mercantile agency bl.ie book. National hardware bulletin. Pacific hardware journal. Retail hardware dealer. Stoves and hardware reporter. Zenith. HARNESS. Canadian harness and carriage journal. Harness. Harness gazett •. Harness herald Harness world. National harness review. HATS. American hatter. Hat review. Ilatman. HAY. American flour and feed journal. Hay and grain reporter. Hay trade journal. HEALTH. See Hygiene. HEATING. American society of heating and ventilating engineers. Heating and ventilating magazine. HENS. See Poultry. HIGHWAYS. See Good roads. HISTORY. See also Americana ; Archaeology ; Genealogy. Acadiensis. Alabama. Department of archives and his- tory. Alabama historical society. Alabama polytechnic institute. American antiquarian and Historical jour- nal. American antiquarian society. American catholic historical researches. Amer. catholic historical society of Phila. American historical association. American historical magazine. American historical review. American-Irish historical societv. American Jewish historical society. American monthly magazine. American oriental society. American scenic and historic reservation so- ciety. Annals of Iowa. Annals of Jackson county. Arkansas historical association. Athenee Louisianais. Comptes-rendus. Berkshire hills monthly. Blatter der heilung. Book of the Alamo. Brome county historical society. Transactions. Brookline historical society. Buffalo historical society. Caxton club. Publications. Champlain society. Annual report. Chester county historical society. Bulletins. Chicago historical society. Club lor colonial reprints. Publications. Colonial society of Massachusetts. Publica- tions. Columbia historical society. Columbia university. Connecticut historical society. Connecticut magazine. Connecticut valley historical society. Delaware county historical society. Proceed- ings. Delaware historical society. Deutsch-Amerikanische gescnicntsblatter. Deutsche historische gesellschaft fur den I (.strict Columbia. Dcutscher pionies — verein von Philadelphia. DeWitt historical society of Tompkins county. Early settlers ass'n of Cuyahoga county. Essex institute. Fairfield county historical society. Filson club. Fitchburg historical society. Friends' historical society of Philadelphia. Georgia historical society. German- American annals. lirolier club. Transactions. Annual report. Hawaiian historical society. Herkimer county historical society. Papers. Historic leaves. Historic magazine and notes and queries. Historical and philosophical society of Ohio. Historical and scientific society of Manitoba. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS I' M Historical New ICngland. 1 1 istoncai register. Historical society of Peeks county. Trans actions. Historical society of Dauphin county. Trans actions. Historical society of l'rankford. Papers. Historical society of I,inn county, Iowa. Pro- ceedings. Historical society of Montana. Historical society of .\.outgouiery CO., Pa. Historical society of New Mexico. Publica- tions Historical society of Newburgh Jiay and the Highlands. Historical papers. Historical society of bchuyikill county, Pa. Publications. Historical society of southern California. Historical society ot \ ork county, Pa. Pro- ceedings and collections. Howard historical studies. Howard oriental series. Huguenot society of South Carolina. Trans- actions. Hyde park historical record. Illinois stale historical library. 111. no. s siate historical soc.ety. Indiana historical society. Publications. Iud.ana quarterly magazine of history. Institut Canadien l'rancais de la cite d' Ot- tawa, 'transactions. Iowa Journal of history and politics. Ipswich historical society. James Sprunt historical monographs. Jefferson county historical society, lerseynian. John P. Iiranch historical papers of Ran- dolph-Macon college. Johns Hopkins university. lournal 01 American history. Kansas state historical society. Kentucky state historical society. Kittochtinny historical society. Papers. Kittochtinny magazine. Lancaster county historical society. Lebanon county historical society. Papers and addresses. Lehigh county historical society of Pennsyl vania. Proceedings. Literary and historical society of Quebec. Transactions. Little journeys. Livingston county historical society. Pro- ceeain^s. Louisiana historical society. Publications. I.nwer Norfolk county, Virginia, antiquary. Lundy's Lane historical society. ■ Lynn review. Magazine of American history. Magazine of history. Maine historical society. Collections. Pro- ceedings. Manchester historic association. Collections. Maryland historical magazine. Maryland historical society. Mai viand historical society. Annual report. Maryland original research society of Balti- more city. Bulletin. Massachusetts historical society. Massachusetts magazine. Medford historical register. Michigan pioneer and historical society. Military historical society of Massachusetts. Minnesota historical society. Mississippi historical society. Missis ,uoi county historical society. Report. Missouri historical review. Missouri historical society. Collections. Montana historical society. Moravian historical society. Transactions. National Hag-union war journal. Nebraska state historical society. New Brunswick historical society. Collections. New England catholic historical society. Pub licat'ions. New Hampshire historical society. New Haven colony insi oiica i societ y New Jersey historical society. New London CO. Iiislor.cn 1 society. New York state historical association. New York historical society. Coilectioni New York tini vcrsii y. Niagara historical society. Publications. An nual report. Norse Sclskab i Amerika. Northern Indiana historical Bociety. Publics lions Nova Scotia historical society. Collection-.. Oklahoma historical society. Biennial report. t )ld Continental. Old Dartmouth. old Eliot. Old Maryland. old South leaflets. i lid South meeting-house. Olde Lister. Oneida historical society at Utica. Yearbook i (nondaga historical association. Leaflet. Ontario historical society. i Oregon historical society. Oregon pioneer association. Transactions. Pennsylvania federation of historical societies. Pennsylvania-German. Pennsylvania magazine of history and blog- ra phy. Pennsylvania German society. Proceedings and addresses. Pennsylvania society. Yearbook. Bulletin. Pennsylvania university. Presbyterian historical society. Prince society. Quinabang historical society. Leaflets. Records of the past. Review of historical publications relating i" Canada. Rhode Island historical society. Rhode Island historical society. News sheet. Rhode Island historical tracts. Richland county historical society. Roger Williams park museum. Monograph. San Diego society of natural history. Tran sactions. Sharon historical society. Publications. Site and relic society of Germantown. An- nual report. Societe historique de Montreal. Memoires. Soldiers' and sailors' historical society ol Rhode Island. Personal narratives. South atlantic quarterly. South Carolina historical society. South Dakota historical collections Southern historical society. Southern history association. Spanish war journal. Spirit of '7(5. State historical and natural history societ>. State historical society of North Dakota. Studies in history, economics and public law Suffolk county historical society. Yearbook. Tennessee historical society. Papers. Texas state historical association. Tioga Point historical society. Proceedings and collections. Topsfleld historical society. Toronto. University of Toronto studies Transallegheny historical magazine. Trinity college historical society. Historical papei s. ..... United States catholic historical socict\ Vermont antiquarian. Vermont historical Bociety. Proceedings. Vermonter. Vineland historical and antiquarian soi Virginia magazine of history and biography. Washington historical quarterly, Wayne county, Indiana, historical society. Wclitworth historical society. Journal and transactions. William and Mary college quarterly. Wisconsin state historical society. 4 ( >4 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Wisconsin university. Women's Canadian historical society of Ot- tawa. Women's Canadian historical society of To- ronto. Worcester society of antiquity. Wyoming historical and geological society. Wyoming historical society. York pioneer and historical society. HOGS. American Berkshire record. American Chester-White record. American Duroc-Jersey record. American swineherd. American Tarmworth swine record ass'n. American Yorkshire record. Duroc-Tersey swine record. Hood farm news. National Poland-China record. National swine magazine. Standard Poland-China record. Swine breeders' journal. Western breeders journal. Western swine breeder. HOLINESS. Christian witness and advocate of Bible hol- iness. Expositor of the Christ life. Gospel trumpet. Texas holiness advocate. HOMOEOPATHY. American homoeopathic, onhthalmologlcal, otological and laryngologiea. society. American institute of homoeopathy. American physician. Chironian. Cleveland medical and surgical reporter. Clinical reporter. Clinique. Cresset. Crusader. Critique. Hahnemannian institute. Hahnemann medical college and hospital bul- letin. Hahnemannian monthly. Homoeopathic envoy. Homoeopathic eye. ear and throat journal. Homoeopathic magazine. Homoeopathic medical society of the state of New York. Homoeopathic medical society of the state of Pennsylvania. Homoeopathic recorder. Hospital leaflet. International Hahnemannian association. Iowa state homoeopathic medical journal. Journal of surgery, obstetrics and gynae- cology. Medical advance. Med ; cal arena. Medical century. Medical counselor. Medical forum. Medical student. Medical times. Nebraska state homoeopathic medical soci- ety journal. New England medical gazette. Nortu American journal of homoeopathy. Ohio homoeopathic medical society. Pacific coast journal of homoeopathy. Phi alpha gamma quarterly. Progress. University homoeopathic observer. HOO-HOO. Bulletin. HORSES. American horse breeder. American horse owner. Amer'can saddle-horse register. American Shetland club stud book. Bit and spur. Draft horse journal. Horse gazette. Horse review. Horse show monthly. Horse world. Horseman. Horseshoers' journal. Kentucky stock farm. Northwestern horseman and stockman. Percheron register. Road and track. Rossvan classification of thoroughbreds. Thoroughbred record. Trotter and pacer. Wallace's American trotting register. Western uorseman. Western turf. HORTICULTURE. See also Agriculture ; Floriculture ; Fores- try ; Fruit. Canadian horticulturist. Columbus horticultural society. Florida state horticultural society. Florists' review. Fruitman and garden guest. Gardening. Gem state rural. Georgia state horticultural society. Grape belt and Chautauqua farmer. Green's fruit grower and home companion. Horticulture. Indiana horticultural society. Iowa state horticultural society. Kansas state horticulture, society. Massachusetts horticultural society. Michigan state horticultural society. Minnesota horticulturist. Missouri state horticultural society. National fruit grower. National nurseryman. New Jersey state horticultural society. North American horticulturist. Northwest horticulturist. Obzor hospodarsky. Ohio. Dept. of agriculture. Division of nursery and orchard inspection. Our horticultural visitor. Pacific fruit world. Peach grower and fruit culturist. Southern fruit grower. Western empire. Wisconsin state horticultural society. HOTET S. California tourist and hotel reporter. Casa grande doings. Caterer. Club and hotel quarterly. Hotel and club news. Hotel and wine gazette. Hotel bulletin. Hotel gazette. Hotel gazette. Hotel gu'de and liquor dealers' advocate. Hotel life. Hotel monthly. Hotel news. Hotel register. Hotel register and caterer. Hotel reporter. St. Louis. Hotel reporter. New York. Hotel reporter. Omaha. Hotel reporter. Phila. Hotel reporter. Pittsburg. Hotel world. Kenny's hotel directory. Leahy's lintel puide of America. National hotel reporter. Official hotel red book and directory. Railway and hotel news. Reporter. Waugh's blue book of leading hotels and re- sorts of the world. West coast hotel and railway guide. HUGUENOTS. Huguenot society of America. GUIDK TO PKKIODICALS P5 HUMOROUS. Arkansas Thomas cat. Arkansas traveler. Boston life. Brooklyn life. Critic. Foolish book. Frelschuts. Humane review. Humorist. Judge. Just fuu. Ledge. Life. Lyre. Lustige bruder. Mrs. Devereux'a tips. National zeituug. Open road. Pickings from Tuck. Pack's monthly magazine and almanac. Pack's quarterly. Rarasek. Uollingpin. Spcig og alvor. Spogefuglen. Sis Hopkins' own book. Stuffed club for everybody. Town talk. Uncle R emus' s magazine. Watson's illuminator. HUNTING. See Sports and sporting. HVfTFNE American journal of public hygiene and journal of the Massachusetts ass n of boards of health. American public health association. Beauty and hea'th. Cosmopolitan sanatorium journal. Dietetic and hygienic gazette. Good health. Good health clinic. Good living. Health. Healthy home quarterly. _ Health journal of natural science of healing. Health and recreation. Health culture. Healthy home. Healthy Hie. Higiene. Home and health magazine. How to live. Iowa health bulletin, lasco ruarterlv. "Journal d'hygiene populaire. Life and health. Longevity. Mind and body. . . Monthly bulletin of vital statistics. Naturopath and herald of health. New Hampshire sanitary bulletin. North Carolina board of health. Ohio sanitary bulletin. Quebec. Conseil d'hvgiene. Tacific health journal. Pennsylvania university. People's health journal of Chicago. Public health. Public health journal. Purity. Sanitation. Sanitive medicine. . Wisconsin state board of health journal. ICE Cold storage and ice trade Journal. Ice. Ice and refrigeration. IMMIGRATION. Girds. Home seeker and investor. ,....„. Immigration restriction league. Publications IMPERIAL ORDER OF RED MEN. American red man. Buckeye I rail. Colorado council brand. Illinois red man. Lone star chief. Path finder. Sagamore. Tomahawk. IMPLEMENTS. See Machinery. _ INDEPENDENT ORDER OF FORESTERS. Forester. Forester gazette. Independent forester Ot America. INDEPENDENT ORDER OF GOOD TEMP- LARS. Northwestern templar. New York templar. I. <). G. T. news. INDEPENDENT ORDER OF ODD FEL- LOWS. American odd fellow. Beacon light. Bundle of sticks. California odd fellow. Companion. Colorado odd fellow. Fraternal journal. Fiihrer. I. O. O. F. lodge record. Independent odd fellow. Odd fellow, in spirit and truth. Odd fellow reporter. Odd fellow review. Odd fellow weekly. Odd fellow world. Odd fellows friend. Odd fellows herald. Odd fellows journal. Huntsvllle. Odd fellows journal. I'hila. Odd fellows' siftings. Odd fellows' lalisman. Illinois odd fellow. Iowa odd fellow. Oklahoma ard Indian Ter. odd fellow. Loyal odd fellow. National rebekah. New age. ,, tl Nor-Ohto I. O. O. F. bulletin. Mississippi odd fellow. Mountain state odd fellow. Pacific odd fellow. Popular odd fellow. Southern odd fellow. Sovereign odd fellow. Speaklrg leaf. Tennessee odd fellow. Texas odd fellow. Tri-state odd-fellow. Triple link. Utah odd fellow. Virginia odd icllow. Washington odd fellow. Western odd fellow. Western rebekah. __ INDEPENDENT ORDER OF THE FREE SONS OF ISRAEL. Free son. INDIA. American Bamabai association. INDIA RUBBER. India rubber world. India rubber review. Rubber trade directory. INDIANS. Amor can anthropologist. Indian rights association. Indian scn< ol iournal. Indian's friend. Native American. IND sVe^No'the names of various Industries. American Asiatic. 406 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Browning's industrial magazine. Dix ; e. Canadian manufacturer. Chicago, the great central market. Expansion. Industry. Industrial advocate. Industrial age. Industrial Canada. Industrial journal. Industrial magazine. Industrial record. Industries. Miner and manufacturer. Pacific progress. Southern industrial review. Streets' weekly. Texas trade review and industrial record. Wyoming industrial journal. INEBRIATION. Quarterly journal of inebriety. INSANITY. See Nervous system. INSURANCE. Accident insurance manual. Actuarial society of America. Adjuster. Agents' bulletin. American agency bulletin. American exchange and review. American insurance journal. American underwriter. Argus. Assurance. Baitimore underwriter. Best's key ratings of fire insurance co'i. Best's insurance reports. Bulletin. Chronicle. Criterion. Coast review. CompenuLi.a of official fire insurance reports. Consolidated chart of insurance organization. Demsches versicherungs-journal von Amer- ika. Economist. Expositor. Facts budget. Field. Fire insurance pocket index. Handv guide to premium rates. Havden's cyclopedia of insurance. Indicator. Insurance. Insurance advocate. Insurance age. Insurance agent. Insurance aud comercial magazine. Insurance and commercial review. Insurance and finance chronicle. Insurance cases for the month. Insurance critic. Insurance engineering. Insurance field. Insurance index. Insurance journal. Insurance journal. Insurance law journal. Insurance leader. Insurance magazine. Insurance monitor. Insurance news. Insurance observer. Insurance post. Insurance press. Insurance register. Insurance report. Insurance solicitor. Insurance sun. Insurance times. Insurance topics. Insurance world Insurance year book. Intelligencer. Interview. Investigator. Investor's guide. Journal of insurance economics. Life insurance courant. Life insurance educator. Life insurance independent. Life insurance independent and Am. journal of life insurance. Metropolitan. Monthly fire bulletin. Monthly journal of insurance economics. Mutual interests. Mutual underwriter and savings and loan review. Mutual investigator. National board of fire underwriters. National fire protection ass'n quarterly bul- letin. National leaflet. National messenger. National underwriter. National union. News-letterette. New York insurance journal. New York news letter. Office and field. Pacific underwriter. Phila., Penn. and Del. insurance directory. Policy holder. Prominent patrons of life insurance. Public safety. Record. Reports of fire insurance companies. Rough notes.. Royal templar. Shareholder and insurance gazette. Southeastern underwriter. Spectator. Standard. Standard fire insurance tables. Sunshine. Surveyor. Texas insurance. Thrift. Travelers' record. Underwriter. Baltimore. Underwriter. New York. Underwriters' review. United States review. L'liioue comparative chart of premium rates. Views. Vigilant. Vindicator. Western economist. \, estern insurance review. Western underwriter. INVENTIONS. American inventor. Inventor. Inventors' journal. Inventive age and patent index. INVESTMENTS. See also Banks and banking; Commerce. American investment ledger. American magazine of -mining and invest- ment. American producer, colonist, and investor. American street railway investments. Banker's record of municipal bond and misc. stock offerings. Bargain counter. Bond buyer. Boston commercial. Broker and promoter. Broker and stock holder. Commercial and financial chronicle. Condensed figures from the latest annual le- ports. Descriptive real estate. Financial record and investor's manual. Handbook for mining Investors. Industrial quotation record. Inland investor and mid and magazine. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS \Q7 Invostirg for profit. Investor. Investor and home guide. Investors review. UdiesMand, mining and investment news. M S B customers bulletin. Maghnal's stock market forecaster. Michigan investor. Mining truth. Money. Money maker magazine. Mutual interests. NaConal investor. New southwest. Northwest homeseeker anu investoi. Pacific states investor. Profitable investing. Railroad quotation record. Stock history. .. . Texas-Louisiana petroleum record and oil in vestors' journal. Ticker. Todd's Nevada chronicle. United states investor. Valuations. Walker's weekly copper letter. Western investors review. IRISH American Irish historical society. Gaelic American. Ir'sh-Amer can advocate. Irish American review. Kentucky Irish American. IRON AND STEEL. See also Metals : Mines and Mining. American iron ard steel association. American manufacturer and iron world. Industrial world. Iron age. Iron and steel magazine. Iron trade review. IRRI ATION. Farm ard irrigation age. Irr gat Ion. Irrigation age. Irrigator and colonist. Irrigation and modern farming. Maxwell's talisman. Water and forest. JAMESTOWN EXPOSITION. Jamestown bulletin. JAPAN. Japan and America. JEWELRY. American jeweler. American standard. Associat'on jeweler. Ralley. Tanks & Uiciu.e co. Goldsmltb and sMversmith. Jeweler and optician. Jeweler's circular- weekly. Jewelers' journal, jewelry art. Jewelry advertising. Jobbers' handbook. . Kansas city jeweler and optitian. Keystone. Manufacturers' new designs. Manufacturing jeweler. Pacific goldsmith. Trade and Canadian jeweler. Who'esa'.e jeweler. JEWISH. Amer'can Israelite. American Jewess. Amer'can Jewish historical society. Amer'can Jewish year book. Amerikarer. Beth Israel pulpit. B'nal R'rith messenger. Emanuel. Free synagogue pulpit. Hebrew. Hebrew leader- Hebrew standard. Israelite. Jewish American. Jewish chai itj Jewish Christian. Jewish chronicle. Jewish fit /en. Jewish comment. Jewish criterion. Jewish evangelist. Jewsh exponent. Jewish home. Jewish legger. Jewish post. Jewish quarterly review. Jewish record. Jewish review and observer. Jewsh spectator. Jewish tunes and observer. Jewish tribune. Jewish voice. Jewish world. Maccabaean. Minikes' monthly. Modern view. New Occident. New era illustrated magazine. Occident. Our pulpit. Reform advocate. Review. Southwestern Jewish sentiment. Union of American Hebrew congregations. Voce of Israel and signs of the times. Volksfreund. . Yearbook of the central conference of Amer- ican rabbis. Y. M. II. A. magazine. Young Israel. JOURNALISM. Ed'tor and publisher. Fourth estate. Jourrallst. Michigan bulletin. Nat'onal pr titer journalist. Newspaperdom. Quill. Southern publisher. JR. O. U. A. M. Amer'can. Councilor. Fraternity. Jersev junior. Mountain state gavel. „„„»,.. „i» New Jersey junior American mechanic. Record. Texas junior. Virginia courier. Virginia farmer. Western junior. JUVENH E. See also Youth. achievement. Advance. American hoy. Apples of gold Parcel's tidning. Beadle's frontier series. Poyhood. Itovs' friend. Roys journal and girls magazine. Bovs' magazine. Both' world. Child-garden. Children. Children's magazine Children's star magazine. Children's tribune. . . . i.entsel, A.nerk:,niseher Jugend freund. Kverv other • and*] Girls? companion Golden days for boyi and girls. Golden moments. 408 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Guardian angel. Hawaii's young people. Jung-Amerika. Junior. Junior eagle. Kind words. Kinder post. Little Christian. Little chronicle. Little folks. Little folks. New York. Little folks. Salem. Little folks' annual. Little folks spokesman review. Little leader. Mayflower. Mother goose calendar. New medical library. Our fourfooted friends. Our little people. Our young folks. Ov young people. Our youth's friend. Pittsburg (Pa.) leader. Pitsburg (Pa.) press. St. Louis (Mo.) globe-democrat. St. Nicholas. Scattered seeds. Seattle (Wash.) Sunday times. Stokes' children's annual. Sunshine. Twentieth century boys and girls Unnatural history. Wee wisdom. Working boy. Young churchman. Young catholic messenger. Young people. Youth's banner. Youth's realm. JUVENILE COURTS. Juvenile advocate. Juvenile court record. KANSAS CITY, MO. Hoyes' Kansas City directory. K. A. E. O. Knights' review. K. OF L. OF H. Chronicle. KAPPA ALPHA THETA. Kappa alpha theta. KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA. Key of Kappa kappa gamma. KAPPA SIGMA. Caduceus of Kappa sigma. KINDERGARTEN. Kindergarten -primary magazine. Kindergarten magazine. Kindergarten review. Southwest kindergarten magazine. KING'S DAUGHTERS. Silver cross. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS. Columbiad. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. Alabama knight. Arizona Pythian record. Blade. California knight. Carolina Pythian. Florida Pythian. Fraternities review. Jersey knight. Kentucky knight. Knight. Lone star Pythian. Michigan knighthood. Pacific Pythian. Pennsylvania Pythian. Pythian. Pythian advocate. Pythian age. Pythias and calanthe. Pythian banner. Centreville. Evansville, Ind. Rochester. Pythian chronicle. Pythian gleaner. Pythian herald. Forth Smith. Pythian herald. Kansas City. Pythian herald gazette. Pythian journal. Indianapolis. Pythian journal. Pythian knight. Pythian knight. Pythian leader. Pythian lodge secret. Pythian monitor. Pythian news. Tythian record. Pythian review. Pythian shield. Pythian sunbeam. I'ythian times. Pythian tribune. Senator. Sloan's K. P. weekly. South Dakota knight. Southern Pythian. Sprig of myrtle. Texas I'ythian banner-knight. Tiger ard crescent. True Tythian. Virginia Pythian. Western knight. Wyoming Pythian. KNIGHTS OF THE GLOBE. Knights of the globe. KNIGHTS OF THE GOLDEN CROSS. Golden cross journal. KNIGHTS OF THE GOLDEN EAGLE. Central states eagle. Golden eagle. New Jersey crusader. KNIGHTS OF THE MACCABEES. Arbor tent news. Bee hive. Calhoun tent news. Fraternal news. Kennedy review. Michigan bee. Modern Maccabee. New York Maccabee. LABOR. Advocate. Hammond. Advocate. Utica. Allied printing trades journal. Amalgamated ass'n of street and electric rail- way employes. Amalgamated journal. American federationalist. American ass'n for labor legislation. Arbeiter-zeitung. Artisan. Association of officials of bureaus of labor statistics of America. Austin forum. Biene. Blacksmith's journal. Boiler makers' and iron ship builders' jour. Brauer-zeitung. Bricklayer and mason. Broom maker. Brotherhood of electric railway motormen's magnzire. Brotherhood of locomotive engineers jour. Building trades employers' association. California petroleum miners' association. Carpenter. Chicago federationist. Chronicle. Cigar maker's official journal. Citizen. Clarion-advocate. Coast seamen's journal. Cooper's international journal. Courier. Diamond. Directory labor organizations. Dispatch. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS V" Right-hoar bulletin. Eight hour miller. Electrical worker. Exponent. St. Louis. Exponent Saginaw. Federation news. Eederatlonist Forum. Free citizen. Gazette. Georges creek press. Granite cutters' journal. Hammer and pen. Harbinger. Herald. Herold. Illas lidu. Idaho unionist. Illinois tradesman. Independent. Boone. Independent. Janesville. Independent. Vancouver. Industrial advocate. Industrial banner. Industrial herald and citizen. Industrial journal. Industrial weekly. Industrial worker. International bookbinder. International brotherhood of boiler makers, iron ship builders and helpers of America. International master boiler makers ass n International brotherhood of stationary fire- men's journal. Internat : onal horseshoers' magazine. International wood worker.- Iowa unionist. Iron moulder's journal. Jewelry advertising. Journal. Journal of labor. Journal of labor. Journal of the knights of labor. Justice. . . Kern county union labor journal. Labor advocate. Labor advocate. Nashville. Labor advocate. Reading. Labor advocate. Youngstown. Labor champion. Labor clarion. Labor compendium. Labor digest and the union. Labor herald. Danville. Labor herald. Elvins. Labor herald. Kewanee. Labor herald. Savannah. Labor herald. Wilmington. Labor journal. Everett. Labor journal. Houston. Labor journal. Rochester. Labor journal. Zanesville. Labor leader. Labor monitor. Labor news. Beaumont. Labor news. Colorado Springs. Labor news. Galesburg. Labor news. Quincy. Labor press. Portland. Labor record. Labor review. Leavenworth. Labor s'gnal and commercial reporter. Labor world. Chicago. Labor world. Decatur. Labor world. Duluth. Labor world. Tittsburg. Labor world. Shawnee. Laborer. Laborer's journal. La Crosse county news. Leather workers journal. Liberator. Machinists monthly journal. Master sheet metal workers journal. Massachusetts labor bulletin. Michigan union advocate. Miners' magaalne. Minnesota union advocate. Mirror. Mixer and server. Monday morning news. Monthly union. Motorman and conductor. National ass'n of the ollicials of bureaus of labor statistics. National labor standard. National labor tribune. National metal trades association. N. E. L- A. bulletin. New era. Louisville. New era. Scranton. New York labor bulletin. Obrero. Ohio mechanics institute. Oil mill gazetteer. Oil workers journal. Omaha trade exhibit. Open shop. Organized labor. Painter and decorator. Tainters official journal. People. Akron. Ko'anJ'o^workers- official journal Quarry workers' journal. Railway conductor. Kefa.^'clerks' international advocate. Review. v a ,a Fe employes magazine. Saturday union record. Secolo nuovo. Shoe workers' journal. Southern workman. S'iuare deal. Statesman. ... Steam shovel and dredge. Stone cutter's journal Stove mounters' journal. Straz. Suburban. . 1mirna i Switchman's union of N. A. journal. Tageblatt. T ail °favers' and helpers' journal. Tobacco worker. Toiler. Eau Claire. Toiler. Glen Falls. Toiler. Terre Haute. Toiler. Toronto. Toilers' defense. Trade union journal. Trade unionist. Trades and labor gazette. Trades journal. Trades record. Trades union advocate. Trades union gazette. Tri-city labor voice. Tri-city unionist. Tribune. Cedar Rapids. Tribunal. Sacramento. Union. Indianapoi.s. Union. Minneapolis. Union St. Joseph. Union advocate. JamertOWJ. Union advocate. Sioux L-ity. Union banner. Union gazette. Union index. Union label. Boston. Union label. Evansvllle. Union label. San Jose. Union label. Tampa. Union labor advocate. Union labor. Burlington. Union labor. Los Angeles. Union labor journal. 4io GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Onion leader. Union obrera. I'nion record. Unionist. Fori Scott. Unionist. Murphysboro. Unionist. Muskogee. Unionist. Norfolk. United labor journal. Memphis. United labor journal. New Orleans. United mine workers' journal. Von e. Voice of the people. Volksfreund. Voz dee obrero. Wageworker. Western laborer. Woman's label league journal. Workman. LACE. Lace maker. LADIES OF THE MACCABEES. Ladies review. Lady Maccabee. LAMPS. China, glass and lamps. LAUNDR\. American laundry journal. Canadian laundryman. National laundry journal. Starchroom laundry journal. LAW. Advance reports supplemental to the legal intelligencer. Advance sheets of the American digest. Albany law journal. All opinions of the United States supreme court. Amer'can and English corporation cases. American and English decisions in equity. American and English railroad cases. American bankruptcy reports. American bar association. American corporation legal manual. American criminal reports. American digest. American journal of international law. law directory, law register, law review, law school review. law times. American American American American American American _ lawyer. American lawyers quarterly. American legal news. monthly digest. negligence report, state reports. 'aw reporter. of the bar of the city of New American American American Arkansas Association York Atlantic reporter. Par. Banks' New York State Bench and bar. Bender's code citations , Pender's law book quarterly. Bender's lawyers' diary and the state of N. Y. Bender's nat. lawyers' diary. Bimonthly digest. British Columbia reporter. California appellate decisions. California decisions. Canada law journal. Canadian criminal cases. . Canadian law review. Canadian law times. Canadian railway cases. i !ase and comment. Cent ral law Journal. Chicago law journal. Chicago law directory. Chicago legal news. Cltator. lawyers' diary, analyzed (N. Y.). directory for Coal mining law journal. Colorado bar association. Columbia law review. Combined official N. Y. digest. Commercial lawyer. Cook's annotated criminal and penal codes. Court index. ("ream of the law. Credit and commercial cases. Current law. Dauphin county reporter. Detroit law journal. Detroit legal news. Eastern law reporter. Examiner. Federal reporter. New York. Federal reporter. St. Paul. General digest. Georgia bar association. Gould's greater New York and state lawyers' diary. Gourick's Washington digest. Green boy. Guaranteed attorneys' quarterly. Howard law review. Hubbell's legal directory. Illinois college of law weekly. Illinois law review. Illinois official reporter. Illinois state bar association. Indiana serial digest. Indiana state bar association. Iowa state bar association. Kansas lawyer. Kentucky law reporter. Law. Law bulletin. Law journal. Detroit. Law journal. New lurk. Law notes. Law reporter. Law reports and session laws, state of N. Y. Law students' helper. Law of rights. Law register. Law-giver. Lawyers' reports. Legal adviser. Legal aid review. Legal bibliography. Legal intelligencer. Legal journal. Legal news. Luzerne legal register. McMaster's commercial decisions. Maine bar association. Maryland bar assoc'ation. Massacusetts lawyers' diary. Massachusetts reports. Supreme judicial court. Mercantile adjuster. Michigan law review. Michigan serai digest. Missouri bar association. Missouri court reporter. Monaghon's cumulative annual digest of Pennsylvania decisions. Montgomery co. law reporter. Monthly digest. National reporter system. Nebraska legal news. New Jersey law journal. New Jersey lawyers' diary. Nova Scotia reports. New Mexico bar association. New York state lawyers' u.ary. New York supplement. North Carolina journal of law. Northwestern reporter, St. Paul. Notes to statutes of Indiana ( tfficia] edition of law reports and sessiof laws. N. Y. Ohio law bulletin. ( Hiio law reporter. GUIDE TO PERloDK'M.S 4M Oklahoma law Journal. Ontario law reports. Ontario weekly reporter. Pacific reporter. Pennsylvania bar association. Pennsylvania county conn reports. Pittsburgh legal journal. Rapports de practique de Quebec. Rapports judiciaires de Quebec. (Cour du banc du roi.) Rapports iudiciaires de Quebec. (Cour su- perieure.) Record. Kansas City. Record. St. Louis. Reporter. Revlsta del foro. Revue de Jurisprudence. Revue legale. Royal gazette. Halifax. Royal gazette. Charlottetown. Shenard's annotations. Sher>ard's citations. Southeastern reporter. Southern reporter Southwestern reporter. Sunreme court reporter. Texas court reporter. Underwood & Campbell's digest relating to patent cases. United States reports. United States supreme court reports. University law review. Virginia Justice and citizen. Virginia law register. Washington law reporter. Western law reporter. Western reserve law journal. Yale law iournal. LAWN TENNIS. American lawn tennis. LEAGUE OF HONOR. Herald. LEATHER. Oannd'nn shoe and leather Journal. H'de and leather. Leather. leather manufacturer. Shoe and leather an-r-nl reporter. Shoe and leather gazette. feiioe ard leather reporter. Shoe and leatner world. Trunks, leather goods and umbrellas VVpki ■ •• »tin. LEGISLATION. Legislative news. New York university. Year book of legislation of the N. Y. state Pbrary. LIBRARIES. See also Bibliography ; Hooks. Berkeley (Cal.) public lVirary. Monthly bul- letin. Berkshire athenaeum. Quarterly bulletin. Boston public library monthly bulletin. Bowdoin college library. Brockton library. Brookl.ne public library. Brooklyn public library. California state library. Extension dept. Cambridge (Mass.) public library. Bulletin. Carnegie librarv of Atlanta. Carnegie library of Pittsburgh. Carthage public library biiui-i.ii. Chicago public librarv. Bulletin. dark university library. Cleveland public noia.y. Open shelf. Denver (Colo.) public library. Bulletin. Detroit (Mich.) public library. District ot Columbia public library. Dover. Public library. Enoch Pratt tree uuiary. Bulletin. Evanston (ill.) free public library. Bulletin. Fiu-hburg public library. Fitz public uurary. vj^arterly bulletin. Fletcher free library. Grand Rapldi public library. Hackley public libi Quarterly bulletin. Hamilton library association of Carlisle, Pa. Hartford. Public l.brarr. Haverhill public library. Bulletin. Helena Public library. Holyoke library record. Indiana state l.urary. Indianapolis public librarv. Iowa library commission. lnwa masonic library. Jersey city free public library. Library rec- ord. J. Hermon Rosier memorial library. Joliet public library. Kansas City. Public library. Laconla public Horary. Library association of Portland, Ore. Library company of i'h..a. Library journal. Library news. Library notes and news. Library occurrent. Library record. Library work. Lincoln (Neb.) city library. Monthly bulle- tin. Lloyd library and museum. Los Angeles public library. Monthly bulle- tin. Lynn (Mass.) public library. Bulletin. Maiden. Public library. Medford public library. Bulletin. Mercantile library. Michigan state library commission. Millicent library bulletin. Milton (Mass.) public library. Rulletin. Milwaukee public library. Quarterly index. Monthly bulletin. Nashua public library. Quarterly bulletin. Nebraska library bulletin. Nebraska public library commission. New Pedford free puulic library. New Hampshire public libraries. Rulletin. New Haven free public library. Bulletin. New York libraries. New York public Horary. New York society library. New York university. Newark (N. J.) free public library. Newburyport (Mass.) public library. Bulle- tin. News notes of California libraries. Ohio state library. Monthly bulletin. Omaha public library. Bulletin. Open shelf. Osterhout free library. Bulletin. Otis library and Peck library. Co-operative bulletin. Pasadena 'Cal.) public library. Monthly bulletin. Passegna Nord-Americana. Peabody institute library. Bulletin. Providence ( K. I.) public library. Quarterly Millctin. Public libraries. Purdue university library. (jumev. Free public library. Rockford public library. St. Joseph (Mo.) free public library. Bulle- tin. St. Louis. Public library. Salem public library. San Francisco (Cal.) public library. Month- iv bulletin. San Jose (Cal.) free public library. Bulle- tin. Scranton (Pa.) public library. Bulletin. Seattle public library. Silas Bronson library. Bulletin. Sonicrvillc (Mass.) public library. Library bulletin. Stat: Syracuse (N. Y. public library. Bulletin. 4 I2 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Trenton (N. J.) public library. Bulletin. Vermont library commission. Very small library magazine. Virginia state library. W'a.tliam (Mass.) public library. Bulletin. Warren county library. Bulletin. Washington county free library. Bulletin. Wilmington institute free library. Wisconsin library bulletin. LIFE INSURANCE. See Insurance. LIGHT. American gas light association. Illuminating world. National electric light association. LIQUORS. Barrels and bottles. Beverages. Biles' semi-monthly pocket edition whiskey price list. Bont'ort's wine and spirit circular. Beth sides. t'hampion of fair play. Free press. Knights of fidelity news. Liqueurs et tabacs. Liquor dealer's journal. Liquor trades review. Mallard's iraeazine. Mida's criterion New England journal and directory. Our standard. Pacific coast liquor deaiers' journal. Facific wine and spirit review. Patriot. Philadelphia liquor dealers' journal. Protector. Publicity. Southern liquor dealer. Southern liquor journal. Texas liquor dealer. Washington liquor dealer. Wholesalers' and retailers' review. W T ine and spirit bulletin. Wine and sprit journal and brewers' rev. W'ine and spirit gazette. Wine and spirit news. LITERARY. Abendschule. Ability. Adams's magazine. Aftenloesning. Ainslee's. Alaska's magazine. Alaska monthly magazine. All-story magazine. Album universel. Alexander's magazine. Amer'ca. American home magazine. American magazine. Amer'can author. American Hebrew. Amer'can high school. Amer'can illustrated magazine. American monthly review of reviews. American woman. Amer'can woman's home journal. American woman's review. Anybody's magazine. Appleton's magazine. Arena. Argonaut. Argus, (Montreal). Argus, (Seattle). Arizona magazine. Art and story magazine. As others see us. At home magazine. Atlantic monthly. Aurore. Bassett's scrap book. F.adger. Bay view magazine. Beacon. Beautiful woman. Bellman. Bernardsville hills. Biblioteka Polska. Bi-monthly owl. Black cat. Black diamond express. Blackwood's magazine. Seattle. Blackwood's magazine. New York. Blue book magazine. Blue devil. Blue mule. Blue stocking. Bohemian. Bookbuyer. Bookman. Boston alaskan. British Cahfornian. Broadway magazine. Broadway weekly. Budget. Bulletin. Butterfly quarterly. Caledonian. Cambrian. Canadian club. Canadian home. Canadian magazine. Cassell's magazine (Am. ed.). New York. Castelle's magazine. New York. Century. Champlain educator. Chase's magazine. Chat. Chautauquan. Chicago ledger. Circle. Clifton monthly. Coast. Collier's weekly. Coloradoan. Colored American magazine. Columbia monthly. Columba university quarterly. Conservator. Contemporary review. Corey's notes. Cornell era. Cosmopolitan. Cosmos. Country life in America and country calen- dar. Country time and tide. Courrier de Montmagny. Criterion. Cuba ilustrada. Current literature. Dacotah magazine. Daheim. Dakotan. Deutsch-texanische monatshefte. Dial. Dixieland. Dirva Drake. Duch casu. Eagle library. East. Eclectic magazine. Editor. Edinburgh review. Enthusiasm. Erholungsstunden. Evening hours. Everybody's home journal. Everybody's magazine. Every day life. Everyone's magazine. Everything. Everywhere. Facts and fiction. Family circle. Family friend. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 413 Figaro (El) Fireside companion. Florida. Fortnightly review. Forum. Franklin magazine. Freak. Friendship. Frontier. Future. Gadite. Gateway. Gazette and guide. Ghourki. Gleaner. Globe. Globe quarterly review. Glocke. Golden hours. Goldenrod monthly. Good reading. Good stories Graphic. Gray goose. Great southwest magazine. Greater Boston magazine. Greater west. Grit. Gulf coast line magazine. Gunter's magazine. Happy hours. Harlequin. Harper's bazar. Hans und herd. Hee-Haw. Hearst's American home magazine. Hearth and home. Hesperian. High school magazine. Hogwallow Kentuckian. Holland's magazine. Home lovers magazine. Home visitor. Homefolks. Household. Howard graduates' magazine. Human life. Idaho magazine. Idaho scimitar. Ideal home magazine. Ideas. Idler. Illustrated events. Illustrated family herald. Illustrated home journal. Illustrated London news. Illustrated North American. Imperial standard. In famil'en kreise. Independent. Index. Indoors and out. Information. Inland. Inquirer. Intermountain magazine. Interstate journal. Japan current. Journal pour tous. Kings and queens of the range. Ladles' favorite magazine. Lantern. Leslie's weekly. Liberty bell magazine. Lietuva. Light house. Llpplncott's monthly magazine. Linksma walanda. Literary digest. Literary gems. Literary go-between. Literary life. Little classic. Live wire. Weekly magazine. times. universel Living age. I I herald. Loa tagelea Sunday l,OWI 1 in. Lucky di Met 'lure's magaslne. Madden 1 me. Mall ai d herald. Major magaa ne. Martln'a magaslne. M .11 yland chronicle. Maryland monthly magazine. M'ii and matters. Met ropolltan magazine. Middle west Middle-west advocate. Midwest magaslne. Mighty pen. Mirror. Monde illustre album Modern women. Monitor magazine. Muck rake. Munsey's magazine. Nassau monthly. Nation. National magazine. National magazine of Cuba. National monthly of Canada National progress. New England magazine. New era monthly. New Jersey ma"azine. New magnet library. New review. New Shakespearlana. New southwest magazine. New story magazine. New Yorker echo. News. Nickell magazine. Nineteenth century and after. Norden. North American review. North shore reminder. Northern crown. Novel len-Sr hats. Nouvcllc — France. Novel world. Oak leaves. Ohio magazine. Omahan. Omnibus. Onward. Opportunity. Otis weekly. Our home companion. Our magazine. Our mascot. Outlook. Outlook, (Manila). Out west. Overland moni.ily. Pacific monthly. Pageant. Paint brush. Pandei of the press. Paragon monthly. Park review. Pathfinder. Pearson's magaslne. Penny magazine. People's home Journal. People's literary companion. People's magaslne end home university. People's magazine Philadelphia (Pa.) Phlllstii Philosopher. inquirer. Supplement. ■ rial Pilgrim. burg Pleasant I'oet lore American. I Pa. > dispatch, hours Magazine section. 4M GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Popular magazine. Portland transcript. l'ost. i'ress monthly. Prince Edward Island niaga-ine. Progressive age. Public's companion. rutnam's monthly and the Reader. Quarterly review. Quiver. lied book magazine. Reflector. Remarques. Republic magazine. Republican. Kevista popular. lievue Canadienne. Rocky mountain magazine. Rocky mountain pioneer. Rodira. iioller monthly. Rose bush Rose- jar. Roosevelterian bluestocking. Rural rooter. St. Paul (Minn.) dispatch. Literary supple- ment. Sagebrush philosophy. San Francisco (Cal. ) chronicle. Fiction supplement. Sanedi. Saturday chronicle. Saturday evening mail. Saturday evening posi. Saturday review. Saturday times. Sawyer trio. Saxby's traveler's magazine. Scrap book. Scribner's magazine. Scr'p. Seaboard magazine. Searcher. Seattle (Wash.) post-intelligencer. See America first magazine. Seen and heard. Sewanee literary magazine. Sevvanee review. Short stories. Sketch book. Sketch book. Smart set. Smith's magazine. Social visitor popular monthly magazine. Sound readings for busy people. Southern homt. Southern sentinel. Southland magazine. Southwest. Denver Southwest. St. Louis. Span of life. Spare moments. Standard. Stoddard's northern monthly Story magazine. Strand magazine. Street and Smith's New York weekly. Sturm's Oklahoma magazine. Suburnan life. Success. Sun. Sunbeam. Sunnyside magazine. Sunny south. Sunset. Svava. Svojan. Tab's. Taylor-Trot \\oi id magazine. Texas mirror. 10 story book. Thrift. Time and the hour. Times Saturday review To-Dav. To- Day' 5 magazine. Toledo business man. Tom Watson's magazine. Town and country. Transatlantic tales. Travel. True flag. True republic. Truth. Twentieth century review. joth century stories. I nele Remus's magazine Ungdommens ven. Uugdomsvannen. I niversal magazine. Valkyrian. Valley magazine. Vickery and Hill list. Vickery's fires.de visitor. Virginia magazine. Voice of the negro. Washington magazine. Watson's Jeffersonian magazine. Wave. Waverley magazine. Wayside tales. Weekly. West coast magazine. West end magazine. Western magazine. Western world. Westerner. Westminster review. Wetmore's weekly. Wilshire's magazine. Wide world magazine. World wide. World today. World's events magazine. World's work. Writer. Yankee blade. Ye quaint magazine. Zukunft. LIVE STOCK. See also Agriculture : Cattle ; Sheep ; etc. American breeder and feeder. American live stock and poultry raiser. American stock farm and advance farmer Blooded stock. Breeder and sportsman. Breeder's gazette. Rreeders special. Ch'cago live stock world. Drovers' journal. Drovers' journal-stockman. Drovers' telegram. Farm and stock. Farm stock journal. Farm stock success. (Joodall's farmers and drovers journal Ilolstein-Friesian register. Illuminated world life. Jersey hustler. Live stock and dairy journal. Live stock inspector. Live stock journal. Live stock journal. Live stock journal. Five stock journal. Five stock record. Five stock record. Live stock report. Live stock reporter. Five stock reporter. Five stock review. Live stock tribune. Magic city hoof and horn. Montana stockman and farmer. National live stock bulletin. National live stock reporter. National stockman and farmer. Pet stock magazine. iUIDK T( ) PERK »l)K' \l.s 4Tq Uanch. Rancb and rauge. Kecord-stockmaii. Ltecorder. si. Paul. Recorder. San Francisco. Reporter. < 'host or. Reporter, smith st. Paul. Sioux stock journal. Southwestern stockman, larmer and feeder Stock farm. stock growers' journal. Stockman. st. ckman's brand. Texas stockman and farmer. 'Texas stockman journal. Traders exchange journal. Weekly optic and stock grower. West Texas stock farmer. Western breeder's journal. Western rancher and brand recorder. LONG ISLAND. Long Island gazette. LOYAL GUARDS. Loval guard magazine. LUMBER. See also Forestry. American lumberman. Canada lumberman. Columbia r.ver and Oregon timberman. Directory of pine lumber mfg. Dixie wood worker. • iulf coast record. Hardwood record. Lumber review. Lumber trade journal. Lumber trade journal. Lumberman. Vancouver. Lumberman. t>t. Louis. Lumberman's review. Mines and lumber. Mississippi valley lumberman. Nat. lumber mfg. credit corporation. New York lumber trade journal. Pacific coast wood and iron. Pacific lumber trade journal. Pennsylvania lumberman. Reference book lumberman's credit ass'u. Retail lumberman. St. Louis lumberman. Schuster's yellow pine lumber rate book. Southern industrial and lumber review. Southern lumberman. Strode's lumber world. Timberman. West coast. LUTHERAN. August ana. Augustana journal. Busy bee. christian youth. Church and mission herald. Cvangelisch-Lutherisches sciiulblatl. Kvangelisk Luthersk kirketideude. 1'osterlandet. 1 laerolden. Hart wick seminary monthly and eastern Lutheran. . I upend f round. I.ehre und wehre. Lessons for evangelical lutheran Sunday- schools. Kyrkasangcn. Luther league review. Lutheran church review. Lutheran. Elizabetbville. Lutheran, l'hila. Lutheran church visitor. Lutheran evangelist. Lutheran literature. Lutheran missionary journal. Lutheran observer. Lutheran quarterly. Lutheran standard Lutheran witness Lutheran world. Lutberische berold Lui banner. Lut hoi anoien. Lu l her.se ho kit ihotizoit ung. Lutberlacbea kirchenbiatt. ( Orphan's home paper. Sameiuiugiu. Theological quarterly. Tidskrift Vereinsbote tiler) Young Lutheran. Young Lutherans' magazine. MACAKUNI. Macaroni and noodle manufacturers' Jour. MACHINERY. American machinist Boiler maker. Boiler maker and sheet metal worker. Canadian farm Implements. i 'anadlan machine shop Canad.an machinery and mnfg. Dews. Rxporl Implement age. Farm Implement newe. Farm implement news-buyer's guide. Farm implements. i 'arm machinery. Has engine. Hot journal. Hitchcock's machine tool list. Implement age. Implemenl dealer. Implement trade journal. Iron and machinery world. Locomotive. Machine tool pocket-list. M ichinery. Machinery buyers' guide. Machinery list. Modern machinery. Northwest implement trade. I'enberthy engineer and fireman. Lower and transmission. Practical machinist. Progress reporter. Southern machinery. Weekly implement trade journal. MAGIC. Crest magician. Uahatoma. Sphinx. MANUFACTURERS. See also Commerce; Inventions. American industries. Dixie manufacturer. Garment buyer and manufacturer. Knit g' i 'is review. Manufacturer. Manufacl arer. Ma nut": < turer and merchant Manufacturers' journal. Manufacturers' record. Merchants and manufacturers journal. National association of manufacturers of the United states. National association <>f wool manufacturers New England cotton manufacturers ass'n. Ohio valley manufacturer. Purchaser's reference. Soul hern manufacl nrer Sheldon's manufacturing trade. Ilea's wo men's and children's garments. Time. MANUAL TRAINING. Drawing and manual training journal. Manual training magazine. Vearbook of the council ol supervisors of the manual arts. MATERIA MEDICA. See Pharmacy. MATHEMATICS. American journal of mathematli American mathematical montnly. American mathematical nodi 416 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Annals of mathematics. Pennsylvania university. MARINE. Bee also Engineering. Fore 'an aft. Marine review. Mariner's advocate. Nautical gazette. Pacific marine review. MASONS. Acacia. Canadian craftsman and masonic record. Freemason. Freemason and western mason. Gran Logia. Ideal masonico. Illinois freemason. Industrial advocate. Loomis' musical and masonic journal. Masonic advocate. Masonic chronicle. Masonic chronicler. Masonic constellation. Masonic forum. Masonic herald. Masonic home journal. Masonic journal. Masonic light. Masonic news. Masonic northern New Yorker. Masonic observer. Masonic review. Masonic standard. Masonic sun. Masonic tidings. Masonic token. Masonic trestle board. Masonic trowel. Masonic voice-review. Master mason. Missouri freemason. New age. New England craftsman. Orphans' friend and masonic journal. Pacific mason. Royal craftsman. Southern freemason. Square and compass. Denver. Square and compass. New Orleans. Tennessee mason. Texas freemason. Trestle board. Tyler-kevstone. MATRIMONY. American messenger. Climax. Correspondent. Cupid. Gunnels' monthly. Helping hand. Messenger. Pilot. Todd's scrap book of love. Wedding bells. MECHANICAL. Draftsman. Popular mechanics. General society of mechanics and trades- men of the city of New York. MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE. See also Medicine. Medico-legal journal. MEDICINE. See also Pharmacy; Anatomy; Hygiene; Physiology ; Gynecology ; Nervous sys- tem ; Surgery; Therapeutics; Skin dis- eases ; Ear and eye. Academia de ciencias medicas, fisicas y nat- urales de la Habana. Anales. Acologist. Alabama medical Journal. Albany medical annals. Albright's office practitioner. Alumni association. Alumni register. American academy of medicine. American gastroenterological association. American journal of anatomy. American journal of clinical medicine. American journal of progressive therapeutics. American journal of the medical sciences. American journal of urology. American laryngological, rhinological and otological societv American medical association. American medical compend. American medical directory. American medical journal. American medical journalist. American medical monthly. American medicine. American medico-phychological association. American pediatric society. American physician. American practitioner and news. American quarterly of Roentgenology. American year book of medicine and sur- gery. Archives of diagnosis. Archives of pediatrics. Archives de la policlinica. Arkansas medical society. Asociacion medica de Porto Rico. Associacion medico-farmaceutica de Cuba. Associated physicians of Long Island. Association of American medical colleges. Association of American physicians. Association of hospital superintendents. Atlanta journal-record of medicine. Paylor university college of medicine. Pender hygienic laboratory. Boston city hospital. Poston medical and surgical journal. Brooklyn medical journal. Buffalo medical journal. California medical and surgical reporter. California medical bulletin. California medical journal. California state journal of medicine. Canada lancet. Canada medical record. Canadian journal of medicine and surgery. Canadian practitioner and review. Carolina medical journal. Caroline Brewer Croft cancer commission of Harvard medical school. Central states medical monitor. Charlotte medical journal. Chicago clinic and pure water journal. Chicago medical recorder. Chicago medical times. Chicago pan-path. Cincinnati lancet-clinic. Cleveland medical journal. Clinic and pure water journal. Clinical reporter. Clinical review. ('Unique. College of physicians of Phila. Colorado medical journal. Colorado med : cine. Columbus medical journal. Congress of American phvsiclans and sur- geons. Connecticut medical society. Courier of medicine. Creighton medical bulletin. Critic and guide. Cronlca medlco-qulrurgica, Denver medical times. Detroit medical journal. Dominion medoal monthly. Dosimetric medical review. Eclectic medical gleaner. Eclectic medical journal. Eclectic review. Experience. Family doctor. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 417 Florida medical association. Fort Wayne medical Journal magazine. lards' southern meuii Georg a eclectic medical Journal. Georg a med co 1 assoclal Ion. Georg :i pracl Iclan. l labai ;i medica. Hansdoktor. Harper hospital bulletin. Harvard medical alumni association. Harvey lectures. Home encyclopaedia of hygiene and medi- cine. Hospital bulletin. 1 1< spital messenger. Hot Springs med cal journal. Illinois medical bullet .11. Hiiro s med cal journal. Index medicus. I nil ana medical journal. International medical annual. Interstate medical journal. Iowa medical journal. Jefferson medical college hospital. Johns Hopkins hospital. Journal de medicine et de chirurgie. Journal of balneology. Journal of comparative neurology. Journal of experimental medicine. Journal of infectious diseases. Journal of liberal meatcine. Journal of medical research. Jouri al of med. cine and surgery. Journal of physical therapy. Journal of practice. Journal of treatment. Jouri al-recoro of me^.eine. Kansas City med r cal-muex lancet. Kansas City medical record. Kansas med Cal society. Kentucky medical journal. Kentucky state medical association. Keokuk medical college bulletin. Lancet clinic. Laryngoscope. Leonardos illustrated medical journal. Leucocyte. Little visitor. I. ng Island medical journal. Los Angeles journal of eclectic medicine. Los Angeles medical Journal. Louisv lie monthly journal of medicine and surgery. Lying-in Hospital of the city of New York. Maine medical association. Maritime medical news. Maryland medical journal. Maryland university Massachusetts general hospital. ..ifssachusetts medical journal. Medical. Med cal advocate. Medical and chirurgical faculty of Mary- la 1 (1. Med' cal and surgical journal. Mobile. Medical and surgical journal. New Orleans. Medical and surgical reporter. Medical annals. ':a. Medical br'.ef. Me Ileal bulletin. Medical college of Virginia. Med ; cal council. Medical critic. Medical educator. Med'cal examiner and practitioner. Medical fortnightly. Medical free press. Med cal harbinger. Medical herald. New Albany. Medical herald. St. Joseph. Med cal library and historical journal. Medical mirror. Medical missionary. Med ■ a I Mil cs a i.d ipierlCS. Medical owl. Medii a 1 progress. Mid 1 a I qua rieriy. Medical record, M..I . 1 1 recorder. Medica 1 ret lew. Medica 1 ret lew of reviews. Medical sentinel. Medical society of New Jersey. Medical 1 ; he District of Columbia. Medical BOCiety of I lie slate id' New York. Med cal society of the stall! of North Carol- ina. Medical society of Virginia. Medical standard. Medical student. Medical summary. Medical talk for the home. Medical times. Medical top cs. Medical tribune. Medical world. Medicine et de cliirurcie. Medicinische monatsschrift. Medico-chirurglcai journal. M edici ' legal journal. Medico-pharmaceul leal journal. Memphis medical monthly. Merck's archives. Mes medico. Michigan medical news. Michigan state medical society. Middlctonian medical magazine. Military surgeon. Milwaukee medical journal. Minnesota state medical association. Mississippi medical mcnthly. Mississippi state medical association. Missouri state medical association. Mobile medical and surgical journal. Modern electricism. Modern medical science. Modern medicine. Monthly cyclopaedia of practical medicine. Montreal medical journal. Nashville journal of medicine and surgery. National hospital record. Naturi me cure. Nebraska physician. Nebraska state medical society. Nebraska university. New Albany medical herald. New England alkaloidist. New England medical gazette. New England medical monthly. New Hampshire medical society. New Mexico medical aSBOClal "II. New Orleans med cal and surgical Journal. New York academy of medicine. New York med cal journal. New fork rued ziniscues monntsschrlft. New York state journal of medicine. New York univers.iy bulletin of the medical Bciei Northwest medicine. Northwestern university. Ohio 1 1 Journal. Oklahoma med cal news-journal. old dominion journal of medicine and sur- gery. tor record. Be medical journal. Pedlal rics. Pennsylvania medical Journal. ocyl e Philanthropic Index and review, in and surgeon. ■a My iii. nn g record Hng.neerlng anil mining journnl. Golafield k' ssip. Handbook fur mining investors. Industrial times ami mining record. interna i lonal mining news. Kansas university. Lands ai d in lies. Lake Superior mining Institute. Merrill's opl III 1st. Mich i;an miner. Miner. Mineral collector. Mineral wealth. Mines. Mines ami lumber. Mines and minerals. Mines and mining. Mines ami quarry. Mining. Mining and engineering review, electrician and western oil exponent. Minil k aid seient ilie press. Mining gazelle. Mining industry. Minii g Investor. Mining record. Mining reporter. Minii g rev ew. I, os Angeles. Mining rev ew. Salt Lake city. Mining review and metallurgist. Mining science. Mining topics. Mining truth. Mining world. Denver. Mining world. Chicago. Nevada mining securities review. Northwest mining journal. Northwestern miner, manufacturer and met- allurgist. Ores :n (i metals. Pacific m in r. Pa • ' nn! oil reporter. Pacific outlook. Pick and drill. Portage hike mining gazette. Rocky mountain miner Sail Lake mining review. School of mines quarterly. Standard. Successful miner. Texas university mineral survey bulletin. United States mining journal. \\ estern mining telegram. Western miner ami financier. Wi m an's " ork. MISSING HEIRS. Missing heirs and relatives in MISSIONS. See also names of denominations. American board of commissioners for for- jD miss mis. Amer can church missionary society. America n miss oi a ry. America n mis- ona rj ■ asocial ion. ArOUl d I he world. < 'herokee messei ger. i Ihlldren'a mis-, ona ry. Christian mlaa onary. i longregal lonal Michigan. ( longregal lonal work. Foreign mission journal, i 'ore gn mlaa onary t Idlngs. Home mission echoes Home mission monthly. 420 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Home missionary. Industrial missions magazine. Life and ligtal for woman. Mission bulletin. Mission field. Mission gleaner. Mission studies. M'ss'ona ry. Missionary herald. Miss on a ry intelligencer. Missionary messerger. Missionary monthly. Missionary outlook. Missionary record. Missionary review of the world. Missionary search-light. Missionary tidings. Missionary tidings. Missionary visitor. Missionary world. Missions women. Neglected Arabia. Plantation missionary. Primitive missionary. Search light. Spirit of missions. Standard. Tidings. Voice of missions. Woman's home missions. Woman's missionary advocate. Woman's missionary friend. Woiran's work. Woman's work for woman. Women's missionary magazine. World wide Bible work. World w T ide missions. Yourg Chr'stian soldier. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA. American woodman. Iowa woodman. Minnesota and western states woodman. Missouri woodman. Modern wood craft. Modern woodman. Rovai woodman. Silver leaf. Woodman. MONEY. See also Panks and banking. Monetary record. Money. Pittsburg. Money. Xew York. Moi-ev and risks. MORMONS. Autumn leaves. Pikuben. Children's friend. Deseret evening news. Juvenile instructor. Sa'nts' herald. Yourg woman's journal. Z'on's ensign. 7'ion's hope. MORAVIAN. Prf'der botschofter. Moravian. MOSQUITOS. American mosquito extermination society. MOTORING. Am. automobile ass'n. Yearbook. American chauffeur. Auto-crank. Auto-life Auto rev'ew. Automobile. Automobile denier and repairer. Automobile magazine. Automobile topics. Bicycling world. Canadian motor. Canadian wheelman. Cania ind Capital autoist. Cycle and automobile trade Journal. Cycling. Cycling and auto-car news. Horseless age. Motor. Motor age. Motor boat. Motor boating magazine. Motor car. Motorcycle illustrated. Motor cycle magazine. Motor held. Motor news. Motor print. Motor talk. Motor traffic. Motor trade directory. Motor vehicle. Motor vehicle register. Motor wagon. Motor way. Motor world. Motoring and boating. Motorist. New England automobile journal. Official yearbook and directory of golf and automobilincr. Pacific automobiling. Pacific motoring. Power boat news. Reo echo. Sidepaths. Wheelmen's gazette. MOUNTAINEERING. See also Geography. Alpina Americana. Anpnlachia. Mazama. Mountain magazine. Sierra club bulletin. MOVING PICTURES. See Photogranhv. MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS. See also Civics. Canadian mnuicipal journal. Concerning municipal ownership. Lea cue of American municipalities. Midland municipalities. Mountain magazine. Municipal art society. Municipal enfineering. Municipal journal and engineer. Municipal world. Municipality. Natioral municipal league. Our educational dawn. Pacific municipalities. Railway news and commercial traveler. Worcester magazine. MUSEUMS. See Natural history. MUSIC. Allegro. American music journal. American musician. American musician and art journal. American organ. Animal musical directory. Aus der musikalischen welt. Pralnard's musical. Bulletin new music for the pianola, pianola- piano, aeriola, orchestreeele and aeolian grand. Bulletin of new music. < 'aecilla. Cadenza. Canadian music and trades journal. Choral bulletin. Choir herald. ( Iholr journal. Choir leader. Chon ■ tea 'inc. Church music. Conservatory. crime To PERK IDICALS 421 CuDS musical. Dominant. Echo. Kind.-. tension bulletin. Festal days. Gittit. Indicator. I nstitute. International musician. Key oote. Belding. Keynote. New York. Kunkel's musical review. Loomls' musical aud masonic journal. Metronome. Music lover's calendar. New York. Music lover's calendar. Newton Center. Music of the world. Music student. Music teacher and uome magazine. Music trades. Music trade review. Music world. Musical age. Musical America. Musical and educational directory of De- troit and eastern Michigan. Musical directory of greater Cincinnati and visitors' guide. Musical corner. Musical courier. Musical echo. Musical enterprise. Musical era. Musical harp. Musical leader and concert goer. Musical light. Musical me Hum. Musical million. Musical news. Musical observer. Musical record and review. Musical review. Musical standard. Mils cal tempo. Musical times. Musical tiiv.es. Musical trade review. Musical trio. Music an. Musicians' monthly magazine. National home and music journal. Neume. Nc ■., review ( X. \ . ). New England conservatory magazine. New m ew and church music review. Organ. ■ an loft. Organist. Pacific coast musical review. Passe temps. Pepper's musical times and band journal. Presl Quarterly bulletin of new music. Ri !< Sangen musik tidning for artister och ama- rer. S. S. Stewart's banjo, mandolin and guitar jourt a I School music review. Steinway bulletin. - ndav schoi 1 concert treasury. School music monthly. Standard choir monthly. Violin world. Universal song. Wa-wan pre Western musician. Young folks music monthl". NATIONAL fONS OF THE GOLDEN WEST. California review. NATIONAL GUARDS. National guard magazine. National guardsman. Reveille. Seventh regiment gazette, NATURAL HISTORY. Academy of natural sciences. An tturalist. American museum of natural history. Amerb an nai urallat . American Bocietj of naturaiiBta, Audubon societies. Boston society of natural history. Bull ety of natural sciences. Carnegie museum. Cincinnati museum. Cincinnati society of natural history. Field museum of natural oislory Illinois state laboratory of natural history. Illinois stat iiseum of natural history. Iowa naturalist. Iowa stale university. Junior naturalist monthly. Llnnean. Minnesota academy of natural sciences. Minnesota geological and natural history su rvey. Miramichi natural history association. Pro- ceed] Museo nacional. Anales. Museum news. Natural history society of New Brunswick. Naturaliste Canadien. Naul ilus. Newport natural history society. New York university. Ohio naturalist. ( Ontario natural science bulletin. Ottawa naturalist. Register. Philippine museum. Portland society of natural history. Provincial museum an 1 art gallery of On- tario. Annual archaeological report. Santa Barbara society of natural history. State historical and natural history society. Wisconsin geological and natural history survey. Wisconsin natural history society. NATURE STUDY. Ailani Ic slope naturalist. Boys and girls. Cornell rural school lea Nature study and elementary agriculture. NAVY. See Army and navy. NAVAL ARCHITECTURE AND ENGINEER- ING. 8 .,. !;• g aeerlng ; Anne ana navv. American Boclety of naval engineers jour. Cru Internationa] marine engineer. Naval Btores review. Society of naval architects and marine en- 'TS. United States naval inatitu NEEDLE WORK. I lot work magazine. Hon e and -1 udio. I dies' home journal. Needlework l>att ■ Nt ling The l.i home journal patterns. NEGRO. African record. I her. Southern workman. \ '.■: e of the 1 pie, NERVOUS SYbiEM. Bee al Medii i .1 ai d neuroloj American jour' bI of Inaan rial of comparative neurology. Journal of mental pathology. 4-- GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Journal of nervous and mental diseases. National association for study of epiplepsy. NEW THOUGHT. American new life. II idier science. Humanity. Individualist. Inner circle. Metaphysical magazine. Modern world. Nautilus. New thought. Now. Occult. ( Occident. ( Opportunity. Sitns that follow. Stellar ray. Swastika. Unity. Voice <~> f th Magi. NEWSBOYS. Our boys. Newsboys magazine. NEWSPAPERS. American newspaper annual. American newspaper directory. Pa"chv & co.. newspaper catalogue. Newsna"er '-nte book. NORTH DAKOTA. North Pakotan. NUMISMATICS. Amer'can journal of numismatics. American numismatic and archaeological so- ciety. Proceedings. Oanpd'an antiquarian and numismatic jour. Numismatist. Numismatic and antiquarian society of Phil- adelphia. Proceedings. NUR'INn. Amer'cnn .ionrnal of nursing. American national red cross. F'rst aid. Nurses' .ionrnal of the pacific coast. Traced "urse and hospital review. OB c-r ETRICQ See Ovnpcology and obstetrics. OCCULTISM. P^ok of the month. Mazdaznan. Ocidt science. Onent magazine. Wise-man. OCCTTIT SCIENCE. See New thought. ODP FET T OWS. Sep Independent order of odd fellows. OFFICE STTPPI IES. Cleveland offce tattler. OFce appliances. OfFce ao*->liance journal. OfFce blotter. ( Iffce economics. OfFce equipment journal. OIL. See also Pharmacy. Cotton seed o'l magazine. Oil. paint aid drug review. Pacific oil reporter. Pacifc minimi and oil reporter. Pa ; nt. o'l and drug reporter. Petroleum gazette. OKI AHOMA. Sturm's Oklahoma magazine. OPHTHALMOI OGY. Bee Ear and eye. OPTICS. See also Light. Fenestrum. ('•lobe news. Hardy messenger. I lers circular weekly. Lens. Merry idea. Optical instrument monthly I )] itical news. Optical review. Pris'n magazine. ORATORY. See also Elocution. Emerson college magazine. Speaker. ORANGE SOCIETIES. News letter. ORGAN. See Music. ORNITHOT OGY. Spe Pirfls OSTEOPATHY. Amer'can osteopathic association. Herald of osteopathv. Journal of osteopathy. Massachusetts journal of osteopathy. National eclectic journal of osteopathy. Osteopathic advocate. Osteopathic brief. Osteopathic directory and yearbook. Osteopathic health. Osteopathic physician. Osteopathic review. Osteopathic truth. Elgin. Osteopathic truths. New York. Right way. Southern .ionrnal. Still college journal of osteopathy. OTOLOGY. See Ear and eye. P. O. S. OF A. New Jersey patriot. Camp fire PAF.PI'TPJCS. See Children's diseases. PAINT AND PAINTING. See also Pharmacy. Art student and the limner. Brush and pencil. Chameleon. Pi"est and painters review. Pie-it and painter's review. Putchboy painter. Excharge. Inspiator. Master painter. Painter and decorator. ra'nter and wood finisher. Painters' magazine. Pa'ntcr's paint. Rub-'-nid album. S. W. P. Snectrum. Western painter. PAI AFOGRAPHV. Bulletins of American paleontolosy. Coptr'hnt ! on to Indiana palaeontology. PAI EONTOT OGY. Bulletin nf American paleontology. PALM BEACH, FLA. Palm Beach life. PAPER. Autocrat of the writing table. Paper dealer. Paper trade. Paper box maker and American book binder. Paper buyer. Paper mill ard wood pulp news. Paper trade journal. Pulp and paper magazine. United Slates paper-maker. PARKS. American ass'n of park superintendents. PARLIAMENTARY PRACTICE. Parliamentarian. PATENTS. See also Inventions; Trade marks. Patent and trade mark review. Patent record. tH'IDK TO PERIODICALS 423 Underwood & Campbell's digest relating to patent cases. United States patent oQicc. PATHOLOGV. See nisi) Medicine. California university. Chicago pathological society. Columbia university McGill college and university. Michigan university. New York pathological society Pathological society of Philadelphia. Pro- ceedings. Toronto. University of Toronto studies. PATRON OF HUSlANDRi. Pennsylvania gl - ai ge news. Farmers' friend and grange trade bulletin. PATRONS OF INDUSTRY. Canad.an co-operator. PEACE. See also Arbitration. Advocate of peace. Peacemaker and court of arbitration. PEACHES. See also Fruit. Peach growers' journal and apple trade rev. PEDALOl ICS. See Education. PENMANSHIP. Modern writing master. Penman-artist ar.d business educator. Penman's art journal. Western penman. PERFUMES. See also Pharmacy. Amer can perfumer. PERIODICALS. Guide to the current periodicals and serials. Moore's wholesale price list of newspapers and magazines. PET S'lGC.C. See also names of domestic animals. Household animals. Pet stock magazine. Tet stock news. Western fancier. PHARMACY. See also Medicine. American conference of pharmaceutical fac- ulties. American druggist. American journal of pharmacy. American perfumer ard essential oil review. American pharmaceutical assoc ation. Apothecary ard New England druggist. British Columbia pharmaceutical record. Bulletin of pharmacy. Canad an druggist. Canadian pharmaceutical journal. Clinical excerpts. Denaturized alcohol journal magazine. Deutsch Amer. apotheker zeituug. Drugs, oils and paints. Druggists circular. Eastern drug market. Ephemer s of materia medica. pharmacy, therapeutics, and collateral information. Era druggist directory of America. Independent druggist and advertising econ- omist. Manning's monthly service for retail drug- gists. Med en I and drug advertiser. Minks' report. Meyer brothers druggist. Michigan stnte pharmaceutical ass'n. Midland druggist. Missouri pharmaceutical association. N. A. R. 1). notes. National druggist. Nebraska state pharmaceutical ass'n. New England alkaloidist. Xi.\v Idea New York state pharmaceutical ass'n. Northwestern druggist. Notes on new remedies. <»ii palnl and drug reporter. Pacific drug review. Pacific drugglBl . Paint, oil and drug reporter. Paint, oil and drug review. People's druggist. Pharmaceut leal era. Pha rmaceul !ca 1 Journal. Pharmaceul leal review. Practical druggist. Rawlins drug news. Retail drugg si . Rocky mountain druggist. Southern drug Journal, Southern drug and paint review. Southern druggist. Spat ula, Squtbba mater's medica. State board Journal of America. Things chemical. Western druggist. PHI AI IHA CMMA. Phi alpha gamma quarterly. PHI DE' TA THETA. Scroll of Phi delta theta. PHI GAMMA DELTA. Phi gamma delta. PHI KAPPA A! PHA. Shield a'd d'amond. PHI KAPPA PSI. Shield of the Phi kappa psi. PHI' AN^FROPY. See Chnriiv. PHIT IPIINES. Filipino. PHIT OI OGY. American journal of philolos GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Gospel messenger. Harvard theological review. 1 [i raid of gospel liberty. Hermandad. I loly en ss magazine. I fome herald. Hulsvriend. Illustrated world. Illustrieste jugedblatter. [mprovement era. In bis steps. In in id review. Institute tie. Intermediate Bible quarterly. International christian endeavor monthly. Jugei d pilger. Kingdom. King's messenger. League prayer meeting topics. Libert v. Life line. Little wanderer's advocate. Living ep : stle. Living truths. Living water. Louisiana Christian. Magazin fur evangelische theologie und kircke. lUana. Men of Washington. Middle Georgia index. Morning star. New theology magazine. New York weekly witness. New York observer. Northern messenger. Notes on the Epworth League devotional meeting topics. Old theology quarterly. Our hope. Pentacostal era and national advocate of per- fect love. Pentecostal herald. People's friend. Princeton topological review. Protestant review. Ram's horn. Record of Christian work. Religious education association. Repairer. Revival. Revista evangelica. Sabbath. Sabbath reading. Sailor's magazine and seamen's friend. Seminary record. Sentinel and orange and protestant advo- cate. R'gns of the times. Soul winner. Southern evangelist. Spirit of the word. Student wi rid. Teaching hints for Bible studies. Temple review. Treasury of rel'srious thought. 20th century pastor. Union. Union gospel news. Union seminary magazine. Dnity. Universal religion. Vagteren. Wa (liter. Wakeley's leaflets. Watchword and truth. Way of fait h. West Virg'nla Christian. Western Christian union. Winona review. WI1 Iiess. Word ard work. Words of faith. Work at home. Worker's record. Yale divinity quarterly. Zion's watchman. Zion's watch tower. RICE. National rice and cotton journal. Rice industry. Rice journal and gulf coast farmer. ROCKS. See also Geology ; Mines and mining. Rock products. ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH. See Catholic church. ROVAL /RCANUM. Royal arcanum bulletin. Royal arcanum messenger ROVAL NERHBOR OF AMERICA. Royal neighbor. ROVAL TEMPLAR. Royal templar. ST. JOSEPH. Combe- Bclk directory co.'s St. Joseph city directory. ST. LOUIS, MO. Gould's St. Louis directory. SALVATION ARMY. All the world. Wary cry. Toronto. War cry. New York. SANITARi EN INEERING. See also Hygiene American society of heating and ventilating engineers. Engineerii g record. Modern sanitation. SANTA ts/Ri^RA, CAL. Santa Barbara. SCHOOi S. See Education. SCIENCE. Acadercra de ciencia. Academy notes. Academy of science. Academy of science and letters of Sioux city, Iowa. Alabama industrial and scientific society. Albany institute. Amateur work. Amer can academy of arts and sciences. American association for the advancement of science. America Cientifca. American gas light journal. American journal of religious psychology and education. American joun al of science. American pnilosophical society. Brooklyn institute of arts and sciences. Bryn Mawr college monographs. Bussey institution. California academy of sciences, t 'a rneg'.e insl itui ion. ( araeg'e institute. Cai adian record of science. Chicago academy of sciences. Colorado college studies. Colorado scientific, society. Connecticut academy of arts and sciences. Cornell university. Davenport academy of sciences. Delaware county institute of science. Denison university. Deutscher gesellig-wissenschaftlicher verein von New York. Directory of the Washington academy of sciences and affiliated societies. Disci I v c:\ . Elisha Mitchell scientific society. l-'rai kiln insl it ul o. Hamilton scientific association. Journal and proceedin ILgber PC ei ce of the motion of mailer. Historical and scientific society of Manitoba. Indiana academy of science. Iowa academy of sciences. GUIDE Ti > PERK IDICALS .)-•<» journal of scientific adjustment. Kansas a< ademy of science. Kansas «'iiv academy of sciences. K.i : sas university. Maryland ai encea. Transactions. Mer den scientific association. M chigan academy of sclent • •. Minnesi t:i academy of natural sciences. M innesi ta :> ciai science, sourl university. Natloral academy of sciences. Naturalist . Nebraska academy of Bclence. New Yelk academy of sciences. New York academy of sciences. Memoirs. Nova Scotian Institute of science. Ohio state academy of sc.ences. Oolog'.st. Ottawa literary and scientific society. Tran- sactions. Philippine journal of science. Phonoscope. Popular science monthly. Progressive age. Progressive American. Revista cientifica y bibliografica. Rochester academy of scieuce. Rose polytechnic. Royal society of Canada. Science. Scientific American. Scientific society of San Antonio. Smithsonian contributions to knowledge. Smithsonian miscellaneous collections. Southern California academy of sciences. Staten Island association of arts and sci- ences. Terestrial magnetism and atmospheric elec- tricity. Texas academy of science. Transactions. Washington academy of sciences. West American scientist. Western American scientist. Wisconsin academy of sciences, arts and letters. Wisconsin university. SCOTCH INTERESTS. Seott : sh Canadian. Scotch-Irish society in America. Western Scot. SCOTCH KNIGHTS. Select knight. Select knight journal. SEATTLE. WASHINGTON. •t'e pioneer packet guide, spirit magazine. SERMONS. Current anecdotes. Expositor and current anecdotes. IIomMotic review. Preacher's assistant. Preachers' helper. Pulpit. Pulpit monthlv magazine. SEWING MACHINES. - lee a ; d. Sew ng machine advance. bewing machine times. SHAKESPEARE. New Shakospeareara. Shakespeare monthly and literary compan- ion. Shakesneare society of New York. Publica- tions. SHF'RS. Shears. SHEEP. See also Live stock. American Cheviot sheep breeders ass n. American sheep breeder and wool-grower. Amer. Shropshire sheep record. American Suffolk sheep record. Continental Dorset club sheep record. block record of Hampshire-down sheep. I ' .1 ■ ■'.'. n bre »'n. ( >hio rnerim 'n. Register. Wool markets and sl SHETLAND I ONI i American Shetland club stud book. SHIPBUILDING. Si " ' o \a\ ai architect ore. American shipbuilder. SHIP] INU. Sec aino < lommei American bureau of shipping. American syren and sblppii marine direi Illne book of American shipping. Bullli ger's monitor gu de. Rulllnger's postal and shipping guide. Freight. Mar>ne journal. Maril Ime journal. Maritime register. Nat. shippers shipping express guide. Record of American and foreign shipping. Shipping illustrated. Southern shippers' directory of fruits, vege- tables and poultry and supplements. Wualemen's shipping list. SHOES. See Roots and shoes: Leather. SHCRTHAND. American phonographer. Bulletin of eclectic shorthand. Greigg writer. My business friend. Pernin's monthly stenographer. I'nonographic magazine. Pitman's journal. Shorthand writer. Stenographe Canadien. Stenographer. Stenographers' magazine. SIGMA CHI. Sigma clii quarterly. SILK. American silk journal. Semi-annual review of the American silk trade. Silk. Silk association of America. SINGLE TAX. Kairhope courier. National .single taxer. Our commonwealth. Single tax review. SKIN DISEASES. See also Medicine. American journal of dermatology and gen- Ito urlna ry d i ei Journal of cutaneous diseases. SLATE. See Cement. Foote's slate talk. SOAP. American soap journal and manufacturing chemlsl . ipman journal. Soap gazette and perfumer. 'ilk. SOCIAL SETTLEMENTS. College settlement of Philadelphia. Fast side i lement. Neighboi hood. ! house. Unlver lement review. SOCIM ISM. < " 1 1 rt. imonwealtb. mrade 1 lemonstrat i I l,y. Robotnlk. lltgt review. Socialist woman. 43° Gl'IDE TO PERIODICALS Uncle Eli's magazine. Worker. SOCIETY. See also Fashion: Family; Literature. Atlantic City boardwalk life. American graphic. Censor. Club-fellow. Commonwealth. Connoisseur and society journal. ESxcelsior. Klite. Kliie topics. Examiner. 400. 400 magazine. Goodwin's weekly. Iloustonian. Home and abroad. Manila town topics. New Yorker. People. tcosa Pearle's paper. Saratoga society review. Social document. Society journal. Society times. Sunday sun. Tatler. Te.\as mirror. Town crier. Town talk. Town topics. Trident. Truth. Twiggs county citizen. Washington life. Wasp. West side and iiarlem news. Wood lawn times. Young's magazine. SOCIOLOGY. See also Charities : l'o.itical economy ; Prisons: Social settlements; Socialism; Statistics ; Woman. American sociolological society. Papers and proceedings. American journal of sociology. Equitist. Inter-municipal committee on household re- search. Bulletin. International socialist review. Iowa state university. Journal of social science. Liberia. Melbourne's pictorial review. American Ath- letics. Mentor. Minnesota academy of social sciences. Missouri university. National co-operator. People's press. Record of five points house of industry. Social progress. Soc'al recorder. Social service. Warren social science club. Annual report and papers. Work w 111 buys. SOMERSET SCHOOLS. Somerset Idea. SONS OF AMERICA. Camp news. SONS OF COI ORADO. Sons of Colorado SONS OF HERMANN. I lirmanns-sobn. I liiinanns-sohn in Montana. Nebraska Hermanns snhn. SONS OF THE REVOLUTION. National society of the sons of the revolu- tion. SONS OF VETERANS. Banner SPANISH-AMERICA. Viajero. SPICES. Spice mill. SPIRITUALISM. Banner of light. Courriere magazine. Light of truth. Magazine of mysteries. Philosophical journal. Progress. Progressive thinker. Reason. Spir.tual reformer and humanitarian. Sunflower. SPORTS AND GAMES. Amateur sportsman. Amer.can cricketer. American field. American sportsman. Arms and the man (formerly Shooting and fishing). Bowlers' journal. Canadian sportsman and live stock journal. Carleton's state of Maine sportsniau's jour. Dixie game fowl. Fielu aid fancy. Field and stream. Field sports. Forest aLd stream. Fur. tin. and feather. Grant Par.sh's referee. Illustrated news. Illustrated outdoor news. Illustrated police news. Journal of the outdoor life. Trudean. Journal of the outdoor ..fe. Denver. Land and water. Maine sportsman. Maine woods. Megapnone. Nat.oual sportsman. Northwestern sportsman. ( (utdcor life. Outdoors. I'acific sportsman. Police gazette sporting annual. Power beating. Pacing form. Recreation. Bob Boy's weekly. Bod and gun in Canada. Shield magazine. Shooting and tishing. Southern pit games. Southern sports Sport. Spurting goods. Sportiig goods dealer. Sporting goods gazette. Sporting life. Spurting mirror. Sporting news. Chicago. Spurting news. St. Louis. Sporting afield. Sports and pastures. Sports of the times. Sportsman. St. Louis. Sporting. New York. bportsi en's review. Sportsmen's year book. Texas field and sportsman. Western field. Western sports. Western sportsman and recreation point. 'is Woods and waters. STAMMERING. Phono-meter. STAR OF BETHLEHEM. Fraternal index. STATIONERY. American stationer. Autocrat of the writing table. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 43' Pookseller and stationer. Geyer"s stationer. Impressions. Stationers' ready reckoner. STATISTICS. American statistical association. Canadian year book. Haiell'a annual. Manual of statistics stock exchange hand- book. Nebraska state bureau of statistics. New England statist, statesman's yearbook. Texas statistical reporter. STEEL. See Iron and steel. STENOC RA1-HY. See Short nand. STOCKS. See Ho'ids ; Commerce; Finance; Invest- ments. STONE. Stone. STOVES. Stoves and hardware reporter. STRAWlERRY. l'Mor'da strawberry journal. Strawberry. STREET RMJ ROADS. See also Electricity; Railroads. An mean street ra.luay investments. Ilectrie railway review. Street railway bulletin. Street railway journal. Street ra Iway news. Street railway review. Third rail. Trolley topics. SUGAR. American sugar industry and beet sugar gazette. Louis.ana planter and sugar manufacturer. Sugar beet. Sugar beet culturist and dairy advocate. Sugar beel news and northwestern farmer. Sugar planters' journal. Weekly statistical sugar trade journal. Wisconsin sugar beel SUNDAY SCHOOL JOURNALS. See also Iteligion. Adult Hib'.e class magazine. Adult class. Advanced quarterly. 1'hila. Advanced quarterly. Nashville. _ Advanced qu Teachers' ed. Cincinnati. Advanced 1 uarterly. Pupils' ed. Advanced scholars' lesson leaf. Advan.' d scholars' quarterly. Amer. Sunday school union quarterly. American bunday school un ; on. Annr can Sunday school union quarterly. Augsburg Sunday school teacher. Awakener. Beginners' golden text cards. Beginners' large pictures. Beginners' 1 luarterly. Beginners teacher. ISerean intermediate lesson quarterly. Berean primary teacher. Iiible class quarterly. Bible lesson pictures. Bible lesson quarterly. Iiible study home department quarterly. I'.oy's teacher. British workman. Buds of II' pe. Children's friend. Dayton. Children's friend. Toronto. Children's friend. Richmond. Children's visitor. Child's companion. Child'! own magazine. Christian standard. t'Ulss: Comprehensive teacher's quarterly. Continuous scr'pture studies. Cotl ager ai d artisan. Dawn uf day. Daya "t yt mth. Evangelical S. S. quarterly. Evangelical s. s. teacher. First stud es in the Bible. Friendly visitor. Qospel Intermed ate quarterly. Heidelberg home deportment quarterly. lie delberg teacher. Helper. II, mind's manna. Hume department quarterly. Richmond. Home de attmenl quarterly. Cincinnati. Hume departmen quarterly. Nashville. Home st inly quat lerly. Illustrated berean lesson quarterly. Illustrated studies. Illustrated Sunday school quarterly. infants' magazine. Intermediate 1, uarterly. Boston. Intermediate quarterly. Cincinnati. Intermediate quarterly. Pupils' ed. Intermediate quarterly. I ed. Intermediate quarterly. I 'hi la. Intermed ale quarterly. Nashville. Intermed a te quarterly. Nashville. Intermediate quarterly. Nashville. Intermediate scholars quarterly. Intermediate Sunday school quarterly Intermeuiate Sunday school evangel. Iowa Sin day school helper. Junior Bible quarterly. Junior lessons. Junior quarterly. Boston. Junior cuarterl . Cincinnati. Junior quarterly. Nashville. Jun or quarterly, l'hila. Junior 1 uarterly. Pupils' ed. Junior a uarterly. Teachers' ed. Junior pcholars quarterly. Junior Sunday school quarterly. Junior teacher. Junior teacher's quarterly. Kentucky Sunday school reporter. King's own Lesson leaves. Lesson quarterly. I. in 11 beginners acssons. I.. 11 ikout. Lutheran Sunday school herald. Michigan Sunday school advance. Myrtle. New Brunswick S. S. advocate. Now century S, S. teacber'a monthly. North fared na Sunday school beacon. Notes for Pilile stlldv. Oklahoma Sunday School worker. Our Bible lesson quarterly. i mi- Bible teacher. i >ur home department. Our little dots. ( hir liti our morning guide. our story quarterly. p.-arls for little ones. Pell'S Holes Pennsylvania herald. Pictorial primer chart. ire less.,11 cards. Picture lesson paper. Primary lessons. Primary less. .us and cards. Primary m< nthlv. Primary quarterly. Primary quarterly (chromo picture cards). Cincinnati. Primary quarterly. Richmond. 43-' GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Primary quarterly. Thila. . Primary quarterly. Toronto. Primary quarterly. Nashville. Primary Sunday school teacher. Primary teacher. Primary teacher's helper. Primary teachers' quarterly. Primary teachers' quarterly. quarterly. Pure words. Tush. Scholars quarterly. Senior Berean lesson quarterly. Senior home department quarterly, nil ir . uarterly. Boston. Senior quarterly. Nashville. Senior quarterly. Nashville. Senior quarterly. Phila. Shepherd's arms. Standard beginners' quarterly. Standard Bible commentary. Standard Bible lessons quarterly. Standard chromo primary cards. Standard home department quarterly. Standard intermediate quarterly. Standard primer lesson chart. Standard primary teachers' quarterly. Standard teachers' quarterly. Star. Star quarterly. Sunbeam. Sunday companion. Sunday lesson leafet. Sunday school advocate. Sunday school banner. Sunday school concert treasury. Sunday school gem. Sunday school helper. Sunday school herald. Sunday school journal and Bible students' magazine. Sunday school Ibio endeavorer. Railroad men. State Tw enty I Bird b1 real men. Younk men's Christian asa'n of N. a. YOUNG WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIA TION. Ass. iciation monthly. i nternal lonal messenger. YOUTH. See also Juvenile. American youth. Bowery hoy. i a angelical herald. I air play. Forward. Golden moments. Happy days. Jugend-herold. M ghl and main library. New boy. Northland weekly. i lur boya magazine. Our young men. Pluck. Pluck and tuck. Rover. Rural young people and sunny houra. Sunshine for youtn. Tip top weekly. Young American. Yourg Americans. Young folks catholic weekly. Young people's magazine. Yourg people's paper. Young people's weekly. Yourg pilgrim. Youth's companion. Youth's guard an friend. Youth's instructor. ZIONIST. Leaves of healing. Tittle white dove. Zion banner. Zion herald. Zionist. Zion's advocate. ZOOl OG\. California university. Howard university. it diat a university. Journal of experimental zoology. McGill college and university. Michigan university. Missouri university. Nebraska university. New England zoological club. Proceedings. New York zorloHcal society. Oh'o state university. Pennsylvania, dept of agriculture. Pennsylvania university. Texas university. Zoological society. Zoological society bulletin. Zoological society of Philadelphia. Annual report. 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. riftf^X-P g PULX*** fc- 1 -* SEP 10'65-lPM " 7 EEC C1R. JM»2 9'S LD 21A-60m-3,'65 TT . General Library (F2336sl0)476B UiuveMgy^of California YD | ^o I ■QH SflBr i*w# III 'JWlMrnMR raBI BHR1 MntnVMHKfH rHbifflW'YI *$STO KFjaSSSi Iff iHai