BANCROFT LffiRAFC/ The list printed by me at Santiago, Chili, in February, 1917, of works printed in Spanish relating to those portions of the United States formerly belonging to Mexico, was only put out at that time as a preliminary list, with the full inten- tion of re-printing it after I had an opportunity to compare the titles and collations as given by Senor Medina with actual copies which I hoped to be able to find in the United States. I have not found, however, very much interest dis- played in this work by librarians and collectors, to w r hom I have sent copies, and have had to rely upon a few only who have been good enough to help me to make the list more accurate. In view of this lack of interest, I have not deemed it worth the expense and trouble to attempt to make cor- rections in the spelling, punctuation, use of capitals and other minor errors which have occurred either in the printing of the original list or in Medina's bibliographies themselves from which this list was primarily compiled. I have dis- covered a few errors in collation in some of the more import- ant works and I am having a few supplementary pages print- ed by way of errata. I have also been able to locate quite a few copies of the most important works in various libraries, which information I have embodied with the errata. Several librarians who have taken an interest in this work have favored me with titles and collations of various different editions of some numbers in this list and have indicated some titles of works written in other languages than Spanish. While it might have been preferable in the first place to have included in this list the few known works in other languages relating to the same general subject, with the hope of making what might be called a Bibliography, still these were omitted from a design, from which I do not now care to depart. No attempt was made or will be made to list the various edi- tions which have appeared of some of these more important histories, as in most cases fairly complete records of such editions can be found in Sabin. I have also at different times both before and since this list was printed collected extensive notes regarding a number of these books, their authors, and subjects treated therein and also considerable information regarding translations which have appeared at various times, but as stated above, the lack of interest dis- played in the subject has discouraged me from proceeding to publish these notes. Battcroit Library I wish to extend my thanks for aid in making corrections and locating copies to Herbert I. Priestly of the Bancroft Library, Gertrude E. Wilson of The John Carter Brown Library and Clara A. Smith of the Ayer Collection in the 1 Newberry Library, Andrew Keogh of the Library of Yale University, C. K. Jones of the Library of Congress, and Geo. Parker Winship of the Widener Memorial Library, Harvard. I do not wish to convey the impression that the copies which I have located are by any means the only ones in existence. It is quite certain that many private collectors have many of the more common ones and some public libraries also, no doubt, possess others. I have been disap- pointed, however, in not being able to locate any of the various "Relaciones de Meritos" in any library. If the Relaciones of Admiral Porter y Cassante and Villagra which I have in my possession are at all representative of the class to which they belong, much interesting history must be buried in these unpretentious documents. Continued search in the archives at Seville will, no doubt, lead to the dis- covery of other Relaciones of similar character, as many more were printed, no doubt, than were noticed by Senor Medina. H. R. WAGNER, 90 El Camino Real, Berkeley, California. ABBREVIATIONS Ayer Ayer Collection in Newberry Library, Chicago. Ban. Bancroft Collection, University of California. J. C. B. John Carter Brown Library, Providence, R. I. Har. Harvard University. Hunt. Library of H. E. Huntington. L. C. Library of Congress. N. Y. P. New York Public Library. Sutro Sutro Library, San Francisco. H. R. W. Library H. R. Wagner, Berkeley, Calif. U. C. University of California, Berkeley. ERRATA No. 1. The collation given is that of the first edition printed at Zamora in 1542. According to Mr. Bandelier in his introduction to the translation made by Mrs. Bandelier from the copy in the New York Public Library, only two copies of this edition are known, the one from which the transla- tion was made and another imperfect one in the British Museum. In 1555 this Relation was re-printed, together \vith the "commentarios" in Valladolid in small quarto. The Relation occupies LXVI leaves, which includes the title in red and black, and two leaves of index at the end : then follow the title to the "commentarios," 2 leaves of prohemio, the first leaf of which and the title are without number. Numbering begins on the second leaf of the prohemio, No. LVII, and continues to CXIV, which, however, is a misprint for CXLIV. Copies of this edition in the Ayer, J. C. B., Har., Hunt., L. C. No. 2. Copies J. C. B., Hunt, and N. Y. P. Another copy, duplicate of Mr. Huntington's, was sold at the recent sale in New York of his duplicates. From a note attached to Mr. Medina's description of the first edition, it appears that there are probably two varia- tions of the first edition but the matter is obscure owing to the few number of copies known, which can be collected together. An attempt was made in 1554 to suppress this book by confiscating all the known copies, a cedula being issued to that effect, prohibiting not only the sale and printing of it but also the reading of it. A similar effort was made in 1556, and in 1572 another cedula was issued to take possession of the papers of the deceased author. No reason is given for this action except that the continued circulation was not con- venient. No. 3. The original edition of this book, published in Rome, does not contain the relation of New -Mexico. Espejo's Relacion was printed in Madrid in 1586 and this, together with other matter, was added to the second part of Book 3 of the Historia of Gonzalez de Mendoza. According to P. Yindel, the well known Madrid dealer, the first edition containing these chapters was printed in Madrid in 1586, with the following title and collation : Historia Delas Cosas Mas Notables, Ritos y costumbres del gran Reyno dela China, sabidas assi por los libros delos niesmos Chinas, como por relacion de Religiosos, y otras personas que han estado enel dicho Reyno. Hecha y Ordenada Por el muy Reuerendo Padre Maestro Fray luan Gonzalez de Mendoca dela Orden de S. Agu stin, Predicador Apostolico, y Penitenciario de su Sanctidad. A quien la Magestad Catholica embio con su Real carta, y otras cosas para el Rey de aquel Reyno el afio de 1580. Y nueuamente anadida por el mesnio Autor. Al illustriss. sefior Fernando de Vega y Fonseca del Consejo de su Magestad, y su Presidente enel Real delas Indias. Con vn Itinerario del Nueuo Mundo. Con Privilegio Impressa en Madrid, en casa de Querino Gerardo Flamenco, Ano de 1586. A costa de Bias de Robles librero. Hojas: 12 s. n. x 268 x 8 s. n. (tabla). En esta impresion, el libro 3. de la 2. a parte, 6 sea el (Itinerario), contiene, en vez de los 22 capitulos que lleva la de Roma, 27. (Sabin who gives this edition says the 268 leaves of text is a misprint for 368.) No. 4. It is evident that this should really be No. 3, as it must antedate the appearance of the edition in Madrid of Gonzales de Mendoza's book containing this account. There is no copy of the Spanish edition in the New York Public Li- brary, but there is said to be one in the British Museum. The New York Public Library and the Ayer collection contain copies of the French edition and the English edition cited is now in the possession of Mr. H. E. Huntington. No. 6. Collation as follows : Folio with Engraved Titles to each part. 1 Decade (12) 371 (20) 1601 2 Decade ( 4) (368) (16) 1601 3 Decade ( 4) 377 (16) 1601 4 Decade ( 4) 293 (14) 1601 5 Decade ( 8) 317 (20) 1615 6 Decade ( 4) 302 (18) 1615 7 Decade ( 8) 316 (20) 1615 8 Decade ( 4) 342 (116) 1615 14 maps. Copies Ayer, Ban., Har. 4 No. 8. Copies Ayer, Ban., J. C. B., L. C., Har., N. Y. Pub. No. 10. Copies H. R. W. No. 13. Corrected Collation, second edition. Vol. II. 28 leaves in place of 51 pages. Vol. III. Between the Preliminaries and the text occur 4 pages of Prologo. Copies First edition J. C. B. No. 19. Copies Ayer, J. C. B., L. C., Har. The Southwestern Museum in Los Angeles contains a copy of the French edition in the Munk Library. No. 20. J. C. B. report a copy, the only one known in the United States, although there are several copies of re- print that was made probably by Buckingham Smith. There are really two different pieces here, each of two leaves. The first has the title as cited and the second is the same with minor typographical differences, except that it reads : "Segunda Relacion" in place of "Verdadera Rela- cion" and "Ano 1633" in place of "Ano de 1632." No. 21. There seems but little doubt that a Relacion of New Mexico, either with this title or one similar was really printed, although no copy of it has yet been found. In the Cronica of Vetancourt, 1697, page 96, occurs the following statement, referring to an expedition from New Mexico to the East: (Trans.) "The relation of which was printed in Mex- ico in 1630 in the press of the Bernardo Calderon by order of the Archbishop Don Francisco Manso, sent by Father Perea to him." This cannot by any possibility be the same as No. 20 because No. 20 contains no mention of an expedition to the East. No. 22. Beristain states that this letter was printed in Madrid in 1632 but Eguiara says it was printed in Madrid in 1631 in octavo, which latter statement is probably correct. No copy of it seems to be known bearing an earlier date than 1730. I have in my possession a copy of this tract with the same title in 8 small octavo leaves, as described under this number, with the exception that the words in parenthesis at the end are omitted. The addition of the date 1631 to the. text indicates clearly that the tract was not printed in that year and in fact it has the general appearance of having been printed in the 18th century. No. 28. Copies in the Ayer, J. C. B., L. C. Har., Yale, H. R. W. There are really 763 numbered pages in the text of this book, and the last, reverse of 763, without number. No. 36. This is a printed document and not a manuscript as might be inferred from the note under No. 31. No. 38. I have not located any copy of this but Ramirez Sale Catalogue, under No. 831 gives the following collation: Title : 9 preliminary leaves ; 2 wood cut figures and the Arms of Spain ; 37 leaves of text. No. 39. Copies J. C. B. and Sutro. No. 43. Copies H. R. W. No. 45. Copies L. C. No. 46. Correct collation is Title and 18 leaves. Copies J. C. B., L. C., H. R. W. No. 47. Corrected Collation Engraved title, printed title in red and black, 17 pages preliminaries, one blank, 409 pages text, protesta 1 page, 1 blank, 5 pp. index of the books, 12 pp. index of notable matters, 1 p. errata. Copies Ayer, Ban., J. C. B., L. C., Yale. No. 49. Copies J. C. B. No. 52. Corrected collation Title, 3 leaves preliminaries, 86 pages ; 2 illustrations. Copies Ayer, J. C. B., L. C. No. 53. Corrected collation 16 pages, including title. Copies Ayer, Ban., L. C. No. 54. Copies B. M., should be M. B. British Mu- seum. No. 55. Corrected Collation Title and 29 leaves instead of 29 pp. No. 58. These 2 leaves belong to No. 59, being signa- tures K2 and L. of that piece. No. 59. Copies J. C. B., H. R. W. No. 60. Corrected Collation (1730 Ed.) Frontis-piece engraved on copper; title, 2 leaves dedication, 10 pages. Copies J. C. B., H. R. W. No. 63. Corrected Collation Title, 10 leaves prelimin- aries, 392 pages, 2 leaves, 13 charts for astronomical calcula- tions. Collation from copy in the Bancroft Library. Copies Ban., L. C. No. 65. Copies Ayer, Ban., J. C. B., L. C., H. R. \\ . No. 66 Copies Ayer, Ban., J. C. B. No. 68. Copies Ban., J. C. B., L. C., N. Y. P. No. 69. Copies H. R. W. No. 72. Copies Ban. No. 78. Corrected Collation 138 pages, including title (taken from copy in the Bancroft Library). No. 80. Copies Sutro. No. 81 Copies Ayer. No. 82. Copies Ayer, Ban., J. C. B., L. C., Har., Sutro. No. 83. Corrected Collation Vol. II; engraved title, printed title in red and black, 10 pages preliminaries, 428 pages text, 10 pages index. Copies Ayer, Ban., J. C. B., L. C., Har., N. Y. P. No. 84. Copies Ban., J. C. B., Sutro. No. 86. Copies Ayer, J. C. B. No. 87. Vol. IX is the one which treats of California and New Mexico. No. 89. Copies Ayer, L. C., Sutro. No. 90 Medina describes both pieces No. 91. Copies Ayer, Ban., J. C. B., L. C., Har., Sutro. No. 92. Copies Ayer, L. C., Sutro. R>*^ No. 94. Copies Ayer, Ban., J. C. B., L. C. No. 95. Copies J. C. B., H. R. W. No. 98. Copies J. C. B., L. C., Har. No. 100. Copies Ayer, J. C. B., Har. No. 102 Copies Ayer, J. C. B., N. Y. P., Sutro. No. 103. Corrected Collation Title, 2 leaves prelimin- aries, 31 pages numbered and one unnumbered at end. No. 104 Corrected Collation Title, 33 pages plus 1 un- numbered of protesta. Copies H. R. W. No. 105 Corrected Collation Change 1 page indice to one leaf. Copies Ayer, J. C. B. No. 107. The small quarto edition in 8 pages is probably a second edition. Copies Ayer, U. C., H. R. W. (both). No. 108. All these copies have title and 56 pages, but at the sale of the Ramirez Library in London there appeared under No. 918 a copy catalogued as having 56 pages, plus 3 without number. This lot was bought by Mr. Quaritch and afterwards catalogued by him in the same manner. It passed into possession of Mr. Ayer and it appears the 3 unnumbered leaves is a copy of No. 107 evidently considered by the cata- loger of the Ramirez collection to be part of 108. Copies Ayer, J. C. B., L. C. No. 109. Copies Ayer, Ban., H. R. W. No. 111. Copies Ban. No. 112. Copies (1772 Ed.) Ayer, Ban., H. R. W. No. 115. Copies H. R. W. I have not located any copy with the 210 pages noted. My own copy has 42, plus 133 and another copy reported had only the first 42 pages. No. 116 Copies Ayer. No. 117. Copies Ayer, Hunt., N. Y. P. No. 118. Mr. Cowan gives 56 pp only from the MacDon- ald copy now belonging to Mr. Huntington and I have also seen a reference to this in a catalogue as containing 56 leaves. Copies Ban., Hunt., Ban, catalogued as 56 pp folio. No. 120. There are two issues of the map, one with the words Mar Pacifico and the other without them. Copies Ayer, Ban., J. C. B., Hunt., L. C., Sutro. No. 121. Copies Ban. No. 123. Copies Ayer, Ban., J. C. B., Har. No. 125. Copies Ayer, J. C. B., L. C., Har., N. Y. P. No. 127. Copies Ayer, Ban., (w r ith appendice) L. C., H. R. W. No. 130. Corrected Collation 48 pages, including title, 3 pages index. Corrected Collation 1849 edition: Title, IV, 98 pages, 4 pages index, and map. Copies L. C., H. R. W. No. 132. Copies H. R. W. No. 133. Copies L. C., Sutro. No. 135. I have seen but one copy of this piece and it only contains 7 pages. Presumably it was continued to 15 pages in a second letter. No. 136. Corrected Collation (first part) Half title; title; VI ; 108 pages, 70 (2), Map. The map contained in my copy, which is the only one I have seen has the following title : Carte Del'Amerique Septentrionale Par A. H. Brue a Paris 1820. Probably this map does not belong to the book but is inserted. 8 Binder Gay lord Bros. Makers Stockton, Calif. PAT. JAN 21. 1908 S : .itt, \