MEDICAL A MANUAL OF MICROSCOPIC MOUNTING. : - ... t VI Wooster, Ohio. PLATE XII. 1. Cornuspira. 2. Spiroloculina. 3. Triloculina. 4. Biloculina. 5. Peneroplis. 6. Orbiculina (cyclical form) 7. Orbiculina (young). 8. Orbiculina (spiralform). 9. Lagena. 10. Nodosaria. 11. Cristellaria. 12. Globigerina. 13. Polymorphina. 14. Textularia. 15. Discorbina. 16. Polystomella. 17. Planorbuliua. 18. Rotalia. 19. Nonionina. A MANUAL OF MICROSCOPIC MOUNTING WITH NOTES ON THE COLLECTION AND EXAMINATION OF OBJECTS BY JOHN H. MARTIN, MEMBER OF THE SOCIETY OF PUBLIC ANALYSTS ; FELLOW OF THE SOCIETY OF AUTS ; AUTHOR OF MICROSCOPIC OBJECTS, ETC. SECOND EDITION, 4 ^ c LONDON : J. AND A. CHURCHILL, NEW BURLINGTON STREET. 1878. [The right of translation is reserved.} K 1 v?O 9*78 TO DR. LIONEL S. BE ALE, M.B., F.R.S., ETC. FELLOW OF THE JIOYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS, PHYSICIAN TO KING'S COLLEGE HOSPITAL, FELLOW OF THE MEDICAL SOCIETY OF SWEDEN, ETC., ETC. 23411 PBEEACE TO EIEST EDITION. Tins work is intended for the use of students and lovers of the science of microscopy. I desire to draw the attention of my readers to the value of original and practical work; for if any one subject, however small, is made by concentrated attention to bear fruit to the worker, it will be found to contain much that is new to the science. In micro- scopic mounting the student must not be discouraged at the failure of his first attempts, but gradually try to acquire a knowledge of the principles, with the manual dexterity necessary in their application. The aim of this work is to supply the student with a concise manual of the former, and to assist his progress in the latter, as far as illustrations and words render it possible. VI PREFACE. The majority of the drawings have been done by me, most of which are original. My thanks are due to Dr. Lionel Beale, for the loan of Pigs. 15, 61, 64, &c. ; and also to Drs. Smyth, Matthews, Bloxain, and Rev. W. Lane; also Messrs. Jordan, Hardwicke, Cotton and Johnson, Collins, Wheeler, &c ; and to Messrs. Pardon and Son, printers, Messrs. Butterworth and Heath, Miss Powell, and others, for their faithful rendering in the engravings my ideas as drawn on the wood, &c. JOHN H. MARTIN. -WEEK STREET, MAIDSTONE. August, 1872. PREFACE TO SECOND EDITION. The favourable reception which the first edition of this work received, both in this country and America, has induced me to spare no exertion to render the second, worthy of the continued confidence of the profession, as a guide to the practitioner, and a text book for the student. The whole work has been subjected to careful revision, and without unduly extending its limits, pains have been taken to allow nothing of importance to escape attention. Many of the wood-cuts have been re-drawn, and others added, together with much important new matter. My cordial thanks are due to Dr. Lionel Beale, E.R.S., &o.; Dr. Carpenter, E.R.S., L.L.D., &c. for loan of plates ; also to my friend Dr. T. A. Kennedy for his kind suggestions during the progress of the Vlll PREFACE. work ; and to the printer Mr. Dickinson for the able manner in which he has carried it through the press. Trusting that my labours will meet the approval of my friends and brother scientists I with pleasure leave it to speak for itself. JOHN H. MAETIN. MICRO-ASSAY LABORATORY, YORK CHAMBERS, ADELPHT, LONDON, W.C. March, 1878. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. PAGE APPARATUS, ETC., NECESSARY FOR MICROSCOPICAL RESEARCH 1 CHAPTER II. THE DRY METHOD OF PREPARATION OF VARIOUS MICROSCOPICAL STRUCTURES 54 CHAPTER III. THE PREPARATION BY THE CANADA BALSAM AND DAMMAR PROCESSES ... 80 CHAPTER IV. THE PREPARATION BY THE FLUID AND SEMI-FLUID MEDIUMS ... ... 94 CHAPTER V. A GENERAL SUMMARY OF THE VARIOUS METHODS OF MOUNTING, WITH MANY ADDITIONAL NOTES ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 106 CHAPTER VI. ON THE COLLECTION AND ROUGH PRESERVATION OF SPECIMENS, WITH NOTES ON THE CLASSIFICATION OF OBJECTS ... ... ... ... 139 CHAPTER VII. METHODS OF EXAMINATION OF ORGANIC AND INORGANIC SUBSTANCES, WITH TESTS FOR ADULTERATIONS . .. 159 APPENDIX. VARIOUS USEFUL RECEIPTS, ETC. ,. 183 A MANUAL OF MICROSCOPIC MOUNTING. CHAPTER I. APPARATUS NECESSARY FOR MICROSCOPICAL RESEARCH. 1. IN a work like this, which will chiefly treat of various methods of mounting, a description of different microscopes, &c., would be foreign to the subject. I therefore leave this by remarking that good working microscopes can now be purchased for about 5 each, many of which contain apparatus sufficient for the use of a beginner. The apparatus to which I wish to draw the attention of the reader chiefly consists of the section cutter, turn- table, holding screw, apparatus for drying, dissecting, bleaching, &c., most of which are necessary to the student in conducting branches of microscopical study. Works have been published including forms of apparatus, but with the exception of those of Dr. Lionel Beale, not many have been published of late years. Some of the forms of apparatus have been kindly lent, others which are chiefly original have been used by the author in his own private study. Drawings have also been added to the descriptions of these various forms of apparatus, so as to make them as useful as possible. The larger apparatus will be explained first, and the smaller and miscellaneous articles afterwards. 3 2 A MANUAL OF 2. Section cutter, turntable (Matthews' s), holding screw, apparatus for drying, dissecting, bleaching, &c. The student must also add, buy, or make, as convenient to him, the following articles : An air-pump ; propa- gating or bee glasses, three or four ; the cup parts of broken wine glasses the bottoms may also be used as covers; dipping tubes made by holding glass tubes in a gas jet until soft, and then drawing out to a fine point; test tubes each of these may have a small dipping tube placed in the cork, so as to reach to the bottom ; forceps, one or two ; camel's and hog's hair pencils, various sizes; scalpels, two or more; razor mounted in wooden handle ; scissors, two pairs one fine pointed, one common ; pneumatic trough, or a large globe or dish for holding waste water, in which to wash slides, test tubes, &c., or use the bottom of the dissecting slab (Pig. 23) ; needles, three or four sizes, mounted in small cedar handles (see Pig. 14) ; one large ditto, ground down to a cutting edge (like a chisel), for separating and cutting minute fibres, &c. ; twelve collapsible tubes, for Canada balsam, &c. ; twelve glass slips with hollowed centres, for use in analysis ; a fine thread of spun glass, fixed in a handle, used for isolating minute objects, such as diatoms, &c. ; spirit lamp ; two hot plates, thick brass, 6 inches by 2 inches, and 7 inches by 7 inches; tripods (two or three), or a retort stand; American paper clips (these can be obtained at most stationers) ; Liebig's extract of meat jars, more especially the very small ones ; small white porcelain cups (can be obtained of any artists' colour- man) ; watch glasses ; wash bottle ; platinum wire ; spoon and foil ; conical glasses, four or five ; eight to twelve small bottles, with capillary orifices to hold MICROSCOPIC MOUNTING. 3 re-agents ; glass or porcelain funnel and stirring rods ; small homoeopathic bottles, any quantity; writing diamond ; fine saw, mounted in wooden handle ; hones, used for grinding, &c. ; small tools, made of corundum (of Mr. Lyon, 43, St. John's Square, London, E.G.) ; crucibles, a few small ones ; files ; punches, two or three ; small soldering rod ; hammer and wooden block for punching, the under side of which is to be covered with india rubber, to deaden noise ; pliers, two pairs, one of them cutting; old knives; Pumphrey's ebonite cells and zoophyte clips ; glass slips, 3x1 inch, half gross at least ; thin glass 1 oz. circles, 1 oz. squares, various sizes, as sold ; wire ; pill boxes ; small pins ; cardboard, &c., &c. The following chemicals, &c., will also be wanted : Solution of gum Arabic in bottle, with a brush in the stopper of the same ; glass bottle, with a glass tube in the stopper, filled with Canada balsam, or the same in collapsible tube; distilled water (with a lump of camphor in it, to prevent any confer void growth, &c.) in a large stoppered bottle; caustic potass (Kilo), strength (by weight), one part potass to eight parts water, in one pint bottle; distilled Canada balsam; gum dammar in tube (see recipe) ; turpentine ; gly- cerine; benzole; alcohol (pure), and also methylated spirit ; essential oil of lemon ; syrup ; chloride of calcium; lime water; silicate of potass; sulphuric acid (stoppered bottle, labelled poison) ; hydrochloric acid (stoppered bottle, labelled poison) ; acetic acid ; marine glue ; caoutchouc cement (see recipe 5) ; Berlin black (a varnish) ; gold size ; gutta percha ; Bell's cement, &c. Also the following re-agents : Ether ; acetic acid ; nitric acid ; sulphuric acid ; hydrochloric B2 A MANUAL OF acid ; ammonia ; solution of potass ; solution of soda ; oxalate of ammonia ; iodine solution ; nitrate of silver ; nitrate of barium ; alcohol ; chromic acid ; test paper, FIG. 1. &c. ; and it is also advisable to keep a saturated solu- tion of most of the common, salts, such as chloride of zinc, &c. MICROSCOPIC MOUNTING. 3. Section Cutter. This may be bought at most of the leading opticians, instrument makers, &c., the chief things to notice being that the holding screw is strong, and that it also has guides along which the knife or razor slides ; but it is hardly necessary to buy one of these instruments, as they may be made by the student himself at a small cost. A sketch of a simple one that will do its work is here given : Take a piece of box- wood, or any other hard wood, plane it smooth and to the size 3 inches by 4 inches then with a centre-bit o bore a hole exactly 2 inches deep in the centre of one of the smallest sides ; 011 the opposite side also make a hole 1^ inches deep, the diameter being at first 2 inches and terminating at 1 inch (see Fig. 2), then bore a small hole in the centre, so as to connect both holes. Obtain one of Perry's music fasteners, Pig. 3, which fix with marine glue to the under side, but allowing the screw to pass through ; then cut a circular piece of wood exactly the size of the tube, and a common screw may be passed through each side of the section cutter, so as to act as holding screws ; and on each side 6 A MANUAL OF of this hole place two strong wire guides, to support the knife or razor in cutting the sections required (see Eig. 4, which represents the top view) ; the wood, or any other suhstance requiring to he cut, must then he placed in the tuhe, the guard piece having heen pre- viously put in ; the screw must then he slightly turned to force the suhstance just ahove the guides (see chap- ter ii.), then, with a knife, razor, or chisel, a section of any thickness may he cut, according to the turning of the hottom screw (see Fig. 2). If many sections are to be cut, they may he embedded in a block of deal, and sections cut with an iron plane, such as are used by carpenters, &c. The advantages of the section cutter represented here are being easily made, light, portable, and cheap. I have lately heard of a new kind of section cutter, made by a gentleman at Hastings, but have not been able to obtain one at present, but trust to do so soon. Another form of section cutter in general use, and to be obtained of most opticians, is Fig. 4 A. It will be seen from the drawing that the instrument is very compact and T FIG. 4 A. useful . 4. The best turntable that can be obtained, and which has nearly entirely superseded the one formerly devised by Mr. Shadbolt, is simple in the extreme (see Pig. 5). "It consists of two jaws of the average thickness of a glass slide, -fths of an inch wide, 2^ inches long. Each of these is pivoted on the face of the turntable by a screw through its centre, MICROSCOPIC MOUNTING, 7 each screw being placed exactly equidistant from the centre of the turntable, so that the jaws are separated by a space as wide as an average slide, i.e., a full inch. Outside of that space, on one side of the centre of one of the jaws, is a wedge, fixed by a screw in such a way as to be capable of motion in the direction of its length by a slotted hole. This is all the machinery : FIG. 5. A B and c D are the two jaws, E is the wedge. On placing a slip between the jaws, they probably at first do not touch it. If the wedge be then pushed so as to approximate B to c, the jaws move on their centres, so that, however far B may be pushed towards (and moving) c, the other end of c, i.e., D, is moved exactly as much in the opposite direction until they approach near enough to grasp the slide by its edges. The length of the wedge must, of course, be such as 8 A MANUAL OF to provide for about one-eighth of an inch variation in the width of slides. It will readily be seen that the slip may be pushed in either direction eccentri- cally lengthwise, so as to allow of the formation of any number of cells (see Pig. 5), all of which must needs be central as regards their width, if the instrument has been accurately made, which is a very easy matter. F represents the rest for the hand, which may be turned aside on a centre at will." My own turntable is worked by clockwork machinery, which gives greater rest to the hand, and allows for more delicate work to be performed than otherwise would be the case if the same hand : i.e., right had the turning of the wheel, as well as the making of the cells, &c., to do. Any clockmaker would adjust a set of cog- wheels to drive this turntable at a nominal price, say from 8s. to 12s. 5. Holding Screw. This piece of apparatus is best made in a moveable form, so that it may be screwed to any table (see Fig. 6) -and removed at will. The figure explains its use without much further explana- tion. It is used for holding pieces of bone, shell, wood, glass, &c., whilst sections are cut with the fine saw; also for holding the glass slip whilst these sections of bone, &c., are being ground thinner by the file. It may be considered as an indispensable instrument to the microscopist. MICROSCOPIC MOUNTING. 9 6. Apparatus for drying Slides (see Pigs. 7, 8). A great difficulty is often found in drying objects that have been mounted in balsam or dammar; for even if the balsam is good it takes a long time to dry pro- perly, and the various plans that have been devised to remedy this often fail in some point or other; for instance, if the slides are placed on a tray and left in an oven, when the fire is nearly out, to dry, succeeds as far as it goes, but it will be found in practice that they are often forgotten, and the fire is lit, and perhaps valuable slides lost from over-baking; but this difficulty is overcome by using an apparatus like Pig. 8. Pig. 7 is a section of the same. It will be seen by \ / this plan that the temperature can be entirely regu- lated at will. The apparatus consists of a tin oven open nearly from end to end in the centre, and having 10 A MANUAL OF a chimney with outlets for the hot air (see the direc- tion of the arrows in Pig. 7) ; on each side of this open centre are ranged a series of shelves made of tin ; but for some delicate preparations a few shelves might be of wood, as it is a bad conductor of heat. These shelves, of course, can be taken in and out and run on ledges prepared for them. Again, in the door and the sides of the oven are a number of air-holes, which can be covered with their accompanying flaps when it is desired to increase or lessen the tempera- ture. The oven may be made without these side holes if desired, but it will be found better to have them. The oven stands on four legs, and in the centre of the bottom is a hole always open ; this hole ought to be nearly the width of the oven. A gas branch is used in the Pig. 7 ; but other forms of heat can be used, such as from a large spirit-lamp, &c., but of course the gas is best, as it can be regulated. Any tinman would be able to make an oven from these drawings ; the size, of course, depends upon the number that the student would wish to dry at one time. A useful size would be nine inches long, six inches wide, four inches deep. If the student cannot afford the cost of this apparatus, the next best plan is to dry over gas. Take a piece of iron six inches long by three inches wide, place this on one of the rings of the retort stand (see Pig. 21), and under this bring the gas jet. Get the right degree of heat by placing a drop of balsam on a slip of glass, and if it does not boil but only harden, the temperature is right. Eor drying off the majority of objects, six slides maybe dried on the plate at one time, occasionally changing their position. After drying they may be finished as described in chap. iii. MICROSCOPIC MOUNTING. 11 7. Cell for the examination of Insects, 'Animalcules, 8fc. This form of cell (Eigs. 9, 10) will allow for the investigation of nearly every form of minute life. It may also he used for the formation of crystals under the microscope (see Pig. 9) ; hut its chief use will he for observing the action of the various gases on <> organic life. The cell may he made as follows : Cut a piece of . ehony or hoxwood 3 inches long, 1J inches wide, f th of an inch thick ; hore a hole -|ths of an inch in diameter through the centre of this slip with a centre-hit ; make a furrow or groove on each side of this hole to receive two pieces of glass tuhing ^th of an inch in diameter, the orifices of which shall meet exactly in the centre of the hole (see Fig. 10) ; with the cement (see recipe 6) fix the tuhes in this position ; smooth all the edges whilst the cement is warm, especially where it surrounds the orifices of the tuhes leading into the large central hole ; then cut 12 A MANUAL OJF from a glass tube -fths of an inch outside diameter, two pieces ^th of an inch thick; cement these into the hole, one on each side of the slip, so that their edges may come flush with the surface of the wooden slip ; on the upper side of the wooden slip, and on each side of the hole, fix two runners with a bevelled inner edge to allow for a thin glass square of the exact size to slide in (see Fig. 10) ; on the opposite side (see Fig. 9) fix permanently with the india-rubber cement (recipe 5) a thin glass circle -f ths of an inch in diameter to the steel clip or spring (Fig. 9), so that the thin glass shall be brought with great pressure against the opening of the hole ; and to allow of the cell on this side to be perfectly tight, an india-rubber ring is cemented to the circle of thin glass. The slide is now complete for all ordinary purposes ; but when it is desired to observe the action of any of the various gases on minute insect and other life, a different arrangement of the cell is made. Take one of Pumphrey's ebonite cells yfths of an inch in diameter, and slightly over i^th in thickness ; rough the surface of this with a file. Take another smaller cell, f ths of an inch in diameter, and little over ^th in thickness ; cement this to the larger cell with the india-rubber cement, so that it may be exactly in the centre of the other; then over the smallest hole, which is in the smallest cell, cement with the same cement a thin glass cover half an inch in diameter (see Pig 10, a) ; when thoroughly dry, fill in the groove with the electrical cement (recipe 6), and file the cell down into a truncated cone shape (see Fig. 10, -th of an inch, as before- mentioned, place the point of the needle at zero, letting the tooth touch the bottom supporting plate, pass the piece of thin glass under the tooth, and notice where the point of the needle rests; mark this ; then between the point zero and this mark, space out 20 equal spaces, and with an etching needle, number each division, which, if the thin glass is ^-th of an inch, will of course be TFo^th f an inch. 40. Another useful piece of apparatus, which the practical and scientific microscopist can scarcely do without, is a good dialyser (see Eig. 43). Make it as follows : Take a hoop of either wood or gutta-percha, cover this on one side with a disc of parchment paper, which should measure 3 or 4 inches more in diameter MICROSCOPIC MOUNTING. than the space to be covered. " It is then moistened and stretched over the hoop, and fastened by a string or an elastic band, but it should not be secured too firmly. The parchment paper must not be porous ; its soundness may be tested by sponging the upper side with water, and observing whether wet spots show on the other side. Defects may be remedied by applying liquid albumen, and coagulating this by heat. When the dialyser has thus been got ready, the mass to be examined is poured into it. The depth of fluid in the dialyser should not be more than half an inch, and the membrane should dip a little way below the surface of the water in the outer vessel, which should amount to at least four times the quantity of the fluid to be dialysed. The hoop is simply floated on the water. If the dialyser is brought successively in contact with fresh supplies of water, the whole of the crystalloids may be finally separated from the colloids . This is often of great service in chemico-legal inves- tigations for the extrac- tions of poisonous crys- talloids from parts of a dead body, food, vomit, &c., and with " ready FIG. 43. wit " will be found of considerable advantage to all scientific microscopists ; thus, for instance, taking soda or potash from any tissue that has been treated with them without disturbing the position of the same. 46 A MANUAL OF 41. My attention has lately been called to a very useful little piece of apparatus, invented by my friend, Mr. E. P. Grensted, of University College, Oxford. Its object is to partially take the place of the more expensive apparatus, i.e., the parabolic reflector. Its construction is very simple, consisting only of a glass slip 3x1 inch, with a small slip of looking-glass cemented to it at right angles. (See Pig. 44). In D using, the slip is placed under the slide that is being examined, the mirror being on the under side and MICROSCOPIC MOUNTING. 47 partially facing the mirror of the microscope, light is then reflected from the mirror of the microscope on to the mirror of the slide, which again reflects it at an angle on to the object, the rays which are not intercepted by the object passing behind the focus of the object glass, the field of view is therefore left dark, as in the case of the parabolic reflector. The illustrations will, I believe, sufficiently explain the construction of the apparatus, and also its use. EXPLANATION OE PIGS. 44-45. A. Object glass of microscope. B. Stage. C. C. Mirror. D. D. D. Slide carrying mounted object. E. E. The apparatus for the dark back ground. F. E. E. Course of the rays of light. Gr. Perspective view of apparatus, i.e. \ ?' pV 1 ^ \*J. N.B. The piece of looking-glass is f X 1 inch, to be fixed as per drawing to the usual glass slip, 3x1 inch, at the distance of 1 inch from the end. It can be fixed by means of sealing-wax if both glasses are previously made hot. This apparatus cannot well be used with objectives higher than -J an inch. 42. Dr. Golding Bird has lately invented a new differential warm stage. The instrument is made as follows : In the centre of a disc of copper, about the size and thickness of a halfpenny, a square or cir- cular hole about f ths of an inch across is cut, while let into it on one edge (as shown in the wood-cut), and firmly soldered, is an iron wire y^th of an inch in A MANUAL OF diameter, and 5 inches long. To the same edge is soldered also a tongue of copper, in the position shown, an inch long, and a of an inch in breadth. A piece of ordinary copper bell-wire is now wound round both the copper tongue and iron wire for four turns, commencing close to the disc, after which the wire is carried on up the iron wire only, covering it for 3J inches, reckoning from its attachment to the disc ; both the four large turns and the smaller subsequent coil should be closely wound, a little separation, of about the thickness of one coil, being allowed between the last of the large and the first of the small turns. This prevents the heat being too rapidly conveyed to the stage. The disc is now fastened with sealing-wax to a glass slide, the wire projecting beyond, while in the places where the labels are usually placed should be gummed slips of card- board on both surfaces, so as to prevent the immediate contact of any part of the instrument with the stage of the microscope. It does not matter how the iron wire is bent ; that FIG. 46. MICROSCOPIC MOUNTING. 49 here shown is a very convenient form. A small ther- mometer may now be fixed between the large coils of wire and the circular opening in the copper disc. The thermometer is made thus : Take a vaccine capillary tube about 3 inches long, seal one end of the tube by the action of spirit lamp, then allow tinted alcohol (tinted with an aniline dye) to flow up the open end of the tube until about -^ an inch of the entire length has been filled ; hold the tube so that the alcohol may How to the other, and sealed side, then seal the open end by the spirit flame. To roughly graduate this thermometer, place both it and a good centigrade thermometer in a horizontal position on a large sand- bath, which heat over a Bunssn burner iintil 40 C. is registered note this by a small dot of black varnish on the capillary tube ; now run up the heat until it reaches 100 C. also note this by making another mark on the tube ; equally divide the space between the two marks into 12 divisions each of these will roughly show 5 degrees centigrade; now fix this roughly made thermometer on the top of the copper disc, the end containing the tinted alcohol resting against the iron wire. The object to be observed under the action of heat is then placed on a circle of thin glass, water, &c.. added, a smaller cover placed over this, and small pieces of, or melted, Cacao butter allowed to flow round the edge so as to prevent the evaporation of the fluid under observation. Before using, the instrument should be made slightly warm, then placed on the stage of the microscope, the object fixed for observation as before mentioned. The flame of the spirit lamp is then made to play upon the end of the iron wire until the required degree of heat E 50 A MANUAL OF is reached, and then with a little care, this tempera- ture may be maintained for an indefinite period. The use of this instrument in the examination of starches, blood, &c., &c., is manifest. 43. Glasses, 8fc., for Aquaria (Pig. 47) . No micro- scopist should be without at least one large con- fectioner's jar, or a propagating glass (see drawing) filled with pond water, in which to keep water- insects, desmids, diatoms, &c. The aquarium should not be FIG. 47. larger than two feet in diameter ; that is, if it is used for keeping water-insects. When at the seaside, if it is desired to keep minute marine objects, a piece of seaweed growing on a limpet- shell or piece of rock should be placed in the sea- water for at least two days before any zoophytes, &c., are placed there. Rough stands for the bell glasses can always be made out of a block of wood or an old white jar, &c. (see the drawings). It is very interesting to grow species of desmids, &c., in separate jars. MICROSCOPIC MOUNTING. 51 44. Collecting Bottle (Pig. 48). These bottles are used for collecting small beetles and other insects. A small wide-mouthed bottle being chosen, a cork is bored exactly in the centre with a cork-borer or rat-tail file ; into this hole is cemented a piece of quill of about the length of a (Fig. 48). Some small pieces of bruised FIG. 48. laurel leaves are taken and kept in their place by the aid of a circular piece of fine muslin, see b. c shows the sectional view of the cork with the muslin pad. The muslin can be fastened to the cork with glue or the small pins used by drapers. A camel's hair brush in a short cedar handle is now fixed to the cork with a piece of fine string (see drawing) ; this brush must be kept constantly damp. Glycerine will be found useful for this purpose. The cork may now be placed in the bottle, rather tightly, for it does not require to E 2 52 A MANUAL OF be taken out until sufficient insects have been collected. The drawing illustrates an insect falling into the bottle after being caught with the aid of the brush. A small piece of silk or muslin must be kept in the bottle, for the beetles, &c., to cling to ; this prevents their being crushed. 45. When exhibiting any series of objects either to fellow- students or friends, it will be found a good plan to have a moveable board so fitted as to carry a microscope, one lamp, and sufficient space left for all other necessary apparatus. This board should he triangular, one side of it covered with baize, and the other with American leather; the baize side to be used on a smooth surface like a polished table, and the leather side on a rough surface like a table already covered with a table cloth. This plan will be found a great advantage where many objects are shown, as it is not necessary to move either the lamp or the microscope when once fixed in right position, the board only being moved as required. 46. Propagating or bell glasses may be obtained of Messrs. Claude t and Houghton, High Holborn. 47. Test tubes and chemicals I always get from Mottershead and Co., Manchester, the price of the tubes being only about 3s. per hundred. 48. Scalpels, razors, Valentine's knife, scissors, &c., may be obtained of any optician or instrument maker. 49. Crucibles. I find the best place to get these is from the Plumbago Crucible Company, Battersea, London. 50. Re-agents (see Chapter 7). 51. The large tins in which the Australian meat is sold will be found very useful for many purposes. MICROSCOPIC MOUNTING. 53 52. The microscopist, especially if he is fond of chemistry as well, should not be without a small dialysing drum, which may be made as follows : Over one side of a lamp- glass chimney, tie or fix with cement a piece of sheet india-rubber or bladder, great care being taken that it is tightly fixed. It is now ready for use, for the method of which see Recipe 9, and paragraph 40, it will be found very useful in separating salts, especially from glycerine, &c. 53. When a moderate heat only is required for slides whilst in process of mounting, a good plan is to use an ordinary basin filled with boiling water, over which invert a plate, but the best plan is to get a tinman to make a square tin box about seven inches square and four inches high, a small hole only being left open in one corner, through which the boiling water must be poured in; a cork being used to stop the hole. X.B. It is better to use a water oven if possible. 54. Lffwp. An ordinary paraffin lamp will do for most purposes of illuini nation, but if a better is required I prefer Eiddian's lamp, though many others are sold by Mr. How and other opticians, which are nearly as good. 55. The student must not forget to obtain or make a small soldering-rod, like those used by gas- fitters, only much smaller. 56. A good blowpipe will also be found useful, especially in fusing borax, beads, &c., for micro- scopical examination. 57. Yery good and useful spring clips can be obtained of Mr. Baker, 244, High Holborii. 54 A MANUAL OF SECTION II. THE DRY METHOD OF PREPARATION OF VARIOUS MICROSCOPICAL STRUCTURES. 58. The dry method of mounting may be con- sidered the easiest of all the plans that are used for preparing microscopic inorganic and organic sub- stances. It may be considered as divided into two large divisions : viz., the dry transparent, and the dry opaque modes of preparation. 59. But before we begin, it is as well to inform the student that if possible a separate room, however small, should be at his disposal ; and it is preferable to have the floor of this room or workshop covered with floorcloth, as the woollen fibres from carpets and drug- gets generally float in the air of the room, and however careful the manipulator may be, fine fibres will often rest on a careful dissection or preparation and not be noticed until the thin glass is applied. When, if delicate, to remount the object would most likely injure, if not spoil it. Therefore, it is advisable to examine the dust of the room with his microscope, and, if fibres are found, to trace them to their source and remove it. If only inorganic dust remains, the room may be considered ready for future work; and we wish our readers success. 60. Dry Transparent Method. For this mode of mounting the student may have ready to hand on his mounting-table or bench the following articles : MICROSCOPIC MOUNTING. 55 Two dozen glass slips : viz., one dozen rough edge crown slips, and one dozen patent plate ground edge slips. Six of the ground edge and six of the rough edge are to be used for the transparent method of mounting, and the same number for the opaque. Eighteen thin glass circles, this number to allow for breakage ; the sizes are to be two of the f inch, eight of -J- inch, five of f inch, and three of the inch, Eighteen thin glass squares, the sizes to be three 1-J by f inch, five of the -| inch, six of the f inch, and four of the % inch. These sizes will be found the best for the mounting of the objects that I shall describe Apparatus with wire clips ; the section cutter ; the holding screw; both of the drying apparatuses; the bell glasses and the broken wine-glasses ; two of the test tubes and holder; forceps, one pair; one scalpel; both pairs of scissors ; the spirit-lamp ; a few of the watch- glasses ; a small camel's hair brush; Matthews' turn- table ; the small soldering-rod ; the writing diamond ; file, saw, copper- wire, &c. ; caoutchouc cement ; gold size ; Berlin black ; and the gum-bottle and cases necessary for covering twelve slides, as the other twelve will be on the ground edge slips. We will take the following twenty-four objects, twelve transparent and twelve opaque, and I have chosen them on account of their being easily obtained; and if the reader will follow the process of mounting he will gain a fair amount of experience in the dry process, they being to a certain degree typical slides taken from Chapter 5 : 56 A MANUAL OF 1. Wing of cabbage butterfly, properly called the small garden white (Pier is rapce), R.E.* 2. Eye of house-fly (Musca dome s tic a] , H.E. 3. Scale of Roach (Leuciscus rutilus), E,.E. 4 Diatoms (Diatoma vulgar e), G.E. 5. Section of human, or other bone, H.E. 6. Pollen of bird's foot trefoil (Lotus corniculdtus) , G.E. ; pollen of fumitory (Fumaria officindlis) ; or pollen of hyacinth (Hyaci/nthus orientalis). 7. Spores of an equi$etum(Eq?Msettim telmateia)^.~E 8. Tran verse section of rush (Juncus communis), G.E. 9. Transverse section of oak (Quercus robur), E.E. ; dog rose (Rosa ccmina) ; or any wood which shows exogenous structure. 10. Cuticle of ivy (Seder a helix], with the stellate hairs attached to it, G.E. 11. Monopetalous corolla of pimpernel (Anagdllis arvensis), E/.E. 12. Sulphate of Lime (SOoCao"), G.E. The other twelve objects are named and described in the next division; under the head of dry opaque mounting. "We will take the objects in the same order as they are numbered. Slide 1. Wing of cabbage butterfly (Pieris rap.T.' 9 ox (J3os domesticus), D.T.; monkey, D.T.; saw fish (Pristis), D.T.; rat (Mus decumanus), D.T.; ostrich (Strothio camelus), D.T.; toad (JBufo vulgaris), D.T.; &c. The following sections of teeth are good and typical. Make vertical and transverse sections : Beaver (Castor fiber], D.T. ; human, D.T. ; horse (Equus caballus), D.T.; eagle r&y(Myliobate8) 9 D.T.; ox (JBos domesticus), D.T.; rabbit (Lepus cuniculus), D.T. ; saw fish (Pristis), D.T.; tiger (Felis tigris), D.T.; cro- codile ( Crocodilus), D.T. ; kangaroo ( Macropus Parryi), D.T.; seal (Phoca vitulina), D.T.; porcupine (Hystrix cristata), D.T.; pike (Esox lucius], D.T.; lemur (Lemur MICROSCOPIC MOUNTING. 75 ruber), D.T.; bat ( Vesper tilwpipistrelius)> D.T.; Hedge- hog (Erinaceous Europceus), D.T.; mole (Talpa Europcea), D.T.; black bear (Ursus Americanus], D.T.; &c. Ctenoid scale of sole (Solea vulgar is), D.T.; cycloid scale of eel (Angvilla acwtirostris) , D.T.; ganoid scales of sturgeon (Acipenser sturio), D.T.; placoid scale of shark (Scymnm bovealis), D.T.; spiculse of various species of Gorgonia, D.O. ; spiculae of Geodia barreta and many other species of sponges, D.T. and D.O.; spines of Spatangus, various species of Echinus, brittle and other star fishes, D.O. ; diatoms, many species, D.T. ; scales of butterflies, D.T. ; scales of butterflies and moths in situ, on the wing, D.O. ; foraminifera, chiefly D.O. ; in some few cases where very transparent, D.T. ; Polycys- tina, D.O. ; sections of granites, marbles, limestones, &c., chiefly D.T. ; weevils, beetles and other insects having brilliant scales and markings on the elytra or wing cases and other parts of the body, chiefly D.O. ; heads of butterflies, moths, &c., D.O. ; eyes of butter- flies, flies, bees, &c., if before dissection, D.O. ; after dissection generally D.T. ; gizzard of crickets, and also beetles, D.O. ; legs and feet of beetles, D.O. ; nests of small spiders, D.O. ; galls (minute) and tracts of leaf- mining insects, &c., D.O. ; a few spiracles, D.O. ; elytra of beetles, such as diamond beetle, &c., D.O. ; Diatom- aceas or seaweed, and other algae, D.O.; shell of orbito- lite, D.O. ; feathers of humming-bird, peacock, and other birds, D.O. ; Elustra foliacea, and a few other zoophytes, D.O.; palates of periwinkle, whelk, trochus, limpet, &c., D.O. ; peacock and ruby copper ore, D.O. ; gold dust and small nuggets, D.O. ; calyx of deutzia, with silicious hairs, D.O.; pollens, mallow, convolvulus 76 A MANUAL OF D.O. ; also all large pollens, and smaller kinds if trans- parent, D.T. see Chapter 5 ; some Haphides, D.O. ; capsules and peristomes of Hypnum, Tortula, and many other species of moss, D.O.; skeleton leaves, D.O. ; section of clematis and other stems, D.O. ; seeds- Antirrhinum, Digitalis, Verbascum, Portulacca, and many others, D.O. ; seeds of orchis maculata, D.O. and D.T. ; a few algae, marine and freshwater, D.T. ; spores of equisetum, and also ferns, D.O.; spores of equisetum, D.T. ; spores of fungi, D.T. ; moulds, "brands, rusts, cluster cups, &c., Loth D.O. and D.T. ; sections of spine hedgehog, D.T. ; and other spines, bone of cuttlefish, D.O.; embryo oysters, D.O.; scales offish, both D.O. and D.T. ; also, in situ, in the skin ; starches, D.T. ; cuticle of many leaves and petals, best D.T. ; spiral vascular tissue from rhubarb, D.T. ; scales eleagnus, D.O.; sting of nettle, D.O. ; frond Tunb ridge film fern (Hymen- ophyllwn Turibridgeme) ; sections of woods, many sec- tions are best dry, D.T. ; others in balsam, &c. See Chapter 5. Hairs of plants, generally D.T. ; lichens, generally D.O. ; some acari, D.T. ; but generally in glycerine, &c. see Chapter 5 ; sections of rice-paper and other forms of pith, D.T. ; sections of rush, D.T.; a few crystals, D.T.; &c. This short list will give an idea of the sort of objects that require to be mounted dry. It would be an impossibility to name all the objects separately, but for a general guide in the examination of an object with respect to the best method of mounting it it is as well to look at it first as a transparent object ; if too thick, then look at it as an opaque object; if not well defined and distinct, try fluid mounting ; if this fails to render it transparent, try balsam or dammar varnish, But the MICROSCOPIC MOUNTING. 77 student must bear in mind that each object generally requires a separate treatment according to its nature ; which knowledge is, of course, best gained by practice. In placing any object into the position in which it is required to be mounted, always use the forceps ; never, in any case, handle objects, as they are mostly so delicate that they will not bear handling. 63. When objects are mounted by the opaque pro- cess, thin sheets of variously coloured gutta-percha will be found useful, especially for insect preparations (E/ecipe 66.) Occasionally, slight fungoid growths arise from using these sheets of gutta-percha, but if corrosive sublimate (HgCl 2 ) is added whilst mixing the colour, this will be prevented. 64. Many objects, such as the scales of fish, &c., require to be dried under pressure. The American paper clips give sufiicicnt pressure for most objects ; but when the specimen is very thick, and greater pressure is required, the holding-screw (Tig. 6) will be found useful. When the object is only require d to be kept in its place whilst drying, as for example a cuticle, a thin glass cover should be applied, and a moderately strong india-rubber band brought over the slide so as to 'confine the thin glass cover in its place. 65. Hairs. Scales, &c., of plants are of ten mounted dry ; but to show them well, it is best to mount them in their natural position on the cuticle of the leaf ; to do so they should be mounted D.O. ; they should also be mounted D.T. ; and in fluid and balsam; see Chapter 3, Chapter 4, and Chapter 5. 66. When zoophytes and seaweeds are mounted dry, care should be taken that they are thoroughly freed 78 A MANUAL OF from sea-salt ; to do this, wash well in water, and in weak acetic acid, and lastly in warm water to free them from the acid. 67. Many opaque ohjects show well when mounted in a dry transparent cell, and the diaphraghm brought under it so as to form a dark background, especially if the object is semi-opaque. This method of mounting will be found the best, as it can then be seen both by transmitted and reflected light, and by this means the structure will be more fully inves- tigated. Another way to mount opaque objects dry is to grind a hollow cell in the centre of a thick, rough-edge slip. Fix the specimen to the bottom of this cell with a cement, either Recipe 1 or 2, Appendix; when fixed, cover with a thin glass square or circle, and allow a very small drop of the Canada balsam and chloroform to run in between the glasses by capillary attraction ; but care should be taken that too much is not put, or it. will run into the cell and spoil the object. When quite dry, the slide may be covered as usual ; by this plan all moisture is kept from the object, and fungoid growths pre- vented. 68. A good plan for labelling dry and other objects when they are mounted on ground edge slips (Figs. 53, 54, &c.), is to punch some circles out of very thin talc ; cover the edge of the glass slip with a thin layer of gilder's whiting and gum water; when dry, write on this with common ink; let it dry, put a very small drop of Canada balsam on to it ; cover with a circle of thin talc, and allow all to dry ; then clean the edges with benzole and water mixed. This plan will be found a good one legible and lasting MICROSCOPIC MOUNTING. 79 being superior to writing on ordinary white labels, as these often peel off or get dirty. This kind of label can of course only be used when the rest of the glass is exposed, as in the case of mounting with ground- edge slips. 80 A MANUAL OF CHAPTER III. THE PREPARATION BY THE CANADA BALSAM AND DAMMAR PROCESSES. 69. There are many objects such as insect dissec- tions and polarising crystals, &c., that cannot be mounted in any medium but Canada balsam, though when the dammar varnish comes to be better known, I believe for many of them it will supersede the balsam ; but, no doubt, Canada balsam will never be entirely replaced by any medium, for it has certain properties which will always recommend it not but what the dammar is best for general use, it dries better than the balsam, which alone will make it the most favourable medium for the microscopist. 70. As we followed the plan of taking a series of common typical objects in the process of dry mounting, it will be as well to follow the same course in the method of mounting by the Canada balsam and dammar processes. It is much better to keep both the balsam and the dammar in the collapsible tubes men- tioned in Chapter 1, Eig. 65, Plate 4, for as well as being the cleanest plan, the balsam keeps much better than in a corked bottle, Eig. 66, Plate 4 ; the required quantity is also much easier obtained. Take twelve clean slips, rough edge, and the following are MICROSCOPIC MOUNTING. 81 the twelve objects, the process of mounting in Canada balsam taking nine of them, the other three being by the dammar process. Slide 25. Human flea (Pulex irritans). Slide 26. Palate of whelk (JBuccinum undatum). Slide 27. Crystals of chlorate of potass (ClOoKo). Slide 23. Raphides in onion (Allium cepa). Slide 29. Potato starch (Solcwmm tuber osimi). Slide 30. Silicious cuticle of equisetum (Equisetum hyemale) . Slide 31. Fibres of wool (Ovis aries). Slide 32. Fibres of cotton (Gossypium herbaceum). Slide 33. Spiracle of water-beetle (Dytiscus margi- nalis). Slide 34. Bramble brand (Aregma bulbosum}. Slide 35. Spores and sporanges of brake fern (Pteris aquilina}. Slide 36. Foraminifera from chalk. Slide 25. Human Flea (Pulex irritans). This slide illustrates the method of mounting most of the small insects. The flea must be placed in the liquor potass, and left in it for a few days ; when tolerably soft, place it between two t glass slips and gradually squeeze out the contents of the abdomen, &c, ; use very slight pressure at first, and if .it feels at all hard, it must be replaced in the potass until soft, but if it is found that the body gives way to the pressure, it may be in- creased until all the matter is ejected ; then place it in warm water for a quarter of an hour, after which repeat the process until the insect is perfectly clean, it may then be washed in warm water, or, what is much better, silicic acid (for method of making which see Recipe 9); this acid has an affinity for potash, turning a 82 A MANUAL Or it into silicate of potass (SiKo 4 ), which substance is very soluble in water ; then well wash in water, place it between glass slips to dry, taking care that the slips have been previously slightly greased, as this will prevent the insect sticking to the slips when dry, otherwise it often does, and some of its legs are lost in consequence. "When quite dry, which will be in two or three days if in a warm room, place it in a small porcelain saucer full of turpentine, cover it with a broken wine-glass, allow it to soak until quite transparent, but do not let it be in the turpentine long enough to lose its colour, transfer it to the centre of a rough edge slip, and from the tube containing the balsam (Pig. 65), drop one large drop on to it; then cover with a square thin glass cover (Tig. 63, Plate 4), and place the slide in the pressure apparatus (Pig, 29) for a short time, so that most of the air bubbles are forced out ; then put it in the drying apparatus, or on the warm plate, as described in Chapter 1, paragraph 6. When the balsam is quite set and hard, it may be cleaned off with an old knife made slightly hot. When all the superfluous balsam has thus been cleared from the slide this is best done under water it may be made quite clean with the aid of benzole or tur- pentine, used with a rag kept for the purpose ; the slide may then be covered and finished as described for Slide 2, Chapter 2, and Pigs. 49, 50, 51, 52. If the student does not care to use the silicic acid, washing in warm water will do nearly as well, but I prefer the acid. And again, after being well washed in water, many manipulators prefer to transfer it to spirit (methylated will do), and then take it out, slightly drain it on paper, and transfer it to benzole, Fig 6< MICROSCOPIC MOUNTING. 83 from thence to the turpentine, and lastly balsam ; by this process the object is never dry; it answers tolerably well in many cases, but very great care is required to free it from traces of the spirit by well washing in the turpentine, which use slightly warm. Slide 26. Palate of Whelk (Buccinum undatum) . For the dissection of palates, refer to Chapter 5. The palate must then be put into a test-tube with a small quantity of potass, and boiled until clean, which will take about ten or fifteen minues ; then well wash in warm water to free it from the potass, and place between two glass slips to dry ; but in this case, give the required pressure with two india-rubber bands passed over the slips, as the pressure of the American paper clips is rather too great, and often injures the teeth ; when quite dry, soak in turpentine, using one of the small porcelain saucers ; when trans- parent, transfer to the centre of a cell made as follows : with a writing diamond cut 4 slips of thin glass, two fths of an inch long, and -|th wide, and two f tlis of an inch long and -^th wide, cement these to the glass slip with marine glue, or the cement, Recipe 72, so as to make a cell -Jths of an inch square (see Pig. 64, plate 4) ; when quite dry, clean off from the inside of the cell any superfluous cement ; after it is quite clean, pour in a small quantity of turpentine, but do not allow it to remain longer than two or three minutes, then pour out. Now fill the cell with Canada balsam, and in the centre, place the palate of whelk ; moisten one side of a thin glass cover, exactly -|ths of an inch square, with turpentine, and drop it on to the balsam, so that all air-bubbles may be excluded from the cell ; this is easily done if sufficient o 2 84 A MANUAL OF balsam has been put into the cell. Place the slide in the drying apparatus (Chapter 1, page 9) until dry, then clean and cover as usual. Slide 27. Crystals of Chlorate of Potass (ClO 2 Ko). This is a very beautiful object for the polariscope, when well mounted ; place a small quantity in the test-tube, enough to occupy one part of a tube graduated into six equal parts ; then pour in water two parts, boil until the chlorate is dissolved, then pour over glass slips : allow them to crystallize gradually, and without the aid of artificial heat : when quite dry, pick out the best of them, and again the best one from these, then drop one drop of Canada balsam on to the mass of crystals, and place the thin glass cover on ; press gently, so as to squeeze the superfluous balsam out, after which the balsam must be allowed to dry gradually, for if forced with heat the crystals would be spoilt ; when quite dry, which will be in a few weeks if only just sufficient balsam has been used, for the thinner the layer under the thin glass cover, of course the quicker it dries, then cover and label as usual. Some crystals require different treatment and mounting (see Chapter 5). Slide 28. Raphides in Onion (Allium cepa). These Raphides, like most of those that are contained in the sepals, cuticles, &c., of plants, only require to be dried under pressure, and the piece of cuticle or sepal soaked in turpentine, and mounted in balsam. If the Haphides require to be tested with the re-agents, to ascertain whether they are sulphate, oxalate, &c.. of lime, they must previously be moistened witl water, or glycerine (if glycerine re-agents are used), so as to allow the re-agent to pass into the tissue of the MICROSCOPIC MOUNTING. 85 leaf, otherwise a slight difficulty in its passage would occur ; but for further information in regard to the testing of these bodies, see Chapter VII. Occasionally, where the Eaphides are not required for the polari- scope, they may be mounted in fluids, (see Chapter V.); but if mounted in balsam, the slides may be dried in the drying apparatus (Figs. 7, 8), and cleaned and covered in the usual manner. Slide 29. Potato Starch (Solarium tuberosum). I have chosen this starch as it is the largest of all the common starches, for though Tous-les-mois is larger, it is not so easily obtained. The potato starch, on account of its size, is therefore much easier to examine. To obtain it pure as taken from the tubers (see Chapter V.) take a small quantity of the dry starch on the tip of a scalpel, and place it in the centre of the centred slips ; then drop one drop of turpentine on to it allow it nearly to evaporate ; then drop some Canada balsam on to a thin glass cover, which place on the small lump of starch, but which has been previously spread evenly over the centre of the slip with a dissecting needle, press the thin glass cover gently, and if it is found that the starch lies too thickly in the centre, move the thin glass cover round with a circular motion ; this will distribute the granules of starch better than any other plan. The balsam answers very well for these objects, but dammar is much better. If any air bubbles have got into the balsam or dammar they need not worry the student, for if the slide is placed in a warm place say on a window-shelf, south aspect, or on the mantel over the fireplace it will be found that they disappear entirely after a few days. It does not matter whether the starch is 86 A MANUAL Otf mounted in balsam or dammar, it must not be dried by the aid of artificial heat, or the granules of starch will be spoilt ; but if good dammar or the Canada balsam and chloroform, Recipe 13, is used, it will not take very long to dry. When dry, the slide may be cleaned from the superfluous balsam, and finished as usual. Some starches are mounted dry, others in fluid, &c., see Chapter 5. For the tests for starch, see Chapter 7. Slide 30. Silicious Cuticle ofEquisetum (IZquisetum hyemale). After this cuticle has been separated with nitric acid (NO 3 Ho) see Chapter 5 it must be well washed in warm water. A clean glass slip must then be taken, and the centre, where the piece of cuticle will come, a very thin layer of mucilage, formed from gum tragacanth, must be evenly spread, so that the cuticle will fit on to it as nearly as possible. On this, place the cuticle exactly in the position that is required, as it will not be moved a^ain ; over this place another glass slip, which has been previously slightly greased to prevent it sticking ; then place the slips between an American paper clip. When the cuticle is quite dry, take the top slip of glass off, and allow the cuticle to be well soaked with turpentine. At the same time the edges of the piece of cuticle can be cleaned and trimmed with a sharp scalpel. Drain the superfluous turpentine off, and drop a small quantity of balsam on to the cuticle, then cover with a thin glass cover, and press the cover. Place the slide to dry in the drying apparatus, Chapter 1, page 9 ; and, when dry, clean and cover as usual. The cuticle may be mounted without the aid of the gum tragacanth, but on drying it is very liable to curl up MICROSCOPIC MOUNTING. 87 and separate from the slip : the gum is used to prevent this. The cuticle may also be mounted in a cell with glycerine, &c., see cuticles, Chapter 5. This is a magnificent object for the polariscope. Slide 31. Fibres of Wool, Sheep (Ovis aries.) I have taken this object, not on account of its beauty or remarkable appearance, but from its structural charac- teristics. Its felting power, as has lately been noticed, no doubt proceeds from its sinuous nature, and not from its but slightly imbricated surface, which is much less than the hairs of either mouse, or common bat, and other animals. Wool may generally be distin- guished from cotton, &c., by its structural peculiar- ities, see Pig. 129, Plate 11, and also by chemical tests, &c., see Chapter 7. After being well washed in warm water and dried, it may be further washed in benzole, to free it from any grease, and soaked in turpentine, and mounted in Canada balsam or dam- mar ; dry in the dryin g apparatus, but use a gentle heat. When quite dry, clean with benzole, and cover as usual. For further information in regard to wool, see Chapter 5. Slide 32. Fibres of Cotton (Gossypium herbacemri). -Vegetable fibres are generally distinguished from animal, by potass having little action upon them ; whereas, in the animal fibres, they are dissolved by the potass, especially if a slight degree of heat is used, see Chapter 5 and Chapter 7. Cotton may be mounted in the same way as the wool, that is, if it is required for the polariscope, with this exception, that it does not want to be washed in benzole, being a vegetable fibre, and in its pure state it contains no grease. Like the wool it must be dried with a gentle 88 A MANUAL OF but continuous heat. Finish and cover in the same manner, care being of course taken that the exact kind of cotton, with the date of mounting, &c., be correctly stated. Slide 33. Spiracle of Water Beetle (Dyliscus marginal**). For the proper method of dissection of this and other spiracles, I must refer the student to Chapter 5 ; and now take the opportunity to mention that this is done to save undue repetition, as well as the matter being placed in its proper position. After the spiracle, therefore, has been dissected and well washed, and in this case it is as well to pin the piece containing the spiracle or spiracles to a piece of loaded cork, which place in a saucer, and direct a fine stream of water from the water-bottle Fig. 13, Chapter 1, paragraph 10 on to it, so as to wash it thoroughly. This is not immediately necessary, but if any dust or dirt of any kind remain amongst the fine hairs sur- rounding the orifice of the spiracle, by this process it will be removed. When wanted, dry between two slips of glass, which have been previously slightly greased to prevent the skin and spiracle from sticking to them. For pressure in drying, use an American paper clip. "When dry, soak in turpentine until trans- parent, and transfer to the centre of a clean ground edge slip, drop a drop of balsam or dammar on to it, cover with square thin glass cover, press it gently, then place it in the drying apparatus, Chapter 1, paragraph 6. When dry, finish as usual. Slide 34. Bramble Brand (Aregma bulbosmn). The best method of mounting this brand, so as to show the spores well, is to take a fine section, by cutting through the centre of a cluster of this brand, MICROSCOPIC MOUNTING. 89 and also right through the bramhle leaf ; as thin a section as possible must be cut ; soak in turpentine until the spores are quite transparent, which will be in two or three days ; the section may then be trans- ferred to a clean slip, and mounted in balsam or dam- mar. Dammar is much the best for this object. The chief difference in mounting, when using this varnish, is to place the thin glass cover over the object, and allow the dammar to flow in by capillary attraction. This method has many advantages, especially when the object is small and requires to be in the centre of the slide; for in mounting with balsam, however much care the learner takes, he will often find a great difficulty in keeping his object in the right place ; but by using the dammar this difficulty is avoided. Dry the slide in the drying apparatus, Chapter 1, para- graph 6. Use moderate heat. When quite dry, clean with the knife and benzole, and finish as usual. Slide 35. Spores and Sporanges of Brake Fern (Pteris aquilina). The method of collecting these spores is described in Chapter V. Take a small quan- tity of the spores and spore- cases on the tip of a scalpel, place them in the centre of a clean glass slip, drop one drop of turpentine on to them, cover with a thin glass cover, and let the dammar flow in by capil- lary attraction; place the slide in the drying appa- ratus to dry ; use moderate heat ; when dry finish as usual. Most of these objects, if preferred, may be mounted on ground edge slips, but if so, the circular thin covers must be used, and when the balsam or dammar is dry, clean with an old knife and benzole, and finish the slide by turning a neat ring of Berlin black varnish with the Matthews' turn-table, so that 90 A MANUAL OF the slide, when finished, will look like Pig. 55, Plate 2. Slide 36. Foraminifera from Chalk. Boil a small lump of chalk in a test-tube with potass until it sepa- rates in powder ; put this into an 8- ounce phial hottle and fill with water ; fresh water must be added as long as it comes away of a milky tint ; the deposit will then consist chiefly of minute foraminifera, &c. ; take a small quantity of this powder, place it in the centre of a clean glass slip, then dry it over the spirit-lamp ; when quite dry, drop a drop of turpentine on to it ; drain the superfluous turpentine off; place a thin glass cover over the foraminifera, and allow the dammar to flow in by capillary action; dry in the drying apparatus ; when quite dry, clean with an old knife and benzole ; finish and cover as usual. 71. In mounting with Canada balsam or dammar, it is always best to use the collapsible tubes men- tioned in Chapter I,, for, as well as keeping cleaner than in the stoppered glass bottles, as generally recommended, the balsam also keeps in a much better condition. Thin balsam is generally the best for mounting purposes, as it dries quicker than when old and thick. If, after it is bought, it is found to be too thick, it may be diluted with benzole, turpentine, or chloroform ; and if any cloudiness remains after mixing, it will go off in a short time (see also recipe 13). Before mounting any object in balsam, great care must be taken that the object is thoroughly dry. To make quite sure of this, the object, even after being dried in the object-drier (Pig. 27), may be tested in a tube (see Chapter II., under Slide 12.) Dampness is known by a cloudiness in the balsam round the object. MICROSCOPIC MOUNTING. 91 If this occurs whilst drying the slide, extreme heat will sometimes clear it ; but it is best, if the specimen is valuable, to soak the slide in turpentine and re- mount the object. 72. Air-bubbles, as I mentioned before, need not trouble the student so much as they generally do, for they will often disperse of their own accord ; but if any difficulty is found, the slide must be placed in tha air-pump (Pig. 30), and the air exhausted, by which means the bubbles are gradually brought to the surface and dispersed (see also Chapter I., para- graph 27.) Foraminifera, and other objects which will stand heat, may be cleared of air-bubbles by boiling in turpentine. But although much mention is made of turpentine as a useful and important medium in which to soak most objects previous to their being mounted in balsam, great care must be taken that the objects are not kept too long in it, for if they are, the colour will be nearly taken away, and the object rendered too transparent either for beauty of structure or definition of form. 73. Objects, when thick, are best mounted in a cell, which may be made of cardboard, thin glass (see Fig. 64, Plate 4), and also thicker glass drilled to form cells (see Pig. 36). If cardboard is used, after it is cut it must be well soaked in turpentine before being used; and in mounting objects in a glass cell, always take care to thoroughly saturate the cell with turpen- tine to get rid of all the air and air-bubbles, after which it must be well cleared from the turpentine by draining. It is best to use the balsam cold in most cases ; but if the object does not contain much air, and it is desirable to mount quickly, hot balsam may be used with advantage, 92 A MANUAL OF 74 Eor many minute objects, the use of the chloro- form and balsam will be found the best, as most small objects have a great tendency to flow towards the edge of the cover when mounted in the ordinary way, and the cover applied and pressed down. To check this, touch the centre of the glass slip with a small drop of turpentine ; place the object or objects in this, cover with the thin glass, and, whilst slightly pressing the cover, apply at the edges a tube filled with balsam and chloroform (Pig. 66, Plate 4), so that the fluid may run under the cover and flow towards and over the object by its own capillary action. 75. I have not tried it myself, but many persons prefer using resin dissolved in benzole, and strained so as to clear it from impurities. It is said that it dries much quicker than balsam ; and if the resin could be obtained quite pure, it seems to me to be a good medium for general objects. If the object is to be mounted in this medium, care should be taken that it has been previously soaked in pure benzole ; the slides may be dried in the same way as Canada balsam. 76. Paper varnish is also often used for mounting many objects; objects mounted in this simply require a previous soaking for a few days in a large quantity of the varnish ; a drop of fresh varnish is then placed in the centre of the slip and the object placed in this, and the cover applied as usual. Nearly the same amount of heat may be used in drying the slide as when balsam is used. 77. In all these methods of mounting, the object requires a slight pressure to be applied to the thin glass cover. This can be obtained in many ways; for ordinary use I find fine copper wire twisted round MICROSCOPIC MOUNTING. 93 the slide the best ; this will give an even and moderate amount of pressure. Thread may also be used, but the wire is preferable. Again, it is recommended by some manipulators to coat the edge of the thin glass cover with thick gum water. As this dries, the super- fluous balsam is squeezed out ; and, lastly, an appa- ratus (see Fig. 29) is used for the same purpose, different degrees of pressure being applied by using elastic bands of different sizes and strength, a full description of which is given in Chapter I., para- graph 26. 94 A MANUAL OF CHAPTER, IV. THE PREPARATION OF OBJECTS BY THE FLUID AND SEMI-FLUID MEDIUMS. 78. The fluid method of mounting had, until lately, greatly gone down in the estimation of microscopists as vehicles in which to mount their various specimens, but glycerine, and the more recently used, if not so useful substance, silicate of potass, which appears to be a favourable semi-fluid for certain vegetable objects, when mixed with a small percentage of water, have again caused them to be used. There are many fluids in use, but we will first treat of glycerine, it being the most generally useful, and at the same time the most difficult of all the fluids to mount with, for the various kinds of mediums may generally be sealed with the india-rubber cement ; but glycerine being of a viscid nature and having the property of never drying, makes it very difficult to confine it to a cell without its leaking at the edge. The following twelve objects will show the method of mounting with this and also various other fluids. Slide 37. Section of human bone. Slide 38. Lung of frog (liana temporaries). Slide 39. Gizzard of house cricket (Acheta domes- tica) . Slide 40. Tongue of snail (Helix Aspersa). Slide 41. Wheat starch (Triticum vulgar e}. Slide 42. A Zoophyte (Laomedea gelatinosa). MICROSCOPIC MOUNTING. 95 Slide 43. A desmid (Micrasterias denticulata) . Slide 44. Conferva glomerata a common species of conferva. Slide 45. Section of a green capsule of a moss (Bryum Hornum), showing the columella, &c. Slide 46. Cuticle of a fern (Poly podium vulgar e}. Slide 47. Proboscis of house fly (Musca domestica). Slide 48. Crystals of oxalate of ammonia (Cjj O 3 Amo" 2 ) Slide 37. Section of Human Bone. After the sec- tion of bone has been cut and prepared as described in Chapter V., it may be mounted if desired in glycerine, or what is still better, in glycerine and acetic acid (Recipe 74,) a suitable cell having been made for its reception as follows : With a camel's hair brush charged with either gum dammar solution, white cement (Recipe 78), or india-rubber cement (Recipe 5), turn a cell of a diameter suitable for the size of the section of bone. In doing this use the Matthews' turn table (Eig 5, Chapter I., pargraph 4) ; and at the same time at least one dozen various size cells for future use. When the cell is quite dry it may be filled with glycerine fluid, and the section of bone placed in it. The section may have been previously tinted with nitrate of silver (see Chapter Y.) if desired ; but in any case it must have been previously placed for a short time in glycerine and alcohol. A thin glass cover must then be allowed to fall gradually, so as to cause a wave of fluid to flow onwards (see Eig 67). The super- fluous glycerine must then be removed with the aid of a damp camel's hair brush, washing this and freeing it from the glycerine until all is removed 96 A MANUAL OF from the edge of the cell. A very thin layer of dammar varnish must then he painted round the edge of the cover, care heing taken that a fresh hrush is used, and that the varnish is laid evenly and thinly round the edge, hut sufficient heing put to embrace "both the edge of the thin glass cover and the cell previously made. When quite dry it must again he washed with a damp camel's hair hrush, and the hrush constantly freed from glycerine. When all traces of glycerine have been removed, another thin layer of cement must he applied and allowed to dry ; after which, to make quite sure that all the glycerine has been removed, it must be washed once more. When quite dry after this washing, a layer of gold size must be applied. In this case the Matthews' turn-table (Eig. 5) must be used to cover all the inequalities of the surface made by the previous layers of cement. When dry, it may be finished by applying a thin layer of Berlin black varnish, using the turn-table ; after which the slide may be finished and labelled as usual. Slide 38. Lung of Frog (Mana temporaries). If injected with the carmine fluid, it may be mounted in glycerine in the same manner as described for the previous object. Most injections show well when mounted in glycerine, or glycerine and acetic acid, though chloride of zinc will be found useful in many cases. Slide 39. Gizzard of House Cricket (Acheta domestica). This object when mounted in glycerine shows well ; but for the sake of an illustration of the process we will mount it in silicate of potass. This, when procured at the shops, is too thick for use; it must therefore be diluted with distilled water until it flows MICROSCOPIC MOUNTING. 97 freely which will be when about ^th of water is added to f ths of the silicate. A cell having been made of cement as in Slide 37, the gizzard of cricket, which has been previously dissected, opened, and cleaned, (see Chapter Y.) ; it must then be placed in the centre of the cell and sufficient silicate of potass to fill the cell added ; a thin glass circular cover must then be gradually lowered over the object, (as in Pig. 67) ; when this cover has been placed in position, if any air- bubbles occur, the slide must be transferred to the air-pump, Eig. 30, and the bubbles got rid of in the usual manner. Air-bubbles will be found the chief fault in this medium. When the air-bubbles are all gone, the silicate of potass must be allowed to dry FIG. 67. gradually ; if, in drying, any space is left between the thin glass cover and the slide, it must be filled up by the addition of more silicate. When quite dry it may be cleaned with water and earners hair brush, and finished by turning a ring of gold size, dry, and repeat with Berlin black, in both cases using the turn-table ; it may then be finished as usual. This object also shows well in balsam, glycerine-jelly, &c. Slide 40. Tongue of Snail (Helix aspersa). After the tongue has been dissected from the snail and cleaned (see dissections, Chapter V.), it may be mounted in glycerine, Deane's compound, glycerine- jelly, &c. I H 98 A MANUAL OF prefer the glycerine- jelly which is as follows ; After the tongue has been, well washed it must be drained of all superfluous water, but not allowed to dry. The gly- cerine-jelly having been rendered liquid by placing the bottle in hot water (Recipe 64), a large drop of it is placed in the centre of a suitable size cell made of cement (see Slide 37) ; this drop must be examined to see that it has no air-bubbles in it, if it has, it-must be placed under the air-pump, Pig. 30, and the bubbles got rid of in the usual manner, or if the student has not obtained an air-pump, a fresh drop of jelly must be taken. When quite free from air-bubbles, the tongue, which must be still moist, should be gently placed in the centre of the drop of jelly, care being taken to avoid making any fresh air- bubbles. A moistened circular thin glass cover must then be ap- plied, dropping it upon the centre of the drop of jelly, and gradually pressing it downwards until all the super- fluous jelly is squeezed but at the edge ; let it set thoroughly, then with the turn-table turn a ring of the white cement (Recipe 78) round the edge of the glass cover so as to hide the edge ; when dry, finish with one or two coats of Berlin black applied with a camel's hair brush in the same manner. Finish as usual. Slide 41. Wheat Starch (Tritioum vulgare). After the starch has been separated from the gluten by the usual process of washing (see Starch, Chapter V.), a small quantity may be taken and mounted in a suit- able fluid (Recipe 56) in a shallow cell, proceeding in the same manner as Slide 37 ; only in this case the superfluous fluid may be entirely soaked up by using small strips of blotting paper; when quite dry at the edge it is best to use the india-rubber cement MICROSCOPIC MOUNTING. 99 (Recipe 5) for sealing the cell ; after which a layer of the white cement (Recipe 78) must be put on by using the turn-table : finish with Berlin black as usual. Slide 4Q. A Zoophyte (Laomedea gelatinosa) This, together with other species of zoophytes, should be killed quickly, so that the tentacles are extended (see Chapter VI). They may be mounted in many ways, in Deane's compound, glycerine- jelly, chloride of calcium, and in fluids (Recipes 48, 56, 58, 76, &c.); but I prefer a fluid of nearly the same density as that in which they live, which I make, by adding to 6 oz. of fresh sea-water a J oz. of proof -spirit, in which six drops of creosote have been dissolved ; in this fluid I always keep a small lump of camphor constantly floating ; a small percentage only dissolves in the sea-water. This fluid will also be found useful in mounting marine algse, &c. The process of mounting the zoophytes varies but little from the method used for other objects in fluid ; a suitable cell, both in size and depth, being chosen. In some cases where the zoophyte is large, a glass cell like those at Pig. 36 will be required, in which case great care must be taken that all air bubbles are excluded. All the branches or polypidoms must be neatly placed, and the tentacles of all the polypes being extended where it is possible ; in doing this, use one of the smallest camel's hair brushes fixed in a suitable cedar handle : the cover may then be applied and sealed with any of the proper cements as used for Slides 40, 41, &c., it may then be finished and labelled as usual. Slide 43. A Desmid (Micrasterias denticulata) . The process of collecting desmids is described in Chapter VI., and the method of separating them H 2 100 A MANUAL OP from the mud, &c., at Chapter V. Many fluids have been recommended in which to mount these delicate organisms, the best of which will be found in Recipes 79, 76, 58, 56, 12, &c., but I prefer glycerine alone, which is added in a gradual manner so as to prevent the rupture of the primordial utricle : a description of the process is given at Slide 45 ; in all other respects the desmids may be mounted in a shallow cell and sealed with the same cement as described for Slide 37, page 87, the size and depth of the cell being of course much less. Finish as usual. Slide 44. Conferva Glomerata a Common species of Conferva. A few threads of this conferva must be taken and mounted in a shallow cell in precisely the same manner as described for the following object in Slide 45 but if desired, it may be mounted in a suitable fluid, Hecipe 76. Slide 45. Section of a Green Capsule of a Moss (Bryum hornum), showing the Columella, fyc. A cell having been made by the aid of the turn-table, Pig. 5, of a depth equal to the thickness of the section of the capsule, which section must be made in the manner as described in Chap. V., paragraph 149, the capsule having been previously embedded in the wax, it must then be taken and put in a solution as follows : Mix 4 parts alcohol, 3 parts water, 1 part glycerine ; place this fluid in a bottle or jar having a wide open mouth ; in this, place the object or objects (for it is as well to do more than one, as it saves time and trouble) ; place the jar or bottle in a warm place, so as to allow the alcohol and water to evaporate, leaving the object in the glycerine, which does not evaporate. It is better to keep the jar under a large bell glass whilst the fluids MICROSCOPIC MOUNTING. 101 are evaporating, as it keeps them from dust ; but this is not absolutely necessary if the room is not very- dusty. The above plan prevents rupture of the pri- mordial utricle from the action of osmosis, &c. The section of capsule, desmids, &c., may then be trans- ferred to pure glycerine, and mounted in a shallow cell like any other object that is preserved in glycerine. Slide 46. Cuticle of a Fern (Poly podium vulgar e). For the method of separating the cuticles of leaves, &c. (see Chaper V.) Cuticles, when thin and filmy, as in this case, show best when mounted in a fluid, Recipes 76, 58, 56; but if thick and leathery are best when mounted in glycerine or balsam, &c. ; if the cuticle is silicious, it is mounted in balsam 01 dammar for the polariscope. Both the filmy and leathery cuticles are mounted in a shallow cell, and sealed in the same manner as Slide 37, &c. Slide 47. Proboscis of House Fly (Musca domes tica). Eor the method of dissection of the proboscis (see Chapter V.) This object shows well when mounted in glycerine, but previously to this it should be subjected to the same treatment as the section of the capsule of moss, Slide 45 after which it may be mounted in a cement cell of the right depth, glycerine or glycerine- jelly being used. Seal the cell with the dammar varnish, and finish as usual. Slide 48. Crystals of Oxalate of Ammonia. (C 2 O 2 Amo" 2 ). Castor oil will be found the best medium in which to mount these crystals, and also nearly all forms that are at all deliquescent. Glyce- rine also answers for some, but it is not to be equally depended upon, for after a short time it often attacks the form of the crystal. The method of mounting in 102 A MANUAL OF castor oil is as follows : After the true form of the crystal has been obtained (see Chapter V.), it must be surrounded with a layer of dammar varnish put on with a "brush. This ring or layer of varnish may be of an oval, square, or circular form, but in any case it must be made exactly in the centre of the glass slip, that is, if neatness is any object. When the dammar varnish is nearly dry, sufficient castor oil should be dropped into this shallow cell, and the thin glass cover which should be of the same shape as the cell, applied as shown at Eig. 67. All the superfluous oil should then be cleaned off with either turpentine, benzole, or ether, using a brush in the same manner as described for clearing a cell from superfluous glycerine (see Slide 37) : repeated coats or layers of the india-rubber cement, Recipe 5, or of the dammar varnish, must then be applied ; each layer to be allowed to dry some time before the next is applied. It must then be finished and labelled as usual. 79. I have described all these objects as mounted on ground edge slips, for if any leakage occurs it will be much easier to remedy it, than if the object had been mounted in a cell, the edges of which had been covered with the usual paper cover (see Fig. 45, plate 1). 80. Many plans have been recommended for closing cells filled with glycerine. Mr. Suffolk uses a coating of common liquid glue, and when dry, he washes it well to free it from all traces of the glycerine. When the water used in washing dries off, another thin layer of the glue is applied, and washed, and so on for three separate layers. Gold size is then applied with a brush, using the turn-table. It is then finished with a circle of black varnish. MICROSCOPIC MOUNTING. 103 81. Glycerine dissolves in water, alcohol, &c. It is also a solvent for many substances, and in testing, Dr. Lionel Beale recommends it strongly for dissolving the various salts used as re-agents. I prefer pure dis- tilled water in this case. N.B. It should never be used in mounting any objects that contain carbonate of lime, as it dissolves that substance. Like fixed oils, it never evaporates or dries up, which property makes it very useful for nearly all purposes requiring only temporary observation ; care, of course, being taken that it is not used for algae, &c., without due care (see Slide 45), or it will rupture the cell- wall. When used for any object that is under temporary ob- servation it is not necessary to seal the cell (see Chapter VII). 82. Glycerine will be found a very useful medium in which to dissect all objects where the tissues are at all delicate, as it bathes them, and at the same time affords more support, the fluid being of a much greater specific gravity than water. When specimens are mounted in glycerine, it is sometimes troublesome to seal the cell in which they are contained ; but if great care is used in washing, this is got over. Objects mounted in glycerine generally improve by keeping. 83. If objects are soaked in the preservative fluid (see Recipe 80) previous to their being mounted in glycerine, "they will be rendered very transparent. All objects mounted in Deane's compound, glycerine- jelly, glycerine, Ralph's liquid, and other semi-fluids and fluids, require a great deal of soaking in a large quantity of the liquid that they are to be mounted in. 104 A MANUAL OF When they are to be mounted in jelly and other semi- fluids, glycerine is generally the best to use. The object of this continued soaking is to rid the object of air-bubbles, and even then the air-pump (Eig. 30) is often required before they can be entirely got rid of. 84. When the cell that is used for mounting has been over-filled with the fluid, and, of the two, to over-fill is better than not to use enough, blotting- paper is used to remove the superfluous fluid. 85. Lamp-black, moist colour, in tube, as sold by artists' colourmen, will be found useful for finishing slides when slightly diluted with water. When dry, it may be varnished over with gold size. 86. In any case, never lay varnish on thickly when it is used for sealing and finishing cells, &c. 87. A saturated solution of common salt (chloride of sodium NaC) forms a good preservative fluid for many of the entomostraca, .palates, &c. Sea- water, if camphor has been dissolved in it, will also be found useful for preserving delicate marine plants, zoophytes, &c., as it prevents osmosis (see Slide 42), and with care they may often be transferred to glycerine if required. 88. A solution of arsenious acid in camphor water is often used for the preservation of specimens, espe- cially animal ; but it is very poisonous, and other solutions do as well (see Hecipe 57). 89. Syrups will be found useful for preserving tissues, especially vegetable. The remains of seeds, cuticles, &c., taken from jams and preserved and crystallized fruits will be found in a good condition for examination, and will often be found worthy of preservation, especially to public analysts. MICROSCOPIC MOUNTING. 105 90. Castor oil is useful in mounting crystals ; also acari, parasitic and other small insects. 91. Solutions of borax and boracic acid have been found to retard the contractile power of muscle, and will also, no doubt, be found to be good preservative fluids for the preservation of the muscular parts of insects, &c. It is worthy of further trial. 92. All the preservative fluids may be kept in the collapsible tubes (see Fig. 66, Plate 4) ; but where the fluid contains any corrosive salt, as in the case of Recipes 58, 59, 60, &c., the inside of the tube must be coated with bees' -wax to protect it from the action of the fluid. It may be coated in the following man- ner : Pour melted bees' -wax into it until full, and immediately empty it again ; then place the tube upright on a plate, which place in a hot oven or before the fire to allow the superfluous wax to drain from the tube ; then place it in a cool place. When quite dry, the preservative fluid may be poured into it, and the edge turned up, and closed in the usual manner. 93. Pollens show best when mounted in an essential oil, such as lemon. In sealing the cell the india- rubber cement (Recipe 5) must be used. 106 A MANUAL OF CHAPTER Y. A GENERAL SUMMARY OF THE VARIOUS METHODS OF MOUNTING, WITH MANY ADDITIONAL NOTES. 94. In Chapters II, III, and IV, I have treated of the various methods of mounting microscopic objects, but in this chapter I shall mention the various methods of preparation to render them ready for mounting in any of the before-mentioned mediums. Suffice it to say that all objects should be well examined both dry, balsam, and in fluid. 95. Acarea (family) or Mites. An example of this class of objects is the cheese mite (Acarm domesticus). The parts of the mouth, &c., sufficient to distinguish the species, are generally made out from crushing the insect between a glass slip and piece of thin glass, but if it is required to mount permanently, greater care must be taken in crushing them, and all extraneous matter separated by solution of potass. Afterwards wash with acetic acid, and mount in glycerine (see Recipe 74), or dry, and mount in balsam or gum dammar. They do not require a cell if mounted in this manner. 96. Acheta domestica (House cricket). "From this insect many interesting objects can be obtained (see "Gizzards, Elytra, &c."). 97. Adulterations (see Chapter VII.) 98. AlgcB. After having been well washed in fresh MICROSCOPIC MOUNTING. 107 water, or if marine, in sea water and then fresh water, they may be mounted in Deane's compound (Recipe 75), or in glycerine-jelly (Recipe 64), or they may be mounted in a cell with a suitable fluid (such as Recipe 58, or Recipe 76) ; if mounted in glycerine, care should be taken to place the algae in fresh dis- tilled water, and gradually add the glycerine. This is best done by putting the specimen in a watch glass, and adding about every hour, two or three drops of pure glycerine, until the proper consistency is gained, or do as recommended, see Slide 45. By these plans all rupture of the cell walls will be prevented. For the method of mounting in glycerine, see Chapter IV., under Slide 37. 99. Anguillula. Anguillula glutinis is one of the most common species of this genus. They have been popularly called " eels in paste;" and as it is interest- ing to observe their movements, I give the method of obtaining them. Make a moderately thick paste with flour and water, stir and beat up daily with a spoon to prevent any growth of moulds, when, if the weather is moderately warm, the young entozoa will be found, sometimes in large quantities. To observe them, place a small piece of paste containing them in a drop of water in an ordinary animalcules box, or between the two cells of the gas cell (Figs. 9 and 10, Chapter I, paragraph 7). These animals may be kept for years if a little fresh paste is added occasionally. 100. Anoplura. An order of insects, parasitic, upon birds and animals, generally known as lice. These insects may be treated in a similar manner to the acari or mites, especially if they are of a small species ; if larger, as in the case of the parasite on the pig, human 108 A MANUAL OF &c., it is better to treat them with potass as described for small insects (see Chapter III., under Slide 25), and mount in balsam or dammar, or they may be washed in acetic acid, and mounted in glycerine. 101. Antenncs of Insects. These organs require but little dissection. It generally is sufficient to cut them off from the head of the insect with a pair of sharp- pointed scissors, and if thick, remove them, to be softened in the potass, washed, pressed, dry, and mounted in balsam in the ordinary manner ; if not thick enough to require this, they must be soaked for a short time in turpentine, which will render them transparent enough to be observed, or in some cases they may be mounted dry transparent, as, for instance, the antennae of the common gnat. Some of the antennae of the larger beetles only show well when mounted in a dry opaque cell. Many of the small antennae show well when put up in a cell in a suitable fluid (Recipes 3, 12, 56, 59, &c.) 102. Anther. This part of the stamen of flowers contains the pollen. The case or anther often has a very beautiful epidermis, which may be separated from the other tissues by the action of dilute nitric acid, as mentioned in the treatment for cuticles ; but the epidermis being very delicate, greater care must be taken than with any ordinary cuticle. The following flowers contain the most beautiful forms: Poets' Narcissus (Narcissus poeticus) ; white poplar (Poputus alba) ; thorn apple (Datura stramonium) ; wall-flower ( Cheirantlms cheiri) ; Henbane (Hyoscyamus orien- talis ; Iris jlorentina) ; rocket (Bunlas orientalis)\ London pride (Saxifraga ambrosa) ; yellow water lily (Nuphar lutea) ; bryony (Bryonia dioica) ; privet MICROSCOPIC MOUNTING. 109 (Ligustrum vulgare, Calceolaria, Anemone, Veronica perfoliata, Tropceolum majus) ; (Primula sinensis) ; forget-me-not (Hyosotis palmtris, Adonis vernalis, Magnolia}-, daisy (Bellis perennis) ; dandelion (Leon- todon), &c. 103. AnlJieridia. These interesting bodies, which answer to the anthers of the flowering plants, that is, they contain the reproductive bodies called sperma- tozoids, &c., which act in a similar matter to pollen, only much more active, are well worthy of study. Mosses and lichens being the best and easiest plants for this purpose, they are best mounted in fluid (see Eecipes 56, 58, 76). 104. The Antlia, or as it is commonly called, the pro- boscis of moths and butterflies, is an interesting object when properly mounted. After it is divided from the head of the insect, it must be placed for one or two hours in a weak solution of potass ; if kept in this fluid longer than two hours it will get too soft to mount properly ; if a small and delicate one, it must not be kept longer than one hour ; press gently between two glass slips to flatten it ; then well wash in acetic acid, and then water, after which it may be mounted in glycerine or dried under pressure (use apparatus, Pig. 29), and mounted in balsam or dammar as usual. 105. Aphidce. These insects being of a very delicate structure, require but little preparation. I find the best method is to press them between glazed writing paper until nearly dry ; then transfer them to water, after which they may be dried under pressure and mounted in balsam, or transferred from the water to a suitable fluid (see Recipes 56, 14, &c.), and mounted 110 A MANUAL OF in a shallow cement cell. It will be found that glycerine renders them too transparent. 108. Arachnida. This class of animals contain the spiders, scorpions, &c., and many interesting objects can be obtained from it ; the mandibles of spiders, spinning organs, toothed feet, and the poison bag or sac. The part of the head containing the mandibles requires but little preparation. Soak in potass for a short time to soften them ; well wash, dry under pressure, and mount in balsam as usual. The spin- ning organs must be taken from the body of the spider ; they will be known by appearing like three small cone-shaped bodies at the end of the abdomen ; they must be cut away with a pair of sharp scissors, cleaned with potass, and then warm water, dried under pressure, and mounted in balsam ; or they may be mounted in glycerine in a shallow cell, so as to show them in their natural position. The feet of the spider only require soaking in the potass ; put under pressure, then well wash and mount in glycerine ; or dry and mount in balsam. To find and show the poison bag well, one of the mandibles must be placed in water, and allowed to remain for about a fortnight ; it will then be found slightly decayed, and if one of the mandibles is separated at the second joint from the other parts, it will draw out with it the poison bag or sac, and if its course is traced it will be found to terminate in a minute orifice near the tip of the mandible. After being well cleaned it may be mounted in glycerine, glycerine- jelly, or dried and mounted in balsam or dammar. 107. Apothecium. This name is given to the open cup-shaped bodies containing the spores, &c., of MICROSCOPIC MOUNTING. Ill lichens, a section of which must he taken to give a correct idea of their structure. These sections may he mounted in Deane's compound, glycerine- jelly, or in a suitahle fluid (Recipes 56, 58, 76, &c.), or dried under pressure, and mounted in halsam as usual. When the entire cup or apothecia is taken, it only requires to he mounted in a dry opaque cell. The sections must he made with a fine scalpel. 108. Archegonium. This is the rudimentary organ representing the ovule of mosses, ferns, &c. They show hest when mounted in Deane's compound, or a suitahle fluid (Recipes 56, 58, &c.) 109. Blight. The examination of the various species of this class of micro-fungi will he found interesting. Some of the hest forms are : Hop hlight (Sphcerotheca castagnei) ; maple hlight ( Uncinula biGornis) ; guelder rose hlight (Microsphceria penicil- lata) ; hazel hlight (Phyllactinia guttata) ; rose hlight Splicer 'otheca pannosa, &c.) To show the conceptacles, the hest plan is to mount a small piece of the leaf containing the hlight in a dry opaque cell. The wooden slides (see Pig. 58, Plate 3) answer well for this purpose ; or a very small piece of the leaf may he mounted for the use of the paraholic reflector (see Pig. 56, Plate 2 ; also description, Chapter II., under Slide 13). The conceptacles and spores may also he mounted as transparent ohjects, either in Deane's com- pound or glycerine-jelly, in which case they must he previously soaked in a small drop of water placed in the exact centre of a glass slip ; or they may he mounted in glycerine or halsam; hut however mounted, a slight cell of india-ruhher cement (Recipe 5) must be used to prevent the conceptacles heing crushed. 112 A MANUAL OF 110. Blood. The best method of mounting so as to show the corpuscles of the blood (Kg. 68) well is to ^ a ^ e a ^- r P ^ f resn blood and spread it evenly, and as thin a layer as possible, over the centre of a glass slip, and allow it to dry; then mount in the C ^ r y ^ rans P aren t method ; or use the vapour of a two per cent, solution of osmic acid; then apply one drop of acetate of potass, and cover with thin glass as usual. This is recommended by Professor Mac Schultze. By this plan the corpuscles are but little altered. In spreading them thinly and evenly, it will be as well to use a small piece of thin glass moved over the centre of the slip with a circular motion. If it is only desired to observe the blood whilst fresh, a piece of thin glass must be placed on a glass slip, and a drop of fresh blood allowed to flow under it. By capillary action, the corpuscles will then be found to be evenly distributed, and their size, colour, and shape may be observed. If it is desired to obtain and observe the corpuscles after they have been long dried upon linen, cotton, or any other material, this should be soaked in a saturated solution of corrosive sublimate (HgCl 3 , See Recipe 10). The shape of the corpuscles will then be nearly restored to their normal condition, and may be separated from the material with the aid of a small camel's hair brush. (For blood Crystals, see para- graph 117). 111. Bone. To make sections of bone, the piece that is required to be cut must be placed in the hold- ing-screw, Pig. 6, and tightly fixed by the aid of the screws, and a section cut with the small saw, Pig. 22, MICROSCOPIC MOUNTING. 113 This section must be cut as thin as possible with the saw ; one side of the section must then be ground with various files of different degrees of fineness ; then with water on an Arkansas stone and polished with putty- powder on a leather strop ; this polished side must then be cemented to a piece of glass with Canada balsam (see Recipe 69), and the section ground until thin enough ; finish and polish as with the first side ; the section may then be removed from the glass, clean, and mount in a dry transparent cell. If it is re- quired to mount the section in Canada balsam, it need not be ground on the stone nor polished. In fixing the section to the glass, care must be taken before grinding, that there are no air-bubbles between the section and the glass, for if so, it will not grind evenly and flat. If the section is large enough, it is better to grind it between a piece of velvet- cork and the file, in preference to cementing it to the glass. The action of hydrochloric acid (HC1) and also the solution of potass on the sections of bone should be studied ; the hydro- chloric acid will dissolve the lime contained in the bone and leave the animal matter. The potass will do just the opposite leave the lime and dissolve the animal substances. Sections of bone may be readily cut after it has been treated with the hydrochloric acid ; these sections show well when mounted in bal- sam and examined under polarised light. Isinglass glue is sometimes recommended for fixing the sections to the glass before grinding, as it does not fill up the lacunae so much as the balsam, and also requires no heat. Fossil bones are ground and finished in the same manner as ordinary bone, only greater amount of care must be taken in the grinding, as they are i A MANUAL OF generally very brittle. If large, and sections are re- quired to be cut and ground, this is generally done with the machine used for cutting and grinding rock sections, see Pig. 38. 112. Brands. These form another large and in- teresting part of the micro-fungi; they may be mounted in the same manner as the blights, but to show the spores, &c., well, they must be soaked in turpentine and mounted in balsam or dammar. Some of the most interesting forms are : the rose brand (Aregma mucro- natimi) ; bramble brand (Aregma bulbosnm) ; meadow sweet brand ( Triphragmi/am nlmarice) ; anemone brand (Puccinia anemones) ; composite brand (Puccinia com- positarum} ; ground ivy brand (Puccinia glechomatis) ; willow herb brand (Puccinia pulverulent 'a) ; mint brand (Puccinia menthce). 113. Chalk. Carbonate of lAme (CoCao"). The best method of preparation to get the the foraminifera clean is to take a small piece of chalk and scrape it fine, or, what is better, a small quantity of the natural powder found at the base of chalk cliffs ; put this into an 8-oz. phial and fill with water, which remove with glass syphon. Keep on adding fresh water as long as it comes away of a milky tint, the deposit will then be found to consist of the foraminifera remains of sponge, spiculse, &c. To mount the foraminifera, a small quantity should be soaked in turpentine for a short time, and then mounted in balsam as usual. If any air-bubbles occur, they will disappear in the course of a few days. Many persons prefer to reduce the chalk to a powder previous to washing, by rubbing it with a tooth-brush or any other moderately hard brush. MICROSCOPIC MOUNTING. 115 114. Characea are good plants to observe the circu- lation of the chlorophyll ; young shoots are the best for this purpose, as they contain less carbonate of lime, which often obscures the view. 115. Chicory. This substance is much used for the adulteration of coffee (see Chapter VII.). 116. Circulation. In studying the circulation in any animal, the first essential is, that it should be kept on the stage of the microscope. This has generally been attempted by mechanical restraint, as in the case of the frog. " Sometimes chloroform is used, but the subcutaneous injection of the hydrate of chloral will be found to answer much better. A solution of four grains to the drachm is the best. As many minims should be injected into the frog as it is drachms in weight. The injection is made under the skin of the back with a morphia syringe. The web of the foot may then be stretched over the frog plate in the usual manner. When the tongue is used for observing the circulation, it is withdrawn from the mouth by means of horn forceps, and stretched over a large perforated cork. It is apt to become dry, when it must be moistened with water, or what is better of water 100 parts, salt 1, and albumen from egg, 10 parts." The circulation of blood is also well seen in young trout, wing and membrane of common bat, tadpoles, &c. The apparatus used for tadpoles is seen at Eig 39. 117. Coleoptera (Beetles). The most interesting parts of these insects are the gastric teeth and gizzards, and the eyes, elytra, &c. If small, the whole insect is often mounted in a dry opaque cell, as in the case of a small green weevil, so-called British diamond beetle (Polydrosm pterygonialis). Slide 22, Chapter II. i 2 116 A MANUAL OF 118. Collomia Seed. The examination of the spiral fibres of this seed form an exceedingly interesting object under a low power. A very small slice must be cut from the testa or outer coat of the seed, and placed in a drop of water, when the fibres will gradually uncoil. It may then be mounted in a shallow cell in a suitable fluid (see Recipes 56, 76, &c.). 119. Confervoidece are best mounted in a shallow cell with a suitable fluid (either Recipes 78, 76) ; or if mounted in glycerine it must be added to the water very gradually (see algae). 120. Corallina. This genus of algse are found nearly everywhere on the rocks between the high and low water marks. They must be well washed in fresh water, and then dried and mounted in a dry opaque cell; or, if their structure is desired to be observed, dissolve the carbonate of lime by the action of hydro- chloric or acetic acid. They must then be washed and mounted in a cell with a suitable fluid (Recipes 12, 56, 58, &c.), or in glycerine (Recipe 74), or they may be dried and mounted in balsam ; but fluid will be found the best to show the tetraspores. 121. Corns. Sections of these excrescences show well, especially under the polariscope. To render the epidermic scales distinct, the sections must be treated with acetic acid or the solution of potass. 122. Cork. Very thin sections show the cellular tissue well under a high power. Loaded corks are also used for dissections. A piece of velvet cork, about two inches square and half inch thick, is placed on a piece of sheet lead, three inches square, the sides of which are cut and folded over the cork; the edges MICROSCOPIC MOUNTING. may be made smooth with a file. The insect is then fixed to the cork with pins, and is ready for dissection (see Dissections, and also Chapter I., paragraph 20. 123. Crystals. The plan recommended hy M. Preyer for producing crystals from blood is as follows : The blood is received into a cup, allowed to coagu- late, and placed in a cool room for twenty-four hours. The serum is then poured off, and a gentle current of cold distilled water passed over the finely divided clot placed upon a filter until the filtrate gives scarcely any precipitate with bichloride of mercury. A current of warm water (30-40 Cent.) is now poured on the clot, and the filtrate received in a large cylinder standing in ice. A small quantity is taken, and alcohol added drop by drop till a precipi- tate falls. The mixture still kept in ice, will, after the lapse of a few hours, deposit a rich crop of crystals. The form of these crystals differ in various animals, but are all reducible to the rhombic and hexagonal forms. The best animals for experiment are the guinea-pig, cat, mole, dog, squirrel, sheep, horse, pig, ox, goose, sparrow, frog, bream, perch, pike, &c. The crystals are not generally soluble in water, alcohol, &c., but are perfectly so in alkalies. They may be mounted dry, or better, in castor-oil or glycerine. Most crystals form best when a less than saturated solution of a salt is used, the solution being allowed to evaporate spontaneously ; but exceptions may be taken to this rule, especially in the case of delique- scent crystals, which must be obtained by the evapo- ration of their solutions by the aid of gentle heat, after which they are mounted in castor-oil. A good plan for the formation of fine specimens of 118 A MANUAL Of crystals, especially the salts of lime (calcium), is to mix a small quantity of each salt, which is to react upon each other, in ahout a teaspoonful of gum water, and then gradually mix the two fluids, when perfect crystals will be obtained. The reaction may thus be illustrated : Sulphate of zinc about eighty drops of a saturated solution of this salt is mixed in a teaspoon- ful of gum water, and about eighty drops of chloride of calcium put into another ten spoonful of gum water ; gradually mix the two, when in a short time, fine needle-like and radiating clusters of sulphate of lime (see Pig. 131, plate 11) will be found, the lime having a greater chemical affinity for the sulpho- oxygen compound (SO 3 ) of the sulphate of zinc than the zinc itself has. The reaction is thus : CaCl 3 +S0 2 Zno' / =S0 3 Cao // +ZnCl 3 . Another and perhaps better plan is to place small quantities of the undissolved crystals used at a short distance from each other in the same vessel, or else separated by a membrane. The liquid used as the solvent can still be gum water, glycerine, albumen, solution of gelatine, or a mixture of these substances. Calcareous salts form best by this process. The follow- ing are a few of the best salts : o Chloride of Calcium, Nitrate of Calcium, Acetate of Calcium, Chloride of Magnesium, Sulphate of Magnesium, and for the reactions Carbonate of Sodium, MICROSCOPIC MOUNTING. 119 Carbonate of Potassium, Phosphate of Sodium, Phosphate of Ammonia, &c. A great resemblance to organic forms are often obtained when the solvent used is albumen, or albumen and gelatine mixed, and if carmine is iised to colour the fluid, the crystals, &c., obtained are generally of a beautiful tint.* Other colouring matter may be used, especially if of an organic nature such as logwood, saffron, &c. I also find, even in an ordinary way, that when a strong solution of gelatine is added to the solution of the salt that is to be evaporated, that better and more perfect crystals are formed, especially if these are to be used for the polariscope. Gum water also answers well, especially for salicine, chlorate of potass, &c. When crystals of any of the salts are wanted for typical slides in micro-chemical analysis, water only should be used as the solvent. Then evaporate gradually. Santonine, and many other salts, may be obtained from the evaporation of their solution in chloroform. Alcohol may also often be used. The following salts are some of the most interesting; Salicine, pyro-gallic acid, citric acid, tartaric acid, chlorate of potash, sulphate of magnesia, sulphate of iron, sulphate of copper and magnesia, aloine, platino, cyanide of magnesium, acetate of manganese, boracic acid, chloride of palladium, iodide of quinine, uric acid, urate of sodium, oxalate of soda, &c. (see also plate 11). * See a paper on this subject by the author in the *' Transactions of the Maidstone and Mid-Kent Natural History Society for 1870." Also in the Journal of the Society of Microscopists i.e. "Lens" published at Chicago, United States, America. 120 A MANUAL OF 124. Culex. The commonest insect of this genus is the common gnat ( Culex pipiens) . The proboscis of the female is the part most generally mounted ; it only requires to he dried between writing-paper, after which it may he mounted in balsam or dammar ; it may also be mounted in a cell with glycerine without being previously dried. 125. Cuticle of Plants. When well prepared, the various cuticles of plants will make an interesting and instructive series of slides, They may be obtained from the leaf by prolonged maceration in pure water ; but the better plan is to separate them from the leaf by the aid of nitric acid and water, the acid being diluted more or less according to the texture of the leaf. If fleshy, more water ; if thick and leathery, or silicious, nearly or quite, pure acid must be used. The leaves are boiled in a test-tube with the nitric acid and water until both the upper and under cuticle seem to separate ; the piece of leaf is then transferred to a vessel of pure water a white evaporating dish or one of Liebig's essence of meat pots is the best to use- well wash with water to free it from the acid ; but if the cuticle is very delicate, it may be transferred to a glass slip at once. Let the cuticle lay on the slip with the inner side upwards, then with a cam el's -hair brush and water, wash away all extraneous matter, leaving the cuticle clean. Now place it in a watch-glass full of alcohol until ready to mount, which may be in fluid or balsam, according to the nature of the object. If silicious, and for polarised light, in balsam or dammar (see under slide 30) ; if leathery, in glycerine (see under slide 45); if delicate, in a proper preservative fluid. When the cuticle is silicious, after it has been separted MICROSCOPIC MOUNTING. 121 by using pure acid, it must not be allowed to dry en- tirely, or it will cause great trouble to mount it well ; it must therefore be quickly transferred, wbilst still moist, to alcohol, then to benzole, and turpentine; finish by mounting in balsam or dammar (see Chapter III., under slide 30). A solution of chlorate of potass and nitric acid, equal parts,* is also often used for separating ordinary cuticles not being silicious ; they are boiled in the fluid in exactly the same manner. Cuticles of ferns make good slides, but, in fact, the student should examine all the leaves he comes across he will find it good practice. 126. Desmidlacece. Desmids, whilst fresh, are best cleaned from the surrounding matter by the aid of light. The gathering is put into a white saucer, with a small quantity of pond water. If the saucer is then placed in a strong light, say in a window sill, the desmids gradually collect on the side nearest the light, when they may be transferred to pure water by the aid of a camel's hair brush. When they are thus obtained free from mud, &c., it is as well to transfer them to a suitable keeping fluid, as recommended, under Slide 43. There are many other ways of clean- ing them, but space will not permit of any but the best plan, either for these or other objects, 127. Diatomacece. The first thing to notice when about to clean either a gathering of diatoms, or a sample of guano, is to test the average amount con- tained, and whether the species are common or not. This is best done by burning a small quantity of the matter containing them on a piece of platinum foil, using the triangle (Fig. 20). Burn until they are * N.B. Use caution in mixing. 122 A MANUAL OF white, then examine under the microscope, and if good, and in sufficient quantity for the trouble, first noticing if the diatoms are delicate ; if so, use nitric acid only ; hut if not, and most species will hear this treatment, proceed thus : Boil in sulphuric acid, using an open evaporating dish, until the organic matter turns a dark colour, which will he in about one minute, then gradually add, drop by drop, a saturated solution of chlorate of potass, taking great care only to drop it, or it will cause an explosion. The use of the chlorate is to bleach, and it may sometimes be left out ; then throw the entire mass into about twenty or thirty times its own bulk of water, wash well, and decant the dirty water off, using a glass syphon. Then boil the deposit, which is left in nitric acid, for a short time ; well wash, and store in alcohol or dis- tilled water. When a quantity is done, and there are many species of diatoms, then use the apparatus (Eig. 24) ; or advantage may be takan of their different specific gravity when sinking in a conical glass vessel, collect them as they sink with a pipette, from half minute to nearly ten minutes, according to their gravity. Many persons prefer to destroy the organic matter by burning them on the platinum foil. When the silicious valve only is left. Then mount as usual. They may be freed from algae by using nitric acid 1 part, water 20 ; then strain through muslin. When collecting large quantities of diatoms, filter the water containing them through cotton wool, then dissolve the wool in sulphuric acid, well wash with distilled water, allow them to settle at the bottom of the glass vessel that has been used for the process, MICROSCOPIC MOUNTING. 123 pour off the greater part of the water, and allow the rest to evaporate by the aid of heat. In mounting diatoms, always take care that the frustules do not overlap each other, so as to interfere with the view of them. Mount diatoms dry, if small; if larger and coarser, then use balsam; and when the high powers of the microsope are to be used, fix them on the thin glass cover by the evapora- tion of the fluid containing them. A very good plan, and perhaps the best, if only one or two good slides are wantod, is to place a small drop of the deposit on a glass slip, and to pick out the diatoms one by one, using the thread of glass (see tools, page 2) until they are collected in sufficient quantity, then mount as usual ; but when diatoms are suspended in a large quantity of water, use a glass tube covered at one end with filtering paper, and over this, muslin tied round the tube with thread. When sufficient quantity has collected on the paper, as the water passes through, cut the paper and collect with a camel's hair brush. Diatoms should show various positions to exhibit structure ; this is best done by mounting in hard balsam, then grind the surface, slightly cover with fluid balsam, and mount with thin glass cover as usual. 128. Dissections. Of this subject also only a slight sketch, as space will not permit of more. Eyes of insects are extremely simple ; they only require to be taken from the head in the manner shown at A (Eig, 70, Plate 5). Eig. 69 of the same plate represents the head of the house-fly (slightly magnified), with the eyes in their natural position. After being cut from the head they are soaked for a short time in liquor 124 A MANUAL OF potass, which frees them from blood and extraneous matter. "When mounted dry, the facets show well, as in A (Pig 71). The proboscis or trunk of the house- fly may also be taken to exhibit the method of prepa- ration of the various tongues. The insect is squeezed, when the proboscis will immediately protrude from the head ; let it lie on a slip of glass, and let a thin glass cover fall gently on to it (see B, Fig. 72, Plate 5). It must then be cut off, and allowed to dry in this position, both of the glasses having been previously slightly greased to prevent its sticking. Mount in balsam in the usual manner, c, Pig. 73, represents the tongue of house-cricket that has been so treated. Gizzards of beetles form an interesting class of objects. The dissection of the common house-cricket will explain the method of dissection (c, Pig. 74, Plate 5), house- cricket slightly over natural size, c, Pig. 75, the same insect having the third pair of legs cut off, and half of the second pair, the abdomen cut up, and the folds kept back with two dissecting pins (see drawing). The gizzard will then be found at the upper part of the abdomen (see same drawing.) c, Pig. 76, represents the entire alimentary system head, food- sac, and gizzard. The position of the gizzard varies but slightly in any of the beetles, always being below the larger food- sac. The gizzard is separated from the other parts and cut open with the fine-pointed scissors, soaked in the potass, which will soon free it from extraneous matter, then well wash, and mount as described at Slide 39. Spiracles of insects are gene- rally seen on each side of the abdomen, and also on both side of the larva of moths, butterflies, &c. D, Pig. 77, Plate 6, represents the magnified ap- A 73 MICROSCOPIC MOUNTING. 125 pearance of the spiracle of the greater water beetle \Dytiscus mar g walls). D, Fig. 78, shows the spiracles as they appear when the elytra or wing case is taken off, the letters s s pointing t ) them. D, Pig. 79, is the perfect insect. The spiracles are cut from the body witl. the fine-pointed scissors, washed with potass, then pure water, and mounted generally in balsam, though sometimes in fluid glycerine is good. The spiracles of flies are on either side of the thorax. E, Fig. 80, shows the larva of the red admiral butter- fly (Vanessa atalanta} as mounted. To show the position of the tracheae in relation to the spiracles, T T points to the tracheae and s s to the spiracles. E, Fig. 81, are a mass of the air tubes or tracheae which have just been taken from a spiracle, these are magni- fied 100 diameters. F, Fig. 82, is the spiracle of blow- fly. The tracheae are easily found and separated, when they must be well washed, and then mounted in fluid. (Recipes 10 and 74 will be found useful). When making dissections, it will be found useful to imbed the insect in wet plaster of Paris ; let it set, always make dissections under water. G, Pig. 83, Plate 6, is a rough sketch of periwinkle, G, Fig. 84, the mollusc, after being taken out of the shell ; and at G, Fig. 85, the palate or tongue is shown proceeding from the top of the head in a spiral manner. It is so drawn to attract the notice of the student to its position, like a coiled spring pointed to by the letter T, in G, Pig. 84. The position of the tongue cannot be mistaken, it is just above the head, and the coil shows through the skin. Other palates are dissected differently, but the general method is the same ; a good plan for the very small mollusca is to boil them 126 A MANUAL OF in liquor potass, when the bodies are entirely dissolved, leaving the palates intact limpets, whelks, and gar- den snails, will be the best to begin with. 129. Ducts. Scalariform tissue, and most vegetable ducts are mounted in a suitable fluid, like Recipes 76, 58, &c. 130. Dust (see Pig. 86), when taken from most rooms will be found to consist of traces of carbon, soot, fibres such as wool and cotton, starch, &c. The dust of the work- room where the student i**^ llftft* t &** ^V ^ v * S} s ^ ou ^ ^ e examined, as ^[^%^tra.- JT"."0^ 0( -". c Ci~A..^tf ^^^^^ c- - ' found/ advisable plate wi,dv a^ pocket MICROSCOPIC MOUNTING. 173 gained by reference to suitable books ; but if there remains only a small particle of matter it is much more difficult. The following is a general outline; Make a note of the form and colour. Note the effect of polarized, reflected, and transmitted light. In the case of shells or any rolling bodies ; mount a very small quantity in hard balsam, and then grind the surface, this will go far to prove their exact form. If the object is soft examine it by pressure, using the compressorium, Pig. 37. If possible, divide into ten or twelve parts, and note the action of the re-agents upon it; if very thick or hard, grind it until the section is transparent, taking a small piece from the whole for this purpose. If softer, cut sections with razor or scalpel, subjecting these sections to the action of the re-agents. If very minute, like dust, in- crease the power of the microscope until the shape of the object can clearly be made out, still noticing the action of the re-agents. In examining deposits always use the pipette (see Pig. 119). When the re- agents are applied always use my cell (see Pig. 142). Fig. 119. If the objects under examination are placed in fluid, the air-bubbles must not mislead the student (see Pig. 120), as they might do if he had not previously noticed the appearance of them when in water or oil ; also note the difference of oil globules in water. If the object 174 A MANUAL OF \ under examination is alive, and it is desired to keep it moist, a little apparatus, like Pig. 121, must be used ; it consists of a small piece of glass tubing fixed with cement to a slide, a piece of thin glass nearly covers this little reservoir of water: a fine thread of cotton or wool is then placed between the object under examination and the reservoir, this serves to conduct the water to the object. Always make rough sketches of the object under examination, do Flgi 121> this with the aid of the camera lucida, Fig. 34. "When it is desirous to apply heat to the object the best plan is one by H. Strieker : a piece of tinfoil is cut to the form of a picture- frame, having two arms projecting from opposite sides, this is gummed to the centre of a glass slip, and when it is required to heat any object it must be placed in the centre of the tinfoil frame, and connect the two pro- jecting ends with the poles of a battery (see Plate 9). When the object will be heated, some persons mount a small thermometer nearly the centre of the glass slide, so that the degree of heat may be regulated, (see also Pig. 46, paragraph 42.) Both polarized light and the dark field illumination show the relative density or degrees of opacity in the object. Polarized light especially shows secondary deposit in vegetable structures. All investigations should be conducted if possible by daylight. 251. In noticing the adulterations of fabrics, special attention should be given to the action of the re-agents, as well as the general microscopical character of the PLATE 11. Fro. 12o. FIG. 121*. FIG. 130. FIG. 131. Human hair Wool x 100. Cotton x 200. Hemp x 100. rVf FIG. 134. FIG. 135. FIG. 136. FIG. 137. Carbonate of Lime x 100. Oxalatc of Lime x 400. Phosphate of Lime x 100. Sulphate of Lime x 100. FIG. 138. Aminonio- Phosphate of Magnesia x 100, . 139. FIG. 140. Carbazotate of Soda Bichloride of Platinum x W. ami Pottassiviin x 200. FIG. 141. Bichloride of Platinum and Sodium x dO. MICROSCOPIC MOUNTING. 175 fibres ; for instance, silk will dissolve in hydrochloric acid, but wool, cotton, hemp, &c., will be left intact, and both wool and silk dissolve in a strong solution of potass or soda, especially if used at boiling point, but cotton remains nearly entire. Por the microscopical characters of the common fibres, I must refer the student to Pigs. 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, Plate, 11. 252. Pepper is often largely adulterated with starches, such as wheat, rice, pea, &c., for the micro- scopical characters of which see Plate 11. It is also adulterated with linseed-meal, ground mustard seeds, &c. ; for the microscopical characters of which see Pig. 104, Plate 10, Pig. 103 being ground black pepper unadulterated. 253. Cayenne pepper is improperly so called, as it is made (or at least it ought to be) from a plant called Capsicum annuum, which belongs to quite a different natural order from the peppers ; it is often largely adulterated with ground rice, deal saw-dust, salt, &c., also with red-lead, vermilion (protosulphide of mer- cury), Venetian red, &c. In testing for these in- organic compounds the cayenne pepper must be in- cinerated or burnt to an ash upon the platinum foil, using the triangle, Pig. 20 : the ash may then be tested for lead, &c. (see paragraph 223). Pig. 105 shows the unadulterated, and Pig. 106 the adulterated cayenne pepper. 254. Mustard is nearly, if not always, largely adulterated with wheat flour, or starch, and turmeric. The wheat starch and turmeric may chiefly be dis- tinguished by their microscopical characters (see Pig. 123, Plate 11), and by the application of iodine, when the granules and cells become a deep blue, or apply 176 A MANUAL OF solution of potass when they are changed to a reddish colour. Eig. 107 represents the microscopical appear- ance of pure mustard, and Pig. 108 the adulterated. 255. Coffee is even now largely adulterated with chicory, roasted wheat, and potato starch, mangel- wurzel, acorns, &c. Eig. 109 shows a pure sample, and Eig. 110 an adulterated coffee (ground). 256. Chicory is also adulterated with roasted starches mangelwurzel, saw dust, &c. Eig. Ill is a drawing from the pure article, Eig. 112 the adulterated. 257. Tea is adulterated with other leaves, such as sycamore, elm, willow, horse-chestnut, heech, plum, &c., and also with Prussian blue (Eerrocyanide of iron), plumbago, turmeric, chrome yellow (chromate of lead), &c. To test the leaves for their adulteration with any inorganic substance, the leaves must be burnt on the platinum in the same way as recommended for cayenne pepper. To obtain cuticles for comparison see paragraph 125. Eig. 113 is pure tea, and Eig. 114 a sample of the adulterated article. 258. Tobacco is adulterated with dock, rhubarb, coltsfoot, potato, and other leaves, especially British. It is also adulterated with sugar, salt, &c., to add to its weight. The tests will be chiefly performed with the microscope, as the adulterations are of an organic nature. Eig. 115 is a drawing of a pure sample of tobacco, and Eig. 116 the adulterated article. 259. Cocoa is adulterated with potato, arrowroot, wheat, maize, sago, and other starches, and with sugar, chicory ; also with Venetian red, red ochre, and other earths. To test for the inorganic compounds present (if any), it must be burnt to an ash on the plati- num foil, as recommended for cayenne. Eig. 117 is MICROSCOPIC MOUNTING. 177 unadulterated cocoa, and Fig. 118 the adulterated article. 259. Before testing or examining an adulterated article, a slide of the pure substance should be mounted for constant reference; also slides of the articles used in its adulteration. 260. When an ash has been obtained by burning the substance upon platinum foil (or mica), it should be divided into ten or twelve parts, and each part examined separately, using the precipitating cell (Eig. 142), and noticing the action of the re-agents and tests. FIG. 142. 261. Drawing. As I mentioned before, it is quite necessary for the student to make sketches of all the objects that come under his observation. In doing this he should use a low power at first, and gradually increase it (if necessary) as his eyes and powers of observation become accustomed to the work. Hand- made drawing paper will be found better than machine-made, especially if the student tints his drawings with water-colours afterwards. If he desires to multiply his original sketches for the benefit of friends and others, a good way of doing so is by the electrical printing machine by Waterlow and Co., the chief fault against the process being that N 178 A MANUAL OF the reproductions are in blue. The amateur student will also find the transfer lithographic paper, called the Autographic paper, sold by Maclure, Macdonald, and Co,, very useful, that is if he desires to have his drawings printed. When making a sketch of the object under observation, the outline should be drawn with the aid of the camera lucida (see Pig. 34), and all the minuter details put in afterwards by a constant reference to the microscope. If possible, the objects should always be drawn to scale. To make this easier, the paper must always be exactly ten inches from the camera lucida (see Pig. 34), an eyepiece micrometer used, and the lines throw T n by this instru- ment on to the paper, noted, and a scale of the dis- tances between each line marked for future reference. Scales of the different powers may easily be made by this plan, and will be found very useful. In making drawings by artificial light, two lamps should always be used, one near the mirror to illuminate the object, and the other close to the paper upon which the student is making his sketch. 262. This piece of apparatus which I have lately invented to separate various species of Poraminifera from sand and other extraneous bodies can be easily made, and used. Take a piece of wood about 6 inches long, by 2^ inches wide, and -J inch thick, also another piece 1 inch square, 6 inches long; glue or cement, this in the centre of the larger piece, when dry, make a triangular groove down the centre of this slip. Now cut two pieces of glass 8 or 9 inches long by 1^ inch wide, also a triangular piece 1-J- inch long and 1 inch wide at the base of the triangle; cement these together as shown in the drawing (Pig. 143), using the cement, MICROSCOPIC MOUNTING. 179 Recipe 6 ; fix this into the triangular groove made in the centre of the wood slip. Its use I think will be apparent. Place it flat on a table, put about a tea- spoonful of the Foraminiferous sand in the upper end of the trough, then direct a gentle but constant stream of water from the wash bottle (Pig. 13, paragraph 10), allowing the waste water to flow into a beaker or any other vessel that may be handy (see drawing). In course of time, the foraminifera will lie found separated according to their several specific gravities, more es- pecially if the trough is made rather longer than this ; it is therefore advisable to have about 3 troughs of FIG. 143. different lengths. One great thing to be remembered is that a gentle stream of water be directed upon the sand, &c., for if too strong a flow is made, the result will not be good; in this case it is time, and not force that gives the result. N.B. The waste water that comes off should be allowed to precipitate any matter that it may contain, for in some cases valuable diatoms, fyc., may come away, they being of lower specific gravity ; therefore examine before getting rid of the deposit. N 2 180 A MANUAL OF 263. In the current number of the Journal of the Franklin Institute, Mr. D. S. Holman gives the following account of his new form of live slide : In the use of the microscope in that branch of science called biology, it is often desirable to keep under view small organisms, such as bacteria and vibriones, for hours, and even for days and weeks at a time. Hitherto this has not been possible, for lack of a proper contri- vance; the animals would soon die from the exhaustion of oxygen in the confined space, and they were not in that normal condition necessary for satisfactory study during the time that they did live. Below is pictured what is known as Holman' s Life Slide, which obviates this difficulty. The construction of this accessory to the microscope may be described as follows : In the centre of one face of a strip of glass 3 inches long, lyg- inches wide, and -f$ of an inch thick, are ground two very shallow cavities, side by side, oval in form, and with their length in the direction of the length of the slide ; a straight shallow groove extends between, and a little beyond them at each end ; through the centre of these cavities, and at right angles to their long diameter, but not so long as to reach their sides, MICROSCOPIC MOUNTING. 181 a cavity is ground as deep as the thickness of the glass will permit. The cavities and groove thus described, occupy a cir- cular surface of the slide about f of an inch in diameter, which is covered, when in use, with a circular piece of microscopic glass 1 inch in diameter. The philosophy of its action may be thus described : Into the deep cavity, as a reservoir, is put the material in which are the organisms to be examined ; the cover is then put on, and the fluid on the surface of the plate wiped away. The pressure of the atmos- phere holds the thin cover firmly to the plate, and the fluid between the cover and the plate commences to evaporate at the edges, its place being supplied by more fluid from the reservoir. As the evaporation proceeds, the cover is bent downwards by the atmos- pheric pressure, and meets a resistance at the junction of the groove with the edge of the shallow cavities, resulting in the edges of the cover rising at each end of the long groove, and a small bubble of air finds its way through the groove to the reservoir. This auto- matic action thus furnishes a continual supply of fresh air, and the life of the little animals is sustained during the time necessary to observe the changes that take place in them during their life history. When the smaller forms are inclosed in one of these life slides, to get access to the air, they seek the edges of the cover, and range themselves in a zone, at a short distance from its rim, close to where the air comes in contact with the water. Being thus situated, in accor- dance with the law that compels them to take up these positions, they can be viewed with the highest powers of the microscope, and their true nature and habits 182 A MANUAL OF much better studied than by the old methods. This slide was first described in the ENGLISH MECHANIC, Vol. XVI., p. 138, but is now presented in a much improved form. MICROSCOPIC MOUNTING. 183 APPENDIX. VARIOUS USEFUL RECIPES, &C. MOST of the following recipes are mentioned in the preceding chapters, but they are here given in full: 1. Chloroform 2 ounces. Gutta-percha ^ ounce. Tallow 1 drachm. Dissolve and mix. To be used for any purpose that requires a substance that never gets hard (see para- graph 66). 2. Eesin 1J ounces. Beeswax J ounce. Tallow 1 drachm- Oil-colour any tint, colour, or shade. Melt and mix. Keep in small salve boxes ; or it may be kept in the small moist-colour pans used by artists. It is best to keep a stock of various tints, as it saves time when mounting many variously-coloured natural objects, such as lichens, seeds, mosses, &c. When wanted for use it must be dissolved by the action of heat. The heat from a water or sand-bath is best. 184 A MANUAL OF 3. Solution of gum (thick), 1 ounce. Glycerine, J ounce. Camphor, 4 or 5 grains, It is as well to add 1 grain of arsenious acid. Keep it in a corked, not stoppered bottle. This will he found very useful for many objects, more especially where quick mounting is required, as it does not re- quire any heat. It is better adapted for minute insect than vegetable objects, as in the latter it often causes rupture of the primordial utricle or cell-wall. 4. Gutta-percha, finely cut, J ounce. Turpentine, 4 ounces. Dissolve with heat, and add shell-lac, ounce. Dissolve with heat. The heat must be continued until a drop let fall upon a slip of glass becomes nearly hard when cool. Care must be taken in the preparation of this cement, on account of the in- flammable nature of turpentine. This is cheap, and will meet all the requirements of a general cement for fixing many cells, &c. 5. Caoutchouc, cut small, ^ ounce. Mineral naphtha, 1 pint. Dissolve with heat, and add shell-lac -J ounce. A smaller quantity of naphtha than this may be used, but using the larger quantity will be found the quickest. This cement is very useful, but it is chiefly used in making and sealing cells (see Chapters II., IV., &c.); if required it may be bought at most of the opticians, &c., under the name of caoutchouc cement. Use caution in making. MICKOSCOPIC MOUNTING. 185 6. Resin, 2^ ounces. Beeswax, -J ounce. Canada balsam, 1 drachm. Dissolve with heat and mix. "When wanted for use, it must also be rendered mouldable by the action of heat. It is a strong cement, and may be used for fixing cells to glass, &c. 7. Powdered sealing wax. Cover with methylated spirit and dissolve with a gentle heat. Often used for finishing circles, cells, &c. ; but Berlin black is much better. 8. Gum Arabic, 2 ounces. "Water, 2 ounces. Dissolve gradually and add Soaked gelatine, % ounce. Glycerine, 30 drops. Lump of camphor. Dissolve the gelatine in the gum water by the action of heat, and add the glycerine and camphor. Con- tinue the action of the heat for a short time, and leave the lump of camphor constantly in the solution. This gum- water will be found the strongest and best for use, as it will not chip when placed on glass, &c. It may therefore be used for labels and other purposes where a strong gum is required. 9. Colloid silica, or silicic acid (SiHo 4 ) is made by adding Silicate of potass, 1 drachm. Water, 2 ounces. Mix and pour into a glass vessel, and gradually add 186 A MANUAL OF hydrochloric acid (HC1) in drops until flocculent films slightly appear; then pour into a dialysing drum, which place in a hasin of pure water. The chloride of potass formed by the action of the hydrochloric acid on the potass will then pass into the water in the basin, leaving the silica in the form of colloid silica, or silicic acid (SiHo 4 ) in the dialysing drum. It is better if the water in the basin is renewed in the course of every three or four hours. To obtain the silica quite pure it is better to subject it to this pro- cess for at least three or four days. When various crystals, such as sulphate of copper, chlorate of potass, boracic acid, &c., are dissolved in this fluid and evaporated on a glass slide, most remarkable and interesting forms appear, and a large field of in- vestigation is opened by its use (see Chapter III.). 10. A saturated solution of bichloride of mercury (HgCL corrosive sublimate) is very useful in render- ing the bodies and cilia of the infusoria more distinct. It is also used for the same purpose with nearly all proteine compounds. 11. Lamp-black. Gold size. Mix well in a mortar. Makes a good black varnish for finishing slides and other purposes where a tough varnish is required. 12. Chloride of calcium (CaCL) is a good preserva- tive fluid for many things (see Chapter IV.), it is often difficult to obtain at country chemists, but may be easily made by dissolving chalk in hydrochloric acid until the effervescence ceases, when the water may be driven off by evaporation, and the crystals that form may be taken out and put into a clean bottle MICROSCOPIC MOUNTING. 187 and sufficient distilled water added to make a saturated solution, which keep in stoppered bottle. A small quantity may also be kept in a drop-bottle to be used as a re-agent. 13. Canada balsam dried in a cool oven until it becomes of a pasty nature, and then dissolved in chloroform, benzole, ether, &c., is often much better to use than the balsam when undiluted. Camphor is also mixed with it when it has been brought to this pasty state, and by its action the balsam is again rendered fluid. Many persons prefer this plan to any other. 14. Boracic acid (BHo 3 ), made by adding hydro- chloric acid (HC1) to a hot saturated solution of borax (B 4 O 5 Nao 2 ). As the liquid cools in the test tube, crystals of boracic acid separate and fall to the bottom : they may be purified by re-crystallization from solu- tion in hot water. It sometimes crystallizes in feathery forms, at other times in the form of minute discs, when they exhibit under the polariscope, crosses and coloured rings, similar in appearance to those exhibited by oxalurate of ammonia. A solution of borax and also boracic acid might be tried with advantage in some preparations. 15. Sulphate of cadmium, made by dissolving the oxide of cadmium in sulphuric acid, when it is evaporated on a slide, exhibits minute radiating or circular crystals, which exhibit nearly the same appearance under the polariscope, as the crystals of boracic acid, oxalurate of ammonia. &c. 16. Carmine. This pigment is much used for stain- ing tissues, and also for colouring the internal parts of the infusoria which absorb it, and to make the motion of the cilia of various aniinalculae more apparent. 188 A MANUAL OF 17. Gold size added to Brunswick black renders it less liable to crack. It is better to keep nearly all the cements some time before use. 18. Chromic acid (Cro 2 Ho 3 ). If 5 measures of sul- phuric acid (SOJHo.,) be added to 4 measures of bichromate of potass (Cr 3 O 5 Ko 2 ), beautiful crimson crystals of chromic anhydride are obtained. These crystals must be dried at a gentle heat on a brick or porous tile, after which a small quantity of water may be added to them, when chromic acid is formed. It is chiefly used for hardening and preserving nervous tissues, &c. It is best kept in a well- stoppered bottle and made when required for use. The test for chromic acid is acetate of lead, which gives a yellow precipitate. It is as well to keep a solution of chromic acid in glycerine. 19. Oxygen (O) is best prepared by mixing equal parts of oxide of manganese and chlorate of potass; they may then be thoroughly powdered and mixed carefully in a mortar, after which the mixture is placed in a retort, and a moderate heat from the spirit lamp applied ; or if a larger quantity is wanted, it is better to make it in an iron retort placed in the fire. The oxygen will then pass off freely. It is as well to let the gas pass through a wash or Woulff's bottle contain- ing water, as it often contains a slight percentage of chlorine when made by this process, After the oxygen has thus been well washed, it may be stored or col- lected in the small gas holder (see Pig. 17), where it will be ready for immediate use in connection with the gas or animalcule cell. Many of these gases may be temporarily stored in these gas-holders, and their action, if any, on organic life noticed. MICROSCOPIC MOUNTING. 189 20. Hydrogen (H) is best made by adding diluted sulphuric acid (SO 2 Ho 2 ) to zinc; the hydrogen then passes off and may be washed and collected as with oxygen (use caution when near fire, gas, &c). 21. Nitrogen (N) is best made by heating nitrite of ammonia (N"'O (N V H 4 O)', when the nitrogen passes off freely and may be collected like oxygen. 22. Carbonic acid gas (CO 2 ), or as it is more properly called carbonic anhydride, is best prepared by treating marble (calcic carbonate (COCao") with hydrochloric acid (HC1), when carbonic anhydride is given off and the useful substance, chloride of calcium, remains behind in a fluid state ; if wanted for use, it must be purified, &c. (see Recipe 12) : the gas may be collected and stored in a gas holder like oxygen. 23. Chlorine (Cl) is best prepared by mixing to the consistency of cream some hydrochloric acid (HC1), and oxide of manganese (MnO 2 ). This must be put into the glass retort Pig. 28), and care should be taken that the entire surface of the glass is wetted with the mixture, or the glass might break. A gentle heat from the spirit-lamp should then be applied, when the gas comes off freely. It cannot be stored in the gas-holder like oxygen, as it is absorbed freely by water; it must therefore be made when wanted. Great care should be taken in making this gas, and it is better to make it in very small quantities, as it causes great irritation of the lungs when breathed. 24. Sulphuretted hydrogen (SH 2 ) P * is best prepared by acting on sulphuret of iron (FeS) with diluted sulphuric acid (SO 2 Ho 2 ), when the gas is given off freely without any heat being applied : it cannot be stored well in the gas-holder, as it is largely absorbed * When Ps occurs it means " dangerous." 190 A MANUAL OF by water. Great care must also be used in making it, as it is extremely deleterious and dangerous or fatal when breathed. Small quantities only should be made at one time. All of the gases that can be stored for temporary use in the glass gas-holder should be done so, and when wanted, the weights applied to the top according to the pressure required; one end of the India-rubber tubing must then be fixed on the gas- holder (Fig. 17) and the other on the gas-cell (Pigs. 9 and 10). (See description, Chapter I). 25. Millon's Test. This test is prepared by dissolv- ing mercury in an equal weight of nitric acid. "When the acid is poured upon the metal, nitric oxide (N 2 O 3 ) is freely evolved: after this ceases, a gentle heat must be applied until the whole of the metal is dissolved; and after some time when crystals have been formed, the remaining liquid may be poured off and kept in a stoppered bottle. When a substance requires to be tested, it must be placed in this fluid and the test tube held over a gas jet or spirit-lamp until it boils, when the substance will be coloured red if it answers to the nature of the test. Albumen, caseine, chondrine, crysalline, epidermis, feathers, fibrine, gelatine, gluten, horn, legumine, proteiiie, silk, wool, are all coloured by this test, and the following when pure are not : Cellulose, chitine, cotton, gum (Arabic), linen, and starch." 26. Bichromate of potass (Cr 2 o 5 Ko 3 ). This salt is chiefly used for the preparation of chrornate of lead (CrO 3 Pbo"), which is largely used in opaque injections. It is made as follows : To a saturated solution of bichromate of potass (Cr 3 O 5 Ko 3 ) acetate or nitrate of lead (N 3 4 Pbo") is added, when a yellow precipitate, MICROSCOPIC MOUNTING. 191 which is the eliminate of lead, is almost immediately ohtained ; well wash and store for use. The crystals of hichromate of potass form a heautif ul object, more especially under the polariscope. 27. Schnitzels Test. The action of this test is as follows : Wash the substance which is to be examined in water, pour off the water, and then moisten it with a drop of syrup; add sulphuric acid (SO 2 Ho 2 ) one drop. The reaction produces a purplish red colour, if the substance contains either muscular tissue, cor- * puscles of blood, pus and mucus, epidemic and epithe- lial scales, hairs, feathers, horn, whalebone, cellular parts of algso, &c. ; the reaction is not produced in areolar tissue, elastic tissue, gelatine, and chondrine, chitiiie, silk, cellulose, gum, starch, or vegetable mucus. 28. Schulze's Test. This, according to the Micro- graphic Dictionary, is prepared as follows. It is used as a test for cellulose, which it colours blue : "Dissolve zinc in hydrochloric acid (HOI), evaporate the solution with excess of zinc until it acquires the consistence of syrup, and dissolve in this enough iodide of potassium to saturate it; iodine is then added, and the solution diluted with water if necessary. This re-agent has the consistence of strong sulphuric acid, and of a pale yellowish brown. It must, of course, be kept in a stoppered bottle. It is also well to keep this and the before-mentioned tests in a small drop bottle (see Pig. 12, drop bottles)." 29. Staining fluid for tissues. Soluble aniline blue, -J grain. Distilled water, 1 ounce. Alcohol, 25 drops, This fluid is not acted upon by acids or alkalies. 192 A MANUAL OF 30. Solutions of nitrate of silver (N0 3 Ago) may be used of various strengths ; it will also be found useful when dissolved in glycerine. In experiments with staining tissues it is better to begin with a solution of a moderate strength Nitrate silver, 1 scruple. Water, 2 drachms. 31. Solution of Osmic acid (OsO 2 ). Osmic acid, 1 part, Distilled water, 100 parts. is the strength generally used for staining ; although, of course, circumstances will alter this. It is chiefly used for distinguishing nerve fibres from the surround- ing substances ; this fibre it generally colours almost black. Pat cells and oil globules are also coloured. 32. A solution of tannin is much used, for although it does not stain animal membrane, yet it alters its character to such a degree that points of structure may be often known by this change. 33. Injecting fluid (Prussian blue). Glycerine, 1 ounce. Spirits of wine, 1 ounce. Eerrocyanide of potassium, 12 grains. Tincture perchloride of iron (Ee 2 Cl 6 ), 1 drachm. Hydrochloric acid (HC1), 5 drops. Water, 4 ounces. " The ferrocyanide of potassium is to be dissolved in one ounce of the water, and the tincture of per- chloride of iron added another ounce of water. These solutions should be mixed very gradually, and well MICROSCOPIC MOUNTING. 193 shaken in a bottle. The iron being added to the solution of the ferrocyanide of potassium. "When mixed, these solutions should produce a dark blue mixture, in which no precipitate is observable. Naphtha is to be mixed with the spirit, and the glycerine and the remaining ounces of water added ; lastly, this colourless fluid is to be mixed with the dark fluid, it being well shaken up in a large bottle during the admixture. The tincture of perchloride of iron is generally sold at the druggists, under the name of the muriated tincture of iron." 34. Staining fluid (TurnbulVs blue). Ferricyanide of potassium, 10 grains, Sulphate of iron, 5 grains. Water, 1 ounce. Glycerine (Price's), 2 ounces. Alcohol, 1 drachm. The iron is to be dissolved in a little of the water and mixed with the glycerine, this is then to be gradually mixed with the solution of the ferricyanide, as in the last recipe. 35. Doctor Elizabeth Hog gam Staining Fluid, Solution. One per cent, solution of perchloride of iron in distilled water, thus Take 1 gramme of pure iron, dissolve by the action of hydrochloric acid, and add distilled water to 100 grammes. Keep in stoppered bottle. A solution of pyrogallic acid in distilled water, of the same strength as the above, should also be made, and kept in stoppered bottle. Q 194 A MANUAL OF 36. Logwood Staining Extract hsemalox, 6 grammes. Albumen, 18 grammes. Mixed thoroughly in a mortar. Add gradually whilst stirring Distilled water, 28 cub. cent. Filter. To the filtrate add Alcohol (proof), 1 drachm. Keep the solution in a stoppered bottle for a few days before using. Eor staining, 5 to 10 drops are to be added to half a watch-glass of distilled water; this solution should be filtered before use. Sections which have been removed from common alcohol, are to be placed in the dilute solution for from ten to twenty minutes, and then to be washed in distilled water. 37. Dammar varnish Gum Dammar in powder, % ounce. Dissolve in turpentine, 1^ ounces. Enter. Gum mastic, ^ ounce. Dissolve in chloroform, 2 ounces. Eilter. Mix the two filtered solutions, and again filter. 38. Muller's hardening fluid Potassium bichromate, 2 parts. Sodium sulphate, 1 part. "Water, 100 parts. Dissolve. Keep the tissue in this solution for one or two weeks, and then place in common alcohol for two or three days, after which it is ready for making sections. A two per cent, solution of bichromate of potash is also much used in hardening tissues. MICROSCOPIC MOUNTING. 195 39. A greenish fluid for injecting may be made by using one grain, or less, of the sulphate of iron to ten grains of the ferricyanide of potassium, the other ingredients to be the same as in the last recipe. 40. Injecting fluid (Carmine) Dr. Heale. Carmine, 5 grains. Glycerine, with about eight or ten drops of hydro- chloric acid (HC1), \ ounce. Glycerine, 1 ounce. Alcohol, 1 drachm. "Water, 6 drachms. Ammonia (NH 4 Ho), a few drops. Mix the carmine with a few drops of water, and when well incorporated, add about five drops of liquor ammonia (NH 4 Ho). To this dark red solution about half an ounce of the glycerine is to be added, and the whole well shaken in a bottle ; then, very gradually, pour in the acid glycerine, frequently shaking the bottle during admixture. Test with blue litmus paper, and if not of a very decidedly acid reaction, a few drops more acid may be added to the remainder of the glycerine. Lastly, gradually and thoroughly mix the alcohol and water, then add to the glycerine portion, and again thoroughly mix. This fluid, like the Prussian blue, may be kept all ready prepared, and injections may at any time be made with it rapidly. 41. Dr. Carter's carmine injecting fluid. Pure carmine, 60 grains. Liq. ammon. fort. (P.L.), 120. Glacial acetic acid, 86 minims, Solution of gelatine (1 to 6 water), 2 ounces. Water, 1^ ounces. o 2 196 A MANUAL OP The carmine is to be dissolved in the solution of ammonia and filtered if necessary. With this mix thoroughly an ounce and a half of the hot solution of gelatine. The remaining half ounce of gelatine is to be mixed with the acetic acid, and dropped, little by little, into the solution of carmine, stirring smartly during the whole time. Eor an injecting fluid which will run freely through the most minute capillaries, and one that will not tint the tissues beyond the vessels themselves, there perhaps cannot be a much better recipe for the purpose. It is also well adapted for specimens which are to be mounted in Canada balsam, but not for those to be preserved in glycerine (see Injection, Chapter V). 42. Red injection (opaque). Vermilion, 164 grains (apoth. wt.) Gelatine (swollen), 4 ounces (avoid, wt.) Dissolve the gelatine in one ounce of water ; then add the vermilion, stir well, and strain. 43 . Yellow injection (opaque) . This is prepared with chrome yellow, formed by adding acetate of lead to bichromate of potass. Acetate of lead (C 2 (Me 2 )O 3 Pbo"), 380 grains. Bichromate of potass (Cr 2 O 5 Ko 3 ) 152 grains. Gelatine (swollen), 8 ounces. Dissolve the gelatine in one ounce of water, and if too thick, add more water; then dissolve the acetate of lead in this warm fluid, and finally add the bichro- mate of potass. This is the only yellow (opaque) injection that is wanted. 44. Slue injection.- Prussian blue, 73 grains. Oxalic acid, 73 grains. Gelatine (swollen), 4 ounces, MICROSCOPIC MOUNTING. 197 Dissolve the gelatine in one ounce of water, reduce the oxalic acid to powder in a mortar ; then add the Prussian hlue and dissolve in the warm gelatine fluid. 45. White Injection (opaque). Acetate of lead (C 2 (Me 3 )O 2 Pbo"), 190 grains. Carhonate of potass (COKo 2 ), 83 grains. Gelatine (swollen), 4 ounces. Dissolve the gelatine in 1 ounce of water; then add to the warm fluid the acetate of lead, which dissolve and filter. Dissolve the carbonate of potass in J ounce of water, mix the acetate of lead solution, and strain. It is best to prepare all these opaque injections when wanted (see Injection, Chapter V). 46. Blue injecting fluid (transparent). Glycerine, Price's, 2 ounces. Tincture of perchloride of iron (Pe 2 Cl 6 ), 10 drops. Eerrocyanide of potassium (K 4 Fe"Cy 6 ), 3 grains. Strong hydrochloric acid (HC1), 3 drops. Water, 1 ounce. Mix the tincture of iron with one ounce of the glycerine ; and the ferrocyanide of potassium dis- solved in a little water with the other ounce. These solutions are to be mixed very gradually in a bottle, and to be well shaken during the admixture. The iron solution must be added to the ferrocyanide of potassium, and lastly, the water and hydrochloric acid are to be added. Alcohol, one or two drachms, is often added to the above mixture. This fluid does not deposit any sediment, and it may be kept for a long time if wanted. Injections coloured with it may be stained with the following carmine fluid : 198 A MANUAL OF 47. Carmine staining fluid. Carmine, 10 grains. Strong liquor ammonia (NH 4 Ho), ^ drachm. Glycerine, Price's, 2 ounces. Distilled water, 2 ounces. Alcohol, ^ ounce. By agitation and the aid of heat, the carmine is to be dissolved in the ammonia. This ammoniacal solu- tion to be boiled for a few seconds in a test-tube, and allowed to cool. When an hour or so has elapsed, the excess of ammonia will have escaped; the glycerine and water may then be added, and the perfectly clear supernatant fluid poured off and kept for use. If after a time it is found that carmine is deposited at the bottom of the bottle, owing to the escape of ammonia, a few drops of liquor ammonia may be added to the solution. 48. Fluid for preserving embryonic tissues (H. Muller). Eichromate of potass (C 2 O 5 Ko 2 ), 30 to 40 grains. Sulphate of soda (SO 2 Nao 2 ), 15 grains. Distilled water, about 3 ounces. 49. Canada balsam and slackened lime (CaHo 2 ) will be found a good cement for many purposes. 50. Ground borax, mixed with plaster of Paris, makes a good cement. Might be used for large cells, &c. 51. Polishing powder for lenses and metal work. Mix equal parts of solutions of oxalic acid (C 2 O 2 Ho 2 ) and sulphate of iron. Dry the precipitate, calcine, and use as a fine powder. 52. French cement. A certain quantity of india- rubber scraps are carefully melted over a clear fire in a covered iron pot, but they must not be permitted to MICROSCOPIC MOUNTING. 199 catch fire. When the mass is quite fluid, lime in a perfectly fine powder, having been slacked by exposure to the air, is to be added in small quantities at a time, the mixture being well stirred. "When moderately thick it is removed from the fire and well beaten in a mortar and moulded in the hands until of the consistence of putty. It may then be coloured by vermilion or other colours. This cement is quite safe for mounting large and thick objects in fluid, as it rarely gets hard. 53. Essential oil of lemon is much used in the exa- mination of pollens and other structures, as it tends to render them more transparent. 54 Iodine. Chiefly used for dyeing and rendering objects more distinct; also as a re-agent for starch, &c. An aqueous solution is best for ordinary use, but a much stronger solution may be made by dis- solving it in alcohol ; the strongest is made by dis- solving it in a solution of iodide of potassium (KI). Solutions of iodine in chloride of zinc (ZnCl 2 ), and iodide of zinc (ZnI 2 ), are useful re-agents for cellulose (see Schulze's Test, 28). 55. Mica, often called talc, is now used principally for burning objects to a red heat, being much cheaper than platinum. The object is placed on a small piece of mica and held over the spirit-lamp until the required state of examination or preparation is attained. 56. Carbolic acid, 1 drachm. Alcohol, 2 drachms. Distilled water, 12 ounces. Dissolve the carbolic acid with the alcohol, and add to 200 A MANtJAL OF the water; then boil for ten minutes and bottle for use. This forms a good preservative fluid for many animal and vegetable tissues. 57. Arsenious acid (AsHo 3 ) saturated solution, 1 part* Camphor water, distilled, 2 parts. Mix and bottle for use. A tolerably good preservative for animal tissues ; but very poisonous, and not much used. 58. Acetate of aluminium (C 2 (Me 2 )0 2 'Al 2 '"), 1 part. Distilled water, 4 parts. Very good for preserving vegetable colours, as in the case of desrnids and other algae. 59. Chloride of zinc (ZnCl 2 ) 20 grains. Distilled water, 1 ounce. Perhaps the best preservative for most animal tissues, though it exerts a slight coagulating action on the tissues. A lump of camphor should be kept in it. 60. Litharge, 1 ounce. Plaster of Paris, 1 ounce. Resin (powdered), 1 ounce. Treacle, 1 ounce. Mix with gold size until a soft putty consistency is acquired ; then use. This cement will be found useful for mending and making, parts of different apparatus, aquaria, &c. 61. Plaster of paris mixed with a weak solution of chloride of calcium, will also be found useful for the same purpose. 62. Castor oil is much used for some crystals where the balsam or dammar does not suit. Care should be taken that it is pure. 63. A strong syrup, made by boiling loaf sugar in MICROSCOPIC MOUNTING. 201 distilled water until it crystallizes, when a drop is dropped upon a slip of glass. It may then be stored in a stoppered bottle with a small lump of camphor floating in it. This solution will be found very useful for preserving many animal and vegetable structures ; if it crystallizes too much, a few drops of chloride of calcium solution should be added to it. 64 Glycerine jelly. Gelatine, 1 ounce. Glycerine, 6 drachms. Camphorated spirits of wine, ounce. Soak the gelatine in cold water until it swells up and becomes soft; then place it in a small jar, which stand in a basin or larger jar of boiling water, and dissolve by the action of the same heat continued ; when dissolved and quite cool, but not set into a jelly, add a small quantity of the white of an egg ; then boil the mixture until the white of the egg sets ; filter through fine flannel, and add the glycerine to which has been previously added J ounce of strong camphorated spirits of wine. Mix thoroughly, and store in bottle for use. When wanted, it must be placed in a jar of boiling water, which renders the jelly fluid and ready for use. 65. Films to exhibit absorption spectra. Gelatine, 1 ounce. Soak in water until quite soft and swollen ; then dissolve with heat, and, if necessary, add a small quantity of water; pour the fluid into flat evapo- rating dishes, or common plates will do. The dishes or plates must be previously greased to prevent the gelatine sticking. Let the water evaporate from 202 A MANUAL OF the gelatine until it becomes nearly hard; then separate it in sheets from the plates and cut up into small squares about f or f of an inch square. These squares may then be kept in a box for use. When wanted they may be soaked in the fluid that is to be tested with the spectroscope, and placed between glass slips. This plan will be found much easier and cleaner than putting the various solutions in glass cells. In many cases these prepared plates may be kept. The gelatine is also sold in sheets by most artists' colourmen. 66. White gutta percha. Dissolve gutta percha in chloroform; then put it into a small two-necked WoulfFs bottle (see Pig. 18.) Pass chlorine gas through it until it is nearly, if not quite, white. Pour into a dish, let the chloroform evaporate if slabs are wanted ; or mix any powdered colour or tint with it, and then evaporate. It will be found very useful for opaque mounting (see Chapter II.) 67. A good plan to render wood plastic is to place it in hydrochloric acid (HC1), and subject it to a severe atmospheric pressure under the air pump, when the hydrochloric acid enters into all the pores and makes the wood softer ; it is then much easier to cut with the section cutter. But as hydrochloric acid will slightly attack the edge of the knife, it is necessary both to well wash the wood and also use plenty of water while cutting it. If care is taken the position of the fibres will not be altered much, if at all. Well wash the sections in water before mounting. 68. Gold size and gilders' whiting mixed until of the consistency of thick treacle, makes a good cement for sealing cells, &c. MICROSCOPIC MOTOTING. 203 69. Canada balsam cement should be made by eva- porating nearly all the turpentine from the balsam by the aid of heat. To test when it has arrived at its right stage, drop a small drop on a glass slip, when, if right, it should be quite hard, but not brittle. This cement is chiefly used for fixing bone, teeth, shells, &c., to glass whilst they are being cut and ground. 70. Berlin black, which can be obtained at most oil and colourmen's, makes a much better varnish for finishing cells, &c., than Brunswick black and others. It dries with a slightly dull surface. 71. Gum water thickened with gilders' whiting until of the consistency of treacle, and to which two drops of glycerine to every J ounce has been added, will in certain cases be found a very useful cement. 72. Cement for glass, fyc. Another useful cement is made by mixing, when wanted, plaster of Paris and the white of an egg, The egg must be well beaten and the plaster mixed with it until of about the con- sistency of treacle. Use it directly, as it soon sets ; it must be made fresh when wanted. This cement is useful for fixing glass cells to glass slips, when any other cement could not be used on account of the solvent powder of the fluid in which the object might be mounted, say, balsam or weak spirit. It will also be found useful for other purposes. 73. Silicious cement. Colloid silica, J ounce. Thick gum water. ^ ounce. Gilders' whiting sufficient to make it of the con- sistency of treacle. This cement will be found useful 204 A MANUAL OF in protecting corks, &c., from the fumes of acid, &c. 74 Glycerine, 1 ounce. Acetic acid, -J ounce- Mix and bottle for use. "Will be found a useful pre- servative fluid for many minute insect and other objects. 75. Deane's compound. Gelatine, 1 ounce. Honey, 5 ounces. Water, 5 ounces. Spirit wine, ^ ounce. Creosote, 6 drops. The gelatine is soaked in the water until soft, and then added to the honey, which has been previously raised to a boiling heat in another vessel; boil the mixture. After it has slightly cooled, add the creosote, which has been previously mixed with the spirit, then filter through flannel, When either this compound or the glycerine jelly (Eecipe 60) require to be used, they must be warmed, and a drop placed in the centre of a warmed slide ; put the object in this and cover with a slightly moistened thin glass cover, clean the slide from the superfluous jelly, and finish by applying a coating of Berlin black. Both the Deane's compound and the glycerine jelly are best kept in one of the collapsible tubes (see Plate 4, Tig. 58.) 76. Halfs liquid. Bay salt, 1 grain. Alum, 1 grain. Distilled water, 1 ounce. Dissolve and mix. This forms a good preservative fluid for many of the algae and other objects. MICROSCOPIC MOUNTING. 205 77. Cement for fixing metals to glass or earthenware. Mix alum and plaster of Paris (finest kind) with water to a liquid state, or to a convenient paste. It forms an excellent cement for many purposes, and resists the action of water for a considerable time. 78. White cement. Dissolve gum mastic in chloro- form, and add nitrate of bismuth until it is of a dead white colour. When the cement gets too thick by the evaporation of the chloroform, add more until it is of the right consistency. It answers well for sealing cells, especially where the objects are mounted in glycerine. It will also be found very useful for many purposes. Oxide of Zinc and Canada balsam is often used for the same purpose. 79. Glycerine preservative fluid. Distilled water, 3 ounces. Glycerine, 1 ounce. Camphorated spirit, J ounce. (Made by dissolving camphor in spirits of wine.) Mix and store in 6-ounce phial bottle for use. This fluid will be found very useful in mounting algae, especially desmids. It will also be found useful for other objects. 80. Sweet spirits nitre, ^ ounce, Glycerine, ^ ounce, is much used in preserving some of the delicate dis- sections of insects. 81. If cupric hydrate (hydrated oxide of copper) is dissolved in ammonic hydrate (liquor ammonia), it forms a blue solution ; but if metallic copper is put into this it forms a nearly colourless compound, and when diluted with water will be found a useful pre- servative fluid for some substances. 206 A MANUAL OF 82. A saturated solution of salicylic acid in water will be found very useful for the preservation of algae and other delicate vegetable objects. 83. Shellac dissolved in a saturated solution of borax and coloured with powder colours as required, will be found a very useful varnish for finishing slides. "Most microscopic measurements are under the hundredth of an inch ; one hundred-thousandth of an inch can only be measured with certainty when magnified by the ^th or ^ . The requirements of the case, therefore, may be stated in decimals of an English inch by * 00101, and if the two ciphers next the decimal point be struck out, and the first number be considered the unit, it may be written 1*01, in which a thousandth of an inch is the unit. This method will embrace nearly every microscopic magni- tude in three consecutive figures. The foreign measures are the millimetre and the French and Prussian lines. The two latter are so nearly equal, that the same rule will serve for the conversion of both. A millimetre contains -05937 English inch, or 39*37; according to the method proposed, the length to be converted will seldom amount to one-fourth of this. To convert millimetres into thousandths, shift the decimal point one place to the right and multiply by 4; if greater accuracy be required, subtract 1^ from, the second place of decimals for each of the nearest numbers of units of the product. Thus O mm -250 becomes 2'50, which X 4=10*00, from which subtract t *15 ; and 9**35 is obtained as the value in thousandths of an English inch, while O mm '25 is equal to 9^84, which differs from the former by a quantity too small to measure. MICROSCOPIC MOUNTING. 207 To convert thousandths of English inches into millimetres, add 1^- in the second place of decimals for the nearest number of units in the sum, divide by 4, and shift the decimal point one place to the left; thus to 9*-84 add H5 and the sum 6-999-7-4=2-498, and shifting the decimal point mm *2498, which does not differ sensibly from mm< 25, the correct quantity. A French line contains *0888 English inches. To convert lines into thousandths of an inch, shift the decimal point one place to the right, and multiply by 9 ; if greater accuracy be required, subtract 1^ from the second place of decimals for each of the nearest number of units in the product. Thus 0'"'125 becomes 1-25 which x9=ir-25, from which subtract H4, and the value in thousandths is found to be 11** 10, which is correct. To count thousandths into lines, add 1^ in the second place of decimals for each of the nearest number of units in the sum, divide by 9, and shift the decimal point one place to the left, thus : to 11^10, add ^14, the sum 11*25 divided by 9, and the decimal point shifted one place to the left gives 0"'-125 as before. In most cases it will be unnecessary to apply the corrections noticed above; but by remembering the short rules given, anyone on reading a foreign work may correct the measurements as he reads, and insert them in the margin without delay or interfering with his progress. 209 i ga S M 'en 1 "SB 3 PnPn F4 4fl O 3 1 9 V 5 S 1 i ? g 05 eo * 00 S< i si tjt 00 t r-l t~05 us 01- S^l 00 05 SS 2S CO ^-00 CO O 00 I II i 1 c ^ -c o c : s c .s ^ (H PH PH C t~ 00 OS O rH -. s 3 S 1 8I s s 2 S " ? ill* ++ S H I I ^ ogsll s 1 - I PI III . P5 -q t^co g I II II II II II s a i INDEX. P. Paragraph. R. Recipe. S. Slide. AOAREA, or mites, P. 95 Acetate of aluminium fluid, R. 58 Acetic acid, use of, P. 237 Adulterations, P. 251, &c. Air bubbles, P. 72 ,, pump, P. 27 Alcohol, use of, P. 248 Algse, to mount, P. 98 Ammonic oxide of copper, use of, P. 244 Anguillula glutinis, to mount, P. 99 Animals, to kill for injection, P. 139 Anoplura, to mount, P. 100 Antennae of insects, to mount, P. 101 Antheridia, to mount, P. 103. Anthers of flowers, to prepare, P. 102 Antlia, to mount, P. 104 Aphidae, to prepare and mount, P. 105 Apotheciuni, to mount, P. 107 Apparatus for cleaning diatoms, P. 21 ,, for drawing, P. 29, 30, 31 ,, for drying slides, P. 6 ,, for making gasses, &c., P. 25 ,, used in collecting, P. 158 ,, used in mounting, P. 2, &c. I ,, used in observing minute | forms of life, P. 263 ,, for measuring thin glass, P. 39 ,, for reflected light, P. 41 ,, for dark stage objects, P. 41 Arachnida, to prepare and mount, P. 106 Archegonium, to mount, P. 108 Arsenious acid fluid, R. 57 Australian meat tins, P. 51. BEETLES (Coleoptera), to mount, P. 117 ,, where to find, P. 185 Bell glasses, P. 46 Berlin black varnish, R. 70 Bichloride of mercury, saturated solu- tion of, R. 10. Bichromate of potass, to prepare, &c., R. 26 Black varnish, R. 11 Bleaching apparatus, P. 8 Blights (Micro-fungi), to mount, P. 109 Blood, to examine, prepare, and mount, P. 110 Blow-pipe, P. 56 Bone, examination, making sections of, &c., P. Ill Books for preservation of specimens, P. 164 Boracic acid,'R. 14 ,, used in mounting, P. 91 Borax and plaster of Paris cement, R. 50 Boxes used for collecting, P. 161 Bramble leaf brand, S. 34 Brands (Micro-fungi), to mount, P. 112 British diamond beetle, how to mount, S. 22 BritishMiamond beetle, where "to find, P. 186 Brunswick black, R. 17 Butterflies, where to find, P. 186 how to catch, P. 181 CALCIUM (lime), tests for, P. 218 Camera Lucida, P. 30, 31 Canada Balsam, R. 13 212 INDEX. Canada Balsam and lime cement, R. 49 cement, R. 69 Capsules and peristomes of moss (Hyp- num rutabulum, S. 21 Carbazotic acid, use of, P 239 Carbolic acid fluid, R 56 Carbonates, to test for, P. 228 Carbonic acid gas, to prepare, R. 22 Carmine, R. 16 fluid (Dr. Carter's), R. 41 Castor oil, R. 62 Cayenne pepper, adulterations of, P. 252 Cell for the examination of insects, &c., P. 7 Cement for fixing metals to glass or earthenware, R. 77 for glass cells, &c., R. 72 ,, for glass covers, &c., R. 70 Chalk, foraminifera from, to prepare and mount, &c. P. 113 to analyse, P. 214 Characese, see circulation in, P. 114 Chemicals used in mounting. P. 2 Chicorv, adulterations of, P. 256 Chloride of calcium, to make, &c., R. 12 ,, of zinc, a preservative fluid, 1 R. 59 Chlorides, to test for, P. 230 Chlorine gas. to make, R. 23 Chromic acid, to make, &c., R. 18 ,, use of, P. 238 Circulation, to observe, P. 116 Classification of slides, P. 211 Cleaning thin glass, S. 1 Coating collapsible tubes with wax, P. 92 Cocoa, adulterations of, P. 259 Coffee, adulterations of, P. 255 Collecting bottle, P. 44 Colloid silica, or silicic acid, R. 9 Collomia seed, to observe and mount, P. 118 Coloured cement, R. 2. Common salt, for the preservation of palates, &c., P. 87 Compressorium, P. 34 Confervoidese, to mount, P. 119 Constant cement, R. 1 Corallina, to observe and mount, P. 120 Corolla of pimpernal, S. 11 Corns, to mount, p. 121 Copper preservative fluid, R. 81 tests for, P. 221 Cork, used for dissections, &c., P. 122 Crystals, formed by the action of gases, P. 7 ,, formed by electricity, P. 231 ,, of chlorate of potass, S. 27 ,, of oxalate of ammonia, S. 48 ,, of silver, S. 24 ,, to prepare and mount, forma- tion of, &c., P. 123 Crucibles, P. 49 Culex, to mount, P. 124 Cuticle of a fern, (Poly podium vutgare), S. 46 of ivy, S. 10 , , of plants, to prepare and mount , P. 125 Cutting rock sections, P. 35 DAMMAR varnish, R. 37 Deane's compound, R. 75 Desmidiaeese, to clean, &c., P. 126 Desmids, how to collect, P. 167 whereto find, P. 196 Dialysing apparatus, P. 40 drum, P. 40, 52 Diatomacere, to clean, prepare, and mount, P. 127 Diatoms, how to collect, P. 169 ,, separated according to their specific gravity, P. 21 Different colours used in injections, P. 139 Differential warm stage, P. 42 Dissecting microscope, P. 28 ,, needles, knives, &c., P. 11 slab, P. 20 Dissections, P. 128 Drawing, P. 262 ,, by artificial light, P. 261 ,, with the aid of the camera lucida, P. 31 Drying apparatus for objects, P. 24 ,, apparatus for slides, P. 6 ,, objects by the aid of sulphuric acid, P. 24 ,, objects under pressure, P. 64 INDEX. 218 Dry objects, P. 62 ,, opaque mounting, P. 61 Dust, examination of, P. 59, 130 ECHINUS spines, to cut sections of , P. 131 Eels in paste, P. 99 Eggs of common garden white butter- fly, S. 18 ,, of insects, to preserve and mount, P. 132 Electrical cement, E. 6 Entozoa, preservation of, P. 133 Ether, use of, P. 247 Examination of objects, P. 62 , , of organic structures, P. 250 ,, of starches, &c., under heat, P. 42 Extraction of crystalloids from colloids, P. 40 Eye of house fly, S. 2 Eyes of insects, how to dissect, P. 128 FBATHERS of birds, how to mount, P. 133 Fibres of cotton, S. 32 ,, of wool, S. 31 Films for spectrum analysis, R. 65 Finder for foraminifera, P. 22 Flour, to analyse, P. 214 Fluid for preserving embryonic tiasues, R. 48 ,, which prevents rupture by os- mosis, S. 45 Foraminifera from sea sand, S. 13 from chalk, S. 36 ,, how to collect, &c., P. 183 ,, to clean, examine, and mount, P. 135 Forming crystals, P. 123 Fossil bones, to prepare, P. Ill Freeing slides from air bubbles, P. 27 French cement, R. 52 Fresh-water shrimps, where to find, P. 187 GALL insects, to keep, P. 173 Galvanic battery, use of, P. 232 Gas holder, P. 14 ,, stand, P. 13 Gizzard of cricket, how to dissect, P. 128 , , of house-cricket, to mount, S. 39 Glass cells, P. 33 ,, syringes, P. 37 Glasses for aquaria, P. 43 Glycerine and acetic acid fluid, R. 74 jelly, R. 64 ., preservative fluid, R. 79 Gold size cement, R. 68 ,, tests for, P. 222 Guano, &c., P. 195 Gum and glycerine for mounting, R. 3 ,, used for giving solidity to objects before cutting sections, P. 156 ,, water (strong), R, 8 Gutta-percha cement, R. 4 HAIRS (animal), to mount, &c., P. 136 ,, (vegetable), to mount, &c., P. 137 Horns and hoofs, to make sections of, P. 138 Holding screw, P. 5 How to apply heat to an object, P. 250, 42 ,, to catch podurae, P. 174 ,, to collect beetles, P. 162 ,, to collect insects, &c., P. 157 ,, to cover slides, S. 2 ,, to examine an unknown sub- stance, P. 213 ,, to inject a frog, P. 139 ,, to keep an object moist, P. 250 ,, to make thin glass cells, S. 26 ,, to mount the columella of mosses, S. 45 ,, to store small insects, P, 157 ,, to use a bottle for catching insects, P. 166 ,, to use the pipette, P. 250 Human flea, to mount, S. 25 Hydrochloric acid, use of, P. 236 Hydrogen, how to make, R. 20 INDIA-RUBBER cement, R. 5 ,, cloth for damp places, P. 163 Injecting fluid (blue opaque), R. 44 , , (blue transparent), R. 46 ,, (carmine), R. 41 (green), R. 39 (Prussian blue), R. 33 ,, (red opaque), K. 42 214 INDEX. Injecting fluid (white opaque), R. 45 ,, (yellow opaque), R. 43 Injection, process of, P. 138 Inorganic subtances, to analyse, P. 213 Insects mounted entire, P. 140 Instrument for holding slides, P. 38 Iodine, R. 54 ,, tests for, P. 226 use of, P. 243 Iron, tests for, P. 220 JUNCUS communis, section of, S. 8 LABELLING slides, P. 68 Lamp-black as a varnish, P. 85 Lamps, P. 54 Lead, tests for, P. 223 Liquor ammonia, use of, P. 244 List of re-agents, P. 233 Lithographic paper for drawings, P. 261 Local excursions, P. 179 Logwood staining, R. 36 Lung of a frog, to mount, S. 38 MACHINE for cutting rock sections, P. 35 Magnesium (magnesia), tests for, P. 219 Marine diatoms, P. 193 Matthews's turn-table, use of, P. 4, S . 4 Measurements (microscopic), 82 appen- dix Measuring thickness of thin glass, P. 39 Mercury, tests for, P. 225 Method of centring glass slips, S. 1 ,, of cutting cellular tissues, S. g ,, of drying objects, P. 6 ,, of examination of insects, ani- malculse, &c., under the action of gas, P. 7 ,, of photographing objects, P. 29 Mica or talc, R. 55 Micro-fungi, how to collect, P. 167 Millon's test, R. 25 Mites, where to find, P. 200 Mosses, collection of, P. 175 ,, where to find, P. 197 Moths, how to catch, P. 182 Mounting by the dry transparent method, P. 60 ,, crystals, S. 48 cuticles, S. 10, 30 Mounting desmids, S. 43 ,, diatoms, S. 4 ,, eggs of insects, S. 18 ,, foraminifera, S. 13 ,, in castor oil, S. 48 in fluid, S. 78 ,, in glycerine, S. 37 ,, in glycerine jelly, S. 40 ,, minute objects, P. 74 ,, on gutta-percha, P. 63 ,, opaque objects, P. 62 ,, palates, S. 19 pollens, &c. , S. 16, 20, P. 1 43 ,, raphides, S. 28 seeds, S. 17 ,, small insects, S. 25 ,, spines, S. 14 ,, starches, &c., S. 29 ,, with Canada balsam, P. 70 ,, with silicate of potass, S. 39 ,, zoophytes, &c., S. 42 Moveable board for microscope, P. 45 Miiller's hardening fluid, R. 38 Mustard, adulterations of, P. 254 NEUTRAL tint glass reflector used for drawing, P. 30 New staining fluid, R. 35 Nitrate of barium, use of, P. 240 , , of silver, R. 30 ,, of silver, use of, P. 241 Nitric acid, use of, P. 235 Nitrogen, to prepare, R. 21 Note-book, use of, P. 165 Objects dissected in glycerine, P. 82 , , in fluid, P. 78 , , kept in their place by pressure, gum, &c., P. 77 ,, mounted in cells, P. 73 , , mounted in paper varnish, P. 76 ,, mounted in resin, P. 75 Observing objects under action of heat, P. 42 Oil of lemon, R. 53 Organic substances, to analyse, P. 213 Osmic acid solution of, R. 31 Oven for drying slides, P. 6 Oxalate of ammonia, use of, P. 242 Oxygen, to prepare, R. 19 INDEX. 215 PALATE of periwinkle, S. 19 of whelk, S. 26 Palates, to dissect, P. 128 ,, to prepare and mount, P. 141 Parmelia parietina (a lichen), S. 23 Pepper, adulterations of, P. 252 Petals of flowers, to prepare and mount, P. 142 Phosphates, to test for, P. 231 Pipette, use of, P. 32 Plan for storing and classifying slides, P. 211 Podune, how to catch, P. 199 Polishing powder, R. 51 Pollen of bird's foot trefoil, S. 6 ,, of convolvulus, S. 20 Pollens, to mount, P. 143 Portable apparatus, P. 184 Postage of objects, P. 209 Potassium (potass), tests for, P. 216 Potato starch, S. 29 Preservative fluid, for insect dissec- tions, R. 80 Pressure apparatus, P. 26 Proboscis of house-fly, S. 47 RALF'S liquid, R. 76 Raphides, how to mount, P. 144 ,, in onion, S. 28 Re-agents, P. 233 Removing grease from sections of bone, S. 5 Retort stand, P. 18 Rock sections, preparation of, P. 35, 145 Rotatoria, where to find, P. 188 Roughly labelling specimens, P. 208 SAW used in cutting sections, P. 19 Scale of roach, S. 3 Scales of fish, to prepare and mount, P. 147 ,, of insects, to mount, P. 148 ,, of plants, to mount, P. 146 Scalpels, &c., P. 48 Schultze's test, R. 27 Schulze's test, R. 28 Sealing wax varnish, R. 7 Sea water, for the preservation of zoophytes, S. 42 Section cutters, P. 3 Section of human bone, S. 5 and 37 Seeds of red campion, S. 17 ,, sections of, to mount, c., P. 149 Separating glass tubes for pipettes, P. 16 Siliceous cement, R. 73 ,, cuticle of equisetum, S. 30 Silicon (silica), test for, P. 227 Silver, tests for, P. 224 Small insects under bark, P. 1 98 Soaking in turpentine, P. 72 ,, objects before mounting, P. 75 Sodium (soda), tests for, P. 216 Soldering rod, P. 55 Solution of potass, use of, P. 245 ,, of soda, use of, P. 246 Sphacellaria cirrhosa, for autherozoids, P. 191 Spines of a brittle star-fish, S. 14 Spirit lamp, P. 23 Spiracle of water-beetle, S. 33 Spiracles of insects, dissection of, P. 128 Spore cases of a fern, S. 15 Spores and sporanges of brake-fern, S. 35 ,, of an equisetum, S. 7 Spring clips, P. 57 Starches, preparation of, P. 151 Stamens and pollen of mallow, S. 16 Staining fluid (blue), R. 29 ,, ,, (carmine), R. 47. ,, (Turnbull's blue), R. 34 ,, tissues, P. 150 Storage of objects, P. 201, &c. Sulphate of cadmium, R. 15 ,, of lime, S. 12 Sulphates, to test for, P. 229 Sulphuretted Hydrogen, R. 24 Sulphuric acid, P. 234 Syrup for mounting, R. 63 ,, useful for mounting, P. 89 TANNIN, solution of, R. 32 Tea, adulterations of, P. 257 Teeth, cutting sections of, P. 152 Test bottle, P. 9 Testing by electricity, P. 232 ,, the amount of moisture in objects, S. 12 Test papers, use of, P. 249 Tests for calcium (lime), P. 218 , for carbonates, P. 228 216 INDEX. Tests for chloride, P. 230 ,, for chromic acid, E. 18 ,, for copper, P. 221 ,, for gold, P. 222 ,, for iodine, P. 226 ,, for iron, P. 220 ,, for lead, P. 223 ,, for magnesium (magnesia), P. 219 ,, for mercury (quicksilver), P. 225 ,, for phosphates, P. 231 ,, for potassium (potass), P. 216 ,, for silicon (silica or flint), P. 227 for silver, P. 224 ,, for sodium (soda), P. 217 ,, for sulphates, P. 229 Test tubes, P. 47 The examination of organic and in- organic substances, P. 214 ,, use of arsenious acid, P. 88 ,, use of oiled silk, P. 159 Tin box used in mounting, P. 54 Tobacco, adulterations of, P. 258 To clean foraminifera from sand, P. 135 ,, clean waste balsam from slides, S. 25 ,, free zoophytes from sea salt, P. 66 ,, keep larva? and moths, P. 172 ,, make scales of the different powers, P. 262 ,, obtain animal culse, P. 170 ,, render wood plastic, R. 67 'set' beetles, P. 157 ,, test an object by burning upon platinum foil, P. 213 ,, test the adulterations of fabrics, P. 251 Tongue of snail, S. 40 Tongues of insects, dissection of, P. 128 Tracheae of insects, to dissect, prepare, and mount, P. 127, 153 Transverse section of oak, S. 9 ,, section of' rush, S. 8 Triangle for testing, P. 17 Trough used for observing circulation of blood in tadpoles, P. 36 Typical slides, P. 62 USEFUL boxes for storage of objects, P. 205 Useful cement, R. 72 Use of polarized light, P. 250 VALENTINE'S knife, P. 12 Valisneria, circulation in, P. 154 Vegetable ducts, P. 129 WASH bottle, P. 10 Washing tissues, P. 37 Water beetles, how to catch, P. 176 .,, fleas, how to collect, P. 171 ,, ,, where to find, P. 188 Wheat starch, S. 41 White cement, R. 78 ,, gutta percha, R. 66 Wing of cabbage butterfly, S. 1 Wood, sections of, P. 3, 155 Woulff's bottle, P. 15 ZOOPHYTES, how to kill, P. 177 where to find, P. 191 DICKINSON, STEAM PRINTER, HIGH STREET, 3IAIDSTONE. JNO. H. MARTIN, MEMBER OF THE SOCIETY OF PUBLIC ANALYSTS, FELLOW OF THE SOCIETY OF ARTS, AUTHOR OF "MANUAL OF MICROSCOPIC MOUNTING," "MICROSCOPIC OBJECTS," &c. mo YORK CHAMBERS, YORK BUILDINGS, ADELPHI, LONDON, W.C. Chemical and Microscopical Analyses performed, Lessons given in Microscopy, Food Analysis, &c. TERMS ON APPLICATION. The author of the above works having had great and varied experience both in Microscopy and Chemistry, can be consulted on either department by letter, or personally, at the hours stated. LABORATORY HOURS, 10 to 13 to 5. ANALYTICAL FEES, s. d. 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