THE M A U 7 A G 7 U K I OP SUGAR WITH VARIOUS NOTES ON THE IHEUSTRY B T DR. H. CLAASSEH. SEC01ID EDITION 1904 Translation by Edgar Baruoh. ? *: D-vJL i H 1 I f SB&1B9 W ' 1KB " PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION The present voluce should serve the technioal sugar nan 03 a sti:;ulous tcrr^rd-? noting and observing all the details which are so important in the :aanufacture of sugar; it should serve further as a guide to the beginner in the practical difficulties of the work. The text and hand-books of sugar -raking are in no way covered '-ithin the scope of this volui^e; in fact, it is taken for granted that the reader already has a very general knowledge of sugar ohenistry and technology. In text books, one rarely finds the details of the tech- nical wor"; carefully outlined, and even the theorectical principles are not sufficiently emphasised; vrhile the numerous difficulties rules, and devices of the wor"; which are so essential to 0u.ccer,s, are invariably omitted. The practical sugar r,an. is ait to find little new in the cook, but ::ay nevertheless be jler.sed to find short synopses of the problems which are apt to occupy his thoughts in the long pauses between campaigns . rany of A concise and accurate work on the industry can only be vrr it- ten IT one r r l:o is, in" the practical side of the business; but any par- tialit'/ of opinions expre^ned herein, riunt be excused for they have been based on actual experience. I believe though, that I have been as objective as possible in deriving cy vie^s, and I Carefully e.^tir^.ted the experiencoB of a great nunber -:hoin I have come in contact, and have also cc.refully litei attire on the rrvibjects. The principal original Thich I useil, T-ill be found in tlie bibliography inserted end cf the bocl:, fror, ^hich the reader will be able to derive have gathered and of operators T7ith invsetis?.ted the investigations in the sufficient data to answer any special problens in r ?hich he ray be involved. _j i- Dor resell, A'->ril 1901. DR. H. GLAASSE1I. d of apollgiO* ar es PRETACE TO SEOOKD EDITION By additions and changes, I thinly that the boo:: has been bettered without in any way injuring the brevity or scope of the wxric. Dornagen, Hovenber 1903. DR. H. CLAASSEH. 991 1.93 tfi" ' aoirlqv. t'.'-'^k '' -rv't >'' : - " - vrikf-->: ^-r7-~;t -.lain- eu.j.-jJB. . .**" 1 evrD9R -Mirofft 'ii - ;riBi;g Jio a^tfvK 'r\ - U* iBOiJ 9'a^'hi TOOO9 : 9i'-r acr B*eXwi^ia? ".3." s , :i 8*. -.00 oJ- J^a s^r^ fei Ir r\:s: '"^"Jt?.'.*l /:C .tSCf ,:, ; qrlj- ' ?r eJ .Pjrtjs oalcrroo A Sixl -. - ,^R ^BOltc it ni pi Yrtt oxe c ^RJJT ,nlei9.I .^errw-r.x.a erb^::l._c- eveilecf I .eo/reiiscxs :lroce .no '* ' ^? f 8^"" ft-T V ^Zi ^ITX VX *X9x^ flX 9Xu Q5 ^ oelfi ov.<5fl .^fi-3 f J-oB^rroo rri. v erjoo ov '.'.: 1 1 Isnlr-l^o iRiior:!^: ?:I7 .p^cetc.'.'Tr 9>.";t .nc ^-re.eni -."v-;.-5icoJ:Icflcf e Ij .--jt arf HJtr ,,6efiir e"-T I arf ricir?" ."i e^slcciv Itioe - . HO .1091 liir.'A ,r^ P.-COX I \,Z ~t -J8AAJO Hff 001 , ' TRANSLATORS gQTj . Attempt was made throughout this work to adhere to a "close"' translation. The only liberties taken by the translator were the <-, T^ -^ i 1 **' -7 \- " - '* omission .of a few sentences and paragraphs, rrtiich seemed to convey unnecessary repetition. Appendix III, which contains nothing but German tonnage and price statistics, was omitted because of its lack of interest to English readers. Appendix IV containing the bibliog- raphy was omitted because practically all the references are in foreigr periodicals, none of which are available in this country. The majority of the translation Tras accomplished during a busy period of construction; its present form is so crude that the translator is well aware that a fund of apoligies are essential to ; s* cover the work as it now appears. THE TRANSLATOR. Larcar, Colorado, July 1905. s ctf atsrffts o^ QU. aJtrO,' Wris^offt a'atf BBT ' .- . J :'* erf* eiew ^O4*l8aflti e* YCT. Kwfo* iei^isdiJ \ : Ino -eriT. 6easea rfoiriv. v , BrfqBisaiAq fcnjti" eebnB^nae' Tval B -' Bn'JtB^'oo rfolriw XXS^tlMltqqU' '.not ' ,. . ; dBweoocf Jbe^dMflro ew ,oJiiiB*t soiiq h.^B " , i ... : snlnJtflJri'oo VT xJttTB10loO rTBTu TABLE OF CONTENTS PREFACE INTRODUCTORY CHAPTER I . CHAPTER II . CHAPTER III. O.iAPTER IV. CHAPTER V. CHAPTER VI. CHAPTER VII . CHAPTER VIII CHAPTER IX. CHAPTER X. CHAPTER XI . CHAPTER XII . CHAPTER XIII. CHAPTER XIV. CHAPTER XV. CHAPTER XVI . CHAPTER XVII. CHAPTER XVIII. CHAPTER XIX. CHAPTER XX. CHAPTER XXI . .' :'< C *-Klln T 6 fit, l-"36'08 -i- Work. *: r ^t . 'Mr t\ " on of th 1 "* FcrX. ar.'' th* il LCI' Supervision t Harvest ing, Storage and Siloing of the Beets Transportation and Washing of the Beets. ' O 7" "' ' " 1*1 "; -. The Weighing and Cutting of the Beets. I Di 'fusion. Handling of the Pulp. The Purifying and Preheating of the Diffusion Juice. Defecation. Saturation. i * The Filter Press Station. The Second Carbonation and Filtration. Other Methods of Juice Purification. Evaporation. Condensation of the Vapors. The Saturation and Filtration of the Thick Juice. Boiling of the Thick Juice. Working of the Fillmass. Centrifugal Work. Raw Sugar. The Production of White Sugar. The working of the Syrups Methods of Purifying the Green Syrups. 8 '-T * "3 ' * M '0 'L "9. J ' 9 A T J lo tn, .-I erf* 1o sfiitteB^ IWTB .8*9sa sr:* 1o sni JtoO -JWIB snfee 9riT .III . noxfej^l" -i'ij VI . n/?H .7 srf* ^o sirUBorfeocI Jbns snJt^iiiLf 5 ! prfT -.'IV . IlV 'H!3[T^.\ii 1 1 IV .XI "B.TB nd'x*BnocftcBO BnooeS orfT . ;-.X fl^TT^AHO ebiirL lo bJ5vorf*9M isrl*0 . eioc[BV fe'ild- -"fo . eolih, jf'bi-ftT erf* ^fo 'Sifif 56 . IX -,IJX HST'IAIIO .IIIX H .V-IX .VX -;. IIV-X Ir "rtbatO -.iGsi/a -v;Bfl o .tVi^oiffeo'-rq'-erfT H^J I'o ' gnl iTi'c 7 ''erf T * tb .XIX H1T1AHD -. .;XX /IXX H,T CHAPTER XXII. CHAPTER XXIII. CHAPTER XXIV. CHAPTER XXV. CHAPTER XXVI. CHAPTER XXVII . CHAPTER XXVIII CHAPTER XXIX. APPENDIX I . APPENDIX II . Molasses and its Utilization. Boiler House work. The Line-Kiln Work. Heat Losses during the Work. The Supervision of the Fork and the Determination of the Loss of Sugar. General Criticisms on the Management and Supervis- ion of a Beet Sugar Factory. The Value and Use of the Waste Products. Analyses of Beets, Juices and Sugar Products. Formulae, Tables, and Data. Calculations and Diagram of a Heating Installation showing the Heat Balance of a Sugar Factory. .noiJ6s.tI.tJU 8*1 .brie .jfioT' sei/oH lelioa .XioW nllX-QatJ orfT ' -' srtt gnlrj/fc rf.t JbnB XaolT erfcf ^o noiaivisctirS 6riT lO 88OJ SrfJ 10 -8lvieq[i/8 Jbne Gnomes Bfrj3.f ertt no a "io no. arf^ lo eall bna sirlBV ariT a lo TB3JJ8 fl 10 fJOflBlBS .EOlCffiT Jbns .IIXX J. . IIIXX K3TIAIIO v '- .vixx na .vxx r .IVXX . IIVXX I I IVXX H3T1AHO .XIXX H3T1A1IP . I XIOITS^A .II XI - ^8 p_ it _r F A. _c JR. For the operation of a well constructed Beet Sugar Factory, a beet rich in sugar in the first and most important consideration. TCith this end in vien the manufacturer of sugar must strive to urge . the beet contractor to cultivate in such a way, that he can obtain a Sufficiently large tonnage, a large amount of sugar and a pure juice. The surest tray in Thich one can obtain this object is for one to pay for the beets not only by weight, tut also on their sugar content; unfortunately this method is not practiced, as generally as should be. "^ One must be milling to ?ive to the contractors a seed that is well adapted for the ground. At the sr.;:'e t~''.e the farmer should be thorough- ly instructed in the prone::- uethodc of fertilisation and preparation of the soil. A beet rich in sugar which yiel-'-.o a pure juice is under all conditions worth r.iore than, a beet v;hinh gives impure juice, or than one poor in sugar. Under the latter conditions, the loss of sugar- in working is higher, and the cost of wording just as great, if not great- er, because of subsequent difficulties in running. The sugar content, the purity of the beet and juice, do not depend entirely on the condi- tions which ~ ; an controls. One has to contend with c lima tic and soil conditions. TTheve the climate allots, one should allow the beet har- vest to rer.ain in the field as long as possible; at least until the advent of the frost a, for the longer the period of vegetation lasts, the nore sugar will gather in the beet, the purer will be the jtiice and the higher the tcnnago. All th^se questions, important as they are, are minor consideration:; for tl-3 '.ianufaotvrer, when the delivery of his beets begins. . : - CHAPTER I - % SUPERVISION, HARVESTING, TJ'OF.AQT 1 A7H3 SlTiOITTG 0? THT sBI3!T.6 ;. -,'_ The time for starting the campaign does not de-perifl.; eTitirelTy; oil, the ripeness of the beets, out also on the quantity and the ease rrith which they can be worked in the factors'-. If a factory has & large crop to work, so that the campaign lasts lor.--, it should begin vri-th the \7ork as soon as possible. The beginning or middle of September is best; as soon as the sugar contents of the Leets vzill warrant their being worked. To decide this point it is essential to make tests of the beets in the field froa the end of August until the time cf ripen- ing. If a factory has, however , only a small crop, the campaign aho\ild be delayed as Ion:; as possible, so that ripe beets are worked fron the start. In short, the vrork must be no arranged so that one can obtain the largest possible amount of sugar fro:.; the beets. If too early a start is made, one encounters the difficulty of unripe beets, poor in sugar; by start inr too late so th?.c the beets are stored too long, nuch of the sugar is lost by deterioration into starch. In southern countries ^here beet culture has been established, other conditions govern the harvesting. The beets ripen there very rapidly in sur.mer and :..ust then be worked as scon as possible, before If the rainy periods of autumn start a net? growth, and the sugar contents of the beets deteriorates into starch. Besides this, in countries vrlth early and periodic frosts one :.;ust arrange the harvest so as to have all of the beets out of the ground before everything freezes. A regulated delivery is often arranged; in fact many factor- ies state definitely in their contracts havr many beets are to be de- livered each vreek, even each day. But not all factories are in . Position to follow such a plan, for the sugar manufacturer is often V . :: ;i :%?. V-, **-* ., - '. i -^V;A'^ v..*3.9r. confronted with grt they are not only difficult to work but give a dark juice and a low yield of sugar. Storage piles for bceto are laid on the ground, or under it, in so called beet cellars, which are Cither thatched or left open. Beet cellars are undoubtedly the most economical fern for the unload- ing of the beets, and the delivery of the sairc into the bins. It is of little importance whether or not the "bins are covered, provided the beets do not lie too long. For storage of beets delivered by rail, the side walls of the bin should not be higher than the floor of the car, 30 that the beets can be shoveled out of the doors readily. The wider the bins are, the steeper the sides should be, so as to insure the beets falling into the troughs readily. The position of the bins should be such that the cars can be easily and quickly handled. A very important problem in the delivering of the beets is the determination of the amount of adhering dirt . Sometimes this determination is merely estimated; most often though, a precise deter- mination is made for a reliable result. The beets are dumped out in such a manner that 25 to 50 kilogram.;.; are caught on a beet fork. A " ->;V?J T- '?f ^ 3r - . - - ' sample is taken from each wagon, the heads are chopper*, off and the beets brushed and Trashed. Since it is impossible to obtain closer than a quarter percent tare in each test ; with car beets it is best to take several samples. The strictest control and supervision in the tare-room must be maintained, in order to keep peace between con- tractors and factories. In the determination of dirt by Trashing, a deduction of must be r.oade for the water adhering to the beets. The heads should be cut off directly under the leaves; when the beets have tops that are large, .green or -fv.ll of holes, it is essential to take a deeper cut. The green portion of tiie beets and that full of holes is poor in sugar and gives an impure juice. Frozen, injured or rotten parts of the beets, so far as they are due to the farmer, are cut out. Injury to the beets during transportation to the factory is borne, as a rule, by the factory. One of the r.ost annoying difficvilties in transportation, is a sudden a no. heavy frost, that not only freezes the oeets but makes the unloading alr.iost impossible. Frozen beets must be worked immedia'te- ly because they spoil very rapidly on thawing. Long exposure to cold, even to -1 G., is readily endured by the beets without freezing . By exposure to a slightly greater cold, they freeze together without an actual freezing of the roots. The freezing first shows itself by the destruction of the cells. Beets which remain in the earth protected by their own covering, can stand heavy frosts, and even long periods of cold, with little or no damage; but on uprooting they must be worked immediately. Practice has shown, that beets rich in sugar, which generally have a firm structure, are less easily injured by cold than beets that are poor in sugar with soft flabby flesh. Where beets have to be transported in ships, care must be taken to have them uncovered, and the beets should .remain in the holds as short a while as possible, for they easily heat &.i.d then work poorly anc 1 give a dark bad juice. fc d TBO rfJ :.- ' f .'>.' - ; IMIB IOT^HOO --'' ' * M9 .-i ' y rtoj . t.;ti -jf;.-i.t no V-DiT.;. r ".T ' exff . J ' .oi;itT a^d "e 6rr'6 BJ-toil Yv*fl i>ni^B r ri^ yifj'ooiiiw no fird ,-^an ,t r rnroriE sis T eT: a oJ '' TO !i ' i- r t~f* .. . 1R. - ,.. The siloing of the beets at the factory. Those beets which cannot be utilized immediately on delivery nust be siloed or stored in houses. In choosing a method of storage, one raast talte into consider- ation the loss of sugar and the cost of covering etc. A definite loss of sugar occurs by long siloing, for the beets breathe as long as they are sound, and the sugar stored in then is the r-aterial v;hich is utiliz- ed in their breathing. The essential point in storing beets in the silo, is that they be stored as late in t::e season as possible; under no conditions before the riddle of October and then freshly harvested and uninjured by cold. It appears to be best to store the beets in' SUP 11 covered rounds; even beets to be used for seed culture are stored in this manner. This uethod is izvpractical though for the factory, "beosruse it talces too nuch roon and is too costly. The methods in use 33*6 those of large earth silos or piles. In ::.ild clir.ates large un- ccrvered > iles are preferable, because by such ireans the losn of sugar is snail and but little space and la cor are essential. Beets suffer but snail changes fro:.. sr.iall ar.ount^ of cold and later thawing, when they lie unmolested. Even after heavy frosts and sudden thaws only the top layers are injured- for the cold enters into the pile cut slorrly. In r.ild clirates the loss of beetn by thaw- ing and subsei - ..:-'.. R . and early frosts the piles must "be covered, but the "best method 13 to use large earth silos or beet cellars provided with ventilation. The cellars serve their purpose best when the period of siloing is not too long and the beets are dry and have dirt adhering to then. In southern countries where the temperature is high during the period of working, the beets alter very rapidly and become bad very quickly. In all methods of storage there is a greater or less alteration in^ wegfat , usually a decrease. Only such beets as are subject to rains and moisture of the earth or those which are kept on the bottom of the pile absorb much weight, that is when they are harvested in dry weather. The loss in weight iu to some extent proportionate to the dampness at the time of harvesting and siloing. The more the air is witheld from the beets the warmer the center of the storage piles will be. In cov- ered and ventilated piles or cellars, the loss in weight is at the greatest 5 to 10$. Tho loss in sugar of siloed beets is proportionate to the temperature and the differences of moisture in the piles ancL in the atmosphere, and also to the extent of ventilation. The actual loss in sugar per day is about .010-. 012$ in large uncovered piles, .012 - .017$ in ventilated piles, and .019$ in large earth silos. These' con- ditions prevail in mild climates where the average temperature during siloing is about 5G. , and the period of siloing lasts from the end of October until the middle of December. Those figures are for sound uninjured beets. Injured beets or those from which the tails have been broken, those which have been too heavily topped, and those which have been mutilated with the fork or hoe in unloading, lose far more sugar. They suffer a large shrinkage and are subject to maladies such as Phoma, Rhizoctonia and Sclerotinia. T/hen beets continue to grow during periods of siloing, it indicates that they are stored too warm el I . ^: ' ' f * : , ">Sif oot *orr EI r.'t-to - "" y r.3 . .::S. *r^r-! , i sis 3! a- oli? Jb o ,' . x* cyorcv i --. ./ . ">r*j rit *ITB e HCoI-lBir^ss.; -.1 V ftc! . . . ' *- roecfs " 30! J- ' and too damp. Fith the formation of shoots there is a stronger breath- ing with big changes in composition and great loss of sugar. In the shoots themselves, there is little sugar, since their weight is made up of a definite percentage of starch from the beets, and they contain only from 3 to 4$ of cane and invert sugars. The temperature in the interior of the pile is about that of s* * the exterior atmosphere. All temperature changes in the atmosphere are readily noticeable in the piles and silos, in the uncovered piles more so, naturally, than in those covered uith earth end protected from the atmosphere. Since by breathing of the beets heat is developed, the teorperature in the piles becomes slightly higher than the average temperature of the atmosphere. The greatest differences occur when the air is Kept in motion. By the perservation of t*;e beets, an increase in the organic nonsugars in the juice is prevented, while the sugar and the insoluble non-sugars remain in such condition that they can be separated in the worlc. -- 6 :- irrro erft rttl? .qtatafc <*f fina ..,-.. . -f . ; --'..-: ' nrrm **n aioT ~o ^R TtMfrrxv ~ .> HA tpi ^ac el norl rloojB^n lo ss*ndq[ s^irJT^ A t-igvnjt firs TTBO lo ^tf of E 3rtl .'l^" ti/0-Js..aI liq drft ^o iCi^aar.i: rf* ui fttj/tfneqpapj- erfl ' tfiiJ ni ,80lia Jbns eellq 9fl* ni el tl JteJos.fonq; J&ra .fUnce " iiJixT hsrtovoc Sfcorii' nl nurfi 1 ,'cllBiy^an ^ ortt lo ^'rririJe^Td '^cf ecnlS . -.--, tTB-. V Karl*.. Tftrisi^ -OOOQ Bolici 9f^ rj - c^Btwj^ftl MLt ..':* -.. - .- >. ., .-< - -.-. .w jx,j-o6 pnserjl: s 'J-OO^SOIT: '.-lT . . T3fi nf^x tJ: tf .IBS feju'^ -7^.1^ ";;.q>i f if>r:or. " rj:' r-aift". 'B&? i>n CHAPTER II. TRANSPORTATION AND WASHING OP THE BEETS. TRANSPORTATION FROM THE BINS JFO THE FACTORY. Formerly beets rrere carried from the storage piles to the wash-houses by small cars or by means of baskets. The practice in vogue today is that of floating the beets into the houses by means of troughs. The troughs are arranged in the center of the bins so that the beets fall down the sides and into the water with little atten- dant labor. The bottoms of the bins are nade either solidly or of lattice construction. In the latter case, dry earth and debris falls through the interstecies, and the troughs do not have to carry so much dirt to the washing machines. Another advantage is, that one is able to remove the dirt from under the bins. However, under conditions where damp weather prevails during the period of harvest, the mud surrounding the beets renders the lattice bins almost wholly useless. The troughs are constructed, as a rule, out of brides with oement lining on the inside. Where movable troughs are desirable, iron is used. They are, as a rule, about 500 -600 m.m. high, and from 300 - 500 m.m. broad. On the upper edge there is a "set back" for the cover boards, which are of wood, sheet, or cast iron. In most cases the troughs are set on a grade of .8 - 1.0^, on straight stretches, and 1. ~ 1.2$ in the curves. When the beets are dirty and covered with weeds, leaves etc., the grade has to be greater. For the proper operation of the troughs, the beets must not be dumped in at more than one place at the sane time, and the point of delivery must be free and open. If the water does not run away freely, the lifting device must have sufficient Capacity to take the water away fast enough so that it does not back up in the trough. The slightest obstruction in the trough blocks not only the beets, but stones and sand as well, and causes very aggravating :fi rf ' " 3T' I'?*'- ' -ao-ri -\3 10. erifso Iljw tr - .'-".- -. ; BTTe. ?" erfi o^fri ^rrs 89J&ia acfr r^rob CB . J ' ; ef-srr d*C i iwiltr *U la isSot^o.l- 6rfT : 0.^/5; ,- lTd^Jb fens dJ^s Ttfi .,9080 i^^tfll sitt foirt^rr( * " ' " '*:,..' ^0.1. s-lsi/ia^ ' T.aet'bo^Bisfn rt lo ^q a-rf^ sri-a/fc -Iiffv >^Tt I- . %cfbcs ?. fOJT ^E> >?; f fnl a a& . .s i e.; i 9rf* ro -sain i I ^. ::o : jfens ,r&- f 'd .ct.a 003- 005 j-irods .elurr s s^.,. ?>iv xe.lT ...Jbeaif ^ A ridL i '.ftp 1 ^f*js. ?oow cioitl^. v r '" ; "i 5rt... t 8oott>rj8 J'.l^-fir.J'B rto-,^ - A. -..lo -.fcfi'rv' if :TO' itefi '^ ,.a : ?r? rteiw jb.OT-> .... .''.-'. fflst a-'e^JBi'q: , iqp; *4^ajl) 6cf' ton .fcur! s^sod art* :'art:i - . , * ,-. XLinc K! 8K3 it^, fefe ^o tnloi*rt*' JbaM J : 6n aeoJb ft ^B'J o - 3B orifis lae HsaotfEK^rtf .^Bi i - : delays. The aoptOlt of water to "be used depends on the amount of oeets to be carried into the house, the size and grade of the trough. If . there is an insufficiency of water, the size and grade of the trough ia of greatest importance. The water utilised for floating in the beets is usually taken froia the condensers. Fhen this water is cooled anc. used again in the factory, it is necessary to use the vre.ter from the cashing machines after settling the dirt out of it. It is apparent that quite a loss in sugar occurs by the "beets reiiaining sore tir/.e in warn water in the troughs, bxit these losses are, as a rule, snail. The average results show that vatr; 100 Parts beets, in a trough, 220 m. long, with healthy beets and war:.! water (40-45C.) the loss is .02-. 03^, though sometimes as high as .05^. Y7ith frozen or injured beets or warmer water, the loss is . 1 - .57$. Under usual conditions, the loss of sugar in the troughs is snail enough to be negligible, particularly so when the troughs are short and the water cold. The losses depend on the length of the troughs, the tine of immersion,' and the temperature .of the water, tfith frozen beets as well as those lumped together by dirt , cold rater cannot be used; the frosen dirt and debris has to be thawed out, and under such conditions the loss of sugar cannot be considered. During the inver- sion of the beets, they absorb some water and increase in weight, wilted and dry beets more so, of course, than those that are fresh. The absorption rarely exceeds more than 1/2 to 1$. A little distance before the point of delivery, stone 3atchers of various construction are used. An undercurrent of water which sep- arates the dirt and stones from the beets is often installed. Prong arrangements are used to catch leaves and straw, particularly the material that floats on top. -> v ^4 ??*-?">:: i.^M*Vii2* '. ;ib :?>*. -. - o-fs . :?Q.5i ;a>.tj' _ ..^.-.: ...-.'flA ' :U^: f . r .B .;j7--f BffcJ;- 3^ - - .'.:.'** 6i;:o ro. v*n*- : 1 1 n s ^ h ~sq; r WBT arfJ The transportation of the siloed beets is usually managed, by use of wheel-barrows, though movable troughs are used whenever possible. These are arranged so that they can be pushed to any desired spot and the beets are thrown in by hand. The best means of taking tlie hot oondensor water to the beet troughs is in open channels. Pipes are not only too costly but are often obstructed by a deposition of scale from the hot -.rater. The Trashing of the beets. Tlie troughs discharge directly into the crashing machines or are provided with lifting devices in the form of wheels, screws, or bucket elevators, which lift the beets either alone or with water. Before the beets enter the washing machine, they nust be freed from the water of the troughs, so that the dirty "water does not contaminate the fresh water of the machine, llany factories use unclean water for washing, such as the drain water fro:., the diffusion battery and pulp presses, or clarified drain water fror. the house. I^resh warn water should be used whenever possible so as to avoid talcing annoying skums into the battery, which spoil the juice. Under all conditions the beet should finally be washed under clean water . The washing machines used, are long Machines with radial arms, with large spaces for catching stones. Drum machines, because of their difficulty in working are no longer used. Vertical cylindrical machines have been used because of their ability to get rid of the stones , straw and leaves ; but since the beets are now freed of most of their debris in the troughs', these machines are not much in vogue. The washing machines serve their best purpose in protecting the knives and so fur- nishing better cossettes. " : "'' : '3l ''Ltst '' '' ' I'-'e - \;Xno -'^ort . ;. , ,r^rf93'-: : ,~ f - . - - ^ '^flfoffit . e/"i5^ra.. JascJ srTT 3 e^qi'^*' . elerjr;.\-(o r.rnjo rrl ai - LLt^.iL v Ait-'^t'"-6'vi' -:.s '-i^ ' as: In.c'ji'Tf ? r > .-r.- ori? otr!3ace . IE . % r srit t-^jro pt^o? sa^ 9**o'tc i 3 .'lejiw .*-. ." ^fjr-1^ OB ^urlsi/ci^ *-Or ^o,- i-^r^- orl^f ::pt^ ; :-?,,'' .'.-.:.,.- .er eti* rS&ei^ ^ ' 10 ^ irre snails >. -' - -vi. 'i' V r .' :. '5 : CHAPTER III. * r c N cj From the Trashing machine the beets are lifted by means of an elevator into a storage "bin. In early days it was considered essential to dry the beets as well as possible after talcing then from the washer, because they passed directly to the pay scales. This method is no long- er in use, but it is still important to drain them as much as possible, in order to ;ret O ff the dirt and sand that remains suspended in tie vater and injures the cutters. Many different Icinds of weighing machines are in use. Most factories do not weigh the "beets after washing them, but taXe the rough weight fron the -agon scales after do'luctin:: the tnre, for the amount of beets worked; or else calculate tho a. ount frorj the diffusion juice. Both of these methods are entirely unreliable, and the only, correct way to Know the amount of beeto worked is to weigh the beets after washing then. Since reliable rrei sheas ters are difficult to obtain, it is best to utilise automatic scales which insure accurate control, and in the end are cheaper than manual weighing. Prom the scales the beets fall into the cutter or into a bin from which they are elevated into the slicer. Flier e space and height permit, the first method is preferable, for the cutter c?n be filled more readily and evenly and can be Kept constantly full, a condition that is absolutely essential. The cutting of the Eegt?. The boots nro nowadays cut of sliced into cossettes by moan? cf a revolving horizontal disc fittad with a number of Knives. Centrifuge. 1 cutters fj'o cut sparsely used. Of late a drum machine is coming into uoc, the xcr.ives of which, are set on the periphery of a drum that revolves or. a horizontal axis. The beets fall through a slotted, opening in the drum and are pressed by a I !t H ? v "io - . ".'*' ' * '.'K. Jt/o 8' * crescent like baffle plate, onto the knives. The machine shottld work easily and give a long cossette. The ordinari' machines differ from eaoh other only in size and arrangement of the space above the cut- ter disc. The diameter of the discs is not greater than 1200 -, though in other countries they are sometimes extended to 2500 m.m. Small wheels are run at a speed of 100 - 150 R.P.M., while the large cutters are run as low as 50 R.P.1.1. In general, the large cutters revolving at a slow rate of apeed, give the best cossettes; but more time is consumed, in the larger machines, changing knives and removing rocks . The otitters are usually driven by means of belts, though there are some machines driven by individual steam drives, or electric motors, in order to control the speed. Such arrangements are useful bv.t expen- sive. Over the cutter disc is a cover which must not be placed too close to the walls, or the beets will bridge over the knives. The sllcer should be designed so that the greatest possible amount of beets should fall on the knife boxes. The cutter consists of two concentric cylinders with only enough room between them for the knife boxes. This space should be a trifle wider than the length of the boxes. It is best to make the inner cylinder, or cone, a low convex cap, so th?.t the beets Till slide off readily onto the knives. The outside cylin- der shoxild be from 1.5 to 2 m. high, so as to give as large a storage as possible above the knives. Over the cutting space, attached to either the outer or inner cylinder, there should be a number of baffle plates to prevent the beets from sliding around with the knives. When the fall of the beets is unhindered, the cutters can be run more rapidly. ;O [ ^cf to 10 f Rf. .-.- T -s rfcr? v 3 rl iv- r r e 8E OV-:*"- Oj 1 ''i ^il ^ j r J' '" r>f 01*"+ ~f * - . i - N JiiV .). , V ftr*- ~'f ec The outer cylinder should be provided with doors for the renoval of foreign matter such as stones, iron, vrood or coke; and should also have a nui'ber of holes through vrhich one can sties": iron rods to keep the beets from falling on the "boxes TThen the cutter has to be cleaned. The r.onent any foreign natter gets into the rja chine, operations should be suspended immediately; for this purpose a reliable brake should be provided. The nunber of knife boxes used in the Gutters vary consider- ably. Naturally, in the cutters of larger diameters, a greater number of larger boxes can be used than in siiall r.:?.chines. The boxes can be placed as closely together as they can go, providing the discs are properly brace:", underneath. The Gerrnan Knife boxes are about 28 Oar:. , long and 90 to 180 rail. , broad. The boxes are sor.evmat larger in the big cutters but vary greatly in size and construction. The important features for a good box are : 1. A good hard mterial that will not -rear out or break easily. 2. Solid construction, rithout parts subject to heavy vrear or difficult to handle. 5. The passage for the cossettes should be as free as possible. 4. Ready means for lifting and placing the boxes, and also easy and rapid means for obtaining the correct height and dis- tance of the knives, fro:?, the frame. 5. Light stiff frames that fit correctly into the position for the boxes. 6 . The boxes nust all fit evenly into the discs without the projection of corners or edges. When these conditions are all fulfilled, the construction of the boxes calces little difference. Those of simpler construction are the r.ost practical. With fibrous beets or these carrying grail stones, the frames are serrated so that only enough of the snail points of the Knives project to take hold of the beets; the stones readily fall throtigh the large openings in front of the knives. The knives must fit very accurately in the frames, for the slightest irregularity from . - " i "' JO^:9 .-.-. ' "*"."* " - - r rr 1 * .'"* I . *. 4 W V ^ .;" ^T ,''"/.' - . '-- lir*i" STU * j- r \'Irc T^r .- - ? the proper position givea poor cossettes. Hence, it is not advisable to put old boxes in new discs nor to use new boxes in old discs. The linives which are used for the small boxes are about 140cm. , long, and two can be placed in one box. Their width is regulated by the size of the box and they range fro::. 7-9 mm., in thickness . There are three kinds of knives in use. Tiie "Dachrippen" knives have the advantage of ease of hand- ling, and a full cut. They are made in various sices fro:.: 20 - 40 divisions to the knife, so that the divisions are from 3 1/2 tc 7 mi. apart. The sharpening of these takes much ti:.:e and care, and is accom- plished by means of steel frases . The "Konigsf elder" knives take only a half cut, and the div- isions are only 5-7 irn. , broad. They are sharpened more easily and p quickly and do not fill up with fibres so readily. They are sharpened by either f rasing or filing. By correct adjustment of either of these knives, and with proper distribution of the beets, a long clean cossette can be obtained. The ridges of tl:e knives should, in all cases be raade part of concen- tric circles, coincident with the diameters at which they are set. Since it is advantageous to have a syr.etrical cut on all of the cossettes, in oiler to get a proper digestion, the double !:nife is frequently used; this gives a three cornered cossette. The double knives are encased in a box T7ith an ordinary knife superimposed on a flat cutting edge. The first knife cuts out a three cornered edge while the second cuts it snooth again. While the cossettes cut by this method are entirely syaetrical, they are not as well adapted for the digestion in the battery, as shredded cossettes. It is impossible to ""1? XK-' "10 -toe. :c . i; ^ . recommend any single method of cutting. Good results can be obtained with most any knives, provided they are sharp, will tempered and prop- erly set in the frames. The knives are sharpened on ^chines, with emery? eorundrum, or carborundruni wheels, an<". the finishing touches are put on T?ith a fine file. To obtain good cossettes , the "beets must be well washed and free frou stones. Y/hen the beets are unhealthy ancl unsound, it is best to increase the sise of the cossettes. Good cossettes are essen- tial for good diffusion work, and any improvements that can be made in the wash-house to accomplish this end, no matter how costly, will be well warranted. The cossettes depend, to some extent, on the struc- ture and condition of the beets. It is very difficult to obtain good cossettes from hard fibrous beets, or those which have gone to seed. From the cutter the oossettes fall into wagons, elevators-, or conveyors, which take them to the diffusion battery. # .f!i* .- is . " , . '-f" v- ^Vi *T * ''- ." - v * . -. - . . , " . .. . 1 , ?3<^-1 *>[" " .is" t .-''V :- . . -:. : jo CHAPTER IV. B I 3 1 3? U S 1 II, The extraction of the .sugar out of the cos setts takes place an a number c:f extraction "bodies combined to for'm vhdt is called a Diffu- sion Battery... The u umber of cells in such a battery 'varies from G to 16, the smaller number "being used in the short 3 or divided batter-' iesy which are heated to a high temperature- and through which the juice passes cloi'/iy., while the greater number is used in connection \v:i. th low- er temperatures and with a high velocity of the juice, "In general bstt^v'ies of from 12 -- '* 4 cells are now preferred, - the cells be:i.::.ig / pr< tp'l ::.n straight lines. The method of erecting the cellr in a -.:.:- cle baring the Slicer in its center is no longer used- The form and volume of the cells varies greatly, the capacity of the cells varies all the way from l.,2 - 6-0 tuns, but at pro-sent large cells of from 3-0 to 5.0 tons capacity are preferred.-, The small cells which used to be used in Austria { thr.-r:. were some in use which had only a capacity cf 180 Ibs*)* are to be considered as altogether impracticable.. But also in trie case- of large cell:., bad conditions may arise, especially when run at low capacity, and when the cossetts ; are not very gc'od or are cut too fine*. The shape of the cell should be such that the extraction shall be as good and as regular as possible at all points without : etarc.^ng the flow of the juice. But these conditions cannot be comb ins el in such a way as to completely fulfill them all. At first in considering lhu shape of the cells we have to consider the ratio between height and diameter- The extraction is naturally the better, the greater tuo height of the cells and the smaller their diameter. But with the height, the length of the space filled with cossetts , through v'lich the juice has to flow, also increases, and with this also the rei^ir: ; -,c'.noo wh i ch the s t r eaoa .Vt H: oi'a; -i clloc "io lacfrca.'j.; suLT ,': 5*^.i,efiC noia rlv' rti ij'&si.- 'ruj-jB'iscjsisJ- :i$,iA .0 o too fti.ixaai.' si .tecfuti/n X9y9"sa siil elirfw r ^. r .w "r.o t Bs-3T6l:3~c; won S'ljs slltui 3-'' SI ao" ^co -borid'am erfT .asm I rfs- h --' --'^ on &t Te5rr&o aj-i ni icoilS sril g.; ;ng ssitsv allso ft '"io sniuIoT .bna ran^l srfT J'l asii^-.v slls 0- rur^.l: '10 enros aievr v.^fij ) st"fcrs;iA. a): Jbes;/ ed oj- bsaw rfoiifw ;j 3 l>ST6bian:po so o^ *1J5 ((^scfl.OOI lo Y^i"^''?*^ * vino :oe tacT t iliyc ag'i.'JI lo 03*:^ ariJ- si OBl.e v irti" jso' wol : 'J~ rr;/t rrtrfw v-^-^s- \ .erril: ood 1 Juo si*; -to boir* ^isr .;;;a cf Jt'Cuoria XXoo srlj lev, e-qi5fp, -aiiT jiw scJnroq HJB JB olcfiaeoq s^? TBluasi SJB l^n/i b'>o,g SB atf J'prtnyso snoijiLnos aaarij ^i;S e^j '!' well ni ^siil J'A . -Iljs oeri^ Xlll-ii/^ Yle^elQjaoo oj- aj? VJBW i? nsow^sd oi**i srfJ 1 isbtaaoo o* sv&si w allso erf^.lo 9r>>r:- r no -^OJBI^XS oiiT is^siasi "f.csrti Tslima eri.t Jbn^ aJIeo ert* 1o ii iw a^& , ari.? 'lo 'U8 3 irfV," has to overcome o With the smaller diameter the size of. .the lower sieve surface on which the cossetts rest 1 also decreases, and as, be** sides this, some of the holes "become stopped up b.y cossetts, the flow of the juice is very materially slwed down. It has "been tried to determine "by experiment which relation between diameter and height is best, but rules which would apply in all cases cannot be made, as the resistance offered to the flow of the juices is not only determined by the length cf its path through one cell, but also by the number of cells in use, and besides this, by the area of the lower sieve which allows feree passage of the j'uice, the thickness and other characteristics of the cossetts and the action of the cossetts during diffusion, especially during warmingo As lass's last two items are not alike in any two factories,, and also vary great- ly in one and the same factory, it is clear that every change in the mode of working would require different relations. Nevertheless it is possible to put up some rules by means of which the chief dimensions .- ox' the cells should be determined^ If very thin cossetts are to be used it will bs found, best to use low vessels with large diameters But in case thick cossetts are to be used., the vessel should be made f a greater height and of a smaller diameter . For average working conditions and an average size of cells a ratio of diameter to height of 1:1-1/4 to 1-1-1/2 is nt/.v mostly used for ordinary cylindrical -ves- sels A ratio of 3U 2 is found less often, as it is preferable to in- crease the number of cells in the battery, making the ratio of the cells l:l-l/2o The above refers to ordinary cylindrical vessels* Experiments, which will be mentioned again later, have bhovvzi that the extraction at different points of the cell may vary greatly/a Thus the opinion de- veloped that this. defect might be remedied by changing the form of the vessol., and conical vessels were actually put in use., Still it does ."Jo s^i -f- rfo'irivr ac> eyai TJ.Cdirf^ 9-ri.t j 1 eA oSrf^tBw g : aj-ftf> Yll^iJ-sqns rrtcxBifl'irfi si^f'tVA gr.rl9>.eo6 6rl-j "io ..-.-... , , . Y'^-Sv ofels f>rrfi c sei'foci'O^l ow.t ^HB ril s:.l'ls j-orr o 1 !^ ^rrre^ i owj- cfSBl- arfd- ni gn^ib v-rsvS jsrfi- t&s'Io sir fi ^"ioO'bB'i sri*a erixf isne arfd nf ^1 *i BaelerfjTsyaK ofenoi^Blsi j-naisi'ii.b s-txup'o^- M-ucv;; arif^cfw 1:6 dl>oci iisnrifc "JSlrio srf^- xfoirfw 'o artasm yd" S8li;' 1; i emoo q^f ix/cj o'J- ^Icfifesog. si t ecf o* siJ iSid-assoo nidi v^sr il Usoriinrrisoo.b scf Mircaa ail^b sr^ 10 ::9-.j bmjo'l 'cf IJ-l.v Ji ^j-a^ *..>- . , .9d bluorfe Issaat nii^ t Jbe'err 3d" oi o-a> sjie:: :.o how 9g' :rf qf- i * 3QT vMi ti o^ s ic ' el .ti na s lc LHJS iMiaisrf Y 6 To s-si-; s.ijv'ii 1 , ;.i -n Jaiis . v ' '^i iatt" v/^a SA. i \i-I-s-l oj- a'sol : fimr<-.'i: : ci S^J. 'ifeo o^jfl'*i A I-I:2 alleo - 'io "fool oitt SiflgMfb i iii'j&g^j ^snOii'ii^Ei scf - ; '^fica H'eo xtt Tc6 'a^^io^ btf j-nliu 'i-jb-ieJi srxi^ - : JB[> net seem probable that the shape of the vessel^ unless it is too ab normal y will have any decided influence upon the extract! on o T?ae form of the lower part of the cell is detennir.ed. by the mods of emptying. In case the emptying takes place through riian holes in the sides of the vessel, the lower part is usually cylindrical, the lower one "being flat in this case and having the diameter of the cello Some cells have the "bottom opposite the manhole rounded off so as to make the emptying of the pulp easier., In cells emptying from the "bottom the form of the vessel is also cylindrical at the "bottom, in case the lower cover has the diameter of the vessel, which is near- ly always the, when the diameter is not too large; or it is coni- cal, the cover fitting on the small ends In cells emptying at the bot~ torn, the sieves are placed in the cover, and in tjiose having a conical lower part they also form the conical surface.. In the latter case it was found to "be very serviceable to make these holes small and further apart in the upper part of the conical sieve than in the lower When the cells, whatever may be their form, are connected up to make a "battery, their chief requirement for this "battery is to make as little resistance to the flow of the juice as possible* In -order to improve the flow the following methods may be useds l e Increase the water pressure on the last cello 2 Reduce the counter pressure in the measuring tank. 3o Increase: the size of the pipe line and valves 4, Perfect evacuation of air 5o Increase free passage through lower sieves*, Q'f all the methods it is in most cases found to be of most use to increase the free passage thi ^ugh the lower sieves- It will not suffice to have this free passage a number of times larger than the aroa of the- pipe, as the pulp will cover and stop up a greater part of ilii ho'l^s, especially when the cOssetts are very thin arid soft* lo anorr sorrt isv/oX yl .rrco K& ftsvo ysvsis 3-riv , mot 97?.e? -::=>*'+ j?J erf.* nl -.^o&'l-^iiZ! Leolrroo srit :T--) oc.rj3 v&sl$ ti.scr iswol ':KI'L bfts.,rJi j ^ 8<>J*vr pr.errj 1 ':>;[.-::: -;' elffjRso suf ot i/rt^ol ssw 'to j?' o^jBsa^g Ad'il -s,i T'.xe frse sieve surface should therefore, "be as large as possible, and those sieves are the best which have the greater number of holes or c:iti' o.f ;" o r r :-;.'; t siie s and at the same time are strong enough, t sijt ^.: i?T'?t>uj's exertytl or. th&iiu Gieves which v/i-r-j fVu-inerly in the up^ei' lied: o the cells are now no longer used, as thoy zi"t only absolutely useless &ut also harmful, as due to their limited size they impair the flow of the juice very much, as soon as pieces of pulp from the before placed cell flow over it and stop up the holes What effect the, increasing of the water pressure in the last cell will have, becomes very doubtful as soon as the difference in level between the water tank and the measuring tank exceeds 32 C feeto According to the well known law, the velocity of flow increases as the square root of the pressure. But due to the higher pressure the coss-' etts are also pressed the harder against the sieve. With strong hard cossetts this may be no drawback, but in case the cossetts are small ' and soft an increase in water pressure may even have a harmful effect* The remedy does not aid when it is needed the most. It is, therefore; not correct to have a pump acting directly upon the battery, because in this case, the harmful action of the pound of the pump _e added t:t that of the increased pressure * Centrifugal pumps are batter suited fnr this purpose = The reduction of the counter pressure due to ths measuring tank by introducing a suction pump between it and the bitt'cur^ is also of service only in certain caseso But this also may act injuriously in case the suction becomes too strong so that air is drawn into the cells o i'or this reason and a!so> due to the greater complications ~;.icl ost s the suggestion of introducing centrifugal pumps between &L different cells, was never made use of In order to reduce th& pi ij?t: v^y aoi^; to ./^.il otlt i. is ami v& j-v arid lo ynisiistoiii or(/ .-tosll xiooa as Iwl^tfuofc \-\9^ .oemooeo r * ia^cr gffitxj'r-^sa: ad^ i>as siriJRo tsisw silj r;os v/oll '3;o vj^ioolev arfj ,wl Llew .'> oj- 9;tifP"9*rq SliJ 10 .o Tsf--rri eilj ieoeaiq, .9 IB 5d~ 93,60 HI j-fjcf t lCo^Cf'Wf:.-Tib Cu 9d" \'Sia 3.feri vs VJSJH siuess'tq -toj,B,/- ni &8.s9'taru n,c j-'io? arij haf)9n si Jx r t -3rlv; r.iB ^orr a^oL xhsmsi sii r i! ; r-';,:' "io noi^ct.;.;^ .( iio j.w- vjj& -^ j^i'^'^-^-i oJIJj 3x1^ rj C!^L : ;:/.? J.;..';A CJOSiJS': oXtl- t c;j- sure of the ccssetts on the sieves, chains or grates were hung inside the cel'is A certain amount of success was met with "by doing this., but as all tliese-. arrangements make the emptying of the cell much more diff- icult, they are taken only as a last resort in case frozen or spoiled beets are used- The "bad effect of large amounts of air upon the flew of the juice is explained "by the fact that the juice travels from the top toward the bottom, while the imprisoned air has a tendency to tra- vel froL; the bottom toward the top* It is due to this fact that large amounts of air or gas, especially when distributed through the whole cell, are a great resistance to the flow of the juiceo For removing the air which collects at the upper part of the cell we use air cocks, or what is better, automatic air vents* Under normal conditions, or we when only water is used for pressing, the automatic air vents are not necessary- But in case the juice is pressed out of the last cell by compressed air, it may happen that, due to leaky valves the air from the pressure line may get into the other cells ana then the automatic air vents may be of great servioe, aiid also in case gases are generat- ed by the cosse'tts during diffusion,, How, whether one is in general satisfied with the manner in which the jui^a is flowing or not, in all cases it is advisable to provide calorisators with pi assure gauges If this is done one knows instantly at which point the pressure is decreased the greatest and where the flow of the juice finds the greatest resistanceo Pipe lines and valves of large cross sectional area are certain- ly of sorae value but the benefit of their action is often over estimat- ed^ In case the velocity of the juice in the pipf does not exceed 328 to 4 92. fte per second, an increase in the size of the pipe can be of no advantage; the poor pressure is then due to another cause * eb, ri f>T9' 39rf-J3-ia to anx.6rio errOi.tiJbnoo lairnorr isbnU .sd-frsv itu oi*rao.tir ? Ta^+$iri: 31 j-eriw to ^B -aJ-nev *iia oiJ-BmoJ-u arfd- t gni3a9-jq Tot Jbsf-i; si ISJ-BV/ ylno i3ilw - r IIso *BS! erfJ lo' ^i/o isassiq ei 9oy(, siiJ- es^o -rrz iot^t "i i erij esvlsv Y^S! o* eirJb t t&ri^ ccsqqjsri v-Bffi i.i. .o^jj-js srlj nerCj iiB''8ll9o isrlJ-o 9/J- o^rrx Jo^ ^BI?: srr.i.C '= iu , j ' i 'b 91 293J33 O3.30 fiX : 3'Ifi >f c eoiV*t9B JBS^ii if ;?cT vfiOt rKOiauTliJC) ^nciifr. 0^^^53.60. . . igon^n 9.ri* rij-iw be/laij-^a Ijs.-isnsg ni ei ano f&;{tri\v t v/oTJ ^ . od^ ftttfaeJiTfc* ax ^i SOSJBO II JB ni t 3on. to yirlwola BX ' oZ^'(, 9^ rioirfw aworr.i eno eaoi) si sxrit II ., segues S'lweee .q rLtiw BiDd-jseitoIao. 9>.xvo-iq erLt tgaBe-roaL sx 9^0s?.9^q axi^ Jrixoq xlo x59-T .taejfie-rg erij- sinx'i 9oi;it erf;M go 9-1.6 B8TJ3 Tsnox^Dsa 83010 0g-j io 89VIJBV Jbn^ semi " sqii: ' -I9VC -nscfio ex noxd-o* TisriJ lo ^i-isn9d" 9rt* Jucf eul^v e.ins^.'io \:I--_ x-9 *orf eertfc rr.cq actt rrl sori/c sif* lo M^xoolev erld". &3*5o.rrl,. , O^Q- o sqfc rf,t to ssie erf^ nx 9EJ39ioni oe ej\n8ii oC'ii\". ^.'i.: ' r .r\rf'J" ctl t.eoij;^ v.Cq^auo erf j,fi I 31 fttSSJ' 3 -"to OBI; 6b,fyr: scf c 9ioleT9 eo-sfq; sojfB >sJ-BS,r[ si teJ.sw srfT iifS fceitcjniB &IJB -allso a.:.'-j- SS.AO rri ort 5i glug; edJ- ea^o nl oixs b9o rf b&Io^o Yl^TiJ.te ecf Jatrm ^-jt .Jb*olia 93 yeiiJ- lonC IIzj-8 e-IMw b*--iaetc[ o TB W owcf' alj-rw ^to* od l*w&.w s/ ?x 53.s.? with hot water, and press off and rinse out after emptying with cold water. The work with the diffusion "battery is nowadays conducted diff- erently in every factory,, Alike in all processes is the continuous working, the heating of the juice "between the cells,, and the direction of flow of the juice* In all cells the juices flow from the top toward: the "br-ttom except in those freshly filled with cossetts , when the juice is passes fr^M the "bettor towards the top for a short time in order to drive cvt.the air. All the rest of the conditions,- above all, ths temperatures, the tine of drawing and the density of the drawn juice between wide limits As the size and number of cells in trio battery and the constituency of the betts and cossetts very greatly ? a- method which will do for all cases cannot be imagined., Thorefurt; a'csi. luted rules cannot be given, but only general ones by the aid of which the best method of working, for any one factory raust be determined* The first requirement for a successful diffusion is naturally a clear so:'t water, containing as small an amount as possible of diss- olved salts- In case such water cannot, be had, the purity of the diff- usion juice suffers- this being especially the case where factories have to contend with small amounts of water arid are forced to use. pur- ified waste water, in which a large quantity of mineral and also organ~ ic matter remains in solution., for diffusion,, A good diffusion should give well extracted pulp and juices which are as pure and concentrated as possible. The work with the diffusion battery is not as the name implies, and as was fust thought when this method of extraction was first introduced, a diffusion -pure and simple, but is at the same time, a laxivation and digest ion, in smooth cossetts many cells are torn, and the more so the thinn : cossetts are.. With ordinary cossetts whieh are more or less rough.. i,j Tto ax r?ffc 'e.ij- si seesa JiLs n elzxA > Siltf Jios ^^IL*:* e-cu* rs-ow^scf a.jtuf sri* *to uri^^e.;. 9^1-^ raoT'S wcJl Baoitr* o;.{j s.cieo n>, nl .. eoiw'f, 9r aeriw f stjeeeoa .xiJ 1 cw l>^J.i-r1 vlas'3-ti a.?.orfj rri jqso n. srait *TOii^ B '"ol qoi siiJ ai; - iswoj r.^tjocf sr! . '- Sji.j 1~ J 35"! S^ri Tf-rl5- 9iu 4 "in .^oisnei) exi^ i)r:B anJcwfi-rb 'to ef: : .lifeo lo fscfatfjfl b'xt* esis 9-iij" sA - ntimil e>J,."A' . : >rrji? sj-tacf eii^ lo \-oneu^i^saoo >.. ecf tonnso SQ3.o HB TO! ob .fliv/ i>> ecf iona^ sno vrs LilB \nfas Ilsm-a -s-s: :4:TJ;KiJ8trjo? < ^0,^;.y .t' Cf'^ ieiJBO ."iS.lf ftOJ/8 e.PBO A ".ll.^ios^as :;r:r.ocf eiii", r -s-rsllf/s g.i.SW 1,- fe.tnUOl.U-, Il,hTP ri'iv LriC^ v^i jrisj/p sjj-usl J3 ifoi.iv; rri .^w ..fro !{/?.! iij TO' ^rroituXOK rvi' c-.j.tJ:irf9 Haw i/i)0t^fri sxi? . as 'Jon si \"vs ,&d r-ciQi s,ev/ rtoid'oeijxs 1:o border:' stri^ oa, -eioa s:iv Jbn^ t ftto.t ^ sllso ^osot the number of torn cells is much greater and. from these the contents are simply washed out,. Then also the cell walls, which when perfect cause diffusion, as well as the contents of tlie cell, contain substan- ces which dissolve when kept in contact with water for some time. These are especially Pectins and organic salts of Calcium and Potass~ ium. During the treatment of t,-e cossetts in the diffusion "battery three actions take place at the same time, namely: 1. The, washing of the juice out of the torn cells. 2. The dialysis of the soluble substances out of the perfect cells . 3. The dissolving of the substances which are indissolu /ole in the "beet. While the first two. especially the dialysis, are those actions which -,ve strive to obtain in diffusion, the third is a harmful effect which should "be reduced as much as possible., It is a sad coincidence that those conditions which are the best for a. good diffusion are also the most favorable t<"> cause the dissolving of the indissoluble substan- ces. . The dialysis takes place t~e more rapidly the higher the tem- perature used, the thinner the juices and tae thinner the cossetts; it is more perfect the- longer it is allowed to act. But not, slow working and thin juices as well as thin cossetts are also the best conditions for dissolving the indissoluble substances of the cells - It is the work of the technical sugar man to at all times con- sider which mothods under the given conditions would give the best re- sult in diffusion, but first of all, which will allow the best extrac- tion of sugar . At the same time it should be noted that one rnathod of procedure may take the place of another. For instance, the time of - : 8 : - duratic-n of the diffusion when higher temperatures and a stronger flow of juice are used, may "be shortened, while lower temperatures may "be used in case the time of duration of diffusion is increased and the cos- setts are made finer,, If the diffusion could he conducted "by using thread like cossett this would be an ideal mode of working, as the entire diffusion would take only a few minutes. Only small vessels would then "be needed and only a small part of the undissolved substances of the cells and cell walls would be dissolved,, while the juice would, nevertheless, be highly concentrated* Unfortunately, it is not possible to produce such cossatts, and neither would it be possible to keep up a large enough flow of juice when using such fine cossetts., Most factories cannot even continually produce cossetts of 1/12 inch in thidkness, or smooth cossetts of a somewhat constant cross section. The time of duration of diffusion must be determined by the degree of extraction of the largest cossetts* The greater their number the longer diffusion must act in order to ob~ tain a good average extraction* By the time a good average extraction has been reached, the extraction of the sugar from the thinner oossotts is nearly perfect, and quite an amount of non sugar has already been dissolved from their cell walls, while the thick cossetts still contain far more than the average amount of sugar that should be kept in them Therefore, in order to obtain a good diffusion the cossetts should ba made as uniform and thin as possible, without having them thereby im- pair the flow of the juice* There is an upper limit for the temperatures en the battery which lies where the cossetts begin to get soft, or when they become scalded/* Scalded cossetts will pack so tightly upon the lower sieve that the flow of the iJiuice becomes very slow For different kinds of beets the temperatures vary at which the cossetts become scalded.-. In . < -: 9 s- * Tewol tins b&' al n i^w 1 \'rf ' -'3 9 rf >Xi/6o n '1 oii* sTMnS' OiiJ & '' t jin lifted lc ei>oar J!fi' : 'bi*frA acT J; ".yo^r sirfj t &ji'UQ'0 .f;?ieo'9v' 'Ijsae \ v l'frC .sefUftici' sl a -.irib -skiir tit ic'" 8o : b:frr^scfi; . ; IlA-3?-. "fe \-Inc' >Il'^ifOite ssijsl'-'js cri- ^sei 6* " "' ' : ' ' A r . ""' "' " '.co rtjoojfa T." . r " nl 11001 SL\I 10 s**c*7 ; *oi to rfol-jsii."' "Jc VL-*;I *"'rJT itoi*o93 S^OTO J'ns^c.tco ;.i_* e J* "Yc- froit5^ttjC9 lo eT3^b 6di ^cf Jb'oninie j'si 'e-.f rri' ' *oi- ?SJrtC ; 'ndJ e'TlliL :?:>; no I eiir '-re 5t"rL i n Tlerft to ;o I fi's e^opa ^ii ecf i>lOffa a^tipec eii^Tfolr " " ' ~' ' rf ^joasqo &i^/w ^i: rftbi*- ' ' ' .joa'-iaiiJsoB *fceil.-o3' :". ; general, fresiily harvested ripe beets will stand a higher temperature than beets which have been siloed, but the method of fertilization and climate during O rowth also have an influence upon this* In the case of sound beets the juice may be heated to 176 to 183F without having to fear any overheating. It should also be noted that the temperature of the cell contents is always a number of degrees lower than the ther- mometer in the calorisators registers- No cossetts will stand a tem- perature above 1943? without getting soft. Naturally a great deal de- pends upon the length of time during which the cossetts are subjected tothis higher temperature.. This is why it is possible to use higher temperatures in connection with quicker work, i.e, a more rapid ex- changing of cells than with slow diffusion. When unsound, rotten or frozen beets have to be handled, high, temperatures cannot be used under any conditions, as the cossetts from such beets, that is where the beets can really be sliced into the form of ccssettS) are soft from the start and get softer even in case com- paratively low temperatures are used. The temperatures to be used are also different for long and short batteries and for large and small cells,- The shorter the battery and the smaller the cells the higher the temperatures that must be used, the greater the number of cells that have to be kept at the high temper- ature, even the pressure water should be quite hot, while in the case of long batteries with large cells, the temperature has to fall in the direction of the first cell, and only a few cells should be kept at the highest temperature., In order to draw ui'f juices of high concentration, which, be- sides a good extraction; we slioul'l always strive to obtain, the cossetts should, during the cntii e v;vocess of diffusion, be surrounded by as little liquid as possible.. The concentration will become the higher, 10 :~ .-- ' ^f-r- *-. ; .-!*ii; n?' in t; ^.,. .^ '-N?ri >. ."''" ; " iin -- . 1 '; 'bi . i : ttf -frlimila r-o '.-. ^ ,, v l i ? ' at ~'. _*flTU^. a5 4jj*i'i fJfc wl W%irt -' : --' ', Xi ' ' ' ', f 4.4. , I ^ . . - T ' , : * -* -'.'. -. ' TJ "?.30i t , ** s^ " ' ' : . . . .-^, atiJ eXIea " ' . Lrr-'' - ' .] .-- -. 4^ - '-'r^ -r - "Xc .-; ';-.: .-;/. :-,, . . -. -WJjJC cj- %o f vro nl - . - o Oj. .s^ other things remaining the same, the more cossetts by weight are con- tained in a cell or the nigher the so called filling is. In this dire- ction the large cells again have an advantage over the small oneso By using stampers it is possible to get 120 to 130 Its. and more of cos- setts per 1 hi. into the large cells, while in case of smaller ones, especially when the working is rapid and there is no time for stamping only 110 Ibs. per 1 hi. can be gotten in. Evidently, the condition in which the cossetts are has a great influence upon the magnitude of the filling, as thin cossetts and those from fresh beets can be packed tighter than thick cossetts and those from dry beets* Basing our conclusions upon the above treatment, we can dis- tinguish the following typical methods of working from one another. They have their advantages and disadvantages depending upon local con- ditions. (1) In the work with a long battery of from 12 - 14 cells of small capacity - 1.2 to 13 tons, the cossett nust be thin and the tem- perature of the whole battery up to the last cell must be kept as high. as possible. VJarin pressure water should be used. The diffusion should be short, I.e. last from 1 - 1-1/4 hours. Hence, the change of cells and the flow of the j^ice must be rapid. The drawn off juice will usually exceed the normal amount. (2) In the work with a long battery of from 12 - 14 cells of large capacity - 3.0 to 5.0 tons, the cossetts should not be too thin and should be of uniform size. The temperature must be high in the front and must drop toward the back a little more than in case (l). The pressure water should be cold or only slightly heated, the diffusion should last from 1-1/2 to 1-3/4 hours, the change of cells should be less and the flow of juice slower than in case (1). The drawn off --,,.. " f ' 'bh f ai bs< v|n "Aj sIcFl^notl i rtf \rJtfw W^ : "^' : *** j ' d . 1 yi ** j \ri6 "i iqi 5 i T-niaft^v il* ::uw ' ,n'{ rtftV'to;, , >j. ":-:. * .---''''' :.., f- + .. _*X * . : " - '" ,.- 4 '*.. ''.+; .jflllli ; S8OiV* Oi Xti) noil s?.Ct^ to^ e * JN, * .L- * kA 1 '" ... , . -t 1 + -i.ri} > 3 ?: "- : '-; ^ IOn ?-* U :: 8 t- ; ' : - -'- ' -rt It."^ 1 -., -- ' " " ." - "' ..'.:-' V- PL : ... ,. ... . ' ^.. o.* S.I ^> ta^*,o - .. ^ < *^ wol^ ttl* b.'ijs elleo ^ .jji/'^as I*iTtoa *L* fcs r 4 * V r ^ *j - ' ' fcf fclifOdS t^ etir- orm tTD"? * lfi ;ir t 'f)J nwatii nl newoa uice can be reduced to 100^ of the filling. (3) In tae work witn a short 'cattery with from 6-3 large lls, the cossetts should be kept as in case (2} and the temperature 6f the entire battery should be maintained as high as possible. The ressure water should be warn and the diffusion last from 1/1/4 to 1-1/2 hours* The chaise of calls should "be still smaller and the flow of the juice slower than, in case (2) e ?_-.? amount cf drawn off Juice will be somewhat higher t^an in case (2). When one must vorl: witn a diffusion battery already installed in a factory, one can select the uost appropriate of t^e above given three methods of wording, in order to secure, together with a maximum capa- city, the highest concentration of juice and a good extraction. How far t.ue extraction should be continued is entirely a matter of calculation. In case the battery is comparatively small and the quantity of beets to be worked is large, it would not be correct to try to get a thorough extraction by decreasing the capacity or by drawing off more juice, as the gain in tno sugar would be balanced or over bal- anced by the increased cost of operation, due to running at low capacity loss of sugar in the stored 'oasts and the coal consumption. But if the battery is plenty l~r,_;c ,. it ."ci-lcl bo \vrou,; not to drive the extrac- tion as far as possible "?- r.:,i..j; t^c correct tai.-'peraturas and time of draw of diffusion, out of fo-r t.ij juices cbtainod from the last cells would have too lov n puriLy,, and \vould therefore, have a bad effect upon the rest of the juic33 c Although this last opinion is wide spread it can only be applied in exceptional cases- as ?n working very poor, frozen and rotten "beets- In case of sound and ripe beets the thin juices from the last cell, when separated, often have a low purity, but by separation and saturation so many non sugars are precip- itated or so changed that the purity is very considerably increased. Uil.JlCiBv '-;..': ^;'-A.. '.Hf* 1 ^ 6 .? 6 WO.TT. *-; itxus;' ' -""*.*;.-; r t ~ * *% %/ i^e-- .!*> ^-u . ;i^_ . , . , ... yj. . ... J "" " - . '.' " *. so .-a-'^iiJfer ior5;... jCi^ct- " ,rt. '.ii r:qi R*i*T blTii I^JiiiS -"*.?<' . ' it. .t^jb ?- v * ^ * ii>'ii'] ; Cl .. fTO 1 J Cv?i* r . Uq*c vol ^ ^-{.;.li . .L#':.~". ^3 bfron *. > '.'*.' : o- j.,> "*, >.* . " i '. *** -nc ... -. '-:.: b - . * '., ,. !> -!;: ^?i '.': .'-?; -r-. p 9aj3 .... SC ii^.0 '" . * * ' * In case the syrups made from the purified Juices are corractly neutra- lized,, tiis sugar can "be profitable extracted "by crystallization, as they are otherwise costless and are obtained without an increase in the work-*' ing cost or coal bill. The fact that tne carbonated alkalies, which are found in great quantities in the separated and saturated after juicas of the diffusion,, and have to be carefully neutralized before they are worked alone,, when worked together with the diffusion juice, as takes place when high extraction is used, act favorably instead of unfavorably is explained by the circumstance thnt the thin juices usually contain soluble salts of calcium, which latter is precipitated as calcium car-. s bonate upon the addition of the carbonated -alkalies. In case such sol- uble salts of calcium are not present in the separated juice, a satura- tion of the thick juice with sulphurous acid will act very favorably* In considering the question of the limits of extraction we should not leave the fact unmentioned that the extraction of the cosset ts is different in different parts of the cell, and that the extraction of eugar, as well as of non sugars is naturally less in the thicker coss- etts than in the thin ones. Experiments roade, to determine the differ?- ence i;j extraction in different parts of the cell, gave varying nuner- ical results, but all proved, as we should naturally suppose, that the percentage of sugar in the pulp increased from the top towards the bottom, so tiiat the pulp near tne bottom sieve contained 0.1 to 0.2f and sometimes more sugar than that near the top. If conical sieves are used as in cells emptying from below, the extraction towards the center of the conical part may possibly be very poor if most of the juice flows through the upper holes in the sieve. In large cells a higher percent- age of sugar is sometimes found in the pulp in the upper corners when the cylindrical part is surmounted by a flat top. All these variations 13 :- ;$?,*.*. tHi' ..ji' 1 - . . ^ : i-sTP ; -...; .;-- ., .; .-^.1.^4 * OITJ .e-*- . .-.^ . ' . * - . : V ' '-' ' .-' * -NI .... . ;-, it* ;H9l. < tjBOO ,ei - :/,,-,, r ;^ --//' I . i : : > .."^ t ,v<- . i>^*rm*jBe ' '*">:. .../... . ' - r. '..;,;' ,.... . - '. :.~:'.. -. f tola ':? |."""-- ; .- i>;^> ^jc^itj;' " - * . M^-ffoivt co^tirlllJb at *ii -tei-y ^^-"v/i- v^.^^^w ^9.^- ;.*' .-'', Jb*?p;i ..-I -.., .. ' : - ;..- . -'-J ILau^u *99lul attU 1 xi? 't<*ji> ^aia:tfeu;>Tia, .:i *-;* ::*.'.' J -^ -- ;_;.., , , ? .Q..*. la i r^.: . __ --';.;.../. >r, ,. B ^ 4 ^ . a-n ?9t*no^T .":* 'If.f ;<., .-./-b* g.vt noq[ ,.* .: ...,.. _^ ^'oit^e'^^'JBij.ia^p lo vjQA ;i^t^;'tflk**'u 0^ w-.ao2.'tpT ~ rT*j^tfp' rt*-^. r s4.*ifcico9 nl *'"'< j ***;":*..- * .>.'. ~' f . -. f, ^e^'/ji^ *o,;t ' ' 5 ' . ... '; - J H ^o nc i^p^T^JC^ pi^ }d*).i bsus , lo''8^"K*i3 !.!:*.". ^t-ib ni * ' ^ >i . ^9l*ifc'-iiJ nti-zife '' . " nU;n anivw 1 nie3tiii).r nf .noi .<*;..-. ,^fq-. , f ,. -. - "*-, v. , fc6?c-T9iTi qliiq air. , . t*aiq[ .. -iff . i... ,i/& " ...'." *. . " ' -. -. s" 1 Jt" ",Vbrrf'-efO'T.1. ^tfe*i;iJsr3 v;' .;'..... " * ' .'-;..,,. f. ' ftftt' Vtffr o_ qfk($ ?* IIA .qn^ tall ^rf bojrjuosnu* ai __ r . in extraction appear only on a small scale when the extraction Is good in general. Taut "become very large when the extraction is poor, or when. the pulp contains as much as 0.5/b sugar on the average,. This fact also shows that the extraction should be carried quite far, as only then the actual loss in sugar tallies with the determined loss* The amount of juice drawn off per 1 ton of "beets is" determined by. the degree of extraction,. Before increasing the draw of the diff- usion juice, in order to improve an unsatisfactory extraction, one should try to do so "by improving the cossetts, using higher temperatures by an increased heating of the last cell, or a "better filling of the cells while keeping the flow constant. The measuring of the diffusion juice is usually conducted in open pro-heaters.. The amount drawn off is either indicated "by an ord- inary float or by a controlling apparatus with regulating attachment a This method of measurment must be considered quite crude, at any rate it is impossible to get exact figures by means of it.-. Sufficiently acc- urate figures may be obtained by measuring the juice in a tank provided with an overflow, -if from this tank all the juice is drawn after each filling and its volume has been predetermined by filling it with a known weight of water* If the overflow is adjustable *so that the capa- city of the tank can be regulated by means of it, such a measuring tank will come up to all requirements, and will even take the place of aut- omatic measuring apparatus, of which there are a number of commendable forms In many cases the juice of every draw is spindled*. If stress is laid upon the getting of a good, average sample., this mode of control is of great value. But when it is suggested to regulate the draw acc- ording to its density, so as to immediately increase the draw when the density rises and decrease it when the density falls, the suggestion .-* /--.. iff_.f.S9ii :J "... :" *ri~ _.-.. "-.'.I :.' n rnoo wnfc~#&lir .si ai j A srr u- > vrr"; ,- a:iA"Tii lo. 0-tis srit \ r fli C 3JT?, ?O ':c*n"'f \;"cf : s o> OJ ^tjf fcli;-:.^ r io "3rtlfra*a ts%j5nn rts vi rtulnj5a erfT T*^JB.'l-DtT f iToTlrroa \.d to *^oll x*'^" i#3*'l forxp i'9.- of ;eE isttxVttfc sVJ iiij* If 3 Vs. Id"*E.-ro JHOO lo ^eAcurr >i^ -i" ^ " n {j ^^-i J19T eii^ -Ci.s*io : bo 'ir aq sh arf-Ji ju seems to have no sound "basis. The beets should be veil mixed when they get to the slicers and the cossetts become mixed still better, so that the filling of the cells does not vary much irf its percentage of sugar each day, and the density of the juices varies but little when the filling is uniform,, Then also, the density of the draw and the extraction depend upon so many things besides the flow of the juice, that such a regulation of the flow may even have bad consequences if the percentage of sugar in the cossetts in the different cells really is different., Consequently, the best rule is to change the rate of flow only when the percentage of sugar in the pulp is no longer normal, and can be decreased in no other way- Such a regulation is only seldom necessary and can "be easily conducted with ordinary- measuring tanks By experiment it was shown that concentrated diffusion juices usually are of higher purity than thinner ones, and this fact becomes i the more noticeable when the pressure water is impure., Por this' reason and the coincident economy in coal, one should strive to draw as small an amount of juics as possible* Many factories get along with a draw of 9,,1 TIL per one ton of beets* More than 10 to 10.5 HL per one ton of beat.- should never be drawn where coal is expensive, but in case the extraction is not great enough it is better to make appropriate changes in the diffusion battery > When one wants to insure oneself that the method of working used is correct, samples of juice should be tested simultaneously from all cells of the battery for purity and percentage of sugar Prom the determined percentage of sugar one can find the increase for each cell. If the found figures are now platted, the numbers of the cells being taken on the axis cf abscissa and the per cent increase in sugar on the axis of ordinates, we get a curve, which in case the method of working is correct, will have a definite regular shape <, But if the method of i a - JT Jon e ,ut, ri* wfiif^erf*. lo x*i* ft*. t ,oli;L iiJ *io li ^Qfs^p* k Xwt Jed erIJ t ^I*asyo9eiTcO -^rr^sllli: - "" Bcble 1 * "zXno >>^ ni>lJ' t *" o tr:'> CTTOLftR aa* ?i tn : jdrrrTi-id- ns.rf^ v*^^." 1 * 1 * - # = **.; rtireEiKl s^ ' n * I . I T ' [it* fciirolte. CKC t Xiwi oi x w K ^ 5^ Rei-neJOBl \-or-"- '**Dtocq aa r o? 01 * I^M - 3 - eod l0 ,"' Isae 1o 0iB'v;IXaaij oi^cn etoa ri,t . 211- -''3 i^ ^-^ . , ^. ..^-rr- -f sric, al jwtf B, ar ' ' 4uo ? V ' -I^ .-*T i.t mm'v . - :.*;. :* v " > f^.. - red uXIo oiir Ic ' "'??> ^ w r ' ^ y lo t lo : ,.^ i . *.?'';;; .*?;' ' ''*'' '' ' '"* " ^ diffusion is incorrect this curve "becomes irregular in shape, which means that the extraction in the different cells is not uniform, as it ought to "be, and the total work done "by the battery is not a maximum* The purity of the diffusion Juice does not always allow us to draw conclusions as to the value of the juices, as not only the con- stituency of the non sugars varies, but also because it is unknown as to the amount of these non sugars that will be removed during separa tion and saturation,, It is hence easily possible and often happens that a diffusion juice of low purity gives a better fillmass than ons of higher purity,, nevertheless the determination of the apparent purity of the diffusion juice has a certain practical value, as it is : often possible by its aid to draw a conclusion as to how the juice may act and what troubles may arise in later stages of the process. Such conclusions are only allowable then, when many and regular purity de- terminations are made, and only then is it possible to judge whether a change in the working of the diffusion, especially a more rapid and hotter working will be advantageous to the purity of the juice. It must be considered quite wrong to judge the value of the diffusion by comparing the purity of the diffusion juice with the pur- ity of the pressed beet juice, and by believing the diffusion the better the greater the difference in the purities* It is well known that the purity of the pressed juice of the same kind of beets varies with the fineness of the pulp and the applied pressure, and that beets grown under different conditions give press juice of very different quantity and composition. There is therefore, no press Juice which is charac- teristic of the tested beets, and therefore, comparisons with it are untrustworthyo Estimates as to the value of the work of diffusion can be made fit f asEtooocf vti/o s&tt Joe-noon! al noluTt -.' 9iij 'lo yofteirtiJa "ai tl tttQ-taqiG ssi* 1o acti^ ' - ' ' - '. Ifd'tlsAiv oit srf/' wcri c'.* 'P.S ff? -P t0^ nftriTr ''**'.. larftsrfw "dfc^r 'e'o'5 5 ?-r ri" r -. ; .-.. , b^ w*.1fc ^ elcT^ bta.s^i "^tf Icffe^o-q rr - e-il:,..^'- -. i ^{ '*.*, : : ,rri":^qcno9 x^ oolstfllii snivsilacf" vtf : jbnjf t p4J>.L^^etf fce?Tq[' a^ti 1 lo Y* nvrrnf Mew el"?J5' * % R .- :- " ' - ^:-- \&tio al t d n*?o ncxRi^^iJ 'r - ' r - .'.< erL) 50 efii 1 '?o E ; ^ t.'_- ft- eisa-jV evi^ e.^^ ^^p Jiiei*T$l 5.*i , e-told-.fiiJ. ki!' - \ ' *n IP i'"" ' ~ < BTr?t-iCii?* i>a* . &j " ' -a'*' efi^ x* '. ; . , ' * " .- - V " - .:...- t * -3 only oy comparing diffusion experiments It is still undecided whether a comparison of tlie work in practice and a laboratory experiment, which is only a digestion, has any practical value* At any rate a Juice pre*- pared by digestion is more -suitable for comparison with diffusion juice from the same kind of beets than the press juice* The best comparison between two methods of working is given only by trial runs with two batteries, using the same kind of beets<, As such tests can only be conducted with lots of trouble and great expense, on a large scale, it is best in general to base upon figures obtained by the use of small experimental batteries, to regulate the working according to them, and "besides that, make it a chief requirement to obtain a good extraction and concentrated juices. The changes through which the Materials of which the beets are composed go, by changes in the methods of working the battery, are only little known. The chief constituent, the sugar y apparently suffers no change, even when working hot and slowly, as in many experiments no or only a doubtful increase- in invert sugar was found, doubtful in so far as it is uncertain whether the slight increase in invert sugar took place in the battery and caue from the raw sugar , or whether the other constituents tend to produce reducing agents. The diffusion juices contain from .05 to .15;",' of reducing agents, ac- cording to the greater or less per cent contained in the beets. Of the albuminous substances a larger part seems to remain in the cossetts when the work is hot than when it is cooler. The per cent of acid in the diffusion juice varies only slightly. The acid reaction is partly due to acids and partly to acid salts of potassium, which either were in the dissolved state in the beets or were dissolved during diffusion. The amount of dissolved pectins and of the soluble calcium and potassium salts increases rapidly with the length of duration of diffusion and -: 17 :- IllJe e .J.Tft.niT 9.7x0 v-i~ i . T " *. fA . -,-: lul Jti:t *i*i- ;*, c*t, inOjlJa '-.; - a.*i aol***Mii> t"T la T^ !?*"' i .. t IjBOs t e s to f.rti.B.tiio Q.^ }&cit Iwjptan Is ..?- - '-" '" . ^. t;w ^?' . ^ ;>. r >ru a .- tl&ncd ind-*> ..! U/: i* t ,RSl : * nslogo - TOW rred t a<- 5^-. Ft t. no - Tto- t . tevloesils ettt-' fit iii ^ r* ^ the number of cells. The fertilization and grade of ripeness of the "beets has a very great influence upon the solubility of these substan- ces. From beets which were fertilized with too much potassium and Ni- trogen a greater quantity of non sugar is dissolved than from beets fer- tilized with the correct amount of phosphoric acid, not only because these substances are present in greater quantities and are more soluble in the former beets, but also because these beets cannot be extracted as easily, and hence higher temperatures must be used or the diffusion must last longer. Frozen or rotten beets suffer greater changes dur- ing diffusion, especially when a long and hot diffusion is used; in this case the percentage of invert sugar, acid and substances containing pectins, rises most. Changes in the ordinary methods of diffusion have often been suggested and tried without becoming a practical success, or being used for any length of time. In order to reduce the great number of valves in the diffusion batteries used at present, trials were jaade to carry on the entire diffusion in one body This mode of working stranded on the impossibility of keeping the juices of different densities from mixing, so that an imperfect extraction was obtained in spite of draw- ing off thin juices. Then again, it was tried to have the juice flow from the bottom towards the top instead of fron the top towards the bottom with the purpose of keeping the cossetts floating and thereby doing away with the stopping up of the lower sieves. But the flow of the juice crowded the cossetts towards the top, thereby stopping up the holes in the upper sieves. Besides that the flow from the top towards the bottom is preferable, as it is then possible to displace the thick juice by the following thinner ones without causing them to mix. In order to coagulate the albuminous substances while still in * ' I eoaecIV ' " : ?* & * i-Te rf .T>H'- f -xo ~s. i r5 acootets ot T3* c.i- .;-i* [lip 1 *> Cifll *n-ieruc Ix- ^ fl^i>JE .'.i fcSf^J^TClO f i* aJbtfivo^ t .sat s 30 1 e^t cion^ troll. 8o*'I?jaifc ct Idi?2j e.* ta&iif ^ntsojBo ^coii^i al flits elixlw Roni--te ni nlq*2{ To rrj tewar rrl no cjnii slit no ' ' , ; " i al>TJB^ . -^AJ ..3j,niq;i Ira e : s^.fii/c ftrU 1 - *a* lc^ . --"'- " : .<-J\:' 9tif rri selofl erU -'si aot'tod &ii^ ' . ri of tai>no nt the cells so as to prevent their getting into the juices, ib was tried to heat the cossetts just after having "been filled into the cell, "by steam or very hot juice y to such a temperature at which the albumer.. coagulates. It is very doubtful whether this method, erven in case it *:-. . .feasible, would have any practical value 5 as the albumen which coagulates whsn heated would not create any trouble in later processes But this method really cannot b c . executed at all, as heating of the fresh cossottc by means of strain would not only m^ke ths juices very much thinner, "but would also scald a part of the ocssetts so badly that they would get soft and resist the flow of the juice., Py m^-ans of hot juice one could, even if it were as hot as ?12 V -]? only heat a part of the cossetts to a temperature above 160 V 3? and would, at the same time scald a portion of the cossetts. The fact that the air contained in the oossetts hinders extrac** tion, led to the suggestion of pumping all the air out of ths cells be- fore letting in the juice,, The profit due to this mode of working is so small that it does not balance the increased expenditure i jr appara~ tus and power* Disturbances in the work of diffusion sometimes require a change in the mode of working. Such disturbances may be due to the conditions of the beets, the inattentivencss of the? workmen, or by a shut down in another department < One of the most difficult problems is to work frozen or rotten beets without slowing the work down too much and getting very poor juices. Beets which have become frozen through and through in a heavy and lasting frost, will not thaw out in the warm water of the ditches or washing machines. One can be satisfied if the adhering dirt thaws up enough to be washed off. Prom such beets good cossetts cannot be made. .oh;>ijt scf jcii^so 3jj08Poo Jbooa The ordinary knives will not do at all, and we have to use finger knives of which those with "roof ripper" (Dachrippen) fingers are to be pre- ferred to those with smooth fingers. In this way one gets small cosa- r . - .> etts mixed with much pulp which, as such, causes enough trouble in diffusion., Very often the cossetts containing much ice freeze togeth- > er and form a solid lump as soon as the warm juice is let into the cells and these lumps do not thaw out during the whole time the diffusion lasts. On emptying the cells one therefore, finds besides the normally extracted cossetts also those cossetts which were in the frozen lumps and which have only a small part or none of their sugar extracted. In order to avoid this bad condition as much as possible i* is advisable to allow sufficiently warmed juice to enter from the bottom while the cells are being filled* On the other hand, comparatively low temper- atures must be used in the rest of the cells, as the cell walls of the' beets have already been partly destroyed by the frost and the cossetts, therefore, get soft very easily. Rotten or poorly siloed beets must be treated in a similar way. The temperature must be lowered in accor- dance with the amount of frozen or spoiled beets in order not to have the pressing too poor* Self evidently, the extraction of the cossetts under these con-* ditions is very irregular, but of two evils we must chose the lesser, and that in this case is the increased loss in sugar as compared with v;- the use of iii; temperatures, which finally would bring the flow of. the Juice to a standstill, and thereby make the working of such beets an impossibility. The greater loss in sugar is also the smaller evil as compared with a lowering of tlie quality of the juices,, "which takes place in a large degree when high temperatures are used in connection with slow worko . * -: 20 :- nit str J v*rf * v v fcn* , r '- ** :- ; ton ' -**! vd oJ -tf p-T^raT.fl . -xft.") * .- ' -, v > '-'" ^ gTcfuc *s, *ri ' " ' *'* - M"U *? see i'l' r* *Tt .c '!? '.~f'. r -i --.' 9oii;"!. -rjjtlw *it SB nooe s>* 7i-.-j_ : o~ t~< t-rtci - " ' " - . y.r.. -.-?. A . . . x p- . '. . no 1 e J^ ^ i ?U - eiftf'^y v V 1 J xXXjBr^oft jsi-* 9tl6rf SafUX acl6tef. *fipk ' -^f.?'-:^<|ti9 : "'0 ' ''. ' ""--"' '7' ' I" nl .siflw ,.oi.''*' o'**^' ^oo sp.^i^ oda s.f ?9eroo !><>t :_.^.' . "-.'* *' v * - 'I,T ' ".t ic tiMr 1IMV8 4 ^Efoo erii ..oi.f^ Ac; rt*. .IJtdw o*J7rf ^i* . -ti -rsJrre C T * opiu?, ^ ' :1u wof ^If'TJt.vJriiftOTEOO t irruu| .Tfltfi- o 9n* '** *-.^i- ; * . '. :- .il? l-b--.all*w . Ifto -eiC? B* t eilo..>iJ lo t^' 1 , ; '^* & C"LB|J "^ . . - .; 'i'tcr .eril fi? . :'.:! .-.. t --.' *.tJfeir9 tT'2 so^.o j-a^ia * aire cvr^- o .^irc .n 4 ->- - nr eo ' ssjaaio.. . . .., ;, .. . . T? . , , I '.T^f iiJ! ' . ^jBiif s . erLf caJC* si 1^:1/12 \lU-.i4lmijpil ... . . lo YiiJt^ vni-rtwcl * lti* " ; -" if --""' ' ' l *>*. -.. l.> . s-;' -i." . tu .' T-eiiW S3T . ^*Ji. ,4*- flfl W . ..'i~ >*' -. . : - .. The generation of gas during diffusion appears less often in the rapid and hot work used nowadays than it did when slower and cooler work was done. This generation of gas presents itself in the fact that a strong formation of foam appears, especially in the last cell, The foam is caused by gases, composed mostly of hydrogen, which are generated in the cells by fermentation, "but experience has taught us that gas is generated mostly when dirty "beets are worked, or impure water is used as pressure water. 21 '? ai CHAPTER V. HANDLING OP THE PULP. The pulp Is discharged through the bottom of the cells, and in order that this discharge shall be rapid and regular, the cells nust have proper ventilation at the top. The cells discharge in a heap and the pulp fluries nust be wide and deep enough to accomodate the entire mass. With the side discharge cells, considerable pulp renains behind; this can be best rer.oved \7ith a strong current of vrater inject- ed through the bottom screens. Pulp troughs are generally employed for transporting the ex- hausted cossettes and are, like beet flioes, the simplest method of transporting on horizontal planes, and the methods of operating then are the same. The troughs should have considerable breadth and depth, but a heavy grade is not necessary, 50 mi., in 1 n. , being sufficient. The size of the troughs depend, of course, on the size of the diffusers. The pulp carries more than its OTTO weight of vrater, and it is usually necessary to float it with the addition of water at the heal of the flune. L'any factories use air to aid in discharging the pulp from the cells, but it is not alTYays successful. One aethod of discharging by air, is to pass the air in at the bottom of the cell to thoroughly agitate the pulp, a sliding door in the bottom of the cell is opened at the sane time and as soon as the pressure is sufficient, the whole mass is discharged in the direction of the pulp presses. To elevate the pulp from the flumes, bucket elevators are used, but these present difficulties and do not entirely fill with pulp or drain the water fast enough. These obstacles can be overcome by naming the rater discharge higher and by placing the elevators directly in the path of the flume. The difficulty with this arrange- ment, is that the elevator has to work empty for a while and then is , - - nit ftftg ,allso erfJ "ro iaoJJorf tfJ rt-j/oirtt fc^tBiloaXA Bl lf> ftXX? 1 ' " ; j < .-_ .- .. . . - 'IVOR* 4&f)b kXB V .. .. 19^8*.? lo ^nd-nx/o snci^a B :^i% tavo^^T ic r c" ^ ;so 9 .it i Is-trtosiiofi no s^ Bi^orrj orIT .wsse erfif nletf , .nr X ni , .c^: 03 ,*-^BEa*cn ton ni a - -'".'.. ".o ca ertl no ,OSTUOO "io ' f . r .Bii&iJ a i ti i>n rTotsv: lo ^fijalor OTO ei'Jt rit ^o ?*."irt 0^4- ^e ^*wr lo rtoj.*]f>^6 Ml* rUiv 1 isol'i oi rri Jbia ol xta aeu eeirroi-Ofil 'jt lo ao^toti erft 1 nl rtta arli' - r;; ' '' ix rf lo ro^jotf atfj rri toot) ^rrtJblXe s'.^Xoq; eJ; *IL ^s^ic: ?ri? 30 nooe e/s JMti aciJ erW lo noitceUri ert* ni Msi^oall> el of - . .-t... ..-. . - -. ' --^-.. , --;...; i - --'"' : "?: >> ..- : : :,- ' : ./' ' UT.I-V-B 8lrl^ fiti'sr xtXr/oiTill? wff .carXl erl* lo to ox . / : . -> '= ,/: i v. '. ' - .-: i tftfo Jbnjp '"IJ-rffr, s 10*?- \'}^r3 .-f'tc.r '^ ) ;rt lolsveXd c entirely buried when a cell is dumped. To obviate thia, smaller elerra- tors are -used end a horizontal an.: is made to revolve in such a manner as to catoh the pulp, press and raise it from the "bin at the same time. These are oat-isfactory as far as lifting is concerned but do not give a eiaiioiont ly dry pilp. Pulp purr's rith large pressure pipes are made to TTor'ri in tae same way. Prom the lifting devices, the pulp is distributed over the pulp presses. A thorough and constant distribution of pulp is essen- tial, for tr.e presses do not ?/ork unless they are entirely filled. The distribution is nado 07 means of a scroll conveyor over the line of presses; the ccnvej^r trough being provided with proper gates over each press. Pulp presses are of all sortd of design, but the essen- tial feature in all of then is that tho screen against which the pulp is pressed should be strong and sufficiently porous, and the press water should be properly removed, \7ith all the pulp presses, there is a certain loss of pulp through the screens. In order to prevent this Iocs, the press water is reconveyed to the pulp flumes. There is some question as to the value of powerful presses with regulated pressure. With excessive pressure, many of the valuable constituents of the press waters are lost. For direct feeding or souring, the pulp must not be pressed too much, and for these purposes 10$ dry substance is considered the desirable amount. If on the con- trary the pulp must be dried, it must be pressed as much as possible in order to save in fuel, which is more important than the loss of nutritive material. The dry substance left in the pulp depends not only on the construction of the presses, but on the properties of the cossettes and the work in the diffusion. Thin crisp cossettes, or those rchich are warn or hot, press better than those which are thick, spongy, or cold. i.9ftnnar B rfoira nJf 9vIor:^ lo v.:l'>tv ?.n ^ ;? r- ~/ .- 'f ''' " - . A- . Al*^ - . .-. . *V. . t -f'S -^.i. - 'i.^ ci r"- 'j r^ c - Y'ith the :"rur: apparatus, the pulp directly in contact rrith the hot gases by topping through the:.:. The drur; systems vary only in t::e method of introdti.cing and conduct ing the gas oxtrrents. The droiis are uT.ially her ted vrith one oven, and the pulp fed through single openings. It is ;.ere difficult to regulate the heat vrith this tsyste:.-. than in using ovens, and the pulp is apt to be, on account of this - -.ore unstable . The indirect drying with steam is done in double eased hous- ings provided rrith a number of trayc placed one above another, stean pipes provided with shovels and ralces are revolved in the trays to thoroughly nix the pulp. The pulp :.;ust be hashed up after pressing, in order to thorough drying. The -^ater vapor is dravm off, thus * drawing some air through the bottom, of the apparatus and aiding the evaporation. The temperature, during the operation, is about 100 c., and even r. r ith slo-.7 '.7or!t doer; not exceed that very i;Tuch. The lull" never brooms t>y this ...,e-';hod and i-iaintains its natural color and porous struct- ure, TThile the fire dried pulp is souerrhat dark and glassy. The steam drying requires less c^.re and is simpler than the fire process, tut cannot be forced. The costs are higher on account of fuel, though cheap- er coal can be used for the TorK. The original cost of the step.:.: process is higher biit the repairs of the fire process r&e up the difference. The advantages of the fonuer are in giving a superior product, and it is i-iost generally in use. Yfith the direct drying, it is possible to use as i.uch as C0$ of the total heat value of the fuel, though such intensive rorlx is apt to give poor pulp. ' f - A A f \f} . . .,. pfl wr-o'^s . ^rfnr r n.'L ' ' ", i~t lo exiSda- sivJ Jt o t ' ' - i "-v *^ ~ 4 ' *. ^ ;;>-.* Jt7 jtf'i'ft.-^-ifi'si e r:^ 3x The changes which occur in the pulp while drying are not thoroughly understood. As long as the pulp is uninjured, that fro.~ the fire process seens to be the nost durable. The pulp dried by steals is really the best and has the advantage of swelling rapidly in cold water. The pulp dried in the fire process has a soKer?hat higher dry substance on account of the vret pulp aldorbing fine ashes. The quantity of dried pulp fror.i 100 parts of beets, varies from 5.5 to 6.5$ according to the sugr.r content, the extent of the digestion, the pressing, and subsequent lorsoes. In the fire process the losses are soueyrhat greater, but do not exceed %p of the entire dry natter. The durability of the dried pulp is proportionate to the drying, and Lrust be stored dry and well ventilated. In damp storage, Etoulds are apt to grow, particularly when there is any sugar left in the pulp. Material dried at a high temperature is laos apt uO absorb water than porous, s team-dried pulp. Before drying, pulp is often soaked in hot dilute molasses- 4 to 5 parts of molasses being added to 100 parts of fresh pulp. The molasses is readily absorbed, and the drying occurs in the usual v,-ay. Caranel is apt to forri and cannot be prevented in the fire process. In the stean process, ;-.o lasses is added after drying and is quickly and easily absorbed, giving a dry permanent feed. 2*. 8 c* 2*. 2 o eX' TOQ '^6 35 101 O? ^ of sugar* The larger part of the organic-non-sugar constituents are unknown; for every 100 parts 0-: sugar there are about 2 - 2-X/2 parts albuminoids, 2-1/2 - 3 parts other nitrogenous substances, 1-1/2 parts reducing agents, 1 part Pent- osan and 0.4 - 0.8 parts Oxalic acid present. The inorganic consti- tuents are mostly Potassium, Sodium, Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphoric Acid, Sulphuric Acid, Chlorine together with other bases and acids in very small quantities,. The reaction of raw juice is always acid and amounts to e,bout 2/ normal acid* The object of purifying of the diffusion juice is to remove all of the pulp and fibres, which find their way through the sieves, before "separation"^ The removal of all pulp and fibre before separation is of great importance and should never be neglected. These substances act harmful ly by depositing themselves on the heating surfaces of the pre-heaters, thereby decreasing their efficiency, and also, in case they reach the separator, they are partially decomposed by the lime and are converted into slimy substance." a part of which remain in the juice as impurities, while the rest are precipitated during separation as a slimy mass which slows down the filtration greatly if present in any appreciable quantity. i- 3*5 9 ft a * . > -" "to x lc ^tl' "-' Or 'otl aai^aco bft& xiiS 31 - ~-tl% S\I-I t 8Oft**t^iE ?0 5rr8ftT^ "JbiOA 6iixi- 85-tj^ e.O LL& 10 I*JVOT.9T < CUI ft ni tn^Tq Ai vl/itji ndln^m" 9 /it owob For the mechanical filtration of the diffusion Juice we use pulp or cossett catchers, of which there are a great number of types* In all of them t.^e filtration takes place through a fine metallic sieve, which is kept free from fibres by brushes or scrapers. Arrangements are made so that the scraped off fibres can be removed easily. These fil- ters are the more efficient the finer the sieve is but then the filter- ing surface has to be larger and the scraping arrangements the more perfect* In placing the pulp catcher between the pre-heater and the battery, arrangements raust be. made to pass the pulp, which is filtered out, back to the diffusion cells, as only in this way the juice which passes out with it can be easily extracted. The pulp catcher should be empt- ied into a cell half full of fresh cossetts- and then the filling of the cell with fresh cossetts may be completed. This method must b? follow- ed strictly, so that the small pieces of pulp and fibres get scattered between the good cossetts and do not hinder the flow of the juice, when* as when emptied upon the lov/er sieve they stop up the holes and cause bad pressing, The fact that albuminous substances are coagulated by heating the juice, especially the pressed juice, lias led to the construction of so called albumen-catchers through whicn the diffusion juice, heated to 176F, is passed in order to free it from albumen. The whole idea is erroneous. 3y heating the raw juice only a very small quantity of albumen can be separated and that is in such a form that it cannot be filtered. Of the small quantity of albumen present in the raw juice (about 0.2 - 0.3;') only about 10 X <, i.e. 1. 02- - 0.05;? of the juice can be coagulated by heat. Such a quantity is hardly worth considering and certainly does not warrant the establishment of an expensive plant. .i I . to -rd^of.'a' t-'^ .^i it *ttf.-i*. rio.taw le' 4 an<-.ttef*o t*0*oa to. . a. a .-,. , "". i" v -t MI M .ur ,*a. RI . '** i"jA jja^^tP" ^ ( l . ''i^?Jsti-9T av-"'iiiy< w .*3 % "''- "- , - .Vtf'ii'Jw ll-i sum '' -v, .;: -.. v,.T' a XI * ; ':'* " 'i - > 9' , - _____ [J - iftW-'-3 ^iT ^'. .. . - ; ': "' c lJ3 :30ttiit?'iL n-oiJout^ftn-jo ii? o?- feo.I--.;.^I ../ I i/*eTcr on^ 'II^'l! * ^ ' :.*jr il^JO : bi BD. i? il Ji j&-rl " ^*d^I. JO* ' '% ;&& o?oiii( .. 'auofl- *' *-' ' * * - ? .-,-.. .. ^^t 1 :i^iiroT A 'J XS*'saJ' --tO'- - . b* : v.- -5.w .5.1 , S^O 1 * +o,t -: 2 :- Jhen too, there is no object in filtering off the coagulated albumen before separation, as it is not then acted upon by lime and can be separated in tne filter presses. If, as is maintained, good results are obtained by using albumen catchers, the fact should be attributed to the removal of the pulp. If the albumen catchers are very large so that the juice is not in constant motion at all points, their action nay become very harmful due to the micro-organisms in the juices. For purifying the diffusion juice the use of sulphurous acid, baryte and the electric current have been proposed, the latter in con- nection with soluble electrodes and electrodialysis. These all caus the precipitation of organic and coloring matters, but as nearly all these non sugars are precipitated by lime it seems unnecessary to sub- stitute more expensive materials for cheap lime, the superiority of which, if it exists at all, is in no direct ratio with the increased cost. ... *.- THE PRE-H32AT1TTG OP TTI3 DIFFUSION JU3CE: In the measuring tanks the diffusion juices have a very variable temperature. It depends upon the node of working and the temperature of the fresh cossetts, and might therefore., vary from a little above 32* to 104F - in most cases it lies between 77 and 95*F. In order to heat the juice to the temperature necessary for separation it is passed through tube heaters which are made either horizontal or verti- cal, or open or closed. By pre-heating the juice those substances which are coagulated by heat and resist the decomposing action of the lime are separated better than when in the insoluble state. A part of these substances are albumenoids, but the greater part are substances which do not con- tain nitrogen-. brt* Mtll v* noqtf b9Jo* rra.^ ?o ti i I a* ni lo ni tit _Tt-v saj^o 9& . 1. . - .' . ' ' : &9&e*7C.'(i ..* djiir .diton *09i ir.- c. rri ai ,11s .t*. ,:*r : ix? *i ^i ^^ioi^.i f o- . sil* ni to sfion eii^ r ' * rri rt9 4 iw rrAcL . I '"",-.; -J ' ' ' .' ... --^ ; > - " ' '. * - r " -a. o Jon ob ..'...... Bf^oa*.;c^JJf .*T fi*q i9*8*fs 9ii? turf t .' ' In general the open preheaters are preferred "because they can be cleaned without "being cut out. The disadvantages of these halters are their -low efficiency and the fact that the surface of the liquid is exposed to the air. Their efficiency can be raised by improving the circulation of the juice by means of piunps or sceolls and also by the use of mechanical devices for continuously cleaning the tubes. The closed preheaters are more appropriate than the open ones. In them the velocity of the juice is increased by having to pass through a number of sets of heating tubes. In such preheaters the deposits formed on the tubes are slight and therefore their action is quite reg- ular* The best preheating plant consists of a battery of small pre- heaters which contain long tubes of small diameter and in which the velocity of the juice is kept at at least 3-6 ft. per second by means of special pumps. Although when the juice flows at this velocity the . deposit on the heating tubes forms very slowly, each separate heater shouod be so provided with valves that it can be cut out and cleaned without interfering in the least with the rest of the work. The trans- fer of heat in these preheaters is very much greater than in the open ones and therefore their heating surface may be smaller or they may be heated with low pressure vapors. Preheaters of too large a volume should not be used as the juice is kept in them for an unnecessary length of time, and too long a heat- ing of the juice always has bad consequences, such as a noticeable in- version of the sugar. Even when acid reactions have no effect upon the juice as long as the temperatures remain normal, an inversion always sets in when the juice is kept at a temperature of 194P or over for o* KS9 *{0i: 13 iytun'to' i " v '. . . p..:...., B90 :TJ ' ': *: f^, .i. t si nl 8c'ut jjottA lo rro teft *..> 'ic ereianoo tttKLq .^at^ar;-?q fra* .: .IT i*hi r?i brw ne^MuilJb IJTfli8 lo aatfu^ Bo^ rrl^^noD rloiriw ;rf fcneo8^ iq ^1 d - C ?& ^ ^ Jq3l al 9iu(. e.*U t* . _"-. ' , -v _ . -: - -.... : " 'loclsv aiil^ f# twc>n oiu(, eri^ rt;iw r%uo*i^XA .^mi/q I^ic fart ^uo ttT9 -" n*30 ^1 ^ArfJ aerlv fi^iw fcpfciTotqr oa ei - . iJ:5*fe;{ei(T eazl^ ni Jdd to . . ', /rr, - if : : ; ini^*Si; -rte.-^ iolfnn^ I .sicqr^r siuec9T'i wol ri?lw fcs^sft' 1 : :-". t to t/ K* n - a : e ,wl ' noqu toslte on ey^u 3noi^o**i fcio* rre ST .-u nol ird to ^*X lo m^ieqrowj ^ ?qi 1 oit *-w :isri 01 gj t -* Jt>eu scf ton fclnorie 1 any length of time. In order to prevent such harmful consequences of the acidity about 0.2// of milk of lime is sometimes added to the raw Juice in order to make it slightly alkaline before entering the preheat- er The addition of the milk of lime also acts usefully by reducing the deposits upon the heating tubes. But it was often noticed that, due to the addition of the lime the filter presses ran slower so that the "pre- separation" which is really seldom necessary, is rarely used. Host factories have two preheaters or two preheating system*, of which the first is heated l^y the vapors from the last body of the Quadruple Effect, and therefore heats the juice without expense up to 113* or 131 P while the second is heated with vapors from the first body in which the juice is heated to the temperature neces&ary for sepa- ration - at least to 158P, better to 176 or 185?. As at the beginning of the campaign no vapors from the evapora- tors are at hand, every heater must be so connected up that it can be heated with boiler stee^n or exhaust steam from the engines. Especially when beginning work, when the juices, apparatus and pipes are all cold arrangements must be so that the juices can be heated to the correct temperatures, which should be a little higher than usual. When the juices are insufficiently heated the work suffers greatly. Every preheater must be so arranged that it can be cut out when it has to be cleaned or becomes leaky* In order to discover leaks the condensed water should be tested regularly for sugar ^ Losses of sugar are more likely to occur in the heater than in the evaporators for in the former the pr&ssure is in the part of the apparatus containing the juice is usually higher than the pressure in the heating tubes, while in the latter the reverse is the case. In order to prevent the ammonia vapors from attacking the heat- ing tubes ammonia outlets should be arranged as in the evaporators . etolstf osX el o *ill ^il^ , ' Qi.J erail- e.^ lc ' iU 'cf t<^jss cf os ecf ... n't lo i a : ';fc*.tw so' ,?.uU OB a&a j-i f&d.} JbegnB-.iJB cs ecT Jeim "je**.e ^3LfcI eeio&o'-7o r.i 30t"ftt*$*TKO ITAD eiot '.as'- oe "io -e^Tcja^ 001 "nf of lime is by passing the saturation gas through the In consequence no advantage can be ascribed to this process; the work be- comes complicated and the advantage of using freshly slacked lime is lost. The longer milk of lime stands the less vigorous will be its action on the juice. This is probably due to t-iS fact that when stand- ing the lime combines v/itn a greater amount of water.. Slacked lime that lias been slacked for any length of time defecates tiie juice slowly and imperf ectly. The dry defecation is now nearly always conducted by adding lime, in pieces about as large as a fist, to the diffusion juice heated to at least 149 to 158F. The addition of lime in the pulverized condition has, due to the increased work and cost of grinding^ proved to be unnecessary and unprofitable. -3 C- i IJ j, ->Vt ; t 'l^L tol ' ' When the burned llm* is put into the hot juice it immediately begins to s3!ack. As its eembination with water is always accompanied by a generation of heat (lib. upon slacking gives off 272 B.T.U.) and a local overheating of the juice would produce harmful decomposition,. More attention should be paid to the construction of dry defecating pans to avoid such injurious effects, especially in handling lime that slacks easily and vigorously. The old way of conducting dry defecation by hanging a basket filled with pieces of lime into the juice is not commendable* A correct dry defecation plant should fulfill the following conditions: 1. The lime must be in a flat layer when it comes in contact with the juice. 2. The Juice and the lime must be kept in motion constantly 3. The pan must be easily emptied of residual stones and grit.- These conditions are fulfilled when the lime is spread on a stationary or rotary sieve while the juice is kept moving by a stirring device which has arms above and below the sieve. The tank must also be provided with man holes for cleaning. The dry as well as the wet defecation can be made continuous by having the juice enter the defecating pan from below and flow off, through an overflow, to the saturation pan, and every time a measuring tank full of juice flows through the pan the necessary amount of lime is added, A valve must be at the bottom of the pan so that it can be completely emptied for cleaning. JTOW often this has to be done depends entirely upon the nature of the lime used. The method of defecation to be preferred depends upon conditions which have nothing to do with the action of the lime, for as far as the purifying of the juice goes no difference can be found between tne two methods. ... ,J,> '"'-'" '- - '- ' - *-, '.nc.t'f f ?V?noosi> X eni^Tb Taool s a nlgmiei-X naif rf ai rtotthr 1*308 lo into t*ra JjrmdO'Oat Xtftflosnl . MMtr ttx9ie^\Lb "Liitist* of nt ii.t a c irft cU at * Xlv s noi ci> IXu o* ^9tnbK9t * ri fioi^jtbili 60 J i f. j^e.i' o i ieTO I*ool 0.1 Je.i-* ( , r : .-% ' n 9.1? no Mill *:* lo rxoitan^ariT i e.i* tri Jngjjso ^cn ot ;oiviw BttfZl ?*aa' onll ei* P ^vl ti ">I26i * Q O*IOiB iTio i* eo;t,p$&tfu6 &PSHJ IIA . o *I*Je8 ^Ifs^e I>&onol 3 a ^^iq l9^ : n^ .1 fti ni sa lio^a tawoe lo rroJt^aiJiqea A . TIae chemical action of the lime on the non sugars takes place in such a way that the lime first neutralizes the acids and acid salts and forms insoluble salts with a part of the organic and inorganic acids such as oxalic and Phosphoric acids. Also all substances which are in- soluble in alkaline lime solutions are precipitated. The alkalies, such as ammonia and the organic bases, which are combined with the pre- cipitated acids, are not free and act together with the surplus lime on the remaining non sugars. The alkalies as the strongest of the bases immediately combine with the acids which form no insoluble compounds with lime, if such acids are present, while ammonia and the organic bases remain uncombined in the juice. Many of the organic non sugars which remain in solution are more or less decomposed in alkaline solutions, especially the invert sugars, amides, amids and albuminoids. All these substances which, though not acid in character give off acids in hot alkaline solutions, while nitrogen ous substances are decomposed into ammonia and organic bases. . The acids which form soluble salts with lime, combine first with the free alkalies which may be present only after they have been burned with lime. Hence, the lime acts in two ways during separation, first it tends to purify the juice by precipitating non sugars, second, it changes the nature of some non sugars without removing an appreciable amount of them. Both these actions are advantageous in the after work, the second no less so than the first. The amount of non sugars that are precipitated is less than is generally supposed. By the defecation and the saturation the purity of the juices is only increased from 4 - 6^. Of the 12 - 15 parts of non sugars contained in 100 parts of solid matter in the juice only one quarter or at .most one third are precipita- ted. * . - - s JI*e Jbto* i>r.a e-'ic*. cKj aesil^Tt;;^.: *si'il 9trril an* ?ariJ X** * *'Cwe tri -a oiii6$Tcrri ic* olrurjio eii* Ic ^->^ i 8JLe elrfuloerrl ecrrol fans ocu rw eclJ 80Icn:v.'e e.i? ii*i i^ * .: e:.^ to ^es^noTJa erij- 3. eetljiilB ti.T .P". .-r;n --i-i qnroc elouloaai ?.r nnp"i iior:.w eLiOjs JJlw e.r- -coo r i, nocarta ell/.w ^trfrfsiq t -. k:a ^^ ,eort't eu* ni. ; f r^J-rtoofri; ;; '.' rrot^trlop IT! niiiinoi ..niaw B-^-^-'a r.or oir^j-.o ..? lo se , srrc St i.i a*0 , ai^ue non 3f4?i,*^!ioe-T sjj -t^ire .lort to *m ocu -T .Jeill :it aii BBG! O.T bnooae er 031 r:j i^'/rit^iico tw';ij? norr lo ar"f>q I - SI ;i* 10 sno .?sr>n ^ 70 "*i*L- err v The decomposing action of the lime upon the substances remaining ia so- lution is very often undervalued. By decomposition these substances lose many of their characteristic properties which in the future working especially the crystallization, would act harmfully.- The alkalies present in the raw juice* are not removed by de- fecation. A very small portion is carried down by the lime precipitate during saturation, but by far the greater portion remain, combined with acids, or as free alkalies in solution, (after saturation as salts of carbonic and sulphurous acids) and finally reappear in the fillmass.- The amount of free alkalies present in the defecated juice depends entirely upon the acids with which they are combined in the raw Juiae. If the raw juice contains many acids that combine to form in- soluble compounds with lime, then the acids remaining in solution after saturation do not suffice to bind the alkalies, of which a large portion thereof remain frea and act decomposingly upon the sugars during defeca- tion as well as in later processes. Juices whici; after saturation still contain alkalies combined with carbonic acid, have a reduction of alkalinity during evaporation which is in no way harmful. Only traces of calcium salts are found in them. If the greater part of the acids in the raw juice combine to form soluble salts with the lime, then the alkalies set free during de- fecation will combine with these acids during saturation, or even during defecation, and lime will be set free. Free alkalies or alkalies comb in,"'- ed with carbonic acid are then no longer present in such juices and the alkalinity which is then left in the juices, is not due to alkalies but to ammonia, organic bases or lime. If in juices of this constitu- ency the decomposition of the invert sugar, the amides and the albumi- noids does not take place during defecation, they may become neutral or sour later on. To avoid this, toe saturation of the thin juice -ai c ooltioq tr tc n tat* bnl- ince' i 00 04 bnicfj8or a* Hit* to cnot lo nc nhould t>e conducted just far enough to leave some free lis:e present, so that it can bring the decomposition to an end and bind the acids, which become free during the working of the juices. Such juices are always rich in lime salts. The decomposition of the non-sugars whichare broken up by . lime, should be carried as far as possible during defecation. It is impossible to completely finish the decomposition during defecation, as sor.e of the substances are decomposed slowly, under the conditions present during defecation. It is not advisable to continue the action too long, or to use high temperatures, because of the danger of dis- solving non-sugars and precipitates. Besides the conditions during evaporation are so favorable for further decomposition, that it is not advisable to conduct the defecation other than for a light saturation. For normal beets, the bea"t temperatures for defecation are between 158 and 185 P. Cold defecation has also been tried and recom- * mended, with the assumption that at higher temperatures the lime would again decompose some of the precipitated substances and carry them into solution. There is nothing to prove that there is any appreciable difference between hot and cold defecation, when the juices undergoing cold defecation are heated after filtration and the action of the lime is kept within practical limits. Many experiments even show hot def- ecated juices to be superior to those treated cold, besides cold def- ecation cannot be used at all in practice, as the juices obtained by it cannot be filtered rapidly, even when substances like "Tripoli" are added to the precipitate. In general, it is not advisable to use temperatures above 194 or even 212 F during defecation. Higher temperatures have a favorable action only when the beets are poor and contain much invert sugar, and other substances that are decomposed by lime. But under such conditions t 8 : - 'S TO* vsdJt M. . . C* - ' ' '-- ' .:>'.** . t, > . . - a- -fcfio TSn'C-C-ftw gffejsir?'- ' nc-*^ f-^t- ' .J *' -, . '.;- .."' lei ^niriff ?sr i iuorfa -* t U^ 9l^,:1 Sfc : ;ljri .._ .-.'-' ' -"'- . l^^^iit"; .;. , B'jgiTJ r-^q;jii? ' -iff- : ^. :c*. " tvt;.' >;TDi?I:,RCv io.rr.*iL' ! ?; , 07^*'^": '^e.---9i& c v -.* wxjt*';'*:;'": ?>?.,.. ::.;. , n^.es's : /- Ql.1*" *Te-^. OaJ rjfii'. -; -r&r- . t:> : -~; * . - ^:?j" ".'/.JKjraq. :.?! 4 rot ' f*-n :-'>;-''.*:., jjr.. ;v r a;i^ " v o r noi,J-o9Jb J&l-riftfi jojt .!o*ffjo "-'"?Vfi.1* aJ'f!tM' L "lF;5i?OJ5'3 .fjfw . i-;i,. .^i-M ! 'ijc ',r - -;.- ; ann; *' _. * . * '""-' -'""":!: L- a*?^* ; ,-\i^iiB-r" " >o;r Ififete-a; r ?i? *bff:.iug the juices should not be boiled for aujr length of time in order to ! avoid the redissolving of the precipitates. The notion that boiled defecated juices are more easily filtered after saturation is incorrect ; bailed juices are more difficult to saturate, and yield lime cake high in sugar. The duration of the defecation irrust be Kept within definite limits. For low temperatures of from 158 to 176 ?.. it should last about 15 minutes , while for higher temperatures from 5 to 10 minutes are sufficient. The quantity of line that is necessary for defecation varies between wide limits in different factories. For the neutralization of the raw juice, and the precipitation of all substances precipitated by Ijj.e, only 0.15 - 0.20$ of lime is necessary. A true separation, i.e. a quickly settling precipitate and a clear juice is not obtained until 0.50 to 0,75$ of lime have been added. But even this amount of lime is insufficient for practical conditions, as the juices obtained in ^hia manner can only be filtered slowly, even after saturation. The filter- ing after saturation is not satisfactory until 1.50 to 2.00vi of line is added. In many factories more line than this is used, the niniaun being from 0,50 to 3.00$. Lir.e is added to the raw juice with the idea that, the more lime that is used, the greater the purification of the juices will be. By using more lime, we certainly get lighter colored juices, containing somewhat less lime salts; but a difference in the purity is never found when either large or small quantities of lime are used. The decomposi- tion of the salts, decomposable by lime, will not take place more rapid- ly or vigorously because of an excess of lime, for it is only the dis- solved lime that acts, and this amount does not depend upon the lime added but upon the sugar content and the temperature alone. For this -: 9 :- . . . fh. i ;\ M i;tt -a***- 1 o*,; "nt xis Li/jli , ."':_ .-t : ' ."" ' ~: .OfTJB ^i~&.*ffQO .TJTUrp f-: ' --- : V ,:.*,?"?:"*<. '-** ., .- a .. - reason the improvements due to large amounts of lime never show during defecation, and do not become apparent until saturation. Y/hether these advantages are important enough to counter balance the numerous diffi- culties connected with the use of an excess of lime, depends on each individual case. Larger quantities of lime not only increase the costs because of the excess line and carbonic acid, but increase as well the quantity of line cake and the sugar losses connected therewith, and require more filter presses and a larger line kiln. Tfnere very light colored juices are required, for instance in factories making rock candy or granulated sugar, the use of large quantities of line seems to be justified, but this is hardly the case in factories which produce raw sugar - The milk of line which is added to the ravr juice should have a uniform density 20 Be 1 , in order to prevent variations in the amounts of line added. For dry defecation the line, after having been broken into pieces of uniform size, should be weighed or measured. Although at first sight , weighing vrould seen to be the more accurate nethod, measuring is to be preferred, so that the effect of poorly burned (and therefore heavier line ) causes less error than when the material is weighed. The line should be used as soon aa possible after burning, as it is then slacked nore reaclily and acts quicker. If after storing a length of tine the line starts to drop apart, its action has been re- duced, erring to the formation of calcium hydrate and calcium carbonate, and largor anonnts must consequently be used. If the lime is burned by combustibles in the kiln, the ashes should be separated from the lime as veil as possible, in order to avoid their getting into the jxtices and decreasing their purity. 5 .8 -,; - '/JT .:**" - ;.^,.- * 4 - '.:.. .. '. ; ' J>^ * .- -iCi-- CHAPTER V.TII. S A T U R A * I H . In order to precipitate the lime out of the defecated juice, use is made of the carbonic acid, gac pToraued in the line kiln. In the pact, sugar inkers were inclined tc thin!: that carbonic acid gas when passed into the limed juice, would tend to dissolve the precipi- tated substances. These conclusions were bast>l upon the fact that over saturated juices, that is jv.ices which have absorbed enough gas to make them neutral, or even give them a light acid reaction, assune 8. blackish tint. Consequently, methods were advocated in which the juices were saturated after the precipitate, which had forned during defecation, had been filtered off. These methods proved unsatisfae-^ tory, due to the reasons which Trill be explained later. Nowadays - the defecated juice is almost universally saturat- ed while still containing the precipitated substances and the undis- solved lime. The defecated juice flows from the defecating pan into the saturation tank, which in places "he- 3 the "^e^acation Saturation" Process is used, takes the place of the defecating pan. The satura- tion tanks are round or rectangular, open or cloned vessels and are often made of considerable height. In the lov/er portion of the tanks, are devices for distributing the carbonic acid s?s &"icL open or closed coils for steam heating. The simplest and commonest means of distribu- ting the carbonic acid gas is by the use of perforated pipes. The gas is thus destributed fairly well but the holes ~et stopped up easily, especially rrhen they are small . Cleaning the holes while the pipes are still in the tank is a disagreeable and dangerous task for the workmen, so arrangements are uacle by which it is possible to extract the perforated pipes, which become scaled, and insert new ones in their Places. In order to do away with the work of cleaning entirely, dietrib- c ^r ."r* r -*.- .-'.""-'" " t"; V * '_, '" -'. r's* J~ '/l .'nUo ' '*,' . .* - ; -. r:l .. s en - - i - :: e f ordbedf L "-* uting boxes are used. These boxes are open below and have their lower edge indented so as to give an even distribution of the saturation gas. Sometimes the side walls of these boxes are perforated. Even with distributing arrangements it is only possible to utilize one-half or at most two-thirds of the carbonic acid gas deliv- ered to the pipes, the absorbtion being the greater as the height of the juice in the tank is increased. The longer the path that the bubbles take through the juice the better will be the absorbtion of the carbonic acid gas. This explains the advantage of having a great 'height of juice in the tank. The utilisation of the carbonic acid gas is also better the smaller the bubbles, and the more intimate the mix- ture of gas and juice. Turbine or injector-like emission arrangements, as well as stirrers which keep the Juice In motion and split up the bubbles, have proven very satisfactory. TO utilize the carbonic acid gas in the departing gases, the introduction of finely atomized juice has been suggested, but this idea though good in itself, is impossible of realization, because the juice atomizers get stopped up constantly. There is usually no need of a complete utilization of the carbonic aoici gas, as all factories which burn their own lime have plenty of it to spare . Closed heating ooils for heating the limed juice in the sat- uration tanks cannot be used as they quickly become inefficient due to scaling with lime. Hence, if it is found necessary to heat the juioes in tanks, open heating tubes should be tised. In general, heating the juice before saturation should be avoided, though it is advantageous to heat the saturated juices to a high temperature. In order to avoid' the thinning of the juice which occurs when open heating tubes are used, and to make it possible to use exhaust steam from the evaporators, it is advisable to pump the saturated juice through closed tube heaters , heated with steam of at least 212F . Deposits of liiae on the heating 10 Tt ifc.fjU.^ /*- -. ' rr ?*i *^ _,e<9C-iCi sr.w : . ;__;. " ;-. o-rrlcftL'T lo er u, Ja SB Cla^. v IX.4. ". i -sols' ^- "-' * - '^ tubes are not apt to occur if the juice i.s allowed to enter the heater from above and flow out at the bottom. The height of the juice in the saturation tanks must be, as stated above, as great as possible in order to get a good utilization of gas, but naturally should not be such that the gas pump cannot overcome the counter pressure with ease. The foaming space too, should be as high ae possible, at least 10 ft., so that the foam formed during saturation can find plenty of room. A high foaming space is the best remedy for f oaming-over , the higher the space the fewer means are neces- sary for preventing the difficulty. Foam is destroyed by the injec- tion of steam or the addition of fat. Steam foam-killers use much live steam and thin Mae juice. The addition of fats and oils is ex- pensive and besides, unsuitable brands lower the quality of the juices or produce difficulties in the filter presses,, causing low filtration when the fats are not easily saponif iable. Still, the use of small quantities of oil or fat cannot readily be avoided. In such cases, oils with a high viscosity should be used such aa castor oil, tallow etc. , because less of them is required. Arrangements should always be made by which the quantities of oil added can be Controlled. For this purpose a large tank should be provided with a gauge glass, from which the oil can be pressed or pumped, through pipes, to the saturation tanks. The pressure in the tank can be obtained by making connections with the gas-pump. The saturation gas, deprived of most of its carbonic acid in passing from the tanks, is discharged tare agh pip* 3 jf large diameter, in which any foam which may have been carried along, has a chance to collect. Sometimes these vapor pipes are provided with an enlarged section which acts as a juice catcher. When one vapor pipe is used for a number of tanks, arrangements should "be made so that the foam from -: 3 :- ! t -C ' '/r^v 7 .":" t?.* iio Ydsll^i o < rtr.Oi :o ; ,^ >^i : ,-"liV j any one tanK. cannot pass over into another, in order to prevent unsat- urated Juice from getting into a tank already saturated, which wmld result in bad filtration and a smearing of the presses. In order to X* test the discharged gases for the amount of carbonic acid they contain, a gas collector should be connected to the vapor pipe. The saturation gas is nearly alrrays pumped into the juice. The pumps used for this shoiild never be belt driven, and should al- ways be provided with their OT?n steam cylinder, so that the puinp capac- ity can be changed at any tine, in accordance rzi h the amount of gas that is required. Steam injectors vrhich are sometimes used to foroe the gas into the juice are not to be recomer.decl, on recount of the expense of the stecjn, the overheating and dilution of the juices; they are only useful in cases of emergency r.iien repairs have to be made on the pumps. The saturation of the defecated juice requires great atten- tion from the carbonation nan, for a poorly conducted or a slow satur- ation reduces the quality of the juices and often causes aggravating difficulties in the running of the filter presses. Hence, the position of the man in charge of the saturation is just as responsible as that of the man in charge of the diffusion be.ttery, especially v:hen the juices are in a bad condition from the start. If a special defecating station is present, the workman should air/ays assure himself that the juice is troll defecated before he turns on the saturation gas. IThen saturation in complete a sample should separate quiclcly into a precip- itate and a clear filtrate. In case dry defecation is used, the fil- trate should have an alkalinity of from .025 - .032, according to the temperature, though fjomerfliat leas ia catiofactory in defecation. As coon as the saturation^ becomes filled to the correct height, the gas valve should be opened gradually, in order to avert -: 4 :- ijo. oJ ie. ' :ce (tt oars; I-' '3 v rTr;-:-fi. .-;. ' It fat fji 1 * - * ;_,/ - | '_! 1o oi,6 B 10 no rJ , : t*P * ' . -Ill ortj .;'6r.L ~z :i OC.^ oj ^r^.'r-iorr;^ - ' '; violent f caning. For the gas POOP to m>rTc uninterruptedly and the utiliratic?i or the gas to be 33 high as possible, the valves on each of the tarhs should "bo opened in such a i.nanner that the tr.nlt in '.rhich the obturation is furthest advanced and in which the juice fca::;s leant shall get the nost gao. Wording in this r/c.y all tanko should br. filled to the s~~'ic level, or on account of the differences in pro mure, due to the head, one tank 7/ould obtain more gas than others, and the sat- uration rrculd take place very unevenly* destroying the regular sequence vrhich is so desirable for ".etching and regulating the saturation. While obturating, the -.rcrkr-an takes rruLicrous sa:.v. les ancl natchcs the settling cf the vrecipite.te. TThen open tanks rro ujod, the sample ir, fAfccn cut ty ::.cans of a Ir.dle v;ith r lon.T h^.ncllo, or "oy luoans of r snail pitr-i:. Proi.i clorjoc". t~.n':s the r-^iiiplo iz tr.!-:en cv.t of a x^raoet near the bo t ton. r , r oll trained '.vor'Cii'Cn can saturate quite accurately by the appcarr-ncc of thc^>o s^r.plcn. In oonc f:-ctorico the -^or^uen sat- urate only by the SOUTK. raade by the rushing gas. The conduct of the juicer, during saturation is- as far 03 outside appearances go, as folio ITT: Soon after the gas is turned on the juice begins t? thiohcn, proportionately so in regard to the amount of sugar it contains. A sarple Trill sho^ that the precipitate is of a gelatinous nature and ~ill not settle. The consequences of this gelatinous constituency are f casing at the beginning of the saturation and a runbling noise naclc by the gas. A filtration of the juioc at this ti::ic is absolutely im- possible and nhcn it accidcntly gets into the prcs-jos, tho cloths bo- come sucarod at once. Or. continuing to tho gas through tho juice its gelatinous nlorrly risappcaro, tho ran ijsuoi :.:oro tinforrJ.y and in smaller bubbles, tho juice again boconc:; loss viscous, the foaming finally steps, and a liquor is obtained in rhich the pro- cipitate settlor; rr-.pidly and is easily filtered off. _ _ c - . 5 . >"'! c-a'? - .>OO*TTO jfrja'rtttlft cl ^A/^sfrt^^. . TlTr ' >f '...^ir6r' ..;;.*>,; vttO'i 0:!^;, ^u ; II btf'.i "^.'-os.?.^ o. . pv : o. '"ol.J '*9!rf. !; .r :"f^ -ftl" L::C-,; .'/V'C ^O. .f^^erf,^;^ Dj .^ .rr; N' r T^fun .'^if.c-'-Cic -K -*V;-f f 'i^ 7-"' r ,i--^ : -i;;of ,. ^c*L., :-IJ. :^ir--J>.C' r'i-.-lpi ' ; '"*~' "-" * r^' : , -' O-'ni'."*"' -": .* 3.*-.r . * : ' ' ' ; ?V:I?,* ! 'X . '* . T ") itOit ^ ' "f '. V ':. v > * r~i. ^.'lOB 1 '-5 ' ' *.. r ..j J-g- V .1 . i ' J> ' - . - 1 J ^".rto .Vo^rii ,.,..' -^ j- '! - *<-<>-- j. f r - , ,-f -,.-*- ^. *-, ' * r 1 * '- *r *** ^- T - 1 .,. '- M v l ^rtf-.T^ " u r y " "t" 1 ."^ "'i*^" r />' r*^ ** c<*" *~ " " r "*^ % * . -.-- -'- -.' ' H .-;.;:;;-,! V - "'.Oil *'^"G -^xJ "ori*oic '\-;^ rc*cc^3 oxij..-.i&ji *:*; -"* - r?r , - *'' f -^.^ ,' + V f i --, U -.-*... - *.^ ... _ , .a .- w j '^s. .^.j -.f . 'T ct -r 1 ''"'. "ijrfu?.. -, :bv J:^: vLv-Ta-'t. During the catur?.tticn ths ^-1 *:. Unity c-^ tLe j-.'.ice naturally decreases, "out not in a unifcri- manner. At fir at t:.o alli'r.lirj.ty decreas- es rapidly from 0.35 to about 0.15-0.18. At this :,:oini.. it reiiains practically unchanged, for quite a rrhile and nearly as ;.rach line dis- solves in the juice as is precipitated "by the carbonic acid gas. Fhen finally the last liiie beoones dissolved, the alkalinity sinks rapidly fro:.: 0.15 - 0.18 to 0.07 - 0.10; this amount is foimd to yield the best constituency and filters best trith juices of the 1st saturation. Therefore, the T^orlcnen roist natch the hot portion of the saturation with particular care, in order not to oversatttrate. In all factories in v;hich chor'vcal sui: ^r^ision i<; established every tan!: is titrated irhc-i the saturation is thought to be coi. '.plate, in order to be certain that juices of correct end unifor:: r.l>:;;-.linity are cent to the presses. Hence, the precipitate teat is only used for obtaining a preliminary clue ar; to the advancement of the saturation. The appropriate degree of *Iie final allic-.linity vr.riea v;ith the con- stittiency of the juice from 0.07 - O.lOfi lime, (Phenolphtaloin test) or 0.09 - o.U3$ line (Rosolic acid test). Tlie chenical reactions during saturation hrve not yet been nadc qtiite clccT. Upon injecting the carbonic acid gao, not only cal- oiuLi carbonate is forned but also a cor.bination of or.lciu:,- carbonate, saccharate and possibly calcium hydrate. This combination forr.s r. gola^-inouo precipitate \7hich ir.Tprisono large amounts of :;ugar in the forr of in30luble oaccharatc. The uore this precipitate is formed, the thicker the juice, the colder the saturation is conducted and the higher the percentage of crug-.r in the ccJco. Besides thooo phenomena, a number of other unKno\7n actions are to bo noted in connection v:ith the conijtitucncy and arount of those coiibino.tions. 3y heating t.nd thinning and by treating continuoxioly vith cc.rbonic acid gas the COLT- * ,3 .^a^ :-M-^.'-' '1- *-.-;: L ^i'. jf -.-.? : r- IL3 ^' M'v*-- cf. :.-o'. B! ^^^mir:! -;CI,_ -. i?0..,' 0 T J-IfiCT ffd ' *-' : .! -Tii i &W* -v i* .--. --;; \_. ...,_-' ^?fi .--. . . t/. f-;- T),-ouLf-pr .ao...< .'-. .' ;.. i'i '>....; *;.*tf r '^.","10'. fl. 9^ -^.cr:^T-: ; . 1 >TO:i-i>KT . ^ ^ * Jt ^ > t-z ; ciwr*! * *it-r -.q.^rs ,!6. . ^ iO o*" -"'"- o;.'v f bination is partly decomposed. During saturation the amount of this combination constantly decreases, until the alkalinity is "brought to the correct point, when nothing of it is left. In 3 one cases, though, the decomposition is retarded so that snail amounts of the double salts renain in the precipitate and cause an increased loss in sugar. Be-sides, the action of the saturation which in directly con- nected with the neutralisation of the line, some secondary effects are produced, which ere partly of a favorajl- and pa:~t2y of a harnful nature. A favorable action is the precipitation of a part of the lime salts which are soluble in allcaline solutions, together with the calciun car- bonate. This precipitation can only be due to the formation of double salts, for the more these line salts are thrown down the nore line must be used for defecation and the more calciun carbonate is formed and pre- cipitated in the juice. Another effect of the saturation is the carrying down, with calciun carbonate, of the light, slir.iy, voluminous, organic and in- organic precipitates forned during defecation. The precipitation of the calcium carbonate does not happen instantaneously, but taKes some tine. The precipitate forms nore easily and rapidly when a nucleus of growth is present, such an the impurities floating in the juice. These light particles which, as such, can be filtered off only slowly and with difficulty are partially or totally covered by a shell of calciun carbonate, and thereby loose their sliny or gelatinous consistency to such an extent that they can be easily filtered. Saturated juices can therefore be filtered nore readily than defecated juices, even when calcium carbonate, diatonatious earth, etc., are added to then, as the nixing cannot taice the place of the mechanical precipitation during saturation. An unfavorable condition sometimes arises due to saturation, even after a normal termination of the reaction, by the retention of -: 7 :- f Jn Ji ;_lj. r J^ ' - ^ '-" ^ *" p ^ r . <-\' . * * -* "iO ; -,. -- - A- 1 :o;?x9 ' r an appreciable amount of sugar in the precipitate in the form of sao- charate . Hence, the presence of insoluble saccharate in the precipi- tate can be due to three causes; 1st., the precipitation of saccharate during defecation, caused by local overheating of the juice or by too high a heating after the addition of line. 2nd., the fact that a part of the precipitated saccharate formed during the early part of satura- tion remains undissolved, even after the saturation is ended, and 3rd., the fact that saccharate nay be precipitated together with the insol- uble line salts during both defecation and saturation. The quantities of saccharate which are precipitated due to any of these causes are, in general, very small, but may become quite appreciable under unfavor- able conditions, and all three causes may act at the cane time. The effect of such saccharate formations are high percentages of sugar in the lime cake which cannot be materially decreased by sweetening off, and a decrease in the purities of the juices. If a comparatively large amount of saccharate is precipitated and the filter presses cannot be well sweetened off, the condition can be remedied by lowering the alkalinity of the juice as much as possible. But as insoluble saccharate is decomposed with certainty only in juices free from calcium hydrate, it is sometimes advisable to over-saturate the juice in case the presses cannot be successfully sweetened off. The juice and precipitate then assume a dark, nearly black., color, the precipitate does not settle well and consequently the juice reniains turbid; such over-saturated juices cannot be filtered at once, but if a little milk of lime or freshly defecated Juice is added to it so that the alkalinity again rises to at least 0.10 the a?pcaranoe of the mix- ture will be the same as that of juice correctly saturated to the same alkalinity. _ Q O - . -T nl *JBJ-^iosn t nt s^qa na ': owrci erfl nl 9-jjBTctfeoai. elL'losrrl lo soneaeri *(** , or*!F ^ - >'! i -f ,* doese lo nci'tsJMiwm erf* ~, .?sl Yei/ae siJ . . /- ' . - - - -?r '.... . td TEO ^rirrt f~ to sniJiwfcroVo Unco's. \-.rf hsiu/BO ."iroi t *09ljj sn Jaafr^o'b* ofo /.rcS '.a^r 1o" oJJtfefes ri'/tn'Sfri^ooil B "^s ai "rib'r.+BWtiie "^^ -ie*ls nev> , rsvioaclbn V cHiiBesTc' fas V -I'oenl erf^ ilJJhr ioffi"*^o> .^'tr^iviio?-JJi ^ '"'rsa ! 'fn'i^rfr.o'^B - + cr.t foc'l jncjjp dT "Jhor, r ' ' ' -,. , . .'.. " jcf filiv^fi "T f : ' : '"1; 35ftLT^C 'i^'-L f * - I r'r.;.: . JiilCi^i. '. ' ':;:::" "l . ' v" OTS E.nCir".~TO ^jCtG-.S^EB JiClTlB JO t *ttc * v ' 'W?8 \J f > '9a0'* ;r ' c ir \ r LBti '?**." **oi>i) BI *o*x/ i^^R-'btab xl".B^rl icc ^rll lo ilia v- -. . . * 9rrr>a ^ri t . -rii/lAc ^I^oenoo c;i/j, le /BIU SB OSES Without doubt over-saturation produces inferior juicea, due to the action of the carbonic acid gas. Juices Tree from calcium hydrate, when neutral of slightly acid, redissolve organic- non-sugars as well as precipitated lime salts and coloring natter. Whether or not all the dissolved non-sugars in trie oversaturated juice are again pre- cipitated upon the addition of milk of lir.o or freshly defecated juice, has never been shown, though it seems very probable that such is the case, as no difference can be detected, in the subsequent working, be- tween the behavior or such juices and those which have been correctly saturated; unless the former are too highly over-saturated and later have so much line added to them that the mixture has an alkalinity above 0.10, and has to be saturated again for a short time. The saturation has been described here as it is usually con- ducted, namely, the saturation of each tank separately. A continuous working has certain advantages and many experiments have been made in this direction. The experiments made with continuous saturation were conducted in sucL a way that tho defecated juices, together with the saturation gas, were forced '.^ ro"..\gh coils of pipe so as to secure a better utilization of tl.e gas by creating a r.ore intimate nixing of juice and gas. All attempts liave failed tocf.nsc of the impossibility of obtaining a uniform alkalinity. The juices, on leaving the pipe were not saturated enough at one time, and were over-saturated at other movements. In these experiments the fact was overlooked, that, in order to produce a uniform alkalinity, large quantities of juice must be worked at once, as the variations in the percentage of carbonic acid in the gas, as well as the arount of lime in the juice, are quite large. The best results were obtained with quite a simple continuous saturation, which io conducted as follows: The defecated juice is allowed to flow into an ordinary srl- - : V; . ! fq "'IMS ei "(td?a ' V r .f . ah : i "- .*- -vJrf; -rf .t--* -no '&?-*'' ''' . *!'* ~- - , - I, -- ' - '." . - : ^ \0 C'"OIT TIL ' .'.f'nilf F ,-'fc^: ; au r% 'f'o r a ; 4'y * ; />-.: '^^n^ul-: -^^''--n ' ;'^'r:. v * ; T--;r^t fl'^BB?--erl rr saturation tank into which the necessary amount of saturation gas is injected. Prom this tank the partially saturated juice flows into a second tank, through a riser leading from the bottom of the first tank to the top of the second, in which it is treated with enough gas to "bring the alkalinity down to the required point. For the second tank, or better for a third tank, into which the second overflows, a preheater may be substituted. By careful regulation of the f IOTJ of the juice and the gas, a very good and uniform saturation may be obtained. Disturbances during saturation manifest themselves most often by slow working. For this there are many causes. It is self evident that a gas containing sufficient carbon dioxide is the first require- ment for rapid saturation. From such a gas, not only a higher absolute amount but also a higher percentage of gas is absorbed, by the juice, than from a poor gas. The required amount of saturation gas must also be delivered to the juice. If the gas pump is too small or works badly, the saturation will always be defective. The sise of the pump cylinder should therefore be made large enough s that u"dT ordinary conditions only ? small number of revolutions of the pumps are necessary and pos- sible defects, such as leaky pistons or valves, poor throttling due to high piston speed, can be overcome. The amount of gas and the capacity of the pump will also be reduced when the pressure in the suction pipe drops. A certain reduction in pressure is always present in the suction pipe on account of the resistance of the flow in the pipe itself, and in the gas washers, but it should not be more than that which corres- ponds to a water column 2'-5 n to 5'-.?" in height. In order to measure the pressure and find the point of greatest resistance, it is advisable to connect water manometers to the pipe before and after entering the washer, as well as near the pumps. It is then possible to determine whether the excessive resistance is due to the irregular working of the -: 10 :- -ET.'Oll 9 -* ' ,*>-';,v aot-, . . -- fi -.-."a /! 3.1J Tot lo O* -r-- el vino j'on ,***, BT 10! - *. .. c - 1 ^ '" ^e v I; I t>i) .. &cf 'iTi'iV ?3rjo .Tfc. ,.- . ;,'- I '-j roJEjio r:i" ../^.-- TO^'lG ;.v^ no - ' washers or to the choking of the auction pipe with ashes from the line kiln. An increase in the time of saturation also occurs when too ruch line is added to the juice or when the milk of lime is made too thick or too much dry line io added. Besides these obvious delays in saturation, there are others which are probably connected in some way with the composition of the diffusion juice, but for which no satisfac- tory explanation has as yet fceon found. Pectins probably play a part in the natter, as a poor saturation due to a poor diffusion juice only occurs when working unripe , neavily manured or unsound beets , and is connected with the way the diffusion is handled. Pectins, when present in any quantity, seems to thicken the juice, combining with lime in much the same way as sugar, out the thickening so caused is less easily done away with, and in consequence the saturation lasts longer. As a reans of remedying this, it is advisable to change the work of diffus- ion in such a manner as to work quickly and use only moderately high temperatures. In cases of very retarded saturation, no matter what the cause, the quality, color and purity of the juices suffer, Therefore, causes of the difficulties shoiild always be sought as quickly as possi- ble, and proper remedies applied. A further troublesome disturbance, during saturation, is caused by excessive foaming. This phenomena also depends largely upon the constituency of the beets and the mode of diffusion, and usually occurs in conjunction with a poor circulation, so that the causes of both bad conditions seem apparently, to be the same. If the foaming la so violent that a large foaming space does not suffice, the only re- source is an increased addition of fat or oil. o 11 1 : >-J- , ^ ... _. . .-. ' . ?&.... >I :" -rro'J- 1- sS c .. ....-., i/.- =t -*. .-> . ''-.' r .'d=T../O^' CHAPTER IX. THE FILTER PRESS STATICS. Prom the saturation tanlcs, the defecated juice is pumped, under pressure to the filter presses. Juice lifters or air pumps are rarely used, on account of the great number of evils connected with them, such as their uncleanliness and the dilution of the juice caused by condensation of steam, when the latter is used instead of air, and also the difficulty o^ .'regula^' pressure in the work. Plunger pumps are most generally in vogue, working either singly or doubly, and con- structed to work either with automatic pressure regulations or under roarnial direction. In the suction line, a stone catcher should be placed, so that stones and grit can be caught before entering the pumps or the narrow orifices of the filter presses. The pressure of the pumps should depend on the size of the press and filtering surface, and also on the qualities of the cake. In general, a pressure of 2 to 3 atmos- pheres is none too high and the cake so -obtained is then sweetened off. With bad cake or small filtering surfaces, the pressure should be in- creased to 4 - 8 atmospheres. A higher pressure is not warrantable since tlie frames in the presses are apt to be broken by uneven pressure on one side or the other. To properly guage the pressure, manometers or pressure gauges should be placed on each press. In the pressure line, behind the pumps, a reservoir should be installed so as to give a regular pressure on chc juice when the pump work is irregular. For filtration, either "chamber" or "frame" filter presses are used. The chamber presses are those in which the juice canal lies in the middle, and the cloths are filled through holes in the center for this purpose. These presses have the advantage that they hold voiid. better on the outside because the outer surfaces have 4 layers of cloth. The disadvantages are, that they take a great deal of time to 8 ftns ,IJP> i'o Wc c -noo IITIB tYl^^j; 10 vrs-'f-iQ ''^.i^^r. ".;*.^TCffl . oir*. v.-Pit r 'n^n tslniw ."^to .artoi^aXi/3 T-BiliBfi^^Qr c QSus-^tJ': i.'i 1 ' >:-*is-. : oi'. < ' OflXsj scf Mi/orta "3.1o^ab ono^re a. :>iuJ rjoi tm;.i ^r.: .noi*5-'3Ti f*it-; *i~ e'f.TO.'^ . ^:i* v.: 111^9 ! ^ri%trprv... . t Lnj..- i& * oalB: j&'tB . ,Ofl^Tc/B in/'ro-llJtl fcns fQ'.Ti.tT^ eri 1 no'"bniai6 i)firc:iE 7C '''J- Cr. '. i fii/P ?>il'.t , ^ ^ 7. irfo o anr>;( \e i, ' B o jfes/-~ 5:31/0 ei.St :r-rf* . .eo A o B*'vr?f i ifc ttf .Ja'rLf o wwa^ . * .- . * fiaa 'aiiit *wd ,;-iiroertTKT ffslrf ,- ':' . /TQ, a.Ipri ertt-ni Vjfao adt 16 'jalr^JCa rf^ unliney lie .frow rtairl-1 OTj^iO!;olo erfj titf lirteTSO'snisd ,4^Jf* so **rt*" ^-fl fc'rts .. . . ert^r vtBrfJ; el ^afetnsvftaai,' 1 ) Ts/irf-tcft A .wKJ^rt- ifJ / ^lU no 3fttoi ; o i '*! .rf*8W| xt ;t - 7, :. .; :^a*r..-is 'Sfrit f scftfin 10 t d*o !6* Teti.Hf"**i'iss ^* ft^fciv D'xq". , t^rt. 1 -^ oftl'.i-i' Lt*qo erW 3lf'<^'86 -'IIW k .M.?t*89lEf' I4.JI11 T* fC.* lo^d^ iit<- .Xfot r^fU - na o-brcstiaf-- r s"ffif^l erf^ l * . .^It3tr|ja-n?.trjJ:ru/ A^DOTT ~ &...$ ?8 * ,. to ,83^'ifg es'rsl eXsrtte s ^ca" ot ,:to^os-'} ro* ^^i sGWflO'^ct r .tlfissfc ; - ?r.< ^w/ .o- ' ^ - . ' ' ' . * fteo eoiv'g ijloaa MIB 3(*fsw ort.t-i.Jtr.B*'?*rui- v ^rf* ^I.'ffw j-rc'l :^.TC ' hi >,-. ;.t J^-. , ^Mii i M ft "i rf ;* . J i/3J&fl!fT-^aw ttqt lace .'Ji - ; 1a4;ii ". i i tffS>lfitf i otl**> I b A'..' adkaoTl 'ert^-^o 1 nrt E? "*f( : t * ' ^y /sn^-ia ^Irfno^/B !5ro froltfraf'*'-->- f.i 5O 4 88fit OS cr , . .flea- c.t es Sfol/il afl *& nx The filtering surface essential for any definite amount of "beets is absolutely undeterminable on account of extreme variation in the filtering qualities of the juice. However, the surface should be sufficiently large for the worst kind of work, in order to be absolute- ly certain of being able to work to full capacity at all tines. During campaigns, it is not necessary to clean the filter frames or the passages in the same. After each campaign, this work must be carefully atterled to. The holes in the screens, the cake and sweetening off holes, as well as the outlet holes, must be all carefully freed from scale, when brushing and scraping is not satis-- factory, the plates should be immersed in a diluted solution of Hydro- chloric acid, or concentrated acid should be pumped through all of the passages. In all cases, they must then be carefully washed off with water, in order to remove the last traces of acid, and in order to further prevent any possibility of rusting, they must be carefully varnished. When too great a wearing of the plates is feared by dip- ping in acid, properly constructed scrapers can be used with advantage. In many factories, hot dilute Hydrochloric acid is pumped through the presses at the end of each campaign, but such methods of cleaning, though they save much ^ labor, must be used with a great deal of caution, in order not to injure the pumps, pipes or cocks on the presses. The choice of the cloths is of great importance for good work, but here also there are a great many varying conditions. In some fac- tories, heavy material gives the best results, while others use cloths of very light weave. As a rule, jute material is used in the first saturation. press because it is the cheapest and is least injured by the alkalinity of the juices. The durability of the cloths depends entire- ly on the alkalinity and temperature of the juices. When the cakes are ffc*. . '""/PI- - .70 vI^/r "' ; "'" fP( 5 * . ( i- "bad, the cloths must be changed and washed frequently, and care must be talcen to choose cloths with a good weave and of good material. When the beet juice gives u good cc.ce, cheaper and lighter cloths can be used just as satisfactorily, and these can remain on the presses until they become totally clogged, a period of fourteen days or longer. Of course it is necessary for the cloths to have an even woof and no holes or rents . In many factories it is the custom to change only single cloths when they are found to give poor or clouded juices. This custom is not as satisfactory as changing the entire press, because portions of the press are apt to filter unevenly. When cloths show signs of wear, the entire press should be redressed in order to fill and sweeten off the press evenly. Various kinds of washing machines are used to clean the cloths. Those which are most satisfactory are built with rolling cylinders, in which the cloths are kept agitated into hot water, which enters at one end and flows off at the other. It is not necessary to soften up new cloths when using jute material. In order to give the cloths a good resting surface on the frames* a fine lead beading is placed on the margin. Nowadays, filter Plates are raade with long corrugations or canals to take the place of the sieves. These have the advantage of being more readily cleaned than the screens and there is no reason why they should be any harder on the filter cloths. Properly formed cakes should lie evenly distributed between both cloths. The heavier portion of the cake, as particles of grit i etc., fall as a rule, to the bottom portion of the frame as long as the contents are soft; and the lower portions probably fill faster than the upper, but on the whole, the cake forms fairly evenly over the .,,. , r .,*" ,. -. < -v [- r?6 '1 '"M'fifir ..:' ^ * * 'Xfcte .- t-r .; - .., . = S", ".', r.^ ':" .'V.:- - i. : " -'. .v --<- .;-' ....;,--,:. .-;; >>/r. V'^'-'^.' ,._ ..... . .- ;.' ."' '. ..i-v ;*- ' ' T, ,v J0?aij*.i} n^ . ..,, ( . ; , r . -,-- : ;..- .-;:;:' "' .b -^ ' ' 1,01-^4 B , ,/]t?r^iV. -.<. -3*0,* ' - . . " -' VO:' :.. '*" -'-^ l.^^'-* 1 ' 1 ,l Lts- vino < '.a; ;..'. ^o.f.iG^ . p.j. ixtutri ...-;.! ' i^rrA/.'> v ,pi?,^ < x.c*j U, vr . ' j . ' tJ. ; ri^. tJU vo ; VTC^O.B tni :..,^ ta^ . f . ';. - . " * ' 'T'- 7 , otnt I^ts^ti^.n Jqeoi IP a * i -* ' _. . *>;ii *tfi . '^ a -- ..V ' " : * *-.-, -J. TS - frV.-* ^vv*. c.j. i^^r .'i- .'''.' iga^&cf 1,^'i ...-.-; r.; .v. . iV - ! a. ?T-IO J-orr -p-i 9Ti i ,;:.' . . ^c(* TCJ;- * '-,,-' .".' ..',"' -" ~ :;j r t ' ' rreswJS'Cf I 1o xbr "to in el *rrii -'' '. -;;; tovc "Cm vo ^ i . 'vI'XO ' i' c > ."."""' " q .-' -. f - .-^. -u 1 "iT^,. ^ iJ5 .-^ J L AP i ; -^v tj .^.Corfvf ortcf no isjrJ . entire cloth when the pumps act properly, and the stream of liquid is properly injected. One can always tell irregularities of work by the different colors of the layers of She cake, which show on fresh fract- ures. IThen the saturation is carried on singly, every tank shows a differently colored cako; hence, the layers are sometimes yellow and sometimes slightly blue in color. with continuous saturation, cakes are very evenly colored. When the inlet valve of an empty press is opened, the juice is thrown, in a stream against the outlet valve; the cake is immediate- ly deposited on the cloths, and as the layer becomes less and less permeable, the more the juice is held back, until after one or two hours the press is entirely filled and the juice comes out of the cocks in a very small stream. The foreman must know, from experience, when his press is sufficiently filled. Too long a filling is a raste of time, while an under filling of the presses with too little cake pre- vents the proper sweeping off and causes a smearing of the cloths and the frames, so that the presses leak and run poorly. The better and firmer the cake, the more readily one can sweeten off and maintain regular work; hence, even though the presses run slowly, they should be allowed to fill thoroughly. It is impossible to increase the capacity by emptying an underfilled press merely because it runs slowly, because the difficulties encountered with soft cake take far more time to remedy in the end than proper work in the beginning. The cause of slow and bad running presses, and poorly filter- able juices of mushy const ituency, depends on either the qualities of the beets or the methods of work. The diffusion work has an unques- tionable influence on the qualities of the oake. When the beets are the cause of poor work in the presses, a change in the work of the diffusion battery alone is often a great help. roBtl :-. -T * '* ' ' -' ^^^^ ,- r Jl! Prf* - f r -B^::ojTi ot oXincxj3j ej - .,..,...,. Bftirr 7l'yh*n r.fc-:' ; T4 ; v" v> "Hi! An increase in the addition of lime within certain limits is seldom much of an advantage, aside from which fact, most factories have an excessive amount of cake for the capacities of their apparatus. Neither has the oft recommended bolling-up of the juice any decided advantage, for by this means, only the packing of the press is made more satisfactory, without obtaining a better cake than with tempera- tures of 80 to 90 desr-es c.; -neither does a change in the alkalinity of the saturated juice aid materially. In most cases, the only sat- isfactory method of improving the press work is a frequent change of cloths. Since the difficulties at the beginning of the campaign are, as a rule, due to unripe beets and unskilled labor, these troubles should vanish after a coi;.paritively short period of work. From the proceeding, it is very apparent that poorly saturated juice, such as that which is under, or that which is over-saturated, is bound to filter poorly. In order to obtain proper saturation, great care isust be exercised, particularly when the cake has bad characteris- tics. Intermittently bad running of the press can often be attributed to incomplete saturation of single tanks, or to leaks in the discharge valves in the line. Sometimes the foaming over of one tank into another is also a source of trouble. Such causes of poor cake are easily detect- ed by titration of the juices in the line on their way to the presses, showing a decidedly Iii^ner alkalinity than those which are properly saturated. Such titration control should be made frequently and reg- ularly. A slight increase of the alkalinity sometimes occurs when small grains of lime or saccharate occur in the juices and dissolve slowly in a small layer of juice. As a rule, this increase of alkalin- ity does not exceed 0.01$ of CaO. Soft mushy cakes occur most often from too slight pressure in the pumps, hence, a manometer in the press- ure line is absolutely essential for the proper supervision of the work. TJ^.^S'J-: a.- ;vai"r:l ^rfw*- r o. e^rrarfo ; B. 8 ^ncotr- R -iBO edit. 19 sni^nij: 0-(/>ftf(^M : srf'^ ebniB "o*-- .mt.finriovc a! ^5. t rti *T iflcv.i:--\ r '?:'>^. tJ ^-tl ,su-Lt.09oert?i ort'j fAw; ^ijr;;?; i o- , 7-^Jbfti.'. 'Bi tM-? "? .\;fto O ^ , n{>.^ .xXifilJ^c la '~.- i*-'no,.en > Jti .'9rt*'*il. ?,Q&&:-J,-'FH<;.^-'! ; B A - ' ,rii:f.e-?il^. ^>n^ ,ftcf. SB'Jfl*r??fi' Ta^. a. *? rrt'T.^^.: 1 . . "i A - " a i fc toi Jt^jliefleB" : The sugar content of the unoweetened cake is the same ao that of the defecated juices, though the amount of insoluble saccharate is extremely variable. As a rule, the cake consists of 40 parts of solid matter and 60 parts of juice. As the latter contains 10 to 12 parts of sugar, the sugar content of th^ cake is between 6 and 7$.. The sweeten- ing oftf of the cake should be so arranged that the sweet water should be as concentrated ao possible, with a thoroughly good digestion of the cake. This result can only be obtained when the juice is force'?, out of the cake by suitable means with water. In some factories the cake is removed from the press unsweetened; is then mixed with water and resweetened in the presses. By this means however, a very dilute water is obtained, with the same amount of sugar IOBS in the cake as when sweetening off in the presses. The first method has the advantage, that the very oinplest of filter presses can be used. The sweetening off from the presses can be arranged In one of several ways. Either the water enters through canals at the side of the cake frame, permeates it and flows off at the other side, or the water takes the same course as that of the juice, entering in the middle of the cake, permeating both halves and f 10-71115 array on both sides. Details which cannot bo omitted in the sweetening off of the presses are heterogeneous cakes of even thickness, throughout the press, and cloths of the same woof and permeability. If the cake is thinner and softer in one portion of the press than another, the water passes through that portion in excess, and the thin portions are sweetened off long before the thicker parts of the cake. This error is particularly noticeable when washing off with water at high pressure. An altogether even distribution of the cake is hardly possible, for on account of the construction of the presses, the cakes are bound to have uneven and bad spots. With the chamber presses the bad portions of the cake are apt -: 7 :- ' 1 .foe la act-leg 1 ^i I'o gJal'& SI oJ c T "' '."' ; oriT /.^ ' Jbka "8 V / > ,: . , >f> bi abii/' stW ar.oe 9KV."'*ar:.f Vb io < . Ekf ai WXsO" o'b s 'be^ik^'.e :8 ^ftl .3 ":*'ic etrol': Sari^tJ: dc^aeETcxi iaif': iJ rii ^f!li9J'i: e > .HOXL'J; ai!f "f teriJ 'EK nsit/oo iiasfe ortt eo ;lB .1,toST no \B^'s ;:nivcf^ fm ei . :lo "Hfifi^ ;L4 n^ri* 'ceeici '."1 '";o .'frctioq" '^ho hi - ,. y ;' ' .. f ' f . r .. i . ^ ... . e^s eifi Bftot^'foq ni.ff'eacf' irre . cescxff 'irl no-J'io' sni/ fftfi o'v* trtirc'd ''i 1 ? "so^feo' 4'rT* V89BSf5'i'"' O* :>qa .'ai- tW^SiTilD '"tfrt* i^'sWt^g^^^T-^ril-^iwV^Vf'- ^ .?-*oi &!# . 'fsfosq o^ rWflJVJb/*-xfort 'ai'^I ira-ni 1.S9TS 0* to: T: oq tiv etap .Rfl.^ 1 . Jo-^irg 1o etasg,. vdJ oj. -- a/. lo- lif^tfo L : ^ ft el .^ o-j aX-i io. 'iio : .ton- ta, ': r^arf^ o.t- : ee noi j'&--5i/p ^8 t ^ Tio_ Tj-T.fng.tae ai i Id .!,* i* ^ft^a^:: Ho ^ al Moo "Jo 'Bl ^ T i8 ,11o stf,- -.1-9^ ^s fai.; -. ..ti loco UB.I^BO '1'^p el ri rf* n*3rtw Bioqny. tori rfj ^pn wC' ' b j Jb.'liB slsnr.afio ,&rl A tjj:o -ort B lo olo W - irartw , /t-p "ii/ * ./!>.:: :'.? ,f'? .f>. : ''F d i.t vit-'^T 19^0! 'Lc ..a. r;-.];/; .\Xt.n9io " ' '..r^*-: : -"'Yj : -%*.xji ;. 1 :*" ^- t ^^ff^.-^^v-' , oldt^isiPT ..e The choice of the method of sweetening off to be used, whether through the sweet-water channels and full cakes, or through the cake channels with half cakes, depends on concomitant circumstances. As a rule, it is best to sweeten off through the sweetening off channels, when the presses are properly constructed, for under such conditions, the cake is sweetened off with more certainty and evenness and the juices are less diluted. In factories where milk of lime is used for defecations, the nore diluted sweet-waters should be separated from the rest of the liquor and used to dissolve the lime. Since 5 to 6 parts of water are necessary to dissolve one part of lime, and one part of lime gives from 4-1/2 to 5 parts of cake, it is apparent that one need not dread an excessive dilution of the sweet-water, for 150$ of the weight of the cake is necessary to dissolve fresh lime. In contrast to this, in factories with dry defecation, every unnecessary dilution EMst be avoided In order to prevent an extravagant use of fuel. The cake (Pressschlamra or Scheideschlaram) falls from the presses into wagons, or into conveyors, or mixers underneath the press- es in which it is mixed with water to form a thick mush so that it can be conveyed to the sewers or pumped to settling ponds. As a fertilizer of the soil, those cakes which have the least lime and the greatest amount of phosphoric acid and nitrogen are the most valuable. -: 10 :- . t ,~ -.>'. v *" fx* * * : ' i . < ... .. ..... ..-,. ... .-..--.. ,r**\ift '#;; '^ij u - | if.-. .-I r, , "".J"? * ** * . . .1, fl.n.vf'.ri *$':? ^>cl2tttv,rft.' ,gl9n,1rfo ./rrtf "HP-. /Je,f.wj .-p,*-, tfe^. 1 !' ^ Jbna ^.ilft^i^o "T-t. lilj -:gool eSs n-fto^, " p . V v>^- rfe.- -iif f , . .- . ; .' ' Hf t *t*i 3 o'J a oonfg .anil oriJ- ovlopeif), oJ.^eau .taa^O^il.fertt : : :' -. '"' ' to ^oq ano irifi oail lo j-usq > >.yJlonEJJ> - * .vip^'.iTOSin sxii- lorfB^ lo : : " -' '*'* fto ^srl* ^fratfiqqs ei ii ^sxrp, '-\9,,a^fl1 3 !T\5\*~* '-^ sevis-aall TO! f i^BTf~^ iw 5ri*. lo < .noi^li c f--"* -o^ 0? -t '*B .' 1 " 1 -f'C : ?,:l '-ji/ . * > T 5 .o yi.7.r? e y ^ v^ .,, . -ro opportunity for more careful regulation of the operation, and less dan- ger of injury by carrying the operation too far. Two saturations make the work more complicated and require more care, so that many factories operate just as successfully with one after-carbonation. A third car- bonation is essential when there is any amount of magnesia in the lime or juice.. Magnesia goes into solution when the juices are saturated below an alkalinity of .05, probably as Ammonium-magnesiuin-carbonate, or as Bi-carbonate of magnesium. Both salts are decomposed on boiling to magnesium-carbonate. In the presence of these salts, the alkalinity in the carbonation must be maintained at .05, and the correct alkalin- ity should not be reached before the juice is filtered. There is luich diversion of opinion in regards to the amount of alkalinity which should be left in the thin juice. A general answer would be to have an alkal- inity sufficient to give a neutral thick juice, at the same time thor- oughly removing all the organic matters. When the thin juices are brought to neutrality with sulphuric acid, they have a brighter color than alkaline juices, though the color cannot be relied upon for the work. In reheating, the juices are usually maintained above a tem- perature of 100o., or some time, often in the preheaters the temper- ature reaches 115 or 120C., and is ever above 300 c., in the first body of the evaporators. Only neutral or very weakly alkaline juices cannot be handled in this manner, since the alkalinity increases on boiling. Noutrai juioea usually decompose, giving dark colored juices* while with just sufficient alkalinity they are not noticeably injured when the temperature does not exceed 115 to 120 C. Intense heating really seems to improve a juice for the alkali acts energetically and destroys the nonsugars ouch as Amides and Albuminoids which remain unacted upon in the defecation. The alkalinity in such oases shows a -: 2 :- -?'. .9 8. J? . ' t .__. ? r decided increase which however, does not reach the point of neutrality, and there is no sugar destroyed, on the contrary, acids result from the combination of the alkalies and nonsugars, which unite with the freed ammonia . The question as to whether or not the thick juice should be strongly or weakly saturated, depends on the last amount of line added .and whether or not it is precipitated as carbonic or sulphuric line in either the thin or thick juice. The solubility of these substances in sugar solution, is also important here, since an extreme saturation of the thin juice can only be advantageous when the Hue salts are as difficultly soluble in thin juices as in thick. Nearly all lime salts are, however, nore difficult ly soluble in concentrated sugar solutions than dilute, and in heating the thin juices, carbonates, sulphates and other salts of line separate out on the tubes of the evaporators, whether the thin juice is alkaline or neutral. All conditions der.iand a permanently alkaline thin juice sufficiently alkaline so that the unsaturated thick juice (or "middle juice") will still remain alkaline. It is not proper to Maintain any definite alkalinity of the thin juice; this should vary with the qualities of the juice and its contents after heating. In consequence, only the extreme Units can be given, below and above which it should not vary. The upper limit is that at which the alkalinity is such that the line docs not react or form saccharate, while the lower Unit is that which will yield a soundly alkaline thick juice; for the latter an alkalinity of .05 to .10$ or thereabouts is sufficient. The alkalinity of tlie tiiin juice must be increased when that of the thick jvJ.ce fells below the point of neutrality. As a rule, an alkalinity of the thin juice of .03 . 05fi (indicator Phenolphtalein) is very snail, very little of the line existing as CaO, most of it being combined witn acids. The greater part of the permanent alkalinity ; " T > ; "* "- & '* **"' *f" ' f r'"*-' r r-' * , , .-r r. ~'~ '"if *:" ^ ' ^ -" >*' *T * V " . 1 C* '^ , v. .... 11..1o ^^'o.ifl .te.,r- ^."'.I'f - " . Sflcraeti/^s--.^!^^" ; 'n ol-anjil'.-R w^ oii-roilT Ir.-^f-aj: ji ^on -?rii'r9c s.:ii lo r^l. ?. Q J " f>0i. r /t .IX ~I 6 si ^ 5 ** "^1-j.ilCjtr^. "- . '.. , . f ', 1 aj rt -io ' " " ^ i . . .^ f . depends on organic "bases and annnonia. If the jttice acts energetic- ally on the alkalies or the free line, during evaporation, as is often the caoe with -unripe beets, the alkalinity of the thin juice should be maintained as high as possible. At the cane ti.e, it ^nist be noted that strongly alkaline juices create a great deal of scale in the evaporators, which retards evaporation. The final alkalinity should be the same whether the s-eoon??. satiu-ation is carried on with carbonic or stilphurous acid, and depends on the iTiirity and ease of working of the juice. For simplicity and cheapness of v/orking, carbonic acid is the iriost advantageous and affords the opportunity of omitting the treatment of the thick juice vritn aul- phurous acid. TThen two second saturations are considered desirable, the alkalinity of the first should be maintained at fror. .01 to .02$ higher than that of the thin juice, in order to effect a third satura- tion. A double filtration of the thin juice is absolutely essential whether one or two second saturations are used, in order to obtain an entirely clear juice for evaporation. For the first filtration, filter presses are used, which are covered vrith thickly woven cloths, cotton or jute. ?or this purpose, filter presses are used without sweetening off channels, for such channels have the disadvantage of affording no means of shutting off the juice fron- the Liain ~:ody of the liquid, when any specie.! code begins to run dirty.. The simplest presses are sweet- enec" off through the lime hoppers, though, in general, the last calces are not sweetened off at all, for the anount of cake scarcely ar.ounts to . 1$ of the weight of the boots and the loss of sugar in thio man- ner, at the .:.ost , can iiarily be noted. If a large quantity of ce.-ve is forned, it io best to return it to the first saturation to be resweeten- ed in the first presses, in order to decompose the insoluble saccharate which often in the second saturation, the unsweetened oalce of ?;i:ich sometimes runs as high as 4 to 7% of sugar. The filtration of "i olscs ^ lirt, enllsrallc- rc.TBvo s cifS c iluc-rlc ^*. '! n -JU*3 ritir s ia - c. ot if*. s ^.- ., .- - "rrl ,opi:?G 61:i -'erir Ic cr/?r:i s:W' r; on- j;r,ixii-:- r'r ,&!ypll --ic ^itf: ; ociirfc tfl ^'' l-'&i" '- ^^^ ^^ .-iotrSr. "^oc Rir o>:t 97 .* ' * -j- "B>.- t * l:^o '~i?'i* firrfr 1^ BITS-- ff -nei_ ci;U E ^o ec'o* or* ^na c/w 4o :3n9# .trisi'or *rft ^o the cake of the second saturation seldom offers any difficulties. At tiries though, the presses stop running in a short while and there is not a full cake in the frames, while the cloths are covered with a smeary scum. This condition occurs generally when the first saturation yi&lds a poor cake or when the first is carried too far. Under such conditions as previoi^sly described, carbonate of Eagnesia goes into solution and separates out again in the second saturation. Nearly all precipitated salts of magnesia, a,3 well as the carbonate, are sliiiy and filter vith difficulty. The second filtration of the thin juice is best accomplished in bag filters of Daneks , which afford a large filtering surface in a snail space with little pressure. Little pressure is essential in order to prevent the smallest particle of cake from being forced throiv^li the woof of the cloth. The advantages of any one type of apparatus depciK'uj on the ease with which the cloths can be changed and their durability. A very good and reliable filtration is that over gravel, coarse sand or similar granular material. On the whole, these filters need more nianual work in renewing filter material and nust be frequently washed in order to work satisfactorily, ifuch praise has been given to filtration through partioles of swinging cork which floats on the upper surface of the fil- ter, the juice circulating from the bottom upwards. Filtration through sawdust and excelsior is also often successful. Frequently, material is added to the thin juice which allots fine particles of a cake to coagulate, thus af forcing a more satisfactory separation. For this purpose, fine sawdust, cellulose, and boneblack are used; the sawdust is prepared by soaking in a weak alkaline solution until the addition of fresh liquor is not discolored; with boneblack, care nnist be taken that the correct kind is used in order to obtain a clear colorless liquid, such that the acids contained therein do not unite with the alkali of the juice to cause a decrease of the latter. Every thin juice filter should be provided with two troughs from v.liioii the clear juice can be led from one to the evaporators and returned fron the other to the e-eooncL 8r- ' - -. . t f : ' Tl? ; dOft'run ~ .... . ir / a e CHAPTER XI. OTHER METHODS OP JUICE PURIFICATION. the purification by means of line and carbonic and sulphurous acids, there are more than 300 other methods for decoloriz- ing and purifying the juices. Forty utilize acids of sulphur, 25 those of phosphoric acid and its combinations, 23 various organic acids and their combinations, 47 alkalies, alkaline earths and their salts. 69 metals and metallic salts, 56 organic materials, and 12 depend upon electrolytic methods. (November 1903). Some of these materials are used in the diffusion battery, some in the ravr juice, the thin juice, the thick juice or the syrups. Most of t!:e methods of purification are applicable only in special oases, T7hile the majority of the materials used are too expensive to irarraJlt any practical application. In some oases poisonous materials are in- troduced into the juice, irhich, even if they do not affect the sugar, alvayn appear in the molasses, injuring the sale of the latter as cattle food. As far as purification of the diffusion juice before defecation is concerned, the action must be mostly on the organic materials v/hich occur in largest quantities in this condition; the same applies to the no-lasses. Ao a rule, either the methods yield comparitively poor re- sults or they are too costly. Only few substances are really advanta- geous for addition to the thin or thick juices. The most important of these are the carbonic and sulphuric alkalies, or quick lime, which, more than anything else, converts the organic lime salts into correspond- ing alkaline salts. Phosphoric acid is also used vfhich precipitates lime as phosphates. Baryte is used to preciritate sulphuric acid and combinations of organic acids; the chloride of barium should increase crystallization, 'iagnesia, irhich sometime ago was said to have very satisfactory action, stands far behind lime in reference to its fteility '%. * jv-"^ sj * *" r}i - ^ -. f ' rf. - . t- ^ p c-fi ^'^t*'; 1 ! . - t .* -- , - . ij * - j ^. ^ 9 , Ol5rt L CA ^ r- f f - * :*fl^';v; )Rlr> c p . to purify the juices and render them filterable. Clay acts as a cl^rify- ing agent on the r?.7i juice, Tannie acid precipitates albumen, vrtiile carbon as col;e, boneblacX., or charcoal, acts as clarifiers without pur- ifying the juices. Other bleaching substances are sulphurous acid, hydro- sulphurous acid, and. ozone, rrith or without the conjunction of boneblaclc. Some of the salto of the heavy metals, such as sine, tin, and lead, also decolorise. A good action on the rat: juice is obtained with electroly- sis by soluble lead or sine electrodes, using at the sane ti::e a method of Dialysis, but the method is too expensive to be practical, and the sugar losses are too great. In the diffusion, acids such as oxalic, phosphoric, or hydro- cliloric, used to be used in snail quantities to decre^.ie the solubility of substances, which in the filtration of the saturated juice caused a poorly filtering cake; the consequences of their use 7/ere undoubtedly uniiiportant , excepting the injury to the trails of the diffusion cells. The addition of antiseptics such as phenol or fornaldehyde, in order to prevent the development of gas or fermentation, are almost entirely useless, for- the substances are too costly to add in large quantities or else give a bad taste and odor to the sugar. -o- ir . fto no .e;'b Vtf sis o4;i x , CHAPTER XII. EVAPORATION. In evaporation,, the thin juice should be concentrated from 12 to 13 Brix to approximately 60 Brix, and about 80$ of water should be evaporated in the operation. TThen the heating surfaces of the evaporators are too small or lacking in capacity, concentration to 50 Brix is all that can be obtained; but this naturally necessitates the use of an increased amount of fuel. A properly constructed evaporating station should be so arranged that even under the poorest circumstances, one would never obtain a thick juice less than 65 to 60 Brix. a density of 65 to 70 is not advisable on account of the difficulties in boiling, and the possibility of crystallization of the mass by cooling of the liquors in the pipes. The amount of thin juice usually obtained per 100 kg of beets, using the dry defecation process and 2$ of lime, is as follows:- Draw in the diffusion, about 105 litres = 110 kg. of beets. Sweet-water from the presses (125$ of 8$ cake) * 10 " " " Various waters of condensation - 2 " " " Total thin juice 122 " " " In factories which use the wet defecation or nilk of lime process, considerably more lime is used and there is in consequence, more sweet-water. As a rule, the sweet-water is not used to dissolve the lime, and the thin juice obtained is about 125 kg per 100 kg of beets. Diffusion juice with a sugar content of 12 to 13$ gives there- fore, a thin juice of 10-1/2 to 11-1/2 percent of sugar. In factories with a daily capacity of 500,000 kg of beets, 625,000 kg of thin juice are made, or a total of 1-1/4 to 2-1/2 million kg to be concentrated for every 10,000 to 20,000 kg. worked. o.^Cfc 'nrorfa i>'rrs y.,fe '"^X^f*^^^*^ tf^iU-:*- ' " 'c*f "f*f ' A r ^ !-> ' '" 4 t:. ^;U ;.'o T-fff <5j g? lJ- , m Z'->v,r>?, r.6 'P- ufif Mi--Q;;n I."'* r I r,?tfcr> : .-if- it^.lp..i -an si^osK ' >.: >; iw rtfc'^tfQ'-^iJtjjAa .^00- al- C" 'rr rcji 'V: I-r.^ s ;,' 5 .7P' io- \^illot-ctBoq- S..^n; ( ' ,-ri rr . 'iia ; - 'iia ; - *'i^B ^.rlf ;: -fiJu"a(r: J louoiJ o* Jbo;/-'^o BJ ^vn ! '*w + . OT .islrf r,: nA - i'S '* c^'SX lo ^rr^.fr - ,.fiKve ' rro.tL-": ^ c For the evaporation of such immense quantities of water, there have been systematic improvements in evaporation installations. The heating surfaces are, as a rule, tubes expanded into end sheets, the juice circulating arjv.-id the c^tride of the tubes. The length of the tubes was, in the earlier apparatus, 1.25 to 1.50 m; with later types, 3 to 4 m. , and they range from 20 to 50 mm. in diameter. The important features of construction have not been altered much ir. the improvement of the apparatus. Every evaporator should be provided with indivual thermometers and quioK-silver vacuum gauges, as well as the proper peep and light glasses, so that the contents can be carefully watched. In the single effect evaporator, 1 K.g of steam evaporates at best 1 Kg of water. A better utilization of the heat iti the steam can not be obtained unless the steam developed is again used for evapora- tion or heating; Honce, we would hardly be justified in considering the economy of steam when studying evaporating apparatus, but should confine our attention to the conditions under which these apparatus give off the greatest amount of water from the heating surfaces. We must also place our attention on the greatest possible capacity and \ various coincident evils. The best construction to attain this object will be when the following conditions of heat transference are thoroughly fulfilled. The transference of heat from the heating surfaces to the boiling fluid, increases as-'-- 1. The velocity of the circulation of the juice on the heating surfaces . 2. The juice level and the jiiice pressure on the heating sur- faces decreases. . is3 &3 lo -if.f JflrT&ap wit?c^ .emit Jail *8fcJ: YfoifrfeidgoVo "r : "Bin&ra -.. .. viJ ? ...?: - , - ; -' r -'. ,/V'-'' " "^ ' ' "40- riijg.'Te'l- 5 > iiT-' J ' /a^ci'y^ erf;t r 1'c 't of ?.*.!' roi'trtiKi h rti" .."." 33 c'j Cn'Vjoi'}: f^isi YerLt itp f .!.-! ; n . . ., WSH&r ?/.i :i'r: r rirjBnf''/^T6^1s"neod overl no^otrr^aroo . i i r'liro^y "r-* : :> .' !> -.-- '' . ' 86 ' ieepiTBS' ^u-Xoijj'p ..berio^f* Jt^lii-1 -";c"b 'jsit> a"hi tsrl* oa , t . . . j i-H .js.^y-e.'-iotir.v^ - 3&"*t'n lo ^>, , tolt'JB^oqfijve ^r>ip': t*) slsnte iflcJ' rl ' fV. '.. ; vl til { , , 7- ^ .. .. -i ''. , ' f .,, ^r;i':tUiii jr.. ! 9rf n.oi irorfar ,'^uo , BW.te^fi'qe aiTii/foq^-, tvfctfjta ^srfw msod-a "io \ r aonor)a o.r ... in ^te en.flnc.^ r, .,,. . :<*. . B t WiV'i'a/rf" ^ n-V f 9 .1 * o k c > . , "( V . -"" ""- Jbar Y^iOBQfen el-cfi'sacq ?8'eitJse -^ nrl^ no .lo^tnel^c 11/0 ^oeln .at, r ':.. ..:':'' .ellvs j not I on loo B^O.-IBV .. .- *''. '^bj;a"o'-eJ . M ..... . .., ., ... :.-. i . " - . . . . *- .'..'' art*' rto-Ti ,teofi lo i ic . : ^ T . or " j. . - i .' ''J jjflr rto .c/>'.t, o:i; *f< -.'^*irol^v oitr ?'!Lrg ^.ii'LlJ^^i o-fi^ ."-:'o -^Tt''-;' ortJ .!).'>>, i "^'*-f 'Of^h . >3. ' -R ;-'-'" i !!*.-'. ! ". B'. 3. The speed with hich the heating vapor is condensed on the heating surfaces. 4 r The speed with which the condensed water is removed from the heating surfaces. 5. The completeness of the vacuum in the heating space. 6. The cleanness of the heating surfaces from scale and deposits, so that the heat will "be conducted better through the heat- ing surfaces. 7. The less viscous the Juice is the better the work. 8. The hotter the juice becomes. 9. The increase in temperature between the heating vapor and boiling juice. These conditions Erust be obtained by the simplest methods, so that the practical operators of the evaporators will have a simple and easily manageable apparatus. Then too, care must be taken to avoid any losses of juice, and lastly, the installation must not be too expen- sive. All such machinery, to be used in sugar factories, must be of the simple construction, for the evaporating apparatus has to work day and night, and there are very ferr hours Sundays during which they can be cleaned and repaired, so that all installations which are apt to give the slightest trouble should be discarded. As a rule, the vertical and horizontal types of apparatus, in use in most factories, are satisfactory as far as simplicity. With many types of construction, particularly with the theoretical type of spray apparatus, losses and irregularities of work have occured, so that they have met with little favor in modern practice. In places where the tube systems are used, either vertical or oblique tubes are used for the evaporation and boiling. For certain purposes, these have advantages, though, it is hard to understand why they should be used more than the properly constructed types. One must bear in mind, that the capacity of an evaporator depends, in the end, on a choice between "the use of two types of construction, in which one must pay as much ff * . O f .*.. * ra.'' rt,< ?v. . ; ,- ! . J.( '^'.v* .* .- - ; -' : ' \ .rx-p"**" * ;w(; . 4t i" x-^itte, o I cfXrp it B^a^Bgi a.Tx r Ho: *- 9J 3 ' s*7.ojm7r.i^aa flrt t : /-8pl*ai:0;- oA ie, . OB * ^'r i* oti> y.t attention to the capacity per eq. ft. per heating surface, as when using double the area in another construction in which the capacity is only half as great. Then too, the capacity of an evaporator has, as a rule, nothing in common with the heat-economy of the entire system, for this depends on the proper combination of the separate bodies. The capacity of the single effect evaporator, is a most im- portant consideration from first to last. With successful types of apparatus, one must be able to ^onstantly work, it to its full capacity. By proper thought in this direction, one can, with very simple means, reach excellent results and obviate costly increases of the evaporator station. Hence, it seems essential to consider the means of increasing the capacity of existing types of apparatus. The most important influences on the capacity of the evapor- ators, are the height of the juice and the Juice stream. Earlier, it was thought that one should never allow the juice to fall below the level of the tops of the tubes, and that the juice should never be maintained at a height less than the length of the heating tubes, that is, from 1-1/4 to 1-1/2 m. ; but the pressure, and consequently the boiling point at any spot on a tube increases with the height of the column of Juice around the heating surface. Against this considera- tion, we have the experimental data which shows that thermometers placed both at the top ancl bottom of the tubes give exactly the same temperatures. This is on account of the circulation of the juice, which is sufficiently active so that there is no superheating at any one point on the heating surfaces, and the excess heat in the form of steam is rapidly mixd with the juice current so that the temperature of the juice, as far as it can be measured with thermometers, is the same throughout the mass. It is nevertheless apparent, that at any Particular moment, there is a difference in temperature between the -: 4 :- BB , . ."r s ,Bjrf 70?B;? reorto " O .^ru.'o r *rcj C8 9ff^ .10 .^idei^?- 5ffT. ,. . . ; '. t ' ; r e.Xt*. .^QlO-^3,ii8ItOP.. -jT - ,o gcj .^aijcr;. ..ono. .aat t*|-tn "i B^^br.. .? .noXoB^o . SJLf?.BTqq[f- lc ^y,* > .J-irai^r ies^ionju '. io-'an $: v-ti^Bcflo - c --rf* nro' afcnsuXiani tfra^ ..-3661^9 r '.*it'l &A$^bfcs.9tt8\f' etti -ito ttsteti .ortjt ^-rfe' f 8*rot c*.-^ ii't :afi8. : orrQ JpiU t-^s;/0il* ci cf 'iKwon Wxroria- eoiifj;-- ^ft/. .1 '.,-B^H* erfj ,lo e>io. v t erfJ .lo. I?y ' ^ . *' .-,^ ^9 if j.rf: ^-o .i.tx;".^^ eru Ef ; d-flsi'eK-i'B^B >nj.B*i rt?- x'XJ-floijr^Rfico tXs .o-iir'M-; :--.%! ?ri,t ttrtf :'.d t^i-I.c^ *\I-I 'acrrt .E tri;- -^fi/Oifit : ' >t ' : *'L''"Ts . err. , no .-..if;* r ic ..*!,''. p^i K^ ' o steam being developed at the top and the bottom of a tube. The tem- perature difference between the heating vapor and the heating surface, decreases also when the juice pressure increases, and since the evap- oration is proportionate to the difference in temperature, the capacity is correspondingly diminished as the juice pressure increases. Hence, in vertical apparatus, the heating tubes have been considerably shorten- ed; but this feature necessitates apparatus of large cross section, in order to obtain the same heating surfaces. But on other considerations, the diameter should not exceed 3m. A shortening of the heating tubes is not only unnecessary, but is also a detriment to the capacity when working with low juice levels in the evaporator. The reason for this is, that the bubbles of vapor coming off of the liquid, entrain consid- erable sugar and cause excessive foaming, which is not only a drawback to the work, but is also a positive loss. The longer the tubes are, within definite limits, the faster the circulation will be in them, providing that the pressure in the bottom portion is not too great. The depth of the juice, which can always be measured, by com- municating gauge glasses, depends on a number of conditions such as the viscosity of the juice and the volume of vapor given off. In conse- quence, the thick juice bodies can be maintained at a lower level than those filled with thin juice; the proper level must be determined by experimenting. It is only essential to maintain the juice at a suffi- cient height to cover the tops of the tubes. With horizontal appar- atus, the juico level should also be maintained as low as possible, though as good a circulation can never be obtained as in the vertical types. On the other hand, with this type of apparatus, it is possible to install a very large heating surface with a small amount of head-room, particularly when the apparatus is coffer shape, which is really perfer- able to all other forms. . &ly,l p .<:>:.' t .; '.;-,: r ;,..,-,.,-,.! ,.,. . . i: .-.,.... ..; ,.... ..,; ' ' '' : *"'' . "' ,' : >o.rrJ8 .bit** , eo8&**" ! -o:'! i SIITRROI^I aoltrj, Drftf rre.TT ^OB^RO...9rf^ , O1Lf.''eTPq[.TT' '"'nOJt't'fM. . ' .-- J I - . I . - , i ' '.. :* ' - (' eVBrf fi*>OL-t i^n 80070 Abienoo ^carf^o no J -ton JBIi/orla le^actftt o .tno.tit.tJ oai -Yi"^R'3' f ' . ;' V" . . ":QQfioi orfT.. ni elovsl ao^i/t VQl ft-* it? ^iJTio " , a \*J"no .ton e: rloirfw , ^rir-ao'i 6v a:eor^ seis/to .fcrrc Lfi^ arlT rieo c osJs ei % --->-r. HJ 5/t^ ,?3 OJ o.o^ *pr rU npiJTou. ino jo'f <=fi.t m r 'iiifiiB!5iq erl^ ?Cil^ r^W-voi ^-fv-a.jrjEF-tv -ae rioifa ar.r: LV:- 1 ' :' rtl ,^lp . .-Xavq-I orrqj p -. ..' ' ' . \"f .j&QaJbCnolv.b . ?tf , j , ,. T . ' i'i^iWB -R ^B. ':0,tur " 1 . ..-T6TCIB ifijnOS.L'TQfl ' " . ' - 1 - - . . . ., flcfie.BOcj. RB wol > BB Jb'in n^n. ' BC fcf MtT'rfe i*v^X ooJc|, . lBOjo7jyv. ( c>rft..;' - ; ' - .- t ltJJ. OBorj.. B i. | , , ^if j HtT, 'i . > ":.-" ; :&;cin ^^"n^'rtir xlTBl/;>. c. -.-.-, ' " r-io'? 'io.lJ-o Ila ot In order to increase the circulation of the Juice in the ver- tical types of apparatus x circulating wells are placed in the center so as to make a positive circulation in one direction. Sometimes the circulation is aided by means of annular spaces between the tubes. Sometimes staves of wood or enameled iron are hung in the heat- ing tubes; these, in section, are in. the form of a cross, with a slight spiral twist. The wooden stavet, have the disadvantage of becoming soft and decomposing by the action of heat and alkaline juices, and after boiling out the evaporators with acid, they have a tendency to color the juice dark., and iron staves are too expensive for the work. The speed of the juice in the tubes can also be increased by using tubes of smaller cross section, so that the contents of the tube is less in proportion to the heating stirface. Hence, smaller tubes are oftener used for the first than for the last bodies, in order to main- tain the diameter of the tubes in a more satisfactory ratio to the vol- ume of the evolved vapors. An installation !7hich improves the circu- lation in the first body, is that, of a so called "cij-culator" which consists of another smaller evaporating apparatus which is connected both above and below with the thin juice body; the circulator is heated with live steal.:. The vapor developed carries the juice up with it and serves as motive power through the tube system of the larger apparatus. The action of this circulator is, however, very doubtful. When the circulator increases the evaporation, the cause very probably lies in the fact that it is being run with high pressure steam,' the use of rhich is very expensive. The transference of heat depends further on the speed with which the heating vapor passes over the heating surface and upon the ease with which the condensed water flows off of the same. T7ith vertical apparatus, the velocity of the heating vapor in the steam space is not very great, but the condensed water flows off of the tubes rftp -srfi.rtl ^,Lq : iw .^-. ^ ; -; . -.! ,/ ., *; _/?.,. fU| ^.{ii^V ;u ^oe^js.Jn : .' o.e^rf "&o s r ^xr^.. ;;,. bjiK '.^rf eLrlOJ^JLift'TiO '..".? .Li.- rl^t'. q;,'.^oJ iu^ .->;[.; ;;:> ;; 5 T C;7 I O t ' " C V^ '\T - '-i" a..;'-^r pEv.V- - . f ,.v, r . 79 '.;:.. 7 ;i ^c a.. 'i- C.T., T.'O-Ifltf. f'.rs . *.VOQ'.j6 :. fi ' i .* H . -,;> cu T^X? 7. . ;T . r r-^ .,.t. . very rapidly. With horizontal apparatus, the heating vapor attains considerable velocity, particularly when the heating tubes are of a small diameter, such as 20 mm. or under. This velocity is greatest at the point where the steam enters and decreases near the water outlet, until it becomes entirely nil. The condensed water flows away very slowly from the horizontal tubes, the lower portion of which are never free from water, even when the water is not spattered all over the tubes by the velocity of the steam. Improvements on vertical apparatus should be made in attemps to increase the velocity of the heating vapor, while with horizontal apparatus, the improvements should be in the line of proper drainage of the water. All steam, live as well as exhaust, contains a small quantity of non-condensable gases such as air and small quantities of carbon dioxide and ammonia. In speaking of non-condensable gases, one usually means ammonia, though the greatest amount of ammonia from the condensed waters are absorbed. If the non-condensable gases are not withdrawn from the heating space, they gather and seriously retard the transfer- ence of heat. Hence, it is important to continually and completely relieve the evaporators of these gases. The importance of this is further obvious when one considers the dangers of strong corrosion of brass and copper, due to the action of ammonia combined with the oxygen of the air. Attempts have been made to use absorption apparatus to take up the ammonia in the exhaust steam lines, by using sulphurous or sulphuric acid, caustic potash etc. 4 the idea being that the ammonia salts obtained would cover the costs of the process. None of these installations have been successful, for they have yielded absolutely no profit, the quantity of ammonia in the vapor having been over-estimated. In the evaporation of thin juice, from 100 kg. of beets, only about -: 7 :- si in . XJ ?;j; eie rtftirfw l tr^woi r -irfj f a9rfirt lB*n'.:j:.;.'^vri ed-J ;aoil tl^c '.- aJ: TetEW eitt rtetft ff^v^ ,ie.tEW ao-To: ^"r1 :o s^rwaovonqtRiI srit ">.o \. 4 ioolov ert.t v.-f lev 3fiitael ert^ le v^icolev. erf? ^Q^fioftl o.t a..j.nat,?jB -il c '^fifi pd .Jt>ii/c>f>. j liD/orta 8^fravoij3t Qff^ ,etf*j8isq(i IJB^ DSXTOri rf.jjfir 1*1 :3,t#w erlt "to 8 enisJrroo ,^8/BrIx es II?w BS fvii fcrre ijre SB rCoim B^B'; altfBO^eJJno^ -non on 1o ^rtlMs^a^ r.I .g^rfc-rrni'..^ LITP it ^Binoii^s an, 10 lo Bs.t. erro ,898B ton ess f>rrs .Jbns art ot ^nBt a.i a.trt^ lo o ddtiw oi noLtcrtosJo Q aiio-n/rktlire jj^ a,, ti . ei9jbienr>> sno >i:Soc < "i^ ot sfiec. fuartf OVE jia te orti ..taen . -I. t* nl flfrtorzas **rf* in ; ,-iar:ao -tot oo- tii. o ;;;!- ^j^< rt^fltf rsvsrf ex^r? i/Ii^t 'io y^I./rjewiv - t*sJ: lo. .s^ ' 31 oral's. ,*aii.r|, nlfCf ID- rr^J'fiicx^. 1 erf 10 to 20 grans of ammonia are developed, so that with normal work, cfcily from 100 to 200 kg. of NH 3 can be obtained per day, even when there is a total absorption. This small amount does not pay for the costly method of the process which must be installed in every body of the evaporators; and moreover, at best, only prevents corrosion, for gases other than amonia remain in the steam and are drawn up with it. Gases such as carbon dioxide, TThich are developed in large quantities, are frequently due to the over-saturation of the thin juice. An entire separation of the gas from the steam occurs normally, in the heating space in which, though there is rapid circulation, there are places where the motion is slight and where the gases collect. Experience hac shown that with vertical types of apparatus, the brass tubes are attacked only in their upper portions, because it is there that the gases collect. Hence, the relief valves should be put in the upper tube sheets, and should be located farthest from the steam inlet. This is particularly essential when there are no steam baffles to remove the condensed water and traces of steam- vapor. tfhen there are several superimposed steam baffles, it is best to put the gas relief line in the middle, between the plates. If the corrosion of the heating tubes still continues in other portions of the evaporators, relief valves should be placed in close proximity to these spots, in order to prevent the deteriorating influences of the gases. Care must also be taken that the baffle plates themselves do not bind the gases. With horizontal apparatus, the steam inlet is arrays on one side, and the non-condensable gases are carried with the condensed water to the end of the tube. Hence, the baffles are placed only on the upper portion of the exit chamber. If the tubes are not entirely horizontal but bent, gases are apt to bind in the tubes and cause com- plete decomposition in a short time. Tto vl>ocf .*l9tHtXQtJfr p'138l ,TA ^TOl^VoJj '^ ' !"'-'' .*'. v ixail- rt^ : rii- .^Ilafe ei'i* f>'i^'r?t'' : ffioi c rft ich'?r 'lurtif" tri^lle at ndt^ob' ert 'R^i^'F ^c' ,ehV; *-T^t ?*(.! ,-;ir--Lt out* ni xl-i^ Z^Mo/' n-el < i i lr'CJ':. i 0Bv*r. . '>' ^V- ^'i-p'-'fl^- ;;\^tv" T lsf .fftften^' 'vlislnOi JTBcr 'si Ff>rf --if;.X5- T^^b'x^ 5 '-' 1 '*":^ 1 "' ^^^^-rol:^- fri ; *' i c*'> ocrm' 1 ^" '''!"' '. i. **r.rqf'--rto-rffD' :> ni B^i/ffitrcob Ilii *>h'ii'.. ' ib^ns^rtsi/ilri^ i MfV! Sfti ! *;>o'? *" i4%tih'!&ti&b' ' - + ,-> :;!:!>. .-f. ^Yvsi^ev. ;\. ^r r . r. :- 'Itr a-i^ . .t?i:d~ ,.a?.nI.T&jio ,>" v a.:.*~' " ^tf I rr*. i , **j?-*J ,\ i / b . BI.V ; av 'i '"o ?* fr.-J't .^u. M^^C --t^B **!.* "io- ftaooo'."^ \-.S'to :. ^& sv:;'.. "*'<* r --. QT. TO ^n^fcril>' ti.t ??. : "- *' ".rr/.v g-:.'J'U ''?:: ^ onHje- " " ... a. ..... ai irf^ ^ v ' <: .r^^"^t> : .: Brass tubes are preferable to iron because, in a comparatively short time, the latter are certain to be covered with a layer of rust. This cannot be removed and conducts heat very poorly. Many factories dis- card iron tubes, even when very thin, because of the ease with which they are attached when boiling out with hydrochloric acid t and after short usage have to be renewed. On the juice side, the deposition of scale is the main con- sideration. There are very few thin juices which deposit absolutely no scale, even though they filter and boil satisfactorily. If the thickness of the scale remains within reasonable linits, the capacity of the apparatus is not apt to be greatly impaired; in course of time, however, the scale becomes so thick that it is absolutely essential to remove it. The deposition of scale varies greatly in the different "bodies, the largest amount coming down in the last effect, on account of the quantity of the difficultly soluble liine salts present. If the second saturation is poorly managed and if not carried on sufficiently hot, or if the filtration is not careful enough, a thick incrustation is very apt to show in the first body. This scale carries, in conjunc- tion with it, particles of lime cake which deposits in the first body, and the deposition in the last bodies is also increased on account of the extra amount of lime. Under such conditions as these, the boiling of the thin juice before evaporation is not apt to decrease the deposi- tion of the scale in the last body. As advantageous as it is to boil the juice before and after the first saturation, there is little gained by a separate station for that purpose, though such stations are useful in roany countries, particularly when the work proceeds uninterruptedly, dayc in and out. In the majority of cases, filtration of the juice Dtiween the separate bodies is perhaps the most useful, and when the F-reseure is not sufficient, pumps should be utilized to force the juice tlrrough the filters. -: 10 :- t t-'- .-: rmt 'tours'* vtflM .vl^oocf :.\*rr^v tft^rC le 3 riJiw BS9 erti ' eei/r . .t;i *'' MB. ft** 1 * OCT^.T "** ^^.T;-;,",= rt&o fliBGT erCr ai elaoc ^o mi . VX-i'W tOJ-i^H lcfsr"'r;.a'. ; i it? j w nn j. raryr lUjsoa 1 -. eriJ "Jo B<> ' I "to \"$i -trrai/p" '' [''Luy : n 'j rt . '; f< ">". R ~ ss y J/ -^' "> " 1 R ^ ' -10 1 1* fcTX* r ,P c- ;:1 r>;*ino ; : ^.. :r ,-->' v . > r> < - ruiJ I To oi^rjBCj. . 1 !>8i ti. ee r oq^Jb. '-:lf- .-; ^rlcf :" ^r&t-- '--;! :u;- :i During campaigns, the removal of scale by mechanical means, such as brushing or scraping, is only possible with vertical apparatus. With the horizontal types, the tubes have to be removed; but even in the vertical apparatus, mechanical cleaning is unsatisfactory and ex- tremely difficult labor, hence, the chemical method of cleaning with soda and hydrochloric acid, or acid alone, is usually adopted. Such methods are quite satisfactory when one is able to clean the apparatus every week. When the scale consists mostly of carbonate of lime, boiling it with dilute acid alone is sufficient. Very often, though, many other salts of lime are contained which are not at all, or only slight- ly, soluble in the dilute hydrochloric acid,- such as salts of sulphur- ic, sulphurous and oxalic acid, which with the scums of the juices form very stable salts in the apparatus. Other constituents of the scales are silicic acid, and aluminum and ferric oxides, which are derived from the lime and decomposed fats which are injurious insofar as they prevent the action of hydrochloric acid on the deposits. In the presence of such salts, it is advisable to boil out with a dilute soda solution in order to convert these lime .salts into carbonate of lime and to further decompose the insoluble fatty matters. After thus alter- ing the scale, hydrochloric acid attacks it quite readily. It is very seldom that this method does not prove thoroughly satisfactory, and under such circumstances, the reason is probably due to the excessive presence of silica and aluminum, and then mechanical cleaning only is satisfactory. The hydrochloric acid used for boiling out must not be too concentrated so as to avoid, dissolving any appreciable amount of Iron fror. the walls of the evaporator; moreover, scales dissolve quite readily _ IT _ I JL -L . " sift* **/&!*** ^MH a" *SiW*o TOT- sniifrrri ft ^^' MTL 6t .pnolB M 3.9, M?J0 r ?fe ^'' v^cr-tGii ,enJt-l 1o e.tsnocfis*' ip- ^''3 ,.CI .tor. ^^ ; rtoiriT? xrjj'a?noo *t8* sail, .-fefl BP.-.IOAW -,l>lr>^. pirtoijigo^fcxiff/ e*trlil* m!J fii" o ^? To eijufr. rft rf v f i,*- ).;;%, .J>'iO6 ql.Jisxb J&HB pe 91/t-i .ifii.|-s^f^'^r{^ nl aJIaa sltfata 'ST^ . rtSLf - w f.Ef'ft,"? 1 '' uIi/nLSU/X.B fertB ( Jb.^f>B Oi'Oi'iiB r,o L r j:-f>.i;4cyo < tty;ii;'to no-|^ : I.t^Cf Q*- ->l|. : r 11 f/- wr-iiw.-: fioirss-: 1 ^ao- otnl -.f *. xaB^B^imJito- ; lJ: v'-ftft.-/ - jQfiej.|r . vp- -j^ t.-,* :">ft irp. i >ne*'\ BS^^fjfi;- - ^/^^Torj J-'|-?^^T^?V : in dilute acids. The amount of HC1 should never exceed one per cent, even in the last bodies where the greatest amount of scale deposits, and in the first todies it need not exceed one-quarter to one half per cent. In order to prevent the strong acid from injuring the inlet or any one portion of the apparatus, it should "be distributed over the entire surface fully * by means of a pipe inserted in the middle and so arranged that a thorough mixture of the acid occurs with the water as soon as the boiling is commenced. The boiling out with acid should not be carried on at too high a temperature, nor longer than one hour. Working in this way the apparatus is rapidly brought to its original capacity, is never injured and will probably last twenty years. The vapors from the evaporator during the boiling out with acid should never be used with tail pipe water for injection into the boilers, for they are sure to have a decided acid reaction. For boiling out with soda, a solution of one half to one and a half percent of sodium Carbonate should be used. The boiling out with this solution should last as long as possible and should be at as high a temperature as can be reached, and in consequence, should be carried on as near atmospheric pressure as possible. Strong boiling in this manner makes the boiling out with acid more easy. After the boiling out with acid the apparatus should be immediately emptied of the acid-water and thoroughly sweetened off with clean, fresh -water; it is deemed best to fill the evaporator with water up to the level of the vapor pipes. The water valves of all the bodies should Tae of such a type and arrangement that they can be safely shut off so as to prevent N . any misuse or leakage which would cause dilution of the juices. In order to prevent any detonations in the apparatus from the - V Y: Gfr- : ' oc ' ''f6^ieRftl. -"^(i i "ho ^rtW '-"' ' '' : - '*'- no t-bn v BO "skJ I '. : gftiXiob ^iCT - 71 --; MiT^r&j Jbhf? *rb r iabf> :: { V. r '^ ' tl -hns -:'r.i f i'ofl rlii'w -^i/6 ; 'iila-', f '"^ ^iTinh -; B.i^ :I B ,1 010*1^ : *^in \ .'./'< .' ;< -" ; ,.A: ... '-^ . presence of fulminic acid gas, it is best to draw considerable air through the apparatus before starting to boil the juice. If the capac- ity is not up to its original point after boiling out, it is evident that the cleaning solutions have been too dilute, or that the boiling has not been carried on sufficiently long a time. The following week the work should be done properly. It is, however, not essential for the heating tubes to be entirely free from scale after boiling out, but the layer should be very much thinner and decidedly porous. It is obvious that the chemical solutions should be introduced rapidly so that as much as possible of the available time during cleanups may be utilized. One of the most important influences in the transference of heat is the viscosity of the juice. Since the juice to be evaporated should have a purity of 90 or more, it has a comparatively small amount of organic matter relative to the amount of sugar present. Hence, the organic matter is not apt to have much influence on the viscosity of the juice. Juices of equal concentration have practically the same vis- cosity, but this increases very rapidly as the condition of concentra- tion of the juices increases and depends on the sugar content. There- - " fore, thick juices are far more viscous than thin juices, and the capac- ity of the thick juice bodies is less than that of the thin. In addi- tion to this, the thick juice bodies work under more unfavorable condi- tions. The boiling point is less, due to the greater vacuum. The coefficient of transference of heat is less at lower temperatures than at higher, and at temperatures under 100 C., falls in far greater pro- portion than the temperature, while at 100 C., and over, tfie differ- ence is not so great; hence, it is apparent that it would be best if all the bodies of the evaporators could be made to boil at about 100 C. But the highest allowable pressure of the exhaust steam is from 10 to 15 Ibs. , with a temperature of from 115 to 120 C, , so that the total -: 13 :- ..''. ; ',,-. ,;iy.^HVt>^.-;rf '^tfif?- - rfJ'oSf j .:* J ; ^ ed* k .]UfJ*y\/ v 3 ?V ; :v'" .'..-^ ...... -' r .,.ywi..B oij^l^e.^^.^y^ ,. et-1 ..1.^^.' . ., _ge.i J .. ^ r . ;v r , : ,^ . J^.O-'J^B ,&.o- fcsi-^'igo t ,. . *. * ..,'*. * . * *. ^ .- v y rf ^. xx .* *.> * e .tQrt ,'iev^wo f .e.'. ..*'' - - -^^ '.^.^ac^.-^v^--^- 1 ?^ ^ 13 . : ^i i;^^ Xe.o ';.,v/r-r1.,-XlB-ilt';f _ v .. '^ ; ,.asK(jj /" .puri-*, ^ei .,:.' i^n.-7;i'rriJ:-i|.j rio^r;. v^v gd iXwp.ffs ^^ ; sv.fuecf '.^ ;{;.. it,. 3.0. j;Qji^_II^o S \-J ' ^~ ^"8- L ,-.Y "ic ,\. ;,-^ ;io ^o . .^' ; ^ r f-o/>^ ^i.^fyja.^\ 1,0144 ^.^n ^i^-r^^jR CEBB .eii.J )pIXfi.!&i^f'^{ ,9v^ri :.,Tc.. t .^n ^i'-'.p/i.p' .frp.?- as>oirT. >.^fti^j' -o'^driT . J.n,trxp/>, ..XB^S .^rW 430 .ab,t^g[eJb : ,|>nj3 a-sce3^onl.-eo-JL^ ..erfef.-^-o K^ '> >rf/ - .An ^ it >vx/4/ f. ...ft j jl .t - r. a[i t . , pi;o.p p :; y ,p,3" *r . . ~,. g ' : . $ i -i-|je .nlil^.. to > JnriJ- .us^ T ;i pE?f sJ... ee^ptf .a>tf(; Jfoiri^ .a . lo\jtj tt; X^'-^^x-^J^sf .- t *n;.jj|r 4sJ,.a^ ^^ ,.st ; ::J- .. . ~\;, ..... ! j* V! i^\^,:, : v: .i v .e ; an i /./rtl ,, ; -- 5^cT .p^^K/^n-s^qjuw .^,' . ....:;,?-. .5: .,...:.,-/; S ; ;jwrt i . . f o^i>v; ..j* -,,., <.: :: > '.'h. irci.t r: .: ,"- Xoirtt j. i '.*< J .-'... . -7-.W3C; ; ^-M-;?^-* 1 ^^ .' '; I- i '..' . ". . . : ''.*!. ' t ' : .' sr;* .ae^.iO;:. oj ' ' 3-Lbocf 'jJ ^o-^, >J J ^'] aqio. ? ^d 'io J. l>efl9TorrJ: el dta^rf 'to f G.el lorbfit . :vr.,-.w >tj : - T.^rr V *'' ' ' t .oQn.QT^J Ht p. 1 ?^ ;.;i rori '.'.5KJ-. tBP.ff .T., ^5?-j;^:r> HV edr,&fi raaToja-.- ,iTocioiqf .B .nj ..- ' '- * * ; . -v , f. ^ : ; i ' * . -.1, * * v ^- < T^ ; 'lo. ;.. .. . ^rft nfu.^., ^inn m- ; io e^aQOl ./ , ' t* < t-!-. .;. i^ jrr Off rfoirfw I/Bqi; girid tT ' ' ie i;fltcxf -rf,t pJ ? v gX r flfcf. ^Irf, T.%:-J- ^.-8 - ^ ' f^rf -Oi - W-.P [9H.< . ...... w "- ' > "?>' v ^ *' : : ... ' ' fi>^ri8 %;'' stfr/T.L ^otrBf,^. ;,.,; -*|^Ai . ^ 9Vafr v ..-; f>3 ; , ;: ^Jfc^^rpjp f.^.-^^; ?^\ > 3 4- ti . u , sTJUi,^^, ; -m ' : . i ^*y ^rfo'-'j '' "'''i:. .''W^^v "f'&i'U, :.-:.. '-'j^V B i. rrfO i ilW ' *'-'.'*!-{. * ."* *** .* *, 1 '*""* \-vtti- .">.*> i AfAil -,ci.t ,.-H>n-J. 10 H v ; !/' > .' ' '. "' ' v&.. -."^IK-? ~ '. -i...:.v -.:"..' - V 3' ; >?-::-: :l^ '- - ( , .' ''noli* >s lane o*cotu ^r! sf>j'Sf{;-..-oi^. ^ilf- .Qt^Lul'^r .rfr r *.' -Wi'ti- - : iC -/iV r 2 -* , ' T ' *~ L. ' .-.*.- . . S * {"* In the first body of the evaporators, the danger of entrainment is very small because of the small vacuum, the comparatively small space oc- cupied by the vapor given off and the low viscosity and slow speed of the vapor. But in the thick juice bodies, where the vapor occupies a space six times as great as in the first body, the impelled particles of vapor spray, to a greater or lesser extent, the viscous juice, when the particles are carried into the vapor lines, a speed, of the vapor of 100 meters or more per second is sufficient to carry the solid matter over into the condensers from which it is carried away in the tail pipe waters. To catch these particles of juice, numerous forms of juice catchers have been installed in the vapor lines; the operation of each being based on the principle of catching the projected particles on sieves or hanging walls, from which the drip can be recovered. The efficiency of these juice catchers is rather doubtful. The best en- trainment catchers are merely high walls in the evaporators on which the juice spray is caught and retained. The velocity with which par- ticles are thrown upward is increased by the speed of the current of vapor and is only decreased by the action of gravity. In the vapor space, the gases attain a velocity of about 4 to 5 meters per second - the speed of a rather strong wind. Hence, it is apparent that it takes very little of the thin vapor to accelerate the positive upward move- ment. Against this action, gravity acts with equal force on both large and small particles. To make the vapor space high enough to catch the smaller particles in their upward motion, a space of three to five meters, above the surface of the liquid, would be essential, and at the same time there would still be danger of juice being lost in the thick juice bodies. It is generally thought that the juice is not lost in the form of solid spray, but aa small bubbles which have very thin skins, light specific gravity, very small volume; and are readily -: 15 :- -if." ; ' ': "' I'"- " '. V "'. '''. ... * j : -'-: .: :;:.'. ' .1 >..': ' '.\- '.tiepOB-LV. WGf "9.?f; ::fS8 '."I^O"n*Vi J ; O*,L ;j)(ri .*# ;;$ i$ii.l*i~ erf* t^bccS J&xil; art* ni t- *iwrts a Eeait xic 90e?*v *rt^ o^nl J^oiTiBO oia 21 f ilOB ft.'tt YTlflO .O^ ^nflollljUB 8i fcHOO'i." "V^ f-':^J 10 a* rtt rti -YflVB fta^i^BOr *, Ji rtoirtw moil eioart^bnoo erLf ^aortj' . ' ' ' j o.e (/"!; e>'tLt o lo el-qlonJtTKi f-ftt no *' '' .' cf,n;BO ,'li'w. ^ 'pc : -ftofKr B.; \*.O'ItIi rr *'*-'i> V s nlflcf^jj ' ^fi, ^ ^ a-i^X q ; OB . #f ' -..- -'^i^fpfi' ' *iv8T!B- nojtlo^ ajf v .erfy /yXjaj!..-^? 'i.wjIoi^'iBCi: : ..> " . soul we' Jeol ii 'a. ?'iwt "i^ ,sj/!af> cf liiJiB' felirow o-isit? carried over with the stream. This bubble hypothesis does not satisfy any rational tests. It is quite evident that thick Juice bodies with sufficiently high vapor space, lose little or no juice in the tail pipe waters. An excellent and easy method of determining whether or not the juice is carried over in the vapor lines is to put a collecting apparatus in the horizontal portion of the vapor line. A snail por- tion of the particles carried over are caught on the projecting surface and are readily collected in the sampling apparatus: When the water obtained by this means contains only traces of sugar, or none at all, it is quite evident that the juice losses are slight. The Manifold Effect Apparatus :- From the separate bodies, the particular object to be kept in view is the most rapid and satisfactory evaporation possible, in order to get the greatest possible efficiency from the exhaust and boiler stean used for heating, evaporating and boiling. The more bodies a system has one after another, the greater will be the efficiency of the steam for simple evaporation. Too often, however, several bodies are heated with steam of the same pressure so that the effect is merely that of a single body of the evaporator. In such cases, it is best not to lead the juice and the vapor from one body to another, but to connect them up so that the juice enters in one portion of the apparatus and flows over baffles before leaving the other side, 7/hile the steam in the heating space flows in the opposite direction from one body to an- other. T/ith this arrangement, a greater capacity and easier control of the system can be maintained, provided the juice level is kept the same throughout all the bodies. For the manifold utilisation of steam there are definite limits. The total temperature difference, i.e., the difference between the heating temperature of the vapors in the first effect and that of the exhaust steam temperature of the boiling -: 16 :- $*& AHl>l"v Bi'i t^ i:"ifi ^De'Ifsfejl B ^i/q ot el: 'er:tl *Tvi^v '<5rt,t rr> vo jbBiTtelb El nB r^ni*/? oq^va , grU-tfiorTiol jboBi/.as'' ; tn re^-c i-^ ri; ; ;t -;f!9.;i3;of!)? io-*!t 9HO - noii-piocieva elq'!^!'-: icj .ri?J .YQ^-C.IO.IBV^ oTtf "lo Y&O<^ olyrto :B" ii': ' RriJ' ;/* ?';to . "^ lo rrdid-toq srro rsi aie^e er.J:!;^ erl^ Jsxf;? oe-cji/ r. ,dJbJ:a -rarito *rf.t ^r 1 v ..* xl i -j -i^ n " /'i o ' -ti ^ noi^iSslirti; Moliaaa r;;cr{r,wcirfl O.-TJ- [.!* iij - *iu^BTv>..-ft^ nort*. ~^^fl/-ni fj^rir : :: J - Jt * . ^f 1 - . o-t ,,ac ,-i ( j-o. .. .ftt '' * d TMf* lo : i'a "9cfcf .-aorft: ,f i;ri-*r T condensed water. With one Kilogram of exhaust steam, not quite one kilogram of water is evaporated, but somewhat lees, and in the same way in the manifold effect, not two, three, four or more kilograms from the juice, but always somewhat less on account of the loss of heat in the condensed water, which amount is equivalent to the difference between the temperature of the juice and that of the water. But since this quantity is small, it can, as far as practical considerations are con- cerned, be neglected. If it is desirable to evaporate the same amottnt of water in each body of the apparatus, the heating surfaces must necessarily be different on account of the great variations in the transference of heat in the different bodies. As previously noted, there are a number of causes which are more unfavorable to the transference of heat in the thick juice bodies than in the thin, such as viscosity of the juice, the lower boiling point and greater deposition of scale. Under these conditions, in order to obtain the highest possible capacity of the en- tire system, great care must be taken not to alter other important con- ditions of the first bodies, in order that the capacity of the system may not be changed., The means adopted for increasing the transference of heat in the thick juice bodies is td increase the drop In temper- ature so as to maintain a boiling point as low as possible, with a com- paritively small amount of vacuum. If the vacuum increases beyond. 60 centimeters, drop in temperature increases very rapidly. With each centimeter of vacuum, the coefficient of heat transference should de- crease exceedingly rapidly with the decrease in temperature. Hence, it is hardly advisable to hold the vacuum higher than 60 centimeters; moreover, sinoe such vacuum is difficult to obtain, unless there are large quantities of cold water available, (and the efficiency of the -: ;8 :- '- <" --- " **-' "' to r " ' ' - ' '" ai ^t no eaai ciB.rfolrfw I aw B^ft al- ^1 xiKKis .6iW to* i lo Y^iooel^ o*'elBrovirtWf ^-ro. iK di $AS'.*B L 5Si aix . to : jy> 5qo at.- 8l" nioq[ tei^io at . J-eiJtl ri.t- lo srt -rtaiw wrfelrt -Jblbrf Yl-sn^ x* vl*t*ri - vacuum pump is very low under such conditions), it la best to maintain practical work at about 60 cm. Since the boiling temperature cannot be decreased further than that corresponding to a vacuum of 60 cm and the temperature of the heating vapor must be increased, it follows that the duties of the other apparatus must be decreased, though the total capacity of the installation is determined by these conditions. These capacities of the different units must be so arranged that the first body will have a very small difference in temperature between the heat- ing vapor and the boiling juice, and the rest of the temperature differ- ences should be divided between the remaining thick juice bodies. A further consideration, to be noted, is that the heating surface of the thin juioe bodies must be increased as the temperature differences are decreased, in order to evaporate the necessary amount of Trater from the juice. While the thick juice bodies need a small heating surface, the first bodies must be correspondingly larger than the last, because the steam used in them is partly utilized for heating the juice for boiling as thick juice. The body from which the heating vapor is to be dra^m should be chosen from the size and the heat-transferring-qualities of the heating surfaces in the boiling and preheating apparatus, and also from consideration of the temperatures at which the juice is to "be heated and boiled. When the boiling temperature in the first body is too lo^r for proper boiling and heating, on account of the last bodies being too large and the steam pressure in all the bodies too low,- the pressure can be decreased by the introduction of spray pipes in the vapor lines between the first and second bodies, in order to decrease the pressure of the exhaust-steam and vapors. But, such types of installation are rarely successful without the most careful supervision, and should never be used without regulators to prevent the spraying apparatus from becoming entirely shut off. -: 19 :- lU&^wtf e* -" - *+ :>9 16 rf* ^rfi^o r< ecf TO'r^ii ou'e t arf*- e's icf ^rtrrfm;' v^B'-joV. srt*' ^nioofBVe o^ -ito m T'-tiSj if; >n <(& atOMNRf ^8dX ertrf' narftf' ttijgliafit "Clstfi'finoqewr 'Xf o^ et T ai^- irorft ybbc? 't :foir.f> ee- - rteno B Qli/>BT^q^ to ^/ruoeea Kf " '- **. *4fc oJ hno ni .fe^lJbocr A e'fSf -ral xr6l o^ ni -* l 16 g'siroso^t cf -tsvsn filtrorin Ma The cold raw juice can easily tie heated with the exhaust vapoa of the last body, since this vapor has a temperature of 60 to 70 c., while the juice is only about 25 to 30 G. This reheating is desirable because it is so cheap and can be done with vapors, the heat from which would otherwise be lost in the work. The size of such a heater need not depend on the size or capacity of the evaporating apparatus, for it is merely a form of surface condenser inserted in the vapor lines. All other juices need to be heated with steam of at least 90 to 100 0. This must be taken from the first two bodies of the mani- fold apparatus, or the first body of a triple effect when a thin juice reheater is used. The so called juice boilers or preheaters are mere- ly heating bodies of the manifold system, which are heated with boiler steam of high or low pressure. Their installation is advisable when there is not sufficient exhaust steam for evaporation and it is essen- tial to use high pressure steam for heating purposes. In the preheater, the pressure of the steam can be as high as 3/4 to 1 atm. , above the normal pressure, and the boiling point can rise as high as 115 to 120c without any danger of destroying the sugar or darkening the juices, pro- viding of course, the latter are sufficiently alkaline. Since with high pressure steam, the heating surfaces and steam pipes can be made smaller, they are considered very advantageous. Some factories have installations of two juice preheaters, in which high pressure steam is used in the first, while the second, is heated with the exhaust vapors from the same. This installation is most advisable when, through the centralization of the e..^ines, -L^e.-e is an insuff icien6y of exhaust steam; high pressure steam can thus be made to serve a double purpose before it is added to the exhaust steam to be used in the evaporators. There are, naturally, many difficulties connected with the operation of the juice-boilers in conjunction with an evaporating system, which can only be obviated by proper means in the latter. It is never advisable -: SO :- ....,:'-' . *7- ,Jfe* Oft ,fIT... /,-* " ' - t .!...'... , * '.^ ' . ' ' {--.* setf * *tf scxjBy j3.triJ.8on.tB w xM ,. ~it. &: ."i i' ' / ' ' ' i ' .... -*J ,^e i-if5Baiiicvr>jj *'.' ix^'v ejrfJ;.*tD OBCTBO ID .&si $*" I ' ; W* . ' * .i'acjv . e-tU tfi i^e*.iar. t:oen-3>noo.$1ii/B. lo LTTO! \ r l9T^jjftrj ^ j; jfl lo aBeJe tltf.v .'j ; o^ r^^n. eoe^uf, i^ Xs-t r cf atari - q -To i^^i-Xe i Jb/J*._fto j-aQ^.eVo ,*jo iil. e?t^. 10' , KV f>98,.8r t.'RaeT? /rol jcpisiit ; i dxn *niOJt;,txra ton I of 511 SB rl&iri SB > ;. . '. taiQjf-;.^ <;.<-. f.i.;-^ ' . .: ; i- .'.';: - U-f%XiB,.\ ..-.a ?: . . ,..t^Bl eri*., rt w^HOQ 1o &t tq j 9.oc?^ : .j 'J.;/^ 9iiit ,,.:ia'?c .B^u-rae^Tcg :T,V'^'^ '.,>.. . : - 'arc ..?>2B ; .\' ^o^ ii'tt W. ,. 50 ftOJ ' RV \ ~.t'V -.. acsa > /Uo,.b sitt ID nol^Bsi a.), *Jt^ to pump the entire amount of thin juice through the juice boiler, for it is not essential to heat the entire amount to the boiling tempera- ture. Under such conditions, when the juice is drawn into the evap- orators, the excess heat is given off in the f o;m ct vapor and corres- pondingly larger amounts of high pressure steam are conflensed in the juice bodies; hence, it is best to take only sufficient Juice through the preheater to give a final density of 15 to 30 Brix, and the rest of the thin juice should be taken directly into the first body. Preheaters are sometimes apt to have the disadvantage of var- iability in their capacity, for example, when the vacuum apparatus is freshly installed, very little time and .much heating vapor is used for the first concentration of the thick juice and very little steam is needed for the final-bo iling-off. At the same time, it is possible for momentary stoppages to occur in the juice going to the first body with the subsequent lack of use of the exhaust steam. At such times, the preheater needs considerable steam, and in consequence, much must "he taken from the boilers while the exhaust steam passes off through Mis roof. To ovoid these evil conditions, the exhaust steam lines should have a by-pass into the steam line to the preheater, which should alwayo be kept open during the usual ?rork. Hence, one line is suffi- cient for both the exhaust and the juice vapors, which are conducted to the heating and boiling apparatus. The pressure and regulation of the amount of heating vapor can be regulated at the desired point by very simple means in the reheater. The juice is never found to foam badly in the preheater, because the development of vapor is far more regular, and sudden increases of temperature with rapid decreasing pressure and strong foaming are quite unlikely. When the preheaters are used in general steam work in the house, apparatus for regulating the influx of the high pressure steam into the boiling space is not only unnecessary, ~: 31 :- ; ' ->. .s ;* * '-^ttttt^d /!$ { ,- . otnl mflrtfc *fr-- ':> - : ' nl .:,- \-.\ . ' .' " ' ; l i t r ; ' . .. ' *; ;*- ' " - lo, f . "- -* -" .-.-. - rfv: r ^ij asf ki^a ^1 CJft>jfl< . * jjftijjjB^Tjj fcnagaattsa ". ? .... . . - ' " 99-^f / &.:": '''' "A**B e: . ,.' : ' eAJ- fitj? -erf>; ,an61.*ifcr ? 'ixv^ .'-- : on^ -ori^ 6'^.. ttrtxl- arfiOvt-'fi'-erit oJ'ni dfeB(l-\tf fl'efVBrf j j-rej:' ;.-!".' TOr- dif- jr?^-iwB C; r?ti< '*>.%<.': 96i^-- K "t?Jti;"' f^'cT ^sc^-'i^jAv 'Sfji^B* ^-f:^T^^ : :--: . 10 . ' V .3 f'..3 v '!....-{' i .. *T'*.' >.'> -''ii riJ'^&ift .. jv . | . v* ' '>./ ;. .' > i.' !r-v/... . vv'-,' .> - ." . 'T/^i-Ifi ;i/p : -4^B--:;' .^ :rt"o x :- but superflous, for strong sudden changes of pressure are impossible and a careful workman only has to watch the guage in the exhaust steam line. Wherever preheaters are used, the entire evaporating apparatus must be of such capacity as to thoroughly evaporate to the proper den- sity the amount of juice which is sent to it regularly in the work. Irregularities which are necessarily incident with certain types of evap- orating apparatus can never be entirely prevented in practice. They are in part dependent on the operations of manufacture, for example, varying amounts of exhaust steam used at different periods of the work and the boiling of thick juice to a f illmass . Moreover, it is well known the flow of juice in the factory is never entirely regular. Sometimes the juice runs a trifle slow in the diffusion on account of poor cosettes, or unequal or irregular pressure; sometimes the rate of saturation varies; and at the filter presses runs faster or slower; or the juice accumulates in the storage tanks beyond an extent calculated for it when the evaporating installation is only designed for normal capacity. The bodies of the evaporating system must be chosen, not only so they will have the proper amount of space in the first bodies, for the purpose of heating and boiling, but they must also be able to evap- orate sufficient quantities of water from the juice. In consequence, for temporarily forced work, the heating surface should have an addition sufficient for ten percent above the normal capacity, for all bodies; and there should be a further allowance for the decrease in the trans- mission of heat due to the deposition of scale on the heating surfaces . But since such depositions occur in large quantities only in the last bodies, the increased heating surface is to be supplied on this basis in these bodies only. While an increased flow of juice calls for larg- er heating surface in all the bodies of the evaporating system, an in- creased amount of vapor for boiling and heating, results in increased -: 22 :- ' '-.' 'f i-j ?.' : ,'*"' " '.'. "' 1 lo i- B eitjj*r b'it;t :' *ro "Thi/p'onu 1 '16 *r":q['i erft .tA "J&TJB .'R erf 4 iow .eeJtfcexf .,.. . si '^i'-; 3t8^\( 'Siii^B'-t erfl' ni >'c>s ' Art* ' toi : WoKawotij '" 1* no' ' .., lo oaJfDotf srtT j 4ri^ ftvsd IIlw \ r ri^ oa >o net ol Jr s cf Mirorte aitMont srt^ aeiJt> ine aalxioef ecortJ' c 16 capacity of the bodies in vfliioh this increase of rapor occurs. Because this irregular development of vapor effect* only the first body and the preheater, it is not necessary to figure on the heating surface for the largest use of steam; and it is quite satisfactory to figure on the average amount of steam which can be used on the heating surface, pro- viding care is taken to anticipate any possible increase In the teis>er- ature of the heating vapor. Since the capacity of the evaporating apparatus is within normal limits proportional to the temperature dif- ference, the normal amount of which rarely exceeds 6 to 8Q an increase in the temperature of the heating vapor of 2 to 3C., (corresponding to a pressure difference of 2/10 of an atmosphere) would increase the cap- acity of the apparatus 1/4 to 1/3. This increase should be possible in order to cover the great irregularities in the use of steam in the boiling and heating stations. The manifold effect system is quite flexible and, as a rule, every change in the evaporating conditions adapt themselves rapidly to the best conditions possible under the circumstances. The greatest variations are due to the temperature differences in the single bodies. It is these changes, with corresponding variations in the coefficient of heat transmission, which alter the capacity of the system. All cal- culations on the heating surface must be based on the Known conditions of evaporation, the values of which remain unaltered by other conditions later in the work. The great adaptability of the manifold effects is due in part to the large number of complicated conditions which govern the operation. These can never be wholly taken into account from a theoretical stand point. The bodies of an evaporator sho\\ld be placed in a line, with the separate bodies so arranged that they can be used as the sa^e units, thus decreasing the number of effects. Each body, when coffer shaped, -: 23 :- n 20^ tttr&g.-* > ^T"TP)> 'J' ; '- * ~" ' ' r 'v '- i o t srfJ no 011/5^1;"?* -vippo-^oen. vto- eJ osk.ol8l:^ ^iup -Jii:.^- 1 frfrfl jaaoJ-s ' ? :^oi-ri^ : ^e e .*a ^njs -o*iqi otJn? ,o^ -flteif*^ -? : .loqar/, $nJ rO;:? < OT^ pt: ^ rjt- S'^j-' vil 350. ''..' J "'tow srri^^ , : Jc. 1 l'4 vlaaj i^ rtf . > f- jfiQp 1 JMa^tefia ^itJ.i'S " r rloi^i? 8noi*l|j?:po or ^r oj euft OVC.T.'- i- ^j> ,j Ma;i . '? -'*' .UQ?ReJ^ai.iBi^-* _,.. i3.. ; ?ftt*p^ * ' nffi-f?; -aai/^v eril ,,701,1^1:^ ^liM-a '- ' ' * wtt c^ .t^sgr rtl- 9 r ' : - '^-^^ ff to . nu e>i . ;; 89lbQC( OJ-. 16^95 has its particular heat ing- tube- space fitted with vertical tubes. The heating space is connected "by means of proper channels with the main steam line and the vat>ors pass from one or more openings through the usual cooking space into the vapor lines. The juice circulation is thus quite satisfactory, for the single tube heating systems give a sufficiently broad space in between the walls. In these types, of apparatus, increased capacity can be made with little cost and few changes in construction, and in the same way, changes of the units will allow changes in the heating surfaces in different bodies, when this is found desirable. The basis for calculating the heating surface depends on the coefficient of transference of heat. with the usual types of the ver- tical or horizontal apparatus, the following figures can be used for practical work: With the quadruple effect, the coefficients in the first body are: In I. (&nd in the pr cheater } 40 to 50; in II. 30 to 40; in III, 20 to 30; in IV. 10 to 15. With the t. iple ef-^ct: In I. 40 to 50; in II. 30 to 35; in III. 12 to 15. Of course, it must be understood that these figures axe only applicable during proper operation of the evaporators. If the amount of thin juice and available steam for heating and evaporating are deter- mined, all the conditions for calculating the size of the required heating surfaces are at hand (See Appendix II). It is very important in these calculations not to contemplate too high a temperature for the exhaust steam in the first body. The heating surface will then be sufficiently largo for the proper capacity and manifold effect evapor- ator, and for the correct incidental conditions. The evaporating station should have a capacity sufficiently large to utilize all the -: 24 :- ,99tfU*. iBtJ 1T"2V,. ASi*. bO Mil rO: .;' v-c'i.vt-^nf.M^.'' -tsl "-!';*: /'..' ; >'. ' , ... . OXT 1o '",r 3 on ( "5 Jb^ *'''''..'' "^o** 1 o. 1 " ^^:iv't fl>Kjrrtt nl . .ullew srit ooflqo"Ji>flb't'if vi Jr 3/01 '-'; rf^fXw t>ft::,' MO ?o ^.tioeqflb h8a^-r,h7 ' , a'thr > i; :i ; ' ' ' ' .: ' .;..., 5.. . Y6V; ;M!^Q rt ri* _li b^TB f .T") . *OifT J'rTOb V.l Of^^i':!':' : * *. ''"""' " ' * * . i . "* .'"fw . e^ifcod >rf!^i?']^xJb ni ^''O.'"''" J JT, *" oilt v ^*v 1 '^io TO! Cr. Ic -e ( ' jTsve^.; '-.,' 1 Jbeerr 9 . :.J- ni K. i; : c. ._-c.>sL.:xr *?U vfsjjin +1 . f S'.;..'/ob 10 . . ^* Ic noi^s'-e^o i^qoiq jrici;.* ii'i^f) :j .yta rfiiij' =/. n fj't;. -' sc^J- T : . *. J .;.. (. T'? , -/Re Tue.;, ~ .^7'Tl ::!>. Y^- 1 ''* 1 ' ' ' * ''"''"jro'-tf) . arroJtJ steam in the factory for heating purposes. Experienced calculations have shown that the steam economy is better the more fully the steam from the evaporating apparatus is used for boiling and heating; there- fore, under these conditions, no high pressure steam, should be used. In this manner, with proper usage of the exhaust vapors for boiling and warming, better results are obtained with the quadruple than with the quintuple or sextuple effect evaporators , in which the use of exhaust vapors is necessarily careless. Even a triple effect can be used to advantage when fuel is cheap. In factories with properly designed evaporator installations, the total steam used per 100 kg of beets is about 60 kg., including the cooling losses. No factories use more than 70 to 75 kg., and this total amount of steam should be used (either as exhaust steam from engines or high pressure steam from the 'ooilers ) in the first body or the preheater, unless it is advisable to inject steam into diffusion lines. The use of steam can be curtailed by enlarging the bodies of the evaporator station, or by increasing the use of the steam in the same, or by rais- ing the temperature of the vapors for the reheaters. In each change of installation, calculations should show a sufficient saving in fuel to warrant any increase or repairs on the station. A theoretically interesting, although impractical system of steam utilization, by means of which steam can be decreased below 60 kg per 100 kg beets, is that which depends on removing the vapor dev- eloped in the firat or second bodies, and increasing its pressure by means of pumps to that of the high pressure steam, so that it can be reused as such. Naturally, this method can only be employed when the compression pumps are operated by water power, but the evil of extreme - 25 - ' . : '. ' ' " .' * ' .totf sol Jtoatr al a snlliotf tol RToev lo e contended with. Super- heated steam is entirely impracticable for heating purposes in the evap- orators, because it is not cooled sufficiently at saturation temperatures, CL v" J as normal gas, and gives up its heat very slowly on the walls of the heating tubes. The superheat is not taKen up sufficiently rapidly, even by means of water sprayed into the vapor lines; the compression pumps are also heavily charged with oil, and the compressed steam carries much of this material, which collects on the heating tubes and seriously retards the transference of heat. The disadvantages of this system can be obviated by injecting high pressure steam into the low pressure lines. By means of this apparatus, exhaust vapor of low pressure, or even high pressure steam, can be increased at least 1/2 atmosphere pressure with- out losing any heat and without any undue amount of super-heat in the steam mixture. The amount of exhaust vapor which can be brought to a higher pressure in this manner depends on the pressure of the boiler . more than the increase of pressure obtained. To increase the pressure , of 1 lag of exhaust vapor by 1/2 atm. , 2 kg of boiler steara of about 6 atm are essential. In the transfer, as the evaporator station needs . f i high pressure steam, it is best to use steam in the form of a steam spray apparatus, the installation of which is comparitively cheap. It is important, in working with this apparatus, to use boiler steam of full pressure. But since the amount of boiler steam essential is very variable, it is advisable not to install a steam spray apparatus any larger than for the required capacity, it being better to install two small apparatuses, the combined capacity of which is equal to the full amount necessary for the work. In calculating the capacity of this apparatus, it should be made sufficiently large to heat the exhaust vapor from the second body to the same temperature as that needed for the preheater. At the beginning of the work, when the evaporating 26 I ** .,. , , , , ? ... '-. *'* " ' " r '' ' lo' ' "' ' ' ea 9Txreo*&i bl ort ni3tqr < D ? {- ffsi/W' jo' rtofrt* ot "to 4 a i$ 16 SIT;;' ".:,; ; itSocr '. v - ' ' >$ ai/i 'ftirfj 'Yo ytLO ' ;<- Jlw- . no JBllB^Bn srf.r irf* rf^tw sni*row n X l a orit , ejtf -T; -ttlMod.i :' " apparatus is not in use, fauring Sunday pauses or breaks in the work) di- rect high pressure steam must be used for reheating and boiling, and the steam valves on the apparatus should be carefully watched to prevent >ny misuse; they should be provided with locks, or have the hand-wheels removed when not in use. It is advisable to have only one large valve on the exhaust steam or vapor lines to the evaporator, instead of a number of small ones, and to inject boiler steam through these lines, A single valve can be watched better than several small ones. It is generally maintained that there are no great losses due to the destruction of sugar in the evaporating apparatus unless the boil- ing temperature exceeds 115 to 116C, , or the juice is not sufficiently alkaline. Small losses do certainly occur, but in nor-mal work, theso do not exceed a hundredth part of one percent. These sugar losses do not increase with the temperature, but with the duration of the boiling of the juice at a high temperature; for every hundred parts of sugar in the juice there are, for example, .14 parts of sugar destroyed for every hour of boiling at 100 C; at 110, .163 parts, and at 115, .175 parts. Hence, if juice were to be boiled in one evaporator for half an hour at 115 c., and in another at a lower temperature, say 100c . , for one hour, there would be more sugar destroyed in the latter than in the former. Long delays of the juice in the evaporators occur when the amount of juice contained in the bodies is excessive, or when the tem- perature conditions are insufficient for proper boiling. The juice contents are greater than necessary when the boiling is carried on with a high juice level, or when there is too much tube volume in vertical apparatus, or too much juice room within the horizontal apparatus, in consequence, the juice level should be maintained as low as possible during boiling, and the apparatus should be so constructed that the extra space is merely that sufficient for the proper circulation of the -: 27 :- Bt r*rt ic , s t nt>iffi*:ccvj aeno : JfcLyrorft rigtrf : , oj 39.111 loqay 10 uaeJa i9UBtix& ed yifOG *oo(;,,i otf |>n ,er:o ilane lo i9< ')0"C> )'^; lo *i rirri B eeex9 : ppYOT^t^fl :;j-.;rr ; "So '.';.. ? 'I.. SXI *s fcns ..ajiisj .'-! tJ-C;-, -li:i/j; lo ;^ . jfo X**vol ooi.i/,, yr.^ juice. The "bad habit of filling the apparatus full of juice when there- ia an excess of thin juice,, or the thick juice is not taken away suf- ficiently rapidly, should "be carefully avoided, for this has a tendency to decrease the capacity of the apparatus at the very moment when attempts are made to increase it. Too great a retention df the juice in the evaporating apparatus, when the heating surfaces are too large for the quantity of the thin juice, is injurious irrespective of irregularities of the work. The boiling point should never exceed 120c in any type o.f apparatus, certainly not for any length of time, because for every degree in excess of this temperature, the destruction of sugar increases very rapidly. If on any ground whatever, thin juice must te boiled neutral or weakly acid, (a method always to be depricated) the boiling temperature should never exceed 100C., and even this is critical. Under such oonditilons it is impossible to obtain an economical utilisa- tion of steam. The perfection of the work of the evaporating apparatus de- pends upon the following conditions*' - Firstly: That the steam shall be regulated by the quantity of thin juice. Secondly: That the pressure in the first body and in the preheater does not exceed the previously described limits. Thirdly: That the vacuum in the thin juice body should be main- tained as high as possible. Fourthly: That the juice level in all bodies should be as low as possible . V'l itv.ily: That the thick juice should be drawn from the last body at the same rate and the same density. If these conditions are carefully maintained, all the other conditions will properly regulate themselves. Since the exhaust steam from tho engines is rarely sufficient for evaporation, it is seldom necessary to throttle the inlet valve of the same. With, however, a OO4 1 nl 0OSX R lo en ) tf '^ BVBWlB si ertl* neve I/-;B . . D? lo taeoxo -a e r ' i iO ; -'! f * ;;; " tf er{ fJ- "c Xiow .;;ori8 r oriT erf? 7; ^- at * t Yl"B'i el 9vl6v Jel 8S :- lack, of Juice the valve must be closed and the steam must be blown off through the safety valve. In such oases, it is never advisable to draw water into the juioe in order to prevent blowing off of steam through the roof for the juices are only injured thereby. The pressure in the heating space of the first body should not exceed the back pres- sure of the exhaust steani which, with too great a counter pressure, da- creases in its rate of flow and does not allow economical work. The amount of boiler steam conducted to the evaporators from the preheater must be regulated by the pressure in the boiling space of the firwt body. In the thick, juice bodies, the vacuum should be maintained at a constant height for any decrease lowers the temperature in the first body. At the same time, it is essential to maintain the thick juice at a constant density, for any increase above 60 Brix calls for a rap- idly increasing boiling point, and the viscosity of the juice becomes noticeable immediately in the increase of pressure in all the previous bodies. By the increase of the boiling point, the working temperature conditions are decreased; on account of the increased viscosity which decreases the coefficient of heat transference with a thick juice of 50 to 60 Brix, this is about two -thirds; with a thick juice of 70 it falls to about one-thlud of th- coefficient for water. The statement that the specific heat of the thick juice influences this coefficient is false. A regular density of the thick juice is very advantageous and in consequence, the density should be determined frequently by spindling, or better still by automatic regulating devices. A simple and practi- cal method is the spindling of the juice as it comes out from the pres- sure line from the pump, by means of a spindle cylinder with a float valve through which the thick juice runs continuously. In order to withdraw the thick juice from the evaporators i juice lifters are rarely used. Punpo should be installed in every - . <," : v - Yl>o?f r ;1 d^-'ai oq*\'.Af' t r.t'i f n:o ^or ^nil lex* ferf^ nt -' dtferfxo ert* ' 1 - " isH niAf/UH|^4 8XIBC XiTH -*08 lYr^s a^Tcr srf^'^cf -b*-slus9f ad iJbctf-^oii/t'JlolJt* dJ nl ^odfi rdt trfsJi ^naf. a el >/ .wail saee OB ff lo ^ erttf to . [^ : ^r L.f^ 't a A ?/-C ^1 solirfc ttft'-^^si' -3ri^ w ' ' - ' rfolrfw "rfji6ii(* evlsv case In order to obtain a constant draw of juice, and thus obtain a thick juice of even density. Pumps work best against the vacuum of the ap- paratus when they are placed as far. below as possible, in order to have the column of juice counter-act part of the effect of the vacuum. The transference of juice from one body to another should be uninterrupted and regular. A careful worker learns very rapidly how to regulate the transfer valves so their position rarely has to be altered, as long as the juices enter the evaporator regularly. The transfer pipes should never enter the upper heating space of the apparatus , but the under por- tion beneath the heating tubes and should be introduced through perfor- ated pipes. Juice in being transferred from one body, to another with a lower pressure is overheated, for the latter, on its entrance, devel- opes suddenly a very large amount of steam, which, when conducted into the upper portiftn of the heating surface is sprayed over the apparatus and is the cause of considerable loss of sugar through entrainment. If the juice is led under the heating tubes, the ensuing bubbles and vapor of stean are quite advantageous in increasing the circulation. In order to precisely regulate the juice level, stand glasses should be so in- stalled both below and above the heating spaces. Juice guages which stand entirely above the heating tubes are of no advantage. Large eye and light-glasses, through whinh one can note the contents of the evap- orators, are quite essential in all types of apparatus. When these pre- catitions are followed, normal conditions can be readily obtained, in which the pressure of vacuum conditions remain the same in each body, as long as the exhaust steam pressure and vacuum of the condenser are con- stant. Variations from these rules are the cause of decreased capacity and stoppages in the work due to difficulties of evaporation. If these variations occur regularly at the end of the week in such a manner that 77ith a constant vacuum in the thick juice body the pressure in the pre- vious body increases, it is a sign of deposition of scale on the heating -: SO :- ' . ' ri ' ' :( I erii'ld ^C'i^ ) - .\bf>cf ^ncv'itlonc^':* sni no f v r.>'.tYBl f>fli>' "rol- r i6e^ - p9r(i9iro al ' ' snabriB "U.; ; y_ ^A.^ -^ ^^f o pfeoi ^-l.rii^. - - --. \; . r; . arf^ e ^oj&itfi ^jiii'"* Bo-r' -oi~ii -".' fiw risz/ !! '.tl .'iGitn t -i- ' r - : *Sv : i>rtr.s *rB9'l5 J " i "r r ' ri - ' :A ^-;'v- ' ?>'! r- ^"ti" ir-'L- ,^6* aui?;.^ 8e;>- f ! *. - *^ -^ 9*j L'rt^-'^rtj ; si'bq t 1 >o "ft^t'i^ 1 a; te tubes, and this indicates, to some extent t the strength of the fluid with which the evaporators must be boiled out and the time which will be necessary. Further disturbances in the pressure conditions occur when the condensed water from the heating tubes is not fully withdrawn and thus decreases the heating surface. In order to prevent these difficul- ties, water guages should be placed within the heating spaces. The removal of condensed water from the heating spaces in which the steam has a pressure greater than 1 atm. , can be accomplished by means of traps , but great care must be taken that these discharge properly with- out allowing steam to blow through them. The water condensed in the thick juice bodies, is either pumped or removed in the tail pipe in the form of a water column, which is sufficient to overcome the vacuum in the heating space; this necessitates a height of six to seven meters. At the sane time, condensed water from other apparatus is led to this container and pumped from there to points where it is to be used, though it is best not to mix this hot water with cold. That which is over 100 C., should be used for feed water to the boilers, while the rest should be used for diffusion, sweetening off the filter presses, slack- ing of lime, etc. In some factories, attempts have been made to utilize the heat from the condensed water for evaporation by running the water from the heating space of one body to that of the next of lower pressure, in which manner the excess heat is given off in the form of vapor. In this manner all of the water finally collects in the heating space of the thick juice body, from which it drains with the low temperature of this heating space. When this method is used, drain lines must be utilized in order to prevent any possible accumulation of water. Any further advantage is questionable, for the heat which is thus utilized in the evaporators, is lost for boiler purposes. -: 31 :- . ' '*' >. ^ oo rfi -r--.' o ., . t.i/ -" -- lis el o^ !: ^i s^ 10 j loi jr.'B-gl rfotrfw . af.Kjyti^ oo .,%::, T I < / lo. tti . .1 ':.' ~o Utun ,: ~i .'.mil l -lo ^><9n "T ^ ..u^i-T-jiojii .-^v.a n I O jsjj r ^tn c b ._ ^ "60^ auto 1o i. J ,^7is-at c \-JC4-c e fv ai .JN3rf*ftE..aitW to 3TQl: ' . The pressure conditions can also change when the juice starts to foam. The formation of foam Is advantageous within certain limits, when the juice levels are maintained properly, but if the foaming "be- comes too violent the heating surfaces are no longer satisfactorily wet over their entire surfaces and every dry spot is inactive; hence, with violent foaming, an increase of pressure occurs in the heating space. To precipitate the foam, fats must be put in the apparatus; these should be of high viscosity so as to use as small an amount as possible, be- cause the ensuing lime soaps and undeconiposed fats injure the filtration of the thick juice. To insert fat into the apparatus, an oil pump with a butter valve should be installed in the vacuum space of the boiling body. A low vacuum in the last body and high pressure in the first is a frequsnt occureiice in the oeginning of the campaign on account of the inequalities in the density of the lower vacuum working bodies and evaporator lines, due to influx of air which prevents the condensation of the steam in the condenser , and is the cause of overloading the air pump. Such irregularities can be detected by the sucking sound of the air or by means of a flame, and can then be remedied by cement or putty. Changing the simple methods of working is never essential; changes in the practical \?orkings of the evaporators are rarely successful in prac- tice, and such propositions, as a rule, are only made upon paper and are not experimented with, nor their feasibility not demonstrated by actual practice. -o- -: 32 :- > ' .;.,;...*> ,:!.: -,;.&',;. . : . ?. . P.'iSi .,'LS*C. . . -;-.'^ r _>.: _j ,t^, -' r ..pi -'..\'.^ : .:;;... e/^o- j ? - ' ^ ' : ' ': - ,.ur: a CHAPTER XIII. CONDENSATION OF THE VAPORS. For a number of years the duplex effect evaporators and their vapors were used for heating and boiling, and in consequence, large quantities of vapors from the juice ^ere gathered in the condensers. T7ith the present type of evaporating apparatus, comparitively small amounts of v?."_;or reach the condensers. TJhere heating and boiling occurs, there is, naturally, a condensation of steair.. Apparatus to acconplisli this purpose serve also as condensors, usually surface con- densers. T/hen speaking of condensors in sugar work, the term is applied only to the spray condensers which condense the vapors alone. Of 100 leg of water evaporated by expansive heating of the juice v;ith vapor and boiling in the quadruple effect evaporators, (which represent about the amount Trhich must be evaporated from the juice of 100 kg of beets), only 10 leg are conveyed E.J vapor from the thick juice bodies to the spray condensors, '.-hile a portion of these vapors are sometimes used to heat the rejr juice and are condensed in the preheaters . The remaining 90 kg of ^ater are condensed on the heating surfaces of the reheating and boiling apparatus, being precipitated as pure, some- v?!iat ammoniacal, condensed r/ater. Besides the vapor fro::: the thick juice bodies, that of tho pans must also be condensed. According to the density of the thick juice, fro:... 10 to 15 kg of Trater must be evap- orated per 100 kg of beets. And as much again must be evaporated in the evaporator bodies, Trith the differences that the evaporation in the latter is distributed equally throughout the 24 hours. In consequence, the condensor capacity of the former rrast be sufficient to take oare of the j^axizron development of vapor . The vacuum pimps are of either the "dry" or "wet" type. They' rerjove the noneondensacle gases and the hot irater used in condensation. ftrrs f-' v^--:!'--^ *ft2L' "-'" "'vc'rocr ccioov ;."* .tbs ^ rn^x),"..^,/ nL r t !"^'jriv : e r k;. iofenf. f *rr'3t?. ' -^ . . ' " 10- j;t * J . : Viof ^r,-' The wet pumps have the disadvantage of precipitating scale from the hot water. The counter current condensers do not show this failing because the cool gas coming in contact with the hot water is rewarmed, occupy- ing a larger space but thereby diminishing the capacity of the pump. Hence, in sugar factories, the dry vacuum pump is favored, with high. ns or s fro:;: which the wc.ter flows through a barometric column. The condensers are nearly all of the counter current types in which the vapors enter at the bottom and come in contact with -Tailing water. The failings of these condensers -?hica gave many difficulties in their earlier installations, and caused the use of the more unsatisfactory direct current condenser o, were namely; the blocking of the counter cur- rent condensors, thereby causing irregular wor": and sending large quan- tities of water into the vacuum pumps. These difficulties could have been obvir.ted by raising the height of the condenoor and increasing its cross section, also arranging the spray holes sufficiently far apart, particularly in the lower portion where the vapors enter. It is also important to bring the vapors in sufficiently high from the bottom, so that they will have space enough to travel a short distance with the falling water. By these means, the condensers are rarely blooked. The inner arrangements are quite varied; in some the water runs over trough?? or shelved plates, in others it folio in the form of a spray or fine drops, while in others it flows over inter supposed baffles. ?or sugar factory practice, they ail worl: satisfactorily when they have sufficient oolct water injected, and give a si'JTficient vacuum, that is about GO cm., which is essential for boiling in the pans. Condensers worl-: satisfactorily developing a vacuum of 60 cm. , when the temperature of the tail pipe water is not more than 10C . more than that of the vapors, and when the gases drawn from the pump are of the temperature of the spray water. The condensers should be controlled I- O.I 3 r'i' .- ;. * r*. by the insertion of thermometers in the tail pipes and vacuum pipes near the pumps; the temperatures indicate quickly whether or not the correct amount of spray water is being injected, and indicates" as well, the action of the vacuum pump. The tail pipe should have a straight fall of at least 10 m. from the bottom of the condensers to the upper surface of the water in the seal tank. This height should be maintained whether or not a complete vacuum is sought, in order to make full allowances for any shrinkages of the column of water in the pipes. The tail pipe should have a sufficiently large diameter, particularly with waters which precipitate much scale, so that the pipes will not become entirely closed during the campaign. Any cleaning during the campaign, should be avoided, not only because of the necessary delay but because the connections should not be broken during the work. The temperature of the tail pipe water depends, of course, on the temperature of the spray waters. Under usual conditions when the vapors are of about 62 to 65C., and the temperature of the tail pipe water about 10C. , and the spray water about 10 to 15C . , 15 kg. of water are used per kg. of vapor, which is, on 100 kg. of beets, about 150 kg. for heating, and 150 to 225 kg. for evaporation. TTith the in- crease of the vacuum, the variation in temperatures between the vapor anc the spray water decreases, and the quantity of injected water must be increased. It is only possible to calculate the amount of condenser water when the amount of vapor to be condensed is constant. The amount of water used is extremely variable when each evaporator has its own condenser and vacuum pump. The supervision of such an installation is extremely difficult, and the costs of construction are high. Some fac- tories have gone to the other extreme of installing one central conden- sor and vacuum pump; this has the advantage of the use of a constant amount of water and a single large pump corresponding to its capacity. _ . .50. lo >: jirciJ ^TlB n.e rld-itf ' .9d-si;3i>oofia d'orf *:ns lo ecr.aesTq oaj "nj?' , 101 t oosc ert^ *c.i G BlfW ',9fO. o *'. , ,BellB^!lB oi^ei/co f l>ioe oirroctso o ''-;. .';. : ; . , :'GB a:;> ri sssenrcn erf od\dx:r \"iey el ' ' ': ne Cud r aeaficr oirrsgio 10 ., />c .. , k d-^ oc r eact to .ioi^/3 10 o end 1o rlolrlrr ,90ix/ ;:iri* ^ 001 - ot ari^.lo ^s o^ a\I ^.cotfs 10 .."i; s ^iroa's lo rfc.e l^o^ s epnB ti/a .IBSC'S-^* r*t sXcraeoi^cwi vl^inrl B! ^' ni ;? . arid- rlj-iv; f eeot; 'rfoirfS' ertf" , BebnBfranJi >aon ni 'j- srf* rtdrri 6/rt 9ri* al d-Rri^ -ao.ttrf, eJAjbtn: ;-.'eIlBb tie art* ieifllT tnf? ftt o^ tiQilst Ja : xlTS'OS JiToo'e 1o eoiu-j; -en'T .Btoif-r-rociBVe ort*' lo \ r i>ocf 3 , fvbjtr/t i'oirf* 9ri* 1o Tonn oc ai rrol^sicgfB nl- oecnd'-!:i9crx9 ct 1 ?/J: s Jinocfsjo B^oir;(, e:Ii risrr '^oJjna^oDQi oc:'' 'oj- ri /.orWac ; elriT .rr * ' ' ' ' ' ,5, vaiot.^o^Bve eri^ ri 'ela'oa l >dnilcj:i5peofl \ir\Riffjfj 1 p'.t QCir/t 9i:\L'.: oriJ- ."ia noi^siJIi'i ene^cr r^^IJ:'?: 10 t >:o8ln"e.ioo' ,eXoo giriJ isnJ-lo lo ' J:\+^.:od-rB eio^ni'oifbvo o::^ nJ: - tjsiirJ^s ai so.or(;' orfJ v J&orl*.M eiri* ^jcf , ooii/t, ' ; ;ni-- r .ioc r ori it ojni Lies Qi/cTWtfiili/o > . . . 'tciT ^crtorpopnoo ni of >n. IOTJTTCC od- . y io .aaoi^i.'.^Qc r;Mr:i^Jb or! '^'IB "on'QflT ' ' r ; ieliocf eel Mj/orln If ;-oj;ri^ 'hi .annn-: 'e&t QKL^.Q^4ti Ilitr' rTC;fw d-ircf ,119*- ellocf \'IISTCnor "O*J:II.T: rlgirr lo ooiirf; A' . ifisire s' as tien,OQ \-Ifro "io \'ti fl ' ;fiol8i/ldjioc \n0 -irt-l . Jneiol''^-^ STC' TOIOC -er^ rrorp -B'aevI^nB orlt 918- i-rtw5*nq[ e^JCsc eall *ic ; io aMil 1o '>'';; 'arms i 'ari J ' iar[J ti4jLroril yl Jnsirpei'i 1* Y^rieo*! ni tirc r f &oj.r[; drl^ "io w ^j-"iJt'cTB5fiotr* a^Mrf "io roij-aoijbni toog s nil-.ioc arli no isne rttiV- et^cf -iooq'^o^'i % 9.ii^^-;o' ^ofi/t'' ttoiJ/seianj: KB the color is a good indication of the quality of the juice, for clear thick juices, particularly those which have "been bleached with chemicals, become sour quickly, while the dark juices often give the best sugar products. When the thick juice is handleu proper:./* there is little likelihood of obtaining anything but good material, but there is little possibility of purifying the thick juice when no improvement is obtain- in the thin juice, nor is it, possible to correct mistakes in the thick juice vrhich have been made in the handling of the thin liquor. rol . srto to - .to t oi*BOJtl)ft.f .boojt r, -pi ,. f . - >'* V. . : .. - - i . '-. ' .,- svsrf rioiriw 98o/itf v.i'^sli.^ ,- -i-^t, .-^ . L si Qierit ,\.-i98liC ^OSTIOO oj- elcfiosoqs $2 ei; ion P OOJ.JJ(; nlri*, srt* ni nlrf.t arid- lo snIIL.iBfl and- ;ii eJbBGi nayecf avert. rfoirtw-;-eoii;t CHAPTER XV. sr heating the ww*. lar fa70ra - oly on I BOILING OP TEE THICK JUICE. The filtered thick -juice is boiled to a grain in a vacuum apparatus which serves the double purpose of crys < UcLU4^3^"ion r --and boiling. j *. A-t* *ii _i!i 'in* ""ifi^ '3" iC '- "'iVe It must be adapted to both purposes, particularly the proper crystalli- zation of the sugar. In general, all pans have the same shape and ap- purtenances, in order to give good circulation and easily manageable +!-> -*< -Mat -mat be "P** .?; I* 1 t^.<* I'lchx. fillmasses. The vertical type of apparatus is usually employed with a conical bottom. For heating, lUinerous sur jrirposel soils are used, or horizontal radiating tubes, sometimes heating surfaces with short broad rr- "TV-ir"*tf>T TUflt hQVC 0. OJli'l'-ll 9*.*-? ~ heating tubes, some times vertical tubes are used, all of which conduct the steam and the condensed water through the pan. The horizontal type of vacuum pans approximate, the designs of the simple evaporator with a discharge opening in the bottom. All heating surfaces should lie as close to the bottom as possible so that they are entirely covered with - * -vjlr* tin -i-'-f-*' 5 " ;? su^Bi 1 ? .s4 ^-TB'-'.-ioi^jsXirorii'O ! vrtBirei/ el sir^s^Btig;^ -^o^qt^ Isol^-rsv ' sriT elio Lw p^oe"5:iins jni,t.s?rr ceisl-v.3S.oa ., oo rloiriv; 1c I-iA ..^31; eis -aecLt;*- I.SQiiiey secii ".osiTori oriT .nscr on* .rr^jroiry -relfsrr- .^serje^r T loJ-sioqjBVft olcir;;irj onJ- 'io en-Sio^JD end" e*B'- xxa-i-icije en 155 ;. j awQjsv 1o as PX! Jbli/crfe s^oslir/a r-"^^ BOH- "I I A .no^^ocf 9.1it rri sninscjo es j.iotovoo \ r Ioii\Jnp" V*LS "{&$ -iprtd- oa elcfiesocr BB a ^n eirl^ eorrie ,n^xi 1o -Yllflgiorritcr ^TB- a^cfu^ ^fiiJeerl erfT ^.J , T^crcroo' TO neBTcf rrsrlj- PB^-Bi.Torri.'.ifi. Y^ \*i-Biroiosv reel ^e^OB^^s e 08 si ^onoia'i'iijb 'pfitf ..ti/tf ..teeri lo ejj-Lsv svl^owfcnoc T9ll/?.iia ..7 .csri 31 stf nso cM , 4 firlJ Ilsaia no I IRKS sJ: ni sToqnv BifioL'-B e'fi* f enfig; srf*- n -so^df ,BioofRT(5crr,yn orfd- no off orlj- ^n'lroiB ^nlliocf orf*. 'Jo-; fine f oj \--tinjj-tibrfCfo -JCQ^B^IS bnrf; sxnou^rs -:.a^o-jn sic. ^I.P S.TB^I etlJ ^o a^ningqo esaerfoaiJb it: ;?s;, r coo A IF n^R^^r jiull nir".t ."I(?vi.ji'r.gc;.v:op nlBra 91-tnsc useJ-a srit '10 on -rol ,B\sb - -l;rr B efi .ft I^e^ tG9is B r^ninecio enir' /3 ,s s Q:IBO:.: on ei ... lo ,T:9 r - .; ' Jt r:?j;0f:* > tx B fcf rrso sess* "by heating the lower layers, bubbles of a tear, formed on the bottom which aided the circulation of the fillnass, and hence, acted favorably on the boiling and crystallisation. The double bottom has no particular value, because the conductivity coefficient of the same is very snail. The rest of the equipment of the pans must be such that the boiler can readily control the boiling and note any unusual conditions, and have the means to remedy the:.:. In order to obtain an average sample of the contents of the pan, the proof stick must be placed in the right position so as to obtain a sample from a portion that is in thorough circulation. Sight glasses must be arranged so as to thoroughly illum- inate the interior of the pans. The thermometer must have a shaft suf~ \> .u-,t s rrai ficiently long to reach well into the interior. A mercurial barometer should be used to indicate the vacuum. The juic>e and syrup inlets must be sufficiently large and have proper position. The crystallising troughs, underneath the apparatus, should oe provided with the proper distribxiting gates. The heat should be furnished with high or low **? cases , pressure otcam, and valves controlling the coils should be readily accessible. The pressure of the steam, both at inlet and outlet, should be indicated to the boiler "by means of manometern. The condensed inters from the coils should be taken away in traps, and there must be proper arrangements for conducting array the ammonia vapors. There should be several valves for drawing hot or cold water into the pans. It is very important to have a perforated coil in the bottom of the apparatus in order to blow live steam directly into the mass to start the circula- tion. After the pan is dropped* these coils can be used to steam out. * WV-4. & ^ The sizes of vacuum pans are extremely variable. One lar^e pan natural- ly nerves the purpose of several small ones, but for the vror"; of the entire factory, one single large vacuum is not advantageous ( as prev- a v tn/i_5t,.ru.v .'-Tins &l~ c. .5 iously indicated in the chapter on evaporation), for at the beginning o srf.t ?-.- rido srf* cioJ:rfT7 r.T fro YloctcvB'i frs-^b'B r eofrsd 'J;>nB >afesci-llil siria- lo TBlJJ-o'J-j-r/^ o~ .-RBCI n:o*-*'OG 9ltfroj& 'erff ,.;:" : 0f3t lo" ^nsioi -STZ ams-i -oa* lo Jnesiqi.'rpo s'^J " .;IT i ."nifBim; >:ns eJ-o;; &HB gniliftd' en,t loicrnoo -^rr nso ^"o OJ- .^g'Jbio 'til .::ierl;- v>aLT9'i o* 8'r:B!n arl-t " : ^cf d-0ET ifsi-iJ'olootig erit-;/ ; ec ^X'jo'slc >. trl ! 9cT ili/o'rfs eXlo'o ori-t sn oi ..eioCffiv to ni Y s -srlfr X05 to ni Xlbo aavisv >J.TB vS.a^J- "Jo sroiTdg^q era 1 ^ c' -zeiiocf srl* -bt Jb'o 96' Mirorie &-Xrf>?> ;ttl^oufcnoc ^rol efAe ^.nlv/eiifi to^ G9VXov : o,t -;iic oc nsc O .elcfBlxsv \X9:9t^xs 'ATS 'sn- Tb '10 oa" "io sesia erf? 1 as ) ciroov s ^.-ijsvjb ax r:o i ^to*OB'i -^'Ut^e f[-c *.1 of tlie boiling, more steam is needed than the evaporators can furnish. The further- the boiling proceeds the less thick juice is drawn in, and the less stear. is used, so that the boiling finally takes too little steam from the evaporators and the thin juices are brought to a stand- still. Henco, every factory should have at least two vacuum pans of average siae, which should be worked alternately in order to take the thick juice regularly. There are no definite conditions determining the size of the heating surfaces of the pans; they cannot be calculated as in the evaporators, because the conditions governing the conduction of heat during the boiling, undergo extreme changes at different tines, during which varying amounts of water are evaporated. Then too, it imist be noted that the boiling in the pans has, as its principle object, the crystallization of sugar. As large a heating surface as possible should be used, for it can never be injurious providing it is placed in the bottom of the pan and does not injure the circulation. In all cases , heating should be done rapidly in the beginning, and low pressure ex- haust steam can be used. The conduction of heat to the mass, as well as the evaporation, depends not alone on the size of the heating sur- faces but also on the amount of steam, and pressure of the same, con- ducted into the coils. 171 th heating surfaces, only a portion of the same are effective. Where the design will allow, it appears to be advan- tageous to divide the coils, giving a separate steam inlet and trap to each. This arrangement allows a better regulation of the steam, in order to obtain a proper crystallization of the sugar. Pans of a capacity of 20,000 to 50,000 kg. fillmass, in which size- they are usually built, have heating surfaces of fror. 80 to 150 sq.m. The question as to the best construction of pans and coils is difficult to answer. An ideal apparatus, is that in which the heating .imxrl HBO sio.tsio'rfBve ?rf* nsrf* ' Liocf sri* .,30 fins f nJt mf'cifc et eoltrt; ':foirf* aael erf* afceeoorrq s-' eri* lafttiul edT :'oot aa?[B* ^il'BrCtl'. r afliliodf arid- *srf* OB t Jbe^ -iBeJe aael sri* B*8 B o* Sris-COTcf GIB 89oii/(; .rrirf* eri: iris BV -'lava eri* -ctoil area* a .. . ' ' . ' >' ' lo fi^fici rar/yoBv ow* JBJSS! # ftvfiri ftXifcila VTOJOBI yreve ,oon5H i* OJ 'lOJ&'TO Ht Y-t?d"BnT9tlR L9^10T7 9Cf >Il/Oft8 eti* lo esiB eri.t snlriirJToJ-91) enoi^xJbnco eJinilsl) on SIB p '" ," ' ~ ni'8B .Jbe^BlirolBO scf tonn^o vorfd- ;Brrsq sri.t lo Jjseri 1o n'ol.tojjfi.Too srid shihievo* e.Toltifinoo erf* aai/Boeo' f er . ttflb .aenid- jtSsnalUJb ts esjsnBrio ^reiJ-xe osieJbrur f sfiIlo?J exl* gnixufc scf ^eiffz d*tejiy SIG i9*Bw 1o B^ru/ons xniiBv rioirfw ftfo 9lq;ioniiii a*x ss , QBri annci artf. ni sniliod srf* as eoBliira sni*B9ri B esiBl aA .-iBjyjs lo nx ^906lcf ai *1 griiblvoiq ewoiTtr'tnl scf novarr HBO *i rrol rJbeai/ I B nl .rroij-Bljj-oii'o on* oiir(;nJ: *on B9OI) brtB ns arnnoTq Trol JbriB i^iifnnisocf sri* r.l YJ"W^Bi snob oo 3tr BB f aRBn srl* o* d-sorf lo noi^Oirbnoo erf? . 1)981: ocf HBO .isstfa -TITS r:rrL.fB6rf erf* lo gsle sri* no anolB .ion a! -b , .toi^sioc^flva. sri* oo ;eks8 er:.t ^c aii/a'aatrrf i?nB .niBectt. "io *ni/ofliB erf* fto OB!B *" '-.-' ,.."-*- .**. ' " "3:o iioi*rroc B \'Ino , aooslii/a r,ni*s9f ;I*iT) .alloo a 90 of B'-fBeqciB *i /woi'I's Ili-rr rrpiceJb erf* oi9rf\7 .evi*09ll9 OIB o* cjsTt UHB *slni' lifsata 9*BiBan,ry ties?;. >- to crystallise , and must be more highly saturated before the crystals will separate out or grow, proportionately so as the amount of organic impurities increase. -: 4 :- bn& boos .a no-i^sJ^ i B fiJw .aJXims-i: .-IOQS .aftis.tdo i^ftocf A 4irff09H .fesoitfc-rci ~- o pj eXcf&-ioasei ton ai * ? err J&lo ne rttt -TLtcpae 9.TTj3ei at inlliocf lo- tiB < ?ifl? .vtltJBl ai :t brifl (su^tfliBqqB 5c 9T7-t' wn ,tBBfflIXi:l lo T'^aun Teqotq arl*: srLtftXli,fJ- !!E^ ed- WOTS QJ- 99.e.ri^ yXnc s^-twaXlfi "io- J&ns ,,&oiijr; J&9a*XoIrf* erf* nl Vtf IBQS aikd- eerio.B9T isliocf; 4^ ..rtt.B 1 ^- F^TI. To nolJflffiToT e^d f -TTBriJb -bns f Bir*F^Bqq:B rt rt k * moil .TsrT^ OXCOSBB flr 1 :^ to aexi-i&^ll' 9^* &riJi;*orr -ee.oan j- oft. el cfl. .cjirrys art* la noird-Bi^neo/roo erf^ ocf' 8B V eitole;'i;IofioD''^n^ e^'rt* lot ^SFJJ/ igX-iocf 9rf# rfoMir, qfrg.^ erf* eT9fl cfiroBof> od- T^TSB a fid 1 Yieys3 Jbnp.. i'Tay iBOi^oBrq: .\*^ JbeHTsel ecf Y^.TO HEO asrrlrfj- eaeriT'' 'cn;9t.9Jb risJrriw .- Jbfie-,. iB^ne&eo &i' itoirfTT \tBifP . a&odJ-erir rrwo IJ-. "io gsJbsX^onjf rt^irorEprF.t B 8-J:- .t'ER erl* 1p aXiectef)- srit 1o + ..101., nB eslIlBcfnYTO -o.t n.oiJ'i;loa--'rB^im n *roY 'xsJbrco nl 3s IBSVB A .^9*Bto/*j8ac!:ajj-8r9cf '^awm rroitMoB o/lt .wots o ' - r-, - f ' ' r - -elJ& jpn XXlTj". J-i , QTjj^Bisgsrect'^s^ini^Qjbr-.YfrB-.tB 'n9riw >etBi!i/^Be ai .^ne^e-i^ e^: .'d-fiftf- niBag no le^Tul-gplXXjsJ-g^o ion: f iBS^s e-toai -yrtB ovXoa . i' IXi\r. Ji issue loci 9ri* . f /jQktJifl o a 9ri,t 1o ., ^Ttrtfii9q;ni9^ arM- t0i(xrBV9 e| >rroid-jjrioB i59.*.flncr*"8B .fi.H .q;9*Bir"1o J-TBCI 9:10 nJt'- ' lp * i v r ( . gsLt.I.iBCt'aYXO ^ton: XI;iw,,aBS8 t noid:BTu/;fBB' 'to r!T .Jb9J8iir;h8a:i9iire .B9OQO9tf.',biirXJ- erfj-..fcrrs :>evloeal> eief[j. aXs^^vro .PIO^I ^ri* .fifis f i\qj;-.ttfpB-'-iB^^m ^s^fiiw^BBTeguG 'erf* -' ro .IBJ-L-Q e rid- -XX IT iYXJE>f^BT : -eior.T 9ri^ f .tngaeici- >TB" i?;snol . e ?>jfe:t ,. ano J: J-wi^s TB?t/e ertt oiQled i>9^.f3xu^sB ... : Yl$p..trf- 3*001. 9tf -^emi bns .onJS 8STp lo ^1/0016.011^ 8*-,cf .YX-si^s^i-j;Tr.g^TCEt.irroi?5 "io . 9 e B &?: o nl,". P o i ,t *u/ctGii If at a given temperature, the quantity of sugar dissolved in one part of water, in a saturated sugar solution, is designated as Z; and the amount which at the same temperature is dissolved in one part of water, in a supersaturated solution, is Zi, the super saturation- coefficient c*= 1-. This coefficient is also the number which gives h the number of parts more sugar soluble in one part of water in a super- saturated solution than a saturated solution at the same temperature. This supersaturated coefficient is of primary importance in the crystal- lization of sugar, whether in boiling or working the fillmass or syrup. HThile other circuTietanceo are of great importance for the crystalliza- tion of the sugar, as for instance, the viscosity, which changes with the temperature, the super saturation coefficient is still independent and of great importance. Though for boiling or crystallizing, high or IOT? temperatures are important for the graining and growth of the crystal, the saturation coefficients are within practical temperature ranges, the earae for syrups and juices of the same purity, and only change with the latter. Supersaturated coefficients on graining are larger or smaller, according to the number of crystals in the solution and the ease of crystallization. For a regular crystallization, a super saturation of the dependent temperatures should be the same throughout the entire crystallising mass. luring the boiling, the supersaturation is altered by extreme heating on the coils so that a supersaturated solution starts the building of small new crystals, while near the thick juice inlet, the unsaturated solution redissolves the fine grain unless the thick 3Uice is immediatfcl; mixed rith the fill.nass. In consequence, the cir- culation of the mass in the pans must be of the very best. The design of the apparatus and the coile should be such as to offer absolutely no hindrance to the circulation. Ho construction can guarantee a positive circulation of juice; for this purpose, the mechanical energy which is ,.. * cr O - "~ -yXoaeUb TBstra lo yd-idrrBup srfd- , etcud'Bteqrae^ rrevls B d^ :f? bs*$B?i'gi33b BJT- ffioid-uioa iB^tra fisd'B'ixri'Be B ni. f i9isw lo d"iBq 6fr>' i erjo- n.5: f)9vXo3Bif> al eoirv^Bneqiied- ^cusa ericf d-B rto.'r-riw droro'rsB rfd- . . c c^vi^ rfoiffw loefnuirn sffd- oalB el dri?>xoj:ll90f) airfT ..*p =r e ;%[: i^.tcw 1. ,tisq ftno rtt' eXcfi/Xoa IBSJ^S 970:3 .atTsq "2ro t^diaun- sAt g: :o s to aaanllil erfi- sniXTo'w 16 jnliiotf nl rerfJerfw ,.t^-3im 1o o erif 10 "i oortB^tcoqf.^.'" rf-seig lo e^B caorrB^-'arircTrc tertd-o . ..,, r loirfw f Y.rieoca'iv' orfo ,eonstani. TOI.BB , TUBSUB 9fi.j : lo noi . .' - * ^R .ai .j-nioil^:eoo rroid'B'nrd'BaiaqyB. v erfj- f ^n/tBTecaed' erLt rjBd'BYi.o rro "grLtliiocf 10* riSi/or:T. , . eoriBcfiogrJ: *69T^ "lo Jbrus .-oTj. Jb.iB snl?ilflrc^' Sffd 1 10*2: dTCBt^oqnii eis- aeii/tBisqnecf ?rol - , aegnBi etu/.tBa^qnoJ- Isoi.tOBirr niri^iv; STB adrieloil^oa-noJtd'B'ijjcfs f :' ... - . . . ^ * . artf rf.tlv: R^prio Y-E^o n6 f \-cM'iua a^Ba eril *o_8^oli/i; l?nB cciirrxs TO! t i9llBr.Ta_ .10 iesisl QIB sn'hrBTS no e^nsioil^eoo .Oe^B'U/J'BaiegLrS ' .i "io eafis etfd- l>rtB noi.tiri'oa enJ- nl alscfRYTO lo TSKf/nj/n erW 1 - o> oi.tBitfrBaieqi/a s f noij- : fisiIiflcf8Yto TBiL^^i B To 1 ? . Tii.jrre eri^ -d-irorijti/oirfd 1 siaBB eii^ ocf filiroria aoiird-BTaci^a^ ..tnel>/tfxiei) i9^lB ai noid'BTtf^BeTeqjLrB 'arid- .^hiliocf o " B d-Bri* oa slioo arid- no j i, i ooiirj; Xoirfd; orid 1 -Insn 9-Iiriw f alBd-ayro v.-9/t iljacra lo gitiJbriikf ^nirfj- srtJ saeI0xr CitBTS srixl arfd- BOvioa -Tio ?>rfd- f eort3irp9Bnpo rrl . .eBBr.liil erf.t rf*J"7 J5>exlJ!..,;X^d;BiJ&acinLt el aoiL'j; .iSiaoii orfT .dead YTSV erfd- lo ecf ' d-aiin anBq f>rf,t nl a.j3Bn rva^-5c no.tBXiro on vjle^trloeds isllo -od" BB rioins ecf i>Xworia aXlco P'>T Jb.Ts aifd-BiBrrqB 9ri,t lo -.1 - ' -' ; "vld-isoq s.. aad-nBi&us nso nold-oind-Rnbo oH- . noi. + BXtrpxip. ^sctf o/* - ef a'oiriw ^STsns XeoifiBtioea:' erfd 1 .seoq-itro,; cirid- iol .;epii/c : 1>0 -ri developed during the boiling, by the ascending bubbles of vapor is es- sential. The devclopement of steam on the heating surfaces is scaliest when the circulation of the mass should be at its greatest, namely, at the end of the boiling. Therefore, appliances are useful which, at the proper time, give the flllmass a regular and positive movement. Stir- rers, scrolls etc., have been found very satisfactory for this purpose in the working of the second products; though for boiling thick juice, they have been used but little because the space in the old apparatuses was too limited. In the newer constructed types, mechanical stirring devices are employed. Movement by means of free injected steam is very important for boiling. The bubbles of steam arising from the distrib- uting apparatus, in the bottom, stir the fillmasses in all portions, even on the heating surfaces and act far better than mechanical stir- ring devices, so that there is no possibility of any local supersatura- tion or overheating. In consequence of this method of stirring the fillmaas, the developement of fine grain is easily prevented. In order to distribute the thin juice as rapidly and fully as possible in the mass, it is injected in the bottom of the apparatus so that on account of its lighter specific gravity, it will rise and thoroughly mix with the mother syrup. The mixing is accelerated and the thick juice is drawn in hot, so that its temperature is above that of the boiling point of the mass. In this case, as soon as the juice enters the vacuum pan, bubbles of steam form rapidly, which aid a quick circulation. The thick juice should not be lorrer in temperature than the boiling point of the pan, for it not only mixes poorly, btit cools the fillmass and tends to form a fine grain. For the formation of grain in the vacuum pan, the juice must be super saturated. As noon as the supersaturation reaches a sufficient height, the crystals befin to crystallize out. It is sometimes good for " : ' ">8B ^rfJ- T* ,3nil.iotf' '&; l ' ^ri erfd no GBofa I'o' ,tn9flieqol6V~e7> en"? 1 . '. hsii ,te ecf f>Iyon"a aaeri: *rW lo 'noM arid-- n'o:iw JB f :I61rfT7 ijAoei; eia WonB-Uqqs f ftiolerteriT .srul :iJ 16 Jbne or.i svicfiBoq -f)iU6 : ifiijj-5eT e aasoiXZi^ atf^-?vJ:'a. .amc 3iridr 10! YtotOBlaicJ-Ba vrev'Jbnuo'l 'need ev-6rf '^.o^s Bl-Ioioa ,8191 t janiliod iol ffs^orfi- ;B^OIJOICI >rrooae erij to ani^Totr e/l-J ni- *8JLntr,j:Bqq;j3 Me srlo ni sbfiga oftt eaujBoacf al^d-il J-i/cf fi-egJ^ neatf avsrl -; .i 89>TYJ iatcinjanoo TSWPH srid- ni .Iw^inll oo^ ia ei cseja ri^jce^nl risil 1o eriBaci ycf .tneaavoM ..fcsxoIqQp eoas aeoivel) .liai'iB KBQJB lo aelcfcfircf eilT .sxiilxocf iol .t i .r.B ::i BsaBsnllil erfd- -Ll:*a f fflot^ocf eaJ nl iBolnBrioati nflri^ iecf;t9d TB! Jos l>nfl RSO^TLTB snid-fieri art* no neve iBOOl YHB id Y*-tX.Wl880Cf Ofl' BJt 9TSfi^ d-prj* OB , QQOtveb ^lt sniixid-a "io Jborttsoi slAt lo eondtrpeenoo ni ,3ni*B9fIi9VO to n-oiit ni . 5e,tn8veiq Y.l.i8B9 a i ni sag" enil to 'trraaeqolevsjb orfJ- silt nl ola'/auoq- as' Ylli^i iviis Yli>-tQBi BB aolij(; nlrfcf er.J b .ooos no tBfl* oa QirJ-BiBqiB ari^ Io ciotJ-ocf ri* ni Jbechoo^nl ei *i ittiw xiia Y^rfs^o^orfj- ijne oaii: LLr* Ai ? YJiv6i34 oilloeqa ie>^'ftail' ' ' Bi eoii/{, bnB \f)8J - BT9l! e )OB ei rn' IT jrrloq ^niliod' eri-1 Io Jrsrit avocJe si 9Ti/^Bieq,ai9.t a^i stBri^- 03 t d-orf ,fl -o;v 8tli- aiextne ebi'trt ri ^ SB : nooe' B'B- ,e8BO sirU- ni ' '.BBBC erf* T .ncid-fili/oiio Xoiup B MB rfoirfw f YiMq's* n^oT afie-ta Io ^ioq a' siid- nsrfd 1 oiif^Brtequre revrol scf Jon JbUjorla 9 oi- abn-.-r Jtas aaeaxlil sri^ alooo ^wcf f xliooq esxin \Irro : * on *!' TO! , ;' :> . " . . .ni'?-03 enil s jai/ri' aoix/j; ericr f nsq OUI;OBV 'ertd- 'ni niaig "id noiJ-Btniol erf* * ^ ''' cfr ii/B B aerioB9i noX^flH/^flaTaqini stii as '-noon^aA .0003 esui^enoB ai *I . Jiro ssillBJ-aYio o^ ni'jecf alsJavro ori* f j-rfsie the growth of the crystals to draw thick juice into the pan very rapidly. The more the juice is supersaturated, and the greater the circulation. the sooner and "better the crystals form. Under such conditions, the less grain one desires to build, the less thick juice should be thick- ened and the less fresh juice drawn into the pan. The supersaturation should be used to control the size of the grain in conjunction with the regulation of the addition of the thick juice. The smallest practical value of the super saturation ;)oeff icien 4 ? ~; 1.2, fT building grain in thick juice of 90 to 92 Purity. With lower saturation, too much time is consumed before a sufficient number of crystals are developed, and there is considerable danger of redissolving the grain in the fresh thick juice. The highest supersaturation coefficient should not be above 1.5 to 1.6, for at higher figures there is a superabundance of grain. As soon as sufficient grain is formed, the boiling should be carried further, keeping only the grain that exists and causing it to grow. As long as the crystals are small and a granular sugar is desired, t the surrounding syrup, or mother syrup, should be kept only slightly supersaturated. Since this syrup approaches the purity of the original thick juice, it has most of its properties, and on addition of fresh thick juice with the supersaturation coefficient of only 1.2, will start to form grain, in consequence, it is best not to reach this figure. __ . rf . / . Yl. XU.?: : rf* VWTf) Ofct BvCi3*RTIO 9ftt - v jj.atFTortBa:t?vG[iJ8, &i, eo^iri; sift- e-ron erfT -& tefirrU .^*in1 s.teYTo sftt Tested ine Tsrroou 9rfJ t- a gol" srf.t ,l)IJ:'fltf odh Beiis.e.5 eno nisis 88I - I sfii oJTi.f rrwB'sE) oJfirti: rfesi^ easl srf^ fjne Bens BIS erf,* Jo osa sricf lo%tfioo .oj I>*cir otf :A6 ortT .-.aoiyj; ^oirU ?rct- "Jo; rmJ'^JrJbJbs s rl 1^"* /S'.I" r" r ^9101*100?. noi ,a lewol rfd-iUJL ..Ytf-ttirl S6 ^.v-ic to T'5duj}i cf'rrQl ni': "ura B eiiolatf fcercu'sfToo el ile^'iT: ori^ ^riJ- griJtvI-oaaltar: In isgnjsJb 9lcffiiol>ianoo ei 3.1 evo'-j'n od torf ! .jrroiol^ooo ncid-sij/J-RBieqij'B .tserf^xrf srIT . 10141.8 B al fj-rerlo af/ G terfgrf $a rrol f B. od fc ri.-T-.iir? ocf srt* fjbonto^: si ni.Gts tneioll^im BS nooa eA T;B fed'elxe jBrf^ filets erft Y-Cno snlqesX f iJ:BJi) eJ ij - .sluns-is fi bns llece STK BlBJ-aY^o f?ri^ BB snol aA .Tro*rs -xf J^iirorla ,qirn:B is^j-oni 10 ^XITTYB snlfirtirormre ^10 9rtt 1o \-criiwcr ftri^ 39rfoBoa:q.qB cjimja elii,t 9 on 18 I"* 'io i.? no fcnB .5eid-i9cOTq; ectl lo to on. Bert *1 ,9Olir|; :i eiriJ rfeBSt o* ,*on t&ecf ai' *1 .ssrreirpsefroo ni f nifi*ts r-^ol CHAPTER XVI. WORKING OP THE FILLMASS. There are no definite rules for the regular crystallization of the fillmass after it has been put into tanks or mixers. The only warning that can be mentioned is that the cooling must not be too rapid. As previously stated, a portion of the sugar is crystallized directly from the mother syrup, portions crystallize anew as the filliaass cools off, while other portions of sugar are added to the other crystals, in- creasing their size; of course, small new crystals do little towards in- creasing the yield. An increase of yield can be obtained by working .he fillmass in either tanks or crystallizers, but as in all other methods, great care must be taken to obtain the fillmass in a satisfac- tory condition for centrifuging. In tank work, the large lumps of fillmass which cling together and hold considerable syrup, should be broken up and nixed with hot or cold syrup, according to the degree to which the fillmass has cooled. If there are considerable quantities of small crystals in the form of flour , they should be carefully dissolved with a sufficient amount of hot dilute syrup in order not to retard the centrifuging. There is no other method of determining the quantity of syrup to be added than that obtained on good or bad centrifugal work. It is best to pay the vrork- men on a tonnage basis of sugar produced, so as to have the men properly regulate the amount of thin and thick juice to be used in washing. The first principle of good crystallization in crystallizers, depends upon the regulation of the temperature. For good centrifugal ^ork, the fillmass should be dropped at about 40 to 50 C., sufficient wat3r or diluted syrup being added so that the mass remains plastic. Previous to the tank work, sugar-mixers are only advantageous in giving a cleaner product in the sugar-house, though the yield sometimes is s. trifle greater, and the green syrups of a somewhat higher purity; with uol o 'erf ^on lawn sfiifooc oil* 'tat* ax Jtorroi'-jfrfltt ; J x .. ; ~ ' T^B i)sslXI/W8vr'' ei e^i/a 8ti^ "to itoiiioq fl *>e^ta \'IatrDi"^ ^^flCtllll tf W9ff ( . > i, o -lerr^o ni.t o,' houtfi OI'JB "KVLra *iO' n-oi^iocj larii'o 011 ^0? lWil oi .Ucyao ^?n Ufsua eiwoo lo ; OW y4 i>eniB^cfo erf nsc Msiv "To aRjseiorti fiA rtd-o fie fti -e QIB F '-" , ' " 1%0w rtl o9e.u *c n*t soiwt f fr;f/f,i ^ra'rijii' lo l^ucstB *:# e:^Ii^-?T /v . ;:ifijfiyi.o- : >.:^''-*c >:.-jiofii'.-.i ^aiil-erfT either method of work the purity of green syrups is rarely under 78 to 30 per cent. A rational working of the fillmass can be obtained by working up the proper amount of syrup with systematic regulation of temperature and concentration, and it is only under such conditions that the yield of sugar from the fillmass can be brought to the desirable point wj.f!-;. a correspondingly low purity of green syrups. The fillmaso work iy based on the theory that every syrup which is not too highly supersat- urated, will yield Just a sufficient amount of crystals for the nucleus of other crystals, thus causing the weakly saturated syrup to become highly saturated on cooling. The problem also depends on arranging the cooling of the fillmass so that che supersaturation-eoefficient of the mother syrup does not reach the limit at which new crystals arc formed. Under no condition should the cooling be allowed to decrease the coef- ficient to 1.05 1.1, because with low super saturation, crystallization Progresses too slowly. Crystallization starts immediately after tlio fillmass is dropped from the pan, because it is surrounded with more or less supersaturated mother syrup; The crystallization does not cease until the super saturation is decreased. It is of course essential that during the entire time of cooling, the temperature and concentration should be the same throughout all portions of the fillmass, which should be thoroughly stirred and kept in motion. Grystallizers are generally used to work the fillmass. These are, as a rule, horizontal cylindrical containers with a double shell or other arrangement for warming and cooling; they are always provided with axial shafts fitted with radial mixer-arms. The fillmass can be conveyed from the vacuum pan by means of troughs when the pans are suf- ficiently elevated; otherwise, it must be pumped by means of air from the pan to the crystallizers, or else lifted by means of a vacuum. -: 2 :- \tf ori.} anci^ljfcnoo rlcufj r i h.'.u v^n" sL fi ftftfi *t^t*r.itndono 9lo'6Treei> srfl o^ j{,u.-an'tf cf n/v: ; cs^tf J:'. .^rf* r-^'i TR^ r ' ;,4:-.(v: ."*'" . Ii"tfeVi' "fcofc; f/Q'ii^s ai >i- es r*o t taq ix-rrfe- ' L* ^ rfw arfai/ot.* lo-e P ;4r ' It is quite impracticable to convey fillmass through pumps because of the excessive cooling in the pipes and the formation of scums. Crystallisers can be worked in .one or two methods. One way is to cover the f ialn^ass with a somewhat highly supersaturated mother syrup in order to bring the stiper saturation coefficient up to about 1.13. Such a filloass, with a water content of 67$, cannot be cooled immediately but must be maintained very near the temperature at which it is dropped, 75 to 80 c., for several hours. When the eupersatura- tion becomes such that new crystals form, the temperature can be lower- ed and the crystals will increase in size. When the super saturation coefficient is decreased to 1.1 - 1.2 by means of crystallisation, the fillmass can be cooled off slowly. If after 18 to 24 hours the tem- perature drops to 60 C., enough diluted syrup must be added to make the mass plastic in order to centrifuge it. The work should be finish- ed when the temperature f alia to 55 C . Since with stiffly boiled fillmasses, errors are apt to occur in the work, it is best to work only thin fillnasses in the crystalliz- ers. It is obvious that the fillmass can be boiled so stiff that the mother syrup will have a saturation coefficient of 1.3. After drop- ping a pan, the steaming out water should be allowed to run to the fill- mass in the crystallizers, or else hot diluted syrup should be added in order to decrease the super saturation coefficient of the mother syrup to 1.15 1.2. A plastic fillmass like this has a water content of 8.0 - 8.5$, and can be more rapidly cooled off so that it can reach the centrifuging temperature, of 45 50 C . , in 15 to 20 hours without formation of new crystals, and without any further dilution. Naturally, with this method of work, the same yield cannot be obtained as when working stiff undiluted fillmass. It is quite possible to get as low as 70$ purity when the mass is boiled for a long time with green syrups -_ t . O Ji/ocfs 6* q;.' ,*neici*c'i56o ^oJ^t xa io*i , l "ftiAIi-oJ 0.0 Oj ft. 4- <- ^i * * JBlq ea^oi u o ? r: ro ofu ni e?i e.-! na '' - 3*,. 10.- in the pan. The greatest care must be taken In this work; any neglect 'Jill cause great difficulty in centrifuging which cannot be obviated either by heating or dilution, and ouch sugar Trill be lost causing a correspondingly light yield. An apparatus sonewhat different fro::i the crystalliser , though constructed on the saiae principle, is that of the so called "Kochnais- ohen" . These are tight, enclosed crystallisers in which syrup is drawn into the cooking space very slowly under a vacuv.n, and is t:ien boiled with the addition of soi::e dilute syrup. This fillniass is fin- ally cooled off in the sar.e apparatus . The apparatus ??orks at first as a vacuum pan ^ith a sinall heating surface, later as a crystallise!'. In this tyre of apparatus, crystallization of the sugar is brought about by slow evaporation and finally by cooling. Theoretically, evaporation should proceed at such a rate that the super saturation of the not her synvp should be isaintained at the -desirable point of 1.2 1.3. If this were practical, this type of apparatus vroiild yield the quickest cryotallization and the very best results; practically, though, it fails on account of onete inability to properly regulate the correct supersat- uration. New crystals are always apt to form, and these irast be redis- aolvecl by the addition of a fresh amount of dilute syrup, whereby the entire equilibrium of crystallisation is destroyed. Hence, this appar- atus yields, in practice, no better or quicker desugarication than can be obtained with cooling in crystallisers. No natter what nethod or means are used to work the f ill- i.iass, the crystallisation can never be obtained as rapidly as with boil- ing, since the mother syrups have a lower and constantly decreasing purity. With normal methods of T-orlt, it is not advisable to carry the desugarization of the nother syrup of the first product too far, because of the necessity of too great a number of vacuum pans. As a rule, with -: 4 :- . stirring apparatus, crystallizers or Koohmaisoh.ens* , a purity of the green syrups of 75 Is satisfactory; a few factories rork aa low as 70 - 72, T7hile a great number work over 75. This is of particular interest in obtaining good raw sugar which centrifuges pure white and is easily , and it is rarely desirable to have a green syrup which has been too fully desu^aiised. ""he purity of the syrup depends, not so siuch on the method of work and tine of crystallization, but on the size and amount of crystals obtained. The finer the crystals are, the more surface is present and the quicker the sugar will crystallise out. TThile one kilogram of raw sugar has practically a total crystal surface of three square meters, the sane weight of very fine grained sugar has a total crystal surface of seven square meters; hence, if it is desir- able to obtain rapid crystallization yrithout other considerations In view, the mass should be worked with fine crystals. To obtain granu- lar sugar 7?ith the usual amount of desugarisation of the mother syrup, considerably more time and space are needed in the vacuuii pans and crys- tallizers, than when working a fine grained product. , * :-.- ;'.(''! '* '"* ?Q K''.'"t":^\,'" ''- ' wp 00 ' -- '" s . d ' V .*- . >rce ^ ,cxi';.^T^- Ban lerstm. W to -jfr's-t^ Jr -tl: f oo/:$ft ;^*3-,?raBMp nevoa 'if ',; : u l.i^eT^c C9fc.inr.0c; -!-;.tid-o,-ir^^irr' JIDI^PA: r C;;t8Y*'P i'TSi ftia^|| ? X a ,".6- tl tic ;':'a^'~ a'r", '$ri*.3o froi*6si*ssmfl*-sfo'^f:j^3n; atrstr ftii*- "">': ':". '^.r^'- '' "B O'VJi-''6*l *'OvJ- /;-'' CHAPTER X7II. CENTRIFUGAL WORK. When the first product f lllmass Is boiled and worked correot- ly, there is no difficulty in separating the syrups from the crystals in the centrifugals, and the process is one of the simplest of the entire manufacture. The centrifugals used are of either the hanging or the fixed type. In Germany the latter are mostly used, though the former have many advantages. Formerly, the drums of the centrifugals nad a diameter of approximately 800 mm. , and a capacity of 80 to 100 kg of filiznass; at present larger machines are in vogue with a capacity of "t-50 to 500 kg of fillisass. These are provided with bottom dumps, which obviate considerable work. Attempts to install continuous centrifugals have heretofore been entirely unsuccessful. For good centrifugal work, the perforations of the screens in the drums are of great importance. In order to avoid the screens from lying closely against the walls of the drum, which causes a large por- tion of the holes or slits to become unserviceable, the sieves should be laid on a coarse screen to give sufficient space between the two, and render all of the surface of the fine screen efficient. The holes in the screens should be as small as possible without making them of a size that they would become clogged by the crystals. The appropiate :-:ize must be determined by every factory. There ie no particular ad- vantage in having the holes or slits conical; when attempts are made to better the method of perforating the screens, the essential feature is the form and size of the holes and slits on the inner screens. Smooth ^Greens pxmched out of plates are in general the most popular. The fillmass is conducted to the centrifugals by means of troughs when the mixers and crystallizers are higher than the machines; when this is not the case, the fillmass is pumped by means of air or .-JITX lo ' .0*1 rffc B*i^ : ?{ 10 i II fo '_<-. R.r.r'-J' fli!-- ,~il-"?9C"-G'%- iofsaBC a bus '-., .r:' : -08 ftxraov ni ale n'bitlr'rlcRfj rt^i.fy MJbivcavi o'rfl deoi ;:tf*o ni .ao?B*nitv6fl vniK: evsii iscno citx6iKi _B" is. B-C *nft.83il Js ;SBlI'.tl 1 jt-.' I"" - :o s?T 303 oJ" Oi ori* ra^ blov o** TO-MQ' T' /so rioi . ;^>il.;' Rl'l srJ- Jnr na "m oirte 10 . ibt srtJ- rJ io soal-u 9rl lo -" s^'ric 1 fctel- lo l r iB le ecr on ^ rft VQ .Ttbcroal-v-tave v'tf Jt>aiic-ts>efi' SQ- lexju es' ilBolhot e' v ^i' -o B'Oirt 9. v ri lo iwupf erf* ^o -> io esin" fen* aiol -.i .*- ;;> ^'A^^Bli lo .*on al alii properly constructed fillmaes pumps Into the sugar mixers and la then led through the proper channels Into the centrifugals. Large buckets or wtgons have the advantage of conveying the fillmass to the centrif- ugals warm and also distribute equal quantities of material, but the work is less cleanly than with the troughs or distributing necks pro- vided with adjustable discs for stopping the flOF. Even very stiff fillmassea flow satisfactorily through such openings, but it is essen- tial to keep the fillmass in constant motion while it is in the mixers in order to prevent the sugar crystals from settling on the bottom. Th-3 mixers should also be provided with a double mantle for steaia, though TTith first product fillmass, it is rarely necessary to use this installation; and material which centrifuges poorly must be rrarraed pre- viously anyr?ay. The filling of the machines from the mixers must be measured entirely by the eye. If the centrifugals are filled while standing idle, as is usually the case with first product goods, a mark inside of the drum can be used in order to obtain an equal charge at each filling. If the centrifugals are filled trhile running, as is often the case with after product fillnasses, the workmen readily acquire the faculty of judging the proper charge. When fillrass cen- trifuges easily, the syrup is usually separated from the crystals bsfore the centrifugal reaches its normal speed. Naturally, the outside layers of the crystals contain less syrup than that portion directly in contact with the screen. The difference, however, is not very notica- able, and the sugar, after being packed and transported, becomes very satisfactorily mixed. If fillmasses centrifuge poorly, the machines must be allowed to run considerable tine at their full velocity, and even then one is apt to find numerous places T7hich may be entirely uncentrlfuged. It is very difficult to overcome such evils in centrifuging and it arrays grtsJ .aXB'>i f "!Ut*nso arfj oJnX aX ad* o? aafl-~IXi:^ arU sni\yvnoo lo ?.lb 10 eef no 2 JJt Jjjtf . BS^-i'^cjo .tci/ fr./oirtt nJ: al ti, aliffvr nor^co ^rrBw*er.o erfo* no 10! co-rl aar:irl0flc a ^owto-tq pa ftu rrifl^c'o c olirfr tallil M efltf . riff ttlr a fcel ri* avert arto oa* c BOO! oi X-IGV? tlei^Be -woll iEilii e.'it qeaX oril *ftev-rq o^ isJbio ni a: = ari* Jon .^aqa Isorwr a r{^ lo cisisni XTSQ B TXix licce ^s -if.ii aso atfjf -n&nb al as X arto ni.ioau. ^ri.t .v aari^ n^a fcrw , W ooia asuVa./ieoitu vt^-rj^-n means considerabls loss. The difficulty should toe remedied early in the work. Poor centrifuging is usually caused by crystallinic powder, which is due to poorly conducted crystallization processes; however, the presence of foam and scums or else a great ooollng of the fill- nass, will also cause poor work. Pillmasses are apt to become scummy from the agitation in the erystallisers or mixers, when the arms lift out of the mass and then entrap air as they descend again; therefore, the stirring appliances should always be entirely covered with fillmass. Since, however, it is impossible to stop the stirring apparatus vjhlle emptying the crystal- lizer, on account of the crystals settling to the bottom, the machine should be kept running as slowly as possible to avoid the formation of scuias. Generally 1/2 to 1, or at the highest 1-1/2 revolutions per ninute are quite sufficient to Keep the fillmass properly stirred, and also retain an evenly distributed temperature. The reason for scummy fillmasoes yielding poor results in the centrifugals is very apparent, for the light foamy syrups adhere to the sugar and form a tough skin which cannot be removed by even the centrifugal force. Care should be taken to avoid cooling of the fillmass below 45 to 50 c . , for at a lower temperature the viscosity of the saturated and supersaturated syrups increases very rapidly; hence, any extreme cooling between crystallization and oentrifuging is injurious and should be i-.vcided. The viscosity of the syrup causes a waste of time more than poor work, particularly when the fillmasses are too cool. With uarm fillmasses it does not effect the conditions, which are far more apt to be due to crystallinic powder. This latter separates in the mass similar to foamy syrup. The centrifugal force having little ef- fect in separating it from the larger crystals. With poorly centrif- fugecL rillmasses, a ncr^ ;.? leas satisfactorily centrifuged layer of -tin fll nol *?* 4 eg l*M - . , ateiB.e.t^ .nertw iiaejUc, 10 '*_ ""'_''. / - !. -" " - - * 'f -^ , 9fA\9%9rif . iB-R >J,,a ' '-'- '' "% T . .--,:: ,'- - ' ' ..- ' - .' ..>..,, i . , . . ":w? of lo *nj^o '' rf9id" ip. rl>"o| i;;n a.v 1 oa tfl ' ' - ' ' . ~ i ' r . :.. ' t\i' . -,.:; : ,. ' ai r.j^ll^ .' : ' i '' ^loti acii, ^f ****,../' y*-a4.i r . .iotiv .r- ' .^ , e^ , XJ -.'*'.' ' * . ' . ' ; '''.''' a i sugar lies on top, and there Is then a tough layer of cemented crystal- linic powder around which there is usually more or less syrup which falls to penetrate the fine layer of powder. If such fillmasses are due to poor boiling or handling, there is nothing else to do but to redissolve the crystallinio powder in the crystallizers or mixers* and then reworfc or else redilute with syrup. If this method is used cautiously, there need be no fear of dissolving too great an amount of sugar from the larger crystals. with crystal- lizers, it is even possible to re-obtain the sugar by means of a second oooling. The ease of centrifuging fillnasses depends upon the degree of fineness of the small crystals. Every fillmass is apt to contain iiore or less crystallinio powder or fine crystals, of which anyone can be convinced by using a microscope. If a poor quality fillraass is not discovered until it reaches the centrifugals, there is no choice but to centrifuge with stean, which dissolves the fine crystals and allows the syrup to flOT? off after being heated. The steam is uoually introduced between the drum and the outer shell in order to distribute it more fully and to allow it to worK slower without dissolving too great a quantity of the large crystals. With all these methods, however, the yield in the centrifugals is usually decreased far more than by proper- ly preventing the formation of the crystalllnic powder in the mixers and crystallizers. 'o ; ? u4 eolorfc '' , i ^ wrolia * '" "*9* *<** brtwcijl * ; . : .Xio*^- f M ' .t '. iT- -so -(T i: a^d .* ; -. l 'io ^f > ' .o. lo . 10 < ^onivnoc erf CHAPTER XVIII. D aian crystals. 1 RA SUGAR. . i3U r:j;Uon of a sugar, it Raw sugar is obtained from the f illmass by simple centrifuging. The centrifugals are filled with as much first product fillmass as their construction will allow. The larger the machines, the nore time can be saved, for it takes no longer to centrifuge a large mass than a small one, and just as much time is taken to charge and recharge small masses as larger ones. For this reason, centrifugals of large diameters and capacity are best, and when these are provided with botton discharges, a large saving can be made in labor. Raw sugar consists, like the fillaass, of crystals and adher- ing syrup, except that it has less syrup. The properties of the syrup and the sugar are practically the same, as in the fillmass, and the yield of raw sugar that can be obtained by either long or short periods of centrifuging, depends on the size of the crystals and the amount and purity of syrup adhering to them. From 100 parts of crystals in the fillmass, one obtains from 50-60 parts of syrup. About 8-12 parts Of syrup adhere to the raw sugar. The average thickness of . the layer of syrup, on raw sugar crystals of 92$ purity, is about .01- .015 ram., and on those of 88$ purity, about .015 - .020 mm. The question as to whether or not it is advantageous to make a Taw sugar of high or low purity, depends on the price of different grades of sugars. As long as the price for one degree purity exceeds 1$ of the price of low goods, it stands to reason, that it is beat to make raw sugar. It is obvious that to obtain good white sugar, more centrifugals are essential than otherwise and there is a larger yield of molasses . A satisfactory raw sugar, that is, one that is readily sale- able, depends not alone on its purity but on its apparent properties, such as the sharpness, lustre, color and eveness of the grain; and the ':AH? . A c"-; ! "3 ^ vcf fiBfiilll'^ srict- inoTt 'rerfi's>do si rr.-^ifa a aBBrrrlJil JoobOTxr d-ai-Fl rfoira as rteiV -fewi-li'l sis alssi/li'Wfreo rt erriD>~ erf* ..^srr.irioftrr orftf fefe'TBi ' 9-rfT -.TTOI'IB ' Iliw'ndi toirrd-enoo B nartt BRBIJ -esiBl K insult-Undo o,t -tesnbl -on 'featfB.t eft lo^ ' f Jbo'vsa HJSCIB -sgiRiloen: fins e^trcrto -o',t -ne>rd > 'e-i ^nri* ribwnt e'fl itBirt ^^^ ' f eno TQf&XBlb 931BT 1o Gl.^^i-iit.*ieo -. r-oa.sei '"airf-t 10"? '. asftb leaiBl BB iBfl08i& nold-od" rfJ-J:^ ^^i)i'/ > o^:v:i- e'-is sueri^ nsfrfw JbrrB'^sotf ?>*rB vttoBqso . iocfBl nJ efcat: 9tf rreo srrlvftB 93 IB! fi "i Jbn/3 B.IF^BYT" "i . aBjssIXJ:^ srtt t tf* MB ,B8J5!nIlj'i s rig- rrl s.e .SHB^ rf# vllBOJt^oBrrq; eie a:sswt> ert^ Jbns TO s-^o^ T^rl^ie YCf tenis^cfo icf nso j-jsrfJ- ie3J- r 8 VTST ^:o Jbiei\ Jbne JnirorruB ea^ Jb;:js 81/3^8^0 srl^ lo esia ert^ no aiDftecreJb ,arr.ts^-trr.tneo lo erit rrJt 8ls^a\ r io lo stTBq.OOI .-norW .sisrfj' 6* sniTerits (JJJ-IYB "io x ; 21-8 JirorfA .qxriYB *5o B.t'Tjsq; 0? - C?. i.toi'i snlstcfo ^no .'R .1J- .lo BEerri'oirid- s^BTevB erPf .TB^ITS T.'BI erft o . -10. *j/cxf6 af ? ^xti;q ??Sfi *io elBJe\ r To TBF.i/3 wsrr rto .qircya lo ,ca OSTO. - 3IOl-f-i/ocfB ,-\**iiiKT ^88 lo afibrtt no J5nB F.n oj atrossBJTisvJbB ai vti' *r)H"-io -roritsffw o* SB rroi'^eoi/p 9'riT' ^nsrroll^l) *o eeiici eri^ no aJbneqeJb ,Y^- r iifq "rrol 10 rfsxri'lo TBSUB TTBT 8 asoxs Y*louc[ a 615.9^ err-o lol scl-ici erit ar. gnol aA .e'leswa lo 891)615 ; tBfit ,nOBB91 Ot 4 BJb/IAfe' ^1 r aJbOC^' TV6I lo 9ollC[ ftrf* 10 ^1 9-tJ-rfir Jboos .tiB^do o.t ^^rfd alrolvdo el *!' .iBS^ra WBI B ei oporto ^B 'aairt'^tfo nsrfj 1 Bi>riesE9' ai *6iW arrc ^al-'tcrf^ .iBLT3"wBl vto*Ofl!te'i A ' neiscr^B e^i 'no j-ircJ vtiiirq c-tl no enolB ton sbn.eq.eb >e!cfB ... - .- r ">" f KIB ;nini^ 9rt.t "Jo -eaartsve fens' -foloo' ,eit8 : iM .seenq-rGrfe srlo' r.?B adhering syrup must not be too viscous, and must be as free as possible : r a g , pro v j.d* -1. t hy from snail crystals. To be certain of the consumption of a sugar, it is best to have large crystals. It would be well if the valuation of raw sugar were based on all of its properties. At present there are no satisfactory commercial methods of handling raw sugar. The price has been based on the purity calculated fro::, the aoh content, while the yield of refined sugar depends, not only on the ash, but on the amount and properties of tho organic nonsugars present. All propositions to change the methods of valuing sugar have been discouraged, because of the unreliability of the methods of research, and the uncertainty of juieea s/vxj -. : gftncraliy give results, so that all corner oial tests are still based on the ash content. The color of raw sugar is not always an indication of its composition, Fhen a bright gu^ar is obtained, it is well to note if its color is natural or artificial. The color of the molasses is of as nuch importance as the color of the crystal. With dark sugars, the amounts of syrup are larger than with those that are brown, and the purity, too, is usually higher with light products. When the crystals are not a clean white, a light yellow color is not so bad for refining as gray, since the yellow color is more easily removed by bo neb lack and blueing, and the refined sugar is of better quality. The cause of gray color in a sugar is attributed to the presence of iron in the juice, following a poor saturation. Iron salts dissolve or remain dissolved when the juices are not sufficiently deffecated in the second saturation; the sane condition ensues by over-carbonation. Either thin or thick juices, that are carbonated sour, are very apt to contain Iron, and give considerable difficulty when atteraps are made to refine the raw sugar from them. Gray sugars also result from the presence of hydrogen sulphide in the carbonation gasses, causing the formation of sulphide of iron r/hich remains dissolved in the juice in small quantities. : 'I BB o*tt 86 erf tojjjrs j>fts oo* wf Jt $w*s qirrr - . - B lo nol^jnawtoo erf* lo nl^u^s' erf of , BlB^ay'io fieria :_8 sftrai; tA . He no /-;Q8J5cf ito rro **J^ rfsfi ftrt* no 8no^l8Oq;6i(i IlA ^t&B'sr xo oaWeo^d t jbes.8ra/<5o8ljb rt&ftct 10 \'*nlB.^cf MB rt'otF69 < r lo :IBB srf* no i>eesd Ili.tfe e-us stiss^ 1 r,l c. i5;.x.vroo lljn ^r.rtj- oe SJ-J: lo :;oi*.%diMi .^e ^sriB ton si Ti5?in8 'wsi lo -roloo 11 e^ori oJ- II'Bv si *! ,J>drtls*cf?> al IBT-LTB trteitd .s ii^rfW 10 Bi 89f>aBl6fi 3Kv? ^C t^-1'00 erfT > iB^dill-^Tfi TO Ig-SUtffirt 1 erii ,aissi/R Xi^Jb A-tit vlB^RTto 'Qrf- ^o -lol^n ri- r -ra TO a.tlee .noil on'-* .firrs ^n el T#stts n rrl TO'O TOOQ B sn.b?roiro"i 10 rtirt* leri^lil Jioi^aodrTBO-rt9Vo \d 8irenfl ttol^l^noo ^nsa ocf ^cre Y^^V errs .TJLTOB o.t ef>B^t -els Bcf;neJ+s 'rtorix lo eonsBsrtq sriJ- iuOTl tli/adn os is SIBSWB \ r etT) -.aeri>t Li lo nol^sniTOl arl-t .aniwso >39 i ags ffoi'tenocftpo 'erf.t nl i rfc 'i Good raw sugars do not deteriorate in storage, provided they show an alkaline reaction with phenol and are free from organic non- sugars and line; the latter has an inverting action in syrups. Alka- th tii ' ' *i " r\i!" line fillmasses derived from soundly alkaline Juices, give stable sugars, that is when the syrups are stiff iciently saturated and remain so when stored in cool dry places. Under such conditions it is ir.poss- ible for moulds to develop or vegitate. But if in storage the syrups or the sugars absorb Trater and become diluted in any Tray, there is an immediate danger of inversion, and a subsequent decrease in the alkalinity and polarization. Sulphured juices should generally give a more stable sugar than those which rei^ain unsulphured, because small amounts of sulphurous acid salts remain dissolved in the syrup and act on csily ""?!'! ' Bt-OT'''^ ^ c <-"* ** ' ( '! " ' ""' *'(? as antiseptics. The form and sharpness of the crystal depend on the quantity and quality of the nonsugars. Juices that are well liiued give better and harder crystals than those juices that are superficially handled. Y/ith the sane purity of juice, sugar derived from fresh beets has a better grain than when made from those that are siloed. Certain line salts have a decidedly bad effect on the crystallization, particularly those which collect from the molasses, and are accumulated in the juices. Both raw and refined sugars derived from such sources show a more or less pointed or needlelike crystal. Faw sugar from the centrifugals is a warm heterogeneous mass which on cooling has to be sifted and mixed before it can be placed in storage. It is better to use continuous conveyors instead of scrolls in carrying the sugar fro;:" the Liachines to the sifting screens, in order not to injure the SLigar crystals. Either drum or shaker sieves are used for sifting the raw sugar. When the sugars are sticky and run as lov/ as 88$ purity, the sieves have to be provided with brushes _ -r ' . O * lt JbsMv&ni f f : a rrl r- . Ofl of> ( 1 ?1B STUB. I'O.Torii; ; . : ,}9B1- '-JLEB :iB' WOrfB ,,.V * .' .-rv8 "ft! no i: JOB sn ~:i', ZB BB, - '. &TB <' " / , i/{; RflsXl,,tnii0a riehrt.rJSatlAii -':gi*trm-. OTJB .fltBJiS-^v ^o qol-ova6_ oj. aJbli/ca TO! slcfl "B rri bstuLtb -.e^poecf. ^B .TC&^BT:- tf-ioecffl 8^j?SJLre erf* 10 , ; : >>86 ' supeBc'i/e B iwiB >f noLeio ev " Ii/orf8 B90iir{; ^iirriql.t^ _ .'noiJ'Bn.iiBfoci Jbnc 98'. ,f>p-jjriql.i;:::ni/ TrJt^di- .^oLrit? eao/I-t.. r^rfj- -rj?.^^. eltJc^a 'sion B firrs I 1 ni f)?vloeai nifl-Tiei ''Bd-.Iea Aics ei/oi^ricil-jre ;1e Jbndae) IB^BVIO .eri^ lo aeofigisrfa JbnB-rrrtQl .IJew STB cfBrf* csoi-ut. . ..BTrv-j/ano,;; ^r.'f "io 'i . B RPrf ' '. rleetrt: aoi* -9vit9Jb> iB^rrp. , 9Ol^> : to Y^i'd-J'5 'oiJipa srf* i I niR^TPD .Jteofis eiB tcri^ 6ftor:^.;i3.o.i*r slier^ frerftr .fiBrfJ ntBTS ,no-cfBsiII'B'J-8Y'-fO -rf* no .t.o'ali?). Jb/id' Y^^loei) B 'sv.Brf 10 eto:.i s worvB eeetttrot- rtoi/e r,io'rl;:Jb9va:el). aiBjire fins WBI rn eij : ;rrj3w s ai aJPfisiftll^eo ;tfit a^i'i -: . ... . <>. ^ rrl /.-ftoBlci acf HBO *r eiolscf j&exl;^ J5>rrB 'pe-tlia ecf oJ c/ looc .no - ! v . , . Bllorroa fo J!)B9^Bnf':To\evnoo .ajjoi/ni^rro.o .aev oj ie**Ml B til .anesioa s^tliB.^:I* 'ot,.8nirtoaa eti* -:.oi^ rriaaxm srlt sni\"rrBO ni i' *. e^YelB i*'^BrlB rco airdb Tsrl^i!! ..elfl^RYto ISSJJB erIJ- "-siirtnl o^ Jon lefcrto V . : T- f , - '- t . Jbna YfoiJ-8 SIB B1B31/B erf* rr?xl7 .TSEJU-B WBI arid- ?,rrlcM8 T?l Jbeeir 013 ' Tq erf o* svsri .aevei.B sri* ,ytJ:ijjq[..^88 BB wol RB or forked arms to brush the material through the screens. Since cool ar decreases the stickiness of the crystals, it is often injected " tlufc 'CKirW t'li " ill 1 ) 1 / ' * '' ! 'i through the screens. Lumpy sugar should be nixed with syrup and run back, to the centrifugals. Sugar obtained from fillmsses that have been slowly cooked, and carefully worked in closed crystallizers and well centrifuged, do not need screening except to insure more thorough nixing. After sifting, the sugar is stored away in bags or in bulk. Sugar should never be stored while hot, particularly not in piles where it is apt to heat and invert rapidly. This phenomenon is probably due to the ox- idation of certain organic nonsugars. The weight of the sugar can be easily estimated when stored in sacks; when stored lose the carrying wagons have to be weighed. It is almost impossible to estimate weights of sugar exactly from the capacity of storage piles, on account of the extreme variance in the specific gravity of the material. The sugar warehouse should be cool and dry* and care should be taken that the i* v i ruin-* i^tAr- *>"' /irteP" *a *tfl OO.LV and fiDtillB store-room is not overly warm nor subject to the warm damp atmosphere of the factory. Under the first conditions, the sugar dries and loses weight and is more difficult to refine, on account of increased vis- * ., ' <" -_ rvy*rk*r m4 " fr h# o " ' ^ * 1 *1_ >f y ~ ">'.- ' ThO oosity of the syrup surrounding the crystal^. In d-j^ storage, the sugar absorbs water and becomes ao damp that the syrup flows off of the crystals and becomes sufficiently dilute to support the growth of -, i1,*T*tri. taias\1 '-- r .-',... ,. or-,-> "f-.\ *'-vx^'^ inSulds, and suffers subsequent inversion, ether difficulties are the bursting of sacks and the occurence of large streaks of syrup. In cool storage, none of those conditions ensue, unless the sugar is below 88$ ''.'. rm ' ' . ' f . : -' i , .alBBi/iiiJ-nso erirf of jCoscf c.^fooo Ylwola nsecf evsrf ^fiffcf 8O8BalI^ .-201^ i>enlB*cfo -reg^ "* > - * ' ':;.''* of) efias^lidrreo Hew tos B-ie^illBd-aYio b&aoLo ni JbeX^ow YllJ/i9i:so .snixJta risj/oiorw- saoc QToanJ: oj *qaoj.9 sninoe-xoa Jbaen r:i -xO asjscf'nJt YUTTB ieTOda ai iBSira erf* f 3ni:;fLt a" el cfl sTsrfu asl-tci rti ton \"IrtBli;oiJ-Tcc[ f tori olirfv; toTOta sd Teven -xo ?rft ot esrb Y^cfBcJoTcj at nonsnoneriq alfIT .\LtiqBt d-ievnl Lns etf HBO TBSJJB erfd- 1o trfsiew srfT .eiBSJ/Bnon olnesio'niBd-iao. lo * * * ertt oeol J&eioJ-a narfw ja^ojsa nl JbaioJ-a nerlu ^^tBrjlte ot oIcJlBaocrfjl taontlB el cM .>elsieT; ecf o't ,evfirf lo tfrmoooB no ,83lig essiocfe lo Y#J:OBCI/$O erft no-rt Ylto eriT .iBliatsni ertt lo y^ivsrcs oilloeqa rft nl aonaJriBV ecis ecf li/oria OIBO l>rrs ,vi> na looo ecf fcli/orf isw srlt ot *09j;dire ion mif3t? YITSVO ton ai . . . . * . *t . . < - * t eeaol inB asiif) iBSi/B eri^ ,erOitL5noo taill srit aJbrrtJ .Yioto'sl 9rit lo -aiv Jbeaseioni lo trri/oooa no f enil9T: o* t il-lifi 910;^ ei JbnB ^rft ,9SBic-TG ^r..,i) nl .olBtayio 9fW snUbni/oin/a qi/iya 9ri* lo lo Ho ewoll gxrcYe arid- tBrit .qntBJb OB eonooeo: JtaB Tretsrr adioacfB lo riJwoig erij tto:qi/a ot 9d-irlii> \-ItrT9iolllir3 ee^ooscf Jb'rrB alBtayio erft eiB oeltluoilliD Terito .noiaigvnJ: tne.tfpsecfire niellwa JbnB ( looo nl .CIJJTYB lo 2X1391*8 sgial lo eoneiuooo grit Jbns aXosc' lo gni taiud' '--^ ,* * - ... ','....''!' ." ** "**' vroletf eJt Tsgi/a 9rit eaaXnir .oi/aaa anoltifcnoo gaqrid- lo anon f 9SBiod-a erlt ot gnlTB.fUbB quTYa fBeautBToqrast wol tA .ytliuq n/ * ' . avltoeto'icj B CHAPTER XIX. TEE PRODUCTION 0? WHITE SUGAR In .the manufacture of beet sugar-, it is often desirable to fully separate the syrups from the raw sugars in order to obtain a white sugar for the market. Such sugars when crystalline are desig- "*Tf- '^-'- i.WT7 Li- ;#-. PrPJT' CL, .'/ _. ".' ,7 J., .-.. . ;". , .' nated ag "granulated", when ground as powdered u or when in masses "Piloe" . These products arc not refined sugars, but the raw products of the factory. ' ; ^ r- . . e-wser, In the production of granulated sugars the f illnasses are oentrifuged in a runner similar to that for the production of raw sugars, except that they are worked warmer in order to get rid of more ':. ?7'i'\;'. *y ".?<'*&>.. .C-^f- syrup. The syrup that is not driven off by the centrifugal force, is washed, off with water, steam or a saturated solution of sugar, in such a manner as to dissolve as little of the crystals as possible. To im- T? the ffinal washing prove the color of the crystals, ultramarine is put into the vacuun pan or the wash waters. For this purpose, only the very best ultra- marine should be used, as poor material changes its color and spoils V PJ i AT*., t or*! the sugar. Only good juices can be used with advantage for the produc- tion of granulated sugar; when the thick juioee are not of sufficient Purity, they should be improved by the addition of yellow sugars. The j r.V.;/j f^uld production of a good even grain, and an easy working fillmass, is of far r.ore importance in this work than in the production of raw sugar. For the working of granulated sugar, large centrifugals are used though they are not filled to the sane extent as in raw sugar work, in order that the layer of sugar can be washed more evenly. When one used a saturated sugar solution, for the removal of the syrup from the crystals, less sugar dissolves. If in the production of white sugar, a portion of it has to be dissolved in the wash waters, and these in turn are re- mixed with the syrups, the final yield of granulated sugar is largely el '' :L*I ----- ') <" t "' - : nls^-do od ier-ro rtl " tts> fig b SIB ....... . -' ' 4 - ;: - - WBI arid- a fl^t tort oie TTBT ,B r ei o.L .. . rloira ni f lo -cit oT .elcflBBOq W" BlfiJaYio rfJ- *o^a^ fl '' ft ' eh'%iNlkiKLt/- 't- via ins rroioo a>i 'TS&rifettci '*&&*&.. TDOOQ :..; - . -oid&ooxr erf^ TO! -^ypfla. \beBir atf- /TBO lo "rfoa"errlf r> fieb'i-i;t '^ofri* -^ri effT .eiBS^B wbile^ 10 noj:*ii>Jb^^eriJ'-"'Y A TtVH M $V ' *'" t- "^ i water and steam are used together or separately. Naturally, it is impor- tant to -ase the trater and steam so as to dissolve as little sugar as possible. Water is applied by sprinkling or by spraying with compressed i. . >tM~4> *** a 'n'-f-i^-'.h' ' ~ ' ".'' " ' '' '? ?<* 7 '": f- air. When steam is used, it is thoroughly drained or else superheated before entering the centrifugals, the covers of which are put on before steaming so as to condense as little of the steam as possible. The so />! '= - .' 11 -f f\ f* * * *- > a n* ~ 1 "*> wo". 7 ** ^"^4" '4 ^"* & ** T* ''if* & **'* ii ' O r * ' V; >'* 'r* v * called Russian method of washing, consists of passing the steam between the outer and inner cylinders of the centrifugals. The steam acts as a heating agent, decreasing the viscoeity of the syrups so that they are -fu AI >>$ 3-i -- . i^or^ ' * "n^' ftf rr-' "iti n"^fl''C more readily thrown off. By this method less wash syrup is made. Care must be taken that the steam does not come in contact with the r';' - water; for this purpose, a special opening is made for the steam, so as to distribute it equally around the cylinder. Before the final washing with water or steam, the sugars have a preliminary washing with the last -: -. <.<'**> 3 - >"* v r-*r> - . "i c*. o "Y*~T f A f$T** f '' "t* ''- ' "* '*-. '* Ijfi '" ^ T**.' A^^lYl* 1 *^ 1* Ct -''^ "^'"'^ " ' washings of the previous charge, or with a saturated thick juice. By this method, the green syrups are kept fro... coming off too dilute, and so save steam in the subsequent boiling. Such methods of washing are complicated, and hence, it is doubtful if the slightly increased yield B worth the trouble of the extra work. This method should not be used unless the thick juice and wash syrups are very clear and pure. Since some sugar must, in all events, be dissolved from the crystals, one should seek a good yield and a careful separation of the syrups accord- ing to their purity, so that they can be rebelled with the thick juices into granulated sugar. The syrup which is first thrown off is designat- ed as green syrup; that following is called green syrup tailings. The final product is a clear wash syrup which is either pumped directly '*) ci""- '" ** i, r^ back to the thick juice, or taken back into the pan. i ing e i _ . >8ir noJbloo OTJS BqjrrY8-riBB' l '-'CBBrrB s-u/q , aooiforl TBr.ira Jsecf nl . el *i .^ -r , ;/-.- QTB raee*B MB 7:0* '; 4 . " .';-.--,-- ; - . . " " .?.-", -V..-V' BB is'suo 9lJr*JU :.OB. vIop^L6" p* BB'OB c/ &ne--rW*j&r AH* sair- o* -in** . .. '/ ' ~ * ' i-j *.. t -'.- ' -. *' "*$*-. . V '- ' ' * I".*- - rf*i sofY8'i f >.-.^^:-A:v ^'v A'V^ TO' fc^lertb' Ylrlg^oiori.* ai- i .^seir ai .OBftJa norlSr .aB .. -..flldfl aeoq efl 16 sl^,tf "BB sartafifioo o> B'B -da., oe acrimra ' ;. Jb'qr ._ . . fv \'S . * os , . tit efioo . ' -:'' , *x- . ..-. irfj .YllfiBe'i.- OTOE '. ' ' .' ' ': ' fie^CB* ed r- IJeril'l v >ii .-, r .B eyj^rf. orl* > ^t .TO ,9;ti/IJ;Jb oS* *^6"'arfJti;o^^-'6 l 5El ^qajt .; .. . . aCTf '1o acoflt9^.riou8...,.sniriocf sri* -,-f>OfI^eG: . eti*' rri QVBB OB 'lifllcfi/bi) ,.ai .*!' , eonerl' ;.. ..ft-.-fv *',> ''.-. erf* to ai . -* '"i'i . '..' V liar*? ; r oirl* eno ? Jbiobofl : ecf-, . , . . . erf* ,lo" : rioiJ-fl^x}e ; iselo s a-1 *oi/^oici L&ntl , .#r-. - ' 10 , 9oli/t ^f^rf* erf* o* ;{OBCT -: s For the separation of the eyrups, according to their purities, there are a number of methods in use, the simplest is that of separat- ing then in the order in which they cone from the machine. In conse- quence, it is best not to sake the tine of centrifuging too short, so that the syrups Trill have enough tine to run off separately. Hence, the large slow running machines are best for the separation of the syrups. In some methods of separation, the syrups are caught in the cylinder of the machine, so that their separation is sharply defined ancl the vrorlc is accelerated considerably. One always needs more cen- " trifugals for the production of granulated sugar than for raw stig-ar. The further handling of the Trashed sugar, depends on the product desired for commerce. Crystalline and granulated sugars must be taKen from the centrifugals racist and warm, so that the crystals will not sticK. together, 'Then mailing "Pilee" sugar, the material is dried in the machines. When the sugar is stear.ed in the riachineo, it is seldom necessary to dry it afterwards, as it is v-arrn enough to dry during the screening and transportation. hen \7ashed with water or "' ' **-'" **'' - syrup, the sugar has to "be dried in granulators. If a sugar of even grain is sought, it must be passed through sorting screens. The mater- ial left on the screens is generally ground. It is very important to - . ' pack the granulated sugar in a cool dry place, otherwise a yellow coloring is apt to result. For the production of "Pilde" sugar, the centrifugals are provided with various appliances for the removal of the hard masses. Another method of preparing white granulated sugar is to rash the fillmass. The finished material from the vacuum pan is cooler! in the crystallizers from 40 - 50o<3., and is then diluted so that the mother syrup is very weaKly saturated. This method cannot be applied with filliaasses containing small fine crystals. The fillnasses are put t ^nls-ioooB ,e:;j^o erf* >o to d/Brfd- ai d-aeiquip sriJ ,equ rri aJborfd'art *o .locfcai/n B ?IB :.-.- ..;; - **$$ norj^t o:.:oo Y^ nl isjbio ?. ,v .:-. >{^ -,;- -"; .:: , -vi-v. - OB ,.t?orfe pod- afffr-jytiti-nso lo ami* erld- etfflfr oJ ton Jaecf el *i ,6 ' --a >"lo our od- wuid 1 rfjy/orre svsri Hirr . ' . ' ' .. ' f. ..''.' '.-. '; .-> * ' . ', . / -j.' ., : <_-., ;~ -> rroi.. a. grid' 10! *36cf 3-ie |UrfOflC .S/ttrti ola r ni d'.'^uco 91.9 aqirrvp erfd 1 ,^01*813(1^8 io ftbor^ec SLIOB nl < .' -;*> . j-v-. '.-> - ;*,^ : - :< noid-Bit ,ae fisrfd- iBfl* oa ,9nirio^u &:IJ ^:o -ne } 9K$ , ,\ r - iicnoo ie-t.^ielsouo ei yliorr sifd 1 .ifi^.j/8 T7B*r 10"! rrBrij. T^jyTB' J?9d > l3jnBtc& ."io rrold;ojjf>oi.v &cLi' iol t no eJ&fi9Q9Jb fic^iTB .^erlBBVv orrd" 1' ' 5nBil i9rid"ii/l prP? firiB .onillBtaxrO; .'soiecrrop ipl ^oiiac srid' d-Bfi* OB t i2TC T 7 : JbxiB d^aion R r^^ii^j'T.iTf^Q prid^ cio*rt nsJlBJ 1 9Q* al .J> : 9r:d; t issua "ebli?" j?n:'sr;: .-;9rfY' .lerid-asod 1 ^oid-a d^on grid 1 'ni ie.'^Bed-B at TBSLTI orfd- ueriW .senlilPB^ eri* ni vsr-* al ti ,abTs?r i iod v lB d 1 ! TU& o* VTBaeaosn aoJbJea el TO rid-iTT i^erie^. nsrfT .nOxd-Bd-ToqRnrvid- f>ne sriirresioa arid- > '. *<'. S>- : '., '- ' T '''" -*..' '.t nev?\ira s II _ .B-tod'BXwin'rs ^1 i>6LtiJb ecf. o* aarl THSI/B erW .:T .ange-ros nid"iO8. rfsi/oirld* ^eaerq: <;f d^twr^ d-1 f td&m>B ei od 1 dTTfid-^cxml Yiev el d 1 ! .Jbnim'^ \-iiBtcenes el aneetcoa ^rfd 1 no d^sl IB! "5 ' ;"-. ..> ; ..-*'.> .-'"; >, ; >- ^ : :- . ' _' ..*. .a a rfd-o ,oslq, yrb loop B at 'IBS^S JE>e.*6LL f aBi3 ad 1 i . K *"**?* ' erf-t ^assira "oblil" It) iroljo*rj>o:cci erld- TOS .^li.'Baa'od' d'qs al :ei arid- 10! e^onslciqs airolasv rtf-h* I^aAXvoiq SIB ./- *- vwtf.'-v. : ** '- " - 1 *v ' r .*&V y ' F:, |W , fc ,, X: _- TT od B! Trjsins ^ed^Blfjneis ^d-lilw anlTBqerrc; lo .boriJac 1011*001., nl ;:.9looo ai naq r^Li.rpBV eclt -soil iBliscfss JterlalfLtl eriT .easalli^ erfd"' t d'srit oa tefultb nerid- a ,.&ooa 0* ;.iOil 8i32iIlB*evp ei JballqcfB c d-pruiBO Jbori*ea el fit .)9d-6ii/d-BB ylXsetr \nsv ai qinPiB larl" i ' . : '-. ,. . -' . . 'trq SIB eeac&il erfT .BIB^BY^O onll Ilsaa sninisd-npo esEBBdllil rfli -: 5 :- into large four cornered, or oval tanks, the bottoms of which are cov- ered with a fine screen. The syrups which filter through this screen are pumped aray. The sugar is washed carefully and the syrups are drawn off separately. The first syrup that comes off has a purity of 70 - 75$; the second syrup serves as first washing for the new fillmass etc. Syrups are run to tanks in which water is added to bring the:.: to the correct density for working. Since the temperature in the washroom. varries considerably during the year, it is difficult to keep a con- stant density in the wash syrups. The tenperature should not be al- lowed to fall below 20 . , for at low temperatures the syrups are exceedingly viscous, and the washing takes inuch longer. Saturated os prithoist tas 'edd3 wash syrups are injurious; unsaturated, wash core quickly but dissolve the sugar and decrease the yield. It is only advantageous to use unsaturated wash syrups in the f illmass-es which are highly saturate-: 1 .. It is best to work the f illness so that the product from the cryntall- isers yield only a saturated mother syrup. The yield of white sugar from this method of Torkins is great- er than fron that of centrifuging , since a green syrup of higher purit3 r is obtained; but the time consumed is very much greater. Another con- dition is the possibility of alteration in the material by long stand- ing, such as loss of alkalinity and inversion. In conse- .>..i^~> e^^,^^,l tJ5 SWB-. t (tT : . 1 ,. . . \" e *f-3iS JB asil Ytt> 882:0,0 Jfirf^i/T^J-pT^ . 8n!t,, BBJBSlIJtl T79H *tit TOl ^ni^SBW ^BTtl/Be BOVnqBB ?f^->' 8 . -&? 00 ? 9fU, .Jo^T - 0? o* ..lertf snlrrtf od- i>fr nl JBAIB^. od- run O.T^ cqrrrv2 :. irocrcr^./n- iid- ni RII/. J >* tit eonia .. -rroo >- qff>;[ o> *Xirol1%tl> ei li ,n.w/ _ -la acf rf'on f)Ii;orie eccird'OTsqaPt erfT .BC[L"r. r B rfsB*" arid" ni , ... .;... eifl Rciirnrft srit Reii/*Bieq".rs;t wo'I J.e rrol . f ..O rs. wolM J&d'5 i ^ij'*B8 > vn'M 'ri r - :iri8eT7 erlj- Srrn ,puooeJ:v or: .txrcf Yl^J> ^iir^Bcr:^ jBi^lTirtrii STB f piroo^Bd-nrv^fl ^Ino ti.^I .Jbl9^ erft g5B93O9Jb.5n.j5 -SR \'Iririn ?IB riolrfir eeesfdlli ' *> '' ' , ' 4 .,''. "i "': -IlsJr-rio ^ ^flrfd; oe BBsallJ'' , ot .drjTve.- . Jbe^injL^ea !? \ r lno ^ i '*'. . '; lo 3oaJ-9L" ioi;l TB Ti-i'iLr- .in io qirr-:n .I^OTT B epnlr . . j^/ii^nfta Io i-offA ..rrei^Tcr^rtpuK VT^V . aJ: siafla/enoo . e , -'* *Drf.^.;l)JiiBJ-cro el ;ol YO'^lsi.ieJ'sr on* ni rroi*BT0*ls ,i ^liicfiaBoq ,sr;* c noitlJb srij f 9onaci>Brroo nl .noiBievrri ,O.IB \ r tnilgjfj 'apl as rlorre ^.nni 9_ i iJ ton jbnB etBrrocf-uco fio'lj^oe .leJ'cfBl e^ rrol ;Jberf84Ia*flnB ,^tro rmoirl* etf tzuz, Q^B .. ,-_'_--. ' . . t ^r aiB* Io AorW-esg DrIT .wtfl. fte^Md-a ^-ror r;^-.J5>fLfi_,J^enB9lo ^.."t.-i" ,- . .' :~ \-rt9nJr1ei tol ; ...,, .>.. ... CKffPTER XX. cate than of pure jv.iaee. ?".. -. .-... cf ;- ; cirrus n^ d^r- .,-- THE FORKING OP THE SYRUPS. The object in working toe eryrups is to obtain, by means of crystallisation, the recoverable sugar and to leave behind, a iaother liquor TThich is a true molasses. This end is obtained in various The first operation is the concentration of the syrup; this is done in vacuum pans of the sajas construction as those used for thick, juice. The circulation of the juice oist be good, it nust enter the bottom of tie apparatus and the heating nuat be done with a low pressure of rrteam. Tie syrup is Torlced under three general principles: 1. Blanlc boiling and subsequent crystallisation in tanks, with or without the addition of crystals. 2. Elan:: boiling and -jerking of the fillraias in crystalliaers, in -jhieh the crystals are formed by cooling or by A Jie ad- dition of granulated auger. 3. Boiling of the oyrups to grain and further v/orking of the fillr.iasses in crystc-.llizers. tfith any of these methods one can obtain a thorough crystalli- zation of the sug?.r and a low purity of molasses, the diffenQii^es lie ualnly in the consumption of ti_.e. For the proper working of the syrup it should h?.ve the correct concentration and temperature during the period of crystallisation. T, r ith pure syrups, an exoossive saturation is apt to build too nany fine crystals at one, hindering crystall- izsrtion, particularly so t IOT? temperatures rfliioh causes an increased viscosity in the syru^e. Too IOTT a saturation on the other hand has s tendency to lengthen the tir.e of crystallization, particularly TTith impure syrups. One can only 7/orK according to the rules of saturation vrhen boiling to grain, or adding ci-ystals. By other methods, the den- sity of the syrup nust be ouch that crystallization of the mother liquor is complete. A fully crystallised after-product-f illioass, should con- sist of sugar-crystals and a true laolasees in a {Saturated, or better still, a vreakly saturated condition. .xx . i. ... . ...,...," 32IT ^0 DHiaffOlT 3ET lo anBea vtf ,iiis*do otf al aqirr^i '& " snlXiow'nJt Joefccfo erff rcef&foc. a Jbootecf svsol otf ftns TSSITB' alcfBisvoooo: 7 9,ctf ^ '.**'" ,-*" amrr ajjoirtfiv ni fcsniBJcfo "e JDHS siriT . eases! QQ etrtf B ai rtolrfn < rowpJ:I rd: emx) al aJLtfJ- iqirnjB 9rfJ '*io hoi^BiJ-naorroc ari* el noU-ffisqo .eoi/t ^oirfj- 10 "i I>8Bi/ aebftt BB noid'oirctBrioo acuse ecij- lo ensq Ho noji-ocf arU led-n ^awa *i i>oos acf cau^ 9oiu eriJ r o nolJjslirorLte sciT 'io eroffireeTii ro.1 s rfjiw enoJb 6tf tfeur.: sni^soff erij- .bns eu* 5^.0 ,;ni/ .ta^-KT' p (jirnra sit J- ni noitfssillBd'G^'ro d'nai^eeQ'i/B in 6 ^nilioQ" insXS ^o noiJ-L5fi erU J-i/ortiir ^o ae.& ' eriJ' lo *V:J:;IIOT; ' vcf j l(xx) vtf -l>9Ci < io'i SIB BlBd-e^io srid rlolrir ai -rj Io .j lo B^-^fo\; 'rari^itr'i J&ns nlBis P* QiLrrYo ertt Io s \"^o ni ITBO sno BAorlJ-an aeerf^ "io sa*ij0rre < 2^1 J b ari* .seaeBlos;. lo ^itTL'q uol .e .bns e^J" 'io sni>rio\V lo^orrci erf*- io 1 ? .a-i.t Io noi* nl , l no srrlJb.Tsgefi. f mBe exl*. rfotira YtQv esa aeiTP*OBl ^ne-rslllXi lo evsri Y*-tiBffi aifis srl* 1o aqtrnfS f eXqniioc9 ios .yXno aeafio XBioaqa n erL* nsrfw TO Bel^i^nsyp es^sl ni ciB^ire *i9vnl rreri^o 10 saonX^sH at J'-t ,r^^-6ncjBm;Bi:ia YKB inveTG[ oT .^naloilleoo oalXBB esu^ B svsrf rf^tw ojb oj r^nirf^on svgrf pio^osl ytiXicfj/Xoe 9ftt erf^ rloirfw o^ J-nloq erij yXeiem ed-BOlfcuI: yarf* leeaafiXoci -1o nJt eXdirXoa erroa si rcBSira nsrfW .eslXXBtpro? *-t eotem o^ boXiocf etf JbXirorta dm, ti/p8 ^aTil sri^ ^Brii' yfa.eiflcr.crfl a Jfi ,Terftopts nsitcf noij-irXoa eno -BYTO o^ tafcio ni f^B*Etrift?ffo.o .t-trfS^rf itsrfw nova ,aea8flXoa rtBrf* ieitrq[ ecf -ed* o* jio^fi^neoneo ecf xreo Beaadlocr wrrJ &onXa ,IBSUB odt Ji/o erf* ?to noi^oB erflr ."vrlsJtXX^rf-RYTO .DSJJUB vtB rf'irorH'lw eeernrifc d-fl yXcfBTaManoo aelTTsv lamina jpriJ 1 lo y*lXlttaTegnjgt* X.a^rDe cfs rfotff ^Tsdrnx/n erfT ' "' ' ? -Xoa -EBStre eTj^q; B JiX -fijuit 'TnT9* Oil* ^Q ^OnBjWltfll , 9f(T ;>( . X ' \ !. ( i ' ' noJ*8tir*B8 erf* grrlnrceofioo nwqruf ai X*.*1X *iM :airrva oil* 2:0 Jbli/oo Xrrow rfcTseeoT , tescf *A lo lo oriT . IBUBI; arict -taeaeTliJb *B qirnfe eitrg svis nol* . X *irode - --O'.'I .X- 32.- " 37; Y OY-ST. " 33 -0V , " 08 - ae ' " 03 woletf" '-. T" :QroXXo1 BB *p-ocfB ;* i -f : '". Bt-xe 1 " -lacci XXitr i - 03 lo *B1U ' i*. or^aa ** 9*0/13* 'e olcM/Xpa .^ .03 . v Tjjvtsa B nl. iirr^a tliijq ^S8 , k*TTf*' <^*T^\rr 9 JLU 13 itH.|i *.I P ' -ti/ocfA 3 e 8 5 .5 .5 .S . .S 8 8 r Ju ' s . a . *uocf A .'s ^s ' 08 - I * % o o . Ok . . s .s ^00. o.-i* 9*Blr/oIao ot elcfleaoq ..ei * , j'. .-. noi : Slavic- Teqoiq c ic*i 89BSBlo.-rr eri* *io r/g oior.: on evlOBQ-Lb HBO asaasloai rfot/2, . noiJ-6siIlB*a\io 'oj- 9onB*BiB9i or aeTL'io Iliw ' ' saorf* erft n T9*Br orlt nsrfjr el *-t -atvJbs si *1 poltosrtci nl iaaoq BB vrol BB ai \ r *J:aooBXV -. v-, : .;,ra : ';:- " ' '> 8^rgqua. _eea.8.Bla - a .^.ri* fj i* 9vis BPT; nlTiroIIol srfT. .1 Jbns 30.1 ri9esT,d:?ct B ; *n9J:pJ:ll9.oo -. f ' m f. ":*"'*. "' ""'^t-fJ* JJ, ,' .* ^ ' . erf* B Composition of a Molasses of 60% Purity. Temperature of crystallization Sugar Water Organic Non-Sugar. 35 o - 50 '< itfli<60 " 70 1! 49 .4 15.0 *" 12.7 " * 11.1 " . 33.0 $ 34.0 ; , 34.9 " 35.6 " From these figures one can calculate the concentration to which the syrups should be boiled in order to obtain a saturated molasses. The molasses should be considered as having only sufficient sugar in it to give the proper purity. In order to boil a syrup to grain, it cenT." 1 *"' *\u r "irg witr- fis : * must be worked to supersaturation and all other conditions depend on this, as will be shown later. The figures for normal molasses would apply here only to obtain the correct concentration before centrifuging. ce .* '".' "l l;i*',;' <;> ; T-"v $*?* t > When the correct concentration of the syrup is attained, all the conditions for a proper crystallization are fulfilled. A high vis- cosity of the juice is a great hindrance to a rapid crystallisation, ~t f ; ^r.r 1 't7't"> '< since the resistance of the surrounding medium prevents the growth of the crystal. This condition cannot be improved very much by mechanically stirring the mass, since such means do not alter to any extent, the layer t errs i n i IIP" t.'iR con' 1 '""""'' - of syrup surrounding the crystals, and serve at best to give only an even temperature and concentration. One of the most important influences on the viscosity is the temperature. At temperatures of 75 -'90 C., or at the usual temperature of boiling, there is very little variation in the viscosity of pure or impure, saturated or unsaturated syrups. At lower temperatures, from 60 - 65 C., and below, the viscosity is very much greater in impure and supersaturated syrups than in pure and dilute material. At normal temperatures, the viscosity is sufficiently- great to stop crystallization entirely. In other wortis, a syrup can be best saturated at a high temperature, and the period of crystallization oan so be shortened. High temperatures can 'only be maintained by the use of pans or crystallizers. By the use of such apparatus, a faster crystallization is obtained than whan using tanks. jpa&fl..'.fl53>' : ^- | .^ . 11 "" 7. SI . : 3 I'd "V.S5: D"3 V C O ' " : ^ 5 ^"l.x^r,^ jL'"I*Jte'_ o 9rf* a*Blm>lBb rtBi) dltb-' 1 Berd/gi'l 9asJi * rlora Jbe*'fitLr*BB B nio*cfo o* i9JE/'f&' ni' Jbeflxcfcf ecf Mirorla -i *rt9ibx'i'ii/a Ylnf " sriivBrf BB JbOTetfienoo gcf JWi/orla LBTS o* Qinya B liocf o* -i^JbT'o ni .Y*ii^-I rreqoTc: art* evig o* . Jbneqel) an : ox*ix)noo Tsri* HB" f>n'B noi*s^o/*BBT:9qi/8 o* ^a^fiow ' 08B8BlOI lB311On 101 89^1^11 9'rfT ' . 19*Bl .TWOrfB 9^ IliW BB f ricrn'so e-ablatf noi*B < r*n9onoo *t>9Too srfit nis*cfo o* ylno gigrf ir . ,iiB**B ai (II/TYB 9rf* ^o nox*flt*'n9ort'oo *O9*noc srf* nsrf^ : A .Jbellillifl 9iB noi^Bsil'lBSaY^o ^ a"nB9a- rlo'i/a sonia ,BBBn' nB Ylno evig o* *aecf *B evrr98 JSms , a-lBtfaYio srf* jniJ^niroTEim qirtYB "io *aoni erf* lo' % 6nO ,noi*BT:*n9onob JbfnB 9itr*'Bi9cj;n9.t 9ai/*fii9qr39* off* ai Y*-teooaiv 9rf* no Bi SlSrf* ,-fLfli6cf 10 9TI/3-CT9<.IKI9* iBXfBIT 9fi* *B 1O t6' fte*B'3JLr*B8 f9H/c[iiii 10 OTuq "io Y^-taooaxv 9rf* ni &9*BTL f *BBT9C[JJ-8 MB &tlfl< ni 19*B9TS rfbrJCI erf* , ni lo Jboiiecf erf* JbnB , 9 < rtr*B'iec[ae* rf^irf B 9cf Ylno ni5O B9Tfr*B^tjr.te* rfsiH ,^9ne*iorfO' od 03 n to 98JLT erf* Y^f . B192iIIfl*aY1 1O BnSCJ lO sniau rrferiw nBri* f)eniB*cfo ai noi*BsillB*8Yio SY "io a ex eiirq ni ecF ei a erf* c Further considerations for a good and quick crystallisation of the syrups are eveness of temperature and concentration in all por- tions of the mass, and a sufficient quantity of available crystals on which to grain. These conditions can be accomplished only with vacuum apparatus or crystallisers. The finer the crystal in a given weight, the nore rapid the crystallisation will "be. The minuteness of the grain has, though, definite limits, depending on the sise at the end of the period of crystallisation, which must be such as to carry on the centrifuging with as little difficulty and loss as possible. Of course the commercial purposes for which the sugar is destined is an important consideration in the choice of the crystal. When it is necessary to make a good large crystal, a large weight of fillmass has to be worked. The crystallization of the molasses is the greatest source of trouble with which beet w.gar houses have to deal. But when the work is done with sufficient care, a larger yield can be obtained without any considerable increase in the cost of working. The management of the work is becoming much easier on account of the use of apparatus for de- termining the concentration of the syrup during boi i:;g. Formerly the concentration was determined only by the "string proof" method, which gave very unreliable results; in some factories the hot syrup is spin- dled, but such results are no better than the former; when the tests are made in the laboratory, the results are obtained too late to make any change in the concentration. The only satisfactory method is to use pan control apparatus with tables for the temperature correction for each syrup. ( a ) . Working _of _t _he_Syjciip_s ln_Tanlcs . It is impossible to obtain a thorough crystallisation of sugar by a single boiling of green syrup of 75$ purity, since for this purpose the syrup would have to be concentrated too much. So as a rule, -: 5 :- ._ __ :a\4o-ioiijp'rtw' .boor B 10- enoiJBisfciBroc -art rl noJUBTtJfieonob -Wew^sieiiaei *> eeonsve OIB aqir^a .sril no eX*BTio elects lo^mnw JneJtoJTto/B 8 DM- ,a^er}4 >o aao* rrfi* ^Xno 91^X^0 oo's erf'fleo anoi^noq o*dX , .atsra P^.tf a ni *rsJaWb erir Tenil'orfT . . lo Baoae^wifii erlT ' .dd liw Jbne-erf* ^ ealtf'-erf*' noRifii^oJC)'- ,8*iffllf .10- rlcT ' rlolriw iol asaoqiiKi Ipaaomoo . ed* ocr \-iBe8309n er *!' .^riW '.'IB/CYTO ! 9ri^ lo eoiorfo arl^ rJ: -n D0>:iow sfiffl r* oj si f>ori*9:;: -.-xotf-OB'iBi^.BB Ylno oriT .noiiiflrririeonoo orl^ ni , asnBrfo. -1*091100 oiirJBaeqtaeJ .eriJ-^iol aaXcffli* ricfivr E^BIS-MB loiitnoo neq oau 101 . sJlriBT^ni ^^210.. ' i/ 1 !/-! ! ^ B riswu'iOf:* > nioudo od- eXcTtaeaqat .al *I x . ; ^ v ^i.' iii^- 101 eonia- f Y*i^e^iov. 7 &TB Y^rf* ne^V f doiTr* ^slioo* OTB ' ^o ,iirrY8 HOSTS a J^' .i-tB^S"' 6003' B rcls*cfo o* rrefiio ' ;rl i'ri; '.rTo*BTt*rxeoh'oo wioTBi arf*" % + i>eiocfen' ci rre*'*Bl rioirtu t \Jlniiq e>89 38 -.hroi>-"'fifjBl ad HBO oelirr gjinilef) on '.iimre orW Io jnlliotf *aa1 sif* IOT , u -l>9TtaeI) nisis *Ai io esJrs or* no B&ro'cre. -iJ-nooitoo &rfd- sonis . : % :'.'- " : h, '^ii/^Bieqare^ fens aXno* 9ri^ 'io esifj' erf* no oal tl *uocfe' oJ 59JJtorf e f iB e^irr;e arl-t .Ln a nA '.coon /fnBcf &rf^ ni f B3irnra"enuq 'vn-fv rttJ-^ .e;l.G*"\foI 03*18! ojitt ^ecrjoib nerltf oie Jbrre . < - / . r.l Ji)bniB^cfo ens BB riorre narfr* ani* Io no-tcfa^wp B "Ino a.t'^I . a^n.oi' slcfBvoni . . - .trie^BYio lo'enaq nl gniliocf ytf >9'*nciqciifB 'ylo'ii^no sd Ill'r I>:IB enLt^ Io ^nivse riouni riJiy f noi*snskio sno hi n8iIq:.ioooB rfoitfw snoi^sisqo 'avrt ni eno ecf o^ ajsrl f&tit ;:iow sncs .? nnisJ-cfo noJbloa ertb f eu^ov ni al)Ori^ec rf-oelieqal aril'ri^iv. Jb-iirfi- B o*ni Jteliodei 3d o* serf rioiriw ^i-nrg c?38 lefcni; CJUTYB Ki erf* nertw tifcf isinB* ni feesills^aY^osi d fcris eaB^II ioJBui &riJ- f 8988Blofri iTBri^ Tsrfsirt ^5 Bi qirnfa *otrf)0iq: Jbnoose , , " ni aeBarroab ^neo isg rfoBo rlcfiw tol es^^-sv^B rf^iw Jbeliocfs^ ecf aniliocf 9rfT ,^V.I ^uocfs ^eessiorri ai BBBciIIil: 9ri*'raoT B "ip Brtsar.! \"J 'rro .baiiTso scf ^Btnr e^Jrrve 9Tjjcini B no 011/3^ o* TeiTo ;ii elcfBt ^rtivoirol 'ertJ- ?-o his eri^ rttiw f 10 B&BBBlOfl 03 13 S8 50 . *8. 33 9Q T3 83 qirnfa off^ "io y^iiuq iBefl .*I 8. SI a. SI St. SI 3. SI 3.II erid- at T vj arfJ -aniTrofia aigcfirj/n elcJieaoq d-aegTBl &tit OIB easrfT B nlsJcfo 6* Tefcto ni /CC'ITIYB oiW- Io noiJ-Bid-noonoo B ".aaflSillil iBnil erf* wonl :n: eob'I t?i 6tf s\l e*Bnfnoonoo ol *aecT ai ao si aaiktlil drtt ni ,T!B-JS 'erf* a'neittr 'eltfsalvJDB YliBli/oi*iBq ni cirfT -la*- on account of the crystals falling to the bottom of the tank, leaving the upper layers without any crystals to "build on. An established vis- cosity is essential and must be taken into account in determining the water content. On account of this, a stiff er fillmass irrust be worked i.-*6 for large tanks than for email ones. When the condensed water from stealing out the pane is. not caught, but runs into the tanks, the syrups have to be still more concentrated. The temperature of the flllmasses at the beginning of the crystallization is that of the pan 80- 90 c. In order to Keep a f 11.1 mass from cooling too rapidly, the tanks are heated to 4^C., by means of steam or coke ovens. After about two months, the temperature is dropped to 300., and crystallization finished. The well formed crystals, (which vary considerably in size, because no "boiler can contain an absolutely even grain) are found on the bottom of the tanks, while the syrup above is comparatively free from grain. The removal and centrlfuging of the fillmass presents no difficulties when * . " c * * 1 \> ' i. , *$ ' "V" the fillmass is worked in crystallizers , it should be kept stirred at 40 - 45 C. Crystallization in tanks is unsatisfactory on account of the tendency of the crystals to sink to the bottom of tank, in oonse . * "V* 1 _ i qurmce of which the upper layers of syrup have a higher purity than the lower layers in which the crystals settle. To overcome these difficul- ties, tanks have been fitted with various types of stirrers, or have been provided with pumps to keep the mass thoroughly mixed. The costs of such installations are high. Any improvements in the work should be in the installation of vacuum pans and crystallizers. A simpler and "< s -" cheaper method of stirring i by means of compressed air, which is con- veyed to the bottom of the tank by means of a pipe. This method can be applied with only comparitively thin fillmasses. The disadvantages of crystallization in tanks are, extreme uncleanliness, and costly and unhealthy conditions, all of which are sufficient grounds for setting aside the method. SH '*od erij pj .. , _, ' . , .-, ' ;... ^ . ' -av fcsrfailcf' A .no bLluG -'oi a^fi^BY^o Yrfs .1 & A-ni/ojp as , n o ' - . ' - ae(i4u , . ., 5ninJ: : 'rr^J& ; : Jtl. T^ra** B f lrf* l-o : . ,!. . ; - . '> ', ' ,'' .. -noil TdtBW Jbietj6froo' arid- nerfl .aenn llama . _ T *j -. . Jn^noo . . erf* , 38 ericT io 3p . B . on ,..0?OS t p.2ia ni ne hnrrol erta ax^wcr- nfc ei -:iir**teqp8^ eril r alB^8Tfo- fioaiol liar ,na ni-'Bnoo nso on erf^ .59 sc '" J-mrpoo/5 no -aanoo a ,Xfra^ 'lo mo^od sri* Q*/^ % o naiM- . ^irtuq jcerisirf fl-^-eyarf .cftmra e : aert*_ enobievo TO f B*c*a lo." S 'v*>e*ci xlri^wwri* aegis .. nl * riplriw ni tetrol naatf ' "rfous I-la A . 8^81 llBJB^o fins ansg mwoey.^o r rroo al. rioirfw .TXB fceaBftrtqpfto Ip anpeji YCf ai s^T-Lt^B lo J. -f-^ ' t * , \- , : 'OrfcracT airiT .eqicr a Wwuwei Vf ** 9/1^ lo nrcxTJocf erf,t ' .' ... i _ ' .soeaBGUlil nlrrtl ^ Ylvl*liinoo \*Ino rfifiw ^xe . /9 iB aAis* nl noU0 S illBJeYTCO lo o-ra rfolrfr 1c c srf^ 9i).t8B sni TS j-n itra ( b ) The Vorki ng ^f _Syrups_ In tills method also, it is impossible to obtain a low molasses from green syrups in one operation; because the syrups would have to be concentrated, toe highly. For a thorough crystallization, the figures given in the table in the previous chapter can bo utilized. With pure syrups which have to be highly concentrated, too many crystals are apt to form, spoiling the eveness of the grain. To prevent this, green syrups of 70$ purity must be boiled thinner than the table ehovs, and I<" the s-mii'S are tlioro\iM: in conse'** t'*" 1 ! LJi fJ? . The stirring of the fillaass does not have to be active, and it is not essential that the mixer arms should revolve oftener than once e-very two ninutes, but they must be Kept constantly in motion. The J --~i rv-vtt QTr--*T-v- .a ~l +' t** n '"f<"* f'f'A'' \*> * ? time of crystallization depends en the grade of the sugar and syrup desired. To reduce a syrup of 75% purity to 65$ purity requires from 2 to 3 days; from 70$ _o 65$ jrurity, to 66$ purity, requires from 5 to 6 days. Syrups below 70$ purity rarly crystallise evenly and are difficult to worlc in the centrifugal. After prolenged crystallization, the lower lawt be the boiling. A parity of _ a _ ~ . o . :;: wol B nied-cfo od- gldlsaofirLt aJt *i , oalB .bofid-snr ai od- ever? JE>I//ow aqirrvB 9rfd- eairsoecf ;ncid-BT9qo no ' 'i 9rfd- f nold-B:i syio rfeiro-rorfd- e io? .\'lr: ni rla,"; .besilttii scf nso ns^gfifto airolvsic 9fi,t ni slcf.cJ 1 eri^ ni 5 BIB QlB^eYio Yna r tr ooj .fiDd-fn^neonoo ^I.'t>.irf" scf o^ evsri rloirixr nsei? , axri.t ^rravstcr oT .nis^s rf^ ^ eeerrovo erlt n f ei?roria 9lcTs^ 9ri* HBrfJ- ign.i.Md- JbsIocT d v + eun: Y^ityqc c^OY ^o acrin\-a od- Jb92lIlBde\ r To *Kf d'onnBo ,scrr9jupeanoo nl i ecf od* asri rfoJtrfir f .bQnijBd-cfo 8-t Y^ILTCJ ^s noi^BsillcJcTco to' 7 erid 1 rid'iTT a*r9siII," i -d'BY^o arid 1 r-' .'Saiooo nsrfcf 9iB .^ns .rad'BTT ^01 d-irocffi od 1 9cf d-aijn nl mtfotrfd- al rforiw IBSITB eriT .IBS^B as - ai lo alBd-8\"ro rfaerl d'/srfd' oa f q[ir vl rnir- end- -viTOI oi teod ml tl .srrlloo.o nelxftL'B Yd :JTO*: d'on .Tirnfa arid 1 snJtd-sidTJoonoo -rod-IB , ;i9v no ^sitiBO M Jain aioslIlBd-BTio arid- ril srtllooo A n9 9rfT .9vid-OB 9cf od- evert Jon aeol) oeBCli'Il 'brid 1 "io sirriilld-a' eriT : d-1o pvlovoi Jbluoria BCTB nsxii: orf* d-Biid- i3d i ri9aG9 d-on el d-1 ci nl YUrrBd-anoo drreX e39 od- Ycfliuq ^37 lo qirnra B ebuJS'e't OT . od S aoil B9Tii/p9T: .Yd^l^wq c-^3 ot ,vtti*X ^33 c. ^07 riOTl ;aYftb S od- '8 aaB fcns Ylnov9 siIlBd-BTTo Yl^B'E Ytltwq o^OT rolod eqiriYa .eyeh 3 f noldBslIlBdeYio Jb9snIOTq led-IA . Is^irili jneo grfd- al ifio't 'od- Q o filloasses rarely work well, and any cooling on the way to the centrif- :.; Tl ~ '-- ' ugal must be avoided. A fine grain is used when it is desirable to T work first product fillnasses and crystallizers, but the crystals grow unevenly, large ones becoming flat, which ig undesirable and makes dif- v 'in ficult centrifuging. ,- "* (c) Boiling of the Syrups to Grain. * r " " *" ~. "* ~~ ~ " p ~ '-""- ~"~i~- ~"~ . - "i . - ~ j ^^~ . - .T , 4 ' The conditions \7hich gives a thorough crystallization in the s. l7ai<*rfiF: s crystallisers, can be obtained % by boiling the syrups to grain in the pan. If the svrups are thoroughly saturated in the r>an, sufficient .v* By" centre ii-so sugar can be saturated out to rake the molasses of 65 - 67 C ^ purity. . :"costnfc a.t -'40.-'. r rj: tC 4' nv ^3&yg a e'L^i? c*i be- ot>ti vn + v ; The concentration of this impure syrup can be carried high enough in JJV-> >;( ' ;. ' ;t -' . the crystalliser to obtain a very lo?r final molasses. During the r 1 * '> ntnr"'?^ syrup 1 , *v -^'^'^TU^ building of grain, the saturation coefficients nust be the same as tui... : 'cr.: % - '? those in boiling the thick juice, except when the purity is as high as 6efi>. After the grain is built, the saturation coefficient is decreased Hw'.'tjS '-ft'.lt, vTj'tJl .7^. j^~;< *'.&* y Pj' ..>,(:.-:, by the addition of syrup. HThen the crystals obtain a good size, the coefficient 10 again increased in proportion of, the size of the crystals and the purity of the mother liquor, at the end of boiling, is again tfpItitl&flai'Bvif th?- ; *:> :'>:': -frfr -":':: ,-r-u PI! " .y lowered. In practice, it is impossible to use saturation coefficients data; one is compelled to rely on the tables of percentage vrater which ' P. is in pure syrups at different The boiler siust be careful not -:* ^A>s " -' : to build his grain too long; in syrups of 75$ purity, the grain forms In a few uinutes after the point of concentration is reached. * " * * impure syrups, it takes froir. 15 to 30 ninutes or more before the grain ing sets. The tine can be shortened by increasing the concentration, but such proceedure gives too i^any crystals and too fine a grained sugar. As soon as enough grain is forned, more syrup is taken into the pan, r-T" . .; and the steam turned on again. Tho further crystallisation is carried, the slower must be the boiling. A purity of 65$ can be obtained in from -: 9 :- eri J OJ^YBW efljjr. "ooo jErifl^flB ,Il9.r flI'-;.rnl8oJb 8i nerlw Jbsau Pi Xrrotr enil A i>8Jbiovfl acf 77C ' . ;:*_ ttrtf eB'ie^illsd-BYto fins eoesa^IIil tfaufcow;. * :'&-.; = .: ':. nf '. >vr/ ; J j_\ ' //""' ' "-*:*,^-^4{^ ^T^I j YS 9ri "io- -. -^ ,; ..., T ...,, r i. --..T ,- -evrro rfsJ- r otcorf* u eovis rioirfc eno^iz>f!oo :....:.:= .-";, :'>; rt. . ' 1 .'-,- 8f^;1^ ei isotlipo',^0 ^ - 8 ' : ri rfcy. '. 5 ts - t i(yr/pJ:i rut 89 ;f^ .rico asi oriT ii Y cf ^.^^ oo* a? vis ea^ ^0^0;, ql ri 8B HOOB aA ecr.^o ft* lo A . 3 nUlo tf eif* etf aewola ' * P - ~ . - ^, 24 to 36 hours, but to reach 60$ purity, it takes from 60 to 72 hours. It is not practical to carry the purity below 65$ in the vacuum pan. Further crystallisation should be carried on in the crystallisers, in which the fillinass can lie for many days. The temperature should be decreased at the rate of 10 every 24 hours. With the decrease in tem- pera titre, supersaturation results, during which, sugar crystallises out of the mass. Water is added to prevent the formation of fresh crystals in the crystallisers, which latter would be unrecoverable dust, and hinder the work in the centrifugals. By proper control of the fillmass and cooling at 35 - 40C., in 4 or 5 days a sugar can be obtained with good grain and high purity, with a low purity molasses. By boiling the syrup, mechanical losses of sugar, by foaming and entrainment, can occur more readily than when boiling thick juices, on account of the viscosity of the nyrup and the ease with which it hec.ts; but with care and sufficient storage in the pan, these losses can be prevented. By prolonged boiling, losses by the destruction of sugar occur in all sugar solutions, but these are small when the syrups are soundly alkaline. Losses are ana Her too in crystalliser than in tank work, be- cause the are subject to injurious temperatures fot a shorter time. As long ao the temperature does not exceed 90 - 100 C., there is no immediate clanger of loss. Decomposition of sugar is active in neutral or sour syrups. The handling of the second product sugars is precisely the same as that of the first. In some factories, the low product goods that are below 90$ in purity and have a fine grain, are not placed on the market but are remelted in the thin juice. In such cases the fillmasses from the tanks are not centrifuged, but the syrup is drawn -: 10 :- *1 ^ioi/g ^09 riosai o* tud /eiuori 35 o* ST o* 03 soil nutfOBv 9rf* at . ?, *;'" " < .V .iBjBY^o.-erfct nl no Jb9l*rtB6 stf Mirorfa nol*B2l L^tf ecf Jblirorfe 9ii/*Bieqa9* erfT .8Y* 'visa -161 -eil HBO- Bfiaill t nl 0830106/) ertt acTlW .B-nrod^k vravs OI lo 9*Brt off* el T rtolrlw Tum ,rlolrfw riesil 'io en* "io xo-xdrro-o 9 .tBT9Q. i r!93' eiroirurQrrl o^ fcQ^cfua oriB a^.vTva 9ri* 98irso OOI OG J599CX9 ton 39OX>-9rrL r d > BT93-.i9* 9ri,t SB *nol 8A ,9ll* si iBsi/8 "io noicMaoci^ooed .oeol "i~ *r9snBJ>' ofsiko^zil on el . aq;im:8 -nroa 10 lBT*iren nl aiB^rra dotrj&oiKr Snoooa 9rl* 1-o sniUbneri 9rIT WOl 9if* eBQlTOd-OSl 9i^O8 Hi . Jail! Sft* ' ^O *Bri* BB 9TJ.38 nfi e ; 'evflt BnB Y^iiirq rr ^06 woI rfoire nl .eot/jt rclr-:*' sritf ni ' fcdcfl-eaieT 9is *iro' .ton SIR sXns* on* ;.; : 01 : . off and the sugar dissolved directly in the tanks. Since the costs and the losses are increased with every boiling, it is necessary to care- fully consider in every case, whether or not it Is advantageous to re- work the low sugars. Good second product sugars usually command a suf- ficiently large price, for them to be sold directly, unless, of course, the factory is in a position to ::.ake refined sugar. A good second product sugar should not have too fine a grained f illmss with viscous syrups, vrhich or. centrifuging are bound to give a sticky, low purity sugar. TChen such is the case, the ;.io lasses obtained from the centrif- ugals is allowed to run away. The wash syrups are diluted to 7ft to 75 Brix and warmed to 50 to 70 c. , in order to dissolve the adhering syrup. The entire or oration ~ar. be done isi a few r:.inutes. dissolving very few crystals. The sugar thus obtained is of a high purity., dry and gramils.r, and can easily be transported; and in addition to this, the no lasses is low in purity. --T O- -: 11 :- Jbns BJnoo srf* eonie .aW er ftt WOB*!* Hevloeaifi TBS artt. *r.* -^Wo : oi' vtBeaeoen oi JJt . S nilod viova iMlr. >9BBe>ni sis BBBBO! srW ^n^B ai. .*! crorr ;o aertfeift? ,9osc vcsve n TO^J:E; --IL^B Dnsnsrioo YllBtraw BTCSBUB ^ofcoo:(t Snooee flooO .BTCS^B rrol rrajoo lo .BBBlw ,Yl*owLt* MOB eo o* Kerf* icI' ,soiici 9 S TflI ^98 aoos A .nsswa ^6nil9T eX.'.: oi- nomeos s -ix el Tio^csl aril iv n*v? BBK2ll^ -JbeniBtc e onii-'o-ot OVB:! *br; M/roria -xe iirq rol f v5rb*a v /3 evl s o* *K*Xx* o^ sr:lB^i-vfioo-no- ;Ioi^r . -tiri^nec s.-f*- noTl S8nBdo POBBSIO:. sri^ ,-eefnc en'* el rioua ne:T*T SV o^ ^ o^ ' JD9 tali* e-TB-'BVrrjB ^PGTT orIT' A'^*^ HI/T oJ- ftevrolls e erf* evloealf) oJ "leiio ni -.0 OT o* 6e of f$Q9** DHB- xifi t:ol \gl SHOD oc .^c roiJ-B^ ic_ eiijno oaT' .qirpfB rt a ^o ei aartisJcfo 8J/:IJ IB^JB -erlT-. .elB^c^ic rsl _ \"iv . M? nitrrfl ;.5o^icxi8nfii s vass rise r:B ,iXrnnis .bn.3 .Y^iiuc; :;i vrpl eJ: n * CHAPTER XXI. METHODS CP-TTnUTYINO THE GREEN SYRtlPS . Before "boiling the green syrups they should undergo a purifi- cation. The simplest way to obtain this result is to pass them through the saturation. When the thick juice has an alkalinity of .02 -.04 '' . and the first product filltiass an alkalinity of .05, the alkalinity of the first green syrup is not apt to be higher than .05 -.10. An alkal- inity as low as .05 is not dangerous but essential when the syrups have to undergo a long period of crystallisation in tanks. 'When crystalliz- ers are usecl- tlie alkalinity is not apt to be decreased and the satur- ation is not essential, in fact it is best to omit it, because of the * :'\'v .:..'.'''-) j.y f'-vt ' ' .": " i i ji Vt' % ~"/ '. cost in diluting and reevaporating the syrups. A filtration of the syrups before boiling is considered very , since following the centrifuging and boiling, the syrups contain nore or less skur.. The weight of this precipitate, which con- sists inainly of organic salts like oxalate or calciun and iron, is (jneeluxmable , on account of the difficulty experienced in filtering " - rj~ I*"* <~- -"*' ' O" 1 ' r ; .' -\ ,'. U . t, . . .1 ->.- f Uxe> syrups, unless they are diluted or the material in the filters is porous. Although a raise is rarely noted, the physical properties are Imprrrved by filtration or saturation with sulphurous acid. It is gen- erally acknovr ledged , in practice, that healthy syrups ^7orlc very satis- fao*torily without either filtration or saturation. Another method of purifying the syrups, is to dilute and heat their; with the addition off l.tme or baryte and then saturate then with carbonic or sulphurous acid. Since under these conditions, line acts on the concentrated organic inatier in inuoh the saiae nianner as it does in the thin Juice; it is decjocposcf .. '.''*.- v; i-i apparent that no noticeable results will be obtained unless the defeca- tion of the thin juice was not carried on properly. An increase in the purity by the use of line is not to be expected, but the syrup should HSff'Ufi'O srtt snllicxf 'enolafl ,-.-;/' "& V' ; i JiriJ- ar^- 8aq: 04 -ei" jj8fTi:et^"^-t*^o >o.-'ab. to nilaj^B eri* ',;3Q> "io.-^injlBi'lB LIB" wfioll'r'l d-bjibotci tsnil ;rit , 'i" ..\ ' .' i j- ; ' . nA- .01.- SO. nsri^ .j8|CH^gf:^^;^B ^ton ai cjimfB nsetcs ^ill -^ ^ as 'rro io Sol le^r -31101 B . ' - ' v ' erfcf Jbns .ijocceaoejb 6cf ol *q Jon el Y^irrll^XlB erit;.-f-2ilMr:.8 erre arid- Jo eoiflso&tf' f cfi '^1-ao o* cfcso" ei ..J-i ^bc'i nl f lEitfnecBa '*orr al acjinye'erf* ^nlllocf ^nB-sfil^ir^lTd-nflo arfcf- s^Jtwoliol eonle , -noo rfoi.^ -ea^BJ-icfioeiq ijlrii- "io IrfSisr riT .rn/^a eeel 10 aioLi . a ,nbii ins -rurloJlBO, /no ecfclBxo e;{ll '-a-ilsa- oi-rrs^no ."io.: xX '-iQtLil n .f)3onoa;';9C[5c ; 9 Y^^-t-^i-& ariif /lo ^TOTOOOB rro - .' . . ! . el atoJ-lJ:! erii nl LsfrLefBiz Sri* TO *o*i/IjU> OIB \ r er{^ eaelrJi; t aqLrnra exit srrB BeiJieqEoiqt lBol:8Yrit ori^ ,>eJ-on Yloic-i ax ool/rr B rlgirorf-J-IA . r el *I- .MOB B^OTLiiqlii-B rl^iw noi^BiirifBe zo ; fr ...... , yrev JTIOT: eqir^^a \ r ri*l6orf. ct-srtt r OOI^OBTCCJ ni f ittera 'leri^onA .noJr^/riL'duMr'-io noi^i^Iil as B o*uIiJb o^ ' ret!* sfBTart-BJa uprW J&ns oJrrJ TO '/)9^BT^rr9onoo 9ri^ no ad'os QOjtl . , arroid-xJbrroo aaodJ' i9f>ru; 8.1 cfi ;soli/{;' niri* 9rf* nl BOO.* il.a^i Tseancm >9w.",E eri^'rioir:! rrl T w a^Ii/891- 9la3-9-olcJ-on on nx 9SBeionl nA .\*I-ieqon(i no bsiirrso. *oii PBTT OXI/Q nlrf^ erfd 1 lo ec:x9 ecf o^ *on al er.ll 1o eeir boil and crystallize better. The increased cost of purification rarely f i '-< y warrants the operation. When the diffusion juice is insufficiently lined, a very in- teresting phenomenon appears in the working of the syrups. This phenomena knotm as scum fomentation, ahorra itself immediately after putting a fillmass in the tanks or crystallizers. Small babbles of gas forn and rise slowly to the top, making the surface full of foan -? and scum. The volume of the entire mass is increased as the gas is developed, causing an overflow of the tanks. The development is strong- est while the fillmaso io hot, and on cooling decreases slowly, ceasing _ entirely at 60 c. The quantity of gas developed is very variable. As a rale there is only a layer of scum on the surface, though the gas sometimes occupies from 50 - 100$ of the space of the fillmass. The gas consists almost entirely of carbon dioxide; the cause of the dev- , elopnent of this gas is not due to a real fermentation, such as is caused by organic growth, since the greatest production of gas occurs over 80 C., at uhich temperature all organic life is killed or render- ed inert, the cause is probably due to the decomposition of certain organic salts, such as waste products of invert sugars and other organ- ic material of high molecular weight. These get into the juice from poor or frozen beets and are not removed on account of poor liming. The gathering of scum never occurs with healthy beets, but with those that are bad, or ;rhen the defecation is too short or too cold. TThen this organic material accumulates in the syrups and is kept at a high temperature for some time, it absorbs ojcygen from the atmosphere and decomposes. One of the products of decomposition is carbonic acid. While the- other products are not volatile, they are generally acid in '\ 1 ">!'' 1J* t ;*''" character and destroy the alkalinity of the syrup and soon render it sour. V/hen such syrups contain nitrites, which is very often the case, - : 2 : - lo Jgoo Jtenfleion-t e-a'T ' ie**^d ; .8slI;l6J-aTio ftns Iocf -ni -;T*V e ,^ ^IJn9~feTimjnJ: "al 1 soX-^'^is .acjirrvB '-erf* lo 'sni;lt:o\7' ertt .vsi te^B9q: Bne .av cfe\"io. TO :;PlnB^ erf-t ni -'"i lo IXifl OCBI^LTO srft sn'iXa'.: -OQ ' - .- -' >.' - 9^ lo .9ai;.ec orlt ;9J6J:xoJB .iocf'iB-o "io '"Yl'f il.tns -tsoialB as riojj-8 .noUB^ne^isl I.SOT B o>t safe.^n. ei"ls air^ lo .r,s . . ait/coo. ar,r lo noid-oir?o-iq: -tco^BOT 1 ? e$$ 90-iile .rI*irQis oine^to \ r cf ^O - 10 Bsllli' ei 9li'I cin/5'to HB eTud-Biaqn^j-Tlo.trfv' IB , .0 08 i .ilsJ-^90 lo noi^ipociL-ooo-b e.-I* o* ej/Jb Y^^cfoivj ai' 9eyBO grfj- ^Tertl 9 * ' " i' ' 'f '* \ ^rrc isrij-o ' Jbno BTBSITP *7evni : lo 'sJ-o^otq o. 4 esr as doi/a f s.tlBE oinB^io .::oil prijj-j; :^ odrri ^s^ 9 ; E9r. f T . *r^i^r'- : T.eliro9lon:;. r:sif[ 'lo IclTo^ar ol .sni:;ill iooq 16'tniroeDB "ho 'Sevoriei J-on gr^s ' J^is- e*oeo" neaoil 10 1005 '*''' 980rf* r^i-;; ^ircT f a^oecf YrlcMs'OTi rfj-iw .aii/dco T i9Y9n SUOe lo g^iiiorl^BS ^rlT fi9rf.T .Moo oocfic noij-.Q09.loJb 'ortf nerl-r 10 ,f>jf?cf OTB :::i B ^3 d-cf9;i ei .bnis BCTU^CB erl? ni aio^BlijiTUj^CB :'l&i&SKz. oin.osio v ' ^js erC* .:o'ii .103^x0 atf'ipfetfB J-i -pirJi- nop, 10! j- TDlwei nqoc JbnB qrL"\-e e.-i.t o \'Ji*il.Is^Is 9:IJ ; yo c orlcf n9^1o -e-rev e.*- .-foirlw , a9J-iid-J:n,-ni>noo aq-imja rioue they yield, on souring, nitrous oxide as well as carbonic acid, giving a dark color to the fillmass, which colors even the stigar a dark broim. The forr.iation of these scums, increases the more the material is "boiled and shotrs itself sooner in the third products than in the second. The yield fron nuch fillmasses is not materially affected but the sugar obtained is dark, of a fine grain, neutral or sour, contains invert su^ar and is very unstable; and the riolasses is neutral or sour and contains nuch invert sugar. To prevent the formation of these scums, it is advisable to line the diffusion and thin juices vigorously. The syrups should be boiled at a higher vacuum and a lo^rer temperature, and Tilth the addition of soda. If none cf these methods avail, one of the afore mentioned methods of purification should be used. There are many other methods of purifying syrups and juices in rchich, materials like baryte, hydrogen sulphide, ozone or the elec- tric overrent, are used to precipitate the organic matter. None of these methods have received practical application. A favorite method of utilising the first green syrups is to carry all or a portion of then: back to the diffusion battery, the rav? juice, the defecation or the thin juice. A larger yield of first product sugar is obtained in this method than rrhen boiling the syrup e...oeil* ^o noid-fifaio't erfT erid neve -a. ef el iBlietfac srfd- -etaa.- --arid- .Jbriooee fi* ni nsrl* sL'a ort^ tf'ijtf I^o^oe^lB YlUjiio^BC.^on ai coreailli'i ftoim UL r op. 10 lB'z*j.'on .ni.s'rs. ; "io ^ - if... 'iu-oc ic l.TiJirsn ai e'eBCfila^ -o::* Jins ^ . .?B?.;SB J-revni .IOUT-: -,ecuoa sooficf lo aoid-srrio'i. orit jnsvo'rci oT . : . " ' erIT. -. .\-lBUOi:o;axv eeoi/rQ ni;Id- i)fi5 noiBf/'i-iJb , ^ii/tB-rocr^ei- isTToi . s irr/3 -"jjircc-v Terf,t;: B ' * i ' :>ort<5 id-nan s^olB orl^ "in sn , HBVB sl)r>ri^:.-: epor^d- "10 enon II .Bbo.e oriT \-ney. ai .irrs cf Jblt B ecirrrce r;ni:.: < 5'n;vi "in el)orid-o;^ .io.rlj-0 'YHSZ eic eioriT 10 "zo ai T7B1 ' eoli/r; ,r!oirfTr ni X8- *nort*9a -Bi:!* ;:i . te.iiacrcfo ai equrrvje -eri* .jniff^t^si lo .,'*-* -* i*c .7 -*-<3 vw ".^"rfi "noi'S'BO HBO r:ot6f:^I-iX9 oe>a ^ iGloQ^ *KB ^?L* ocT ..JSItwite -o* .tft-^B -\CoBiooTH ^acJsoTtt r^ ^^ftnu^ori* lo^z vnoi CHAPTER XXII. ... MOLASSES ANE ITS VALUE. By molasses, is meant in a practical sense, the end-product either bucV.ct or of sugar manufacture, from which no more sugar can be obtained "by eith- er concentration or crystallisation. The theoretical explanation of ""fp'&ir.'Z) the 'of i! this, is that the organic matter holds the sugar in solution at all temperatures, and concentrations. There is a probabilit3 r too, that the inability of the sugar to crystallize is due to the great viscos- fror the noia?0. T'AO i.:f-tj>-do ity of the concentrated syrups. Viscosity is due to the super satura- tion or decreased temperatures of the syrup. \7hen these conditions are removed, a crystallization is obtained, but the syrup is not a true Tt molasses. The lowest purity obtained in beet sugar molasses, is 54 - 55 (= 51 - 52$ apparent purity). The average purity is 58 60$, most factories do not set telOT7 60$ and' some not as IOT?. It appears that f il", e various con^tltraento of thr- ;..< molasses derived from high purity thiclc Juices are higher than the normal, following an energetic defecation and the removal of all the organic liLie salts which hinder the crystallization of the sugar. A '?* " :-. *- ( ':" ! '- - - * "j ' f* ?*_ ' C" .!. molasses of 60$ or less is usually obtained from the thicl-: juices below 91 - 92$. Molasses as a rule have a lo^er purity at the beginning of the campaign than at the end. The properties of the organic matter .:r it tr,r. Sittco t'.i6 'detlt-e t i>9ni9orcoo 916 ai ::rtcm erIJ .T9riW , r . snlsi/li T Jn9O ;.: 9rfJ no Jon S-IB 898BBloiz rlou=e n^zrorlfJ ,T9jcr ^31 - 51 noil niBJrroo 10' , J&qna/cr stf oj BJJppGiv ooJ SIB xsf-J n9lrrJB r i9q:;-3j *:iB.nJ:Jbio JB 9onla , ,5 l - 81 oj )9JuIiJb 9cf Jain;: \'9rIJ ,eni*r9irp9ano'c ni .aXnaJ nl .JbsIJbnBri 9cf water, (a Rrix corresponding to 81 - 83). After diluting and warning, the nio lasses can be handled readily with syrup pumps. Molasses to "be stored at normal temperatures in "carrels or tanks, cannot be handled with ordinary pumps when concentrate! to 80 Brix; it is worked with either bucket or magma pumps. Molasses is transported in tanks or cistern wagons. Its vs. rue is based on the sugar content when used for feeding, the manufacture of alcohol, or other purposes which are not of interest here. Many different methods have been employed to recover the sugar from the molasses. The methods based on the solubility of sugar in alcohol have been extremely expensive and have been discarded as the price of sugar has decreased. The strontia method of recovery has not been practical, except in refinery work. The beet sugar industry utilises only the Osmose and precipitation methods of recovery. The Osmose process is based or. the different osmotic pressures of the various constituents of the molasses. Since the organic matter and the sugars arr "if fusible substances, the Osmose acts on the r.o lass- es, only in the form of a high purity syruv and in the so called Osmooe water, which is a sugar solution of lower purity than the molasses. The results of the Osmose are very unreliable with the true molasses of very low purities and vary according to -the properties of the organic natter. Since the salts of the alkalies diffuse most readily, syrups with high saline coefficients are improved the most by Osmose. There- fore the results are very variable from year to year. Many syrups do not give good results with single osnosing, while others with tvro suc- cessive operations are much improved. Naturally, the second operation does not yield as good results ?.s the first, since most of the diffus- ible salts are reeved in the first osrnosing. In general, on account of its restricted action, the Osmose cannot be used with advantage except __ *' O w ,.(5S T: -,I.8 ^-Sfi^ficxieQ^Too xiaS e) , rttiw YliJbB9i-, Jte>l!bri>6rt erf hsb a.efffllopr e elbnrl act jonhao f eins^ TO elsTiBcT ni ee-atfircecjue* iBcrrbrr :ia 08 ' otf l-> - ' i to R^ifi* ni JberfrrofiBiTfl'i* el M iol ;^98ir- nerir; rfrre^nop .IB^J/B srf^f HO />eeBcf e o^^v d'cfl .gn'ogjm n rl.t.o' 10 t loriool-fi lo a/OftoafWI^a ertt ,. erlt 19VOC91 o* % Jbeyolqme rr^scT 9v.firf oJborl^.er: .tfrteiallifc Y : iBt^'e "io vJillcfi/IOB 9^* no -fef^'cf efcorCtsci an'T '.ase'SBlo..; o^ aa ^s^i/Boali) /fsscf evBri fins eylaneqxs Yle^QUxs nnecf ev.grf XorioslB Jon- serf Ytsyooei lo 1 Sort^sn BiJ-fioa^ efIT, .Jraa/sa^oeJ!) esri Tjs$;/8 1o ec>icf Tid'Bi/brri issi/6'. cfeecf eriT .^ior, r -"'isnitsi nl ^noxe ,lBoidtOBi^ n ./jie.voos'i lo eJbcrl^9:.: r.oList^.ioQicr hns ^8?;_;BO 9::v -jlno BerjL'88913 oiAor;md ^n^eiU:-^ er!^ no JbseBcT ei aaeooaq: 980.^.80 9A :.; srit nc erf'OB. 9SO...I80 sr'.t r B$iftl0ta,- " -. . ic natter, and in consequence, has little value in commerce. The final molasses is almost rorthlesg and cannot be used in the sugar recovery processes because it gives a poor product and lacks the salts, TThich in the strontia and distillery processes play an important part. The precipitation processes are the best for the recovery of sugar, fro::, beet sugar molasses, because of their sir.plicity, slight costs, sr.aH losses, pure juices and the cyclic manner in TThioh they enter into the production of beet sugar. The line used in i.rocess must be pure and comparitively free ft/or, magnesia. Preohly burned lime is more active than that v/hich has been stored. The greatest importance is attached to the pulverising and sifting of the lime in burr, hammer or ball r.ills. It is best to use a soft line that mills easily, and to sift it through a 110 - 120 mesh screen, for the finer the lime the less is needed. The operations of the process are as follows: The molasses is diliited to 14 Brix and cooled to the temperature of the cooling water. A thorough agitation is essential in order to cool the mixture as rapidly as possible and to insure a thorough mixing * *X * _ O o* 61 oe cf JIBO rtatrrn BO"reO M^Bijrrs'oriob orl^ eisilv/ Booslq ni a-t ButB- 98o:.:eO **o fin.U Jealqinia erfj TpijasneO ' nl .oai^olli* BS &frj:ru/ ni dtalanoo saorlT .sisc n9Xf avail c*niBfjevoiq;;J: yn/jrs BiTcfei/A at 'Jor: oi Jfe'rij eJonnBrio- snivel! ni .QCS^^LTQ rro^sti QflJ- lo alcffBBCKi CB : TIOJJCI '''nJt f T9^c- eiW fil cirr.;8 1o no! J-roqoiq *oerr.oc eri^ ^-t^Bf- rti Ins 9l.cfJ:Raoq as "-flout; BB *.vo". l >flo < i^o ; xoj-B\7 itfts ::ITIYB erf* nasTrJocf eXcfDao^ ao \ r *lano^ rii eonoiolliii a.t^srqj eo erff . .rtDqBq saooaO 9;!* 1o 89i\Moc;'o^q n* o* >9ffOBd-tfB ci son -1:9^ :l;;J:r: cfs fissillsd'DVio ^nje"^9lioc ei eaor^aO ef*^ 1201* :;jjT\;e J^ r.'oii ol *i/cf ,fiBB 91^*11 toof aM >9niB^do ^B^irn eriT .eoii * * .QOioriTJ'Oc ni ovLsv olid-il acri , oonstrpoanoo- nl BHB. ,10*^30: ol \~rovoo9i IJS^I/B 9rlcf ni >eai. r ocf 'JortrtBO ^HB ^Bel/i^rLOT: ^ao^Ifi ei rloirir ,8^1.00 sr:^ a;{oBl br.e J'si/fcoiq aooq 3 sev^s tl eoi/soecT .J-IBCI JriB^TOq-ji HB YBlq 89eeeoo^ Y-sJIi^siJb IIB fli.drioiJB sri^ ni o YTSVOOST: ar:^ 10*1 *89cf 9f[* 9*13 m e9gg9OQlq[ noi j-cJ'i^i oeTq ofl? [a ,v*-0-ti3^ta lierU to SB^'Boecf: .BeDafilori ^x^uc'^oecf :.:oi i i r -Desire Y9ff^ rioiritr ni lennas oiiOYo eto'-bKB Rooirt eiuci; , eecaol Il.osa ^c^aoo .rtB^'re oegcr. ^o noitouJboTC 9rii- oj-rii t:od-n9 YlavitiOBqnoo SHB SILT:; ocf ?Bir.i neocoi. ni Jboai; .ocil .e'riT afirf :-oiri\T ^BrW narl* evid-OB oior. ai onil bwzsjd vlrfn.oi 1 ? SniaiT9vIuci o:I* ocf .'^oifOB^d'^ ai 9onnJ"io<;i::ii" J-Bai'oois 9fll ,I)9io^a oJ- Jaocf ei tl .aiXiir il^cf t:o ^oi^Brf Titrcf ai stiil e;iv lo said-It a ,1 ^11 B ^zsjQ.iiti li tliu o;f Jbn- ' f '\' : Ii8io allin i'Brf^ autl-^loa-B ai a'eel 9;i* a'-il "arW tonil erl* not. no9iOD ' BB O!B nadb'&'iq on* lo Rnoitf.necjo srfT STI; -isd 1 o.-l.j oj ^eloboAfirifl xlrra 4l' 6vt fte>L r l'l* ai aeBafilaa orfT o* 'isfcib ni iBi^.ieaae ai" noid'BJ i iSB'vf^ij6' < i<->rtJ: A . TO^'BIT -snilooo' erf^''lo ;oiord- B-ornrani c.t iine oldiaaoq" as YlbiqsT as oix/lxia erfj- IOOP _ s _ . G . ~ of the line. The quicker this occurs and the finer the line is porTdar- ed, the quicker the line will unite with the sugar to forn insoluble saccharate. Pert ides of lime which ball together, unite with the water to form a hydrate, or dissolve and become inactive. The more the line becomes inactive in this method, the more heat id developed and the more tine is consumed in cooling and mixing, and more line is dissolved in P. t tempt ing to overcome these conditions. All the work should "be clone as quickly an possible in the cooler as TO 11 as in the presses, in order to prevent the decomposition of the saccharate. In order to prevent the lime froi: balling, it is best to add it in SB?.!! quantities, preferably in the form of a dust, over the liquid, or to inject it by means of air. A decrease in the amount of lime can be obtained by such methods. In general 80 - 12 C parts of lime are used to 100 partn of sugar, frou 2 to 3 times the theoretical parts of lime for the forma- tion of trigs ccharart-e, and more -Then the water is warm. The melted line depends too, on the distribution and on the amount of sugar left in the waste water. The composition of the precipitated ca^Oharate is not known, but in all ca&es, trisa-ocirar-at-e is dissolved into its con- stituents on boiling. The oaccharate formed in the cooler should be separated, from the mixing, in filter presses rrith as little pressure as possible. It ought to obtain a cake that will wash readily. The Trashing is done in the same rrp.y as the sweetening off of the first presses , and oere must be taken to change filter cloths as soon ?.s they begin to get hard. The Trash water must be kept as cool and the quantity kept as araall as po-ssible, in order to decrease the loss of sugar and to have no more than is necessary to dilute the molasses. -: 4 :- ai 9,111 etit rtsffll arfdf NIB aTtrdso elrtt ^rsJEolijp arfT .'9.-zii add' lo rtol oj iflSL-e 8-ritf riJlr sJiru; fllx? sail w(J lo^fol^p eriJ- ,Jb9 eJittu ,-TsxM^5ey* l?cf rifelAr: 9~:i-I *io 89loitrc^ < I .e*3T sriT i9vl^osnl ^nooacf J^HB avlopaii T;0 , 9 .t'jS'UbYri a L:IOI o* i? Jboqolwve^ 61 Jserl OTO- orlJ' f loa^9.rr rlrf* nl evi-loJini a36&9d sniti a el erXtl e-rb:-.: f>r:o ,3.11-xlr: JbnB ^nllodo' ri 59f?}gncc ai OC22I e r : * ^J >fri6'T pri^ HA . arioUlJbnoo e- . 9"fi^' Hi 8-5 IIT7 PB 191000 9fi 3n nl ^1 JI^B o* ta9tf ai J-l ^nlllBtf oil- slitl- ori* ;.- "io ^rriro.Ti/> srtt ^1 9Bs? r ::oei) A ; . iio !co an^or: \ r cf c :ol- enil "io e*iB(i Jsbld'eios.iJ 5. r ^ ?.,_!:* S o^' a '.iOil , .nrrBr: el igoffer 9;:* nsr' 1 ^ e*r-0'j- Ku?" ,-6 r tCTJBr!oo35l'r* ^o ao&t :o'-*tti f ociE erfv* no MB rroi^trcfl^^iiij:' 9'rfj 1 fro f oo> di"9q9Jb 9Htr -(T^O 8^1 O^^.l ^9VlOBCl> 8l 9*B^tO58t'l'^ ,-30f"/5Cr- MB fll' $U& , ,5lCfl83^ ;/? Ou"tffe"6oT^'. 9i^^Jtl QB ff *lt. r aaBBeiCf 'I9J'Il'1 r Hi* f^rfl'Xl 1 !" 9ri;f ^een ria-fit?' .Cllr j'.orW eXec s nie'ctr > : ;p 9ri^ Jxic loob SB' JqeJC ecf *axj^ TDS^BT?"' rfaBrr "arfT on ovBrf oy ; />ns ijjfi ^o i BOO : . P9Q'lo-'- ert^ ft^irHJb- Oit \ < rssB^69rr ni -: * :-- I-Io attempts to TTorlc the concentrated molasses or to obtain lime salts by stealing, have been successful. The results being imoure, poorly vrashable saccharates, or a poor yield. Frequent at s have been made to recover a portion of the sugar in the T 'aste .. r r to ;uix the excess oaccharate vrith an abundance of thin juice and to filter off the hydrate of lime vrhich precipitates out. After sweeten- ing off the cake, this hydrate can be returned to the dilute nolasseo in Tahich a nono-sacoharate forms, thus saving some lime. It is impractical to attempt a precipitation recovery process independently of beet sugar manufacture, on account of the instability of the saccharate, and also beets, it is comparitively inexpensive in ra-? sugar vrorX, since the saccharate contains the lime Thich *-ould in all events have to be added for defecation. The juices derived froi: the srccharate cc.'ce generally have a purity of 90 - 04$. They are never less than the purity of the beet - : 5 : - nl ::8Slor. JsoJsiJftepnop orit :ftc ? r * 8*Q**-3 :? aJ'lLT^i e.IT .. Reooire nserf svsri -sni.-ue*p vtf B^IBB e t,Jc d-rr!i>9i <] l .>JEJ:\- rrooQ B to ,E9d-6Tsrioo.-58 elcsrfasr Y-tiooq " aiod-'T- sd-a/3' r o;i* ;:J: : T.Sr.rn .arid- 1e noii'ioc; s -ievooei oJ noser acrl- rioiit? noi^rlon erl^ f l.o';6n^ ni;^f ,3RJtnbIr : o Jbn.G snltaprl . OJ- >3'.TOII.B *:lIfiLT8;j Ci P.9CO,8iO'.; *0 9COT10V 8:1* ycSODOl 0* 003 10 SOT..; erld-. ^o-il ne?!'^ ai o-tB^Brfoc^a ;IT .i9sJtIli*io^: sn .:eai; pi -ro COB .ftfIT . : eoiwfc nix^ ri^tiTr ^erf-Lrlli) ei Jl .errerft? -isxi:. .3 ccf on ecf ."been eisri* ^ns -jilnold-e^^^te -.719^ eittorr lennBLi elrld; nl noJ:t no ^lini/sc.feo; OcS-UBaoopQiid- ^Ic'rloe -;ld'l;roj: < im) e;Id- lo vn.g *io . os) nj; JbnL-ocriioo lo^d-.o! srlT .0 CV IBVO ; So j.-^Jnoc 1B5I/S erlcf 89P.39icni OB ."ins f "IrrolB . to yrfoun i>Ioo n.erfv? ci;/oco ce-^IJ-o'-ioc noid-CB oirIT .e^so a.;il jlr - \-l::o ^cr.r ;(oi:;I~ relio^OB'i *jj?sit! d'eoS .ocitrj; rsi or;? r,i e^Lfcl 1o cS\I S od; S -.:o'il escirt v?i ei;* o^ ; .fl ;IB esTjsI.oo* .::?;:ICT; al penpfilcu Jrfej/otf n9ir: : . r:i *secf ni *1 SHB fnoiJ-B-a^BB *:* o k * .f>9^B ecf c* ^q * r ;B eolrj; rtlrl^ 1o seriRbniMfl TIB :;d-^'.T o^eiBriooBo ncacxe 9; -.*ern ie^lA .*.vo p.cJ3JJt~ioeT3i rIci.;T- 9;..:i lo e*c'i5\-:: 9;!* 'r ed-irljii! erld- oJ-. '-efrnLT^^i. so' nno aJs-J::";: oirld- t o;Ino 91^ Yio ^rti .9^11 e^oc . ai/ri* ,Ei.To*i ed-c'isricos&onoa B rfolric rri -,:_ovoo9'i noi*dirjtosrc5t B d-q^etf, 4 .'5 o^ Isol*ejws;i ai *I "i vlRnqxonl Ylovi-JlnsQaoc ci *j ,5^990' oels Srus ,eJ-Brr?f:ooBn eriJ- lo eiUtl ead; ; eniB^.Too ed-B-nsriccsc 9::J- eonia ,^T:OT/. **as.'/B r.^i aol .bs/x^s ec' od svfifl r.c 1 Us 5il n - 00 "io v ;juice, but are soiaewhat less cry ratal Usable than the sane. Therefore the yield of first product sugar is the same, if not higher, than when the saccharate is Quitted. The reason for the decreased crystallization of se.ccharate juices, appears to be in the fact that certain li:v.e salts do not separate in the precipitation of the saocharate, but remain with it and no get bad; into the raw jjuice. These compounds accumulate in the r.anner as Rafflnose, which is precipitated with the sugar. Pno-tories which -use the precipitation process have their orystalliza- tion impaired fro::, year to year-, on account of this action and it is very important the.t the final i-iolaoses of the house should be entirely discarded every 2 or 3 years. T/Iien these conditions are fulfilled, the yield of first product sugar is not decreased, the quality of the sugar ia go-od and offers little difficulty for refining. The use of no lasses in feeding. The feed value of molasses depends or. the anount of sugar it contains, and on the preserving qualities of the salts. It acts not only as easily digestible nour- ishment, but as a palate?. txle appetizer, serving at the same tiue to preserve and stimulate the absorption of food, which under other condi- tions would be discarded. The great viscosity of the no lasses in the cold is a dravrbacl: to its uses as fool material,' particularly so, in the agricultural districts, where there are no ready or simple means of warning and diluting the nol-?.a^es. In consequence, the molasses are nljced with bran or ground Deal, which absorbs the sticky material. This mixture a more or leas dry granular mass and is easily hand- led. The sugar factories do the mixing in machines , using molasses at a temperature of 80 c. The temperature should not exceed the above limit, for in cooling in piles, it is apt to overheat, and in mixtures of malt or similar grain, the material not only browns, but sours. The -J. 6 :.- v: eff*r jsrfsrseoe on-j jj/tf f eolrt nerfrr .earn" 08$ fieri* f ieri? irl Jon It , seise e/Ii 'el : ifistrtr''-i > Oi/.Wra. tvzi't 'ic-MaJt': ^ 9~-tI ' 'J iortJ " not noafie'i r - orfT'" .>sdfto ariJ ni -ecT oJ cJb .;oo .oerp; ri ;:c pneoocq rroMjij-itrji-owra^, . ftrl* 9Ejj--r:oJ:;;r ci ^1 in/5 noii'ch efi* ^o ^itrjccfiF .10 ,-l:CQ^. o* r TGB'Y: :.:orTi ^sn ir."-' 9rf jljjrjrlr ^RL-orf srl* io ceGCcIo:; Isnll srivf i- elllH/yi' e'rn pfroi^iMoc ocgricf- neOT .-C^G-.; 5: -o S x^ ori* lo Y^-t-^B^JP 6ftf r'iOftJercoeJb ^on cl n^tire ^cutbo^q; cfc^il "io .Sfln1teT 10! ;*ljjt>Jt''i'i. 1 b elcf^ll.p^e'no ^HB ^003 neecslocr 'io 9i/Isv io9^: erlf . y:J:.,68e^ .^ni cgprgloci ^o r 9Rir 9:fT ^rLtvnaeeiq ori'* no ins cnx.o^ri'oc _ d-i- i^sur: Io d-niroin si:^ no n r ' ' . f '. -TO/OH slcfi'j-'nesJ-S Y-C'lcJ? : 9 as vino 'ton c-?'br, cfl ..e^I.^B erf-* lo ni nol* -iJ!>noc lerufo T9jbruj rfoirftr ',. fl' - ,- - . .. 9fLt nJ: peBEBlcci erl* lo nl * f oe YliaLtrolJ-iBq "" "r^en elctols "to \ffc39i 'to "Q'TB sis roRejsioci or:? ' ; eonajupenrfoc .11 'erffi .;J&ttmsoai& etf 'M-'-'orr 'I.r5 < wd-.Jjjpis ( 3. el Jbnc - - ... : ^ . ' , &ent:lr)n"nJ: ni od- JC:B J si : ffrrOtKf \'Xno Jon rsi- '-: 3' "-no 1 sion B OS- edtTEbtjoat .?CB3W3 9lT . iT . ". 08 . Io sifcrd-^^regEi.^ , s fLt- rcpl. T finished nixture L?ast be cooled in low piles before it is oacked, or stored in large heaps. It is best to feed the stuff innediately after fixing, nince it readily undergoes changes and decomposes in storage, when molasses feed is once wet, it not only spoils easily, but is slso injurious to the cattle. The nixing and heating must be done in tanks tfitfc closed coils, with molasses of 80 Rrix. T/Iien the feed is nixed with molasses of 78 Brix, it is unstable anc. runs together in sumer. -: 7 :- BI J ft-ro^tf eel let T?O! -s >9lopo ecf ^BLTJ eta/tain Jbsrieinil ^soot *nrta eri^ Jbs^'i c.t Jos^r R! ^1 .eciBorf P^IB! nl Jbe-rote if conoi.T:o'o9f> I'.ns ^a-S'nBno n^o'Te^nir'-rlJ^DSa JJt eorrln (SnJtxi-^ .-.f *':IQ-j3 --isl-jtoqfj \'lrro .tort tl. f *OT7 ?prto el : -i. . ' ,;oi erf J-8Z.T3 5ni^^orI-,f)Kr> -jr:ix:? ^n'T .Gl?* ei ^o^l *r:t nef?J .xiiR. 08 "io p^njs.Cilorr .'fJ-irr .elioo isnolo rfjl^ ; ^rl^sr-oi orrrri ^r; B sic'.GJr.rnr ai ,ti f xii5 37 "io c^caslor- CHAPTER XXIII. BOILER HOUSE T70RK . Lj Ul >*'" This is not the place to discuss the economy and technique of the boiler house, and the fire roon. T/e shall only point out the conditions governing the relationship betrreen the boiler house and the sugar factory. The proper burning of coal can be accomplished only vrlth a good system of boilers, proper grates, and correct conditions of firing. Good firenen are always difficult to get for the short T7ork of the beet sugar houses, and in consequence many automatic stofc- ers are being installed, particularly those vrhich allovr the use of a poor quality of combustible. In conjunction ?rith this, installations are being oade for mechanical handling of the coal. The- must be done rrith the greatest of care, and careful data must be of the weight of combustibles, the amount of rater evaporated, and the quality of the flue gr.nses. The steam pressure shovJLd be noted on recording gauges as vrell as the temperature of the feed water and the flue gases, and a record should be kept of even the draft under the boiler and in the chimney. It is very advantageous to use a hot feed rater . For this purpose the condensed rater from the evaporators is rrell adapted. The temperature of this rater depends on the pressure under irhich the stean is condensed. The hottest -rater from the first body with a temperature of no - 120 c. Sonie factories collect the rater in -d traps and punp it directly back to the boilers. The tempera-tune of the condensed vapors from the other three bodies, being 1 of louer < *.TV w'w " *** * '-.-^^ , are collected separately and heated TTith the rest of the feed rater to nearly 100 C. For injectinc the hot -rater, it is esseji- tdal to provide for ventilation of the suction line. The hot condensed v;ater can contain iiaterials like sugar ani di. Trhlch are injurious to the bcilern. .Ainmonia is not at all harnfiLL, Jbns TJonooe Q:lz BBirosx.'S cJ soBlq; ertt'ton a eirfT en'J- Jiro tfrrxocr \rno Il/sria' etf .aooi 8 ; ix erfJ-SnB r sci;orf leliotf ';*' Io :;ns BL'Oil '9iocT ertf -TJerJgtf qlrianoiiffilei grief snxni&vos >9riaJtIqmoocs 9d rrso IBOO "io ^nin^jjcf tocroiQ aril .y OSTIOO I?n/j ,ReJ-sij isqoicr f a.n9ixoc 'io ;.ie^B\ r a i>ops B rlitrvr TOl *s oj' j-Iuoi'ilix) QYBWIB o'cs necreil'i JbooO .sniiJ:! Io i eonejjpeenoo :i . s riB /pieeuorf in^ira *eecf eii* Io ^TOTT Io eai/ erW rroIlB rioirtT; eeorfd- \ r linIi/olt < r. < 5C[ ,.:>9llBtBnl snistf SIB a^ ,BfW- ff*x*r ffOl^onuj^tod nl .elaiJ-ejjrJnoo Io Y^-tlBJjp looq orfT .IBOO o.'.'* lo sniInBii iBOirrsrlben: 10^ eJbsc sniacf STEB cf ifsuL': BJ-fiJ: IifioiBo IIHB t 9iBo "io i-R9d > B9 i rs srtf fi^lr: onoJb ecf 9-rtt J\-IB f ^9*/5tO(3[.ev9 19J-PT7- Io t'rjjoxQ &$ ', B alcfi *BLXfr.:o o Io drJsJte no /)9i-or; ec .bLr. r orir: oi^rBaetq r;:/3oJ-s grfT . BfiECi.cs eull 9:1* Io 9fiJ- 5ns TgJov/ .^eel orlJ- Io ^'urd-B'^c^'fo* erfd- sc Ilsv: en sos e:io nova 'io j-qsjf ocf iiltroris' ATOCOI B ^HB >csac .-.^mdiilo 9ri^ ni Jbas ^ io 1 ? . locrjsr; Jboei *ort .G ORL- oj- 'si/oo^B^nsvJbs '^rsv si *I ecil ..bechifi.bB 1 1 err ei CIOJ-/:IOC:.GVO 'srlcr rcii ; T9Jsr J?98rt9l)r;oo orf^ rloiAr i9l)ru: erajsesicr gr."^ no Binocfe.'? i9^sr.r slrfd- Io li- .-noil E9r.*oo 'X9*cr fse^j-orf orIT .J5>eent>i>nco el rri la^cr eri^ ^oglloo aoi-roj-os'i 9.^08 .0 OSI - oil "TO &;Id- oj s\70l "io tin is a f 36i5ocf eelriJ- lortto' 9ri,t arcriT BIOQBV j 10 d"891 9fi^ Tl^X^ i9J39fI ^HB "ISd-SISCfOB )9^6eIIOO 9TIB , aJt' cTi f i9vfBr . 4 ori erid 1 snxctcoQni -xo^ .0 OOI \-l^ rroxj-cun o-:^ "io noi^BlXu-nsv 10*1 abxvoiq; oj- niBcfnoc ::BO ie : cf'.v bb : en9noc cfori ertT HB JR ton ex slnoirKiA . hioliocf 9fi,t oj- aaoiii/tnl 9iB doxxy JCJ3> r>r . i .. .. _-.... . .;.. cx< as it acts like an alkali. Sugar can injure the boilers in one of two ways, chemically or mechanically. The method of injury depends on the quantity of sugar that gets into the boiler. If only a small amount of sugar gets in, the sugar is rapidly destroyed at the temperature of the steam, undergoing various changes of souring without the formation of any great ar^jcunt of decomposition products. TiThen large quantities of sugar get into the boilers, the sugar chars on the hottest portions of the metal and forms a porcrua layer of carbon. This increases rap- { h.T .!--*. \-it^ ,/-**-* -' .- 1. - '., ;> ' } . -X i* idly, in thickness, until the metal underneath gets red hot and the pressure of the boiler bursts it. This action sometimes results in layers of several millimeters in thickness. This kind of injury is al- ***> -' -? '..'.*"?. ( / ' "; t *> '""' r^o *' /v ^ '* -,..--,. v - jL * ways" the most dangerous and can wreck a whole boiler house in a few honrs after the introduction of the sugar. There is no method of rem- * -" ';-.->"" r -) - . ' dying the evil er.oept by shutting cLoun the entire plant, blowing off the water and refilling the boilers. In such case one should never fail to consider the importance of shutting down immediately and temporarily. Any other action would not be warranted, for it would be taking chan-ces '- ! V 1 * "i "* -, + - - * r "> - ' on wrecking the entire oarnpaign and the boiler plant as well. The higher the pressure of the stearr. in the boilers, the more rapid is the " - C< ''^''ler ijatevv ( InciLoalor: ; Roami" -s^-: -A- - -.I^nt^oo lo lo ^msrfo ^fe nefflr- ni O - oirri ertt , rlc^n . 8 1 no o B belt becomes the sane as that of the steam; quantities of juice are very apt to back up or leal; through the tubes or tube sheets, and collecting in the condensed uater, return to the boilers. Under such circumstances :. ~ , i . .-: -(.. the feed water should be tested for sugar. The other method of injury to the boilers, by chemical means, depends on the corrosion of tne metal by the decomposition of the sugar into acids. The process and extent of corrosion depends on the amount of sugar in the boiler, on the steam pressure, the temperature, and the duration of the action. The higher the temperature of the water, the quicker the sugar is changed to acids. In most boilers used for heating purposes only, in which the pressure rarely exceeds 2 atmos- pheres, the sugar is destroyed very slowly. At 6 atmospheres (164C.) the action is very rapid and the acids formed, at tack the iron vigor- ously, causing general and severe corrosion. The small amounts of sugar that get into the boiler in the usual run of the work, cannot I. j, be prevented. To prevent any in jury 'from them, soda should be added and the alkalinity should be maintained in all of the boilers. Too high an alkalinity is not permissible on account of foaming; the alkalinity should be suol- that 10 com. , 1/10 normal acid neutralise 100 com,, of boiler crater. (Indicator Rosolic-acid). If the alkalin- ity decreases rapidly, it is an indication of the presence of sugar, and even the quantity can be determined, since .0114 g. sugar neutralize 1 com., of l/io normal potash solution, or 2 kg., of sugar ..- win neutralise 1 kg., of sodium carbonate. It is' important to examine the water in each boiler, for one is apt to contain more sugar than an- other. The presence of sugar is shown by the odor of the steam, and is sometimes noticeable' in the color of the water and by the presence of scums. A dark color is r.ot harmful providing the water is alkaline. A layer of scale is a definite protection against the action of sugar, but this protection is not reliable since the scale is liable to crack Off. - 3 '- i * *2 " YI9V ores eoii/t to ae-tJiJTiBi/p tBtit e<3 ease arid- aaaooecf JIe * - ' uT^, 3 JA .\ r l^ol8 viev Jbwfo^ee^ a ^aswa eri^ , es-r ' ' t . , il arti- ; d-OB.t J'B (JSoirrrol sfiiDB erij-\crrB. JJIH^'I ^ey B .-. - '"' ' ' ' ecf v&lJJOtrfaif Aboa fi idfl^ ;.-o < i'2 f 'Y^-.'L- r -'J : "'Vn3 w.iovsici oT\ .^^eJ-n i. '' lo ecf .. < 5 1o *-m|oopis no..ercfiaGirrTeii ', .: .. ildB Lar^Qn. Oj:.\ ^.-aoo 01 "vffi.1^- ;IGUO so JbluorlB Y^ifjj Isliocf '1o * .noo 001 -..' $ .,/- -,' "' : y "lo noi ; I-f.iv; -r.o--.ir8' *3- ^110.; son! a ,sni; ; T < ro-Je,b'"" : 9Cf .nflo'-Y^I^nBJjp erlJ 1 neve -j. iBsire lo , .^ a to- ,n'pitLr4:oe rtecd-oij -iBtrnon ci\I ^o" f .moo I eoniBX.9 ot i--n3B^Toq^j; 'el ^1 .e-tBirocfiBO. fittri^oe Tto, V-S^ I a'a -riB nsri* iBBi/8 .e^oin>ftoo ',o* J-CJB el eno tol* eliocf rtose ,'ni i; ;/ i>nB :>CSQ^E! aril lo loBo ort.j- xfd'.-mcrie e''.4flgAre 1o eonacaTti erfT . t..;,. -.- .-. eri# r^cf iiHB TSJ-BT/-' erfj '1o r rofoc eri* ni feIclBeo>on saalJ'a.'npB al 8J: -rscfBw 9;!* ^niiivoici Iir"5rrraBri .tprreJ: loloo ^rrBJb" A .BinirOB 2o 1o noivfoB erfi. \tBniBSB no.L J *ooJ-oiq[. ^inileii B B!,. elspo lo- -reSjaX A JO ocr elo-sll "ffi 9lf?oa.9rf-t : .9ortia sldB-tlsi cfon ei noi-toe-to-ai alilcf v . . y. . . f;. v ' -,' , .110 \ , ~ . C - . -i / " ; . To prevent injury to the boilers from sugar, the following recommendations can be made: (1). The separation of the vapors fror. the evaporators, and examin- ation for an gar before they are added to the feed water, particularly after any loss of vacuum. (2). Maintaining a definite alkalinity in the boiler house, by the addition of soda to the feed water, and regular investigation of the alkal inity of each boiler . (3). Cutting out of service immediately, any boiler which shoi7s any of the conditions of (2), or when the water becomes dark or carries a scum. (4). Immediate investigation of the boiler, the moment the odor or dark color occurs in the water. (5). Injecting a scale forming water at the beginning of the campaign in order to form a light layer of scale. ( 6 ) . The evaporator 7/aters are not to be used at the beginning of the campaign until they become clear and uncolored. The vapors condensed from the engines contain lubrication oil, the vegetable or animal fats of which are changed in the hot boiler water to free fatty acids, which attack the iron, in consequence, these oils must be carefully avoided. With this end in view, only pure mineral oils should be used, as these consist only of hydro-carbons and do not yield acids. But even these oils are injurious, in large quantities., because they are apt to emear, and coining in contact with the hot sur- face of the boiler tubee, they prevent the transfer of heat and cause a subsequent overheating of the tubes . To prevent any possible injury from oils, separators should be used to remove the oil from the condensed steam. Filters to serve the same purpose are not very successful. The cylinders should be oiled with as little material as practical, in order to carry little oil into the condensed water. The layer of oil in the scum, besides - : 4 : - snlwoliel eri? -zntt. oialiod erf* 6J; vi oT Jbnc >oel eri? csl-lod errs '*o aeo:C lo no/ .;.'.. >B .IBS'&J '"i^ .' ZBTO nl arfT .(3-) .'(a) arilt ' ait* t llp noi^BOlTcfi;!' iilBJftoo' aeitisne art* .'iio^l, i)98ftabnoo reliocf ^ort-ert^'ni fc&snsrfo BIB : rit>ii{|? ; lo BCJ-B^ X'sciinB no I ..; * ^rl* ,eon9L f p9artoo ni ,rtortt eri* X^B^B rioiriw ..albiOB ;\**sl oeil o* Biarrln o-njtj Ylnd/^elv. rr'I "Jbn-e did* rl*i ' '.J&eMbyfi ^litrleiBO ed *8Uin ' ' .' , " ' ' ' * , -ton oJb 'f>nB anotfiso-OTJb^rf lo ylno- .taienoo aert* BB f J&9atf ed Jblirorfe alio ni ^ is sio Jori e>r B 98I/BO Jbn-B ni 10 10 9Ofll ,el6 ioit o* ad o artT ni t v iio l t iJ lo -ysiia ^jiove-Ej oT . --', raoil. 10 orl* evodOTt o* Jb9BJJ ed ; *on QIB eabqiuti eisfia as '/Bits* era 9l**IJ SB " * ' its corrosive action on the boilers is very apt to stop up the valves anil water gauges. To prevent this difficulty, a bent piece of rnetal is inserted in the drum, in order to bring the water to rest, and afford an opportunity to remove the oil. In most boiler houses, the high pressure boilers with pressure of 6 to 8 atmospheres, are placed directly next to the low pressure boilers, carrying fron 2 to 3 atmos- pheres. TThen it is essential to alter the boiler house, the high pressure boilers should be used instead of the low pressure boilers, and the high pressure only, should be installed nev?. TCith the same quantity of coal, about the same amount of steam is iracle under 6 - atmospheres as under 3, for the difference in the temperature between tie flue gasses and the contents of the boiler are only about 20 C. The transfer of heat is not much greater because the transmission coefficient increases at higher temperatures. The loss of heat in the flue gasses differ very little in either case. When steam is reduced from 6 atmospheres to 2 or 3, there is very little heat lost, on account of the superheating of the steam. There are no advantages to be obtain ed in dividing the boilers into tsro systems, and only the difficulties of increased care .?r /q trouble, due to two steam lines. A battery of boilers under one pressure can be fired more evenly and economically than when under two pressures. Yflien the irregularities in the steam ion, are divided over a series of boilers, the firing does not have to be so heavy, nor does it have to be decreased to the same point as when using low pressure systems. In high pressure systems, the piping should all be covered in order to prevent the great losses of radiation. Great care must be taken of the boilers after the campaign, since they are used only 2 or 3 months every year and are cold, the rest of the time, all precautions must be taken to prevent rusting during the period of inactivity. The best way to prevent any deterior- eovlcv grief cm cjoje od~ IqB VTQV ai nial.ioo . B /^-iwolYttJfj aiftt nc ^ee-r b'cf leJ'Bw drf-t' grrxicf Dd tB.on',nI ,'jLJto (:."' oBlcr SIB , se.TOrfcraoci^fl 6 & 'Id '' " s .. no noitos 9voo*rroo oT . B 93^33 -reJ-Bw :IB ax fit'olla f ;"ifirtfc ertf ni . ri erfj- , f t?airor: isliocf erii /i. _ , , V ol arid- 'i'o.'.'.&Bed-ani sri.-ie arf*'. 'rfoi^ .. ^.9(1 Jbelle^eni oo" ^ gL .. : ^ ; :.);: L,-.9.pB:H el '' ; ''" ;;t /> : '; 9a' 9^ . r^ i .".-*:. ^ .0 08l -NtiroQ'p ;Irto . 3- ' -rit^ rf 10 CBOl,.^rlT; . '^ vrol : itrrseae a;/'*i. n , . . acf : Mtfbia: 1 o < 3,&Iiocf . i 3 ffi'.^w wQ. '' >;:.c C si tse*t l ocf si or; o^s.i.e'^ r s 10. .a -"io lo 70' A" .Bsnil .-aao^-. .ow^" erf ' sxrJb ,slo r JLroi^ ^ . ! . , 'iiionooe ^rjB/^-fneve ^tor: Jbeail so" HBC .^v^asiq eno s/f* ni 09^xicIjjrjeT: < ii.9a: .tariV/ -..aai/j'sa^rjqf owt teb'ru; nfl?7 n snxiJt'i. v 9>|* ,eieXlOd',,;^o eeiiea B lovo ;O.AJ- Oit ^aQoaioeti* ifecf.' o^ evsii J-r- eeoj> .ion .,\'VJ3sri oe aa OT 9VB;.C r ,cns;teYB o^aBSjKi ilsiri ni .i^iiaJ'BYB e.iusga'iQ; "ivol s^--fctr neriw KB '.g ^rfcr J-9yaT(i oj-.t0js.xo ni f. r I'ia.Bieli.Qc' &.i.t ftb.,. i Te^ce : ^' o OIB >i>rtfi ^:r,ov v^sva erLtrrbni -JS- -ro- a" vi-to'-' '^ -.v - j v* . . o CB varlcf aute ation, is to thoroughly dysrtn Mid &T the boilers and keep them in tills condition. The ashes, soot ai.i all the outside parts as well as inner, ohoulo. be heated and ventilated to thoroughly dry then. A coating of tar will prevent any formation of rust, bxit the value of its use is doubtful and soiaev/hat dangerous, since volitile and inflar ibie gaaaes distill from it. e ir.jur .ntes li -art* : . '' O n %9J>e<* etlT . ^ Jadwooe f. Iirt^dtoti^ al ll/i-eli Bdbss CHAPTER XXIV. 1 H I k LK I-K. LklL I e s'r.".f ';*& *>.;* as low as that of t^e Belgian kilns. A properly constructed Kiln i:rast yield a v;ell burned line and a saturation gas rich in carbonic acid. The choice of the line stone is of the greatest importance, but cannot be based entirely on the chemical analyses, for this shovrs nothing as to whether the stone Till burn easily or hard or T/h ether the foreign substances rill have an injurious effect. The stone should be chosen for its visible properties., such as its structure, and the action of the foreign matter should be judged from the quantity and distribution in the stone. A large ar.ount of impurities are, of course, an indication of a poor stone, and are injurious to the juices. A good test of the quality of the burnt stone is shown by its solubility in a Bp solution of hydrochloric acid. Aluminum, iron and manganese alone are not injurious to the lime, but iron in combination ?rith either of the above, causes the stone to burn poorly. The presence of sulphur in either tile stone of the fuel is apt to make a poorly soluble lime, or. account of the sulphur forming sulphates. Alkalies in ever, snail quantities form injin-io^.s compounds. The composition and the action of the impurities depends on the quantity and on the duration and temper- ature of burning. The burning of the stone to line is a dissociation of the car- bonate of lime into calcium oxide and carbonic acid gas and depends on .7 in. w- :.? nj: .teer aniW.eniX lo nJ^nijC / tne < X6'i < iiJ:, girW -IX.B \...erroJ9 i^i^r ..^esierlo eis ;;olite seor.'J ols Jeiea ertf ,'n '.'-#". ' ' -^o fiecsnii/i .^i.ani'.'tileig ;/;: .t ;joricf iiv ^e^JB^rf rse '* Ie8 o.-lj j;i M .l>e8f r i9//i ^tc -tniroris v8s|lJi'.i-B ;ri8;6 7.ol 1o, BS^OO .003 :Icti:n IilfeSeaooL'E : r lo. ^soo s.fft rnB .l9L f 'i q;.s9flc ;:,t:r; I'-sJ'jB-coqc 90" nsc n nli^r .b^omijBf'oo Yliscjo.^ A ' .anil;! ri<3ir,l93 9jj| ^c ^.stlj 1 SB' vro.c .J?.to.B oinocfiso f.j r:pj;i .BBS .Tci^eirjd-.oe js ..CTJI e;..:il Seniircf II ev: .? N , oorr^tioi^i-'^es-tBO-j:^ --* ^ e i . erroa-a 9^11.. o-rii' lo eb|QfIo erlT e^nrle si;'" io"i ..^eaYlBns iBO/.cerfe srl^ no viB-iij-na 00030' ecf '.r.9;lT.'^7o iBn 10 Y-t4:R59 rroxrcr Jlir erro-ts o:^~ 'l ;?IrofUj. 9f[o,t.a..Qv'T. .icet^Q r^-oiiL^ni :IB ev^rf III i * eri,t- .Vijr^ .9ii;^OinJ-fi..8.oi UB rlo.o-s ,89,ti9C{:o'iq elolniv cJJ: "rOi neeorio sc; *" ." "' /...'' <' ISTTB yJ-x.*r;B:/p eild; . (rrptcl i^^jji, oc' .oljjfcno To.t^niE n^leiol srlJ- 1o ncicfojs * iG.Je orftf ni ri'C -Toocr "10 - i ,. . B rri /i^llfjjj-loa *i \ r ci". nrrortn. e..t efro?^ .trm/d er(,t 'io Y^ilBtfp'eiW 'io fast!j3- enoriBgiiBC fjna RQ^J: . J: ai;rtnayiA : .I)io/3 ox-rolrfooi&^ti: io noliti/loa ^3 1o -lail^ie ii^ii? noi.teni^oo n_ .norri uijc r ^cil erlj o> ex/o^'-ii/^ni jbri evs '... ..eon-sseiq. /aaT .YlTOoq n-ULfo sro^R orit easjfTBO TSVOOB' 9riJ ^BH 04- ^C[j:V 8i"l9f/i grfvl "ro sno>ta 9W Torl^ie ni . . a(?,*i?riq[lj^B snicriol air.lcjIi/B orit 1o .fai/ooc/3 -TO '..'' i : QJE 9/i4 Jjn^..noi,:.i:aoqaoo r,a'r .s^rrfrocpioc a' r oi-'r. f j{;nx mo 1 ! "aei^id -'i^-rrri^.t irts noi.isx'Ji? a sit no'.bns "cfitr.Bjjp ec;*,. : ;fo e&noqel) aeiji'inqnrf :'-/-- :- ; .;^ . ,...- ...... .ryiin-ujcf "id ^sc. cult "ia. j;ro.|:^.ao.oRBiri B EU sriiljoi- snojr. or r .f 16 gnintajtf o;iT OB oi.~;odTBO fi;:.e eJbizo rrajiolGO o^nl enri the temperature and the pressure of the gas. At about 800 c., the decomposition is only slight, "but becomes more active at 900 . At temperatures below the point of decomposition, or at a dull re:", heat, the burnt lime reabsorbs carbon dioxide with energy, though at ordinary temperatures, there is no absorption of dry carbon dioxide. This is the reason for a rapid withdrawal of the gas from the kiln. For the practical work in the Kiln, the stone should be heated to 1000 C., in order to thoroughly burn. The highest average temperature should not exceed 12CO to 1300 c. which is quite sufficient to thoroughly burn even large pieces of" stone in a short while. Higher temper a tures are to be avoided on account of the danger of everburning. Even a pure stone heated to 1600 c., for 5 or 6 hours, will remain standing in TTater for days without dissolving. If acid impurities are contained in the rock, the sane action will occur at lorer temperatures in a shorter time. The size of the Kiln depends, of course, on the amount of line to be produced in 24 hours. Where the line can be bought cheaper than by burning at the factory, the kiln should be no larger than to produce just enotigh gas for the saturation. To burn 100 parts of stone it talies 10 to 12 parts of coke, in consequence, about half of the gas is developed from the coke, the other half from the stone. If 2/3 of the gas developed is utilised in the saturation, it stands to reason that 1/3 more lirce can be carbonated than is produced in the kilns. The size of the kilns depends, too, on the capacity of the gao pump. The more the gas is drawn from the kiln, the more intense -sill be the heat, __ V and the higher the strata of maximum temperature. The more actively a^Xiln is worked, the easier it can be operated, less fuel being re- quired ti> produce a larger amount of line and gas. The zone of highest temperature will be... larger when the kiln in of small diameter. The " O _ """ *G """' ' ' '"" "scf '- .TIT . ": v .'-':"' ' ' J5 */xfj3 ,+A em art? lo ^'saetq orfJ JbnB o?stf lot tJr.-v/ c '.; t fwq-wwL ~ :r.. : - --: p- ^ - ; r.v-- . r: . *- is vi*G eioc: BOKOCS* torf ,Jd&tIa .':.: / . '" ::Traoo bi^>/? .rf^ora-' ..ife^e.. ^ ^txoi^n.ocf^o scKQB^e-. ps^I crn^f orf^ si cMT ..9\ix.otb 'podrcso Y'^.'io : si .^f^*. ' nssrtfjs^agjraJ' io1 r. ... i .-. tserfeifi .rt-aKf ; ;fe//o-: ' . . . ^ :. . 'i'"tfe PO-'Tp g.!: ;Ioiri-T.' .0 "OOSI o^ OOSI > " " -- .. s se-cjr^^ocfmo* lo^iH .elirl ^; ; ^ * ''^ ' > ' ^spelcf 9-UJ-.- a.nov. 1 ! .rr-'intcwfievo lp :.---:^-?./' a.iJ lo trtJLroocj no JboMovB eo' o^ ? ' .1 . ; T '3'. f; ' . :". ' . ..': f - ilBcrrioo's^B Be'mWai ^o -il .sr.lvionatJ- vtuori^i^ a\'Eb not .6 3..edfef'x*3G3 ?S X TOI jtc ii;e -iir . 9i,Ti,J r :otiori8 "to .^iro;.;o e.-f^ no ,^e'i- ! 'oc.' lo .B-bnsqo. iaqs^So +r^iroo;.,ocf i !rtBo a; .eri* . or: a?' Ir.jorfe nlJt:I erti- .YTotosI erf* -t.G snirrniuC" \ r< ^ '-i -' r ' '-'. ' ';' '. "'>;- *i eno^a 'lo nj-rjsq: 001 rr-ii-G oT ' .;:o.r..tj3-.r;;.?.3Q eri^ 10 1 BB? risjjons Jeufc '* . , -;.- ';: . . "" . ". '- ',.. : ::: i". ; ^c at Bg 9.'!.?- lo 1jSfI...tfwocfB f s : ' : .. ..,-. ' ^ ' .* ' " : ' '-'- ..- ty :..'. ': :-'".; ^ I lo cAs 11. .orro,*3 arfrf 1 . rsq-^1 ;ilF>:I -rbri^o oru .e^ioo sii^ fifo-rl iaciolgyofc j ' j- .ftoivtp-i;^^ er^ ni ijeslll*w ai 5e^olevei> SBT? ' c/ f " . ; ix .anil;' srWrii rujD.'r^oicq: at n^r^ ret^frcoiBO d r;Bo o;,ril 9ion \l . -so. 4..- ;v^i:">; '' .:;.:.:.; -;-- ;->;; ci ;;. .>-(:; -"i^ --^IcacijBc ' ' ' . . . .cTflert ert* ocf Illr eans.lHJ: eio- >;;- aotcl rmB-Ub ci DCS 9- r ^ '' ' ' . '1 " '. -- ' ', ;. ' ^; ; .- .'-..->, *'<"$$ n: orfT^aqiaej- ..t.r^^xjsn: ''.to e.tBi^a sfid- lorisirf erlrf. JJHB ,-5iej%> ??cf iTico' tcoigB^ sri* ,i>oJCtco riij:X B - . r '- - ! . '!.. *"" .>f!jS Sllil '10 .rni/o-i.-^ 133X31 B '."'iQ.taujsJ:^ , r lr.r_a 1c ni .tir ' or! 5 .lor';-, isti^-t "^ ~: a :- .. ,. actual height of the Kz'^n shoul I not be lees than 10m., and it should be the distance of its own diameter above the ground. The fire zone most lie so that the hot gaaes are thoroughly cooled by the upper layers of stone, before going to the pumps. With the Belgian Kilns, great care must be taker, to prevent the fire zone from going too high or too low. Beneath the fire zone there iiust be sufficient space for the lime to cool off, so that it can be drawn cold. The bottom of the Kiln should be well Trailed and the draw holes should be tightly shut with doors, in order 'to prevent drafts from affecting the fire. Breaking the stone in snail pieces is advantageous, but not at all essential, and should be omitted where- the working expenses are high. Chips of stone, dust and dirt, should never be thrown into the Kiln, for with Kilns of small diameter, they clog the draft and even block the entire Kiln. The coke should be well broken, in order to insure a more complete burning before it reaches the cooling zone. The burnt lime must nut be drawn too seldom, preferable every 4 hours, in order to. Keep the contents of the Kiln in motion, and to prevent the line from remaining in the fire zone too long. Several trials have been made to obtain a continuous drair, in the kilns, by mechanical means, such as are used in the bone-black ovens. The hang- ing up of the contents in the kilns, is most often due to the fusing of the mass to the walls, the stone arches over these places and must be -knocked down by means of long poles, which are inserted through the draw holes. With small kilns, the stone meshes so tightly together that it takes many hours to get it down. Immediately after drawing the- lime, the kiln must be refilled. The refilling must be done as rapidly as possible, in order to prevent the dilution of the gas. The -frtone and coke roust be evenly distributed when filling. - : 3 : - ^^dRr;' -..:- '.. , * " . r . -:c- f 'i. eaos Rai ^ ,blor>, j i*':is r ;rio s:o rri . . aafi . . e J?ns 'leJii i ; . !3.o ;J, rl^lTT. .TO! , s < xoa ; . B,. erorerLt sno *cr ^enliX Qds.tu. ..-sneri o-rfT . enavo ^Jh ^tfrtJi/riJtctrr.oo, B^.^lB^cfo.^ oJbBC rro^cf fii-.i>sir..eiJ3.. BS- ri .-9U'r i;) ;:o?5:B %cI .taact.. -n 86 The gas drawn from the Kiln contains the gases of combustion, carbon dioxide from the stone and more or less ash fror: the fuel. The temperature varies with the quantity of gas and the height of the fire zone. An excess of gas should be avoided, ir. order not to get too high a temperature. Vor use in the carbonation, the gases oust be cooled and. freed from injurious constituents. For this purpose, a mechanical washing is sufficient, since small quantities of oxygen, carbon monoxide, and sulphurous acid do not do much harm and need not be separated.. Too snail an amount of air in the Kiln, is apt to evolve an unduly large amount of sulphur dioxide , which is injurious to the juice. This difficulty can be obviated by not reducing the fire zo-ne too uuc2i, and. by avoiding the heaping of the coKe in piles. The gas washers only to cool the gas and to remove ash and products of distillation. They are cylindrical tanlcs of iron, wood or brici. w>en only a small amount of water is used, the iron ir> the washers in rapidly attacked, so wood and briclv are often considered better. Mont washer o are based on the counter-current principle, in which the descend-* irtg water comes in contact with the upf lowing gas, the current of which is broKer. by baffle plates or layers of coKe. In the bottom of the washer, a layer of 400 mm. of water is kept, through which the gas is passer?.. But since considerable carbon-dioxide is absorbed by the water, as little a.B possible should be used. The water is regulated 30 that it flows from the washer, both hot and dirty. The gas is less soluble in hot than in cold, "rater. The gases should be well cooled in the upper portion of the. washer , in contact with the cold water. The gas pump ?rill work better and will have a larger capacity with cold gas, if for no other reason than because of the decreased volume of the gases. In order to malce the operation of the gas pump an easy as poss- ible, the auction pipes should be large, in order to prevent loss of - : 4 :- ' lo 898BS erlcf onifivtnoo rrli^srtt :.:oiT: rnrsifc QJB^ eriT .-- r : . ,.-, . .-.ryrl rfR.r- 8891- 10 9-tom 5ns arroJa *rfcf riorr^ fM Jiv^lorr wr* -..Jbnfi B.CT- To- "Jitrmjjp sUt ;.Jiv r^i' .* 4f>r, -oJ 0.1 re r !io nl ..oabiovF 3d" jM.yprle OBS "io rrA .arros ^ - , - .*'," stf JBLTJ 398)?^. fln-t .rorJ-prcrfTRO srfc '.'.! eew rcoi .stn^aieqKe.t B -;p lo .selJ-.tJrisJL'p li?.~:B ecrria . trr^ci'ilire si snlrfesw r .bson :?ns ' ;:TS^ p:o//. ojb .tor, : >ioe ejjo'mrlul-'J^ JHB , oJbixorron nocfiso evlov? ocf .tct.'? el rrli;' arl* ni 'tis IP drrr .IB lljsna ooT .i c,t Rrjolrrrj-tn i. ol r:oi;-;r; . abixoiJ: itrriqlur? lo jrrijo^.3 ^ v . . ,.,*.. . , . Arf* -ni'OirL^ . + o:; TO' Ao.tsivo'o'^c" rr.<=-o v^I.voi^'iii ei.-I? .eoi;;j; sriT . eelicr ni o>!of>--rl^ 'ic' -':.J:::^eri er'j- "sni^iox'B */;c" . s ne ..-low.: e^cirioict .r.-r:B rfss SVOZIBT ot .Mic a".9: .if I coo o.^ '"Ino 'vcrl aisri . A-ci IQ 10 JJO.PV ..noil lo CJ'XBJ Is-r-ii.'rn.ri-jo ei/> V9."1T .noJ:^BIid * ' .* . -:T/ sn^ r 'J: nc-ii en* ,I)enL r si 10 iT!L r c:jfi HB:.; i 1^ . V.- r .-re^J-oc ;--?ie r ?iRr:or, rej-'in ^i/j ^fcj-ia' ':-np >oor^ r oa ,29% 08 . c-ffd" floirlw iii .sl'ji o .trreii^'C 1 oricf ,0:0^. "io .,0^,00 erf.t nJ. c "?; prl-t " e.iJ- -;c "* oe 'rf>J:rr u*OGdrroo nl riffj.^I ':6' ss tBlrr "rf r 'ej[picT ei Prcfe ri ^ l^7-ai si ''71 OR asel nl r?Bs e-ra!;a*.'tg :ei : rto 'Q^BiL^ai o* '^itBr io aecfi/t ?>8er[T .is^jsw lej^Uir M'e* eef rfifiw .-/aecJrr^ ftftirXs 'J^JJrtBiri*M r iir .be fit asol erS* baa ,a*-*io.q[ ^fisrtt'^li art; j'^i eijjfeae-rq e'ri* worla Big 93^"sa eri;t nx f^Js* f-rff :S:imifq[ srij fchB lertsfiv eri* nesw^ecf -a*- .TOi-tBi^ev ^jaeT5 YnA^oriB ton ixEi/orfB f-rerfafiTr sri^ Jbnjs qna/q; arti nri-if> B; .-ioirf^ ietf?w srf* to Y-^B tJol'lB 6;T oIcfBBTVJbB ton el .il - .sit/a ^evof9T ocf JblroriB ,fl lo HB /q; ?& o*rfi .ts o'* .'ijerfj- .16 ..... .) r^s ,oj&i:xoil) nocf'Tso rrx rfo-i'i Yle^enoid-ioqcici' si BBS' 9riT ,e$or 'oi aeeu ^oirfw aDitf B' nl .reBffeisai) si lis' lo aesoxe rfcr - ,2irlov Y^ ' ^fci'xoii-rr'od'iBvO "io ^Tol n,tlv: fc9Cj;pl9vo> scf rise' ass B abl. ;S Yliro jo gjs B .sHolci'iiiiioo earse sri^ id_>njj .ojfoo lo -procfteo cs-2S'. o,f OS-B'B ' rfsiri B'B rart ^'iejiii rfglri sruji vlucy MB . sniili'i leJ-^B ai .+ f3ifw 8i ;;HB Yiotos,T8iJ'. i :,3 ^e'reiiahoo ai 05 o.t as lo SBJ-nsoToq A no riBrtcf Yl;-'olB eio;:; Be*firr.ocfi&o f e_ojxoii~nocf'xso :;i 'dGii oocf a nlii r acfoTti \-Iflsi/QiOfI* 'otf .oexw Le-rs.ti&.-oo ei >. --"siforfT .c^OS 'od- 3S as noi,t file ,11s. elcd-il .SB Ti^J:w''r l wio nir-r o ; t "jRScf" \*IlB9i''8i" ^i \3 fcoj t ^c'-- freo 9JMxal;;fc-,rrQcfi!s'o : t6 aesoxe n: d-sets 'ooT ejj.e arij no rroiJ-'Slid'nav gnx^ivo-rq; 1-1 M. .''& I j E o* f o|)J:xoi.E> nocfiBo ie^l .beorv-oi rfoirlr /lios SL'O'n/rftjius orfT :aqpiq nl i.c/rlqli/n sni-rf-itfa -jcf J^siB'qfe'ril al'- .9olL'(; niflif arid- e or- noai r;J: L:^O! Jbli/Il rt^----?r.: ^^air oela si 'TO , oato^e Jbs Fluid sulphurous acid is somewhat more expensive than that obtained by burning, but it has many advantages, particularly where small amounts are used, and it is desirable to regulate the exact amount of gas. The gas is evolved from the container by passing a stream of cold water over it; this supplies a sufficient heat to boil a liquid acid. The liquid keeps the same temperature and about the same pressure, (approximately 3 atmospheres, at 15 - 20 c). The amount of acid entering" the juice can then be easily regulated. In order to prevent any * .ice froiu getting back into the container, wlien . . ,. -~/*,,= -,.!)"" i* i'!^.'- r . ' nt* . :; '"-':;!* urte oi'-- n . ';. - it is empty and the pressure is lor/, a check valve is inserted on the Pressure line. The acid developed in the burning of sulphur is apt to vary considerable with the grade and quality of the compound used in the stove and muot be carefully watched before going to the saturation. The sulphur atoves must be so placed that they cannot be molested b3 r workmen, and so that leaks will not be too annoying. Care must be taken that the sulphur does not sublime on the pipes over the otovea, or into the juice which it would seriously injure. **>* * " , t .>d . ^Rs.tomi/8 'elrlt ll ' - ax > fl .:^nlir;.o-i Xilnse ^noo 9^ o^ni o^ieeni si e HBO eo ;:OBO ^^05 .fo^'c s troj: R J: B cc iL-rrs nirt'L^x' err* :U ^nir T ort^ ct sotoji SIO^OG :-eri to W Govern Wo . srltl OB erfT si er n I^HB :- - erf^ rrevo s 06* erf ^on III- ro, D * . CHAPTER XXV. HEAT LOSSES DURING THE WORK. l?ith the great variations and difficulties of a sugar factory, it is almost impossible to obtain a correct balance of the heat con- ditions. It is of the greatest importance to utilise as ranch of the heat in the steair. fron the boilers ao possible, for a sugar factory- utilises more of its steam for heating purposes than for poorer. For mechanical work, only 1 to 2 percent of the heat in the steam is util- ized. After this small amount in utilised, the rest of it nust be turned to good account in heating, to ;r.aXe use of all the heat in the fuel. In all the operations in the factory, in which steam is used, such as evaporation, boiling, and reheating, no heat is really lost and in nost instances is available for further '?orlt. The heat losses can be divided into three classes. 1. Heat losses in the boiler house. 2. Heat losses i? the steam by condensatior, in the pipes. 3 . General losses . The heat balance can be determined ^ith certainty in regard to the lot. , and 2nd. , conditions only. Keat lO3seo_ in the boiler house. With good and properly constructed apparatus, only from 60 to 75;o of the calorific value of the fuel is obtained in the steam, the rest of the heat is lost in the flue gasses, and through radiation. These lessen can be readily and accurately det-er ruined. Heat losses in the steaii. The steam developed in the boilers is utilized in the cylinders of the engines, and for heating purposes, in this ray there are tvro means of loss of heat, radiation, and con- densation, both through the vralls of the pipes and cylinders, and in the rork done in the engines. . ,- . ./ -- T .MT?: " ; .?r 1 ' : ;Mi^;.?;m \ N i. /:! 3 -.A r - /. ;-- . **/ -er ..T-t: - '.> '^.'^wiil.^.ru . , . 'Hi ri>"iO !NJL.":".ft^&" . IfJ/l r^ ; ='--- y.** rfi ?ift-a'- l .'\^; The amount of heat lost in the pipes depends on many conditions, principally the length, of the pipe, the quality of the insulation, and the temperature differences between the steam and air. To decrease these losses, the piping should be as short as possible and should be covered with good insulating material. The steam should be superheated, because superheated stean, on account of the greater differences in temperatures, loses less heat on the walls of the piping than wet stean. Superheated stean remains stable as long as it is overheated, just as hot air, and Is like it, a poor medium for the transfer of heat. The cylinders of the engines which cannot be well insulated, are the source of a greater loss of heat than well covered pipes, and the whirling movement of the steam in the cylinder, is the cause of extra loss. The amount of heat used in the mechanical work, can be read- ily calQulated, on the bases of the mechanical equivalent of heat, which is 424 mkg. , which is equivalent to 1 calorie. 1 H.P. in the steam cylinders is figured at 11.80 kg., of condensed stear. per hour, The steam performs mechanical worK by expansion and pressure on the piston. There are no heat losses directly due to this work, for the heat energy necessary to accomplish work in one place, is immediately taken up in another. The entire amount of heat taken into the cylinder oan be wholly accounted for in the amount lost in cooling, that utilized in mechanical work and in the remaining heat of the exhaust steam. Exper- iments have shown that in -factories with a great number of engines and long steam piping, only 15$ of the heat in the steam is utilised in the machinery. ?> 1/2 f fo of this is used in the performance of mechanical motion, 2^ is loot in the cylinder by cooling and the remaining 10$ is lost through condensation, both directly and in the exhaust steam. The amount of steam lost in transmission from the boiler to the engine in short distances is probably not more than 5$. Assuming that 1/2 of ' ? * j ' ^t* 1 *^ "^ '"-sW \ 98 so TOP* of V-TiiB s.ns ,.:/> fi.f n, _ e :^<.i?. ,;{:v^* f-pc ".":;-_ i.O'?'.; /-*-_ f " the steam is utilized in the engines at full pressure, and the other 1/2 goes directly to the apparatus, the heat losses on the way are about 10^ of the total heat taKen up in the boiler. Many attempts have been made to decrease these losses, but no means have been yet attained which yield pecuniary gains. The old full pressure engines are being replaced with modern expansion engines. It is clear though that such installations do not materially decrease the heat losses in the development of the power, and the sane amount of heat must be utilised to do the actual worlt, hence, only the radiation losses can be decreased. This can only be done by shortening and simplifying the piping and replacing the srall machines with large ones. V/hether or not centralizing the power in this manner will pay, is a question that must be carefully considered in eao-Ti case. With new installations, all these conditions should be fulfilled. But the installation of a single central machine, to drive all the pumps and transmit all power Is not advisable, on account of the high cost of installing and the greater certainty of worK. when using a number of grail machines. The reliability of machinery is a most important con- sideration in a sugar factory. Every stoppage causes great losses by increasing the cost of production and maintenance, and causes at the sane time, su^ar losses in the beets. The installation of new machinery is not to be recommended unless the old machinery produces more exhaust steam than can be utiliz- ed in the evaporators. In such cases, a certain amount of centralizing should be done, and a sufficient number of cylinders should be con- densed into one, in order to decrease the amount of exhaust steam. The consumption of steam in the cs^linders, should be reduced so that they produce only sxrfficient exhaust steam for the evaporators-. All the engines should be properly adjusted and frequently and carefully tested with indicators. Most of the exhaust steam can be utilized in the * *T . "~ - O "~ arlt n erari :* J: \t -*4r <'.. . T?W <"'. Bitt 3l nfltt 8. ' Tfc Off t ', i; 90 nco >^>/a.i reheaters and evaporators, particularly when expanded to 3/4 atmos- phere* In factories with xsuch exhaust steam, the triple effect evap- orators should be replaced by quadruple effects, in which the first body is used for a preheater. The cost of fuel can be readily decreased by methods of this kind, but care must be taken in altering one station, not to hinder the work of another, for example, the centralisation of machinery is very apt to necessitate a change in the boiler house, and cause losses of steam in other places, without decreasing the amount of oxhaust steam. The practice of superheating steam, which gives very good results in most industries, is not satisfactory in beet sugar factor- ies, except under the unusual conditions of too great an amount of exhaust steam. This condition is not net with in properly constructed sugar houses. Superheating steam is of much importance in decreasing the condensation losses in the piping and cylinders. The superheating can be done v;ith advantage with the flue gases when these are sufficient- ly high, but they are as a rule only 250 r- 300 C., which is too low to superheat the steam properly. The superheating apparatus, should be placed at the rear of the fire box, where the gases have a temperature of 500 600c. Numerical data on the advantages of superheating steam in sugar factories is lacking, and it is doubtful if such installations are economical, on account of the high costs of installation and repairs, and the high maintenance and severe deterioration between campaigns. Superheated steam,has besides, many difficulties, the cylinders have to be freely lubricated with expensive oils, and the design of the machin- ery has to be well adapted to the high pressure work. In sugar manufac- tvjre, only the oteani for the engines can be superheated; that used for heating purposes must never be so treated. -: 4 :- ; . '.' . .. . ~ r ; o .. , '.. '-" .'*. ""''^'J"! ^fcrrT^ ' i'.B^.'a jrnjji -f r v -leftlocf '?At ; ;..t'-:oy-.ntft 5? v ij : : ^- I9t F- 8 ll ^J? *riwaB^S o r *u, v *!? u ^^ .. -' /.. 't * . '., snco-.yrt^r^ : " ; f< ^^.'^ w ai iot.tfJEMioo . BijflC '.,.: -^h X T - ^ je^'-r^iitfj . - ' ' ' ' *' - -.Tlir 'i ert* ;^lr . . ,.i- '.''"' ej c^^ a . ft%i-i ^W lo |fitn>ooa j. v - or.",,, :.^^n -irLl general Heat LoBgeg . The heat in the steam and other mater- ial is utilized, when there is enough of it to reheat water, juice, etc. , but with every transfer of heat, there is a decrease in temperature and a loss of energy. The quadruple effect evaporator is the only practical apparatus for heating purposes. It is impossible to utilise vapor or liquids for evaporation, below a temperature of 70c., and for heating; below 50 -60 c. In the latter case, only very snail amounts of heat are available, and then only with liquids very much colder than the heating medium. In consequence, all quantities of heat which are below these temperature limits, should be looked upon as lost. They can be calculated from the waste waters and waste products of the fac- tory, by noting the weights of these products and figuring accordingly. It is impossible to calculate the amount of. heat lost in cooling, in the various types of apparatus, such as Juice tanks, piping etc., and in the vapors, jxiices and waters etc., nor can one estimate the amount lost in the steam in heating the saturation and steaming out apparatus and centrifugals, and through dilution of liquids. An approximate calculation, (See appendix 2.) shows that of the heating units remaining in the steam after deducting the losses in the steam pipes and engines, about 2/3 rds, , are lost in the conden- ser water, the Traste waters of the diffusion battery and filter presses, and in the excess vapors of the factory. The remaining 1/3 rd. , of heat units are not directly determinable. The importance of decreasing the cooling losses, and losses by escaping steam, is very apparent, and all possible precautions should be taken to prevent such wastes. <*r* ^ a* -*I- K ' X&Ol \ toa- i*; S ft 1 *- : - r * ^-^ f>a *' '-f*fll -^^ ?J8;: - *. . -tin ^.:i^'3*a ftfrfl- * * , i 7n - IvO - + o frf : -> ...: - ' '^> n ^^ :.vt>?fc v r- rvT - n i wn^i 3ii- -yi , ',r' .: I CHAPTER XXVI. THE SUPERVISION OF_ 1!^ /ORK ANT T T iE DETERMINATION C>F THE LOSS _OF SUGAR . A description of the methods for the chemical control of the factory, is not within the scope of this boot; but the importance of a correct and careful chemical control, cannot be too highly estimated. The control should be maintained day and night, but the investigations should be clone at night. TChen a chemical control is established in a factory, total reliance must not be placed on it, for in practical -/ork, the quality of the juice mist be noted irrespectively of the chemical analyses, for the latter are always tardy indications of difficulties. The practical care of the factory cannot be followed along any general rules. A great many outward signs will show, immediately, any abnormal work. The results of chemical investigations, depend on the methods of research, and many apparent mistakes in the work, according to the chera- ical tests, are due wholly to the method in which the tests are made, or to the lack of a sufficient number of tests to make a correct average. The work of the chemist should ..ot be confined to the laboratory; as much time as he can spare should be devoted to the factory experiment- ing with processes, but these should be overseen personally in order to insure their correctness. Superintendents and chemists, if not combined in one man, must work hand in hand. Clear and correct conclusions must bo drawn from the chemical work. The value of chemical control must be not only in noting mistakes, but being able to correct them. The investigations made in the laboratory to explain any of the difficulties of the work, must be done with the greatest of care, under precisely the same conditions as exist in the house, otherwise the results are -useless for practical work, even harmful, since they lead to lirrong conclusions. Much of the false representation of the ~ v v. r :>Of f ^ c Jfo cf-...e f list- IG -VTOCB . A .r ? . V : . iif^i'.^.' bfifrA'fll) ^Hta Mi(0i a.r. .-, .-i^r.':\ B_j^iiVi ? _^ .; c:t. >?-,-. a^.riaq^.l'i^o.f . .i . -i ri.-t '.-'m -'; I.c^ffj J ^.inrri *oa. s m. :Ci V'-'i*- ?>:" *'- i; ''V' ^-'^^-t r; -^vroi-c.- ;>r>^ co \"3;o -9.tB. i.:-. -r - ^; 8^-j ...,;.- > ..I '.-./ nc-.'-Jbr.D-i'o t stfio^4c^j..t&e.v.~i. rooj.^; Pi/lljb^OOW .rtllOTT; 3fi-t : at Vf! GJ8OJ ^:-,~- IA-I /.^.- j^OflcQi? " ec x^^c^. ".'. - . f -r -, _.-. tci! r ::. . gj. ti'-.'.r^"' Xf. eiit >i'..i**ro : r> Hs?r:,_^e'^r;. ^ 4 -g n^ -iv-- . .. .--l.u /id i"'-^. c.,,. . ..p^:'V.: ^* ( "* "' ;'/!> ! .-_.';. k of one factory, in comparison tfith another, is due to. the unre- liability of the investigations, and further, results of past years cannot be compared f7ith those of today on account of the change in methods. The other extreme, of laying all the difficulty of the work to the quality of the beets, is of course unwarranted. It is true -chat beets vary in different campaigns, and even at different times during the same campaign, but in general, beets work enough the same for a factory to ?rork to its capacity, unless the beets are badly rotted, frozen, or otherwise injured. In many cases the quality of the beets have nothing to do with the difficulties of the work, which can be attributed to other causes entirely. The difficulties at the beginning of the campaign are not so often due to poor, and unripe beets, as to the mistakes of the untutored workmen. The most important part of the chemical control, lies in determining the loss of sugar. The difference between the amount of sugar in the beets and that derived from the fillmass is the total amount of sugar lost in manufacture. tThen the weight and the polarization are determined directly, this loss is usually higher than the sum of the losses in the waste products. In consequence, one has to distinguish between the determinable and undeterminable losses. To determine tho amount of sugar entering the house, the beets have to be accurately weighed and the average sugar content carefully determined. In countries where factories do not weigh their beets, the amount is determined indirectly, by the number of diffusion cells, or by the weight of the diffusion juice. ith this method, there axe no undeterminable losses in obtaining the juice, so that the amount of sugar produced, plus that in the waste product, is considered the - total amount of sugar in the beets. No degree of precision can be ob- tained by this method, and it is remarkable that in the sugar industry, .-_, . ..'' . .-t ' ( >t* *v \.'; ; ' -.-/-<...' ; -~:~\ ~i*''~ st-QSf : 1-1 V -*+* , ^j. > " jr v^-t^ '.J +/' C. - . fiT; 5 o . . I ..v ' in which so much importance is attached to the chemical control, that the small costs for this important data should be neglected. The amount of sugar in the coseettes should be determined by standard methods, such as the alcohol extraction, which must be con- trolled l>y an after extraction, or by hot water digestion under proper conditions. In these investigations, not merely the amount of polariz- abie material must be determined, but the amount of _gugar as well. Less careful methods which give lower percentages of sugar and appar- ently better practical results should under no circumstances be coun- tenanced. Since T?ith present methods of working the f i lima as , a pure 1st. . product is not obtained, the amount of sugar recovered must be estimated from the weight of 1st., product sugar, and the space occu- pied by the 2nd. , product material, or when sugar is introduced, the estimate must be based on the weight of the salable sugar and the molass- es. The longer a campaign runs the more difficult it in to analyze the syrups, but complete analyse^ should be made every week, or -?t least several times during the campaign. Small quantities of syrup 7/hich have to be carried over from one week to another, can be calcu- lated as fillmasses. No difficulty is experienced in getting accurate tests of the sugar and syrup flllmasses. The determinable losses, are those of the diffusion Trork, lime cake, and the condenser water. For these are the only losses vrhich can be precisely measured in the waste products. There are of course, many other known losses, the quantity of which it is impossible to calculate. The most important of these are the losses by decomposition of sugar in evaporation and boiling, losses in the filter cloths, mechanical losses of entraininent, and leaks and overflows in the house. All these losses together do not amount to much, rarely more than 0.01$ of the weight of the beets, naturally, vjher, working normal alkaline juices, there are eomparitively -: 3 :- vV-, - A ' -^e, ** ' .i-Jo--' X K"^ -^ifi-;- -, !"!?! .ji^JpL. a^J : .'. - ..", ' ".^rA^^v^ ?ep:'..".*Ft. - rj-^.v^^..... -..^7. ^r" -I = .. * .-'fir. -'' -" '--'' '^JF 'Jv-c- + s,vi)O'.;v! .. r. prfd .'ia ^rfr -,v jjrij. r,"./: t " .i. TT .-, a ^ ' f f ^ *,. r'T.- ..n i eaii. .v-stor .... ^iU-l.t 3T few mechanical losses of sugar. There are in consequence, no rational explanations for the high undeterminable losses which exist in every factory, in which a careful chemical control is established- Great care is essential in order to determine correctly, the known losses. Any carelessness in the determinations, or the tests, will make all the losses too snail. After clean-ups, a small loss of sugar is not always an indication of good work, such figures should be held in dis- trust . At the close of a campaign., factories with good chemical con- trol. sho77 a total loss of 1.0 to 1,5 $ on the weight of the beets; of 0,5 to 0.7^ are known losses, the other half are indeterminable, and partly inexplicable. T7hen it is not of great importance, to the factory to know the amount of loss., it is just as well to leave the actual losses unknown, for these would be apt to figure very high on sugar. One iTiust be certain though, that these losses are not actual sugar losses, but polarization losses., for which no sufficient explanation '"-an be given. Only the most important sugar losses should be taken into consideration, and little importance should be attached to the sugar losses, on account of their unreliability. Since all of the ieterrninable losses have to be recovered from the waste products, the ^ Neatest care^most precise chemical control must be established over these products, in order to obtain the proper averages. The principle determlnable losses in the diffusion battery, are in the cossettes and drain water. Obtaining correct averages of the amount of sugar in the pulp is veiry difficult., not only on account of the differences in the size of the diffusion, but on account of the variation of the amount of sugar left in the pulp. The weight of the wet cossettes 'cannot be directly determined and the amount of water they contain varies from 80 to 100$, hence, the tests of the pulp should be used only for the diffusion control and not for the determination of the losses for which the pressed pulp and the water from the same should -: 4 :- '/? '*' ''I'.? '"'if -i''* "* T.: n ' '^**>-} : - r>CVJ ..":^. ."B ; tr r iTj 'ir. v J'n ". -^,-, T Ml - A- ,. -V- .-.A -'' 'oe used. The weight of the pressed pulp can be determined very accur- ately and a more correct average can be made than with Tret material; at the same tine it is thoroughly nixed in the presses and conveyors. The sugar tests should be done by the hot water digestion method, which yields very correct results. It is very easy to obtain good averages from the press waters, particularly vrtien using constant sampling appar- atus. All these losses are very snail and figure only in the hundredths of ifi n the -jeight of the beets. The scunsfron the saturation are very difficult to analyze and vary enormously from one press to another. The samples must be taken from numerous frames in -3ach presn , though a more certain method is to take the samples from the line cake scrolls. V,1iere the cake is mixed 77ith a little water, very good averages can be obtained by figuring on the weight of the mixture, it being very eaoy to determine the rater content, or specific gravity of the same. The weight of the cake is usually determined from the capacity of the frames in the press. Another good method, is to figure on the weight of a cake from the Tzreigiit of lime used for defecation; this varies from 3.5 to 4 times as much as the lime, according as the cake is dry or vret. The condenser waters can be easily sampled by continuous "drop samples" , and the amount can be accurately determined from the vapors condensed and the amount of condensor water used. The losses of a factory, should be about as follows: On 100 parts of beets Total losses 1.2$ on beets. In the pressed pulp 50$ with .5$ Pol. = .25$ on beets. 11 " press v*ater 40$ " .2$ " = .08$ " 11 " battery drainage waters 130$ " .1$ " .13$ " " 11 tt 1st., Lime oake 8$ 1.5$ " = .12$ " " " 2nd., " " 5$ " 4.0$ " = .02% " " 11 Condensed 7/ater 600$ " .00 = .00$ .60$ Unde t er mi ned .6 0$ Total.- 1.20$ on beets. l . 9 :-" ,v d ; T JX' -, . .->' rj3.'. . '', .^i -.;' ; .' /' . ' ". ' -..- ;' "1* .< , ' ' CHAPTER GENERAL CRITICISMS Oil THE MANAGEMENT A n.i> SUPERVISION OF A BEET SUGAR FACTORY. A beet sugar factory produces out of a comparatively complex raw product of nature, a purified product, which in most factories needs further purification before it is ready for consumption. Beet sugar factories cannot afford to lay any stress upon the beauty of their "buildings, their interior or their machines. The prin- ciple features of such houses should be their unity and cheapness. Unessential improvements cost money, which is not returned in any ray, and does not decrease the cost of obtaining sugar from the beets, nor aid in obtaining a better product. On account of the few short months of a campaign, it is almost impossible to realize any benefits from such investments. The operations and methods of handling a factory should depend on the bounties and commercial methods of the country in which the factory is located. Where the bounty ia based on the weight of the beets, the greatest care must be tali en to decrease the losses at all of the stations, for the sugar has more than double the ordinary value. The number of diffusion cells and filter presses should be carefully measured. TThere the bounty io based on the juice, the pulp does not need to be worked so low, though care must be taken to obtain the juice at a proper temperature and purity, to correctly es- timate the bouni.y. The press cakes should be carefully sweetened and all losses by entrainment and leaks should be guarded against carefully. Where the bounty is ba^sd on the final products of sugar, there need not be such great worry over the losses, though of course, the losses should not be allowed to overstep the proper limits. A larger yield obtained by accelerated work is more profitable than a small loss with a high price sugar. The' commercial handling of the sugar depends on its physical properties and influences to some extent, the work in the sugar house. Where it is desirable to make an alkaline sugar, the work previous to the centrifugals must be carefully watched, ' A factory should be provided with ample light and ventila- tion, and should be so arranged that the whole building can be over- looked. The machines and apparatus should be durable and set on f irm foundations; whether or not they are of modern or pleasing form, is of lit.tie importance. When the machines have sufficient power without creating any excess exhaust steam, and at the same tine perform their work, properly, there is nothing else essential. The work of a sugar superintendent is firstly the manufacture of sugar, and secondly, but of no less importance, should be his attempts to watch and better the beets and the juices. These things should absorb all of his time and energy, and he should not be compelled to watch his engines and machinery, for this is by rights the -,70 rk of the chief, engineer. Ir- regularities in mechanical rrork must be overcome as quickly as possible, for the thing to be kept in mind is unceasing and regular work, in order to operate cheaply and correctly. Every stop costs money, on account of waste of labor, the useless consumption of fuel, the deteri- oration of the juices, and loss of sugar. The quicker the juice is worked, the better it "is , in consequence, none of the apparatus or stations should be too large, for tile juice should run in a constant stream. STien a station is out of proportion to the rest of the house, it should either be enlarged or decreased in size. In enlarging a station, grep.t care must be taken to make it fit the other portions of the house. All stations should be large enough to allow some elastic- ity in the work; and all conveyors should far exceed in capacity, the average amount of work they have to perform. - ' - r. By enlarging a factory, the cost of working can, within cer- tain limits, be decreased. When a factory obtains as many beets as they need for a normal campaign, the possibilities for enlargement cone up with possibilities of increased beet territories, though it is often advantageous to build factories in the new districts, When a factory does not obtain a sufficiently large crop, its capacity should not be decreased but the campaign should be shortened, in order to maintain the cost of working as low as possible. Under such conditions, the beets do not have to be siloed and can be harvested at the time of their highest sugar content. If the duration of work is decreased to 6 v7eeks,on enlarging a factory, the enlargement does not pay, in fact is injurious, for the beet contractors cannot harvest in so short a time. In such cases it is better to improve a factory, in order to obtain higher yields. Improvements to the factory should be made every year; in most cases 15 to 20$ of the original capital should be set aside for this purpose. The improvement should not be made on all the stations at one time, in order to locate where the money can be inves- ted best so as to obtain the highest yield. Care and conservatism alrrays succeed, and there is nothing to be gained from rash conclusions, the greatest advantages are often forthcoming from simple methods. No hesitation should be made in installing improvements from which there is a certain gain to be derived. For careful work, cleanliness of the factory, the workmen, and the apparatus, must be observed. Not only the outside portions of the machinery must be kept clean, but the working parts as well. TThen the interiors of all tanks and apparatus are properly kept, great difficulties and hindrances of the work are forestalled. The total Qosts of working, for a campaign, vary, naturally, in every factory, though there should be little variation in each factcry from year to year. With the present high cost of fuel the total campaign cost, per 100 kg., of beets worked should not be more than, forking expenses - - - - - - - 10 to 12 Pfg. Fuel 8 " 10 " Lime (Limestone and Coke) - - - i 3 " Oil and tallow 4 " 5 " Filter cloths 4 " 7 " The total yearly costs depend on the cost of working, repairs, and maintenance. The more beets are worked the less the cost will be per IOC kg,, Factories with small crops have a total cost of 70 - 90 Pfg; those with medium crops have from 60 - 70 Pfg. , while the largest factories reduce their cost to 50 pfg. The size of the factory has not as much to do with the cost as the amount of beets worked, compared with the oast or the factory. For the practical supervision of the factory, it is often useful to tabulate the results of each station; for example, the amount of beets worked, the number of diffusion cells filled, the tine of diffusion, the pressure of each cell, the Brix of the diffusion juice of each measuring tank, the number of presses emptied, the density and alkalinity of the juices, and all the data concerning the boiling, crystallising, and centrifuging of the fillmasses, together with all the data of the 'boiler house and lime kilns. These records serve as ready means for detecting errors and difficulties. In conjunction v7ith this, technical records of the factory must be kept, containing all of the technical data, the complete record of all the results and investi- gations in the laboratory, and all the data concerning the work with references to the coal, coke, stone, lirne, cloths, acids, oil, sacks etc. These records should contain also, notes on the harvesting, siloing, and storage of the beets, and the qualities of the sugar. The more precise- ly and carefully these results are recorded, the more value they have. -: 4 :- io ;rCX' :^U - 4 ' oat, B '' r ~- t ' ~ - ' E t.if. In many factories, samples of the juices and fillmasses are taken only at stated intervals, and are consequently of only slight value. These results art illusory "because the foremen are apt to pick only the best samples; in consequence, it is best to frequently do ones own sampling. The repair period should be of no less importance to the superintendent than the campaign. A general clean-up of all machinery must be made. All large repairs which necessitate the removal of ma- chinery from the factory should be attended to immediately after the close of the campaign, so that the work can be done carefully. The small repairs which can be done in the worK shops, should be distrib- uted throughout the time between campaigns, in order to keep the same amount of labor during the entire period. As many of the small repairs as possible should be done at the factory in order to avert the exces- sive costs of machine-shops. The metal 7/ork should all be protected from rusting by covering with fats and paints, and should be protected froir. dust by cloth covers . When in dou>b+ as to which portions of machines and apparatus to repair, or renew, the parts which show any likelihood of breaking down during campaign, should be attended to first. Machinery on which the work of the factory depends, must be in faultless condition, partic- ularly the heavy inaccessable parts, care in repairing and reassembling the machinery will prevent many embarrassing troubles during the cam- paign. The boilers and all the boiling and heating apparatus should be carefully examined in regard to strength and freedom from leaks. Coils and heating bodies should be tested with a water pressure of from 1 - 2 atmospheres higher than that of the steam pressure. V/ith apparatus using low pressure steam and heating, the pressure of the rr " ' . O "~ 4 w l 1o 'VXJrteapeanoo 5i0 f .-.(. .-% -i TJ rreflHrrc-'J: arf^ *jm/oeC[. -'d aJ dorrfe f " A . A TR .,"' rri ; (V .escf ssLt \ r ..".":; ; *.K a it cor ot :. icr f I flQ 1 tank waters (about 1 atmosphere) is sufficient for this testing, the air and drain cocks must be frequently used... Both the steam and the juice spaces must be tested with all the evaporator apparatus, which is boiled out with acids. All heating pipes and coils must be cleaned and freed from scale, as well as the condensers, carbonations, pumps, tanks, and filter presses. All valves in the diffusion, saturation, presses, and evaporators, must be renewed. Where frosts occur between campaigns, stean cylinders, pipes and valves must be taken apart in order to thoroughly drain them and prevent water from freezing and causing breaks. If it is desirable to keep the pipes and apparatus in proper order, it is a good idea to paint them the color of the fluids which flow through them. Before the beginning of the campaign, all engines, apparatus and piping, must be tested singly and together, and finally the whole factory should be given a complete test with water, just as though it were juice. If everything goes smoothly, a campaign with few difficulties can be relied upon. .-- j,. . etfc 16 TT*/rrt* .'.: '':,: C J-yfi -ff */' ?r s .jtt*>- " t e '"ii'l.N : : "^'^ ' " t. / i-I--; ,,*,-; ( e-J ^.liBtTl. - *>t' >* P t'.'j? C^'-f: S10 :W;. >H'*" :. -O' f/'f :-.:: T^t^Ov^X ; CHAPTER XXVI 31. T>i3 VALUE A T TD USE o? TT-IE WASTE PRODUCTS. The waste products of a "beet sugar factory, consists of the line cakes in the filter presses, dirt in the "beets from the storage, and "beet rootlets and tailings. The p re s s cake , incorre.tly called the defecation scum, is valu- able in most localities as a soil fertilizer. It consists mainly of carbon-dioxide, lir^e, phosphoric acid, nitrogen and potassium. i The percentage in which these compounds are contained depend on the water content of the cake, the amounts of the materials in the beets, and on the amount of lime. The cake contains fron 40 to 50''f water. With the same amount of water under the same conditions, the cake contains mostly phosphoric acid and nitrogen, which is obtained by the use of lirne in defecation. The same amount of phosphoric acid and nitrogen is obtained from a 7/f cake, using 1-3/4/? lime, as when using 3/j of lime in a 12/b cake. In consequence the use of different amounts of lime is the principle cause of the variation in the com- position of the cake. The dry substance of the cake consists as a rule of:- Phosphoric acid 1.0 to 2.5,% TTitrofeen 2 " 4;'f Potassium .05 n .3$ Calcium Carbonate 55.0 n 15. Off Organic matter 10.0 "15.0fT The value of the press cake depends largely on its physical properties. As obtained in the factory, it acquires a smeary con- sistency, which prevents it from being readily distributed on the soil in a fine condition. By long storage in piles or by working - l':s i-iiW ;,'.f;J er!^ ,8ftoi?.;i>r "f.iBir $"; t V^ iJ9ct*J^30 si ;.ojiv jfretif^+rrr' tras Jbio**- Oi^tt l.Vjef.' "^xf. fr(; *ji5o"j. ;if.;w R t f fas ,1M ..:c cfo ^i n5= r.:t^b rrl ' ' . saLso %"I ni oiiI.l. A ;idiiiTq- eij- .Ri ajnlX l - i/tonfi^ o,-fsriO . . y .** ':-"v JV. Pi ' M< . ,. f . de^' aqoiq rt" - I *b^>>*t SfJ ? srf aro-r'i:''-*! &*rtt*vei c: aolAW-- 4 vt>fft9ta. aIiq - e-(Ctct? ;^rrrl vc rrr iij fcrroa sn.'.! * -oe with dirt, it "becomes dry and friable, and then serves as an excel- lant fertilizer. By mixing the cake with a finely ground lime, l a pulverized product is obtained which is easily strewn on the soil and enriches ground which is poor in lime-. Many factories mix the caka with water to a mushy mass, with the dirty water of the beets, and then add the fine loam adhering to the "beets. This Drives an excell- ant composition, which is very much sought after by the farmers in the vicinity of the factories* On account of its weight, it cannot be transported without undue expense. The dirt frori the beets is always very much in the way, but on account of its value as a fertilizer, the factory can have it removed for almost nothing. The tails and rootlets of the beets are used for feed, and are usually paid for as such; though they are often worked these days in conjunction with the cossetts, or are dried separately^ The waste waters are a source of considerable trouble and ex- pense to all factories. The waste water is made up of the wash waters from the presses, and the beets, the drain water from the diffusion arid the pulp presses. As a rule, large quantities of clean water from the overf low-pumps or condensers, are mixed with this, though it is best to run it off separately. The amount of waste water from 100 kg. of beets is about as follows: Plume and wash water 500 to 700 Liters. Drain water from the diffusion 100 " 150 n Drain water from the pulp presses 30 " 5p ".. "530" " 900 " The amount of waste water from a factory working 1,000,000 pounds of beets a day is 7,500 to 8,500 cbra. VThen the drain water from the diffusion is used to float in the beets, the amount of waste water is decreased. After the roots and grasses are separated, the . . i^ j.-'.'Xn ' :*r?'jlt-':;-r*,:r> .? wr,fc*. r-. * : i Tirs'^s -.- ^grr^}5 - - .-. - ' ' TWi l c R^f *;, } .StlipSP. ) ^ /-. i" . CtX;/ SrTi\i;.f l>iJ> ' -j^ 5 ;*^ 9*J fctsil^ (**lif T ' . " xa>"^ * . ref ^^?^i,. ;.,- f *. ru - - ay ; .^r ' :) . . . -.^. ,,r< ' -, * . . " " "^ . , \v ';#.- a i.,i3iiffl ? , - . ^ s'-'Bif ;n \Tcfol siil T95ilIl: TS! *? 8*5 at'Ijsv 8*1 Ip" trfHrboa* ' ' '*-' -: - . ' *' : ^& P^ft^-i >itiT .^frJtiii'Ori ; ' - - : ' ' ; . -. - rM^Mo^'Hit*. ?^?1 4 ..-o * , ;i.;o; - * .o^ TO , fci. o*t Is.'** tseT , . " >.- : .*. ' : t '. * -;?;?: ;iifQ.t3i 5.. -"'. ' > '" .. -.": .-; ? iff* -5^ . ':"*; ;^.^.iSftc o^i/ 5."Ct et; "f>lr,iiT-'--.T ~i.V : '" J- ' "' C'"'ii f ^- i >C-f;00:^; . : -;>..--': : . ,.., " M t c'V '1? ";, -,jj&r? ,-*;?* * r - ." 1 -Sr~6B- bir. -.* waste waters must "bS cleaned mechanically. The material which floats on top is skimmed off. To accelerate the settling of the fine light material that hangs in the liquid, chemical precipitates must "be used to carry down this natter. Hi Ik of lima ana salts of iron are used for this purpose. In conjunction with mi IV of lime, iron salts form oxyhydrates, causing a precipitate. Kilk of lime alone, makes the water alkaline and decomposes many of the albumin- oids and other organic matters of the scums, making a portion of them soluble and precipitating many of the rest. The water coming from the clarifiers, though clear, is not pure, for it contains all sorts of substances dissolved in it, many of which ferment and foul. Chemical methods do not affect this material; the best thing that can be done is to ad milk of lime to make the solution alkaline, and so for a while prevent decomposition? The waste waters can be purified by simple spraying, by which means the plant growth and earth bact- eria are deprived of their nourishment, and are converted into more stable substances. Since this organic matter can exist only with heat., it flourishes very little in autuiun or winter, and spray filter serve at best only to clarify the water nschanically. The question of the value of the entire purification of the water is yet unsolved. The water need not ever "be entirely purified, and only partially so as the case demands. "Where the waste products flow into large streams, a simple clarification is all that is essential; the organ- ic matter is purified in a very short while in the self purification of the streams* The smaller the water courses and the less the waste waters are diluted, the more it lias to be purified, in order not to be obnoxious. Under district limitations, the waters have to be clarified by the use of chemicals-. Factories which have many ri c . , Ta . i' ^M: f*&i . ^ *.? n . '^ 8l *- ... ' ?*,*-! *-:-ooo ::8i~''9v? .1 e^ -c*' : :,- Di.-wnno. . r-c -;& c-n;,; -i^crs^.s,, 9 'iMt* c-fr. ;I^^ "*-:\r' "' : ii-9C "s-^'nt ff L-iW.fto^ t ii* 'sno-i**.t.i't7il .to-l . aafie si ! .a* difficulties in purifying their water will be greatly relieved by moden methods of diffusion and press work. V/aste waters are injurious to men and cattle, and in small streams they present various phenomena. Pish are not injured by it directly, but by the development of fungus growths. The fungus become* flul and developes hydro gen- sulpiiicLe in sufficient quantities to kill the fish. The amount of purification essential, depends en the kind of or- ganic matter that develops in the water. There are normally tnree water fungi, namely, Leptomitus , Sphaer stilus, and Beggiatoa, Lept- omitus is the first to develop in comparatively pure water, Sphaero- tilus occurs only in very impure waters, while Beggiatoa develops only in foul and stinking water; these two latter fungi characterize an in- sufficient purification of the water. I lit '> ' 'liV * TO ,viH ,_-ie ^ t<,w ' ,r.-~ ' - CHAPTER XXIX. RNRLY5ES' OFBEET5, JUICES, RND SUQflR PRODUCT 5. .^ The juices, syrups, ^illmasses anl sugar oJ^ various ^dories Yul iVe ^o era^e COTnpoSv&on auv\n/-3 0.075" 0. lit U.) Fillma^es, Svgax andL Molasses. As\ (S0 3 ) . 7.5-5- /. 3. >f 8 ?- o. ifc 0.2,7 . - \ Lime 0.85- || 6.3d RlXaYimT* e-c: Or^ani c Non SU^Y ^^.V II i.& II : 5J o.lZ o./^ o.o; - /- 0.76 | './- n m O.OII .8 o. 33 flNfllYSES OFBEET3 PROMPIFFERENT PROVINCES eutscVie. VeremszeitstWi^t" 1898. S. PROVINCE: Total "Bee^s Top ScXlesxew PowmeYn SacXsevi i.. 2... a ,>> .It, ..if o./8 ANALYSES OF DIFFUSION JUICE MOLASSES ^FILLM ASSES OF BOHEMIflN FflCTORiES FOR CAMPAIGN \m/w. Fillmasi [aviz *T. i.rv orug* /.? >.<'f-l ci1 On 100 >..W >*' Sodi o.oof MOIRS5E5 a-nc. A/e S J-o-7' i /o./o Xfcl ^ On IOO"PatY&T)t>. //.o? //./* />.*' T1"a\ o.>; I.*--) e./g O..L /-16 4.46 >*? ft.6 t.JI / . 00 'f f.^/ .7> *.,W- o.> e./f o-i'f o-V< .3 a ..J 6. of -.4 i). % 0.07 0i oW .^ o.3J 0.9; 0.1^ .4 .4f .ro 0.43 >.<> V.JS >V. V.V/ f o.f^ o./3 ">f *..f o.7 0..9 -; r-^7 ,.5-f /.( /. O.oV -of o.V o.4 Appendix I. yORMULAE A IT D TABLES, The following figures, formulae and tables are of interest only to technical sugar men. This compilation is of value, in that nc other works or hand "books on the sugar industry contain them, except in partial or unsatisfactory form. Only such data is given as is of value for the technical control of the work. FORMULAE. 1. To calculate the weight of water (?0 which must "be evaporat- ed from G kg thin juice of s Brix, in order to obtain a thick Juice of S Brix. W = G (1-s), S" 2. To calculate the amount of thick juice or fillmass (F) of % S Brix that can be derived fron G kg thin juice of s Brix. F = G s ff Note: For accurate calculations, the real dry substance must be used instead of the apparent Brix. V 3. Yield Formulae. Ft Zt St = Dry substance of Fillmass, Sugar and Syrup. Fp Zp Sp = Polarization of Fillmass, Sugar and Syrup, Fq Zq Sq = Quotient of Real Purity Of Pillmass, * Sugar and Syrup. X = Percentage Yield, (a) Formula of Hulla-Suchomel X = 100. Ft(?q - Sq) Zt(Zq - Sq (b) Formula of Schneider X = 100. Pp - Sp Zp - Sp (c) Formula of Neumann X = 100. Ft - St Zt - St , T '" -"' ' ', o vn}pi:t.-a.-m,i" '",-- nc 10 "l :'j.v ed Jeuct ioZ*Jw fT7) tc?jsw 10 ^- e.w c-..j i r.~ * j-. . . ... - lr ao ^i/t Jtot4^ rri^tr.: cJ ^^ij^o nl : ^ Ic ' _ r % -n , "f .' .* i\ to ori" >'^ :,J Itc 'r'loiEii ^ii* '?,tii^i*arX^-5 oT ; 3 Jtii * lo sot'u;; fftiiJ -j:' ( roit bevf*tJ5 ecf r;jstf tfitii^ xt*xS ny - ,::. ( SRSEuri"! 'ie 9&rjt-.*saifR "*r^I ,^S"*S ^ , ''*-" -5^\* i>:i6 n^s>' taeiifcillff "V i'i+*L- i } ; x^ro < !' -j3 4^ q". l o .ooj t Note: Formula (a) is generally serviceable, even when the syrups are diluted; formula (b) and (c) can only be used when there is no di- lution of syrups from the centrifugals. 4 * SATUATMOIT ?QKULA PO* A saturated syrup of real purity q, at the temperature t, has the following composition, (water content W, sugar content Z) when the saturation conditions of a pure sugar solution at temperature t = Lt (see teple 4) and the saturation coefficient = C. Y7 = _L __ CL_ __ Lt.c + oOlq Z = (100 - TOO For the supersaturated solutions, the supersaturated coefficient cl must be also used,, -.Olq 5. STEAJI (a( Total heat of saturated steam. a = 606.5 + ,305 t. (b) Latent heat r = 606.6 - .695 t. (When t designates temperature of the steam) (c) B = Quantity of steam to evaporate 1 kg K20 V/hen te = = Temperature of boiling juice. t& = n steam, tc = " " condensed water from steam. D = 606.5 -.,.;695 ts 60"6'.~5 + .305 td-tc When td = tc D = 606.5 - .695 ts 606.5 - .695 td (d) D = Quantity steam to heat 1 leg juice in heaters. -It ,:'Lf:'-ir.1 ;l'3*i ?\'e lo /.;- y . ;' >(ifc-*f--" i!-'T \f. ' ^lo tile be~*i* "**"' o (TT- 001) S A. li^ TO 1 ? '- . c 1 . Fnen td = Temperature of steam. tc = " condensed steam. tl = " " juice enterinc- t2 " juice leaving. D = tg -tl _ 606.5 + .505 td - tc . (e) B open coils amount steam to lie at leg juice D = t2_- tl _ 6t)6.5 + .305 td - t2 C OIH-ESATI O: T 0? S T35ATJ . W = Amount of water to condense 1 kg steam. td = Temperature of steam te = " " H20 entering condenser. tp = " " " in tail pipe. tp - te Appendix II. The calculation and diagrams tic presentation of an evaporation plant and of the steam consumption for the wording of 220 ibs. , of beets per minute. As already mentioned in Chapter XII, we can use many differ- ent installations to procure high evaporative efficiency from steam. One of the simplest and cheapest arrangements which affords opportunity for the use of a very small amount of steam, will be described and Derived out in the following. This calculation is not absolutely correct, and is only given as an example, ignor ingrany of the minor items. In spite of this, the figures will be close enough to be useful in shovring the simplest method of making such calculations for practi- cal purposes. As a basis for these calculations, \ie will take the follow- ing figures: Beet consumption 220 Ibs,, per minute, i.e. 158 tons per day, and assume the rate of manufacture is constant. For very obvious reasons, all apparatus should have a greater capacity than is neces- sary for average working conditions. The heating surfaces calculated here, give practica-lly only a capacity of about 110 tons per day. For larger factories, the corresponding conditions can be easily ob- tained by using the figures found here as factors. We will begin by calculating the diffusion battery juice as 242 Ibs., and thin juice 246 Ibs. per 220 Ibs. beets. The thin juice will be evaporated from 12 to 60 Brix in the evaporators, so that 80^ of it, or 211 Ibs., of water, are evaporated for every 220 Ibs., of beets, and 53 Ibs. of thick juice are obtained. From the thick juice we obtain by boiling, 33 Ibs. of fillmass, so that 20 Ibs. of water are evaporated in the vacuum pans. In boiling the , ~, s a.- >iJtn?r^ . .^bn^rtrs 8A j fi ;? ^ ':'' v; r; . ^. :,.^c .ti/o ^>e;h i ^.v.]";;. yl^o..a v,?.*^*' 1. adJ ..a^rf^.T .RLIQJ-.J: .. . .. .'.._'. ^;i. jji*.^ * ... . s-llun sir .-,,>irc: - - > -'..*- ' : '. !, ?*.. . enc 831 ;i -. ...t. BifO. f /-tfD ,,r .-wna .v R?P ( >rf;*i to.. ' ,f( '5 .. aif.< 1 6iBQqB ..Ilfl aniXsow. . .t ... : . , . _ -o.^^ '*M^, v *,.. _ .. _ ^* /"'* ^'^-5^1. srt^ BCTJ-BI; . 1 * . :/ ri xi .QB.! -. V ,- . :\ , * jftftHfjm /tfo -^0,J:f ' ..: !j j". . . ' f: " syrup 2.2 Ibs, of water must be evaporated for every 220 Ibs of beets, The amount of exhaust steam will be about 66 Ibs. for every 220 Ibs. of beets r in case good engines are used taking steasi at full stroke. For evaporation, we will consider a Quadruple Effect with a Juice boiler. The heating of the raw juice takes place in a preheater, heated by the vapors from the last body of the evaporators. In this the temperature of the liquor is raised from 86 to 122F., then by means of the vapors from Body II, from 122 to 176P r The thick Juice and syrup should be boiled; and the diffusion, the saturation, the thin and the thick juice should be heated with the vapors from Body 1. The 1st body of the Quadruple Effect, should be heated with the exhaust steam from the engines, which in cases of deficiency should be supplied by vapors from the Juice boiler in conjunction with the exhaust steam. The juice boiler should be heated with high pressure steam, so that all heat used for evaporation, boiling and preheating apparatus, cones from vapors of the juice boiler, added to the exhaust, and no live steam is used anywhere else. For preheating purposes the following heat quantitle- are necessary:- 1. For Diffusion 242 Ibs. diffusion juice from 50 to 86T.~ 242 x 36 " 8,710. B.T.U. 440 " pulp and press water from 50to 68 F, = 440 x 18 :: 7,920. B.T.U, Cooling about 18 during diffusion for 440 Ibs. battery vol- ume to 220 Ibs. beets gives a heat consumption of 440 * 18= 7, 920. B.T.U. Total heat consumption for diffusion is 24,550 B.T.U." 25.73 Ibs. steam from Body 1. 2. For preheating the diffusion in preheater 1 with vapors from Body IV. 242 -(122 - 86)" 8,710 B.T.U.- 8.8 Ibs. condensed vapors from IV. _ O ' fj P. r..j IT *? ^^^'.^..ftpxit Kf, Jfjwat ?*** di W tirod*'*sd: Ii^ ..sfjfjM. I.HifpjUs "$,'&' nfe I'rli'" ; L'oair- oxa \9f\- &'.''~;. *&',-$ ^ 8jp Qt'>fe2;;. .,/^DJ ^OH - X---87. ' N Tl^.' ; v&t 'tit l- . ; - -- .> >; re ,.' "cpJiocf^o ' . - >^ . , '. ':' ] * r -3i. ? fUu ;;. . \ ^-ici Jbnc JVJII f ; f rtoJfJj '.;< 0* J>ofcf>i 'j'jfci : e *';/{, * ' !*' i-** a^ao : y^Jt^B^f^Tf--^!^ /.* - ^ * , * j * . . -'/ *. ', .-.*. noisi/^li ,1.^ ?:-.- . i cse ?: ;- . i ? -- ./^*> ^r o**"v^ . -r- & , s -' f .' " 'i: *-^|iV -a>- ; r;Tw:.- ' X- ' v " / : -.:*r. r.^;*a er' " iflurri:- 01^4 .^-. ' ; .1 : ....-A.* -*^ V;---'.^;! -f. P - ;- - " : - - .vi 3. ?or preheating ths diffanion juice n preheater II with vapors from Body II. 243 (176 - 122 J~ 13, 070 B.T.U.= 73.4 Ibs. condensed vapors from II. 4. For preheating the saturation juice from 176 to 194 and to nalce up for a cooling loss of 9 F. 264 (194 .- 176 + 9)= 7,130 B.T.U.' 3 7.48 Ibs. steam from I. 5. For preheating the thin juice from 194 to 212 F. and mafce up for a cooling loss of 9 F. 264 (212 - 194 + 9)= 7,130 B.T.U.= 7.48 Ibs. steam from I. 6. For preheating the 53 Ibs. of thicK juice from 140 to 194 (Sp.heat of thicK. juice = 0.60), 53 (194 - 140) 0.60 - 1,720 B.T.U.- 1.76 Ibs. steam from I. 7. To boil the thielc juice, i, e. to evaporate 19.8 Ibs. of water from it. 19.8 x 834 = 16,500 LMMJ, = 20.21 Ibs. steam from I, 8. To boil and pre^o: t tlio- ;-:yrup , i . e . for evaporating 22 Iba . of water and heating 11. Ibo, of syrup. 2,300 B.T.U. =2.4.3 Ibs. of steam from I. Hence, for 'boiling and preheating, the Quadruple Effect has to supply the following amounts of steam: From Body I 25.73 -f 7.48 + 7.48 -f 1.76 + 20.21 + 2.42 = 65.1 n it j j it it it ii it n it n B n = ]_j ^ ii n jy ii 11 it n n w n n M ti ti =8.8 Designating the amount of water which is evaporated in the last Body IV by x, then there must be evaporated in Body I, x $ 65.1 * 13.4, in II, x r 13.4, ir. Ill, x, in IV, x Ibs. The juice boiler has to supply as much heat as Body I of the Quadruple. Effect needs, from the 66 Ibs. of exhaust steam, and must evaporate X f 65.1 f 13.4 - 66 =X + 12.5 Ibs. :; 'vfV^- ^''-'i r*' : ''" or fuus'^ei "^ ''' ; :'Htro^ efei^, . o '*:ji -.'^ v :. :; '; " : ''' - *X 04" '* '"''' ( : 'i^tis-t ;SV)i-r(.t 8T-.I '*.: .T-. f ret'CKfiVe oc? .? '.-... .->]-;. fr/tt Htf or , ] mc-ft H>?B .8^ X-: : - viotf or ' '. s . I .roi- 1 ! aM'8 *r ... . U.'T".U OCJ-,i; v . r i * ti M it n ', i. f: VI i-3-Iiod '>^4?ij^ oXT -/drfl r. -Vi -n! -. : > . '.'t--. ^.f. T -V ^-il : nl *.! >^'(3^r!T 7^ ,*tf: M- "i- -x ; ; *.^ : ^ i ",; ^ * She total amount of carter which has to be evaporated for every 220 1'hs , of beets is 211 Ibe.i hence, we can solve the equation for x : 811 = (x + 12.5) + (x + 78.5) + (x -f 13.4) + x + x. x ~~ 21.3 Ibs. In the apparatus of the evaporating plant we have to evap- orate the folioT/ing amounts of water for 220 Ibs. of beets: Evaporated Heat transferred. In juice boiler 33.9 Ibs. water 32,400 B.T.U. 11 Body I 100.0 95,600 11 " II 34.8 33,850 " 11 " III 21.2 21,080 ii it IV 21.2 21,570 211.0 For this evaporation and for all boiling and heating purposes 77e need in steair. Engine Ixhaust Steam - - 66.0 Ibs. Direct boiler steam for juice boiler 33.9 x 1.05 = 55. 6 101.6 Ibs. If ir. place of a number of non-expansion engines, -a few large modern expansion engines and pumps are used,, the quality of exhaust steam is apt to be smaller and the juice boiler can receive more high pressure steam. Besides the 101.6 Ibs of steam for the evaporation, and the preheating and boiling in connection with it, the boiler plant must supply the following amounts of steam: 1. The steam that is condensed in the engines and pipes on its way from the boiler through the engines to Body I . with engines taking s team at full stroke, this amounts to about 20$ of the exhaust steam that gets to Body I; hence, 13.2 Ibs. in our example. -: 4 :- .- v '':_' /".: .; 1 .EVJ .'arfl ?vJ ; *TB R'ttni/'T : '-, '' n 4v j .OOOT nso ii*IiocJ foijr orfj it^ ' : ' e >n;\4n r r.fl ; .?!''ioqjBVf! ; iiefi.1 ollod :io JE>r;i? tol Je lo rxlt 8 .'10 .va? '.'*' a ^:.> fc^roo fj .n' fc^' t fv-> The steam quantities which ifl lost in cooling in the evapor- ating and boiling apparatus and the vapor lines i and that which is used for steaming out and other purposes or is lost in leaks. These quan- tities can only be guesses at, and amount to about 10 to 20$ of the total steam used. , Hence * the boiler house has to supply the steam for Evaporating, Boiling and preheating 101.6 Ibs. Losses in engines and pipe lines 13.2 " losses 11.4 to 22.9 " 126.2 137.7 " A sugar factory with an evaporating plant as described needs only about 7.5 Ibs. of Anthracite coal, when it is possible to obtain an evapora- tion of 8 Ibs. of water per pound of coal. In Germany the steam and coal consumption is from 1/4 to 1/2 $ higher than it should be, due to the shut downs on Sundays. The quantities of vapor to be condensed on one central, or a number of smaller condensers, amounts to 12.3 Ibs., from the evaporators and 22.0 Ibs from the vacuum pans,- or a total of 34.3 Ibs. The quanti- ties of condensed vapors per 100 kg of beets are made up about as fol- lows: ---- (a). water above 100 C. From the exhaust pipe 6.0 kg. 11 " Juice Cooker 15.4 " " " #1 Body Evaporator 45.4 u 11 #2 " " 15 . 8 " 82.6 kg. (b). Water at about 100 c. Prom the Vacuum Pans 10.3 kg. 11 " #3 Body Evaporator 9.7 " " " Thin Juice Heater 3.4 " t , Thick: o,-8 24.2 kg. (c). ater below 90 C. From the #4 Body Evaporator 9.7 kg. " " Diffusion Heaters 11.7 " " " Juice ReheaterslD.l " 11 '! Saturation Coils 3.4 " 34.9 kg. Total water for 100 kg bee1sL4l.7 kg. -: 5 :- . i : aup s n 'i nt ' *** 1 * .},;.;. f 9*si* ei: rre a%;3e;i '"'C.ov.' oTOqBT-i .n J'a Uf' , ^^. :^ .";.?.; . l fine snilib ; "-."' /-i" ' r*v>i .a'lJ **.;? ; f '< N '- : K v -X^20^'3.'-.r; A . ; " 831 , ,^^ - *-9 ; * : Si T": 1 'f I, --.' .'I'trfRV* <: X' ."*'! '"* v' ftl.f' The calculations for the heating surfaces is shown in the following table. As the coefficient of transmission of heat is the heat transmitted to each eq. ft., in 1 minute for each degree differ- ence in temperature, one has to divide the steam quantities used per minute, as given above, for each separate apparatus, "by the product of the temperature drop and the coefficient of transmission of heat in order to obtain the area of the heating surfaces. As the temperatures drop, we have to use in the case of preheaters the differences between the temperatures of the steam and the mean temperatures of the juice flowing in and oivt. ITi case of the evaporating and boiling appar- atus, the differences between the steam and that of the boiling juice mast be used. The following calculations are for the heating surfaces for working 220 Ibs. of beets per minute, corresponding in practice to a working of 110 tons per day. Apparatus Heat transferred Temp. Drop. Coeff. Heat. Surf. Juice Boiler 32,400 B.T.U. 18.0 P 105.0 172 Sq.Pt. Body I 95,500 fl 14.5 91.0 720 11 II 33,800 16.0 61.5 344 III 21,100 18.0 40.5 290 IV 21,500 30.5 24.3 290 Raw Ju. Pre-H I 8,740 45.0 10.2 194 11 II 13,100 63.0 10.2 215 Saturation " 7,150 36.0 10.2 194 Thin Juice " 7. ,150 18.0 20.4 194 Thick " 1,710 54.0 10.2 32 Pan for I Prod. 19,700 54.0 20.4 183 Syrup Boiler 25,500 54.0 10.2 45 285,150 2871 -: 6 :- ' ' a .... ,*-.,, ' >*? *^ r t J oat .rr-.oD .10 DCS '?-. n : oda 's.^i . r: xufvi&'* - ^'> f: "^-' r '~' '> r ts .,. , . ' .'elrfs^anHol. - - . ' ' l^ ' X nl , . J'J '.pa rfoKs r ." "'.-- .-;< i -: .." IBSX! i 9 on 6 . ' 9iic' fcnfl a ?..':' -.. . - -- - . eert ft:l Ic E-^IR. n:iv* nlfl.i- dV^f /T /*\ ' 9\ 'JO J w ' ... . .--*' ' e;U lo . . va 5;-^ 'io eeec rfl . ^-fo ^.TB nJ: s"-tToi't o * '' '*"'* -j.' ' 'V " " '' ecf' .vftf-"'io3 'eno.j "Oll'ld'sni^ib^ S'', >I c . Si 3.05 . OD*,S5 " o^s'iae "OfejSS r ocji^a 'o ; o>? f ls 0*V, 8 fcit'.si oai,? ' ^vl V " T :' w' 1 7 , 1 6on6i ii . r' lu Xoirv'T .: TT V X" rtf c As the boiling apparatus for thick Juices and syrups do not work constantly, and as the juices are not all boiled with the sane ease, it is necessary to add 50 to 100$ to the calculated heating sur- faces to these apparatuses. An increased surface is also necessary for the evaporators, unless they are thoroughly cleaned every week. The necessary heating surfaces of the boilers for supplying 123 Ibs. of steam per minute, can be determined on the following empir- ical basis: In order to obtain a good economy in coal, the steaming cap- acity in a return tubular boiler, should not be more than 1.85 - 2.32 Ibs. of steam, per sq.ft., per hour; or 0.032 - 0.037 Ibs. steam per minute. In water tube boilers, this rate should not exceed l.ic to 1.40 Ibs. steam per sq.ft. per hour or 0.018 - 0.023 Ibs per minute. Hence, for generating 132 Ibs. of steam per minute i.e. for generating stean for working 158 tons per day, the following heating surfaces are essential: In return tubular boilers 1,830 - 2,150 sq.ft. In water tube boilers 2,580 3,230 " For a daily vrorking of 110 tons of beets, the following heating surfaces will suffice: In return tubular boilers 1,290 - 1,505 sq.ft. In water tube boilers 1,830 - 2,260 " Heat balance of the factory calculated on a basis of 100 kg of beets: (a). Heat losses in boiler house. Burnt 7 kg. coal at 7,000 calories = 49, COO calories. Obtained 60 " steam " 560 " = 55,600 - 68.6$ 15,400 " 21.4$ r, .,. . % ', * - / ".;. ' r> ^<*f 'ftrt f I <>- . vi tTp tn AI V*rri ; V"' * ro',. , / ' '-v- - ,. rtJt^*> MM - il. 90fft"K'9 ^W .Q 5^0,,, - ( ?!r 1 ." " ; -.'> -C. , n-'ViJ.OJ - ' ' I'-i - ; .. ".. .' i :^... ::*ia* LAW .Bl9$fi.;rog.p e^t I .,-' Ltp54. - toe .-..' - :l 4 ..."./' :^-;/> ; .ar "5 . "" A- c -^x ion -r.i;fo.iifl L4^ " - -N , . .- . , .. j . > . *%. .8 .C^...- r '- " ' "-PV.. i-.- 1.jpc. ; .~^^.r ? ( i,{1ify. I9,tl.'Y. :--.:. . j; irce r. >' ... i >-j;.' J.tjv I ^ l| -3, : .i2 4 : ljf- : - > i ?* .. T; * v K " ! ' ^ *.*.' * : r-*' (to). Heat losses in the factory. (Percentages based on the steam, 33,600. Cals. ). 1. On the way from toiler house to place of utilization --------- 3, 360. Cals. = 10 $ 2. In tail pipe water. For the condensation of 20 kg. of vapor at 630 calories --------- 12,600 " = 37.5$ 3. In 7/aste waters of diffusion 200 kg at 10 calories --------- 2,000 " = 6.0$ 4. In press cake 10 kg. at 60 calories 600 " = 1.7$ 5 . Condensed vapors 60 kg. at 80 calories _-_ 4,800 = 14. 6. In fillmasses I and II. 20 kg (.5 Sp heat) cooled to 70 C.- - - 700 " 2.1$ Total determinable losses 24,060 Cals. 71.6^ Undeterminable " 9,540 " 28.4$ ; :v" '.! ;:-.: .-.,". 3 if +'> ' '. 'i'" ; ' - ' ''' ' , ' 1 * ; . *If0 l> "-^ i '5-^ ; , 'IB''). / ... .' v'-l^iiOCf !:i;-ar* : '.(..-;' /" ' J .1 * . .e^/' -o'i '>n *>r:!f? &::.;"' .S ^V.ib .^x os icf l ; ;? V.' eltf-r?f:i-'rn i .6try^' Is-tO DIAGRAM a 55. <| 18.8 IH S Vacuum Par, / TKicK XioiltT T , Jmce 2.4t|JuS. i .7*.; it*. S. 7.5,'rttS 7.yi/ _J- |5 s. r V nbV / Juvte FtXe^Uvs' I - V- ---- > H&*fJ TO ^ -- ^ Cori2.etiSef. it-ore; : ATI OH eaoh snr >rs er TABLES. Table of Solubility of Lime in Water. Herzfeld. (Deutche Vereinszeltschrift 1897. S. 819), 2. At 15 C. 1 part CaO requires 776 parts Of water. i n 20 1 it n n n 813 M It u u 25 11 n n u u 848 n II n 11 30 H n n u n 885 u II n n 35 It n n n 924 ti n II 40 II 11 it n 962 n n n u 45 n n ti n 11 1004 u n n 50 ti u n n n 1044 u n n 55 n ti n u H 1108 11 n it H 60 ii u H it n 1158 it n ii 65 n * M n 1244 u it n 70 n u tt n n 1330 it 11 n 75 n n H 1410 u n n n 80 u n n to u 1482 ti n u Solubility Of Lime in Sugar Solution. According to Lamy i 100 gm. of a 10JI ? sugar solution dissolves At 25.0 arm CaO u 15 21 5 G*^ It u u 30 12.0 II n u 50 5.3 II H it 70 2.3 U 1! n 100 .55 u V Note: The solubility of Lime in a sugar solution depends, not alone on the temperature and the amount of sugar, but also on the quantity and method of adding the lime and the time of acting. 3. Table of the amount of CaO contained in MilK of Lime at 15 C. (According to Blattner). Wt. of CaO in Wt. of CaO in Degree Be Milk of Lime 1 Litre $by wt. Deg.Be Mi Ik ofLime 1 Litre % by w gr. gr . # t.- -* t - -if - 1 1007 7.5 0.745 f 16 1125 159 14.13 2 1014 16.5 1.64 f 17 1134 170 15.00 3 1022 26.0 2.54 # 18 1142 181 15.85 4 ' 1029 36.0 5.50 # 19 1152 193 16.75 5 1037 46.0 4 . 43 # 20 1162 206 17.72 6 1045 56.0 5.36 # 21 1171 218 18.61 7 1052 65.0 6 . 18 # 22 1180 229 19.40 8 1060 75.0 7.08 f 23 1190 242 20.34 9 1067 84.0 7.87 # 24 1200 2S5 21.25 10 1075 94.0 8.74 f 25 1210 268 22.15 11 1083 104.0 9.60 # 26 1220 281 23.03 12 1091 115.0 10.54 # 27 1231 295 23.96 13 1100 126,0 11.45 # 28 1241 309 24.90 14 1108 137.0 12.35 f 29 1252 324 25.87 15 1116 148.0 13.26 # 30 1263 339 26,84 ."1 .' '.:' t. ' ..:..? -.-I of-iM rs ~' \- ; .v-.!.; " iJTh^I '''"' '" u * l '::-TV ^fctfK - : ' : - 3"' f *# - ; .'. * i? - .- j . . i .. *" *' *'" ' r * H^' " r " ,f .. c >.' ir- 1 " ^V' * n' " * T- vfrj " -^ " I 8 ': -aV 0$J ,^iteO- o''. $1^ 6-1000. ', Oy>; ' -^ ' . -v.a-'wAv: ..'!t : Ktfjr rto v. ' .SfttsoB 10 .- ; ^ * S l n! f-s S ' , i i&r j .t i t a o y 4f| hr ri ! oafjLjj ' ' ' ' ' ' ' : ' :... -~ js .-. i .j_ .. *._. >t" 31 ^ ^^c ? ' : vi : i-si. ; ' vc % ^3-, I a. si *ioi : G -:, :: 3?. 91 : '?.' l * w ( 1 -?i2 ' .Dr : d>: *-. ' ?i-:i '..& \ fr,^ : M ' OX : V 7H,t C.K8 I 750C : '? v* ; .v : <5YOX ^<.e -'' :! ' :v;oc t.t\ v ! r T :>, <* f . ^- ' i - ' * .^ .? f* 1 ','4^* ' "" ? S^ S^'2-'-. >>..*! 1J 4. Table showing the Solubility of Sugar in Water at different Temper- atures according to Herzfeld. Recalculated. (Deutsche Vereinszeitschrift 1892. S. 181). . In 1 Part of ater, the following parts of Sugar are dissolved:- Temp . C. Parts Sugar Temp. C. 9 Parts Sugar Temp. C. Parts Sugar Temp. C. Parts Sugar 1 1.79 1 1.80 26 2.12 51 2.62 76 3.44 2 1.81 27 2.14 52 2.65 77 3.48 3 1.82 28 2.16 53 2.67 78 3,52 4 1.83 29 2.17 54 2.70 79 '3.57 5 1.84 30 2.19 55 2.73 80 3.62 6 1.86 31 2.21 56 2.75 81 3.66 7 1.87 32 2.23 57 2.78 82 3.71 8 1.88 33 2.25 58 2.81 83 .76 9 1.89 34 2.27 59 2.84 44 3.81 10 1.90 35 2.29 60 2.8? 5 3.86 11 1.91 36 2.30 61 2.90 86 3.92 12 1.92 37 2.32 62 2.93 87 3.98 13 1.94 38 2.34 63 2.96 : $8 4.03 14 1.96 39 2.36 64 2.99 89 4.09 15 1.97 40 2.38 65 3.03 90 4.15 16 1.98 41 2.40 66 3.06 91 4.21 17 1.99 42 2.42 67 3.09 92 4.28 18 2.01 43 2.44 68 3.13 93 4,35 19 2.02 44 2.46 69 3.16 94 4.42 20 2.04 45 2.48 70 3.20 95 4.48 21 2.05 46 2.51 71 3.24 96 4,55 22 2.07 47 2.53 72 3.28 97 4.63 23 2.08 48 2.55 73 3.31 98 4.71 24 2.09 49 2.58 ' 74 3.35 99 4.79 25 2.11 50 2.60 75 3.40 100 4.87 : 2 :- 5 :. /t-..: lo ." t../ -.-, v ^i t* .-,- . -.r^ ; rrRxtf:-; -r- 37 8? ei'.i IS ."J se *e 8S : : -0-ii , "-.* * x. 8 ca r U'.-S c .1 * r :6 ; * . ^ * * * oi f ' ' J. o -'I . . '. ci SS.'S : ' S6j I ^ r ' ;$'. . : 2. i 1 -i as r '" " ' re: i ''j* ' , r 86 X 7 1 -f - u^ * P P r *r_ '^-'.S : r. ! iO' W- ' : -* . rt "* ^ : ^' ' . V S 2i ' : B* . . 80. a p. - * eo.s OS t : 6. Tables showing the Boiling Points of Sugar Solutions. Calculated according to Plourens (Bulletin de d'Assoc.1876 Nr.17) and also according to Claassen-Prentzel (A) Boiling point for Pure Sugar Solution (a) General Table based on the Sugar Content. Sugar Boiling Point at 760 mm. pressure Increase in Boiling Point 10 100.1 0.1 20 100.3 0.3 30 100.6 0.6 40 101.1 1.1 50 101.9 1.9 55 102.4 2.4 60 103.1 3.1 65 103.9 3.9 70 105.3 5.3 75 107.4 7.4 80 110.3 ... 10 is 85 114.5 14.5 9Q 122.6 22.6 (b) Table for the higher Density according to the Water Content. * tnlo* sniloa eu/aac >iq .rnrz..03V . . I . " - 1. 001 o-i . - s.o s.ooi OS 3.0 3.001 OS I.I 1. 101 Q Q..I e.ioi 'oe ^.SOI 33 i!s 1. 501 Q3 e.s e.soi 33 S.3 5. 801 : OV . V ^. voi 3-V si oi 08 3.l 2: ^11 38 3. SSI o,e .*ne*not>"^r eri* ocf sni^iooc >B Y^lanoa ieri S lrf erW TOl eldBT (cf) ertt nl 08/39 ion I .1 BtfflW c^ erfJ n geBoion] F .TO*BW ^ talo.8I 03. SI 3.8 SS 38.81 3S . SI , 8.8 3.SS 3S-.6f SI i.e SS 33.81 SV.II .e 3. IS 30 . OS 03.11 v'c IS 3 . OS 3S.II O.OI 3. OS -. II 3S.01 OS S.IS 3V; 01 ', .01 3.ei V.1S 03. QI go. ii ei 31. SS 3-S . 01 i;ii 3.31 9.SS- 01 a: ii 81 30. SS 3V. G . S.Sl 3. VI 33. SS 03. 6 3. SI VI .^S 3S.G 1 . SI 3.31 tff.M *d V.51 31 80.88 3V. 8 S.iil 3.31 v .-aa oa.a eli : i 31 i 3.BS 2S.8" 3 :3i 6 ,-VS 8 0..05 3V. V SV3I *X 3,31 3V . SI (B) Table for Thin and Thicfc Juice and Syrups. Degrees Brix. increase in Degrees Increase in Boiling Point Boiling Point Juice of Syrups Brix of Juice of Syrups 10 0-2 0.3 55 2.8 3.4 20 0.4 0.6 60 3.5 4.2 30 0.8 1.1 65 4.4 5.3 40 1.4 1.7 70 5.8 6.8 50 2.2 2.7 75 8.5 7. Table showing the Specific Heat of Sugar Solut ions. According to Curin (Otst. Zeitschrift 1894. S . 988). Degrees Specific Heat Degrees Specific Heat Brix. Kopp Mar ignac Brix. Kopp Marignaa 1 0.993 0.994 60 0.605 0.652 10 0.934 0.942 70 0.539 0.594. 20 0.868 0.884 80 0.474 0.536 50 0.803 0.826 90 0.408 0.478 40 0.737 0.768 99 . 349 0.426 50 0.671 0.710 fcna eoitrt, XoirtT Jbna nitfT ~""n]t"w A MensT nl SJBflQ.'I.OrtI r 8t>Q1SOQ InfoH sn.r'X'i'oS aqjn\2 to ^OJJJL ^o xJtTH .- ^ (jiTiyS *io sx>ltfT> ^6 .x4^a *.5 8.g 33 5.0 ^t.O' 01 S.* 3.5 08 ;- 8.0 " i':6 * OS 5.3 *.* 33 I'.I 8;0 05 8.3 8.3 0V T'.I *.I 0> 3.8 3V V . S 'S .'S 03 .,8*01*1,103 -IBSI* 10 *B*H Oi* :oa*3 ^ sni^otia olto .v . .(888 ,8 .681 tltlricat 1QS. . *e ,0) nio^O o* sniJbioooA ~- ' c ^^9x1 OJ. jL-L. O9tjc< B99^t^^9 JL e : 83V. V5V.O , f 0* ; OIV.O IV3.0 03 8. Table showing the Loss of Sugar when Boiling AlKaline Juice. According to Herzfeld. (Deutche Vereinazeitschrift 1893. S. 754) Loss of Sugar "based on 100 parts Sugar entered per hour. Boiling T^ /"\ "i TI 4" Percent Sugar in Juice r O -LliU c. 10$ 20$ 30$ 40$ 50$ 80 0.0444 0.0301 0.0157 0.0179 0.0200 85 0.0615 0.0421 0.0223 0.0262 0.0296 90 0.0790 0.0541 0.0290 0.0344 0.0392 95 0.0965 0.0661 0.0357 0.0427 . 0488 100 0.1140 0.0781 . 0423 0.0508 0.0584 105 0.1385 0.0937 0.0490 0.0588 0.0680 110 0.1630 0.1093 0.0557 0.0667 0.0776 115 0.1749 0.1187 0.0623 0.0748 0.0862 120 0.2823 0.2341 0.1857 0.2269 0.2678 125 0.5330 0.5082 0.4833 0.5939 0.7044 130 2.0553 1.4610 0.8667 1.0235 1.1800 135 3.5776 140 5.1000 .8 \.e '.5681 fto ' ctf ' ' eoitrL Jr r *f B'SII titm ... - nirtba jnrbV . 0' . ^ " ' ** T) ooso.o 6710.0 V310 : . 1050 . ; D " 08 86SO A seat) jo sss<5 : ;0 IS*0. o- 3130 r\ .0 38 seso.o ^ .**c:o- oeab ."b 1^0-. o ' , 0670 .0 oe 88*0 . D 7s*o.o- V350 .0- 1390. o .0 3G 083C.. 8020.0 oil .'0 . 18 VO*. 75CO. 0' 6 38S1 A I .0 C01 eoi arPO.6. 7D8C.C 7330 A . ^ seci . 'o fcei :o ' an S880.0 ' 8*TO.O ' 5&80 .0 7811. e*7i ,0 311 ' 8T8S.O. 68SS.O 7381 .0 IMi o-'"- SS8S .0 OSI *; **OY.O 6593.0 SS8^ .0 G803. b OS S3 .0 - 0081.1 35S0.1 7838 .0 013*. i S330 S OSI V : 3773 ." 3 SI """""* ""* :_ " .3 QM Q T A 1 Double Trl Sextv NO' ' t*s. I used par- t.ea 'or for i sed and 1 -'nd '.he 144.4 91.6 74.0 65.2 56.4 't, Of ioe.4 72.3 60.9 51.8 49.6 The p.notmt in juice is assir - be I on every eets. The amount of heat lost in th : ipes are not ;/rised in the above. 10. ON Tl laassr i). ZucKer Indus trie" 1R94. 5.) purity ty of th is c at at f luenc ities when the Mirity of the Yield of Ha wj Inore I su#ar of 9 of Syrup Yield of Raw e 01 3 yield w P^^rity pe; 3. QT in 66.4 81.2 69.1 70.1 With a yield of n the s, and a real purity of the Molasses of 8 id of Molasses (contai ent on F ra:- ] purity B8 or thick juico Larisr> y I and I Percentage Molasses on B^ Weights of Various Volumes. Raumgewichte . 1 arable meter of the following weighs: Beets, crashed 550 - 600 kg. Coke, Westphalian melt 420 kg. Pulp, fresh 600 " Gas 350 " " soured 800 " Lire-stone 1600 Coal, TTestphalian Plaine 705 Run of Mine 765 11 Slack 770 11 Utiper Layer 725 11 English 735 Peat 550 - 750 Line 775 - 950 Milk of Lime 1200 Raw Sugar 1st. Product loosely packed 875 " "2nd Prod 780 Filliaass (hot) 1450 - 1470 Specific Gravity. Sugar , 1.61 Line-stone 2.36 - 2.74 Lime 2.30-4.20' Weight of Oases at and 760 ma. Atmospheric Pressure. I litre of air 1.293 g. 1 Litre of Carbonic Oxide 1.250 g II " Oxygen 1.430 water Vapor " ITitrogen 1.256 u at 100 C. 0.506 11 "Carbonic Acid 1.977 " " " Hydrogen 0.089 n "Sulphurous Acid .2.909g " "Illuminatins Gas 0.517 T/ater Vapor - Specific Heat. At constant pressure 0.4750 volums . 3337 Coefficient of Heat Transmission (Average figures derived In actual practice ) According to Jelinek in Triple Effect Apparatus In body I 37 Heat Units. M II 25 " " " " III 14 " " In Quadruple Effect Qpparatus In body I 28 Heat Units. II 26 " III 20 " iy 5 to 6 In Syrup Boiler 6 to 7 Heat Units. . . ' fc ; * . a eriJ lo : - oes 0081 036 - 3VT OOSI. . . enoie-aoiJ " If 4tJ9l i . ' 08 W^8 " 003 - -oca . bo 8 oa 3cPT ettBll nsllj \ , -' 3o ,IJBOO fie 13.1 *?..a - a TJ531J8 o >ctfA .OK 08V Jbn Je aossD lo. , . 1o . .1 " 0?!>.I . ' fclOA lo i . '*.0 -.0 rtq t?: 1o maoO . *6TU edqi-zJ fil XanlleL '9VR V3 . 7 ybc c, as ii v *x in cfoelll el-r nl as ii os in B o* nl eurriS nl In Va boi 18 Heat - dy Temp. Di Juico 'al. it n " Lab Atmospheric temperature ra-ffri or >?d on "Riveted "?ast Iron (crude 6 . Welded , Iron . 8. mm I I e 33.3 JiTs J5.8 37-7 In Pr^h 6-10 - t . 1 Kj. Steam Evai -ot ir . . ater Dec f 5\3 JL KOH (contai . OC47 "^ O Invert 9 r-al- - v t; L.D21- YB I 1 639 991193 7 THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY