I guo s ;> ^HIBRARYQ/- ^^ >-* ,25" M '$*. *--j - ^ x IW S s VT g i RY^ -^HIBRARY^ ^\\E-UNIVER% iZBVi '5*.^%^^ 1 3 S * * e-t an < I CS 1 I rn :lOS-ANCE clOS-ANCE rr- t>? > *in ^E-UBBABYOA FIVE LITTLE PEPPERS MIDWAY A SEQUEL TO Five Little Peppers and How They Grew BY MARGARET SIDNEY Author of " Our Town," " The Golden West," " What the Seven Did," and others ILLUSTRATED BY W. L. TAYLOR LOTHROP PUBLISHING UOMPANY BOSTON COPYRIGHT, 1890 and 1893 D. LOTHROP COMPANY. All rights reserved. PZ 1 TO MY LITTLE MARGARET WHO IS PHRONSIE PEPPER TO ALL WHO KNOW HER THIS BOOK IS LOVINGLY INSCRIBED 661673 CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. PHRONSIE'S PIE g CHAPTER II. COUSIN EUNICE CHATTERTON .... 33 CHAPTER III. THE REHEARSAL 50 CHAPTER IV. WELCOME HOME ! 69 CHAPTER V. AFTER THE PLAY 95 CHAPTER VI. THE LITTLE BROWN HOUSE . . . . Il6 CHAPTER VII. OLD TIMES AGAIN 136 CHAPTER VIII. SOME BADGERTOWN CALLS 159 3 4 CONTENTS. CHAPTER IX. A SUDDEN BLOW 178 CHAPTER X. THE PARTY SEPARATES . . . . . 197 CHAPTER XI. POOR POLLY! 215 CHAPTER XII. NEW WORK FOR POLLY 236 CHAPTER XIII. A PIECE OF NEWS 26l CHAPTER XIV. MAMSIE'S WEDDING 280 CHAPTER XV. MRS. CHATTERTON HAS A NEW PLAN . . 303 CHAPTER XVI. WHERE IS PHRONSIE? 319 CHAPTER XVII. PHRONSIE IS FOUND 338 CHAPTER XVIII. THE GIRLS HAVE POLLY AGAIN .... 359 CHAPTER XIX. PHRONSIE IS WELL AGAIN 378 CONTENTS. 5 CHAPTER XX. THE SECRET 4O CHAPTER XXI. THE WHITNEYS' LITTLE PLAN .... 416 CHAPTER XXII. JOEL 436 CHAPTER XXIII. OF MANY THINGS 460 CHAPTER XXIV. AWAY 484 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. PAGB. The making of the Pie. . . . Frontis. " It must be very, very full of plums, you know." 13 She put up her eyeglass ..... 23 " Make 'em real big live ones, do ! " . . . 45 Princess Clotilde 53 "Look, Phronsie, here goes in my head." . . 67 " O, Felicie ! I don't want that dress." . . 8t " Come, Phronsie ! Come, boys !" . . . 71 Joel was chatting away to a pretty little creature 104 " O, Polly ! how funny you look sitting there ! " . 1 1 1 " Well. I declare ! " cried a voice above them . 123 ,"Good-by," sang out Joel 134 The little brown house . . . . . 139 " We kept it in the old cupboard," cried Joel . 1 59 The ride in Deacon Brown's wagon . . . 169 Polly was standing over her . . . . 173 " How restful it all is here." . . . . 184 Polly led her mercifully within 189 Mrs. Whitney ran to the old-fashioned looking-glass 204 Polly stood quite still 212 " O, dear ! I don't know what will happen." . 222 7 8 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. She went softly to the sick room . . . 227 " O, Jasper ! could you get me a copy of Town Talk?" 241 " O, Grandpapa ! don't make me tell ! " . . 257 " Come in ! " called Mr. King .... 264 "Every thing is going, on finely, Polly." . . 287 Polly turned a cold shoulder to him . . . 295 " We're going to let her be happy." . . . 302 " What are you doing, Phronsie?" . . . 305 " I'll go," said Phronsie, with a long sigh . . 317 " Please don't bite me." . . . . . 323 " O, Candace ! " exclaimed Polly, seizing the doll 331 Her yellow hair floated from the pallid little face 347 " Now you put your arms down, so." . . . 356 " Ain't he a beauty, though ! " . . . . 361 " Did you tell Polly ? " cried Jasper . . . 373 " And so you wanted me, did you, dear ? " cried Mr. King 389 The uninvited guest 397 He was tearing off the rings .... 403* " I really believe I can dance." .... 413 " Don't touch me ! " said Polly .... 426 " Now, then, tell mother all about it." . . 435 " I'd rather chop wood." 452 " Thomas, don't shoot it's Van !" . . . 455 " O, Joey \ and mother was cross to you." . . 463 " He said he was going to run off to sea." . . 474 With both arms full 492 " May God bless Phronsie ! " . . . 507 FIVE LITTLE PEPPERS MIDWAY. CHAPTER I. PHRONSIE'S PIE. JEFFERSON," said Phronsie, with a grave uplifting of her eyebrows, "I think I will go down into the kitchen and bake a pie ; a very little pie, Jefferson." " Bless you, Miss," replied the cook, showing his white teeth in glee, "it is the making of the kitchen when you come into it." " Yes, Jefferson," said Phronsie slowly, " I think I will go down and make one. It must be very, very full of plums, you know," looking up at him anxiously, "for Polly dearly loves plums." " It shall be that plummy," said Jefferson 9 10 PHRONSIE S PIE. convincingly, " that you'd think you never saw such a one for richness. O, my! what a pie that shall be!" exclaimed the cook, shutting up one eye to look through the other in a spasm of delight at an imaginary pie ; " so it's for Miss Mary, is it ?" "Yes," said Phronsie, "it is. O, Jefferson! I'm so glad you like to have me make one;" she clasped her hands in silent rapture, and sat down on the lowest stair to think it over a bit, Jefferson looking at her, forgetful that the under cook was fuming in the deserted domains over his delay to return. At last he said, bowing respectfully, " If you please, Miss, it's about time to begin. Such a pie ain't done without a deal of care, and we'd best have it a-baking as soon as may be." "Yes," said Phronsie, getting -off from her stair, and surrendering her hand to his big black palm, " we ought to go right this very minute. But I must get my apron on ; " she stopped and looked down at her red dress. PHRONSIE S PIE. II " Oh ! you can take one of my aprons," said the cook, " they're as fine, and big, and white, and I'll just put you in one of 'em and tie you up as snug; you'll come out as clean and sweet when we're through, as you are now, Miss." " Tie me up ? " laughed Phrorisie in glee. "Oh! how nice, Jefferson. Do you know I love you very much, Jefferson, you're so very good to me ? " The big fellow drew a long breath. " No, Miss, I'm big and black, and just fit to stay down-stairs," he managed to say. "But I love you better because you are black, Jefferson," insisted Phronsie, "a great deal bet ter. You are not like everybody else, but you are just yourself," clinging to his hand. "Well, Miss, I ain't just fit for a lily to touch and that's the truth," looking down at his palm that the small white hand grasped closely. "It's clean, Miss," he added with pardonable pride, "but it's awful black." '' 1 like it better black, Jefferson," said Phron- 12 PHRONSIES PIE. sie again, " really and truly I do, because then it's your very, very own ; " in a tone that thrilled him much as if a queen had knighted him on the spot. This important declaration over, the two set forth on their way toward the kitchen, Phronsie clinging to his hand, and chatting merrily over the particular pie in prospect, with varied re- marks on pies in general, that by and by would be ventured upon if this present one were a success and very soon tied up in one of the cook's whitest aprons she was seated with due solemnity at the end of the baking table, the proper utensils and materials in delightful con- fusion before her, and the lower order of kitchen satellites revolving around her, and Jefferson the lesser sphere. "Now all go back to your work," said that functionary when he considered the staring and muttered admiration had been indulged in long enough, " and leave us." " I want you," said his assistant, touching his elbow. UST BE VERY, VERY FULL OF PLUMS, YOU KNOW. PHRONSIF.'S PIE. 15 " Clear out," said Jefferson angrily, his face turned quite from Phronsie. But she caught the tone and immediately laid Jown the bit of dough she was moulding. " Do go," she begged, " and come back quickly," smiling up into his face. "See, I'm going to pat and pat and pat, oh ! ever so much before you come back." So Jefferson ordered off the under cook, the scullery boy 'went back to cleaning the knives, Susan, the parlor maid who was going through the kitchen with her dustpan and broom, hurried off with a backward glance or two, and Phronsie was left quite alone to hum her way along in her blissful culinary attempt. " Bless me ! " exclaimed a voice close to her small ear, as she was attempting for the fifth time to roll out the paste quite as thin as she had seen Jefferson do, " what is this ? Bless my soul ! it's Phronsie ! " Phronsie set down the heavy rolling-pin and turned in her chair with a gleeful laugh. 1 6 PHRONSIE'S PIE. " Dear, dear Grandpapa ! " she cried, clasping her floury hands, "oh ! I'm so glad you've come to see me make a pie all by myself. It's for Polly, and it's to be full of plums ; Jefferson let me make it." "Jefferson? And where is he, pray?" cried Mr. King irately. " Pretty fellow, to bring you down to these apartments, and then go off and forget you. Jefferson ! " he called sharply, " here, where are you ? " " O, Grandpapa!" exclaimed Phronsie in dire distress, " I sent him ; Jefferson didn't want to go, Grandpapa dear, really and truly, he went because I asked him." "If you please, sir," began Jefferson, hurrying up, "I only stepped off a bit to the cellar. Bassett sent down a lot of turnips, they ain't first-rate, and " " All right," said Mr. King, cutting him short with a wave of his hand, "if Miss Phronsie sent you off, it's all right ; I don't want to hear any more elaborate explanations." PHRONSIE'S PIE. 17 " Little Miss hasn't been alone but a few minutes," said Jefferson in a worried way. " And see," said Phronsie, turning back to her efforts, while one hand grasped the old gentleman's palm, " I've almost got it to look like Jefferson's. Almost, haven't I ? " she asked, regarding it anxiously. "It will be the most beautiful pie," cried Mr. King, a hearty enthusiasm succeeding his irri- tability, " that ever was baked. I wish you'd make me one sometime, Phronsie." " Do you ? " she cried in a tremor of delight, " and will you really have it on the table, and cut it with Aunt Whitney's big silver knife ?" " That I will," declared Mr. King solemnly. " Then some day I'll come down here again, Jefferson," cried Phronsie in a transport, "and bake one for my dear Grandpapa. That is, if this one is good. Oh ! you do suppose it will be good, don't you ? " appealingly at him. "It shall," said Jefferson stoutly, and seiz- ing the rolling-pin with extreme determination. i8 PHRONSIE'S PIE. " You want a bit more butter worked in, here," a dab with skillful ringers, and a little manipula- tion with the flour, a roll now and then most deftly, and the paste was laid out before Phron- sie. "Now, Miss, you can put it in the dish." " But it isn't my pie," said Phronsie, and, big girl as she felt herself to be, she sat back in her chair, her lower lip quivering. " Not your pie ? " repeated the cook, bringing himself up straight to gaze at her. " No," said Phronsie, shaking her yellow head gravely, " it isn't my pie now, Jefferson. You put in the things, and rolled it." " Leave your fingers off from it, can't you ? " cried Mr. King sharply. " Goodness ! this pie isn't to have a professional touch about it. Get some more flour and stuff, whatever it is you make a pie of, and let her begin again. There, I'll sit down and watch you ; then there'll be some chance of having things straight." So he drew up a chair to the side of the table, first calling off Pete the scullery boy from his knives PHRONSIES PIE. 19 *o corne and wipe it off for him, and Mrs. Tucker who was in kitchen dialect "Tucker," to see that the boy did his work well. "La, bless you, sir," said Tucker, bestowing a final polish with her apron, " 'twas like satin before, sir not a wisp of dust." " I don't want any observations from you," said the old gentleman, depositing himself in the chair. " There, you can go back to your work, Mrs. Tucker, and you too, Pete. Now I'll see that this pie is to your liking, Phronsie." But Phronsie still sat back in her chair, thoughtfully surveying Jefferson. " Grandpapa," she said at last slowly, " I think I'd rather have the first pie, I really would, Grandpapa, may I ? " She brought her yellow head forward by a sudden movement, and looked deep into his keen eyes. " Bless my soul ! rather have the first pie ? " repeated the old gentleman in astonishment, " why, I thought you wanted to make one all yourself." 20 PHRONSIE S PIE. " I think I'd rather do part of it," said Phron- sie with great deliberateness, " then Polly'll like it, and eat it, and I'll do yours, Grandpapa dear, just as Jefferson fixed mine, all alone. Please let me." She held him fast with her eyes, and waited for his answer. " So you shall ! " cried Mr. King in great sat- isfaction, "make mine all alone. This one would better go as it is. Put away the flour and things, Jefferson ; Miss Phronsie don't want them." Phronsie gave a relieved little sigh. "And, Jefferson, if you hadn't showed me how, I couldn't ever in all this world make Grand- papa's. Now give me the little plate, do." "Here 'tis, Miss," said the cook, all his tremor over the blunder he had made, disappearing, since, after all, things were quite satisfactory. And the little plate forthcoming, Phronsie tucked away the paste lovingly in its depths, and began the important work of concocting the mixture with which the pie was to be filled, Mr. PHRONSIE S PIE. 21 King sitting by with the gravity of a statue, even to the deliberate placing of each plum. "Where's Phronsie ? " called a voice above in one of the upper halls. "Oh! she's coming, Polly is!" cried Phron- sie, deserting a plum thrust in endwise in the middle of the pie, to throw her little sticky ringers around Jefferson's neck ; " oh ! do take off my apron; and let me go. She'll see my pie ! " " Stop ! " cried Mr. King, getting up some- what stiffly to his feet, " I'll take off the apron myself. There, Phronsie, there you are. Whew ! how hot you keep your kitchen, Jefferson," and he wiped his face. " Now we'll run," said Phronsie softly, " and not make a single bit of noise, Grandpapa dear, and, Jefferson, please put on my top to the pie. and don't let it burn, and I'll come down very, very soon again, and bake one all alone by my- self for Grandpapa." The old gentleman kept up very well with the soft patter of her feet till they reached the foot 22 PHRONSIE S PIE. of the staircase. " There, there, child," he said, " there's not the least need of hurry now." " But she will come down," said Phronsie, in gentle haste pulling at his hand, " then if she should see it, Grandpapa ! " "To be sure; that would indeed be dreadful," said Mr. King, getting over the stairs very cred- itably. " There, here we are now. Whew ! it's terribly warm in this house ! " But there was no danger from Polly ; she was at this very instant, not being able to find Phronsie, hurrying off toward the library in search of Mrs. Whitney. "We want to do the very loveliest thing!" she cried, rushing in, her cheeks aflame. " Oh ! pray excuse me ; " she stopped short, blushing scarlet. " Don't feel badly, Polly dear," said Mrs. Whitney, over in the dim light where the divan was drawn up in the east window, and she held out her hand and smiled ; the other lady whose tete-a-tete was thus summarily disturbed was SHE PUT UP HER EYEGLAS PHRONSIES PIE. 25 elderly and very tall and angular. She put up her eyeglass at the intrusion and murmured " Ah ? " "This is Polly Pepper," said Mrs. Whitney, as Polly, feeling unusually awkward and shy, stumbled across the library to get within the kind arms awaiting her. " One of the children that your kindness re- ceived in this house ? " said the tall lady, making good use of the eyeglass. The color mounted steadily on Polly's already rosy cheek, at the scrutiny now going on with the greatest freedom. "One of the dear children who make this house a sunny place for us all," said Mrs. Whit- ney distinctly. " Ah ? I see. You are extremely good to put it in that way." A low, well-bred laugh followed this speech. Its sound irritated the young girl's ear unspeakably, and the brown eyes flashed, and though there was really no occasion to feel what was not addressed to her, Polly was quite sure she utterly disliked the lady before her. 26 PHRONSIE'S PIE. " My dear Mrs. Chatterton," said Mrs. Whit- ney in the gentlest of accents, " you do not comprehend ; it is not possible for you to under- stand how very happy we all are here. The house is quite another place, I assure you, from the abode you saw last before you went abroad." Mrs. Chatterton gave another low, unpleasant laugh, and this time shrugged her shoulders. " Polly dear," said Mrs. Whitney with a smile, " say good-morning to Mrs. Chatterton, and then run away. I will hear your wonderful plan by and by. I shall be glad to, child," she was guilty of whispering in the small ear. "Good-morning, Mrs. Chatterton," said Polly slowly, the brown eyes looking steadily into the travelled and somewhat seamed countenance before her. "Good-morning," and Polly found herself once more across the floor, and safely out in the hall, the door closed between them. "Who is she?" she cried in an indignant spasm to Jasper, who ran up, and she lifted her PHRONSIE'S PIE. 27 eyes brimming over with something quite new to him. He stopped aghast. "Who?" he cried. " O, Polly! what has happened ? " " Mrs. Chatterton. And she looked at me oh! I can't tell you how she looked; as if I were a bug, or a hateful worm beneath her," cried Polly, quite as much aghast at herself. "It makes me feel horridly, Jasper you can't think." ' "Oh! that old" He stopped, pulling him- self up with quite an effort. " Has she come back what brought her, pray tell, so soon ? " " I don't know, I am sure," said Polly, laugh- ing at his face. " I was only in the room a moment, I think, but it seemed an age with that eyeglass, and that hateful little laugh." " Oh ! she always sticks up that thing in her eye," said Jasper coolly, "and she's everlast- ingly ventilating that laugh on everybody. She thinks it high-bred and elegant, but it makes people want to kill her for it." He looked and 28 PHRONSIE'S PIE. spoke annoyed. " To think you fell into her clutches!" he added. " Well, who is she ? " cried Polly, smoothing down her ruffled feathers, when she saw the effect of her news on him. " I should dearly love to know." "Cousin Algernon's wife," said Jasper briefly. " And who is she ? " cried Polly, again experi- encing a shock that this dreadful person was a relative to whom due respect must be shown. " Oh ! a cousin of father's," said Jasper. " He was nice, but he's dead." " Oh ! " said Polly. " She's been abroad for a good half-dozen years, and why she don't stay there when every- body supposed she was 'going to, astonishes me," said Jasper, after a moment. " Well, it will not be for long, I presume, that we shall have the honor; she'll be easily tired of America, and take herself off again." " She doesn't stay in this house, does she, Jasper ? " cried Polly in a tone of horror. PHRONSIES PIE. 29 " No ; that is, unless she chooses to, then we can't turn her off. She's a relative, you know." "Hasn't she any home?" asked Polly, "or any children ? " " Home ? Yes, an estate down in Bedford County Dunraven Lodge; but it's all shut up, and in the hands of agents who have been trying for the half-dozen years she was abroad, to sell it for her. She may have come back to settle down there again, there's no telling what she will do. In the meantime, I fancy she'll make her headquarters here," he said gloomily. "O, Jasper!" exclaimed Polly, seizing his arm, feeling that here was need of comfort in- deed, "how very dreadful ! Don't you suppose something will happen to take her away ? " " I don't see what can," said Jasper, prolong- ing the gloom to feel the comfort it brought. " You see she has nobody who wants her, to step in and relieve us. She has two nephews, but oh ! you ought to see them fight together! " " Fight ? " repeated Polly aghast. 30 PHRONSIE'S PIE. " Yes ; you can't dignify their skirmishes by any other name," said Jasper, in disgust. "So you see our chances for keeping her as long as she condescends to stay, are really very good." Polly clung to his arm in speechless dismay. Meanwhile conversation fast and brisk was going on between the two shut up in the library. "It is greatly to your discredit, Marian," said Mrs. Chatterton in a high, cold voice, " that you didn't stop all this nonsense on your father's part, before the thing got to such a pass as to install them in this house." " On the contrary," said Mrs. Whitney with a little laugh, " I did everything I could to further the plan that father wisely made." " Wisely ! " cried Mrs. Chatterton in scorn. " O, you silly child ! don't you see what it will all tend to ? " " I see that it has made us all very happy for five years," said Mrs. Whitney, preserving her composure, " so I presume the future doesn't hold much to dread on that score." PHRONSIES PIE. 31 " The future is all you have to dread," de- clared Mrs. Chatterton harshly. " The present may be well enough ; though I should think existence with that low, underbred family here, would be a " " You may pause just where you are, Mrs. Chatterton," said Marian, still with the gentlest of accents, but with a determination that made the other look down at her in astonishment, " not another word shall you utter in that strain, nor will I listen to it." And with fine temper undisturbed in her blue eyes, she regarded her relative. " Dear me, Marian ! I begin to notice your age more now. You shouldn't fly into such rages ; they wear on one fearfully ; and especially for a stranger too, and against your own people how can you ? " Mrs. Chatterton drew out a vinaigrette, then a fan from a silken bag, with clasps that she was always glad to reflect were heirlooms. " It's trying, I must confess," she declared, 32 PHRONSIE'S PIE. alternately applying the invigorating salts and waving the combination of gauze and sandal wood, "to come home to such a reception. But," and a heavy sigh, " I must bear it." "You ought to see father,". cried Mrs. Whit- ney, rising. " I must go at once and tell him of your arrival." " Oh ! I don't know as I care about seeing Cousin Horatio yet," said Mrs. Chatterton care- lessly. " He will probably fall into one of his rages, and my nerves have been upset quite enough by you. I think I'll go directly to my apartments." She rose also. " Father must at once be informed of your arrival," repeated Marian quietly. " I'll send him in to see you." "And I shall go to my apartments," declared Mrs. Chatterton determinedly. " Hoity-toity ! " exclaimed Mr. King's voice, and in he came, with Phronsie, fresh from the kitchen, clinging to his hand. CHAPTER II. COUSIN EUNICE CHATTERTON. PHRONSIE dropped one small hand by her side, and stood quite still regarding the visitor. " Oh ! my goodness me," ejaculated Mrs. Chatterton, startled out of her elegance, and not pausing to adjust the glass, but using her two good eyes to the best advantage. " Hoity-toity ! So you are back again ! " ex- claimed Mr. King by way of welcome. " Well, and if I may ask, what brought you now, Eunice ? " Mrs. Chatterton gathered herself up and smiled in a superior way. " Never mind my reasons, Cousin Horatio. What a fine child you have there ; " now the 33 34 COUSIN EUNICE CHATTERTON. glass came into play ; " pray tell me all about her." " You have well said," observed Mr. King, seating himself with the utmost deliberateness, and drawing Phronsie to her accustomed place on his knee, where she nestled, regardless of his immaculate linen and fine waistcoat, " Phronsie Pepper is indeed a fine child ; a very fine child, Madam." " Oh my, and oh my ! " cried Mrs. Chatterton, holding up her hands, " to think that you can so demean yourself ; why, she's actually mussing your shirt-front with her dirty little hands ! " " Phronsie Pepper's hands are never dirty, Madam," said the old gentleman gravely. " Sit still, child," as Phronsie in a state of alarm, struggled to slip down from his lap, thrusting the two members thus referred to, well out be- fore her. Mrs. Chatterton burst into a loud laugh. "To think I have come to see Horatio King in such a state ! Jasper Horatio King ! " she repeated COUSIN EUNICE CHATTERTON. 35 scornfully. " I heard about it through the Bas- combs letters, but I wouldn't believe it till I used my eyes. It's positively dreadful ! " Mr. King put back his head and laughed also ; so heartily, that Phronsie ceased to struggle, and turned to regard him in silent astonish- ment ; and Mrs. Whitney, charmed that the rage usually produced by conversation with Cousin Algernon's wife was not forthcoming, began to laugh too, so that the amusement of the tall lady was quenched in the general hilarity. " What you can find in my words to cause such an unseemly outburst, I cannot see," she cried in a passion. " I'm under the impression that you led off the amusement yourself," said Mr. King, wiping his eyes. " Phronsie, it's all very funny, isn't it ? " looking down into the little wondering face. " Is it really funny ? " asked Phronsie. " Does the lady like it ? " " Not particularly, I suspect," said Mr. King carelessly. 36 COUSIN EUNICE CHAT1 ERTON. " And that you can talk with that chit, ignor- ing me, your cousin's wife, is insufferable." Mrs. Chatterton now arose speedily from the divan, and shook out a flounce or two with great venom, " I had intended to make you a visit. Now it is quite impossible." " As you like," said the old gentleman, also rising, and placing Phronsie on her feet, observ- ing ostentatious care to keep her hand. " My house is open to you, Eunice," with a wave of his disengaged hand in old-time hospitality, " but of course you must suit yourself." " It's rather hard upon a person of sensibility, to come home after a six years' absence," said Cousin Eunice with a pathetic sniff, and once more seeking her vinaigrette in the depths of the silken bag, " to meet only coldness and derision. In fact, it is very hard." " No doubt, no doubt," said the old gentleman hastily, " I can imagine such a case, but it has nothing to do with you. Now, if you are going to stay, Eunice, say so at once, and proceed to COUSIN EUNICE CHATTERTON. 37 your room. If not, why you must go, and under- stand it is no one's fault but your own." He drew himself up, and looked long and hard into the thin pale face before him. Phronsie pulled at his hand. " I want to ask the lady to stay, Grandpapa dear." " She doesn't need urging," said old Mr. King quite distinctly, and not moving a muscle. " But, Grandpapa dear, she isn't glad about something." " No more am I." " Grandpapa," cried Phronsie, moving off a bit, though not deserting his hand, and standing on her tiptoes, " I want her to stay, to see me. Perhaps she hasn't any little girls." " To see you ? " cried Mr. King irately. " Say no more, child, say no more. She's been abus- ing you right and left, like a pickpocket." " What is a pickpocket ? " asked Phronsie, getting down from her tiptoes. " Oh ! a scoundrel who puts his hands into 38 COUSIN EUNICE CHATTERTON. pockets ; picks out what doesn't belong to him, in fact." Phronsie stood quite still, and shook her head gravely at the tall figure. " That was not nice," she said soberly. " Now do you want her to stay ? " cried the old gentleman. " Insufferable !" repeated Mrs. Chatterton be- tween her teeth, " to mix me up with that chit ! " " Yes, I do," said Phronsie decidedly, " I do, Grandpapa. Now I know she hasn't any little girls if she had little girls, she wouldn't say such very unnice things ; I want the poor lady to stay with me." Mrs. Chatterton turned and went abruptly off to the door ; hesitated, and looked back. " I see your household is in a very chaotic state, Cousin Horatio. Still I will remain a few days," with extreme condescension, " on con- dition that these Peppers are not thrust upon my attention." " I make no conditions," said the old gentle- COUSIN EUNICE CHATTERTON. 39 man coolly. " If you stay, you must accept my household as you find it." " Come, Marian," said Mrs. Chatterton, hold- ing out her hand to Mrs. Whitney. " You may help me up to my apartments if you like. I am quite unstrung by all this," and she swept out without a backward glance. " Has she gone ? " cried Jasper, hurrying in with Polly running after. " It's ' stay,' isn't it, father ? " as he saw the old gentleman's face. " Yes," said Mr. King grimly, " it is ' stay ' indeed, Jasper." " Well, now then, you've a piece of work on your hands about the biggest you ever did yet, Polly Pepper ! " cried Jasper, " to make things comfortable in this house. I shall be just as cross as can be imagined, to begin with." " You cross ! " cried Polly. " Cross as a bear ; Marian will fight against the prevailing ill wind, but it will finally blow her down to a state of depression where her best friend wouldn't recognize her, and " 40 COUSIN EUNICE CHATTERTON. " You don't mention me, my boy," said Mr. King dryly. Jasper looked into his father's eyes, and they both laughed. " And if you, Polly Pepper, don't keep things bright, why, we shall all go to the dogs," said the old gentleman, sobering down. " So mind you do, and we'll try to bear Cousin Algernon's relict." "I will," said Polly stoutly, though " relict " sounded very dreadful to begin with. " Give us your hand, then," said Jasper's father, putting out his palm. " There ! " releas- ing it, " now I'm much more comfortable about matters." " And give me your hand, Polly," cried Jasper, his own brown hand flying to meet hers. " There ! and now I'm comfortable too ! So it's a compact, and a sure one ! " " And I want to give my hand," cried Phronsie, very much aggrieved. " Here, Jasper." " Bless my soul, so you must ! " cried old Mr. COUSIN EUNICE CHATTERTON. 4! King ; " to think we didn't ask you first. There and there ! " " And, Phronsie darling," cried Polly in a rapture, " you must promise with me, after you have with the others. I couldn't ever get along in all this world without that." So the ceremony of sealing the compact hav- ing been observed with great gravity, Phronsie drew a long breath, and now felt that the " poor lady " might come down at any time to find all things prepared for her. " Now tell our plan," cried Jasper to Polly, " and put this disagreeable business out of our heads. It's a fine one," he added to his father. " Of course it is," cried the old gentleman. " Well, you know Joel and Davie and Van and Percy are coming home from school next week for the Christmas holidays," began Polly, trying to still the wild beating of her heart. " Bless me ! so they are," said Mr. King. " How time flies, to be sure ! Well, go on, Polly." 42 COUSIN EUNICE CHATTERTON. " And we ought to do something to celebrate," said Polly, " at least don't you think so ? '' she asked anxiously, looking up in his face. " To be sure I do," cried the old gentleman heartily. " Well, what would you do, Polly child, to show the youngsters we're proud of them, and glad to get them back hey ? " "We want to get up a little play," said Polly, " Jasper and I, and act it." " And have music," cried Jasper. " Polly shall play on the piano. The boys will be so delighted to see how she has improved." "And Jasper shall play too," cried Polly eagerly. " O, Jasper ! will you play that con- certo, the one you played when Mary Gibbs was here at tea last week ? Do, Jasper, do." " That nearly floored me," said Jasper. " No ; you said it was Mary's watching you like a lynx you know you did," said Polly, laughing merrily. " Never mind," said the old gentleman. "What next, Polly? The play is all right." COUSIN EUNICE CHATTERTON. 43 " I should think it was," cried Jasper. " It's the Three Dragons, and the Princess Clotilde." "Oh! my goodness," ejaculated Mr. King, " what a play for Christmas Eve ! " " Well, you'll say it's a splendid hit ! " cried Jasper, " when you see it from the private box we are going to give you." " So you are intending to honor me, are you ? " cried his father, vastly pleased to find himself as ever, the central figure in their plans. " Well, well, I dare say it will all be as fine as can be to welcome these young scapegraces home. What next, Polly ? " " It must be kept a perfect surprise," cried Polly, clasping her hands while the color flew over her face. " No one must even whisper it to each other, the day before Christmas when the boys get here, for Joel is so very dreadful whenever there is a secret." " His capacity certainly is good," said Mr. King dryly. " We will all be very careful." " And Phronsie is to be Princess Clotilde," 44 COUSIN EUNICE CHATTERTON. cried Jasper, seizing her suddenly, to prance around the room, just like old times. " O, Jasper ! I'm eight years old," she cried, struggling to free herself. " Nonsense ! What of it you are the baby of this household." But he set her on her feet nevertheless, one hand still patting the soft yellow waves over her brow. " Go on, Polly, do, and lay the whole magnificence before father. He will be quite overcome." "That would be disastrous," said Mr. King ; " better save your effects till the grand affair comes off." "Jasper is to be one of the dragons," an- nounced Polly, quite in her element, " that is, the head dragon ; Ben is to be another, and we haven't quite decided whether to ask Archy Hurd or Clare to take the third one." " Clare has the most ' go ' in him," said Jasper critically. " Then I think we'll decide now to ask him," said Polly, " don't you, Jasper ? " ' MAKE 'EM REAL BIG LIVE ONES, DO , COUSIN EUNICE CHATTERTON. 47 " A dragon without ' go ' in him would be most undesirable, I should fancy. Well, what next do you propose to do, Polly ? " asked Mr. King. " Now that we know that you will "allow us to have it," cried Polly in a rapture, " why, we can think up splendid things. We've only the play written so far, sir." " Polly wrote the most," said Jasper. " O no, Jasper ! I only put in the bits," said Polly. " He planned it every single bit, Jasper did." " Well, she thought up the dragons, and the cave, and " " Oh ! that was easy enough," said Polly, guilty of interrupting, " because you see something has to carry off the Princess Clotilde." "O, now! you are not going to frighten my little girl," cried Mr. King. " I protest against the whole thing if you do," and he put out his hand. " Come, Phronsie," when, as of old, she hurried to his side obediently. " Oh ! we are going to show her the boys, and 48 COUSIN EUNICE CHATTERTON. how we dress them up just like dragons," cried Polly, " and while they are prancing around and slashing their tails at rehearsal, I'm going to keep saying, ' that's nothing but Jasper and Ben and Clare, you know, Phronsie,' till I get her accustomed to them. You won't be fright- ened, will you, pet, at those dear, sweet old dragons ? " she ended and getting on her knees, she looked imploringly into Phronsie's blue eyes. " N-no," said Phronsie, slowly, " not if they are really Jasper and Ben and Clare." " They really will be," cried Polly, enchanted at her success, " Jasper and Ben and Clare ; and they will give you a ride, and show you a cave, oh ! and perfect quantities of things ; you can't think how many ! " Phronsie clapped her hands and laughed aloud in glee. " Oh ! I don't care if they are real true dragons, Polly, I don't," she cried, dreadfully excited. " Make 'em real big live ones, do ; do make them big, and let me ride on their backs." COUSIN EUNICE CHATTERTON. 49 " These will be just as real," said Polly com- fortingly, " that is, they'll act real, only there will be boys inside of them. Oh! we'll have them nice, dear, don't you fear." " But I'd really rather have true ones," sighed Phronsie. CHAPTER III. THE REHEARSAL. NOW, Phronsie," said Polly, on her knees before the Princess who was slowly evolving into "a thing of beauty," "do hold still just a minute, dear. There," as she thrust in another pin, then turned her head critically to view her work, "I do hope that is right." Phronsie sighed. " May I just stretch a wee little bit, Polly," she asked timidly, "before you pin it up ? Just a very little bit ? " "To be sure you may," said Polly, looking into the flushed little face ; " I'll tell you, you may walk over to the window and back, once ; that'll rest you and give me a chance to see what is the matter with that back drapery." So Phronsie, well pleased, gathered up the 5 THE REHEARSAL. 51 embryo robe of the Princess and moved off, a bewildering tangle of silver spangles and float- ing lace, drawn over the skirt of one of Mrs. Whitney's white satin gowns. "There ought to be a dash of royal purple somewhere," said Polly, sitting on the floor to see her go, and resting her tired hands on her knees. " Now where shall I get it, and where shall I put it when I do have it ? " She wrinkled up her eyebrows a moment, lost in thought over the momentous problem. "Oh! I know," and she sprang up exultingly. " Phronsie, won't this be perfectly lovely ? we can take that piece of tissue paper Auntie gave you, and I can cut out little knots and sashes. It is so soft, that in the gaslight they will look like silk. How fine ! " " Can't I be a Princess unless you sew up that purple paper ? " asked Phronsie, pausing suddenly to look over her shoulder in dismay at Polly. "Why, yes, you can be, of course," said Polly, 52 THE REHEARSAL. " but you can't be as good a one as if you had a dash of royal purple about you. What's a bit of tissue paper to the glory of being a Princess ? " she cried, with sparkling eyes. " Dear me, I wish I could be one." " Well, you may have it, Polly," said Phronsie with a sigh, "and then afterwards I'll rip it all off and smooth it out, and it will be almost as good as new." " I think there won't be much left of it when the play is over," cried Polly with a laugh; " why, the dragons are going to carry you off to their cave, you know, and you a.re to be rescued by the knight, just think, Phronsie ! You can't expect to have such perfectly delightful times, and come out with a quantity of tissue paper all safe. Something has to be sacrificed to royalty, child." Phronsie sighed again. But as Polly approved of royalty so highly, she immediately lent her- self to the anticipations of the pleasure before her, smothering all lesser considerations. THE REHEARSAL. 53 " When you get your little silver cap on with one of Auntie's diamond rings sewed in it, why, you'll be too magnificent for anything," said PRINCESS CLOTILDE. Polly, now pulling and patting with fresh enthu- siasm, since the " purple dash " was forthcoming. " Princesses don't wear silver caps with dia- mond rings sewed in them," observed Phronsie wisely. 54 THE REHEARSAL. " Of course not ; they have diamonds by the bushel, and don't need to sew rings in their caps to make them sparkle," said Polly, plaiting and pinning rapidly, " but in dressing up for a play, we have to take a poetic license. There, turn just one bit to the right, Phronsie dear." " What's poetic license ? " demanded Phronsie, wrenching her imagination off from the bushel of diamonds to seize practical information. " Oh ! when a man writes verses and says things that aren't so," said Polly, her mind on the many details before her. "But he ought not to," cried Phronsie, with wide eyes, " say things that are not so. I thought poets were always very good, Polly." " Oh ! well, people let him," said Polly, care- lessly, " because he puts it into poetry. It would never do in prose ; that would be quite shocking." " Oh ! " said Phronsie, finding the conversation some alleviation to the fitting-on process. " Now this left side," said Polly, twisting her head to obtain a good view of the point in ques- THE REHEARSAL. 55 tion, " is just right ; I couldn't do it any better if I were to try a thousand times. Why won't this other one behave, and fall into a pretty curve, I wonder ? " Phronsie yawned softly as the brown eyes were safely behind her. " I shall gather it up anyway, so," and Polly crushed the refractory folds recklessly in one hand ; "that's the way Mary Gibbs' hat trimmings look, and I'm sure they're a complete success. Oh! that's lovely," cried Polly, at the effect. " Now that's the treatment the whole drapery needs," she added in the tone of an art connois- seur. " Oh ! " A rushing noise announced the approach of two or three boys, together with the barking of Prince, as they all ran down the wide hall. " O, dear, dear ! " exclaimed Polly, hurriedly pulling and pinning, "there come the boys to rehearse. It can't be four o'clock," as the door opened and three members of the cast entered. "It's quarter-past four," said Jasper, laughing 56 THE REHEARSAL. and pulling out his watch ; " we gave you an extra fifteen minutes, as you had such a lot to do. Dear me ! but you are fine, Phronsie. I make my obeisance to Princess Clotilde ! " and he bowed low to the little silver and white figure, as did the other two boys, and then drew off to witness the final touches. " It's a most dreadful thing," cried Polly, pushing back the brown waves from her brow, as she also fell off to their point of view, " to get up a princess. I had no idea it was such a piece of work." " You have scored an immense success," said Jasper enthusiastically. " O, Phronsie ! you will make the hit of the season." " You'll think it is even much nicer when it is done," said Polly, vastly relieved that Jasper had given such a kind verdict. " It's to have a dash of royal purple on that right side, and in one of the shoulder knots, and to catch up her train." "That will be very pretty, I don't doubt," THE REHEARSAL. 57 said Jasper, trying to resolve himself into the cold critic, " but it seems to me it is almost per- fect now, Polly." " Oh ! thank you so much," she cried, with blooming cheeks. " How do you like it, Clare and Bensie ? " " I can't tell," said Ben, slowly regarding the Princess on all sides ; " it's so transforming." " It's tiptop ! " cried Clare. " It out-prin- cesses any princess I've ever imagined." " Well, it's a perfect relief," said Polly, " to have you boys come in. I've been working so over it that I was ready to say it was horrid. It's too bad, isn't it, that Dick can't be here to- day to rehearse his part ? " "To be sure," exclaimed Jasper, looking around, "where is the Princess' page ?" " He's gone to the dentist's," said Polly, making a wry face. " Auntie had to make the appointment for this afternoon, and we couldn't put off the rehearsal ; Clare can't come any other time, you know." 58 THE REHEARSAL. Phronsie turned an anxious face to the win- dow. " I hope he's not being hurt very much," she said slowly. " I don't believe he is," Polly made haste to answer most cheerfully, "it was only one tooth, you know, Phronsie, to be filled. Auntie says Dr. Porter told her the rest are all right." But a cloud rested on the Princess' face. " One tooth is something," she said. " Just think how nice it will be when it is all over, and Dick comes scampering in," cried Jasper, with great hilarity. " Do climb up on the sofa, Phronsie," urged Polly, looking into the pale little face, " you must sit down and rest a bit, you're so tired." " I will read the prologue while she rests," said Jasper. " So you can," said Polly. " Take care, child," in alarm, " you mustn't curl up in the corner like that; princesses don't ever do so." " Don't they ? " said Phronsie, flying off from the lovely corner, to straighten out again into THE REHEARSAL. 59 the dignity required ; " not when they are little girlsi Polly ? " " No, indeed," said Polly, with a rescuing hand among the silver spangles and lace ; " they must never forget that they are princesses, Phronsie. There, now, you're all right." " Oh ! " said Phronsie, sitting quite stiffly, glad if she could not be comfortable, she could be a princess. " Gentle ladies and brave sirs," began Jasper in a loud impressive tone, from the temporary stage, the large rug in front of the crackling hearth fire. Clare burst into a laugh. " See here now," cried Jasper, brandishing his text at him, " if you embarrass me like that, you may leave, you old dragon ! " " You ought to see your face," cried Clare. "Jap, you are anything but a hit." " You'll be yet," declared Jasper with a pre- tended growl, and another flourish of the man- uscript. 60 THE REHEARSAL, " Go on, do," implored Polly, " I think it is lovely. Clare, you really ought to be ashamed," and she shook her brown head severely at him. "If I don't quench such melodrama in the outset," said Clare, " he'll ruin us all. Fair ladies and brave sirs," mimicking to perfection Jasper's tones. " Thank you for a hint," cried Jasper, pulling out his pencil. " I didn't say ' fair ' ; that's better than 'gentle.' I wish critics would always be so useful as to give one good idea. Heigho ! here goes again : Fair ladies and brave sirs,. The player's art is to amuse, Instruct, or to confuse By too much good advice, But poorly given : That no one follows, because, forsooth, 'Tis thrown at him, neck and heels. The drama, pure and simple, is forgot In tugging in the moral " I thought you were going to alter ' tugging in ' to something more elegant," said Polly. THE REHEARSAL. 6l " Lugging in," suggested Clare, with another laugh. " Morals are always tugged in by the head and shoulders" said Jasper. "Why not say so ? " " We should have pretty much the whole anatomy of the human form divine, if you had your way," cried Clare. " Listen ! " ' Because, forsooth, 'tis thrown at him, neck and heels ' and ' Tugging in the moral, head and shoulders.' Now just add 'by the pricking of my thumbs,' etc., and you have them all." Jasper joined as well as Polly and Ben at the prologue's expense, but Phronsie sat erect wink- ing hard, her royal hands folded quite still in her lap. " You're bound for a newspaper office, my boy," said Jasper at length. " How you will cut into the coming poet, and maul the fledgeling of the prose writer ! Well, I stand corrected. The drama pure and simple, Is forgot, in straining at the moral. 62 THE REHEARSAL. " Ps that any better ? " (To the audience.) "Yes, I think it is," said Polly, "but I do believe it's time to talk more elegantly, Jasper. It is due to the people in the private boxes, you know." " Oh ! the boxes are to have things all right before the play is over ; never you fear, Polly," said Jasper. A poor presentment, You will say we give ; But cry you mercy, Sirs, and " I don't like ' cry you mercy,' " announced Ben slowly, "because it don't seem to mean anything." " Oh ! don't cut that out," exclaimed Polly, clasping her hands and rushing up to Ben. " That's my pet phrase ; you mustn't touch that, Bensie." " But it don't mean anything," reiterated Ben m a puzzled way. "Who cares?" cried Jasper defiantly. "A great many expressions that haven't the least THE REHEARSAL. 63 significance, are put in a thing of this sort. Padding, you know, my dear sir." , " Oh ! " said Ben literally, " I didn't know as you needed padding. All right, if it is necessary." " It's antique and perfectly lovely, and just like Shakespeare," cried Polly, viewing Ben in alarm. " Oh ! let the Bard of Avon have one* say in this production," cried Clare. "Go on, do, with your ' cry you mercy.' What's next, Jap ? " " Are you willing, Ben ? " asked Jasper, with a glance at Polly. "Ye-es," said Ben, also gazing at the rosy face and anxious eyes, " it can go as padding, I suppose." " Oh ! I am so glad," exclaimed Polly in glee, and dancing around the room. " And you won't be sorry, I know, Bensie ; the audience will applaud that very thing, I'm almost sure," which made Jasper sternly resolve something on the spot. '' Well, I shall never be through at this rate," 64 THE REHEARSAL. he said, whirling over the manuscript to find his place. " Oh ! here I am : But cry you mercy, Sirs and ladies fair, We aim but to be dragons, Not mortals posing for effect. We have a princess, to be sure " I should think we have," interrupted Clare with a glance over at the sofa. " Goodness me, she's fast asleep." " Poor little thing, she is tired to death," cried Polly remorsefully, while they all rushed over to the heap of lace and spangles, blissfully oblivious of " prologues." "Do let her sleep through this piece of stupidity," said Jasper, bundling up another satin skirt that Mrs. Whitney had loaned for Polly to make a choice from. " There," put- ting it under the yellow head, "we'll call her when the dragons come on." " Take care," cried Polly, with intercepting hand, "that's Auntie's lovely satin gown." " Beg pardon," said Jasper, relinquishing it THE REHEARSAL. 65 speedily. " Here's the sofa pillow, after all," dragging it from its temporary retirement under the theatrical de'bris. " Now let's get back to work; time is going fast." In a lowered voice : We have a princess, to be sure, A sweet and gracious Clotilde, And a knight who does her homage ; But the rest of us Are fishy, scaly, Horny, and altogether horrid, And of very low degree Who scarce know why we are upon the boards, Except for your amusement, So prithee, " Hold ! " cried Clare, " what stuff." " Give me an inch of time," cried Jasper, hurry- ing on, " and I'll end the misery : So prithee, be amused ; We're undone, if you are not, And all our labor lost. Pray laugh, and shake your sides, And say ' 'tis good ; 66 THE REHEARSAL. I' faith, 'tis very good.' And we shall say ' Your intellects do you credit.' And so we bid you a fond adieu, And haste away to unshackle the dragons, Who even now do roar without. Clare threw himself into the part of the dragons, and forgetful of Phronsie, gave a loud roar. Polly clapped her hands and tossed an imaginary bouquet as Jasper bowed himself off. " Hush ! " said Ben, " you'll wake up Phron- sie," but it was too late ; there she sat rubbing her eyes in astonishment. " Oh ! you darling," cried Polly, running over to her, to clasp her in her arms, " I'm so sorry I tired you all out, Phronsie dear, do forgive me." "I'm not tired," said Phronsie, with dewy eyes. " Has Jasper got through reading ? What was it all about, Polly ? " " Indeed and I have finished," he cried with a yawn and throwing the manuscript on the table, " and I don't know in the least what it is all about, Phronsie." THE REHEARSAL. "Just a lot of dreadful words," said Clare, over in the corner, pulling at a heap of costumes or? the floor. " Never mind ; the horrible spell is "LOOK, PHRONS1E, HERE GOES IN MY HEAD." broken ; come on, you fellows, and tumble into your dragon skins ! " With that the chief dragon deserted Phronsie, and presently there resounded the rattle of the 68 THE REHEARSAL. scales, the clanking of chains, and the dragging about of the rest of their paraphernalia. " Now, Phronsie," said Jasper, coming back, half-vvithin his dragon skin, and gesticulating, " you see that it's only I in this thing. Look, dear ! here goes in my head," and he pulled on the scaly covering, observing great care to smile reassuringly the last thing before his countenance was obscured. Phronsie screamed with delight and clapped her hands. " O, Jasper ! let me have one on, do, Jasper ! I'd much rather be a dragon than a princess. Really and truly I would, Jasper." " I don't agree with you," said Jasper, in a muffled voice. " Phew ! this is no end stuffy, fellows. I can't stand it long." " I'm all coming to pieces," said Ben, turning around to regard his back where the scales yawned fearfully. " I'll run and ask Mamsie to come and sew you up," cried Polly, flying off. " She said she would help, if we wanted her." CHAPTER IV. WELCOME HOME ! MARIAN," said old Mr. King, putting his head in at the door of her little writ- ing-room, " can't you get her comfortably out of the way this morning ? I want your services without interruption." " She's going down to Pinaud's," said Mrs. Whitney, looking up from the note she was writing. " Capital ! when she once gets there, she'll stay the morning," declared Mr. King, greatly- pleased. " Now, then, after she's cleverly off, you may come to me." " I will, father," said Marian, going back with a smile to her correspondence. Half an hour later Thomas, with the aid of 69 70 WELCOME HOME ! the horses and the shopping coupd having car- ried off Mrs. Chatterton, Mrs. Whitney pushed aside her notes, and ran down to her father's study. She found him in his velvet morning-gown seated before his table, busy with a good-sized list of names that was rapidly growing longer under his pen. " Oh ! I forgot," he said, looking up ; "I intended to tell you to bring some of your cards and envelopes. I want some invitations written." " Are you going to give a dinner ? " asked Marian, looking over his shoulder. " O, no ! I see by the length of your list it's an evening affair, or a musicale." " You run along, daughter," said the old gentle- man, " and get what I tell you. This is my affair ; it's a musicale and something else combined. I don't just know myself." And he laughed at the sight of her face. "If father is only pleased, I don't care what WELCOME HOME! 71 it is," said Mrs. Whitney to herself, hurrying over the stairs and back again, never once thinking of Polly's and Jasper's surprise for the boys. "You see, Marian," said Mr. King as she sat down by the table and laid the cards and envelopes in front of him, " that I'm going to help out that affair that Jasper and Polly are getting up." " O, father! how good of you!" exclaimed Mrs. Whitney in a delighted tone, which im- mensely pleased the old gentleman, to begin with. " They've been working very hard, those two, at their studies this autumn. I've seen them," cried Mr. King, with a shrewd air, "and I'm going now to give them a little pleasure." Marian said nothing, but let him have the comfort of doing all the talking, which he now enjoyed to his heart's content. " Whether the other chaps have done well, I don't know. Davie may have kept at it, but 72 WELCOME HOME! I suspect the rest of the boys haven't killed themselves with hard study. But they shall have a good home-coming, at any rate." Mrs. Whitney smiled, and he proceeded : " Now I'm going to send out these invitations " he pushed the list toward her " I shall have the drawing-room and music-room floors covered, and all extra seats arranged, give Turner carte blanche as to flowers, if he can't furnish enough out of our own conservatories and the evening will end with a handsome ' spread/ as Jasper calls it. In short, I shall recognize their attempt to make it pleasant for the boys' holiday, by help- ing them out on the affair all I can." The old gentleman now leaned back in his big chair and studied his daughter's face. " And you'll never regret it, father," she cried, with an enthusiasm that satisfied him, " for these young people will all repay you a thousand-fold, I do believe, in the time to come," "Don't I know it?" cried Mr. King, getting out of his chair hastily to pace the floor. " Good- WELCOME HOME ! 73 ness me ! they repay me already. They're fine young things, every one of them Whitneys, Peppers and my boy as fine as they are made. And whoever says they're not, don't know a good piece of work when it's before his eyes. Bless me ! " pulling out his handkerchief to mop his face violently, " I don't want to see any finer." " I hope I shall have a sight of Jasper's and Polly's faces when you tell them what you intend to do," said Mrs. Whitney ; " where are your cards, father ? " "Tell them ? I sha'n't tell them at all," cried the old gentleman ; " I'm going to have a sur- prise, too. No one must know it but you and Mrs. Pepper." " Oh ! " said Mrs. Whitney. " It was very stupid in me not to understand that. It will be all right, father ; Mrs. Pepper and I will keep our secret, you needn't fear." " If you can only keep her out of the way," exclaimed Mr. King, pointing irascibly in the 74 WELCOME HOME! direction of Mrs. Chatteron's apartments, " all will be well. But I doubt if you can ; her meddlesome ears and tongue will be at work as usual," he added in extreme vexation. " Here comes Jasper," exclaimed Mrs. Whit- ney, which had the satisfactory result of bring- ing her father out of his irritation, into a flut- ter over the concealment of the party prepa- rations. " Jasper," cried Polly that evening, as they ran into the music-room to play a duet, "we're all right about everything now, as your father says we may invite the girls and your friends." " And he said when I asked him if we ought not to have cake and coffee, ' I'll attend to that,' " said Jasper, " so everything is all straight as far as I can see, Polly." " The private boxes trouble me, I must con- fess," said Polly, drumming absently on the keys, while Jasper spread the sheet of music on the rack. " You know there must be two ; one for dear Mr. King, and one for the boys as WELCOME HOME! 75 guests of honor. Now how shall we manage them ? " She took her hand off suddenly from the keys and folded it over its fellow on her knee, to study his face anxiously. " It's pretty hard to get them up, that's a fact," said Jasper truthfully, " but then, you know, Polly, we've always found that when a thing had to be done, it was done. You know the little brown house taught us that." " So it did," said Polly, brightening up. " Dear little old brown house, how could I ever forget it ! Well, I suppose," with a sigh, " it will come to us as an inspiration when it's time to fix them." " I suppose so too," said Mrs. Pepper, passing the door, as usual with her mending basket, " and when two people start to play a duet, I think they much better put their minds on that, and not waste precious time on all sorts of questions that will take care of themselves when the time comes." " You are right, Mrs. Pepper," cried Jasper 76 WELCOME HOME! with a laugh, and seating himself before the piano. " Come, Polly ! " " Mamsie is always right, isn't she, Jasper ? " cried Polly with pride, putting her hands down for the first chords. " Indeed she is," responded the boy heartily. " Here now, Polly, remember, you slipped up a bit on that first bar. Now." The twenty-first of December came all too soon for Polly and Jasper, whose school duties had engrossed them till two days before, but after hard work getting up the stage proper- ties, and the many rehearsals, everything was at last pronounced ready, the drawing-room and music-room locked, the keys given to Mrs. Whitney who promised faithfully to see that no one peeped in who should not, and Polly hurried into her hat and jacket, to go to the station with Jasper to meet the boys. Thomas drove furiously, as they were a bit late, and they arrived only a minute before the train puffed in. WELCOME HOME ! 77 " Here they are ! " cried Polly, and " Here they are ! " cried Jasper, together, in great excitement, on the platform. " Halloo, Polly ! " cried Joel, prancing out of the car first, and " How d'ye do, Polly ? " as they all hurried after. " Halloo, Jasper ! " " O, Polly ! it's good to see you ! " This from Davie, not ashamed to set a kiss on her red lips. Van and Percy looked as if they wanted to, but contented themselves with wringing her hand nearly off, while Joel declared he would look after the luggage. " No, I will," cried Van, dropping Polly's hand. " You forget," said Percy quietly, " I hold the checks, "I'll attend to it myself." He unclosed his brown traveling glove, and Van, at sight of them, turned back. "Go along, do, then," he cried ; " I don't want to, I'm sure, I'd much rather stay with Polly. How d'ye do, Thomas ? " he called carelessly 78 WELCOME HOME ! to the coachman on his box who was continually touching his hat and indulging in broad smiles of content. Polly was tiptoeing in very delight, holding Davie's hand closely while her eyes roved from one to the other of the boys, and her tongue ran fast indeed. A group of girls, who had also come down to the station to meet friends, stopped a bit as they came laughing and chatting by. " How d'ye, boys ? " they said carelessly to the three home-comers. " O, Polly ! won't it be entrancing to-night ? " cried one of them, seizing her arm as she spoke. " Hush ! " said Polly, as she tried to stop her. " May I bring Elsie Fay ? she's come on the train to stay over Christmas with her aunt. May I, Polly ? " begged another girl eagerly. " Yes, yes," said Polly in a paroxysm of fear lest Joel, who was crowding up between them, should catch a word; "do be still," she whis- pered. " Bring anybody, only stop, Alexia." " He won't hear," said Alexia carelessly ; WELCOME HOME! 79 " that boy don't mind our talking ; his head's full of skating and coasting." "You're going to have something to-night that you don't want me to know about," de- clared Joel, his chubby face set defiantly, and crowding closer; "so there ; now I'm going to find out what it is." " If we don't want you to know, you ought not to try to find out, Joel Pepper," cried Alexia. "And you sha'n't, either." " There, now you see," cried Polly, unable to keep still, while her face grew red too. " O, dear ! what shall we do ? " "You are you are," cried Joel, capering up and down the platform, his black eyes shining with delight. " Now I know for certain, and it's at our house, too, for you asked Polly if you might bring some other girl, Elsie somebody or other, so ! Oh ! I'll soon know." "Joel," exclaimed Jasper suddenly, clapping him on the shoulder, "I'm going round to the gymnasium ; want to go with me ? " 80 WELCOME HOME! Joel stopped his capering at once, this new idea thrusting out the old one. " Don't I, though ! " he cried, with a nod at Polly and her friends. "But I'll find out when I do get home," the nod declared plainly. But Jasper also nodded. His said, " He won't get home till late; depend on me." And then "Come on, Jo," he cried; "I'm going to walk," and they were off. Alexia pinched Polly's gray woollen jacket sleeve convulsively. " What an escape," she breathed. " Here comes Percy," cried Polly nervously, and she broke away from her and the other giris, and ran to meet him, the two boys fol- lowing. " Where's Jasper ? " asked Percy, rendered quite important in air and step, from his en- counter with the baggage officials. " Oh ! he isn't going home with us," said Polly. " Come, do let us get in," and she scampered off to the carriage and climbed within. ' O, FELICIE 1 I DON'T WANT THAT DRESS.' WELCOME HOME ! 83 " That's funny," said Percy, jumping in after. Van opened his lips to tell where Jasper had gone, but remembering Percy's delight in such an expedition, he closed them quickly, and added himself to the company in the carriage. Davie followed, and closed the door quickly. " Stop ! where's Joel ? " asked Percy. "Thomas, we've forgotten Joe," rapping on the glass to the coachman. " No, we haven't ; he isn't going to drive," said Polly. " Oh ! " and Percy, thinking that Joel had stolen a march on them on his good strong legs, now cried lustily, " Go on, Thomas ; get ahead as fast as you can," and presently he was lost in the babel of laughter and chatter going on in the coach. " I've a piece of news," presently cried Van in a lull. " Davie's bringing home a prize; first in classics, you know." " O, Davie ! " screamed Polly, and she leaned over to throw her arms around him ; " Manisie 84 WELCOME HOME ! will be so glad. Davie, you can't think how glad she'll be ! " Davie's brown cheek glowed. " It isn't much," he said simply, " there were so many prizes given out." " Well, you've taken one," cried Polly, saying the blissful words over and over. " How per- fectly elegant ! " Van drummed on the carriage window dis- contentedly. " I could have taken one if I'd had the mind to." " Hoh-oh ! " shouted Percy over in his corner. " Well, you didn't have the mind ; that's what was wanting." "You keep still," cried Van, flaming up, and whirling away from his window. " You didn't take any, either. Polly, his head was under water all the time, unless some of the boys tugged him along every day. We hardly got him home at all." " No such thing," contradicted Percy flatly, his face growing red. " Polly, he tells perfectly WELCOME HOME! 85 awful yarns. You mustn't believe him, Polly. You won't, will you ? " He leaned over appeal- ingly toward her. " Oh ! don't, don't," cried Polly quite dismayed, " talk so to each other." "Well, he's so hateful," cried Van, "and the airs he gives himself ! I can't stand them, Polly, you know " " And he's just as mean," cried Percy vin- dictively. " Oh ! you can't think, Polly. Here we are," as Thomas gave a grand flourish through the stone gateway, and up to the steps. " I'll help you out," and he sprang out first. " No, I will," declared Van, opening the door on the other side, jumping out and running around the carriage. " Here, Polly, take my hand, do." " No, I got here first," said Percy eagerly, his brown glove extended quite beyond Van's hand. " I don't want any o*ne to help me, who speaks so to his brother," said Polly in a low voice, and 86 WELCOME HOME ! with her most superb air stepping down alone, she ran up the steps to leave them staring in each other's faces. Here everybody came hurrying out to the porch, and they were soon drawn into the warm loving welcome awaiting them. " O, Felicie ! I don't want that dress," said Polly as she ran into her room after dinner, to Mrs. Whitney's French maid, " I'm going to wear my brown cashmere." " O, Mademoiselle ! " remonstrated Fdlicie, adjusting the ruffle in the neck of the white nun's veiling over her arm. "O, no, Polly! I wouldn't," began Mrs. Pepper, coming in, " the white one is better for to-night." " Mamsie ! " cried Poll)', breaking away from the mirror where she was pulling into place the bright brown waves over her forehead, " how lovely ! you've put on your black silk ; and your hair is just beautiful ! " " Madame has ze fine hair," said Fe'licie, WELCOME HOME! 87 " only I wish zee would gif it to me to pre- paire." " Yes, I have good hair," said Mrs. Pepper, " and I'm thankful for it. No one looks dressed up, in my opinion, with a ragged head. The finer the gown, it makes careless hair look worse. No, Polly, I wouldn't wear the brown dress to-night." " Why, Mamsie ! " exclaimed Polly in surprise, " I thought you'd say it was just the thing when only the girls and Jappy's friends are coming to the play. Besides, I don't want to look too dressed up; the Princess ought to be the only one in a white gown." " You won't be too conspicuous," said her mother; adding slowly, "you might wear the nun's veiling well enough as you haven't any part in the play, Polly," and she scanned the rosy face keenly. " I don't want any part," cried Polly ; " they all play better than I do. Somebody must see that everything goes off well behind the scenes ; 38 WELCOME HOME! that's my place, Mamsie. Besides, you forget I am to play my sonata." "I don't forget," said her mother; "all the more reason you should wear the white gown, then." " All right," cried Polly, merrily dashing across the room to Felicie, " put it over my head, do. Well, I'm glad you think it is right to wear it, Mamsie," as the soft folds fell around her. " I just love this dress. O, Auntie ! how perfectly exquisite ! " Mrs. Whitney came in smilingly and put a kiss on the tall girl's cheek. "Do I look nicely?" she asked naively, turning around under the chandelier. "Nicely?" exclaimed Polly, lifting her hands, " why, you are fresh from fairyland. You are so good to put on that lovely blue moire' and your diamond cross, just for the boys and girls." " I am glad you like it," said Mrs. Whitney hastily. " Now, Polly, don't you worry about anything; I'll see that the last things are done." WELCOME HOME! 89 " Well, I am worrying," confessed Polly, quite in a tremble ; " I must see to one corner of the private box for the boys. You know the last India shawl you lent me wasn't pinned up straight and I couldn't fix it, for Van wanted me just then, and I couldn't get away without his suspecting something. O, Auntie ! if you would see to that." " I will," said Mrs. Whitney, not daring to look at Mrs. Pepper, "and to all the other things ; don't give a thought to them, Polly." " How good you are," cried Polly with a sigh of relief. " O, Auntie ! we couldn't do anything without you." " And you don't need to go into the drawing- room at all," said Mrs. Whitney, going to the door. " Just keep behind the scenes, and get your actors and Phronsie ready, and your mother and I will receive your friends. Come, Mrs. Pepper." "That is splendid," cried Polly, left behind with the maid, "now I can get ready without 90 WELCOME HOME! flying into a flurry, Felicie ; and then for Phronsie and the rest ! " "There is a dreadful commotion in there among the audience," said Jasper, out in the green room ; " I imagine every one who had an 'invite,' has come. But I don't see how they can make such a noise." " Oh ! a few girls and boys make just about as much confusion as a good many," observed Polly. "Jasper, wouldn't you like to see Joel's eyes when Aunt Whitney leads him into the pri- vate box ? " she allowed herself time to exclaim. " Yes," laughed Jasper, pulling out his watch from beneath his dragon-skin ; " well, we have only five minutes more, Polly. We must have the curtain up sharp." " O, dear, dear ! " cried Polly, flying here and there to bestow last touches on the different members of her cast. " Now, Clare, you must remember not to give such a shriek when you go on, mustn't he, Jappy ? Just a dull, sullen roar, your part is." WELCOME HOME! 93 "Well, I'm nearly dead under here," cried Clare, glaring beneath his dragon face. "I'll shriek, or roar, just as I like, so ! " " Very well," said Polly, " I don't know but it's as well, after all, that you are cross ; you'll be more effective," she added coolly. "Let me see oh ! the door of the cave wants a bit more of gray moss ; it looks thin where it hangs over. You get it, will you, Hannah ? " to one of the maids who was helping. " And just one thing more," scanning hastily the stage setting, " another Chinese lantern is needed right here," going toward the front of the stage, " and that green bush is tumbling over ; do set it straight, somebody ; there now, I believe everything is all ready. Now let us peep out of the curtain, and get one good look at the audience. Come, Phronsie, here's a fine place ; come, boys ! " The different members of the cast now applied their eyes to as many cracks in the curtain as ' could be hastily managed. 94 WELCOME HOME ! There was a breathing space. " What, what ? " cried Polly, gazing into the sea of faces, and the dragons nearly knocked the Princess over as Mr. King gave the signal for the band stationed in the wide hall, to send out their merriest strains. CHAPTER V. AFTER THE PLAY. IT was all over. Phronsie had been swept off, a vision of loveliness, to the cave ; the dragons had roared their loudest, and the gal- lant knight had covered himself with glory in the brilliant rescue of the Princess ; the little page had won the hearts of all the ladies ; Mr. King had applauded himself hoarse, especially during the delivery of the prologue, when " I cry you mercy, sirs, and ladies fair," rang out; the musical efforts of Polly and Jasper in the "Wait" between the two acts were over, and the crowded house in every way possible, had expressed itself delighted with all things from beginning to end. " Phronsie, Phronsie, they're calling you," whis- pered Polly excitedly, out in the green room. 95 96 AFTER THE PLAY. " Come, Princess." The head dragon held out his hand. " Hurry, dear ! See, the flowers ! " "They can't be for me," said Phronsie, stand- ing quite still ; " Polly has done all the work ; they're hers." " Nonsense, child ! " cried Polly, giving her a gentle push forward. "Go on, and take them." " Polly, you come too," begged Phronsie, refus- ing to stir, and holding her by the gown. " I can't, Phronsie," cried Polly in distress ; " don't you see they haven't called me. Go on, child, if you love me," she implored. Phronsie, not being able to resist this, dropped Polly's gown, and floated before the foot-lights. " Thank you," she said, bowing gravely to the sea of faces, as her hands were filled with roses, " but I shall give these to Polly, because we couldn't any of us have done it without her." And so she brought them back to put into dis- mayed Polly's lap. " The authors the authors of the play ! " AFTER THE PLAY. 97 cried a strong voice, privately urged on by Mr. King. " There, now's your turn," cried Clare to Polly. " And go ahead, old dragon," to Jasper, " make your prettiest bow." So the chief dragon led up blushing Polly to the front of the stage, to hear a neat little speech from Mr. Alstyne, thanking them for the pleasure of the evening and congratulating them on its success ; and the band played again, the camp chairs were folded up and removed, the green- room and stage were deserted, and actors and audience mingled in a gay, confusing throng. Phronsie, in her little silver and white gown and gleaming cap, began to wander among the guests, unconscious that she had not on the red cashmere dress she had worn all day. Groups stopped their conversation to take her into their midst, passing her on at last as one might hand over a precious parcel to the next waiting hands. Polly, seeing that she was well cared for, gave herself up to the enjoyment of the evening. 98 AFTER THE PLAY. " Well, sir, how did you like it ? " asked Jasper, with a small pat on Joel's back. " Well enough," said Joel, " but why didn't you make more of it ? You could have crawled up on top of the cave, and slashed around there ; and you old dragons were just three muffs in the last act. I'd rather have had Polly in the play ; she's twice the ' go ' in her." " So would we all have preferred Polly," cried Jasper, bursting into a laugh, "but she wouldn't act she directed everything ; she was all the play, in fact." Polly meanwhile was saying to Pickering Dodge, "No, not to-night; you must dance with one of the other girls." " But I don't choose to dance with anybody but you," said Pickering, holding out his hand. " Come, Polly, you can't refuse ; they're forming the Lancers. Hurry?" Polly's feet twitched nervously under her white gown, and she longed more than ever after the excitement she had passed through, to lose her- AFTER THE PLAY. 99 self in the witching music, and the mazy dance. She hesitated a bit, but just then glancing across the room, " Come," she said, " I want you to dance with Ray Simmons. You can't refuse," using his own words ; and before he was con- scious how it was done,- he was by Ray's side, and asking for the pleasure of the dance. Polly stood quite still and saw them go away and take the last places in the set, and a sorry little droop fell upon the curves of the laughing mouth. She was very tired, and the elation that had possessed her over the success of the evening was fast dropping out, now that every- body was enjoying themselves in their own way, leaving her alone. She felt left out in the cold ; and though she fought against it, a faint feeling of regret stole over her for what she had done. She almost wished she was standing there by the side of Pickering Dodge, one of the bright group on whom the eyes of the older people were all turned, as they waited for the first figure to begin. 100 AFTER THE FLAY. " Well, Polly" it was Mr. Alstyne who spoke, and he acted as if he had come to stay by her side " you've covered yourself with glory this evening." " Have I, sir?" asked Polly absently, wishing there had been less of the glory, and a little more fun. "Yes, indeed," said Mr. Alstyne, his keen eyes searching her face. " Well, now, Polly, your dragons, although not exactly like any living ones extant, make me think of some I saw at the Zoo, in London. Do you want me to tell you how ? " " Oh ! if you please," cried Polly, her color coming back, and beginning to forget the dance and the dancers. " Let us sit down here, then," said Mr. Alstyne, drawing her off to two chairs in a corner, " and you shall have the tale. No pun, Polly, you know." And he plunged into it at once. " Yes, Alstyne has her all right," Mr. King was saying at the further end of the drawing- AFTER THE PLAY. IO1 room to Mrs. Pepper ; he spied the whole thing ; " he'll take care of her, you may depend." And two more people had seen ; one was Jasper. Nevertheless his partner, Alexia Rhys, thought it necessary to enlighten him. " Just think, Polly's given up her chance with the best dancer in the room, and sent Pickering Dodge off with that horrid Ray Simmons" Jasper pretended not to hear. " This is our figure," he said hastily, and they whirled off, finished it, and were back again. " Isn't she a goose ? " as he fanned her, and tried to introduce another subject. " I suppose she best pleases herself," said the boy indifferently. " Why should any one else interfere in the matter ? " " But some one else ought to interfere," cried Alexia, with a little pout, provoked at his indif- ference ; "that's just the way she does in school all the time. Oh ! I'm vexed at her, I can tell you. She's so silly dear me, it's our turn again." 102 AFTER THE PLAY. By the next interim she had forgotten all about Polly and whether she was having a nice time or the stupidest one imaginable, for Joel, who held dancing in great contempt, sauntered up. " Aren't you glad now that you didn't find out about the secret ? " cried Alexia radiantly. "Oh ! you are such a nuisance, Joey," she added frankly. " Phooh ! " exclaimed Joel, " it wasn't worth finding out, that old secret. But it's as good as girls ever get up," he finished with a supercilious air. " It was a perfectly splendid play ! " cried Alexia, " and much too good for a lot of boys. Goodness, Joey, I wouldn't celebrate if you four were coming home from school to our house. I'd have the jollification the night before you went back." " I wouldn't go home if 'twas to your house," declared Joel with equal candor. " I'd run off to sea, first." AFTER THE PLAY. 103 "Come, ome, you two, stop sparring," cried Jasper, holding out his hand ; " it's our turn again, Alexia. Joe, take yourself off." Alexia flashing Joel a bright, making-up smile, dashed off into the figure. " Good-by," said Joel with a smile as cheery, for he really liked her the best of all Polly's girl friends. After the dance, supper was announced, and everybody marched out to the supper room ; the dancers with their partners following. "Will you allow me?" Mr. Alstyne seeing the movement, got out of his chair and offered his arm to Polly with a courtly bow. " Oh ! don't think of me, sir," she began, blushing very hard. " Joel will look out for me." " I much prefer waiting upon Miss Polly Pepper to any other lady in the room," said Mr. Alstyne, with another bow, courtlier than the first, " since Mrs. Alstyne is provided for. See, Polly, Mr. King is taking her out. And 104 AFTER THE PLAY. your mother has her cavalier, in Mr. Cabot ; and Mrs. Whitney has already gone out with JOEL WAS CHATTING AWAY TO A PRETTY LITTLE CREATURE. Mr. Fairfax. So if you don't accept my ser- vices, I shall be entirely left out in the cold." AFTER THE PLAY. 105 He stood offering her his arm, and Polly, laugh- ing merrily, put her hand within it. " It's very good of you, sir," she said simply, as they fell into step and joined the procession. "I'm afraid if you had trusted to Joel's tender mercies, you would have fared hardly," said Mr. Alstyne, laughing. " Look, Polly, over yonder in the corner." They were just passing into the supper room, and now caught sight of Joel chatting away to a very pretty little creature, in blue and white, as busily and unconcernedly as if he had done that sort of thing for years. " Why ! " cried Polly quite aghast, " that can't be Joel. He just hates girls, you know, Mr. Alstyne, and never goes to parties." " He seems to be able to endure it all very well to-night," said her companion dryly. " Shall I get you an ice, Miss Polly ? " "Yes, thank you," said Polly absently, not being able to take her eyes off from Joel and his friend. At last, by the force of attraction, he turned and looked at her. But instead of 106 AFTER THE PLAY. showing self-consciousness, his round eyes sur- veyed her coolly, while he went on talking and laughing with the little blue-and-white thing. " Polly, Polly," exclaimed Alexia Rhys, hurry- ing up, while Jasper was storming the supper table for her, " do look at Joel Pepper ! He actually brought in a girl to supper !" "I see," said Polly, gazing at the two in a fascinated way. "On the other hand," said Alexia, sending swift, bird-like glances around the supper room, "there are Van and Percy moping off by them- selves as if they hadn't a friend in the world. What a pity; they used to be so lively at parties." Polly wrenched her gaze away from the aston- ishing sight on which it had been fixed, and following Alexia's glance, took a keen look over at the young Whitneys. " Oh ! oh ! I must go to them," she cried remorsefully. " Tell Mr. Alstyne, please, when he comes back, where I am." and without another word she dashed back AFTER THE PLAY. 107 of some gaily dressed ladies just entering the supper room, and was out of the door. " If I ever did ! " cried Alexia irritably to her- self, " see anything so queer ! Now she thinks she must race after those boys, I wish I'd kept still. Jasper, she's just as funny as ever," as he came up with a plate of salad, and some oysters. " Who ? " said the boy ; " is this right, Alexia?" offering the plate. "Why, Polly," said Alexia; "yes, that's lovely," with a comforted glance at the plate and its contents. " Oh ! she's gone off, Mr. Alstyne," to that gentleman, approaching with Polly's ice. " You can't expect her to stay for the goodies," beginning to nibble at her own. "Where is she ? " cried Mr. Alstyne, laughing, and sweeping the room with his brown eyes. " Oh ! I see," his glance lighting on the Whit- ney boys' corner. " Yes, she told me to tell you," said Alexia, between her mouthfuls of salad and oyster, " where she is," as he started. I08 AFTER THE PLAY. " O, Percy and Van ! " Polly was whispering hurriedly, " I'm sorry I hurt your feelings, only it was so very dreadful, you know, to hear you go on so to each other." "We didn't mean anything," said Percy, push- ing one foot back and forth in an embarrassed way, and looking as if he did not know what to do with his hands, which confused him more than anything else, as he had been quite sure of them on all previous occasions. Van thrust his into his pockets, and seemed on the point of whistling, but remembering where he was, took his lips speedily out of their curves, and looked the other way. Just then Mr. Alstyne came up. " Oh ! " cried Polly suddenly, the color rush- ing over her face. " Could you, Mr. Alstyne, give that to some one else ? Percy and Van are going to wait upon me." "Yes, indeed," said Mr. Alstyne in a flash, " nothing easier ; " and he disappeared as sud- denly as he came. AFTER THE PLAY. 1 09 " Now, boys," said Polly, turning back to them and whispering busily, " I know you won't ever say such perfectly dreadful things to each other again. And so I'm going to ask you both to get me something to eat, will you? " " How do you know we won't ? " cried Percy slowly. He was sorry enough for the episode iu the coach, yet couldn't resist the temptation to show he was not to be driven. " Because I shall then have nothing whatever to eat," said Polly merrily, "for of course I can't take a bit from anybody else after refusing Mr. Alstyne's kindness. Don't you see ? O, Percy ! you wouldn't quite do that ? " Van laughed. " She's got us, Percy," he said, "quite fast. You know you won't fight, and I won't again ; we both said so a little while back ; so what's the good of holding out now ? " Percy drew himself up very slowly and de- cidedly. " I won't trouble you so again, Polly," holding out his hand. "Now would you like oysters ? " all in the same breath. 110 AFTER THE PLAY. "And here's mine," cried Van, extending his brown one. " Can't I bring you some salad ? " "Yes, yes," cried Polly gaily, and she released their hands after a cordial grasp. " You may bring me everything straight through, boys," as they rushed off, heads erect, to the crowded supper-table. " You've had a good time ? " asked Mrs. Pep- per slowly, with a keen glance into the flushed face and sparkling eyes, as they turned up the gas in Polly's bedroom. " Dear me ! it is half- past eleven." " Splendid," said Polly, shaking herself free from the white gown and beginning to braid her hair for the night. " Percy and Van were per- fectly lovely, and Mr. Alstyne was so good to me. And oh! Mamsie, isn't dear Mr. King just the dearest dear, to give all this to the boys? We haven't thanked him half enough." " He is indeed," said Mrs. Pepper heartily. "Why, where is Phronsie? " looking around the room. AFTER THE PLAY. 113 "She was right back of you," said Polly. "She wanted to take off her things herself. Did you ever see such a sweet" she began, but Mrs. Pepper did not stop to hear, hurrying out to the adjoining room, shared by the mother and her baby. " She isn't here," Polly heard her say in be- wildered tones. So Polly, her long hair blown about her face, ran in, brush in hand. "Why, where" she began laughingly. " She wouldn't go down-stairs, I don't think," said Mrs. Pepper, peering in all the corners, and even meditating a look under the bed. "No, no," cried Polly, "the lights are all turned out," investigating all possible and im- possible nooks that a mouse could creep into. " Where can she be ? Phronsie Phronsie ! " "Well, of course she is down-stairs," de- clared Mrs. Pepper at last, hurrying out of the room. "Take a candle, Mamsie, you'll fall," cried Polly, and throwing on her bath wrapper, she 114 AFTER THE PLAY. seized the light from the mantel and hurried after her. Half-way down she could hear Phronsie's gay little laugh, and catch the words "Good-night, my dear Grandpapa," and then she came slowly out from Mr. King's sitting-room, and softly closed the door. " Phronsie ! " exclaimed Polly, sitting down on the middle of the stairs, the candle shaking ominously, " how could " " Hush ! " said Mrs. Pepper, who had fumbled her way along the hall. " Don't say anything. O, Phronsie dear, so you went down to bid Grandpapa good-night, did you ? " Phronsie turned a glance of gentle surprise on her mother, and then looked up at Polly. " No, not exactly to bid him good-night," she said slowly. "I was afraid he was sick; I heard him coughing, so I went down." "He is quite well, isn't he?" asked Mrs. Pepper. " Here, give me your hand, child ; we must get up to bed." AFTER THE PLAY. 115 "O yes ! he is quite really and truly all well," declared Phronsie, breaking into another glad little laugh. "He said he never had such a beautiful time in his life, and he is just as well as he can be. O, Polly ! " as she picked up her Princess gown and prepared to ascend the stairs, " how funny you look sitting there ! " " Funny ? " said Polly grimly. " I dare say, and I feel funny too, Phronsie." CHAPTER VI. THE LITTLE BROWN HOUSE. THEY were all sitting around the library fire ; Polly under the pretext of holding Phronsie's head in her lap, was sitting on the rug beside her, the boys on either hand ; old Mr. King was inarching up and down the long room, and looking at them. The merriest of stories had been told, Polly urging on all the school records of jolly times, and those not so enjoyable ; songs had been sung, and all sorts of nonsense aired. At last Joel sprang up and ran over to pace by the old gentleman's side. " Christmas was good enough," said the boy, by way of beginning conversation. " Hey?" responded the old gentleman, look ing down at him, " I should think it was. Well, 116 THE LITTLE BROWN HOUSE. 117 and how about the wonderful play on the twenty-first ? And that was good enough too, I dare say." "That was well enough," said Joel indiffer- ently, " I don't care for such stuff, though." "Tut tut!" cried Mr. King in pretended anger, " now I won't have anything said against that wonderful production. Not a thing, sir, do you hear ? " Joel laughed, his chubby face twinkling all over in secret amusement. " Well, I know some- thing better, if you'll only let us do it, sir, than a hundred old plays." "And pray what is it ?" demanded Mr. King, "let's have it at once. But the idea of surpass- ing the play ! O, no, no, it can't be done, sir! " " It's to go and see the Little Brown House," said Joel, standing up on his tiptoes to a level with the old gentleman's ear, and one eye look- ing backward to see that nobody heard. Mr. King started, pulled his handsome mous- Il8 THE LITTLE BROWN HOUSE. "cache thoughtfully, looked at Joel sharply, and then over at the group in the firelight. " They don't know anything about it," cried the boy in a whisper, " don't tell them, it's my secret, and yours," he added generously. "Oh! if we might only go and look at it." " It's winter," observed the old gentleman, and stepping to the window he put aside the draperies, to peer out into -the black evening. " Yes, it really is winter," he added with a shiver, to the boy who was close behind, and as if no longer in doubt about it, he added most emphatically, " it really is winter, Joel." " Well, but you never saw anything like it, how magnificent winter is in Baclgertown," cried Joel in an excited whisper. " Such hills to coast down ; the snow is always crisp there, sir, not like this dirty town mud. And the air is as dry as punk," he added artfully. " Oh ! 'twould be such a lark ; " he actually clasped his hands. " Badgertown isn't so very far off," said Mr. THE LITTLE BROWN HOUSE. 119 King thoughtfully, " I'll think about it and see if we can manage it." " Ugh-ow ! " squealed Joel, utterly forgetful of his caution of secrecy, " we can, we can ; we can open the little brown house, and build great fires there, and " But he got no further. Into the midst of Van's liveliest sally, came the words "little brown house," bringing all the young people to their feet, Phronsie running to the old gentle- man's side, with, "What is it, Grandpapa? He said little brown house." "Get away!" cried Joel crossly to the be- siegers, each and all wildly clamoring. "What is it ? What are you talking about ? It's my secret," he cried, "and his," pointing with a dismayed finger to Mr. King. "Well, it isn't a secret any longer," cried Polly, flushing with excitement. "You said 'little brown house,' we heard you just as plainly; and you're getting up something, I know you are." 120 THE LITTLE BROWN HOUSE. " People don't usually select a roomful of listeners, and then shout out their secrets," said Jasper. " You are in for it now, Joe, and no mistake. Go ahead, old fellow, and give us the rest of it." Joel whirled away from them all in despera- tion. " You might as well," laughed the old gentle- man, " the mischief is done now, and no mis- take." So Joel, thus set upon, allowed the whole beautiful plan to be wrung from him, by slow and torturing installments ; how they all were to go to Badgertown, open the little brown house, and stay there here he glanced at Mr. King " perhaps a week," he brought out suddenly, filling the time with all sorts of frolics, and playing they were there again, and really and truly living in the old home. At last it was all out, to be received in differ- ent ways by the listeners. " O, Joe ! " cried Davie with shining eyes. THE LITTLE BROWN HOUSE. 121 " We never could come away again if we once get there, never ! " Polly stood quite still, a mist gathering before her glad eyes, out of which she dimly saw the little brown house arise and beckon to her. Phronsie jumped up and down and clapped her hands in glee. "O, Grandpapa, Grand- papa!" she screamed, "please take us to the little brown house, please." That settled it. " I do not think we need to consider it longer," said Mr. King, glancing at Ben, whose face told what he thought, " chil- dren, we will go that is, if Mrs. Pepper says yes." " I will ask her," cried Joel with a howl, springing off. " Come on," cried Jasper, " let's all ' be in at the death.' " And the library was deserted in a twinkling. But mother was nowhere to be found. " Up- stairs, down-stairs, and in the lady's chamber," they sought her wildly and thoroughly. 122 THE LITTLE BROWN HOUSE. " Oh ! I forgot," exclaimed Polly, when at last they gathered in the wide hall, disposing them- selves on the chairs and along the stairs, all tired out. " She has gone to evening meeting with Auntie. How stupid in me not to remem- ber that." " Well, I declare ! " cried a voice above them, and looking up they met the cold blue eyes of Mrs. Chatterton regarding them over the rail- ing. " Cousin Horatio, do you keep a menag- erie, or a well-ordered house, I beg to inquire ? " " A menagerie," said Mr. King coolly, leaning on the balustrade at the foot of the stairs, and looking up at her. "All sorts of strange ani- mals wander in here, Cousin." "Hum; I understand. I'm not so dull as you think. Well, you've changed, let me tell you, vastly, and not for the better either, in the last six years. Who would ever suppose I see before me fastidious Horatio King ! " she ex- claimed, lifting her long thin hands to show him their horror-stricken palms. 'WELL, i DECLARE!" CRIED A VOICE ABOVK THEM. THE LITTLE BROWN HOUSE. 125 " I dare say, I dare say, Cousin Eunice," as- sented Mr. King carelessly, " but I consider all you say as a compliment." " Compliment ? " she repeated disdainfully and added with a rising note of anger, forget ting herself, "there's no fool like an old fool." "So I think," said Mr. King in the same tone as before. " Children, come into my room now, and close the door.'' And Cousin Eunice was left to air further opinions to her own ear. But when Mother Pepper and Mrs. Whitney did come home from the meeting, oh! what a time there was. They all fell upon her, as soon as the door opened, and the whole air was filled with "Little brown house." "May we may we?" "A whole week." " Two days, Mamsie, do say yes," and Phronsie's glad little chirp " Grandpapa wants to go, he does ! " ending every other exclamation. "What a babel," cried Mrs. Pepper, her black eyes roving over the excited group. " Now what is it all about? Baby, you tell mother first." 126 THE LITTLE BROWN HOUSE. Phronsie was not too big to jump into the comfortable lap, and while her fingers played with the bonnet strings, she laid the whole de- lightful plan open, the others hanging over them in ill-suppressed excitement. "Well, you see, Mamsie," she began deliber- ately. "Oh! you are so slow, Phronsie," exclaimed Poll} 7 , " do hurry." " Let her take her own time," said Mr. King, "go on, child." " Dear Grandpapa," proceeded Phronsie, turning her yellow head to look at him, her hand yet among the bonnet strings, " is going to take us all, every sin-gle one, to see the little brown house, and just touch it once, and be sure it's there, and peek in the doors and win- dows and" "No, no," roared Joel, "we're going to stay, and a week too," hopping confidently up and down. " O, Joe ! not a week," corrected Polly with THE LITTLE BROWN HOUSE. I2J glowing cheeks, "perhaps two days, we don't know yet." "Three three," begged Van, pushing his head further into the centre of the group. " Mrs. Pepper, do say you want to stay three days," he begged. " I haven't said I wanted to go yet," she answered with a smile. " Now you every one of you keep quiet," commanded Mr. King, raising his hand, "or you'll spoil the whole thing. Phronsie shall tell her story as she likes." Thereupon the rest, with the shadow of his warning that the whole might be spoiled, fell back to a vigorous restraint once more. "Perhaps," cried Phronsie with shining eyes, and grasping the strings tighter she leaned for- ward and pressed her red iips on the mother's mouth, " we'll go in and stay. O, Mamsie ! " That " O, Mamsie ! " carried the day, and every one hanging on the conversation, knew as soon as they heard it, that a victory had been won. 128 THE LITTLE BROWN HOUSE. " It's no use to contend against the Fates," said Mrs. Whitney, laughing, " Mrs. Pepper, you and I know that." "That's so," cried old Mr. King, "and who- ever finds it out early in life, is the lucky one. Now, children, off with you and talk it over," he cried, dismissing them as if they were all below their teens. " I want to talk with Mrs. Pepper now." And in two days they were off. Mrs. Chat- terton with nose high in the air, and plentiful expressions of disgust at such a midwinter ex- pedition, taking herself off to make a visit of corresponding length, to some distant relatives. " I hope and pray this may not get into a society paper," she cried at the last, as she was seated in the carriage, " but of course it will ; outre things always do. And we shall be dis- graced for life. One comfort remains to me, I am not in it." Mr. King, holding the carriage door, laughed long and loudly. " No, Cousin Eunice," he THE LITTLE BROWN HOUSE. 129 said, " you are not in it. Take comfort in that thought. Good-by," and the carriage rolled off. Mother Pepper and the "five little Peppers" were going back to the little brown house. "Really and truly we are," as Phronsie kept saying over and over with every revolution of the car-wheels, in a crooning fashion, and mak- ing it impossible for Mr. King to shiver in apprehension at the step he was taking. Were not two cases of blankets and household com- forts safely packed away in the luggage car? " It's not such a dreadful risk," said the old gentleman gruffly to himself, " it's quite a com- mon occurrence nowadays to take a winter out- ing in the country. We're all right," and he re-enforced himself further by frequent glances at Mrs. Pepper's black bonnet, two seats off. It was to be a three days' frolic, after all. Not that the whole party were to stay in the little brown house. O dear, no! how could they ? It was only big enough for the Peppers. So Mrs. Whitney and her thre'e boys, with Mr. 130 THE LITTLE BROWN HOUSE. King, and Jasper, who concealed many disap- pointed feelings, planned to settle down in the old hotel at Hingham. And before anybody imagined they could reach there so soon, there they were at Badger- town Centre, to find Mr. Tisbett waiting there on his stage-box as if he had not stirred from it for five years. " Sho, now ! " he called out from his elevated position to Mrs. Pepper, as she stepped down from the car, "it's good to see you, though. Land ! how many of ye be there ? And is that Phronsie ? Sho, now ! " " Did you get my letter ? " exclaimed Mother Pepper to Mrs. Henderson, who was pressing up to grasp her hand, and preparing to fall on the young folks separately. The parson stood just back, biding his time with a smile. "Is it possible? "he exclaimed; "are these tall boys and girls the five little Peppers ? It can't be, Mrs. Pepper," as at last he had he? hand. " You are imposing on us." THE LITTLE BROWN HOUSE. 131 And then the village people who had held back until their pastor and his wife paid their respects, rushed up and claimed their rights, and it was high holiday indeed for Badgertown. " My goodness ! " exclaimed Mr. King at a little remove and viewing the scene with great disfavor, "this is worse than the danger of taking cold. Have they no sense, to carry on like this?" " They're so glad to see the Peppers again, father," said Mrs. Whitney with bright eyes. " You took them away from all these good peo- ple, you know ; it's but fair to give them up for one day." The old gentleman fumed and fretted, how- ever, in a subdued fashion ; at last wisely turning his back, he began to stalk down the platform, under pretense of examining the landscape. " Your friends will stay with us," Mrs. Hen- derson was saying in a gently decisive manner, "the old parsonage is big enough," she added with a lau "Jasper, we'll stop at Helen's now," said Polly as the two hurried by the tall iron fence, that, lined with its thick hedge, shut out the Fargo estate from vulgar eyes, " and get Phronsie ; she'll be ready to come home now ; it's nearly luncheon time." "All right," said Jasper ; so the two ran over the carriage drive to a side door by which the King family always had entre'e. " Is Phronsie ready to come home ? " asked Polly of the maid. " Tell her to hurry and get her things on ; we'll wait here. O, Jasper ! " turning to him, " why couldn't we have the club next week, Wednesday night ? " 334 WHERE IS PHRONSIE? " Miss Mary," said the maid, interrupting, " what do you mean ? I haven't seen Miss Phronsie to-day." Polly whirled around on the step and looked at her. " Oh ! she's upstairs in the nursery, playing with Helen, I suppose. Please ask her to hurry, Hannah." " No, she isn't, Miss Mary," said Hannah. "I've been sweeping the nursery this morning; just got through." She pointed to her broom and dustpan that she had set in a convenient corner, as proof of her statement. "Well, she's with Helen somewhere," said Polly, a little impatiently. " Yes ; find Helen, and you have the two," broke in Jasper. " Just have the goodness, Hannah, to produce Helen." " Miss Helen isn't home," said Hannah. " She went to Greenpoint yesterday with Mrs. Fargo to spend Sunday." " Why," exclaimed Polly in bewilderment, WHERE IS PHRONSIE ? 335 " Mamsie said she told Phronsie right after breakfast that she could come over here." " She hasn't been here," said the maid posi- tively. " I know for certain sure, Miss Mary. Has she, Jane ? " appealing to anothe-r maid coming down the hall. "No," said Jane. "She hasn't been here for ever so many days." " Phronsie played around outside probably," said Jasper quickly ; " anyway, she's home now. Come on, Polly. She'll run out to meet us." " O, Jasper! do you suppose she will?" cried Polly, unable to stifle an undefinable dread. She was running now on frightened feet, Jasper having hard work to keep up with her, and the two dashed through the little gate in the hedge where Phronsie was accustomed to let herself through on the only walk she was ever allowed to take alone, and into the house where Polly cried to the first person she met, " Where's Phronsie ? " to be met with what she dreaded, " Gone over to Helen Fargo's." ^36 WHERE IS PHRONSIE? And now there was indeed alarm through the big house. Not knowing where to look, each fell in the other's way, quite as much concerned r or Mr. King's well-being; for the old gentle- man was reduced to such a state by the fright, that the entire household had all they could do to keep him in bounds. " Madame is not to come home to luncheon," announced Hortense to Mrs. Whitney in the midst of the excitement. " She told me to tell you that de Mees Taylor met her at de modiste, and took her home with her." Mrs. Whitney made no reply, but raised her eyes swollen with much crying, to the maid's face. " Hortense, run as quickly as possible down to Dr. Fisher's office, and tell him to come home." " Thomas should be sent," said Hortense, with a. toss of her head. " It's not de work for me. Beside I am Madame's maid." "Do you go at once," commanded Mrs. Whit- WHERE IS PHRONSIE? 337 ney, with a light in her blue eyes that the maid never remembered seeing. She was even guilty of stamping her pretty foot in the exigency, and Hortense slowly gathered herself up. " I will go, Madame," with the air of con- ferring a great favor, " only I do not such t'ings again." CHAPTER XVII. PHRONSIE IS FOUND. I AM glad that you agree with me." Mrs. Chatterton bestowed a complacent smile upon the company. " But we don't in the least agree with you," said Madam Dyce, her stiff brocade rustling impatiently in the effort to put her declaration before the others, " not in the least." " Ah ? Well, you must allow that I have good opportunities to judge. The Pepper entangle- ment can be explained only by saying that my cousin's mental faculties are impaired." " The rest of the family are afflicted in the same way, aren't they ? " remarked Hamilton Dyce nonchalantly. " Humph ! yes." Mrs. Chatterton's still 338 PHRONSIE IS FOUND. 339 shapely shoulders allowed themselves a shrug intended to reveal volumes. " What Jasper Horatio King believes, the rest of the house- hold accept as law and gospel. But it's no less infatuation." " I'll not hear one word involving those dear Peppers," cried Madam Dyce. " If I could, I'd have them in my house. And it's a most unrighteous piece of work, in my opinion, to endeavor to arouse prejudice against them. It quite goes to my heart to remember their strug- gles all those years." Mrs. Chatterton turned on her with venom. Was all the world arrayed against her, to take up with those hateful interlopers in her cousin's home ? She made another effort. " I should have credited you with more penetration into motives than to allow yourself to be deceived by such a woman as Mrs. Pepper." " Do give her the name that belongs to her. I believe she's Mrs. Dr. Fisher, isn't she ? " drawled Livingston Bayley, a budding youth, 340 PHRONSIE IS FOUND. with a mustache that occasioned him much thought, and a solitary eyeglass. " Stuff and nonsense ! Yes, what an absurd thing that wedding was. Did anybody ever hear or see the like ! " Mrs. Chatterton lifted her long jeweled hands in derision, but as no one joined in the laugh, she dropped them slowly into her lap. " I don't see any food for scorn in that epi- sode," said the youth with the mustache. " Possibly there will be another marriage there before many years. I'm sweet on Polly." Mrs. Chatterton's face held nothing but blank dismay. The rest shouted. " You needn't laugh, you people," said the youth, setting his eyeglass straight, " that girl is going to make a sensation, I tell you, when she comes out. I'm going to secure her early." " Not a word, mind you, about Miss Polly's preferences," laughed Hamilton Dyce aside to Miss Mary. PHRONSIE IS FOUND. 341 " Tisn't possible that she could be anything but fascinated, of course," Mary laughed back. " Of course not. The callow youth knows his power. Anybody else in favor of the Pep- pers? " aloud, and looking at the company. " Don't ask us if we like the Peppers," cried two young ladies simultaneously. "They are our especial and particular pets, every one of them." "The Peppers win," said Hamilton Dyce, looking full into Mrs. Chatterton's contemptuous face. " I'm glad to record my humble self as their admirer. Now " " Well, pa ! " Mary could not refrain from interrupting as her father suddenly appeared in the doorway. " I can't sit down," he said, as the company made way for him to join them. " I came home for some important papers. I suppose you have heard the trouble at the Kings ? I happened to drop in there. Well, Dyce," laying his hand on that gentleman's chair, " I scarcely expected to 342 PHRONSIE IS FOUND. see you here to-day. Why aren't you at the club spread ? " " Cousin Horatio ! I suppose he's had a para- lytic attack," interrupted Mrs. Chatterton, with her most sagacious air. " What's the trouble up there ? " queried Mr. Dyce, ignoring the question thrust at him. " It's the little beauty Phronsie," said Mr. Taylor. " Nothing's happened to that child I hope ! " cried Madam Dyce, paling. " Now, Mr. Taylor, you are not going to harrow our feelings by telling us anything has harmed that lovely creature," exclaimed the two young ladies excitedly. " Phronsie can't be found," said Mr. Taylor. " Can't be found ! " echoed all the voices, except Mrs. Chatterton's. She ejaculated " Ridiculous ! " Hamilton Dyce sprang to his feet and threw down his napkin. " Excuse me, Miss Taylor. Come, Bayley, now is the time to show our PHRONSIE IS FOUND. 343 devotion to the family. Let us go and help them out of this." Young Bayley jumped lightly up and stroked his mustache like a man of affairs. " All right, Dyce. Bon jour, Miss Taylor and ladies." " How easily a scene is gotten up," said Mrs. Chatterton, "over a naughty little runaway. I wish some of the poor people in this town could have a tithe of the attention that is wasted on these Peppers," she added virtuously. Madam Dyce turned uneasily in her seat, and played with the almonds on her plate. " I think we do best to reserve our judgments," she said coolly. " I don't believe Phronsie has run away." " Of course she has," asserted Mrs. Chatter- ton, in that positive way that made everybody hate her to begin with. " She was all right this morning when I left home. Where else is she, if she hasn't run away, pray tell ? " Not being able to answer this, no one at- 344 PHRONSIE IS FOUND. tempted it, and the meal ended in an uncom- fortable silence. Driving home a half-hour later, in a cab sum- moned for that purpose, Mrs. Chatterton threw off her things, angry not to find Hortense at her post in the dressing-room, where she had been told to finish a piece of sewing, and not caring to encounter any of the family in their present excitement, she determined to take herself off upstairs, where " I can kill two birds with one stone ; get rid of everybody, and find my box myself, because of course that child ran away before she got it." So she mounted the stairs laboriously, count- ing herself lucky indeed in finding the upper part of the house quite deserted, and shutting the lumber-room door when she was well within it, she proceeded to open the door of the closet. " Hortense didn't tell me there was a spring lock on this door," she exclaimed, with an im- patient pull. " Oh ! good heavens." She had nearly stumbled over Phronsie Pepper's little PHRONSIE IS FOUND. 345 body, lyirfg just where it fell when hope was lost. " I have had nothing to do with it," repeated Mrs. Chatterton to herself, following Mr. King and Jasper as they bore Phronsie downstairs, her yellow hair floating from the pallid little face. "Goodness! I haven't had such a shock in years. My heart is going quite wildly. The child probably went up there for something else : I am not supposed to know anything about it." " Is she dead ? " cried Dick, summoned with the rest of the household by Mrs. Chatterton's loud screams, and quite beside himself, he clam- bered up the stairs to get in every one's way. Mrs. Chatterton, with an aimless thrust of her long jeweled hands, pushed him one side. And Dick boiled over at that. " What are you here for?" he cried savagely. " You don't love her. You would better get out of the way." And no one thought to reprove him. 346 PHRONSIE IS FOUND. Polly was clinging to the post at the foot of the stairs. " I shall die if Phronsie is dead," she said. Then she looked at Mother Fisher, waiting for her baby. " Give her to me ! " said Phronsie's mother, holding out imperative arms. "You would better let us carry her ; we'll put her in your bed. Only get the doctor." Mr. King was almost harsh as he endeavored to pass her. But before the words weje over his lips, the mother held her baby. " Mamsie," cried Polly, creeping over to her like a hurt little thing, " I don't believe but what she'll be all right. God won't let anything hap- pen to our Phronsie. He couldn't, Mamsie." Dr. Fisher met them at the door. Polly never forgot the long, slow terror that clutched at her heart as she scanned his face while he took the child out of the arms that now yielded up their burden. And everything turned dark before her eyes Was Phronsie dead ? But there was Mamsie. And Polly caught PHRONSIE IS FOUND. 349 her breath, beat back the faintness and helped to lay Phronsie on the big bed. " Clearly I have had nothing to do with it," said Mrs. Chatterton to herself, stumbling into a room at the other end of the hall. But her face was gray, and she found herself picking ner- vously at the folds of lace on her throat. " The child went up there, as all children will, to ex- plore. I shall say nothing about it nothing whatever. Oh ! how is she ? " grasping blindly at Jasper as he rushed by the door. " Still unconscious " " Stuff and oh ! well," muttering on. " She'll probably come to. Children can bear a little confinement ; an hour or two don't matter with them Hortense ! " aloud, " bring me my sal volatile. Dear me ! this is telling on my nerves." She caught sight of her face in the long mirror opposite, and shivered to see how ghastly it was. " Where is that girl ? Hor- tense, I say, come here this instant ! " A maid, summoned by her cries, put her head 350 PHRONSIE IS FOUND. in the door. " Hadn't you better go into yovu own room, Mrs. Chatterton ? " she said, in pity at the shaking figure and blanched face. "No no," she sharply repulsed her. " Bring Hortense where is that girl ? " she de- manded passionately. " She's crying," said the maid, her own eyes filling with tears. " I'll help you to your room." "Crying?" Madam Chatterton shrieked. " She's paid to take care of me ; what right has she to think of anything else ?" " She says she was cross to Phronsie once though I don't see how she could be, and and now that she's going to die, she " and the maid burst into tears and threw her apron over her face. "Die she sha'n't ! What utter nonsense everybody does talk in this house ! " Madam Chatterton seized her arm, the slender fingers tightening around the young muscles, and shook her fiercely. The maid roused by her pain out of her tears PHRONSIE IS FOUND. 351 looked in affright into the gray face above her. " Let me go," she cried. " Oh ! madam, you hurt me." " Give me air," said Madam Chatterton, her fingers relaxing, and making agreat effort not to fall. " Help me over to the window, and open it, girl " and leaning heavily on the slight fig- ure, she managed to get across the room. " There now," drawing a heavy breath as she sank into a chair and thrust her ashen face out over the sill, " do you go and find out how the child is. And come back and tell me at once." " Madam, I'm afraid to leave you alone," said the girl, looking at her. " Afraid ? I'm not so old but that I can take care of myself," said Mrs. Chatterton with a short laugh. ' " Go and do as I tell you," stamp- ing her foot. "Still unconscious" Would no one ever come near her but this de- testable maid, with her still more detestable 352 PHRONSIE IS FOUND. news ? Mrs. Chatterton clutched the window casing in her extremity, not feeling the soft springy air as she gasped for breath. The maid, too frightened to leave her, crept into a corner where she watched and cried softly. There was a stir in the household that they might have heard, betokening the arrival of two other doctors, but no word came. And darkness settled upon the room. Still the figure in the window niche held to its support, and still the maid cried at her post. As the gray of the twilight settled over the old stone mansion, Phronsie moved on her pillow. " Dear mouse," the circle of watchers around the bed moved closer, " I'll go away when some one comes to open the door." " Hush ! " Dr. Fisher put his hand over the mother's lips. " Don't please bite me very hard. I won't come up again to your house. Oh ! where 's Grandpapa? " PHRONSIE IS FOUND. 353 Old Mr. King put his head on his hands, and sobbed aloud. The little white face moved uneasily. " Grandpapa always comes when I want him," in piteous tones. " Father," said Jasper, laying a hand on the bowed shoulders, " you would better come out. We'll call you when she comes to herself." But Mr. King gave no sign of hearing. A half-hour ticked slowly away, and Phronsie spoke again. " It's growing dark, and I sup- pose they will never come. Dear mouse" The words died away and she seemed to sleep. " I shall not tell," Mrs. Chatterton was saying to herself in the other room ; " what good could it do? Oh! this vile air is stifling. Will no one come to say she is better?" And so the night wore on. As morning broke, Phronsie opened her eyes, and gave a weak little cry. Polly sprang from her knees at the foot of the bed, and staggered toward the child. 354 PHRONSIE IS FOUND. " Don't ! " cried Jasper, with a hand on her arm. " Let her alone," said Dr. Fisher quickly. " O, Polly ! " Phronsie raised herself convul- sively on the bed. " You did come you did ! " winding her little arms around Polly's neck. " Has the mouse gone ? " " Yes, yes," said Polly as convulsively ; " he's all gone, Phronsie, and I have you fast ; just see. And I'll never let you go again." "Never?" cried Phronsie, straining to get up further into Polly's arms. " No, dear ; I'll hold you close just as long as you need me." " And he won't come again ? " " He can't, Phronsie ; because, you see, I have you now." "And the door will open, and I'll have Mamsie and dear Grandpapa ? " "Yes, yes, my precious one," began Mr. King, getting out of the large arm-chair into which they had persuaded him. PHRONSIE IS FOUND. 355 " Don't do it. Stay where you are," said Dr. Fisher, stopping him half-way across the room. " But Phronsie wants me ; she said so," ex- claimed old Mr. King hoarsely, and trying to push his way past the doctor. " Why, man, don't stop me." Dr. Fisher planted his small body firmly in front of the old gentleman. " She's not ready for seeing you yet. You must obey me." Obey? When had Mr. King heard that word addressed to himself. He drew a long breath, looked full into the spectacled eyes, then said, " All right, Fisher ; I suppose you know best," and went back to his arm-chair. " I'm so tired, Polly," Phronsie was saying, and the arms, Polly could feel, were dropping slowly from her neck. " Are you, Pet ? Well, now, I'll tell you what we'll do. Let us both go to sleep. There, Phron- sie, now you put your arms down, so" Polly gave them a swift little tuck under the bedclothes "and I'll get up beside you, so" and she 356 PHRONSIE IS FOUND. crept on to the bed " and we'll both go right to 'nid-nid-nodland,' don't you know?" " You're sure you won't let me go ? " whis- "NOW YOU PUT YOUR ARMS DOWN, SO." pered Phronsie, cuddling close, and feeling for Polly's neck again. " Oh ! just as sure as I can be," declared Polly cheerfully, while the tears rained down her cheek in the darkness. " I feel something wet," said Phronsie, drawing back one hand. " What is it, Polly ? " PHRONSIE IS FOUND. 357 " Oh ! that," said Polly with a start. " Oh well, it's well, I'm crying, Phronsie ; but I'm so glad oh ! you don't know how glad I am, sweet," and she leaned over and kissed her. " If you're glad," said Phronsie weakly, " I don't care. But please don't cry if you are not glad, Polly." " Well, now we're all fixed," said Polly as gayly as she could. " Give me your hand, Pet. There, now, good-night." " Good-night," said Phronsie. Polly could feel her tucking the other hand under her cheek on the pillow, and then, blessed sound the long quiet breathing that told of rest. " Oh ! better is she ? " Mrs. Chatterton looked up quickly to see Mrs. Whitney's pale face. " Well, I supposed she would be. I thought I'd sit here and wait to know, since you were all so frightened. But I knew it wouldn't amount to much. Now, girl," nodding over to the maid still in the corner, "you may get me to bed." 358 PHRONSIE IS FOUND. And she stretched her stiff limbs, and held out her hand imperatively. " It was very fortunate that I did not tell," she said, when the slow passage to her own apart- ments had been achieved. " Now if the child will only keep still, all will be well." CHAPTER XVIII. THE GIRLS HAVE POLLY AGAIN. PHRONSIE shall- have a baked apple this morning," said Mother Fisher, coming into the sunny room where Phronsie lay propped up against the pillows. "Did Papa-Doctor say so?" asked Phronsie, a smile of supreme content spreading over her wan little face. " Yes, he did," said her mother ; " as nice an apple, red and shiny as we could find, is downstairs baking for you, Phronsie. When it's done Sarah is to bring it up." " That will be very nice," breathed Phronsie slowly. " And I want my little tea-set just the two cups and saucers and my own little pot and sugar-bowl. Do let me, Mamsie, and you shall 359 360 THE GIRLS HAVE POLLY AGAIN. have a cup of milk with me," she cried, a little pink color stealing into either cheek. " Yes, yes, child," said Mother Fisher. " There, you mustn't try to lean forward. I'll bring the little table Grandpapa bought, so ; " she hurried over across the room and wheeled it into place " Now isn't that fine, Phr.onsie ? " as the long wing swung over the bed. " Did you ever see such a tea-party as you and I'll have ? " " Breakfast-party, Mamsie ! " hummed Phron- sie ; " isn't that just lovely? " wriggling her toes under the bed-clothes. " Do you think Sarah '11 ever bring that apple ? " " Yes, indeed why, here she is now ! " an- nounced Mrs. Fisher cheerily. " Come in, Sarah," as a rap sounded on the door. " Our little girl is all ready for that good apple. My ! what a fine one." " Bless honey's heart ! " ejaculated Sarah, her black face shining with delight. " Ain't he a beauty, though ? " setting down on the table- wing a pink plate in the fnidst of which reposed THE GIRLS HAVE POLLY AGAIN. 361 an apple whose crackling skin disclosed a tooth- some interior. " I bring a pink sasser so's to match his insides. But ain't he rich, though ! " "Sarah," said Phronsie, with hun- gry eyes on the apple, "I think he is very nice indeed, and I do thank you for bringing him." " Bless her pre- cious heart ! " cried Sarah, her hands on her ample hips, and her mouth ex- tended in the broad- est of smiles. ' AIN'T HE A BEAUTY, THOUGH ! " "Do get me a spoon, Mamsie," begged Phronsie, unable to take her gaze from the apple. " I'm so glad 362 THE GIRLS HAVE POLLY AGAIN. he has a stem on, Sarah," carefully picking at it. "Well, there," said Sarah, "I had the great- est work to save that stem. But la ! I wouldn't 'a' brung one without a stem. I know'd you'd want it to hold it up by, when you'd eat the most off." "Yes, I do," said Phronsie, in great satisfac- tion fondling the stem. " And here's your spoon," said her mother, bringing it. " Now, child, enjoy it to your heart's content." Phronsie set the spoon within the cracked skin, and drew it out half-full. " O, Mamsie ! " she cried, as her teeth closed over it, " do just taste ; it's so good ! " " Hee-hee ! " laughed Sarah, " I guess 'tis. Such works as I had to bake dat apple just right. But he's a beauty, ain't he, though ? " Phronsie did not reply, being just at that moment engaged in conveying a morsel as much like her own as possible, to her mother's mouth. THE GIRLS HAVE POLLY AGAIN. 363 " Seems to me I never tasted such an apple," said Mother Fisher, slowly swallowing the bit. "Did you, now ? " cried Sarah. Downstairs Polly was dancing around the music-room with three or four girls who had dropped in on their way from school. "Give me a waltz now, Polly," begged Phi- lena. " Dear me, I haven't had a sight of you hardly, for so long, I am positively starved for you. I don't care for you other girls now," she cried, as the two went whirling down the long room together. " Thank you, Miss Philena," cried the others, seizing their partners and whirling off too. " I feel as if I could dance forever," cried Polly, when Amy Garrett turned away from the piano and declared she would play no more and she still pirouetted on one foot, to come up red as a rose to the group. "Look at Polly's cheeks ! " cried Amy. " You've been a white little minx so long," said Alexia, putting a fond arm around Polly ; 364 THE GIRLS HAVE POLLY AGAIN. " I went home and cried every day, after I would steal around the back way to see how Phronsie was " " Won't Phronsie be downstairs soon ? " asked Amy. " I don't know," said Polly. " Papa-Doctor is going to be dreadfully careful of her, that she doesn't get up too soon." "Say, Polly," cried another girl, "don't you have to take lots of pills and stuff, now Dr. Fisher is your father ? " Polly threw back her head and laughed mer- rily. It sounded so strangely to her to hear the sound echoing through the room so long silent, that she stopped suddenly. " O, girls ! I can't hardly believe even yet that Phronsie is almost well," she cried. "Well, you better," advised Alexia philosoph- ically, "because she is, you know. Do laugh again, Polly ; it's good to hear you." " I can't help it," said Polly, " Cathie asks such a funny question." THE GIRLS HAVE POLLY AGAIN. 365 "Cathie's generally a goose," said Alexia coolly. "Thank you," said Cathie, a tall girl, with such light hair and sallow face that she looked ten years older than her fourteen summers. " I sometimes know quite as much as a few other people of my acquaintance," she said pointedly. " I didn't say but what you did," said Alexia composedly. " I said you were generally a goose. And so you are. Why, everybody knows that, Cath." "Come, come, girls, don't fight," said Polly. "How can you, when Phronsie is getting better? Alexia didn't mean anything, Cathie." "Yes, she did," declared Cathie with a pout; "she's always meaning something. She's the hatefullest thing I ever saw so there ! " " Nonsense ! " said Polly, with a gay little laugh. " She says perfectly dreadful things to me, and so I do to her, but we don't either of us mind them." 366 THE GIRLS HAVE POLLY AGAIN. " Well, those are in fun," said Cathie ; " that's a very different matter " " So you must make these in fun," said Polly. " I would, if I were you." But she drew away from Alexia's arm. "Polly, don't be an idiot and fight with me," whispered Alexia in her ear. "Go away," said Polly, shaking her off. "Polly, Polly, I'll say anything if you won't look like that. See here, Cathie, let's make up," and she ran over, seized the tall girl by the waist and spun her around till she begged to stop. " Is that your way of making up ? " cried Cathie, when she had the breath to speak. " Yes , it is as good as any other way. It spins the nonsense out of you. There!" with a last pat on the thin shoulder, she left her, and ran back to Polly. " It's all done," she cried. " I'm at peace with the whole world. Now don't look like an ogre any longer." THE GIRLS HAVE POLLY AGAIN. 367 " Phronsie's actually hungry now all the time," confided Polly in a glow, "and we can't get enough to satisfy her." " Good good ! " cried the girls. " I'm going to send her some of my orange jelly," declared Alexia. " I'll make it just as soon as I go home. Do you think she will like it, Polly?" she asked anxiously. "Yes, I do believe she will," said Polly, "because she loves oranges so." " Well, I sha'n't make any old orange jelly," cried Cathie, her nose in the air. " Faugh ! it's insipid enough ! " " But 'tisn't when it's made the way Alexia makes it," said Polly, viewing in alarm the widening of the breach between "the two. " I've eaten some of hers, and it's too splendid for any- thing." " I don't know anything about hers, but all orange jelly I have tasted is just horrid. I hate it! I'm going to make almond macaroons. They're lovely, Polly." 368 THE GIRLS HAVE POLLY AGAIN. " Oh! don't, Cathie," begged Polly in. distress. " Why not, pray tell," whirling on one set of toes. " You needn't be afraid they won't be good. I've made them thousands of times." " But she couldn't eat them," said Polly. "Just think, almond macaroons! Why, Papa' Doctor would " " Now I know the doctor makes you take per- fectly terrible things, and won't let you eat any- thing. And macaroons is the only thing I can make. It's a shame !" and down sat Cathie in despair on an ottoman. "What's the matter?" Dr. Fisher put his head in at the doorway, his spectacled eyes sending a swift glance of inquiry around. " O, dear me ! " exclaimed Cathie in a fright, jumping up and clutching the arm of the girl next to .her. " Don't let Polly tell him what 1 said don't." " Polly won't tell," said the girl, with a superb air ; " don't you know any better, Cathie Harri- son, you goose, you ! " THE GIRLS HAVE POLLY AGAIN. 369 To be called a goose by two persons in the course of an hour was too much for Cathie's en- durance, and flinging off the girl's arm, she cried out passionately, " I won't stay ; I'm going home ! " and rushed out the door. Dr. Fisher turned from a deliberate look at the girl's white cheeks, as she ran past, to the flushed ones before him. " I'm very sorry that anything unpleasant has happened. I dropped in to tell you of a little surprise, but I see it's no time now." " O, Papa-Doctor ! " cried Polly, flying up to him from the center of the group, " it was noth- ing only " "A girl's quarrel is not a slight thing, Polly," said little Dr. Fisher gravely, " and one of your friends has gone away very unhappy." "Oh! I know it," said Polly, "and I'm so sorry." " We can't any of us help it," said Alexia quickly. " Cathie Harrison has the temper of a gorilla so there, Doctor Fisher." 370 THE GIRLS HAVE POLLY AGAIN. Dr. Fisher set his spectacles straight, and looked at Alexia, but he did not even smile, as she hoped he would do. " I can't help it," she said, tracing the pattern of the carpet with the toe of her boot, " she makes us all so uncom- fortable, oh ! you can't think. And I wish she'd stay home forever." Still no answer from the doctor. He didn't act as if he heard, but bowing gravely, he with- drew his head and shut the door. "O, dear, dear ! " cried Alexia, when they had all looked at each other a breathing space. " Why didn't he speak ? I'd much rather he'd scold like everything than to look like that. Polly, why don't you say something?" " Because there isn't anything to say." Polly got no further, and turned away, suspiciously near to tears. Was this the first meeting with the girls to which she had looked forward so long? " To think of that Cathie Harrison making such a breeze," cried Alexia angrily; "a girl THE GIRLS HAVE POLLY AGAIN. 371 who's just come among us, as it were, and we only let her in our set because Miss Salisbury asked us to make things pleasant for her. If it had been any one else who raised such a fuss ! " Meantime Dr. Fisher strode out to the west porch, intending to walk down to his office, and buttoning up his coat as he went along. As he turned the angle in the drive, he came suddenly upon a girl who had thrown herself down on a rustic seat under a tree, and whose shoulders were shaking so violently that he knew she was sobbing, though he heard no sound. " Don't cry/' said the little doctor, " and what's the matter ? " all in the same breath, and sitting down beside her. Cathie looked up with a gasp, and then crushed her handkerchief over her eyes. "Those girls in there are perfectly horrid." " Softly, softly," said Dr. Fisher. "I can't help it. No matter what I say, they call me names, and I'm tired of it. O, dear, dear !" 372 THE GIRLS HAVE POLLY AGAIN. " Now see here," said the doctor, getting up on his feet and drawing a long breath. " I'm on my way to my office ; suppose you walk along with me a bit and tell me all about it." Cathie opened her mouth, intending to say, "Oh! I can't" instead she found herself silent, and not knowing how, she was presently pacing down the drive by the doctor's side. " Polly Pepper ! " exclaimed Alexia, as a turn in the drive brought the two figures in view of the music-room windows, " did you ever see such a sight in your life ? Cathie is walking off with Dr. Fisher ! There isn't anything her tongue won't say! " " Did you tell Polly ? " cried Jasper, a half- hour later, putting his head into Dr. Fisher's office. ' Oh ! beg pardon ; I didn't know you were busy, sir." " Come in," said the doctor, folding up some powders methodically. " No, I didn't tell Polly." " Oh ! " said Jasper, in a disappointed tone. THE GIRLS HAVE POLLY AGAIN. 373 " I hadn't a fair chance " " But she ought to know it just as soon as it's talked of," said Jasper, fidgeting at a case of "DID YOU TELL POLLY?" CRIED JASPER. little vials on the table. "Oh! beg pardon again. I'm afraid I've smashed that chap," as one rolled off to the floor. " I'm no end sorry," picking up the bits ruefully. 374 THE GIRLS HAVE POLLY AGAIN. " I have several like it," said the doctor kindly, and settling another powder in its little paper. " There were a lot of girls with Polly when I looked in upon her on my way out. But we'll catch a chance to tell her soon, my boy." " Oh ! I suppose so. A lot of giggling crea- tures. How Polly can stand their chatter, I don't see," cried Jasper impatiently. " They've been shut off from Polly for some time, you know," said Dr. Fisher quietly. " We must remember that." " Polly don't like some of them a bit better than I do," said Jasper explosively, " only she puts up with their nonsense." " It's rather a difficult matter to pick and choose girls who are in the same classes," said the doctor, " and Polly sees that." " Don't I know it ? " exclaimed Jasper, in an astonished tone. "Dear me, Dr. Fisher, I've watched Polly for years now. And she's always done so." He stopped whirling the articles on THE GIRLS -HAVE POLLY AGAIN. 375 the office table, and bestowed a half-offended look on the little physician. " Softly, softly, Jasper," said Dr. Fisher com- posedly. " Of course you've used your eyes. Now don't spoil things by saying anything, but let Polly ' go her own gait,' I beg of you." Then he turned to his powders once more. " She will, any way," declared Jasper. " What- ever she makes up her mind to do, Polly does that very thing." " Not a bad characteristic," laughed the doctor. " I should say not." " Now when I come up home to dinner, you and I will find Polly, and tell her the good news. If she's with a lot of those silly girls, I'll I'll tear her off this time." Dr. Fisher glared so fiercely as he declared this determination, that Jasper laughed outright. " I thought no one was to disturb Polly's good intentions in that line," he cried. " Well, there's an end to all things, and patience ceases to be a virtue sometimes." 376 THE GIRLS HAVE POLLY AGAIN. " So I've thought a good many times, but I've borne it like a man." Jasper drew himself up, and laughed again at the doctor's face. "Oh ! you go along," cried Dr. Fisher, his eyes twinkling. " I'll meet you just before dinner." " All right," as Jasper rushed off. Dr. Fisher jumped to his feet, pushing aside the litter of powder papers, and bottles, and ran his fingers through the shock of gray hair stand- ing straight on his head. " Yes, yes," he muttered, walking to the win- dow, " it will be a good thing for Polly, now I tell you, Adoniram." He always preferred to address himself by his first name, then he was sure of a listener. " A vastly good thing. It's quite time that some of the intimacies with these silly creatures are broken up a bit, while the child gains immensely in other ways." He rubbed his palms gleefully. " Oh ! good-morn- ing, good-morning ! " A patient walking in, looked up at the jolly little doctor. " I wish I could laugh like that," THE GIRLS HAVE POLLY AGAIN. 377 he ejaculated, his long face working in the unusual effort to achieve a smile. " You would if you had a gay crowd of children such as I have," cried the little doctor proudly. " Why, man, that's better than all my doses." " But I haven't the children," said the patient sourly, and sitting down with a sigh. " I pity you, then," said Dr. Fisher, with the air of having been a family man for years. " Well, besides owning the Peppers, I'm going off with them to " there he stopped, for before he knew it, the secret was well-nigh out. CHAPTER XIX. PHRONSIE IS WELL AGAIN. BUT Polly was not to be told yet. When Papa Fisher walked in to dinner, the merry party around the oak table were waiting over the ices and coffee for his appearance. "O, Papa Fisher!" cried Polly in dismay, turning from one of Alexia's sallies, and drop- ping her spoon. " Now you're all tired out too bad ! " Mother Fisher flushed up, and set her lips closely together. Ben looked disapproval across the board, and Polly knew that the wrong thing had been said. " Oh ! I didn't mean of course you must take care of the sick people," she said impulsively. "Yes, I must," said Dr. Fisher wearily, and 378 PHRONSIE IS WELL AGAIN. 379 pushing up the shock of gray hair to a stiffer brush over his brow. "That's what I set out to do, I believe." "But that's no reason why you should tire yourself to death, and break down the first year," said Mr. King, eying him sharply. "Zounds, man, that isn't what I brought you up from the country for." Dr. Fisher looked into his wife's eyes and smiled. " I believe you brought me," the smile said. But he kept his tongue still. "And you must get accustomed to seeing suffering that you can't help. Why, man alive, the town's full of it; you can't expect to stop it alone." " I'll do what I can to help," said the little doctor between his teeth, and taking a long draught of the coffee his wife put by his plate. " I suppose there's no objection to that. Now, that's good," smacking his lips in a pleased way. " Of course not, if you help in the right way," 380 PHRONSIE IS WELL AGAIN. said old Mr. King stoutly, "but I'll wager any- thing that you're picking up all sorts of odd jobs among the poor, that belong to the young doctors. Your place is considerably higher, where you can pick and choose your patients." Dr. Fisher laughed an odd little laugh, that along with its pleasant note, carried the ring of a strong will. " Oh ! well, you know, I'm too old to learn new ways," he said. " Better let me wag on at the old ones." Mr. King gave an exclamation of disapproval. " It's lucky your time is short," he said grimly, and the secret was nearly out 1 " Phronsie is coming downstairs to-morrow, isn't she ? " asked Jasper quickly, over to the doctor. " Oh ! no, indeed, I think not," answered Mr. King before Dr. Fisher had time to reply. " She would better wait a day or two longer. Isn't that so, Doctor?" at last appealing to him. " I don't agree with you," the little doctor PHRONSIE IS WELL AGAIN. 381 drew off his attention from his plate. "You see she has regained her strength remarkably. Now the quicker she is in the family life again, the better for her." "Oh! good, good," cried Polly, delighted at the safe withdrawal from the precipice of dan- gerous argument. " Alexia, now you must help us think up something to celebrate her coming downstairs." "Not so fast, Polly." The little doctor beamed at her in a way surprising to see after the morning's affair. " Phronsie won't be ready for any celebration before next week. Then I think you may venture." Alexia pouted and played with her spoon. " O, dear! " cried Dick dolefully, "what's the reason we must wait a whole week, pray tell ? " " Because Father Fisher says so," ' replied Ben across the table ; " that's the principal reason and don't need any more to support it ;> "Well, I tell you," broke in Polly in her 352 PHRONSIE IS WELL AGAIN. brightest way, " let us think up perfectly splen- did things. It's best as it is, for it will take us a week to get ready." " I shall get her a new doll," declared Mr. King. The rest shouted. " Her others must be quite worn out." " What could you get her," cried Mr. Whitney, " in the way of a doll ? do tell us, for 1 really do not see." " Why, one of those phonograph dolls, to be sure," said Mr. King promptly. "Are they on sale yet?" asked Jasper. "I thought they had not perfected them enough for the market." " I think I know where one can be bought," said his father. "They must be perfected it's all nonsense that I can't find one if Phron- sie wants it ! Yes, she shall have a phonograph doll." " That will be perfectly elegant," exclaimed Polly, with sparkling eyes. "Won't Phronsie be delighted when she hears it talk ? " PHRONSIE IS WELL AGAIN. 383 " She ought to have a Punch and Judy show," said Mrs. Whitney, "she's always so pleased with them, father/' Mr. King pushed away his coffee-cap, and pulled out his note-book. " ' Punch and Judy,' down that goes," he said, noting it after " phonograph doll." " What else ? " " Can't we have some of those boys up from the Orphan Asylum? " asked Polly, after a minute in which everybody had done a bit of hard thinking. " Phronsie loves to hear them sing when she goes there. Oh ! they are so cunning." " She'll want to give them her best toys and load them down with all her possessions. You see if she doesn't," warned Jasper. " Well, she won't give away her new doll, anyway," cried Polly. "No, she never gives away one of the dolls you've given her, father," said Mrs. Whitney slowly, " not a single one. I tried her one day, asking her to give me one to bestow on a poor 384 PHRONSIE IS WELL AGAIN. child, and she quite reproached me by the look in her brown eyes. I haven't asked her since." " What did she say ? " asked Mr. King abruptly. '"I can't, Aunty; dear Grandpapa gave them to me himself.' Then she ran for her savings bank, and poured out the money in my lap. ' Let's go out and buy the poor child a doll,' she begged, and I really had to do it. And there must be at least two hundred dolls in this house." " Two hundred dolls ! " cried Alexia in aston- ishment, and raising her hands. " Why, yes; father has been bringing Phron- sie dolls for the last five years, with the greatest faithfulness, till her family has increased to a painful extent." " O, dear me ! " cried Alexia, with great emphasis. " I should think they'd be under foot in every room." "Well, indeed they're not," said Polly; "she keeps them up in her playroom." PHRONSIE IS WELL AGAIN. 385 " And the playroom closet," said Mrs. Whit- ney, " that is full. I peeped in there yesterday, and the dolls are ranged according to the times when father gave them to her." " And the baby-house is just crowded," laughed Jasper. " I know, because I saw her moving out her chairs and tables to make room." " O, dear me ! " exclaimed Alexia again, for want of something else to say. "I just hate dolls," exploded Dick. "Faugh! how can girls play with them ; they're so silly. And Phronsie always has something to do for hers, so she can't come when I want her to. I wish they were burnt up," he added vindictively. Mr. King rubbed his forehead in a puzzled way. " Perhaps she has enough," he said at last. " Yet what shall I give her if I don't buy a doll ? " " I'd give her the phonograph one, father," said Mrs. Whitney, " anyway." " Yes, of course ; but after that, what shall I do?" 386 PHROXSIE IS WEI, I. AGAIN. He looked so troubled that Mrs. Whitney hastened to say, " O, well, father ! you know when you are abr" and the secret was nearly out the second time ! But they were saved by the appearance of Alexia's father, who often dropped in on the edge of the dinner hour, for a second cup of coffee. The next morning Phronsie was waiting for Grandpapa King, who insisted that no one else should carry her downstairs, the remainder of the household in various stages of delight and expectation, revolving around her, and curbing their impatience as best they might, in hall and on staircase. " O, Grandpapa ! do hurry," begged Dick, kicking his heels on the stairs. " Hush, Dicky boy," said mamma. " Grand- papa can't come till his agent is gone. Don't you hear them talking in the library ? " " Well, I wish Mr. Frazer would take himself off; he's a nuisance," declared the boy. " He's been here a whole hour." PHRONSIE IS WELL AGAIN. 387 " Here comes Grandpapa ! " announced Polly gleefully, from a station nearer the library. " Hush, now, Mr. Frazer's going ! " The library door opening at this announce- ment, and a few sentences charged with busi- ness floating up the staircase, the bustle around Phronsie became joyfully intense. " Mamsie, don't you think she ought to have a shawl on?" cried Polly anxiously, running over the stairs. "She's been shut up so long ! " " No," said Mother Fisher. " Doctor told me particularly 'not to bundle her up. It was the last thing he said before he went to his office." " Well," said Polly with a sigh, " then there isn't absolutely anything more to do for her. Why don't Grandpapa come ? " " You are worse than Dicky," said Mrs. Fisher with a little laugh. " Dear me, Polly, just think how old you are." Phronsie stood quite still in the middle of the floor and folded her hands. " I want to see 388 PHRONSIE IS WELL AGAIN. Grandpapa all alone when he comes up," she said. "What for?" cried Polly, pausing in aston- ishment. " Do you want us all to go out, Phronsie ? " 'asked her mother slowly. " Yes," said Phronsie, shaking her yellow head with great decision, "please every single one go out, Mamsie. I want to see Grandpapa quite alone." " All right, child," said Mrs. Fisher, with a look at Polly. So after a little demur and con- sequent delay on the part of the others, the door was closed and she was left standing alone. Phronsie drew a long breath. " I \frish Grand- papa would come," she said to herself. " And so you wanted me, did you, dear ? " cried Mr. King joyfully, as he hurried in and closed the door carefully. "Well, now, see if T can guess what you want to tell me." " Grandpapa," said Phronsie. standing quite still and turning a puzzled face toward him, PHRONSIE IS WELL AGAIN. 391 " I don't want to tell you anything, I want to ask you something." "Well, well, dear, what is it?" Old Mr. King, not stopping for a chair, leaned over her and stroked her yellow head. " Now, then, look up, and ask me right off, Phronsie." " Must a person keep a promise ? " asked Phronsie, " a really and truly promise, Grand- papa ? " " Yes, yes," said the old gentleman, drawing himself up stoutly, and speaking with great abruptness, "to be sure one must, Phronsie. To be sure. So now if any one has promised you anything, do you make him stick to it. It's mean enough to break your word, child." Phronsie drew a long breath. "That's all, Grandpapa," she said, and lift- ing up her arms: "now take me downstairs, please." She laid a cool little cheek against his, as he raised her to his shoulder. " Remember what I say, Phronsie," laughed Mr. King, his mind more intent on the delight- 392 PHRONSIE IS WELL AGAIN. ful fact that he was carrying down the longed- for burden to the family life, than on what he was saying, " and if any one has promised you anything, keep him up sharp to pay you. I verily believe it is that scamp Dick. Here goes ! " and reaching the door he threw it wide. " Forward, march ! " " Well, is the important conference over ? " asked Polly, with a keen look at them both. Mrs. Fisher's eyes did their duty, but she said nothing. "Yes, indeed," declared Mr. King, marching on gaily. " Now clear the way there, all you good people. Here, you Dick, drumming your heels, go ahead, sir." " I'm glad enough to,* shouted Dick, racing clown the remainder of the stairs. " " Halloo, Phronsie," waving his hand at her, "three cheers and a tiger ! Bother ! here comes Mrs. Chat- terton." Which was quite true. To every one's aston- ishment the door to that lady's apartttient opened PHRONSIE IS WELL AGAIN. 393 slowly, disclosing her in new morning wrapper, preparing to join the cavalcade. "Good morning, Cousin Eunice," cried Mr. King gaily. He could be merry with any one this day. " Come on, this is a festal occasion, you see . Phronsie's going downstairs for the first time. Fall into line ! " " I'm not able to go down," said Mrs. Chat- terton, coming slowly out into the hall, "but I'll stand here and see the parade." " Bully ! " exploded Dick softly, peering up from the foot of the stairs. Phronsie looked over Mr. King's shoulder at her as she was borne down the stairs, and, put- ting out her hand, " I'm all well now," she said. "Yes, I see," said Mrs. Chatterton. Then she pulled up her white shawl with a shiver. " It's rathet cold here," she said ; " after all, I believe I must get back to my room." Nobody noticed when she crept back, the hilarity now being so great below stairs.* "I certaipjy am losing ground," she muttered, 394 PHRONSIE IS WELL AGAIN. " every little thing affects me so. I'll step into Bartram's office next time I go down town, and set that little matter straight, since I've made up my mind to do it. It never would do to let him come to the house. Horatio would suspect something to see my lawyer here, and the whole household imagine I was going to die right off. No, no ; I must go there, that's clear. Then if it's attended to, I'll live all the longer, with nothing on my mind." Phronsie, meanwhile, was going around from room to room in a pleased way, and touching different objects gently. " Everything's new, isn't it, Polly," she said at last, "when you stay upstairs ? Oh ! there's my kittens in the basket," pointing to a bisque vase on the table. "Yes," said Polly; " Mamsie brought it in here. And we've some flowers; .Alexia sent them over. They're out in the back hall ; we saved them for you to put in yourself.'' "Oh ! " exclaimed Phronsie, "that's so good in you, Polly." PHRONSIE IS WELL AGAIN. 395 "Don't stop now," cried Dick in disgust. " Faugh ! you can fix flowers any time. Come out into the dining-room and you'll see some- thing like." Phronsie smothered a sigh, and turned slowly away from the kittens waiting in their basket for Alexia's flowers. " Come on ! " shouted Dick, seizing her hand. " You never can guess what it is, in all this world." "Is it a new dog?" asked Phronsie fearfully, whose memory of Dick's latest purchase was not altogether happy. " No," said Dick, pulling her on, "better than that." " Don't hurry her so," said Polly. " What have you got, Dick ? " "Now, do you mind, sir," cried jasper, "else we'll stop your pretty plan." " I won't hurry her," said Dick, slackening his gait. " Well, here we are," opening the dining-room door. "Why, Jane has let it out!" Phronsie fell back a step at this and tried to 396 PHRONSIE IS WELL AGAIN. cover her feet with her gown, searching the floor for the " it." " Look out ! " cried Dick suddenly; " there he goes ! " And following the direction of his gaze she saw a big bird with thick plumage and long wings whirring over her head. " Oh ! what is it?" she cried, tumbling into Jasper's arms and clasping his neck. " Oh ! oh ! " " Why, it's a swallow," cried Dick, in the babel that ensued, "a beautiful one, too. I caught him this morning, and made Jane let me bring it in here to surprise you," he added proudly. "Well, you've succeeded," cried Jasper, hold- ing Phronsie close. "There, there, child, it's all right ; the creature's gone upstairs.' " He'll frighten my dolls," cried Phronsie in new alarm, hanging to Jasper's neck. " Oh ! do let us go upstairs, and tell them he's only a swallow." "Run along, Dick, and catch your old bird," cried Jasper, "and clear out with him quick now ! " THE UNINVITED GUEST. PHRONSIE IS WELL AGAIN. 399 " He's the best thing there is in this house," cried Dick, going over the back stairs two at a time. "Girls are so silly." " Bring him down,'' said Polly, moving along to the foot, "and I'll show him to Phronsie, and tell her about him. Then she'll like him, Dick." I'll like him, Dick," echoed Phronsie, "if he don't frighten my dolls." This episode taking the family life to the rear of the house, no one noticed that soft footsteps were passing through the open front door, that Jane, who was sweeping the vestibule, had left ajar to run and tell Dick that she had not let the bird out of the dining-room. So the uninvited guest to the household let himself up easily to the scene of his hopes the location of the ladies' jewel-boxes. CHAPTER XX. THE SECRET. MRS. CHATTERTON standing by her toilet table, carefully examining her wealth of gray hair to note the changes in its tint, was suddenly surprised in the very act of picking out an obnoxious white hair, by a slight noise in the further corner of the apartment. And dropping her ringers quickly and turning away from the glass, she exclaimed, " How dare you, Hortense, come in without knocking ? " " If you make a noise I'll kill you," declared a man, standing in the shadow of a portiere and watching her underneath a slouched black hat. There was a slight click that caused the listen- er's nerves to thrill. But her varied life had brought her nothing if not self-control, and she 400 THE SECRET. 40 1 coolly answered, " If you want my money, say so." " Not exactly money, ma'am," said the man, " for I don't suppose you have much here. But I'll thank you to hand over that there box of diamonds." He extended the other hand with its dingy fingers toward a large ebony jewel-case elaborate with its brass hinges, and suggestive of double locks, on a corner of the table. " If you are determined to take it, I suppose I must give it to you," said Mrs. Chatterton, with evident reluctance handing the box desig- nated, very glad to think she had but a few days before changed the jewels to another repository to escape Hortense's prying 'eyes. In making the movement she gave a sweeping glance out the window. Should she dare to scream ? Michael was busy on the lawn, she knew ; she could hear his voice talking to one of the under gardeners. " See here, old lady," warned the man, " you keep your eyes in the room. Now then." his greedy glance fastened on the glittering gems 402 THE SECRET. on her fingers, " I'll thank you to rip them things off." Dick, racing along the further end of the hall after his bird with a " Whoop, la I've almost caught you," startling him, he pro- ceeded to perform the service for himself. " There he goes ! " cried Dick, " in her room. Bother I Well, I must catch him." So without the preamble of knocking, the boy dashed into the dressing-room. The bird whizzing ahead of him, flashed between the drawn folds of the portiere. " Excuse me," cried Dick, rushing in, " but my swallow oh! " " Go back ! " cried Mrs. Chatterton hoarsely, "you'll be killed." The bird flying over his head, and the appear- ance of the boy, disconcerted the robber for one instant. He held the long white hand in his, tearing off the rings. There was no chance for her to escape, she knew, but she could save Dick. "Go back!" she screamed again. There was only a moment to think, but Dick dashed in. THU SECRET. 403 and with a mighty spirit, but small fists, he rlung himself against the stalwart arms and shoulders. " O, heavens ! " screamed Mrs. Chatterton. HK WAS TEARING OFF THE RINGS. " He's but a boy, let him go. You shall have the rings. Help help!" Dick, clutching and tearing blindly at^what- ever in the line of hair or ragged garment he 404 THE SECRET. could lay hold of, was waging an unequal war- fare. But whal he did, was accomplished finely. And the bird, rushing blindly into the midst of the contention, with whirrings and flappings indescribable, helped more than an army of servants, to confuse the man. Notwithstanding, it was 'soon over, but not before Mrs. Chatter- ton had wrenched her fingers free, and grasped the pistol from its loose hold in his other hand. The box under his arm fell to the floor, and Dick was just being tossed to the other side of the room ; she could hear him strike the cheval- glass with a dull thud. "I can shoot as well as you," said Mrs. Chat- terton, handling the pistol deftly. " Make a noise, and I will." Hfe knew it, by her eyes, and that she had taken good aim. " Where are you, Dick ? " cried Polly's voice outside, and rapping at the door. " Mrs. Chat- terton, have you seen him?" " Come in," called Mrs. Chatterton, with THE SECRET. 405 firmest of fingers on the trigger and her flash- ing eyes fastened upon the seamed, dirty face before her. Polly threw wide the door. "We have a man here that we don't want," said Mrs. Chatterton. "I'll take care of him till you get help. Hurry ! " " O, Dick ! " cried Polly in a breath, with a fearful glance at the boy lying there. " I think he's all right, Polly." She dared say no more, for Dick had not stirred. Polly clasped her hands, and rushed out almost into jasper's face. " A burglar a burglar ! " and he dashed into Mrs. Chatter- ton's room. "Don't interfere," said Mrs. Chatterton, "I'm a splendid markswoman." "You needn't shoot," said the man sullenly, "I won't stir." " No, I don't think you will," said the gray- haired woman, her eyes alight, and hand firm as a rock. " Well, here are the. men." 406 THE SECRET. Jasper had seized a table-spread, and as Michael and the under gardeners advanced, he went back of the robber, and cleverly threw it over his head. It was easy to secure and bind him then. Poll) 7 rushed over to Dick. " Turn the creature over and let us see how he looks," said Mr. King, hurrying in as the last knot of the rope was made fast. The old slouched hat had fallen off in the struggle, and the man's features came plainly to view. " He's no beauty, and that's a fact." "I've seen that fellow round here for mony a day," said Michael, giving the recumbent legs a small kick. "Oncet he axed me ef we wanted ony wourk done. I mind yees, yer see," with another attention from his gardening boot. " I want to tie one rope," cried a voice. Dick opened his eyes, rubbed them, and felt of his head. " I'm all righx, Polly. I saw stars, but I've got over it, I guess. Let me give him the last knot." He staggered blindly to his feet. "I'll tie for you," said Jasper, "trust me. THE SECRET. 407 Dick's all right, only stunned," he telegraphed to the rapidly increasing group. "Tell his mother so, do, somebody," said old Mr. King. " Well, Cousin Eunice, you've covered your- self with glory," he turned to her warmly. She had thrown aside the pistol, and now sank into a chair. " Never mind," she waved it off carelessly, " I'll imagine the compliments. Just now I want a glass of wine. Call Hortense, will you ? " The man on the floor tried to raise his head. But he couldn't, so was obliged to content him- self with an ugly grin. " That bird has flown," he said. " I'll peep. She put me up to it ; we was goin' shares on the old lady's stuff." With that Mrs. Chatterton's spirit returned. She sprang from her chair, and rushed around from bureau to closet to see the extent of her maid's dishonesty. But beyond a few minor deficiencies of her wardrobe, there was no rob- 408 THE SECRET. bery to speak of. Evidently Hortense had con- sidered it unwise to be burdened with much impedimenta. So the robber was hauled off to justice, and Phronsie, coming wonderingly up the stairs, came softly in upon them, in time to see Dick rush up to Mrs. Chatterton with a " You're a brick ! " before them all. After that, there was no more hope of keep- ing things quiet in the house for Phronsie's sake. Meanwhile the bird, who had played no mean part in the engagement, now asserted himself, and blindly rushed into capture. "Isn't he lovely!" cried Phronsie, tearing her gaze off from the wonderful wings, as the swallow fluttered under the mosquito netting speedily brought in. "Yes, his wings are," said Polly. " O, Dick ! do tell over again how it all happened." So Dick rehearsed once more as far as he knew the story, tossing off lightly his part of it. " Your poor head, does it ache ? " cried Polly, feeling of the big bump on the crown. THE SECRET. 409 " No. not a bit," declared Dick, shaking his brown poll. "I'm glad I didn't crack the glass." " That heavy plate ? " cried Polly, looking over at the cheval-glass with a shiver. Phronsie deserted the fascinating bird, and began to smooth Dick's head with both hands. "Do let me bathe it," she begged. "I'll get the Pond's Extract." " No, I won't," said Dick. " It smells aw- fully, and I've had so much of it for my leg. I'm all right, Phronsie. See his wings now he's stretching." But Phronsie was not to be diverted from her purpose. " I'll get Bay Rum," she said. "May I?" Dick made a wry face. " Worse and worse." "Cologne, then." " No, I hate it." " He don't want it bathed, Phronsie dear," said Polly. " Boys like to get hurt, you know. Tisn't manly to be fixed up." 410 THE SECRET. Phronsie gave a sigh, which so went to Dick's heart, that he said, " All right, bring on some water if you want to. But don't you get any brown paper ; I had enough of that when I was a boy." And at the end of that exciting day, the secret came out, after all, in rather a tame fashion. Dr. Fisher and Jasper met Polly in an angle of the hall, as she was running up- stairs after dinner for her schoolbooks. " Polly," asked the little doctor, putting both hands on her shoulders, and looking into the brown eyes, "should you be willing to go abroad with your mother and Phronsie, Mr. King and Jasper ? " " Oh ! " gasped Polly. " But you ? " came in a later breath, "we couldn't leave you," she cried loyally. "Well, I suppose I should go along too," said the little doctor, enjoying her face. " Why, Jasper Elyot King ! " cried Polly, slipping out from under the doctor's palms, and THE SECRET. 411 seizing the two hands extended, she began to spin around as in the olden days, "did you ever, ever hear of anything so perfectly mag- nificent ! But Ben and Joel and Davie ! " and she paused on the edge of another pirouette. Dr. Fisher made haste to answer, " Pollv, Mrs. Whitney will take care of them." And Jasper led her off into the dance again. " How can we ever leave the boys ! Oh ! J don't see," cried Polly, a bit reproachfully, her hair blown over her rosy cheeks. As they danced lightly down the long hall, Dr. Fisher leaned against a pillar, and watched them. " Have to," said Jasper, guiding his partner deftly in the intricacies of the chairs and stat- uary. " That's a good spin, Polly," he said, as they brought up by the little doctor's side. " Lovely ! " said Polly, pushing back her locks from the sparkling eyes. " I'm almost tempted to dance myself," said Dr. Fisher. " If I wasn't such an old fellow, I'd try; that is, if anybody asked me," 412 THE SECRET. " I will," said Polly, laughing. " Come, Papa Fisher," holding out her hand, " do give me the honor." "All right," said Dr. Fisher bravely. So Jasper took the deserted post by the pillar, and whistled a Strauss waltz. Thereupon a most extraordinary hopping up and down the hall was commenced, the two figures bobbing like a pair of corks on a quivering water-surface. The doors opened, and several faces appeared, amongst the number Mrs. Fisher's. " I couldn't help it," said the little doctor, coming up red and animated, and wiping his forehead. His spectacles had fallen off long since, and he had let them go. " It looked so nice to see Jasper and Polly, I thought I'd try it. I didn't suppose I'd get on so good ; I really believe I can dance." " Humph ! " laughed Mr. King, " it looks like it. Just see Polly." " O, Papa Fisher ! " cried Polly with a merry peal in which Jasper, unpuckering his lips THE SECRET. 415 from the Strauss effort, had joined, " we must have looked " Here she went off again. "Yes," said Jasper, "you did. That's just it, Polly, you did. Lucky you two caperers didn't break anything." "Well, if you've all got through laughing," observed Dr. Fisher, " I'll remark that the secret is out." " Do you like it, Polly ? " asked Mr. King, holding out his hand. " Say, my girl ?" And then before she could answer, he went on, " You see, we can't do anything without a doc- tor on our travels. Now Providence has given us one, though rather an obstinate specimen," he pointed to Father Fisher. " And he wants to see the hospitals, and you want to study a bit of music, and your mother wants rest, and Jasper and Phronsie and I want fun, so we're going, that's all." " When ? " demanded Polly breathlessly. " In a month." CHAPTER XXI. THE WHITNEYS' LITTLE PLAN. I THINK it's a mean shame," cried Joel, on a high vindictive key. " You've had burg- lars here twice, and I haven't been home." "You speak as if we appointed the meeting, Joe," said Ben with a laugh. " Well, it's mean, anyway," cried Joel, with a flash of his black eyes. " Now there won't any come again in an age." " Goodness, I hope not," ejaculated Mr. King, lowering his newspaper to peer over its top. " I'd have floored him," declared Joel, strik- ing out splendidly from the shoulder, " if I'd only have been here." " All very well," said Percy negligently, " but you weren't here," and he laughed softly. 416 THE WHITNEYS LITTLE PLAN. 417 " Do you mean to say that I couldn't have handled the burglar ? " demanded Joel belliger- ently, and advancing on Percy, " say ? Because if you do, why, I'll try a bout with you." " I didn't say anything what you could or couldn't do. I said you weren't here, and you weren't. That's enough," and Percy turned his back on him, thrust his hands in the pockets of his morning jacket and stalked to the window. Van opened his mouth to speak, then thought better of it, and gave a low whistle. Joel finding no enthusiasm for tales of his fighting prowess, ran off to interview Dick on the old topic of the burglary and to obtain another close account of its details. " To think Phronsie saw the other burglar five years ago, and now Dick was on hand for this one those two babies," he fumed, " and none of us men around." " Percy," said Van, " come out in the hall, will you ? " " What do you want ? " asked Percy lazily. 418 THE WHITNEYS' LITTLE PLAN. " Oh ! you come along," cried Van, laying hold of his jacket. " See here," dropping his voice cautiously, as he towed him successfully out, " let's give Joe a chance to see a burglar ; he wants to so terribly." " What do you mean ? " asked Percy, with astonished eyes, his hands still in his pockets. Van burst into a loud laugh, then stopped short. " It'll take two of us," he whispered. " O, Van ! " exclaimed Percy, and pulling his hands from their resting places, he clapped them smartly together. " But we ought not, T really suppose," he said at last, letting them fall to his sides. " Mamma mightn't like it, you know." " She wouldn't mind," said Van, yet he looked uneasy. " It would be a great comfort to every one, to take Joe down. He does yarn so." " It's an old grudge with you," said Percy pleasantly. " You know he beat you when you were a little fellow, and he'd just come." " As if I cared for that," cried Van in a THE WHITNEYS LITTLE PLAN. 419 dudgeon, " that was nothing. I didn't half try ; and he went at me like a country sledge-ham- mer." " Yes, I remember," Percy nodded placidly, " and you got all worsted and knocked into a heap. Everybody knew it." " Do you suppose I'd pound a visitor ? " cried Van wrathfully, his cheeks aflame. " Say, Percy Whitney ? " "No, I don't," said Percy," not when 'twas Joe." " That's just it. He was Polly's brother." At mention of Polly, Percy's color rose, and he put out his hand. " Beg pardon, Van," he said. " Here, shake, and make up. I forgot all about our promise," he added penitently. " I forgot it, too," declared Van, quieting down, and thrusting out his brown palm to meet his brother's. " Well, I don't care what you say if you'll only go halves in this lark," he finished, brightening up. "Well, I will," said Percy, to make atone- ment. 420 THE WHITNEYS' LITTLE PLAN. " Come up to our room, then, and think it out," cried Van gleefully, flying over the stairs three at a bound. " Sh-sh ! and hurry up ! " Just then the door-bell gave a loud peal, and Jencks the butler opened it to receive a box about two feet long and one broad. " For Miss Phronsie Pepper," said the foot- man on the steps, holding it out, " but it's not to be given to her till to-morrow." " All right," said Jencks, taking it. " That's the sixth box for Miss Phronsie that I've took in this morning," he soliloquized, going down the hall and reading the address carefully. " And all the same size." " Ding-a-ling," Jencks laid the parcel quickly on one of the oaken chairs in the hall, and hurried to the door, to be met by another par- cel for " Miss Phronsie Pepper : not to be given to her till to-morrow." " And the i-dentical size," he ejaculated, squinting at it as he went back to pick up the first parcel, " as like as two peas, they are." THE WHITNEYS' LITTLE PLAN. 421 Upstairs Polly was at work with happy fin- gers, Alexia across the room, asking every third minute, " Polly, how does this go ? O, dear ! I can't do anything unless you look and see if it's right." And Polly would turn her back on a certain cloud of white muslin and floating lace, and fly- ing off to Alexia to give the necessary criticism, with a pull here and a pat there, would set mat- ters straight, presently running back to her own work again. " You see," she said, " everything must be just right, for next to Mamsie's wedding, this is to be the most important occasion, Alexia Rhys, that we've ever known. We can't have anything too nice for Phronsie's getting-well party." " That's so," said Alexia, twitching a pink satin bow on the handle of a flower-basket. " O, dear me ! this bow looks like everything ! I've tried six different times to make it hang down quite careless and refined. And just to 422 THE WHITNEYS LITTLE PLAN. provoke me, it pokes up like a stiff old thing in my face. Do come and tie it, Polly." So Polly jumped up again, and laying de- termined fingers on the refractory bow, sent it into a shape that Alexia protested was " too lovely for anything." " Are you going to have a good-by party ? " asked Alexia after a minute. " I suppose so," said Polly. " Grandpapa said I would better, but oh, dear me, I don't believe I can ever get through with it in all this world," and Polly hid her face behind a cloud of muslin that was slowly coming into shape as a dress for one of Phronsie's biggest dolls. " It will be dreadful," said Alexia, with a pathetic little sniff, and beginning on a second pink bow, " but then, you know, it's your duty to go off nicely, and I'm sure you can't do it, Polly, without a farewell party." " Yes," said Polly slowly, " but then I'd really rather write little notes to all the girls. But I suppose they'll all enjoy the party," she added. THE WHITNEYS' LITTLE PLAN. 423 " Indeed they will," declared Alexia quickly. " Oh ! dear me, I wish I was going with you. You'll have a perfectly royal time." " I'm going to work hard at my music, you know," declared Polly, raising her head sud- denly, a glow on her round cheek. " Oh ! well, you'll only peg away at it when you've a mind," said Alexia carelessly, and setting lazy stitches. " Most of the time you'll be jaunting around, seeing things, and having fun generally. Oh ! don't I wish I was going with you." " Alexia Rhys ! " cried Polly in astonishment, and casting her needle from her, she deserted the muslin cloud summarily. " Only peg away when I have the mind ? " she repeated indig- nantly. " Well, I shall have the mind most of the time, I can tell you. Why, that's what I'm going abroad for, to study music. How can I ever teach it, if I don't go, pray tell ? " she demanded, and now her eyes flas'hed, and her hands worked nervously. 424 THE WHITNEYS LITTLE PLAN. " Oh ! nonsense," cried Alexia, not looking at the face before her, and going on recklessly, " as if that meant anything, all that talk about your being a music-teacher, Polly," and she gave a little incredulous laugh. Polly got out of her chair somehow, and stood very close to the fingers fussing over the pink satin bow. " Do you never dare say that to me again," she commanded ; "it's the whole of my life to ,be a music-teacher the very whole." " O, Polly ! " down went the satin bow drag- ging with it Alexia's spool of silk and the dainty scissors. " Don't don't I didn't mean any- thing; but you really know that Mr. King will never let you be a music-teacher in all this world. Never ; you know it, Polly. Oh ! don't look like that $ please don't." " He will," said Polly, in a low but perfectly distinct voice, " for he has promised me." " Well, he'll get out of it somehow," said Alexia, her evil genius urging her on, " for you THE WHITNEYS' LITTLE PLAN. 425 know, Polly, it would be too queer for any of his family, and and a girl of our set, to turn out a music-teacher. You know, Polly, that it would." And Alexia smiled in the most convincing way and jumped up to throw her arm around her friend. "If any of the girls in our set," said Polly grandly, and stepping off from Alexia, " wish to draw away from me, they can do so now. I am to be a music-teacher ; I'm perfectly happy to be one. I want you all to understand. Just as happy as I can possibly be in all this world. Why, it's what I've been studying and working for, and how else do you suppose I can ever repay dear Grandpapa for helping me ? " Her voice broke, and she stopped a minute, clasping her hands tightly to keep back the rush of words. " O, Polly ! " cried Alexia in dismay, and be- ginning to whimper, she tried again to put her arm around her. 426 THE WHITNEYS LITLLE PLAN. " Don't touch me," said Polly, waving her off with an imperative hand. " O, Polly ! Polly ! " " And the rest of our set may feel as you do ; "DON'T TOUCH ME," SAID POLLY. then I don't want them to keep on liking me," said Polly, with her most superb air, and drawing off further yet. " Polly, if you don't stop, you'll you'll kill me," gasped Alexia, " 0, Polly ! I don't care THE WHITNEYS LITTLE PLAN. 427 what you are. You may teach all day if you want to, and I'll help get you scholars. I'll do anything, and so will all the girls, I know they will. Polly, do let me be your friend just as I was. O, dear, dear ! I wish I hadn't said any- thing I wish I had bitten my tongue off; I didn't think you'd mind it so much," and now Alexia broke down, and sobbed outright. "You've got to say it's glorious to teach," said Polly, unmoved, and with her highest air on, " and that you're glad I'm going to do it." " It's glo-glorious to teach," mumbled poor Alexia behind her wet handkerchief. " And I'm glad you're going to do it," dic- tated Polly inflexibly. " I'm glad you're going to do it," echoed Alexia in a dismal tone. "Then I'll be your friend once more," con- sented Polly with a slow step toward Alexia, " that is, if you never in all this world say such a dreadful thing again, Alexia Rhys." " Don't ask me. You know I won't," prom- 428 THE WHITNEYS' LITTLE PLAN. ised Alexia, her spirits rising. So Polly went over to her and set a kiss on her wet cheek, comforting her as only Polly could, and before long the pink satin bow with the spool of silk hanging to it, and the scissors, were found under the table, and Polly attacked the muslin cloud with redoubled vigor, and the girls' voices carried merry laughter and scraps of happy talk, and Mrs. Chatterton stole out of the little reading-room next them and shut herself up in her own apartment. " Dear me, how fine that doll's gown is to be, Polly," exclaimed Alexia after a bit. " Is the lace going on all around the bottom ? " " Yes," said Polly, biting off her thread, and giving the muslin breadths a little shake ; " Felicie is tucking the flounce ; then I shall have to sew on the lace." " How many dolls are there to refurbish be- fore to-morrow ? " asked Alexia suddenly. "Four no, five," said Polly, rapidly count- ing ; " for the one that Grandpapa gave her THE WHITNEYS' LITTLE PLAN. 429 Christmas before last, Celestine, you know, does need a new waist. I forgot her. But that don't count the new sashes, and the hair ribbons and the lace ruffles around the necks; I guess there are almost fifty of them. Dear me, I must hurry," and she began to sew faster yet. " What a nuisance all those dolls are," said Alexia, " they take up every bit of your spare time." "That isn't the worst of it," said Polly. " Alexia, I don't know what we shall do, for Phronsie works over them till she's quite tired out. You ought to see her this morning." " She's up in the play-house at it now, I sup- pose," said Alexia, " dressing every one of them for the party to-morrow." " Yes," said Polly, " she is." " Well, I hope no one will give her a doll to- morrow," said Alexia, " at least no one but Mr. King. . Of course he will." " Oh ! no one else will," declared Polly cheer- fully. " Of course not. Alexia." 430 THE WHITNEYS LITTLE PLAN. And then Jencks walked in with his seven boxes exactly alike as to size, and deposited them solemnly in a row on the blue and white lounge. " For Miss Phronsie Pepper, and not to be opened till to-morrow, Miss Mary." " Polly," said Alexia in a stage whisper, and jumping up as Jencks disappeared to run over to the row, " do you suppose they are dolls ? " " I shall die if they are," declared Polly desperately, and sitting quite still. " They surely look like dolls on the very covers," said Alexia, fingering the cords. " Would it be so very wrong to open one box, and just relieve our suspense ? Just one, Polly ? " " No, no, don't," cried Polly sharply. "They belong to Phronsie. But oh dear me ! " " And just think," said Alexia, like a Job's comforter, and looking over at the clock, " it's only half-past eleven. Polly Pepper, there's time for oceans more to come in yet." " It's perfectly horrid to get such a scrap of an outing," said Joel that night, sprawling on THE WHITNEYS' LITTLE PLAN. 431 the rug before the library fare, " only four days ! Why couldn't Mr. Marks be sick longer than that, if he was going to be sick at all, pray ? " " These four days will give you strength for your 'exams,' won't they, Joe ?" asked Van. Joel turned his black eyes on him and coolly said Yes, then he made a wry face, doubled up a bit of paper, and aimed it at Van. Davie sighed, and looked up anxiously. "I hope Mr. Marks will come out all right so that we can go back Monday." " I only hope he'll stay ill," said Joel affec- tionately. " 'Tisn't safe anyway for us to go back Monday. It may be typhoid fever, you know, Mamsie," looking over at her. " They'll let us know soon enough if that's the case," said Mother Fisher in the lamp-light over by the center-table. " No, I expect your letter to-morrow will say ' Come Monday.' " " Well, it's a downright shame for us to be pulled off so soon," cried Joel indignantly, sit- ting straight. 432 THE WHITNEYS LITTLE PLAN. *' Think how soon the term ends, Joe,'* cried Polly, " then you have such a long outing." She sighed as she thought of the separation to come, and the sea between them. "That's nothing; only a dreadful little time soon be gone," grunted Joel, turning his face to look at the brightly-leaping flames the cool evening had made necessary. Ben glanced over at Polly. " Don't talk of the summer," he was going to say, but stopped in time. Phronsie set her doll carefully in the corner of the sofa, and went over to Joel. " Does your head ache often at school, Joel ? " she asked, softly laying her cool little palm on his stubby hair. "Yes," said Joel, "it does, awfully, Phronsie; and nobody cares, and says ' Stop studying.' " A shout greeted this. "That's too bad," said Phronsie pityingly, " I shall just write and ask Mr. Marks if he won't let you stop and rest when it aches." "'Twouldn't do any good, Phronsie," said THE WHITNEYS' LITTLE PLAN. 433 Joel, "nothing would. He's a regular old grinder, Marks is." "Mr. Marks," said Phronsie slowly, "I don't know who you mean by Marks, Joel. And what is a grinder, please ? " getting down on her knees to look in his face. "And he works us boys so, Phronsie you can't think," said Joel, ignoring the question. " What is a grinder, Joel, please tell me," re- peated Phronsie with gentle persistence. " Oh ! a grinder is a horrid buffer," began Joel impatiently. " Joel," said Mrs. Fisher, reprovingly. The fire in her black eyes was not pleasant to look at, and after one glance, he turned back to the blazing logs once more. " I can't help it," he muttered, picking up the tongs to poke the fire. " Don't ever let me hear that excuse from a son of mine," said Mother Fisher scornfully. " Can't help it. I'd be master of myself, that's one thing." 434 THE WHITNEYS' LITTLE PLAN. Joel set the tongs back with an unsteady hand. They slipped and fell to the hearth with a clang. " Mamsie, I didn't mean," he began, finding his feet. And before any one could draw a long breath, he rushed out of the room. There was a dreadful pause. Polly clasped her hands tightly together, and looked at her mother. Mrs. Fisher quietly put her sewing into the big basket and got out of her chair. " Oh ! what is the matter with Joey ? " cried Phronsie, standing quite still by the deserted hearth-rug. " Mamsie, do you suppose his head aches ? " " I think it must," said Mrs. Fisher gravely. Then she went out very quietly and they could hear her going up the stairs. With a firm step she went into her own room, and turned up the gas. The flash revealed Joel, face downward on the broad, comfortable sofa. Mrs. Fisher went over and closed the door, then came to his side. THE WHITNEYS' LITTLE PLAN. 435 " I thought, my boy," she said, " that I should find you here. Now then, tell mother all about it," and lifting his head, she sat down and took it into her lap. " O, dear !'" cried Joel, burrowing deep in the comfortable lap, " oh, dear oh, dear ! " "NOW, THEN, TELL MOTHER ALL ABOUT IT." " Now, that is silly, Josey," said MotheV Fisher, " tell me at once what all this trouble is about," passing her firm hands over his hot forehead, and trying to look in his face. But he struggled to turn it away from her. " In the first place I just hate school ! " he exploded. CHAPTER XXII. JOEL. HATE school?" cried Mother Pepper. " O, Josey ! think how Ben wanted more schooling, only he wouldn't take the chance when Mr. King offered it to him because he felt that he must be earning money as soon as possible. O, Josey !" That "O, Josey!" cut deeply. Joel winced and burrowed deeper under his mother's fingers. " That's just it," he cried. " Ben wanted it, and I don't. I hate it, and I don't want to go back." " Don't want to go back ? " repeated Mrs. Fisher in dismay. " No, I don't. The fellows are always twitting me, and every one gets ahead of me, and I'm 43 6 JOEL. 437 everlastingly staying in from ball-games to make up lessons, and I'd like to fire the books, I would," cried Joel with venom. Mrs. Fisher said nothing, but the hands still stroked the brown stubby head in her lap. " And nobody cares for me because I won't be smart like the others, but I can't help it, I just hate school ! " finished Joel in the same strain. " Joel," said Mother Fisher slowly, " if that is the case, I shall go down to Mr. King and tell him that we, Father Fisher and I, Polly and Phronsie, will not go abroad with him." Joel bolted upright and putting down his two hands, brought his black eyes to bear on her. "What?" " I shall go directly downstairs and tell Mr. King that Father Fisher and I, Polly and Phronsie, will not go abroad with him," re- peated his mother slowly and distinctly while she looked him fully in the face. "You can't do that," said Joel in amazement. " He's engaged the state-rooms." 438 JOEL. "That makes no difference," said Mrs. Fisher, " when a woman has a boy who needs her, noth- ing should stand in the way. And I must stay at home and take care of you, Joel." Joel sprang to his feet and began to prance up and down the floor. " I'm big enough to take care of myself, mother," he declared, com- ing up to her, to prance off again. "So I thought," said Mrs. Fisher composedly, " or I shouldn't have placed you at Mr. Marks's school." "The idea, Mamsie, of your staying. at home to take care of me," said Joel excitedly. " Why, feel of that." He bared his arm, and coming up, thrust it out for inspection. "Isn't that splendid ? I do verily believe I could whip any fellow in school, I do," he cried, regard- ing his muscles affectionately. " If you don't believe it, just pinch them hard. You don't mean it really, Mamsie, what you said of course. The idea of staying at home to take care of me," and he began to prance again. JOEL. 439 " I don't care how many boys you can whip," observed Mother Fisher coolly, " as long as you can't whip your own self when you're naughty, you're too weak to go alone, and I must stay at home." Joel stopped suddenly and looked at her. . "And before I'd give up, a boy of thirteen, and beg to be taken away from school because the lessons were hard, and I didn't like to study, I'd work myself to skin and bone but I'd go through creditably." Mrs. Fisher sat straight now as an arrow in her corner of the sofa. " I've said my say, Joel," she finished after a pause, " and now I shall go down and tell Mr. King." " Mother," howled Joel, dashing across the room to her, "don't go ! I'll stay, I will. Don't say that again, about my having to be taken care of like a baby. I'll be good, mother, and study." "Study don't amount to much unless you are glad of the chance," said Mrs. Fisher sharply. 440 JOEL. " I wouldn't give a fig for it, being driven to it," and her lips curled scornfully. Joel wilted miserably. " I do care for the chance," he cried ; " just try me, and see." Mrs. Fisher took his sunburnt face between her two hands. " Do you really wish to go back to school, and put your mind on your books ? Be honest, now." " Yes, I do," said Joel, without winking. " Well, you never told me a lie, and I know you won't begin now," said Mother Fisher, slowly releasing him. " You may go back, Joe ; I'll trust you." " Phronsie," said Jasper, as the sound of the two voices could be heard in Mother Fisher's room, " don't you want to come into my den ? I've some new bugs in the cabinet found a regular beauty to-day." Phronsie stood quite still just where Joel had left her; her hands were clasped and tears were rolling slowly down her cheeks. " No," she said, without looking at him, "Jasper, I don't." JOEL. 44 I " Do come, Phronsie," he begged, going over to her, and holding out his hand. " You can't think how nice the new one is, with yellow stripes and two long horns. Come and see it, Phronsie." " No, Jasper," said the child quietly. Then in the next breath, " I think Joey must be very sick." " Oh ! Mamsie is taking care of him, and he'll soon be all right," broke in Polly cheerily. " Do go with Jasper, Phronsie, do, dear." She took hold of the clasped hands, and smiled up into the drooping face. But Phronsie shook her head and said " No." " If Grandpapa should come in and find her so 'twould be very dreadful ! " exclaimed Polly, looking over at the five boys, who in this sudden emergency were knocked speechless. " Do let us all play some game. Can't some one think of one ? " "Let us play 'Twenty Questions,' " proposed Jasper brightly. " I'll begin it, I've thought of something." 442 JOEL. "That's horrid," cried Van, finding his tongue, "none of us want to play that, I'm sure." "I do," said David. "I think 'Twenty Ques- tions ' is always nice. Is it animal, vegetable or mineral, Jasper?" " I'm sick of it. Do play something not quite as old as the hills, I beg." " Well, you think of something yourself, old man," said Jasper, nodding furiously at him. " Hurry up." " I'd rather have Polly tell a story than any game you could possibly think of," said Van, going over to her, where she sat on the rug at Phronsie's feet. "Polly, will you?" he asked wheedlingly. " Don't ask her to-night," interposed Jasper. "Yes, I shall. It's the only time we shall have," said Van, "before we go back to school. Do, Polly, will you ? " he begged again. "I can't think of the first thing," declared Polly, pushing back little rings of brown hair from her forehead. JOEL. 443 "Don't try to think; just spin it off," said Van. " Now begin." "You're a regular nuisance, Van ! " exclaimed Jasper indignantly. "Polly, I wouldn't indulge him." " I know Phronsie wants a story ; don't you, Phronsie ? " asked Van artfully, and running over to peer into her face. But to his astonishment, Phronsie stood per- fectly still. "No," she said again, "I don't want a story ; Joey must be sick." "Jasper," cried Polly in despair, and spring- ing up, " something must be done. Grandpapa's coming ; I hear him." " Phronsie," said Jasper, bending to speak into her ear, "do you know you are making Polly feel very unhappy ? Just think ; the next thing I don't know but what she'll cry." Phronsie unfolded her hands. " Give me your handkerchief, Polly," she said, winking back the rest of the tears. " Now, there's a dear," cried Polly, pulling 444 JOEL. out her handkerchief and wiping the wet, little face. None too soon ; the door opened and Mr. King' came in. " Well well well ! " he exclaimed, looking at them all over his spectacles. " Playing games, hey?" "We're going to," said Ben and Jasper together. " No, Polly is going to tell a story," said Van loudly, " that is, if you want to hear it, Grand- papa. Do say you do," he begged, going over to whisper in his ear. " I want immensely to hear it ! " declared the old gentleman, pulling up an easy-chair to the fireside. " There now," sitting down, " I'm fixed. Now proceed, my dear." Van softly clapped his hands. " Phronsie," Mr. King beckoned to her, and then suggestively touched his knee, "here, dear." Phronsie scurried across the room to his side. " Yes, Grandpapa." " There, up she goes ! " sang Mr. King, swing- ing her into position on his lap. " Now then, JOEL. 445 Polly, my child, we are all ready for the wonder- ful tale. Stay, where is Joel ? " "Joel went upstairs a little while ago," said Jasper quickly. " Well, now, Polly, do begin." " I'll tell how we went to buy Phronsie's shoes," said Polly, drawing up an ottoman to Mr. King's side. " Now, boys, bring your chairs up." "Joel ought to know that you are going to tell a story, Polly," said Mr. King. "One of you boys run out and call him at the foot of the stairs." " He's in Mamsie's room," said Ben. " I suppose when she gets through with him, he'll come down." "Oh! ah!" said the old gentleman. "Well, Polly, then perhaps you would better proceed." So Polly began on the never tiresome recital, how Phronsie fell down the stairs leading from the kitchen to the " provision room " in the little brown house, with the bread-knife in her hand ; and how, because she cut her thumb so that it 446 JOEL. bled dreadfully, mother decided that she could at last have a pair of shoes bought especially for her very own self ; and how Deacon Brown's old horse and wagon were procured, and they all set forth, except mother, and how they rode to town, and how the Beebes were just as good as gold, and how the red-topped shoes fitted as if they were made for Phronsie's feet, and how they all went home, and how Phronsie danced around the kitchen till she was all tired out, and then went to bed carrying the new shoes with her, and how she fell asleep with "Why, I declare," exclaimed Polly, reaching tin's, denouement in a delightfully roundabout way, " if she isn't asleep now! " And indeed she was. So she had to be car- ried up to bed in the same old way ; only this time it was Jasper instead of Polly, that held her. " Don't you believe we'd better put it off till some other night ? " whispered Percy to Van on the way upstairs to bed, the library party having JOEL. 447 broken up early. " A fellow don't want to see a burglar on top of the time Joel has had." " No, no," said Van ; " it'll be good for him, and knock the other thing out of his head, don't you see, Percy ? I should want something else to think of if I were Joel. You can't back out ; you promised, you know." " Well, and I'll do it," said Percy testily. " It's no use trying to sleep," declared Joel, in the middle of the night, and kicking the bedclothes for the dozenth time into a roll at the foot, "as long as I can see Mamsie's eyes. I'll just get up and tackle that Latin grammar now. Whew ! haven't I got to work, though. Might as well begin at it," and he jumped out of bed. Stepping softly over to the door that led into David's little room, he closed it carefully, and with a sigh, lighted the gas. Then he went over to the table where his school books ought to have been. But instead, the space was piled with a great variety of things one or two 448 JOEL. balls, a tennis racket, and a confusion of fishing tackle, while in front, the last thing that had occupied him that day, lay a book of artificial flies. Joel set his teeth together hard, and looked at them. " Suppose I sha'n't get much of this sort of thing this summer," he muttered. " Here goes!" and without trusting himself to take another look, he swept them all off down to the floor and into a corner. " There," he said, standing up straight, " lie there, will you ? " But they loomed up in a suggestive heap, and his fingers trembled to just touch them once. " I must cover up the things, or else I know I'll be at them," he said, and hurrying over to the bed, he dragged off the coverlid. " Now," and he threw it over the fascinating mass, "I've got to study. Dear me, where are my books ? " For the next five minutes Joel had enough to do to collect his working instruments, and when at last he unearthed them from the corner of JOEL. 449 his closet where he had thrown them under a pile of boots, he was tired enough to sit down. " I don't know which to go at first," he groaned, whirling the leaves of the upper book. " It ought to be Latin but then it ought to be algebra just as much, and as for history well there here goes, I'll take them as they come." With a very red face Joel plunged into the first one under his hand. It proved to be the Latin grammar, and with a grimace, he found the page, and resting his elbows on the table, he seized each side of his stubby head with his hand. "I'll hang on to my hair," he said, and plunged into his task. And now there was no sound in the room but his hard breathing, and the noise he made turn- ing the leaves, for he very soon found he was obliged to go back many lessons to understand how to approach the one before him ; and with cheeks growing every instant more scarlet with shame and confusion, the drops of perspiration ran down his forehead and fell on his book. 450 JOEL. " Whew ! " he exclaimed, " it's horribly hot," and pushing back his book, he tiptoed over to the other window and softly raised it. The cool air blew into his face, and leaning far out into the dark night, he drew in deep breaths. " I've skinned through and saved my neck a thousand times," he reflected, " and now I've got to dig like sixty to make up. There's Dave now, sleeping in there like a cat ; he don't have anything to do, but to run ahead of the class like lightning just because he " " Loves it," something seemed to sting the words into him. Joel drew in his head and turned abruptly away from the window. " Pshaw ! well, here goes," he exclaimed again, throwing himself into his chair. " She said 'I'd work myself to skin and bone but I'd go through creditably.' " Joel bared his brown arm and regarded it critically. " I wonder how 'twould look all skin and bone," and he gave a short laugh. " But this isn't studying." He pulled down JOEL. 451 his sleeve, and his head went over the book again. Outside, a bright blue eye applied to the key hole, gave place to a bright brown one, till such time as the persons to whom the eyes belonged, were satisfied as to the condition of the interior they were surveying. " What do you suppose he's doing ? " whis- pered the taller figure, putting his face concealed under a black mask, closely to the ear of the other person, whose countenance was similarly adorned. " Don't know," whispered the second black mask. " He acts dreadfully queer, but I sup- pose he's got a novel. So you see it's our duty to break it up," he added virtuously. The taller figure shook his head, but as it was very dark on their side of Joel's door, the movement was unobserved. " Well, come on," whispered the second black mask. " Are you ready ? " "Yes." " Come then." 452 JOEL. "O, dear, dear!" grunted Joel, "I'd rather chop wood as I used to, years ago, to help the little brown house out," swinging his arms up over his head. " Why " And he was left in darkness, his arms falling nervelessly to his side, while a cau- tious step across the room made his black eyes stand out in fright. " A burglar a burglar ! " flashed through his mind. He held his breath hard and his knees knocked together. But Marnsie's eyes seemed to look with scorn on him again. Joel straightened up, clenched his fist, and every minute expecting to be knocked on the head, he crept like a cat to the further corner, even in this extremity, grumbling in- wardly because Mr. King would not allow fire- l'D RATHER CHOP WOOD." JOEL. 453 arms. " If I only had them now ! " he thought. "Well, I must get my club." But there was no time to get it. Joel creep- ing along, feeling his way cautiously, soon knew that there were two burglars instead of one in the room, and his mind was made up. "They'll be after Grandpapa's money, sure," he thought. " I have got to get out, and warn him." But how ? that was the question. Getting down on all-fours, holding his breath, yet with never a thought of danger to himself ; he crept along toward the door leading into the hall, then stopped and rested under cover of the heavy window drapery. But as quick as a flash, two dark figures, that now, his eyes becoming more accustomed to the darkness, he could dimly distinguish, reached there before him, and the key clicking in the lock, Joel knew that all hope from escape by that quarter was gone. Like a cat, he sprang to his feet, swung the 454 JOEL. drapery out suddenly toward the figures, and in the next second hurled himself over the window- sill, hanging to the edge, grasping the blind, crawling to the next window, and so on and over, and down, down, by any friendly thing he could grasp, to the ground. Two black masks hung over the deserted window-edge. " Joe Joe ! it's only we boys Percy and Van. Joe Joe !" "He'll be killed!" gasped Van, his face as white as Joel's robe fluttering below them in his wild descent. " Stop him, Percy. Oh ! do stop him." Percy clung to the window-sill, and danced in distress. " Stop him ! " he was beyond uttering anything more. " Yes, O, Joe ! don't you see it's only Percy and Van ? " cried Van persuasively, and hang- ing out the window to the imminent danger of adding himself to Joel's company. Percy shoved him back. " He's most down," JOEL. 457 he said, finding his breath. " Now we'll run downstairs and let him in." Van flew off from the window. " I'll go ; it's my scrape," and he was unfocking the door. " I'm the oldest," said Percy, hurrying to get there first. " I ought to have known better." This made Van furious, and pushing Percy with all his might, he wriggled out first as the door flew open, and not forgetting to tiptoe down the hall, he hurried along, Percy behind him, to hear the noise of men's feet coming over the stairs. Van tried to rush forward shouting, "Thomas, it's we boys Percy and Van." Instead, he only succeeded in the darkness, in stumbling over a chair, and falling flat with it amid a frightful racket that drowned his voice. Old Mr. King who had been awakened by the previous noise, and rung his burglar alarm that connected with Thomas and Jencks' rooms in the stable, now cried out from his doorway, " Make quick work, Thomas," and Percy saw 458 JOEL. the gleam of a pistol held high in Thorna? hand. Up with a rush came bare feet over the back stairs ; a flutter of something white, and Joel sprang in between them. "It's Percy it's Percy ! " he screamed, " don't you see, Thomas ? " " I'm Percy don't shoot! " the tallest bu^ lar kept saying without intermission, while the flaring of candles and frightened voices, told of the aroused household. " Make quick work, Jencks ! " shouted Mr. King from his doorway, to add to the general din. Thomas, whose blood was up, determined once for all to put an end to the profession of burglary as far as his master's house was concerned, now drew nearer, steadying his pistol and trying to sight the nearest fellow. This proved to be Van, now struggling to his feet. Joel took one wild step forward. " Thomas don't shoot ! It's Van ! " JOEL. 459 " Make quick work, Thomas ! " called Mr. King. There was but a moment in which to decide. It was either Van or he ; and in an instant Joel had stepped in front of the pistol. CHAPTER XXIII. OF MANY THINGS. VAN threw his arms around Joel. " Make quick work, Thomas," called Mr. King from his doorway. The pistol fell from Thomas's hand. " I've shot one of the boys. Och, murther ! " he screamed. And everybody rushing up, supposed it was Van, who was writhing and screaming unintel ligibly in the corner. "Oh! I've killed him," they finally made out. Who who ? O, Van ! who ? " "Joey," screamed Van, bending over a white heap on the floor. " Oh ! make him get up. Oh! I've killed him." The mask was hanging by one end from his 460 OF MANY THINGS. 461 white face, and his eyes protruded wildly. Up flew another figure adorned with a second black mask. " No, no, it was I," and Percy rushed for- ward with an "O, Joel, Joel ! " Somebody lighted the gas, that flashed sud- denly over the terrified group, and somebody else lifted the heap from the corner. And as they did so, Joel stirred and opened his eyes. "Don't make such a fuss," he said crossly. One hand had gripped the sleeve of his night- dress, trying to hold it up in a little wad on the shoulder, the blood pouring down the arm. At sight of this, Van collapsed and slid to the floor. " Don't frighten Mamsie," said Joel, his head drooping, despite his efforts to hold it up. "I'm all right ; nothing but a scratch. Ugh ! let me be, will you ? " to Mr. Whitney and Jasper, who were trying to support him. And Mother Fisher, for the first time since the children had known her, lost her self- control. 462 OF MANY THINGS. " O, Joey ! and mother was cross to you," she could only sob as she reached him. Polly, at a nod from the little doctor's night- cap and a few hurried words, ran as in a dream, for the case of instruments in his bedroom. "All right, Mamsie !" exclaimed Joel in sur- prise, and trying to stagger to his feet. " Good heavens and earth ! " cried old Mr. King, approaching. u What ? oh ! it's mon- strous Joel ! " " Och, murther ! " Thomas sidled along the edge of the group, rolling fearful eyes at them, and repeating over and over, " I've shot that boy that boy ! " All this occupied but an instant, and Joel was laid on his bed, and the wound which proved to be only a flesh one, the ball cutting a little furrow as it grazed the shoulder, was dressed, and everybody drew a long breath. " Tell Van that I'm all right," Joel kept saying all the time. Polly undertook to do this. OF MANY THINGS. 463 "Van Van!" she cried, running out into the hall to lay a shaking hand on his arm, where he lay on the floor. " Joel sent me to say that he is all right." " Polly, I've killed him ! " Van thrust his head "O, JOEY! AND MOTHER WAS CROSS TO YOU." up suddenly and looked at her, with wild eyes. " I have don't speak to me, or look at me. I've killed Joel!" "Take off this- dreadful thing," said Polly with a shiver, and kneeling down, she seized 464 OF MANY THINGS. the strings that tied the mask. " O, dear ! it's all in a knot. Wait, I'll get the scissors," and she found her feet, and ran off to her room. " Now you are all right ;" he gave a little sob as the mask tumbled off. " Oh ! how could you ? " she wanted to say, but Van's distress was too dreadful for anything but comfort. " Don't you see," said Polly, sitting down on the floor and cuddling up his head in her lap, "that Joel is really all right now? Suppose we hadn't a Father Fisher who was a doctor, what should we do then ? " and she even managed a faint laugh. "O, dear! but I've killed Joel." Van cov- ered his face with the folds of her flannel dress and wailed on. " Now, just see here, Van Whitney," said Polly, with the air of authority, " I tell you that Joel is all right now. Don't you say that again not once more, Vanny." " But I have ki I mean I saw Thomas shoot, and I couldn't stop him," and Van writhed OF MANY THINGS. 465 ) fearfully, ending with a scream "I've ki " but Polly, clapping her hand over his mouth, kept the words back. Meanwhile Percy had rushed out of the house. " Oh ! " cried Polly, when this new alarm sprang up, and everybody was running hither and thither to comfort him by the assurance that Joel was not much hurt, " do, Uncle Mason and Jasper, let me go with you." " No, no, you stay here, Polly," cried Jasper, throwing wide the heavy front door. " Brother Mason and I will find him. Don't worry, Polly." " I know I could help," said Polly, hanging over the stair-railing. " Oh ! do let me," she begged. "No, no, child," said Mr. Whitney, with pal- ing lips. " Stay where you are, and take care of the others. Now, then, Jasper, is Jencks ready with the lantern ? " " All right," said Jasper. " Come on. " Polly, longing to fly to the window to watch 466 OF MANY THINGS. at least, the lantern's twinkling light across the lawn, hurried off to comfort Aunt Whitney, who at this new stage in the affairs, was walking her room, biting her lips to keep from screaming the terror that clutched at her heart. " O, Polly ! " she cried, " I'm so glad you've come. I should die if left alone here much longer;" her soft hair floated down the white robe, and the blue eyes were filled with tears. " Do tell me, don't you think they will find Percy ? " " Yes, indeed ! " declared Polly, cuddling up to the little woman. " O, Aunty ! remember when Dicky's leg was broken." " But this is much worse," said Mrs. Whit- ney, sobbing, and holding close to Polly's warm hand. " But we thought he was dead," and Polly gave a little shiver. "Don't don't," begged Mrs. Whitney, put- ting her hand over her eyes ; " O, Polly ! don't." " But he wasn't, you see, Aunty," Polly hur- OF MANY THINGS. 467 ried on, " and so now you know it will come out all right about Per There ! Oh ! they've found him," as a shout from the lawn rang out. "Do you suppose it, Polly?" cried Mrs. Whitney, taking down her hand to clasp it over its fellow. " Oh ! do run to the window and see." So Polly ran to the window in the next room that overlooked that part of the lawn where Mr. Whitney and Jasper were searching, and strained her gaze up and down, and in every direction. " Have they ? oh ! have they ? " cried Mrs. Whitney. " O, Polly ! do tell me." "I don't see any of them," said Polly, lis- tening eagerly for another cry, " but I do be- lieve they've found him." " Do come back," implored Mrs. Whitney ; " there, now, don't go again, Polly," as Polly hurried to her side, "but just hold my hand." " I will," said Polly, "just as tight as I can, Aunty." 468 OK MANY THINGS. "Oh oh! Percy is so much worse off than Joel," wailed Mrs. Whitney. " Oh ! to do such a thing, Polly," she groaned. "They only meant it in fun," said Polly, swallowing hard the lump in her throat, " don't let us talk about it, Aunty." " And Van," cried Mrs. Whitney, running on. " Oh ! my poor, poor boys. Will your mother ever forgive me, Polly ? " " O, Aunty ! don't talk so," said Polly ten- derly ; " and we both ought to be out helping. There's Van, Aunty ; just think how he feels." " I can't go near him," cried Mrs. Whitney in distress, " as long as he is in Joel's room, for I can't see your mother's eyes, Polly. It would kill me to have her look at me." The door opened at this, and the trail of a long silken wrapper was heard on the floor. " Mrs. Chatterton," said Mrs. Whitney, rais- ing her head and looking at the new-comer with as much anger as her gentle face could contain, " I really cannot see you in my room OK MANY THINGS. 469 to-night. Excuse me, but I am unstrung by all that has occurred. Will you please not come in " " I thought I might sit with you," said Mrs. Chatterton. In the brief interval since the arousing of the household, she had contrived to make a perfect breakfast toilet, and she folded her hands over her handsome gown. "Polly might then be with her mother. But if you don't wish me 'to remain, I will go." " I do not need you," said Mrs. Whitney, decidedly, and she turned to Polly again. Mrs. Chatterton moved away, and closed the door after her. " Aunty," said Polly, " she really wants to help you." " Polly, you needn't say anything about it," exclaimed Mrs. Whitney, like many other gentle creatures, when roused, becoming unreasonably prejudiced ; " I cannot bear the sight of that woman. She has been here so long, and is so intensely disagreeable to us all." 470 OF MANY THINGS. Polly's eyes became very round, and she held her breath in astonishment. " Don't look so, child," said Mrs. Whitney at length, "you don't understand, my dear. But you would if you were in my place " "She's sorry for it," said Polly, finding her tongue at last. "And father is nearly worn out with her," continued Mrs. Whitney. " And now to come parading her attentions upon me, it" " Who who ? " Dicky, now that the ex- citement in Joel's room had died down, had lost his relish for it, and he now pranced into Mrs. Whitney's room. " Who, mamma ? " " Mrs. Chatterton," said Mrs. Whitney un- guardedly. " She has disagreeably intruded herself upon me." " Has she been in here ? " asked Dick in astonishment. " Yes ; asking if she can sit with me," and Polly started at the look in the usually soft blue eyes. OF MANY THINGS. 471 "And you wouldn't let her?" asked Dick, stopping short and regarding his mother curi- ously. " Of course not, Dicky," she made haste to say. " Then I think you did very wrong," declared Dick flatly. " O, Dick ! " exclaimed Polly in consterna- tion. " And you don't act like my mother at all," said Dick, standing quite stiffly on his sturdy legs, and gazing at her with disapprobation. " Didn't Mrs. Chatterton save my life," he ex- ploded, "when the real burglar was going for me ? Say, didn't she ? " he cried. " I have yet to find out that is the truth," said Mrs. Whitney, finding her voice. " O, Dicky," she added, hurt that he should defend another, worst of all, Mrs. Chatterton, " don't talk about her." " But I ought to talk about her," persisted Dick. " She saved me as much as she could. 472 OF MANY THINGS. Because she won't let anybody thank her, I like her more myself. I'm going to stay with her." With that, he held his head high, and marched to the door. "Dick, Dick!" called his mother, "come back, dear." Dick slowly turned and made his way to her side, but he still regarded her with disapproval. " Dick, I want you to go to Mrs. Chatterton's room, and say that I am sorry I refused her offer to help, and that I would like to have her sit with me. Remember, say I am sorry I re- fused her offer to help, Dicky." She leaned forward and kissed her boy, her long, soft hair falling like a veil around the two faces. Dick threw his arms around her neck. " Now, you're a brick ! " he declared im- pulsively. " I'll bring the old lady, and we'll both sit with you." So Polly was free to run back to Mamsie. On the way there she opened the door of Phron- OF MANY THINGS. 473 sie's little room, just out of Father and Mother Fisher's. " How good it is that she sleeps through it all," said Polly, listening to the regular breath- ing. Then she stole across the room and stood beside the small bed. "She looks just as she did the night she took her new shoes to bed," thought Polly; "one hand is over her head, exactly as it was then. O, Phronsie ! to think that you're to have no party to-morrow," and she turned off with a sigh, went out, and closed the door. " Percy's here all right ! " cried Jasper, running over the stairs to meet her at the top. His eyes were gleaming with excitement, and his face was torn and bleeding. " Are you hurt ? " cried Polly, feeling as if the whole family were bound to destruction. " O, Jasper! did you fall ? " " Nothing but a scratch. I was fool enough to forget the ledge, and walked off for my pains " 474 OF MANY THINGS. " O, Jasper ! " cried Polly, with paling cheeks, " let me bathe it for you, do ; " her strength be- "HE SAID HE WAS GOING TO RUN OFF TO SEA." gan to return at the thought of action, and she sprang for a basin -of water. OF MANY THINGS. 475 " Nonsense. No, Polly ! " cried Jasper, with a quick hand detaining her, "it's nothing but a mere scratch, I tell you, but I suppose it looks terribly. I'll go and wash it off. Run and tell his mother that Percy is found." " Is he all right ? " asked Polly fearfully, holding her breath, for the answer. " Sound as a nut," declared Jasper ; " we found him streaking it down the locust path ; he said he was going to run off to sea." " Run off to sea ! " repeated Polly. " O, Jasper ! " "Well, he was so frightened, of course he didn't know what to say," replied Jasper. " And ashamed, too, he didn't care to show his head at home. I don't know as I blame him, Polly. Well, it's too bad about Phronsie's party, isn't it ? " added Jasper, mopping up his face as the two went down the hall. " Yes," said Polly with a sigh, stopping at Mrs. Whitney's door, " but, oh ! think how happy we are now that Percy is safe, Jasper." 47 OF MANY THINGS. " Still, it's too bad for Phronsie," repeated Jasper, looking back. But Joel flatly declared that the first one that even so much as hinted that a single item of the arrangements for Phronsie's getting-well party should be changed, he'd make it dis- agreeable as only he knew how, for that one when he got up from his bed. " Yes, sir ! " and he scolded, and fretted, and fussed, and laid down the law so generally to all, not excepting the doctor, that at last it was decided to let the party go on. Then he lay back against the pil- lows quite exhausted, but with a beatific face. " I should think you would be tired, Joe." exclaimed Jasper, " you've bullied us so. Dear me ! people ought to be angelic when they're sick, at least." " If you'd had him to take care of as I did," observed Dr. Fisher, "you'd know better; good- ness me ! the little brown house scarcely held him when he was getting over the measles." '' What's the use of being sick," said Joel OF MANY THINGS. 477 reflectively, turning on his pillow, " if you can't make people stand round, I'd like to know. Now that point's settled about Phronsie's party, won't you all go out? I'd like to speak to Father Fisher a moment." " Not me, Joey ? " said Mother Fisher at the head of the bed, holding her boy's hand. " Yes ; you, too, Mamsie," said Joel, giving her an affectionate glance, " it's something that only the doctor and I are to know." " You're not hurt anywhere else, are you, Joey?" said his mother, a sudden alarm leaping to her black eyes. " Not a scratch," said Joel promptly. " I want to see Father Fisher about something. Some time you shall know, Mamsie." He gave her hand a sudden pressure, then let it go. " Perhaps you better step out, my dear," said the little doctor, nodding to his wife. So Mrs. Fisher, smothering a sigh, went out reluctantly. " All out ? " asked Joel, trying to raise his head to see for himself. 478 OF MANY THINGS. " Every soul," said Dr. Fisher. '* Well, see here, will you," said Joel, point- ing to the table, the schoolbooks scattered as lie had left them, " pack those things all away in the closet on the shelf, you know, and put the rubbish or) the floor there, back on the table ? " Dr. Fisher could not for his life, refrain from asking curiously, as he did as requested, " Been having a pull at the books, eh, Joe ? " " Um um maybe," said Joel, twisting uneasily. " Well, now, come here, please, Father Fisher." The little man turned away from the table, with its sprawling array of delightful things, to stand by the bedside. " You must get me well as soon as you can," said Joel confidentially. " All right, I understand," Dr. Fisher nodded professionally. " And whatever you say, don't let it be that I must be careful of my eyes," said Joel. OF MANY THINGS. 479 "All right; that is, if you get up quickly," agreed the doctor. " That's all," said Joel in great -satisfaction. " Now, call Mamsie in and the others." And in the morning, no one told Phronsie what had happened the night before. She only knew that Joel was not very well, and was go- ing to keep his room ; all her pleadings to do something for him being set one side by Grand- papa's demands upon her instant attention when- ever the idea suggested itself to her. And so the time wore along till the party began. Alexia was the first to arrive, her bowl of orange jelly in her hand, and after her, a tall slight figure jumped from the carriage, hev flaxen hair streaming out in two pale braids. "I thought I'd pick Cathie up," said Alexia carelessly; "had to pass her door, you know. Oh ! dear me, what perfectly dreadful times you had last night, Polly Pepper." " I didn't bring macaroons," said Cathie ; "as I really think that they wouldn't be good 480 OF MANY THINGS. for Phronsie. Besides, I've forgotten how to make them, and our cook was cross and said I shouldn't come into her kitchen. But I bought a doll for Phronsie : my mother said it would be a great deal more sensible present," and she hugged the long box under her arm with great satisfaction. " O, dear! dear!" groaned Alexia, falling back with Polly as the three raced along the hall, " she showed it to me in the carriage, and it's a perfect guy, beside counting one more." But afflictions like this were small to Polly now, and although for the next hour it rained dolls into Phronsie's puzzled hands, Polly helped her to thank the givers and to dispose them safely on neighboring chairs and tables and sofas. Mrs. Chatterton's was the pattern of old Mr. King's phonograph doll, at which discovery he turned upon her with venom in his eye. " My gift to my little granddaughter," taking especial care to emphasize the relationship, OF MANY THINGS. 481 " has always been a doll, I suppose you knew that, Cousin Eunice, and to try to procure one exactly like the one I have purchased, is very presuming in you, to say the least." " And why may I not present a doll to Phron- sie Pepper, if I care to, pray tell ? " demanded Mrs. Chatterton in a high, cold tone. " Why ? because you have always showed a marked dislike for the child," cried old Mr. King angrily, " that's why, Cousin Eunice." "Grandpapa Grandpapa," said Phronsie, laying her hand on his arm. " And to parade any special affection, such as the presentation of a gift indicates, is a piece of presumption on your part, I say it again, Cousin Eunice." " Grandpapa ! " said Phronsie again at his elbow. " Now, Phronsie," turning to her, " you are to take that doll," pointing to a gorgeous affair reposing on the sofa, with Mrs. Algernon Chat- terton's card attached to it, " and go over to 482 OF MANY THINGS. Mrs. Chatterton, and say, very distinctly, ' I cannot accept this gift ; ' mind you say it dis- tinctly, Phronsie, that there may be no mistake in the future." " O, Grandpapa!" cried Phronsie in dismay. " Yes, child ; I know what is best for you. Take that doll, and do exactly as I bid you." A dreadful pause fell upon the room. Polly clasped her hands, while Alexia and the other girls huddled into a corner saying softly, "Oh ! how perfectly dreadful ! " " No use to say anything to father when he looks like that," groaned Jasper, when Polly besought him to try his influence, " his blood is up now ; he's borne a good deal, you know, Polly." " O, dear, dear ! " whispered Polly back again, "just look at Mrs. Chatterton's face, and at poor Phronsie's ; can't you do something, Jasper?" " I'm afraid not," said Jasper gloomily. " No ; he's making her give it back; see, Polly." OF MANY THINGS. 483 i "You '11 know it's for the bast," Mr. King was repeating as he led the child to Mrs. Chat- terton standing cold and silent at the end of the room, " some time, child, and then you'll thank me that I saved you from further annoy- ance of this sort. There, Cousin Eunice, is your gift," taking the doll from Phronsie's hand, and placing it in the long, jeweled one. " My little granddaughter receives presents only from those who love her. All others are unwar- ranted, and must be returned." Phronsie burst out tearfully, " She's sorry, Grandpapa, I know she is, and she loves me now. Please let me keep the doll." But Mrs. Chatterton had left the room, the doll in her hand. CHAPTER XXIV. AWAY. AND after that everybody had to be as gay as possible, to keep Phronsie's sad little face from being flooded with tears. " Dear me ! " exclaimed Jasper, " here comes Candace ! Now what do you suppose she has for you, Phronsie ? " Candace sailed through the doorway with ample satisfaction with everything and herself in particular. " Whar's little Miss ? " she demanded, her turban nodding in all directions, and her black eyes rolling from side to side. " There, Candace," said some one, " over in the corner with Jasper." "Oh! I see her," said Candace, waddling 484 I AWAY. 485 over to them. " Well, now, Phronsie, seein' you couldn't come to me for somethin' I made 'xpressly fer you, w'y, Candace has to come to you. See dat now, chile ! " She unrolled the parcel, disclosing the won- derful doll adorned with Candace's own hair, and " Ole Missus' ruffles," then stood erect, her bosom swelling with pride and delight. " Oh, my goodness me ! " exclaimed Alexia, tumbling back after the first and only glance, and nearly overturning Cathie who was looking over her shoulder. " Polly Pepper, oh dear me ! " Then she sat down on the floor and laughed till she cried. " Hush hush ! " cried Polly, running over to her, " do stop, Alexia, and get up. She'll hear you, and we wouldn't hurt her feelings for the world. Do stop, Alexia." "Oh dear me!" cried Alexia gustily, and holding her sides while she waved back and forth; "if it had been a respectable doll, but that horror ! Oh dear me ! " 486 AWAY. " Stop stop ! " commanded Polly, shaking * her arm. But Alexia was beyond stopping herself. And in between Candace's delighted recital how she combed " de ha'r to take de curl out," and how "ole Missus' ruffles was made into de clothes," came the peals of laughter that finally made every one in the room stop and look at the girls. " Candace, come into my ' den ' and get a pattern for some new pins I want you to make for me," cried Jasper, desperately dragging her off. " It's no use to lecture me," said Alexia, sit- ting straight as Candace's feet shuffled down the hall, and wiping her face exhaustedly. " I know it was dreadful oh dear me! Don't anybody speak to me, or I shall disgrace myself again ! " " Now, Phronsie, what do you suppose we are to do next ? " Phronsie looked up into old Mr. King's face. AWAY. 487 " I don't know, Grandpapa," she said wonder- ingly. " Well, now, my dear, you've had Punch and Judy, and these nice children," waving his hand to indicate the delegation from the orphan asylum, " have sung beautifully for you. Now what comes next, Phronsie ? " " I don't know, Grandpapa," repeated Phronsie. " When gifts become burdensome they no longer are kindnesses," said Mr. King. " Now, Phronsie, I have found out never mind how ; little birds, you know, sometimes fly around telling people things they ought to know. Well, I have discovered in some way that my little girl has too many children to care for." Here Phronsie's brown eyes became very wide. " And when there are too many children in the nest, Phronsie, why, they have to go out into the world to try their fortunes and make other homes. Now there are so many poor lit- 488 AWAY. tie girls who haven't any children, Phronsie. Think of that, dear, and you have so many." Phronsie at this drew nearer and stole her hand into his. " Now what is to be done about it ? " asked the old gentleman, putting his other broad palm over her little one and holding it fast. " Hey, my pet ? " " Can't we buy them some children ? " asked Phronsie with warm interest. " O, Grandpapa dear, do let us ; I have money in my bank." " Phronsie," said the old gentleman, going to the heart of the matter at once and lifting her to his lap, " I really think the time has come to give away some of your dolls. I really do, child." Phronsie gave a start of incredulity and peered around at him. " I really do. You are going abroad to be gone well, we'll say a year. And your dolls would be so lonely without anything to do but to sit all day and think of their little mother. AWAY. 489 And there are so many children who would love them and make them happy." Now Mr. King's white hair was very near the yellow waves floating over his shoulder, so that none but Phronsie's ears caught the next words. "It's right, Phronsie dear; I'd do it if I were you," he said in a low voice. " Do you want it, Grandpapa ? " asked Phronsie softly. " I do, child ; but not unless you are willing " "Then I do," declared Phronsie, sitting quite straight on his knee. And she gave a relieved sigh. " O, Grandpapa, if we only had the poor children now ! " she exclaimed, dreadfully ex- cited. " Come, then." Old Mr. King set her on her feet. " Clear the way there, good people ; we are going to find some poor children who are waiting for dolls," and he threw wide the door into a back passage, and there, presided over by Jencks, and crowding for the first entrance, was a score of children with outstretched hands. 49 AWAY. " Oh oh ! " exclaimed Phronsie with cheeks aflame. " Please, he said we was to have dolls," cried one hungry-eyed girl, holding out both her hands. " I've never had one. Please give me one quick." " Never had one ? " echoed Phronsie, taking a step toward her. " Only a piece, Miss, I found in a rag-barrel. Please give me one quick." "She's never had a doll only a piece," re- peated Phronsie, turning back to the family, unable to contain this information. " Ask the others if they have had any ? " said Mr. King, leaning against a tall cabinet. " Try that girl there in a brown plaid dress." " Have you ever had a doll ? " asked Phronsie obediently, looking over at the girl indicated, and holding her breath for the answer. At this, the girl in the brown plaid dress burst into tears, which so distressed Phronsie that she nearly cried. AWAY. 491 "Yes, but it died," said the girl after a little. " O, Grandpapa, her doll died ! " exclaimed Phronsie in horror. " No, it didn't, Jane," corrected another girl, " the dog et it ; you know he did." " Yes, I know," said Jane, between small sobs, " it died, and we couldn't have any fun'ral, 'cause the dog had et it." " Well, now, Phronsie," exclaimed Mr. King, getting away from the support of the cabinet, " I think it's time that we should make some of these children happy. Don't you want to take them up to the playroom and distribute the dolls ? " "No, no," protested Phronsie suddenly, "I must go up and tell my children. They will understand it better then, Grandpapa. I'll be back in a very few minutes," and going out she went quickly upstairs, and after a while returned with both arms full. " This doll is for you," she said gravely, put- ting a doll attired in a wonderful pink satin 49 2 costume into Jane's arms. " I've told her about your dog, and she's a little frightened, so please be careful/' "What's the fun down there now?" asked Joel of Van, who with Percy could not be persuaded to leave his bed- side a moment, " open the door, do, and let's hear it." So Van threw wide the door. " Go out and listen, Percy, will you ? " he said. " I don't want to/ 1 said Percy, who shared Van's WITH BOTH ARMS FULL. wish to keep in the background. " You two fellows act like muffs," said Joel. AWAY. 493 " Now if you want to make me well, go out, do, and tell me what the fun is going on down there." So persuaded, the two boys stole out into the hall in time to see Phronsie go down the stairs with her armful, and carefully using their ears they soon rushed back with " Phronsie's giving away her dolls ! " "Stuff and nonsense!" exclaimed Joel, " if you can't bring back anything better than that yarn, you might as well stay here." " But I tell you it's true," declared Van, " isn't it, Percy ? " " Yes, it is," said Percy. " I heard her dis- tinctly say, ' This doll is for you ' and she had her arms full, so I suppose she's going to give those away too " " A likely story," said Joel, bursting into a laugh. At the noise up in the boys' room, Mother Fisher ran quickly over the stairs. " O, boys ! what is it ? Joel, are you worse ? " " No indeed," said Joel, " I was laughing. 494 AWAY. Percy and Van have been telling such a big story. Mamsie, they actually said that Phronsie was giving away her dolls." " Is that all ? " cried Mrs. Fisher in relief. "Well, so she is, Joel." " Phronsie giving away her dolls, Mamsie ?" screamed Joel. " Why, what does Grandpapa say ? " ".He's the very one that proposed it," said Mrs. Fisher. " There, Joey, don't get excited, for I don't know what the doctor will say," as Joel sank back on his pillow, overcome by this last piece of news. When Phronsie went to bed that night she clasped Mr. King's new gift to her breast. " Grandpapa, dear," she said confidingly as they went up the stairs together, " do you know I really think more of this doll, now that the others are gone ? Really I do, Grandpapa, and I can take better care of her, because I shall have more time." " So you will, dear," assented Mr. King. AWAY. 495 " Well, Phronsie, I think you and I, dear, haven't made a bad day's work." " I think my children will be happy," said Phronsie, with a small sigh, " because you see it's so nice to make good times for their new mothers. And, Grandpapa, I couldn't play with each one more than once a week. I used to try to, but I couldn't, Grandpapa." " Why didn't you tell me, Phronsie," asked the old gentleman a bit reproachfully as they reached the top step, "how it was, dear? You should have given them away long ago." " Ah, but," said Phronsie, slowly shaking her head, " I didn't want to give them away before ; only just now, Grandpapa, and I think they will be happy. And now I'm going to take this newest one to bed, just as I used to take things to bed years ago, when I was a little girl." And after all, there was an extension of time for the three boys' vacation, Dr. Marks not get- ting up from his sudden attack of fever as 49 6 AWAY. quickly as was expected. But there came a day at last, when Percy, Van and David bade Joel " good-by." " It won't be for long," observed that in- dividual cheerfully, " you'll be back in three weeks." " Oh dear ! " groaned Percy when safe within the coach, " we've ruined all his chances. He certainly will be plucked now with those three weeks to make up." Van gathered himself up and leaned forward in his corner. " Don't look so, Dave," he cried desperately. David tried to smooth the troubled lines out of his face, but only succeeded in making it look worse than before. " And it will kill Mrs. Fisher," Percy con- tinued gloomily, " if he does get plucked, as of course he will." " Keep still, will you ?" cried Van, his irrita- tion getting beyond bounds. " What's the use in talking about a thing till it's done," which AWAY. 497 had the effect to make Percy remember his promise to Polly and close his mouth. But Joel's wound healed quicker than any one supposed it possibly could, and Percy and Van who both hated to write letters, gave up much time on the playground to indite daily bulletins, so that he declared that it was almost as good as being there on the spot. And Mother Fisher and her army of servants cleaned the great stone house from top to bottom, and sorted, and packed away, and made things tidy for the new housekeeper who was to care for them in her absence, till Dr. Fisher raised his eyebrows and hands in astonishment. " I really must," he said one day, " put in a* remonstrance, wife, or you'll kill yourself before we start." " Oh ! I'm used to working," Mrs. Fisher -vould say cheerily, and then off she would fly to something so much worse, that the little doctor was speechless. And Polly set herself at all her studies, es- 498 AWAY. pecially French, with redoubled vigor, notwith- standing that she was hampered with the faith- ful attentions of the schoolgirls who fought among themselves for her company, and show- ered her with pathetic "Oh dear me how I shall miss you," and with tears when they got over it. And Jasper buried him- self in his den, only bursting forth at meal times, and Mrs. Whitney bemoaned all prepara- tions for the travelers' departure, and wished a thousand times that she had not given her promise to keep the house and look after the boys. And everybody who had the slightest claim to a calling acquaintance, now dropped in upon the Kings, and Polly had her " good-by party," and it was pronounced perfectly elegant by Alexia and her set, and the three boys came home for the long vacation and in two days the party would sail. " Who do you think is going abroad with us ? " asked Mr. King suddenly, as they all sat in the library for a last evening talk ; " guess quickly." AWAY. 499 "Who? " cried several voices. " Why, I thought you didn't want any out- siders, father," exclaimed Jasper in surprise. " Well, and I didn't when I said so, but cir- cumstances are changed now come, guess quickly, some one ? " " The Cabots," said Jasper at a venture. " No, no ; guess again." " Mr. Alstyne ? " " No ; again." "The Bayleys, the Dyces, the Herrings," shouted Mr. Whitney and Van and Joel. "No, I know," broke in Percy, "it's Mrs. Chatterton," with a quick glance to make sure that she was not in the room. "M>/" thundered Mr. King. "Oh! how stupid people can be when they want to. Two persons are to meet us in New York to-morrow. I didn't tell you till I was sure ; I had no desire that you should be disappointed. Now guess again." " Aunty, do you know ? " asked Polly suddenly, 500 AWAY. leaning back, as she sat on the rug in front of the fire, to lay her head in Mrs. Whitney's lap. " No, I'm sure I don't," said Mrs. Whitney, stroking lightly the brown hair, with a pang to think how long it would be before she should caress it again. " How any one can desire to cross the ocean," remarked Mr. Whitney, folding his hands back of his head and regarding meditatively the glowing fire, " is more than I can see. That I never shall do it again unless whipped over, I'm morally certain." " Are the persons men ? " asked Ben suddenly. " One is," replied Mr. King. " And the other is a woman ? " " The other is a woman," said Mr. King. " Well, what are their names. Isn't anybody smart enough to guess them ? Dear me, I've always said that the Peppers were remarkably bright, and the rest of you children are not behind other young people. Go on, try again. Now who are they ? " AWAY. 501 Polly took her head out of Mrs. Whitney's lap, and rested her chin in her hands, Davie walked up and down the room, while Ben and the two Whitney boys hung over Mother Fisher's chair. " Dear me ! " fumed Joel. " Who ever could guess. There's such a lot of people in the world that Grandpapa knows. It might be any two of them that he has asked." Little Dr. Fisher's eyes roved from one to the other of the group. " I couldn't begin to guess because I don't know many of your friends," he said quietly. " You know these two people very well," said Mr. King, laughing, to see the little man's face. " Now I think I know," said Jasper slowly, a light coming into his gray eyes, " but I don't suppose it's a fair guess, for I saw the address on a letter father was writing two or three weeks ago." " You did, you young scamp, you ! " cried Mr. 502 AWAY. King, turning on him. " Well, then, 'tisn't a guess for you, Jasper. Keep still, my boy, and let them work away at it. Will no one guess ? " "Mamsie," cried Polly, bounding up from the ring, nearly upsetting Phronsie, who was sitting beside her in a brown study, " can it be do you suppose it is nice, dear Mr. and Mrs. Henderson ? " "Well, Polly," said Mr. King, beaming at her, " you've done what the others couldn't. Yes, it is Mr. and Mrs. Henderson, and they are going with, us to stay until the autumn." " Good, good ! " cried every one till the big room seemed full of joy. " O, father ! " exclaimed Mrs. Whitney, " I'm so glad you've done this. They were so kind to Dicky and to me when he was hurt." " They were kind to Dicky and to you," said her father; " and besides, Marian, Mr. Hender- son is a man who doesn't preach at you only once a week, and Mrs. Henderson is a fine woman. So it's a pity not to ease up things for them now AWAY. 503 and then. Well, how do you like the plan ? " He spoke to Dr. Fisher, but his gaze took them all in. "Immensely," said the little doctor; which being again echoed heartily, by all the rest, old Mr. King began to feel very much elated at his part in the proceedings, and in a quarter of an hour it seemed as if the expedition had been especially planned for the benefit of the Hen- dersons, so naturally had it all come about. And on the morrow, the whole family, Kings, Whitneys, Fishers and Peppers, turned their backs on the gray stone mansion and went down to the city. And Alexia Rhys persuaded her aunt to do her semi-annual shopping at this time, and to take her too ; and Mr. Alstyne also had busi- ness that necessitated his going, and Mr. Cabot and Mary Taylor, and her father found they must go along, too; and Hamilton Dyce was there, and Pickering Dodge, of course, went to be company for Ben on the way back. And at 504 AWAY. the last moment who should jump on the train but Livingston Bayley. " Had a telegram," he explained ; " must be there at noon. So glad of the unexpected pleas- ure of meeting you all." And Cousin Eunice Chatterton went ; for, at the last minute, she had suddenly discovered that she had visited at the gray stone mansion as long as she cared to, and notified the family accordingly. And Mr. King had so far made up for his part in the late unpleasantness as to ask her to go with the party, on her way to her nephew's in the city. So there she was with the others, bidding them good-by on the steamer. " Phronsie," she said slowly, under cover of the babel of tongues, "you. are a good child, and I've done well by you. This little bit of paper," putting it into her hand, "contains a message to Mr. King, which you are to give him after you have started." " I will go and give it to him now," said Phronsie, her fingers closing over the bit. AWAY. 505 " No, no," said Mrs. Chatterton sharply, " do as I say. Remember, on no account to let any one see it till after you have started. You are a good child, Phronsie. Now, remember to do as you are bidden. And now, will you kiss me, child ? " Phronsie lifted her eyes and fixed them on the long, white face, and suddenly raising her- self to her tiptoes, she put up her lips. " Look at Phron," cried Joel in the midst of the group, " actually kissing Mrs. Chatterton ! " and everybody turned and stared. Cousin Eunice dropped her veil with a quick hand, and moved off with a stately step, but not in time to lose young Bayley's drawl : " Ton me word it's the most ex-troar-'nary thing. Phronsie, come here, and tell us what 'twas like." But Phronsie stood quite still as if she had not heard. " Yes, I hope you'll have a nice time," Pick- ering Dodge was saying for the dozenth time, with eyes for no one but Polly, " now don't stay away for a year." 506 AWAY. Polly with her heart full of the boys, who were hanging on either side, answered at ran- dom. "O, Ben! I can't go," she was exclaiming, and she hid her head on his shoulder, so Pick- ering turned off. But Joel set his teeth together. "You must," he said, for Ben was beyond speech with the effort to control himself. " I can't," said poor Polly, " leave you, Ben, and the boys." And then Mrs. Whitney came up just as Polly was near breaking down. " My dear child," she said, taking Polly's hands, " you know it is right for you to go." " Yes, I know," said Polly, fighting her tears. " Then, Polly, be brave, dear, and don't be- grudge me my three new boys," she added play- fully. " Just think how happy I'm to be, with six such splendid fellows to call my own." Polly smiled through her tears. " And one thing more," said Mrs. Whitney AWAY. 509 in a low voice, " when you feel badly," looking steadily at Polly and the three boys, " remember what Dr. Fisher said ; that if your mother didn't stop working, and rest, she would break down." "I'll remember," said Ben hoarsely. " So will I," said David. " And I will," said Joel, looking everywhere but into Polly's eyes. "Well, I hope, Miss Polly," said young Mr. Bayley, sauntering up, " that you'll have an un- commonly nice time, I do indeed. I may run across in September ; if I do, we shall probably meet." " Miss Mary Pepper ? " suddenly asked a man with a huge basket of flowers, and pausing in front of her. Young Mr. Bayley smiled indulgently as he could not help reading the card thrust into the flowers. " She will receive my flowers at in- tervals all the way over, if the steward doesn't fail me," he reflected with satisfaction, " while this boy s will fade in an hour." 510 AWAY. " Miss Mary Pepper ? " the florist's messenger repeated, extending the basket to Polly. " It's for you, Miss Polly," said young Mr. Bayley. " Let me relieve you," taking the bas- ket. " Oh ! are they for me ? " cried Polly. " I believe you are Miss Mary Pepper," said young Bayley. " Pretty, aren't they ? " fingering the roses, and glad to think that there were orchids among the flowers to which his card was attached, and just placed under the steward's care. " I suppose I am," said Polly, with a little laugh, " but it seems as if I couldn't be any- thing but Polly Pepper. Oh ! thank you, Pick- ering, for these lovely roses," catching sight of him. . " Glad you like them," said Pickering radi- antly. " Say, Polly, don't stay away a whole year, will you ? " Young Mr. Bayley set the basket in his hand and turned on his heel with a smile. AWAY. 511 " Come, Polly, I want you," cried Alexia, try- ing to draw her off, "you know she's my very best friend, Pickering, and I haven't had a chance to say one word to her this morning. Come, Polly." " Polly, come here," called Mrs. Fisher. " O, dear ! " cried Alexia impatiently, " now that's just the way it always is. It's Polly here, and Polly there," as Polly deserted her and ran off with her basket of roses. " You don't do any of the calling, of course," said Pickering, with a laugh. "Well, I'll have her to myself," declared Alexia savagely, " before it's time for us to get off the steamer, see if I don't." " I don't believe it," said Pickering. "Look at her now in a maelstrom of relatives. You and I, Alexia, are left out." And the next thing Alexia knew somebody unceremoniously helped her from the steamer with a " Beg pardon. Miss, but you must get off," and she was standing on the wharf in a 512 AWAY. crowd of people, looking in a dazed way at Polly Pepper's fluttering handkerchief, while fast-increasing little ripples of greenish water lay between them. And Phronsie was running up to Mr. King : " Here, Grandpapa, Mrs. Chatterton wanted me to give you this," unclasping her warm lit- tle palm where the bit of white paper lay. "The Dickens she did," exclaimed the old gentleman ; " so she has had a last word with you, has she ? Well, she won't get another for a long spell ; so never mind. Now, let's see what Cousin Eunice says. Something interesting, no doubt." He spread the crumpled bit straight and read, Phronsie standing quite still by his side : COUSIN' HORATIO : I have made Phronsie Pepper my sole heir. You may like it or not, as you please. The thing is done, and may God bless Phronsie. EUNICE CHATTERTON BY TCHRGKRBT SIDNEY. 12ino, illustrated, $1.5O. " Was there ever a more charming story for children than the ' Five Little Peppers ' ? That book at onCe took its place among the classics for children." Golden Rule, " A book of home life and love. It tells the story of a poor family, obliged to pinch and plan and scrimp from day to day ; but the members are so imbued with the home-spirit as to make the little brown house in which they live a genuine paradise." Chicago Interior. " It is not one of the professed Christmas books, but there is enough Christmas feeling in it for six." Boston Budget. " Of all books for juvenile readers not one possesses more of the peculiar qualities which go to make up a perfect story. It ought, for the lesson it teaches, to be in the hands of every boy and girl in the country." Boston Transcript. " If the book had no other worth, it would be valuable as a refutation of the cynical old saying, that, ' when want comes in at the door, love flies out at the window.' The little Pep- pers were very poor, but very happy and affectionate in spite of it." Boston Journal. " The author shows inventive power and much insight into the mysterious depths of child nature." Western Christian Advocate. 4 " It cannot but have a beneficial influence on the disposition of every little reader." Chicago Journal. " This story abounds in amusing incidents to please the children, and at the same time instills lessons of unselfish love and attention to duty." Boston Times. " It is one of the brightest, breeziest, most natural and most enjoyable of the portraitures of children's home life in America the paradise of childhood.' 1 Christian Observer, Louisville. " There is so strong a love of humanity impelling the pen of Margaret Sidney that in whatever she writes she makes inter- esting the homeliest and most ordinary aspects of daily life, and imparts to duty the glory of doing and to virtue its own reward." Chicago Inter-Ocean. Illustrated Quarto Edition now ready, only 25 cts. At the Bookstores, or sent postpaid on receipt of price by D. LOTHROP COMPANY, Publishers, Boston. FIVE LITTLE PEPPERS Ml IIP Sequel to Five Little Teppers Midway By MARGARET SIDNEY. 12mo, illustrated, $2.50. " Five Little Peppers and How They Grew " and " Five Little Peppers Midway " had gone forth to delight all children and those who love children. But these did not satisfy the vast audience that hang waiting on Margaret Sidney's written words. " And then what ? " " What happened next? " they cried. And so the third " Peppers " book was written, and now we have " Five Little Peppers Grown Up." It is almost a pity that they must grow up, but that is what children do in real life, and this story can but follow. Even Phronsie is getting to be a big girl now, though not losing her childlike innocence and trust. She is the same " Phronsie Pepper " and always will be. Her nose is a little " out of joint," for there is a new baby now to be catered to, a little King-Fisher, who is nearly spoiled with pettings. But Phronsie is not spoiled, nor Polly either, though everybody conspires to do it. But the mother's teaching and their own good sense keep them simple and true. Polly bravely starts out as music-teacher, and not only succeeds in the technique of her work, but also, ing her young pupils to lar^ Of course she has hosts of admirers,~and it is a matter of in stimulating her young pupils to larger and nobler efforts. intense interest which one of her eager lovers thg little maiden will accept. Ben and Jasper begin their business careers, and Joel and Dave are college students with the usual experiences of young collegians. There are some graphic descriptions of the book publishing business in which Jasper engages. Various new characters are introduced, and the story' winds in and out among them all with that bright sparkle of animated life which marks all of Margaret Sidney's stories. Throughout the book, there is a realization not only of physical growth, but of the growth of noble character. And yet there is no preaching, save what comes indirectly by example ; and the young people are bright and rollicking, healthy and heartv, and enjoy life without stint. It is books like these which inspire and encourage young people to be brave and true, manly and womanly in all the relations of life. For sale at the bookstores, or tent postpaid, on receipt of price, by D. LOTHROP COMPANY, Publishers, Boston, Mass. THE POT OF GOLD. BV 7USHRY E. 12mo, 81.50. Fully Illustrated. A new book by Miss Wilkins is 'an event in literature, and an announcement of the first volume of her juvenile stories will be welcomed not only by young people but by all who have come to love and honor her for her wonderfully faithful pictures of New England life. The realistic element which is so marked a feature of her storres for adults is blended with another style of writing in the collection which makes up " The Pot of Gold." Hereto- fore we have seen Miss Wilkins at her best in her simple, natural portraitures of plain, homely country folk, whose hum- ble joys and sorrows she has painted with wonderful skill. But there is another side to her nature, in which she fairly revels in the fanciful, the humorous and the romantic, and de- lights in giving the reins to her imagination. Nothing can be more delicious than these flights of fancy and the fun and drollery with which they abound. The last part of the volume is made up of stories of child life in the olden days of New England, and describes some of the customs of those earlier times, when childhood was not the paradise it now is. These have the flavor of the soil, and are as quaint and old-fashioned as the characters themselves. Many an older reader will delight in these quaint, old-time pictures of Puritan days. The book is beautifully gotten up, printed on superfine paper, with illustrations by W. L. 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