kv^r •V>--K^ 'H T'-' ..^~x^ Vv-j : \l CATALOGUE OP , THE COLLECTION OF "^' ' '^ "' GREEK COINS ^v.-^^ ^-^ OF A LATE COLLECTOR. Many selected from the following well-known Collections: WIGAN, BOMPOIS, DE QUELEN, COMTE DE DUCHASTEL, BILLOIN. CARFRAE, THE EARL OF ASHBURNHAM. SIR EDWARD H BUNBURY, MONTAGU, &c. WHICH WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MESSES. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE, ;^u£l'tonEers of Utitcrarj ^ropcrtg & Morks iUuBtratibe of tbc JFine ^rta, AT THEIR HOUSE, No. 1 8,*" WELLINGTON STREET, STRAND, W.C. On MONDAY, the 28th day of MAY, 1900, and Three following Days, >* AT ONE o'clock PRECISELY. MAY BE VIEWED TWO DAYS PRIOR. CATALOGUES MAY BE HAD. DRYDEN PRESS: J. DAVY AND SONS, I37, LONG ACRE, LONDON. CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. The highest bidder to be the buyer ; and if any dispute arise between bidders, the lot so disputed shall be immediately put up again, provided the auctioneer cannot decide the said dispute. II. No person to advance less than Is. ; above five pounds, 2s. 6(/. and so on in proportion. III. In the case of lots upon which there is a reserve, the auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the seller. IV. The purchasers to give in their names and places of abode, and to pay down 5s. in the pound, if required, in part payment of the purchase-money ; in default of which the lot or lots purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The sale of any lot is not to be set aside on account of any error in the enumeration of the numbers stated, or errors of description. VI The lots to be taken away, at the buyer's e.xpense, imme- diately after the conclusion of the sale ; in default of which Messrs. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE will not hold themselves responsible if lost, stolen, damaged, or otherwise destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser. If, at the expiration of Two Days after the conclusion of the sale, the lots are not cleared or paid for, they will then be catalogued for immediate sale, and the expense, the same as if re-sold, will be added to the amount at which they were bought. Messrs. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & flODGE will have the option of re-selling the lots uncleared, either by public or private sale, without any iidtice being given to the defaulter. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above conditions, the money required and deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited, and if any loss is sustained in the re-selling of such lots as are not cleared or paid for, all charges un such re-sale shall he made good h/ the defaulters at this sale. Gentlemen who cannot attend this Sale, may have their Cvmimssums faithfully executed by their humble Servants, SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE, 13. Wellington Street, Strand, London. Sizes of the Coins. Scale of Jilt) /met. CATALOGUE OF A COLLECTION OF GREEK COINS, IN GOLD, SILVER & BRONZE. FIRST DAY'S SALE. ITALY. ETRURIA. LOT Populonia. N. Young male head to left, in front; mark of value X= 10. $1 Plain wt. 9 gr., very fine and extremely rare Plate I. 1 2 Populonia. M Ten Litra, Head of Apollo laureate to left, behind; value X, 9= Plain, wt. 65 gr., fine and scarce. Al 11 ba (Campania.) M Litra, Laureate head of Apollo to right; around three dolphins. 1^ AAAIBANON. Skylla to right, holding cuttle fish and shell ; below mussel, ict. 9| gr., very fine and scarce 2 LATIUM. 3 Alba Fucentis, b.c. 303-268. JR Diobol 1 Head of Hermes to right & ALBA. Griffin to right, m-/. 18 grs., very fine and rare 1 Plate I. 4 Tudec (Umbria). M. Head of Silenos bound with ivy ; 5, ia3TVT. Eagle with open wings walking to left, size 4. Frentanl. M SQENXDEY. Head of Hermes, wearing petasos, to left ; ^ Traces of legend in exergue ; Pegasos bounding to left, below; tripod, size 5, very fine. Larlnum. JSi Quadrans, Bearded head of Herakles in lion's skin; 5' LADINOD- Centaur to right, carrying branch, in exergue ; marks of value • • • ; size 4^, very fine 3 Si' ■/. Anr. :< 5125485 /^ ^ ^ :) 3 / / o , ■ CAMPANIA. C 5 Gales, circa B.C. 334. M Didrachm. Head of Pallas in crested Corinthian helmet to right decorated with coiled serpent, behind head a thunderbolt, an YDIN[A-] (retrograde); Human-headed bull to right, wt. 114 grs., very fine and scarce 1 A 7~ -^ 11 Cumae, circa B.C. 480-423. Campanian Didrachm. Female head to right, of early fine style, the hair turned up at back over diadem V^ KYMAION- Mussel-shell and grain of corn, wt. 117 grs., very fine 1 12 Neapolis, B.C. 340-268. M Didrachm, Head of Dia-Hebe to right, of very fine style, the hair drawn back from forehead and confined by broad diadem, she wears triple earring and necklace; behind head X., 9) [N EOPOJAITnN, (in exergue), Human-headed bull to right crowned by flying Nike, below EYZ-, wt. IIG grs. {Carelli, XLII, 45), fime. Head of Dia-Hebe to left, the hair curled on forehead and at side, and confined by beaded diadem, 9> similar to last, but without lettering under bull, wt. 114 grs., fine 2 / Z /. /2' 13 Neapolls, xE, circa B.C. 340. Head of Apollo to right, Jk NEOPOAI- ^. TH[Z]., Forepart of Campanian bull to right, star of eight points, on shoulder, size 4, very fine. Head of Apollo to right; ^ Forepart of Cam- panian bull to right, size 2, very fine. Another, similar to last, fine. Head of Apollo laureate to left, behind; club, 1> N EOPOAITHN-, Tripod, size 3, very fine. Another, with head of Apollo, but of diliereat style, and with cornucopiae behind head, p, same legend and tripod, size 2\, very fine. Head of Apollo to right, 9. N EA. Grain of Corn, in field, bunch of grapes, size 1, very fine; all finely paiinatcd 6 14 Nola, B.C. 340-268. M Didrachm, Head of Kore ?, the hair turned up at back and confined by broad diadem ornamented with mteander pattern Jt NI2AAION. (in exergue), Campanian bull to right, Victory above, ivt. 115 J grs., scarce 1 15 Phistelia, B.C. 420-400. ,11 Didrachm, Head of Hera, nearly full face, the hair y^ ? , f " loose 5k Oscan Legend. Man-headed bull to left, dolphin in exergue, id. 110 grs., very fine and rare 1 Plate I. 16 Teanum Sidicinum, B.C. 300-2G8. /R Didrachm, Head of Young Heraldes to ^^/^fr " right, in lion's skin ; the paws knotted under chin, below neck a strung bow Jjo Oscan inscription, in exergvie, Nike in triga, to left, horses in high action, id. 112 yn., very fine and scarce 1 Plate I. ^ 17 Suessa. JE. Head of Pallas in crested Corinthian helmet to left ; I^ SVE- ^ ^^ SANO-, Cock to right, in field, a star, s/cc i^, very fine. Suessa. M. Head of Apollo to left, behind O- ; ^ SVESANO, in exergue, Campanian bull to right crowned by flying Nike, sfae 5, wry^Me. Teanum. ,^. Legend in Oscan characters, Head of Apollo to left; Jl Campanian bull crowned by flying Nike, below bull, pentagon, size 5, very fine. Azetium (Apulia). Escallop-shell; Jk AZETl, Dolphin and trident, size 2, very fine. Bapium (Apulia). Bust of Zeus; JL BAPI. Prow, size 2, fine, principally well patinated 5 ^ 18 Hypjum. ^(Apulia), Bust of Pallas to right; 9 YPI A- TINfl. Dolphin and o rudder, s«e 2, fine. Venusia (Apulia), Toad within dotted border ; 1^ VE. / man. Crab, size 2A, very fine. Bpundusium (Calabria), Escallop shell; 9j BRVN., Dolphin and trident, size 2, fine. Hypia OP Oppa, Quincunx, Bust of Aphrodite, with sceptre to right; 9> ORRA., Eros to right, play- ing lyre, behind, marks of value ; size 5, very fine 4 CALABRIA. 19 Tapentum, b.c. 400-300. N Stater. Head of Demeter or Hera 1 to right wearing stephane decorated with palmettes, trijile earring, and veil, behind head E. P> Taras as a child holding out his arms to his father Poseidon holding trident, enthroned before him ; in field |— • and a star, beneath throne K-, ut 132 grs. (Carelli, cm, 7), very fine and excessively rare 1 From the Earl of Ashbuniham's Collection. Plate I. Uf X. lyf 20 Tarentum, B.C. 400-330. A^ Stater. TAPA., Head of Demeter (or Hera?) to / right, wearing stephane decorated with palmettes ; veil on back of head, triple earring and necklace; in front of head dolphin, beneath neck KOl/I P^ The Dioskuri riding to left, the further horse in advance, the near figure carries a palm branch to which is attached a wreath and fillet, in exergue ZA., v:i. 132'1, very fine and very rare (Carelli, cm, 12) 1 Plate I. ^ From the Montagu Collection. ^^ 21 Tarentum, B.C. 330-315. A^ Stater, Head of young Herakles to right wearing lion's skin 9j Taras or Kastor, carrying trident, stepping into biga, horses in high action ; to right in field, an eight-pointed star, and below hor.se KAH. and dolphin, ivt. 132 grs., an unpublished variety, very fine and very rare 1 Plate I. '^ I '^^ _ 22 Tarentum, b.c. 315-281. N Hemidrachm, Head of Apollo laureate to right, hair long, behind head, NIK- (men.) ^ TAPANTINI2N., Eagle on fulmen to right ; in field, to right, AP (mon.) and spear head ; in exergue I A-, id. 33 grs., in very fine condition and rare 1 A Plate I. ''/ /^ 23 Tarentum, b.c. 315-281. A^ Hemidrachm, Head of Apollo laureate to right 9: TAP., Eagle with oijen wings upon fulmen to left, trf. 34 grs., of fine style 1 Plate I. 24 Tarentum, b.c. 315-281. A^ Diobol, TAPAZ., Head of Apollo, laureate, to left, in front ZA- and dolphin Jt Herakles contending with lion, in field ^-H. and bow and quiver, wt. 21f grs., very fine 1 Plate I. 7 25 Tarentum, b.c. 330-315. N Third of Stater, Head of Pallas to left wearing crested Corinthian helmet, on which serpent 9" Taras or Kastor carrying trident, stepping into biga as on Stater lot 21, above horses a star, below a dolphin, wt. 44 grs., very fine and scarce (Carelli, cm, 18) 1 .. •. Plate I. ^ ■ '7 , 26 Tarentum, B.C. 330-272. AA Sicilian Litra, Head of young Herakles wearing lion's skin, the paws knotted under chin 9> TAPAZ., Taras on dolphin to left, holding kantharos and trident, tvt. 12 grs., obv. fine, rev. dortble struck 1 -. •- Plate I. ^ . / ^ 27 Tarentum, b.c. 330-272. N Half Litra, Head of Helios full face on radiate ' disc. 9= TAPAN. APOA. in two lines, between which: thunderbolt, wt. 6t grs., very fine and scarce 1 Plate I. s 9, 28 Tarentum, e.c. 500-473. M Diclrachm, of thick fabric, TAPAZ., Taras seated on dolpliin to rigiit, holding in right hand cuttle fish, the left arm extended, the whole within dotted cable border ^ TAPAZ. (retrograde), winged sea-horse, below, escallop shell, the whole upon a raised centre, with radiate border, iii. 124 (jrs.,fine 1 _^ 29 Tarentum, b.C. 300-272. M Didrachm, Bearded horseman wearing cuirass, 2i, " , chlamys, &c., cantering to right, his right arm extended ; above. Victory crowning him ; in field monogram, and beneath horse KAAAIKPATHZ. it TA[PAZ], Taras, nude, seated on dolphin to left, holding trident and Victory with wreath ; behind, NE. moii., ict. 102 grs., venj fine 1 Plate I. C 30 Tarentum, b.c. 360-300. .11 Didrachm, Nude horseman to right thrusting downwards with spear and carrying two spears and shield ; below horse ZA. 5. TAPAZ., Taras on dolphin to right, holding bow and two arrows in left hand, and an arrow in right hand; below, hHP- and yP, tut. 123 grs., rery fine 1 Plate I. 31 Tarentum, b.c. 360-300. /R Didrachm, Nude horseman to right thrusting downward with spear and carrying two spears and shield ; below horse, ZA- V^ TAPAZ., Taras on dolphin to left, holding trident and kantharos, in field XIZ and dolphin, from a different die to the preceding, wt. 123 grs., very fine 1 Plate I. 32 Tarentum, b.c. 302-272. M, Didrachm, Nude horseman going to left; in i / ^. iront a nude youth welcomes the horse, beneath APIZTIP. in three lines in field rV. 5t TAPAZ-, Taras seated on dolphin to right, holding iu right hand an arrow and in left hand a bow ; below, an elephant, wt. 100 grs., very fine 1 Plate I. / 33 Tarentum, b.c. 300-272. M Didrachm, Horseman to right carrying palm Naked rider crowning his horse, in field a dolphin and TA-, below the horse / an anchor placed horizontally, id. 114 grs., vert/ fine 1 2^ 38 Tarentum, b.c. 212-209. M Didrachm, Female head of similar type to last but of somewhat different treatment, the diadem ornamented with dentated pattern 9= Naked rider crowning his horse, in field TA and dolphin, below the horse a rhyton formed as the fore-part of a goat, ui. Ill grs., very fine 1 \ '^ 3 f ^ , '^ 39 Tarentum, /R Drachm, Head, of Pallas wearing helmet adorned with Scylla; \ _ 9^ Owl to right upon a rose branch, magistrate HPAKAHTOZ., ; id. 48 grs., very fine. Diobol, Head of Pallas nearly facing, wearing triple crested helmet; 9= Hercules wrestling with Antaios, in field club and |., wt. 16 grs., fine. Heraclea, M Diobol, Head of Pallas helmeted to right; ?> HE., Herakles naked kneeling to right and strangling lion, id. 16 grs., fine. Heraclea, M, Head of Apollo to right ; '^ H-, Bow, club and quiver, size 1^, very fine 4 ;, LUCANIA. r Oj f -.■i\"'^ 40 Heraclea, 380-300. M Didrachm, Head of Pallas to right, wearing crested Athenian helmet adorned with Scylla, under chin <1> 9=hPHPAK[AHIIlN]., Herakles contending with lion, at side club, and between the legs of Herakles an owl facing, ivt. 117J grs., fine style 1 Plate I. 41 Heraclea, b.c. 380-300. M Didrachm, h HPAKAHin[N]., Head of Pallas to right wearing crested Corinthian helmet adorned with Scylla, behind head K- 9 [H HPAKAHIflN-], Herakles naked, standing facing holding club down- wards in right hand, in left hand he holds a bow, and over the arm hangs the lion's skin partially supported by a strap passing over shoulder, in field to left, a one-handled vase and A0A., id. 122 grs., extremely fine, and scarce in this state 1 Plate I. \ 42 Laus, B.C. 500-450. M Stater of thick fabric, ^AA., Human-headed bull 4 , O ^ looking back ' ' U ^AA., Human-beaded bull to right, td. 126 grs., very fine and rare 1 Plate I. 43 Metapontum, B.C. 550-480. /R Stater of compact fabric, traces of M ETA, /^ /a a Ear of barley, the whole within broad raised border formed of two lines with ' row of dots between ; 9= Same type, incuse, but no inscription, xH. 118 grs., very fine. Another of more spread fabric, M ETA, to left of ear of barley, the whole within an ornamental border composed of waved lines and dots ; ft Incuse, but no inscription, radiate border, wt. 119 grs., fine 2 44 Metapontum, B.C. 550-480. ^Stater, M ETA to right of ear of barley in 2 '^ ^ high relief, dotted cable border ; JL Same type, incuse, no inscription, radiate border, ut. 120 grs., fine. And a Sixth of Stater, M ETA to right of ear of barley, double linear border with row of dots between ; ^ Bull's head facing, iuciise, radiate border, wt. 21 grs., very fine 2 /■ 45 Metapontum, b.c. 550-480. M. Staters of spread fabric, M ETA to left of ear f , ^ , ^ of barley and to the right a locust walking up it, the whole within a dotted cable border ; "^ Ear of barley incuse, radiate border, ict. 1 20 grs., very fine. Another, M ETA to right of ear of barley, double linear border enclosing row of pellets ; 9" Ear of barley incuse, no inscription, wt. 120 grs., fine 2 46 Metapontum, B.C. 350-330. iR Tetradrachm, Head of Leukippos to right, wearing helmet adorned with quadriga driven by Victory; behind head, fore- part of lion and AflH. $t METAnONTINHN., Ear of Corn, to left a club and [AM]I., ivt. 244 grs., Very rare (Hist. Num., fig. 41) 1 y 47 Metapontum, b.c. 400-350. M Drachm (Period of finest art). Young male / head laureate, with ram's horn and ear 9> [M]ETA., Ear of corn, ui. 119 grs., very fine, and rare in this state 1 Plate I. /f 7. 48 Metapontum, b.c. 350 300. yR Didrachm, Head of Demeter to left, the hair turned up at back and decorated with ears and leaves of corn 9: [M]ETA., Ear of corn, to left, caduceus and AY, ivl. 118 grs., very fine 1 ^ 49 Metapontum, B.C. 330-300. .ifl Didrachm, Head of Demeter to right, wearing ^' , triple earring, necklace, veil, and wreath of corn leaves on either side of neck A. P. 9 META-, Eur of corn; to right PRO, and to left tripod, wt. 121 grs., very fine 1 y 50 Metapontum, b.c. 300. M Didrachm, Head of Demeter to right wearing P , ^ triple earring and necklace, the hair long and wreathed with ears and leaves of corn, in front of head EY. p. META., Ear of corn, to right a star and to left AY., wt. \11grs., very fine \ 'L-i^ ^ f ^ 51 Poseidonia, B.C. 480-400. ^ Didrachm, nOZEIAA[N.], Poseidon nude with chlamys hanging loosely over shoulders wielding trident, in field, to left X-J 9; Bull to left, below H-, i''t. 124^ grs., very fine. Sybaris, B.C. 500. /R Didraclini, YM-, Bull with head reverted ; '^ same type incuse but the letters not shewn, id. 122^ grs., fine 2 ^/ I 52 Thurium, b.C. 390-350. M Tetradrachm, Head of Pallas in crested helmet adorned with Scylla hurling stone it 0OYPII2N.- EYA., Bull butting to right, in exergue two fish, ivt. ■' 245 grs., fine 1 ^ /T B 53 Thurium, b.c. 390-350. M Tetradrachm, Head of Pallas to right wearing ^ crested helmet adorned with Scylla, behind neck Al Jt [©OYPiriN], Bull butting to right, in exergue a fish, wt. 236 grs., fine style 1 u C , '" 54 Thurium, b.c. 420-390. /R Didrachms, Head of Pallas in crested helmet decorated with olive wreath; 1^ 0OYPIX2N., Bull to right, in exergue a fish, id. 118i grs., very fine. And another, B.C. 390-350. Head of Pallas in crested helmet adorned with Scylla armed with trident, &c. ; 9' ©OYPiriN., Bull rushing to right, beaded exergual line, and below a fish, rd. 120 grs., very fine and both of fine style 2 / ^. 55 Thurium, B.C. 390-350. Al Didrachms, Head of Pallas to right wearing crested helmet adorned with Scylla hurling stone ; upon the neck piece of helmet, TD.. ; V^ [0JOYPII2N. in exergue, Bull rushing to left, and crowned by flying Nike, below bull EYP. and a small bird, wt. l\9 grs., fine. Another, of similar type, but neck piece of helmet plain ; 9> 0O[YPinN]-, Bull rushing to right, in exergue a thunderbolt, and over < bull ©E., mo7i., ni. 120 grs., very fine, and of eoxeedingly careful umrkmanship 2 / ^ 56 Velia, b.c. 400-268. M Didrachm, Head of Pallas three quarter face to left wearing triple crested Phrygian helmet, inscribed with the artist's name KAEYAflPOY. Jo YEAHTflN., in exergue, lion devouring prey, below lion . and KAEY. ^ inon., v:t. lOQ grs.; a rather rare a7id interesting piece 1 57 Velia, b.c. 400-268. M Didrachms (2), Head of Pallas to right in crested helmet adorned with a griffin, behind neck O. ; V^ VEAHTI2N. in exergue. Lion pas.sant right, above <|>. and below lion O., wt. 114 ^?-s., very fine. Head of Pallas as on preceding, but to left, behind neck \\£\ ; '^ Lion pulling down stag, wl. 117 grs., very fine 2 I / i> 58 Velia, B.C. 400-268. m Didrachms (2), Head of Pallas in Phrygian helmet the forepart adorneil l)y female Centaur, behind neck monogram KAEY. ; 1> YEAHTflN., in exergue, Lion devouring prey, below KAEY., mon., id. lis grs. very fine, this piece is, no doubt, by the same engraver as the Didrachm in lot 56. Head of Pallas to left in crested helmet adorned with laurel wreath; it YEAHTXIN. (in exergue). Lion with paw raised, to left, wt. Ml grs., very fine % ^ / I 9 BRUTTIUM. 59 Bruttii, b.c. 282-203. N Drachm (Attic), Head of Poseidon wearing plain -^ diadem to left ; behind trident beneath neck bucranium, the whole within dotted border V^ BPETTIX2N. Amphitrite veiled, seated on sea horse to left, before her stands Eros drawing a bow, in field to right a wasp, wt. 64^ grs., very fine and rare 1 Plate I. < 60 Bruttii, b.c. 282-203. M. Bust of winged Nike to right; behind, a club; /^ V^ BPETTIflN., Naked male figure, horned, crowning himself, in field a ' rudder and B-, >'-t. 69i grs., very fine. Head of Amphitrite to right wearing veil and Stephanos, sceptre at shoulder, and behind head a bee ; p. BPET- TIIIN-, Poseidon nakeil to right, one foot placed upon the top of an Ionic column and holding in his left hand a spear, in field a flying eagle with y wreath, ict. 69 1 grs., very fine 2 n // 61 Metapontum. M. Head of Mercury; {l ME., three grains of corn and BPETTIIiN., Nike crowning trophy, in field cornucopiae, sizel. Head of Zeus to right, behind thunderbolt; '^ BPETTIflN., Warrior with spear and shield advancing right, size 6. Head of Nike to left, in front NIKA. ; ft BPETTIIiN., Zeus to right grasping sceptre and hurling thunderbolt, size 5. Head of River God, the head-dress formed of a crab, behind O. ; ^ BPETTII2N., Crab, size ?>\. Head of Pallas to left ; 9= BPETTIXIN., an Owl, size 2^; all very fine, and 2>rincipally finely patinated 9 62 Bruttii. JE. Head of Mars to left; IjL BPETTIIIN., Bellona with spear — and shield to right, in field crab, size 7. Head of Young Herakles to right, behind sword ; i^ BPETTIXIN-, Bellona, in field plough, size 6. Head of Zeus to right, behind thunderbolt ; ^ BPETTIXIN., Warrior with spear and shield, size 5. Another, similar type. Head of Nike to left, in front NIKA- ; 9= BPETTIXIN., Zeus holding sceptre and hurling thunderbolt, size 4. Head of Winged Nike to left, beneath thunderbolt; ^ BPET- TIXIN., in exergue, Zeus in biga, beneath horses, race torch, size 4. Head of Kiver God, head-dress formed of a crab ; T^ BPETTIXIN. (in two lines), , Crab, in field bunch of grapes, size 2. Head of Pallas to left ; ^ BPET- T TIX2N., an Owl, size 2; principally fine 8 63 Caulonia, b.c. 550-480. M Stater, KAVA., Apollo, nude, holding in his raised right hand a branch, and on bis outstretched left arm a small running figure, who also carries a branch ; in front, a stag looking back, the whole within an ornamental border 9> Same type incuse, but inscription not shewn, wt. 129 grs. (Hist. Num. fig. 52), very fine 1 /^ 10 I ' r,{ Caulonia, b.c. 480-388. /R Stater, KAVAA., Apollo as on the preceding piece, similar border ; J)c AVAN-, Stag to right; in front a tree, ivt. \27 grs., very fine. Croton, circa B.C. 550-480. ? PO., Tripod ; ft same type incuse but inscription not shewn, wi. 128 grs. {Hist. Nxim.fig. 54), very fine 2 / / ^ g /^ BT) Ct'Oton, B.C. 420-390. M Stater, Head of Hera Lakinia, nearly facing, wearing Stephanos '^ KPOTflNITAS., Herakles seated on rock covered with lion's skin, hold- ing wine cup, &c., wl. 120 grs., rev. fine and rare 1 Plate I. o 66 Croton, B.C. 390. ^Stater, KPOTHNIATAZ., Head of Apollo laureate to right, the hair long and curled P; The Infant Herakles seated on cushion strangling two serpents, wt. 117 grs., fine and scarce _ 1 3" ,'' ^ /^, /J -t 07 Croton, B.C. 390. M Stater, KPOTIiNIATAZ., laureate head of Apollo to right 9= The Infant Herakles strangling two serpents, ivt. I25^grs.,very fine and scarce 1 Plate I. 68 Croton, cwcrt B.C. 390. M Didrachm, Head of Apollo laureate to right, hair long and flowing 5c. KPO., Tripod-lebes, to left a bunch of laurel with pendant fillet, wt. 116 ^m., veri/ fine and scarce 1 ■^, /^, " 69 Locri Epizephyrii. N. OA., Head of an eagle holding a serpent in his beak, border of dots 9j Winged fulmeu, wl. 13-i grs., fine and rare 1 J I {, o 70 Locri Epizephyrii, B.C. 326-300. M Stater, Head of Zeus to right, behind fulmen R> AOKPflN., Eagle tearing hare, ivt. 117 grs., very fine 1 1 / J , ^ 71 Locri Epizephyrii, B.C. 300-280. M Stater, Eagle devouring hare Pj AOKPflN., Fulmen ; caduceus below, wt. 92-5 grs., very fine and rare (fourrd) 1 ^ " From the Carfrae Collection, no. 'i2,pl. II, no. 3. O' / ^ 72 Croton. M. Young male head to right, hair long; 9. KPOTHN I AT AN (in two lines) Fulmen, size 3. Valentia. M Quadrans, head of bearded Herakles to right behind marks of value • ; R VALENTIA., Two clubs ^ united at handles, in field star and value •, size 3. Valentia. & Semi- ■ -. uncia. Head of Hermes behind E; R |[VA]LENTI A-, Caduceus and Z, "^ size\. Locri. M. Head of Zeus to right ; R Eagle on rock, sw' 6. Locri. M. Head of Persephone to left, behind, ear of corn ; 9, AOKPI2N., Pallas to left holding spear and shield ; in field cornucopiae and star, size 7, all very fine and finely patiiuUed y 11 J \ r. 73 Locni Epizephryii. M. Hea AOK- PI2N., Pegasos to left, in fieltl caduceus, and <|>., size 6i. Head of Pallas to left, behind owl; 9. AOKPXIN., Pegasos to left, in field AP. (mon.). Nuceria. M. Head of Apollo to right; ^ NOYKPINON., Horse to left, below pentagon, size 5. Peteiia. JE. Head of Demeter veiled, and wearing wreath of barley ; 5^ flETHAINON., Zeus holding sceptre and hurling thunderbolt, size 5. Peteiia. ^ Quadrans, head of Zeus to right, between marks of value; 9= flETHAINflN., Zeus hurling thunderbolt, in field a plough, size 4, all fine and well patinated 5 74 Rhegium, B.C. 466-415. ^-11 Drachm, Lion's head facing; to left I. 9) RECI - /VOV\., Semi-draped and bearded male figure seated to left, holding in light hand a long staff, the whole within a wreath of olive, id. 64 grs., very fine 1 < 76 Rhegium, b.c. 415-387. ^ Tetradrachm, PHTINON., Laureate head of ?3 /<, AT^ Apollo to left, of ornate style, sprig of olive behind ^ Lion's scalp within a dotted border, ict. 267 (jrs., very fine and scarce 1 Plate I. ^ . 76 Rhegium. M. Lion's scalp facing; 9, PHTINnN., Head of Apollo to right, ^ ^ /-T ^ o '^ ^ behind bucranium, size 6. Head of Apollo to left, behind, oenochoe, with sprig of olive; 9= PHriNHN., Tripod lebes, size 6. Triens, Busts of the Dioscuri to right; ^ PHPINflN., Male figure, with bird perched on ^ wrist before tripod, in field ill., size 4, nil very fine 3 p /^ 77 Rhegium. M. Lion's scalp facing; 9, [PH PI NilN]., Head of Apollo to right, ^' )> ^ behind head \., size 6. Head of Apollo to left, behind cornucopise; ^ PHTINIIN., Tripod lebes, size 6. Head of Asklepios to right; R PHflNXlN., Hygeia holding patera and serpent, in field III, size 3. Lion's scalp facing; R PHriNO[N.], Head of Apollo, size 2. Lion's scalp facing ; pj R E, with sprig of olive between the letters, si^re 2, all very fine 5 78 Terina, B.C. 440-400. Ai Stater. TEPINAION., Head of the Nymph Terina to right, hair bound with sphendone 9- Nike, or winged Eirene, seated on square cippus, with small bird perched on her forefinger, wt. 1 20 gis., very fine and scarce 1 From the Collection of the Earl of Ashburnham. Plale I. 79 Terina, B.C. 440-400. TEPINAION, Head of Nymph Terina to left, hair j; bound with sphendone; 1;!: Nike, or winged Eirene, seated. on square cippus to left, holding wreath in right hand, upon the back of which is perched a bird with open wing.s, behind cippus P., ivt. 117 grs., fine. Third of Stater, B.C. 400-338. TEPINAIUN., Head of the Nymph Terina, hair waved and turned up at back, behind neck, triskelis ; R Nike, or winged Eirene, seated on cippus to left, wt. 33 grs., very fine 2 80 Terina, b.c. 400-388. .U Stater, TEPINAIXIN., Head of Terina richly 4 ^ /^ ornate with curly hair, wearing triple earring and necklace R Nike, or winged Eirene, seated on a square cippus, a bird perched on her hand, wt. 117 grs., in beautiful condition 1 From the Montagu Collection. Plate I. Jy / ^ CI r 1 12 SICILY. t ^^ /i' P 81 Agrigentum, b.c. 415-406. N Hexas, ohv. AKPA-, Eagle about to attack "y serpent, beneath marks of value ' 9) Crab, beneath, magistrate's name, ZIAANOZ-, wt. 20 grs., very fine and rare 1 /, /<^ ^ 82 Agrigentum, b.c. 472-415. M Tetradrachm, AKRACAI/ITOZ., Eagle to left 5j Crab, wL 262 grs., fine 1 /f _ r /y^~ 83 Agrigentum, B.C. 41.5-406. Period of finest art, AKPATAN TIN ON., Two eagles standing to right on supine hare, which lies on rocks ; the farther with raised wings, about to tear the prey ; the nearer, with closed wings, raising its head and screaming 9= Quadriga to right, driven by youth holding reins in both liands, and goad in right, horses in high action, the rein of farthest horse is broken and hanging down ; above, Nike crowning charioteer below, MYP. (signature of engraver) in exergue Scylla to right, her left hand raised, tvt. 264 grs., very fine and an extremely rare type of this beautiful coinage 1 Plate II. 84 Agrigentum, B.C. 415-406. IR Hemidrachm, Eagle, with open wings, standing upon supine hare to left ; in field, a barley corn ^ AKP. Crab; below, a pistrix to right, holding in its mouth a fish, -^ id. 33 grs., very fine and of fine style 1 V 85 Agrigentum, B.C. 340-287. M. 1| Litra, Head of Zeus to right; behind <|)|. ^ AKPArANTINHN., Eagle to left; in field T. . I-, lot. 19 grs., very fine and scarce. Agrigentum. zE. Period of finest art. Head of an eagle to right; ^ Crab; below, TC., six 2. Circa B.C. 287-279. AKPA- rANTOS., Head of Apollo to left; ^ |. (Phintias tyrant). Twoeagles standing to left on supine hare, the farther one attacking the prey, the nearer one throwing back its head and screaming, size 5, very fine 3 86 Camarina, b.c. 461-405. /R Tetradrachm, Bearded head of Heracles wearing lion's skin to left 9) Quadriga driven to right by Pallas, above, flying Nike about to crown charioteer, in exergue a flying crane, ivt. 268 grs., O fine 1 87 Catana. Period of Archaic art before B.C. 476. M Tetradrachm, Man- headed bull, with one knee bent, to right, on his back Seilen kneeling right ; in exergue pistrix 9. KATANAION., Catana as Nike advancing left wearing long chiton, &c., and carrying fillets in either hand, tcf. 265| grs., very fine and of the highest rarity 1 From the Collections ot Lord Northwick, S. Addington and the Earl of Ashburnham. Plate II. 88 Catana (after the Restoration), B.C. 461-415. J^. Tetradrachm, KATAN- AION-, Laureate head of Apollo to right, the hair at back waved and turned up under the tie of wreath 9 Quadriga of walking horses to right, ict. 266.^ grs., very fine 1 < 6^ ^ r, fl't 13 S£ 89 Catana, B.C. 461-415. ^ Tetradrachm. KATANAIHN., Laureate head of Apollo, of fine style, to right 9. KATAN AinN. (in exergue), Quadriga going to left ; above, Hying victory crowning charioteer ; in exergue, fish, wl. 365 gn., very fine and rare 1 Plate II. 4 90 Catana, b.c. 465-403. Al Drachm. AMENANOZ-, Head of young river-god '2 1 to left, with short horn and plain diadem ; around, two river fish and a cray-fish 9, KATANAinN. (in exergue) Fast Quadriga to right, the rein of furthest horse hangs loose ; above, Nike flying left, crowning charioteer, wt. 66 ^rs., very fine and rare 1 Plate II. ^ 91 Catana, B.C. 415-403. /R Drachm, [AMEN AN]OZ., Head of the young 34 ,/'- " '^ ■ ' river god Amenanos, nearly full-faced, inclined to left, with horns and wearing diadem ; to right, two river fish, and to left, a crayfish ; beneath the neck XOI., signature of engraver ^ KATAN AII2N., Pallas with spear and shield, driving quadriga to right, in exergue maeander pattern, wt. 65 grs.,fine and very rare 1 Plate II. 92 Catana, circa B.C. 415-403. ^f. Head of Pallas to right, wearing crested ^ IJ C . c/-^-^'^ Athenian helmet adorned with hippocamp 5" KA., between two olive leaves with berries, wt. 18 grs., fine and rare 1 Plate II. 93 Centuripae. M. Head of Zeus to right ; I;l KENTOPIPINXIN., in two 2 /^ , a f^ . ^ lines, divided by fulmen, below A-, size 1. Head of Herakles to right ; 9. KENTOPIPINilN., in two lines, divided by club; below, XI, size 2. Gelas. JE Trias, head of young river god to right, behind barleycorn ; ^ rEAAZ., Bull to left, in exergue marks of value, size 4. HImera. M, Trias, MEPAION., Nike walking to left, holding aplustre, with pendant fillet ; Jo Male figure riding on a he-goat to left, below, marks of value, size 14. Leontini. M. AEO-, Head of Apollo to right; \}, Tripod- lebes, corn-grain on either side, size Ih. Menaenum. M Hexas, Bust of Hermes to right, wearing petasos with wings at apex; 9^ MENAINflN, Caduceus and marks of value, .s*;;*; 3, all very fine 6 ^ 94 Gela, B.C. 415-405. N. ZHZIPOA.S., Female head to left, wearing neck- Y^/O lace and .spheudone 9= rEAAZ., Forepart of man-headed bull to left, wt. \ll grs., very fine and rare 1 95 Gela, before B.C. 466. A\ Tetradrachm, CEAA[Z]., in line above forepart of % , "7 ^ man-headed bull to left ; of fine style ^ ' 51 Quadriga, horses walking to right ; in background, meta or goal in form of an Ionic column, wt. 268^^ grs., fine and scarce 1 -' 96 Hepaclea Minoa, B.C. 409-241. M, Tetradrachm, Head of Persephone, C, 5' c copied from the coins of Syracuse, wearing necklace and earring, and crowned with corn leaves ; around, four dolphins 9 Quadriga to right, horses galloping, the charioteer crowned by flying Nike ; in exergue, Punic legend {llesh Melkartli), wt. 263 grs. {B. M. Cat. Sicily, p. 251, HO. 6), very fine and scarce 1 'f' <: ^-v-^ -,« >^\ - ,.-^ / 97 Himei-'a (under Theron and Thrasydaeus of Agrigentum), B.C. 481-472. M 1^ ^ Didrachm H I M ER A., Cock to left 9" Crab, wt. 134 grs., very fine and scarce 1 IN, }^ W"^ ^^ Himera, b.c. 472-415. .R Tetradrachm, IMEPAION., Nymph Himera ^o ^ / /y sacrificing at a square altar, behind her, Sileuus bathing at fountain, which A . / issues from a lion's head 9) Quadriga to left, charioteer crowned by Nike, ivt. 266 gi's., very fine 1 Plate II. I? r '1 ^ I ^ j 99 Himepa, B.C. 472-415. .(R Tetradrachm, Nymph Himera sacrificing at round ' T altar, behind her, Silenus bathing under fountain, which issues from a lion's head ^ NOIA^BMI (in exergue), Quadriga to charioteer crowned by Nike, jo^. 268 grs., 0- fine, ^ not well struck up 1 Plate II. jf n^ t> 100 Leontini, «>ca B.C. 500-466. jR Tetradrachm, Fast quadriga to right ; above Nike crowning horses 9> AEONTINON., large lettering, Lion's head, with open jaw, around, four corn grains, id. 264 grs., very fine 1 From the Garfrae Collection, no. 51, pi. Ill, no. 1. 3^ ^, ^ 101 Leontini, B.C. 500-466. ^Didrachm, AEONTINON., Lion's head to right, around four grains of corn 9) Horseman cantering to right, wt. 134 gis., very fine 1 ^ I > 102 Leontini, b.c. 466-422. M. Tetradrachm, Laureate head of Apollo to left, border of dots 9> AEONTINON. (retrograde). Lion's head, open jaws, to left, around four corn grains, wt. 264-^ grs., very fine 1 ^ '? , ^ 103 Leontini, B.C. 466-422. M Litrae, Head of Apollo to right, hair turned up at back, jt AEON., Corn grain ; Head of Apollo wearing wreath, P> AEON., Corn grain ; Head of lion to right, \ EON., R Naked river-god holding branch and sacrificing at altar, in field corn grain, average wt. 1 1 grs., very fine 3 //■ ' y ' 104 Zancle, before B.C. 493. ^Drachm, DANK-j Dolphin to left within the harbour of Zancle, the whole within a dotted border <(« 9> Escallop shell in central indentation of an incuse pattern of peculiar form^ "■^^ 1 wt. 90 grs., fine, and a scarce variety 1 ^ /J 105 Zancle, B.C. 493. yR Didrachm, DAN KVE., Dolphin to left as on preceding piece but of more advanced style R Similar to last, id. 90 grs., very fine 1 ja^ 1^' " 106 Messana, B.C. 480-420. yR Tetradrachm, MEZZAN ION., Hare to right ; beneath which, dolphin 5t> Biga drawn by mules ; Nike crowning mules, in exergue, olive leaf and two berries, wt. 204^ grs., very fine 1 Plate II. 7 15 107 Messana, B.C. 420-390. i« Tetradrachm, MEZZAN ION, Hare to right ; ^.^P- ^ below, dolphin P^MEZZANA., Mei3saiia in mule-car to right, dotted border, wt. 263 p'rs., verxj fine 1 108 The Mamertini, b.c. 282-200. M. Head of young Ares, laureate to right, -^ i , o behind, spear-head; ^ M AM EPTINIIN., Eagle with open wings on thunderbolt, size 8; Head of Ares to left, behind, sword; 9" MAMEP" TINI2N., Horseman standing to left, in front P, size 8. Motya, M. Gorgon head ; I^L Marks of value • • , size 8, very fine 3 109 Morgantia, before circa B.C. 480. M Litra, Bearded head bound with taenia -^ 7 / to right / y> MORC ANTI N., Ear of corn, lot. 1 1 grs., fine and very rare 1 Plate II. ^ 110 Motya, B.C. 480-420. M Tetradrachm, Punic inscription = i^itaDn-, Eagle 2C,/'> with closed wings to right ^ 5t Crab, tot. 263 grs., fine and very rare 1 Plate II. , • 111 Naxus, J«/"o)« B.C. 480. M. Drachm, Head of Dionysos with pointed beard and wreathed with ivy to left, border of dots 9> NAXION., Bunch of grapes with leaf on either side, wt. 89 grs., fine and scarce 1 Plate II. 112 Panormus, B.C. 409. Period of finest art, M Tetradrachm, Head of Perse- 2^ ^ / o phone to left; wearing earring and necklace, the hair turned up at back, and ^ at sides over a broad diadem decorated in front with fylfot ; around, three dolphins 9) Victorious quadriga going rapidly to right, above Nike flying left and crown" ing charioteer, in exergue sea horse to right and Punic inscription y^^ («(«), wt. 270 grs., very fine and very rare in this state 1 Plate II. / 113 Segesta, circa b.c. 415-409. M. Didrachm, Head of the nymph Segesta, /'^, ^ ^ wearing earring, and sphendone ornamented with stars, &c. 9) ZErEZTAl[IB]. (retrograde) in exergue. Hound going to right ; behind, three ears of barley, wt. 117 grs , very fine 1 114 Sellnus, B.C. 466. ^ Didrachm, Selinon leaf ^ '^ K. ^ 9i Z E A |. in the four corners of an incuse square; in centre a Selinon leaf, Hi-^' id. 126 grs., very fine and very rare 1 — ~~" From the Carfrae Collection, no. 58, pi. Ill, no. 5. 115 Sellnus, b.c 466-415. M, Didrachm, ZEAINONTION, Herakles con- ,^^ ^ tending with a wild bull which he seizes by the horn and is about to strike ' with his club {^ HYH'AZ, River Hypsas sacrificing before an altar, around which a serpent twines. He holds branch and patera ; behind him a stork and in the field a parsley leaf, wl. 133 grs., fine and scarce Plate II. 3.f / 16 /^ 116 Selinus, b.c. 466-415. ^ Tetradrachm, ZEAINOZ, Young river-god Selinus with lustral branch sacrificing at altar, before which is a cock, behind him, a selinon leaf and an image of a bull standing on a base 5 SEAINONTION, Apollo and Artemis in quadriga ; Apollo discharging ) arrows, ivt. 269 grs., ohv. very fine 1 Plaie II. 117 Selinus, e.g. 415-409- M Hemidrachm, Head of young Herakles, three- quarter face to left, border of dots 9) ZEAINONTION. (in exergue), Quadriga, horses galloping to left; in •^ field Selinon leaf, ui. 30 grs.,fine and scarce 1 ^ 118 Syracuse, before B.C. 500. M Tetradrachm, 5:YRA? - ^lON. in two lines above slow quadriga to right ; triple exergual line, the centre one beaded, border of dots {{) Incuse square divided into four parts, in the centre, head of a nymph or goddess, of archaic style, vt. 262|$rre. {a variety of Head, Coinage of Syracuse, /_ 1)1. I, \), in wry good state and rare 1 /^' 119 Syracuse, B.C. 500-478. ^R Didra.hm, ZYPA90ZI0N., Female head of early style, hair delineated by dots, surrounded by dolphins 9> Man riding one horse and leading a second, wt. 133 grs., very fine and scarce 1 U Plate 11 / 120 Syracuse, circa B.C. 480. M Tetradrachm, ZVRAKOZION- retrograde, Head of Goddess to right surrounded by four dolphins, she wears necklace of pearls ; the hair is delineated by dots and is turned up at back, the ends passing under beaded cord ^ Quadriga to right, driven by bearded charioteer; above, Nike with expanded wings flying to right, about to crown the horses, wt. 268 grs. {Head, pi. i, 4), ^ very fine 1 Plate II. ^' I ( '^ 121 Syracuse, cina B.C. 480. ^ Tetradrachm, ZVRAK[OZI]ON., Head of Goddess to right surrounded by four dolphins ; wearing necklace of pearls ; the hair, delineated by waved lines, is turned up at back, the ends passing under beaded cord and formed into a knot 1^ Quadriga to right ; above, Nike flying to right, about to crown the horses, -, r- <■ ui. 269 grs. (var. of Head, pi. I, i),fine 1 '"*■ 7- 122 Syracuse, B.C. 480. ^ Tetradrachm, 2 YaA>IO- 2ION, Female head to right wearing necklace and earring, the hair projecting over forehead, turned up'behind under beaded diadem, over which the ends fall ; around four dolphins / 5^ Quadriga driven to right by bearded male charioteer holding goad in right hand, horses walking crowned by Nike, wt. 269 grs. {Head, pi. I, 6), very fine 1 / '? 123 Syracuse, b.c. 480. M Tetradrachm, 2YaA>IO- 2ION, Female head to right wearing necklace and earring, the hair projecting over forehead, turned up behind under beaded diadem, over which the ends fall ; around four dolphins 9= Quadriga driven to right by bearded male charioteer holding goad in right hand, burses walking crowned by Nike, ut. 268 grs. {Head, pi. I, 6), very fine 1 /, 17 124 Syracuse, b.c. 480. /R Tetradrachm of same type and fabric as the rare 2d Demareteion, ZVRAKOXION., Head of Nike crowned with olive wreath, to light ; within a linear circle, around four dolphins 1 ^j Slow quadriga to right, the horses crowned by flying Nike ; in exergue, a lion bounding to right, xot. 265 grs., fine and very rare 1 Plate II. ^ 125 Syracuse, b.c. 472-415. M Tetradrachm, ZYPAKOZION, Female head 2 f ^ ■ ^ to right, wearing earring and necklace, the hair in waved clusters on forehead and temples, knotted at back, and confined by a broad band, probably of metal, which is held in position by a double cord Jti Male charioteer, bearded, driving quadriga slowly to right ; above Victory flying to right, holding fillet with fringed ends, ui. 265 grs., very fine and scarce 1 Plate II. From the Carfrae Collection. 126 Syracuse, b.c. 479-466. M Tetradrachm, ZYRAKOSION., Female ?. ^ head to right wearing earring and necklace, hair waved at sides, ' en queue ' at back and held by beaded bandeau ; around, four dolphins Jt Qundriga to right, above, Nike flying right, about to crown the horses ; in ^ exergue, pistrix, vst. 264^ grs. (Head, pi. ii, 7), very fine 1 127 Syracuse, B.C. 479-460. ^ Tetradrachm, ZYRAKOZION., Female head / ^ to light wearing earring and necklace, hair rolled ; around four dolphins '^ Jo Quadriga driven by male charioteer holding reins in both hands and goad in right hand, Nike crowning horses ; in exergue, pistrix, wt. 268 grs. (variety of Head, 2:11. II, S>),fine 1 128 Syracuse, b.c. 479-466. M Tetradrachm, ZYRAKOZI - ON., Female head to right wearing earring, and necklace, with pendant bulla, hair waved / / ^ ^ at sides and turned up at back, the ends returned over pearl diadem ^ around, four dolphins 51 Quadriga driven to right; in exergue, pistrix, mj<. 266 grs.; obv. very fine 1 129 Syracuse, b.c. 479-466. M Tetradrachm, ZYRAKOZION., Female head / / to right, wearing earring and broad necklace, upon which a string of beads, hair bound with plain diadem, turned up at back in a bunch ; around, four dolphins 9: Quadriga driven by male charioteer, Nike crowning horses ; in exergue, '^ pistrix, wt. 268 grs. (Head, pi. 11, 11, Hist. Num., fig. 95), scarce, in very good state 1 18 SECOND DAY'S SALE. ^ LOT f I " , " 130 Syracuse, B.C. 466-406. ^R Tetradrachm, ZY PA K - OZ I O., Female head to right wealing earring, and ampyx adorned with olive wreath, the hair enclosed in sakkos, drawn together at top, and ornamented with bands of maeander and dentated patterns ; around, four dolphins ^ Quadriga, horses walking to right; above Nike flying left, wt. 265^ grs., very , fine 1 ^ ' ' ^ Plate II. ^ f / 131 Syracuse, b.c. 466-406. M. Tetradrachm, by Eumenes, ZYPAKOZION., Female head, to left, wearing earring and necklace, the hair in two waved bands on brow and turned up at back, below truncation eymhnoy., around four dolphins Ijl) Quadriga at full speed to left; above, Nike flying right with fillet, lut. 264 grs., very fine and a rare variety 1 ■^ Plate II. ■^ I ^ , ^ 132 Syracuse, b.c. 466-406. M. Tetradrachm, probably by Eumenes, but not signed, ZYPAKOZIXiN., Female head of similar style to last / 9= From the same die as the preceding piece, wt. 268 grs., fine 1 /J " 133 Syracuse, B.C. 466-406. .^R Tetradrachm, by £'Mm««es and .SwaM^to^, ZYPA- KOZIXIN., Female head to left, wearing earring and necklace, hair turned up at back and waved on forehead, below truncation EYMENOY., around four dolphins 51 Quadriga to right driven by bearded male figure ; above, Nike flying to left carrying wreath and a tablet inscribed ; in exergue, two dolphins meeting, wt. 260 grs., fine and rare 1 Plate IL ' I ' 134 Syracuse, b.c. 466-406. W. ZYPA., Head of young Herakles clad in lion's skin 5t) ZYPA in the angles of quadripartite incuse square ; with female head in circular indent in centre, wt. 17 J grs. {Head, pi. in, 9), very fine 1 ^ , / 135 Syracuse, 466-406. A^. ZYPA- (retrograde), Head of Pallas to Inft, wearing cre.stfil Atln'iiian helmet ^ Aegis with Gorgon head, wt. 10^ grs. {Head, pi. in, 10), very fine I 19 136 Syracuse, b.c. 405-345. N Piece of 100 Litra or Double-Dekadrachm, by F/ Euandos, Head of goddess to left wearing sphendone ornamented with stars, single drop earring and necklace, behind neck signature of artist, EYA 9> Hercules and lion, ivt. 89J grs., very fine and very rare 1 Plate III. Plate III. From the Carfrae Collection. 144 Syracuse, b.c. 317-310. El. Piece of 20 Litra, Head of Persephone to left wearing earring, necklace and wreath of corn leaves 5t ZYPAKOZinN., Bull to left, wt. 22 grs. {Head, pi. viii, 3), fine and rare 1 / 137 Syracuse, b.c. 405-345. N Piece of 50 Litra, or Golden Dekadrachm, / 57 / " ZVPA-, Young male head (the river Anapusi) to left; behind head corn grain 51- [ZY]PAKOZ[IX2N] upon a band, free horse prancing to right, the whole within shallow incuse, id. 44^ grs., fine and rare 1 Plate III. ^ 138 Syracuse, B.C. 466-406. N. ZYPA., Head of Nymph to right, the hair / d"/ /jT blown back, wearing necklet with pendant bulla 9: Trident head, with volutes between prongs and on either side of socket, within incuse square, tut. '2\\ grs., very fine style and condition, extremely rare 1 Plate III. ^ 139 Syracuse, b.c. 345-317. El. Piece of 100 Litra, ZYPAKOZIXIN., Head of J '^ Apollo, laureate to left, hair long, dotted border l^ZHTEIPA., Head of Artemis to right, wearing earring and necklace, hair turned up behind over diadem, behind neck, quiver, wt. 106 grs., very fine and very rare 1 .^ 140 Syracuse, b.c. 345-317. El. Piece of 50 Litra, Laureate head of Apollo to 5~ / o left ; behind, star 5t ZYPAK[OZION]., Tripod, ivt. 56 grs. {Head, pi. vi, 2), very fiiu 1 141 Syracuse, B.C. 345-317. .AT Piece of 30 Litra, ZEYZ. EAEY[0]EPIOZ. ^ Head of Zeus to left g) ZYPAKOZinN., Pegasos to left; below, three pellets; in front, A lot. 31 grs. (Head, pi. VI, 4) 1 < /. < <- 142 Syracuse, B.C. 345-317. El. Laureate head of Apollo to left, hair long 9. ZYPAKOZII2N., Lyre with four cords, ict. •28yrs. (Head, pi. vi, 5), fine 1 143 Syracuse, b.c. 317-310 (Agathocles, 1st period). N Drachm, Laureate ^ /^ head of Ares or young Herakles to left ; behind, ear of barley 9j ZYPAKOZII2N., Biga to right, beneath the horses, triskelis xd. 67 grs. (Read, pi. VIII, 1), very fine 1 <' A, r 20 jr ; 145 Syracuse, b.c. 466-406. JR Tetradrachm by Eiikleides and Euainetos, J ZYPAKOZION., Female head to left, wearing earring and necklace, the hair bound with sphendone decorated with stars and border of dentated pattern, the front adorned with the figure of a swan, on the border of sphendone, at back of head, the inscription eykaei in minute letters, around three dolphins Jt Quadriga to right, the rein of farthest horse broken and hanging down, in exergue, a wheel, wi. 265 gr&., fine and rare 1 Plate III. f 5 ^ /^ 146 Syracuse, B.C. 466-406. ^ Tetradrachm, by .^uMeit^es, ZYPAKOSIUN., Female head to left, wearing earring and necklace, the hair bound with sphendone, over which several tresses fly back ; around four dolphins 5tj Quadriga to left, horses prancing, above Nike flying right about to crown charioteer, in exergue, dolphin, ui. 266^ grs. (B. M. Cat. 195), very fine and scarce 1 Plate III. J , f^ 147 Syracuse, B.C. 466-406. yR Tetradrachm, by ^^j^/c/eifZe.s [ZYPAKJOZIIIN., Female head to left, wearing earring and plain necklace, with pendant bulla, the hair bound with sphendone, over which several tresses fly back, the sphendone ornamented with a star ; around four dolphins Jk Quadriga to left, horses prancing ; above, Nike flying right about to crown / charioteer; in exergue, dolphin, wt. 266 grs., very fine 1 148 Syracuse, b.c. 405-435. /R Tetradrachm by Kimon [ZYPAJKOZIflN., Female head to right, weaving looped earring and necklace with globular pendants, the hair in broad sphendone decorated with stars, with loose lock of hair at temple, two dolphins in front of head, and two behind 51, Quadriga to left ; above, Nike flying and about to crown charioteer ; in exergue, ear of barley, id. 267 grs., very fine, and an exceptionally rare variety, with head to right 1 ^ Plate III. / O 149 Syracuse, b.c. 405-345. /R Drachm, by EuUeides, traces of legend, Head of Athena nearly facing in richly decorated helmet with crest and plumes ; around four dolphins 9^ ZYPAKOZinN., Loucaspis with helmet, spear and shield, in fighting attitude before an altar ; in front, a dead ram, wt. 64 grs., fine and scarce 1 ^ Plate III A ^ IT '^ I J J 150 Syracuse, b.c. 405-335. N Decadrachm or Medallion, by Euainelos, ZYPAKOZiriN., Head of Persephone to left, wearing earring and necklace, hair turned up at back, arranged in wavy curl.';, and bound with wreath of corn leaves, around four dolphins ; behind, an escallop sliell 9> Quadriga driven to left, horses in high action, above flying Nike about to crown charioteer, in exergue suit of defensive armour ; and below cuirass, A0AA., wt. 661 grs., an exceedingly beautiful specimen oj this fine medallion, the obv. has the head well centred 1 Plate in. 21 151 Syracuse, b.c. 405-345. i^l Decadrachm or Medallion by Kimon, /7^ ^ ZYPAKOZIUN., Female head, Arethusa ? hair iu net and wearing broad diadem, around four dolphins 9= Quadriga diiven to left, the horses in high action, above flying Victory about to crown charioteer, on exergual line signature of KiMnN, and below, suit of defensive armour, cuirass, greaves, helmet, &c., under cuirass A0AA., id. 668 grs., an extremely beautiful and rare piece in very fine condition 1 Plate III. -^ 152 Syracuse, b.c. 405-345. Medallion by Kimon. Head of Arethusa to left /-> '' wearing necklace and earring, the hair in net, and over the forehead broad baud or diadem, on which KIM. ; around, four dolphins, the one under neck is turned to the right Jt Quadriga, horses galloping to right ; above, flying Victory about to crown charioteer ; in the exergue, suit of defensive armour and A0 A A., on the exergual line the artist's signature in full, KiMnN., id. 663 grs., a very rare variety 1 *,* Thi<; very fine and beautiful medallion differs considerably in style from the preceding medallion by this artist, being in lower relief and of very refined treatment. Plate III 153 Syracuse, b.c. 405-345. Medallion by Kimon. EYPAKOZ[inN]., 3 3 h' , ^ nearly similar to No. 151, but with fylfot on diadem, struck from a fractured obverse die 9^ From the same die as No. 151, very fine 1 Plate III. ^ 154 Syracuse, B.C. 405-345. M. Tetradrachm, by Euainetos. Head of Persephone / 2 A' /^ to left wearing earring and necklace, the hair turned up at back and bound / by wreath of corn leaves ; around head, four dolphins ; under chin, a dot pk Quadriga, horses galloping to right ; above, Nike flying, about to crown charioteer; in the exergue [Z]YPAKOZI[nN]., if<. 259'9 jrs.,^?ie and very rare 1 Plate III. This very rare Tetradrachm by Euainetos is particularly interesting as being an exact repro- duction on a reduced scale of his vyell-known Medallion. From the Carfrae Collection 155 Syracuse, b.c. 405-345. Tetradrachm, by Kimon. Head of Arethusa, nearly facing, inclined to left, diademed, hair flowing in long tresses, a dolphin on either side among the locks ; above, apeqosa. R. Quadriga to left, horses in high action ; above, Nike about to crown charioteer; in exergue ZYPAKOZIUN., and ear of barley, on exergual line KiMnN., excessively rare and of very fine style 1 Plate III. 156 Syracuse. Democracy, b.c. 345-317. ^ Didrachm of the Corinthian type. ZYPAKOZIHN., Head of Pallas in Corinthian helmet 5" Pegasos to left, lut. 132 grs. (Head, pi. vi, 7), very fine 1 Z 2 i . 7. ^ /■ / R,f 7, /'> 22 157 Syracuse, b.c. 317-310. /R Tetradrachm, Head of Persephone to left, wreathed with leaves of bailey ; around three dolphins, two in front of head and one behind; beneath neck Nl. 51 ZYPAKOSII2N. (in exergue). Quadriga to left, horses in high action, above triskelis ; in exergue, below legend, Al. (inon.), wt. 266 grs., very fine 1 Plate ITT. f 158 Syracuse, b.c. 317-310. M Tetradrachm, Head of Persephone to left, wreathed with leaves of barley, around three dolphins, two in front of head and one behind 9: ZYPAKOZIIiN. (in exergue). Quadriga to left, horses in high action, / above, triskelis ; in exergue, below legend, Al. (mow.), wl 265 ^rs., wry _/?Be 1 /,ViJ/«^ '2 , f^ 159 Syracuse, B.C. 317-310. Agath odes, first period. .R Didrachms (2), Head y of Pallas in crested Corinthian helmet, ornamented with a griffin 9' ZYPAKOZIIIN., Pegasos to left; below, triskelis, wt. 130 ., wt. 104| grs. {of. Head, pi. XI, 4), very fine 1 168 Syracuse, Phllistis, B.C. 280-190. ^ Tetradrachm, Veiled head of Philistis yV ^^ to left, behind torch 9- BAZIAIZZAZ. IAIZTIAOZ., Nike in quadriga, horses galloping to right, underneath E-, ict. 209 grs., extremely fine 1 Plate IF. From the Billoin Collection. IAIZTIAOZ., Nike in quadriga, horses going slowly to right; in front A. and above, a crescent, wt. 209 grs., very fine 1 170 Syracuse, Philistis, B.C. 280-190. ^l Tetradrachm, Veiled head of Philistis / , /<"/-- y to left, behind wreath (?) 5. BAZIAIZZAZ. IAIZTIAOZ., Nike in quadriga, horses walking to right ; above <|)., wt. 209 grs., very fine 1 171 Syracuse, Philistis, b.c. 260-190. Piece of 5 Litra, Veiled head of Philistis /^ to left, behind head a wreath 5- BAZIAIZZAZ. IAIZTIAOZ., Biga driven to left by winged Nike, horses walking ; in front ., id. 69 grs., fine and very rare 1 Plate IV. i, /^ / r, r 172 Syracuse Hieronymus, B.C. 216-215. Al Piece of 10 Litra, Head of Hiero- nynius to left, behind >l ^ BAZIAEOZ lEPXiNYMOY., Thunderbolt above, Kl, wt. 130 grs., very fine and scarce 1 Plate IV. 173 Syracuse, b.c 21.5-212. ^51 Piece of 12 Litra, Head of Pallas to left, helmet ornamented with a griffin 51 ZYPAKOZIUN., Artemis huntress with hound, in field to left XAP., id. 152 grs., very fine 1 Plate IV. 174 Syracuse, b.c. 215-212. Democracy, M Piece of 8 Litra, Helmeted head of X" * Pallas to loft, the helmet plain, behind neck AT. mon. ^ ZYPAKOZiriN., Fulmen, below ZH., wt. 1 04^ ^rs. {Head,pl. xiii, 4), very fine \ /"./ 24 /!> / I , ^ 175 Syracuse, b.c. 215-212. Democracy, J^ Piece of 6 Litra, Head of Bearded Herakles to left ^ ZYPAKOZII2N., in exergue, Nike in biga to right, below horses Zfi., fine and very rare 1 Plate IV. S I '•> 176 Syracuse, b.c. 480. M. Drachm, ZYPAKOZION., Female head to right ; 9. Horseman to right, wt. 631 gn. (Head, pi I, 7). M Litra, ZYPA., Female head to right, hair turned up at back and bound with pearl diadem ; P> Sepia, wt. 13 grs. {Head, pi. I, 8), very fine. B.C. 405-345. M Litra, Female head to left, hair in sphendone, behind dolphin ; Jt Sepia, wt. 12 grs. {Head, pi. v, 10), very fine. B.C. 345-317. M 2i Litrae, ZYPAKOZIX2N.; Helmeted head of Pallas nearly facing ; P; Horseman, behind, a star, wt. ^ 21 grs. {Head, pi. VI, 14), very fine 4 (, , 4> 177 Syracuse. M 2 Litrae, ZYPAKOSIHN-, Janiform female head, to right, two dolphins ; 9= Free horse ; above ear of barley, below N, ^d. 26 grs. {Head, pi. VI, 15), very fim. B.C. 215-212. M 2^ Litrae, Head of Apollo to left ; R ZYPA[KOZIOI]., Female figure with inflated veil holding a half ' unrolled scroll and a branch with fillet ; in field A-, wt. 33 grs. {Head, pi. XIII, 9), fine and scarce 2 178 Syracuse. JE, 345-317 and later, with legends ZYPA. or ZYPAKOZII2N. Female head to left ; hair in sphendone, ending in a band which is bound round back hair forming a chignon ; in front of neck M I., and at back spray of olive ; Jt Dolphin and escallop-shell {Head, pi. VII, 7). Female head to right, hair in korymbos ; behind dolphin ; ^ Octopus, size 2. Head of Zeus laureate to right ; 9^ Free horse to left, size 7^ {Head, pi. VII, 8). Head of Apollo laureate to left, behind pilos ; 9 Pegasos to left; below AT mon., size 5 {Head, pi. vii, 12). Bull butting to left, above A; 9> Large star of sixteen rays, size 9 {Head, pi. Vila, 4). Head of Apollo to left ; Jl Recum- bent dog looking back ; in field A and in exergue Z, size 2. Head of Pallas in crested helmet to right ; 9 Horseman wearing Phrygian helmet to right; below A I mon., size 5 {Head, pi. IX, 6) {JFigan collection). [AIOZ EA]AANIOY., Head of Zeus Hellenios to left, behind trophy; 9> Eagle on thunderbolt ; in field star, size 7 {Head, pi. x, 7). Hieron H, Diademed head of Hieron to right behind poppy-head; 9 IEPX2NOZ (in exergue), horseman with couched lance to right; below X, .«-« 7 {Head, pi. XII, 2). Tauromenium, Head of Apollo to left ; V^ TAYPO- MENITAN., Tripod-lebes, size 5, all very fins 10 / , 7- 179 Syracuse. JE, b.c. 345-317 and later. Head of Apollo to left ; 9> Pegasos / f to left, below A., size 4 {Head, pi. VII, 12). Young male head to left; 9= Lion to right, above club, size 5 {Head, pi. IX, 3). Another similar, but head to right, behind a bow in exergue, on 9 Torch, size 5. ZXITEIPA., Head of Artemis to right ; 9= Fulmen, size 5 {Head, pi. IX, 4). Head of Persephone to left ; 9 Biga driven rapidly to right, above star in exergue ZH., size 7 {Head, pi. x, 5) {Wigaii Collection). Head of young Herakles to left; 9= Pallas Promachos to right, in field wreath, size 6 {Head, pi. X, 11). Head of Apollo to left ; 9> Eagle on fulmen, size 5 {Head, pi. X, 7). Heron II, r.,^ 25 Lot 179 — {continued). Diademod head of Hieron to left ; 5^ Horseman with couched lance to right, size 8 {Head, pi. xir, 2). Head of Zeus to left; p, lEPIlNOS., Trident head, dolphin on either side, si~c 5 {Head, pi. xii, 4). Head of Persephone to left; I^ Bull butting to left, above club and ., in exergue IE., si:c 4 {Head, pi. xii, 6) 10 180 Tauromenium, B.C. 275-210. ^ Piece of 4 Litra, Laureate head of Apollo ^/ ^^ /^/' to right, star behind V- TAYPOM EN ITAN., Tripod-lebes, id. 50 grs. {B. M. Gidde,pl. XLVii, 40), rer/j fine and scarce 1 181 Tyndaris. M, circa KC. SH. Head of Persephone to left ; 1,1 The Dioskuri < /'■ on horseback to right, size 5, Jiiie and scarce. Islands of Sicily. Lipara, B.C. 350-300. JE, Uncia, Head of Hephaistos to right, wearing pilos ; Jt A9|., size 5. Trias, Young Hephaistos seated to right, holding in right hand a vase, and in the left hand a hammer ; Ijl Three pellets in centre, size 5. Circa B.C. 300. Head of young Ares to left ; J^ Trident head, size 5, all very fine. Laus (Lucania), Head of Dionysos ; 1/ ZTAOH'I., Crow ; ram's head in front, size 4 4 From the Wigan Collection. MACEDON, THRACE, jr- ^ /? r AND THE EUROPEAN COASTS OF THE EUXINE. 182 Orrescii, before B.C. 480. .11 Stater, HRHXKION. (retrograde). Centaur kneeling on one knee to right, carrying in his arms a female clad in long chiton 9: Quadripartite incuse, wl. 136 grs., very fine and rare 1 Plate IF. y 183 Neapolis, b.c. 500-411. ^R Stater, Gorgon head facing ^ rvv/f/ ii Quadripartite incuse square, tii. 148| grs. {Hist. Num., fig. \16), fine and -v ' ^ scarce 1 184 Bisaltae, b.c. 500. M Drachm, Naked warrior wearing kausia, and carrying two spears, standing to right, on farther side of a bridled horse to right; border of dots 9> Quadripartite shallow incuse square, wL 69 grs., very fine and scarce 1 Plate IV. <' 185 Orthagoreia, circa B.C. 400-350. M Persic Stater, Head of Artemis to right ' ^ U OP0ArO- PEflN., Macedonian helmet surmounted by a star; below, HP- (monogram), ivt. \b6 grs., very five and rare 1 ^ 186 Acanthus, B.C. 500-424. M Tetradrachm, Lion attacking bull, above 0.; ^^ / ^^' ^^ « ^ in exergue, floral ornament, the whole within dotted border 9: Quadripartite incuse square, id. 277^ grs., very fine and rare 1 187 Acanthus, B.C. 424-400. yR Tetradrachm, Lion attacking bull, border of dots -. 1 ■* 7 "/ ^-~ ^ 9^ AKAN0ION., in shallow incuse square, the centre divided in four quarters, \ '<>' raised and granulated, wt. 219 grs., eery fine and rare 1 Plate IV. ' M //,/o /l,^ ^^A 26 D I f ^ 188 Acanthus (?), b.c. 500-424. /R Tetrobol, Bull kneeling to left, head reverted ; above, a floral ornament ; 5^ Incuse with relief resembling a triskelis, wi. 36 (jrs.,fine and rare, fw rev. type see B. M. Catalogue " Macedon," p. 150, no. 1, Dekadrachm, attributed to Derronicus. Obol, Head of Pallas of fine style, wearing crested Athenian helmet; 1^ AKAN., in the quarters of a shallow incuse, ict. 12 grs., very fine and rare 2 The second piece from the Bompois Collection. _y^ 189 Olynthus, b.c. 479-332. M Tetradrachm, Male Charioteer driving quadriga >' slowly to right ; above, a large pellet 5> Eagle flying, in incuse square, within an outer incuse square, wt. 256 grs., fine and rare 1 Plate IV. < From the Carfrae Collection. , / ^- 190 Chalcidice, Epoch of the League, B.C. 392-370. M Tetradrachm, Laureate head of Apollo to right V^ XAA-KIA-EflN-, Lyre with seven cords, wi. 221i grs., fine 1 2^ /"^ 191 Chalcidice, Epoch of the League, B.C. 392-379. /R Tetrobol, Head of Apollo, of fine style, to right _/ 9" XAA-KIA-EHN., Lyre with six strings, id. 38 grs., very fine and scarce 1 I P , ^ ' 192 Potidaea, b.c. 500. ^R Tetradrachm, Poseidon Hippios carrying trident, below the horse a six-pointed star 9j Incuse square diagonally divided, ui. 264 grs., fine and very rare 1 Plate IV. c /fff fi.r 4 193 Aphytis, after B.C. 168. M. Head of Zeus Aramon with ram's horn; V' A<{>YTAI., An eagle to right, s'ae 5. Amphipolis, ^E, Young male head bound with taenia; 9:., AM<1>I, Race torch in shallow incuse, size 1|, very fine. Tragi I US, M, B.C. 450-400. Head of Hermes wearing petasos, TPAI- in the four quarters of an incuse square, size 1, very fine and rare 3 194 Amphipolis, B.c. 424-358. M Tetradrachm, Laureate Head of Apollo, three- quarter face to right 9: AMHinOAITEr2N., on a raised framework, in centre racing torch; to right a tripod, the whole within an incuse square, lol. 219 grs., a very fine example of this rare and beantiful coinage 1 < Plate IV. / / 1 195 Amphipolis, B.C. 424-358. M Tetrobol, Head of Apollo, three-quarter face ' to left; I^ AM<1>|., Racing torch, the whole within wreath, lot. 40 grs., fine and scarce. Phillppi, circa B.C. 358. /R Hemidrachm, Head of young Herakles in lion's skin to right; 9-' IAinnr2N., Tripod with pendant / fillet ; in field, grain of corn, wt. 23 grs., fine and rare 2 196 Phillppi, circa B.C. 358. N Stater, Head of Heracles wearing lion's skin to right I^ IAinnr2N., Tnpod; to riglit. Head of horse, wt. 132 grs., very fine ami scarce 1 Plate IV. 202 Philip II, B.C. 359-336. N Quarter Stater, Head of young Herakles to right, wearing lion's skin, the paws knotted under neck li IAinnOY. Naked boy rider to right holding long branch with forked end ; under the horse, a star, w(. 222 (/rs., Jim style and condition 1 r./o 27 KINGS OF MACEDON. 197 Alexandei^ I. of Macedon, b.c. 498-454. /R Diobol, Free horse to right; ? f ^ o /^ , ^ above, scroll ornament enclosing pellets ; in front, pellet within a circle, and below horse <|), the whole within dotted border 5) Quadripartite incuse square, id. 17 grs., very fine and rare 1 198 Philip II, B.C. 359-336. N' Stater, Laureate head of Apollo, of fine style, to right 9. In exergue, IAinnOY., Biga to right; under horses, trident, td. \32^ grs., extremely fine 1 199 Philip II, B.C. 359-336. N' Stater, Laureate head of Apollo to right; ^^ S' ^ BAZIAEI2Z (above), IAinPOY (in exergue), biga to right; under horses, monogram, ict. 1 30 grs. 1 200 Philip II, B.C. 359-336. A^ Stater, Head of Apollo to right -i 1^ 4>IAinnOY. (in exergue), Biga, horses galloping to right, under horses a / J '^ rose and the letters PO (Khodes), above the horses, the name of the Rhodian magistrate MNAZIMAXOZ. (this name occurs on a tetradrachm described by Mionnef, vol. Ill, p. 420, no. 193), wt. 131-7 grs., extremely fine and of the highest rarity 1 Plate IF. From the Northwick, S. Addington and Ashburnham Collections, described in the Noithwick catalogue as presumably unique. 201 Philip II, B.C. 359-336. N Half Stater, Head of young Herakles to right J ff wearing lion's skin, the paws knotted under neck V^ IAinnOY., Forepart of lion to right; below, kantharos, wt. 66 grs., very fine and very rare 1 Plate IV. /^ , / 7. ^ 204 Philip II, B.C. 359-336. M Tetradrachm, Laureate head of Zeus to right ^ (J 1' i'e^l^ ^ IAinnOY., Bearded Macedonian horseman wearing kausia and chlamys * going to left, the right hand raised ; beneath the horse a M and trident, id. 22 1 grs., fine, chisel cut on rev. 1 205 Alexander the Great, B.C. 336-323. M Double Stater, Head of Pallas in ? ? crested Corinthian helmet, adorned with serpent yi AAEZANAPOY., Winged Nike holding trophy stand and wreath; in field, kantharos, id. 265 grs., very fine 1 Plate IV. 7lffff 5> ^' ^ 4 7. < iSf i7> . s 28 20G Alexandep the Great, b.c. 336-323. N Stater, Head of Pallas y^ AAEHANAPOY., Nike with wreath, &c., monogram to left, wi. 132 r/cs., of fine style and in cxtremeli/ fine condition 1 Plate IV. y\ Probably struck in Egypt, the monogram / O \ occurs upon tetradrachms of Alexander Aogus, struck by Ptolemy Soter as <|> Governor for Alexander Aegus. 207 Alexandep the Great, b.c. 336-323. Al Tetradrachm, Head of young Herakles in lion's skin to right 1/ AAEZANAPOY., Zeus ^tophorous to left; back of throne ornamented with the figures of Victory ; in front, statuette of Pallas ; under throne AE., id. 127 (jrs., very fine 1 Plate IV. 208 Alexandep the Great, B.C. 336-32.3. M Tetradrachm, Head of Young Herakles in lion's skin to right {Muller, Class iv-1.5) R AAEHANAPOY., Zeus ^tophorus seated to left on throne with back ; in field, left, a statuette of the Farnese Hercules, below throne API- (A P., mon.) fine and rare, an unpuhlishcd variety 1 A^ f o> 209 Alexander the Great, b.c. 336-323. A\ Tetradrachm, Head of Young Herakles in lion's skin to left 9) AAEZANAPOY., Zeus ^tophorous seated to left, no back to throne, ram's head with plumes in field ; and beneath throne AA ^ struck in Egypt, vt. 2.59-i grs., very fine 1 ^' 210 Philip III (Aridaeus), B.C. 323-31G. N Stater, Head of Pallas to right y^ IAinnOY., victory to left, holding wreath and trophy stand, in front, ATAN. in monogram, ui. 132 grs., very fine and scarce 1 211 Philip III (Aiidaeus), B.C. 323-316. M Tetradrachm, Head of young Herakles in lion's skin to right V^ IAinnOY. BAZIAEHZ., (title under throne) Zeus seated to left, in field; to left, head of Helios, and under throne KY (Gyzicus 1), wt. 263i grs., very fine and somewhat scarce 1 212 Demetpius Poliorcetes, b.c. 306-283. N Stater, Head of Demetrius to right, wearing diadem adorned with bull's horns ti BAZIAEXIZ. AHMETRIOY., Macedonian horseman with couched lance galloping to right; in field, two monograms, wt. 132 grs., an exceedingly J well spread coin in exceptionally fine condition, and of the highest rarity 1 Plate IV. 213 Demetrius Poliorcetes, B.C. 306-283. M. Nike, or Fame, carrying a trophy stand anil lihjwing a trumpet, standing on the prow of a galley Vo AHMHTPIOY. BAZIAEIIZ., Poseidon, naked, wielding trident, his clilauiys wrapped inund his left arm; in field, left, monogram between his legs HP .mon., v:t. 264 grs., very fine, 1 Plate IV. 29 214 Demetrius Poliorcetes, B.C. 306-283. yR Tetradrachtn, Head of Demetrius /j honied ami wearitig plain diadem to right tl BAZIAEflZ. AHMHTPIOY., Poseidon, semi-draped, seated on rock, holding trident and apliistre, two monograms in field ; one in front, the otlier behind Poseidon, wl. 265 grs., very fine and a very rare varietj/ 1 p -^ 215 Demetrius Pollorcetes, B.C. 306-283. .(R Tetradrachm, Head of Demetrius, y horned, and wearing plain diadem, to right lA BAZIAEnZ. AHMHTPIOY., Poseidon with one foot resting on rock, holding long trident in left hand, two monograms in field, wt. 260 grs.,fine 1 216 Antigonus Doson (?), B.C. 229-220. Head of Poseidon to right, with /4, /f Hiiuing luvir bound with marine plant tl BAZIAEnZ. ANTirONOY. on prow, upon which is seated Apollo naked, holding bow, on lower part of prow a sword, in field below, monogram, %cl. 263 (jrs.jfiiie and scarce 1 Plate IV. t 217 Antigonus Gonatas, b.c. 277-239. M Tetradrachm, Macedonian shield, in J /"~ the centre of which a head of Pan, hornerl ; behind his head, pedum y= BAZIAEHZ. ANTirONOY., Athena Alkis hurling thunderbolt; in field to left, a helmet, to right HA mon., wt. 260^ (jrs., in uimsualhj fine condition 1 y 218 Philip V, B.C. 220-178. M Tetradrachm, Macedonian shield; in the centre /$ ^^ of which the head of Perseus to left, wearing winged helmet surmounted by an eagle's head ; at his shoulder, harpa ^ BAZIAEHZ. IAinnOY., Club in oak wreath ; wt. 264 grs., very fine and rare 1 • Plate IV. 219 Philip V, B.C. 220-178. M Didrachm, Head of Philip to right, wearing plain /J diadem U BAZIAEIiZ. 4>IAinnOY., Club, three monograms in field ; the whole within oak wreath, outside tie of wreath, a trident, ivt. 130 grs., very fine and very rare 1 220 Philip V, B.C. 220-178. /R Drachm, Head of Philip to right, wearing plain diadem, to right 1^ BAZIAEflZ. IAinnOY., divided by club; in field, three monograms the whole in oak wreath ; outside wreath, fulmen, wt. 59|^ grs., very fine and rare 1 y 221 Perseus, b.c 178-168. M Tetradrachm, Diademed head of Perseus to right ^ y 9: BAZIAEI2Z PEPZEIiZ., Eagle on fulmen, above flX (mon.), and between the legs of eagle ; the whole within a wreath of oak, below tie of wreath a plough, 20t. 256 grs., very fine and scarce 1 Plate V. - » ' /] 222 Macedonia, under the Romans, B.C. 158-146. vR Tetradrachm, Bust of Artemis -^ 4 /' with bow and quiver at shoulder, in centre of Macedonian shield U MAKEAONIIN. FIPXITHZ., Club, three monograms in field, the whole within wreath of oak, outside wreath, fulmen, wt. 259 grs. (HLst. Num., fig. 153), very fine and of xmihsiudly good style 1 < {, /^ V 4,^f J I 223 Macedonia, under the Romans, after B.C. 146. M. Tetradrachm, Laureate bust of Artemis in high relief, in centre of Macedonian shield 9 MAKE - AONriN. in two lines divided by club ; in field, monogram, the whole within wreath of oak leaves and acorns, id. 259| yrs., very fine and very rare 1 Plate V. 224 Macedonia, under the Romans, after B.C. 146. M Tetradrachm, Diademed bust of Artemis in high relief in centre of Macedonian shield V^ LEG- MAKEAONI2N., Club; above, hand with sprig of olive; the whole within wreath of oak with acorns, icl. 256^ grs., very fine and very rare 1 ^ 225 Macedonia, under the Romans, after B.C. 146. M Tetradrachm, MAKE- AONHN., Head of Alexander the Great, hair long and flowing ^ AESI LLAS Q-, Quaestorial insignia, the whole within wreath, ivt. 257^ grs., of unusually fine style and condition 1 Plate V. if 226 Macedonia. M. Cassander, e.c. 316-297. Head of young Herakles to right, wearing lion's skin ; 1^ BAZIAEX2Z KAZZANAPOY., Lion to left, in field monogram, s\~e 3, nfy fine. Macedonian helmet to right ; 9= BAZI AEnZ. KAZZANAPOY., in two lines divided by leaf -shaped spear-head, size 4, very fine and with fine patina, rare 2 /^ '^ 227 Macedonia. M. Philip II, Head of young Herakles in lion's skin -, ^ BA <1>|., Naked lider to right and crowning his horse, size 4. Alexander the Great. Head of young Herakles in lion's .skin to right; 9: Bow in case, club and lighted torch, size 5. Antigonus Gonatas, ANTI. in mon. upon centre of Macedonian shield ; 1^ BA-ZI-, Macedonian helmet with crest, size 4, very fine. Philip V. Head of Helios radiate; 9= Fulmen ■viithm-wvida.t\i, very fine and vM-e. Thrace. Hadrianopolis, Gordian HI, 9: Gate of City. Perinthus. Head of Dionysos ; 9= Hercules resting 6 4 4, /^ KINGS OF PAEONIA. 228 Patraus. b.c. 340-315. M Tetradrachm, Head of Apollo to right 9 n ATPAOY., Horseman spearing prostrate Macedonian soldier, wt. 193 grs. per y fine 1 229 Audoleon, circa B.C. 315-286. yR Tetradrachm, Head of Pallas facing, wearing triple crested helmet 9= AYAflAEONTOZ., Free horse walking to right, in field, monogram, ict. 191i grs. {Hist. Num., fig. 152), very fine 1 From the Carfrae Collection. 230 Audoleon, aVcd B.C. 315-286. .51 Drachm, Head of Pallas in triple crested helmet nearly facing 9 AYAflAEONTOZ., Free horse walking to right, io<. i6^ grs., very fine and rare 1 231 31 1. /C, 3^ THRACE. Aenus, circa B.C. 450-400. /R Tetradrachm, Head of Mercury to left, wearing \ *'/' '^ close fitting petasos with beaded border, the hair on forehead delineated by stntight lines, and at back of head by straight lines and plait ^ AIN., Goat to right; in front, an amphora inverted; the whole within square incuse, id. 253^^ grs., very fine 1 232 Aenus, b.c. 400-350. M Tetradrachm, Head of Hermes nearly facing, inclined to left, wearing petasos with beaded border {fe AIN ION., Goat, in field, a small tree, wt. 243 grs., in very fine state 1 Plate V. From the Carfrae Colection. * 233 Aenus, b.c. 400-350. ^ Tetrobol, Head of Mercury, wearing close fitting ^ petasos with beaded border, three-quarter face to right 9= AINI., Goat to right, the whole in shallow incuse, m/. 40 grs., fine and scarce 1 234 Maroneia, B.C. 450-400. yR Tetradrachm, MAPI! N. below prancing horse 'j ( J to left, above, star of eight points 9= EPI" MHTPOAOTO-, around shallow incuse, in centre, grape vine within linear square, wl. 216 grs., fine 1 235 Maroneia, b.c. 146. M Tetradrachm, Head of Young Dionysos to left .v y 9 AIONYZOY. ZI2THPOZ. MAPHNITHN., Dionysos standing, '^ / ^ holding bunch of grapes and two stalks of the narthex, in field monograms, ' td. 251 grs. (Hist. Num., fig. \\Q), fine 1 236 Dicaea, b.c. 480-450. Hemidrachm, Female head to left, wearing narrow . n diadem, the hair rolled at back of head '' j V" AIKAIA-, Head and neck of bull to right, the whole within an incuse square, wt. 36 grs., very fine and rare 1 Plate V. -V; .r ^--^ 237 Abdera, b.c. 450-430. M Tetradrachm, Griffin with curled wing, seated on fish to left, one paw raised, magistrate, KAAAIAAMAZ ' ^ O 9> ABAHPITEI2N., in shallow incuse, in centre smaller square quartered, id. 231 grs., fine and scarce 1 Plate V. 238 Car-dia, b.c. 400-309. ^-E. Head of Demeter, wearing corn-wreath to left; « /^ U KAPAIA., Lion devouring prey, in exergue corn giain and star, si~.e 5. ^ Lysimachia, b.c. 280-220, Lion's head to right; 9" AYZI., Ear of corn, size 3. Cavarus, the last Gauli.sh King in Thrace, circa B.C. 219-200, Head of Apollo to right; ^ BAZIAEHZ. KAYAPOY., Nike advancing left, holding wreath over king's name, in field monogram, size 5, all very fine, y the last rare 3 239 Thasos, b.c. 411-350. M Hemidrachm, Janiform head of Silenos 9; 0AZ., Two amphorae placed in opposite directions, the whole within an incuse, id. 21 grs., very fine 1 / / /c -h 32 / ^ 240 Thasos, (ifirj- B.C. 146. M Tetradrachm, Head of young Dionysos crowned with ivy to left Jt HPAKAEOYZ. SliTHPOS. ©AZIUN., Ilerakles naked, standing with club and lion's skin, wt. 258i grs. (Hist. Num., fig. 166), very fine 1 ^"j /J 241 Byzantium, i;.c. 277-270. M. Tetradrachm, Head of veiled Demeter wearing corn wreath 9: Poseidon seated on rock to right, holding trident and aplustre, in field Zl. and YIY. ; and in exergue Em. ZOAPIA., id. 211 grs. {Hist. Num., fig. 158), very rare . 1 /^ ^ 242 IstPUS, circa B.C. 300. M Drachm, Two heads united, in opposite directions, upwards and downwards: Jl IZTPIH-, Sea Eagle on dolphin below eagle A, and below dolphin H, wt. 100 grs., very fine. Mesembria, B.C. 450-350. jK Diobol, Crested helmet facing ; }} M ETA- in the quarters of a radiate wheel, id. 20 grs., very fine 2 A ^ 27 /I ; / 243 Panticapaeum, circa b.c. 350. M Stater, Head of Pan in profile, to left, wearing wreath of ivy 5^ HAN., Lion headed gryphon, horned and winged, standing on a stalk of barley, and holding in his mouth a javelin, id. 132| grs., in brilliant condition and very rare 1 From tlie Montagu Collection. Plate V. 244 Lysimachus, King of Thrace, &c. B.C. 323-281. N Stater (of the Alex- andrine type), Head of Pallas in crested Corinthian helmet, adorned with coiled serpent lA AYZIMAXOY. BAZIAEnZ., Victory standing to left, holding wreath and banner stand ; in front, forepart of lion and HA- (mon.), wt. \3l-^ grs., very fine and extremely rare 1 Plate V. 245 Lysimachus, King of Thrace, B.C. 323-281. N Stater, Head of the deified Alfxander with the horn of Ammon ^ BAZIAEnZ. AYXIMAXOY., Pallas seated; in front, monogram in circle, id. 131 grs., very fine, and of fine style 1 ^ Plate V. 246 Lysimachus, King of Thrace, B.C. 323-281. /R Tetradrachm of the Alex- andrine type. Head of Young Herakles in lion's skin lA BAZIAEnZ. AYZIMAXOY. in one line behind throne, Zeus seated; in held, forepart of lion and monogram, beneath throne AH- mon., wt. 264 * grs., very fine and very rare 1 247 Lysimachus, King of Thrace, B.C. 323-281. ^11 Tetradrachm, Head of the deified Alexander, with tiie horn of Ammon 5LBAZIAEI2Z. AYZIMAXOY., Pallas Nikephoros seated in front, a monogram, and another in exergue, ivt. 263-3 (jrs., very fine, and of fine style 1 Plate V. lH8 Lysimachus, Kin^ of 'I'Iumcp, b.c. 3-2.S--2S1. M Tetnidrachm, Head of tlip ^ deiKeJ Alexander, with the horn of Ammon 9> BAXIAEflZ. AYZIMAXOY., Pallas Nikephoros seated; in front, ram's head, and two monogiams in exergue (struck at Saniothrace), wt. 2G3 (//\s., very five and nf fine style 1 249 Lysimachus, King of Thrace, B.C. 323-281. ^R Tetradrachm, Head in re ? ^ /^ ^ mark.dily high relief, of deified Alexander, with horn of Ammon to right ^ BAZIAEnZ. AYZIMAXOY., Pallas seated to left; in field, bunch of grapes (struck at Maronea f), vt. 262 gn., very fine style and in very fine con- dition 1 THESSALY. 2r)0 Aenianes, circa B.C. 168-14G. A\ Didrachm (1) Head of Athena, her helmet ^, /) ^ adorned with four horses, behind head EYBIOTOY, dotted border ^ U AINIANflN., Sliiigcr adjusting his sling; behind him, two javelins, wt. 120 grs. {Hist. Num. fig. 173 var.), very fi.ne 1 251 Lamia, b.c. 400-344. JR Hemidrachm, Head of young Dionysos to left, ivy /- crowned it AAMIEI2N., An Amphora; above, ivy leaf, in field to right a prochous. An Obol of exactly similar type (B. M. Cat., ^j/. iir, 13 and 14), both very fine and scarce in litis cundition 2 252 Larissa, fucft B.C. 450-400. vR Drachms (2), Youth restraining bull to left ; he / ^Z weai's chlamys which is flying behind, and in field his petasos which has fallen from hi.s head, border of dots ; 1^ AAPI - ZAI A-, Horse galloping to right, within incuse square, wt. 92 grs. The second piece has the same sub- ject somewhat differently treated, and the ohv. type is to the right and the rev. type to left ; both very fine 2 253 Larissa, ii.c. 400-344. M Didrachm, Head of the water nymph, Lari.ssa, '?? nearly facing, of very fine style, copied from Kimon's head of Arethusa ' ^ AAPI (in exergue), ZAIflN-, Horse grazing to right, offside leg raised, v;t. ]79 cjrs., fine and ('.'xccdiiKjly rare 1 From tlie E.avl of Ashburnham's Collection. Plate V. 2.')4 Larissa, b.c. 352-344. zll Drachm, Head of the fountain nymph Laii.ssa, tliree-quarter face inclined to right; above the head Zl MO. (Simus Tetrarch) 1^1 AAPI-, Horse feeding to right, fine and rare 1 Plate V. < 255 Alexander, Tyrant of Pherae, b.c. 369-357. ^R Drachm, Head of Artemis Pheraea in profile to right ; in front, torch li AAEHANAP[OY]., Lion's head to right with open jaws, \ct. QO grs., very fine and very rare 1 Plate V. F mi Z'/ 4,^^ /./ :i4 256 Oetaei, b.C. 400-344. M. Obol, Head of Lion holding spear in mouth ; I^ OITA., Bow and quiver, %d. 10 yrf. (B. M. Cat. vii, 10). Pharsa- lus, B.C. 480-344. .H Hemidrachm, Head of Pallas of early fine style to right, wearing crested helmet; R AP., Bust of horse to right, the whole within an incuse, id. 47 grs. {B.M. Cat. jil. i.x, 7), both very fine 2 257 Thessallan League, b.c. 196 146. M Double Victoriatus, Head of Zeus crowned with oak ; ^ ©EZZA-AflN., The Thessalian Athena Itonia in fighting attitude, magistrates ©UN OX. and AEOMAXIA-, «<■ 91 grs. Attic Hemidrachm; I;l ©EZZA-AHN., Athena Itonia; and a Stater Ai of the Dyrrhacii. Cow suckling Calf; B' AYP., Double floral design in double linear square, ivt. 167| grs., all verij fine 3 258 M of Thessaly, lllyria and Epirus. Halus. Head of Zeus Laphys- tios to right ; ^ AAEflN., Helle seated sideways on ram flying to right, size 4 {rar. of piece engraved in B. M. Catalogue, pi. x.x.xi, 1). Ballaeus (King of Pharos, &e.), after B.C. 168. Head of Ballaeus to right; U [BjAAAAOY., Artemis going to left holding in right hand a torch, size 3^. Molossi, lirforc B.C. 340. MOAOZZXIN. around rim of shield with thunderbolt in centre; l^ Thunderbolt in wreath, 4-i*e 5 ; all very fine and iincoinmon 3 35 THIRD DAY'S SALE. LOT ^ '^ 259 Thessalian Confederacy, b.c. 196-146. .E. AXIAA6YC., Head of C Achilles in close-fitting crested helmet 5= NIKOMAXOY., Horse trotting to right (B. M. Cut. no. 69), very fine ami rare 1 From the Wigan collection. KINGS OF EPIRUS. 260 Alexander (Son of Neopotolemus), B.C. 342-326. M Stater, Head of Zeus ^ ^ Dodonaeos to right 9. AAEZANAPOY. TOY. NEOHTOAEMOY., Fulmen, head of eagle to left, ivt. 16S grs., in very excellent condition and very rare 1 Plate V. 261 Alexander, b.c. 342-326. /R Diobol, coined at Tarentum ? Head of Helios, ^ y nearly facing, on a radiate disc 5t[AAE]ZAN[APOY] TOY. NEOnTOA[EMOY]., A thunderbolt, id. 17 (jrs., renj fine and of the highest rarity 1 From the Carfrae Collection. Plate V. 262 Pyrrhus, b.c. 295-272. N Stater, Head of Pallas in crested Corinthian ^ /- helmet and wearing earring ; beneath neck A, and behind plume of helmet an owl 9: BAZI AEflZ. PYPPOY., Nike to left carrying trophy and wreath ; in field, bucranium, wt. 133 grs., very fine and very rare 1 Plate V. ^ 263 Pyrrhus, b.c. 295-272. N Half Stater, Head of Artemis to right; in front, Jy a torch 5t BAZI AEnZ. PYPPOY., Nike with trophy and wreath ; in the field, a star and fulmen, xd. 65^ ijrs., fine and very rare 1 Plate V. 264 Pyrrhus, b.c. 295-272. M. Tctradrachm, Head of Zeus Dodonaeos to left, ^ / s crowned with oak leaves ; beneath. A- / U BAZIAEnX. PYPPOY., L)ione, seated left on throne ; wearing Stephanos, holding long sceptre, and raising peplos with left hand, wl. 262 grs., in extremely fine condition, and of the highest rarity 1 From the Carfrae Collection, Plate J'. 36 r )/ 265 Pyrrhus, b.c. 295-272. M Drachm (?), Head of Persephone, with flowing /' " hair crowned with corn, to left; behind the head bunch of grapes ^ BAZIAEHZ. PYPPOY., Pallas, left, in fighting attitude, holding spear and shield, in Held, fulmen, A and cornucopias, id. 88 gra. {Hist. Num., fiij. \8&), Jine and scarce 1 /^, n 266 Epjpote Republic, B.C. 238-168. ^l Didrachm, Jugatu heads of Zeus Dodonaeos and Dione ; behind, KE- (mon.) iX- APEIPnTAN., Bull rushing to right, the whole within wreath of oak, below tie of wreath a trident head, lit. 15 H yrs., very fine and rare ^ Plate V. f > ^ I 267 Epirote Republic, B.C. 238-168. M Drachm, Head of Zeus Dodonaeos to right, behind head Al (mon.), and in front BO.; ^ APEIPIITAN., Eagle on fulmen to right, the whole within wreath of oak, wt. 76 grs., very ^ fine. M Victoriate, Heads jugate of Zeus Dodonaeos and Dione to right, behind heads 3 K (nwft-); 1^ APEIPIITAN., Fulmen, the whole within wreath of oak, id. 48| (jrs., fine and scarce. M Half Victoriate, Head of Zeus Dodonaeos to right, same monogram as the preceding ; 1^ AP El PI1TAN-, f. fulmen, the whole within wreath of oak, wt. 23J grs. 3 J,f l^ 268 Leucas, (//^t'c B.C. 167. .R Attic Didrachm, Statue of goddess with attributes —crescent, aplustre, owl, stag, and sceptre ; behind, eagle, the whole within a wreath ; ?:. AEYKAAIHN-, Prow to right, in front monogram, magistrate AEHN-, id. lib grs. {Hist. Num., fig. 189), fine. Leucas, M, 350-250, Bellerophon on Pegasos to right, striking downward with lance ; U AEYKA- (in exergue), Chimaera at bay, size 4, very fine ivithfine /2>atina ^ 269 Leucas, b.c. 430-330. JR Drachm, Head of Aphrodite wearing necklace, nearly full face, to right Z. 9, Pegasus to right, with A below, wt. ' il grs., very fine and extremely rare 1 From tlie Carfrae Collection. Plate V. J ^ AETOLIA. n^ (■ ' 270 Aetolian League, b.c. 279-168. A'' Stater, Head of Pall.as, helmet adorned with coiled serpent 51 AITnAflN., Aetolia represented as a female figure seated on a pile of shields, wearing kausia, short chiton, chlaray.s, &c., and holding upright spear in left hand, while on extended right hand she supports a small statuette of Nike; infield to right, monogram, and in exergue, ANA., wi. \Z\^ grs., very fine and very rare 1 Plate VI. Qf I ip 271 Aetolian League, b.c. 279-168. A Tetradrachm, Head of young Herakles in lion's skin, to right Ijo AITflAriN., Aetolia represented as a female figure holding spear, wearing causia, short chiton, iVc, seated on a pile of shields, whereof the upper one * is Macedonian, the remainder Gaulish ; below, the Gaulish trumpet, in front of fi^uie AIT. (mon.) and XH., id. 260 grs., very fine and eery rare 1 Plate I'. b'rom the Carfi'ae Collection. /J / ^/^ 37 272 Aetolian League, b.c. 279-168. .-R Stater, Head of Aetolos laureate, to J)- / -z, light ; below truncation, <|>|, U AITI1AI2N., Aetolos standing to left, one foot on rock, and holding spear, he wears chlamys wound round left arm and the kausia slung at back ; in field, left, NI-, «'<• 162 grs.,fine 1 LOCRIS. 273 Locri Opuntii, circa B.C. 369-338. /R Stater, Head of Persephone to left; wearing earring and necklace, hair bound with wreath of corn leaves ^ OnON— TI^N., Aja.Y naked, aimed with sword and shield and crested Corinthian helmet, in fighting attitude, to right; inside shield, a lion, in field, between the legs, a Phrygian helmet, wt. 187 gr&., very fine 1 Plate ri. 274 Locri Opuntii, after B.C. 338. M Hemidrachm, Head of Persephone, to right ; JtOnONTIflN., Aja.x in fighting attitude, id. 42 grs.,fine and scarce. Phocis. ^. B.C. 339-140. Bull's head facing, bound with sacrificial fillet ; above, EA.; 9= I2KEf2N., Head of the Delphian Apollo, size 5, very fine 2 BOEOTIA. 275 Boeotian League, circa b.c. 338-315. JR Hemidrachm, Boeotian shield; ? z~ 9^ BOI'i Kantharos and crescent, wt. 43 grs., fine. /R third of Tetradrachm, B.C. 244-197, Head of Peisephone facing; ^ BOIHTflN., Poseidon, naked to right holding trident and dolphin, in field EPI. (mon.) and buckler, wt. 76^ grs. (B. M. Guide, pi. XLII, 19), very fine. Third of Tetra- drachm, B.C. 197-146, Head of Poseidon; ^ BOII2TI2N., Nike with trident and wreath, in field, bunch of grapes and AK. (mon.), wt. 77 grs., very fine and scarce 3 276 Tanagra, b.c. 387-374. .41 Stater, Boeotian shield 9: T- A-, Forepart of bridled horse galloping to left, the whole within square incuse, u4. 187 grs., very fins and rare 1 From the Carfrae Collection. 277 Thebes, b.c. 288-244. M Tetradrachm, Laureate head of Zeus to right ^ 9- BOIIlTriN., Poseidon naked to waist, holding dolphin and trident, seated <5 ^ to left on throne; on the side of which, Boeotian shield, wt. 260 grs., very fine and excessively rare 1 ITrom the Carfrae Collection. Plate VI. 278 Thespiae, b.c. 387-374. M Obol, Boeotian shield ; 1^ ©EZ-, within crescent, id. 13 grs., very fine. Chalcis (Euboea), B.C. 700-480. ^-R Drachm, Wheel of four spokes ; 9> Incuse {type of Hist. Num., fig. 202,), very fine. B.C. 369-336, M Drachm, Female head to right, wearing triple earring and necklace ; ft XAA-, Eagle Hying and holding serpent; in field, right, a trophy, ' * wt. b% grs., very fine 3 EUBOEA. 4- 279 Eretria, B.C. 480-445. .(R Tetradrachm, Cow scratching herself; on her back a y y^ ^ /T swallow, border of dots 9. Sepia in incuse square, id. 261 grs., a remarkably well spread piece in fine condition, and in this state extremely rare 1 Plate VI. -^ ^ ^ / /, /-<. ^ 38 1^1 <> , '^ 280 Euboea, Federal Coinage, (i/l. X, 5), biith very fine 2 288 Colony of Corinth. Anactorium, B.C. 350-300. .^ Stater, Pegasos with pointed wing flying to left, below AN. (mon.) ; ^ Helmeted head of Pallas to left, behind AN. (mon.) and omphalos {B.3I. Cat. |)/. XXXII, 6), fine. Phllus (Phliasia), cwra B.C. 322. Ai Hemidrachm, Bull rushing to left; li <|>. within an ivy wreath, ivt. 45 gn^. And a Triobol of Sicyon, B.C. 400- 322, Chimaera to left, below Zl. ; V^ Dove flying, in field N., wt. 44 grs., very fine 3 PELOPONNESUS. 289 Sicyon, B.C. 400-322. M Stater, ZE. in exergue, Chimaera ; ^ Dove flying, / in olive wreath; Z in field, wt. \Si grs. Drachm, similar type, but ZE. under chimaera, very fine 2 290 Ells, B.C. 365-322. M Stater, Head of Zeus, of fine style, to right ^ F.A., Eagle to right on capital of Ionic column, irf. 188^ grs., fine {B.M. Cat. pi. XIII, no. 8) 1 290* Elis, B.C. 421-365. M Stater, HPA., Head of Hera wearing lofty Stephanos /^ //? adorned with conventional flowers 9) F.A., Fulmen in wreath of wild olive, «•<. 185J grs., very fine {Hist. Num.. * fig. 231) 1 Elis, B.C. 312-221. /R Stater (struck under the despot Aristotimus), Head of 2r / -^ , 7/ Zeus to right 9: F. A., Eagle with closed wings standing on rock to light, in field API. Culmen and wreath, wi. 188 grs., very fine 1 Plate VI. 292 Ells, B.C. 362-312. /R Hemidrachm, Head of Nymph to right, hair rolled; 4 /P li FA-, Eagle with closed wings to right, head reverted, id. 43 grs. Lacedaemon, b.c. 250. M, Tetrobol, AA-, An amphora between the caps of the Dioscuri, wt. 36 grs., both very fine 2 293 Pale, circa B.C. 400-350. M Tetrobol, PA., Head of Deraeter to left crowned J?/ with corn V^ [KEAAOZ.], Kephalos seated on rock to right holding spear, tvt. 56 grs.. very rare 1 294 Hermione, B.C. 350-322. M Triobol, Head of Demeter crowned with corn ; 9= EP {mon.} within corn wreath, w(. 40 grs., very fine. Cleitor, B.C. 370- -' 240. M Triobol, Head of Helios facing ; ^ KAH-, Bull butting to right; in exergue, NOMin., ivt. 42 grs., very fine 2 291 ,~r < 40 ^ CRETE. ~j b 295 Chersonesus, r.c. 350-300. /ll Stater, Head of Artemis Britomartis, laureate, lier hair tied up in a knot behind, the ends flying loose 9- XEPZONAZ[ION]., Apollo naked, seated to right on omphalos, holding pleclium and lyre, in field I'ight, thymiaterion, wi. 171 gn., very fine and reri/ rare 1 From the Carfrae Collection. Plate VI. O 296 Cnossus, B.C. 400-350. /R Stater, Head of Hera to left, wearing diadem, decoiated with palmettes, crescent-.shaped earring and necklace 9= KNIlZlflN., square labyrinth ; to left, A- and lance-head, to right P and thunderbolt, id. 171 grs., rery fine style and condition 1 ^ ' Plate VI. // / -^ 297 Hierapytna, B.f. -200-67. yR Tetradrachm, Female head turreted to right ' 1^ lEPAriY-TNiriN., Eagle before a palm tree, to left «|>AYo£ and ARE. in monogram, id. 233 grs., ven/ fine and very rare 1 Plate VI. 7/ • / 298 PhaestLis, ]•..('. 431-300. .R Stater, A I ZZT I ON., Young Herakles seated to left on lion's skin, his head turned towards the right and holding his club before him with left hand ; in the background to left, a fluted column from which hangs bow and quiver, the whole within dotted border 9. Bull rushing to right, within wreath of olive, id. 178 gm., of fine style and cm d it ion, and of the highest rarity 1 From the Carfrae Collection. Plate VI. 299 Polyrhenium, n.c. 330-280. M Stater, Head of Zeu.s to right ; in front of for.h.ad signature of artist, nY0O[AfiPOY] ?t POAYPHNION., Bull's head facing bound with sacrificial fillet ; in field to ri^ht, EN HZ., and below, a spear-head, id. 178 gr.<., very fine and extremely rare 1 From the Carfrae Collection. Plate VI. / / P 300 Itanus, circa B.C. 400-300. M, Heniidrachni, Head of Athena Salmonia in crested Athenian helmet; Ijl ITANIUN., Eagle to left looking back ; in field, fish-god holding trident, ut. 39 grs., rery five. Phalasarna, B.C. 400- 300. A\ Drachm, Head of Diktynna to right, hair rolled. g. <>.A., Between prongs of trident, id. 11 grs., B. M. Cat., Crete, pi. xii, 8, fine 2 41 4^ 301 Paros, I'irca B.C. 200, /R Stater, Female head, Artemis (?) bound thrice round with a riband 5^ n API., Magistrate ANAEIK., Goat to right, wt. \\1 cjrs., very fine and very rare 1 From the Carfrae Collection. Plate VI. 41 ^ 302 Messenia, Messene. /E after b.c. 300. Head of Demeter ; 9= ME. (mon.) ^ /^ Zeus standing to right holiiug eagle and sceptre i in front, tripod, magistrate NIKAPXOS-,^.''-''- Crete, ^E Axus, b.c. 300. Hcadof Zens of fine style to right ; 1,1 C AEIflN., Tripod ; in field, mon., aize 4, verij fine. Thalassa, Bearded male head to right ; p, ©AAA-, Female head, hair rolled at sides and liound with cord at back, si-e 3, vcri/ fine and unpublished? The Cyclades, And ros, circa B.C. 308. Head of Dionysos, bearded and crowned with ivy to left ; ^ AN-, Ka'ntharos, &c., size 2. Melos, Head of Apollo to right ; 9- Pomegranate, Hze \h, all very five 5 /y ASIA. 303 Amisus, after circa B.C. 3G0. Female head wearing turreted Stephanos ornamented with floral devices 1> A IAN., An owl with e.xpauded wings standing, facing, npon a shield, u4. 82 grf., very fine 1- , KINGS OF PONTUS, WITH BOSPORUS. ( 304 Mithradates II, B.C. 240-190. ^ Tetradrachm. Portrait of king to right, ^^ ^V^^^^Z^ wearing close cropped beard, the neck draped, of bold style, and in high relief / ^ ^ BAZIAEnZ. MI0PAAATOY., Zeus Aetophoros, seated; in front, a star and crescent, in field A A., and beneath throne Ml- (mon)., ict. 265 grs., very fine and very rare 1 Plate VI. < 305 Mithr-adates, the Great, b.c. 121-63. A?" Stater, Diademed head of king /^^ ^J/'-^ to right, the hair blown back 51 BASIAEIIZ. MI0PAAATOY. EYnATOPOZ, Stag browsing; in field, crescent and star, monogram and A, the whole within wreath of ivy, wt. \?>Qi grs., fine and extremely rare 1 Plate VI. 300 Mithradates, the Great, b.c. 121-63. M Tetradrachm, Diademed head of J '^ , ^^* ^/f ' the king to right I}. BAZI AEflZ. EYn ATOPOZ., Pegasos to left drinking ; in field, to left crescent and star; to right date EZ=205 and monogram, in exergue Z=", month of issue, the whole within a wreath of ivy, ivt. 2-56 grs., very fine and an exceedingly rare variety without name of king 1 Plate VI. 307 Mithradates, the Great, B.C. 121-63. Diademed head of king to right U BAZIAEI2Z- MIGPAAATOY. EYO ATOPOZ., Pegasos to left, drinking ; in field, crescent and star, without date, the whole within wreath of ivy, ui. 258 grs., very fine style and in exceptionally fine condition 1 Plate VI 308 Mithfadates, the Great, b.c. 121-03. M Tetradrachm, Diademed head of the king to right . ^ \l BAZIAEnZ. MIGPAAATOY. EYH ATOPOZ., Pegasos to left drinking ; in field, .star and crescent, to right HZ^208, with monogram below, and under legend H=8th month, the whole within ivy wreath, wt. 260 grs., in very fine condition and of fine style I G /^ < /^ /S,/v (^'s ^,<- f 24 is '•\^ 42 309 Mithradates, the Great, B.C. 121 03. Diademed head of king to right, the hair blown back i;l BAZIAEnZ. MI0PAAATOY. EYnATOPOZ, Stag browsing; in field, crescent and star, monogram and A, the whole within wreath of ivy, wt. 260 grs., xery fine 1 PAPHLAGONIA. 310 Amastnis, b.c. 302. yR Stater, Head of Mithras in Persian headdress, laureate and ornamented at side with a star 9: AMAXTPIEflN., seated female figure wearing modius, and holding Nike • and sceptre ; in field, a rose, wt. 143 grs., fine and rare 1 /, ( ( <* 311 Cromna, fi/ca B.C. 330-300. /R Tetrobol, Bearded head laureate to left 9^ KPHMNA., Head of Amazon to left, wearing earring, necklace and turreted Stephanos; in front N., above ifi, wt. oih grs., very fine and scarce 1 312 Sinope, b.c. 41.5-390. -11 Drachm, Head of Siuope, of good style, to left, hair in sphendone 5c [Z]IN[I2]., Sea eagle upon a dolphin, in field AH-, irt. 27 grs., fine and a / somewhat rare variety 1 / D 313 Sinope, f//va B.C. 333-30G. .(R Drachm, Head of Sinope to left, hair in sphen- done, wearing necklace and earring; in front, aplustre ; 9- ZINXl., Sea eagle on dolphin to left, in field to right APIZT-, I'-t- 93 grs., very fine. And a Hemidrachm, Head of Sinope as on preceding piece, but without aplustre ; ^ Zl - Nn., Spread eagle ; to right, monogram, ui. 45 grs., very fine 2 '^ BITHYNIA. /, / 314 Calchedon, B.G. 400-350. yR Drachms, KAAX., Bull toleft : 51 Mill sail in- cuse, the surface covered with small dots, ?c/. 83 grs. B.C. 350-280. KAAX., Bull to lef ton wheat ear ; in front, B. and caducous, below bull A- ; 9= Incuse "V^ square, the surface covered with small dots, id. 60 grs. ; hoth very fine 2 J/ ;^I5 Cius, B.C. 321-300. A'' Stater, Head of Apollo to right, wearing laurel wreath 51 Prow to left, ornamented with a star, ArNH - N lAHZ. in two lines < above, and below prow, id. 131 grs., very fine and of the highed variety 1 / ~^- Plate VI. ^ , ^ 310 Prusias II, b.c. 180-149. /R Tetradrachm, Diademed head of Prusias II to right witli slight beard, the diadem winged > , V 9 BAZIAEHZ. nPOYZIOY., Zeus, semi-draped, standing to left; holding in right hand a wreath and resting on sceptre held in left hand ; in field, eagle on fulmen, and monogram, id. '2501 grs., very fine and rare 1 Flate TIL J MYSIA. Apollonia ad Rhyndacum, b.c. 400-330. .R Tetradrachm, Head of Apollo to left, laureate, hair rolled 9 An anchiu-; to right, A- inverted, and to left a lobster, in field HFHZIAH- MOZ., the whole within incuse square, wt. 251 grs., very fineand very rare 1 Plate VIl. 43 327 A 318 Cyzicus, b.C. 540-480. El. Stater. Bearded Satyr, with tail and animal's ^o ^ / a ears, kneeling to right on tunny ; he holds kantharos in his right hand, into which he is pouring wine from an amphora, which he holds on his left knee ^t ISlill sail incuse, lul. 247 8 gn. (Gi-eenwell, pi. ii, 20), Jine and rare 1 Plate VII. 310 Cyzicus. El. Hecta, Perseus kneeling right on tunny, with head turned baik / "p ^ and covered by a helmet terminating behind in a pointed wing ; in his », right hand he holds the harpa, and in his left hand the head of Medusa ^i Incuse square of mill sail pattern, \d. 41 grs. (see Slater, Greenwell, pi. in, 26), very Jine and very rare 1 320 Cyzicus. El. Hecta, Boar going to left on tunny 3 '' / 6 ife Incuse square of mill sail pattern, ivt. 40 grs. {Greenwell, pi. V, 32), very fine 1 / 321 Cyzicus. El. Hecta, Dog on tunny to left, one paw raised I;i, Mill sail incuse, vit. 41 grs. (Greenwell, pi. V, 35), very fine 1 ^f~ -f" 322 Cyzicus. El. Twelfth, Head of fish, with spike to right ; beneath, tunny to 9 Quadripartite incuse square, lot. 235 grs., very fine and scarce 1 Plate VII 325 Lampsacus, B.C. 412-350. A" Stater, Head of Zeus, to left, of exceedingly fine style and relief, at neck fulmen 51 Fore-part of winged horse within incuse square, id. 129 grs., in very fine condition and very rare 1 Plate VII 326 Lampsacus, n.c. 412-350. N Stater, Head of Actaeon to left, with stag's horn, of very fine style ]^ Fore-part of winged horse within incuse sc[uare, wt. 129^ grs., very fine and of the Ugliest rarity 1 Plate VII 1 , < / -? e < Lampsacus, ajter B.C. 190. M. Tetradrachm, Head of Priapus to right Ay /> /' crowned with ivy tl AAM4'A. KHNIiN. nPOMHOIflNOZ. TOY. AAMnilNOZ., Apollo Kitharoedois, to right, a small figure of Hecate holding two torches and in Held left mon., wt. 249 grs., fine and very rare 1 Plate VII 44 ^ f'i , " 328 Lampsacus, B.C. 412-350. J^ Tiihemiobols (?) Janiform female head, wear- ing earring ; the hair indicated by dots; 9= [A]AM., Head of Pallas to right, wt. 19 gra, Janiform female head of fine style, the hair rolled, and indicated by lines ; p. Head of Pallas to right, in front a fly, v:t. 20 (jn., both eery fine 2 ^ KINGS OF PERGAMUM. ' / /-^ 329 Eumenes I, b.c. 263-241. M Tetradrachm, Diademed head of the King to right ]^ l AETAIPOY-, Pallas enthroned crowning name; behind, shield and bow, in field ivy-leaf and A-, wt. 261 grs.., very fine 1 ^ f ^ 331 Pergamum, cHCn b.c. 200. Al Cistophorus, Cista mystica, with half-open ' lid from which a serpent issues, the whole in wreath of ivy {k Two coiled serpents, with heads erect ; between them a bow case, to right, a small serpent coiled around a branch, to right monogram, and another monogram between the heads of serpents and in the coils, the letters Y - A-, wt. 195 grs., eztrcmdy fine 1 TROAS. V 332 Abydos, b.c. 400-300. M. Tetradrachm, Head of Apollo laureate to right, hair rolled |t A BY., Eagle with closed wings; in field, triskelis in circle, behind eagle [EYjKPI N H[Z]., the whole within circular incuse, wt. 230 grs., very fine and extremely rare 1 Plate VII. AEOLIS. J « ^ 333 Cyme, circa B.C. 190. /R Tetradrachm, Head of Kyme to right, diademed \^ KYMAIXIN-, Horse with off-side fore-leg raised; in field one-handled vase, in e.xergue MHTPOANHZ., the whole within a wreath, ?rf. 249^ grrs. (B. M. Guide, pi. XLix, 14), very fine and scarce 1 3/ -^, ^ 334 MypJna, B.C. 197. ^ Tetradrachm, Head of Apollo laureate to right l;c MYPINAIXIN., Statue of Apollo Gryneus, standing with lustral branch and patera ; at his feet, omphalos and amphora, behind, monogram the whole within wreath, v:t. 233 grs., very fine 1 LESBOS. I? , 1"^ O 33.5 Methymna, B.C. 500. -R Stater, MA'BVMNAIOZ., Head of Pallas, of archaic style, wearing helmet, with plain crest, the front adorned with projecting fore-part of Pegasos, the side ornamented with a scroll, the whole within dotted and linear .square !> MAi^VMNAIOZ., Boar to right, wt. 130 grs., very fine and scarce I Plate VII. / / <: / / ^ 45 336 Methymna, a//(.T B.C. 300. .^R Tetrobol, Head of Pallas, wearing Corinthian '^ helmet, with ciest, the side adorned with coiled serpent 5t> MA- 0Y., Lyre in linear square ; dolphin to left, id. 44 grs., verij fine and rare 1 337 Mytilene, b.c. 400-300. M Stater, Laureate head of Apollo, of fine style, to right tt MY T |., Lyre with wheat ear to left, all within linear square, wt. 171 grs., ■very fine, a piece uf high rarity 1 From the Carfrae Collection. Plate VII. ELECTRUM COINAGE OF MYTILENE. Hectje, B.C. 480-440. 338 Head of Sappho (?) hair in sphendone y ^ Lyre in linear square {B. M. Cat., pi. xxxiii, 5), very fine 1 339 Head of young Dionysos, ivy crowned, to right ]^ Youthful head, wearing plain fillet and projecting horn, in linear square {B. M. Cat., 2)1. XXXIII, 25), very fine 1 Plate VIII. 340 Laureate head of Apollo to right 1^ Female head to right, wearing sphendone, in linear square {B. M. Cat., ■pi. XXXIV, 2), very fine 1 Plate VIIL 341 Y'^outhful male head with the horn of Ammon, to right 5k Eagle looking back, in linear square, {B.M. Cat. pi. xxxiv, 22), very fine 1 7 , /s Plate VIIL 342 Head of Demeter, veiled, wearing earring and wreath of corn 1^1 Tripod with pendant fillet, in linear square (B.M. Cat., pi. xxxiv, 28), very fine 1 Plate VIIL 313 Female bust (Atalanta ?) partially draped, and wearing sphendone, the hair blown back ^ Race torch in linear square (B. M. Cat., pi. xxxiv, 30), very fine and rare 1 Plate VIIL IONIA. ■< 344 Clazomene, B.C. 500-394. yR Didrachm of Phoenician standard. Forepart of /^ /^ winged boar to right $(; Incuse square, ict. 106 grs., very fine and scarce 1 From the Carfrae Collection. 345 Clazomene, b.c. 387-300. M Drachm, Head of Apollo laureate, three-quarter face to left, the neck bare ^ No legend. Swan standing to left with flapping wings, and heail turned back pluming his wing, ict. 65i grs., of fine style and cvndition, presumed to be an unpublished variety, very rare 1 ^/ ^ ^ ./ /< /^ J^.f f,^. 46 346 Clazomene, b.c. 387-300. M Drachm, Head of Apollo laureate, three-quarter face to left, cblamys fastened round neck ^ KAA., Swan to left pluming his back ; above, ©EOAflPOZ-, vi- 62 rirs., fine and rare 1 3f ^, ° 347 Colophon, b.c. 500-400. yR Drachm, KOAOf2[Nir2N]. (retrograde). Head of Apollo Klarios of archaic style, to right y) Lyre with seven strings in incuse square, wl. 84 r/r.s., fine, and scarce 1 1w y 348 Ephesus, B.C. 87-84. N Stater, Bust of Greek Artemis, with bow and quiver / at shoulder Ijt £.-., Cultus-image of the Ephesian Artemis, a fillet hanging from each hand, wt. 1 30 cjrs.^ fine and excessively rare Plate VII. :> 349 Ephesus, B.C. 394-295. M. Tetradrachni, £• ., A bee tt Forepai-t of stag with head turned back, behind it a palm tree, magistrate, APTEMXIN. {Head Coinage of Ephesus, p. 34), icL 232 ., Forepart of stag looking back, in field a bee, magistrate, \t5r., Bee; 9= Stag to right before palm tree, magistrate EYKAHZ-, wt. 62 (jrs. ; and an interesting Tessera ^E. 6 - ., Eecumbent stag to left, head turned back, below CKWni.; \)^ KHPIAICWAenPOCnAAVPIN, Bee, s/^«5(6cei?.Af. Cat., Ionia p. 70, and note), fine and rare 2 Ephesus, Nero, m Didrachm, NCPWNOC KAICAPOC TEPMANI- KOY., Head of Nero to right wearing cuirass and paladamentum 9= AIAPAXMON., Simpulum and Lituus, ict. 97 grs. (B. M. Cat., pi. xiii, 4), very fine and scarce 1 /^/^ ■ 353 Erythrae, B.C. 330-300. yll Tetradrachm, Head of youthful Herakles in lion's skin 9) EPY., Club, and bow in case with arrows; in field, owl, magistrate, MOAiriN., U't. 233 grs., very fine and very rare 1 Plate VII. I ^ 354 Erythrae, b.c. 330-300. J^ Drachm, Head of youthful Herakles in lion's skin to right Ijl EPY., Club, and bow in case with arrows; magistrate, AIOPEIGHZ-, / wt. 56 grs., very fine 1 /^ P D 355 Heraclea ad Latmum, b.c. 190. yR Tetradrachm, Head of Pallas, wearing _/ ' ' helmet richly ornamented with forepart of horses, Pegasos, &c., as on con- temporary coins of Athens R HPAKAEHTHN., Club in oak wreath, symbol, Nike with wreath, and two monograms, ui. 242^ grs., fine and very rare 1 Plate VII. }l Z / f. 47 356 Lebedus, b.c. 190. ^51 Tetradrachm, Head of Pallas in triple crested helmet y/ y^ , U AEBEAIX2N-, Owl on club, between cornucopise, the whole in laurel -^ wreath, magistrate A0HNAIOZ., vi. 243 (jTS., extremelij fine and very rare 1 From the Carfrae Collection. Plate VII. 357 Magnesia ad Maeandrum, fl/ter mc« b.c. 190. yR Tetradrachm, Head of J'^ /^ Artemis to right 1^ MArNHTnN., Apollo beside tripod, on mreander pattern; magistrate n AYZAN I AX., n AYZAN lOY., the whole in laurel wreath, wt. 256 grs., very fine and rare 1 Plate VIL ^ 358 Miletus, under the Carian Dynast Hecatomnus, B.C. 391-397. M Drachm, ^ y^ EKA-, Lion's head to left with open jaw and protruding tongue ; beneath, lion's foreleg {I Incuse circle containing an ornamented star, id. 66 (jrs. (B. M. Cat., jjI- xxi, 5), very fine and scarce 1 359 Miletus, circa B.C. 301-250. M Drachm, Head of Apollo, laureate to left ; p. Ml (monogram) and T., Lion to left looking back ; above, star and in exergue, "^ '' ©APZArOPAZ-, ui. SO grs., very five and scarce. Hemidrachm, Head of Apdllo to left; y Ml. (monogram), Lion to left, looking back, below EYKinnOZ., u-f. 46 grs., very fine 2 360 Phocaea, b.c 500-400. El. Hecta, Head of Hermes wearing petasos to left ; ) / 2 -^ behind, seal ^ 1^ Incuse of mill sail pattern, ict. 40 grs. (B. M. Oct., Iania,pl. IV, 23), very fine 1 3G1 Phocaea, B.C. 500-400. £/. Hecta, Head of Youthful Pan with pointed ear and -^, ) ^ wearing ivy wreath, hair long and descending below truncation R Incuse, id. 40 grs. {B. M. Cat., pi. iv, 25), very fine 1 362 Phocaea, B.C. 500-400. El. Hecta, Head of Youthful Pan to left with short J // ^ horns, wearing wreath of ivy, hair rolled at side and turned up at back {t Incuse, %vt. 40 grs. (B. M. Cat., pi. i\, 25), very fine 1 363 Phocaea, B.C. 500-400. El. Hecta, Head of Athena to left wearing crested Athenian helmet, on side of which recumbent griffin ; beneath, seal ^ Incuse, ui. 39 grs. {B. M. Cat., pi. v, -2), fine 1 36 1 Phocaea, b.c. 500-400. El. Hecta, Head of Demeter to left ; hair bound with corn ; below, seal ^ Incuse, let. 39 grs. {B. M. Cat. pi. v, 5), very fine 1 365 Phocaea, b.c. 500-400. El. Hecta, Female head to left, hair rolled, turned .^ /i? ^ up at back and bound with cord ; below, seal g, Incuse, ivt. 40 grs. (B. M. Cat., pi. v, 12), very fine 1 ^ 3G6 Phocaea, B.C. 500-400. £/. Hecta, Female head to left wearing earring, hair y^ _^ ^ ^ in jewelled net y. Incuse, id. 39 grs. (B. M. Cat., pi. v, \%),fine 1 ^ jU /? / 48 ^' ^ ^ 367 Smyrna, b.c. 190-133. M Tetradrachm, Head of Kybelo wearing turreted L crown 9> iMYP-NAiriN., below, monogram, the whole within a wreath, ut. "-!30 (jrs., very Jim- 1 ^ ^ SATRAP OF IONIA. r f b / i- 3gg Spithridates, «Vm B.C. 334. yR Tetrobol (struck at Cyme), Head of bearded Sati'ap to left, wearing Persian head-dress ?) Zn I0PI., Forepart of horse to right, wi. 45 (jn., fine and very rare 1 Plate VII. /^ 5* ^ '' 369 M of Cebrennia, Third Century B.C. Head of Apollo to right ; rev. Eam's head ^ to right, size 3, very fine. Thy m bra, B.C. 3.50-300. Head of Zeus Amnion ; rev. 0Y. between rays of a star, she i,fine and very rare. Cyme, circa B.C. 190. Head of Kyme to right; rev. KY-, Horse to right, size 5. Bust of Artemis to right; rer. KY., one-handled vase, sire 3, very fine. Temnus, B.C. 200. Head of Young Dionysos to right; rev. TA-, Bunch of grapes with vine branch, size 3, very fine and scarce 5 ?- ^; I ISLANDS OF IONIA. 370 Chios (1), B.C. 600-490. El. Stater, Sphinx with rounded wing seated to right {t) Rough incuse square, wt. 216 grs., very fine and very rare 1 Plate VII. < From the Carfrae collection. y f // 371 Chios, after circa B.C. 84. Drachm, Sphinx seated to left ; in front bunch of grapes, border of dots 9- XIOZ. AEIlMEAriN-, An amphora, the whole within a wreath of ivy, let. 64 grs., very fine and scarce 1 372 Samos, B.C. 439-394. iR Tetradrachm, Lion's scalp facing _y^ U ZA-, Forepart of bull to right, with branch of olive behind, magistrate -^ HrHZIA[NAZ] , and lielow, monogram in circle, the whole within incuse square, wt. 228 grs., very five and scarce Plate VII. CARIA. 4._ /^ 7 ( '^ f '^ 373 Cnidus, e.c. 600-480. /R Drachms, Forepart of lion to right, KNl; Head of Aphrodite of archaic style, wearing earring and necklace with pen- dant bulla, the hail-, en queue, indicated by dots, bound with plain cord, the whole within incuse. Another, without inscription. Head of Aphrodite, the hair imlicated by lines and bound by a wreath, v:t. 9.5 grs., hoth very fine 2 ^ *) -O 374 Myndus, Second Century ii.c. M Drachm, Head of Zeus laureate to right ^ \', U MYNAIflN., Head-dress of Isis, below thunderbolt, magistrate 0EO- AflPOZ., border of dots, tct. 67 yrs., very fine and scarce 1 Plate VII. -h < 49 SATRAPS OF CARIA. 375 Mausolus, I'.r. 377-353. .R Tetrailrachiii, Head of Apollo laureate, nearly // facing pi MAYZXflAAO-, Zeus Stratios armed with ppear and bipennis, walking to light, let. 230 grs., rery fine and scarce 1 riik VII. 4 376 Hidrieus, r..c. 351-344. M Tetradrachm, Heail of Apollo nearly facing V^ IAPIEHX., Zeus Stratios, nl. 236 grs., rerij fine and of yreat rarity in this condition 1 From llie Carfrae Collection. Plate VIL ^ 377 Pixodarus, i!.r. 341-335. M Didrachra, Head of Apollo, laureate, nearly / Z facing 9^ n I HflA AP[OY]-, Zeus Stratios, similar to preceding coin, very fine style and cmidition 1 Plate VIII. }-f. // / ?,^' 378 Pixodarus, B.C. 341-335. M. Drachm, Head of Apollo, laureate, nearly facing ^ niEHAAPOY., Zeus Stratios as on preceding, xct. 58 (jrs., very fine and of fine style 1 ISLANDS OFF CARIA. ^ 379 Calymna, area B.C. 350-335. M Didrachm, Young head in crested helmet, (6 -^ with cheek pieces 9> KAAYM[NION]., Lyre within dotted square, «<^/. 99^ g'rs., very fine and scarce 1 380 Cos, cin-a B.C. 200. M Tetrobol, Head of young Herakles in lion's skin ; ^ KfllllN-, Club, crab and magistrate's name in incuse square, 2c/. i6 grs. Hemidrachm, Head of Asklepios to right ; p: KI2., Coiled serpent and magistrate's name in incuse square, wt. 31 grs., both very fine 2 381 Camirus Rhodi, circa B.C. 500. M Stater, Fig leaf IX Two oblong incuse depressions, separated by a broad band, ui. 174 J grs., n 2_ very fine 1 ' 382 Rhodes, e.c. 400-333. M Didrachm, Head of Helios in profile to right, hair bound with radiate taenia l^ POAION., Rose with bud ; in field loft, cornucopia; and EY., wt. IQ^grs., fine and veri/ rare 1 Plate VIII. 383 Rhodes, b.c. 304-1G8. M Tetradrachm, Head of Helios nearly facing, sur- >^/ -^7 ^ A^ ^ rounded by rays IX POAION., a rose with bud to right, and prow to left, AM El N I AZ., v-t. 206 grs., very fine and scarce 1 Plate VIII. 384 Rhodes, e.c. 304-163. M Tetradrachm, Head of Helios, nearly facing \^ POAION., Rose with bud ; in field to left, fulmen ; above, EYKPATHS., wt. 233 grs., very fine and scarce \ H //. // /-*, ^ * I ^ L h ^ C 3,/^ n , < 50 385 Rhodes, t,.c. 304-168. M Drachm, Head of Helios, three-quarter face to left ; 9= P - 0-, Expanded rose with wheat ear below, ivt. 64 grs. Tetrobol, B.C. 304-168. Head of Helicfs, profile; ^ P-O-, Rose and bud, to left rising sun, magistrate 0PAZYMENHZ., ui. 2>\\ ps. Hemidrachm, Head of Apollo without rays, nearly facing; 9: P- 0-, Rose, magistrate ZTAZIXIN., lot. 31 grs., and a Diobol, Head of Helios nearly facing; {fc Rose in incuse, fine 4 LYDIA. 385* Tripolis. .E TPinOAeiTflN., Head of Helios radiate to right, the neck draped U AV KAI TPAIANOC AAKIKOC-, The Emperor in military costume standing right; holding long lance in loft hand and placing his right hand upon a trophy, size 7, in remarhMy fine condition 1 PHRYGIA. 38G Cibyra, after b.c. 84. M. Drachm, Helmeted head to right \h KIBYPATflN., Horseman with couched lance galloping to right, in field, bunch of grapes, and below horse KAA-, ui. 49 grs., very fine and rare 1 LYCIA. 387 Uncertain Dynast., circa b.c. 530-480. Forepart of boar bounding to right, only one leg shown \}. An irregular incuse, wt. 139 grs. {Bahdon, Les Pcrses, dx., pi. X, \f^),fine and rare 1 From the Carfrae Collectiou. FOURTH DAY'S SALE, 391 e /^ LYCIA. LOT 388 Federal Coinage, M Hemidrachms, circa B.C. 167, A.d. 43. Cragus, A-Y., Head of Apollo to right; JL AYKIHN K-P., Lyre, the whole within shallow incuse square, ivf. 22 grs. Myra, Ai Drachm, A- Y-, Head of Apollo ; I;t: Lyre with M - Y. at sides ; iu field, left, bee ; the whole within shallow incuse square, tii. 22,1 grs., very fine and scarce. Masicytus, Head of Apollo to right; ]> AYKIIIN. MAZ., Lyre, the whole in shallow incuse square, tot. 21| grs. 3 PAMPHYLIA. 389 Aspendus, B.C. 400-300. ^-RStater, Two wrestlers engaged; between them, KF- \L o //; ^ [E]XTFEA[IIVZ]., Slinger to right ; in field, triskelis, the whole within ([ ^ shallow incuse square with dotted border, ivt. 168 grs., fine 1 Plate Fill. CILICIA. 390 Celendpjs, circa B.C. 400-350. yR Stater, Naked horseman with whip, seated sideways, prancing to right ; border of dots 9^ KEAEN., G-oat kneeling on one knee, to left, head reverted ; dotted exergual line, ict. 164 grs., very fine and scarce 1 Plate Fill. Mallus, B.C. 425-385. M Stater, Youthful male figure, with curious volute / v^ r~ ornament on head, winged, kneeling on one knee to right; holding with both '^ *- hands disc with solar symbol P^ MAP., Swan to left, in field, cru.Y ansata and fish; the whole in shallow incuse, ivt. 164 grs,, fine and rare 1 392 Soli, B.C. 450-385. M Stater, Head of Pallas in crested helmet adorned at >- side with griffin (»- ^ / ^ ZOAEHN., Bunch of grapes with T - I at sides, within a lozenge shaped incuse, ict. 155^ grs., very fine and scarce 1 Plate Fin. 393 Soli, B.C. 385-333. Head of Pallas in crested helmet adorned with griffin ,-=.., — " l;t- Z[OAEX2]N., Bunch of grapes ; iu field AlP-, wt. 129g grs., very fine and / / ^ scarce 1 Plale VIIL 52 KINGS AND DYNASTS OF CILICIA. /7 394 Uncertain King, chxa b.c. 430-360 (?). /R Stater, struck at Mallus, / Artaxerxes II Memnon, advancing rapidly to right, holding in outstretched right hand a strung bow, and in the left a javelin, the butt of which terminates in round knob ; in field, to left, a grain of barley Bi MAA., Herakles contending vfith lion ; in field, left, his club, border of dots, id. 154^ (/re., very fine and rare 1 Plate VIII. ^ " 395 Tiribazes, b.c. 386-380. M Stater, struck at Mallus, Bare head of bearded Herakles to right, the lion's skin around neck, the paws knotted under chin I^ MAA., Bearded head of Tiribazes to right, wearing Persian tiara, wt. 158 grs., very fine and rare 1 Plate Fill. / J~ J- 396 Pharnabazus, b.c. 379-374. M Stater, Diademed head of Arethusa nearly facing, the hair flowing, and wearing necklace with pendants {t "^12^13 ~\'7D- Bearded head of Ares in crested Athenian helmet to left ; be- hind, crux ansata, id. 165 rjrs., very fine and rare 1 Plate Fin. '//o 397 Datames, B.C. 378-372. Head of Arethusa nearly facing, the hair flowing, wearing earring, and necklace with pendants, border of dots B- IDTID- (to left). Bearded head of Ares wearing crested Athenian helmet, to left, chlamys fastened around neck, wt. 164^ (jrs.., verij fine and scarce 1 Plate Fill // 398 Datames, b.c. 378-372. M Stater, l-ir)?y2. Baaltars seated to right upon throne without back, the divinity is represented bearded, the upper portion of the body nude, chlamys around legs, in the right hand he holds a bouquet formed of a wheat ear and a bunch of grapes, and in the left hand a sceptre ; in the field, a thymiaterion, beneath the throne a lotus flower ; the whole within a turreted border ^X ')'^'\ir\- The Satrap Datames clad in Persian costume with tiara seated to right holding an arrow ; in field, a bow and the disc of Ormuzd, border of dots, id. 164 ffrs., very fine and rare 1 Plate Fill. 3 5 399 Mazaios, B.C. 361-363. M Stater, pnSyj., Baaltars seated left on throne without back, holding in outstretched right hand a bou(juct formed of a bunch of grapes and an ear of corn, his left hand sujtports a lotos-headed sceptre ; beneath throne, crux ansata 9^ ''"ItOi Lion attacking stag; in field, r^. the whole within circular linear border, id. 170 gr:<. {Bahelon, iil. V, 4), very fine and rare 1 '^ f 'y 400 Mazaios, B.C. 361-333, struck in Cilicia. yR Stater, riJl'?^^., Baaltars seated ' on throne without back, upper portion of body nude, the chlamys wrapjjcd around legs and left arm, in right hand a long sceptre ; in front, an ear of corn Jl Lion attacking bull ; below the walls of the city with eight turreted towers ; in field club and B., "■''. 263 ^;-.s., very fine, {Bah. jil. V. 21) 1 53 401 Mazaios, b.c. 361-333. M Stater, struck at Issus, Bust of Athena three- <^ quarter face to left, wearing triple crested Athenian helmet, earring and necklace, the bust draped Pi Baaltars of fine style semi-draped, seated on throne to left, holding lotos- headed sceptre ; in field to left, bunch of grapes and stalk of corn, to right an ivy leaf and B-, beneath throne I (Issus), wt. 165 J grs. (Babelon, pi. vi, 1), verij fin c an d sea nr 1 102 Mazaios, b.c. 349-332. /R Stater, struck in Cilicia or in Syria, fin'7iO-, ^ Baaltars seated to left on throne without back, the upper part of body nude, the chlamys wrapped around legs and left arm ; in right hand, a sceptre o ii n^i^-' Lion passant to left over rocky ground, wt. 166^ grs. (Babelon, pi. VI, 17) 1 i'rom the Garfrae Collection. 403 Tapcondimotus. JE. King of a part of Cilicia, b.c. 31 (killed at the Battle / of Actiitm). Diademed head of King to right, countermarked on neck with the Seleucid anchor in an oval indent; Jo BAZIA[EnZ.] TAPKON- AIM[OTOY.] [IA. ANTHNIOY.], Zeus Nikephoros seated to left, si:e 6, fine and rare (see Revue Xiunismafique, 1887.) M. PhilopatOP son and successor of Tarcondimotus, Turreted female head veiled; 9= BAOIAEXIC. IAOnATOPOC., Pallas standing to left, in right hand she holds figure of Victory with wreath, the left hand rests upon her shield ; in field TAP-, monogram, size 6, rare 2 CYPRUS. SALAMIS. 404 Pnytagoras, B.C. 351-332. A^ Stater, PN. Head of Aphrodite wearing mural 4^ '^^ crown, earrings, &c. to left, the hair long, neck lightly draped 1^ BA., Head of Aphrodite to left wearing crown with semi-circular crena- tions, circular earrings and a torque, the ends terminating in the fore-parts of lions with out-stretched paws, neck lightly draped, wt. 127 grs., fine and excessively rare 1 Plate VIII. 105 Nicocreon, B.C. 331-310. .i^ Stater, NIK. (m»ion.), Turreted head of Aphro- /^ dite to right, wearing earring, and necklace, the neck lightly draped {t. BA , Laureate head of Apollo to left, behind, bow, wt. 94^ grs., very fine and rare 1 Plate VIII. AMATHUS. 406 Zotimos, c»Ya B.C. 390. /R Stater, Cypriote legend (Zo)-ti-/x(u) (on raised band / Fore-part of lion ; one paw raised, border of dots, vei-y fine and very rare 1 Plate VIII KING OF GALATIA. 407 Amyntas, i;.c. 36-25. N Diobol, Head of Pallas to right, wearing crested / 4 Corinthian helmet ^ BAZIAEHZ. AMYNTOY., Nike advancing left, carrying sceptre bound with diadem, wt. 20 grs., fine 1 54 •J 408 Amyntas, b.c. 36-25. M Tetradrachm, Head of Pallas to right V^ BAZIAEflZ AMYNTOY., Nike wearing head-dress formed of an elephant's trunk, to left, carrying sceptre, wi. 244 grs., very fine 1 KINGS OF CAPPADOCIA. / J~ 409 Ariapathes V, b.c. 163-130. M Tetradrachm, Young head, diademed, of the king to right |fc BAZIAEnZ. APIAPA0OY. EYZEBOYZ. EPNOY N I KH<|)OPOY., Nike wearing chiton, standing to left holding wreath and palm, in field to left an owl on basis and a monogram, lot. 261 grs., very fine and of the highest rarity, very few specimens being known {B. M. Catalogue, Cappadocia, &c., by JV. IFroth, Intro- duction, pp. XXVIII-XXIX) 1 Plate Fin. ^1^ 411 Apjarathes IX, Son of Mithridates the Great, B.C. 94-84. .^ft Tetradrachm, Head of Ariarathes with diadem to right, the hair curled and somewhat flowing ifc BAZIAEXIZ. APIAPA0OY. EYZEBOYZ. <|)|AOnATOPOZ., Pegasos drinking ; in field to left, crescent and star, to right, monogram AMIAO riATOPOZ-, Pallas with spear and shield, to left, holding figure of Victory, wt. 68 grs. (B. M. Cat., pi. vii, 8). Ariapathes X, B.C. 42-36. Head of Ariarathes bearded and diademed to right : 1^. BAZIAEflZ. APIAPA0OY. EYZEBOYZ. KAI, IAAAEA4)OY., Type of Pallas similar to preceding, in field trophy, 6. and monogram, irt. 60 grs. (B. 71/. Cat., pil. VII, 11) ; both fine, the latter rare 2 / ^ f 414 Apchelaus, b.c 36-a.d. 17. M Drachm, Youthful head of Archelaus, diademed, to right U BAZIAEnZ. APXEAAOY.IAOnATPIAOZ.TOY. KTIZTOY , Club, in field left and right K.=year 20, xvt. 58 grs., extremely fine and rare 1 Plate VIII. y / ^ /^ 55 KINGS OF SYRIA. {References to Bahelon, Les Hois de Si/rie, (&c.) 415 Seleucus I, B.C. 306-281. A'' Stater of the Alexandrine type, Head of I'allas ^ j^ , ^'' to right in crested Corinthian helmet adorned with coiled serpent 1^ ZEAEYKOY. BAZIAEflZ., Nike to left holding wreath mid iKumer statF in field, to lefl M-,jii'e uiul very rare 1 Plate VIII. 416 Seleucus I, B.C. 312-280. /R Tetradrachm, Head of Herakles in lion's skin to right p, ZEAEYKOY BAZIAEHZ., Zeus Nikephoros seated on throne with back ; under throne AZ- (Ascalon ?), in field to left, raon. {compare Bah. pi. I, 4), id. 259i grs.jjine 1 417 Seleucus I, b.c. 306-281. M Hemidrachm of the Alexandrine type, struck at Larissa of Syria, Head of Herakles, to right, wearing lion's skin, the fore paws knotted around neck ; p. ZEAEYKOY. to right, Zeus seated, semi- draped to left, holding sceptre and eagle, in front horizontal anchor and fore- part of horse ; in field monogram somewhat indistinct, and below throne mon. no. 8, wt. 30 grs.,fine and very rare. And an Obol of exactly similar type and legend, ivt. \Q grs., very fine ami extremely rare, and apparently unpublished 2 For first piece see Plate VIII. 418 Seleucus I, b.c. 306-281. A\ Tetradrachm, Head of Seleucus idealized, wear- ing helmet of bull's skin with ear and horn, panther's skins around neck ^ ZEAEYKOY. BAZIAEX2Z., Nike to right placing wreath upon a trophy consisting of helmet, shield, &c. ; in field, two monograms, TAK. and PYP. wt. a^ grs., fine and very rare • 1 Plate VIII 3 , /o d 419 Seleucus I, b.C. 306-281. M Drachm, Types and legend as the preceding tetradrachm, in field of rev. E. and A I-, vi. 62 grs., fine and excessively rare 1 Plate VIII. 420 Seleucus I, and Antiochus t, b.c. 293-281. M Tetradrachm, Head "2 3 ^ / «> of Zeus, laureate, to right ^ BAZIAE[nZ]. (above). ZEAEKOY. [A]NTIOX[OY. (in two lines in exergue), Pallas in quadriga drawn by elephants, hurling thunderbolt with right hand, and bearing on left arm an oval shield ; in field, the mon. 60, wt. 213 (jrs., very fine and very rare 1 Plate VIII 421 Antiochus I, b.c. 281-261. N Stater, Diademed head of Antiochus to right, /^ e /, in very high relief 9: BAZIAEHZ. (toright) ANTIXOY. (to left), Apollo laureate, seated upon the omphalos, which is partially covered with his chlamys, in extended right hand he holds an arrow and his left hand rests upon a bow ; at his feet a lyre and in the field A I. monogram, and star of eight points, wt. 130 grs., very fine and very rare 1 Plate VIII 56 J' S' ^ 422 Antiochus I, b.c. 281-261. M Drachm of the Alexandrine type, Head of Herakles in lion's skin, the foio-paws knotted around neck, to right V^ ANTIXOY. (to right), BAZIAEHZ. (in exergue), Zeus seated to left upon throne with back holding an eagle upon outstretched right hand, and ■with the left hand he grasps a long sceptre, in field, left, forepart of an elephant with bull's horns, beneath the throne mon. 141, vi. 62 grs., very fine, of the likjhed rarity and apparently unpuhUslied 1 Plate IX. 7 '2- 423 Antiochus I, B.C. 281-261. M. Tetradrachm, Diademed head of Antiochus I in bold relief to right ^^ BAZIAEI2Z. ANTIOXOY., Apollo seated left on omphalos, holding two arrows in right hand, the left resting on his bow, to right mon. 74 and to left 71, id. 261 grfi.,fine 1 4 j' 424 Antiochus Hlerax, B.C. 227. yR Tetradrachm, Diademed head of Antiochus ^ to right, resembling the portrait of Seleuciis II ^ BAZIAEHZ- ANTIOXOY., Apollo seated on omphalos, holding arrow in right hand, the left resting on his bow ; in field, right, mon. 16.3, to loft, mon. 104 and in exergue mon. 201, ivt. 263 grs., very fine and rare 1 ^jP /» 425 Antiochus III, B.C. 222-187. AT' Stater, Head of Antiochus III, diademed, to riglit R BAZIAEHZ. ANTIOXOY., Apollo, seated on omphalos, holding in right hand an arrow, the left resting on a bow placed behind omphalos ; in field to left, lyre and the mon. 156, above, star, ui. 128 grs., extremely fine and very rare 1 . Plate IX. 5~ ^ /7 426 Antiochus III, b.c. 222-187. ^R Tetradrachm, Young head of Antiochus / diademed, to right, dotted border 1^ BAZIAEHZ. ANTIOXOY., Apollo seated on omphalos, holding arrow in right hand, the left resting on his bow, in exergue A I., id. 260 lyj's. {pi. IX, 8), very fine and rare 1 / / '^ " 427 Seleucus IV, B.C. 187-188. ^ Tetradrachm, Diademed head of Seleucus IV to right, fillet border lA BAZI AEflZ. ZEAEYKOY., Apollo seated on omphalos holding an arrow in right hand, the left resting on bow ; iu field to left, a palm branch and hust of Anliochiis VII to right, dotted border y> BAZIAEHZ ANTIOXOY., Eagle on prow; palm branch near right wing, in field to left, monogiam of Tyre and IB; to right, mon. AZ and SOP- = l'i'6, between legs of eagle, H. «''• 220 grs., very Jine 1 432 Demetrius II, Second reign, B.C. 130 125. /R Tetradrachra, Diademed and v^ bearded head of Demetriu-s to right, fillet border Vi LB]AZIAEX1Z AHMHTPIOY (to right), 0EOY. NIKATOPOZ. (to left). The altar of Zeus Dolichenos, the base decorated with a garland, is surmounted by a conical erection upon which an eagle, and within which a deity with four wings standing by a fantastic quadruped ; on either side a conical stone, in field to left, two monograms, ict. 227 <;/>■., very fine, and of the highest rarily 1 Plate IX. 433 Alexander ll,r..c. 128-123. M Tetradrachra, Diademed head of Alexander / J~ Zebina to right within filleted border 1;!^ BAZIAEHZ AAEZANAPOY., Zeus semi-draped seated on throne with back, holding in the right hand a statuette of Victory, and in left a long sceptre ; in field to left, mon. 55 and under the throne Z., wt. 259 grs., fine and scarce 1 434 Antiochus VIII, B.C. 125-96. ^ Tetradrachm, Diademed head of Antiochus y ? Grypus within fillet border '' B BAZIAEnZ. ANTIOXOY. EniANOYZ., Semi-draped figure of Zeus standing to left, head surmounted by a crescent, he holds in right hand a long spear, and in the left a star ; in field to right, A-, and to left, '^., the whole within laurel border, id. 255^ grs., very fine 1 435 Antiochus I. yE Seleucid anchor displayed on centre of Macedonian shield ; ^ / U BA-AN., Elephant to right (type of Babelon, pi. v, 7), size 2, very fine. Antiochus III, Head of Apollo to right ; 9.^ BA-AN., Tripod, she 2, very fine. Antiochus IV, Struck at Antiochia ad Daphnen, head of Antiochus IV, with radiate crown to right; V^ ANTIOXEX2N. TI2N. HPOZ. AANHI., Zeus semi-draped to right, holding wreath in extended right hand, she 6. Tryphon, Diademed head of Tryplion to right, border of dots: B BAZIAEIIZ. TPY<|)nNOZ. AYTOKPATOPOZ., Mace- donian helmet with ibex horn in front, in field, the caps of the Dioscuri, size 4, very fine. Antloch ad Orontem, Female head to left ; B ANTI . . . fMP.=145, Lyre, size 3, very fine 5 I 58 1^5' 436 Antiochus IV, Struck in Egypt. M Bearded bust of Antiochus IV laureate, and with the symbol of Osiris to right ^ BAZIAEns! ANTIXOY. ©EOY. EH lANOYZ., Eagle on thunder- bolt to right, she 9i {Bab., 2^1- xiu,Jig. 15), veri/ fine and scarce in this con- ditio )i 1 C 437 TIgranes I, b.c. 97-56, of Armenia. M Tetradrachm, Bust of Tigranes to right, wearing the Armenian tiara and diadem, the tiara ornamented with a star between two eagles, the whole in fillet border V- BAZIAEHZ. TirPANOY., Tyche of Antioch seated, holding palm, the river Orontes swimming at her feet, in field mon. 209, and on rock to left mon. 98, laurel border, ivt. 240^ grs., very fine 1 CYRRHESTICA. ^J 438 Dynast of Hierapolis (Bambyce). /R Stater, Struck in the name of Alexander the Great, Aramaic legend=(nnyijny Atergatis), Atergatis draped, seated facing on a throne decorated on either side with a seated sphinx with rounded wings ; and holding in raised right hand a branch Pj Aramaic legend =(-niD3':ij< Alexander), Lion attacking a half kneeling deer, border of dots, tit. 131 grs., fine and excessively rare 1 Plate IX. C I 439 Sabaces Satrap in Egypt {?), Tetradrachm in imitation of the Athenian type, Head of Pallas in Athenian helmet, ornamented with wreath of olive, wearing round earring and necklace ^ I'lD ? Owl to right, head facing in field right crescent and thunderbolt, and to left a sprig of olive and crescent, wt. 265 grs., very fine and very rare 1 Plate IX. PHOENICIA. £. / ^ 440 SIdon, Straton II, e.g. 346-332. M Double Stater, Galley going to left, ' above III., ornamental border 51 2y King in biga with his charioteer, followed by an attendant carrying an oenochoe and sceptre surmounted by an animal's head, dotted border, nt. 428 grs. (cmiij). B.,pl. xxx, ^^), fine and rare 1 2^2> 441 SIdon, B.C. 111-117. A Tetradraolim, Head of the city turreted and veiled to right V^ ZlAnNIIlN., Eagle with jialra standing on prow, in field, monogram no. 60, and date L - S = 6, ni. 200 grf., rery fine and of the highest rarity 1 Plate IX. .f .^ 442 Tripolis, «/?«■ nVcft B.C. 200. /Il Tetradrachm, Busts of the Dioscuri draped and laureate, surmounted by stars, within fillet border ^ TPinOAITXlN. THZ. lEPAZ. KAl AYTONOMOY, Figure of City, right hand resting on rudder bar, and holding cornucopiae, in field H I., in exergue H 1. 18, the whole within wreath, wt. 233 gr.'^. {B.,pl. xxxiii, 18), very fim and rare X 59 443 Tyre, b.c. 405-309. M Stater, Melkarth riding on hippocamp, to right, he J~ holds in one hand bow and sheaf of arrows while with the other he grasps the bridle of hippocamp, beneath, waves, a dolphin swimming to right, cable border ft Owl to right, head facing ; carrying Egyptian sceptre and flail, cable border, w(. 21H (?«. (B., pi XXXV, 12), L-enj fiite aiul rare 1 IVDAEA. 444 Simon Maccabaeus, b.c. 143-135. M Shekel, Shekellsrael, ChaMce with /" , /*> date above Jiy.=year 3 ft. Jerushahiim ha-kedoshah, branch with three buds, w(. 218 grs. (Madden, j). 68), extremdy fine and rare in this stale 1 445 Simon Maccabaeus, b.c. 143-135. Half Shekel, Chatzi ha-Skekel, Chalice J J~ with date above ^ty.^y ear 2 " ft Jerushalaim ha-kedoshah, branch with three buds, ivl. 104 grs. {Madden ij. 68), very fine and rare 1 ARABIA. 446 Himyarite Coinage. M Drachms, Laureate head of Apollo to right, / /f within wreath ; ft Himyarite legend, an owl standing upon an amphora, monograms in field ; the whole within border (frmi the San'd find), tvt. averaging 83 grs. (Num. Chron. N. S. vol. xviii, 1878, j>/. xiii, nos. 5, 7), fine, rare, and interesting 4 KING OF THE SASSANIDAE. 447 Shahpur- II, a.d. 310-370- N Stater, Pehlvi legend, names and titles. Bust ^ ^ , ^-f of the king to right, draped, and wearing tall tiara ft Pehlvi legend, fire altar, id. 112 grs., very fine and rare 1 Plate IX. PERSIA. 448 Darius I, B.C. 521-485. A^ Daric, The king kneeling right, wearing candys w /J~ and dentated crown, holding in right hand bow, and in the left a javelin ft Long irregular incuse, id. 129 grs., very fine and scarce 1 KINGS OF BACTRIA AND INDIA. 449 DIodotus, circa B.C. 250. N' Stater, Diademed head of Diodotus to right / ^ ft BAZIAEnZ. AIOAOTOY., Zeus striding to left about to hurl thunderbolt, aegis over left arm, at his feet an eagle ; in field, wreath, td. 127^ grs., very fine and extremely rare 1 Plate IX. 450 Demetrius, Son of Euthydemus L JE. Head of an elephant to right, with 2. bell suspended around neck, border of dots ft BAZIAEI2Z. AHMHTPIOY., Caduceus; to left, monogram, size 8, in exceptionally fine condition and rare in this state 1 60 ^ i> (> 451 Euthydemus I, Successor • 61 4on Henmaeus. M Stater, BASIAEnS. ZnTHPOZ. EPMAIOY., \, ^^ "^ lieliiieteil and draped bust of the King to right 9: Indian legend, Zeus seated on throne with back to left and holding in left band a sceptre, in field Z. and monogram, id. 145 gis., verijjineand very rare 1 Plate IX. EGYPT. 460 Alexander IV, B.C. 323-311. JR Tctradrachm, struck by Ptolemy Soter, ^ / ^ /» Head of the young Alexander wearing diadem and elephant's skin P> AAEHANAPEION- PTOAEMAIOY-, Athena Alkis to right, with shield raised and about to hurl a javelin, in field right the Ptolemaic eagle on thunderbolt and to left AI-, wi. 262 grs., very fine and of the highest rarity 1 Plate IX. 461 Alexander IV, b.c. 323-311, struck under Ptolemy Soter. Youthful head ?^ /4 of Alexander to right, wearing diadem, and elephant's skin 9= AAEEANAPOY., Athena Alkis to right with shield, hurling javelin; in front, Ptolemaic eagle on thunderbolt, and A I • mon. ; in field a second mon. wt. 241 grs., very fine 1 462 Ptolemy Sotep, B.C. 305-285. A^ Pentadrachm, Diademed head of Ptolemy ^O'^/f Soter to right ; A on tie of diadem y= riTOAEMAIOY. BAZIAEflZ., Eagle to left on thunderbolt; in field, to left H and club, wt. 273 grs., very fine and rare 1 463 Ptolemy Soter, b.c. 304-284. N Stater, Diademed head of Ptolemy, the f ^ aegis knotted around neck \X nrOAEMAIOY. BAZIAEnZ., Ptolemy in biga of elephants to right, holding fulmen and shield; in exergue, imiOKPA. {mon.), wt. 110 grs., in very fine condition and very rare 1 Plate IX. 464 Ptolemy Soter, b.C. 305-285. N Quarter Stater, Diademed head of Ptolemy ^ to right, aogis knotted around neck il riTOAEMAIOY. BAZ I A EHZ., Eagle on thunderbolt, toleft, in field, XA- (mon), wt. 26 grs., very fine I 465 Ptolemy Soter, b.c. 305-285. M Tetradrachm, Head of Ptolemy Soter to / /^ right, with aegis knotted around neck l;t riTOAEMAIOY. BAZIAEHZ., Eagle on fulmen, row/ /;t€ 1 466 Ptolemy II, Philadelphus, b.c. 285-244. A^ Octadrachm, AAEAnN., / ^ ^ ,- jugate busts of Philadelphus diademed and draped, and Arsinoe diademed / '' and veiled ; behind, shield 1^ ©EflN., Deified heads of Ptolemy Soter and Berenice, diademed and draped, id. 429 grs., very fine 1 467 Ptolemy II, Philadelphus, b.c. 285-244. AT Tetradrachm, AAEAflN., Jugate busts of Philadelphus and Arsinoe, as on the preceding V^ ©EHN., Jugate busts of Ptolemy Soter and Berenice, diademed and draped, wt. 214 grs., very fine 1 // 62 J I 468 Arsinoe II, b.u. 285-247 (wife ot i'toleniy Philadelphus). ^ Octadrachm, Diademed and veiled bust of Arsinoe to right, of fine style, behind 9 APZINOHZ. IAAAEAIAAAEA<|>OY., Double cornucopia, with pendant, taenia, grapes, &c., id. 430 grs. in hrilliant condUioit 1 ^ ^ 470 Arsinoe II, B.C. 285-247 (wife of Ptolemy Philadelphus). N Tetradrachm, Diademed and veiled head of Arsinoe to right, behind K., border of dots 9= APZINOHZ. 0IAAAEA0OY., Double cornucopiae, with pendant, taenia, wt. 213 grs., brilliant and excessively rare 1 Plate X. Jo. 471 Arsinoe II, b.c. 285-247 (wife of Ptolemy Philadelphus). ^ Dekadrachm, / Veiled and diademed head of Arsinoe to right, behind H'4'. it APZINOHZ. IAAAEAOY., Double cornucopiae, with pendant, taenia, wt. 548 grs., reri/ fine and of fine stijle 1 Plate IX. J / 472 Ptolemy III, Euergetes, b.c. 247-232. N Octadrachm, Radiate bust of Euergetes draped, to right, wearing ajgis, and with trident sceptre at shoulder, the entre barb lotos-headed ^ BAZIAEflZ. riTOAEMAIOY., Radiate cornucopiae with pendant taenia, in field A I., wt. 428 grx., very fine and scarce 1 Plate X. I ^ ^ 473 Berenice II, Queen of Cyrenaica and Queen Consort of Egypt, B.C. 247-222. N Piece of Six Staters, Veiled bust of Berenice to right wearing necklace, border of dots R BEPENIKHZ. BAZIAIZZHZ., Cornucopia, with pendant taenia, filled with grapes, pomegranate, lotos, and ear of corn, a star of six points on either side and in the field E = Euesperides, wt. d'oQgrs., a remarkable piece, in almost hrilliant state and of the highest rariti/ 1 Plate X. y Q 474 Berenice II, Queen of Cyrenaica and Queen Consort of Egypt, B.C. 247-222- N Triple Stater, Veiled and draped bust of Berenice to right Jtj BEPENIKHZ. BAZIAIZZHZ., Single cornucopiae, with pendant taenia, on either side a star of six points, in field E., wt. 329^ grs., very fine and of the highest rarity 1 Plate X. ^( 475 Berenice II, Queen of Cyrenaica and CJueen Consort of Egypt, B.C. 247-222. N Piece of One-and-a-half Staters, Draped and veiled bust of Berenice to right V^ BEPENIKHZ. BAZIAIZZHZ., Single cornucopiae, with pendant taenia, on either side star of six points, wt. 1G4| grs., in brilliant condition and of the highest rarity 1 Plate X. 63 4o 476 Berenice, Queen of Cyrene and Queen Consort of Egypt, B.C. 247-242. jVHalf Stater, Veiled bust of Berenice as on preceding pieces U BEPENIKHZ. BAZIAISZHZ., Cornucopia, with pendant taenia, star of six points on either side, ivt. 66i grs., in brilliant condition and very rare 1 Plate X. 477 Berenice II, Queen of Cyrenaica and Queen Consort of Egypt. M Di- Jo drachm (?), Veiled bust of the Queen to right V^ BEPENIKHZ. BAZIAIZZHZ., Single cornucopiae with pendant taenia, on either side pileus of Dioscuri, id. 157 grs., fine and extremely rare, pi'esumed to be unpublished 1 Plate X. 478 Ptolemy V, Epiphanes, B.C. 205-181. M Tetradrachm, Draped and yjp diademed bust of the young Prince to right; a wheat ear on diadem 1^ BAZIAEHZ. nXOAEMAIOY., Eagle on thunderbolt, in field MY. {man.), ;c/. 219 ;//>., rcri/ Jine and rare 1 Plate X. 479 Cleopatra I, Regent, Minority of Philometor, B.C. 181-17.3. ^Tetradrachm, /p J~ Jugate busts of Serapis and Cleo[)atra as Isis to right e> BAZIAEHZ. riTOAEMAIOY., Eagle on thunderbolt, between the legs A I-, and behind, cornucopiae, irt. 184 grs., fine and rare 1 480 Ptolemy Soter. .E. Head to right ; l;t, BAZIAEflZ. RTOAEMAIOY., 2 /4 Head of Isis. Ptolemy II. M Head of Zeus, laureate, to right; ^ '' riTOAEMIAOY. BAZIAEHZ., Eagle on thunderbolt, in front an oval shield. Another similar, Cleopatra I. Head of Isis with wreath of lotos ; ^ Eagle. Ptolemy III. Head of Zeus; 9, Eagle. Cleopatra III. BAZIAIZZHZ. KAEOnATPAZ., Head of Africa, with elephant's skin head dress; U BAZIAEHZ- RTOAEMAIOY., Eagle, in front V\\;{mon.),mre; all rerij fine 6 CYRENAICA. 481 Cyrene, B.C. 431-321. A^ Stater, KYPANAION., Victory quadriga driven / f ^^ to riiiht by Kyrene, above, to right, portion of the sun's disc with rays \^ XAIPIOZ., Zeus Amnion, semi-draped, enthroned to right, holding on out- stretched right hand an e.agle, and in left hand a lotos-headed sceptre ; before him a thymiaterion, wt. 133 ijrs., in rery fine condition 1 482 Cyrene, B.C. 431-321. N Stater, KYPANAION., Victorious quadriga / 3 driven by Kyrene to right ft [n]OAIAN0EYZ., Zeus Ammon, semi-draped, standing to left, holding patera and loto.s-headed sceptre; before him a thymiaterion, «rf. 132 jrrs., extremely fine 1 483 Cyrene, B.C. 321-308. A?" Third of Stater, Youthful rider to right, his kausia J~^ ^~ slung at back of neck ; in field, left XAIPIOZ. '' ft KYPA., Silphium plant, id. 44 grs., fine and scarce \ '/ 64 .' //? 484 Cyrene, b.c. 321-308. Twelfth of Stater, Head of Kyrene to right wearing earring and necklace, the hair in formal ringlets ; in front, flOAI. ^ Laureate head of Zeus Amnion to left, behind, P., td. lOi grs., very fine and scarce 1 2^^ /e 485 Cyrene, b.c. 480-431. M Tetradrachra, KYPA., Head of Zeus Ammoa of early transitional style to right, within broad knurled border 9= Silphium plant, wt. 265 gr?.., very fine and rare 1 From the Carfrae Collection. Plate X. /i, 486 Cyrene, b.c. 321-308. /R Didrachm, Young male head with ram's horn to left ^ KY-PA-i divided by Silphium plant ; in field, to right a star, and to left monogram, ui. 120| grs., fine 1 f~2 , 487 Barce, circa B.C. 431-321. /R Tetradrachm, Head of Zeus Ammon facing, ' with AKE-ZIOZ., the whole within dotted border 9; BAPKAI. on either side of Silphium plant, wt. 200 grs., very fine and very rare 1 From the Wigan and Carfrae Collections. Plate X. CARTHAGINIAN AND SICULO PUNIC COINS. / » 488 Carthage, 340-242. N Stater, Head of Persephone to left, wearing earring, and necklace with pendants, and corn wreath in hair Jo Horse standing to right, id. 144 grs., very fine and of fine style 1 Plate X. / ^ 489 Carthage, b.c. 218-164. El. Piece of One-and-a-half Staters, Head of Persephone wearing triple earring, necklace with pendants, and corn wreath in hair |l Horse standing to right, above, radiate disc with two uraei, ict. 162 grs. venj fine and scarce 1 Plate X. ^ 490 Carthage, b.c. 340-242. El. Stater, Head of Persephone to left, wearing earring, and necklace with pendants 9., Honseto right; in exergue, two pellets • •, wt. 113^ grs., rery fine and of good style 1 '-> 491 Carthage, b.c. 340-242. El. Stater, similar in type to last piece, but the head of Persephone is larger and the pellets are wanting on Jti very fine 1 / 492 Carthage, b.c. 410-310. N Sixth of Stater, Head of Persephone to left 9" Horse standing to right and looking back ; vjI. 23 grs., very fine and scarce 1 : — 493 Carthage, b.c. 410-310. A^ Eighth of Stater, Date palm ; Jl Bust of horse / ^ to right, wt. 12i grs., in hrilHant condition ; and a Quarter Stater (?) B.C. 340- 242, Head of Peisephone in low relief ; \}. Horse to right, ivt. 30 grs., very fine 2 65 494 Carthage B.C. 218-146. EL Third of Stater (?) Head of Persephone to left, J' /j~- wearing triple earring and necklace with pendants, the hair rolled at sides, '' turned up at back and decorated with corn wreath {k Horse standing to right ; in exergue three pellets, the whole within linear circle, wt. 43 grs., very fine and very rare 1 496 Carthage, B.C. 410-310. /R Tetradrachm, Free horse galloping to right and p^ /^ crowned by Hying Nike '' 9i Date palm, wt. 266 grs., in very fine condition and of very fine style 1 From the Wi;.5.in, Bompois :iml Carfrae Collections. Plate X. 496 Carthage, B.C. 410-310. .^^ Tetradrachm, j-|i:nnmp- (Kart Chadasat), Fore- /^ /o part of bridled horse, to right, crowned by Victory flying above ; in front, grain of corn ^ DjnD. (Machauat), Date palm tree, with Punic inscription, id. 273 grs., fine and rare 1 497 Carthage, b.c. 410-310. JR Tetradrachm, Deified head of Dido wearing tiara, of Oriental form jPi Traces of Punic legend in exergue. Lion walking to left, behind, palm tree, wt. 2.t9 grs., of very fine style and extremely rare 1 Plate X. 498 Carthage, b.c. 400-310. M Tetradrachm, Head of Persephone to left, ^ /^ wearing triple earring, necklace and wreath of corn leaves ; around, four dolphins 9) Punic legend. Bust of horse, with palm tree behind, id. 263^ grs., very fine 1 Plate X. 6~ 499 Carthage, b.c. 410-310. M. Tetradrachm, Head of Persephone to right, wearing triple earring, necklace, and wreath of corn leaves; around, four dolphins 5tj Horse prancing to right before palm tree, wt. 266 grs., a scarce variety, very fine and of hold style 1 Plate X. 500 Carthage, B.C. 410-310. M Tetradrachm, minted at Panormus (1) Head of ^^ Persephone to left, wearing triple earring, wreath of corn leaves ; a very close copy of the fine coins of Euainetos ; around, four dolphins 9i Bust of horse to left ; behind, palm tree, lOt. 263^ grs., very fine 1 501 Carthage, b.c. 410-310. M Tetradrachm, Head of the Tyrian Herakles, y -j / Melkarth, in lion's skin, to right ' / f 9i Bust of horse to left ; in front an ear of corn, Punic legend below ; behind, a date-palm, id. 258| grs., very fine 1 502 Carthage, b.c. 340-242. M Didrachm, Head of Persephone to left, wearing ^ /- single earring with loop and pendant, necklace with pendants, and huir bound with corn wreath 5b Horse to right, looking back ; in front an eight pointed star, in background a palm tree, wt. 117 grs., very fine and if unusually good style 1 K C6 // 503 Carthage, p.c. 218-146. M Heniidrachm, Head of Persephone to left. P Horse to right; below, pellet, )('^ 27 f/rs./t'/ic. JE. Carthage (3). Head of Persephone to left; I^i Horse to right, in front three pellets. Gaulos. JE. Veiled and diademed fenwle head to right : R ;:}< t.lt*, Tripod. Melita (Malta), MEAITAmN, Head of Isis to left; I;!: Four winged Egyptian figure kneeling to left 6 MAURETANIA. / C 504 Juba II, K.c. 25, .a.d. 2.S, and Cleopatra Selene, daughter of the famous Clecjpatra. M Denarius, REX. IVBA., Diademed head of Juba H to right R BAZI KAeOHATPA., Diademed head of Cleopatra to left (Miiller, no. l^.")), iiry fine and rare rinte X. SYRTICA. P /a 505 Oea (under Tiberius, B.C. 42-a.d. 37). JE. ti. caesar. avgvstvs., Head of ' / Tiberius to left ; in front an eagle holding a palm branch in its beak, and behind, a branch of laurel 9> Punic legend, np''V, Bust of Apollo to right ; in front, a lyre, the whole within a wreath of laurel, size 9i {Midler, p. 16, no. 37), very fine 1 n~ /t« .506 Greek JE omitted. Alexandria, Troas, Laureate head of Apollo facing; R AAEZAN., Lyre, within wreath, size 6\. Hierapolis (Phrygia), Bust of Pallas with aegis; R I EPAnOAEITHN., Nemesis to left, size 4. Attalia (Pamphylia), Bearded head to left; R ATTAAEflN., Victory to left, size 3. Corycus (Cilicia), Turreted female head to right ; R KOPYKIXITHN., Hermes to left, size 5. Tarsus (Cilicia), Turreted female head to right ; R TAPZEflN-, Zeus seated, size 5 ; all very fine and well patinated 5 / CABINET. 507 An exceedingly well made cabinet, by W. Roberts (stamped W. R.), containing 28 trays, with rosewood fronts, pierced for various sizes, \5\ m. high, lOJ wide, 11^ deep, lock and key NUMISMATIC BOOKS. / 'u 508 Babelon (E.) Catalogue des Monnaies Orecques de la Bibliothfeque Nationale — Les Perses Achemenides, les Satrapes, et les Dynastes Tributaires de leur Empire Cypre et Ph6nicie ; fine plates, half morocco 1893 J' I ^ 509 Babelon (E.) Catalogue des Monnaies Grecques de la Bibliotheque Nationale : Les Rois de Syrie, d'Arm^nie, et de Commagfene, Jialf bound 1890 / / 510 Babelon (E.) Description historique et chronologique des Monnaies de la R6pnb- / lique Komaine, vulgairement appelees Monnaies Consulaires, 2 vol. numerous ilbtstrations, half calf 1885-6 67 511 Greenwell (W.) The Electnim Coinage of Cyzicus, 6 autotype plates, 1887 — Head (B. V.) History of the Coinage of Ephesus, 9 autotype plates, 1880 — History of the Coinage of Boeotia, 13 nulolype plates, 1881 (3) 512 Head (B. V.) Historia Numorum : a Manual of Greek Numismatics, half bound, numerous illustrations in text Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1887 513 Head (B. V.) On the Chronological Sef|iience of the Coins of Syracuse, 14 avto- type plates, very rare 1874 514 Mionnet (T. E.) Description des Medailles Antiques, Grecques at Eomaines, avec Supplement et Planches, 16 vol. 1806-37— De la Raret(5, &c. 2 vol. 1827 — Poids des MtJdailles Grecques, 1839; numervus plates (19) 515 Montagu (H.) Catalogue of the Collection of Roman Gold Coins, 41 autotype plates, half atlf, rare Paris, 1896 516 Montagu (H.) Catalogue of Greek Coins, parts I and H boutid together, 15 auto- type plates, half roan, 1896-7 — Carfrae (R. ) Catalogue of Greek Coins, 11 collotype plates, priced and named, scarce (2) 51 7g QVELEN. Monnaies Romaines et Byz;intines (Collection de M. le Vicomte de Quelen), 13 Jine plates by Dujardia, half hound, Paris, 1888 — Duchastel. Monnaies Grecques et Romaines. Collection de M. le Comte Alberic Duchastel, 11 collotype plates, half bound, ib. 1889 (2) 518 Numismatic Pamphlets, Coin Catalogues, >tc. a parcel /» 'J Id i3 DRYDEN PRESS: J. DAVY AND SONS, 137, LONG ACRE. .^ J <; Plate II. Plate III, ^„Plate IV. < Plate V. L Plate VI. A ^?^- ri#^. 7^ V- "^- / P c 4^ .'TfJ^i*^^ *-.;/ . .^ '" 306 Plate VII. tsi-"'' Plate VIll. ^^Z^ Plate X. /d 17 f,f S04 »OtOTVH QNIV, .OF-CAUfORNtATORAW.roSANGELa D 000 016 290 9 ity^ ^^ /