FROM THE PRESIDENT'S OFFICE TO THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY I UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA NOV o PRESIDENTS Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION, BY-LAWS AND RULES OF TH^ GRADUATES CLUB OF NEW YORK CITY, WITH THE LIST OF OFFICERS AND MEMBERS, CLUB HOUSE, ni FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK. J* 1905. Chas . P. Young Co. PRI NTERS 98 John Street | Nevm YORK 1 OFFICERS, ^ _ ' '•'/ ', 1905, ''^,/;;;. President, Clarence E. Meleney. Vice-Presidents, Nathan Appleton, George Bruce Cortelyou, Charles Thaddeus Terry. Secretary, Verne M. Bovie. Treasurer, Abram W. Sargent. 2862^5 BOARD OF GOVERNORS, To Serve UxMTiL January, 1906. ' -VMnp |i. .Bovie. . tl'be.,]^-'- durstine. ««VV*Alvan L. Fowler. • * « Frederick C. Hodgdon. Burton W. Wilson. To Serve until January, 1907, Frederick A. Cleveland. Albert P. Marble. Clarence E, Meleney. Charles Thaddeus Terry. Frank F. Vanderveer. To Serve until January, 1908. John A. Cutter. Albert F, D'Oench. George O. Eaton. Andrew G. Loomis. Arthur B. Townshend. COMMITTEE ON ADMISSIONS, Lincoln E. Rowley, Chairman. Charles R. Barge, Secretary. To Serve until January, 1906. John C. Westervelt. Calvin H. Nealley. Sturges S. Dunham. William R. Ma lone. Charles R. Barge. To Serve until January, 1907. Lincoln E. Rowley. Samuel C. Thompson. David B. Melick. Benjamin C. Harvey. Charles P. Reiley. To Serve uxth. January, 1908. Andrew E. Foye. WiLLiA.Nf C. Wilson. John C. Draper, Jr. Edward P. Gilchrist. Orrel a. Parker. 5 STANDING COMMITTEES, HOUSE COMMITTEE. Frederick C. Hodgdon, Chairman. William J. Fanning. Calvin H. Nealley. William E. Pulsifer. Abram W. Sargent. committee on library and art. Geo. O. Eaton, Chairman. Nathan Appleton. John T. Buchanan. Eben H, Emery. John L. N. Hunt. Nelson H. Henry. Isaac B. Hosford. William H, Ives. John J. Chickering. S. Victor Constant. Frederick O. Kendall. David L, Lowson. 6 STANDING COMMITTEES. COMMITTEE ON RELATIONS WITH COLLEGES. Albert P. IMarble, Chairman. John H. Denbigh, Secretary. Charles Baskerville. C. W. Bryan. Eugene Prayer. William L. Hazen. David B. Melick. William O. Pratt. Edgar O. Silver. John W. Simpson. Lansing C. IIolden. William O. Robinson. Charles H. Scholey. Perry S. Boynton. George I. BouroxV. committee on finance and audit. Lee B. Durstine, Cliairman. Andrew G. Loom is. Edmund IL Symonds. MEETINGS OF CLUB, J904— J905. J904. February i6, Organization Meeting, Waldorf-Astoria. April 1 6, Smoker, Gilsey House. September 29, Special Meeting to Amend By-Laws, Manhattan Hotel. October 20, Reception to Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler, President Columbia University, - Manhattan Hotel. December 27, Reception to Dr. Henry M. MacCracken, Chancellor of New York University ; Dr. John H. Finley, Presi- dent of the College of the City of New York, and Hon. Henry N. Tifft, President of the Board of Edu- cation of New York City, - Manhattan Hotel. 8 MEETINGS OF CLUB. 9 1905. January lo, Annual Meeting of Club, - Aldine Association. February 13, Lincoln Dinner, - - - Club House. Speakers : Gen. Stewart L. Woodford. Rev. Cyrus Townsend Brady. Gen. Horatio C. King. Dr. George W. Kirchway. April I — April 8 — April 15 — April 29. Smokers, _ . _ . _ Club House. May 6, Ladies' Night, . _ _ . Club House. May 20, Special Meeting to Amend By-Laws, Club House. CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION OF THE GRADUATES CLUB OF NEW YORK CITY. We, the undersigned, all being of full age and citi- zens of the United States and residents of the State of New York, desiring to form a membership corpora- tion pursuant to the Membership Corporation Law of the State of New York, do hereby certify. 1. The particular object for which the Corporation is to be formed is to promote intimate relations be- tween the Universities and Colleges of the United States by establishing and maintaining in the City of New York a club house, reading room and library for the use and accommodation of its members, and by such other means as shall be expedient and proper for the aforesaid object. 2. The name of the proposed corporation is the Graduates Club of New York City. 3. The territory in which its operations are to be principally conducted is the City of New York, in the County and State of New York. 4. Its principal office is to be located in the Bor- ough of Manhattan in the said City of New York. 10 CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION. II 5. The number of its Directors is to be fifteen. 6. The names and places of residence of the per- sons to be its Directors until its first annual meeting and until their respective successors shall be elected are: Names. Place of Residence. Arthur B. Townshend, - - New York City. Albert P. Marble, . . . New York City. Lee B. Durstine, - - - New York City. Andrew G. Loomis, - - New York City. Albert F. D'Oench, - - New York City. Clarence E. Meleney, - - New York City. Verne M. Bovie, . - - New York City. Burton W. Wilson, - - New York City. Frederick C. Hodgson, - - New York City. William W. Coe, - - - New York City. Alvan L. Fowler, - - - New York City. S. Victor Constant, - - New York City. Frank F. Vaxderveer, - - New York City. Samuel Marsh, _ . _ New York City. John A. Cutter, _ . _ New York City. 7. Its annual meeting is to be held on the third Tuesday of January in each year. In JVitncss Whereof, wc have made and severally 12 CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION. signed this certificate in duplicate on this 15th day of February, A. D., nineteen hundred and four (1904). George B. Hurst, [l.s. John A. Cutter, [l.s. John C. Westervelt, [l.s. S. Victor Constant, [l.s. Samuel Marsh, [l.s. ss. State of New York,| County of New YorkJ On this 15th day of February, A.D., nineteen hun- dred and four (1904), before me personally came George B. Hurst, John A. Cutter, John C. Westervelt, S. Victor Constant, Samuel Marsh, by me personally known and known to me to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing Certificate and they severally acknowledged to me that they executed the same. [l.s.] Anthony J. Manfred, Notary Public, N. Y. Co. Note.— The above certificate was filed in the office of the Secretary of State of New York, and filed and recorded in the office of the County Clerk of New- York County, on the 16th day of February, A. D., 1904. BY-LAWS. GOVERNMENT. I. The government and management of the Llub are intrusted to fifteen directors who shall be offici- ally designated Board of Governors. The members of the Board of Governors shall be divided into three classes of five each, of which the first class shall serve until the first annual meeting, the second until the sec- ond annual meeting and the third until the third annual meeting. The directors named in the certificate of incorporation shall, at their first meeting, determine by ballot the several classes, and thereafter at each annual meeting the five candidates for the office of Governor having the highest number of votes, but in no case less than a majority of the votes of the mem- bers present, shall be elected to serve for a term of three years. Any Governor may be removed for cause, and on notice, at any meeting of the Club by a two-thirds vote of the members present. Any mem- ber of the P.oard of Governors who shall he absent 13 14 BY-LAWS. from three successive regular meetings without sat- isfactory explanation shall be deemed to have resigned. 2. The Board of Governors shall, at its first meeting after the annual meeting, elect the officers of the Club and shall appoint the members and designate the chair- men of the several committees provided for by these By-Laws, except the Committee on Admissions. 3. The Board of Governors shall cause to be pre- pared annually a detailed statement of the financial condition of the Club showing its receipts and ex- penditures for the year current ; the number of mem- bers and other matters of general interest; and the substance of such statement shall be printed, and a copy, together with notice of the annual meeting, for- warded to each member at least ten days before such meeting. 4. The Board of Governors shall have power: a. To appoint such other committees as it shall deem necessary or expedient and to define their duties and supervise their actions. b. To make rules for its own government. BY-LAWS. 15 c. To remove, for cause and on notice, any officer, or any member of a committee. d. To fill any vacancies in the Board of Governors or in any office or committee except in the Committee on Admissions. e. To determine from time to time the amount of the entrance fee and of the annual dues for resident and non-resident members respectively, except that such fees and dues shall not be reduced. f. To devise means for the establishment and main- tenance of a library. g. To expel, suspend or discipline any member of the Club by ballot for cause and on notice by a two- thirds vote of the whole Board. h. To prescribe and alter from time to time rules for the use of the Club. i. To interpret these By-Laws. n. OFFICERS. I. The officers of the Club shall be a President, three Vice-Presidents, a Secretary and a Treasurer. l6 BY-LAWS. 2. The President shall preside at the meetings of the Club and shall sign all written contracts and obli- gations of the Club. 3. A Vice-President shall in the absence or dis- ability of the President perform the duties of that office. 4. The Secretary shall record the proceedings of the Board of Governors and of the Club and shall have the custody of the seal which he shall affix and attest to instruments as directed by the Board of Gov- ernors. 5. The Treasurer shall collect all revenues of the Club, keep its accounts, and report thereon at each regular meeting of the Board of Governors and when- ever so directed by it. He shall pay bills, when ap- proved by the Board of Governors, of which Board he shall not be a member. 6. Each officer shall also perform such other duties as may be assigned to him by the Board of Governors. BY-LAWS. 17 EL MEETINGS. 1. The annual meeting of the Club shall be held on the second Tuesday of January. 2. At all meetings of the Club forty resident mem- bers shall constitute a quorum. If no quorum be pres- ent, the presiding officer may adjourn the meeting to any other stated day or days with the same effect as if held at the time originally appointed. 3. Upon the order of the Board of Governors or the written request of twenty-five members, the Sec- retary shall issue a ten days' call for a special meeting, at which shall be transacted only the business noted in the call. 4. At all meetings of the Club the order of busi- ness, except when otherwise determined by a vote of those present shall be : Reports of Officers. Reports of Committees. Unfinished Business. Communications. New Business. Election. Reading of the minutes of the meeting. l8 BY-LAWS. 5. Meetings of the Board of Governors shall be held monthly except in July and August. 6. Special meetings of the Board of Governors may be called by the Secretary on two days' notice at any time and shall be likewise called by him on the written request of five members of the Board. 7. Nine members of the Board of Governors shall constitute a quorum. IV. MEMBERSHIP. 1. There shall be four classes of members: Hon- orary, Resident, Non-Resident and Life. 2. General Requirements. The Board of Gov- ernors shall prepare and post in the Club a list of ap- proved institutions of learning granting the degrees of Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science, or equiv- alent or higher degrees. Male holders of said degrees from any institution on the list so posted shall be eligible to membership in the Club. Men distin- guished in Literature, Science, Art or Public Service may be elected members on the unanimous concur- rence of the whole Board of Governors. BY-LAWS. 19 Until the resident membership shall have reached five hundred, the representation of any one institution of learning shall not exceed eight per cent, of such number ; thereafter not more than five such representa- tives in each additional hundred new members shall be elected. 3. Honorary Membership shall be limited to twen- ty-five ; not more than. five shall be chosen in one year and not more than three shall be graduates from the same institution of learning. Election of such shall be by a unanimous vote, of the whole Board of Gov- ernors at a regular meeting ; unless such person, so elected, shall notify the Club within thirty days, of his acceptance of such election as an Honorary Mem- ber, said election shall be void. Such members shall not hold office nor vote and shall be exempt from the payment of all fees and dues. 4. Resident Membership shall be limited to fifteen hundred and shall be open to men whose residence or occupation is within the City of New York. 5. Non-Residcnt Membership shall be open to those whose residence and occupation are without the City of New York and slinll be limitocl to fifteen luni- 20 BY-LAWS. dred. Non-Resident Members shall have all rights and privileges of membership except to hold office and to vote ; they shall not have any right, title or interest in or to the property or assets of the Club. 6. Life Membership may be secured by the pay- ment of the sum of five hundred dollars by any mem- ber in good standing, and he shall thereafter be exempt from the payment of fees, dues or assessments. 7. Election of Members. The name and residence of each person proposed for membership with the sig- natures of the members proposing and seconding and the date of proposal shall be posted in the office of the Club at least ten days, and then shall be referred to the Committee on Admissions. No member of the Committee shall propose or sec- ond a candidate. Candidates for resident membership shall be person- ally known to at least one member of the Committee. Candidates for non-resident membership shall be personally known to at least one member of the Com- mittee or shall be vouched for in writing by two mem- bers of the Club, other than the proposer and seconder. The Committee shall consider all communications in BY-LAWS. 21 reference to each person proposed, and shall pass upon each name separately and by ballot. Four negative votes shall exclude any candidate. The Committee shall meet at least monthly and im- mediately after each meeting shall report to the Sec- retary its action. 8. Persons elected to membership in the club shall be notified by the Secretary of their election and of the amount of the required fees and dues. Unless a person elected to membership shall qualify by the payment of such fees and dues within thirty days there- after, he shall be deemed to have declined such elec- tion. 9. If a member shall give notice in advance to the secretary of his intention to be absent from the United States and shall be continuously absent therefrom dur- ing an entire half yearly period for which dues arc I)ayable, his dues for such period shall be remitted. If a resident member shall give notice in advance to the secretary of his intention to be absent from the City of New York and shall be continuously absent therefrom fr)r a like perifxl, bis dues for such period shall be reduced to the aiiKjuiU required from non- resident members. 22 BY-LAWS. COMMITTEES. 1. There shall be a Committee on Admissions con- sisting of fifteen members, who shall be divided into three classes of five each. The Board of Governors shall, at the first meeting held after the adoption of these By-Laws, appoint five members to each of the three classes; the first to serve until the first annual meeting, the second until the second annual meeting and the third until the third annual meeting. At each annual meeting thereafter, five members shall be elected to hold office for three years. Any member of this committee who shall be absent from three suc- cessive meetings without satisfactory explanation shall be deemed to have resigned, and the vacancy thereby caused shall be filled at the next meeting by the ma- jority of the remaining members. 2. There shall also be the following standing com- mittees : Committee on Relations with Colleges. Committee on Library and Art. Committee on Finance and Audit. House Committee. BY-LAWS. 23 3. The Committee on Relations with Colleges shall take measures to promote and encourage intimate rela- tions between the Club and the educational institutions of the country. 4. The Library Committee shall care for the Li- brary and expend such sums of money as may be appropriated therefor by the Board of Governors or be received from other sources for its maintenance and increase. 5. The Committee on Finance and Audit shall con- sist of five members of the club who shall, in the first instance, be appointed for terms of one, two, three, four and five years respectively, dating from the first day of January, 1905. Thereafter one member shall be appointed each year for a term of five years to suc- ceed the member retiring. The said committee shall audit all accounts at the end of each fiscal year and as directed by the Board of Governors. The fiscal year shall terminate on the last day of December. At the end of each fiscal year the Treasurer shall pay over to the said Committee all surplus and unap- propriated moneys which shall remain in his hands 24 BY-LAWS. after payment in full of the disbursements and ex- penses of the year. The said Committee, as Trustees for the Club, shall receive, hold, invest and reinvest such moneys as the reserve fund of the Club, and also all moneys appropriated to such fund by the Board of Governors, or otherwise, which fund shall be main- tained intact except upon resolution of the Club adopted on the recommendation of the Board of Gov- ernors, and upon the notice and by the vote required for an amendment of these By-Laws. 6. The House Committee shall adopt all neces- sary rules for the use and care of the rooms, for the engagement, control, discharge and compensation of employees, for the indebtedness of members (exclu- sive of annual dues), and for such other matters as usually come under the jurisdiction of such a com- mittee. It shall order all purchases ; regulate prices ; audit bills ; receive complaints ; redress grievances ; and have a general supervision over the internal economy and regulations of the Club. The names of the members constituting the House Committee shall be kept posted in a conspicuous place in the rooms of the Club. BY-LAWS. 25 VL ELECTIONS. 1. At least thirty days before the annual meeting the Board of Governors shall appoint a nominating committee of five members of the Club whose names shall be posted in the Club immediately. At least ten days before the annual meeting the committee so ap- pointed shall post in the Club the names of five mem- bers of the Club as candidates for election to the Board of Governors and five as candidates for election to the Committee on Admissions. Any group of ten members may constitute them- selves an additional nominating committee and may post in the Club the names of their candidates, but not earlier than ten days or later than five days before the annual meeting. 2. On the day of the annual meeting the polls shall be open between the hours of three and nine- thirty P. M., and shall be in charge of three members of the Club appointed by the Board of Governors for that purpose who shall be the inspectors of the elec- tion. They shall not be members of any nominating committee. 26 BY-LAWS. vn. SEAL. The seal shall be circular in form and bear the words and figures "Graduates Club of New York City, in- corporated 1904." VIIL NOTICES. 1. All notices shall be mailed to each resident and life member to the address given by him to the Sec- retary. No member shall be entitled to any notice unless he gives the Secretary his address. 2. A notice required by Article I, Section i and Section 4, paragraphs c and g of these By-Laws shall contain a copy of the charges and shall be mailed not less than five days before the hearing on such charges shall be held. DC AMENDMENTS. These By-Laws may be amended, altered or repealed only by a two-thirds vote of the members present at a regular or special meeting of the Club, the purport of the proposed amendment, alteration or repeal hav- ing been stated in the call for the meeting. HOUSE RULES^ On the first day of each month a bill of his indebted- ness shall be sent to each member of the Club, unless such indebtedness shall, prior thereto, amount to the sum of twenty-five dollars, in which case notice shall be immediately sent, as no indebtedness beyond this amount shall be allowed. On the fifteenth day of each month a list of members in arrears for the preceding month, together with the amount due, shall be posted in the Club rooms. A list likewise shall be posted at the same time of the members whose indebtedness then amounts to twenty- five dollars. Thirty days is the limit of time for payment of all dues and house charges, and delinquent members shall be refused further credit until their indebtedness be discharged. If a member's indebtedness be not paid in sixty days his name shall be struck from the roll of members filed with the Aldine Association, and he shall have no right to the privileges of the rooms of the Graduates' Club. Checks should be drawn to the order of the Aldiiic Association. 27 28 HOUSE RULES. n. A member may invite friends, either ladies or gen- tlemen, to accompany him to the rooms of the Club, except between the hours of 12 and 3 P. M. ; the names of guests shall be entered in the Club register. The charges incurred for their guests shall, in all cases, be borne by the members introducing them. Ladies of the immediate family of a member may avail themselves of the privileges of the Club with their lady friends between the hours of 3 and 6 P. M. They shall register their own names and those of their guests in the Club register. They shall sign the name of the member responsible for any charges incurred. IIL A member, by card furnished by the House Com- mittee, may invite to the use of the privileges of the Club for a period of two weeks, a person neither resi- dent nor doing business in the city, but may not have more than one guest at a time. A two weeks' visitor may not be again introduced during a period of three months from the date of his former introduction. The names and residences of such visitors and the names of the members introducing them must be recorded and members shall be responsible for any indebtedness incurred by their guests. HOUSE RULES. 29 IV. No member or visitor shall give any gratuity to any servant or employee of the Club. V. No betting or play of any kind for stakes is allowed in the Club. VL The Club rooms will be closed at 12 o'clock, mid- night. LIST OF MEMBERS, RESIDENT MEMBERS. JULY U J90S When degrees have been taken at t-wo institutions successively, the earlier one only is recorded; and when a degree is honorary the (*) is used to designate the fact. Original or Charter Members are in- dicated by an x. Name. College. Elected. Ackerman, John J., Syracuse, 'oi. 1905 Adams, James Warren, Harvard, '02, 1904 Addy, Arthur R., Marietta, '92, x 1904 Albro, A. BHss, Wesleyan, '99, 1905 Anderson, H. Randolph, Rutgers, '89, 1905 Anderson, Walter R., Knox, '01, 1904 Arrowsmith, Robert, Columbia, '82, 1904 Appleton, Nathan, Harvard, '6^, x 1904 Atkins, George Chew, Columbia, '02, 1904 Austin, Robert B., Colby, '98, X 1904 Ayres, Winfield, • Mass. Agr. Col., '86, 1904 Ball, Allan P., B Amherst, '92, 1905 Bardwell, Darwin L., Amherst, '83, 30 1904 RESIDENT MEMBERS. 31 Name. Barge, Chas, R., Baskerville, Chas., Batt, C. Strawder, Beattys, Frank D., Bickmore, Albert H., Bishop, H. B., Bissell, J. B., Bouton, Archibald L., Bouton, George I., Bovie, Verne M., Boynton, Perry S., Bross, William R., Bross, William W., Brush, William D., Bryan, C. W., Buchanan, John T., Burgess, Frank Gellett, Byrnes, James C, College. Elected. Knox, '95, X 1904 Univ. of N. C, '92, 1905 Princeton, '01, 1904 Wesley an Univ., '85, 1904 Colby, '93. 1904 Univ. of Mich., '00, 1905 Yale, '79, 1904 Amherst, '96, 1904 Washington Univ., '94, x 1904 Marietta, '98, x 1904 Dartmouth, '90, x 1904 Columbia, '81, 1904 Columbia, '99, 1904 Hobart, 1905 Washington Univ., '84, x 1904 Central Col. of Mo., '72, 1904 Mass. Inst. Tech., '87, 1905 C. C. of N. Y., '86, 1905 Cadieux, Louis E., Calkins, Earnest Elmo, Carstarphen, Frank E., Catt, George William, Chandler, Julian A. C, Amherst, '03, 1904 Knox, '91, 1904 Columbia, '99, 1904 Iowa State Col., '82, 1905 William and Mary, '92, 1905 32 RESIDENT MEMBERS. Name. Cheney, Orion H., Cherill, Edward K., Cherry, T. H., Chickering, John J., Clement, Hugh B., Cleveland, Frederick A., Coffin, James G., Comfort, Frederic Price, Constant, S. Victor, Cook, Frank A., Cortelyou, George Bruce, Craighill, Edward A., Jr., Crosby, Arthur A., Cutler, George E., Cutter, John A., College. Elected. N. Y. Univ., '97, 1905 Carthage Col., '95, 1905 Columbia, '04, 1904 Amherst, '79, 1904 Kenyon, '86, 1904 De Pauw, '90, x 1904 Leland Stanford, Jr., '00, 1904 Syracuse, '94, 1905 Columbia, '80, x 1904 Amherst, '02, 1904 Georgetown, '95, 1904 Univ. of Va., '96, 1905 Poly. Inst, of Bklyn, '96 1905 Univ. of Mich., '85, 1905 Mass. Agric. Col, '82, x 1904 Daniels, Edwin, A., Daniels, Ernest D., Davis, Everly M., Deghuee, Charles J., Demarest, Geo. M., Denbigh, John H., Dickerson, Frank S., Dickinson, Howard W., Dartmouth, '71, 1905 Amherst, '90, 1904 Leland Stanford, Jr., '00, 1904 Columbia, '84, 1904 Lafayette, '98, 1905 Oxford, '91, 1904 Columbia, '99, 1904 Marietta, '89, 1904 RESIDENT MEMBERS. 33 Name. Dill, James B., D'Oench, Albert R, Douglass, H. Howard, Draper, John C, Jr., Duncan, D. B., Dunham, Sturges S., Dunn, Arthur T., Durstine, Lee B., College. Elected. Yale, '76, 1905 Washington Univ., ''J2, x 1904 Ohio Wesleyan, '91, x 1904 Syracuse, '82, x 1904 Upper Iowa Univ., '90, 1905 Ohio Wesleyan, '97, x 1904 Cornell, '03, 1904 Univ. of Wooster, '78, x 1904 Eaton, Geo. O., Eaton, J. Shirley, Elliott, Edward C, Emery, Eben H., Erb, William M., Erdmann, John F., Eveleth, Walter, U. S. M. A., '73, 1904 Marietta, '89, 1905 Univ. of Nebraska, '95, x 1904 Bates, '84, X 1904 Leiand Stanford, Jr., '01, 1905 New York Univ., '87, 1904 Tufts, '82, 1905 Fairchild, Jarvis R., Fankhauser, Charles K., Fanning, Wm. J., Fast, Francis R., Fitch, John K., Columbia, '88, 1904 Marietta, '93, 1905 N. Y. Univ., '73, X 1904 Univ. of C, N. Y., '85, 1905 Columbia, '02, 1905 34 RESIDENT MEMBERS. Name. Flannagan, Dallas, Foster, Geo. H. D., Fowler, Alvan L., Foye, Andrew E., Frayer, Eugene, Fripp, Jos. A., College. Elected. Virginia Mil. Inst., '87, 1904 Bowdoin, '95, 1904 Mass. Agr. Col., '80, x 1904 Columbia, '90, 1904 Cornell, '76, 1905 C. C. of N. Y., '79, 1905 Gallert, David J., Galston, Clarence G., Gardner, J. R., Gaston, Charles Robert, Gere, James Belden, Gilchrist, Edward P., Goessmann, Louis E., Goessmann, Charles I., Graham, William J., Greene, John A., Gregg, James G., Gunnison, Stanley E., Gumey, Howard F., Colby, '93, X 1904 C. C. of N. Y., '95, 1904 Univ. of Iowa, '93, 1905 Cornell, '96, 1905 N. Y. Univ., '96, 1905 Bucknell, '97, 1904 Mass. Agr. Col., '94, 1905 Mass. Agr. Col., '97, 1904 St. Xavier, '93, 1904 Colby, '00, 1904 Cornell, '98, 1905 St. Lawrence Univ., '99, 1905 Stevens In. of Tech., '92, 1904 Hamlin, Wm. E., Haney, James P., Mass. Inst. Tech., 1904 Columbia, '92, 1904 RESIDENT MEMBERS. 35 Name. Hardy, George F., Hardy, Roy M., Harvey, Benj. C, Haynes, Irving S., Hazen, William L., Hendrick, Peter A., Henry, Nelson H., Hersey, George W., Hill, Almon F., Jr., Hodgdon, Frederick C., Hoe, Alfred G., Holden, Lansing C., Holloway, J. W., Hosford, Isaac B., Howell, Logan D., Hunt, John L. N., Hurley, Francis L., Hurley, James F., Hutchins, Francis S., Hyatt, A. Judson, College. Elected. Dartmouth, '88, 1905 Univ. of Mich., '98, 1905 Harvard, '03, 1905 Wesleyan Univ., '85, 1905 Columbia, '83, 1904 St. Johns, '78, X 1904 Columbia, 'yy, 1904 Univ. of Maine, '99, 1904 Bowdoin, '02, 1904 Tufts, '94, X 1904 N. Y. Univ., '83, 1904 Wooster, '03, x 1904 N. Y. Univ., 1905 Harvard, 'yy, 1904 Univ. of N. C, '89, 1905 Bethany, '62, 1905 Columbia, '04, 1905 St. Francis Xavier, '95, 1905 Williams, '00, 1905 N. Y. Univ., '98, 1905 Irwin, W. H., Ives, William H., I Leland Stanford, Jr., '99, 1905 Syracuse, '91, 1904 3^ RESIDENT MEMBERS. J Name. College. Elected. Jackson, V. H., Univ. of Mich., '78, 1904 Jameson, Henry W., Yale, '72, 1905 Jaudon, Wm. Bainbridge, N. Y. Univ., '95, x 1904 Johnson, Joseph F., Harvard, '78, 1905 Jones, E. N., Hamilton, '83, 1905 Jouett, Henry D., Mass. Inst. Tech., '00, 1904 K Keating, Stephen H., Columbia, 1905 Kellogg, Raymond N., Amherst, '97, 1904 Kellogg, Waldo S., Cornell, '93, 1905 Kendall, Frederick O., Tufts, '84, X 1904 Kidder, Hugh, Trinity, '92, 1905 Knipe, George V., Swarthmore, '04, 1904 Knipe, William H. W., Columbia, '03, 1905 Lamb, William W., L Amherst, '01, 1904 Lathrop, H. W., Columbia, '04, 1905 Laughlin, Hugh C, Ohio State Univ., '90, 1905 Lawler, Thomas B., Holy Cross, '85, 1904 Layton, Harry P., Univ. of Colorado, '95, 1904 Leggett, Noel Bleeker, Columbia, '04, 1904 RESIDENT MEMBERS. 37 Name. Lighthipe, William W., Linton, Chas. C, Lockwood, J. Fred., Lodge, Paul E., Loomis, Andrew G., Loughran, Frederic W., Lowson, David L., College. Elected. Columbia, '98, 1905 Wilmington, '89, 1905 Univ. of Maine, '86, X 1904 Univ. of 111., '01, 1904 Bucknell, '95, x 1904 Union, '90, 1904 Aberdeen, '63, x 1904 M Maass, Chas. O., MacAdam, Henry G., Mackenzie, Kenneth K., Madden, Edgar, Malone, William R., Marble, Albert P., Matthews, Fred. L., McAuliflfe, George B., Meleney, Clarence E., Melick, David B., Meneely, John H., Metcalf, Richard A., Minor, James A., Minor, Clark IT., Mitchell, Theodore J., Tulane, '88, 1904 Columbia, '95, 1904 Columbia, '01, 1904 Harvard, '79, 1905 Ohio State Univ., '85, X 1904 Colby, '61, X 1904 Williams, '97, 1905 C. C. of N. Y., '85, 1905 Colby, '76, X 1904 Yale, '95, 1904 Univ. of 111., '96, 1905 Colby, '86. 1904 Hamilton, '94, 1905 Hamilton, '02, 1905 Marietta, '7.4, 1904 38 RESIDENT MEMBERS. Name. College. Elected. Mohr, Walter M., C C. of N. Y, '89, 1904 Morey, Wm. Thomas, Ohio State Univ., '88, 1905 Morgan, John D., Columbian, '92, 1905 Morrison, Edwin J., Dartmouth, '90, x 1904 Morse, Walter L., Mass. Agr. Col., '95, 1904 Morton, Baxter, Hampden-Sidney, '93 1904 Naught, George L., N Knox, '96, 1904 Nealley, Calvin H., Univ. of Maine, '92, x 1904 Newman, Hugo, C. C. of N. Y., '85, 1905 Nickerson, A. T., Tufts, '89, 1905 O'Beime, James F., St. Francis Xavier, '93, 1905 Parker, Orrel A., Payne, Halbert E., Pearson, Walter A., Pease, Ernest M., Peters, E. G., Pratt, William O., Prentice, Alfred C, Princeton, '95, 1905 Ohio State Univ., '87, 1905 Tufts, '90, X 1904 Univ. of Colorado, '82, 1905 Harvard, '74, 1904 Amherst, 'yy, x 1904 Alfred Univ., '97, 1905 RESIDENT MEMBERS. Name. Pressly, James Grier, Pulsifer, William E., College. Erskine, '95, Bates,* 39 Elected. 1905 1904 Quimby, Ernest S., Wesleyan, '96, 1904 Ray, Louis D., Rector, Joseph M., Reigart, John F., Reiley, Charles C, Reynolds, James B., Ridge, William N., Roberts, John S., Robinson, Franklin W., Robinson, William O., Roeser, John E., Rogers, Orra S., Rose, Malcolm C, Rose, R. H., Rowley, Lincoln E., Russell, Philip W., Columbia, '82, 1904 Columbia, '90, 1904 Dickinson, '88, 1905 Columbia, '97, 1904 Yale, '84, X 1904 Allegheny, '82, 1905 C. C. of N. Y., '95, 1905 C. C of N. Y., '95, 1905 Wooster, '99 x 1904 C. C, of N. Y., '90, 1904 Alfred Univ., '94, 1905 Columbia, '96, 1904 De Pauw, '98, 1904 Syracuse, '88, x 1904 Univ. of Nebraska, '98, x 1904 Safford, R. E., Sargent, Abram W., Ohio State Univ., '94, 1905 Univ. of Maine, '88, x 1904 40 RESIDENT MEMBERS. Name. Sauerbrey, Henry S., Scholey, Chas. H., Scott, Allan, Sellenings, Albert E., Servis, John H., Shafer, D. R., Shafer, William B., Jr., Sheppard, J. J., Shiels, Albert, Silver, Edgar O., Simmons, Ward W., Simmons, Parker P., Simpson, John W., Smith, T. Arthur, Smith, G. A., Spaulding, Hector G., Squiers, Arnon L,, Stevens, Edward L., Stewart, Calvin W., Jr., Stitt, Edward W., Stoddard, Chas. C, Stockell, Victor H., Straubenmuller, Gustave, Symonds, Edmund H., College. Elected. Denison, '99, 1905 Western Reserve, '95, 1904 C. C. of N. Y., '98, 1904 Ohio State Univ., '96, 1904 Cornell, '97, 1905 Syracuse, '02, 1905 Cornell, '98, 1905 Harvard, '94, 1904 C. C. of N. Y., '86, 1905 Brown Univ., '83, 1905 Polytech. Inst., B'klyn., '97, 1904 Bowdoin, '75, 1904 West. Univ. of Penn., x '74, 1904 Swarthmore, '01, 1904 Purdue, '02, 1905 Univ. of Minn., '00, 1904 Columbia, '93, 1904 Hamilton, '90, 1904 Whit worth, '95, x 1904 C. C. of N. Y., '81, 1904 Lafayette, '97, x 1904 N. Y. Univ., 01, 1904 C. C. of N. Y., '80, 1905 Richmond, '95, 1904 RESIDENT MEMBERS. Name. College. T 41 Elected. Taylor, James W., N. Y. Col. of Dentistry, '84, 1905 Terry, Charles Thaddeus, Williams, '89, Thomas, Oscar B., Thomas, Richard S., Thompson, Samuel C, Town, Frederic E., Towne, Robert S., Townshend, Arthur B., Trautwein, A. P., Tucker, Ross F., Tuttle, H. Austin, Antioch, '92, Yale, '87, Mass. Agr. Col., '72, x Tufts, '98, Ohio State, '78, x Ohio State, '78, x Stevens Inst, of Tech., '76, 1904 Mass. Inst. Tech., '92, 1905 1905 1904 1905 1904 1904 1904 1904 Tufts, '91, x 1904 Vanderveer, Frank F., Vigouroux, Geo. E., Vinton, Stallo, Voislawsky, Antonie P., Vorhees, Frank D., Vredenburgh, Watson, Wade, Joseph IL, Walscheid, Arthur J., N. Y. Univ., '90,* X 1904 Columbia, '01, 1904 Columbia, '00, 1905 N. Y. Univ., '94, 1904 Cornell. '01, 1905 Columbia, 1905 W C. C. of N. Y., '83, 1905 Dartmouth, '96, 1904 42 RESIDENT MEMBERS. Name. Warner, James H., Washburn, A. C, Washburn, James H., Waterman, Whitney, Watkins, Robert L., Westerman, J. T., Westervelt, John C, Whicher, George M., White, Fred. C, Whiting, Jay E., Whitsit, J. E., WilHams, Henry D., Wilsey, Frank D., Wilson, Burton W., Wilson, William C, Wilson, James F., Wood, Gardner Weeks, Woodman, Irving L., College. Elected. Columbia, '90, 1905 Purdue, '89, 1904 Purdue, '96, 1905 Columbia, '04, 1904 N. Y. Univ., '87, 1904 Cornell, '98, 1905 Cornell, '94, x 1904 Iowa Col., 1905 Alfred Univ., '95, 1905 Yale, '94, 1904 Univ. of Mich., '96, 1905 Columbia, '89, 1905 Otterbein, '76, 1904 Univ. of Nebraska, '96, x 1904 Allegheny, '80, x 1904 Leland Stanford, Jr., '94, 1905 Hamilton, '96, 1905 Brown, '01, 1904 NON-RESIDENT MEMBERS Name. Address and College. Arnold, Jackson, Weston, W. Va., Univ. of W. Va., '96, 1904 Baskerville, Guy Halsey, White Plains, N. Y., Syracuse, '95, 1905 Briggs, Frank D., Tarrytown, N. Y., Hamilton, '98, 1905 Camden, Wilson Lee, Baltimore, Md., Univ. of W. Va., '92, 1905 Clarke, Frank E., White Plains, N. Y., Syracuse, '03, 1905 Craig, John W., Englewood, N. J., Harvard, '75, 1904 Demarest, Benj. Garrison, Newark. N. J., N. Y. Univ., '05, 1905 Elson, Henry W., Philadelphia, Pa., Thiel, '98, 1905 Flagg, James C, Tarrytown, N. Y., Dartmouth, '89, 1905 Howe, Chas. S., Cleveland, O., Mass. Agr. Col., '78, 1904 Jenkins, Henry K., Montclair, N. J., N. Y. Univ., '81, 1905 43 44 NON-RESIDENT MEMBERS. Name. Address and College. Johnson, Edwin J., Lamb, Roland M., City of Mexico, Columbia, '04, 1904 Long Beach, L. I., Tufts, '00, 1904 McFadden, G. Howard, Hackensack, N. J., N. Y. Univ., '89, 1905 Marietta, Ohio, Marietta, '71, 1905 New Britain, Conn., Mass. Agr. Col., '73, 1904 Davenport, Iowa, Columbia, '01, 1904 Amsterdam, N. Y., N. W. Univ., '93, 1905 Atlanta, Ga., Univ. of Ala., '95, 1904 Marietta, Ohio, Williams, '80, 1905 Passaic, N. J., Albion, '01, 1905 Mills, William W., Minor, John B., Mueller, Alfred C, Myers, W. Fenton, Payne, Warwick H., Perry, Alfred T., Woodley, O. I., NECROLOGY. F. G. Chase, Deceased, 1903, Dartmouth, '90 45 SUMMARY. College or University. !^ g§ Sw BW 3 2. a- J o-o. ." CO sg. a College or University. ^W Aberdeen University Albion Alfred University. . . Allegheny Amherst Antioch Bates Bethany Bowdoin Brown University . . . B'klyn Poly. Inst.. Bucknell Carthage Colby C. C. of N. Y Central Col. of Mo. . Columbia Columbian Cornell Dartmouth Denison De Pauw Dickinson Carried forward . . . . 3 2 11 1 2 1 3 2 2 2 1 7 11 1 34 1 10 5 1 2 1 104 Brought forward .... I 4 1 104 Erskine Georgetown Hamilton Hampden Sidney Harvard Hobart Holy Cross Iowa College Iowa State College . . . Johns Hopkins Kenyon Knox Lafayette Leland Stanford, Jr. . Marietta Mass. Agr. College. . . Mass. Inst. Tech N. Y. University. . . . North Western Univ. Ohio State University Ohio Wesleyan Univ. Otterbein Carried forward. 46 13 1 1 5 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 2 5 6 7 4 13 1 7 2 1 178 SUMMARY. 47 College or University. V. BS3 College or University. BM §8 Brought forward.... 13 178 Oxford (England) . . . Princeton 2 1 1 1 18 1 2 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 6 1 2 215 Purdue Richmond Rutgers St. Francis Xavier. . . St. Johns St. Lawrence Univ. . . St. Xavier Stevens Inst. Tech. . . Swarthmore Syracuse Thiel Trinity Tufts Tulane University. . . Union U. S. M. A Univ. of Alabama. . . Univ. of C. of N. Y. Univ. of Colorado . . . Carried forward Brought forward .... 18 315 Univ. of Illinois .... 2 Univ. of Iowa 1 Univ. of Maine 4 Univ. of Michigan . . . Univ. of Minnesota . . 5 1 Univ. of Nebraska. .. 3 Univ. of. No. Carolina 2 Univ. of Virginia . . . Univ. of W. Va 2 1 Univ, of Wooster .... 2 Upper Iowa Univ .... 1 Virginia Mil. Inst . . . Washington Univ .... Wesleyan University. Western Reserve 1 1 3 4 1 Western Univ. of Pa. 1 Whitworth 1 1 William & Mary Williams 1 3 Wilmington Yale 1 8 Totals 22 261 Total Resident Members 261 Total Non-Resident Members 22 Total Membership 283 286245 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY