UC-NRLF *B E73 ill 1 I'M WHY oncf HOW The Sole Emphatic "^Object of this Publication^ is to Agitate THE mmin mm mii H. R. 13871 OUT of Committee INTO the Statute Book Rl OT OUT ^^^^^ ^^^^^"^^ PROSTITUTION WAR M^ ( Because they are increas- ^ i ingly debauching humanity. |J||II/ ^1 Read and learn the only liy™ M infallible way. Then help. It is your duty to yourself. Do not say Let -the -other -fellow -do -it. 516 MISSION STREET SAN FRANCISCO CALIFORNIA TEN CENTS Muck-rakers and the fallacious-daily-press are curses to humanity, because, they draw attention to the run- ning sores of the body politic without offering a remedy — they do not even diagnose the cause; they know, but are too cowardly to point out the cancer that is eating the vitals of the nation. It has been .stated 4:hat. ten naen. can. stop every wheel of industry* in! thifc.^jr^iit' fisatipp^ ,m fact, that threat has been used in forcing the workers to accept starvation wages; with that boomerang, the United Workers Union will force the passage of the Workers Homes Bill — see page 48. BEGIN RIGHT DO NOT WASTE TIME Every honest, kindly person, with reasoning power, who will throw aside all prejudice and early teachings, so far as possible, and reason back from effect to cause, must arrive at the fact that USURY is the cause of crime, poverty, prosti- tution and war. A community would be considered crazy if some were energetically advocating filtration, others condensation, others chemical treatment of the water on which their health and lives depended, instead of going to the source of the water supply and removing the dead and putrid jackass that was poisoning- them. Equally crazy are those who rely on banking-regulating, tariff reform, trust-busting, purification-of-elections, single- tax, government-ownership, prohibition, graft-killing, uniform divorce-laws, white-slave-laws, world-peace, paliatives-for- disemployed, strike-arbitration and various other quack cures for the present rotten state of society instead of eradicating the poison, which is, the unnatural, unjust, wicked standard of all values — isouls and bodies no exception — GOLD the foundation of USURY. USURY — Wage slavery — must be abolished; so long as Usury exists those who perform any work useful to society b}'- brawn or brain are Slaves to the motiey-power. The people perish for lack of knowledge. Abolish Usury and the income of every worker would be more than doubled, the cost of living would be cut in half, workers would be more than four times better off; life really would be well worth living. Professor Bonamy Price defines money thus: "Money is a tool of exchange and nothing more; it is not a measure of value, nor a standard of value, nor a representative of property; it transfers property from one party to another, as a wagon hauls goods from one' place to another." Only about one person in ten thousand knows what money is, the nine thousand nine hundred and ninety and nine think it is a measure of value, or a standard of value, or a representative of property; they even look upon it as wealth; whereas it has none of those qualities; it is worthless until it is exchanged for something desired. 39^541 THE COLOSSAL CRIME The cause of ninety-nine and nine-tenth per cent of all crime is the governmental crime of ignoring the Decalogue and for it substituting the UNOLOGUE *^THOU SHALT PAY IN GOLD** Government thus makes GOLD L The *'God." IL The "graven image." III. The ''name taken in vain" — *'In God We Trust" is a LIE. IV. Disregard the ''sabbath" — gold works 365 days a year. V. Destroy "honor to fathers and mothers." VI. Cause the "killing" of hundreds of millions in inter- national wars, civil wars, Labor wars, sweat-shops, factories, mines, etc., and most individual murders. VII. The chief cause of "adultery." VIII. Do nothing else but "steal" — after it bears the govern- » ment fiat. IX. "False witness," and X. "Covetousness," its integral constituents. There was only $1,866,619,157 gold coin and bullion in the United States on 15 October, 1913. The annual business of the United States is about two hundred and fifty billion dollars: the only absolutely honest money in the country today is the $346,981,016 of United States notes — greenback currency — they are backed by the credit of the nation— all the people— and $490,850,000 silver certificates. We stand $250,000,000,000 annual business 2,724,400,173 greenbacks, gold, silver certificates $247,275,599,827 Fictitious money — water, so called, really Hell-fumes through which the bankers, at only ten per cent, are robbing the workers of $24,727,559,982 every year. Thomas W. Lawson says, "The banks average 28 per cent, their third largest one, the First National of New York, paid in dividends 1920-— nineteen hundred and twenty — per cent last year— 1911." The Government having made a law which it is impossible to observe, and, moreover, Government does not lift a finger to help provide sufficient gold with which the law can be kept, but proceeds still further in the path of iniquity by violating the Constitution, which says: "Congress shall coin money and regulate its value." Congress coins the money and then illegally transfer the power of regulating its value to a few bankers, who obtain prostitution currency from the Government and demand usury on every dollar that is put in circulation, which means on every exchange that is made, and thus they steal eight-tenths of all the workers pro- ductions. Government having perpetrated that colossal crime is thereby forced to build barracks and murder-ships, and train men to become human-butchers — fratricides — to enforce that crime — one crime necessitates other crimes — then govern- ment proceeds to build prisons, poor-houses and lunatic asylums, and fills them with the natural sequents of the colossal crime, but are not able to provide for all their victims, because, as the population increases and money does not increase in like ratio, the struggle for it increases, so, of course, crime, poverty and prostitution increase at an ever increasing ratio. The increase of crime is appalling. Two news items are submitted as proofs: San Francisco, 12 April, 1914, Prison Director Duffy said: "Our prison population is constantly on the increase. In San Quentin there are 2,050 and in Folsom 1,180 or a total of 3,230." "New York, June 6, 1914 — Forty million dollars, con- servatively estimated, is the value placed by the head of the National Surety Company of this city on defalcations throughout the United States in 1913. Thefts of more than $4,000,000 were publicly reported, while burglary insurance policies paid and other evidences of loss brings the total up to the first figure. "Of the widespread existence of the defalcation evil,' as William B. Joyce, president of the company, calls it, insufficient salaries are placed at the head of the list of causes. Clerks, managers and cashiers receiving $75 to $100 a month and trying to support large families, form a large part of the number of defaulters." Have we not as a nation the intelligence to learn from past history, and draw the logical conclusion that we are rapidly approaching the condition of Persia, Egypt, Babylon, Rome, Athens and Carthage, whose decline and fall were caused by USURY. The Americanism "busted" if not polite, is very expres- sive; it is honoftd by the Standard Dictionary. Persia busted when one per cent of the people owned all the land. Egypt busted when two per cent owned ninety-seven per cent of the wealth. Babylon busted when two per cent owned all the wealth. Rome busted when eighteen hundred men possessed the known world. "More than seven-eighths of the property of the United States is owned by less than one per cent of the population." — Government Magazine, 1910. That leaves one-eighth for ninety-nine per cent of the people, so that of every $100, $88 belongs to one per cent and $12 to the ninety-nine per cent; a proportion of 13 cents to 88 dollars, or $13 to $880,000; to intensify the inequality, the brutal wickedness of the disparity, the $13 man, woman or child performs work necessary for the nation, whereas the $880,000 man, woman or child probably does not perform a single act for the benefit of humanity, with the men and women, their lives are positively vicious, because they con- sume but do not in any way assist in production. The forgoing figures are for 1910, at 28 per cent, their capital has increased over 100 per cent — 112%. It is a mathematical certainty that in less than a decade the United States will surpass Persia, Egypt, Babylon, Rome, Athens and Carthage in wicked inequalities, unless govern- ment "fiat" money is issued direct to the users without USURY. Supposing the piece of money that Peter took from the mouth of a fish was a penny, and that the Nazarene Car- penter deposited it at six per cent USURY, compounded annually, for you and me, on January 1, 1914, there would be $25,712,103,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000— 25,712,103 followed by thirty-nine cyphers — to our credit, and to the dis-credit of USURY. If that Roman denarius could be seen today it would still be the same insignificant metal disc that it was 1914 years ago — not grown an atom — the inconceivable amount in dollars represents the sweat, blood, lives of brothers and sisters: precisely the same materials which compose the dollars of all millionaires! The workers, the people who make all the wealth, do not know why they are suffering from poverty, why they do not own the wealth they create. Labor leaders do not tell them why. Parsons from their rostrums will not disclose the fact. Professors of Sociology and Economics will not elucidate the cause of extreme poverty and wicked riches. Philanthropists— so called— will not proclaim how their wealth was filched from those who produced it. Now friends, it is our imperative duty not to allow such conditions to continue, to grow more and more acute each month so long as the present "system" is allowed to exist, that is a mathematical certainty which must be averted by destroying "the system!" Henry Warfield who has made a deep study of money, finance, and Labor unionism, says: "MONEY RULES just so long as we endow it with earning power and just as soon as we take from it that power, money will cease to rule. Man cannot compete with money, for money works all the time, day and night, Sundays and holidays, it needs neither food nor rest. The people suffer from the superstition that money breeds, lending or borrowing money does not create more money, but it creates more debt. Twenty year bonds at 5 per cent return to the bondholder all the money given to the borrower, and the debt still stands. Where is the money to come from to pay the principal? There is but one way, issue more bonds, close up one hole and open two. The producers of the world are today in financial bond- age to the blood-suckers who profit by the violation of the moral law which Moses gave to the Jews 3500 years ago. Moses, who led the Jews out of bondage in Egypt, saw the evil consequences of usury: "Thou shalt not lend upon usury to thy brother, usury of money, usury of victuals, usury of anything that is lend upon usury." — 'Deut-xxiii-19. As Moses predicted the Jews corrupted themselves by not obeying his commandments and when conditions be- came bad they began to look for a Messiah. The so-called Christian world claims that Jesus Christ was the Messiah, which the Jews deny, if we are unprejudiced we must agree with the Jews; conditions prove that the mass of the people are no better off today than they were 1900 years ago, if anything they are worse off. In spite of the fact that we are able today to produce at least 5 times more than we can consume, we still have gross poverty, women and children working long hours in factories and sweatshops for miserable wages; while those who profit from this exploitation swelter in wealth and luxury. No sane man would call this Christianity; Christ, were he to come back would feel ashamed of his creation. The Messiah could not come 1900 years ago, because we did not possess the printing press at that time, which was invented in the 15th century by Johann Guttenberg. The printing press alone was not sufficient to bring relief from the oppression of the Golden Calf, a paper-mill is another thing the Messiah will need to save the world from the sin of Usury; the Messiah may now come, we are ready for him; all he needs to do is to convince the people that money can be made of paper that will serve the same pur- pose as gold, or silver, or paper promises to pay either gold or silver. You worry over the fact that the Messiah will have to increase or inflate, as you would say, the currency; but you are not a bit worried over the inflation of BONDS. The greatest progress in the United States was made after the Civil War, why? Because of the war we got a stable currency, made out of paper, imperfect as it is, it has nevertheless more to do with our progress than most people imagine. When the Spaniards brought the gold they robbed from the Incas of Peru, to Europe, prosperity at once began to blaze up; the prosperity, however, did not last, because the gold was used up in the arts or was hoarded. Paper money obviates that. Under our present laws money is limited to gold and United States bonds, the Reserve Bank Currency will only be called out in case of a panic. The Reserve Banks were called into being to save the bankers the expense of issuing Clearinghouse Checks; that is all very good for the bankers but what about the rest of the people. The bankers as a class know the least about the proper function of money; they simply consider money their stock in trade and be- lieve it their duty to keep it as scarce as possible, in order to keep the rates of interest at top notch. People lie for money; they steal it in preference to any- thing else; they commit murder for it. If water was as scarce as money, the people would lie for it, steal it, and commit murder for it also. Most people are possessed of the foolish idea that money is a medium of Exchange, no bigger mistake ever was made. Money as used today is the means by which the producers of the wealth of the world are robbed out of untold Billions of their product, just leaving them barely enough to be able to reproduce their kind> in order to keep up this servitude. If money was a medium of exchange, those who worked the most would have the most. My definition of money is 8 that it is a MEDIUM OF ROBBERY, and I defy any one to prove to the contrary. THE LEGAL RATE OF INTEREST in the United States is about 300 per cent per annum. You say, how is that possible? Well, here it is: Of course this includes interest, profit and rent, which in the last analysis is all interest only under a different name. The circulating medium, including gold, silver and paper, is about THREE BILLION DOLLARS; the total indebt- edness on which we pay interest, rent and profit is at least NINETY BILLION; the average rate of interest, profit and rent is at lest TEN per cent. Now divide three in ninety and multiply the result with ten and the result will be THREE HUNDRED per cent. The most wonderful MONEY INCUBATOR is the so- called Building and Loan Associations. The borrowers in these institutions pay 36 per cent interest per annum. The in- vestor receives 24 per cent per annum and the diflference is eaten up by the administration. The so-called Savings Banks are the institutions which are mainly responsible for the ever increasing curse of Landlordism. These banks take deposits from people who have a little money for which they have no use and pay them four per cent interest. Most of this money is loaned to Land-Lords who use the same money to make Tenants out of the producers and workers. Tenant is a refined name for Slave. For instance: A Landlord who owns a corner lot close to the center of population, borrows ten thousand dollars from some Savings Bank at six per cent interest. He goes into the community and hires an architect to draw plans. The architect uses his skill to make the building a fine investment, he lays out the lower floor for stores and business, the upper floors he turns into as many flats as he can crowd in, regardless of the air and light or health of his prospective Tenants (Slaves). The architect calls for bids from general contractors and the lowest bidder usually gets the contract. The successful bidder then goes into the community and buys the necessary labor and mater- ial to construct the building. The newspapers congratulate the soon-to-be Land-Lord on his public spirit and enterprise in putting up such a fine building. - When the building is completed the Land-Lord puts out a^ sign "TO LET;" this is a polite invitation to the community to come and pay the cost of the building back in about four years, as some of the apartment houses are doing today. If you ask any of those who work on the building the question ''who is putting up this building?" they will all tell you the name of the Land-Lord. As a master of fact the community furnishes the money, the community puts up the building and the community pays the rent. The same system which has created the LORDS of Great Britain is creating the LORDS of the United States. These so-called Savings banks claim they loan money at six per cent. Let us see. The interest to the depositors is paid every six months, while the borrowers are compelled to pay the interest every month in advance. Savings banks take no risk; they always have double security; they make 50 per cent on their loans; besides reloaning the interest money again every month. The Savings banks in the State of California alone have loaned ten times more than the per capita of money^ of the State of California. Are you still wondering why it is getting harder every year to make a living. To furnish the Land-Lord the money and build him the house and then pay him the rent; if this is not Insanity — what would you call it? ^ State banks are chartered by the State under the Corpor- ation Laws, relating to banking, business houses deposit their surplus money in these banks for which they receive no interest. All the security these banks give is a five cent bank book and a check book; if the bank busts, all you get, after many years of waiting, is what is left. These banks make loans on Bonds and Stocks and loan to business houses on sixty and ninety day notes, usually at six per cent interest. When they make a loan to a customer say of 1000 Dollars, they hand him a bank book with a credit of the amount and 2i check book. The same 1000 Dollar is loaned to at least nine more customers and with the aid of the Clearing House they are enabled to collect interest on $10,000 while they have but 1000 Dollars in their vault. Ninety-five per cent of all business today is done by means of bank checks, practically the only cash that leaves the banks is money to rob the Wage-Slaves. National Banks are chartered by the National Govern- ment. The National Bank Act was passed during the Civil War, while nobody was looking. These banks have no legal existence as Congress was never given the power to issue charters to any bank. These banks cannot exist without a National Debt and this Banking System is the worst fraud ever put over the American people. Any five men with $25,000 worth of United States bonds can get a charter from the Treasurer of the United States, 10 to open a so-called National Bank. They are then allowed to deposit those bonds with the Treasurer who pays the interest thereon every three months, amounting from two to four per cent. This is interest number one. Then the Treasurer of the United States hands out to this so-called National Bank $25,000 worth of Bank Notes, which for all intents and purposes are every bit as good as gold, for which these bankers pay to the Treasury one-half of one per cent interest, or just enough to cover the cost of mak- ing same. A very large per cent of the people of this Usury cursed country actually believe that these banks are really what the name implies, viz: "NATIONAL." After they get their illegal charter they open their doors with the fraudulent sign over same, for instance "First National Bank." They then begin to loan these same bank notes ten times over the counter, drawing eleven times interest on their original investment of $25,000. These banks charge 6, 8, and 10, per cent interest. Under the recent Reserve Banking Act they have been authorized to loan to farmers. God pity the farmers. Great Britain was the first country to discover that by controlling money, you also control wages and for this reason voluntarily abolished chattel slavery in the dominions under her control. As a result of the invention of the steam engine, the workers were transferred from their small work shops to the large factories driven by steam power. The surplus product of these factories, after paying the wages of the workers, which were based on their actual necessities, was sent to foreign countries or to British Colonies and either exchanged or invested, with the result that Great Britain has now at least $20,000,000,000 invested in her Colonies and other countries, bringing her an annual income of about $1,000,000,000. On account of this enormous income Great Britain cannot have a protective tariff, free trade being greatly responsible f^r the decline of her industries. When in 1783 Great Britain retired from the political control of the American Colonies (United States), she had made up her mind to obtain financial control and got in her fine hand in the making of the Constitution. 3500 years ago Moses, the greatest lawyer ever known, told the Jews, Deuteronomy XV, 6: "But thou shalt not borrow." But the Constitution of the United States contains the following clause: "The Congress shall have power to borrow money on the credit of the United States."— Clause 2, Section VIII, Article 1. XI The fifth clause of the same section says the following: "Congress shall have power to coin money and regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin." The power of Congress is not limited to gold or any other material for the purpose of making money. The intrinsic value theory of money is a gross humbug taught for the purpose of keeping the people in ignorance, if anyone should ask for intrinsic value in bonds he would be considered a lunatic; the value is not in the money, but in whatever money will buy; if it will not buy anything, it has no value.- In the colonial days an attempt was made by Pennsyl- vania to issue a Land Currency, which was very successful and therefore the English prohibited it. These interferences, however, with many others brought on the revolutionary war. During this war the Colonies issued what is known as the Continental currency, this currency was made pay- able in Spanish milled dollars; all this currency got into the hands of speculators and w^as repudiated after the war. Soon after Congress organized the "UNITED STATES BANK" on the same plan as the Bank of England; this bank, however, w^as howled out of existence by the Demo- crats, who substituted the State Bank System. Under the State Bank System the bankers were allowed to issue three dollars paper currency for every dollar they had in coin; this of course led to abuses. The bankers and money-brokers naturally took advantage of this condition and waxed fat by discounting these notes, which were made payable in coin, which in fact did not exist. This rotton banking system combined with the agita- tion against chattel slavery brought on the Civil War. The young Republican Party elected Abraham Lincoln, Presi- dent, by a small pluralty. The new President was hardly seated when he found himself confronted with a rebellion. The Slave owning States rather than lose their slaves would secede and set up a Republic of their own. While he found plenty of men willing to fight for the preservation of the Union, yet he could not find any money willing to take the risk for less than three per cent per month. Abraham Lincoln refused to pay this exhorbitant interest, and sent a message to Congress, asking for an issue of full legal tender TREASURY NOTES. A bill was passed authorizing the Treasurer of the United States to issue $50,000,000 full LEGAL TENDER TREASURY NOTES, receiveable for all debts public and private. These NOTES POSSESSING the same qualification possessed by Gold, 12 never depreciated one cent. An additional $10,000,000 mak- ing a total of $60,000,000 was authorized. EXCEPTION CLAUSE. As soon as the bloodsuckers discovered that the government was making money of paper that w^as just as good as gold, they at once rushed to Wash- ington, held a conference with the Treasurer of the United States and induced him by hook and crook to recall the $60,000,000, full legal tenders and issue in their stead $150,000,000 new notes with the EXCEPTION CLAUSE on the back; thus stabbing our own money in the back. The bloodsuckers asked for their pound of flesh in Gold, while the Soldiers on the battle line had to be contented with a depreciated currency. The entire Civil War could have been concluded without the issuance of any Bonds or creating one cent of debt, had the EXCEPTION CLAUSE been kept from these notes; by this shameful act we refused to take our own money over our own counter. This one act was the greatest crime ever committed against the American people by their own public servants; nearly all crime, poverty and prostitution can be traced back to this crime of all crimes. As a result of this crime billions of bonds were issued, the bloodsuckers bought up the depreciated currency and received dollar for dollar in bonds from the Treasury, the final result of this greatest of all crimes was a public debt amounting to $2,800,000,000 These bonds although bought with paper currency were later made payable in Gold Coin. The MONEY POWER is international, headed princi- pally by the Rothschild family; this power saw its finish should the United States learn by accident how to make its own money in time of peace, and thus do away with Shy- lock's occupation. The next scheme was to call in all the legal tender notes and burn them up; the only man in their way was ABRA- HAM LINCOLN; assassination was the only way to get rid of him, and was resorted to; the assassin was never captured. The assassin no doubt was well rewarded by the money power. After Abraham Lincoln's death a bill was passed through Congress to call in all the Legal Tender notes, which had saved the Union, issue Bonds in their stead, and consign them to the furnace. The organization of a new political party known as the GREENBACK PARTY saved $346,981,016 from destruction. With the development of the Western territories great silver mines were discovered. The silver miners were per- 13 mitted to bring their silver bars to the mints and have them coined into money, at the ratio of 16 to 1; these mines paid well so long as the government put a price and its stamp upon the silver, but the bloodsuckers at once saw the danger of an inflation in basic money. In order to prevent money becoming too plentiful in the United States, the bankers sneaked a bill through Con- gress under the cover of Mint regulations, demonetizing silver, taking from the silver miners the right to take their silver to the mint and have it coined into money. The money power destroyed the people's money by burning the Greenbacks and the demonetization of silver and it is our duty now to destroy their Golden Calf by taking from Gold the privilege of free coinage. In 1878 an act was passed through Congress entitled the "RESUMPTION OF SPECIE PAYMENT;" by this time the legal tender notes were on a par with the bloodsucker's gold, in spite of the exception clause on the back of them; the Treasurer was instructed to redeem the legal tenders with borrowed gold for which we are being taxed to pay interest to the bloodsuckers. The silver miners were not satisfied with being deprived of their privilege of free coinage of silver, the money-trust, however, in Congress refused to restore silver to its former privilege, but passed the Bland-Allison act, instructing the Treasury to purchase from the lowest bidder $2,000,000 worth of silver bullion per month and coin same into stand- ard dollars. This, however, did not prove satisfactory to the silver miners, so this law was repealed and the Sherman Law passed in its stead, which required the Treasurer to purchase 4,500,000 ounces of silver per month from the lowest bidder and paid with silver certificates. The blood- suckers did not want any money they could not control and the opportunity came in 1893 with the panic, which was blamed to the Sherman Act. Cleveland was seated, silver received its final blow. When Grover the first issued $262,000,000 worth of bonds, the idle money of the blood- suckers was invested and the people were taxed to pay the interest on the bonds. Grover's second term happened in the beginning of the seven lean years, and, as the people always do, they took revenge on the democratic party and elected William McKinley, a republican, for President; he was a strong silver man as a Congressman, but the election as President on the bloodsucker's ticket swelled his head and he became an easy convert and tool for the most damnable trust under the sun. 14 William McKinley sold his soul to the most implacable foes of the American people— GREAT BRITAIN, or rather the British Jew-money-power. William McKinley signed the bill making British Jew Gold; and its shadow, the only legal money of the United States. As God has a hand in everything he must have had a hand also in the assassination of William McKinley — the assassin was caught and executed; unlike the case of Abraham Lincoln. The bloodsuckers, not satisfied yet, had a bill passed through Congress amending the so-called National Bank Act, changing the circulation privilege from 90 per cent to 100 per cent and reducing the tax or interest from one per cent to one-half per cent per annum. The Regional Reserve Bank Act was passed to save the bloodsuckers the expense of issuing clearinghouse certifi- cates, the system is so arranged that there will be no benefit to the people except when there is a panic; then the people will be handed emergency currency, instead of clearinghouse checks. All we have to do now is to forget that there is a depression in the country, as our "DEAR" President WOODROW WILSON has recently said, and everything will be lovely. Just think, my dear readers, we pay this College-Professor $75,000 per year besides his keep, and if he were appointed by the Crown of Great Britain as Governor General, he could not be more subservient to that power. His son-in-law has paid us a visit lately and told us, that we will have good times soon. Just think what brainy men we have in charge of our National affairs. The latest report from the controller of the misnamed national banks shows that we are most generous to the bloodsuckers. We have made them a present of $1,018,- 193,636, in bank notes, for which they pay to the United States Treasury a fraction over $5,090,000 per annum, about the cost of making the currency, for the privilege of using this currency the producers of this nation pay $610,800,000 annually to the bloodsuckers. We are told over and over that this is a free country, it is free of men with common sense; we have lots of schools, colleges and universities; but the education they impart must be wrong or else such conditions could not exist. Teach your children what money should be and save them from slavery. SCAB MONEY. Union men are often fined for buying non-union made goods or for patronizing non-union estab- 15 lishments, this means one working man fighting another; oi course nothing could be more desirable for the bloodsuckers. The United Workers' Union is organized to fight the blood- suckers, we care nothing about hours or wages, we let those take care of themselves, but we will not work for the bloodsuckers money, or scab-money. All gold-coin and all currency payable in gold-coin and all national bank currency is SCAB money; this money produces crime, pov- erty, prostitution and war. Treasury Notes, Greenbacks, Silver Coins and Silver Certificates are Union Money, that will produce prosperity for all; it will compel those now riding on the back of labor to get off and make their own living." February 4, 1914, I went to the Federal Reserve Bank in this city with a $1,000 United States Bond and asked for a loan of $400 for 30 days at 5 per cent and was refused — Henry Warfield. Comment is unnecessary — think it out, think hard. POSTAL SAVINGS BANKS were organized in England by Gladstone, 16 September, 1861; there is now over $1,000,- 000,000 deposits— THE GOVERNMENT USES IT.' Our bankers would not allow us those benefits until fifty years after, and, then, only because they realized that through the numerous disgraceful failures of Savings Banks, the workers were hoarding their small savings, 'and would not trust the bankers. The bankers wanted those many small amounts, and therefore permitted the government to establish the Post-Office Savings Banks, on conditions that they act as collecting agents for them — the bankers — and they would pay the government 2^ per cent, the government to pay the depositors 2 per cent. Then when the government wanted that money it must borrow it from the bankers. The Panama Canal could have been built with Post-Office Savings Bank deposits, or better still, by an issue of Panama Greenbacks, that would have relieved the money stringency from which we are suffering so acutely, it would be real, honest money that could not be cornered. POVERTY. George A Hall, Secretary New York Child Labor Committee, states there are 1,750,000 child w^orkers from ten to fifteen years of age working 8, 9, 10 and 11 hours a day. During the two decades ending 1900 the Federal Census shows that while child labor increased fifty-six per cent — • more by twelve per cent than the increase in child popula- tion — little girl workers increased sixty-five per cent. The Federal Census, of 1910 shows there were 5,516,163 16 persons ten years of age and over, unable to read and write. These facts alone are proofs as to the increase of poverty; there are 20,000,000 in this country unprecedented as to wealth suffering from actual poverty; it is heartbreaking to contem- plate the next generation. New York, March 16, 1914 — According to reports received by the Charity organization society, there is more poverty and destitution in New York now than in the last forty years. Never before in its history has the society been called upon to help so many families. Yesterday it had 2781 families in its care, an increase of 548 over the same season .last year. During February, 1914, it helped 3313 families, an increase of 642 over February, 1912. THE SOCIAL EVIL— Many persons are foolishly wast- ing valuable time and energy in proposing legislation 'for what is termed the "red light" districts of the falsely called "Social Evil," some are in favor of segregating, others pro- pose licensing the "white slaves" as they facetiously or sarcastically designate them. A little honest reasoning should convince the makers of man-laws and show them the absurdity of their antics, be- cause the "Social Evil" that produces all other evils, is already legalized, is most fully protected; can be, and is, practised anywhere, everywhere, with all the powers of gov- ernment to protect the traffickers in USURY. The falsely called "Social Evil" is not an evil but a^ power, only second to that of self preservation, in fact sex attraction very frequently does not take the second but the first place in natural law; that is proved by numerous suicides of men and women, who because of absurd laws and regulations are not allowed to consumate their burning desires; normal men and women know the power of that wise provision of the universe, the procreative instinct. The real "red light" districts are the banks; through "the system" workers are robbed on every exchange they make; eight-tenths of their products are stolen from* them, THAT CAUSES PROSTITUTION; women not able to support themselves decently and honestly; yoimg men unable to support wives and children. There is more prostitution, and of a viler grade, among the wealthy than with the workers. Stop USURY and all would be economically free — that would end prostitution of bodies, brains and talents. 17 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES We, the People of the United States in order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tran- quility, provide for the common defense, promote the gen- eral Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to our- selves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Con- stitution for the United States of America: UNION is impossible between the robbers and the robbed — the gold-standard divides all of us into those two classes. JUSTICE is impossible under an unjust standard-of- value. TRANQUILITY is impossible between the "haves" and the "have-nots;" the "have-nots" having produced all the "haves" have. WELFARE— There are 2,000,000 dis-employed, not allowed by the gold-standard to earn a living; there are now 20,000,000 Brothers and Sisters in actual poverty under this Constitution of the United States. BLESSINGS OF LIBERTY are unknown in the United States, it is an impossible condition under the gold-standard of all values — bodies and souls not excepted. SUPERSTITION is the power with which the wealthy are able to keep the workers in abject slavery; the hydra- headed-monster is MONEY, CHURCH, FLAG. MONEY. Workers have been taught to believe they are being paid for their Labor when the act of robbing them of eight-tenths of the products of their toil is being perpetrated. CHURCH. "Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth" is impressed on the workers by the sleek who own the earth and all things thereon and therein. Carnegie, Morgan, John D. Rockefeller Sr., and John D. Rockefeller Jr., the Bible class instructor, are offered as proofs. All churches ignore the tWo fundamental ethics of the cosmos: "Take thou no USURY or increase from him." "The land shall not be sold." — both were old when the man-made Bible was compiled, they ^rt an integral 18 part of every soul when created; they are observed by tribes not tainted by the uncivilizing power of a false standard- of-value; that is the evil which obliterates all high aspira- tions, chokes all brotherhood sympathies, destroys love, is the most prolific breeder of family discord , is the chief cause of divorce and prostitution. The church is an adjunct of the money-power; it always has been; Jesus was murdered by the High Priests and bankers because he whipped the USURERS out of the Temple. Tolstoy said churches are the farthest possible removed from the ideals of the Nazarene Carpenter. Anyone believing in divinity and also pretending to Doc- tor Divinity is not fit to be trusted by any working Carpenter, or by any other working man, woman,^ or child; the mentality or brain power of Doctorers of Divinity must be either addled or prostituted; it would be wisdom on the part of the clergy to abolish the ridiculous assumptive. "I am holier than thou" — titles of Reverend and D.D. with which they tag each other to denote "par excellence" types of the meek and lowly Nazarene Carpenter who had not even a bed to call his own. What is the honest or dishonest object of the title D.D.? Does it mean that God in his infinite wisdom has shown partiality by revealing certain secrets to his chosen few? FLAG. National flags are symbols of hatred, war against all other flags; the origin of flags was for the sole purpose of protecting the property of the wealthy and stealing rnore, quite regardless of the consequent loss of blood and lives; the rich do not enlist, they pay the workers with money stolen from workers, to join the army and be transformed into murderers and targets for murderers under another flag; this degradation is submitted to for a paltry $15 per month for the purpose of protecting those who rob Labor of their products, some even to the extent of from $5,000,000 to $10,000,000 a month! A piece of linen rag used as an handkerchief is of more use to workers than all the flags of all nations of the world; national flags are never unfurled on behalf of Labor; the Stars and Stripes are no protection to workers; more than 100 men, women and children were murdered in Ludlow, Colorado by the Rockefeller Army, the tents of these victims of greed-for-gold bore the American flags at the 19 time of the murders; this was in April in this year of our Lord, 1914, under Christian civilization; another 100 men, women and children are missing, it is supposed their bodies were burned with Standard Oil to hide the murders. New York, May 28, 1914— Judge Ben B. Lindsey of Denver, testifying today before the federal commission investigating the Colorado mine war, said: "Colorado has perfected the science of corrupting men. Its judges, its supreme court judges, are owned like office boys, its lawyers, its businessmen, all are owned. The capitalists in Colorado have carried out the most perfidious deals to control the agencies of the laws, and not only make the laws, but prevent the enforcement of laws." One flag only means the same in all countries, love of humanity, brotherhood of all races, that is the Red Flag, the color of all human blood, be the skin white, yellow or black, that flag is anathematized by all governments because it stands for nature's laws against man-made-laws; it is sym- bolical of the Brotherhood of Man. February 12, 1915 — Col. Harris Weinstock has returned from the Industrial Commission Hearing in New York, where Rockefeller Senior, Junior, and Carnegie made con- sumate asses of themselves for the amusement of the think- ing minority of the world. Weinstock was one of the actors on the same commission at the Palace Hotel in August last; speaking of the New York meeting he says: "The suggestions and general trend of the discussion was along the line of issuing BONDS by the State to enable the employment of the temporarily unemployed in public construction work, road-building, and the like." He uses the word "unemployed" instead of dis-employed, — not allowed to earn their living — the unemployed are the idle rich, too lazy and too stupid to be able to earn a living. Their specious remedy to assist the industrial class is precisely the same as Arch-Demon-English-Banker-Haz- zard's plan to enslave every American worker by issuing BONDS. Then note the still further iniquity, the BONDS are to be used to enhance the LAND-LORDS' property, and one step deeper, every cent of every BOND and all interest will be composed of workers' sweat, blood and lives. WORKERS, we who perform any useful work in home, store, office, field, workshop, factory, and elsewhere, must UNITE in ONE UNION, and stop being fooled and robbed by the Weinstocks, Rockefellers, Carnegies, and all of that ilk, WHOSE FORTUNES WE MAKE. 20 » iVeaUA tut Ltft—Rutkim. It is evtry man's dmtf tut te sent as a soldier— Tolstty These are the reiulu of Cbriitian civilization, wHh 11,4^9,96.$ Brothen and Sitters in actual poverty. \riu/,t— to enable blm to collect. consequMitly »HYLOCK takea tOOO.000.000 war 'from them each year. Thla al«* la 20th Century CHRISTIANITY, and the Ba«{e »r •"- " ^A^SSivl "I pray TOU, let ua leave o- h GC I i Ll O O O (5 o CO CM CO ^ 1-H CM r— ( f-H CO C^l O CN O) CO CO I> CS| CM CO CM to o CM ^ f-H CO 00 1— ( Ol - CO o :3 CO CTJ c« H 47 WORKERS UNITE DON*T BE FOOLED ANY LONGER BY GOVERNMENT— LABOR LEADERS— SOCIALISTS The Industrial Commission ap-pointed by Congress "to discover the underlying causes of dissatisfaction in the in- dustrial situation" has just issued the first annual report. This junketing trip is to last three years, they can visit any part of the United States their desires for pleasure suggests; cost is practically unlimited, it may easily reach $500,000 — which- will, to the uttermost cent, come out of the workers' pockets. The most heinous feature of the commission is that is was appointed for the sole purpose of misleading the work- ing class into the belief that the government is interested in bettering the conditions of those who produce all the wealth of the nation. The commission was intended as a fiasco, they were not expected or intended to find the cause of dissatisfaction among the workers; they therefore conducted the ''hearings" on star-chamber principles and subpaened only those whose opinions they wished to make public, knowing full well that the "cause" would not be mentioned by their selected wit- nesses; not one woman — the most important factor in all production — was called before them to show the cause of the prevailing general dissatisfaction — they were afraid of the truth. One man tried all available means to obtain a hearing, he asked the commissioners who receive ten dollars a day and all expenses if they would kindly sit one morning at 9 o'clock and hear him till 10 o'clock — ^their usual hour to begin the hypocritical work — he promised to expose the sole cause and give the remedy and thus save them the trouble of further investigations, they refused, the man persisted, Chair- mon Walsh then called the sergeant-at-arms and a policeman to eject the truth from the Star Chamber. Walsh left the following lie which appeared in the daily press the day after he had left the city: "We have heard from all persons who wished to appear," Chairman Walsh. Their preliminary report gives 24 causes of unrest and suggests 14 more subjects for future hearings — in none of the 38 is there the slightest hint at the cause — >the money question — these commissioners are taking about $15.00 each per day out of the workers' pockets as payment for their cleverness in hiding the truth about the most important sub- 48 ject before the world — that which indeed brought about the European holocaust. The Industrial Commission have come to the conclusion that the unrest among the workers is because "Labor is not marketed right," the remedy they suggest is to establish Labor exchanges all over the country where Labor can be bought and sold like pigs, pig-iron or potatoes. No man is fit for Congress, or for the Industrial Com- mission, unless he knows there is only one cause — not ''causes" — of dissatisfaction in the industrial situation;" and that is the gold standard of all. values, which was forced on this Nation by the English bankers, for the express purpose of robbing the toilers of eight-tenths of their products, they know. First. The Constitution says: "The Congress shall have power to coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin, and fix the standard of weights and measures." If a baker, the father of a very large family passed all his loaves to an alien agent, at a shade above the actual cost, for him to sell at any standard price his greed might dictate, the baker and his family having to pay the agent's advanced price for bread with which to sustain life, the children, grand-children, great-grand-children would summar- ily consign the baker to a prison or a lunatic asylum and take charge of the bakery themselves for their sole benefit. The baker analogy is exactly parallel with our govern- ment issue of the national money; the government coins the money, the "fiat" of the people make it money; then the government hands it to a few bankers at a shade above cost for them to "regulate the value thereof" at which the people may be allowed to use the money of their own creation. Bankers are aliens, bankers know no nationality, gold is their God, deposits their Religion, they are minus soul or conscience, their gizzard-greed is the only organ which influences their lives. This Nation is greatly indebted to Franklin who through greatest difificulties succeeded in keep- ing metal money out of the Constitution — except as a sop, the States are allowed to use gold and silver as money, but the metal money issued by the State is legal-tender only in the State of issue. Franklin summed up gold as "the most useless of all metals fit only for plugging teeth and ornamenting fools." We have so degenerated that we allow GOLD to govern us. Second: The Thirteenth Amendment 1865, Article VIIT, Section L Neither Slavery nor involuntary servitude, ex- cept as a punishment for crime, whereof the party shall have 49 been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction. Section 2. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation. Every Bond issued by the Federal, State, county govern- ments, railroads, corporations, universities, all bonds, are contrary to the Constitution because they inflict "involuntary servitude" on all who have to pay nolens volens the interest. This is a most serious matter; in California $5,800,000 fresh bonds have just been passed, $1,800,000 of that is to its ever- lasting disgrace for the University of California, proving its mathematical and economic ignorance; on that $5,800,000 bonds $13,000,000 will be the "involuntary servitude" in 50 years at 4>^ per cent— $18,800,000 for the use of $5,800,000. In 1910 State Bonds were $28,539,795 In 1913 State Bonds were $100,387,559 In 1907 County Bonds were $ 6,555,660 In 1914 County Bonds were $ 57,353,545 With the addition of Railroad, Corporation and City Bonds, California is probably paying over $15,000,000 annual bond interest, children are thus born into "involuntary servi- tude." . Our forefathers knew "Banks are more dangerous to the liberties of the people than standing armies," and acted accordingly to that knowledge. Third: On 23 December, 1793, they enacted that "Any person holding any office or stock in any institution in the nature of a bank for issuing or discounting bills or notes payable to bearer or order cannot be a member of the House while he owns such ofifice or stock." That resolution was signed by President George Wash- ington. Three-fourths of the seats in Congress are thus illegally held by bankers, bank officials, and stock holders — traitors to the Commonwealth. The acts of Congress have all, for generations, been unconstitutional. This is a genera- tion of spineless slaves to bankers. What LABOR LEADERS have accomplished for themselves is too obvious to need comment. Statistics from 1850 prove most emphatically what they have done to the workers; the third column in the following table "Product over wages" in plain language is, robbery of workers through th« gold standard, which the Labor Leaders still uphold. 50 Product Wages Product over wages 1950 - $247 $ 812 $ 565 1860 288 1,438 1,150 1870 , 302 1,648 1,346 1880 346 1,965 1,619 1890 444 2,204 1,760 1900 437 2,450 2,013 1910 518 3,124 2,606 calculate what the figures will be in 1920 if the gold standard is still allowed to govern us. Recently the government has created $500,000,000 Aldrich-Vreeland currency, and $1,000,- 000,000 Federal Reserve Bank currency which is given to a few bankers at 2 per cent by our Traitorous government instructing the reserve banks to exact 6 per cent — 200 per cent for themselves from the associated banks, and the asso- ciated banks exact as much as they can from the users of the "Fiat" money; at only 8 per cent means $120,000,000 every year, all provided by the workers* sweat, blood and lives. As soon as the federal banks are in full work they will be loaning $20,000,000,000— twenty billions— on the backing of the $1,500,000,000 of unconstitutional money, and the people using it, using the money of their own creation will be paying the bankers $400,000,000 for its use annually! The SOCIALISTS have deceived the workers for genera- tions saying they would capture the government and make con- ditions lovely by means of the ballot; voting is the capitalist game, they have the four aces up their sleeves — army, navy, police, supreme court — the money trust is the government, that should be the sole object of attack. Socialists have fooled us by assuring us that they would prevent European war, whereas the most atrocious war of all the ages began in the stronghold of Socialism, it is the mathematical cul - mination of centuries of rule by gold, church and Devil — greed : It is now costing the workers $70,000,000 a day to maintain and assist 10,000,000 brothers in murdering each other, whereas if Socialists had devoted their energies to destroying the money power, those 10,000,000 brothers would today be producing $100,000,000 worth of wealth daily for themselves. The finale of the European war will be the repudiation of all debts, they are all bankrupt, demonetization of gold, the brotherhood of man, recognized and lived. The millen- ium is no myth, or it could not have maintained its hold on '51 the human mind, an idea has been the embryo of every accomplished fact, the indescribeable horrors of tlie European bloodshed will thus result in the millenium. With such men as Edison, Burbank and thousands of others in all departments of industry, we can inaugurate the millenium here, before the European conflict is over, if we will demonetize gold. The Socialist theory is good, their tactics to obtain such conditions are contrary to reason. The Workers Homes Bill should commend itself to every honest, reasoning person, because. 1. It is so simple that every worker can understand and unite to carry it out. 2. It is independent of parties; therefore, free from the political inferno. 3. It can be carried through immediately by the present administration. It matters not what tag. Congressmen, Sena- tors, President, Supreme Court Judges wear; no need to wait ten, twenty or forty years for all to be tagged Socialist. 4. It saves the waste of time and money spent over elections, because it matters not one iota who is elected — one worry less. 5. It will prove that Industrialism — United Labor — has the power to obtain everything on which they agree; it is simple justice — equal rights — for workingmen and banker- men. 6. It is the purest strain of Socialism, and will eventually abolish USURY in all its forms of rent, interest, profit. 7. It will prove Labor to be more powerful than gold, although the bankers — the real government of this country — have given to gold the unnatural and fictitious power of usury. 8. It is the only plan yet suggested that will allay the general discontent, and thus avert the impending, expected revolution. 9. It is a clear-cut "casus belli" — People's money versus Bankers' money. Money that will only exchange services, not the money w^hich steals the. services of the workers. About 100,000,000 PEOPLE against 10 Financial Octopi. 10. The plan of campaign — this is ready — proves victory certain, and provides against any suffering from want in the fight which will be carried out in the open. 11. It will place the power of control in the hands of those who produce. ■ 52 A. Workers produce ail we^alth,' 'but have no voice in its distribution. B. Workers are the only class necessary for any nation, but have not the slightest influence in making the laws. C. Scheming shirkers have given an unnatural, fictitious power to gold which enables them to steal all the products of the workers — barring enough to keep them workable — to produce more wealth. 12. That is the A B C of the proposition. Those lazy, indifferent people who meet every good suggestion with "Let- the-other-fellow-do-it," are positive obstructions in the road of human progress. Wake up, think, talk, act, accomplish, do all you can to INCORPORATE ALL WORKERS in this city into ONE UNITED WORKERS' UNION with honest, fearless men for its officers. Every other center of industry will then do likewise, and will send one delegate each to THE WORKERS' PARLIAMENT which will be established in Washington, D. C, whose duty it will be to instruct Congress as to the LEGISLATION DEMANDED This Union will not interfere in the slightest degree with any trade regulations, it is solely to bring about United Action to force the passage of the Workers Homes Bill. This year we shall be crowded with all nationalities and without doubt this Union will include the Workers of the World, the world will then be ours and reckoned in our present terms of value, the daily income of each member will be ten dollars. WORKERS: Government will not give you a crumb. You have the power to take the whole loaf. AVILL YOU? We must have an office on Market Street, on the ground floor, between 3rd Street and the Ferries, fees will be optional from ten cents to a dollar a month; the dime members will have all the advantages of the dollar members, another striking feature will be that the pay of the president will be the same as the janitor — that will insure a good man for the presidency. Send in your names and addresses to: J. A. Kinghorn-Jones, 516 Mission St., San Francisco. Poor Richards Almanac for 1756 ridicules the "inflation" bogie. "If paper money in ever so great a quantity could be made, no man could get it without giving something for it." 53 HENRY WARFIELD Candidate for President of the United States MY PLATFORM The United States is one great Co-operative^ Common- wealth, the benefits of which are unequally distributed; the rich are' getting richer and the poor are getting poorer, owing to a fraudulent system of finance. ^„ If elected, I will at once inaugurate a system of finance, under which every producer will get the full value of his or her Labor. I will cause to be issued $2,000,000,000 (two billion) of fj^U legal, tender paper money and declare a cash dividend tb.,evei}y stockholder (voter) who votes for me for the above office, to the amount of $100.00 (One Hundred Dollars). Don't give your vote away for nothing. YOURS FOR REAL PROSPERITY, HENRY WARFIELD. m mww: ^'O'n CftoJ^!"^''' T'Mef, JJhrea Robbers Enter Bar, Bellevu9y"'^'^>'^ the Hotel Rifle Cash Register and Then Take bartender's Cash and Diamond $4,000,000 Morgan Vases Are Sold Priceless Collection of Porce- lains Is 5' \Te^s Q^^l^ia NEW TORK, r.;.!;;",'"'; ,, , 54 In 1913 Congtess Appropriated $415,366,788 mWAR Army - - $ 94,266,145.51 Navy . 140,800,642.53 War Pensions - 180,300,000.00 That is about the ANNUAL cost of War when we are at peace with the whole world except United States Labor. Every cent is diverted from workers' pockets. We demand ONE ISSUE of $500,000,000 Government Legal Tender direct to the users. m HOMES 55- THIS IS A CLEAR CUT CASUS BELLI PEOPLE'S MONEY VERSUS BANKER'S MONEY 99,950,000 People AGAINST 50,000 Bankers Ttl[ PEOPLE MUST WIN! Do YOUR Part!! 56 "TO STIMULATE THOUGHT i«f "VERDICT" WAU! IS OFFERED FOR SALE Colors, Tan and Mouse Sizes, 10 X 4 and 7i x 4 Prices, $1.00 and 75c THE FOLLOWING FACT IS STAMPED INTO THE LEATHER NOW, after 1914, Years of CHRISTIANITY LIFE is one ETERNAL GRIND for the INFERNAL ■< ) '. /i 28,178 J. A. KINGHORN- JONES, 516 Mission Street, San Francisco GAYLORD BROS. MAKERS SYRACUSE, - N.Y. PAT. JAN. Z1, 13QB m \:^..- UNIVERSITY OF CAWFORNIA LIBRARY