Our in the Philippines publfebed tr p. fremonf Rocfcett Official photographer Cwenticth Kanoae Regiment United States Volunteer* EXLIBRIS UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA ' JOHN HENRY NASH LIBRARY SAN FRANCISCO PRESENTED TO THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA ROBERT GORDON SPROUL, PRESIDENT BT MR.ANDMRS.MILTON S.RAY CECILY, VIRGINIAANDROSALYN RAY AND THE RAY OIL BURNER COMPANY 1 m University of California Berkeley OUR BOYS IN THE PHILIPPINES A PICTORIAL HISTORY OF THE WAR AND GENERAL VIEWS OF THE PHILIPPINES THE NATIVES, INDUSTRIES, HABITS, ETC. PHOTOGRAPHED AND COMPILED BY P. FREMONT ROCKETT OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHER OF THE TWENTIETH KANSAS REGIMENT UNITED STATES VOLUNTEERS PUBLISHED BY P. FREMONT ROCKETT 1490 MARKET STREET, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA 1899 FROM COPYRIGHTED PHOTOGRAPHS BY P. FREMONT ROCKETT COPYRIGHT. iSgt), BY P. FREMONT ROCKETT ALL RIGHTS RESERVED INTRODUCTORY HE United States having acquired the Philippine Islands, of which so little was known until Dewey's victory, and of which so much has been written since that is unreliable, induces one to turn to the pictorial side in seeking information, thereby correcting many untruths. Represented in this production, to more fully familiarize you with the conditions that existed when our troops first landed, are views showing the topography of the country, the native Tagalo, their homes, business pursuits and conditions in general, while the remainder of the illustrations portray the title, Our Boys in the Philippines," from the time of landing from the transports; through stages of peace; at the outbreak and into battle, where they forced their way through swamps in mud to the knees; charged across rice fields to trenches, from which the insurgents were pouring a deadly fire, but never faltering; all of these scenes and many more are pictured. Many cases of heroism on the part of officers and men alike were recorded, but to us the one who has been struck down and severely wounded by an insurgent bullet and who bears up bravely under the pain to continue on the firing line with his comrades, against their wishes, deserves the most credit. Successful in every sense has been the work of the soldier, and in their behalf this work is published so that those who stayed at home may get an idea of the hardships encountered in such a hot and trying climate, under unfavorable conditions, where sickness raged and was as deadly as insurgent bullets. In placing such a varied collection of views before the public one must realize the difficulty of the undertaking by running many risks when constantly on the advance line and exposed to the enemy's fire. To be wounded, captured by the insurgents, lost in the jungles while tramping from one line to the other, and short of rations are but a few of the many experiences. Therefore it is earnestly hoped that after perusing the following pages you will be more enlightened as to the Philippine Islands, its people, and the War. P. FREMONT ROCKETT. S=ixK=>OC^> Admiral George Dowey The above Illustration from photograph' taken just before his departure from Manila Is considered by him to be one of the best ever made. Though grayer than formerly he certainly shows little signs of ailing. Raising Admiral's Flag, U.S.S. *' Olympia *' The rank of Admiral, for the third time in the history of the navy, was conferred on George Dewey in Manila Bay, March 4, 1899. Surrounded by the wrecks of the once proud ships of Spain, it was a fitting; place for such an event, and as the guns roared the salute one could imagine himself again at the famous " Battle of Manila Bay." Corregldor Battery From these guns Dewey received 'his first fire on the morning of May i. i&)8. on his way to destroy the Spanish fleet. The night was dark: the "Olympia" and "Baltimore" had passed when flames issued from the smokestack of the "Boston." which warned the Spanish who opened tire only to be silenced by the " Boston's" guns. After sinking the fleet a return ws made and this battery destroyed. California Regiment Embarking for Negros Our view shows the Pasig river with its queer-looking craft in the foreground, called cascoes, while further up on either side are the smaller steamers that ply between Oriental ports. This river is only of moderate depth but constantly choked with small craft, while the larger ones discharge and load on the bay. Headquarters, Manila Before American rule In the Philippines these quarters were occupied by trie Captain-General, among them being (enerals Blanco and Weyler. The apartments are finished in the finest of carved mahogany, costly draperies and bric-a-brac. Connected there is a fine librar>'. To the left of the picture are the barracks occupied by the California regiment. Fronting this are the famous Botanical Gardens, somewhat destroyed by the Spaniards at the taking of Manila, but now nearly restored. I Nebraska Barracks, occupied later by First Battalion Kansas. 2 Fourth Cavalry advancing to Laguna de Bay. 4 Plaza at Cavite. 3 Disembarking from transport 5 Bull team. I Native fishermen. 4 Market scene. 3 Native street in the interior. 2 - Manila from the Walled City. S Street vender. I Raising flag over first American school at Malate plaza by California regiment. 2 On the Luneta. showing Walled City. 3 Battalion of Twentieth Kansas at drill in the former Spanish barracks. 4 Chaplain McKinnon of First California's and group of school-teachers and children. San Juan Bridge From this bridge the first shot from the American side was fired by Private Grayson. of the Nebraska regiment, In return to a volley from the Insurgent outpost on the bridge to the left, which set the ball rolling on the night of February 4, 1899. I Headquarters General Overshine's brigade, south line, monitor "Monadnock" in distance. 2 Kansas regiment on advance to Bigaa, Polo burning in the distance. 3 Unexplored ten-Inch shell after penetrating a six-foot trench and killing three of the enemy. 4 B igadier General Otis' staff resting. 5 Camped for the night. 1 Destroyed blockhouse. No. i, north of Manila which commanded the railroad. 4 Taking it easy during a lull. 2 In the jungles. 3 Waiting for the word to advance. In the Trenches During the inactivity when long stops were made, a place was chosen which afforded the most shade. When nature did not provide enough, that which was lacking was constructed from bamboo and banana leaves to ward off the dangerous tropical sun. I Aitillery advancing on Malolos 2 Utah and Sixth Artillery at La Loma 4 Artillery crossing Rio Grande. 3 Sixth Artillery on California line firing on Guadaloupe. JWajor-General Otis and Staff in Dining Room at the Palace To General Hughes, Lieutenant Sanders and Lieutenant SlayJen. the left, Adjutant-General Barry, "Captain C. H. Murry, General E. S. Otis, I Midnight photograph. Burning of the native district in Manila called Tondo. 2 From housetops and windows native sympathizers menaced our boys as they passed to the lines. The view shows fortified roof used for the purpose with Insurgent hats filled with ammunition. 3 Ruins of the old market. 4 Filipino fire department at burning of Manila. 5 Minnesota and Twenty-third Infantry guarding burned district. 8 Ruins along the canal. Firing in Streets o Manila The military authorities were constantly on the lookout for an uprising, but not until February i?th was there serious trouble. Insurgents set fire to a large portion of Manila and firing became general from housetops and in the streets. To protect themselves our boys made hasty breastworks in the principal thoroughfares and during the night one hundred and twelve of the enemy were killed. I Fourteenth Infantry in a jungle trench at the battle of Paranaque. 2 Fifty-first lowas at Pasay. 3 Camp Santa Mesa, the home ol the FirM Nebraska boys and where the fighting started on February 4th. 4 The Pasig river, showing old fort to the right. South Dakota trencher. E U Q a " Burning of Aguinaldo'g Palace, Malolos On the morning of March jist the provincial capltol was taken, the insurgents retreating, leaving only men enough to protect the rear and to burn as the American line advanced. General Funston and Company E. Kansas, were the first to enter the city. Philippine insurgents are mostly the Tagalo race inhabiting northern Luzon. Until the outbreak on February 4, 1899, the rank and file were well uniformed, but since have worn anything they could get. Their loss in dead and wounded is frightful. 1 Filipino officers. 2 and 3 Insurgent outposts. 4 Guard on road to prevent Americans from leaving the city. 5 Aguinaldo and his army at Malolos The insurgents in their trenches. 7 -Spanish soldiers in the Filipino army firing on the Kansas troops from Malabon. Advancing from La Loma Kansas, Third Artillery and Montanas advanced on March 25th to Tuliahan river across an open field with the insurgent trenches at the other side concealed by bamboo. These were well made but taken with little loss, though dead insurgents lay in all directions. Another view shows the dead across the Tuliahan river. Laylnft Low The reserve forces were constantly looking (or a chance to flank Ihe enemy, and at this moment Brigadier-General H. G. Otis, who is watching the advancing line, is planning a move for these men. In Mud and Water Advancing through mud to the knees and water to the waist, seeking protection from behind a rice dyke and compelled ;lo stay and sleep, drenched to the skin, in a hole like this brings on fevers and a hundred ills more deadly than the fire of the enemy. I The battlefield over which the Washington. Idaho and California troops advanced. 2 In front of the Kansas line near Caloocan. 3 "Father and son." 4 The trenches after CJeneral Funston and the Kansas troops crossed the Rio Grande. 5 Killed by an explosive shell from the battery. Major-General McArthur, commanding the north line, and Brigadier-General Otis are the two central figures; on the left end the hero of the Philippine campaign, Brigadier-General Funston; Major Mallory, Major Strong and Lieutenant Whitworth of General McArthur's staff; Lieutenant-Colonel Little and officers of the First Battalion Twentieth Kansas in the background. I Utah and Sixth Artillery shelling Caloocan. 2 Rapid fire guns at depository. Otis and Major Grant, of Utah Artillery, receiving Information. 3 Utah Battery under fire at Blockhouse No. a. 4 .Brigadier-General Caloocan Church Caloocan, six miles north of Manila, bombarded by guns of the "Charleston" and "Monadnock" and leveled to the ground by fire, was a sorry sight as the Twentieth Kansas regiment advanced. The insurgent dead lay in great numbers for it was here that the Kansans won their first great vic- tory. What was a prosperous town was in 3 few moments wiped out of existence. Tlje churcl) was afterwards used as headquarters. 1 General Me Arthur's headquarters, San Miguel. 2 Filipinos obtaining identification certificates at Kansas headquarters 3 Interior ot army barracks. 4 The oldest church in the Islands and first headquarters of Aguinaldo, Cavite. 3 South Dakota headquarters. I The skirmish line advancing under the enemy's fire. 2 The reserve advancing from La Loma. I Artillery passing firing line near Malotos. 2 Skirmish line on the "double quick " The pole to the right is one of the range finders which were too yards apart and the insurgents knew our exact distance. 1 Second Reserve Hospital, Malate. 2 Red Cross and Hospital Corps in field, showing method of carrying; the wounded. 3 and 4 Returning- with the dead and wounded. 5 Ambulance returning to Manila with wounded. I -Vaccination upon arrival at Manila. 2 -Red Cross e lvln K aid to wounded. Shortly after this pi aid whose portrait is shown, was killed while attending another. 3 Sad, but to be expected. ture was taken Paul Clon-peru. the Califo I Corregidor Island, showing hospital for convalescents and camp of Companies A and B, Tenth Pennsylvanias. 2 Native town. 3 South side of Corre- gidor and Caballa Island, where Dewey entered Manila Bay. -The "Baltimore" shortly alter the fight. 2 The gun and gunners on the "Baltimore" that tired the shot which sunk the flagship " Rt-ina Christina 3 Admiral Dewey's flagship. " Olympfa." 4 The "Oregon" as she dropped anchor in Manila harbor after her famous trip amund the Horn, 5 U. S. S. " Monadnock " and "Charleston." 6 I'. S. S "Monterey.' 7 Fleet In the harbor. I Spanish flagship, " Reina Christina." 2 "Castilla" in foreground- " Isla de Luzon" (raised); the furthermost, " Don Juan de Austria." 3 Fort at Cavite and "Don Antonio de Ulloa." 4 "Isla de Cuba." 5 "El Cano " and "Velasco." 6 Cavite arsenal and sunken Spanish gunboat. Company Fire From the bluff overlooking Pasig the Second Oregons poured a deadly fire Into the Insurgent trenches, white their comrades advanced along the river front on the east, thus drawing the fire away from the advancing line. Fording Rivers Numerous rivers and swamps were encountered, but that did not stop the advance, it simply delayed, The men waded across and have* gone without food for many hours, their rations being water-soaked. Taking of Paslft In the distance to the left the city Is seen, and In (rant the puffs of smoke from the insurgents rifles, while half way down the open field the American line is returning the fire, being reenforced by others who are hurrying from the boat on the other side of the river. In the foreground are the reserve troops who have been protecting the advance. 1 California and Idaho troops in churchyard at San Pedro Macati, 2 Burning of Native Huts. 3 The insurgents fired the towns as they retreated to pre- vent our advance. 4 General Wheaton and the Oregonians crossing the Pasig on advance to the lake. \5 Burning of Pasig, Hawthorne Battery and gunboat in foreground. I Paco church where the Washington*. First California anJ Sixth Artillery gained a victory. 2 Church used as li.ispii.il hy Kansas and Montana reijiments near Caloocan. 3 Ruins of Cathedral at San Fernando. Headquarters of Aguinaldo were established here after leaving Malolos. 4 Soldiers enter- ing Pasig church after capture. r+r- s-fc-t* i 2SBk - ~ %. L.x. v ,ti-V: 4B*~ ' 1 Native town abandoned at advance of American troops. 2 Patreros or " Ducktown " where many a charge was made by our boys and the enemy completely routed. 3 The Bund, Manila, showing method used for carrying goods. Bales of hemp at the right. Kansas University Students It has been said that the Kansas regiment contains more college men than any other in the Philippines, numbering among officers and men nearly two hundred. Prominent In this group are officers who have distinguished themselves; at the center. Brigadier-General Funston : to the right. Colonel Metcalf, Captain Clark, Captain W. J. Watson. Lieutenant Simpson : to the left, Lieutenant-Colonel Little. Captain Buchann. Captain Glascow. Lieutenants Hardy and Fry. I General Funston, Colonel Metcalf and Captain Buchann at dinner. 2 Lined up for mess. 3 and 4 Cook shacks in the field. 5 Everybody his own cook. -These trenches were occupied by the Kansas and Montana troops and were very close to those of the enemy. The insurgents took note of this fact and placed sharpshooters to pick our men who had become careless by the long wait. Seven were killed and many wounded, being more than In the actual engagements previous. 2 Battlefield of the Third Artillery and Pennsylvania regiments at U Loma church. White objects in the foreground are graves of Filipino dead. lefield from La Loma church to Caloocan, showing Pennsylvania, Third Artillery, Montana and Kansas line of trenches. The foreground is the cemetery :n the churchyard, and to the left blockhouse No. 2, the strongest around Manila. 2 Drawing supplies from the train. In the field near Malolos. 3 Looking back from insurgent trenches as the line advanced upon Caloocan, showing blockhouse and La Loma church. 4 Malabon in the distance ihnwinp- ruins of Calooran in thp forptirnunJ. - Battl i 3 Looking showing ruins of Caloocan in the foreground. Mallnta On the advance from Caloocan to the insurgents' capital the town of Mallnta was tin.- first to be taken. Trenches of great strength were encountered and it was here that Colonel Egbert was killed. -Wounded insurgents at Manila hospital. 2 Carrying tenderly those who have tried to stay us. Does this look like cruelty on the part of American soldiers? 3 Wounded insurgents waiting for transportation to hospital. Remarkable strength is shown by the central figure who was shot seven times. 4 Interior view of an insurgent ward at Manila. Wounded cared for by our surgeons. I Prisoners at the cathedral. Walled City. 2 Type of prisoners. Walled City. 3 A few captured at Pasay and Paranaque. own dead. 5 Squad of the Fourteenth Infantry returning from scouting expedition with prisoners and loot. 4 Prisoners burying their Burial of the Enemy After an advance had been made it is not exaggeration to say that the ground was covered with insurgent dead.ufor two hundred and sixty-five were buried behind the Kansas line after an advance of a mile, and, this is true of other regiments. The hardest work was for the details of men sent out to scour the country and bury them. -Company L, First Nebraska at the capture of the waterworks. 2 Overlooking the Marfquina valley, pumplng-statlon and pipe line from I'tah Battery- The city of Manila Is supplied with water from this place anJ the insurgents had full control until taken b\ the Colorado, Nebraska and Tennessee regi- ments after a most severe battle. 3 Depository, or reservoir, about four miles from Manila, taken on the first advance by the First Nebraska regiment Utah Artillery and Blockhouse No. 1 In the foreground is one of the Utah guns that did excellent service with the Kansas regiment, and in the distance the demolished blockhouse captured February jth. From this position the advance was made on Caloocan, February ioth. I Sixth Artillery in action at Montana trenches. 2 General Wheaton in the background directing the advance on Santa Cruz and the lake. Sixth Artillery and Fourth Cavalry to the front. 3 Astor Battery guns, concealed by brush from the enemy, in charge of the Idaho boys. 4 "Ton McArthur " at Caloocan and I tan Battery which did excellent work. Overlooking Pasi A picturesque spot among the bamboo and banana trees would lend enchantment at times, but to a soldier the sight of the enemy sur- passed all others, as in this picture, the anxious faces of those in the foreground tell that a well-directed shot is to be fired by the famous Hawthorne Battery. General Wheaton, sitting among the bananas, and Lieutenant Young of the Sixth Artillery, at his back, are watching the progress of the advancing troops. I Fourteenth Infantry firing from behinJ s.inJ-bav; breastworks. 2 Pennsylvania trenches and "Jog" tents used by the men for shelter from the sun and rain. 3 Company " B." Kansas on the extreme left where Lieutenant Alford was killed. 4 First California outpost on road near Guadaloupe. Signal Corps in the Field The branch of the army known as the Signal Corps deserves great credit, for they were constantly exposed to danger. During advance of troops direct communication was had with all parts of the line and wire was laid as fast as troops advanced. This picture shows General McArthur's orderly, Valentine, receiving message instructing advance on Tuliahan river. Skirmish Line Ahead of the main body of the army is stretched a single line of men and the brunt of the firing is directed toward them. These are the lighting men and their position is most dangerous, but It matters not what Is ahead of them, whether mud, rivers or jungles, they force their way. slopping only to fire from behind the rice dykes which afford little protection. -Insurgent trenches at Malinta. 2 Trenches along the railroad to San Fernando. 3 Bomb proof trenches constructed of railroad iron, and Rio Grande river at Calumpit. 4 Insurgent trenches after charge of Twentieth Kansas at Bacalor, May 24th; thirty-nine dead, fifty wounded and ninety prisoners. Commissary Train The greatest difficulty encountered in the campaign was to transport supplies to the vast army of men. aided only by caribou teams, as shown in illustration. With poor roads and excessive heat, at times only three or four miles a day could be made. Artillery Charge on Malolos After Colonel Funston and his band of picked men fought their way through mud and water into Malolos, the artillery was needed to dislodge the enemy before the line could advance. This picture shows Colonel Funston leading the way and the artillery following on their famous charge, the Kansas boys to either side. Cocoanut breastworks thrown up In the street at Paslg. also destruction by artillery fire. 2 Provincial government buildings. Malolos. Third Aitlllery (as Infantry) and Montana troops. The low structure in the center held the five American prisoners until removed to San Fernando. 3 City of Malotos after being fired and deserted by Insurgents. Agulnaldo's palace In the distance. 4 --Trenches near Manila stormed by Kansas troops February- 5*. O Raising the Stars and Stripes at capture of Malolos, the provincial capital In the Field Just before the advance on Caloocan, when 1his picture was made. General McArthur was giving; instructions to, then, Colonel Funston, of the Twentieth Kansas, now Brigadier-General, and Lieutenant-Colonel Wallace, of the Montanas. In the background are the Kansas trenches :s at Caloocan Looking westward from the railroad we get a fine view of a Philippine battlefield: a great open fielj. then beyond marshes and rivers hich greatly hinder the advance of troops. In the foreground is the Utah Artillery and line of Kansas trenches extending to the water overlooking Mala- bon. which can be seen in the distance. The famous Malabon bridge and cathedral are also shown, as well as the insurgent trenches (marked * ) which were only a few hundred feet away. Trenche which gre. Gunboat Lafeuna de Bay -At the outbreak of hostilities this government was prepared to dislodge the insurgents from their strongholds along the Pasig and lake region" with the fleet of " tinclads." of which the above was the most formidable. Carrying two three-inch guns forward, two Nordenfeldts at the stern and four Catlings above, she poured a deadly fire that quickly routed the enemy. I Fort San Antonio de Malate, bombarded by Dewey, August ij. 1898. at taking of Manila. 2 Convent south of Malate. used as Spanish headquarters and afterwards by the insurgents, taken August 13. 1898. Pennsylvania Headquarters At the outbreak with hard fighting; the Tenth Pennsylvania regiment advanced to the La Loma church and constructed trenches. Prominent in the group is the late Colonel Hawkins who was idolized by the men, he. being constantly on the lookout for their welfare. Death occurred on Transport Warren, when nearing San Francisco. I Manila anj Dagupan Railroad. Engineers and crew composed of American soldiers. 2 Station on main line at Caloocan. tour miles north ot Manila. 3 "Kansas and I'tah Short Line, the only line direct to Freddie's scrappers." so named by the boys. 4 When Caloocan was taken these engines, which were in the hands of the insurgents, were captured in- the roundhouse, the advance being made so suddenly that they could not be gotten away. Captured Ammunition On the advance to the south the Fourteenth Infantry and North Dakota loss was heavy ; the enemy being well-protected made stubborn resistance and the trenches were charged. The dense growth made progress slow, but at Pasay, which was taken after hard fighting, large quantities of ammunition were found, most of which had been taken from sunken Spanish ships. Several marine guns were captured, one of them showing here. I Blockhouse on the north shore, captured from the Insurgents and used as an outpost by the Twentieth Kansas. 2 Interior of Fort Malate after bombard- ment by Dewey's guns. 3 Blockhouse No. 2. near La Loma. the strongest on the Island, charged by the Tenth I'ennsylvanias. Third Artillery (acting as Infantry) and I'tah guns. 4 Blockhouse No. 4 at South Dakota front. Flanking the Enemy The men do not rush headlong to fulfill a command, but go deliberately at the task until they have the enemy well in hand then lookout. Over two hundred dead were buried after this movement and our losses were three killed and seventeen wounded. Insurgent Dead as They Fell This view shows the result of American fire when the enemy make any sort of a stand. Companies E artJ H. Kansas were within fifty yards of the trenches opposite the Tuliahan river before they were discovered, and the Insurgents left twenty-nine killed and one prisoner, our loss being two killed and six wounded Guns and ammunition are destroyed as the army advance 1 Bronze cannon on wall at arsenal. 2 One of the six old-fashioned disappearing guns overlooking the Luneta. 3 "Old Glory" floating over Manila. 4 A number of insurgent field pieces were captured but mostly of this pattern. This gun commanded (?) the railroad at Caloocan and when captured was loaded with railroad spikes, scrap Iron, horseshoes and tomato cans filled with stones. Christina** m the Philippines wilt long be remembered bv all who were there. LoveJ ones at home sent boxes uf goodies, and gladly were they received, hearts were made merry and many a scene like the above took place. Rice Fields This view gives us a clear idea of tilling in the Islands. Rice being the staple food of the natives, it is extensively grown, on the western coast of Luzon, The caribou or "water buffalo" is the beast of burden. The best land is I Method of carrying a child. 2 Suspension bridge. 3 Binondo square, the trading quarter. 4 Beggars are numerous. {5 This girl having arrived at the market after a four-mile walk is not tired from the great weight on her head. Her mother Is purling a Manila, and to the left are the Filipino dudes. 6 Plaza del Oro. I Pickaninnies. 2 "Puenta de Espana," connecting old and new Manila. 3 Natives washing at Pasig river, 4 Native quarter of Manila, burned February 17, 1899. *> Up-to-date sawrnill in the Philippines, -The Escolta. principal street, Manila. 2 Entrance to the WalleJ Cily. 3 Every-diy street scent. Manila. 4 Filipino family. 3 The Imrso anJ dray of the Philippines. -Filipino beauty. 2 The garrote. Method of capital punishment by Spaniard. 3 Bathing at the public fountains, Manila, to Pasig river. Burning of Malabon in distance. 4 Lighthouse, entrance -Native peanut and fruit verniers. 2 The Philippines are not without good roads. Scene in the suburbs of Manila. 3 Morning at the market. Five cents per day is enough for the family rations. I Firing volley over grave of American soldier. Paco cemetery. 2 Water being so near the surface very few people are burled, hut placed in vaults, which are rented for a certain sum per year: when In arrears the remains are thrown into the " txme pile." 3 Commonly called the " bone pile." 4 Graves of American soldiers, Paco cemetery. 1 Interior of cathedral. Walled City, used as barracks for Spanish prisoners of war, 2 Exterior Palacio, Walled City. 4 Chimes in front of Manila cathedral. 'ith Spanish in courtyard. 3 Captured Tagalos at Plaza - Each regiment had its mascots and some had several kinds. Including the above. 2 Cock fighting among the natives Is the national sport and was quickly taken up by the boys, who matched their birds against those of the natives. Among the reluming troops, roosters, monkeys and pickaninnies are the most conspicuous. 1 The city hall, Walled City, Spanish soldiers in the foreground. 2 Spanish Governor-General's palace, Calle Malacanan, now occupied by Major-General Otis. 3 First battalion Twentieth Kansas headquarters. 4 General Funston's quarters, San Fernando. Macabebe band serenading the general's arrival. 5 Third Battalion Twentieth Kansas quarters, formerly a warehouse. m