\ \ "^ CLAIMS PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL BISHOP APOSTOLICAL SUCCESSION AND VALID ORDERS DISPROVED : WITH VARIOUS MISSTATEMENTS OF CATHOLIC FAITH NUMEROUS CHARGES AGAINST THE CHURCH HOLY CORRECTED AND REFUTED. BY S. V. RYAN, BISHOP OF BUFFALO. u IN TWO PARTS. BUFFALO: CATHOLIC PUBLICATION COMPANY. 1880. SANTA BARBARA. CAUFi Copyright, 1880, -.- - BUFFALO CATHOLIC PUBLICATION COMPANY All Rights Reserved, STCELSIOR ELECTROTYPE FOUNDRY, WEST SENECA, N. Y. CLAIMS OF v A PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL BISHOP TO APOSTOLICAL SUCCESSION AND VALID ORDERS DISPROVED: BY S. V. RYAN, BISHOP OF BUFFALO. PART I. CONTENTS. I. ORIGIN OF OUR LITTLE TREATISE i II. APOSTOLICAL SUCCESSION ESSENTIAL TO THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH IT is NOT FOUND EITHER IN THE ANGLICAN CHURCH, AS-BY-LAW ESTABLISHED, OR THE PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH OF AMERICA 19 III. COMMUNION WITH THE SEE OF PETER THE TEST OF LEGITI- MATE SUCCESSION 26 IV. PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL AND ANGLICAN SUCCESSION RE- PUDIATED. 40 V. WAS MATTHEW PARKER CONSECRATED ? . . 49 VI. THE LAMBETH REGISTER 73 VII. WAS BARLOW EVER CONSECRATED BISHOP ? . . .92 VIII. FUTILE ATTEMPTS TO BOLSTER UP OR SUPPLY FOR BAR- LOW'S DEFICIENT OR DOUBTFUL CONSECRATION. . . IO1 IX. THE EDWARDINE ORDINAL NOT THE SAME AS THE ROMAN PONTIFICAL INVALIDITY OF FORM OF CONSECRATION RE- VISED BY EDWARD VI in X. THE INSUFFICIENCY OF THE EDWARIIINE ORDINAL, CONTINUED 130 XI. DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN THE ROMAN PONTIFICAL AND THE ORDINAL OF EDWARD, CONTINUED. . . . .146 XII. CONCLUSION. if>9 PREFACE. IN the year 1874, a number of Catholic gentlemen ctf Buffalo requested me in writing, to deliver a lecture at my earliest convenience, in behalf of the numerous poor of the city, and at the same time suggested the subject of the lecture in these terms : " We take the liberty to suggest as your subject, a review of a sermon delivered on the 315* ultimo, at Erie, by Dr. Coxe, on the occasion of the conse- cration of a missionary bishop and published in the " Cont- nierdal Advertiser" of this city a copy of which we herein enclose a sermon which, it appears to us, strangely mixes up Catholic truth, with gross abuse of the Catholic Church; sound, time-honored Catholic principles with the most un- warrantable assumption." Acceding to their request I wrote to the gentlemen: " I have read the sermon of Dr. A. Cleve- land Coxe, to which you refer, and indeed I concur with you in characterizing it as a strange medley of truth and falsehood; of sound, solid arguments, eloquently and forci- bly put, in favor of principles which must lead any man holding them, who is logical and consistent, into the fold of. the Catholic Church, and evidences of an unaccountable hatred, and a spirit of spitefulness towards the only Church that really upholds and carries out these principles. His sermon I will take as the text of my lecture ; the time and place I leave to yourselves to designate." The lecture was delivered in St. Joseph's Cathedral, Feb. 22, 1874, and afterwards printed in pamphlet form by the ' 'Buffalo Catholic Publication Co." and the "Catholic WorlS" noticing it in the iii i v PREFA CE. May number of 1874, was kind enough to say: "In his temperate but severe criticism, Bishop Ryan has made an end of his (Dr. Coxe's) claims to possess episcopal character and mission, and has refuted him out of his own mouth. We trust that this able and valuable pamphlet will not be permitted to go into oblivion, as pamphlets are wont to do, but be carefully preserved and made use of by clergymen and others, which have to deal with Episcopalians search- ing after the true Church, of whom there are so many in these days." Some time afterwards there was published here in Buffalo a small brochure entitled: " Catholics and Roman Catholics, by an Old Catholic, being a review of the lecture lately delivered in Buffalo by Rt. Rev. Dr. Ryan, etc., etc., etc., "in the " Advertisement" of which we read : " Though I here subjoin my name, as author of this review, two reasons have influenced me to withhold it from the title page. First, I desire to avoid all appearance of personal controversy, and second, I wish to make prominent my position as an Old Catholic, for my criticisms are based on ancient Catholicity." (A. Cleveland Coxe, Bishop of Western New York.) This review of our lecture, we ia turn reviewed in a consecutive series of articles, contributed to "Tfa Catholic Union," respecting the wished-for incognito of the Rt. Rev. Divine, addressing ourselves to " Old Catholic," and confining ourselves, as much as possible, to the chief point of the controversy, his claims to Apostolical succession. A promise made at that time to friends, who urged the matter on us, and to whose judgment and wishes we thought we should defer, having a little leisure on our hands, during the past winter, we determined to fulfil by giving to the public, in a revised and somewhat altered form, the sub- stance of those articles. Our reviewer charged us with making a personal and unwarranted assault on him, and now we beg to say, that we spoke and wrote purely in the interest of truth, and in this publication we have endeavored PREFA CE. V to discard all personal allusions, changing words and phrases so as, whenever possible, to avoid giving cause of complaint on this score, and if our language is sometimes strong, or if it has at times the appearance of want of courtesy, I think all unbiassed readers will acknowledge that the fault is not on our side. We love truth and must defend it. We know the doctrines of the Church, and must repel false and erroneous charges, we must resent having our- selves and our holy faith belied and travestied, apparently for the purpose of creating and confirming prejudice against the Catholic Church, and keeping honest and religious minds in ignorance and error regarding her. We really care little personally, as far as we ourselves are con- cerned, to be called an ignoramus, to whom the elements of history must be taught, but when we are told, or rather when our respected non-Catholic fellow-citizens are told, that we are authorized by our Church to resort to the tactics of lying, and even to violate the sanctity of an oath, whenever the good of the Church conflicti with keeping it, we confess to a feeling of resentment. We smile com- placently, when it is intimated that our " ignorance is of that kind, which the Old Catholics of Germany assure us is common among otherwise accomplished men, who have re- ceived their education in Roman Catholic seminaries," but when our own saints and doctors are misquoted, when canons of early councils are falsified and distorted, when the early Fathers of the Church are cited to affirm the very re- verse of their teachings, and all to obscure the truth and injure the true Church, can any one wonder that we feel occasionally a little indignant ? We have no personal quarrel with our neighbor and we have never mentioned him or his communion, in lecture or the press, except to refute some false charge made against ourselves or our Church, or repel some slanderous aspersion on what is dearer to us than life itself, our holy faith. He vi PREFACE. does us great wrong then, when he tells the public that " many Roman Catholics seemed to be restrained by no laws of courtesy," and that this "comes of the oath which is exacted of Roman Catholic prelates at their consecra- tion." This oath, and especially, the term persequar, has been so often fully vindicated and explained, that I will only say that in translating it as found in the Roman Ponti- fical, / will persecute, he does violence to sound philological interpretation, just as he violates consistency, when a little further on, in a passage which he approvingly cites from St. Yin-cent of Lerins, he translates the very same words in a quite different way. " It is necessary," says St. Vincent, quoted by Old Catholic, " for all Catholics who study to prove themselves legitimate sons of Mother Church to stick fast to the holy faith of the holy fathers and to abide in it; but to detest, abhor, pursue &&& banish all profane novelties of the profane." Ut profanos vero profanorum novitates detestentur, horrescant, insectentur, persequantur. (xxxiii. commonitor, II.) Yet, although what he rightly regards in St. Yincent, as righteous zeal for the holy faith of the fathers in pursuing and banishing profane novelties and errors against faith, he characterizes in us as an intolerant vow, and gives a rendering of the good old Latin verb to suit the sentiments he chooses to impute in either case, still we assure him that we do not wish to be discourteous to any one, much less to persecute or assault brethren and fellow-citizens, differing from us in religious faith. Though in all candor, we must confess that we have seen from him precious little of that " loving spirit of our own Church," of which he speaks, but have known him, in the language of the writer in the " Catholic World" above referred to, as "A prelate, conspicuous for arrogance and reckless assertion, and for his vituperative and defamatory assaults on the Catholic Church," and though we have perhaps, in self-de- fence, been sometimes forced to call attention to those unlov- PREFACE. VU able features in the character of our Old Catholic reviewer, and point to evidence of grossly false statements regarding the Church and her teaching, it was always with reluctance that we used language that might appear to savor of personal- ity, for in truth before God, we have no personal feeling against the gentleman. If then we now publish these articles in a more substantial form, it is because many whose judg- ment we respect have insisted on our doing so, affirming that they are calculated to do much good, especially with those who have some idea of Church authority, Church government, "a divine commission coming down from the Apostles," a divinely appointed ministry, with powers to perpetuate itself and thus bring down through the ages a succession of faithful witnesses to the Christian revela- tion, incorruptible guardians of the precious deposit of faith once committed to the saints. No one sincerely be- lieving in a Church thus organized and thus to be perpet- uated can, we think, read the following pages without being convinced, how utterly absurd it is to look for such a min- istry, such a succession in the Anglican establishment, and if not there, then as the venerable Dr. Ives remarked, most assuredly not in the Protestant Episcopal Church of the United States. I need hardly tell my readers, that in this work they will find very little of my own. I have even made it a point whenever possible to rest my statements and conclusions on the authority of others, and have not hesitated to quote freely and verbatim from Catholic authors. In this perhaps, I may have done some service to the Catholic student, by making accessible to him authorities which unfortunately in some cases, are either out of print or very rare. I need not name here again the authors from which I have so unstint- ingly borrowed, as I mention them all in the course of the work. I fear that certain repetitions of subjects and argu- ments may savor somewhat of s'erial contributions where it Vlii PREFACE. is necessary to show in each article the general scope of the argument, and its bearing on the whole, yet if this does not detract from the force and conclusiveness of my argu- ments, I make little account of a defect of this kind in a work, which in a literary or artistic point of view, has, I fear, many more serious short-comings. The first part is entirely independent of the second, and constitutes a whole with- out it, and I was only induced to write the second part, when I found our reviewer by so many false references and mis- statements of Catholic doctrine mystifying, misleading and prejudicing his readers against the Catholic Church and her claims as the true spouse and mystical body of Christ, coming down from the Apostles, absolutely one in faith, divine in her origin, imperishable in her structure, infallible in her teaching, identically the self-same in her sacraments, in her orders, in her government, " yesterday, to-day and the same forever." Yet, I think the dogmatic and historical points treated in the second part will be found interesting and instructive, and here, too, the only credit I take to my- self is that of bringing under our view, matters sometimes of profound interest and serious controversy, scattered over the wide range of Church history. Just here, I am re- minded of one other point on which I have not touched, and which is made much of in the advertisement to Old Catholic's brochure, and often elsewhere. I beg then my reader's forbearance, while I quote again : "Learned in what is Roman, they (accomplished men, who have received their education in Roman Catholic semin- aries), are left mere children ,in all that is Catholic. Of the ancient Catholic constitutions they know nothing, because they are not even permitted to learn that such constitutions exist. The brilliant von Schulte, who was so long the favorite canonist of the Pope himself, has inflicted a deep wound upon the Papacy,' by joining the ' Old Catholics ;' and he is reported to have said that he was honestly en- PREFA CE. i x slaved to the Vatican, till he woke up to the fact that the whole system he had been supporting is based upon the forged decretals and other spurious documents, which he had always been taught to accept as genuine. This dis- covery and the exposure of these facts, by Dollinger and his associates has lighted a spirit of Reformation in Germany, which is extending to other countries of Europe, and will not long be kept down in America." I have given this pas- sage at so great length to show the pabulum on which " Old Catholic" babes are fed, and I need hardly attempt to analyze it. I feel confident, that if our episcopal prelate wrote to-day, he would not assume the title and role of an " Old Catholic," or base so many bright hopes on a move- ment that has, in the short space of a few years, proved a most miserable failure, second only perhaps to the later disgraceful collapse of the so-called " Independent Ameri- can Catholic Church." Started under brightest auspices, a powerful German Empire to back it, an imperious imperial chancellor its foster father, the prestige of whose name, Bismarck, imparted to it, even at its birth, prominence, and eclat, what has it ever been ? what has it ever done ' what is it now ? not a single bishop would teach the polluted thing begotten in sacrilege, disobedience and despotism, a few priests mostly of disreputable antecedents and a hand- ful of worldly, self-styled liberal laymen, from the begin- ning it languished; its life is now well-nigh extinct. Never since the beginning of the Church's history, even in the early days of the Nicene, Ephesian or Constantinopolitan councils, were there such unanimity in the episcopate, such loyalty in the clergy, such firmness, independence and genuine Catholic spirit in the laity, and this the "Old Catholic" movement has made evident and emphasized. What a fearful wound then, the brilliant von Schulte has inflicted on the Papacy by joining the "Old Catholics!" But who has told our enthusiastic convert to "Old Catho- X PREFACE. licism" that he was so long the favorite canonist of the Pope himself ? If von Schulte ever said, "what he is re- ported to have said," in the above passage, we certainly pity him. Enslaved to the Vatican until he woke up to the fact that the whole system of the Papacy was based on forged decretals and ether spurious documents ' What are these other spurious documents ? The forged decretals we know, every school-boy knows, or may know just what they are, their character and value. Our ecclesiastical students find all about their history, their origin, and their author in the text books put into their hands, and the unprofessional lay- man may obtain full and accurate information concerning this Isidorian collection of canons and decretals in " Apple- ton" s American Cyclopedia," under the titles : ''Canon Law" and "Decretals." To suppose then that the brilliant von Schulte was imposed on by the spurious Isidore Mercator or Peccator and thus enslaved to the Vatican, is simply ridiculous. Time was, when simple minds could easily be deceived by unauthentic or spurious documents, provided the doctrine taught and the laws promulgated were not strange or novel, provided no innovation was broached that conflicted with the well-known faith and traditions of the Church. People did not care, or were not able to closely scrutinize the foundations or authorities on which they were made to rest. But in our day, in this nineteenth century, there is no excuse for the brilliant von Schult- or any other churchman, who allows himself to be duped by a literary adventurer of the ninth century We can now go back of the decretals, search the original documents, and it is precisely the doing of this which has brought men of research and patristic learning, to believe in the Papacy and all the authoritative teaching of the holy Catholic Church. To say nothing of Newman and Manning and a host of other really learned and conscien- tious Anglicans, Dr. Ives in our own country, an eminently PREFACE. Xi able and amiable prelate of the Protestant Episcopal Church, goes back in his research to the very foundation of the Papacy, and quotes from genuine original documents the testimony of the earliest Fathers in support of the same. Dr. James Kent Stone does the same in his " Invitation Heeded," and I will conclude this point, by quoting his pun- gent remarks regarding these forgeries : "Another indication of the real antiquity of the Papal claim to supremacy is the frantic assertion, that the Papacy has attempted to antedate its assumptions by the use of forgeries. I can hardly help treating contemptuously this unscholarly talk about the pseudo-decretals, being weak enough to take satisfaction that I so far suspected its trivial character, as never to indulge in it myself. Let it suffice then to remark: i. That the Isidorian collection of canons was certainly not made at Rome, wherever else it may have had its origin ; and that it was not compiled in the interest of the Popes; 1 but as Guizot says, 'to serve the bishops against the metropolitans and temporal sovereigns.' 2. That the materials used in its composition were not new, but old, being mostly taken from early Papal rescripts, and synodal decrees and the writings of the Fathers. In an uncritical age the counterfeits escaped detection and came into gradual use, as being in accordance with a long es- tablished and recognized system. In a word, the imposture grew out of the supremacy, not the supremacy out of the imposture. 3. That the pious fraud was exposed and repro- bated centuries ago. All the world knows, or ought to know, that a Catholic would no more think of grounding the Papal supremacy on the compilation of Mercator, than would a Scotchman of vindicating his national literature by appealing to the Ossianic poems, or the good merchants of Bristol, of proving the ancient respectability of their city from the contents of ' Canyng's coffre.' The forged decretals may be matter for curious and learned investi- XJi PREFA CE. gation, but they are certainly ruled out of the debate be- tween Catholics and Protestants, as has been often shown. If Protestants expect ever to capture the citadel of the Papacy, it is time for them to stop playing Chinese antics before an old mound, which was never used for military purposes, and which nobody dreams of defending." It is then, assuredly, not very creditable to a brilliant man to be so easily duped, and so long and shamefully enslaved to the Vatican. But what, may we ask, are those ancient Catholic constitutions of whose very existence we are not permitted to have any knowledge ? Will not some kind friend, or zealous "Old Catholic" enlighten us, and tell us where we can get a glimpse at them ? We promise to in- troduce the study of them into our excellent and flourishing seminary at Suspension Bridge, and it shall no longer be said that this kind of ignorance is common among those edu- cated at Roman Catholic seminaries. But pleasantry aside, we firmly believe that what is not known and taught about the Church of Christ and her constitutions in our Catholic sem- inaries is not worth knowing, and after the divine constitution of the Church embodied in the revealed Word of God, the Church of Christ has no constitutions, ancient or modern, but such as have been framed and indited by Popes in re- scripts, bulls, decretals, etc., or found in canonical enact- ments and ecclesiastical laws formulated by the bishops of the Church in diocesan synods, provincial, national, plenary or oecumenical councils, confirmed and approved by the supreme authority of the Sovereign Pontiffs, the Popes of Rome, Peter and his successors in the Holy See. 4, STEPHEN VINCENT RYAN, Bishop of Buffalo. Buffalo, Feast of the" Help of Christians, May 2^th, A. D. 1880. C LAI M S OF A PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL BISHOP TO APOSTOLICAL SUCCESSION AND VALID ORDERS DISPROVED. I. ORIGIN OF OUR LITTLE TREATISE. IN the early part of the year 1874, at the request of a number of Catholic gentlemen of Buffalo, I deliv- ered a lecture in our Cathedral in reply to a sermon preached by Dr. Coxe, at Erie, Pa., on occasion of the consecration of John Franklin Spaulding, D. D., and published in full in one of our city papers. The leading points of the " Sermon" and " Reply," may be gathered from the following extracts: " If a corporation of men still exists on the earth, bearing that identical commission given by Christ to his Apostles after his resurrection, by historical trans- mission, their existence as such a corporation of wit- nesses is irrefragable proof of the fact that Christ rose. Now, nobody can deny that from the time of Pontius 2 ORIGIN OF OUR LITTLE TREATISE. Pilate until now a continuous line of men has been found in divers parts of the world, perpetuated by the laying on of hands of those who were before them."- (The Corporate Witness. A Sermon by A. Cleveland Coxc, preached Dec. 31 st, 1873, in St. Paul's Church, Erie, Pa.} This is perfectly true; this is orthodox Catholic doc- trine. It is plain from sacred Scripture, and known to every Catholic child instructed in the rudiments of Christian Doctrine that the risen Saviour organized a ministry, instituted a commission that was to be perpetuated to the end of time ; but that Dr. Coxe, or the ministers and bishops of the Protestant Episcopal Church of the United States bear that identical Apos- tolical commission by historical transmission, the learned divine does not prove, or even attempt to prove ; and whilst nobody can deny that from the time of Pontius Pilate until now a continuous line of men has been found perpetuated by the laying on of hands and the empowering of the Holy Ghost; that the line comes down continuous and unbroken from the Apostles to the Protestant Episcopal Bishop of Western New York, we, with the immense mass of Christians, beg most respectfully to question nay, em- phatically to deny. Apostolical succession, we aver, is one of the leading doctrines of the Christian Church ; but we hold it to be a gratuitous assumption that the Protestant Episcopal communion is that Church, or can prove her identity with that Church by uninterrupted succession from the Apostles. It will not do to say : " We are profoundly convinced of the reality of our Apostolic commission," iorwe can, with equal positive- ness and depth of conviction aver, you have not the ORIGIN OF OUR LITTLE TREATISE. 3 slightest claim to it ; you cannot prove your title. If you cannot prove it satisfactorily, incontrovertibly and beyond the shadow of reasonable doubt, is it not tri- fling with men, is it not a mocking of God, this pre- tended empowering under the" same charter and same promises" as " the original Apostles ?" And until we have this clear and incontestible and convincing proof, may we not rally the Protestant Episcopalian as he did his Methodist Episcopal brother, when John Wesley attempted to consecrate Coke a bishop : " Our John on Coke his hands has laid, But who laid hands on him?" (Bishop Ryaris Reply, delivered in St. Joseph's Cathe- dral, Buffalo, Feb. 22, 1874.) "The Apostolic ministry is sent forth geographically around the circumference of the globe, chronologically to the end of time. So far, and so long, 'ye shall be witnesses,' but who shall be witnesses? Ye, Apostles. Is there anything in Scripture more clear, then, than the perpetuity of the Apostolic office? Those whom our Lord thus addressed personally were not to bear their personal witness here in our part of the earth, yet, said the Master, 'ye shall be witnesses unto me, unto the uttermost part of the earth.' Again, they were not to survive the ordinary limit of human life, yet, he says, ' Lo ! I am with you always, even to the end of the world.' Could any language be more ex- plicit ? We assert that the Apostolic order and office still exist. No ingenuity can make void this evidence that our Lord designed to perpetuate its corporate identity until his coming again." (The Corporate Witness?) Here we again tread Catholic ground. With this 4 ZR1GIN OF OUR LITTLE TREATISE. doctrine, this line of argument, and even this language, barring perhaps some peculiarity of style and phrase- ology, you, my Catholic friends, are familiar. You have often heard it before from this pulpit. Neither the doctrine nor the argument is new, and I quote it at such length only to exhibit the strange, and, to me, in- explicable phenomenon, so often displayed, especially among our estimable and cultivated Episcopal brethren, of a man holding principles and professing doctrines that must, if logically followed up, inevitably land him in the Catholic Church ; yet, turning his back upon her, closing his eyes to the light of reason, his intellect to the plainest truths of revelation, the most evident declarations of sacred Scripture. Of course, the Apostolic order and office still exist; of course, our Lord designed to perpetuate its cor- porate identity till his coming again. His divine word is pledged for it ; his veracity is at stake ; his Godhead and divine mission guarantee it : As the Father sent me, I also send you;" "Go teach all nations; I am with you all days till the end of time." But neither Christ our Lord nor his revealed word declare that. the Apostlic order and office exist in the Protestant Epis- copal Church, or are transmitted by the mutilated, and oft modified form of consecration used in the Anglican or Protestant Episcopal ordination service. Nowhere in Scripture are we told that this corporate identity was designed to be perpetuated or reproduced in a communion that had no existence until some fifteen hundred years after the Apostolic age. Here again is a grave assumption, which we cannot take on credit; we demand proof ; we find bare assertion ; grand but unproven claims. But hold ! yes, here is an attempt ORIGIN OF OUR LITTLE TREATISE. 5 at proving legitimate descent from the Apostles, by way of illustration, in answer to the objection that 'the original Apostles were extraordinary in their gifts and functions and hence in the nature of things could have no successors." The preacher very justly argues : " The first President of this Republic had extraordi- nary functions and relations in his high office ; it was his. to plant, to lay foundations, to be the father of his country. In all these things he can have no successor. Such were his extraordinary and personal distinctions. Do we argue, therefore, that the American Presidents are not the successors of Washington?" The illustra- tion is excellent, the argument unanswerable in the motith of a Catholic bishop, who holds his commission immediately from a Pontiff who traces his succession in unbroken line to the Apostles a Catholic bishop deriving his orders and his mission, his authority, right to rule and govern the Church over which the Holy Ghost hath placed hirn a bishop, by the personal and direct authorization of the legitimate successor of him to whom Christ committed the care of his whole flock, and who can furnish the clearest historical evidence of his legitimate descent. Abraham Lincoln or Ulysses S. Grant can claim to be successors of Washington. Could Jefferson Davis do the same ? who rebelled against the old legitimate government and set. up an establish- ment of his own. He declared that the powers at Washington had violated the constitution and broken the compact between the States, just the plea made by the reformers to justify their revolt against the author- ity of the See of Rome. The argument, then, that is conclusive in the Catho- lic Church, from the fact that every Catholic layman 6 ORIGIN OF OUR LITTLE TREATISE. knows that the pastor who ministers to him and teaches him has his orders and authority by the laying on of hands and the grace of ordination from a superior pastor or bishop of a diocese, who, in turn, is directly authorized and commissioned by the Pope, or the supreme pastor, the supreme head of Christ's Church on earth, who again comes down from Peter by one continuous unbroken chain, of which we can count every link from Pius to Peter, is absolutely without force in a Church which has thrown off the authority of Rome, and cannot trace its lineage to the Apostles. This succession of chief pastors is the main, if not the only guarantee, as well of our Apostolical commission as of the Apostolicity of your faith and doctrine. It is to the chair of Peter and the regular succession of incumbents in that time-honored and divinely-guarded See, that the early fathers and saints and doctors, in every age, appealed, against unauthorized teachers and the innovations of heretics, and rebellious schismatics. Thus St. Augustine confounds the Donatists : " Come to us, brethren (he writes), if you wish to be engrafted in the vine. We are afflicted at seeing you cut off from its trunk. Count over the bishops in the very See of Peter, and behold in that list of fathers how one succeeded to the other. This is the rock against which the proud 'gates of hell do not prevail.' >! Again he says: "I am kept in this Church by the succession of prelates from St. Peter, to whom the Lord committed the care of his sheep, down to the present bishop." (This, was, remember, in the 5th century.) And St. Optatus, against the same heretics, enumerates all the Popes from St. Peter to the then reigning Pontiff, Siricius ; " with whom we and all the world," he says, ORIGIN OF OUR LITTLE TREATISE. 7 "are united in communion. Do you, now, Donatists, give the history of your episcopal ministry." Tertul- lian, before, did the same, and challenged the heretics of his time to produce the origin of their Church, to dis- play the succession of their bishops, so that the first of them may appear to have been ordained by an Apostolic man who persevered in their communion ; and giving a list of the Pontiffs in the Roman see he says ; " Let the heretics feign anything like this." St. Irenaeus, illustrious bishop of Lyons, disciple of St. Polycarp, who was himself a disciple of St. John the Apostle, names all the Popes to St. Eleutherius, then living, and says, " it would be tedious to enumerate the succession of bishops in the different churches; we refer you to that greatest, most ancient and universally known Church founded at Rome by St. Peter ancf St. Paul, and which has been preserved there through the succession of its bishops down to the present time." St. Jerome knew no other sure way of settling the disputed rights of bishops, and writes to Pope Damasus in regard to the heated controversy between St. Mele- tius and Paulinus, rival claimants of the see of Antioch : "I am joined in communion with your Holiness; that is, with the chair of Peter ; upon that rock I know the Church is built. I do not know Vitalis; I do not communicate with Miletius; Paulinus is a stranger to me. Whoever is united to the chair of Peter, he is mine." So, also, St. Athanasius, "whose illustrious name is dishonored by being coupled with the " Reformers," appeals to the Pope against the heretical intruders into his see of Alexandria, and the violence to which he \yas subjected by the imperial power, and is protected g ORIGIN OF OUR LITTLE TREATISE. in his episcopal character, and his episcopal rights vindicated by Pope Julius I., who wrote thus in the year 342 to the Eastern bishops, who sustained by the power of the State, had driven Athanasius from his see : " Know you not that the canonical rule was to recur first to our authority, and that the decisions must pro- ceed from it? Such is the tradition that we have re- ceived from the blessed Apostle Peter, and I believe it to be so universally acknowledged, that I should not recall it here if these deplorable circumstances did not constrain me to proclaim it." I dwell so long on this point, although a little beside my purpose, because it shows us a Pope in 342 very similar to our own Pope in 1874, as to this claim and exercise of jurisdiction over the whole Church East and West, and it shows us the great Athanasius ap- pealing to the Pope against the Emperor's violence and his servile, heretical, courtly bishops to be anywhere but in the same boat with the martyred " reformers," who denied the authority of the Pope, acknowledged the spiritual supremacy of the king, and were by his authority intruded into the sees of lawful prelates. " Christ said we should'have such witnesses that they should bear their testimony till the consummation of ages. We believe his promises, we accept them in their plain meaning. And as they are able to demonstrate that their commission is identical with that which was left upon the Mount of Olives, your bishops claim, however unworthy, to be \he successors of the Apos- tles." (The Corporate Witness.} Now here again we demur, and deny in fotothe whole claim of the bishops of the Protestant Episcopal Church of America and the bishops of their mother ORIGIN OF OUR LITTLE TREATISE. g Church of England to Apostolical succession, or that the Apostolical commission has been preserved and transmitted in their communion, or sect, or church, as you may be pleased to call it, for the reasons which I will now give, as briefly and summarily as possible. If the bishops of the American Protestant Episcopal Church have this apostolical succession, or this com- mission identical with that which Christ our Lord gave his Apostles, they derive it from the established Church of England, which they recognize as the mother Church ; but if the Anglican bishops have no title to this claim, they cannot give it to others. There is an old axiom, Nemo dat quod non habct. Now, the Anglican Church has no .part in the Apostolical com- mission, unless it can trace its orders and its mission regularly from the Apostles through the Catholic bishops. But this it can hardly consistently attempt to do, as it declared in one of its Homilies the Catholic Church to have been "drowned in abominable idolatry, most detested of God and damnable to man, for the space of eight hundred years," and in one of the thirty-nine articles " that all the Apostolical sees erred in matters of faith." Could Matthew Parker, the first Anglican bishop, whilst denying the authority of the Pope, and in open revolt against the Apostolical See, claim to hold his authority and his commission from the Church whose corruptions he denounced, and not one of whose bishops would impose hands on him ? In the early Church, bishops appealed for their legitimacy, for their rights and power, for their Apostolical suc- cession, to the Roman Pontiff; his see was styled eminently and emphatically the Apostolical Sec; he was the trunk to which all the branches should be united. 10 ORIGIN OF OUR LITTLE TREATISE. But the Church of England revolted against his au- thority, severed itself from his communion, renounced it on account of its " idolatry," and was denounced by it, in turn, as heretical. It is a universally admitted principle of Church government, recognized here in our own country by the practice of every Church, and by decisions of the courts of justice, that a clergyman from whom authority is withdrawn according to the rules and laws of the Church to which he may have been attached, who is no longer recognized as a minister by his proper ecclesi- astical superior, can no longer claim to act for that Church ; his ministrations are not regarded, his minis- terial functions are no longer lawful. (I wonder if Bishop Cheney is recognized as a legitimate bishop and successor of the Apostles by Bishop Coxe? We know not what action the Episcopal body may have taken in this matter, but we do know that he cannot be so recognized, unless at the cost of consistency, authority and unity.) We also know from the history of the Christian Church in all ages, that when a bishop or a priest, or bishops and priests, revolted against the Church in which they were ordained and commissioned, they were by the very fact deprived of all authority to act in the name and by the authority of the Church ; they were silenced or suspended, deprived of their faculties and deposed from their sees. This was the case with the early heretics, the Donatists, Eutychians, the Arians, and others, who had validly ordained bishops; but surely no orthodox Anglican or Episcopalian will aver that these heretical bishops were successors of the Apostles. Something more than valid ordination or ORIGIN OF OUR LITTLE TREATISE. H the laying on of hands is necessary to perpetuate the Apostolical commission. On these principles, held and acted on by all religious denominations in the govern- ment of their respective societies, we maintain that Matthew Parker, first Anglican bishop, even if validly ordained by the laying on of hands, with due form of prayers and solemnities, and a lawful ordainer, could not transmit jurisdiction, or a share of Apostolical commission, or right to minister in the Church, because he himself did not possess it. But we absolutely deny the validity of his consecra- tion, and thus strike at the very root of all pretensions in the Anglican and Protestant Episcopal Church of America to Apostolical succession. We can only sum- marily state the grounds of our positive unconditional denial. It is very doubtful, and can never be proved that he was ever consecrated at all, or that there was anything more than the farce of the " Nag's Head." The Lambeth Register is probably a forgery. Even if it be genuine, and the consecration took place as as- serted, at the hands of Barlow, an apostate monk, it is very doubtful that Barlow himself was ever consecrated, or ever anything more than a bishop elect. Even if Barlow was a regularly consecrated bishop, and went through the form of consecrating Parker, the form used, namely, that devised, as the act has it, by Edward, was notoriously insufficient and invalid, so that acts of Par- liament were deemed necessary to supply defects, in this wise: "And all persons that have been or shall be made, ordered or consecrated archbishops, bishops, priests, ministers of God's Word and sacraments, or deacons, after the form and order prescribed, be in very deed, 12 ORIGIN OF OUR LITTLE TREATISE. and also by authority hereof, declared and enacted to be, and shall be archbishops, bishops, priests, ministers, and deacons, and rightly made, ordered, and conse- crated." Thus there is some ground for styling them " Parlia- ment bishops," as they were commonly styled; and at least it is evident that there was doubt as to the validity of the form devised by Edward, to which this statute of Elizabeth (1566) refers. In Harding's controversy with the Anglican Bishop Jewel, he asks: "You bear yourself as the legitimate bishop of Salisbury, but how can you prove your vocation? Who hath laid hands on you ; how, and by whom were you consecrated ?" and, in reply to the declaration of the latter, that he was consecrated by Parker, Harding subjoins, " How, I pray you, was your archbishop himself consecrated ? Your metropolitan, who should give authority to all your consecrations, had himself no lawful consecration. There were, indeed, some lawful bishops in the king- dom who either were not required to impose hands on you, or who. being required, refused to do so." And again, rallying him on the statute of Parliament making good and valid defective forms of consecration: "If you will needs have your matters seem to depend of your Parliament, let us not be blamed, if we call it a Parliament religion, Parliament gospel, Parliament faith." Learned divines from the very beginning reproached the bishops of the establishment with invalidity of their orders. Sanders, regius professor of canon law at Oxford, in the time of Elizabeth, says : " For being destitute of all lawful ordination, they were constrained to crave the assistance of the secular power, by au- ORIGIN OF OUR LITTLE TREATISE. I3 thority whereof, if anything were done amiss and not according to the prescript of the law, or omitted and left undone in the former inauguration, it might be pardoned them, and that after they had enjoyed the episcopal office and chair many years without any episcopal consecration." Bristow, another divine of the same period, who died in 1582, says: " In England the King, yea the Queen, may give their letters patent to whom they will, and they thenceforward may bear themselves as bishops and may begin to ordain minis- ters." And of Parker and others who had been Catholic priests, he says, "they were deemed, without a new ordination, to be not only priests, but bishops and archbishops, either by virtue of the royal letters, or by a certain ridiculous consecration of those who had re- ceived no power to consecrate, except what the Queen had given them." Whatever opinion we may form as to the question whether Parker was consecrated at Lambeth or not, and as to whether Barlow, his pre- tended consecrator, was a bishop or not (for these are matters of opinion to be determined by historical re- search), yet it is absolutely certain, that, on account of the form used, Anglican, and consequently Protestant Episcopal, orders are vitiated and invalidated ; and hence, though the Church has acknowledged the validity of ordination in the Greek Church, and even the validity of the consecration of the Jansenist bishops of Holland, and, in fact, of all who preserved the regular ancient form, yet she never would recognize as bishops or priests, those ordained by the forms devised by , Edward VI.; and Dr. Milner expresses the mind of the Catholic Church when he says, " that the form used in the English Church previous to 1662 is just as proper I 4 ORIGIN OF OUR LITTLE TREATISE. for the ceremony of confirming, or laying hands on children, as it is for conferring the powers of the epis- copacy." The Church established by law seems to have felt this herself, for, in that year (1662), just one hundred and three years too late to save Anglican orders, convocation changed the form, evidently with the aim of supplying the defect pointed out by Catho- lic divines. Macaulay, in his history of England, af- firms that, in 1661 Episcopal ordination was for the first time made an indispensable condition for Church preferment." Lord Macaulay is, indeed, a brilliant essayist, but rather an unreliable historian, and his statements, unless corroborated by other testimony, we would hardly trust ; yet we know from other sources that then, as now, the Church of England and its daughter in America might be said to hold anything and everything on this point of Apostolical succession, or the transmission of episcopal powers by the laying on of hands. Let us see the opinions of some of the early re- formers. Let us see how Cranmer himself, the model reformer, according to Dr. Coxe, viewed this matter. Cranmer says: " In the New Testament he that is ap- pointed to be a bishop or a priest needeth no consecra- tion, by the Scripture, for election, or appointing there- to, is sufficient." Again: " Bishops and priests were no two things, but one office in the beginning of Christ's religion." Again: "A bishop may make a priest, by the Scripture, and so may princes, and governors, also, and that by the authority of God." Burnet, in his his- tory of the Reformation, tells us: "Cranmer had, at this time, some particular opinions concerning ecclesiastical offices that they were delivered from the king as other ORIGIN OF OVR LITTLE TREATISE. ^ civil offices were, and that ordination was not indispen- sably necessary, and was only a ceremony that might be used or laid aside, and that authority was delivered to churchmen only by the king's commission." In his address to Henry, in connection with the other mean, servile English bishops to whom the noble and venerable Fisher of Rochester was an illustrious excep- tion, Cranmer said : "All jurisdiction, civil and ecclesi- astical, flowed from the king, and that they exercised it only at the king's courtesy." Courayer, himself an apostate, the ablest defender of Anglican orders and Apostolical succession, says: "Cranmer and Barlow, two of the prelates appointed to reform the public liturgy and form of ordination, were notoriously erroneous in the matter of orders, and it is but too apparent that the chief aim of these divines and prelates was to ex- tinguish episcopacy." The same author says of Barlow: "Among many errors which he was accused of spread- ing, he was charged with having maintained this prop- osition ' that if the King's Grace, being the supreme head of the Church, did choose, denominate and elect any layman to be a bishop, he so chosen should be as good a bishop as he is, or the best in England.' ' I will conclude this point with the forcible words of Dr. Milner : " The acknowledgment of a royal ecclesiastical su- premacy ' in all spiritual and ecclesiastical things and causes/ (oath of supremacy as when the question is who shall preach, baptize, etc., and who shall not, what is sound doctrine, and what is not) is decidedly a re- nunciation of Christ's commission given to his Apos- tles, and preserved by their successors in the Catholic Apostolic Church. Hence it clearly appears that there i6 ORIGIN OF OCR LITTLE TREATISE. is and can be no Apostolical succession of ministry in the established Church more than in the other congre- gations or societies of Protestants. All their preaching and ministering in their several degrees is performed by mere human authority. On the other hand, not a sermon is preached, nor a child baptized, nor a peni- tent absolved, nor a priest ordained, nor a bishop con- secrated throughout the whole extent of the Catholic Church, without the minister of such function being able to show his authority from Christ for what he does, in the commission of Christ to his Apostles 'All power in Heaven and earth is given to me; go ye, therefore, teach all nations, baptizing them, etc.,' Matt, xxviii. 19, and without being able to prove his claim to that commission of Christ by producing the table of his uninterrupted succession from the Apos- tles." > You are then perfectly right, Dr. Coxe ; the Apostolic ministry was to be perpetuated by transmission of the commission given by Christ to his Apostles; but it is and can be perpetuated only in the Catholic Church, and by the unbroken line of pontiffs in the only Apostolic See that has had such an uninterrupted suc- cession, the See of Rome ; and whosoever believes in the existence of such a historic transmission, must, if logical, acknowledge in Pius a successor of Peter, and in the Pope a primacy of jurisdiction, supreme author- ity to guide and govern the universal Church, to com- mission and qualify witnesses, to the uttermost parts of the earth must, in one word, become a Catholic. We thank, however, the outspoken bishop for this enunciation of an essential principle of Christian faith, for this recognition of an essential mark of the true ORIGIN OF OUR LITTLE TREATISE. ij Church, this strong testimony to the divine character, constitution and organization of the Christian ministry, and in all earnestness and Christian charity, we ask him and our many estimable Episcopalian friends in Buffalo to investigate for themselves this interesting subject, without bias or prejudice to examine the records of the Christian Church, and to prove to themselves their claims to come down from the Apostles ; to trace their hierarchy to the Apostolic age, so that with undoubt- ing certainty and absolute conviction of their reason they may consistently hold their communion, their Church, to be identical in ministry, in orders and mis- sion, with the Apostolic Church. Does truthful history warrant such a belief ? On the contrary, does not history show to any unbiassed reader, that the Church of England started with Henry VIII. making himself the head of the Church and source of all its authority and jurisdiction, modifying the Church discipline to meet this most unapostolical and unwarrantable pretension, and thus forcibly and miser- ably tearing away the English Church from the parent stock, .forcing her into rebellion, cutting off all com- munication with the main trunk and seat and source of Apostolical jurisdiction, the only see in the whole of Christendom through which it is any way possible to trace Apostolical succession ? Bishop Ryan s Reply to the Corporate Witness. To this reply. Dr. Coxe published a rejoinder, " Catho- lics and Roman Catholics, by an old Catholic" which in turn was reviewed in a series of articles in the " Catho- lic Union" published in Buffalo. The substance of these articles we are now induced to republish in a more permanent form, in the hope that the discussion jg ORIGIN OF OUR LITTLE TREATISE. of the question of Apostolical succession may prove interesting and instructive, especially to our worthy and esteemed Episcopalian friends, who believe with Dr. Coxe that, " from the time of Pontius Pilate until now, a continuous line of men has been found perpetu- ated by the laying on of hands and the empowering of the Holy Ghost," and who, in good faith, and with un- questioning docility, accept the claims of their bishops to be successors of the Apostles, with " commissions identical with that left on the Mount of Olives." As this is no personal controversy, but one on which we enter solely in the interest of Truth, and with a view of promoting the salvation of souls, we shall refrain as much as possible from personal allusions, and as we purpose to confine ourselves to the question of Apos- tolical succession, we will allow ourselves to be carried away by side issues, or to the discussion of other mat- ters, only in as far as they may have a bearing on the question at issue, or may be forced on us. APOSTOLICAL SUCCESSION ESSENTIAL. II. APOSTOLICAL SUCCESSION ESSENTIAL TO '.iiE CHRIS- TIAN CHURCH IT IS NOT FOUND EITHER IN THE ANGLICAN CHURCH, AS-BY-LAW-ESTABLISHED, OR THE PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH OF AMERICA. WE deny then in toto that Apostolical succession has been preserved or transmitted in the Protes- tant Episcopal Church of America, or in the Anglican establishment. Let it, moreover, be borne in mind that there can be here no question as to Apostolical succes- sion being an essential doctrine of the Christian Church. It is well demonstrated from Holy Writ, that our Lord founded a corporate order of witnesses, who should be an extension of Himself, a prolonging of His personal mission, and nobody can deny that from the time of Pontius Pilate until now, a continuous line of men has been found in divers parts of the world, perpetuated by the laying on of hands of those who were before them. It is evident from sacred Scripture, it is known to all who read their Bible, that the risen Saviour organized a ministry, a body of teachers, and sent them to teach all nations, promising tc be with them to the end of ages, and hence their commission was to continue, they were to be perpetuated to the end of ages. Continu- ous and unbroken succession from the Apostles is, then, 2Q APOSTOLICAL SUCCESSION ESSENTIAL unquestionably, a fundamental doctrine, an essential note of the Christian Church. We are willing to allow that, " only in the perpetuated historic identity of the Apostolic commission can we find monumental evidence of the fact of the resurrection," and consequently of the truth of Christianity; and again: "the canon of Scripture itself depends on it ; you cannot prove your Bible authentic without it." Only those who can satis- factorily and certainly trace the historic identity of their ministry with, and their legitimate descent from, the Apostles, can have any certainty of the reality of the resurrection, of the truth of Christianity, of the canonicity and authenticity of the sacred Scriptures. But this identity and Apostolic succession, confessedly essential to. the true Church of Christ, the Episcopal Church cannot show, and therefore the Episcopal Church cannot prove herself the true Church of Christ. Nay, more, only in the Catholic Church, in communion with the See of Rome, the Apostolical See, can this identity be found and clearly demonstrated, and there- fore all who hold this identity, this succession from the Apostles as a necessary characteristic, and distinc- tive mark of the Christian Church, must, if logical and consistent, go over to Rome, towards which their faces are plainly set. Woe betide them if they look back. Unfortunately, Lots wife is not a solitary instance of the terrible judgment awaiting those who close their eyes to the light of truth, and harden their hearts to the inspirations of grace, who through undue attach- ment to the things of earth, or over-much affection to family and friends, love of lucre or pride of intellect, through want of moral courage to bear the poverty and humility of the cross, stifle the voice of conscience TO THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH. 2 \ halt in their search for truth, and turn back when on the very point of escaping from the Babel of confusion. Many such in our experience we have met, monuments of the justice of God, beacons of warning to those who close their hearts to grace, their eyes to truth, real pillars of salt, their lives produce only dead sea fruit; notwithstanding outside deceitful appearances they are filled with ashes and wormwood. As to the value to be attached to assertions like these: "The succession in the Church of England is more demonstrably canonical and regular, in all par- ticulars, than any other succession in Christendom," or " It may be shown that nobody competent to form an opinion, and who has taken the pains to investigate the matter, has ever professed a doubt concerning Anglican succession;" our readers will be able to judge presently. Apostolical succession requires, as those making the above assertions admit, something more than valid ordination. We may admit not only the fact, but also the validity of a bishop's consecration, and yet deny him, even though validly consecrated, any participation in the divine commission given by Christ to His Apostles, any claim to Apostolical suc- cession. Valid ordination is essential to, but insuffi- cient for, legitimate succession. In the whole history of the Christian Church, there is nothing more evident than this, that when a bishop or priest, or bishops and priests, revolted against ecclesiastical authority, or con- tumaciously erred against faith, they were silenced, sus- pended, deprived of their faculties, deposed from their sees. The Church, which had commissioned them and given them authority, jurisdiction, a right to teach, and assigned them a mission in which to exercise their 22 APOSTOLICAL SUCCESSION ESSENTIAL ministry, simply revoked their 'commission, recalled her grant of powers, and annulled all license to act for her, in her name, or by her authority. Thus she acted towards the validly ordained and rightly consecrated heretical Donatist, Eutychian and Arian bishops ; and who among our orthodox Anglicans or Episcopalians will recognize such excommunicated, deposed and deprived heretical bishops as successors of the Apostles. She holds the same principles to-day; schismatical and heretical bishops such as the bishops of the Greek Church, the Jansenist bishops of Holland, and even Reinkens, the itinerant Old Catholic bishop of Germany, even if validly ordained, have no share in the Apos- tolical commission, have no jurisdiction, they are not sent, and how shall they preach? They are thus cut off from communion with the Church, broken off from the chain of Apostolical succession. Again, it is equally certain, and the history of the Church from the days of the Apostles bears witness, that bishops appealed in proof of their legitimacy, their right and authority to take and hold and govern their respective sees, to the See of Rome, the See of Peter, because from the very beginning of the Church the bishops of the whole Christian world acknowledged the primacy of the See of Peter, the universal jurisdiction and supreme au- thority of the successors of Peter, whom Christ Him- self commissioned to feed and govern his whole flock. This primacy of jurisdiction was necessary to maintain in unity of faith, a Church destined to spread over and embrace the habitable globe, from ocean to ocean, and from pole to pole. This supreme authority vested in the Apostolic See, not by the canons, but by the Lord Jesus Himself in founding His Church, the bishops in TO THE CHRIS T1A N CH URCH. 2 3 every age admitted, and none perhaps more unequiv- ocally than the great Bossuet, whom " Old Catholic" loves to quote. " All," says the eloquent bishop of Meaux, " are subject to the keys of Peter, kings and people, prelates and priests ; we own it with joy, for we love unity, and glory in obedience." Communion with the See of Rome, recognition of spiritual supremacy, and primacy of jurisdiction in the See of Peter, was not only the test of orthodoxy, but the proof of legitimacy and the guaranty of Apos- tolic succession. Now the Anglican bishops in the time of Henry VIII., Edward VI., and Elizabeth dis- owned all allegiance in spiritual matters to the Sovereign Pontiffs, revolted against Peter's authority, and re- nounced his spiritual supremacy, and thus was brought about that change in the religious system "under which," says Rev. Mr. Waterworth, in his historical lectures on the Reformation, " our forefathers during more than a thousand years lived and died. It was Henry's lustful revenge and rapacity that removed the key-stone of the arch, the principle of unity, by which under one head appointed by Jesus Christ, there was formed of all the nations and kingdoms of the earth, one Catholic or universal kingdom, believing in one Lord, one faith, one'baptism, and one Church." The historian, Dr. Heylin, in the preface to his" His- tory of the Reformation," acknowledges "that Henry, finding the Pope the greatest obstacle to his desires, divested him by degrees of that supremacy, which had been challenged and enjoyed by his predecessors for some ages past, and finally extinguished his authority in the realm of England." The king's authority was substituted for the Pope's, the king's spiritual suprem- 24 APOSTOLICAL SUCCESSION ESSENTIAL acy, and not the Pope's, was now invoked, and the king was declared to be the fountain of all jurisdiction, both temporal and spiritual. In the oath of supremacy exacted from all archbishops and bishops in the reign of Elizabeth, the prelates were obliged to swear that their right and mission to preach and to minister were derived from the civil power only, and before conse- cration the bishop elect was made to " acknowledge and confess that he holds his bishopric as well in spirituals as temporals from her alone, and the crown royal." Not from the Apostles, then, to whom it was said "go and teach all nations," etc., but from a vin- dictive, lustful king, a sickly boy, and a bad woman, do the Anglican bishops derive their commission and jurisdiction, and very correctly does Dr. Milner, whom no one acquainted with the man or his writings would call ignorant, argue that " the acknowledgment of royal ecclesiastical supremacy ' in all spriritual and ec- clesiastical things or causes' is decidedly a renunciation of Christ's commission given to His Apostles, and pre- served by their successors in the Catholic Apostolic Church." Hence it clearly appears that there is, and can be, no Apostolical succession of ministry in the established Church. The line of Apostolical succession in the Church of England was then broken in the reign of Henry VIII., the breach widened under Edward VI., the rupture partially healed under Mary, was re-opened under Elizabeth, when the chain reaching from Augustine and through him from the Apostles (for he was sent and commissioned by Pope Gregory), down to Cardinal Pole, was ruthlessly and hopelessly severed by Parker's intrusion into the See of Canterbury. Parker held his TO THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH. 2 $ commission, and acknowledged on oath that he held his commission and jurisdiction, his right and authority to preach, teach, and administer sacraments from the crown, from her majesty, and her majesty's pliant Parliament. 2 6 COMMUNION WITH THE SEE OP PETER III. COMMUNION WITH THE SEE OF PETER THE TEST OF LEGITIMATE SUCCESSION. A RBITRARY and tyrannical rulers, aided by servile *X Parliaments, and an intimidated clergy, dissevered the Church of England from what was known through- out Christendom, East and West, as emphatically and pre-eminently the Apostolic See, the See of Rome, the only See to which it is possible to-day for the Chris- tian Church to appeal, to prove with certainty her Apostolical origin, to attest the historic transmission of the Apostolic commission, to vouch for the corporate identity of her bishops with the original witnesses. To this Roman See, centre and source of unity, because vested with supreme authority and universal jurisdic- tion, and to the unbroken succession of Sovereign Pontiffs, in the same, the primitive Church, the early fathers, saints and doctors ever appealed against un- authorized teachers, innovating heretics, and rebellious schismatics. Whosoever were not united to the chair of Peter, were not regarded as successors of the Apos- tles ; nay, by the fact of their not belonging to that leading succession, they were, as St. Irenaeus tells us, to be suspected as heretics and schismatics. A bishop, then, even when rightly ordained or validly consecrated, if he apostatize from the faith, rebel against the recog- THE TEST OF LEGIT1MA TE SUCCESSION. 27 nized authority of the Church, and be cut off from her communion, cannot pretend to any share in the com- mission which comes down by historical transmission from the Apostles ; hence, though Matthew Parker suc- ceeded Warham and Pole in the See of Canterbury, even allowing that he were actually and validly conse- crated, would no more be a successor of the Apostles than Jeff. Davis was a successor of Washington. This Dr. Kenrick thus expresses: "As well might Crom- well be considered one of the Stuart kings of England, or Napoleon Bonaparte one of the Bourbon race, as Matthew Parker, even if validly ordained be regarded as a link added to the chain of Catholic archbishops of Canterbury, reaching down from St. Augustine to Cardinal Pole, in whom that illustrious series of Pon- tiffs finally ceased." We moreover assert that full communion with the See of Rome was the test of orthodoxy and legitimacy, not only in the primitive Church, but was the test of the orthodoxy and legitimacy of the bishops of Eng- land, down to the time of Henry VIII. To the testi- mony already adduced from Rev. Mr. Waterworth, and Dr. Heylin, in his " History of the Reformation," we will only add the following. Dodd, in his " Church History of England," quotes a remarkable speech which some, says the historian, ascribe to Bishop Fisher. " Whoever the person was, he takes the liberty to say that the cause (the royal supremacy) was of the greatest consequence, that he could wish the king were capable of that power he aimed at ; that it was an at- tempt directly opposite to the practice of the English nation, in all former ages ; that it was depriving the ecclesiastical body of a spiritual head, much more 2 8 COMMUNION WITH THE SEE OF PL TER . necessary than in temporal affairs; that no spiritual jurisdiction was ever looked upon as valid, without the approbation of the See of Rome ; that the See of Rome was the centre of unity, by whose authority heresy had always been suppressed, and princes reconciled by submitting to her decisions and arbitration ; in fine, Rome was a kind of court of chancery to all nations that professed Christianity; and those that were divided from her, would be like branches cut off from the tree of life." Please to mark well the words that the "attempt of Henry was directly opposite to the practice of the English nation in all former ages ; that no spiritual jurisdiction was looked upon as valid without approbation of the See of Rome, and that those divided from Rome would be like branches cut off from the tree of lifer This certainly does not tally with what the claimant of Anglican succession asserts on this subject : "Henry s supremacy was based on ancient rights of the crown which he merely re-assumed /" and, "gradually by unlawful en- croachment the Papacy was formed in Western Europe, and so, gradually, its usurpation extended to England." And again : " Queen Mary, the bloody, created the Roman hierarchy by taw, while Henry VIII. never did anything of the kind ; but merely continued the Church as he found it," and "to suppose that Elizabeth estab- lished the Church of England in any sense other than that in which it was the law of the land under the Plantagenets and the Papacy, is a very ignorant mis- take," etc., etc. We must remark that in refuting these assertions, made with all the recklessness, effrontery, and disregard to historic truth, usual with certain parties, we do little more than condense and summarize THE TEST OF LEGITIMATE SUCCESSION. 2 9 the facts of history touching this matter, admirably brought together by the learned Cardinal Wiseman, whom, no doubt, these gentlemen would write down an ignoramus, who has either never investigated the mat- ter, or is incompetent to form an opinion. Venerable Bede informs us that Pope Eleutherius sent over missionaries to the Britons, and converted them. And when the Pelagian heresy had infested the Island, Pope Celestine sent St. Germanus to correct and purify it. A Pope then, not a king, commissioned the missionaries and bishops of the early British Church. Again, that slaves might become sons, that Angli might be made Angeli, Pope St. Gregory sent Augustine from his monastery on the Caelian hill, who reconverted the Island under the Anglo-Saxons, and established the legitimate succession of the Episcopacy, which con- tinued until the encroachments and usurpations of spir- itual supremacy by Henry, and his worthy daughter Elizabeth. Is it with a design to mislead, that we are told . " When the Patriarch Gregory, Bishop of Rome," (though the same writer says, it was impossible for the Pope to assert even a patriarchal authority over England) sent Augustine to convert the Saxons, the missionary found there an existing British Church dating from the Apostolic times." He might as well have added from the Venerable Bede, to whom he re- fers, that it was, as we said above, a Pope of Rome who gave authority, mission and jurisdiction to the bishops of the British Church. Again we are told, " Augustine was consecrated first archbishop of Can- terbury by Gallican bishops." Dr. Newman even before his conversion says in one of his essays, " Disingenuousness is a characteristic of 30 COMMUNION WITH THE SEE OF PETER heresy." It evidently is a marked feature of some con- troversialists. By the Pope's authority, Augustine, a priest and monk, with his monk companions, goes to evangelize the Saxons ; by command of the same Pope Gregory, Augustine was consecrated a bishop by Virgilius, the primate of Aries, but Virgilius had no authority to send him to England, he could give him no jurisdiction over that island. Virgilius could only do what every validly ordained bishop can do to-day, confer the episcopal powers of order, but not of jurisdic- tion ; only the Pope could assign a mission, impart jur- isdiction or authority to exercise those powers, within a given territory. To Virgilius himself the same Pope had granted the pallium, the badge of the archiepis- copal dignity, giving him authority over all the bishops of Gaul. " Because," says St. Gregory, " it is plain to all whence the holy faith came forth in the regions of Gaul ; when your Fraternity asks afresh for the ancient custom of the Apostolic See, what does it, but as a good child recur to the bosom of its mother? And so we grant your Fraternity to represent us, in the churches which are in the kingdom of our most excellent son Childebert, according to ancient custom, which has God for its author." But Gregory, not Vir- gilius, constituted Augustine archbishop of London, sending him the /tf//z#;#, authorizing him to consecrate twelve suffragans. The see was afterwards by the authority of the Pope transferred from London to Canterbury. By the di- rection of the Pope, the archbishop of York was to be subject to Augustine during his lifetime, and after- wards the two metropolitans were to be independent, and have precedence according to seniority of conse- THE TEST OF LEGITIMATE SUCCESSION. 31 cration. Afterwards Pope Honorius I. sends the pallium to the two archbishops with special powers to either, to name the other's'successor, " i 'n virtue of the authority of the Holy See, in consideration of the great distance which separates England from Rome." Pope Adrian created the bishop of Lichfield a pri- mate, subjecting to him many of the suffragans of Canterbury. Pope Leo III', rescinded his predecessor's decree, and restored to Canterbury its former suffra- gans. Long and heated were the contests for super- iority, between Canterbury and York, and to the Pope the rival claimants appeal, to determine the disputed prerogatives, and their alternate triumphs were due to decisions of the Pope in favor of one or the other. St. Bernard tells us in his life of St. Malachi, archbishop of Armagh, that he (St. Malachi) undertook a journey to Rome to obtain the pallium for himself, and for a new archiepiscopal see, the erection whereof he de- sired to have confirmed by the Holy See. From all this it is plain that the Holy See did from the begin- ning order the hierarchy of the Church of England, transfer, divide, and otherwise vary the jurisdiction of metropolitans. Among other examples occurring, after Augustine and his immediate successors appointed in virtue of authority from the Apostolic See, Venerable Bede informs us that Wigard was sent to Rome by Egbert, king of Kent, and Oswi of Northumbria, to be consecrated by Pope Vitalianus, and the reason given by the two monarchs for wishing to have the archbishop consecrated at Rome was "Quia Romano, csset CatJio- lica et Apostolica ccclesia" Because the Roman was the Catholic and Apostolic Church. Although the clergy com- plained and grew sometimes restive on account of papal 32 COMMUNION WITH THE SEE OF ROME provisions, whereby the court of Rome filled vacant benefices with strangers ; until the time of Henry VIII., we never read of any denial of the Pope's authority to confirm archbishops, or of his jurisdiction over them ; he had ever a legate in England who took precedence and passed judgment in their causes, and until the time of Henry VIII., the privileges and rights of the Holy See were never impugned or disputed, recent declara- tions to the contrary notwithstanding. The conclusion so pertinent to our argument, which the eminent and learned Cardinal Wiseman logically forces from the mouth of Anglicans fond of appeal- ing to ancient canons and customs and privileges of patriarchal sees, is "That the bishops now ex- isting in England, even supposing the validity of their orders, were instituted and appointed, the Bishop of Rome not only not consentient, but repugnant thereto, and vehemently condemning the same as an infringement of his immemorial rights, secured to him by canons and customs become ancient, though they hold authority by law, have not, and never have had, since the Reformation, any ecclesiastical, hierarchical or Apostolical succession, authority or jurisdiction what- ever, in matters religious or spiritual ; that they are not the inheritors or successors of those who held the sees until that time ; that, consequently, they are in the eyes of the Church Catholic, intruders, usurpers and illegitimate holders of the same." The above will be a sufficient answer to the extravagant assertion, that the supremacy of Henry was nothing novel, but based on the ancient rights of the crown, and that the Church of England was never a Roman Catholic Church. Let us hear what the Church of England herself has to say THE TEST OF LEGITIMATE SUCCESSION. 33 on this point. In the year 1534, Parliament, under orders from a despotic king, declared that the Bishop of Rome had no jurisdiction over the Church of Eng- land, and that the king was rightfully her supreme head. In the year 1536 the Church of England, in con- vocation at York, declared : " We think the king's highness, nor any temporal man, may not be the head of the Church by the laws of God, * ' * and we think by the law of the Church, general councils, interpreta- tions of approved doctors, and consent of Christian people, the Pope of Rome hath been taken for the head of the Church and Vicar of Christ, and so ougJit to be taken." Again, in the first year of Elizabeth's reign, both houses of convocation, and the two Universities, declared it to be the faith of the Church of England : *' That the supreme power of feeding and governing the militant Church of Christ and confirming their brethren is given to Peter, the Apostle, and his lawful successors in the See Apostolic, as unto the vicars of Christ." Our readers may perhaps like to hear what Henry himself says on this subject, in his defence of the Sacraments against Martin Luther : " Luther cannot deny but that all the faithful Christian Churches, at this day, do acknowledge and reverence the holy See of Rome as their mother and primate. * * * And if this acknowledgment is grounded neither on divine nor human right, how hath it taken so great and gen- eral root ? how was it admitted so universally by all Christendom? how began it? how came it to be so great? yea, and the Greek Church also, though the empire was passed to that part, we shall find that she acknowledged the primacy of the same Roman Church. 34 COMMUNION WITH THE SEE OF PETER * * * Whereas Luther so impudently doth affirm that the Pope hath his primacy by no right, neither divine nor human, but only by force and tyranny, I do wonder how the mad fellow could hope to find his readers so simple, or blockish as to believe that the Bishop of Rome, being a priest, unarmed, alone, with- out temporal force, or right, either divine or human (as he supposed) should be able to get authority over so many bishops his equals throughout so many dif- ferent nations. * .* * Or that so many people, cities, kingdoms, commonwealths, provinces and nations would be so prodigal of their own liberty, as to sub- ject themselves to a foreign priest (as now so many ages they have done), or to give him such authority over themselves, if he had no right thereunto at all." Perhaps, too, it might be interesting to recall what Dr. Lingard says in regard to this assumption by Henry of spiritual supremacy. " Henry had now obtained the great object of his ambition. His supremacy in religious matters had been established by act of Par- liament. * * * Still the extent of his ecclesiastical pretensions remained subject to doubt and dissension. That he intended to exclude the authority hitherto exercised by the Pontiffs, was sufficiently evident. fr * Henry himself did not clearly explain, perhaps he knew not how to explain, his own sentiments. If on the one hand, he was willing to push his ecclesias- tical prerogative to its utmost limits, on the other he was checked by the contrary tendency of those princi- ples, which he had published and maintained in his treatise against Luther." But he did push this pre- tended prerogative of the crown to extreme limits, when he made Cromwell his vicar-general, allowed THE TEST OF LEGITIMATE SUCCESSION. 35 him precedence as such before all the lords spiritual and temporal, not only made him sit in Parliament before the archbishop of Canterbury, but made him supersede that prelate in the presidency of the convo- cation. The degradation of the bishops was, however, not yet deep enough. It was resolved to extort from them a practical acknowledgment that they derived no authority from Christ, but were merely the occa- sional delegates of the crown. He suspended the powers of all the Ordinaries of the realm, and by making them petition for the restoration of the same, made them acknowledge the crown to be the real foun- tain of spiritual jurisdiction. When they submitted with abject servility, and petitioned for the restoration of their suspended powers, a commission was issued to each bishop separately, authorizing him during the king's pleasure, and as the king's deputy, to ordain, etc. The same assumption and arbitrary exercise of the prerogative of the crown, and spiritual supremacy were continued under Edward and Elizabeth, with this .difference, that under Henry the bishops, brow-beaten, intimidated and demoralized, yielded, with the excep- tion of the heroic bishop of Rochester, and thus in some sense appeared to lend the sanction of the Church to Henry's tyrannical usurpations, whereas under Eliza- beth they atoned for their pusillanimity and cowardice, redeemed the honor of the episcopacy, and, with the solitary exception of Kitchen of Llandaff, spurned the oath of supremacy, and without even- one excep- tion they refused to be made the tools of the royal popess by conferring a fraudulent illegitimate conse- cration on her appointees. All this we have detailed so lengthily to show that 36 COMMUNION WITH THE SEE OF PETER in the Church of England (and the same may be shown of every Church in Christendom), from her earliest Es- tablishment, and especially since the introduction of Christianity among the Saxons by St. Augustine, down through every age, even to the time of Henry and Elizabeth, the supremacy of the Pope in things spiritual was acknowledged. The Pope exercised jurisdiction over the island, 'and the bishops, archbishops and primates, down to Parker's illegitimate intrusion by the civil power, held their commissions from the Apostolic See, and thus were linked on to the unbroken Apostolic chain, the legitimate succession of their bishops thus coming down from the Apostles. How clearly and conclusively is this shown by Arch- bishop Heath of York, in the eloquent and forcible speech, which he delivered in the House of Lords, against the spiritual supremacy of the crown in the year 1559. His able speech may be found in full in "Dodd's Church History of England ; Appendix 35.," from which we quote the following extracts : " By relinquishing and forsaking the Church or See of Rome, we must forsake and fly, first, from all general councils; secondly, from all canonical and ecclesiasti- cal laws of the Church of Christ ; thirdly, from the judg- ment of all other Christian princes ; fourthly, and lastly, we must forsake and fly from the holy unity of Christ's Church. * * * First, touching the general councils, I shall name unto you these" four: the Nicene Council, the Constantinopolitan Council, the Ephesine, and the Chalcedon. * * * At the Nicene Council, the first of the four, the bishops did write their epistle to Sylves- ter, then Bishop of Rome, that their decrees then made, might be confirmed by his authority. At the council THE TEST OF LEGITIMA TE SUCCESSION. 37 kept at Constantinople, all the bishops there were obe- dient to Damasus, then Bishop of Rome. * * * At the Ephesine Council, Nestorius, the heretic, was con- demned by Celestine,, the Bishop of Rome, he being chief judge there. At the Chalcedon Council, all the bishops there assembled, did write their humble sub- mission unto Leo, then Bishop of Rome ; wherein they did acknowledge him there, to be their chief head, six hundred and thirty bishops of them. Therefore to deny the See Apostolic and its authority, were to con- temn and set at naught, the authority and decrees of these noble councils. * * * Fourthly, and lastly, we must (by forsaking the See of Rome) forsake and fly from the holy unity of Christ's Church, seeing that St. Cyprian, that holy martyr and great clerk, doth say that the unity of the Church of Christ doth depend upon Peter's authority, and his successor's. * * * And by this our forsaking and flying from the unity of the Church of Rome, this inconveniency, among many, must consequently follow: that either we must grant the Church of Rome to be the true Church of God, or else a malignant Church. If you answer that it is a true Church of God, where Jesus Christ is truly taught and his sacraments rightly administered, how can we disburthen ourselves of our forsaking and flying from that Church, which we do acknowledge to be of God? O If you answer that the Church of Rome is not of God, but a malignant Church, then it will follow that we, the inhabitants of this realm, have not as yet received any benefit of Christ ; seeing we have received no gospel, or other doctrine, nor no other sacraments, but what was sent to us from the Church of Rome- first, in King Lucius, his days, at whose humble epistle, ^8 COMMUNION WITH THE SEE OF PETER the holy martyr Eleutherius, then Bishop of Rome, did send into this realm two holy monks, Fugatius and Damianus, by whose doctrine and preaching we were first brought to the knowledge of the faith of Jesus Christ, of his holy gospel and his most holy sacraments; then, secondly, holy St. Gregory, being Bishop of Rome, did send into this realm two other holy monks, St. Augustine, called the Apostle of England, and Meletius, to preach the self-same faith planted here, in this realm in the days of King Lucius; thirdly, and last of all, Paul III.,*being Bishop of Rome, did send hither the Lord Cardinal Pole, his grace (by birth a nobleman of this land), his legate to restore us unto the same faith, which the martyr, St. Eleutherius, and St. Gregory, had planted here many years before. If, therefore, the Church of Rome be not of God, but a false and malig- nant Church, then have we been deceived all this while ; seeing the gospel, the doctrine, the faith and the sacra- ments must be of the same nature as that Church is from whence it and they came." This disposes of the ludicrous assertion, made with so much apparent self-complacency and assurance, that : " The first archbishop of Canterbury was consecrated at Aries, in France (597) and thus introduced the Eph- esine succession from St. John, through Irenaeus and Photinus." This assertion is moreover too childish for any one who pretends to know anything about primi- tive Christianity. Must we teach again the first ele- ments of Christian Doctrine, the first principles of Church organizatien, and government? must we repeat the plain distinction between orders and mission ? must we go about proving what has already been acknowl- edged, what the Episcopal Church teaches and acts Julius III., he doubtless meant. THE TEST OF LEGITIMA TE SUCCESSION. 39 upon, viz. : that something more than a valid conse- cration is necessary to confer jurisdiction, a share in the commission and apostolate instituted by Christ to evangelize the nations and convert the world? Aries could consecrate, only Rome* could send Augustine with Apostolic authority to England, to preach the faith and transmit Apostolic succession to the English hierarchy. 40 PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL AND ANGLICAN IV. PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL AND ANGLICAN SUCCESSION REPUDIATED. WE cannot, perhaps, offer anything on the subject of the pretended legitimacy, jurisdiction, and con- sequently Apostolic succession of the Protestant Episco- pal prelates of the United States, more conclusive and clear than the earnest words of the lamented and estim- able Dr. Ives, late bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church in North Carolina : " The real character of the Episcopal authority and mission of the Protestant Episcopal Church in America must depend upon the character of the source from which they are derived. " So that any defect which the Mother Church of England may have inherited from the system of Eliza- beth, seemed to me clearly entailed upon the daughter in the United States. " Now then, I entreat my old friends to allow me to call to their minds that view of the mission and juris- diction of the English Church, as established by Eliza- beth, which destroyed my confidence in her claim to my submission. I asked myself not as a Catholic, not as a controversialist but as one deeply anxious to know the will of God, and to know, if possible, that that will would sustain me in my Protestant position I asked myself, who sent Archbishop Parker? 'For how can he preach except he be sent ?' Who put the SUCCESSION REPUDIATED. 4I Gospel into his hand? told him what it contained? what was the depositum of faith and sacraments and worship of the ' one, holy, Catholic Church' com- mitted to him, and commissioned him to teach that faith, dispense those sacraments, and conduct that worship, and, when death should come to terminate his Apostolic work, to hand on that ' depositum to the successors of the Apostles yet to arise ? I made this appeal to my conscience again and again. ' Who thus sent the first archbishop of Elizabeth, gave him his mission to act in this or that way for God ?' " When Elizabeth ascended the throne, I saw two powers only, who even claimed the right of spiritual jurisdiction of England, and thence the right of giving mission to exercise ' the office of a bishop in the Church of God !' the Pope and the queen ! The Pope sus- tained in his authority by the whole Church in England ; the queen sustained by her Parliament only. The Church, therefore, in England, could not have com- missioned and sent this archbishop. She was utterly against him. Against him in her faith, her sacraments, her worship, her judgment, her authority ! she stood forth, with the successor of St. Peter at her head, pro- fessing the Catholic faith, dispensing the Catholic sacraments, and enforcing the Catholic ritual, and re- quiring all who went out under her authority to defend this faith, guard these sacraments, and observe this ritual ! The archbishop of Elizabeth appears, in defi- ance of the successor of St. Peter, professedly bearing another faith, other sacraments, and commissioned under another ritual ! Who sent him ? Whence derived he the authority to execute the office of a bishop in the mystical body of Christ the one, holy, and Apostolic 42 PRO TEST ANT EPISCOPAL AND ANGLICAN Church. Really, I could discern no authority earlier than the queen and Parliament of England ! Arid, therefore, that my own commission to act for Christ had its origin in man /" Convinced by such conclusive and unanswerable arguments, drawn from a profound and conscientious study of the whole question in all its aspects and bearings, with the pages of Church history lying open before them, and the doctrine and canons and usages of the early Christian Church thoroughly sifted and scrutinized, many of the purest, most gifted and scholarly minds in the Anglican establishment in Eng- land, and the Episcopal Church in America have not only doubted the Anglican succession, but finding it to be a myth, have laid down their lucrative livings, to enter the Catholic Church as simple laymen, and re- ceived orders in the Church from bishops possessing Apostolic succession, or else, like Dr. Ives, have lived and died in the ranks of the laity, in the midst of the world, shining out as bright exemplars of heroic Christian virtue. Such in England are the Mannings, the Newmans, the Wilberforces, the Fabers, the Allies, and many others ; those in our own country we will forbear to me-ntion ; they are too well known, men whose massive intellectual build, comprehensive, culti- vated minds, logical acumen, vast and varied learning overshadow and completely dwarf, in our opinion, at least, those who have the hardihood to assert that no one competent to form an opinion, and who has taken the pains to investigate the matter, has ever professed a doubt concerning the Anglican succession, and that it is more d'emonstrabfy canonical and regular in all particulars than any other succession in Christendom. SUC&ESSION REPUDIATED. 43 No one has doubted the Anglican succession ! ! The whole Catholic Church doubts it, or rather posi- tively denies it, the Greek Church disowns it, the Prot- estant world ridicules the pretension, the whole of Christendom outside the Anglican a'nd American Episcopal Church denies and rejects the unwarrantable claim. Yet outside of that comparatively small com- munion there must be some thoughtful men, compe- tent to form an opinion. Nay, on this point, as well as every other fundamental Christian tenet, there is divi- sion, even in the- little body of the Anglican Church herself, and I am sure I need not reiterate that in the Protestant Episcopal Church in America, many not only doubt it, but scout the very notion. An Angli- can bishop, not many years ago, preaching on a solemn public occasion at St. Paul's Cathedral, London, de- nied it in strongest language, and the only reprimand he received was, that he was not asked to print his sermon ! Where were the Apostolic witnesses of the faith? were they all sleeping sentinels on the watch towers of Sion? no one to give the alarm? no one to protest ? If Apostolical succession can be thus publicly denied by a bishop of the Church of England, are we not justified in placing credence in what a learned English writer, now happily a Catholic, author among other genial productions of " My Clerical Friends," which we would advise our Episcopal readers to peruse thoughtfully, says: "The mass of our coun- try-men have so little esteem for the doctrines of the Christian priesthood and the Apostolical succession that they can hardly be persuaded to treat them seri- ously." The same thoughtful writer, who certainly Iris thoroughly studied and dispassionately investigated 44 PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL AND ANGLICAN the matter, though perhaps some would declare him incompetent to form an opinion, again says : " The modern English assertors of Apostolical succession know that the men who formed the Church of England o and composed both its ritual and its theology, detested the very doctrines which ///ryhave learned to approve, and would have destroyed even that semblance of a hierarchy which they have preserved, if the Tudor sovereigns would have suffered them to do so." Nay, even Hooker, so often quoted as authority, did actually teach that, it was quite possible to do- without bishops ; that there may be sometimes very just and sufficient rea- son to allow ordination made without a bishop, when, for- sooth, the exigence of necessity doth constrain to leave the usual ways of the Church, or when the Church must needs have some ordained, and neither hath, nor can have a bishop to ordain. The terse and well-informed English writer above referred to says of Hooker, " No one knew better than he that the first link in the Anglican hierarchy was forged, not by an Apostle or Patriarch, but by the masculine hand of Elizabeth Tudor, and therefore too prudent to expose the new hierarchy to a strain which it could not bear, he thought it good policy to say, ' We are not simply without exception to urge a lineal descent from the Apostles by continued succession of bishops in every effectual ordination.' In life he had denied the Apostolical succession whenever the ' exigence of neccessity' made it superfluous, in death he uttered a still more energetic protest against it, without any necessity at all, by sending for, not an Anglican minister, but Saravia, who had never received or pretended to receive Episcopal or- dination." Not only then Cranmer and Barlow, but SUCCESSION KEPUDIA TED. 45 even the favorite Hooker ("wise in his generation and rightly styled by posterity, the judicious Hooker") thought lightly of Apostolical succession in the Angli- can Church, which, nevertheless, we are told was never doubted by any one capable of forming an opinion, and rests on the same evidence as the Scripture itself. But the reason given as an apology for the low views of these Reformers concerning the episcopate is too amusing: " How could they have known better while they were under the Papacy. Popes had taught them that bishops were only presbyters, in order to magnify themselves as the only and universal bishops." This we pronounce a positive and unqualified falsehood, but granting that, " such was the common teaching of school divines before the Reformation," how does it help the Anglican's case ? Anglicans themselves admit that a church in schism forfeits all right to the lawful exercise of hierarchical powers or jurisdiction ; that bishops of a schismatical communion could not lawfully, though they might validly, exercise ecclesiastical functions ; could net be admitted to a voice in a general council, or communi- cate with other bishops, until they retract their errors or schismatical principles, and then when returning to the unity of the Church, they should be formally rec- ognized by ecclesiastical authority and reinstated in their sees, or removed to others, or else remain sus- pended. Anglicans themselves admit that Apostolical succession cannot exist outside the true Church of God, and St. Augustine most positively declares that even those who maintained the integrity of faith, but fell from unity, were outside the pale of the Church. "You are with us," he says, "in baptism, in the creed, 46 PRO TEST ANT EPISCOPAL AND ANGLICAN in the other sacraments of the Lord, but in the spirit of unity, in the bond of peace in fine in the Catholic Church itself you are not with us." But like the Donatists and early heretics, Anglicans and Episcopa- lians justify their separation from the Church, their breach of unity, by urging the corruptions of the Church, the usurpations of the papacy. " England in rejecting a usurping papacy fell back on. her ancient Catholic rights, and began to renew and to regain, as her old law, all her primitive relations with all the Apostolic Sees." But they forget that one of the pleas for setting up a new establishment was that " all the Apostolic Sees had erred in faith." " England," we are told, " is not in communion with Pius IX., for his new dogma rends him from communion with all his own predecessors and with all antiquity." But at her very setting out in life, the Church of England had solemnly declared that for upwards of eight hundred years the whole Church was sunk in damnable idolatry. We may paraphrase the answer given to a similar charge of the Donatists by the early doctors, thus : " Either the Church was so corrupted as to be no longer the Church of Christ, or it was not; if it was, then the promises of Christ had failed, and His Church had ceased, the gates of hell had prevailed, He was no longer with His Church, the Spirit of Truth, the Holy Ghost, no longer dwelt with her ; there is then no suc- cession, no historical transmission of powers from the Apostles. But if the Church was still the Church of 'Christ, if Christ's promises did not fail, and if His plighted word was made good, that He should be with those whom He sent to the end of ages, then those who went out from her on pretence that she had erred SUCCESSION REPUDIA TED. 47 and had become corrupt, and that the corruptions of the Church rendered it impossible for them to remain in communion with her, simply condemn themselves, and render their claim to succession from the Apostles preposterous in the extreme. If their charge of apos- tacy and idolatry be true, how are they going to make connection with the pure primitive Church? how over- leap that fearful chasm of upwards of eight hundred years of abominable corruptions, idolatry, heresy and crime? how stretch the chain of succession across that foul and reeking abyss ? Why Pius IX. has by one new error " rent his communion with all antiquity, and Bishop Ryan, by the errors of his Church since the Vatican Council, or even since the Council of Trent, has lost all right to the name of Catholic, all claim to Apostolical succession," how then could the Anglican Church, after eight hundred years of such dreadful crimes and errors in even every Apostolic See, have been able to recover and transmit legitimate descent down to the reformers ? This, says a spicy English writer, is "as if a man should contend proudly fora pedigree derived through countless generations of felons. What ! call the whole Catholic priesthood the spawn of Antichrist, and then attempt to prove that your orders are manifestly divine because you can trace them to that source ; revile the whole Catholic Church as ' the harlot of Babylon,' as twenty generations of Anglican bishops and clergy did, and then claim her as your mother ; sepa- rate from the Catholic Church on the ground that she was ' Antichristian,' and claim to be the legitimate des- cendants of Antichrist ?" But if the Church did not thus err, apostatize, adul- 48 ANGLICAN SUCCESSION REP UDIA TED. terate the pure truths of Christianity, and become anti- christian, which most certainly she did not, for to as- sert that she did, in the face of Christ's own plighted word, " that the gates of hell should not prevail against her," " that He himself would be with her all days," " that the Holy Spirit should abide with her forever, and teach her all truth," is blasphemous impiety ; then the Reformers broke off from the Church of Christ, severed the bonds of unity, and as schismatics and heretics the reformed bishops never had, as we said before, with Cardinal Wiseman, "any ecclesiastical, hierarchical or Apostolical succession, authority, or jurisdiction whatever, and are in the eyes of the Church illegitimate intruders and usurpers." MATTHEW PARKER CONSECRATED? 49 V. WAS MATTHEW PARKER CONSECRATED? IF Parker was not validly consecrated, the chain of Apostolical succession in the Anglican Church, and, in consequence, in the Episcopal Church of America, is broken, the very first link is wanting, for as Water- worth remarks, " The episcopal sees, and, eventually, the cures throughout England, were supplied by men ordained and consecrated by Parker, and if Parker were not a consecrated bishop, then neither were the Anglican clergy and prelacy episcopally ordained nor consecrated." To realize more fully how the whole episcopate of the Anglican Church hangs on the valid- ity of Parker's consecration, and how true it is that he is the connecting link between the old and new hier- archy of England, we must remember that at the time of Parker's real or supposed consecration, December 1 7th, 1559, there was but one lawful titular bishop throughout the realm ; every see but one, that of Llandaff, was vacant. Dr. Heylin, a Protestant histor- ian, informs us that there were no more than fifteen living of that sacred order, and that they all, but Kitchen of Llandaff, whom another Protestant historian calls the calamity of his see, refused the oath of supremacy, and \vere in consequence deprived of their sees. There were twenty-six sees within the realm ; two of them were archbishoprics. Of these, one archbishopric, that of 5Q W'J S ^/--/ 7^ THE IV PA RKER CONSE CRA TED ? Canterbury, and nine episcopal sees were vacant by denth ; the other archbishop and bishops, Dr. Heylin says. " being called in the beginning of July, 1559, by certain of the lords of the council commissionated thereunto in due form of law, were then and there re- quired to take the oath of supremacy according to the law made in that behalf. Kitchen of Llandaff alone takes it. * * * By all the rest it was refused." After giving the names of every Catholic prelate in the realm who refused, they were not, he says, all de- prived until the end of September. '' But now," he continues, " they had hardened one another to a reso- lution of standing out unto the last, and were there- upon deprived of their several bishoprics, as the law required. A punishment which came not on them all at once, some of them being borne withal (in hope of their conformity and submission) till the end of Sep- tember." " The civil power," says Waterworth, " armed with the oath of supremacy, had destroyed the hierarchy of the Church. The Parliament had thrown down, but how was it to build up ? Was the queen or the gov- ernment to use the same authority which had un- bishoped the Church, to create a hierarchy." This scrap of English history lets in a world of light on the cradle of the Anglican establishment, and shows thit its legal title, "the Church of England by law and Parliament established," belies the claim to Apostolical crigin, stamps it as a royal foundation, and shows, more- over, ho\y ridiculous and absurd the pretence, that at the Reformation a return was made to ancient rules, and that the Church of England only fell back on her ancient rights. " Let those who pretend such rever- ence for ancient canons show," as Cardinal Wiseman WA S MA T THE W . PA RKER CONSE CRA TED? c i replies to the assertion, that: " On the accession of Queen Elizabeth, the true successors of the Apostles in the English Church were reinstated in their rights," " the canons whereby the deprivation of bishops, and the appointment of new ones by letters missive, are granted to the civil rulers. If they allow the authority of Elizabeth to act as she did, then let them be con- sistent and admit that of Mary to act similarly ; and moreover, let them give us their warrant for such authority, in the ancient Church to which they appeal. If they consider it to have been usurpation in Eliza- beth, ' of the iron hand and of the iron maw,' as some of them have called her, then is their entire hierarchy based upon an unjustifiable and tyrannical act of power, and they who compose it are intruders." Who deposed, the same learned cardinal asks, these sixteen bishops, that then formed the hierarchy of the English Church? who reinstated the others? and who were reinstated? We will await reply to these queries, and in the mean- time, we beg to call the attention of that impartial secular authority who thinks "that there is a perfect legal and historical identity, so to speak, of person, between the Church of England before the Reforma- tion, and the Church of England after the Reforma- tion," to the historical fact that in the beginning of the month of December, 1559, the Church of England had but one lawful, canonically instituted bishop, and he died in 1563, without attempting to canonically fill the vacant sees or provide for the transmission of the episcopal order, or the legitimate succession of any cor- porate witness to the identity of the faith and Church of England, nay, absolutely refusing to lend himself to every attempt to keep up such identity and transmit 5 2 *VA .V MA TTHE W PARKER CONSECRA TED ? such episcopal succession. "The supremacy of the Pope had been rejected ; in the queen had been in- vested the supreme government of the Church." We quote again Rev. Mr. Wat.er\vorth : " Every bond be- tween the crown and the hierarchy had been broken. England is without a hierarchy, and even if the chain of episcopal succession could be preserved unbroken, what hand could unite the severed link of episcopal jurisdiction? But something must be done ; it was an emergency in which ordinary difficulties, if they could not be removed, must be beaten down or passed over; and though the more observing and learned might note the flaw in the episcopal blazonry, the glitter of that dignity, and the actual possession of sees,- to which authority had for centuries been attached, would no doubt conceal the defect from the eyes of the mul- titude." Parker was elected to fill the vacant see of Canter- bury, August ist, 1559, b ut wno was to consecrate him ? The bishops of the realm were obstinate. They were not to be brow-beaten or intimidated ; the oath of supremacy had been tendered and refused, the Eng- lish episcopate had retrieved its honor, redeemed it- self from the degrading cowardice and mean servility shown in Henry's reign : many had already been de- posed, and c ent to the Fleet. Some, as Heylin notes. " were borne withal in hope of their conformity and submission until the end of September." It was all important to the Reformers to have Parker consecrated by some Catholic prelates in order to maintain a sem- blance at least of episcopal succession and identity with the old Church. The severity exercised towards some would, it was hoped, have its influence on the WAS MA TTHEW PARKER COA'SECRA TED? 53 others, and make them more pliant and submissive to the queen's commands. A commission was con- sequently issued on the gth of September to Tonstall of Durham, Bourne of Bath and Wells, Pole of Peter- borough, and Kitchen of LlandafT, and to these were joined Barlow and Scorey, returned refugees, legally de- prived underthe previous reign, who not being then elected to any see were simply styled bishops. This commission failed ; doubtless because the Catholic bishops refused to become participcs criminis by assis- ting to consecrate Parker. Mackintosh, in his " His- tory of England," says : " These prelates, who must have considered such an act a profanation, conscien- tiously refused." Canon Estcourt remarks, " It is dif- ficult now to understand how any one could expect that a commission would be executed which bore so gross an insult on the face of it. Not merely to require them to consecrate a married priest, notoriously sus- pected of heresy, but to join with them two suspended excommunicated ecclesiastics, calling themselves bishops, relapsed heretics, and apostate religious, was sufficient of itself to prevent the execution of the mandate." Shortly after, and most probably in con- sequence or in punishment of this refusal, Tonstall, Bourne and Pole were deprived, leaving, as we before mentioned, only one see in the whole realm, with a legitimate incumbent, one legal titular bishop in the whole English Church, Kitchen of LlandafT, and he, presumably, because, it was hoped, as he had owned the queen's supremacy, he would yet yield obedience to her commands and consecrate her newly appointed archbishop. This brief chapter in the history of the Anglican establishment v, e deem important, as showing 54 WA $ MA TTHE W PARKER CONSECRA TED ? the straits to which the queen and Parliament were reduced to secure a legitimate episcopate in the nascent royal establishment, and how long and pain- fully Elizabeth and her ministers travailed in giving birth to the new hierarchy. It may also help us to understand the importance attached to question of fact, and the legitimacy and validity of the consecra- tion of the first of the new-born Church, the first link in a new line of prelates, the parent stock to which the clergy of the Anglican and Episcopal Churches must trace their pedigree, and from which alone they can prove their legitimacy, their mission, or orders. One attempt to get a lawful bishop for the Reformed Church, to weld on to the old, venerable chain of Apostolical succession, in the see of Canterbury, this new link forged by the masculine hand of a Tudor queen, to engraft this suckling scion of royalty on the original Catholic stock, from which alone it could draw sap, vitality, fecundity, failed, proved an utter abortion. Whether the next attempt succeeded better we will examine presently. We come now to the facts regarding Parker's con- secration and the validity of the act, but we wish it distinctly understood that this is a secondary question, as far as the Catholic Church and her doctrine are con- cerned, for on the principles on which the primitive Church has always acted, and which are so clearly and distinctly enunciated by her in the early and Apostolic ages, and which are in fact recognized by Anglicans and acted on by all religious denominations, the An- glican Church, and therefore the Episcopal Church of America, have, and can have, no connecting link with the Apostolic Church, no Apostolic succession. This WAS MATTHEW PARKER CONSECRATED? 55 being the case, we need go no further, to disprove the claim of Anglican succession. But we are willing to go further, and absolutely deny the validity of Parker's consecration, and thus " strike at the very root of all pretensions in the Anglican and Protestant Episcopal Church of America to Apostolical succession." Pre- mising again, what we have already said, that the val- idity of consecration and the Apostolical succession of the Anglican bishops are quite different questions, we will now carefully and dispassionately examine and dis- cuss the vexed question of the validity of Parker's con- secration, a question of vital importance to Anglican orders, a question of life or death to the Episcopate of the Protestant Episcopal Church of America. For though Catholics may refute and disprove Anglican and Episcopalian pretensions to Apostolical succession, even conceding valid consecration of their bishops, the case of the latter is hopeless, their position untenable, unless they can prove to a demonstration, and show be- yond the shadow of reasonable doubt, that the first Anglican bishops under Elizabeth were actually and validly consecrated. All the Catholic bishops, as we have seen, refused to participate in the sacrilege, refused to lay hands on the would-be prelate ; and now in the whole realm there is but one bishop with jurisdiction, but one bishop holding a see, and him, Camden styles the calamity of his see. Surely, then, the succession is in imminent peril ; 'tis a critical juncture for the royal establishment of the English Church. How was the crisis got over? We are naturally a little curious on this subject, and we can well imagine the state of suspense and anxiety of those whose whole religious t;6 WAS MAJTHE IV PARKER CvA'SECRA TED? system, orders, mission, prelacy and priesthood hang in the balance, depend on the satisfactory solution of the question, Was Parker validly consecrated? For Anglicanism and Episcopalianism the issue is life or death. Our strenuous advocate of Anglican succession concedes as much, for although he demurs somewhat to the assertion that if Parker was not consecrated, and validly consecrated, the Anglican succession fails, yet he is willing to let it be assumed, " for if Parker was not duly consecrated, it is certain no bishop in Christendom can prove his orders." This is a strange proposition. What does it mean ? surely all the bishops in Christen- dom do not derive their orders from Parker. All the Anglican and Protestant Episcopal prelates do, and it may most truly be said, that if Parker was not duly consecrated, it is certain no bishop in the Anglican Church or Episcopal Church can prove his orders, or rather, that there is no such thing as a bishop in these denominations. This we assert, notwithstanding the puerile claim made by some Anglican writers, that the apostate De Dominis, or a pretended Irish archbishop assisting at a consecration of some Anglican bishop in the i /th century \vould suffice to restore the broken line of succession in the Anglican Church. Can they really be serious in making such assertions, or is it not trifling with the intelligence and conscience of those who look up to them for instruction in Christian faith and church organism ? Does it not seem puerile trifling to assert that "the Pope sent Archbishop Bedini to America to remedy the first defective succession?" and again, " the succes- sion communicated to us, in two instances, by De Dominis, archbishop of Spolato in Delmatia, in the WAS MA TTll/: IV PARKER CONSECRA TED? 57 seventeenth century, transmits of itself, a better and more valid succession than the Nuncio Bedini conferred on Dr. Bayley, the present Roman Catholic metro- politan.'' To Catholics this is simply ludicrous. In the year 1853, three new sees were regularly and canonically erected in the province of New York, viz. : Newark, N. J., Burlington, Vt., and Brooklyn, N. Y., and Bishops Bayley, De Goesbriand and Loughlin were regularly and canonically appointed by the Holy See to fill the same. The usual rescript for the consecration, empowering any duly consecrated bishop in communion with the Holy See to consecrate them, was forwarded to the metropoli- tan, Archbishop Hughes, of New York. Availing him- self of the presence of the illustrious Archbishop Bedini, who happened to be in New York, having come to this country on a special mission having absolutely no reference to the consecration of bishops or the intro- ducing of a new succession, Archbishop Hughes re- quested him to officiate at the consecration of the new bishops, much in the same way as Dr. Brownell had commissioned Dr. De Lancey to act for him in the case of Dr. Coxe's promotion to the see of Western New York. Yet this, we are gravely told, was all designed by the Pope to introduce a new succession, and remedy a defective one, when every one knows that the Pope had nothing to do with the matter, and presumably knew nothing of the nuncio officiating and consecrating until after the consecration had actually taken place. And so little idea had the American hierarchy of any need of an amended succession to be derived from this illustrious prelate that although since the year 1853, many new bishops have been consecrated in the United States, and among them the present bishop of 58 IP-IS MA TTHEIV PARKER CONSECRA TED? Buffalo, until very recently not one of the bishops con- secrated by Mons. Bedini was called upon to transmit the new succession. In the year 1 873, indeed Archbishop Bayley, as metropolitan of the see of Baltimore, to which he- had been transferred from Newark in 1872, did con- secrate Bishop Gross of Savannah, so that we must con- gratulate our esteemed friend and brother of Savannah that he has at length resurrected the amended succes- sion, after it had lain dead or dormant for nearly twenty years. Yet with characteristic hardihood we are referred to the Civilta Catolica as authority for this absurd and puerile statement. The Civilta Catolica, an able and generally very correct periodical, edited by Jesuits, naturally took notice of the very solemn ceremony which took place in the Cathedral of New York, but that it gives any ground for these inferences and absurd assertions that the first consecration was so de- fective that the Pope tried to mend it by a second succes- sion, or that by the second or Bedini consecration a second Roman Catholic succession started in New York, we absolutely deny. But when a church dignitary out- rages common decency by echoing the gross calumnies of infidel revolutionists, and maligns the character of one of the most amiable, gentle and gentlemanly of men, an illustrious and estimable prelate, now gone to his reward, by calling him a butcJicr and virtual murderer, and when those publicly and triumphantly re- futed charges and lying assertions against the character, forsooth, from which the second Roman Catholic succes- sion started in New York, are rehashed and served up manifestly for the purpose of damaging and vilifying t'.ie Catholic episcopate, may we not retort in his own w 'AS MATTHEW PAKKER CONSECRATED* 59 language, and ask, -where is tJic morality of throwing out such monstrous, not blunders, but downright falsehoods, in assaulting the spiritual character of others ? But to return. Was Matthew Parker, then, ever validly consecrated ? What was the issue of subsequent attempts after the first failure? This, as we have seen, is the all-important question for our Anglican friends. On its solution hangs the fate of the whole Anglican system, for on Parker's valid consecration depends the validity of orders in the Anglican Church ; and without valid orders there can be no shadow of a claim to Apostolical succession, or legitimate descent from the Apostles, or corporate identity with the primitive Church of Christ. Please to remember, dear readers, what we have already de- monstrated, that this question, so vital to Anglicanism and Episcopalianism and to all their vaunted claims, is of little consequence to the Catholic Church, and in no wise affects the Catholic argument against the pretensions and claims made by them to Apos- tolical succession, or identity with the Church of the Apostles. We discuss this question, then, not through any necessity to make good our argument, or to refute their claims, but to meet them in their last trench, and entirely cut the ground from beneath their feet ; to take away the last shadow of a claim to Apos- tolicity. To prove this, without going over the whole ground again, to show that, even with valid orders, they have no mission, no legitimate authority to teach, because they themselves are not sent, it is only neces- sary to remember that there was in the whole realm of England only one legitimate bishop, occupying a see, exercising a jurisdiction, and he refused to par- 60 WA S MA T THE IV PA RKER CONSE CRA TED ? ticipate in the ceremony of Parker's consecration. Not one of those who are said to have consecrated him, and who are named in the Lambeth Register, had any jurisdiction. Barlow, Scorey, Coverdale, and Hodgkins are designated without any title, even in the register, and such, of them as were afterwards con- firmed and appointed to sees, were so confirmed by Parker himself, showing that they had no juris- diction until after Parker's consecration, and could give none, nemo dat quod non Jiabct. But how could Parker give to them, or any others, what no one gave to him ? What a miserable subterfuge, then, it is. to trace through Bauchier, Neville, and Chicheley, suc- cession to a Roman Pontiff, when nobody denies that the Church of England had valid orders and legiti- mate succession, down to the time of the Reformation. In the see of Canterbury from Augustine, sent, con- firmed and commissioned by Gregory, down to Cardi- nal Pole, sent, commissioned and legitimately appointed to that venerable archiepiscopal see, by the Sovereign Pontiff, Julius III., there was a continuous line, an un- broken succession of corporate witnesses, succesors of the Apostles. The whole difficulty, then, is in Parker's succession. How has he been linked on to the chain coming down from the Apostles? No Catholic bishop would consecrate him, no bishop exercising, or pos- sessing authority, mission, jurisdiction, or a see, would lay hands on him ; there is not only no concurrence of the sovereign Pontiff, of the Patriarch, which con- currence the canons of the Council of Nice make essential to a canonical consecration ; there is not only no confirmation of a metropolitan, or approbation of the bishops of the province, nay, the pretended conse- WAS MAT THE W PA RKER CONSE CRA TED ? 6 1 cration was in direct opposition to the Sovereign Pontiff and every legitimate bishop in the realm ; so that the at- tempt to preserve Episcopal succession violates every precedent, and every canonical regulation of the Christian Church, and as Rev. Mr. Waterworth, whose valuable lectures we have freely used and made our own, says, the new bishops of the Anglican establish- ment separated themselves, not only in faith, from the episcopacy of Christendom, -but broke through those ordinances which their predecessors had for centuries regarded as Apostolical, authoritative and binding. This, moreover, shows how consistent they are in their appeals to the canons and the ancient councils, when in order to get an archbishop, or the first link in the new episcopal chain, they had to violate all ec- clesiastical law, run counter to Apostolical precedents, and cast to the winds the canons of Nice. Yet, though they have hopelessly lost Apostolical succession, they have valid orders, if Parker was validly consecrated. Before this can be positively, and with certainty asserted, it must be proved beyond the possibility of doubt or cavil, (i), that the consecration of Lambeth chapel actually took place, and as the chief proof of this is the Lambeth register, its authenticity, or genuineness must be demonstrated ; (2), that Barlow was him- v ':f consecrated ; and (3), that he used a valid form in Parker's consecration. The learned Dr. Kenrick, in his exhaustive treatise on Anglican ordinations, to which we have before referred, and from which we have freely borrowed, states the whole question so intelli- gently and clearly, that we make no apology for the length of the following quotation : " Matthew Parker was chosen to be the first Protes- 62 WAS MA TTHE W PARKER CONSECRA TED ? tant archbishop of Canterbury. It is not pretended that he was consecrated by any of the Catholic bishops. According to the advocates of Anglican orders, he received episcopal consecration from Barlow, who had been made bishop by Henry VIII., and who, on this occasion, is said to have used the form of ordination known as King Edward's form, in whose reign it had been introduced. " With regard to this important fact, there are three questions all of which must be satisfactorily answered in the affirmative, before those who trace their orders to Matthew Parker can conclude that they are validly ordained. First, Was Parker, truly consecrated by Barlow, in the manner declared ? Second, Was Barlow himself consecrated ? Third, Was King Edward's form a valid form ? "If these three questions can be satisfactorily an- swered, then the ordinations of the English Church are valid ; its bishops have the same episcopal character as the Catholic bishops ; its ministers are priests, equally as those who minister at Catholic altars ; in a word, the ecclesiastical hierarchy has been preserved in the Eng- lish Church, although, of course, being separated from the communion of the Catholic Church, they are with- ered branches, through which the vivifying sap of Apos- tolical jurisdiction does not circulate, and which, con- sequently, instead of bearing fruit, impede the rays of light and grace from reaching the deluded people that repose under their scanty shade. " But if a single one of the above three facts be dis- proved ; if a single one of them be not absolutely cer- tain, although somewhat probable ; if positive and unsuspicious testimony be not at hand whereby WAS MA TTI1E W PARKER CONSECRA TED? 63 all three can be established ; then the validity of the Anglican ordinations is either positively dis- proved, or not absolutely certain ; and consequently, there can be no obligation to listen to men, who can- not prove that they have received a participation of the Apostolic ministry, whereby they are empowered to preach the Gospel, and minister at the altar. Noth- ing short of certainty on this point, can, in such a case, justify priest or people in admitting the validity of such ordinations." Parker's and Barlow's consecration are questions of fact, and not of doctrine, questions of history, matters of opinion to be determined by historical research, and on such evidence as would suffice in any other question or fact of history. " But whatever opinion we may form on either or both these questions it is absolutely certain that, on account of the form said to be used in the consecration of Parker, that devised by Edward VI., Anglican, and consequently Protestant Episcopal orders, are vitiated and invalidated." This, after all, is the only important point: Anglican orders are invalid on account of the invalidity of the form invented by Cranmer, or, as the act has it, dcriscd by Edward VI., and used, if any was used, or if there was anything more than the Nag's Head farce, in the consecration of Parker. To this point we would prefer to confine ourselves, as it would simplify the whole controversy, as Canon Raynal intimates in his admirable little treatise on " The Ordinal of Edward VI.," to concede " that Barlow was a true bishop, and that he consecrated Parker on the seventeenth of De- cember, 1559." There is no necessity for us, and can be little advantage in fvllowinfj Drs. Mason, Lee. and O 64 WA S MA TTHE W PARKER CONSECRA TED ? other Anglican writers, in their laborious attempts to prove the reality of Barlow's and Parker's consecra- tion. With them failure to prove either is fatal to their cause, whilst the most complete and satisfactory demonstration of both will avail absolutely nothing towards the solution of the real question at issue, for without a valid form no sacrament can be conferred, and if the form used in the consecration of the first Anglican bishop, on wiiom confessedly the Anglican hierarchy depends, from whom Anglican orders are ad- mitted to be derived, was radically defective or invalid, then there are no orders, no priesthood, no hierarchy in the Anglican or Episcopal Church. We feel then that it is only to entangle and complicate matters, to discuss these historical questions, which, from the nature of the subject and the contradictory testimonies of opposing and interested witnesses, can never be satisfactorily and conclusively settled. Yet as such stress has been laid on these comparatively unimportant points, and so much cavil over some statements, we must turn aside again from the main issue, and after correcting some misrepresentations, we shall' briefly notice some of the grounds on which Parker's consecration and the Lam- beth Register and Barlow's episcopal character have been questioned or impugned ; grounds which, even if they fail to persuade, will hardly fail to convince the reader that it grates harshly on believing ears, nay, sounds almost like blasphemy, to assert that " the canon of Scripture rests on no better evidence" than the con- secration of Barlow or Parker. And yet this, by im- plication, at least, is asserted by those who assume that the succession in the Church of England " rests on the sime kind of proof by which we receive the canon WAS MATTHEW PARKER CONSECRATED? 65 of holy Scripture." We maintain that even if the Lambeth Register be genuine, and the consecration of Parker took place, as asserted, at the hands of Barlow, an apostate monk, it is very doubtful that Barlow himself was ever consecrated, or anything more than bishop elect. And even if Barlow was a regularly con- secrated bishop, and went through the form of con- secrating Parker, the form used, viz.: that devised, as the act has it, by Edward, was notoriously insufficient and invalid. But what will you, what can you think, of the honesty, or truthfulness, or morality, of any person who quoting freely from Dr. Lingard, and presumably with Dr. Lin- gard before him, makes that author testify to the validity of Parker's consecration! " Dr. Lingard," we are told, " shows that this act of itself proves the consecration of Parker to have been in all respects regular and validly performed, according to the reformed Ordinal." Now, Dr. Lingard in the very correspondence referred to, expressly says, that he confines himself to the fact of Parker's consecration, but whether it was valid or invalid was a question with which, as a writer of his- tory, he had no concern. Dr. Lingard, like many other Catholic writers, investigated the fact of Parker's con- secration, and hesitated not to acknowledge his belief therein, but Dr. Lingard did not, and no Catholic can, without rashness, acknowledge its validity. Though Dr. Lingard, and some other respectable Catholic authors concede the reality of Parker's con- secration, and believe Barlow was a bishop, and ac- knowledge the Lambeth Register as a genuine docu- ment ; and although we, for argument's sake, and to eliminate unimportant side issues, that serve only to 66 WAS MA TTHEW PARKER CONSECRA TED? complicate, embarrass, and obscure the main question, would prefer to concede the same, yet in order to prove that " somebody has not cruelly imposed on us, in the matter of the Nag's Head fable," and that " all respectable Roman Catholics do not dismiss the story of the ' Xag's Head' with contempt," we shall cite names as respectable, perhaps, as even those of Dr. Lingard, and the Anglican defenders of the Lam- beth consecration : and authorities, perhaps, as grave and trustworthy as those produced by them, disowning and disproving, or what in our case is equivalent to that, seriously questioning, and throwing grave doubts upon, (i), the fact of Parker's consecration at Lam- beth ; (2), the register on which the proof mainly rests ; (3), and especially on Barlow's o\\ : consecration. Yet we do not pretend to settle these questions ; proofs pro and con, must be weighed, and each one must decide for himself; to us, and to our argument, and our cause, the decision is immaterial, for we hold, and think we can prove, that even conceding all these points, the consecration of Parker was certainly invalid, for reasons to be given hereafter, showing that a legi- timate, and recognized sacramental form, as well as a due intention in the minister, are requisite for the valid administration of orders. Now, as to the Nag's Head story, which we are told, "all respectable Catholic writers dismiss with contempt," Dr. Kenrick, "a respectable prelate," ad- duces quite an array of respectable Catholic names, not only not dismissing the story with contempt, but vouching for its truth. We are indeed told that the late Hugh Davey Evans, a profound and learned ornament of the Maryland bar, ". has not left a shred WA S MA TTHE W PARKER CONSECRA TED ? 6/ of Dr. Kenrick's cause untwisted or unrent," but we beg to be excused for not accepting this bare assertion, for, although we have not been able to pro- cure a copy of Mr. Evans' able essay, we have seen the second edition of Dr. Kenrick's valuable work, revised and augmented, in which he replies to Mr. Evans' criti- cisms, in a most masterly manner, and we still find untwisted and unrent, intact and unimpaired, every sub- stantial link, every strand in his chain of unanswerable arguments against the " Validity of Anglican Ordina- tions and Anglican claims to Apostolical succession." We may, moreover, unhesitatingly affirm that the pe- rusal of Mr. Evans' essay will not " force on any can- did mind the conviction that so respectable a man as Dr. Kenrick could hardly have undertaken such a task, except under some compulsion of superiors to which, as in the later matter of infallibility, he pros- tituted his own convictions, under the remorseless dic- tation of Jesuits." We are satisfied, in the second place, that no profound and learned ornament of the Maryland bar, or any otJier bar, in fact very few besides the writer whom we are reviewing, would have the im- pertinence to charge a respectable prelate, a high-toned gentleman, with such cringing servility and baseness of soul, as to prostitute his talents, at the dictation of any man, or set of men, to disseminate error, or write in any cause against his own convictions. We are satis- fied, in the third place, that the independence of charac- ter, uncompromising firmness, and stubborn self-asser- tion born of conscious intellectual endowments, which may at times carry a man to extremes, or at least make him appear to occupy a false position, and which, unless safe-guarded by genuine humility, and rare Christian 68 WA S MA TTHE W PARKER CONSECRA TED ? piety, may be perilous to faith, are at the same time surest guarantees against sycophancy, and'servile pros- titution of talents or mean pandering to human power. Such characteristics belong to those who rebel against a divine authority, or refuse submission to a divinely authorized and infallible teacher. An " Old Catholic" bishop, like Reinkens, may pro- fess absolute dependence on, and unreserved submis- sion to civil rulers, and the will, and good pleasure of those in power, for the hireling, whose own the sheep are not, fleeth when the wolf cometh to snatch, and scatter, and devour the sheep, because lie is a hireling, and Jiath no care for the sheep ; as an able eloquent Catholic deputy in the Reichsrath said, commenting on Rein- kens's first would-be charge to an unknown, and unde- termined flock ; but the Catholic prelate will not betray his trust, or compromise his conscience, or degrade his manhood, at the bidding or dictation of any man, or any merely human authority, whilst he freely submits to God, and vindicates his God-given freedom and manhood, by the most implicit and unreserved sub- mission of himself, his intellect, and will, to the au- thority and law of God. Some cannot understand this, and hence, whilst they wonder at our not accepting the dictum of our own Catholic historian, Dr. Lingard, they are indignant and even abusive, because a Catho- lic bishop acknowledges an infallible Church, and an infallible Pope, and bows a willing and cheerful obedi- ence to the decisions of an infallible oecumenical council. We are moreover satisfied, that howsoever a lawyer may, by special pleading, assail the arguments of Dr. Kenrick, or differ with him, in regard to the true interpretation and force of legal documents, or WAS MATTHEW PARKER CONSECRATED? 6g demur to some of his principles or criteria for deter- mining what records are genuine, and what spurious, or even controvert some of his particular conclusions, yet any unbiassed man, who reads his " Anglican Or- dinations," and ponders seriously his replies to objec- . tions urged by Anglicans against the so-called Nag's Head fabrication, and his answer, paragraph by para- "graph, to Dr. Lingard's arguments, must admit that he has vindicated, as he proposed to do, the old English Catholic divines, who, according to Dr. Husenbeth, for, at least, upwards of ttvo centuries, regarded the Nag 's Head consecration as a fact, the certainty of which was sustained by stubborn evidence, from the charge of blind credulity, or a determined will to deny the best authenticated facts. He did not undertake he tells us himself, and we say the same for ourselves " to es- tablish the truth of the Nag's Head consecration ; but merely to examine whether it be so. entirely destitute of probability or proof, as has been pretended ; and whether the vindicators of Catholic faith, who publicly avowed their belief in its reality, at a period when they had better opportunities of ascertaining the truth than we now can possibly be supposed to have, were imposed on by an absurd tale." Among those distinguished divines is Dr. Talbot, o o archbishop of Dublin, who in a treatise on "The Nul- lity of the Prelate clergy in England," says : " It is now a century of years since the Nag's Head, story happened. It has constantly been related, and cred- ited by wise men, as certain truth, ever since the year 1559 (the year it was acted in): it was never contra- dicted by any, until it was imagined by our adversa- ries that the new registers (Mason's), might contest 70 WAS MA TTHE W PARKER CONSECRA TED? with our ancient tradition, and make the Nag's Head story seem improbable in the year 1613, of which no man doubted, for the space of fifty-two years before. The Catholic bishops and doctors of Queen Mary's time were sober and wise men; they believed the story; and recounted it to Parsons, Fitzherbert, Dr. Kellison, Holivvood, Dr. Champney, Fitzsimmons, etc. Parsons, believed it, Fitzherbert and the rest above named, gave so much credit to it, that they .published it in print." We find in an appendix to "Dodd's Church History of England," a dissertation containing a sum- mary of the arguments employed to support both sides of the controversy concerning the Nag's Head ordina- tion. Dodd cites Dr. Champney, who, after a lengthy account of the whole transaction, how they met at the Nag's Head ; how the old man Kitchen of Llandaff, feigning blindness, refused to consecrate ; how they then turned upon him as an old fool who imagined that they could not be bishops unless gr eased \ how Scorey took the Bible, and laying it on their shoulders and saying, "take authority to preach the word of God sincerely," they rose up bishops, concludes thus : "This whole narration, without adding or detracting any word pertaining to the substance of the matter, I have heard, oftener than once, of Mr. Thomas Bluet, a grave learned, and judicious priest; he having received it of Mr. Neal, a man of good sort and imputation. Again, Mr. Bluet had other good means to be informed of this matter, being a long time prisoner with Dr. Watson, bishop of Lincoln, and divers other men of mark, of the ancient clergy, in whose time, and in whose sight, as a man may say, this matter was done. Of this narration there are, I think, as many witnesses WAS M ATI 'HE IV PA RKER CONSE CRA TED ? 7 x yet living, as there are priests remaining alive, that have been prisoners w'ith Mr. Bluet, in Wisbeach Castle ; where I also heard it of him." The historian then gives the names and dates, and works of the authors, who have handed down to posterity and pub- lished the Nag's Head consecration ; and referring to Dr. Talbot's " Nullity of the Prelate clergy," anno 1659, he says: "Wherein the learned author produces sev- eral proofs, in confirmation of the account given by Champney." Again, after giving the opposite views of writers of the Church of England at considerable length, he subjoins: "It would exceed my designed brevity to make a distinct reply to these exceptions Protestant writers have made against the Nag's Head story. But Dr. Talbot, the Catholic archbishop of Dublin, having considered them very fully and learn- edly, in his treatise on the Nullity, etc., I remit the reader to that work, where he may be more fully in- formed of all the particulars belonging to this contro- versy." " From which," says Rev. Mr. Tierney, F.R.S., F.S.A., "it is evident that Dodd was inclined to favor the story of the Nag's Head consecration," though he (Mr. Tierney) felt compelled to adopt the opposite opinion. Champney, in his treatise, DC vocatione minis- trorum, positively asserts: "That not only Catholics of unquestionable integrity, who were eye-witnesses of the affair, testify to the solemn meeting at the Nag's Head ; but also John Stowe, that most famous chrono- grapher of England, a professor of the reformed re- ligion, is witness of the same, who diligently inquired into all circumstances of this action, though he feared to relate them in his chronicle." It is evident that Dr. Milner, F.S.A., who is not an ignorant man, nor one 72 WA S MA T THE W PA RKER CONSE CRA TED ? that would write hastily, or. without consideration, on so important a subject, as Dr. Lingard charges, had no faith in the Lambeth consecration ; and with these names, and these authorities, may we not venture to hold an opinion concerning an historical fact contrary to that of Dr. Lingard, able and reliable though he be, as a Catholic historian, especially when, as Dr. Kenrick remarks: "The arguments brought forward by him on this subject were derived from authorities, the authen- ticity of which had been long and publicly questioned, and he was urging the objections which Courayer had, more than a century ago, put forward, and which had been triumphantly refuted at the time by the learned Hardouin, and in the celebrated work of Father Le Quien." But enough, and more than enough, about the Nag's Head. We must hasten to conclude what we have to say on the Lambeth Register, and the conse- cration of Barlow, so as to come to what we regard as the point on which the whole question of the validity of Anglican and Episcopalian orders hinge, viz.: the invalid form devised by Edward VI., including the probable absence of due intention in the consecrating would-be prelates. THE LAMBETH REGISTER. 73 VI. THE LAMBETH REGISTER. HAVING now sufficiently discussed the historical question of Parker's consecration, and shown that it was questioned and positively denied by re- spectable, learned, and distinguished writers and divines, and that from the year 15 59 until 1613 the first bishops of the reformed Church had been repeatedly taunted with the Nag's Head story, without any attempt being made, for upwards of fifty years, to produce any documentary evidence of a regular consecration, or any public refer- ence to the Lambeth Register, we must now, as briefly as possible, examine the authenticity of this Register on which Anglicans mainly, if not entirely, rest their proof of Parker's consecration at Lambeth ; to whom, consequently, clearest evidence of its authenticity is of paramount importance. We must again, however, remind our readers that this is a historical question, not materially affecting the main issue of Anglican succession or Anglican orders, so that, whether, after a careful weighing of authorities and documentary evidence we regard the Register as authentic, or spurious, we must not, as Canon Raynal warns us. "attach undue importance to a mere historical fact, and overlook the main point of the controversy, viz. : the invalidity of the forms in- 74 THE LAMBETH REGISTER. vented by Cranmer and inserted into the Rite, which is said to have been used at the consecration of Parker." Dr. Lingard and other Catholic writers may declare "they see no reason for pronouncing the Register a forgery," whilst disavowing any intention of deciding the question of the validity of the act, nay, expressly and openly flouting Anglican claims to valid orders or a legitimate episcopacy. For ourselves, we would not even stop to consider this point at all, were it not to convince certain writers that the charge of forgery is not a desperate artifice gotten up by Jesuits to im- pugn the Anglican succession, and to show that, not- withstanding the " proverbial purity of law and legal pro- cesses in England, and the care taken of public records and facts made historical in printed pages, and thrown open to the eyes and inquiries of the most intelligent and truth-loving nation of the world" the public records are not above suspicion, or to be accepted with unques- tioning credulity, that forgery was not uncommon, and that the Lambeth Register, if not a forgery, is at least a very suspicious document, and that, as Canon Est- court admits, " there are grave doubts with regard to the authenticity of the Register itself, as an original and contemporaneous document, or record of the facts as they occurred." This Register, then publicly re- ferred to for the first time, in a work published in the year 1613, by Francis Mason, chaplain of Abbot, arch- bishop of Canterbury, testifies that Matthew Parker was consecrated on the i/th of December, 1559, by Barlow, Scorey, Coverdale and Hodgkins. It was at once de- nounced as a fabrication by Catholic writers. Fitz- herbert. " a man of great learning and holy life," hear- ing with astonishment that one Mr. Mason was at- THE LAMBETH REGISTER. 75 tempting to prove the consecration of the first Protest- ant bishops in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, by a register testifying that four bishops consecrated Mr. Parker, writes : " This is not a new quarrel, lately raised, but vehemently urged, divers times heretofore, by Catholics many years ago, yea, in the very begin- ning of the queen's reign, as namely, by the learned Doctors Harding and Stapleton, against Mr. Jewel and Mr. Horn, urging them to show how and by whom they were made bishops." And he continues : "What trow ye was answered thereto ? Were there any bishops named who consecrated them ? Were there any wit- nesses alleged of their consecration ? Was Mr. Mason's register, or any authentic document, produced either by Jewel or Horn?" Kellison, with a like feeling of wonderment at the in- explicable silence of the Protestant clergy, during more than half a century, during which they were re- peatedly and tauntingly told that their bishops, Parker, Horn, etc., had not been consecrated, thus ex- pressed himself: "But as for your registers, I know not whence you have exhumed them ; they are at least on many accounts suspected by us. For, first, when in the beginning of the new Church of England, it was objected that these ministers and bishops were neither truly nor lawfully ordained, they would have easily silenced them (those objecting), and yet they dared not bring forward those acts or refer to them. This much increases our suspicion that they were so late produced after having remained hid so long; al- though they had been so often called for by our doc- tors." With the learned and critical author of " An- glican Ordinations," from whom we have borrowed the 76 THE LA MBE TH RE CIS TER. above extracts, slightly abbreviated, we repeat: " Whatever explanation may be given of the non-pro- duction of the Register before the year 1613, it is evident that the fact is calculated to awaken suspicion ; and, therefore, those Catholic divines who called its authen- ticity into question, may have been influenced by other motives than those assigned by their adversaries." ''The authenticity of the Lambeth or Parker's Regis- ter," says Rev. Mr. Waterworth, in a note to his sixth historical lecture, "has been ever since the time of James I. matter of dispute. This is not the place to enter into any details on the question ; and I will merely add, that not having met with,- or discovered any solid reasons for denying its genuineness, I shall appeal to it in the text as a document, which, though I see no reason to believe it spurious, others may not choose to admit as evidence." To this his American editor appends the following note : " The author of these valuable Lectures, with that spirit of liberality which distinguishes his work, has followed, in the text, the view most javorable to the Anglican ordinations. His authorities will be found below. With every wish to be equally impartial, we confess that, to our mind, the authenticity of the Lambeth, or Parker's Register is more than suspicious its fabrication is next to a certainty. To discuss the subject in a brief note is not our intention : it would moreover be foreign from the character of these Lec- tures, intended, as they are, to be historical and not controversial. Viewing the question, then, merely as a debated point of history, the following are some of the heads of argument which have led us to the con- clusion that the Lambeth Register cannot be admitted THE LAMBETH REGISTER. 77 as evidence of Parker's consecration, and that the Anglican ordinations are null. " 1st. The Anglican ordinations were contested from the very infancy of the established Church, and by several of the most distinguished of the Catholic writers that the i6th century^roduced. The very title of Mason's work, published in 1613, himself a Protes- tant, places this fact beyond a doubt. " 2d. Fifty-three years passed away between the sup- posed consecration of Parker, and the first public reference by Mason to the Lambeth Register. If the Register existed before, why were the Protestant clergy silent for half a century, amid the taunts of their Catholic adversaries that these ministers and bishops, although mitred, were not truly nor lawfully ordained? This silence, considering the importance of the ques- tion, and the religious excitement of the times, is al- most conclusive evidence that no such register then existed. " 3d. Had Parker been consecrated in the chapel at Lambeth, according to the form prescribed by the ritual of Edward VI., and as described in the Register itself, the affair must have been notorious. How then, again, shall we account for the repeated public denial, not only of the validity, but of the fact of his consecra- tion, by the earliest Catholic writers, and for the sus- picious silence of Protestants ? " 4th. It is not true that the Protestants appealed to the Register, on the first publication by Sacrobosco. in 1603, of the story of Parker's consecration, etc., at the Nag's Head tavern. It was only ten years after- wards, in 1613, that the world was informed of the existence of such a document. 78 THE LAMBE TH REGISTER. " 5th. Had the Register been referred to before had its existence been a matter of public notoriety, would six bishops, with Abbot, archbishop of Canterbury, at their head, have thought it worth their time to assem- ble, for the purpose of showing it to a few Catholic priests, brought from their prisons to look at it? and when from their prisons they asked for a second look at the Register, why was it refused them ? Was it, indeed, from fear they might destroy the document ? their manacles might have been easily tightened. To us this so-called "examination' is almost proot positive that the Register was a forgery. " 6th. The wording of the record in the Register is suspicious, in as much as it is different from that of all the entries that precede and follow it : its circumstan- tiality, so uncalled for in such documents, is scarcely less suspicious. " 7th. Mason was chaplain to the archbishop of Can- terbury ; as such, it was both in his power to falsify the records at Lambeth, and his interest to do so ; two cir- cumstances, considering the temper of those times, which greatly invalidate his evidence ; especially when such evidence was so long and so vainly called for, be- fore, by the Catholic writers. " Goodwin's work, De Praesulibus Angliae, appeared first in English, in 1601, and afterwards in Latin, in 161 5. The first edition, published before the appearance of Mason's work, says not a word about Parker's conse- cration at Lambeth ; the second, published two years afterwards, repeats Mason's tale. Such being the case, it would be safer for Episcopalians to let Goodwin pass ; his previous silence is again almost conclusive evidence that he knew nothing of the Lam- THE LAMBETH REGISTER. 79 beth Register, nor of Parker's pretended consecration. " Caiuderi s Annals also appeared in 1615, two years after Mason's work: to copy Mason was no difficult cask, and was tl: c most likely course to please the court and his patron, James 1. "As for the work on the antiquities of the British Church, ascribed to Parker himself, it is in the same predicament. anJ has altogether too much the air of testimony "got up for the occasion," to outweigh the serious objections, suspicions, etc., which on every side beset the question of Anglican ordinations. In- deed, the more we study this subject, the more decided ia our conviction that the Lambeth Register of Parker's consecration will find its proper place among the mass of documents to which the Protestant historian, Whitaker, refers in the following candid, though pain- ful acknowledgement : ' Forgery I blush for the honor of Protestantism, while I write it seems to have been peculiar to the reformed.' " This Protestant divine repeats the same more than once in his vindication of Mary, the murdered queen of Scots : " Forgery appears to have been the peculiar disease of Protestantism," and again, "I look in vain for <>ne of these accursed outrages of imposition among the disciples of Popery." We beg, moreover, to direct the attention of our friends who extol with so much pride and apparent self-complacency, the stainless and unimpeachable public records of England, and the proverbial purity of law and legal processes of the most intelligent and truth-loving nation of the ivorld, to the evidence furnished by a clause in a general pardon granted by James I., in the first year of his reign, that public documents even in that model truth-Wing So THE LAMBETH REGISTER. land, were not only liable to falsification, but that frequent forgeries and interpolations had been per- petrated in his own reign, and that of his immediate predecessor: "We also pardon, remit and release by these presents, to the aforesaid A. B., all and every offences and transgressions, by erasing and underlining of any rolls, records, briefs, warrants, recognitions or other documents of ours, or any of our predecessors, or progenitors whatsoever, in any court or courts of ours, or of any of our predecessors, or our progenitors, done or perpetrated before the aforesaid 2oth day of March." But is it not playing on the ignorance or credulity of his readers, when a controversialist not only so boldly refers to the sacrosanct, untainted English records, but says that "any flaw in the titles and legislative rights of Anglican bishops, would un- doubtedly have been challenged by statesmen, on ac- count of the jealousy with which, for three centuries, every step in the Anglican communion was watched by active enemies?" thereby insinuating that no flaw was found, that the titles and legislative rights of the Parliament bishops were unchallenged, when he knows, and the fact is patent on the open page of history that at the commencement of the reign of James L. after the death of Elizabeth, the tradition of the or- dination made at the Nag's Head tavern in Cheapside, was loudly invoked by Catholics and Presbyterians. " The Presbyterians said that the pretended bishops were mere priests like themselves, having only been ordained by the imposition of Parker's hands, who him- self had received it from a simple priest, Scorey, at the tavern, and consequently if they had seats in Parlia- ment, the Presbyterians should not be excluded from THE LA MBE TH RE CIS TER. g I them." For the same reason the Catholics maintained that, "the episcopacy and priesthood had ceased in England." And he can hardly be ignorant, that among the pleas put forth by Bishop Bonner, of London, in answer to the indictment by Horn, for refusing the oath of the queen's supremacy, was the following: "That the said Mr. Robert Home, not being lawful bishop of Winchester, but an usurper, intruder and unlawful possessor thereof, for that, according to the laws of the Catholike Churche, and the statutes and ordinances of this realme, the said Mr. Robert Home was not elected, consecrated, etc." Which plea of Bonner, says Canon Estcourt, seems to have caused no little alarm and excitement among the Anglican party ; and Randolph wrote from Edinburgh to Cecil, March 3Oth, 1565 : " The tale is, that Bonner in his defence at his arraignment said that there was never a lawful bishop in England, which so astonished a great number of the best learned, that yet they knew not what answer to give him ; and when it was determined he should have suffered, he is remitted to the place from whence he came, and no more said to him." " Bonner's objections," says Rev. Mr. Waterworth, "were both statutable and canonical. He denied Horn's right to administer the oath, because Horn had been conse- crated by a form not legally 'established, and by a metropolitan who was himself no bishop. And this latter assertion he defended on these two grounds: first, Parker was consecrated by King Edward's ordinal ; and secondly, that Parker's consecrators were both legally and canonically disqualified from officiating at that consecration, being deprived of their benefices." We call attention then, again, to the glaring reckless- 82 THE LAMBETH REGISTER. ness of assertion, insincerity or ignorance, whichever it may be, manifested by those maintaining that " no imaginable flaw could be found in the title of the Anglican bishops, that their rights as bishops were un- challenged, that the law requiring the consecration of bishops to be absolutely conformed to the Anglican Ordinal, and the fact that in perpetuating the Anglican succession, nothing was done in a corner, rendered the succession in the Church of England more demonstra- bly canonical and regular, in all particulars, than any other succession in Christendom." This is indeed amusing; and we cannot help applying to these writers what Dr. Champney says of Mr. Mason : " He doth well to be bold in affirming, for a good face s.ometimes helpeth out an ill game." But we are quite willing to take the Register from Mr. Mason's hands, and still maintain that it is not an original, trustworthy, truthful, contemporaneous record of Parker's consecration. For proof of this, we refer to Canon Estcourt's valuable treatise on " Anglican Ordinations," which we recommend particularly to those liable to be imposed on by our Buffalo defender of Anglican orders, or his implicitly trusted authorities, Courayer, Mason, Haddan and Lee. We now proceed to give a brief statement of the opin- ions of Catholic writers, who admit the consecration of Parker, by Barlow & Qo., and the Register as genuine 1 , if you will, though evidently not the original record, truth- fully detailing the transaction, but a document framed and cunningly devised for a purpose, to meet an exi- gency, to forestall anticipated difficulties, and answer Catholic objections. This short historical view may per- haps throw light on some of the most salient points of THE LAMBETH REGISTER. 83 the controversy, and show how little comfort the de- fenders of Anglican orders can derive from the most favorable view of the question, and the most .liberal interpretation of disputed records. The Princess Elizabeth was proclaimed Queen of England, Novem- ber 1 7th, 1558. January 1 4th was fixed for her corona- tion, but Heath, the archbishop of York, and all the Catholic bishops refused to crown her, or lend the sanction of their presence to the ceremony, "until with much ado they obtained the bishop of Carlisle (Oglethorpe), the inferior almost of all the rest, to do that ceremony." (Allen's answer to English justice.) In the same year, 1559, tne ^ rst f Elizabeth, all the bishops of the realm in convocation declared, " The supreme power of feeding and governing the militant Church of Christ is given to Peter, the Apostle, and to his lawful successors in the See Apostolic, as unto the vicars of Christ" (Heylin) ; and all except Llandaff refused to take the oa-th of supremacy : " Only one bishop conformed himself to the queen's commands, and was continued in his place, viz. : Anthony Kitchen, alias Dunstan, of Llandaff" (Fuller) ; and before the end of the same year they were all deprived. (Dodd.) Elizabeth and her advisers are not blind to the exigency of the occasion. A hierarchy obsequious to the queen and favorable to the new doctrines must be created. Matthew Parker, a priest, who had been chaplain to Anne Boleyn, the queen's mother, and was on terms of intimacy with her chief advisers, Cecil and Bacon, and who notwithstanding his priestly vow of celibacy, in violation of the law of God and of the realm, " that priests, after the order of priesthood, as afore, may not marry, by law of God" (31 Hen. viii. cap. 14), LAMBETH REGISTER. and before the act (2 and 3 Ed. vi. c. 21) legalizing the marriage of the clergy had taken to himself a wife, was selected by Elizabeth to be her first bishop. The vacant archiepiscopal see of Canterbury was offered to him, and a peremptory order from the queen decided his acceptance of the proffered, but not coveted dig- nity, and brought him to London in the beginning of June, 1559. Although cathedral chapters had been deprived in the reign of Edward VI. of the right to elect their bishops, and the right of appointment of -the same had been vested exclusively in the king, " from henceforth no conge d'elirc, shall be granted, nor election of any archbishop or bishop by the dean or chapter made" (i Ed. vi. c. 2), a conge d'elire, is said to have been issued to the chapter of Canterbury, July 1 8th, of the same year. There was one vacancy in the chapter, and of the eleven prebendaries, only four, with Dean Nicholas Walton, answered the citation and put in an appearance. The election was by way of compromise left with the dean, whose choice, as was fully understood, was the choice or nominee of the queen. This singular conge d'elire and election by the chapter were deemed sufficient for Parker to assume the epis- copal style and title, which he does in a letter to the council, dated August 27th, 1559. F rom this date until the 1 7th of December, the date assigned in the Register for his consecration, there is great confusion and even contradiction in the official documents. In some, the full title of bishop is given to him, in others he is des- ignated bishop " elect." A commission dated October 2Oth, is addressed to Parker, Grindal and Coxe with their full titles as bishops, and on the 26th of the same THE LAMBETH REGISTER. 85 month, October, we find among the State papers an official document issued by the queen, asserting that, "The archbishop elect of Canterbury, and the other elect bishops of London, Ely, Hereford and Chichester remain unconsecrated." If any weight is attached to this document, then Scorey and Barlow, the elect of Hereford and Chichester, are on 26th of Ooctober, 1559, unconsecrated. Yet we know that Barlow was bishop elect of St. Asaph's and St. David's in Henry's reign, and afterwards of Bath and Wells, though there is strong reason to doubt that he was ever consecrated, as we shall sec in the sequel, and Scorey was conse- crated by Cranmer according to King Edward's Ordinal, and unlawfully thrust into the see of Chichester, from which Bishop Day had been deposed, because he re- fused to exchange the altar for the communion table, the sacrifice of the Mass, for the Lord's Supper. If it be by mistake that Parker gets at one time his full title of bishop, and afterwards is styled archbishop "elect," and declared to be unconsecrated, and if, as Canon Estcourt is willing to allow, it be by a clerical error that Scorey, whose register of consecration is ex- tant, is put on the same footing with Parker, Grindal and Coxe, who are certainly unconsecrated, and Barlow, of whose consecration there is great reason to doubt, we at least are justified in concluding that the public records of England were not so carefully kept, and so trustworthy, as some would have us believe. But to proceed. The so-called election of Parker by Dean Walton occurred on the 1st of August, and "on the gth of September, the great seal was put to a warrant for his consecration, directed to the bishops of Duresme 86 THE LAMBETH REGISTER. (Tonstall), Bath and Wells (Bourne), Peterborough (Pole), Llandaff (Kitchen), and to Barlow and Scorey (styled only bishops, not being then elected to any sees), requiring them to consecrate him." (Bennet.) This commission failed, most probably because the Catholic prelates, " who," as Sir Mackintosh in his " His- tory ot England" owns, "must have considered such an act a profanation, conscientiously refused ;" just as the Catholic prebendaries of the chapter of Canterbury had refused to take part in his election. We are cer- tainly justified in believing Mackintosh, that the Catholic prelates refused, through conscientious motives, to unite with such men as Barlow and Scorey, apostates from the faith and their religious vows, in consecrating Parker, who himself had broken his priestly vow of celibacy, and joined the so-called reformed party, and who, irregularly elected, at the bidding of the queen, had been forced into the episcopal dignity by the civil ruler, and secular power, in contravention of canon law, in defiance of all the spiritual authority and ecclesiastical powers, as well of the universal Church, as of the Church of England ; had been named a bishop despite the Pope, despite the patriarch, despite the metropolitan, despite all the laws and tra- ditions of the Church hitherto held sacred. Our be- lief is strengthened when we find three of these four Catholic prelates suffering the penalty of their non-compliance with the royal wishes in the depriva- tion of their sees Tonstall before the i6th of the same month of September, Pole before the nth of November, and Bourne, on his refusal to take the oath, tendered by 'a commission issued October i8th. Vet, a hierarchy must be created for the royal foun- THE LAMBETH REGISTER. %- dation, the new or reformed Church ; Elizabeth must have bishops, Parker must be consecrated. The bish- ops refuse to consecrate him, and they are all, save one, in consequence deprived of their sees. The law requires (25 Henry, viii.) for the confirmation and con- secration of an archbishop, another archbishop, or four bishops within the king s dominions. Now, there is no archbishop, and only one bishop, who answers the de- scription of a bishop within the realm. Cecil, the chief adviser of the queen, is sorely puzzled, and in a mar- ginal note in his own handwriting to a state paper de tailing the legal steps t'o be taken for Parker's conse- cration, he states: "There is no archbishop nor IIII. bishops now to be had. Whereupon, Querendum." Ac- cordingly eminent canonists, four clergymen, and two civilians are consulted, and in accordance with their advice a second commission is issued, dated December 6th, " to the bishop of Llandaff ; Barlow, bishop elect of Chichester ; Scorey, bishop elect of Hereford ; Cover- dale, late bishop of Exeter. Hodgkins, bishop suffragan of Bedford; John, suffragan of Witford ; and Bale, bishop of Ossory ; that they, or any four of them, should consecrate him." We may well repeat with the historian Mackintosh : " Whoever considers it import- ant to examine the above list, will perceive the per-' plexities in which the English Church was involved by a zeal to preserve unbrokeji the chain of Apostolical succession." That the perplexities were grave, indeed, may be inferred not only from the inspection of the names and doubtful character of those -mentioned in the commission, but also from the unusual and very strange clause inserted by these canonists, in this com- mission, with which they asserted, it could be lawfully 88 THE LAMBETH REGISTER. acted on. By this clause the queen, by her supreme authority, dispenses with all disabilities, and supplies all irregularities and deficiencies in any of the persons to whom it is addressed, arising from " their condition, state or powers, from the laws of the Church, or the statutes of the realm, the urgency of the time and the necessity of circumstances requiring it." Here indeed is a stretch of the royal supremacy and spiritual pre- rogatives of the crown, but the exigency of the time de- manded it. Parker must be consecrated ; a new re- formed hierarchy must be created ; even though the parties had no canonical rights, jurisdiction or faculties to consecrate a bishop, Elizabeth surely can and does supply the want ; though they may not possess the condition of bishops within the realm required by the law, the queen can dispense with that, nay, even if not bishops at all, the royal prerogative can supply the want of the episcopal character and ecclesiastical state; in fine, no laws of the Church or statutes of the realm must be a bar to the execution of the wishes of the queen, to the establishment of an Anglican episcopate, to the consecration of Parker, and the last forlorn hope is ordered out at this most critical juncture to save the imperilled hierarchy of the Anglican establishment. Yet strange, though thus armed and fortified by. these extraordinary royal powers, Kitchen, the only bishop exercising jurisdiction and answering to the description of a bishop within the queen's realms, and Bale of Ossory, and the suffragan Telford, "either hindered by sickness," says the Protestant historian Heylin, "or by some other lawful impediment, were not in a con- dition to attend the service." Verily, perplexing difficulties thicken around poor THE LAMBETH REGISTER. 8 9 Parker's path to the episcopacy, unlooked-for obstacles obstruct his way to Canterbury. The Fates, it would seem, oppose his elevation to a see rendered illustri- ous by a line of saintly prelates. However, she " of the iron hand and iron maw" is not to be foiled ; she has made up her mind to establish prelacy ; that the Church of England as by law, by queen and Parliament established, may have prelates, her iron will is deter- mined to place Parker in the see of Canterbury, and through him fill the other sees, which her despotic will had made vacant. As Kitchen a second time refused to become accessory to the crime and sacrilege of con- secrating a bishop without canonieal warrant or ec- clesiastical authority, Barlow, the next mentioned on the commission, with his worthy compeers, Scorey, Coverdale and Hodgkins, are said to have assembled at the church of St. Mary-le-bone on the gth of De- cember, to confirm Parker's election, and on Sunday, i/th December, in the chapel of Lambeth house, to have gone through the ceremony of his consecration accord- ing to the ordinal of Edward VI., the service begin- ning "about five or six o'clock in the morning." This is the testimony of the Register, and as to its authen- ticity and the collateral proofs and authorities adduced in its support, we need say no more, though, as Mr. Waterworth remarks : "they appeared about the time that the forgery of documents is said to have been so prevalent as to be made a source of fiscal gain. Pardons were issued at a small charge and ran thus: ' Pcrdon- amns falsas fabricationcs chartarum, scriptornm inon- nincntonai/, ac publicationcs corum." " Though, then, with the American editor of Waterworth's lectures, we feel it to be "certainly somewhat perplexing, that the gO THE LAMBE TH REGISTER. commission dated December 6th, 1559, in consequence of which the consecration of December I7th took place, should have no mark by which Rymer could distin- guish it from a spurious document," we must again remind our readers that this is a subject which they must examine and decide for themselves 'on its own merits, and the documentary evidence adduced. Canon Estcourt hesitates not to say : " We may indeed believe the alleged facts viz., of the ceremony having taken place at Lambeth on the I7th of December ; of Parker and the other persons named having taken their several parts in it, and of the Rite in the book of 1552 having been followed, except in one particular to be as certain as any other facts in English history. But this belief will not lead us to accept the existing Register as an authentic and contemporaneous record of the facts as they occurred. On the contrary, there are circumstances of considerable suspicion attached to it." Again he says: " The other copies which 'are constantly referred to as evidence in support of the Register, so far from adding to its credit, rather de- tract from it." He then points out the discrepancies between the Register and the two principal documents, usually styled copies or transcripts of the Register, but which are rather original drafts, viz., that of the State Paper Office, and that kept in Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, and which is said have been given to the college by Parker himself. The learned canon proves that " the Register as it stands is a remark- able departure from the usual form," and whilst at- testing that Edward's ordinal was used, records an im- portant deviation from its prescription. He refers to an important document among Foxe's THE LAM BE TH REGISTER. 9 r MSS. in the British Museum, and placing it side by side in parallel columns with Parker's Register, asserts : "This MS. to be in the writing of a contemporary, and not an unfriendly hand, and preserved among contem- porary papers, of which a part is taken exactly from the Register as it stands, and another part is widely different." How he accounts for this difference we shall see presently, when we speak of Barlow, whom it seems the early Anglicans were ashamed to acknowl- edge as the consecrator of their first archbishop, the root and stem of the Anglican hierarchy. In fact, as we said before, it is very doubtful that Barlow himself was ever consecrated, was ever anything more than bishop " elect," and even if the defender of Anglican succession could have an absolute certainty which after what we have said he cannot have of Parker's consecration and of the authenticity and trustworthiness of the Lambeth Register, the validity of the consecration would still be doubtful. 9 2 WAS BARLOW EVER CONSECRATED BISHOP? VII. WAS BARLOW EVER CONSECRATED BISHOP? TO be certain of the validity of Parker's consecra- tion, we must have an absolute certainty of Bar- low's episcopal character. We propose now to show that his friends have not cleared up the doubts thrown around Barlow's consecration, and that no positive, con- clusive proofs thereof can be adduced. "All are agreed," says Dr. Kenrick, " that Barlow's consecration cannot be established by positive evidence, and may, at most, be inferred from the circumstances of his history. In other words, the fact is not certain ; but according to the most sanguine advocates of English orders higJily probable." We asserted in our lecture, " Even if the Lambeth Register be genuine, and if the conse- cration took place, as asserted, at the hands of Barlow, an apostate monk, it is very doubtful whether Barlow himself was ever consecrated, or ever anything more than a bishop elect." In reply to which Dr. Lingard is cited as testifying the direct reverse, thus: " Is there any positive proof that he (Barlow) was no bishop? None in the world. Why should we doubt tiie conse- cration of Barlow and not that of Gardiner? I fear that the only reason is this : Gardiner did not conse- crate Parker, but Barlow did." This is put down as directly the reverse of what we affirmed, yet we never asserted or pretended that there was &Ky -positive proof WA S BARLO W E VER CONSECRA TED BISHOP '< 93 that he was no bishop. What we asserted, and re-assert is, that there is no positive proof that he was a bishop, or anything more than a bishop elect. This is all that is necessary for our thesis, that his consecration is doubtful ; doubtful, then, too, is the validity of Parker's consecration, and consequently, there can be no abso- lute certainty of the transmission, not only of legiti- mate succession, but even of valid orders through the Anglican episcopate, or the bishops of the Protestant Episcopal Church of the United States. It is then not only rash, but a mockery of truth, and an insult to an intelligent public to aver and publish that, " Succes- sion in the Church of England is more demonstrably canonical and regular, in all particulars, than -any other succession in Christendom," and we reluctantly re- peat what must grate so harshly on Christian ears "the canon of Scripture rests on no evidence more explicit." This putting of the succession in the Church of England on the same footing with holy Scripture, or comparing and identi/ying the evidence on which both rest, strikes us as grossly irreverent to God's Holy Word, and as an unintentional indeed, but most unkind and dangerous thrust at the authenticity, and unimpeachable, absolutely certain, and infallible authority of the inspired Scriptures. We are quite willing to accept the following test of legitimate suc- cession and share in the corporate witness, and apply- ing it to Barlow and Parker we find them wanting. "In any given case," says our Episcopalian divii; bishop must be able to prove his own succession by the highest moral evidence. In doing this he must show that his consecrators derived their episcopal order from some ancient Apostolic line. If he can do this 94 WA S BARLO W E VER CONSECRA TED BISHOP? by undoubted registers, known and read of all men like other legal documents, by which the succession is carried up to a period antecedent to modern contro- versy," etc. Now, let Barlow or Parker prove by undoubted registers, known and read of all men, that his consecra- tors derived their episcopal order from some ancient Apostolic line. We challenge our Buffalo divine to apply this test in Barlow's case. He knows well that this would be fatal to Barlow's claims to a share in the corporate witness or the episcopal character, and yet he attempts to throw dust in the eyes of the public by boldly set- ting forth what every Catholic would acknowledge as full and ample evidence of a legitimate title, and thus unfairly insinuating, without a shadow of proof, that the title of the first archbishop and his consecrator rests on such evidence. Again, Dr. Lingard asks : '' Why should we doubt the consecration of Barlow and not of Gardiner?" We answer, first, because Gardiner's consecration was never questioned, whereas that of Barlow was openly doubted, and denied ; and secondly, because in Gardiner's case, and in every other case, but Barlow's, where the register of a dio- cesan bishop is wanting, collateral evidence of the consecration is supplied, as Professor Stubs shows in his " Registrum Anglicanum," from the diocesan registers, from Rymer, or elsewhere. But in Barlow's case, there is no such collateral evidence, either from diocesan record, from the calendars of the Church books in which the dates of the entrance and death of successive bishops were kept, or from chapter books, for none of these, strange as it may seem, are to be found at St. David's. Dr. Lingard says again, " I fear WAS BAKLOW El'EK CON HECK A TED 95 that tJie only reason (for denying Barlow's and not Gardiner's consecration) is this: Gardiner did not consecrate Parker, but Barlow did." This is no doubt partially true, for whether Gardiner or Cardinal Pole, or " the other bishops," as Dr. Kenrick justly remarks, " whose record of consecration no longer appears, were, or were not, consecrated is a matter of compara- tively minor importance ; but it is of most serious im- portance for the Anglicans to establish, by positive proof, that the man through whom they claim orders, had himself received them." It is no doubt, then, true that Catholics weighed and examined so carefully the question of Barlow's consecration, and not finding suffi- cient vouchers or positive proofs thereof, denied the same, because on Barlow, as Mr. Ward declares, " must be built as on a foundation, the whole episcopacy and priesthood of the Church of England." Our Buffalo divine will of course demur to this, for he says: " It must be remembered that it is of no real consequence whether Barlow was or was not a bishop, as he was only one of four bishops, who laid hands, all pronounc- ing together the formula of ordination." Of the worth and theological soundness of this opinion we will speak hereafter, but we really do not blame Angli- cans for being reluctant to own Barlow as the father of their hierarchy, or the laying on of his soiled hands the means of communicating, the ecclesiastical spirit and Apostolical commission to their Church. " Of all the bishops," says an Anglican writer, " who were created from the date of 1533 to the end of Edward VI. 's reign, Barlow is perhaps entitled to the palm for abject servility. He seems to have been a mere weathercock, changing perpetually. He was retained 96 WA S BAA'/. O IV E VER CONSECRA TED BISHOP '< in the service of Anne Boleyn as early as 1530, and was soon employed as an agent whom she, the king, and Cromwell, might be sure of to do their pleasure. He had de facto contracted a marriage in spite of his pro- fessij.i as a religious." On the accession of Queen Mary lie made a submission which was equivalent to a recantation, resigned his see, or was deprived, and fled into Germany. His sentiments regarding the neces- sity of episcopal consecration we Jiave already recited, but not only on this subject were his sentiments lax and his expressions profane, but he was regarded by his contemporaries as a clerical buffoon and scoffer at holy things. Returning to England on Elizabeth's accession he was by her named to the see of Chichester. It was whilst thus only bishop elect of Chichester, without any jurisdiction, he is said to have consecrated Parker on the lyth of December, and on the very. next day he himself is confirmed and obtains episcopal jurisdiction from the hands of his grateful, new-born child, Matthew Parker, the episcopal fledgling of a day old, whom he presented the day before to Elizabeth and the English Church as the first fruit of the queen's supremacy, the first begotten of a new race of bishops, the first link of a new chain of corporate witnesses. Verily,' the siiccession in the CJntrcJi of England is the most demonstrably canonical and regular in all Christen- dom ! Still his own personal unworthiness, moral deg- radation, uncanonical conduct, and lack of jurisdiction would not invalidate, though they would render illegiti- mate and irregular his conferring of orders, if he were himself a validly consecrated bishop, and with a proper intention used a valid form. Was then Barlow a con- WA S BARLOW E VER CONSE CRA TED BISHOP ? 97 secrated bishop? Buffalo's divine says he was : " Bar- low was consecrated bishop of St. David's in the 28th year of Henry VIII." But would not the gentleman be kind enough to give us the date more precisely, the day and the month ? It would save us a world of trouble searching through historic records and dusty folios ; be- sides it would be so satisfactory and withal so con- vincing. Would he not, too, condescend to tell us where he was consecrated, and who were his consecrat- ors? these are the tests which he himself waiving, of course, the undoubted registers, which cannot be had demands of every bishop in order to prove his epis- copal character. But no, he will deign no reply ; but simply affirms Barlow was consecrated in the 28th year of Henry VIII. That must suffice ; his ipse di.vit settles the question. As, then, he will not condescend to gratify our now awakened curiosity, or try to satisfy incredulous and inquiring minds, we must turn to others, we must prosecute our inquiries regarding Barlow's consecration elsewhere, in the pages of English history, and in doing so, we find that we have to tread our way through a mass of conflicting authorities and contradictory statements. At the outset we find that Courayer, the most earnest advocate of the validity of English orders, contradicts our friend, for he says, Barlow was confirmed by proxy, bishop of St. Asaph, on the 23rd of February, 1535, and most probably consecrated in the country, by virtue of the archbishop's commission : "We know for certain that he was confirmed, and as it is reasonable to suppose, also consecrated, yet nothing further appears with regard to the see of St. Asaph." This again is contradicted by a royal act, dated May 2Qth, 1536, gg IV A S BA RL OWE VEK CONSE CA'A TED BISHOP ? allowing the chapter of St. Asaph to proceed to fill the see made vacant, " by the voluntary exchange of William Barlow, the last bishop elect of that place." This also is confirmed by a document found in an appendix to Courayer, in which it is said that, " Barlow was one of the only three bishops translated to new sees within the last two hundred years, without having been consecrated for those to which they were first elected." According to Godwin, he was consecrated on the 22d of February, 1535, whilst Wharton, in his " Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae," places his confirmation, which naturally precedes consecration, on the 23d of February, 1535. A mandate of King Henry to Cran- mer, dated 22d of February, 1636, empowers him to proceed to the consecration of Barlow, though accord- ing to Strype, he was confirmed the I5th of Septem- ber, 1535, and of course the ceremony of confirmation could not take place until the royal mandate for his consecration had been issued. "All these contradic- tions," as Dr. Kenrick, from whom we have condensed these facts, remarks, " are evidence that nothing cer- tain is known of the period of Barlow's consecration." Canon Estcourt, from data furnished mainly by Mr. Haddon, makes it, if not certain, at least most prob- able, thit Barlow resigned the see of St. Asaph be- fore he was consecrated, and was elected bishop of St. David's on the loth of April, 1535-6, and took posses- sion of that see in person on the 1st of May. He also shows from authentic original documents that he was styled on the I2th of June, " the bishop elect of St. Asaph, now elect of St. Davyes," and on the 3Oth, in pursuance of a writ of summons issued on the 2/th of April, in consequence of an exceptional and extraor- WA S BARLOW E VER CONSECRA TED BISHOP ? QQ dinary grant of the custody of temporalities made to him, not to " the said elect and confirmed," the usual form, but to " the same now bishop for his life," he as- sumed the style and title of bishop, and took his seat in the House of Lords. Referring our readers, who may wish to study this question more thoroughly, to Canon Estcourt's most valuable work on, "Anglican Ordinations," we will now with the learned canon sum up Barlow's case. "All the a priori arguments used by Bramhall and Elrington, such as the praummirc, the grant of temporalities, the seat in the House of Lords, are shown to be either groundless or contrary to the fact ; all the dates assigned for his consecration, viz., the 22d of February by Godwin, the 23d of April by Dr. Lee, and the iith of June by Mr. Haddon, are con- tradicted by the testimony of records and the whole time left for him to be consecrated in is reduced to a period of nineteen days, viz., between the I2th and 3Oth of June, exclusive. The author shows that Mason gave a wrong refer- ence to the record attesting the extraordinary grant of temporalities, and this fact does not enhance our opinion of Mason's honesty nor increase our confidence in registers, which it would be to his interest to tam- per with and falsify. "An error in the reference would be of little consequence if he had given a correct de- scription of the document, or if he printed it so as to show its real nature and operation, instead of passing it off as the restitution usually made to a bishop after consecration, and printing only so much as would not betray the deception he was practising." In the docu- ment found among Foxe's MSS., and referred to above we discover a note concerning Barlow, Scorey, and IOo WA S BARLO W E VER CONSECRA 7^ED BISHOP? Coverdale, which seems greatly to strengthen the opin- ion that Barlow was never consecrated. The writer, evidently in the confidence of the Reformers, writ- ing in their favor, having access to registers, though he states when and by whom the other two were consecrated, is as dry and indefinite about Barlow as his Buffalo defender himself, merely stating, " William Barlow was consecrated in the time of Henry VIII." May we not reasonably conclude that he was unable to tell the date of the consecration, or the names of the bishops who consecrated him? We are, then, surely justified in the conclusion that, al- though we cannot establish with absolute certainty and by positive evidence, that Barlow was never con- secrated, the probabilities are against him, and "with so many circumstances of suspicion, arising from dif- ferent quarters, yet pointing the same way, it is impos- sible to admit the fact of his consecration without more direct proof of it." It is then and must remain very doubtful that Barlow was anything more than a bishop elect. Anglicans and Episcopalians can never be certain of their orders, not to speak of succession, un- less they can have an absolute certainty of Barlow's consecration, and yet it is boldly affirmed that the "canon of Scripture rests on no evidence more ex- plicit." BA RL W ' S DO UB TFUL CONSECRA TION. i o l VIII. FUTILE ATTEMPTS TO BOLSTER UP OR SUPPLY FOR BARLOW'S DEFICIENT OR DOUBTFUL CONSECRATION. WE will now examine what we must regard as a mere subterfuge, a last and very poor shift to escape the consequences of the very grave doubts con- cerning Barlow's episcopal character. " It must be remembered," says the Buffalo defender of Anglican succession,' " that it is of no real consequence, whether Barlow was or was not a bishop, as he was only one of four bishops, who laid hands, all pro- nouncing together the formula of consecration." In this he follows the lead of such Anglican writers as Mason and Bramhall, who taking it from the Register that all four imposed their hands and said the words of the Rite together, argue that all four were really consecrators, and, therefore, it would be sufficient if only one of the four had been a bishop. Mr. Haddon, too, declares that Barlow presided at Parker's conse- cration, but the position occupied by him does not answer to that of the consecrating bishop, for all joined throughout and equally, both in the imposition of hands and the words. All this we learn from Canon Estcourt, and it will, we think, be evident to any one who weighs carefully and without prejudice, all the documents and authorities he adduces, that 102 FUTILE A T 'TEMPTS TO SUP PL Y FOR " the Anglican party finding out what a mistake they had made in allowing Barlow to act as consecrator," tampered with the Register, " had it wholly or partially rewritten so as to gloss over Barlow's being the prin- cipal in the function," with a view of meeting the damaging charges of laxity of faith and morals made by Catholics against Barlow himself, and the doubts and difficulties about his consecration. As we have already remarked, in this Register produced by Mason, there is a remarkable departure from the usual form. In all other instances, the Register records the name, either _of the archbishop or of some bishop commis- sioned by him, as taking the principal part, and two other bishops assisting him, but in Parker's case the Register makes no mention of a consecrating bishop and assistants, stating simply that all four imposed hands, and said the words of the form, without saying that they, or any one of them, consecrated him, or that- he was consecrated by them, and Mr. Haddon himself re- marks " that in other cases a distinction is made between the consecrating and assisting bishops, which is not made here." This exceptional form of registra- tion and singular deviation from the customary style of records, coupled with the fact that in the MSS. al- ready referred to, and found in the British Museum, Barlow is expressly named as consecrator, and the others as assistants, show that if Parker's Register be not an entire forgery, the original record has been falsi- fied, tampered with, for a purpose. That purpose we can easily conjecture from the labored attempts to sus- tain the opinion which Mr. Haddon thus expresses : " The absence of Barlow's consecration, if it were so, would not invalidate that of Parker." An extreme BARLOW'S DOUBTFUL CONSE CKA TION. 103 and hazardous opinion, indeed, but drowning men catch at straws, and the Anglicans seem ready to em- brace any opinion or broach any theo'ry that may save them from the alternative of resting their orders and hierarchy on the doubly doubtful Barlow. But supposing the opinion tenable, that all four were consecrators, and that even if Barlow, the presiding prel- ate, were not a consecrated bishop, had no episcopal character, Parker would still be validly consecrated, because the three others joined with Barlow in impos- ing hands and reciting the form ; who are these others on whom we arc forced to fall back? Scorey, Coverdale and Hodgkins. Scorey and Coverdale were consecrated by the form devised by Edward VI., but that form is notoriously invalid and insufficient, as we shall see pres- ently, and therefore they wene not bishops at all, and consequently will not help Anglicanism out'' of the dilemma into which Barlow has brought it. Its last re- sort and only dependence are now on Hodgkins, the suffragan of Bedford. But so poor is this dependence, so weak and rickety this last prop, that Dr. Elrington himself admits that, " if Ward could prove that Scorey and Coverdale (in addition to Barlow) were not truly bishops it would then follow that Parker was not a bishop, and the succession of the English clergy would be destroyed." Yet Hodgkins, though only a suffragan and without jurisdiction, was a real bishop, having been validly consecrated, with a valid Catholic form, by Stokesly, bishop of London, in 1537, and hence, if the Register can be relied on as detailing the real facts as they occurred, and the opinion of certain Anglican writers such as Mason, that all four were equally con- secrators, and that it would be sufficient if only one of 104 FUTILE ATTEMPTS TO SUPPLY FOR them were a bishop, can be maintained, Parker may still be a bishop, though Barlow most probably, and Scorey and Coverdale certainly, were not. We are, however, inclined to think that any one who will take the pains to examine this question, and study the con- temporaneous documents now within reach, will come to the conclusion that this presenting of all four as equally and individually consecrators is an after- thought, and that Barlow and the others using Edward's ordinal followed its prescriptions, and did not devise something new and exceptional. Now Edward's or- dinal and the rubric of the Pontifical, and the invariable and immemorial usage in England, as is evident from every register extant, except Parker's, suppose and pre- scribe that there shall be one consecrating bishop, and two assistants. Hodgkins was then most probably pres- ent, but took no part in the ceremony, just as now, and at all times in the Catholic Church, prelates come by their presence to add solemnity and eclat to the con- secration of a brother bishop, but only the officiating prelate, who really consecrates, and the two assistants, take any active part in the ceremony, so that we think Dr. Elrington was quite right in saying, that if Scorey and Coverdale, in addition to Barlow, were no bishops, then Parker was not a bishop. Now as to the theological soundness of the opinion that all are equally consecrators, certain Catholic theo- logians are quoted as maintaining that the bishops present are not only witnesses, but co-operators. "Onmcs qui adsunt cpiscopi non tantum testcs, sed etiain co-opera- tor cs cssc citra omnem dubitationis aleam assercndum est." (Martene.) This by no means implies that they con- secrate either separately from him or equally with him, BARLOW'S DOUBTFUL CONSECRATION. 105 but that they assist and co-operate with the conse- crator, and invariably in the rubrics one is called the consecrator, the others, assistants. The consecrator is spoken of as effecting and completing the whole conse- cration, the others as "aiding," "co-operating," "giving testimony and approval." Numerous grave authori- ties and learned theological writers might be adduced, asserting with Filliucius, " Although there are three who consecrate, one of them alone completes the con- secration, even though the others pronounce the words, for of one sacrament there is but one minister." We are quite willing to coincide with the very modest and moderate views of Canon Estcourt : " Without ventur- ing to express an opinion on either side of these dis- puted points that is to say, whether the assistant bishops are only ' testes,' or also ' co-operatores,' and if co-operatorcs in what sense they co-operate ; or whether the consecrator alone is the minister of the sacrament, and alone completes the consecration, or whether the others are joint consecrators with him, or whether it could be maintained, that all the bishops present are equally and separately and individually consecrators, it is obvious that in a point touching the administra- tion of a sacrament, such a defect as the absence of the episcopal character on the part of the principal conse- crator would throw a very grave doubt on the validity of the consecration. It is quite sufficient to cause the doubt that various authorities should have taught that 'one bishop alone effects the whole consecration.'* Under no possible theory, then, can the episcopal character of Parker or the validity of his consecration be more than doubtful on the score of his consecrators. whilst on the score of the form used, as we shall sorn 106 FUTILE ATTEMPTS TO SUPPLY FOR see, there was most certainly no valid consecration, even on the supposition that everything was done as the register supposes, and as the Anglicans themselves claim. As, however, some persons are not a little exer- cised over the number of bishops essential to a valid consecration, and seem not able to distinguish between canons of discipline, and doctrines of faith, declaring Roman Catholic succession in America and Ireland disfigured, and in some measure vitiated because the canonical number of three bishops has been sometimes wanting, whilst owning that, "without this condition, the ordination may be valid, but it is irregular and defective," we purpose here to lay down from Van Espen the true Catholic doctrine, and the teaching and practice of the Christian Church on this subject. " By the canons of the Nicene and other councils the dis- cipline was established, as well in the Greek as in the Latin Church, that besides the ordaining bishop, two others ought to attend at the consecration of a bishop, and personally assist him. " The reason of this discipline was assigned by Pope Innocent I., writing in his epistle to Victricius, that ' one bishop singly should not presume to ordain a bishop, lest the benefice seem to be conferred by stealth. For such was also the constitution defined in the Nicene Council !' As if he would say the council would not have a bishop to ascend furtively, or like a thief into the fold of Christ, but publicly, that is to say, with the universal Church, represented by the bishops of the province, approving and assenting. But neither by the Pope, nor by other authorities, is a consecration rejected as null and invalid, if done with- out the right number of bishops, but only censured as BARLOW'S DOUBTFUL CON HE CRA TION. ! 07 clandestine, and performed without legitimate ap- proval; for the presence of those bishops is required, not so much for the substance and validity of the con- secration, as for having it well considered and ap- proved. And therefore, in case of necessity, the .con- secration can be given by a single bishop, since the presence of three, or even of two, appears to belong to discipline, and not to the substance or essence of the consecration." We do not then deny that, "Ancient as well as modern canons prescribe that three bishops should be present at a consecration. But this is barely a precept, not an essential condition, and it appears by the form used in the Church of England, as well as in the Catholic Church, that only one prelate is con- sidered as the consecrator." (Dr. Kenrick.) We' might even "introduce our friend to a Pope who lived and governed the Church before the Council of Nicea, in the time of the Emperor Trajan, who established this discipline, and decreed that a bishop should be conse- crated by not less than three bishops. This was Pope St. Anacletus. But surely this Apostolical authority and this venerable Catholic Church, which established these wise regulations, and disciplinary canons are competent to interpret them and carry them out in the spirit, and for the purposes that inspired them. She surely must be authorized to relax these her own laws when necessity requires it, in times of persecution, or in the conversion of pagan countries, and the evangeli- zation of nations. And most undoubtedly in the establishment of the American hierarchy, and the consecration of the first bishop of the American col- onies, to which our friend takes exception, there was nothing hostile or repugnant to the spirit of the 108 FUTILE ATTEMPTS TO SUPPLY FOR Apostolical canons or the practice of the Christian Church, there was nothing done furtively or clandes- tinely, or without the knowledge, approval and assent of the clergy of the province and the universal Church. Dr. Carroll, "a most worthy prelate," (though, by the way, a Jesuit), was elected by his brethren of the clergy. Their choice was approved and confirmed by the Sovereign Pontiff, who in the usual form and style authorized him to receive the episcopal consecration from any Catholic bishop in communion with the Holy See. And if there was at that period no regular and canonical hierarchy in England, and if bishops were scarce and convened with difficulty in that once eminently Catholic island devoted to the Holy See and illustrated by saintly bishops, who is to blame, but the persecuting, apostate Church of England? And if Dr. Walmsley, bishop of Rama in partibus infidelium, and Vicar Apostolic of the district of London, cannot surround the solemn ceremony of the consecration of the first bishop of the American Church with all the eclat and pomp of a numerous attendance of his epis- copal brethren, the blame lies at the door of those who sought to crush out the Catholic hierarchy by fire and sword, by the most cruel and tyrannical persecution, and we think Anglicans ought not to force these mem- ories back upon us. The consecration was, however, in all other respects most solemn, regular and canonical, and no one ever dreamed of doubting its validity, or the legitimacy of the succession starting from it, and only a fertile and imaginative, perhaps poetical, brain could invent the new succession from Archbishop Bedini. This we deem sufficient, in reply to the call m;uU BARLOW'S DO UB TF UL CONSE CRA T10N. \ 09 on us "to clear up the difficulties which hang about our own orders," and the strange assertions that " no- body involved in such a consecration is in a position to object to the order of others." But we can hardly forbear a smile, when we read " But neither the Walmsley nor the Bedini ordination have (sic) any validity as establishing a canonical episcopate in this country. Our lawful bishops were already settled in their sees, according to the Catholic constitutions, having been duly elected by their dioceses, and no Italian prelate whatever could give any commission in this country without their consent, except in that de- fiance of all canons which for many years has been habitual with the Popedom." This is decidedly cool, some might call it cheeky; The bishops of the Prot- estant Episcopal Church are here. Then beware, Cath- olics, how you intrude ! Supreme Pontiff, Bishop of Rome, though the whole flock of Christ is committed to thy care, " Feed my lambs, feed my sheep ;" though thou art constituted to " confirm thy brethren," and to sustain as a solid rock and immovable founda- tion the whole Church of Christ, venture not to send thy emissaries to the free land of America, where " our lawful bishops have already settled their sees." How- ever, the papacy has been for a long time for well nigh 1900 years accustomed to disregard such insen- sate pretensions, and to send its missionaries, priests and prelates, in defiance of infidelity, heresy and error of every kind, to plant the standard of the Cross, to preach Christ crucified, to teach the faith of the gospel in all lands, and this mission it will continue to fulfil to the end of time. But this comes with a singularly bad grace from one who it will be remembered by all our 1IO BARLOWS DOUBTFUL CONSECRATION. readers congratulated, in a note published in all our papers, Reinkens on his consecration, and reached out to him the hand of fellowship as an episcopal brother in full standing, though Bishop Reinkens had gone all the way to Holland to be consecrated by one Jansenist bishop, and had come back with what might rightly be called a roving commission as universal " Old Catholic" bishop of Germany, or something of the kind, though the Catholic bishops were already established in their sees, and all refused to impose hands on him, or admit him to any share in their office, dignity or charge. Kaiser Wilhelm commissions him ; Prince Bismarck signs his episcopal brevet ; he promises servile obedi- ence to the State. This is warrant enough; no men- tion of violated canons; of irregular and defective ordi- nation! ,O consistency, thou art a jewel! THE &DWARDINE ORDINAL. IX. THE EDWARDINE ORDINAL NOT THE SAME AS THE ROMAN PONTIFICAL INVALIDITY OF FORM OF CON- SECRATION DEVISED BY EDWARD VI. HAVING seen how vain is the attempt to make Score)*,' Coverdale and Hodgkins supply for Barlow's doubtful sufficiency to validly consecrate Parker, \vc come now to discuss the main question is the form which Barlow is said to have used in the con- secration of Parker a valid form, capable of conferring a valid episcopal consecration? We before affirmed that whatever opinion we may form of the question of fact of Parker's consecration, which, as a matter of opinion and history, is to be determined by historical research, " It is absolutely certain that on account of the form used, Anglican, and consequently Protest- ant Episcopal, orders are vitiated and invalidated." Again, " Even if Barlow were a regularly consecrated bishop, and went through the form of Parker's conse- cration, the form used, namely, that devised, as the act expresses it, by Edward, was notoriously insufficient and invalid." And again, " The Church established by law seems to have felt this herself, for, in the year 1662, just, one hundred and three years too late to save Anglican orders (Parker's consecration, according" to the Lambeth Register, was in 1559), convocation 1 12 THE ED WARDiNE ORDINAL NOT THE SAME changed the form, evidently with the aim of supplying the defect pointed out by Catholic divines." In reply, we are told . "The Roman Pontifical differs from the Ordinal by which Parker was consecrated in nothing which any theologian has ever ventured to pronounce essential." Now, we think it hardly worth our while to waste words with any man who so boldly and un- blushingly sets truth at defiance, and contradicts all history. The fact is that every Catholic theologian, and every Catholic writer who has treated of the sub- ject, has denied the .validity of all ordinations con- ferred according to the Ordinal of Edward, and surely that is making an essential difference between it and the Roman Pontifical. Such was the judgment of Cardinal Pole, legate of the Holy See, and archbishop of Canterbury, in the reign of Queen Mary, who, with his sub-delegates, theologians, counsellors, and ad- visers, investigated the question, when everything was fresh and information easily obtained, when nobody could have any interest in concealing the truth, and when all must have been more than willing to recog- nize orders conferred according to the new rites, if the orders were valid. How much trouble would have been saved ! how many won over by a favorable de- cision ! None knew better than they what discontent and trouble would ensue if men were to be disturbed in the possession of benefices and bishoprics, to which they had been promoted according to the laws of the realm and forms devised by the king, and sanctioned by Parliament. Yet judgment, a solemn and deliberate, disinterested, impartial judgment, was then pronounced against the validity of Anglican orders, and that judg- ment has never been reversed. The same has been the A S THE ROMAN PONTIFICAL. 1 1 3 judgment of all Catholic theologians for three hundred years, and the same is the judgment of the Catholic Church to-day, and yet, here is a writer with some pre- tensions, too, to position and respectability, and ecclesi- astical knowledge, who not only insults truth and candor, but also the intelligence of his readers, by as- serting that the 'Roman Pontifical differs from the Ordinal by which Parker was consecrated in nothing which any theologian has ever ventured to pronounce essential." We might, perhaps, refer, not him, but his readers, to Dr. Milner(" End of Religious Controversy"), Most Rev. Francis Patrick Kenrick (" Theologia Dogmatica"), Most Rev. Peter Richard Kenrick (" Anglican Ordinations"), Dom Wilfrid Raynal, O.S.B. (" The Ordinal of Edward VI."), E. E. Estcourt, M.A., F.S.A. (" The Question of Anglican Ordinations"), as theologians whose works are probably the most accessible, and who, ex professo, show the essential difference between the Catholic and the Anglican form of consecration, between the Roman Pontifical and the Edwardine Ordinal, and learnedly and conclusively demonstrate in the language of an able writer in the Dublin Review for July, 1873, tnat "The orders conferred by the bishops who fell into heresy, and who used what is called the Edwardine Or- dinal, were held invalid, absolutely null, and unto this day there has been no change in the discipline of the Church." But our Buffalo divine appears to contradict himself, for, in speaking of the different pleas on which Catholics demur to the claim of Apostolic succes- sion in the Anglican Church, he says: "The more decent controvertist tries to prove that the form of words is defective." Who are these more decent con- 1 14 THE ED WAR DINE ORDINAL NO T THE SAME trovertists, unless theologians? And ho\v do they try to prove the form defective, unless by proving the Edvvardine form insufficient and invalid, and conse- quently essentially different from the form of the Roman Pontifical? But we are taken to task, for as- serting what we have now affirmed, that Cardinal Pole and the Church positively and constantly refused to recognize the validity of Anglican orders, or the valid consecration of bishops, ordained according to the new rites devised by Edward, or the Ordinal which he published and forced on the English Church, as a substitute for the' old English liturgies, thus : " Dr. Ryan again quarrels with history, when he asserts that the Popes never recognized as bishops those ordained by the Ordinal of. Edward. On the contrary, Pope Paul IV., his legate, Cardinal Pole, and all the papal bishops of England did this in Queen Mary's time, thus barring forever such cavils as Dr. Ryan has col- lected. Rome never pretended to doubt the validity of the consecrations under the Reformed Ordinal till she lost hope of regaining the Anglican Church." Now, on this, as on many other points, the gentle- man has been imposed upon and misled by Dr. Lee who, himself following the lead of Bramhall, pretends to produce " Roman Catholic testimonies to the valid- ity of Anglican orders." Canon Estcourt, who has entered into an elaborate and critical examination of this point, tells us : " However ambiguous may be the statements of Catholic divines referring to Parker's con- secration, there is no doubt with regard to either their opinion or their practice, when they come to deal with ordinations given and received according to the form annexed to the Book of Common Prayer in 1552, and A3 THE ROMAN PONTIFICAL. 115 afterwards confirmed by the act, 8 Eliz. cap. I." After producing copious extracts from Allen, who states the practice of the English College at Rheims, from Bristow, Parsons and the petitions presented to King Jameson behalf of his Catholic subjects, which declares : " Neither is the Protestant minister nor bishop., coming to our Catholicke fraternity (as many come of the first sort), reputed other than for mere laymen without orders," and bringing the tradition of the invalidity of the Edwardine orders down from the time of Cardinal Pole, he makes out an interesting list of Anglican ministers reconciled to the Catholic Church before the year 1704, and ordained in the CathoKc Church after their reconciliation. He then takes up in detail Dr. Lee's list of Anglican clergymen, who, after having been received into the Church, were said to have declined being ordained, because they believed themselves true priests, and premising that, " it is of very little importance what opinions these persons may have entertained on the subject, having been bred up in heresy, and not having studied a course of Catholic theology, nor having even imbibed Catholic instincts, they were not qualified to form a sound judgment on the question," he shows that Dr. Lee has no foundation for many of his statements; is incorrect in regard to others, and that many of the cases have no bearing on the controversy, and sums up the whole as follows : " On review of these several cases it may be confidently asserted that there is an unbroken tradition from the year 1554, to the present time, con- firmed by constant practice in France and Rome as well as this country (England), in accordance with which Anglican orders are looked upon as absolutely THE ED WARD1NE ORDINAL NOT THE SAME null and void ; and Anglican ministers are treated simply as laymen, so that those who wish to be- come priests have to be ordained unconditionally. Not a single instance to the contrary can be alleged. The only case in which any discussion appears to have arisen, is referred to by a contemporary writer as an illustration of the accustomed rule. And the state- ments made of objections having been raised by various converts to being ordained in the Catholic Church are shown either to be contradicted by the facts, or to have no theological importance, on account of the persons named being unknown, or married, or of an unsuitable character, or only recently converted, or possessing no clear and certain testimony as to their opinions on the subject." The Dublin Review, in the article. already mentioned, written by one, in our estimation, fully as much of a theologian as our Buffalo divine, thus continues this subject : " People may dis- pute if they like, but the fact remains, that in the Church the Anglican orders have never been received, never at any time. Besides, there never was any doubt about them. The Catholics left in England after the persecutions of Elizabeth, and during them, never hesi- tated ; they saw with their eyes and heard with their, ears, and not one of them, learned or unlearned, seems to have imagined for a moment that any of the minis- ters made by Parker could say Mass. It might puzzle a profound theologian to say where the flaw is, but no theologian, whether profound or not, has done anything else but confess the flaw." Of Canon Estcourt, the learned reviewer says : " He has shown by most con- clusive proofs that the Anglican ordinations have, in no instance, been recognized ; that the practice of the AS THE ROMAN PONTIFICAL. 117 Church has been uniform and constant from the days of Cardinal Pole, under whose archiepiscopate the ques- tion was first discussed ; it -could not have been discussed before. From that day to this, the Angli- can ordinations have been regarded as nullities, con- veying no spiritual power whatever, and leaving the recipients as much laymen as ever they were in their lives." Now, what can we think of a man who has the hardihood to assert publicly that no theo- logian has ever ventured to question the validity of orders conferred according to the Edwardine Ordinal, or what is tantmount to that, namely, that the Roman Pontifical differs in nothing that any theologian has ever ventured to pronounce essential from the Ordinal by which Parker was consecrated. What confidence can we place in a writer who, with these facts staring him in the face, boldly and unblushingly affirms, that Rome never pretended to doubt the validity of the consecrations under the reformed. Ordinal, till she lost hope of regaining the Anglican Church? We cannot forbear branding here another similar, deceitful, asser- tion : "The Pope did not withdraw the Papists from the Church of England, until the tenth year of Queen Elizabeth, and till this all his adherents remained in communion with their proper Church, and also in his communion. This fact proves that the Anglican bishops and clergy were fully recognized at Rome, so long as the -Popes had any hope of regaining power over them." He refers to the bull of excommunication, which, he tells us, Pius V. issued against Elizabeth in 1570, to which he evidently attaches little importance. as he is convinced of the nullity and impotence of the Pope's spiritual and temporal authority, but when lu> 1 1 8 THE ED WARDINE ORDINAL NO T THE SAME talks of the Pope withdrawing the Papists from the Church of England in the tenth year of Elizabeth, and that, until then, his adherents remained in communion with their proper Church and in his communion, he talks silly nonsense, and, wishing to appeal to ignorant prejudices, he simply stultifies himself. But admire at least his logical acumen ! " This fact, viz. : that the Pope did not withdraw the Papists from the Church of England until the tenth year of Elizabeth proves that the Anglican bishops and clergy were fully recognized at Rome, so long as the Popes had any hope of regain- ing power over them." If you can't see it, so much the worse for you ; the fault lies in your dimness of vision, or dulness of per- ception, not in the argument, particularly when you know that all the bishops and clergy, who acknowl- edged the royal supremacy, were excommunicated in the time of Henry. We wonder if the gentleman knew this when he elaborated the above argument? We wonder if he ever read how the bishops and the clergy in Mary's reign sued for reconciliation with the Church, and obtained, from the Papal legate, absolution from the excommunication and spiritual censures incurred by various acts of schism and heresy, during the reigns of Henry and Edward, and how the whole kingdom was publicly and solemnly reconciled to the Church, on the 3p." Now let us remember that, as we before declared, the words, " Receive the Holy Ghost," were not at all in the older Ordinals, and in the Roman 152 THE ROMAN PONTIFICAL AND Pontifical they were not used as sufficient to complete the consecration of a bishop. These words now used in the consecration of a bishop constitute an integral part of the form, and the Council of Trent has defined that the Holy Ghost is given in Holy Orders, and that the bishops say not in vain " Receive the Holy Ghost," but the Council has not defined or insinuated that these words are the form of the .sacrament of orders, nor does the Pontifical teach that these words aresuf- ficent for the consecration of a bishop. The Church has not defined what precise words do constitute the sacramental form of Holy Orders and are positively essential to its valid administration, and theologians have held different opinions on the subject, but all hold that in orders, as in "baptism, the sacramental form is contained in the words or prayers used in the application of the matter, and that there must be at least a moral union between them, so that whilst the minister pronounces the words of the form, he may be morally supposed to perform the act denoting the special nature of the sacrament which he confers, and signifying the special effects produced, and determining the special character impressed on the soul, or sacra- mental grace infused. It will not do, then, for any one following Courayer and other Anglican writers, to say that words preced- ing the form sufficiently determine the meaning of the form, and define the solemnity to be the consecration of a bishop. Would he acknowledge, for instance, the validity of a baptism in which the determining words, " I baptize thee," were omitted, on the .plea that the preliminary interrogatories, and ceremonies, and prayers, sufficiently indicated that it was the sacra- THE ORDINAL OF ED WARD. 'S3 ment of baptism which the minister intended to confer ? We think not ; at least Catholics would not, and Pope Alexander III. has pronounced invalid, baptism in which these words " I baptize thee" were omitted, and merely the words " in the name of the Father," etc., said whilst the water was poured ; not, as a learned canonist remarks, because these precise words were omitted, for the G reeks do not use these identical words, but " because the act which is performed by the minister is not re- garded as sufficiently expressive," does not sufficiently determine the special object of the sacrament. The same eminent divine (von Espen) affirms that Eugenius IV., in his famous decree to the Armenians, " clearly intimates that the expression of the ministerial act in baptism is necessary for its effect ; thus anxiously re- quiring that the act. which is exercised by the minister should be expressed." From this Canon Raynal, from whom we largely borrow, argues : " What has been said of the form of Baptism, will hold good in regard to Holy Orders, and an expression of the ministerial act which determines the special character conferred by the imposition of hands, is absolutely necessary for the validity of the sacramental forms of the sacred orders." But in the form by which Parker was consecrated, or in the words, " Receive the Holy Ghost," there is no such expression of a ministerial act determining the special character conferred, or defining the rite to be the- consecration of a bishop, and no preceding words can supply for this essential defect in the Edwardine form. Canon Estcourt produces the testimony of Richard Broughton, a Catholic writer, on the Thirty- nine Articles in 16^2, \vhich bears so strongly on this subject of the Anglican lunn, which .s so persistently 154 THE ROMAN PONTIFICAL AND maintained to be the same as that of the Roman Pon- tifical, and the same as that on which our own claims to be a bishop must depend, that we cannot resist the temptation of quoting it : " And these Protestants' form of making their pre- tended bishops, is also utterly overthrown. * * * For there is not one singular or privileged thing, sign, cere- mony, word or act, that may by probable or possible means give episcopal order ; * * * for here is no more done or said than was in their making of pretended priests or ministers before ; for these, the same were their ceremony, and words: 'Receive the Holy Ghost.' Here is no material difference ; a bishop is pretended consecrator in both alike ; the ceremony of laying on of hands is the same ; the words spoken do not differ ; in both there is the same sentence and sense. * * * In the pretended ordination of bishops there is no power at all given, but the party only put in mind or admon- ished to stir up that grace, which was in him before the very same words which St. Paul, absent, wrote to St. Timothy, long after he had consecrated him priest." We do not think it necessary for our purpose, in this little treatise, and to justify our rejection of the Anglican form, to examine the theological question, whether these words, " Receive the Holy Ghost," in the mouth of a Catholic bishop, united in faith, and in full accord with the Catholic Church regarding Holy Orders, the priest- hood, and the Holy Sacrifice, and using otherwise a liturgy approved by the Church, and expressing the faith of the Church in the sacramental grace and power of Holy Orders, would be sufficient, or, in other words, whether the form used in the Anglican Church, sinihil aliud obstet, were there nothing else to hinder it, would THE ORDINAL OF EDWARD. 155 be a valid form. ^Sorne Catholic writers affirm it. Canon Estcourt is of this opinion, and a writer in the "Catholic World" for August, 1874, coincides with Canon Estcourt, that, " so far as the material words of the Edwardine forms go, they are sufficient i. e., they are words capable of being used in a sense in which they would be sufficient but the words are ambiguous." These writers have apparently adopted this opinion on the strength of a so-called decree of the Holy Office, in 1704, approving of certain Abyssinian ordinations, in which the abuna, or Abyssinian ordaining prelate, passed hurriedly along a line of deacons, laying his hands on the head of each and saying, Accipe Spiritum Sanctum, Receive the Holy Ghost. " Canon Estcourt," says the writer in the "Catholic World" " has understood the Sacred Congregation of the Inquisition, in their decree of 1704, to have ruled that the form, 'Accipe Spiritum Sanctum' understood in the sense of the Abyssinian liturgical books, is valid for the priesthood, although, in the particular case, no further expression is given to this sense, at least no expression within the limits of the form, strictly so called i. c., " the verbal formula synchronous with the matter." For ourselves, we do not see how this decision or answer of the Sacred Congregation (which Cardinal Patrizi says is not a decree of the Sacred Congregation), in a special case, in regard to a solitary deviation from an othenvise ap- proved liturgy, can be amplified into a general recog- nition of the validity of the form, "Accipe Spirit urn Sanctum" The answer can cover only the case, or solve the doubt proposed. Now there is no proof, as far as we can see, that the dubium proposed by the mission- aries to the Holy Office had reference to the sacra- 156 THE ROMAN PONTIFICAL AND mental form, F. Jones asserting that it turned exclu- sively on the non-tradition of the instruments, and the fact that the bishop did not lay his hands on each of the deacons during the whole of the form, but hurried along the line, imposing his hands on each only whilst pronouncing a part of the form, or the words, Reple euni Spiritu Sancto, which words he thinks the mission- aries translate, "Accipc Spirit um Sanctum." This most probably is the correct view and statement of the case proposed to the Sacred Congregation, so that the " tal modo c forma" of the dubium may refer to the hurried imposition of hands during one phrase, instead of the whole of the form, Respice. In fact, we do not see how from this so called decree of the Sacred Congregation, dated April loth, 1704, after the letter of his Eminence Cardinal Patrizi to Cardinal Manning, which we find in "T/ie Month" for August, 1875, and which we subjoin, can in any way be con- strued the sufficiency of the form, " Accipe Spiritum Sanctum" the cardinal expressly affirming: "This S. S. C. never, either explicitly or implicitly, declared that the imposition of hands with these only words, Accipe Spiritum Sanctum, sufficed for the validity of the order of the priesthood." I. LETTER FROM H. E. CARDINAL PATRIZI TO H. E. THE CARDINAL-ARCHBISHOP OF WESTMINSTER. ''Domino Cardinali Archiepiscopo Westmonastericnsi. " Eminentissime ac Reverendissime Domine Obs me " Litteris diei 24 Augusti, anni nuper clapsi, referebat Eminentia Vestra quaestionem isthic exortam inter aliquos Scriptores, circa sensum cujusdam, ut appellat, "decreti," ab hoc Suprema Congregatione Universalis THE ORDINAL OF EDWARD. 157 Inquisitionis die 10 Aprillis, anni 1704, editi, quod valorem respicit ordinationis in quodam Casu Abissi norum expletae per verba Accipe Spiritum Sanctum manuum imposition! conjuncta, ex eoque Anglicanos praesumere ac jactitare nullum jam posse a Catholicis moved dubium de eorum ordinum validitate. Proinde ad anxietates eliminandas, veritatemque securius de- fendendam, quaerebat eadem Eminentia Vestra sequen- tis dubii declarationem ; scilicet, an, in supra-asserto decreto, explicite vel implicite, contineatur doctrinaad validitatem ordinis presbyteratus sufficere impositionem manuum cum iis dumtaxat verbis Accipe Spiritum Sanctum. "Jam vero Eminentissimi Patres Cardinales una mecum Inquisitores Generales, articulo formaliter ac mature discusso, in feria iv. die 21 labentis mensis, rogationi ejusmodi respondendum duxerunt Negative. Atque, ad hujusce decreti justitiam protuendam, pauca, ex mente Sacri Ordinis, Eminentiae Vestrae innuisse sufficiat. Scilicet, ex ipso Coptorum ritu, ut in eorum libris Pontificalibushabetur, manifestum esse, ilia verba Accipe Spiritum Sanctum non integram formam con- stituere, nee sensum documenti, quod ex anno 1704 profertur, quodque non est decretum Sanctae Congre- gationis, uti ex ejus Tabulario patet, alio modo intelli- gendurri esse nisi quod, penes Coptos, ordinatio pres- byteri cum impositione manuum Episcopi, et prolatione formae, in antique eorum ritu praescriptae, valida sit habenda: nunquam vero Sanctam Supremam Congre- gationem, sive explicite sive implicite, declarasse ad validitatem ordinis presbyteratus sufficere manuum impositionem cum his dumtaxat verbis. Accipe Spiri- tum Sanctum. 158 THE ROMAN PONTIFICAL AND " Post haec, cum me jam mei muneris partes imple- visse sciam, superest ut, eo quo par est obsequio, Emin- entiae Vestrae manus humillime deosculer. " Eminentiae Vestrae " Romae, die 30 Aprilis, 1875. (Sigtt :) " Humillimus et devotissimus Servus, " C. CARD. PATRIZI." This so-called decision does not then, as the learned Canon Estcourt supposes, establish the principle that the words, Accipe Spiritum Sancttim, are sufficient as a form of ordination to the priesthood. Cardinal Patrizi expressly declares that from the rite of the Copts, as found in their Pontifical books, it is manifest that those words, Accipe Spiritum Sanctum, do not consti- tute the integral form, and that the sense of the docu- ment published in 1704 is to be understood in no other way than that among the Copts the ordination of a priest with the imposition of the bishop's hands and the pronouncing of the form prescribed in their ancient rite is to be held valid. However, no one pretends that the Sacred Congre- gation sanctioned the form, Accipe Spiritum Sanctum, taken by itself simply, but specificated in the sense of the Abyssinian liturgy, as the "Catholic World" justly in- terprets the mind of Canon Estcourt. But the learned canon expresses this himself so strongly and clearly that we must give his own words : " It is perfectly well known that even if the prayers prescribed by the Abyssinian sacred books are not said, yet that the faith and doc- trine of the Abyssinian Church is expressed by those prayers, and that it is the same with the faith and doctrine of the Catholic Church regarding Holy THE ORDINAL OF EDWAKD. '59 Orders and the priesthood. There is no addition made to the words which excludes the due and proper sense from them, and therefore no doubt can exist about the sense in which the words are used in an Abyssinian ordination, though the practice is so far short of the theory. There is also a certain faith and doctrine ex- pressed in the Anglican forms of ordination ; and it is not the faith and doctrine of the Catholic Church, but that of Luther and other reformers. It is impossible to take the words, Accipe Spiritum Sanctum, separately from the context in which they are found. And the context does exclude a due and proper sense, and fixes and determines the sense to be contrary to that of the Catholic Church. Thus the Abyssinian abuna, though he repeats no more than those three words, yet, following the traditions of his Church, expresses his faith with respect to the sacramental grace and power of the order conferred in a manner agreeable with that of the Catholic Church. On the other band, the bishop who uses the Anglican form in ordaining, is not only prevented from attaching a right sense to those words, but openly declares and professes that he does not repeat them according to the sense in which the Catholic Church receives and uses them." So that even if the material words, " Receive the Holy Ghost," were sufficient in connection with an otherwise approved liturgy and authorized ordination rite, the Anglican form would be invalid, because the Catholic liturgies and the Catholic Ordinals were vitiated for the purpose of introducing error. " It is a settled principle with Catholics," says Arch- bishop Kenrick, " that no error about the nature or efficacy of a sacrament, no positive disbelief of its divine l6o TH E ROM A A 7 PONTIFICAL AND institution, or any other personal unworthiness on the part of him who administers it, can deprive such a sacrament of its effect, provided sufficient matter, valid form, and due intention concur in its administration. "But if the matter be omitted, or curtailed of any essential part ; if the form be vitiated, or if ambiguity be introduced, for the purpose of introducing error, it is no longer a valid means of producing sacramental effects." Dr. Newman in a note, written since his con- version to the Catholic Church, on an essay written whilst a leading spirit of the Anglican communion, says: " The consecrations of 1556 were not only facts, they were acts ; those acts were not done and over once for all, but were only the first of a series of acts, done in long course of years ; these acts, too, all of them, were done by men of certain positive opinions and in- tentions, and none of these opinions and views, from first to last, of a Catholic complexion, but on the con- trary, erroneous and heretical. And I question whether men of those opinions could, by means of a mere rite or formulary, however correct in itself, start and con- tinue in a religions communion, such as the Anglican, a ministerial succession which could be depended on as inviolate. I do not see what guarantee is produci- ble for the faithful observance of a sacred rite in form, matter, and intention, through so long a period, in the hands of such administrators." I will now adduce one more testimony in confirma- tion of this view of the nullity of the Anglican form, on account of the bad faith and heterodoxy of its framers. Dr. Lee, one of the Buffalo divine's most trusty guides and reliable authorities, alleges the celebrated Franciscus a Sancta Clara, as an authority in favor of THE ORDINAL OF ED WA KJ). jgj the validity of Anglican orders. Him, then, we shall summon, as our last witness to confound Dr. Lee, and to demolish the forms of Edward's Ordinal. After asserting in explanation of the 36th Article, that: their (the Anglican) ordination, for as much as concerns their form and matter, will be valid, " si niliil obstet" " if there be nothing else to hinder ;" he subjoins: "Not- withstanding all this, after a serious and sincere exam- ination, I must put this final resolution as a most in- dubitable conclusion : according to the clear sense of the ancient and present universal Church, their ordinations are, ipso jure, invalid" After showing that: "The judg- ment of the whole Catholic Church was and is, that baptism administered by an Arian intending to oppose the Church's sense, that is, not to do what the Church doth, by that their imperfect form, would be invalid, and by consequence his ordination, though not differ- ing essentially from the Catholic form., provided that he should hereby sufficiently manifest his depraved sense to be against the truth of Christ's institution," he continues: " The application of this, or this ex- plication, is easy to the question of ordination, minis- tered by our Protestant bishops ; for though we should suppose these forms not to be substantially changed, or their derivation of episcopacy to have been origin- ally from ours, as they seriously pretend, yet since they have changed the church forms, de industria, as the second sort of Arians did, to declare that they do not what the Church intends, and in pursuit thereof have solemnly decreed against the power of sacrificing and consecrating, that is in the sense of the old and present Catholic Church, of changing the elements of bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ, our 162 THE KOMAX PONTIFICAL S.X2) Lord, as appears in the 28th and 3ist Articles, it evi- dently concludes, that they never did or could validly ordain priests, and consequently bishops, having, as I say, expressed clearly the depravation of their intentions in order to the first and principal part of ordination, which consisteth in the power, supers-Corpus Christ: Tcrnni, of sacrificing and consecrating his true body, by them professedly denied, and the sacrifice declared a pernicious imposture (a strange expression) in their articles, never repealed or mitigated in any synod." After ridiculing the pretension that, even if there "were a flaw in the first consecration, a valid succession \vas transmitted in after times, as if "the}' could derive ^i succession per saltuin, as from a great grandfather, without a father," he concludes with this argument : "'All ordinations, celebrated in a form different from the Church, with an intention, sufficiently expressed, of opposition to her sense, are invalid according to the definitions of the general councils cited (Nice and Aries). But their ordinations are such, ergo." From "this extract it is plain, as Canon Estcourt remarks ; from whom we have abridged 1 it, that this would-be witness to the validity of Anglican orders, rejects them >tnost explicitly and roundly, even when conceding that the forms may be sufficient in themselves, " yet, as they have been changed, dc indnstria, to declare that the ordainers do not intend what the Church intends, the ordination cannot be valid." We have now done with the main question at issue, the legitimate succes- sion and valid orders of the Anglican 'and Protestant Episcopal bishops, having demonstrated fully, at least 'we think so, that Anglicans have no claims, to either. Dr. Lee himself, the chafmpion of Anglican orders, THE OKD1XAL OF EDWARD. 163 is- too fair and too conversant with the subject to simply pooh-pooh the objections of Catholics. We will then let him have the closing words on Anglican ordinations. " There are," lie says, in his late work, " cer- tain difficulties, which, it must be frankly allowed, have always been felt by learned Roman Catholics and Orien- tals, with regard to the fact of Parker's consecration and which must be duly faced and removed, before any re- cognition of the validity of English ordinations can be reasonably expected from the Eastern or Western Churches. Anglicans must not remain contented with assertions, which appear to satisfy themselves, but be prepared with arguments and conclusions, which will convince their opponents." (Vol. I. p. 99). "The modern Easterns," continues the same frank and able writer, "though personally civil and polite enough, frequently repudiate our ordinations with scorn. The late archbishop of Syros and Tenos, even more civil than some of his brethren, reordained absolutely the Rev. James Chrystal, an American clergyman of the Protestant Episcopal Church ; while the Servian archi- mandrete, who once gave Holy Communion to a London clergyman, the Rev. Wm. Denton, who had rendered good service to the Servian Church, was most severely reprimanded by authority, and made to give a promise in writing, that he would never repeat that, his canonical offense ; and this in a formal document, which described the Church of England as 'unortho- dox,' and Protestant, and the clergyman in question as 'without the priesthood."' We are not alone, then, in questioning Anglican and Protestant Episcopal orders. Nor is it owing to the cross ignorance of Roman 164 THE ROMAN PONTIFICAL AND Catholic theologians, that succession and orders in the Anglican establishment are rejected, for Dr. Lee, with praiseworthy candor, asserts : " At Rome every care is taken to arrive at the truth, so that the inadequate defences regarded as sufficient and satisfactory by some at home, will never pass muster, in presence of the skilled theologians of the eternal city. A huge assump- tion, as Roman Catholic theologians maintain, that all was right in Parker's case, is of course easily enough made ; but detailed proof of facts, and satisfactory re- plies to objections often give trouble, entail research, and yet remain insufficient for the purpose." (Vol. i. p. 200.) And yet, in spite of his close study of facts and patient research, Dr. Lee is forced to fall back on what he styles the moral argument in favor of Anglican orders. But let us hear him further: "Of course to any English churchman, of the Oxford school, the pro- ceedings in question will no doubt be read with some pain. It is no easy task to show that the revived doc- trines and Catholic practices, now so largely current in every diocese of our beloved country, and, many of them, so generally popular, were utterly repudiated by the dismal prelates, whose violent and heretical lan- guage is so awful in itself and so disquieting to dwell upon ; and whose destructive labors it is so distasteful to put on record. Men who in a spirit of self-sacrifice now repair churches, cleanse the font, rebuild the broken-down altar of the Lord, beautify His sanctuary, adorn with pictured pane and mosaic representation the chancel wall who open the restored churches for the daily office, who in the face of secular and sense- less 'judgments' believe in baptismal regeneration, practise confession, pray for the departed, and have THE ORDINAL OF EDWARD. ^- been led, step by step, to restore the Christian sacrifice and Eucharistic adoration ; and who, furthermore, look upon themselves, now clothed in sacerdotal garments, and standing facing the crucifix at lighted altars, as sacrificing priests of the New Law can surely have but little in common with the vulgar anti-Catholic bishops of Queen Elizabeth's day, whose profane and awful words, when read at a distance of three centuries or more, make a reverent person shudder; and the dark records of whose blasphemies and active wicked- ness, when calmly faced, sends a thrilling shiver through the heart of a Christian, and makes every decent Eng- lishman unparalyzed by indifference, and not choked by false science blush for shame that such officials ever belonged to so moderate and respectable an in- stitution as the Church of England by law established now appears." (Vol. i. p. 272-4.) The above we have borrowed from an able article in the " Liverpool Catholic Times" and although somewhat lengthy we will allow the writer to continue his review of Dr. Lee's work in his own w r ords: " From these data, Dr. Lee, in several places, but es- pecially in his introductory essay on 'The present position of the Established Church,' draws a 'moral' argument in favor of Anglican Orders. ' It is self- evident,' he writes, ' that the moral argument in favor of their validity is very strong, perhaps stronger than either the theological or historical argument. When the frightful state of degradation into which the National Church during Elizabeth's reign had been brought, is honestly contemplated ; and when the strik- ing contrast between its position then and its altered state now is clulv realized the manner in which so AC y)/.;.\' PONTIFICAL AND much that had been then cast away as valueless is now sought after and has been once more secured ; we may reasonably infer (though there be no exact precedent nor perfect parallels in past history for the complex character and unique position of the Established Church of England) that, as divine grace has never been with- drawn from her crippled rulers, so an inherent and es- sential distinction between clergy and laity has been in the main consistently and continually remarked and admitted.' (Pp. 51-52.) " We give the argument in the writer's own words, so as not to deprive it of any weight which may legiti- mately attach to it. But we cannot but think that Dr. Lee's own volumes are its completest refutation. Angli- cans are in the habit of assuming that the ' Reforma- tion' in England essentially differed from that on the Continent and in Scotland in certain respects, and, inter alia, in the retention of a belief in, and respect for, the grace of Holy Orders; and then (when historical diffi- culties are raised) they fall back upon the sentiment that God would never have permitted the lapse of sac- ramental grace through the accidental oversight of any essential. Dr. Lee makes short work, however, of any such assumption. He shows the authors and abettors of the New Church as being to the full as blasphemous and sacrilegious, as coarse, as immoral, and altogether as satanic, as the Continental ' Reformers,' with the superadded malice of abominable and anti-Christian subserviency to the crown. So far, then, the moral argument against Anglican orders is as strong as against Presbyterian or Lutheran ones. In other words, as. upon Anglican equally as upon Catholic principles, uc know that God permitted the Kirk of Scotland and THE ORDINAL OF EDWAKD. the Continental Protestant Communions to have lost the grace of orders and sacraments, there is no reason (in the absence of direct proof) to believe that He dealt otherwise with the equally guilty and sacrilegious rulers of the Elizabethan Church. The weight of proba- bility is that God should, rather than that He should, not, have withdrawn His sacraments from the sac-., rilegious grasp, of men who were wont to style the Blessed Sacrament Jwrrcscinnis refercntcs'(\\ r c can- not bring ourselves down to quote the low and shock- ing language used by the reformers towards the Blessed. Sacrament): " who in all things were the subservient tools of. a monster who, whilst claiming more than Pontifical honors, caused the Corpus Christi canppy to be borne over her at Cambridge, and who ended by* making the hearing or singing of Mass a crime punish-, able by fine, imprisonment and death. " But the moral argument against Anglican orders is still stronger when we consider the attitude of the Elizabethan bishops themselves towards orders. One and all they repudiate any such belief in ordination as obtains among Ritualists, or even among moderate Anglicans. They denounced the sacrament of order as fully, as consistently, and as vehemently as they denounced the Muss, the Real Presence, or Extreme Unction. Again and again they admitted merrtocure of souls who had never received episcopal ordination, and allowed preachers to occupy benefices who refused to administer either Baptism or 'the Supper,' and were known as ' no sacrament ministers.' They w; re quite content to hold their posts solely from the queen, to be 'bishops by act of Parliament.' And when, later on, an attempt was made to claim for them l68 PONTIFICAL AND ORDINAL. some kind of spiritual jurisdiction as successors of the Apostles, they were promptly told that their jurisdiction was derived from the crown, and that any attempt to claim independent jurisdiction would lay them open to the penalties of premunire. Even Hooker, whom Dr. Lee rightly praises as 'the first person among the English ministers who, by the general soundness of his principles, the clearness of his thoughts, and the ability with which he set them forth, began to stem the tide of confusion, innovation, and novelty,' never adopted the Catholic belief as to orders, and actually regarded Dr. Adrian de Saravia 'ordained abroad by presbyters, if at all,' as a fit and capable confessor, and so employed him upon his death-bed, receiving also the Communion at his hands. No doubt the Caroline divines, like their successors of the Oxford school, succeeded in raising the standard of sacramental belief, but like the changes in the Ordinal, due, no doubt, to the influence of their teaching, such improve- ments came too late to affect the main question." CONCLUSION. XII. CONCLUSION. WE have now come to the end of our little work, and it only remains for us to summarize the main points on which we touched, and the conclusions which we reached. We have endeavored to show, with what success our readers will judge, that the line of Apostolical succession has been hopelessly broken be- tween the Primitive Church, and the Anglican and Protestant Episcopal Churches, and that every at- tempt to bridge the chasm between Catholic England under the supremacy of the Popes, and the Anglican es- tablishment under the Tudors, between Cardinal Pole, last Catholic archbishop of Canterbury, and Matthew Parker, the first link of the new line forged by the despotic iron hand of Elizabeth, has been vain. Suppos- ing the Lambeth Register to be a genuine, authentic document, the form used at Parker's consecration was confessedly that of the Edwardine Ordinal, devised towards the end of the year 1549. The form prescribed in the Roman Pontifical was abolished by act of Parlia- ment (3 Edward VI., c. 2) and the newly devised form made obligatory after April 1st, 1 5 50, and added to Book of Common Prayer by another act of Parliament in 1552 (5 and6 Edward VI.). According to the Lambeth j^O CONCLUSION. Register, Parker was consecrated by this form, which was so plainly inadequate and invalid that acts of Parlia- ment were deemed necessary to supply its defects, and in the year 1662, one hundred years later, the form was again changed, obviously to remedy deficiencies pointed out by Catholics and Dissenters, and perhaps, too, to satisfy a reactionary movement inside the. es- tablishment itself towards Catholic doctrine and prac- tices, though its defenders stoutly affirm that the change was not made to add to the validity, but to the dignity of the rite. Be that as it may, the form is intrinsically insufficient to confer valid consecration. Matthew Parker, therefore, never was a bishop, and consequently could not validly consecrate others. Be- sides, grave doubts and suspicions attach to the Lam- beth Register, and still graver doubts are entertained as to the fact of Barlow's consecration, and the slen- der thread on which Anglican orders rest must be pain- fully apparent to those who claim thac the assistant bishops at Parker's consecration, and at some subse- quent consecration, would even suffice to supply for Barlow's non-consecration. What thick mists and dark clouds of suspicions, doubts and uncertainties hang over the orders of the Church of England, even if it could be conceded which it cannot consistently with the doctrinal- teachings of the Chris- tian Church that the form was a vaild one. But Apos- tolical succession requires not only valid orders but lawful mission ; this has been proved from the teaching and practice of the early Christian Church ; this is held by Anglicans and Episcopalians. This must, how- ever, be ever carefully borne in mind, that the power of order, and the right to exercise that order, jurisdiction. CONCL USION. 171 mission, the assignment of charge or people over which that power may be exercised, are very different things, and do not necessarily go together. A bishop from the time of his appointment, even before his consecration, has jurisdiction over his diocese, though he may exercise no exclusively episcopal functions, do no act requiring the episcopal order and character. He may govern his flock as a legitimate pastor, and administer his diocese and empower other bishops to ordain priests and officiate in episcopal functions. And a validly and lawfully consecrated bishop may be without episcopal jurisdiction, may have no charge, no diocese to govern. Auxiliary and co-adjutor bishops have only such limited jurisdiction as the titular bishop or ordinary of the diocese may grant them, and not unfrequently, in case of the absence or death of the titular bishop, the administration is in the hands of a priest, a vicar-general, for instance, and he gives jurisdiction to the lawfully consecrated auxiliary bishop. How often do I here ordain priests for other dioceses and confer on them all the powers of their priestly order, but I cannot give them jurisdiction. That belongs to their own bishop. Only, then, a law- ful ecclesiastical superior can impart ecclesiastical jurisdiction, and only valid orders and jurisdiction, transmitted in an unbroken line irom the days of the Apostles to our own time, can constitute Apostolical succession. Granted, then, that Barlow was a regularly conse- crated bishop, and that he, in the Lambeth chapel, actually consecrated Parker with valid matter and form, even with the intention of the Church, and agree- ably to the Roman Pontifical, from whom does he , 72 CONCL USION. (Parker) get jurisdiction? What ecclesiastical super- ior assigns him a charge? gives him the right to exer- cise the power of his episcopal order? who gives him charge of the diocese of Canterbury? Not Barlow, nor Scorey, nor Coverdale, nor Hodgkins ; one, according to the Register, bishop elect of Chichester ; one, bishop elect of Hereford ; one, bishop elect of Exeter, and the fourth suffragan of Bedford. What right had they in the diocese of Canterbury ? How could they confer jurisdic- tion on the archbishop from whom they themselves were to be confirmed and to receive a mission and right to ex- ercise their episcopal orders ? Not from the Pope, who utterly rejects his pretensions, and excommunicates him as a schismatic and heretic. Not from the Pope, whose authority he repudiates and forswears. From Queen Elizabeth, then ? Yes, this is his only and last resource. Here, then, comes the claim of royal, spiritual suprem- acy or headship over the Church of England, started by her royal father, asserted by her royal brother, and now exercised by herself, and thus, in virtue of the powers conferred by queen and Parliament, is Parker first Anglican archbishop of the Church by law estab- lished, and thus from the commencement is the fatal defect, the disastrous break in the chain of Apostoli- cal succession. And it is well said : " that as original sin is not done away with by distance from Adam, so this original defect of jurisdiction cannot be supplied by length of time, quod ab initio nullum est, tractu tem- per is non convalescit." MISSTATEMENTS OF CATHOLIC FAITH AN:I NUMEROUS CHARGES AGAINST THE CHURCH AND HOLY SEE, CORRECTED AND REFUTED. BV S. V. RYAN, BISHOP OF BUFFALO. PART II. CONTENTS. I. INTRODUCTORY I II. THE EPHESINE SUCCESSION. 4 III. HENRY VIII. To WHOM HE BELONGS n IV. THE NEW LITURGY BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER. . . 16 V. NEW ANGLICAN ORDINAL. 19 VI. CLEMENT'S DISPENSATION TO HENRY 21 VII. EQUIVOCATION AUTHORITY OF SAINTS AND DOCTORS OF THE CHURCH 23 VIII. PAPAL INFALLIBILITY 32 IX. POPES LlBERIUS AND HONORIUS. 47 X. HONORIUS VINDICATED 52 XI. ST. GREGORY THE GREAT CLAIMING AND EXERCISING PAPAL SUPREMACY 62 XII. CATHOLIC BISHOPS NOT SIMPLE PRESBYTERS OR MERE VICARS OF THE POPE. 74 XIII. TEACHINGS OF THE ANCIENT FATHERS VINDICATED . Si XIV. CANONS OF NICE AND EPHESUS 86 XV. THE CATHOLIC DOCTRINE REGARDING ECCLESIASTICAL JURISDICTION 03 MISSTATEMENTS OF CATHOLIC FAITH AND NUMEROUS CHARGES AGAINST THE CHURCH AND HOLY SEE, CORRECTED AND REFUTED. I. i INTRODUCTORY. I HAD fully resolved not to notice the many irrele- vant questions, groundless and false assertions pro- fusely scattered through the pages of the little pamphlet, " Catholics and Roman Catholics," by "An Old Catholic," to which the articles substantially re- produced in the preceding pages, and originally written for the " Catholic Union'' were intended to reply. However, as the specious and misleading statements, put forward with a certain air of plausibility and con- fidence might, if left unchallenged, impose on those who have no access to original documents or works of reference, I have, on second thought, deemed it in- cumbent OTI me, in the interest of truth and Catholic faith, to rectify the principal misstatements of " Old Catholic," even at the risk of swelling this little publication to unexpected proportions. I 2 INTRODUCTORY. The discussion of these matters will, in my opinion, prove how easily people may be imposed on by un- grounded statements, how cautious we should be in giving credence to authorities cited at second-hand, and how sadly deficient in accurate information regarding the doctrines, traditions and history of the Church even intelligent and otherwise well-educated Churchmen often are whose reading and studies, ministerial labors and professional duties seem to be directed to the single point of obscuring the claims of the Catholic Church, or deterring others from the calm, dispassionate, thought- ful investigation of the same. Of such we can only say, in the language of one whom the grace of God and light of the 'Divine Spirit enabled to rise above the prejudices of his early education : " Prejudice is always obstinate, but no prejudice is so wilfully stub- born as that which is professional. It is bad enough, in any case, that the mind should be settled in op- position to the truth, but when a man has made it the special business of his life to oppose and controvert that truth, his intelligence becomes so fortified by his will, as to be almost inaccessible. The citadel of his heart is well nigh impregnable. * * * His mind is systematically warped. He is trained to reason from false principles. He becomes, perhaps, by sheer habit, the champion of untruth." (" The Invitation Heeded :" Dr. Kent Stone.) This may explain, and if not excuse, in some degree extenuate the blind, unreasoning pre- judices of men who are schooled into bitter hostility to the Catholic Church, and forced by their position and professional duties to repudiate her as the true and legitimate spouse of Christ, to reject her authority and deny her identity with the Apostolic Church, simply INTRODUCTORY. >, because these claims annihilate all their own titles, brand them as illegitimate, spurious, counterfeit. Yet we do not presume to judge how far they are responsible for errors which they have inherited and prejudices which they have unconsciously imbibed, religious predilections and affinities naturally springing from circumstances over which they could have no control, and hence we disclaim any personal feeling, most sincerely profess to be actuated by motives of Christian charity and love of truth. And if in anything we say we appear to be pointed and personal, it is because of the necessity of meeting particular charges, or misleading and in- jurious insinuations against Catholic faith and practice. THE EPHESINE SUCCESSION. II. THE EPHESINE SUCCESSION. "'TPHE first archbishop of Canterbury was conse- -L crated at Aries in France (597), and thus intro- duced the Ephesine succession from St. John, through Irenaeus and Photinus.' 7 (Note I. Catholics and non- Catholics.) We have answered already that Augustine was consecrated bishop at Aries by Virgilius, acting as legate and vicar of Pope St. Gregory, but the title and privileges and jurisdiction of archbishop were afterwards accorded to him by Gregory, Pope of Rome, not by Virgilius of Aries, who had, as we shall presently see, only such jurisdiction as Gregory granted him in Gaul. Lingard, in his "Antiquities of the Anglo-Saxon Church, "says : "Gregory, whose zeal already predicted the entire conversion of the octarchy, commanded it to be divided into two ecclesiastical provinces, in each of which twelve suffragan bishops should obey the superior jurisdiction of their metropolitan." Again, as clear proof that not only the new Anglo-Saxon con- verts with their bishops and archbishops, but also the ancient British Church, acknowledged the authority of the same Roman Pontiff, Lingard says : " Gregory, treading in the footsteps of his predecessor, Celestine, who two centuries before had appointed the monk Palladius to the government of the Scottish Church, THE EPHESINE SUCCESSION. 5 invested Augustine with an extensive jurisdiction over all the bishops of the Britons." To show still further what little truth there is in the assertion that the Pope " could never assert even a patriarchal authority over England," let us hear Dr. Lingard still further: "Au- gustine himself preferred Canterbury to London ; and the metropolitical dignity was secured to the former by the rescripts of succeeding Pontiffs." Again, Pope Vitalian placed Theodore, an aged monk, in the see of Canterbury, and " invested him with an extensive juris- diction, similar to that which Gregory had conferred on St. Augustine." But let us now see how the archbishop of Aries, who consecrated Augustine, acknowledged the authority and supreme jurisdiction of the Pope, Gregory the Great, over the churches of Gaul. In the year 595, two years before he consecrated Augustine, Virgilius wrote, and had King Childebert II. write, to Gregory, asking the pallium and the dignity of vicar of the Apostolic See, with which the greater part of his predecessors had been honored. In the month of August of the same year, Gregory writes to him (L. 5, Epist. liii.) granting his request, and among other things says : " I am very far from suspecting that in asking the use of the pal- lium and the vicarship of the Apostolic See, you thought only of procuring for yourself a passing power and an exterior decoration. I prefer to believe that knowing for no one can ignore it whence the faith was propagated over Gaul, you wished in addressing yourself to the Apostolic See, according to ancient custom, to act like a good son, who has recourse to the bosom of the Church, his mother." He concludes his letter thus: "We establish vour fraternitv our 6 THE EPHESINE SUCCESSION. vicar in the churches of the kingdom of our most ex- cellent son, Childebert, without prejudice to the rights of the metropolitans. We send you also the pallium, which you will make use of only in the church and during the Mass. If any bishop wishes to take a long journey, he will not do it without permission of your holiness. If any question of faith, or any other diffi- cult affair come up, you will assemble twelve bishops to take cognizance of it. If it cannot be decided, you will refer the judgment to us." He wrote at the same time, in the same sense, to the bishops, exhorting them to submit to the new vicar of the Apostolic See, as the Angels of Heaven, though without sin, are subordinate one to another ; and to King Childe- bert, begging him to support by his authority what he had regulated in favor of Virgilius, and for the sake of God and St. Peter to cause the decrees of the Apos- tolic See to be observed in his states. (Works of S. G., L. 5, Epist. liv. et Iv.) This, I should say, would make the great St. Gregory, in the 6th century justly styled the Apostle of England, a good enough Pope of the iQth century. But of this we will have more to say hereafter. Now we are prepared to examine the ques- tion of the " Ephesine succession from St. John, through Irenaeusand Photinus." We should have said, through Photinus and Irenseus, for the latter succeeded the former in the see of Lyons, A. D. 177. Now, we would greatly desire to see any one trace the succession of Virgilius of Aries to St. Photinus of Lyons, and then trace St. Photinus to St. John, in or- der to bring the Ephesine succession down to the bishop of Western New York. It is simply ridiculous to talk nbo-.it the Ephesine succession, and no one fa- TUR EPIIESINE SUCCESSION. f miliar with ecclesiastical history, or with those saintly and historic names of the ancient Church of France could commit himself to such an absurdity. The see of Aries was founded by bishops sent directly.from Rome. St. trophimus, its first bishop, was sent, ac- cording to St. Gregory of Tours, from Rome to Aries in the year 250, during the reign of Decius, and the Pontificate of Pope Fabian. Later French writers maintain that he was sent by St. Peter himself, during the reign of the Emperor Claudius, and in proof here- of, they cite a letter of nineteen bishops, written to Pope Leo, praying him to restore to the metropolitan see of Aries the privileges which had been wrested from it. " It is a matter well known," the letter goes on to say, " to all Gaul, and to the Holy Roman Church, that Aries, the first city of Gaul, has the honor of having received the faith from St. Peter through Bishop Trophimus, and that it spread thence to the other provinces of Gaul." These particulars we have taken from the excellent English translation of Alzog's " Universal Church History," by the lamented Dr. Pabisch and Rev. Thos. S. Byrne (vol. i., page 246). Whether the translator's learned observations will con- vince the reader that Aries owes its foundation to the Prince of the Apostles or not, the discussion proves conclusively that Aries does not derive its succession, its orders or its mission from" Lyons or from Ephesus, but from Rome, and that Virgilius goes back through Trophimus to either Fabian or Peter, and not through Iremvus or Photinus to St. John. But now, suppose we get to Lyons, and to Irenaeus, who succeeded St. Photinus, martyred in 177, how can we find our way to Ephesus and St. John ? 8 THE EP HE SINE SUCCESSION. RevAlban Butler tells, us on the authority of St. Gregory of Tours, that Polycarp, bishop of Smyrna, and disciple of St. John, and ordained by him, sent St. Irenaeus to Lyons. But he was not yet a priest, but was ordained a priest of the Church of Lyons by St. Photinus, its first bishop, to whom he succeeded. Though a disciple of St. Polycarp, from whom he de- rived his doctrine, there is not the slightest proof or pretence that he exercised his orders, or his mission under other authority than that of Rome, and as an unanswerable proof that even then, in the second cen- tury, the Churches of Gaul, and the Church of Lyons in particular, acknowledged the supreme authority of the Bishop of Rome, St. Irenaeus was actually sent by the Church of Lyons, as we learn from Eusebius and St. Jerome, to entreat Pope Eleutherius not to cut the Orientals off from communion with the Church on ac- count of their difference about the celebration of Easter. But does St. Irenaeus himself appeal to the Ephesine succession to prove the truth of his doctrine and the Apostolicity of his faith and his lawful descent from the Apostles? In his third book (Contra hereses, chap, iii.), he says that most assuredly the Apostles de- livered the truth and the mysteries of faith to their successors, and to them we must go to learn the same, but especially "to the greatest Church and most an- cient and known to all, founded at Rome by the two most glorious Apostles, Peter and Paul, which retains the traditions received from them and derived through a succession of bishops down to us. For with this Church, on account of the more powerful principality, it is necessary that every Church, that is, the faithful who are in every direction, should agree." (S. livn., L. 3, c. iii.) THE EPHESINE SUCCESSION. 9 He then enumerates the Pontiffs from Peter to Eleutherius, then reigning, and to this succession in the See of Rome, and not to the Ephesine succession, does Irenaeus appeal. To the same did St. Augustine ap- peal. To the same Apostolic See do we appeal, repeat- ing again that the See of Rome is the only Apostolic See, whence it is at all possible for Christian prelate or priest to trace his Apostolical pedigree and descent. Happy, then, for our episcopal claimant of Apostolical succession if he can " show his line going direct to. Rome, by many points," even if, as he con- fesses, " it is just there* that the greatest confusion occurs; so that we do not think much of it." LINKS OF ANGLICAN SUCCESSION OF UNSAVORY ODOR. Of course, since he must recur to the Popes for his suc- cession, it will be his business, not ours, to determine which of the three rival Popes was the true Pope when Gregory XII. consecrated Chichele. As he cannot again claim succession through Aries to Ephesus, he must go to Rome for all his right and title to be a " corporate witness," and in his desperate attempt to get there, vaulting with a bound the wide and deep chasm separating Parker from Pole, he goes through Scorey (throwing Barlow overboard) and Cranmer to Beaufort, of whom he says : *' I have now reached the name of one of the worst characters in the Anglican succession." Strange that he should stop in this un- savory spot, yet he thinks that he ought not be expected to go further, " for Beaufort was just the kind of a man to please a Pope," and hence I suppose a good enough man to transmit Anglican orders. As, how- ever, he'mentions, and very earnestly, that : " The sue- Io THE EP HE SINE SUCCESSION. cession by which Christ Himself 'came in the flesh,' is disfigured by many unworthy names, besides that of Rahab ; and the Scriptures have reached us through many unworthy hands," I am saved the trouble of defending or justifying those Popes " whose abominable lives," he tells us, " were the by-word of their times." Impartial history has done tardy justice to many of the maligned Pontiffs of the middle ages, but the subject matter under discussion debars me from entering more lengthily into the history of these ages and these Pon- tiffs, nor have I the slightest inclination to shield any of the very few unworthy occuparfts of the Pontifical throne from merited censure. But neither the Church nor the Papacy is responsible for their personal views, nor is the purity of Christian doctrines blackened or defiled by the unchristian lives of those who neglect the teachings of the Church, whether they be of high or low degree, whether simple faithful, or masters in Israel. "The Scribes and Pharisees have sitten on the chair of Moses. All things, therefore, whatsoever they shall say to you, observe and do, but according to their works, do ye not ; for they say and do not." (Matt, xxiii. 2, 3.) At least after the admissions' made above, objections of this kind will come with very bad grace from those who own descent from immoral char- acters, and from a line disgraced by Pontiffs " com- pared with whom Henry VIII. is almost pure." HENRY VfH.-~TO WHOM HE BELONGS. \\ III. HENRY VIII. TO WHOM HE BELONG. JUST here we may as well remark that " Old Catho- lic'' is 'not in love with the first royal Head of the Anglican Church, and has " no disposition to take him off of the hands of those to whom he exclusively be- longs the Roman Catholics." Well, we confess he was once a Roman Catholic, and a staunch champion of the Papacy, and from a Pope received the title of "Defender of the Faith," and that " he never fully de- serted his faith ; but he allowed his passion to blind his eyes and impel him to the greatest of scandals." Then he severed himself from Rome, then he re- jected the authority of the Pope, then he started the " Church of England as by law established," and had himself proclaimed its head by a subservient Parlia- ment and a weak, servile clergy ; he threw off spiritual allegiance to the Pope, -imposed the oath of royal supremacy on the English realm, and thus started what Edward and Eli/.abcth afterwards worked into shape ; and that impartial sicular authority in the "Saturday Re- view" who ventures to write that, "there is a perfect legal and historical identity, so to speak, of person, between the Church of England before the Reforma- tion and the Church of England after the Reformation," goes very near establishing in our minds his m\.i 12 HENRY VI 1 1. TO WHOM HE BELONGS. identity with the gentleman who quotes him, and who says, "that Henry merely continued the Church as he found it," and " as for her (Queen Elizabeth) estab- lishing the Church of England in any sense other than that in which it was the law of the land under the Plantagenets and the 'Papacy, is a very ignorant mis- take." In both, there is such assurance, such defiance of history, and implicit reliance on the ignorance of their readers, that we can hardly go wrong in tracing them to the same source, and assigning them the same paternity. Queen Mary, we are again told, " estab- lished the Roman hierarchy by law, 'by queen and Parliament,' while Henry never did anything of the kind." True, indeed, Henry never did anything of the kind, because he found the Roman hierarchy existing in England not only since Augustine came from Rome to convert the Angli, but ever since a Pope sent the first missionaries to convert the ancient Britons a Roman hierarchy, exercising its authority under the jurisdiction and in the communion of the holy Roman See, until by legal enactment, by king and Parlia- ment, he and his son Edward severed that commun- ion cemented by the tradition of ages, by im- memorial usages, arrogating to themselves spiritual jurisdiction over the realm, and not only appointing, but confirming, empowering, and even by newly-devised forms consecrating a new hierarchy, thus establishing a New Church, whose very legal title, the name im- posed on it at its birth not Church of England, which St. Gregory recognized, and of which he is justly styled the Apostle but "Church of England by law established," belies its claim to Apostolical origin, stamps it as a royal and parliamentary founda- tion, a modern invention, a sect. HENRY VIII. TO WHOM HE BELONGS. jj Mary's attempt was then, not to erect the Roman hier- archy by law', but to repeal the laws enacted in the two previous reigns, and to restore the Church of England to the condition in which it was before " Henry's passions blinded him and impelled him to the greatest of scandals." " Henry belonged to the Roman Catho- lics." True, so did Cranmer once, so did Calvin, so did Luther, so did Pelagius, so did Donatus, so did Arius, so did all the heretics of ancient times, but they fell away, they apostatized, they left the only ark of safety, the One, Holy, and Apostolic Church. The infamous traitor Judas was once a disciple, nay, even a chosen Apostle of our Lord, and you may as well charge our Lord and His Apostles and the Christian name with the infamy and fearful crime of that arch-traitor, as to make the Catholic Church responsible for the crimes of Henry after he severed himself from the communion of the Holy See, and had himself proclaimed Supreme in spirituals as well as temporals. It is true, and no Catholic, as far as we know, will deny what the late Welby Pugin asserts, that England presents " a fearful example of a Catholic nation betrayed by a corrupted Catholic hierarchy. Henry is declared the Snprcmum Caput of England's Church ; not voce populi, but by the voice of convocation ; the Church is sacrificed, the people are sacrificed, and the actors in this vile surrender are the true and lawful bishops and clergy of England." It is also true that, "all the terrible executions of Henry's dreadful reign were perpetrated before the externals of the old religion were altered," but it is not true that it was before the system of Protestantism was broached, or the essentials of the Catholic Church denied. For the wretched system was broached, and the Catholic faith in 14 HENRY VIII. TO IVHO.M HE BELONGS. its essentials was rejected when the authority of the Church and the primacy of the Pope were rejected and denied. It is also true that by his will he ordained that masses should be celebrated for his soul, for the exter- nals of the old religion, the ancient liturgy, the old Cath- olic Missals and Pontificals were not yet altered, and the masses that were said by an Augustine, a Cuthbert, "a Wilfrid, an Anselm, a Dunstan, a Bede, and thousands of saints of the English Church, were still said in Henry's time, and even Cranmer himself, who is ap- plauded as a model reformer, offered Mass for the re- pose of the soul of Francis I., King of France, on the I9th of June, 1547. "The archbishop of Canterbury, Cranmer, with eight other bishops in their richest Pon- tifical habits, sung a mass of Requiem." (Collier ii., 229, as quoted by Dodd.) Let me quote the same historian, Dodd, in answer to the charge that Henry's evil conduct may be laid at the door of the Catholic Church. "To charge the scandalous part of Henry's life upon his popish educa- tion, is so groundless an aspersion, that it is inconsis- tent with every circumstance of the facts. While he lived like other princes, in due subjection to the See of Rome in all spiritual matters, no one had a better character; but as the first step of unfortunate children is disobedience to their parents, this seems to have been the origin of Henry's disorderly life ; who no sooner had broke out of the pale of the Church, but he ranged without control through all the paths of vice. Per- haps Catholics will not recriminate so closely in their reflections, as to charge the monstrous crimes he was guilty of upon the reformers' principles, though some of his advisers, who put him on the method of Reform;" HENRY I'll 1. TO ll'HOM I IE BELONGS. 15 were capable of delivering such lesv>ns): }-et it has always been an observation, both in private life, and in the fate of nations, that a defection from the Universal Church had two dismal consequences, free thinking as to religion, and a boundless liberty as to morals." (Part i., Art. vi., p. 323). i6 THE NEW LITURGY IV. THE NEW LITURGY BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER. BUT is it not strange to hear the objection that Henry belonged to the Catholics because masses were said for him, when it is known that there was in England no other form of public worship, no other liturgy, until the second year of Edward VI.? Is it not known that the commission which he appointed in the year 1554, ''pretending to work on the plan of the four Rituals hitherto used in England, viz., Sarum, York, Bangor and Lincoln, compiled the 'Book of Common Prayer ?' " Is it not known that at this time the so-called reformers were fearfully mixed up and divided in re- gard to the holy Mass ? " One while they were disposed to retain the names, sacrifice and mass, and as a neces- sary consequence also the word altar." Now, the altar was to be called a table, which was removed some distance from the wall, again placed in the middle of the chancel, and once more restored to its original place, where the high altar stood. "On which occasion, Dr. Hugh Weston merrily said, 'The reformation was like an ape, not knowing which way to turn his tail.' ' (Foxe, Hi, 76.) This new liturgy en- titled " Book of Common Prayer," and made obli- gatory under pains and penalties by act of Parliament (2 and 3, Edward VI., c. i), was thus forced on the English THE NE W LITURG Y. \ J Church, though the bishops of Norwich, Hereford, Chichester and Westminster, who were on the com- mittee for drawing up the bill, protested against it ; (Collier ii., 364), and four other bishops who had been on the committee, namely, those of London, Durham, Carlisle and Worcester, were equally opposed to it. (Lords'Journal i., 33 1 , cited-by Rev. Mr. Tierney, F.S.A.) The act of Parliament providing for " uniformity of service and administration of sacraments throughout the realm," passed January I5th, 1549, became obli- gatory on the Feast of Pentecost of that year. " On that day, "says Rev. Mr. Tierney, " the English service was for the first time solemnly performed in the Cathedral of St. Pauls'. ' As to the clergy, although to escape pains and penalties, they had been induced to con- form to the provisions of the act, they were not disposed to abandon the ancient liturgy ; the bishop (Bonner) was known, moreover, to be favorable to their views ; and accordingly, while the common prayer was recited publicly at the high altar, Mass continued to be pri. vately celebrated in the different chapels of the Cathedral," just the same, we may remark, as it is to- day in the different chapels of our own Cathedral. Thus we see how, and when, and by whom the Mass was abol- ished in England. Soon after came another order to the bishops from the king, to-burn and destroy all the missals, antiphoners, graduals, etc., previously used in the churches, and as the bishops were unwilling to enforce, and the clergy to obey the royal mandate, abill waspassed (3 and 4, Edward VI., 10.) by which any person refusing to surrender, or any archbishop, bishop, or other officer neglecting to destroy, such books, should suffer fine or imprisonment, as the case might be. This common 18 THE NEW LITURGY. prayer established in 1549, was revised and altered in 1552, and again under Elizabeth in 1559, again under King James I. in 1604, and afterwards under Charles II. in 1662. Thus we have a history of the Anglican form of public worship, or Book of Common Prayer, ori- ginating with the novelties of the Reformation, forced by king and Parliament upon the Church, revised, altered and modified to suit and give expression to the ever- changing faith of a Church that had broken loose from the chair of Peter, the Reformers thus instinctively and perhaps unconciously affirming the Catholic principle that a Church's liturgy or form of prayer is the truest expression of a people's faith, which Pope Celestine I. thus enunciates, writing (Epis. viii.) to the bishops of Gaul : "Ut legem credendi, lex statuat supplicandi" NEW ANGLICAN ORDINAL. V. NEW ANGLICAN ORDINAL. HAVING changed the ancient liturgy of the Church, and destroyed the old missals used in the Church of England from time immemorial, and thus insensibly robbed the people of their faith by a mutilated and deceptive form of public prayer, craftily obscuring and implicitly denying the very essence of sacrifice, the next step of the wily reformers, headed by Cranmer, who, together with a wife had smuggled into England from foreign lands many of the errors of Luther and Calvin, was to devise an Ordinal or form of ordination to accompany the Common Prayer Book, which should ignore and obliterate the very idea, char- acter and office of the priesthood. During the first two years of Edward's reign, no essential change was made in the Roman Pontifical. Only the oath of alle- giance was changed, and hence all those priests or- dained and bishops consecrated during this time, though schismatics, and excommunicated and deprived of all power of jurisdiction, had valid orders, were validly, though illicitly (minus rite), ordained and consecrated, and they could be, and were with proper dispensations in the time of Mary allowed again to exercise their orders, recognized as bishops and priests. But in 1550 Parlia- ment passed an act devising a new method and " uni- 20 W IV ANGLICAN ORDINAL. form- fashion and manner of making and consecrating bishops, priests, deacons or ministers of the Church," and for not concurring in which at least four bishops were deprived. This new Ordinal, established by au- thority of Edward's Parliament, was again confirmed in 1552 (5 and 6 Edward VI., c. I.), when the Prayer Book was revised. In again examining carefully the history of the introduction of the Prayer Book and Ordinal, we cannot understand how any one can assert that the acts of Parliament innovated nothing, and only made the law of the land what was before the ecclesi- astical law. The very reverse is transparent. And we may be allowed here again to quote the historian Dodd, who asserts that this Ordinal of Edward, that by which Parker is said to have been consecrated, " was in the ensuing reign (of Mary) examined and declared to be insufficient and invalid as to the purposes of conse- crating a true ministry," because, among other reasons, " there was no form of words specifying the order that was conferred, and particularly, no words or ceremony made use of, to express the power of absolving, or offering sacrifice." CLEMENTS D ISP EN 3 A TION TO HENRY. 21 VI. CL-EMEXT'S DISPENSATION TO HENRY. BEFORE finally closing our historic review of this period of the Anglican establishment, I must call attention to a strange error, or shall we call it, fabrica- tion ? "The Pontiff did actually give Henry permission to have two wives at once." But, continues our honest controversialist, who, in this instance at least, seems to have descended not to equivocation merely, but to bare-faced falsification : " Bad as Henry was, he had more conscience, it would seem, than this compli- ant Pope, who, anxious to be on good terms alike with Henry and Charles, could only continue to please them both by authorizing Henry to practise bigamy." There is not a word of truth in it. It is a falsehood, manufactured out of whole cloth, and the pretence of quoting Lingard makes the fabrication all the more' glaring. Dr. Lingard (" History of England," vol. vi. , c. iii.) acknowledges that the Pope, Clement VII., signed a document by which " he granted to Henry a dis- pensation to marry, in the place of Catharine, any other woman whomsoever, even if she were already promised to another, or related to himself in the first degree of affinity." We have italicized the words /;/ the place of Catharine, showing it was not a permission to have two 22 CLEMENT'S D ISP ENS A TION TO HENRY. wives at once, or an authorization to practise bigamy. Dr. Lingard, in a note on this same passage, tells the reason why such a dispensation was deemed necessary, and where the Bull of dispensation could be found. Now, as any one may see at a glance, from the words of Dr. Lingard, and more clearly still from the document sent from England and signed by Clement, A. D. 1527, and of his Pontificate the fifth, that the dispensation was granted conditionally, to authorize Henry to con- tract a valid marriage with Anne Boleyn, if, in the in- vestigation then going on before a commission em- powered by the Pontiff himself, it were found that the marriage of Henry with Catharine was null and in- valid. The dispensation was asked, as we read in the document itself: "in.eventum declarations nullitatis matrimonii" and granted: " Si contingat matrimon- ium cum praefata Catkarina, alias contractum, mi Hum fuisse, et esse/' Now, how any man can, with these documents before him, assert that the Pope granted to Henry permission to have two wives at once, or to prac- tise bigamy, is more than I can understand, and I must repeat that it appears to me not an equivocation, but a bare-faced falsification, worthy of those, " who reck not \vhat they do or say to damage an adversary." TRUTH AND EQ U2 VOCA TION. 23 VII. EQUIVOCATION AUTHORITY OF SAINTS AND DOCTORS OF THE CHURCH. WHILST thus retorting in his own words, I must, for the sake of truth and in self-vindication, notice and repel the injurious charges and insinuations contained in the following extracts from the same pamphlet, and harped upon in season and out of season by the same writer, to throw discredit on Catholic theology, and our veracity and regard for the truth. " I have no Liguori permitting me by infallible author- ity to say anything but plain truth:" " His infallible master has commended in a superlative degree the teaching of Alphonsus de Liguori, by which he is in- structed to violate even an oath, whenever ' the good of the Church' conflicts with keeping it. It is lawful for a Roman Catholic, ' for a good cause, to use equivoca- tion, in the modes laid down, and to confirm it with an oath' So says the Papal authority." We will not now advert to the questionable courtesy of the expres- sion, his infallible master, or the misuse of the words, Papal authority, applied to St. Liguori's treatise on moral theology, or the misapplication of the term in- fallible. I purpose simply to show that the gentleman misconstrues the text of St. Liguori, and gives a mis- leading rendering of the very passage which he cites. Taking it apart from its context, he gives a false coloring 24 TRUTH AND EQUIVOCATION. to the whole. " I should be sorry to accuse him of wilful mistake," but probably not having the works of St. Liguori, he has been imposed on " by the authors from whom he borrows his statements," and who "freely use a license," which neither Jesuit nor Liguorian morals, as we know them, would tolerate. Then we say it is totally false that " St. Alphonsus de Liguori instructs us to violate even an oath, when- ever the ' good of the Church' conflicts with keeping it." St. Alphonsus does say (Lib. 4, Tract. 2, de secundo prceccpto decalogi), and this is obviously the passage which our friend pretends to give in an English dress " His positis, cerium est et commune apudomnes, quod ex justa causa licitum sit uti cquivocatione modis expositis, et cum juramento firniare" Not, then, whenever the good of the Church conflicts with keeping an oath are we instructed to violate it, nor does he say that we may use equivocation and confirm the same with an oath for a good cause, but having explained three dif- ferent ways in which equivocation, or a play upon words, or the use of double meaning expressions, am- phibology, may be used, he says simply that it is the certain and common opinion of theologians that when there is a just cause it is allowable to use equivocation in the ways or manner laid down, and before explained, and to confirm the same with an oath. Now, we must here know what is meant by ex justa causa, which is a sine qua non, and what are the modes laid down, or the manner in which play on words, or equivocation, is allowable. When a word or sentence has two mean- ings, and the speaker uses it in one sense, and intends his hearers to take it in another, or when an expression may be taken in a literal or a spiritual sense, as for in- TRUTH AND EQUIVOCATION. 2 $ stance, when our Lord said of John the Baptist : " He is Elias," and the Baptist himself said : " I am not Elias." Such a play on words, St. Liguori says, is allowable, and when there is a just cause the same may be confirmed with an oath, and a just cause the saint explains as, " quicumqtic finis lionestus ad servanda bona spiritui, vel corpori utilia." As a recent writer on this subject well says, " The right to plead ' not guilty,' acknowledged in our law, St. Liguori maintains to be, under certain circumstances, a natural right. When a questioner has a right to the truth, then the equivocation is forbidden, and where the saint would allow of equivocation, his Protestant critics would in all probability lie more or less clum- sily." To show that this is not a groundless assertion I will take the liberty of making an extract from the admirable work of Dr. Newman, " Apologia pro vita sua," where, whilst affirming that on this point he does not follow the holy and charitable St. Liguori, but rather other saints and doctors of the Catholic Church, he shows that many good Protestant au- thorities need vindication fully as much as our saint. " Now I make this remark, first great English au- thors, Jeremy Taylor, Milton, Paley, Johnson, men of very distinct schools of thought, distinctly say, that under certain special circumstances it is allowable to tell a lie. Taylor says : ' To tell a lie for charity, to save a man's life, the life of a friend, of a husband, of a prince, of a useful and a public person, hath not only been done in all times, but commended by great and wise and good men. Who would not save his father's life at the charge of a harmless lie from persecutors or tyrants ?' Again Milton says : ' What man in his senses 26 TR UTH AND EQ Ul VOCA TION. would deny, that there are those whom we have the best grounds for considering that we ought to deceive as boys, madmen, the sick, the intoxicated, enemies, men in error, thieves ? I would ask, by which of the commandments is a lie forbidden ? You will say, by the ninth. If, then, my lie does not injure my neigh- bor, certainly it is not forbidden by this command- ment.' Paley says : ' There are falsehoods which are not lies, that is, which are not criminal.' Johnson: ' The general rule is, that truth should never be vio- lated : there must, however, be some exceptions. If, for instance, a murderer should ask you which way a man has gone?' " The estimable and learned Dr., now Cardinal, Newman continues : " You must not suppose that a philosopher or moralist uses in his own case the license, which his theory itself would allow him. A man in his own case is guided by his own conscience ; but in drawing out a system of rules, he is obliged to go by logic and follow the exact deduction of conclusion from conclusion,' and be sure that the whole system is coherent and one." And as Dr. Newman remarks, and as we all know from St. Liguori's life, he who by some is so flippantly paraded as authorizing equivocation, and even lying, was most scrupulous and of singular delicacy of conscience on that very point, so much so, that having been unwarily led into defending a case on false grounds, whilst in the profession of the law, he abandoned his profession and embraced the religious life. I will then only add what Dr. Newman so well and clearly snys on this point in the Appendix to the work already mentioned : "Almost all authors, Catholic and Protestant, admit that when a just cause is present, there TR U TH AND EQ UI VOCA TION, 27 is some kind or other of verbal misleading, which is not sin," and the equivocation and play on words which St. Liguori allows, is precisely such as is not a lie, is not sinful, and therefore ex justa causa, when there is a just cause, may be confirmed by an oath. This, after all, is only his opinion as a private theolo- gian, and the Church, much less the infallible Pope, must not be held responsible for his private theological opin- ions. Archbishop Kenrick, in his " Theologia Moralis," (Tract, iii., c. xii., iv.) thus speaks of equivocation, or ambiguity of speech : " It is confessed by all Cath- olics that in the common intercourse of life, all ambig- uity of language should be avoided : but whether such ambiguity may ever be allowed, is a subject of dispute. Most theologians give an affirmative answer, provided a grave cause urges, and from the adjuncts or circum- stances the mind of the speaker may be gathered, although in reality it is not so gathered." And then he instances examples of Holy Writ, as when Abraham counselled Sara to call herself his sister, hiding their marriage relations, and Isaac would have Rebecca called sister, rather than wife. So our Lord said He would not go up to the festival day not wishing to go up there publicly, with His disciples, and manifest His divinity, though intending to go up afterwards in secret. (John vii., 8, 10.) He spoke of Lazarus sleeping, and said of the girl that she was not dead. (John xi., 11.) He declared He knew not the day of the judgment because it was not to be made known. (Mark xiii., 32.) Meaning His body, He spoke of the temple, so that the Jews understood Him to speak of the temple of Jerusalem. (John ii., 19.) And the learned author quotes Jeremy Taylor, affirming : 28 TK UTH AND EQU1 1'OCA TION. " It is lawful, upon a just cause or necessity, to use in our answers and intercourse, words of divers significa- tion, though it does deceive him that asks." This I think is sufficient to show St. Liguori does not even go as far on the subject of equivocation as other learned and esteemed Anglican authors, and that his language is garbled, his meaning distorted, his teaching grossly falsified, when he is said to " teach us to violate even an oath whenever the good of the Church conflicts with keeping it.." Surely, he " whose teachings have been com. mended in a superlative degree," would not contradict nor ignore the teachings of Pope Innocent XI., who condemned the following proposition: "If any one alone, or before others, whether inter- rogated, or of his own prompting, either for the sake of recreation, or any other end, swears that he did not really do what he did do, meaning in his own mind something else which he did not do, or some other way, from that in which he did it, or any other true circumstance, he does not really lie, is not a perjurer." No matter, then, what may be the opinion of individ- ual theologians and casuists as to the lawfulness of misleading by equivocation or ambiguity of language in certain circumstances and with just cause, or as to cases when untruths are not lies : the teaching of our holy Church is that lying is never lawful, that it is not allowed to tell the slightest venial lie to save the whole world. Not, then, for the good of the Church, nor to secure the return to her bosom of the whole Protes- tant world, could the Church authorize a wilful lie, much less a false oath. A lie is an offence against God, for which no finite good, no conceivable good to the whole human race, can compensate ; and besides, the catechism TRUTH AND EQUIVOCATION. 2 <) of the Council of Trent, which is the Church's author- ized hand-book of Christian doctrine, declares:' " To none, therefore,' can it be matter of doubt, that this (eighth) Commandment condemns lies of every sort, as these words of David expressly declare : " Thou wilt de- stroy all that speak a lie." And again, *' But the evil con> ' sequences of lying are not confined to individuals ; they extend to society at large. By duplicity and lying, good faith and truth, which form the closest links of human so- ciety, are dissolved ; confusion ensues ; and men seem to differ in nothing.from demons." I have dwelt on this point so fully because again and again these same parties have belied ourselves and our Church, charging us with holding doctrines which the Church repudiates and rejects, and they never tire of throwing in our teeth the " license of Jesuit and Liguorian morals." In ad- dition to misconstruing, distorting and falsifying the teaching of our saints and doctors, they will still insist that these authors, because canonized saints and doc- tors of the Church ; are the very mouth-peices of the Church, and speak with Papal, and even infallible, authority. To set at rest forever this false notion so industri- ously circulated, we will again ask a learned friend to speak for us. Dr. Newman, in the appendix to his "Apologia pro vita sua," says: "It is supposed by Protestants that, because St. Alfonso's writings have had such high commendations bestowed upon them by authority, therefore they have been invested with a quasi-infallibility. This has arisen in good measure from Protestants not knowing the force of theological terms. The words to which they refer, are the author- itative decision that ' nothing in his works have been 3O A UTHORITY OF SAINTS AND found worthy of censure, censurd dignum] but this does not lead to the conclusions that have been drawn from it. These words occur in a legal document, and can- not be interpreted, except in a legal sense. In the first place the sentence is negative; nothing in St. Alfono's writings is positively approved ; and secondly, it is not said that there are no faults in what he has written, but nothing which comes under ecclesiastical censure. " Pope Benedict XIV. says : " The end or scope of the judgment pronounced on the works of a saint when examined before his canonization, is, that it may appear that the doctrine of the servant of God, which he has brought out in his writings, is free from any theological censure. It can never be said that the doctrine of a servant of God is approved by the Holy See, but at most, it can (only) be said that it is not dis- approved (non reprobatani). Hence a writer of Mechlin quoted by Dr. Newman, observes: "It is, therefore, clear that the approbation of the words of the holy bishop teaches not the truth of every proposition, adds nothing to them, nor even gives them by consequence a degree of intrinsic probability." So much then for the approbation of the writings of canonized saints. Now what about solemnly declared doctors of the Uni- versal Church? I borrow my answer from a well- informed writer in a late number of the " London Tablet" " The highest appreciation of the doctrine of doctors is in a quotation made by Benedict XIV. from a decree of Boniface VIII., where w r e read that for one to be raised to such rank, it should be verified that, by his doctrine the darkness of errors was dispersed, light thrown upon obscurities, doubts resolved, the hard knots of Scripture unloosed." Be- DOCTORS OF THE CHURCH. ^\ sides, as the same writer remarks, does not St. Alfonso himself often impugn the opinions and controvert the teachings of other illustrious and sainted doctors, and among others of St. Thomas Aquinas himself, the great scholastic doctor and angel of the schools. And may not we say in regard to St. Liguori what the monk Nicholas is said to have answered, when charged with want of reverence to St. Bernard, who is styled the most lovable of the doctors of the Church: " We may not indeed doubt of his glory, but we may dispute his word." Nay, more, though we are firm believers in Papal infallibility, and always have been, even before its explicit definition and formal promulgation by the Vatican Council, we do not hold that the canonization of a servant of God, or his elevation to the rank and title of doctor of the Universal Church, by the Holy See, invests his writings with infallible, or quasi-infalli- ble, or Papal authority, or decides the truth of every theological proposition which he maintains, though, as Benedict XIV. remarks: "We should speak of him with reverence and attack his opinions only with temper and modesty." More still, Catholic faith does not make the Pope, nor does he himself claim to be, infal- lible, when, as a private doctor or theologian, he dis- cusses theological questions or writes on disputed points of doctrine or morals. 32 PAPAL INFALLIBILITY, VIII. PAPAL INFALLIBILITY. ^HIS brings us to the subject of papal infallibility, -A- so frequently mentioned and strangely misrepre- sented in the pamphlet of an " Old Catholic," review- ing our lecture. I must of necessity be brief on this point, and must confine myself to a statement of the Catholic doctrine and the grounds on which it is based. This will suffice to correct the wrong views taken of it, and the false impressions which unreflect- ing readers might take from the pamphlet in question. In the last session of the Vatican Council, on the i/th day of July, the following definition of Catholic faith was promulgated : "Therefore, faithfully adhering to the tradition re- ceived from the beginning of the Christian faith, for the glory of God our Saviour, the exaltation of the Catholic religion, and the salvation of the Christian people, the sacred council approving, we teach and de- fine, that it is a dogma divinely revealed : that the Roman Pontiff, when he speaks ex cathedra that is, PAPAL INFALLIBILTV. 33 when in the discharge of tne office of pastor and teacher of all Christians, by virtue of his supreme authority he defines a doctrine of faith or morals to be held by the Universal Church is, by the divine as- sistance promised to him in Blessed Peter, possessed of that infallibility with which the Divine Redeemer willed that His Church should be endowed for de- fining doctrine regarding faith or morals ; and that therefore such definitions of the Roman Pontiff are irre- formable of themselves, and not from the consent of the Church." No novelty in doctrine then is here introduced, no new article of faith taught, but faithfully adhering to the traditions received from the beginning of the Chris- tian faith, it is declared to be a dogma divinely revealed that when the Roman Pontiff, in his supreme official capacity of pastor and teacher of all Christians, speak- ing ex cathedra, defines a doctrine touching faith or morals to be held by all Christians, he cannot err in so defining, but through the divine assistance promised to Blessed Peter he is endowed with the infallible magis- terium or teaching authority, with which our Lord and Saviour was pleased to invest His Church. We recog- nize no authority on earth, in Pope or council, to make a new article of faith, to alter, add to, or take from the deposit of faith once committed to the saints ; we be- lieve in no new revelation. The question before the council was simply, has this doctrine been revealed? is it clearly contained in the deposit um fidei ? The bishops of the Catholic world assembled in council under the presidency of the Sovereign Pontiff claimed no author- ity to make a new dogma, no right to impose a new article of faith on the consciences of their people. 34 PAPAL INFALLIBILITY. t They were indeed judges and qualified witnesses of the faith and traditions of the churches " over which they were placed by the holy Ghost to rule." The revealed word of God, the holy Gospels,were reverently enthroned in the council chamber, and the Fathers asked them- selves, is this doctrine sustained by Scriptural proof? is It taught in the infallible word of God? is it conform- able to the revelation of Jesus Christ? what has been the faith of Christian Churches ? what traditions have been handed down ? It was only after the most con- clusive evidence, afforded by an elaborate and critical examination of Scriptural authorities, and a patient, thorough, searching investigation of the traditions of all the Christian Churches, that, it was proclaimed a revealed dogma of Christian faith ; that, the above de- cree was formulated, with the sacred council approving ; that, the explicit formal decision of the question was defi- nitively and authoritatively pronounced. Did the Council of Nicea, in the year 325, under Pope St. Sylvester, make a new article of faith when it defined the consubstantiality of Christ with the Father ? Did the Council of Ephesus, in the year 431, under Pope St. Celestine change the Christian faith when it defined that there was but one person in Christ, and that Mary was truly the Mother of God ? Does our Supreme Court alter the Constitution of the United States, or add an amendment to the same, when it interprets of- ficially and authoritatively that honored instrument, which Americans love to call the great palladium of our liberties, and decides grave legal rights and hotly con- tested questions to be within the purview of the Consti- tution of our fathers, or conformable to its provisions? This is all the Fathers of the Vatican Council did, this is PAP AT. INFALLIBILITY. 35 all that any Council ever did, or can do. Constituted a Supreme Tribunal of last resort, it decides not only definitively but with infallible authority what is of faith, what is conformable to the revealed word of God. This is all the Church has ever claimed, but this prerogative she has ever claimed and exercised, and it is absolutely- necessary to her in the fulfilment of her divine com; mission to teach all nations, all truth, down to the end of time, absolutely necessary for the preservation of oneness of faith, absolutely necessary that we may know what is the faith, which we are bound to believe if we would be saved. And hence our Blessed Lord, in estab- lishing His Church, and requiring us to receive her teaching: " He that will not hear the Church let him be to thee as the heathen and publican," (Matt, xviii., 17), declaring, that " He that believeth not shall be condemned," (Mark xvi., 16), must of necessity have made her unerring, absolutely infallible in her teaching, as he did promising " Himself to be with her for- ever," (Matt, xxviii., 20), and to send the Spirit of Truth to abide with her forever, to teach her all truth. Since the coming of our Saviour there has been no new revelation. The/rfzV/j once delivered to the saints is un- changeable, and hence with St. Paul we say, if any one, even an angel of Heaven, preach to you any other gospel sa\fre that which you have received, let him be anathema. (Gal. i., 9.) The Church is then simply the witness among men of the original revelation. Her office is to declare what was contained in that original deposit, and in declaring this she is divinely assisted, and thus it is, by the divine assistance of the Spirit of Truth, the integrity and purity of faith, are divinely and infallibly preserved, and as 36 PAPAL IN FALLIBILITY. may be seen by the decree itself, and by what may be called the preamble to the decree, the whole text of the fourth chapter of the first constitution of the Church of Christ, she goes back to the teaching of Scripture and tradition, councils and doctors of the Church, and expressly declares : " The Holy Spirit was not promised to the successors of Peter, that by His revelation they might make known new doctrine, but that by His as- sistance, they might inviolably keep and faithfully ex- pound the revelation or deposit of faith delivered through the Apostles." Indeed I feel impelled to transfer to these pages the full text of that fourth chap- ter, " On the infallible magisterium, or teaching author- ity of the Roman Pontiff," and although somewhat lengthy it will well repay perusal, as it shows the mind of the council, the sources whence it drew the doctrine defined, and must forever set at rest the charge of novelty or innovation. " Moreover, that the supreme power of teaching is also included in the Apostolic primacy which the Ro- man Pontiff, as the successor of St. Peter, Prince of the Apostles, possesses over the whole Church, this Holy See has always held, the perpetual practice of the Church confirms, and oecumenical councils also have declared, especially those in which the East with the West met in the union of faith and charity. For the fathers of the fourth council of Constantinople, follow- ing in the footsteps of their predecessors, gave forth this solemn profession: The first condition of salvation is to keep the rule of the true faith. And because the sentence of our Lord Jesus Christ cannot be passed by, who said : Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my Church (Matt. xvi. 18), these things PAPAL JXFALL1B1LITY. 37 which have been said are approved by events, because in the Apostolic See the Catholic religion has always been kept undefiled. and her holy doctrine proclaimed. Desiring, therefore, not to be in the least degree separated from the faith and doctrine of that See, we hope that we may deserve to be in the one commun- ion which the Apostolic See preaches, in which is the entire and true solidity of the Christian religion. (Formula of St. Hermisdas, subscribed by the fathers of the Eighth General Council [fourth Constantino- ple], A. D. 869.) And, with the approval of the second council of Lyons, the Greeks professed that the Holy Roman Church enjoys supreme and full primacy and pre-eminence over the whole Catholic Church, which it truly and humbly acknowledges that it has received with the plenitude of power from our Lord Himself in the person of the Blessed Peter, Prince or head of the Apostles, whose successor the Roman Pontiff is ; and as the Apostolic See is bound before all others to de- fend the truth of faith, so, also, if any questions regard- ing faith shall arise, they must be defined by its judg- ment. (Acts of Fourteenth General Council [second of Lyons], A. D. 1274.) Finally the Council of Florence defined : (Acts of Seventeenth General Council of Flor- ence, A. D. 1438) that the Roman Pontiff is the true vicar of Christ, and the head of the whole Church, and the father and teacher of all Christians, and that to him, in Blessed Peter, was delivered by our Lord Jesus Christ the full power of feeding, ruling, and gov- erning the whole Church. John xxi. 15-17. To satisfy this pastoral duty our predecessors ever made unwearied efforts that the salutary doctrine of Christ might be propagated among all the nations of 38 PAPAL INFALLIBILITY, the earth, and with equal care watched that it might be preserved genuine and pure where it had been received. Therefore the bishops of the whole world, now singly, now assembled in synod, following the long-established custom of churches (Letter of St. Cyril of Alexandria to Pope St. Celestine I., A. D. 422, volvi., pt. II., p. 36, Paris Edit, of 1638), and the form of the ancient rule (Rescript of St. Innocent I. to Council of Milevis. A. D. 402) sent word to his Apos- tolic See of those dangers especially which sprang up in matters of faith, that there the losses of faith might be most effectually repaired where the faith cannot fail. (Letter of St. Bernard to Pope Innocent II., A. D. 1130, Epist. 191, vol. iii., p. 433, Paris Edit, of 1742.) And the Roman Pontiffs, according to the exigencies of time and circumstance, sometimes assembling oecumenical councils, or asking for the mind of the Church scattered throughout the world, sometimes by particular synods, sometimes using other helps which Divine Providence supplied, defined as to be held those things which with the help of God they had recognized as conformable with the sacred Scrip, ture and Apostolic tradition. For the Holy Spirit was not promised to the successors of Peter that by His revelation they might make known new doct- rine, but that by His assistance they might inviol- ably keep and faithfully expound the revelation or deposit of faith delivered through the Apostles. And indeed all the venerable fathers have embraced, and the holy orthodox doctors have venerated and followed their Apostolic doctrine ; knowing most fully that this See of holy Peter remains ever free from all * blemish of error, according to the Divine promise of PAPAL INFALLIBILITY. 39 the Lord our Saviour made to the Prince of His dis- ciples: I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not,, and when thou art converted confirm thy brethern. (Luke xxii., 32. ' See also acts of Sixth General Council, A. D. 680.) This gift, then, of truth and never-failing faith was conferred by heaven upon Peter and his successors ir this chair, that they might perform their high office- for the salvation of all ; that the whole flock of Christ,, kept away by them from the poisonous food of error,, might be nourished with the pasture of heavenly doc- trine; that the occasion of schism being removed, the whole Church might be kept one, and, resting on its foundation, might stand firm against the gates of helL But since, in this very age, in which the salutary- efficacy of the Apostolic office is most of all required, not a few are found who take away from its authority, we judge it altogether necessary solemnly to assert the prerogative which the only-begotten Son of God vouchsafed to join with the supreme pastoral office. "Therefore, continues the council adhering to the tradition received from the beginning of the Christian faith," etc., as above. To demonstrate that this same tradition was held in the Church of England before the so-called Reformation, I will cite two distinguished arch- bishops of Canterbury. St. Thomas, in a letter to the bishop of Hereford : "Who doubts that the Church of Rome is the head of all the churches, and the fountain of Catholic truth ? Who is ignorant that the keys of the kingdom of heaven were entrusted to Peter? Does not the structure of the whole Church rise from the faith and doctrine of Peter?" And the illustrious St. Anselm, who died in 1107, writes to a Pope of his day:. 40 PAPAL INFALLIBILITY. "For as much as the Providence of God has chosen your Holiness to commit to your custody the (guid- ance of the) life and faith of Christians, and the gov- ernment of the Church, to no other can reference be more rightly made, if so be, anything contrary to the Catholic faith arise in the Church, in order that it may be corrected by your authority." In further proof, if indeed that be needed, that the dogma is no novelty, I will take a short extract from a pastoral which seventeen of the archbishops and bishops of Germany addressed to their clergy and people from Fulda after the Vatican Council in 1870: "Wherefore, we hereby declare that the present Vatican Council is a legitimate General Council, and moreover that this council, as little as any other General Council, has pro- pounded or formed a new doctrine at variance with the ancient teaching ; but that it has simply developed and thrown light upon the old and faithfully preserved truth, contained in the deposit of faith, and in opposition to the errors of the day has proposed it expressly to the belief of all the faithful ; and lastly, that these decrees have received a binding power on all the faithful by the fact of their final publication by the Supreme Head of the Church, in solemn form at the public session." Thus, what was always contained in the deposit of faith, by the formal explicit definition of the council, and solemn promulgation by the Sovereign Pontiff, became of binding force on all the faithful"; what was before matter of implicit faith became thenceforth of explicit faith. What then becomes of the objection of "Keenaris Catechism" and Bossuet, of the want of unanimity in the council, etc. Before the final ruling of the Supreme Tribunal and PAPAL INFALLIBILITY. 41 the explicit decision of the question at issue, Catholics could take sides, and as the German prelates say : "As long as the discussions lasted, the bishops, as their con- sciences demanded, and as became their office, expressed their views plainly and openly, and with all necessary freedom ; and as was only to be expected in an assem- bly of nearly 800 Fathers, many differences of opinion were manifested." That religious questions would arise, and differences of opinion, eighteen hundred years after Christ, as well as in the first age of the Christian Church, our Lord well knew, and he provided for the solution of these questions and the settlement of those differences, and thereby for the integrity and purity of Christian faith by establishing an ever-present, living, speaking author- ity in His Church, who would be His own mouthpiece, and make His people, the world over, and down through the ages, unius labii, and thus save them from the Babel- like confusion into which those sects necessarily fall who reject the authority of an infallible teacher. The Bible is the word of God, but without the living voice of an authorized teacher it is wrested to the destruction of faith and to the endless divisions of Christianity. What anarchy and endless disputes, and bitter, bloody feuds, to say nothing of wild revolu- tionary schemes, would have ensued before the first centennial of our independence, had the wise fathers and founders of the Republic left each man to judge for himself of the true meaning, scope and intent of the constitution, without a tribunal, whose decisions were to be final and possessed of a certain legal infallibility. And can we believe that our Lord, in giving a consti- tution to His Church, which was to spread over the 42 PAPAL INFALLIBILITY. habitable globe, from ocean to ocean, and from pole to pole, and to continue to the consummation of ages, would have left us without some such resource, the hopeless victims of interminable divisions, doubt, un- certainty and error whilst, too, obliging us under pen- alty of exclusion from the kingdom, to believe His doc- trine, to be His disciples, and to observe all those things that he had commanded? But thanks to His in- finite love and mercy, He has not thus abandoned us. He has established a Church with authority to teach, and it is His own mystical body, which cannot exist without a head, and which, animated by the divine Spirit, becomes the organ of infallible truth and divine life to man United with that head must the members be. would they share that divine life; around that head were the bishops of the Church of God gathered in love and reverence, and bearing witness to the unfailing faith of ages : through the voice of Pius they proclaimed that the Sovereign Pontiffs were still the successors of blessed Peter, and by the divine assistance promised to that privileged Apostle, when defining faith or morals, ex cathedra, as doctor of all Christians, are possessed of that infallibility with which our Divine Redeemer wished his Church to be endowed. Such, then, is the true doctrine of Papal infallibility, to which at once all bow submission, and cry out with the Apostles of our Lord : " Lord, to whom shall we go but to thee? Thou hast the words of eternal life." (John vi., 69.) How different from the so-called Church of freedom, that dares not define its own belief, because conscious of no divine authority to teach, for how can they teach if they be not sent ? But how unjust and ungrounded the charge of crouching servility, made PAPAL INFALLIBILTY. 4, so recklessly against Prelates, ready to sacrifice lib- erty and life rather than compromise principles, who have shown themselves not only men of pure elevated characters, but intrepid heroes and martyrs in defence of religion, and the rights of conscience. If our own testimony on this subject be not taken, whose privilege it was to be present in the venerable council, and to have had an inside view of all its proceedings and I will during my whole life cherish it as the greatest honor of my life, to have been thus brought into friendly, social, fraternal relations with many of the most estimable, highly cultured, and saintly men if the plain language of the learned and independent German Prelates be- not enough to vindicate the honor of that council against the aspersions of an anonymous writer who, ashamed, as well he might be, to make himself known, concealed his identity under the title of " Janus," I beg to refer to "Anti-Janus," by Dr., now Car- dinal Hergenrother. or to the "True Story of the Vat- ican Council," by Cardinal Manning. I have dwelt so long on this point, because of the misunderstanding and misconception, and either ignorant or wilful misrepre- sentation of the doctrine of Papal infallibility, and the so-called innovation in doctriile by the Vatican Council. This may show also how easily some people can say : "/ have shown that not even the Roman Church held this doctrine of infallibility four years ago ;" and: "7 Iiave shoivn that Pius IX., on the i8th of July, 1870, taught a new doctrine," when they have slioii'n no such thing, nor can they show anything more than that four years ago, from the time the person wrote, that is, on the i8th of July, 18/0, there was not an explicit positive de- cision, or an official ruling of the Supreme Tribunal of 44 PAPAL INFALLIBILITY. God's Church, that the doctrine of Papal infallibility was actually contained in the deposit faith, revealed by Christ, and committed to the keeping of the Church. In civil affairs doubts arise as to the legality of cer- tain acts, or to the constitutionality of certain legisla- tive enactments, and men take sides and are free to hold different opinions, because as yet the case has not been authoritatively and definitively decided, but when the case has been submitted to the Supreme Court, and the decision has been handed down, there is no longer question. That decision is appealed to as a final settlement of the question, though no one in his senses would say that the fundamental laws of the country have been changed, or a new article added to the constitution by such a decision. Now, there is just one more point in this connection to which I wish to call attention. I asserted in my lecture that in the ancient Church, communion with the See of Rome was a conclusive proof and crucial test, not only of legitim- acy of succession, but also of orthodoxy of faith, to which our " Old Catholic" reviewer replies: " This I frankly allow : nay, this I delight to show, while the bishops of Rome were orthodox, they were pillars of orthodoxy." But, he continues: ''When a Bishop of- Rome became a heretic, it was no advantage to any one to be in communion with him." He then goes on to state that we are bound to exclaim in pious horror that such a thing is impossible, viz., that a Pope could be a heretic, and then attempts to prove by a quotation from " Bossuet, the greatest of all modern bishops," that such is the fact. Needless to say that the words of Bossuet prove nothing of the sort, and although we believe that no Bishop of Rome ever became a PAPAL INFALLIBIL1 T Y. 45 heretic, we are not bound to believe that such a thing cannot be. We are bound to believe that no Bishop of Rome ever taught, or could teach, ex cathedra, in his official capacity of teacher of the Universal Church any- thing heretical, false, or immoral. Here is a distinction which some people do not see, or care to make, and no wonder that infallibility in this sense, personal infalli- bility, or that Catholics were bound to believe the Pope in himself to be infallible, was declared to be a Protestant invention. It is then a baseless fabrication, an " Old Catholic," invention, that we have made a God of the Pope, or believe him to be impeccable, and hence how vain and hopeless the task of combating Papal infallibility by charges of corruption, vice and wickedness made against certain Popes. The terms of the Vatican definition are too plain to be misconstrued in this way, and precisely to obviate this difficulty, to anticipate this objection, and pre- clude the possibility of this wrong interpretation, the title of the fourth chapter, which originally read: "On the Infallibility of the Sovereign Pontiff," was changed to that of, " The infallible teaching authority of the Sovereign Pontiff." And is it not a very significant fact a fact which may be said even to constitute a .prima facie evidence in favor of the doctrine of the Pope's infallibility that, although in every age from the beginning of Christianity, disputes and controver- sies concerning points of belief, doctrinal questions most grave, complicated and vital to the unity and integrity of the faith of Christ were referred to the Holy See from every quarter of the Christian world, were answered and decided by the Sovereign Pontiffs, not a single one of the long, unbroken line of Supreme 46 PAPAL INFALLIBILITY. Pastors, from Peter down to Leo XIII., now gloriously reigning, can be convicted of teaching ex cathedra in his official capacity erroneous doctrine or erring in his Pontifical decision of what was to be held as of faith by the Universal Church. When again we reflect that in the mass of official acts of Popes, Pontifical constitutions, bulls, decrees and encyclicals accumul- ating during nineteen centuries, ransacked, sifted, keenly scrutinized, carefully and searchingly examined in the discussion of a question now happily closed, nothing positive could be discovered in conflict with the infallible prerogative of the chair of Peter, is not the conviction forced upon us that the "finger of God is here," that this astounding fact can be reasonably and satisfactorily accounted for only by the special assistance of the Holy Ghost, promised to His Church by Christ our Lord. With all this before us, what difficulty can we find in believing and professing that the same divine help, the same supernatural guidance, the same assistance of the Holy Spirit will ever be vouchsafed to the visible Head of the Church in the discharge of the sacred and sublime duties of his Apostolical office of vicar of Christ and teacher of the Universal Church, especially in view of the promises made to Peter by our Lord, and of the absolute need that the truth of faith should be thus divinely guarded through the divinely appointed Supreme Pastor and shepherd of the whole flock of Christ : " Feed my lambs, feed my sheep." (John xxi., 16, 17.) POPES LIBERIUS AND HONORIUS. 47 IX. POPES LIBERIUS AND HONORIUS. NOW, we said above, that since the days of Peter, for whom our Lord prayed that his faith might not fail : " I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not," (Luke xxii., 32) nearly nineteen hundred years ago, nothing has been discovered in the official acts of his successors in the See of Rome in conflict with the decree of the Vatican Council concerning the in- fallible teaching authority of the Sovereign Pontiff. In fact, of only two in that long line of Pontiffs has the orthodoxy been questioned, and even these two, Liberius, whose Pontificate extended from the year 352 to 366, and Honorius, who reigned from 625 to 638, rigid historical research, has fully vindicated from the charge of teaching error. As these charges are again repeated in the pamphlet before me, and with so much confi- dence, I must beg my readers' pardon for detaining them by a brief refutation. A cursory review of these points of Church history may not prove uninteresting or un- instructive. Liberius was the immediate successor of Julius, who asserted the jurisdiction of his See over the whole Church, East and West, and severely rebuked the Eastern heretical bishops for daring to take decisive action in the case of Athanasius without his authority, and the immediate predecessor of Damasus, of whom 48 POPES LIBERIUS AND HONORIUS St. Jerome says : " Following no leader but Christ, I am associated in communion with thy Holiness, that is, with the chair of Peter ; upon this rock I know that the Church has been built." Honorius was appealed to in the question of jurisdiction and precedence be- tween the sees of Canterbury and York, and although some people will say that England was never subject to Rome, or acknowledged the supremacy of the Roman Pontiff, this same Honorius gave the pallium to Honorius and Paulinus, archbishops of Canterbury and York, granting them the faculty, that whichever of them should survive might ordain the suc- cessor of the deceased. But now to the charges: "Liberius turned Arian," " Athanasius is condemned by the Bishop of Rome for adhering to orthodoxy," "The holy and orthodox bishop of Poictiers says: ' Anathema to thee, Liberius, to thee, and to those who are with thee. I repeat anathema ! Again, a third time, anathema to thee, thou prevaricator, Liberius.' " Now, it is certain Liberius never became an Arian, and never condemned St. Athanasius. The most that is said of him by his enemies 'is, that worn out by the sufferings of exile into which he had been sent by the Arian emperor, Constantius, on account of his uncon- querable firmness in sustaining the orthodox Catholic faith, he at length weakened and signed one of the specious and deceptive professions of faith, cunningly devised by the wily Arian tricksters, and thus pur- chased his release from banishment and return to Rome. It is doubtful that St. Hilarius ever wrote the words here ascribed to him ; many regard them, and with good reason, as an interpolation; again, though there were three different formulas or professions of faith POPES LIBERIUS AND HONOR JUS. 49 framed in three different Arian conferences or gather- ings at Sirmium, one of which Liberius is said to have subscribed, yet no one can determine which of them ; and lastly, if he did sign the most objectionable of them, it militates not in the least against the doctrine of Papal infallibility, in as much as when under com- pulsion and in exile, in a moment of weakness he sub- scribed a profession of faith which, though capable of an orthodox interpretation, might be construed as favoring Arianism and condemning St. Athanasius, the great champion of orthodoxy, he was not teaching the Church, was not, ex cathedra, deciding what should be held by the Universal Church. But with the great ma*ss of authorities, we do not believe that he ever subscribed any such doubtful formula, and it cannot be proved that he ever did. We do not believe that St. Hilarius ever pronounced the anathemas above mentioned, and even if he did, it is no ways conclusive against the orthodoxy of Liberius, for we can easily suppose him deceived by the lies of the Arians seek- ing to support their errors by the authority of the Bishop of Rome, or giving vent to overwrought feel- ings of indignation and holy zeal at what he conceived to be siding with the enemies of the faith. In concluding this question of Liberius, I can not do better than quote from a great and learned historian, who after noting the different authorities making these charges against the Pontiff, and among them the frag- ments of Hilarius, says: " But considering the silence of Socrates, Theodoret, Cassiodorus and Sulpicius Severus, there is a strong suspicion that this passage was interpolated by the Arians, whose restless spirit stopped at nothing that might further their cause. 5Q POPES LIBERIUS AND HONOR I US. The passage has, moreover, no connection in the con- text either with what precedes or follows. This we find in a note on page 542, Alzog's "Church History," vol. i. (Pabisch and Byrne), and in the text the same author says: "Constantius yielding to the prayers of the most estimable ladies of Rome, granted permission to Pope Liberius to return to his See ; but it is thought that the menacing conduct of the Roman people, who openly protested against the imperial decree authorizing a rival bishop, and cried out in the circus, that as there was but one God and one Christ, there should be but one bishop, contributed more than anything else to extort from the emperor this act of clemency." What becomes now of the ana- thema to Liberius? How unlikely that he ever turned Arian, or condemned St. Athanasius ! But how evident, and demonstrably certain, that he never in any official document, or by any^-r cathedra pronounce- ment, taught error, or promulgated anything unor- thodox, which would be necessary to constitute a valid objection to the doctrine of Papal infallibility. What additional strength does all this acquire when we find St. Jerome, who was not wont to fawn on or flatter either bishops or Popes, in the very next Pontificate, when he certainly could not have been ignorant of any- thing that occurred under the previous Pope, declaring communion with the See of Rome the test of ortho- doxy : "Whoever is not in communion with the Church of Rome is outside the Church, and therefore was one of the twelve set over all the others as the re- cognized Head, that all occasion of schism might be removed ;" and Pope Hormisdas, some time afterwards, in the beginning of the 6th c.entury, declared : "The POPES LIBERIUS AND HONOKWS. 5 i faith of the Apostolic See has always been inviolate ; it has preserved the Christian religion in its integrity and purity." Enough, then, about Liberius, whom we think we have fully vindicated from the charges brought against him. Can we do as much for Honorius? 52 H ON OKI US VINDICATED. X. HONORIUS VINDICATED. WE think we can, at least as far as the charge of offi- cially teaching heresy^goes, for all we pretend or care to do, is to show that the prerogative of Papal in- fallibility as defined in the Vatican Council has been in no wise impaired or obscured by the ex cathedra teaching of these two much maligned Pontiffs. Here, then, are the charges against him quoted from Bos- suet's " Defence of the Declaration of the Gallican Clergy :" " Honorius being duly interrogated concern- ing the faith by three Patriarchs, gave most wicked answers. He was condemned by the Sixth General Council under anathema. Previous to this anathema, he was sustained by the Roman Pontiffs, his successors ; but since the supreme judgment of the council, the Pon- tiffs have condemned him under the same anathema." We are then asked by our " Old Catholic" friend, " where infallibility was in those days, when one Bishop of Rome taught heresy from his throne, and of his suc- cessors some upheld him and others anathematized him as a heretic?" But as Bossuet, " the greatest of all modern bishops, who have lived and died in com- munion with the Pope, and who had no mind to be a mere worshipper of Popes," is cited against us, it is only fair to that illustrious bishop to tell our readers HONOKIUS VINDICATED. 53 that in the opinion of such men as de Maistre, the "Defence of the Gallican Declaration" should not be taken as the expression of the true and permanent sentiments of Bossuet ; that it was a work wrung from one who, though a bishop, and, if you please, the " greatest of modern bishops," for we wish not to dim his glory or extenuate his fame, was forced to act the courtier to the royal despot who not only claimed to be the incarnation of all political or state power, " Vttat cest moi," but would have all ecclesiastical and spiritual authority subject to his beck. It was a posthumous work, which he never wished to publish, for although he lived twenty-two years after the famous declaration of 1682, he never would publish its " Defence," and it is an insult to the memory of the immortal prelate to have published it under a title of which he seemed to be ashamed. The work itself, undertaken in obedience to a royal master, he altered and revised, and changed so often and so much that his historian declares that " no one can doubt, that it was his design to change his whole work, as he had actually changed the first three chapters." The work which we have under the title of the " Defence of the Declaration of the Gallican Clergy," does not then express Bossuet's real mind, and is deprived of all authority, as his purpose was to change it entirely, and his manuscripts show that he had nearly completed his design when death overtook him. With Count de Maistre we may say of Bossuet, that : " In the same man there seemed to be two different characters, the Roman Catholic bishop and the French courtier: the bishop, who speaking the language of the Patriarchs, the Prophets, the Apostles and the Fathers belonged from the very bottom of his soul 54 HONORIUS VINDICATED. to the Roman Church ; the courtier, who to please his master, extends one hand to the centuriators of Magdeburg, and the other to Voltaire, the better to falsify history, to the prejudice of the Popes and the profit of kings." But how grandly and how eloquently does this " greatest of modern bishops, who is no worshipper of the Popes," when writing in his true character of a Catholic bishdp, untrammelled by court influences or royal favors, speak of the See of Peter, the preroga- tives of the Roman Church, and the authority con- ferred on, and the obedience due to the successors of him to whom the keys of the kingdom of heaven were entrusted. We cannot forbear a short extract from the " Discourse on Universal History," revealing the lofty genius and true Catholic mind of the illustrious bishop of Meaux : " What consolation for the children of God, what conviction of truth ! when they see that from Innocent XI., who now (1681) fills so worthily the first See of the Church, we go back without break even to Peter, established by Jesus Christ Prince of the Apostles: and there taking up the Pontiffs who served under the law, we go back even to Aaron and to Moses; and thence to the Patriarchs and the origin of the world. What a succession, what a tradition, what a marvellous connecting chain. If our mind, naturally uncertain, and by its incertitude become the sport of its own reasoning, has need, in questions where sal- vation is at stake, to be steadied and determined by some certain authority, what greater authority can there be than that of the Catholic Church, which com- bines in itself all the authority of past ages, all the ancient traditions of the human race up to its origin. HONORIUS VINDICATED. 5; Thus the society which Jesus Christ in fine, after ages of expectancy, founded on the rock, and over which Peter and his successors should preside by His orders, is justified by its own continuity, and bears in its eternal duration the impress of the hand of God. It is this succession, which no heresy, no sect, no other society but the Churchof God can claim. The founders of new sects among Christians, and the sects established by them, will be found to have been detached from this great body, from this ancient Church which Jesus Christ founded, and in which Peter and his successors held the first plate." To this let us add what this " greatest of modern bishops, and no worshipper of Popes" says in the first part of his " Discourse on the Unity of the Church :" " What is intended to sustain an everlasting Church, can itself have no end. Peter will live in his successors ; Peter will always speak in his chair; this the Fathers assert; this six hundred and thirty bishops in the council of Chalcedon confirmed. * * * This is the Roman Church, which, taught by St. Peter and his successors, knows no heresy. * * * Thus the Roman Church is always a virgin Church, the Roman faith is always the faith of the Church; what has been believed, is believed still ; the same voice is heard everywhere ; and Peter remains in his successors, the corner-stone of the faithful. Jesus Christ Himself lias said it, and heaven and earth shall pass away sooner than His word. But let us see the consequences of that word. Jesus Christ pursues His design and after having said to Peter, the eternal preacher of the faith : 'Thou art Peter, and on this rock I will build my Church,' He adds: 'I will give to thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven.' Thou, who hast the preroga- 56 HONORIUS VINDICATED. tive of preaching the faith, thou shalt have also the keys, which designate the authority of government ; ' whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth, shall be bound in heaven, and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth, shall be loosed in heaven.' All are subjected to these keys ; all, my brethren, kings and people, pastors and flocks; we publish it with joy, for we love unity, and glory in our obedience. Peter was com- manded first ' to love more than all the other Apostles,' and then ' to feed' and govern all, ' both the lambs and the sheep,' the little ones and their mothers, and the shepherds themselves ; shepherds towards the people, but sheep in regard to Peter." Thus does Bossuet, following the Patriarchs, the Prophets, and Apostles, proclaim aloud the infallible promises of God to his Church and her head. In justice to the great Bossuet, we deemed it a duty to say this much. We now return to Honorius, whose case, in our opinion, is correctly stated by Archbishop F. P. Kenrick in the brief notice of the Sovereign Pontiffs appended to the fourth volume of his '^Dogmatic Theology," in these few words : " That he was imposed on by Sergius of Constantinople and inopportunely commanded silence in relation to one or two wills in Christ, most authors admit ; but that he was guilty of heresy is de- void of every semblance of truth." But the gist of the charges against him, and his vindication may be at once discovered from words already quoted from the concluding words of cap. xxvii., Lib. vii., " De- fensioDeclarationis cleri Gallicani." " Honorius being duly interrogated concerning the faith by three Patriarchs, gave most wicked answers." In the first place, we would ask, why was the Bishop of HONORIUS VINDICATED, 57 Rome interrogated by these three Eastern Patriarchs? Is not this very fact an additional and undeniable evi- dence that in the East as in the West, by Patriarchs, as well as by bishops, and even by heretics the primacy of the Roman See and the supreme jurisdiction of the Roman Pontiff were acknowledged ? The three Patri- archs referred to are, Sergius of Constantinople and Cyrus of Alexandria, both tainted with the Monothelite heresy, and Sophronius, of Jerusalem, an able and learned champion of the Catholic faith. To these Honorius is said to have given wicked answers, and all the charges of heresy alleged against him are to be found in his letters to them, and particularly in his letters to Sergius. Is not this of itself sufficient to show that the case of Honorius offers no difficulty in regard to the doctrine of Papal infalli- bility, as we have already explained it, and as it has been defined in the famous Vatican decree of iS/o 5 Where does he teach, or pretend to teach the Universal Church ? where does he define or pretend to define what must be held by the whole Church as of Catholic faith? Suppose that in these letters some expressions are found not entirely consistent with orthodox Catho- lic faith, and grant that he was deceived and fell into the trap sprung upon him by the wily Sergius and wrote to suppress all discussion about one or two wills in Christ, can any one reasonably say that he taught heresy from his tJirone ? or made a dogmatic, ex cathedra definition in regard to faith or morals? But more than that. With the letters of Honorius before us, and after a careful study of the subject as presented by the clear, keen, argumentative mind of Bossuet himself, Honorius cannot, in our opinion, be convicted of $8 HONORIUS VINDICATED heresy, he wrote nothing but what is capable of a Catho- lic meaning. He repeatedly proclaimed Christ to be perfect God and perfect man, thus condemning the errors of Nestoriusand Eutyches, showing that though he expressed himself inaccurately, he thought correctly on the two operations in Christ. No wonder, then, that John IV., his second successor, declared, as we read in Alzog's "Church History," " that Honorius mistook the question at issue to be, whether or not there were two conflicting human wills in Christ, the one of the spirit, and the other of the flesh, which, if such were the case, would necessarily imply the opposition of the human to the Divine will an error of which Honorius wished to disabuse Sergius." In speaking~of one will and one theandrie operation, he meant nothing more than the moral unity of the Divine and human wills. " Not having seized the real drift of the controversy, it was but natural that he should express himself obscurely, and with a lack of precision in his reply to the craftily worded letter of Sergius." (Alzog's" Church History," vol. I, p. 635.) From the same source we learn that not only did his successors sustain him, but the Abbot Maximus, the most acute theologian of his age, and foremost cham- pion of the Catholic cause against the Monothelites, especially after the death of Sophronius, asserts em- phatically in two different peaces that Honorius was an opponent of the Monothelites. The heretics, however, used the hasty and ill-considered letter of Honorius in support of their error, and his secretary, the Abbot John, in vindication of his first (cursory) letter asserted openly that it had been falsified (falsely interpreted) by the Greeks. Whereupon the Abbot Maximus HONORIUS VINDICATED. ^ exclaims: "Who, then, is a more reliable interpreter of that letter the enlightened abbot, who is still alive, who wrote it in the name of Honorius, or they of Constantinople, who say what they please?" So much, then, in vindication of the orthodoxy of Hono- rius, but what now about his condemnation by the Sixth General Council? " He was condemned by the Sixth^General Council under anathema. Previous to this anathema, he was sustained by the Roman Pon- tiffs, his successors, but since tJie supreme judgment of the council, the Pontiffs have condemned him under the same anathema." (" Defense," etc.) This sixth oecumenical council, called also the First Trtilla*. Synod, was opened, at Constantinople Nov. 7, 680^ and presided over by three legates of Pope Agatho. The Pope's dogmatical epistle was read as the basis of the council's deliberations, which defined the contro- verted point of faith regarding the two wills in Christ corresponding to the two natures so clearly and suc- cinctly, that the assembled fathers cried out with one voice : " Peter hath spoken by the mouth of Agatho." In the fourth session of the council another letter of the same Pope, who was recognized as the very mouth- piece of blessed Peter, was read and received without opposition, in which he thrice solemnly declares: "Through the grace of the omnipotent God, this Apos- tolical Roman Church will be proved to have nwer erred from the path of Apostolical tradition, nor has it suc- cumbed to heretical novelties, but as from the begin- ning of the Christian faith it received from its founders, the Princes of the Apostles, so it remains untainted even to the end, according to the divine promise of our Lord and Saviour, spoken to the Prince of the dis- ciples in the holy Gospel." (Luke xxii., 32.) 6o HONORIUS VINDICATED. This much premised, we answer the objections in the words of Dr., now Cardinal, Hergenrother : " A Pope is not infallible in proceedings such as those of Hono- rius, who contributed unintentionally to the increase of heresy by not issuing decisions against Jt. Hisletters contain no decision, neither do they contain any false doctrine. No decision of his ever was, or ever could be condemned as false, otherwise the sixth council would have contradicted itself, for it recognized that the Holy See had in all time the privilege of teaching only the truth. He was condemned for having rendered him- self morally responsible for the spread of heresy, by having neglected to publish decisions against it, and in this sense alone was his condemnation confirmed by Leo II." (" Catholic Church and Christian State." Her- genrother, vol. i., p. 83.) In this sense, then, and in this sense only, did the council condemn Honorius, and suc- ceeding Pontiffs re-echo the condemnation, that by his negligence he allowed 'the unspotted faith to be defiled. Not as a heretic, then, but as one who had actually by his culpable indecision become an abettor of heresy and heretics,, and he was justly blamed and severely taken to task for doing precisely what so many wished Pius IX. to do, viz., to put off and leave undecided a grave doctrinal question that was agitating and disturbing the Christian Church and severely testing its unity and peace. Pope Leo II., who succeeded Agatho before the close of the council, confirmed its decrees and its condemnation of Honorius, because the heretics, dis- torting the meaning of his words, made use of his name and his authority to propagate their errors, and as he wrote to the Spanish bishops, " because he did not at once extinguish the flame of heretical error, but by his HONORIUS VINDICATED. j negligence contributed fuel to the fire." We have dwelt, perhaps unnecessarily long in vindication of these two much abused > Popes, but we thought it well to clear up a matter, out of which the enemies of the Papacy make so much capital, and it is not always easy for everybody to have access to the historical documents or the authorities on which the solution of these ques- tions rests. 62 ST. GREGOR Y THE ORE A T XL ST. GREGORY THE GREAT CLAIMING AND EXERCISING PAPAL SUPREMACY. IN the pamphlet before us we are told lhat : " by usurpation Boniface III. began, and Nicholas I. completed a Papacy ;" and that : " St. Gregory was the last Bishop of Rome who obeyed the canons of the Church in this respect," that is, as far as we can gather the meaning of the words from the context, the last who held that all bishops were " the equals of their brother in the See of Rome," and denied " any suprem- acy of one over the others, such as is claimed by the Popes." Now we propose to show, from his own words and official acts, that St. Gregory claimed this Suprem- acy of spiritual jurisdiction over his brethren in the episcopate throughout the whole Church, just as fully, and as uncompromisingly as Boniface III., or Nicholas I., or as Pius IX., or Leo XIII. Of course we can show that in every age, from the Apostles down to Gregory, the same supreme authority was recognized in and by the successors of St. Peter in the See of Rome, yet we are pleased to have here a starting point and a de- liberate acknowledgment that St. Gregory was a bishop wlio obeyed the canons, "and is a reliable witness of the "doctrine of Catholic antiquity." I will not now stop to discuss a ''primacy or presidency EXERCISING PAPAL SUPREAtACY. 63 consistent with the co-equality of all bishops which the Church itself has instituted or regulated by canons, but forbidding any supremacy of one over the other," as " St. Gregory, who obeyed the canons of the Church, in this respect," recognizing a primacy regulated in- deed by canons, but instituted by Christ, and resting, as all the laws of the Church, rest, on the divine law, claims, and as we shall presently see, exercises a suprem- acy of spiritual jurisdiction or authority over bishops, archbishops and Patriarchs, but as St. Gregory is a re- cognized, legitimate, and orthodox Bishop of Rome, *' who obeys the canons of the Church," we cannot be much deceived in holding to the primacy of the See of Peter, and Papal supremacy, as he understood it. Neither will I stop to point out the childlike naivete of the following passage : " Christ gave a primacy among the Apostles to St. Peter : but he limited it by rebuking the inquiry, ' who should be the greatest,' and by com- manding them to call no man master, they being all brethren, with one Father in Heaven St. Peter him- self was rebuked as a 'Satan* the moment he departed from the words of Jesus." It were surely labor lost to argue with a man who can assert that our Lord's instructions to His disciples regarding personal humility and warnings against per- sonal ambition, His intimation that our Father in Heaven is incomparably more to be regarded than any father upon earth, and that no master is to be followed, who would lead us away from Christ ; His paternal chiding of Peter, callinghim l< Satan" on account of his indiscreet zeal and his ardent but unenlightened and too human love for his Divine Master, were in- tended to limit, or rather destroy in the opinion of 64 57; GREGORY THE GREAT those who deny any primacy, or at least any of divine institution a primacy which our Blessed Saviour- deemed necessary for the government of His Church, and which, though previously promised in strong and solemn words (Matt, xvi., 18, 19), was actually con- ferred only after Peter had fully atoned for his shame- ful three denials, by his triple profession of greater' love on the shore of the sea of Tiberias. (John xxi., 15, et seq.) But now. to return to St. Gregory, who is introduced to us as the model Christian Bishop of Rome, in contradistinction to the " despotic Pontiff of the modern Roman Church, " in these terms: "And here is the place to quote St. Gregory, the last Bishop of Rome who obeyed the canons of the Church in this respect. When a bishop flattered him with|the pompous title of universal jurisdiction, Gregory rebuked the brother kindly but sharply, in the following weighty words : (Epis. v. , 20. et seq.) " None of my predecessors would use this impious word (Universal Bishop), because in reality if a Patriarch be called universal, this takes from all others .the title of Patriarch. Far, very far from every Christian soul be the wish to usurp any- thing that might diminish, however little, the honor of his brethren. * * * Give not to any one the title of universal, test you deprive yourself of your own due, by offering what you do not owe to him." Surely our Old Catholic" brother never read these letters of St. Gregory, from which he pretends to quote, and to which he gives references. He surely would not knowingly and deliberately impose on the public. If he ever read these letters he would know that these words of Gregory are not addressed to a brother " bishop, who flattered him with a pompous EXERCISING PAPAL SUPREMACY. 65 title of universal jurisdiction." He would know that this very fact in the history of St. Gregory's pontificate affords the strongest possible proof that he claimed universal jurisdiction, and this sharp rebuke is admin- istered in the exercise of his unquestioned right to re- prove, correct and condemn not simple bishops only, but Patriarchs as well, and even the Patriarch of Con- stantinople. Now what is the fact in the case ? The Patriarch John of Constantinople, called the Faster, sending to Rome an account of the sentence passed against a priest accused of heresy, styles himself re- peatedly, oecumenical or universal Patriarch, and Pope St. Gregory, in his undoubted right as head of the Universal Church and guardian of the rights of other bishops and other patriarchs, reproves this as an ar- rogant, ambitious usurpation of a pompous title, and observing the order of fraternal connection, twice admonished him privately by his nuncio in Constanti- nople, and when this failed to bring him to a sense of his fault, he wrote in sharp but fatherly reproof to him- self, to the Emperor Mauritius, to the Empress Con- stantina Augusta, and to other eastern bishops, and in particular a joint letter to St. Eulogius, Patriarch of Alexandria, and St. Anastasius, Patriarch of Antioch. It is from this letter to those patriarchs, the xliii., not the xx., that the language above quoted is taken, though words to the same effect and in the same sense are found in all of them. To make the matter clearer, I will give a short extract from some of these noble productions, worthy the pen of Gregory the Great ; and first from Epist. xx. L. 5, written to the Emperor Mauritius, and given as author- ity for the utterly false assertion that the great Pope 66 ST. GREGOR Y THE GREA T was only rejecting a pompous title offered to him by a flattering friend : " It is evident," writes the Pope to the emperor, " to all acquainted with the Gospel, that by our Lord's words, the care of the whole Church was committed to St. Peter, Apostle, and Prince of ail the Apostles. For to him is said : Peter, lovest thou me ? Feed my sheep. (John xxi., 17.) To him is said : Behold Satan hath sought to sift you as wheat and I have prayed for thee, Peter, that thy faith fail not, and thou at length converted, confirm thy brethren. (Luke xxii., 31.) To him is said : Thou art Peter, and on this rock I will build my Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. A nd I ivillgive to thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth it shall be bound also in heaven, and whatsoever thou shalt loose upon earth it shall be loosed also in heaven. (Matt. xxi., 19.) Behold he receives the keys of the kingdom of heaven, the power of binding and loosing is given to him, the care and the princedom of the whole Church are committed to him." Verily St. Gregory does not agree with our friend about the limitation of the pri- macy of Peter " and still he is not called the universal Apostle, and the most holy man, John, our fellow-priest, endeavors to be called the universal bishop. I am compelled to exclaim and to say : O tempora ! O mores /" He concludes his letter to the emperor thus : " In obedience to our master's orders I have written to our aforesaid fellow-priest kindly, and I have humbly ad- monished him to correct this desire of vain-glory. If he is pleased to listen to me, he will have a devoted brother. If he persist in his pride, I see what will follow ; he will have Him his enemy of whom it is said : EXER CISING PAPAL S UPREMA C Y. fy God resist eth the proud, but giveth his grace to the humble" (James iv., 6.) In the same strain he writes (Epist. xxi.) to the empress, asking her to use her in- fluence to bring John to a sense of duty, and then turning to another matter that concerned him as head of the Church and Supreme Universal Pastor, exercising the power of the keys committed to Peter, he writes : " The bishop of the city of Salon, Maximus, has been consecrated without my knowledge, or consent, and thus has been done what was never done under pre- vious princes. Which as soon as I heard, I wrote to the prevaricator that he should not presume to cele- brate the solemnities of Mass, until I should learn that this was done by orders of our most serene Lords, and this I commanded him under pain of excommunica- tion." But we will find instances enough in Gregory's pontificate of this claim of authority, and compulsion of obedience, or in other words that Gregory, who obeyed the canons and was the model Bishop of the Christian Church of antiquity, claimed and exercised all the privileges and powers, all the authority and jurisdiction overall the Bishops of the Universal Church, which the Pope, of to-day claims. To John himself, the Patriarch of Constantinople, St. Gregory writes: (Epist. xviii., L. 5.)' "Your fraternity remembers how great was the peace and concord of churches when you were promoted to the sacerdotal dignity. But with what hardihood and strange swelling pride, have you sought to usurp to yourself a new title, from which the hearts of all your brethren might receive scandal." He then re- minds him how Pope Pelagius, his predecessor, had written to him and ordered the archdeacon not to hold communion with him until he laid aside his pre- 68 ST. GREGORY THE GREAT tensions, and that abominable name of Universal Bishop, so derogatory to the honor, not only of the Holy See, but of all bishops, and continues : " Certainly Peter, the first of the Apostles, was a member of the Holy and Universal Church. Paul, Andrew, John, what else were they but heads of their respective peo- ple, and still they were all members under one head. To embrace all in a brief speech, the saints before the law, the saints under the law, the saints under the dis- pensation of grace, all perfecting the body of the Lord, are constituted members of the Church and not one even wished to have himself called Universal. See and own, then, what an arrogance it is to ambition a name which none of the saints presumed to bear. Were not the bishops of this Apostolic See, to which, God so dis- posing, I have been raised, called as a title of honor, Uni- versal Bishops by the venerable council of Chalcedon? And nevertheless no one ever wished to have that title, no o r ne used that rash name, lest in taking to them- selves in that rank of Pontiffs a special or singular glory they might seem to deny the same to all their brethren." This same he repeats again and again in several of his epistles, showing how unseemly it was in the Patriarch of Constantinople to arrogate to hirnself a title, which was conceded to the Roman Pontiffs, but which they never would use, and which, even when ex- acting obedience to their supreme authority, and ex- ercising, as in this very instance, the powers of a Supreme Pastor over the whole flock of Christ, they would not employ, but rather would in their humility be called " the servant of the servants of God," and addressed the bishops, archbishops, and patriarchs as EXERCISING PAPAL SUPREMACY. 69 do the Popes of our own day as brothers. St. Gregory then protested against the title of oecumenical or uni- versal Pope or patriarch, in the sense just explained, and called it blasphemous in the mouth of the Byzantine Patriarch, who unrighteously arrogated to himself a name which the Roman Pontiffs were un- willing to accept even when offered by general councils. Many other beautiful and pointed things I might cite from these fervent and eloquent letters of the great Pope, and in particular, I may mention those written to his friend Eulogius, in which, as the historian Rohr- bacher tells us, the holy Pope sums up and teaches, " what are the principle, the model, the means and the end of the Catholic Church and its unity. Its princi- ple is one God and three persons ; the model of its unity, the union of the three divine persons in the same es- sence ; the mediator, who unites it to heaven, and in heaven to the one undivided Trinity, is Jesus Christ, giving to Peter the keys of the kingdom of heaven ; the means of this unity among men. is the union of the three Patriarchs and the other bishops with the same Peter, from whom their authority proceeds ; the final end, is the consummation of this unity in the three divine persons. .The pretensions of the bishops of Constantinople were directly at variance with this divine ensemble. They grounded their claims, not on God, nor on Jesus Christ, nor on Peter, but on the residence of the emperors in their city. Therefore they would be called Universal Bishop. And the Greeks argued later that this title of universal belongs not to the Roman Pontiff from the time the empire passed from Rome to Byzantium, which implies that the au- thority and hierarchy of the Church came not from Jesus p-0 5r. GREGORY THE GREAT Christ but from Caesar. And thus this frivolous title, which appeared to Mauritius but an unmeaning word, concealed the whole system of Anti-christ, and its full significance the Pope alone realized." As in the Eastern Church, so also in the West, was the authority of St. Gregory recognized. His untiring vigilance, and inflexible firmness and burning zeal for the integrity of the faith and the observance of ecclesiastical discip- line are seen in his numerous writings, but what we wanted to show was that St. Gregory the Great, who is acknowledged to be a true and model Bishop of Rome, living up to the canons of the ancient Christian Church, was as much a Pope by the universal jurisdiction which he claimed, and the supreme pastoral authority which he exercised over the Church and the bishops of his day as the Popes .of our own times. This is seen abundantly in this affair regard- ing the title of oecumenical or universal bishop, and the Patriarch, John the Faster, afterwards publicly ac- knowledged Gregory's authority and referred ecclesi- astical causes, even those regarding simple priests, to him for final and definitive judgment. A few more ex- amples of the exercise of supreme appellative ju- risdiction by St. Gregory may not be out of place. Honoratus, arch-deacon of Salon in Dalmatia, accused his bishop, Natalis, of unjust treatment, and appealed to St. Gregory to be reinstated in the office from which Natalis had deposed him. The saint wrote to Natalis to restore Honoratus, and if there still remained any subject of strife, " let the arch-deacon come hither, and send some competent person to plead your cause, that thus with the help of the Lord we may be able, without regard to persons, to decide in favor of jus- EXERCISING PAPAL SUPREMACY. /I tice." (L. i., Epist. xix.) The bishop not heeding this command, Gregory wrote to him again in March, 592 : " Reinstate Honoratus immediately on the receipt of this our letter. If you .defer longer, know that you are deprived of the use of the pallium, which has been granted you by this see. Should you continue in your obstinacy, you will be deprived of the participation in the body and blood of our Lord, after which we will examine juridically whether you shall continue in the episcopacy. As to the one whom you have ordained arch-deacon to the prejudice of Honoratus, we depose him from that dignity, and if he continue to exercise its functions, he will be deprived of Holy Communion." (L. ii., Epist. xviii.) The bishop submitted, and after his death, which occurred shortly afterwards, Honora- tus, with the approval of the Pope, was elected by the clergy to the vacant see. The bishops, however, of the province did not concur in his election, and preferred another, called Maximus, whereupon the Pope wrote to the bishops of Dalmatia, forbidding them by the autho- rity of St. Peter to consecrate a bishop of Salon with- out his consent, under pain of being deprived of the participation in the body and blood of the Lord, and of the nullity of the election. (L. iv., Epist. x.) It is of this Maximus that St. Gregory spoke in his letter to the empress. If we now turn to Gaul, we will see his authority everywhere acknowledged. He made, as we have already remarked, Virgilius of Aries, his own vicar, sending him the pallium, and giving him metro- political jurisdiction over other bishops. In England, to which he had sent St. Augustine, he regulated all the ecclesiastical affairs, gave authority to Augustine to consecrate other bishops, and expressly declares 72 ST. GREGORY THE GREAT that, " Besides the bishops ordained by yourself and the bishop of York, we wish also all the bishops of Britain to be subject to you." (L. xi., Epist. Ixv.) In a memorial replying to St. Augustine, he even goes into details of Church government, and among other things allows St. Augustine, whilst the only English bishop, to consecrate without the assistance of other bishops, thus forestalling by centuries, objections of the violation of canonical rule made against some of our consecrations, and showing that a Bishop of Rome even as observant of the canons as St. Gregory is ac- knowledged to be, could dispense with canons of dis- cipline when there existed sufficient cause. Thus is St. Gregory shown to have acted the Pope much more than poor Boniface III., his second suc- cessor, who is blamed for having initiated the usurpa- tions of the Papacy, though he only reigned from February igth, 607, to November loth of the same year. The honor of beginning the Papacy within so brief a pontificate is doubtless accorded to him, because he is said to have obtained from the Emperor Phocas, who had succeeded Mauritius, an acknowledgment that the Apostolical See of St. Peter, that is, the Roman Church, was the first and chief of all the churches. Whether the emperor actually subscribed to such a document or not is of little consequence, as what we have seen of St. Gregory, how emphatically this claim was made, and positively enforced by him, shows the existence of a full-fledged Papacy before either Boni- face or Phocas. Not to become entirely too prolix, we beg to refer our readers to Dr. Hergenrother's, ad- mirable little work on the " Catholic Church and Chris- tian State," (vol. I. Essay II, p. 93) for clear and con- EXERCISING PAPAL SUPREMACY. 73 vincing testimony that not only was the Papacy in ex- istence, but that Papal infallibility was believed and taught in the first six centuries. I ought*, perhaps, for such as wish to verify rrty statements, say that I have quoted the epistles of St. Gregory from the Abbe Migne s Patrologice cursus completus, torn. 77. Paris, 1849. 74 CA THOL1C BISHOPS NOT MERE XII. CATHOLIC BISHOPS NOT SIMPLE PRESBYTERS OR MERE VICARS OF THE POPE. THE next gross misstatement of Catholic doctrine growing out of this controversy, which I feel myself called upon to correct, is that Catholic bishops are now "reduced to the rank of presbyters;" that, "The modern theology of Rome has abolished the episcopal order, and maintains nothing but an episcopal office, which is held at the nod of the Pon- tiff by a class of men in the order of presbyters who are mere vicars of the Pope in their several dioceses, but have no power at all as true bishops." This same idea is frequently repeated under various forms of ex- pression, all more or less discourteous, and sometimes actually insulting, and in proof of all this, references are given to the Catechism of the Council of Trent, and St. Liguori's Theology ; references which, as we shall presently see, prove nothing of the kind. To prove that the modern Roman Church does not reduce its bishops to the rank of mere presbyters ; that the modern theology of Rome has not abolished the episcopal order, and that as true bishops, the bishops of the Catho- lic Church have all the power both of order and juris- diction ever possessed or exercised by bishops in the primitive Roman Church in its Catholic purity, we 'VICARS OF THE POPE. 75 acknowledge, and, if necessary, can demonstrate that in the first, second, third and fourth centuries of the Church, bishops were held to be a distinct order from mere presbyters, and by divine institution, superior to them in rank, dignity and power, and we will give a simple brief statement of the authoritative teaching of the Catholic Church of to-day from the Council of Trent and St. Liguori, the two authorities quoted against us. We beg, moreover, to refer any one wishing either to satisfy himself that this is in harmony with the modern, theology of Rome, or to see the question more fully discussed, to a compendium of dogmatic theology, a copy of which last year I had the honor of receiving from the hands of its venerable and learned author, H. Hurter, S.J., S.Th., et Ph.D. (torn. iii. CEniponte, 1879), a professor in the University of Innsbruck, and a son, by the way, of the illustrious Hurter, who so nobly vindicated the character of Innocent III. "If any one say that there is not, in the Catholic Church, a sacred hierarchy by divine ordinance instituted, which consists of bishops, priests and ministers, let him be anathema," says the Council of Trent. (Sess. 23, Can. 6.) As presbyters or priests outrank deacons, so bishops outrank presbyters, and that this sacred body of rulers in the Church, thus graduated, co-related and subordin- ated, is of divine institution, is the express teaching of modern Rome. Not mere presbyters, then, are bishops, but by divine institution they are distinct. But not only are they distinct from, but they are, by the teaching of the same council, superior to simple presbyters : " If any one say, that bishops are not superior to priests, or that they have not the power of confirming and ordaining, 76 CA T HO LIC BISHOPS NO T MERE or that that power is common to them and priests, let him be anathema." (Sess. 23, Can. 7.) How then can it be said that bishops are simple presbyters when the highest authority of the Church thus distinctly and explicitly states the contrary, and all modern theolo- gians teach with the Church that there are powers at- tached to the episcopal order which simple priests can- not exercise. The simple priest, through the sacred laver of regeneration, begets children to the Church, but only bishops can by the imposition of hands beget fathers and masters. That this power attaches to the episcopal order by divine right and not by any eccles- iastical law, may be shown from the fact that although in case of necessity laics may validly confer baptism, and priests by special delegation may be empowered to confirm, never has the Church held valid an ordina- tion of priest or bishop unless when administered by a validly consecrated bishop. And never has the Church attempted to withdraw this power from the bishop. She simply declared such ordinations illicit and sac- religious, but still valid, even when performed by an excommunicated, deposed, or heretical bishop, from whom she has withdrawn all jurisdiction, and thereby disqualified him from transmitting lawful succession. Not only does the modern theology of Rome then establish the superiority of bishops over simple pres- byters but the Roman Pontifical, in the ordination service of the priest, plainly distinguishes between the high priests (pontifices summos), placed over the people to rule them, and the men of a lower order and second dignity (scquentis ordinis viros, et secun- d& dignitatis), chosen to co-operate with and aid the higher order, as the seventy prudent men aided Moses VICARS OF THE POPE. 77 in the desert, and as our Lord associated with the Apostles other disciples and teachers of faith. The learned Hurter, in the work already mentioned (p. 428), lays down this thesis : " The rite by which bishops are consecrated is a true order, distinct from the other orders and a true sacrament," in which he combats the teach- ing of the ancient scholastics that the episcopacy was only an extension of the priesthood, and maintains that it is now the common opinion, and the one by all means to be held, that the episcopate is an order dis- tinct not merely in grade or rank (gradu\ but also in species (specie) from the priesthood. We may with the same author sum 1 up the teaching of the Church regarding the hierarchy in these three points : (i) The hierarchy is divided into three degrees ; (2) The origin of this division is divine ; (3) As priests are superior to deacons, so bishops are superior to presbyters. This surely were more than sufficient to vindicate the teaching of modern Roman theology on the point in question, and to show how ungrounded and false the assertion that we had abolished the episcopal order, and reduced bishops to the rank of mere presbyters. We need then take no further notice of such glar- ingly false charges as these : " Popes had taught them that bishops were only presbyters, in order to magnify themselves as the only and universal bishops." " Such was the common teaching of school divines before the Reformation :" " It is the Roman doctrine now. Yet as our good friend insists that these are dogmas of our own Church, established by infallible authority, and in proof hereof quotes in a foot-note " Liguori, who says some think the episcopate, probably, an order, torn, vi., p. 10," we beg our readers to bear with us a little ^8 CA THOLIC BISHOPS NOT MERE longer, while we show what St. Liguori really does say, for although we do not regard him as in any respect an " infallible authority," we respect him as a saint and doctor of the Church, and certainly of higher au- thority on points of Christian doctrine and Catholic theology than the man who pretending to give tome and very page misquotes and travesties his statements. Leaving some one else to hunt up and verify the re- ference, torn. vi. p. 10; in the edition (Mechliniae MDCCCXLV.) of the works of St. Liguori now before me, we find (torn. 7, Lib. 6, Treat 5. de ordine, p. 220) as follows : " The episcopate is an order, by which special power is conferred of confirming the faithful, and ordaining ministers of the sacraments, and of con- secrating things appertaining to the divine worship." And in the same treatise : (p. 223) " It is asked Is the episcopate an order distinct from the priesthood ? St. Thomas, St. Bonaventure, and others deny, saying that it is an extension of the order of the priesthood. But more commonly theologians affirm that it is an order distinct from the priesthood, because in it a distinct character is communicated, and a special power re- garding the Eucharist is given, namely, that of conse- crating ministers of this sacrament ; also, because the order of the episcopate is conferred by the laying on of hands and the form, receive ye the Holy Ghost, etc." To this let me add a short extract from a work by Rev. Aloysius Togni, entitled, " Instructio pro Sacris Ecclesiae Ministris," which, we are told, is of the highest authority in Rome, being commonly used in the Roman seminaries. This we copy from note viii., in Appen- dix to " The Anglican Ministry," by Arthur W. Hutton, M. A.: VICARS Of-' THE POPE. yg "What is the difference between a priest and a bishop? A bishop by divine right is superior to a priest, both in power of order and jurisdiction. In the power of order, for he administers the sacraments of Orders and Confirmation, in regard to which, the Council of Trent says, others of an inferior order, and therefore priests, (presbyters) "have no power:" in jurisdiction, also, because the bishop has proper and or- dinary jurisdiction through the whole diocese; but the priest has either only vicarious and delegated juris- diction or ordinary jurisdiction in a certain part of the diocese. Whence the bishop is the summit (apex] and complement of the priesthood (saetrdotii} holding the first place in the ecclesiastical hierarchy." Clearly then modern Roman theology has not abol- ished the episcopal order or confounded bishops with presbyters, and it only remains for me to remark, that those Catholic theologians, such as St. Thomas and St. Bonaventure, whose names stamp value and weight on whatever opinions they may defend, or whatever side of a controversy they espouse, in denying that the episcopate was an order distinct from the priest- hood, never dreamt of saying that bishops were simple presbyters or mere vicars of the Pope in their several dioceses, as " Old Catholic" does. They taught that there were seven orders, four minor and three major or sacred orders: that the priesthood (sacer- dotium] was the highest order in the Church ; that this saccrdotium or priesthood was two-fold, embracing the presbyterate, or inferior priesthood, and the episco- pate, or superior priesthood, that sacerdotium was therefore a generic term, of which the episcopate was the extension, the plenitude and the crown : and that g o VICARS OF THE POPE. though in rank the bishop was even by divine institu- tion distinct from and superior to the priest, yet the episcopate was not, properly speaking, a distinct order and sacrament. This differs, toto ccclo, from the mis- statments we are combating, and it shows how easily persons may be deceived, who take things at trust, or at second-hand, or who know of Catholic theology only what they glean from a superficial reading of some elementary hand-book of Christian doctrine. THE ANCIENT FATHERS VINDICATED. XIII. TEACHINGS OF ANCIENT FATHERS VINDICATED. WE can hardly excuse a man making pretensions to theological knowledge and patristic lore, quoting the ancient fathers and their writings, and yet putting forth garbled, falsified, and interpolated cita- tions, thus misleading simple, unsophisticated minds, to the prejudice of Catholic truth and the doctrines of the Catholic Church. With a theologian's knowl- edge of the question in dispute between Catholic doctors regarding the Sacrament of Holy Orders, and the decisions of the Council of Trent on the same sub- ject, no sincere seeker after truth could quote the catechism of the Council of Trent, Chapter vii., Ques- tions xii., xxii., xxv., in proof of assertions which we have proved above to be so false and so contradictory to the decrees and canons of the council. Again, " St. Cyprian (A D. 250) on ' The Unity of the Church,' lays down certain maxims, which in his days were univers- ally accepted, thus." Here follow four propositions, all more or less garbled, and evidently intended to con- vey the idea that St. Cyprian, who occupied the See of Carthage from 248 to September I4th, 258, held principles and taught maxims in opposition to the primacy of the Holy See, yet perhaps not one of the early Fathers more strenuously defends the preroga- 82 TEACHINGS OF THE tives of the chair of Peter, which he styles the ruling chair, or more frequently appeals to the authority of Peter's successors, as the centre and source of unity in the Church. Certainly no one who ever read his ad- mirable treatise, " On the Unity of the Church," could have the face to mention either it or its author in assailing the claim of Papal supremacy, and universal jurisdiction of the See of Peter. We would ardently desire to have the whole treatise in a good English dress introduced to the English-speaking community. No better testimony could be adduced, that the maxims and principles of St. Cyprian, and universally accepted in his time, regarding the Papacy, are identical with those held by the Catholic Church to-day Pardon us then, dear readers, a short extract to supplement the mutilated excerpts of our " Old Catholic" controversial- ist. " The proof of faith is easy and compendious, because true. The Lord speaks to Peter : ' I say to thee,' He says, ' that thou art Peter, and on this rock I will build my Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And to thee I will give the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth, shall be bound also in heaven ; and whatso- ever thou shalt loose on earth, shall be loosed also in heaven.' And again he says to him, after His resurrec- tion. ' Feed my sheep.' Upon that one individual He builds His Church, and to him He commits His sheep to be fed. And although after the resurrection He gives to all His Apostles equal power, and says: 'As the Father hath sent me, I also send you ; Receive ye the Holy Ghost; whose sins you shall forgive, they shall be forgiven them ; whose sins you shall retain, they shall be retained ;' yet, to manifest unity. He disposed A NCI EN T FA THERS V IN DIG A TED. 83 by His authority the origin of the same unity, which begins from One. Even the other Apostles were cer- tainly what Peter was, being endowed with equal par- ticipation of honor and power, but the beginning pro- ceeds from unity, and the primacy is gi'ccn to Peter, that the Church of Christ may be shown to be one, and the chair one" In other places St. Cyprian calls the Church of Rome, the root and matrix of the Catholic Church, the ruling Church whence sacerdotal unity has arisen. So that, as the learned Dr. Kenrick, in 'his " Primacy of the Apostlic See," tells us, the violent opponent of the Pope's supremacy, Barrow, admits that, " St. Cyprian considered St. Peter to have received from Christ a primacy of order," and Bishop Hopkins of Vermont was forced to sigh over the fact that so early did the Bishops of Rome endeavor to secure dominion and suprem- acy, and that it must be granted that in the year 220, the doctrine was partially admitted that the unity of the Church took its rise in the See or diocese of Peter. And Hallam (" Middle Ages," Chap, vii.) confirms this, say- ing : " Irenaeus rather vaguely, and Cyprian more positively, admit, or rather assert, the primacy of the Church of Rome, which the latter seems to have regarded as a kind of centre of Catholic unity." The appeal, then, to the early Fathers furnishes little comfort to the enemies of the Holy See, and a study of those early lights of the Christian Church must con- vince any earnest, candid inquirer that the Papacy, its powers and prerogatives, are of divine origin, and hence neither Tertullian, nor St. Vincent of Lerins, teach anything but what we teach to-day in the quota- tions urged against us. And I would here close ti-'s 84 TEACHINGS OF THE reference to the Fathers did not our reviewer sum- mon the illustrious doctor of the Western Church, St. Jerome, to testify in behalf of " Old Catholicism." I cannot allow that great man, stern of feature and blunt of speech, whose classic latinity, and rigid asceti- cism made him worthy to be the secretary of the learned Pope Damasus, and spiritual guide of a Paula and Eustochium, whose biblical knowledge qualified him to undertake and faithfully execute the task of translating the Bible from the original text, to be put on record in the iQth century against the Papacy whose sturdy and fearless champion he was in the 4th and 5th centuries. Thus, then, St. Jerome is made to speak : " If one is looking for authority, the world is greater than one city. Wherever a bishop may be placed, whether at Rome or Eugubium ; whether at Constantinople or Rhegium ; whether at Alexandria or at Tunis, he has the same authority, the same worth, the same priesthood. The power of wealth, the lowliness of poverty, render a bishop neither higher nor lower. All are successors of the Apostles." Now, please to remark that the only words in this extract from the letter of St. Jerqme having any sem- blance of force or point against Catholic doctrine are those " he has the same authority" and these words St. Jerome never wrote ; they are a pure interpolation. Now, I do not charge that our Buffalo " Old Catholic" committed this fraud, or falsified St. Jerome's letter ; he simply did here, what he has been doing all along; he has taken these things at sec9nd-hand, has accepted a falsified, interpolated version as the genuine text, without ever examining the original. I am the more inclined to put this construction on the matter, be- ANCIENT FATHERS VINDICATED. 5 cause I think if he had read this letter, to which he ac- curately refers in a foot-note as Epist. cxlvi., he would never have cited it as authority, for in this letter St. Jerome does what modern Roman theoloijv is charged j o * with doing, he reduces bishops to the level of priests, and says that bishops and priests are all the same. We will let our Episcopal friend settle the matter with St. Jerome and Presbyterians, who often quote this very epistle of St. Jerome. For ourselves, we know what the Church teaches on this-point, and we know that St. Jerome himself elsewhere acknowledges the superiority of bishops, and we know that this letter was written to correct an abuse, by which deacons pretended an equality with priests, and grounded their claims on certain Roman customs and privileges. CANONS OF NICE AND EPHESUS. XIV. CANONS OF NICE AND EPHESUS. JUST here I may call attention to another very mis- leading statement, professedly inferred from the canons of the -Councils of Xicea and Ephesus. In a lecture delivered in St. Joseph's Cathedral, 1874, I referred to the letter which Pope Julius I. wrote to the Eastern bishops, A. D. 342, sustaining the appeal made by St. Athanasius, in proof that at this early period there was a Pope claiming and exercising jurisdiction over the whole Church, East and West, as fully and em- phatically as the Popes in our own times; to which our " Old Catholic" reviewer replies : " Had Julius addressed the bishops of Britain, A. D. 342, even in terms of patriarchal authority, they would have re- minded him that his limit was Lower Italy." A few sentences before he averred that, " Western Europe had but one such (Apostolic) See, and in the nature of things that gave Rome a canonical primacy;" and still a few lines above, he asserts that in the letter to which I referred, written to the bishops of the East, in answer to an appeal to the Pope: "Julius was claim- ing his patriarchal primacy under the canons." So that although Julius' "patriarchal authority was limited to Lower Italy, ""Rome had a canonical prim- acy over Western Europe," and "a patriarchal author- CANONS OF NICE AND EPHESUS. gj ity, under the canons" over Alexandria and the East- ern Church. But it is not to these contradictions that I wish to call special attention, but to this following statement : "After Ephesus, they (the bishops of Britain) would have said, that England, with Cyprus and other islands, was canonically exempt from all such jurisdictions ; which was and is the fact." But even stranger than the statement itself is the bold at- tempt to sustain it by reference in a fooi-note to - " Canon vi., of Nicea, afterwards Canon vii., o Ephesus." Now, although we cannot be expected here to dis- cuss these canons, we affirm positively and categorically,, that these canons do not exempt England, Cyprus or any other islands from the jurisdiction of the Holy- See, and that there was no question of such exemp- tion in either the Council of Nicea or Ephesus. The question before the Fathers of the Nicene Council was in regard to the jurisdiction of the See of Alexandria, honored and privileged from earliest days because it was the See of St. Mark the Evangelist and disciple of St. Peter. The Melet-ian schism gave rise to this con- troversy, for after Meletius was condemned by St. Peter of Alexandria, and deposed from his see, he rebelled against the authority of the Apostolic See of Alex- andria, and this it was that caused the synod to define ' the rights and jurisdiction of that see over the prov- inces of Egypt, Libya and Pentapolis, which it does in these words: "Let the ancient custom throughout Egypt, Libya and Pentapolis be strictly adhered to, so that the bishop of Alexandria shall have jurisdiction over all these ; since this is also the custom of the Bishop of Rome." Now, there has been some differ 88 CA A'CLVS OF NICE AN^D EPHE S US. ence of opinion about this last clause, or about the true meaning and correct translation of the original Greek text, some, with Bellarmine, maintaining the true meaning of the canon to be: ''Let the bishop of Alexandria govern these provinces, because such was the custom of the Bishop of Rome ; that is, because the Roman Pontiff, prior to any definitions by councils, was used to permit the Alexandrian bishop to govern, or have jurisdiction, over these provinces," which would be a clear acknowledgment by the first general council of the primacy of Rome. Others say, with Phillips, that, " This canon does not demonstrate the primacy of the Pope, as the Council of Nicea did not speak of this primacy, simply because it had no need to be established or confirmed by it," and hence with Hefele, they translate the clause; "There is a similar custom for the Roman Bishop," that is, jurisdiction over different provinces, a patriarchate is recognized in re- gard to Rome, and the same should hold for Alexandria. Now, we will not discuss this disputed point, though from the text the first is plainly the true meaning, but it is in any case undeniable that the Council of Nicea never dreamed of curtailing the jurisdiction of the Pope or exempting England, Cyprus, or other islands from his jurisdiction. So much then for Canon vi. of the Council of Nicea. What about Canon vii. of Ephesus? In the first place, with' most authors who have written the history of this council, we hold that that council formulated but six canons. "If in some o>dk*r,"says Hefele, (" History of the Councils," torn. II., p. 389, French Ed. 1869), "eight canons are found, it is because the resolution passed by the council on the the motion of Charisins, is regarded as Canon vii., and CAXOKS OF NICE AND EPHESUS. C,-w 09 the decree concerning the bishops of Egypt is put down as Canon viii." This decree, then, passed in the council at its seventh session, is referred to by our learned divine as Canon vii. of the Council of Ephesus. Those wishing to obtain full information regarding the nature and meaning of 'the decree of the council, I must refer to Hefele's History above cited, or to the au- thorities which he quotes, (ibid., pp. 386, 387.) Let me, however, briefly as possible, state the question pro- posed to, and acted on, by the council, in order to show that it has no connection at all with the jurisdiction or primacy of the Roman Pontiff, although, with an un- accountable assurance, evidencing either bad faith, or inexcusable reliance on second-hand, untrustworthy in- formation, we are told that : "After Ephesus, England, with Cyprus and other islands, was canonically exempt from such jurisdiction." The* Apostolic See of Antioch, which the Apostle St. Peter himself founded, like that of Alexandria, claimed special privileges and an extensive jurisdic- tion, which the sixth canon of the Council of Nicea seemed to recognize and confirm, in these terms: " In like manner, regarding Antioch and the other provinces, let the churches retain their special privileges." The bishop of Antioch claimed superior metropolitan or patriarchal rights over Cyprus, in particular the right of consecrating its bishops. As the metropolitan of Constantia died about the time of the convocation of the council, the proconsul of Antioch, at the suggestion of the Patriarch, forbade a new election to beheld until this disturbing question of jurisdiction should be finally adjudicated. In defiance of the prohibition. Rheginus was elected to the see of Constantia, and with two of g O CANONS OF NICE AND EPHESUS. his suffragans, Zeno and Evagrius, he appealed to the council against the pretensions of Antioch, and the question was warmly and lengthily discussed in the seventh session, and it was decreed, that : " The churches of Cyprus should continue to enjoy their in- dependence and the right of consecrating their own bishops (and of electing, them), and that the synod renew in general all the liberties of the ecclesiastical prov- inces, and forbid encroachments on foreign provinces." Thus a contest between local churches regarding ec- clesiastical privileges, and disciplinary canons regulat- ing the mutual relations of these churches, has been strangely twisted into a canonical exemption from the jurisdiction of the Bishop of Rome, and it is more than insinuated that such, forsooth, was the purpose and scope of these canons. Such contests and rivalries and disputes regarding jurisdiction have been not un- frequent in the Church, since the Apostolic ages; such existed between Canterbury and York in England, be- tween Aries and Vienne in Gaul, and such, in very possible contingencies, may yet exist between the metropolitan sees of Baltimore and New York. Voluminous are the canonical enactments adjudicat- ing such rival claims, deciding such controversies, and regulating and defending the limits and extent of diocesan, metropolitical, primatial and patriarchal jur- isdiction, yet what student of church history would assert that by such ecclesiastical legislation a blow was aimed at the supremacy of the Holy See, or the uni- versal jurisdiction of the Pope? It is even still more astonishing that any one denying the primacy of the Pope, or claiming independence of his supreme pastoral authority, should make any reference to the Council of CANONS OF NICE AND EPHESUS. g t Ephesus, held in the year 441, composed of two hun- dred bishops, mostly of the East. Cyril, of Jerusalem, opened the first session, on the the 22d of June, and presided, as the acts of the council state, in the name of the Pope. It proceeded to condemn Nestorius, who refused to the Blessed Virgin the title of TJieotokos or Mother of God. " Forced," says the council, " by the canons and by the letter of our most holy Father, and co-laborer, Celestine, Bishop of Rome;" it vindicated the divine maternity of Mary, and originated the prayer so dear to Catholics, adding to the Angel's greeting the words: "Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for us sinners, now, and at the hour of our death." In the second session, held on the loth of July of the same year, Cyril is again expressly designated in the min- utes orproch verbal oi the session, as the representative of the Bishop of Rome. In time to assist at this session came three legates of the Pope, Arcadius and Projec- tus, bishops, and Philip, a priest, bringing a dogmatical letter from Celestine, which was read before the synod, first in the original Latin, and then in a Greek version, which was received with loud applause. The letter of the Pope declares that : " He sent three legates to assist at the deliberations of the synod, and to attend to the execution of what the Pope had previously concluded; and he doubted not, but that the assembled bishops would be in accord with these his decisions." The third session was held the following day, the nth of July. The legates of the Pope declared that they had read, in the interval, the acts of the first session, (at which they had not assisted) and had found the sentence against Nestorius entirely canonical and according to the discipline of the Church, but that, according to the 9 2 CANOA'S OF NICE AND EPHESUS. orders of the Pope, they should require the acts of the first session to be read in their presence, which was immediately done. (Hefele, torn, ii., p. 379.) This, surely, does not look much like snubbing the Pope, or repudi- ating his jurisdiction. Does Ephesus limit the Pope's jurisdiction to Lower Italy ? What gives Celestine, Bishop of Rome, the right to preside by his represen- tatives at the General Council of Ephesu^ and to im- pose his authority and his doctrinal decisions on the assembled bishops ? Can it be his dignity as Patriarch of the West ? How came Rome to have a " canonical primacy?" Where are the canons to be found conferring, formulating, or promulgating this primacy ? Is it not plain and undeniable that this primacy had its origin in a higher source, existed, and was acknowedged prior to councils and canons? and that these, as Boniface I. writes to the bishops of Thessaly, " did not dare pass laws regarding the Bishops of Rome, knowing that no act of man could confer additional power on one, who had received all power from the words of our Lord Himself." With the history of the Council of Ephesus before us, its acts and its canons, how difficult it is to be patient on reading repeated assertions of this kind : "By the ancient canons (A. D. 431) it was impossible for him (the Pope) to assert even a patriarchal author- ity, in England, which enjoyed the insular privi- lege of entire self-dependence," giving as authority 'Third General Council, Ephesus," when there is nothing of the kind to be found in the Council of Ephesus, nothing more than what we have already mentioned, that the churches of the island of Cyprus are not subject to the see of Antioch,but should con- tinue to enjoy their independence in the election and consecration of their bishops. ECCLESIASTICAL JURISDICTION. XV. THE CATHOLIC DOCTRINE REGARDING ECCLESIASTI- CAL JURISDICTION. OUR opponents seem to have no idea of the power of jurisdiction as distinct from the power of order conferred in priestly and episcopal ordination, and hence much of their confusion, bewilderment, and erroneous inferences. We have already said that the power of order may exist without the power of jurisdiction, as in the case of a priest regularly ordained by any lawfully consecrated bishop, but who has not yet received facul- ties or a mission from his own ordinary ; or in the case of a bishop consecrated merely to perform certain special acts, such as confirming, ordaining, etc., and these on this account are called in German, wtihbischofs, and they perform acts which none but bishops, none but those having the episcopal character and order can do. So, too, jurisdiction may be exercised without orders, as when a simple cleric is appointed to a bene- fice, or when a priest has received from the Pope his appointment to a see, but has not yet been consecrated. This premised, we say we hold, with St. Jerome, that a bishop in Buffalo is the equal of a bishop in Rome as far as his episcopal order, and the power attached to and inherent in his order, are concerned, for the episco- pate is one, the episcopal order is one and the same in 94 CA THOLIC DOCTRINE REGARDING all bishops, wherever they may be placed, whetJier at Rome or Eugubium; at Buffalo, or New York, though there are various grades or degrees of jurisdiction, as is clearly explained in the Catechism of the Council of Trent, Chap. VII. , Question xxv., to which reference has already been made. Take an illustration. Our present revered metropolitan, lately, to the joy of Catho- lic and non-Catholic America, made by our late loved and saintly Holy Father, first American cardinal, be- fore his promotion to the archbishopric of New York, was the bishop of Albany, and then he and the bishop of Buffalo were on a perfect equality, each governing his respective diocese, and discharging the duties of his episcopal office with the same powers both of order and jurisdiction. Elevated to the archiepiscopal dig- nity, and installed in the archiepiscopal see, and in- vested by the Sovereign Pontiff with the pallium, things are somewhat changed. His episcopal order has undergone no change, no new character has been impressed on him, ho new consecration conferred, but besides the ordinary jurisdiction which he has now over the diocese of New York, as he had before over the diocese of Albany, and as the bishop of Buffalo has over his own diocese, he now has an enlarged or ex- tended jurisdiction according to the canons and laws of the Church over a whole Province, embracing seven dioceses. Another illustration. Our present illustrious Pontiff, Leo XIII., was consecrated bishop in Rome on the i gth of February, 1843, with the title of arch- bishop of Damietta in partibus. He then received the full powers of the episcopal order, with only a nominal jurisdiction. He was sent as nuncio to Brussels, and for three years in the ECCLESIASTICAL JURISDICTION. 95 capital of Belgium, as bishop, was on a footing of equality with the bishops of that kingdom, though, except by special delegation, he could exercise in any of their dioceses no act of an Ordinary, no episcopal jurisdiction. His health somewhat impaired, he travelled, we are told, through Belgium and parts of Germany, visited England, and on his way back to Italy, passed through Paris, Lyons, Marseilles as a simple bishop, as the equal of the bishops whom he met, everywhere esteemed and admired for his learning, ability and virtue. We find him then a simple bishop again in Rome, and as such the bishop of Buffalo, had there been one at the time, would have been the equal of a bishop in Rome, nay, in some respect superior to him, for he would have jurisdiction as Ordinary over a diocese, and Bishop Pecci in Rome had not. But in 1846 Monsigneur Pecci was appointed to the see of Perugia ; on the 26th of the same year the new bishop took sol- emn possession of his see, and without any new consecra- tion or any addition to the power of the episcopal order, by the appointment of the Sovereign Pontiff, he was in- vested with the additional power of jurisdiction as ordi- nary of the see of Perugia and metropolitan of the Province of Umbria. On the 2Oth of February, iS/S, Monsigneur Pecci, who on December iQth, 1853, had been made cardinal, and on the 2ist of September, 1877, camerlengo, was elected, and on the 3d of March solemnly crowned Pope, under the name and title of Leo XIII. He is now, not a bishop in Rome, but the Bishop of Rome, successor of St. Peter and vicar of Christ. Though there has been no addition to, or extension of his power as a bishop, or more properly of his episcopal order, yet, on his legitimate g6 CA THOL 1C DOC TRINE RE GA RDIXG and canonical elevation to the See of Rome, the chair of Peter, he has acquired by divine right, by the institution of Christ and the Divine constitution of the Christian Church, supreme and universal juris- diction over the Church, is made Supreme Pastor of the whole flock, and thus, as among the Apostles, who were all equal, " one was selected," as St. Jerome says, " that by the appointment of a Head, the occasion of schism may be taken away," so among bishops, though there is a solidarity, " the episcopate is one and indivisible," according to St. Cyprian, and "each bishop can hold a part without division of the whole," yet " Christ gave the keys to Peter as a token of unity," and for the preservation of that unity, He made the Roman Church, the chair of Peter, the radix and matrix of the Catholic Church, so that, though she "pours abroad her bountiful streams, yet there is one source, one Head, one Mother, abundant in the results of her fruitfulness." (St. Cyprian, De Unitate Ecclesiae.) Is not this just what we should expect in a Church founded by the Word and Wisdom of God. into which all were to be gathered that were to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth, that thus, as He Himself declared, there might be "one sheep-fold under one shepherd." Thus then, with St. Jerome we agree that a bishop in Buffalo is, as to his episcopal order and the power of order, not only the equal of a bishop at Rome, but the equal of a Bishop of Rome, and Pope Leo XIII., in this respect possesses no higher or greater power, is no more a bishop in the sense ex- plained than was simple Monsigneur Pecci after his consecration on the Viminal hill, in Rome, in the year ECCLESIASTICAL JURISDICTION. gy 1843, though as to jurisdiction we now own him as Bishop of bishops, holding a primacy of honor and jurisdiction over the whole Church, and we hesitate not to repeat in regard to Leo XIII., what, when spoken in 1874 of Pius IX., of saintly memory, so much riled certain parties here : " As one man, we all, bishops, priests and people, lay at the feet of his Holiness all the devotion, love, reverence and submission due to the Supreme Head of the Church and vicar of Christ." This is probably more than enough to ex- plain the twofold power of order and jurisdiction, and our relations as bishops governing our respective dio- ceses in communion with, and subordination to, the Holy See. Are Catholic bishops then simply vicars of the Pope, holding their office and their powers'^ his nod?' The episcopacy is of divine institution; it belongs to the organic constitution of the Church as founded by Christ. The titular bishop is the Ordinary of his diocese, governing it not by vicarious or delegated powers, but " placed there by the Holy Ghost, to rule the Church of God." (Acts xx. 28). His power both of order and jurisdiction over his flock, is from God, there- fore, he is styled Ordinary, exercises ordinary jurisdic- tion, which he delegates to others. Here we see the necessity of the distinction, which we have already brought out at some length, between the power of order and jurisdiction, and between the divine institu- tion of the episcopate and the appointment of individ- ual bishops. Bishops are successors of the Apostles, but each individual bishop is not the successor of some one Apostle, as the Bishop of Rome is the successor of St. Peter. The mission of the Apostles was " to teach all nations," " to preach the gospel to every creature." No gS CA THOL1C DOCTRINE REGARDING bounds were assigned to them for the exercise of their jurisdiction ; the jurisdiction of a bishop is limited by the diocese to which he is appointed. The power of order in all bishops is, as we have seen, equal ; so is it essential, inamissible, indestructi- ble. In spite of Popes and councils, in spite of canon- ical prohibitions, excommunication, and even deposi- tion, a true bishop can validly perform all the acts proper to his episcopal order, because, not from the Church, not from the Pope, not from canons or coun- cils, but directly and immediately from God, is his power of order, and it is conferred by consecration. Not so the power of jurisdiction ; it is conferred by his appointment, and before consecration is possessed in all its fulness and extent. It is not equal in all bishops, for then there could not be metropolitans, primates, patriarchs, any more than Popes, and yet these have ex- isted in the Christian Church from the earliest ages, and are interwoven into the texture of her constituent laws. Nothing is more clear in the history of the Church, and of the Church of England in particular, than that the jurisdiction of bishops has been modi fied, changed, enlarged or curtailed by canonical en- actments and the actions of Popes. The history of the Pontificate of Gregory the Great, and the sees of Canterbury and York, affords ample proof of this, whilst it is superfluous to say that the Holy See has erected new sees, divided and subdivided dioceses and provinces, and even, though rarely, abolished sees. Wit- ness the Church of France after the French revolution, the establishment of the American Church, the re-es- tablishment of the English and Scotch hierarchy. The power of jurisdiction, then, in the episcopacy is divine ECCLESIASTICAL JURISDICTION. 99 and from God, but indirectly, and through the Pope, Christ our Lord so organizing and constituting His Church, giving to Peter the full power of the keys and the feeding and government of the whole flock, lambs and sheep. (Matt, xvi., 19. Johnxxi., 15, 16, 17.) " The episcopal power of jurisdiction is therefore not de- rived immediately from Christ, in so far as it exists in individuals; it has been established by Christ, but is not conferred immediately by Him upon individual bishops ; it is imparted to them by the Head of the Church, or bishops whom he has authorized. Thus the unity of the episcopate, so much insisted on by the Fathers, is fully upheld ; the Holy See is head, root, spring, origin of the spiritual authority." (Hergenrother, " Church and State," vol. I., p. 177.) This is sufficient explanation of the formula used in the appointment of bishops, " In virtue of the power of God, of the Prince of the Apostles, and of the Rul- ing Pope ;" and also of that used by bishops themselves, " By the grace of God and of the Holy See," for even those who maintain with Thomassin that bishops obtain their jurisdiction immediately from Christ, acknowl- edge that : " They have not received immediately from him their particular territory or peculiar diocese, since this partition has been made in the course of ages by the Church, nor could it be made or perpetu- ated unless with the consent of the Head, in whom is the pivot and centre of the ecclesiastical unity." (Thomassin, cited by Hergenrother, as above.) More clearly and correctly does the learned Gerdile, quoted in the same place by the same author, express the Catholic doctrine on this point, thus : "For jurisdic- tion, the assignment of a people as subjects is requisite, IOO CA THOLIC DOCTRINE REGARDING and this is done by human, not divine right. Though the form and manner of this assignment may vary in different places and times according to the diversity of discipline, yet none could be lawful unless approved by the Holy See, from whose consent it receives force and strength, according to the plenitude of power shed over the universal Church." That is, by the positive act of the Holy See assigning a diocese, and determin- ing its limits, the subjects of a bishop are determined and actual jurisdiction over the same is conferred, which jurisdiction is from God, though not immedi- ately, but through the vicar of Christ, it is ordinary, not delegated or vicarious, and hence he can delegate the same to others, which he could not do, were it a delegated power. And though the manner of making appointments to episcopal sees has varied at different times, no appointment could ever have been lawful, if the Holy See rejected it, or if the Sovereign Pontiff did not expressly or tacitly consent to it. This a Bishop of Rome who was faithful and exact in the observance of the canons, St. Gregory the Great, explicitly declares ; writing to the empress of Constantinople, he says in regard to the conse- cration of Maximus, elevated to the episcopate against his wish : " A thing was done which never happened under previous princes." (L. 5, Epist. xxi.) And to Maximus himself, he writes: "An unheard of wicked- ness is added, that after our interdict, excommunicating yourself and those ordaining you, you are said," etc. (L. 4, Epist. xx.) Rightly then do we " object to any ordination not proceeding under warrant from Rome." Nor does this "overthrow the orders of St. Chrysostom. St. Augustine and St. Ambrose," as E CCL E SI A S TIC A L J UKISDIC 770 A'. 101 any student of history knows that these illustrious saints and doctors of the Church acknowledged the supremacy of the See of Rome and were in turn ac- knowleged by the Sovereign Pontiff. How false, then, and misleading the assertion, that because the Papacy is the source and centre of all ecclesiastical jurisdiction, in the Catholic sense now explained, Catholic bishops are " not true bishops, have no power at all." I almost deem it beneath me, especially after all we have already said, to notice the insulting remark : "They are not permitted to bear any corporate witness whatever ; and when summoned to meet the Pope in council, it is only to tremble around his throne, accept his oracles, and renounce their own convictions at his com- mand, or submit to be stripped of their dignities, such as they are." Catholic bishops are, by divine right, witnesses and judges of the faith, and they can neither abdicate their rights, nor be despoiled of them by any earthly power. It is precisely when assembled in council under the presidency of the Pope, that they represent, and are successors of the College of the Apostles, and in their corporate capacity speak with the full, supreme and in- fallible authority, vested by Christ our Lord in His holy Church. Are judges in our courts not true judges, void of all power and authority, because there are judges of higher courts to whom appeal may be taken, who have a wider jurisdiction, and who are empowered to review, confirm or reverse their decisions? Have bishops no power, because by our Lord's divine ordi- nances their power in the Church is subordinated to that of him whom He appointed as Supreme Judge in faith and morals, and Supreme Ruler and Pastor of his I Q2 CA THOLIC DOC TRINE RE GA RDING whole flock ? Does not the Council of the Vatican clearly and emphatically state that its decrees do not curtail, weaken, or in any way belittle episcopal authority; that the universal and supreme jurisdiction of the Sov- ereign Pontiff does not conflict with that of the bishop in his own diocese? " But so far is this power of the Supreme Pontiff from being any prejudice to the ordi- nary and immediate power of episcopal jurisdiction, by which bishops who have been sent by the Holy Ghost to succeed and hold the place of the Apostles, (Coun. of Trent, Sess. xxiii., chap, iv.) feed and govern, each his own flock, as true pastors, that this their episco- pal authority is really asserted, strengthened and vin- dicated by the Supreme and Universal Pastor." (Dog- matic Constitution of the Church of Christ, chap, iii.) Thus, while thanking our friends for the great inter- est they take .in the maintenance of our rights as bishops, as against the so-called overshadowing and all-absorbing power of the Pope of Rome, we see how jealously the Church guards the original divine con- stitution given to her by her divine Founder. The Church is to-day as the Redeemer of the world consti- tuted and organized her, holding all her powers from Him, and wonderfully, divinely equipped to do His work, and to do His work unfailingly to the end of ages. To her keeping the fruits of redemption, the merits of the passion and death of a God-man, were to be committed, through her to be dispensed to the souls of men. She was to guard the deposit of faith, and teach it to all nations, and He Himself was to be with her all days, to the end of time, and the Holy Ghost was to abide with her forever to teach her all truth. Her ministers to-day can say with St, Paul, " Let a man so ECCLESIASTICAL JURISDICTION. look upon us as ministers of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God," (I Cor., iv. i.)and because sent by Him, delegated and empowered by Him, He says: " He that hears you hears me." (Luke x. 16.) But they have no arbitrary powers, they can exercise no usurped authority, and nothing is plainer in Holy Writ; than that our Lord chose his own ministers : " I have chosen you, not you me ;" (John xv. 1 6.) and appointed them to do His own work, and " I have appointed you that you should go and bring forth fruit and that your fruit should remain." (ibid.) The Church is God's own work. He founded it, and " other foundation no man can lay but that which is laid." (I Cor., iii. 2.) " Built upon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief corner-stone." (Eph., ii. 20.) His own mystical body, moulded into perfect shape and form by His own hands, living a divine life breathed into it on the day of Pentecost, it is destined to gather into one fold, un- der one shepherd, all mankind, for, as St. Cyprian teaches, there is " one God, one Christ, one Church," and St. Paul, " one Lord, one faith, one baptism," and does this not 'imply one Head, one Supreme Author- ity, one Universal Pastor? Can the smallest meeting be organized without a chairman ? Can any society ex- ist without a presiding officer? Can any city success- fully conduct its municipal affairs without a - mayor? Would any rational man dream of a state without a governor, or a nation without a ruler? How long would our union hold together without a president; and does not the setting up of rival presidents involve the disintegration of the nation ? Could any of our parishes or congregations ever remain one, united and IO4 CATHOLIC DO CT JUNE REGARDING prosperous without a spiritual guide and pastor, hav- ing authority to teach and to govern ? How preserve in agreement of discipline and faith the priests and people of a diocese without a bishop invested with superior jurisdiction, recognized higher pastoral authority, and how maintain " one faith," " one Church," " one fold," embracing all the world, all the bishops, all the priests, and all the faithful people of Christendom, without one Supreme Head, one sovereign authority, one divinely constituted, Universal and Infallible Pastor ? Did not our Lord provide for this in selecting one among all His Apostles, giving him the name of Peter, establishing him as the rock on which His Church was to be built, pledging His infallible word that the gates of hell should never prevail against it, praying with a prayer of divine efficacy that his faith fail not, for he was to confirm his brethren, and finally, actually giving him the full charge of feeding and governing his whole flock, lambs and sheep, pastors and people ? The episcopate and the priesthood are necessary constituent elements in the Church, and can never be absorbed or abolished, but they are, by the very nature and constitution of the Church, subordinated to the Supreme Pastor, the Sov- ereign Pontiff. Nor does it follow, because a sovereign ruler, or ex- ecutive of a nation, may appoint, and, for cause, re- move inferior officers, or veto the acts of a co-ordinate branch of the government, that therefore he may abol- ish such offices, branches, or departments of govern- ment, or usurp rights, privileges, and powers, equally valid with his own, and derived from the same source ; even though by the law of the land, and the constitu- tion of the state, subordinate to his. In like manner ECCLESIASTICAL JURISDICTION. 105 in the Church, by her divine constitution, a master-piece, by the way, of divine wisdom, there is, and it is of faith that there is, besides the Papacy, with its primacy of honor and jurisdiction over the Universal Church, a sacred hierarchy consisting of bishops, priests and minis- ters ; with rights, privileges and powers, as valid as those of the Papacy, reposing on the same foundation, se- cured by the same charter, a hierarchy therefore, that never can be abolished by Papal power, absorbed or con- founded in the prerogatives of the Holy See, but without jangle or clashing of any kind, bishops, priests and ministers are ordained of Christ to co-exist and effect- ually co-operate even to the end of ages, with the supreme power with which He has been pleased to invest the successor of St. Peter, the Prince of the Apostles and first Bishop of Rome. I must now finish what I have perhaps drawn out with perhaps un- necessary prolixity, but I was anxious to elucidate this point of Catholic faith, which has been so much obscured and misrepresented, in the hope that those large numbers of our esteemed and most worthy fellow-Chris- tians who admire the beauty, and strength, and indes- tructibility of what they call the Catholic system or Papal polity, may at length see that all this beauty, un- conquerable strength, and indestructible vitality are de- rived from her Divine Founder. Of them, orat least of many of them, whom we sincerely believe to be uncon- sciously and innocently, outside the true Church, our loving Saviour says : " Other sheep I have, that are not of this fold ; them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice and there shall be one sheep-fold and one Shepherd." (John x. 16). Fiat! Fiat! THE END. BBB 1HHHH1 raBBi^nnHHHKfflnffiNPi ^HBBHiH