MEEARS PRIZE. ESSAY, "UTAH: Her Attractions and Resources, as Inviting the Attention of Tourists and Those Seeking Permanent Homes." TO ROBERT W. SLOAN, Esq., E SAT/lXfjJffiT HERALD. OF THE -BY COL. O. J. UOLLTSTER, COLLECTOR OF INTERNAL REVENUE, S. .A. KENTSTER. Esq., EDITOR OF THE BEAVER ENTERPRISE. Published for Gratuitous Distribution by GEORGE A. MEEARS, ii, 13. 15 SKCOND Soi-rii STREET, SALT LAKK CITV, UTAH. SALT LAKE HERALD, PRINTERS. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. CITY. P. H. LANNAN Proprietor. The Empire is the Pioneer Market of Salt Lake, and retains front rank among the Meat Markets of the Rocky Mountains. The Best kind of and The Sausage is made by Steam Power, and is such as can bef>Iaced on the tables of Epicures. Retail Dealers, Hotels and Private Families Supplied on Reasonable Terms and Promptly. Is on the Corner of FIRST SOUTH & COMMERCIAL STREETS SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. Remember the Empire when you want the Tenderest Steaks, the Choicest Cuts and the Finest Sausage. P. H. LANNAN. 11 DEALER IN IRON, STEEL, Stoves, Hinware, ILL r INDINGS, kltssmifh loola ETC., ETC., SALT LAKE CITY, p fit - V, Brat National SALT LAKE CITY. Paid in Capital - Surplus - - - $200,000 $125,000 WM. II. HOOPER President. II. S. ELDREDGE, Vice-Pres. WM. JENNINGS, FERAMORZ LITTLE, JOHN SHARP, NICHOLAS GROESBECK, L. S. HILLS, Cashier. Directors Receives Deposits Payable on Bsmni, Buys and Sells Exchange on New York, San Francisco, Chicago, St. Louis, Omaha, London and Principal Continental Cities. MAKES COLLECTIONS, Remitting Proceeds Promptly. & GO BANKERS, ctrr. Transact a General Banking Business. direful Attention Given to the Sale of Ores find Bullion. We solicit Con- signments, Guaranteeing the Highest Market Prices. Collections Made with Prompt Re turns, at Lowest Bates. Execute Qzdets fei Puwb&so Qr ef tecks sad Beads We Sell Exchang-e and Telegraphic Transfers on Leading Cities of the United States; also Furnish Sight Drafts or Remit Funds to London, Dublin, Berlin, Copen- hagen, Paris, Stockholm and all other Prominent Points in Europe, at Lowest Rate of Exchang-e. CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT ISSUED PAYABLE ON DEMAND, ACTIVE ACCOUNTS SOLICITED. CORRESPON DENTS : New Tork Importers' and Traders' National, Kountze Brothers. Chicago Commercial National Bank. San Francisco First National Gold Bank. Omaha Omaha National Bank. St. Louis State Savings Association. PUBLISHER'S PURPOSE. For the purpose of calling- attention to the many natural advantages of Utah Territory, in connection with the Territorial Fair, Mr. George A. Meears addressed the following- to the t-ominiltee in charge: SALT LAKE CITY, August 24, 1881. Hoard erf Directors D. A. & M. Society : Gent!emen-\ offer as a special prize, the sura of $50, to be awarded under the super- vision of the appropriate committee "at the coming Territorial Fair, for the best essay on "Utah Her Attractions and Resources, as Inviting the Attention of Tourists and Those Seeking Perma- nent Homes," said essay not to exceed 5,000 words. Respectful I v, GEORGE A. MEEARS. After mature deliberation the Committee on Essay presented the following report: To the President and Board of Directors of the D, A. & M. Society : Gentlemen The committee appointed by your honorable board to award the prize of j^o, offered by George A. Meears. Esq., for the best essay on "Utah: Her Attractions ana Resources, :-s inviting the Attention of Tourists and Those Seeking Permanent Homes," respectfully report that thev have carefully read the several essays submitted to them, which they nave numbered from i to 7, and after full consideration of their respective merits, and due deliberation, a major- ity of said committee award the prize to essay "No. c," signed with the initials of "W. S." Your committee are also highly impressed with the excellence of the essays uumbered i and 3 respectively, and thinking them too good to be lost, respectfully suggest to "your board the propriety of having them published in pamphlet form, in conjunction with the pri^e essay, provided the authors are willing, with a view to having them placed with in the reach of those seeking correct information upon the resources and attractions of Utah. Should your board not be in a position, financially, to incur the expenses of said publica- tion, there is no doubt but the means could easily be raised by subscriptions from leading busi- ness men in the community. Respectfully submitted, JOSEPH R. WALKER, WM. JENNINGS, JOSEPH L. BARFOOT, WILLIAM BUDGE. JOAB LAWRENCE, ' JOHN T. CAINE, Chairman. SALT LAKE CITY, November 2, 1881. A vote of thanks was unanimously tendered to Mr. Meears for the interest he had mani- fested in the recent Fair, and for the pecuniary encouragement he had extended. It having been made kno\vn to the board that the author of essay No. 5, signed with the initials of W. S., was Mr. R. W. Sloan, of the SALT LAKE HERALD, Mr. Meears' check for the 50 and the.pri/.e essay were forwarded to him. In presenting these essays for the information of the general public, it is unnecessary for me to say that the statements are in every sense reliable. The reputation of the contributors and the endorsement of the distinguished committee are sufficient to warrant an unprejudiced perusal bv intelligent readers. v That Utah has been persistently misrepresented by many ignorant and careless writers, we are all well aware; and it is to be regretted that articles similar to those published herewith, do not appear more frequently. The essays are submitted as a fair and reliable exhibit of the material interests of our Territory, which needs only to be known to be appreciated. I sincerely thank the talented writers for their earnestness and honesty in treating the subject, and I feel confident that the friends of Utah everywhere will cordially recognize the value of these truthful and meritorious essays. Respectfully, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, Dec. i, iSSi. GEORGE A. MEEARS. JOSLIN & PARK, -THE T 1? A TITWP f TP W iijiiyjll&