UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY THIS BOOK IS NOT TO BE TAKEN FROM THE READING ROOM WHEN DONE WITH, RETURN AT ONCE TO ITS PLACE ON THE SHELVES LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Gl FT OF DIVISION DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR K/. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY O. H. T1TTMANN, SUPERINTENDENT LIST AND CATALOGUE OF THE PUBLICATIONS ISSUED BY THE U. S. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY 18161902 By E. L. BURCHARD, Librarian Reprint with Supplement, 1903-1908 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1908 ' r CONTENTS. Page. PREFACE 5 PART I. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS ARRANGED IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER OF ISSUE. Annual Reports 9 Bulletins 79 Special Publications 83 Separately Issued Publications 85 Coast Pilots 89 Notices to Mariners 95 Tide Tables 101 Catalogues of Maps and Charts... 105 Administrative Publications __,_. 109 PART II. CATALOGUE OF SCIENTIFIC, PROFESSIONAL, AND OTHER PAPERS OF INTEREST CON- TAINED IN THE PUBLICATIONS. Classification of subject headings 117 Alphabetical arrangement^ 121 SUPPLEMENT. ..follows 238 3 The following List (Part I) and Catalogue (Part II) was compiled in response to demands for information in regard to the publications of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, and relates entirely to these publications: Previous to July i, 1878, this Bureau was called the United States Coast Survey, which explains the apparent discrepancy in the title of the publications issued before and since that date. The List is arranged in chronological order and the Catalogue alphabetically by authors, subjects, and places, with numerous cross references. All Of the subject headings used in this Catalogue are given in systematic order at the beginning of the Catalogue. The publications in the List and Catalogue marked ' ' Exhausted ' ' are no longer available for distribution. All others can be obtained, free of charge, upon application to the Superintendent United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington, D. C., except the Coast Pilots and Tide Tables, which are sold at the cost of paper and printing. Indexes and catalogues of the Survey's publications have previously been issued under the following titles: REPORTS ONLY. 1844-1853. "Consolidated alphabetical index." Subjects and authors in one alphabetical arrange- ment. By Lieut. E. B. Hunt, U. S. A., assistant In Report 1854 " Consolidated index of sketches." Also by Lieutenant Hunt In Report 1854 1854-1863. " Consolidated alphabetical index." By Subassistant F. F. Nes In Report 1864 " Consolidated index of sketches." Also by Mr. Nes In Report 1864 1851-1870. " General index of professional and scientific papers," arranged systematically in classes by subjects. This is the Hunt index recompiled and arranged in a new order by Edward Goodfellow, assistant A PP- T 7) Report 1871 1845-1880. "General index of scientific papers." Subject classification. By C. H. Sinclair, subassistant App. 6, Report 1881 ALL PUBLICATIONS. 1844-1885. " Descriptive catalogue of publications." This is the first list of publications, but included also some additional indexing and much bibliographic material. Prepared by Assist- ant Goodfellow App. 6, Report 1883 "General index to the progress sketches, illustrations, maps, and charts." The index enlarged and arranged in classes by places and subjects by Edward Goodfellow, assist- ant App. 12, Report 1887 1807-1890. "Descriptive catalogue." The index of Goodfellow and catalogue of Sinclair revised and enlarged. By Assistant J. B. Baylor App. 1 1 , Report 1891 1807-1898. "Bibliography." The preceding edition republished with additions. Special publication No. 2, 1898. PART I. LIST. ANNUAL REPORTS. The Annual Report of the Superintendent of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, fully illustrated with maps and diagrams, is made under law to Congress at each session, and shows in detail the persons employed, the work accomplished, and the expenditures under the annual appropriations. Originally appearing as a document in the Congressional series only, it has also been published in a separate Survey edition since 1851. For 1851 separate volumes were issued for the text and for the sketches. From 1891 to 1894, inclusive, the report proper and the appendices were printed in separate volumes as Parts I and II. With these exceptions the report has been issued annually since 1851 in one quarto volume. The appendices on scientific and professional subjects include almost all of the material of that character published by the Survey, whether issued in some other series or not. The appendices have also been printed apart from the reports in "separate" form when the demand for them has warranted such publication. In the earlier reports of the Coast Survey statements of progress made in office operations will generally be found following the abstracts of reports of field work, attention also being called to office work of special interest or importance in the introductory portions of the reports. This will be found to apply to the annual reports from 1844 to 1855, inclusive. In the reports from 1856 to 1864, inclusive, in addition to the notices of office operations in the body of each report, there are appendices which contain reports from the chiefs of the divisions of the office, or, in some cases, the complete reports of the assistant in charge of the office and of the chiefs of divisions. The publication of the annual reports of the assistant in charge of the office and of the chiefs of the office divisions was discontinued during the years 1865 to 1880, inclusive, and the references to office operations were made in the same manner as those in the annual reports of the Survey from 1844 to 1855, inclusive, these references being supplemented by appendices giving lists of drawings or engravings of charts in progress or completed and by appendices detailing the field and office work relating to tides. In the annual report for 1881 the reports made by the chiefs of the computing, tidal, drawing, engraving, and hydrographic divisions of the office were printed in full; in the report for 1882 these reports were published as Appendix No. 6; in the annual reports of the Survey from 1883 to 1889, inclusive, the annual reports of the assistant in charge of office and topography and of the hydrographic inspector appear as Appendices Nos. 4 and 5; in the annual report for 1890 Appendix No. 4 contains the annual report of the assistant in charge of the office, Appendix No. 5 the annual report of the hydrographic inspector, Appendix No. 6 the annual report of the disbursing agent, and Appendix No. 7 the annual report of the assistant in charge of the office of weights and measures. It has not been deemed advisable to add to the length of this L,ist by including these office reports, embodying as they do much matter relating to routine operations and details of value chiefly for official reference. 9 fleport 1807. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PUBLICATIONS. The office of standard weights ana measures was organized under the Superin- tendent of the Coast Survey in 1831, and its reports have been issued regularly since 1837 as a part of his official report. They are therefore contained in the following list of reports. Many individual scientific papers on standards based on the work of this office were printed as appendices in the report of the Superintendent of the Survey. All of them will be found grouped under the subject headings "Standards" and "Weights and measure office" in the Catalogue (Part II). On July i, 1901, the act of Congress approved March 3, 1901, creating the National Bureau of Standards, became fully operative and on that date it became an independent Bureau. 18O7-16 [Under Treasury department. Period of organization. Reports made through correspondence chiefly. F. R. Hassler in charge of work.] 1816 First report of F. R. Hassler, superintendent of the survey of the coast of the United States, to the Secretary of the treasury upon the progress of the work. 21 pp. 22 cm . (Senate doc. 143, I5th Cong. , ist sess. In v. 2.) Report dated " Newark, New Jersey, 23(1 Nov. 1816." Also published in Principal documents relating to the survey of the coast of the United States since 1816. Published by F. R. Hassler, superintendent of the survey. New York, William Van Norden, printer, 1834. pp. 12-36. 1817 [Under Treasury department. No report sent to Congress.] 1818-32 [Under War department by transfer from Treasury department. Work in abeyance.] 1832-33 [Under Treasury department (1832-34). Reorganized by act July 10, 1832. No regular reports other than through correspondence.] 1834 [Under Navy department ( 1834-35) by transfer from Treasury department, in effect March 12, 1834-] Report [by F. R. Hassler to the Secretary of the navy] upon the works executed for the survey of the coast of the United States, upon the law of 1832, and their junc- tion with the works made in 1817 by and under the direction of F. R. Hassler. 17 pp. 22 cm . (Senate doc. i, 23d Cong., 2d sess. In v. i.) This is the second report and was signed at Washington city, May 17, 1834. Also published in Rept. Secretary of the navy, 1834, p. 364. Also as House doc. 2, 23d Cong., ist sess. In v. i. Also in Principal documents relating to the survey of the coast of the United States since 1816. Published by F. R. Hassler, superintendent of the survey. New York, William Van Norden, printer, 1834. pp. 141-154. Report of F. R. Hassler as superintendent of the survey of the coast, additional to that dated May 17, containing an account of the progress of that work during the summer and until November of 1834. 17 pp. 22 cm . (Senate doc. i, 230! Cong., 2d sess. In v. i.) This supplemental report was signed at " West Hills, Huntington township, I v ong Island," Nov. n, 1834, and was combined with it in the Congressional series. Also published as House doc. 2, 23d Cong., ist sess. In v. i. Also in Rept. Secretary of the navy, 1834, p. 364. Also in Principal documents relating to the survey of the coast. Published by F. R. Hassler. N. Y., 1834. pp. 171-178. 10 LIST. Report 1840. 1835 Third report of F. R. Hassler as superintendent of the survey of the coast, upon the progress of that work from November, 1834, until May, 1835. (In Second volume of the principal documents relating to the survey of the coast of the United States from October, 1834, to November, 1835. Published by F. R. Hassler, superintend- ent of the survey. New York, William Van Norden, printer, 1835. pp. 103-107. Report signed at " Washington city, May 8th, 1835." Not printed in Kept. Secretary of the navy, and therefore does not appear in the Congressional series. Fourth report of F. R. Hassler, as superintendent of the survey of the coast, upon the operations performed in that work between the months of May and December, 1835, with an estimate of the appropriation required for the next year's work. 6 pp. 22 cm . (Senate doc. i, 24th Cong., ist sess. In v. i.) Report signed at New York, Nov. 22, 1835. Also published as House doc. 2, 24th Cong., ist sess. In v. i. Also in Rept. Secretary of the navy, 1835, p. 380. Also in Second volume of the principal documents relating to the survey of the coast. Pub- lished by F. R. Hassler. N. Y., 1835. pp. 151-156. 1836 [Under Treasury department for this and all subsequent years. Retransfer from Navy depart- ment, in effect March 25, 1836.] Fifth report of F. R. Hassler, superintendent of the coast survey, and of the construc- tion of standard weights and measures, exhibiting the operations performed in 1836. (In Documents relating to the construction of standards of weights and measures for the custom-houses from March to November, 1835. By F. R. Hassler, superintendent of the works. N. Y., William Van Norden, printer, 1835. pp. 118-123.) Report signed at " West Hills, L,ong Island," Nov. 19, 1836. Not printed in Rept. Secretary of the treasury, and therefore does not appear in the Congressional series. No separate survey edition. 1837 Report from the Secretary of the treasury, transmitting the report of F. R. Hassler, superintendent of the coast survey, and of the fabrication of standard weights and measures [" rendering account of the works of 1837"]. Blair & Rives, printers. [Washington, D. C.] 16 pp. 22 cm . (Senate doc. 79, 25th Cong., 2d sess. In v. i.) Sixth report. Signed at "Harrow Hill, near Hempstead Harbor, L. I., November 18, 1837.' 886 additional copies printed for use of Senate. No separate survey edition. Also published as House doc. 14, 25th Cong., 2d sess. In v. 2. 1838 Report from the Secretary of the treasury, transmitting a report from the Superintend- ent of the coast survey, and of the fabrication of standards weights and measures, showing the progress in those works during the present year. [1838.] Blair & Rives, printers. 7 pp. 22 cm . (Senate doc. 4, 25th Cong., 3d sess. In v. i.) F. R. Hassler, superintendent. Seventh report. Dated at "Springfield Mountain Station," Nov. 15, 1838. No separate survey edition. No House print found. 1839 Letter from the Secretary of the treasury, communicating the annual report of the Superintendent of the coast survey, and of the fabrication of standard weights and measures ["rendering account of the works of 1839"]. Blair & Rives, printers. 8 pp. 22 cm . (Senate doc. 15, 26th Cong., ist sess. In v. 2.) F. R. Hassler, superintendent. Report signed at "Station of Willow Grove," Penna., Nov. 16. 1839. soo additional copies printed. No separate survey edition. Also published as House doc. 20, 26th Cong., ist sess. In v. 2. 1840 Report from the Secretary of the treasury, transmitting a report of Professor F. R. Hassler, superintendent of the coast survey, and the fabrication of standard weights and measures, &c. ["rendering account of the works of 1840"]. 18 pp. 22 cm . (Senate doc. 20, 26th Cong., 2d sess. In v. 2.) Report signed at "Station Mount Holly, N. J., Nov. 17, 1840." 300 additional copies printed for the Senate. No separate survey edition. Also published as House doc. 14, 26th Cong., 2d sess. 11 Eeport 1841. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PUBLICATIONS. 1841 L/etter from the Secretary of the treasury, transmitting a report of F. R. Hassler, superintendent of the coast survey, showing the progress made therein up to the present time [December, 1841]. 18 pp. 22 cm . (House doc. 28, 2yth Cong., 2d sess. In v. 2.) Includes "Questions of the resolution of Congress of June 24, 1841, relating to the survey of the coast of the United States, with the answers to the same by F. R. Hassler." Also contains a"" List of instru- ments." This progress report is also the loth annual report. Report signed at " Station Yards in Newton Square, Delaware County (Pa.), December 2, 1841." No separate survey edition. No Senate print found. 184:2 Report from the Secretary of the treasury, communicating a report from the Superin- tendent of the coast survey, and of the fabrication of standard weights and meas- ures [upon the progress of these works in 1842]. Thomas Allen, print. [Wash- ington, D. C. ?] 5 pp. 22 cm . (Senate doc. n, 2yth Cong., 3d sess. In v. 2. j F. R. Hassler, superintendent. Report signed at " Pine Hill Station, New Jersey, Nov. 17, 1842." No separate survey edition. Also published as House doc. 23, 27th Cong., 3d sess. In v. 2. 184:3 Letter from the Secretary of the treasury, transmitting a report of the late F. R. Hassler, relative to the operations and condition of the Coast survey [in 1843]. Blair and Rives, printers. 8 pp. 22 cm . (House doc. 97, 28th Cong., ist sess. In v. 4.) Twelfth and last report of Superintendent Hassler, who died Nov. 20, 1843. Report is signed at " Station Bethel, Pennsylvania, November 12, 1843." Transmitted by the Secretary of the treasury, Jan. 29, 1844. No separate survey edition. 1844 Report of the Secretary of the treasury, communicating a report of the Superintendent of the survey of the coast, showing the progress of the work during the year end- ing November, 1844. Blair & Rives, print. 22 pp. 4 maps and sketches. 22"'. (Senate doc. 16, 28th Cong., 2d sess. In v. 2.) A. D. Bache, superintendent. Report dated at " Station near Cumberland Hill, R. I., November, 1844." 300* additional copies printed for use of survey. No separate survey edition. Also published as House doc. 25, 28th Cong., 2d sess. In v. 2. 1845 * Report from the Secretary of the treasury, communicating a report of the Superintend- ent of the coast survey, showing the progress of the work under his charge during the year ending November, 1845. Ritchie & Heiss, printers. [Washington, D. C. ?] 44 pp. 3 maps and sketches. 22 cm . (Senate doc. 13, 2gth Cong., ist sess. In v. 3.) A. D. Bache, superintendent. Report dated at " Bodies island, N. C., November 29, 1845." 250* additional copies printed for use of the survey. No separate survey edition. Also published as House doc. 38, 2gth Cong., ist sess. In v. 3. APPENDICES. *i, 2. [Miscellaneous correspondence.] pp. 40, 41. *3. Extract from a letter addressed by Ferd. H. Gerdes, assistant United States Coast survey, to Prof. A'. D. Bache, superintendent, containing remarks upon the currents in Mississippi sound, and upon the change in the magnetic variation within short distances in the Gulf of Mexico, pp. 41-43. *4. [Letter. Commerce of Vineyard Sound.] pp. 43, 44. * Exhausted. 12 LIST. Beport 1848. Report of the Secretary of the treasury, communicating a report of the Superintendent of the coast survey, showing the progress of the survey during the year ending November, 1846. Ritchie & Heiss, print. 74 pp. 8 maps and sketches, i diag. 22 cm . (Senate doc. 3, 2gth Cong., 2d sess. In v. 2.) A. D. Bache, superintendent. Report dated at "Cape Ann, Mass., November 25, 1846." 500 additional copies printed, of which 250* for use of the survey. No separate survey edition. Also published as House doc. 6, 2gth Cong., 2d sess. In v. 2. APPENDICES. *i~3. [Miscellaneous correspondence.] pp. 44-46. *4. L/etters of Lieutenant Commanding George M. Bache, U. S. Navy, assistant in the Coast survey, to the Superintendent, relating to the exploration of the Gulf stream, pp. 46-53. *5~7- [Loss of brig Washington.] pp. 53-68. *8. Letter from Lieut. Com. Patterson, United States Navy, to the Superintendent of the United States coast survey, relating to the tides at the entrance of Mobile bay. pp. 68-70. *9. [Extract from letter. Life saving incident.] pp. 70, 71. *io. Report of S. C. Walker, esq., to the Superintendent of the coast survey, in relation to the differences of longitude of Philadelphia and Greenwich, by reduction of observations at Cambridge, Massachusetts, pp. 71, 72. Reprinted. Rept. 1866, app. 12, pp. 99, 100. *n. Report of S. C. Walker, esq., to the Superintendent of the coast survey, relating to determi- nations of differences of longitude by telegraph, etc. pp. 72-74. On correction for personal equation. Reprinted. Rept. 1866, app. 13, pp. 100-102. Compare his report on telegraphic longitudes 1848 printed as i3-p. report in 3oth Cong., 2d sess., House ex. doc. 21. Also his report dated Nov. 10, 1847, on the same subject printed in Astronomische nachrichten, nr. 632, pp. 119-126. 1847 Letter from the acting Secretary of the treasury, communicating the report of the Superintendent of the coast survey, showing the progress of that work ["during the year ending October, -1847 "] . 88pp. ii maps and sketches, i diag. 22'". (Senate ex. doc. 6, 3oth Cong., ist sess. In v. 3-) A. D. Bache, superintendent. Report dated at "Agamenticus station, near South Berwick, Maine, Novem- ber i, 1847." 1,250 additional copies printed, of which 250* for Superintendent Coast survey. No separate survey edition. APPENDICES. *i-i8. [Miscellaneous details.] pp. 60-86. *u. Table showing temperatures at depths below 700 fathoms, taken by Lieut. Com. C. H. Davis in 1845, George M. Bache in 1846, and S. P. Lee in 1847. See sketch, p. 75. 1848 Report of the Secretary of the treasury, communicating a report of the Superintendent of the coast survey, showing the progress of that work during the year ending November, 1848. 120 pp. 12 maps and sketches, 4 diag. 22 cm . (Senate ex. doc. i, 3oth Cong., 2d sess. In v. i.) A. D. Bache, superintendent. Report dated at "Bodies island, North Carolina, November 14, 1848." 2,000 additional copies printed, of which 250* for Superintendent of the coast survey. No separate survey edition. Also published as House ex. doc. 13, 3oth Cong., 2d sess. In v. 4. APPENDICES. *i-3 bis. [Miscellaneous details.] pp. 70-76. *4. Recapitulation of results for personal equations, 1844 to 1848, in the order of dates. Extract of report of S. C. Walker, pp. 77-83. *5-i8. [Light-house matters, etc.] pp. 84-112. *I9. Annual report to the Superintendent on longitude computations, by S. C. Walker, assistant United States Coast survey, pp. 112-118. Reprinted. Rept. 1866, app. 14, pp. 102-105. * Exhausted. 13 Eeportl849. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PUBLICATIONS. 1849 Letter from the Secretary of the treasury, communicating the report of the Superin- tendent of the coast survey, showing the progress of that work during the year ending November, 1849. 98pp. 15 maps and sketches, 2 diag. 22 cm . (Senate ex. doc. 5, 3ist Cong., ist sess. In v. 5.) A. D. Bache, superintendent. Report dated at "Mount Independence, near Portland, Maine, October, 1849." 5,500 copies printed, of which 500* for Superintendent of coast survey. No separate survey edition. Also published as House ex. doc. 14, 3ist Cong., ist sess. In v. 4. APPENDICES. *i-4. [Field and office details.] pp. 63-72. *5. Report of Professor O. M. Mitchel, of Cincinnati, on the mechanical record of astronomical observations, pp. 72-78. CONTENTS. Revolving disk; arrangement for recording differences of declination. *6-i9. [Miscellaneous details, light-house matters, etc.] pp. 78-96. *2o. Description of a float for observations of surface currents, by Lieutenant C. P. Patterson, United States Navy, assistant in the Coast survey, p. 97. See sketch H bis, current float. 185O Letter from the Secretary of the treasury, transmitting the report of the Superintendent of the coast survey, showing the progress of that work during the year ending November, 1850. 134 pp. 27 maps and sketches. 22'. (House ex. doc. 12, 3ist Cong., 2d sess. In v. 4. ) No separate survey edition. A. D. Bache, superintendent. Report dated at "Webb's station, Anne Arundel county, Md November 1850." Also published as Senate ex. doc. 7, 3ist Cong., 2d sess. In v. 4. APPENDICES. *i-i2. [Miscellaneous details and correspondence.] pp. 64-85. *6. Extract from the report of W. C. Bond, esq., director of the Cambridge observatory, to the Superintendent of the coast survey, in relation to the difference of longitude between Cam- bridge and Liverpool observatories, p. 79. *8. Extracts from the report of Professor A. G. Pendleton, United States Navy, assistant in the Coast survey, to the Superintendent, in regard to the encroachment of the sea on land on the south side of Long Island, pp. 80-8 1. *9. Report of H. L. Whiting, esq., assistant United States Coast survey, to the Superintendent, on the progress of Sandy Hook, from 1848 to 1850. pp. 81, 82. See sketch 8 B, no. 4, i\si. *I3. Extract from the report of S. C. Walker, esq., assistant United States Coast survey, to the Superintendent, on the telegraphic operations and the computations in his charge, pp. 85-89. CONTENTS. I, Experiments for galvanic wave time between Washington and St. Louis; II, attempted experiments on wave time through different conductors; III, experiments with the chemical telegraph line; IV, progress of the researches on the velocity of the galvanic current; the Bond spring governor. Reprinted. Kept. 1866, app. 15, pp. 106-108. *I4~22. [Field and office details.] pp. 89-105. *23. Extract from the report of Assistant F. H. Gerdes to the Superintendent of the coast survey, on the reconnaissance of the Florida Keys, etc. pp. 106-1 10. ^24-30. [Field and office details.] pp. 110-134. *3i. Report accompanying a reconnaissance chart of the western coast of the United States, from Monterey, California, to the mouth of the Columbia river, Oregon, by Lieutenant Com- manding W. P. McArthur, United States Navy, assistant in the Coast survey, pp. 119-122. 1851 Annual report of the Superintendent of the coast survey, showing the progress of that work during the year ending November, 1851. Washington: Robert Armstrong, printer. 1852. v, 559 pp. 22 cm . Accompanying sketches bound separately with title page index. 58 sheets, folded 3o cm . A. D. Bache, superintendent. Report dated at "Cape Small Point, Maine, Novembers, 1851." First report issued separately as a Survey publication. Also published as Senate ex. doc. 3, 32d Cong., ist sess. In v. 5 and v. 53. Also as Plouse ex. doc. 26, 32d Cong., 2d sess. In v. 4 and v. 43. * Exhausted. 1-1 LIST. Beport 1851. APPENDICES. *i-6. [Miscellaneous field and office details.] pp. 108-127. *7. Notes of a discussion of tidal observations, made in connexion with the Coast survey, at Cat island, in the Gulf of Mexico, by Professor A. D. Bache, superintendent of the coast survey pp. 127-136. CONTENTS. Discussion; table of diurnal and semidiurnal curves. Sketches H, nos. 2 to 6, inclusive. Reprinted. Kept. 1866, app. 18, pp. 113-119, *8. Method used in the Coast survey of showing the results of current observations, by Professor A. D. Bache, superintendent, pp. 136, 137. Sketch 3 (A, no. 3). *9. Report of Professor O. M. Mitchel, director of the Cincinnati observatory, to the Superin- tendent of the coast survey, on a new method of recording differences of north polar distances, or declination, by electro-magnetism, pp. 137-145. *io. Extracts from the report of Professor Agassiz to the Superintendent of the coast survey, on the examination of the Florida reefs, keys, and coast, pp. 145-160. CONTENTS. Topography of Florida; mode of formation of the reef; animal life; the keys; coral reefs ship channel; the mainland; coast survey; physical changes in the Gulf stream; changes in ages to come. Reprinted. Rept. 1866, app. 19, pp. 120-530. *u. List of Coast survey maps, sketches, and preliminary charts, engraved and engraving, pp. 160-162. *I2. List of geographical positions determined by the United States Coast survey, pp. 162-442. CONTENTS. Method of triangulatioti and verification; average error; assumed size and form of the globe; station errors; checking of geodetic longitudes by telegraph; longitude of Cambridge from Greenwich; explanation of tables; list. Errata, 168, 169, 218, 304, 324, 372, 374, 375, 378: 1851, p. viii. Errata, 163, 169, 189, 190, 191, 194, 217, 218, 220, 258, 271, 276, 286, 324, 360, 372. 374, 375, 378, 400, 402, 404, 409, 416, 425, 480: 1853, p. 181. Errata, 185, 252: 1854, p. xii. Errata, 192, 225, 340, 341, 342, 344, 346, 411: 1855, p. xviii. *I3~I7. [Light-house matters, etc.] pp. 443-559. *i8. Letter of Sears C. Walker, esq., assistant in the United States Coast survey, to the Superin- tendent, communicating an arrangement with the president of the Maine telegraph com- pany, to determine the difference in longitude of Cambridge and Halifax, pp. 462, 463. *i9-24. [Letters in regard to navigation.] pp. 463-476. *25. Report of Sears C. Walker, assistant in the Coast survey, communicating the. measures of wave-time made from 1849 to 1851. pp. 476-479. CONTENTS. Specifications; tables of results. Reprinted. Rept. 1866, app. 16, pp. 109-111. *26. Abstract of reports on longitudes, by Sears C. Walker, assistant in the Coast survey, to the Superintendent, pp. 480, 481. CONTENTS. Methods; moon culminations; eclipses; transits; occultations; telegraph. Reprinted. Rept. 1866, app. 17, pp. 111,112. *27. [Letters in regard to light-house matters.] pp. 481, 482. *28. Extracts from the report of Henry L. Whiting, esq., assistant in the Coast survey, to the Superintendent, on the survey of Beaufort, North Carolina, pp. 482-484. CONTENTS. Operative causes of its physical permanency. Sketch 17 (D, no. 5). *2o, 30. [Letters in regard to aids to navigation, lights, etc.] pp. 485-487. *3i. Report of F. H. Gerdes, esq., assistant in the Coast survey, to the Superintendent, on the reconnaissance of the coast of Florida, from the Suwanee river to the St. Martins reef, pp. 488-494. CONTENTS. A, description; B, survey; C, tides and currents; D, railroad across the peninsula; E, light- houses and buoys; F, general remarks on Cedar Keys harbor. Sketches 27, 28, and 29. *3 2 ~39- [Letters in regard to light-house matters, field work, etc.] pp. 495-509. *4o. Tribute of respect to the memory of Lieutenant Commanding Wm. P. McArthur, United States navy, assistant in the Coast survey, pp. 509-511. *4i~49. [Letters in regard to light-houses, field work, etc.] pp. 512-528. *5O. Letter of the Superintendent of the coast survey to the Secretary of the treasury, communi- cating information relating to Trinidad, Humboldt, and San Diego bavs. pp. 528-530. With special reference to San Diego river entrance. Sketches 6 and 7. For statistics see Superintendent's report, section C. a. *5 I > 5 2 - [Letters in regard to discoveries, etc.] pp. 530-533. *53- [Report on death of Passed Midshipman William De Koven, U. S. Navv.] p. 533. *54. [Letters on the loss of the steamer Jefferson.] pp. 533-541. * Exhausted. 15 Report 1851. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PUBLICATIONS. :< 55. Report to the Assistant in charge of the Coast survey office 011 the electrotyping operations of the Coast survey, by George Mathiot, electrotypjst. pp. 541-553. CONTENTS. Adhesion of deposit to matrix; actions in the electrolytic solution; laboratory apparatus; manipulation. Sketch 58. Reprinted. Rept. 1866, app. 20, pp. 130-138. *56. Report of Lieutenant Washington A. Bartlett, U. S. N., assistant in the Coast survey, to the Superintendent, on the examination of the reefs in Hell Gate channel and changes pro- duced by blasting, pp. 553-558. Errata, p. ix. 1852 Report of the Superintendent of the coast survey, showing the progress of the survey during the year 1852. Washington: Robert Armstrong, public printer. 1853. vi, 173 pp. 36 maps and sketches, i diag. 3o cni . A. D. Bache, superintendent. Report dated at "Coast survey office (Washington), Februarj 7 7, 1853." Also published as Senate ex. doc. 58, 32d Cong., 2d sess. In v. n. Also as House ex. doc. 64, 32d Cong., 2d sess. In v. 8. APPENDICES. *i 7. General lists, etc., Coast survey reports and correspondence, pp. 71111. *8. Report of Lieut. Washington A. Bartlett, U. S. Navy, assistant in Coast survey, to the Superintendent, on the examination of Pot rock, Hell Gate channel, New York. p. 84. *9~n. [Reports on discoveries.] pp. 85-87. *I2. Extracts from the report of Assistant F. H. Gerdes, to the Superintendent, of a reconnais- sance from the Suwanee river, Florida, to the mouths of the Mississippi, Louisiana, pp. 87-94. *I3. [Report on discoveries.] pp. 95-97. *I4. Extracts from the report of Lieut. James Totten, U. S. Army, assistant in Coast survey, to the Superintendent, on the placing of screw-pile signals along the Florida reef. pp. 97, 98. *i5~i7. [Reports on discoveries and field work.] pp. 99-103. *i8. Report of Lieut. Comg. James Alden, U. S. Navy, assistant in the Coast survey, to the Super- intendent, on the reconnaissance of the Western coast from San Francisco, south, to San Diego, including the Santa Barbara islands and channel, pp. 104-107. *I9, 20. [Reports on discoveries and field work.] pp. 107-11 >s. *2i. Extracts from the report of Major I. I. Stevens, U. S. Corps of engineers, Assistant in charge of the Coast survey office, to the Superintendent, upon the subject of printing from litho- graphic transfers, pp. loS-iu. *22. Additional notes of a discussion of tidal observations made in connexion with the Coast survey at Cat island, in the Gulf of Mexico, by Professor A. D. Bache, superintendent U. S. Coast survey, pp. 111-122. CONTENTS; Table I, Sketch i, diurnal and semidiurnal curves deduced from observations, with curves of sines; (A) diurnal wave; heights and times; II, Sketch 2, maximum ordinates of diurnal curve, etc.; Ill, Sketch 3, effect of sun's declination on height; IV, effect of moon's parallax; V and VI, coefficients; VII, computed diurnal ordinates compared with observations; VIII, Sketch 8, residuals classed by moon's ages; IX, same, corrected by change of cosines; X, difference of diurnal maximum ordinates, from last and from first methods of groups semidiurna'l effect; XI, correction to maximum diurnal ordinate for high-water ordinate; XII to XV, further residual corrections; comparison with hypothe- sis; (B) semidiurnal curve; XVI, half monthly inequality in height; XVII, discrepancies between observations and formula. Sketch 25 (H, nos. 5-9). Errata, pp.H5, 119, 121; 1853, p. 182. *23~32. [Miscellaneous matters.] pp. 122-133. *33~5 2 - [Light-house matters.] pp. 133-167. 1853 Report of the Superintendent of the coast survey, showing the progress of the Survey during the year 1853. Washington: Robert Armstrong, public printer. 1854. iv, 87, 186 pp. 49 maps and sketches, 5 diag. 30. A. D. Bache, superintendent. Report dated at " Mt. Blue station, Franklin countv, Maine, November 27, 1853." Also published as .Senate ex. doc.. 14, 33d Cong., ist sess. In v. 13. Also as House ex. doc. 12, 33d Cong., .ist sess. In v. 4. * Exhausted. 16 LIST. Eeport 1853. APPENDICES. *i-6. [Miscellaneous details.] pp. 1-67. *7. List of geographical positions determined by the United States Coast survey since July, 1850. pp. 14-42. Errata, 15, 16 et seq., 17, 20, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 42: 1854, p. xii. Errata, 19, 20: 1855, p. xviii. "S-25. [Miscellaneous details.] pp. 43-49. *iS. Extracts from the report of Lieut. James Totten, U. S. Army, assistant in the Coast survey, in regard to the climate, soil, and character of the Florida keys. pp. 50, 51. *26. Tide tables for the United States, pp. 67-70. For the use of navigators, with description of bench marks, explanations, and examples for use. *27. On the tides at Key West, Florida, from observations made in connexion with the United States Coast survey, by A. D. Bache, superintendent. (Communicated by authority of the Treasury department. ) pp. 71-76. CONTENTS. Table I, half monthly inequality of tides, one year's observations; II, diurnal inequality, with formula; decomposition of the curves of observation; semidiurnal tides; III, first six months; IV, second six months; V, the whole year; diurnal tides; VI, effect of moon's declination; VII, moon's age: changes of mean level; VIII, height of high water referred to moon's age, first and second months; IX, monthly mean level. Sketches 27 (F, no. 4) and 28 (F, no. 5). *28. On the tides of the western coast of the United States. Tides of San Francisco bay, Cali- fornia, by A. D. Bache, superintendent U. S. coast survey, pp. 77-81. Tables I-IV; sketch 48 ( J, 7). Results of observations at Rincoii point, city of San Francisco. *2g. Notes on the tides at San Francisco, California, by Professor A. D. Bache, superintendent U. S. coast survey, pp. 81, 82. *3o. Extracts from letters of L. F. Pourtales, esq. , assistant in the Coast survey, to the Superin- tendent, upon the examination of specimens of bottom obtained in the exploration of the Gulf stream, by Lieuts. Comg. T. A. M. Craven and J. N. Maffitt, U. S. Navy, assistants in the Coast survey, pp. 82, 83. *3i. Report of Professor Benjamin Peirce, to the Superintendent, on the determination of longi- tudes from observations of moon culminations, p. 84. CONTENTS. On the determination of longitude from observation of moon culminations; standard proba- ble error of observation of interpolated lunar transits; constant errors of epoch and periodical one of half lunations. *32. Report of Professor W. C. Bond on moon culminations, observed by him during the past year, by the "American method," with remarks on the performance of the "spring governor," the invention of the Messrs. Bond. pp. 84-86. CONTENTS. Comparison of records made by two spring governors differing one-tenth of a second in time of vibration of their respective pendulums; table of star transits; amount of probable errors. *33_ Report of Dr. B. A. Gould, jr., to the Superintendent, upon the results of his observations in the determination of the difference of longitude, by telegraph, between Seaton station, Washington, and Charleston, South Carolina, pp. 86-88. *34. Report of George P. Bond, esq. , to the Superintendent of the coast survey, on the compu- tations of the chronometer expeditions for determining the difference of longitude between Cambridge and Liverpool, pp. 88, 89. Expeditions of 1849, 1850, and 1851. *35. Letter from John Hewston, jr., esq., to the Superintendent of the coast survey, reporting the results of analyses of two specimens of deposit taken from the boiler of the Coast survey steamer Hetzel. pp. 89, 90. *36. Notes on lithography and lithographic transfers; by Lieutentant E. B. Hunt, Corps of engineers, assistant in the Coast survey, pp. 90-93. *37. Letter of Lieutenant E. B. Hunt, U. S. Corps of engineers, assistant in the Coast survey, to the Superintendent, describing an instrument invented and called by him the interranger. pp. 93, 94- *38. Description, by Lieutenant E. B. Hunt, U. S. Corps of engineers, assistant in the Coast survey, of the self-registering tide-gauge, arranged for the Coast survey by Joseph Saxton, esq. pp. 94-96. Sketch 54. *39. Tables for projecting maps, with notes on map projections, pp. 96-163. By C. A. Schott and E. B. Hunt. CONTENTS. Map projections classified and defined; Bonne's or modified Flamstead's projection; the polyconic, its properties and varieties; formulas used for the computation of projection tables in use at the Coast survey office; graphic construction of polyconic projections, Coast survey methods; rectan- gular polyconic method; Tables I-V, measures of le'ngth; Table VI, projection tables, giving latitude and longitude arcs and coordinates of curvature, from latitude 24 to 50. F.rrata, 96, 97. 98, 102, 134: 1853, p. 182. Errata, 101, 113, 114, 115, 116, 130, 159: 1854, p. xii. Errata, 132, 137: 1866, p. xx. Also printed separately. ^40-58. [Miscellaneous correspondence and light-house matters.] pp. 164-181. * Exhausted. 759002 2 17 Report 1854. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PUBLICATIONS. 1854 Report of the Superintendent of the coast survey, showing the progress of the Survey during the year 1854.* Washington: A. O. P. Nicholson, public printer. 1855. xii, 92, 288 pp. 3 fig., 51 maps and sketches, 7 diag. 3o cm . A. D. Bache, superintendent. Report dated at " Ragged Mt. station, near Camden, Maine, November 22, 1854." Also published as Senate ex. doc. 10, 33d Cong., ad sess. In v. 12. Also as House ex. doc. 20, 33d Cong., 2d sess. In v. 6. APPENDICES. *I-I3- [Miscellaneous details.] pp. 1-20. *I4. Report of Lieut. Comg. J. N. Maffitt, U. S. N., assistant in the Coast survey, on Beaufort harbor, North Carolina, communicated, by request, to the honorable Secretary of the navy June 12, 1854. pp. 21-23. Its capacity, changes, and improvements. Sketch 23. *i5~i8. [L/etters in regard to hydrographic discoveries, etc.] pp. 23-25. *ig. Letter from the Superintendent of the coast survey to the Commissioner of the general land office, communicating the results of the survey of Florida keys, in the vicinity of Key West and Spanish harbor, pp. 25-27. *2O. Extracts from the report of F. H. Gerdes, esq. , assistant United States Coast survey, on the reconnaissance of the coast of Louisiana in 1854. pp. 28-30. Particularly the Mississippi delta. *2i. Extracts from report of Assistant W. E. Greenwell on the general features and peculiarities of the coast of lower Texas, with suggestions in regard to facilities for navigation [from the harbor of the Brazos de Santiago to the mouth of the Rio Grande], pp. 30-31. *22-28. [Letters in regard to sailing directions, etc.] pp. 31-35. *2g. Extracts from the reports of Assistant G. A. Fairfield and Subassistant Henry Mitchell on the tidal observations made on the south shore of Massachusetts, and in Nantucket and Vineyard sounds, pp. 35-37. Method of securing in place Mitchell's tide gauge; remarks on swells. Sketch 57. *3o. Report to the Superintendent of the coast survey on tidal and magnetic observations of the western coast of the United States, by Lieut. W. P. Trowbridge, Corps of engineers, assist- ant in the Coast survey, pp. 37-40. *3i. Reports of the chiefs of divisions [including] report of Mr. George Mathiot, in charge of the electrotype division [on electrotype operations and chemiglyphic or etching experiments] . pp. 40-61. *32. Description of the Congress map, by Lieut. J. C. Tidball, U. S. A., assistant in Coast survey. pp. 6i-6j. Reprinted. Rept. I $55, app. 39. *33- Comparison of the reduction of horizontal angles by the methods of dependent directions and of dependent angular quantities, by the method of least squares. By Prof. A. D. Bache. pp. 63-70. Sketch 58. Errata, pp. 65, 70, 72, 75, 78, 79, 91, 94: 1855, p. xix. *33S. Adjustment of horizontal angles of a triangulation. By Chas. A. Schott, computing division Coast survey office, pp. 70-86. *33t. Probable error of observation, derived from observations of horizontal angles at any single station, and depending on directions. [By Chas. A. Schott, computing division.] pp. 86-95. Sketch 58. *34. Extracts from the abstract of reports [on measurements of heights] made in 1854 by Captain T. J. Cram, Corps of topographical engineers, assistant United States Coast survey, in charge of a secondary triangulation party, pp. 95-103. Experimental comparison of the methods of measuring heights by leveling, by vertical angles, by the barometer, and by the boiling-point apparatus. 2 fig. Errata, p. 102: 1855, p. xix. *35. Description of the United States Coast survey apparatus for measuring base lines. By Lieut. E. B. Hunt. U. S. A., and assistant United States Coast survey. Communicated to the American association for the advancement of science, by authority of the Treasury department, pp. 103-108. Sketch 54. Reprinted. Rept. 1873, after app. 12, pp. 132-136. * Exhausted. 18 LIST. Report 1854. Letter of Professor Peirce, of Harvard, to the Superintendent of the coast survey, enclosing his report on longitude by moon culminations, pp. 108-120. and the modes of computation Errata, pp. 112, 113, 114, 115, ny: 1855, P- xi x - *37. Report of Professor W. C. Bond on moon culminations, observed by him during the past year, by the "American method." p. 120. Chronometric longitude of Cambridge and probable error. *38. Report of Professor E. Otis Kendall on the number of moon culminations, etc. , observed at the High School observatory, Philadelphia, p. 120. *39. Discussion by J. E. Hilgard, esq. , of the probable error of observation with a twenty -six inch portable transit by Wurdemann, from observations of Assistant G. Davidson, in 1853. P- I21 - See illus. no. 29, Report for 1866. *4o. Observations on the solar eclipse of May 26, 1854, reported to the Superintendent of the coast survey, pp. 122-127. Observations made at Brooklyn, I/mg Island, reported by E. Blunt; atSeaton station, Washington, D. C., by C. O. Boutelle; at Roslyn station, near Petersburg, Va., by L. F. Pourtales; Black Mountain station, Cal., by R. D. Cutts; Benicia, Cal., by Prof. James Nooney; Humboldt bay, Cal., by G. Davidson, assistant. *4i. Report of Dr. B. A. Gould, jr., assistant in the Coast survey, upon telegraphic observations made for difference of longitude between Raleigh, N. C., and Columbia, S. C. pp. 128-131. *4i [a]. Report to Professor A. D. Bache, LL. D., superintendent of the U. S. Coast survey, containing directions and tables for the use of Peirce's criterion for the rejection of doubt- ful observations: by Dr. B. A. Gould, jr. pp. 131-138. Errata, p. 138. *42. Letter of George P. Bond, esq., assistant astronomer, Harvard observatory, communicating the result of computations of the chronometric expeditions of 1849, 1850, and 1851, with his report upon them. pp. 138-142. Expeditions between Cambridge, Mass., and Liverpool, Eng. Errata, p. 140: 1855, p. xix. *43. Table of magnetic declination, pp. 142-145. Results of Coast survey magnetic observations at 136 stations along the coast of the United States. Errata, pp. 144, 145: 1855, p. xix. *44_ Extracts from reports of Assistant George W. Dean on the establishment of meridian lines at Petersburg, Va., and Raleigh and Wilmington, N. C. p. 146. *45. Preliminary determinations of cotidal lines on the Atlantic coast of the United States, from the Coast survey tidal observations, by A. D. Bache, superintendent. (Communicated to the American association for the advancement of science, by authority of the Treasury department. ) pp. 147-152. CONTENTS. Table I, observations for cotidal hours; II, cotidal hours of ports on the Atlantic coast; III. rate and trend of cotidal lines. Sketch 26. Errata, p. 151: 1855, p. xix. ^46. Comparison of the diurnal inequality of the tides at San Diego, San Francisco, and Astoria, on the Pacific coast of the United States, from observations in connection with the Coast survey, by A. D. Bache, superintendent. (Communicated to the American association for the advancement of science, by authority of the Treasury department. ) pp. 152-155. Sketch 49. Errata, p. 153: 1855, p. xix. *47. On the distribution of temperature in and near the Gulf stream, off the coast of the United States, from observations made in the Coast survey. By A. D. Bache, superintendent. (Com- municated to the American association for the advancement of science, by authority of the Treasury department. ) pp. 156-161. CONTENTS. (i) At different depths; (2) at the same depths on sections across the axis of the Gulf stream, Table I, probable uncertainty in determination of the maximum and minimum points; (3) connection of the figure of the sea bottom with the distribution of temperature; (4) the " cold wall ; " (5) reference to shifting; (6) chart of Gulf stream. Sketches 24 and 25. Errata, pp. 158, 159, 160: 1855, p. xix. *48. Report of Chas. A. Schott, esq., of the computing division U. S. Coast survey, on the cur- rents of Nantucket shoals, pp. 161-166. CONTENTS. Table I, mean direction; II, maximum velocity; III, groups of luni-current intervals. Sketch 13 (A, No. 12). Errata, pp. 165, 166: 1855, p. xix. *49. Discussion of currents in Muskeget channel and off the northeast coast of Martha's Vineyard, by Charles A. Schott. pp. 166-168. CONTENTS. Table showing the currents and rate of current in Muskeget channel and on the northeast coast of Marthas Vineyard; velocity of current; duration of ebb, flood, and slack water; current estab- lishments. Sketch 14 (A, No. 13); also 1855, sketch 6. Errata, pp. 157, 168: 1855, p. xix. * Exhausted. 19 Report 1854. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PUBLICATIONS. *5O. Report on the tidal currents of Long Island sound and approaches: by Charles A. Schott. pp. 168-179. CONTENTS. Table I, range, or mean rise and fall of tides, to April, 1853; II, corrected or mean establish- ments, to April, 1853; III, set and maximum rates of ebt and flood streams; IV, luni-current interval for beginning of outgoing streams; eastern part of the sound, 1846-47; western part of New York bay and channel, 1844; New York harbor, 1844-45; Hell Gate, 1845; Hell Gate and Throgs Neck, 1*46; V. mean duration of slack waters and of respective ebb and flood streams, from the middle (time) of one slack-water period to that of the next; VI, irregularity of luni-current intervals of successive tides. Sketch 16 (B, No. 2). Errata, pp. 172, 174: 1855, p. xix. *5i. Tide tables for the coast of the United States, pp. 180- 189. Errata, pp. 181, 182, 183, 185: 1855, p. xx. *52. [Cards from current bottles. ] pp. 189, 190. *53. Description of a tide-gauge used at stations on the open seacoast, and in situations exposed to strong currents: By Henry Mitchell, subassistant U. S. Coast survey, pp. 190, 191. Sketch 57. (See also 35-57.) Errata, for Sketch K read sketch 57. *54. Letter from Lieutenant Commanding T. A. Craven, U. S. N., assistant in the Coast survey, to the Superintendent, in relation to a specimen-box for bringing up the bottom in deep-sea soundings, with a description and drawings, pp. 191, 192. Sketch 56. *55. Letter of Assistant J. E. Hilgard, on the action of sea-water upon metals used in the construc- tion of instruments, and on magnetic needles, pp. 192, 193. Reference to Phoenix disaster. Errata, p. 192, 5 lines from bottom, word 9, read presence. *56. Letter from George Mathiot, esq. , containing a detailed description of his self-sustaining voltaic battery, pp. 193, 201. Errata, pp. 194, 198: 1855, p. xix. *57. Report on engraving in relation to the Coast surve}\ By Lieutenant E. B. Hunt, Corps of engineers U. S. Army, and assistant U. S. Coast survey, pp. 201-212. CONTENTS. Art and practice of engraving; organization and history of Coast survey engraving operations. Errata, p. 204. See index of errata. *58~73- [Miscellaneous correspondence and light-house matters.] pp. 212-229. 1855 Report of the Superintendent of the coast survey, showing the progress of the Survey during the year 1855.* Washington: Cornelius Wendell, printer. 1856. xx, 420 pp. i fig., 54 maps and sketches, 6 diag. 30"". A. D. Bache, superintendent. Report dated at "Mount Harris station, near Dixmont, Penobscot county, Maine, October 23, 1855." Also published as Senate ex. doc. 22, 34th Cong., ist sess. In v. 17. Also as House ex. doc. 6, 34th Cong., ist sess. In v. 3. APPENDICES. *i~5- [Field and office details.] pp. 105-116. *6. List of capes, headlands, islands, harbors, and anchorages on the western coast of the United States, of which either the geographical positions have been determined, topographical surveys made, or charts or sketches issued, to date of report of 1855. p. 117. *7. Results of the Coast survey at different periods from 1844 to 1855. p. 118. *8. List of geographical positions determined by the United States Coast survey and continued from the reports of 1851 and 1853. pp. 119-148. Errata, pp. 138-140: 1856, p. xx. *9. General list of Coast survey discoveries and developments to 1854, inclusive, pp. 148-152.- *io-i4. [Letters communicating discoveries, progress of work, etc.] pp. 152-155. *I5. Letter to the Superintendent from Lieut. Comg. J. N. Maffitt, U. S. Navy, assistant in the Coast survey, transmitting his comparative chart of Maffit's channel, Charleston harbor. PP- I55-I57- Sketch E, no. 3. *i6. Report made to the Superintendent by Lieutenant James Totten, U. S. Army, assistant in the Coast survey, on the erection of screw-pile beacons on Florida reefs, with descriptions of the signals, pp. 157-160. Sketch F, no. 5. *I7~2O. [Letters communicating discoveries.] pp. 160-162. *2i. Report of Assistant F. H. Gerdes on topography executed by his party on Manhattan island, and on the shores of East and North rivers, including the city of New York. pp. 162, 163. * Exhausted. 20 LIST. Eeport 1855. *22. Report of Assistant S. A. Gilbert, on the topographical work executed by his party on the western and southern side of Long Island, p. 164. ^23. Report of Assistant A.M.Harrison, on topography executed by his party on the coast of New Jersey, from the head of Raritan bay to Shrewsbury inlet, including Sandy Hook and the Highlands of Navesink. pp. .164, 165. Sketch 9. *24. Documents relating to resurvey of New York bay and harbor and dependencies, for the Com- missioners on harbor encroachments, pp. 165-171. Remarks by Mr. Boschke on surveys made at different periods in New York harbor. *25. Report to the Commissioner of the general land office on the survey of the Florida keys, pp. 171-176. Includes reconnaissance of Barnes sound, Fla. *26. Extracts from a descriptive report made to the Superintendent by Assistant George Davidson, upon localities on the western coast of the United States from the north entrance of Rosario strait, W.T. , to the southern boundary of California, pp. 176-185. ^27. [Letters relative to Bodega bay and South Farallon island.] pp. 185, 186. "28. Extracts from the report of Subassistant W. M. Johnson, relative to the features of Santa Cruz island, the valley of San Buenaventura, and the coast north of Santa Barbara channel, pp. 186-188. *2g. Letter of Commander James Alden, U. S. N., assistant in the Coast survey, communicating information relative to the coast, harbors, and commerce of Washington territory, pp. 188-192. *3o. Catalogue of sailing directions, dangers, etc. pp. 193-200. *3i. Report of Portland [Maine] harbor commission, pp. 200-219. Including " Extracts from a pamphlet by John A. Poor, esq., on the commercial importance of Portland," with an account of "The railway system of Portland." *32. [Report of field and office work.] pp. 220-222. *33_ Report of Subassistant H. Mitchell, on tidal observations made in Nantucket sound, pp. 222, 223. Reference to interference phenomena. *34. Report of Lieutenant W. P. Trowbridge, U. S. Engineers, assistant in the Coast survey, rela- tive to the tidal and magnetic operations by the party under his charge on the western coast, pp. 223-227. *35~3S. [Reports of field and office work.] pp. 227-253. *39. Description of the Congress map, by Lieut. J. C. Tidball, U. S. A., assistant in the Coast survey, pp. 253-255. First printed in Kept. 1854, app. 32. *4o. Solutions of normal equations by indirect elimination. By Chas. A. Schott, computing division, pp. 255-264. *4i. Letter to the Superintendent from Assistant C. O. Boutelle, with description of the apparatus devised for the measurement of preliminary bases at Savannah, Georgia, and Georgetown, South Carolina, pp. 264-267. Sketch 53. *42. Report of the method of determining longitudes by occupations of the Pleiades. By Pro- fessor Benjamin Peirce, LL. D., of Harvard, pp. 267-274. Errata, pp. 268, 269, 270, 272, 273: 1855, p. xviii. *43. Report of Professor \V. C. Bond, on the number of moon culminations observed at Cambridge, Mass., and relative to the chronometer expedition for difference of longitude between Cam- bridge and Liverpool, pp. 275, 276. Errata, p. 275: 1855, p. xviii. *44. Letter to the Superintendent from Assistant George W. Dean, communicating description of the zenith telescope made by Mr. Wm. Wiirdemann, 1855, and used at the astronomical station, Dixmont, Maine, pp. 276-278. *45. Report of Mr. Charles A. Schott, computing division, Coact survey office, on a comparison of star-places given _ in Riimker's and the Twelve-year catalogues. (Communicated to the Astronomical journal by authority of the Treasury department. ) pp. 278-286. CONTENTS. Table I, comparison of right ascensions; Table II, of north polar distances. *46. Report of Dr. B. A. Gould, jr., assistant, on telegraphic operations for difference of longitude between Columbia, South Carolina, and Macon, Georgia, pp. 286-295. CONTENTS. Programme of telegraphic campaign; for instrumental corrections and longitude reductions; memoranda for battery and for putting up Kessel's clock. Errata, p. 288: 1855. p. xviii. * Exhausted. Report 1855. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PUBLICATIONS. *47. Table of magnetic declinations, observed in the Coast survey, with notes by A. D. Bache, superintendent of the coast survey, and J. E. Hilgard, assistant, accompanied by a map. pp. 295-306. Discussion of magnetic declination for 1844-45: (i) Northern part of the Gulf of Mexico; (2) Atlantic coast: (3) Pacific coast. Sketch 56. *48. Report to the Superintendent of the U. S. coast survey of a discussion of the secular variation in the magnetic declination on the Atlantic and part of the Gulf coast of the United States, by Charles A. Schott, chief of computing division, U. S. Coast survey office. (Communi- cated to the American association for the advancement of science, by authority of the Treasury department. ) pp. 306-337. Comprises the period from 1717-1855 This (with supplements in Kept. 1856, app. 31, and Kept. 1859, app. 24) is the first of the following series of editions: Ed. 2, Rept. 1874, app. 8; ed. 3, Separate pub. (1879); ed. 4, Rept. 1879, a PP- 9! ed. 5, Rept. 1882, app. 12; ed. 6, Rept. 1886, app. 12; ed. 7, Rept. iS88, app. 7; ed. 8, Rept. 1895, app. i. Sketch 51. Errata, pp. 314, 335: 1855, p. xviii. *49. Results of observations made by Chas. A. Schott, esq. , computing division Coast .survey office, for magnetic declination, dip, and horizontal intensity, p. 337. At sixteen eastern stations, Juty to September, 1855. *5O. Approximate cotidal lines of the Pacific coast of the United States, from observations in the United States Coast survey, by A. D. Bache, superintendent. (Communicated to the Ameri- can association for the advancement of science, under authority of the Treasury department. ) PP- 338-342. Tidal observations. Table I, tide stations on the western coast of the United States; II, data for cotidal lines of the Pacific coast of the United States; cotidal hours; cotidal groups; III, discussion of the middle group between Cape Mendocino and Point Conception. Chart of cotidal lines. Sketch 49. *5i. Notice of earthquake waves on the western coast of the United States, on the 23d and 25th December, 1854. (Communicated to the American association for the advancement of science, by A. D. Bache, superintendent, under authority of the Treasury department. ) pp. 342-346. Contains also computation of ocean depth. Sketch 50 (J, No. 9). Krrata, pp. 342,345: 1855, p. xviii. *52. Notice of the tidal observations made on the coast of the United States on the Gulf of Mexico, and type curves at the several stations, showing their decomposition into the curves of diurnal and semidiurnal tides; by A. D. Bache, superintendent. (Communicated to the American association for the advancement of science, under authority of the Treasury department.) pp. 346, 347. *53. Tide tables, for the use of navigators; prepared from the Coast survey observations by A. D. Bache, superintendent. ( Prepared by authority of the Treasury department, for E. and G. W. Blunt, New York.) pp. 347-359. i fig. Errata, 349, 351, 353, 354, 358: 1857, p. xviii. *54. Copy of card contained in a current-bo Ltle thrown over near Sandy Hook, from the U. S. Coast survey steamer Gallatin. Lieut. Going. M. Woodhull, and picked up on the bar at Santa Cruz, one of the western islands [of the Azores], p. 359. *55. Letter from Professor J. W. Bailey, U. S. Military academy, at West Point, relative to the char- acteristics deducible from specimens of bottom, brought up in sounding the Florida section of the Gulf stream, p. 360. *56. Letter from Lieutenant Commanding B. F. Sands, U. S. N., assistant in the Coast survey, transmitting drawings of an instrument for procuring specimens of bottom in sounding, p. 361. Sketch 55. *57. Description of tripod and scaffold constructed and used by Assistant C. O. Boutelle, at the stations of the primary triangulation in section V. [South Atlantic states.] pp. 361-363. Sketch 52. *58. Letter of Assistant John Farley, communicating description and drawing of a convenient signal for observing on secondary stations, pp. 363, 364. Sketch 52. *59. Extract of a letter from Commander B. F. Sands, U. S. Navy, assistant in the Coast survey, communicating a description of the revolving heliotrope devised by him for geodetic pur- poses, p. 364. Sketch 55. *6o. Extracts of a letter from Lieut. Comg. B. F. Sands, U. S. Navy, assistant in the Coast sur- vey, communicating description and drawing of a signal recently devised and placed by him in the breakers on Dog island bar, Mississippi sound, pp. 365, 366. Signal constructed of gas pipe. Sketch 54. * Exhausted. 22 LIST. Report 1856. *6i. On a new voltaic experiment made with reference to the time required to produce the maxi- mum intensity of a voltaic current; communicated to the Superintendent by George Mathiot, electrotypist. pp. 366-368. *62. Letter of George Mathiot, esq. , electrotypist Coast survey office, communicating an improved method for taking entire casts from detached plates by the electrotype process, p. 369. A method for joining detached plates. ^63. On a method of measuring electrical currents of great quantity; by George Mathiot, esq., chief of the electrotype division of the Coast survey office, pp. 370-373. Mathiot's branch circuit galvanometer. ^64. Abstract of a complete historical account of the progress of discovery on the western coast of the United States from the earliest period; compiled, under direction of the Superintend- ent, by J. G.Kohl. pp. 374, 375. %5. Observations on the physical geography and geology of the coast of California, from Bodega bay to San Diego. (Prepared for Prof. A. D. Bache, superintendent of the United States coast survey, by William P. Blake. ) pp. 376-398. CONTENTS. Physical geography of the mountain ranges adjoining the coast; geology of the principal bays and ports from Point Reyes to San Diego. Errata, pp. 379, 380, 382, 387, 388, 392, 394, 395, 396: 1857, p. xviii. *66. Explosion of boiler on steamer Hetzel. pp. 398-400. *67~86. [Letters relating to discoveries and light-house matters.] pp. 400-416. 1856 Report of the Superintendent of the coast survey, showing the progress of the survey during the }^ear 1856. Washington: A. O. P. Nicholson, printer. 1856. xx, 358 pp. 2 figs. , 58 maps and sketches, 9 diag. 3o cm . A. D. Bache, superintendent. Report dated at "Coast survey office, Washington, D. C., December i 1856." Also published as Senate ex. doc. 12, 34th Cong., 3d sess. In v. 15. Also as House ex. doc. 18, 34th Cong., 3d sess. In v. 4. APPENDICES. *i-i6. [Field and office details.] pp. 92-120. *I7. Tide tables for the use of navigators, prepared from the Coast survey observations, by A. D. Bache, superintendent, pp. 120-133. Errata, p. 130: 1856, p. xx. *i8. Report made to the Superintendent, showing the least water in channel entrances to certain harbors, rivers, and anchorages, on the coasts of the United States; prepared by Lieutenant W. D. Whiting, and revised by Lieutenants Commanding J. J. Almy and T. A. Craven, U. S. N., assistants in the Coast survey. Tidal data by Assistant L. F. Pourtales, in charge of tidal division, pp. 133-137. *ig. [Reports on office work.] pp. 137-163. *2O. Report of Dr. B. A. Gould, jr., assistant in charge of telegraph operations for determining difference of longitude between Wilmington, N. C. , and Montgomery, Ala., with list of stars for observation, pp. 163-166. *2i. Report to the Superintendent by Assistant George W. Dean on details of the method adopted for telegraphic operations to determine difference of longitude, with descriptions of the instruments and means employed, pp. 167-181. CONTENTS. Transit instrument; astronomical clock; chronographic register; batteries; list of stars arranged from the British association catalogue for determining the difference of longitude between Macon, Ga., and Montgomery, Ala., March, 1856; exchange of star signals; reading off the chrono- graphic sheets; example of reduction; observations for determining the inequality of the pivots of Coast survey transit No. 8; personal equations. Sketch 66. Errata, pp. 169-170: 1856, p. xx. *22. Extract from the report of Professor W. C. Bond, on moon culminations, observed for Coast survey purposes, and relative to results of the chronometer expeditions between Cambridge and Liverpool, for difference of longitude, p. 181. *23. Letter to the Superintendent, transmitting report of G. P. Bond, esq., on the results of the chronometric expedition of 1855, for difference of longitude between Cambridge, Mass., and Liverpool. Report on the computation of the results of the chronometric expedition of 1855, between Cambridge and Liverpool, pp. 182-191. Table of longitudes by voyages of 1855. *24. Report on the method of determining longitudes by occupations of the Pleiades. By Professor Benjamin Peirce, LL. D., of Harvard, pp. 191-197. CONTENTS. Formulas for the correction of the coordinates of the stars; table for 1840; table of logarithms for h and k for the principal observatories. * Exhausted. 23 Eeport 1856. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PUBLICATIONS. *25- Report to the Superintendent of the coast survey, by Dr. C. H. F. Peters, on the method of substituting a lunar spot instead of the moon's limb, in transits for determining the differ- ence of longitude, pp. 198-203. *26. Report of Assistant George Davidson upon observed occultations of a Scorpii and of the planet Mars, at Point Hudson, Port Townshend, Washington territory, in April and May, 1856. pp. 203-208. Tables and remarks. *2"j. Method of observing azimuth employed at Cat Island, by J. E. Hilgard, assistant U. S. Coast survey, pp. 208, 209. *28. On the general distribution of terrestrial magnetism in the United States, from observations made in the U. S. Coast survey and others: by A. D. Bache, superintendent, and J. E. Hilgard, assistant, U. S. Coast survey, pp. 209-225. CONTENTS. Methods and sources used; corrections for secular variations; construction of maps (sketches 61 and 62); comparison of maps for declination, dip, and intensity; supplementary note (Mexican obser- vations); Table I, Atlantic, Gulf, and Pacific sections; II, nea'r parallel 35, by J. C. Ives, Whipple's expedition; III, from various new sources lakes, territories, Panama; IV, residual difference between the Coast survey observations, reduced to 1850, and the values obtained from the accompanying map. For the period 1839-1855. i fig., 2 maps. (Sketches 61 and 62.) *2g. Report of Assistant Charles A. Schott, on magnetic observations made at stations in Dela- ware, Maryland, and Virginia, pp. 226, 227. Methods used in observations of the present year. Magnet H. *3o. Results of observations made by Assistant Charles A. Schott, computing division, Coast sur- vey office, for magnetic declination, dip, and horizontal intensity, in Section III, 1856. p. 227. Middle Atlantic states. *3i. An attempt to determine the secular change of the magnetic declination on the western coast of the United States: by Chas. A. Schott, in charge of the computing division, Coast survey office, pp. 228-235. CONTENTS. List of magnetic declinations observed on the western coast from the earliest to the preseii} ones, arranged in order of geographical latitudes. Annual change: (i) San Diego; (2) Monterey; (3) San Francisco; (4) Cape Mendocino; (5) Cape Disappointment. Recapitulation of results for secular change. Period 1792-1855. Considered a supplement to Kept. 1855, app. 48. *32. Discussion of the secular variation of the magnetic inclination in the northeastern states: by Chas. A. Schott, in charge of the computing division, Coast survey office, pp. 235-245. variation in current year Period 1780-1855. Sketch 63. *33. An attempt to determine the secular variation of the magnetic inclination on the western coast of the United States, by Chas. A. Schott, in charge of computing division, Coast survey office, pp. 246-249. CONTENTS. Table of observation made up to the present time; deductions therefrom: (i) San Diego; (2) San Pedro; (5) Monterey; (6) San Francisco; (S) Fort Vancouver; (ic) Cape Disappointment. Period 1790-1855. *34. Notes on the progress made in the Coast survey, in prediction tables for the tides of the United States coast, by A. D. Bache, superintendent United States Coast survey, etc. ( Com- municated to the American association for the advancement of science, by authority of the Treasury department. ) pp. 249-251. *35. Approximate co-tidal lines of diurnal and semidiurnal tides of the coast of the United States on the Gulf of Mexico, by A. D. Bache, superintendent United States Coast survey. (Com- municated by authority of the Treasury department to the American association for the advancement of science. ) pp. 252-260. CONTENTS. Table I, diurnal wave; II, stations, etc.; Ill, diurnal intervals; IV, tide elements of the sta- tions; V, semidiurnal tides; VI, comparison of establishments of diurnal and semidiurnal tides in the Gulf of Mexico. Sketches 35 and 36. *36. Description of the type-curves in the Gulf of Mexico, pp. 260, 261. Descriptive references to sketch no. 38, representing the decomposition of tidal curves of observations. *37. Report of Subassistant H. Mitchell on the progress of the discussion of the interference tides of Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard sound, pp. 261-263. Errata, p. 264: 1856, p. xx. *38. Observations to determine the cause of the increase of Sandy Hook, made by the Coast sur- vey, for the Commissioners on harbor encroachments of New York, by Professor A. D. Bache, superintendent United States coast survey, pp. 263, 264. With reference to tidal currents. *Exhausted. LIST. Eeport 1856. ^39. Report of Subassistant H. Mitchell on the investigation of the tides and tidal currents of New York harbor and its dependencies, and at Sandy Hook. pp. 264-266. *4o. Report of G. Wiirdemann on tidal observations made at stations between New York city and Albany, on Hudson river, pp. 266, 267. Sketch 6. *4i. [Report on tidal work.] pp. 267-269. *42. Report of Lieutenant W. P. Trowbridge, U. S. Engineers, assistant in the Coast survey, on the method pursued in conducting tidal observations on the western coast of the United States, pp. 269, 270. *43. On the effect of winds in varying the level of the water in Albemarle sound, by L. F. Pourtales, assistant in the Coast survey, pp. 271, 272. Discussion of their effect upon the tides, i diag. *44. Notes on the winds of the coast of the United States on the Gulf of Mexico, by A. D. Bache, superintendent United States Coast survey, pp. 272-276. CONTENTS. Discussion relative to the disturbance caused in the intervals of successive tides at several stations on the Gulf coast. Table I, quantity and direction of wind at Key West, Fla., 1851-52; II, at Fort Morgan, Ala.. 1^47-49; III, at Galveston, Tex. i diag. *45. Notes on the effect of the .wind upon the height of water in Cat island harbor, Mississippi, by Geo. W. Dean, assistant United States Coast survey, under the immediate direction of Prof. A. D. Bache, superintendent, pp. 276-278. .Sketch 39. *46. Copy of card taken from a current bottle thrown over from the United States surveying steamer Walker, south of Mississippi delta, pp. 279, 280. Picked up on the shore of Loggerhead key, Fla., and on the North Caicos, Bahamas. *47. Statement of the Superintendent to the Commissioners on harbor encroachments and resolu- tion adopted by the board relative to the completion of the resurvey and maps of New York harbor and dependencies, pp. 280, 281. *48. Report of Mr. A. Boschke, on the progress made in special topography in connection with maps of New York harbor, undertaken by the Coast survey for the Commissioners on harbor encroachments, pp. 281, 282. Method of survey. *49. Report of Lieut. Comg. Stephen D. Trenchard, U. S. N., assistant in the Coast survey, trans- mitting results of the hydrographic survey of St. Simons sound and Brunswick harbor, Ga. pp. 282, 283. *5-5 I - [Reports on field work.] pp. 284-286. *52. Report to the Commissioner of the general land office, showing the progress made dur- ing the season in the survey and marking of the Florida Keys. pp. 286-289. *53~55- [Reports on Florida harbors, etc.] pp. 289-291. *56. Extract from a report of Assistant J. E. Hilgard to the Superintendent on the progress of the triangulation in Mississippi sound and Lake Borgne. pp. 291, 292. Description of the signals and station marks. *57. Letter of Commander James Alden, U. S. N., assistant, Coast survey, transmitting a commu- nication from H. A. Goldsborough, esq., in relation to the resources of Washington terri- tory, pp. 293-295. *58. Table for projecting maps of large extent, arranged by Assistant J. E. Hilgard. 296-307. CONTENTS. Method; earth's dimensions; Table I, of coordinates for projecting the points of intersec- tion of meridians and parallels; II, length in metres, of one degree of latitude and longitude from latitude 20 to 54; values of the corresponding radii of the developed parallel, and anglesateach pole for 10 of longitude; III, tables for converting metres, miles, etc.; IV, length of a degree of the merid- ian in nautical and statute miles for each fifth degree of latitude between 20 and 50; V, length of a degree of longitude for each degree of latitude from 19 to 54, expressed in nautical and statute miles; VI, radii and polyconic development of a sphere with radius = i. *59. Communication from Assistant Charles A. Schott, of the computing division, Coast survey office, on the determination of the probable error of an observation from the differences of the observations from their arithmetical mean. pp. 307, 308. Article from Astroiiomische nachrichten, iir. 1034, translated by C. A. Scl o't. *6o. Description of an apparatus for measuring subsidiary base-lines, pp. 308-310. Description of a modification devised for ascertaining the temperature of rods in use. Sketch 64. *6i. Method of testing a repeating theodolite, illustrated by Assistant J. E. Hilgard. pp. 310-316. CONTENTS. Examination and trials made of a lo-inch theodolite, applicable to the testing of instru- ments of like construction. Table I, readings of every 10 on the circle, and determination of angular distance of verniers; II, determination of eccentricity; III, residual errors of graduation and readings; figure of pivots. *Exhausted. 25 Keport 1856. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PUBLICATIONS. '"62. Report of George Mathiot, on the results of an experiment made in printing maps from theL electrotyped plates, pp. 316, 317. Results of experiments made in printing from thin plates. *63- Letter to the Superintendent, communicating results of analysis made of specimens of the water of New York harbor, by Professor Wolcott CMbbs. pp. 317, 318. %4. Letter to the Superintendent from Professor Wolcott Gibbs, communicating results of exami- nations made of sands taken from the sites of Coast survey bases at Key Biscayne (Cape Florida) and Cape Sable, pp. 318, 319. *6s. Abstract of an historical memoir concerning the progress of exploration on the Atlantic coast of the United States, from its discovery to the present time. (Prepared by Dr. J. G. Kohl, for the archives of the U. S. Coast survey.) pp. 319-322. *66. Abstract of an historical account of explorations made on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico, from the earliest times to the present. ( Prepared for the archives of the United States Coast survey, by Dr. J. G. Kohl.) pp. 322-324. *6j. Report on an index of reference to memoirs of papers on subjects related to the Coast survey operations, by Lieut. E. B. Hunt, U. S. Corps of engineers, assistant U. S. Coast survey. PP- 325-330. *6S. On systematizing the abbreviations of titles of periodicals, transactions, etc. , by Lieutenant E. B. Hunt, U. S. Corps of engineers. 331-333. ^69-77. [Miscellaneous correspondence.] pp. 333-348. *78-86. [Light-house matters.] pp. 349-356. 1857 Report of the Superintendent of the coast survey, showing the progress of the survey during the year 1857.* Washington: James B. Steedman, printer. 1858. xviii, 448 pp. i fig., 62 maps and sketches, 8 diag. 3o cm . A. D. Bache, superintendent. Report dated at "Coast survey office, Bangor, Maine, November 3, 1.^57." Also published as Senate ex. doc. 33, 35th Cong., ist sess. In v. 15. Also as House ex. doc. 21, 35th Cong., ist sess. In v. 6. APPENDICES. *i-i2. [Field and office details.] pp. 121-150. i fig. *i3. Report of Lieutenant Commanding W. G. Temple, U. S. N., assistant Coast survey, stating the results of an examination made to determine the least water on the rocks at Hell Gate, East river, New York. pp. 150, 151. Method of sweeping. *T4, 15. [Field and office details.] pp. 151, 152. *i6. Extracts from the report of Lieutenant Commanding C. R. P. Rodgers, U. S. N., assistant in the Coast .survey, showing the results of a resurvey of the bar and anchorage at Beaufort, N. C. pp. 152, 153. Sketches 29 and 30. *i7. Report of Lieutenant Commanding J. N. Maffitt, U. S. N., assistant Coast survey, showing the result of a re-examination of the bars and entrances to Cape Fear river, North Carolina. PP- 153-156. Elements of physical changes wrought. Sketch 33; also 1855, sketch 16. *i8, 19. [Field and office details.] pp. 156, i *2o. Tide tables. For the use of navigators, prepared from the Coast survey observations, by A. D. Bache, superintendent. (Furnished, by authority of the Treasury department, to E. & G. W. Blunt, New York, and revised January, 1857.) pp. 157-178. i fig. *2i. Report made to the Superintendent, showing the least water in channel entrances to certain harbors, rivers, and anchorages on the coasts of the United States; prepared by Lieut. W. D. Whiting, and revised by Lieutenants Commanding J. J. Almy and T. A. Craven, U. S. N. , assistants in the Coast survey. Tidal data by Assistant L. F. Pourtales, in charge of tidal division, pp. 178-184. *22. [Reports on office work.] pp. 185-223. ^23. List of original topographical sheets registered in the archives of the United States Coast survey, geographically arranged, pp. 223-244. *24. List of original hydrographic sheets, registered in the archives of the United States Coast survey, geographically arranged, pp. 245-264. * Exhausted. 26 LIST. Eeport 1857. *25. List of geographical positions determined by the United States Coast survey, and continued from reports of 1851, 1853, and 1855. pp. 264-301. *26. Notes on the measurement of a base for the primary triangulatioii of the eastern section of the coast of the United States, on Epping plains, Maine, by A. D. Bache, superintendent United States coast survey. ( Communicated by authority of the Treasury department to the American association for the advancement of science. ) pp. 302-305. vSketch 3. *2j. Report of Dr. B. A. Gould, jr., assistant, on the progress made in telegraph campaigns for differences of longitude, and the preparation of results for publication, pp. 305-310. CONTENTS. List of time-stars adopted; difficulties and discrepancies of transmission for signals between Wilmington, N. C., and Columbia, S. C. *a8. Report of Professor W. C. Bond, director of Harvard college observatory, Cambridge, Massa- chusetts, on the moon culminations and other phenomena observed for the Coast survey. PP- 310,311. CONTENTS. On the number observed during the year at Cambridge, cooperative with those on the Pacific side; star-occultatioii photographs; connection with Quebec. -'29. Report of Prof. Benjamin Peirce, LL. D., on the determination of longitudes by occultations of the Pleiades and solar eclipses, pp. 311-314. CONTENTS. On the relative precision of determinations by occultations and solar eclipses; upon the use of the solar eclipses; upon the occultations of the Pleiades. *3O. Notice of the determination of the longitude of Fernandina, Amelia island, Florida, by means of chronometer exchanges from Savannah, Georgia, by A. D. Bache, superintendent, and Charles A. Schott, assistant, United States Coast survey. ( Communicated by authority of the Treasury department to the American association for the advancement of science. ) PP- 3I4-324- CONTENTS. Chronometers used; personal equation; temperature compensation; chronometer compari- sonstable; stationary and traveling rates: tables of comparison and discussion, i diag. """31. Account of the method and formulae for the determination of the astronomical latitude by means of the zenith telescope, as used in the survey of the coast of the United Slates. PP- 324-334. CONTENTS. Principle of the method; determination of value of micrometer; determination of value of level; correction for refraction reduction to meridian tables; selection of stars; sources of error in the determination of the value of micrometer; method of correcting value from the latitude observa- tions themselves; discussion of the results of observation. *32. Report of Assistant Chas. A. Schott upon the gradual loss of magnetism of the several magnets in use in the survey of the coast, pp. 334-342. CONTENTS. Account of magnets: S 8, C 32, C 9, D, C 6, H, and Smithsonian magnet used in 1855. table; recapitulation of values for magnets severally, and discussion. Sketch 68. *33. On the heights of the tides of the Atlantic coast of the United States, from observations in the Coast survey, by A. D. Bache, superintendent. (Communicated by authority of the Treasury department to the American association for the advancement of science. ) pp. 342-347- CONTENTS. Generalization of heights relative to the configuration of the coast. table I (A), heights of tides on the Atlantic coast of the United States, the coast of Cape Breton and New Brunswick. Sketch 65. "-'34. [Report on tidal work.] pp. 348-350. ' : \-. Rep >rt of Subassistant H. Mitchell on observations of tides and currents in Nantucket and Marthas Vineyard sounds, and in the East river at Hell Gate, with remarks on the revision of levelings on Hudson river, pp. 350-354. -CONTENTS. Hell Gate and vicinity, tides and currents; Hudson river levelings; Nantucket and Mar- thas Vineyard sounds, tides and currents. ^36. On the winds of the western coast of the United States, from observations in connection with the United States Coast survey, by A. D. Bache, superintendent. (Communicated by authority of the Treasury department to the American association for the advancement of science. ) pp. 354-358. CONTENTS. Table for deducing from the three daily observations the mean of the day, quantities of wind, tables for Astoria, San Francisco, and San Diego, and special wind statistics. Sketch 66. -37. Report to the Commissioners on the preservation of New York harbor from encroachment, by the advisory council on the comparative map of New York bay and harbor and the approaches; prepared by the Coast survey, March, 1857, including extracts from the report of A. Boschke, esq., United States Coast survey, to Professor A. D. Bache, superintendent, February, 1857. pp. 358-373- CONTENTS Physical causes of changes: (i) Changes at Sandy Hook; (a) northern side of entrance, Coney Island and south shore of Long Island; (3) New York bar: (4) New York upper bay; (5) New- ark bay; (6) Hudson river; (7) East river to Throgs Neck; statistical extracts. Errata, p. 272: 1858, p. xx. -"-38. Report of Mr. A. Boschke on the drawing of maps of New York harbor, made for the Com- missioners on harbor encroachments, pp. 373, 374. * Exhausted. 27 Beport 1857. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PUBLICATIONS. *39. Report made by Lieutenant A. W. Evans, U. S. A., assistant, Coast survey, on a topographical reconnaissance of a part of Sapelo island, Georgia, for the selection of a site for a primary base line. pp. 374~377- *4o. [Reports on field work, Georgia and Florida.] pp. 377-379. *4i. Report of Capt. J. H. Simpson, U. S. Topographical engineers, assistant in the Coast survey, on the reconnaissance and progress made in triangulation for an air line between Fernan- dina and Cedar Keys, Florida, pp. 379-382. *42. Report to the Commissioner of the general land office, showing the progress made in the sxtrvey and marking of the Florida keys, in quarter sections, during the present season, pp. 382-390. *43. Extract from the report of Subassistant W. M. Johnson, on the topographical features of the coast adjacent to Santa Barbara channel, California, pp. 390, 391. *44. Report of Assistant W. E. Greenwell, on the survey, character, and resources of the islands and main adjacent to Santa Barabara channel, California, pp. 392-395. *45. Description of an apparatus for measuring subsidiary base lines, pp. 395-398. Sketch 69. Reprinted separately in 1876, but without appendix number. *46. Description of deep-sea sounding apparatus invented by Commander B. F. Sands, U. S. N., assistant in the Coast survey, p. 398. i diag. *47. Notes by Lieutenant E. B. Hunt on a new sounding apparatus proposed hy him for Coast survey use. pp. 398-401. For sounding in moderate depths. *48. Report of Lieutenant Commanding W. G. Temple, United States Navy, assistant Coast sur- vey, on the result of trials made with the new sounding apparatus devised by Lieutenant E. B. Hunt, United States Engineers, pp. 401,402. *49- Description of the tide-gauge devised by Lieutenant Commanding S. D. Trenchard, U. S. N., assistant in the Coast survey, pp. 402, 403. Sketch 72. *5O. Letter from the Superintendent, communicating the description of a tide-gauge devised by Subassistant H. Mitchell for taking observations in deep water, pp. 403, 404. Sketch 72. *5i. Report of Lieutenant E. B. Hunt, U. S. Engineers, assistant in the Coast survey, on the preparation of an index of scientific references, pp. 404-414. *5'2. Report of J. G. Kohl, esq., on the method, scope, and completion of a history of maritime discovery and exploration on the western coast of the United States, prepared for publica- tion with the records of the United States Coast survey, pp. 414-433. *53> 54- [Miscellaneous correspondence.] pp. 434-437. *55~65- [Light-house matters.] pp. 438-445. 1858 Report of the Superintendent of the coast survey, showing the progress of the Survey during the year 1858.* Washington: William A. Harris, printer. 1859. xxi, 463 pp. 2 fig., 39 maps and sketches, r diag. 30*. A. D. Bache, superintendent. Report dated at "Superintendent's office, Cheshire, Conn., October 28, 1858." Also published as Senate ex. doc. 14, 35th Cong., 2d sess. In v. 16. Also as House ex. doc. 33, 35th Cong., 2d sess. In v. 6. APPKXDICKS. *i-i2. [Field and office details.] pp. 121-150. *i3. Report of Lieut. Comg. T. B. Huger, U. S. N., assistant in the Coast survey, showing the result of comparisons of the hydrographic surveys made in December, 1856, and March, 1858, at the entrances to Cape Fear river, N. C. pp. 150, 151. Recent changes in hydrography. Sketches 12 and 13. *I4-I9. [Field and office details.] pp. 151-184. *2O. On a supposed personal equation in the use of the zenith telescope for determining latitudes by Talcott's method, by A. D. Bache, superintendent United States Coast survey. (Com- municated by authority of the Treasury department to the American association for the advancement of s'cience. ) pp. 184-186. Table showing results of observations for personal equations. * Exhausted. 28 LIST. Report 1858. *2i. Method of computing longitude, from moon culminations, pp. 186-189. Notes on observations of moon culminations; forms and example. *22, 23. [Statistics of astronomical observations.] pp. 189-191. *24. Continuation of the list of magnetic stations and results given in appendix No. 28, Coast survey report of 1856. pp. 191, 192. *25. Rediscussion and development of an intermediate period in the secular change of the magnetic declination at Hatboro', Pennsylvania. By Chas. A. Schott. pp. 192-195. CONTENTS. Discussion and development of an intermediate period. Table of declinations from 1680 to 1850. Diagram. Errata, p. 193: 1858, p. xxi. *26. Report to the Superintendent by Assistant Charles A. Schott, on the progress made in dis- cussing the secular variation of magnetic declination and dip for Washington city, D. C. pp. I95-I97- Declination from 1809 to 1857; dip from 1839 to 1858. *2y. On the tidal currents of New York harbor near Sandy Hook, by A. D. Bache, superintendent United States Coast survey. (Communicated by authority of the Treasury department to the American association for the advancement of science. ) pp. 197-203. CONTENTS. On the character of the tidal currents in the vicinity of the bar: (i) Normal currents at the entrance to New York bay; (2) False Hook channel and the approaches; (3) currents of Sandy Hook bay. Tables I to IV, lunar time, duration, velocity, and direction of currents; V and VI, velocities cor- rected for diurnal and half-monthly inequalities. " Sketch 39. *28. Report of Assistant H. Mitchell, on the investigation of currents in the East river, at Hell Gate and Throg's Neck, the sub-currents of New York bay and harbor, and levelings on the banks of the Hudson river, pp. 204-207. *2g. [Report on tidal work.] pp. 208-210. *3o. The co-tidal lines of an enclosed sea, derived from the equilibrium theory. By Professor Benjamin Peirce. pp. 210-213. CONTENTS. (i) General theory; (2) its modification by the incompleteness of the inclosure. *3i. On the dynamics of ocean currents. By Lieut. E. B. Hunt, Corps of engineers, U. S. A. pp. 213-216. *32. On some anomalies in the Florida Gulf stream, and on their further investigation. By Lieut. E. B. Hunt, Corps of engineers, U. S. A. pp. 217-222. Changes of current depending upon the winds and seasons. *33> 34- [Report on explorations, Georgia and Florida.] pp. 222-224. *35. Report to the Commissioner of the general land office, showing the progress made during the surveying year in the survey and marking in quarter sections of the Florida keys. pp. 225-227. *36. [Extracts from the report on field work, Florida peninsula.] pp. 227, 228. *37. Investigation of the laws of motion governing the descent of the weight and line in deep-sea soundings; by Prof. W. P. Trowbridge, assistant in the Coast survey, pp. 228-246. CONTENTS. Formulae of velocity of descent; influence of lengths at different depths; ratio of descent, velocity, resistance to sinker and line, and weight of line in water, from observations made by Joseph Dayman. Sketch 38. Errata, p. 235: 1858, p. xxi. *38. Apparatus for harbor soundings, proposed by Lieut. E. B. Hunt, and constructed for the use of the United States Coast survey, pp. 247, 248. Report by J. M. Batchelder. Combined sounding apparatus and tide meter. Notes on its principles and application. *39. Report of Assistant L. F. Pourtales on the progress, made in the microscopical examination of specimens of bottom from deep-sea soundings, pp. 248-250. Green and ochraceous incrustation of foraminifera, and jet tint of specimens. *4o. Review by Professor W. P. Trowbridge, assistant in the Coast survey, relating to the origin, cost, and progress of foreign geodetic surveys, with other data for comparison with the results of the United States Coast survey, pp. 251-270. CONTENTS. Trigonometrical surveys of England, Ireland, and Scotland; hydrography of England; analysis of the report of the select committee appointed to consider the Ordnance survey of Scotland, etc., 1856; France; India; Russia; Prussia; table of statistics of topographical maps in Europe: recapitu- lation; marine disasters 1'iiited States vessels, 1855, 1856, and 1857; imports, exports, tonnage, etc.; Great Britain, 1852 to 1855; Gulf of Mexico shipping; Florida reef. *4i. Comparison of the cost and progress of the United States Coast survey during the periods from 1832 to 1844, and from 1844 to 1856-57, by Prof. W. P. Trowbridge, assistant in the Coast survey, pp. 270-273. *42. List of papers accompanying a special report. ... p. 274. * Exhausted. 29 Keport 1858. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PUBLICATIONS. *43. Tide tables for the use of navigators, prepared from the Coast survey observations by A. D. Bache, superintendent. ( Furnished by authority of the Treasury department to E. & G. W. Blunt, New York, and revised October, 1858. ) pp. 275-297. i fig. *44. Directory for the Pacific coast of the United States. By Assistant George Davidson, pp. 297-45S- *45~50. [Light-house matters.] pp. 459-463. 1859 Report of the Superintendent of the coast survey, showing the progress of the Survey during the year 1859. Washington: Thomas H. Ford, printer. 1860. xvi, 370 pp. i fig. , 35 maps and sketches, 4 diag. 30. A. D. Bache, superintendent. Report dated at "Coast survey station, Cooper, Washington county, Maine, September 23, 1859." Also published as House ex. doc. 41, 36th Cong., ist sess. In v. 7. APPENDICES. *i-i3. [Field and office details.] pp. 108-136. i fig. *I4. Tide tables for the use of navigators, prepared from the Coast survey observations by A. D. Bache, superintendent. (Furnished by authority of the Treasury department to E. & G. W. Blunt, New York, and revised October, 1859.) pp. 136-167. i fig. Errata, p. 145: 1860, p. xx. *I5. Table showing the least water in the channels of certain rivers, harbors, and anchorages on the coasts of the United States; reprinted from the list of 1857 and revised, with additions and tidal data. pp. 168-171. *i6. Table for navigators, showing the variation of the compass for the year 1858, compiled from the general chart of F. J. Evans, R. N. pp. 172-175. Sketch 38. *I7. [Reports on office work.] pp. 176-212. *i8. List of registered topographical sheets received subsequent to 680. pp. 212-214. *i9- List of registered hydrographic sheets received subsequent to 632. pp. 215, 216. *2o. List of geographical positions determined by the United States Coast survey, and continued from reports of 1851, 1853, 1855, and 1857. PP- 216-277. *2i. [Letter on moon culminations, Cincinnati.] p. 278. *22. Discussion of the magnetic and meteorological observations made at the Girard college observatory, Philadelphia, in 1840, 1841, 1842, 1843, 1844, and 1845. Part I. Investigation of the eleven-year period in the amplitude of the solar-diurnal variation, and of the disturbances of the magnetic declination. By A. D. Bache, LL. D. pp. 278-295. CONTENTS. Introduction; separation of disturbances and establishment of normal readings of the declinometer; analytical expressions of the regular solar-diurnal variation of the declination; inequal- ity of the amplitude due to the eleven (or ten ) year period; discussion of the number of disturbances of the declination their annual inequality; diurnal inequality of the number of disturbances of the declination; deflections by disturbances their mean annual amount effect of the eleven (or ten) vear period; deflections by disturbances their mean diurnal amount; connection of the frequency of the solar spots with the changes in the amplitude of the diurnal variation of the declination, i diag. Errata, pp. 279,280,293: 1860. Also published in .Smithsonian contributions to knovyledge, v. n, no. 113. This and other parts were also assembled and published by the Smithsonian institution in monographic form under the above series title. *23. Results reported from the observations made by Assistant Charles A. Schott, for magnetic declination,. dip, and horizontal intensity, in Sections I and II, and Canada, 1859. P- 2 9&- CONTENTS. New England, New York, and Canada; results of observations made by him in Canada, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, and Connecticut; footnote on disturbances. *24. Report of Assistant Charles A. Schott on the latest results of the discussion of the secular change of the magnetic declination, accompanied by tables .showing the declination (varia- tion of the needle) for every tenth year from the date of the earliest reliable observation, for twenty-six stations on the .Atlantic, Gulf, and Pacific coasts of the United States, pp. 296-305. CONTKNTS. Formulas expressing secular change, used for calculating the tabular values for Group I, stations between Portland, Me., and Willianisburg, Va., with table of observations made between 1680 and 1860; for Group II, southern stations and western coast; record of all observed declinations made use of in the above paper not heretofore published in the Coast survey reports. Considered a supplement of ed. i. Kept. 1X55, app. 48, and Kept. 1856, app. 31. For ed. 2 see Kept. 1874, app. 8; ed. 3, Separate pubs. (1879); ed. 4, Kept. 1879, app. 9; ed. 5, Kept. 1882, app. 12; ed. 6, Kept. 1886, app. 12; ed. 7, Kept. 1888, app. 7; ed. 8, Kept. 1895, app. i. * Exhausted. 30 LIST. Keport 1860. *25. Gulf stream explorations. Third memoir: Distribution of temperature in the water of the Florida channel and straits: By A. D. Bache, supt. U. S. Coast survey. (Communicated by authority of the Treasury department to the American association for the advancement of science.) pp. 306-310. CONTENTS. Form of bottom; change of temperature with depth; temperature in a direction across the stream; bands of warm and cold water; the ' cold wall;" longitudinal section; effects" of pressure on Saxton's deep-sea thermometer, under pressure and free from pressure; thermometers nos. 5 and 10. Sketch 35. *26. Report of Assistant Henry Mitchell on the physical surveys of New York harbor and the coast of Long Island, with descriptions of apparatus for observing currents, etc. pp. 3TI-3I7- Sketch 40. Errata, p. 317: 1860, p. xx. *2j. [Report on office work.] pp. 317-320. *28. Circulars found in current bottles thrown from the surveying steamer Corwin in 1857 and 1859, in the vicinity of the Florida reef. pp. 320, 321. *29~3i. [Report of explorations, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida.] pp. 321-324. *32. Extracts from the report of Assistant S. A. Gilbert, descriptive of the coast of Texas inter- vening between Matagorda bay and Corpus Christi. pp. 324-328. Report on a reconnaissance. *33. Tables for projecting maps of large extent, arranged by J. E. Hilgard, U. S. C. S. pp. 328-358. CONTENTS. Table I, length in metres of i of latitude and longitude, .values of the corresponding radii of the developed parallel, and angles at each pole for 10 of longitude; II, coordinates of curvature. *34. Description of an apparatus devised by Assistant W. P. Trowbridge, and of the method of applying it in determining ocean depths and obtaining specimens of bottom, pp. 359-364. Sketch 39. Errata, p. 359: 1860, p. xx. *35. Extracts from letters of J. M. Batchelder, esq., stating the results of trials made with Hunt's tide-metre at Charlestown navy yard, Mass. pp. 365, 366. *36~39. [Miscellaneous correspondence.] pp. 367-369. *4o~43. [Light-house matters.] pp. 369, 370. I860 Report of the Superintendent of the coast survey, showing the progress of the Survey during the year 1860. Washington: Government printing office. 1861. xx, 409 pp. i fig., 22 maps and sketches, 8 diag. 30'. A. D. Bache, superintendent. Report dated at "Coast survey office, Washington, D. C., December 15, 1860." Also published as House ex. doc. 14, 36th Cong., 2d sess. In v. 7. APPENDICES. *i-i5. [Field and office details.] pp. 105-131. i fig. *i6. Tide tables for the use of navigators, prepared from the Coast survey observations by A. D. Bache, superintendent. ( Furnished by authority of the Treasury department to E. &. G. \V. Blunt, New York, and revised October, 1860.) pp. 131-164. i fig. Errata, p. 161: 1860, p. xx. *I7. Lecture on the Gulf Stream, prepared at the request of the American association for the advancement of science. By A. D. Bache, superintendent U. S. Coast survey, pp. 165-176. CONTENTS. General account of the methods used in developing its hydrography, and summary of results obtained: (i) Instruments for temperatures; for depth; for obtaining specimens of the bottom; (2) plan of the work; (3) method of discussion of results; (4) results; type curves of law of temperature, with depth at the most characteristic positions; type curves of law of distribution of temperature across the stream; curves of temperature at the same depths; curves of depths at the same temperatures; Table I, distance of the cold wall from the shore, and widths of the several bands of cold and warm water of the Gulf Stream, measured on the lines of the sections; (5) limit of accuracy of the determina- tions; II, probable uncertainty in the determination of maximum and minimum points by running the same sections over in different years, by different observers; III, value of probable error of determina- tion of the bands for each section and the average of the whole; (6) figure of the bottom of the sea below the Gulf Stream; (7) general features of the Gulf Stream. Sketches 19 to 22. *i8. [Report on tidal work.] pp. 177-179. *ig. [Report on office work.] pp. 179-216. *20. Reports of Assistant H. L. Whiting, on topographical contour, hydrographic details, and reduction, on photography, and on the scale of shades suitable for complete maps. pp. 216- 229. CONTENTS. On the contouring and reduction of maps; 011 the scale of shades, and 011 the application of Khotographv in preparing details for the engraver; (i) generalization of contour and other natural matures for'reduction to 1-80.000 contour; salt marsh; sand beaches and sand hills; woods; fresh marsh; shore line; low water; (2) hydrographic reductions; (3) reductions by photography; (4) scale of shades; report of E- Hergesheimer, assistant. * Exhausted. 31 Keport 1860. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PUBLICATIONS. *2i. A resolution providing for the observation of the eclipse of the sun on the i8th day of July, 1860. Report to the Superintendent of the United States coast survey on the expedition to Labrador to observe the total eclipse of July 18, 1860, organized under act of Congress approved June 15, 1860, by Professor Stephen Alexander, LL. D., of the College of New Jersey, pp. 229-275. CONTENTS. Tabular comparison of chronometers; arrangement and programme; description of the telescopes employed; synopsis of the observations; times of contacts; same in local mean time (ciril reckoning); other observations; reports from special parties; earth temperature (Aulezavik); atmos- pherical electricity; icebergs, mirage, etc.; triple rainbow; auroras; table of meteorological observations; observations with Arago's pplariscope; report of photographers; changes of illumination; seamen's observations; winds; magnetic elements; longitude by chronometers. 4 fig., sketch 39. Errata, 239, 275: 1860, p. xx. *22. An account of the solar eclipse of July, 1860, as observed for the United States Coast survey near Steilacoom, Washington territory, by Lieut. J. M. Gilliss, U. S. Navy. pp. 275-292. CONTENTS. Preliminary; table of meteorological observations on Muck prairie; latitude observations; time observations; chronometer errors and rates; longitude; the eclipse; reports from special parties, i diag. *23. Discussion of the magnetic and meteorological observations made at the Girard college observatory, Philadelphia, in 1840, 1841, 1842, 1843, 1844, and 1845. Part II. Investiga- tion of the solar-diurnal variation in the magnetic declination, and its annual inequality. By A. D. Bache, LL. D.- pp. 293-312. CONTENTS. Investigation of the solar-diurnal variation of the declination; its semiannual inequality; analytical and graphical exhibition of the solar-diurnal variation for each month, summer, winter, and year; maxima and minima, and times of average value of the declination; diurnal range; annual variation of the declination. i diag. Also published in Smithsonian contributions to knowledge, v. 13, no. 121. This and the other parts were also assembled and published by the Smithsonian institution in monographic form under the above series title. *24. Discussion of the magnetic and meteorological observations made at the Girard college observatory, Philadelphia, in 1840, 1841, 1842, 1843, 1844, and 1845. Part III. Investi- gation of the influence of the moon on the magnetic declination. By A. D. Bache, LL. D. pp. 312-324. CONTENTS. Lunar influence on the magnetic declination; tabulation of results according to the moon's hour angle; comparison of lunar-diurnal variation for three epochs; resulting lunar-diurnal variation; inequality in the lunar-diurnal variation; investigation of deflections depending upon lunar phases; variation in declination and in parallax. i diag. Also published in Smithsonian contributions to knowledge, v. 13. no. 132. *25. Results of observations made on solar spots during the first seven months of the year 1860, by C. A. Schott, assistant in the Coast survey, pp. 324-326. *26. Report on the magnetic station at Key West, Florida reef, by Prof. W. P. Trowbridge, assistant Coast survey, pp. 326-349. CONTENTS. Description of observatory, with results; declinometer, recording cylinder, and clock; vertical-force magnetometer; adjustments; mean daily range of temperature for each month, 1851, 1852, and monthly range for four years; mean monthly temperature for fourteen years; lamps; scale measurements; temperature coefficients of the horizontal and vertical forces of magnets; photo- graphic arrangements; magnet H axis and intensity; dip; scale values for intensity magnets tables and computation; experiments for temperature coefficients of horizontal-force magnet, with hot water and ice. Sketches 23 and 24. *27. Description of the magnetic station at Eastport, Maine, by Assistant L. F. Pourtales. PP- 35, 351- *28. Continuation of the list of magnetic stations and results given in appendices 28, Coast survey report of 1856, and 24, Coast survey report of 1858. pp. 351, 352. Declination, dip, andjntensity at various stations. (Supplementary to 1856, p. 227, and 1858, g. 191.) *2g. Results reported from the observations made by Assistant Charles A. Schott, for magnetic declination, dip and horizontal intensity, on Cape Cod peninsula, Long Island, and the coast of New Jersey, p. 352. *3-34- [Reports on field work. Florida and Texas.] pp. 353-357. *35. Supplement to appendix 6 1 in C. S. report for 1856, on the "Method of testing a repeat- ing theodolite. " pp. 357-361. CONTENTS. Table I, readings of every 10 on the circle and determination of angular distance of ver- niers; II, determination of eccentricity- III, residual errors of graduation and readings. ^36. Formulae, tables, and example for the geodetic computation of latitudes, longitudes, and azimuths of trigonometrical points, as used by the United States Coast survey, pp. 361-391. Tables for each minute of latitude from 23 to 50. *37. Account of Cauchy's interpolation formula. Prepared by Charles A. Schott, assistant Coast survey, pp. 392-396. *38. Table showing the height in feet corresponding to a given angle of elevation and a given dis- tance in metres, for use in the construction of contour lines by the plane-table. Prepared by Charles A. Schott, assistant United States Coast survey, p. 397. CONTENTS. Height in feet corresponding to a given angle of elevation and a given distance in metres, for use in the construction of contour lines by plane tables. * Exhausted. 32 LIST. Eeport 1861. *39. Description of implements devised by Assistant Henry Mitchell for collecting specimens ot bottom in alluvial harbors, p. 398. Sketch 40. *4o. Description of the method of applying a new form of dividers invented by Mr. John R. Gilliss for the graphical decomposition of tidal curves. By L. F. Pourtales. pp. 398, 399. i "diag. *4i. Report of Lieut. Comg. Alexander Murray, U. S. N., assistant Coast survey, relative to the Labrador eclipse expedition, and to incidental results bearing on the hydrography of the coast of Labrador, pp. 399-402. i sketch. *42. Notes on the geology of the coast of Labrador, by Oscar M. Lieber, esq., August, 1860. pp. 402-408. i sketch. *43~45. [Light-house matters.] pp. 408, 409. 1861 Report of the Superintendent of the coast survey, showing the progress of the Survey during the year 1 86 1. Washington: Government printing office. 1862 viii, 270 pp. i fig., 29 maps and sketches, 2 diag. 3o cm . A. D. Bache, superintendent. Report dated at "Coast survey office, Washington, D. C., December 15, 1861." Also published as House ex. doc. 70, 37th Cong., ad sess. In v.6. APPENDICES. *i-8. [Field and office details.] pp. 77-98. i fig. *9. Tide tables for the use of navigators, prepared from the Coast survey observations, by A. D. Bache, superintendent. (Furnished by authority of the Treasury department to E. and G. W. Blunt, New York, and revised May, 1861.) pp. 98-131. i fig. *io. [Report on tidal work.] pp. 132-135. *n. Report of Professor W. P. Trowbridge, assistant Coast survey, with results of experiments made with an instrument devised by him to register depths in sounding, and distance as a log at sea. pp. 135-139- *I2. [Report on office work.] pp. 140-176. *i3. List of registered topographical sheets received ^subsequent to no. 754. pp. 176-178. *I4. List of registered hydrographic sheets received subsequent to no. 683. pp. 179-180. *I5. Experiments to determine the relative shrinkage and expansion of parchment paper and backed antiquarian paper, pp. 180, 181. Sketch 31. 16. Report upon the determination of the longitude of America and Europe from the solar eclipse of July 28, 1851. By Professor Benjamin Peirce, LL. D., etc. pp. 182-195. CONTENTS. Observations of the total phase; European observations, of which the beginning and the end, both observed at the same place, have been admitted into the computation; American observations; method of computation. 17. Report of Professor Benjamin Peirce, LL. D., on an example for the determination of lon- gitudes by occultations of the Pleiades, pp. 196-221. CONTENTS. Example showing the mode of computation; Greenwich, Cambridge (England), Ashurst, Washington city, Philadelphia, and Boston observatories computed; solutions of the equations for the correlation of the moon's place and of the longitude. . 18. Abstract of the report of Dr. B. A. Gould, assistant Coast survey, on the determination of longitude at Albany, N. Y., by the telegraphic method, pp. 221-232. CONTENTS. Abstract of a report on the determination by telegraph of the difference of longitude between New York city and Albany; table of instrumental corrections; collimation and azimuth correction, and hourly clock-rate; personal equations; comparative table of longitude results at the two stations. 19. Observations of the solar eclipse of 1860, July 18, made at the Coast survey station, Gunstock mountain, New Hampshire, by Professor A. D. Bache, superintendent United States Coast survey, pp. 232-239. CONTENTS. (i) dispositions; (2) first contact; (3) positions of spots; I, table of observations, July 17; II, July 18, betore; III, during; IV, after the eclipse; (4) occultation of spots; (5) last contact; (6) phe- nomena. Sketch 29. Errata, 232: 1862, front leaf. 20. Observations of the solar eclipse of July 18, 1860, made at the Coast survey office, Washing- ton, D. C., by Charles A. Schott, assistant United States Coast survey, pp. 239-241. CONTENTS. First contact; last contact; after the eclipse; heliographic position of the spots, i diag. * Exhausted. 759002 3 33 Report 1861. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PUBLICATIONS. 21. Observations of the solar eclipse of July 18, 1860, made at Cambridge, Massachusetts, by B. A. Gould, assistant United States Coast survey, pp. 241, 242. 22. Discussion of the secular change of the magnetic intensity (horizontal and total) on the Atlantic, Gulf, and Pacific coasts of the United States. By Assistant Charles A. Schott. pp. 242-251. 23. New discussion of the distribution of the magnetic declination on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico, with a chart of the isogonic curves for 1860. By Assistant Charles A. Schott. pp. 251-256. i map. *24. New discussion of the distribution of the magnetic declination on the coast of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia, with a chart of the isogonic curves for 1860. By Assistant Charles A. Schott. pp. 256-259. i map. 25. Report on observations of the solar spots made at the Coast survey office, Washington, D. C., from August, 1860, to December, 1861, both inclusive, by Charles A. Schott, assistant United States Coast survey, pp. 259-261. CONTENTS. Table from August, 1860, to December, 1861, and monthly relative numbers, compared with Wolf's revised numbers; spotless days. .Sketch 29. *26-2g. [Reports on field work Florida and Texas.] pp. 261-264. *3 an d 1845. Part VIII. Investi- gation of the solar-diurnal variation and of the annual inequality of the vertical component of the magnetic force. By A. D. Bache, LL. D. pp. 183-195. CONTENTS. Preparation of hourly normals for each month and year; regular solar-diurnal variation: semiannual inequality of the diurnal variation; analysis of the diurnal variation; maxima and minima; ranges; epochs of average force; annual inequality of the vertical force. Sketch 30. Also published in Smithsonian contributions to knowledge, y. 14, no. 175. This and the other parts were also assembled and issued by the Smithsonian institution in monographic form under the above series title. * Exhausted. 36 LIST. Beport 1864. *2i. Discussion of the magnetic and meteorological observations made at the Girard college observatory, Philadelphia, in 1840, 1841, 1842, 1843, 1844, and 1845. Part IX. Investi- gation of the influence of the moon on the magnetic vertical force. By A. D. Bache, LL. D., superintendent United States Coast survey, pp. 196-204. CONTENTS. Number of observations for lunar discussion; distribution according to eastern and western hour-angles; differences from monthly normals, arranged for moon's hour-angles; lunar-diurnal varia- tion in summer and winter; analysis of the lunar-diurnal variation of the vertical force; lunar effect upon inclination and total force. i diag. Also published in Smithsonian contributions to knowledge, y. 14, no. 175. This and the other parts were also assembled and issued by the Smithsonian institution in monographic form under the above series title. *22. Results reported from observations made by Assistants Charles A. Schott and G. W. Dean for magnetic declination, dip, and horizontal intensity, in Maine and Connecticut, including also a station in the District of Columbia, p. 204. *23. Report on preliminary experiments made by Assistant George W. Dean to determine the variations of " induction time " in relay magnets now in use. p. 205. *24. Report by Assistant J. E. Hilgard, on the trial of Harrison's globe lens at the United States Coast survey office, previous to its use in the photograph division, pp. 206, 207. ^25. Titles of scientific papers communicated by the late Major E. B. Hunt, United States Engi- neers, and published either in the Coast survey reports or with the Proceedings of the American association for the advancement of science, pp. 207, 208. *2f5-28. [Special duty with armies and blockading squadrons, and other occupation on the Atlantic coast.] pp. 208-216. *2g. [Light-house matters.] pp. 217, 218. 1864 Report of the Superintendent ot tne coast survey, showing the progress of the Survey during the year 1864. Washington: Government printing office. 1866. xiii, 315 pp. 3 fig., 36 maps and sketches, 3 diag. 30"'. A. D. Bache, superintendent. Report dated at "Cambridge, Mass., October 26, 1864." Also published as House ex. doc. 15, 38th Cong., 2d sess. In v. 9. APPENDICES. *i-6. [Field, hydrographic, and office details.] pp. 39-57. i fig. *7. [Report of field work, North Carolina.] p. 57. *8. Tide tables for the use of navigators, prepared from the Coast survey observations by A. D. Bache, superintendent. (Furnished by authority of the Treasury department to E. & G. W. Blunt, New York, and revised, 1864. ) pp. 58-90. i fig. *9. Report to the Superintendent by Assistant L,. F. Pourtales, in charge of the field and office operations relating to tidal observations. [Subtitle.] On observations of tides at Tahiti, made under the direction of Captain John Rodgers, U. S. N. pp. 91, 92. Sketch 40. *io. [Report on office work.] pp. 92-114. *n. Report of Professor Benjamin Peirce, of Harvard, 011 computations for longitude from occul- tations of the Pleiades, p. 114. *ia. Report of Dr. B. A. Gould on the results of computations for longitude by the telegraphic method, pp. 115, 116. *i3. The problem of determining a position by angles observed upon a number of given stations. Solution of Gauss, with example, communicated by Charles A. Schott, assistant Coast sur- vey, pp. 116-119. *I4. Report on the method of reduction, and results of the connexion of the Epping base line with the primary triangulation in the eastern states. By Charles A. Schott, assistant United States Coast survey, pp. 120-144. CONTENTS. (i) General remarks on the method of reduction; (2) instruments and methods of horizontal measures employed in the triangulation near the Epping base; (3) determination of probable error and weight to each direction observed with the 30-inch theodolite; station Howard; abstract of remaining differences; abstract of remaining errors; table; (4) determination of probable error and weight to each angle and direction from observations with a repeating circle; (5) resulting horizontal angles from the observations at each station, with their probable error; (6) effects upon the horizontal angles of a difference of level between the stations occupied and observed upon; (7) spherical excess of triangles; (8) residuals in the sum of angles of each triangle, and their discussion; (9) final determination of probable errors (and weights) to each direction; (10) relative value of results from the 3<>iiich and the lo-inch repeating theodolites; (11) formation of the conditional equation of the nonagon around the Epping base; (12) equation of correlatives and normal equations; ( 13) resulting correction to the observed directions; (14) complete adjustment of the nonagon and final directions; (15) triangle side computations; (16) tesulting distances from Mount Desert to Humpback; (17) connection of the azimuth mark with the adjusted directions. Errata 143: i866,-p. 141. * Exhausted. 37 Report 1864. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PUBLICATIONS. *i5. List of geographical positions determined by the United States Coast survey, and continued from reports of 1851, 1853, 1855, 1857, and 1859. pp. 144-182. *i6. Discussion of the magnetic and meteorological observations made at the Girard college observatory, Philadelphia, in 1840, 1841, 1842, 1843, 1844, and 1845. Part X. Analysis of the disturbances of the dip and total force. By A. D. Bache, LL. D., president National academy of sciences, superintendent United States Coast survey, pp. 183-190. *I7. Discussion of the magnetic and meteorological observations made at the Girard college observatory, Philadelphia, in 1840, 1841, 1842, 1843, 1844, and 1845. Part XL Solar-diurnal variation and annual inequality of the inclination and total force, with diagrams, by A. D. Bache, LL. D., president National academy of sciences, superintendent United States coast survey, pp. 191-199. CONTKNTS. Combination of the diurnal normals of the two components for dip and total force; solar- diurnal variation of the inclination; its semi-annual inequality; analysis of the solar-diurnal variation of the dip; maxima and minima, ranges and epochs of average value; solar-diurnal variation of the total force; its semi-annual inequality; analysis of the solar-diurnal variation of the total force; annual inequality of the dip and total force. i diag. Also published in Smithsonian contributions to knowledge, y. 14, no. 186. This and the other parts were also assembled and issued by the Smithsonian institution in monographic form under the above series title. *i8. Discussion of the magnetic and meteorological observations made at the Girard college observatory, Philadelphia, in 1840, 1841, 1842, 1843, 1844, and 1845. Part XII. Declination, inclination, and intensity, between 1841 and 1845. By A. D. Bache, LL. D., president national academy sciences, superintendent United States coast survey, pp. 199-206. CONTENTS. Discussion of the magnetic inclination, introductory notice; abstract of observation of dip, monthly means; collection of dip observations at Philadelphia; analytical expression of secular change of dip normal; absolute values of the magnetic declination, dip, horizontal, vertical, and total force for five epochs, and the mean epoch, January, 1843. Also published in .Smithsonian contributions to knowledge, v. 14, no. 186. This and the other parts were also assembled and published by the Smithsonian institution in monographic form iinder the above series title. *I9. Results of magnetic observations made in the United States by Professor J. N. Nicollet between 1832 and 1836. Communicated by A. D. Bache, LL. D., president National academy of sciences, superintendent United States Coast survey. May, 1864. pp. 207-210. *2O. Report of Assistant George W. Dean on experiments made for determining the ' ' eduction time" of relay magnets or telegraphic "repeaters." pp. 211-220. 1 diag. *2i. Communication on the trajectory of ricochet shot fronra i5-inch Rodman gun. By Charles A. , Schott, assistant U. S. Coast survey, pp. 220-222. 2 figs. *22. Report on the determination of ranges of shot from 15 and 20 inch guns. By Charles A. Schott, assistant United States Coast survey, p. 223. *23, 24. [Light-house matters.] pp. 223-226. 1865 Report of the Superintendent of the United States coast survey, showing the progress of the Survey during the year 1865. Washington: Government printing office. 1867. xii, 231 pp. 9 fig., 3 pi., 26 maps and sketches, 5 diag. 30"'. A. D. Bache, superintendent. J. E. Hilgard, acting superintendent. Report dated at "Coast survey office, Washington, D. C., December 16, 1865." Also published as House ex. doc. 75, 39th Cong., ist sess. In v. 13. APPENDICES. *i-4. [Field and office details.] pp. 37-39. *5. Extracts from a report by Sub-assistant J. S. Bradford, showing the nature of hydrographic changes at the entrances of Cape Fear river, North Carolina, p. 45. Sketch 13. *6. [Report on tidal work.] p. 46. *y. [Report on office work.] pp. 47-50. *8. List of original hydrographic and topographic sheets registered in the archives of the United States Coast survey, geographically arranged, pp. 50-99. * Exhausted. 38 LIST. Beport 1866. *9. List of geographical positions in Sections V, VI, VII, and IX, determined by the United States Coast survey, and continued from Annual report of 1864, appendix no. 15. pp. 99-136. In South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Texas, and Indian Territory. *io. Geographical positions determined approximately in West Virginia, Illinois, Kentucky, Ten- nessee, Alabama, Mississippi, and Missouri, p. 137. *n. Type curves of the tides of the Pacific coast of the United States, p. 138. Sketch 26. *I2. Report on the progress of determining longitude from the occultation of the Pleiades, by Prof. Benjamin Peirce. pp. 138-146. Values of 2 2 p for 1838-1842 and 1857-1861. *I3. Method of determining the corrections of lunar semi-diameter, mean place, ellipticity of orbit, longitude of perihelion, coefficient of annual parallax, and longitude of Europe and America from the occultations of the Pleiades, by Prof. Benjamin Peirce. pp. 146-149. *I4. Report on the results of determining longitude by the telegraphic method, by Dr. B. A. Gould, pp. 150, 151. *I5. Report and tables on the declinations of standard time stars, by Dr. B. A. Gould, pp. 152-154. *i6. Report on the positions and proper motions of the four Polar stars, by Dr. B. A. Gould. PP- I55-I59- *ij. Report on the latitude of Cloverden station, in Cambridge, by Dr. B. A. Gould, pp. 160-165. CONTENTS. Micrometer values; reduction of star observations tables; discrepancies with uncorrected catalogue places table; resultant mean places of stars, etc. table; deduced places for Cloverden sta- tiontable; mean error; other determinations. *i8. Results of magnetical observations made at Eastport, Maine, between 1860 and 1864, for the United States Coast survey, pp. 166-174. CONTENTS. Declination, diurnal range of; annual inequality (diagram); epochs of greatest diurnal deflection; mean monthly values of declination between August, 1860, and July, 1864; annual effect of the secular change; annual inequality of the declination; same at Toronto; comparative curve. Sketch 29 (theodolite magnetometer.) 4 fig., 2 pi. *ig. Distribution of the magnetic declination on the coast and parts of the interior of the United States, accompanied by a chart of the isogonic lines for the epoch 1870, and a small chart of isomagnetic lines of equal annual change, by Charles A. Schott, assistant United States Coast survey, pp. 174-176. Sketches 27 and 28. *2o. Projection table for a map of North America, pp. 176-186. CONTENTS. Diagram; table of lengths, in metres, of 5 of latitude on the straight meridian; table of the radii of the parallels, and 5 of longitude on each parallel; I, table of coordinates, latitude 5 to 85; II, coordinates of curvature, latitude 55 to 89; III, length, in metres, of i of latitude and longitude 55 to 89. 21. Results of the primary triangulation of the coast of New England, from the northeastern boundary to the vicinity of New York, Errata, 198: 1866, p. 141 22. On the plane-table and its use in topographical surveying. Assistant A. M. Harrison, pp. 203-231. CONTENTS. Description; adjustments; paper; scales; projections for field work; three-point problem; practical modes of determining the position of a fourth point by resection upon three fixed points; Lehmann's method; Netto's method; Bessel's methods; two-point problem; field work; contours; example; table of heights; chain; telemeter; table of reduction of hypothenuse to base; reconnais- sance; office work. Sketches 30, 31, 32. 5 fig- 1866 Report of the Superintendent of the United States coast survey, showing the progress of the Survey during the year 1866. Washington: Government printing office. 1869. xii, 140 pp. 3 fig., 24 maps and sketches, 4 pi., i diag. 30'". A. D. Bache, superintendent. J. E. Hilgard, acting superintendent. Report dated at "Washington, D. C., December 22, 1866." Also published as House ex. doc. 87, sgth Cong., 2d sess. In v. 14. APPENDICES. *i-4. [Field, hydrographic, and office details.] pp. 27-34. * Exhausted. 39 Report 1866. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PUBLICATIONS. *5. Report by Henry Mitchell, assistant United States Coast survey, upon soundings across the straits of Florida, pp. 35-44. CONTENTS. Northern approach; southern approach; difficulties in the way of laying a telegraph cable; remarks upon lines and leads; table of soundings across the straits of Florida from Sand key to El Moro, 1866. Sketch 17. * Supplement to above. Rates of outrun of line. p. 139. *6. Preliminary report on the interference tides of Hell Gate, with directions for reducing the soundings. By Henry Mitchell, pp. 44-46. CONTENTS. Table of relative elevations of tidal planes from observations; tides and currents of Hell Gate from observations of 1857. *7. Tide tables for the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of the United States for the year 1867. pp. 47-49. Only a specimen page of the tables printed in this appendix, being the predictions for Eastport, Mr. *8. Report on the geodetic connection of the two primary base-lines in New York and Maryland, their degree of accordance and accuracy of the primary triangulation intervening, with the resulting angles and distances as finally adjusted. Prepared by Charles A. Schott, assistant. pp. 49-54- * Supplement to above. Length of the Kent island base line. p. 140. 9. Determination of time by means of the transit instrument. Prepared for the Coast survey- manual by C. A. Schott, assistant, pp. 55-71. Description, use, adjustment, and method of observation, i fig. *io. Determination of the astronomical latitude of a station by means of the zenith telescope. (Prepared for the Coast survey manual by C. A. Schott, assistant.) pp. 72-85. CONTENTS. (i) General remarks on Talcott's method; (2) modification of instrument; (3) description; (4) adjustment; (5) selection of stars for observation; (6) directions for observing; (7) off the meridian; (8) general expression for the latitude; (9) determination of the value of a division of micrometer; (10) of level; (n) correction for differential refraction; (12) reduction to the meridian; (13) record of the observations; (14) reduction of the observations; (15) discussion of the results; (16) combination of the results by weight. Examples to articles 9, 10, 13, and 14. Sketch 28. *n. Determination of the astronomical azimuth of a direction. (Prepared for the Coast survey manual by C. A. Schott, assistant. ) pp. 86-99. CONTENTS. (i) Principal methods; (2) astronomical azimuth; (3) geodetic azimuth; (4) primary and secondary azimuths; (5) time; (6) instruments used; (7) azimuth marks; (8) errors eliminated; (9) cir- cumpolar stars used; (10) high stars; (n) sets of observations; (12) method of recording and reducing; (13) observations of a close circumpolar star near its elongation; ( 14) at any hour angle; (15) computa- tion by fundamental trigonometrical formula; (16) by Napier's analogies; (17) by a development into a series; (18) at equal intervals before and after culmination; (19) observation of sun for azimuth; (20) examples of records and reductions to articles n, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, and 19. Sketches 26 and 27. *I2. Letter of S. C. Walker, esq., to the Superintendent of the coast survey, in relation to the dif- ferences of longitude of Philadelphia and Greenwich, by reduction of observations made at Cambridge, Massachusetts, pp. 99, 100. Reprinted. From Report 1846, app. 10, pp. 71, 72. *I3. Report of S. C. Walker, esq., to the Superintendent of the coast survey, relating to deter- minations of differences of longitude by telegraph, etc. pp. 100-102. Reprinted. From Report 1846, app. n, pp. 72-74. *I4. Annual report to the Superintendent on longitude computations, by S. C. Walker, assistant United States Coast survey, pp. 102-105. Reprinted. From Report 1848, app. 19, pp. 112-118. *I5. Extract from the report of S. C. Walker, esq., assistant United States Coast survey to the Superintendent, on the telegraphic operations and the computations in his charge. pp. 106-108. Reprinted. From Report 1850, app. 15, pp. 85-89. *i6. Report of Sears C. Walker, assistant in the Coast survey, communicating the measures of wave-time made from 1849 to 1851. pp. 109-111. Reprinted. From Report 1851, app. 25, pp. 476-479. *I7. Abstract of reports on longitudes, by Sears C. Walker, assistant in the Coast survey, to the Superintendent, pp. in, 112. Reprinted. From Report 1851, app. 26, pp. 480,4.81. *i8. Notes of a discussion of tidal observations, made in connection with the Coast survey, at Cat island, in the Gulf of Mexico, by Professor A. D. Bache, superintendent of the coast survey, pp. 113-119. Reprinted. From Report 1851, app. 7, pp. 127-136. i diag. See sketches H, 2 to 6, inclusive. *I9- Extracts from the report of Professor Agassiz to the Superintendent of the coast survey, oil the examination of the Florida reefs, keys, and coast, pp. 120-130. Reprinted. From Report 1851, app. 10, pp. 145-160. ""Exhausted. 40 LIST. Keport 1867. *2o. Report to the Assistant in charge of the Coast survey office on the electrotyping operations of the Coast survey, by George Mathiot, electrotypist, pp. 130-138. Reprinted. From Report 1851, app. 55, pp. 541-553. * Supplement to appendix no. 5. Soundings across the Strait of Florida, p. 139. Bern-man apparatus; rates of outrun of line. See 1857, specimen sounding. Sketch 71. * Supplement to appendix no. 8. [Length of the Kent island base line.] p. 140. 1867 Report of the Superintendent of the United States coast survey, showing the progress of the Survey during the year 1867. Washington: Government printing office. 1869. xii, 334 pp. 4 fig., 2 pi., 23 maps and sketches, 3 diag. 30"'. Benjamin Peirce, superintendent. Report dated at "Cambridge, Mass., December 28, 1867." Also published as House ex. doc. 275, 4oth Cong., 2dsess. In v. 18. APPENDICES. *i~4. [Field and office details. ] pp. 47-54. *5. The pantograph its use in engraving. By E. Hergesheimer. pp. 55, 56. Sketch 27. *6. On the longitude between America and Europe from signals through the Atlantic cable. By B. A. Gould, pp. 57-133. CONTENTS. (i) Origin of the Coast survey expeditions in 1865 and 1866; (2) previous determinations of trans-Atlantic longitudes from eclipses and occultations; from moon culminations; from chronometers Hearts Content; clock corrections, trans-Atlantic longitude and transmission time, October 25 to Novem- ber Q, 1866; (8) longitude signals between Hearts Content and Calais; tables of Newfoundland and Calais signals; tables of longitude and times of transmission; (9) personal error in noting signals; (10) personal equation determining time; (u) final results for longitude; (12) velocity of transmission; cables of 1865 and 1866; tables of comparison. Published also by the Smithsonian institution, Washington, 1869. Smithsonian contributions to knowl- edge, vol. 16, no. 223. *7. Report upon the comparison of an iron meter forwarded to France by the Government of the United States of America. (Translation.) By F. A. P. Barnard and H. Tresca. pp. 134-137. CONTENTS. Table I, the United States meter upon the comparator; II, the Conservatoire standard upon the comparator; III, the United States meter upon the comparator; IV, results. *8. New meridian instrument for time, latitude, and azimuth, by George Davidson, assistant United States Coast survey, pp. 138, 139. Sketch 28. Reprinted, Kept., 1879, app. 7, pp. 103-109. 9. On the use of railways for geodetic surveys by J. E. Hilgard, assistant in the Coast survey, pp. 140-144. CONTENTS. Wheel records; linear measurement; rectification of curves; reduction of the measured lines and angles to a simpler system. Sketch 26. *io. Description of a reflector used as a signal in triangulation, designed by J. E. Hilgard, assist- ant United States Coast survey, p. 145. i diag. *n. Report on the field and office work relating to the tides. By R. S. A very. pp. 146-148. *I2. Report of Assistant Henry L. Whiting, on the special survey of Provincetown harbor, Mas- sachusetts, pp. 149-157. *I3. Report to the Superintendent of the coast survey on the tides and currents of Hell Gate, by Henry Mitchell, chief of physical hydrography, United States Coast survey, pp. 158-169. CONTENTS. General scheme of tides and currents: (i) General scheme of tidal interference; observations and results; curves. (2) Tides from stations selected as characteristic for New York harbor and its approaches. (3) Intervals and heights of tides from simultaneous observations. (4) Restoration of level between gauges at Hell Gate ferry and Pot Cove, 1857; diagram. (5) Currents of New York harbor; general scheme of currents, graphic. 4 figs- *I4. Report upon surveys in the Merrimack river, made in 1867 by Henry Mitchell, assistant U. S. Coast survey, pp. 170-175. Respecting its navigation, with tables, i map. Sketch 2. *I5. Report of Assistant Henry Mitchell on soundings made to develop the character of the Strait of Florida between Key West and Havana, pp. 176-179. CONTENTS. Table I, soundings in the Gulf stream near the coast of Cuba, 1867; II, current observations. Sketch 25. Supplement, 1868, pp. 166-167. *Exhausted. -U Report 1867. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PUBLICATIONS. *i6. Report on the fauna of the Gulf stream in the strait of Florida. By Assistant L. F. Pourtales. pp 180-182. Dredgings in the strait of Florida. *ij. Letters of Professor Agassiz on the relation of geological and zoological researches to general interests, in the development of coast features, pp. 183-186. *i8. Report of Assistant George Davidson relative to the resources and the coast features of Alaska territory, pp. 187-329. CONTENTS. Directory of the coast, 226-264; fcst of geographic positions, 265-274; aids to navigation, 274-280. Sketches 21 to 23. Errata, p. 289, 22 from bottom, read Escholtz bay. This is the basis of the Coast pilot of Alaska, published in 1869. First submitted for publication Nov. 30, 1867. *i9-2o. [Obituary, etc.] pp. 330-334. 1868 Report of the Superintendent of the United States coast survey, showing the progress of the Survey during the year 1868. Washington: Government printing office. 1871, xiii, 277 pp. 14 fig., 28 maps and sketches, i diag. 3o cm . Benjamin Peirce, superintendent. This and succeeding reports are dated at the Survey office, Washington. Also published as House ex. doc. 71, 4oth Cong., 3d sess. In v. n. APPENDICF;S. *i-4. [Field and office details.] pp. 43-50. 5. Discussion of tides in Boston harbor, by William Ferrel, M. N. A. S. pp. 51-102. CONTENTS. The observations and the locality; expression of the disturbing forces; tidal expressions; object and plan of discussion. Tables I, II, III, and IV, of average normal values; V, the constant or mean tide; the semimonthly inequality; VI, inequality depending upon the moon's mean anomaly; VII, inequality depending upon the moon's longitude; VII, bis inequality depending upon the sun's anomaly and longitude; VIII, inequality depending upon the moon's node; IX, inequalities depending upon 178 and r) 9 ; diurnal tide; recapitulation of results; comparisons with the equilibrium theory; deter- mination of the general constants; comparisons with the dynamic theory; prediction formulas and tables I-XI; computation of a tidal ephemeris; conclusion; example of the computation of a tidal ephemeris. i fig. *6. Mode of forming a brief tide-table for a chart, by R. S. Avery. pp. 103-108. Sketch 29. *7. Memoranda relating to the field-work of the secondary triangulation. Prepared by Richard D. Cutts, assistant, pp. 109-139. CONTENTS. Selection of stations; names of stations; signals; tripods and scaffolds; underground station marks; surface station marks; observations and records; number of observations; limit of error; prob- able error;, reduction to center; correction for phase; correction for eccentricity; spherical excess; distribution of error; trigonometrical leveling; coefficient of refraction; three-point problem; rectan- gular coordinates; measurements of subsidiary base lines; records and computations. i fig. See edition 2, with additions, printed as a separate publication (1877), and edition 3 in Kept. 1882, app. 9. *8. Method of adjustment of the secondary triangulation of Long Island sound. Communicated by Charles A. Schott,. assistant Coast survey, pp. 140-146. Example of reduction of angular measure of Shelter island; final computation and proof of correctness, i map. *9. Results of the measure of an arc of the meridian of 3 23', between Nantucket and farming- ton, Maine. Reported by Charles A. Schott, assistant Coast survey, pp. 147-153. " CONTENTS. I *n. Comparison of the methods of determining heights by means of leveling, vertical angles, and barometric measures, from observations at Bodega head and Ross mountain, Cal., by George Davidson and Charles A. Schott, assistants, United States Coast survey, pp. 154-170. CONTENTS. (i) result of the leveling operations. (2) results of hourly observations of reciprocal and simultaneous zenith distances for difference of height of the two stations; Tables i to 6. zenith dis- tances, atmospheric pressure, etc.; reduction of zenith distances; diagrams. (3) results of hourly obser- vations of atmospheric pressure for difference of height of the stations; diagrams. Reprinted. Rept. 1876, app. 16, pp. 338-354. 5 fig. * Exhausted. Report 1871. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PUBLICATIONS. *I2. Report on the leveling operations between Keyport, on Raritan bay, and Gloucester, on the Delaware river, to determine the height above mean tide of the primary stations, Beacon hill, Disborough, Stony hill, Mount Holly, and Pine hill, by Richard D. Cutts, assistant, Coast survey, in charge of secondary triangulation. pp. 171-175.' Tidal stations; instruments; field operations and records; Tables I to V. *r$. Report of observations of the total solar eclipse of December 22, 1870, by George W. Dean, assistant United States Coast survey, pp. 176-179. Abstract of the chronographic record. *I4. Report of observation of the eclipse of the sun of December 22, 1870, by Dr. C. H. F. Peters, director of the Litchfield observatory of Hamilton college, pp. 180-184. *I5. On the adaptation of triangulations to the various conditions of configuration and character of the surface of country and other causes. Report to Prof. Benjamin Peirce, superin- tendent, February 20, 1873, by Charles A. Schott, assistant United States Coast survey. pji. 185-188. Reprinted. Rept. 1876, app. 20, pp. 391-399. 2 fig. *i6. Description of a new form of mercurial horizon, in which vibrations are speedily extinguished, by J. Homer Lane, of Washington, D. C. pp. 189-192. 2 fig. Directions for setting up and using. *I7. General index of professional and scientific papers contained in the United States Coast survey reports from 1851 to 1870. pp. 193-209. *i8. Errata from 1851 to 1870. pp. 210-219. 1872 Report of the Superintendent of the United States coast survey, showing the progress of the Survey during the year 1872. Washington: Government printing office. 1875- xii, 267 pp. 7 fig., 3 pi., 21 maps and sketches, 4 diag. 30. Benjamin Peirce, superintendent. Also published as House ex. doc. 240, 42d Cong., sd sess. In v. 12. APPENDICES. *i-5. [Field and office details.] pp. 55-68. *6. Field and office work relating to the tides, by R. S. Avery. pp. 69-72. *7. Maxima and minima of tides on the coast of New England for 1873, by William Ferrel. pp. 73-74. *8. Report of the astronomical and meteorological observations made at Sherman, Wyoming territory, by Richard D. Cutts, assistant United States Coast survey, and Charles A. Young, professor of astronomy in Dartmouth college, New Hampshire, under the act of Congress of June 10, 1872. pp. 75-172. CONTENTS. Part I, report of R. D. Cutts (sketch 18 A). Latitude and longitude of Sherman; terres- trial magnetism; meteorology; Table I, difference of reading of observers; Table II, daily means; diagram i; Table III, hourly means; diagram 2; Table IV, hourly means; aneroid barometer; solar radiation; Table V, amount of solar radiation; Table VI, solar radiation; altitude of the sun; atmos- pheric electricity; diagram; Table VIII, altitude of the astronomical station; spirit level; barometer; Tables IX, X, XI; boiling-point apparatus; Table XII, temperatu- * of boiling water at SJierman; Table XIII, height of Long's peak, etc.; Sherman, its atmosphere and climate; meteorological journal. Part II, report of Prof. C. A. Young. Spectrum of the chromosphere; catalogue f bright lines in the spectrum of the chromosphere, 1872; table showing the number of coincidences between the bright lines observed in the spectrum of the chromosphere and those in the spectrum of the chemical ele- ments; spectra of sun spots; catalogue of lines affected in the spot-spectrum between B and b; solar eruptions and other disturbances. 6 fig., i pi., i map, 2 diag. *9. Astronomical observations on the Sierra Nevada, by George Davidson, esq., assistant in the United States Coast survey, pp. 173-176. Description of the country adjacent to the station at Summit; the climate and opportunities for observ- ing; the observations; Polaris, Saturn, Moon, etc. *lo. Harbors of Alaska and the tides and currents in their vicinity, by W. H. Dall, acting assistant in the United States Coast survey, pp. 177-212. CONTENTS. Statistics; notes on the North Pacific current; hydrographic notes on Captains bay and vicinity; meteorology of Unalashka; tides of Iliuliuk; compound tides; semidiurnal tides; tide referred to the lovyer transits; to the upper transits; semidiurnal tides; tidal current of Unalashka; the Alaska current: its effect on the climate of the Aleutian district; the circular current of Bering sea; the Shu- magiti islands; western; eastern; miscellaneous hydrographic notes; meteorological observations from September, 1871, to October, 1872; current observations; tides of Iliuliuk. Sketch 18. *n. Voyage of the steamer Hassler from Boston to San Francisco, by L. F. Pourtales, esq., assistant in the United States Coast survey, pp. 213-221. * Exhausted. 46 LIST. Report 1873. 12. Determination of weights to be given to observations ior determining time with portable transit-instruments, recorded by the chronographic method. Report to the Assistant in charge of the Coast survey office, by Charles A. Schott, assistant, pp. 222-226. CONTENTS. Relative weights to transits depending on the star's declination; relative weights to incom- plete transit observations; reduction of observations for time. *I3. Preliminary report on the determination of transatlantic longitudes, by J. E. Hilgard, assist- ant, pp. 227-234. CONTENTS. Brest, Greenwich, Paris; results of observation for personal equation; longitudes; Brest- Greenwich, Brest-Paris, Greenwich-Paris; Brest-St. Pierre-Cambridge; Harvard observatory-Green- wich; Washington-Greenwich; Washington-Paris. *I4. Terrestrial magnetism. Notes on magnetical observations by means of portable instruments, prepared for the use of observers by C. A. Schott, assistant in the United States Coast sur- vey, pp. 235-254. CONTENTS. (i) Determination of the magnetic declination; adjustment of the declinometer; example of scale reading; magnetic declination; example; (2) absolute and relative measures of the magnetic force; the magnetometer; observations of deflections; horizontal intensity; deflections; form i; mag- netometer with attached theodolite; deflecting magnet in the magnetic prime vertical; form 2; theodo- lite magnetometer; deflecting and deflected magnets at right angles to each other; observations of oscillations: example; calculation; example of observation of deflections; (3) determination of the magnetic declination; reversal of poles of dipping needles; magnetic dip; specimen of record for find- ing magnetic meridian; magnetic dip; computation; concluding remarks. Appendix. Ordinary adjustments of the theodolite. *I5. Correspondence relative to the preservation of New York harbor, pp. 255-256. *i6. The Middle-Ground shoal, New York harbor. By Henry Mitchell, pp. 257-261. Tables of current observations. Sketch 22. *ij. Report on shore-line changes at Edgartown harbor, Massachusetts, by H. L. Whiting, esq., assistant in the United States Coast survey, pp. 262-265. Sketch 23. *i8. Improvement on the Hipp chronograph, by William Eimbeck. pp. 266, 267. i fig. 1873 Report of the Superintendent of the United States coast survey, showing the progress of the Survey duringthe year 1873. Washington: Government printing office. 1875. xii, 180 pp. 2 fig., 18 maps and sketches, 3 diag. 3o cm . Benjamin Peirce, superintendent. Also published as House ex. doc. 133, 43d Cong., ist sess. In v. 11. APPENDICES. *i-5- [Field and office details.] pp. 67-81. *6. List of original topographical sheets registered in the archives of the United States Coast survey from June, 1865, to January, 1873. pp. 82-87. *j. List of hydrographic sheets registered in the archives of the United States Coast survey from June, 1865, to January, 1873. PP- 88-93. *8. Report on the physical survey of Portland harbor. By Henry Mitchell, pp. 94-102. i diag. *g. Additional report concerning the changes in the neighborhood of Chatham and Monomoy. By Henry Mitchell, pp. 103-107. i diag. *io. Note concerning changes in the submerged contours off Sandy Hook. By Henry Mitchell, pp. 108-110. i fig. Tables. *n. Report of geographical and hydrographical explorations on the coast of Alaska, by W. H. Ball, assistant in the Coast survey, pp. ClCdIIlitllOIl?5, ItlUlCS 1 LU ID, LIltTI IIHJI11CLC1 . instill 1 ' determination of general constants, i map. (Illustration 35.) 14. Report on deep-sea current work in the Gulf Stream. By Lieut. J. E. Pillsbury, U. S. N., assistant, pp. 495-501. CONTENTS. Betters of instruction; report; description of apparatus devised by t,ieut. Pillsbury for observations of deep-sea currents, with diagram and detailed account of its use; observations made and lines run; chait showing locality of cross section A, between Fowey rocks and Gun Cay; charts showing position of current stations, cross section A, Gulf stream; illustrations 39 to 46, giving a graphic picture of the deep-sea current work. i pi., 2 maps, 8 diag. 15. Note on a device for abbreviating time reductions. By C. S. Peirce, assistant, pp. 503-508. 16. On the influence of a noddy on the period of a pendulum. By C. S. Peirce, assistant, pp. 509, 510- 17. On the effect of unequal temperature upon a reversible pendulum. By C. S. Peirce, assistant. pp. 511, 512. *i8. Tribute to the memory of Henry W. Blair, assistant, p. 513. 188(> Report of the Superintendent of the U. S. coast and geodetic survey, showing the progress of the work during the fiscal year ending with June, 1886. Washington: Government printing office. 1887. xl, 435 pp. 4 fig., 2 maps and sketches, i diag. 30'". Frank M. Thorn, superintendent. " Also published as House ex. doc. 40, 49th Cong., 2d sess. In v. 22. APPENDICES. *i~5. [Field and office details.] pp. 97-151. *6. The solar (annular) eclipse of March 5, 1886. Times of observation at San Francisco, Cal. Reported by George Davidson, assistant, p. 153. CONTENTS. Prefatory letter; observations made at the Coast and geodetic survey station, Lafayette park, San Francisco, Cal., and at the Davidson observatory; observations of first and second contacts; instru- ments and observers. 7. An examination of some of the early voyages of discovery and exploration on the Northwest coast of America from 1539 to 1603. By Prof. George Davidson, A. M., Ph. D., assistant U. S. Coast and geodetic survey, pp. 155-253 CONTENTS. Introduction; efforts to reconcile many of the discrepancies of the old Spanish, English, American, and French navigators; indomitable courage and perseverance of the old Spanish navigators; many of the positions of Ulloa, Cabrillo, Ferrelo, Drake, and Vizcaino can now be located; effort to follow the navigators day by day; some of the authorities cited; origin of name California; what it designated; principal work cons'ulted; description of localities by the different navigators, Ferrelo, Cabrillo, Ulloa, and Vizcaino, with notes bv Davidson, placed in four parallel columns; table of the landfalls of Cabrillo (C.) and Ferrelo (F)., with their names by Ulloa (U.), Drake (D.), and Vizcartio (V.), and the present names and latitudes. Index to appendix 7, 1886. Prefatory note; authorities and publications consulted or referred to; discoverers and explorers; harbors (ports) and anchorages, bays, channels, coves, gulfs, lagoons, straits; headlands; capes, points, bluffs; islands, reefs, and rocks; mountains and mountain ranges (sierras), table-lands (mesas); rivers and streams; settlements; Indian villages (pueblos); miscellaneous notices. 1 map. (Illustration 18.) 8. A report on Monomoy and its shoals. By Henry Mitchell, assistant, and Charles O. Boutelle, assistant, pp. 255-261. CONTENTS. Tonnage of the vessels navigating these waters; dangers to navigation; comparison of Capt. Paul Pinkham's survey of 1784 and the U. S. Coast and geodetic survey chart of 1885, with a sketch of the two surveys. Report concerning the earliest topographical survey of Monomoy, with sketch. 2 maps. 9. Report of changes in the shore line and beaches of Marthas Vineyard as derived from com- parisons of recent with former surveys. By Henry L. Whiting, assistant, pp. 263-266. Changes discussed; map showing changes in Cotamy beach, from surveys made in 1846, 1856, 1871, and 1886. i map. (Illustration 21.) * Exhausted. 62 LIST. Eeport 1887. 10. A report on the delta of the Delaware. By Henry Mitchell, assistant, pp. 267-279. near Toe Flogger shoal. I fig. (Illustration 22.) 11. A report of Gulf Stream explorations Observations of currents, 1886. By L4eut. J. B. Pillsbury, U. S. N., assistant, pp. 281-290. CONTENTS. Detailed report of season's work, with a treatment of the subject, under the following heads: I, General characteristics of the Gulf Stream, as developed by the observations; II, Daily variation of the stream; III, Monthly variation of the stream; IV, Axis of the stream; V, Effect of wind on the velocity of the stream, and the position of its axis; VI, Depth of the stream, and velocity at different depths; VII, General summary for the guidance of navigators. 6 diag. Plates (23 to 28) presenting curves of observations of currents in the Gulf Stream during 1885 and 1886. 12. The secular variation of the magnetic declination in the United States and at some foreign stations. (New and greatly enlarged edition.) By Charles A. Schott, assistant Coast and geodetic survey, pp. 291-407. Sixth edition, April, 1887. CONTENTS. The magnetic declination; the solar-diurnal variation; the annual variation; the secular variation; magnetic disturbances or storms; historical note; the declination; isogonic charts; the secu- lar variation of the declination; analytical expression of the secular variation of the magnetic declina- tion; illustration representing graphically the' secular variation of the magnetic declination at Paris, France, from 1540 to 190x3; collection of observed magnetic declinations suitable for the investigation of the secular variation; Atlantic coast and region east of the Appalachian range, 43 stations, with results and comparisons; central part of the United States, between the Appalachian and Rocky mountain ranges, 24 stations; results and comparisons; magnetic declinations from the earliest to the present time, observed on or near the Pacific coast of the United States and west of the Rocky mountains, and extending over the region from the isthmus of Tehuantepec, Mexico, northward to Bering strait and the Arctic ocean, coast of Alaska; thirty-nine magnetic stations, mainly on the Pacific coast and in the region west of the Rocky mountains; results and comparisons; graphical illustration of the secular variation (illustration 31); secular change in the position of the agonic line of North f. *lantic between 1500-1900 (illustration 33); progressive change in the secular variation, with a discussion of the subject; probable errors of some of the early observations. 3 maps, 2 diag. (Illustrations 29-33.) Other editions: Ed. i, Rept. 1855, a PP- 4 s ! Kept. 1856, app. 31, and Rept. 1859, app. 24. Ed. 2, Rept. 1874, app. 8. Ed. 3, sep. pub. (1879). Ed. 4, Rept. 1879, a PP- 9- Ed. 5, Rept. 1882, app. 12. Ed. 7, Rept. 1888, app. 7. Ed. 8, Rept. 1895, app. i. 13. On the circulation of the sea through New York harbor. A report by Henry Mitchell, assistant, pp. 409-432. CONTENTS. Types of the tidal profiles; field work of 1885; current observations; East river tides and tidal currents; East river tides; lunar intervals of upper and lower restorations of level between Gov- ernor's island and Willet's point, with synchronous heights at other stations, from eight tides, maximum and minimum slopes; comparison of restorations of level; maximum slope (by reaches) of the East river; comparison of slopes. Governor's island to Willet's Point; intervals and heights of restoration of level between New York harbor (Governor's island) and Long Island sound (Willet's Point); currents; tables of variations of slope and velocity; decomposition of tides; comparison of mean levels, Governor's island and Willet's Point. 3 fig., 3 diag, (Illustrations 34-39-) 1887 Report of the Superintendent of the U. S. coast and geodetic survey showing the progress of the work during the fiscal year ending with June, 1887. Washington: Government printing office. 1889. xxxvii, 514 pp. i fig., 34 maps and sketches, 15 diag. 3o cm . Frank M. Thorn, superintendent. Also published as House ex. doc. 17, soth Cong., ist sess. In v. 24. APPENDICES. *i-5. [Field and office details.] pp. 95-157. 6. On the movements of the sands at the eastern entrance to Vineyard sound. By Henry Mitchell, assistant, pp. 159-163. CONTENTS. Changes among the Monomoy shoals; tides and currents at the entrance of Vineyard sound; composition of tidal forces; tides at entrance of Vineyard sound graphically represented, i map, i diag. (Illustrations 31, 32.) 7. Fluctuations in the level of Lake Champlain and average height of its surface above the sea. A preliminary report by Charles A. Schott, assistant, pp. 165-172. CONTENTS. Fluctuations of the level of Lake Champlain, from observations by the United States Engi- neers at Fort Montgomery, N. Y., 1871 to 1882; fluctuations in the level of Lake Ontario, from observa- tions at Charlotte harbor, "185910 1881; comparison of the state of Lake Champlain with the amount of rain (and melted snow) during the years 18/1-1882; effect of wind; secular variation in the level of Lake Champlain; annual variation in the level of Lake Champlain and Lake Ontario, with annual variation in rainfall; secular variation in the levels of the two lakes; absolute height of Lake Cham- plain above the ocean; probable uncertainty of this result. i diag. (Illustration 33. ) * Exhausted. 63 Report 1887. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PUBLICATIONS. 8. Gulf Stream explorations observations of currents 1887. A report by Lieut. J. E. Pillsbury, U. S. N. , assistant, pp. 173-184. CONTENTS. Detailed report of season's work between Rebecca shoal and Cuba; between Cape San Antonio, Cuba, and Yucatan and Cape Hatteras shoal in a direction nearlv southeast; (i) general characteristics and limit of the stream at each cross section; (2) daily variation; (3) axis of the stream; (4) depth of the stream, and velocity at different depths; (5) comparison of results obtained at various sections. 2 maps, 7 diag. ' (Illustrations 34-42.) 9. Heights from spirit-levelings of precision between Mobile, Ala. , and Carrollton ( New Orleans) , La., by J. B. Weir, assistant, in i885~'86. Report by Charles A. Schott, assistant, pp. 185- 205. CONTENTS. Route of levels, date of leveling, observer, instruments, and instrumental constants; com- parison of length and divisions of rods with standard on Saxton's dividing and comparing machine; method of observing; statistical information; computations; results; individual results and the neces- sary data to enable one to judge of the accuracy of the measures; resulting heights and probable uncer- tainties of the principal bench marks between Biloxi and Carrollton above the average Gulf level and a comparison of results from two levelings, i. e., that by the Mississippi river commission and that by the Coast and geodetic survey; the resulting heights and probable uncertainties of the line Biloxi to Mobile; description of bench marks. 10. The magnetic work of the Greely Arctic expedition. Abstract of a report by Charles A. Schott, assistant, pp. 207-210. CONTENTS. Expeditions sent out in command of I,ieut. Greely and I,ieut. Ray; astronomical and magnetic work of Sergeant Israel; magnetic observatory at Fort Conger; determination of latitude, longitude, and azimuth; the number of magnetic observations and scheme for observing the declina- tion; solar-diurnal variation; annual variation; hourly observations; term-day and term-hour observa- tions; observations of oscillations; observations for dip; dates of aurora displays; tables of magnetic results derived from the work of other Arctic explorers; annual change in declination in this region; importance of a redetermination of the American pole of dip. *n. Instructions and memoranda for descriptive reports to accompany original sheets, by F. M. Thorn, superintendent, pp. 211-215. *I2. General index to the progress sketches and illustrations, maps, and charts published in the annual reports of the U. S. Coast survey and U. S. Coas,t and geodetic survey from 1844 to 1885, inclusive. Prepared by Edward Goodfellow, assistant, pp. 217-268. 13. Addendum to a report on the estuary of the Delaware. By Henry Mitchell, assistant, pp. 269-273. Table giving physical elements of the estuary of the Delaware, with introductory letter. Supplementary to Rept. 1883, app. 8, pp. 269-273. 14. Report of the results of spirit-leveling of precision about New York bay and vicinity in 1886 and 1887. Observations by Assistant John B. Weir and Subassistant J. E. McGrath. Dis- cussion by Charles A. Schott, assistant, pp. 275-300. CONTENTS. Route lines of levels, with map; observers and dates of leveling; instrumental constants; method of observing; computations; resulting elevations; result of geodetic leveling in the vicinity of New York, 1886-87; main line from Sandy Hook, N. J., to Dobbs Ferry, Hudson river, N. V*.; accuracy of the preceding results for heights; bench marks in the main line and branches of spirit levels, Sandy Hook to Dobbs Ferry. i map. (Illustration 43.) 15. Report on the results of the physical surveys of New York harbor. By Henry Mitchell, assistant, pp. 301-311. CONTENTS. Introductory letter: Part i. The underrun of the Hudson River; its relation to New York bar; diagram A; underrun in the Hudson in the dry season; densities at different depths, from observations taken in the summer of 1885; currents at different depths in various localities; currents at different depths, from observations for 1885; currents on the outer slope of New York harbor, 1885; depth of neutral plane below surface; limit of the tide, as affecting the scour of the channels in New York harbor. Part 2. Courses of the Hudson tides through New York harbor; table of slopes of the Hudson and East rivers; tides (synchronous) in the tract ofthe Hudson. 1 fig., 6 diag. (Illustrations, 44-49.) 16. A bibliography of geodesy. By J. Howard Gore, B. S., Ph. D. pp. 313-512. 1888 Report of the Superintendent of the U. S. coast and geodetic survey showing the progress of the work during the fiscal year ending with June, 1888. Washington: Government printing office. 1889. xxviii, 566 pp. 4 fig., 12 pi., 42 maps and sketches, 7 diag. 30. Frank M. Thorn, superintendent. Also published as House ex. doc. 22, soth Cong., 2d sess. In v. 22. APPENDICES. *i~5- [Field and office details.] pp. 97-166. *6. Part I. The value of the "Arcane del mare " with reference to our knowledge of the magnetic declination in the earlier part of the seventeenth century. By Charles A. Schott, assistant, pp. 167-170. 2 maps. Part II. Historical review of the work of the Coast and geodetic survey in connection with terrestrial magnetism. By Charles A. Schott, assistant, pp. 171-176. 4 fig. * Exhausted. 64 LIST. Report 1889. < 7. The secular variation of the magnetic declination in the United States and at some foreign stations. By Charles A. Schott, assistant Coast and geodetic survey, pp. 177-312. Seventh edition, June, i88 p. 70. Describes 33 maps and charts published between 1842-1849. List of Coast survey maps engraved. Rept. 1850, app. 38,* pp. 131, 132. Describes 43 maps and charts published between 1842-1850. List of Coast survey maps, sketches, and preliminary charts, engraved and engraving. Rept. 1851, app. ii,* pp. 160-162. Describes 78 maps and charts published between 1842-1851. List of Coast survey maps, sketches, and preliminary charts engraved and engraving Rept. 1852, app. 6,* pp. 81-83. Describes 89 maps and charts published between 1842-1852. List of Coast survey maps, sketches, and preliminar)- charts, engraved and engraving. Rept. 1853, app. 5,* pp. 10-12. Describes 129 maps and charts published between 1842-1853. List of Coast survey maps, preliminary charts and sketches, engraved and engraving. Rept. 1854, app. 31,* pp. 50-54. Describes 147 maps and charts published between 1842-1854. List of Coast survey maps, preliminary charts, and sketches engraved geographically arranged. Rept. 1855, app. 36,* pp. 238-242. . . Describes 192 maps and charts published between 1842-1855. List of Coast survey maps, preliminary charts, and sketches engraved geographically arranged. Rept. 1856, app. 19,* pp. 148-152. Describes 221 maps and charts published between 1842-1856. List of Coast survey maps, preliminary charts, and sketches engraved geographically arranged. Rept. 1857, app. 22,* pp. 205-210. Describes 240 maps and charts published between 1842-1857. List of Coast survey maps, preliminary charts, and sketches engraved geographically arranged. Rept. 1858, app. 19,* pp. 168-174. Describes 260 maps and charts published between 1842-1858. List of Coast survey maps, preliminary charts, and sketches engraved geographically arranged. Rept. 1859, a PP- !?*) PP- 192-199. Describes 268 maps and charts published between 1842-1859. List of Coast survey maps, preliminary charts, and sketches engraved geographically arranged. Rept. 1860, app 19,* pp. 199-205. Describes 278 maps and charts published between 1842-1860. List of Coast survey maps, preliminary charts, and sketches engraved geographically arranged. Rept. 1861, app. 12,* pp. 154-160. Describes 290 maps and charts published between 1842-1861. * Exhausted. 105 Maps and Charts. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PUBLICATIONS. Catalogue of hydrographic maps, charts, and sketches published by the U. S. Coast survey, 1863.* Washington: Government printing office. 17 pp. 28 cm . Describes 242 maps and charts published between 1846-1863. A. D. Bache, superintendent. Catalogue of hydrographic maps, charts, and sketches published by the U. S. Coast survey, 1866.* Washington: Government printing office. 17 pp. 2S C ">. Describes 242 maps and charts published between 1846-1864. A. D. Bache, superintendent. Catalogue of hydrographic maps, charts, and sketches published by the IT. S. Coast survey, 1867.* Washington: Government printing office. 1 8 pp. 28 cm . Describes 276 'maps and charts published between 1846-1867. Benjamin Peirce, superintendent. Catalogue of hydrographic maps, charts, and sketches published by the U. S. Coast survey, 1872.* Washington: Government printing office. 20 pp. 28 cm . Describes 278 maps and charts published between 1846-1872. Benjamin Peirce, superintendent. Catalogue of charts, 1875.* Washington: Government printing office. 28 pp. 28 C1 ". Describes 299 maps and chaits published between 1851-1875. Carlile P. Patterson, superintendent. Catalogue of charts of the U. S. Coast survey, 1877.* Washington: Government printing office. 29 pp. 28"'. Describes 325 maps and charts published between 1851-1*77. Carlile P. Patterson, superintendent. Catalogue of charts, 1880.* Washington: Government printing office, 1880. 45 pp. 28 cm . Describes 409 maps and charts published between 1846-1880. Carlile P. Patterson, superintendent. Catalogue of charts, 1883.* Washington: Government printing office, 1883. 64 pp. 28 cm . Describes 389 maps and charts published between 1846-1883. J. E. Hilgard, superintendent. Catalogue of charts, 1884.* Washington: Government printing office, 1884. 68 pp. 28""'. Describes 384 maps and charts published between 1846-1^4. J. E. Hilgard, superintendent. Catalogue of charts, 1886.* Washington: Government printing office, 1886. 72 pp. 28"'. Describes 395 maps and charts published between 1846-1886. F. M. Thorn, superintendent. Catalogue of charts and other publications, 1887.* Washington: Government printing office, 1887. 140 pp. 28 cm . Describes 458 maps and charts published between 1846-1887. F. M. Thorn, superintendent. Catalogue of charts and other publications, 1890.* Washington: Government printing office, 1890. 156 pp. 28 cm . Describes 476 maps and charts published between 1846-1890. T. C. Mendenhall, superintendent. Catalogue of charts and other publications, 1892.* Washington: Government printing office, 1892. . 152 pp. 28'". Describes 489 maps and charts published between 1846-1892. T. C. Mendenhall, superintendent. Catalogue of charts and other publications, 1893." Washington: Government printing office, 1893. 148 pp. 28 cm . Describes 497 maps and charts published between 1846-1893. T. C. Mendenhall, superintendent. Catalogue of charts and other publications, 1894.* Washington: Government printing office, 1893. 148 pp. 2S cm . Describes 516 maps and charts published between 1846-1894. W. W. Duffield, superintendent. Catalogue of charts and other publications, 1896.* Washington: Government printing office, 1896. 142 pp. 28'". Describes 520 maps and charts published between 1846-1896. W. W. Duffield, superintendent. * Exhausted. 106 LIST. Maps and Charts. Catalogue of charts, coast pilots, and tide tables, 1897* 140 pp. 28 cm . Washington: Government printing office, 1897. Describes 549 maps and charts published between 1849-1897. W. W. Duffield, superintendent. Catalogue of charts, coast pilots, and tide tables, 1899.* 142 pp. 28 cm . Washington: Government printing office, 1899. Describes 579 maps and charts published bet Henry S. Pritchett, superintendent. ween 1850-1899. Catalogue of charts, coast pilots, and tide tables, 1900.* Washington: Government printing office, 1900. 150 pp. 28 cm . Describes 587 maps and charts published between 1850-1900. Henry S. Pritchett, superintendent. Catalogue of charts, coast pilots, and tide tables, 1902. 167 pp. 28 cm . Washington: Government printing office, 1902. Describes 656 maps and charts published between 1850-1902. Includes new sections for the West Indies and the Philippines in the geographical arrangement. Title preceded by departmental and survey heading, O. H. Tittmanu, superintendent. * Exhausted. 107 ADMINISTRATIVE PUBLICATIONS. and regulations. Directions in regard to operations. Instructions in methods of work. Reports submitting estimates. Summary or abstract report. Official reports of expenditures. LAWS AND REGULATIONS.* General rules for estimates, accounts, and classification of expenditures for the guidance of the chiefs of parties of the U. S. Coast survey, 1858. Public printer, June, 1858. s pp. 22 y 2 . Signed by Samuel Hein, disbursing agent. Laws relating to the Survey of the coast of the United States, with the plan of reorganization of 1843, and regulations by the Treasury department. Public printer, July, 1858. 25 pp. 22^ cm . Statutes relating to the Survey of the coast of the United States, with the plan of reorganization of 1843, and regulations by the Treasury department. Washington: Government printing office, 1869. 27 pp. i9^ cm - General rules for estimates, accounts, and classification of expenditures for the guidance of the chiefs of parties of the United States Coast survey, 1874. 7 pp. 22 C1 ". Signed by Samuel Heiii, disbursing agent. Laws and regulations relating to the Coast and geodetic survey of the United States. Washington : Government printing office, 1881. 42 pp. 23 1 '"'. Law r s of general application for use of the United States Coast and geodetic survey. Washington: Government printing office, 1881. 52 pp. 23'". (Treas. dept. doc. no. 167, C. & G. S. ) Laws and regulations relating to the Coast and geodetic survey of the United States. Washington: Government printing office, 1887. 59 pp. 23 cm . Regulations for enlistments, discharges, etc., May 5, 1899. 7 pp. 23^'". (Treas. dept. doc. no. 2112, C. & G. S.) Signed by H. S. Pritchett, superintendent. Rules governing routine and discipline aboard ship, 1899. Washington: Government printing office, 1899. 14 pp. 23 cm . Signed by H. S. Pritchett, superintendent. DIRECTIONS IN REGARD TO THE OPERATIONS OF THE COAST SURVEY.* Directions of the Treasury department in regard to the operations of the Coast survey for i844~'45 8pp. 23-'. Directions in regard to the operations of the Coast survey, for 1846-47. Approved by the Treasury department, March, 1846. 10 pp. 23. * Exhausted. 109 Administrative. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PUBLICATIONS. Directions in regard to the operations of the Coast survey, for 1847-48. Approved by the Treasury department, March, 1847. 10 pp. 23'". Directions in regard to the operations of the Coast survey, for 1848-49. Approved by the Treasury department, April, 1848. 12 pp. 23 cin . Directions in regard to the operations of the Coast survey, for 1849-50. Approved by the Treasury department, March 23, 1849. 14 pp. 23 om . [It is probable that this publication was also issued in 1850-51, 1851-52 and 1852-53.] Directions in regard to the operations of the Coast survey, for 1853-54. Approved by the Treasury department, June i, 1853. 27 pp. 23 cra . Directions in regard to the operations of the Coast survey, for 1854-55. Approved by the Treasury department, 1854. 26 pp. 23 om . Directions in regard to the operations of the Coast survey, for 1855-56. Approved by the Treasury department, 1855. 27 pp. 23 cm . Directions in regard to the operations of the Coast survey, for 1856-57. Approved by the Treasury department, 1855. 28 pp. 23 cm . Directions in regard to the operations of the Coast survey, for 1857-58. Approved by the Treasury department, 1857. 27 pp. 23 cm . . Directions in regard to the operations or the Coast survey, 1858-59. Approved by the Treasury department, 1858. 26 pp. 23'. Directions in regard to the operations of the Coast survey, 1859-60. Approved by the Treasury department, 1859. 26 pp. 23 cm . Directions in regard to the operations of the Coast survey, 1860-61. Approved by the Treasury department, 1860. 27 pp. 23'". INSTRUCTIONS IN METHODS OF WORK. Directions for observations of tides.* Printed for the use of the tidal observers from the manuscript instructions, 1852. Gideon & Co., printers. 12 pp. 2 illus. Self -registering tide gauge. Instructions for observers, 1859.* 16 pp. 23"'. Signed by A. D. Bache, superintendent. General instructions in regard to the hydrographic work of the Coast survey.* (Printed for the use only of the hydrographic parties. ) [iS6r?] 28 pp. 23 cm . Signed by A. D. Bache, superintendent. General instructions in regard to inshore hydrographic work of the Coast survey, 1878.* Washing- ton: Government printing office, 1878. 50 pp. 23 cm . Signed by C. P. Patterson, superintendent. General instructions for hydrographic work, 1883.* Washington: Government printing office, rS83. 8 1 pp. 2 fig., 5 diag. 23 cm . Signed by J. E. Hilgard, superintendent. Instructions and memoranda for descriptive reports to accompany original sheets. Washington: Gov- ernment printing office, 1887. 9 pp. 23'". (Reprinted from Report 1887, app. n.) Signed by F. M. Thorn, superintendent. General instructions for hydrographic parties, 1894.* Washington: Government printing office, 1894. in pp. i fig., ii diag. 23'". (Treas. doc. no. 1655, C. & G. S. ) Signed by T. C. Mendenhall, superintendent. [Amendment to] General instructions for hydrographic parties, 1894.* [Issued] July i, 1895. 8 pp., printed on one side of the leaf. 23'". (Circular no. I.) Signed by T. C. Mendenhall, superintendent. *Exhausted. 110 LIST. Administrative. REPORT SUBMITTING ESTIMATES.* Extract from the report of the Superintendent of the coast survey, showing the progress of the work during the year ending November, 1845. J. & G. S. Gideon, printers. 9 pp. 23 cm . Signed by A. D. Bache, superintendent. United States Coast survey. [Report submitting estimates.] 1859. 15 pp. 23. Signed by A. D. Bache, supt. coast survey, Oct. 27, 1859. United States Coast survey. [Report submitting estimates.] 1860. 14 pp. 23 cm . Signed bv A. D. Bache, superintendent coast survey, station near Fitchburg, Mass., Oct. 15, 1860. United States Coast survey. [Report submitting estimates.] 1861. 8 pp. 23"". Signed by A. D. Bache, superintendent, New York, Nov. 5, 1861. United States Coast survey. [Report submitting estimates.] 1862. 9 pp. 23'. Signed by A. D. Bache, superintendent, station near West Chester, Conn. [It is probable that a report submitting estimates was issued for 1863, 1864, 1865, 1866, 1867, 1868, 1869.] Report of the Superintendent of the coast survey, September, 1870. 12 pp. 23 cm . Signed by Benjamin Peirce, superintendent, Washington, Sept. 28, 1870. Estimates of the Superintendent, U. S. Coast survey, 1870-71. 7 PP- 23-". Signed by Benjamin Peirce, superintendent, Washington, Sept. 30, 1869. Report of the Superintendent of the United States coast and geodetic survey for the fiscal year ending with June, 1882. Washington: Government printing office, 1882. 1 8 pp. 23 cm . (Treas. dept. doc. 364. ) Signed by J, E. Hilgard, superintendent, Washington, Dec. 2, 1882. ABSTRACT OR SUMMARY REPORT.* This report is annually prepared in the office of the Survey for incorporation in the report of the Secretary of the treasury. It is not printed separately, although the two following were issued in pamphlet form with a separate document number. Summary report of the progress of the United States Coast and geodetic survey for the fiscal year ending with June, 1883. Washington: Government printing office, 1884. 21 pp. 23 om . (Treas. dept. doc. 541.) Signed by J. E. Hilgard, superintendent, Washington, Dec. 10, 1883. Summary report of the progress of the United States Coast and geodetic survey for the fiscal year ending with June, 1884. Washington: Government printing office, 1884. 20 pp. 23 cm . (Treas. dept. doc. 652.) Signed by J. E. Hilgard, superintendent, Washington, November 15, 1884. OFFICIAL REPORTS OF EXPENDITURES. Report by the Secretary of the treasury of the expenditures for the Survey of the United States coast. January 25, 1842. 8 pp. 23 cm . (H. doc. 57, 27th Cong., 2d sess. ) Report of Select committee on the result of an examination of the progress and expenditure of the Coast survey. January, 1843. 103 pp. 23 cm . (H. rept. 43, 27th Cong., 3d sess.) Report of Select committee. Additional information to that communicated in January by the same committee upon the progress and expenditures of the Coast survey. February, 1843. 93 pp. 23 cm . (H. rept. 170, 27th Cong., 3d sess.) Report by the Secretary of the treasury on appropriations for the Coast survey. December 22, 1848. 2 pp. 23'". (S. ex. doc. 4, 3oth Cong., 2d sess.) Report of Secretary of the treasury regarding Coast survey expenditures and results. February 7, 1849. in pp. 23'". (S. ex. d'oc. 26, 30th Cong., 2d sess. In v. 3.) Report of Secretary of the treasury of number and cost of vessels and number of men employed in Survey of United States coast. February 9, 1849. 9 pp. 23 cm . (S. ex. doc. 29, 3oth Cong., 2d sess. In v. 3.) * Exhausted. Ill Administrative. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PUBLICATIONS. Secretary of the treasury submits report of Superintendent of coast survey showing number and names of persons employed in Coast survey during year ending June 30, 1853, their compensation and service, with expenditures made under his direction. December 25, 1853. 16 pp. 23 cm . (S. doc. u, 33d Cong., ist sess. In v. 4.) Letter from the Secretary of the treasury transmitting a list of the names of persons employed in the Coast survey. December 22, 1853. 1 6 pp. 23 cm . (H. ex. doc. 13. 33d Cong., ist sess. ) Secretary of the treasury transmits reports showing disbursements in behalf of the Coast survey. December 27, 1854. 10 pp. 23 cm . (H. ex. doc. 23, 33d Cong., 2d sess. In v. 5.) Letter of Secretary of the treasury transmitting report of number and names of persons employed in the Coast survey and expenditures made during the year 1854-55. December 22, 1856. 12 pp. 23'". (H. ex. doc. 44, 34th Cong., ist sess. In v. 9.) Letter from the Secretary of the treasury transmitting a report showing the number and names of persons employed in the Coast survey, etc. December 22, 1856. 12 pp. 23. (H. ex. doc. 17, 34th Cong., 3d sess.) Letter from the Secretary of the treasury transmitting report showing the number and names of persons employed in the Coast survey, together with a statement of expenditures, etc. February 6, 1856. 12 pp. 23 om . (H. ex. doc. 44, 34th Cong., ist sess.) Secretary of the treasury transmits list of persons employed in Coast survey and expenditures for year ending June 30, 1857. January 15, 1858. 12 pp. 23. (H. ex. doc. 20, 35th Cong., ist sess. In v. 3.) Secretary of the treasury reports amount expended and progress made in the Coast survey, and also the standard weights and measures furnished the several states and custom-houses, and their cost. December 16, 1858. 28pp. 23 cm . (S. rept. 6, 35th Cong.. 2d'sess. In v. 6.) Report by Secretary of the treasury of names and salaries of persons employed on the Coast survey. January 7, 1859. 13 pp. 23 cm . (H. ex. doc. 29, 35th Cong., 2d sess. In v. 5.) Letter from the Secretary of the treasury transmitting list of persons employed in the Coast survey. February 8, 1860. 12 pp. 23'". (H. ex. doc. 9, 36th Cong., ist sess.) Report by Secretary of the treasury transmitting list of the number and names of persons employed on the Coast survey, amount of compensation, etc. December 24, 1860. 10 pp. 23. (Ex. doc. 15, 26th Cong., 2d sess. In v. 6.) Report by Secretary of the treasury of expenditures on account of the Coast survey for the year end- ing June 30, 1861, list of persons employed, salaries, etc. March 6, 1862. 79 pp. 23 cm . (H. ex. doc. 68, 37th Cong., 2d sess. In v. 5.) Report by Secretary of the treasury transmitting list of the number and names of persons employed in the Coast survey and expenditures during the year ending June 30, 1861. March 25, 1862. 11 pp. 23 L ' m . (H. ex. doc. 83, 37th Cong., 2d sess. In v. 7.) Date of letter Mar. 21, 1862. Report by Secretary of the Treasury transmitting statement showing number and names of persons employed in the Coast survey during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1863, amount of their com- pensation, and time of employment, with a statement of all expenditures made during the year. December 16, 1863. ii pp. 23'". (H. ex. doc. 13, 38th Cong., ist sess. In v. 7.) Report of Secretary of the treasury transmitting list of employees, with compensations and statement of expenditures of Coast survey for fiscal year ending June 30, 1864. December 21, 1864. 9 pp. 23 cm . (H. ex. doc. 13, 38th Cong., 2d sess. In v. 8.) Report of Secretary of treasury transmitting a statement of employees in the Coast survey during the year ending June 30, 1865. 9 pp. 23. (H. ex. doc. 24, 3gth Cong., ist sess. In v. 7.) Report by Secretary of the treasury transmitting list of employees of Coast survey with compensations, etc., for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1886. December 15, 1866. 10 pp. 23 cm . (H. ex. doc. 15, 39th Cong., 2d sess. In v. 6.) Report by Secretary of the treasury on expenses of the Coast survey for the year ending June 30, 1867. May 8, 1868. 9 pp. 23 cm . (H. ex. doc. 286, 4oth Cong., 2d sess. In v. 17.) Report by Secretary of the treasury transmitting list of employees, with compensations, and statement of expenditures of Coast survey for fiscal year ending June 30, 1869. January 22, 1870. 8 pp. 23 cm . (H. ex. doc. 75, 4ist Cong., 2d sess. In v. 6.) Report by Secretary of the treasury transmitting list of employees of the Coast survey, with compen- sations, during fiscal year ending June 30, 1870. February 25, 1871. 9 pp. 23'". (H. ex. doc. 142, 4ist Cong., 3rd sess. In v. 12.) * Exhausted. 112 LIST. Administrative. Report of Secretary of the treasury transmitting list of Coast survey employees for year ending June 30, 1874. December 23, 1874. 8 pp. 23. (H. ex. doc. 71, 43d Cong., 2d sess. In v. 12.) Report by Secretary of the treasury of expenditures on account of the Coast survey for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1878. January 28, 1879. 7 pp. 23 cm . (H. ex. doc. 40, 45th Cong., 3d sess. In v. 16. ) Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury in response to a resolution of the House of Representatives concerning the present organization of the Coast and geodetic survey. February 3, 1879. 6 pp. 23'". (H. ex. doc. 62, 45th Cong., 3d sess.) Report by Secretary of the treasury transmitting a report of expenditures of the Coast and geodetic survey for the year ending June 30, 1879. March 26, 1880. 7 pp. 23 cm . (H. ex. doc. 68, 46th Cong., 2d sess. In v. 24.) Report by Secretary of the treasury transmitting a report of the expenditures of the Coast and geodetic survey for the year ending June 30, 1880. January 31, 1881. 7'pp. 23 cm . (H. ex. doc. 64, 46th Cong., 3d sess. In v. 18.) Brief report of the Superintendent of the coast and geodetic survey, containing statement of expend- itures for the fiscal year ending with June 30, 1882. December 2, 1882. 18 pp. 23 cm . (Treas. dept. doc. 364.) Letter from Secretary of the treasury transmitting statement of expenditures of Coast and geodetic survey for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1883. January 22, 1884. 8 pp. 23 cm . (H. ex. doc. 63, 48th Cong., ist sess.) Letter from Secretary of the treasury transmitting statement of expenditures of Coast and geodetic survey for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1884. December 18, 1884. 8 pp. 23'. (H. ex. doc. 52, 48th Cong., 2d sess.) Letter from Secretary of the treasury transmitting statement of expenditures of the Coast and geodetic survey for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1885. January 9, 1886. 30 pp. 23'". (H. ex. doc. 32, 49th Cong., ist sess.) Letter from Secretary of the treasury transmitting statement of expenditures of Coast and geodetic survey for fiscal year ending June 30, 1886. February 4, 1887. 27 pp. 23 cm . (H. ex. doc. 149, 49th Cong., 2d sess.) Letter from Secretary of the treasury transmitting statement of expenditures of Coast and geodetic survey for fiscal year ending June 30, 1887. February n, 1888. 29pp. 23'". (H. ex. doc. 154, 5oth Cong., ist sess. ) Letter from Secretary of the treasury transmitting statement of expenditures of Coast and geodetic survej* for fiscal year ending June 30, 1888. January 2, 1889. 30 pp. 23"'. (H. ex. doc. 53, 5oth Cong., 2d sess. ) Letter from Secretary of the treasury transmitting statement of expenditures of Coast and geodetic survey for fiscal year ending June 30, 1889. January 2, 1890. 31 pp. 23'. (H. ex. doc. 90, 5ist Cong., ist sess.) Letter from Secretary of the treasury transmitting statement of expenditures of Coast and geodetic survey for fiscal year ending June 30, 1890. February 26, 1891. 28pp. 23 cm . (H. ex. doc. 278, 5 ist Cong., 2d sess. ) Letter from the Secretary of the treasury transmitting statement of expenditures on account of the U. S. Coast and'geodetic survey for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1891. March i, 1892. 28 pp. 23'". (H. ex. doc. 151, 52d Cong., ist sess.) Also published as office report no. 3, Annual report, 1891. Letter from the Secretary of the treasury transmitting in response to resolution of the 2 ist inst., infor- mation relative to the changes made in the force of employees in the Coast and geodetic -survey during the year 1890. March 28, 1892. 8 pp. 23 cm . (H. ex. doc. 180, 52d Cong., ist sess. ) Letter from the Secretary of the treasur\- transmitting statement of expenditures on account of the U. S. Coast and geodetic survey for the year ending June 30, 1892. March i, 1893. 27 pp. 23'". (H. ex. doc. 253, 52d Cong., 2d sess. ) Also published as office report no. 3, Annual report, 1892.. Letter from the Secretary of the treasury transmitting a statement of expenditures made on account of the U. S. Coast and geodetic survey for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1893. March 22, 1894. 23 pp. 23'". (H. ex. doc. 157, 53d Cong., 2d sess. ) Also published as office report no. 3, Annual report, 1893. , Letter from the Secretary of the treasury transmitting a detailed statement of the expenditures of the Coast and geodetic survey for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1894. February 18, 1895. 22 pp. 23"'. (H. ex. doc. 324, 53d Cong., 3d sess.) Also published as office report no. 3, Annual report, 1894. Letter from the Secretary of the treasury transmitting a statement of expenditures on account of the Coast and geodetic survey for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1895. June 5, 1896. 21 pp. 23 cm . (H. ex. doc. 402, 54th Cong., ist sess.) Also published as office report no. 3, Annual report, 1895. 7590 02 8 113 Administrative. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PUBLICATIONS. Letter from the Acting secretary of the treasury transmitting a statement of expenditures on account of the Coast and geodetic survey for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1896. January 4, 1897. 20 pp. 23 cm . (H. ex. doc. 155, 54th Cong., 2d sess. ) Also published as office report no. 3, Annuarreport, 1896. Letter from the Secretary of the treasury transmitting a statement of expenditures in the United States Coast and geodetic survey for the fiscal year ended Jtuie 30, 1897. 20 pp. 23 cm . (H. ex. doc. 230, 55th Cong., ad sess. ) Also published as office report no. 3, Annual report, 1897. Letter from the Secretary of the treasury, transmitting a statement of 'the expenditures in the United States Coast and geodetic survey for the year ended June 30, 1898. 22 pp. 23 cm . (H. ex. doc. 215, 55th Cong., 3d sess. ) Also published in Annual report of this year. Letter from the Acting secretary of the treasury, transmitting a statement of expenditures in the United States Coast and geodetic survey for the year ended June 30, 1899. 22 pp. 23 cm . (H. ex. doc. 436, 56th Cong., ist sess. ) Also published in Annual report of this year. Letter from the Secretary of the treasury, transmitting a statement of the expenditures in the United States Coast and geodetic survey for the year ended June 30, 1900. 18 pp. 23 cm . (H. ex. doc. 465, 56th Cong., 2d sess.) Also published in Annual report of this year. Letter from the Acting secretary of the treasury, transmitting a statement of the expenditures in the United States Coast and geodetic survey for the year ended June 30, 1901. 20 pp. 23 cm . (H. ex. doc. 171, 57th Cong., ist sess.) Also published in Annual report of this year. 114- PART II. CATALOGUE. 115 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECT HEADINGS. This list of subject headings, arranged in logical, systematic order, will enable those who wish to see all the entries on any subject or group of subjects to refer readily to the proper places in the alphabetical arrangement. All of the entries in this catalogue appear under the subjects here given. To this extent only is the classification exhaustive. GEODESY. GENERAL. Arc measures. Constitution of the earth. Ellipticity of the earth. Spheroid. Figure of the earth. Plumb line deflection. Gravity. Pendulum. Geodetic conferences. International geodetic association. Instruments. ASTRONOMY. Geographic positions. Azimuth. Latitude. Latitude variation. Longitude. Longitude (telegraphic). Moon culminations. Lunar distances. Lunar spots. Lunar tables. Occultations. Star transits. Transit errors. Time. Star factors. Stars. Declination. Polaris. Star catalogues. Eclipses. Mars. Mercury, Transit of. Moon. Sun. Sun spots. ASTRONOMY continued. Venus, Transit of. Personal equation. Instruments. Artificial horizons. Chronograph. Longitude instrument. Meridian instrument. Meridian telescope. Personal equation apparatus. Transit instrument. Zenith telescope. TRIANGULATION. Reconnaissance. Base measurement. Base measures. Base measuring apparatus. Horizontal measures. Signals. Intervisibility. Theodolite. Micrometer. Vertical measures. Adjustment. Geographic positions. HYPSOMETRY. Leveling. Leveling instruments. Leveling rods. Elevations. Bench marks. Sea level. Water levels. Vertical measures. Barometric hypsometry. Hydrography. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PUBLICATIONS. HYDROGRAPHY. Hydrographic surveying. Hydrographic reconnaissance. Hydrographic sheets. Coast pilot (sailing directions). Sounding. Depths. Sounding apparatus. Tides. Cotidal lines. Earthquake waves. Harbors. Moon. Elevations. Bench marks. Sea level. Water level. Mathematics. Equilibrium theory of tides. Harmonic analysis. Instruments. Tide tables. Tide indicator. Tide gauge. Tide predicting machine. Topographic conference. Topographic sheets. Topographic instruments. Plane table. Interranger. Currents. Current float. Current meter. Physical hydrography. Anchorages. Bars. Channels. Coast features. Harbors. Oyster beds. Rivers. Sea level. Shoals. Shore line changes. Tide lands. Wind effects on water. Oceanography. Ocean depths. Depth recorder. Ocean temperatures. Sea water. Sea water densities (salinity). Hydrometer (densimeter). Sea bottom. Dredging. Dredging apparatus. TOPOGRAPHY. Three point problem.' Surveying. Surveys. Land surveys. Phototopography. TERRESTRIAL MAGNETISM. Magnetic elements. Magnetic declination. Meridian lines. Magnetic inclination. Magnetic intensity. Magnetic variations. Magnetic variations (secular). Magnetic surveys. Projections. Projection tables. Drawing. Paper. Lettering. Shading. Pantograph. Photography. Magnetic methods. Magnetic instruments. Dip instrument. Magnetic needle. Magnetometer. Magnetic observatories. Auroras. Atmospheric electricity. CHART CONSTRUCTION. Engraving. Etching. Lithography. Lithographic transfers. Electrotyping. Printing. Paper. Cartography. Charts. Maps. 118 CATALOGUE. Allied. ALLIED SUBJECTS. MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION. Arithmetic. Equations, solution of. Functions. Harmonic analysis. Interpolation. Least square method. N point problem. Projections. Tables. Three point problem. Trajectory of shot. PHYSICS, Aberration. Expansion. Electricity. Electro-magnetism. Transmission time. Hydraulics. Motion. Viscous fluid. Refraction. Spectrum. STANDARDS. Balances. Kilogram. Meter. Metric tables. Mile. Weights and measures office. Yard. GEOGRAPHY. Boundaries. Eminent domain. Expeditions. Geographic exploration. Geographic names. Maps. Royal military geographic institute. Relief models. Voyages. GEO-PHYSICS. Meteorology. Atmosphere. Atmospheric electricity. Auroras. Climate. Refraction. Winds. Earthquakes. Geology. Phosphates. Sand. ENGINEERING. Marine engineering. Boilers. Coal economy. Engines. Log instruments. Hydraulic engineering. Canals. Ship canals. Docks. Harbors. Levees. Light-houses. Piers. Rivers. GENERAI,. Bibliography. Expositions. History. Biography. Languages. Research. Zoology. 119 ALPHABETICAL ARRANGEMENT. IN GENERAL. UNDER AUTHORS. . . .Entries are arranged in chronological order. UNDER SUBJECTS .... General entries are followed by regional subheadings. UNDER PEACES General entries are followed by subject subheadings. For full titles see Part I. ABBREVIATIONS. Sep. pub Separate publication. Sp. pub Special publication. * Exhausted. t Not for general distribution. app Appendix. Bull Bulletin. p Page. pt Part. Rept Report. A, B, C tables. See Star factors. Aberration. Preston, E. D. The constant of aberration as determined from a discussion of results for the variation of latitude at Waikiki, Hawaiian islands. Bull. 28. (1893.) The constant of aberration as determined from observations of latitude at San Francisco, California. Bull. 32. (1895.) Determination of the constant of aberration from latitude observations with the zenith telescope at Honolulu, H. I., and San Francisco, Cal. Rept. 1896, pt. 2, app. 10, pp. 353-371. Abilene, Kans. Levels Norfolk, Neb. Tilton, B. E. Resulting elevations from spirit leveling between Abilene, Kans., and Norfolk, Neb. Rept. 1899, app. 6, pp. 299-320. Ackley, Seth Mitchell. Hydrography. No. 8 in Bull. 29. (1893.) Adjustment. Doolittle, M. H. [Solution of normal equations and adjustment of triangulation] . Rept. 1878, app. 8, paper no. 3, pp. 115-120. Kummell, C. H. On the direct synthetical method of adjusting a triangulation. Rept. 1892, pt. 2, app. 12, pp. 535-552. Schott, C. A. Adjustment of horizontal angles of a triangulation. Probable error of observa- tion, derived from observations of horizontal angles at any single station and depending on directions. Rept. 1854, app. 338,* pp. 70-95. (And Doolittle, M. H. j Method of closing a circuit of triangulation under certain con- ditions. Rept. 1875, app. 17,* pp. 279-292. Observations of atmospheric refraction. Contribution no. n. Determination of sev- eral heights by the spirit level, and measures of refraction by zenith distances; also observa- tions of the barometer at Ragged mountain, Me., by F. W. Perkins. Rept. 1876, app. 17, PP- 355-367. Atmospheric reduction and adjustment of hypsometric measures. Contribution no. ' in. Determination of the coefficient of refraction from zenith distances observed in northern Georgia, by Assistants C. O. Boutelle and F. P. Webber, in 1873 an( i I 874, and adjustment of difference of heights by the method of least squares. Rept. 1876, app. 18, pp. 368-387. See also Equations Least square method Peirce's criterion Tables. * Exhausted. 121 Africa, COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PUBLICATIONS. Africa. Preston, E. D. Results of observations made to determine gravity and the magnetic elements at stations on the west coast of Africa, and on some islands in the North and South Atlantic, 1889-1890. Rept. 1890, app. 12, pp. 625-684. Same, abstract. Bull. 22. (1891.) Schott, C. A. The secular variation and annual change of the magnetic force at stations occu- pied in connection with U. S. Eclipse expeditio^i to the west coast of Africa in 1889-1890. Rept. 1891, pt. 2, app. 3, pp. 21-39. Same. Bull. 23. (1891.) Agassiz, Alexander. Dredging operations by the Coast survey steamer Blake [in the Caribbean sea]. Rept. 1879, app. 6,* pp. 95-102. Agassiz, Louis. Examination of the Florida reefs, keys and coast. Rept. 1851, app. 10,* pp. 145-160. Same, reprint. Rept. 1866, app. 19,* pp. 120-130. Relation of geological and zoological researches to general interests in the development of coast features. Rept. 1867, app. 17,* pp. 183-186. Report upon deep-sea dredgings in the Gulf Stream during the third cruise of the United States steamer Bibb. Rept. 1869, app. 10,* pp. 208-219. Agonic line. Schott, C. A. Secular variation in the position of the agonic line of the North Atlantic and of America, between the epochs 1500 and 1900 A. D. Bull. 6. (1888.) See also Magnetic declination. Alabama. GEOGRAPHIC POSITIONS. Geographical positions determined, approximately, in West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi and Missouri. Rept. 1865, app. io,*p. 137. LEVELING. Schott, C. A. Heights from spirit levelings of precision between Mobile, Ala., and Carrollton [New Orleans], La. Rept. 1887, app. 9. pp. 185-205. Heights from spirit leveling of precision between Mobile, Ala., and Okolona, Miss. Rept. 1888, app. 10, pp. 409-426. See also Dauphin island base Gulf coast Gulf Stream Mobile Mobile bay entrance Mont- gomery. Alaska. Notes on Alaska from recent surveys. Bull. 2. (1888.) Dall, W. H. Geographical and hydrographical explorations on the coast of Alaska. Rept. 1873, app. ii,* pp. ni-122. Davidson, G. Coast features and resources, Alaska territory. Rept. 1867, app. 18,* pp. 187-329. Resources of and developments in Alaska. Bull. 4. ( 1888. ) BOUNDARY. Dall, W. H. Boundary line between the territory of the United States and of Russia, passing through Bering strait. Rept. 1880, app. 16,* sup. note, pp. 335-340. COAST PILOT. Sailing directions for inland passage between Sitka harbor and Hooniah sound, through Olga strait, Neva strait, and Peril strait, Alaska. Notice to mariners 61. (1885.) Jarvis, D. H. Coast pilot notes on the Fox islands passes, Unalaska bay, Bering sea, and Arctic ocean as far as Point Barrow. Bull. 40. ( 1900. ) Moser, J. F. Hydrographic notes and sailing directions relating to portions of Alaska from Dixon entrance to Yakutat bay, including reconnaissance surveys of Cordova bay, Bucarelli bay, and Red Fish bay, 1897. Bull. 37. (1899.) Alaska. Hydrographic notes, sailing directions, and charts of surveys relating to the vicinity of Prince William sound, Cook inlet, Kadiak island, and route from Unalaska to Chignik, through Unimak pass and inside the islands, 1897. Bull. 38. (1899.) *. Rodman, Hugh (compiler). Alaska. General information relating to the vicinity of Chatham and Peril straits, from a recent survey by the U. S. Coast survey steamer Patterson, Lieut. Commander E. K. Moore, U. S. N., commanding, and Cooks inlet and the region to the Westward, by W. H. Dall, U. S. Geological survey. Bull. 35. (1897.) Same. kept. 1896, app. n, pp. 373~393- See also List of Coast pilots in Part I. CURRENTS. Dall, W. H. Harbors of Alaska and the tides and currents in their vicinity. Rept. 1872, app. 10,* pp. 177-212. GEOGRAPHIC POSITIONS. List of geographical positions in Alaska. Rept. 1867, app. i8A,* pp. 265-274. Schott, C. A. Standard geodetic positions in southeastern Alaska, depending on astronomic observations 1892, 1893, and 1894. Rept. 1894, pt. 2, app. 3,* pp. 71-85. GRAVITY. Mendenhall, T. C. Determinations of gravity with the new half-second pendulums of the Coast and geodetic survey at stations on the Pacific coast, in Alaska, and at the base stations, Washington, D. C., and Hoboken, N. J. Rept. 1891, pt. 2, app. 15, pp. 503-564. HARBORS. Dall, W. H. Harbors of Alaska and the tides and currents in their vicinity. Rept. 1872, app. IG,* pp. 177-212. LANGUAGES. Vocabularies of the Kodiac, Unalashka, Kenai, and Sitka languages. Rept. 1867, app. i8G,* pp. 293-298. * Exhausted. 1-22 CATALOGUE. Albany. LATITUDE. Schott, C. A. Abstract of resulting latitudes of some prominent stations in Alaska and adjacent parts as astronomically determined during 1889-1895. Rept. 1895, pt. 2, app. 2, pp. 321-332. LONGITUDE. Schott, C. A. Abstract of resulting longitudes of some prominent stations in Alaska and adjacent parts, as astronomically determined during 1889-1895. Rept. 1895, pt. 2, app. 3, pp. 333-344- TERRESTRIAL, MAGNETISM. Schott, C. A. The distribution of the magnetic declination in the United States for the epoch 1890. Rept. 1889, app. u, pp. 233-402. Results of magnetic observations at stations in Alaska and in the Northwest territory of the Dominion of Canada. Rept. 1892, pt. 2, app. n, pp. 529-533. Distribution of the magnetic declination in Alaska and adjacent waters for 1895, and construction of an isogonic chart for the same epoch. Rept. 1894, pt. 2, app. 4, pp. 87-100. Same, abstract. Bull. 34. (1895.) TIDES. Dall, W. H. Harbors of Alaska and the tides and currents in their vicinity. Rept. 1872, app. 10,* pp. 177-212. Moore, E. K. Predicted times of slack water at Seymour narrows, Discovery passage, B. C., and at Sergius narrows, Peril strait, Alaska, from May to December, 1899. Bull. 39. (1899.) See also List of Tide tables in Part I. \ TOPOGRAPHY. Dall, W. H. Mount St. Elias, Mount Fairweather and some of the adjacent mountains [Alaska]. Rept. 1875, app. 10,* pp. 157-188. Wainwright, D. B. Model of United States and Alaska. (In The methods and results of the U. S. Coast and geodetic survey as illustrated at the World's Columbian exposition, 1893. ) No. 13 in Bull. 29. (1893.) See also Canada Fish bay Kadiak Muir glacier Northwest coast Ooglaamie Pacific coast Pribilof islands St. Paul island Unalaska Unga United States Wrangell strait. Albany, N. Y. Longitude New York city. Gould, B. A. Determination of longitude at Albany, N. Y. , by the telegraphic method. Rept. 1861, app. 18, pp. 221-232. Albemarle sound, N. C. Pourtales, L. F. Effect of winds in varying the level of the water in Albemarle sound. Rept. 1856, app. 43,* pp. 271, 272. . Alden, James. Reconnaissance from San Francisco to San Diego, including Santa Barbara islands and channel. Rept. 1852, app. 18,* pp. 104-107. The coast, harbors and commerce of Washington territory. Rept. 1855, app. 29,* pp. 188-192. Aleutian islands, Alas. Moser, J. F. Alaska. Hydrographic notes, sailing directions, and charts of surveys relating to the vicinity of Prince William .sound, Cook inlet, Kadiak island, and route from Unalaska to Chignik, through Unimak pass and inside the islands. Bull. 38. (1899.) Alexander, Stephen. Expedition to [Aulezavik island] Labrador, to observe the total eclipse of the i8th of July, 1860. Rept. 1860, app. 21,* pp. 229-275. Algue, Jose. (Compiler.) Atlas of the Philippine islands. Sp. pub. 3*. (1900.) Alice base, Tex. Baldwin, A. L. On the measurement of nine base lines along the ninety-eighth meridian. Rept. 1901, app. 3, pp 229-302. Alidade. See Plane table. Allegheny, Pa. Peirce, C. S. Determinations of gravity at Allegheny, York and Ebensburg, Pa. Rept. 1883, app. 19, pp. 473-487. Altitude of polaris. See Polaris, Altitude of. Amelia island, Fla. See Fernandina, Fla. America. GRAVITY. Peirce, Q. S. Measurements of gravity at initial stations in America and Europe. Rept. 1876, app. 15,* pp. 202-416. HISTORY. Fox, G. V. An attempt to solve the problem of the first landing place of Columbus in the New World. Rept. 1880, app. 18,* pp. 346-411. TERRESTRIAL MAGNETISM. Schott, C. A. Secular change of the magnetic declination in the United States and other parts of North America. Rept. 1874, app. 8,* pp. 72-108. Variation of the compass off the Bahama islands at the time of the landfall of Columbus in 1492. Rept. 1880, app. 19,- pp. 412-417. Secular variation in the position of the agonic line of the North Atlantic and of America, between the epochs 1500 and 1900 A. D. Bull. 6. ( 1888. ) See also Alaska Arctic ocean Atlantic ocean Canada Darien Gulf of Maine Gulf Stream Mexico Northwest coast Pacific ocean Peruvian arc United States. * Exhausted. 123 American. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PUBLICATIONS. American arc of the parallel. See Transcontinental arc. Anchorages. Marindin, H. L. Changes in the shore line and anchorage areas of Cape Cod (or Provincetown ) harbor, by a comparison of surveys between 1835, 1867, and 1890. Rept. 1891, pt. 2, app. 8, pp. 283-288. Changes in the shore lines and anchorage areas of Cape Cod (or Provincetown) harbor, as shown by a comparison of surveys made between 1867 and 1890. Bull. 24. (1891. ) See 1 also Coast pilot Depths Harbors Hydrographic surveys Soundings Tides. Annapolis, Md. Levels Washington, D. C. Schott, C. A. Result of spirit leveling between tide water at Annapolis, Md., and the Capitol bench mark at Washington, D. C. Rept. 1889, app. 15, pp. 461-466. Anthony base, Kans. Baldwin, A. L. On the measurement of nine base lines along the ninety-eighth meridian. Rept. 1901, app. 3, pp. 229-302. Arc measures. EASTERN OBLIQUE. Schott, C. A. The Eastern oblique arc of the United States and osculating spheroid. Sp. pub. 7. (1902.) Primary triangulation between Kent island, Maryland, and Atlanta [Georgia] base lines. Rept. 1878, app. 8, pp. 92-120. Report on the method of reduction and results of connexion of the Epping base line with the primary triangulation in the eastern States. Rept. 1864, app. 14,* pp. 120-144. NANTUCKET (MERIDIAN). Schott, C. A. Measures of arc of meridian of 3 23 x between Nantucket (Mass.) and Farmington, Me. Rept. 1868, app. 9,* pp. 147-153. PAMPLICO-CHESAPEAKE ( MERIDIAN ) . Schott, C. A. The Pamplico-Chesapeake arc of the merid- ian and its combination with the Nantucket and the Peruvian arcs for a determination of the figure of the earth from American measures. Rept. 1877, app. 6, pp. 84-95. PERUVIAN ( MERIDIAN). Preston, E. D. The need of a remeasurement of the Peruvian arc. Rept. 1889, app. 7,* pp. 199-208. Schott, C. A. Inquiry into the relative value and need of a check of the Peruvian arc of 1736- 1743. Rept. 1898, app. 4, pp. 229-232. TRANSCONTINENTAL (PARALLEL). Schott, C. A. The transcontinental triangulation and the American arc of the parallel. Sp. pub. 4. (1900.) Results of the transcontinental line of geodetic spirit leveling near the parallel of 39. Part first, from Sandy Hook, N. J., to St. Louis, Mo. Rept. 1882, app. n,* pp. 517-556. See also Astronomy Figure of the earth Hypsometry Triangulation. Arcano del Mare. Schott, C. A. The value of the "Arcano del Mare" with reference to our knowledge of the magnetic declination in the earlier part of the seventeenth century. Bull. 5. (1888.) Same. Rept. 1888, app. 6,* pt. i, pp. 167-170. Arctic expeditions. See Alaska Bering expedition Greely expedition Greenland expedition- Labrador. Arctic ocean. Dall, W. H. Report on the currents and temperatures of Bering sea and adjacent waters. Rept. 1880, app. 16,* pp. 297-340. Jarvis, D. H. Alaska. Coast pilot notes on the Fox island passes, Unalaska bay, Bering sea, and Arctic ocean as far as Point Barrow. Bull. 40. (1900. ) See also Ooglaamie. Arctic regions. Schott, C. A. Magnetic work of the Greely arctic expedition. Rept. 1887, app. 10, pp. -^07-210. See also Alaska Greenland Labrador. Arithmetic. Peirce, Benjamin. A new system of binary arithmetic. Rept. 1876, app. 6, pp. Si, 82. Arizona. See Date creek camp. Arkansas. LEVELING. Schott, C. A. Heights from spirit leveling of precision between New Orleans, La. , and Arkansas City, Ark. Rept. 1888, app. n, pp. 427-453. Heights from spirit leveling of precision between Arkansas City (on the Mississippi river) and Little Rock, Ark. Rept. 1888, app. 12, pp. 455-464. See also Mississippi river. Arkansas City, Ark. Levels New Orleans, La. Schott, C. A. Heights from spirit leveling of precision between New Orleans, La. , and Arkan- sas City, Ark. Rept. 1888, app. n, pp. 427-453. Arkansas City, Ark. Levels -Little Rock, Ark. Schott, C. A. Heights from spirit leveling of precision between Arkansas City (on the Missis- sippi river) and Little Rock, Ark. Rept. 1888, app. 12, pp. 455-464. * Exhausted. 124 CATALOGUE. Artificial. Artificial horizons. Lane, J. Homer. New form of mercurial horizon. Rept. 1871, app. 16, pp. 189-192 Ascension island. See Atlantic islands. Asia. Schott, C. A. On the magnetic observations made during Bering's first voyage to the coasts of Kamchatka and eastern Asia in the years 1725-1730. Rept. 1891, pt. 2, app. 5, pp. 269-273. Same. Bull. 20. ( if Smith, Edwin. Determinations of gravity with the Kater pendulums at Auckland, New Zealand; Sidney, New South Wales; Singapore, British India; Tokio, Japan; San Francisco, Cal. ; and Washington, D. C. Rept. 1884, app. 14, p. 439-473. See also Nagasaki Pacific ocean Philippine islands Siberia. Association geodesique Internationale. See International geodetic association. Astoria, Ore. Bache, A. D. Comparison of the diurnal inequality of the tides at San Diego, San Francisco and Astoria with tables. Rept. 1854, app. 46,* pp. 152-155. Astronomy. See Aberration Azimuth Eclipses Instruments Latitude Latitude variation- Least squares Longitude Mars Micrometric measures Mercury Moon Personal equa- tion Plumb line deflection Pleiades Polaris Eclipse Star catalogues Sun Tables Tides Time Transits Venus. Atlanta (Peach Tree ridge base), Qa. Schott, C. A. Measurement of a primary base line on Peach Tree ridge, near Atlanta, Ga. , in 1872 and 1873. Rept. 1873, a PP- I2 i* PP- I2 3~ I 3 I - Atlantic cable. See Longitude (telegraphic). Atlantic coast of the United States. COAST PILOT. See List of Coast pilots in Part I. HISTORY. Kohl, J. G. Abstract of an historical memoir concerning the progress of exploration on the Atlantic coast of the United States. Rept. 1856, app. 65,* pp. 319-322. TERRESTRIAL MAGNETISM. Schott, C. A. Discussion of the secular change in the magnetic declination on the Atlantic and part of the Gulf coasts of the United States. Rept. 1855, app. 48,* pp. .306-337. TIDES. Bache, A. D. Preliminary determinations of cotidal lines on the Atlantic coast of the United States, from Coast survey observations. Rept. 1854, app. 45,* pp. 147-152. Heights of the tides of the Atlantic coast of the United States relative to the configura- tion of the coast. Rept. 1857, app. 33,* pp. 342-347. See also List of Tide tables in Part I. See also Atlantic ocean Chesapeake bay Delaware river Gulf of Maine Gulf Stream Long Island sound New England. Atlantic islands. Preston, E. D. Gravity and the magnetic elements on the west coast of Africa [and on some islands in the North and South Atlantic]. 1889-1890. Rept. 1890, app. 12, pp. 625-684. Same, abstract. Bull. 22. (1891.) Atlantic ocean. Hilgard, J. E. Description of a model of the depths of the sea in the Bay of North America and Gulf of Mexico. Rept. 1884, app. 17, pp. 619-621. CURRENTS. Copy of card in current bottle thrown over near Sandy Hook and picked up on the bar at Santa Cruz, one of the western islands [of the Azores]. Rept. 1855, app. 54,* PP- 359- Off-shore current observations. Information of special importance to mariners. Notice to mariners 114. (1889.) Current bottle Mobile bay to Mosquito inlet and Cape Florida to Jupiter inlet. Rept. 1854, app. 52,* pp. 189, 190. Libby, William, jr. Relations of cold and warm ocean currents off the New England coast, by the U. S. Fish commission, with the co-operation of the U. S. Coast and geodetic survey. Rept. 1891, pt. 2, app. 7,* pp. 279-281. SOUNDINGS. Pillsbury, J. E. Recent deep-sea soundings off the Atlantic coast of the United States. Rept. 1882, app. 19,* pp. 459-461. TERRESTRIAL MAGNETISM. Fox, G. V. An attempt to solve the problem of the first landing place of Columbus in the New world. Rept. 1880, app. 18, pp. 346-411. Schott, C. A. Secular variation in the position of the agonic line of the North Atlantic and of America, between the epochs 1500 and 1900 A. D. Bull. 6. (1888. ) See also Atlantic coast Aulezavik island Caribbean sea Gulf of Maine Gulf coast Gulf Stream. Atlases. See Maps. * Exhausted. Atmosphere. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PUBLICATIONS. Atmosphere. Ferrel, William. Meteorological researches for the use of the Coast pilot. Kept. 1875, app. 20.* pp. 369-412. See also Atmospheric electricity Meteorology Refraction. Atmospheric electricity. Alexander, Stephen. Expedition to Labrador to observe the total eclipse of the iSth of July, 1860, [and] report on the determination of th,e magnetic elements, by Edward Goodfellow, assistant, with notes by C. A. Schott, assistant. Rept. 1860, app. 21,* pp. 229-275. Cutts, R. D.,and Young, Chas. A. Astronomical and meteorological observations made at Sherman, Wyo. T. Rept. 1872, app. 8,* pp. 75-172. See also Auroras Eclipses Terrestrial magnetism. Atmospheric refraction. See Refraction. Attraction (Local). See Plumb-line deflection. Auckland, New Zealand. Smith, Edwin. Determinations of gravity with the Kater pendulums at Auckland, N. Z. ; Syd- ney, New South Wales; Singapore, British India; Tokio, Japan; San Francisco, Cal., and Washington, D. C. Rept. 1884, app. 14, pp. 439-473. Aulezavik island, Labrador. Alexander, Stephen. Report of the expedition to [Aulezavik island] Labrador, to observe the total eclipse of the iSth of July, 1860. Rept. 1860, app. 21,* pp. 229-275. Auroras. Alexander, Stephen. Expedition to Labrador, to observe the total eclipse of the iStb of July, 1860, [and] report on the determination of the magnetic elements, by Edward Goodfellow, assistant, with notes by C. A. Schott, assistant. Rept. 1860, app. 21,* pp. 229-275. Bache, A. D. Investigation of the eleven-year period and of the disturbances of the vertical component of the magnetic force, with a supplement on the effect of auroral lights. Part VII of Discussion of the magnetic and meteorological observations made at the Girard col- lege observatory, Philadelphia, in 1840, 1841, 1842, 1843, 1844, and 1845. Rept. 1863, app. 19,* PP- 156-183. See also Atmospheric electricity Terrestial magnetism. A very, Robert Stanton. Mode of forming a brief tide table for a chart, with examples. Rept. 1868, app. 6,* pp. 103-108. Results of computed tide tables for charts of the western coast of the United States. Rept. 1870, app. 5,* pp. 66-69. Mode of forming prediction tide tables. Rept. 1870, app. 6,* pp. 70-74. Field and office work relating to tides. Rept. 1872, app. 6,* pp. 69-72. Mode of registering tidal observations. Rept. 1876, app. 8*, pp. 130-142. Azimuth. Formulae, tables and example for computing geodetic latitudes, longitudes and azimuths. Rept. 1860, app. 36,* pp. 361-391. Same. Ed. 2. Much enlarged. Title changed to Formulae and factors for the computation of geodetic latitudes, longitudes and azimuths. Rept. 1875, app. 19, pp. 315-368. Same. Ed. 3. Rept. 1884, app. 7,* pp. 323-375. Same. Ed. 4. Title changed to Formulae and tables for the computation of geodetic positions. Rept. 1894, pt. 2, app. 9, pp. 277-348. Davidson, George. Changes of elevation and azimuth caused by the action of the sun at station, Dominguez, Cal. Rept. 1870, app. 17,* pp. 178, 179. Azimuth and apparent altitude of Polaris. Rept. 1870, app. 22,* pp. 225-227. Astronomical observations on the Sierra Nevada. Rept. 1872, app. 9,* pp. 173-176. Hayford, J. F. Determination of time, longitude, latitude and azimuth. Rept. 1898, app. 7, pp. 261-409. Hilgard, J. E. Method of observing azimuth; form of record and reduction. Rept. 1856, app. 27,""" pp. 208, 209. Putnam, G. R. Tables of azimuth and apparent altitude of Polaris at different hour angles. Rept. 1895, pt. 2, app. 10, pp. 393-398. Schott, C. A. Astronomical azimuth. Rept. 1866, app. 11,* pp. 86-99. Astronomical azimuth. Rept. 1880, app. 14,* pt. 4, pp. 201-286. Approximate times of culminations and elongations and the azimuths at elongation of Polaris for the years between 1889 and 1910. Bull. 14. (1889.) Same. Rept. 1891, pt. 2, app. i, pp. 7-13. Determination of an azimuth from micrometric observations of a close circumpolar star near elongation. Bull. 21. (1890.) Same. Rept. 1891, pt. 2, app. 2, pp. 15-19. See also Meridian instrument Micrometric measures Plumb-line deflection Polaris Transit instrument. Azores. See Atlantic islands. * Exhausted. 126 CATALOGUE. Bache. Bache, Alexander Dallas. Extract from the report of the Superintendent, showing the progress of the work during the year ending November, 1845.* (1845?) Sailing directions to accompany the new chart of the western coast of the United States. Sep pub. (1850.)* Notices of the western coast of the United States. Sep. pub. (1851.)* Discussion of tidal observations at Cat island. Kept. 1851, app. 7,* pp. 127-136. Method used in the Coast survey of showing current observations. Kept. 1851, app. 8,* pp. J 36, 137- Trinidad, Humboldt, and San Diego bays. Rept. 1851, app. 50,* pp. 528-530. Discussion of tidal observations at Cat island, in the Gulf of Mexico. Rept. 1852, app. 22,* pp. 111-122. Tide tables for the United States. Rept. 1853, app. 26,* pp. 67-70. On the tides at Key West, Fla. Rept. 1853, app. 27,* pp. 71-76. On the tides of San Francisco bay [at Rincon point], Cal. Rept. 1853, app. 28,* pp. 77-81. Notes on the tides at San Francisco, Cal. Rept. 1853, app. 29,* pp. 81, 82. Comparison of the reduction of horizontal angles by the methods of " dependent directions" and of "dependent angular quantities" by the method of least squares. Rept. 1854, app. 33,* PP- 63795- Preliminary determination of cotidal lines on the Atlantic coast of the United States, from Coast survey observations. Rept. 1854, app. 45,* pp. 147-152. Comparison of the diurnal inequality of the tides at San Diego, San Francisco, and Astoria, with tables. Rept. 1854, app. 46,* pp. 152-155. On the distribution of temperatures in and near the Gulf Stream. . Rept. 1854, app. 47,* pp. 156-161. Tide tables for the United States. Rept. 1854, app. 51,'"" pp. 180-189. (And Hilgard, J. E. ) Table of magnetic declinations (in geographical order) from Coast survey observations. Rept. 1855, app. 47,* pp. 295-306. Cotidal lines of the Pacific coast. Rept. 1855, a PP- 5,* PP- 338-342. Notice of earthquake waves on the western coast of the United States, December 23 and 25, 1854. Rept. 1855, app. 51,* pp. 342-346. Tidal observations on the Gulf of Mexico and type curves at the several stations, showing their decomposition into diurnal and semidiurnal tides. Rept. 1855, a PP- 5 2 ,* PP- 346, 347. Tide tables for the use of navigators. Rept. 1855, app. 53,* pp. 347-359. Tide tables for the use of navigators. Rept. 1856, app. 17,* pp. 120-133. (And Hilgard, J. E. ) On the general distribution of terrestrial magnetism in the United States. Rept. 1856, app. 28,* pp. 209-225. Notes on the progress made in prediction tables for the tides of the United States coast. Rept. 1856, app. 34,* pp. 249-251. Approximate cotidal lines of diurnal and semidiurnal tides of the coast of the United States on the Gulf of Mexico. Rept. 1856, app. 35,* pp. 252-260. Causes of increase of the Sandy Hook peninsula. Rept. 1856, app. 38,* pp. 263, 264. Winds of the coast of the United States on the Gulf of Mexico. Rept. 1856, app. 44,* pp. 272-276. Tide tables for the use of navigators. Rept. 1857, app. 20,* pp. 157-178. Notes on the measurement of a base on Epping plains, Me. Rept. 1857, app. 26,* pp. 302-305. (And Schott, C. A. ) Determination of the longitude of Fernandina, Fla., by means of chrono- metric exchanges with Savannah, Ga. Rept. 1857, app. 30,* pp. 314-324. Heights of the tides of the Atlantic coast of the United States. Rept. 1857, app. 33,* pp. 342-347. Winds of the western coast. Rept. 1857, app. 36,* pp. 354-358. Report to Commissioner of general land office on progress made in survey and marking of the Florida keys in quarter sections. Rept. 1857, app. 42,* pp. 382-390. On a supposed personal equation in the use of the zenith telescope for determining latitude by Talcott's method. Rept. 1858, app. 20,* pp. 184-186. Tidal currents of New York harbor, near Sandy Hook. Rept. 1858, app. 27, pp. 197-203. Superintendent's report to Commissioner of general land office on progress made in surveying and marking of the Florida keys, continued. Rept. 1858, app. 35,* pp. 225-227. Tide tables for the use of navigators. Rept. 1858, app. 43,* pp. 275-297. Tide tables for the use of navigators. Rept, 1859, a PP- I 4 ;: PP- I 36-i67. Investigation of the eleven-year period in the amplitude of the solar-diurnal variation and of the disturbances of the magnetic declination. Part I of Observations made at the Girard college observatory. Rept. 1859, app. 22,* pp. 278-295. Gulf Stream explorations. Third' memoir: Distribution of temperature in the water of the Florida channel and straits. Rept. 1859, app. 25,* pp. 306-310. Self registering tide gauge. Instructions for observers. Instructions in methods of work. Administrative pub. 1859. Tide tables for the use of navigators. Rept. 1860, app. 16,* pp. 131-164. Gulf Stream. Rept. 1860, app. 17,* pp. 165-176. Investigation of the solar-diurnal variation in the magnetic variation, and its annual inequality. Part II of observations made at the Girard college observatory. Rept. 1860, app. 23,* pp. 293-312. Investigation of the influence of the moon on the magnetic declination. Part III of Observa- tions made at the Girard college observatory. Rept. 1860, app. 24,* pp. 312-324. * Exhausted. Bache. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PUBLICATIONS. Tide tables for the use of navigators. Rept. 1861, app. 9, pp. 98-131. Observations of solar eclipse of July, 1860, at Gunstock mountain, N. H. Rept. 1861, app. 19, pp. 232-239. General instructions in regard to the hvdrographic work of the Coast survey. Admin pub (1861?) (And Pourtales, L. F., and Schott, C. A.) Tides, currents, magnetic variation and geographic positions of light-houses, Chesapeake bay and its rivers. Sep. pub. (1861.) Tide tables for the use of navigators. Rept. 1862, app. 8,* pp. 93-126. Additional researches on cotidal lines of the Gulf of Mexico. Rept. 1862, app. 9,* pp. 126-128. Investigation of the eleven (or ten) year period and of the disturbances of the horizontal com- ponent of the magnetic force. Part IV of the Observations made at the Girard college observatory. Rept. 1862, app. 15,* pp. 161-186. Investigation of the solar-diurnal variation and of the annual inequality of the horizontal com- ponent of the magnetic force. Part V of the Observations made at Girard college observa- tory. Rept. 1862, app. 16," pp. 186-202. Investigation of the influence of the moon on the magnetic horizontal force. Part VI of the Observations made at Girard college observatory. Rept. 1862, app. 17,* pp. 202-212. Abstract of results of a magnetic survey of Pennsylvania and parts of adjacent states in 1840 and 1841, with some additional results of 1843 and 1862. Rept. 1862, app. 19,* pp. 212-229. Earthquake waves on the western coast of the United States on the 23d and 25th December, 1854. Rept. 1862, app. 24,* pp. 238-241. Tide tables for the use of navigators. Rept. 1863, app. 12, ~ :> pp. 84-117. Investigation of the eleven-year period and of the disturbances of the vertical component of the magnetic force, with a supplement on the effect of auroral lights. Part VII of Observations made at the Girard college observatory. Rept. 1863, app. 19,* pp. 156-183. Investigation of the solar diurnal variation and of the annual irregularity of the vertical compo- nent of the magnetic force. Part VIII of Observations made at the Girard college observa- tory. Rept. 1863, app. 20,* pp. 183-195. Investigation of the influence of the moon on the magnetic vertical force. Part IX of Observa- tions made at the Girard college observatory. Rept. 1863, app. 21,* pp. 196-204. Tide tables for the use of navigators. Rept. 1864, app. 8,* pp. 58-90. Analysis of the disturbances of the dip and total force. Part X of Observations made at the Girard college observatory. Rept. 1864, app. 16,* pp. 183-190. Solar diurnal variation and annual inequality of the inclination and total force. Part XI of Observations made at Girard college observatory. Rept. 1864, app. 17,* pp. 191-199. Discussion of the magnetic inclination and table of absolute values of the declination, inclina- tion, and intensity between 1841 and 1845. Part XII of Observations made at Girard college observatory. Rept. 1864, app. 18,* pp. 199-206. Results of magnetic observations made in the United States by Prof. J. N. Nicollet between 1832 and 1836. Rept. 1864, app. 19,* pp. 207-210. Tidal observations at Cat island, Gulf of Mexico. (Reprinted from Report of 1851. ) Rept. 1866, app. 18,* pp. 113-119. See also, as Superintendent, Reports and other Survey publications 1844-1864. Bache, George Meade. Letters on the exploration of the Gulf Stream. Rept. 1846, app. 4,-" pp. 46-53. Table showing temperatures at depths below 700 fathoms, taken by Lieutenants Commanding C. H. Davis, in 1845; George M. Bache, in 1846; and S. P. Lee, in 1847. Rept. 1847, app. n,* P- 75- Bache fund. Blair, H. W. , and Hilgard, J. E. Records and results of magnetic observations made at the charge of the " Bache fund " of the National academy of sciences, from 1871 to 1876. Rept. 1882, app. 14, pp. 329-426. Bahama islands. Schott, C. A. Variation of the compass off the Bahama islands at the time of the landfall of Columbus in 1492. Rept. 1880, app. 19, pp. 412-417. Bailey, J. W. On the characteristics from bottom sounding in the Florida section of the Gulf Stream. Rept. 1855, app. 55,* p. 360. Balances. Hayford, J. F. Rueprecht balance belonging to the United States Office of standard weights and measures. Rept. 1895, pt. 2, app. 9,* pp. 383-392. See also Standards Weights and measures office. Baldwin, Albert Le Seur. On the measurement of nine base lines along the ninety-eighth meridian. Rept. 1901, app. 3, pp. 229-302. Hal lard, Edward. Geographical names on the coast of Maine. Rept. 1868, app. 14, pp. 243-259. * Exhausted. 128 CATALOGUE. Baltimore. Baltimore, Md. Preston, E. D. Telegraphic determination of the force of gravity at Baltimore, Md., from simultaneous pendulum observations at Washington and Baltimore. Kept 1894 ''pt 2 app. 2, pp. 57-70. Barbados. See Atlantic islands. Barnard, Frederick Augustus Porter, and Tresca, H. Comparison of an iron metre forwarded to France by the Government of the United States of America. Rept. 1867, app. 7,* pp. 134-137. Barnes sound, Fla. Survey of the Florida keys and reconnaissance of Barnes sound, Fla. Rept. 1855, app 25 * pp. 171-176. Barometric hypsometry. Cutts, R. D. Barometric observations made in connection with the line of spirit leveling, from Raritan bay to the Delaware river to determine the heights above mean tide of primary stations. Rept. 1870, app. 8,~"~ pp. 77-89. Davidson, George, and Schptt, C. A. Comparison of the methods of determining heights by means of leveling, vertical angles and barometric measures, from observations at Bodega head and Ross mountain, Cal. Rept. 1871, app. u,* pp. 154-170. Same. Rept. 1876, app. 16, pp. 338-354. Ferrel, W. Barometric hypsometry and reduction of the barometer to sea level. Rept. 1881, app. 10, pp. 225-268. . Schott, C. A. Observation of atmospheric refraction. Contribution no. u. Determination of several heights by the spirit level, and measures of refraction by zenith distances; also, observations of the barometer at Ragged mountain, Maine, by F. W. Perkins. Rept. 1876, app. 17, pp. 355-367- See also Elevations Leveling Refraction. Bars. Marindin, H. L. Changes in the depths of the bar at the entrance to Nantucket inner harbor, Mass., between 1888 and 1893. Rept. 1895, pt. 2, app. 5, pp. 347-354. Mitchell, H. Reclamation of tide lands and its relation to navigation. Rept. 1869, app. 5,* PP- 75~ I0 4- See also Channels Currents Depths Harbors Shoals Shore line changes Sounding Tides. Bartlett, John Russell. Siemens electrical deep-sea thermometer. Rept. 1882, app. 18, pp. 451-457. Bartlett, Washington A. Examination of reefs in Hell Gate channel and changes produced by blasting. Rept. 1851, app. 56,* pp. 553-558. On Pot rock, Hell Gate. Rept. 1852, app. 8,* p. 84. Base measurement. Cutts, R. D. Memoranda relating to the field work of the secondary triangulation. Rept. 1868, app. 7,* pp. 109-139. Jaderin, Edward. J. H. Gore, translator. On the measurement of base lines with steel tapes and with steel and brass wires. Rept. 1893, pt. 2, app. 5, pp. 125-164. Tittmann, O. H. On a method of readily transferring the underground mark at a base monu- ment. Rept. 1881, app. 13, pp. 357,358. See also Base measuring apparatus Hypsometry Reconnaissance Triangulation. Base measures. CALIFORNIA. Davidson, George. Measurement of the Yolo base. Rept. 1882, app. 8, pp. 139-149. Measurement of the Los Angeles base line, Los Angeles and Orange counties, Cal. Rept. 1889, app. 10, pp. 217-231. Schott, C. A. Length of the primary base line in Yolo county, Cal. Rept. 1883, app. ir, pp. 273-288. Results deduced from the geodetic connection of the Yolo base line with the primary triangulation of California; also a reduction and adjustment of the Davidson quadrilaterals, forming part of that triangulation. Rept. 1885, app. 9, pp. 441-467. GEORGIA. Evans, A. \V. Topographical reconnaissance of a part of Sapelo island, Georgia, for the selection of a site for a primary base line. Rept. 1857, app. 39,* pp. 374-377. Schott, C. A. Measurement of a primary base line on Peach Tree ridge, near Atlanta, Ga. Rept. 1873, app. 12,* pp. 123-131. INDIANA. Mendenhall, T. C., Mosman, A. T., Tittmann, O. H., Woodward, R. S. On the meas- urement of the Holton base, Holton, Ripley county, Ind. , and the St. Albans base, Kanawha county, West Va. Rept. 1892, pt. 2, app. 8, pp. 329-503. Schott, C. A. Length of the Holton base line, Indiana, with related experimental measures, 1891. Rept. 1894, pt. 2, app. 5,* pp. 101-116. *Exhausted. 759002 9 129 Base. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PUBLICATIONS. MAINE. Results of the primary triangulation of the coast of New England from the northeastern boundary to the vicinity of New York (giving length and accuracy of Epping plains base, etc). Rept. 1865, app. "21,* pp. 187-203. Bache, A. D. Notes on the measurement of abase on Epping plains, Me. Rept. 1857, app. 26,* pp. 302-305. MARYLAND. Schott, C. A. Length of the Kent island base line. Rept. 1866, app. 8, supp. , p. 140. MASSACHUSETTS. Results of the primary triangulation of the coast of New England from the northeastern boundary to the vicinity of New York (giving length and accuracy of Massa- chusetts base, etc.). Rept. 1865, a PP- 2r > PP- T 87-2O3. NEW YORK. Results of the primary triangulation of the coast of New England from the north- " eastern boundary to the vicinity of New York ( giving length and accuracy of Fire island base). Rept. 1865, app. 21, pp. 187-203. UNITED STATES. Schott, C. A. Report on the resulting length and probable uncertainty of principal base five lines, measured with the Bache-Wiirdemann compensation base appa- ratus between 1847 and 1855. Rept. 1889, app. 17, pp. 479-491. Baldwin, A. L. On the measurement of nine base lines along the ninety-eighth meridian. Rept. 1901, app. 3, pp. 229-302. UTAH. Eimbeck, William. Report on the measurement of the Salt lake base line. Rept. 1897, pt. 2, app. 12, pp, 753-774- WEST VIRGINIA. Mendenhall, T. C., Mosman, A. T., Tittmann, O. H., and Woodward, R. S. On the measurement of the Holton base, Holton, Ind., and the St. Albans base, W. Va. Rept. 1892, pt. 2, app. 8, p. 329. Schott, C. A. Length of the St. Albans base line, West Virginia, measured in 1892. Rept. 1894, pt. 2, app. 6, pp. 117-123. See also Arc measures Base measuring apparatus Hypsometry Reconnaissance Triangulation. Base measuring apparatus. Description of an apparatus for measuring subsidiary base lines. Rept. 1856, app. 60, pp. 308-310. Base apparatus. (Leaflet printed for distribution at the Pan-American exposition, Buffalo, N. Y.) Sep. pub. (1901.) Boutelle, C. O. Apparatus for measurement of preliminary bases. Rept. 1855, app. 41, pp. 264-267. Eimbeck, William. The duplex base apparatus and directions for its use in the field. Rept. 1897, pt. 2, app. 11, pp. 737-752. Hilgard, J. E. Apparatus for measuring subsidiary base lines. Rept. 1857, app. 45, pp. 395-398. Perfected form of the contact slide base apparatus used in the Coast survey. Rept. 1880, app. 17, pp. 341-345- Hunt, E. B. Description of Coast survey apparatus for measuring base lines. Rept. 1854, app. 35, pp. 103-108. Same. Rept. 1873, app. 12, pp. 132-136. Jaderin, Edw. On the measurement of base lines with steel tapes and with steel and brass wires. Translated by J. H. Gore. Rept. 1893, pt. 2, app. 5, pp. 125-164. Mendenhall, T. C., Mosman, A. T., Woodward, R. S., and Tittmann, O. H. On the measure- ment of the Holton base, Holton, Ripley county, Ind., and the St. Albans base, Kanawha county, W. Va. Rept. 1892, pt. 2, app. 2, pp. SS"^- Schott, C. A. New compensation base apparatus including the determination of the length of (two) 5-metre standard bars. Rept. 1882, app. 7, pp. 107-138. Woodward, R. S. Base apparatus. No. 2 in Bull. 29. (1893.) See also Standards. Batchelder, John M. Apparatus for harbor soundings proposed by E. B. Hunt. Rept. 1858, app. 38, pp. 247, 248. Hunt's tide meter. Rept. 1859, app. 35, pp. 365, 366. Batteries. See Electricity. Bauer, Louis Agricola. The magnetic work of the United States Coast and geodetic survey. Rept. 1899, app. 10, pp. 939-952. United States magnetic declination tables and isogonic charts for 1902 and principal facts relat- ing to the earth's magnetism. Sep. pub. (1902.) Bay of North America. See Atlantic ocean Gulf of Maine. Baylor, James Bowen. Descriptive catalogue of publications relating to the U. S. Coast and geodetic survey, 1807-1890, and U. S. Standard of weights and measures, 1790-1890. Rept. 1891, app. n, pp. 365-474. (And Hazard, D. L. ) General report on the magnetic survey of North Carolina, with a brief historical sketch of the fundamental phenomena of the earth's magnetism. Rept. 1899, app. 9, pp. 887-938. Beaches. See Currents Hydrographic surveys Oceanography Physical hydrography Sea level Shore line changes Tides. Beacons. See Signals. * Exhausted. 130 CATALOGUE. Beaufort. Beaufort harbor, N. C. Maffit, J. N. Beaufort harbor, North Carolina. Rept. 1854, app. 14,* pp. 21-23. Rodgers, C. R. P. Resurvey of bar and anchorage at Beaufort harbor, N. C. Rept. 1857, app. 16,* p. 152, 153. Whiting, H. L. Survey of Beaufort harbor, N. C. Rept. 1851, app. 28,* pp. 482-484. Bench marks. Description of bench marks at tidal stations. Rept. 1870, app. 10,* pp. 92-97. Bache, A. D. Tide tables for the United States, with description of bench marks. Rept. 1853, app. 26,* pp. 67-70. See also Leveling Tides. Bergh, Vasili Nikolaievich. Journal of the first expedition of Bering, kept by Peter Chaplin. Translated by W. H. Dall. Rept. 1890, app. 19, pp. 761-770. Bering's expedition. Ball, William H. Notes on an original manuscript chart of Bering's expedition of 1725-1730 and on chart of second expedition; together with summary of a journal of the first expedi- tion kept by Peter Chaplin and rendered into English from Bergh's Russian version. Rept. 1890, app. 19, pp. 759-774. Schott, C. A. On the magnetic observations made during Bering's first voyage to the coasts of Kamchatka and eastern Asia in the years 1725-1730. Rept. 1891, pt. 2, app. 5, pp. 269-273. Same, Bull. 20. (1891.) Bering sea. Dall, W. H. Harbors of Alaska and the tides and currents in their vicinity. Rept. 1872, app. 10,* pp. 177-212. Report on the currents and temperatures of Bering sea and adjacent waters. Rept. iSSo, app. 1 6, pp. 297-340. Jarvis, D. H. Coast pilot notes on the Fox islands passes, Unalaska bay, Bering sea, and Arctic ocean as far as Point Barrows. Bull. 40. (1900. ) Lindenkohl, A. Problems of physiography, concerning salinity and temperature of the Pacific ocean. Rept. 1898, app. 9, pp. 463-473. Putnam, G. R. Physical observations made in connection with the Pribilof islands survey of 1897. Rept. 1898, app. 5, pp. 233-241. See also Alaska Pribilof islands. Bering strait. Dall, W. H. Boundary line between the territory of the United States and of Russia, passing through Bering strait. Rept. 1880, app. 16,* pt. 4, sup. note, pp. 335-340. See also Alaska. Bermudas. See Atlantic islands. Bessel=Bradley fundamenta. Powalky, C. R. New reduction of La Caille's observations, with a comparison of the results with the " Bradley-Bessel fundamenta." Rept. 1882, app. 21, pp. 469-502. Bessel's periodic function. Schott, C. A. Development of Bessel's functions for periods frequently occurring in magnetic and meteorological investigations, with examples. Rept. 1862, app. 22,* pp. 232-235. Bibb (steamer). Agassiz, L. Report upon deep-sea dredgings in the Gulf Stream during the third cruise of the U. S. S. Bibb. Rept. 1869, app. 10,* pp. 208-219. Bibliography. Hunt, E. B. Report on an index of reference to memoirs and papers on subjects related to the Coast survey operations. Rept. 1856, app. 67,* pp. 325-330. On systematizing the abbreviations of titles of periodicals, transactions, etc. Rept. 1856, app. 68,* pp. 33ir333- Preparation of an index of scientific references. Rept. 1857, app. 51,* pp. 404-414. See also Cartography Coast and geodetic survey Coast pilots Hunt, E. B. Oceanography Phototopography Weights and measures office. Bifilar traces. See Magnetic intensity Magnetic variations. Biography. Carlile P. Patterson. In memoriam. Sep. pub. ( 1882?. )* Henry Wayne Blair. Tribute to the memory of. Rept. 1885, app. 18,* p. 513. Blair, Henry Wayne. (And Hilgard, J. E. ) Records and results of magnetic observations made at the charge of the "Bache fund "of the National academy of sciences, from 1871 to 1876. Rept. 1882, app. 14, pp. 3 2 9-426. Exhibit by the Coast and geodetic survey at the Southern exposition, Louisville, Ky. Rept. 1884, app. 1 8,* pp. 489-493. Exhausted. 131 Blake. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PUBLICATIONS. Blake (steamer). Agassiz, Alexander. Dredging operations by the Coast survey steamer Blake in the Caribbean sea. Rept. 1879. app. 6,* pp. 95-102. Sigsbee, C. D. Deep sea sounding and dredging. A description and discussion of the methods and appliances used on board the Coast and geodetic survey steamer Blake. Sep pub (1880.)* Pillsbury. The Gulf Stream A description of the methods employed in the investigation and the results of the research. Rept. 1890, app. 10, pp. 459-620. Vreeland, C. E. Description of C. & G. S. steamer Blake and her deep-sea apparatus, no. 14 in Bull. 29. (1893. ) Blake, Theodore A. Geology of Alaska territory. Rept. 1867, app. 18 E,* pp. 281-290. Blake, William Phipps. Observations on the physical geography and geology of the coast of California, from Bodega bay to San Diego. Rept. 1855, app. 65,* pp. 376-398. Blunt, Edmund. Observations made on the solar eclipse of May 26, 1854. Rept. 1854, app. 40, pp. 122-127. Bodega bay, Cat. Trowbridge, W. P. Letter stating particulars relative to Bodega bay and its vicinity, and South Farallon island, California. Rept. 1855, app. 27,* pp. 185, 186. Bodega head, Cal. Davidson, George, and Schott, C. A. Comparison of the methods of determining heights by means of leveling, vertical angles and barometric measures, from observations at Bodega head and Ross mountain, Cal. Rept. 1871, app. n,* pp. 154-170. Same. Rept. 1876, app. 16, pp. 338-354- Bodies island base, N. C. Schott, C. A. Report on the resulting length and probable uncertainty of five principal base lines measured with the Bache-Wiirdemann compensation base apparatus between 1847 an< l 1855. Rept. 1889, app. 17, pp. 479-491. Boilers. Causes which lead to the explosion of a boiler on the Coast survey steamer Hetzel. Rept. 1856, app. 70,* pp. 335-340. Hewston,.J., jr. Specimens of deposit from the boiler of the Coast survey steamer Hetzel. Rept. 1853, app. 35,* pp. 89, 90. See also Coal economy. Bond, George Phillips. Computations [of results] of the chronometer expeditions for determining difference of longi- tude between Cambridge and Liverpool. Rept. 1853, app 34,* pp. 88, 89. Result of computations of the chronometric expeditions of 1849, 1850, and 1851. Rept. 1854, app. 42, pp. 138-142. Results of the chronometric expeditions for difference of longitude between Cambridge, Mass., and Liverpool, England. Rept. 1856, app, 23,* pp. 182-191. Bond, William Cranch. Report in relation to the difference of longitude between the Cambridge and Liverpool observa- tories. Rept. 1850, app. 6* p. 79. On moon culminations observed by the "American method," with remarks on the performance of the spring governor. Rept. 1853, a PP- 32,* pp. 84-86. Moon culminations observed by the American method. Rept. 1854, app. 37,* p. 120. Moon culminations observed at Cambridge and the chronometric expedition for longitude difference between Cambridge, Mass., and Liverpool, England. R.ept. 1855, app. 43,* PP- 275, 276. On moon culminations and results of the chronometric expeditions between Cambridge, Mass. , and Liverpool, England, for difference of longitude. Rept. 1856, app. 22,* p. 181. Moon culminations and other phenomena. Rept. 1857, app. 28,* pp. 310, 311. Borden survey. Schott, C. A. Geographical positions of trigonometrical points in the states of Massachusetts and Rhode Island, 1835 to 1885, including those determined by the Borden survey, 1832 to 1838. Rept. 1885, app. 8, pp. 285-439. Same. 2d rev. & enl. ed. Rept. 1894, pt. 2, app. 10, pp. 349-615. Boschke, Albert. Resurvey of New York bay and harbor and dependencies for the Commissioners on harbor encroachments. Rept. 1855, app. 24,* pp. 165-171. [Comparative] maps of New York harbor. Rept." 1856, app. 48,* pp. 281, 282. Report on the drawing of maps of New York harbor. Rept. 1857, a PP- 38,* pp. 373, 374. * Exhausted. 132 CATALOGUE. Boston. Boston harbor, Mass. Ferrel, William. Discussion of the tides in Boston harbor. Rept. 1868, app. 5, pp. 51-102. On the moon's mass as deduced from a discussion of the tides of Boston harbor. Rept. 1870, app. 20,* pp. 190-199. Meteorological effects on tides. Rept. 1871, app. 6,* pp. 93-99. Bottom. See Dredging Sea bottom Shoals Sounding. Boundaries. Report in relation to portion of boundary line in dispute between the states of Maryland and Virginia. Rept. 1890, app. n, pp. 621-623. Dall, W. H. Boundary line between the territory of the United States and of Russia, passing through Bering strait. Rept. 1880, app. 16,* sup. note, pp. 335-339. Hodgkins, W. C. Historical account of the boundary line between the states of Pennsylvania and Delaware. Detailed account of work on the Pennsylvania and Delaware boundary. Rept. 1893, pt. 2, app. 8, pp. 177-222. Sinclair, C. H. The oblique boundary line between California and Nevada. Rept. 1900, app. 3, pp. 255-484. Whiting, H. L. Report in relation to a portion of boundary line in dispute between the states of Maryland and Virginia. Rept. 1890, app. u, pp. 621-623. Boutelle, Charles Otis. Apparatus for measurement of preliminary bases. Rept. 1855, app. 41,'"' pp. 264-267. Description of tripod and scaffold constructed and used at stations of the primary triangulation. Rept. 1855, app. 57,* pp. 361-363. Geodetic night signals. Rept. 1880, app. 8, pp. 96-109. On the construction of observing tripods and scaffolds. Rept. 1882, app. 10, pp. 199-208. Short descriptions of articles forming the Coast and geodetic survey exhibit at the Cotton cen- tennial exposition, New Orleans, La. Sep. pub. (1884.) On geodetic reconnaissance. Rept. 1885, app. 10, pp. 469-481. / Bowie Base, Tex. Baldwin, A. L. On the measurement of nine base lines along the ninety-eighth meridan. Rept. 1901, app. 3, pp. 229-302. Bradford, Gershom. Table of depths for channels and harbors, coasts of the United States. Bull. 36. ( 1897. ) Same. Ed. 2. Bull. 36. (1900.) Bradford, John Service. Hydrographic changes at the entrance to Cape Fear river, N. C. Rept. 1865, app. 5,* p. 45. Bradley=Bessel Fundamenta. New reduction of La Caille's observations, together with a comparison of the results with the " Bradley-Bessel Fundamenta"; also, a catalogue of the places of 150 stars south of declination 30, for the epochs 1750 and 1830. Rept. 1882, app. 21, pp. 469-502. Braid, Andrew. Refraction on lines passing near a surface of water, from observations made at different eleva- tions across the Potomac river. Rept. 1879, app. 16, pp. 212, 213. Geodetic leveling on the Mississippi river. Rept. 1880, app. n, pp. 135-144. Hypsometry. No. 10 in Bull. 29. ( 1893. ) Break circuit device. See Chronograph. Breakwaters. See Harbors Piers. British Columbia. See Northwest coast Seymour narrows Pacific coast. See also List of Tide tables in Part I. British standard yard. Hilgard, J. E. Comparison of American and British standard yards. Rept. 1877, app. 12, pp. 148-181. Bryant, Charles. Meteorological register, St. Paul island, Alaska, 1870-71. Rept. 1871, app. 7, pp. 100-108. Bucarelli bay, Alas. Moser, J. F. Hydrographic notes and sailing directions relating to portions of Alaska, from Dixon entrance to Yakutat bay, including reconnaissance, surveys of Cordova bay, Buca- relli bay, and Red Fish bay, 1897. Bull. 37. (1899.) Buffalo, N. Y. See Pan-American exposition. Burton, Alfred Edgar. See Greenland expedition. Buttermilk channel. See New York harbor. ^Exhausted. 138 Cadastral. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PUBLICATIONS. Cadastral surveying. See Hunt's interranger. Calais, Me. Longitude New Orleans, La. Gould, B. A. Longitude from observations by telegraph between Calais, Me., and New Orleans, La. Kept. 1862, app. 14,* pp. 158-160. California. BOUNDARY. Sinclair, C. H. The oblique boundary line between California and Nevada. Rept. 1900, app. 3, pp. 255-484. ELEVATION. Schott, C. A. Trigonometrical determination of the heights of the stations forming the Davidson quadrilaterals, California, 1876-1882. Rept. 1884, app. 10, pp. 391-405. GEOLOGY. Blake, W. P. Observations on the physical geography and geology of the coast of California, from Bodega bay to San Diego. Rept. 1855,* app. 65, pp. 376-398. RECONNAISSANCE. Alden, James. Reconnaissance from San Francisco to San Diego, including Santa Barbara islands and channel. Rept. 1852, app. 18*, pp. 104-107. McArthur, W. P. Report accompanying a reconnaissance chart of the western coast of the United States, from Monterey, Cal., to the Columbia river, Oregon. Rept. 1850, app. 31,* pp. 119-122. TERRESTRIAL, MAGNETISM. Davidson, George. Magnetic variations off the coasts of California and Mexico, observed by Spanish navigators in the last quarter of the eighteenth century. Rept. 1885, app. 7, pp. 275-284. TIDES. Bache, A. D. Notice of earthquake waves on the western coast of the United States, December 23 and 25, 1854. Rept. 1855, app. 51, * pp. 342-346. Same. Rept. 1862, app. 24,* pp. 238-241. TOPOGRAPHY. Johnson, W. M. Topographical features of the coast adjacent to Santa Barbara channel, Cal. Rept. 1857, app. 43,* pp. 390-391. TRIANGULATION. Schott, C. A. Results deduced from the geodetic connection of the Yolo base line with the primary triangulation of California; also, a reduction and adjustment of the Davidson quadrilaterals, forming part of that triangulation. Rept. 1885, app. 9, pp. 441- 467. See also Bodega bay Bodega head Dominguez Humboldt bay Lick observatory Los Angeles Mt. Hamilton Mt. Santa Lucia Pacific coast Ross mountain San Buenaventura San Diego San Francisco Santa Barbara channel Santa Cruz island Sierra Nevada South Farallon island Tepusquet Transcontinental arc Trinidad bay Ukiah Yolo base. Cambridge, Mass. Gould, B. A. Observations of solar eclipse of July, 1860, at Cambridge, Mass. Rept. 1861, app. 21, pp. 241, 242. Report on the latitude of Cloverden station, in Cambridge. Rept. 1865, app. 17,* pp. 160-165. Cambridge, Mass. Longitude Halifax, N. S. Walker, S. C. Arrangement with Maine telegraph co. to determine the difference of longitude between Cambridge and Halifax. Rept. 1851, app. 18,* pp. 462,463. Cambridge, Mass. Longitude Liverpool, Eng. Bond, JQ. P. Computations [of results] of the chronometer expeditions for determining differ- ence of longitude between Cambridge and Liverpool. Rept. 1853, app. 34,* pp. 88, 89. Results of computation of the chronometric expeditions of 1849, 1850, and 1851. Rept. 1854, app. 42,* pp. 138-142. Resiilts of the chronometric expeditions of (1849, 1850, 1851, and) 1855 for difference of longitude between Cambridge, Mass., and Liverpool [England]. Rept. 1856, app. 23,* pp. 182-191. Bond, W. C. Differences of longitude between Cambridge and Liverpool observatories. Rept. 1850, app. 6,* p. 79. Moon culminations observed at Cambridge and the chronometer expedition for difference of longitude between Cambridge [Mass.] and Liverpool [England]. Rept. 1855, app. 43,* pp. 275, 276. On moon culminations and results of the chronometric expeditions between Cambridge and Liverpool for difference of longitude. Rept. 1856, app. 22,* p. 181. Cambridge, Mass. Longitude Philadelphia, Pa. Walker, S. C. Differences of longitude of Philadelphia and Greenwich, by reduction of observations at Cambridge, Mass. Rept. 1846, app. 10,* pp. 71, 72. Cambridge, Mass. Longitude Washington, D. C. Difference of longitude between Harvard college observatory, Massachusetts, the Coast survey station, Seaton, and the Naval observatory, Washington, D. C., as determined by means of the electric telegraph in 1867. Rept. 1870, app. 13,* pp. 101-106. Camp Date creek, Ariz. See Date creek camp. Camp Muir, Alas. See Muir glacier, Alaska. * Exhausted. 13-i CATALOGUE. Canada. Canada. TERRESTRIAL MAGNETISM. Schott, C. A. Magnetic declination, dip and intensity in 1859 in Sections I and II [New England and New York] and in Canada. Rept. 1859, app. 23,* p. 296. Results of magnetic observations at stations in Alaska and in the Northwest territory of the Dominion of Canada. Rept. 1892, pt. 2, app. n,* pp. 529-533. TOPOGRAPHY. Flemer, J. A. Phototopography as practiced in Italy under the auspices of the Royal military geographical institute, and as practiced in the Dominion of Canada under the Department of the interior. Also a short historical review of other photographic surveys and publications on the subject. Rept. 1893, pt. 2, app. 3. pp. 37-116. See also Alaska Atlantic coast British Columbia Halifax Labrador Northwest coast of America Pacific coast. Canals. Davidson, George. Observations on certain harbor and river improvements collected on a voyage from Hongkong, via Suez, to New York. Rept. 1875, app. 18,* pp. 293-314. See also Ship canals. Cape Cod, Mass. Marindin, H. L. Encroachment of the sea upon the coast of Cape Cod, Mass., as shown by comparative surveys. Rept. 1889, app. 12, pp. 403-407. Cross-sections of the shore of Cape Cod between Chatham and the Highland light-house. Rept. 1889, app. 13, pp. 409-457- Cross sections of the shore of Cape Cod, Mass., between the Cape Cod and Long point lighthouses. Rept. 1891, pt. 2, app. 9, pp. 289-341. Schott, C. A. Magnetic declination, dip and horizontal intensity (determined in 1860) on Cape Cod peninsula, Long Island, and New Jersey. Rept. 1860, app. 29,* p. 352. See also Monomoy Nantucket Provincetown harbor. Cape Cod harbor, Mass. See Provincetown harbor, Mass. Cape Fear river entrance, N. C. Bradford, J. S. Hydrographic changes at the entrance to Cape Fear river, N. C. Rept. 1865, app. 5," p. 45." Huger, T. B. Comparison of hydrographic surveys at the entrance to Cape Fear river. Rept. 1858, app. 13,* pp. 150, 151. Maffitt, J. N. Examination of the bars and entrances to Cape Fear river, North Carolina. Rept. 1857, app. 17,* pp. 153-156. Cape Florida base, Fla. Gibbs, Wolcott. Examination of specimens of sand taken from the base sites at Cape Florida and Cape Sable. Rept. 1856, app. 64,* pp. 318, 319. Cape Sable base, Fla. Gibbs, Wolcott. Examination of specimens of sand taken from the base sites at Cape Florida and Cape Sable. Rept. 1856, app. 64,* pp. 318, 319. Schott, C. A. Report on the resulting length and probable uncertainty of five principal base lines, measured with the Bache-Wiirdemann compensation base apparatus between 1847 and 1855. Rept. 1889, app. 17, pp. 489-49 ! Cape Verde islands. See Atlantic islands. Capitol. See Washington, D. C. Caribbean sea. Agassiz, Alexander. Dredging operations [in the Caribbean sea] by the Coast survey steamer Blake. Rept. 1879, app. 6,* pp. 95-102. Caroline island. Preston, E. D. Determinations of gravity and other observations made in connection with the'solar eclipse expedition, May, 1883, to Caroline island, South Pacific ocean. Rept. 1883, app. 17,* pp. 379~3 81 - Determinations of latitude and gravity for the Hawaiian government [including a gen- eral chart of Caroline island showing gravity station of 1883]. Rept. 1888, app. 14, pp. 471- 563- Carrollton, La. See New Orleans, La. Cartography. See List of Catalogues of maps and charts (under Administrative publications) in Part I. See also Charts Maps. Catalogues. See Star catalogues. Cataloguing. See Bibliography. * Exhausted. 135 Cat Island. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PUBLICATIONS. Cat island, Miss. Bache, A. D. Discussion of tidal observations at Cat island. Kept. 1851, app. 7,* pp. 127-136. Same. Rept. 1866, app. 18,* pp. 113-119. Discussion of tidal observations at Cat island in the Gulf of Mexico. Rept. 1852, app. 22,* pp. 111-122. Hilgard, J. E. Method (of using the transit instrument for) of observing azimuth employed at Cat island. Rept. 1856, app. 27,* pp. 208, 209. Dean, G. W. Effect of the wind on the height of the water in Cat island harbor, Miss. Rept. 1856, app. 45,* pp. 276-278. See also Gulf Stream. Catalogues. See Bibliography. See also List of Catalogues of maps and charts in Part I. Cauchy's formulae. Cauchy's interpolation formulae, with remarks by C. A. Schott. Rept. 1860, app. 37,*pp, 392-396. Cedar keys harbor, Fla. Gerdes, F. H. Florida coast reconnaissance. Rept. 1851, app. 31, pp. 488-494. Centennial exposition of the Ohio valley and central states. Boutelle, C. O. Short descriptions of articles forming the Coast and geodetic survey exhibit at the Centennial exposition of the Ohio valley and central states. Sep. pub. (1888.) Central Pacific railroad. See Summit, Wyo. Channels. CALIFORNIA. Mitchell, Henry. On the probable effect of extended piers in modifying the channel facilities of San Francisco bay near Yerba Buena island. Rept. 1870, app. 18,* pp. 180, 181. SOUTH CAROLINA. Maffitt, J. N. Comparative chart of Maffitt's channel, Charleston harbor. Rept. 1855, app. 15,* pp. I55-I57- . See also Depths Harbors Hydrographic surveys Physical hydrography Sounding Tides Chaplin, Peter. Notes on an original manuscript chart of Bering's expedition of 1725-30, and on an original manuscript chart of his second expedition; together with a summary of a journal of the first expedition, kept by Peter Chaplin, and now first rendered into English from Bergh's Russian version by W. H. Dall. Rept. 1890, app. 19, pp. 761-770. Charleston harbor, S. C. Maffitt, J. N. Comparative chart of Maffitt's channel, Charleston harbor. Rept. 1885, app. 15,* PP- 155-157. Charleston, S. C. Longitude Washington, D. C. Gould, B. A. Results of observations for the determination of difference of longitude by tele- graph between Seaton station, Washington, D. C., and Charleston, S. C. Rept. 1853, a PP- 33,* pp. 86-88. Charts. Chart publications. (Leaflet printed for distribution at the Pan-American exposition, Buffalo, N. Y. ) Sep. pub. (1901.) Information concerning [sets of] U. S. Coast and geodetic survey charts. Notice to mariners. 118. (1889.) List of Coast survey maps, sketches, and preliminary charts, engraved and engraving* Rept. 1851, app. ii,* pp. 160-162. Dall, W. H. Notes on the original manuscript chart of Bering's expedition of 1725-30, and on an original manuscript of his second expedition: together with a summary of a journal of the first expedition, kept by Peter Chaplin, and now first rendered into English from Bergh's Russian version. Rept. 1890, app. 19, pp. 759-774. Ogden, H. G. Chart publications. No. 11 in Bull. 29. (1893.) Schott, C. A. The value of the "Arcano del Mare," with reference to magnetic declination in the seventeenth century. Rept. 1888, app. 6,* pt. i, pp. 167-170. Wainwright, D. B. Notes relative to the use of charts issued by the United States Coast and geodetic survey. Sp. pub. 6. (1900.) See also Drawing Electrotyping Engraving Lithography Maps Paper Photography Printing Projection. Chatham, Mass. Mitchell, H. Changes in the neighborhood of Chatham and Mononioy. Rept. 1873, app. 9,* pp. 103-107. See also Monomy. Chatham island. Smith, Edwin. Transit of Venus, Chatham island, 1874. Rept. 1875, app. 14,* pp. 231-248. * Exhausted. L36 CATALOGUE. Chatham. Chatham strait, Alas. Rodman, Hugh (compiler). Alaska. General information relating to the vicinity of Chatham and Peril straits, and Cooks inlet and the region to the Westward. Bull. 35. (1897.) Same. Title changed to Compilation of the most recent information relative to the harbors, anchorages, and dangers to navigation in the vicinity of Chatham and Peril straits and Cooks inlet, Alaska. Kept. 1896, pt. 2, app. n, pp. 373-393. Chemiglyphy. See Etching. Chesapeake bay. Bache, A. D., Ponrtales, L. F. , and Schott, C. A. Tides, currents, magnetic variations, and geographic positions of light-houses. Chesapeake bay and its rivers. Sep. pub. (1861.)* Collins, Frederick. Density of the waters of the Chesapeake bay and its principal estuaries. Kept. 1877, app. 14, pp. 184-190. See also Pocomoke sound Tangier sound. Chesapeake=Pamplico arc. Schott, C. A. The Pamplico-Chesapeake arc of the meridian and its combination with the Nan- tucket and the Peruvian arcs for a determination of the figure of the earth from American measures. Kept. 1877, app. 6, pp. 84-95. Chicago, III. See World's Columbian exposition Christie, Alexander S. Comparison of the predicted with the observed times and heights of high and low water at Sandy Hook, N. J., during 1889. Rept. 1890, app. 15,* p. 705-714. (And Haskell, E. E. ) Tides and currents. No. 9 in Bull. 29. (1893.) Chronograph. Eimbeck, William. Improvement on the Hipp chronograph. Rept. 1872, app. 18, pp. 266, 267. Mitchel, O. M. Mechanical record of astronomical observations. Rept. 1849, a PP- 5i* PP- 72-78. Schott, C. A. Determination of weights to be given to observations for determining time with portable transit instrument, recorded by the chronographic method. Rept. 1872, app. 12, pp. 222-226. See also Azimuth Gravity Longitude Spring governor Time. Chronometer. See Azimuth Chronograph Gravity Longitude Time. Cincinnati, Ohio. See Centennial exposition. Cincinnati, Ohio Levels Gibraltar, Mich. Ferguson, O. W. Resulting elevations from spirit leveling between Gibraltar, Mich., and Cin- cinnati, Ohio, from observations by O. W. Ferguson, assistant, between June 3 and Novem- ber 28, 1899. Rept. 1899, app. 7, pp. 321-345. Circular functions. See Logarithms. Circumpolar stars. Sec Stars. Clarke's spheroid. See Projection. Clay. Little, George. Blue clay of the Mississippi river. Rept. 1880, app. 12, pp. 145-171. Climate. Totten, James. Climate, soil, and general character of Florida keys. Rept. 1853, app. 18,* PP- 50, 51- Clocks. See Chronograph Longitude. Cloverden Station, Mass. See Cambridge, Mass. Coal economy. Emery, Charles E. Economy in coal as exemplified by the action of compound engines in the steamer Hassler. Rept. 1874, app. I3,*'pp. 148-151. Coast and geodetic survey. Coast and geodetic survey. (Leaflet printed for distribution at the Pan-American exposition at Buffalo, N. Y. ) Sep. pub. (1901.) The methods and results of the U. S. Coast and geodetic survey as illustrated at the World's Columbian exposition, 1893. Bull. 29 (1893). Mendenhall, T. C. Coast and geodetic survey. No. i in Bull. 29. (1893.) Pritchett, H. S. General statement of the administration and work of the Coast and geodetic survey, with historical sketch from 1807 to 1898. Sep. pub. (1899. ) Trowbridge, W. P. Origin, cost, and progress of foreign geodetic surveys with other data for comparison with the results of the United States Coast survey. Rept. 1858, app. 40,* pp. 251-270. * Exhausted. Coast. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PUBLICATIONS. Trowbridge, W. P. Comparison of the cost and progress of the United States Coast survey from 1832 to 1844 and 1844 to 1856-57. Rept. 1858, app. 41,* pp. 270-273. ACCOUNTING. See List of Laws and regulations in Part I (Administrative publications). ARCHIVES. List of original topographic and hydrographic sheets, geographically arranged, reg- istered in the archives of the United States Coast and geodetic survey, from January, 1834, to December 31, 1895. Rept. 1895, pt. 2, app. n, pp. 399-516. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Recent publications. Bull. i. (1888.) Baylor, J. B. Descriptive catalogue of publications relating to the U. S. Coast and geodetic survey, 1807-1890, and to U. S. Standard weights and measures, 1790 to 1890. Rept. 1891, pt. 2, app. 11, pp. 3 6 5-474- Descriptive catalogue of publications relating to the U. S. Coast and geodetic survey, 1807-1896, and to U. S. Standard weights and measures, 1790 to 1896. Sp. pub. 2.* (1898. ) Goodfellow, E. General index of professional and .scientific papers contained in the United States Coast survey reports from 1851 to 1870. Rept. 1871, app. 17,* pp. 193-209. Descriptive catalogue of publications relating to the Coast and geodetic survey and to Standard measures. Rept. 1883, app. 6, pp. 121-135. General index to the progress sketches and illustrations, maps, and charts published in the Annual reports of the U. S. Coast survey and U. S. Coast and geodetic survey from 1844 to 1885, inclusive. Rept. 1887, app. 12,* pp. 217-268. Hunt, E. B. Consolidated alphabetical index of the ten annual Coast survey reports from 1844 to 1853, inclusive [including sketches]. Rept. 1854 [no app. number], pp. 280-288.* Nes, F. F. Consolidated alphabetical index of the ten annual Coast survey reports, from 1854 to 1863, inclusive [including sketches]. Rept. 1864, pp. 227-315. Sinclair, C. H. General index of scientific papers, methods, and results contained in the appendices of the annual reports of the United States Coast and geodetic survey, from 1845 to 1880, inclusive. Rept. 1881, app. 6,'- pp. 91-123. CARTOGRAPHY. Information concerning [sets of] U. S. Coast and geodetic survey charts. Notice to mariners 118. (1889.) See also List of Catalogues of maps and charts in Part I. EMPLOYEES. See List of Official reports of expenditures and of persons employed in Part I ( Administrative publications). ESTIMATES. See List of Reports submitting estimates in Part I (Administrative publications). EXHIBITS. The methods and results of the U. S. Coast and geodetic survey as illustrated at the World's Columbian exposition, 1893. Bull. 29. (1893.) Blair, H.W. Exhibit by the Coast and geodetic survey at the Southern exposition, Louisville, Ky. Rept. 1884, app. 18,* pp. 489-493. Boutelle, C. O. Short descriptions of articles forming the Coast and geodetic survey exhibit at the Cotton centennial exposition, New Orleans, La., 1884-85. Sep. pub. (1884.)* Short descriptions of articles forming the Coast and geodetic survey exhibit at the Centennial exposition of the Ohio valley and central states, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1888. Sep. pub. (1888.)* Wainwright, D. B. Preparation and arrangement of the exhibit of the U. S. Coast and geodetic survey at the World's Columbian exposition, 1893. Rept. 1893, pt. 2, app. 10, pp. 425-439. EXPENDITURES. Special report on the comparative progress and expenditure of the Coast survey, in different years. Foreign surveys, etc. Sep. pub. (1858.)* See also List of Official reports of expenditures and of persons employed in Part I (Adminis- trative publications) . HISTORY. Historical sketch of the U. S. Coast and geodetic survey. Sep. pub. (1884.) Historical compilation, U.S. Coast and geodetic survey. Sep. pub. (1887.)* Schott, C. A. Historical review of the work of the Coast and geodetic survey in connection with terrestrial magnetism. Rept. 1888, app. 6,* pt. 2, pp. 171-176. Same. Bull. 7. (1888.) INSTRUCTIONS. See List of Instructions in methods of work in Part I (Administration publications) . LAWS AND REGULATIONS. Regulations for enlistments, discharges, etc. Laws and regulations. ( 1899- ) Rules governing routine and discipline aboard ship. Laws and regulations. (1899.) See also List of Laws and regulations in Part I (Administration publications). ORGANIZATION. Laws relating to the survey of the coast of the United States, with the plan of reorganization of 1843, and regulations by the Treasury department. Laws and regula- tions. (1858.) Statutes relating to the survey of the coast of the United States, with the plan of reorganiza- tion of 1843, and regulations by the Treasury department. Laws and regulations. (1869.) Letter of the Superintendent on the proposed transfer to the Navy department. Sep. pub. (1883.)* STEAMERS. See Bibb Blake Hassler Hetzel. See also Weights and measures office. Coast features. Agassiz, Louis. Relation of geological and zoological researches to general interests in the development of coast features. Rept. 1867, app. 17,* pp. 183-186. Bache, A. D. On the heights of the tides of the Atlantic coast of the United States [relative to configuration of the coast]. Rept. 1857, app. 33,* pp. 342-347. See also Shore line changes. * Exhausted. 138 CATALOGUE. Coast. Coast pilot. Coast pilot. (Leaflet printed for distribution at the Pan-American exposition, Buffalo, N. Y. ) Sep. pub. ( 1901. ) Catalogue of sailing directions, list of dangers, etc. , prepared for publication under the direction of the Superintendent. Rept. 1855, app. 30,* pp. 193-200. Ferrel, Win. Meteorological researches for the use of the Coast pilot. Rept. 1875, app. 20,* pp. 369-412. Meteorological researches for the use of the Coast pilot. Rept. 1878, app. 10,* pp. 175-267. Meteorological researches, Part III. Barometric hypsometry and reduction of the barometer to sea level. Rept. 1881, app. 10, pp. 225-268. ALASKA. Notes on dangers in Neva and Peril straits and anchorages in Fish bay, southeast Alaska. Notice to mariners 46. (1884.) Sailing directions for Wrangell strait, Alaska. Notice to mariners 60. (1885. ) Sailing directions for inland passage between Sitka harbor and Hooniah sound, through Olga strait, Neva strait, and Peril strait, Alaska. Notice to mariners 61. (1885.) Davidson, George. Coast features and resources of Alaska territory. Rept. 1867, app. 18,* pp. 187-329. Jarvis, D. H. Coast pilot notes on the Fox islands passes, Unalaska bay, Bering sea, and Arctic ocean as far as Point Barrow. Bull. 40. ( 1900.) Moser, J. F. Hydrographic notes and sailing directions relating to portions of Alaska from Dixon entrance to Yakutat bay, including reconnaissance surveys of Cordova bay, Bucarelli bay, and Red Fish bay, 1897. Bull. 37. (1899.) Hydrographic notes, sailing directions, and charts of surveys relating to the vicinity of Prince William sound, Cooks inlet, Kadiak island, and route from Unalaska to Chignik, through Unimak pass and inside the islands, 1897. Bull. 38. ( 1899.) Rodman, Hugh. Compilation of the most recent information relative to the harbors, anchor- ages, and dangers to navigation in the vicinity of Chatham and Peril straits and Cooks inlet, Alaska. Bull. 35. (1896.) Same. Rept. 1896, pt. 2, app. n, pp. 373~393- CALIFORNIA. Trowbridge, W. P. Bodega bay and South Farallon island, California. Rept. 1855, app. 27,* pp. 185, 186. Johnson, W. M. Features of Santa Cruz island, the valley of San Buenaventura, and the coast north of Santa Barbara channel. Rept. 1855, app. 28,* pp. 186-188. NEW YORK. Coast currents approaching Sandy Hook. Notice to mariners 97. ( 1888. ) Changes in the pilotage law T s of the port of New York. Notice to mariners 53. (1884.) TEXAS. Greenwell, W. E. General features and peculiarities of the coast of lower Texas, with suggestions in regard to facilities for navigation. Rept. 1854, app. 21,* pp. 30, 31. UNITED STATES. Bache, A. D. Sailing directions to accompany the new chart of the western coast of the United States. Sep. pub. ( 1850.)* Notices of the western coast of the United States. Sep. pub. (1851. )* Davidson, George. Descriptive report of localities on the western coast from the north entrance of Rosario strait, Washington territory, to the southern boundary of California. Rept. 1855, app. 26,* pp. 176-185. Directory for the Pacific coast of the United States. Rept. 1858, app. 44,* pp. 297-458. Same. Rept. 1862, app. 39,* pp. 268-430. WASHINGTON. Alden, James. The coast, harbors and commerce of Washington territory. Rept. 1855, app. 29,* pp. 188-192. See also Charts -Compass Currents Geographic names Hydrographic surveys Light-houses Magnetic declination Meteorology- Oceanography Physical hydrography Piers Pilot- age Sounding Tides. See also Coast Pilots in Part I. Collins, Frederick. Density of the waters of the Chesapeake bay and its principal estuaries. Rept. 1877, app. 14, pp. 184-190. Colombia. See also Panama Darien. Colonna, Benjamin A. Transit of Mercury, Summit station, Central Pacific railroad. Rept. 1878, app. 6, pp. 81-87. Transit of Venus of December 6, 1882, at Washington, D. C. Rept. 1883, app. 16, pp. 373-375- Currents of New York bay and harbor from the notes of a- physical survey by H. L. Marindin. assistant. Bull. 8. (1889.) Colorado. Schott, C. A. Resulting heights from spirit leveling between Ellis, Kans. and Hugo, Col. Rept. 1898, app. 2, pp. 195-214. Winston, Isaac. Resulting elevations from spirit leveling between Denver, Col. and Rock Creek, Wyo. Rept. 1899, app. 5, pp. 283-298. See also Transcontinental arc. Colorado Springs, Colo. Levels Hugo, Colo. Schott, C. A. Resulting heights from spirit leveling between Hugo and Colorado Springs, Col., 1898. Rept. 1898, app. 3, pp. 215-228. *Exhausted. 139 Columbia. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PUBLICATIONS. Columbia, S. C. Longitude Macon, Qa. Gould, B. A. Telegraphic operations for differences of longitude between Columbia, S. C. and Macon, Ga. Kept. 1855, app. 46,* pp. 286-295. Columbia, S. C. Longitude Raleigh, N. C. Gould, B. A. On telegraphic observations for the difference of longitude between Raleigh, N. C. and Columbia, S. C. Rept. 1854, app. 41,* pp. 128-131. Columbia, S. C. Longitude Wilmington, N. C. Gould, B. A. Progress made in telegraph campaigns for difference in longitude and the prep- aration of results for publication. Rept. 1857, app. 27,* pp. 305-310. Columbia River. Hergesheimer, E. Type forms of topography Columbia river. Rept. 1881, app. 7, pp. 124, 125. Columbus. Fox, G. V. An attempt to solve the problem of the first landing place of Columbus in the New world. Rept. 1880, app. 18, pp. 346-411. Schott, C. A. Variation of the compass off the Bahama islands at the time of the landfall of Columbus in 1492. Rept. 1880, app. 19, pp. 412-417. Compass. See Magnetic needle Magnetic declination. Compass deviation. Gillmore, J. C. (compiler). Magnetic ranges for determining the deviation of the compass, with short explanations of how to find the deviation and error of the compass, in the Bay of San Francisco, Cal. Sp. pub. i. (1898.) Computation. See Tables to facilitate computation. Coney Island, N. Y. See Long Island New York harbor. Conferences. See Geodetic conference Gravity International geodetic association Topographical conference. Congress map. Tidball, J. C. Description of the Congress map. Rept. 1854, app. 32,* pp. 61-63. Same. Rept. 1855, app. 39,* pp. 253-255. Connecticut. GEOGRAPHIC POSITIONS. Schott, C. A. Geographical positions of trigonometrical points in the state of Connecticut, determined by the U. S. Coast and geodetic survey, 1833 to 1886. Rept. 1888, app. 8, pp. 313-403. TERRESTRIAL MAGNETISM. Schott, C. A., and Dean, G. W. Results from observations for magnetic declination, dip, and intensity in Maine and Connecticut, including also a station in the District of Columbia. Rept. 1863, app. 22,* p. 204. TRIANGULATION. Results of the primary triangulation of the coast of New England, from the northeastern boundary to the vicinity of New York. Rept. 1865, app. 21,* pp. 187-203. See also Atlantic ocean Eastern oblique arc Hudson river Long Island sound New England. Constellations. See Pleiades Scorpio. Constitution of the Earth. Peirce, Benjamin. Internal constitution of the earth. Rept. 1879, a PP- T 4> P- 2ul - Contours. Schott, C. A. Height in feet corresponding to a given angle of elevation and a given distance in metres, for use in the construction of contour lines by the plane table. Rept. fe6o, app. 38,* P- 397- Whiting, H. L. Topographical contour, hydrographic details, and reduction, on photography and on the scale of shades suitable for complete maps. Rept. 1860, app. 20, pp. 216-229. See also Topography. Contraction of paper. See Paper. Cooks inlet, Alas. Moser, J. F. Hydrographic notes, sailing directions, and charts of surveys relating to the vicin- ity of Prince William sound, Cook inlet, Kadiak island, and route from Unalaska to Chignik, through Unimak pass and inside the islands. 'Bull. 38. (1899.) Rodman, Hugh (compiler). General information relating to the vicinity of Chatham and Peril straits,- from a recent survey by the U. S. Coast survey steamer Patterson, Lieut. Com- mander E. K. Moore, U. S. N., commanding, and [from notes on] Cooks inlet and the region of the westward, by W. H. Dall, U. S. Geological survey. Bull. 35. ^1896.) Same. Title changed to Compilation of the most recent information relative to the harbors, anchorages, and dangers to navigation in the vicinity of Chatham and Peril straits and Cooks inlet, Alaska. Rept. 1896, pt. 2, app. n, pp. 373-393. Cook, Mt., Alas. See Mt. Cook. * Exhausted. 140 CATALOGUE. Coos. Coos bay, Ore. Lawson, J. S. General character of Koos bay, Oregon. Kept. 1861, app. 30,* pp. 264, 265. Coral reefs. Sec Florida reefs. Cordova bay, Alas. Moser, J. F. Hydrographic notes and sailing directions relating to portions of Alaska from Dixon entrance to Yakutat bay, including reconnaissance surveys of Cordova bay, Bucarelli bay, and Red Fish bay, 1897. Bull. 37. (1899.) Corinth, Miss. Levels Memphis, Tenn. Schott, C. A. On the results of spirit leveling of precision between Corinth, Miss., and Mem- phis, Tenn., 1890 and 1891. Rept. 1892, pt. 2, app. 4, pp. 205-224. Corona. Sec Eclipse. Cotidal lines. Bache, A. D. Preliminary determinations of cotidal lines on the Atlantic coast of the United States, from Coast survey observations. Rept. 1854, app. 45,* pp. 147-152. Cotidal lines of the Pacific coast. Rept. 1855, app. 50,* pp. 338-342. Approximate cotidal lines of diurnal and semi-diurnal tides of the coast of the United States on the Gulf of Mexico; discussion and preliminary determinations. Rept. 1856, app. 35,* pp. 252-260. Additional researches on cotidal lines of the Gulf of Mexico. Rept. 1862, app. 9,* pp. 126-128. Harris, R. A. Manual of Tides [reproduction of principal cotidal charts] Part IVa. Rept. 1900, app. 7, p. 677. Peirce, B. Cotidal lines of an inclosed sea, derived from the equilibrium theory. Rept. 1858, app. 30,* pp. 210-213. See also Tides. Cotton centennial exposition. Boutelle, C. O., compiler. Short descriptions of articles forming the Coast and geodetic survey exhibit at the Cotton centennial exposition, New Orleans, La., 1884. Sep. pub. (1884.)* Craig, Thomas. General properties of the equations of steady motion. Sep. pub. (1882.)* A treatise on projections. Sep. pub. (1882.) Cram, T. J. Reports on measurement of heights. Rept. 1854, app. 34,* pp. 95-103. Craven, T. Augustus. vSpecimen box for bringing up the bottom in deep sea soundings. Rept. 1854, app. 54,* p. 191, 192. Crillon, Mt., Alas. See Mt. Crillon. Cruises. See Voyages. Cubitt's gap, La. Marindin, H. L. Comparison of surveys of Mississippi river in the vicinity of Cubitt's gap. Rept. 1880, app. 10, pp. 126-134. See also Mississippi river. Culminations. vSchott, C. A. Approximate times of culminations and elongations and of the azimuths at elongation of Polaris for the years between 1889 and 1910. Bull. 14. ( 1890. ) Same. Rept. 1891, pt. 2, app. i, pp. 7-13. See also Moon culminations. Current float. Apparatus for observing currents in connection with the physical survey of the Mississippi river. Rept. 1877, app. 9, pp. 104-107. Patterson, C. P. Description of a float for observations of surface currents. Rept. 1849, app. 20,* p. 97. Current meter. Haskell, E. E. On observations of currents with the direction-current meter in the Straits of Florida and in the Gulf of Mexico, 1891. Rept. 1891, pt. 2, app. 10, pp. 343-364. Mitchell, H. Physical survey of New York harbor and the coast of Long Island with descrip- tions of apparatus for observing currents. Rept. 1859, app. 26,* pp. 311-317. Physical survey of the Delaware river at Philadelphia. Rept. 1878, app. 9, pp.- 121-173. Currents (tidal and oceanic). Bache, A. D. Method used in the Coast survey of showing current observations. Rept. 1851, app. 8,* pp. 136, 137. Christie, A. S., and Haskell, E. E. Tides and currents. No. 9 in Bull. 29. (1893.) Exhausted. m Currents. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PUBLICATIONS. Hayford, John F. On the use of observations of currents for prediction purposes. Kept. 1890, a'pp. 14, pp. 691-703. Hunt, E. B. Dynamics of ocean currents. Kept. 1858, app. 31,* pp. 213-216. ALASKA. Dall, W. H. Harbors of Alaska and the tides and currents in their vicinity. Rept. 1872, app. io,~ :: ~ pp. 177-212. Geographical and hydrographical explorations on the coast of Alaska. Rept. 1873, app. n,* pp. in-122. ATLANTIC OCEAN. Off-shore current observations. Not'ice to mariners 114. (1889.) Current bottle, Mobile bay to Mosquito inlet and Cape Florida to Jupiter inlet. Rept. 1854, app. 52,* pp. 189, 190. Copy of card in current bottle thrown over near Sandy Hook and picked up on the bar at Santa Cruz, one of the Western islands [of the Azores]. Rept. 1855, app. 54,* p. 359. Libby, William, jr. Relations of cold and warm ocean currents off the New England coast, by the U. S. Fish commission, with the cooperation of the U. S. Coast and geodetic survey. Rept. 1891, pt. 2, app. 7,* pp. 279-281. BERING SEA. Dall, W. H. Report on the currents and temperatures of Bering sea. Rept. 1880, app. 1 6,* pp. 297-340. CHESAPEAKE BAY. Bache, A. D., Pourtales, L. F., and Schott, C. A. Tides, currents, magnetic variation and geographical positions of light-houses. Chesapeake bay and its rivers Sep. pub. (1861.)* DELAWARE BAY AND RIVER. 'Mitchell, Henry. New rule for currents in Delaware bay and river. Rept. 1881, app. 18.* pp. 464-469. FLORIDA. Gerdes, F. H. Florida coast reconnaissance. Rept. 1851, app. 31,* pp. 488-494. GULF STREAM. Current bottle, Mobile bay to Mosquito inlet and Cape Florida to Jupiter inlet. Rept. 1854, app. 52,* pp. 189, 190. Copy of cards from current bottle thrown over south of Mississippi delta. Rept. 1856, app. 46,* pp. 279, 280. Circulars found in current bottles thrown from the surveying steamer Corwin and picked up in the vicinity of the Florida reef. Rept. 1859, app. 28,* pp. 320, 321. Velocity and direction of the Gulf Stream between Fowey rocks, Florida, and Gun Cay, Bahamas. Notice to mariners 78. ( 1886. ) Gulf Stream currents. Notice to mariners 94. (1887.) Gerdes, F. H. Extract from a letter upon the change of the magnetic variation within short distances in the Gulf of Mexico. Rept. 1845, app. 3,* pp. 41-43. Haskell, E. E. On observations of currents with the direction current-meter in the straits of Florida and in the Gulf of Mexico, 1891. Rept. 1891, pt. 2, app. 10, pp. 343-364. Pillsbury, J. E. Report on deep-sea current work in the Gulf Stream. Rept. 1885, app. 14, pp. 495-5i- A report of Gulf Stream explorations. Observations of currents, 1886. Rept. 1886, app. II, pp. 281-290. Gulf Stream explorations; observations of currents, 1887. Rept. 1887, app. 8, pp. 173-184. Gulf Stream -explorations. Observations of currents, 1888-1889. Rept. 1889, app. 16, pp. 467-477. LONG ISLAND SOUND. Schott, C. A. Tidal currents of Long Island sound and approaches. Rept. 1854, app. 50,* pp. 168-179. MASSACHUSETTS. Marindin, H. L. Tides and currents in the harbor of Edgartown and in Katama bay, Martha's vineyard. Rept. 1892, pt. 2, app. 5, pp. 225-241. Mitchell, H. Tides and currents in Nantucket and in Martha's Vineyard sounds and in East river at Hell Gate. Rept. 1857, app. 35,* pp. 350-354. On the movements of the sands at the eastern entrance to Vineyard sound. Rept. 1887, app. 6, pp. 159-163. Schott, C. A. On the currents of Nantucket shoals. Rept. 1854, app. 48,* pp. 161-166. Currents in Muskeget channel and off the northeast coast of Martha's Vineyar^. Rept. 1854, app. 49," pp. 166-168. MISSISSIPPI RIVER. Marindin, H. L. Apparatus for observing currents in connection with the physical survey of the Mississippi river. Rept. 1877, app. 9, pp. 104-107. NEW ENGLAND COAST. Libby, William. Relations of cold and warm water currents off the New England coast, by the U. S. Fish commission, with the co-operation of the U. S. Coast and geodetic survey. Rept. 1891, pt. 2, app. 7,* pp. 279-281. NEW YORK HARBOR AND APPROACHES. Coast currents approaching Sandy Hook. Notice to mariners 97. ( 1888. ) Bache, A. D. Tidal currents of New York harbor near Sandy Hook. Rept. 1858, app. 27,-" pp. 197-203. Colonna, B. A. Currents of New York bay and harbor from the notes of a physical survey by H. L. Marindin. Bull. 8. (1889.) Marindin, H. L. Tide levels and flow of currents in New York bay and harbor. Rept. 1888, app. 9, pp. 405-408. Same, abstract. Bull. 3. (1888.) Mitchell, H. Tides and tidal currents of New York harbor and its dependencies. Rept. 1856, app. 39,* pp. 264-266. * Exhausted. 142 CATALOGUE. Cutts. Mitchell, H. Tides and currents in Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard sounds and in East river at Hell Gate with remarks on the revision of levelings on the Hudson river. Kept. 1857, app. 35,* PP- 350-354- Currents in the East river at Hell Gate and Throg's Neck, the subcurrents of New York bay and harbor and levelings on the banks of the Hudson river. Kept. 1858, app. 28, pp. 204-207. Tides and currents of Hell Gate, N. Y. Kept. 1867, app. 13,* pp. 158-169. Harbor of New York, 1873. Rept. 1871, app. 8,* pp. 109-133. Middle-ground shoal, New York harbor.- Rept. 1872, app. 16,* pp. 257-261. Circulation of the sea through New York harbor. Rept. 1886, app. 13, pp. 409-432. Report on the physical surveys of New York harbor. Rept. 1887, app. 15, pp. 301-311. PACIFIC OCEAN. Ball, W. H. Geographical and hydrographical explorations on the coast of Alaska. Rept. 1873, app. n,' :: ' pp. 111-122. Report on the currents and temperatures of Bering sea and adjacent waters. Rept. 1880, app. i6," x " pp. 297-340. See also Hydrographic surveys Oceanography Physical hydrography Sounding Tides. Cutts, Richard Dominicus. Observations on the solar eclipse of May 26, 1854, at Block mountain, Cal. Rept. 1854, app. 40, pp. 125-127. Memoranda relating to the field work of the secondary triangulation. Rept. 1868, app. 7,* pp. 109-139. Report of observations of the eclipse of the sun on August 7, 1869, made by a party at Bristol, Tenn., in charge of R. D. Cutts. Rept. 1869, app. 8, pp. 117-124. Leveling operations between Keyport, on Raritan bay, and Gloucester, on the Delaware river, to determine the heights above mean tide of the primary stations Beacon hill, Disboro, Stony hill, Mount Holly, and Pine hill. Rept. 1870, app. 7,* pp. 75, 76. Barometrical observations made in connection with the line of spirit leveling from Raritan bay to the Delaware river to determine the heights above mean tide of the primary stations. Rept. 1870, app. 8,* pp. 77-89. Leveling operations between Keyport, on Raritan bay, and Gloucester, on the Delaware river, to determine the height above mean tide of the primary stations Beacon hill, Disboro, Stony hill, Mount Holly, and Pine hill. [Ed. 2.] Rept. 1871, app. 12,* pp. 171-175. (And Young, C. A. ) Astronomical and meteorological observations made at Sherman, Wyo. T. Rept. 1872, app. 8,* pp. 75-172. Methods, discussions and results. Field work of the triangulation. Sep. pub. (1877). Field work of the triangulation. Rept. 1882, app. 9,* pp. 151-197. Cyclones. Ferrel, William. Meteorological researches for the use of the Coast pilot. Part II. On cyclones, waterspouts and tornadoes. Rept. 1878, app. 10,* pp. 175-267. Dall, William Hea'ley. Harbors of Alaska and the tides and currents in their vicinity. Rept. 1872, app. 10,* pp. 177- 212. Geographical and hydrographical explorations on the coast of Alaska. Rept. 1873, a PP- IT i* PP- III-I22. Mount St. Elias, Mount Fairweather, and some of the adjacent mountains (Alaska). Rept. 1875, app. 10,* pp. 157-188. Meteorology and bibliography, app. I, Coast pilot of Alaska. Pacific Coast pilot. 1879."^ Report on the currents and temperatures of Bering sea. Rept. 1880, app. 16,* pp. 297-340. Coast from Dixon entrance to Yakutat bay, Alaska. Part I. Pacific Coast pilot. iS83.*_ Notes on an original manuscript chart of Bering's expedition of 1725-30, and on an original manuscript chart of his second expedition; together with a summary of a journal of the first expedition, kept by Peter Chaplin, and first rendered into English from Bergh's Rus- sian version. Rept. 1890, app. 19, pp. 7, 9-774. Dams. Mitchell. H. Reclamation of tide lands and its relation to navigation. Rept. 1869, app. 5, pp. 75-104. Dangers to navigation. See List of Coast pilots and of Notices to mariners in Part I. Darien, Isthmus of. Davidson, G. Condensed account of M. Hellert's explorations on the Isthmus of Panama, including his special explorations on the Isthnr. of Darien, with suggestions for conduct- ing a future survey. Rept. 1868, app. 15,* pp. 260-277. Mitchell, H. Terminals of the proposed canals through Nicaragua and the Isthmus of Darien. Rept. 1874, app. 12, pp. 135-147. Date creek camp, Ariz. Schott, C. A. Observations for daily variation of the magnetic declination made at Fort Steila- coom, Washington territory, in 1866, and at Camp date creek, in Arizona, in 1867. Rept. 1870, app. 15,* pp. 111-114. *Exhaiisted. 143 Dauphin. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PUBLICATIONS. Dauphin island base, Ala. Schott, C. A. Report on the resulting length and probable uncertainty of five principal base lines, measured with the Bache-Wiirdemann compensation base apparatus between 1847 and 1855. Rept. 1889, app. 17, pp. 479-491. Davidson, George. Observations made on the solar eclipse at Humboldt bay, Cal. Rept. 1854, app. 40, p. 127. Descriptive report of localities on the western coast, from the north entrance of Rosario strait, Washington territory, to the southern boundary of California. Rept. 1855, app. 26,* pp. 176-185. Occultations of a Scorpii and of the planet Mars observed at Point Hudson, Port Townshend, Washington territory, in April and May, 1856. Rept. 1856, app. 26,* pp. 203-208. Directory for the Pacific coast of the United States. Rept. 1858, app. 44,* pp. 297-458. Same, revised. Rept. 1862, app. 39,* pp. 268-430. New meridian instrument for time, latitude, and azimuth. Rept. 1867, app. 8,* pp. 138, 139. Coast features and resources of Alaska territory. Rept. 1867, app. 18,* pp. 187-329. Condensed account of M. Hellert's explorations on the Isthmus of Panama, including his special explorations on the Isthmus of Darien, with suggestions for conducting a future survey. Rept. 1868, app. 15,* pp. 260-277. Report of observations of the eclipse of the sun on Aiigust 7, 1869, made by a party of the Coast survey at Chilkaht river, Alaska. Rept. 1869, app. 8, pp. 177-181. Changes of elevation and azimuth caused by the action of the sun at station, Dominguez, Cal. Rept. 1870, app. 17,* pp. 178, 179. Azimuth and apparent altitude of Polaris. Rept. 1870, app. 22,* pp. 225-227. (And Schott, C. A.) Comparison of the methods of determining heights by means of leveling, vertical angles, and barometric measures. Rept. 1871, app. u,* pp. 154-170. Astronomical observations on the Sierra Nevada. Rept. 1872, app. 9,* pp. 173-176. Field catalogue of 983 transit stars. Mean places for 1870.0. Sep. pub. (1874.)* The star-factors A, B, C for reducing transit-observations. Sep. pub. (1874.)* Improved clamp for telescope of the theodolite. Rept. 1874, app. 15,* p. 153. Transit of Venus (1874). Rept. 1875, app. 13,* pp. 222-230. Observations on certain harbor and river improvements collected on a voyage from Hongkong, via Suez, to New York. Rept. 1875, app. 18,* pp. 293-314. (And Schott. C. A.) Comparison of the methods of determining heights by means of leveling, vertical angles, and barometric measures, from observations at Bodega Head and Ross moun- tain, Cal. Rept. 1876, app. 16, pp. 338-354. Improved open vertical -clamp for telescopes of theodolites and meridian instruments. Rept. 1877, app. 13, pp. 182, 183. Description of the Davidson meridian instrument. Rept. 1879, app. 7, pp. 103-109. Measurement of the Yolo base, Cal. Rept. 1882, app. 8, pp. 139-149. The total solar eclipse of January n, 1880, observed at Mount Santa Lucia. Rept. 1882, app. 20, pp. 463-468. (And Gilbert, J. J.) Transit of Mercury of November 7, 1881, as observed at Yolo base, Cal. Rept. 1883, app. 15,* pp. 369-370. Field catalogue of 1278 time and circumpolar stars; mean places for 1885.0 Rept. 1883, app. 18, PP. 3S3-47I- The run of the micrometer. Rept. 1884, app. 8, pp. 377-385. Magnetic variations off the coast of California and Mexico observed by Spanish navigators in the last quarter of the eighteenth century. Rept. 1885, app. 7, pp. 275-284. The solar (annular) eclipse of March 5, 1886. Rept. 1886, app. 6,* p. 153. An examination of the early voyages of discovery and exploration on the Northwest coast of America from 1539 to 1603. Rept. 1886, app. 7, pp. 155-253. Resources of and developments in Alaska. Bull. 4. ( 1888. ) Measurement of the Los Angeles base line, Los Angeles and Orange counties, Cal. Rept. 1889, app. 10, pp. 217-231. Ninth conference of the International geodetic association held at Paris, October, 1889. Rept. 1889, app. 18, pp. 493-5 3- Address at International geodetic association, ninth conference, Paris, 1889. Rept. 1890, app. 17, pp. 721-733. Measure of the irregvilarity in one turn of the micrometer screw and the relative value of each turn. Rept. 1892, pt. 2, app. 9,* pp. 5 O 5-5 X 3- Davidson quadrilaterals. vSchott, C. A. Trigonometrical determination of the heights of the stations forming the David- son quadrilaterals. Rept. 1884, app. 10, pp. 391-405. Results deduced from the geodetic connection of the Yolo base line with the primary triangulation of California; also a reduction and adjustment of the Davidson quadrilaterals, forming part of that triangulation. Rept. 1885, app. 9, pp. 441-467. Davis, Charles Henry. Tables showing temperatures at depths below 700 fathoms, taken by Lieuts. Com. C. H. Davis in 1845, George M. Bache in 1846, and S. P. Lee in 1847. Rept. 1847, app. n,* p. 75. Dean, George Washington. Establishment of meridian lines at Petersburg, Va., and Raleigh and Wilmington, N. C. Rept. 1854, app. 44,* p. 146. *Exhausted. 144 CATALOGUE. Decimation. Description of Wiirdemann zenith telescope of 1855, used at Dixmont, Me. Rept. 1855, app. 44,* pp. 276-278. Telegraphic method of determining differences of longitude. Rept. 1856, app. 21,* pp. 167-181. Effect of the wind on the heights of the water in Cat island harbor, Miss. Rept. 1856, app. 45,* pp. 276-278. (And Schott, C. A.) Results from observations for magnetic declination, dip, and intensity in Maine and Connecticut, including also a station in the District of Columbia. Rept. 1863, app. 22,* p. 204. Report on experiments made to determine the variation of induction time in relay magnets. Rept. 1863, app. 23,* p. 205. Eduction time of relay magnets or telegraphic repeaters. Rept. 1864, app. 20,* pp. 211-220. Report of observations of the eclipse of the sun on August 7, 1869, made by a party of the Coast survey at Shelbyville, Ky. Rept. 1869, app. 8, pp. 137-141. Total solar eclipse, December 22, 1870. Rept. 1871, app. 13,* pp. 176-179. Declination. Gould, B. A. Report, and tables, on the declinations [and proper motions in declination] of standard time stars. Rept. 1865, app. 15,* pp. 152-154. Mitchel, O. M. A new method of recording differences of north polar distances or declination, by electro-magnetism. Rept. 1851, app. 9,* pp. 137-145. See also Astronomy. Deep sea. See Atlantic ocean Bering sea Currents Oceanography Pacific ocean Sea water Sounding. Deflection of the zenith. See Plumb line deflection. Degree measures. See Arc measures. Delaware. BOUNDARY. Hodgkins, W. C. I. An historical account of the boundary line between the states of Pennsylvania and Delaware. II. Detailed account of work on the Pennsylvania and Delaware boundary. Rept. 1893, pt. 2, app. 8, pp. 177-222. TERRESTRIAL MAGNETISM. Schott, C. A. Magnetic observations made at stations in Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia. Rept. 1856, app. 29,* pp. 226, 227. Results of observations for magnetic declination, dip, and intensity at stations in Dela- ware, Maryland, and Virginia. Rept. 1856, app. 30,* p. 227. Delaware river and bay. CURRENTS. Mitchell, Henry. New rule for currents in Delaware bay and river. Rept. 1881, app. 1 8, pp. 464-469. LEVELING. Cutts, R. D. Leveling operations between Keyport on Raritan bay and Gloucester, on the Delaware river, to determine the heights above mean tide of the primary stations Beacon hill, Disboro, Stony hill, Mount Holly, and Pine hill. Rept. 1870, app. 7,* pp. 75, 76. Same. Rept. 1871, app. 12,* pp. 171-175. PHYSICAL HYDROGRAPHY. Marindin, H. L. Comparison of the surveys of Delaware river in front of Philadelphia, 1843 and 1878. Rept. 1880, app. 9, pp. 110-125. Comparison of the survey of Delaware river of 1819, between Petty's and Tinicum islands, with more recent surveys. Rept. 1882, app. 15, pp. 427-432. Physical hydrography of Delaware river and bay. Rept. 1884, app. 12, pp. 431-434. Comparison of transverse sections in the Delaware river between old Navy yard and east end of Petty's island, for the years 1819, 1843, and 1878. Rept. 1885, app. 12, pp. 487, 488. Mitchell, Henry. Physical survey of the Delaware river at Philadelphia. Rept. 1878, app. 9, pp. 121-173. Addendum to a report on the physical survey of the Delaware river. Rept. 1879, app. 13, pp. 199, 200. Estuary of the Delaware. Rept. 1883, app. 8, pp. 239-245. Same, addendum. Rept. 1887, app. 13, pp. 263-273. A report on the delta of the Delaware. Rept. 1886, app. 10, pp. 267-279. TIDES. Tide indicator in Delaware river, Delaware. Notice to mariners 202. See also New Jersey. Densimeter. See Hydrometer Oyster beds Densities. See Sea water densities. Density of the earth. See Gravity. Denver, Colo. Levels Rock creek, Wyo. Winston, Isaac. Resulting elevations from spirit leveling between Denver, Col., and Rock creek, Wyo. Rept. 1899, app. 5, p. 283-298. Dependent directions. See Horizontal measures. * Exhausted. 7S9O 02 10 145 Deposit. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PUBLICATIONS. Deposit. See Shoals Tide lands. Depth recorder. Trowbridge, \V. P. Instrument devised by him to register depths in sounding and distance as a log at sea. Rept. 1861, app. n,* pp. 135-139. See also Sounding apparatus. Depths. Table showing the least water in the channels of certain rivers, harbors, and anchorages on the coasts of the United States. Rept. 1859, app. 15,* pp. 168-171. Same, revised and enlarged. Rept. 1862, app. 5,* pp. 86-92. Same, revised and enlarged. Rept. 1874, app. 7, pp. 66-71. Bradford, Gershom. Table of depths for channels and harbors, coasts of the United States Bull. 36. (1897. i Hilgard, J. E. Description of a model of the depths of the sea in the Bay of North America and Gulf of Mexico. Rept. 1884, app. 17, pp. 619-621. Lull, Edward P. A table of depths for the harbors of the coasts of the United States. Rept. 1883, app. 7, pp. 157-^57. Whiting, W. D. Least water in channel entrances of rivers, harbors, ports, and anchorages on the coasts of the United States. Rept. 1856, app. iS,* pp. 153-137. Least water in channel entrances to certain harbors, rivers, and anchorages on the coasts of the United States. Rept. 1857, app. 21,* pp. 178-184. See also Channels Hydrographic surveys Ocean depths Oceanography Physical hydrog- raphy Sounding Tides. Descriptive reports for original field maps. Thorn, F. M. Instructions and memoranda for descriptive reports to accompan}- original sheets. Rept. 1887, app. ii,* pp. 211-215. Deviation of the vertical. .sV<- Plumb line deflection. Differential measures. See Magnetic variations. Dip instrument. Schott, C. A. Directions for magnetic observations with portable instruments. Rept. 1881, app. 8, pp. 126-158. Dip, Magnetic. See Magnetic inclination. Dipping needle. .s"* PP- 3 II ~3 I 4- Walker, S. C. Abstract of reports on longitudes. Rept. 1851, app. 26,* pp. 480, 481. 1851, JULY 28. Peirce, Benjamin. Report upon the determination of the longitudes of America and Europe from the solar eclipse of July 28, 1851. Rept. 1861, app. 16, pp. 182-195. 1854, MAY 26. Blunt, E. Solar eclipse, May 26, 1854. Rept. 1854, app. 40,* pp. 122-127. 1860, JULY 1 8. Alexander, Stephen. Expedition to Labrador to observe the total eclipse of the iSth of July, 1860. Report on the determination of the magnetic elements by Edward Goodfellow, assistant, with notes by C. A. Schott, assistant. Rept. 1860, app. 21,* pp. 229- 275- Bache, A. D. Observations of solar eclipse of Jxtly, 1860, at Gunstock mountain, N. H. Rept. 1861, app. 19, p^. 232-239. Gilliss, J. M. Solar eclipse of July, 1860, observed near Fort Steilacoom, W. T. Rept. 1860, app. 22,* pp. 275-292. Gould, B. A. Observations of solar eclipse of July, 1860, at Cambridge, Mass. Rept. 1861, app. 21, pp. 241, 242. Murray, A. Labrador eclipse expedition and incidental results bearing on the hydrography of the coast of Labrador. Rept. 1860, app. 41,* pp. 399-402. Schott, C. A. Observations of the solar eclipse of July, 1860, at the Coast survey office. Rept. 1861, app. 20, pp. 239-241. 1869, AUGUST 7. Reports of observations of the eclipse of the sun made by parties of the Coast survey at various points. Rept. 1869, app. 8, pp. 116-198. 1870, DECEMBER 22. Dean, G. W. Total solar eclipse, December 22, 1870. Rept. 1871, app. 13,* pp. 176-179- Peirce, Benjamin. The solar eclipse of December 22, 1870. Rept. 1870, app. 16, pp. 229-232. Peters, C. H. F. Eclipse of the sun, December 22, 1870. Rept. 1871, app. 14,* pp. 180-184. 1880, JANUARY u. Davidson, George. The total solar eclipse of Jan. n, 1880, observed at Mount Santa Lucia, Cal. Rept. 1882, app. 20, pp. 463-468. 1883, MAY 6. Preston, E. D. Determinations of gravity and other observations made in connec- tion with the Solar eclipse expedition, May, 1883, to Caroline island. Rept. 1883, app. 17,* PP- 379-381- 1886, MARCH 5. Davidson, George. The solar eclipse of March 5, 1886. Rept. 1886, app. 6,* P- 153- See also Moon Occultation Pleiades Sun. Edgartown harbor, Mass. Marindin, H. L. Tides and currents in the harbor of Edgartown and in Katama bay, Martha's Vineyard. Rept. 1892, pt. 2, app. 5, pp. 225-241. Whiting, Henry L. Report of changes in the shore line and beaches of Martha's Vineyard, as derived from comparisons of recent w T ith former surveys. Rept. 1886, app. 9, pp. 263-266. Shore-line changes at Edgartown harbor, Mass. Rept. 1872, app. 17,* pp. 262-265. Edisto island base, S. C. Schott, C. A. Report on the resulting length and probable uncertainty of five principal base lines, measured with the Bache-Wiirdemann compensation base apparatus between 1847 an d 1855. Rept. 1889, app. 17, pp. 479-491- Eduction time. Dean, G. W. Eduction time of relay magnets. Rept. 1864, app. 20,* pp. 211-220. Eimbeck, William. Improvement on the Hipp chronograph. Rept. 1872, app. 18,* pp. 266, 267. Transit of Venus of December 6, 1882, at Lehman's ranch, Nevada. Rept. 1883, app. 16, pp. 376-378. * Exhausted. US CATALOGUE. El Keno. The duplex base apparatus, and directions for its use in the field. Rept. 1897, app. n, pp. 737-752. Report on the measurement of the Salt Lake base line, in Utah. Rept. 1897, app. 12, pp. 753-774- El Reno base, Okla. Baldwin, A. L. On the measurement of nine base lines along the ninety-eighth meridian. Rept. 1901, app. 3, pp. 229-302. Electricity. Units of electrical measure. Bull. 30. (1894.) Legal units of electrical measure in the United States. Bull. 31. (1894.) Units of electrical measure. Rept. 1893, pt. 2, app. 7, pp. 173-176. Mathiot, G. Description of (Mathiot's) self-sustaining voltaic battery. Rept. 1854, app. 56,* pp. 193-201. On a method of measuring galvanic currents of great quantity. Rept. 1855, app. 63,* PP- 370-373- Time required to produce the maximum intensity of a voltaic current. Rept. 1855, app. 6r,* pp. 366-368. See also Atmospheric electricity Electrotyping Transmission time. Electro=magnetism. Dean, G. W. Report on preliminary experiments made to determine the variations of " induc- tion time" in relay magnets. Rept. 1863, app. 23,* p. 205. "Eduction time" of relay magnets or telegraphic repeaters. Rept. 1864, app. 20,* pp. 211-220. Mitchel, O. M. A new method of recording differences of north polar distances, or declination, by electro-magnetism. Rept. 1851. app. 9,* pp. 137-145. Schott, C. A. Gradual loss of magnetism of the several magnets in use in the survey of the , coast. Rept. 1857, app. 32,* pp. 334-342. Electrotypes. Mathiot, G. Printing maps from their electrot)'ped plates. Rept. 1856, app. 62,* pp. 316, 317. Electrotyping. Mathiot, G. Electrotyping operations of the Coast survey. Rept. 1851, app. 55,* pp. 541-553. Same. Rept. 1866, app. 20, pp. 130-138. Reports on electrotype operations and chemiglyphic experiments. Rept. 1854, app. 31,* PP- 54-57- Time required to produce the maximum intensity of a voltaic current. Rept. 1855, app. 61,* pp. 366-368. Improved methods for taking entire casts from detached plates by electrotype process. Rept. 1855, app. 62,* p. 369. Zumbrock, A. Electrotyping and photographing. Rept. 1875, app. 6,* pp. 87, 88. See also Electricity Engraving. Elevations. List of heights, above the half-tide level of the ocean, of trigonometrical stations determined by the United States Coast survey. Rept. 1870, app. 9,* pp. 90, 91. Table of coefficients for reducing inclined sights on vertical rod to horizontal distance. Sep. pub. (1900.) Table of factors for computing differences in elevation (in feet). Table of corrections for curvature and refraction (in feet). Sep. pub. (1900.) Table showing the height in meters, corresponding to given angles of elevation and distances in meters. Sep. pub. (1900.) Mitchell, Henry. Method of determining elevations along the course of a tidal river, without the aid of a leveling instrument. Rept. 1870, app. u,* pp. 98, 99. Alleged changes in the relative elevations of land and sea. Rept. 1877, app. 8,* pp. 98-103. Schott, C. A. Height in feet corresponding to a given angle of elevation and a given distance in meters for use in the construction of contour lines by plane table. Rept. 1860, app. 38,* P- 397- Atmospheric refraction and adjustment of hypsometric measures. Rept. 1876, app. 18, pp. 368-387. Cram, T. J. Reports on measurement of heights. Rept. 1854, app. 34,'-' pp. 95-103. ALABAMA. Schott, Chas. A. Heights from spirit levelings of precision between Mobile, Ala., and Carrollton (New Orleans), La., 1885-86. Rept. 1887, app. 9, pp. 185-205. Heights from spirit leveling of precision between Mobile, Ala., and Okolona, Miss. Rept. 1888, app. 10, pp. 409-426. ALASKA. Dall, \V. H. Geographical and hydrographical explorations on the coast of Alaska. Rept. 1873, app. u,* pp. in, 122. ARKANSAS. Schott, C. A. Heights from spirit leveling of precision between New Orleans, I. a., and Arkansas City, Ark. Rept. 1888, app. n, pp. 427-453. Heights from spirit leveling of precision between Arkansas City (on the Mississippi river) and Little Rock, Ark. Rept. 1888, app. 12, pp. 455-464. * Exhausted. 14:9 Elevations. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PUBLICATIONS. CALIFORNIA. Davidson, George. Changes of elevation and azimuth caused by the sun's action at Dominguez, Cal. Kept. 1870, app. 17,* pp. 178, 179. (And Schott, C. A. ). Comparison of the methods of determining heights by means of leveling, vertical angles, and barometric measures, from observations at Bodega Head and Ross mountain, Cal. Rept. 1871, app. n,*pp. 154-170. Schott, C. A. Trigonometrical determination of the heights of the stations forming the David- son quadrilaterals, California, 1876-1882. Rept. 1884, app. 10, p. 391-405. COLORADO. Schott, C. A. Resulting heights from spirit leveling between Ellis, Kans., and Hugo, Colo. Rept. 1898, app. 2, pp. 195-214. Resulting heights from spirit leveling between Hugo and Colorado Springs, Colo. Rept. 1898, app. 3, pp. 215-228. Winston, Isaac. Resulting elevations from spirit leveling between Denver, Col., and Rock Creek, Wyo. , from observations between May 12 and October 21, 1899. Rept. 1899, app. 5, pp. 283-298. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Schott, C. A. Resulting heights from spirit leveling between Wash- ington, D. C., and Hagerstown, Md., 1883. Rept. 1896, pt. 2, app. 4, pp. 261-264. Result of spirit leveling between tide water at Annapolis, Md. , and the Capitol bench mark at Washington, D. C. Rept. 1889, app. 15, pp. 461-466. ILLINOIS. Schott, C. A. Results of spirit leveling of precision between Okolona, Miss., and Odin, 111. Rept. 1892, pt. 2, app. 3, pp. 161-203. KANSAS. Schott, C. A. Resulting heights from spirit leveling between Jefferson city, Mo., and Holliday, Kans., 1891. Rept. 1896, pt. 2, app. 5, pp. 265-284. Resulting heights from spirit leveling between Holliday and Salina, Kans. Rept. 1897, pt. 2, app. 4, pp. 269-283. Resulting heights from spirit leveling between Salina and Ellis, Kans. Rept. 1898, app. i, pp. I79-I93- Resulting heights from spirit leveling between Ellis, Kans., and Hugo, Colo. Rept. 1898, app. 2, pp. 195-214. Tilton, B. E. Resulting elevations from spirit leveling between Abilene, Kans., and Norfolk, Neb., 1899. Rept. 1899, app. 6, pp. 299-320. LOUISIANA. Schott, C. A. Heights from spirit levelings of precision between Mobile, Ala., and Carrollton (New Orleans), La. Rept. 1887, app. 9, pp. 185-205. Heights from spirit leveling of precision between New Orleans, La. , and Arkansas city, Ark. Rept. 1888, app. n, pp, 427-453. MARYLAND. Schott, C. A. Result of spirit leveling between tide water at Annapolis, Md., and the Capitol bench mark at Washington, D. C. Rept. 1889, app. 15, pp. 461-466. Resulting heights from spirit leveling between Washington, D. C., and Hagerstown, Md., 1883. Rept. 1896, pt. 2, app. 4, pp. 261-264. MICHIGAN. Ferguson, O. W. Resulting elevations from spirit leveling between Gibraltar, Mich., and Cincinnati, Ohio. Rept. 1899, app. 7, pp. 321-345. MISSISSIPPI. Schott, C. A. Heights from spirit leveling of precision between Mobile, Ala., and Okolona, Miss. Rept. 1888, app. 10, pp. 409-426. Heights from spirit leveling of precision between Mobile, Ala., and Carrollton (New Orleans), La. Rept. 1887, app. 9, pp. 185-205. Results of spirit leveling of precision between Okolona, Miss., and Odin, 111. Rept. 1892, pt. 2, app. 3, pp. 161-203. On the results of spirit leveling of precision between Corinth, Miss., and Memphis, Term. Rept. 1892, pt. 2, app. 4, pp. 205-224. MISSOURI. Schott, C. A. Heights from geodetic leveling between St. Louis and Jefferson City, Mo., 1882-1888. Rept. 1893, pt. 2, app. 2, pp. 19-36. Resulting heights from spirit leveling between Jefferson City, Mo. , and Holliday, Kans. Rept. 1896, pt. 2, app. 5, pp. 265-284. NEBRASKA. Tilton, B. E. Resulting elevations from spirit leveling between Abilene, Kans., and Norfolk, Neb., 1899. Rept. 1899, app. 6, pp. 299-320. NEW JERSEY. Cutts, R. D. Leveling operations between Keyport, on Raritan bay, antl Glouces- ter, on the Delaware river, to determine the heights above mean tide of the primary stations Beacon hill, Disboro, Stony hill, Mount Holly, and Pine hill. Rept. 1870, app. 7,* pp. 75, 76. Same, revised. Rept. 1871, app. 12,* pp. 171-175. Barometrical observations matte in connection with the line of spirit leveling from Rari- taii bay to the Delaware river to determine the heights above mean tide of the primary sta- tions. Rept. 1870, app. 8,* pp. 77-89. NEW YORK BAY. Schott, C. A. Report of the results of spirit leveling of precision about New York bay and vicinity in 1886 and 1887. Rept. 1887, app. 14, pp. 275-300. OHIO. Ferguson, O. W. Resulting elevations from spirit leveling between Gibraltar, Mich., and Cincinnati, Ohio. Rept. 1899, app. 7, pp. 321-345. UNITED STATES. Schott, C. A. Results of the transcontinental line of geodetic spirit leveling near the parallel of 39. Part first, Sandy Hook, N. J., to St. Louis, Mo. Rept. 1882, app. 1 1,* pp. 5 1 7-556. Hayford, J. F. Precise leveling in the United States. Rept. 1899, app. 8, pp. 347-886. VIRGINIA. Schott, C. A. Resulting heights from spirit leveling between Old Point Comfort and Richmond, Va., 1884, 1891, and 1892. Rept. 1896, pt. 2, app. 2, pp. 237-246. * Exhausted. CATALOGUE. Eleven. VIRGINIA; Resulting heights from spirit leveling between Richmond, Va., and Washington, D."C., 1883 and 1884, with releveling between Richmond and Fredericksburg in 1886 and verification leveling between the two cities in 1895. Rept. 1896, pt. 2, app. 3, pp. 247-260. WYOMING. Winston, Isaac. Resulting elevations from spirit leveling between Denver, Col., and Rock Creek, Wyo., 1899. Rept. 1899, app. 5, pp. 283-298. See also Barometric hypsometry Bench marks Leveling Sea level Shore line changes Vertical measures Water levels. Eleven year period. See Magnetic variation. Ellipticity of the earth. Peirce, C. S. On the deduction of the ellipticity of the earth from pendulum experiments. Rept. 1881, app. 15, pp. 442-456. See also Figure of the earth. Ellis, Kans. Levels Hugo, Colo. Schott, C. A. Resulting heights from spirit leveling between Ellis, Kans., and Hugo, Col., 1897. Rept. 1898, app. 2, pp. 195-214. Ellis, Kans. Levels Salina, Kans. Schott, C. A. Resulting heights from spirit leveling between Salina and Ellis, Kan. Rept. 1898, app. i, pp. 179-193. Emery, Charles E. Economy in coal as exemplified by the action of compound engines in the steamer Hassler. Rept. 1874, app. 13,* pp. 148-151. On marine governors. Rept. 1876, app. 13,* pp. 192-196. Eminent domain. Fairfield, G. A. State laws authorizing entrance upon lands within state limits for the pur- poses of the U. S. Coast and geodetic survey. Rept. 1893, pt. 2, app. i, pp. 1-18. Employees. See List of Official reports of expenditures and of persons employed (under administra- tive publications) in Part I. Encroachment of the sea. See Shore line changes. Engineer corps, U. S. A. See Lake survey. Engineering. See Geodesy Hydraulic engineering Marine engineering Physical hydrography Surveying. Engines. Emery, Chas. E. Economy in coal as exemplified by the action of compound engines in the steamer Hassler. Rept. 1874, app. 13,* pp. 148-151. On marine governors. Rept. 1876, app. 13,* pp. 192-196. See also Boilers. England. See Greenwich Liverpool. Engraving. Hunt, E. B. Report 011 engraving. Rept. 1854, app. 57,* pp. 201-212. See also Drawing Electrotyping Etching Lithography Pantograph Photography Print- ing. Epping base, Me. Results of the primary triangulation of the coast of New England, from the northeastern boundary to the vicinity of New York. Rept. 1865, app. 21,* pp. 187-203. Bache, A. D. Notes on the measurement of a base on Epping plains, Me. Rept. 1857, app. 26,* pp. 302-305. Schott, C. A. Report on the method of reduction and results of connexion of the Epping base line with the primary triangulation in the eastern states. Rept. 1864, app. 14,* pp. 120-144. Equations, Solution of. Schott, C. A. Solution of normal equations by indirect elimination. Rept. 1855, app. 40,* pp. 255-264. Doolittle, M. H. [Solution of normal equations and adjustment of triangulation.] Rept. 1878, app. 8, pp. 115-120. Equilibrium theory of tides. Harris, Rollin A. Manual of tides. Part II. Tidal observation, equilibrium theory, and har- monic analysis. Rept. 1897, pt. 2, app. 9, pp. 471-618. Peirce, Benjamin. Cotidal lines of an inclosed sea derived from the equilibrium theory. Rept. 1858, app. 30,* pp. 210-213. * Exhausted. 151 Errata. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PUBLICATIONS. Errata. Errata in reports from 1851 to 1870. Rept. 1871, app. 18,* pp. 210-219. Errata in the Heis catalogue of stars. Rept. 1873, app. 15, pp. 175-180. Errors. See Adjustment Least square method. Estimates. See List of Reports submitting estimates and of Official reports of expenditures (under Administrative publications) in Part I. Estuaries. See Chesapeake Bay Delaware river Georgia Harbors Long Island sound North Carolina Rivers. Etching. Mathiot, G. Reports on electrotype operations and chemiglyphic experiments. Rept. 1854, app. 3 1,* pp. 54-57- Europe. Peirce, Benjamin. Report upon the determination of the longitude of America and Europe from the solar eclipse of July 28, 1851. Rept. 1861, app. 16, pp. 182-195. Peirce, C. S. Measurements of gravity at initial stations in United States and Europe. Rept. 1876, app. 15,* pp. 202-337. Putnam, G. R. Determination of relative value of gravity in Europe and the United States in 1900. Rept. 1901, app. 5, pp. 345-355. See also America Arctic ocean Atlantic ocean France Great Britain Italy Stuttgart. Evans, A. W. Topographical reconnaissance of a part of Sapelo island, Georgia, for the selection of a site for a primary base line. Rept. 1857, app. 39,* pp. 374-377. Evans, F. J. Table for navigators showing the variation of the compass for the year 1858. Rept. 1859, a PP- 16,* pp. 172-175- Exhibits. See Expositions. Expansion. Hilgard, J. E. Results of experiments for determining the length and rate of expansion of the six-metre standard bar. Rept. 1862, app. 26,* pp. 248-255. Lane, J. Homer. Coefficient of expansion of the British standard yard bar, bronze no. n; being a new discussion of the experiments of Sheepshanks and Clarke. Rept. 1877, app. 12, pp. 155-166. See also Standards. Expansion of paper. See Paper Drawing. Expeditions. See Aulezavik island eclipse expedition Bering expedition Caroline island eclipse expedition Greely arctic expedition Greenland expedition Hellert's expedition Labra- dor United States eclipse expedition. Expenditures. See List of Laws and regulations, Official reports of expenditures and persons employed, Reports submitting estimates and Official reports of expenditures (under administrative publications) in Part I. Exploration. See Expeditions Gulf Stream History Voyages. Expositions. See Centennial exposition, Cincinnati, O. Cotton centennial exposition, New Orleans, La. Pan-American exposition, Buffalo, N. Y. Southern exposition, Louisville, Ky. World's Columbian exposition, Chicago, 111. Factors. Sec Formulae and factors. Fairfield, George Albert. State laws authorizing entrance upon lands within state limits for the purposes of the U. S. Coast and geodetic survey. Rept. 1893, pt. 2, app. i, pp. 1-18. Fairweather, Mt., Alas. See Mt. Fairweather. Farallon island, Cal. See South Farallon island. Farley, John. Description an.d drawing of a convenient signal for observing on secondary stations. Rept. 1855, app. 58,* pp. 363, 364. Fauna. See Dredging Sea bottom Zoology. Ferguson, Oscar Wood. Resulting elevations from spirit leveling between Gibraltar, Mich., and Cincinnati, Ohio. Rept. 1899, app. 7, pp. 321-345. * Exhausted. CATALOGUE. Fernandina. Fernandina, Fla. Longitude Savannah, Ga. Bache, A. I)., and Schott, C. A. Determination of the longitude of Fernandina, Amelia island, Fla., by means of chronometric exchanges with Savannah, Ga. Rept. 1857, app. 30,* pp. 314-324. Ferrel, William. Discussion of the tides in Boston harbor. Rept. 1868, app. 5,* pp. 51-102. On the moon's mass, as deduced from a discussion of the tides of Boston harbor. Rept. 1870, app. 20,* pp. 190-199. Meteorological effects on tides. Rept. 1871, app. 6,* pp. 93-99. Maxima and minima of tides on the coast of New England for 1873. Rept. 1872, app. 7,* pp. 73, 74- Tidal researches. Sep. pub. ( 1874. ) Discussion of tides in New York harbor. Rept. 1875, app. 12, pp. 194-221. Meteorological researches for the use of the Coast pilot. Rept. 1875, app. 20,* pp. 369-412. Same. Part II. Rept. 1878, app. 10,* pp. 175-267. Tides in Penobscot bay. Rept. 1878, app. n, pp. 268-304. Meteorological researches, Part III. Rept. 1881, app. 10, pp. 225-268. Tides of the Pacific coast of the United States. Rept. 1882, app. 17, pp. 437-450. Harmonic analysis of the tides at Sandy Hook. Rept. 1883, app. 9, pp. 247-251. Maxima and minima tide predicting machine. Rept. 1883, app. 10, pp. 253-272. On the harmonic analysis of tides at Governor's island, New York harbor. Rept. 1885, app. 13, pp. 489-493- Figure adjustment. Sec Adjustment. Figure of the earth. Peirce, C. S. On the deduction of the ellipticity of the earth from pendulum experiments. Rept. iSSi, app. 15, pp. 442-456. Schott, C. A. The Chesapeake-Pamplico arc of the meridian and its combination with the Nantucket and the Peruvian arcs for a determination of the figure of the earth from American measures. Rept. 1877, app. 6, pp. 84-95. The eastern oblique arc of the United States and osculating spheroid. Sp. pub. 7. (1902.) See also Arc measures Ellipticity of the earth. Fiord. See Hudson river fiord. Fire island base, N. Y. Results of the primary triangulation of the coast of New England from the northeastern boundary to the vicinity of New York. Rept. 1865, app. 21,* pp. 187-203. Fischer, Ernest George. (And Schott, C. A., Tittmann, O. H., Preston, E. D., Smith, E., and Putnam, G. R.) Observa- tions of the transit of Mercury on November 10, 1894, made at the Coast and geodetic survey office, Washington, D. C. Rept. 1895, pt. 2, app. 4,* pp. 345, 346. Description of precise levels nos. 7 and 8, Coast and geodetic survey, 1900. Rept. 1900, app. 6, pp. 521-534- Fish bay, Alas. Notes on dangers in Neva and Peril straits and anchorages in Fish bay, southeast Alaska. Notice to mariners 46. ( 1884. ) Fish commission. Libby, William, jr. Relations of cold and warm ocean currents off the New England coast, by the U. vS. Fish commission, with the co-operation of the U. S. Coast and geodetic survey. Rept. 1891, pt. 2, app. 7,* pp. 279-281. Flemer, John Adolph. Phototopography as practiced in Italy under the auspices of the Royal military geographical institute, and as practiced in the Dominion of Canada under the auspices of the Department of the interior. Also a short historical review of other photographic surveys and publica- tions on the subject. Rept. 1893, pt. 2, app. 3, pp. 37-116. (Translator.) On photography as applied to obtain an instantaneous record of lunar distances for determinations of longitude. By C. Runge. Rept. 1893, pt. 2, app. 4, pp. 117-124. Phototopographic methods and instruments. Rept. 1897, pt. 2, app. 10, pp. 619-735. Floats. See Current float Currents. Florida. CURRENTS. Current bottles from Mobile bay to Mosquito inlet and Cape Florida to Jupiter inlet. Rept. 1854, app. 52,* pp. 189, 190. GEOL,OGY. Gibbs, W. Examination of specimens of sand taken from the base-sites at Cape Florida and Cape Sable. Rept. 1856, app. 64,* pp. 318, 319. RECONNAISSANCE. Agassiz, Louis. Examination of the Florida reefs, keys and coast. Rept. 1851, app. 10,* pp. 145-150. i * Exhausted. 153 Florida. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PUBLICATIONS. RECONNAISSANCE. Gerdes, F. H. Reconnaissance of the Florida keys. Rept. 1850, app. 23,* pp. 106-110. Florida coast reconnaissance. Rept. 1851, app. 31,* pp. 488-494. Simpson, J. H. Reconnaissance and progress made in triangulation for an air-line between Fernandina and Cedar Keys, Fla. Rept. 1857, a PP- 4 1 -* PP- 379-382. See also Atlantic coast Barnes sound Cape Florida base Cape Sable base- -Fernandina Florida keys Florida reef Gulf coast Gulf Stream Key Biscayne base Key West. Florida keys. Totten, James. Climate, soil, and general character of Florida keys. Rept. 1853, app 18,* pp 50, 51- RECONNAISSANCE. Gerdes, F. H. Reconnaissance of the Florida keys. Rept. 1850, app. 23,* pp. 106-110. Agassiz, Louis. Examination of Florida reefs, keys and coast. Rept. 1851, app. 10,* pp 145-160. - SURVEYS. Survey of the Florida keys and reconnaissance of Barnes sound. Rept. 1855, app. 25,* pp. 171-176. Report to the Commissioner of the general land office showing the progress made in the survey and marking (in quarter sections) of the Florida keys. Rept. 1856, app. 52,* pp. 286-289. Report to Commissioner of general land office on progress made in surveying and marking of the Florida keys. Rept. 1857, app. 42,* pp. 382-390. Superintendent's report to Commissioner of general land office on progress made in surveying and marking of the key:.. Rept. 1858, app. 35,* pp. 225-227. See also Florida reef. Florida reef. Agassiz, Louis. Examination of Florida reefs, keys and coast. Rept. 1851, app. io,*pp. 145-160. Same, reprint. Rept. 1866, app. 19,* pp. 120-130. Gerdes, F. H. Reconnaissance of the Florida keys. Rept. 1850, app. 23,* pp. 106-110. Hunt, E. B. Origin, growth, substructure, and chronology of the Florida reef. Rept. 1862, app. 25,* pp. 241-248. Pourtales, L. F. Report upon dredgings near the Florida reef. Rept. 1868, app. 12,* pp. 168-170. Totten, James. On placing screw pile signals along the Florida reef. Rept. 1852, app. 14,* pp. 97, 98. Erection of screw pile beacons on Florida reef with description of signals. Rept. 1855, app. 16,* pp. 157-160. See also Key West. Florida straits. Bache, A. D. Gulf Stream explorations; third memoir. Distribution of temperature in the water of the Florida channel and straits. Rept. 1859, app. 25,* pp. 306-310. Haskell, E. E. On observations of currents with the direction current-meter in the Straits of Florida and in the Gulf of Mexico, 1891. Rept. 1891, pt. 2, app. 10, pp. 343-364. Mitchell, H. [Soundings across the Florida straits.] Rates of outrun of line. Rept. 1866, a PP- 5,* PP- 35-44 and p. 139. Report on soundings made to develop the character of the Strait of Florida between Key West and Havana. Rept. 1867, app. 15,* pp. 176-179. See also Gulf Stream. Fluid. See Motion Viscous fluid. Formula? and factors. Formulae tables and example for computing geodetic latitudes, longitudes, and azimuths. Rept. 1860, app. 36,* pp. 361-391. Same. Ed. 2. Title changed to Formulae and factors for the computation of geodetic latitudes, longitudes, and azimuths. Much enlarged. Rept. 1875, app. 19,* pp. 315-368. Same. Ed. 3. Rept. 1884, app. 7,* pp. 323-375. Same. Ed. 4. Title changed to Formulae and factors for the computation of geodetic positions. Rept. 1894, pt. 2, app. 9, pp. 277-348. Table of factors for computing differences in elevation. Table of corrections for curvature and refraction. Sep. pub. (1900.) Fort Steilacoom. Gilliss, J. M. Solar eclipse of July, 1860, observed near Fort Steilacoom, W. T. Rept. 1860, app. 22,* pp. 275-292. Schott, C. A. Observations for daily variation of the magnetic declination, made at Fort Steila- coom, Washington territory, in 1866, and at Camp Date creek, Arizona, in 1867. Rept. 1870, app. 15,* pp. 111-114. Fox, Gustavus Vasa. An attempt to solve the problem of the first landing place of Columbus in the New world. Rept. 1880, app. 18, pp. 346-411. * Exhausted. 154: CATALOGUE. Fox. Fox islands passes, Alas. Jarvis, D. H. Coast pilot notes on the Fox islands passes, Unalaska bay, Bering sea, and Arctic ocean as far as Point Barrow. Bull. 40. (1900. ) France. Hilgard, J. E. The relations of the lawful standards of measures of the United States to those of Great Britain and France. Kept. 1876, app. 22, pp. 402-406. Se.'c a/so Paris. Fredericksburg, Va. Levels Richmond, Va. Schott, C. A. Resulting heights from spirit leveling between Richmond, Va., and Washington, D. C., 1883 and 1884, with releveling between Richmond and Fredericksburg in 1886 and verification leveling between the two cities in 1895. Rept. 1896, pt. 2, app. 3, pp. 247-260. Functions. Schott, C. A. Development of Bessel's functions for periods frequently occurring in magnetic and meteorological investigations, with examples. Rept. 1862, app. 22,* pp. 232-235. Fundamenta. See Astronomiae fundamenta Bradley-Bessel fundamenta. Gaithersburg, Md. Smith, Edwin, and Schlesinger, F. The International latitude service at Gaithersburg, Md. , and Ukiah, Cal., under the auspices of the International geodetic association. Rept. 1900, app. 5, pp. 495-520. Galvanic current. See Electricity. General land office. See Land surveys. Geodesy. Geodesy or the measurement of the earth. (Leaflet printed for distribution at the Pan- American exposition. ) Sep. pub. (1901.) Gore, J. Howard. A bibliography of geodesy. Rept. 1887, app. 16, pp. 313-512. Hilgard, J. E. On the use of railways in geodetic surveys. Rept. 1867, app. 9, pp. 140-144. Kummell, Chas. A, new solution of the geodetic problem. Rept. 1896, pt. 2, app. 7, pp. 293- 33- See also Arc measures Azimuth Base measurement Constitution of the earth- EHipticity of the earth Figure of the earth Geographic exploration Geodetic conference Gravity Hydrography Hypsometry- Instruments International geodetic association Latitude Longitude Plumb line deflection Projection Reconnaissance Surveys Tables Topog- raphy Triangulation . Geodetic conferences. Proceedings of the geodetic conference held at Washington, D. C., January 9 to February 28, 1894. Rept. 1893, pt. 2, app. 9, pp. 223-424. See also International geodetic association. Geodetic instruments. See Base measuring apparatus Chronograph Heliotrope Level Leveling rods Meridian instrument Personal equation apparatus Telegraph Telescope Theodolite Transit Zenith telescope. Geodetic leveling. See Leveling. Geodetic positions. See Geographic positions. Geographic exploration. See Alaska Atlantic coast Columbus Darien Labrador Mt. St. Elias Northwest coast of America Pacific coast Panama. Geographic names. Ballard, E. Geographical names on the coast of Maine. Rept. 1868, app. 14,* pp. 243-259. Geographic positions. Doolittle, M. H. [Extension of Puissant's formulae for computation of geodetic positions.] Rept. 1894, app. 9, p. 284, footnote. Hayford, J. F. Extension of tables for the computation of geodetic positions to the equator. Rept. 1901, app. 4, pp. 303-339. ALASKA. Davidson, G. Coast features and resources of Alaska territory. [List of geographic positions.] Rept. 1867, app. i8A,* pp. 265-274. Schott, C. A. Standard geodetic positions in southeastern Alaska depending on astronomic observations in 1892, 1893, and 1894. Rept. 1894, pt. 2, app. 3,* pp. 71-85. CONNECTICUT. Schott, C. A. Geographical positions of trigonometrical positions in the state of Connecticut, determined by the U. S. Coast and geodetic survey, 1833 to 1886. Rept. 1888, app. 8, pp. 313-403. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Preston, E. D. Establishment of the United States Naval observatory circle, and the determination of the geographical position of the center of the clock room. Rept. 1896, pt. 2, app. 6,* pp. 285-291. * Exhausted. 155 Geography. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PUBLICATIONS. MARYLAND. Bache, A. D., Pourtales, L. F., and Schott, C. A. Tides, currents, magnetic varia- tion and geographic positions of light houses. Chesapeake bay and its rivers. Sep. pub. (1861.)* MASSACHUSETTS. Geographic positions of trigonometric points in the state of Massachusetts, determined by the U. S. Coast and geodetic survey between the years 1843 and 1894, and including those determined by the survey made by Borden in the years 1832 and 1838. Kept. 1894, pt. 2, app. 10, p. 349-615. Schott, C. A. Geographical positions of trigonometrical points in the states of Massachusetts and Rhode Island, 1835 to 1885, including those determined by the Borden survey, 1832 to 1838. Rept. 1885, app. 8, p. 285-439. MEXICO. Schott, C. A. Results of observations for determining positions occupied in Lower California and at Philadelphia. Rept. 1874, app. 10,* pp. 131-133. PACIFIC COAST. Additional geographical positions determined astronomically by the Coast survey on and near the western coast. Rept. 1874, app. 11,* p. 134. Davidson, George. Directory for the Pacific coast of the United States (including geographical positions). Rept. 1862, app. 39,* pp. 268-430. PENNSYLVANIA. Schott, C. A. Results of observations for determining positions occupied in Lower California and at Philadelphia. Rept. 1874, app. 10,* pp. 131-133. RHODE ISLAND. Schott, C. A. Geographical positions of trigonometrical points in the states of Massachusetts and Rhode Island, 1835 to 1885, including those determined by the Borden survey, 1832 to 1838. Rept. 1885, app. 8, pp. 285-439. Geographical positions of trigonometrical points in the states of Massachusetts and Rhode Island, 1835 to 1885, including those determined by the Borden survey, 1832 to 1838. Rept. 1894', pt. 2, app. 10, pp. 349-615. UNITED STATES. List of geographical positions determined by the Coast survey. Rept. 1851, app. 12,* pp. 162-442. List of geographical positions determined since July, 1850. Rept. 1853, a PP- 7.* PP- !4-4 2 - List of geographical positions. Rept. 1855, app. 8,* pp. 119-148. List of geographical positions, continued. Rept. 1857, app. 25,* pp. 264-301. List of geographical positions continued from reports of 1851, 1853, l &55 an( i i$57- Rept. 1859, app. 20,* pp. 216-277. List of geographical positions. Rept. 1864, app. 15,* pp. 144-182. Geographical positions determined approximately, in West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, and Missouri. Rept. 1865, app. 10,* p. 137. List of geographical positions. Rept. 1868, app. 13, pp. 171-242. Geographical positions of prominent places in the United States. Rept. 1874, app. 6, pp. 62-65. VIRGINIA. Bache, A. D., Pourtales, L. F., and Schott, C. A. Tides, currents, magnetic varia- tion and geographic positions of light- houses, Chesapeake bay and its rivers. Sep. pub. (1861.)* See also Adjustment Azimuth Formulae and factors Latitude Longitude. Geography. See Boundaries Eminent domain Expeditions Geodesy Geographic exploration Geographic names Geo-physics History Hydrographic surveys Maps Relief models Royal military geographic institute Topographic surveys Voyages. Geology. Agassiz, Louis. Relation of geological and zoological researches to general interests in the development of coast features. Rept. 1867, app. 17,* pp. 183-186. Gilbert, G. K. Report on a geological examinat.on of some Coast and geodetic survey gravity stations. Rept. 1894, pt. 2, app. i, pp. 51-55. Lindenkohl, A. Geology of the sea bottom in the approaches to New York bay. Rept. 1884, a PP- J 3,* PP- 43S-43 8 - ALASKA. Blake, T. A. Geology of Alaska territory. Rept. 1867, app. 18 E,* pp. 281-290. CALIFORNIA. Blake, W. P. Observations on the physical geography and geology of the coast of California from Bodega bay to San Diego. Rept. 1855, app. 65,* pp. 376-398. LABRADOR. Lieber, O. M. Geology of the coast of Labrador. Rept. 1860, app. 42,* pp. 402-408. See also Earthquakes Gravity Phosphates Physical hydrographic surveys Plumb line deflec- tion Relief models Sand. Geo=Physics. See Atmosphere Atmospheric electricity Auroras Barometric hypsometry Cli- mate Cyclones Earthquakes Geology Hydrography Meteorology Phosphates Refraction Sand Sun spots Tornadoes Water spouts Winds. George's bank. Mitchell, H. Physical hydrography of the Gulf of Maine. Rept. 1879, app. 10,* pp. 175-190. A plea for a light on St. George's bank. Rept. 1885, app. n, pp. 483-485. Georgetown, D. C. See Washington, D. C. Georgia. OYSTER BEDS. Drake, J. C. On the sounds and estuaries of Georgia with reference to oyster culture. Bull. 19. (1891.) * Exhausted. CATALOGUE. Oerdes. REFRACTION. Schott, C. A. Atmospheric refraction and adjustment of hypsometric measures. Determination of the coefficient of refraction from zenith distances observed in northern Georgia, by Assistants C. O. Boutelle and F. P. Webber, in 1873 and 1874, and adjustment of difference of heights by the method of least squares. Kept. 1876, app. 18, pp. 368-387. TERRESTRIAL MAGNETISM. Schott, C. A. Distribution of the magnetic declination on the coasts of Virginia, South Carolina, and Georgia, with a chart of the isogonic curves for 1860. Kept. 1861, app. 24 .-- pp. 256-259. See also Atlanta Atlantic coast Eastern oblique arc Gulf Stream Macon Sapelo island Savannah. Qerdes, Ferdinand H. Extract from a letter upon the change in the magnetic variation within short distances in the Gulf of Mexico. Kept. 1845, a PP- 3.* PP- 4 I- 43- Reconnaissance of the Florida keys. Rept. 1850, app. 23,* pp. 106-110. Florida coast reconnaissance. Rept. 1851, app. 31,* pp. 488-494. On a reconnaissance from Suwanee river, Florida, to the mouths of the Mississippi. Rept. 1852, app. 12,* pp. 87-94. Reconnaissance of the coast of Louisiana in 1854. Rept, 1854, app. 20,* pp. 28-30. Topography executed on Manhattan island. Rept. 1855, app. 21,* pp. 162, 163. Qibbs, Walcott. Analysis of the water of New York harbor. Rept. 1856, app. 63,* pp. 317, 318. Examination of specimens of sand taken from the base sites at Cape Florida and Cape Sable. Rept. 1856, app. 64,* pp. 318, 319. Gibraltar, Mich. Levels Cincinnati, Ohio. Ferguson, O. W. Resulting elevations from spirit leveling between Gibraltar, Mich., Cincin- nati, Ohio. Rept. 1899, a PP- 7> PP- 3 2I ~345- Gilbert, Grove Karl. Report on a geological examination of some Coast and geodetic survey gravity stations. Rept. 1894, pt. 2, app. i, pp. 51-55- Gilbert, John J. (And Davidson, George.) Transit of Mercury as observed at Yolo base, California. Rept. 1883, app. 15,* pp. 3 6 9-37- Gilbert, Samuel A. Report on topography executed by the party of Assistant S. A. Gilbert on the western and southern sides of Long island. Rept. 1855, app. 22,* p. 164. Coast of Texas intervening between Matagorda bay and Corpus Christi. Rept. 1859, a PP- 3 2 >* PP- 3 2 4-3 2 8. Gilliss, J. Melville. Observations of the solar eclipse of July, 1860, near Fort Steilacoom, W. T. Rept. 1860, app. 22,* pp. 275-292. Gillmore, James Clarkson. (Compiler.) Magnetic ranges for determining the deviation of the compass in the Bay of San Francisco, Cal., with short explanations of how to find the deviation and error of the compass. Sp. pub. i. (1898.) Girard college observatory, Philadelphia, Pa. Bache, A. D. Discussion of the magnetic and meteorological observations made at the Girard college observatory, Philadelphia, in 1841, 1842, 1843, 1844, and 1845. Par' T. Rept. 1859, app. 22,* pp, 278-295. Par; -I. Rept. 1860, app. 23,* pp. 293-312. Part III. Rept. 1860, app. 24,* pp. 312-324. Part IV. Rept. 1862, app. 15,* pp. 161-186; Part V. Rept. 1862, app. 16,* pp. 186-202. Part VI. Rept. 1862, app. 17,* pp. 202-212. Part VII. Rept. 1863, app. 19,* pp. 156-183. Part VIII. Rept. 1863, app. 20,* pp. 183-195. Part IX. Rept. 1863, app. 22,* pp. 196-204. Part X. Rept. 1864, app. 16,* pp. 183-190. Part XI. Rept. 1864, app. 17,* pp. 191-199. Part XII. Rept. 1864, app. 18,* pp. 199-206. Glacier bay, Alas. Sec Muir glacier, Alaska. Gloucester, N. J. Levels Keyport, N. J. Cutts, R. I). Leveling operations between Keyport on Raritan bay and Gloucester, on the Delaware river, to determine the heights above mean tide of the primary stations Beacon hill, Disboro, Stony hill, Mount Holly, and Pine hill. Rept. 1870, app. 7,* pp. 75, 76. * Exhausted. Goodfellow. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PUBLICATIONS. Cutts, R. D. Leveling operations between Keyport, on Raritan bay, and Gloucester, on the Dela- ware river, to determine the height above mean tide of the primary stations Beacon hill, Disboro, Stony hill, Mount Holly, and Pine hill. Rept. 1871, app. 12,* pp. 171-175. Goodfellow, Edward. Report on the determination of the magnetic elements on the eclipse expedition to Labrador. Rept. 1860, app. 21,* pp. 268-271. Descriptive catalogue of publications relating to the Coast and geodetic survey and to standard measures. Rept. 1883, app. 6, pp. 121-135. General index to the progress sketches and illustrations, maps and charts published in the annual reports of the U. S. Coast survey and U. S. Coast and geodetic survey from 1844 to 1885, inclusive. Rept. 1887, app. 12* pp. 217-268. Gore, James Howard. A bibliography of geodesy. Rept. 1887, app. i6,"~pp. 313-512. (Translator. ) On the measurement of base lines with steel tapes and with steel and brass wires. (By Edward Jadenin. ) Rept. 1893, pt. 2, app. 5, pp. 125-164. Gould, Benjamin Apthorp. Results of observations for the determination of the difference of longitude between Seaton sta- tion, Washington, D. C., and Charleston, S. C. Rept. 1853, app. 33,* pp. 86-88. On telegraphic observations for the difference of longitude between Raleigh, N. C., and Colum- bia, S. C. Rept. 1854, app. 41,* pp. 128-131. Report containing directions and tables for the use of Peirce's criterion for the rejection of doubtful observations. Rept. 1854, app. 4i[a],*pp. 131-138. Telegraphic operations for difference of longitude between Columbia, S. C., and Macon, Ga. Rept. 1855, app. 46,* pp. 286-295. Operations for difference of longitude between Wilmington, X. C., and Montgomery, Ala. Rept. 1856, app. 20,* pp. 163-166. On the progress made in the different campaigns for differences of longitude. Rept. 1857, app. 27,* pp. 305-310. Determination of longitude at Albany, X. Y. Rept. 1861, app. 18, pp. 221-232. Observations of the solar eclipse of July, 1860, at Cambridge, Mass. Rept. 1861, app. 21, pp. 241, 242. Longitude from observations by telegraph between Calais, Me., and New Orleans, La. Rept. 1862, app. 14,* pp. 158-160. Standard mean right ascensions of circumpolar and time stars, prepared for the use of the U. S. Coast survey. First edition. Sep. pub. (1862.)""" On computations connected with the telegraphic method for difference of longitude. Rept. 1863, app. 18,* pp. 154-156. On results of computation for longitude by telegraphic method. Rept. 1864, app. 12,* pp. 1 15, 1 16. Report on the results of determining longitude by the telegraphic method. Rept. 1865, app. 14,* pp. 150, 151. Report and tables of declinations and proper motions in declination of standard time stars. Rept. 1865, app. 15,* pp. 152-154. Report and tables of the positions and proper motions of four polar stars. Rept. 1865, app. 16,* PP- I55-I59- . Report on the latitude of Cloverden station in Cambridge. Rept. 1865, app. 17,* pp. 160-165. Standard mean right ascension of circumpolar and time stars, prepared for the use of the U. S. Coast survey. Second edition. Sep. pub. (1866.)* On the longitude between America and Europe from signals through the Atlantic cable. Rept. 1867, app. 6,* pp. 57-J33- * Governors. See Marine governors Spring governor. Governor's island, N. Y. Ferrel, William. On the harmonic analysis of the tides at Governor's island, New York harbor. Rept. 1885, app. 13, pp. 489-493- See also New York harbor. Gowanus bay. See New York harbor. Graduating apparatus. Saegmuller, G. N. Reconstruction of the dividing engine of the Coast and geodetic survey. Rept. 1879, app. 12,* pp. 192-198. Graphic methods. Gilliss, J. R. Dividers invented by J. R. Gilliss for graphical decomposition of tidal curves. Rept. 1860, app. 40,* pp. 398, 399. Preston, E. D. Graphic method of reducing stars from mean to apparent places. Rept. 1895, pt. 2, app. 7,* pp. 371-380. * Exhausted. 158 CATALOGUE. Gravity. Gravity. Report of a conference on 'gravity determinations held at Washington, D. C., in May, 1882. Kept. 1882, app. 22, pp. 503-516. Gravity. (Leaflet printed for distribution at the Pan-American exposition. Buffalo, N. Y. ) Sep. pub. (1901.) Peirce, C. S. Measurements of gravity at initial stations in Europe and America. Rept. 1876, app. 15,* pp. 202-337. Preston, E. D. Gravity. No. 5 in Bull. 29. (1893.) Putnam, G. R. Relative determinations of gravity, with half-second pendulums, and other pendulum investigations. Rept. 1894, pt. 2, app. i, pp. 7-50. Results of pendulum observations made in 1895 and 1896. Rept. 1897, app. 6,* pp. 297-311. Determination of relative value of gravity in Europe and the United States in 1900. Rept. 1901, app. 5, pp. 345~355. Smith, Edwin. Determinations of gravity with the Kater pendulums at Auckland, New Zealand; Sydney, New South Wales; Singapore, Straits Settlements; Tokio, Japan; .San Francisco,' Cal. ; and Washington, D. C. Rept. 1884, app. 14, pp. 439-473. AFRICA. Preston, E. D. Results of observations made to determine gravity and the magnetic elements at stations on the west coast of Africa, and on some islands in the North and South Atlantic, 1889-1890. Rept. 1890, app. 12, pp. 625-684. Same, abstract. Bull. 22. (1891.) ALASKA. Putnam, G. R. Physical observations made in connection with the Pribilof islands survey of 1897. Rept. 1898, app. 5,* pp. 233-241. ATLANTIC ISLANDS. Preston, E. D. Results of observations made to determine gravity and the magnetic elements at stations on the west coast of Africa, and on some islands in the north and South Atlantic, 1889-1890. Bull. 22. (1891.) CAROLINE ISLAND. Preston, E. D. Determinations of gravity and other observations made in connection with the solar eclipse expedition, May, 1883, to Caroline island. Rept. 1883, app. 17,* pp. 379-381. Determinations of latitude and gravity fo:- UK Hawaiian government. Rept. 1888, app. 14, pp'. 47!-563- Same, abstract. Bull. II. (1889.) FRANCE. Peirce, C. S. On .the value of gravity at Paris. Rept. 1881, app. 17, pp. 461-463. HAWAII. Preston, E. D. Determinations of latitude and gravity for the Hawaiian government. Rept. 1888, app. 14, pp. 471-563. Same, abstract. Bull. u. (1889.) Observations for the variation of latitude, made near Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaiian islands, in co-operation with the work of the International geodetic association, and on the deter- mination of gravity and of the magnetic elements. Rept. 1891, pt. 2, app. 13, pp. 479-485. Determinations of latitude, gravity, and magnetic elements at stations in the Hawaiian islands, including a result for the mean density of the earth, 1891, 1892. Rept. 1893, pt. 2, app. 12, pp. 509-638. MARYLAND. Preston, E. D. Telegraphic determination of the force of gravity at Baltimore, Md., from simultaneous pendulum observations at Washington and Baltimore. Rept. 1894, pt. 2, app. 2, pp. 57-70. MASSACHUSETTS. Smith, Edwin. Determinations of gravity at the Polytechnic institute, Worcester, Mass., and at Columbia university, New York, with pendulum apparatus B. Rept. 1899, app. 4, pp. 271-282. NEW YORK. Smith, Edwin. Determinations of gravity at the Polytechnic institute, Worcester, Mass., and at Columbia university, New York city, with pendulum apparatus B. 1899. Rept. 1899, app. 4, pp. 271-282. NEW ZEALAND. Smith, Edwin. Determinations of gravity with the Kater pendulums at Auck- land, New Zealand; Sydney, New South Wales; Singapore, British India; Tokio, Japan; San Francisco, Cal.; and Washington, D. C. Rept. 1884, app. 14, pp. 439-473. PENNSYLVANIA. Pierce, C. S. Determinations of gravity at Allegheny, Ebensburg, and York. Rept. 1883, app. 19, pp. 473-487. UNITED STATES. Putnam, G. R. Determination of relative value of gravity in Europe and the United States in 1900. Rept. 1901, app. 5, pp. 345-355. . Mendenhall, T. C. Determinations of gravity with the new half-second pendulums of the Coast and geodetic survey at stations on the Pacific coast, in Alaska, and at the base sta- tions, Washington, D. C., and Hoboken, N. J. Rept. 1891, pt. 2, app. 15, pp. 503-564. Putnam, G. R., and Gilbert, G. K. Relative determinations of gravity with half-second pendu- lums, and other pendulum investigations by G. R. Putnam, and a report on a geological examination of some Coast and geodetic survey gravity stations by G. K. Gilbert, United States Geological survey. Rept. 1894, pt. 2, app. r, pp. 7-55. See also Figure of the Earth Geodesy Pendulum Plumb line deflection. Great Britain. Hilgard, J. E. The relation of the lawful standards of measure of the United States to those of Great Britain and France. Rept. 1876, app. 22, pp. 402-406. Greely arctic expedition. Schott, C. A. Magnetic work of the Greely arctic expedition. Rept. 1887, app. io, pp. 207-210. * Exhausted. 159 Greenland. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PUBLICATIONS. Greenland expedition. Putnam, G. R. Results of magnetic observations made in connection with the Greenland expedition of 1896, under charge of Prof. A. E. Burton. Rept. 1897, pt. 2, app. 5, pp. 285-295. Greenwell, W. E. General features and peculiarities of the coast of lower Texas with suggestions in regard to facilities for navigation. Rept. 1854, app. 21,* pp. 30, 31. Survey, character and resources of the islands and main adjacent to Santa Barbara channel, California. Rept. 1857, app. 44,* pp. 392-395. Greenwich, Eng. Longitude Philadelphia, Pa. Walker, S. C. Differences of longitude of Philadelphia and Greenwich, by reduction of obser- vations at Cambridge, Mass. Rept. 1846, app. 10,* pp. 71, 72. Gulf coast of the United States. CURRENTS. Current bottles from Mobile bay to Mosquito inlet and Cape Florida to Jupiter inlet. Rept. 1854, app. 52,* pp. 189, 190. HISTORY. Kohl, J. G. Abstract of an historical account of explorations on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico. Rept. 1856, app. 66,* pp. 322-324. RECONNAISSANCE. Gerdes, F. H. On a reconnaissance from Suwanee river, Florida, to the mouths of the Mississippi. Rept. 1852, app. 12,* pp. 87-94. LEVELING. Schott, Chas. A. Heights from spirit levelings of precision between Mobile, Ala., and Carrollton, La. Rept. 1887, app. 9, pp. 185-205. METEOROLOGY. Bache, A. I). Winds of the coast of the United States on the Gulf of Mexico. Rept. 1856, app. 44,* pp. 272-276. TERRESTRIAL MAGNETISM. Schott, C. A. Discussion of trie secular change in the magnetic declination on the Atlantic and part of the Gulf coasts of the United States. Rept. 1855, app, 48,* pp. 306-337. Distribution of the magnetic declination on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico, with a chart of the isogonic curves for 1860. Rept. 1861, app. 23, pp. 251-256. TIDES. Bache, A. D. Approximate cotidal lines of diurnal and semidiurnal tides of the coast of the United States on the Gulf of Mexico. Rept. 1856, app. 35,* pp. 252-260. See also Gulf Stream. Gulf of Maine. Mitchell, H. Physical hydrography of the Gulf of Maine. Rept. 1879, app. 10,* pp. 175-190. See also Atlantic ocean Atlantic coast. Gulf Stream and Gulf of Mexico. Bache, A. D. Gulf Stream. Rept. 1860, app. 17,""" pp. 165-176. Bache, George M. Letters on the exploration of the Gulf Stream. Rept. 1846, app. 4,* pp. '46-53. Hunt, E. B. Some anomalies in the Florida Gulf Stream. Rept. 1858, app. 32,* pp. 217-222. Kohl, J. G. History of discovery and exploration on the coasts of the United States. Rept. 1884, app. 19,* pp. 493-6I7- Mitchell, H. Note on Gulf Stream observations. Rept. 1868, app. n,*pp. 166, 167. CURRENT. Current bottle, Mobile bay to Mosquito inlet and Cape Florida to Jupiter inlet. Rept. 1854, app. 52,* pp. 189, 190. Copy of cards from current bottles thrown over south of the Mississippi delta. Rept. 1856, app. 46,* pp. 279-280. Velocity and direction of the Gulf Stream between Fowey rocks, Florida, and Gun Cay, Baha- mas. Notice to mariners 78. (1886. ) Gulf stream currents. Notice to mariners 94. (1887.) Haskell, E. E. On observations of currents with the direction-current meter in the Straits oj Florida and in the Gulf of Mexico, 1891. Rept. 1891, pt. 2, app. 10, pp. 343-364, Pillsbury, J. E. Report on deep-sea current work in the Gulf Stream. Rept. 1885, app. 14, pp. 495-501. A report on Gulf Stream explorations. Rept. 1886, app. n, pp. 281-290. Gulf Stream explorations; observations of currents, 1887. Rept. 1887, app. 8, pp. 173-184. Gulf Stream explorations; observations of currents, 1888-1889. Rept. 1889, app. 16, pp. 467-477. DENSITY. Lindenkohl, A. Specific gravity of the waters of the Gulf of Mexico and the Gulf Stream. Rept. 1895, pt. 2, app. 6* pp. 355-369. DREDGINGS. Agassiz, L. Report upon deep sea dredgings in the Gulf Stream during the third cruise of the United States steamer Bibb. Rept. 1869, app. 10,* pp. 208-219. Bailey, J. W 7 . Characteristics of the Florida section of the Gulf Stream from bottom soundings. Rept. 1855, app. 55,* p. 360. Pourtales, L. F. Examination of specimens of bottom obtained in Gulf Stream. Rept. 1853, app. 30,* pp. 82, 83. Characteristics of the Atlantic sea bottom off the coast of the United States. Rept. 1869, app. 1 1,* pp. 220-225. Fauna of the Gulf Stream. Rept. 1867, app. 16,* pp. 180-182. Hilgard, J. E. Description of a model of the depths of the sea in the Bay of North America and Gulf of Mexico. Rept. 1884, app. 17, pp. 619-621. SOUNDING. Mitchell, H. Soundings across the Florida straits. Rept. 1866, app. 5,* pp. 35-44. * Exhausted. 160 CATALOGUE. Gunstock. SOUNDING. Report on soundings made to develop the character of the Strait of Florida between Key West and Havana. Kept. 1867, app. 15,* pp. 176-179. Pillsbury, J. E. Recent deep-sea soundings off the Atlantic coast of the United States. Rept. 1882, app. 19,'" pp. 459-461. A description of the methods employed in the investigation of the Gulf Stream and the results of the research. Rept. 1890, app. 10, pp. 461-620. TEMPERATURE. Bache, A. D. On the distribution of temperatures in and near the Gulf Stream. Rept. 1854, app. 47,* pp. 156-161. Gulf Stream explorations; third memoir. Distribution of temperature in the water of the Florida channel and straits. Rept. 1859, app. 25,* pp. 306-310. TERRESTIRAI, MAGNETISM. Gerdes, F. H. Remarks upon the currents in Mississippi sound and upon the change in the magnetic variation within short distances in the Gulf of Mexico. Rept. 1845, app. 3,* pp. 41-43. TIDES. Bache, A. D. Tidal observations in the Gulf of Mexico and type curves at the several stations, showing their decomposition into diurnal and semidiurnal tides. Rept. 1855, app. 52,* pp. 346, 347- Type- curves in the Gulf of Mexico. Rept. 1856, app. 36,* pp. 260, 261. Additional researches on cotidal lines in the Gulf of Mexico. Rept. 1862, app. 9,* pp. 126-128. See also Alabama Atlantic ocean Caribbean sea Cat island Florida Gulf coast Louisiana Texas. Gunstock mountain, N. H. Bache, A. D. Observations of solar eclipse of July, 1860, at Gunstock mountain, N. H. Rept. 1861, app. 19, pp. 232-239. Hagerstown, Md. Levels Washington, D. C. Schott, C. A. Resulting heights from spirit leveling between Washington, D. C., and Hagers- town, Md., 1883. Rept. 1896, pt. 2, app. 4, pp. 261-264. Halifax, N. S. Longitude Cambridge, Mass. Walker, S. C. Arrangement with Maine telegraph company to determine the difference of longitude between Cambridge and Halifax. Rept. 1851, app. 18,* pp. 462, 463. Hamilton, Mt., Cal. See Mt. Hamilton. Harbors. Batchelder, J. M. Apparatus for harbor soundings proposed by E. B. Hunt. Rept. 1858, app. 38,* pp. 247, 248. Davidson, George. Observations on certain harbor and river improvements collected on a voyage from Hongkong to New York. Rept. 1875, app. 18,* pp. 293-314. Hilgard, J. E. On tides and tidal action in harbors. Sep. pub. (1876. )* Mitchell, Henry. Location of harbor lines. Rept. 1871, app. 10,"* pp. 144-153. Whiting, W. D., and Pourtales, L. F. Least water in channel entrances of harbors, rivers, ports, and anchorages on the coasts of the United States. Rept. 1856. app. 18,* pp. 133-137. See also Anchorages Bars Channels Coast pilot Currents Depths Hydrographic sur- veys Hydraulic engineering Piers Shore line changes Sounding Tides. See also Harbors of Beaufort, S. C.; Boston, Mass.; Cat island, Miss.; Charleston, S. C.; Edgartown, Mass.; Martha's Vineyard, Mass.; Nantucket, Mass.; New York, N. Y.; Philadelphia, Pa.; Plymouth, Mass.; Portland, Me.; Provincetown, Mass.; San Francisco, Cal. Harford, W. Q. W. Zoology of Alaska territory. Rept. 1867, app. i8F,* pp. 290-292. Harmonic analysis. Ferrel, William. Tides in Penobscot bay. Rept. 1878, app. n. pp. 268-304. Harmonic analysis of the tides at Sandy Hook. Rept. 1883, app. 9, pp. 247-251. On the harmonic analysis of the tides at Governor's island, New York harbor. Rept. 1885, app. 13, pp. 489-493. Harris, Rollin A. Manual of tides. Part III. Some connections between harmonic and non- harmonic quantities, including applications to the reduction and prediction of tides. Rept. 1894, pt. 2, app. 7, pp. 125-262. Manual of tides. Part II. Tidal observation , equilibrium theory, and harmonic analysis. Rept. 1897, pt. 2, app. 9, pp. 471-618. See also Tides. Harris, Rollin Arthur. Manual of tides. Part III. Some connections between harmonic and nonharmonic quantities, including applications to the reduction and prediction of tides. Rept. 1894, pt. 2, app. 7, pp. 125-262. Manual of tides. Part I. Introduction and historical treatment of the subject. Rept. 1897, pt. 2, app. 8, pp. 319-469. Manual of tides. Part II. Tidal observation, equilibrium theory, and harmonic analysis. Rept. 1897, pt. 2, app. 9, pp. 471-618. Manual of tides. Part IVa. Outlines of tidal theory. Rept. 1900, app. 7, pp. 535-700. ^Exhausted. 759 2 II 161 Harrison. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PUBLICATIONS. Harrison, Alexander Medina. Topography on the coast of New Jersey, including Sandy Hook. Rept. 1855, a PP- 2 3>* pp. 164, 165. On the plane table and its use in topographical surveying. Rept. 1865, app. 22, pp. 203-231. Harrison's lens. Hilgard, J. E. On the trial of Harrison's globe lens previous to its use in the photograph division. Rept. 1863, app. 24,* pp. 206, 207. Harvard college observatory. See Cambridge, Mass. Haskell, Eugene E. On observations of currents with the direction-current meter in the Straits of Florida and in the Gulf of Mexico, 1891. Rept. 1891, pt. 2, app. 10, pp. 343-364. (And Christie, A. G. ) Tides and currents. No. gin Bull. 29. (1893.) Hassler, Ferdinand Rudolph. See, as Superintendent, Reports and other Survey publications, 1816- 1843- Hassler (steamer). Emery, Chas. E. Economy in coal as exemplified by the action of compound engines in the steamer Hassler. Rept. 1874, app. 13,* pp. 148-151. Pourtales, L. F. Voyage of the steamer Hassler from Boston to San Francisco. Rept. 1872, app. ii,* pp. 213-221. Hatboro, Pa. Schott, C. A. Intermediate period in the secular change of magnetic declination at Hatboro, Penn. Rept. 1858, app. 25,* pp. 192-195. Hawaii. Preston, E. D. Determinations of latitude and gravity for the Hawaiian government. Rept. 1888, app. 14, pp. 471-563. Same, abstract. Bull. n. (1889.) Determinations of latitude, gravity and magnetic elements at stations in the Hawaiian islands, including a result for the mean density of the earth, 1891, 1892. Rept. 1893, pt. 2, app. 12, pp. 509-638. See also Honolulu, Waikiki. Hayford, John Fillmore. On the use of observations of currents for prediction purposes. Rept. 1890, app. 14,* pp. 691-703. On the least square adjustment of weighings. Rept. 1892, pt. 2, app. 10, pp. 515-527. The Rueprecht balance belonging to the United States office of standard weights and measures. Rept. 1895, pt. 2, app. 9,* pp. 3 8 3.-39 2 - Determination of time, longitude, latitude and azimuth. Rept. 1898, app. 7, pp. 261-409. Precise leveling in the United States. Rept. 1899, app. 8, pp. 347-886. Preface to appendix on the measurement of nine base lines along the ninety-eighth meridian. Rept. 1901, app. 3, pp. 229-302. Extension of tables for the computation of geodetic positions to the equator. Rept. 1901, app. 4, pp. 303-339. Triangulation northward along the ninety-eighth meridian in Kansas and Nebraska. Rept. 1901, app. 6, pp. 357-423- Hazard, Daniel Lyman. (And Baylor, J. B.) General report upon the magnetic survey of North Carolina, with a brief historical [sketch of the fundamental phenomena of the earth's magnetism. ,Rept. 1899, . app. 9, pp" 887-938. Magnetic survey of North Carolina. Values of the magnetic declination at the county seats from 1750 to 1910. Bull. 41. (1901.) Heights. See Barometer Elevations Leveling. Hein, Samuel. General rules for estimates, accounts, and classification of expenditures for the guidance of the chiefs of parties of the U. S. Coast survey. Laws and regulations. (1858.) * General rules for estimates, accounts, and classification of expenditures for the guidance of the chiefs of parties of the United States Coast survey, 1874. Laws and regulations. (1874.) * Heis catalogue. See Star catalogue. Heliotrope. Sands, B. F. Description of the revolving heliotrope devised by him for geodetic purposes. Rept. 1855, app. 59, p. 364. See also Signals. Hell Gate, N. Y. Bartlett, W. A. Examination of reefs in Hell Gate channel and changes produced by blasting. Rept. 1851, app. 56,* pp. 553-558. * Exhausted. 162 CATALOGUE. Hellert. Mitchell, H. Tides and currents in Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard sounds and in East river at Hell Gate, with remarks on the revision of leveling on Hudson river. Kept. 1857, app. 35,* PP- 350-354. Currents in the East river at Hell Gate and Throg's Neck, the sub-currents of New York bay and harbor, and levelings on the banks of the Hudson river. Rept. 1858, app. 28, pp. 204-207. Preliminary report on the interference tides of Hell Gate, with directions for reducing the soundings. Rept. 1866, app. 6,* pp. 44-46. Tides and currents of Hell Gate, N. Y. Rept. 1867, app. 13,* pp. 158-169. Schott, C. A. Tidal currents of Long Island sound and approaches. Rept. 1854, app. 50,* pp. 168-179. Temple, W. G. Results of examination to determine least water on the rocks at Hell Gate, East river, New York. Rept. 1857, app. 13,* pp. 150, 151. Sec a/so New York Pot rock. Hellert' s expedition. Davidson, G. Condensed account of M. Hellert's explorations on the Isthmus of Panama, including his special explorations on the Isthmus of Darien, with suggestions for conducting a future survey. Rept. 1868, app. 15,* pp. 260-277. Hergesheimer, Edwin. Experiments to determine the relative shrinkage and expansion of parchment paper and backed antiquarian paper. Rept. 1861, app. 15,* pp. 180, 181. The pantograph; its use in engraving. Rept. 1867, a PP- 5,* PP- 55, 56. Preparation of standard topographical drawings. Rept. 1879, app. n,*p. 191. A treatise on the plane table and its use in topographical surveying. Rept. 1880, app. 13,* pp. 172-200. Type forms of topography, Columbia river. Rept. 1881, app. 7, pp. 124, 125. Report on the preparation of standard topographical drawings. Rept. 1883, app. 14,* pp. 367, 368. Hetzel (steamer). Causes which led to the explosion of a boiler of the Coast survey steamer Hetzel. Rept. 1856, app. 70,* pp. 335-340- Hewston, J., jr. Analysis of two specimens of deposit from the boiler of the Coast survey steamer Hetzel. Rept. 1853, app. 35,* pp. 89, 90. Hewston, John, jr. Analysis of two specimens of deposit from the boiler of the Coast survey steamer Hetzel. Rept. 1853, app. 35,* pp. 89, 90. Hilgard, Julius Erasmus. Discussion of probable error of observation with a Wiirdemann 26-inch portable transit. Rept. 1854, app. 39,* p. 121. On the action of sea water on metals used in the construction of instruments and on magnetic needles. Rept. 1854, app. 55,* pp. 192, 193. (And Bache, A. D. ) Table of magnetic declinations from Coast survey observations. Rept. 1855, app. 47,* pp. 295-306. Method of observing azimuth, employed at Cat island. Rept. 1856, app. 27,* pp. 208, 209. (And Bache, A. D. ) On the general distribution of terrestrial magnetism in the United States. Rept. 1856, app. 28,* pp. 209-225. Progress of the triangulation in Mississippi sound and on Lake Borgne, describing signals and station marks. Rept. 1856, app. 56,* pp. 291, 292. Table for projecting maps of large extent [and minimum distortion in represented area]. Rept. 1856, app. 58,* pp. 296-307. Method of testing a repeating theodolite. Rept. 1856, app. 61, pp. 310-316. Apparatus for observing subsidiary base lines. Rept. 1857, app. 45,* pp. 395-398. Tables for projecting maps of large extent. Rept. 1859, app. 33,* pp. 328-358. Description of a new mode of constructing the axle of a magnetic dipping needle. Rept. 1862, app. 23,* pp. 236-238. Results of experiments for determining the length and rate of expansion of the six meter stand- ard bar. Rept. 1862, app. 26,* pp. 248-255. On the trial of Harrison's globe lens previous to its use in the photographic division. Rept. 1863, app. 24,* pp. 206, 207. On the use of railways for geodetic surveys. Rept. 1867, app. 9, pp. 140-144. Description of a reflector used as a signal in triangulation. Rept. 1867, app. 10,* p. 145. Report of the observations of the eclipse of the sun on August 7, 1869, made by a party of the Coast survey at Des Moines, la., under the charge of J. E. Hilgard. Rept. 1869, app. 8, pp. 163-177. On the use of the zenith telescope for observations of time. Rept. 1869, app. 12, pp. 226-232. Earthquake wave of August 18, 1868. Rept. 1869, app. 13, pp. 233, 234. Preliminary report on the determination of transatlantic longitudes. Rept. 1872, app. 13,* pp. 227-234. Intervisibility of stations. Rept. 1873, app. 13,* p. 137. Ocean salinometer. Rept. 1874, app. 16,* pp. 154, 155. * Exhausted'. 163 Hipp. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PUBLICATIONS. Two forms of portable apparatus for the determination of personal equation, both relative and absolute. Kept. 1874, app. 17,* pp. 156-162. Transatlantic longitudes. Final report on the determination of 1872 with a review of previous determinations. Rept. 1874, app. 18, pp. 163-242. On tides and tidal action in harbors. Sep. pub. (1876.)* A catalogue of stars for observations of latitude. Rept. 1876, app. 7, pp. 83-129. On a chart of the magnetic declination in the United States. Rept. 1876, app. 21,* pp. 400, 401. The relations of the lawful standards of measure of the United States to those of Great Britain and France. Rept. 1876, app. 22, pp. 402-406. Papers relating to metric standards distributed to the States of the Union under a joint resolution of Congress of July 27, 1866. Sep. pub. (1876.) Optical densimeter for ocean water. Rept. 1877, app. 10, pp. 108-113. An examination of three new 2o-inch theodolites. Rept. 1877, app. n, pp. 114-147. Comparison of American and British standard yards. Rept. 1877, app. 12, pp. 148-181. Perfected form of the contact slide base apparatus used in the Coast and geodetic survey. Rept. 1880, app. 17, pp. 341-345- On the length of a nautical mile. Rept. 1881, app. 12, pp. 354-356. (And Blair, H. W. ) Records and results of magnetic observations made at the charge of the "Bache fund" of the National academy of sciences from 1871 to 1876. Rept. 1882, app. 14, pp. 329-426. Report of the Superintendent of the United States Coast and geodetic survey for the fiscal year ending with June, 1882. Report submitting estimates. (1882. If Letter of the Superintendent on the proposed transfer to the Navy department. Sep. pub. (1883.) Summary report of the United States Coast and geodetic survey for the fiscal year ending with June, 1883. Reports submitting estimates. (1884. )f General instructions for hydrographic work. Instructions in methods. ( 1883. ) f Summary report of the progress of the United States Coast and geodetic survey for the fiscal year ending with June, 1884. Reports submitting estimates. ( 1884. ) f Description of a model of the depths of the sea in the Bay of North America and the Gulf of Mexico. Rept. 1884, app. 17, pp. 619-621. See also, as Acting superintendent, Reports and other Survey publications, 1865, 1866, and, as Superintendent, the same for 1881-1884. Hipp chronograph. Eimbeck, William. Improvement on the Hipp chronograph. Rept. 1872, app. 18,* pp. 266, 267. History. ALASKA. Dall, W. H. Notes on an original manuscript chart of Bering's expedition of 1725-30 and on an original manuscript chart of his second expedition; together with a summary of a journal of the first expedition kept by Peter Chaplin and now first rendered into English from Bergh's Russian version. Rept. 1890, app. 19, pp. 759-774. AMERICA. Davidson, George. An examination of some of the early voyages of discovery and exploration on the northwest coast of America from 1539 to 1603. Rept. 1886, app. 7, pp. I55-253- Fox, G. V. An attempt to solve the problem of the first landing place of Columbus in the New world. Rept. 1880, app. 18, pp. 346-411. Schott, C. A. Variation of the compass off the Bahama islands at the time of the landfall of Columbus in 1492. Rept. 1880, app. 19, pp. 412-417. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. Historical sketch of the U. S. Coast and geodetic survey. Sep. pub. (1884?)* Historical compilation, U. S. Coast and geodetic survey. Sep. pub. (1887?)* Schott, C. A. Historical review of the work of the Coast and geodetic survey in connection with terrestrial magnetism. Rept. 1888, app. 6,* pt. 2, pp. 171-176. UNITED STATES COAST. Kohl, J. G. Abstract of a complete historical account of the progress of discovery on the western coast of the United States from the earliest period. Rept. 1855, app. 64,* pp. 374-375- Abstract of a historical memoir concerning the progress of exploration on the Atlantic coast of the United States. Rept. 1856, app. 65,* pp. 319-322. Abstract of an historical account of explorations made on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico. Rept. 1856, app. 66.* pp. 322-324. Western coast annals of maritime discovery and exploration. Rept. 1857, app. 52,* pp. 414-433. History of discovery and exploration on the coasts of the United States. Rept. 1884, app. 19,* pp. 495-617. Davidson, George. Magnetic variations off the coasts of California and Mexico observed by Spanish navigators in the last quarter of the eighteenth century. Rept. 1885, app. 7, pp. 275-284. See also Charts Expeditions Maps Voyages. Hoboken, N. J. Mendenhall, T. C. Determinations of gravity with the new half-second pendulums of the Coast and geodetic survey at stations on the Pacific coast, in Alaska, and at the base stations, Washington, D. C., and Hoboken, N. J. Rept. 1891, pt. 2, app. 15, pp. 503-564. * Exhausted. f Not for general distribution. 164 CATALOGUE. Hodgkins Hodgkins, William Candler. An historical account of the boundary line between the states of Pennsylvania and Delaware. Part I, in Kept. 1893, pt. 2, app. 8, pt. I, pp. 177-202. Detailed account of work on the Pennsylvania and Delaware boundary. Part II, in Rept. 1893, pt. 2, app. 8, pt. II, pp. 202-222. Triangulation and reconnaissance. No. 3 in Bull. 29. (1893.) Hog island, Potomac river. Report in relation to a portion of boundary line in dispute between the states of Maryland and Virginia. Rept. 1890, app. u, pp. 621-623. Holliday, Kans. Levels Jefferson City, Mp. Schott, C. A. Resulting heights from spirit leveling between Jefferson City, Mo., and Holliday, Kans., 1891. Rept. 1896, pt. 2, app. 5, pp. 265-284. Holliday, Kans. Levels Salina, Kans. Schott, C.A. Resulting heights from spirit leveling between Holliday and Salina, Kans. Rept. 1897, pt. 2, app. 4, pp. 269-283. Holton base, Ind. On the measurement of the Holton base, Holton, Ripley county, Ind., and the St. Albans base, Kanawha county, W. Va. Rept. 1892, pt. 2, app. 8, pp. 329-503. Schott, C. A. Length of the Holton base line, Ind., with related experimental measures. Rept. 1894, pt. 2, app. 5,* pp. 101-116. Honolulu, Hawaii. Preston, E. D. Observations for the variation of latitude, made near Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaiian islands, in co-operation with the International geodetic association and on the determina- tion of gravity and the magnetic elements. Rept. 1891. pt. 2, app. 13, pp. 479-485. Determination of the constant of aberration from latitude observations with the zenith telescope at Honolulu, H. I., and San Francisco, Cal. Rept. 1896, pt. 2, app. 10, pp. 353-371. See also Waikiki. Horizons. See Artificial horizons. Horizontal measures. Bache, A. D. Comparison of the reduction of horizontal angles by the methods of "dependent directions" and of "dependent angular quantities" by the method of least squares. Rept. 1854, app. 33,* pp. 63-95. Schott, C. A. Adjustment of horizontal angles of a triangulation. Probable error of observa- tion, derived from observations of horizontal angles at any single station and depending on directions. Rept. 1854, app. 338,* pp. 70-86. The problem of determining a position by angles observed upon a number of given stations. Solution of Gauss, with example. Rept. 1864, app. 13,* pp. 116-119. Adaptation of triangulations to various conditions, depending on the configuration of a country and on the degree of accuracy aimed at, with due consideration of the time and means available; also method of observing horizontal angles and directions in geodetic sur- veys. Rept. 1871, app. 15,* pp. 185-188. Same, with additions. Rept. 1876, app. 20, pp. 391-399. See also Micrometric measures Triangulation. Horizontal intensity, magnetic. See Magnetic intensity. Hour angles. See Azimuth. Hudson river. Mitchell, H. Tides and currents in Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket sounds and in East river at Hell Gate with remarks on the revision of levelings on Hudson river. Report 1857, app. 35,* PP. 350-354- Currents in the East river at Hell Gate and Throg's Neck, the sub-currents of New York bay and harbor and levelings on the banks of the Hudson river. Rept. 1858, app. 28, pp. 204-207. Report on the results of the physical surveys of New York harbor. Rept. 1887, app. 15, PP- 3QI-3 11 - Wiirdemann, G. On tidal observations made between New York city and Albany. Rept. 1856, app. 40,* pp. 266, 267. See also Dobbs Ferry New York harbor. Hudson river fiord. Lindenkohl, A. Geology of the sea bottom in the approaches to New York bay. Rept. 1884, app. 13,* pp. 435-438. Huger, Thomas B. Comparison of hydrographic sxirveys at the entrance to Cape Fear river. Rept. 1858, app. 13,* pp. 150, 151. ^Exhausted. 165 Hugo. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PUBLICATIONS. Hugo, Colo. Levels Colorado Springs, Colo. Schott, C. A. Resulting heights from spirit leveling between Hugo and Colorado Springs, Col. Rept. 1898, app. 3, pp. 215-228. Hugo, Colo. Levels Ellis, Kans. Schott, C. A. Resulting heights from spirit leveling between Ellis, Kans., and Hugo, Col. Rept. 1898, app. 2, pp. 195-214. Humboldt bay, Cal. Trinidad, Humboldt and San Diego bays. Rept. 1851, app. 50, pp. 528-530. Hunt, Edwin B. * Notes on lithography and lithographic transfers. Rept. 1853, a PP- 36,* pp. 90-93. Aligning reflector or interranger, Hunt's. Rept. 1853, app. 37,* pp. 93, 94. . Self-registering tide gauge, Saxton's. Rept. 1853, app. 38,* pp. 94-96. (And Schott, C. A.) Tables for projecting maps, with notes on map projections. Rept. 1853, a PP- 39>* PP- 96~ l6 3- Description of Coast survey apparatus for measuring base lines. Rept. 1854, app. 35,* pp. 103-108. Report on engraving in relation to the Coast survey. Rept. 1854, app. 57,* pp. 201-212. Report on an index of reference to memoirs and papers on subjects related to the Coast survey operations. Rept. 1856, app. 67,* pp. 325-330. On systematizing the abbreviations of titles of periodicals, transactions, etc. Rept. 1856, app. 68,* pp. 331-333. Deep-sea sounding apparatus. Rept. 1857, app. 47, * pp. 398-401. Preparation of an index of scientific references. Rept. 1857, app. 51,* pp. 404-414. Dynamics of ocean currents. Rept. 1858, app. 31,* pp. 213-216. Some anomalies in the Florida Gulf Stream. Rept. 1858, app. 32,* pp. 217-222. Origin, growth, substructure, and chronology of the Florida reef. Rept. 1862, app. 25,* pp. 241-248. Titles of scientific papers communicated by the late Major E. B. Hunt, United States Engineers, and published either in the Coast survey reports or with the proceedings of the American association for the advancement of science. Rept. 1863, app. 25,* pp. 207, 208. Description of the compensation base apparatus of the United States Coast survey. Rept. 1873, app. 12,* [pt. II] pp. 132-136. Hydraulic engineering. Davidson, G. Observations on certain harbors and river improvements collected on a voyage from Hongkong, via Suez, to New York. Rept. 1875, app. 18,* pp. 293-314. See also Canals Harbors Hydrography Levees Light-houses Piers Rivers. Hydraulics. Hunt, E. B. Dynamics of ocean currents. Rept. 1858, app. 31,* pp. 213-216. Peirce, Benjamin. Cotidal lines of an inclosed sea derived from the equilibrium theory. Rept. 1858, app. 30,* pp. 210-213. See also Currents Motion Physical hydrography Tides. Hydrographic changes. See Physical hydrography. Hydrographic instruments. See Current float Current meter Depth recorder Dredging appa- ratus Hydrometer Log Sounding apparatus Thermometer Tide gauge Tide indicator Tide predicting machine. Hydrographic reconnaissance. CALIFORNIA. McArthur, \V. P. Report accompanying a reconnaissance chart of \he western coast of the United States, from Monterey, Cal., to the Columbia river, Oregon. Rept. 1850, app. 31,* pp. 119 121. Alden, James. Reconnaissance from San Francisco to San Diego, including Santa Barbara islands and channel. Rept. 1852, app. 18,* pp. 104-107. Johnson, W. M. Features of Santa Cruz island, the valley of San Buenaventura, and. the coast north of Santa Barbara channel. Rept. 1855, app. 28,* pp. 186-188. Topographical features of the coast adjacent to Santa Barbara channel. Rept. 1857, app. 43,* PP- 39, 39 1 - FLORIDA. Gerdes, F.H. Reconnaissance of the Florida keys. Rept. 1850, app. 23,* pp. 106-110. Florida coast reconnaissance. Rept. 1851, app. 31,* pp. 488-494. LOUISIANA. Gerdes, F. H. Reconnaissance of the coast of Louisiana in 1854. Rept. 1854, app. 20,* pp. 28-30. UNITED STATES COAST. General list of Coast survey discoveries and developments to 1854, inclusive. Rept. 1855, app. 9,* pp. 148-152. Gerdes, F. H. On a reconnaissance from Suwanee river, Florida, to the mouths of the Mis- sissippi. Rept. 1852, app. 12,* pp. 87-94. McArthur, W. P. Report accompanying a reconnaissance chart of the western coast of the United States, from Monterey, Cal., to the Columbia river, Ore. Rept. 1850, app. 31,* pp. 119-121. See also Coast Pilot Physical hydrography. * Exhausted 166 CATALOGUE. Hydrographic. Hydrographic sheets. List of original topographic and hydrographic sheets, geographically arranged, registered in the archives of the United States Coast and geodetic survey from January, 1834, to December 31, 1895. Rept. 1895, pt. 2, app. n, pp. 399-516. Hydrographic surveys (Results Discussion under Physical Hydrography). General instructions in regard to the hydrographic work of the Coast survey. Instructions in methods of work. ( 1861 ?) General instructions in regard to inshore hydrographic work of the Coast survey. Instructions in methods of work. ( 1878. ) General instructions for hydrographic work. Instructions in methods of work. ( 1883. ) General instructions for hydrographic parties, 1894. Instructions. ( 1894. ) Hydrography. (Leaflet printed for distribution at the Pan-American exposition, Buffalo, N. Y.) Sep. pub. (1901.) Ackley, S. M. Hydrography. No. 8 in Bull. 29. (1893.) ALASKA. Rodman, Hugh, (compiler), Alaska. General information relating to the vicinity of Chatham and Peril straits, from a recent survey of the U. S. Coast survey steamer Patter- son, Lieut. Commander E. K. Moore, U. S. N., commanding, and Cooks inlet and the region the westward, by W. H. Dall. Bull. 35. (1897.) ATLANTIC OCEAN. Mitchell, H. Physical hydrography of the Gulf of Maine. Rept. 1879, a PP- 10, pp. 175-190. CALIFORNIA. Trinidad, Humboldt and San Diego bays. Rept. 1851, app. 50,* pp. 528-530. Johnson, \V. M. Features of Santa Cruz island, the valley of San Buenaventura, and the coast north of Santa Barbara channel. Rept. 1855, app. 28,* pp. 186-188. CHESAPEAKE BAY. Winslow, Francis. Report on the oyster beds of the James river, Virginia, and of Tangier and .Pocomoke sounds, Maryland and . Virginia. Rept. iSSi, app. n, pp. DELAWARE BAY. Mitchell, H. Report on the delta of the Delaware. Rept. 1886, app. 10, pp. 267-269. GEORGIA. Drake, J. C. On the sounds and estuaries of Georgia with reference to oyster culture. Bull. 19. (1891.) MAINE. Report of Portland [Maine] harbor commission. Rept. 1855, app. 31,* pp. 200-219. Mitchell, H. Physical survey of Portland harbor; velocities of tidal currents. Rept. 1873, app. 8,* pp. 94-102. MASSACHUSETTS. Mitchell, H. Surveys in the Merrimack river, Massachusetts. Rept. 1867, app. 14,* pp. 170-175- Marindin, H. L. Encroachment of the sea upon the coast of Cape Cod, Mass., as shown by comparative surveys. Rept. 1889, app. 12, pp. 403-407. Cross sections of the shore of Cape Cod between Chatham and the Highland light- house. Rept. 1889, app. 13, pp. 409-457. Changes in 'the shore line and anchorage areas of Cape Cod (or Provincetown ) harbor, by comparison of surveys between 1835, 1867, and 1890. Rept. 1891, pt. 2, app. 8, pp. 283-288. Cross sections of the shore of Cape Cod, Mass., between the Cape Cod and Long point light-houses. Rept. 1891, pt. 2, app. 9, pp. 289-341. Changes in the shore lines and anchorage areas of Cape Cod (or Provincetown) harbor, as shown by a comparison of surveys made between 1867 and 1890. Bull. 24. (1891.) Changes in the ocean shore lines of Nantucket island, Mass., from a comparison of surveys 1846 to 1887 and in 1891. Rept. 1892, pt. 2, app. 6, pp. 243-252. Cross sections on the north shores of Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard, Mass. Rept. 1896, pt. 2, app. 9, pp. 347-352. Tables of cross sections on the north shores of Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard, Mass. Rept. 1896, pt. 2, app. 8,* pp. 305-346. Whiting, H. L. Provincetown harbor, Massachusetts; special survey. Rept. 1867, a PP- I2 >* pp. i49-*57- Report of changes in the shore line and beaches of Martha's Vineyard, as derived from comparisons of recent with former surveys. Rept. 1886, app. 9, pp. 263-266. (And Mitchell, H.) Reports concerning Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket. Rept. 1869, app. 15,* pp. 236-259. MISSISSIPPI RIVER. Mitchell, H. Recent observations at South pass bar, Mississippi river. Rept. 1875, app. ii,* pp. 189-193. Characteristics of South pass, Mississippi river. Rept. 1876, app. 12, pp. 190, 191. NEW JERSEY. Mitchell, Henry. Changes in the submerged contours off Sandy Hook. Rept. 1873, app. 10,* pp. 108-110. Whiting, H. L. Progress of Sand}- Hook from 1848 to 1850. Rept. 1850, app. 9,* pp. Si, 82. NEW YORK. Resurvey of New York bay and harbor and dependencies for the Commissioners on harbor encroachments. Rept. 1855, app. 24,* pp. 165-171. Bartlett, W. A. On Pot rock, Hell Gate. Rept. 1852, app. 8,* p. 84. Boschke, A. [Comparative] maps, New York harbor. Rept. 1856, app. 48,* pp. 281, 282. Report on the drawing of maps of New York harbor, made for the Commissioners on harbor encroachments. Rept. 1857, app. 38,* pp. 373, 374. Mitchell, H. Physical survey of New York harbor and the coast of Long Island, with descrip^ tions of apparatus for observing currents. Rept. 1859, app. 26,* pp. 311-317. Harbor of New York, 1873. Rept. 1871, app. 8,* pp. 109-133. * Exhausted. f Not for general distribution. 167 Hydrography. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PUBLICATIONS. NEW YORK. Mitchell, H. Middle-ground shoal, New York harbor. Kept. 1872, app. 16 * pp 257-261. Physical survey of New York harbor. Kept. 1876, app. 10,* pp. 147-185. Location of a quay or pier line in the vicinity of the United States Navy-yard at New York. Rept. 1876, app. u, pp. 186-189. Report on the results of the physical survey of New York harbor. Rept. 1887. app. 15, Pp. 301-311- Pendleton, A. G. Report to Commissioners on preservation of New York harbor from encroach- ment, by the advisory council on the comparative map of New York bay and harbor and approaches; prepared by the Coast survey. Rept. 1857, app. 37,* pp. 358-373. Temple, W. G. Results of examination to determine least water on the rocks at Hell Gate, East river, New York. Rept. 1857, app. 13,* pp. 150, 151. NORTH CAROLINA. Bradford, J. S. Entrance to Cape Fear river. Hydrographic changes. Rept. 1865, app. 5,* p. 45. Huger, T. B. Comparison of hydrographic surveys in 1856 and 1858, at the entrance of Cape Fear river. Rept. 1858, app. 13,* pp. 150-151. Maffit, J. N. Beaufort harbor. Rept. 1854, app. 14,* pp. 21-23. Re-examination of the bars and estuaries to Cape Fear river. Rept. 1857, app. 17,* pp. 153-156. Rodgers, C. R. P. Results of a re-survey of bar and anchorage, Beaufort harbor. Rept. 1857, app. 16,* pp. 152-153- Whiting, H. L. Beaufort harbor. Rept. 1851, app. 28,* pp. 482-484. Winslow, Francis. Report on the sounds and estuaries of North Carolina with reference to oyster culture. Bull. 10. ( 1889. ) PENNSYLVANIA. Marindin, H. L. Comparison of the surveys of Delaware river front of Phila- delphia, 1843 and 1878. Rept. 1880, app. 9, pp. 110-125. Mitchell, H. Physical survey of the Delaware river at Philadelphia. Rept. 1878, app. 9, pp. 121-173. See also Coast pilot Currents Oceanography Physical hydrography Sounding Tides. Hydrography. See Currents Charts Drawing Hydraulic engineering Hydrographic surveys- Marine engineering Oceanography Physical hydrography Sounding Tides Topog- raphy. Hydrometer. Hilgard, J. E. Ocean salinometer. Rept. 1874, app. 16,* pp. 154, 155. Optical densimeter for ocean water. Rept. 1877, app. 10, pp. 108-113. Tittmann, O. H. Reduction of hydrometer observations of salt water densities. Ed. i. Bull. 18. (1890.) Same. Rept. 1891, pt. 2, app. 6, pp. 275-277. See also Sea water densities. Hypsometry. Braid, Andrew. Hypsometry. No. 10 in Bull. 29. (1893.) Schott, C. A. Observations of atmospheric refraction. Contribution no. II. Determination of several heights by the spirit level, and measures of refraction by zenith distances, also observations of the barometer at Ragged mountain, Maine, by F. W. Perkins. Rept. 1876, app. 17, pp. 355-367. Atmospheric refraction and adjustment of hypsometric measures. Contribution no. III. Determination of the coefficient of refraction from zenith distances observed in northern Georgia, by Assistants C. O. Boutelle and F. P. Webber, in 1873 and 1874, and adjustment of difference of heights by the method of least squares. Rept. 1876, app. 18, pp. 3^8-387. Hypsometric formulae, based upon thermodynamic principles. Rept. 1876, app. 19, PP- 388-390. See also Barometric hypsometry Elevations Leveling Micrometric measures Refraction Tables Vertical measures. Icebergs. Alexander, Stephen. Expedition to Labrador, to observe the total eclipse of the i8th of July, 1860. Report 011 the determination of the magnetic elements by Edward Goodfellow, assistant, with notes by C. A. Schott, assistant. Rept. 1860, app. 21,* pp. 229-275. Iced bar apparatus. Sec Base measuring apparatus. Iconometry. See Phototopography. Illinois. Schott, C. A. Results of spirit leveling of precision between Odin, 111., and Okolona, Misj. Rept. 1892, pt. 2, app. 3, pp. 161-203. See also Chicago Transcontinental arc. Inclination, Magnetic. See Magnetic inclination. Incrustation. See Boilers. Indexes. See Bibliography. * Exhausted. 168 CATALOGUE. Indian. Indian territory. Baldwin, A. L. On the measurement of nine bases along the ninety-eighth meridian. Rept. 1901, app. 3, pp. 229-302. Indiana. See Holton base. Indicator. See Tide indicator. Induction time. Dean, G. W. Report on preliminary experiments made to determine the variations of "induc- tion time " in relay magnets. Rept. 1863, app. 23,* p. 205. Instructions. Thorn, F. M. Instructions and memoranda for descriptive reports to accompany original sheets. Rept. 1887, app. n,*pp. 211-215. See also List of Instructions in methods of work and Laws and regulations (under list of Administrative publications) in Part I. Instruments. Hilgard, J. E. On the action of sea-water on metals used in the construction of instruments and on magnetic needles. Rept. 1854, app. 55,* pp. 192, 193. Saegmuller, G. N. Reconstruction of the [graduating or] dividing engine of the Coast and geodetic survey. Rept. 1879, app. 12,* pp. 192-198. Smith, Edwin. Notes on some instruments recently made in the instrument division of the Coast and geodetic survey office. Rept. 1894, pt. 2, app. 8, pp. 263-275. See also Artificial horizon Base measuring apparatus Chronograph Current float Cur- rent meter Depth recorder Dip instrument Dividers Dredging apparatus Electro- magnetism Graduating apparatus Heliotrope Hydrometer Interranger Leveling Leveling rods Log Longitude Longitude instruments Magnetic instruments Mag- netic needle Magnetometer Meridian instrument Micrometric measures Pantograph Pendulum Personal equation apparatus Phototopography Plane table Sounding appa- ratus Standards Telegraph Telescopes Theodolite Thermometer Tide indicator Tide gauge Tide predicting machine Transit (instrument) Weights and measures office Zenith telescope. Intensity, Magnetic. See Magnetic intensity. International geodetic association. Davidson, George. Ninth conference of the International geodetic association held at Paris, October, 1889. Rept. 1889, app. 18, pp. 493-503. - Address at International geodetic association. Ninth conference. Paris, October 3-12, 1889. Rept. 1890, app. 17, pp. 721-733. Mendenhall, T. C. On the variation of latitude at Rockville, Md. , as determined from observa- tions made in 1891 and 1892, in cooperation with the International geodetic association. Prefatory note. Rept. 1892, pt. 2, app. i, pp. i, 2. Same, abstract. Bull. 25. ( 1892. ) Preston, E. D. Observations for the variation of latitude, made near Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaiian islands, in cooperation with the work of the International geodetic association and on the determination of gravity and the magnetic elements. Rept. 1891, pt. 2, app. 13, pp. 479- 485- Variation of latitude at Waikiki, near Honolulu, Hawaiian islands, as determined from observations made in 1891 and 1892 in cooperation with the International geodetic associa- tion. Rept. 1892, pt. 2, app. 2, pp. 53-159. Report on the proceedings of the International geodetic association conference at Stuttgart, Germany, October 3d to I2th, 1898, and on geodetic operations in the United States. Rept. 1898, app. 6, pp. 243-260. The International geodetic association for the measurement of the earth. Rept. 1899, app. 3, pp. 241-269. Schott, C. A. Variation of latitude at Rockville, Md., as determined from observations made in 1891 and 1892, in co-operation with the International geodetic association. Reductions of the observations and discussion of the results. Rept. 1892, pt. 2, app. i, pp. 17-51. Same, abstract. Bull. 25. (1892.) Variation of latitude at San Francisco, Cal., from observations made in concert with the International geodetic association, 1891 and 1892. Rept. 1893, pt. 2, app. TI, pp. 441-508. Smith, Edwin. Variation of latitude at Rockville, Md., as determined from observations made in 1891 and 1892, in co-operation with the International geodetic association. Description of the station, instruments, and methods of observing. Rept. 1892, pt. 2, app. i, pp. 2-17. Same, abstract. Bull. 25. (1892.) (And Schlesinger, F. ) The International latitude service at Gaithersburg, Md., and Ukiah, Cal., under the auspices of the International geodetic association. Rept. 1900, app. 5, pp. 495-520. International latitude service. See International geodetic association. Interpolation. vSchott, C. A. Cauchy's interpolation formulae, with remarks by C. A. Schott. Rept. 1860, app. 37,* PP- 392-396. * Exhausted. 169 Inter-ranger. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PUBLICATIONS. Intel-ranger. Aligning reflector or interranger, Hunt's. Rept. 1853, app. 37,* pp, 93, 94. Intervisibility. Hilgard, J. E. Intervisibility of stations. Rept. 1873, app. 13,* p. 137. Isoclinic lines. See Magnetic inclination. Isody namic lines. See Magnetic intensity. Isogonic charts. Bauer, L,. A. United States magnetic declination tables and isogonic charts for 1902 and prin- cipal facts relating to the earth's magnetism. Sep. pub. (1902.) Isogonic lines. See Magnetic declination. Isthmian canals. See also Darien Nicaragua Panama. Italy. Flemer, J. A. Phptotopography as practiced in Italy under the auspices of the Royal military geographical institute, and as practiced in the Dominion of Canada under the auspices of the Department of the interior. Also a short historical review of other photographic sur- veys and publications on the subject. Rept. 1893, pt. 2, app. 3, pp. 37-116. Jacobsen, Oscar. On the air contained in sea water. Sep. pub. (1874.)* Jaderin, Edward. On the measurement of base lines with steel tapes and with steel and brass wires. Translated by J. H. Gore. Rept. 1893, pt. 2, app. 5, pp. 125-164. James river, Va. Winslow, Francis. Report on the oyster beds of the James river, Virginia, and of Tangier and Pocomoke sounds, Maryland and Virginia. Rept. 1881, app. n, pp. 269-353. Japan. See Nagasaki Tok'io. Japan current. See Kuro Siwo. Jarvis, David Henry. Alaska. Coast pilot notes on the Fox islands passes, Unalaska bay, Bering sea, and Arctic ocean as far as Point Barrow. Bull. 40. (1900.) Jefferson City, Mo. Levels -Holliday, Kans. Schott, C. A. Resulting heights from spirit leveling between Jefferson City, Mo., and Holliday, Kans., 1891. Rept. 1896, pt. 2, app. 5, pp. 265-284. Jefferson City, Mo. Levels St. Louis, Mo. Schott, C. A. Heights from geodetic leveling between St. Louis and Jefferson City, Mo., 1882- 1888. Rept. 1893, pt. 2, app. 2, pp. 19-36. Jersey flats. See New York harbor. Joe Flogger shoal. Mitchell, Henry. A report on the delta of -the Delaware. Rept. 1886, app. 10, pp. 267-279. Johnson, William M. Features of Santa Cruz island, the valley of San Buenaventura, and the coast nqfth of Santa Barbara channel. Rept. 1855, app. 28,* pp. 186-188. Topographical features of the coast adjacent to Santa Barbara channel. Rept. 1857, app. 43,* PP- 390, 391- Kadiak, Alas. Moser, J. F/ Hydrographic notes and sailing directions, and charts of surveys relating to the vicinity of Prince William sound, Cooks inlet, Kadiak island, and route from Unalaska to Chignik, through Unimak pass and inside the islands. Bull. 38. (1899.) Schott, C. A. Resulting longitudes of Kadiak, Unalaska, and Unga, Alaska, as determined chronometrically from Sitka in 1896, by the party under the charge of Fremont Morse, assistant. Rept. 1897, pt. 2, app. 3, pp. 263-268. Kamchatka, Siberia. Schott, C. A. The magnetic observations made on Bering's first voyage to the coasts of Kam- chatka and eastern Asia in the years 1725 to 1730. gull. 20. (1891.) Same. Rept. 1891, p. 2, app. 5, pp. 269-273. Kansas. BASE MEASURES. Baldwin, A. L. On the measurement of nine base lines along the ninety- eighth meridian. Rept. 1901, app. 3, pp. 229-302. LEVELING. Schott, C. A. Resulting heights from spirit leveling between Jefferson City, Mo., and Holliday, Kans., 1891. Rept. 1896, pt. 2, app. 5, p. 265-284. * Exhausted. 170 CATALOGUE. Katama. LEVELING. Resulting heights from spirit leveling between Holliday and Salina, Kans. From observations by I. Winston, assistant, between July n and October 28, 1895. Rept. 1897, pt. 2, app. 4, pp. 269-283. Resulting heights from spirit leveling between Salina and Ellis, Kans. , from observa- tions made by I. Winston, assistant, between July 2 and September 9, 1896. Rept. 1898, app. i, pp. 1 79-1 93. Resulting heights from spirit leveling -between Ellis, Kans., and Hugo, Colo., from observations by I. Winston, assistant, between June n and November 17, 1897. Rept. 1898, app. 2, pp. 195-214. Tilton, B. E. Resulting elevations from spirit leveling between Abilene, Kans., and Norfolk, Nebr., 1899. Rept. 1899, app. 6, pp. 299-320. TRIANGULATIOX. Hayford, J. F. Triangulation northward along the ninety-eighth meridian in Kansas and Nebraska. Rept. 1901, app. 6, p. 357-423. ,S>v also Transcontinental arc. Katama bay, Mass. Marindin, H. L. Tides and currents in the harbor of Edgartown and in Katama bay, Martha's Vineyard. Rept, 1892, pt. 2, app. 5, pp. 225-241. Kellogg, Albert. Botany of Alaska territory. Rept. 1867, app. 18 L, M,* pp. 318-324. Kenai language. Vocabularies of the Kodiac, Unalashka, Kenai and Sitka languages. Rept. 1867, app. 18 G,* PP- 293-298. Kendall, E. Otis. Moon culminations observed at High school observatory, Philadelphia. Rept. 1854, app. 38,* p. 1 20. Kent island base, Md. Schott, C. A. Length of the Kent island base line. Rept. 1866, app. 8 (supplement), p. 140. Kentucky. Geographical positions determined approximately in West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, and Missouri. Rept. 1865, app. 10,* p. 137. Schott, C. A. Results of spirit leveling of precision between Okolona, Miss., and Odin, 111. Rept. 1892, pt. 2, app. 3, pp. 161-203. See also Louisville Mississippi river. Key Biscayne base, Fla. Schott, C. A. Report on the resulting length and probable uncertainty of five principal base lines, measured with the Bache-Wiirdemann compensation base apparatus between 1847 and 1855. Rept. 1889, app. 17, pp. 479-49 1 - Key West, Fla. Bache, A. D. On the tides at Key West, Florida. Rept. 1853, app. 27,* pp. 71-76. Schott, C. A. Observations of terrestrial magnetism at Key West, Fla. , made between 1860 and 1866. Rept. 1874, app. 9,* pp. 109-130. Schott, C. A. Telegraphic longitude of Key West. Rept. 1875, app. 9,* pp. 139-156. Trowbridge, W. P. Report on the magnetic station at Key West, Florida reef. Rept. 1860, app. 26,* pp. 326-349. See also Gulf stream. Key port, N. J. Levels Gloucester, N. J. Cutts, R. D. Leveling operations between Keyport, on Raritan bay and Gloucester, on the Delaware river, to determine the heights above mean tide of the primary stations Beacon hill, Disboro, Stony hill, Mount Holly, and Pine hill. Rept. 1870, app. 7,* pp. 75, 76. Leveling operations between Keyport, on Raritan bay, and Gloucester, on the Delaware river, to determine the height above mean tide of the primary stations Beacon hill, Disboro, Stony hill, Mount Holly, and Pine hill. Rept. 1871, app. 12,* pp. 171-175. Keys. See Florida keys. Kill Von Kull. See New York harbor. Kilogram. Tittmann, O. H. Historical account of United States standards of weights and measures; of the national prototypes of the metre and the kilogramme; of their transportation from Paris to Washington; of their official opening and certification, and of their deposit in the office of weights and measures. Rept. 1890, app. 18, pp. 735-758. Kodiak language. Vocabularies of the Kodiak, Unalashka, Kenai and Sitka languages. Rept. 1867, app. 18 G,* pp. 293-298. 1 * Exhausted. 171 Kohl. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PUBLICATIONS. Kohl, John George. Abstract of a complete historical account of the progress of discovery on the western coast of the United States from the earliest period. Rept. 1855, app. 64,* pp. 374, 375. Abstract of an historical memoir concerning the progress of exploration on the Atlantic coast of the United States. Rept. 1856, app. 65,* pp. 319-322. Abstract of an historical account of explorations made on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico (within the limits of the United States). Rept. 1856, app. 66,* pp. 322-324. Western coast annals of maritime discovery and exploration. Report of the method and scope of a memoir on. Rept. 1857, app. 52,* pp. 414-433. History of discovery and exploration on the coasts of the United States. Rept. 1884, app. 19,* pp. 495-6I7. Koos bay. See Coos bay. Kummell, Charles H. On an approximate method of deducing probable error. Rept. 1890, app. 13, pp. 685-687. On the direct synthetical method of adjusting a triangulatioii. Rept. 1892, pt. 2, app. 12, PP- 535-552. A new solution of the geodetic problem. Rept. 1896, pt. 2, app. 7, pp. 293-303. Kuro Siwo. Dall, W. H. Report on the currents and temperatures .of Bering sea and adjacent waters. Rept. 1880, app. 1 6,* pp. 297-340. L. M. Z. See Tables. La Caille's observations. Powalky, C. R. New reduction of La Caille's observations, made at the Cape of Good Hope between 1749 and 1757, and given in. his "Astronomiae Fundamenta," together with a com- parison of the results with the " Bradley-Bessel P\indamenta ; " also, a catalogue of the places of 150 stars south of declination 30, for the epochs 1750 and 1830. Rept. 1882, app. 21, pp. 469-502. Labrador. Alexander, Stephen. Expedition to [Aulezavik island] Labrador, to observe the total eclipse of the iSth of July, 1860. Rept. 1860. app. 21, ~ :: ~ pp. 229-275. Lieber, O. M. Geology of the coast of Labrador. Rept. 1860, app. 42, " :: pp. 402-408. Murray, A. Labrador eclipse expedition and incidental results bearing on the hydrography of the coast of Labrador. Rept. 1860, app. 41,* pp. 399-402. Lake Champlain. Schott, C. A. Fluctuations in the level of Lake Champlain and average height of its surface above the sea. Rept. 1887, app. 7, pp. 165-172. Lake levels. See Water level. Lake Ontario. Schott, C. A. Connection at Lake Ontario of the primary triangulation of the Coast and geo- detic survey with that of the Lake survey. Rept. 1884, app. 9, pp. 387-390. See also Lake Champlain. Lake survey. Schott, C. A., and Tittmann, O. H. The relation between the metric standards of length of the U. S. Coast and geodetic. survey and the U. S. Lake survey. Bull. 17. (1889.) Same, with additions. Rept. 1889, app. 6,* pp. 179-197. Lampasas base, Tex. Baldwin, A. L. On the measurement of nine base lines along the ninety-eighth meridian. Rept. 1901, app. 3, pp. 229-302. Land surveys. Report to the Commissioner of the general land office showing progress made in the survey and marking (in quarter sections) of the Florida keys. Rept. 1856, app. 52,* pp. 286, 289. Letter from the Superintendent coast survey, to the Commissioner of the general land office, communicating the results of the survey of Florida keys, in the vicinity of Key West and Spanish harbor. Rept. 1854. app. 19,* pp. 25-27. Report to Commissioner of general land office on progress made in survey and marking of the Florida keys in quarter sections. Rept. 1857, app. 42,* pp. 382-390. Superintendent's report to Commissioner of general land office on progress made in surveying and marking of the keys continued. Rept. 1858, app. 35,"" pp. 225-227. Lane, Jonathan Homer. New form of mercurial horizon. Rept. 1871, app. 16,* pp. 189-192. Languages. Vocabularies of the Kodiac, Unalashka, Kenai, and Sitka languages. Rept. 1867, app. 18 G,* pp. 293-298. Vocabulary, Alaskan. Rept. 1867, app. 18 N," pp. 325-329. *Exhausted. CATALOGUE. Latitude. Latitude. Formulae, tables and example for computing geodetic latitudes, longitudes, and azimuths. Rept. 1860, app. 36,* pp. 361-391. vSame. Ed. 2, much enlarged. Title changed to Formula; and factors for the computation of geodetic latitudes, longitudes and azimuths. Rept. 1875, app. 19,* pp. 315-368. Same. Ed. 3. Title like ed. 2. Rept. 1884, app. 7,* pp. 323-375. Same. Ed. 4. Title changed to Formulae and tables for the computation of geodetic posi- tions. Rept. 1894, pt. 2, app. 9, pp. 277-348. List of stars for observations of latitude. Rept. 1873, app. 14, pp. 138-174. Time, latitude and longitude. (Leaflet printed for distribution at the Pan-American exposition Buffalo, N. Y. ) Sep. pub. (1901). Bache, A. D. On a supposed personal equation in the use of the zenith telescope for determin- ing latitude by Talcott's method. Rept. 1858, app. 20,* pp. 184-186. Hayford, J. F. Determination of time, longitude, latitude and azimuth. Rept. 1898, app. 7, pp. 261-409. Preston, E. D. Differential method of computing the apparent places of stars for determina- tions of latitude. Rept. 1888, app. 13, pp. 465-470. Schott, C. A. On the method for determination of latitude by the zenith telescope. Rept. 1857, app. 31,* pp. 324-334. Latitude by the zenith telescope. Rept. 1866, app. 10,* pp. 72-85. Determination of latitude by means of the zenith telescope. Rept. 1880, app. 14,* pt. 3, pp. 243-259. Sinclair, C. H. Time, latitude and longitude. No. 4 in Bull. 29.' (1893.) ALASKA. Reid, H. F. Report of an expedition to Muir glacier, Alaska, with determinations of latitude and the magnetic elements at Camp Muir, Glacier bay. Rept. 1891, pt. 2, app. 14, pp. 487-501. Schott, C. A. Abstract of resulting latitudes of some prominent stations in Alaska and adjacent parts as astronomically determined during 1889-1895. Rept. 1895, pt. 2, app. 2, pp. 321-332. CALIFORNIA. Davidson, G. Astronomical observations on the Sierra Nevada. Rept. 1872, app. 9,* pp. I73-J76. CHATHAM ISLAND. Smith, Edwin. Transit of Venus, Chatham island, 1874. Rept. 1875, app. 14, pp. 231-248. HAWAII. Preston, E. D. Determinations of latitude and gravity for the Hawaiian government. Rept. 1888, app. 14, pp. 471-563. Same, abstract. Bull. n. (1889.) Determinations of latitude, gravity, and magnetic elements at stations in the Hawaiian islands, including a result for the mean density of the earth, 1891, 1892. Rept. 1893, pt. 2, app. 12, pp. 509-638. MASSACHUSETTS. Gould, B. A. Report on the latitude of Cloverden station, in Cambridge. Rept. 1865, app. 17,* pp. 160-165. WASHINGTON. Gilliss, J. M. Solar eclipse of July, 1860, observed near Fort Steilacoom, W. T. Rept. 1860, app. 22,* pp. 275-292. WYOMING. Cutts, R. D. , and Young, C. A. Astronomical and meteorological observations made at Sherman, Wyo. T. Rept. 1872, app. 8,* pp. 75-172. See also Aberration Geographic positions Latitude variation Meridian instrument Microm- etric measures Plumb line deflection Star catalogues Zenith telescope. Latitude variation. Smith, Edwin, and Schlesinger, F. The International latitude service at Gaithersburg, Md., and Ukiah, Cal., under the auspices of the International geodetic association. Rept. 1900, app. 5, pp. 495-520. CALIFORNIA. Preston, E. D. Determination of the constant of aberration from latitude obser- vations with the zenith telescope at Honolulu, H. I., and San Francisco, Cal. Rept. 1896, app. 10, pp. 353-37I- The constant of aberration as determined from observations of latitude at San Francisco, California. Bull. 32. (1895.) Schott, C. A. Variation of latitude at San Francisco, Cal., from observations made in concert with the International geodetic association. 1891 and 1892. Rept. 1893, pt. 2, app. n, pp. 441-508. HAWAII. Preston, E. D. Observations for the variation of latitude, made near Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaiian islands, in cooperation with the work of the International geodetic association and on the determination of gravity and the magnetic elements. Rept. 1891, pt. 2, app. 13,* pp. 479-485. Variation of latitude at Waikiki, near Honolulu, Hawaiian islands, as determined from observations made in 1891 and 1892 in cooperation with the International geodetic associ- ation. Rept. 1892, pt. 2, app. 2, pp. 53-159. Results of observations for the variations of latitude at Waikiki, Hawaiian islands, in cooperation with the work of the International geodetic association. Bull. 27. (1893.) The constant of aberration as determined from a discussion of results for latitude at Waikiki, Hawaiian islands. Bull. 28. (1893.) Determination of the constant of aberration from latitude observations with the zenith telescope at Honolulu, H. I., and San Francisco, Cal. Rept. 1896, app. 10, pp. 353-371. MARYLAND. Mendenhall, T. C. Prefatory note. Variations of latitude at Rockville, Md., as determined from observations made in 1891 and 1892, in co-operation with the International geodetic association. Rept. 1892, pt. 2, app. i, pp. i, 2. * Exhausted. 173 Laws. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PUBLICATIONS. MARYLAND. Same, abstract. Bull. 25. (1892.) Schott, C. A. Variation of latitude at Rockville, Md., as determined from observations made in 1891 and 1892, in co-operation with the International geodetic association. Reductions of the observations and discussions of the results. Rept. 1892, pt. 2, app. i, pp. 17-51. Same, abstract. Bull. 25. ( 1892. ) Smith, Edwin. Variation of latitude at Rockville, Md., as determined from observations made in 1891 and 1892 in co-operation with the International geodetic association. Rept. 1892, pt. 2, app. i, pp. 2-17. Same, abstract. Bull. 25. (1892.) See also Micrometric measures Stars (Polar). . Laws. Fairneld, G. A. State laws authorizing entrance upon lands within state limits for the purposes of the Coast and geodetic survey. Rept. 1893, pt. 2, app. i, pp. i-iS. See also Standards. Laws and regulations. See List of Laws and regulations and of Instructions in methods of work (under Administrative publications) in Part I. Lawson, James S. General character of Koos bay, Oregon. Rept. 1861, app. 30,* pp. 264, 265. Transit of Venus of December 6, 1882, at Tepusquet station, California. Rept. 1883, app. 16, PP- 375, 376. Least square method. Bache, A. D. Comparison of the reduction of horizontal angles by the methods of "dependent directions ' ' and of ' ' dependent angular quantities ' ' by the method of least squares. Rept. 1854, app. 33,* pp. 63-70. Kummell, C. H. On an approximate method of deducing probable error. Rept. 1890, app. 13, pp. 685-687. Merriman, Mansfield. On the determination by least squares of the relation between two variables liable to errors of observation. Rept. 1890, app. 13, pp. 687-690. Peirce, C. S. On the theory of errors of observation. Rept. 1870, app. 21,* pp. 200-224. Schott, C. A. Determination of the probable error of an observation by the differences of the observations from their arithmetical mean. Rept. 1856, app. 59,* pp. 307, 308. See also Adjustment. Least water. See Channels Depths. Lee, S. Phillips Table showing temperatures at depths below 700 fathoms taken by Lieutenants Commanding C. H. Davis in 1845, George M. Bache in 1846, and S. P. Lee in 1847. Rept. 1847, app. 1 1,* P- 75- Lehman's ranch, Nev. Eimbeck, William. Trans-t of Venus of December 6, 1882, at Lehman's ranch, Nevada. Rept. 1883, app. 1 6, pp. 376-378. Length. Sec Meter Mile Standards Yard. Lenses. Hilgard, J. E. On the trial of Harrison's globe lens previous to its use in the photograph division. Rept. 1863, app. 24,* pp. 206, 207. Lettering. Welch, Williams. Proportions and spacing of Roman letters as ascertained from the best examples. Rept. 1900, app. 4, pp. 485-494. Levees. Mitchell, H. Reclamation of tide lands and its relation to navigation. Rept. 1869, app. 5, pp. 75-104. Leveling. Leveling. (Leaflet printed for distribution at the Pan-American exposition, Buffalo, N. Y.) Sep. pub. (1901.) Cutts, R. D. Memoranda relating to the field work of the secondary triangulation. Rept. 1868, app. 7,* pp. 109-139. Tittmann, O. H. Instruments and methods used in the Coast and geodetic survey for precise leveling. Rept. 1879, app 15, pp. 202-211. ALABAMA. Schott, C. A. Height from spirit levelings of precision between Mobile, Ala., and Carrolton (New Orleans), La. Rept. 1887, app. 9, pp. 185-205. Heights from spirit leveling of precision between Mobile, Ala., and Okolona, Miss. Rept. 1888, app. 10, pp. 409-426. ARKANSAS. Schott, C. A. Heights from spirit leveling of precision between New Orleans, La., and Arkansas City, Ark. Rept. 1888, app. n, pp. 427-453. * Exhausted. 174 CATALOGUE. Leveling. ARKANSAS. Heights from spirit leveling of precision between Arkansas City (on the Mississippi river) and Little Rock, Ark. Rept. 1888, app. 12, pp. 455-46$. CALIFORNIA. Davidson, G., and Schott, C. A. Comparison of the methods of determining heights by means of leveling, vertical angles, and barometric measures, from observations at Bodega Head and Ross mountain, California. Rept. 1871, app. u,* pp. 154-170. Same. Rept. 1876, app. 16, pp. 338-354. COLORADO. Schott, C. A. Resulting heights from spirit leveling between Hugo and Colorado Springs, Colo. Rept. 1898, app. 3, pp. 215-228. Resulting heights from spirit leveling between Ellis, Kans., and Hugo, Col. Rept. 1898, app. 2, pp. 195-214. Winston, Isaac. Resulting elevations from spirit leveling between Denver, Col., and Rock Creek, Wyo., from observations between May 12 and October 21, 11899. Rept. 1899, app. 5, pp. 283-298. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Schott, C. A. Resulting heights from spirit leveling between Wash- ington, D. C., and Hagerstown, Md. , 1883. Rept. 1896, pt. 2, app. 4, pp. 261-264. Result of spirit leveling between tide water at Annapolis, Md. . and the Capitol bench mark at Washington, D. C. Rept. 1889, app. 15, pp. 461-466. ILLINOIS. Schott, C. A. Results of spirit leveling between Okolo'na, Miss., and Odin, 111. Rept. 1892, pt. 2, app. 3, pp. 161-203. KANSAS. Schott, C. A. Resulting heights from spirit leveling between Jefferson City, Mo., and Holliday, Kans. Rept. 1896, pt. 2, app. 5, pp. 265-284. Resulting heights between Holliday and Salina, Kans., in 1895. Rept. 1897, pt. 2, app. 4, pp. 269-283. Resulting heights from spirit leveling between Salina and Ellis, Kans., in 1896. Rept. 1898, app. i, pp. 179-193. Resulting heights from spirit leveling between Ellis, Kans., and Hugo, Col., in 1897. Rept. 1898, app. 2, pp. 195-214. Tilton, B. E. Resulting elevations from spirit leveling between Abilene, Kans., and Norfolk, Neb., in 1899. Rept. 1899, app. 6, pp. 299-320. KENTUCKY. Schott, C. A. Resulting heights of spirit leveling of precision between Okolona, Miss., and Odin, 111. Rept. 1892, pt. 2, app. 3, pp. 161-203. LOUISIANA. Schott, C. A. Heights from spirit levelings of precision between Mobile, Ala., and Carrollton (New Orleans), La. Rept. 1887, app. 9, pp. 185-205. Heights from spirit leveling of precision between New Orleans, La., and Arkansas City, Ark. Rept. 1888, app. n, pp. 427-453. MAINE. Schott, C. A. Observations of atmospheric refraction contribution No. II. Deter- mination of several heights by the spirit level, and measures of refraction by zenith distances; also observations of the barometer at Ragged mountain, Maine, by F. W. Per- kins. Rept. 1876, app. 17, pp. 355-367. MARYLAND. Schott, C. A. Result of spirit leveling between tide water at Annapolis, Md., and the Capitol bench mark at Washington, D. C. Rept. 1889, app. 15, pp. 461-466. Resulting heights from spirit leveling between Hagerstown, Md., and Washington, D. C., 1883. Rept. 1896, pt. 2, app. 4, pp. 261-264. MICHIGAN. Ferguson, O. W. Resulting elevations from spirit leveling between Gibraltar, Mich., and Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1899. Rept. 1899, app. 7, pp. 321-345. MISSISSIPPI. Schott, C. A. Heights from spirit levelings of precision between Mobile, Ala., and Carrollton (New Orleans), La. Rept. 1887, app. 9, pp. 185-205. Heights from spirit leveling of precision between Mobile, Ala., and Okolona, Miss. Rept. 1888, app. 10, pp. 409-426. Results of spirit leveling of precision between Okolona, Miss., and Odin, 111. Rept. 1892, pt. 2, app. 3, pp. 161-203. On the results of spirit leveling of precision between Corinth, Miss., and Memphis, Tenn. Rept. 1892, pt. 2, app. 4, pp. 205-224. MISSISSIPPI RIVER. Braid, Andrew. Geodetic leveling on the Mississippi river. Rept. 1880, app. n, pp. I35-I44- MISSOURI. Schott, C. A. Heights from geodetic leveling between St. Louis and Jefferson City, Mo., 1882-1888. Rept. 1893, pt. 2, app. 2, pp. 19-36. Resulting heights from spirit leveling between Jefferson City, Mo. , and Holliday, Kans. , 1901. Rept. 1896, pt. 2, app. 5, pp. 265-284. NEBRASKA. Tilton, B. E. Resulting elevations from spirit leveling between Abilene, Kans., and Norfolk, Neb., in 1899. Rept. 1899, app. 6, pp. 299-320. NEW JERSEY. Cutts, R. D. Leveling operations between Keyport, on Raritan bay, and Glouces- ter, on the Delaware river, to determine the heights above mean tide of the primary stations Beacon hill, Disboro, Stony hill, Mount Holly, and Pine hill. Rept. 1870, app. 7,* pp. 75-76. Same, revised. Rept. 1871, app. 12, -' pp. 171-175. Schott, C. A. Report of the results of spirit leveling of precision about New York bay ami vicinity in 1886 and 1887. Rept. 1887, app. 14, pp. 275-300. NEW YORK. Mitchell, H. Tides and currents in Nantucket and in Martha's Vineyard sounds and in East river at Hell Gate, with remarks on the revision of levelings on Hudson river. Rept. 1857, app. 35,* pp. 350-354. Currents in the East river at Hell Gate and Throg's Neck, the sub-currents of New York bay and harbor, and levelings on the banks of the Hudson river. Rept. 1858, app. 28,* pp. 204-207. Exhausted. 175 Leveling. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PUBLICATIONS. NEW YORK. Schott, C. A. Report of the results of spirit leveling of precision about New York bay and vicinity in 1886 and 1887. Rept. 1887, app. 14, pp. 275-300. OHIO. Ferguson, O. W. Resulting elevations from spirit leveling between Gibraltar, Mich., and Cincinnati, Ohio. 1899. Rept. 1899, app. 7, pp. 321-345. TENNESSEE. Schott, C. A. On the results of spirit leveling of precision between Corinth, Miss., and Memphis, Tenn. Rept. 1892, pt. 2, app. 4, pp. 205-224. UNITED STATES. Hayford, J. F. Precise leveling in the United States. Rept. 1899, app. S, pp. 347-886. Schott, C. A. Results of the transcontinental line of geodetic spirit leveling near the parallel of 39. Part first, Sandy Hook, N. J., to St. Louis, Mo. Rept. 1882, app. n,* pp. 517-556. VIRGINIA. Schott, C. A. Resulting heights from spirit leveling between Old Point Comfort and Richmond, Va., in 1884, 1891 and 1892. Rept. 1896, pt. 2, app. 2, pp. 237-246. Resulting heights from spirit leveling between- Richmond, Va., and Washington, D. C., 1883 and 1884, with releveling between Richmond and Fredericksburg in 1886 and verifi- cation leveling between the two cities in 1895. Rept. 1896, pt. 2, app. 3, pp. 247-260. WYOMING. Winston, Isaac. Resulting elevations from spirit leveling between Denver, Col. , and Rock Creek, Wyo., from observations between May 12 and October 21, 1899. Rept. 1899, app. 5, pp. 283-298. See also Barometric hypsometry Bench marks Elevations Micrometric measures Refraction Sea level Tides Triangulation \Vater level. Leveling instrument. Tittmann, O. H. Instruments and methods used in the Coast and geodetic survey for precise leveling. Rept. 1879, a PP- I 5> PP- 202-211. Fischer, E. G. Description of precise levels Nos. 7 and 8, Coast and geodetic survey, 1900. Rept. 1900, app. 6, pp. 521-534. Leveling rods. Winston, Isaac. Leveling rods designed and constructed for use in geodetic leveling operations. Rept. 1895, pt. 2, app. 8, pp. 381,382. Levels. See Leveling Sea level -Water level. Libby, William, jr. Relations of cold and warm ocean currents off the New England coast, by the U. S. Fish com- mission, with the co-operation of the U. S. Coast and geodetic survey. Rept. 1891, pt. 2, app. 7,* pp. 279-281. Lick observatory, Cal. Schott, Chas. A. Telegraphic determination of the longitude of a station on Mount Hamilton, Cal., and its trigonometrical connection with the Lick observatory. Rept. 1889, app. 8,* pp. 209-212. Same. Bull. 13. (1889.) See also Mt. Hamilton. Lieber, Oscar M. Geology of the coast of Labrador. Rept. 1860, app. 42,* pp. 402-408. Light=houses. Bache, A. D., Pourtales, L. F. , and Schott, C. A. Tides, currents, magnetic variation and geographic positions of light-houses, Chesapeake bay and its rivers, 1861. Sep. pub. ( 1861. )* Mitchell, Henry. A plea for a light on St. Georges bank. Rept. 1885, app. n, pp. 483-485. See also Hydrographic surveys. Lights. See Signals. Lindenkohl, Adolph. Solution of the three-point problem, by determining the point of intersection of a side of the given triangle with a line from the opposite point to the unknown point. Rept. 1869, app. M, P- 235. Geology of the sea bottom in the approaches to New York bay. Rept. 1884, app. 13,* pp. 435-438. Specific gravity of the waters of the Gulf of Mexico and the Gulf Stream. Rept. 1895, pt. 2, app. 6, pp. 355-369- Problems of physiography, concerning salinity and temperature of the Pacific ocean. Rept. 1898, app. 9, pp. 463-473- Lists. See Lists in Part I of this publication. Lithographic transfers. Stevens, I. I. Upon printing from lithographic transfers. Rept. 1852, app. 21,* pp. loS-m. Lithography. Hunt, E. B. Notes on lithography and lithographic transfers. Rept. 1853, app. 36,* pp. 90-93. Little, George. Blue clay of the Mississippi river. Rept. 1880, app. 12, pp. 145-171. * Exhausted. 176 CATALOGUE. Little. Little Rock, Ark. Levels Arkansas City, Ark. Schott, C. A. Heights from spirit leveling of precision between Arkansas City (on the Missis- sippi river) and Little Rock, Ark. Rept. 1888, app. 12, pp. 455-464. Liverpool, Eng. Longitude Cambridge, Mass. Bond, G. P. Computations [of results] of the chronometer expeditions for determining differ- ence of longitude between Cambridge and Liverpool. Rept. 1853, app. 34,* pp. 88, 89. Result of computations of the chronometric expeditions of 1849, 1850 and 1851. Rept. 1854, app. 42,* pp. 138-142. Results of the chronometric expeditions of 1855 for difference of longitude between Cambridge, Mass., and Liverpool [Eng.]. Rept. 1856, app. 23,* pp. 182-191. Bond, W. C. Differences of longitude between Cambridge and Liverpool observatories. Rept- 1850, app. 6,* p. 79. Moon culminations observed at Cambridge and the chronometer expedition for differ- ence of longitude between Cambridge [Mass.] and Liverpool [England]. Rept. 1855, app. 43,* pp. 275, 276. On moon culminations and results of the chronometer expeditions between Cambridge and Liverpool for difference of longitude. Rept. 1856, app. 22,* p. 181 . Local deflections. See Plumb line deflection. Log instrument. Trowbridge, W. P. Instrument devised by him to register depths in sounding, and distance as a log at sea. Rept. 1861, app. n,* pp. 135-139. Logarithms. Logarithms of numbers, antilogarithms, etc. Sep. pub. ( 1886. ) * Duffield, W. W. Logarithms, their nature, computation, and uses, with logarithmic tables of numbers and circular functions to ten places of decimals. Part I. Rept. 1896, app. 12,* PP- 395-722. See also Formulae and factors. Long Island, N. Y. Mitchell, H. Physical survey of New York harbor and the coast of Long Island. Rept. 1859, app. 26* pp. 311-317- Pendleton, A. G. Encroachment of the sea on the south side of Long Island. Rept. 1850, app. S,*pp. 80, Si. Schott, C. A. Magnetic declination, dip and horizontal intensity [determined in 1860] on Cape Cod peninsula, Long Island and New Jersey. Rept. 1860, app. 29,* p. 352. See also New England New York. Long Island sound. Schott, C. A. Tidal currents of Long Island sound and approaches. Rept. 1854, app. 50,* pp. 168-179. Method of adjustment of the secondary triangulation of Long Island sound. Rept. 1868, app. 8,* pp. 140-146. Townshend, C. H. On an early chart of Long Island- sound. Rept. 1890, app. 20, pp. 775-777. Longitude. (Astronomical, chronometric, etc.). Method of computing longitude from moon culminations. Rept. 1858, app. 21,* pp. 186-189. Formulae, tables and example for computing geodetic latitudes, longitudes and azimuths. Rept. 1860, app. 36,* pp. 361-391. Same. Ed. 2, much enlarged. Title changed to Formulae and factors for the computation of geodetic latitudes, longitudes and azimuths. Rept. 1875, app. 19,* pp. 315-368. Same. Ed. 3. Rept. 1884, app. 7,* pp. 323-375. Same. Ed. 4. Title changed to Formulae and tables for the computation of geodetic positions. Rept. 1894, pt. 2, app. 9, pp. 277-348. Time, latitude and longitude. (Leaflet printed for distribution at the Pan-American exposition, Buffalo, N. Y. ) Sep. pub. (1901.) Bond, G. P. Results of the chronometric expeditions of 1855 for difference of longitude between Cambridge, Mass., and Liverpool [Eng.]. Rept. 1856, app. 23,* pp. 182-191. Bond, W. C. Moon culminations and other phenomena. Rept. 1857, app. 28,* pp. 310, 311. On moon culminations observed by the "American method," with remarks on the per- formance of the spring governor. Rept. 1853, app. 32,* pp. 84-86. Hayford, J. F. Determination of time, longitude, latitude and azimuth. Rept. 1898, app. 7, pp. 261-409. Peirce, Benjamin. On longitudes from moon culminations. Rept. 1853, app. 31," p. 84. Longitude by moon culminations. Rept. 1854, app. 36,* pp. 108-120. Method of determining longitudes by occulations of the Pleiades. Rept. 1855, app. 42,* pp. 267-274. On the determination of longitude by occupations of the Pleiades. Rept. 1856, app. 24,* pp. 191-19". Determination of longitudes by occupations of the Pleiades and solar eclipses. Rept. 1857, app. 29,* pp. 311-314. * Exhausted. 759 2 I2 Longitude, COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PUBLICATIONS. Peirce, Benjamin. Determination of longitudes by occultations of the Pleiades. Rept. 1861, app. 17, pp. 196-221. On computations for longitudes by occultations of the Pleiades. Rept. 1864, app. n,* p. 114. Report on the progress of determining longitude from occultations of the Pleiades (con- tinued from previous reports). Rept. 1865, a PP> I2 ,* pp. 138-146. Peters, C. H. F. On substituting a lunar spot instead of the moon's limb in transits for deter- mining the difference of longitude. Rept. 1856, app. 25,* pp. 198-203. Runge, C. On photography as applied to obtain an instantaneous" record of lunar distances for determinations of longitude. Rept. 1893, pt. 2, app. 4, pp. 117-124. Sinclair, C. H. Time, latitude and longitude. No. 4 in Bull. 29. (1893.) Walker, S. C. Longitude computations. Rept. 1848, app. 19,* pp. 112-118. Same. Rept. 1866, app. 14,* pp. 102-105. Abstract of reports on longitudes. Rept. 1851, app. 26,* pp. 480, 481. Same. Rept. 1866, app. 17,* pp. in, 112. ALASKA. Schott, C. A. Abstract of resulting longitudes of some prominent stations in Alaska and adjacent parts, as astronomically determined during 1899-1895. Rept. 1895, app. 3, PP- 333-344- Resulting longitudes of Kadiak, Unalaska and Unga, Alaska, as determined chrono- metrically from Sitka in 1896, by the party under the charge of Fremont Morse, assistant. Rept. 1897, pt. 2, app. 3, pp. 263-268. FLORIDA. Bache, A. D., and Schott, C. A. Determination of the longitude of Fernandina, Amelia island, Florida, by means of chronometric exchanges with Savannah, Ga. Rept. 1857, app. 30,* pp. 314-324- LABRADOR. Alexander, Stephen. Expedition to [Aulezavik island] Labrador, to observe the total eclipse of the i8th of July, 1860. Report on the determination of the magnetic ele- ments by Edward Goodfellow, assistant, with notes by C. A. Schott, assistant. Rept. 1860, app. 21,* pp. 229-275. TRANSATLANTIC. Bond, G. P. Computations [of results] of the chronometer expeditions for determining difference of longitude between Cambridge and Liverpool. Rept. 1853, app. 34,* pp. 88, 89. Results of computation of the chronometric expeditions of 1849, 1850 and 1851. Rept. 1854, app. 42,* pp. 138-142. Results of the chronometric expeditions of 1855 for difference of longitude between Cambridge, Mass., and Liverpool [England]. Rept. 1856, app. 23,* pp. 182-191. Bond, W. C. Differences of longitude between Cambridge and Liverpool observatories. Rept. 1850, app. 6,* p. 79. Moon culminations observed at Cambridge and the chronometer expedition for differ- ence of longitude between Cambridge [Mass.] and Liverpool [England]. Rept. 1855, app. 43,* pp. 275, 276. On moon culminations and results of the chronometer expeditions between Cambridge and Liverpool for difference of longitude. Rept. 1856, app. 22,* p. 181. Peirce, Benjamin. Report upon the determination of the longitude of America and Europe from the solar eclipse of July 28, 1851. Rept. 1861, app. 16, pp. 182-195. On the computations of the occultations of the Pleiades for longitude. Rept. 1862, app. 12,* pp. 155, 156. Reports upon the occultations of the Pleiades in 1841-42. Rept. 1863, app. 17,* pp. 146-154. Method of determining the corrections of lunar semi-diameter, mean place, ellipticity of orbit, longitude of perihelion, coefficient of annual parallax, and longitude of America and Europe. Rept. 1865, app. 13,* pp. 146-149. WYOMING. Cutts, R. D., and Young, Chas. A. Astronomical and meteorological observations made at Sherman, Wyo. T. Rept. 1872, app. 8,* pp. 75-172. See also Chronograph Eclipse Geographic positions Micrometric measure Moon culmina- tions Occultations Personal equation Plumb line deflection Time. Longitude, Telegraphic. CALIFORNIA. Schott. C. A. Telegraphic determination of the longitude of a station on Mount Hamilton, Cal., and its trigonometrical connection with the Lick observatory. [Signals with San Francisco, Cal.] Rept. 1889, app. 8,* pp. 209-212. Same. Bull. 13. (1889.) NEW YORK. Gould, B. A. Determination of longitude at Albany, N. Y. Rept. 1861, app. 18, pp. 221-232. TRANSATLANTIC. Gould, B. A. On longitude between America and Europe from signals through the Atlantic cable. Rept. 1867, app. 6,* pp. 57-133. Hilgard, J. E. Preliminary report on the determination of transatlantic longitudes. Rept. 1872, app. 13, pp. 227-234. Transatlantic longitudes. Final report on the determination of 1872, with a review of previous determinations. Rept. 1874, app. 18, p. 163-242. Schott, C. A. The telegraphic longitude net of the United States and its connection with that of Europe, 1866-1896. Rept. 1897, pt. 2, app. 2, pp. 197-261. TRANSATLANTIC. Walker, S. C. Arrangement with Maine telegraph co. to determine the differ- ence of longitude between Cambridge and Halifax. Rept. 1851, app. 18,* pp. 462, 463. * Exhausted. 178 CATALOGUE. Longitude. UNITED STATES. Telegraphic determination of the longitude of San Francisco, Cal. [Signals with Cambridge, Mass.] Kept. 1870, app. 12,* p. 100. Difference of longitude between Harvard college observatory, Massachusetts, the Coast survey station, Seaton, and the Naval observatory, Washington, D. C., by the electric telegraph in 1867. Kept. 1870, app. 13,* pp. 101-106. Dean, G. W. Telegraphic method of determining differences of longitude. [Wilmington, N. C., Macon, Ga., and Montgomery, Ala.] Kept. 1856, app. 21,* pp. 167-181. Gould, B. A. Results of observations for the determination of difference of longitude by tele- graph between Seaton station, Washington [D. C.] and Charleston, S. C. Rept 1853 app 33 * pp. 86-88. On telegraphic observations for the difference of longitude between Raleigh, N. C., and Columbia, S. C. Rept. 1854, app. 41,* pp. 128-131. Telegraphic operations for difference of longitude between Columbia, S. C., and Macon, Ga. Rept. 1855, app. 46,* pp. 286-295. Operations for difference of longitude between Wilmington, N. C., and Montgomery, Ala. Rept. 1856, app. 20,* pp. 163-166. On the progress made in the different campaigns for differences of longitude. [Wash- ington, D. C., to New Orleans, La.] Rept. 1857, app. 27,* pp. 305-310. Longitude from observations by telegraph between Calais, Me. , and New Orleans, La. Rept. 1862, app. 14,* pp. 158-160. On computations connected with the telegraphic method for difference of longitude. [Calais, Me., to New Orleans, La.] Rept. 1863, app. 18,* pp. 154-156. On results of computation for longitude by telegraphic methods. [Seaton station, D. C., to New Orleans, La.] Rept. 1864, app. 12,* pp. 115, 116. Report on the results of determining longitude by the telegraphic method. Rept. 1865, app. 14* pp. 150, 151. Schott, C. A. Telegraphic longitude of Key West. [Signals with Washington, D. C.] Rept. 1875, app. 9,* pp. 139, 156. Determination of longitude by means of the electric telegraph. [Nashville, Tenn., and Atlanta, Ga.] Rept. 1880, app. 14,* pt. 2, pp. 229-241. Results of the longitudes of the Coast and geodetic survey determined up to the pres- ent time by the electric telegraph with preliminary adjustment. Rept. 1880, app. 6, pp. 81-92. Longitudes deduced in the Coast and geodetic survey from determinations by means of the electric telegraph, between the years 1846 and 1885. Second adjustment. Rept. 1884, app. n, pp. 407-430. The telegraphic longitude net of the United States and its connection with that of Europe, 1866-1896. Rept. 1897, pt. 2, app. 2, pp. 197-261. Walker, S. C. Differences of longitude by telegraph. [Philadelphia, Pa. Jersey City, N. J., and Washington, D. C.] Rept. 1846, app. n,*pp. 72-74. Same. Rept. 1866, app. 13,* pp. 100-102.- Difference of longitude of Philadelphia and Greenwich, by reduction of observations at Cambridge, Mass. Rept, 1846, app. 10,* pp. 71, 72. Same. Rept. 1866, app. 12,* pp. 99, 100. Telegraphic operations and computations. Rept. 1850, app. 13,* pp. 85-89. Same. Rept. 1866, app. 15,* pp. 106-108. See also Electro-magnetism Transmission time Time. Longitude instruments. Smith, Edwin. Apparatus used for observations of telegraphic longitudes. Rept. 1880, app. 7, PP- 93-95- Two new portable instruments for longitude work. Rept. 1889, app. 9,* pp. 213-216. . Same. Bull. 16. (1889.) See also Telegraph Transit instrument. Longs Peak, Colo. Cutts, R. D., and Young, Chas. A. Astronomical and meteorological observations made at Sherman, Wyo. T. Rept. 1872, app. 8,* pp. 75-172. Los Angeles, Cal. Schott, C. A. Results from the magnetic observatory of the Coast and geodetic survey at Los Angeles, Cal., between the years 1882-1889. Part I. Results of the absolute measures of the direction and intensity of the earth's magnetic force. Rept. 1890, app. 8, pp. 199-^241. Part II. Results of the differential measures of the magnetic declination. Rept. 1890, app. 9, pp. 243-457. Part III. Results of the differential measures of the horizontal intensity. Rept. 1891, pt. 2, app. 4, pp. 41-267. Part IV. Results of the differential measures of the vertical force component and of the variations of dip and total force. Rept. 1892, pt. 2, app. 7, pp. 253-327. Los Angeles base, Cal. Davidson, George. Measurement of the Los Angeles base line, Los Angeles and Orange counties, Cal. Rept. 1889, app. 10, pp. 217-231. * Exhausted. 179 Louisiana. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PUBLICATIONS. Louisiana. LEVELING. Schott, C. A. Heights from spirit levelings of precision between Mobile, Ala., and New Orleans ( Carrollton ) , La., 1885-86. Kept. 1887, app. 9, pp. 185-205. Heights from spirit leveling of precision between New Orleans, La., and Arkansas City, Ark. Kept. 1888, app. u, p. 427-453. RECONNAISSANCE. Gerdes, F. H. Reconnaissance of the coast of Louisiana in 1854. Rept. 1854, app. 20,* pp. 28-30. See also Cubitts gap Gulf coast Gulf Stream Mississippi river New Orleans. Louisville, Ky. See Southern exposition. Lower California. See Mexico. Lull, Edward Phelps. A table of depths for the harbors of the coast of the United States. Rept. 1883, app. 7, pp. I37-237- Lunar distances. Runge, C. On photography as applied to obtain an instantaneous record of lunar distances for determinations of longitude. Rept. 1893, pt. 2, app. 4, pp. 117-124. Lunar spots. Peters, C. H. F. On substituting a lunar spot instead of the moon's limb in transits for deter- mining the difference of longitude. Rept. 1856, app. 25,* pp. 198-203. See also Moon. Lunar tables. Peirce, Benjamin. Upon the tables of the moon used in the reduction of the Pleiades. Rept. 1862, app. 13,* pp. 157, 158. Lunar transits. See Moon culminations. Lunar variation. See Magnetic variations. McArthur, William P. Report accompanying a reconnaissance chart of the western coast of the United States, from Monterey, Cal., to the Columbia river, Oregon. Rept. 1850, app. 31,* pp. 119-121. Macon, Qa. Longitude Columbia, S. C. Gould, B. A. Telegraphic operations for difference of longitude between Columbia, S. C., and Macon, Ga. Rept. 1855, app. 46,* pp. 286-295. Madison, Wis. Schott, C. A. Magnetic observatory at Madison, Wis. Rept. 1877, app. 7,* pp. 96, 97. Maffitt, John N. Beaufort harbor, North Carolina. Rept. 1854, app. 14,* pp. 21-23. Comparative chart of Maffitt' s channel, Charleston harbor. Rept. 1855, app. 15,* pp. 155-157. Re-examination of the bar and entrances to Cape Fear river, North Carolina. Rept. 1857, app. 17,* Pp. 153-156. Maffitt's channel, S. C. Maffitt, J. N. Comparative chart of Maffitt's channel, Charleston harbor. Rept. 1855, app. 15,* PP- 155-157- Magnet. See Compass Electro-magnetism. Magnetic declination. Table of magnetic declination. Rept. 1854, app. 43,* pp. 142-145. Table for navigators showing variation of the compass for 1858, compiled from chart of F. J. Evans, R. N. Rept. 1859, app. 16,* pp. 172-175. Bauer, L. A. United States magnetic declination tables and isogonic charts for 1902 and prin- cipal facts relating to the earth's magnetism. Sep. pub. (1902.) Schott, C. A. The value of the "Arcano del Mare" with reference to magnetic declination in the seventeenth centurv. Rept. 1888, app. 6,* pt. i, pp. 167-170. Same. Bull. 5. ('1888. ) ALASKA. Dall, W. H. Geographical and hydrographical explorations on the coast of Alaska. Rept. 1873, app. 11, pp. in-122. Putnam, G. R. Physical observations made in connection with the Pribilof islands survey of 1897. Rept 1898, app. 5, pp. 233-241. Schott, C. A. The distribution of the magnetic declination in the United States for the epoch 1890. Rept. 1889, app. II, pp. 233-402. Distribution of the magnetic declination in Alaska and adjacent waters for 1895, and construction of an isogonic chart for the same epoch. Rept. 1894, pt. 2, app. 4, pp. 87-100. Same, abstract. Bull. 34. ( 1895. ) * Exhausted. 180 CATALOGUE. Magnetic. ASIA. Schott, C. A. On the magnetic observations made during Bering's first voyage to the coasts of Kamchatka and Eastern Asia in the years 1725-1730. Kept. 1891, pt. 2, app. 5, pp. 269-273. Same. Bull. 20. (1891.) ATLANTIC OCEAN. Schott, C. A. Variation of the compass off the Bahama islands at the time of the landfall of Columbus in 1492. Rept. 1880, app. 19, pp. 412-417. CALIFORNIA. Davidson, George. Magnetic variations off the coasts of California and Mexico, observed by Spanish navigators in the last quarter of the eighteenth century. Rept. 1885, app. 7, pp. 275-284. Schott, C. A. Results of the differential measures of the magnetic declination. (Results from the magnetic observatory of the Coast and geodetic survey at Los Angeles, Cal., between the years 1882-1889. Part II.) Rept. 1890, app. 9, pp. 243-457. The direction and intensity of the earth's magnetic force at San Francisco, Cal. Bull 33- (1895.) CHESAPEAKE BAY. Bache, A. I)., Pourtales, L. F., and Schott, C. A. Tides, currents,'magnetic variation, and geographic positions of light-houses. Chesapeake bay and its rivers. Sep pub. (1861.)* GEORGIA. Schott, C. A. Distribution of the magnetic declination on the coasts of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia, with a chart of the isogonic curves for 1860. Rept. 1861, app. 24, pp. 256-259. GULF OF MEXICO. Gerdes, F. H. Extract from a letter upon the change in the magnetic vari- ation within short distances in the Gulf of Mexico. Rept. 1845, app. 3,* pp. 41-43. MEXICO. Davidson, George. Magnetic variations off the coasts of California and Mexico, observed by Spanish navigators in the last quarter of the eighteenth century. Rept. 1885, app. 7, pp. 275-284. NORTH CAROLINA. Baylor, James B., and Hazard, Daniel L. General report on the magnetic survey of North Carolina, with a brief historical sketch of the fundamental phenomena of the earth's magnetism. Rept. 1899, app. 9, pp. 887-938. Hazard, D. L. Magnetic survey of North Carolina. Values of the magnetic declination at the county seats from 1750 to 1910. Bull. 41. (1901.) UNITED STATES. Bache, A. D., and Hilgard, J. E. Table of magnetic declinations [in geo- graphical order from Coast survey observations]. Rept. 1855, app. 47,* pp. 295-306. Hilgard, J. E. Chart of magnetic declination in the United States, 1875. Rept. 1876, app. 21, pp. 400, 401. Report on the distribution of the magnetic declination on the coast and parts of the interior of the United States [with accompanying isogonic and isomagnetic chart] for 1870. Rept. 1865, app. 19,* pp. 174-176. Distribution of the magnetic declination in the United States at the epoch, January, 1885, with three isogonic charts. Rept. 1882, app. 13*, pp. 277-328. - The distribution of the magnetic declination in the United States for the epoch 1890. Rept. 1889, app. n, pp. 233-402. Distribution of the magnetic declination in the United States for the epoch January i, 1900. Rept. 1896, pt. 2, app. i, pp. 147-235. (And Dean, G. W. ) Results from observations for magnetic declination, dip, and intensity in Maine and Connecticut, including also a station in the District of Columbia. Rept. 1863, app. 22,* p. 204. See also Magnetic elements Magnetic variations Terrestrial magnetism. Magnetic differential measures. See Magnetic variation. Magnetic distribution. Sec Magnetic declination Magnetic elements Magnetic inclination Mag- netic intensity Magnetic surveys. Magnetic elements. (Declination, inclination, and intensity.) Schott, C. A. Magnetic declination, dip, and intensity in 1859. Rept. 1859, app. 23,* p. 296. Hilgard, J. E., and Blair, H. W. Records and results of magnetic observations made at the charge of the 'Bache fund" of the National academy of sciences, from 1871 to 1876. Rept. 1882, app. 14, pp. 329-426. AFRICA. Preston, E. D. Results of observations made to determine gravity and the magnetic elements at stations on the west coast of Africa and on some islands in the North and South Atlantic, 1889-1890. Rept. 1890, app. 12, pp. 625-684. Same. Bull. 22. (1891.) ALASKA. Reid, H. F. Report of an expedition to Muir glacier, Alaska, with determinations of latitude and the magnetic elements at Camp Muir, Glacier bay. Rept 1891, pt. 2, app. 14, pp. 487-501. Schott, C. A. Results of magnetic observations in Alaska and in the Northwest territory of the Dominion of Canada. Rept. 1892, pt. 2, app. n, pp. 529-533. ATLANTIC ISLANDS. Preston, E. D. Results of observations made to determine gravity and the magnetic elements at. stations on the west coast of Africa, and on some islands in the north and south Atlantic, 1889-1890. Bull. 22. (1891.) CALIFORNIA. Schott, C. A. Results from the magnetic observatory of the Coast and geodetic survey, at Los Angeles, Cal., between the years 1882-1889. Part I. Rept. 1890, app. S, pp. 199-241. Part II. Rept. 1890, app. 9, pp. 243-457. Part III. Rept. 1891, pt. 2, app. 4, pp. 41-267. Part IV. Rept. 1892, pt. 2, app. 7, pp. 253-327. * Exhausted. 181 Magnetic. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PUBLICATIONS. CALIFORNIA. Schott, C. A. The direction and intensity of the earth's magnetic force at San Francisco, Cal. Bull. 33. ( 1895. ) CANADA. Schott, C. A. Magnetic declination, dip, and intensity in 1859. Rept. 1859, a PP- 2 3>* p. 296. Results of magnetic observations at stations in Alaska and in the Northwest territory of the Dominion of Canada. Rept. 1892, pt. 2, app. n, pp. 529-533. CAROLINE ISLAND. Preston, E. D. Results of observations made to determine gravity and the magnetic elements at stations on the west coast of Africa, and on some islands in the north and south Atlantic. Bull. 22. (1891.) CHATHAM ISLAND. Smith, Edwin. Transit of Venus, Chatham island, 1874. Rept. 1875, app. 14,* pp. 231-248. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Schott, C. A. Report on the results from the observations made at the magnetic observatory on Capitol hill, Washington, D. C., between 1867 and 1869. Rept. 1869, app. 9, pp. 199-207. GREENLAND. Putnam, G. R. Results of magnetic observations made in connection with the Greenland expedition of 1896, under charge of Prof. A. E. Burton. Rept. 1897, pt. 2, app. 5, pp. 285-295. HAWAII. Preston, E. D. Observations for the variation of latitude, made near Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaiian islands, in co-operation with the work of the International geodetic association, and on the determination of gravity and the magnetic elements. Rept. 1891, pt. 2, app. 13, pp. 479-485- Determinations of latitude, gravity, and magnetic elements at stations in the Hawaiian islands, including a result for the mean density of the earth, 1891, 1892. Rept. 1893, pt. 2, app. 12, pp. 509-638. LABRADOR. Alexander, Stephen. Expedition to [Aulezavik island] Labrador, to observe the total eclipse of the i8th of July, 1860, [and] report on the determination of the magnetic elements by Edward Goodfellow, assistant, with notes by C. A. Schott, assistant. Rept. 1860, app. 21,* pp. 268-271. MAINE. Pourtales, L. F. Magnetic station at Eastport, Me. -Rept. 1860, app. 27,* pp. 350,351. UNITED STATES. List of magnetic stations and results. Rept. 1858, app. 24,* pp. 191, 192. Continuation of list of magnetic stations and results. Rept. 1860, app 28,* pp. 351, 352. Magnetic stations and results (supplementary to lists given in annual reports of 1856, 1858, and 1860, pp. 351, 352). Rept. 1862, app. 20,* pp. 230, 231. Bache, A. D. Abstract of results of a magnetic survey of Pennsylvania and parts of adjacent states in 1840 and 1841, with some additional results of 1843 and 1862. Rept. 1862, app. 19, pp. 212-229. Results of magnetic observations made in the United States by Prof. J. N. Nicollet between 1832 and 1836. Rept. 1864, app. 19,* pp. 207-210. (And Hilgard, J. E. ) On the general distribution of terrestrial magnetism in the United States. Rept. 1856, app. 28,* pp. 209-225. Schott, C. A. Results .for declination, dip, and horizontal intensity. Rept. 1855, app. 49,* P- 337- Magnetic observations made at stations in Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia. Rept. 1856, app. 29,* pp. 226, 227. Results of observations for magnetic declination, dip, and intensity at stations in Sec- tion III [Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia]. Rept. 1856, app. 30,* p. 227.. Magnetic declination, dip, and intensity in 1859. Rept. 1859,* app. 23, p. 296. Magnetic declination, dip, and horizontal intensity [determined in 1860] on Cape Cod peninsula, Long island, and New Jersey. Rept. 1860, app. 29,* p. 352.- Results for magnetic declination, dip, and horizontal intensity in Pennsylvania, in the District of Columbia, and in New York. Rept. 1862, app. 18,* p. 212. Declination, dip, and intensity, from observations made by the U. S. Coast and geodetic survey between 1833 and 1882, July. Rept. 1881, app. 9, pp. 159-224. (And Dean, G. W. ) Results from observations for magnetic declination, dip, and intensity in Maine and Connecticut, including also a station in the District of Columbia. Rept. 1863, app. 22,* p. 204. WYOMING. Cutts, R. D. , and Young, Charles A. Astronomical and meteorological observations made at Sherman, Wyo. T. Rept. 1872, app. 8,* pp. 75-172. Magnetic disturbances. See Magnetic variations. Magnetic horizontal intensity. See Magnetic intensity. Magnetic inclination. CALIFORNIA. Schott, C. A. Results of the differential measures of the vertical force component and of the variations of dip and total force. (Results of the observations recorded at the U. S. Coast and geodetic survey magnetic observatory, Los Angeles, Cal., 1882-1889. ) P art IV. Rept. 1892, pt. 2, app. 7, pp. 253-327. The direction and intensity of the earth's magnetic force at San Francisco, Cal. Bull. 33. (1895.) DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Schott, C. A. Secular variation of the magnetic variation and dip at Washington, D. C. Rept. 1858, app. 26,* pp. 195-197. UNITED STATES. Schott, C. A. Geographical distribution and secular variation of the magnetic dip and intensity in the United States. Rept. 1885, app. 6, pp. 129-274. * Exhausted. 182 CATALOGUE. Magnetic. UNITED STATES. Schott, C. A. Distribution of the magnetic dip and the magnetic intensity in the United States for the epoch January i, 1900. Rept. 1897, pt. 2, app. i, pp. 159-196. See also Magnetic elements Magnetic variations Terrestrial magnetism. Magnetic instruments. Schott, C. A. Magnetic observations by means of portable instruments. Rept. 1872, app. 14,* PP- 235-254. Same. Ed. 2. Title changed to Terrestrial magnetism. Instructions for magnetical observations. Rept. 1875, app. 16,* pp. 254-278. Same. Ed. 3. Title changed to Directions for magnetic observations with portable instruments. Rept. 1881, app. 8, pp. 126-158. See also Dip instrument Magnetic needle Magnetometer. Magnetic intensity. CALIFORNIA. Schott, C. A. Results of the observations recorded at the U. S. Coast and geodetic survey magnetic observatory, at L,os Angeles, Cal. Part III. Results of the differential measures of the horizontal intensity. Rept. 1891, pt. 2, app. 4, pp. 41-267. Part IV. Results of the differential measures of the vertical force component and of the variations of dip and total force. Rept. 1892, pt. 2, app. j, pp. 253-327. UNITED STATES. Schott, C. A. Geographical distribution and secular variation of the magnetic dip and intensity in the United States. Rept. 1885, app. 6, pp. 129-274. Distribution of the magnetic dip and the magnetic intensity in the United States for the epoch January i, 1900. Ed. 2. Rept. 1897, pt. 2, app. i, pp. 159-196. See also Magnetic elements Magnetic variations Terrestrial magnetism. Magnetic method. Schott, C. A. Magnetic observations by means of portable instruments. Rept. 1872, app. 14,* PP- 235-254. Same. Ed. 2. Title changed to Instructions for magnetical observations. Rept. 1875, app. 16,* pp. 254-278. Same. Ed. 3. Title changed to Directions for magnetic observations with portable instruments. Rept. 1881, app. 8, pp. 126-158. Magnetic needle. Hilgard, J. E. On the action of sea water on metals used in the construction of instruments and on magnetic needles. Rept. 1854, app. 55,* pp. 192, 193. Description of a new mode of constructing the axle of a magnetic dipping needle. Rept. 1862, app. 23,* pp. 236-238. Schott, C. A. Directions for magnetic observations with portable instruments. Rept. 1881, app. 8, pp. 126-158. See also Magnetic variations. Magnetic observations. See Terrestrial magnetism. Magnetic observatories. Bauer, L. A. Magnetic declination tables. Sep. pub. (1902) Schott, C. A. Magnetic observatory at Madison, Wis. Rept. 1877, app. 7,* pp. 96, 97. Pourtales, L. F. Magnetic station at Eastport, Maine. Rept. 1860, app. 27,* pp. 350, 351. Trowbridge, \V. P. Magnetic station at Key West, Florida reef. Rept. 1860, app. 26,* pp. 326-349. See also Girard college observatory, Pa. L,os Angeles observatory, Cal. Magnetic ranges. Gillmore, J. C. Magnetic ranges for determining the deviation of the compass, with short explanations of how to find the deviation and error of the compass, in the Bay of San Fran- cisco, Cal. Sp. pub. i. (1898.) Magnetic surveys. Bauer, L. A. The magnetic work of the United States Coast and geodetic survey. Rept. 1899, app. 10, pp. 939-952. Schott, C. A. Historical review of the work of the Coast and geodetic survey in connection with terrestrial magnetism. Rept. 1888, app. 6,* pt. 2, pp. 171-176. Same. Bull 7. (1888.) NORTH CAROLINA. Baylor, James B., and Hazard, Daniel L/. General report on the magnetic survey of North Carolina, with a brief historical sketch. Rept. 1899, app. 9, pp. 887-938. Hazard, D. L,. Magnetic survey of North Carolina. Values of the magnetic declination at the county seats from 1750 to 1910. Bull. 41. (1901.) PENNSYLVANIA. Bache, A. D. Abstract of results of a magnetic survey of Pennsylvania and parts of adjacent states in 1840 and 1841, with some additional results of 1843 and 1862. Rept. 1862, app. 19,* pp. 212-229. See also Terrestrial magnetism. Magnetic variations. (Diurnal, etc.) Evans, F. J., R. N. Table for navigators showing variation of the compass for 1858 compiled from chart of F. J. Evans, R. N. Rept. 1859, a PP- J 6,* pp. 172-175. * Exhausted. 183 Magnetic, COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PUBLICATIONS. Schott, C. A. Development of Bessel's function for periods frequently occurring in magnetic and meteorological investigations, with examples. Rept. 1862, app. 22* pp. 232-235. ARCTIC REGIONS. Schott, C. A. Magnetic observations under direction of the Survey, in co-operation with the U. S. Signal office, at the U. S. Polar station, Ooglaamie, Point Barrow, Alaska. Rept. 1883, app. 13, pp. 323-365. Magnetic work of the Greely arctic expedition. Rept. 1887, app. 10, pp. 207-210. ARIZONA. Schott, C. A. Observations for daily variation of the magnetic declination made at Fort Steilacoom, Washington territory, in 1866 and at Camp Date creek, Arizona, in 1867. Rept. 1870, app. 15,* pp. 111-114. CALIFORNIA. Schott, C. A. Results of the observations recorded at the U. S. Coast and geodetic survey magnetic observatory at Los Angeles, Cal., 1882-1889. Part I. Results of the absolute measures of the direction and intensity of the earth's magnetic force. Rept. 1890, app. S, pp. 199-241. Part II. Results of the differential measures of the magnetic declination. Rept. 1890, app. 9, pp. 243-457. Part III. Results of the differential measures of the horizontal intensity. Rept. 1891, pt. 2, app. 4, pp. 41-267. Part IV. Results of the differential measures of the vertical force component and of the variations of dip and total force. Rept. 1892, pt. 2, app. 7, pp. 253-327. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Schott, C. A. Report on the results from the observations made at the magnetical observatory on Capitol hill, Washington, D. C., between 1867 and 1869. Rept. 1869, app. 9, pp. 199-207. FLORIDA. Schott, C. A. Observations of terrestrial magnetism at Key West, Fla., made between 1860 and 1866. Rept. 1874, app. 9,* pp. 109-130. MAINE. Results of magnetical observations made at Eastport, Me., between 1860 and 1864. Rept. 1865, app. 18," pp. 166-174. PENNSYLVANIA. Bache, A. D. Discussion of the magnetic and meteorological observations made at the Girard college observatory, Philadelphia, in 1840, 1841, 1842, 1843, 1844 and 1845. Part I. Investigation of the eleven-year period in the amplitude of the solar-diurnal variation and of the disturbances of the magnetic declination. Rept. iS59, app. 22,* pp. 278-295. Part II. Investigation of the solar diurnal variation in the magnetic variation, and its annual inequality. Rept. 1860, app. 23,* pp. 293-312. i Part III. Investigation of the influence of the moon on the magnetic declination. Rept. 1860, app. 24,* pp. 312-324. Part IV. Investigation of the eleven (or ten) year period and of the disturbances of the horizontal com- ponent of the magnetic force. Rept. 1862, app. 15,* pp. 161-186. Part V. Investigation of the solar-diurnal variation and of the annual inequality of the horizontal com- ponent of the magnetic force. Rep'.. 1862, app. 16.* pp. 186-202. Part VI. Investigation of the influence of the moon on the magnetic horizontal force. Rept. 1862, app. 17,* pp. 202-212. Part VII. Investigation of the eleven-year period, and of the disturbances of ;the vertical component of the magnetic force, with a supplement on the effect of auroral lights. Kept. 1863, app. 19,* pp. 156-183. Part VIII. Investigation of the solar-diurnal variation and of the annual inequality of the vertical com- ponent of the magnetic force. Rept. 1863, app. 20,* pp. 183-195. Part IX. Investigation of the influence of the moon on the magnetic vertical force. Rept. 1863, app. 21,* pp. 196-204. Part X. Analysis of the disturbances of the dip and total force. Rept. 1864, app. 16,* pp. 183-190. Part XI. Solar diurnal variation and annual inequality of the inclination and total force. Rept. 1864, app. 17,* pp. 191-199. Part XII. Discussion of the magnetic inclination and table of absolute values of the declination, inclina- tion, and intensity between ilS4i and 1845. Rept. 1864, app. 18,* pp. 199-206. WASHINGTON. Schott, C. A. Observations for daily variation of the magnetic declination, made at Fort Steilacoom, Washington territory, in 1866 and at Camp Date creek, in Arizona, in 1867. Rept. 1870, app. 15,* pp. 111-114. See also Magnetic declination Magnetic elements Magnetic inclination rMagnetic intensity Magnetic variation, Secular. Magnetic variations, Secular. AFRICA. Schott, C. A. The secular variation and annual change of the magnetic force at stations occupied in connection with U. S. Eclipse expedition to the west coast of Africa in 1889- 1890. Rept. 1891, pt. 2, app. 3, pp. 21-39. Same. Bull. 23. (1891.) ATLANTIC OCEAN. Schott, C. A. Secular variation in the position of the agonic line of the North Atlantic and of America, between 1500 and 1900 A. D. Bull. 6. ( 1888. ) DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Schott, C. A. Secular variation of magnetic declination and dip, at Washington, D. C. Rept. 1858, app. 26,* pp. 195-197. Secular changes in the declination, dip, and intensity of the magnetic force at Wash- ington, D. C. Rept. 1870, app. 14,* pp. 107-110. PENNSYLVANIA. Schott, C. A. Intermediate period in the secular change of magnetic declina- tion at Hatboro, Pennsylvania. Rept. 1858, app. 25, - ; " pp. 192-195. UNITED STATES. Schott. C. A. Discussion of the secular change in the magnetic declination on the Atlantic and part of the Gulf coasts of the United States. [Ed. i.] Rept. 1855, app. 48,* pp. 306-337. Above is supplemented by the two following: Secular change of the magnetic declination on the western coast. Rept. 1856, app. 31,* pp. 228-235. * Exhausted. 184 CATALOGUE. Magnetics. UNITED STATES. Schott, C. A. Secular change of the magnetic declination accompanied by tables showing the variation of the needle on the coasts of the United States for every tenth year from the date of the earliest reliable observation. Rept. 1859, a PP- 2 4>* PP- 296-305. Ed. i includes the three preceding entries. Same. Ed. 2. Title changed to Secular change of magnetic declination in the United States and other parts of North America; new discussion. Rept. 1874, app. 8,* pp. 72-108. Same. Ed. 3. Sep. pub. (1879.)* Same. Ed. 4. Rept. 1879, app. 9,* pp. 124-174. Same. Ed. 5. Rept. 1882, app. 12,* pp. 211-276. Same. Ed. 6, greatly enlarged (Apr. 1887). Rept. 1886, app. 12, pp. 291-407. Same. Ed. 7 (June, 1889). Rept. 1888, app. 7, pp. 177-312. Same. Ed. 8. Title changed to The secular variation in direction and intensity of the earth's magnetic force in the United States and in some adjacent countries. Rept. 1895, pt. 2, app. T, pp. 167-320. Results for declination, dip, and horizontal intensity. . Rept. 1855, app. 49,* p. 337. Secular variation of the magnetic inclination in the Northeastern states. Rept. 1856, app. 32,* pp. 235-245. Secular variation of the magnetic inclination on the western coast of the United States. Rept. 1856, app. 33,* pp. 246-249. Secular change of magnetic intensity on the Atlantic, Gulf and Pacific coasts of the United States; intensity statistics; notes; table of annual change for Atlantic and Pacific groups. Rept. 1861, app. 22, pp. 242-251. Geographical distribution and secular variation of the magnetic dip and intensity in the United States. Rept. 1885, app. 6, pp. 129-274. See also Magnetic declination Magnetic elements Magnetic inclination Magnetic intensity Magnetic variations Terrestrial magnetism. Magnetics. See Terrestrial magnetism. Magnetometer. Schott, C. A. Directions for magnetic observations with portable instruments. Rept. 1881, app. 8, pp. 126-158. Smith, E. Notes on some instruments recently made in the instrument division. Rept. 1894, pt. 2, app. 8, pp. 263-275. See also Magnetic instruments. Maine. GEOGRAPHIC NAMES. Ballard, E. Geographical names on the coast of Maine. Rept. 1868, app. 14,* pp. 243-259. LEVELING. Schott, C. A. Atmospheric refraction and adjustment of hypsometric measures Contribtition No. II. Determination of several heights by the spirit level, and measures of refraction by zenith distances, also, observations of the barometer at Ragged mountain, Maine, by F. W. Perkins. Rept. 1876, app. 17, pp. 355-367. TERRESTRIAL MAGNETISM. Schott, C. A., and Dean, G. W. Results from observations for mag- netic declination, dip, and intensity, in Maine and Connecticut, including also a station in the District of Columbia. Rept. 1863, app. 22,* p. 204. See also Atlantic coast Calais Eastport Epping base Gulf of Maine New England Nan- tucket arc Penobscot bay Portland harbor. Maine telegraph company. Walker, S. C. Arrangement with Maine telegraph co. to determine the difference of longitude between Cambridge and Halifax. Rept. 1851, app. 18,* pp. 462, 463. Manhattan island, N. Y. Gerdes, F. H. Topographical survey of Manhattan island. Rept. 1855, app. 21,* pp. 162, 163. Maps. ALASKA. Dall, W. H. Notes on an original manuscript chart of Bering's expedition of 1725-30, and on an original manuscript chart of his second expedition ; together with a summary of a journal of the first expedition, kept by Peter Chaplin, and now first rendered into English from Bergh's Russian version. Rept. 1890, app. 19, pp. 759-774. AMERICA. Schott, C. A. The value of the "Arcano del Mare " with reference to magnetic decli- nation in the seventeenth century. Rept. 1888, app. 6,* pt. i, pp. 167-170. Same. Bull. 5. (1888.) NEW YORK. Boschke, A. [Comparative maps] of New York harbor. Rept. 1856, app. 48,* pp. 281, 282. Report on the drawing of maps of New York harbor, made for the Commissioners on harbor encroachments. Rept. 1857, app. 38,* pp. 373, 374. Report to Commissioners on the preservation of New York harbor from encroachment by the Advison- council on the comparative map of New York bay and harbor and approaches. Prepared by the Coast survey. Rept. 1857, app. 37,* pp. 358-373. Townsend, C. H. On an early chart of Long Island sound. Rept. 1890, app. 20, pp. 775-777. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. Atlas of the Philippine islands. Sp. pub. 3. (1900.)* UNITED STATES. Tidball, J. C. Description of the "Congress" map. Rept. 1855, app. 39,* pp. 253-255. See also Charts Projections. -See also List of Catalogues of maps and charts in Part I. *Exhausted. 185 Marindm. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PUBLICATIONS. Marindin, Henry Louis. Apparatus for observing currents in connection with the physical survey of the Mississippi river. Kept. 1877, app. 9, pp. 104-107. Comparison of the surveys of~Delaware river in front of Philadelphia, 1843 and 1878. Rept. 1880, app. 9, pp. 110-125. Comparison of surveys of Mississippi river in the vicinity of Cubitt's gap Rept 1880 apo 10 pp. 126-134. Comparison of the survey of the Delaware river of 1819, between Petty's and Tinicum islands with more recent surveys. Rept. 1882, app. 15, pp. 427-432. Physical hydrography of Delaware river and bay comparison of recent with former surveys Rept. 1884, app. 12, pp. 431-434- Comparison of transverse sections in the Delaware river between old Navy yard and east end of Petty's island, for the years 1819, 1843, and 1878. Rept. 1885, app. 12," pp. 487, 488. Tide levels and flow of currents in New York bay and harbor. Rept. 1888, app. 9, pp. 405-408. Same. Bull. 3. (1888.) Encroachment of the sea upon the coast of Cape Cod, Mass., as shown by comparative surveys. Rept. 1889, app. 12, pp. 403-407. Cross-sections of the shore of Cape Cod between Chatham and the Highland light-house Rept 1889, app. 13, pp. 409-457. A syphon tide-gauge for the open seacoast. Bull. 12. (1889.) Changes in the shore line and anchorage areas of Cape Cod (or Provincetown ) harbor by com- parison of surveys between 1835, 1867, and 1890. Rept. 1891, pt. 2, app. 8, pp. 283-288. Changes in the shore lines and anchorage areas of Cape Cod (or Provincetown) harbor, as shown by a comparison of surveys made between 1867 and 1890. Bull. 24. (1891.) Cross sections of the shore of Cape Cod, Mass., between the Cape Cod and Long Point light- houses. Rept. 1891, pt. 2, app. 9, pp. 289-341. Tides and currents in the harbor of Edgartown and Katama bay, Martha's Vineyard. Rept. 1892, pt. 2, app. 5, pp. 225-241. Changes in the shore lines of Nantucket island, Mass., from a comparison of surveys 1846 to 1887 and in 1891. Rept. 1892, pt. 2, app. 6, pp. 243-252. Changes in the depths of the -bar at the entrance to Nantucket inner harbor, Mass., between 1888 and 1893. Rept. 1895, pt. 2, app. 5, pp. 347-354. Tables of cross sections on the north shores of Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard, Mass. Rept. 1896,. pt. 2, app. 8,* pp. 305-346. Marine engineering. See Boilers Engines Steamers. Marine governors. Emery, Charles E. On marine governors. Rept. 1876, app. 13,* pp. 192-196. Marking. Tittmann, O. H. On a method of readily transferring the underground mark at a base monu- ment. Rept. 1881, app. 13, pp. 357,358. See also Bench marks. Marr, Robert Athelstone. Transit of Venus of December 6, 1882, observed at Lehman's ranch, Nevada. Rept. 1883, app. 16, p. 378. Mars. Davidson, G. Observed occupations of a Scorpii and the planet Mars at Point Hudson, Port Townshend, Washington territory, April and May, 1856. Rept. 1856, app. 26,* pp. 203-208. Marshes. See Hydrographic surveys Physical hydrography Sea level. Martha's Vineyard. Marindin, H. Cross sections on the north shores of Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard, Mass. Rept. 1896, pt. 2, app. 8,* pp. 305-346. Whiting, Henry L. Report of changes in the shore line and beaches of Martha's Vineyard, as derived from comparisons of recent with former surveys. Rept. 1886, app. 9, pp. 263-266. (And Mitchell, H.) Reports concerning Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket. Rept: 1869, app. 15,* pp. 236-259. See also Edgartown Muskeget channel Nantucket sound Vineyard sound. Martha's Vineyard sound. See Vineyard sound. Maryland. BOUNDARY. Whiting, Henry L. Report in relation to a portion of boundary line in dispute between the states of Maryland and Virginia. Rept. 1890, app. n, pp. 621-623. LEVELING. Schott, C. A. Result of spirit leveling between tide water at Annapolis, Md., and the Capitol bench mark at Washington, D. C. Rept. 1889, app. 15, pp. 461-466. Resulting heights from spirit leveling between Washington, D. C., and Hagerstown, Md., 1883. Rept. 1896, pt. 2, app. 4, pp. 261-264. TERRESTRIAL MAGNETISM. Schott, C. A. Magnetic observations made at stations in Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia. Rept. 1856, app. 29,* pp. 226, 227. * Exhausted. 186 CATALOGUE. Massachusetts. TERRESTRIAL MAGNETISM. Schott, C. A. Results of observations for magnetic declination, dip and intensity at stations in Section III [Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia]. Rept. 1856, app. 30,* p. 227. TRIANGULATION. Schott, C. A. Connection of the primary base lines on Kent island, Md., and on Craney island, Va. , and on the degree of accuracy of the intervening primary and sub- primary triangulation. Rept. 1869, app. 6, pp. 105-112. See also Atlantic coast Baltimore Chesapeake bay Eastern oblique arc Gaithersburg Kent island Pamplico-Chesapeake arc Pocomoke sound Potomac river Rockville Tangier Transcontinental arc. Massachusetts. GEOGRAPHIC POSITIONS. Schott, Chas. A. Geographical positions of trigonometrical points in the states of Massachusetts and Rhode Island, 1835 to 1885, including those determined by the Borden survey, 1832 to 1838. Rept. 1885, app. 8, pp. 285-439. Same. 2d ed., revised and enlarged. Rept. 1894, pt. 2, app. 10, pp. 349-615. PHYSICAL HYDROGRAPHY. Marindin, H. L. Cross sections on the north shores of Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard, Mass. Rept. 1896, pt. 2, app. 8,* pp. 305-346. TRiANGUiyATiON. Results of the primary triangulation of the coast of New England, from the northeastern boundary to the vicinity of New York. Rept. 1865, app. 21,* pp. 187-203. See also Atlantic coast Borden survey Boston harbor Cambridge Cape Cod Chatham Edgartown harbor Hudson river Martha's Vineyard Merrimac river Monomoy Muskeget channel Nantucket New England Plymouth harbor Provincetown harbor- Vineyard sound Worcester. Massachusetts base. Results of the primary triangulation of the coast of New England from the northeastern boundary to the vicinity of New York. Rept. 1865, app. 21,* pp. 187-203. See also Nantucket arc. Mathematics and computation. See Arithmetic Equations Formulae and factors Functions Geodesy Harmonic analysis Interpolation Logarithms Least square method Motion N point problem Projec- tions Tables Three point problem Tide predicting machine Trajectory of shot. Mathiot, George. Electrotyping operations of the Coast survey. Rept. 1851, app. 55,* pp. 541-553. Reports [on electrotype operations and chemiglyphic experiments]. Rept. 1854, app. 31,* PP- 54-57- Description of [Mathiot's] self-sustaining voltaic battery. Rept. 1854, app. 56,* pp. 193-201. Time required to produce the maximum intensity of a voltaic current. Rept. 1855, app. 61,* pp. 366-368. Improved method for taking entire casts from detached plates by electrotype process. Rept. 1855, app. 62,* p. 369. On a method of measuring galvanic currents of great quantity. Rept. 1855, app. 63, pp. 370- 373- Printing maps from their electrotyped plates. Rept. 1856, app. 62,* pp. 316, 317. Electrotyping operations. Rept. 1866, app. 20,* pp. 130-138. Measures. See Arc measures Base measures Standards. Mechanical observations. See Automatic methods. Mechanics. See Motion. Memphis, Tenn. Levels --Corinth, Miss. Schott, C. A. On the results of spirit leveling of precision between Corinth, Miss., and Mem- phis, Tenn. Rept. 1892, pt. 2, app. 4, pp. 205-224. Mendenhall, Thomas Cor win. Determinations of gravity with the new half-second pendulums of the Coast and geodetic sur- vey at stations on the Pacific coast, in Alaska, and at the base stations, Washington, D. C., and Hoboken, N. J. Rept. 1891, pt. 2, app. 15, pp. 503-564. Prefatory note to paper on the variation of latitude at Rockville, Md., as determined from observations made in 1891 and 189.2, in cooperation with the International geodetic asso- ciation. Rept. 1892, pt. 2, app. i, pp. i, 2. Prefatory note to paper on the measurement of the Holton base, Holton, Ripley county, Indiana, and the St. Albans base, Kanawha county, W. Va. Rept. 1892, pt. 2, app. 8, P- 3 2 9- Same. Bull. 25. (1892.) Fundamental standards of length and mass. Rept. 1893, pt. 2, app. 6, pp. 165-172. Same. Bull. 26. (1893.) The United States Coast and geodetic survey. No. i in Bull. 29. (1893. ) [Amendment to] General instructions for hydrographic parties, 1894. ( 1894. )f General instruc- tions for hydrographic parties, 1894. (1895.)! See also, as Superintendent, Reports and other publications, 1889 to 1893, inclusive. * Exhausted. | Not for general distribution. 187 Mercurial. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PUBLICATIONS. Mercurial horizon. See Artificial horizon. Mercury, Transit of. 1878. Colonna, B. A. Transit of Mercury, May 6, 1878, observed at Summit station, Central Pacific railroad. Kept. 1878, app. 6, pp. 81-87. Schott, C. A. Observations at Washington, D. C., of the transit of Mercurv. Rept 1878 arm 7, pp. 88-91. 1881. Davidson, George, and Gilbert, J. J. Transit 'of Mercury of November 7, 1881, as observed at Yolo base, California. Rept. 1883, app. 15,* pp. 369-370. Preston, E. D. Transit of Mercury of May 9, 1881. at Waikiki, Hawaiian islands. Rept 1891 pt. 2, app. 12, pp. 475-477- 1894. Schott, C. A., Tittmann, O. H., Preston, E. D., Smith, E., Putnam, G. R., Fischer, E. G. Transit of Mercury on November 10, 1894, Coast and geodetic survey office, Washington, D. C. Rept. 1895, pt. 2, app. 4,* pp. 345, 346. Meridian arcs. See Arc measures. Meridian instrument. Davidson, George. New meridian instrument for time, latitude and azimuth. Rept. 1867, app. 8,* pp. 138, 139. Description of the Davidson meridian instrument. Rept. 1879, a PP- 7> PP- 103-109. See also Instruments. Meridian lines. Dean, G. W. Establishment of meridian lines at Petersburg, Va., and Raleigh and Wilming- ton, N. C. Rept. 1854, app. 44,* p. 146. See also Magnetic variations. Merrimac river, Mass. Mitchell, H. Surveys in the Merrimac river, Massachusetts. Rept. 1867, app. 14,* pp. 170-175. Merriman, Mansfield. On the determination by least squares of the relation between two variables liable to eirors of observation. Rept. 1890, app. 13, pp. 687-690. Meteorology. Observations upon northers and southeast gales. Notice to mariners 14. (1877.) Meteorological effects on tides. Rept. 1871, app. 6* pp. 93-99. Ferrel, William. Meteorological researches for the use of the- Coast pilot. Rept. 1875, app. 20,* pp. 369-412. Meteorological researche s for the use of the Coast pilot. Part II. On cyclones, water- spouts, and tornadoes. Rept. 1878, app. 10,* pp. 175-267. Meteorological researches, Part III. barometric hypsometry and reduction of the barometer to sea level. Rept. iSSi, app. 10, pp. 225-268. Schott, C. A. Development of Bessel's function for periods frequently occurring in magnetic and meteorological investigations, with examples. Rept. 1862, app. 22,* pp. 232-235. ALASKA. Bryant, Charles. Meteorological register, St. Paul island, Alaska, 1870-71. Rept. 1871, app. 7,* pp. loo-ioS. Davidson, George. Meteorology of Alaska territory. Rept. 1867, app. 18 (H, I, J, K),* pp. 299-317. LABRADOR. Alexander, Stephen. Expedition to [Aulezavik island] Labrador, to observe the total eclipse of July i8th, 1860. Report on the determination of the magnetic elements by Edward Goodfellow, assistant, with notes by C. A. Schott, assistant. Rept. 1860, app. 21,* pp. 229-275. PENNSYLVANIA. Bache, A. D. Discussion of the magnetic and meteorological observations made at the Girard college observatory, Philadelphia, 1841-45. Rept. 1859, app. 22,* pp. 278-295. WYOMING. Cutts, R. D., and Young, Charles A. Astronomical and meteorological observations made at Sherman, Wyo. T. Rept. 1872, app. 8,* pp. 75-172. See also Barometric hypsometry Climate Oceanography Refraction Sun spots Winds. Meter. Barnard, P\ A. P. , and Tresca, H. Comparison of an iron metre forwarded to France by the Government of the United States of America. Rept. 1867, app. 7,* pp. 134-137. Schott, C. A. New compensation base apparatus, including the determination of the length of two 5-metre standard bars. Rept. 1882, app. 7, pp. 107-138. Tittmann, O. H. Historical account of United States Standards of weights and measures; of the National prototypes of the metre and the kilogramme ; of their transportation from Paris to Washington; of their official opening and certification and of their deposit in the office of weights and measures. Rept 1890, app. 18, pp. 735-758. See also Current meter Standards. Metric standards. Hilgard, J. E. Papers relating to metric standards distributed to the states of the Union under a joint resolution of Congress of July 27, 1866. Sep. pub. (1876.)* * Exhausted. 188 CATALOGUE. Metric. Schott, C. A. , and Tittmann, O. H. Relation between the metric standards of length of the U. S. Coast and geodetic survey and the U. S. Lake survey. Rept. 1889, app. 6* pp 179-197. Same. Bull. 17. (1889.) Tittmann, O. H. On the relation of Oie yard to the metre. Bull. 9. (1889.) Same. Rept. 1890, app. 16, pp. 715-720. Historical account of United States standards of weights and measures; of the national prototypes of the metre and the kilogramme; of their transportation from Paris to Washing- ton; of their official opening and certification, and of their deposit in the office of weights and measures. Rept. 1890, app. 18, pp. 735-758. See also Kilogram Meter Standards Weights and measures office. Metric tables. Table showing the height in meters, corresponding to given angles of elevation and distances in meters. Sep. pub. (1900.) Table for converting customary and metric weights and measures. Sep. pub. (1900. ) Schott, C. A. Height in feet corresponding to a given angle of elevation and a given distance in metres, for use in the construction of contour lines by plane table. Rept. 1860, app 38,* P- 397- Mexico. Davidson, George. Magnetic variations off the coasts of California and Mexico, observed by Spanish navigators in the last quarter of the eighteenth century. Rept. 1885, app 7 pp 275-284. Schott, C. A. Transit of Venus, 1769. Results of observations for determining positions occu- pied in Lower California and at Philadelphia. Rept. 1874, app. 10,* pp. 131-133. See also List of Tide tables in Part I. Michigan. Fergiison, O. W. Resulting elevations from spirit leveling between Gibraltar/Mich., and Cin- cinnati, Ohio. Rept. 1899, app. 7, pp. 321-345. Micrometric measures. Davidson, George. The run of the micrometer. Rept. 1884, app. 8, pp. 377-385. Measure of the irregularity in one turn of the micrometer screw, and the relative value of each turn. Rept. 1892, pt. 2, app. 9, pp. 505-513. Smith, Edwin. The determination of the mean value of one revolution of a micrometer screw and the progressive and periodic errors of the screw, from observations on a circumpolar star near its elongation. Rept. 1900, app. 8, pp. 701-712. See also Azimuth Latitude Horizontal measures Vertical measures. Middle=ground shoal, N. Y. Mitchell, H. Middle-ground shoal, New York harbor. Rept. 1872, app. 16,* pp. 257-261. Mile. Hilgard, J. E. On the length of a nautical mile. Rept. iSSi, app. 12, pp. 354-356. Mississippi. GEOGRAPHIC POSITIONS. Geographical positions determined approximately in West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, and Missouri. Rept. 1865, app. 10, p. 137. LEVELING. Schott, C. A. Heights from spirit levelings of precision between Mobile, Ala., and Carrollton (New Orleans), La. Rept. 1887, app. 9, pp. 185-205. Heights from spirit leveling of precision between Mobile, Ala. , and Okolona, Miss. Rept. 1888, app. 10, pp. 409-426. Results of spirit leveling of precision between Okolona, Miss., and Odin, 111. Rept. 1892, pt. 2, app. 3, pp. 161-203. See also Cat island Gulf Stream Gulf coast Mississippi river. Mississippi river. CURRENTS. Marindin, H. L. Apparatus for observing currents in connection with the physical survey of the Mississippi river. Rept. 1877, app. 9, pp. 104-107. GEOLOGY. Ijittle, George. Blue clay of the Mississippi river. Rept. 1880, app. 12, pp. 145-171. LEVELING. Braid, Andrew. Geodesic leveling on the Mississippi river. Rept. 1880, app. u, pp. 135-144. PHYSICAL HYDROGRAPHY. Marindin, H. L. Comparison of surveys of Mississippi river in the vicinity of Cubitt's gap. Rept. 1880, app. 10, pp. 126-134. Mitchell, Henry. Study of the effect of river bends in the lower Mississippi. Rept. 1882, app. 1 6, pp. 433 1 436- RECONNAISSANCE. Gerdes, F. H. On a reconnaissance from Suwanee river, Florida, to the mouths of the Mississippi. Rept. 1852, app. 12,* pp. 87-94. Reconnaissance of the coast of Louisiana in 1854. Rept. 1854, app. 20,* pp. 28-30. See also South Pass. Mississippi sound. Gerdes, F. H. Extract from a letter upon the change in the magnetic variation within short distances in the Gulf of Mexico. Rept. 1845, app. 3,* pp. 41-43. * Exhausted. 189 Missouri. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PUBLICATIONS. Missouri. GEOGRAPHIC POSITIONS. Geographical positions approximately determined in West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi and Missouri. Rept. 1865, app. 10,* p. 137. LEVELING. Schott, C. A. Heights from geodetic leveling between St. Louis and Jefferson City, Mo., 1882-1888. Rept. 1893, pt. 2, app. 2, pp. 19-36. Resulting heights from spirit leveling between Jefferson City, Mo., and Holiday, Kans. Rept. 1896, pt. 2, app. 5, pp. 265-284. See also Mississippi river Transcontinental arc St. Louis. Mitchel, Ormsley McKnight. Mechanical record of astronomical observations. _ Rept. 1849, app. 5,* pp. 72-78. A new method of recording differences of north polar distances, or declination, by electro- magnetism. Rept. 1851, app. 9,* pp. 137-145. Mitchell, Henry. Tidal observations on the south shore of Massachusetts and in Nantucket and Vineyard sounds. Rept. 1854, app. 29,* pp. 35-37. Description of tide-gauge used at stations on the open seacoast and in situations exposed to strong currents. Rept. 1854, app. 53,* pp. 190, 191. Tidal observations in Nantucket sound. Rept. 1855, app. 33,* pp. 222, 223. Interference tides of Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard sounds. Rept. 1856, app. 37,* pp. 261-263. Tides and currents of New York harbor and its dependencies. Rept. 1856, app. 39,* pp. 264-266. Tides and currents in Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard sounds and in East river at Hell Gate with remarks on the revision of levelings on Hudson river. Rept. 1857, app. 35,* pp. 350-354. Tide gauge for deep water. Rept. 1857, app. 50,* pp. 403, 404. Currents in the East river at Hell Gate and Throg's Neck, the sub-currents of New York bay and harbor and levelings on the banks of the Hudson river. Rept. 1858, app. 28,* pp. 204-207. Physical survey of New York harbor and the coast of Long island. Rept. 1859, app. 26,* pp. 3II-3I7- Implements devised for collecting specimens of bottom in alluvial harbors. Rept. 1860, app. 39,* P- 398. Soundings across the Florida straits. Rept. 1866, app. 5,* pp. 35-44. Preliminary report o'n the interference tides of Hell Gate, with directions for reducing the soundings. Rept. 1866, app. 6,* pp. 44-46. . Tides and currents of Hell Gate, N. Y. Rept. 1867, app. 13,* pp. 158-169. Surveys in the Merrimack river, Massachusetts. Rept. 1867, app. 14,* pp. 170-175. Report on soundings made to develop the character of the Strait of Florida between Key West and Havana. Rept. 1867, app. 15,* pp. 176-179. Notes on Gulf Stream observations. Rept. 1868, app. n,* pp. 166, 167. Reclamation of tide lands and its relation to navigation. Rept. 1869, app. 5, pp. 75-104. (And H. L. Whiting. ) Reports concerning Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket. Rept. 1869, app. 15,* pp. 236-259. Method of determining elevations along the course of a tidal river without the aid of a leveling instrument. Rept. 1870, app. ii," :: ~ pp. 98, 99. On the probable effect of extended piers in modifying the channel facilities of San Francisco bay near Yerba Buena island. Rept. 1870, app. 18,* pp. 180, 181. Harbor of New York, 1873. Rept. 1871, app. 8,* pp. 109-133. Nauset beach and Monomoy peninsula. Rept. 1871, app. 9,* pp. 134-143. Location of harbor lines. Rept. 1871, app. 10,* pp. 144-153. Middle-ground shoal. New York harbor. Rept. 1872, app. i6," :: " pp. 257-261. Physical survey of Portland harbor. Rept. 1873, app. 8,* pp. 94-102. Changes in the neighborhood of Chatham and Monomoy. Rept. 1873, app. 9,* pp. 103-107. Changes in the submerged contours off Sandy Hook. Rept. 1873, app. 10,* pp. 108-110. Terminal points of the proposed canals through Nicaragua and the Isthmus of Darien. Rept. 1874, app. 12, pp. 135-147- Recent observations at South pass bar, Mississippi river. Rept. 1875, app. ii % * pp. 189-193. Changes in the harbor of Plymouth, Mass. Rept. 1876, app. 9*, pp. 143-146. Physical survey of New York harbor. Rept. 1876, app. 10,* pp. 147-185. Location of a quay or pier line in the vicinity of the United States Navy-yard at New York. Rept. 1876, app. ii,* pp. 186-189. Characteristics of South pass, Mississippi river. Rept. 1876, app. 12, p. 190, 191. Alleged changes in the relative elevations of land and sea. Rept. 1877, app. 8,* pp. 98-103. Physical survey of the Delaware river at Philadelphia. Rept. 1878, app. 9, pp. 121-173. Physical hydrography of the Gulf of Maine. Rept. 1879, app. 10, pp. 175-190. Addendum to a report on a physical survey of the Delaware river. Rept. 1879, app. 13, pp. 199, 200. New rule for currents in Delaware bay and river. Rept. 1881, app. 18, pp. 464-469. Study of the effect of river bends in the lower Mississippi. Rept. 1882, app. 16, pp. 433-436. Estuary of the Delaware. Rept. 1883, app. 8, p. 239-245. A plea for a light on St. Georges bank. Rept. 1885, app. n, pp. 483-485. * Exhausted. 190 CATALOGUE. Mobile. A report on Monomoy and its shoals. Rept. 1886, app. 8, pp. 255-261. A report on the delta of the Delaware. Rept. 1886, app. 10, pp. 267-279. Circulation of the sea through New York harbor. Rept. 1886, app. 13, pp. 409-432. On the movements of the sands at the eastern entrance to Vineyard sound. Rept. 1887, app. 6, pp. 159-163- Addendum to appendix on the estuary of the Delaware. Rept. 1887, app. 13, pp. 269-273. Report on the results of the physical surveys of New York harbor. Rept. 1887, app. 15, pp. 301-311. Mobile, Ala. Levels Carrollton (New Orleans), La. Schott, C. A. Heights from spirit levelings of precision between Mobile, Ala., and Carrollton (New Orleans), La. Rept. 1887, app. 9, pp. 185-205. Mobile, Ala. Levels Okolona, Miss. Schott, C. A. Heights from spirit leveling of precision between Mobile, Ala., and Okolona, Miss. Rept. 1888, app. 10, pp. 409-426. Mobile bay entrance. Patterson, C. P. Letter relating to the tides at the entrance of Mobile bay. Rept. 1846, app. 8,* pp. 68-70. Model. See Relief model. Moisture. Effect of atmospheric moisture on the dimensions of different kinds of drawing paper. Rept. 1862, app. 27,* p. 255. Monomoy, Mass. Mitchell, H. Nauset beach and Monomoy peninsula. Rept. 1871, app. 9,* pp. 134-143. Changes in the neighborhood of Chatham and Monomoy. Rept. 1873, app. 9,* pp. 103-107. A report on Monomoy and its shoals. Rept. 1886, app. 8, pp. 255-261. On the movements of the sands at the eastern entrance to Vineyard sound. Rept. 1887, app. 6, pp. 159-163. See also Cape Cod Nantucket sound. Montgomery, Ala. Longitude Wilmington, N. C. Gould, B. A. Observations for difference of longitude between Wilmington, N. C., and Mont- gomery, Ala. Rept. 1856, app. 20,* pp. 163-166. Moon. Bache, A. D. Investigation of the influence of the moon on the magnetic declination. ( Part III in Discussion of magnetic and meteorological observations Girard college observatory, Philadelphia, in 1840-45. ) Rept. 1860, app. 24,* pp. 312-324. Ferrel, William. On the moon's mass, as deduced from a discussion of the tides of Boston harbor. Rept. 1870, app. 20,* pp. 190-199. Peirce, Benjamin. Upon the tables of the moon used in the reduction of the Pleiades. Rept. 1862, app. 13,* pp. 157, 158. Method of determining the corrections of lunar semidiameter, mean place, ellipticity of orbit, longitude of perihelion, coefficient of annual parallax, and longitude of Europe and America from the occultation of the Pleiades. Rept. 1865, app. 13,* pp. 146-149. Peters, C. H. F. On substituting a lunar spot instead of the moon's limb in transits for deter- mining the difference of longitude. Rept. 1856, app. 25,* pp. 198-203. See also Lunar distances Lunar tables Magnetic variations Occupations Tides. Moon culminations. Method of computing longitudes from moon culminations. Rept. 1858, app. 21,* pp. 186-189. Bond, W. C. On moon culminations observed by the "American method" with remarks on the performance of the spring governor. Rept. 1853, app. 32,* pp. 84-86. Moon culminations observed by the "American method." Rept. 1854, app. 37,* p. 120. Moon culminations observed at Cambridge and the chronometric expedition for differ- ence of longitude between Cambridge, Mass., and Liverpool, Eng. Rept. 1855, app. 43,* PP- 275, 276. On moon culminations and results of the chronometer expeditions between Cambridge and Liverpool for difference of longitude. Rept. 1856, app. 22,* p. 181. Moon culminations and other phenomena. Rept. 1857, app. 28,* pp. 310, 311. Kendall, E. O. Moon culminations observed at High school observatory, Philadelphia. Rept. 1854, app. 38,* p. 120. Peirce, Benjamin. On longitudes from moon culminations. Rept. 1853, app. 31,* p. 84. Longitude by moon culminations. Rept. 1854, app. 36,* pp. 108-120. Peters, C. H. F. On substituting a lunar spot instead of the moon's limb in transits for deter- mining the difference of longitude. Rept. 1856, app. 25,* pp. 198-203. Schott, C. A. Approximate times of culminations and elongations and of the azimuths at elon- gation of Polaris for the years between 1889 and 1910. Bull. 14. (1890.) Same. Rept. 1891, pt. 2, app. i, pp. 7-13. Walker, S. C. Abstract of reports on longitudes. Rept. 1851, app. 26,* pp. 480, 481. *Exhausted. 191 Moore. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PUBLICATIONS. Moore, Edwin King. ALASKA. Predicted times of slack water at Seymour narrows, Discovery passage, B. C., and at Sergius narrows, Peril strait, Alaska, from May to December, 1899. Bull. 39. (1899.) Moser, Jefferson Francis. ALASKA. Hydrographic notes and sailing directions relating to portions of Alaska from Dixon entrance to Yakutat bay, including reconnaissance surveys of Cordova bay, Bucarelli bay, and Red Fish bay. Bull. 37. (1899.) Hydrographic notes, sailing directions, and charts of surveys relating to the vicinity of Prince William sound, Cooks inlet, Kadiak island, and route from Unalaska to Chignik, through Unimak pass and inside the islands. Bull. 38. (1899.) Mosman, Alonzo T. On the measurement of the Holton base, Holton, Ripley county, Ind., and the St. Albans base, Kanawha county, W. Va. Extracts from the records and from the reports. Rept. 1892, pt. 2, app. 8, pp. 330-333. Motion. Craig, Thos. General properties of the equations of steady motion. Sep. pub. (1881.)* Trowbridge, W. P. Investigation of the laws of motion governing the descent of the weight and line in deep sea sounding. Rept. 1858, app. 37,* pp. 228-246. Mt. Cook, Alas. Dall, W. H. Report on Mt. St. Elias, Mt. Fairweather and some of the adjacent mountains. Rept. 1875, app. 10,* pp. 157-188. Mt. Crillon, Alas. Dall, W. H. Report on Mt. St. Elias, Mt. Fairweather and some of the adjacent mountains. Rept. 1875, app. 10,* pp. 157-188. Mt. Fairweather, Alas. Dall, \V. H. Report on Mt. St. Elias, Mt. Fairweather and some of the adjacent mountains. Rept. 1875, app. 10,* pp. 157-188. Mt. Hamilton, Cal. Schott, C. A. Telegraphic determination of the longitude of a station on Mount Hamilton, Cal., and its trigonometrical connection with the Lick observatory. Rept. 1889, rpp. 8, pp. 209-212. Same. Bull. 13. (1889.) Mt. St. Elias, Alas. Dall, W. H. Report on Mt. St. Elias, Mt. Fairweather and some of the adjacent mountains. Rept. 1875, app. 10,* pp. 157-188. Mt. Santa Lucia, Cal. Davidson, George. The total solar eclipse of January n, 1880, observed at Mount Sarta Lucia, Cal. Rept. 1882, app. 20, pp. 463-468. Mt. Vancouver, Alas. Dall, W. H. Report on Mt. St. Elias, Mt. Fairweather and some of the adjacent mountains. Rept. 1875, app. 10,* pp. 157-188. Muck Prairie, Wash. See Fort Steilacoom. Muir glacier, Alas. Reid, H. F. Report on an expedition to Muir glacier, Alaska, with determinations of latitude and the magnetic elements at Camp Muir, Glacier bay. Rept. 1891, pt. 2, app. 14, pp. 487-501. it Murray, Alexander. Labrador eclipse expedition and incidental results bearing on the hydrography of the coast of Labrador. Rept. 1860, app. 41,* pp. 399-402. Muskeget channel. Schott, C. A. Currents in Muskeget channel and off Martha's Vineyard. Rept. 1854, app. 49,* pp. 166-168. N=point problem. Schott, C. A. The problem of determining a position by angles observed upon a number of given stations. Solution of Gauss, with example. Rept. 1864, app. 13,* pp. 116-119. Nagasaki, Japan. Davidson, George. Transit of Venus, Japan [1874]. Rept. 1875, app. 13,* pp. 222-230. Nantucket arc. Schott, C. A. Measures of arc of meridian of 30 23' between Nantucket [Mass.] and Farming- ton, Me. Rept. 1868, app. 9,* pp. 147-153. The Pamplico-Chesapeake arc of the meridian and its combination with the Nantucket and the Peruvian arcs for a determination of the figure of the earth from American meas- ures. Rept. 1877, app. 6, pp. 84-95. * Exhausted. 192 CATALOGUE. Naatucket. Nantucket harbor, Mass. Marindin, H. L. Changes in the depths of the bar at the entrance to Nantucket inner harbor, Mass., between 1888 and 1893. Rept. 1895, pt. 2, app. 5, pp. 347-354. Nantucket island, Mass. Marindin, H. L. Changes in the ocean shore lines of Nantucket island, Mass., from a com- parison of surveys 1846 to 1887 and in 1891. Rept. 1892, pt. 2, app. 6, pp. 243-252. Cross sections on the north shores of Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard, Mass. Rept. 1896, pt. 2, app. 8,* pp. 305-346. Whiting, H. L. , and Mitchell, H. Reports concerning Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket. Rept. 1869, app. 15,* pp. 236-259. See also Muskeget channel. Nantucket sound, Mass. Mitchell, H. Tidal observations on the south shore of Massachusetts and in Nantucket and Vineyard sounds. Rept. 1854, app. 29,* pp. 35-37. Tidal observations in Nantucket sound. Rept. 1855, app. 33,* pp. 222, 223. Interference tides of Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard sounds. Rept. 1856, app. 37,* pp. 261-263. Tides and currents in Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard sounds and in East river at Hell Gate with remarks on the revision of levelings on Hudson river. Rept. 1857, app. 35,* PP- 350-354- Schott, C. A. On the currents of Nantucket shoals. Rept. 1854, app. 48,* pp. 161-166. Currents in Muskeget channel and off Martha's Vineyard. Rept. 1854, app. 49,* pp. 166-168. Whiting, H. L., and Mitchell, H. Reports concerning Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket. Rept. 1869, app. 15,* pp. 236-259. See also Cape Cod Martha's Vineyard Muskeget channel Vineyard sound. Nauset beach, Mass. Mitchell, H. Nauset beach and Monomoy peninsula. Rept. 1871, app. 9,* pp. 134-143. Nautical affairs. See Bibb (steamer) Blake (steamer) Engines Hassler (steamer) Hetzel (steamer) Hydraulic engineering Hydrography Mile Terrestrial magnetism. Naval observatory. Preston, E. D. Establishment of the United States Naval observatory circle, and the determi- nation of the geographical position of the center of the clock room. Rept. 1896, pt. 2, app. 6.* pp. 285-291. Navigation. See Hydrographic surveys Coast pilot Currents Light-houses Magnetic declina- tion Oceanography Physical hydrography Sounding Tides. Nebraska. BASE MEASURES. Baldwin, A. L. On the measurement of nine bases along the ninety-eighth meridian. Rept. 1901, app. 3, pp. 229-302. LEVEUNG. Tilton, B. E. Resulting elevations from spirit leveling between Abilene, Kans. and Norfolk, Neb., 1899. Rept. 1899, app. 6, pp. 299-320. TRIANGULATION. Hayford, John F. Triangulation northward along the ninety-eighth meridian in Kansas and Nebraska. Rept. 1901, app. 6, pp. 357-423. Necrology. See Blair, Henry W. Patterson, C. P. Nevada. Sinclair, C. H. The oblique boundary line between California and Nevada. Rept. 1900, app. 3, PP- 255-484- See also Lehman's ranch Transcontinental arc. New England. Results of the primary triangulation of the coast of New England, from the northeastern boundary to the vicinity of New York. Rept. 1865, app. 21,* pp. 187-203. ARC MEASURES. Schott, C. A. Measures of arc of meridian of 3 23' between Nantucket [Mass.] and Farmington, Me. Rept. 1868, app. 9,* pp. 147-153. CURRENTS. Libby, William, jr. Relations of cold and warm ocean currents off the New England coast, by the U. S. Fish commission, with the co-operation of the U. S. Coast and geodetic survey. Rept. 1891, pt. 2, app. 7,* pp. 279-281. TERRESTRIAL MAGNETISM. Schott, C. A. Magnetic declination, dip, and intensity in 1859. Rept. 1859, app. 23,* p. 296. TIDES. Ferrel, William. Maxima and minima of tides on the coast of New England for 1873. Rept. 1872, app. 7,* pp. 73, 74. See also Atlantic Coast Connecticut Lake Charnplaiii Maine Massachusetts New Hamp- shire Rhode Island. New Hampshire. See Gunstock mountain New England. * Exhausted. 759002 13 193 New. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PUBLICATIONS. New Jersey. LEVELING. Cutts, R. D. Leveling operations between Keyport, on Raritan bay, and Gloucester, on the Delaware river, to determine the heights above mean tide of the primary stations Beacon hill, Disboro, Stony hill, Mount Holly, and Pine hill. Rept. 1870, app. 7,* PP- 75, 76. Same, revised. Rept. 1871, app. 12,* pp. 171-175. Barometrical observations made in connection with the line of spirit leveling, from Rari- tan bay to the Delaware river to determine the heights above mean tide of primary stations. Rept. 1870, app. 8,* pp. 77-89. Schott, Charles A. Report on the results of spirit leveling of precision about New York bay and vicinity in 1886 and 1887. Rept. 1887, app. 14, pp. 275-300. TERRESTRIAL MAGNETISM. Schott, C. A, Magnetic declination, dip and horizontal intensity [determined iri 1860] on Cape Cod peninsula, Long island and New Jersey. Rept. 1860, app. 29,* p. 352. TOPOGRAPHY. Harrison, A. M. Topography on the coast of New Jersey, including Sandy Hook. Rept. 1855, app. 23,* pp. 164, 165. See also Atlantic coast Delaware river Eastern oblique arc Hoboken New York harbor Sandy Hook. New Orleans, La. See Cotton centennial exposition. New Orleans, La. Levels Arkansas City, Ark. Schott, C. A. Heights from spirit leveling of precision between New Orleans, La. , and Arkan- sas City, Ark. Rept. 1888, app. n, p. 427-453. New Orleans (Carrollton), La. Levels Mobile, Ala. Schott, C. A. Heights from spirit levelings of precision between Mobile, Ala., and Carrollton (New Orleans), La. Rept. 1887, app. 9, pp. 185-205. New Orleans, La. Longitude Calais, Me. Gould, B. A. Longitude from observations by telegraph between Calais, Me., and New Orleans, La. Rept. 1862, app. 14,* pp. 158-160. New South Wales. See Sydney. New York. LEVELING. Mitchell, H. Currents in the East river at Hell Gate and Throg's Neck, the sub- currents of New York bay and harbor and levelings on the banks of the Hudson river. Rept. 1858, app. 28,* pp. 204-207. TERRESTRIAL MAGNETISM. Schott, C. A. Results for magnetic declination, dip, and horizontal intensity in Pennsylvania, in the District of Columbia, and in New York. Rept. 1862, app. 18,* p. 212. TRIANGULATION. Results of the primary triangulation of the coast of New England, from the northeastern boundary to the vicinity of New York. Rept. 1865, app. 21,* pp. 187-203. Schott, C. A. Connection at Lake Ontario of the primary triangulation of the Coast and geo- detic survey with that of the Lake survey. Rept. 1884, app. 9, pp. 3 8 7-39- See also Albany Atlantic coast Buffalo Hudson river Lake Champlain Long IslandLong Island sound New York city New York harbor. New York bay. See New York harbor. New York city. Gerdes, F. H. Topographical survey of Manhattan island. Rept. 1855, app. 21,* pp. 162, 163. Smith, Edwin. Determinations of gravity at the Polytechnic institute, Worcestejr, Mass., and at Columbia university, New York city, with pendulum apparatus B. Rept. 1899, app. 4, pp. 271-282. See also Hudson river. New York city Longitude Albany, N. Y. Gould, B. A. Determination of longitude at Albany, N. Y., by_the telegraphic method. Rept. 1861, app. 18, pp. 221-232. New York harbor and approaches. Resurvey of New York bay and harbor and dependencies for the Commissioners on harbor encroachments. Rept. 1855, app. 24,* pp. 165-171. Boschke, A. [Comparative] maps of New York harbor. Rept. 1856, app. 48,* pp. 281, 282. Report on the drawing of maps of New York harbor, made for the Commissioners on harbor encroachments. Rept. 1857, app. 38,* pp. 373, 374. Cutts, R. D. Barometrical observations made in connection with the line of spirit leveling, from Raritan bay to the Delaware river to determine the heights above mean tide of primary stations. Rept. 1870, app. 8,* pp. 77-89. CURRENTS. Colonna, B. A. Currents of New York bay and harbor. Bull. 8. (1889.) Mitchell, H. Currents in the East river at Hell Gate and Throg's Neck, the sub-currents of New York bay and harbor and levelings on the banks of the Hudson river. Rept. 1858, app. 28,* pp. 204-207. * Exhausted. 194 CATALOGUE. * New. CURRENTS. Mitchell, H. Middle-ground shoal, New York harbor. Rept. 1872, app. 16,^ pp. 257-261. Circulation of the sea through New York harbor. Rept. 1886, app. 13, pp. 409-432. HYDROGRAPHY. Gibbs, Wolcott. Analysis of the water of New York harbor. Rept. 1856, app. 63,* pp. 317, 318. LEVELING. Schott, C. A. Report of the results of spirit leveling of precision about New York bay and vicinity in 1886 and 1887. Rept. 1887, app. 14, pp. 275-300. PHYSICAL HYDROGRAPHY. Report to Commissioners on the preservation of New York harbor from encroachment, by the Advisory council on the comparative map of New York bay and harbor, prepared by the Coast survey, 1857. Rept. 1857, app. 37,* pp. 358-373. Lindenkohl, A. Geology of the sea bottom in the approaches to New York bay. Rept. 1884, app. 13,* pp. 435-438. Mitchell, H. Physical survey of New York harbor and the coast of Long Island, with descrip- tions of apparatus for observing currents. Rept. 1859, a PP- 2 &* pp. 311-317. Harbor of New York, 1873. Rept. 1871, app. 8*, pp. 109-133. Middle-ground shoal, New York harbor. Rept. 1872, app. 16,* pp. 257-261. Physical survey of New York harbor. Rept. 1876, app. 10,* pp. 147-185. Location of a quay or pier line in the vicinity of the United States Navy-yard at New York. Rept. 1876, app. u, pp. 186-189. Report on the results of the physical surveys of New York harbor. Rept. 1887, app. 15, pp. 301-311. PILOTAGE. Changes in the pilotage laws of the port of New York. Notice to mariners 53. (1884.) XIDES. Bache, A. D. Tidal currents of New York harbor near Sandy Hook. Rept. 1858, app. 27,* pp. 197-203. Ferrel, William. Discussion of tides in New York harbor. Rept. 1875, app. 12, pp. 194-221. On the harmonic analysis of the tides at Governor's island, New York harbor. Rept. 1885, app. 13, pp. 489-493- Marindin, H. L. Tide levels and flow of currents in New York bay and harbor. Rept. 1888, app. 9, pp. 405-408. Same, abstract. Bull. 3. Mitchell, H. Tides and tidal currents of New York harbor and its dependencies [Newark bay and the Kills] and at Sandy Hook. Rept. 1856, app. 39,* pp. 264-266. Circulation of the sea through New York harbor. Rept. 1886, app. 13, pp. 409-432. Report on the results of the physical surveys of New York harbor. Rept. 1887, app. 15, pp. 301-311. Schott, C. A. Tidal currents of Long Island sound and approaches. Rept. 1854, app. 50,* pp. 168-179. See also Hell Gate Hudson river Long Island Sandy Hook. New Zealand. See Auckland. Newark bay, N. J. See New York harbor. Nicaragua canal. Mitchell, H. Terminal points of the proposed canals through Nicaragua and the Isthmus of Darien. Rept. 1874, app. 12, pp. 135-147. Sonnenstern, Maximilian von. Report on the Nicaragua route for an interoceanic ship-canal, with a review of other proposed routes. Sep. pub. (1874.)* See also Panama. Nicollet, J. N. Results of magnetic observations made in the United States by, between 1832 and 1836. Rept. 1864, app. 19,* pp. 207-210. Ninety=eighth meridian arc. Baldwin, A. L. On the measurement of nine base lines along the ninety-eighth meridian. Rept.- 1901, app. 3, pp. 229-302. Hayford, J. F. Triangulation northward along the ninety-eighth meridian in Kansas and Nebraska. Rept. 1901, app. 6, pp. 357-423. Noddy. Peirce, C. S. On the use of the noddy for measuring the amplitude of swaying in a pendulum support. Rept. 1884, app. 15, pp. 475-482. On the influence of a noddy on the period of a pendulum. Rept. 1885, app. 16, pp. 509, 5io. Norfolk, Neb. Levels Abilene, Kans. Tilton, B. E. Resulting elevations from spirit leveling between Abilene, Kans., and Norfolk, Neb., from observations by A. L. Baldwin, assistant, and B. E. Tilton, aid, between May 8 and October 17, 1899. Rept. 1899, app. 6, pp. 299-320. Normal equations. Schott, C. A. Solution of normal equations by indirect elimination. Rept. 1855, app. 40,* PP- 255-264. North America. See Alaska America Canada Gulf of Maine Gulf Stream Mexico United States. * Exhausted. 195 North. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PUBLICATIONS. North America, Bay of. See Atlantic ocean Gulf of Maine. North and south lines. See Meridian lines. North Carolina. OYSTER BEDS. Winslow, Francis. Report on the sounds and estuaries of North Carolina with reference to oyster culture. Bull. 10. (1889.) TERRESTRIAL MAGNETISM. Baylor, James B., and Hazard, Daniel L. General report on the magnetic survey of North Carolina, with a brief historical sketch of the fundamental phe- nomena of the earth's magnetism. Rept. 1899, app. 9, pp. 887-938. Hazard, D. L. Magnetic survey of North Carolina. Values of the magnetic declination at the county seats from 1750 to 1910. P'.*. 41, (1901.) See also Albemarle sound Beaufort harbor Bodies island base Cape Fear river entrance Eastern oblique arc Gulf Stream Pamplico-Chesapeake arc Raleigh Wilmington. North polar distance. See Declination. North river. See New York harbor. Northwest coast of America. Davidson, George. An examination of some of the early voyages of discovery and exploration on the northwest coast of America, from 1539 to 1603. Rept. 1886, app. 7, pp. 155-253. Northwest territory. See Canada. Nova Scotia. See Halifax. Notices to mariners. See List of Notices to mariners and list of Coast pilots in Part I. Oahu. See Honolulu. Obituary. See Blair, Henry W. Patterson, C. P Oblique arc. See Eastern oblique arc. Observatories. See Girard college observatory Lick observatory Los Angeles Madison (Wis. ) Magnetic observatories Naval observatory. Decollations. Bond, W. C. Moon culminations and other phenomena. Rept. 1857, app. 28,* pp. 310, 311. Davidson, G. Occupations of a Scorpii and of the planet Mars at Point Hudson, Port Towns- hend, Washington territory, April and May, 1856. Rept. 1856, app. 26,* pp. 203-208. Peirce, Benjamin. Method of determining longitudes by occupations of the Pleiades. Rept. 1855, app. 42* pp. 267-274. On the determination of longitude by occultations of the Pleiades. Rept. 1856, app. 24,* pp. 191-197. Determination of longitudes by occultations of the Pleiades and solar eclipses. Rept. 1857, app. 29,* pp. 311-314- Determination of longitudes by occultations of the Pleiades. Rept. 1861, app. 17, pp. 196-221. On the computations of the occultations of the Pleiades for longitude. Rept. 1862, app. 1 2* pp. 155, 156. Reports upon the occultations of the Pleiades in 1841-42. Rept. 1863, app. 17,* pp. 146-154. On computations for longitudes by occultations of the Pleiades. Rept. 1864, app. n,* p. 114. Report on the progress of determining longitude from occultations of he Pleiades (continued from previous reports). Rept. 1865, app. 12,* pp. 138-146. Walker, S. C. Abstract of reports on longitudes. Rept. 1851, app. 26,* pp. 480, 481. Ocean depths. Bache, A. D. Notice of earthquake waves on the western coast of the United States, Decem- ber 23 and 25, 1854 [and derived mean depth of Pacific ocean]. Rept. 1855, app. 51,* pp. 342-346. Same. Rept. 1862, app. 24* pp. 238-241. Hilgard, J. E. Description of a model of the depths of the sea in the Bay of North America and in the Gulf of Mexico. Rept. 1884, app. 17, pp. 619-621. Trowbridge, W. P. Apparatus devised by W. P. Trowbridge and method of applying it in determining ocean depths and obtaining specimens of bottom. Rept. 1859, a PP- 34* Pp. 359-364. See also Depths Dredging Sea bottom Sea water Sounding. Ocean temperatures. Table showing temperatures at depths below 700 fathoms, taken by Lieutenants Commanding C. H. Davis in 1845, George M. Bache in 1846, and S. P. Lee in 1847. Rept.i847, app. n,* Dall, W. H. Geographical and hydrographical explorations on the coast of Alaska. Rept. 1873, app. ii,* pp. ui-122. * Exhausted. 196 CATALOGUE. Oceanica. Ball, W. H. Report on the currents and temperatures of Bering sea and adjacent waters. Kept. 1880, app. 16,* pp. 297-340. STREAM. Bache, A. D. On the distribution of temperatures in arid near the Gulf Stream. Rept. 1854, app. 47,* pp. 156-161. Gulf stream explorations. Third memoir: Distribution of temperature in the water of the Florida channel and straits. Rept. 1859, a PP- 2 5>* PP- 306-310. PACIFIC. Lindenkohl, A. Problems of physiography concerning salinity and temperature of the Pacific ocean. Rept. 1898, app. 9, pp. 463-473. See also Currents. Oceanica. See Pacific ocean. Oceanography. List of publications relating to the deep-sea investigations carried on in the vicinity of the coasts of the United States under the auspices of the Coast survey. Rept. 1876, app. 23,* pp. 407-409. See also Currents Depth recorder Dredging Hydrographic surveys Ocean depths Physical hydrography Sea bottom Sea water -Sounding Tides. Oceans. See Arctic ocean Atlantic ocean Bering sea -Gulf of Maine Gulf of Mexico Gulf Stream Pacific ocean. Odin, 111. Levels Okolona, Miss. Schott, C. A. Results of spirit leveling of precision between Okolona, Miss., and Odin, 111. Rept. 1892, pt. 2, app. 3, pp. 161-203. Ogden, Herbert Qouverneur. Chart publications. No. n in Bull. 29. (1893.) Ohio. Ferguson, O. \V. Resulting elevations from spirit leveling between Gibraltar, Mich., and Cin- cinnati, Ohio. Rept. 1899, app. 7, pp. 321-345. See also Transcontinental arc. Okhotsk sea. Lindenkohl, A. Problems of physiography, concerning salinity and temperature of the Pacific ocean. Rept. ^898, app. 9, pp. 463-473. Oklahoma. See El Reno base. Okolona, Miss. Levels Mobile, Ala. Schott, C. A. Heights from spirit leveling of precision between Mobile, Ala. , and Okolona, Miss. Rept. 1888, app. 10, pp. 409-426. Okolona, Miss. Levels Odin, 111. Schott, C. A. Results of spirit leveling of precision between Okolona, Miss., and Odin, 111. Rept. 1892, pt. 2, app. 3, pp. 161-203. Schott, C. A. Resulting heights from spirit leveling between Old Point Comfort and Richmond, ~"i., 1884, 1891 and 1892. Rept. 1896, pt. 2, app. 2, Old Point Comfort, Va. Levels Richmond, Va. ott, C. A. Resulting heights from spirit lev< Va., 1884, 1891 and 1892. Rept. 1896, pt. 2, app. 2, pp. 237-246. Olney base, 111. See Lake survey. Ontario. See Lake Ontario. Ooglaamie, Point Barrow, Alas. Schott, C. A. Magnetic observations under direction of the Survey, in co-operation with the U. S. Signal office, at the U. S. Polar station, Ooglaamie, Point Barrow, Alaska. Rept. 1883, app. 13, pp. 323-365. Oregon. RECONNAISSANCE. McArthur, W. P. Report accompanying a reconnaissance chart of the western coast of the United States, from Monterey, Cal. , to the Columbia river, Oregon. Rept. 1850, app. 31,* pp. 119-121. TIDES. Bache, A. D. Notice of earthquake waves on the western coast of the United States, December 23 and 25, 1854. Rept. 1855, app. 51,* pp. 342-346. Same. Rept. 1862, app. 24,* pp. 238-241. See also Astoria Columbia river Coos bay Northwest coast Pacific coast. Organization. See Coast and geodetic survey. Oscillation. See Pendulum. Osculating spheroid. Schott, C. A. The Eastern oblique arc of the United States and osculating spheroid. Sp. pub. no. 7. (1902.) * Exhausted. 197 Oyster. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PUBLICATIONS. Oyster beds. CHESAPEAKE BAY. Winslow, Francis. Report on the oyster beds of the James river, Virginia, and of Tangier and Pocomoke sounds, Maryland and Virginia. Rept. 1881, app. n, pp. 269-353. GEORGIA. Drake, J. C. On the sounds and estuaries of Georgia with reference to oyster culture. Bull. 19. (1891.) NORTH CAROLINA. Winslow, Francis. Report on the sounds and estu aries of North Carolina with reference to oyster culture. Bull. 10. (1889.) See also Depths Hydrographic surveys Hydrometer Sounding. Pacific coast of the United States. COAST PILOT. Descriptive report of localities on the western coast, from the north entrance to Rosario strait, Washington territory, to the southern boundary of California. Rept. 1855, app. 26, * pp. 176-185. Bache, A. D. Sailing directions to accompany the new chart of the western coast of the United States. Sep. pub. ( 1850. ) Notices of the western coast of the United States. Sep. pub. (1851.) Davidson, George. Directory for the Pacific coast of the United States [including geographical positions]. Rept. 1858, app. 44,* pp. 297-458. Same. Ed. 2. Rept. 1862, app. 39,* pp. 268-430. . See also List of Coast pilots L/ist of Notices to mariners in Part I. EARTHQUAKE WAVES. Bache, A. D. Notice of earthquake waves on the western coast of the United States, December 23 and 25, 1854. Rept. 1855, app. 51,* pp. 342-346. Same. Rept. 1862, app. 24,* pp. 238-241. GEOGRAPHICAL POSITIONS. Additional geographical positions determined astronomically by the Coast survey on and near the western coast. Rept. 1874, app. u,* p. 134. Davidson, George. Directory for the Pacific coast of the United States [including geographical positions]. Rept. 1862, app. 39,* pp. 268-430. GRAVITY. Mendenhall, T. C. Determinations of gravity with the new half-second pendulums of the Coast and geodetic survey at stations on the Pacific coast, in Alaska, and at the base stations, Washington, D. C., and Hoboken, N. J. Rept. 1891, pt. 2, app. 15, pp. 503-564. HISTORY. Kohl, J. G. (compiler.) Abstract of a complete historical account of the progress of discovery on the western coast of the United States from the earliest period. Rept. 1855, app. 64,* pp. 374, 375. Western coast annals of maritime discover}- and exploration. Rept. 1857, app. 52,* pp. 4H-433- TERRESTRIAL MAGNETISM. Schott, C. A. Secular change of the magnetic declination on the western coast. Rept. 1856, app. 31,'"" pp. 228-235. Secular variation of the magnetic inclination on the western coast of the United States. Rept. 1856, app. 33,* pp. 246-249. Magnetic stations and results [supplementary to lists given in annual reports of 1856, 1858 and 1860, pp. 351], 352. Rept. 1862, app. 20,* pp. 230, 231. Report on the distribution of the magnetic declination on the coast and parts of the interior of the United States [with accompanying isogonic and isothermic chart for 1870]. Rept. 1865, app. 19,* pp. 174-176. Trowbndge, W. P. Tidal and magnetic observations of the western coast. Rept. 1854, app. 30,* pp. 37-40. Tidal and magnetic operations on the western coast. Rept. 1855, app. 34,* pp. 223-227. TIDES. Type curves of the tides of the Pacific coast. Rept. 1865, app. n,* p. 138. Avery, R. S. Results computed for tide tables for charts of the western coast of the United States. Rept. 1870, app. 5,* pp. 66-69. Bache, A. D. Cotidal lines of the Pacific coast. Rept. 1855, a PP- 5>* PP- 338~34 2 - Notice of earthquake waves on the western coast of the United States, on the 23d and 25th December, 1854. Rept. 1862, app. 24,* pp. 238-241. Ferrel, William. Tides of the Pacific coast of the United States. Rept. 1882, app. 17, pp. 437- 450. Trowbridge, W. P. Tidal and magnetic observations of the western coast. Rept. 1854, app. 30,* pp. 37-40. - Tidal and magnetic operations on the western coast. Rept. 1855, app. 34,* pp. 223-227. Method pursued in conducting tidal observations on the western coast of the United States. Rept. 1856, app. 42,* pp. 269, 270. See also List of Tide tables in Part I. WINDS. Bache, A. D. Winds of the western coast. Rept. 1857, app. 36,* pp. 354-358. See also California Northwest coast of America Oregon Washington. Pacific ocean. Lindenkohl, A. Problems of physiography, concerning salinity and temperature of the Pacific ocean. Rept. 1898, app. 9, pp. 463-473. CURRENTS AND TEMPERATURES. Dall, W. H. Geographical and hydrographical explorations on the coast of Alaska. Rept. 1873, app. n,*pp. 111-122. Report on the currents and temperatures of Bering sea and adjacent waters. Rept. 1880, app. 16,* pp. 297-340. DENSITY. Putnam, G. R. Physical observations made in connection with the Pribilof islands survey of 1897. Rept. 1898, app. 5, pp. 233-241. * Exhausted. 198 CATALOGUE. Page. DEPTH. Bache, A. D. Notice of earthquake waves on the western coast of the United States, December 23 and 25, 1854 [and derived mean depth of Pacific ocean]. Kept. 1855, app. 51,* pp. 342-346. Same. Rept. 1862, app. 24,* pp. 238-241. See also Alaska Asia Bering sea Caroline island Chatham island Hawaii Mexico Pacific coast Philippine islands Tahiti. Page base, Neb. Baldwin, A. L. On the measurement of nine base lines along the ninety-eighth meridian. Rept. 1901, app. 3, pp. 229-302. Pamplico-Chesapeake arc. Schott, C. A. The Pamplico-Chesapeake arc of the meridian and its combination with the Nan- tucket and the Peruvian arcs for a determination of the figure of the earth from American measures. Rept. 1877, app. 6, p. 84-95. Panama, Isthmus of. Davidson, G. Condensed account of M. Hellert's explorations on the Isthmus of Panama, including his special explorations on the Isthmus of Darien, with suggestions for conduct- ing a future survey. Rept. 1868, app. 15,* pp. 260-277. See also Nicaragua canal. Pan-American exposition, Buffalo, N. Y. (Leaflets printed for distribution at Survey's exhibit.) The U. S. C. & G. S. Sep. pub. ( 1901. ) Chart publications. Sep. pub. (1901.) Base apparatus. Sep. pub. (1901.) Triangulation and reconnaissance. Sep. pub. (1901.) Geodesy or measurement of the earth. Sep. pub. (1901.) Gravity, Sep. pub. (1901.) Tides and tidal currents. Sep. pub. (1901.) Coast pilots. Sep. pub. (1901.) Topography. Sep. pub. (1901.) Magnetics. Sep. pub. (1901.) Hydrography. Sep. pub. (1901.) Time, latitude and longitude. Sep. pub. (1901.) Leveling. Sep. pub. (1901.) Weights and measures. Sep. pub. (1901.) Pantograph. Hergesheimer, E. The pantograph; its use in engraving. Rept. 1867, app. 5,* pp. 55, 56. Paper. Relative shrinkage and expansion of parchment paper and backed antiquarian paper. Rept. 1861, app. 15,* pp. 180, 181. Effect of atmospheric moisture on the dimensions of different kinds of drawing paper. Rept. 1862, app. 27,* p. 255. See also Drawing. Parallel arcs. See Transcontinental arc. Parallels, Magnetic. See Magnetic inclination. Paris, France. Peirce, C. S. On the value of gravity at Paris. Rept. 1881, app. 17, pp. 461-463. Patterson, Carlile Pollock. Letter relating to the tides at the entrance of Mobile bay. Rept. 1846, app. 8,* pp. 68-70. Description of a float for observations of surface currents. Rept. 1849, app. 20,* p. 97. General instructions in regard to inshore hydrographic work of the Coast survey. Instructions in methods of work. ( 1878. ) t Tribute to the memory of Carlile P. Patterson, superintendent of the Coast and geodetic survey from 1874 to 1881. Rept. 1882, app. 24, p. 559-563. Same. Sep. pub. (1882.)* See also, as Superintendent, Reports and other Survey publications 1874 to 1880, inclusive. Peach Tree ridge base. See Atlanta Ga. Peirce, Benjamin. On longitudes from moon culminations. Rept. 1853, app. 31,* p. 84. Longitude by moon culminations. Rept. 1854, app. 36,* pp. 108-120. Method of determining longitudes by occupations of the Pleiades. Rept. 1855, app. 42,* pp. 267-274. On the determination of longitude by occupations of the Pleiades. Rept. 1856, app. 24,* pp. 191-197. * Exhausted. t Not for general distribution. 199 Peirce. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PUBLICATIONS. Determination of longitudes by occultations of the Pleiades and solar eclipses. Rept. 1857, a PP- 29,* pp. 311-314. Cotidal lines of an inclosed sea, derived from the equilibrium theory. Rept. 1858, app. 30,* pp. 210-213. Report upon the determination of the longitude of America and Europe from the solar eclipse of July 28, 1851. Rept. 1861, app. 16, pp. 182-195. Determination of longitudes by occultations of the Pleiades. Rept. 1861, app. 17, pp. 196-221. On the computations of the occultations of the Pleiades for longitude. Rept. 1862, app. 12,* pp. 155, 156. Upon the tables of the moon used in the reduction of the Pleiades. Rept. 1862, app. 13,* pp. 157, 158. Reports upon the occultations of the Pleiades in 1841-42. Rept. 1863, app. 17,* pp. 146-154. On computations for longitudes by occultations of the Pleiades. Rept. 1864, app. n,* p. 114. Report on the progress of determining longitude from occultations of the Pleiades [continued from previous reports] . Rept. 1865, app. 12,* pp. 138-146. Method of determining the corrections of lunar semidiameter, mean place, ellipticity of orbit, longitude of perihelion, coefficient of annual parallax, and longitude of Europe and America from the occtiltation of the Pleiades. Rept. 1865, app. 13,* pp. 146-149. The solar eclipse of December 22, 1870. Rept. 1870, app. 16, pp. 229-232. A new system of binary arithmetic. Rept. 1876, app. 6, pp. Si, 82. Internal constitution of the earth. Rept. 1879, app. 14, p. 201. See also, as Superintendent, Reports and other Survey publications, etc., 1867 to 1873 inclusive. Peirce, Charles Saunders. On the theory of errors of observations. Rept. 1870, app. 21,* pp. 200-224. Description of an apparatus for recording the mean of the times of a set of observations. Rept. 1875, app. 15,-"- pp. 249-253. Theory of the economy of research. Rept. 1876, app. 14,* pp. 197-201. Measurements of gravity at initial stations in America and Europe. Rept. 1876, app. 15,* pp. 202-337. A quincuncial projection of the sphere. Rept. 1877, app. 15, pp. 191, 192. On the flexure of pendulum supports. Rept. iSSi, app. 14, pp. 359-441. On the deduction of the ellipticity of the earth, from pendulum experiments. Rept. iSSi, app. 15, pp. 442-456. On a method of observing the coincidence of vibration of two pendulums. Rept. iSSi, app. 16, PP- 457-460. On the value of gravity at Paris. Rept. 1881, app. 17, pp. 461-463. Determinations of gravity at Allegheny, Ebensburg, and York, Pa. Rept. 1883, app. 19, pp. 473-487. On the use of the noddy for measuring the amplitude of swaying in a pendulum support. Rept. 1884, app. 15, pp. 475-482. Effect of the flexure of a pendulum upon its period of oscillation. Rept. 1884, app. 16, pp. 483-485- Note on a device for abbreviating time reductions. Rept. 1885, app. 15, pp. 503-508. On the influence of a noddy 011 the period of a pendulum. Rept. 1885, app. 16, pp. 509, 510. On the effect of unequal temperature upon a reversible pendulum. Rept. 1885, app. 17, pp. 5H-5I2. Peirce' s criterion. Gould, B. A. Report containing directions and tables for the use of Peirce's criterion for the rejection of doubtful observations. Rept. 1854, app. 41,* pp. 128-131. Pendleton, A. Q. Encroachment of the sea on the south side of Long Island. Rept. 1850, app. 8,* pp. So, Si. Pendulum. Peirce, C. S. On the flexure of pendulum supports. Rept. iSSi, app. 14, pp. 359-441. On a method of observing the coincidence of vibration of two pendulums. Rept. iSSi, app. 1 6, pp. 457-46o. On the use of the noddy for measuring the amplitude of swaying in a pendulum sup- port. Rept. 1884, app. 15, pp. 475-482. Effect of the flexure of a pendulum upon its period of oscillation. Rept. 1884, app. 16, pp. 483-485-. On the influence of a noddy on the period of a pendulum. Rept. 1885, app. 16, pp. 509, 5 10 - On the effect of unequal temperature upon a reversible pendulum. Rept. 1885, app. 17, pp. 511, 512. Sec also Figure of the earth Gravity. Peninsula air=line. See Florida. Pennsylvania. BOUNDARY. Hodgkins, W. C. I. An historical account of the boundary between the states of Pennsylvania and Delaware. II. Detailed account of work on the Pennsylvania and Dela- ware boundary. Rept. 1893, pt. 2, app. 8, pp. 177-222. * Exhausted. 200 CATALOGUE. Penobscot. TERRESTRIAL MAGNETISM. Bache, A. D. Abstract of results of a magnetic survey of Pennsyl- vania and parts of adjacent states in 1840 and 1841, witli some additional results of 1843 an( l 1862. Kept. 1862, app. 19,* pp. 212-229. Schott, C. A. Results for magnetic declination, dip, and horizontal intensity in Pennsylvania, in the District of Columbia, and in New York. Kept. 1862, app. 18,* p. 212. See also Allegheny Delaware river Eastern oblique arc Ebensburg Hatboro Philadelphia York. Penobscot bay. Me. Ferrel, William. Tides in Penobscot bay. Kept. 1878, app. n, pp. 268-304 . Peril strait, Alas, Rodman, Hugh A. (compiler.) Alaska. General information relating to the vicinity of Chat- ham and Peril straits, and Cooks inlet and the region to the westward. Bull. 35. (1897.) Same. Rept. 1896, pt. 2, app. n, pp. 373-393. See also Sergius narrows, Periodical variations. See Magnetic variations. Personal equation. Bache, A. D. On a supposed personal equation in the use of the zenith telescope for determining latitude by Talcott's method. Rept. 1858, app. 20,* pp. 184-186. Schott, C. A. Determination of time, longitude, latitude and azimuth. Rept. 1880, app. 14,* 201-286. pp. : Walker, S. C. Recapitulation of results for personal equation, 1844-1848. Rept. 1848, app. 4,* PP. 77-83. See also Longitude Time. Personal equation apparatus. Hilgard, J. E. Two forms of portable apparatus for the determination of both relative and absolute personal equation. Rept. 1874, app. 17,* pp. 156-162. Persons employed. See List of Official reports of expenditures and of persons employed, in Part I (Administrative publications ) . Perspectographs. See Phototopography. Peruvian arc. Preston, E. D. The need of a remeasurement of the Peruvian arc. Rept. 1889, app. 7,* pp. 199-208. Schott, C. A. The Pamplico-Chesapeake arc of the meridian and its combination with the Nantucket and the Peruvian arcs for a determination of the figure of the earth from Amer- ican measures. Rept. 1877, app. 6, pp. 84-95. Inquiry into the relative value and need of a check of the Peruvian arc of 1736-1743. Rept. 1898, app. 4, pp. 229-232. Peters, Christian Henry Frederick. On substituting a lunar spot instead of the moon's limb in transits for determining the differ- ence of longitude. Rept. 1856, app. 25,* pp. 198-203. Eclipse of the sun December 22, 1870. Rept. 1871, app. 14,* pp. 180-184. Petersburg, Va. Dean, G. W. Establishment of meridian lines at Petersburg, Va., and Raleigh and Wilming- ton, N. C. Rept. 1854, app. 44,* p. 146. Philadelphia, Pa. -Longitude Cambridge, Mass. Differences of longitude of Philadelphia and Greenwich, by reduction of observations at Cam- bridge, Mass. Rept. 1846, app. 10,* pp. 71, 72. Philadelphia, Pa. Schott, C. A. Transit of Venus, 1769. Results of observations for determining positions occu- pied in Lower California and at Philadelphia. Rept. 1874, app. 10,* pp. 131-133. See also Delaware river Girard college observatory. Philadelphia harbor, Pa. Marindin, H. L. Comparison of the surveys of Delaware river in front of Philadelphia, 1843 and 1878. Rept. 1880, app. 9, pp. 110-125. Mitchell, Henry. Physical survey of the Delaware river at Philadelphia. Rept. 1878, app. 9, pp. 121-173. Philippine islands. Algue, Jose. Atlas of the Philippine islands. Sp. pub. 3.* (1900.) See also List of Notice to mariners in Part I. Phosphates. Shaler, N. S. Phosphate beds of South Carolina. Rept. 1870, app. 19,* pp. 182-189. * Exhausted. 201 Photography. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PUBLICATIONS. Photography. Hilgard, J. E. On the trial of Harrison's globe lens previous to its use in the photograph divi- sion. Rept. 1863, app. 24, pp. 206, 207. Runge, C. On photography as applied to obtain an instantaneous record of lunar disturbances For determinations of longitude. Translated by J. A. Flemer. Rept. 1893, pt. 2, app. 4, pp. 117-124. Whiting, H. L. Topographical contour, hydrographic details, and reduction, on photography and on the scale of shades suitable for complete maps. Rept. 1860, app. 20.* pp. 216-229. Zumbrock, A. Electrotyping and photographing. Rept. 1875, app. 6,* pp. 87, 88. See also Phototopography. Phototopography. Flemer, J. A. Phototopography as practiced in Italy under the auspices of the Royal military geographical institute, and as practiced in the Dominion of Canada under the auspices of the Department of the interior. Also a short historical review of other photographic sur- veys and publications on the subject. Rept. 1893, pt. 2, app. 3, pp. 37-116. Phototopographic methods and instruments. Rept. 1897, pt. 2, app. 10, pp. 619-735. Physical geography. See Geo-physics Hydrography Topography. Physical hydrography. (Discussions.) Mitchell, H. On the reclamation of tide lands and its relation to navigation Rept. 1869, app. 5, pp. 75-104- Location of harbor lines. Rept. 1871, app. 10,* pp. 144-153. Alleged changes in the relative elevations of land and sea. Rept. 1877, app. 8,* pp. 98-103. ATLANTIC COAST. Physical hydrography of the Gulf of Maine. Rept. 1879, app. 10, pp. 175-190. CALIFORNIA. Mitchell, Henry. On the probable effect of extended piers in modifying the channel facilities of San Francisco bay near Yerba Buena island. Rept. 1870, app. 18,* pp. 180, 181. CHESAPEAKE BAY. Winslow, Francis. Report on the oyster beds of the James river, Virginia, and of Tangier and Pocomoke sounds, Maryland and Virginia. Rept. 1881, app. n, pp. 269-353- DELAWARE BAY. Marindin, H. L. Comparison of the surveys of Delaware river front of Phila- delphia, 1843 and 1878. Rept. 1880, .app. 9, pp. 110-125'. Mitchell, Henry. Report on the delta of the Delaware. Rept. 1886, app. 10, pp. 267-279. Physical survey of the Delaware river at Philadelphia. Rept. 1878, app. 9, pp. .121-173. GEORGIA. Drake, J. C. On the sounds and estuaries of Georgia with reference to oyster culture. Bull. 19. (1891.) MAINE. Report of Portland [Maine] harbor commission. Rept. 1855, app. 31,* pp. 200-219. Mitchell, H. Physical survey of Portland harbor; velocities of tidal currents. Rept. 1873, app. 8,* pp. 94-102. MASSACHUSETTS. Marindin, H. L. Encroachment of the sea upon the coast of Cape Cod, Mass., as shown by comparative surveys. Rept. 1889, app. 12, pp. 403-407. Cross-sections of the shore of Cape Cod between Chatham and the Highland light-house. Rept. 1889, app. 13, pp. 409-457- Changes in the shore line and anchorage areas of Cape Cod (or Provincetown) harbor, by comparison of surveys between 1835, 1867, and 1890. Rept. 1891, pt. 2, app. 8, pp. 283-288. Cross sections of the shore of Cape Cod, Mass., between the Cape Cod and Long point light-houses. Rept. 1891, pt. 2, app. 9, pp. 289-341. Changes in the shore lines and anchorage areas of Cape Cod (or Provincetown) harbor, as shown by a comparison of surveys made between 1867 and 1890. Bull. 24. (1891.) Changes in the ocean shore lines of Nantucket island, Mass., from a comparison of surveys 1846 to 1887 and in 1891. Rept. 1892, pt. 2, app. 6, pp. 243-252. Changes in the depths of the bar at the entrance to Nantucket inner harbor, Mass. , 1888-1893. Rept. 1895, pt. 2, app. 5, pp. 347~354- Cross sections on the north shores of Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard, Mass. Rept. 1896, pt. 2, app. 9, pp. 347-352. Cross sections on the north shores of Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard, Mass. Rept. 1896, pt. 2, app. 8, pp. 305-346. Mitchell, H. Surveys in the Merrimack river, Massachusetts. Rept. 1867, app. 14,* pp. 170- 175- On the movements of the sand at the eastern entrance to Vineyard sound. Rept. 1887, app. 6, pp. I59- J 63. Nauset beach and Monomoy peninsula. Rept. 1871, app. 9,* pp. 134-143. Changes in the neighborhood of Chatham and Monomoy. Rept. 1873, app. 9,* pp. 103- 107. Changes in the harbor of Plymouth, Mass. Rept. 1876, app. 9,* pp. 143-146. Report on Monomoy and its shoals. Rept. 1886, app. 8, pp. 255-261. On the movements of the sands at the eastern entrance to Vineyard sound. Rept. 1887, app. 6, pp. 159-163. Whiting, H. L. Provincetown harbor, Massachusetts; special survey. Rept. 1867, app. 12,* pp. 149-157. Shore-line changes at Edgartown harbor, Mass. Rept. 1872, app. 17,* pp. 262-265. * Exhausted. 202 CATALOGUE. Physics. MASSACHUSETTS. Whiting, H. L. Report of changes in the shore-line and beaches of Martha's Vineyard, as derived from comparisons of recent with former surveys. Kept. 1886, app. 9, pp. 263-266. (And Mitchell, H. ) Reports concerning Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket. Rept. 1869, app. 15,* pp. 236-259. MISSISSIPPI RIVER. Mitchell, H. Recent observations at South pass bar, Mississippi river. Rept. 1875, app. ii,* pp. 189-193. Characteristics of South Pass, Mississippi river. Rept. 1876, app. 12, pp. 190-191. Study of the effect of river bends on the Lower Mississippi. Rept. 1882, app. 16, pp. 433-436. NEW JERSEY. Bache, A. D. Causes of increase of the Sandy Hook peninsula. Rept. 1856, app. 38,* pp. 263,264. Harrison, A. M. Topography on the coast of New Jersey, including Sandy Hook. Rept. 1855, app. 23,* pp. 164, 165. Mitchell, Henry. Changes in the submerged contours off Sandy Hook. Rept. 1873, app. 10,* pp. 108-110. Whiting, H. L. Progress of Sandy Hook from 1848 to 1850. Rept. 1850, app. 9,* pp. 81, 82. NEW YORK. Resurvey of New York bay and harbor and dependencies for the Commissioners on harbor encroachments. Rept. 1885, app. 24,* pp. 165-171. Report to Commissioners on preservation of New York harbor from encroachment, by the Advi- sory council on the comparative map of New York bay and harbor and approaches, prepared by the Coast survey. Rept. 1857, app. 37,* pp. 358-373. Boschke, A. [Comparative] maps, New York harbor. Rept. 1856, app. 48,* pp. 281, 282. Report on the drawing of maps of New York harbor, made for the Commissioners on harbor encroachments. Rept. 1857, app. 38,* pp. 373, 374. Lindenkohl, A. Geology of the sea bottom in the approaches to New York bay. Rept. 1884, app. 12, pp. 43 1 -434. Mitchell; H. Physical survey of New York harbor and the coast of Long Island, with descrip- tions of apparatus for observing currents. Rept. 1859, app. 26,* pp. 311-317. Harbor of New York, 1873. Rept. 1871, app. 8, pp. 109-133. Middle-ground shoal, New-York harbor. Rept. 1872, app. 16,* pp. 257-261. Physical survey of New York harbor. Rept. 1876,' app. 10,* pp. 147-185. Location of a quay or pier line in the vicinity of the United States Navy-yard at New York. Rept. 1876, app. n, pp. 186-189. Report on the results of the physical survey of New York harbor. Rept. 1887, app. 15, pp. 301-311. Pendleton, A. G. Encroachment of the sea on the south side of Long island. Rept. 1850, app. 8,* pp. 80, 81. NORTH CAROLINA. Huger, T. B. Comparison of hydrographic surveys in 1856 and 1858, at the entrance of Cape Fear river. Rept. 1858, app. 13,* pp. 150-151. Maffit, J. N. Beaufort harbor. Rept. 1854, app. 14,* pp. 21-23. Re-examination of the bars and estuaries to Cape Fear river. Rept. 1857, app. 17,* PP- 153-156. Pourtales, L. F. Effect of winds in varying the level of the water in Albemarle sound. Rept. 1856, app. 43,* pp. 271, 272. Whiting, H. L. Beaufort harbor. Rept. 1851, app. 28,* pp. 482-484. Winslow, Francis. Report on the sounds and estuaries of North Carolina with reference to oyster culture. Bull. 10. (1889.) See also Anchorages Atmosphere Bars Channels Coast features Currents Depths Geol- ogy Harbors Hydraulics Hydrographic surveys Oceanography Oyster beds Rivers Sea level Shoals Shore-line changes Sounding Tides Topography Water level Wind effects. Physics. See Aberration Expansion Electricity Geo-physics Hydraulics Motion' Refrac- tion Spectrum Standards Tides. Physiography. See Geo-physics Hydrography Topography. Pier lines. Mitchell, Henry. Location of harbor lines. Rept. 1871, app. 10,* pp. 144-153. Location of a quay or pier line in the vicinity of the United States navy-yard at New York. Rept. 1876, app. n, pp. 186-189. Piers. Mitchell, Henry. On the probable effect of extended piers in modifying the channel facilities of San Francisco bay near Yerba Buena island. Rept. 1870, app. 18,* pp. 180, 181. Pillsbury, John Elliott. Recent deep-sea soundings off the Atlantic coast of the United States. Rept. 1882, app. 19,* pp. 459-46i. Report on deep-sea current work in the Gulf Stream. Rept. 1885, app. 14, pp. 495-501. A report of Gulf Stream explorations. Observations of currents, 1886. Rept. 1886, app. n, pp. 281-290. Gulf stream explorations; observations of currents, 1887. Rept. 1887, app. 8, pp. 173-184. * Exhausted. 203 Pilotage. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PUBLICATIONS. Gulf Stream explorations. Observations of currents, 1888-1889. Rept. 1889, app. TO, pp 467-477- The Gulf stream. A description of the methods employed in the investigation and the results of the research. Rept. 1890, app. 10, pp. 461-620. Pilotage. Changes in the pilotage laws of the port of New York. Notice to mariners 53. (1884.) Plane table. Harrison, A. M. On the plane table and its use in topographical surveying. Rept. 1865, app. 22, pp. 203-231. Hergesheimer, E. A treatise on the plane table and its use in topographical surveying. Rept. 1880, app. 13,* pp. 172-200. Schott, C. A. Height in feet corresponding to a given angle of elevation and a given distance in metres, for use in the construction of contour lines by the plane table. Rept. 1860, app. 38, p. 397- Wainwright, D. B. A plane table manual. Rept. 1898, app. 8,* pp. 409-461. See also Drawing Surveying Topography. Planets. See Mars Mercury Venus. Pleiades. Sec Occultations. Plumb line deflection. Schott, C. A. Local deflections of the zenith in the vicinity of Washington city. Rept. 1869, app. 7,* pp. 113-115- Comparison of local deflection of the plumb line in latitude, longitude and azimuth at stations of the Oblique arc along our Atlantic coast as developed on Bessel's and Clarke's spheroids. Rept. 1879, app. 8, pp. 110-123. See also Gravity. Plymouth harbor, Mass. Mitchell, H. Changes in the harbor of Plymouth, Mass. Rept. 1876, app. 9,* pp. 143-146. Pocomoke sound, N. C. "\Yinslow, Francis. Report on the oyster beds of the James river, Virginia, and of Tangier and Pocomoke sounds, Maryland and Virginia. Rept. 1881, app. n, pp. 269-353. Point Barrow, Alas. Sec Ooglaamie.. Polar distance. Sec Declination. Polar motion. See Latitude variation. Polar station. See Ooglaamie. Polaris. Schott, Charles A. Approximate times of culminations and elongations and of the azimuths at elongation of Polaris for the years between 1889 and 1910. Bull. 14. (1890.) Same. Rept. 1891, pt. 2, app. i, pp. 7-13. Polaris, altitude of. Davidson, George. Azimuth and apparent altitude of Polaris. Rept. 1870, app. 22,* pp. 225-227. Putnam, G. R. Tables of azimuth and apparent altitude of Polaris at different hour angles. Rept. 1895, pt. 2, app. 10, pp. 393-398. Sec also Azimuth Time. Polyconic projection. See Projection. Poor, John A. Report of Portland [Maine] harbor commission. Rept. 1855, app. 31,* pp. 200-219. Port Townsend. Davidson, G. Occultations of a Scorpii and of the planet Mars at Point Hudson, Port Towns- hend, Washington territory, April and May, 1856. Rept. 1856, app. 26,* pp. 203-208. Portland harbor, Me. Report of Portland [Maine] harbor commission. Rept. 1855, app. 31,* pp. 200-219. Mitchell, H. Physical survey of Portland harbor. Rept. 1873, app. 8,* pp. 94-102. Ports. See Depths Harbors. Pot rock, Hell Gate, N. Y. Bartlett, W. A. On Pot rock, Hell Gate. Rept. 1852, app. 8* p. 84. Potomac river. Braid, Andrew. Refraction on lines passing near a surface of water at different elevations across the Potomac river. Rept. 1879, app. 16, pp. 212, 213. See also Hog island. * Exhausted. 204 CATALOGUE. Pourtales. Examination of specimens of bottom obtained in Gulf Stream. Kept. 1853, a PP- 3>* pp. 82, 83. Observations on the solar eclipse of May 26, 1854, at Roslyn station, near Petersburg, Virginia] Rept. 1854, app. 40, p. 124. (And Whiting, W. D.) Least water in channel entrances of harbors, rivers, ports and anchor- ages on the coasts of the United States. Rept. 1856. app. 18,* pp. 133-137. Effect of winds in varying the level of the water in Albemarle sound. Rept. 1856, app. 43,* pp. 271, 272. Microscopical examination of specimens of bottom from deep-sea soundings. Rept. 1858, app. 39,* pp. 248-250. Magnetic station at Eastport, Maine. Rept. 1860, app. 27,* pp. 350, 351. Dividers invented by J. R. Gilliss for the graphical decomposition of tide curves. Rept. 1860, app. 40,* pp. 398, 399. (And Bache, A. D., and Schott, C. A.) Tides, currents, magnetic variation and geographical positions of lighthouses, Chesapeake bay. Sep. pub. (1861.)* Fauna of the Gulf Stream. Rept. 1867, app. 16,* pp. 180-182. Report upon dredgings near the Florida reef. Rept. 1868, app. 12,* pp. 168-170. The Gulf Stream. Characteristics of the Atlantic sea bottom off the coast of the United States. Rept. 1869, app. ii,* pp. 220-225. Voyage of the steamer Hassler from Boston to San Francisco. Rept. 1872, app. u,* pp. 213-221. Powalky, C. R. New reduction of La Caille's observations, made at the Cape of Good Hope between 1749 and 1757, and given in his "Astronomiae fundamenta," together with a comparison of the results with the " Bradley-Bessel Fundamenta;" also, a catalogue of the places of 150 stars south of declination 30, for the epochs 1750 and 1830. Rept. 1882, app. 21, pp. 469-502. Pratt, John F. Notes relating to self -registering tide gauges as used by the United States Coast and geodetic survey. Rept. 1897, pt. 2, app. 7, pp. 313-318. Precise leveling. See Leveling. Preston, Erasmus Darwin. Determinations of gravity and other observations made in connection with the solar eclipse expedition, May, 1883, to Caroline island, south Pacific ocean. Rept. 1883, app. 17,* PP- 379-381. Differential method of computing the apparent places of stars for determinations of latitude. Rept. 1888, app. 13, pp. 465-470. Determinations of latitude and gravity for the Hawaiian government. Rept. 1888, app. 14, pp. 471-563- Same, abstract. Bull. n. (1889.) The need of a remeasurement of the Peruvian arc. Rept. 1889, app. 7,* pp. 199-208. Gravitv and the magnetic elements on the west coast of Africa ^and on some islands in the North and South Atlantic) 1889-90. Rept. 1890, app. 12, pp. 625-684. Same, abstract. Bull. 22. (1891.) Transit of Mercury of May 9, 1881, at Waikiki, Hawaiian islands. Rept. 1891, pt. 2, app. 12, PP- 475-477- Observations for the variation of latitude, made near Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaiian islands, in co-operation with the work of the International geodetic association and on the determina- tion of gravity and the magnetic elements. Rept. 1891, pt. 2, app. 13, pp. 479-485. Variation of latitude at Waikiki, near Honolulu, Hawaiian islands, as determined from observa- tions made in 1891 and 1892 in co-operation with the International geodetic association. Rept. 1892, pt. 2, app. 2, pp.- 53- T 59- Determinations of latitude, gravity, and magnetic elements at stations in the Hawaiian islands, including a result for the mean density of the earth, 1891, 1892. Rept. 1893, pt. 2, app. 12, PP- 509-638. Results of observations for the variations of latitude at Waikiki, Hawaiian islands, in co-opera- tion with the International geodetic association. Bull. 27. (1893.) The constant aberration as determined from a discussion of results for variation of latitude at Waikiki, Hawaiian islands. Bull. 28. (1893.) Gravity. No. 5 in Bull. 29. (1893.) Telegraphic determination of the force of gravity at Baltimore, Md. , from simultaneous pendulum observations at Washington and Baltimore. Rept. 1894, pt. 2, app. 2, pp. 57-70. (And Schott, C. A., Tittmann, O. H.., Smith, E., Putnam, G. R., and Fischer, E. G.) Transit of Mercury on November 10, 1894, Coast and geodetic survey office, Washington, D. C. Rept. 1895', pt. 2, app. 4,* pp. 345, 346. Graphic method of reducing stars from mean to apparent places. Rept. 1895, pt. 2, app. 7, pp. 371-380. The constant of aberration as determined from observations of latitude at Sc.n Francisco, Cali- fornia. Bull. 32. (1895.) Establishment of the United States Naval observatory circle, and the determination of the geo- graphical position of the center of the clock room. Rept. 1896, pt. 2, app. 6,* pp. 285-291. * Exhausted. L'I :> Pribilof. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PUBLICATIONS. Determination of the constant of aberration from latitude observations with the zenith telescope at Honolulu, H. I., and San Francisco, Cal. Kept. 1896, pt. 2, app. 10, pp. 353-371. Proceedings of the International geodetic association conference at Stuttgart, Germany, October 3d to I2th, 1898, and on geodetic operations in the United States. Kept. 1898, app. 6, pp. 243-260. The International geodetic association for the measurement of the earth. Rept. 1899, app. 3, pp. 241-269. Pribilof islands, Alas. Putnam, G. R. Physical observations made in connection with the Pribilof islands survey of 1897. Rept. 1898, app. 5, pp. 233-241. Primary triangulation. See Triangulation. Prince William sound, Alas. Moser, J. F. Hydrographic notes, sailing directions, and charts of surveys relating to the vicinity of Prince William sound. Cooks inlet, Kadiak island, and route from Unalaska to Chignik through Unimak pass and inside the islands. 1897. Bull. 38. (1899.) Printing. Mathiot, G. Printing maps from their electrotyped plates. Rept. 1856, app. 62,* pp. 316, 317. See also Electrotyping Lithography Paper. Pritchett, Henry Smith. See, as Superintendent, Reports and other publications 1897-1900. Probable error. See Least square methods. Problems. See N-point problem Three point problem. Projection. Projection tables for a map of North America. Rept. 1865, app. 20,* pp. 176-186. Tables for the projection of maps, based upon a polyconic development of the Clarke spheroid, and computed from the equator to the pole. Rept. 1884, app. 6,* pp. 135-321. Same. Ed. 2. Sp. pub. 5.* (1900.) Craig, Thomas. A treatise on projections. Sep. pub. (1882.) Hilgard, J. E. Table for projecting maps of large extent [and minimum distortion in repre- sented area]. Rept. 1856, app. 58,* pp. 296-307. Tables for projecting maps of large extent. Rept. 1859, app. 33,* pp. 328-358. Peirce, C. S. A quincuncial projection of the sphere. Rept. 1877, app. 15, pp. 191, 192. Schott, C. A. Comparison of the relative value of the polyconic projection used in the Coast and geodetic survey, with some other projections. Rept. 1880, app. 15,* pp. 287-296. (And Hunt, E. B. ) Tables for projecting maps, with notes on map projections. Rept. 1853, app. 39,* pp. 96-163. See also Drawing Surveying, Prototypes. See Standards. Provincetpwn harbor, Mass. Marindin, H. L. Changes in the shore line and anchorage areas of Cape Cod (or Province- town) harbor, by comparison of surveys between 1835, 1867, and 1890. Rept. 1891, pt. 2, app. 8, pp. 283-288. Same, abstract. Bull. 24. (1891.) Whiting, H. L. Special survey of Provincetown harbor, Mass. Rept. 1867, app. 12,* pp. 149- 157- -^ Publications. See Bibliography Coast and geodetic survey. See also Lists in Part I. Putnam, George Rockwell. Relative determinations of gravity, with half -second pendulums, and other pendulum investi- gations. Rept. 1894, pt. 2, app. i, pp. 9-50. (And Schott, C. A., Tittmann, O. H., Preston, E. D., Smith, E., and Fischer, E. G.) Transit of Mercury on November 10, 1894, Coast and geodetic survey office, Washington, D. C. Rept. 1895, pt. 2, app. 4,* pp. 345, 346. Tables of azimuth and apparent altitude of Polaris at different hour angles. Rept. 1895, pt. 2, app. 10, pp. 393-398. Field method of reducing portable transit time observations. Rept. 1896, pt. 2, app. 9, pp. 347-352. Results of magnetic observations made in connection with the Greenland expedition of 1896, under charge of Prof. A. E. Burton. Rept. 1897, pt. 2, app. 5, pp. 285-295. Results of pendulum observations made in 1895 and 1896. Rept. 1897, pt. 2, app. 6, pp. 297-311. Physical observations made in connection with the Pribilof islands survey of 1897. Rept. 1898, a PP- 5, PP- 233-241. Determination of relative value of gravity in Europe and the United States in 1900. Rept. 1901, app. 6, pp. 357-423- * Exhausted. 206 CATALOGUE. Quadrilaterals. Quadrilaterals. See Davidson quadrilaterals. Ragged mountain, Me. Schott, C. A. Observations of atmospheric refraction. Contribution No. II. Determination of several heights by the spirit level, and measures of refraction by zenith distances; also, observations of the barometer at Ragged mountain, Maine, by F. W. Perkins. Kept. 1876, app. 17, pp. 355-367- Railways. Hilgard, J. E. On the use of railways for geodetic surveys. Rept. 1867, app. 9, pp. 140-144. Raleigh, N. C. Dean, G. W. Establishment of meridian lines at Petersburg, Va., and Raleigh and Wilming- ton, N. C. Rept. 1854, app. 44,* p. 146. Raleigh, N. C. Longitude -Columbia, S. C. Gould, B. A. On telegraphic observations for the difference of longitude between Raleigh, N. C., and Columbia, S. C. Rept. 1854, app. 41,* pp. 128-131. Range determination. See Trajectory of shot. Ranges. See Magnetic ranges. Raritan bay. See New Jersey. Reconnaissance. Boutelle, C. O. On geodetic reconnaissance. Rept. 1885, app. 10, pp. 469-481. Hodgkins, W. C. Triangulation and reconnaissance. No. 3 in Bull. 29. (1893.) Schott, C. A. Adaptation of triangulations to the various conditions of configuration and character of the surface of the country and other causes. Rept. 1871, app. 15,* pp. 185-188. FLORIDA. Survey of the General land office, including reports on the general topography and triangulation, on the determination of the shore line and reconnaissance of Barnes sound, Florida. Rept. 1855, app. 25,* pp. 171-176. Gerdes, F. H. Reconnaissance of the Florida keys. Rept. 1850, app. 23,* pp. 106-110. Florida coast reconnaissance. Rept. 1851, app. 31,* pp. 488-494. Simpson, J. H. Reconnaissance made in triangulation for an air line between Fernandina and Cedar Keys, Fla. Rept. 1857, app. 41,* pp. 379-382. GEORGIA. Evans, A. W. Topographical reconnaissance of a part of Sapelo island, Georgia, for the selection of a site for a primary base line. Rept. 1857, app. 39,* pp. 374-377. See also Hydrographic surveys Triangulation. Red Fish bay, Alas. Moser, J. F. Alaska. Hydrographic notes and sailing directions relating to portions of Alaska from Dixon entrance to Yakutat bay, including reconnaissance surveys of Cordova bay, Bucarelli bay, and Red Fish bay. 1897. Bull. 37. (1899.) Reduction to center. See Adjustment Tables Triangulation. Reefs. Bartlett, W. A. Examination of reefs in Hell Gate channel and changes produced by blasting. RerJt. 1851, app. 56,* pp. 553-558. See also Florida reef. Refraction . (Terrestrial. ) Table of factors for computing differences in elevation (in feet). Table of corrections for cur- vature and refraction (in feet). Sep. pub. (1900.) Boutelle, C. O. On geodetic reconnaissance. Rept. 1885, app. 10, pp. 469-481. Braid, Andrew. Refraction on lines passing near a surface of water, at different elevations across the Potomac river. Rept. 1879, app. 16, pp. 212, 213. Cutts, R. D. Memoranda relating to the field work of the secondary triangulation. Rept. 1868, app. 7,* pp. 109-139. Davidson, George. Changes of elevation and azimuth caused by the action of the sun at sta- tion, Dominguez, Cal. Rept. 1870, app. 17,* pp. 178, 179. Schott, C. A. Observations of atmospheric refraction. Contribution No. II. Determination of several heights by the spirit level, and measures of refraction by zenith distances; also, observations of the barometer at Ragged mountain, Maine, by F. W. Perkins. Rept. 1876, app. 17, pp. 355-367. Atmospheric refraction and adjustment of hypsometric measures. Contribution No. III. Determination of the coefficient of refraction from zenith distances observed in northern Georgia, by Assistants C. O. Boutelle and F. P. Webber, in 1873 and 1874, and adjustment of difference of heights by the method of least squares. Rept. 1876, app. 18, pp. 368-387. Schott, C. A. Observations for atmospheric refraction on the line Mount Diablo to Martinez, California, in connection with hypsometric measures by spirit level, the vertical circle, and barometer, 1880. Rept. 1883, app. 12, pp. 289-321. See also Astronomy Hypsometry. * Exhausted. 207 Eegulations, COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PUBLICATIONS. Regulations. See List of Laws and regulations in Part I (Administrative publications). Reid, Harry Fielding. Report of an expedition to Muir Glacier, Alaska, with determinations of latitude and the mag- netic elements at Gamp Muir, Glacier bay. Rept. 1891, app. 14, pp. 487-501. Relief models. Hilgard, J. E. Description of a model of the depths of the sea in the Bay of North America and Gulf of Mexico. Rept. 1884, app. 17, pp. 619-621. Wainwright, D. B. Model of United States and Alaska. No. 13 in Bull. 29. (1893.) Repeaters. See Electro-magnetism. Research. Peirce, C. S. Theory of the economy of research. Rept. 1876, app. 14,* pp. 197-201. Rhode Island. GEOGRAPHICAL POSITIONS. Schott, Chas. A. Geographical positions of trigonometrical points in the states of Massachusetts and Rhode Island, 1835 to 1885, including those determined by the Borden survey 1832 to 1838. Rept. 1885, app. 8, pp. 285-439. TRIANGULATION. Results of the primary triangulation of the coast of New England, from the northeastern boundary to the vicinity of New York. Rept. 1865, app. 21,* pp. 187-203. See also Atlantic coast New England. Richmond, Va. Levels Old Point Comfort, Va. Schott, C. A. Resulting heights from spirit leveling between Old Point Comfort and Rich- mond, Va., 1884, 1891, and 1892. Rept. 1896, pt. 2, app. 2, pp. 237-246. Richmond, Va. Levels Washington, D. C. Schott, C. A. Resulting heights from spirit leveling between Richmond, Va., and Washington, D. C., 1883 and 1884, with releveling between Richmond and Fredericksburg in 1886, and verification leveling between the two cities, 1895. Rept. 1896, pt. 2, app. 3, pp. 247-260. Rincon point, Cal. See San Francisco bay. Rivers. Davidson, George. Observations on certain harbor and river improvements collected on a voyage from Hongkong, via Suez, to New York. Rept. 1875, app. 18,* pp. 293-314. Mitchell, Henry. Study of the effect of river bends in the lower Mississippi. Rept. 1882, app. 16, PP- 433-436. See also Bars Channels Cape Eear river Chesapeake bay Currents Delaware river Depths Harbors Hudson river James river Merrimac river Mississippi river Potomac river. Rock Creek, Wyo. Levels Denver, Colo. Winston, Isaac. Resulting elevations from spirit leveling between Denver, Colo., and Rock Creek, Wyo., from observations between May 12 and October 21, 1899. Rept. 1899, app. 5, pp. 283-298. Rockville, Md. Mendenhall, T. C., Smith, E., and Schott, C. A. Variation of latitude at Rockville, Md., as determined from observations made in 1891 and 1892, in co-operation with the International geodetic association. Rept. 1892, pt. 2, app. i, pp. 1-51. Same, abstract. Bull. 25. ( 1892. ) Rodgers, Christopher Raymond Perry. Resurvey of bar and anchorage at Beaufort harbor, North Carolina. Rept. 1857, app. 16,* pp. 152, 153. Rodgers, John. Tides at Tahiti, South Pacific ocean. Rept. 1864, app. 9,* pp. 90-92. Rodman, Hugh, (compiler.) Compilation of the most recent information relative to the harbors, anchorages, and dangers to navigation in the vicinity of Chatham and Peril straits and Cooks inlet, Alaska. Rept. 1896, pt. .2, app. ii, pp. 373-393- Same. Title changed to General information relating to the vicinity of Chatham and Peril straits, from a recent survey by the U. S. Coast survey steamer Patterson, Lieut. Commander E. K. Moore, U. S. N., commanding, and Cooks inlet and the region to the westward, by W. H.. Ball, U. S. Geological survey. Bull. 35. (1897.) Rods. See Leveling rods. . Ross mountain, Cal. Davidson, George, and Schott, C. A. Comparison of the methods of determining heights by means of leveling vertical angles and barometric measures, from observations at Bodega Head and Ross mountain, California. Rept. 1871, app. n,* pp. 154-170. Same. Rept. 1876, app. 16, pp. 338-354. * Exhausted. 208 CATALOGUE. Royal. Royal military geographical institute. Flemer, J. A. Phototopography as practiced in Italy under the auspices of the Royal mili- tary geographical institute, and as practiced in the Dominion of Canada under the auspices of the Department of the interior. Also a short historical review of other photographic surveys and publications on the subject. Kept. 1893, pt. 2, app. 3, pp. 37-116. Rueprecht balance. Hayford, John F. The Rueprecht balance belonging to the United States Office of standard weights and measures. Rept. 1895, pt. 2, app. 9,* pp. 383-392. Rules. See List of Laws and regulations in Part I (Administrative publications). Rumker's catalogue. See Star catalogues. Runge, C. On photography as applied to obtain an instantaneous record of lunar distances for determina- tions of longitude. Rept. 1893, pt. 2, app. 4, pp. 117-124. Russia. See Siberia. Saegmuller, George N. Reconstruction of the dividing engine of the Coast and geodetic survey. Rept. 1879, app. 12,* pp. 192-198. Sailing directions. See Coast pilot. St. Albans base, W. Va. Mendenhall, T. C., Mosman, A. T., Woodward, R. S., Tittmann, O. H. On the measurement of the Holton base, Holton, Ripley county, Ind., and the St. Albans base, Kanawha county, W. Va. Rept. 1892, pt. 2, app. 8, pp. 329-503. Schott, C. A. Length of the St. Albans base line, West Virginia, measured in 1892. Rept. 1894, pt. 2, app. 6,* pp. 117-123. St. Elias, Mt., Alas. See Mt. St. EHas. St. George island, Alas. See Pribilof islands. St. George's bank. See Georges bank. St. Helena. See Atlantic islands. St. Louis, Mo. Levels Jefferson City, Mo. Schott, C. A. Heights from geodetic leveling between St. Louis and Jefferson City, Mo., 1882- 1888. Rept. 1893, pt. 2, app. 2, pp. 19-36. St. Louis, Mo. Levels Sandy Hook, N. J. Schott, C. A. Results of the transcontinental line of geodetic spirit leveling near the parallel of 39. Part first, from Sandy Hook, N. J., to St. Louis, Mo. Rept. 1882, app. ii,*pp. 517-556. St. Louis, Mo. Longitude Washington, D. C. Walker, S. C. Telegraphic operations and computations [Washington and St. Louis]. Rept. 1850, app. 13,* pp. 85-89. St. Paul island, Alas. Bryant, Charles. Meteorological register, St. Paul island, Alaska, 1870-71. Rept. 1871, app. 7,* pp. 100-108. See also Pribilof islands. Salina, Kans. Levels Ellis, Kans. Schott, C. A. Resulting heights from spirit leveling between Salina and Ellis, Kans., from observations made by I. Winston, assistant, between July 2 and September 9, 1896. Rept. 1898, app. i, pp. I79-I93- Salina, Kans. Levels Holliday, Kans. Schott, C. A. Resulting heights from spirit leveling between Holliday and Salina, Kans., from observations by I. Winston, assistant, between July n and October 28, 1895. Rept. 1897, pt. 2, app. 4, pp. 269-283. Salinity. See Sea water densities. Salinometer. See Hydrometer. Salt Lake base, Utah. Eimbeck, William. Report on the measurement of the Salt Lake base line, in Utah. Repc. 1897, pt. 2, app. 12, pp. 753-774- * Exhausted. 759002- 14 209 Salt. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PUBLICATIONS. Salt water. See Sea water. San Buenaventura valley, Cal. Johnson, W. M. Features of Santa Cruz island, the valley of San Buenaventura, and the coast north of Santa Barbara channel. Rept. 1855, app. 28,* pp. 186-188. San Diego, Cal. Bache, A. D. Comparison of the diurnal inequality of the tides at San Diego, San Francisco, and Astoria, with tables. Rept. 1854, app. 46,* pp. 152-155. San Diego bay, Cal. Trinidad, Humboldt and San Diego bays. Rept. 1851, app. 50,* pp. 528-530. San Francisco, Cal. GRAVITY. Smith, Edwin. Determinations of gravity with the Kater pendulums at Auckland, New Zealand; Sydney, New South Wales; Singapore, British India; Tokio, Japan; San Francisco, Cal.; and Washington, D. C. Rept. 1884, app. 14, pp. 439-473. LATITUDE. Preston, E. D. The constant of aberration as determined from observations of lati- tude at San Francisco, Cal. Bull. 32. (1895.) . Determination of the constant of aberration from latitude observations with the zenith telescope at Honolulu, H. I., and San Francisco, Cal. Rept. 1896, app. 10, pp. 353-371. Schott, C. A. Variation of latitude at San Francisco, Cal., from observations made in con- cert with the International geodetic association, 1891 and 1892. Rept. 1893, pt. 2, app. u, pp. 44i-5o8. LONGITUDE. Telegraphic determination of the longitude of San Francisco, Cal. Rept. 1870, app. 12,* p. loo. TERRESTRIAL MAGNETISM. Schott, C. A. The direction and intensity of the earth's magnetic force at San Francisco, Cal. Bull. 33. (1895.) TIDES. Bache, A. D. Notes on the tides at San Francisco, Cal. Rept. 1853, app. 29,* pp. Si, 82. Comparison of the diurnal inequality of the tides at San Diego, San Francisco and Astoria with tables. Rept. 1854, app. 46,* pp. 152-155. San Francisco bay, Cal. HYDROGRAPHY. Mitchell, Henry. On the probable effect of extended piers in modifying the channel facilities of San Francisco bay near Yerba Buena island. Rept. 1870, app. 18,* pp. 180, 181. TERRESTRIAL MAGNETISM. Gillmore, J. C. California, Bay of San Francisco. Magnetic ranges for determining the deviation of the compass, with short explanations of how to find the deviation and error of the compass. Sp. pub. i. (1898.) TIDES. Bache, A. D. On the tides of San Francisco bay [at Rincon point] Cal. Rept. 1853, app. 28,* pp. 77-81. Sand. Gibbs, Wolcott. Examination of specimens of sand taken from the base sites at Cape Florida and Cape Sable. Rept. 1856, app. 64,* pp. 318, 319. See also Bars Shoals. Sands, Benjamin F. Instruments for procuring specimens of bottom in sounding. Rept. 1855, app. 56,* p. 361. Description of the revolving heliotrope devised by him for geodetic purposes. Rept. 1855, app. 59,* p. 364. Description and drawing of a signal [recently devised and placed by him] in the breakers on Dog island bar, Mississippi sound. Rept. 1855, app. 60,* pp. 365, 366. Deep-sea sounding apparatus. Rept. 1857, app. 46,* p. 398. Sandy Hook, N. J. CURRENTS. Coast currents approaching Sandy Hook. Notice to mariners 97. ( i88?T ) PHYSICAL HYDROGRAPHY. Bache, A. D. Causes of increase of the Sandy Hook peninsula. Rept. 1856, pp. 38,* pp. 263, 264. Harrison, A. M. Topography on the coast of New Jersey, including Sandy Hook. Rept. 1855, app. 23,* pp. 164, 165. Mitchell, Henry. Changes in the submerged contours off Sandy Hook. Rept. 1873, app. 10,* pp. 108-110. Whiting, H. L. Progress of Sandy Hook from 1848 to 1850. Rept. 1850, app. 9,* pp. 81, 82. TIDES. Christie, A. S. Comparison of the predicted with the observed times and heights of high and low water at Sandy Hook, N. J., during 1889. Rept. 1890, app. 15, pp. 705-714. Ferrel, William. Harmonic analysis of the tides at Sandy Hook. Rept. 1883, app. 9,* pp. 247-251. Sandy Hook, N. J. Levels St. Louis, Mo. Schott, C. A. Results of the transcontinental line of geodetic spirit leveling near the parallel of 39. Part first, from Sandy Hook, N. J., to St. Louis, Mo. Rept. 1882, app. n,* pp. 517-556. Sandy Hook, N. J. Levels Dobbs Ferry, N. Y. Schott, C. A. Report of the results of spirit leveling of precision about New York bay and vicinity in 1886 and 1887. Rept. 1887, app. 14, pp. 275-300. * Exhausted. 210 CATALOGUE. Santa. Santa Barbara channel, Cal. Greenwell, W. E. Survey, character, and resources of the islands and main adjacent to Santa Barbara channel, California. Rept. 1857, app. 44,* pp. 392-395. Johnson, W. M. Features of Santa Cruz island, the valley of San Buenaventura, and the coast north of Santa Barbara channel. Rept. 1855, app. 28,* pp. 186-188. Topographical features of the coast adjacent to Santa Barbara channel, California. Rept. 1857, app. 43,* pp. 390, 391. Santa Barbara islands, Cal. Alden, James. Reconnaissance from San Francisco to San Diego, including Santa Barbara islands and channel. Rept. 1852, app. 18,* pp. 104-107. Santa Cruz island, Cal. Johnson, W. M. Features of Santa Cruz island, the valley of San Buenaventura, and the coast north of Santa Barbara channel. Rept. 1855, app. 28,* pp. 186-188. Santa Lucia, Mt. See Mt. Santa Lucia. Sapelo island, Ga. Evans, A. \V. Topographical reconnaissance of a part of Sapelo island, Georgia, for the selection of a site for a primary base line. Rept. 1857, app. 39,* pp. 374-377. Savannah, Ga. Longitude Fernandina, Fla. Bache, A. D., and Schott, C. A. Determination of the longitude of Fernandina, Amelia island, Florida, by means of chronometric exchanges with Savannah, Ga. Rept. 1857, app. 30,* pp. 314-324- Saxton's tide gauge. Hunt, E. B. Self-registering tide gauge, Saxton's. Rept. 1853, app. 38,* pp. 94-96. Scaffold. Set' Signals. Scales. See Balances Standards. Schlesinger, F. (And Smith, Edwin.) The International latitude service at Gaithersburg, Md., and Ukiah, Cal., under the auspices of the International geodetic association. Rept. 1900, app. 3, pp. 255-484. Schott, Charles Anthony. (And E. B. Hunt.) Tables for projecting maps, with notes on map projections. Rept. 1853, . app. 39,* pp. 96-163. Adjustment of horizontal angles of a triangulation. Probable error of observation, derived from observations of horizontal angles by the methods of "dependent directions" and of "dependent angular quantities" by the method of least squares. Rept. 1854, app. 33 S,* pp. 70-95. On the currents of Nantucket Shoals. Rept. 1854, app. 48,* pp. 161-166. Currents in Muskeget channel and off Martha's Vineyard. Rept. 1854, app. 49,* pp. 166-168. Tidal currents of Long Island sound and approaches. Rept. 1854, app. 50,* pp. 168-179. Solution of normal equations by indirect elimination. Rept. 1855, app. 40,* pp. 255-264. Comparison of star places given in Rumker's and the Twelve-year catalogues. Rept. 1855, app. 45,* pp. 278-286. Discussion of the secular change in the magnetic declination on the Atlantic and part of the Gulf coasts of the United States. [Ed. i.j Rept. 1855, app. 48,* pp. 306-337. Results for declination, dip, and horizontal intensity. Rept. 1855, app. 49,* p. 337. Magnetic observations made at stations in Delaware, Maryland and Virginia. Rept. 1856, app. 29,* pp. 226, 227. Results of observations for declination, dip and intensity at stations in section III [Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia]. Rept. 1856, app. 30,* p. 227. Secular change of the magnetic declination on the western coast. [Sup. to ed. i, Rept. 1855, app. 48, above.] Rept. 1856, app. 31,* pp. 228-235. Secular variation of the magnetic inclination in the northeastern states. Rept. 1856, app. 32,* pp. 235-245. Secular variation of the magnetic inclination on the western coast of the United States. Rept. 1856, app. 33,* pp. 246-249. Determination of the probable error of an observation by the differences of the observations from their arithmetical mean. Rept. 1856, app. 59,* pp. 307, 308. (And Bache, A. D. ) Determination of the longitude of Fernandina, Amelia island, Florida, by means of chronometric exchanges with Savannah, Ga. Rept. 1857, app. 30,* pp. 314-324. On the method for determination of latitude by the zenith telescope. Rept. 1857, app. 31,* pp. 324-334. Gradual loss of magnetism of the several magnets in use in the survey of the coast. Rept. 1857, app. 32,* pp. 334-342. Intermediate period in the secular change of magnetic declination at Hatboro, Pennsylvania. Rept. 1858, app. 25,* pp. 192-195. * Exhausted. 21] Schott. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PUBLICATIONS. Secular variation of magnetic declination and dip at Washington, D. C. Rept. 1858, app. 26,* pp. I95-I97- Magnetic declination, dip and intensity in 1859. Rept. 1859, app. 23,* p. 296. Secular change of the magnetic declination accompanied by tables showing the variation of the needle on the coasts of the United States for every tenth year from the date of the earliest reliable observation, [ed. i, Sup. to Rept. 1855, app. 48, above.] Rept. 1859, app. 24,* pp. 296-305. Observations of solar spots during the first seven months of the year 1860. Rept. 1860, app. 25,* pp. 324-326. Magnetic declination, dip and horizontal intensity (determined in 1860) on Cape Cod peninsula, Long Island and New Jersey. Rept. 1860, app. 29,* p. 352. Cauchy's interpolation formulae, with remarks. Rept. 1860, app. 37,* pp. 392-396. Height in feet corresponding to a given angle of elevation and a given distance in metres, for use in the construction of contour lines by plane table. Rept. 1860, app. 38,* p. 397. (And Bache, A. D., and Pourtales, L. F. ) Tides, currents, magnetic variation and geographic positions of light-houses. Chesapeake bay and its rivers, 1861. Sep. pub. (1861.)* Observations of solar eclipse of July, 1860, at the Coast survey office, Washington, D. C. Rept. 1861, app. 20, pp. 239-241. Secular change of magnetic intensity on the Atlantic, Gulf and Pacific coasts of the United States; intensity statistics; notes; table of annual change for Atlantic and Pacific groups. Rept. 1861, app. 22, pp. 242-251. Distribution of the magnetic declination on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico, with a chart of the isogonic curves for 1860. Rept. 1861, app. 23, pp. 251-256. Distribution of the magnetic declination on the coasts of Virginia, South Carolina and Georgia, with a chart of the isogonic curves for 1860. Rept. 1861, app. 24,* pp. 256-259. Observations of solar spots at the Coast survey office. Rept. 1861, app. 25, pp. 259-261. Results for magnetic declination, dip and horizontal intensity in Pennsylvania, in the District of Columbia and in New York. Rept. 1862, app. 18,* p. 212. Observations of solar spots at the Coast survey office. Rept. 1862, app. 21,* pp. 231, 232. Development of Bessel's function for periods frequently occurring in magnetic and meteoro- logical investigations, with examples. Rept. 1862, app. 22,* pp. 232-235. (And Dean, G. W. ) Results from observations for magnetic declination, dip and intensity, in Maine and Connecticut, including also a station in the District of Columbia. Rept. 1863, app. 22,* p. 204. The problem of determining a position by angles observed upon a number of given stations. Solution of Gauss, with example. Rept. 1864, app. 13,* pp. 116-119. Report on the method of reduction and results of connexion of the Epping base line with the primary triangulation in the eastern states. Rept. 1864, app. 14,* pp. 120-144. Trajectory of ricochet shots from a 15-inch Rodman gun. Rept. 1864, app. 21,* pp. 220-222. Determination of ranges of shot from 15 and 20 inch guns. Rept. 1864, app. 22,* p. 223. Report on the distribution of the magnetic declination on the coast and parts of the interior of the United States. Rept. 1865, app. 19,* pp. 174-176. Geodetic connection of the two primary base lines in New York and Maryland, their degree of accordance and accuracy of the primary triangulation intervening, with the resulting angles and distances as finally adjusted. Rept. 1866, app. 8,* pp. 49-54. Length of the Kent island base line. Rept. 1866, app. 8,* sup. p. 140. Determination of time by the transit instrument. Rept. 1866, app. 9, pp. 55-71. Latitude by the zenith telescope. Rept. 1866, app. 10,* pp. 72-85. Astronomical azimuth. Rept. 1866, app. n,* pp. 86-99. Method of adjustment of the secondary triangulation of Long Island sound. Rept. 1868, app. 8,* pp. 140-146. Measures of arc of meridian of 3 23" between Nantucket [Mass.] and Farmington, Me. Rept. 1868, app. 9,* pp. 147-153. Determination of time by means of the transit instrument. (Addenda to app. 9 an* PP- 4 O2 > 43- Tide gauge devised by H. Mitchell. Rept. 1857, app. 50,* pp. 403, 404. Bache, A. D. Self -registering tide gauge. Instructions for observers. Instructions in methods of work. (1859.)! Batchelder, J. M. Apparatus for harbor soundings. Rept. 1858, app. 38,* pp. 247, 248. Hunt's tide meter. Rept. 1859, app. 35,* pp. 365, 366. Hunt, E. B. Saxton's self-registering tide gauge. Rept. 1853, app. 38,* pp. 94-96. Marindin, H. I/. A syphon tide-gauge for the open seacoast. Bull. 12. (1889.) Mitchell, H. Description of tide gauge used at stations on the open seacoast and in situations exposed to strong currents. Rept. 1854, app. 53,* pp. 190, 191. Pratt, J. F. Notes relating to self-registering tide gauges as used by the United States Coast and geodetic survey. Rept. 1897, app. 7, pp. 313-318. See also Tide indicator. Tide lands. See Hydrographic surveys Sea level Shore line changes Tides. Tide indicator. Tide indicator in Delaware river, Delaware. Notice to mariners 202. (1896.) Tide=predicting machine. Ferrell, William. Harmonic analysis of the tides at Sandy Hook. Rept. 1883, app. 9**pp. 247- 251- A maxima and minima tide predicting machine. Rept. 1883, app. 10, pp. 253-272. Tides. Directions for observations of tides. Printed for the use of the tidal observers from the manu- script instructions. Instructions for methods of work. ( 1852. )f Description of bench marks at tidal stations. Rept. 1870, app. 10,* pp. 92-97. Tides and tidal currents. ( Leaflet printed for distribution at the Pan-American exposition at Buffalo, N. Y.) Sep. pub. (1901.) Avery, R. S. Mode of forming brief prediction tide tables. Rept. 1870, app. 6,* pp. 70-74. Field and office work relating to tides. Rept. 1872, app. 6,* pp. 69-72. Methods of registering tidal observations. Rept. 1876, app. 8,* pp. 130-142. Bache, A. D. Tide tables for the use of navigators. Rept. 1856, app. 17,* pp. 120-133. Tide tables for the use of navigators. Rept. 1861, app. 9,* pp. 98-131. Christie, A. S., and Haskell, E. E. Tides and currents. No. 9 in Bull. 29.* (1893.) Davidson, George. Observations on certain harbor and river improvements collected on a voyage from Hongkong, via Suez, to New York. Rept. 1875, app. 18,* pp. 293-314. Gilliss, J. R. Dividers for graphical decomposition of, tidal curves invented by [him]. Rept. 1860, app. 40,* pp. 398, 399. Harris, R. A. Manual of tides. Part I. Introduction and historical treatment of the subject. Rept. 1897, pt. 2, app. 8, pp. 319-469. * Exhausted. fNot for general distribution. 224 CATALOGUE. Tides. Harris, R. A. Manual of tides. Part II. Tidal observation, equilibrium theory, and harmonic analysis. Kept. 1897, pt. 2, app. 9, pp. 471-618. Manual of tides. Part III. Some connections between harmonic and nonharmonic quantities, including applications to the reduction and prediction of tides. Rept. 1894, pt. 2, app. 7, pp. 125-262. Manual of tides. Part IVa. Outlines of tidal theory. Rept. 1900, app. 7, pp. 535-700. Hayford, J. F. On the use of observations of currents for prediction purposes. Rept. 1890, app 14, pp. 691-703. Hilgard, J. E. Tides and tidal action in harbors. Sep. pub. (1876.)* Mitchell, H. Method of determining elevations along the course of a tidal river without the aid of a 1 eveling instrument. Rept. 1870, app. u,* pp. 98, 99. ALABAMA. Patterson, C. P. Letter relating to the tides at the entrance of Mobile bay. Rept. 1846, app. 8,* pp. 68-70. ALASKA. Ball, W. H. Harbors of Alaska and the tides and currents in their vicinity. Rept. 1872, app. 10,* pp. 177-212. Moore, E. K. Predicted times of slack water at Seymour narrows, Discovery passage, B. C., and at Sergius narrows, Peril strait, Alaska, from May to December, 1899 Bull 39 * (1899). ATLANTIC COAST. Bache, A. D. Heights of the tides of the Atlantic coast of the United States. Rept. 1857, app. 33,* pp. 342-347. Bache, A. D. Preliminary determinations of cotidal lines on the Atlantic coast of the United States from Coast survey observations. Rept. 1854, app. 45,* pp. 147-152. Ferrel, W. Minima and maxima of tides on the coast of New England for 1873. Rept. 1872, app. 7,* pp. 73, 74. Mitchell, H. Physical hydrography of the Gulf of Maine. Rept. 1879, app. 10, pp. 175-190. CALIFORNIA. Bache, A. D. On the tides of San Francisco bay [at Rincon point], Cal. Rept. 1853, app. 28,* pp. 77-81. Notes on the tides at San Francisco, Cal. Rept. 1853, app. 29,* pp. 81, 82. Comparison of the diurnal inequality of the tides at San Diego, San Francisco, and Astoria, with tables. Rept. 1854, app. 46,* pp. 152-155. Peirce, Benjamin. Co-ticlal lines of an inclosed sea derived from the equilibrium theory. Rept. 1858, app. 30,* pp. 210-213. DELAWARE RIVER. Coast of the United States. Tidal indicator in Delaware river. Notice to mariners 202. (1896.) Mitchell, H. New rule for currents in Delaware bay and river. Rept. 1881, app. 18, pp. 464-469. Estuary of the Delaware. Rept. 1883, app. 8, pp. 239-245. FLORIDA. Bache, A. D. On the tides at Key West, Fla. Rept. 1853, app. 27,* pp. 71-76. Gerdes, F. H. Florida coast reconnaissance. Rept. 1851, app. 31,* pp. 488-494. GULF OF MAINE. Gulf of Maine. Tidal currents at entrance. Notice to mariners 15. (1878.) GULF OF MEXICO. Bache, A. D. Tidal observations on the Gulf of Mexico and type curves at the several stations showing their decomposition into diurnal and semidiurnal tides. Rept. 1855, app. 52,* pp. 346, 347. Approximate co-tidal lines of diurnal and semidiurnal tides of the coast of the United. States on the Gulf of Mexico. Rept. 1856, app. 35,* pp. 252-260. Type curves in the Gulf of Mexico. Rept. 1856, app. 36,* pp. 260, 261. Additional researches on cotidal lines in the Gulf of Mexico. Rept. 1862, app. 9,* pp. 126-128. MAINE. Tide tables for the Atlantic and Pacific coasts. [Predictions for Eastport, Me., as a specimen.] Rept. 1866, app. 7,* pp. 47-49. Ferrel, William. Tides in Penobscot bay. Rept. 1878, app. n, pp. 268-304. Mitchell, H. Physical survey of Portland harbor. Rept. 1873, app. 8,* pp. 94-102. MASSACHUSETTS. Ferrel, William. Discussion of tides in Boston harbor. Rept. 1868, app. 5, pp. 51-102. On the moon's mass as deduced from a discussion of the tides of Boston harbor. Rept. 1870, app. 20,* pp. 190-199. Meteorological effects on tides. Rept. 1871, app. 6,* pp. 93-99. Marindin, H. L. Tides and currents in the harbor of Edgartown and in Katama bay. Rept. 1892, pt. 2, app., 5 pp. 225-241. Mitchell, H. Tidal observations on the south shore of Massachusetts and in Nantucket and Vineyard sounds. Rept. 1854, app. 29,* pp. 35-37. Tidal observations made in Nantucket sound. Rept. 1855, app. 33,* pp. 222, 223. Interference tides of Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket sounds. Rept. 1856, app. 37,* pp. 261-263. Tides and currents in Martha's Vineyard sounds and in East river at Hell Gate with remarks on the revision of levelings on Hudson river. Rept. 1857, app. 35,* pp. 350-354. On the movements of the sands at the eastern entrance to Vineyard sound. Rept. 1887, app. 6, pp. 159-163. Whiting, H. L., and Mitchell, H. Reports concerning Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket. Rept. 1869, app. 15,* pp. 236-259. MISSISSIPPI. Bache, A. D. Discussion of tidal observations at Cat island. Rept. 1851, app. 7,* pp. 127-136. Same. Rept. 1866, app. 18,* pp. 113-119. Discussion of tidal observations at Cat island in the Gulf of Mexico. Rept. 1852, app. 22,* pp. III-I22. * Exhausted. 7590 02 i t <-j 225 Tilton. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PUBLICATIONS. Dean, G. W. Effect of the wind on the height of the water in Cat island harbor, Mississippi. Rept. 1856, app. 45,* pp. 276-278. NEW ENGLAND. Ferrel, William. Maxima and minima of tides on the coast of New England for 1873. Rept. 1872, app. 7,* pp. 73, 74. NEW JERSEY. Bache, A. D. Causes of increase of the Sandy Hook peninsula. Rept. 1856, app. 38,* pp. 263, 264. Christie, A. S. Comparison of the predicted with the observed times and heights of high and low water at Sandy Hook, N. J., during 1889. Rept. 1890, app. 15, pp. 705-714. Ferrel, William. Harmonic analysis of the tides at Sandy Hook. Rept. 1883, app. 9, pp. 247-251. NEW YORK. Bache, A. D. Tidal currents of New York harbor near Sandy Hook. Rept. 1858, app. 27,* pp. 197-203. Ferrel, William. Discussion of tides in New York harbor. Rept. 1875, app. 12, pp. 194-221. On the harmonic analysis of the tides at Governor's island, New York harbor. Rept. 1885, app. 13, pp. 489-493. Marindin, H. L. Tide levels and flow of currents in New York bay and harbor. Rept. 1888, app. 9, pp. 405-408. Same, abstract. Bull. 3. (1888.) Mitchell, H. Tides and tidal currents of New York harbor and its dependencies and at Sandy Hook. Rept. 1856, app. 39,* pp. 264-266. Tides and currents in Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard sounds and in East river at Hellgate with remarks on the revision of levelings on Hudson river. Rept. 1857, app. 35,* PP- 350-354- Preliminary report on the interference tides of Hell Gate, with directions for reducing the soundings. Rept. 1866, app. 6,* pp. 44-46. Tides and currents of Hell Gate, N. Y. Rept. 1867, app. 13, -' pp. 158-169. Harbor of New York, 1873. Rept. 1871, app. 8,* pp. 109-133. Circulation of the sea through New York harbor. Rept. 1886, app. 13, pp. 409-432. Report on the results of the physical surveys of New York harbor. Rept. 1887, app. 15, PP- 3 OI -3H- Schott, C. A. Tidal currents of Long Island sound and approaches. Rept. 1854, app. 50,* pp. 168-179. Wiirdemann, G. On tidal observations made between New York city and Albany. Rept. 1856, app. 40,* pp. 266, 267. NORTH CAROLINA. Pourtales, L. F. Effect of winds in varying the level of the water in .-\lbe- marle sound. Rept. 1856, app. 43,* pp. 271, 272. OREGON. Bache, A. D. Comparison of the diurnal inequality of the tides at San Diego, San Francisco, and Astoria, with tables. Rept. 1854, app. 46,* pp. 152-155. PACIFIC COAST. Type curves of the tides of the Pacific coast. Rept. 1865, app. IT,* p. 138. A very, R. S. Results computed for tide tables for charts of the western coast. Rept. 1870, app. 5,* pp. 66-69. Bache, A. D. Cotidal lines of the Pacific coast. Rept. 1855, app. 50,* pp. 338-342. Notice of earthquake waves on the western coast of the United States. Rept. 1862, app. 24,* pp. 238-241. Ferrel, \Villiam. Tides of the Pacific coast of the United States. Rept. 1882, app. 17, pp. 437-450. Trowbridge, W. P. Tidal and magnetic observations of the western coast. Rept. 1854, app. 30,* pp. 37-40. Tidal and magnetic operations on the western coast. Rept. 1855, app. 34, '-' pp. 223-227. Method pursued in conducting tidal observations on the western coast of the United Slates. Rept. 1856, app. 42,* pp. 269, 270. PACIFIC OCEAN. Rodgers, J. Tides at Tahiti, South Pacific ocean. Rept. 1864, app. 9,* pp. 91, 92. VINEYARD SOUND. Mitchell, Henry. On the movements of the sands at the eastern entrance to Vineyard sound. Rept. 1887, app. 6, pp. 159-163. See also Bench marks Cotidal lines Currents Earthquake waves Elevations Equilibrium theory Harbors Harmonic analysis Hydrographic surveys Instruments Leveling Mathematics Moon Physics Sea level Tables Tide gauge Tide indicator Tide tables Tide predicting machine Water level. See also List of Tide tables in Part I (Administrative publications). Tilton, Benjamin Ellsworth. Resulting elevations from spirit leveling between Abilene, Kans. , and Norfolk, Neb. Rept. 1899, app. 6, pp. 299-320. Time. Time, latitude, and longitude. (Leaflet printed for distribution at the Pan-American exposi- tion.) Sep. pub. (1901.) Hayford, J. F. Determination of time, longitude, latitude, and azimuth. Rept. 1898, app. 7, pp. 261-409. Hilgard^J. E. On the use of the zenith -telescope for observations of time. Rept. 1869, app. 12, pp. 226-232. Peirce, C. S. Description of an apparatus for recording the mean of the times of a set of observations. Rept. 1875, app. 15,* pp. 249-253. Note on a device for abbreviating time reductions. Rept. 1885, app. 15, pp. 503-508. Exhausted. 226 CATALOGUE. Time. Putnam, G. R. Field method for reducing portable transit-time observations. Rept 1896 pt. 2, app. 9, pp. 347-352. Schott, C. A. Determination of time by the transit instrument. Rept. 1866, app. 9, pp. 55-71. Addenda to appendices nos. 9 and 10, Coast survey report for 1866 [on the determina- tion of time by means of the transit instrument]. Rept. 1868, app. 10, pp. 157-165. Determination of weights to be given to observations for determining time with porta- ble transit instrument, recorded by the chronographic method. Rept. 1872, app. 12, pp. 222-226. Determination of time, longitude, latitude, and azimuth. Rept. 1880, app. 14,* pp. 201-286. Sinclair, C. H. Time, latitude, and longitude. No. 4 in Bull. 29. (1893.) See also Chronograph Longitude Meridian instrument Personal equation apparatus Transit instrument Zenith telescope. Time stars. See Star places. Tittmann, Otto Hilgard. Instruments and methods used in the Coast and geodetic survey for precise leveling. Rept. 1879, app. 15, pp. 202-211. On a method of readily transferring the underground mark at a base monument. Rept. 1881, app. 13, pp. 357, 358. (And Schott, C. A.) Relation between the metric standards of length of the U. S. Coast and geodetic survey and the U. S. Lake survey. Rept. 1889, app. 6,* pp. 179-197. Same. Bull. 17. (1889.) . Verification of weights and measures. Bull. 15. (1889.) On the relation of the yard to the metre. Rept. 1890, app. 16,* pp. 715-720. Same. Bull. 9. (1889.) Historical account of United States standards of weights and measures; of the national proto- types of the metre and the kilogramme; of their transportation from Paris to Washington; of their official opening and certification, and of their deposit in the Office of weights and measures. Rept. 1890, app. 18, pp. 735-758. Reduction of hydrometer observations of salt-water densities. Rept. 1891, pt. 2, app. 6, pp. 275-277. Same. Bull. 18. (1890.) The new secondary base apparatus of the Coast and geodetic survey as used in the measurement of the Holton base, Indiana. Rept. 1892, pt. 2, app. 8, [sec.] 3, pp. 490-503. Weights and measures. No. 12 in Bull. 29. (1893.) (And Schott, C. A., Preston, E. D., Smith, E., Putnam, G. R. and Fischer, E. G.) Transit of Mercury on November 10, 1894, Coast and geodetic survey office, Washington, D. C. Rept. 1895, pt. 2, app. 4* pp. 345, 346. See also, as Superintendent, Reports and other Survey publications, 1900-1902. Tokyo, Japan. Smith, Edwin. Determinations of gravity with the Kater pendulums at Auckland, New Zea- land; Sydney, New South Wales; Singapore, British India; Tokio, Japan; San Francisco, Cal. and Washington, D. C. Rept. 1884, app. 14, pp. 439-473. Topographic conference. Proceedings of the topographical conference held at Washington, D. C., January 18 to March 7, 1892. Rept. 1891, pt. 2, app. 16, pp. 565-746. Topographic instruments. See Artificial horizon Interranger Level Phototopography Plane table Transit. Topographic sheets. List of original topographic and hj'drographic sheets, geographically arranged, registered in the archives of the United States Coast and geodetic survey from January, 1834, to December 31, 1895. Rept. 1895, pt. 2, app. n, pp. 399-516. Topographic surveys. Topography. (Leaflet printed for distribution at the Pan-American exposition) Sep. pub. (1901.)" Hergesheimer, E. Type forms of topography, Columbia river. Rept. iSSi, app. 7, pp. 124, 125. Schott, C. A. Height in feet corresponding to a given angle of elevation and a given distance in metres, for use in the construction of contour lines by plane table. Rept. 1860, app. 38,* P- 397- Thorn, F. M. Instructions and memoranda for descriptive reports to accompany original sheets. Instructions in methods of work. (1887. )f Whiting, H. L. Topography. No. 7 in Bull. 29. (1893.) Topographical contour, hydrographic details and reduction, on photography and. on the scale of shades suitable for complete maps. Rept. 1860, app. 20,* pp. 216-229. CALIFORNIA. Johnson, W. M. Topographical features of the coast adjacent to Santa Barbara channel. Rept. 1857, app. 43,* pp. 390, 391. Features of Santa' Cruz island, the valley of San Buenaventura, and the coast north of Santa Barbara channel. Rept. 1855, app. 28,* pp. 186-188. Exhausted. f Not for general distribution. 227 Tornadoes. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PUBLICATIONS. NEW JERSEY. Harrison, A. M. Topography on the coast of New Jersey, including Sandy Hook. Kept. 1855, app. 23,* pp. 164, 165. NEW YORK. Gerdes, F. H. Topographic survey of Manhattan island. Kept. 1855, app. 21,* pp. 162, 163. See also Contours Drawing Hydrographic surveys Phototopography Plane table Reconnais- sance Surveys Three-point problem. See also List of Laws and instructions in Part I (Administrative publications). Tornadoes. Ferrel, William. On cyclones, tornados and water spouts. Part II of Meteorological researches for the use of the Coast pilot. Rept. 1878, app. 10,* pp. 175-267. Totten, James. On placing screw piles along the Florida reef. Rept. 1852, app. 14,* pp. 97, 98. Climate, soil, and general character of the Florida keys. Rept. 1853, a PP- JS.* PP- 5> 5 1 - Screw-pile beacons on Florida reefs, with description of signals. Rept. 1855, app. 16,* pp. 157-160. Towers. See Signals. Townsend, Charles Hervey. On an early chart of Long Island sound. Rept. 1890, app. 20, pp. 775-777. Trajectory of shot. Schott, C. A. Trajectory of ricochet shots from a 15-inch Rodman gun. Rept. 1864, app. 21,* pp. 220-222. Determination of ranges of shot from 15 and 20 inch guns. Rept. 1864, app. 22,* p. 223. Transatlantic longitude. See Longitude, Telegraphic. Transcontinental arc. Schott, C. A. Results of the transcontinental line of geodetic spirit leveling near the parallel of 39. Part first, from Sandy Hook, N. J., to St. Louis, Mo. Rept. 1882, app. n,* PP- 5J7-556. The transcontinental triangulation and the American arc of the parallel. Sp. pub. 4. (1900.) See also California Colorado Indiana Kansas Maryland Missouri Utah West Virginia. Transfers. See Lithographic transfers. Transit errors. Hilgard, J. E. Discussion of probable error of observation with a Wiirdemaini 26-inch portable transit. Rept. 1854, app. 39,* p. 121. Transit. (Instrument.) Hilgard, J. E. Method of [using the transit instrument for] observing azimuth employed at Cat island, form of record and reduction. Rept. 1856, app. 27,* pp. 208, 209. Schott, C. A. Determination of time by the transit instrument. Rept. 1866, app. 9; pp. 55-71. Smith, Edwin. Description of two new transit instruments for longitude work. Bull. 16. (1889.) Two new portable instruments for longitude work. Constructed at the office of the Survey from designs by Edwin Smith. Rept. 1889, app. 9,* pp. 213-216. See also Longitude, Telegraphic Star factors Time. Transits. See Lunar spots Mercury, Transit of Venus, Transit of. Transmission time. Walker, S. C. Measures of wave time, made from 1849 to 1851. Rept. 1851, app. 25,* pp. 476-479- Same. Rept. 1866, app. i6,*pp. 109-111. See also Eduction time Induction time. Treasury department. See Coast and geodetic survey. Trenchard, S. D. Results of the hydrographic survey of St. Simon's sound and Brunswick harbor, Ga. Rept. 1856, app. 49,* pp. 282, 283. Tide gauge devised by S. D. Trenchard. Rept. 1857, app. 49,* pp. 402, 403. Tresca, H., and Barnard, F. A. P. Comparison of an iron metre forwarded to France by the Government of the United States of America. Rept. 1867, app. 7,* pp. 134-137. Trjanguiation. Triangulation and reconnaissance. (Leaflet printed for distribution at the Pan-American exposition, Buffalo, N. Y. ) Sep. pub. (1901.) Cutts, R. D. Memoranda relating to the field work of the secondary triangulation. Rept. 1868, app. 7,* pp. 109-139. Same, with additions. Sep. pub. (1877.)* Same. Ed. 3. Title changed to Field work of the triangulation. Rept. 1882, app. 9,* pp. 151-197- * Exhausted. 228 CATALOGUE. Trigonometric. Hodgkins, W. C. Triangulatioii and reconnaissance. No. 3 in Bull. 29. (1893.) Kummell, C. H. On the direct synthetical method of adjusting a triangulation. Rept. 1892, pt. 2, app. 12, pp. 535-552. Lindenkohl, A. Solution of the three-point problem, by determining the point of intersection of a side of a given triangle with a line from the opposite point to the unknown point. Rept. 1869, app. 14, p. 235. Schott, C. A. Adjustment of horizontal angles of a triangulation. Probable error of observa- tion, derived from observations of horizontal angles at any single station and depending on directions. Rept. 1854, app. 338,* pp. 70-95. The problem of determining a position by angles observed upon a number of given stations. Solution of Gauss, with example. Rept. 1864, app. 13,* pp. 116-119. Adaptation of triangulations to the various conditions of configuration and character of the surface of country and other causes. Rept. 1871, app. 15,* pp. 185-188. Same, with additions. Rept. 1876, app. 20, pp. 391-399. (And Doolittle, M. A.) Method of closing a circuit of triangulation under certain conditions. Rept. 1875, app. 17,* pp. 279-292. CALIFORNIA. Schott, C. A. Results deduced from the geodetic connection of the Yolo base line with the primary triangulation of California; also a reduction and adjustment of the Davidson quadrilaterals, forming part of that triangulat on. Rept. 1885, app. 9, pp. 441-467. FLORIDA. Simpson, J. H. Reconnaissance made in triangulation for an air line between Fer- nandiiia and Cedar Keys, Fla. Rept. 1857, app. 41,* pp. 379-382. KANSAS. Hayford, John F. Triangulation northward along the ninety-eighth meridian in Kansas and Nebraska. Rept. 1901, app. 6, pp. 357-423. MARYLAND. Schott, C. A. Connection of the primary base lines on Kent island, Md. , and on Craney island, Va. , and on the degree of accuracy of the intervening primary and sub- primary triangulations. Rept. 1869, app. 6,* pp. 105-112. NEBRASKA. Hayford, John F. Triangulation northward along the ninety-eighth meridian in Kansas and Nebraska. Rept. 1901, app. 6, pp. 357-423. NEW YORK. vSchott, C. A. Method of adjustment of the secondary triangulation of Long Island sound. Rept. 1868, app. 8,* pp. 140-146. Connection at Lake Ontario of the primary triangulation of the Coast and geodetic survey with that of the Lake survey. Rept. 1884, app. 9, pp. 387-390. UNITED STATES. Results of the primary triangulation of the coast of New England from the northeastern boundary to the vicinity of New York. Rept. 1865, app. 21 ,* pp. 187-203. Schott, C. A. Report on the method of reduction and results of connection of the Epping base line with the primary triangulation in the eastern states. Rept. 1864, app. 14,* pp. 120-144. Geodetic connection of the two primary base lines in New York and Maryland, their degree of accordance and degree of accuracy of the primary triangulation intervening, with the resulting angles and distances as finally adjusted. Rept. 1866, app. 8,* pp. 49-54. Primary triangulation between the Kent island, Md. , and the Atlanta [Georgia] base lines. Rept. 1878, app. 8, pp. 92-120. The Transcontinental triangulation and the American arc of the parallel. Sp. pub. 4. ( 1900. ) The Eastern oblique arc of the United States and osculating spheroid. Sp. pub. 7. V 1902. VIRGINIA. Schott, C. A- Connection of the primary base lines on Kent island, Md., and on Craney island, Va. , and on the degree of accuracy of the intervening primary and sub- primary triangulations. Rept. 1869, app. 6,* pp. 105-112. See also Adjustment Arc measures Astronomy Base measures Geographic positions Hori- zontal measures Hypsometry Intervisibility Leveling Micrometric measures Recon- naissance Signals Tables Theodolite Vertical measures. Trigonometric leveling. See Elevations Leveling Refraction. Trigonometric measures. See Elevations Leveling Triangulation Vertical measures. Trigonometric points. See Geographic positions. Trinidad bay. Trinidad, Humboldt and San Diego bays. Rept. 1851, app. 50,* pp. 528-530. Tripod. See Signals. Trowbridge, William Petit. Tidal and magnetic observations of the western coast. Rept. 1854, app. 30,* pp. 37-40. Magnetic operations on the western coast. Rept. 1855, app. 34,* pp. 223-227. Method pursued in conducting tidal observations on the western coast of the United States. Rept. 1856, app. 42,* pp. 269, 270. Investigation of the laws of motion governing the descent of the weight and line in deep-sea soundings. Rept. 1858, app. 37,* pp. 228-246. Origin, cost and progress of foreign geodetic surveys with other data for comparison with the results of the United States Coast survey. Rept. 1858, app. 40,* pp. 251-270. Comparison of the cost and progress of the United States Coast survey 1832 to 1844 an d 1844 to 1856-57. Rept. 1858, app. 41,* pp. 270-273. * Pvxhausted. 229 COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PUBLICATIONS. Apparatus devised by W. P. Trowbridge and method of apptying it in determining ocean depths and obtaining specimens of bottom. Rept. 1859, a PP- 34>* PP- 359~364. Report at the magnetic station at Key West, Florida reef. Rept. 1860, app. 26,* pp. 326-349. Instrument devised by him to register depths in sounding, and distance as a log at sea. Rept. 1861, app. II,* pp. iSS-W Ukiah, Cal. Smith, Edwin, and Schlesinger, F. The International latitude service at Gaithersburg, Md., and Ukiah, Cal., under the auspices of the International geodetic association. Rept. 1900, app. 5, PP- 495-520. Unalashka language. Vocabularies of the Kodiac, Unalashka, Kenai and Sitka languages. Rept. 1867, app. iSG,* pp. 293-298. Unalaska, Alas. Schott, C. A. Resulting longitudes of Kadiak, Unalaska and Unga, Alaska, as determined chronometrically from Sitka in 1896, by the party under the charge of Fremont Morse, assistant. Rept. 1897, pt. 2, app. 3, pp. 263-268. Unalaska bay, Alas. Jarvis, D. H. Coast pilot notes on the Fox islands passes, Unalaska bay, Bering strait and Arctic ocean as far as Point Barrow. Bull. 40. ( 1900. ) Unga, Alas. Schott, C. A. Resulting longitudes of Kadiak, Unalaska and Unga, Alaska, as determined chronometrically from Sitka in 1896, by the party under the charge of Fremont Morse, assistant. Rept. 1897, pt. 2, app. 3, pp. 263-268. Unifilar traces. See Magnetic declination Magnetic variations. Unimak pass, Alas. Moser, J. F. Hydrographic notes, sailing directioHS, and charts of surveys relating to the vicinity of Prince William sound, Cook inlet, Kadiak island, and route from Unalaska to Chignik through Unimak pass and inside the islands. Bull. 38. ( 1899. ) United States. ARC MEASURES. Schott, C. A. Report on the method of reduction and results of connection of the Epping base line with the primary triangulation in the eastern states. Rept. 1864, app. 14,* pp. 120-144. Measures of arc of meridian of 3 23' between Nantucket [Mass.], and F'armington, Me. Rept. 1868, app. 9,* pp. 147-153. - The Pamplico-Chesapeake arc of the meridian and its combination with the Nantucket and the Peruvian arcs for a determination of the figure of the earth from American meas- ures. Rept. 1877, app. 6,* pp. 84-95. Primary triangulation between Kent island [Maryland] and Atlanta [Georgia] base lines. Rept. 1878, app. 8, pp. 92-120. Results of the transcontinental line of geodetic spirit leveling near the parallel of 39. Part first, from Sandy Hook, N. J., to St. Louis, Mo. Rept. 1882, app. n, pp. 517-556. The transcontinental triangulation and the American arc of the parallel. Sp. pub. 4. (1900.) The Eastern oblique arc of the United States and osculating spheroid. Sp. pub. 7. (1902.) BOUNDARIES. Dall, W. H. Boundary line between the territory of the United States and of Russia, passing through Bering Strait. Rept. 1880, app. 16,* sup. note, pp. 335-339- CHANNELS. Least water in channel entrances to certain harbors, rivers and anchorages on the coasts of the United States. Rept. 1857, app. 21,* pp. 178-184. Whiting, W. D., and Pourtales, L. F. Channel entrances of harbors, rivers, ports and anchor- ages on the coasts of the United States. Rept. 1856, app. 18,* pp. 133-137- COAST PILOT. See List of Coast pilots in Part I. GRAVITY. Mendenhall, T. C. Determinations of gravity with the new half-second pendulums of the Coast and geodetic survey at stations on the Pacific coast, in Alaska, and at the base stations, Washington, D. C., and Hoboken, N. J. Rept. 1891, pt. 2, app. 15, pp. 5O3~5 6 4- Putnam, G. R. Determination of relative value of gravity in Europe and the United States in 1900. Rept. 1901, app. 5, pp. 345-355- (And Gilbert, G. K.) Relative determinations of gravity with half-second pendulums, and other pendulum investigations by G. R. Putnam, and a report on a geological examina- tion of some Coast and geodetic survey gravity stations by G. K. Gilbert, United States Geological survey. Rept. 1894, pt. 2, app. i, pp. 7-55. HISTORY. Kohl, J. G. History of discovery and exploration on the coasts of the United States. Rept. 1884, app. 19,* pp. 495-617. LEVELING. Hayford, John F. Precise leveling in the United States. Rept. 1899, app. 8, pp. 347-886. * Exhausted. 230 CATALOGUE. United. LEVELING. Schott, C. A. Results of the transcontinental line of geodetic spirit leveling near the parallel of 39. Part first, from Sandy Hook, N. J., to St. Louis, Mo. Rept. 1882, app. 1 1,* pp. 517-556. LONGITUDE. Telegraphic determination of the longitude of San Francisco, Cal. [Signals with Cambridge, Mass.] Rept. 1870, app. 12,* p. 100. Difference of longitude between Harvard college observatory, Massachusetts, the Coast survey station, Seaton, and the Naval observatory, Washington, D. C., by the electric telegraph in 1867. Rept. 1870, app. 13,* pp. 101-106. Dean, G. W. Telegraphic method of determining differences of longitude. [Wilmington, N. C., Macon, Ga., and Montgomery, Ala.] Rept. 1856, app. 21,* pp. 167-181. Gould, B. A. Results of observations for the determination of difference of longitude by tele- graph between Seaton station, Washington [D. C.], and Charleston, S. C. Rept. 1853, app. 33,* PP- 86-88. On telegraphic observations for the difference of longitude between Raleigh, N. C., and Columbia, S. C. Rept. 1854, app. 41,* pp. 128-131. Telegraphic operations for difference of longitude between Columbia, S. C., and Macon, Ga. Rept. 1855, app. 46,""" pp. 286-295. Operations for difference of longitude between Wilmington, N. C., and Montgomery, Ala. Rept. 1856, app.*2O,* pp. 163-166. On the progress made in the different campaigns for differences of longitude. [Wash- ington, D. C., to New Orleans, La.] Rept. 1857, app. 27,* pp. 305-310. Longitude from observations by telegraph between Calais, Me. , and New Orleans, La. Rept. 1862, app. 14,'" pp. 156-160. On computations connected with the telegraphic method for difference of longitude. [Calais, Me., to New Orleans, La.] Rept. 1863, app. 18,* pp. 154-156. On results of computation for longitude by telegraphic method. [Seaton, D. C., to New Orleans, La.] Rept. 1864, app. 12,* pp. 115-116. Report on the results of determining longitude by the telegraphic method. Rept. 1865, app. 14,* pp. 150-151. Schott, C. A. Telegraphic longitude of Key West. [Signals with Washington, D. C.] Rept. 1875, app. 9,* pp. 139-156. Determination of longitude by means of the electric telegraph. [Nashville, Tenn., and Atlanta, Ga.] Rept. 1880, app. 14,* pt. 2, pp. 229-241. Results of the longitudes of the Coast and geodetic survey determined up to the present time by the electric telegraph with preliminary adjustment. Rept. 1880, app. 6, pp. 81-92. Longitudes deduced in the Coast and geodetic survey from determinations by means of the electric telegraph, between the years 1846 and 1885. Second adjustment. Rept. 1884, app. ii, pp. 407-430. Telegraphic longitude net of the United States and its connection with that of Europe, 1866-1896. Rept. 1897, pt. 2, app. 2, pp. 197-261. Walker, S. C. Differences of longitude by telegraph. [Philadelphia, Pa., Jersey City, N. J., Washington,. D. C.] Rept. 1846, app. ir,*pp. 72-74. Same. Rept. 1866, app. 13,* pp. 100-102. Difference of longitude of Philadelphia and Greenwich, by reduction of observations at Cambridge, Mass. Rept. 1846, app. 10,* pp. 71, 72. Same. Rept. 1866, app. 12,* pp. 99, 100. Telegraphic operations and computations [Washington and St. Louis]. Rept. 1850, app. 13,- pp. ^5-89. Same. Rept. 1866, app. 15,* pp. 106-108. TERRESTRIAL MAGNETISM. Continuation of list of magnetic stations and results. Rept. 1860, app. 28,* pp. 351, 352. Bache, A. D. List of magnetic stations and results. Rept. 1858, app. 24,* pp. 191, 192. Magnetic stations and results (supplementary to lists given in Annual reports of 1856, 1858, and 1860, pp. 351-352). Rept. 1862, app. 20,* pp. 230-231. Results of magnetic observations made in the United States by Prof. J. N. Xicollet between 1832 and 1836. Rept. 1864, app. 19," pp. 207-210. (And Hilgard, J. E. ) Tables of magnetic declinations [in geographical order from] Coast survey observations. Rept. 1855, app. 47,* pp. 295-306. On the general distribution of terrestrial magnetism in the United States. Rept. 1856, app. 28,* pp. 209-225. Bauer, L. A. United States magnetic declination tables and isogonic charts for 1902 and prin- cipal facts relating to the earth's magnetism. Sep. pub. (1902.) Hilgard, J. E. Chart of magnetic declination in the United States, 1875. Rept. 1876, app. 21, pp. 400, 401. Schott, C. A. Discussion of the secular change in the magnetic declination on the Atlantic and part of the Gulf coasts of the United States. [Ed. i.] Rept. 1855, app. 48,* pp. 306-337. Above entry is supplemented by the two following. Secular change of the magnetic declination on the western coast. Rept. 1856, app. 31,* pp. 228-235. Secular change of the magnetic declination, accompanied by tables showing the varia- tion of the needle on the coasts of the United States for every tenth year from the date of the earliest reliable observations. Rept. 1859, app. 24,* pp. 296-305. *Exhausted. 231 United. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PUBLICATIONS. TERRESTRIAL MAGNETISM. Schott, C. A. Same. Ed. 2. Title changed to Secular change of magnetic declination in the United States and other parts of North America; new discus- sion. Kept. 1874, app. 8,* pp. 72-108. Same. Ed. 3. Sep. pub. (1879.)* Same. Ed. 4. Rept. 1879, app. 9,* pp. 124-174. Same. Ed. 5. Rept. 1882, app. 12,* pp. 211-276. Same. Ed. 6. Greatly enlarged. (Apr.,- 1887. ) Rept. 1886, app. 12, pp. 291-407. Same. Ed. 7. (June, 1889.) Rept. 1888, app. 7, pp. 177-312. Same. Ed. 8. Title changed to Secular variation in direction and intensity of the earth's magnetic force in the United States and in some adjacent countries. Rept. 1895, pt. 2, app. i, pp. 167-320. Results for declination, dip, and horizontal intensity. Rept. 1855, app. 49,* p. 337. Magnetic observations made at stations in Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia. Rept. 1856, app. 29,* pp. 226, 227. Results of observations for magnetic declination, dip, and intensity at stations in section III. [Middle Atlantic States.] Rept. 1856, app. 30,* p. 227. Secular variation of the magnetic inclination in the northeastern States. Rept. 1856, app. 32,* pp. 235-245. Magnetic declination, dip, and intensity in 1859. Rept. 1859, app. 23,* p. 296. Secular change of the magnetic declination, accompanied by tables showing the varia- tion of the needle on the coasts of the United States for every tenth } T ear from the date of the earliest reliable observation. Rept. 1859, app. 24,* pp. 296-305. Secular change of magnetic intensity on the Atlantic, Gulf, and Pacific coasts of the United States. Rept. 1861, app. 22, pp. 242-251. Distribution of the magnetic declination on the coasts of Virginia, South Carolina, and Georgia, with a chart of the isogonic curves for 1860. Rept. 1861, app. 24,* pp. 256-259. Distribution of the magnetic declination on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico, with a chart of the isogonic curves for 1860. Rept. 1861, app. 23, pp. 251-256. Secular change of magnetic declination in the United States and other parts of North America; new discussion. Rept. 1874, app. 8*, pp. 62-65. Declination, dip, and intensity from observations made by the U. S. Coast and geodetic survey between 1833 and 1882. Rept. iSSi, app. 9, pp. 159-224. Distribution of the magnetic declination in the United States at the epoch January, 1885, with three isogonic charts. Rept. 1882, app. 13,* pp. 277-328. Geographical distribution and secular variation of the magnetic dip and intensity in the United States. Rept. 1885, app. 6, pp. 129-274. The distribution of the magnetic declination in the United States for the epoch 1890. Rept. 1889, app. u, pp. 233-402. The secular variation and annual change of the magnetic force at stations occupied, in connection with U. S. Eclipse expedition to the west coast of Africa, in 1889-1890. Rept. 1891, pt. 2, app. 3, pp. 21-39. Distribution of the magnetic declination in the United States for the epoch January i, 1900. Rept. 1896, pt. 2, app. i, pp. 147-235. Distribution of the magnetic dip and the magnetic intensity in the United States for the epoch January i, 1900. Rept. 1897, pt. 2, app. i, pp. 159-196. TOPOGRAPHY. Wainwright, D. B. Model of United States and Alaska. No. IT. in Bull 20 (1893.) TRIANGUI,ATION. Results of the primary triangulation of the coast of New England from the northeastern boundary to the vicinity of New York. Rept. 1865, app. 21,* pp. 187-203. Schott, C. A. Report on the method of reduction and results of connexion of the Epping base line with the primary triangulation in the eastern states. Rept. 1864, app. 14,* pp. 120-144. Geodetic connection of the two primary base lines in New York and Maryland, their degree of accordance and degree of accuracy of the primary triangulation intervening, with the resulting angles and distances as finally adjusted. Rept. 1866, app. 8,* pp. 49-54. Primary triangulation between the Kent island, Md., and the Atlanta [Georgia] base lines. Rept. 1878, app. 8, pp. 92-120. The Transcontinental triangulation and the American arc of the parallel. Spec. Pub. 4 (19). See also Alaska Atlantic coast Chesapeake bay Columbia river Delaware bay Gulf coast Hudson river Lake Champlain Long Island sound Mississippi river New England Pacific coast Potomac river. See also State names. United States Eclipse expedition. Schott, C. A. The secular variation and annual change of the magnetic force at stations occu- pied in connection with the U. S. Eclipse expedition to the west coast of Africa in 1889-1890 in charge of Prof. D. P. Todd. Bull. 23. (1891.) Same. Rept. 1891, pt. 2, app. 3, pp. 21-39. United States Government. See Coast and geodetic survey Fish commission Lake survey Naval observatory Weights and measures office. United States Signal office. See Ooglaamie. Utah. See Salt Lake base Transcontinental arc. Vancouver, Mt. See Mt. Vancouver. ^Exhausted. 232 CATALOGUE. Variation. Variation of the compass. See Magnetic declination. Variations. See Magnetic variations. Velocity. See Currents Rivers. Venus, Transit of. Davidson, George. Transit of Venus (1874). Rept. 1875, app. 13,* pp. 222-230. Schott, C. A. Transit of Venus, 1769. Results of observations for determining positions occu- pied in Lower California and at Philadelphia. Rept. 1874, app. 10,* pp. 131-133. Transit of Venus of December 6, 1882 [United States]. Rept. 1883, app. 16, p^, 371-373. Smith, Edwin. Transit of Venus, Chatham island, 1874. Rept. 1875, app. 14,* pp. 231-248. Vermont. See Lake Champlain New England. Vertical measures. Davidson, George, and Schott, C. A. Comparison of the methods of determining heights by means of leveling, vertical angles, and barometric measures, from observations at Bodega Head and Ross mountain, California. Rept. 1871, app. n,* pp. 154-170. Same. Rept. 1876, app. 16, pp. 338-354. See also Micrometric measures Triangulation. Vertical, Deviation of the. See Plumb-line deflection. Vertical force. (Magnetic.) See Magnetic intensity. Vibration. See Pendulum. Vineyard sound, Mass. Mitchell, H. Tidal observations on the south shore of Massachusetts and in Nantucket and Vineyard sounds. Rept. 1854, app. 29,* pp. 35-37. Interference tides of Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard sounds. Rept. 1856, app. 37,* pp. 261-263. Tides and currents in Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard sounds and in East river at Hell Gate, with remarks on the revision of levelings on Hudson river. Rept. 1857, app. 35,* PP- 350-354- On the movements of the sands at the eastern entrance to Vineyard sound. Rept. 1887, app. 6, pp. 159-163. See also Muskeget channel. Virginia. BOUNDARY. Whiting, H. L. Report in relation to a portion of boundary line in dispute between the states of Maryland and Virginia. Rept. 1890, app. n, pp. 621-623. LEVELING. Schott, C. A. Resulting heights from spirit leveling between Old Point Comfort and Richmond, Va., 1884, 1891, and 1892. Rept. 1896, pt. 2, app. 2, pp. 237-246. Resulting heights from spirit leveling between Richmond, Va. , and Washington, D. C., 1883 and 1884, with releveling between Richmond and Fredericksburg in 1886 and verifica- tion leveling between the two cities in 1895. Rept. 1896, pt. 2, app. 3, pp. 247-260. TERRESTRIAL MAGNETISM. Schott, C. A. Distribution of the magnetic declination on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico, with a chart of the isogonic curves for 1860. Rept. 1861, app. 24,* pp. 256-259. Magnetic observations made at stations in Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia. Rept. 1856, app. 29,* pp. 226, 227. Results of observations for magnetic declination, dip, and intensity at stations in Section III. [Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia.] Rept. 1856, app. 30,* p. 227. TRIANGUI.ATION. Schott, C. A. Connection of the primary base lines on Kent island, Md.,and Craney island, Va., and on the degree of accuracy of the intervening primary and sub- primary triangulations. Rept. 1869, app. 6,* pp. 105-112. See also Atlantic coast Chesapeake bay Eastern oblique arc James river Pamplico-Chesa- peake arc Petersburg Pocomoke sound Potomac river Tangier sound. Viscous fluid. Craig, Thomas. General properties of the equations of steady motion. Sep. pub. (1881.) Vocabularies. See Languages. Voltaic current. See Electro-magnetism. Voyages. Davidson, George. An examination of some of the early voyages of discovery and exploration on the northwest coast of America, from 1539 to 1603. Rept. 1886, app. 7, pp. 155-253. Pourtales, L. F. Voyage of the steamer Hassler from Boston to San Francisco. Rept. 1872, app. ii,* pp. 213-221. Schott, C. A. On the magnetic observations made during Bering's first voyage to the coasts of Kamchatka and eastern Asia in the years 1725-1730. Rept. 1891, pt. 2, app. 5, pp. 269- 273- See also Expeditions. Vreeland, C. E. Description of C. & G. S. steamer Blake and her deep-sea apparatus. No. 14 in Bull. 29. ( 1893. ) * Exhausted. 233 Waikiki. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PUBLICATIONS. Waikiki, Hawaiian islands. Preston, E. D. Transit of Mercury of May 9, 1881, at Waikiki, Hawaiian islands. Kept. 1891, pt. 2, app. 12, pp. 475-477- Variation of latitude at Waikiki, near Honolulu, Hawaiian islands, as determined from observations made in 1891 and 1892, in co-operation with the International geodetic asso- ciation. Rept. 1892, pt. 2, app. 2, pp. 53-159. Results of observations for the variations of latitude at Waikiki, Hawaiian islands, in co-operation with .the work of the International geodetic association. Bull. 27. ( 1893. ) The constant aberration as determined from a discussion of results for latitude at Wai- kiki, Hawaiian islands. Bull. 28. ( 1893. ) Wainwright, Dallas Bache. Preparation and arrangement of the exhibit of the U. S. Coast and geodetic survey at the World's Columbian exposition, 1893. Rept. 1893, pt. 2, app. 10, pp. 425-439. Model of United States and Alaska. No. 13 in Bull. 29. (1893.) A plane table manual. Rept. 1898, app. 8,* pp. 409-461. Notice relative to the use of charts issued by the United States Coast and geodetic survey. Sp. pub. 6. ( 1900. ) Walker, Sears C. Differences of longitude of Philadelphia and Greenwich, by reduction of observations at Cam- bridge, Mass. Rept. 1846, app. 10,* pp. 71, 72. Same. Rept. 1866, app 12,* pp. 99, 100. Differences of longitude by telegraph, Rept. 1846, app. n, pp. 72-74. Same. Rept. 1866, app. 13,* pp. 100-102. Recapitulation of results for personal equation, 1844-1848. Rept. 1848, app. 4,* pp. 77-83. Longitude computations. Rept. 1848, app. 19,* pp. 112-118. Same. Rept. 1866, app. 14,* pp. 102-105. Telegraphic operations and computations [Washington and St. Louis]. Rept. 1850, app. 13,* pp. 85-89. Same. Rept. 1866, app. 15,* pp. 106-108. Arrangement with Maine telegraph company to determine the difference of longitude between Cambridge and Halifax. Rept. 1851, app. 18,* pp. 462, 463. Measures of wave-time made from 1849 to 1851. Rept. 1851, app. 25,* pp. 476-479. Same. Rept. 1866, app. 16,* pp. 109-111. Abstract of reports on longitudes. Rept. 1851, app. 26,* pp. 480, 481. Same. Rept. 1866, app. 17,* pp. in, 112. Washington. Alden, James. The coast, harbors, and commerce of Washington territory. Rept. 1855, app. 29,* pp. 188-192. Goldsborough, H. A. Resources of Washington territory. Rept. 1856, app. 57,* pp. 293-295. See also Columbia river -Fort Steilacoom Pacific coast Port Townsend. Washington, D. C. CONFERENCES. Proceedings of the Topographical conference held at Washington, D. C., Jan- uary 18 to March 7, 1892. Rept. 1891, pt. 2, app. 16, pp. 565-746. Report of a conference on gravity determinations held at Washington, D. C., in May, 1882. Rept. 1882, app. 22, pp. 503-516. Proceedings of the Geodetic conference held at Washington, D. C., January 9 to February 28, 1894. Rept. 1893, pt. 2, app. 9, pp. 223-424. ECLIPSE. Schott, C. A. Observations of solar eclipse of July, 1860, at the Coast survey office, Washington, D. C. Rept. 1861, app. 20, pp. 239-241. GEOGRAPHIC POSITION. Preston, E. D. Establishment of the United States Naval observatory circle, and the determination of the geographical position of the center of the alock room. Rept. 1896, pt. 2, app. 6,* pp. 285-291. GRAVITY. Preston, E. D. Telegraphic determination of the force of gravity at Baltimore, Md., from simultaneous pendulum observations at Washington and Baltimore. Rept. 1894, pt. 2, app. 2, pp. 57-70. Mendenhall, T. C. Determinations of gravity with the new half-second pendulums of the Coast and geodetic survey at stations on the Pacific coast, in Alaska, and at the base stations, Washington, D. C., and Hoboken, N. J. Rept. 1891, pt. 2, app. 15, pp. 503-564. Smith, Edwin. Determinations of gravity with the Kater pendulums at Auckland, New Zea- land; Sydney, New South Wales; Singapore, British India; Tokio, Japan; San Francisco, Cal., and Washington, D. C. Rept. 1884, app. 14, pp. 439-473. PLUMB-LINE DEFLECTION. Schott, C. A. Local deflections of the zenith in the vicinity of Washington city. Rept. 1869, app. 7,* pp. i [3-115. TERRESTRIAL MAGNETISM. Schott, C. A. Secular variation of magnetic declination and dip at Washington, D. C. Rept. 1858, app. 26,* pp. 195-197. Report on the results from the observations made at the magnetical observatory on Capitol hill, Washington, D. C., between 1867 and 1869. Rept. 1869, app. 9, pp. 199-207. Secular changes in the declination, dip, and intensity of the magnetic force at Wash- ington, D. C. Rept. 1870, app. 14,* pp. 107-110. TRANSIT OBSERVATIONS. Transit of Venus of December 6, 1882, Washington, D. C., at Tepusquet station, California, and at Lehman's ranch, Nevada. Rept. 1883, app. 16, pp. 371-378. * Exhausted. 234 CATALOGUE. Washington. TRANSIT OBSERVATIONS. Schott, C. A. Observations at Washington, D. C., of the transit of Mercury. Rept. 1878, app. 7, pp. 88-91. Transit of Venus of December 6, 1882, at Washington, D. C. Rept. 1883, app. 16, PP- 371-373 (And Tittmann, O. H., Preston, E. D., Smith, E., Putnam, G. R., and Fischer, E. G.) Transit of Mercury on November 10, 1894, Coast and geodetic survey office, Washington, D. C. Rept. 1895; pt. 2, app. 4,* pp. 345-346. See also District of Columbia Naval observatory Potomac river Seaton station. Washington, D. C. Levels Annapolis, Md. Schott, C. A. Result of spirit leveling between tide water at Annapolis, Mrl., and the Capitol bench mark at Washington, D. C. Rept. 1889, app. 15, pp. 461-466. Washington, D. C. Levels Hagerstown, Md. Schott, C. A. Resulting heights from spirit leveling between Washington, D. C., and Hagers- town, Md. Rept. 1896, pt. 2, app. 4, pp. 261-264. Washington, D. C. Levels Richmond, Va. Schott, C. A. Resulting heights from spirit leveling between Richmond, Va., and Washing- ton, D. C., 1893 and 1894, with releveling between Richmond and Fredericksburg in 1896 and verification leveling between the two cities in 1895. Rept. 1896, pt. 2, app. 3, pp. 247-260. Washington, D. C. Longitude Charleston, S. C. Gould, B. A. Results of observations for the determination of difference of longitude by tele- graph between Seaton station, Washington [D. C.], and Charleston, S. C. Rept. 1853, app. 33,* PP- 86-88. Washington, D. C. Longitude St. Louis, Mo. Walker, S. C. Telegraphic operations and computations [Washington and St. Louis]. Rept. 1850, app. 13,* pp. 85-89. Water. See Sea water. Water level. Pourtales, L. F. Effect of winds in varying the level of water in Albemarle sound. Rept. 1856, app. 43,* pp. 271-272. Schott, C. A. Fluctuations in the level of Lake Champlain and average height of its surface above the sea. Rept. 1887, app. 7, pp. 165-172. See also Sea level. Waterspouts. Ferrel, William. Meteorological researches for the use of the Coast pilot. Part II. On cyclones, waterspouts, and tornadoes. Rept. 1878, app. 10,* pp. 175-267. Wave-time. See Transmission time. Waves. See Earthquake waves Tides.. Weights and measures office. Baylor, J. B. Descriptive catalogue of publications relating to the U. S. Coast and geodetic survey, 1807-1896, and to U. S. Standard weights and measures, 1790 to 1890. Rept. 1891, app. ii, pp. 365-474- Same revised and with additions to 1896. Sp. Pub. 2.* ( 1898. ) Goodfellow, Edward. Descriptive catalogue of publications relating to the Coast and geodetic survey and to standard measures. Rept. 1883, app. 6, pp. 121-135. Hayford, John F. The Rueprecht balance belonging to the United States Office of standard weights and measures. Rept. 1895, pt. 2, app. 9,* pp. 383-392. Schott, C. A. and Tittmann, O. H. Relation between the metric standards of length of the U. S. Coast and geodetic survey and the U. S. Lake survey. Rept. 1889, app. 6,* pp. 179-197. Stratton, S. W. Weights and measures. (Leaflet printed for distribution at the Pan-American exposition, Buffalo, N. Y. ) Sep. Pub. (1901.) Tittmann, O. H. Historical account of United States standards of weights and measures; of the national prototypes of the metre and the kilogramme; of their transportation from Paris to Washington; of their official opening and certification, and of their deposit in the Office of weights and measures. Rept. 1890, app. 18, pp. 735-758. Verification of weights and measures. Bull. 15. (1890.) Weights and measures. No. 12 in Bull. 29. (1893.) See also Base measures Meter Standards. Welch, Williams. Proportions and spacing of Roman letters as ascertained from the best examples. Rept. 1900, app. 4, pp. 483-494. West Indies. See Caribbean sea Gulf Stream. Western coast. See Pacific coast. * Exhausted. 235 West. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PUBLICATIONS. West Virginia. Geographical positions determined, approximately, in West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, and Missouri. Rept. 1865, app. 10,* p. 137. See also St. Albans base Transcontinental arc. Whiting, Henry Laurens. Progress of Sandy Hook from 1848 to 1850. Rept. 1850, app. 9,* pp. 81, 82. Survey of Beaufort harbor, North Carolina. Rept. 1851, app. 28,* pp. 482-484. Topographical contour, hydrographic details, and reduction, on photography and on the scale of shades suitable for complete maps. Rept. 1860, app. 20,* pp. 216-229. Special survey of Provincetown harbor, Massachusetts. Rept. 1867, app. 12,* pp. 149-157. (And Mitchell, H.) Reports concerning Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket. Rept. 1869, app. 15,* pp. 236-259. Shore-line changes at Edgartown harbor, Mass. Rept. 1872, app. 17, * pp. 262-265. Report of changes in the shore line and beaches of Martha's Vineyard, as derived from com- parisons of recent with former surveys. -Rept. 1886, app. 9, pp. 263-266. Recent changes in the south inlet into Edgartown harbor, Martha's Vineyard. Rept. 1889, app. 14, pp. 450-460. Report in relation to a portion of boundary line in dispute between the states of Maryland and Virginia. Rept. 1890, app. n, pp. 621-623. Topography. No. 7 in Bull. 29. ( 1893. ) Whiting, W. D. (And Pourtales, L. F. )' I/east water in channel 'entrances of harbors, rivers, ports, and anchorages on the coasts of the United States. Rept. 1856, app. 18,* pp. 133-137. Least water in channel entrances to certain harbors, rivers and anchorages on the coasts of the United States. Rept. 1857, app. 21,* pp. 178-184. Wilmington, N. C. Dean, G. W. Establishment of meridian lines at Petersburg, Va., and Raleigh and Wilming- ton, N. C. Rept. 1854, app. 44,* p. 146. Wilmington, N. C. Longitude Columbia, S. C. Gould, B. A. On the progress made in the different campaigns for differences of longitude. Rept. 1857, app. 27,* pp. 305-310. Wilmington, N. C. Longitude Montgomery, Ala. Gould, B. A. Operations for difference of longitude between Wilmington, N.C., and Mont- gomery, Ala. Rept. 1856, app. 20,* pp. 163-166. Wind effects on water. Ferrel, William. On the mechanics and general motion of the Atmosphere. Part I of Meteor- ological effects on tides. Rept. 1871, app. 6,* pp. 93-99. AI,BEMARI,,E SOUND. Pourtales, L. F. Effect of winds in varying the level of the water in Albemarle sound. Rept. 1856, app. 43,* pp. 271, 272. GuiyF COAST. Bache, A. D. Winds of the coast of the United States on the Gulf of Mexico. Rept. 1856, app. 44,* pp. 272-276. Dean, G. W. Effect of the wind on the height of the water in Cat island harbor, Mississippi. Rept. 1856, app. 45,* pp. 276-278. See also Hydrographic surveys Physical hydrography Tides. Winds. Bache, A. D. Winds of the western coast. Rept. 1857, app. 36,* pp. 354-358. Ferrel, William. Meteorological researches for the use of the Coast pilot. Rept. 1875, app. 20,* pp. 369-412. Winlock, Joseph. Reports of observations of the eclipse of the sun on August 7, 1869, made by a party of the Coast survey at Shelbyville, Ky. Rept. 1869, app. 8, pp. 124-126. Winslow, Francis. Report on the oyster beds of the James river, Virginia, and of Tangier and Pocomoke sounds, Maryland and Virginia. Rept. 1881, app. n, pp. 269-353. Report on the sounds and estuaries of North Carolina with reference to oyster culture. Bull. 10. (1889.) Winston, Isaac. Leveling rods designed and constructed for use in geodetic leveling operations. Rept. 1895, pt. 2, app. 8, pp. 381, 382. Resulting elevations from spirit leveling between Denver, Colo., and Rock Creek, Wyo. , from observations by Isaac Winston, assistant, between May 12 and October 21, 1899. Rept. 1899, app. 5, pp. 283-298. Wire Measures. Jaderin, Edw. On the measurement of base lines with steel tapes and with steel and brass wires. Rept. 1893, pt. 2, app. 5, pp. 125-164. See also Base measuring apparatus. Wisconsin. See Madison Milwaukee. * Exhausted. 236 CATALOGUE. Woodward. Woodward, R. Simpson. On the measurement of the Hoi ton base, Hoi ton, Ripley county, Indiana, and the St. Albans base, Kanawha county, W. Va. The iced bar and tape base apparatus and results of meas- ures made with them on the Holton and St. Albans bases. Rept. 1892, pt. 2, app. 8, PP- 334-489. Base apparatus. No. 2 in Bull. 29. (1893.) Worcester, Mass. Smith, Edwin. Determinations of gravity at the Polytechnic institute, Worcester, Mass., and at Columbia university, New York city, with pendulum apparatus B. 1899. Rept. 1899, app. 4, pp. 271-282. World's Columbian exposition. The methods and results of the U. S. Coast and geodetic survey as illustrated at the World's Columbian exposition, 1893. Bull. 29. (1893.) Wainwright, D. B. Preparation and arrangement of the exhibit of the U. S. Coast and geodetic survey at the World's Columbian exposition, 1893. Rept. 1893, pt. 2, app. 10, pp. 425-439. Wrangell strait. vSailing directions for Wrangell strait, Alaska. Notice to mariners 60. (1885.) Wiirdemann, Qustav. On tidal observations made between New York city and Albany. Rept. 1856, app. 40,* pp. 266, 267. Wiirdemann apparatus. Si-e Base-measuring apparatus. Wyoming. Winston, Isaac. Resulting elevations from spirit leveling between Denver, Colo., and Rock Creek, Wyo. , from observations in 1899. Rept. 1899, a PP- 5> PP- 283-298. See also Sherman Summit. Yard. Hilgard, J. E. Comparison of American and British standard yards. Rept. 1877, app. 12, pp. 148-181. Tittmanii, O. H. On the relation of the yard to the metre. Rept. 1890, app. 16, pp. 715-720. Same. Bull. 9. (1889.) Yerba Buena island. See San Francisco bay. Yolo base. Davidson, George. Measurement of the Yolo base, Cal. Rept. 1882, app. 8, pp. 139-149. (And Gilbert, J. J. ) Transit of Mercury of November 7, 1881, as observed at Yolo base, California. Rept. 1883, app. 15,* pp. 369, 370. Schott, C. A. Length of the primary base line in Yolo county, Cal. Rept. 1883, app. n, pp. 273-288. Results deduced from the geodetic connection of the Yolo base line with the primary triangulation of California; also a reduction and adjustment of the Davidson quadrilaterals, forming part of that triangulation. Rept. 1885, app. 9, pp. 441-467. York, Pa. Peirce, C. S. Determinations of gravity at Allegheny, York, and Ebensburg, Pa. Rept. 1883, app. 19, pp. 473-487. Young, Charles A. (And Cutts, R. D. ) Astronomical and meteorological observations made at Sherman, Wyo. T. Rept. 1872, app. 8,* pp. 75-172. Zenith, Deflection of. See Plumb-line deflection. Zenith telescope. Bache, A. D. On a supposed personal equation in the use of the zenith telescope for determin- ing latitute by Talcott's method. Rept. 1858, app. 20,* pp. 184-186. Dean, G. W T . Description of zenith telescope by Wurdemann, used at Dixmdnt, Me. Rept. 1855, app. 44,* pp. 276-278. Hilgard, J. E. On the use of the zenith telescope for observations of time. Rept. 1869, app. 12, pp. 226-232. Schott, C. A. Method for determining latitude by the zenith telescope. Rept. 1857, app. 31,* pp. 324-334. Latitude by the zenith telescope. Rept. 1866, app. 10,* pp. 72-85. Determination of time, longitude, latitude, and azimuth. Rept. 1880, app. 14,* pt. 3, pp. 243-259. Zoology. Agassiz, Louis. Relation of geological and zoological researches to general interests in the development of coast features. Rept. 1867, app. 17,* pp. 183-186. Harford, W. G. W. Zoology of Alaska territory. Rept. 1867, app. l8F,* pp. 290-292. Pourtales, L. F. Microscopical examination of specimens of bottom from deep-sea soundings. Rept. 1858, app. 39,* pp. 248-250. See also Dredgings. Zumbrock, A. Electrotyping and photographing. Rept. 1875, app. 6,* pp. 87, 88. * Exhausted. 237 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY O. H. TITTMANN, SUPERINTENDENT TO THE LIST AND CATALOGUE OF THE PUBLICATIONS ISSUED BY THE U. S. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY 1816-1902 JANUARY, 1903, TO AUGUST, 1908 By R. M. BROWN, Librarian WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1908 This Supplement includes publications which have been published since 1902, pub- lications which were omitted from the "List and Catalogue," and a list of publications which have become exhausted since the issue of the "List and Catalogue." By act of Congress passed February 14, 1903, the Coast and Geodetic Survey was, on July i, 1903, transferred from the Treasury Department to the Department of Com- merce and Labor. All of the publications available for issue except the Coast Pilots and Tide Tables, which are sold at the cost of paper and printing, may be obtained, free of charge, on application to the Superintendent of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington, D. C. PART I.-LIST. ANNUAL REPORTS. The Annual Report of the Superintendent of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, illustrated with maps and diagrams, is made under law to Congress at each session, and consists of a review of the progress of the work during the year in the field and in the office. Professional papers relating to methods and results are published as appen- dices to the report, and also published separately as reprints. 19O2 Report of the Superintendent of the Coast and geodetic survey showing the progress of the work from July i, 1901, to June 30, 1902. Wash. Gov't print, office. 1903. 799 PP-> *3 views, 76 maps and sketches (4 progress sketches in pocket). 5 diag. 30". [U. S. Treasury dept.] O. H. Tittmann, superintendent. Also published as Senate doc. 223, 57th Cong., ist sess. 7 appendices: nos. 3-5 also issued separately. APPENDICES. *i. Details of field operations. Pp. 57-185. 64 maps and sketches. *2. Details of office operations. Pp. 187-210 3. Triangulation in Kansas. By J. F. Hayford. Pp. 211-293. 5 sketch maps. CONTENTS. Measurement of angles; adjustment; accuracy, positions, lengths, and azimuths; tables of position azimuths, descriptions, and elevations. *4. The hypsograph. Designed by Fremont Morse. Pp. 295-300. 2 views. CONTENTS. Comparison with other topographic slide rules; description; directions for use. 5. The magnetic observatories of the U. S. Coast and geodetic survey in operation on July i, 1902. By L,. A. Bauer and J. A. Fleming. Pp. 301-331. 8 views, 3 maps and sketches, 5 diag. Cheltenham, Sitka, Honolulu, and Baldwin observatories. 6. Magnetic dip and intensity observations January, 1897, to June 30, 1902. By D. L. Hazard, with preface by L A. Bauer. Pp. 333-336. 3 views. CONTENTS. Results; observatories and instruments; methods; dip circle comparisons; table of results of dip and intensity observations. 7. Hawaiian geographic names. Compiled by W. D. Alexander. Pp. 367-425. CONTENTS. Islands; districts; channels; bays and harbors; capes and points; rivers and streams; ponds; elevations; list of lands; towns, villages, and hamlets; meaning of names; glossary; index 8. A bibliography of geodesy. Second edition. By J. H. Gore, professor of mathematics, Columbian university; sometime acting assistant, U. S. Coast and geodetic survey, author of Elements of geodesy and History of geodesy. Pp. 427-787. NOTE. ". . . one alphabet, in which will be found authors, abbreviations, and subjects. "- Preface. * Exhausted. Report 1903. LIST. 19O3 Report of the Superintendent of the Coast and geodetic survey showing the progress of the work from July i, 1902, to June 30, 1903. Wash. Gov't print, office. 1904. 1032 pp. 8 views. 72 maps and sketches 1.4 progress sketches in pocket), n diae 7o cm [U.S. Treasury dept.] O. H. Tittmann, superintendent. Also published as Senate doc. 200, s8th Cong., 2d sess. 7 appendices: nos. 3-6 also issued separately. APPENDICES. *i. Details of field operations. Pp. 23-162. 59 maps and sketches. *2 Details of office operations. Pp. 163-188. 3. Precise leveling in the United States, 1900-03, with a readjustment of the level net and resulting elevations. By J. F. Hayford. pp. 189-810. 2 views, 14 maps and sketches, 6 diag. CONTENTS. New precise level; rods and rod supports; instructions; record and computation exam- ples, correction tables; level lines statistics; various lines; direct results of observations; test of adjustment; circuit closures; level net adjustment; equations; elevations of junction points correc- tions; comparisons; speed, cost, and accuracy of leveling; bench marks. 4. Triangulation southward along the ninety-eighth meridian in 1902. By J. F. Hayford. pp. 811-930. 5 views, 5 maps and sketches, 5 diag. CONTENTS. Methods; acetylene signal lamp; light-keepers; signal code; signals, and construction of; framing of scaffold ; designs; tools; building party; occupation of stations; adjustments; equations; accuracy; accord of bases; study of errors; explanation of positions, lengths, azimuths, and U. s! Standard datum; index to positions; descriptions, and elevations; table of positions, azimuths, and lengths; description of stations; computation, adjustment, and accuracy of elevations; table of elevations. 5. Results of magnetic observations made by the Coast and geodetic survey between July i, 1902, and June 30, 1903. By L. A. Bauer, pp. 931-1004. CONTENTS. Geographic distribution of stations; results; investigations; instruments and use; accu- racy; comparison of instruments; dip circles; reduction of observations; arrangement of tables; results of magnetic observations; description of stations. 6. Channel and harbor sweep. Description by D. B. Wainwright. pp. 1005-1010. 1 view. *j. Geographic names in Alaska. Compiled by G. R. Putnam, pp. 1011-1016. 19O4 Report of the Superintendent of the Coast and geodetic survey showing the progress of the work from July i, 1903, to June 30, 1904. Wash. Gov't print, office. 1904. 774 pp. 79 illus. 56 maps and sketches 4 progress sketches in pocket). 3o cni . At head of title: Department of commerce and labor. O. H. Tittmann, superintendent. Also published as House doc. 17, s8th Cong., jd sess. Department of commerce and labor doc. no. 21, Coast and geodetic survey. 9 appendices: nos. 3-9 also issued separately. APPENDICES. *i. Details of field operations, pp. 33153. 56 maps and sketches. *2. Details of office operations, pp. 157205. 3. Results of magnetic observations made by the Coast and geodetic survey between July i, 1903, and June 30, 1904. By L. A. Bauer, pp. 207-255. 2 illus. CONTENTS. Observations on land; observations at sea; methods of observing; accuracy; comparison of instruments; reduction of observations; results of magnetic observations on land and sea; descriptions of stations. 4. Telegraphic longitudes. The Pacific arcs from San Francisco to Manila, 1903-4, completing the circuit of the earth. By Edwin Smith, pp. 259-311. 13 illus. CONTENTS. Descriptions of stations; automatic record of cable signals; instrumental outfit; determi- nation of instrumental constants and chronometer corrections; resulting longitudes; previous deter- minations of the longitudes. * Exhausted. 10 LIST Report 1905. 5. Manual of tides, part IV B. Cotidal lines for the world. By R. A. Harris, pp. 315-400. 41 illus. CONTENTS. On the combination of long waves; additional lemmas; matter concerning aphidromic regions; cotidal lines; semidiurnal tides in the Indian ocean; semidiurnal tides in the Atlantic ocean; semidiurnal tides in the Arctic ocean; tides in the Pacific ocean. 6. Precise leveling from Red Desert, Wyoming, to Owyhee, Idaho, 1903. By J. F. Hayford. pp. 403-430. CONTENTS. Instruments and rods; results; various lines; rail elevations; statistics of lines; use of railroad rail as rod support; leveling; bench marks. 7. Precise leveling from Holland to New Braunfels, Texas, 1903. By J. F. Hayford. pp. 433- 45- CONTENTS. Instruments and rods; results; rail elevations; statistics of the line; leveling; bench marks. 8. A test of a transit micrometer. By J. F. Hayford. pp. 453-487. 2 illus. CONTENTS. Theory; history; description of the Coast and geodetic survey transit micrometer; test of Coast and geodetic survey transit micrometer; results; personal equation; accuracy; speed: number of records for each star; influence of errors of right ascension; number of observing nights; literature. 9. Triangulation in California, part I. By A. L. Baldwin, pp. 491-764. 21 illus. CONTENTS. The primary triangulation; unit of length; Los Angeles base line; adjustments; horizon- tal directions; condition equations; accuracy; accord of the bases; treatment of subordinate tri- angulation; accuracy of subordinate triangulation; explanation of positions, lengths, and azimuths and of the U.S. Standard datum; table of positions, azimuths, and lengths; descriptions of stations; computation, adjustment, and accuracy of elevations; table of elevations; index to positions, descriptions, and elevations. 19O5 Report of the Superintendent of the Coast and geodetic survey showing the progress of the work from July i, 1904, to June 30, 1905. Wash. Gov't print, office. 1905. 347 pp. 6 illus. 8 maps and sketches 4 progress sketches in pocket). 31 diag. 3o cm . At head of title: Department of commerce and labor. O. H. Tittmann, superintendent. Also published as House doc. no. 17, sgth Cong., ist sess. Department of commerce and labor doc. no. 45, Coast and geodetic survey. 7 appendices: nos. 3-7 also issued separately. APPENDICES. *i. Details of field operations, pp. 25-86. *2. Details of office operations, pp. 87-103. 3. Results of magnetic observations made by the Coast and geodetic survey between July i, 1904, and June 30, 1905. By L. A. Bauer, pp. 105-192. CONTENTS. Observations on land; secular change of magnetic declination; observations at sea; methods of observing; accuracy of results; comparison of instruments; reduction of observations; results of magnetic observations on land and sea; description of stations. 4. Precise leveling from Red Desert, Wyoming, to Seattle, Washington, 1903-1904. By J. F. Hayford. pp. 193-241. CONTENTS. Instruments and rods; first connection between Atlantic and Pacific oceans by precise leveling; results; various lines; rail elevations; statistics of lines; leveling; bench marks. 5. Triangulation along the ninety-eighth meridian, Lampasas to Seguin, Texas. By J. F. Hay- ford, pp. 243-282. 2 diag. CONTENTS. Progress of operations; adjustments; equations; accuracy; study of errors; cost; expla- nation of positions, lengths, and azimuths, and of the United States Standard datum; table of posi- tions, azimuths and lengths; descriptions of stations; computation, adjustment, and accuracy of elevations; table of elevations; index to positions, descriptions, and elevations. 6. Long wire sweep. By D. B. \Vainwright. pp. 283-287. 2 diag. 7. A plane table manual. By D. B. Wainwright. pp. 289-342. 6 illus. 27 diag. CONTENTS. Definitions; instruments; field work. * Exhausted. 11 Report 1906. LIST. 19O6 Report of the Superintendent of the Coast and geodetic survey showing the progress of the work from July i, 1905, to June 30, 1906. Wash. Gov't print, office. 1906. 230 pp. i illus. 10 maps and sketches (9 progress sketches in pocket). 30. At head of title: Department of commerce and labor. O. H. Tittmann, superintendent. Also published as House 17, 59th Cong., 2d sess Department of commerce and labor doc. no. 61, Coast and geodetic survey. 4 appendices: nos. 3-4 also issued separately. APPENDICES. *i. Details of field operations, pp. 23-86. *2. Details of office operations, pp. 87-104. 3. Results of magnetic observations made by the Coast and geodetic survey between July i, 1905, and June 30, 1906. By L. A. Bauer, pp. 105-210. i illus. CONTENTS. Observations on land and sea; methods; accuracy of results; comparison of instruments; reduction of observations; results of magnetic observations on land and sea; descriptions of stations. 4. Distribution of the magnetic declination in the United States for January i, 1905. By L. A. Bauer, pp. 211-226. 1 map. 1907 Report of the Superintendent of the Coast and geodetic survey showing the progress of the work from July i, 1906, to June 30, 1907. Wash. Gov't print, office. 1907. 565 p. 7 illus. 2 maps. 29 diag. 9 charts 9 progress sketches in pocket, 2 in colors). 3o cm . At head of title: Department of commerce and labor. O. H. Tittmann, superintendent. Also published as House doc. no. 17, 6oth Cong., ist sess. Department of commerce and labor doc. no. 80, Coast and geodetic survey. 7 appendices: nos. 3-7 also issued separately. APPENDICES. *i. Details of field operations, pp. 21-54. *2. Details of office operations, pp. 55-66. 3. The earth movements in the California earthquake of 1906. By J. F. Hayford and A. L. Baldwin, pp. 67-104. 2 maps. CONTENTS. General statement; extent of new triangulation ; the old triangulation; permanent dis- placements produced by the earthquakes of 1868 and 1906; tables of displacements; displacements; distribution of earth movement; discussion of assumptions; changes in elevation. 4. Six primary bases measured with steel and invar tapes. By O. B. French, pp. 105-156. CONTENTS. Time table; apparatus; invar tapes; comparator at the Bureau of standards; determina- tion of length of iced bar; methods of standardization of tapes at the Bureau of standards; coefficients of expansion of tapes; lengths of invar tapes; Point Isabel comparator; Royalton Comparator; methods of field standardization; lengths of steel tapes; check field determinations of invar tapes; field procedure; measurement of base lines; summary of results; cost of base measurement; speed attained; errors of tape measures; temperature errors; conclusions. 5. Results of magnetic observations made by the Coast and geodetic survey between July i, 1906, and June 30, 1907. By R. L. Paris, pp. 157-230. CONTENTS. Observations on land; observations at sea; general methods of observing; accuracy of results; comparison of instruments; reduction of observations; arrangement of tables; magnetic observations on land, July i, 1906, and June 30, 1907; magnetic observations at sea, July i, 1906, and June 30, 1907; descriptions of stations. 6. Manual of tides. Part V: Currents, shallow-water tides, meteorological tides, and miscel- laneous matters. By R. A. Harris, pp. 231-546. 22 diag. 9 charts. CONTENTS. Flow and resistance: consideration of dimension and resistance in tidal waves; shallow- water and river tides; combinations of motions; observation and reduction of tidal currents; descrip- tion of tidal currents: tidal currents in relation to marine engineering; circulation of the sea, and annual inequality in the tides; seiches in lakes, bays, etc.; tides in lakes and wells, miscellaneous remarks on tides and modes of reduction; tables. 7. Long wire drag. By N. H. Heck. pp. 547-561. 7 illus. 7 diag. * Exhausted. 12 BULLETINS. The publication of information under this title has been discontinued except in the case of new editions of former issues. 36. Table of depths for channels and harbors, coasts of the United States, including Porto Rico, the Hawaiian islands, and the Philippine islands. Second edition. Wash. Gov't print, office. 1900. 118 pp 30, Third edition. (1907.) pp, 1-150, with index. 40. Alaska. Coast pilot notes on the Fox Islands passes, Unalaska bay, Bering sea and Arctic ocean as far as Point Barrow. Fifth edition. May 20, 1904. Wash. Gov't print, office. 1904. 77 PP- 5 views. 3O m . 13 SEPARATELY ISSUED PUBLICATIONS. These are papers that have been published on a variety of professional, scientific, bibliographical, or administrative subjects in separate form and without serial number. 1858. Directory of the Pacific coast of the United States reported to the superintendent of the U. S. Coast and geodetic survey by George Davidson. Washington: Government printing office. 1858.* 166 pp. 27^ cm . Rules for representing certain topographical features on the maps and charts of the United States coast survey, 1860. A. D. Bache.* 37 pp. 26 cm . (Copy in volume of Superintendent's correspondence entitled "Office divisions, etc.," p. 53.) 1874. Appendix. Tidal researches. Stereotyped by Welch, Bigelow and co., Cambridge, Mass. Printed at the Government printing office, Washington, D. C., 1874. xiii, 268 pp. 13 figs. 3o cm . (Not bound with report.) 1876. Professional papers. Determination of time, latitude, and azimuth. Reprinted from the U. S. Coast survey reports for 1866, 1868, and 1872. Washington: Government printing office. 1876.* 74 PP- 3Q cm . (Report, 1866, app. 9, 10, n; report, 1868, part of app. 10; report, 1872, app. 12.) 1882. Deep sea sounding and dredging. Supplement to description and discussion of the methods and appliances used on board the Coast and geodetic survey steadier " Blake," by C. D. Sigsbee, Lieutenant-commander, U. S. Navy, assistant, Coast and geodetic survey. Washington: Government printing office. 1882.* 15 pp. 29$ cm . 1885. Azimuth and apparent altitudes of polaris. U. S. Coast and geodetic survey. 1885. Compu- tation with North Polar Distance i 14', and Mean Refraction, by Messrs. Davidson, Morse, and Hill.* 23 cm_ 1891. Tide and current chart [showing graphically tidal and current data along sailing tracks] East River and Hell Gate, N. Y. By Lieut. E- H. Tillman, U. S. N., and John Ross. 1891.* One sheet. 55 x 45i om . Tide and current chart [showing graphically tidal and current data along sailing tracks] Nan- tucket and Vineyard sound. By Lieut. E. H. Tillman and John Ross. 1891.* One sheet. 55 x 43* cm . 1900. Efforts made by the Navy department to obtain control of the U. S. Coast and geodetic survey. (Reprinted from the hearings of the Committee on appropriations, April, 1900. Pp. 380- 418.) Washington: Government printing office. 1900.* 38 pp. 23. Table of factors for computing differences in elevations (in meters) and table of corrections for curvatures and refraction (in meters). Washington : Government printing office. 1900. 4 pp. 26 cm . 1901. Logarithms of numbers antilogarithms, etc. 1901. Cardboard leaf printed on both sides. 24 cm . 1902. List and catalogue of the publications issued by the U. S. Coast and geodetic survey, 1816-1902. By E. L. Burchard, Librarian. Washington: Government printing office. 1902.* 2 37 PP- 3 cm - * Exhausted. 15 Separates. LIST. 1903. United States magnetic declination tables and isogonic chart and principal facts relating to the earth's magnetism. Second edition. By L. A. Bauer. Washington: Government print- ing office. 1903. 405 pp. 32 figs. 3 pis. 30 cm . CONTENTS. Early history of the compass; birth of the science of terrestrial magnetism; the earth, a great magnet; variations of the earth's magnetism; magnetic observatories; magnetic charts; mag- netic surveys; the earth's magnetic poles and magnetic movement; determination of the true meridian; determination of the magnetic declination; secular change of the magnetic declination in the United States and outlying territories; the magnetic declination in the United States and out- lying territories for January i, 1902; table of the most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States and outlying territories reduced to January i, 1902; description of magnetic stations occupied by the Coast and geodetic survey between 1881 and June 30, 1902. Report on geodetic operations in the United States [1900-1903] to the fourteenth general con- ference of the International geodetic association. By O. H. Tittmann, superintendent of the Coast and geodetic survey, member of the permanent commission and delegate of the United States. Washington: Government printing office. 1903. Fold map. 30^. 1904. Methods and results of the U. S. Coast and geodetic survey. [Leaflets printed for distribution at the Louisiana purchase exposition, St. Louis, Mo.] 1904.* Issued separately. i8 pm . First edition printed May i, 1901. No. i. The Coast and geodetic survey. 5 pp. No. 2. Triangulation and reconnaissance. 4 pp. No. 3. Base apparatus. 10 pp. i pi. No. 4. Time, latitude, longitude, and azimuth. 4 pp. No. 5. Terrestrial magnetism. 4 pp. i pi. No. 6. Hydrography. 4 pp. i pi. No. 7. Topography. 4 pp. i pi. No. 8. Tides and tidal currents. 4 pp. No. 9. Leveling. 4 pp. i pi. No. 10. Coast pilots. 4 pp. No. ii. Chart publications. 4 pp. No. 12. Gravity. 4 pp. i pi. No. 13. Geodesy or measurement of the earth. 5 pp. 1904. Alaska. Coast pilot notes on Warren channel and Davidson inlet, west coast of Prince of Wales island, Southeast Alaska. Washington: Government printing office. 1904. 4 pp. i map. 3o em . 1905. Work of the Coast and geodetic survey. Reprint of leaflets descriptive of the work of the Coast and geodetic survey which were published as separates for distribution at the Louisiana purchase exposition held at St. Louis, Mo., in 1904. They have been republished in this form for distribution at the Lewis and Clark centennial exposition at Portland, Oregon, in 1905. Washington: Government printing office. 1905. CONTENTS. No. i. The Coast and geodetic survey, 5 pp.; No. 2. Triangulation and reconnaissance 4 pp.; No. 3. Base apparatus, 10 pp., i pi.; No. 4. Time, latitude, and azimuth, 4 pp.; No. 5. Terrestrial magnetism, 4 pp., i pi.; No. 6. Hydrography, 4 pp., i pi.; No. 7. Topography, 4 pp., i pi.; No. 8. Tides and tidal currents, 4 pp.; No. 9. Leveling, 4 pp., i pi.;- No. 10. Coast pilots, 4 pp.; No. n. Chart publications, 4 pp.; No. 12. Gravity, 4 pp., i pi.; No. 13. Geodesy or measurement of the earth, 5 pp. 1906. Geodetic operations in the United States, 1903-1906. A report to the fifteenth general confer- ence of the International geodetic association by O. H. Tittmann, superintendent, Coast and geodetic survey, member of the permanent commission and delegate of the United States, and J. F. Hayford, inspector of geodetic work, Coast and geodetic survey, and Helegate of the United States. Washington: Government printing office. 1906.*, 45 pp. 2 5 i cm . 1907. Survey of oyster bars, Anne Arundel county, Maryland. Description of boundaries and land- marks and report of the work of the United States Coast and geodetic survey in cooperation with Maryland shell fish commission. By C. C. Yates. Washington: Government print- ing office. 1907. 106 pp. Map. 29^ cin . Department of commerce and labor doc. no. 77, Coast and geodetic survey. CONTENTS. Charts and maps; boundaries of county waters; boundaries of natural oyster bars; land- marks (U. S. Coast and geodetic survey triangulations) ; report of the work of the Coast and geodetic survey; progress map. 1908. List of publications of the Coast and geodetic survey available for distribution May i, 1908. [Reprint from Department of commerce and labor. List of publications of the Department of commerce and labor available for distribution, May i, 1908.] Washington: Government printing office. 1908. 25 pp. 2 3 cm . * Exhausted 16 COAST PILOTS. These are a series of volumes covering the continental coasts of the United States, Porto Rico and a portion of Alaska, containing descriptions of the coast and harbors, sail- ing directions, and general information, etc., for the use of mariners. They are corrected to date of issue as nearly as practicable, and new editions are issued from time to time. United States coast pilot. Atlantic coast. Parts I-II. From St. Croix to Cape Ann. Second edition. 1903. 243, xii pp. 3 maps. 3o cm . Supplements to second edition of United States coast pilot. Atlantic coast. Parts I-II. From St. Croix to Cape Ann. 1905. (10 pp.)., 1906. (12 pp.) 30 cm United States coast pilot Atlantic coast. Part III. From Cape Ann to Point Judith. Second edition. 1903. 199, 9 pp. 3 illus. 3O em . Supplement to second edition of United States coast pilot. Atlantic coast. Part III. From Cape Ann to Point Judith. 1906. 8 pp. 30. Supplement to third edition of United States coast pilot. Atlantic coast. Part IV. From Point Judith to New York. 1903.* 10 pp. 3o cm . United States coast pilot. Atlantic coast. Part IV. From Point Judith to New York. Fourth edition. 1904.* 208 pp. 3 maps, i illus. 3o cm . Supplements to fourth edition of United States coast pilot. Atlantic coast. Part IV. From Point Judith to New York. 1906. (7 pp.), 1907. 9 pp. 30 cm Supplement to second edition of United States coast pilot. Atlantic coast. Part V. From New York to Chesapeake bay entrance. 1903.* 17 pp. 30 cm . United States coast pilot. Atlantic coast. Part Y. From New York to Chesapeake bay entrance. Third edition. 1904.* 149 pp. 4 maps. 3o cm . Supplement to third edition of United States coast pilot. Atlantic coast. Part V. From New York to Chesapeake bay entrance. 1906. 7 PP 30 cm . * Supplements to second edition of United States coast pilot. Atlantic coast. Part VI. Chesapeake bay and tributaries. 1904. (10 pp.), 1905. (13 pp.) 30 cm United States coast pilot. Atlantic coast. Part VI. Chesapeake bay and tributaries. Third edition. 1907. 192 pp. 2 maps. 3o cm . Supplements to second edition of United States coast pilot. Atlantic coast. Part VII. Chesapeake bay entrance to Key West. 1904. (18 pp.), 1905. (32 pp.) 30 cm . United States coast pilot. Atlantic coast. Part VII. Chesapeake bay entrance to Key West. Third edition. 1906. 223 pp. 3 maps. 3 illus. 3O cm . *Exhausted. 46458 08 2 17 Coast Mots. LIST. Supplement to third edition of United States coast pilot. Atlantic coast. Part VII. Chesapeake bay entrance to Key West. 1908. 12 pp. 30 cm . Supplements to second edition of United States coast pilot. Atlantic coast. Part VIII. Gulf of Mexico, from Key West to the Rio Grande. 1902. (10 pp.),* 1904. (26 pp.),* 1905. (28pp.), 1906. (28 pp.).* 3Q cm . United States coast pilot. Atlantic coast. Part VIII. Gulf of Mexico, from Key West to the Rio Grande. Third edition. 1908 177 pp. 4 illus. 3o cm . United States coast pilot. Pacific coast. California, Oregon, and Washington. 1903. 215, ix pp. 6 maps. 3O cm . Supplement to first edition of United States coast pilot. Pacific coast. California, Oregon, and Wash- ington. 1906. 1 1 pp. 30. Supplement to fourth edition of United States coast pilot. Pacific coast. Alaska. Part I. Dixon entrance to Yakutat bay, with inland passage Juan de Fuca strait to Dixon entrance. 1904. (14 pp.),* 1906. (26 pp.). 30 cm United States coast pilot. Pacific coast. Alaska. Part I. Dixon entrance to Yakutat bay, with in- land passage Juan de Fuca strait to Dixon entrance. Fifth edition. 1908. 220 pp. 5 maps. 8 illus. 3o cm . Alaska. Coast pilot notes from Yakutat bay to Cook inlet. 1908. 36 pp. 30 cm . United States coast pilot. West Indies. Porto Rico. 1906. n6pp. i map. i chart. 14 illus. 3o em . *Exhausted 18 SAILING DIRECTIONS FOR THE PHILIP- PINE ISLANDS. These contain descriptions of the coast and harbors of the Philippine islands, together with sailing directions for these coasts and harbors. Philippine islands. Sailing directions. Section I. North and west coasts of Luzon and adjacent islands, from Cape Engano to Manila bay. Second edition. 1903. 61 pp. i map, illus.). * Third edition. 1906. 101 pp. i map.) 23 om . Philippine islands. Sailing directions. Section II. Southwest and south coasts of Luzon and adjacent islands, between Ma'nila and San Bernardino strait. 1902. 43 pp. Second edition. 1904. 59 pp. Supplement to second edition. 1906. 4 pp. Third edition. 1906. 69 pp. i map. 23. Philippine islands. Sailing directions. Sections III. Coasts of Panay, Negros, Cebu, and adjacent islands. 1902. 60 pp. Second edition. 1904. 91 pp. i map. Supplement to second edition. 1906. 4 pp. Third edition. 1906. 109 pp. i map.* 23 m . Philippine islands. Sailing directions. Section IV. Coasts of Samar, Leyte, and east coast of Luzon' 1903. 63 pp. Second edition. 1904. 87 pp. i map.* Supplement to second edition. 1906' 8 p. Third edition. 1908. 168 pp. i map. 23. Philippine islands. Sailing directions. Section V. Coasts of Mindanao and adjacent islands. 1903- 61 pp. Second edition. 1905. 72 pp. i map. Supplement to second edition. 1907. 5 pp.* 23 cm Philippine islands. Sailing directions. Section VI.. Mindora strait, Sulu or Jolo sea and archipelago. 1903. 87 pp.* Supplement to first edition. 1906. 4 pp. 23. Philippine islands. Sailing directions. Section VII. Coasts of Paragua and adjacent islands. 1903. 117 pp.* Supplement to first edition. 1906. 4 pp. 23. Philippine islands. Sailing directions. Sections VI and VII. Mindoro strait, Palawan island, and Sulu sea and archipelago. Second edition. 1906. 230 pp. 23 cm . * Exhausted. 19 NOTICES TO MARINERS. These contain corrections that should be applied to charts to keep them up to date. Commencing with January 3, 1908, the monthly Notice to Mariners issued in Washington was, by direction of the Secretary of Commerce and Labor, consolidated with and made a part of the weekly Notice to Mariners issued by the Light-House Board, and hence, commencing with January i, 1908, was discontinued as a publication of the Survey. Notices to mariners. Coasts of the United States, adjacent territories, and islands under the jurisdic- tion of the United States. 1903. nos. 294-306; 1904. nos. 307-320; 1905. nos. 321-333; 1906. nos. 334-346; 1907. nos. 347-359. Washington : Government printing office. 1903-1908. ?6i cm . Philippine islands. Notices to mariners. 1903. nos. 1-12; 1904. nos. 1-12; 1905. nos. 1-13; 1906. nos. i-io; 1907. nos. 1-12; 1908. nos. 1-5. Manila: Bureau of public printing, 1903-1908. 2 3 cm . 21 TIDE TABLES. These contain tide predictions for the ports of the United States, including Porto Rico, Alaska, Hawaii, and the Philippine islands, and also predictions for many foreign ports. Tide tables for the years 1904 508 pp.); 1905 516 pp.); 1906 (516 pp.); 1907 524 pp.); 1908 524 pp.); 1909 (524 pp.) Washington: Government printing office. 19031908. 27 cm Tide tables for the Atlantic coast of the United States, including Canada and the West Indies. Re- printed from the Tide tables.) 1904 i66p.); 1905 '171 p.); 1906 171 pp.); 1907 171 pp.); 1908 171 pp.); 1909 (167 pp.) Washington : Government printing office. 1903-1908. -, -cm. Tide tables for the Pacific coast of the United States. Reprinted from the Tide tables.) 1904 ^158 pp.); 1905 i6opp.); 1906 i6opp.); 1907 i6opp.); 1908 i6opp.); 1909(160 pp.) Wash- ington: Govenment printing office. 1903-1907. 23 CHART CATALOGUES. The Catalogue of charts, coast pilots, and tide tables contains lists of the latest coast pilots, tide tables, sailing directions, miscellaneous maps and plans, and charts issued by the Survey. New editions are issued whenever necessary. Diagrams opposite each page show the limits of each chart. A catalogue of charts, sailing directions, and tide tables for the Philippine islands is issued as a separate publication. New editions are issued whenever necessary. Coast survey charts. 1847. i p. 25. Catalogue of charts, coast pilots, and tide tables. 1903 174 pp.);* 1905 201 pp.); 1907 230 pp.);* 1908 (231 pp ). Washington: Government printing office. 1903-1908. 2 .ycm Catalogue of charts, sailing directions, and tide tables of the Philippine, islands. 1903 15 pp.);* 1905 (17 pp.); 1906 17 pp.). Manila: Bureau of public printing. 1903-1906. 23 cm - 25 PART II. -CATALOGUE. 27 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECT HEADINGS. This list of subject headings, arranged in logical, systematic order, will enable those who wish to see all the entries on any subject or group of subjects to refer readily to the proper places in the alphabetical arrangement. All of the entries in this catalogue appear under the subject here given. To this extent only is the classification exhaustive. GENERAL. Gravity. Pendulum. Geodetic conference. International geodetic association. ASTRONOMY. Azimuth. Latitude. Longitude. Longitude (telegraphic). Hydrographic surveying. Hydrographic sheets. Coast pilot (sailing directions). Soundings. Depths. Sounding apparatus. Tides. Harbors. Instruments. Magnetic declination. Magnetic dip. Magnetic intensity. Mathematics and computations. Physics. Geo-physics. Refraction. Earthquakes. GEODESY. ASTRONOMY continued. Time. Stars. Polaris. TRIANGUtATION. Base measures. Base measuring apparatus. Micrometer. HYPSOMETRY. Leveling. Elevations HYDROGRAPHY. Tide tables. Currents. Physical hydrography Harbors. Oyster beds. Oceanography. Sea bottom. Dredging. TOPOGRAPHY. Topographic sheets. Topographic instruments. Plane table Surveying. TERRESTRIAL MAGNETISM. Magnetic surveys. Magnetic observatories CHART CONSTRUCTION. Drawing. Cartography. Charts Maps. ALLIED SUBJECTS. Geography. Boundaries. Geographic names. Maps. Engineering. 29 ALPHABETICAL ARRANGEMENT. IN GENERAL. UNDER AUTHORS Entries are arranged in chronological order. UNDER SUBJECTS General entries are followed by regional subheadings. UNDER PLACES General entries are followed by subject subheadings. For full titles see Part I. ABBREVIATIONS. app Appendix. Rept Report. BulL^ Bulletin. Sep. pub . Separate publication pp Pages. * Exhausted. pt._ Part. Alaska. BOUNDARY. Consult Annual Reports. Details of field operations. COAST PILOT. Coast pilot notes on the Fox island passes, Unalaska bay, Bering sea, and Arctic ocean as far as Point Barrow. Bull. 40. Fifth edition, with additions and changes. May 20, 1904. Coast pilot notes on Warren channel and Davidson inlet, west coast of Prince of Wales island, southeast Alaska. Sep. pub. 1904.) See also Coast pilots in Part I. Geographic names. Putnam, G. R. Geographic names in Alaska. Rept. 1903. app. 7. pp. 1011-1016. Alexander, William De Witt. Hawaiian geographic names. Rept. 1902. app. 7. pp. 367-425. Anne Arundel county, Maryland. Yates, C. C. Survey of oyster bars, Anne Arundel county, Maryland. Description of boundaries and landmarks and report of work of United States coast and geodetic survey in co-opera- tion with the Maryland shell fish commission. Sep. pub. 1907.) Arctic ocean. Coast pilot notes on the Fox island passes, Unalaska bay, Bering sea, and Arctic ocean as far as Point Barrow. Bull. 40. Fifth edition, with additions and changes. May 20, 1904. Astronomy. See Azimuth Latitude Longitudes Tides Time. Azimuth. Professional papers. Determination of time, latitude and azimuth. Sep. pub. (1876.)* Time, latitude, longitude, and azimuth. Leaflet printed for distribution at the Louisiana pur- chase exposition, St. Louis, Mo.) Sep. pub. (1904.) Davidson, G., and others. Azimuth and the apparent altitude of polaris . . . Computation with Mean Polar Distance i 14', and Mean Refraction. Sep. pub. 1885.)* Baldwin, Albert Le Sueur. Triangulation in California, part i. Rept. 1904, app. 9. pp. 491-764. And Hayford, J. F.) The earth movements in the California earthquake of 1906. Rept. 1907, app. 3. pp. 67-104. Base measures. UNITED STATES. French, O. B. Six primary bases measured with steel and invar tapes. Rept. 1907, app. 4. pp. 105-156. Sec also Triangulation. Base-measuring apparatus. Base apparatus. (Leaflet printed for distribution at the Louisiana purchase exposition, St. Louis, Mo.) Sep. pub. 1904.) French, Owen Bert. Six primary bases measured with steel and invar tapes. Rept. 1907, app. 4. pp. 105-156. * Exhausted. 31 Bauer. CATALOGUE. Bauer, Louis Agricola. (Preface writer.) Magnetic dip and intensity observations. Kept. 1902, app. 6. pp. 333-366. And Fleming, J. A.) Magnetic observations of the U. S. Coast and geodetic survey. Rept. 1902, app. 5. pp. 301-331. United States magnetic declination tables and isogonic charts for 1902 and principal facts relat- ing to the earth's magnetism. (Second edition.) Sep. pub. 1903.) Results of magnetic observations made by the Coast and geodetic survey between July i, 1902, and June 30, 1903. Rept. 1903, app. 5. pp. 931-1004. Results of magnetic observations made by the Coast and geodetic survey between July i, 1903, and June 30, 1904. Rept. 1904, app. 3. p. 207-255. Results of magnetic observations made by the Coast and geodetic survey between July i, 1904, and June 30, 1905. Rept. 1905, app. 3. pp. 105-192. Distribution of the magnetic declination in the United States for January i, 1905. Rept. 1906, app. 4. pp. 211-226. Results of magnetic observations made by the Coast and geodetic survey between July i, 1905, and June 30, 1906. Rept. 1906, app. 3. pp. 105-210. Blake (steamer). Sigsbee, C. D. Deep sea sounding and dredging. Supplement to description and discussion of the methods and appliances used on board the Coast and geodetic survey steamer "Blake" by C. D. Sigsbee, Lt. com. U. S. N., Assistant, Coast and geodetic survey. Sep. pub. '1882.)* Bottom. See Dredging. Boundaries. Consult also Annual Reports. Details of field operations. British Columbia. See List of Tide Tables in Part I. Burchard, Edward Lawyer. List and catalogue of publications, U. S. Coast and geodetic survey, 1816-1902. U. S. Coast and geodetic survey. Sep. pub. 11902.) California. TRIANGULATION. Baldwin, A. L. Triangulation in California, part i. Rept. 1904, app. 9. pp. 491-764. Hayford, J. F. and Baldwin, A. L. The earth movements in the California earthquake of 1906. Rept. 1907, app. 3. pp. 67-104. Cartography. See Chart Catalogues in Part I. Catalogues. See Chart Catalogues in Part I. Channel sweep. Heck, N. H. Long wire drag. Rept. 1907, app. 7. pp. 547-561. Wainwright, D. B. Channel and harbor sweep. Rept. 1903, app. 6. pp. 1005-1010. Long wire sweep. Rept. 1905, app. 6. pp. 283-287. Charts. Chart publications. < Leaflet printed for distribution at the Louisiana purchase exposition, St. Louis, Mo.) Sep. pub. 1904.) See Chart Catalogues in Part I. Chronometer. See Azimuth Longitude Time. Coast and geodetic survey. Coast and geodetic survey. < Leaflet printed for distribution at the Louisiana purchase exposi- tion, St. Louis, Mo.) Sep. pub. (1904.) Efforts made by the Navy department to obtain control of the U. S. Coast and geodetic survey (Reprinted from the Hearings of the Committee on appropriations.) Sep. pub. (1900.)* Methods and results of the U. S. Coast and geodetic survey. (Leaflet printed for distribution at the Louisiana purchase exposition, St. Louis, Mo.) Sep. pub. (1904.)* Work of the Coast and geodetic survey. Reprint of leaflets describing the work of the Coast and geodetic survey, which were published as separates for distribution at the Louisiana purchase exposition, St. Louis, Mo. 1904. Sep. pub. (1905.) Bibliography. List of publications of the Coast and geodetic survey available for distribution May i, 1908. [Extract from Department of commerce and labor. List of publications of the Department of commerce and labor available for distribution May i, 1908.] Sep. pub. (1908.) Burchard, E. L. List and catalogue of publications issued by the U. S. Coast and geodetic sur- vey. 1816-1902. Sep. pub. (1902.) 32 CATALOGUE. Coast. Coast pilot, Coast pilots. (Leaflet printed for distribution at the Louisiana purchase exposition, St. Louis, Mo.) Sep. pub. (1904.) ALASKA. Coast pilot notes on the Fox island passes, Unalaska bay, Bering sea, and Arctic ocean as far as Point Barrow. Bull. 40. Fifth edition, with additions and changes. May 20, 1904. Coast pilot notes on Warren channel and Davidson inlet, west coast of Prince of Wales island, southeast Alaska. Sep. pub. (1904.) UNITED STATES. Davidson, George. Directory of the Pacific coast of the United States. Sep pub. (1858.)* See also Currents Geographic names Hydrographic surveys Magnetic declination Tides. See also Coast Pilots in Part I. Commerce and labor department. See Coast and geodetic survey. Compass. See Magnetic declination. Conferences. See Geodetic conference International geodetic association. Currents (tidal and oceanic). Harris, R. A. Manual of tides. Part V. Currents, shallow-water tides, meteorological tides and miscellaneous matters. Rept. 1907, app. 6. pp. 231-546. MASSACHUSETTS. Tillman, E. H., and Ross, J. Tide and current chart [showing graphically cur- rent data along sailing tracks] Nantucket and Vineyard sound, Mass. Sep. pub. (1891.)* NEW YORK HARBOR AND APPROACHES. Tillman, E. H., and Ross, J. Tide and current chart [showing graphically current data along sailing tracks] East River and Hell Gate, N. Y. Sep. pub. (1891.)* See also Tides. Davidson, George. (And Morse, F., and Hill, C. B.) Azimuth and apparent altitudes of polaris. Computations with North Polar Distance i 14', and Mean Refraction. Sep. pub. (1885.)* Directory of the Pacific coast of the United States. Sep. pub. (1858.)* Davidson inlet. Coast pilot notes on Warren channel and Davidson inlet, west coast of Prince of Wales island, southeast Alaska. Sep. pub. (1904.) Deep sea. See Currents. Density of the earth. Sec Gravity. Depths. Table of depths for channels and harbors, coasts of the U. S., including Porto Rico, Hawaiian islands, and the Philippine islands. Bull. 36. Third edition. 1907. See also Tides. Dip, Magnetic. See Magnetic dip. Drawing. Rules for representing certain topographical and hydrographical features on the maps and charts of the United States coast survey. 1860. A. D. Bache, Supt. Sep. pub. (1860.)* See also Plane table. Dredging. Sigsbee, C. D. Deep sea sounding and dredging. Supplement to description and discussion of the methods and appliances used on board the Coast and geodetic survey steamer "Blake." Sep. pub. (1882.)* Earth. See Gravity Terrestrial magnetism. Earthquakes. CALIFORNIA. Hayford, J. F., and Baldwin, A. L. The earth movements in the California earth- quake of 1906. Rept. 1907, app. 3. pp. 67-104. Elevations. Table of factors for computing difference in elevations (in meters) and table of corrections for curvatures and refraction (in meters). Sep. pub. (1900.) Paris, Robert Lee. Results of magnetic observations made by the Coast and geodetic survey between July i, 1906 and June 30, 1907. Rept. 1907, app. 5. pp. 157-230. Ferrell, William. Appendix. Tidal researches. Sep. pub. (1874.) (Not bound with report.) 4645808 3 33 Fleming. CATALOGUE. Fleming, John Adam. Magnetic observatories of the U. S. Coast and geodetic survey. Rept. 1902, app. 5. pp. 301-331. Fox island passes, Alaska. Coast pilot notes on the Fox island passes, Unalaska bay, Bering sea, and Arctic ocean as far as Point Barrow. Bull. 40. Fifth edition, with additions and changes May 20, 1904. French, Owen Bert. Six primary bases measured with steel and invar tapes. Rept. 1907, app. 4. pp. 105-156. Geodesy . Geodesy or measurement of the earth. (Leaflet printed for distribution at the Louisiana pur chase exposition, St. Louis, Mo.) Sep. pub. (1904.) Gore, J. H. A bibliography of geodesy. Rept. 1902, app. 8. pp. 427-787. See also Azimuth Base measurement Geodetic conferences Gravity International geodetic association Latitude Longitude Triangulation. Geodetic conferences. Tittmann, O. H. Report on geodetic operations in the United States [1900-1903] to the fourteenth general conference of the International geodetic association. Sep. pub. (1903.) and Hayford, J. F. Geodetic operations in the United States, 1903-1906. A report to the fifteenth general conference of the International geodetic association. Sep. pub. (1906.)* See also International geodetic association. Geodetic instruments. See Base-measuring apparatus. Geodetic leveling. See Leveling. Geographic names. Alexander, \V. D. Hawaiian geographic names. Rept. 1902, app. 7. pp. 367-465. Putnam, G. R. Geographic names in Alaska. Rept. 1903, app. 7. pp. 1011-1016. Gore, James Howard. A bibliography of geodesy. Second edition. Rept. 1902, app. 8. pp. 427-787. Geophysics. See Earthquakes. Gravity. Gravity. (Leaflet printed for distribution at the Louisiana purchase exposition, St. Louis, Mo.) Sep. pub. ( 1904.) Sec also Geodesy. Harbor sweep. Heck, N. H. Long wire drag. Rept. 1907, app. 7. pp. 547-561. Wainwright, D. B. Channel and harbor sweep. Rept. 1903, app. 6. pp. 1005-1010. Long wire sweep. Rept. 1905, app. 6. pp. 283-287. Harmonic analysis. See Tides. Harris, Rollin Arthur. Manual of tides. Part IV B. Cotidal lines for the world. Rept. 1904, app. 5. pp. 315-400. Manual of tides. Part V. Currents, shallow-water tides, meteorological tides, and miscella neous matters. Rept. 1907, app. 6. pp. 231-546. Hawaii. Alexander, \V. D. Hawaiian geographic names. Rept. 1902, app. 7. pp. 367-425.* Hayford, John Fillmore. Triangulation in Kansas. Rept. 1902, app. 3. pp. 211-293. Precise leveling in the United States, 1900-1903, with a re-adjustment of the level net and resulting elevations. Rept. 1903, app. 3. pp. 189-810. Triangulation southward along the ninety-eighth meridian in 1902. Rept. 190^, app. 4. pp. 811-930. Precise leveling from Red Desert, Wyoming, to Owyhee, Idaho, 1903. Kept. 1904, app. 6. pp. 403-430. Precise leveling from Holland to Xcw Braunfels, Texas, 1903. Rept. 19^4, app. 7. pp. 433-450. A test of a transit micrometer. Rept. 1904, app. 8. pp. 453-487. Precise leveling from Red Desert, \Vyoming, to Seattle, Washington, 1903-1904. Rept. 1905, app. 4. pp. 193-241. Triangulation along the ninety-eighth meridian, Lampasas to Seguin, Texas. Rept. 1905, app. 5. pp. 243-282. (And Tittmann, O. H.) Geodetic operations in the United States, 1903-1906. A report to the fifteenth general conference of the International geodetic association. Sep. pub. 1906.)* (And Baldwin, A. L.) The earth movements in the California earthquake of 1906. Rept. 1907, app. 3. pp. 67-104. * Exhausted. 34 CATALOGUE Hazard. Hazard, Daniel Lyman. Magnetic dip and intensity observations. Rept. 1902, app. 6. pp. 333-366 Heck, Nicholas Hunter. Long wire drag. Rept. 1907, app. 7. pp. 547-561. Heights. See Leveling. Hill, Charles B. And Davidson, G., and Morse, F.) Azimuth and apparent altitude of polaris. Computation with North Polar Distances, i 14', and Mean Refraction. Sep. pub. 1885.)* Hydraulics. Sec Currents Tides. Hydrographic sheets. Original topographic and hydrographic sheets registered in the Archives of 'the U. S. Coast and geodetic survey. [From January, 1834, to June 30, 1882.] Sep. pub. 1883.) Hydrographic surveys. General instructions for coast surveys in the Philippine islands. Coast and geodetic survey. Sep. pub. i 1906.) Hydrography. Leaflet printed for distribution at the Louisiana purchase exposition, St. Louis, Mo.) Sep. pub. 1904.) Hydrography. Sec Currents Hydrographic surveys Tides. Hypsograph. Sec Slide rule. Hypsometry. See Leveling. Idaho. Leveling. Hayford, J. F. Precise leveling from Red Desert, Wyoming, to Owyhee, Idaho, 1903. Rept. 1904, app. 6. pp. 403-430. Inclination, Magnetic. See Magnetic dip. Instruments. See Base measuring apparatus Channel sweep. Intensity, Magnetic. See Magnetic intensity. International geodetic association. Tittrnann, O. H. Report on geodetic operations in the United States [1900-1903] to the four- teenth general conference of the International geodetic association. Sep. pub. 1903.) - And Hayford, J. F.) Geodetic operations in the United States, 1903-1906. A report to the fifteenth general conference of the International geodetic association. Sep. pub. ( 1906.)* International latitude service. See International geodetic association. Invar. French, O. B. Six primary bases measured with steel and invar tapes. Rept. 1907, app. 4. pp. 105-156. Isoclinic lines. See Magnetic dip. Isogonic charts. Bauer, L. A. United States magnetic declination tables and isogonic charts for 1902 and prin- cipal facts relating to the earth's magnetism. Second edition. Sep. pub. ,1903.) Isogonic lines. .Sec Magnetic declination. Kansas. Triangulation. Hayford, J. F. Triangtilation in Kansas. Rept. 1902, app. 3. pp. 211-293. Latitude. Professional papers. Determination of time, latitude, and azimuth. Sep. pub. 1876.)* Time, latitude, longitude, and azimuth. Leaflet printed for distribution at the Louisiana pur- chase exposition, St. Louis, Mo.) Sep. pub. 1904.) Least water. .SY<- Depths. Level net. I'xiTED STATES. Hayford, J. F. Precise leveling in the United States, 1900-1903, with re-adjust- ment of the level net, and resulting elevations. Rept. 1903, app. 3. pp. 189-810. * Exhausted. 35 Leveling. CATALOGUE. Leveling. Leveling. Leaflet printed for distribution at the Louisiana purchase exposition, St. Louis, Mo.) Sep. pub. (1904.) IDAHO. Hayford, J. F. Precise leveling from Red Desert, Wyoming, to Ovvyhee, Idaho, 1903. Rept. 1904, app. 6. pp. 403-430. TEXAS. Hayford, J. F. Precise leveling from Holland to New Braunfels, Texas, 1903. Rept. 1904, app. 7. pp. 433-450. UNITED STATES. Hayford, J. F. Precise leveling in the United States, 1900-1903, with re-adjust- ment of the level net and resulting elevations. Rept. 1903, app. 3. pp. 189-810. WYOMING. Hayford, J. F. Precise leveling from Red Desert, Wyoming, to Owyhee, Idaho, 1903. Rept. 1904, app. 6. pp. 403-430. Hayford, J. F. Precise leveling from Red Desert, Wyoming, to Seattle, Washington, 1903-1904. Rept. 1905, app. 4. pp. 193-241. See also Tides Triangulation. Levels. Sec Leveling. Logarithms. Logarithms of numbers, and antilogarithms, etc. Sep. pub. (1901.) (Cardboard leaf printed on both sides.) Longitude. Time, latitude, longitude, and azimuth. (Leaflet printed for distribution at the Louisiana pur- chase exposition, St. Louis, Mo.) Sep. pub. ' 1904.) See also Time. Longitude, telegraphic. TRANSPACIFIC. Smith, Edwin. Telegraphic longitudes. The Pacific arcs from San Francisco to Manila, 1903-1904, completing the circuit of the earth. Rept. 1904, app. 4. pp. 259-311. Magnetic declination. Bauer, L. A. United States magnetic declination tables and isogonic charts for 1902 and prin- cipal facts relating to the earth's magnetism. Second edition. Sep. pub. 1 1903.) See also Terrestrial magnetism. Magnetic dip. UNITED STATES. Hazard, D. L. Magnetic dip and intensity observations, 1897-1902. Rept 1902, app. 6. pp. 333-366. Magnetic horizontal intensity. See Magnetic intensity. Magnetic intensity. UNITED STATES. Hazard, D. L. Magnetic dip and intensity observations, 1897-1902. Rept. 1902, app. 6. pp. 333-366. See also Terrestrial magnetism. Magnetic observations. See Terrestrial magnetism. Magnetic observatories. Magnetic observatories of the U. S. Coast and geodetic survey. Rept. 1902, app. 5. pp. 301-331. Magnetic surveys. See Terrestrial magnetism. Magnetic variation (Diurnal, etc.). See Magnetic declination Magnetic dip Magnetic intensity Terrestrial magnetism. Magnetic variation, Secular. See Magnetic declination Magnetic dip Magnetic intensity Terrestrial magnetism. Magnetics. See Terrestrial magnetism. Manila Longitude San Francisco. Smith, Edwin. Telegraphic longitudes. The Pacific arcs from San Francisco to Manila, 1903- 1904, completing the circuit of the earth. Rept. 1904, app. 4. pp. 259-311. Maps. See Chart catalogues in Part I. Maryland. Yates, C. C. Survey of oyster bars, Anne Arundel county, Maryland. Description of boundaries and land marks and report of work of United States Coast and geodetic survey in co-operation with the Maryland shell fish commission. Sep. pub. 1,1907.) Mathematics and computation. See Geodesy Measures. See Base measures. 36 CATALOGUE. Micrometer. Micrometer. Hayford, J. F. A test of a transit micrometer. Rept. 1904, app. 8. pp. 453-487. Micrometric measures. See Azimuth Latitude. Morse, Fremont. vAnd Davidson, G., and Hill, C. B.) Azimuth and apparent altitudes of polaris. Computation with North Polar Distance i 14', and Mean Refraction. Sep. pub. (1885.)* The hypsograph. Rept. 1902, app. 4. pp. 295-300. Nantucket sound, Mass. (Tillman, E. H., and Ross, J.) Tide and current chart [showing graphically tidal and current data along sailing tracks] Nantucket and Vineyard sound. Sep. pub. (1891.) Navigation. See Hydrographic surveys Coast pilot Currents Magnetic declination Tides. New York harbor and approaches. (Tillman, E. H., and Ross. J.) Tide and current chart [showing graphically tidal and current data along sailing tracks] East River and Hell Gate, N. Y. Sep. pub. (1891.)* Ninety=eighth meridian. Hayford, J. F. Triangulation along the ninety-eighth meridian in 1902. Rept. 1903, app. 4. pp. 811-930. Northwest boundary. Consult Annual Reports: Details of field operations. Northeast boundary. Consult Annual Reports: Details of field operations. North America. See Alaska United States. Notices to mariners. See Notices to mariners and Coast pilots in Part I. Observatories. See Magnetic observatories. Ocean depths. See Depths Dredging. Oceanography. See Currents Dredging Hydrographic surveys Tides. Ooglaamie, Point Barrow, Alaska. Coast pilot notes on the Fox island passes, Unalaska bay, Bering sea, and Arctic ocean as far as Point Barrow. Bull. 40. Fifth edition, with additions and changes. May 20, 1904. Oyster beds. MARYLAND. Yates, C. C. Survey of oyster bars, Anne Arundel county, Maryland. Description of boundaries and land marks and report of the work of United States coast and geodetic survey in co-operation with the Maryland shell fish commission. Sep. pub. (1907.) Pacific coast of the United States. COAST PILOT. Davidson, George. Directory of the Pacific coast of the United States. Sep. pub. (1858.)* Parallels, Magnetic. See Magnetic dip. Philippine islands. General instructions for coast surveys in the Philippine islands. Coast and geodetic survey. Sep. pub. 1906.) See also Sailing directions for the Philippine islands and Chart catalogues in Part I. Pendulum. See Gravity. Physical hydrography. See Currents Depths Hydrographic surveys Oyster beds Tides. Physics. Sec Tides. Plane table. Wainwright, D. B. A plane table manual. Rept. 1905, app. 7. pp. 289-342. Point Barrow, Alaska. Coast pilot notes on the Fox island passes, Unalaska bay, Bering sea, and the Arctic ocean as far as Point Barrow. Bull. 40. Fifth edition, with additions and corrections. May 20, 1904. Polaris, Altitude of. Davidson, G., and others. Azimuth and apparent altitudes of polaris. Computation with North Polar Distance i 14', and Mean Refraction. Sep. pub. (1885.)* * Exhausted. 37 Ports. CATALOGUE. Ports. See Depths. Precise leveling. See Leveling. Primary triangulation. See Triangulation. Prince of Wales island. Coast pilot notes on Warren channel and Davidson inlet, west coast of Prince of Wales island, southeast Alaska. Sep. pub. (1904.) Publications. See Coast and geodetic survey. See also Lists in Part I. Putnam, George Rockwell. Geographic names in Alaska. Rept. 1903, app. 7. pp. 1011-1016. Refraction (Terrestrial). Table of factors for computing differences in elevations (in meters) and table of curvatures and refraction (in meters). Sep. pub. (1900.) Ross, John. (And Tillman, E. H.) Tide and current charts [showing graphically tidal and current data along sailing tracks] East River and Hell Gate, N. Y. Sep. pub. '(1891).* Tide and current chart [showing graphically tidal and current data along sailing tracks] Nantucket and Vineyard sound, Mass. Sep. pub. (1891.)* Sailing directions. See Coast pilot. San Francisco Longitude Manila. Smith, Edwin. Telegraphic longitudes. The Pacific arcs from San Francisco to Manila, 1903- 1904, completing the circuit of the earth. Rept. 1904, app. 4. pp. 259-311. Sea bottom. See Dredging. Shoals. See Currents Depths Hydrographic surveys Tides. Shore line changes. See Currents Depths Hydrographic surveys Tides. Sigsbee, Charles Dwight. Deep sea sounding and dredging. Supplement to description and discussion of the methods and appliances used on board the Coast and geodetic survey steamer "Blake." Sep. pub. (1882.)* Slide rule. Morse, F. The hypsograph. Rept. 1902, app. 4. pp. 295-300. Smith, Edwin. Telegraphic longitudes. The Pacific arcs from San Francisco to Manila, 1903-1904, completing the circuit of the earth. Rept. 1904, app. ,4. pp. 259-311. Sounding. Sigsbee, C. D. Deep sea sounding and dredging. Supplement to description and discussion of the methods and appliances used on board the Coast and geodetic survey steamer "Blake." Sep. pub. (1882.)* Sounding apparatus. Heck, N. H. Long wire drag. Rept. 1907, app. 7. pp. 547-561. Sigsbee, C. D. Deep sea sounding and dredging. Supplement to description and discussion of the methods and appliances used on board the Coast and geodetic survey steamer " Blake." Sep. pub. (1882.)* Wainwright, D. B. Channel and harbor sweep. Rept. 1903, app. 6. pp. 1005-1010. Long wire sweep. Rept. 1905, app. 6. pp. 283-287. Spirit leveling. See Leveling. Stadia. See Plane table. Stars. See Polaris. Stations. See Triangulation. Surface currents. See Currents. Surveying. See Geodesy Hydrographic surveys Plane table Topographic surveys. * Exhausted. 38 CATALOGUE. Tapes. Tapes. French, O. B. Six primary bases measured with steel and invar tapes. Kept. 1907, app. 5. PP- 157-230- See also Base-measuring apparatus. Telegraphic longitude. See Longitude, Telegraphic. Terrestrial magnetism. Terrestrial magnetism. (Leaflet printed for distribution at the Louisiana purchase exposition, St. Louis, Mo.) Sep. pub. (1904.) Bauer, L. A. Distribution of the magnetic declination in the United States for January i, 1905. Rept. 1906, app. 4. pp. 211-226. Results of magnetic observations made by the Coast and geodetic survey between July i, 1902, and June 30, 1903. Rept. 1903, app. 5. pp. 931-1004. Results of magnetic observations made by the Coast and geodetic survey between July i, 1903, and June 30, 1904. Rept. 1904, app. 3. pp. 207-255. Results of magnetic observations made by the Coast and geodetic survey between July i, 1904, and June 30, 1905. Rept. 1905, app. 3. pp. 105-192. Results of magnetic observations made by the Coast and geodetic survey between July i, 1905, and June 30, 1906. Rept. 1906, app. 3. pp. 105-210. Paris, R. L. Results of magnetic observations made by the Coast and geodetic survey between July i, 1906, and June 30, 1907. Rept. 1907, app. 5. pp. 157-230. See also Magnetic declination Magnetic dip Magnetic intensity Magnetic observatories. Texas. LEVELING. Hayford, J. F. Precise leveling from Holland to New Braunfels, Texas, 1903. Rept. 1904, app. 7. pp. 433-450. TRIANGULATION. Hayford, J. F. Triangulation along the ninety-eighth meridian, Lampasas to Seguin, Texas. Rept. 1905, app. 5. pp. 243-283. Tide tables. See Tide tables in Part I. Tides. Tides and tidal currents. (Leaflet printed for distribution at the Louisiana purchase exposition, St. Louis, Mo.) Sep. pub. (1904.) Ferrel, W. Appendix. Tidal researches. Sep. pub. (1874.) (Not bound with report.) Harris, R. A. Manual of tides, part IV B. Cotidal lines for the world. Rept. 1904, app. 5. PP- 3i5-4oo. Harris, R. A. Manual of tides. Part V. Currents, shallow-water tides, meteorological tides, and miscellaneous matter. Rept. 1907, app. 6. pp. 231-546. MASSACHUSETTS. Tillman, E. H., and Ross, J. Tide and current chart [showing graphically tidal and current data along sailing tracks] Nantucket and Vineyard sound, Mass. Sep. pub. '1891.)* NEW YORK HARBOR AND APPROACHES. Tillman, E. H., and Ross, J. Tide and current chart [showing graphically tidal and current data along sailing tracks] East River and Hell Gate, N. Y. Sep. pub. (1891.)* Tillman, Edwin Hord. ' And Ross, J.) Tide and current chart [showing graphically tidal and current data along sailing tracks] East River and Hell Gate, N. Y. Sep. pub. '1891.)* Tide and current chart [showing graphically tidal and current data along sailing tracks] Nantucket and Vineyard sound, Mass. Sep. pub. 1891.)* Time. Professional papers. Determination of time, latitude, and azimuth. Sep. pub. '1876.)* Time, latitude, longitude, and azimuth. Leaflet printed for distribution at the Louisiana pur- chase exposition, St. Louis, Mo.) Sep. pub. (1904.) See also Longitude. Tittmann, Otto Hilgard. Report on geodetic operations in the United States [1900-1903] to the fourteenth general con- ference of the International geodetic association. Sep. pub. (1903.) (And Hayford, J. F.) Geodetic operations in the United States, 1903-1906. A report to the fifteenth general conference of the International geodetic association. Sep. pub. 1906.)* Topographic instruments. See Plane table. Topographic sheets. Original topographic and hydrographic sheets registered in the Archives of the U. S. Coast and geodetic survey. [From January, 1834, to June 30, 1882.] Sep. pub. 1883.) Topographic surveys. General instructions for coast surveys in the Philippine islands. Coast and geodetic survey. Sep. pub. (1906.) Topography. (Leaflet printed for distribution at the Louisiana purchase exposition, St. Louis, Mo.) Sep. pub. (1904.) * Exhausted. 39 Triangulation. CATALOGUE. Triangulation. Triangulation and reconnaissance. (Leaflet printed for distribution at the Louisiana purchase exposition, St. Louis, Mo.) Sep. pub. 1904.) CALIFORNIA. Baldwin, A. L. Triangulation in California, part I. Rept. 1904, app. 9. pp. 491- 764. Hayford, J. F. and Baldwin, A. L. The earth movements in the California earthquake of 1906. Rept. 1907, app. 3. pp. 67-104. KANSAS. Hayford, J. F. Triangulation in Kansas. Rept. 1902, app. 3. pp. 211-293. NINETY-EIGHTH MERIDIAN. Hayford, J. F. Triangulation southward along the ninety-eighth meridian in 1902. Rept. 1903, app. 4. pp. 811-930. OKLAHOMA. Hayford, J. F. Triangulation southward along the ninety-eighth meridian in 1902. Rept. 1903, app. 4. pp. 811-930. TEXAS. Hayford, J. F. Triangulation along the ninety-eighth meridian, Lampasas to Seguin, Texas. Rept. 1905, app. 5. pp. 243-283. Hayford, J. F. Triangulation southward along the ninety-eighth meridian in 1902. Rept. 1903, app. 4. pp. 811-930. See also Base measures Leveling. Unalaska bay, Alaska. Coast pilot notes on the Fox island passes, Unalaska bay, Bering sea, and Arctic ocean as far as Point Barrow. Bull. 40. Fifth edition. May 20, 1904. United States. LEVELING. Hayford, J. F. Precise leveling in the United States, 1900-1903, with readjustment of the level net and resulting elevations. Rept. 1903, app. 3. pp. 189-810. TERRESTRIAL MAGNETISM. Bauer, L. A. Distribution of the magnetic declination in the United States for January i, 1905. Rept. 1906, app. 4. pp. 211-226. Bauer, L. A. Results of magnetic observations made by the Coast and geodetic survey between July i, 1902, and June 30, 1903. Rept. 1903, app. 5. pp. 931-1004. Bauer, L. A. Results of magnetic observations made by the Coast and geodetic survey between July i, 1903, and June 30, 1904. Rept. 1904, app. 3. pp. 207-255. Bauer, L. A. Results of magnetic observations made by the Coast and geodetic survey between July i, 1904, and June 30, 1905. Rept. 1905, app. 3. pp. 105-192. Bauer, L. A. Results of magnetic observations made by the Coast and geodetic survey between July i, 1905, and June 30, 1906. Rept. 1906, app. 3. pp. 105-210. Bauer, L. A. United States magnetic declination tables and isogonic charts for 1902, and principal facts relating to the earth's magnetism. Second edition. Sep. pub. ( 1903.) Paris, R. L. Results of magnetic observations made by the Coast and geodetic survey between July i, 1906, and June 30, 1907. Rept. 1907, app. 5. pp. 157-230. See also Alaska Nantucket sound Philippine islands Vineyard sound. See also State names. Variation of the compass. See Magnetic declination. Vertical force (Magnetic). See Magnetic intensity. Vineyard sound, Mass. (Tillman, E. H., and Ross, J.) Tide and current chart [showing graphically tidal and current data along sailing tracks] Nantucket and Vineyard sounds, Mass. Sep. pub. 1891.)* Wainwright, Dallas Bache. Channel and harbor sweep. Rept. 1903, app. 6. pp. 1005-1010. Long wire sweep. Rept. 1905, app. 6. pp. 283-287. A plane table manual. Rept. 1905, app. 7. pp. 289-342. Warren channel. Coast pilot notes on Warren channel and Davidson inlet, west coast of Prince of Wales island, Southeast Alaska. Sep. pub. '1904.) Washington. LEVELING. Hayford, J. F. Precise leveling from Red Desert, Wyoming, to Seattle, Washington, 1903-1904. Rept. 1905, app. 4. pp. 193-241. Wyoming. LEVELING. Hayford, J. F. Precise leveling from Red Desert, Wyoming, to Owyhee, Idaho, 1903. Rept. 1904, app. 6. pp. 403-430. Hayford, J. F. Precise leveling from Red Desert, Wyoming, to Seattle, Washington, 1903-1904. Rept. 1905, app. 4. pp. 193-241. Yates, Charles Colt. Survey of oyster bars, Anne Arundel county, Maryland. Description of boundaries and land marks and report of the work of the United States Coast and geodetic survey in co-opera- tion with the Maryland Shell Fish commission. Sep. pub. (1907.) * Exhausted. PART IIL-PUBLICATIONS NOT AVAILABLE FOR ISSUE BY THE COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. 41 EXHAUSTED PUBLICATIONS. This list includes publications which have become exhausted since the issue of the " List and Catalogue of Publications of the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1816-1902." The publications listed here are arranged chronologically under the following headings : Annual Reports. Terrestrial Magnetism. Geodesy. Chart Construction. Hydrography. Allied Subjects. Topography. ANNUAL REPORTS. Report of the Superintendent of the Coast and geodetic survey for the years 1807-1853, 1856, 1859, 1866, 1872, 1875, 1886, 1896, 1898. GEODESY. An examination of three new 2O-inch theodolites. By J. E. Hilgard. Kept. 1877, app. n. On geodetic reconnaissance. By C. O. Boutelle. Rept. 1885, app. 10. Approximate times of culminations and elongations and of the azimuths at the elongation of Polaris for the years between 1889 and 1910. By C. A. Schott. Bull. 14. (1890.) On observations for latitude made near Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaiian islands, in co-operation with the work of the International geodetic association, and on determinations of gravity and the magnetic elements. By E. D. Preston. Rept. 1891, app. 13. Description of precise levels nos. 7 and 8, Coast and geodetic survey. By E. G. Fischer. Rept. 1900, app. 6. HYDROGRAPHY. On the reclamation of tide-lands and its relation to navigation. By H. Mitchell. Rept. 1869, app. 5. Report on an inspection of the terminal points of the proposed canals through Nicaragua and the Isthmus of Darien. By H. Mitchell. Rept. 1874, app. 12. Review of the characteristics of the South Pass, Mississippi river. By H. Mitchell. Rept. 1876, app. 12. On a physical survey of the Delaware river in front of Philadelphia. By H. Mitchell. Rept. 1878, app. 9. Description of a maxima and a minima tide-predicting machine. By W. Ferrel. Rept. 1883, app. 10. The Gulf Stream A description of the methods employed in the investigation, and the results of the research. By J. E. Pillsbury. Rept. 1890, app. 10. Manual of tides. Part II. Tidal observation, equilibrium theory, and the harmonic analysis. By R. A. Harris. Rept. 1897, app. 9. Alaska, coast pilot notes on the Fox island passes, Unalaska bay, Bering sea, and Arctic ocean as far as Point Barrow. Prepared by the Coast and geodetic survey and revised by Lieut. D. H. Jarvis, U. S. R. C. S. [First edition.] 1 1899.) TOPOGRAPHY. On the plane-table and its use in topographical surveying. By A. M. Harrison. Rept. 1865, app. 22. On the construction of observing tripods and scaffolds. By C. O. Boutelle. Rept. 1882, app. 10. TERRESTRIAL MAGNETISM. The magnetic work of the Greely Arctic expedition. By C. A. Schott. Rept. 1887, app. 10. The magnetic observations made on Bering's first voyage to the coasts of Kamchatka and eastern Asia in the years 1725 to 1730. By C. A. Schott. Bull. 20. 1891.) United States magnetic declination tables and isogonic charts for 1902, and principal facts relating to the earth's magnetism. By L. A. Bauer. Sep. pub. i 1902.) 43 PUBLICATIONS NOT AVAILABLE. CHART CONSTRUCTION. Proportions and spacing of Roman letters as ascertained from the best examples Bv \V \\V1rli Kept. 1900, app. 4. ALLIED SUBJECTS. An attempt to solve the problem of the first landing place of Columbus in the New world Bv Caotai G. V. Fox. Rept. 1880, app. 18. Tribute to the memory of Carlile P. Patterson, superintendent of the Coast and geodetic survey from 1874 to 1 88 1. Rept. 1882, app. 24. Descriptive catalogue of publications relating to the Coast and geodetic survey and to Standard meas- ures. Compiled by E. Goodfellow. Rept. 1883, app. 6. Recent publications. Bull. i. (1888.) On the relation of the yard to the metre. By O. H. Tittmann. Bull. 9. ( 1889.) Descriptive catalogue of publications relating to the U. S. Coast and geodetic survey, 1807-1890 and to U S Standard weights and measures, 1790-1890. Compiled by E. Goodfellow, C H Sinclair ana J. &. Baylor. Rept. 1891, app. n. The methods and results of the U. S. Coast and geodetic survey as illustrated at the World's Colun bian exposition, 1893. Bull. 29. 1893.) [The methods and results of the U. S. Coast and geodetic survey. Leaflets printed for distribution at the World s Columbian exposition, Chicago, 111. 1893.] Issued separately. Sep. pub. (1893.) Second edition. 1901.) Superseded by Work of the Coast and geodetic survey Reprint of leaflets describing the operations of the survey. Sep. pub. (1905.) O 44 j 173641 DOCUMENTS DIVISION UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY