NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF THE FRIARS NEW YORK JANUARY IST, 1908 CONTENTS PAGE FOUNDERS 6 I N CORPORATORS 5 BOARD OF GOVERNORS 6 OFFICERS 6 COMMITTEES 7 CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION 11 CONSTITUTION 15 Name 15 Government 15 Meetings 19 Committees 21 Membership 22 Permanent Fund 24 Interpretation 25 Amendments 26 Duties of Officers 27 The Abbot 27 The Dean 27 Corresponding Secretary 28 Recording Secretary 29 Treasurer 29 Librarian 31 2052425 CONTENTS FACE CONSTITUTION. Continued. Order of Business at Meetings 31 Meetings of the Board of Governors. . 32 House Committee 33 Relief Committee 33 The Itinerant Friars 33 Ways and Means Committee 34 Auditing Committee 34 Nominating Committee 85 Rules Governing Committees 36 Election of Members 36 Resignations 39 Entrance Fees and Dues 39 Suspension and Expulsion 41 Addresses and Notices 41 In Memoriain 42 Suspension and Amendment of My- Laws 43 HOUSE RULES :... 45 Rules Governing Visitors 45 Visitors' Cards 45 Gambling 46 Posting of Delinquents 48 HONORARY MEMBERS 61 ACTIVE MEMBERS 51 ASSOCIATE MEMBERS 65 LAY MEM BERS 78 DECEASED MEMBERS . 74 FOUNDERS CHARLES EMERSON COOK CHANNING POLLOCK PHILIP MINDIL MASON PETERS JOHN W. RUMSEY WILLIAM RAYMOND SILL BURTON EMMETT BRONSON DOUGLAS HARRY C. SHWAB JOHN S. FLAHERTY (deceased) INCORPORATORS WELLS HAWKS CHARLES EMERSON COOK PHILIP MINDIL CLINTON W. MOFFATT JOHN W. RUMSEY HARRY G. SOMMERS W. G. SMYTH WILLARD D. COXEY GEORGE W. SAMMIS A. TOXEN WORM FRANK C. PAYNE BRUCE EDWARDS W. M. HULL MARCUS R. MAYER WALLACE MUNRO BOARD OF GOVERNORS HARRY G. SOMMERS FRANK C. PAYNE GEORGE W. SAMMIS W. G. SMYTH BRUCE EDWARDS W. M. HULL MARCUS R. MAYER A. TOXEN WORM WALLACE MUNRO WILLARD D. COXEY OFFICERS. THE ABBOT WELLS HAWKS THE DEAN CHARLES EMERSON COOK CORRESPONDING SECRETARY PHILIP MINDIL RECORDING SECRETARY CLINTON W. MOFFATT TREASURER JOHN W. RUMSEY GENERAL ATTORNEY AND COUNSEL ABRAHAM L. JACOBS 30 Broad St.. New York City 6 COMMITTEES The Abbot and the Dean are, ex-officio, Members of all Committees HOUSE COMMITTEE BRUCE EDWARDS, Chairman FRANK C. PAYNE LIPMAN KEENE A. P. DUNLOP J. CLARENCE HYDE BURTON F. EMMETT PHILIP MINDIL, ex-omdo CLINTON W. MOFFATT, ex-offldo JOHN W. RUMSEY, ex-offido RELIEF COMMITTEE HARRY G. SOMMERS, Chairman SAMUEL M. WELLER LOUIS MORGENSTERN E. B. JACK SAM MEYERS DAVID TRAITEL WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE CHAS. EMERSON COOK, Chairman GEO. W. SAM MIS, Treasurer. PHILIP MINDIL CLINTON W. MOFFATT JOHN W. RUMSEY W. G. SMYTH ITINERANT FRIARS' COMMITTEE S. GOODFRIEND, Chairman A. TOXEN WORM JOHN D. LEFFINGWELL WM. RAYMOND SILL ALBERT STRASSMAN AUGUSTUS E. McCUNE GEORGE H. MURRAY GEORGE BOWLES DRURY UNDERWOOD EDWARD COOK JACK WELCH WILL A. PAGE CALDWELL BURNES JOSEPH JERMON EDWARD FREIBERGER HARRY S. ALWARD ED. J. ABRAMS D. W. HAYNES P. S. MATTOX HOWARD HERRICK J. W. CONOLY LOUIS NETHERSOLE FRANK N. NORCROSS THOMAS HODGEMAN FRANK ABBOTT MELVILLE HAMMETT SYLVESTER SULLIVAN SMITH TURNER HARRY SWEATMAN JAMES D. DEWOLFE HARRY L. DAVIDSON LAWRENCE ANHALT WALTER FLOYD HARRY SLOAN HENRY F. GREENE JEAN C. HAVEZ EDWARD DUNN HARVEY DAY Z. M. HARRIS RICHARD LITTLE A. W. CROSS AUDITING COMMITTEE ROBERT YOUNG, Chairman MEYER LIVINGSTON MAX LAING MEYERS LIBRARIAN EUGENE KELCEY ALLEN ARTS, LITERATURE AND RECORDS PHILIP MINDIL CLINTON W. MOFFATT BRUCE EDWARDS NEW YORK PHYSICIAN DR. F. I. HORN 61 St Marks Place. CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION OF THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF THE FRIARS We, the undersigned, of full age, being de- sirous of associating ourselves together for the purposes hereinafter more particularly described, pursuant to and in conformity with the Acts of the Legislature of the State of New York, relating to Membership Corpo- rations, do hereby certify and declare that we are all of full age, and two-thirds of us are citizens of the United States and residents of the State of New York. We do further certify and declare as follows: First. That the particular objects for which said corporation is formed are as follows: To establish and maintain a fraternity among men engaged in theatrical enterprises; to secure club rooms or erect a club house where members may meet and congregate for purposes of social intercourse and entertain- ment, and where regular meetings may be held to consider and discuss such questions as may arise, which are of peculiar signifi- cance to the theatrical profession or of special importance to the corporation or to its members, to the end not only that professional standards may be improved, but that the corporation and its members may be benefited; to voluntarily aid each other in sickness or in distress; to endeavor to cultivate among the members a spirit of mutual dependence upon, and of loyalty toward, each other and among those not members, but engaged in similar pro- fessions, a spirit of adherence to principles, 11 supporting the highest standard of business integrity. Second. That the corporate name by which said corporation, hereby to be formed, shall be known and designated, is and shall be NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF THE FRIARS. Third. That the territory in which the operations of said corporation are to be prin- cipally conducted is the United States of America. Fourth. That the principal office of said corporation shall be located in the City, County and State of New York. Fifth. That the number of directors of said corporation shall be fifteen, and they shall be designated and known as Governors. Sixth. That the names and places of resi- dence of the persons to be directors or gov- ernors of said corporation until its first annual meeting are: Wells Hawks, Rockville Center, Long Island, N. Y. ; Charles Emerson Cook, 304 West 99th Street, Manhattan New York City; Philip Mindil, 325 West 42d Street, Manhattan, New York City; John W. Rumsey, 50 Central Park West, Manhattan, Xew York City; Harry G. Sommcrs, 612 West 115th Street, Manhattan, New York City; Frank C. Payne, 144 West 43d Street, Manhattan, New York City; George W. Sammis, Sound Beach, Conn.; William G. Smyth, 242 West 49th Street, Manhattan, Xew York City; Bruce Edwards, Hotel Navarre, Manhattan, New York City; William M. Hull. 219 West 83d Street, Manhattan, New York City; Marcus R. Mayer, 130 West 44th Street, Manhattan, Xew York City; Clinton Moffatt, 128 \Vc-t 11th Street, Manhattan, New York City; Wai lace Munro, 331 West 45th Street, Man- hattan, New York City; A. Toxen Worm, 132 West 47th Street, Manhattan, New York City; W. D. Coxey, 100 West 141st Street, Manhat- tan, Xew York City. Seventh. That the annual meeting of said corporation shall be held on the third Friday of June in each and every year. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, we have made and signed this certificate in duplicate, and have 12 hereunto set our hands and affixed our re- spective seals this loth day of November, one thousand nine hundred and seven. (Signed), WELLS HAWKS CHARLES EMERSON COOK PHILIP MINDIL JOHN W. RUMSEY HARRY G. SOMMERS GEORGE W. SAM MIS WILLIAM G. SMYTH BRUCE EDWARDS A. TOXEN WORM \YlLLARD D. COXEV WILLIAM M. HULL WALLACE MUNRO CLINTON W. MOFFATT FRANK C. PAYNE MARCUS R. MAYER I, James Fitzgerald, a Justice of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, of the First Judicial District, do hereby approve the foregoing certificate of incorporation, and con- sent that the same be filed. Dated, Xew York, November 16, 1907. JAMES FITZGERALD, Justice Supreme Court, First Judicial District. STATE OF NEW YORK. OFFICE OF SECRETARY OF STATE. Filed and Recorded November 19, 1907. JOHN S. WHALEN, Secretary of State. U CONSTITUTION ARTICLE I NAME AND OBJECT SEC. i. The name of this Club shall be "National Association of THE FRIARS." SEC. 2. The Seal of this Club shall be circular, with a Friar's head in the center and above it the Club's motto. "Prae Omnia Fraternitas." In the rim, the words, "Founded 1904 National Asso- ciation of" shall be placed above, and "THE FRIARS, New York," shall be placed below. SEC. 3. The object of this Club shall be to promote the business and social in- terests and welfare of its members. ARTICLE II GOVERNMENT SEC. I. The officers of this Club shall be a President, to be styled "The Ab- bot"; a Vice-President, to be styled 15 THE FRIARS "The Dean" ; a Corresponding Secretary, a Recording Secretary and a Treasurer, all of whom shall be directors, and ten ( 10) other directors, who, together, shall form an Executive Committee, to be des- ignated as the Board of Governors. All the officers shall be active Press Agents, and three of the aforesaid ten Directors shall be chosen from among the traveling active members. The said officers shall be elected by the Active members of the Club at an annual meeting, and shall hold office (unless re- moved for cause) for the term of one year, or until their successors shall be chosen. The Vice- President of the Club shall be also Chairman of the Board of Governors. SEC. 2. Any member of the Board of Governors who shall be absent, without permission of the presiding officer, from three consecutive meetings of the Board, shall, at the option of the Board, be con- sidered to have resigned. The Board of Governors shall then have the power to fill any vacancies in its membership, the member so chosen to hold office until the next annual meeting. 16 CONSTITUTION SEC. 3. The government of the Club shall be vested in the Board of Govern- ors, who shall have the control and man- agement of its affairs and of its member- ship. Six members of the Board of Gov- ernors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business or the election of members. SEC. 4. The Board of Governors shall adopt such By-Laws and Rules and Regulations for the management of the Club and its affairs as they may from time to time consider necessary, and shall also have power to repeal or amend such By-Laws and Rules, or any of them. SEC. 5. The Board of Governors shall have power, by a two-thirds vote, to re- move any officer for cause ; but no officer shall be removed unless he shall have been notified ten days beforehand in writing of the charges against him, and a hearing given him thereon at a special meeting of the Board. SEC. 6. The Board of Governors shall have power, after a proper investigation, of which he shall have ten days' notice, and at which he may appear in his own 17 THE FRIARS behalf, to censure, suspend or expel any member who shall be guilty of any of- fense affecting the good government of the Club, or who may be inimical to its peace, reputation or prosperity. SEC. 7. At any time within thirty days after an officer shall have been removed, or a member shall have been censured, suspended or expelled by order of the Board of Governors under Sees. 5 and 6 of this Article, and upon written request of twenty (20) members, a meeting of the Club shall be called by The Abbot, and ten days' notice of such meeting shall be sent to all members, including the officer who has been removed or the person who has been censured, suspended or expelled. At such meeting an appeal may be taken from the action of the Board of Governors; and if such action be overruled by a majority vote of the Active members then taken by ballot, the decision of the Board of Governors shall be annuled and the office or membership in question shall remain intact. Pending the decision upon such appeal, the action of the Board of Governors shall remain in force. 18 CONSTITUTION ARTICLE III MEETINGS SEC. i. The annual meeting of the Club shall be held on the third Friday of June in each year, for the purpose of re- ceiving the reports of officers and com- mittees for the past year, electing new officers (as provided in Article 2, Sec. i) and discussing all matters requiring the decision of a general meeting. Notice of the annual meeting shall be sent by the Corresponding Secretary to every Active member not later than the first day of June in each year, and a similar notice must be posted on the bulletin board for the same length of time. SEC. 2. At the annual meeting the pre- siding officer shall appoint a Chairman and two Inspectors of Election, whose duties shall be to open the polls and keep them open from eight o'clock (8) P. M. until twelve o'clock (12) midnight. All elections of officers and Governors shall be by ballot, under the direction and supervision of such duly appointed In- spectors, two of whom shall be present during the whole time the polls are open. 19 THE FRIARS The plurality of votes cast shall elect, and the Inspectors shall declare the re- sult of the election accordingly. Only Active members in good standing shall vote, and there shall be no proxies al- lowed. SEC. 3 On the written request of twenty-five (25) Active members, not of the Board of Governors, a special Club meeting shall be called, provided that fourteen days' notice be posted on the bulletin board for the same length of time ; and provided further, that the sub- ject of such special meetings be clearly stated in the notice. At such special meetings, no subject not so stated in the notice shall be considered. SEC. 4. Twenty-five Active members, present and voting, shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the Club, and a majority shall decide all questions. No Active member whose annual dues shall remain unpaid, or who shall be otherwise indebted to the Club, shall be entitled to vote at any meeting, or be counted in the number necessary for a quorum, or be eligible for any office. 20 CONSTITUTION SEC. 5. If no quorum be present at the time designated for the said annual meet- ing, or for any special meeting, the pre- siding officer may adjourn the meeting to another time, with the same effect as if held as above. ARTICLE IV COMMITTEES SEC. I. At the first meeting of the Board of Governors after the annual meeting, The Abbot shall appoint four Standing Committees, viz. : A House Committee of five members, the Chairman of which must be a mem- ber of the Board of Governors. A Relief Committee of three or more members, the Chairman of which must be a member of the Board of Governors. A committee of three or more Active members, to be known as "The Itinerant Friars," composed entirely of road men. An Auditing Committee of three, com- posed of either Active or Associate mem- bers, none of whom shall be a member of the Board of Governors. SEC. 2. There shall be also a Standing 21 THE FRIARS Committee on Ways and Means, to con- sist of The Dean, the Corresponding Secretary, the Recording Secretary, the Treasurer, and two other members who shall be selected from among the Board of Governors and appointed by The Abbot. There shall be also a Standing Com- mittee on Arts, Literature and Records, to consist of the Corresponding Secre- tary, the Recording Secretary and the Chairman of the House Committee. The duties of these committees shall be defined in the By-Laws. ARTICLE V MEMBERSHIP SEC. I. The members shall be males above the age of twenty-one (21) years and shall comprise four classes, namely : 1. Honorary members. 2. Active members. 3. Associate members. 4. Lay members. SEC. 2. Honorary members may be elected by the Club, if unanimously rec- ommended by the Board of Governors, 22 CONSTITUTION at any general meeting or special meet- ing called for that purpose. The reso- lution of the Board of Governors recom- mending an Honorary member must be posted on the bulletin board for seven days before the Club meeting. Honor- ary members shall be exempt from the payment of dues, and shall have all the rights and privileges of members, except voting and eligibility to office. SEC. 3. Only candidates who are known to the Board of Governors to have served at least thirty weeks as press representatives of theatres or other standard amusement enterprises, or as advance agents of theatrical companies, since 1904, shall be eligible to Active membership. All members enrolled as Active mem- bers prior to and including the date of the adoption of this Constitution shall continue to be rated as Active members. SEC. 4. All men directly connected with the business or executive depart- ments of theatres, theatrical companies and other standard amusement enter- prises, also newspaper men engaged as editors, reporters or artists, also dra- 23 THE FRIARS matic authors and composers, shall be eligible to Associate membership. All members enrolled as Associate members prior to and including the date of the adoption of this Constitution shall continue to be rated as Associate mem- bers. SEC. 5. All "good fellows" who are not included in the classifications for Active or Associate membership shall be eligible to Lay membership. SEC. 6. Members shall be bound by the Constitution, By-Laws and Rules and Regulations of the Club. ARTICLE VI PERMANENT FUND All moneys, excepting annual dues, received by the Club as entrance fees, gifts or royalties, and all profits that may accrue after paying the legitimate and authorized expenses of any entertain- ment given by the Club, shall be kept as a separate fund and shall be in the cus- tody of the Ways and Means Com- mittee, as trustees, and shall be known 24 CONSTITUTION as the "Permanent Fund," the principal and interest of which shall be used only for the rental or purchase of a Club House, for the improvement of such Club House, or for the payment of mortgages upon such Club House, but no part of this fund shall be expended for such pur- pose, as herein provided, unless ordered by a two-thirds vote of the whole Board of Governors and confirmed by a two- thirds vote of the Active members pres- ent in person or by their duly authorized proxies, at a special meeting of the Club to be called /or that purpose, notice of the purpose of such meeting to be mailed to every Active member of the Club at least thirty (30) days in advance thereof. ARTICLE VII INTERPRETATION Upon all questions of the construction and meaning of the Constitution and By- Laws of the Club the decision of the Board of Governors shall be final, unless overruled by a two-thirds vote of Active members of the Club. 25 THE FRIARS ARTICLE VIII AMENDMENT OF THIS CONSTITUTION This Constitution may be amended by a three-fourths vote of the Active mem- bers present in person or by their duly authorized proxies at an annual or spe- cial meeting of the Club, provided that the proposed amendment shall have been subscribed to by at least twenty-five Ac- tive members and presented to the Board of Governors thirty days before the time of such meeting. It shall be the duty of the Corresponding Secretary to post the amendment, with its signatures, upon the bulletin board in the Club Rooms at least thirty days before such meeting, and to mail a copy thereof to every member at the time of such posting. ARTICLE IX EFFECT This Constitution shall be in effect, as the law of the Club on and after Nov. 29, 1007. BY-LAWS DUTIES OF OFFICERS 1. The Abbot shall preside at all meetings of the Club, and shall have the casting vote in the event of a tie upon any question. He shall, subject to the approval of the Board of Governors, appoint all Standing and Special Com- mittees, of which committees he shall be, ex-officio, a member, and. with the Cor- responding, or in his absence the Re- cording, Secretary, and the Chairman of the Board of Governors, shall make and execute all written contracts or obliga- tions of the Club, excepting bank cheques. The Abbot is empowered to call special meetings of the Club and of the Board of Governors whenever it may be neces- sary to consider specific subjects. 2. The Dean shall assist The Abbot, and in the absence of The Abbot shall have all his power and discharge all his duties. He shall be Chairman of the Board of Governors, and shall be, ex- officio, a member of all committees. In 27 THE FRIARS the absence of The Abbot and The Dean a meeting may choose its presiding officer, and the officer so chosen shall have the casting vote in the event of a tie. 3. The Corresponding Secretary shall attend to the general correspondence of the Club, and, with The Abbot and the Chairman of the Board of Governors, make and execute all written contracts, except bank cheques. He shall issue weekly to every member The Friars' Epistle, which shall contain all im- portant proceedings of the meetings of the Board of Governors, and of The Friars' Gatherings, and all proposals and elections to membership. He shall notify and hand to the Board of Governors all resignations, and promptly present to them all correspondence. He shall keep a roll of the members of the Club, and bulletin all regular notices. He shall send to each member of the Club, with the notification of the annual meeting, a list of the regular nominations for officers, and shall furnish to the Inspec- tors of Elections a list of the Active members entitled to vote. At the annual meeting he shall present a report of the 28 BY-LAWS progress and condition of the Club. The Corresponding Secretary shall be, ex- officio, a member of the House Com- mittee. In the absence of the Corre- sponding Secretary the Recording Secre- tary shall discharge his duties. 4. The Recording Secretary shall keep minutes of all meetings of the Club and of the Board of Governors. He shall provide a book, in which shall be entered the names of all guests, with the names of the members introducing them. He shall promptly furnish to the Correspond- ing Secretary a list of the persons elected to membership, and shall be the keeper of the Seal of the Club. The Recording Secretary shall be, ex-officio, a member of the House Committee. In the absence of the Recording Secretary the Corre- sponding Secretary shall discharge his duties. 5. The Treasurer shall collect and have charge, unless otherwise ordered by the Board of Governors, of all the funds of the Club, except the "Permanent Fund," and shall keep the same deposited and invested in such depository and in such manner as the Board of Governors 29 THE FRIARS may prescribe. He shall make only such disbursements as are approved by the Board of Governors. Payments shall be made by cheque only. He shall keep the accounts of the Club in books belonging to it, which shall at all times be open to the inspection of the Board of Govern- ors. He shall cause members to be noti- fied of their indebtedness and the names of the delinquents to be placed upon the bulletin board. He shall submit monthly, to the Board of Governors, a balance sheet for the preceding month, which shall exhibit the assets and liabilities of the Club, the names of debtors, and the amounts due from each. At each annual meefing he shall present a printed de- tailed statement of the receipts and dis- bursements of the Club for the preceding fiscal year, with an abstract, showing its financial condition at the close thereof, certified to by the Auditing Committee. The Treasurer shall be, ex-officio, a member of the House Committee. 6. The Corresponding Secretary and the Treasurer shall have power, with the approval of the Board of Governors, to employ, at the expense of the Club, such BY-LAWS clerical aid as may be necessary in the discharge of their duties. 7. A Librarian shall be appointed by The Abbot immediately after the annual meeting. He shall have charge of the Library and Reading Room, and is authorized to solicit and receive contri- butions therefor, and to expend such amounts for the purchase of books, peri- odicals and newspapers for the use of the Club as may be authorized by the Board of Governors. MEETINGS 8. At the annual meeting the order of business shall be : First. Calling the Roll. Second. Reading the Minutes of the Previous Annual Meeting. Third. Reports of Officers and Com- mittees. Fourth. Appointment of Inspectors of Election. Fifth. General Business. Sixth. Special Business. Seventh. Election of Officers. This order of business may be changed, 31 THE FRIARS however, by a majority vote of the meet- ing. 9. Informal meetings, called "Gather- ings of the Friars," shall be held weekly at such place and time as may be desig- nated by the Board of Governors. 10. Any motion or resolution offered at any meeting of the Club or of the Board of Governors shall, at the request of a member, be reduced to writing be- fore it is acted upon. MEETINGS OF THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS it. The Board of Governors shall hold fortnightly meetings. 12. At the regular meetings of the Board of Governors the following shall be the order of business : First. Calling the Roll. Second. Reading the Minutes of the Previous Meeting. Third. Reports of Officers and Com- mittees. Fourth. Balloting for Members. Fifth. Unfinished Business. Sixth. New Business. 32 BY-LAWS COMMITTEES 13. The House Committee, subject to ihe approval of the Board of Governors, shall have charge of all matters per- taining to the internal regulations, care, maintenance and order of the Club House. They shall receive and investi- gate complaints, and report in writing to the Board of Governors any member who shall wilfully violate any of the rules or conduct himself in any manner prejudicial to the peace or good order of the Club. They shall make reports monthly to the Board of Governors, and at the Club's annual meeting shall fur- nish a valuation inventory of the Club's effects. 14. It shall be the duty of the Relief Committee to receive and report to the Board of Governors all communications regarding sick members, or the families of deceased members, and to recommend such means of assistance or relief as may appear to them necessary. This committee shall make a monthly report to the Board of Governors. 15. It shall be the duty of the com- 33 THE FRIARS mittee known as "The Itinerant Friars" to promote the interests of The Friars throughout the country, and by corre- spondence keep the Board of Governors advised of any conditions that require attention. 16. It shall be the custom of Friars that in any city where there are at least four members, to hold an informal gath- ering on Friday night, or whatever night the Friars may gather in New York. Should a member of the Committee of Itinerant Friars be at this gathering, he shall preside. A brief transcript of the records of this gathering shall be mailed to the Corresponding Secretary for pub- lication in The Friars' Epistle. 17. The Committee on Ways and Means shall devise and suggest methods to increase and to maintain the "Perma- nent Fund" as provided for in Article VI. of the Constitution. 18. The Auditing Committee shall perform the usual duties of auditors and examine and audit all accounts, and shall report at the annual meeting. They shall also report to the Board of Governors whenever they may deem it necessary or 34 BY-LAWS be required by the Board of Governors so to do. 19. Thirty days prior to the annual meeting, and at a meeting of the Board of Governors, The Abbot shall appoint a Nominating Committee of seven mem- bers, and the names of the committees so appointed shall be posted upon the bulle- tin board. It shall be the duty of said committee to nominate candidates to be voted for at the ensuing election of officers. Such nominations shall be posted upon the bulletin board for four- teen days before said election, and the names so posted, enclosed, with the no- tices of the annual meeting, to every member. Any twenty-five Active mem- bers may nominate other candidates for the same offices, but the names of all such candidates, with the names of their said twenty-five proposers, shall be posted upon the bulletin board for seven days before said election, and no person shall be eligible to office unless he has been nominated and posted as aforesaid. 20. The action and authority of every standing and special committee shall, at all times, be subject to the supervision 35 THE FRIARS and control of the Board of Governors. Every committee shall keep a record of its proceedings and shall make a monthly report in writing to the Recording Secre- tary, who shall submit such reports to the Board of Governors. All committees' reports shall be subject to the revision, modification, rejection or approval of the Board of Governors, but this clause shall not apply to the Nominating Committee. 21. Any member of a committee who shall absent himself without acceptable explanation or competent reason from three consecutive meetings of such com- mittee may be held to have resigned. 22. Any committee may be discharged, or any member of a committee may, with the approval of the Board of Governors, be at any time removed by The Abbot, who shall have power to fill any vacancy, however caused, with the like approval of the Board of Governors. 23. The name of every person pro- posed for membership, with his place of residence, occupation or profession, and the class to which his election is pro- posed, shall be entered, with the names of his proposer and seconder, in a Book BY-LAWS of Candidates, to be kept for the purpose in the Club Rooms, which book must at all times be accessible to members. The Corresponding Secretary shall cause a transcript of the entry to be simultan- eously posted in the Club Rooms and to be published in The Friars' Epistle at least thirty (30) days immediately pre- ceding the meeting of the Board of Gov- ernors at which such candidate is to be balloted for, providing letters of endorse- ment have been received from the pro- poser and seconder. 24. The proposer and seconder must each certify to a personal knowledge of the candidate, and forward the requisite information as to his eligibility by letter to the Board of Governors. In case such letters shall not have been received be- fore the first meeting, at which the name of the candidate could be balloted for, it shall be the duty of the Corresponding Secretary to notify the member or mem- bers from whom such letters are due of this requirement; and if such letter or letters shall not have been received be- fore the next regular meeting of the Board of Governors, the name of such 37 THE FRIARS candidate shall be deemed to have been withdrawn. Candidates must be person- ally known to some members of the Board of Governors. 25. At all elections of members the ballot shall be secret and two negative ballots shall exclude the candidate. No rejected candidate shall again be pro- posed until after the expiration of six months from the date of such rejection. 26. Any former member, who has re- signed from the Club in good standing, shall, upon applying for re-admission, take precedence over all other candidates. 27. Each member elected, on notifica- tion of his election, shall forward to the Treasurer the amount of his entrance fee and first years' dues, on receipt of which a proper acknowledgment shall be sent him, together with a manual con- taining the Constitution, By-Laws and Rules of the Club. Members who shall be elected subsequent to July I in any year, shall be required to pay to the Treasurer his entrance fee together with one-half the annual dues, which sum shall secure his membership to the first day of the following January. 38 BY-LAWS 28. No elected member shall be per- mitted to enjoy any of the privileges or benefits of the Club until his entrance fees and dues shall have been paid and he shall have signed the roll book. 29. If a member elect does not qualify within thirty days after the notification of his election, such election shall be void unless his time for payment shall be ex- tended by the Board of Governors. RESIGNATIONS 30. All resignations must be made in writing to the Corresponding Secretary or the Treasurer; and if the member so resigning be in good standing, such resig- nation must be accepted, but no resigna- tion (except it be called for by the Board of Governors) shall be accepted from any member who shall in any way be in- debted to the Club ; and his indebtedness shall be held to include dues for the year in which the resignation is offered. ENTRANCE FEES AND DUES 31. The dues shall be payable annu- ally, in advance, on the first day of Janu- 39 THE FRIARS ary in each year, but members elected after July I in each year shall be re- quired to pay only one-half the yearly dues for the remainder of that fiscal year. 32. On the first day of April, the names of members in arrears for dues shall be posted on the Club bulletin. 33. If a member remains two months in arrears in the payment of his dues, it shall become the duty of the Treasurer to demand payment from him and call his attention to such arrears and demand payment thereof. Should this demand not be complied with within one month, the Board of Governors shall have power to suspend him or to strike his name from the roll of members, as the Board, in the exercise of its judgment and dis- cretion, may deem proper. 34. The annual dues of Active mem- bers shall be ten ($10) dollars; of As- sociate members fifteen ($15) dollars, and of Lay members twenty-five ($25) dollars. 35. Active members shall pay an en- trance fee of ten ($10) dollars, Associate members shall pay an entrance fee of 40 BY-LAWS fifteen ($15) dollars, Lay members shall pay an entrance fee of twenty-five ($25) dollars. SUSPENSION AND EXPULSION 36. Whenever forfeiture of member- ship shall have been imposed on a delin- quent member, upon his giving satisfac- tory explanation for the delinquency, and upon his written application for rein- statement, made within three months from the date of such forfeiture, the Board of Governors may remit the pen- alty to which he was subjected, and re- store him to membership on such terms as they shall deem just and proper. No reinstated member, however, shall be permitted to avail himself of the privi- leges of the Club until he shall have com- plied with the terms prescribed. FISCAL YEAR 37. The fiscal year of The Friars shall begin on the first day of January in each year. ADDRESSES AND NOTICES 38. A register shall be kept in the office of the Club, in which a member 41 THE FRIARS shall record his name and address, and notice of any change must' be sent promptly to the Corresponding Secretary. 39. Members absent from the City of New York are required to furnish for entry in the register the address to which they wish their bulletins and correspond- ence sent, and also, if possible, the period for which such entry is to hold good. No complaint of mis-direction or irregu- larity, however, in the transmission of notices or leters will be entertained un- less the provisions herein are complied with. 40. Any member failing to record such change or send such notice shall be deemed to have waived all claim to official notices. The last address on the register shall always be regarded as the proper one, and notices sent thereto shall be considered as legally forwarded, and a compliance with all requirements of the Club to give any notice. IN MEMORIAM 41. It shall be the custom at all an- nual meetings to have some brief and appropriate expression regarding The 42 BY-LAWS Friars who have gone beyond and whose life's advance work has left their memory a living thought with all Friars. The Abbot shall appoint a Friar, who shall voice the thought and sympathy of the Friars on this occasion, and the Corre- sponding Secretary shall send to the relatives a note of this remembrance. SUSPENSION AND AMENDMENT 42. Any By-Law may be suspended by the Board of Governors at any meet- ing by the unanimous consent of the Board. No By-Law shall be amended, altered or annulled without notice of such proposed action having been given at a previous meeting of the Board of Governors, and no such amendment, alteration or annulment to the By-Laws shall be had unless nine of the members present of the Board of Governors shall vote therefor. 43. Should any twenty-five or more members in good standing recommend in writing to the Board of Governors any alteration or addition to, or annulment of any By-Law or Rules, and should the Board of Governors, after ten days' no- 43 THE FRIARS tice, refuse to take such action, a special meeting of the Club shall be called, as provided in Article III., Sec. 3, of the Constitution, at which meeting the action of the Board of Governors may be over- ruled by a two-thirds vote. EFFECT 44. These By-Laws shall be in effect on and after Nov. 29, 1907. 44 HOUSE RULES. I. The Friary shall be opened at 9 o'clock A. M. and shall be closed at 2 o'clock A. M., except on evenings when gatherings or other meetings of the Club are held. The time of closing the Friary on evenings when gatherings or other meetings of the Club are held shall be decided by The Abbot, or, in his ab- sence, by the officer presiding at the gathering or the meeting. II. Meals or beverages will be served in the Friary only at the tables espe- cially assigned by the House Committee for that purpose, except on the occasions of gatherings or other meetings of the Club. All meals and beverages are to be paid for in cash at the time of their purchase. No guest shall be permitted to pay for meals or beverages in the Friary unless he holds a visitor's card. III. Betting, or the playing of cards, pool, or any game for a wager of money, is strictly prohibited in the Friary. 45 IV. No stranger not entitled to the privileges of the Club may enter the Friary except on the invitation of a Friar; nor shall he remain in the Friary in the absence of the Friar introducing him. V. The name and the residence of every guest must be inscribed in the Guest Book, in the handwriting of the member introducing him, on entering the Friary. VI. A Friar may introduce without card, for one day only, any gentleman residing in the City of New York, whose name must be entered on the Guest Book, as before provided ; but no resi- dent of the City of New York can be in- troduced more than once within thirty days. The privileges of the Friary for two weeks only may be extended to any gentleman residing beyond the limits of the City of New York, upon application by a Friar to The Abbot, Dean, or Secre- tary, for a card, which must be signed by the officer issuing it and one other member of the Board of Governors. The officer issuing such card shall promptly notify the Secretary of the HOUSE RULES date of issue and the name of the guest, and this information shall be posted weekly by the Secretary on the bulletin board. A guest so introduced shall not be entitled to the privileges of the Friary the second time until a period of three months has elapsed. The issuance of a card to any person does not entitle the holder to the privilege of introducing a stranger into the Friary. Friars intro- ducing guests shall be responsible for them. VII. No book, journal, paper, picture, statue, or other work of art, nor any article of any kind, the property of the Friars, shall be taken from the Friary under any pretense whatever. A Friar shall be liable for any damage to the property of the Friars caused either by himself or a guest introduced by him. VIII. No person shall bring a dog into the Friary. IX. No boisterous or unbecoming conduct on the part of any Friar or guest shall be permitted in the Friary ; nor shall any playing upon musical in- struments or singing at unseasonable hours be allowed. It shall be the duty 47 THE FRIARS of any officer or member of the House Committee when he happens to be pres- ent to notify any person who shall vio- late this rule, and to cause such offensive demonstration, noise or disturbance to cease. X. The privileges of the Friary shall not be extended to minors under eight- een years of age. XI. A complete list of the members, officers and committees shall be kept posted in the Friary, and such list shall be corrected by the Secretary from time to time as changes occur. XII. No Friar shall give any gratuity to any servant or employee of the Club. XIII. No member while under sus- pension from the Friars for any cause shall be brought into the Friary as a guest by another member. XIV. Any member of the House Committee is authorized, in the event of conduct offensive to the Club, on the part of any Friar, to order his exclusion from the Friary until the matter can be acted upon by the Board of Governors. 48 HOUSE RULES XV. The Treasurer is authorized to post upon the bulletin board the amount and nature of any indebtedness of any Friar to the Club one month after such amount is due. At the same time he will report to the Board of Governors the same information for action. XVI. All complaints and suggestions must be made in writing to the House Committee, and deposited in a box pro- vided for that purpose, in the entrance hall. Complaints made verbally to mem- bers of the Committee will, under no cir- cumstances, be noticed. MEMBERS HONORARY R. F. HAMILTON 1904 JAMES L. FORD 190f> MAJOR JOHN M. BURKE 1906 CLYDE FITCH 1907 MARC. KLAW 1907 HENRY MILLER 1907 VICTOR HERBERT 1907 CHARLES F. DALY 1907 ABRAHAM L. JACOBS 1907 AL. HAYMAN 1907 DAVID BELASCO... . 1907 ACTIVE ABBOT, FRANK ABRAMS, EDWARD J. AISTON, ARTHUR C. ALEXANDER, WILLIAM ALGER, OLIE ALLEN, CHARLES ALLEN, EUGENE KELCEY ALLEN, WHITING ALWARD, HARRY S. ANHALT, JULIAN 51 THE FRIARS ANHALT, LAWRENCE J. ANKERMILLER, EMIL ANTISDEL, WM. R. ATKINSON, G. H. BARTON, CHARLES BATES, WILBUR M. BAUER, THEODORE H. BEATON, WELFORD BELL, HARRY \V. BENEDICT, PHIL. P. BENJAMIN, PAUL BENTON, JAY BERG, LEON BLOCK, FRED BLOOM, M. M. BOTHNER, GUS BOTTO, WALTER D. BOVYER, GEORGE A. BOWLES, GEORGE BRADLEY, ALFRED BRADLEY, CHARLES BRADY, JAMES JAY BREED, CHARLES S. BREKER, EDWARD BROWN, CHARLES F. BROWN, LOUIS FRANCIS BUCKLEY, EDWARD J. BUGBEE, CHARLES R. BURLOCK, WILLIAM 52 ACTIVE MEMBERS BURNES, CALDWELL BUTLER, ORMAND H. CALDWELL, A. E. CAMPBELL, JOHN B. CANBY, A. H. CASAD, CAMBELL B. CAVANAGH, CHAS. T. CAVANAGH, F. P. COHN, ROBERT J. COLLIER, J. WALTER COMBS, SAMUEL W. CONNOLLY, CHARLES D. CONOLY, JOSEPH W. COOK, CHARLES EMERSON COOK, EDWARD G. CORBETT, EDWARD CORRIS, W. J., Jr. COXEY, WILLARD D. COYNE, M. C. CRAFT, P. P. CROSS, A. W. DALY, JOHN P. DANBY, SHERMAN DANIELS, HARRY D'ARCY, H. A. DAVIDSON, HARRY L. DAVIS, AL, DAY, HARVEY B. DEAN, TUNIS F. 63 THE FRIARS DECKER, JAMES H. DECKER, W. W. DE MUTH, W. C. DEWEY, R. H. DE WOLFE, JAMES DEXTER, A. H. DILLON, JOSEPH H. DONAGHEY, FREDERICK J. DONALD, SIDNEY W. DORRIS, ALBERT DOUGLAS, BRONSON DRAKE, HOMER DRUM, JOSEPH C. DUCE, HERBERT C. DU COIN, FRANK DUNLOP, A. P. DUNN, ED. W. DUPREE, FRANK DURHAM, JAY F. EARL, HARRY EDES, GEORGE A. EDMUNDS, RALPH EDWARDS, BRUCE EINSTEIN, ABE L. EISFELDT, KURT ELMER, HARVEY EMMETT, BURTON ETTEN, W. J. EVERET, EDWARD 54 ACTIVE MEMBERS FECHHEIMER, RICHARD FEDRIS, J. M. FELLOWS, DEXTER FISHEL, DAN S. FITZPATRICK, JOHN B. FLEMING, CARROLL H. FLOYD, WALTER FORBES, JAMES FORREST, EDGAR FREIBERGER, EDW. FRIEDMAN, LEON FULLER, ED. FULLWOOD, WILLIAM H. FULTON, HARRY S. FYNES, J. AUSTIN FYNES, JOHN T. GARDNER, WILL F. GERSON, SAMUEL P. GIBSON, HUTTON GIFFIN, R. L. GILMORE, HAROLD L. GIROUX, E. V. GLENNAN, JOHN L. GLICKAUF, H. W. GODDARD, W. M. GOETT, GEORGE GOODFRIEND, S. GORMAN, W. E. GRADY, HUGH 66 THE FRIARS GRAY, GEORGE N. GRAY, WILLIAM N. GREENE, CHARLES H. GREENE, HENRY F. GREGORY, JOHN M. GRENEKER, C. P. GRESSITT, HENRI GROVE, W. L. HALE, JOHN S. HALLER, SAMUEL C. HALL, FRED. MORDAUNT HAMMETT, MELVILLE HAMMOND, J. C. HAMMOND, J. S. HARLEY, JOHN F. HARMON, VICTOR HARRIS, AL, HARRIS, GEORGE H. HARRIS, Z. M. HARTLEY, RANDOLPH HAVEZ, JEAN HAWKS, WELLS HAWLEY, FRANK V. HAYES, CHAS. WM. HAYNES, D. W. HEALY, EDGAR HEATH, EUGENE B. HEMSTREET, CHARLES HENKELL, O. R. 66 ACTIVE MEMBERS HENNESSY, ROLAND B. HERBERT, CARL HERRICK, HOWARD HICKOX, GEO. C. HILL, WALTER K. HINTON, GEORGE FREDERICK HODGEMAN, THOMAS HODGE, OSCAR F. IIOLCOMB, WILLARD HOLMES, NED HOLSTEIN, AL. T. HOOGS, ALBERT HOPPER, GEORGE F. HULL, WM. M. HUNTER, ROBERT T. HUNT. PHIL. HUSTED, HARRY C. HUTTON, JAMES T. HYDE, J. CLARENCE JACK, EDWIN BOOTH JACQUES, PHILIP JAMES, J. E. JOHNSTON, FRANKLIN JENNINGS, JOHN J. JERMON, JOSEPH KATZ, LOUIS KEENE, LIPMAN KELLER, ARTHUR J. KELLOGG, MELVILLE L. 57 THE FRIARS KENDALL, EDWARD KERR, GEORGE F. KINGSBURY, GEORGE A. KINGSLEY, WALTER KINGSTON, SAMUEL F. KLINE, HARRY D. LAKE, WARREN P. LAMBERT, CLAY LAMBERT, RICHARD LANDON, SHELDON J. LAWSHE, ER LEA, FRANK J. LEE, HARRY A. LEFFINGWELL, JOHN D. LEFFLER, JOHN LEVI, ABRAHAM LINGARD, S. NELSON LITTLE, RICHARD W. LOHMAN, AL. LYNCH, GEORGE T. MACCULLOCH, ROBT. c. MACGAFFEY, KENNETH M. MACGEACHY, CHARLES MACVICKER, HORACE MACVITTY, KARL G. MALLEY, WILLIAM L. MANHEIMER, SOL. MARTINEAU, FRANK MARKS, TED 58 ACTIVE MEMBERS MATHEWS, H. F. MATTOX, P. S. MAURICE, SAMUEL J. MAYER, LEON MAYER, MARCUS R. McCALL, CHARLES D. MCCARTHY, j. j. McCUNE, AUGUSTUS E. MCDONALD, HEBER MCDOWELL, EDW. N. McKAY, FREDERIC EDWARD McKEEVER, JOSEPH MEEK, FRED. MELTZER, CHARLES HENRY MEREDITH, E. E. MESSENGER, WALTER MEYERS, SAMUEL MEYERS, SAMUEL H. MILLER, CHARLES T. K. MILLER, A. M. MILLER, FRED., JR. MILLER, F. O. MILLER, WILLIAM S. MINDIL, PHILIP MIRICK, N. C. MOFFATT, CLINTON W. MOLITOR, WILL. F. MONTAGUE, JOHN MOORE, JOHN 59 THE FRIARS MORAN, GEO. N. MORGENSTERN, LOUIS A. MORRIS, M. C. MORRIS, RAMSEY MUENSTER, WILLIAM F. MUNRO, WALLACE MURPHY, MYLES J. MURRAY, FRANK MURRAY, GEORGE H. MURRAY, JOHN MURRAY, JOHN DUKE NAHM, SEIMON NAMACK, THOMAS F. NETHERSOLE, LOUIS NOLAN. GEORGE F. NOLAN, JOHN J. NOONAN, THOMAS J. NORCROSS, FRANK M. OBEE, RICHARD O'BRIEN, BRANCH O'GRADY, STEVE O'LEARY, J. J. OSBORN, JOHN OVIATT, WILLIAM H. PAGE, WILL A. PAYNE, FRANK C. PEEBLES, JOHN C. PEEL, FRED. PEEL, NORMAN 60 ACTIVE MEMBERS PENNYPACKER, HENRY PETERS, MASON PHILLIPS, M. L. PHILLIPS, TOM I. PICKENS, JOHN W. PITOU, AUGUSTUS, JR. PLOHN, EDMUND PLUNKETT, JOS. L. POLLOCK, ALEX. J. POLLOCK, CHANNING POOTON, JAMES, JR. POPE, A. MACAULEY POTTERY, H. R. PRATT, JOHN PRICE. E. D. PRIEST, ROBERT W. PURDY, GEORGE W. RANDALL, W. W. RAY, WHITAKER REED, JACKSON A. REID, FRANCIS E. REYNOLDS, JOHN B. RHEINSTROM, A. L. RICE, CHESTER H. RICE, PETER RICHARDS, HARRY S. RICHARDS, J. E. RIDINGS, HARRY RILEY, LEE 61 THE FRIARS R1LEY, WILLIAM F. RINGSDORF, CHARLES ROBIE, JOSEPH ROBLEE, MILTON RODRIGUEZ, L. J. ROEDER, BENJ. F. ROGERS, JOHN R. ROSENBAUM, ED., JR. ROSENTHAL, H. W. ROSENTHAL, J. J. ROSS, VICTOR. ROSS, WILSON S. ROWLAND. W. L. RUMSEY, JOHN W. SALISBURY, CHARLES SAMMIS, GEORGE W. SANFORD, WALTER SASSEEN, DAVID SCHLESINGER, M. S. SCHWAB, HARRY C. SEMPLE, W. K. SHADER, FRED. SHAEFER, E. A. SHARPE, STANLEY SHAW, E. D. SHEAN, JOHN SHESGREEN, JAMES SHRADER, FRED. F. SILL, WILLIAM R. ACTIVE MEMBERS SLEVIN, JAMES SLOAN, HARRY SMALL, CHARLES H. SMITH, MATT. SMYTH, WILLIAM G. SNOW, HARRY G. SOMMERS, HARRY G. STERN, BENJAMIN STRASSMAN, ALBERT SULLIVAN, EDWARD J. SULLIVAN, SYLVESTER SWEATMAN, HARRY THALL, SAMUEL THAYER, FRITZ THEARLE, H. B. THOMPSON, WILLIAM, COL. THURNAER, EDWARD TIEDEMANN, H. B. TOWLE, CHARLES F. TRAITEL, DAVID TURNER, SMITH UNDERWOOD, DRURY VICTOR, LEON VOELCKEL, R. WACHTER, S. WAITE, MAYNARD WALKER, F. LAWRENCE WALLACH, SAMUEL H. WALSH, TOWNSEND 63 THE FRIARS WALSH, WILLIAM H. WALTERS, CHARLES L. WANNAMAKER, CHAS. C. WARNER, HENRY E. WARNER, JOHN E. WARREN, GEORGE C. WEADON, PERCY WEAVER, HARRY E. WEBSTER, RICHARDSON WEGEFARTH, W. DAYTON WEIL, EDWARD A. WELCH, JOHN M. WELSH, E. J. WELLER, SAMUEL McL. WESTCOTT, WALTER F. WESTCOTT, W. W. WHEELER, W. O. WHITE, EDWARD C. WIEGAND, C. F. WILDER, CHARLES W. WILLIAMS, ARTHUR WILLIAMS, JOHN D. WILSON, EUGENE WILSON, NELSON W. WILSON, WILL R. WILSTACH, FRANK J. WOLF, RENNOLD WOOD, GEORGE S. WORM, A. TOXEN 64 ASSOCIATE MEMBERS WOTHERSPOON, GEORGE YACK, M. A. ZWEIFEL, FRED. ASSOCIATES ABELES, EDWARD ADE, GEORGE APPLETON, GEO. J. AULICK, W. W. BACON, CHAS. R. BARNET. R. A. BARTON, JAMES D. BEACH. REX BENDIX, THEODORE BENNETT, H. WHITMAN BERNERO, JOHN BILLINGS, F. W. BISHOP, FRANK S. BLOOM, EDWARD L. BLOSSOM, HENRY M. BODA, LEE M. BONNELL, HARRY BORIE, ALBERT J. BOWERS, LOUIS H. BOWERS, R. H. BRAUNIG, SOL. BROADHURST, GEORGE H. BROWER, ROBT. 65 THE FRIARS BROWN, HARRY A. BROWN, SHERMAN BUCKLEY, JOSEPH J. BULKLEY, CHARLES BURNSIDE, R. H. CAHN JULIUS CAMPBELL, ROBERT G. CARPENTER, E. J. CAVE, W. D. CLAGGETT, SAMUEL E. CLAYTON, WILLIAM B. COMSTOCK, RAY COOK, GEORGE J. COREY, MADISON C. CORNELL, P. C. COUNIHAN, W. J. CULLMAN, WM. F. DACEY, JOHN J. DAVIS, GLENMORE DAVIS, WILL J. DEAN, FREDERICK DEAN, WILL J. DE KIRALY, VICTOR E. DINGWALL, A. W. DINKINS, T. W. DIXON, C. E. DIXON, THOS., Jr. DUNLEVIE, GEORGE B. DUNNE, JOHN W. ASSOCIATE MEMBERS DUNNING, CARROL H. DYKEMAN, H. A. EAVES, COLIN S. EBERTS, F. C. ECKEL, JOHN C. EDWARDS, JULIAN EDWARDS, W. A. ELDRIDGE, E. D. ELLSWORTH, RICHARD C. EMERSON, VICTOR ENGLANDER, A. J. ERTHEILER, H. F. FEIBLEMAN, BERT FISKE, JOHN FITZHUGH, E. H. FLYNN, A. L. FRANK, WILLIAM FRAZEE, H. H. GARRITY, J. J. GARVAN, GEORGE N. GENTRY, WILLIAM GERSTON, FRANK GERTH, FRANK GILBERT, CHAS. E. GOETTLER, CHARLES A. GOODALE, GEORGE P. GOODMAN, ROBT. GOODSTADT, LOUIS M. GRAU, MATT. 67 THE FRIARS GREAVES, WALTER B. GREENE, FRED V.. JR. HAM, W. W. HASKELL, GILMAN HATZEL. RICHARD HEIMAN, MARCUS HENKEL, PAUL HILL, EDWIN C. HILLIARD, MACK HOFF, JAMES L. HOLBROOK, A. M. HOPE, FRANCIS X. HORN, DR. F. I. HOWE, FRANK, JR. HUNT, ALBERT E. HURTIG, JULES ILLMANSEE, GEORGE IRWIN, ROBERT E. JACKSON, REGINALD JACOT, HOWARD JOHNSTON, W. A. JORDAN, WALTER C. JUDGE, HORACE C. KEENE, SOL. KENNEDY, VALENTINE E. KERR, JOHN L. KING, EARL KIRK, THOMAS F., Jr. KLEIN. CHARLES KLEIN, MANUEL ASSOCIATE MEMBERS LARGEY, M. S. LAW, ROBERT LEDERER, GEORGE W. LEONHARDT, HARRY LEVERING, AL. LIEBES, ARTHUR LINDLEY, HARRY LINDSLEY, W. B. LIVINGSTON, MEYER W. LLOYD, HARRY D. LOCKE, ROBINSON LOFTUS, WALTER LUCK, ERNEST LYONS, EDWARD E. MAcMANUS, GEORGE MACAULEY, JOHN T. MAC FARLAND, R. W. MAGILL, R. D. MANSFIELD, EDW. W. MARION, GEORGE MARTIN, WILLIAM MASON, J. G. MAYER. FRED. M. McBRIDE, ROBT. W. McCALL, ROBT. S. McCOURT, PETER McCUSKER, FERGUS McMAHON, THOMAS FRANCIS McNALLY, A. F. McNEIL, J. A. 69 THE FRIARS MERRILL, W. B. MEYER, PAUL MEYERS, MAX LAING MOODY, GEORGE F. MOORE, CHAS. A. MOSEMANN, FRANK MULLER, J. P. MYERS, J. F. NATHAN, F. A. NELSON, THOMAS L. NOBLES, MILTON O'MALLEY, FRANK WARD PARKER, HARRY DOEL PARSONS, HARRY E. PARRY. F. G. PAYNE, GEORGE HENRY PECK, RAYMOND PHELPS, L. P. PHINNEY, ARTHUR S. PIDGEON, EDWARD E. PIERSON, HENRY PICK, RICHARD A. PRAY, ROLAND G. PRELL, CY. PRIBYL, JOHN F. PRINCE, JOHN T., JR. RAMAGE, DAVID J. RANKIN, A. L, RASCOVAR, ED. 70 ASSOCIATE MEMBERS RASCOVAR, HARRY REIDY, JOHN A. REINHARD, H. LAWRENCE RICHARDS, CHARLES N. RILEY, BERT C. ROBINSON, G. N. ROBYN. ALFRED G. ROSENBAUM, E. E. RULLMAN, FRED RUSH, ED. F. SALT, EDWARD SCHAAD, HENRY D. SCHMIDT, R. L. SCOTT, L. N. SEAMON, HARRY J. SHANNON, M. L. SHAW, CHARLES W. SHEEHAN, WINFIELD R. SHELDON, ARTHUR J. SHORT, PAT SIEGEL, JEROME SILVERMAN, JOSEPH SILVERMAN, S. J. SIMMONS, AL. J. SLOANE, A. BALDWIN SMITH, J. V. SMITH, WINCHELL SOMBORN, E. K. SPEED, KEATS 71 THE FRIARS STANCE, STANISLAUS STEELE, ASA STEIN, NED STUART, DON W. STUMM, CHAS. C. SUTHERLAND, ALBERT SUTTON, C. N. TEAL, BEN. THEISE, M. M. THOMPSON, FREDERICK THOMPSON, PAUL TOOKER, JOSEPH H. TRIER, RALPH TYNAN, BRANDON UBERROTH, WILSON J. VAN FLEET, R. WALTER VION, C. J. VOSBURG, L. F. WAGNER, JOSEPH WALDRON, ALFRED WALDRON, JAMES T. WALKER, DAVID R. WALKER, GEO. H. WALKER, RYAN WARD, J. M. WEBER, JOS. L. WELLS, JAKE WELTY, GEORGE M. WENDELSCHAEFER, FELIX K 72 LAY MEMBERS WERBA, LOUIS F. WHITNEY, B. C. WHITTON, E. C. WILEY, CLIFFORD WILSON, CHAS. D. WITMARK, ISIDOR WOLLF, M. E. WOOD, DOUGLAS J. WOOD, WILLIAM WYATT, H. C. WYATT, W. T. YOUNG, C. N. YOUNG, ROBERT LAY BECKERSTAFF, R. M. CAMPBELL, ROBERT M. COHEN, MEYER DAZIAN, HENRY DOCKSTADER, LEW DWYER, FRANK FAYBAN, COL. G. FIELDS, LEW M. GILLIN, PETER GILROY, JAMES P. GREEN, TAYLOR HARRIS, CHAS. K. 73 THE FRIARS HART, JOSEPH HITACHIYAMA, TANIEMON JUNE, GEO. W. KLEIN, WM. LASKI, LEON MURRAY, W. H. PUSEY. GEO. T. RYAN, W. J. SAMANNI, LOUIS P. SURBRUG, JOHN W. TAYLOR, L. B. TOWLE, MARTIN A. DECEASED FLAHERTY, JOHN 1904-1907 JEPSON, EDWIN C 1907-1907 PRICE, EDWIN H 1907-1907 PRITZ, GEO 1907-1907 STRINE, CHARLES 1906-1907 STONE, ED. G 1907-1907 The Gillin Ptg. Co. New York 74 A 000 085 536 1