nmata worn m \ c < COMPLETE CONGO RD ANCE BY ALEX AN DER iCRUDEN, M. A i aitir EDITED BY JOHN EADIE, D.I}., LL.D., I'ROFESSOE OF BIBLICAL LITERATURE i AUTHOR OF THE "ANALYTICAL CONCORDANCE TO THE HOLY SCBIPTUBES ;" "BIBLICAL CYCLOPEDIA;" "ECCLESIASTICAL CYCLOPEDIA ;" ETC. \VITH AN INTRODUCTION. BY REV. DAVID KING, LL. D., AUTHOR OF "PRINCIPLES OP GEOLOGY IN RELATION TO RELIGION;" "TREATISE ON THE LORD'S SUPPER;" ETC., ETC. PUBLISHED BY THE AMERICAN TRACT SOCIETY, No. 28 CORNHILL, BOSTON. PREFACE TO THE AMERICAN EDITION. IN the year 1 736, the learned Alexander Cruden, Esq., gave his ' Complete Concordance ' to the world ; and for a whole century it has stood without an equal in the English language. Copious, explanatory, and correct, it was believed by persons competent to judge, that very little room was left for improvement, and that no other work of the kind would ever be needed. Its size, however, was found to render it inconvenient for use, and to make it by far too expensive for persons of limited pecuniary means. Attempts, therefore, have frequently been made to abridge it into a more portable form, and by thus reducing the expense, to secure its advantages to the mass of readers and students of the Bible. But against these abridgments many just and serious objections have been made ; indeed they have always been too meagre to answer the purpose of a Concordance. The Condensed Concordance now offered to the public is not the result of a process by which the original is divested of that which constituted its excellence, but is a full and fair copy of all that is valuable in Cruden as a Concord ance. The principal variation from the original consists in the exclusion of the Bible Dictionary, which has long been an incumbrance to the larger work, and the accuracy and value of which has been depreciated by works of later date, containing recent discoveries, facts, and opinions, unknown to Cruden. The condensation of the quotations of Scripture, arranged under their most obvious heads, while it diminishes the bulk of the work, greatly facilitates the finding of any required passage. Ministers and Students in theology will gladly avail themselves of an indis- pensable book of reference, furnished them in a style of so much beauty and compactness, and at so low a price. To the Sabbath School Teacher a good Concordance is as necessary as to the Pastor ; for while it enables him to make a thorough examination of the Bible it affords him the means of selecting from all the texts bearing on the subject of instruction before his class, which is certainly preferable to confining himself to the few presented in other books which he may use. The publishers are confident that for accuracy it will bear comparison with any other book of the kind heretofore published, and the extremely low price at which it is offered induces them to believe that it will receive a liberal patronage. INTRODUCTION. Br RET. DAVID KINO, MINISTER OP ORETFBIARS' CHURCH, GLASGOW. THE value of tlic Scripture*, and the duty of perusing them, appear from m iny consider*- tior.i. We may estimate the character and tendency of divine revelation, by contrasting the condition of countries where its "true tight shineth," with that of other countries to which its beams have not extended. The heathen world is large enough surely for experimental proof. In many of its territories the richest blessings of sun and soil are enjoyed in abun- dance, and there, external nature presents itself in its stateliest and loveliest forms, but where are the beauties of holiness, where the fruits and flowers of moral culture) Or, if these are disparaged in comparison with intellectual stature and idolized genius, where are the distinguished philosophers and orators, historians and poets of pagan communities ? Amid numberless diversities of condition, they seem to have only this in common to ex- plain their wretchedness that they want those oracles of (tod which havo been committed unto us; and the conclusions appear fairly deducible, that it is in the absence of the Scriptures the people are there destroyed for lack of knowledge, that spiritual ignorance, in addition to its proper maladies nas there entailed mental and civil prostration, and that coficrv in our native land owe to the emancipating influence of (tod's word that %ery freedom of thinking which, with ungrateful and impious hand, they wield for the over throw of it* doctrines and institutions. The cases of Greece and Rome, so famous in the annals of history for literary attainments and heroic exploits, may be urged as evidence to the contrary. But all their civilization left their religion unimproved. Kminence was restricted to a proficient few, while the millions were hopcletilj consigned to ** abominable idolatries." Philosophers themselves enteruinr.l the moot unworthy and confused conceptions of man's relation to God, and the duties it imolvi-s, their precarious conjecture* scarcely amounting to a creed, and exer- cuing little influence over their own practice. Unnatural crimes abounded, and were com- mitted without shame. The places of public amusement were "habitations of horrid cruelty." soaked with the blood of unpitied captive*; and even the temples themselves were consecrated to unnameablc pollutions. While, then, the history of these countries shows that the impediments created to the advancement of learning by the want of revelation, may. in sme rare cases, be so far surmounted; it also demonstrates most forcibly the utter insuf- ficiency of reason, even at its best estate, to regenerate the depraved heart, and reclaim a world lying in wickedness to the knowledge of God and the observance of his laws. If we confine our attention to those countries which possess the word of God, a com- parison between that portion of the community by whom the Scriptures are perused with tnat portion, too numerous, alas! by whom they are neglected, will conduct us to a like conclusion. No doubt external propriety may, in many instances, be promoted from the simple circumstance of dwelling among Christians who are " living epistles of Chris. Jesus, INTRODUCTION. y known and read of all men:" and it is not less certain that many may consult the records of truth, and yet hold that truth in unrighteousness. But these apparent exceptions do not invalidate the general and incuntestible fact, that the classes most conversant with God's word are most distinguished for the graces which it inculcates; while the; who "consort with thieves and partake with adulterers, who give their mojth to evil, and frs.me deceit with their tongue, 1 ' are the " wicked who hate instruction nd cast God's word behind them." * In the history of the Church itself, its most prosperous periods will be found to have been those in which most attention was directed to the revealed will of God. We read of an awakening among the Jews in the times of Nehemiah, shortly after the return from the Babylonish captivity, and as copies of the Scriptures were not then so plentiful as now, " all the people gathered themselves together as one man into the street that was before the water gate; and they spake unto Ezra the scribe to bring the book of the law of Moses, which the Lord had commanded to Israel. And Ezra the priest brought the law before the congregation both of men and women, and all that could hear with understanding, upon the first day of the seventh month. And he read therein before the street that was before the water gate, from the morning until mid-day, before the men and the women, and those that could understand: and the ears of all the people were attentive unto the book of the law/'t In connection with this rehearsal of scripture, we read of mourning and weeping for sin, a renewed observance of abandoned and almost forgotten institutions, and all conducing to " very great gladness.''^ It is well known that during the ages of Papal ascendancy, the general population had no access to the oracles of God. The Bible, be- sides being a rare and costly book, was sealed to the European communities who could not understand the original, and were denied a translation into their vernacular tongue. And what was the consequence? These were times of feeble intelligence, and hideous corrup- tion ages emphatically " dark," in the absence of that rejected Word which is a " light unto the feet and a lamp unto the path." At last a day of amendment dawned : and whence emanated its incipient beams? About the year 1507 Martin Luther found, in the monastery of Erfurt, a Latin copy of the Bible lying in the library. By an eager and diligent perusal of it he soon became familiar with its contents, and his studying of that Bible was the com- mencement of the Reformation. Throughout all its stages, that glorious epoch was dis- tinguished by nothing more than by Scripture reading. Dr. M'Crie, in his life of Knox, (vol. I. p. 32,) represents one copy of the Bible as commonly supplying several families, at the beginning of the Scotch Reformation: and adds, "at the dead hour of night, when others were asleep, they assembled in a private house; the sacred volume was brought from its concealment, and while one read, the rest listened with mute attention. In this way the knowledge of the Scriptures was diffused at a period when it does not appear that there was a single public teacher of the truth in Scotland." If we turn from general history to the annals of individual experience, it is certain that th most eminent saints have been the most distinguished for consulting and revering the word of God. The inspired penmen were " holy men of God," and they evince a familiar acquaintance with the writings of one another to an extent that cannot be appreciated without careful investigation. To notice particular instances the sweet singer of Israel was a man after God's own heart; and how largely has he embodied the contents of prior revelation in his devotional melodies, and how frequently and emphatically does he extol the diversi- fied treasures of divine truth! The judgments of the Lord were, in his estimation, " true and altogether righteous, more to be desired than gold, yea than much fine gold, sweeter also than honey and the honey comb." It was the manner of Paul to reason with unbelieving Jews out of the Scriptures, and for this appropriate and effective mode of rea- soning he was qualified from " b -lu-ving an things which are written in the law and in the P . 17- 19 t Nehemiah viii. 1, 2, 3. J Nehemiah viii. 17. f Psalm xlx. 9. 10. Vt IWTKODUCTICW. prophets." * That apostle had no man among his fellow labourer* ' like minded " a* Timothy, to whom a caring for souls had become as a second nature; and if an explanation be asked of hi* early and signal piety, we have it in the statement that " from a child he knew the holy Scriptures, which are able to make wise unto salvation through faith which Li in Christ Jesus, "t The experience of saints themselves is not indeed uniform; but all its vicissitudes corro- borate the same views. When God's people languish, it is because they " have forgotten the law of the Lord." When they are perplexed and incredulous, they are " foolish an! low of bean to believe all that the prophet* have spoken. " When they are unduly fret- ful and impatient under afflictions, they have " forgotten exhortations, speaking unto them as unto children."!! On the other hand, seasons of spiritual prosperity bespeak a reception of the truth in the love of it If the languishing soul is quickened, it is " according to God's word."TJ If the hearts of Christ's disciples " burn within them," it Is while u he talks with them by the way, and opens to thorn the Scriptures."** If " pure minds are stirred up," it is "by way of remembrance," successive epistles having been written to in- duce such mindfulness " of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets, and of the commandments of the apostles of the Lord and Saviour.' x H* Daniel was pondering the writings of Jeremiah when he was stimulated to present that effectual and fervent prayer, in answer to which Gabriel was sent as a ministering spirit, to assure him of being greatly beloved, and to give him skill and understanding.^* A book of the law of the Lord, found by Hilkiah the priest, was read by Shaphan to king Josiah, and proved the precursor of that godly sorrow which worketh salvation. On hearing the words of the law, the king rent his clothes, and sent to inquire of the Lord, from whom he received this response, " Thus saith the Lord God of Israel concerning the words which thou hast heard, because thy heart was tender, and thou didst humble thyself be- fore God, when thou heardest his words against this place, and against the inhabitants thereof, and humbledst thyself before me, and didst rend thy clothes, and weep before me; I have even heard thee alto, saith the Iyord." John was in the isle that is called Patmos, for the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ, and no doubt meditating on the word and testimony for which he was exiled, when he was favoured with his celestial visions. And we too must lend our ears to hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches, and cheerfully exemplify any measure of self-denial and sacrifice required of us, in defer- ence to those sayings which are faithful and true, if we would inherit the blessedness of those who do his commandments, and have a right to the tree of life, and enter in through the gates into the city. In this course we may still be " companions in tribulation" with the favoured disciple whom Jesus loved; but we shall also be his companions " in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ" The inheritance reserved for us in heaven will not be less secure for being remote: while we are kept by the power of God, through faith unto salva- tion. And even now, amid the depression and gloom of this lower world, we shall enjoy, in advancing to the heavenly city, many a foretaste and earnest of its imperishable de- lights. These remarks on the Scriptures have been offered in the full persuasion that a higher esti- nate of their own value, will form the best recommendation of any reasonable aid which can be afforded to facilitate acquaintance with them. As to the subordinate means by which a knowledge of divine truth may be promoted, there can be no doubt that expositions of the Scripture* have induced many to search them whether these things be so. Still it is un- dswbtedlj beat that Scripture be made iu own interpreter; and this is most happily effected Aet TrH. J j xxlT. 14. | Luke xxlv. . LuVe xxlv. Si. 1 1 Tin. Hi. 15. | Hrt>. til. ft. If J Peter 111. 1. ft, | HMM Iv. a. . 5 Pnl m cxlx. 15. Dan. lx. H * Chron. xxjdv. a6. VI. INTRODUCTION. r jj by the use of a Concordance. It airects the inquirer to the words he Is seeking, nab!es him to examine their connexion, to find out and compare parallel passages, and all tlit3.15. no iniird hatheter. life a. ABJECT& PtaL 35. IS. the a gathered together ABILITY. Ezra 2. 69. they jfave after their a. .NVA 5. 8 we after our a. redeemed DII-I. \. 4 as had u. to otand in pal. Mai. 25. 15 gave each accord to his a. Act* II. 2i>. according too. to send 1 AW. 4 II. doit as of the a. Uodgir. ABLE. Efod. 18 21. provide a. men Num. 1. a a. to go to war, | 26. i 13. 30. well a to overcome it Dfut.\fi.\l every man give as heia Jnf/i. 23 9 no man been u to stand 1 Sam.li. 20. who . to stand bef. God ! 1 Kintfs a 9 who is o. to judire so 8 CArn.2.6.>Thoita. to hnil.l hi>i-sT 20. 6 none U a. to withslarul thei- &>. 9 Lord is a. to give much more JA41. lO.who a to stand liefore me P /Vo.27.4.who a to stand bef. fjvy f Dan. 3 17. our God is a to deliver 6. 20. Ood is a to deliver trora lioni Mat. a 9 God is u. of these stone* to raise up children, Luke 3 - . 9. 28. helii-\e ye I am a. to do thif ? 19. 12 he that is a. to ie>ive it. let 20. 22. are yea. to drink of the nip 22. 46. no man wad a. to ansn-er Mark 4. 33. as they were to hear John 10. 29. no man is a. t pluck Acti 5. 10. yoke ftlif rs nor w ABO 3*. word of 4.Tre, to hnlld Ann. 4. 21. h* was a to perform II. O. for God is a to gniffthem 14. 4 God i* a. to make him stand 15. 14 ye are a. alv> tn admonith I Tor. 3. 4 ye were not a. nor yet 10. 13 tempt.-d Rhine that ye area. 1 Cor. 3 A. luaJe IM ,i ministers of d is a. to make alt grare b. t\l>h :). -.11 that is /it., do nhniKtantly nil. 3. 21. he is a. to siiMue all V Tim. 1 14 he in . tn keep that I 3. 7. never a to ti.me to the know. 16. scriptures a. to make wise fi*t. < IA he is a to mireonr them A 7. U> him th*t was a. to save him 7. 2V he is a tn save to uttermost 11. lit. that Ood ri a to raie him Jan. I. 21. Word which inn to ve X i. Is a. tn bridle the whole body 4. IV. on lawgiver a. tn save and Jurlf 24. to him that isa to keep you Her. 5. 3. no man wsa to open biMik 13. 4. who i* a. to make war with l.Y S. no man was a. to enter temple Bt ABLE. Joth. I. 5 not any man he a to stand IVu/.7.V4.iio man Wo. to stand, 1 1. 25. 2 CAr-K. :<*. 14. should Ae a to deliver /M. 47. l'2 thou -halt tea. to profit A r XI IV. nor riirhteous & a. to live I.uke 14. 31. h.' 4*0. with 10,1100 /ioM. 8, 39. 6e a to separate us from I Of. 10. ia that ye may < to hear AuA "\ IS may 4e o. to om./.rehend (i. II that )r limy 6e a. to stand Ifi e shall it a. to qin-nrh 8 Tim -i t h< shall Ae a. to tearh TVt I V may Ar !. hy sound dor trine 3 I'tt. I 16 6e * alter my decease Jbft.l7 w< srho shall he a. to stand . >ABI.K. f*aL 36. lit shall not *e o. to rise /.Vc-i 8. 17. yet ml be a. to find it In. 47. 1 1. shall n. i a. t<- put It off Jer. II. II. to escape || 49 10. to hide }.**k 7. IB. gold shall not It a. to /.. IX24.seek,n.t.a.|| 21. 15. to gainsay AM AHI.K. .Vuin. 1?. 3). we be n//< a. to go up I4.l6.the Lord wm* not a /J. n loft where he a. .trr. :. '2H. Jeremiah a. in the pourt Mat 17. W. while they a. in Galilee l.ukr 1. .'.B. M.iry o. with hi-r iil.uut H. '/7. HIT u. in any hmise, hut in John I. .12. Spirit, and it a. on him :C> they c.iine and a. with him 7. 9. h.- <. in (Jiililee R. 44. nnirilerer and a. nut in truth II. . h. a. two days still /M>m where a. Peter 14. 3. long time a. they tpeakiug 18.3. Paul a. with them and wrought 11. 7. raine and a. with brethren . hoii-eof Philip and u. with him Gal. I. |H. I went and a. with Pett-r ABODE . 4. and hroth "f a. thing* i. in Jer. Id 1H. carcases of their u. things II 4. (), d not i his a. thing I hate /->. 4. 14, nor rarne e an a II. 4!, 4.'. II. 10. .e an |.i v 12, 20, i'l 18. wnmuklad it H a. 20. 13. />.-/. 7. .'.'i it i- n. to the l-onl, 17. 1. Vft nor Srinif mi a into thy house II SI. nery a. they have d'.ne I 'I il thnt n.h a H wrought, 17.4. l. 1J. nil that i\*< thi-w arr o. . A. VI IA huth tb.-se are an a. t.- Hod r tH it i< .1,. , ( . hefure the L. *l. 1C. nil tht do nnrifM ar.' n. 27. I5i rurwd that maketh a. to L. ABO 1 Kingi 1.. 5. Milpom the a. of Ank 7. Chemojh the a o; Moab HII /. loth* I- & 1ft. (even things are an a. to h-m H. 7. wn-kedueu is an a to m\ l.p* 11. 1. a f.iUe baliinre i- a. to Lord ft. they of forward heart are ./. 14 lyiiiK lips are a. to the L.-rtf la It), u. to fools todepait from evl 16. 8. sarrifiri- of wicked is a. VI. /? y. the way of the wii-ked i an -/. V6. though!* of wirked are a .to L Id 5. every one proud in heart i-n 14 a. to kings tn commit wicked 17. 15. both are an a. to the Lord 20. 10. both of them are alike a. J'.L direr* weights are an a. to. I. 24. 9. the srorner is an a. to men 2R 9. even his pray, r shall be n. -.-'.'. '.'7. uijn-l man is a. tojn.st. up. right In the way a. to the nicketf Int. \. 13. incense is an a to me 41. 24. an a. Is he that choowth you 44. 19. make renidue thereof an af 6& 17. eating swine'* fle,h, an i .1. Jer. 47. ye made my herit.ipe .in u ft. 15. when they lonmitted .1 . li 34 35. that they should do this ". Ex. 16. 5". haiitrlity and mmmit'ed / 18. \'i to idol add "ommitted a. 22. II. a with neighbour's wile 3a 26. and ye work a. Dan. II. 31. a. that maketh desolate I4ll.a.thiit nuiketh .lesi.late iel i:p Mul. '-'. II. an a i> committed in Nr. .Vr24.IS.n of d lation,.Vur.l3.U l.nfte 1(5. l.\ i- n. with (..id Her. 21. //. enter that worketh a. ABOMINATIONS. Drut IN. 9. not learn to do after -i, 32. 16. with ii. provoked they him I Kinif.i 14. 'JJ. did nil i/. of niith us 2Kingi2l. 4. Manasseh didevilaltet a. of heathen, 2 CArtm. 3.1 v. 2a24.. Josiah put away.v t'Ar.MI.'13 5! t'Anm. 3fi 8. Jehoiakim and his 14, people transgressed Alter all a. Pror. 2fi. 4"x seven o. in Ins heart Jer. 44. 22. Lord rould not bear f..ra Lirk. f.. 11. iila lor all the evil n. H. (i. thou shall see greater a. 13, IS 9. wick, d a. that they do here 17. light thing to commit a hen \ 9. 4 that nih and cry lor the n 11.18 take away all a thereof 1 1 A turn your fares from your u. It;. raue Jerusa. to know her t 15 24. when the righteous doth n. 20. 4. t know the a of their lathers 7. ra-t ye away a. of eyes f>. 2 thou shait how her all hern :; 31. shall lolheyonrelTes for t II r, () i-.ra.-l, let it mimpi- of ,;. Dan, 9.27 for the oTer^preadmg of . ZirA. 9 7. a. fr< m between his teeth Her. 17 4. golden nip full of a. 5. mother of harlot- and a. of earth Their ABOMINATIONS, r>ful. 20. IR. tearh yon not sftert i. Ezra 9. II. i a. whi.-h have Ailed Ita. 6. a snul delicliteth in their >. Jrr 7 30 set /. a. in the house, 3'i. 34 Krek. 1121. heart walketh after / a. 12. \K. they may Herlart all their it. 16. 47. hast not' done after their a. 2TJ. 36. yea, declare to them thtir a. 33 29. landdesoUfe he-Miii- of r -t 43. & denied my holy name hy I . 41 II bear their shame and their it. n. their a wereaf thev lo"d TVw ABOMINATIONS tp. 18 26.ye shall not v ooi.anjr >( C * ABR D(rHtl8.12.bpo,of t. a. L. hath driven i- A'ir>g*21. II. Manan. bath done to, EzraV. 14. affinity with people of to. Jer. 7. la delivered to do all these a. Ez. 18. 13. done t. a, shall surely die Thine nr thy A BOM IN ATIONS. Jer.4. 1. if thou wilt put away thine a, 13. 27. I have seen thint a. on hills Eze '. 5. 9. 1 have not. because of t. a. 1 1. defiled ray sanctuary with thy a. ~. 3. recomp.-nse all thine a. 4, 8, 9. 36. with all the idols of thine a, 43. lewdnes above all thine a. 51. hast multiplied thine a. more 58. hast borne thine a. saith the L. Deut. 28. 13. thou shalt be a. only Josh. 3. 13.waters that come from a. 1C 2 Sam. 22. 17.s-nt from a, Ptal. 18. 16. JohnS. 23. I am from a. ye of world 19. II. except it were given from a. CoL 3. 1. seek things which are a. 2. set your ffe< tion on things a. ABOVEaZt J'jhn 1 31. he from heaven Is a, all Eph. 3. 20. a. all that we ask 4. 6. one God a. all Col. a 14. a. all these put on charity 2 Thru. 2.4. exalt<-th a. all called God Jam. 5. 12. a. all things, swew not 1 Pet. 4. 8. (i. all things have charity ABOVE all Gonn; teeGa\>s. ABOVK heacen; tee HEAVEN. Stood ABOVE; tee STOOD. ABOUND. Pror.28.20.faithrul shall a. with bless. Mat. 24. 12. because iniquity shall a. Rom. 5. 20. that the offence might a. 6. 1. in sin, that grace may o. ? 15. II that ye may o.in hope through Cor. 1. 5. as sufferings a. so consol. 8. 7. as ye a. in every thing, see 9. 8. able to make all grace a. to you Phil. 1. 9. that your love may a. more 4. 12. 1 know how to a. both to a. 17. fruit that may a. to your aero. IS. I h;ive all and a. I am full 1 Then. 3. 12. make you to a. in love 4. 1. so ye would a. more and more SPet. 1.8. these thing* ne in you and a. ABOUNDED, ETH, ING. Prof. 8. 24. no fount a. with water 29. 22. furious man a. in transgres. Rom. 3.7. if truth of God hath more a. 5. 15. grace by J. C. hath a. to many 20. where sin a. grace did more a. 1 Cor. 15. 58. always a. in the work 8 Cor. H. 2. deep poverty a, to riches Eph. I. 8. wherein he hath a. toward CoL 2.7. a. therein with thanksgiving 8 Then. 1. 3. charity to each other a. ABOUT. John 7. 19 why no ye a. to kill me ? See GONE, BOUND, STOOD, TIME, WENT. ABROAD. Ernd, 1?. 46. carry ought of flesh a. Ler. 18. 9. he be born at home or a. Judg. 12. 9. took daughters from a. 2 King* 4. 3. borrow then vessels a. y Chron. 31. 5. as soon as com. came a. Joo. 15. 23. he wandereth a. for bread Pttil. 41. 6. when he goeth o. telleth it Pror. 5. 16. fountains be dispersed a. Iia. 44.24. thatsprcadeth a. the earth Jer. 6. 11. pour it out on rhililren a. Lam. 1. 20. a. the sword hcreaveth Mark 1. 45. to hlar.e tt. the iruitter 4. 22. hut th;it it should come a. Luke 1. 65. sayings were noised a. i. 17. a. the saying about thi- child Act* 2. 6. was noised it the multitude Rom. 5. 5. love of God is shfd a in 1& 19 y>ur obedience U come a. ABU See CAST, SPREAD, STAND, SCATTER, WENT. ABSENCE. Luke 22. 6. to betray him In a. of the PftiL 3. 12. now much inure in my a. ABSENT. Gen. 31. 49. when we are a. one from 1 Cor. 5 3. for I verily as a. in body 2 Cor. 5. 6. at home in body arr a. 2 Cor. 5. 8. willing to "be a. from body 9. whether present or a. accepted 10. 1. being a. am bold toward you 11. as by letters when a. such will 1.1 2. and being a, now I write, 10 Phil. 1. 27. whether 1 come, or else a. CoL 2. 5. fur tho' 1 he a. in the flesh ABSTAIN'. Acts 15. 20. a. from pollutions of idols 29. that ye a. from meats offered I Thest. 4. 3. should a. from fornica. 5. 22. a, from nil appearance of evil 1 Tim, 4. 3. com. to a. from meats I Pet. -2. 11. a. from fleshly lusts ABSTINENCE. ActtTl. 21. after long a, Paul stood ABUNDANCE. Deut. 33 19. sm k of the a. of the soas 1 S. 17. which receive a. of grace 2 Cor. 8. 2. a, of their joy abounded 14. your a. a supply, their a. 12. 7. through a. of the revelations 7Zr.l8.3. rich through a. of delicacies 7n ABUNDANCE. Ptal 37. 11. delight in a. of peace 52. 7. trusted in the a. of his riches Luke 12. 15. life consisteth not in a. iCor. 8. 20. no man blame us in this a. ABUNDANT. E.rod. 34. 6 Lord God a. in goodness Ita, 56. 12. an this day and more a. I Cor. 12. 23. bestow more a. honour 24. mure a. honour to th;it (inrt 2 Cor. 4. 15. a. grace might re.tound 7. 15. hiiinward affection is more . 9. 12. for the administration is a. 1 1. 23. in labours more a. in stripes Phil 1. 26. rejoicing may be more a. 1 Tim. I. H. grace was exceeding a. ! Pet. 1. 3. acconling- to his a. mercy ABUNDANTLY. 7ffn.T.20. let waters hrii.g forth a. 21. 8. 17. that they may breed a. 9. 7. multiply, briny forth a. Erod. I. 7. Israel increased a. Sum. 20. 11. the water came out a. I Chron. 2i 5. so David prepared a. 8. thou hat shed blood a. Job 12. 6. into >vhose hand G. bring, a. 36 28. the clouds distil upon man a. Pial. 3C. 8. a, satisfied with fatness 65. 10. thou waterest the ridges a. 132. 15. I will a, bless her provision 14.V 7. shall a. utter the memory Cant. 5. 1. ya drink a. O beloved. Ita. 15. 3. shall howl, weeping a. y-. 2. it shall blossom a. and rejoice 55. 7. for he will o. pardon ACC John 10. 10. might have life m n. 1 Cor. 15. 1(1 1 laboured more a. th.i? 2 Cor. 1.1 2. and more a. toyon.wami ( 2. 4. love I have more a. to you 10. 15. according to our rule a 12. 15. though the more a. I love Eph. 3. 20. able to do exceeding a. 1 Thett. 2 17. more o. to see your f..< Tit. 3. 6. which he shed a. through Heb. fi. 17. God willing more a. to 2 Pet. 1. 11. entrance be ministered a. ABUSE, ED. Judg. 19. 25. and a. her all the night 1 Sam. 31. 4. lest uncircumciseda mr 1 CAroTt la 4. 1 Cor. 9. 18. that I a. not my powor ABUSERS, INO. ! Cor. 6. 9. nor a. of themselves 7. 31. use this world as not a. i ACCEPT. Deut. 33. 11. bless and a. the work 1 Sam. 26. 19. let him a. an offering 2 Sam. 24. 23. the L. tKy God a. then Job 13. 8. will ye a his person ? 10. if ye do secretly a. persons 32. 21. let mr not a. any man's per 42. 8. Job shall pray, him will 1 n, Ptal 20. 3. and n. thy burnt-sacrificp 82. 2. a. the persons of the wicked 119, 108 a. free-will offerings Prop. 18. 5. not g-ood to a the person Jer. 14, 10. Lord doth not a. them 12. I will not a. them. Amot 5. 22. Ezek. 20. 40. there will 1 it. them 41. I will a. you with sweet savour 43. 27. and I will a, you, saith L. Mai I. 8. pleased, or a. thy person 10. nor will I a an offering 13. should 1 a. this of your hands ? Act* 24. 1 we a. it always and in a!! ACCEPTAHLE. Deut. 33. 24. be a to his brethren PsaL 19. 14. med. of my heart he a. 69. 13. my prayer is in an a. time Pror. 10.32. righteous know what is a. 21. 3. to do justice is more a. Eccl. 12. 10. preacher sought a. words Iia. 49. 8. in an a. time have I heard 58. V wilt thou call this an a. day 61. i. to prixlaim the a. year of K Jrr. K. 20. ! iirnt-offerings are not a Dun. 4. 27. kinglet my counsel he a. Luke 4. 19. to preach the o. year of .'.'r;?. 1 J. I. sacrifice, holy, a" to God 2 th^t good and a. will of Ood 14. IS is a. to God and approved of IS.lfi.onVrinir up o.' Gen. might be a. Eph. 5. 10. proving what U a. unto Phil. 4. 18. sacrifice a. well. pleasing Tim. 2. 3. a. in the sight of God 5 -4. that is good and a. before God 1 Pet. 2. 5. sacrifices a. to God by J. C. 20. if patiently, this is a. with God ACCEPTABLY. Heb. 12. 28. we may serve God a. ACCEPTANCE. Iia. 60. 7. with a on mine altar ACCEPTATION. I Tim. 1. 15. worthy of all a 4. 9. ACCEPTED. Jen. 4. 7. if well, shall thon not r o. 1921. I have a. thee concerning this EJ: 28. 38.that they may be a befor* I.rr. 1. 4. offering shall be a. 22. 27. 7. 18. not he a. 19. 7. | 2'2. 23. 25. in. 19. should it have been a. in 22. 21. offering perfect, to he a. I N-,m. IS. 5. he was a. in the sight S5. 35. see I have a. thy person Kith. 10. 3. a. of his brethr-n f.-ih. 4'2. :i. the I ord aNo a. Job /-i :>;. 7. tlieir narrince -hnll tv a l '5tivn b o. ACC . i. f4 n-~ prophrt Is a. In hii own . li SI. my ter%le<> mny br a. of ^ or prrwnt, WP may b a. , ft. in * time a. now n a. tin.e 8. 12. a. nr-irdin* to tli*t a mmn 17. Indeed he a. the exhortation II. 4. (T"-pel whirh ye I nve not a gak. I. ti. made u- ii in the hrlovpd ACl i:iM i tuktW. SI. neither a than the per. ACCBrTETH. Jab M. 19. a nut peniutu of prinret grel ft 7. for (J.M M..W u. thy work* Ho* S. M but the l. S>^SHATIOH. ACTOMPAVIKI). Art* 10. 23. brethren from Joppa a. II. 12 thrw ix hrpthreu a. me Sn 4 S.. pater a Paul into A.i 3H. and they a him to the ship AccoMp4vi>u Srf\u*oftiod. ACCOMPLISH. Job 14. . till he shall a H hireling /oi 64. 6. they u a ililiifent *.-arch /. U. 1 1. it -< ill n. that I pleaie Jrr. 44. i. will surely a. your vo . *. A. IX will I a my fury mi them 7. . will I Mvne anifer on rln-e IX IV a. my wrath on the wall ia8. fury to a my aneer. SI. DOM. a X. he wo. ild a seventy year* Luke 9 31. h."il.l n. at .!ecualein ACCOMIM.ISIIK ) fit. X IX dayi of p. in u l.iikt 2. W Joh I.V n.'. shall i.e a before hi time /ror. 13. 19. the dplrp a. is sweet to In. 40. i. rrv that her warfare is u. .for. iV IX when 70 yearn are a. 39. 10. 20. Id my wrd < la h ill mine anger lie a. D-tn. 11.3d till the in a. 18. II. conoTiiin,? Sun shall be a. ti. 37. written mint yet be a. In me Jukn 19. #1 all tliinif- were now ,i. Arti i\. S. when we had u. thow days I Pet. .V 9. same affliction* are a ACCOOPLHMIM.. Sre Smict ACCOMPl.lsllMKST. Arttt\. M. a of >))<> f punfiratlnn ACCO (i> Lrr. K. S. ifroweHi of it> own id with one .j i 1 2. with OIIP u in Soloin.ni'> |...r. Ii 7 57. mo upon Stephen with one n . . people with one a. (fe ii.-.-J IX 10. (fate o,.en^d nf i. .wau. Vli but they rame M ith o p i l\ XV heintr aouonbk-d wit Ii one ,i !M. IX Jew- with UUP n miide in.iir .& fll. with OOP a. InM the theatn t C"T. t. 17. forward of hi. otvn a I'kiL 2 X being ..f one a of one ;., A( I UK,')' foi 7. & Judy > .1 to mr riffhtpon. 17. praise o. to hi. r.7 o t..ti v r.51 I | 10&4&, | IOU2C. | lli>.l!/| ACC . Ml 4. rire them u. to thplr deeds .11 W. a. as we h-.pe in thep 35. 24. jn Ige .1 to thy riiMiteousnes- 4S 10. a. to thy name, so thy prai- fii Ii to every man a. to hi- work Prr. *4- Ii 29. 79. II. a. to greatness of thy power 90. 1 1. a tothv fear so is thy wrath I i.V Ii nor rewitd.d us ./ to iniq 119. US. a. toil, y w..rii,as. 41.SH.K5, 76, nrr. i:fi, i.>4. 169. no. IVJ. a. tn thy kindness, /to. f,\ 7 I.V). 2. praise him . to his xcellent Iia. 8. SO. -peak not n. to this word Atcoam-o tr> alL See ALL. ACCORD) NO tnthnt. i Cur. a \'t a. t-i that a man hath Accom.iMULV. Vr KEPAV. ACCOUNT. glvpth not n. of his matters PtaL 144. a or thp son of man that thoii make-it n. ot him Krci 7. 87. onp by one to find the a. D.III. fl. 2. that princes might give a. ./,;/. I .'. 3x give a. thereof in day of IK. *(. would take a of his -erv.uii- Luke Ifi. 2. give ana. of steward-hip .frfr lit. 40. we may (rive an n. "f thi- m. 14. I2.givea.of him-clf t..r;,l :i7. 4 17. may abound to your n. f'hil-m IS. put that on mine a. //-'. Kl. 17. as thpyth.it nnn-l vivr a. I /W ,Y give it to him that iu-igelh ACCOUNT. Kl). I Si;. KinfM\.1\. shall be -I. of nd. r- 10. 21. silver noth. a. of, * Chr. 9. 20. Pint. -H 30. he . for a generation /-.< *. \W. wherein is hp to he . of V Vurt In 4i u. to rule over li.-ntilet. Lukfitt. 3.V. be a. worthy to obtain W. .'4. whirh should he n. gr.-al t Horn. H. :tH we are a. a* sheen for the I (' r 41 let a man >o a. of us i (.'-I/. 3. 6. a. tohimfor rightenii-ne-s 1 I'ft .1 I'., n. that the long.suff.-rlDK //.'. II. 19. a. that Ood was able A( CURSED. l),-ut 81. 23. that is hanged Is 0.01 liaH. 6. 17. thp city shall be a. it and IK in any wt-e k.-ep from u. thing 7. I. trespass In the a. tiling I l.have even t.ikrn of the a. thinp 12. turned becan-e they werp a except ye destroy the a. from 13. there is xna. thing in the mid-t I.V he that is taken with IL thing 2i 20. rommit tr, spa-s in a. thing I CAron. 2.7. fran-trcs-ed in thing u. .1). IHO years old sh.ill be a. II "n 9. 3. could wish iiiy-c,f a I Cur 12 3. by spirit call, th Jesus a. Gail. 8. other go-pel, l.-t him be a.!). ACCUSATION. Ezra 4. . n a. against Jndah Milt. ;?7.37.ovpr head his a .Miir. 15.26 /.'iAc dca ACCt'SKI). Dan. 3. H. Chaldeans n. the Jpwn 6 i!4. them which had a. Daniel Mat. Ti Ii when mine n. lar I* and my a. into l: 10. 14. not a me from mine ini .\,A 1. 3. L. will not at all n. wicked ACKK. S I Sam. 14. 14. half an a of land Ita. 5. la ten a of vineyard ACT. fm. ?8. ?1. hii a his srmnre A J4> 6. anil the u of violence ADM fohn 8. t In adultery, In the very a ACTS. Dait. II. 7. have seen the great a. o Judg. 5. II. rehearse the righteous a 1 .Sam. 1*7. reason of All righteous a 2 Sam. 23. 20. Benawh who had done many a. I Clinm. 1 1. '22. \ Kingi 10. 6. a true report of thy a II 41. tlie a. of Solom m, 3 CA. 9. 5 1 Kings ID. 34. the a. of Jehu 28. the a of Josiah. and all he die 1 CAron. 29. 29. the a. ..f David 2 Ckrnn. 16. 1 1. the a of Asa 20. 34. the 11. of Jehnshaphat 32 32. a. of Hezekinh, 2 Kin. 20. 20 n. 10. 2. all the a. of his power Aa 10a 7. his a. to the children 106. 2, who ran utter the initi hty a 145. 4. declare thy mighty a. 6. 12. 150. 2. picii-e him for his mighty a ACTIONS. 1 5am. 2. 3. by the L a. are weiithec ACTIVITY. fjen. 47. 6. if knowest any man of a. ADAMANT F.xtk. 3. 9. as an a have I made Zerh. 7. 12. their hearts a* an a. a ton ADI). Gen. 30. 24. L. shall a. to me. another D<-ut. 4. 2. not a. to the word, 12.32. ft. 19. to a. drunkenness to thirst 2 KingtHQ. 6. I u. 15 years, /. as. 5 1 Chnm. 22. 14. may.-st a thereto 2 C/iron.28. 13. to a. more to our sing Psal fB. 27. a. iniquity to iniquity ./'roc. a 2. long life shall thev a. 30. 6. a thou not to his words lest Ita. 29. I. a. ye year to year 30. 1. that they may a sin to sin Mnt. 6. 27. ran n one" ctiliit Lu .IV. 25 PhiL I. 16. nuppo-iiig to <. Htfli.-tioi 2 Pet 1. 5. a. to your faith virtu.- Rre. 22. la G. shall a. to him plagues ADDED. Dent. & 22. and he a. no more 1 .Sam. 12. 19. a. to all our sins this Jer. 36. 32. there were a, besides 45. a the Lord hath a. grief to my Dan. 4. 36. majesty was a. to me Mat. 6. 33. all th>e shall be a to you Luke 3. 2(1 Herod a. yet this above 19. 11. he a. and spake a parable Act* 2. 41. were a. 3000 soul* 47. a. to the church daily such 5. 14i believers were the more a. 11.24. much people was a. to the L. Gal 2. 6. (i. nothing to me 3. 19. the law was a. because of ADDETH, ING. Jib 34. 37. he a. rebellion to his sin J'ron. 10. 22. he a. no sorrow with it 16. 23. wise a. learning to his lips tial a 15. dUannulleth or a. thereto ADDER. Gen. 49. 17. D; another in psalms 1 Tfiex*. 5. 12. over you and a. you 2 Theis. 3. 15. a. him as a brother Heb. 8. 5. us Moses was a. of God ADMONITION. 1 Cor. 10. M. are written for our a, f'ph. 6. 4. bring them up in the a. Tit. a 10. after first and second a. ADO. Mark 5. 39. why make ye this a. ADOPTION. Rom. 8. 15. received the spirit of a. J3. waiting for the a. !). 4. to whoT pertaineth the a. Got. i. 5. might receive 'he a. of sons Eph I. 5. predestinated us to the a. ADORN, ED, ETH, ING. [in. fil. 10. HS a hnde a. liTS'-lf Jer. :ll. 4. ntfiiin if. with tahrcts Luke'n.ft. temple a. with iroodiy sto. 1 Tim. 2. 9. women a. in mode-t Tit. 2. 10. a. the doctrine of God I Pet. 3. 3. whose . not outward a. 5. women a, themselves Rev. 21. 2. prepared as a brHe 31. 35. my u. had written a hook Ptal. 74. 10, how long shall a. n pro. r m iit. 12. 39. an a. generation. Hi 4. if ark a 38. whoso ashamed in this a. ADULTERY, IES. E.W. 21). 14. thou .shall not coin ., Deut. 5. 18. Mutt. &. 27. | 19. !< Rom. 13. 9. 'roe. 6. 32. who commits n. lack>>th Jer. 3. 8. > ackslidinir Israel com. t. 9. committed a. with stones 5. 7. then they committed a. 7. 9. will ye steal, and i ommit a 13. 27. 1 hare seen thine a. 2a 14. they commit a. and walk 29. 2:1. because they committed .1 Izek. 16. :i2. as n wile that com. a 2a 37. with their idols mm. a. 43. said I to her old in a. AFF ffn*. 8. 2. r-er if. betw en fler t-ren-t, 4. 2. by committing u. they break 1M. your -poa~- .hall romm.t a. 14. I'll not punM, - tint. !>. 2t 3- -I r.r,ed eniin.tlclli a. IS 9. /.uAr 16. la IV a. out of he.rt proceed a Wart 1. l. V.irfr 10. I Lawny hi* wife aod marry Mie . .in. a. Luke 16. 18. : riiinmita. . 18-20. /a.&ll. f a- iff Ezra a II the OOIM- was hi rd a. of .NrA. IX 43. joy <>r Jcru. heard a. nj> JA Ml 3. fetch m\ knowledge from a. 25. roan inny behold it a. of 9V. 29. her eye* behold a. of fiat. 65. 5. thxt are a. Jf mi the sea laa o. the proud he knoweth a. off 139. 2. understand my thoughts a.uff I Xmgi ~i. 26. a. in all father was a. fn*. 31. 14. bring-ill food from a. Ita. 23. 7. f.-et .hall lany her a. off 66. IB. Uat escape to the Wes a. off Jer. 21 23. am I not a God a. ld.o.o/;.Wi-eth Abraham a. nff Act* 2. 39. promise is to all a. off fpk. 2. 17. preached pen e to you a. _ Hro. 1 1.13. i, aviog seen promises a.ujT I ftt 1. 9. blind, and cannot *ea.off Set FA a, STAND, STOOD. AFFAIRS. ^Ksi. HZ 5. guide a. with discretion Mfk. & 21. that ye may know my u. S3. sent that ye might know our o. /Ail I. 27. I ma> hear of yoJV a. t rim. 2. 4. enlanglrlh with n. of life AFFECT. ED, Mil. Lam. 3. &1. roiue eye a. my heart J,U 14. X tl'-ir mind* evil a. 17. x ulously a. you that ye 18. good to h* lealously a. AFFECTION. I Chro . 2S. 3. a. to house of God Ri-m. 1.31. without natural a.2 Tim.Z.3 t for. 7. 15. his inward a. is more Cu a 2. set your u. on thing] above 5. Mortify inordinate a, A I rtA I IONS. AOT.I.iA.<-i4i gave tlira upto vilea. Cat 5. 24. crucibed flesh with the a. AFFEC'l IOSATELV. I Tlun. 2. 8. Wing a. desirous of you AJl Ki I HISEU IU h. kindly a on* to ana AFFINITY Csreafc 14. join in a. * it h the people AFFIRM. Rnm. 3. 81 and as -ome a. w My I Tim. I. 7. nor whereof they a. Tit 3. I three ihinm a. ronsUntly ArHKMED. Lnkr M.59.BH hour after another a. Arti 12. 16. but Kh.-da ronstantly a. 25. 1ft Jt-su-, whom Paul a. alive AFFI.U T int. )&, la tbey shall*, (Hem 4UC ye. AFF <7. 31. .V>. if thou a. my daughters /.'..< I. II. taAraioters to a. tin in ^ shMll not a. miy widow I. re' Itx iS. ye khall a. your Minis 31. j 2a f., 31. \um. -A. 7. .Vum. *4. 5!4. urnp^ ^hall a. A.liur .'urfy. Id. ly. a. him, his strength went 2 SdM.7. 10.i hildrrnol MI. kedneM a. 'iwgi II. :>U. will /. sr.-d f David V C4nm. 6.26. turn when Ihou do-t a. Jab 37. 23 Almi(fbt> I King* 8. , llr l,i not (I. !. how thou didst a. the peo. 55. 19. (tod -h.ill h.-ar and a. them 89. 22. nor son of wickedness u. him 94 5. Lord, they o. tliine heritage 143. 12 destroy all that a. my .soul In. 9. I. did more grievously a. her 51. 23. into hand of them that a. thee 5H. 5. day for H man to a. his noul 64. 12. u ill thou a. us very sore f Jer. .11. 28. as I wmtched to a. Lam. 3.33. Lord doth not n. willingly Amnt. 5. 12. they u. the just, they A'oA. I. 12. I will u. thee DO more ZruA. 3 19. I will undo all that a. AFFLICTED. I. 12. mor.' a. more they grew 2 Aim. 22. 2&d that I have been a. 75. in faithfulness hast o. me 107. 1 am a. very much, quicken 129. I. have a. me from youth. 2. 141). 12. L. will maintain cause of a. Pror. 15. 15. days oi UK- a. are evil si. fi. in-ill', r oppress a. in gate 6. 28. lying tonvue liab-th a. 31. '>. lest pervert judgment of a. /MX. a 1. lixlitly . the land of Zeb. 48. la L. will have mercy on his a. M. 21. hear now thic, thou a. A3 4. smitten of (,nd and a. 7. and was a. yet h,- opened Dot M. II. O thou a. tossed with V m. 58.3. wherefore have we o.our souls in. if thou satisfy the a. soul 60. 14. son* of them ,hat a. the.- "3 9. us all th.-ir iitlli. tiou he was a. Lam. I. 12. sorrow wlierewith L. a A/I.-. 4. 6. gather her that I hove a. .V'lA I. 12. a. I will afllict no more ZrpA. a 12. I will leave an a. people .Wat 24. 9. deliver you up to he a. 2 Cor. I. C. whether we be a it U I Tim. 5. 10. if she relieved the a //-' II. 37. oemg destitute, a Jam. 4. 9. be u and mourn and weep 5. 13. is any among you a. f let AFFLICTION. Cm. 41. 52. fruitful in the land of a. End. a". nen a. of my p. ^rt7. 34. 17 out of the o. of 1-^ypt Dut 16. a thou sh.ilt em oread of n. I King* 22. 27. 2 CArtm. l& 26. 96 7. 1.. beatdand l.~.ked on our u t Sam. 16. 12. L. will l,,ok my u. J Kiugi IV 26. Lord saw u. of Israel t CArua. 20.9. rry in n.thou wilt heitr 3a 12. MmuaMeh was in a. pong lit Kfc U & rwuiant are in jreat a. AFR JabS. 8. a. roinrth not forth of dusi in. I.'., full of coiifn.ioii -ee mine a. 30. Id. dB)ofa h;.%e taken hold fi. the.i>^ of a. pr.'Vi i.'t.'d me 36. S. if the> ht In. ,11, n ii, , urdsufa. l/>. he delivereth the |n>i in his a. 21. hast thou chosen r.ilh.T than a. Pull. 25. 18. look ..n my and pain 44. 24. and foifetlest i.ur a. C6. II. thou lunlst u iiu.,ii ii'ir loius 88. 9. eyr mourn, th h) reason of a. l'*j. 44. hr rrghrded their a. when 107. 10. hi-iiiH honnti in u. and iron IS', low tliroiigh u. and sorrow 41. etteth p. .or on liii'li from a lia 50. i-omfort in m> a. thy '.vord 92.should have oTit,n. ,1 in m : . a. l'>a i iiliMil.-r n. me 11. .leliter I.e. Ita. 30. %0. tlio' L. Hive water ot o. 48. 10. chosen thee in fnrnare of a. rVi 9. in all their ;. he .o afflicted Jer. 16. 19. my n-tiiiii- in the day of a 30. 15. why (Tiest thou lor thiuc a. Lam. 1. 7. Jerinta. remembered iu a 3. 1. that hath seen a. hy the rod H<. remembering tny a. and miser) Hot. 5. 15. iu a. will srek me early Alma 6. 6. not grieved lor a. ol Jos. A'oA. 1. 9. a. not ri.se v cond tine Zeck. 1. 15. helped forward the a. 10. II. pass through the >en with u. Mark 4.17. a. arieth for word's sake 13. 19. in those days shall he a. such Act* 7.11. came adeaith and great a. 2 Cor. 2. 4. .'tit of much a. \ wrote 4. 17. our liu'ht a. which i* but for 8. 2. how that in a great trial of a. Phil. 1. In. supposing to add u.toiuy 4. !4.mmmiiiiicate with me in my a. 1 Thfu.\.6. received word in much a, .?. 7. comforted in a'l our a. Heb. 11. 25. rhiMisinc ,-ather tosuf. . .'HIM. 1. 27. to visit fa -her lens in a & 10. an example ot sum-ring a. AFF1.H '1 IKXS. Pfal 34. 19. many the n of ricrhteoo* 132. 1. rememt'er David and his & AcU 7. 10. deliv. him out of nil his a. 20. 2.1. bonds and u. ahide me 2 Cur. 6. 4. approving in a. f.V>/. 1.24. what is behind of u.of Christ 1 Then. 3. 3. be moved hy these a. 2 Tim. \. a of the a. of the gospel a 11. a. which can ie at Antioch 4. 5. watch in all things, endure a. Iltb. 10, 32. endured great tight of a. 3:1 made a gaziiig-vtot-k hv a. 1 Pet 5. 9. same a ac< umplithed in AFFKlCillT. El). Job 18. 2hy not u I" speak 1 Sam. 4. 7. th.- Plnl.stine were a. IK. 29. Saul yet more ,/. of David 2 Sam. 1. 14. how not a. to destroy 2 ium.2.5. ungodly men made me a /'ai 18. 4 Ji.b 9. 28. I am a. of all my soirows 11. 19 and none shall make thee 4 la 11. hi* excellency nutke yoa * APR .<> \\ 81. not thy dread make me a. l\ 24. aniruieh shall make him a. 18. II. terrors shall make him a. on 91. *> when I remember, I arn a, 23. 15. consider, I am a, of him 33. 7. my terror not make thee a. 41. 25. raiseth hims. mighty are a. Psal. 56. a what time I am a. I will rV>. 8. that dwell area, at thy tokens 77. 16. waters saw tht j e and were a. 83. 15. make them a. with thy storm 111). 120. 1 am a. of thy judgments Iia. 17. 2. none make th.'in a. Ezek. 34. 28 Mic. 4. 4. Zeph. 3. 13. 33. 14. the sinners in Zion are a. 41. 5. ends of the earth were a. Jer. 30. 10. none shall make him a. frek. 39. 26. and none made them a. Nafi. 2. II. Dan. 4. 5. dream which made me a. Jon. 1. 8. the mariners were a 10. Markb. 15. in his right mind were y were a LuAeS. 25. they being a, wondered Acts 9. 26. they were all a. of >aul 22. 9. saw the light and were Gu/. 4. II. I am a of yon lest I have 1 Pet. 3. 6. not o. with any ainazcm 2 /Yt2.10.a to speak evil of dignities A; AFKAII). DeuA 1.29. neither tea. of them. 31.fi. 2 Sam. 22. 4tx 6e a. out of rlose places Ptal. IS. 45. 7<>5 5 '41. nor be a. of destruction 19. 2"J. be ye . of the sword, for Psal. 27. 1. of whom shall I be a. f lea. 8. 12. nor fear nor fie a. 44. 8. 19. 17. shall be a. in himself 51. 12. shouldest be a. of a man liuin. 13. 4. if thou do evil, be a. Hot be AFRAID. Deut. I. 17. not be cu of face of man 7. 18. sh\t nut be a. of them. 18. 22. PtaL 3. 6. not be a. of ten thousands 56. 1.'. not be a. what man can do 91. 5. not be a. f>r terror by night 112. 7. ohall not be a. of evil tidings 8 established, he shall not be a. Prop. 3. 24. liest down shall not be a. Ita. 12. 2. I will trust and not be a. 31. 4. will m>t be a. of their voice Ames 3. 6. blown, and people nut be a. Horn. 13. 3. not be a. of the power Be not AFRAID. Deut. 20 I. be not a. of them, Josh. 11. 6. Xeh. 4. 14. Jer 10. 5. Ezek. 2. 6. Luke 12. 4. 1 Sam. 2a la be not a. what sawest Pfai1t.lt. be nut a. when one is rich Pror. a 25. be not a. of sud.len fear /i. 40. 9. lift up thy voice be not a. Jer. 1. 8. be not a. of their faces Mat. 14. 21. it is 1, be not a. Murk 6. 50. John C>. iO, 17. 7. Jesus said, arise, be not a. 28. 10. be not a. u<> tell my brethren Mark 5. 36. ruler, An. a. only believe Acts !H. 9. fe n< a. but speak and 1 Pet. 3. 14. be nut a. of their terror Sore AFKAII). yum. 22. a Moab ,v. a. of the people Jcx/i. 9. 24. we were i. a of '>ur lives 1 Sum. 17. 24. fl>>d from Goliath i. a. 28. 20. Saul fell along tore a 3l.4.arnionr hearer waa IC'A.10.4. 'Murk 9. 6. for they were tore a. Luke 2. 9. and they were sore a. Wax AFRAID. Gen. 3. 10. h.-ard thy voice and IP. a. Krcl. 3. 6. Moses u-at a. to look on l\ T >fut. 9. 19. 1 wiu a. of the auger ana GO 1 Sam. 18. 12. Snul icata. of David. 15. 28. 5. Saul saw Philistines, he iron a. 2 Sam. 6. 9. David was a. of the Lord 1 Chron. 13. 12. Job a 25. that I was .z. of is come 32. 6. I was it and durst not show Dan. 6. !7. a. antt fell on my fare Hab. a '2. I heard thy speech and a. Mai. 2. 5. he feared me and was a. Mat. 2. 22. Jo*, iron a. to go thither 14. 30. he saw wind boisterous, was a. 25. 25. I was a. and hid thy talent John 19. 8. Pilate wot the more a. Acts 10. 4 Cornelius looked, he was a. AFRESH. Iteb. 6. 6. they crucify Son of God a. AFTER. Josh. 10. 14. no day like that a. it AFTER tliat. Luke 12 4. a. t have no more that I Cur. 15. 6. a. t. he was seen of 500 AFTERNOON. Judg. 19. 8. they tarried till a. AFTERWARD, S. Psal. 73. 24. a. receive me to glory Pror. 29. 11. wise keepeth it in till a. John 13. :i. thou shult follow me a, I Cor. 15. 23. a. they that are Christ's Heb. 12. 11. a, yiel'deth fruit of righ. AGAINST. Gen. 16. 12. hand will be a. every .Vu<.10.35.man his father, Lu.12.53. 12. 30. he not with me, is a. me Luke 2. 34. for a sin spoken a. 14. 31. cometh a. him with 20,000 Acts 19. 36. these cannot he spoken a. 28. 22. sect every where spoken a. See A.NOTKUK, (ion, .li-:ni:Ai.f.>i, ISRAEL, LOKI>, OVER. AGATE, S. Exod. 28. 19. third row. an a. 39. 12. 7xa. 54. 12. thy windows of a. Ezek. 27. 16. Syria occupied with a. AGE. Gen 47. 28. a. of Jacob 147 years 48. 10. eyes of Israel dim for a. Num. 8. 25. a. of 50 cease waiting I Sam. 2. :13. die in flower of their a. 1 Kings 14. 4. eyes set by reason of a. 2 Chron 3(5. 17. that stooped for a. Job 5. ifi. come to grave in a full a. 8. 8. inquire of the former a. 1 1. 17. thy a. clearer than noon-day PtaLSM. 5. my a. is as nothing before Isa. 38. 12. my a. is departed and Zech. 8. 4. man with his staff for a. Mark 5. 42. a. of 12 years, Lu. S. 42. Luke 2. 36. Anna was of a great a. 3. 2a Jesus about 30 years of a. John ft 21. he is of a. ask him, 2a 1 Cor. 7. 36. it she pass flower of a. Heb. 5. 14. strong meat to them full a. Set OLD, STRICKEN. AGES Eph. 2. 7. a. to cinne he might sliow a 5. in other r< 5. II. huilded many years a. Vat. 1 1. 21. repented IOIIE a. Lu.l(\\3. Mark 9. 21. huw long a. since thu ALA 30. four days a. I was fiiJtlr;^ 15. 17. ye know that a good whil<- a. 2 Cor. a 10. to be forward a year a. 9.2.that Achau was ready a year a. 12. 2. a man above fourteen vears a. A GONE. 1 Sam. 30. 13. three days a. I fell sick AGONY. Luke 22. 4-4. hein:.' in an a, he prayed AGREE, ED, EIH. Amot3.3.l\v walk except they he a. Mat. 5. 25. a. with adversary quickly 18. 19. if two shall <7. on earth 20. 2. h:id a. with labourers 13. not tf. with rue fur a penny ? Mar. I4..V). witness a, not tngether,5 70. Galilean, and thy speech u. Lukefi.yfr. out of new,rt.iiot with old John 9. 22. Jews had a, already Acts 5. 9. that ye have a, to tempt 40 and to him they a. and when 15. 15. to this a. words ot prophet S-a 20. Jews have a. to desire thee 28. 25. a. not among themselves 1 John 5. 8. blood, these u. in one Rev, 17. 17. a. to give their kingdom AGREEMENT. 2 Kin. 18.31. , by a present, /JO.36 15 Isa. 28. 15. with hell are we at a. 18. a. with hell shall not stand Dan. 1 1. 6. king of north, to make a. 2 Cor. 6. 16. what a. h;uh temple AGROUND. Acts 27. 41. they ran the ship a. AGUE. Lev. 26. 16. I will appoint burning a. AH. f'til. 35. 25. a. BO would we have it Isa, I. 4. a. sinful nation, a people 24. a. 1 will ease me of adversaries Jer. 1. 6. a. Lord God.l cannot speak 4. 10. a. Lord, thoO has deceived 22. 18. o. brother, a. sister, a. Lord 32.17. a. Lord, thou made the heav. 34. 5. lament thee, saying . Lord Ezek. . a a. Lord, wilt thou destroy Mark 15. 29. a. thou that destroyest AHA. Psal. y>. 21. a. our eye hath seen it 40. 15. desolate, that say unto me a. 70. a be turned back that say a. a. Isa. 44. 16. (i. I am warm, I have Ezek. 25. $. saidst a. against sarictu. -'(>. 2. Ty'rus said, a. she is broken 36. 2. a. the ancient places are our* AILED, ETH. Gen. 21 17. what a. thee, Hajrar ? Judg. 18. 23. Micah, what a. thee .* 1 Sam. 11. 5. what a. the people to 2 Sam. 14. 5. the king said, what a. 2 Kings 6. 28. Psal. 1 14. 5. what a thee, O sea Ita. 22. 1. what (i. thee now that AIR. 2 Sam. 21. 10. birds of the a. to rest fob 41. Pi. no a. can come between 'Prov. 30. 19. way of an eagle in the a Keel, 10. 20. bird of the a. carry voice Mat. 8. 20. birds of the a. have nests 13. 32. birds of the a. lodge in the branches, Mm-k4. 32. /..!..>8. Acts 2-2. 23. threw dust into the a. I Cor.9.26.notas one that be'it the* 14. 9. for ye shall speak ini>. ftw *. K)>h. 2. 2. prince of power of the it. 1 Then. 4. 17. t<> inert the L. in the Her. '.i. '2. sun and <. were darkened 16. 17. poured out vial into the a. See FOWLS. ALARM. .Yum 10. A. when ye dlow an a. t 7. blow, but not sound an a. f). if ye go to war, blow an a. 2 L'hro'n. 13. 12. trumpets to cry Ma ALI /rr.4 19. heard, <) myioul.o v' war 4|| 1 I will ran- an it of war Jvttt I. an a. in my holy mounta'u Trl ' '* "* -[-* thetPltrrd tltlet ALAS. jVttsB. X4. X3. a who shall live when J+dg t> XX a. I have -een an any pi ll.3.Vo.dishter thou hast brought I A."inc 13. 30. a. my brother t A'i, 6. 5. it ma-ter, for It was bor. li, v master, how shall we do 1 *k. 1 II. stamp with fl, sav . Jorl IS. a. foi thp d .y of the Lord Amot ft. Iff. say In highway., o. a. Rrv IS Itt a. o. thai ureat city, 10,19 ALKEIT. E* M 7. U with, a. I have not spo Fhilem. 19. o. 1 s*T m.t. how thou ALIEN. S. Efd. la 3. l>een a. in a stringe land Dfut. 14. Xl. thou maypst sell to an it Jvh 19. 15. I am an a. in tlt.-ir i*lit ^juAfiH.8. o. to my mother 1 * children /*t 61. 5. suns of o. your plowmen l.nm. .V Z our hou-e turned tu a. f.uk. 2. IX. a. irom cuinmonwealtli Met II 34. to fli if hi the armies of u. ALIENATE, El). 1*0. I t 4 for-aken the Lord, area. frrk. Xa 17. her mind was it from ia my mind was a. from her as IX. from w oin thy mind is u. 2& 4a It not a. hr-t fruit-, of the land fph. 4. la o Horn life of <;od thru' CuL. I. XI. thut were sometimes o. ALIKE. I Sam. 30. 84. they shall part o. Jo* 21. Xft shall lie down a. indu't FtaLyi\b. fa*hion-'th their h. -arts a. l.i 1 '. IX. darkness and light both a. Ecct 9. 4 all things come o. tu all U.K. whether t">th -lull tie a. good AIMS. 14. 5. esteemeth every day u. ALIVE. Gen. 7. 23. Noah remained a. and II 12. will kill me, and save theeo. ia XO. to av much people o. JCxosl 1. I", saved inen.i hildrenaia SX. daughter ye >hal! save o. U. i. if the thelt be found a Lee. 10. Ifi. he WHS auyry with Aaron', -mis left o. JVtMS. Iti 33. went down a. into pit SX. 33. slain tlwe, and saved h. T a. 31. IV ye .avrd all the Women o. Dent. 4. 4. a. eveiy one thi- day & 3. all of us a. here this day 6. 84. night prewrve us u. this day 80. Iff. save .t nothing that breath. IX. JsX and I make u. I .turn, i & Jot*. X. la that yp save o. my father 14. 10. thr Lord hath kept me a. Jsi^r. a: 9, had saved them a. 1 would I Sasm IS. a he took Atta* & t7. U. l)atid left man n..r woman a. 1 Kin. Xit.IN.lor peace or war take a. XI. 15. for Sabot h it not ,t hut dead fl kin. 5 7. < .."1 to kill and make o, t 7. 4. if thy save us a. We live II we shall cmtcb them a. 10. 14 and t.iey |iK>k them a. C*ris.X5 IX. and other In.OOO left a. PnL -JU.'.i. U L. thou ht kept me u. Pnsr. 1. 12. .wallow a a* the irri )tr. 4B.II. fath.-rliss I will preserveo. mJek. IX la the souU o. that . ome ia soul* m. that should not live la T.. mr shall save hi. soul a. Dan. & . whom he would, kept a. Mark Iff. II. heard that he was a. Luke 15. X4. wa dead and U a 32. 84. XX. akgpls who mnl he wa> a. Art* I. t a. after his psiviinn 41. csJIrd wdo ws.prr >euted her a. ALL II brought thi-ynnnrmnna. iS. 111. whom I'.i'il .irtin:i.-,l to l>- 0. R,,m. 'i. 1 1. a. t.. tiixl through Christ 13. as tho-e a from Hi il.-*.l 7. a. for I was a. H-ithmit tlie law Cor. IS. tl. in Christ nil be made u. The**. 4. IS. arp o. and rpinain, 17. /i-r I. la I am a. for evermore i. a which was dead, and is a. la 80. both <-Mst a. into Uke of flrp XffP ALI1E ; srr KkkP. Yet ALIVE. den. 43. 7. is your father yet a. t 27. nhHjp-fu.f ||2H. he is ye/ a. 45. M. Joseph i. yrf it 2a 44..10. Irt me die, l>ec. thou art yrta. Kjmd. 4. ia go and -ee they k*)jsj| i)eut 31. '/(. I m v<- with you 4 Sam. lit ia<-liil.fw:is; (a. il, '2i IS. 14. ycfu. in mnlt of the ..ak UsUHiat is heyrerve>t them u. 'fi 34. 19. they a. *r- woikol In, h. ftai 14. :(. are a. itone .i-id.-, a. 31. I'J. d.-liv, r.th him out of them a. 44. 17. a. this is mine upon us ror.tLX.thf L. is maker of them a. txek. ffl).4a a. of them shall er\e IDP 37. !. shall be kino to them a. Dam. I. IU. mnoiiK, a. li 31. son. a. thai I hate i, thine 17. 10. when ye have done a. -ay J-fin 4. 3U. he told me a. ever I did 13. IU. yp are clean, but not O. 17. XI. that they u. m.i\ he one At-tt 4. 33. itreut ISTMV was n a. tliyn.-li n harm, we Hreo. 1 Cur 3. '12. u. are yourn, ami ye are I'htl 4. la I hate u. aud bbutid i Tim. 3. II. on- of thpin a. ill.- U I Pet. 3. a h* yp a. of one mind I Jutui -L 19. they were not a. of us Aburr ALL; tee AluVE. Accvrdinr to ALL. Gen. 6. W N.wli did accor. to a. 7. ft ' . II. uc. foa. L. con m.m. led 36. I. | .19. 3 u. Swah hath said 8 ALL 7en. 21. 92 find with t IPP in i. tho FJeiU J. a pro- per i a. that ye d king* X. a mayest pnper in < Cor. 12. (1 Uod worketh all in a, 15 2a that Ciod may b,- all in a. >A. I. 23. him that nll.-tli all in a. L'ui 3. II. but Chri-t i- all and :n .* ALL f>'ight; tee NIGHT. Cuon ALL. Rom. 3. 22. and uovn o. them that b*-. Orrr ALL, ! Sam. 3. 21 mnyrst reign over a. Chr'i.i. iV. IX. thou reiifiiext <,rrr s\ i.i/ 103. 19. kii.irdom rul.-th am i Vat. 24. 47. ruler over a. l.iJcf f> 4k J'Jut 17 2. given him power urtr a. \m. 9. A. otvr a. Ii.n1 bleoed for 10. IX. Lord orrr a is rich to all ALI. thetr. l.-n. 15. la he took to him a. tf*tt 42. .Ki. a. IV.9. kooweth not thut in a. t .e Hub. 1. 6. .-hall not u.r. take up a par. Mat. 6.33. o. (. Khali he add I.u I.-.31 ALL Mil. (>'fri. 41. 39 as God'.hi-wcd ll>e<>/r. f. f'. 32. '/I. L hath not d ,1 tint Jttdg. K. 13. why a. thit befallen n- .' I Ham. -fL 15. knew nothing ( ". M .' vked him the truth of a. thit Hot. 7 10. nor seek him for a. tlm .Vic. I. ft. tran-ur. of Jai-ot. is u. th. Mat. I. -fl. a. (Ail ws dime that pro. phetsln- fulfil I. -d.-.'l : '.uA 16 X6. a. ttii there is a cul' tix. 24. 21. o. Mil to day i- th.- thuil -lay A I.I. that he had. CnLl2.yai>har.sriit him and at..h.h. 13. 1. Abram out of K and u. M. It.- h. X5.ft.Ahr. gateo. M. AcA-(rft.. l-i.-c 31. 21 .Jacob fl. d ill) it th.it hr hud 39.4.0. M. Ac And into J-M-ph'- hi 1 .*>. tile.->illtf III the L. Wa- oil it. th. ht MuL IS.X5.be sold a. th.hr had. pavm. Mark 5. - J 6. she ip.-nt n. Unit shf fuul 12.44 cast in a. th.it the had, Lu. 21. 4. Tu, or I'nto ALU Ptal 145. 9. the Lord i* itood h a. Eccl. 2. 14. one event ^ a. 9. :i II. 9. X. all thint'- come alike in it /.<. %.& si I'haroah t o that trust Murk I. '1. .77. 1 -ay UN(U a. tt atch /.uA 12. 41. speke>t to us, or tu 5. 25. strengthened against the a. 21. 15. a. that we should serve him 20. shall drink of th;- wrath of a. 82. 3. pleasure to a. thou art righte. 17. what can the a. do for them ? 23. if thou return to the a. thou 25. the a. shall be thy defence 26. shall have thy delight in the a. 23. 16. and the a. troubleth me 24. 1. times are not hid from the a. 27. 2. a. who hath vexed my soul 10. wil! he delight himself in the a. 11. is with a. will I nut conceal 29. 5. when the a. was yet with me 31. 2. inheritance of a. from on high 35. that the a. would answer me 32. 8. inspiration of the a. giveth 33. 4. breath of a. hath given roe life 34. 10. far from a. to com. iniquity 12. neither will the a. pervert jud. 35. 13. the a. will not regard vanity 37. 23. the a. we cannot find him out 40. 2. contendeth with a. instruct Psnl. 68. 14. when a. scattered kings !)1. I. under the shadow of the //. I*a. 13. 6. as destruction from the a. E*. 1. 24. as the voice of the a. 10. 5. Joel 1. 15. as destruction from the a. 2 Cvr. 6. 18. my sons, saith Lord a. Rev. 1. 8. was and is to come, the a. 4. 8. Lord CJoda. which was. II. 17. 15. 3. Lord a. just and true. 16. 7. 21. 22. Got) a. and Lamb temple of it ALMOND, & Gen. 43. 1 1. myrrh, nuts, and a. Ejcod. 25. 33. like to a. 34. | 37. !>, 20. Num. 17. 8. rod of A.iron yielded a. Eccl. 12. 5. when a. tree shall flour. Jtr. 1. 11. I see a rod of an a. tree ALMOST. Psat. 73. 2. my feet were a pone 94. 17. my soul a. dwelt in silence 119. 87. a. consumed me upon earth I'rnr. 5. 14. I WHS a in all evil in the Act* 13. 44. came a. the wliule city ALR Acti 19. 26. bat a. through all Asia 2(i. 28. a. thou persuadest me to be 29. were both a, and altogether Heb. 9. 22. a all things by the taw ALMUO.TREES. 1 Kin. 10.1 1. from Ophir plenty oi'a.-t. 12. made of a.-tr. pillars ALOES. P.ial. 45. 8. thy garments smell of a. Prm\ 7. 17. perfumed my bed with a. Cant. 4. 14. myrrh, a. with spices John 19. 39. brought a mixture of a. ALONE. Gen. 2. 18. not good man should be a. Exod. 18. 18. art not able thyself a. 24. 2. Moses a. shall come near Num. 11. 14. I am notable to bear all this people a. Deut. 1. 9, 12, 23. 9. lo, the people shall dwell a. Deut. 32. 12. as Lord a. did lead him 33. 28. Israel shall dwell in safety a. 2 Sam. 18. 24. a mail running a. 2P. 1 Kings 11. 29. they two a. in field 2 Kings 19. 15. art God a. Isa. 37. 16 Psal. 86. 10 Job 1. 15. escaped a. to tell, 16, 17, 19. 9. 8. a. spreaieth out the heavens 15. 19. to whom a. earth was given 31. 17. have I eaten my morsel a. # Psal. 83. IS. whose name a. is Jehov. 130. 4. who a. doeth great wonders US. 13. for his name a. is excellent Eccl. 4. 8. one a. and not a second 10. that is a. when he falleth Isa. 2. 11. L. a. shall be exalted, 17. 14. 31. none a. in appointed times 51. 2. I called him a. and blessed 63. 3. trodden the wine press a. Lam. 3. 28. he sitteth a. and keepeth Mat. 4. 4. live by bread a. Luke 4. 4. 14. 23. he was a. Luke 9. 18. 18. 15. between thee and him a. A/rA;4.34.they wereo.be expounded 6. 47. sea, and he a. on the land Luke 5. 21. forgive sins but God a. 6. 4. but for the priests a. 9. 18. as Jesus was a. praying 36. voice past, Jesus was found a. John 6. 15. into a mountain a, 22. disciples were gone away a. 8. 16. for I am not a. but 16. 3i. 17. 20. neither pray I for these a. Acts 19. 26. that not a. at Ephesus Rum. 4. 23. written for his sake a. >tl. 6. 4. have rejoicing in himself a. Heb. 9. 7. went high-priest a. once Jam. 2. 17. faith is dead, being a. Left ALONE. Isa. 49. 21. I was left a. these where John 8. 9. Jesus was left a. and worn. 29. the Father hath not left me a. Rom. 11. 3. 1 am left a. and they &eek Let ALONE. Job 10. 20. {. me a. that I take comf. Hut. 4. 17. joined to idols, let him a. Mat. 15. 14. let them a. blind lenders Mark 1. 24. I t us a. what have we to do with thep. Luke 4. 34. 14. 6. Jesus SHid, let her a. Luke 13. 8. let it a. this year also John 11. 48. if we let him a. all men 12. 7. let her a, against the day Acts 5.38. refrain from these men /. a, ALOOF. Psal. 38. 11. my friends stand a. ALOUD; tee CRY, CRIED, SINO. ALPHA. Rev. 1. 8. I am a. 11.121. G. | 22. la ALREADY. Errl. 1 10. it hath been a. of old Mat. 17. 12. Klias is come a. Jh 3. 18. condemned a. r/iil. 3. If!, we have a. attained AVr. 2. i"). that ye have o. hold fast i ALW ALSO. Gen. G. 3. for that he a. is flesh I Sam. 14. 44. Saul answ. God do so, and more a. 2 Sam. 3. :& I 19. 11 Psal. 6S. I a gifts for rebellious a. Zech. a 21. to seek Lord I will go a. Mat. 6. 21. will heart be a. Lu. 12.34. 26. 7a thou art a. one of them John 5. 19. these it. doth the Son 12. 26. where I am, there shall a. 14. 3. where I am, ye may be a. 1 Cor. 15. & he was seen of me a. 2 Tim. 1. 5. 1 am persuaded in thee a ALTAR Gen. a 20. Nosh huilded an a. 12. 7. Abraham built an a. 22. 9. 35. 1. Beth. el, make there an a. Efod. 17. 15. Moses built an a. 20. 24. an a. of earth make to me 29. 37. sanctify it, a. most holy 44. I will sanctify the a. 30.27. a. of incen.||40. 10. a. of bt.-off. Lev. 6. 9. fire of <. shall be burning Num. 7. 84. the dedication of the a. 18.3. they shall not come nigh the a. Josh. 22. 34. called the a. Ed. Judg. 6. 25. throw down a, of Baal 2 Sam. 24. la rear an a. to the Lord King-a 13. 2. cried against the a.O a. 18. 30. Elijah repaired the a. 35: the water ran about the a. 2 Kings 18. 22. shall worship before this a. Isa. 36. 7. Psal. 26. 6. so will I compass thine a 43. 4. then will I go to a. of God xa. 19. 19. an a. in midst of Egypt 27. 9. stones of a. as chalk-stones 56. 7. sacrifices accepted on mine a. Lam. 2. 7. Lord hath cast off his a. Ezek. 8. 16. between porch and a. Joel 1. 13. howl, ye ministers of the a. 2. 17. priests weep bet. porch and a. Amos 2. 8. to pledge by every a. Mai. 1. 7. polluted bread on mine a. 10. fire on mine a. for nought 2. 13. covering a. with tears Mat. 5. 23. thou bring gift to the a. 23 18. swear by the a. it is nothinj 35. ye slew between the tern pit. and a. Luke 11. 51. Acts 17. 23. a. with this inscription 1 Cor. 9. 13. partakers with a. 10. 18. Heb. 7. la gave attendance at the a. 13. 10. we have an a. whereof they Rev. 6. 9. under the a. souls of slain 8. a with prayers on the golden a. 9, 13 voice from horns of golden u. See BUILT. ALTARS. 1 Kings 19. 10. thrown down a. 14. Psal. 84. 3. even thine a. O Lord Isa. 17. 8. he shall not look to the a. Jer. 17. 1. sii graven on horns of a. 2. whilst their children remem. a. Ezek. 6. 4. your a. shall be desolate Has. 8. 11. made a. to sin a. shall be 12. 11. a. as heaps in the fuirows Amos3. H.will visit the a. of Beth-el limn. 11. 3. have ditrced down thine a. ALTER. EzraR. 11. whoso, shall a. this word Psal. 89. 34. not a. the thing gone ALTERED. Luke 9. 29. his countenance was A ALTOGETHER. Psal. 14. 3. a. filthy, Psal. 5a 3. 19. 9. judgments are righteous a. 50. 21. a. such an one as thyself 139. 4. lo, thou knowext it a. Cant. 5. IH. yea, he is a. lovely John (I. 31. thou wast a. born in Blrt Acts 26. 29. almost and it. such as t ALWAY. ALWAYS. Job 7. 16. I would not. liro a. I AME 7. JO. wi " hr " *H Q P D n now ulto, Christ shall 4 4. r. joire iii the Lord a. j rv 1. I'i. to fill up their sins a. 1 AM. I AM *<* I AM. JCjvxt :(.!./ am that I am hath M>nt JiJj 9. 32. he is not! a man u / nm l*a. 44. Ii. / I/TO th.- first, / am the la t 4s. 12. Ace. 1. II. 47. s. / . prom, in him yea and a. Mfr. I. IS. lam alive for evermore a 3. li.wr.te Id. st- thing', -aith the a. 5 14. th four beat >nid u. ly. 4. St JO. 0. even ui r..me. Lord Jesu AHEM). >. 7^r. 5. 16. he shall make a. Jer. 7. 3 a. way. 5. | . 13. I . 15. JiJui 4. 52. hour w hen h* began to a AMEIU K. 19 a '.mi in 100 kbekeU ANG ,*ETHYST;rr AtATF.onJ Jnw NTH. AMIABLE. 'jui 84. 1. how a. are thy tabernacles AMISS. _ Chrnn. ft 37. we have done a. >m. 3 i. spe: k any thing a. .uAr 'J3. 41. hiith done nothing a. r am. 4. a he. -ails.- ye ak a. ANATHEMA. Cor 16. 2i. let him be a. inaran-atha AM KSI Oils. >e. 8C. 45. the . enant of their a. ANCHOR. Arttfl. 30. they would have cast a. 7*6. 6. 19. hope e have as an a. of ANCIENT. Deut 33. 15. things of the n. moun. 'iult,'. 521. that <. river, Kishon A'm. 19. 85. .f a. times I IM. 37. 86. CArn. 4. ti. these are a. things Srra a 12. were a men and had seen Jii6 12. Ii with the a. is wisdom Prw.22.i8. r:nove not a. land. mark r o. a 2. a. the Lord .loth take aw a) 9 15. the a, and honourable he is 19. 11. 1 am the son ot . kings i3. 7. nho-e antiquity is of a. days 44.7. since 1 appoint-d the. people -IT a upon the ,;. laid thy yoke Til. 9. awake, as in the a. days Jer. 18. 15. to stumble from a. paths '.><*. 9. 6. they l-egan at the n. men l>a. 7. 9. the a. of days did -it la one like Son of man came to a. 2i. till the ii. of da>s came A Ml K NTS. Nam. ?4. 13. saith proverb of the a. FuiL 1 19. 100. more than the a. '>/ 3 14. enter into judgment with a. 24. 23. Lord shall reieii before his. Jer. 19. 1. take of a. of people and a. Ezek. 7. 2ft shall perish from the . 8.12. hast thou seen what the a. do! 1 27. 9. the n. of Gehal thy calk, rs ANCLE- BONKS. Adi 3. 7. his o.-6 received strength ANCLEH. Ezek. 47. a the wat< rs were to the a. AN'.l.J.. irn. 29. II. a said. Anrthasn, Ahra. 24. 7. .end hi- a. before th. V 41. 16. the a. who redeemed mt Exud. $. 20. send a. before thee, a 3i. 34. | 33. 2 .Vt/m 20. 16. sent n a. and hronuht Jtidg. la h). the a. did wondrousiy iSum.V4. I'i. the a str--tched out hi- hand. the a. I Chron. il. 15. 17. whe he saw the rt. that smote 1 Kingt la la . (i. l>efore a. it was an error Ita. fi3 9. the a. of his presence Dan. 3, . G..d who hath s.-nt n. ft. 28. hath sent his a. ind shut up Hut 12. 4. he had power over the a. Zffh. 1 9. a. that talked, said, 4, 5. .'(. 3 w th filthy garm.st.MKl h. fore a Mat. &. .V a. answered the woman l.vkr I. la a. sai.l. fear not Za. liar I'J. a. anv.ered, I am l.ahriel 2fi. in nxth in. .nth the a i.iihriel 30 the a. raid, tear not, Mary :<.*> a. answered. Holy Mnntt'ithal 2 10. a. said to the shepherds la nuddeidy with a. a multitude 21. * iu.ii.ed of the a. yi 43 un 17. strengthening him I Jnhn S. 4. a. went d..n at a certain I 1J. .'.'. an a. spitke to him [season 10 ANG Act* & 15. as the face of an a. 7. 35. a. that H|>|ie,ire.| in the bath 38. in wilderness with the a. 10 7. a which sp H ke t.. Cornelius 22. warneit l.y an holy a. to send 11. la how he had keen a. in hoa 12. 8. the a said t.i IVtt r, hint. 9 true which wu done hy the a. 10. the a departed fiom him 11. sent his a. and delivered roe 15. then said they, it i- his a. 2a a Sad. *ay. iieifhi-i a. nor spirit 9. If an a. bath sp.'ken to him ! Cor. 11. 14 tran*form.-d into o of GaL 1. 8. though we ..r an . [lurht Her. I. I signified it hy a to John 2. I. a. of rhurrn 8 1^.18. | .'11.7,14 5. 2. I saw strong a. proi Ir.iniing 7. 1 O. asreiidini: Irom the . ,.-t a a a. nmv and sf..Ht at the xltar 4. ascended out ot the a. haod 5. u, took the censer 7. first a. sounded | 8 second a. 10. third a. | Ii fourth a. 9. 1. fifth a. | 13. Hixth a. 8. 13. 1 heard an a. thing through 9. 11. the a. of the l.ottomlestt pit 14. Sixth a. loose the t..ur angeU 10. I. a. ciine down, 18 1 | iO 1. 5. a. which I saw stand on sea 7. in days of voice of seventh a. h. take the b<.k in ha d of o. 11. 15 seventh a. si'Uii.ted 14. 6. a fly in the mid-t of heaven 8 another a. -a\in. Bahylon is 19. thro, thrust in his -i. k..- 16 2.a.poureil out vial.3,4,8,10,l2,n 5 a. of the waters 17. 7. a. said, wherefore marvel? 18. -'1 mighty a. took up a stone 19 17 an a ;ai1int: in the sun 21. 17. of a man thai is of the a. 16. I Jesus have sent mine a. ANGEL of God. Ej-od. 14 19. a. of U<-d removed Juili:. 13 6. like rouiiten. of a. nfG. 1 s<;;//. '.-9. 9. ait good as ar. a. ofli. .' Sum. 14. 17. as an a. ofiimi lit. 27. ill. wise a<. to wisdom of an u.ijll. Acti 27. 2a stoiKi hy me the a. ofG. GaL 4. 14. receiver! me as ana. ofG. AN(>KI./Me Lord. H. Ifi. 7. a. ofthf I., found Hapar . II. a. i.ftAr I., called to him. If. Sum. V? 83. as saw <. if the /..i'i /;. 31. Balaam naw n. o/ 7.. in the wny Jtttfff S. *3 i urse Meroi. said a. . a. ii,(f 15. a. i.fthe L cominanded i.a.l '.VI because of sword of a. u' L. P.-al. 34. 7. a. . a. nf L. came upon them Ach 5. la a. of L. opened |>risos-d4. ANG Ae(6. 26. a. nfthf L spake to Philip 12. 23. a of the L. smote Herod ANGELS. G*n. 19 1. came two re. to Sodom at Ptal 8 5. lower th;in a. //eft. 2. 7, 9 . a. and powers being subject 2 Pet. 2. 4. if God spa. ed not the a. 11. whereas a. greater in power Jttde 6. a. Who kept not first estate Jier. 1. 20. s 'Vcn stars a. of churches 6. 11. voice of many a. about throne 7. 1. f"iir a. on the, four corners 2. with loud voice to the four a. 11. all the a. stood round the thro. 8. 13. trumpet of a. yet to sound 9. 14. loose the four a. bound 15. the a. were loosed 14. 10. tor. in presence of the holy a. 21. 12. and at the gat"8 twelve a. ANGELSofGorf. G0n.28.l2.u./Ga.spirits, flub. 1.7. 118. 2. pr.iise ye him all his 2. 7. Michael and Aw rt. the dr.ignn 9. dragon was cast out, and Aw a, ANGER. I'ert,. Bow. 10. 1. a fuolibh nntion I wil! a. ANG AVGER. Gen. 27. 45. till thy brother's a. turn 44. 18. let not thine a. burn ag. me 49. 7. cursed he their a. Ej-od, 32. 19. Moses* a. wnxed hot Dent. 9. 19. 1 was afraid of the a. 13. 17. from the fierceness of his a. 29. 94. the heat of this great a, f tutig. 8. 3. then their a. was abated Job 9. la if God will not withdraw a. PniL 21. 9. as oven in time of thine a. 30. 5. hi*t a. pndureth but a moment 37. 8. cease from a. and forsake 3S. 3. no soundness because of a. 69. 24. wrathful a, take hold 74. 1. why doth thy a. smoke 78. 21. a. came up against Israel 3$. many a time turned he his a. 49. he ca*t the fierceness of his a. 50. he made a way to his a. 85. 3. turned from fierceness of a. 4. cause a. towards us to cease 5. draw out a. to all generations ? 90. 7. we are consumed by thine a. 1 1. knoweth power of thine a. f 103. 9. keep his.for ever. Jer. 3. 5. Prur. 15. I. grievous words stirupa. 19. 11. discretion deferreth his a. 21. 14. a gift in secret pacifieth a, 22. 8. the rod of his a. shall fail 27. 4. and a. is outrageous Eccl. 7. 9. a. resteth in bosom of fools /M..~>.25. for all this his a. is not turn. ed nway, 9. 12, 17, 21. I 10. 4. 7. 4. fear not for the a. of Resin 10. .i. the rod of mine a. and staff 25. and my a, in their destruction I*n. 12. 1. angry, thine n. is turned 13. 9. day of I . cometh with fierce a, 13. in day of fierce a. Lam. I. 12. 30. 27. name of L. burning with a. 30. show the indignation ol his u. 42. 25. poured on him fury of his a. 48. 9. will I defer mine . 66. 15. L. will come to render his a. .//r. 2. 3.V his a. shall turn from me 3. 12. I will not cause mine . to f.iil on you I will not keep mine a. 4. 26. cities broken down by his a. 7. 20. a. be poured on this place 18. '23. deal with them in thine n. 20. 38.land desolate because of hiso. 32. 31. city, provocation of mine a. 3G.-7. great is the a, I., hath prou. 42. 18. as mine n. on Jerusalem 44. 6. mine a. was poured forth 19. 37. evil on th. in, my fierce a. Lam. 2. I. his footstool in day of a. 6. in the indignation of his a, 21. hast slain them in thine it. 22. in the Lord's a. none escaped 3. 43. thou hist qovered with a. 4. II. hath poured out his fierce a. Exek. ft. 13. thus n. he accomplished 7. .1 I will a. nd mine a. upon thee 8. accomplish . on thee. iO. 8, 21. 35.11. I will do according to thine a. Dun, 9. 16. let thine a. he turned Ho*. II. 9. will not execute mine a. 14. 4. for mine a. is turned awav Ainu* I. 1 1. hi.- (i. did tear perpetually J-:nah 3. 9. if God turn from fiercer, .We. 7. IS. retained not his r/.for ever A'ffA. 1. 6. whi. ran abide his a. f Had. 3. 8. was thine n. a . the rivers? Zi'ph. 3 8. to pour all my fieri e n. Murk 3. 5. looked on thein with a. Eph. 4. 31. id aij.iiiiBt lrel, 20. "I 3. R| 10.7. 11 ANG 2 KingsU. 20. thro' the a,ofthe Lcr4 it came to pass, Jer. 5'J. 3. Jer. 4. 8. a, of the Lord is not tur&*d 12. 13. bee. ot fierce a. i.f'Ute L. 25. 37. 23. W.n.ofthe L. shall not ret. 30. 24. 51.45 deliver soul fiom a. of the L. Lam. 4. 16. a of the L. hath divided Zeph. 2. 2. before a. oft/ieL. come on 3. ye shall be hid in day of a.ofL. In A N G E ]{. Gen, 40. 6. in a. they slew a man Dent. 29.23.wt.ich L. overthrew in & *8. the L. rooted them out n a. Job 9. 5. overturneth them in his a, 18. 4. he teareth himself in hi; a 21. 17. dis rilmteth sorrows in a. 35. 15. he hath visited in his a. Psaf. 6. 1. rebuke me not in a.Jur. I0.9f 7. 6. ire thine a, lift up ( thyself 27. 9. put not thy servant away in a Vi. 1. in a. cast down the people 77. 9. in a. shut up his mercies? Isa. 13. 3. called mighty ones in a, 14. 6. he that ruled nations in a. 03. 3. I will tread them tit o. 6. Jer. 21.5. fifiht against you, even in a. 32. 87. driven them in mine a, 33. 5. whom I have slain in mine a, Lain, 2. I. Lord covered Zion uith a cloud in his n. 3. cut off in a, horn of Israel 3.66. persecute and destr. them in a. Ezi'k. 5. 15. execute judgments in a. 13. l.lovei flowing shower in mine a. 22. 20. so will I gather you in, a. 43. 8. consumed them in mine a. Dan. 1 1. 20.be destroyed, neither in a. Ilia. 13. 11. I gave a king in mine it. Mic. 5. IS. execute vengeance tn a. Hub. 3. 12. didst thresh heathen in a. AH GER kindled. E.rodA. 14. a. of L. Ar. again-t Moses A"w/n. 11. 1. a. of the Lord wa> k. 10. | 12. 9. | 22. 22. 25. 3. a, of L. was A. against Israel 32.1.'iJr/*A. 7. 1. 2 i'om.24.1. 2 Ai. 13.3 Dettt 6. 15. lest a. he k. against thee 7. 4. MO will a, be k. against you 29.27.a. of the L. A.agaiiist th.s land 31. 17. a. be k. in that day, Josh.X3. IS. 32. 22. fire k. in mine a. Jer. 15. 14. 2 Sam. 6. 7. a. of the Lord was k. against Ui/.iah, 1 Chr. 13. 10. 12. 5. David's a. k. against the man Inn. 5. 25. a. of L. k. again-t his peop. Jer 17. 4. ye have A:, a fire in mine a. ZfcA.|o.3. . A-.aifninst the shepherds Provoke or proroked to A NG E K. Dent. 32.16.with ahominatioris^.foa. 21. they have provoked me tn a. Judg. ?. 12. bowed, and pr. L. to a, I Kin. 16. 2. pr. me to a, with sins, 2 Kin. 17. 11. Jer. 11. 17. | 22. 29, 32. Ezek. 16. 26. i Kin 21.15. pr. nu- to a, since the day 22.17. fors.iken me, that they mid hi pr me to a. 2 rAr..'}4.25. Jfr.2S.7 Psal 78. .';8 pr. him to a. with high places, 106. 2!'. Prov. 20. 2. whosn/w. to a. oinneth Isa. I. 4 pr. Holy One of Isr. to a. 65. 3. people tnat^r. me tn a. //<(*. 12. II. tphralropr. him too. CoL 3. 21. pr. not your children to a Sloirto ANGER. AVA. 9. 17. ready to pardon, tlmr to a Psul. 103. 8. */" n a. Ret. II. IS. the nations were a. ANGUISH. fjmLn.9. hearkened not to M.foro. Dent 2. 25. tremble, and be in a 2 Sum. I. ft slay me, a. is come Jobl. II. I will speak in a. of spirit l\ 24. and a shall m.i sl,.,it a . the altai, 40. la 901 2A. h*ll a. the tabernncle, 40 9 Ltr. 16. 31 priest whom he .hall a. . 4a shall not a thyself with Ju4f ft & tree* went to a. a king 15. if in truth ye a. me king 1 Sam. !>. Id a, him captain over N 15. I. the L. sent me to a. thee king 16. 3 a. him whom I name 12 L. said, ari-,<7. him, this is he B Sam. 14 X a. not thywlf with oil I A'i/iu di-Ut not a. Rev. 3. 1-v a. ' ANOINTEU /*. & 10. a the tuberiiacl* U. . the aJUr, .Vims. 7. I ANO 7^r. J. 12. Aaron's head, and o. him :ii. I. t if l.oril./.thfi- (apt. lii IV 17. a. Saul l(i la ./. David, a Sam. 2. *, 7. | 4. 3, 17. | li 7. -' A'm? 0. a, G li. I Chr,m. II. a | U a 2 Sam. 2. 7. Judah have . me king 3. !d I am weak, though . I f6 have I a. my kintf on Z. /JO. ll. I. a. me to prfiu-h. Lutiet. Ifi. A'zet 28. 14. a. heruh that rovers Luk" 7. :ia she kis<.-d hii fi-et and a 4A. this wmnaii h.ith ter, the LartTta, 10. put my tend against /,. a. 2(1 ft against L. a. and be iriiiltle?* 16 hare not kept the Lorrft a. 2 .Sam. 1.14. not afraid to ci.->troy L.n 19 21. to death her. he curved L. a La*i. 4.20. a. of L. taken in their pit.- Minf ANOINTKI). I &im.2.35.*ha!l walk before minr -Ji ot/ 7AI/M- A NO! XI ED. 2 Chron. 6. 42. turn n:>t away the fare of thine a. PniL I3i 10. li 84. 9. look on fare of thine a. S!).3ahast been wroth with thine a. 51. reprarhcd foot>tepi of tltinra. Hub. 1 13. for novation with Mi. a. ANOINTED8T. PtaL 23. 5. a. my head with oil. ANO1NTIM. K.rod.Vt. 15. o.f vorlatinff priesthood 7i. 10, 27. yoke destroyed bei-. of u. I JoAn 2. 27. a. teiirhfth all things ANOINTING Oil. Erod. 37. 29. made holy a. oH Lev. 9L 12. a. oil on Aaron's head 10. 7. u. oil of the L. is upon you -Vnm.4. Ifi. office of Eleaz.p-rtain.a.oi7 Jam.5. 1 4. a. with of/ in name of Lord ANON. .V"l la 20. a. with joy rereireth it Mark 1. 30. mother lay sick and a. A NO I HKR. I Sasjs.lOl& halt Iw- turned ton. man J'-b 19. 27 shi.ll behold and not a. /VilOO Rlet a take offl.-e, Actt 1. 20. Pn-r. 25. 9. discov. not a wcret to a, 27. 2. let a. praite thee, and not / a. 4i a mv Klory not to a. 48. 11. 65. 15. call hU rvnntt by o. name Hot. a 1 thou shalt not be a. man t. 4. Ift no man n-prote a. Mat. 1 1. 3. or do we iook for a. t 12 ANS Mark H. IP. a. said, is It I * /.. li'.'tna how iniiih owent tlionf 2 Cor. 1 1. 4 !. JI-MM, a. Spirit, or a Gill. I. 7. wliii-h is not u. but (!. 1. rejoicing iii hims4-lf, not in a. Heb. a 13. exhort one t*t A N O T 1 1 E 11. I .fri.-n V. a.'i. if f/n man sin n:f. 6. I railed him. he (,;. e no . .Vic. 3. 7. for there is no u. oi <;..d Luke 20. 26. they marvelled at his a. John I 22. that we may give a. I'J. 9. Jesus gave him no a. Rom. P. 4. what -uitli . of God ? 1 Cor. 9. 3. mine a. is this _' 7Vm 4. Ifi. ut my fii>t a. none otood I I'rt. .'I 15. Ive ready to give an a. 21. the a. of a good ron^cicnce ANSWKKS. JiJi 21.31 in your a. remaineth false. 34. 3d her. of hii a. for wicked men Luke 2. 47. all were a-ton. at his a. ANSWKK, Grn 30. 3.% my ri^hteoiisn. n. forme Driit. 27. 15 the people -hall cj.aini u 1 Kinqt ISL 29. voice, nor any to 11. Ji>fi l:t 2i rail thou, and I will a. 21 5. the words he would a. me 31. 14. when he viaiteth whit u.hira 33 !i will u. God i- greater. 35. 4. t i. 2. rcproieth God, let him a. PtaL 27 7. have merry and a. me G5. 5. things in riirht wilt thou a. us "'. 7. will rail, thou wilt a. me 102. 2. when I rail u. me speedily 1"$. & thy right hand, and a me 143. I. Ill thy laitlii'ulne*- /r. me r,/r. l:>. iS. 'heart studieth t" n. 2. 21. mighti^t a. words of truth 26. 5. a a fool arrord. to hi-, folly /."/. 14. 32. what a. the mesenaei\ 50. 2. was there mine to u f 5R 9. shalt thou rail, Lrd will ,i. Dun. :l III not careful to /. thee Hob. 2. I. what a. when reproved Mat. 22. 4'!. no man was able to n. Murk 1 1 30. heaven or of men ? a. 14. 40. neither wist they what to a. L'ike II. 7. he from within hall it. 12. 1 1. what thing ye -hall o. or i>iy la 25. he *>hal! u. I kno.v you r.i.t 21. 14. not to meditate what ve WKK. Job la 22. rail, / will a. 14. IS 7V/1 91. IS. Jer. a - l 1 /ra. 65. 24. before they rail / iri'W a. X.rf ANSWER. 2 Kingt m. 3C. king's rommand.wai a. At;n i : '. '-I. Joo 9. 3. o. him one of a thousand Pror. 1. 2a they shall rail 1 not a. 2fi. 4. a. no/ a fool ai-ror. to his fol / 29. 19. he understand, he will not A Int. 65. 12. I called, ye djd not a. APA Jer. 1 27. but they will not a. thee Lute 14. 6. they could ns>t a. Mm 2'J. (58. you will iitita. nor let me go ANSWERED. J'ttig. 6. 8. a. as men of Succoth a. 1 San* 3. 4. and he a. here am I, 16 1 Kings 12. 13. king a. roughly 2 CAn/w. 10. la 18. 26. no voice, nor any that a. 2 Chron. 25 9. a. the Lord is Hble J:,l' 11. 2. multitude of words be a. ? z<*. 37 a I a. O L. thou knowest Dan. 2. M. Daniel a. with counsel Wat 27. 12. accused he a nothing, U. Mar. 14. 6 1 . | 1 5. 3, 5. . 23. 9. M,?rfc 12. 28. perceiving he a. well 34. Jesus saw he a. discreetly Jrf 22. 8. I a. who art thou, Lord? 25. 8. while he a. for himself, 26. 1. ANSWERED, meant of Gun. Gen. 35. 3. who a. me in my distress F.xod. 19.19. Moses spake, and God a. 2 Sain. 21. 1. Lord a. it is for S..ul 1 i'fir. 21. 26. a. from heaven by fire 28. Iavid saw Lord had a. him Ptal. 81. 7. I a. thee in the secret 99. 6. on the Lord, and he a. them 119. 5. the Lord a. me and set me Jer. 23. 35. what hath the Lord a. 37. ANSWERED not 1 Sam. 4. 20. she a. not nor did rep ard 2 Sain. 22. 42. looked, but a. them not , Psal. 18. 41. i Kings 18. 21. the people a. him not 2 A't/ig* 18. 36. Isa. 36. 21. ?er. 7. 13. I called, ye a. not 35. 17. Mat. 15. 23. hi- . her no* a word ANSWEREDEST. PiZ 99. 8. thnu a. them, O Lord 138. 3. when I cried thou a. me ANSWEREST. 1 Sam. 26. 14. a. thou not, Ahner ? JVA 1ft 3. emboldeneth that thou a.f Mat. 2G. 62. a. thou nothing ? A/arA: 14. 60. | 15. 4. Jn. 18. 22. a. thou the hitrh-priest so? ANSWERETH. 1 Sam. 28 15. God a. me no more 1 A"i. 18.2-t. let the God that a. by fire Job 12. 4. on God, and he a. him Pro/-, la 13. that a. a matter 23. but the rich a. roughly 27. 19. as face a. to face so Ecrl 5. 20. God a. him in the joy 10. 19. but money a. all things Gal. 4. 25. and a. to Jerusalem that ANSWERING. I.u. 23. 40. the other a, rebuked him Tit. '2. 9. he obedient, not a. again ANT, S. Prop. 6. 6. go to the a. thou sluggard 30. 25. the . are a peop. not strong ANTIQUITY. ha. 23. 7. joyous city, whose a. ANVIL. Isa. 41. 7. encour. him that smote a. ANY. Dmif. 32. 39. nor n. that can deliver 1 Kingi 18. 26. nor a. that answered Job Sf 27. if a. say, I have sinned P*/. I. 6. who will show us a. good? Isa. 41. 8. is no God, I know not a. Amos 6. 10. is there yet a. with thee? Mark 8. 2ft tior tell it to a. in town 1 1. 25. if ye have ought against o. Arts a 2. if he found a. of tliis way See FURTHER, Gon, MAN, MORE, THING, TIME, WISE, ANY while, tee DKAI>. APACE, tee FLEE, FI.ED. Al'ART. Krod. 13. 12. a. all that op"n matrix /.or. 15. 1!). sin- shall be put a 18. 19. not appro, us long as she is c. APP Pif. 4. 3. Lord hath set a. godly Zecli. 12. 12. every family a. It. Mat. 1 1. 13. into p. desert place a. 23. into a mountain a. I7.1.Z.M.9.28 17. 19. came the disciples to Jes. a. Mark ft 31. come ye yourselves a. Jam. 1.21. wherefore lay a. filthiness AFES, sen PEACOCKS. APIECE. Num. 3. 47. five shekels a, by poll Num. 17. G. every one gave him a rod a. Luke 9. 3. nor have two coats a. John 2. ft two or three firkins a. APOLLVON, tee GREEK. APOSTLE. Rom 1.1. P. called to be an a. 1 Cor. 1.1. II. 13. as I am the a. of the Gentiles 1 Cor. 9. 1. nm 1 not an a. f 2. 15. 9. not meet to be called an a. 2 Cor. I. 1. Paul an a. Eph. 1. 1. Col 1. 1. 1 Tim. 1. 1. 2 rim. 1. 1. Gal. 1. 1. 1.. 12. the signs of an a. 1 Tim. 2. 7. whereto I am ordained an a. 2 Tim. 1. 1 1. Tit. 1. 1. Paul a servant of G. and a. Heb. 3. 1. . and high-priest of our APOSTLES. Mat. 10. 2. the names of the twelve a. Mark 6. 30. the a. gathered thems. Z,HAe6.l3.twelve, whom he namedo. 9. 10. the a. when they returned 11. 49. I will send prophets and a. 17. 5. the (i. said, increase our faith 22. U.hesat down, and the twelve a. 24.10. women told these things to a. Acts 1. 26. numbered with the 11 a. 2. 43 many signs by the a 5. 12. 4. 35. laid them at a. feet, 37 | 5. 2. 5. 18. laid theii hands on the a. 8. I. all scattered except the a. Rom. 1C. 7. of note among- the a, 1 C<>r. 4. 9. set forth us the a, last 12. 28. set first a. \\ 29 are all a, 15. 9. for I am the least of the a. 2 Cor. 11. 5. behind chiefest a. M 11. l.'i. such are false a. Gal. 1. 17. went to them a. before me 19. but other of the a. saw I none Eph. 3. 5. now revealed to his holy a, 4. 11. he gave some a. 1 Thess. 2. 6. burdensome as the a. of 2 Pet. 3. 2. command, of us the a. .hide 17. words spoken before of a. Rev. 2. 2. which say they are a. and 18. 20. rejoice over her, ye holy a. Ai'OSTLESHIP. Artt 1. 25.he may take part of this a. Ram. 1. 5. received grace and a. I Cor. 9. 2. the seal of mine a. are ye Gal. 2.8. effectually in Peter to the a. APOTHECARY. Etod. 30. 25. ointment after art of a. 35. confection after art of a. 37.29. Eccl. 10. 1. dead flies cause oint of a APPAREN1LY. Sum. 12. 8. with him will 1 speak a. APPAREL. i Sam. 12. 20. David changed his a. 1 K.iitgii\Q. 5. attendance of hi- minis- ters and their a. 2 Chron, 9. 4. Isa. 3. 22. the changeable suits of a. 4. 1. we will wear our own a. O.S. 1. who is this glorious in his a. Zi-ph. I. 8. are clothed in strange a, Arts I. 10. tW" men stood in white o. 20. 33. coveted no n un'x silver or Sam. 13. 18. kine's dimgh. were a. Luke 7. 25. which are gorgeously a. 13 APP APPEAL, ED. Acts 25. 11. I a. unto Cesar, 21. 26. 32. at liberty, if he had l.ot . 28. 19. constrained to a. to Cesar APPEAR. Gen, \. 9. let the dry land a. Ejcod. 23. 15. none a. before me emptj 34. 20. Deut. I ft \6. 34. 24. when thou shall go to a. Deut. 31. 1 1. when Israel a. before L. Psal. 42. 2. when shall I come and a 90. 16. work a. to thy servants Cant. 2. 12. flowers a on earth 4. 1. as a flock of goats that a. 6. !>. Isa. 1. 12. ye come to a before me Jer. 13. 26. that thy shame may a. Ezek. 21. 24. doings your sins do a, Mat. ft. 16. may a. to men to fast 23. 28. ye outwardly a. righteous 24. 30. a. the sign of the Son of maiv Luke 11. 44. as graves u In. li a. not ]>). 11. kingdom of God should a. Arts$C\ 16. things in which 1 will a. Rom. 7. 13. sin, that it might a. sin 2 Cor. 5. 10. all a. before judg.-seat Col. 3. 4. Christ our life shall a. I Tim. 4. 15. profiting may a. to all Heb. 9. 24. now to a. n the presence 28. a. the second ti^ie tosalvation 11.3. not marie of things which do a. 1 Ptt. 4. 18. where shall ungodly a.f 5. 4. when chief Shepherd shall a. 1 John 2. 28. when he shall a. we may 3. 2. it doth not yet a. wh.it weshall be, when he shall a. we shall Rev. 3. 18. of thy nakedness do not a. APPEAR, referred to GOD. Lev. 9. 4. to-day L. will a, to you, G. 16. 2. 1 will a. in the cloud 1 Sam, 2. 27. plainly a. to the house 2 Chron. 1. 7. did God a. to Solomon Psal. 102. 16. be shall a. in his glory Isa. 66. 5. he shall a. to your joy Acts 2t>. Hi. things in which 1 will a. APPEARANCE. Num. 9. 15. as the a. of fire, 16 1 Sam. 16. 7. looketh on outward a Dan. 8. 15. as the a. of a man, 10.18 10. 6. his face as a. of lightning Johnl. 24. judge not accord, to the a, 2 Cor. 5. 12. which glory in a. 10. f 1. who in outward a. am base 7. on things after the outward a. 1 Thess. 5. 22. abstain from all a. of APPEARED. [evil E.rod. 4. 1. Lord hath not cr. to thee. 6. 3. I a. by name of God Almighty I Kings 1 1.9. had a. to Solomon twice Jer. 31. 3. the L. hath o. of old to me Mat. 2. 7. what time the star a. 13. 26. then a, the tares also 17. 3. n. Moses and Elias, Markl-. 4. 27.53. into holy city, and a. to many Mark Hi. 9. Jesus a. first to Mary 12. after that he a. in another form 14. alter he a. to the eleven Lnfce 1. 1 1. there a. to him an angel 9. 31. who a. in glory, and spake 22. 43. a. an angel, strengthening 24. 34. L. is risen, and a. to Simon Acts!. 2. God a. to our fat.ber A bra. 9. 17. Jeeus, that a. to thee in waj 2ft 1ft I have a. for this purpose 27. 20. neither sun nor stars a. Tit. 2. 11. grace of God hath ,t. toal. 3. 4. after the love of God ti. Heb. 9. 26. hath he a. to put away Bin ften. 12. 1. there n. n great wonder,! APPEARETH. Psal. 84. 7. in Ziou a. before God Pror. 27. 25. the Kriy a. .Jer. II 1. for evil n. 'out of the nortfc f. 3. ?. who shall stand when hea . am. 4. J4. uic as a vapour that . APP APPEARING. I Tim. f>. 14. kevp r..m. till a, of L, STim I. I". i. "i- tc anife-l l>> the a. 4. I. jiidje qui. k MII i il . i itt lib a. & tn Iliecn nisi, t at love Til -.' c3 lookiin,' fur clorioii. u. 1 Ptt>\. 7. to pr. use HI the a. of Jems APPEA4& (jen. 32. 20. I will u. linn with prex APPKA.M-:i>. hill. <*. i I. Aha-uerus a. fr..r. li. IS. -low til atlffer, O. tll'lft Arti IU. 35. town-. -Tk h.ul n AIM' I. It 1 A IS. [that a. Xum. I'l. 3u. swllnw th- in. with nil Jrr. la 7. Inr t" thee doth it a. XT' IV APPKKIAIM:!). yM. Ifi :f tic.it .L to Kiirali. 33. APPKK TAI.NK TH, IN(i. /rr. a 5. .ni.l fin- it to whom It a. &/M. 4. 1. Ahiahmn.iMii father, MO. APPKJ 1TK. Jot 3a.3.wilt thixi till the a. of lion- Prior. V3. 2. tliou Icr a man (fiveii in a. fed. 6. 7. v-t a. in.! filled /M.2y.aHWakelhHiid his soul hath a. 5&ll. they are tr understanding n. 17. a. tlntif he.irt to my knw. 23. lit a. thiiif In-art t.. in>trui tiun APP..IKI). rrl. 7. *i. I .i. in > heart to know 8. 9. I a. my heart to i-very WIIT k HLwhen I u. heart lo know u i-d m APPOINT. Ler. V>. Ifi. I will a. over you ti-rror I !*im >>, vl. tic u. me ruler 7. Ill vil! n. a plare fi.r my people Jot>. II II K.wlde-tu. me a set time Jta. 'A I. alv. will (.mlu fur wall- 61. 3. l'i u. them that iiiinirn in Zimi Jer. Ii 3. n. nwr them four kind* 49. In. wlin i- a . h.'eci man. 1 m.,y a. who will a. me the nine? 60.44. :ek. VI. 19. ii. Ihee two way|| *0. a. way that the sword in: nice head H'lt 1\ M. -; his portion with hyp. L'tki 12 4A a. his | i.rthin with unbr 2* *. I a. ymi kiii k - mi, Aet* 6. & M-teii men win. in we a. APPOISTKI). K~i U. 2. |M--I'I r in ri. 'a"n, 3 7. an i.fferiiig. but lit MII n Sam. 13 II. not within .1 A'/*. I. 3b. I lme u. him In l-e nil. 9(i. Ii let M" i!c.n >/ tn .1 -ir in t AM. 6. 7. HcMii i,.i, ! 17. ..:, I l,t '. wrarivme int.- hit .ir.- a. mr ..e ,j t.. |,,m 3u a. i" tin- . i iivn-ii r*U. 44. II. nk. ~ ..... p ./. I. fl \ a. a law in Nr-el. nhirli lie 79 II. prr>.-rTe th..-e ,i t.. .lii-' MM. W. to IOUM lb~M a. U> dratti ARC '. an. will rome homo a day a. a 28. when he a, the f.Minii.itions HI. 8. u-ll H ate if. to ilestrni-tion In. \. It. and your it. lea,-!- m\ son 4. 7. s me I ."i. tic. .,IH lent people - I lie re-el V. Ill the H. Week- .7 7. -e.i -hole, there h .th lie a it Kzek. 4. 6. n. e.irh day lor a year , hear ro.1, and who hath a Luke 3. 1.1 exait what i- a. you In. I. the I.or.1 a. other seventy .'.' 29. a kiiiiriloin, as Kather a. me Art* \. 2:1 li.ej a. two Jo-eph and 17. 31. he hath a. a day in whi.-h i '.'. ipB les IH-I, a. to death I Tkea. 3. 3. that we an- n. tli.-rvto ,V 9. God hath not a. n- to rath 1 7"iw. I. II. I am a. a pn;n l,.-r lief. :i 2. faithful to him that a. him 9. 27. a. to nun on..- to die I Pet. 2. a wlierennto they were a, A P P( 1 1 M K I) time and time*. 1 Saw. 13. a ar. to set lime Samuel u. /A 7. I. is there not an a. t. to man 14. 14. all the ilays of my .1. tine Piat. hi. 3. blow trumpet in time a. 111. 14. 31. none he alone in hi- n. t Jer. 8. 7. stork know eth her a. time* Dan. a 19. at time a. 'he en, I shall he In. I. true, hut the fiiM- a, yva- Inn:: II. 27. end shall be at the time a. -"i at th. tiiue a. shall return 3fi. berause it is yet for a time a. Huh. 2. 3. vi-j..n is y, t for an . time Art* I7.1J6. determined lime* before ,;. li-iJ 4. 2. under tutots, until tiineii. API'OINTKIH. fiat 104. IR a. moon for seasons Dun. f>. 21. . who'n-0. ver he will APPOINTMENT. Job 2. II. made a. together to tome APPREHEND. 2 Cr. II. 32 garrison ile-imii< t.. n. 1'lul. 3. 12. I may r"l 31. 11. thy das a. that tliou ./A tO. 19. his sworii In a. to him (/. ''6. 4. whom tliou rat.srsl to a. Jer. 30. 21. engaged heart to ,/. to me I Tim. rl Ifi. in light no man rnn a. APPKOAC HKTH, ING. In. 58. 2. take delight In a. to God 12. 33. wfcere no Ihief a. Heb. 10. 25. more as ye see the day a. APPROVK. I'tnl. 49. 13. posterity n.th.-ir sayii t'- 1 (/. Ifi. H. shall a, by your letters I'hil. 1. 10. that ye may a. things APPROVED. 2a Jeu, a man n. of (in,) Hum. 14. la anvpt. to God, ,1. ot n.ei If,. 10. Apelles a. in Christ 1 Or 11. ".i. they n. be made man). : I in ., I th-ii-.'. yon l-.n HI. Id loininei.deth hilllsi-lf i- /;. 13. 7. riot th..t we slum:, | ap ...ar n 2 Tim. 2. IS. -h.iw tl'\--'t ,j. unto (, APPROVES!'. KI H. /.am. 3. :i. to niihvett a man, n. not /iom. 2. 1H ,i things more rxiel.eni APPROVING 2 Car. ft. 4. in all things a. oum-lve- APHi lien. 3. 7. wyved tiu'-li . Art* IU. Ii brought to the sn k a. APT. I Tim. 3. 2. s me rouij /->J.:t.tliy rul. rs are hound by tlieu- Jrr.ai.3. that bendeth lc-t a.U-nri bow A lit III ->. /T;'.4"-16. narrow w nnloyv- to the a. AKE. . 15. as ye a. so strnnger be i:iay -ay to thee, here we i. 1 fiin :,. ~ lathers -inned, and a not .Vi;i* .'. IS. not ri.mforted, ber.theya. /.. la'J.'i.kllownot win-nee yoiid. Vl IK II. I am not us other men a. .liilni 17. 1 1 .tin y ni^i\ I e one, a- e n. \. &. thing- l|ii-h o. not Kir. 1. 111. write the things whirh a. AROU1NG. Jot 6. 25. hat doth your (j.ri'prove? ARGUMENTS J4*3.4.I would rill my nioiith witlm AhK.II 1 P*nl. 50. 23. nrdereth bis i-on\or-:i. a. 7aaMffen.th.it s,-t not their In-.irta. Prnr. I5,2.ot the wise n-eth knoyv. -.-3.3I. wine.H hen it inoveth it-elf u. Jer.ti.6. 1 hearkeiieil.tliey spake noto. Jiith. 1. 2. a. go over this Jordan ./ii// . 5.12. a. Barak, lead thy . apt i v. 2 Sum. i 14. yontii! men a. anil play I Kiiigi'.i. 12. shall any a. like thee 1 i'l,r'uii. . Ifi. a. be lining .W/ 7 4. shall I a. and niuht be gone r 2">.3. on whom doth not hi.- light u./ Pint. 3. 7. a. O Lord, save me 7. 6. a. O Lord, in thine anger 12 5. now yvill 1 a. saith the Lord 41 -ii. a fur our help, and redeem I' 1 *. I. let Godn. let his enemies s In. -hall dead a. and praise tlu-e? S'.i. !). waves of sea 11 tliou stillest 1(12. 13. a. and hav> merry mi Zion Priir. H , e.-p? Cant. 2. 13 a. my love, rny fair one l*a. 21. 5. n. ye prii.n-, an, I anoint i. 19. wlth'my dea.i body shall a. 4U. 7. kings shall a pnnres w orship rJ). I. a. shine, thy light is rome 2. the Lord shall a. upon tin e J'-r. i f,. in trouble wiil .-ay, a. save 8. 4. shall they fall, and not a. f 31. fi. a. ye, let us go up to Zion /.am. 2. 1!<. n. rry out in the niirlit Du-i. 2. :). shall -(. another kingdom .Jmi't 7. 2. by w horn shall Jamb n. & Mir. 2. 10. a thi- is not your re-t 4. 13. a. nnd threkh, O .laui/hter 7. a enemy, w hen > fall 1 shall a Huh. 2. 1C. -nitli to the dumb stone a. .V/.4 2.sh:ill the Sun of rigMeoin.a. Mat. 'J. 5. easier to -ay -i. .Wa* 2. S. JJ. 24. -hall ./. false tin Mi M.irk .i. 41 ilamf 1, a. Luke 8. 54. Luke". 14. I. said, young n\n. a. : will /j. and got., my lathel s thought- ii. 'h >our lu-a .Mm II. 31. n. let n- go henre I abilha, -/ -hall men q a. :n,d be bapt /.-I 1 ->A .'i. I4.a.lrotrc the iiead, and Chrirt -' PeL 1. I", till the itav-star a. :-.si.' AI.ISK'I H. -. 14. there a. a little rlnnl 4 to tlie upright a. light /.r :'. l!l. u to shake ternbly. Jl : per-eentiiin a Murk I t" > a. no (roph. r atailrt ad* of MeJrK * MSWL ARM ARK. CCT.fl.14 make an o.of gopher. wood 7. IS. a. went on face of the waters trod. 2. 3. she took an a. of bulrush. 25. 1C. put iuto the. a. the testi. moiiy, 21. | 40. 3, 20. 37. 1. B. made the a of shittim.wood Fum. 3. 31. charge shall be the a. Josh. 4. 11. a, of Lord, 6. 12. 1 5am 4. 6. | 6. 1. 2 Sam. 6. 9. 1 Sam. 6. 19. looked into a. I Soot. II. II. a and Ur abide in tents 1 A'in.2.26. because thou barest the a. 8. 9. nothing in M, save the two tab. 1 Chron. 6. 31. the a. had rest 13. 3. let us bring again the u. 9. Uzzaput forth hand to hold the a IS. I. David prep, a place for a. tCAr.G.41.0. of thy strength, P*. 132.8. 8. 11. holv whereuuto a. hath come Mat. 24. 3S till Noah ent. a. 7,0.17.27 lleb. 11. 7 by faith Noah prep, an a, I Pet. 3 2/.. God waited while the a. Rev. 11. U seen in his tem^le-the a. Before the A R K. E.vod 40. 5. shalt set altar of gold a. Josh. 4. 7. waters of Jordan cut off a. 7. fi. Joshua fell on his face be.tlte a. 1 5am. 5 3. Dagon w.is fallen be.thea. 1 Chr. 16. 37. left More the a, Asaph 2 Chr. 5.6. Sulom.and <-ongr. bef.the a. ARK of the Covenant, yum. 10. 33 a. c. of L. went before Deut. 31. 26. book of law inside of a. Josh. 4. 7. waters cut off before a. c. Judg. 20. 27. a, c. ol God was there 1 St a mighty a, 21. mine a. shall strengthen him 9H. 1. his holy a. huth gotten him Cant. 8.6. set me H a seal on thine a. Isa. 9.vO. every man the fle~h of his b. 33. 2. be their a every morning 40. 10. his a. shall rule for him II. he shall gather the lambs with a. 51.5.minea. shall judge the peo.isles shall wait, on my a.shall they 9 put on strength, O a of Lord 52.10. L. hath made bare his holya. 53. 1. to whom is the a. of the Lord rerealed? John 12. 38 59. la his a. t.r yiaht -alvation, l!3. 5. 62. 8. Lord Yith sworn by the a 63.12. led them with his glorious a. ler. 17. 5. that maketh fl.-sh his a. '!'. 5 I will fitfht with stron-f u. iiA.4.7.tliuie a. shall be uncovered ARM Exek. y\. 21. 1 have broken a.nf Phar. 31. 17. into hell that were his a. ^)an. 11.6 not retain power of the a. Zech. 11. 17. sword be on his. his a. /,. 1..1I. shewed strength with his a. Acts 13. 17. with an high a. brought Stretched-out A R M. Ejfad. 6. 6. redeem you with a a, Dent. 4. 34. assayed to take iiiition with ttretched-uut a. 5. 15. L. brought thee out theme with a a. 7. 19. | 26. 8. Jer. 32. 21. 2 Chr. 6. 32. is come for thy -t..out a. Psal. I:i6. 12. with a a. for his mercy Jer. 27. 5. 1 made earth by a. 3i. 17. Exek. -10. ai with a a. will 1 rules 34. I will gather you with a a. ARM-HOLKS. .7ifr.38.12. rotten rag's under thy a.-h. Exek. 13. 18. sew pillows to a.. holes A RMS. Gen. 49. 24. a. of his hands made stro. Deut. 33.27. underne. re the ever. a. 2 Sam. 22. 35. a how of steel is broken by mine a. Psitl. 18. 34. Job 22. 9. the a. of the fathering Psal. 37. 17. a. of wicked hrokeo Prop. 31. !7. strengthened hrr a. /Jrt.44 12.work.it with strength of a. 49. 22. bring thy sons in tlieir a. 51. 5. my a. ghall judge the people Exek. 13. 20. tear them from your a. 30. 22. 1 will break I'han.oh's a. -.'4. 24. strengthen a. of kin:: of Bb.25. Z)a. 2. 32. and his a. of silver 10. 6. his a. like polished brass 11. 15. a. of south shall not wlthst. 22, with the a. of a flood shall 31. and a. shall stand on his part Hut. 7. 15. and strengthened their a. 1 1. 3. tt> go, taking them by their a. JV/arfr 9.36. taken him in his a. he said 10. It), took them up in his a. Luke 2. 28. Simeon took C. in his a. ARM, Verb. I Pet. 4. 1. a. yours, with same mind ARMED. Job 39. 21.he goeth on to meet a. men Psal 78. 9. children of Kph. being a. Prop. 6. 1 1. want as an a. man,24. 34. Luke 11. 21. when a strong man a. ARMY. Jurf-.9.29.increase thine a. and come 1 Kings 20. 25. an a. like the . lost 2 Chron, 20. 21. shqtili! praise bef. a. Jub'KI. 25. I dwelt as a king in the a. Cant. 6. 4. ter. as a. with banners, 10. Jer. 37. 1 1. for fear of Hiaraoh's a. Ezek. 29. 18 a. to serve a great serv. 37. 10 stood an exceeding great a. Dan. 4. 35. according to his will in the a. of heaven Joell. ILL. utter his voice bef. hisn. Zec/t. 9. 8. will enc'-mip bee. of the a. Acts 23. 27. then came I with an a. Rev. 9. 16 number of a. of horsemen 19. 19. that sat on horse and his a. See CH i. DEANS. ARM IKS. E.rod. 12.17.brought youra.outof E. Num. 33.1. with tlieir it. under Mos. 1 Sam. 17. 10. I defy the a. of Israel 26. should defy the a. of God 45. name of God of 2. 7. he sent forth his n. Lu . Jl.20.ye see Jerus.compa with a. I!sl>. 11. 34. to flit'ht a. of the aliens AVr. 111.14. n. in heaven followed him 19. kiugs and their a gathered 16 ARF ARMOl t. 1 Sam. 17. M. put GoU .Vs a n hit 1 Kings- 22. 38. they washed Ms a. 2 A' in. 3.21. uath. all able to put on a 10. 2. have a fenced city also and a. 20. 13. lle/e. shewed his pre< iouc things, house of his a, fsa. 39. 2. ha. 22. 8. didst look in that day to a. Luke 11.22. his a. wherein he trusted Ili'in. 13. 12. let us put on a. ot light 2 Cor. 6. 7. approving by a. of right Efih. 0. II. put on the a. of God 13. take the whole a. of God ARMOUR-BEARER. Jwlg.S.M. Abimelech called his a..b I Sam. 14. 7. a.-b. said, do all that I'J. 21. and David became his a.. b. 31. 6. Saul dien, and his abearer ARMOURY. Cant 4. 4. builded for an n. Jer. 50. 25. Lord hath opened his a. AROSE. Gen. 37. 7. and, lo, my sheaf a. Exod. 1. 8. a. a new king over Egypt who knew not Joseph, slcls 1 18. Judg. 2 10. a. a generation that knew not the Lord 5. 1. till I Deborah a. a mother 20. 8. the people a. as one man 1 Sam. 9. 26. they a. early, Isa. 37.36. 17 35. he a. against me, 1 slew him 2A'i'.23.25.after him a there any like 2 Chr. 36. 16. till wrath of the L. a. Job 29. 8. aged a. and stood up Ps. 76. 9. when God a. to judgment Eccl. I. 5. sun hasteth where he a. Dan. 6. 19. the king a. e.-^rly Mat. 2. 14. he it. and took child, 21 8.15. she a. and ministered, Lu. 4 3D. 26. he a. and rebuked the v /iris Mark 4. 39. Luke 8. 24. 9.9. a. and follow. him,l9.iVr. 2.14. 25. by the hand, and the ma d n. . 27. 52. bodies of saints which slept a. Murk 9. 27. Jesus lifted him up, he a. Luke 6. 48. when the flood a. 15. 20. he a. and came to his fathei Acts II. 19. persec.whicha. ab. Ste. 19. 23. there a. no small stir 23. 7. so said a. a dissension, 10. See ROSE. AROSE and went. 1 Sam. 3. 6. Samuelo. to Eli, and said 1 Kings 19. 21. Elisha a. ,ift( r Klijah Jonah 3. 3. so Jonah a. to Nineveh ts 9. 39. Peter a. andw. with them ARRAY. Esth. 6. 9. that they may a. the man Jub 40. 10. a. thyself with glory Jer. 43 .12. a. hiins. with land of Egy, 1 Tim. 2. 9. not with costly a. ARRAY. Job 6. 4. the terrors of God set in a. Jer. 50. 14. put yourselves in a. ug. 13 See BATTLE. ARRAYED. Gen. 41.42. Pharaoh . Joseph in fine 2 Chr. 28. 15. captives, with spoil a. Mf.6.2J).a.like one .if these, /.M.12.27 Luke 23. 11. Herod a. Christ Acts 12. 21. Herod a. in roy.il app. Ken. 7. 13. what are thf se a. in ivhit* 17. 4. the woman was a. in purple 19. 8. to her was granted to be a, ARROGANCY. 1 Sam.2.3. let not i/.come out of moo Pror. S. 13. pride and a. do 1 hate Ixa. 13. II. cause a. of the proud to Jer. 48. 29. Moah, hi.s loftiness, hisa ARROW. 1 Sam. 20. 36. Jonathan -hot an a. 2 Ki'iif.1 nt /.in.. '1 1 2. set me as * murk for the n. Itch U. 14. Ins ,i L-i.f-ttli as lightni. AKIIHU - XIIM. 24. A pierce thf rn thro* with a. Dent. 32.23 speii, I 1111111*11. npnii them ii" 11. drunk with M'xxi I Sum. 20. 20. I will shoot three a. i! SUM. 22. 15. he sent out a. and (altered them, I'mL 18. 14. AVn. la IS. tnke Imw mid a. took l*i take thi* 0. mid smite ^06 (14 a. of Almighty are within me Pud. 7. 1.1 ord.iini't h ii ag. the perse. 1. Ii ready tliineu. against them 38. '.'. thine a stick fat in me 45. S. a. (harp in lie.irt of en>mip* .>?. 4. who-* teeth are (pears and a. .'>- 7. In . how to i, hi Kit hi a. 64. S. their a. even bitter worrit 7R 3. there brake lie the a. of how 77. 17. thine a. also went abroad 120. 4. (harp a. of the mighty 1/7.4. as n. in h:md of a imirhty man 144. ft. (hoot thine a. and destroy /'rwr. 26. IS. MS mud man who cast a I to. 5. 88. w hose a. are sharp 7. 24. with a. and bows (hall men 7tr. 50. 9. their a. as of expert man 14 shoot at lialiylon, spare no a. j|. 1 1. make bright the a J.'im. 3. 13. raii.ed a. of his quiver y.zek. 5. 16. (hall send evil a. of (ami. 21. 21. he n.ade his a. bright 39. a I will cause thy a. to fall 9. Israel shall burn l-ows and a. I lab. 3. 11. light of thine a. tliev went ART, Verk. Gtn.Zi. I7.whoe athou ? whither go. Judg. 8. l& as thou n. no were thi-y 1 A'm 22.4. I urn as thou a. 2 A'l'n. 3.7. ./er. 14. S2. a. not thou he, O !>. L>t. 1. 19. a. thou he that (hid. romr A'rp. II. 17 a. and wast, and a. la 5. A RT, S, Sulatantiff. F.rod. 30. 2'i. an oiutrn. alter the a. 2('Ar. In. 14. spires prep, by a of apo. Acttn.'i. not like (tones graven byo. 19. 19. whirh ued curious a. ARTIFICER, S. On. 4.22. T.-Cain an iiutr.of erery a. 1 (Vjroit. 29 A. works made hy a. t CAron.34. II to n. gave they money /. 3. 3. take away the running a. ARTILLERY. I Sam. JO. 40. Jonathan give hU a. to ASCI Jnth. 6.5. people shall a. up every man P*lt. 24 :i who**. 4 8. when he a. up on high U. nnwthut he . I) In. snme that a. lift. n. 4. (tn->ke oflncensea. 11. !2. a. MI .1 cloud Kft.\\ r the l**-t that a. out of pi ASH '.14. 11. smoke of their torm. a. for ASCENDING. Gen. Sfl 12. the angels of God a. H la I saw gods 0. out of the r .nAr 111 2-. before, 11 ill) to .lerus. '..An 1. 51. angels of God a. and AVr 7 2. another angel a. from the A SCENT. [east 2 So. IS. 30. David went up hy the a. of Olivet Kinrt 10. 5. and his . 24. all im en-rd : |.t a a for. -hi -ad. refiiM dst to be a. 12. IS. shall ' n. of yi.ur revenues 17. la thai forsake thee shall If 11 20. II. m> persecutors shall If a. 4-*. 13 Moah shall be n. ol C'hemosl M. 12. your mother shall be a. 16 ASK . ronii'in:tliy way,and.a 4,'t. M. they n. a> ',. ye husliHiidmen SJ. 2B. my people shall never t A S H A .M ED. .Y"rn.l2.14. should sheo.seven daysf Pml. 25. 2.1 trust in thee. let me n'. n-t ,i. 127. 5. they shall nut tie a. hut sjn ,ik Ita. 29. 22. Jacob shall not be a. 45. 17. ii. world without end 40. 23. they shall not b,- a. that wait 50; 7. my face like a Hint, I shall a. 54. 4. fear not. for thou shalt n. Zeph, 3. II. in that day sha.t thou a. Horn 9. :t3. helieveth shall n. 10. II. 2 Cor. 10. a boast, I >hoiild not be a. Tim. I. K a. of testimony of Lord 2. 15. workman that needcth n.b. a. I Pet. 4. 16. suit', r as n Chr. Id him a. 1 John 2. 28. a. before him at his com. ASHKS. Gen. 18.27. which am hut dust and a. l.er. 6. II. forth tlie<- without camp AVm I!*. 9. a man clean uuther the a. 1 Kingt la a rent, and n. poured out % prophet disguised him. with a. /.>/A,4.:(.many lay in sackcloth and n. Job 2. 8. Job sat down among the u. la 12.your remembrances like a. 30. 19. 1 am become like dust and a. 12. 6 and repent in dust and a. P aL 102.9. 1 haverati-na-likehread 147. Hi scat the hoar-frost like a. Ita. 44. 20. he feedeth on a. 55. ft. and to spread a. under him 61. 3. to give them beauty for n. Jer. 6. 26. O daughter, wallow in a. Lam. 3 In. hath covered me with a, Ezek. 2H. 18. bring thee to a. on the Dun. 9. 3. face to seek ill sack, and a. Jimnh 3. 6. king sat in a. Mnl 4. a wicked he a. under yourf. .Mnt. II. 21. repented long ago in (arkcloth and a. Luke 10. la Heb. 9. la if the a. of an heifer 2 Pet. 2. 6. dties of Sodom into a. A SI OK. 2 Kintfn \. 4. set 7 a thy father, he' will shew thee, Jmiy. 18. .'-. . counsel ..f (ii-d I s-,/ m . 12. l!l added this evil too. us - 1C,, why d"st thou a. of me 1 A'iJfi3.V God'said a. what I shall give thee 2 L'/trmi. I. 7. 2 A"iit.2. 9. a. what I shall do for then i C/j. 2il 4. Ju. ah eutlicied too. help Job 12. 7 o. tlie beasts, th y teach S. a. of me, and I will give Ita. 7. 1 1. a thee a higu of Lori, a ASK IM. 7. 12. I will not a. nor tempt L. 45. II saith L. a. of things to come ."18. 2. they a. ordinances of justice Jcr. fi. 16. a. for the old pat.is 15. 5. go aside too. how thou dost 19. 13. a. Hinonif the heathen 3S. U. I will a, thee a thing, hide +8. 19. 'a. him that fleeth 50. 5. they shall a. way to Zion Lain. 1. 4 young children a. hread Dun. ft. 7. who shall a. a petition, 12. //<*. 4. 1? my people a. counsel ling. 2. 1.. a. priests concerning law Zi'ch. 10 I a. rairt in time of latter Mid. 6. C. need of, before ye a. him 7. 7. a. Hd it shall be giv. Lit. 1 1. 9. SI. if his son a. bread, Luke 11. 11. !l. good things to them that a. him 14. 7. whotsoever she would a, 15. 19. touching any tiling they <*. Z0.22.know not wha't ye a. Mar. !0..'tt 21. 22. whatsoever ye it. in prayer 22. 46. durst a. him more quettiiHiN Mark 12. 34. Luke 20. 40. J/arit 6. 22. ft what thou wilt, 23. '). 32. afraid to a. him. LukeV. 45. itte fi 30. goods, a. them not again 11. 13. Holy Spirit to them that a. 12. 48. of him they will a. more lohnl. IP.. Jews sent priests to a. him 9. 21. he is of age, a. him, 23. II. 22. whatsoever thou a. of God Jt.13.what8o.yea.inmy name, 15. 16. U. if ye a. in my name I will do it 15. 7. if ye abide in me, a. what ye 16. 19. that they were desirous to a. 23. day ye shall a. me nothing 24. a and receive, that your joy 30. needest not that any should a. 18. 21. a them which heard me Acts 10. 29. I a. for what intent ye I Cor. 14. 3o. a. their busb. at home Kph. 3. 20. abore all we can a. Jam. 1. 5. hick wiafrim. let him a. 6. but let him a. in faith 4. 2. ye have not, because ye a. not 3. ye a. and receive not, bee. ye a. 1 John 3. 22. we a. we receive of him 5. 14. if we ii, according to his will 15. he heareth us, whatever we a. 16. not unto death, he shall a, See COUNSEL. ASKED. ,/j/g'.5.25.he a water, she gave milk 13. fi. I a not whence he was 1 Sum. I. 17. grant petition thou n. 1 Kings 3. II bee. thoci a. this thing 2 KiiiL;s 2.10. tli-.ii hast a. hard thing Ezrii 5. 10. wen. their names Job 21.29.rt.them that go by the way? j**al. 21. 4. he a. life of thee 105. 49. pe. a. and he brought quails Isa. 30. 2. have not a. at my mouth 41. 28. when 1 a. of them, could K'i. 1. sous ht of them that a. not /),(. 2. lii.no king that a. such things 7. 16. a. him the truth of all this Mai. 16. 13. he a. his disciples. Mar. 8. 27. Luke 9. 18. 22 2a Sadducees a. him, 3-i. Mark , 9. 11. | 10. 2. | 12. la ./.? 18. 40. when ne.ir he a. what iltn 4. 10. wouldest have a. of him '6. 24. have ye a. noth. in my name iom. 10. 20. manifest to them that a. ASKivST. [not Jitilg. 13. 18. why n. after my name? John 4. 9. a. flrink of me, a woin.m 18. 21. -'-by a. tho'i me, ask them A KKTH. E.rorf 13. 11. thy son a. Dent, 6. 20. iVic. 7. 3. prince n. f n a reward llat. i. 42. give him that a. l.n.f\ 30. 7. 81 Uiat a. receivetb, Lulte 11. 10. ASS John 16. 5. none a. whither goest 1 Pet. 3. 15. that a. you a reason of ASKING. Psal. 78. 18. tempting God by a. meat Luke 2. 46. and a. them questions John 8. 7. they continued a. he lifted 1 Cor. 10. 25. a. no question for 27. ASLEEP. Judg. 4. 21. SKera was fast a. Can.. 7. 9. lips of those a. to speak JoiiaJi I. 5. Jonah was fast a. Mat. 8. 24. hut he was a. .Mar. 4. 38. 20. 40. disciples a. Mark 14. 40. Acts 7. 60. Stephen fell a 1 Cur. 15. 6. but some are fallen a. 18. they which are lallen a. in C. 1 Thes 4. 13. concerning them a. 15. not prevent them that are a. 2 Pet. a 4, since fathers fell a. all ASP, S. Deut. 32.33. their wine is venom of a. Job 20. 14. his meat is the gall of a. 16. he shall suck poison of a. Isa. \ \. 8. play on the hole of the n. Row. 3. 13. poison of a. is under lip- ASSAULT, ED. Acts 14. 5. an a. m.ide of the Gentiles 17. 5. they a. the house of Jason. ASSAY, El), ING. Deut. 4. 34. hath (i. a. to take nation 1 S(ftn. 17. 39. Oavid a. to go, for he Job 4. 2. if we a to commune with Acts 9. 26. Saul a. to join himself 1(5. 7. they a. to go to Rithynia Heb. 11. 29. the Egyptians a. to do ASS. Gen. 22. 3. Abraham saddled his a. 5. abide you hen- with the a. 49. 14. Issachar is a strong a. Evod. 13. 13. firstling of an a. redeem 23. 4. if thou meet enemy's a. astray 12. thine ox and thine a. may rest Num. 16. 15. I have not taken one a. 22. 23. a. saw the angel, i5. 27. 28. Lord opened mouth of the a. Deut. 22. 10. not plow with ox and a. Josh, 15. 18. Achsah lighted off her. Judg. 1. 14. 1 Sam. 25. 2.1 Judg. 15. 1'j. with jaw-bone of an a. 1 Ki. la 28 lion had not torn the a. 2 Ki. 6. 2-i. a. head sold for 80 pieces >7oA24.3. away the a. of the fatherless Pron. 26. 3. a bridle for the a. Isa. 1. a and the a. his master's crib 32. 20 send feet of the ox and a. Jer. 22. 19. with the burial of ;in a. Zech. 9. 9. king cometh lowly riding on a. the foal of an a. Mat. 21. 5. 14. 15. so be the plaane of the a. Mat. 21. 2. ye shall find an a. tied Luke 13. 15. each loose his a. on Sab. 14. 5. shall have nn a. fallen into pit John 12. 14. had found a young a. sat 2 Pet. 2. 16. the dumb a. speaking See SAnnLE. ASS'S COLT. Gen. 49. 11. binding his a. c. to vine Job 1 1. 12. man horn like a wild a c. John 12. 15. king sitting on an a. colt H'i'td ASS. J.ifi 6. 5. a. hi ay when he hath crass 39. 5. who hnth sent out m. a. free ? Jer. 2. 24. a. used to the wilderness Hoi. 8. 9. a wild a. alone by himself ASSES. Jiidtf. 5. 10. ye that ride on white a. 1 Sam. 8. 16. he will t;ike your a. 9. 3. the a. of Kish were lost. 2 Sam. 1C. 2. a. for king's hf.nsr-hold 1 I'liron. -.'". 30. over a. WHS Jehdeiah _' Chrnii. 2S. !."). curried feeble on a. J h -IL 12. Job had a thousand shea. Isa. 21. 7. hi' s;iw a churiot of a. Azc/i. 23. 20. whose fk'sh us flf sh of a. 17 ASS Wild ASSES. Job 24. 5. as teifrl a. go th forth Psal. 104. 11. a. quench UK r thirst Isa. 32. 14. forts shall be a joy of tr a. Jer. 14. 6. w. a. snuffed up wind Dan, 5. 21. Neb. dwell, was with w.a* Young ASSES. Isa. 30. 6. their ric lies on young * 24. y. a. that ear the ground ASSEMBLE. Isa. 11. 12. he shall a. outcasts of *i, 45. 20. a. and come, draw near 48. 14. all yea. yourselves, and hepr Jer. 4. 5. a. and let us go into cities 8. 14. why sit still? a. let us Ezek. 11. 17. I will a, you out of ''.y. 17. a. gather to my sacrifice Hia. 7. 14. they a. for corn and wine .fuel 2. 16. a. elders, gather the child. 3. ll.o. and come, all ye heathen linos 3. 9. o. on mount of Samaria Vie. 2. 12. I will surely a. O Jacob 4. 6. I will a. her that halteth Zeph. 3. 8. I 'II a. the kingdoms to ASSEMBLED I Sam. 2. 22. lay with women tb.lt a. Ezra S). 4. a. every one that trembled Neh.9. 1 Hi. of Israel a, with fasting Psal. 48. 4. In the kings were a. Isa. 43. !). let the people be a. who Jer.5.T.n.h\ troops in harlots* houses Mat. iH. \?. when a. gave large mon. John 20. HI. disciples a. for fear of Acts 1. 4. being a. not to depart 4. 31. shaken where the_y were a. II. 26. whole year a. with church 15. 25. it seemed good to us a. ASSEMBLING. Heb. 1W 25. forsake not the a. togeth. ASSEMBLY. Gen. 49. 6 to their a. mine honour E.rod. 16. 3. to kill a. with hunger Lea. 4. 13. hid from the eyes of thei*. Deut.9. 10. L. spake out of fire in day of your a. 10. 4. | la 16. 1 Sam. 17. 47. a. shall know L. saveth 2 Cfir. 30. 2a a. took counsel to keep Psal. 22. 16. the a. of the wicked 89. 7. to be feared in a. of the saii.ta 107. 32. praise h;m in a, of elders III. I. I will praise him in a. of up. Prof. 5. 14. 1 was in :ill evil in a. Jer.G.\\. pour jt on a. of young men 9. 2. an a. of treacherous men 15. 17. I sat not ina. of the mockers Lam. 2. 6. destroyed places of the a. Ezek. 13. 9. they shall not be in the a. Arli 19. 32. the a. was confused 39. be determined in a lawful a. Heb. 12. 23. to the general a. of first Jam. 2. 2. if corn" to your a. a mau Solemn ASSEMBLY. Lev. 2a36. eighth day is a* a. Num. 29. 35. Neh. & 18. Deut. 16. 8. seventh day *. a. to Lord 2 Kin, 10. 20. proc laim as. a. for Haul 2 Chr. 7. 9. eighth day made a *, a. Joel I. 14. a fast, railed a t . a. 2. 15. Zeph 3. 18. sorrowful for the*, u. ASSEMBLIES. Psal. 86. 14. o. of violent men so'.ight Keel. 12. 1 1 . as nails fas. hy mas. of a. Isa. 1. 13. calling of a. I cannot away 4. 5. create on her a. a cloud Ezek. 44. 24. my laws in all mine . Amosb. 21. 1 will not smell in yoin a. ASSENTED. Acts 24. 9. Jewi also . that these AS OC I ATE. Isa. 8. 9. a. mid be broken in pieces ASSURANCE. Dmt-VS. (Wi sh.ilt hiiveiionen. of Ufa Isa. 32. 17. effect of righteousness a. Act* 17. 31. whereof he hath given * ATH Cot . 1. th" full a. nf understanding I Tkm. I. 5. *o.|>el came in much a. II to Ilir full ,i. of hope 1 ti draw near In full a. >if l.iilh IMSUREi . Jsk* 3. 19. unit shall .1. Ht this IS. ill Iliat i OIIIP alter ahull he a. Ksrk 4. 17. may !> a. one with nun. DOM. 3 24. Sehin-h.idnezi ir wax a. 4> 19. Daiiit'l was it for unr huur & 9. hi* l..r,l-,i. ASTONISHED. Lff. 56. Si your enemies shall be a. I Kintfi S*. 8 pass-tli liy shall be a. Jrr.ld. lei | 111. K. | 4!). 17. | 60.13. Job sfi II. pillar-. ..f he.iven art' a. Ita. id. 14. as many were a t thee Jer. i li lieu. <) ye hmveni, at this 4. 9. hi-mrt of the ( ,ri.-u shall be a. H. 9. why I'ea- a mini a. xrlc. 3. I.V 1 remained a. 7 day* v; 16. shall treinl>le and be o. 38. IV. that know rhee shall be a. 8. 27. I Daniel ... ,i ;it the.\i-iiin Mat 7. 28. a at hi-. doctrine, >>. 3:1 Mark 1. 22. | 6. i | 1 1. ia /.u.4.32 AfVnvt3.licr.wilh gieat astonishment 7. :<7. he) ond measured. Ill 26. 10. Jl. disciple* were it ut hi< word* Luke 2. 47. a at his answers 4. 9. hr was a. at draught of fishes 8. ML her parents were a hut he 4. Si rertain women made us a. AHtV. fi. Saul trembling and a. said la 45. of the i-ir. liii li l-i lieved.a. 12. Id. ami saw Peter, they were O. la 12. deputy helieveil. he'inir a. ASTONISHMENT. Dent 88. aa L. shall Mi.it.- with a. 37. heroine all - nations ah.nit tl OL 33. shait l-e tilled with < up of a. ZrrA- 12.4. I will -m;te h.. r *M withu. A*r*t ; ire WKMT. I..., (.ONE. ASI KOI. 0(J KltS. In 47. 13. I t now it ular.gazen Da*. I. 2tt ten tunes ln-it.-r than .1 i fj. th.- .e.T.-t .llirot the .!,., 4. 7. i-aine lu magMans and / 5. 7. kiint rried to hrinir in the a. Asl M.|.; CLE*K, C'UT.UltlOK, PUT. ATE. Futl. 106 !ft a. sarriHrM of the dead Dow If 3. 1 1 read Arr 10 la littl- i o.,k. and il. it up ATI! i *Yt 75 44. when saw we the- a. Me*. 11. (L I'll fire tu him Uut U a. AVE nn-.2il7.Miy. let him that is a. come A I ON K.Mr. ST. Kfixi 3ll Ifx shall tuke a. money /.-r.*. -.11. >i. lor them and he forgiten i. 31. .-A | A me, 1 mourn and make 86. 6. a. to the voice of my Kupplir. Prue. 4. 1. o. to know understanding -". my son, a. to my words, 7. 24 5. I. my son, u, to my wi-dom I Cor.7.35.attend on L. without distr. ATTENDANCE. 1 Tim. 4. la give a. to reading Hi h. 7. la no man gave a. at altar ATTENDED. Job 32. 12. 1 a. none convinced Job PmL 66. 19. he hath u. to my prayer Acti 16.14. >lie.to tblnnipb) l''.,ul ATTENDING. Rum. 13. 6. mini-ters . continually ATTENT. 2 CAroa. 6. 4U. let thine ears be a. 7. 15. shall be a. to the prayer ATTENTIVE. .\VA. U 6. let thine ear now ben. 11. Ptal l:. 2. 8. 3. ears of peon, were a. Lu. 19 48. ATTENTIVELY. Job 37. 2. hear a. noise of his voice ATTIRE. Pror. 7. 10. woman with a. of harlot Jer. i 32. ran a bride forget her a. f Ezek. 23. I.V exceediitir in dyed a. AVAIl.EI'H. Gal. b. 6. in Chrit cir. a. not, fi. I.V Jam. 5. 16. prayer of right, a. mui h AUDIENl K. rf. 24. 7. tixik book and read in a I Chmn. 28. 8. in a. of our (iod keep .NVA. la I. they read in the a. l.itkt- 7. I. ended his Mtyinirs in the u. W. 4-V in u. of the people he <- H id A. //'. I. I will a. Mood of Jejre/l l.nkf in. 3. n. nie of mine advi rar> 7. shall not l.o.| a. \ ,-!,., t " R he Will ,1. them speedllv /bwLrt.l&ktaTe4,v not yourselves JU*. 6. la do*t thou not a. our blood 18 AWA AVKNOED. Gen. 4. 24. if Cain he a. seren.fold Jiah I0.l3.sun st. .\ed till I'eop.haoj, Judg. 15. 7. done ihis. >. t I will beo. on Chili*, for my two e>ei 1 am. 14. 24. food, that 1 may be a IR i>5. hundred foreskins to he a. 25.31 orthat m> I.. lmlh hlms* 2 Sum. 4. 8 I. .hath i/.m) lord the king la 19. how the Lord halhu. him Jer. S. 9. mv ..ul he n. 29. | &. . Acti'i. 24. M'.ses n him oppressed Her. IS. -JO. (,IH| hathrt \ou on her 19. 2. hath a. '-1 1 of l,i> bervants AVKSl.KH. .Vfim 15. H refuge fnm a. JoiA.20.3. /Jc/. 19. 6. lest u. pursue the slayer li the elders elier him to a. J".'fi. 2(1. 5. if the n. pursue after htm PtaL a 2. thou miirhtest still the t. 44. 16. by reason of the enemy and.) 1 The**. 4 6. l.ord is of all sucsl AVENGETHL i Sam. 22. 48. (iod a. me, Ptal.\S.* AVBM6INO. Jt/>. S. 2. praise L. fora, of Israel AVERS i. .Vic. 2. a as men a from war ADOMENT. .Vum. 3'-'. 14. to a. the tierce anger A DMT Lev. 18. 14. to his wife, she is thy a. AVOUCHED. Drut.W 17.il. the L..rd t.. be thy God 18. a. thee to he his people AVOID. Prnr. 4. 15. a. it, pass not by it Horn 16. 17. cause divisions, and a. 2 Tim. 2. 23. unlearned questions . Til. 3. 9. a. foolish questions AVOIDING, 2 Cor. a 20. a. this, that no man I Tim. 6. 20. 11. profane babbling* AUMfrERK. Luke 19. 21. bee. thou art an a man AUTHOR. I Cor. 14. 33. (io-l not a. of confusion //'A. ;'). !>. he heeame u. of salvation 12. 2. Jesus, the a. and finisher AUTHOHITY. ff'T. 29. 2. when righteous are in & .Vf. 7 iV. ;LS one ha viia 1 a. .Vnr. 1.22. 8. 9. I am a n.an under . l.u. 7. 8. 20. 25. great exercise a. .Vr. Itt42. 21. 23. by what . .VurA II. 28. Mur. 1. Ti. for with u. com. andean spirits, Luke 4. :x 13. 34. gave n to his servants I.ukr- 1). 1. power and a. over all de. 19. 17. have thon a ovei ten cities- 20. 21). deliver him to a. of u-over. 22.25. exercisen. railed henefartun /in ">. 27. . to execute judgment Act* 8. 27. eunuch of great a. '.'. 14. he I nth visit all the hcathi-n Prnr. 23. 35. when shall I a. Caut i 7. nut a my love, i 0. [ & i BAB Cant. 4. Ifi. a. O north wind 7a. *r>. I SI. a ye that dwell in dust 51. 9. a. a. put mi strength, U arm of the Lrd a. f>2 !. 17. a. a. stand up, O Jerusalem Jer. 51.57. perpetual sleep, anil not a. Dun. 12. X. sleep in tl.e dust shall a. J'fel I. 5. a. ye drunkards, weep Hub. 2. 7. a. that shall vex thee 19. th it saith to the wood, a. Zech. Ki 7. a, O sword -AH. my Shep. Murk 4. 33. asleep, and they a. him Luke 9. 32. when 1 may diM ern aojid and A. Mat. 13. 4R good but cast theA.nway 22. 10. good and A. and the wedding! 2 Cor. 5/10. don,-, whether good or A. BADNESS. Gen. 41. 19. never saw for 4. BADE, EST. Gen. 27. 19. 1 have done as thou A. /.< 14. 9. he that A. thee and him, 10 1C. made a supper, and I,, many Acts 11. 12. Spirit A. me go with them 19 BAL Actt la 21. but A. them farewell HADGKKS'-.lKINS. E.rod.tfi. U.covciina above of b..tkint 35. 7. rams'.skiiis ilyed red, l>..*kint Exek. 16. 10. 1 shod thee with A.-**. BAG. Deut 25. la in thy A. divers weight* 1 Sam. 17. 40. smooth stones in a //. Job 14. 17. my trans, is sealed in a b. Prov. 7. 20. h;ithvtaken a A. of money 16. II. weights of A. are his work ISH. 46. 6. lavish gold out of the b. Mic. 6. 11. A. of deceitful weights Hag. 1. 6. wages to put in a A with ./ hit 12. 6. was a tlii.-l, and had the 4. 13. 29. because Judas hud the b. BAGS. 2 A'i.5.23. bound t wo talents in two & 12. 10. they put up in A. Luke 12. 33. provide A. that wax not BAKE. Exnd. 16.21 A. that you will A. to-day Ler. 24. 5. and A. twelve cakes there. 26. 26. ten women shall A. i SIDII. 28. 24. woman at Endor did 6. Exek. 4. 12. shalt A. it with man's d, BAKE-MKATS. Gen. 40. 17. b.-meatu for Pharaoh BAKEN. 1 A';. 19. 6. a rake ws b. on the coali BAKER. Gen. 40. 1. b. had offended the king 22. hanged A. as Joseph interpre. 41. 10. put in ward both chief A. IIns. 7. 4. as an oven heated by the 5. 6. their A. sleepeth all the night BAKERS. Gen. 40. 2. wroth against chief of b. 1 Sam. 8. 13. your daughlers to be b. Jer. 37. 21. brea.l out of b. street BAKETH. Jsa. 44. 15. he A. biead, yea he BALD. Ler. la 40. he is A. yet clean, 41. 2 A'l'ng* 2. 2a go up thou 6. head, go Jer. 16. 6. nor make thems. A. for 48. 37. every head shall be A. Ex. 27. 31. shall make themselves 6. 29. ia evi-rv head was made 6. Mii\ 1. 16. make thee A. and poll thee BALD-LOCUST. Lev. \ 1. 22. ye may eat the b.-hcuti BALDNESS. Lev. 21. 5. not make b on their head Deut. 14. 1. any A between your eyes Ja. 3. '24. instead of well-set hair, b. 15. 2. on' heads A and neard cut 22. 12. the Lord did call to A. Jer. 47. 5. b. is pome upon Gain Ex. 7. 18. A. on their heads, ^wi.aiO. A/ic. 1. 16. enlarge thy A. as the eagle BALANCE. JoA31.6. let me be weighed in even i PU. 62. 9. laid in A. are vanity Pntv. 1 1. 1. a false A. is aborn. 20. 2.T Iti. 11. just weight and A. are Lord's Isa. 40 12 who weighed hills in a b.f 15. nations as small dust of the i>. 4a 6. and weigh silver in the A. BALANCES. Leu. 19. 36. just A. Exek. 45. 10. Job 6. 2. my calamity laid in the J. Ezelc, 5. I. take A to weigh, and Dan 5. 27. in the A. and found waft //. S. Zrr. 9K 13. brok. tlie 6. f your yoke Jndy. 15 14. 6. I.Mwed off hi hands $ A. -.'.I XI Phat. put Jeho ,haz in 6. Jvlt :K y. darkneMi a swaddiiiur 6. 31. orlmwe the*. f Orii.n ? 3M. & l nerk M. & t.. liMie the A. of wickedness /-r. 2. m. 1 have hurst thy A. Esek. 3. *'>. they l.;.ll put A. on thee 4. & I will lay A. upon thee !M. *7. broken the A. . IV I will scatter all his A. 3H. 'f>. I will rain on him and hi A. VaLfl.fl.\ him whole A. Mark 15. Ifi. Ji >, K :(. Judas having received A. 12. the b. t.k Jesui /.-fj in. I A. called the Italian A. 21.31. tidings rame to rap. of the t. f!.\. to JuliiM cent of Augustus* A. II AN DEI). AHt 23. II certain of the Jews 6. HANK. Gen. 41. 17. behold I stood on the A Devi 4. 4H AriM-r i.y the A. of AT. lion, Jotk. IS. 4 | 13. 9, 10 8 *. sn 15. cast up a A. a* the ritv VKiigi'i 13. hli-lia .too.1 by the A. IB. 3*. not < at a A /.,/. 37 33. Exrk. 47. 7. at A. of river many treen Dam. M. 5. <>ne on tin- side/other on that side of the A. Lttkt 1'.'. 23. niv money into the A. '; H'A s K - /ads. 8. IS. Jordan overt!, his A. 4. Is. BANNER. Pml HO. 4. a A to them that fear the* Cant 1. t. hii A. over me WHS lot , /MS. 13. 2. lilt >e up n /, n n.oui.taii II ^N ' Pml. JO. ft. name ol <;. net up our A. font 6. 4. terrible tun army with A II \N ISMKI). t Sam. 14. la T t. h home his A. 14. that h.- t. I., not expelled RAVIMIMK I JTrni 7. W. whether to death or A. Lm*t 2. 14 bate seen causes of A. B A N y I K I . ftA. & 4. mi-t Hainan < ome to A. VS. . t E.ther .1 I., of win.-. JoA 41 1 "ir |i 111 make a A. of htm JJCM 6. '. t: of then that stretched BAP BANQUET-HOUSE. Dan.b. |n. queen c.une into the 6.-A. BANQUETIN", S. Can/. 1 4. hrouirht me into A. house 1 Pet 4. 3. we walked in lusts, A. BAPTISM. Mat. 3. 7. Phari-ee. rome to his fr. l -apt i fed "illi A. Mark 10.38. 21. 29. the A. of John, whence was it. ./'e a A. tobebaptiz itli Acti \. & b.-rinniii from /,. of John 10. 37. HftKr A. which John preached 13. V4. John prea. A. of repentance K S>5 Apollns kunwiiift only A. of 19. .') thry aid, unto J>-hn'i> A. 4. John liap. with A. ol repentance '.m. 6. 4. hurii-il u-ith him by A. I'.ph. 4. 5. one Lord, one faith, one A. C'J. 2. 12. buried with him in A. ye Heb. 6.2. ol doctrine of A. anA. and all bin 18. ft. Cormtli. behevi-d, and ere A. 19 1 to what then were y. A. 5. wh~n th^> heard tin., were A. 22. Irl tie, an : Ix- A. and wa-h Rnm. ft 3 w.-rc ft. into J.-MI-, A. into I Cm-. I. la A in the name of Paul > 14 thank '..K! that 1 A. none ..f 16. I 6. huusrh. of Steph. not I: m BAR I Cor. 10. i. and were all b. to MOK \i. la hy one Spirit A. into one body I ft. ). why are they A. for the d.-aa Citii. a fi. as many s > uito ChrUt BAPTIZES!. Juhn I 25. why A. thou, if not the C. BAPT1ZKTH. John 1 3a who A. with the H. Oho. 3. i6. the same A. all men come to BAPTIZING. Mat 28 19. teach all n-itioim, b them Juhn I. 'JS. Jord. where John wa i. 31. am I come A. with water a 2a and John was also A. in Enou KAIL .Vt-A. 7. 3. shut the doors, and A. there HAK, Sutatnntire. Jnrtg. 16. a to- k door-, |">-t. A. and AIM* I. 5. 1 will break A. of Damai. BARS. 7)futa5. cities fenced with pates and A. 1 Ai. 4. la ^CA/.aft. | 14 7. 1 Sam. '2:t. 7. into a town that hath A. J'J> 17. la down to the A. of the pit 38. la and set b. for the gea 40. la Behemoth, hi- hone- A.of ire* PtaL 107. IG. cut A. of iron, ha. 45.2. 147. l.'i. strengthened A. of thy patct /Vor. IK lit contentions are like the A. Jrr. in. 31. have neither gates M.r A 51. 3U liahylon, her b. are l.roken I.'im. >. 9. he hath broken her A. Ezek. 38. II. having irules nor A. Ji.tmh i. i the earth with her A. A'uA. 3. la fire shall devour thy b. BARItood J.Jin \-i. 6. lag, A. what put therein I l'it 2. ::4 his own .-ell A. our bins BAKE. Gen. 31. 8. all the cattle A. speckled 44 27. my wife A. me two sons /;.,w. r,. -A j.K-he 1 1. MO..-S Juilg la i. Maniiah's wife A. not I l'l,r. 4 !'. Jahez. 1 A. him with MT. 1'rnr. 17. -j:. bitti -riie-sto her th, ( t A. V.1 v.-i. thiit A. II,,-,. .hall rejoice Cunt. 6. a choice one ol h.-r that Ai 8. S. brought thee forth that A. thee ha. 51. 2. look to .S:in,h th.>. you J:T 1(5. .'i. their mother that A. them *l II. the ilay my mother A. me 22. 26. ca-t ,,iit m'i,ih,T th.it A. the* Jrr. M. Isf A. you shall t.e ailMined Lnkf II. -/7. MvMHI i- womb that 4. 29. the womb, that nevi-r A. WAKE fruit. l.6. many A. Ii.lseaif bun. SI. l.iikfl vi all A him >r. ami wonder. ./.^n 1. 15. John A. w-tV. of him. 3V, S4. ft. 33 John It. tntnuu to the truth li. 17. the people with huu ( BAR lohn 19. 35. he that saw >t J. record Acts 15. S.knoweth the hearts, b. a: Reu. 1.2. who b, r. of the word of God BAREST. Tta. 63. 19. thou never b. rule over th. John 3. 26. hi 1 to whom thou b. witu. BARK, Adjective. Ler. 13. 45. clothes renl head b. I.?a. 32. II. strip ye, make ye 4. 47. 2. make b. the leg, uncover 52. 10. L. hath made b. his holy arm Jer. 13. 22. for iniq.thy heels made b. 49. 10. I have made Esau b. Srei.16.7. thou wast naked and b. 22 39. leave thee naked and b. 23. 29. Jacl 1. 7. my fig-tree clean b. .Cor. 15.37. that sha.l be, but b. grain BAREFOOT. 8 Sam. 15. 30. he went i.and the peop. li. to-night 2 Sam 14. 30. Joab's field, 6 there 17. 28. Bar/.illai brought beds, b. 2 Kin. 4. 42. brought -20 loaves of b. I 1. two meas.of 6. for shekel, 10.18. 2 Chr. 2. 10. give 20,000 measu. ol b. 15. wheat, and b. let him send 17. 5. Ainmon gave 10,000 m. of<5. Jyb 31. 40. let cockle urow inst. of b. la. 28. 2. c >. wheat, and appointed b. Jer. 41. 8. we have treasures of b. Ezek. 4. 9. take to thee wheat b. 12. thou shalt eat it as b. cakes 13. 19. pollute me for hnndfuls of b. Hot. 3. 2. for an homer of b. and half Joel 1. 11. howl for wheat and b. John 6. 9. a lad hath five b. loaves 13. fragments of the five b. loaves Rev. 6. 6. 3 ineas. of b. for a penny BARN. 2 A'i.6.27.help thee out of the 6. floor ? Job 39. 12. gather thy seed into the 4. Hag. 2. 19. is seed yet in b. vine Mat. 13. 30. gather wheat into my b. Luke 12. 24. no store-house nor 6. BARNS. Prov. 3. 10. RO shall thy b. be filled Joel 1. 17. the b. are broken down, Mat. 6. 26. nor gather into b. Luke 12. 18. I will pull down my b. BARREL, S. ' Kin. 17. 14. the b. of meal shall not 18. 33. fill four b. with water BARREN. Gen. 11. 30. but Sarai was 4. 25. 21. Rebekah b. \\ 29. 31. Rachel 6. Ejcod, 23. 26. cast young nor be b. Deut. 7. 14. not be male or female b. Judg. la 2. Manoah's wife was b. 3. 1 Sam. 2. 5 the b. hath born seven 2 Kings. 2. 19 and the ground b. 21. shall not t>e death, or b. land Job 2t. 21. he evil entreateth the b. 39. 6. the b. land his dwellings Psnl. 11.1 9. the b woman to keep Pron. 30. Ifi. and b. womb not satis. Cant. 4. 2 and none is 6. 6. 6. Itn. 54. 1. sing, O 6. that didst not Joel 2. 2(1. drive him into a land b. Luke 1. 7. because Elisabeth was b. 36. with her, who was called b. 23. 29. blessed ate the 6. and Gal. 4. 27. written, rejoice thou b. i Pet. 1. 8. be neither b. nor unfruit BARRENNESS. PtaL 107. 31. a fruitful land into b. BAT BASE. Zeit.5. 11. set there upon her own b. BASE, Aajectire. 2 Sam. 6. 22. b. in mine own sight Job 30. 8. were children of b. men Isa. 3. 5. b. against the honourable Exek. 17. 14. kingdom might be />. 29. 14. they shall he a b. kingdom Mai 2. 9. theref. I have made you b. 1 Cor. 1. 28. b. things God hath cho. 2 Cor.10.1. who in presence am 4.ain. BASER. Acti 17. 5. lewd fellows of the b. sort BASEST. Exek. 29. 15. Pathros b. of kingdoms Dan. 4. 17. setteth over it b. of men BASKET. Gen. 40. 17. in the b. all manner of hake.meats Ejcod. 29. 23. b. of unleaven. bread. Lev. 3. 2, 26. A'uwi G. 15 17. Lev. 8. 31. b. of consecrations Deut. 28 5. blessed shnll he thy b. 17. cursed shall be thy b. Judg. 6. 19. Gideon put flesh in a b. Jer. 24. 2. one b. had very cood figs Amo.iS. I. a b. of summer fruit, 2. Acts 9. 25. by .vail inaA. 2Cor. 11. 33. BASKETS. Gen. 40. 16. I had three white b. 18. the three A. are three days 2 Kingi 10. 7. put their hearts in 6. Jer. 6.9.as grape-gatherer into the b. 24. 1. twoo. ot figs before the temple Mat. U. 20. twelve b. full, Mark 6. 43. iMfceS. 17. Johnfi. 13 15. 37. broken meat? b. Mark 8. 8. 1C. 9. not remember how many b. ? 10. Mark 8. 19, 20. BASON. 1 Chron. 28. 17. gold for every b. John 13. 5. he poureth water into aA. BASONS. 2 Sam. 17. 2a Barzillai brought 6. Jer. 52. 19. b. captain took away BASTARD, & Deut. 23. 2. a A. shall not enter cong. Zcch. 9. 6. and a b. in Asbdod //eA. 12. 8.without chast then are b. BATH. Isa. 5. 10. ten acres bhall yield one b. Ezek. 45. 10. a just ephah, a just b. 11. eplutli and b. of one measure 14. offer the tenth part of a b. BATHED. Isa. 34.5. my sword shall be b. in hea. BATHS. 1 ATi.7.26. molten sea contained 2000 b. 3M. one laver containing 40 b. 2 Chron. 2. 10. give 20,000 b. of wine 4. 5. the sea held 3000 b. Ezra 7. 22. b. of wine, 100 b. of oil Ezek. 45. 14. ten A. are an homer BAT, S. Lev. 11. 19.6.areunclean,D/f.l4.)8. Isa. 2. 20. idols to the moles and b. BATTLE. Deut. 20. 3. O Israel, you appro, to b. 5. lest he die in the b. 6. 7. Judg. 20. 23. shall 1 yet go to 4. f 1 Sam. 17. 28. thou art come to see b. 47. b. is the Lord's, 2 Chr. 20. 15. 26. 10. descend into b. and perish 28. I. thou shalt go with me to b. 2 Sam. 11. t. when kings go forth to b. 1 Chron. 20. 1. 15. set Uriah in forefront of b. 19. 10. Absalom is dead in b. 1 Kinift 8. 44. if thy people go to b. 20. 39 thy servant into midst of b. 22. 4. go with me to b.f 2 Kin. 3. 7. 1 Chrnn.b. 20. cried to God in the b. 12 8. G.utites men fit for the b. Jot 15 24 us n ki.ig ready to the b. 21 BE Job 39 25. he smellfth the I. afar of 41. 8. remember the 6 do no mor^ l'*'il, 1H.3<>. girded with strength toft. 24. 8. the Lord mighty in b. 55.19. delivered my soul from th b. 7fi. 3. he brake the shield, and tt? * 89. 43. not made to stand in the b. Ecr.l. 9. 1). nor b. to the strong Isa. 9. 5. every b. of the wariior is 13. 4. L. mustereth the host of the 4 22. 2. thy slain are not dead in 4. 27. 4. who set briars ag. me in b. 28. 6. that turn the 4. to the gate 42. 25. on him the strength of the ft, Jer. S. 6. as horse rusheth into the b, 18.21. their young men he slain iu I. 50. ?2. a sound of 4. is in land Ezek. 7. 14. hut none goeth to the 4. la 5. to stand in the />. in d.iy of L. Hot. I. 7. I will not save them by ft. 2. 18. 1 will break 4. out of the earth 10. 9. 4. in Gibeah not overtake Joel 2. 5. as a strong pt-o. in 4. rrray Zech. 10. 3. as goodly horse in the 6. 5. tread their enemies in the 4. 14. 2. all 7iations ag Jerusa. to 4. 1 Cor. 14, 8. who shall prep, to the b. Rrr.9. 7. locusts like horses prep. to b. 9. sound of chariots running to b. 16. 14. to the4.of the treat day,2(l.a Day of BATTLE. Job. 38. 23. I reserved against day b. Ptal. 78. 9 Ephraira turned in 4. 140. 7. covered my head in 4. Prov. 21.31. horse is prep, ajjainstA. BATTLK.AX, see Ax. BATTLE-MOW. Zech. 9. 10. the A.-AovJshall bo cut off 10. 4. out of him came forth the b.-b. BATTLES. 1 Sam. 18. 17. and fight the Lord's 4>. 25. 28. my lord fighteth 4. of Lord 1 Chr. 26. 27. spoils won in 4. dedicate 2 Chron. 32. 8. is God. to fight our b Isa. 30. 32. and in 4. of shakings BATTERING. Ezek. 4. 2. and set A. rams round 21. 22. to appoint 4. rams ag. gates BATTLEMENT, S. Deut. 22. 8. make a 4. for thy roof Jer. 5. IU. take away her b. BAY. Zech. 6. a in fourth chariot 4. horsea 7. the 4. went forth and sought to BAY-TREE. 7 J ja?.37.35.wicked like a <;reen b.-tree BDELLIUM. Gen. 2, 12. in Havilah there is 4. m. 11. 7. colour of manna as 4. BE. Judg. 6. la if the Lord be with us 2C/r 3fi.a L.te with him, .-/ 1.3. John 3. 9. how can these things bet Rom. 4. 17. things which be nut as 8. 31. if God be for us, who can V 4. 12. be as 1 am, for I :un as ye ai SAntfBE, or shalt BE. Eccl. 1. 9. been, is that which shaW 4. A/<.24.21.nor ever shall be, Mar 13. 19 Mark 9. 19. how lont- shall I be with yon, Luke 9. 41. John 14. 17. with you, and shall be in I John a 2. yet appear what we ,*A 'it Rev. 16. 5. art, and wast, and shalt bt Shall not, or shalt not BE. Psal 37. 10. it thull not be, Jer. 49. 30. Dan. 11. 29. Amot 7 3, 6. Hoi. a 3. I. n. be for another man Mat. 16. 22 this shall not lie to then 20. 26. thai! not 4.-> so amonir you, Afar* 10. 43. Luke 22. t& To BE. Eccl. a 15. that to be hath already BEEN set after B BEA BEACON rV* 30 17 be I. ft *- m 6. no th top BEAM. /vfe.16.11 be went a>av with tlit- V 1 S*n. 17.7. -<-ar - nkf weaver's A. I CArow. II. 23. | 20. 5. J X'i AS-Jordau, . 4. I have mad- and will A. you 7 they A. him Hf">n the nhoul" cr ffi. II. i-lein th.it A. vessels of L. y--r. 10. Ift It a grief, and I mii-t A. it P. 21 A no b-irden on sabbath, 77. 31. 19. 6. thf reproach of my yoiilh It K M l-ord rimid no lon-er A. Lam. .'< 27. f.o>l i.. /, yokcin his yo. Krrfc. I:', r, in tli ir siL-ht shall A. |(i S2. A. own -Kami- for thy sins. 54. t'.srk. :U. 29.4. .name iif heath. *>. IS. Mir. *>. !>. A. reproach of my people 7. ft I will A. indignation of Lord ZfrA. 5 1(1 whither 4. the ephah ? ft. 13 lo- h ,li A. dory .ml rule Ual. \ II -tn- nt worthy to A. fi. 3 Simon to 6. hi* crons, Mark IS. 21. 7.u*e . 26. /,*. 14. - /T whiMn. iith not A. him-nxa 1R 7. iirri.ur hl> rl^i-t, tho 1 hf A. J4w Ki.1.' l.nt yTHiinot VthfiniioK WrtM. I.V i-h"seii n~i'l to A. Tny namt- 15.10. fnlhi-r-i nor >vr wpri*nh|p to A. IH. il r.M-oow..iild I shonll A. Km I.V I. A inlfrniitiri of thrweak i -i. l:ilh.Tto not :iM.- to 4. it in n th..t yc m^y he ahle tn A. it IS 4-' /. II, .-'HI. ..t'r of the nravenlv ICnr. II. I i.-il.l I- <;..! \.-rnu\df, 4. jrc mii/ht well A. with'liim Got fi. t 4. one anothiT'n hnrrtrnt i. man .nil A. hi* own hnrdrn 17. I. A. in inv lH>dv Ihr mark Jim. 3. I .' ftif.tr*-"- >>. olip-henirf Rev. 2. V rnii-t not A. thfin that are Hi AH fruit, iff V*\!\T. \ H inrffo't'. r*>rf. *.3M. An'on rn^y f i>. <.f hoi; 43. A.ir'iii ml lii itn* ><. not in {n 5 I. he hni: A. hi- iiH^mtv. 17 |7 IK. | 17 Ifi ; 19. H | -fi. 17 |0. '7 KM !! to ', n- of thi rone. M. K. the vt ^hall *. ll thr.r in BEA /.f r.2 in.troul.h-thyon li:illA. his/ JU.AB record, tre Rtcuau. BKAif ru/e. . 1. 82. every man shall A. rtV in his I... u-,. Pmr. la. 24. han4 of ni i)f.'iit A. rti/r Jrr. 5. 31 . prif ts A. r. hy their me. .us UK A It tin. Jsr.tl. IS. whoo. riirs. shall A.hi'n Kxrk 23. 49. A. ihe tin of your idols //eA. 9.28. C. wa> oii.-e i.ffered to 4. tin HKAK tri tnra. r.70.IR.not4.lalei/-.nK8. thy neigh. Unit. 5. M Mat. III. K . II ft I Kin. *l. 10. UOIIM of Belial t- A. in/ .Vr. 10. 19.ilo not A. false IT. Lu. I&20 f II. 4R ye A. tri*. that ye allow JiJtn I. 7. o.nne for a witness to A. !/. a wilt to A. iritnm i-f that liffht 3. 'A ye yoiirn. A. me tr that I said 5. 31. il I A. irit of myself my witn. 3d works A. iritne** ( me. 10. 25. a la I un one that A. tril. of mys. 15. 27. ye shall al-o A. iitt b"raiise IR !i evil, A. ir/Y<- of the evil 37. rame I, tliat I iihoiild A. iriY. Actt'12. 5. hi(jh. priest doth A. me ir. v3. II. so inii-l Ihou A. tr. at Home I ./oAn 1.2. we ha\e seen it, nd A.JC. 5. a thre<- that I. tHtneti in eiirth ItKAK. lien. 17. 17. Saran 90 years old A. r is.l:lhh;ill I A. a child, which am old Inrli.-. 13. 3. rom-eiVM ;inl A. a son 1 A't. 3. v|. it was not my son I did A. Cant. 4. 2. every one A. twins, 6. 6. -'/. 7. II. a virnin -hali con. and A. a ."4. 1. sine, limn that itiilst not A. Jer. 29. a that they my A. sons Lukf I. l:i Klisahi -tli .-hail A. a son I 7VOT.5.l4.yuinirer mairy,4.children BBAIEST. / > rf.l06.4.favonr th.,u A. to thy peon. John 8. 13. thou A. record of thyself Hum. 11. 18. A not the root, hut (jai 4. 27. rejoin- hnrren tlmt A. not BKARhTH. \um. II. 12. as H nurviiiff father *. Dfut. 80. la M root that A. gall 21 it IK not sown, nor A. nor 3'i. 11. as an ea^'lr A. her young 1 tub 84. 21. evil.entre:itvth liarren Cunt. li. G. every one A. twins Joel*. . for the tn-e A. h.T JJrat Mill. \\ V3. which aUiA. fruit lird J'Jin 15. 2. every hninrh thPt A. not Ri'm. II 4. A. not the sword in vain I fr/r. 13. 7. charity A. all thing* lleL 6. a which A. thorn- i- rejected BKAKK I II rule. Pror. 29 2. wicked 4. r. people mourn UK A It KIM trife>. J'. to my fare l'r:. that A. tah>i -. is a maul ./. An S. 38. another that A. IT. of me a 18. tlw rather A. n-itnra of nir /l. I A. their cons, ienre A. wlt. 9. I. my ' oii-rii-in-.- al-o A. me witn. ; C-.r i.' 10. A. in the l>od> the dyinf II, IL -2. 4 (i.,,1 al> A. them witness I't. 13. forth to him '/. his reproaeB I 7'im. *. I.V he -iiveil in rh:ld.AttfrM^ HKAK, S. I .Sam 17. 34. c.une a lion and R i. :i. thy nerviint slew lion and A. .' .SV/m. 17. a chafed, as H A. rohhed -' Kingfi 24. rame forth two wlie-ft. I'i'ir. 17. 12. a A. rol-hed ol whelp* 2H. IS. and a riinuiiiL' b ha. 11.7. cow and A. -hill I feed 5!'. 11. we roar all like A. Lnm. 3. 10. he was to me as a i. Dun, ?. 5. beast, a second l.ke to 8 Ji Ho*. 13. R meet them a- a A. liereaved .1mi.*:>. 111. a-- if a man did flee from a 6 flee. 13. 2. his feet were as of a 4. BKA HI), S. I.er. 13 29. hath a pl:iu'iii-on head or A, 14. 9. his hair .. In- head and A. 19. 27. nor mar turners of A. 2l. 5. 1 Sam. 17. :{.'. I canvM him hy In- A. 21. 13. David let his -untie I all on A. 2 Sam. 10. 5. tarry till A. he grown I Chroti. 111. 5. 19. 24. Meph'-. trimmed not his A. 20. 9. Ama-a hy tin- A. to Kiss him F.xra !). 3. plucked off hair ol my 4. f*al. 133. V. on the A. even Aaron's A. // 7. HO. it filial! al-o consume A. 15. 8, b.-ildiuss, and every A. cut off Jtr. 41. 5. fourscore men A. sha>ed 4H 37. every h,-ad hald.every A. clip* Exrk.b.\. cause razor to pass on thyA. IJEA'.r. CCTU 1.2t. let the f..rth brinjr forth 6. 3. i. srrp. muresuhtil than any 4. 37. 80. evil 4. hath devoured him.Sa x.-rf. 13. 12. every fitstling of a A. 22. 5. put his A. in another m. field 10. deliver any A. to keep 1". lieth with aA. pt to death, l^n. l& 23. | 2 of any 4 AVA. 2 12. snve the A. I n>de on 1'ial. 73. ?>. I was an a A. before the* 147. 9. he (fiveth to the A. his food frnf. 12. 10. regards life of hi- 4. cc/.3.!9.no pre-eminence above aft Itn. 43. 20. the A. shall honour me 63. U. a* a A.that jroeth into the val. Uan.4. Ifi. let a A. heart he piveti him 7111 Vhild till the I., was slain 1!'. know the truth of the (ninth A. *< 10. 34. set him on his own A. /frtr2Ki. Paul shook off the A. Heb. 12. 20. if MI much a- a //. toneli Her. 4. 7. fir-t A. like ;i lion, second 4 'i. 3. second A. say. come and see II. 7. A. th.it BHCendeth out of pit 13 1. a A. rise up out of the -i-a ... A. cinniiiL' out if the earth 15. 2. g-t Ihe victory over the A. K 13 unclean spirits out of A. 17. a the A. that was, and is not, II I '.I. l!>. 1 sau tin- A. aim t .e kiiifrs 20. la where the A. and l:i M- pioph. t.rrrv UK AST. (!>-n. I. 30. to rr. 1. 1 h,i\e elven hert 'i. 111. (-round <'od formed rrtry 4. 2n. Adam pave nainen to trrry 4. :i. 14. thou art cursed above rrrry t, 7. 2. of rrrni clean A hy sevens, 'a !4. they and errrti A. htter his kind a 19. rrrrv A w ei.t out of the ark 20. of rrcrv clean /. fie off- red c on n-rrub b. your blood at hand of entry (. DEA Cm. 9.10. with every b. I estab. coven. 34 aashall not e. ft. of theirs be ours Lev. 11. 26. every b. which divideth Oie hoof, Deut. 14. f. Pt. 50. 10. e. b. of the forest is mine 104. 11. they give drink to every A. Erek. H. 8. my fl'x'k meat to ertrt/ 1,. 39. 17. son of man. speak to every b, BEAST, joined with Man. CJera.6.7 I will destroy both wt.and A. ro.l 1.7.dug move tongue ag.m.or A. 12. 12. smite first-born of m. and A. a 15. Psal. 135. . 13. 2. firgt-born of m. and ft. is mine Num. 8. 1 7. 19. la m. or A., it shall not live Psal. 3(5 1 tliouVreservest m. and b. Jer. 7. 20 finy on m. and ft 21. 6. | 36 29 'E:tk. 14. 13. 17. 9, 21. | 2a 13. | 29. 8. Zeph. 1. 3. 87. 5. I have made man and 6. 31. 27. sow Judah with seed of OT. 32. 43. without m. or A. 33. 10. 12. | 36. 29. | 51. 62. 50. a they shall depart, m. and A. Ezek.3f>.( I. multiply on you m. and A. Jon.3.7.let not ;n.or A.taste any thing Unclean B K A S T. Len. 5. 2. soul tixich any . 6. 7. 21. 27. !1. if it be u. ft. of which, 27. Wild BEA^T. 2 Xi.14. 9. w !>.<>( I,ehaiion,2 CA.25.18. Job&l. 15. forge'teth w. b. may break Pxal, 80. 13. the IP. A. doth devour it Hot. 13. 8. the in. ft. shall tear them BK.ASTS. Gen. 31. 39. torn of ft. End. 22. 31. Lev. 7. 24. | 17. 15. | 22. 8. 3^ a Esau took ail his ft. 45. 17. lade your ft and go to Can. E.rod. 11. 5. the first. b of ft. shall dif Lev. 11. 2. thes. ft. eat, Deut. H. 4. 3. chew cud among ft.eat,D?u. 14.6. 26. 6. I will rid evil A. out of land Dent. 32. 24 I will send teeth of ft. 1 Kings 4. 33. S' loinon spake of ft. Ezra I. 4. help him with gold, ft. tub 12. 7. ask the ft. they teach thee 18. 3. we counted as ft. and vile 37. 8. then tlie ft. go into dens Psul. 49. 12. like the A. that perish,20 104 20 wherein A. of forest creep 25. sea, both small and great A. 148 10. A and all cattle, praise Pror. 9. 2. wisdom hath killed her A. 30. 30. a lion strongest among ft. Eccl. 3 18. see th.ct themselves are ft. 19. which hefalleth men, bef. ft. Isu. 30. 6. burden of ft. of the south 40. 16. nor A thereof a burnt-otter. 4C. I. their idols oti the A. and cattle 66. 20. upnn swift A. to my holy m. Jer. 9. 10. A fl.M || 12. 4. consumed Erek. 5. " ;. I will send evil A. 14. 15. 32. 4. h". A. ,,f whole earth with thue 13. destroy all the A. 34. 25, 28. Dan. 4. 14. b. getaway from under it 15. his portion be with the A. 7. 17. these four great 6. are kings S. 4. no A. mi L' lit stand before him Jnet \. 18. how do the A. groan y/ft. 2. 17. spoil ..f A. Zi'ph. 2. 15. become a place for ft. Z.r/i. 14. 15. the plauue of all the ft. A^ttT. 42. offered lo me slain ft. ? 23. 24. A. that ye may set Paul on Ron. \. 2:i. image made like to ft 1 Car. 15. 32. if I have fought with A Jam 3. 7 ft. is tamed, hut tongue 8 Pet. 2. 12. as natural brute A. speak Jtuie 10. know naturally as brute ft. Ret: 4. 6. four A. full of eyes 8. four A. had each six wings 9. when Ui-jso 6. give glory BEA Rep.5. R.ln jriidst of 4 6. stood a Larab 1 1. the fnur 6. said. Amen 8> I. 6. saying, come and st>e, 15. 7. 7. 11. angels stood about four b. 11. 3. a new song before b. I9.4.and four /-.tell down to worship BEASTS ofUte Earth. Deut. 28. -X. carcase m.-at to all b. 1 Sam. 17. 40. carcases of Phil, to 4 Job 5. 22. nor hi- afraid of the b. 35 11. teacheth us more than b. Psal. 79. 2. flesh of thy saints to 6. Ita. 18. 6. they shall be left to b. Jer.t 33.carcas.'s of peop. meat for ft. of the earth, 16. 4. | 19. 7. | 34. 20 15. 3. 1 will appoint over them b. Art* 10. 12. of four-footed b. 11.6. Rev. 6. 8. kill with lumper and b. BEASTS of the FiM. E.rod. 23. II. poor leave, b. may eat Deut 7. 22. lest b. increase tipnn thee 1 .SV/m.17.44.1 will give thy flesh toft. 2 Sum. 21. HI. nor b. fthef. hy night Job 5.23.A. shall he a: peace with thee 40. 20. mountains where b. play Pt. 8. 7. 1'H.st put A. under his feet /.*'. 5(>. 9. all ye b. roine to devour Jer. 12. 9. assemble nil b. of the field 27. 6. 6. ifivun him, 28. 1 1. Dn.2.38. jreft. 29. 5. I have given thee fur meat to the b. 34. S. | 39. 4. 31. 6. under branches b. bring forth 13. b. sha'l be on his branches 38.20. b. shall shake at my presence Dan. 4. 12. the 6. had shadow 25. thy dwelling with b. .'(2. Ws. 2. 18. covenant for them with 6. 4. 3. shall land mourn with b. Joel 1.20.6. cry also f> thee, for rivers 2. 22. be not afraid, ye b. pastures Wild BEASTS. Ler.26.22. 1 will send u:b. among you 1 Sum. 17.46. carcases of Phil, to tr.A. I'xal 50. II. the w. b. are mine Isa. 13. 21. but . ft. shall lie tin-re 22. mid ft. of the islands shall cry 34.14 tr.A of desert shall meet with w. b. of the island, Jer. 50. 39. Mark 1. 13. Christ was with the ir.A. Acts 10.12.wherein were all tr.A.11.6. BKAT. Jitdg. 9. 45. Alum. b. down the city li). -22 Rons of Belial A. at the dour 2 S one that 6. the air BEATING. 1 Sam. 14. Ifi. b. down one another Mark 12. 5. A. s.,me and killing som BEAOTY. Erod. 28. 2. garment for glory and a. 2 S,n. 1. 19. the A. of Uriel is slain 14. 25. so praised as Absalom for ft 1 CA.I6.2".Jnft.ofhiHin.^.29.i | 969 2 t'Ar. 20. zl. sli. praise ft. of holiness J'.fth. I. II. to show the people her i. Job 40. 10. array thyself with A Psal. 27. 4. to behold the A. of the I* 39. II. make his A. to consume ;,way 4n. II. king greatly desired thy b. 49. 14.their A. -hall consume in s/rave 50.2.out . didst trust in thin.- own ft. 25. hast made thy b, to be abhor. 27. 3. said, I am ot perfect 6. 28. 12. 4. thy builders perfected thy ft. 11. 28. 7. swords ag. the ft. of thy wisd. 17. lilted up because of thy ft. 31. 8. no tree like Assyrian' in A. 32. 19. Egypt, whom dost pass in b.t Has. 14. 6. 'Israel's A. shall he an Zec/i. 9 17. how great is his ft. 11.7. staves, ..ne I called A. iO. BEAUT 1ES. Psal. 110. 3. in the ft. of holin<\ j BKAIT1IFY. [house Ezra 7. 27. king's heart, to >. ] ord's Pf. 149. 4. A. th meek with wilva. Isa. (50. 13. to A. place of my gaiiotu, BEAUTIFUL. Gen. 29. 17. Kachel was ft. Dent. 21. 1 1. seest am. cap. a ft. worn. 1 Sam. 16 12. D.I v. was of a A. conn, 25. 3. Abigail was of a ft. counten. 2 Sam. I I ,.2. ,,thslieba was very 6. Zv-M. 2. 7. Esther was fair and 6. Pxul. 48. 2. ft. for situation is Zion Ki-i-l. :i. 1 1. every thing 6. in his rime Cant. fi. 4. I hou "art A. O my love 7. I. how A. thy fe>-t with shoes Ixn. 4. 2 shall the branch of L. be b. 52. 1. () Zion, put on thy A. garni. 7. how A. the tect, Bern. 10. 15. < ! 1. II. and li. house is burnt up Jt-r. I. 'I ;W. where is thy A. Hock ? 43. 17. staff broken and the A. rod A>. Hi. 12. 6. crown on thine head 13. thou Wilst exceeding A. 23. 42. the Sabeans put A. cr.iwns Milt. 23. \fi. sepul. hies, wnieh ap. fc. Acts 3. 2. at the Kate called A. la BECAME I Cor. 9. 20. to the Jews I ft. a Jew llfb. 7.26 such an Hih-Priest b. tl BBCAMEST. I Chron, 17. 22. tlmu \.. ft. their God Er. 16. a I aware, mid thou k rnir, BED BECKONED. nir* I. 21 Ze.'l..iri!n ti. spi-cc hli'M & 7. they i. t<- til ir pnrtnen John la 11. Peter A. he should ask Xrfj 19. 33 Al -xander A. and would 81. 4tt Paul stood on stairs, and A. BECKON Act* It. 17. I'eter /,. u-ito them la 16. Paul ... with his hand, said BECOME. Gen. 3. 83. nun is A. as one of us Kr. 15. i is 6. my nalra. Pt. lia U In. IS. 2. 33. 1. as for Moses we wot not what Is*, of him, 23. >.' S King* I. 4. down from that A. a 16. 4. 10. let us set there for him a b. Jot 7. la my A. shall comfort me 17. 13. made my A. in the darkness 33. 15. in slumbering* upon the b. J'fiL 4. 4 commune with heart on b. 36 4. he deviseth miM-hief mi his A. 41. X make all his A. in hi* sickness da ft. when I rein, thee upon my A. 131. a into my A. till I fi.id a place l:O. 4 if I make my A. in hell, thon /Vur.7.16. decked my A. with tap. 17. 22. 27. why Uke A. from under thee *>. 14. so doth slothful on his A. Cant. I. 16. fair, also our A. is green * I. by night on my A. I sought him 7. his A. which is Solomon's /M. 28. 20. b. is short.-! than a man 57. 7. on mountain hast set thy A. Awtnt a 12. ill the corner of a A. Mat. It. & take up thy A. .Vr*2. 9, 1 1. JiJtnb. 11, 12. Afar* 4.81. candle under a A./.uai6. Luke II. 7. children with roe in A. 1". 31. two mm in one (>. one taken Her. 2. 22. 1 will cant her into a A. BKD 1,1 I- re. K-ek. 2a 17. Bub*, came to her In & BED ,,f t vice*. Coat. 5. 1.1. hi< . -h'eeks are M a A. & 2. my beloved i tone to the A. BED undeUed. Ileb. ta 4. hononral.ie H nd the b, HED.CHAMHKK. Ennl. fl a froi! tome into thy fc.-e. 2 Sam. 4. 7. l-i n hiA.^-, 2 An: \-i wordthoapeakestinA.^-. II. 1 hid him in l...r. Chr. 22. II. EixL 10. 20. curse not the rich in A.-A KKDS. I't. 1 19. 5. saints Mnif aloud on b. In. 57. 2 sh.il! rent in their A. each Hot. 7. 14. when they howled on 4. BEG I Amot ft 4. lie on A. of ivory Hie. 2. 1. them that work evil on A. BEDSTEAD. Dfut.l 11. his A. was a A. of iron BEE, BEES. Dfttt I. 44. chased you as A. in Selr Jitiit. 14. a a swarm of A. in the lion P*. lia li. comp. me about like A. Ita. 7. la shall hiss for the A. in As. Hath BEEN. ErcL a 15. lhal which A. been is now Hare BEES. Job 10. 19. I sh. A. A. as if I had not A Ita. 06. 2. all those things A. A. saitl .W HEEX. Obad. 16. be as though they had n.A BEKTLE. Lee. 11. 22. these ve may eat, the b. HE EVES. Ler. 22. 19. offer of the A. of sheep Sum. 31. 28. levy a tribute of the A. BEFALL. Gen, 42. 4. lest mi. -.chief A. him 38. if mischief A. him hy way, 44.29 49. I. what shall A you in the las days, Deut. 31. 29. Dan. la 14 Deut. 31. 17. many evils shall A. them TV 91. 10. there shall no evil A. thee Actt 20. 22. things that shall b. me BEFALLEN. Ler. la 19. such things have A. me .Yum.20. 14. all travail that hath A. u DcfuJ.31.21.when troubles are 4. them ','. & la why is all this A. us ? 1 Sum. 20. 26. .something had b. Urn Mat. 8. 3a what was A. to posaewec BEFALLETH. EccL 3. 19. which A. men, A. beasts Bit FELL. 2 Sam. 19.7. worse than all that A. thee 20. 19. A. me hy lying in wait BEFORE. JoA. la 14. no day like that A. It, or ''Ml 39. 13. spare me A. I go hence 139. 5. hast beset me behind and A. I'n. 43. 13. A. the day was, I am he MnLU. tt. behold. I have told you A. JiJin la 19. I tvll you A itcome.14 29 Phil. 3 13. rearh.to things that are A. T/tett.3 4. when with you we told A Heb. 7. l. of the command going A. la 15. for after that he had said A 2 Pet. 3. 17. ye know these things A. Come BEFORE. Ptal. 100.2. c.'b. presence with thank. Vic. 6V 6. wherewith shall I c. b. L.? B E F O K E the people. Erod. la 22. nor pillar of fire from A. 17. 5. Lord said to Moses, go on A. 34. 10. A. all th>/ p I will do marvels Sam. IS. la he went out and in A. Murk 8. 6. disciples did set them A. luke 20. 26. hold of his words A. Ret. la 11. prophesy A. many people* HEFOREicAom. ''if 17. 1. as the Lord God of Is. liveth, A. irhm I sland, I-. 15. 2 KiaffiS. 14 | A 16. Art* 86. 2t). king A. ir. I speak freely S-r further. ALL, AKK, Gon. Loan, Moor, STAMI. STOOD, WK.VT. BKFOKBHAND, ark\3 II. take no Ihoughl A. what ! Cor. 9. 5. make up A. your bounty Tim. 5. 24. men's siiu are open o. 85 good works of some inani. A Pet, I. II lestified A. siinVrmcv of BEFOBETIME, Jath. 20. a. beca. he hated him not A. V.Vim. 7. Itt nor afflict them us A. Ita. 41. 2G. A that we may say Jcttn. U. aimon which A. used -ore. BEGAN. fL. lien. 1 26. A. men t, ( call on name of 24 BEG ? Ki. 10. 32. L. A. to cut Israel shor 'i CV.r.34.3 Josiah I,, to seek alter Got) Afat 4. 17. Jesus A. to preach and Luke 1. 70. have teen nmce world A. 14 30. this man A. to build anil wai John 4 52. hour wlien hi* b. to amend 9. 3J. siuce Uie world A. Actt 3 21. Rom. 1(1 24. 2 Tim. 1. 9. in Christ before the world A. Tit. I. 2. Heft 2.3. salvs. at first A. to be spoken BEOAT. fror.aa 22. hearken to thy fa. that 4. Jer. 16. 3. rone, their fa. tlt A. them Dan. 11. 6. and he that A h-r Zech. 13. 3. father and m. that A. him Jam. 1. IS. of his ouui will A. he us 1 Juhn 5. 1. loveth him that A. loveth BEGET. Gen. 17.20. twelve princes shall he A. Dent. 4. 25. when tli.m shall b. chil. 28. 41. A. sons, hut shall not enjoy 2 A'I. 20. 18. of thy sons thou shall A. shall they makeeunurhs, /w.Si.v. rc/. & 3. if a man A. 100 children Jer. 29. 6. Uke wives, and A. .sons Esek. 18. 10. if he A. a son a robber 14. if he A. a son that .seeth fu. tin* BBOBTTE8T. Gen. 48 6. issue which thou b. shall 7*0.45.10. to his father, what A. thot BBGKTTETH. Pros. 17. 21. A. a foul, doeth it to his 2a 24. he that A. a wise child [-.or. Eccl. 5. 14. he A. a son, and nothing BEG. Ptal Iftfl. 10. let his children b. Proe. 20.4. the sluirg-ird A in harvest Luke 1'j. 3. to 6. Iain ashamed BEOOEO. Mat 27. 58. 6 body of Jesus, in. 83.51. JolinV. 8. is not this he that sat and A. BEGGAR. 1 Sum. 2. 8. he lifted A. from d'inghill Luke lii. 20. and a A named Lazai ui 22. the A. died, and was carried BEGGARLY. Gal. 4 9. again to the A elements BKOOIMO. PuiL 37. 25. seen his seed 4. bread .Vur.10. 40. Biirtimeu.4 silt A. Lit !.:. BEGIN. 'en. II. 6. this they A. to do, and Joth 3 7. will I A. to magnify thee ' Sum. a 12. 1 A. I will make an end 22. 15. did I then A to inquire of li. VrA. II. 17 Mattaniah to A. thanks. Jer. 25. 29. I A. to bring evil on city Luke 3. 8. A. not to say within your. ' l.'i 26. b. to nay, we have eaten 14. 29. b. hold it, A. to in. irk him 21. 88. thintrs A. to come to [>;IM> 2 Cor. 3. 1. do we A. to commend l'it. 4. 17. judgment must A. at the house of < i.,and if it ttrst i.at ut BEAINMINO. 'ten. 49. 3. K.-ut.. n, A. of my streng. VjnxL 12. 2. this the A of months l)"it. 21. 17. he is h. of hit rtn-iiL'th Job 8. 7. tho' thy A. was small, yet 42. 12. bl. end of Job more tha'u A. "jrii 1 1 1. la A. of wisdom, Prnr.U. la 'ror. I. 7. fear of Lord A. of knuwL 17. 14. b. of strife, as when one \ccL~.S. better end of a thine than A. 10. la A. of words is foolishness fd. 64. 4. since A. of world, men \Iir. 1. 13, is A of fin to daughter Mat. 24. a A. of .rr.i s. .\/,,rA Jl a 21. tribulation, as was not nince A. Mark I. I. the A. of the gospel 'it/in 2. II. this A. of mirai-len Ci.l. I. la who is the A. the nnt.hiTH /rA. 3. 14. the A. of our confidence BEG 'ffb. 7. 3. having neither ft. of days Pet. 2. 20. end is worse than the 4. .ten. 1. 8. I am the 4. 21. 6. | 22. 13. a 14 saith the 4. of the creation Atthe BEGINNING. uth 3. 10. more kindness than at b. 1 Chr. 17. 9. >f wickedness waste as ft. Prov. 20. 21. inheri. gotten hastily A. Isa. I. 2(i thy counsellors as at the b. Dcin. 9. 2a a. 4. of thy supplications Mat. 19. 4. at the b. made them male Johr, 16. 4. these I said not to you 4. Jcti\\. 15. H. Ghost as on us a. t. b. .From Me BEGINNING. Dcvt. 1 1. 12. eyes of L. on it A.of year Psal 119. 160. word is true jr. the ft. Pron 3. 23. 1 was set up/ b. or ever Eccl. 3 11. no man can find work God maketh/rom the b. (to. 18. 2. a people terrible fr the b. 7. 40. VI. hath it not been told fr. t. b. f 41. 2ii. who hath declared from b.f 46. 10. declaring the end from the b. 48.16. 1 have not spoken in secret 4. Jer. 17. 12. a glor. high throne fr. b. Mat 19. 8. but/r theb. it was not so Luke 1. 2. which f. b. were eye-wit. JoVi6.64. knew/ 6. who believed not 8. 25. even same I said to you/ 4. 44. was a murderer from the 4. 15. 27. ye have been with me/ ft. Eph. a 9./ 4. of the world hath been 2 Thess. 2. 13. God hath from the b. chosen you to salvation 2 Pet. 3 4 all continue us from t. 4. 1 JjA2.7.w'/. 10. 10. A. of your months, 28. 11. Ezek. 36. 11. do Letter than at your A. BEGINNEST. Deut. 16.9. time thou 4. to put sickle BEGOTTEN. Num. 11. 12. have I A. them ? Deut. 23. 8. children A. of them enter Judg. 8. 30. Gideon had 70 sons A. Jo4 38. 28. who hath 4. drops of dew Ptal. 2. 7. this day have I 4. thee, Acts l:i. 3a Heb. l.5| 5. 6. Isa. 49. 21. who hath 6. me these ? Wo.5.7.they have A. strange children John I. 14. as of the only A. of the F. 18. only A. Son, he hath declared a 16. that he uave his only A. Son 18. not believed in only A. Son I Cor. 4. 15. A. you through gospel P/ti/em. 10. Onesi. whom 1 have 4. Heb. II. 17. A bra. ottered only 4. son 1 Pet. 1. 3 A. us again to a lively hope 1 Jnhn 4. 9. sent his only 4. Son that & I. that begat, loveth himft.of him 18. he that is h. of God keepeth FIKST.HEOOTTEN. Heb.\. 6. wh.-n he hrinecth in ftrst-b. Ret. 1.5. Jesus, who is/4, of tliedead BKOUILE. Cai 2. 4. lest any A. you with enticing 18. let no man 6. you of your rew. BEH BEGUILED, ING. Gen. 3. 13. serpent b. me, and I did oal 29. 25. wherefore hast thou A. me ? Num. 25. 18. they have b. you in the matter of Peor Josh. 9. 22. wherefore have ye 6. us 2 Cor. 11.3 lest as the serpent b. Eve 2 Pet 2. 14. cannot cease from sin, f>. unstable souls BEGUN. Det/t3.24.hast b. to shew thy greatn. Mat. 18 24. when he had 6. to reckon 2 Cor.8.6. as he had b. so would finish 10. for you who have 6. before Gal. 3. 3. having b. in the Spirit Phil. 1. 6. hath A. a good work in yon 1 Tim. 5. 11. have b. to wax wanton BEHALF. Exod. 27. 21. a statute on 6. of Isr. 2 Sam. a 12. Abner sent on his b. 2 Chr. 1G. 9. shew hims. strung in b. Job 36. 2. yet to speak on God's b. Dan. 11. 18. a prince for his own b. Rom. 16. 19. I am glad on your b. 1 Cor. 1. 4. I thank God on your b. 'ICor. 1. 11. thanks be given on our A. V 12. to glory on our A. Phil. 1. 29. it is given in b. of Christ 1 Pet. 4 16. glorify God on this b. BEHAVE. Dfwt32.27.lest adversaries b. strang. 1 Chron. 19. la let us b. valiantly Psal. 101. 2. I will b. wisely in a perf. Isa. 3. 5. child shall b. proudly 1 Cor. 13. 5. charity not b. unseemly 1 Tim. 3. 15. how thou onghtvst t<- b. in the house of God BEHAVED. lSera.18.5. David b. wisely, 14, 15,30. Psal 35. 14.1 A. as he had been friend 131. 2. I have b. as a child weaned Mic. 3. 4. as they have b. ill 1 Theft. 2. 10. how unhlam. we b. 2 Thess. 3. 7. b. not disorderly among BEHAVETH. [you 1 Cor.7.36.think he A. uncomely to his BEHAVIOUR. 1 Sam. 21. 13. David changed his b. 1 Tim. 3. 2. a bishop, of good 6. Tit. 2. 3. aged women in b. as becom. BEHEADED. 2 Sam. 4. 7. Ish.bosheth, and b. him Afatl4 10.ft.John,Mar.6. 16,27. Lu.9.9 Rev. 20. 4 I saw the souls of b. BEHELD. Num. 21. 9. 4. the serpent of brass 23. 21. hath not b. iuiq. in Jacob 1 Chr. 21. 15. destroying, the L. 4. Job 31. 20. if I 4. the sun when >*;. 119. 158. I 4 transgressors 142. 4. I b. but there was no man Prov. 7. 7. and 6. among the simple Eccl. a 17. 1 4. all the work of God Isa. 41. 28. I b. and there was no man, Jer. 4. 25. Jer. 4. 23. I b. the earth Mark 15. 47. 6. where he wns laid. Luke 23. 55. Luke 10. 1 8. 1 b. Satan as lightning fall 19.41. heA.thecity and wept over it John 1. 14. we b. his glory Acts 1.9. while they 4. J. was taken up 17. 23. and 6. your devotions Rev. a, 6. 1 f>. and lo, a Lamb 11. 12. and their enemies 4. them BEHEMOTH. Job 40. 15. behold now 4. BEHIND. Ita. 38. 17. all my sins ft. thy hack 1 Cor. 1. 7. ye i ome ft. in no gift 2 Cor. II. 5. whit b. chiefest, 12. 11. Phil, a la forgetting things h Col. 1. 24. fill up what is ft. of >.fflirt. See further, BKFUBK. M BEH BEHOLD. Gen. 28. 15. 6. I am with thee, and Job 1. 12. ft. all he hath is in thy pa. 28. 28. 6. the fear of the Lord 40. 4. 6. I am vile what shall I Psal. 139. 8. bed in hell, 4. thou art 7a.8.l8.4.1 and thechildren,/jTe4.2.H 12. 2. 4. God is my salvation 41. 27. say to Zion, 4. 4. them 65. 1. I said, 4. me, to a nation Lam. 1. 12. 4. and see if any sorrow Zech. 9. 9. 4. thy King coineth, Mat. 21. 5. John 12. 15. Mark 16. 6. ft. place where tliny laid Luke 24. 39. 4. my hands and feet 49. 4. I send promise of my Fathef John 1. 29. 4. the Lamb of God 19. 5. Pilate saith, 4. the man Acts 9. 11. Saul, for 4. he prayeth 1 John a 1. ft. what manner of love Rev. a 20. ft. I stand at the door 16. 15. ft. I come as a thief 22. 7. 4. I come quickly, 12. BEHOLD it is. Isa. 52. 6. know that I speak, 4. it if Ezek. 7. 10. 4. the day, 4. it is come 39. 8. 4. it is come, and it is done AVno BKHOLD.or BEHOLD >ioir. Job 1 6. 19.n.6. my witness is in heaven Ji r. 40. 4. nowb. I loose thee this day Mat.26. 65. n. ft. ye heard his blasph. Acts 13. 1 1. n. ft. hand of L. is 4111 tl>t> 20. 22. now ft. 1 go bound in the -p. 2 C. 4. his eyes shall A. hiseyes,34. 1 42. 2. a few, as thine eyes do 4. us '.am. 1. 18. hear, and ft. my sorrow '^ 1 PtaL 10. I*, thon 4 all mischief to M'U 1. 3 why & n...te /.Af*.t 13. of Spirit and A. of truth BELIEVE. Ernd. 4 5. may A. K hth appeared 19. 9. may A. thee lor ever \m. 14. II. how long ere they b. me T 8 CAr. 2a 20. A. in the L. /-. his prop. /*. 4VI. 10. ye may know and A. me Mat. 28 A. 1 am able to do ttm 1 !& n. little one* which A. Mar '.1.42. Kl. 3.' rep not that ye might A.hiin /7 4 down, and we will A. him Ifar* I. 15 repent and A. gospel 5. 36. be not afraid, only A. /.. 8.50 9 tt if thou most A. all tiling po. 84. Lord I A help unb. .I,,/-* 9. 3& II. S3. A. tliinc" he saith shall come 81 A. ye rereive them, and ye 19. 38. descend, that we may 6. Itt. 17. tne*e signs fol. them which A. Lu. a 18. away the word lent they A. 1M no root, winch for a while ft. 84 25. and -low of heart to A. A** I 7. that nil thro 1 him mi|rhtA. li to them that A. on his name 3.1V. shall ye A if I tell you of heav. 4. 81. woman A. me, the hour com. 4*. we A. not her. of thy saying 5. 44. hnw ran ye A. which receive 5. 47. Imw -hull ye A. my words? 0, 89 that ye A. on him he sent *. 5. did his brethren A. in him 3D. Spirit, which they that A. ree. 9. .15 d*t tho A. on Sou of God f 3K. who is he that I might A. 10. :H. A. the works, that ye may A. 11. 15. to the intent ye may t. 17. I A. thu art the Christ, the Son 40. Mid I not, if wouldM A thou 44. may A. thou hast ent me 4-. if we let him alnne, all will A. II K. jr h*ve light, A. In the light la 19. to pan*, ye may A. I am he 14 I. ye '.. in God, A. also In me II. r A. for the work'* sake 89. come t.i pa, ye might A. 8. 30. we A. tnou t-atneit from Got BEL J,Jin Irl 31. J. answ. do ye now i .f 17. vM. I pray for them wh. shall A. 21. world may A. thou sent me 19. 35. saith true, that ye miifht A. 8(1. 31. written that ye might 6. Act* a 37. I A. J. C. is the Son of O. 13. 30. by him all that A. urejusti. 41. a work you sha.l in no wise A. 15. 7. Gentiles by me should A. II. we A. tliro 1 trace we sh. be sav. in. SI. A. on Je.-us, shall be s.ived 19. 4. b. on him that should come Jl. 8". seest how ninny J. ws A. 85. touching Gentiles which A. 27. 25. I A. God that it shall he as Hnm a 22 righ. of <;. tn lOTx 12. then h. th, y his wolds llti. in. 1 6. theielore have I spoken 8 for. 4. \-\ 119. fifi for I have A. thy c.inimaiuL ha. J3. I. wko hath ' our report? John 18. 38. Hum. III. 16. Dan. 6. 2a no hurt be-. be A. in G. iiiinh a .'). pen. of Nin.-ivh A. God Mat. 8. la 6. HO be it dune t>i thee 21. 38. publicani, and harlots A. him Mark 16. la told it. neither A. they Luke I. I. of things most surely A. 45. ble.se. I is she that A. for John 2. 1 1. and his d -wiples A. on him 82. they A. the Heriptiire 4. 5'J. the man A. word Jesus spoke 53. the father him-.-li >. 5. 46. had ye A. M se, ye would 7. 48. have Pharisees A. on him ? 8. 31. said Jesiin to Jews that A. II. 45. seen things Jesii. did, b. 18. II. many ol the Jews A. on J.'sus lfi.27. the Fa. loveth VMII, ln-c.youA. 17. 8. have A. th.ni dnl-t .end me 2lt. & other dirciple, saw and A. 89. have not seen, and yet A. Act* 8. 44. all that (. weie together 4. 4. many wh. heard the wnl A 38. thnt A. were of one heart 8. 18. A. Philip preaching things 13. then Simon him.elf A. also 10. 45. (ire. who A were astonished M. !7. like gift as to MM who A. 81. a great number A. turned to L. la 18. then deputy h. 48. ordained to eternal life A. 14. I. of both Jews mid Greeks A. 83. com. to Lord on whom they A 17. 4. A. and consorted with Paul 34. certain clave to him and A. 18. 8. Crispus i hiet ruler of syna. A. 87. helped wh. bad A. thru' grace 1!). 2. received ye H. G. -inceyeA.f 88. IS). I beat them that A. 87. 1 1. centurion ft. mast r of ship 8H. 84, some A. and some A. not R:,m. 4. IS. who aga. hope A. in hope la II. s.ilv. nearer than n hen we A 1 Cor. 3. 5. ministers hy whom ye A. 15. 2. unless ye hate ft. in vain 1 1. so we pri-Heh, and so ye A. (i,il. 2. Ifi. even w.' have A. ill J. C. Euh. 1. la after ye A. ye were tealea 2 Thea. I. 10. our tf.tnn..iiy wut A. I Tim 3. Ifi. It. on in the world J Tim. I. 18. I know whom I have*. Tit. 3 H. wh. have b. ill (i..d, he cure, //eft. 4. 3. we which A. do enter intn I John 4. 16. have I, the love of God Many HELII.VKI). John 2. 8a n't the passover mantf A. 4. SI. many of the Samaritan. A. 11. 45 m. Jews wh. came to Mary b. 12. 42. chief rnl'-rs al.o m. b. on him Act* 18. 8. m. Corinthians henrini; A. 19. la m. that A. confess, their deedj BELIEVED not, or twt BM.IKVKI). Gen. 45. 8fi. heart tainted, he A. tint Sum. 20 18. because ye A. me nnt l)'iit 9 SKi rebelled and A him tint J;b :*> 84. if I laughed, they V it n ( I'xtl. 7H. 82. bee. they A. /./ in GIN| 32. A. nnt for his wondrous wcrks (06. 84. despised land. A. n. hi. word Jer. 40. I4. f ut Gedaliah /.. tliem >,.,t l.nm. 4. 1 2. world would n b:ive A Mat 81. 38. Join, eame, ve A bim ti. Mark 16. II. heard he wa< ulive, b.n. H. npbraidi-d becau-e they A nr.t J.tikf 2<>. 5. will say whv A ve not? 14. 41. while they'A. not fnr joy Julin 3. 18. bcCHiise he buth nut I' BEL John 6. 64. Jesus knew who b not in 25. 1 told you. and ye b. not \'i '-fl. many miracles, yet they b.n. Acts 9. 2. A. not he was a disciple 17. 5. Jews \vh. A. re. irmv. with envy 10. 9. livrrs w>-re hardened, b. not Rnm. 10. 14 in whoin they have iA 1 1. 30. in times p,tst have nut b. God 31. so nave th se also now not b. 8 TV.*.*!, 2. 12. be damned whn 6 not U"b. a 18. into his rest, that 6. not ll.3I.Kahahper. not with them b. n. Jude 5. destroyed them thai b. not RELIEVERS. A-t* 5 1 1. b. were the more added I Tim. I. 12. he .in example of the b. BELIKVEST. Luke . 20 be dumb, bi-c. thou b. not John 1 SO. under the fisf-tree, b. thou II. -X. never die, b. thou this? 14. 10. 6. t- ..n nut I am in the Fa. Act* a 37. if 6. with all thine heart 'X. 27. ft. thou the prophets? I kn. Jam. '1. 19. tlionft. there is one Oid BELIEVETH. Job 15. 22 he b. not he shall return Prop. 14. 15. simple A. every word Jtti. 29. 10. that ft. not make haste Mark !) -'.3. Mi possible to him that A. 16. 16. he that b. shall be saved, he tli.it A. not shall be damned John3. IS. A in him sh. not pi'r. 16. 18. 6. not is condemned already 3(5. A. hath everlasting life, a 47. 5. 24. A. on him that sent me er. life 6. 3"). ft. on me shall never thirst 40. Mm. and A on him, hath life 7. 31 A cm me, out of his belly 11. 25. A. thouah dead, yet shall live 26. and A. in me shall never die 12. 44. A. not on me, but on him 46. whoso ft. not ab'de in darkness 14. 12. A. on me the works that I do Acts 10 4:i. who ft. receive remission Rnm, I. Hi. power of (i. to ev. that A. 3. 2fi. justiti'T of him that A. on J. 4. 5. that wiirketh not, but A. on Jt. 33. whoso A. nut be asha 10. II. JO. 4. end of law to ev. one that A. 10. with the heart man A. to right. 14. 2. one A he may eat all things 1 Cor. 7 12. Raih a wife that A. not 13. r. love b. all things, hopeth all 1 C',r. 14. 24. come in one that A. not 2 Cur. 6. 15. hath he that A. with infi. 1 Tim. '). Hi. if any that A. have wid. 1 Pet. 2 a A. shall "not he confounded 1 Jnhn 5 I. whoso ft. Jesus is the C. .'). overcouifth, hut he that b. 10. A. on the Son; he that A. not God heeaii-e he ft. not record BELIEVING. Mitt 2!. 22. ask ft. ye shall receive Jnhn 20. 27. be not f lithless, but 6. 31. that A ye miitht have life Acts Ifi. .'H. 6.' in God with his house *V4. 14. A. all tilings written in law Rum. 15. 13. all joy and peace in A. 1 Tim. 6. 2. that have b. masters 1 Pet. 1. 8. yet A. ye rejoice with joy BE I, I,, S. ..rhall be satisfied 20. 21. searching inward parts of A. 30. so stupes inward parts of ft. Cant. 5. 14. his A. is as bright ivory 7. 2 thy A. is like wheat set about Isa. 46. 3. born by me from the A. Jer. I. 5. formed thee in ft. I knew 51. 34. his ft. with my delicates Ezek. 3. 3. cause thy A. to eat l)i>i. 2. 32. imaaeV. A. of brxsg Jonah I. 17. in A of tish, Mnt. 12. 40. 2. 2. out of the A. of hell cried I Mic. f< f~- fruit of my A. for sin Huh. 3. 16. my 6. trembled Milt. 15. 17. into the A and is cast out, Mark 7. 19. Luke 15. 16. his A. with the hu-ks Jnhn 7. 33. out of his A. flow rivers Rum. 16. 18. serve their own 6. I Cnr. 6. 13. meats for the b. Phil. 3. 19. whose God is their b. Her. 10. 9. it shall make thy A. bitter 10. eaten it, my A was bitter BELLIES. Tit. 1. 12. the Cretians slow b. BELONG. Lev. 27. 24. return to whom it did A. Deut. 29. 29. secret things A. to God Ps 47 9. shields of earth A. to God 68. 20. to our God A. the issues Pror. 24. 23. these A. to the wise Dun. 9. 9 to the Lord A. mercies .Mark 9. 41. because ye 6. to Christ Luke 19. 42. whii h b. to thy peace 1 Cor. 7. 32. careth for things A. to L. BELONGED, EST. I Sam. 30. 13. to whom A. thon? Luke 23. 7. A. to Herod's jurisdiction BELONGETH. Deut. 32. 35. to me A. vengeance, P. 94. 1. Heft. 10. 30. Psal, a 8. salvation A. unto the L. 62. 11. power A. unto <;od 12. unto thee, O L. A. mercy Dan. 9. 7. righteousness A to thee 8. to us A. confusion of face Heft. 5. 14. strong meat A. BELONGING. Prov. 26. 17. with strife A. not to him BELOVED. Deut 21. 15. two wives, the one 6. Dent. 3:1 12. A. of L. dwell in safety Nek. 13. 26. Solomon, A. of his God Ptal. 60. 5. thy A. may be deliv. 108.& 127. 2 so he piveth his A. sleep Pror. 4. a only A insight of moth. Cant. 5. 1. drink nhiindHiitly, O 6. 9. thy A. more than another A. F 6. 1. whither i thy A. gone 8. 5. cometh leaning on her b.f Dim. 9. 23. art greatly A. 10. II, 19. Hot. 3. I. love a woman A. of her fr. 0. 16. 1 will slay the b. fruit Art* 15.25. with A. Barnabas and Paul Rom. I. 7. to all in Rome. A. of God 9. J5. call her A. which was not ft. 11. 28. they are A. for Father'*, sak. la 12. saint" A. 1'ersi- who laboured Euh. I. fl made us accepted in the A. 6. 21. Tychicus a ft. brother.O/. 4.7. Cnl. 3 12. elect of Gr.d, holy h nd A. 4 9. Onesimiis, a A brother 14. Luke the A. physician 27 BEN Thft. 1.4. knowing A. your election Tim. 6. 2. service, bee. they are A. Philem. 16. above a serv. a brother A. Heb. (i. 9. A. we are persuaded 2 Pet. 3. 8. b he not unorant of thi 15. even as our A. brother Paul 1 John 3. 2. A. now we are the sons 2i. A. if i.nr heart condemn us not 4. 1. 6 believe not every spirit 7. A. let us love one another 11. A. if God so loved us, we \Ji,iin II. A. follow not evil, but good Jit/If. 20. but ye A. building up Rev. 20. 9. they compassed A. city Dearly BELOVED, ste DRABLY. My BELOVED. Cant \. 14. my b. is to me a cluster of camphira 16. art fair, my A. yea pleasant 2. 3. as the apple-tree, so is my b. 9. my b. is like a roe or a hart 16. my b. is mine, I am his, & 3. 17. turn, my b. and be like a roe 4. 16. let /nyo.come into his garden 5.2. the voice of my ft. that knock. 2.8 5. to open tmyh.\\fi. I opened 10. my b. is white |j 16. this is my A. 6 2. my b. is gone 3. 1 am mt/b. and myb. mine, 7. 10. 7 13. laid up for thee, O myb. Ita. 5. I. a sonu of my A. touching Jer. 11. 15. my A. to do in my house Mat. 3. 17. this is my A. Son, 17. 5 Mark 1. ll.|9. 7. Luke 3. 22 | 9. 35. 2 Pet. 1. 17. 12. 18. mil A. in whom my soul Luke 20. 13 I will send my b. son Horn. 16. 8. greet Amplias my b. 1 Cor. 4. 14. as iny A. sons I warn you 17. Timothy my b. son, 2 Tim. 1. 2. Jam. 1. 16. d.> not err, my A. brethren BELIED. Jer. 5. 12. they have b. the Lord BEMOAN, ED, ING. Job 42. II. A. Job, and comfort him Jet: 15. 5. who shall 6. thee, O Jerus. 16. 5. neither lament, nor A. them 22. 10. weep ye not for dead, nor A. 31. la heard Ephraim A. himself 48. 17. all ye about him A. nim A*A. 3. 7. Nineveh, who will A. her? BENCHES. Ezek. 27: a mride thy A. of ivory BEND. Psal. 11. 2. the wicked A. their bow 64. a who A. their bows to shoot Jer. 9. a they A. their tongue like 4(i. 9. Lydians, that A. the how 50. 14. that A. bow shoot at her, 29. 51. 3. bendeth, let the archer b. Ezek. 17. 7. this vine did A. her rooti BENDETH, ING. Ptal. 5S.7.when he A.his how to hoot Isa. 60. 14. that afflicted thee shall come A. to thee Jer. 51. a g. him that A. U-t the arch. BENEATH. [bend Ezod. 20. 4. in the earth h Deut. 5. 8. Dt'itt. 4. 39. earth A. there is none 28. 13. above only, and not he A. /.wi. 51 a look on the earth A. John 8. 23. ye aie from A. I above BENEFACTORS. 7..22. 25. exercise anth. ale called 6. BENEFIT, Jer. 18. 10. gooil wherewith I b them BENEFIT, s. 2 Chr. 32. 25. Hezekiah rendereth not Recording to b. Pi. 68. 19. daily load, th us with e, I0a 2. forget not all his b. lia 12. what render for all his ft. f 2 Cor. I. 15. might have a second A. I rim.fi.2. beloved partakers of the fc BES f \iUrn. 14. thv f>. not He of pcetstty BBNEVOLI I Or. 7. 3. reuder tn the wife due 4. HKXT. JW.7.18. ft. his how. Lam 2.4. | S. IX 37. 14 A.their bow (o rant .town poor Jta. & SH. and all their hows 6. it I. 15. IW they fled from A. b>w Wot. 1 1. 7. my people are A. to l>ackl. 2-A.9.U.wlien llmveA.Judahforme BKKEAVE. /.'rri 4. 8. and V my M>II| of (rood Jrr. 15. 1. I Hill*, ttwm.rfrhil.ia21. /;*. S. 17. aond evil beasts, and they shall 4. thre 36. IS. no more A. thrm of men, 14. ,* y. IX children, vet will I 6. them BEREAVED. Gt*. 48.3A me ye hare 6. of my rhll. 4a H 6. of my children, I am A. F.t.X. 13 thoii land hast A. thy nations Hut. iaa I will inert th. m asa bear A. BERKAVETH. Lam. 1. 90. abroad the sword A. ItKRHIKS. In. 17. ft. two or three A. iu the top Jim. 3. 12. fiif-tree bear olive A. HEK1 I. Don 10. ft. hi- i.".l y like the A. Arr. 21. 21 elk-nth founiUtion was A. BRSKECR fjrnd. 33. 1* I A. show me thyglorjr f-'um. H. 13. heal her now. I A. thee PtaL ffi. 14. return, we A. O Rod II'!. 4.O 1. lA.thee, deliver my sou) 1 IH.tf'i. save, I b. thee, send pros|>e. 119. I0a accept, I A. thee. free-will Jtr. 3S. M. ol.ry, I A the.-, roire of L. / 1 1. M.es A. L. Dent. 3. . i Sam. II. IB. A. Ood fr the child 1 A'i. I. 'I ft man of Ood A. the Lord Kiagi II 4. Jehoahaz A. the Lord > Chr. 3a 12. Miinawh in alfl. A. L. h'.zrn H. 23. an.l A. our God for this Ji-r. 2ft 19. H'/ekiah A. the Lord Mat. a 31. so the devils A. him, Murk A 10, li Luke%. 31,. 'K M. A. him to depart. Luke a 37. Mark .V 23. Jnirus A. him, Lufa>a41. John 4. 40. Samar. A. he would tarry J7. nuhle. of Cper. A. him to come 19. 38. A. he migrht take the b.Hly Acti 13. 42. Cfen. A. that these words Ift 15. Lydia A. us, saying, if ye 39. matrixtrates A. them, and broil. 21. 12. we A. him not to go to Jerus. 2 Cor. 12. 8. for this 1 & thr Lord BEST. Pt. X. 5. man at his A. state Is vanity .itlu I.V 2-.'. bring forth the A. ro Cof. 12. 31. but rovet the A. gift HKSTKAD. /ra. 8. 21. shall pass thro' it hardly A. BESTIR. 2 .Sam. 5. 24. nearest the sound A. BESTOW. Krod. 32. 29. may A. on you a Mess. Deitt. 14. 9S. A. money for what thy i Chr. 24. 7. they did A. on Baalim Ezra 1. 20. A. it out of king's trens. Luke 12. 17. no room to A. my fruits , Cor. 12. 23 on these we A. more 11 a though 1 A. all my goods to HKSTOWED. Iia. 63. 7 ac. to all Lord A. on us John 4. 3R to reap whereon ye A. no Ram. 1ft . Mary, who A. murh lab. 1 Cor. 15. 10. his grace A. not in vain 2 Cor. I. II. gift o. on us by many 8. 1. the grace A. on the cnurc-hes 5o 4. II. lest I A. labour in vain I John 3. I. manner of love Father A. BETHINK. 1 Ki. 8. 47. A. themselves, 2 Chr. ft 37. BETIMES. Ctrn. 2ft 31. rose up A. and aware 2 Chr. 36. 15. by hismfssen. rising A. Job & 5. wouldest eek unto God A. 24. f>. ft" wild a>Mes ri.iinif A. for prey I'nir. 1124. luveth, rhtuleneth him A. BETBAY I Chr. 12. 17. come to A. me to ene. Mat. 24. 10 sh.ill A. one another 2ft 1ft besought opportunity to A. him M'lrk U. II. Litkf/i fi. 21. one of you shall A. me, Murk 14 >a Jnhn 13. 21. 46. he is at hand tlmt .loth A. me M'irk 13. 11 l.rvther shall /,. brother JnMR. i;. wh...,houlf-i;ts ./-.An IS. 2, A. him knew the place I Cor. II. 23. ame niirht he was & P.: i i: VVKHS. Act*". S-.' i i-t '>n.>.i/>vhom ye the A. BEThAYEST, ETH. Mark I . 4-.'. he thst i. me U at hund BET Luke 22. 21. hand that 4. m I* will K A. Son ot man with a kiss? ./"An 21. 21. nhi.-h is he lli.it fr. tliee f BETROTH. Drat. 2R 30. shall A. a wife, anothet //f. 2. 1:1 A. thee to in.- in rinhte. -). A. thee to me in laitMmnes* BETROTHEQ. Ejcod. 22. 16. entice a maid not o. Driit. 24 28. l.er. 19. 20. lieth with a woman A. Deut. 20 7. who hath 6. a wile 22. 23. find a virgin A. and lie with 27. A. damsel cried, none to save BETTER. Gen. 29. 19 A. I give her to thee E.i,,il. 14. 12. A. (.erved the Kuyptiani Sum 1 1. 3. were A. to return" to 1-J.? 7 udg. 8. 2. gleanings A. than vintage. 11. 25 nor art thou A. than lialak 1 Sam. I. 8 am not I A. than M sons 27. I. nothing A. than go to 1'lniis. I.A'i.1.47. God m&ke name of k.Sol. b 2. 32. two nun I. than he 19. 4. 1 am not A. than my fathers 21. 2. give thee a A. vineyard 2 A'I'H. 5. 12. rivers of Damascus ',. 2 CA.2l.iaslain brethren A.tha:i tins. fc. 69. 31. shall please A. th.in ..x ErcL Z. 24. nothing A. than to eat and 3.22.noth.A.than rejoice m his u orkA 4. 3 A. is he than both they 9. two are A.||ft 1 1. what is man. b.t 7. 10. former days were A. 10. II. and a babbler is no A. /"/. .Vi 5. a name A. than of -mis Lam. 4. 9. they that be slnin are t>. Ezek.:&.] 1. 1 will settle yon, an. i do i Dun I. 20. he found them 10 times A. Hut. 2. 7. then was it A with me .limit 6. 2. be they A. than these king. SaA. 3.S thou A. than populous N'o Mat. 6. 26. fowls of the air, are ye not A. than they f LMfepll 2. 12. 12. a man A. than a sh,.,.p 18. ft A. that a millstone. Mark 9. 42. Lnkf 17. 2. Rnm. 3. 9. are we A. than thcv ? mi 1 Cor. 7. 3a not in marriage, doth A. a a neither if we eat are we /. 9. 15. A. for me to die than m.ike 1 1. 17. you comv together not I'.r b. /Ai/.iaesteein other A. than iimi-.-lf Heb. 1. 4. so much A. than the .int-eli 6. 9 persuaded A. thinirs of you 7. 7. tl e less is hless.-d of the A. 19. bringing in of i; t. hope did 22. a surety of a A. testament 8. 6. the .M.-'diatorof a A covenant, established on A. promises 9. 23. heav. things with A. sacrifice 10. St. a A. and en luring uhstanct 1 1. 16. desire a A. country, an heav. 35. might oblaiu a />. resurrection 40. provided some A thing f-.r n* I-.'. 24. A. things than th.it of AM 2 mUl.A, not to have known way* BETTER it. Pror.l5.lft A it little with fear of [,. 17. A. if dinner of herbs where love Ift 8. A. if a little with righteou-. 16. A. if it to get wisdom than i?ld 17. I. A i. a dry morsel ami quiet 19.1. A.if poor that wall. ininteg.2>v; 27. 10, A. if a neighbour near Errl. 4. <>. A. if handful with quiet la A. if a poor wise chil.l than 6. 9. A. Mlh.- si.rht of the eyes 7. 8. A. if the end than the hegin. Cant. \ 1". A. if thy love than n ine /.. BETTER, or if if BETTKIt. Jwtg. 9. 2. whether if A all reit'n IS Hi. i if A. to bo a priest t.. ..UP Ruth 1 l.i. thy dzugi.ur if A. u> ih BFAV I Sum. 15. 22. to nhpy it 6. than sa , 23. iieitfMmur that it b. than tho 8 -S7?;.I7. 14. i oimsel ' Hilsliai it l> Enllt 1.19. to aiiolh.thatff A. than she P>. 37. 16. a little righteous hath it b. 6a 3. thy loving kind, i* b. than lift 84. 10. a day in thy courts it b. 119. I'l. the law in fj. to me than gold Pmr. 3. 14. inerchan. of wisdom is b. 8. II wisdom it b. than rubies 19 rav fruit it b. than gold 12. 9. I* 6. than he that homiureth 16. 3'2. that i> slow to anvr iv b. 19. 2i poor man it b. than a liar 27. f rebuke iVr 6 than -ecret love fcc\. 6. 3. an untimely hirlh it b. 1. 1. n good name i> 6. than oint. 3. sorrow is b. than laughter, by tadness of coun. heart it made 6. 8. the patient in spirit i b. A 4. a I iv. dot' is b. than a dead lion 16. wisdom it b. than strength la wisd. is b. than weap. of war Cant I. 4 thy love it b. than wine Luke 5. 39. for he saith, the old it b. Phil. I. 23. with Chri. whi. 5. I. it is thou sh. not vow 7 2. rt M A. to go to house of mourn. 5. 6. to hear rebuke of wise men Jn .a/I 4. 3. it is b. for me to die, a Hat. la a if A. to enter into life halt. 9. Marki). 43, 45,47. 1 Cor. 7. 9. A. tit marry than to burn 1 Pet. 3. 17. b ye sufler for well-doing BETTEHED. Mark 5. 26. she was nothing b. BETWIXT. PhiL 1. 23. I am in a strait b. two BEWAIL. Ler. 10. 6. 6. I he Minmiir L. kindled !)(. :;i. 13. and A. her father and .///-. II. 37. and A. my virginity, 38 ltd Iti. 9. I will A. with the weeping 2 Cor. 12.21. A. many who have ginned Jicc. la 9. shall 6. her when they set- BEWAILED, KTH. J>r. 4. 31. d.niL'ht.-r of Zion that 6. Luke 8. 52. and ail wept and A. her 23. 27. of women al-o who A. UK WAKE. G<>n.24.6. A. bring not my son thither Efod 23. 21. A. of him, oi>ey his voice Deut 6. 12 6. tliou forget L. a 11. 15 9. b. there be not a thought Judg. 13. 4. A. drink no wine, 13. V.S'am. 18. liA.none touch young man 2 A't. (i. 9. A. thou pasj not Mich |>la< e Jolt 3fi. 18 A. lest he take thee nway Pror. 19. 25. and the simple will A. Ita. 3d I a A. lest Hezeki. persuade Mat. 7. 15. A. of false propb>-t8 10 17. A. of men [Luke 12. I. Ifi. 6. A. of the leaven, 11. Mar. 8. 15 Murk 12. 38. A. of scribe*, Lit m 4(1. /./,< 12. lo. and b. of cevehMmttni 13 nor is it A. the sea 2 Sam. 10. 16. A. the river, I Kings 14. 15. 1 Chron. 19. Id Ezra 4. 17, 20. | 6. 6, a | 7. 21, 25. Keh. 3. 7, 9. Isa. 7. i-O. | la 1. Zeph a 10. Mark ft 51 amazed A. measure, 7 37 2 Cor. 8. a 6. their power willing 10. 14. stretch not A. our measure Gal. '. 13. A. measure 1 persecuted 1 jT/n.f. 4. 6. that no man go i. BtvuM) Jordan. See JOHDIN. BIBBICR. See WI.NE. BID. 1 Sam. 9 27. A. the servant pass on 2 Sum. 2. 26. ere A. the people return 2 A';. 5. 13. hail A. thee do great thing 10. 5. all that thou shall A. us Zeph. I. 7. the L. hath A. his guests Mat. 14. 2S. A. me come on the water 22 9. shall find A. to the marriage 2a a what they A. you observe Luke 9. 61. l*-t me first A. farewell 10. 40. A her that she help me 14. 12. lest they also A. thee again 1 Cor. 10. 27. if any that believe not 6. 2 John 10. nor A. him God speed BIDDEN. 1 Sam. 9. la nfter they eat that be A. 2 Sam. Ifi. 11. curse, for the L. hath A. Mat. I. 24. did as angel had A. him 22. 3. to call them that were b. 4. tell them I. 1 have prepared 8. they A. were not worthy Luke 7. 39. Pharisee who had A. him 14. 7. parable to those who were A. a art A. lest a more hon. be A. 10. thou art A. s;t in lowest room 24. none of those men A. shall taste BIDOETH, BIDDING. 1 Sam. 22. 14. goeth at thy A. 2 John 11. he that A. him God speed BIDE. Rom. 11. 23. A. not still in unbelief 15 IKK. > Sam. a 31. David followed the 6. Luke 7. 14. and touched the b. BILL. Luke 16. C. take thy A. 7. See DIVORCE. BILLOWS. Pt. 42. 7. A. are cone over. Jon. 2. 3. B 1 N D. .Vum. 30. 2. an oath to A. his soul Deut. 6. 8. shalt A. them for a sign Judg. 15. 10 to A. Samson HI 5. may A. Samson to afflict him Job 31. 36. 1 will h. it MS a crown 38. 31. canst A. influence.- of 1'lei. 39 10. ranst thou A. the unicorn 40. 13. and A. their faces in secret 41. 5. wilt thou A. Leviathan Pt. 105. 22. to t. his princes at his lia s(7. A the sacrifice with cords 149. 8. to A. their kings with chains Pmr. :i :i A. th. -in nboiit thy neck a 21. A. them upon thine heart 7. 3. A. them on thy fingers /i. 8. Ifi. A up the testimony 49. 18. A. th.-m .in thc-e us hride til. 1. to b. up the brnkeiuheaited Exek. 34 l(i. 1 will A. up broken Hot. 6. 1 Miiitten, and will A. us up Mir. I. 13. A. the chariot Mitt, li '^9. first b. the strong man, Mark 3. 27. 13. 30. b. tares to burn them l(i lit (-hull A. on earth, IR 18. .'-'. 13. /. him hxnd and font 23. 4. A. heavy burdens grievous .Vdt-A-o. 3. no "man could /,. him AcU 9. 14. authority to 6. all that KB B1R Act* 12. 4 angpl said, b. on garda1 21. 11. so sh;ill the .lews A. the man B1NDETH. Job 5. la he maketh sore and A. up 26. a he A. up the waters 28. II. he A Hood* from overflowing 30. la it A. me about as the collar 36. la hypo, cry not when he A. Pt 129. 7. nor he that A. sheave* 147. a he healsth imd >. up Prov. 26. 8. that A. a stone in a n'.'iaj Isa. 30. 26. in day Lord 6. up brea.T BINDING. Gen. 49. 11. A. his foal to the vine Acts 22. 4. A. and delivering men BIRD. Gen. 7. 14. every A. went into ark Let: 14. 52. cleanse with living A. Job 41. 5. play with him as with a b. Pt. 11. 1. flee as a A. to mountain 124. 7. our soul is escaped as a A. Prov. 1. 17. spread in sight of any & 6. 5. as a A. from the fowler 7. 23. as a A. hasteth to the snare 26. 2. as the A. by wandering 27. 8. as a A. that wandereth Eccl. 10. 20. A. shall tell the matter 12. 4. rise at the voice of the A. Isa. Ifi. 2. as a wandering A. 46. 1 1. ravenous A. from the east Jer. 12. 9. heritage as a speckled A. Lam. a 52. chased me like a A. Hot 9 1 1. shall fly away like a A. 11. 11. they shall tremble as a A. AmosZ. 5. a A. fall where no ein Reo. la 2. a cage of every unclean A. BIRDS. Gen. 15. 10. the A. divided he not 40. 19. thr A. shall eat thy flesh Lev 14. 4. priest shall command to take two A. alive Deut. 14. II. of all clean A. shall eat 2 SMk.tl.IO.raf not A. In rest by day Psal. 104 17 where the A. make nesti I'.i-vl. 9. 12. as A. cane lit in the snare Cunt. 2. 12. time of singing of A. Isa. 31. 5. as A. flying, will L. defend Ji-r. 4. % 2o. A. of heaven were fled o. 27. as a raise full of A. so are 12. 4. are con-nnied and the A. 9. the A. round about are ag. her Ezek. 39. 4. 1 will give thee to the ravenous b. Dan. 4. 33. his nails like A. claws Mat. a 20. A. have n.^ts, Luke 9. 58. 13. 3'-'. A. lodge in the brain lies Hutu. I. 23. an imaif" like to 1 Cor. 15. 39. another of A. Jam. a 7. everv kind of A. is tamed BIRTH. 2 Kingt 19. a children are come t the/-, ha. 37. 3t Job 3. 16. as an hidden untimely A. Psml. 5S. 8. pass like the untimely & F.ccl. 6. 3. an untimely A. is httttl 7. 1. better than day of one's o. Isa. 66. 9. shall 1 bring to the b Ezek. 16. 3. thy A. is of Canaan Hot. 9. II shall flv from the A. Mat. 1. 18. the A. of Jesus Christ Luke 1.14. many shall rejoice at hisii (ial. 4. 19. of whom 1 travail in A. Rev. 12. 2. she cried, travailing in A. BIRTH-DAY. Gen. 40.20. which was l'hraoh'?i.-rf Mat. 14. a Herod's A.-rf. Mark 6. 21. BIRTH. RIGHT. Cm. 25. 31. sell me this day thy A. *- 33. sold his A.-ri..r. and now 4:1. 33. Jilt, fir-t-l'orn ac. to his A.-r. 1 C/irc/H. 5. 1. Keuheii's A.-r. given to sooj ut Joseph BIT IM. II !. for one rnnrsel to d A..r. iiisHor. >. Phil. I. 1. t" nil -ai.it, at Philippi , 6. I Tim. .1 I. dire the office of a 6. i a /i imi-t be hlmnelc,.. Tit I. 7. J Pet i *>. t" lite A. ..f your soul* BISHOPRIC. ^<*t 1. 80. hi* A. let another lake Bl I . - />!'. 31 9 rout be held in with 6. Jam. 3.3. we put A. in horse's mouths BIT. Jfttm. 81. ft. serpents, they A. people Amu* \ 19. and serpent A. him BITE! En-l. la a hedge, a serpent ithall A. II. Kill A. without enchantment Jn H 17. serpents, they hall A. you A mot a a serpent, and'he >hall A. .Vi>. a V the pr..|.h.-t- that A. //.A. t 7. n-e up tliHt -.hull A. thee ? C 6. 1.'.. but if ye A. and devour BITEIH. Gr*. 49. 17. Dun nit *. 'nl *> -.H devoured with A. deatrti. 3*. 31 their rlusien, lire A. ? JCm. I .*:. affliction "f Ur. it was A. Jolil.M.m\iy is life given to A.m soul? ta 26. writewt A. thiii|r- against me 23. 1. to-day M ray rompiaint A. P*il. 64. 3. arrows, eveu A. word* Pror. 5. 4. her end H A. f). 7. to hunirry Mini A. thin? sweet EceL 7. *i I find mote A. than denth the woman Jtm. &. 20. that put A. fur sweet -'t. 9. trii)K drink hall he A. Jrr. t. 19. it 19 an evil thin? and A. 4. la thin h thy wi.-kedness it Is A. & 28. ronke m>t A. lamentation Jl. 15. in Raman. A. weeping Anna 8. 10. the end. a a A. day Hitk. I. .. that A. :md hasty nation tW. 3. 19. he iM.t A. agaiiut them Jam. 3. 14. if ye have A. envying Her. ail. men died of Maters A. 10. 9. it -hall make thy belly A. BIITKR-WATER. -Vu 5. 19. A.. if. that caibeth run* Jam. a 1 1. (etui wt ir. and A. / BITTERLY. J'vtr. 5. M. cur-* ye A. the InhabL Rutk I. 30 Almighty hath dealt A. 7i. . 4. I will weep A. 33. 7. the nmb. of peace hll weep A. ErtJc. fl. :l. the pilot* shMll rry A. >/ J IX 1 1. Kph. pmroked him A Zrpk. I 14 I he miKhtv shall rry A. Mai 2B. 75. H.-t.-r wept A. LuteZtOl HITIKKN'. /n. I . a p.e..t~uinn for the A. 34. 1 1. Ssjkk >. 14. the A .hall lodire Hill KKStCatV I Sam. I. 10. Hannah was in A. 15. 3i surely the A. of d-iith i< past .So*. 7 -i*. the ,w.,r,| will he A. Jot 7 II. I will complain In theft. a 18. but nlli-th me with /.. la I. I will p. ak in A. nfsoul 21. tft. anoihiT dieth in A. of .ml Prnx. 14. Itt the hevt kn..weth hi* A P. 2A. af..li-h ^ n i. '.. t.. h-r /L .IK IV KO iitl v in A. of my soul 17. for nejn-e I hud if real A. Istm. I. 4. nflHirte.), MI .1 .he i in A. 4 14. be katb tU*J in* with 6. BLA F. xrk. a 14. way, and I went In A. t\. 6. A. if\\ heiore tlu-ir eye* /7. 31. .iliall w.-ep lor tht-e'with h. Ztck. U. 10. be iu A. for him a- one that is in A. for /4c' a 23. thoii art in the nail of A Afoul a 14. full ..I rur-ia- ..n.i A. A'oA 4. 31 let all A. )>e put away Hek. I*. 15. lest any r.n* of A. LACK. /.er 13.31. that there is no A.hair in it 1 King* K 45. the heaven wax A. Job Mi. 30. my skin is A. upon me I'ror. 7. 9. in'theA. Hiid dark night Cunt. I. 4. I am A. hut rom.-ly A look not on me, I am A. '. 1 1 his locks are A. as a raven Jfr. 4. tA. for this heavens shall be A. 8. forth into north Mat. 5. 36. one hair white or A. Her. ft. 5. and lo a A. h .re li. the sun I.erame A. BLACKER. Lam. 4. 8. their visaife in A. than coal BLACKISH. Job 6. 16. A. hy reason of the ice BLAt KNKS.S Job 1 .V. l^t A. of the clay terrify It 1*0. .W. .'I I clothe h.-avens with A. Jiifl i. 6. f aces sha 1 1 (f ut he r A. .Vn/i 2. 1 0. //rA II IH. ye are not come to bi Jude 13. to whom is reserved A. BLADE. Juiig. a 22. haft went in after the b. J'JiM. ti fall from my shoulder. A. .Vu/. I3.tfx6.wa* sprung uf.Mur.4.^8 BLA INS. xod 9. 9 a boil with A. 10. ULAME. Gen. 43. 9. let me bear the A. 44. 32. 2 CWr 8. ^ i that no man should 6. us Eph. 1. 4. holv and without A. BLAMKI). -' for. 6. 3. thai ministry be not A. I! ill. ill. hei-ause he was to be A. BLAMELESS. Jn'h.'i. 17. we will be A of thine oath .'/I/. 12. S. prof une Sub. and are A. Luke I. a in ordinances of the L. A. I Cnr. I. a A. in the day of the Lord Phil. i. 15. may he A. and harmless a 6. tourhiiiK riirhte. in the IHW A. 1 Thru 5. ?a body, he preserved A. I Tim. 3. 2. H bishop A. Tit I. 7. 10. use office of deacon heine A. 5. 7 irive in chartre, they he A. Til. I. A. if any he A. the husband i Pet. a 14. ye ma v he found A. HI.ASPHEMK t &rm.l2.1t occasion to enemies to A. I Aim,-. 21. 10. thoii ili.Ut A. (Jo,), 13. Ptnl 74. la shall the enemy A. ihy Murk 3. 2a wherewith they >h.ill /.. >. that shall A H*. Holy <;i,,,-t Art, *. II. 1 compelled them t A. I Tim. }. yn. may learn not to A. Jnm. i 7. they A. that worthy name Hrr, la & to A. his n une and tahiT. HLASI'HEMKI). Lrr.ti. \ 1. Nrael.t mh woman's on A. i Ki. I'.Mi with which s.-rv.of kinpof A.yri:i A. me, &. 1 M . 37 P n. 7t. la foolish have A. thy name Itn. Sd. 5. my name eveiy day is A. C5. 7. and A. me on the hills Effk. 'in. -.7. vur fathers have A. me ..|ipo,.-,| tliein,eli-(innd A. ii.i.nei.r <..,.( isA thro' vou I 'lilH. f, I and lill doctrine he not t. Til. 5. that the word bo But 4 80 BLE Rm Id 9. men were scorched and A 1 1. A he< iiiiM- I'l their pains *l. men A. 1,0,1 h-caii^ ..I hail Bl.A.SPHK.MKSI, ETH. Ler. 2t. l who,,, A. the Lord l'i Ki. H). 3. tins is a day of A. /o.37.i Mat. \t. 31. all manner of A. -h u < forgiven, hut A. ai?;iin.-. 9. 1 know A. of them that ia I. and upon hi. head* A. G. opened his mouth in A. BLAMPHEMIEflL Kxek. 3f>. 12 I have heard all thy A. Hut. 15. 19 out ol the Inait A. Murk 2. 7. this man thus speak A t 3. V& A. they shall hla-ptienie Luke*. 21. who is this pei.keth li.f Her ia.*>. mouth Kit. him speaking t. BLASPHEMOUS. Act*6. II. heard him speak A. word* la ceas.-th not to speak A. words BLASPHEMOUSLY. Lu. 2i 65. other thinics t. spuke they HI. A ST. Ejrod. IS. a with A. of thy nostrils Jiufi. 6. 5 a long A. with horns 2 Jiam 2i. Hi. at the A. of the breath of his nostrils, Pnil. ia 15, J ATin. 19. 7 A. on Senna.-h. /... 37. 7. Jub 4. 9. by A of (iod they perish IM. &. 4. when the A. of the terrible BLASTED. Gen. 41. H thin ears A. 23. Tl. 2 tiiagt 19. 2ft as corn A. Ita. 37. 27. 5LASTINO. Dntt.. 22. L. shall -mite thee with A. 1 A'l. a 37. if there he A. 'I Clir. 6. SftJ. .V<>x4. !). smitten you with A. Hag. 2. 17. I mnote you with . BLAZE. .Var* 1. 4S. to A. al.n.ad the matte* BLE ATI N(i, S. Judg. ft. Id to hear A of flocks I .S,I;H. lo. It. meaiieth this A. of ihp. BI.KM1SH AV.rf. li. 5. lamb without A. I.tr. <). a 14. 10 | V3. 12. \M. 14. )fl>. 1. take two rams without A. /.en. 5. IS, ia | 6. 6. | S). 2. .>*. 4fi. 4. /.er. 1. a male without A. 10. j 4. 23 f> l!. 21. 17. hath A. not approach, vM. 23. W.-JO. hath a A. not ntf.T, Dent. 15.21 21. free-will olTerin^ no A. 24. 19 cause a A. in hi n.-nthhonr \n/n. HI. 2. a red heifer without A, 2!). 2. seven lambs with ut A. .' \/i;. It. -.'5 no A. in Ah-,il.,in />(/. I. 4. chihlr-'ii in whom was no i. ' pH. S. -r,. holy :iud without A. 1 1'ft. I. 19. as of H Inrnh without A. BLEMISHES. Ler. 22. 2ft. A. in them not accepted > Pet. >. IM. spot* they are and A. IM.KSN, (i,,,l tx'ituf iiifiit. Gen. }>. i I will A thee, *'i. 3. 24 3. I will 6. them th.it h|. ss thee 17. \f,. I vill A. her, and L'ie thce den. 2i 17 in bletwinif I n-'il '/. in-e, Ueb. & It BLE Ben. M. 3. b. thee, and multiply thee 32. 26. the*- go, except thou 4. ine 4i 16. 6. the lads 49. 25. by Aim. who shall 6. thee Kfod 20. 24. ami I will 6. thee 23. 25. he shall 6. thy bread Vum. 6. 24. Lord b. and keep thee 27. on Israel, and 1 will b. them 24. 1. pleased the L. to A. Israel Tteut. 7. 13. b. the fruit of ihy womb 15. 4. no poor, for L. shall b. thee 18 God shall b. thee in all, 30. 15 16. 15. bee. Lord shall b. thee in all 26. 15. I" k down and b. Israel 28. 8. b. thee in the land he t'ive 12. to 6. all the work of thine hand 33. 11. A. Lord, his substance, accept tSatn. 1. '29. to 6. the house of thy servant, I Chrun. 17. 27. 1 Chron. 4. 10. wouldest b. me indeed Psal. 5. 12. wilt b. the righteous 2& 9. 6. thine inheritance 29. 11. will A. his people with peace 67. 1. our own God shall b. us, 6. 7. 115. 12. L. will b us, he will 6. the house of Israel, of Aaron 13. he will 6. them that fear Lord 128. 5. L. shall b. thee out of Zion 132. 15. abundantly b. her provision 134. ::. the Lord b thee out of Zion Jsa. 19. 25. whom L. of hosts shall b. Hag. 2. 19. from this day will I b. . Acts 3 2fi. sent him to b. you BLESS, God being the object. Deut. a 10. art full, shall 6. Lord Judg. 5. 9. b. the L. Ps. 103.21. | 134.1. 1 Chr. 29. 20. David said, now 6. L. JSWi. 9. 5. stand up and b. Lord for P.". 16. 7. b. L. who hath give timn. 26. 12. in the ronjr. will 16. the L. 34. 1. I will b. the Lord at all times 63. 4. will 1 b. thet> while I live 66. 8. O b. our God, make his praise OS: 26. A. ye God in congregations 96. 2. sing to the Lrd, 6 his n.nne 100. 4. 6. "his name. 103. 1. [35. 103. 1. 6. L. O my son), 2. 22. | 104. 1, 'M. b. ye his angels || 21. b. his hosts 22. b. the Lord all his works 115. 18. we will b. L. from this time 134. 2. lift up your hands, b. th- L. 135. 19. A. th L. O house of Israel 20. O Levi, 6. the Lord 145. 1. I will b. thy name for ever 2. every day will I b. thee 10. O L. thy saints shall 6. thee 21. let all flesh b. his holy name Jam 3. 9. therewith b. we God B L ESS, tntm agent and object. Gen. 27 4. b. then Lefore I die, 25. 34. b. me, O my father, 38. 4R 9. bring them to me. I will b. 20. in thee shall Israel b. saying Erod. 12 32. In-gone, and 6. me also Hum. 6. 23. on this wise b. Isra.-l 23. 20. I have rec. ived com. to b. 25. curse them nor //. them at all Deut. 10. 8. separated Levi to 6. 21 .5. 27. 12. stand on (ieri/.im, to b. 29. 19. heareth curse, he b. himself 1 Sam. 9. 13. he doth b. the sacrifice 2 Saui.fi.2l). then David returned to A. his household, I Chron, 16. 43. 8. 10 Jorum his son to l>. David 81. a that ye />. inherit, of the Lord 1 Ki. I. 47. came to b. our L. k. Dav. 1 Chr. 23. 13 to li. in his name for ev. fttiL 62. \. b. with their mouth* 109. 2K let them curse, but b. thou 129. 8. we b. you in the name of L. f rot>. 30. l|. duth not b. their mother I*a. 05. 1ft b. himself in God of truth Jer. 4. 2. nations sh. I. them, in him Mat. 6. 44. 6. that curse you, Lit. 6 8. BLE Horn. 12. 14. ft. and curse not I Cor. 4. 12. being reviled we ft. 14. 16. shalt b. with the spirit BLESS. 1 Cor. 10. 16. the cup of bless, we b. BLESSED, man agen' andobject. Gen. 14. 19. MeUhisedek 6. Abram 24. 60. they b. Kebekah, and said 27. 2.3. so Isaac 6. Jacob, 27. 20. b. be he that blesseth thee 33. 1 have 6. him. he shall be ft. 41. blessing wh. his father 6. him 2y. I. Isaac called Jacob, ft. him 30. 13. daughters will call me b. 31. 55. kissed his sons, and b. them 47. 7. 6 Pharaoh, 10 || 48. 15, Joseph 48.20. Jacob A. Manasseh, //eft.11.21. 49. 28. Jacob A. his sons Ex. 39. 43. Moses 6. them, Deut33.\. Lei'. 9. 22. Aaron b. them 23 Moses and Aaron b. the people Num. 22. l>. whom thou blessest is 6. 23. II. hast ft. altogether, 24. 10. Deut. 33. 20. b. that enlargeth Gad 24. let Asher be ft. with children Josh. 22. : Josh. ft. sent them away, 7. J.t/i. 24 10. Balaam 6. you still Judg. 5. 4. '. above women Jael 1 Sum. 2 20 Eli A. Elkanah 25. 33. ft. he thy advice and thou 26. 25. Saul sajd ft. be thou [him 2 Sam. 13. 25. he would not go but 6. 19. 39. kissed Barzillai, and ft. him I Kings 2. 45. Solomon shall he 6. 8 14. Solomon ft. congregation, 55. 60. rongreg. ft. Solomon, 2 Ch. 6. 3. Job 29. 11. ear heard me, it ft. me 31. 20. if his loins have nut ft. me Paul 49. 18. lived he 6. his soul 72. I", men be ft. in him, nations 118. 26. ft. be he thatcometh in name of the Lord, we have 6. Prop. 31. 28. her children call her ft. Eccl. 10. 17. A rt thou, O land Cant. 6. 9. the daughters A. her /./. 66. 3. as if he A. an idol Jer. 20. 14. let not the day be 6. Mill. 3. 12. all nations call you ft. Mark 1 1. 10. A. be king, of our father Luke I. 48. all pen. shall call me ft. 2. 31. Simeon ft. them, and said Arts 20. 35. it is more A. to give Tit. >. 13 looking for that A. hope Heb. 7.1. met Abraham ft. him, 6. 7. the less is b. of the better BLESSED, God the agent. Gen. I. 22. A. b<- fruitful, 28. | 5. 2. 2. 3. A. seventh day, Efod 20. II. 12. 3. in thee shall' all families be b. 18. 18. | 22. 18. | 26.4. | 2R14. Act* 3. 25. Gal. 3. 8. 17. 20. ft. Ishmael || 24. 1. 6. Abraham 24. 31. come in thou ft. of the Lord 25. 1 1. God A. isaac, 26. 12. 26 29. thou art now the A. of L. 27. 27. field which the Lord hath ft. 30. 27. L. hath A. me for thy s..ke 30. L.hatli A. thee since my coming 32 29. ft. Jacob there, 35. 9. | 48. 3. 39. 5. Lord ft. Egyptian's house Num. 22. 12. fr the people are A. 23 20. A. 1 cannot reverse it [16.10. Deut. 2. 7 hath A. thee, 12. 7. | !5. 14. 7. 14. shalt be A. above all people 28. 3. ft. shalt thou he in city, 6. in 4. ft be truit of thy body ||. r >.haskt 33. 13. of Joseph he said, A. of L. Jnxh. 17. 14. as the Lord hath A. me Jiuilf. 13. -H. Lord h. Samson Ruth a 10. b. ! thou my daughter 1 Sam. 23. 21. fj. b,' ye. 2 4am. 2. 5. 2 Sum. 6. J 1. 6. Obed-edom, 12. 1 Ch. 13. 14. | 26. ft. 7. 29. the house of thy servant be ft. 81 BLE 1 Chr. 17. 27. hlessest, it shall be I 2 Chr. 31. 10. hath A. his people Job [. 10. A. the work of his hand* 42. 12. Lord 6. latter end of Job Psal. 21. 6. hnst made him most ft. 33. 12. A. is the nation whose God 37. 22. as he A. of him shall inhertf 26 lendeth, and his seed is A. 41. 2. keep him, and he shall be 4. 45. 2, therefore God hath b. thee 89. 15. A. ia the people that know 1 12. 2. gen. of upright shall be 6. 115. 15. you are A. of the Lord 1 19. 1. ft. are the undefiled 128. 1. ft. is every one that fearoih "~ 4. man be ft. that feareth the L. 147. la he hath ft. thy children Pror. 5. la let thy fountain be 6. 10. 7. the memory of the just is 6. 20. 7. the .just man's children are A 21. end thereof shall not be ft. 22. 9. bountiful eye shall be ft. Isa. 19. 25. A. be Egypt my pecple , 51. 2. I called him alone and ft. 61. 9. seed Lord hath A. 65. 2a Mat. 5. 3. ft. poor in spirit || 5. meek 7. merciful || 8. pure in heait 9. peace-makers || 10. persecuted 13. 16. 6. are your eyes, Lu. 10. 23. 14. 19. he A. and brake, 26. 26. Mar. 6. 41. j 14. 22. Luke 9. 16. | 24. 30 16. 17. A. art thou, Simon Bar.jona 24. 46. A. is that servant, Lu. 12. 43. 25. 34. come, ye A. of my Father Mark 10. 16. in his arms and A. them 14. 61. thou art Christ, son of the ft Luke \: 28. A. among women, 42. 45. A. is she that believed 6. 20. A. be ye poor 1 1. 27. A is womb that bare thee 12. 37. A. are those serv. whom the Lord shall find watching, 38. 14. 14. thou shalt he A. 19. 38. ft. he the King that cometh 23. 29. ft. are the barren 24. 50. he ft. them || 51. while he ft. Gal. 3. 9. ft. with faithful Abraham Ej>h. 1. 3. ft. us with spiritual bless. Jam. \. 25. shall be A. in his deed Kev. 14. 13. A. are the dead that die BLESSED, God the object. Gen. 14. 20. ft. be most high God Jush. 22. 33. children of Isr. 6. God 2 Sam. 22. 47. A. lie my rock, fx.18.4tiL 1 Chr. 29. 10. David 6. the Lord A. 20. all the cong. A. the L. God 2 Chr. 20. 26. for there they ft. Lord AVA.9.5 ft. be thy gin. name,fj.72.19. Job I. 21. ft. be name of L. f.v. 113. 2. f MI!. 6ft 20. A. be G. 68. 35. 2 Cor. I. 3. 119. 12. A. art thou, () Lord, teach Ezek.3. 12.8aying,A. be the glory of L. Dan. 2. 19. A. the God of heaven, 20. 4. 34. Nebuch. A. the most High Luke 2. 28. in his arms and ft. God John 12. la ft. is the King of Isr. Horn. 1.25. Creator, who is ft. for erer 9. 5. over all, God A. for ever 2 Cor. 11. 31. is A. for evermore, Ei>h. \. a 6. be the Father, 1 f et 1. 3 1 Tim. 1. 11. glor.gospel of the 4. God 6. 15. A. and only Potentate BLESSED are they. Pstit. 2. 12. A. o. (. that tru.-t in him 84. 4. A. aret. that dwell in I h\ house 106. a b.arethey that keep judgment 119. 2. 6. aret. that keep hi* testimo. Pro*. 8. 3-?. A. a.t. that keep m\ wa>s Ita. 30. 18. 6. aret. that wait lor him Mitt. 5. 4. A. are the?/ that mourn 6. ft. who hunu-er'll 10 persecuted Luke II. 2a rather 6. hear the ord Ji.lin 20. 2!i.A. have not i-een. believed Rom. 4. 7 l>. are tit whose iuiijuitij* BLE Her. 19 ft * art Ouy who are railed tu the marriage supper 8& 14, &. a. t. it<> In- commandment* BLKSSKI) are ye. 1m. 38. *X 6. a. ye torn beside waters Mat 5. II. 6. when men shall revile LuArfi 21. A. arw * that hunger now be filled ; t mreyr that weep n.. 82. t. .* when men shall hate you UI.r.SSKDuA*. .VW*, 24. <. A. i* * that blesseth tbee /',', 12. 1 .'. b it hf that wait-th J/ot 1 1. 6. and 6. it Hf nuall not be onVipl.-'t in me, Lute 7 S3. "1.8. A. if 4k 1 that cometh in the name of ti e l.ord. -J3. 39. .VurA II. 9. f. ** 14 l.V A. -h..ll eat hread in king. Krr. I a A. u he that readeth ill I i A. it kf that watrheth 2U ft A. tliat hatli part in first re*. 1W. 7. 6. keepeth sayings of the pro. BLESS ED if Me man. /.i/. 1. I. A. it Me a* that walketh not 3S. 2. A. i* fA*- man t<> n-hom the L. Imputcth not inquity,/i'../n l.R S4.8.A.trutethiiihim.S4.l2../-.l7.;. 4/. 3. s. tin ' i. on thy people T4. Si h- vh-ll reivire /-.'from U l(KL 17. at he delighted uot in A. BLJ PtaL \yS. 8. 4. of the Lord he on you 133. 3. Lord roinm. the A. even life I'n.r. 10. . A. f L. maketli nrli II II. h> th.- h. of the upright Sfi. a A. on him that M-lleih it '.'4 \i\ a KIMK! A. on them that rehu. l*a. 19. Si. a A. in midst of the land 44. J. pour my A. on thy offspring fvj. a destroy it nut, a A. i in it Ezek. 34. 2x plare about my hill a A. there .-.hull he *ho\ver uf A 44. 30. tlie A. to rest in thy houa Jofli 14. leave a A. behind him ZfcH. a la and ye shall lie a A. Mill. 3. 10. and pour you out a A. Luke . 63. in the temple A. Git Rom 16. > fulnens of the 6. ol uos. 1 Cor. 10. Ifi. the rup of A. we l.le-j (ivith A. of the heav.ahove, A. of tl.e deep, A. of the breasts 6. A. of thy father tihnre A. of my Dent. S8. 2. all these A. shall rome Jiuh. 8. 3*. he read the A. and rurs. PinL'2\.3. preventest him with the A. Prof. 10. 6. A. re upon the just **. 10. faithful shall abound with b. Hal i 2. and will rurse your A. i>A.l.ablesrd in with all spiritual*. BLKW. Verb. Jrak. & 8. priests passed and A. Judg. a 27. Ehud A. n trumpet 6. Si. Gideon, A. a trumpet 7. 19. they 6. the trumpets, 20.22. 1 6am. 13. 3. .Saul A. let Hebrews 2 Sam, -1. V& J.mh A. IH. If, I 20. 22. 80. I. Shet-ii a Benjamite A. 1 A! i. I. 3-.i. A. people Haid, God save kinir S.-I. 2 A i. 9. la | II. 14. Mat. 7. 25. A. on that hi.ui-nt. 27. 18. innketh A. to wander 2H. S9. as A grupeth in darkness S Sam. 5. fi. exr. thou take away A. a A. hated of David, the A. shall nut come into house Job 09. 15. I wa eyes to the A. ftaL U0.a openeth the eyes of the A. /*. 29. la eyes of A. shall nee, 3i 5. 42. 7. for a liphi to open the A. eyes II k. by a way they knew not 18. look, ye A. that ye m.iy see 2. IH. who is /,. hut iny >erv.? who is A. a he that is p rfert, and i. 43. a A. people that have eyes M. ia his wati hmeii are A. they 59. 10. we grope for Wall like A. Jer. 31. 8. with them the A. and lame I.'im 4. 14. wandered as A. men Zrph. I. 17. ..all walk like A. men V.i/. 1.8 /,. fora.Tifireiit notevill 1 Mat. 9. 27. two A. men, m 30. I i. 6. A. r. reive fight. 12.22. f.M.7.22 16. 14 they be A. lead, r- of A. if the A. lead the A. Loire G. 30. 23. Ifl. wo to \i,u, ye A. gn 17. y.' A. b..tli"r "i- ureater. 10 X. tbou A. Pharisee, cleanse tint M BLO .Vd 10. 46. A. Bartimeus s.it begging l.ukt- 4. 18. rerovery of Mi-lit to t 7. 21. to many A. he u'ave sight 14. la makest a taut >-vl the A. JnfiH S. 3. lay a ureai inultiludeot I. 9. I. he saw a man that was A. 3"). which see might be made 6. 40. are weA.aliuif ||4I. if ye were V. 10. 21. ran a de\ il open eyes of A. / ././. I. 1 ). II. thou shalt be A. Rom. 2. 19. thou art a guide totlieA. f Pet. 1. 9. laoketh tlieM- things is 4. Rev. 3. 17. knowest not thou art A. BLIND, 1'erk. Deut. 10. 19. a gift .loth A. the eyes 1 im. IS. a a bribe to A. BLINDED, KIH. Ernd. 23. 8. for a gift b. the wise John 12. 40. he kMB A. their eye< Rum. 1 1. 7. obtained, the rest are A. 2 Cor. a 14. but their minds were A. 4. 4. tod of this world hath A. 1 Juhn 2. 1 1. rtai Uness; hath 6 his evi-s BLINDFOLDED. Luke 22. 6V when they had A. him BLINDNESS. Gen, 19. 11. men at the door with o. Deiet. 28. 2a smite thee with A. 2 Kingt 6. 18. Elisha prayed, sinito this people, 1 pray thee, with 4. Zfch. 12. 4. every horse with A. Rum. II. 26. b. in part has happened >A. 4. la hec. of A. of their In-art BLOCK. See Sn .MBLI.VG. BLOOD. Where markid with f it il in the Original Hl.OODS. Gen, 4.f In. voice of thv brother's i. 9. 4. life which is the //. not eat 5. A of your lives will 1 require 37. 31. and dipped the roat in A. Ef'-d. 4. . waters shall become A. 7. 17. water* be tunic. I into A. 12. 13. A. a token, when I see A. S3. la the A. with leaven, 34. S6. Lev. 16. 19. if iesne in her flesh be i. 17. 4. A. imputed unto that man II. it is A. makt-th atonement 19. 16. not stand ag '.. of nciuhh. .\niii -J3. 24. and drink A. of sl.nn 36. 3a but by A. of him that shed it Deut. 17. a betw. i. and . 2 fA. 19. 10. SI. a A. i-hall be forgiven them 32. 4.'1. avenge A. of his servants- Judg. 9. 24. their A. on Abimel.-ch 1 Sum. 26. 20. my A. fall to the earth 2 .Sum. I. IA. thy A. be on thy head S3. from the A. of the sl.un IP.f7. rome out, thou man nf A. 8. returned upon thee M the A. 20. 1.' Ainasa wallowed ill A. va 17. A. of the men? I (Ar. 11. If). I King* 2. 5. A. of " ar on his girdle Ifl. 2. till the A. giislu d out 1 Kin. a 22. saw the waters red a< o 23. they said, this is A. the king* .fia I have wen A. of Nahoth Job IK. 18. O earth, rover not my A 39. 30. eugles' young su,-k up A. Pnal. 30. 9. what profit in c.- A. f 60. 13. will I drink A. of goat* ? 58. 10. wash hit feet in A. of xvickc.) (W. 23. dipped in A. of thy enemy 72. 14. precious th.-ir A. in hi* n'i'r.t Pror. 2a 17. violence to //. of any IM. l.f 16. your handt are full of A 4. 4. L. shall purge A. of Jerusalem 9. 5 and garment- rolled in A. 15. 9. waters of Dunon full of A. vfi. f2l. earth sha'l li-. lo.e her A. 3;i f 16. Ins ear from hearing i. ?l. a mo'iri. in !t.-d with their 6. Jer. V. 31. A. of the poor innocent* BLO /*r. 18. 21. pour out their 6. by force 48. 10. keepeth his sword from 6. 51. 36. my 6. bp oil the inha. of ChaL jMin 4. 14 polluted them*, with 6. Exek. 5. 17. pestilence and A. pass !). 9. the land is full of 6. 14. 19. my fury upon it in b. 16. 6. when thoti wast in thy A. live f 9. I washed away thy b. 33. I will give tliee A. in fury 18. 10. son that is a shedder of J. f i.'i. he shall die, his b. shall be 1 }. 10. thy mother a vine in thy b. 21 3.'. thy 6. in ir.idst of land, 22.13. 22 3. rity sheddeth A in midst of it 2S> 3". and 6. is in their hands, 45. 24. 8. her b. on the top of a rock ,28. 23 1 will send b. into her streets Si 6 water with thy b. the land 35. 6. to A. thou hast not hated b. even A. shall pursue thee 44. 7. the fat and the b. 1-i. Hot. 1. 4>. avenge the b. of Jezreel 4. +2. and 6. toucheth b.^Acts 2. 19. Joel 2. 30. b. fire, pillars of smoke, 31. moon turned r.to b. Acts 2. 20. 5. 21. I will cleanse their b. that I Zepft.l. \T.t\\etr b poured out as dust Uat. 9. 20. woman with an issue of b. 12 years, A/arA: 5.2o. iuA-e8.43 16. 17. 6. hath not revealed it 23. 30. not parta. in the 6. of proph. 35. from A.ofrii;hte.Abel,Z.u. 11.51. 26.28. my b. of new test Mark 14.24. 'J7. 6. because it is price of A. 8. called the field of A. Acts 1. 19. 24. lam inn. of A. of this just pers. Luke 13. 1. whose A. Pilate mingled 22. 20 new test. In my A. I Cor. 11. 25 44. his sweat as great drops of A. John I. 13. born not of A. nor flesh 6. 54. and drinketh my A 56. 55. and my A. is drink indeed 19. 34. forthwith came thereout 6. Jets 5. 28. to bring- this man's A. on 15. 20. abstain from A. 29. | 21. 25. 17. 26. made of one A. all nations IS. 6. A. be on your own heads 90. 26. I am pure from A. of all men 1 Cor. 1 1. 27. guilty of the body and A. 15. 50. flesh and A. cannot inherit Eph. G 12. wrestle not ag. flesh and f>. Cut. I 20. peace thro. A. of his cross Helf. 2. 14. partakers of flesh and A. 9.7. not without A. which he offered 12. A. of goat", but by his own A. 13. if the A. of bulls sanctifleth 20. this is the A. of the testament 52. without shedding of A. no rein. 10. 19. holiest by the A. of Jesus 11. 28. and sprinkling of A. 12. 4. not yet resisted unto b. 24. A. of sprinkling that speaketh 13. 11. whose A. is brought into 1 Pet.\.->. sprinkling of the A. of J. C. 1 John \. 7. 6. of J. (.'. rleanseth us 5. 6. he that came by water and A. 8. the Spirit, water, and A. Rev. 5. 9. redeemed us by thy A. 6. 10. how long not avenge our 6. F 12. and the moon became as A. 7. 14. white in the A. of the Lamb 8. 8. part of sea became A. 1ft. 3. 11. 6. to turn the waters into A. 12. 11. overcame by A. of the Lamb 14. 20. b. came out of wine-press Ifi 6. hast given them A. to drink 18. 24. totind the A. of the prophets 1 2. avenged the A. of bfalMTVMti H. with a vesture dipped in A. See AVE.NUKR, KI.VE V;I:K. BLOOD be pim. leu. 80. 9. rnrseth fath.-r, his A. hiir. 11. incest H 12. sodomy BLO Lev. 20. 16. bestiality ]| 27. wizard, their A. be upon them Ezek. 18. 13. done abom. his A. be u, 33. 5. warning, his A. shall him ben, BLOOD, with bullock. Isa. 1. 11. I delight not in A. ofia.'i BLOOD of Christ. \ Cor.10.16. communion of the A. ofC. Eph. 2. 13. are made nigh by A. of C. Heb. 9.14. much more shall A. purge? 1 Pet. 1. !9. I ut with precious A. ofC. 1 John 1. 7. the A. of C. cleanseth us BLOOD of the Covenant. Erod. 24. 8. Moses said, behold the A. Zech. 9. 1 1. as for thee also bv A. of c. Heb. 10. 29. A. of cov. an unholy thing 13. 20. A. of the everlasting covenant BLOOD, with eat. Lev 3. 17. eat neither fat nor b. 7. 26. ye shall eat no manner of A. 27. | 17. 14.fl*o<.12.16, 23. | 15.23. 27. f-iteth A. soul cut off, 17. 10. 1 Sam. 14. 32. did eat them with the A. Exek. 33. 25. ye eat with A. and lift For HLOOD. 2 Chr. 24. 25. for the A. of song of Je. Ptal. 9. 12. maketh inquisition for A. Prov. 1. II. let us lay wait/or A. la 12. 6, are to lie in WA\tfor b. Mic. 7. 2 they all lie in wait/or A. His BLOOD. Gen, 37. 26. brother and conceal Aw A 42. 22. behold AM A. is required Josh. 2 19. h s b. be upon his head 2 Sam. 4. II. shall I not require Aw A. 1 Kings 2. 32. L. shall return hit b. Ezek. 3. IS. hut his b will I require at thy hand, 20. j 33. 4, 6, a Has. 12. 14. shall leave Aw A. on him Mat. 27. 25. Aw A. be on us and our Acts 20. 28. church purch. with his b. Horn. 3. 25. prop, thro' faith in Aw A. 5. 9 being now justified by his A. Eph. 1.7. redem. thro'Aw A. Col. I. 14. Heb. 9. 12. by Aw own A. he entered 13. 12. sanctify the people with hisb. Rev. 1. 5. and washed us in hit A. Innoci-tit BLOOD. Dent. 19 10 that in. b. be not shed in 13. put away guilt of in. A. 21. 9. 21. 8. in. A. to thy people'* charge 1 .Saj.l9.5.wilt thou sin again;.! I'M. A. 1 Ai.2.31. takeaway in.A. Jonh shrd 2 Kin, 21. 16. Manas, shed in. A. 24. 4. Psal. 94. 21. they condemn inno. b. 106. 33. shed in. A. even A. of sons Pror. 6.17. L. hateth hands shed in. A. Isa. 59. 7 they haste to shed inno. A. Jer. 7. 6. shed not innocent b. 22 3. 22. 17. thine eyes are to shed inn. A. 26. 15. ye shall surely bring inno. b. Joel 3. 19. because they shed inno. A. Jonah 1. 14. O L. lay not on us i. A. Mat. 27. 4. in that I betrayed inno. b. Shed BLOOD. Gen.9.6 man's A. by man hisA.be/Afrf 37. 22. Reuben said, shed no A. Lev. 17. 4. *hed A. shall he cut off .\~!/m. 35.33.< leansed of A. . but by A. Deut. 21. ". our bands not shed this A. I A'H.2.5. aixl shed A. of war in peace 1 Chr. Ti. 8. hast shed b. much A. 2a 3. Psal. 79 3. their A. *. like water 10. revenging A. of thy servants . Prov. \. Hi. hast.- to thfdb. Rom. 3. 15. Linn. 4. 13. have /Aerfthe A. of the just Ezt'k. Ifi.aa as women that.?. I? 23. 45. 22. 4. gu Ity in A. thou bast shed 33. 25. ye s. b. and shall ye pns-ess 36. 18. fory on them for'tbe A. t. Mut. W. ,'V>. on you the righteous A./ M'irk 14. 24. this is my A. which is lit rl, I.n/ce 22. 20. Luke 11. 50. A. of all the prophets r, 33 BLO Acts K. 20. when A. of Stephen wan I. Rev. 16. 6. have . the A. of the saints Sprinkle BLOOD. Ej-od. 29. 20. shall sprinkle b. on altar, Ler. 1. 5, 11. | 3. 2, 8, 13. | 7. 2. | 17. G. .Vn. la 17. BLOOD tprimkbd. Exod. 2-t.S. Moses *^i. A. on the people Isa. 6a 3. their A. shall be sprinkled on my garment Heb. a. 21. he jp.with A. the taberna. With BLOOD. Ex. 30. 10. Aaron make atone. with b. Lev. 19. 26. not eat any thing trith A. 1 Kings 2. 9. his hoary head brini* thou down vcith S. /W. 106. 38. land was polluted ;rith b. Isa. 34. 6. sword of Lord filled trith b. 7. their land ;-hall be soaked trith b, 49. 26. be drunken vith their own b, 59. 3. your hands are defiled trith t, Jer.\9. 4. this place ir. A. ofhinorrOtl 46. 10. it shall be drunk n-ith their A. Lam. 4. 14. polluted themselves ir. A Ezek. 38. 22. 1 will plead ag. him w. b. Hos. 6. & Gilead polluted trith b. Mic. 3. 10. they build up Zion nitt.V Hub. 2. 12. buildeth a town icith A. Gal. 1. 16. I conferred not with A. Heb. $. 22. by the law purged irith b. Rev. 8. 7. and fire, ming'ed trith b. 17. 6. saw the woman drunken w. A. BLOOD-GUILTINESS. Psal 51. !4. deliver me fiom b.-g. BLOOD-THIRSTY. Prov. 29. 10. b.-lh. hate the upright BLOODY. E.rod. 4. 25. a A. husband art thou, 26. 2 Sam. 16. 7. Shimei said, thou A. man 21. 1. famine is fr Saul, his A. house Psal. 5. 6. Lord will abhor the A. man 26. 9. gather not my life with A. men 55. 23.A. men not live half their day* 59. 2. and save me from A. men 139. 19. depart ye A. men Ez-ek. 7. 23. land is full of 6. crime* 22. 2. wilt thou judge the A. city ? 24. R. wo to the A. city, 9. Kah. 3. 1. Acts 2& a lay sick of a A. flux BLOOMED. \um. 17. 8. Aaron':, rod A. b.essomt BLOSSOM. Gen. 40. 10. her A. shot forth Isa. 5. 24. A. shall go up us dust BLOSSOM. ED. \tim. 17. 5. the man's rod shall A. Isa. 27 6. Israel shall A. and bud 35. t. desert shall A. as the rose 2. it shall A. abundantly Ezek. 7. 10. the rod hath A. Hob. 3. 17. altho' fi/.teee shall not A. BLOT. Job 31. 7. if any A. hath cleaved Prov. 9. 7. wicked, getteth a b. Exod. 32. 32. A. me out of thv book 33. hath sinned, him will I A. out Dent. 9. 14. let me alone that I A. out 25. 19. shall A. o. remem. .,f Amalek 29. 20. A. o. his name from under h. 2 Ki. 14. 27. said not, would A. o. Is. Paul. 51. 1. O ,ith. A. 7m. 40. '.'4 A. upon them, shall wither /.>-* VI. 31. I will A wr. thee, stt.21. //< 5. 8 A. corn- 1 in (tibeah Hif. I. 9. I did A. upon it l.ulce 14 41. see the south, wind 6. Ac*. 7. I. Unit w in,) -li .nM not A. Sf rrwrT. BLOWBTH. lit. 40. 7. Spirit ( the L A. on It 54. 16. created the -inith that A. JuUa. 8. win. I A. where it li-t.th BLOWN. Jot. 90. 9ft. fire not A. consume him BLUK. Zrat JS. 4. A. 26. I. 31, 3fi. | 27. Id V Ckr. 2. 7. riinnintf to work in A. 14. XM. I. 0. A. haiuing* 8. li. Morderai in apparel of A. &**. S3 6. AM) i clothed with A. Sot PuaPLE, I'LorH. L4CK, LouPS. BLUEN'KSS. J*TM, ML XL A of H wound cleanseth BLUNT. EccL la 10. if ir..n he A. and tie do Bl ITSH. Ezra 9. 6. I A. to lift up ray fare Jer. 6. 15. nur could they 4 a li BOAR. PtaL 80. la I "'it ..f the wood BOARD, & Cent 8. 9l inrlox- her with A of red. 7. 44. Home on A. came to land BOAST, Su'atuntire. L X. my tonl shall make her A. Bom. 2. 17. mxkest thy A. of (;<>d 23. mak<-t thy A. of the law BOAST, I'erb. [It off 1 A'i 80. II. not I: a he that puttetli 1 Chr. 25. 19. lifteth thee up to A. Pi. 44. 8. in God we A. all the day 49. fl. A. in th,-ir riches M. 4. workers of iniquity A. 97. 7. ninfoiindeii tlint A. of idols Pror. 87. I. A. ni>t of to-morrow In. Itt 15. .h-.ll the ax A. itself 61. 8. in their nl..ry shall you A. Rum. II. 18. A. nt against branches t Cor. 0. t. I A. to them of Macedonia 10. la not A. without our measure 18. to A. In Ntiother man'* line 11. IrV rwt-lte me that I may A. fk. 2. 9. not oi w..rk-, lc,l any ft. BO \SJ KD. trek. 3.Y. 13 with mouth ye hare A. \Cor. 7. 14. if I h.ivi- A. >my thing BOASTERS. Ham. 1.30. b. inventor* of e*il thing.- t Tim. 3 2. cov.-ton,. 6. proud HoA-TK.sr. KTH. Ptai Itt a wicked I, of ho heart'* W. I why t. th\.-lf in inivi hief Prnr.'tn. 14. if one In. way, thru he t>. 2V 14 whoMi i, oi * fa)-,. gift 7am. 3. 5. tonirue A. gre.it thing* BOAS MMi. P n rt,Hplr. Aeb S. 3i. I hco.l;,. A. himself to he 9 Cor. |i>. I', oot h. ur tlioot m-.,.ure Rom. I 27 ii-r- i. A. thrn t t Cor. 7. 14. our A. before I ,t,i. * M. bM ye the pt.M.f of o,ir A. t. & ! "i he in vain 4 in trm-uinr confident '.. .L 1& IM> mail stop me of this & BOD J Cor. 11. 17. in this confidence of S. Jam. 4. 14 now ye rejoice iu your A. H.) vr. s. John 8. 22. no other A. there, Jesu* went not into the A. 83. come other A from Tiberias .irttT.. Ift work to come by the A. :n. when they had let down the A. 32. cut off the r,-pes of the A. BODY. Emd. 24. 10. as the A. of heaven I S,im. 31. li A. of Saul. I CAr. la li Job 19. 17 children*' s ike of my A. 26. after my skin worm* destroy A. 2fl. 2-V and cometh out of the A. Pror. V II. flesh and A. are consumed /. I'i. this ointment on my A. 26. take eat, this is my A. Mar. 14. 22. Luke 22. 19. I Cor. II. 24. 27. 58. Joseph hegired the A. of Jesus Mark 15. 41 Luke 2't 5>. Mir* .1. 29. she felt ill her A. that she 14. & aforehand to anoi it my A. 51. a linen cloth ca-t about hi* A. 15. 45. Pilate gave the A. Mat. 27. 58. Luke 17. 37. A. i*. thither the eairle- 4. 3. they found not the A. of Lord Jnh -i >!. 12. where A. of Jes. had lain Rom. r,. fi. A. of sin may be destroyed 7. 4. -lead to the law by the A. of" C< 21. from the A of this death a la the A. is dead because of sin 13. thro' Spirit mortify deeds of A. 23. the redemption of our A. 1 Cor. 6. 13. A. is not for fornication, but for the Lord, and L. for A. 18. every sin in without the A. 6. 19. your A. U the temple of H. G. 7. 4. hath no power of her own A. 9. 27. hut I keep under my A. and la Id communion of the A. of Chr. 11. 27. be guilty of the A. and h|,.od 29. not discerning the Lord's A. 12. 14 for the A. is not one member 15. is it ther. f'.re not of the b.f 16. 17. if whole A. were an eye. where 19. where were the A.? || zO one A. 27. now ye are the A. of Christ 13. a tho' I give my A. to be burned 15 :. with what A do dead come '( 37. .owe-t not that A. that shall he 38. hut God glveih a A. as it hath 44. -own a natural A. raised -pir. A. 2 Cor.5. a rather to be alwent from A. Euh a ft fellow. heir* of the same A. t 12. for the edilvuitf of A. f Chr. l. from whom the whole A. fitly .V 2-T and he is the Sat ioumf the A. PM.itl.wtn shall change our rile A Cot. I. in head of the A. the church 2. II. in putting otf the A. of -ins 17 shadow, the A. is of < hri-t 111 from which the A. by joo t 23. a shew of wisdom in neif. A I T*'. 5. 23 I pray your so.,1 and A. I prep , red me 1". tliro-.dferinir of the A of Jesus Jam. 2. l. n,, thing* needful to A. tfi. a the A. without the Spirit i* 3. 2. abe aUo to Li idle the whole A 3 We turn ;.l-ont their whole A. & tongue detil.-th the u ho, A. 34 BOD Jude 9. disputed about o. of Mov^i Df i to Drives M. 30 hi* dead I,, shall h.. cast out Fruit ./ the BODY. Deut. 28. 4. bl.*a*ed shall be/ ,,fthi/b. It. i-ur-e,l-h.illhe the 5:i thou shall eat Ibr/rvttv/fiktft. Pi. 132. II / A. will I s*l on ihy ''hr. .Vic. 6. 'i.f.ofmyb. lor -inol my -<. ul u BODY 1 Sam. 31. in. l.v-ten,-, I Ati A. to wtl) Dun. *.:&. hub wet with dew, :..'!. 7. 11. till liea-t was slain, and Ai. A. 10. & Ai< i. also was like tlie h.-tyl Lit. 2:1 65. beheld how hit b. wa laid 24 23. whMi they found not AM A. J'Jin >. 21. spake of temple of hit A. ./h. 6. 20. I am an :iinliassa. in b. Phil. I. 7. in A. y> are all partakers 13 so my //. in Chri.it are manifest 14. waxing confident b> my A. 16. toad>. amVti'.n to my A. Col. 4. 3. I am in A. || 18. rein, my A. 2 Tim. 2.9 I suffer trouble even to A. Plulinn. 10. begotten in my A. 13. in the A. of the gospel link. 10. 31. c'>mpassmn of me in b. 11. 30. others had trial ol A. and '3.3. remember them In A. Oi> bound BONDAGE. Ej-orf. 1. U. live* bitter with hard J. BON Ex. 2. 2.1 Isr. sighed by reason of A. 13. 14. Lord brought us out of the house of A. 20: 2. Deut. 5. 6. | fi. 12. | 8. 14. | 13. 5, 10. Josh. 24. 17. Judg. 6. 8. Deut. 26. 6. Egyp. laid on us hard A. AVA. 9. 17. a captain to return to A. Ixtt. 14. 3. g've rest Irom thy hard A. Rom. 8. 15. not received spirit of A. 21. delivered from A. of corruption Gal. 4. 24. which gendereth A. 5. I. not entangled with yoke of A. Heb. 2. 15. their lifetime subject to A. In, into, or under BONDAGE. Ezra 9. 8. a little reviving in our A. 9. God not forsaken us in b. John 8. 33 never in A. to any man Acti 7. 6. should bring them into b. 7. t>t whom they shall be in A. 1 Cor. 7. 15. or sister is not under A. 2 Cur. 11. 20. if a man bringyou intob Gal. 2. 4. might bring us into b. 4 3. were in A. under the elements 9. whereunto ye desire to he in A. 25. answereth to Jer. which is in b. '2 Pet. 2. 19. same is he brought into b. BON D.MAN. Deut. 15. 15. wastaA. in Egypt, L.re. deemed thee, 16. 12. ) 24. 18, *2. Rev. 6. 15. every A. hid themselves BOND. MA ID. Gal. 4. 22. one by a A. the other BOND.tMEN. Lev. 25. 44. A. shall be of the heathen /)r;is, his A. as iron Psal. 34 20. he kee'wth all lih A. 1H9. 18. come like oil into his A. Pror. 12. 4. is as rottenness in hit b Eph. 5. 30. we are members of his A Heb. 11. 22. command concern, his k. My BONES. Gen. 50 25. carry up my b. E.r. 13.19. 2 Sam. 19. 12. ye are my b. and flesh I Kings 13. 31. my A. beside his A. Job 4. 14. made all my A. to shake 30. \T'myb. are pierced in me 30. and my A. burnt with heat Psal. 6. 2. heal me, my b are vexed i"2. 14. all my b. are out of joint 17. 1 may tell my b. 31 10. my A. are consumed 32. 3. mil b. waxed old 35. 10. my A. shall say, L. who is 38. 3. neither any rest in my A. 42. 10. as with a sword in my b. 102. 3. my A. are burnt as an hearth 5. my b. cleave to my skin Isa. 38. 13. so will he break all my b. Jer. 20. 9 as a burning fire in my b. 23. 9. all my A. shake Lam. I. 13. hath sent fire into my b. 3. 4. he hath broken my b. Hob. 3. 16. rotten, entered into myb. Their BONES. A T uw. 24.8. Israel shall break their b. I .S' 32 if not, blot me out of thy A. 33. sinned, will I blot out of my A Num. 21. 14. A. of the wars ot the L -nt. 17. la a ropy of this law in a A Jush. 10. la A. of Jasher, 2 Sum. 1. ;* I Sam. 10. 25. Samuel wrote it in a A 1 Kings 11. 41. A. of acts of Solomou 2 A'i. 22. 8. Hilkiah gave A. to Snap. 23. 24. might perform words in A. Ezra 4. 15. search may he made in i AVA. 8. 5. Ezra opened the A. Job 19, 23. that they were pri !n a A 31 35. adversary had written a A. Psal. 10. 7. volume of thy A. Heb. 10.7 56. 8. tears, are they not in thy A. / 69. 28. It-t them he blotted out of A. 139. 16. in thy book all my member* Isa. 29. 11. as words of a A. sealed 12. A. is deliv. to him not learned 18. deaf shall hear word" of the 4 30 8. now go and note it in a A. 34 16. seek ye out of the A. of L. Jer. 30. 2. write the words in A. 36. 2. roll ol a A. || 10. rca.1 in the i !;V I word- in a A. from Jeremiah Ezek. 2. !>. a roll of a A. was thertli Dan. 12. 1. every one \vrit. in th 4. 4. O LUuiel, eal the i. Dent BOR finlt 1. 1. *- f vi.ion of Nahnra Jkf.ji 3 16. a 4. nf lemembrance Mai I. I. the A. of the iff u. of Jsus Luke 3. 4. written in th. 4. of K-.H.K 4 17. delivered to Je.ii. tin- '.. of , ivhfn hf opened the 4. 20. he cloned the 6. and gave it 20. 43. in A. f Palm, .let* 1. 20. .<.-T. BOOK of Ihf L.IT. $1. 2fi. 4. of I put it in the nrk . I. H. A. o/fam shall not depart 1 king* *!. H I have found A. of lav AV*. ft 8. io they read in the 4. of i HuL 3 la writ, in 4. of I to do tliem BOOKo/Li/e. JAi *. a naine writ, in the 4. o/tyt AT. rt 5. not hlot name out of 4. of I 13. & not written in A. ///. 17. a JO 14 another A. opened, A. of life IS. not writ, in 4. of life was ca-t 81. 27. written in Lamb's 4. //if> 84 19. hU p m out >( the 4. of life BOOK o/ Motet. X>JL IX 1. they read in the A. o/Af. Mark 14 36. have ye not read ID 4. TAu BOOK. flrvt. 28. 58 writ in A 2 CAr. 34 81. 2 Ki *_' 13 heark. to the words of t A. Ja 3. to perform the worts in t A. .for. 4V la I'll bring nil that in in L 4. SI. 83. an end of reading thit 4. Jnltn tO. 30 signs not written in t a. Rev. 24 9. whii-h keep the say. oft 4. 10. seal not the saying* of 'thi* 4. 18. if any add, add to him plagues written in thi* A. Hit. ti. 19. hi* part from things in A. B.M)KS. [end Ecri 12. 12. of making 6 there is no Da*. 7. 10. 4 were opened. <-e.20.12 John 21. 2S. ronid not .-ontain the 4. Act* 19. l'i. their A. and hurned them t Tim. 4. 13. bring the A. especially JJre. . 12. jinlifed out if things in 4. BOOTH. Jal n. li as a 4. the keeper maketh Jonah 4. 5. Jonah in <.le him a 4. BOOTHS Sen. 33. 17. and Jacob made A. l*er. Y3. 44 dwell In A. seven day* 4a I made Israel dwell in A. >'*. a 14. Urael should dwell in 4. BO.l1 V. IKS. Jfr 49 T> their camel* .hall be a A /iV. 4 7. Shalt he for A. unto them %,-fk. I. la their ir...Ml, shall bee. a 4. HO lll>K It. f.nxT'. 19. 12. or ton. h A of mount Unit I* 2" when I. -h.ienlargethyA. I K'ltft 4. VI S.. I. .!!. in reiL'n d unto A. ol KBVDI, 1 Chrnn. \. ti> Ihe A. ,if hi anrtuarv ynor. li *'.. e.ubli-b A. of w,.|..w /. S7. V. int.. the height of hi* A. Jfr. 31. 17. thr chil aga'ii t<> their A. ./'/ 3. li might reinore them from A. Am.* I 13. miicht enlarge (heir A. A 4, ir their A. (fenter than your A. hr.iinc'it ihee even to the A. Z'pA. I 8. mmriiide-l .I.'.HM-I ih.-i.- / Mai I. 4. the h. of wirk- 1u-. & L. Will he tna.-ni fr.,in A. of Is. BOR BORDRR. Mark . *l toiu-h, if it were bat o. l.uke 6. 4i and touched A. of gurm. BOK1JER, yero. Zfch. 9. t. Hamnth nhall A. thereby liOKUEKS. Kfod I A 35 till i-.mie to A. of Caoaan 31 VI. I will nlarite thy 4. ^ A'i. 19. XI will enter lodif. of his 4. /oi 7. 17. set the 4. of the earth 117. 14. he nmketh peace in thy 4. t'ii. 54 14 thy 4. of pleasant stones Jfr. l.'i. la thy sins in all thy 4. Rttk. V>. I. shall be holy In ull Ihe 4. Mi,- 5. & treadeth within our 4. Mat. 4. la in the A. of Zabulon BORDEKS. Cant. 1. II. will make A. of gold Mat. 23. 5. enliirire A. of their garm. BORE. Ernd. 21. d his ma-ter shall A. his par Job 41.4raii!. ||. r >. that man 4. l'r.,r. 17. 17. a brother is 4. for adr. EccL 3. 2. a time to be A. 4. 14. A. in hU kingdom 1*0. a a for unto us a child is 4. 66. 8. shall a nation he A. at oncef Jfr. 15. !>. hath 4. seven languisheth 10. wo is me, that thou hast A. me 16. 3 concerning sons and dau. A. in 20. 14. rursed ! the day 1 wa* 4. 22 26. where not A. shall ye die Exelc. Ifi. 4. in the day thou wnst A. .') loath, of thy person in day A. 2a hat taken thy sous 4. to me Me A when he i old f 5. except a man he A. of watrr fi. that A. of flesh is fl.-h. th.it ' ..f 8. so is every one A. of the Spirit *. 41. we be not A. of fornication 9. 4 who did sin, that he was A. Mind 31. w.ut altopether 4 in in, .iii-i l'i. 21. for oy that a man is A. IK 37. to thi- end was 1 A. and for - ton-.'iie wherein 'e were A. !:-. ! tune Mow- 22 3. A. in Tnriis||28. I wa tree '. 1 1. (hildreo tfing not yet A. 36 B03 Cot. Ib. 8. one A. out of due tim Gul. 4. 4' I was /. .iltcr the flevh, 49. Heb. II. 23. by f.iith Mo-es when 4. I l',-t. '.'. 4 a!< new A h..t..-> al. 55. 12. then I could have 4. r"!(. 7. thy oake I have A reproach Int. .VI 4 surely he hath A. griefs I.nin. :L '.'H he hath A it upon him V 7. we h.ive A. their iniquities Exek. 16. S& thou hat A. thy lewd. :. 21. A. their hame. 3 6. | 39. 2ft Milt. VO. 14 A. hiinleiiand heat of da) 2a 4. grievous to he h. Luke I \. 4tt Ree. 4 3. hast ^ and hast patience BOBRuW. rod 3.22. evtry worn, shall A. ll.t 22. 14. if a man A. oiiL-ht. and it Dfiit. 15. fi. but Shalt not 4. 28. 12. t Kingt J. 3. Klish.i -ai'l, KO. A. \e. Jtfat 5. 42. him that w-uld A. turn BOH 1(0 WEI). [not Erod. 14 3\ they A. .>f Kgyptians 2 A'i 6. 5. alas, muster, for it was 4. BOREOWJUl Pror. 82. 7. A. is servant to lender Ita. 24. 4 as with lender, so with 4. BOHKOWEIII. Pta. 37. 21. wicked A. payeth not BOM) It fi>n. 16. 5. my muid into thy A. Efod, 4. 6. put hand in thy 4. 7. .Vum. II. 12. carry them in thy 4. Itnth 4. 16. Naomi laid >t in her 4. 2 Sam. 12. 3. and .ay in his 4. R master's wive- into thy A. I Ki. I. 4 virifin, let her lie in thv A. a 20. laid It in her A. am! laid her .lead child in my A. 17. 19. Elijah took him out of her A. Jh Ml. .'tt. hidinir iniquity in my A. P*. :ii. l.'l pra\er returned to mv A. 74, 11. pluck thy riyht hMiiil out A. l'r;r "i. 21). emhriu-e '. .pi strauuer? ft 27. can * man take fire in his A. f 17 41. taketh a i/ilt out of the A. If*. 21. hideth his hand in A. <. 15. 21. 14. a reward in the A. pa.-inetli Errl. -. !. anger r.-t.-t^in h. ..f f,,olt /. 40. 11. larry the lamhs in hist. 65. 6. cveii recump. into their 4. BOU (. 65. 7. forraer work into their ft. Sir. 32. 18. iniq. of fathers into b. l.nm.'l. 12.their soul into mother's b. Wtr.7..i. keep from her lieth in thy b. f,7. Joseph ii a fruitful b. Judg. 9. 48. Ahimatech cut down a b. 49. rut down every man his b. Isa. 10. 33. L. shall lop 6. with terror 17. 6. berries in top of uppermost b. 9. strong cities be as a forsaken b. BOUGHS. Lev. 2a 40. b. of goodly trees, b. of Detit. 24. 20. not go over 'he b. again 2 Sam. 18. 9. mule went under b. Jnb 14. 9. brought forth b. like a plant Psal. 80. 10. b. like goodly cedar 11. she sent out her b. to the sea Cant. 7. 8. I will take hold of the b. Ita. 27. 11 when the A are withered Exek. 17. 23. it shall bring forth b. 31. 3. his top among thick 6. 14. 6. their nests in hi* 6. Dan. 4. 12. BOUGHT. Gen. 3a 19. Jacoh b. field, Jo.ih. 24.32. 3!). I PotipharA Joseph of the Ish. 47. 20. Jos. b. nil land of Egypt. 23. 49.30.whieh Abr. b. 50. 13. Acts 7. 16. Lev. 27. 24. in jubib-e return to him of \vhnni it was b. Deut. 32. fi. thy father that 6. thee? 8 Sam. 12 3. ewe-lamb he had 6. 24 24 David A. threshing-floor I Kintfs 16. 24. On.ri A. Samaria Ne/t. 5. Ifi. nor A. we any land J"r. 32. 9. 1 A. fi.'ld of liatiameel Vot. a 2. so 1 A. her for 15 pieces * BOU Mat. la 4d he sold all b. that field 21. 12. that sold and b. in the tem- ple, Mark 1 1. 15. Luke Is). 45. 27. 7. b. with them potter's field Mark 15. 46. Joseph A. fine linen and 16. I. A. sweet spices to anoint Luke 14. 18. I have b. a piece of gro. 19. I have b. five yoke of oxen 17. 28. drank, they A. and sold 1 Cor. 6.20. ye are b. with a price,7.23 2 Pet. 2. 1. denying L. that 6. them BOUND, actively. Gen. 22. 9. b. Isaac his son, and laid 42. 24. took Simeon and A. him \um. 30. 4. she had A. her soul Judg. 15. 13 A. Samson with new 16. 3. withs || 12. ropes || 21. fetters 2 Kings 5. 2a he A. two talents 17. 4. he shut up Hoshea and A. 25. 7. they A. Zedekiah with fetters 2 I'hron. 33. II. b. Manasseh 36. 6. A. Jehoiakim Prov. 30. 4. A. waters in a garment Hot. 7 15. tho' I have A. their arms Mat. 14.3. Herod A. John,A/rA6.17. 27 2. A. Jesus, Mark 15.1. John la 12 Luke 13. 16. daughter Satan hath 6. Artsl\. 11. Agabus A. his hands 22 25. as they A. Paul he said, 29. 2a 12. 6. under a curs.-, 14. 21. Rev. 20. 2. b. Satan a thousand years BOUND, passirely. Gen. 39. 20. where king's ptis. are A. 42. 19. let one of your brethren be b. Judg. 16. 6. mighteat be b. 10, 13. 1 Sum. 25. 29. soul of my lord be b. 2 Sam. 3. 34. thy hands were not A. Job 36. 8. and if they be A. in fetters t'sal. 107. 10. bing b. in affliction Prov. 22. 15. foolish, is A. in heart Isa. 22. 3. b. by archers, all re b. 61. 1. open, of pri-on to them ft. Lam. 1. 14. yoke of my transgr. is ft. Dan. 3. 21. b. in their routs 24. three men ft. into furnace? Mat. 16. 19. be A. in heaven, 18. la Mark 15. 7. Barnbbas which lay ft. Jnhn 11. 44. ft. hand and foot, face b. la 24. Annas had sent him ft. Acts 9. 2. bring them ft. 21. | 22. 5. 12. 6. Peter ft. 1| 24. 27. left Paul ft. 20. 22. I go ft. in the Spirit 21. !3. I am ready not to he ft. only Rom. 7. 2. is ft. by the law to her husband, I Cor. 7. 39. 1 Cor. 7. 27. art thou A. unto a wife 2 The.it. 1. 3. A. to thank God alw.2.13 2 Tim. 2. 9. word of God is not A. Heb. la a in bonds, as A. with them Rev. 9. 14. loose the angels A. in Eup. BOUND with chains. Ps. 6R. fi.G.bringeth out those ft.tr.c. Jer. 39. 7. ft. Zedekiah n-ith c. 52. II. 40. 1. Jeremiah A. with c. Nah. 3. 10. all her great men 6. w. c. Mark 5. 4. he had been often A. w. c. Luke 8. 29. he WHS kept ft. n-ith ch. Acts 21.33. com. Paul to be A.u-.tivo c. 28. 20. for hope of Israel I am ft. BOUND up. Gen. 4-4. 30. his life is 6. up in lad's Isa. 1. 6. they {lave not been ft. up Jer. 30. 13. none to plead, that thou mayest be A. up Exek. 30. 21. not be b. up to be heah-d 34. 4. nor have ye A. up that broken /Aw. 4. 19. the wind hath A. her up 13. 12. iniquity of Kphraim is fi. up Luke 10. 34. he A. up his wounds BOUND, Substantin: Gen. 49. 26. A. of the everlasting hills Jnb 3H. & take it to the 6. thereof Paul. 104. <). to waters set a A. that Jer. b. 22. the sand for ft. of the sea 37 BOW Has. 5. (0. the princes like thorn that remove the b. BOUNDS. E.rod. 19. 2.1 set ft. about the mou.'ij 2,'J. 31. thy ft. from the Red sea Duiit. 32. 8. set ft. of the people, Job 14. 5. his A. that he cannot pass 26.10. compassed the waters with b. Isa. 10. 13. removed A. ol the peopl Acts 17. 26. hast determined the 6. ui BOUNTY. 2 Cor. 9. fi. beforehand youi 6. BOUNTIFUL. Prov. 22. 9. hath a A. eye be blessed Isa. 32. 5. nor churl he said to be A. BOUNTIKULNESS. 2 Cor. 9. 11. being enriched to all A. BOUNTIFULLY. Psal 13. 6. he hath dealt ft. with mo 116. 7. Lord hath dealt A. with iliee 119. 17. deal A. with thy servant 142. 7. thou shalt deal ft. with me 2 Cor. 9 C. soweth A. shall reap I. BOW. Gen. 9. 13. I set my ft. in the cloud 27. 3. take thy quiver and A. 48. 22. I took of Amorite with A. 49. 24. his A. abrde in strength Josh. 24. 12. but not with thy A. 2 Sam. 1. 22. A. of Jonath. turned not 1 Kings 22. 34. a certain man drew a A. at a venture, 2 Chr. 13. :. 2 Ki. 13. 15. take A. and arrows, took b. Job 29. 20. my A. was renewed Psal 44. 6. I will not trust in my f. 46. 9. he breaketh the ft. riitti-th 76. 3. there brake he arrows of ft. 78. 57. aside like a deceitful A. Isa, 41. 2. them as slubble to his b. Jer. 6. 23. they shall lay hold on f.. 49. 35. 1 will break the ft. of Klain Lam. 2. 4. bent his ft. like an enemy Exek. 1. 28. as the appearance of rim ft. in the cloud Has. 1. 5. I will break ft. of Isruel 7. I will not save them by A. 2. 18 I will break the A. and s\v-rd 7. 16. they are like a deceitful 6. Amos 2. 1ft. he that handleth A. Hob. 3. 9. thy A. quite naked Zech. 9. 13. fifled the A. with Ephrnim Ren. 6. 2. sat on white horse had n6. See BEND, BENT, BATTLE.BOV*. BOW.SHOT. Gen. 21. 16. as it were a b.-shitt. BOWS. 1 Sam. 2. 4. the A. of mighty are brnk. Neh. 4. 16 other half of them heid ft. Psal. 37. 15. their A. shall be broken /*K Ezek. 39. 9. they shall burn the A. BOW. Josh. 23. 7. nor 6. yourselves to ther gods, 2 Kinif.i 17. .'fcx 2 Kings b. 18. I A. in house of Him. Jnb 39. 3. A. themselves, bring forth Ptal 22. 29. to the dust shall ft. 72. 9. that dwell in wilderness *h.ill A. before him 144. 5. ft. thy heavens, O Lorn Prov. 5. I. b. thine ear to my under 14. lit. evil A. before the good Eccl. 12. a the strong men shall A. Mir. 6. a A. myself before hiub GMT Ilab. a 6. the perpetual hills did '>. Eph. 3. 14. 6. my knees to the FatliT BOWrforra. Gen. 27. 29. nations A. d. rjotti. son, 37.IO.shallI, thy mother, ami breih. re ft. dn'i-n 49. 8. father's children shall /.. ,1. Ef. 1 1. a thy serv shall ft. d. tu mo ROW ha. n..t A.rf.t., thorn, 7V, JS. I A. . let n- worhip and A. rfotrn ZM 10 4 without me A. id under prls. 4. V tl.ey t..p, they A. i together 49 ]f3. knur* and qu. eni -h ,11 b. d. 61. 23. t. 4. that we may g<> over 5. 5. to '-.< his head a .u ru-li CO. 14. tht tftvpbrd th- shall A. -hAll H|| 6. d. In sUuifhter JIW. II. 10. b. d. thrir bark lwy Cm. 41. 41 < ri. d hefore him 6. the *. 1<. 4i. sTJ. every fc .hall ft. AMI. 1 4. 1 1 />A 3. H I A. my * t>i Father of t'lUL i 10. at in.- num.- of Jes. er. A HO WHO. [thull 6. .. id &. the heart of SI 10. h A. heaven-., I'tal. 18, 9. I A'i. i:. IK. n-t A. t.. BiuU. Kun. 1 1. 4 S A'i. 5?. 1 o. |irnph.-U A. hrf..re Kli-ha S CAro. 7. 3. ft. upon the pavement SR m the kiiiy and nil present ft. *tn. 3.5. M..rdehi ( ,ped, 12.27. A>A.a6. 34. H. .Mo*. nmde tm.ie and A. A, Ui Vum. -fL .11 Bitl.. any piuises an . A. their A. JoA 19. XI Je.ii. 6. In. A. *nd cuv.. K. Wl.l) Aimje// [Lot A A Ce. la T>. Ahrm. A. A. '23 7, [< || 19. I. XI 3. Jar.* ft. kiHu.lf, 47. 31. || 18 IV. /iweph A. hinurlf J*dg. Ifl 30. Sumuin A. A. with nwfci |loiiM>n A. A. to hi* mother Do WK I H Judf. ~. .V thut A. on knee to drink h*. i. 9. menu man A. p4. I. Bel A. HOVVIM; [e H rth Cm. 14. Si Kh.-ier ft. himself t., the /'. 17. It. >et Ibeir eyes, A. down 61. i - a A. ..li haJ( ye be Jfer* IS. 19. i"t ..n him, ft. knees Jer. 4. a. from the n.nw of the 6. HOWKLS. Orw. IS. 4 out ol own b. thy heir 25 O. tw nmnu.-r ( pr W. 14. meat in his A. U turned 30. 27 my A. hoiled, nd teMetl n..t fiaL . 14. it is melted in my A. 71.6. to--k me out of my mother's ft. Ida la rome into hi- !.. like wat.T Cant. 5. 4. my A. Wi-r.- tt.oved for him /L 16. ! I. my A. sound like HII harp la 19. the offspring of thy A. like 4'l. I. from A. of my n other he made 3. IS. where is -oiin.lini? of thy A. Jer. 4. 19. my ft. I Hin pnined at heart 31. 20. my A. are trout led for him l.nm. I. iO. my ft. are trouhled, 2. II. .'.-.A-, a :t fill thy A. with thu roll 7. 1!'. their souk, nor fi.l their A. Art* I. 18. Ju 'its l.ur.t, and Mil his ft. 2 Cor. 6. 12. straitened in your own A. I'fiil. I. a after you in ft. of Christ i I. If there be any i. and merries CoL 3. 12. put on A. of piercles PhUem. ?. ft. of saint* fcre relreshed receive him that is my own A. i. yea. refresh my ft. In the I^ird 1 JoAi3. 17. shuttelh up 6. of c. 7. alahiit-ter ft. Mark !4. 3. ./r*U.3.!-hebrketheft iu.7.37. BOX.TREB. /jo. 41. 19. I will set in the desert I. W. 13. the glnrv of Lebanon ft. BOV, S. (Sen. 95. 27. the A. grew, and Esau furl. 3. 3 Riven a ft. for a harlot Zecfi. a 5. i-tteets sln.ll Le full of & noYL. or BOIL, s. Erod. 9. 10. it I*, nine A ft. with blains > Kiiigt iO. 7. Bas on A. /o. 3a tf I. Jbft i 7. SMI Satan smote Job with ft. BRACELET. S. Gen. 94. 3C. e.aw A. on sister's hands 38. la thy siun.-t ft. and .t. ff. iS. AJ. 35. 2i brnueht ft M neck A. Kingt 19. 11. a strong wind ft. in pi. .-.. the rorks Kin. 1 1. IK. Baal's imnires ft. they 1" 4. A. lm)T.-, A. timten serp-nt -' CArtm. il. 17. ArahiMim ram. and i. into Judah '.Saa who shut sea When it A. forth? 10. A. up tor it iny*dei-r.-ed place P"il. 7fi 3. theie ft. he the arrows HIV 16. he A. the whole stafl of I/read 33. ft. Ire.-* of th.-if rtast IOC. 29. the plnjrue A. in upon them l"7. 14. be '.. tb.-ir hands in Hinder Jer. <8, 10. y.4ce from Jerem A. it 31. 32. mv r.. ten. ,nt they A tho' I Ezrk. 17 la and loveiiant he 6. lion. 2 1. and el.-rp A. Irom him U 24 the linim A. all their bone* 7. 7. U e lourth beast ft. in | M BRA Dan. a 7. ram, and A. his tw ) hnrnj .Vat. 14. IX lie l.le.ed and A. and gave the (nave-., IS 3fv | 2f>. A Markfi. 41. | 8 fi. | 14. rt. l.,ikt 9.li | W.I!) | "24. 30. I C-r. l'..-->t. Mark K. 111. >%hen I A the five loaves 14. 3. she A. the box, and poured l.itke 5. G. net A. || 8. W b. l.iinrf JiJin 111. 3i ti.ldi.-i> A l.-(f of firnt 33. was ded, they li. m.t his l.-i.' BKAKK ri,.i/-i the I... ii-.- ..f Bual 14. 13. A.rf.,.rn Wiill ..I J.-MI-. -J Chr Jj. '.'.'i | 36. I'J. Jer. .>. 8. | 5i 14 *3. 7. he A. d. homes of S.Hl.m.ites * CAr. j)6. 6. t'nihh ft. rf. w .II..I ;th 31. 4. they A. rf aitan. of Haaltm BKAKKSI. Erod. 34. 1. fir*t tahle ft. ,-ui 10. 2 I'-il. 74. 13. ft. heads of drajfons., 14. Kxek. ~fJ. 7 leaned on thee, thou ft. BHAMBLK. S. Judg. 9. 14. then si.id trees to the A. I.), let fire rome out of tlie ft. Int. 31 13. ft. shHll rome up in fort. Luke & 44. nor of a A. hush grapes I RANCH. Sum. 1.1 a rut a A with one dust Jttl> H. 16. his A. shiM.t.-th forth 14. 7. tender A thereof not i-ea*e 15. 3_'. and his A. shall not he (rreeri 18 Id. above shall lii- A. l>e rut oil V.>. 19. dew lay ail niv lit on my i. PtaL 80. 15. ft. thon made-t stronp /ror.l \.-ffi. ri(tht. shall nourish .. a 6. /.;. 4. i Khali ft. Ofthe U be heniitiful 9. 14. L. will rut off A. and r.M.t II. I. aft. shall prim out of hi.rix.ti 14. 19. art cast out like ahoniin. ft. 17. 9. rities a* an uppermost A. 19. 15. work A. or rush may do 2S. 5. the A. of territ.le ones low X 21 the A. of my planting Jer. 23. 5. to l)aid r if Me mis ft. 33. 15. ranse ft. of riiiht. urow Kzelc. ft. 17. they put A. to th.- r n. 15. i vine tree more than the A. f 17. 1 eatrle t.rnk the Midiest ft 5?i Dan. II. 7. out of a A. of her nxitj Zerh. 3. H. forth my servant the A. ft li man whose name is the A. Mitt. 4. 1 it shall leave r a ft. BKAM HK> Gen. 4O. lithe three A. are three dayt 49. fi. a boii^h, whose A. run l.rr. V3 40. A. of palm tr .\Wj.a IS. J,,h 1 5.30. the Main.- shall dr\ up hi- A Hal. HO. II. sent out her A. t.. river 101. 12. fowls wh. .inir an.oinr thet 1*0. 16. a Moah 1 !. ft. are stretrhed K. f. four or five in outnxwl 6. Ifl 5. heshll rut dowi. Ih- '. /T. Hi. there li- HUM .-on.!!!!!. A Irr. II Ifi. and A. of it are broken Ezrk. 17. fi B spreaniu? vine u h.~eft 19. 10. she wax fruitful full ol A. 14. fire out of a rod i'f h.-r A. 31. 8, not like the A yriaii'd A. 3fi. a (> inonn. ye shall h-.ot A. l),in . II hew tree, rut of} In- ft. li't. II. fi.'r<>n!l 38. 29. b. of ottering 70 talent' .Vm.2l. 9. ma'le a serpent of A. vvhei !) beheld serpent ">f b. he livet Dent. 8. 9. hi IN thou mayest dig 6. 5:8. 23. the h'aven shall beiA. 1 Sum. 17. 0. had U reaves of 6. on leg: 9 .SV/w.8.8. I)av. took much A. 1CA. 18.8. 1 Ki>igs".. It. Hiram worker in A. 2 &/i. -25. 7. Zedek. with fetters of b. 1.1. 6. to Babylon, Jer. 52. 17. i Citron. 15. 19. with cymbals of 6. 22. 3. David prepared A. 29. 7. 29. 2. prepared 6. tor things of 6. Job 6. 12. or is my flesh 6. f 40. 18. htrties as strong pieces of J. 41. 27. Lev. esteetneth b. as rotten Psal. 107. 16. broken the gates of 6. li-a. 45. 2. in pieces the gates of A. 60. 17. for wood A. for 6. gold E~ek. 24. II. that the A. may he hot Dan. 2. 32. and his thighs were of A. 33. third kingdom of A. 7. 19. the fourth beast nails of A. 10. 6. his feet like in colour to A. /!>-. 4. la will make thine hoofs A. Zfch. d. 1 were mountains of A. Mat. 10. 9. provide neither gold A. I Cor. 13. I. 1 am as sounding A. Km. I. I',, his feet like fine A. 2. 18. 9. 20. should not worship idols of A. Inm and BRASS. Gen, 4.22. Tuhal-rain instruc. in b. i. Lei'. 26. 19. heaven iron, your earth l\ iVm. 31.22. A. i. which may abide fire Di-tit. 33. 25. .shoes shall he jr. anrfft. JiA. 22. 8. return with A. and iron 1 Chi: 22. 14 A. i. without weight, 16 r C/jr. 2. 7. a running man in A. ir. 21. 12. hired snrh us wrought in ir.b. Jnb 28. 2. iron taken out of .'arth, A. fr''. 4.S. 1 tiei-k V. sinew, //;irf hrow A. fiO. 17. for A. tr.ibl, for iron silver /cr. fi. 28. they are A. f. Exek. 22. 18. ErcA:. 22. 20. -A* they father ir. and A. Dan. 2. 3-5. then was ' ir. b. brok. 45. 4 15. with hand of ir. A. in grass, 2.3. 5. 4. they praised gods of silver, b. i. reafltof BRASS. Josh. fi. If), all . nfb. are consecrat. lKing*'2r> \f> the A. of all these re* was with'Mit weight. Jer. 52. 20. Kzek.-'l. 13. traded in r. nfb. /fer.18.12. BRA2BN. 1 ATii/r. 18. 4. brnke the A. serpent 25 13. A. sea Thai, hreak, Jer. 52.17. 2 C/i/wi, fi. 13. Sol. made a A. scaffold Jer. 1. 18. made thee this day A. walls 15. 20. make thee a fenced 'A. wall 52 20. A. bulls || Mark 7. 4. A. vessels See \ LTA R. BRAVERY. fin. 3. 18. L. will take away their A. BRAWLER, S. 1 TVin. 3. 3. a iiishop must be no fi. Tit. 3. 2. to h< no A. BHAWLIWO. Prm. 2.i. 24. witli A. woman, 21. 19. RRAY, El). KTH. Jnb 6 5. dot i the wild ass A. when 30. 7 ainonif the hushes they A. Prov. 27. 22. tho' A a f.iol in a mortar BUKACH. Gn. 38 29 midwife said, thi A. *. 24 id b. for b eye for eye BRE Hum. 14. 31. know my A. of promise Jitdg. 21. 15. made a A. in the tribes 2 Sain. 5. 20. forth as A. of waters 6. . A. on Uzzah, I Chron. 13. 1 1. 2 Kings 12. 5. wheresoever any A. 1 Citron. 15. 13. L. made a A. on us AVA. 6. I. and there as no A. Jnb 16. 14. bre.ik. me with A. upon A Pstil. 106. 23. not Moses stood in A. .P/w. 15. 4. perverseii"ss is a A. in Isa. 7. 6. a A. for us, and set a king 30. 13. this iniquity as a A. 26. in the day L. hindeth up b. 58. 12. called the repnirer of the A. Jer. 14. !7. daugh. is brok. with a A Lam. 2. 13. thy A. is great like sea Exek. 2(5. 10. enter city wherein a A BREACHES. Juris: 5. 17. Ashvr abode in his b. 1 Kings 1 1. 27. rep. b. of city of Dav 2 Kings 12. 5. let them repair the A. 6. priests had not repaired the b. Psal. 60. 2. heal t ,e A tor itsh.iketh /.vo. 22. 9. ye have seen A. of the r it) Amos 4. 3. "y" shall an out at the A. (i. II. smite the great house with A 9. 11. I will close up the 6. thereof I i R E A D. Gen. 14. 18. k. of Salem brought A. Gen. 18. 5. will fetch a morsel of A. 21. 14. Ahraha:n took A ifave Hagar 25. 34. then Jacob aave Ksau 6. 27. 17. savoury meat and A. to Jaeob 41. 54. in Egypt there was b. 55 people cried to Pharaoh for A. 43. 31 set on A. || 45. 23. A. for father 47. 15. give us A. ||17. A. for horses 19. buy us and our hind for A. 49. 20. out of Asher his A. he fat E.vod. 16. 4. 1 will rain A. from heav. 8. in the morning b. to the full, 12. 29. sixth day the A. of two days 32. they may see the A. I fed yoi 23. 25. he shall bless thy A. and wat. 40 23. he set the A. in order on laid Lev. 8. 32. what remaineth of A. burn 21. 6. A. of their r.od, 8, 17. 21, 22. 2fi. 26. ten women shall hake b. Num. 4. 7. continual A. be thereon 14. 9. people <>f the hind are A. fifr 21. 5. our soul lotheth thi- lit-ht A. Dent. 8. 3 that man doth not live by A. only, M,it. 4. 4. Luke 4. 4 23. 4. they met you not with A. 29. 6. ye have not e;iten A. nor Josh. 9. 5. A. was dry and mouldy 12. this our b we took hot for our Jud-j. 7. 13. a cake of A. tumbled 8. 6. should give A. to thy army, 15. 19. 5. comfort thy heart with I) 19. there is A. and wine also for Ruth. \. (i. hi* peo in giving them A. S/tm. 2. 5. hired out theins for A. :)<;. >hall cro'ieh for a morsel ,.f A. 9. 7. the A. is spent in our vessels 21. 4. hallowed A. ||5. b. i.s common 6. priest nave him hallowed A. 22. 13. hast ?iven him A. and 28. 22. let me set a m r-el of A. I .S<7i/i 3 2!. Joab uiie that lacketh b. 35. if I taste A. till sun be d> wn 6. 19. to every one a cake of A. Kings 13. 22. hm-k and hnst e.iten A. 17. 6. ravens brouuht A. and flesh 11. hrinir me a morsel of A. i Kings 4 42. hroueht man of IT. 6. 18. 32 to a land ol A. /.v. 36. 17. VeA. 5. 14. not eaten A. of governor 9. 15. gHvest them A. from heaven It. 2. bee. they met not Isr. with A. /-A IS. 23. waudereth abroad for A. 22. 7. witl.holden A. from IIUIILTV 27. 14. "Hsprinff not be satis, with A. 28. 5. the earth, out of it i-oineth A. 39 BRE Job 33. 20. his life abhor. A. and noil Psal. 37. 25. seen his seud begging b 78. 20. can he give A. f 102. 9. eaten a.shes like A. 80. 5. feedest them xvith ft of tears 101. 15. A. wh. stren. man's heart 105. 40. satisH. them with A. of h. 10!). 10. seek their A. out of desolate 132. 15.1 will satisfy h.-r poor with A. Prof. 9. 17. A. eaten in secret is plea, 12. 9. he that is despised and hath a servant is better than he that honoureth himself and lack. A. 11. tilleth land satis, with A. 28. 19 20. 13. thou shall be saiis. with A. 17. A. of deceit is sweet to a man 22. 9. he giveth of his A. to the pool 31. 27. she eateth not A. ol idleness Eccl. 9. 1 1. not to swift, nor A. to wise I !. I. cast thy A. upon ihe waters Isa. 3. I. away the whole stay of A. 7. for in my house is neither A. nor 21. 14. with th.-ir A. trm that fled 30. 20. tho' L. give A. of adversity 33. 16. his A. shall be jfiven him 4K 15. bak.'th A. on the coals, 19. 51. 14. nor that his b. should fail 55. 2. money for that which is not A. 10. that it may give A. to eater 58. 7. not to d. al thv A to hungry? .Jer. 42. 14. nor have hunger of i. Lam. I. 11. people sigh, they seek 6. 4. 4. young children ask b. no man 5.6. to Egyptians to be sat. with A. 9. we gat our A. with peril of lives Ezek. 4. 15. prepare thy A. therewith 17. that they may want A. and wa. 16 49. pride, fulness of A. and 18. 7. his b to the hungry, 16. 44. 7. strangers when ye offer my A. Hns. 2. 5. my lovers that fiive me b. 9. 4. sacrifices as A. of mourners Amos 4. 6. given you want of A. 8 II. not famine of A. hut hearing Hag. 1. 12. with his skirt do touch 4. Mill. 1. 7. ye offer polluted A. on altat Mat. 4. 3. stones be made A. Lu. 4. 3. fi. 1 1. day our daily A. Luke II. II. 7. 9. if his son ask A. will he give 15 26. the children's A. Mark"!. 27. 33. whence so much ti.t Mfirk 8. 4. 16. 5. forgot to take A. Mark. 14. 1 1. spake it not com erning A. 12. not beware of leaven of 6. 26. 26. Jesus took A. Murk 14. 22 Luke". 33. Knptist neither eating 9. 3. for your journey, neither A. 15. 17. servants have h enough 22. 19. took b. gave thanks, 24. 30. 24:35. known of them in hrenkinu A. iihnG. 5. two him. penny. worth of A. 32. Mos. uRve you not th;it A. from heav. my Father (.'iveth true b. 33. the A. of God i> he 34 Lord, cive us this A. 35. I am the A. of lite, 48. 41. A. which came down, 50. 58. 58. eMeth of thi- A. shall live 13. 18 eateth A. hath lift his heel 21. 9. and fish laid thereon and A 13. Jes. then taketh It. and givetn Acts '2. 42. continued in break, of A. 46. breaking A. from house to him 20. 7 disciples cnnie to break A. II. when he had broken A. eaten 27. 35. he took A. and ffnve thanks Cur. in. |(i. A. we break is it not 17. for we heini; many are one A. II. 23. the Lord .Jcs. the same iiiirht in which he was betniyed took A. i Cor. 'J. 10. minister A. to your food See AFFLICTION. BREAD.CORK 7*1. 28. 28. 6. corn i hruisml becauM BRE BREAD, with tnt, Of*- S. l!>. iii sweat of thy lace ft &. 20. if Lord will givp me A. to e. 31. M. Jacob called bretli. to eat b. 37. 2J. Joseph', br.-th. sat In nit b. Jt. ft ought he had, save A. he tnt 4:1 3!. Eg} pt. not nil A. with llebr ErotL 2.2il CH|| him lli.it he may ft 6. 1C. 3, when we r it. A. to the full 15. this U thp A. U giv. you to eat la 12. to ft A. with Moses' f..in.lnw 3U 28. be did not eat b. forty days Dent, a 9, la l*r. 21. 22. he shall ft the b. of God 2C. ft. ye shall r,/< A. to the full Dntt. 8. 9. en/ A without scarceness /{'. did r. A. before him, Jer.W. :O Job 42. 1 1. and did eat b. with Job Ptal. 14. 4. people as they r. >>. 53. 4. 41. 9. eat of my A. hth lifted heel 102. 4. so that I fnr/pt to n/( my A. 127. 2. to /nr3 20. could not so much as ft A. * 3ft buy A. they have noth. to eat t. i disciple< nit A. with defiled, 5. LtiJff 14 l.to Pharisee'* house to r. A. I-V blessed IIP shall eat A. in kingd. /An 0. 5. whence shall we buy A. 23. nigh place where they tat A. 31. hegaveth.-m A. from heat. tor. SI. if any ft of this A. he shall live I C-r. 1 1. X\. KM often as ye e. this A. 27. whosoever shall eat this A. and t THrt 3. S. did we f. A. for nought f 12. that with quietness they r b. l.r,tr,-nni ItKEAI). Em4 la 3 tin-re shall no I. A. paten 7 no /. A. be Keen, Drut. Ift 3, 4. Lest. 7. la he shall offer Irarrnerl A. I.n.,fnr Ao.fr,-. o/ BREAD. Jwf. ai give /.'/A. to peo. that fol. 1 Sum. in, 3. another car. three/. <>fb. 4- thpy will girp thee two I. o/j. 81. a give me live I. ofb. in my hand 1 C*. 1C. 3. he ttenlt to er. one /. ofb. .V. HKEAI). Cm 47. 13, was NO A. in all the land tinm. 21 5. A an.l our soul loath, I &rH. 21. I. there is nn cottimon b. ft nn A. there but shew.bre^d M 20. Saul had eaten no A. all day HO. I J the Kay p. had eat NO A. 3 days 1 A"'* 13. !l. pat */. A. nor, 17. .' * A'iwyt i - i. :i A. for pro.Jer. 42.G. i. there is nn morp A. in city /Jem. \0. 3. I atP K" pVasant A. nor Hat 11. 7. it is l>i-i-.ii|se vp havp taken A. S .U./nl s. 10, 17. ttarlr G. 8. takp no rrip, o k. firer irr I'irre* ./ B II E A D. . i 38 th.u 1 u,a\ BRE r Pnr, 6.9C. hy means of whor. woman a man is bp>ui:)it to a pi. ofb. 29.21. for ap.oft>.l\\Ht man will trans. Jrr. 37. 21. Jeremiah daily a pi. ofb. E:tk \:\.\'J.\\ ill ye pollute me for^. A. SHEW BREAD; ire SHEW. .SY/o/HKKAl>. l^r. 2C 2i when I have broken it b. /'..//. H'i 1C. he Ijfake whole tt. ofb. z.4.lo.t will break it. i.5. 1ft | U.ia L'ulearened BREAD. Er. 12-IKeat passo. with M.A.Xn.9.11. I J. seven daysrat KM. A. 1:1 n,7. | 23. 15. J 3U la /..'). 10. A. ev. man from muster Ktrii 0. I* should we again A. com. ./"A I.'L 25. wilt A. a leaf driven ::>. 15. the wild beast may b. them I'tnl. 2. a let us 6. their bands a Shalt A. them with rod of iron 10. IV b. the arm of the wicked 58. fi. b. their teeth, O God su 31. if they A. my statutes 141. 3. oil wh. shall not b. my head Cunt. 2. 17. until day A. i. & t'i. 14 2\ I will A. the Assyrian 2a 24. A. the cl.-d- || 2a not A. it 30. 14. b. it as of a potter's vessel 3a 13. as a linn so will he A. all 42. a a bruised reed will he not A. Mat. 12. 20. 58. ft that ye 6. every yoke ? Jrr. 15. 12. iron A. the northern iron 19. 10. A. bottle, no will 1 A. II. 2S. 4. A. yoke of k. of Mali. 1 1. | ?0. a 49. 35. 1 will A. the b.h. rHs J!l. 7. hold irf thee thou dicist b. 30. la when I A. yokes of Egypt J2. will A. Pharaoh's arms, -.n. Ufa. 1. 5. I will A. the bow of Israel 2. la 1 will A. the bow, the su-.ml 10. II. and Jacob shall A. hi- clods Joef*. 7. mid not A. their ranks .V'iiiL'iiiL>, \\.\>:t. | 4!i. I.!. ..I. I. 52 9. A./ into joy ye waste places M. a shall A. /: on the rifht liar.,1 .'>5. I.' hills shall A. into sinking .SH. a thy light A. fi'ns the morning ./rr. I. 14! north ail fvil shall A./ Hut. 4. 27. A. /;./V/, that travailest not I5IIKAK ,.ff. Gen. 87. 40. A. his yoke .Jflliy neck Dan. 4. 27. kinc. A. o/thy'sinj BKKAK nut. Ptal. l ft A <./ the rreat te.-th /.. ai. (I in wild, shall watrrs A. U //.. 4. 2. the-} A. ,,i^an,l I.|O.K! .^/oj ft. ft lett he A. o,/ like tire in BKKAK in i,ierei. Job 19. 2. A me i ///<. with words t 31. 2. shall A. /,; liiicltty men /'.;/. 7.'. 4. he shall A. i /j.thc npprex. !M.5.they A iwyA thy people, () I ord ha. 45. 2. 1 will A.i>. gates ,,f brass Jn< 21. with thee A. rM^.liore and rider 22. ;ith thee A. i /j. ina.n, woman Dan. 2. 40. shall it A. I'M jiin-et and bruise kingdom*. 44 7. 2a beast shall A. I'M/;, whole earth UKKAK thn.Hiih. Erod. ID. 21. lest they A"M. to pn/e 24. let not priests and peo. A. M. A/at & 19. thieves A. M. U 20. A. tint t BREAK . Jer. 4. 3. 4. up your fallow ground, Hot. 10. 12. BREAKER. .Vi'r. 2. 13. A. is come up /{!. 2. 25. if a A. of law BREAKERS. . 31. covenant A. BRBAKEKT. . 4a 7. thu A. ships of Tar.|.ik BREAK KIM. Gen. 31 2ft let me go, for the day 6. J,,t, 9. 17. he 6. me wi'h tempest 12. 14. he A. it raiinnt bp built 1ft 14. heA.me with >reHch iipnndr 28. 4. flod A. out from inhabitants Pint. 29. 5. A. thpred..rs || l(i. !l. h.nT 1 1!/. 20 my soul A. for longing /'r..p. 2".. I'., a soft tongue A. the h..;i /Tec/. 1ft a A. an he. r..< k t Lsim, 4. 4. chiL uk bread, no man BRE Dan. 1 Ml f.irasmuch as Iron 5. BREAKING. Gen. 32. 24. wrestled till 6. of day I Chron. 14. II. like b. forth of waters Job 30 14. as a wide b. in of waters 41. 25. by reason of b. they purify P*aL 544. 14. that there be no b. in Isa. 22. i 6. down walls, of crying 30. 13. whose b. cometh suddenly 14. as ft. of the potter's vessel Ezek. 16. 59. oath in b. covvn. 17, 18. 21. 6. sigh, with b. of thy loins Hoi. 13. la place of b. forth of chiL Luke 24-. 35. known in b. of bread Acts 2. 42. continued in b. of bread 46. b. bread from house to house Rom. 2. 23. through b. law, dishou.G. Bit EAST. Job 24. 9. pluck fatherless from 6. Isa. 60. 16. sliait suck b. of kings Lnm. 4. 3. sea monsters draw out b. Dan. 2. 32. head of gold, his ft. Luke 18. 13. publican smote his ft. Tcbn 13. 25. lying- on Jesus' 6. 21. 20. BREASTS. Gen. 49. 25. bless with blessings of ft. J'i'i 3. 12. or why '/. that I sh. suck 21. 24. his ft. full of milk, his hones Psal. 22. 9. hope when on mother's ft. frov. 5. 19. let her A. satisfy thee Cant. 1. 13. lie all night betw. my ft. 4. 5. thy two b. like roes, 7. 3. 7. 7. thy 6. like clusters of grapes 8. thy b. be as clusters of the vine 8. 1. sucked the 6. of my mjther . R a little sister, she hath no ft. 10 and my b. like towers Isa. 28. 9. weaned from milk fr. 6. ti'i. 11. with ft. of her consolations Ezek. 16. 7. thy ft. are fashioned 23. 3. there were tlieir 6. pressed a bruised the ft. of her virginity 34. shall pluck off thine own ft. Hot. 2. 2. adulteries from betw. her 6. 9. 14. give them dry ft. Joel 2. 16. gather those sack the ft. Xirh. 2. 7. doves tabring on their ft. Luke 23. 4S. people smote their ft. Rev. 15. H. having their ft. girded BREAST. PLATE. Ex. 25. 7. stones to be set in b.-p. 35.9. 2R 4. shall make a b.-p. 15. | 39. 8. 29 the names of Israel in b.-p. 30. put in b..p. the Urim, Lev. 8. 8. Isa. 59. 17. he put on right, as a b.-p. Eph. fx 14. the b.-p. of righteousness 1 Thea. 5. a the b..p. of faith and love Rett. 9. 9. b.-p. as it were b.-p. of iron 17. having b.-p. of fire, of jacinth HREATH. Gen. 2. 7. into tin nostrils ft. of life 6. 17. to destroy all flesh wh. ft. 7. 15. entered two arid two wh. ft. 22. all in whose nost. was ft. died 2 Sam. 22. 16. found, discovered at A. of his nostrils. Psal 18. 15. 1 Kings 17. 17. no 6. left in him Job 4. 9. by 6. of his nost. consumed 9. 18. not suffer me to take my ft. 12. 10. in whose hand is A. of all 15. 30. by ft. of his mouth go away 17. I. my ft. is corrupt, ir.y days 19 17. my A. is strange to my wife 27. 3. all the while my ft. is in me 3:1. 4. the A. <>f Aim. given me life 34. 14 if he gather bis Spirit and A. 37. 10. hy ft. of God frost is given 41. 21. his A. kindleth coals PtaL 33. 6. all made by tlie ft. of his 101. 2f. takest away I,, they die 135. 17. nor any ft. in tlieir mouths 14G. 4. his I. forth forth, he return. 150. a that bath A. praUe the l-ord Kcct 3. 19. they have all one ft. BRE Istt. 2. 22. whose A. is in Ms nostrils 1 1. 4. with A. of his lips slay wicked 30. 28. his 6. as overflowing stream 33. ft. of L. like stream of "brimsto. 33. 11. your ft. as tire shall devour 42. 5. giveth ft. to people upon it Jer. 10. 14. no 6. in them, 51. 17. Lam. 4. 20. the ft. of our nostrils Ezek. 37. 5 ft. to enter you, shall live 6. with skin, and put 6. in you 8. no A. in them |j 9. come, O b, 10. the 6. came they lived Dan. 5. 23. G. in whose hand thy b. 10. 17. neither is ft. left in me //aft. 2. 19. no ft. in midst of image Acts 17. 25. he giveth to all life and A. BREATHE. Josh. 11. 11. not any left to 6. 14. Ps. 27. 12. and such as b. out cruelty Eze 37. 9. O breath, ft. on these slain BREATHED. Gen. 2. 7. ft. into nostrils A. of life Josh. 10. 40. but destroyed all that ft. John 20. 22. he A. on them receive ye BREATHETH, ING. Deut. 20. 16. save alive noth. that ft. Lam. 3 56. hide not ear at my ft. Acts 9. 1. Saul yet A. threatenings BRED. Exod. 16. 20. and it ft. worms BREECHES. Ezek. 41. IS. they shall have linen ft. BREED. Gen. 8. 17. may 6 abundantly BREED. Deut. 32. 14. rams of 6. of Bashan BREEDING. Zeph. 2. 9. as Sodom ft. of nettles BRETHREN. Gen. 13. 8. no strife, for we be ft. 19. 7. Lot said, A. do not so wick. 24. 27. Lord led me to master's A. 34. 25. Dinah's A. took each hisswo. 42. 6. ft. bowed || 13. twelve ft. 32. 45. 1(5. ft. are come || 49. 5. A. of cruel. Num. 27. 7. possession am. our fath.ft. 10. no ft. give it to his father's ft. Dent. 25. 5. if ft. dwell togeth. one die Josh. r>. 23. brought out Rahab ft. 17. 4. inheritance among the ft. urlj*. 9. 1. Abim. went to mother's ft. 2 Kings 10. 13. we are A. of Ahaziah 2 i'ttr. 21. 2. he had 6. sons of Jehos. Psal. 133. 1. pleasant for ft. to dwell together in unity Prov. 6. 19. soweth discord among ft. 17 2. shall have part among ft. 19. 7. A. of the poor do hate Mat. 4. la Jesus saw two ft. 21. 19. 29. that hath forsaken houses, ft. 20. 24. indignation against two 6. 22. 25. seven ft. Mark 12. 20. 23. 8. one is your Master, ye are ft. Mark 10. 29. no man hath left 6. for my sake, Luke 18. 29. 30. shall receive houses, A. Luke 14. 2(i. and hate not children,}. 16 23. Sor I have five 6. 21. If,, ye shall be betrayed by ft. John 21. 23. saying went among theft. Acts 3. 17. A. I wot thro* ignorance 6. 3. 6. look out seven men 7. 26. sirs, ye are ft. || 9. 30. ft. knew 10. 23. ft. from Joppa accom. him 11. 12. these six ft. accompanied me 29. to send relief to the A. 12. 17. go sh->w these things to 6. 14. 2. evil affected against the A. 15. 1. men from Juden taught ft. 3. caused great jy to all the A. 15. 22. and SiUs chief among the A. 23. and ft. send greeting to the ft. of the 4ientiles in Antioch S2. exhorted the ft. I Theu. 5. 14. 41 BRE Act* 15. 33. let go in peace from S. 40. reeom by ft. to grace of GoU 16. 2. Tim. well reported of by ft. 40. had seen A. they comforted 17. 0. drew Jason and certain A. 10. A. itnmedi. sent away Paul, 14. 18. la Paul took leave of the A. 27. the A. wrote to receive Apollo* 2'). 32. ft. I commend you to God 21. 7. to Ptolemais, saluted the ft. 17. to Jerus. ft. received -js gladly 22. 5. I received letters to the ft. 23. 5. I wist not, ft. he was high.pr. 28. 14. where \ve found 6. and were 15. ft. heard of us, came to meet 21. nor any of the 6. spake harm Rom. 1. 13. not have you ignorant, ft 11.25.IC(W.10.I. | 12.1. \Thes.l.\3. 7.1. know ye not, ft. law hath domiu. a 12. 6. we are debtors, not to flesh 29. the first-born among many A. 10. 1. 6. my prayer to God for Isr. 12. 1. ft. hy the mercies of God, 15. 30 | 16. 17. I Cor. 1. 10 I 16. 15. Gal. 4. 12. Hub. 13. ?2. 1 Cor. 1. 26. ye see your calling A. 2. 1. and I, ft. when I came to you 3. 1. I, 6. could not speak to you 4. 6. these things, 6. in a figure 7. 29. 6. the time is short, 15. 50. 8. 12. when ye sin so against the ft. 9. 5. as the ft. of Lord and Cephas 11. 2. ft. that ye remember me 14. 26. A. when ye come together 15. 6. he was seen of above 500 *. 58. ft. he stedfast, Jam. 2. 5. 16. II. I look for him with ft. 20. the ft. greet you, Phil. 4. 21. 2 Cor. 9. 3. 1 sent ft lest our boasting 5. necessary to exhort th ft. II. 9. 6. from Macedonia supplied 26. been in perils among false ft. 13. 11. finally, A. farewell, be perfect Gal. 1. 2. A. with me to chur.-hes 2. 4. because of false ft. brought in Eph. 6. 23. peace be to the 6. and Phil. 1. 14. 6. waxing confident Col. 1. 2. to faithful ft. in Christ 1 Thess. 4. 1. we beseech you, A. 10. || 5. 12. 2 T/u-st. 2. 1. 10. ye do it to all ft. in Macedonia 5. 25. 6. pray for us, 2 Thes. 3. 1. 26. greet ft. with an holy kiss 27. this epistle be read to ft. 1 Tim. 4. 6. put the A. in remerabr. 5. 1. intreat younger men as ft. G. 2. not despise because tbi^ are ft. Heb. 2. 1 1. not ashamed to call them ft. 3. 1. holy A. consider the apostle I Pet. !. 22. unfeigned love of ft. 3. 8. love as ft. be pitiful 1 John 3. 14. to life, bee. we love 6. 16. to lay down our lives for A. 3 John 3. rejoiced w hen ft.tes.of truth 5. whatsoever thou doest to the/'. 10. neither doth he receive the 6 Hit BRETHREN. Gen. 9. 25. servant of servants to h. t> 16. 12. he shall dwell in presence of Mi A. 25. 1H 27. 37. hi* A. to him for servants 37. 5. a dream and told it his ft. 11. his h. envied him, his father 38. 1 1. lest he die also as hit ft. 47. 12. Joseph nourished Ait b. 49. 26. that was separate from hub Dfwt. :. 18 Exod. 2. II. Moses spied an K^ypti smiting one of his ft. Xtim 25. 6. to h. A. a Midian worn. 27. 6. then give his inherit to A. 6. Dnit. 10. 9. Levi no part with h. b. 17. 20. heart not lifted above hit 6. 20. a lest hit ft. heart faint M BRE ..* (tealinc any of hit t: S3. H. n.ir ill.) he acknowledge- A. 4. .'< let A-II.T "e accept, to Hit b. .V. Al.iliiel.-rh .lew hit I: i..).htVil- tl.-.l tn.m hit b. Ruih 4. 10. u.'iit- nf (li>- .If id be not rut off Iroin Au A. I .Sam. 1ft 13. anointed itmu.l-t of /, ' f.. I. when hi* b. and fath. heard it 1 A'in. 9. 2. rise up from aim. nt hi- ' I CAro. i. '.'. Jabez mure h.-in'in ahl.- than hit b. 5. 4 Judah prevailed above hi* />. I [ihraiin mourned hi* t. came 25. 9. with AM A. an. I >n twelve fSo to Utt end of tiu chapttr. ] * CAr al. 4. Jelu.ram slew ail Hi* b. ErfJk. 10. a M .rder. ar.-epted of A, A. I//* 13 15. tho 1 fruitful am<>tur A ft. I/K . S. 3. remn. of A. A. return tn Is. Hat. 12. '-. HII.I hi* b. stoiMi \vithiiiit .Viri- a 31. /-/<* a 19. JoA* 7. A. Aw i. In-lieve in him Ar'i 7. 1.1. Jo*. w made known to A.A. S3. into M.~.-' heart t visit 6. 25. supposed Aw A. understood I Cor. d .'). able to judge belw. A. A. //A. i 17. behoved to he like to A. A. Hen and BKKTIIKKN. Wrt I. Hi M. 6 this scripture mint 8 2. /. nrf b. let me (reel y speak :C M. .i/< A. what shall we do P 7. 2. m. '.. and lathers, hearken 13. 15. m. an///., if ye have luiy word 2R. M. A. i-hildreu of slock of Abra. .'<" > 'i '/ic/ A. through this man 15 7. m. A. ye know U. made choice 13. J mi. s answered, in--n and 8. 82. I. m.b. iiii.l fathers, hear my de. S3. 1. m. ft. I have lived in all good li. men and A. I am Pharisee 28 17. men and b. tho' I have com. milted nothing My BRETHKKN. Cm. ?9. 4. Jar. said, mb. whence be ye? 87. HI 1 eck my o. tell me where 4ft 31. mi/ A. art- rome to me, 47. I. t~i 'I 4. -. let me return to my b. Joth. 1. 13 will save alive my A. Jrf<. a ID. thry were my A. 19. 23. my ft. do not so wickedly I Sam. 2 . redeemed our A. the Jews Aft* 15. 3ft visit our A. in every city S Cor. a V3. or nwr ft. h* inqmr.-.l ,,| /Ur. li 10 nrrUMT of tnir b. u cast Thfir BKKTMIil.N. DfU. K Iv raie apruph. from tt. A /*<< if I. jftl tt. A. rometfiromplaifi t.Vum. 4 'JR. i.id De.from follow inif / /, JC'ir IA32. all t\. A. atthrir . ...m,. fCAr. ail.V brought them t.. 'ViV /, *' 1) IJ. (.Ih-e to di. tribute to fi.6. BRI ./.* 42. l.V Inherit aiming ttrt'r 4. Jrr. 41 A ^lew them not .un.'ii. th.b. II.'. -.. .. tithe. ..I |..-. Unit is. 1 1 '!!,.!,. Rev. & II. till th. b should be kille.l Tky HKKTHKKN. (/.ft *7. -fi \f l-.r.i OV.T t/iu I'. 37. IU I and Iht/ b. c ....... t> how I. 'I do not Ililj /.. feed tl.e KIN k ? U. whfthcr il In- well with thy b. 48. Jtt. one (Mirti.'ii iihove thy I,. 4!) a he whom thil b. >h\\ praise l)f,,t. 15. 7. if a poor limn ol thy b. 17 15. Iroin am. thu ti. s. t kini; over la !5. raise up a p>phet .f Ay 6. H. 14. not oppre^^ poor of thy A. J j.h. *. IS. briiut Utii b. home t- thpe I Sum. 17. 17. run to ciunp to t/it/ 6. JSain.\\-M. take I ark thai, with tl ..... . 13. hutlain Mi//,, l.ett.-r than thv>ell Jcr. 12. 6. /Aw A. have dealt treacher. h.zrlt. II. l. r i. Uiii l>. rven W// /> men Mat li. 47. mother and thy *. .-tami without, >/r* a 32. I.u. 8. 20. Luke 14. Isf. call not % 6. le-t tin > 2'.'. :. converted, rtrciftke* Mu 4. Adfi. 1. 10. 1 am of th v f,. -U. 9. Vr BBETHRBN. Ccn. 42. :. leave one ot _ y . i. here /.pp. 1(1. 4. carry y. b. from >:inctuary 6. let y. 6. bewail the hurnini.' i'5. 46. iivcry. A. ye shall not rule .VF/WI. :ti. (t y. A o to war and ye sit /Vut 1. 16. hear cause* betw. (hty. A. CAr. II. 4. 2 Chr. III. 10. cause of y. 6. and so wratli come upon yon ami ynurb. 2a II. deliver captiveiof yiitir /<. 30. 7. be not like jr. ft \vhii-h tresp. 9. If ye turn, v. A. shall findcompass. .NVA. 4. 14. and' fight for y. ft. sons 5. 8. will you even sell your A. or Int. 66. 5. y. ft. that hated you 20. ywur'A. for n offering to Lord Jer. 7. 15. as I have cast out allyo. A. //>. 2. I. say to your ft. Ammi .Vt 5. 47. if ye'salute your b. only ^c< :i IS. a prophet f>. A. 7. 37. I Cr. 8. 8. defraud and 'that your 6. 1 Pet 5. 9. same nfflictions in'y ft lUlll'.K, S. I Sam. 8. 3. Samuel's son* took A. 12. 3. hand have I received any 6. Ptal. Vfi.ll). their runt hand full ..f /.. Ita 3Tt I .-i shakethhatid from hol.l /, Amotb. 12.thf> take a b. and turn a-i. HHIHKKV. ,, JoA 15. 34. fire ..nuine taber. of A. BRICK. Gen. II. 3. make A. hat) A. for t..ue t:.>-d \. 14 their liv.-s l.itl. r in A. V7.no more (five straw to make A. 16. />/. 65 3. inn-use on altars ol 6. B HICKS. End. fi. 8. tale of A. lay on them la yet deliver the tale of A. 19. / ' 9. 10. the A. ..re fallen down, but BRICK-KILN. !? Sam. 12. 31. made pass thro' A..*. ^rr43. II. hide stoiu in < -lay Inft.-A. A'oA. 3. 14. make >trong the A.-*. BB1D& In. 49. la bind tin m, an a A. doth fil. 10. as a A. adorneth with jewels -id. irroom rejoireth over A. Jer. i 34 can a b. forget her attire f 7. 34. voice of the A. Ift . | 25. 10, (3. II. -hall be heard voire of A. J'flt Iri A. KO out of her closet J.Jin 3 -fj he that hath the A. is Her. Ja 1 voice of 4. heard uoroore 42 BRI Aer.21.2.a* a A wdorned for her huiw 0. hew thee A the lambs wife 22. 17. spirit and the A. say, coma HKIUI-..1 H AMIiKK. Mat. !'. I.V c. k i Inl.l. ..I A .c. mourn Mark 2.i.can chil.l.oi A. l.,-t./.u.iJ ItKIDI.i. KOtiM. /W. 19. .'). as a A. ,-011.11,1! out of rb. Int. Cl. I(J. as a A. ,1, , k, th himself ii2. 5. as A. rejoicet h ovei hride, so A/uf. y. 15. while the A i, with them, Mark :. \'J. l.uJceS. 34. 25. I. ten vtrtius to m.-el the A. 5. A. Uirie.l, || (i. A. com. th, 10. .Win 2. I'. irotiTiior cal ed the A. a 29. the Iri.-i.d of ihe A. rcioiceth greatly h. can-.- of the I. voic* Her liMim. BR1ULU, 2 A'in.19.28. my A. in thy iM^JtakST.tf ./,,A3(I II. Hi,') have A hum* the i. 41. 13. to him with his .lonl.ic A. /'...;/. 3-J. Jl. iiui-t I.e h, i,l ith a A. 39. 1. keep my month with a i. l'n,r. '.'(I a a b. loi the ass, and a rod fun. 30. 2*. a A. in jaws ,,l the p. opl ./(/m. 1 'Jil and A. not hi- tongue a 2. uhle also to A. Hhole body A.r. 14. 20. blood to tne horse A. BRIEFLY. ll<.tn. 13. 9. it is A. < oinpreh. in this 1 /Vt 5.12. by Syhaim- i have writ-A, liKIKH. /t 55. 13. instead ,.| the A. myrtle.tr. Ezek. 28. 24.be no more a prickiug A. Mic. 7. 4. the best ol them ia a 4. BRIERS. Judg. K.7. will tear your flesh with 6. lit he took the eiders and A. Jta, 5. & there shall come up A. 7. 23 it shall even he lor 4. and tho. 24. landsh.ill become A. and thorns 25. not i IH thither the fear of A. 9. ia wickedness shall devour theft. 10. 17. devour his A. in one day 27. 4. set A. atiamsi me in hattle? 32 l.i. on land shall come up A. Ezek 2. 6. tin, nuh A. l,e with thee Heb. 6. a Im h I.earelli A.is rejected UKKiANUI.NE. Ji-r. 4ft 4. and put on the A. '.a th.,t hit, -tl, ii|> himself inhiaA. BKIOHT Job 37. H. he s< attrreth his A. cloudl 21. see not A. hi'1,1 in the cloud- Can/. 5. 14. his I., My is as A. ivory Jer. 51. II. make A.th, arrows, ffathrr Ezek. I. la the tin was A. and out of 21. I.V the sword is made A 21. king of Buh. made hi- arrows A. fi. 111. A. iron in th) market 32. 8. I,, light- I Hill make dark .\<;A 3 a lilleth ii|> the A. sword Zfi-A. 10. 1. so U shall make A. clouds Mut. 17. 5. a A i Ion, I oMTsh..d. them /.I'll.. II. :0. the A. .-hi 1,11,1; ol a (:,, .1 Act* lo. :n. a man st, .ve li^ht fi.' 1. till riphteou-. if., lorth a- A. Es-li. I. 4. and A. was ahont it, 27 28. so appearance of the A. a 2. 10 4. court lull ol th.' A. of ulorr 2S. 7. strangers -hall di-tiie thy k 17. hast itirrupted i y thy A. Dan. 1. 31. imaife, A was e'xceltent 4. :i my A. -eturned unto me 12. 3. wise mi. ne at A. of BRI Antni 5. 20. dav of Lord, no 6. in it llnb. a 4. his A. was as the light Arts 26. 13. lisht above b. of the sun 8 Thei. 2. 8. with the b. of his coming Hcb. 1. 3. who being A. of his glory B I! I M. Ji>*/i, 3. 15. feet dipped in A. of water Jtikn 2. 7. they filled them to the b. BRIMSTONE Gen. 19. 24. on Gomo. b. Ln. 17. 29. Dent. 2S. 23. the whole land is b. J.'fi Irt. 15. 6. scattered on his hahita. r*aL II. 6. on the wicked snare*, fire and 6. Ezek. 38. 22. ha. 30. 33. breath like a stream of 6. 34. 9. dust thereof into 6. Her. '.I 17. out of tlieir mouths 6. 18. third part killed by the b. 14. 10. he shall he form, with A. 19. 20. lake burn, with 6. 20. 10. 21. & their part in the lake which burneth with tire and 6. BRING. Gen. 6. 17. I do A. a flood on the earth 19. two of every sort b. into ark 9. 14. when I A. a cloud over earth 18. 16. Abraham did b. on their way 19. b. on Ahra. what he hath spok. 27. 12. 1 shall b. a curse on me 42. 20. 6. youngest brother. 34. 37. if I A. him not, 4a 9. | 44. 32 43. 16. b. the*" men home, slay and 45. 19. take wagons and b. your fa. 48. 9. 6. them, and 1 will bless them Efod. 13. 5. when L. shall b. thee, 1 1. 18. 19. mayest b. the causes to God 21. 6. his master b. him to jii'lires 23 19. first of first-fruits b. 34. 26. 20. I will semi an angel to b. thee 35. ft. <>f a willing heart, let him A. 36. 5. people A. more than enouirli Num. 14. 8. if L. delight in us, will A la Lord not able to A. Dent. 9. 28 24. Caleb will I 6. into the land 20. 12. ye ? hall not b. this con<.'reg. l)e>U. 1. 17. cruise too hard, /;. to me 7. I. when I,, shall A. thee jut" land 21. 12. shall A. her to thy hon, ( . 30. 12. A. it to us that we "may do, 13. 33.7. hear I,, ft. Judah to his people I Sum. I. 22. weaned, I will A. him 9. 7. said Saul, what b. the man ? 23. 6. the portion I gave thee 20. 8. why A. me to thy father tSiiin. 3. 12. to A. all Israel to thee 13 except thou A Michal when 14. 10. saith ony'it, A. him to me 19. 11. why last to b. the king |, a ck 1 XV. 8. 32. to A. his wav on his head 13. ia A. him hark to thy house 17. 11. A. me a morsel of bread 20. 33. then be saM, go ye, ft. him t Kings 2. 20. A. me a new cruise 6. li/. I will b. you to whom ye st ek 1 Chr. \f>. 29. ft. an ottering and come i\V/i. 13. IS. our G. A. this evil on us Job fi. 22 did 1 say, A. unto me !0. 9. wilt thou A. me into dust ag. 14. 4. who can A. a clean thing out )H. 14. //. him to king of terrors 3'. 23. thou wilt A. me to death 33. 3'l. to A. hack his soul from pit Pxt. 13 3. b. me to thy holy hill CO. 9. b. m<> into a strong city, 1(18. 10. 72. 3. mount, shall ft. peace to peo. 94. 23. b. on them their own iniqui. Prur. >!). 8. scornful A. a city into a En-l. a -22. who shall A. him to see 11. 9. CM will A thee unto Jung. 12. 14. A. every work into judgment Cnnt *. t. A. the.- into my 'mother's Ita. 7. 17. Lord shall A. on thee and 14. 2. shall A. them to their pla-e 15. 9. for I will 4 more un Duron BRI Isa, 25. 19. shall A. to the ground 45. 21. tell ye and A. them near 46. 13. 1 A. near my righteousness 56. 7. will I A. to my holy mountain 58. 7. A. the poor to thy house 60. 17. for brass A. gold, for iron ft. 66. 4. A. tlieir fears upon them Jer. 3. 14. I will A. you to Zion 10. 24. lst thou A. me to nothing 11.8. 1 will A. words of this coven 17. 18. 1 will A. on them day of evil 31. 8. I will b. them from the north 32. 42 I will A. on them all the good 33. 6. I will A. it health and cure 1 1. that sliall 6. sacrifice of praise 49. 5. 1 will A. a fear upon thee Ezrk. 6. 3. will 6. a sword upon you 1 1. 9. I will A. you out of the midst 20. 15. I would not A. them into land 21. 29. I will A. on necks of them 2:i. 22. A. them ag. thee on ev. side 34 13. 6. to own land, 36.24. j 37.21. 38. 17. would A. thee against them Hoi. 2. 14. and A. her to wilderness Amos 4. 1. A. and let us drink Mir. 1. 15. will 1 A. an heir to thee Zech. 8 8. I will A. them, and they .Mat. 2. 13. be there till I A. word 5. 23. if thou A. thy gift to the altar 17. 17. 6. him to me, Mark 9. 19. 21. 2. loose and A. them to me, Mar. II. 2. Luke 19. 30. Mark 1. 32. they A. to him one deaf l.ufce 2. 10. I A. good tidings of great 8. 14. and A. no fruit to perfection 12. II. A. you into the synagogues Juhn 10. 16. other sheep I must A. 14. 2'J. A. all thii)2S to remembrance 18. 29. what accusation A. you ? Acts 5. 28. to 6. this man's blood on 7. 6. should A. them into bondage 9. 2. he might A. them bound, 21. 22. 5. 1 went to A. them bound 23 10. to A Paul into the castle 17. b. this young man to raptain 1 Cor. 1. 19. I will A. to nothing und. 2a to A. to nought things that are 4. 17. A. you into remembrance 9. 27. my body, 1 A. into suljection 16. 6. imiy A. rne on my journey i Cor. \ I. 20. if a man A. you into bon. Gal. a 24. scb.ool.inn. to A us to C. I T/H-X*. 4. 14. sleep, will G. A. with 1 Pet. 3. 18. that he iniaht A. us to G. > J\. whom if thou A. on journ. ll<>r. 21. 24. ki. do A. their glory to it 26. ft. the L-lory of nations into it See HOME, HITHEH. BIUNG again. Gen. 24. 6. thou A. not my son a. 8. '>a 15. A. thee a. into this land, 48.21. 42. 37 deliver him, I'll A. him ag. E.roil. 2:t. 4. A. it hack to him again Xnm. 22. 8 this niuht, I'll l>. w rd Sum. 12. 2a can 1 A. him a. I .-I. all 14. 21. A. the young man Absalom a. 1"). 8. if L. A. me ag. to Jerusalem 25. he will A. rne u. and show me 1 A';' 8 34. fon.'i\e and ft. a. 2 TAr.fi.25. I Chron 13. 3. let us A. . the itrk 21. 12 advise what word Ish;ill b. a. > ('fir. 'J4. 19. prophets to A. them a. .V. A. !l. 29. mightevt. // a. to thy law 1'xal. f.S. 22. //. n. from liashan,' I will A. my people from depths of sea Pnif. ia 24 as A. it to month again if!. 15. grieveth to ft it . 8. ft. it a. to mind, U tratsgres. 43 BRI Isa, 49. 5. saith L. to A. Jac. a. to him 52. 8 when Lord shall A. again Z:o Jer. 12. 15. I'll A. them again, ftO. 19. li 19. if return, will I ft. thee ago. 16. 15.A. a. to th.'ir land, 24.6. | 32.37. 23. 3. I will A. again into their folds 28. 4. I will ft. again Jcconiah, 6. 30. 3. A. again the captivity, 18. | 31. 23. I Ezi'k. 3!t. *5. Amos 9. 14 48. 47. A. again captivity ol Moab 49. 6. of Ammon, || 39. of Elam Ezek. 16. 53. when 1 A.. their cap. M. 14. 1 will A. ag. captivity of Ear 34. 16. I will A. a. that driven Zepli. a 20. at that time ft. jou again Zech. 10. 6. ft. them a. to place them 10. I will ft. them a. out of Egypt Mat. 2. 8. ft. word a. that 1 may w'ors. See CAPTIVITY. BRING down. Gen. 42. 38. 6. d. grey hairs, 44.29,31. 43. 7. would say, A. brother d. 44. 21. 45. l.i haste an i A. d. my father Deitt. 9. 3. A. them d, before thy face 2 Sam. 22. 2H. eyes on haughty to b.d. I A'in. 1. 33. Solomon, A. d. to Gihon 2. 9. his hoar head ft thou . .T). conceive mischief, b.f vanity 38. 32. canst thou A./ Maz/aroth 39. I. when the wild goats ft./ 2. 3. 40. 2 >. the mountain* A. him}, food Ptal. 37. 6. he shall ft./ thy right, as 92. 14. they shall b.f. fruit in old ag.s 1(14. 14. may 6. / food out of earth 144 13. our sheep may A./ thong. Prtir. 27. I. not what a day m:ty ft./ //. 5. 2 that it should b.f. grapes, 4. 23. 4. I travail not, nor b.f. children 33. 11. conceive chaff, and A. /stub. 41. 21. A / your strong reasons 42. 1. he shall A./ judg. to Gentnei 3. heshi.ll A. /inclgin. unto truth 43. 8. A./ the blind that have eyes 9. li-t their, A./ their witne-ses 45 R and let them A. f salvation 5-MO. Wrftereth, unit make it A fitrtk 59. 4. conceive mischief, and/ f. ini. 6i. 9. I v \\\ b.f. u seed out of Jacob BRI . Tain, nor b.f. for trouble . H. th.- earth to 6. / in one day f 9. t birth, and out cause iu b.f.t Jtr. lit 2. they grow. ye A./ fruit 51. 4t I'll A./ what he swallowed rk. 12.4. shall b f. thy stuff by d.iy 17 23. and it (.half b. forth boughs SO. 6. to A. them/, of Uud of Egypt 38. I will A. them/ out of country 47. 14 it shall b.f. MWfnritMroM #o*. S. 13. Ephrnim hall A./ hi- .nil. Ifi. tho* they b.f. yet oill 1 slay Mic. 4. la and labour to b.f. O Zioo 7. a be will A. me/ to the light Z'ph. 2 2. before decree A. / day paw ZcA. 3.8. A./ my servant the Hranch 4. 7. b. f. bead-stone with shouting* 5. 4. A. ;'.a rure, it shall enter bouse Mat. 1.23. a virgin shall A./ aon,2l. 3. 8. A./ fruit meet for rep. Lu. 3. 8. 7. 14 a go<>d tr.-e cauoot A. forth Ml fruit. LuXr 6. \3 Mar. 4. 20. A./ fruit, some 30 fold Luke 1. 31. A./, a son shall rail Jrsus S. 15. having heard word, A^/I fruit 15-ii A./bet robe and put it on him JuAn IV.'. tint it may b.f. more fruit Id 1 ordained you. should b.f. fruit I'.i. 4. 1 A. him/ that ye maylcnow Act* li 4. after KH.-UT to A. him/ .AuM. 7. 4. that we sh. A./ fruit unto 5. motion* f sin to A. / untodeath BRING in. E.ro4 A. 8. A. you into land I did >w. lj. 17. shall A. in and plant them 23. i.X my Angel shall A. th--e m .Yum. 14. 31. little ones, will I &. in Jef. 17. 4. A. in no burden nn sabbath Dan. -L 24. A. me in before the king 9. 24. to A. in everlasting righteous. 11-u. I. 6. sown much and A. in little Luxe A. 19 sought means to A. him in 14. 21. A. in hither the poor, maimed I Pet 2. 1. A. in damnable heresies BKlNGou*. 3m. 40. 14. A. me out of this house MX 24. Rod will A. you . DnU. 2i 21. A. o. damsel || 24. A. both o. Jn+. & 22. 4. o. thence Kahab and nil Jife. 6. 30. 6. o. thy son, that he .lie Pud. 2-V 17. O A. me o. of my .li-tr. Hi 7 A. my soul a of prison, that 143. 1 1. A. mv Mini out of trouble l*a. 42. 7. to A. o. the prisoners from Extk. II. 7. I will A. you o. of midst 20. 34. A. you o. from people. 31. la 4 1. accept you, when I ',. you out 24. 6. A. it out pier.' by piece A(tt 17. i sought to A. them o. to BRING iop-ars Erod d 7. A. you from under burd. Leu. 1 1. 45. L. that b. you out of Eg. Deut. 8 7. L. A. thee into a gixid land 1 S' li & into whose hand G. A. ahu. 22. he A. t.. light shadow of death 19. 29 wrath A. punis. of the Kword 28. II. the thing hid A. he to light I'nil. I. a A. forth his fruit in hi.s sea. 14. 7. when L. A. bark capti. Si d 33. 10. A. counsel nt hea. to nought 37. 7. who A. wicked devices to pax* 68. ft he A. out them that are bound 1 1 17. 28. A. them out of their diatr. 30. A. them to their desired haven 13S.7. A. wind, Jer. 10. la I 51. Id Prof. 10. 31. mouth of just A. wisd. Id 30. moving his lips, he A. evil 18. 16. gift A. him before great men 19. 2ft son that A. reproach 20. 2d wise king A. wheel ov. them 2!*. 15. chihl left, A. mother to sha. 21 that delicately A. up his servant -\ the fear of man A. a snare 31. 14. .she A. her food from nfar In. 8. 7. L-Td A. ou them the waters 2ft 5. b. down them dwell on high 40. Zl that A. the princes to m.th. 26. A. out their host by number 43. 17. A. furth chariot and hurse 54. 16. the smith that A. forth in*tr. fil. II. as the earth A. forth her bud Jer. 4. 31. that A. forth her fir-t child Exek. 29. Id A. iniquity to rememb. H,a 10. I. Isr. A. forth fruit to him. //?. 1 II. that wh. ground '.. forth Mot. 3. 10. every tree that A. not forth irond fruit, 7. 19. Luke 3 9. 7 17. gwid free b. forth good fruit 12. K. a good man A. furth pood, evil b. evil things. Luke 6 to. 13. 3. A. forth wime an hundred fo. 5'?. A. out of tre.i*. things new and 17. I. Jesus A. them t biirh moun. Murk 4. 28 the earth b forth fruit Luke 6. 43. good tree A. not corrupt 'An IZ 24. if it die. it A. forth, I .VS. Cnl. \. d g.*p-l A. forth fruit, as It Tit. 2. II. grace ot God that A. nalva. Heb. l.d b. first.beg-itten into world 6. 7. the earth 6. forth herbs meet Jam. 1. 15. A. forth sin, and sin A. See Tumi'.* BRI SGI NO. Er. It 42. obnerved for A. them ont 3d 6. peo. were restrained from A. .Vum. 14 36. by A. up a slander on 2 .Sam. 19 10 of A. the king hack. 43. -' Ki. -i\. 12. I am A. such eril on Jer. Pint. 126. d rejoicing. A. his thearen Kzfk. 20. 9. my. If known in A. them Dan. 9. 12 by A. upon us treat evil >/!i,n he hrok. A'oA.2.4. chariot,- .i u^tle in A. ways A/at 7. 13. A. way to ilotruc lion 23. 5. make A. their phylacteries BROADER. Job 11. 9. measure i- A. than the sea BROIDERBD Ezek. 16. 13. raiment WHS of n. work Iri. thy A. garment* arid r.n.-r.-.Ut 27. 7. with A work to be thy sail Id in thy f.iirs with A. w.irk. 24. thy merchants in A. work I Tim. 2. 9. ndorn, not with A. hair BROILED. Luke 24. 42. a piece of a A. fi,h BKOKKS. Gen. 17. 14. halh A. my cov. Ft. y> ?a Ita. 24. 5. | 33. 8. Jer. II. 10. Lee. 91. 19. a man A. footed, A. hand. 20. hath hi* stones A. not nft'.-r 2-A 22. blind, A. ye shall n.,t otter, 24. 9d 13. A. the hands of your yoke 26. when I have A. staff of bread Judg. 5. 22 the honte.hoofs b. by 1 .Vum. 2. 4. hows of mighty are b. 2 Sam 22.35. bow of steel A. ft. IS .34. 1 CAr. 14 II. A. in upon mine erie. 2 CAr. 20. 37. A. thy works, ship* A, 32. 5. he built up all the wall A Job 4. 10. teeth of young lion* arei. 7. 5. my skin is A. and loathsome 16. 18. but he h;>th A. me atun.ler 22. 9. arm* of fatherless been A. 24. 20. wickedness shall be A. ax 31. 22. mine arm be A. from the hi>n 38. 15. and the high arm shall be b. PtaL 1 7. A. teeth of the unijodly 31. 12. I am li .e a A. vesxel 34. ia nigh them of a A. heart, SI. 17. 20. hones, not one of them i* A. 37. 15. their bowit.be A. || 17. arms 38. 8. I am feeble and :ore A. 44. 19. A. us in place of dragons 51. 8. bones thou hast A. may rejoi. 17. sacrifices of God are (.. sjiirit 60. 2. earth to tremble, hast A. it 65>. 20. reproach hath b. my heart 107. II hath A. the g.ites of brass IOP. Id miuht slay the A. in heart -r:are is A. we are escaped 147. 1 he healeth the /,. in heart Prat. 6. 15 suddenly -hall be l.e A 15. ia by sorrow of" heart spirit is*. 17. K. a A. spirit Hrieth the bonet 25. I!', i* like a h t.n.th. and a foot F.rfl. 4. li a threefold cord n rot A. 12. 6. or the iroldt-n bowl be A. lm 5. 27. nor latchr t of their 'hoe* i. 7. 8 within fift years -\\M 1 ph be 1. 8. 15. many amonir then: shall he b. 9. 4. hat A. the \oke of his bnrdca 14. 5. A. the stuff of the wicked 't'.i. riMl nl him *mote thee i> A. 19. 10. shall be A. in purposes ther& 21. 9. all th" image* he h.ith A. 2M ia might fall backward nnd he &. 3a 8. A. the covenant and il.--|r-.-d 20. nor shall any of the cor.l he 36. d trusteth in .tafl of A. r-.-.l Jer. i 11 A. cisterns that hold no Ifi. chil. A. the crown of thy head 2(1. of old I have A. thy yoke 5. .V these have A. th.' yoke and id 20. all my cords are A. n>;- cliil BRO J<-r. 11. 16. the branches of it are i. 1 1. 17. tlic virgin of my people is b. *2. 28. is thi- man Coniah H A. idol? 23. 9. miri.- heart is A. her-, of propli, 23. 2. 6. yoke of king of Babylon 33. 21. then may also my covenant be b. with David 48. 17. how is the strong staff 6. 38. ( have b Moah like a vessel 50. 17. Nebuch. b. Israel's bones '23. hammer of whole earth 6. 51. 58. broad walls of Bali. sh. b b. Lam. 2. 9. he hath 6. her bars 3. 4. he hath b. my bones, || 16. teeth Kztk. f>. 9. 6. with their whoris'.i he. 17. 19. my covenant that he hath i. 19. 12. her strong rods were b. 26. 2. Aha, she is 6. that was (fates 27. -'P. east wind b. thee in the seas 34. w hen shalt be b. by the seas 30. 21. I have b. the arm of Pharaoh 22. break the strong and that A. 31. 12. his boughs are A. by rivers 32. 28. be A. in midst of iinrircuiu. S4. 4. nor have ye hound up b. ia and I will bind up that A. 27. b. the hands of their yoke. 44. 7. and they have A. my covenant CV^n. 2. 42. kingdom partly A. 8. >.' the great horn was A. 23. he shall be A. without hand II. 4. his kingdom shall lie A. 22. with arms of a flood be A. H"*. 5. II. Ephraim is A. in judgment Zech. 11. 11. and it was b. in that day 1(1 shepherd shalt not heal that A. Mill. 15. 37. of the A. meat. Mar. 8. 8. 21. 44. fall on this stone, shall be A. Luke 20. 18. Livkf. 12. 39. not stiff, house to be A. ,'nhn 5. 18. not only 6. the Sabbath 7. 23. law of Moses sho. not be A. JO. 35. the scripture cannot be l>. 19. 3i. beso. their leas might be b. 3d a bone of him shall nt be A. 2!. 11. yet was not the net A. Acts 20. II. A. bread and talked long 27. 35. had A. it, he began to eat 1 Cor. II 24. this is my body A. for you Rev. 2. 27. as vessels shall they be A. BROKEN down. ' 2 Kin,' 1 1. fi. watch, that it be not A.<* \. 8 CAr. 25. 12. cast fr house of God Prop. 3. 20. by his kno. depths are 6. Mat 24 4'j. not suff. house to he 6. up Murk 2. 4. when they had A. roof up Acts 13. 43. when cong. was b. up BROKEN-Aearfed. ha. 61. 1. sent me to l.ind up the A..A. Luke 4. 18. to heal the A.-A. to preach BROOD. Luke 13. 34. as a hen doth gather 6. BROOK. Gen. 32. 23. and sent them over the A. Lev. 23. 40 take willows of the A. Num. 13. 23. to A. Eshcol. cut branch D,'ut. 2. 13. over the A. Zered, 14. 9. 21. cast the dust into the A. \Satn. 17. 40. five stones out of the A. 2 Sam. 15. 23. king passed A. Kidron 17. 20. they be gone over the A. 1 Kin. 2. H7 day thou passestover b. 17. 3. hide by the A. Cherith, 5. 6. he drunk of the A. 18. 40. Elijah brought to b. Kishon 2 Chron. 20. 16. find them at end of A. 29. 16. carried it to the A. Kidron 32. 4. gathered und stopt the b. Nek. 2. 15. by A. and viewed the wall Job 6. 15. dealt deceitfully as a A. 40. 22. willows of A. compass him Psttl 83. 9. as to Jabin at the A. Kison 110.7. he shall drink of the A. in way P roe. 18. 4. spring of wisdom as HO. ha. 15. 7. carry to A. of willows Jer. 31. 40. fields to A. Kidron holy John 18. 1. went over A. Cedron BROOKS. Num. 21. 14. did in the A. of Arnon Deut. 8. 7. a land of A. of water and 2 Sain. 23. 30. b. of Gaash, 1 Chr. 1 1.32. I Kin, 18. 5. Ahab said, go unto all A. Job C. 15. as stream of A. pass away 20. 17. shall not see the A. of honey 22. 24. lay up gold as stones of A. I'sal. 42. I. as liart panteth after A. /.va. 19. fi. A. of defence be empty 7. the paper. reeds by the A. shall 8. cast angle into A. shall lament BROTH. Judg. 6. 19. Gideon put the b. in apot Isu. 60. 4. A. of abominable things BROTHER. Gen. 9. 5. of e. man's A. require life Gen. 29. 12. that he was her father's A. 43. 6. as to tell ye had a A. the man naked, have ye nno. A. 44. 10. Deut. ?5. 5. hush. A. shall go in to her Judg. 21. 6. 1.-. repen. for lien. their A. Job 1. 13. in eldest A. house, la 30. 29. I am a A. to dragons Prov. 17. 17. a A. is born for adversi. 18. 9. slothful is A. to him a waster 19. a 6. orlended is harder to be won 24. th.it stickfth closer than a A. 27. 10. better a neigh, than A far off Eccl 4. 8. hath neither child nor b. Jer. 9. 4. trust not in any A. for ev. A. Ezek. 44. 25. for A. they may defile \IiiL I. 2. was not Esau Jacob's A. ? Mat. 10.21. 6. deliver up A. Mar. 1312. Mar. 12.19. if a man's A. die.Lo.20 28. Ji>hn\ 1.19. Jews came tocomf.eonce. A Actsd.W. b. Saul, receive sight,22. la 12 2. killed James the A. of John 21. 20. A. how many thous. believe 1 Cor. 5. 1 1. called H A. he a fornicator 6. 6. A. Koeth to law with A. 7. 12. A. hath a wife believeth not 15. a A. is not under bondage in 8. 1 1. thro' thy know, weak A. perish 2 Cor. 8. 18. have sent with him the A. 2 Them. 3. C>. withdraw from every A. l.'i. but admonish him as a 6. I'hilem 1. saints refreshed by thee, & 4a BRO Phile. l(i. shove a serv. a o. beloyed His BROTHER. Gen. 25. 26. after that came his b. out 42. 38. his A. is dead, he is left 44. 20. E.md. 32. 27. slay every man hit b. Deu. 19. 19. thought to have done to b. 28 S4. his eye he evil toward A. A. Neh.b. 7. you exact inn. ev one of *._ Ptal.tti. 7.by any means redeem hub. ha. 3. a shall take hold of hit A. 9. 19. no man shall spare hit b. 19. 2. shall fight ev. one ag. hit b. 41. 6. to Aw A. be of good courage Jer. 31. 34. teach no more every man Ai> A. Heb. 8. 1 L 34. 9. serve himself of a Jew hit A. 17. liberty every one to hit b. Ezek. 18.18. spoiled AM 6. by violence! 33. 30. ev. one to Aw A. saying come Hot.. 12. 3. A. by the heel in the womb Amos 1. 1 (.because he did pursue hit A. Mic. 7. 2. they hunt every man hit b. Hag.2. 22. ev. one by sword of his A. Zech.^.i. shew mercy ev. man to hit b 10. none imagine evil ag. hit b. Mai. 2. 10. deal treacherously aga. A. Mat. 5. 22. and sayeth Raca to his b. 18. 35. if ye forgive not every one hu b. their trespasses 22. 24. seedtoi.Mar.12.19.Lu.20.28. 25. no issue, left his wile to hit b. Ji Are 1. 41. he findeth his A. Simon Rom. 14. 11 to fall in his b. way 1 Thes. 4. 6. no man defraud his A. Jam. 4. H. evil of and jndg. hit b. \ John2. 9. light, and hateth A A. 11. 10. loveth his A ahideth in light 3. 10. that loveth not his A. 14. 12. not as Cain, who slew his A. 15. hateth his A. is a murderer, 4 20. 21. man love God, love hit b. also 5. 16. if any see his A. sin a sin not My BROTHER. Gen. 4. 9. Cain said, am I myb. keep. 20 5. he is my A. 13. 1 King! 20. 32. 27. 41. then will I slay my A. Jacob 29. 15. because thon art 'my b. 2 Sam. 1 26. my b. Jonathan 1 Kings 13. 30. saying, alas my b. Psal. :J5. 14. as tho' he had been my A. Cant. 8. 1 wert as my b. that sue feed Jer. 22. 18. not lam. saying, ah my A. Mat. 12. 50. same is mi/ b. Mar. 3.~35. 18. 21. how oft shall 'nut b. sin Lu. 12. 13. speak to my b. that he John. 11. 21. m'/ A. had not died 1 Cor 8. 13. if meat make my b. to 2 Cor. 2. 13. found not Titus my b. Our BROTHER. Gen. 37. 26. what profit if slay our 9. 27. for he is our b. Judg. 9. 3. 42. 21 guilty concerning our A. 2 Cor. 8." 22. sent with them our b. Philem. 1. and Tim. our b. to Phileio. Thy BROTHER. Gen, 4. 9. L. said, where is Abel t. it. !0. voice of thy b. blood crieth 27. 40. and shaft serve thy b. 38. 8. b. wife, raise up seed to thy b. Esod. 4. 14. is not Aaron thy bf Lev. 19 17. thou shalt not hate thy 6 25. 36. fear thy G. that r. A. may five Deut. 13. 6. if thy b. entice secretly 15 11. open thy hand wide to tlai b 12. if thy b. an Heb. be sold to thee 22. 3. wiih all lost thines of thy b. 23. 7. not abhor Edomite, he is r. A. 2 .Vnm. 2. 22. my face to Joab thy b. 13. 20. hold thy peace, he is thv t>. 1 Kings W. 3:'.. si.id. thy b. Benhadad JA22.fi. pledge from i. A. for nought Psal. 50. 20. and speakest g. thv * Pror. 27. 10. into t i. house in CUM. Obad. 10. violence against t. b. Jacob BRO tf S 9S. rwn. that t. r .-.nth ..nght M. Brut be reconciled n thv A. 7. & mote in /. A. eye. 5. /.n.6.41.4*. la li hast gained t A. / uAv 17. 3. JaA* II. 23. J. suith, t b. shall rUe AM. 14. 10. why .-I at nought M./A. Y-ur HKOJ'IIKK. Gen. 4<- 34. so ahull I d-liv. you y. A. 45. 4. 1 Kin Joseph, ?/<d BBOTHBRLT. .f'n i I. !i. rrment. not 6. covenant li'in 1-2. M. :ilf-i tioned with 6. lore 1 Tka. 4. H. a tiiuchiiiii A. love ye 1M>. 13. I. let A love coiitiiine i /'rt I. 7. tn _. Ml mess A. kindne BROUGHT Gr*. SO. 9. h.i-1 A. on me a great sin *7. 20. Lord thy Gml A. it to me Efnd. IH.2fi. hard causes they A. to M. I'.l 4. how I A. you to myself 32. I. the man tint A. .is up nut, 23. 21. thoii hast A. to in-put a sin Kum. 14. 3. where, b. us to this land la in. h.ith A. thee near to him 27. & MiH>e A. their cause before L. "'/. & !."> A. thee out thence *a i:i A. away the hallowed thing* Joth. 7. 2*. A. them to valley of Ach. S. 7. Lord A. the sea upon them Jwlg.-l. I. A. you unto the l.ind la 3. who A. "thee hither? and what 1 Sam 1.24. -he A. Sam. to him. of I.. 10. -ft. desp. and A. him ni> presents IV 35. David received what -he A. t.SuM.7. IS who am I. that ihou hast A. me hith-ito, I Chr. 17. l*>. 1 A'IJI. 9. 9. U A. thij evil, 2 Chr. 7. 22. 17. 20, aliu A. evil on the widow? I A'in. 5. 20. In not rereiv. what he A. 174 Hoatiea A. no presents to king 80. M. A. the shadow hai kward 1 Chr II. Hi. with JIHID. of lives A. it 14 17. I. A. fear of him on all nat I Chr. la 18 rhiL of Isr. were A. un. 22. ft A Ahaziah to Jehu [der S3. -O. many A. gifts to L. to J.-ru. Ezra & :& A. n- a mail of ini.l.-r-t. Nek. 4. 15. A their counsel to nought 9. 33. ju-t in all that is A. upon u* 13. II Judah A. tithe of ,-,,n. Jot 4. 12. wa secret I y A to me 31. 32. yet ha t -how them, art lhu A hither Don. 7 la A. him near anfient of d. R 14. L. wat.hedrviland A it on ii !l. ; if i ven up a'lrt thev that /. h-r Hcttf. I. S. ye A. it home 1 ilid blow it otlUIS'y.--h.ll ht A heiorekimrs U,irk 13. !l /.i*e2l. 12 'I A kiugd, itlt. to dMoL l.u. 11.17 BRO '. 16. A. him to disci, could not K 21 one was A owed lO.iJOOtal. ID. 13 w. re A little chil. .V. ark 2 Chr. 33. la U A. Manns, a to Jer. Eze. 34. 4. n>,t A. it. what was driven .'Si. 27. A. them a. from the people //.'.. 13. 20. that A. .;. from the dead HKOUGHT ACM*. I A'in. 13. 2:1 prophet he had A. back i Chr. 19. 4. Jehus. A. I hem. A. to L. Pat 85. 1. hast A. A*K*> th. captivity Exe. 38. 8. land A. ft. from the sword Gen. 39. I. Jos, was A rf. into Egypt 1 .S'u//j.:tt). IH.A.himi/. they were spread P\n. 20. H. they an- A. d. and fallen 107. 12. he A. i. r . heir heart with la. /*/. 5. 15. the mean 1:1.111 shall be A. d. U. II. thy pivi.p is A. d to grave 15. shall be A. ' to hell :".< 4. shall be A. d. speak out of gr. 43. 14. I have A. d all the nobles l.nm. 2. 2. A. them d. to the ground F.z? 17. 24. I L. have A. d. high tree 31. 18. be A. d. with trees of Eden ZecA. 10. li. pride of Assyria be A. A Mat. II. iathouCapern.A.rf. to hell Act* 9. 30. brethren A. him d. to Cesa. UK 'L'JHT/rrM. Gen. 1. 12. the earth A forth erass 21. waters A. forth abundantly ! I. la king of Salem b. forth bread 15. .V Lord h. forth Ahram abroad 19. la angels A. Lot forth and set 41. 47. the earth A./ by handful- Eje. a 12. when thou hast 6. / peop. la a ye have A. u- f. into wildern. 9. 4d shall know I am L. A them/ I., r 2.Y :N i v,;. 13. |>, Xuw. 24. l*. (Jod A. him/ out ol r>. IVu/. 6. 12. forget L. A. thee/ a 14. !'. 12. people A./ have corrupted 2a a L A. us/ with a nvghty hand 3a 14. precious fruit- A / by MIII Jiui. fi. . 1 A. you/, out of hou-eof 2 Sam. fci 20. A. me f. into a law place, /*.(/. Is. 111. 1 A'in. t 9. forsook L who A./ their fathers, 2 C'A/vm. 7. 22. JoA 10. iS. wheref. hast thou A. me /: 21. 30. wick, be A. f. to day of wrath /'// 7 1 1 / /:,rM"lal-eh.H.d 1,'re'miiiintaiiis were A. /. |f. r. their land A. / fro*- in abun 43. A./ hit peop:e with jy and l. when no depths. I was A /. 25. before the hills w.,s I A. A,r/// Cwt 8. ft. then- thy mother A. thee/ Jta. 5. 2. it A. furtli wild grnpa* tf BRO fia. 2a la A./.\v1n,l || 4-\ 10. what*./. M. 18. ainoui; sons she has /if. .(me she tr.uail.-.l -he A./. I n ;is Zion travailed sin' ',.f. JIT. 2. '-'7. st in', thou h.iat li. me . Herod would have A. li in '. 25. 17. 1 roMiniii. the man to ) /. / .luia. 5. IS. pra>ed, earth A./, fru.t llfi: 12. 5 she b. f. n itiau.iTiilil M|U> I3.drugon per.-i-riitui woiu.wli. t>.f. BBOUOHTte. (ien. 39. 14. A. in an Hebrew to mock 47. 7. Joseph A. i;i Jacob his fiither Drill. 9. 4. for my rixhL L. A. me i,i ll.29.when L. hath hrouir. int.. hind .NVA. la I'.l. 110 burden L. in on >.,\,. Pud. 78. 26. he A. I'H the south wind ,rf, '.. 45. A. in with Jesus into poss. iitil, 2. 4. false hreth. unav\arc- /. in BKOUIJHT into. \iirn. Hi. IV not A. us info a land I .s.i/n. 2il. s. A. thy servant i/ifoa cor. /'!/. 22. la. A. me into dust of death Cant. I. 4. king A. me if his clunii. Jrr. 2. 7. I i- you i a pleu. country l.inn. 3 2. hath A. me into darkresj Effk 44. 7. A. i. my sanctuary stranif. .JrAi 9 a and A. him r for their iniquity 107. 39. A. toirthro'opprcs-inn and I)|,. a I was A. low, he helped me 142. a fi* I am A. very tow />c/. 12. f. daiiif. ot iniisii be A. hte fia. 2. 12. lifted up, shall he A. /uir 25. 5. branrli of terrible ones A A,,,. Luke 3. 5. every mountain and hill A. , ha. 40. 4. Gen. 15.7. that A. theeo i.f I'rnf Cha. 4i ?3. he A. Si ..... on out unto them /->,/. la a i.y strength ..f hand I. A. you ou*. 9, 14, I'.. /J'/. B .1 20. 2. 1 am L A. thee ,,nt, I.IT In. :!';. .VMWI. i:> u. ;;./. :,.ii /*-// m.i a /.cr.23.43 wh> n 1 A. them o. 1 A"i> 'I ;> that U A. th. ..... M/th ..... -u 9. '/a A. oi// to slay them in n idler. / Itahil ai .1 all she .'. :>. and afterward I A. you out .' v;i. 13 IH. A. hero, aiidbolte.l.lonr .' (/,/ v:t. II. A "f the king's -on /W. 7a Ili lie A flrealLs of To, k .i-t A. a vine // nl Kgvpr 107. 14. lie A. them ,.; ( r .,( darkness 13 . 1 1. A. <./ Kr Ir.im amoiiK them Jrr. ".. 22. ill the day I A. them ..ijf Dim. 5. 13. whom kinif A o. of Jewry. //.,*. 12. la by H pioplut I.. A. l,r . n. Acti 7. 40. Mo. which A. u out ol Kg. BRU A?ti 12. 17. how L. A. him o. of prion 13. 17. with an hiifh arm A. them o. 16. 30. A. o. and *aid, what must I do 39. besought tin-in and It. them out BROUUHTfojMM. 2 Kin. 19. 2.V have I A. it top. /,o.37.26. Ez. 21. 7. iteomelhand ah. be A. top. 1 Cor. 15. 54. then be A. . 17. a whrref. f>. us up. ffum. 21. 5. 32. 1. a- for Muses that 6. us up, 23. 4. thy srods A. thee . 8. 1 ACi. 12.28. iV. Iti. 13. small tiling hast A. us u. 20. 4. why have ye A up the congr. Unit. 20. I. 1-. is \vith thee b. thee a. /oA. 24 17. he it is that b. us /> and /'uig.K.S, A. you . fr. Eg. I Sum. 10. la l.V 13. they A. Sams. || 16.31. huried 1 &i//i. 8 8. since the day I A. up them 2 Sam. 7. fi. I Chron. 17. 5. 12. 6 L. that 6. your fathers up out S with him. 10. XcA. 9. 18. this is thy God A. thee up EM. 2. 7. he A. up Esther 20. like as when A. up with him Job 31. 18. he was b. tip with me Psal. 30. a A. ;> my sonl from sravp 40. 2. he A. me up out of horrible pit Prof. 8. 30. as one A. up with him Iin. 1. 2. nourished aiul A. ty> rhildr. 48. 2.1. who hath A. up these, where 5'. 18. to guide her of sons she 6. it. 6,'i 11. where is he A. them u. Jer.Z.G. Jer. 11.7. I proles, in day 1 A.them up 16. 14. the Lord that A. up Ur. 2a 7. 15. A. up Isr. from the north, 23. 8. Lain. 2. 22. those I A up my enemy 4. 5. A. up in scarlet, embrace Ezek. 19. 3. A. up one of her whelps 37. 13. A. you up out of your graves Am.2.\Q. I A you />,3.l. | 9.7.A/1C.6.4. Jonah 2. 6. A. K/.I my life from corrup. Luket. 16. Naz. where he been A. u. Actt 13. I. been A wp. with Herod 22. a A. up at the f.-et of Gamaliel 1 Tim. 5. 10. widow, if she 6. up chiL BROUGHTEST. ' ET. 32. 7. people A. out hav corrup. Xum. 14. la A. up this peo. in might Deut. 9. 28. lest land whence A. us 29. thy inherit. A. out, I Kin. 8. 51. 2 Sam 5. 2. wast he A. in Isr 1 CAr. II. 2. ] Kin. 8. 53 when A. our fathers out Jfeh. 9. 7. A. him forth out of Ur. of 15 thou A. forth water out of rock 23. A. them into the land promised Ptttl. (. II. thou A. us into the net 12. A. us out into a wealthy place BltOW. Int. 4a 4. thy A. brass Luke 4 29. led him to A. of the hill BROWN. Gen. 30. 32. all A. cattle 35. 40. 33. ev. one not A. accounted stolen BRUISE, A. Jer. 30. 12. saith L thy A. is incur. A'wA. a 19. no healing 'if thy b. BRUISKS. In 1. 6. but woundi and A. BRUISE. Gen. 3. 15. A. thy head. b. his heel Ita, 28. 2S. nor A. it with horsemen 53 10. pUa-ed the Lord t" ft. him Dan. 2. 40. as iron shall it A. ftowi. Iti 20. Gr.rl ,.f prxce shall A. Sat. BKL'I El). r *t . 4. not ofler what is A. BUI 2 Kin. IS. 11. trustest on the staff of this A. reed Isn. 42. 3. a t. reed shall he not break Mat. 12. 20. 5a 5. he was A. for our iniquities Ezek. 23 a in Egypt A. the teats 8. A. the breasts of her virginity Luke 4. la to set at liberty them b. BRUISING. Erek. 2a 21. in A. thy teats by Egy. Luke 9. 39. the spirit A. him, hardly BRUIT. Jer. 10. 22. noise of the 6. is come Nah. a 19. all that hear ft. of thee BRUTK, see BLASTS. BRUTISH. Pial. 49. 10. the A. person perisheth 92. 6. a A. man knoweth not 94. 8. understand ye A. am. the peop. Prov. 12. 1. that hateth reproof is A. 30. 2. surely I am more A. than any Isa. 19. II. the counsel of the conn, sellors of Pharaoh is become ft. Jer iO. 8. they are altogether ft. U. man is ft. 51. 17. || 21. pastors Ezek. 21. 31. into the hand of ft. BUCKET, S. Num. 24, 7. pour water out of his A. Isa. 40 15. nations areasdrop of a ft. BUCKLER. 2 Sam. 22. 31. a ft. to all that trust in him, Ptal. 18. 30. 1 Chron. 5. 18. men able to bear a ft. 12. 8. Gadites that rouM handle ft. Psal. 13. 2. Lord is my God, my ft. 35. 2. take hold of ,,hield and ft. ill. 4. his truth shall be thy ft. Pro*. 2. 7. ft. to them walk uprightly Ji'r. 46. 3. order ye ft. and shield Ezek. -'.'). 24. shall set against thee ft. 2fi. 8. In 1 shall lilt up A. against thee BUCKLERS. 2 Chron. 23. 9. Jehoiada delivered b. Job \.\ ili. runneth on bosses of his ft. Cant 4. 4. there hanged 10006. I'.zi'k. 3s. 4. a L'reat company with ft. 39. 9. they shall set ..n tire 6. BUD, Suhttantirr. Job 38. 27. A. of tender herb to spring Isa. IS. 5. when the A. is perfect 61. 1!. as earth hringeth forth A. Ezek. 16. ?. to multiply as A. of field Has. 8. 7. the A. shall yield no meal BUI), Verb. Job 14. 9. thro' scent of water 6. Psal. 132. 17. the horn of David toft. Cunt. 7. 12 see if pomegranates A. Ita. 27. 6 Israel shall blossom and ft. 55. 10. maketh the earth to ft. Ezek. 29. 21. cause horn of Isr. to ft. BUDS. Num. 17. 8. Aaron's rod hro. forth ft. BUDDED. Gen. 40. 10. vine was as tho' it ft. .VMm.17.aAar. rod for hou of Levi A. Cant. '!. II. ;o see whether pom. ft. Ezek. 7. 10. pride hath A Heb. 9. 4. a k wherein rod that 6. BUFFET. 2 Cor. 12. 7. mes;-en. of Satan to b. me BUFFETTKD. Mat. 26. 67. and A. him, War. 14. 65. 1 Car. 4. II. to present hour A. 1 Pet 2. 20. when A. for your faults BUILD, referred to 6W. I So-fi. 2. 35. A. him a sure house, 2 Sam. 7. 27. I Kin. 11. 38. 1 Chr. 17. 10. will A. the.- an house 25. told wil' A. him MII house Ptal. 28. 5. and not A. them 'ip 51. 18 A. thou the walls of Jerusal. H!l. 3\ will A. the cities of Jud.th 89 4. A. up thy throne to all gener. 102. 16. when L. shall ft. up Ziou 47 BUI Psit. 127. except Lord A. tht UM 141 2. Icrd doth A. up Jerusalem Jer. 18. 9. concerning a nation to A. it 24. 6. I will 6. not pull down, 31.23. 31. 4. again 1 will A. thee. O vir-ia 33 7. I will A. Judah and Isr. as at 42. 10. if ye abide, 1 will A you Ezek. 36. 36 that I A. ruined place 4nwc8.ll. I will A. it as in days of old Mat. 16. 18. on this rock A. my church 26. 6). A. it in three days, Mar. I4.5C Actt 15. 16. 6. again tabern. of David BUILD altar. Ef. 20. 25. not A. altar of hewn ston Num. 23. I. A. me here seven alt. 29 Deut. 27. 5. there A. an altar to L. G. shall A. the altar of whole stone Josh. 22. 29. God forbid wo sh. A. an a See BEGAN. BUILD, joined with houte. Deut. 25. 9. will not A. brother's A. 28. 30. A ail A. not dwell, Zeph. l.l| Ruth 4. 11. which two did A. A. of H 2 Sam. 7. 5. thou A. me A. to dwell in) 7. why ft. ye not me an A. of cedar 13. thy seed shall A. an A. 1 Ki. 5. 5. 8. 19. I Chr. 17. 12. | >!. 10. 1 Kin. 2. 36. ft. thee an A. in Jernsal. 5. 3. David not ft. an A. for the waru 5. I purpose to 6 A. to L.2 CA. 2.1. a 16. no city to A. A. 2 Chr. 6. 5. 17. it was in heart of David to 6. an A. I Chr. 28. 2. 2 Chr. a 7. 1 Chr. 17. 12. he -sh. A. an A. 2 Ch. 6.9. 22. a not A. an A. thou shed bb>d 11. my son, A. the A. tit the Lord 28. 6. Solomon shall b. my A. 2 Chr. 2. 4. behol.i, I ft. an A. to U 5. A. I A. is i.'reat. for great is G. 6. who able to A. him an A. that I 36. 23. charged me to ft. an A. Ezr. 1 1 Ezra 1. 3. go to Jerusalem A. A. of L. 5. 3. who cominan. you to A. this A. 9. 6. 7. let governor of Jews A. A. Pta. 127. 1. lab. in vain that A. the A. Pror. '24. 27. and afterwards A. thy A, Isa. 65. 21. they shall t: A. and iiili;ihit 66. I. where is A. ye A. unto me 't Jer. 22. 14. I will A. me a wide A. 29. 5. A. A. and dwell in them. 28. 35. 7. neither shall ye A. A. nor sow Ezek. 11. 3. it is not near, let us /.. /. 28. 26. dwell safely, and shall A. A. Hag. 1. R bring wood, 6. the A. Zech. 5. 11. to ft. it an A. in Shiiiar Acts 7. 49. what A. will ye ft. me BUILD. Gen. 11. 4. go to, let us A. a city Xn. 32. 24. ft. ye cities for little oo Deut. 20, 20. shall ft. bulwark* 1 Kin. 9. 24. then did A. Millo 11.7. Solomon did A. an high plan IK. 34. did Hiel 6. Jericho 1 Chron. 22. 19 A. ye the sanctinirr 29. 19. give Solomon an heart to 4. 2 Chron. 14. 7. let us fi. these ciiies Ezra 4. 2. let us A. with you Nth. 2. 17. let us A. the wall 4. 3. which they A. if a fox go up 10. so we are not atue to t. Errl. a 3. a time to A. up Cant. K 9. a wall, we will J on her ha, 9. '/). are fallen, hut we will i 45. 13. he shall A. my city 58. H. A. old waste places, 61. 4. 60. K. sons ot -traniiers, A. \\all3 85. 22. not b. anil another inl'.i>it ./'r. 1. 10. set over nations to A. Ezek. 4. 2. 6. fort against it, 21. 2 Dan. 9. 25. to 6. Jerusal. to Mesia> AmotS. II. I will A. as in day of ol; 14. Israel shall A. the wa-te citie Mii: a .0. thry A. Zi..ii with blood i 12. he shall A. the temple, 13 nn Zrch.6. 15. they far off shall A. in tern. 9. a Tyrus dl /.. a .Iron* hold Jk/.ii I. 4. 6. 'ut I will throw down tlaL -O. 29. ye 4. tombs of prophet* Luite II. 47. *a X.. A. must he magnificat Ezra 4. 13. t>e it known if rity be 6. 10 \ <*. to the house of irreat Rod A. SI. we huild house 6. yean ago 15. let home of God be t. 6.3. R. It elder* of Jews A. and prosp. Job W. 19. away an home he A. not ft. \'fi 3. J.Tii. is A. a city compact l'n>r '.> I. wi*d-im hath A. her house 34. 3. thro' wiiidoin is an house A. KrrL 14. 1 A. me houses, I planted Caxl. 4 4. David A. for an armoury Jer. 30 IR rity be A. on her heap lam. 3. A. he hath A. against me /;*.-*. 3d la the wast> ahull he A. 33 Luke 17. tt. they planted, they A. t'.uH 2. 22. in whom you art* b. tog-. // rA. 3. 3. A. house hth more honour 4. every Uue i* A by some man BUILDEDST. Drtrf. 6. 10. goodly Miles thou A. not BUILDER, S. 1 Ki. 5. 18. Solomons and Hiramt A. Kin. 22. & (five It to A. 2 CAr. 34. 1 1. / rra 3. 10. when A. laid foundation Xi-A. 4. 5. to anirer before the A. Ptai IIS. ->i. st >ne A. refused, Mat. 21.4*. Mar. II 10. Lu.20. 1 7. .!< 4. 1 1 F.zfk. 27 4. tliyA. hare perfected thy //<. II. 1(1 rity whe A. i God I Pet. 1 7. the Mone A. disallowed I Cor. 3. 10. a* wine m.. A. 1 have laid BUILDKsT. DfuL 22. 8. A. a new hou5e AV-A. 6. A. for which cause I. (he wall Eztk. Id 31. A. thine eminent place Hat. 27. 40. that dettrnyest the tem. and A. It, Mark li. 29. BUILDETH. JoA. ft M runed he man A. this rity /..A 27. IH. he A. bin houe a* a moth frof. 14. I. wine woman A. her houe Jrr. 22. 13 wo to him A. by ui.rtirh. Hot a 14 forgotten maker, A tem. Amnt 9. A. A. hi stories In heaven //i/6 2. ID. U. a town with blood I CM-. 3. la another A. therron BUILDING. 1 Kin. a I. end of A. hii own house & 7. no tool or iron heard while A. 38. so wo* he seven years in A it Em 4. 1* b. the rebellious rity Ktek. 17. 17. A. forts to rut off many J'Jin t. 30. temple was 46 yearn in A. Jude 20, A. up on mmt holy faith BUILDING. KuM. I Am. 9. 1. when S.I. nm.hed the A. 1 Chr. W 2. had made ready for A. i CAr. a a instructed for the A. EcH 10 II by slothful. A. d.-cayeth KM*. 40. & memsured b. 41 11 BUI *. 4ft 23 a row of A. round about I Cor. 3. 4. which I A. 1 will break down Ezek. 16 24. hast A. eminent place -.*;. 14. thou shalt be A. no more Dan. 4. 30. gieat Babylon I have l.t . 25. street shall be A. again Zffk. a 9 strong, that temple be A. .Wat 81. 33. A. a t4iwer. Mark 12. 1. Luke 7. 5. hath A. us synagogue I Cor. 3. 14. abi.te which' he hath A. Epk. 8. 20. A. on founds, of apostles Col. 2. 7. rooted and A. up in hint . 3. 4. that A. all things is Uod BUILT a/tor. F.I. 1 7. 1 5. Moses A.a.24. 4. || 3-2. 9. A aron Joift a 30. Joshua A. a.||. 10. half tr. Judg. 6.24. Gideon b.a. \vi\.\. people A. 1 .Sum.7.17. Samuel A.cj.11 14..T>. Saul A. 2 \-iwi.24. 25. David A. a. to the Lord 1 Kin. 9. 25 S4.1... offered nn a. he A. la 32. with stones Kli>li A. a. in 2 Kin. Hi. II. Urijah the priest A. a. BUI Li altar*. \nm. 23. 14. llalak A. seven a. and 2 A'in. 21. 4. he A. a. in hou.e of L. 5. Ai a. for host of hea. 2 Chr. 33. 5. i Chr. 33. 15 away a. he bad A. in BUILT**-, .Vura. 81. 81. let city of Sihon be A. Jmh. 19. 50. Joshua A. c. and dwelt 1 Chr. II. a Davi i A. r. from Millo 25. 2. to he no city, never be A. Jr. 31. 39. ci/v >hall be A. to Lord Luke 4. 29. hill whereon cite was A. BUILT /!>. .rwi I. II. A. for Hha. treasurp.nt Joth. 24. ia citiet which ye A. not 2 Chr. 14.6. Asa A. fenced c in Ju.l.,h 17. 18. Jehoshaphat A. ritinnt store 27. 4 Jotham A. rtViei in mountain- I*a. 44. 2*x c. of Juilah ye -hall be A. BU I LT hmue or houif*. Deut 8. 12 whn ha'. 14. -.'3. J... Mezekiah A. uu broken .'d 14. Manavteh A. u-. itln.ut citj A". A. 4. R KO A. we the IT. lc. 13. 10. one A. ii|> the tr. anoth Dan . 2j. street A. n^ain and the to .tfic. 7. II. day thy tr. ore to be 4. BULL. JoA 21. 10. their k. genderrth Ita. 51. 20. lie ax a wild A. in a net BULLS. PtaL 22. 12. many A. have compassed me, strong b. 50. 13. will I eat the fl-ch of A. ''a 30. rebuke the multitude of A. Ita. 34. 7. with A. shall come down Jer. M. IT. because ye bellow as A. 52. 20. brazen A. under the banes Heb. ft I a it blood ol A. and |(oaU 10. 4. blood of A. take away sins BULLOCK. rorf. 29.11. kill the A. /,. t \ . BULKL'SH, E& F.iod. 2. 3. an ark of A. and daubed Ita. ia 2. send amha*-. in vessels of i ia 5. to bow hi-, head like a b.f BULWARKS. Dfut. 20. 20. A. against the rity 2 Chron. 2fi. 15. engine- on the A. PtaL 48. la mark well her A. consid, EccL 9. 14. a great king hinlt A. /ML 26. 1. salvation appoint for b BUNCH, KS. Erod. 12. 22. take a A. of hystop I CAr. 12. 4U Zehiilun brought A. ol Ita. 30. 6. trea*. upon A. of camels BUNDLK. > Gen. 42. S5. every man'* A. of money I Sam. 25. 29. soul hound in A. of lifa Cunt. I. 13. A. or myrrh is my belo. Mat. ia 30. hind th.-' tares i I A. Acti 2a a Paul gath. H A. of sticks BUHDKN Exod. ia 22. A. with thee, A'um 11.11. 23. ft. ass lying un.ler A. Sum. 4. 18. appoint each to his 4. 11. 11. . of all this people on CM BUR Aeut. 1. 12. how ran I bear alone b. Sum. 15. :tt slialt be a b. to me !9. 35. why sh. thy servant be a A Kin. 8. 9. forty camels 6. to Elish "jhr. 35. 3. not he a b. on your shou Vck. la 19. no b. on the Sabbath Jab 7. 20. so that I am a 6. to inysel PW 38. 4. as a 6. they are too heav 5"). A! cast thy 6. "n the Lord 81. 6. I remov. his shoulder from f E,:cl. 12. 5. grasshopper shall be a b 41. 9. 4. broken the yoke of his A. 10. 27. his b. taken off thy should*' II 25. his 6. depart off their shoul 30 37. the 6. thereof is heavy 46 1. they are a 6. to weary beast Jer. 17. 21. no 6 on Sabhath. 22, 27. * Zeph. 3. 18. reproach of it was a b. Mat. II. 30. and my b. is light 20. 12. the b. and heat of day Acts 15. 28. (food to lay no greater b 21. 3. ship was to unlade her b. Rea. 2. 24. upon you none other ft. BURDEN. lia. 13, 1. 6. of Babylon 14. 28. year Aha/, died, was this b, 15. I. b, of Moab||17. 1. Damascus 19. 1. 6. of Kgypt|;23. 1. A. of Tyre 21. 1. 6. of the desert of the sea 11. ft. of Dumahll ia ft. on Arabia 22. 1. the 6. of the valley of vision 25. ft. upon it shall he cut off 30. 6. 6. of beast- of the south 46. 2. they could not deliver the ft. Jer. 23. 33. what is the A. of Lord ? 36. A. of the L. mention no more 38. but sith ye say, A. of the Lore Ezek. 12. 10. this 6. concern, prior JIus. 8. 10. sorrow for A. of the king NaA. I. 1. the A. of Nineveh Gal. & 2. ev man bear his own ft. BURDEN. ED. Zech. 12. 3. that A. thems. he cut in p. 2 Cor. 5. 4. we groan being A. 8. 13. others be eased, and you ft. 12. 16. but he it so. I did not ft. you BURDENS. Gen. 49. 14. couching hetw. two ft. Exud. 2. 11. Moses looked on their ft. 5. 4. kftiig said, uet you to your A. 6. 6. from under A. of Egyptians, 7. tfum. 4 27. shall appoint all their ft. JftA. 4. 17. that bare b. held a weap. Isa. 58. 6. fast, to umlo the heavy A. Lam. 2. 14. seea for thec false ft. Mat. 23. 4. heavy A. Luke II. 46. Col. 6. 2. bear ye one another's ft. BURDENSOME Zcch. 12. 3. Jerusalem a .*. Stone 2 Cor. 11.9. 1 have kept fr. being ft. 12. 13. that 1 was not A. to you 14. I will not he b. to you 1 Thess. 2. 6. mieht been A. as apostles BURIAL. Eccl. R. 3. also that ye have no A. /*. 14.20. not joined with them in A. JIT. 22. 19. with the A. of an ass Mat. ifi. 12. she ,lid it for my A. Acts 8. 2. carried Stephen to his 6. BURY. fV.v/.23.l. b. my . let me go and A. my father A':>! 2. 31. fall on Joalt and b. him Vi. '-? old prophet i-,ime to A. him 31. A. me in the scpulc lire II. 13. Israel shall ft. him ^ A'-M. !>. 10. shall l>e none to 6. her 31. go ee this cursed worn. A. her 3.Y went to h. her, found only skull P. ft Memphis hhall A. them Mat. 8. 21. t go A. father, Lu. 9. 59 22. dead 6. their dead, Luke 9. 60. 27. 7. potters field, to A. strangers John 19. 40. manner of Jews b to A BURIED. Gen. 25. 10. there was Abraham 6. 49. 31. there they A. Abrah. Sarah Isaac, Rehckah. there I A. Leal yum 1 1. 34. A. the people that lusted 20. 1. Miriam died, was A. there 33. 4. Egyptians A. all first-born Deut. l f >. 6. Aaron, there he was ft. Jox/i. 24. 32. bones of Jos. A. in She. Ruth 1. 17. and there will I be A. 2 Sam. 4. 12. A. head of Ish.bosheth 21. 14. hones of Sun! A. in Zelah 1 Kitt. 13. 31. wherein man of G. is ft. Eccl. a 10. so I saw the. wicked A. Jer. 8. 2. nor A. 16. 6. | 20. 6. | 25. 33. 1C. 4. shall not he lamented nor A. 22. 19. be A. with burial of an ass Erek. 39. 15. sign, till buriers have A. Mat. 14. 12. disci, took body and A. it Luke 16. 22 rich man died and was A. Acts 2. '29. David is both dead and ft. 5. 9. feet of them wh:. A. thy husb. Rom. 6. 4. A. with him by baptism 1 Cor. 15. 4. that he was A. and rose Col. 2. 12. A with him in baptism BURIEDAf'wj. [Moah Deut. 34. 6. he A. Moses in a valley in 2 Sam. 2. 5. blessed be ye A. Saul 1 Kin. 14. 18. A. A. all Israel mourned Acts 5. 6. young men A. him BUR I ED fe. Gen, 15. 15. be A. in a good old age 1 Kin, 2. 10 David was A. in city of D. Job 27. 15. remain shall be A. in death BURIERS. Ezek. 39. 15. sign till b. have buried BURYING. Gen. 2a 4. ft. place, 9. | 49. 30. | 50. la 2 Kin. 13. 21. as they were A. a man Ezek. 39. 12. seven months A. of them Mark 14. 8. to anoint my body to A. John 12. 7. against my A. she kept [this anger A BURN. Gen. 44. 18. Judah said, let not thine Er. 27. 20. lamp to A. alway,/x<>i>.24.2. i Chr. 2. 6. save only to A sacrifice 13. 1 1. tliey A. to L. every morning ha, I. 31. they shall both A. together 10. 17. A. and devour his thorns 27. 4. I would A. them together 40. 16. Lebanon in not suflicient to A. 44. 15. then shall it be for man toft. Jer. 7. 20. my fury shall A. an*. not 34. 5. so sh. they A. odours fi;r thee 36. 25. king would not A. roll ^xek. 24. 5 A. also hones und*< It 1 1. that the brass of it may A 39- 9. and ft. the weapon? VA 2. la 1 will A. her chariot In Mai. 4 I. day that shall A. as oren Mat. la 30. in bundles to A. thrin .uJceS. 17. the chaff he will A ?4. 32 d d not our heart A ir is Or. 7. 9. better to marry tha^ to A. Cor. II. vfl. is offended nd I A. not? BURN, joined with fir*. Deut. 5. 2.3. mi tain did A. vrlth/. 32. 22. a fire shall A. to the West hell, Jor. 17. 4. lush. 11. 6. A. their chariots with/re Judg. 9. 52. tower, to b. it wllh/re \->. I. A.hoiise with/H l4.VA.ft.thee/ ii 79. 5 sh. thyjeal usyft.likeX' su 46. shall thy wrath A. \ikejire? .>. 47. 14. as slnl. Me ft. aha. /i.'them IT. 4 4. my fury like fi. and A. 21.12 7. 31. to ft. sons and d;ujL inji. 1>). 6. 49 BUR -7er.21.IO.Nehuch.ft. this city with * 32.29. | 34.2,22. j 37.8, 10. | 38.18. Ezek. 5. 2. A. with/re a third part 16. 41. A. thy house wilbjire. 2A47. Mat. a 12. he will A. up the chaff wiih unquenchable/. Luke 3. 17. Jtev. 17. 16 and A. her with fire BURN intense. Exod. 30. 7. Aaron shall b. sweet i. fi. 1 Km. 13. 1. Jerohoam stood to A i 2 Kin. 18. 4. chil. of Is. did A. t. to it 1 Chr. 2a 13. his sons for ever to A. t. 2 Chr. 2. 4. an house to A. sweet i. 13. 11. A. every morning sweet in. 26. 16 Uzziah went to i. in. 19. 29. 11. L. hath chosen you to A. in. 32. 12. one altar, and A. in. on it Jer. 7. 9. and A. in. to Baal II. 13. 44. 17. will ft. i. to queen of heaven Hos. 4. 13. ft. in. on hills under oaki Hab. 1. 16. they ft. in. to their drag Luke 1. 9. Zacharias his lot to ft. in. BURNED. Ex. 3. 2. bush b. was not consumed Deut. 9. 15. the mount A. with fire Jtith, 1. 25. A. them with fire 2 Chr. 34 25. forsaken me A. incens* f-'sth. 1. 12. king's anger ft. in him Psal. 39. 3. while musing the fire ft. /.so, 24. 6 inhah. of the earth are A. 42. 25. it ft. him, laid it not to heart Lam. 2. 3. A. ag. Jacob like naming John 15. 6. withered branches A. Acts 19. 19. their books, and A. them Kom.l.'ifJ. b. in their lust one toward* I Cor. ia 3. tho' I give body to be ft. Heb. 6. a whose end is to be A. 12. 18. not come to mount that 6. Rev. 1. 15. his feet as if they A. BURNETH. Psa. 46. 9. he A. r harlot in the fire 8a 14. as the fire A. the wood 97. 3. a fire A. up his enemies /.va. 9. 18. wickedness A. as the fir 44. 16. he A. part thereof in fire 62. 1. salvation as a lamp that ft. 64. 2. as when melting fire A. f>5. 5. these are a fire A. all the day 66. 3. ft. incense as if he blessed idol Jer. 4a 35. cease him that A. incens* Joel 2 a behind them a flame A. Itev. 21. a lake which A. with fir BURNING. Jen,\b. 17. aA. lamp passed between Lev. 26. 16. I will appoint A. at tie Deut. 28. 22. smite with extreme ft. 32. 24. be devoured with A. heat Job 41. 19. out of mouth go A. lamp* u i. 140. 10 let A. coals fall upon them Prot>. 16. 27. in his lips as A. fire 26. 21. as coals to A. coaU 23. A. lips and a wicked heart Jin 30. 27. name of L. comet h far, 6. 34. 9. land shall become ft. pitch. 'er. 20. 9 his word was as a A. fire 7 .zek. 1. 13. appearance like A. coal* >ni:. 3. 6. cast into A. furnace, 11. 7. 9. and his wheels were as A. fire Inti. 3. 5. A. coals forth at his feet \uk. 12. 35. loins he girded, lights A. '' An 5. 35. John A. and shining light 'ten. 4. 5 lamps A. before throne a 8. treat mount. A. with fire 10. there fell a great star A. 19. 20 cast nlivc into a lake ft. BURNING. ijr. 21. 25. A. for A. wound for wound cr. 10. 6. bewail A. which L. kind. tent. 29. 23. land brimstone, salt, ft. Chr. 16. 14. a very great ft. for him 21. 19. people made no A like A. i. a 24. he A. instead of beat I y 4. 4. pnnr.-d J.-rnsa. I'y >pirit of ft " 5. this shall be with ft. and fuel P BUR In. 10. 16. under Ins glory kindle A. 3i 12. petiple a* the A. of lime Amat. 4. II. as a firebrand out of A. Kef. 18. 9. shall see smoke of her A. BURNINGS Ita. Sal*, ohall dwell with everia.A.f Jer. 34 5. with A. of thy fathers BUKN18HKU RxrL. I. 7 like colour of A. brass HUH NT. Cat. 3a 24. brinif her, let her he ft. Ejrod. 3. a why the bush is not A. Deut. 32. 24. shall be A. with huiurer 1 Kin. 13.2 men's lionet Ii- A. on thee 15 13. Asa A. her idol. -J Chr. 15. Ifi 2 A in. S3. 16. outof sepulch. A. them 5.9. ft. house of the Lord, 2CA.3fi.l9. Jer. 52. I a /"A 30. 30. my bones are A. with hr.it I't'il. 102. a my hones A. as hearth Pror. 6. 27. and his . |..thes not be A. f 28. Niid his feet not be A. f Jer. 2. 15. cities A. ||A 29. bellows 36. 2H. in the roll Jehoiakim ft. 51. 25. make thee a A. mountain Earek. 20. 47. all faces be A. therein J 1 in. and let the bones be ft. J<-1. I. 19. the rt.uiie A. all the trees Anutfi. I. because heA. bon.'sof king Han. \. 5. earth in A. at his presence 1 Cor. 3. I.V if any man's work be A. Heo. ia II. A. without the ramp BURNT joined with fire. Lev. 6. 30. sin.off-Tiiig A. in the fire 20. 11 if a man take a wife anil her mother, shall he A. with fire 21. 9. if daughter of any prieot pro. fane herself, lie A. with fire yum. 1 1. 1. fi. of L. A. among them, 3. Deut. 4 II. the mountain A with fi. 12. 31. sons uml dm. they A. in A. Joth. 7. 15. he taken w >th accursed thing be A. with fire. Judg. 15. . A. her an. I father withy?. 14. cords became as flax A. ith/f. 2 S.im. 23. 7. they shall be A. with fi. 1 A' in. 16. ia Zimri A. king's house wilhfire. 1 Kin. 1. 14. fire. A. up two captains 17. :'l. Sepharrites A. children in fi. 2a II. ft. chariots of sun with fire 25. 9. every great man's hmi-e A. he with fire. ICAr. 14. 11 their gods were A. with A > Chr. 28. a Ahaz A. his rhil. in fire XA. 1. a the gates thereof are A. with fire, 2. 17. /W 8a Id It is A. with fi. it is cut /nt I. 7. your rities are A. with fire 43. 2. walkest thro" fire, not be A. It. 1 1. our beaut, house is A. with fi. Jer. 38. 17. this city not bf A with li. 4U.2. erdaui/htcrsshallheA.with/i SI. 32. reeds they Iwve A. with jt ftti. Babylon's high gates shall be ft. with fire. Krr. 18. 8. she shall he utterly A. w.ji BURNT hu-,;,,e. trod. 40. 27. he A. sweet t. thereon I Kin. 9. 25. Solom. A. i. upon altar. 12. 33. Jeroboam off-red, and ft. i. 22 43. people yet A i. 2 AIM. 12. 3 il 4. | IV 4, 3.V S fir. 21). 7. lamps, and have not ft. i. Zm ''.V 7 A. i on the mountains Jr ia 15. my people A. i. to vanity 44 I.V that their wives had ft. i. Ba. 2. la the days she A. i. to them 11. 2. and A. t. to graven images Gen 22. 7. where i lamb lor a h.-a.f 8. (jod will provide lamb foi A. a ler. 6. 9. law of the ' .<. 7. 37. . ram tor { .o. 1& 3, 5. | 23. la BUR .Yum. 7. 15. one lamh for A..o. 21,27, 33, 3"), 39, 51. 57, 63, (iU, 75, 81. A'ir*. 45. 15. 2a 3. stand by thy A.-o. 1 will RO, 15. 28. Itt the A.. A of every s.iM'.ith JarA. 22. 2*1. an altar not for a A.-o. Judg. ia !M not have receied a A.-o. I Sam. 7. 10. as Samuel wan off. A.-o. I .'I 12. I forced myself and off. a A.-o. i Kin. 3. '/7. ottered him for a A.. a. i C/ir. 7. I. fire consumed the A.-o. 29. '.'4. theA.-u.8h Leuiiide for all Is. /'*((/. 40. ft. >'.-u. hast thou not requi. 51. 16. thou delightest not in A.-o. 19. pleaed with b.-o. whole A.-o. 1m. 40. 16. nor beasts thereof for A..o. fil. 8. I the L. hate rohery lor A.-o. Exe. 4fi. 13. fhalt'laily prepare a A..o. Continual UVHKT.iffering. Ejcwi. >. 4i. a con. A..o. A um. & 3,6, 10, 15, 5(4. 31. | *). II, Ifi, lit, 2i. zr. 3. 5. AVA. 10. 33. Eze. 4& 15. (Mkr B li K ST. offering. Gen. & 'i. take Isaac, o. him fur A.-c. .'"'/t'. II. 31. I will o. it up for A..o. 13. 16. A.-o. offer it to the Lord, 1 ^n m. 6. 14. tiff, kine fur A..o. 7. U. Sinn, i/^f siickiinf lamb for A.-o. * Cftr. 529. S7. HfCeUsih com. to <>. b..o. Job 4i a 'Jfi-r for yourselves a A.-o. BUUNT-.^eriM^*. /. AO. 8. not reprove thee for A.-o. iii. 13. into thy house with A..O. /-/ I. II. I am full of A.-o. of rams 13. -f.i. small cattle of thy A.-o. 5. 7. their A.-o. shall he accepted w.6.20. your A.-a are not acceptable 7. - J l put your A..o. to your sacrL 17. 26. from -uutli hriniring A..O. 19. 5. to burn sous for A..o. to Baal Hut. 6. 6. the knowledge of God more than A..o. Afic. 6. fi. before him with b..n.F Mark 12. 33. to love neighbour is more than A.-o. //-A 10. 6. in A.-o. for sin no pleasure Offer K V K N 1'. offering*. i Sam. 24. i4. iu>r o. A.-u. of that cost me nothing, I i'hrun. 21. 24. 1 Kin. 3. 4 1000 /..... did N.IIIIII. off. Jer. 33. 18. Levites not want a man to offer b.-o. Amot 5. 22. though ye offer me A.-O. BURNT.*Jor?fto?. .Vi/m 23. 6. lo, he stiMl by his b.-t. Deut. 33. 10. shall put whole b..t. on 2 Sam. 24. 22. here be oxen for A.-*. in la 3*. fire f.-ll and roiisu. A.-t P*aL 20. 3. accept thy A -*. BUKNT.irri/f.-. 1 CAr. 23. 31. to otter all A.-*, in Sab. ^ CAr. |:<. II. nmriiiMR and i'ven.4... Pia. 6i. 15. 1 will offer A..*, of fat 1,1 KM , the shocks 2 A'm. 1. 14. fire l>. up two captains >"> I. 16. fire of (,,.ii lialh >>. lifi -\\rr\t P*a. 74. a they hate A. lift synagog. I0a 18. flame A. up the wicked /Mi.64. ll.holy undlieau. house is b.up J'-r. 9. 10. A. up none can pa--, 12. Mut. 2V 7. kinif /.. /, their city V /'-r .1. in. earth ami w..rk he A. HJ> /fB. a 7. third part of trees and all green gnus was & u^ M BUT BURST. Job 32. 19. I am I.M.! y to A. likv /'roe. 3. Id. thy presses shall A. wutt new wine Jer. 2. 2a I have A. thy hands. 5. 5. 3d 8. \ut of A. Di-iit. 33. 16. ifooil. will of him in . Job 30. 4. cut mallow- l.y the A. 7. among the A. they hriiy d Ita. 7. 19. and rest up'oii ;<\\ A. .V,//-A- 12. 26. how in A. (iod *|mke I.uJceK. 44. nor of hraml-le ^'. Kfwp 1 ** 20. 37. dead raised, M... sh,. , .1 at /,. Act*!. 35. anifel wh. appeared in A. BUSHEU Mat. 5. 15. a candle, and put it under a bushel, .Vnr 4. 21. /./,< 1 1 '13 BUSHY. Cant. 5. !1. his locks are A. ami I, lack BUSY-UdDY, IKS. 2 The**, a 1 1. some ar.' A. I Tim.f>. \ 'i. I Pet. 4. 15. let none sutt, r HS a l.-i,. BUSY, 1K1). 1 Kin. 00. 40. as thy servunt WHS /.. 2 Chr. 3o. 14. sons of Aaron A. in off BUSINKSS. Gen. 30. 11. Joseph went to do hi- fi. Deut. 24. "". nor be chinked with A. Jw.li. 2. 14. if ye utter n.it this our A. Judg. 18. 7. they liml ii" A. w. HIIV. 2R 1 Sum. 20. lU.dids-t hide when A. in "luuii! 21. 2. let no man kmvw of the A. 8. the king's A. required hastr 2 Chr. ia 10. Levites wait on their K 32. 31. in A. of the aml>asudors .V-/I. 13. 30. every man in hm A. Eilh. 3. '.). that have ,-hitree of A. P*aL 107. 2a do A. in if real wiiters I'rin: 22. 29. a man diligent in his !> Ei-cL 5. a a dream thro 1 miilti. of f.. Dan. 8. 27. I did the kua-'s A. Luke 2. +9. he al'out rny Father's a. Art* 6. 3. may appoint over this A. Rom. 12. II. not slothful in A. Ift 2. assist in A. she hath need of 1 The*. 4. II. study to do your <>:i '.. B1TTTEK. Gen. la 8. AlTah.im took h. airl milk Deut. 32. 14. A. of kine, milk of sheep Judg. 5. 25. she IT A. in lordly dish s,tm 17. 2! I. Bar7.il! .ii hroii^ht A. ul' 20. 17. briMika of honey and /.. 29. 6. I washed my steps with /,. Pta. f>5. 21. words smoother than I,. I'r,,r. 30. 33. , hurnin of milk l.ri. b. Ita. 7. 15. A. shall he et.*22. BUTLER, a ien. in. 9. A. told dream to Jot, j,d 21. he re-tor, d tin chief A. to lug 41. 9. A. said, I reiiie'rp.lici my la-illn BUTTOCKS. 2 Sam. 10. 4. rut garm. to ft. I CA lii 4 'to. 2tt 4. 6. uiicov. to sliHint- .l Kv. BUY. ; 42. 7. fr. Canaiin to A. fo<.d,43 20 47. I!*. A. us and land fr luead Ejmd. 21. 2. if A. Hebrew servant /./ r.-j.'i u. of them tk.ft.bond.mra, 4&, 'h ill . 't. 'X ye shall A. im-at for mmie) 2K. ta and no mai: shall A. vu iulh 4. A. must A. it alxo of Ruth 2 .S./i/i. 2t. 21. David -aid, to A. th thrMhing.loor. 24. I '// 21. ^ . 10. 31. not A. it on SahLath /. 55. I . A. and eat, A. vrine Hiid milk /. bridegroom came Hork R 37. nfc.il. we b. 2, p.- worth Luke 9. 13. c.xe. 6. m. at for this pen. 22. 3(5. let him sell gann. and 6. one J/ihn 4. 8. disci, were tone to A. meat 6. 5. whence shall we A. bread )3. 29. b. things we have need of 1 Cor. 7. 30. 6. as th* they poss. not Jam. 4. 13. 6. and sell and get gain yfen. a 18. to A. of me told tried 1.3. 17. no man miuht 6. or sell save BUY corn. Gen. 41. 57. all rame to Jos. to b. c. 42. .1 Joseph's brethren to A. c. 5. AM. i a aioi tga. our lands to b. c. BUY poor, ^jno* 8. 6. ma v A. poor for silver BlJY truth. Prov. 23. 23. 6. (ruth and sell it not BUYER. Prov. 20. 14. it is nauuht, saith b. Ita. 24 2. as with the b. so the seller i>fA-. 7. 12. let not A. rejoice, nor BUYEST. Lev. 25. U. and if thou A. ought Ruth 4. 5. day b. field of Naomi BUYETH. Pro-. 31. Ifi. she consider, field, ft. it Mat. 13. 44. he M-lleth ail, b. field Rev. 18. 11. no man A. her merchan. BYa'/rf BY. Mat. 13. 21. A. and A. he is offended Mark 6. 25. give me A. rwf A. head iA-e 17. 7. A. an/f A. sit down to meat 21. 9. the end is not >>. and b. BY.WAV.s. Judg. 5. 6. travel, walked thro' A.-tr. BY. WOK IX Dfitt.28. 37. aA.-M 1 . among all nations 1 ATi'n. 9. 7. Is. be A.-*. among all peo. 2 CAr. 7. 20. make this house a A.-v. Job 17. 6. made me a '/.-ir. of the peo. 30. 9. yea I am their A. w. Pta. 44. 14. makest us a A. am. heath. C. CABINS. Jer. 37. 16. when Jer. entered intoc. CAGE. Jer. 5. 27. as ac. is full of birds [bird Rev. 18. 2. Bah. c. of every unclean CAKE. S. Lev. 24. 5. bake twelve c. thereof Judg. 7. la a c. tumbled into host 2 Sam. fi. 10. David dealt to each a c. 1.1 6. Tatnur make couple of c. 1 Kin. 17. 1 2. as L. liv. I have not a c. 19. 6. there was a c. haken on coals Ezek. 4. 12. shitlt eat it as barley c. Hot. "!. 8. Kphraim is a c. not turued See FIGS, UNLEAVENED. CALAMITY, IES. D. "V c. me L. and do not 14. U. rankest feast c. the poor 61 CAL John la la ye c. me Mast and L. Arts 9. 14. bind all c. on thy nnine 19. 13. to c. over them had evil spif. 24. 14. after way they c. heresy Rom. 10. 12. rich to all thatc. on him 2 Cor. 1. 23. 1 c. God tor a record 2 Tim. 2. 22. peace ithth. c. on L. Heb. 2. 11. not asha. to c. them Ira 10, 32. c. to remem. former days Jam. 5. 14. let him c. the elders I Pet. 1. 17. if ye c. on the Father CALL on the mime of tlie L<-rd. Gen. 4. 26. then began men to c. L I Kin. 18. 24. I will c. Ptal 116. 17. i Kin 5. II. he will come and c. L 1 Chr. 16. 8. c. upon his name /'.-'/. 105. 1. ha. 12 4. Joel 2. 32. whosoever shall c. on L. Acti. 2. 21. Rom. 10. la Zeph, a 9. that they may all c. L. I Cor. 1. 2. that in every place c. L. Not CALL. [Mara Rnth \. 20. c. me not Naomi, c. me PsaL 14. 4. they c. not u|H>n the L. lua. 31. 2. will not c. back his words Jer. 10. 25. thy fury upon the families that c. not on thy name Luke It. 12. c. not thy friend* nor John 15. 15. I c. you i.ot servants Acts 10. 15. c. not common, 11. 9. 28. not to c. ai y man commuii Shall or thtilt CALL. Deut. 30 1. i. c. them to mind 3a 19. shall i: people to mountain Job 14. 15. shaltc. I will answer Ptal. 50. 4. he thai' c. to the heavens 72. 17. all nations t. c. him hles>d Ita. 7. 14. s. c. Immanuel, Mat. 1. 23. 41. 25. from rising of sun shall he >. 44. 5. *. c. himself by name of Jacob 7. and who, as 1, thall e. and 55. 5. shall c. a nation thou kno. not 58. 9. thall c. and L. shall answer 60. 14. shall c. thee city of L..rd 18. thiilt c. thy walls salvation 61. 6. men s. c. you min. of our God 62. 12. shall c. them holy people Je-r a 17. *. c. Jerus. throne of Lord 19. thou thiiltc. me, my lather 7. 27. shall c to them, not answer Hot. 2. Hi. shall c. me no more Baali Joe.11. 32. in the remnant L. shall c. Zech. ia 9. they shall c. I will hear Mul. 1. 4. i. r. them hord. of wicked. 3. 12. all nations shall c. you blessed Mat 1. 21. thalt c. his name Je.ois 10. 25. much more i. c. them of hou. Luke 1. 13. shult c. his name John 48. all generations s. c. me blessed i-tx 2. 39. as many as the Lord *. c. Hum. 10. 14. how *-. they c. on him in Will CALL. [whorn 1 Sam. 12. 17. I w. c. to L. he sb. send 2 Sam. 22. 4. I w. c. on L. 1'sal 18. a Job. 27. 10. tr. hypocrite alw. c. on G. Pn. 5.V 16. as for me 1 w. c. on G. 8ft 7 80. 18. quicken us, we r. c. on thy 1 16. 2. . I c on him as long as 1 li v Isa. 22. 20. that I w. c. my ser. Elia, Jer. 1. 15. 1 trill c. families of north Ruin. 9. 25. 1 tr. c. them my peo. \\ lu CALL upon me. Ptal. 50. 15. c. . TO. in day of IronM* 91. 15. he shall c. u. >n. I wil^answ. Prov. 1. 28. shall c. u. m. hut I will Jer. 29. 12. then shall ye c. n. m. u;.d CALLE1). Gen. 11.9. name of it c. Babel 21. 17. c. to Hgar out of heaven 22. II. c. to Abraham out of hea\cn 35. 10. not he c. any more Jacob IS his father c. him Henjainin F.scx!. 8. a Pharaoh r. for Moses, ^ 9. 527. I 10. 16, 24. | 14 31 CAL Unit. M. M /ses c. nil Israel. 29. 2. l.V 2. It if c. the Lord's release 88. 10. Ihnu rt called by name nf I. Ju-lg. 14. IS. Sam. wife, have yec. us l.V 17. castaw. jaw-bone, c. place IS. Sinn, win itthirst. and c. on I/. K a Samson c. to the Lord, U L. S an. 6. a. name i c. by name of U 2. 28. city he r. after my name . Kin. . 9. Adonijah c. breth. 19, 25. a 3. Ahab c. Obudiah the gover. y\. t.iey r. on the name of Baal I CAr. 4. tO. Jabe* c. oo OIK! [it I.'I & ark of (Jod wh. name in c. nn V>! 26. David r. on Lord he answ. Eiln. 2. 14. except that she were c. 4. II. I have not been c. to rome. Pail. S3. 4. th-y hare Dot c. on God 7!>. (x kingdom* not c. on thy name I/O. 43. 22. bant not c. on tne.O Jarob 48. I. ye, r. by the name of Israel 12. hearken unto me, O Jar. my c. l . 3. *e c. trees of righteousness Lam. 1. 21. briinrday thou haste. 1 22. thou haste, my terrors Ktfk. 20. 29. name ther. is c. Ilamah JtH'i 5. !' now let Daniel be c. Wilt 1. Ift born Jesus whoitr. Chr. 13. 55. is not hit mother e. Mnry f la 2. Jesus r. a little child to him >i Id many be c few rho. 22. 14. :i.' J. -- -tin"! still and e. them 83. a be not ye c. Rrthl.i, 10. 87. 17. shall I relewe Jesus e. C. 22. Mar. Ifl. 49. Jesus com. him to be e. 14. 72. Peter e. to mind word J. aid Luke I. M . none of thy kindred is c. Ifl. signs how he would have him c. l.V 19. worthy to be e. thy son, 21. 19. 15. he comma, servant* to be c. 2a X) pla.-e that is c. Calvary John 1. 4-i before Philip c. thee I 4. 2S. romelh whirh is e. Christ 0. II. a man e. Jesus made clay Act* 911 if ii into street r. Straight tl. 26. disciples first c. Christians 13.7. whor. for Barnabas and Saul 15. 17. (ii'iit on wh. my name is r. 19. 40. c. in quest, for this diy's up. S3. fi. I am r. in question, M, Mi 18. Paul the prisoner c. me /torn. I. I. Panic. to be apo. ICor.l.l. m r. both Jews and (ire. 26. not many noble are e. 6. II. c. a brother be a fornleator 7. I*. C. being circumcised? is any c. 81. art thou r. being a servant ? 24. wherein he in e. therein abide Got I. ; removed from him c. you .S. IS. ye have been c. to liberty Epn. 2, II. c. um-ircumcis. by that c. 4. I. vocation wherewith ye are c. 4. even RI ye are r. in one hope Cei 8. l.V to the which ye are e. 8 Thf> 2. 4. exa t.-th above all c. G. 1 Tim. 6. 12 eteriiH' life, wh"ret< 20. science falnelv o e. [art e //-'. :i l.'l. dailv " hile it Is e. to.da) ;i l.'i they r mitfht receive promise 1 1. Ifi. not ahained to he c. their (J. 2t. to he c. son nf I'har daughter Jam 2. 7. Ma-, name by wh. ye are r ' /'. / -I. . 11. a city spiritually e. Sodom 17. 14. they with him are c. and 19.9. ble-sed that arec. to mar -up. :ALLED joined with Gad or Lord ien. I. S. God c. the light Day 5. 2. and c their name Adam Ejmd. 3. 4. God c. to him out of hush 19. 3 L.* to him out of mountain 20. L. c. Moses to top of mount VIMS. 12. 5. L. c. Aaron and Miriam Sam. a 4. Lord c. Samuel, fi, 8, 10. /'/ii/. 50, I. c. earth from the rising 'w 41. 2. Lord c. him to hi- foot 42. 6. I have c. thee in righteousn. 49. I. L. hath c. me from the womb .M 8. c. thee as a woman forsaken 'r. II. Ifi. c. namegreenolive.tr. 20. a not c. thy name Pashur linni 7. 4. God r. to contend by fire Ac.ti Ifi. ID. gathering that L. c. us Car. 7. 15. God hath c. us to peace I", as L. hath c. every one, so let ~ral. I. 15. God, who c. me by grace The*. 2. 12. c. you to his kingdom 4. 7. hath not c. us to urn-leanness 1 The*. 2, 14. God c. you by our gos. 2 Tim. 1. 9. c. us with a holy calling "i'-'i. 5. 4. e. of God as wsis Aaron 10. r. of God an high. priest after Pet. 5. 10. G. of all grace who hath He CALLED. [e. us Gen. 26. la r, names as his f.ith. c. 'i.'i. 10. he c. his name Israel Ex. 24. If), f. t't M~>" out of cloud 2 A'in. 4. 3C c. to Gehazi, > . c. be- 'saL 1 1 1:1 16. he c. for a famine on 1. urn. I. l.V c. an assembly against me V/. 10. I. c. twelve || I5i 10. multi. Murk I. 2n. he c. them, and they left l.uke 13. 12. Jesus saw her, he c. her John 10. 3-V if he c. them gods to wh. Irti 9. 41. had r. saints and widows 10. 2M. r. he them in, and lodged 23. 23. he c. unto him two centurions Rom. 8. 30. he also c. whom he c. he 24. even us whom be hath c. I Pet. \. 15 wh. hath c. you is holy See CALLED the name. 7CALI.KD, or / hare CALLED. .VHI/I. 24. 10. I c. th-e to curse mine 1 Sam 3. 5. Kli said. I c. not, 6. 2a 15. therefore I haver, thee 2 Sam. i2. 7. in ray distress I c. Pta. IN. 6. | 118 5. Job 9. 16. If I had c. and he anwered lf. Ifi. 1 r. my servant, no answer Pttal. I". 6. 1 have c on thee, for 31. 17. not he ashamed, I have c. 88. 9. I have e. daily upon tliee 1 16. 4. then c. I on n.tine of Lord frnr. 1 . 24 I h.ive c. and ye refu-ed Cant. 5. ft. 1 c. him, gave me no an-. fi. 13. a I have r. my mit'hty o 11. !l. 1 have r. 'hee from chief men 43. I. I r. thee by thy name, 4S. 4. 4& IS. yea, I have c' him 50. 2. I c. was there none to answer? .M 2. for I r. him alone, and hlessed <;:>. 12 1 c. ye did not an. Jer. ". 13 ''.. 1 wlieii I r. none did ancwer ./' r. IV 17. 1 have c. to them, hut Liim I. I!). I r. for n y lover*, hut .'1 "i.b. I r. out of the low duiiL'eon .'i7. drewe-t neiir iii day I c. on //. 11. I. then I c my on out of Kgv|.'t. Mnl 'i. I.'i Xrt-h. 11.7. one 1 r. In ant y, other I c, 'hi, 15. 15 I have r. von friend- Acti I:'. 2. work wh. 1 hae c. then 2a 20. hav.- I c. for you, to m-e CALLKI) I*/ m>/ name. J Chr. -. 14. il my people whirh ar c. la: mi/ name humbl Ita, 43. 7. bring, even everyone c. n M CAL Tta,(IS. 1. behold to nation note.* Jt-r. 7. 10. this house c. bv my n. 1 1 14, :M. | :<2.'34 | 34. Ift 2.V St. to bring ei il on city c. by n Anna 9. 12. remnant of heath. R. . C A LLED b v ll-u naint. I A.'i.H. 13 house c. by t .- 2 C/i. r,. 3> 'MI. 4. I. let us bt c.'/<(/ t. n. to tilke l:i. I. 1 have c. thee /, he ir. r. forth. Tcrliitlua 1 (V.r. 7. 211. culling wherein he ir. r. II. I,. 1 1. R. Ahra. wh. he tr. c. obe) ed ./ i/i. -'. 23. tr. r. the friend of (.oil Her. 19. II. -at mi him w.r. faithful ( AI.I.KMST. CAl I.KSr. ./i/rfp H. 1. r. us not when v.-e:.lc-t I \ii>ii :i. .V here arn I, fur Ihoii r. ma PtaL Hi. 7. tbou c. in trouble, CAM Vat, 19. 17. why c. thou me (food. Mar. 10. la Luke 18. 19. CALLETH. 1 Kin. 8. 43. do acror. to all stranger c. to thee for, 2 Chr. 6. 3:i /oA !2. 4. c. on God, and he answer. fttil. II. 7. deep c. unto deep at noise 147 4. c. them by names ha. 40. vfl trot. 18. 6. his muuih c. for strokes 7*0. 21. 11. he c to m>- out of Seir 69. 4 none c. for justice, nor any 64. 7. none that c on thy name Hot. 7. 7. none that c. to me Amot 5. 8. c. for waters of sea, 9. fi. Mat 27. 47. c. for r lias, Mark 15. :tt. JfarAr 3 13. c. to him whom he wo. 6. 7. c. to him the twelve, and began 8. 1. Jeans c. his disciples, and saith JO. 49 comfort, arise-, he c. thee 12. 37. if DHV. c. him L. Luke 20. 44. Luke 15. 6. he c. together his friends 9. shec her friends and neighbours 20. 37. when he c. L. the G. of Abr. John 10. 3. c. his sheep by name II. 28. the Master c. f..r thee Horn. 4. 17. c. thi nt?s whi. h b not as 9. II. elect might stand of him c. I Cor. 12, 3. by Spirit c. Jesus accur. Gal. 5. 8. persua. not of him that c. 1 The*. 5. 24. faithful is he c. you Rev. 2. 20. c herself a prophetess CALLING. Ita. 1. 1.3. c. of assemblies I cannot Exek. 23. 19. in c. to rein, her youth Rom. II. 29 c. of God without rep. 1 Cor. 1. 26. ye see your c. brethren 7. 20. let ev. man abide in same c. Eph. I. '.8. what is the hope of hisc. 4. 4. eall-'d in one hope of your c. Phil. 3 14. prize of the high c. of G. 2 Thei. 1.11. count you wor. of this c. 2 Tim. 1. 9. ca.led us with an holy c. Heh. 3. 1. partakers of heavenly c. 3 Pet. 1. JO. your c. and elect sure CALLING, Part 1$*. 41. 4. c. genera, from beginning 46. 11. c. ravenous bird from eait Mat. 11. 16. c. to fellows Luke 7. 32. Mark II. 21. Peter c. to remembra. Actt 7. 50. stoned Stephen c. on God 22. 16. wash away thy sins, c. on the name of the Lord I Pet. 3. 6. Sarah obeyed Abr. c. him CALM. [lord Pfal. 107 29. maketh storm a c. Jonuk I. 11. sea (nay be c. unto us 12. cast me forth, so sea he c. Mat. 8.26. great c. Mar 4. 39. Lu. 8. 24. CALVE, ED, ETH. Jo6 21 11 th.-ir cow c. casteth not 39. 1. mark when hinds do c. ft. 29 9 voice of L. mak. hinds toe. Jer. 14. 5. the hind c. in the field CALVES. 1 Sam. 6. 7. bring c. home from them 1 Kin. 12. 28. king made 2 c. of ifold 32. sacrificing to c. he had made 8 ATm. 10. 29. dep. not from golden c. 6 Chr. II. 15. ord. prieKts for the c. 13. 8. there be with you golden c. Pt. 68 3f>. rebuke hulls with the c. Ho. 10. 5. fear because of c. of fieth. 13. 2. that sacrifice kiss the c. 14. 2. render the c. of our lips Am/is li. 4. eat c. out of the stall A/i'c. (x 6. shall I come with c. of n year old? Mai. 4. 1. ye snail erow np as c of tttb. 0. 12. nnr by the hlood of c. 19. Uood of c. and sprinkled CAMR Gen. n. 35. brother c. with subtil tj 32. 8. we c. t<> thy brother Kiau Num. . 9. O. c. to Balaam at, 20. CAM Nam. 24. 2. spirit of God c. upon him, JzwfS-. a 10. 1 5am. 10. 10 Deia 33. 2. I,, c. from Sinai and rose Judg, 13 10. man that c. other day 1 Sam. 2. 27. c. a man of God to Ell 4. I. word of Sam. c. to all Israel 2 Sam. 20. 12. every one thatc. stood 1 Kin. 1. 42. while he spake Jon. c. 4. 34. c. of all people to hear Soloin. 13. 10. returned not by way he c. 2 Kin. P. 32 ere the messe. c. he said 10. 21. all worshippers of Baal c. 17. 23. one of priests c. to Bethel 19. 33. by the way he c. return 24. 3. at com. of L. c. this on Jud. 1 Chr. 5. 2. of Judah c. chief ruler 2 Chr. 11. 14. Levites c. to Judah 14. 14. fear of Lord c upon them 25. 20. Amaz. not hear, for it c. of O. Estk, 1. 17. but Vashti c. not Job 3. 26. not in safety, yet trouble c. 29. 13. bless, of him ready to per. c. 30. 26. 1 looked for good, evil c. Ptal. 18. fi. my cry c. before him 27. 2. when my foes c upon me 79 31. wrath of God c. upon them 88. 17. they c. about me daily like wa. 105. 19. until the time his word c. Eccl. 5. 13. to go ax he c. !6. Jsa, 41. ft. ends of earth were afraid e. Jer. 7. 31. nor c. it into my mind, 19. 5. | 32. 35. 8. 1ft. for peace, but no good c. 44. 21. c. it not into his mind ? Eze. 33 22. alore he that escaped c. 4,'J. 2. glory of God c. from east Dan. 4. 2a all this c. on Nebiichftd. Amos 6. 1. to whom house of Is. c. Hab. 3. 3. God c. from Teman, and Mat. 3. 1. in those days c. John Bap. 9. I. and c. into his own city 20. 28. c. not to be ministered to 21. 30 he c. to second, said likewise 32. John c. in way of righteousn. 25. 36. 1 was In prison, ye c. to me 28. 13. disci, c. by night, stole him Mark 9. 21. ago since this c. to him? Luke 9. 35. c. a voice out of the cloud 15. 17. when c. to himself, he aid 20. he arose and c. to his father John }. 11. he c. to his own, hi- own 17. grace and truth c. by Jes. Chr. 3. 2. same c. to Jesus, 7. 50. j 19. 39. 4. 27. upon this c. his disciples 12. 30. voice c. not because of me 20. 19. at even c. Jesus in the midst Act*9 21. c. hithcrfor that intent 19. 18. many that believed c and Rnm. 5. 18. free gift c. on all men 7. 9. when command c. sin revived 9. 5. of whom concer. the flesh C. c. 1 Cor. 15. 21. since by man c. death Gal. 2. 12. that certain c. from James I Thei. 1.5. gospel c. not in word only 1 Tim. 1. 15. that J. C. c. tosavesin. 2 Pet. 1. 17. when c. such a voice to 18 this voice c. from heaven [him 21. prophecy c. not by will of man 1 John 5. 6 that c. by water and See Spirit of the LOR a CAMEag-ai'n. Judg. 13. 9. angel c. a. to the woman 15. 19. his spirit c. a. 1 Sam. 30. 12. 1 Kin. 17. 22. soul of the child c. a. 19. 7. nnirel c. a. the second time Luke 8. 55. her spirit c. a. and she J.//ln 8. 2. early he c a into temple CAME down. Gen. 11. 5. Lord c. d. to see tower Ernd. 19. 20. L. c, d. on mount Sinai 34. 29. Mi. c. d from mount Sinni 2 Sam. 22. 10. bowed the heavens and c. d. Pikil. 18. 9. Lnm. 1. 0. she c. Hoivn wonderfully 63 CAM Z),7?j. 4. 13. holy one c. d. from lip.-ir Mic. 1. 12. evilc. d. frnm the L.iiJ .VM7.9.as they c.rf.fr.m.iun. >/,;/-.. Jo/i3. la he that c. d. from heaven 6. 38. I c. d from heaven not to do 41. bread which r. d from h. 51, ;>S Acti 15. l.wh. c. d from Judea taught CAME forth. Num. 11. 20. whyc. we/outof Eg.? JudgAl H. out of the eater c.f. meat, and out of strong c. J. s\v-etnesz 2 Sam. 16. 11. son which c f. of my bowels seeket'i my lif 2 Ch. 32. 21. c. / of hb bow. slew bin? Prov. 7. 15. c. I/ to meet thr.- Ecrl. 5. 15. as he c.f. naked, return Jer. 20. la wh. c. If out of womb f Zecft. 10. 4. c.f. the corner Mark 1. 38. for therefore c. If. John 16 28. I c.f. from the Father 19.5, Jesus c.f wearing the crown 7 CAMK. Gen. 30. 30. little thou hadst bef. I .-. 1 Kin. 10. 7. 1 believed not till I c. half was not told. 2 Chron. 9. 6. Lin. 50. 2. TV hen 1 c. was there no mar:? Exek. 3. 15. 1 c. to them of captivity Mat. 10. 34. I c. not to send peace Mar.2. 17. 1 c not to call right. Lu.5 32 John B. 14. I know whence I c. 42. 1 c. from God, nor c. I of myself 12, 27. for this cause c. I to this hour 47. 1 c. not to judge the world 18. 37. for this cause c. I into world Acts 10. 29. c. I, as soon as sent for 20 IS. from first day I c. into Asia 22 II. being led. I c. into Damascus 1 Cor. 2. 1.1 c. not with excellency 2 Cor. 1.23. to spare you I c. not as yet 2. 3. lest when I c. 1 sh. havesorrovr CAME in. Gen. 6. 4. sons of God c. in to rtatizh. 19. 5. where men c. in to thee this ni. 38. 18. Judah c. in unto her, and 1 Sam. 18. 13. David went out andc. fn before the people, 10. 2 Sam. 11.4. she c. in to him, he lay 2 Chron. 15. 5. no peace to him that went out Dor him c.in,Zech.R. 1(1 F.sth. 2. 14. she c. in to king no morn Jer. 37. 4. Jerem. c. in and went out Mat. 22. 1 1. king c. m to see guest* Luke I. 28. the angel c. in to Mary 7. 45. since I c. in kissed my feet Gal. 2. 4. who c. in privily to spy out CAMK nwir. E.r. 14 20. c. not n. other all night Deut. L 22. ye c. n. to me ev. on.-, 5.23 Josh. 17. 4. they c. n. bef. Eleazar,21.1 1 Kin. 18. 36. Klijah r. 7. and >aid Jer. 42. I. least to the greatest c. Actt 9. 3. as hec. n. Damascus sinned CAMK nigh. Mat. 15. 29. Jesus c. n. to gea of GaL Mark 1 1. I. when they c. n. to Jeru. Luke 7. 12. when he c. n. to gate of CAMEorer. r. blood and wa. Adi 8. 7. for unrl. spir. c. o. of many Id IS. -pint r. '"it the same hour 1 Cnr. 14. 36. f. word of U. 9. from ton W.. II 31. t c. to H..rHii, and dwelt I .' .V into land ol t aan CAry c. -'.' 9. (. c. to place ti.\ told him of A >,ktel.3 R // I I. lloMu IV--' I- I- Joel ;... I I. J .n..l,. :l I M Vir. I.I. Mir. ZfM. I I. Z.-|.h H ll.ig. I I. Hair. <.r. L. ofhoUtoe, S. I. CAM CAMKI.. Gen. 24. 61. Rehekah lighted otTthe c Lee. 11. 4. not eat the r. Dent. 14 7 I Sam. li. a but slay infant,, n, audc Zerh. 14 15. so be plavue of c Mat. 1U. 24 it is easier for H c. Mart 10 as. Luke. 18 2ft 2a 24 strain- at a gnat, swallow r. C A HELIUM. l.er. 11. 30. the-.- be unclean, the c. CAMEL*. Gen. It. IR. Abrani had c. TH. 19. I will draw water for thy c. 14 30. 41 Jacob had nun h cattle, c. 31. 34 put them in c. furniture 37. 25. Ishmaelites came with c. Efud. 9. a hand of the L. on the <-. Judg. ft. 5. c. without number, 7. li H 21. took ornain. on c. necks, 2f. 1 Sam. 27. 9. David took ..way c. 3d. 17. save 400. which rode on c. lA'i'w. 10.2. tojerus. wlthc. 2CAr. 9. I. 2 AVn, S. 9. a present 40 c. btinle ICAr.5.21. Reur.enite>tM.k of c. 50000 12. 4fl. brought bread on c. 27. 30. over the c. Was Obit Erra 2. C7. their c. 435, Ken. 7. 69. A'rtA. a ID. letters by post on c. 14 ~>6 I. a his substanc-e WHS 3000 c. 17. Chaidean-i fell upon Hie c. IM. 21. 7. he saw a chariot of c. 30. ft treasures on bunch, s of c. nU ft. the mult of r. cliall rover thee Jt-r. 49. 29. shall take their c. >. their c. shall be a booty Kzi'k. as. S. Rahl-ah a stable for c. .V/fe3. 4 raiment ot c. hair, Mark \. 6. CAMEST. len. lft 8. Hagar. whence c. thou 27. 33. eaten of all before thou c .Vi/m. 22. 37. wherefore c. tnoii not />. r. Ifi. 3 remember day c.out of Kg. 1 Sam. 13 II. c. not within days app. 17. va why c. thou down hither 2 Sam. 15 20. whereas c. but yest. 1 A'lit. 13. 9. nor return by way c. 17. 14 man of (tod that c. from Judah t 2 A" in. 19. 28. I will turn th.-e back by way thou c. Im 37. 29. NeJt. 9. la c. down H!MI U burnt ir. c. 13. let us go forth to him u: the c. C AMP. hit. 29. 3. I will c. AH. thee round abo. Jer. 50. 29. bend the how c. air.inst it A'oA. 3. IT. c. in hedges in r..ld day CAMIM.I). EJC. 19. 2. there Ur. r. before mount Num. 10.2. trumpets for journ. of r. Ainut 4 10. stink of your c. come CAMPHIKK. Cunt. I. 14 my beloved i as r. 4. 13. thy plants an on-hard of c. CAN. .Vat 27. GS. make it us sure as you e. Jnfin IS. 4 no more c. ye exc. yeahi, Horn, a 7. subject to law, nor c. he WorrCAN. [be? John a 9. Nic. said, h. c. these tlmi(rs iS 31. A c. I exr. some guide rne CANNOT, [.luaywtth 7*0.1. 13. the riillinp of as*.eii.tilic- I r. Vcr. ia 6. c. I do with you as potter Luke Ifi *J6. pass from hence lo you c. i A N-T. Mat. a 8, thou c. make me clean Hark 9. 22. if thou r. rio any thinr C'ANDl.K. Job ia 6. his c. be put out with him 21. 17. oft is r. of wirki-d put ontf 29. a hlsc. sinned on my head Pnil. la 28. thou wilt light my r. frtm. 20. 27. spirit of man is c. of L. 24 20. c. of wicked be put out 31. la her c. goeih not out by nieht Jer. Tib. la take from tliein lifht of c. Mat. 5. 15. nor put c in der H l-r-hel Mar* 4 21. LiOce X Ifi | 1 1. 33. Luke II. 3d hritht .hiiiinu of a c. 15. 8. a c. and sweep the houae Rer. la 2a c, shine no more In thee 22. 5. need no c. nor hvlii of nun CANDLES. Zeua.\. 12. I willsearrhj.ru. withe CANDI.KSTIi K. Er. 25. 31. make a c. 37. 17. Sum. S. 4 40. 24 put c. in tent of coiutren. .fT. 24. 4 lamps on r. contimMlly .Vuin. 3. 31. their charife shall tie c. i Kin. 4. in. let us -et for him a A CAr. 28 15. (told for -\>T\ r. i Cfir. la 1 1. set they in order e. Dan. S. 5. wrote over avainst tht a ZccA. 4. 2. behold a < . all of uold II. olive tieeg on riirljt side of c. Mat. 5. IS. but on a c. and it Rivrth light to all, /.i'Av ft Ifi. | K. 33. .V-rrA 4. 21. candle n..t to he ,et on c.1 Heli. 9. 8 first wherein was the c. Km. * 5. else I will remove tha CANDLESTICKS. I A'in. 7. 49. c. of pureifcd.l.-.' TAr. 41 Jer. b>. l. he took away the 6 Her. 11. 4. the two r. heiore Lr4 CAP CANE. /**, 4S 21. bought me. no sweet c. ler. C. 20. sweet c. from far country CANKER, El). ? Tim. 2. 17. thi-ir word will fat as c. Jam. 5. 3. your (fold and silver is c. C A N K E K. W O R M. [2. 2ft. Joel \. 4. c. eaten, find what c. left, A"A. a 15. eat thee likec. make thy. self many as the c. 16. c. spoileth and fiieth away CAPTAIN. Jen. 37. 30. sold him to Potiphar c. 10. 4. c. charged Joseph with them Num. 1 1. 4. let us make a c. Neh. 9. 17. >7o.iA. 5. 14. as c. of host of the L. l.i. the c. of the L. host said to Jos. ludp; 4. 2. c. of Jabin's host was Sisera, 7. 1 Sam. 12. 9. 11. 6. said to Jephthah, be our c. 1 1. the peo. made him c. over them 1 Ham. 9. 16. anoint him c. 10. 1. 13. 14. Lord command, him to be c. 17. 18. curry these ten cheeses to c. f2. 2. David became a c. over them Sain. 5. 2. sh.ilt be c. over Israel a he shnll bee. 1. Cfir. II. ft 19. 13. if thou lie not e. of the host 23. 19. Abishai ivas therefore c. 1 Kin. 16. 16. Isr. made oniri c. king 2 ATt're. 1. 'J. king sent a c. with fifty 4. 11 wouldst be spoken for to c.? 5. 1. Naainan c. of host of Syria I). 5. 1 h ive an errand to thee, O c. 15. 25. Peka'i a c. of his conspired 18. 24. turn face of one c. Isa. 36. 9. 20. 5. tell He/.eki..h c. of my people 25. 8. Nehiizar.ailan, c. Jer. 52. 12. 1 Chr. 11. 21. honourable, he was c. 27. 5. third c fur 3d month Benaiah 2 CAr. 13. 12. God himself is our c. /.,-a. 3 3. L. doth t;.ke away c. of fifty .//. 37. 13. a c. In.jah to..k Jeremiah 40. ft. c. gave Jer. victti. and a rew. 51. 27. appoint a c. against her John 18. I'J. biMid and c. took Jesus Acts 5 26. c. with officers brought Hub. 2. 10. c. of their salva, perfect CAPTAINS. S.rod. 15. 4. chosen c. are drowned Dew/. 1. I ft. I made wise igan c. 20. 9. make c. to lead the people 1 Sum. 8. 12. lie will appoint him c. 22. 7. son of Jesse make you c.? 8 Sam. 18 5 c. i barge con. Absalom. 23. 8. that sat chief among the c. 1 Kin, 2. 5. what Joab did to the c. 20. 24. take kinps away, and put c. 22. 33. when c. perceived he was not the king, 2 CAr. 18. 32. ITAr. 11.15. three of 30 r. went to Dav. 2 Chr. 3,'i. II. L brought on them c. Joh 39. 25. the thunder of the c. and Jer. 13. 21. hajt t.inght them to bee. 61. 23. I will break in pieces c. 57. I will make drunk her c. Erek. 21. 22. c. to open the month 23. 6. c. fill desirable men, 12, 23. Nnh.3. 17. thy c.a- great grasshoppers Murkfi. 21. Herod made a supper toe. J.uke 22. 4. Judas < mmuned with c. llea. 19. 18 may -at the fli sh of c. CAPTIVE. Gen. 14. 14. heard brother was tak. c. 34 29. their wives took they c. i'.rorf. 12. 29. unto first-born of e. S! Kin. ft 2. l>m. away c. a little maid ft. 22. smite 'hose thou hast taken c. Lin. 49. 21. I ii m desolate, a c. 24. or shall lawful c. be delivered 51.14. c. exile h..steneth to he loosed 52. 2. loose thyself, O c. dau. of Zion Aning 6. 7. go c. with first that go c. I Tivi. 2. 26. tiikoi c. l>y him at will CAP Carry or carried CAPTIVE or CAPTIVES. Gen. 31. 2fi. car. my daughter as c. Num. 24. 22. until Ashur car. thee c. 1 Kin.. 8. 46. they c. them c. 2 CA. 6. 36. 47. if they bethink themse. in land whither car. c. 2 Chr. 6. 37. 2 Kin. 15. 29. T -pileser car. them c. 10. 9, e. peo. of Damascus c. to Kir 1 Chr. 5. 6. whom king of Assy. c. c. 2 CAr. 25.12.other 10,000 did Jud. c. c. 28. 5. tliey c. a great multitude c. a Israel c. c. of brethren 200,000 Ps. 106. 4ft pitied of those c them e. 137. 3. that e. us c. required a song Jer. 13. 17. Lord's flock is carried c. 19. Judrih shall be wholly c. away e. 20. 4. he shall c. then: c. to Babylon 2k 5. I will acknowledge theme, c. 29. 4. saith the Lord to all car. c. 14. I will bring you into place whence I caused you to be c. e. 41. 10. Isimiiiel c. c. all the residue 43. !2. carry the Egyptians c. 52. 29. c. c. from Jeru*. 832 persons 30. car. c. of the Jews 745 persons Exek. ft 9. nations whither be c. c. Dan. ! 1. 8. and shall also c. c. into Eg. Am3. bring again cap. of thy e. Dan. 2. 25. found a man of c. of Ju. CAPTIVITY. [toe. Num. 21. 29. given his < aughters in- DmtSl.tS. raiment f c. from off her 30. a Lord will turn thy c. [Bal>. 2 Kin 24 15. carried he into c. to 2ft. 27. in the 37th year ot c. 7er.52.31 1 Chr. 5. 22. dwelt in steads until c. 6. 15. Jrhozadak went into c. whpn 2 Chr. fi. 37. if they pray in land of e. 3a if they return to thee in c. 29. 9. our snns and wives are in c. EzraS. 7. have been delivered to c. Neh. 1. 2. Jew wh. were lelt of c. 4. 4. for 11 prey in land of their c. Kith. 2. 6. Mi.rdeiai rHrried with c. Job 42. 10. Lord turned the e. of Joh Pta. 14. 7. when L. tiring, back c. 85.1 78 61. be deliv. his strength into c. 12ft I. when L. turned ag. c. of Zion 4. turn again our c.U L. HS streams Isd. i. 13. my people arc gone into : 65 CAR Isa. 2?. .7. carry thee with 46. 2 themselves are gone into c. Jer. 15. 2. for the c. to the c. 43. i.. 29. 14. I will turn away your c. 30 3. | 32. 44, | 33.7, 11,26 20. hear, all of c. || 28. e. is long 22. he taken up a curse by all c. 31. send to all them of c. Saying 30. 10. thy seed from land of c. 46.2* 48. 11. nor hath Moah gone into c. Lam 1. 3. Jndah is gone into c. tor 5. her children are gone into e. 2. 14. not discov. to turn away thy c, 4 22. no more carry 'hee into c. Eze. 1 2. fifth yeai of Jt hoiachin's a. 3. 11. get to them of c. and speak 11. 25. 1 spake to them of c. all 12. 7. in) stuff as stuff for c. Hi. 53. bring again their c. the c. of Sodom and Samaria 25. 3 went into c thou saitist, Aha 33. 21. in 12th year of e. oneescaped 39. 23. house of Israel went into c. 40. 1. in the 25ih year of our c. Dan. 6. 13. Daniel of the c. of Judah II. 33. shall fall by c. many days Has. 6. 11. when I returned the e. of my people Obad. 20. c. of this host, c. of Jeru. Mic. 1. 1ft gone into c. from thee A'oA. 3. 10. No went into c. her chil. Hub. I. 9. shall gather c. as the sand Zeph. 2. 7. L. shail turn away e. 3.20 Zech ft 10. take of them of the c. Horn. 7. 23. into c. to the law of sin 2 Cor. 10. 5. into c. every thought See CAPTUE. Bring UAP1 IVITY. P.ia. 53. ft wlien God b. back c. of his Jer. 30. 18. b. again c. of Jaooti's tents 31. 23. when 1 shall b. again their c. 48. 47. will I b. again c. of Moab 49. 6. I will b. auain c. of Ammon 39. I will bring again c. ot Elam Erek. 29. 14. b. again c. of Egypt 39. 2ft. nor will I b. BL'Rin c. of Jacob .In, / :-'.. I when 1 /. again c. of Judah AmosQ. 14. 1 will b again c of my peo. Children, f CAPTIVITY. Ezra 4. I. heard e. c. huilded temple 10. 7. proclamation to the c. of c. 16 c. (if c. did so, all were separa. Dan. 5. 13. Dan. which art e. r. of Ju, Go into CAP'l IVITY. Deut. 28. 41. thy sons and da ugh. g. e. Jer. 20. ft thou and house shall g. c. 22. 22 and thy lovers shnll g. c. 30. 16. adversaries, ev. one sha. *. c. 46. 19 O daughter furnish to g. c. 48. 7.Chemoshshall. r.||4!l 3. kings Eze. 1 2. 4. shall go a> they that g. c. 30. 17. and these cities shall g. c. 18. Egypt, her daogh. shall g. c. Amos I. 5. people of Syria shall r. e, 15. their king shall g. c. he mm ft. 5 for (iiluiil shall -nri'lv g. c. 27. will 1 cause yon to go uito c, 7. 17. Israel shall surely go it/to c. 9. 4. tho* the) g. c. before enemies, ZecA. 14. 2. ha:f of city shall g. c. Rev. 13. 10. leadeth into c. shall g. e. Out of C API IVITY. Ezr. 2. 1. these went npo.e. AVA.7.1 6. 21. come out itfc. kept the feast 8. 35. come out "of r.. offered CARBUNCLE, s. Erod. 28. 17. first row r,. 39. 10 I. -a. 54. 12. make thy gates of c. Erek. 28. 13. n I c. thy revering C ARC ASH. Ler. 5. 2. touch c unc. thing IB tine 1 1. a their c. not ti.uch, Dt-ut. 14. & D,i/t. 28. 2ft thy c. be meat to fowl* Join. 8. 29. should take his c. dow CAR /ml?. 14. S. to *rr c. of lion, honey 1 Kin. 13. 2i thy r. not come t sep- 2t. 11 lion stoo'.l hy the c. [ulchrr ! A'r'f !). 37. c. of Jr'zehel be as dung in. 14. 19. c.i-t out .1* a r. trodden .V.i/. 84. 2S. c i there will eagles be CARCASES. Got. 15. "11. when fo\vl came on c. J.fr. II. II. th.'ir c. in auoinin. 26. 2(5. S). cast your r. on c. of idols yum. 14 29. c shall tall in wilder. ) Saw. 17. 4V I will gne r. of 1'hil. /m. 5. 25. theii r torn in trwts 34. 3. stink come up out of their c. fift 24. look on r. of ih.-in transgr. Jer. 7. 31 t. of this people be meet for fowls, ia 4 | 19. 7. in. 19. filled mine inner, with the c. Ezek. fi. S. lay c. of lr. before ido.s 43. 9. r. of th<-ir king* fr from me y.ih. :l 3. there i* n great num. of c. Heb. 3. 17. whose c. fell iu wilder. CARE. 1 Sam. 10. 2. thy fath. left c. of asses S Kin. 4. 13. careful -ith all this ft Jtr. 411. 31. the nation without e. Krck. 4, 16. shall eut l/arfr 4. 19. c, irf this world choke S.uAr a 14. choked with c. and rirhe* II. 34. overcharged with c. of life CAKES 1, E I H, ING. D-irf. II. IV. a U:i.l whirh L. c. for A/0f. 88. IB. nor x tl.on for uny man Hark 4. 3a c. thou not *.< perish 18. 14. art true, and c. for no man /An 10. la hireling c. not for sheep i Cor 1. 32. Is unmarried e. 31. U. is married, c. for world, 34. CAR 1 Pet 5. 7. for he c. for you CARNAL. Knm. 1 14. I am c. sold under sin 8 7. c. mii.d is enmity against Mod 15. 27. to minister in c. thing* 1 Cor. 3. 1. as unto c. even to babes 3. ye are yet ft || 4. are ye not c.t 9. II. if we reap your c. things 8 Cor. 10. 4. we. of warfare are not c. Heb. 7. 1C. the law of a c. command U. 10. stood in e. ordinances CARNALLY. Lev. laSO. not lie ft with neigh, wife 19. 20. lieih c. with a Imn.l-maid \iirn. 5. 13. and a man lie with lier ft Aim. & 6. to he c. minded is death CARPENTER, S. 2 Sam. S II. c. to David. I CA. 14. 1. 2 CAr. 24 12. they hired ft Ezra 3. 7. Vft, 41. 7. :. encouraged goldsmith 44. 13. ft stretcheth out his rule Jer. 24. 1. ft he carried away 29. 2. Zfch. I. 20. Lord showed me four ft Mat. ia 55. U not this the c. son ? Mark fi. 3. is not thi* the ft the son CARRIAGE. S. [keep. I Sam 17. 22. David left his r. with Ita. 10. 2S. at Michmash laid up c. 46. 1. your c. were heavy laden Arts 21. 15. we took up our ft CARRY Gen. 50.25. c. up my bones, r.!3.19 E.rnd. 3a 15. if thy presence go not. ft us not up hence /-er. 10. 4. ftyourbreth out of camp Num. II. 12. say, c them in bosom Dent. !4. 24. if way too long to ft it Jiah. 4. 3. c. the twelve stones over I Sam. 20. 40. go, c. them to the city 8 Sam. 19. ia to c. king's household 1 A'in. 18. 12. spiri^ of L sh. ft thee 2 A'in. 4. 19. c. him to his mother 9. 2. ft Jehu to an inner chamber 17. 27. ft thith.T one of the priests 1 CAr. 15. 2. none ought to ft ark but 23. 2ft. Lev. no more ft tabernacle 2 CAr. 36. 6. to ft him to Bab J-.39.7 Eecl. 10. 20. a bird shall e. the voice Ita. 23. 7. own feet ft her afar off 30. fi. will c. riches on young asset 40. 1 1. he sh. c. lambs in his bosom 46. 4. to hoary hairs will 1 c. you 7. they c. him, set him in his place Jer. 20. 5. and c. them to Babylon 39. 14. should c. Jeremiah home E:ek. 22. 9. in thee are men c. tales Murk fi. 55. began to ft in beds sick II. 16. to c. a vessel thro' temple Luke 10. 4. c. neither purse nor scrip JiJin 5. 10. not lawful to c. thy bed 21. 18. ft thee whither wouldst not CARRY otray. [Israel 2 A'in. 18. 1 1. king of Assyr. did ft a. 25. 1 1. fugitives did Nebuzar. ft a. 2 CAr. 80. 85 more than could ft a Job 15. 12. why thine heart c. tbee o.? I'lal. 49. 17. dieth he sh. ft noth. a. EccL 5. 15. nothing wh. he may ft a. lui. 5. 29. they shall c. prey a. safe 15. 7. laid up, shall they ft a. 2-.' 17. the Lord will c. thee a. 41 16. wind shall c. them a.. 57. 13. Lam. 4. 22. no more ft thee a. O Zion Eirk. 3>t. la art cornc toe. a. silver ? -lrt7. 41 ft yon a. beyond Babylon See CAMIVB. CARRY back. 2 Sam. 15. 25. c. 6. ark into the city 1 Kin. 81 26. c. Micaiah 4.2 CA.lh.25 CARRY forth. F.I. 12. 4ft. not e.f. aught of passor. 14. 1 1. to c. u* f. out of Egypt /-r. 4. 12. whofe bullock r./ 21. 2 CAr. 29. 5. e. f. the aiihlnesj out of M CAR Jrr. 17. S2 nor c. f. a burden in Sab Ezek. 12. . c. it f. in the twilight G'en. 47. 30. shall c. me o of Egypt />t i8. :. c. mnih need o. little in I A.'in.2v!.34.c.roe o. ol host, 2 CAr. 18 3A /.'**. 12. !>. dig wall, c. ca/ therel.y .lcr 5. 9. feet at door, shoo c. thee o. I Tim. 6. 7. certain we c. nothing a, CARRIED. Gen. 4R. S. sons of U. c. Jac. 50. 13. Ler. 10. 5. c. them in their coats out Judg. 16. 3. Samson c. them up tu the top of an hilt 1 Sam. 5, a let ark be c to (.ath * Sum. 6. la c. ai k aside. 1 CAr. ia 13. 15. 29. At.iathar c. ark to Jerusalem 1 A'r'n. 17. 19. he c. him into a loft V Ai. 20. 17. have laid up in ttor* shall be c. to Babylon, Ita. 3. S. 24. 13. he c. out all the treasures 25 7. c. Zedekiah to Babylon 2 CAr. 2a 15. c. all the feeble an ass. 3.1 II. c. M:iiiH!>seh to Babylon :f. 4. Necho c. Jehoahaz to r^ypt Job 5. 13, counsel of the froward is c. headlong 10. 19. I sho. been e. from womb PiaL 46. 2. tho' nioun. he c. into sea ha. 4fi. 3. remnant c. from the womb 49. 28. thy daugh. be c. on shoulders 5:1. 4. he hath c. our sorrows 03. 9. c. them all the days of old Jer. 27. 22. be c. to Babylon, 28. a 52 II, 17 F.xek. 17. 4. he c. twigs into a land 37. 1. c. me out in Spirit of Lord Dan I. 2. c. into land of Shinar Hot 10. a be also c. unto A^>ria 12. I. and oil ia c. into Egypt Juet 3. 5 have c. into your temple* Lulce 7. 12. was a dead man c. out 16. 22. beggar was c. by the angeli 21. 51. and was c. up into heat en Act* 3. 2. one lame fr. womb was c 5. 6. young men c. Ananias out 7. 16. our fathers were c. to Sychetn R 2. c. Stephen to his burial 21. 34. comman. to be c. into castle Eph. 4. 14. c. with ev. wind of doctri. Heb. 13. 9. be note, with divers doc. 2 Pet 2. 17. clouds c. with a tempest Jude 12. clouds without water c. See CrrME. CARRIED OH-OV. Urn. 31. la Jacob c. n. all his cattle 26. c. a. my daughters as captites 1 Sam. 30. 2. flew not, c, them a. la 2 AT/ii. 17. fi. e. Isr. a. into APM r. .3 II. as heathen whom the L. c. a. 2a one of priests they had c. a. 24. 14. c. a. all Jerusalem, prince* 15. c, a. Jehoiaihiu to Bar.) Ion 25. 21. so Judah was c. a. out of 1 CAr. 5. 28L c o. the Reuhenites 6. 15. when L. c. a. Judah and Jep 9. I. c. a for their transgression 2 CAr. 14. la Asa c. a. spoil. 21. 17 Ezra 2. I. these been c, a. AYA. 7. tt. 9 4. transgres. of thi*e c. a. 10. f. Jfr. 29. 4. caused to be c. n, capt'e Dan. 2. 35. and wind r. them a. A'aA. a 10. No was c. a. into capUr. Mat. I. II. about time c. a. to Bab. Mark 15. I. e. Jesus a to Pilate 1 Cor. 12. 8. Gen. c. a, to dumb idoli dnl. 2. 13. Barnabas c. a with dimi. Rev, 12. 15. cause her he c. a. of fluod 17. 3. c. me a. in spirit, 2!. 10. CARHIEST, ETH. 1NO. IS. as chaff storm c. away 27. 21. eaot wind c. rl< h away PmL 7a 9. Ephraim e. bow-< turned 90. 5. ft them away as with flood CAS Mat. 1. 17. tilt the c. into Babylon Ueo. 17. 7. mystery o' beast that c CAR1 1 Sfim. fl. 7. makf 8 n iv c. and tie 2 Sum. G. a set ark on a new c. 1 Ctir. la 7. U/.za drave the c. Isa. 2a 28. corn with wheel of c. Auto* 2. 13. a* ii c. is pressed that is CART ro/je. Ita. 5. 18. that draw sin as with a c. r. CART W/MV/. IT* 28. 27. nor is r. ?c. turned about CARVED, ING, INGS. .Ej-nrf. 31. 5. Bezaleel in c. 35. 3a Jttdg. 18. 18. fetched the c. image i A?. 6. 18. ceder within was c. 9 Chr. 33. 7. e image in house of G. 34. 4. Josiah, cut down c. images Put!. 74. 6. they br>ak r. work 7Vp. 7. 16 my bed with c. work CASE, ES. E.rod. 5. 19. did see vere in evil c. Fsal. 144.15. happy peo. in such a c. Milt !>. 20. in no r. enter kingdom 19. 10. c. of man be so with wif John 5. I), now long- time in that c. I Cor. 1. 15. under bondage in . such c. CASEMENT. Prov. 7. C. I looked through my c. CASSIA. E.rod. 30. 94. of r. 500 shekels 1't. 45. 8. thy garments smell of R Ezek. 27. 19. c. in thy market CAST. Luke 2-2. 41. about a stones c, CAST. Jnb 18. 8. he is c. into a net by his Ps. 22. 10. I was c. on thce fr. womb 70. 6. horse are c. into a dead sleep 140. 10. let them be r. into fire Pror. lli. XI the lot is c. into lap /.vo. 25. 7. he will destroy face of covering <. ver all people Jer. 22. 28. c. into a land know not 38. 11. old c. clouts and rags Dan. 3. (i c. into riery furnace 6. 7. be c. into den of lions, 16. Jonah 2. 4. I am c. out of thy sight Mat. 4. 12. John was c. into prison 5. 25. and thou be c. into prison 29, whole bo.ly be . c. him on some mountain 21. spring, and c. salt in there 3. 25. on good lan^l c. ear-h his stone 4. 41. meal, he c. into the pot G. 6. he c. in stick, iron swam 9. 25. c. into portion of Nalmth, 26. 13. 21. c. into sepulchre of Elisha 23. c. from his presence as yet 19. la c. gods into fire, Isa. 37. 19. 32. nor c. a bank ag. it, Isa. 37. 33. AWi. 9. 20. c. law behind their hacks Esth. a 7. c. Pur, that is, the lot, 9.24 Job 20. 23. sh. c. fury of his wrath 27. 22. God shall c. upon him 30. 19. hath c. me into mire 4'). II. c. abroad rage of thy wrath Pun. 55. 3. they t. iniquity on me '22. c. thy burden on the Lord 74. 7. c. fire into thy sanctuary 78. 49. c. on them his wrath Prop. I. 14. c. in thy lot among ns Eccl. 11. 1. e. thy bread on waters Isa. 2. 20. shall c. his idols to bats 38. 17. has r. all my sins behind Jer. 26. 23. c. Urijah's body intogra. 3(i. 23. c. it into fire on hearth 38. 6. c. Jeremiah into dui.geon, P 41. 7. Ishmael c. them in pit Lam. a 53. and c. a stone upon me Eretc. 11. IG. I have c. them far off 2a 35. hast c. me behind thy back 28. 17. 1 will c. thee to ground Dan. 3 20. to c. thrin into furnace 24. did not we c. three into fire 6. 24. c. them into don of lions Jonah 2. 3. hitdst c. me into the deep Mic. 4. 7. 1 will make her c. off 7. 19. c. all their sins into sea y/i/t. 3. Ii. I will c. filth on thee Zec/i. 5. 8. f. it into the ephah, c. 1 1. 13. c. it unto potter, c. them Mill. 3. 1 1. nor vine c. fruit before Mat. 3. 10. tree is c. into fire, 7. 19. 5. '29. ami c. it from thee, 30. | 18,8.9 7. 6. nor c. pearls before swine 15. 26. and c. it to dogs, Mar. 7. 27. 17. 27. c. an hook and take up fish 18. 30. c. into prison till he pay 22. 13. c. into outer darkness, 25.30. 27. 44. thieves c. same in his teeth Mar. 9. 22. oft-times c. him in*" fire 11. 7. c. garm. on him, Luke 19. 35. 12. 4. and at him they c. stones 41. c. money into treas. Lit. 21. 4. 4,'i. widow hath c. more in, 44. Luke 12. 5. to c. into hell, fear him 19. 43. enemies shall c. a trench John 8. 7. first c. a stone at her 21. 7. Peter c. himself into sea Act* 12. 8. c. garment about thee IG. 23. c. Paul and Silas into prison 27. 4a who could swim, c. thems. 1 Cor. 7. 35. may c. a snare on you /lev. 2. 10. devil c. some into prison 14. Balak to c. stumbling. block 22. I will c. her into a bed }. 10. eliiers c. their crowns before IS. 2i. mill-stone and c. it into sea CAST-rtwvn/. Ler. 26. 44. 1 will not c. them a. 2 Sum. 1. 21. shield of mighty is c.-a. 2 Kin. 7. 15. vessels Syrians c.-rt > Chr. 29. 19. vessels Ahazc... Ju/> 9. 4. c. them a. for transgression 20. God will not a. per!e< t man I'm/. 2. a let us -_ their cords 67 CAS PsaJ. 51. 11. e. me not a. from pr. Krcl. 3. 5. a time to c.-a. stones, 6. Isa. 5. 24. becau. they havec.-o. law 30. 22. c.-a. as menstriious clotn 3!. 7. c.-a. his Hols of siller 41. 9. chosen and not c. thee a. Jer. 7. 29. cut thy hair and r. it a, 33. 26. will I c.-ii. seed . Jacob Exi'lc. 18 31. c.-a. all transgressions 20. 8. did nut c. . abominations Has. 9 17. my God will c. them a. Mat. 13. 48. but r. the bad a. l.utce 9. 25. if a man be c.-a. Horn. 11. 1. hath God r..a. his pec t 2. not . 12. they arec. d. and shall not 37. 14. bent bow to c. rf. needy 24. he shall not bo utterly c rf. 42. 5. c. rf. O my soul ? II. | 4a a. 6. my soul is c. rf. within me 56. 7. in thine anaer c. rf. people 62. 4. only consult to c. him down 89. 44. hast c. his throne rf. to ground 102. 10. hast lifted me up, and c. rf. Prov. 7. 26. she c. rf. many wounded Int. 28. 2. L. shall c. rf. with his hand Jer. G. 15. they shall be r. rf. 8. 12. Lam. 2. 1. c. rf. the beauty of Israel Ezek. 6. 4. c. rf. your slain before idols 19. 12. thy mother was c. rf. to the 31. 16. when 1 c. Assyrian rf. to hell 32 18. wail for Egypt, and c. her rf. Dan 7. 9. till the thrones were c. /. 8 7. he-goat c. rf. ram to the ground 10 it c. rf. some of host, and stars 12. c. rf. truth to ground 11. 12. he shall c. rf. ten thousands Mat. 4. 6. if Son of God, c. thyself rf. Luke 4. 9. 15. 30. c. them rf. at Jesus feet, and 27 5. he c. rf. pieces of silver in tern. I.itke 4. 2'.t. might c. Jes. rf. headloug 2 Cor. 4. 9. r. rf. but not destroyed 7. (i. God that comforteth those c. rf. 2 Pet. 2. 4. but c. angels rf. to hell Rev. 12, 10. the accuser is c. rfotr/t CAST forth. Neh. 11 8. I c. f. household-stuff Psa. 144. 6. c. /lightning and scatter Jer. 22. 19. Jehoi. c.f. beyond gates Exefc. 32. 4.V thee/ on open fieid llos. 14. 5. c.f. his roots as Lebanon ./on. 1. 15. and/.-./ Jonah into sea Mark 7. 26. c.f. devil out of daugh. John 15 G. he is r. f. as a branch and CAST Ms. Lev. 16. 8. c. lots on the two goats Josh. 18. 10. Joshua c. lots in shilolf 1 Sum. 14.42. c.l. hetw.meund Jonatn. I Chr. 2. 13. c. I. as well small as gr. Psal. 22. 18. they c. I. upon my ves- ture. Mat 27. 3.V John 19. '.'4. Isa. 34. 17. he hath r. lot for them Jui'l. '.(. a have c. Ints for my people Olitnl. 11. foreigners c /. on JeniMiL Jonnh I. 7. ;. /.that we may know Xah. 3. 10. -. L for her honour. n?n CAS CAST o/f t Kin. 23 87. I will c. a. Jerusalem I Cfir 2S J. he will c. thee o. for evr 8 Chr. II. II Jerobo. had .-. them j. i/oi 14. XL r. o. hi flower a* olive 1'iai 43. 2. why dot c. me 0/7 44. ft thou hast c. o/f, 6U 1, 10. | 89. 38.) loa n. 61. O L. r. us not o/f fr ever 71 9. c. roe not ;/f in old age 74 I. wiiy hai>t c. ui otf" for ever T TJ. 7. will Lord r. off for ever I !l. 14. not c. 0. hi* p<*nple,/^>M.3.3l Jr.' 28 16. I will r. Hananiah o/f 31. 37 I will r. ... meed of Is. 33. 24. J.nm. 2. 7. L. hath c. o/his alur #... a 3. I>. hath r. o/fthing Kood 9. thy mlf, O Samaria, c. thee tiff Auua \. II. because he c. o. all pity Zrck. 10. , as tho 1 I not e. them >,ff Ad* 22. 23. and c. off their clothes R m 13. I2.1et use. a work* of dark. 1 Tim. 5. I*, c. o/f their flrrt faith CA-Towt Gen. 81. 10. c. out this bond. woman Efod. 34. 2*. 1 will c. o. the natn.ii> /.r. IS. 24 naL I r. o. 20. 23. Deut.1 1. I)- ut 9. 17. r. tables o. nf mv hands 1 Kin. !'. 7. this house will I c. . of my sight, 2 CAron. 7. 80. 21. 2R Amontes c. o. 2 Xin. 1C. 3. t Kin. 10. 2V captain* e. them ou/ 17. 20. r. them n. of his siirht, 24. 20 t CAr. 13. 9. have ye not c. o. priest. 80. H. tn c. us oW of thy possession tfek. I 9. tho' there were of you r. o. Jof> 20. 15. r. them out of his belly SB. 3. they c. on/ their sorrows PmL S. 10.' c. them o. in transgress. 18. I'.' did c. them out as dirt in 44. ?. afflict people, and c. them o. (V). a will 1 c. n. my Rhoe, 10& 9. TH to. he r, out the heathen. HO. a /VOT. 22. 10 c o/ the srtirner /OT. It. 19. art c. o. of thy grave, like in. 8. as a wandering bird r. out 2fi. 19. earth shall r. out the dead 34 3. their Main also -hall be c out 68. 7. that thou bring poor e. out ffi .">. c. you o. for my name's sake Jer. 7. 15. 1 will c. you o. of my tight 9. 19. our dwelling* have c. us nut 15. 1. c. o. of my w ht, 23. :. | 52. a If,, la will I r. you o. of this land 22. iO. I will c. thee out and mother 3R 30. hi* dead hodv -h.ill be r. o. 51. 34 Nebuchadn. hath r. me nut Etfk. 11 5. wast c. o. in open fi. id 2S. I" 1 will c. thee o. of mountain /fin.* 8. 8. land be c. o. and drowned .Wir. 2. 9. the women have ye r. ,;f Zf]>h. 3. 15 L. hath c o. thine enemy Z'-rh. \. 21. to c. o. horns of i .entile'* 9. 4. L. will r. her nut and -.mile Witt. 5. la s*lt unsaT. c. n. J.n. 14. 35. 7. 5. first r. out be.im, /-it P. 42 58. L. In thy han>e r. out devils 1 ft 12. rhildren of kin/ lorn he r. out 1C. he r. ou* pirit with hi wor' ?l . if thou e. n* out suffer u ti/ dumb spake 15. I. power against -pirils toe. o. & raise ded, r. on/ devils 12. J4 <-. o. hut by Beelt Lu, 11. 18. *l if Satan c. out .Satan 81 if 1 hy Sfirit c. / devils IS. 17. and is .-. out into draught 17 19. n<>t we c. him of Mar. 9. 28. SI. 12. Jesus ft . all that sold, Uir II. 15. J.'Jcr 19. 4V S3. e. . of rlney J/. \ . 13. & 15. have power to r. .f de il 23. 1 5W can batan c out Satau f CAT J/arA- Ifi. 9. o. of whom c. ("even der. 17. in my nxine -liall r. "lit devil* Litice 6. it. r. nut y..iir naim- as vil 11 2aif I rfitli niijjrerof (i.r.o Uev. I. 'I 3^. I r d'U d.'>ili und do runi 30. 12. winiii.l.-.l him r. him out John 6. 37. 1 will in no 1,1- r. ,,ti( 'J 34. tetu-h u ? they r. him oi.< li 31. prlm-e ..f tln-> world be c. o. Actt~. 19. c. o. tht-ir yoniiK rhildren 21. when M.I.I-. WH> r. o. Phara. 5a c. Stephi-n nut an I Mini.-. I 87. la. we c. ox/ (arklini; nf -hip (i'tl. 4. 30, c. . prepare way.fii 10. ii. -ea HrtWM watT c. n/> mire Jer. la I-V to walk in w.iy nut r. up 50. 2C. c heriM) us heaps an i dt-.-trny /.rtm.llO.f.u dust ..n li.-.id- E*e.-f!.30 Dan. 11.15 king shall c up a mount CASTE^T. KTH. Joh 15. 4 yea thou r. 06 fear 21. 10. row c. not her ralf F*aL M. 17. c. my wor s f..-hind thee 73 la c them into destruction 8a 14 why r. ttn.ii off my soul 147. :. Lord r. HIP i. k.-'d d,.-n 17. he c. forth his ife like morsel* Prnr 10. a r. away Kuhst of wicked 11'. I']. i>lothfuliie< r. irto.leep-leep 21. 22 c. down strength of mnti I. 2ft la as a madman c tin-hrnnds Jfr. A 7 so she c . out wirkedne Mat 9.3*. her. out devil- thro 1 prince of .lev. Mark 3. 2*. I.ttkf. 1 1. I.V 1 Jnhn 4. la p-rlect love r. out tear 3 J;h* 10 c. th.-m out of i-hun h K'T. 6. 13. fia tree r. untimely flea IASTINO. Ezra 10. I. c. himself down before J"b fi. 21. ye ee my c. down I'* 74 7. hy e. down dwelling place 9. 39 profaned crown hy c. it Vie fi. 14. thy c. down he' in midt Mat 71 av garni, c. lot. Mar. 15 24. Mark. 'J. 3S. oner, out de J.nlc. !.4!i. /.*< 21. 2. poor wid. c. in iwu mitr Ram. 11. 15. if c. away he reioncil. 2 Cur. 10. 5. r. down imagination* 1 J'et. 5. 7. e. all vour rare ou him CASI I.E. ! Chr. 11. 5. David to,,k c. of Zion 7. David dwelt in r. city of David Pnir. ia 19. content like bar* of a r. Act* 21. 34. Paul to be carried into the r. 37. | 22. 24. | 2a 10. 23. 16. be entered int.. r. told Paul CASTLB& Gen. Vt 1. names hy their e. \>im. 31. 10. hnrnt th.-ir g'>dly e. i Chr. 27. 4. In the forest built c. 17. li Jeh'Mhaphat built c. CASTOR, tee Sign. t ATI M I Kin. 20 33. men did hastily c. it :' Kin. -. 12 we shall c them alive f'*nl. in. 9. in wait to c. the poor X> 8. let hi net c. himsrlf 109. II. extortioner c. all he hath Jfr. 5 SB. wt a trap they c men f-T. 19. a it learni-d to r. prey. 6. Hnl.. I. 15. c. th m in their net Murk \1. in. to r. him in ).i word* I. tike 5. !0. from h.-mefurth r. men 1 1. 54 to c. koinrthiiig of his mouth M CAU CATCH KTH. 1VO. Mat. la III. d.-vil c. what sown .luhn 10, 12. the wolf r. the hef> CATr KPII.LKK. S. I Kin. a 37. if any c. '2 Uir. a M. I'm/. 78. 46. their increuse to c. I j. 34. he spake, and c. came /M. 33. 4 |>>l lik- talh.Ting of 6 Jer. 51. 14. fill th. e with men as c. 27. hor*e> come >ip as rough c. J't-l I. 4. c..worm left hath c. eateS 2. 25. restor. y.-ar - c. hath eat I A J'TLK. Gen. I. 25 '>d mad.- the c. after 3. 14 thou art . ur-- d above all e. ". 1. God remembered r. in ark 9. la I e*tal>n*h . -ovenaiit with e. la 2. Abram wan I ii h in c. 31. 9. l;.en away c "f your father 4a these cuttle are my c. 34. 5. his sons w.-re with the c. 46. 32. their trade to f.-.-l r. 47. ..ver c. 17. Jioeph gave lire for c. K.r. 9. 4 sever ltiv. r. nf l-tr. and c. 20, and c. flee intn the houses 12. 29. smote tir.t.t. rn ..f c. .Vm .'i. 41. take c. of L. v. instead 20. 19. r, drink, I will pay for it 32. 4. is a land for c. and thy serv. ./A. a 2. only r. t.ike for H prey Jo/> 36. 3a c. i nncerning vapour /'"//. 50. 10. c. on a Ih'.n-aiid hills il l'4. 14. gras* to ^row for the c. I IS. 10. and ail r. prais.- the Lord Krrl. 2. 7. posii. of f^re.it and small c. I*a. 7. 25. for trea.li g of leaser c. 43. 23. not brought me small c. 46. I. their idols \v.-re upon r. Jer. !(. 10. nor hear /..ire of tho c. Erek. 34. 17. 1 ju.lite hetw. c. 2D, 22. Hag. 1. II. for a MM. ML lit upon c. '/."Ii. 2. 4. for multitude of c. therein 13. i men truant me to keep r. l.nkf 17. 7. IIIUIIIL' > iv. fej-dinff r. .If/in 4. 12. dm .k Hi. -r. of, and hu c. Mu,-l, (. A I I I.V. C,rn. 30. 43. J .-..I. had ./, r. f'j-hal| also go 17. :i. kill mtrr. with thir.st .N'Min. 3jf. Hi build shcepfolds for o. c. J-oA. 21. 2. with suburbs for our r. .'-'eh. 1U. 36. tobriiur Hr-t.l>orii of o. c. IVirCATTLKi ttm. 34. 23. shall in>t their c. !* ours .V;n. 3.'). 3. suburbs (or / c.Jni 14. 4. lurlg. fi. 5. tlltliaii. rame with /A. c. I .Vf prey men had c. Judg.S. 14- e. young man of Succoth 21. 23. danced, whom tliey c. 1 Sam. 17. 35. I c. him by his heard S Sam. 2. 16. r. every one hi< fellow la 9. Absalom's head c. hold of \ Kin* 1. 50 Adon. e. hold on altar 2. 28. Joab P. hold on horns ot altar II. 30. Ahijah c. new garment 2 Kin. 4. 27. she c. KlisliH by (jet 2 C/irnn. >>. 9. they c. Aha/iali and Prof. 7 !3. so she c. him kissed him Ter. 50. 24. O Babylon, thim art c. iV'.-.'. It. 31. Jesus c. Peter ai.d said 21. 3!1. the husbandmen c. him M^rA 12. 3. they c. the servant I.nkf 8 29. ofteiitimes it c. him Jo/m 21. 3. that nieht c. nothing Arts fi. 12. upon Stephen and c. him 8 3fl. the Spirit c. away Philip 10. 19. they c. Paul and Silas />. 21. the Jem c. me in the temple 27. 15. ivhi-n ship was c. we let X Cor. 12. 2. I knew a man c. up to 4. how he was c. up into paradise !fv .-r ifty I c. you with guile 1 Thex. 4. 17. we sh. be c. up tojreth. R"n. 12 -1. her child was c. up to God CAUL, S E.vod. 29. 13. c. above the liver, 22. Li-r. :\. 4, in, 15. I 4. 9. I 7. 4. I 8. 10, 25. | 9. 1(1, 19. Isn. 3. 18. will take away their c. //(. 13 8. rend c. of tbe'ir heart CAUSE. E.r<.d. 22 9. c. of both before judges 23. 2 nor "peak in a c. to decline 3. nor counten. a poor man in his c. n. nor wrest jndy. of poor inliis c. Num. 10 II. for which c. thnu and all thy company are gathered 27. 5. Moses brought c. before L. Vent. I. 17. the c too hard f..r you 1 Sam. 17. 29. is there not a c.F 25. 3T>. I,, pleaded r.. of my reproach 2 Sam. 13. Hi. there is no c. 15. 4. hath any c. might come to rrp 1 Kin. 8. 4.5. maintain their c. 45). 59. 2 C/jro/j. 6. 35, 39. 11. 27. e. that he lift up his hand 12. 15. c. was from L. 2 C/ir. 10. 15. 1 Chr. 21. 3. a c. of trespass to Israel? 8 Chr 19. 10. what c. shall come Job 5. a to God wo. I commit my c. 13. 18. I have ordered my c. 3. 4. order my c. before him 29. la c. I knew not I searched 31. 13. if I did despise c. of servant PjiiL 9. 4. hast maintained my c. 35. 2,'J. awake to my c. my God llii. 2. Lord will maintain the c. Pror. 18. 17. he first in his own c. 25. 9. debate thy c. with neighbour 2!i. 7. riirht. coiisidereth c. of poor 31. 8. for the dumb in the c. Effl. 7 in. say not, what is the c. Is.t. I. '& nor c of widow come 41. 21. proJuce your c. aith Lord 51. 22. God hath pleaded the c. v>/'. 5. 28. judife not e. of fatherless 11. 2U. to thee revealed my c. 20. i2. unto thee I opened my c. 22. 16. he judged the e. of poor Lam. 3. 3fi. to subvert a man in hi c. the Lord approveth not 5P. seen my wrong, judge my c . Jnn. 1. 7. th.it we know for whose r. S. M it. 5. 35. savinir for c. of fornica. l!>. 3 t-> put away his wife for ev. c. Ln.tH.Vz. -omid no c. of death In him Art* It). 21. c. wherefore ye are come 13. 28. though found no c. of death 28. 18 wrs no c. of death in me CAU 2 Cor. 4. IR for whi. c. we faint not 5. 13. we be sober, it is for your c. 7. 12. his c. that had done wrong Phil 2. 18. same c. do ye joy 2 Tim. 1. 12. for which c. 1 suffer //c/;. 2. 11. c. he is not a-hamed to Plead CAUSE. 1 Sam, 24. 15. the Lord plead iny c. Psal. 3,5. l.| 43. I. | 119. 154. Pxal. 74. 22. O God pie. thine own c. Prov. 22. 23. Lord vill plead their c. 23. ll./>/eurftlieir c. with thee 31. 9. plead\\\e c. of poor and needy ,/pr. 30. 13. noneto;j//rf thy :. 50. 34. Loid through! y plead their c. 5|. 36. behold I will plead thy c. Mic. 7. 9. until he plead my c. For this CAUSK. F.rnd. 9. Hi./ c. raised up Pharaoh John 12. 27. / c. came I to this hour 18. 37. / c. came I into the world Rom. 15. 9./c. I will confess to thee I Cor. 11. 30. / t. c. many are weak Ep/i. 3. 14. / this c. I bow my knees i Then. 2. 13. / t/iisc. thank we God I Tim. 1. Ifi. / t. c. I obtained mere) Uelt 9. IS./ <. c. he is mediator of I Pet. 4. 6. f. c. was g-i-pel preached Without CAUSE. 1 Sam. 19. 5. to slay David ir. n c. Juti 2. 3. to destroy him irithnut c. il 17. lie multipl. my wounds w. c. Psal. 7 4. that . c. is my enemy 25. a ashamed that transgress ir. c. 35. 7. IP. c. they digtrcd a pit 7/. c. 19. hate n;e ir. c. 69. 4 Jo/m 15. 25. 109. 3. foui.'ht against me w. a c. 119. 78. perversly with me IP. a c. 16L princes persecuted me w. c. Pror. 1. II. lurk for innocent w. c. 8. .'JO. strive not with a man ir. c. 23. 29. who hath wounds irithout c. 24j2S. h.- not witness irithout c. 7vt*32. 4. Assy, oppress them ir. c. I. am. 3. 52. chased me sore irithnut c. Ezek. 14. 2a have not done it: c. all Mutt. 5. 22. angry with brother w. c. CAUSE. Gen. 45. 1. c. every man to go out Xmn. Hi. 5. holy, L. wi He. him to come Deal. 1. 38. c. to inherit it.,3.28. | 31.7. 12. II. c. his name to dwell there ? Sum. 13. la c. my sliame to go EM. a la c. to perish all the Jews, 7f4. | 8. 11. Job 6. 24. c. me to understand 31. ll.c.everyman tofindac. to ways Psa. In. 17. wilt c. thine ear to hear 67. I. c. his face to shine, 80. 3,7, 19. 76. a c. judgment to he heard 85. 4. c. thine anger to cease 143. 8. c. me to hear, to know way Pror. 4. 16. unless c. some to fall Ei-d. 5. r>. to c thy flesh to sin Cant. 8. 13. voice, 'c. me to hear it /ra. a 12. lead c. thee to err, 9 16. 27. 6. c. them of Jacob take root 30. 30. c. his glorious oice je heard 42. 2. nor c. his \oice to be heard 5. 14. c. thee to ride m high pi. 61. 1 1. c. righteousness to spring 6. 12 ; men ride over our 1 19. 49. word on wh. c. me to hop* Isa. 19. 14. they have c. Egypt to er/ 63. 14. Spirit of L. c. him to rest Jer. 12. 14. c. my people to inherit 13. 11. c. to clravt* house of Israel 29. 31. c. you to trus-t in a lie 32. 23. thou hast c. ail this evil 4K 4. little ones have c. a cry to Zech.?. 4. c. thy iniquity to pass fronj Mai. 2. 8. c. many to stumMe at la John II. 37. 6. this man not dud Acts 15. a c. great joy to brethren 2 Cor. 2. 5. if any have c. grief CAUSES. E.rod. 18. 19. mayest bring c. to Qod 26 hard c. brought to Moses Deut. I. 1C. hear e. between breth. Jer. a a c. whereby backsliding Lam. 3. 58. hast pleaded c. of my soul Act.* 26. 21. c. the Jews caught me CAUSES'!'. Job 30. 22. c. me to ride on wind Psal. 60. 4 blessed c. approach the' CAUSETH. Job 20. 3. spirit of tinder, c. me ans. 37. 13. c. it come for correction Psal. 135. 7. he c. vapours to ascend, Jer. 10.13. | 51.16. Pror. 10. 5. son c. shame, 17. 2. | 19. 17. 2. rule over a son c. shame [2G. 19. 27. instruction that c. to err 2a 10. c. righteous to go asttay Mat 5. 32. c. In-r commit adultery 2 Cor. 2. 14. God. which c. us triumph 9. 1'. c. through us thanksgiving- CAUSEWAY. I Chr. 26. 16. lot came by the c. CAUSING. Cant. 7. 9. c. lips of those asleep Jer. 29. 10. in c. you to return . CAUSELESS. I Sam. 25. 31. hast shed blood c. Pruv. 26. 2. curse c. not onie CAVE, S. Gen. 19. 30. Lot dwelt in a c he 23. 19. buried Sarah in tlue c. 49. 29. bury me in the c. Jimh. It). 1C. live kings hid in a c. 17 Jiidg. 6. 2. Israel made c. I Sum. 13. 6. Israel did hide inc. 22. I. David escaped to the c. 24. 10. delivered thee in the c. I Kin, IS. 4. prophets hid in c. la 19. 9. Elijah came to a c. and Isa. 2. 19. go into c. for fear o( L. Efi-k. 33. 27. die that be in the c. J- fin II. .'& it was a c. a stone lay fleb. . I. 33. they wandered in c. CEASE. Gen. 8. 22. day and night net e. \iint. 8. 25. atie of 50 years c wait* II. 25. prophesied, did not c. 17. 5. toe. the iniirmiiruiirx l),nt. 15. II. the poor shall ntrfTt, 32. 26. reinemhtanee ol them to c. J,.*h. 22. 2.1. child, r. from (curing I. Judg. 15. 7. after that I will r. 20. vs. again vo up, or shall I c.f I S-im. 7. 8. c. not to rr.> to*}, for ui < Chr. 16. 5. K:innlm let IPS work e. Ezra 4. 23. to c. by f,.rce and power CEA Jfek. & 3, why should the work e. ,'oA. 1 17. wicked c. from troubling la 8U. my days few? c. then It. 7. tender branch will not e. fsaL 37. & c. from anger 46. 8. he maketh w.irs to e. ft*. 44. hast made his rlory to r. Proa. 19. if!, c. to hear instruction 20. a .m honour to c. flora strife 81 10. aad reproach shall c. 83. 4. c. from thy wisdom /.Vc-/. 12. a grinders c. because few Jta. I. 16. c. to do evil 2. 22. c. ye from man whose breath 10. 85. and in.li-'ii iti'in -.hall c. 16. in. vintage ghouting to c. 17. 1 f"rt'i'K c. from Kphraim SI. i nil the tighing made to c. 33. 1. ehalt e. to spi.il be spoiled /cr. 14. 17. let tears note 17. & nor c. trom yielding; fruit 31. 3& seed of Israel sluill c. Lam. 2. K apple of thine eye r. EzeJc. & 6. that y ur klols may c. 1. 24. pomp of the itro ig to r. M 8a 1 will make thU prorerb e. S3. 27. make thy lewdnes* f c. 30. 10. multitude of E-jypt to c. K pomp of her strength c. 33. 28. Amo* 7. .V O Lord c. I beseech tliee Acti 13. 10. not c. to pervert right 1 Cor. 13. a tonjru.es they shall c. Kfih I. 16. I r. not to give thanks Coi I. 9. not cease to pray for you Pet. -i. 14 cannot c. from sin Crtiur to C E A * E. [34. 25. i>r. 2ft, ffi. I will c. c. eril beat*,.E.M. Ezra S, 5. they could not c. them c. ,VfA 4. 11. and catue the work to c. PtaL 85. 4. eauoe thine anger to e. Proe. 18. la lot c. contentions to c. /. < 13. 1 1. c. arrogaDr* of proud toe. 30. II. c holy one of Israel to a T'T 7. 34. c. mirth to c. from cities 36. 29. c. c. roan and bea. Hot. 2. II. 4a 3o. r. to c. him that offereth re*. 83. IS. this c. lewdneg* to e. Sft 13. * noise of thy songs to c. 30. 1A 1 will e. their images to c. 34. to. c. to. c. from feeding flock Dan 9. -r,. he shall r. oblation to c. 11. 18. c. reproach offered to c. //. 1. 4. c. to c. kingdom of Israel CEASED. Gen. 18. 1 1. it c. to be with Sarai Jiuif. 2. 19. e. not from their doings S. 7 Inhabit. ntn of villages e. 1 Sam. 2. 5. that were hungry e. 25. 9. spake in name of DRV. and e. F.rrn 4. 84. then c. work of hus- Jub 32. I. so thrt-e men c. to answer /*ii 3V IV did tear me and c. not 77. 2. my sore ran and r. not Jin. 14. 4. oppremmr c. golden rityc. Lam. V 14. elders hare c. from gate 15. thej..jr of our heart i- c. Jonah I. 15. sea c. from pairing Mat. 14. 32. wind r. A/or. 4. 39. | 6. 51. l.ukr 7. 45. hath not c. to kti. my feet II. 1. as he wa praying, when he r. 4d* 48 e not to preach Jesus W. i. after uproar wan c. Paul 31. three years 1 c. not to warn SI. 14. not be persuaded we c. Gat 6 1 1. then i- offence of croos r. llrb. 4. In. r. from hi- own works 10. 4 t"t have c. to he offered 1 Pet. 4. 1. hath r. from sia CEASE TH. ^i 18. I. for the godly man r. 4!). & redemption pr< cious, it r. frot. 26. 80. no tale-bearer, strife e. JM. 16 4. the spoiler c. M. & UkrrU c. joy of the harp e. CEN /jo. 33. 8. the way-faring man e. Lam. 3. 49. mine eye Irickleth, c. not Acti 6. 13 c. not to speak bl.isphe. CEASING. I .'tarn. 12. 23. in in c. to pny for you /jo. 6 9. hear ye without c. but Act* IX 5. prayer was made wi. c. /Tom.1.9. w. c. 1 makement \Thet.l.3. I The*. 2. la for this we thank (i. w. c. 5. 17. piay without c. 1 Tim. I. a wi. c. I have remembra. CEDAIt. 2 Sam. 7. 2. I dwell in house of e but 7. why build ye not house of c. 1 Km. 4 33. he spake from the c. 5. 8 I will do thy desire concern, c. 2A'in 14.9. thistlesenttoc.2CAr.2S.18. ./..'. 40. IV. moveth tail like a c. /'..// 98. 12. rinhteous grow like e. Cant 1. 17. beams of our house c. 8. 9. inclose her with boards of c. /so, 41. 19. plant in wilderness thee. Jfr. 28 !4. it is ceiled with c. 15. because closest thyself with c, Ezrk. 17. 3. eagle took highest br. of c. 83 it shall be a goodly c. 27. 24. chests made of c. among ."I. 3. Assyrian was c. Zrph. 8. 14. shall uncover c. work ZecA. 11. 2. howl, for c. ' fallen CEDAlt.TRKES. Sum. 21. 6. Israel's tabernae. as r.-t 2 Sam. 5. II. Hiram sent c.-t to Dav. 1 Kin. 5. ft they hew me c.-t 10. Hiram gave Solomon c.-*.9. 11 2 Kin. 19. 83. 1 will cut down tall c.-t 1 CAr. 22 4 David prepared c.-t. 8 CAr. I. IV c.-t us sycamore, 9. 27. 8. a send me c.-t out of Lebanon Ezra a 7. gave money to bring c.-l. CEDAH.WOOD. Lev. 14. 4. take C.-T. 6. 49, 51, 52. Sum. 19. 6. priest shall take c.-to. 1 CAr. 88. 4. much c.-u>. to David CEUAHS. 1 Kin. 10. 27. e. as sycamore-trees I CAr. 17. 1. I dwell in an house of e. 8 CAr. 2. a didst send c. to build PtaL 29. 5. voice of L. breakt-th c. 80. 10 the boughs like goodly c. 148. 9. praise him all c. Cant 0. 15. his countenance as c. Jta. 9. 10. change them into c. 37. 24. I will cut down the tall c. 41. 14. he heweth him down r. Jfr. 28. 7. rot down thy chou-e c. 2:1. makest thy nest in th- r. Effk. 31. 8. c. in garden not hide him Amoi 8. 9. A monies height as c. Zech. II. 1. fire mny devour thy c. ( EDAKSo/ Lefvnon. JuAg. 9. IS. hramhle devour c. of L. Pfal 104. 16. c of L. he hath planted Ita i. la <1ny of L. on all c. of L. 14. a c. of L. rejoice t thee, saying Exek. 27. 5. r. from L. to make mast* CELEBRATE. Lev. 21 38. even t" even c. Sabbath 7*0. 3*. la death cannot c. thee CELESTIAL. I Cor. 15. 40. are c. rxMies, glory CELLAR* I CAr. 27. 2K over the r of oil ( 1^ NSKR, S. 7^r. 10. 1. sons nl Aaron took c. Id 12. take a c. full of burning coal* \r,m. Ifi. K. take ye c. 17. Kleazar t.nik the brazen c. 1 AVu. 7. 5tt c. of irold. 8 CAr. 4. 22. 2 Chn.ti. 2fi. 19. Uiah had a c. >->*. & 1 1. with every man his c. Ijrt. 9. 4. holiest had the golden C. Ar. a S. angel having a uolden c. V Mfel took the c. and filled it 60 CHA CENTURIOV, 5. .Vat 9. 5. came unto him a e. a c. said, Lord. I am not worth; 87. ,*4. when c. saw earthquake Luke 7. 2. c. servant was tick 83. 47. when c. >a what was don* Actt 10. I. Cornelius wa a c. fi. Corm-liiii the c. a ju-t man 21. 32. who iminediati-ly took c. 88. 86. when the c. heard that 23. 17. Haul call, d one of the e. 23. he called to him two r. savin* 81. 8a command, a c. to keep Haul '27. 1. Julius a c. of Augustus* hand II. c l>fl. master more than Haul l.'i. c. willin.' to SHVI- Haul kept 28. 1& c. delivered the prisoners CEKEMONIE& Sum. 9. 3. keep pasROver accor. toa A CUTAH A/an; tee MAX CBBTAIN. Dent. 13. 13. c. men chil. of Belial J-5 8. wicked beaten by r. number Jer. 41. 5. came c. from Slier .em '^. 15. captain carried away c poor linn. 8. 'ft. \ Dan. was sick c days .Wat 20 2n. desiring c. thing of him A/ar.14. 57. arose c. bare lal.-e itn- Luke 5. 12. when he was in a c. city 11. 87. a c. woman lift up voice 18. 9. parable to c. who trusted 24. 28. c. women made us astonished 84. c. with us \vcrti to se|>ulchre J,,hn 5. 4. angel went at a c. ><-a-on Actt9. 19. SHU! c. days with disciple* It). 4a Heterto tarry c. da> 12. 1. to vex r. of the churi h 15. 24. c. wh. went from u- troubled 17. 88. as c.of your own poets How*. 15. 26. to make a c. contrih. Gnl. 2. 18. befnre c. came from Janie* Het>. 8, 6. one in a c. place testified 4. 4. spake in r. plac'e of 7th day 7. he limiteth a c. day, saving 10. 27. c. lookiriK for of jurtKipcnt Jude 4. c. men crept in iiuaw.in -, CEHTAlN. Drnt. 13. 14. and the thing r. 17. I. 1 Kin. 2. 37. know fore. 42. Jfr. & 15. lJ'i-i. 2. 45. the dream i c. Artt 85. 86. no c. thing to write I C'/r. 4. II. no r. dwelling-place I Tim. 6. 7. it i c. we can carry CERTAINLY. Gen. IS. 10. I will r. return to thee 8i. 2R we saw c. L. was with tin* 43. 7. c. know he would sny F.nid. a 18. c. I will be with thee J"th. n. v?4. it was c. told thy erv. I.SVim.80.9. if I knew e. evil were dele 85. 8a c. make mv lord a sure lions* 1 Kin. I. 311. so will I c. do this day > Kin. H. 10. thou maytM c. recover 2 C/ir. 1R 27. if c. retiirn in pe:i.-e Jfr. K. H. lo c. in vnin made he it 48. 19. know c. I have admonished 44. 17. c. do what goeth out of mo. Lam. 2. Ifi. c. this is day looked for Dan. II. 10. c. ciiineandr verflow, H 7.i-rh. II. II. p/wr CHAMBER. 2 /f'n. 1. 2. tliro'n lattess in tipper c. 23 1^. alters in tup of tipper c. Act4ti. 37. l.iid I)orr:is in an u. c. :(!. Peter when come into up. c. 20. 8. mny lights in unuer c. CHAMBERS! 1 Kin 6. 5. against the wall built c. 1 Chr. 9. 2ft. porters over c. 2:i 2. S Chr. 31. II. fomanded to prepare c. Jib 9. 9. maketh c. of the Miutli 2'sdl. lot. 3. beams of c. iu waters CHA TVai 13. waten'th hills from his c. 10-X 30. frogs in the c. of their kings Prof. 7. 27. down to c. of death ^4. 4. by knowledge c. he filled Cant. 1. 4. brought me into his c. /*. 26. 20. c. and shut thy doors Jer. 22. 13 buildeth c. by wiong 14. a wide house and large c. 35. 2. Rechahites into one of c. Ezek. 8. 12. in c. of his imagery 21. 14. sword entereth privy c. 42. 13. holy c. where pr.ests eat Mat. 24. 2fi! he is in secret c. CHAMBERING Rom. 13. 13. c. and wantonness CHAMBERLAIN, S. 2 A'l'w. 23 II. Nathan-melech the c. Esth. 1. 10. seven c. th;it served king 2. 21. king's c. were wroth Acts 12. 20. Blastns the king's c. Rom. 16.23. Erastus c. saiuteth you CHAMOIS. Deut. 14. 5. tiles- ye shall eat c. CHAMPAIGN. Deut 11. 30. in c. over aga, Gilgal CHAMPION. 1 Sam. 17. 4. there went out a c. 51. saw their c. was dead CHANCE. 1 Cor. 15. 37. it may o. of wheat CHANCE. 1 flam. 6. 9. c. that happened to ns Eccl. 9. 11. time and c. happeneth Luke 10. 31. by c. a priest came CHANCELLOR. Ezra 4. 8. Helium the c. 9, 17. CHANGE, S. Jung. 14. 12. 30 r. of raiment, 13. Jnb 14. 14. will 1 wait till my c. come Pror. 24. 21. witli them given to c. Heb. "I. 12. of necessity R c. of law CWANGE. Verb. Gen. 35. 2. clean and c. \our garmen. Ler. 27. 10. he shall not c. it 33. nor c. it, if he c. Job 17. 12. they c. the niaht into day Psal 102. 26. as vesture c. them /AY/. 9. 10. will c. them into cedars Jer. 2. 36. so much to c. thy way ? 13. 23. can Ethiopian c. his skin Dan. 7. 25. he shall think too. times Hits. 4. 7. willc. their glory tochame Hub. 1. 11. then his mind c. and piiss Mai 3 6. for I am the Lord I c. not Artsfi. 14. and shall r. the customs Horn. 1. 26. women did c. the use Gitl. 4. 20. I desire to c. my voice Phil. 3. 21. C. shall c. our vile body CHANGED, ETH. [41. den .31.7. your fa r. wages ten tinn e 41. 14. Joseph r. fiis raiment, and Lev 13. 16. raw flesh turn and he c. 55. plairue have not c. his colour 1 fiam. 21. 13. c. behaviour bef. them 2 Sam. 12. 20. David r. his apparel 2 Kin. 24. 17. c. name to Zedckiah 25. 29. c. priso . garmen. Jer 52. 33. Job 30. IS. by disease is my garin. c. P'til. 15. 4. sweareth to luirt, r. not 102. 26. as a vesture they "hall he c. Heb. \. 12. 106. 20. they r. their glory to an ox Eccl. 8. I. boldness of fare shall bee. /*r smell of fire I. |fi. heart he c. from man's (i. 8. writing that it be not c. 61 CHA Dan. 6. 15. no decree may b c. A/i'c. 2 4. c. portion of my people Acts. 28 6. barhai ians c. their mind* Rm. 1. 23. c. glory of nncorru. 0. 6. king's c. was c. in him, 8 7. 28. my coun. c. in me CHANGERS. Mat. 21. 12. tables uf money c. Marl II. 15. John 2. 14, 15 CHANGES. Gen. 45. 22. to each c. to Ben. fire c 2 Jfj'n. 5. 5. took ten c. of raiment 22. tive them two c. of garments 23 hound two c. of garments Job 10. 17. c. and war are against me Psal. 55. 19. have no c. they fear not CHANGING. Ruth. 4. 7. the manner concerning c. CHANNEL, S. 2 Sam. 22. 16. c. of the sea appeared Psal. 18. 15. Isa. 8. 7. he shall come up over his c. 27. 12. Lord beat ff from c. of the CHAPITER. S. [river Ejrod. 36. 38. over. c. with gold, 38. 28. 38. 17. overlay, of c. were silver. 19. 1 Kin. 7. 16. made two <: of brass, 2 Chr. 4. 12, 13. 2 Kin. 25. 17. thee. upon it was brass, Jer. 52. 24 CHAPMEN. 2 Chr. 9. 14. besides whatc. brought CHAPEL. Amos 1. II it is the king's c. CHAPT. Jer. 14. 4. because ground is c. CHARGE. Gen. 26. 5. Abraham kept my c, 28. 6. Isaac gave Jacob a c. F.rorf. 6. 13. Moses and Aaron a r Xtim. 9. 19. Isra. krpt thee. of L. "23. 27. 21'. Joshua a e. Deut. 31. 23. '...-A. 22. 3. Heuhenites kepte. of U 1 Sum. 18. 5. gave e. concerning Ahg. I Kin. 1 1. 28. Jeroboam over c. i Kin. 7. 17. loid e. of the gate 1 Chr. 9. 27. because c. was on them AVA. 7. 2. Hanani e. over Jerusalem J'b. 34. 13. given e. over the earth? /'.?. 3- c >. 11. my c. things I knew not Jer. 3i). 11. c. concerning Jeremiah 47. 7. seeing Lord hath given it c. Ezek. 9. 1. cause them that have c over the city 44. 8. not kept e. of holy things 15. kept c. of my sanctuary 48. II. kept my c. went not astray Acts 7. 60. lay not sin to their e. 8. 27. eunuch bad e. of treasure 16. 24. received c. thrust into pri 23. 29. to his e. worthy of death Unm. 8. 33. lay to c. of 'God's eit.-t t Cor. 9. 18. make gospel without c Tim. 1. If*, this c. I commit, to the* 2 Tim. 4. Hi. not he laid to their c. Sri- Kl'tP. Girt CHARGE. ffum. 27. 19. ffirf Joshua a e. Dent. 31. 14. call .lihu g. him n e ' Sum. It. 8 I will ff. c. comer, the* 1 Chr 22.12.L. g-. thee wisdom and c. /'.!>!. 1 1 p. angels c. Mat. -Mi. 7,r/.4 1Q Tim. 5. 7. these tilings give in c. 6. 13. g. thee c. iti eight ol God CHARGE. I'rod. 19. 21. g" .'own r the pe>pl I)it. 3. 28. c. Joshua encourage Xeh. 10. 32. to c. ourselves yearly CHA Gnu's. 7 Ie.daugh 3.5. ,\ 9. that thim il"t Ml r. lit \lark 9. 15. I e. thee. i-ome nut I Tim. I. 3. c. that they tearh no & 21. I c. thee bef. God, * Tim. 4. I. & :7. c. th^m that are rich in world CHAtOKAlLK I Sam. 13. :. not all go, lest be r. AVA 5 15. governor* were e. t pen. 9 Or. 11.9. I was c. to no man 1 Thft. 2. 9. we would not be e. 9 7"A/!. 3. 8. might not be c t<> any CHARGED. Cfn. V>. II. Ahnnelecli r. hi* people 28. 1. It.iar railed Jaroh anil r. him 4". 4. r.ipl.iin e. Joseph with them 49. 9. Jacob c. hi* son*, and said Efod. \. 'it. PliBro.ih c. hu people DeuL I. Id I r. your judges 24. 5. nor he c. with buninetu 27. II. Me c. people same day 1 Sum. 14. -.-7. heard not when >atil c. S S/im. la li. in our hearinir, king c. I A'in. 2. I. David c. Solomon 13. ft -i> c. me by word of Lord S CAr. 3ft c. me to build, Ezra 1. 8. Job \. 22. nr c. God foolishly 4. 18. angel* he c. wit., folly Jrr. 32. 13. I c. Baruch saying 35. a obeyed Jonadah in H|| he e. Mai. 9.30. JetiKC. that no man know it MarlcS. 43. LiJceV. 21. 12. 1. J. c. not make kno..V,ir. R 21. Mark 7. 3H. c. n t to tell, 8. 30. | 9. 9. Luke 5 14. H. 5fi. 10. 4a r. him should hold his peare . The*. 2. II. we c. every one of you 1 Ton. 5. 16. let not church be e. CHARGEDST. Erod. 19. 21 1 u saving, set bound* CHARGER, s. .Yum. 7. la off.-ri.ifr silver c. 19. 25, 31, 37. 43, 40, 61. 67, 73, 79. 85. earh c. of silver 130 shekel* Ezra I. y. one thousand c. Jt/ui 14. H head in a r. A/or* & 25. CHARGES. 8 CAr. 8 14. Levites to their c. 31. 17. from 20 years in their c. 35. 8. set priest* in their c. Art*, si. 124. and he at c. with them 1 Cor. 9. 7. a warfare t his own c.? CHARGING. AH* 16. S3. e. jailor t.. keep safely 2 Tim. i 11 c. strive nut abo. words CHARIOT. Gen. 41. 43 made ride in lerond c. Erod. 14 V5. 1. took off c. wheels 1 A'i. 18. 44. prepare thy c. get down 20. 2\ number r. fur c. 25. 36. the blood ran into e. t Xi'n. 2. II. appeared a c. of fire 12. rried, e. of Israel, la 14. .'. 21. from e. to meet Geha/i 9. 16. Jehu rode in r. || 27. smite 2R carried him in a e S3. 30. S (.fir. 3!>. '.'. look him out of c. Putt. 4& 9. he hurneth the c. 7ft 6. c. and horse <-at into sleep Cant. 3.0 e. of wood of Lebanon /to. 21. 7. saw a c.. e. of asses /er. 61. SI. will I break in pieces c. Vic I. la bind c. to swift beat Irrh. ft 2. first c. red horsen 9. 10. rut of r. from Kphraim Act* a 29. join thyself to this c. K he commanded r. to und still Hit CHARIOT. Gen Ml 29. Joseph made ready hit e. trod. 14*. a 1'hHr. made rea.lv AM c. Jttdg. 4. 15. Sitera lighted off AM c. 5. 'JS. why AI'J e. so long in rominir t Kin 1*. K -peed to A. c.2CAr. la [H. tt. 34. to driver of AM r. turn haol CHA 2 Kin. S. 9. Naaman came with Aiic. II. 'Jl. went out > B'-h in An c. 24. Jehnrain >nnk down in AM c. I'). |il. m:iile him ride ii. hit c. /'..// I'll 3 m.iketh i-loud* AM e. Jrr. 4. 13. Awe. like whirlwind Act* & 28. in his e. read Ksaias CHAKIUT.ri/iVjL l" CAr. I. 14. hortemen pl.u ed in c.-e. a 6. Solomon huilt all c..citita 9. 25. bestowed the r..ritia I'll AKIOT.Aor*,l&J,,dg. 1. 19.||4.1 Judif.b. SS.why lariy wheels ot hic. 1 .Sms. a II. king appoint f r his c. 13 6. to ftifht Israel ym e. 2 Sam. 1. ft the r. followed Snnl 1 KIM. 10. 2ft Solomon had 1400 c. 22. :(-_'. captain of c. saw J*hush. 2 Kin. 13 7. left l.ut ten & 18.24. put triut on Ke.lor c.lta.36.9. Pad '-.> 17 c. of (JoH an- 20000 Can/. & IX my soul like r. of Am. Ita. 2. 7. nor any end of their e. 2i la c. of thy fflory be -hair* 31. I. wo to them that trust m e. 37. 24. by mill, of c. am I come np 66. IS. come with c. like whirlwind Jer. 4. la Don. II. 40 ./ r. 47. a at rii-hiutf of his c. Erek. 23. 24. auainst thee with c. 26. la walls ithake at uoise <>f e. J'fl X 6. like noise of c. shall leap Mii: 6. 10. I will troy thy ,-. Soft. 2 a e. shall be with lurches 4. c. shall raire in the streets I i. I will urn her c. in smoke Hug. 2. 22. I will overthrow the c. H-v. 9. 9. sound of wines as 'if c. CHARIOTS with hortt*. Ii'iit. 1 1. 4 what he did to A. and c. 20. t. ect hfrrte* and e. fear not Joth. II. & hough their A. burn c. 9. Joshua burnt their c. with fire 2 Sum. 15. I. Absalom pre. A, and c. 1 Kim. 20. I. aK-Snmaria with c. and A. 2 Ai'n A.I7.mountain full of c.an.l A. 7. & to hear H noise of ftiirtet and c. 10. X with you c. and htmei PMol. 80. 7. trust in c. some in huriei Cant. I. a compared to A in Phar. c. /Jit 66 SO. hrinif brethren in c. Jrr. 17. 25. enter princes in & 22. 4. 4ft 9. rome up. ye A. rae ye c. 60. 37. sword is on their A and c. E*. 26. 7. upon Tvrus Neb. with c. W 20. filled at table with A. and r. \'/A. .'L '2. noi-e "f A. and jumping c. //. RIMK! tidinirs of your c. i THii. 1. a c. to. each other aboun. I Tim. 1. 5. end ol numiiund. is c. 2. 16. if continue in faith an<1 r. 4. 12. t>e an example in e. in spirit 69 CHE 2 Tim. 2. 85. follow riirhteonsnsu, i. .1 IU known my life, faith, r. Tit 2. 2. ^e<1 men he joiiini in 0. 1 PH. 4 a fervent c. c. cover MIIJ 5. 14. greet with a ki-* of c. 2 I'rl I. 7. to l.rolh.Tly kindness, e. 3 John ft born witu> < "I thy c. Jiuie 12. spots in your feasts of a Ret. 2. 19. I know thy works, c. CHARMED. Jer. a 17. serpents h. will not br i CHAR.MKR. S. Dntt.\9. II. not he found am vonnc. Pint. &a 6. not kearken to c. charm. CHASE Ler. 2ft a five shall r. an humlri'.l. Detit. 32. 30. one c. I HOT) J,/i -Jt 10. f*ui y,. 5. let ante! of L. r. ilinn C H ASK1). K 1 H, INii. Dfut I. 44. Amorites c. )ou a* b>-xt Judg. 9 40. Abimelech c. lum Ken. la 2H. I c. him from me J;b. la la be c. out ol the \v.. r ld 2il. a be c. as a vinion of i.iaht Pror. 19. Sft th.it c. away Inn mother Ita 13. 14. it shall be ;<-' tile r. r.,,- 17. la they shall he c. H- chart' Lam. a 52. c. me sore like a bird CHAS'I K. 2 C>tr. 11. 2. present you as c. virgin Tit. 2. 5. young xvomen he /. 1 Pft. a 2. 1 ehol.i your r. ninvwsa CHAS1 KS. 8 Sam 7. 14. c. with rud of men P*il. ft I. nor c. me in hot .li-pl 3S. 1. /'r..r. 111. Is. c. son while hope Dan. 10. 12. didst r. thyself t.el (i. Ret. 3. 19. as 1 love I rebuke ui.d c. CHASTKNK1). l),iit. 21 18. they have c. him. ho .1,1. .''-'I. 19. he isc. also with pain /'-.// <'.<>. in. r my soul with failing- 7.'l. 14 ami c. every morning 118. is. Lord hath c. me sore I O.r 11 :&. c. that we ! not cond. t Cor. ft 9. as c. and not kill.-d Het>. IS. H). for a few day. r. u* CHA>TENEST, Kill I XG. Deut 8. S. c. his son, o I . r. tiice J. 6. 17. deapise not e. of Almighty Pr,*. 3. II. //t-6 is .->. Ptui 94. 12. blessed is whom tho'i c. Prur. 13. n. lovelh lum, c. betimi'l '.'I prayer c. wa- 01: them Heb. 12. 6. whm I., loveth he c. 7. if ye endure c. what son 11. no c. se-iiicth to be joyous ( HASTISE. Ler. 2fi. 28. 1 will c. seven times Unit. 22. Is. elder, shall c. him I A'ln. 12. II. I will c. you with ,.,. pinus 14. s Chr. III. II, it. Hit, 7. 12. I will r. them a .-.mure. in. 10. my desire, I -l>"i,l.l c. th.-in LuArr Si (ft c. him ami reli-an is. CHASTISED, KTH. 1 A'in. 12 II. my lather hath r. y-->u H. 2 CAr. III. II, t Prnl !H. 10 he that c. heathen Jrr. 31. 1H. ha*t c. me, ami I iva; e. C//. II. 2. wh. have not r-een tin- c. ./!/' 34. 31. I have horn r. / o. 53. ,i c. of our pence wa on liirn 14. with r.of a cruel one Heb. 12, a without r. then hw^larii < MAST. Amutfi. 6. c. to si.iind f viol ( HAI I KK. 7*0. 38. 14. like a crane so did I A CHECK. Joi SO. a henrrl r. of my reproach CHECKER. WORK. 1. Kin. 7. 17. Hiram made nets .: c. CHE CHKKK. 1 KiVl.82.S4 Zeik-k.smote Miraiaon c. 2 Chr. 18. 23. Jtib 16. 10. smitten me on the c. Lam. a 30. c. to him that smiteth Mit.: 5. 1. smite the judge on the c. Luke 6. 29. to him nmiteth one c. Right CHEEK. Mat. 5. 39. ff hair Lam. I. * her tears are on her c. CHKEK-TEETH. Joel 1. 6. lie h.ith c. of a great lion CHEER. Dcut. 24. 5. shall c. up his wife EccL 11. 9. thine heart c. thee GOOD CHEER. Mat. 9. 2. son, he ofg-. c. thy sins be 14. -27. it is I, be of g. c. Mark 6. 50. John 16. .'(3. be of g-. c. I have over. Jefe 23. 11. beofg- c. Paul 27. 22. 1 exhort to be of g. c. 25. CHEERETH. Judg. 9. 13. wine wh. c. (iodand man CHEERFUL. Prou. 15 13. imiketh a c. countenance Zech. a 19 be to Judah a c. feast 9. 17. corn make young men c. 2 Cor. 9. 7. God loveth a e. giver CHEERFULNESS. Jlom. 12. 8. >howeth merry with c. CHEERFULLY. Acts 24. 10. c. answer for myself CHEESE, S. 1 Stun. 17. 13. carry ten c. to aptain Job 10. 10. curdled me like c. CHERISH. I Kin, 1. 2 let her c. him, and lie CHERISHED. 1 Kin. I. 4. damsel c. the king CHERISHE1 H. Eph. 5. 29. c. flesh, as L. the church 1 T/tes. 2. 7. even as a nurse c. chil. CHERUB. E.r. 25. 19. one c. on one end c. 37. 8. 2 SrtOT. 22. 1 i. rode on a c. Ps. 18. 10. 1 Kin. 6. 25. other c. was ten cubits Ezek. 9.3 #lory gone up from c. 10. 4. 10. 14. first face was fare of a c. 28. 1C. destroy thee, O covering 1 c. 41. 18. every c. had two faces CHF.RUBIMS. Gen. 3 24. placed at the east c. F.j-ixl. 37. 7. made two c. of gold 1 Kin. 6 25. both the c. of one meas. 8. 7. c. cov. ark, 2 Chr. 5. 8. Heb. 9.5. 2 Chr 3. 10. most holy place two c. Exi-.k. 10. 16. c. went wheels went 19. and the c. lifted wings, 1 1. 22. B,'tnven tlie CHEHUHIMS. Er. '25. 22. meet thee from b. two c. Num. 7. 89. A. two e. he spake 1 Stun. 4. 4. L. which dwelleth b. c 2 Sum. 6. 2. 2 Kin. 19. 15. ha. 37. 16. Vial. 80. 1. dwellest 6. c. shine forth J9. 1. he sittct.lt b. c let the earth Kzek. 10. 2. coals of fire from b. c. & 7. hand from b. c. to the fire CHE.S NUT-TREE. ITCH. 30. 37. Jacob took rods of c..t. t'.x. 31. 8. c.-/. not like his branches CHEST, S. 2 An. 12. 9. a r. and bored a hole V C.hr fi, S. t king's com. made c. Ax if. 24. thy merchant* in c. 'CHEW Let,. II. 4. that r. the cud Deut. 14. 7. CHEWED. AtMM. 11.33. ere. flesh c. wrath kindled CHI CHEWETH. Lev. 11. 4. c. cud 5. 6. Dent. 14. 6. 7. swine c not cud, /)<;<. 14. 8. CHICKENS. Mat. 23. 37. as a hen gathereth her c. CHIDE. Ex. 17. 2. the people did c. why c. ./us. be c. Joab 18. 17. the sons of David were a 26. 10. tho' not first. born c. Ezra. 9. 2. rulers c. in this trespass Job 12. 24. taketh away heart of c. 29. 25. 1 chose out their way, sat c. 40. 19. behemoth is c. of ways Psnl. 78. 51. c. of strength, 105. 36. 137. 6. Jerusalem above my c. joy Prim. 1. 21. wisdom crieth in c. pla. 16. 28. a whisperer separ. c. end; Isa. 14. 9. hell stirreth up c. ones Jer. 13. 21. taught tli n as c. over 31. 7. shout among c. f nations Lam. 1. 5. her adversaries are c. Dan. II. 41. c. of chil. of Am. escape Amos 6 1. named c. of the nations Mat 20. 27. whosoever will bee. fi.lnve c.seats in syna Mark 12.3!). Mark 6. 21. supper to his c. estates Luke II. 15. cast out devils thro' c. 14. I. house f one of c. Pharisees 7. how they chose r. rooms, 20.46. 22. 26. he r. as he that serveth John 12. 42. c. rulers many believed Arts 14. 12. he was the c. speaker 17. 4. of c. women not a few Eph. 2. 20. c. corner-stone, I Pet. 2.6. 1 Tim 1.15.sinners, of whom I nm c. 1 Pet. 5. 4. e. shepherd shall appear CHIEF Captain. 2 Sam. 5. 8. he shall be c. and captain 23. 8. Adino sat c. among the c. Act.' 21. 31. tidings came to c. c. 32. saw c. c. they left beating 23. 17. bring young man to c. c. 24. 7. c. c. Lysias came upon us 22. c. c. shall come, I will know CHIEF Captains. 2 Chr. 8. 9. Israel c. of Solomon's c. Acts '25.23. Agrippa entered with c c. Rev. 6. 15. and c. c. hid themselves CHIEF Fathers. Num. 31. 26. c./ of the congregation 1 Chr. 9. 34. these c. / of Levites 24. 31. the c. f. of the priests 26. 32. 2700 c. f. David made rulers 2 Chr. 26. 12. whole number of c. f. Ezra I. 5. rose up c. f. of Judah Neh. 7. 70. c. of/ gave to work, 71. CHIEF house. Josh, 22. 14. c. h. a prince was sent CHIKF man or men. Lev. 21. 4. not defile himself a c. m. 1 Chr. 7 3. sons of U//i c men 24. 4. more c. men of Eleaziir Ezra!. 28. I gath. c. m. to go up with Isa, 41. 9. I called thee from c. wirf*. Ezra 10.5.C. p.and all Israe. to swf Mut. 16. -21. and suffer of the c. p. 2(i. 47. a multitude from c. p. 27. 12. whtn accused of cw.MuriU5,i 41. the c. p. mocking Mark. 15. 31. Mark 14. 1. c. p. soui>ht to take 55. Mat.W. 5!>. Luke 9. M. \ 22. 2. ittfc<. 10. !3. Michael one of c. p. CHI EF singer or singers. Neh. 12. 46. in days of David r.. of j. //aft. 3. 19. to c. singer on iustrum. CHIEFEST. 1 Sam. 2. 29. yourselves tat with c. 9. 22. Samuel made sit in r. place 2 Chr 32. 33. in c. of sepulchres Cant. 5. 10. is the c. amoug 10000 Marie 10. 44. be c. shall be servant. 2 Cor. 11. 5. behind c. apostles, 12. 1 1. CHIEFLY. Rom. 3. 2. c. be c. to them were com. Phil. 4. 22. c. they of Osars househ. 2 Pet. 2. 10. c. them walk after liesh CHILD. Gen. 21. 16. let me not see death of c. 37. 30. c. is not, and I whither 42. 22. do not sin against the c. Exod. 2. 8. maid called c. mother 22. 22. not afflict any fatherless c. Judg. 11. 34. his daughter, only c. 13. 8. teach us what we sh. do to c. 1 Sam 1. 25. brought the c. to Eli 3. 8. Eli perceived L. had called c. 2 5am. 12. :4. the c. born shall die 15. L struck c. Uriah's wife bare 1(1 David besought God for c. 1 Kin. 3. 25. divide living c. in two 14. a tell what shall become of c. 17. 22. soul of the c. came again 2 Kin, 4. 31. told, c. is not awaked S5. c. ntezed, c. opened his eyes Pror. 23. 13. correction from the c. Eccl. 4. 8. he hath neither c. nor bro. 15. second c. that shall stand up Isa. 3. 5. thee. shall behave proudly 7. 1<*. before c. know to refuse evil 8. 4. before c. know to cry, my fath. II. 8. c. put hand on cockatrice den 65. 20. the c. shall die 100 years old Jer. 4. 31. bringeth forth her first c. 31. 20. Ephraim, is he a pleasant e.f 44. 7. to cut off man, woman, and c. Mat. 10. 21. fath. deliver c. to death 17. )*. c. wiig cured from that hour 23. 15. twofold more the c. of hell Luke 1. 59. came to circumcise e. 66. what manner of c. this be 76. c. called prophet of Highest 80. c. grew, waxed strong, 2. 40. 2. 27. parents brought in c. Jesus 9. 38. look on my son, only c. John 4. 49. come down ere c. die 16. 21. as soon as delivered of c. Actt 4. 27. against thy holy c. Jesu 30. done by name of thy c. Jesus 13. 10. Saul said, thou c. of devi; Rev. 12. 4. to devour her c. as soon 5. her c. was caught up to God A CHILD. Gen. 18. 13. bear a c. who nm old t 44. 20. and o c. of his old age EJ-. 2. 2. he was a goodly i: llet>.\ !.S4 I Sam. 2. 18. c. girded with linen eph. 1 Kin. 13. 2. a r. born to house of Da, Jnh aa 25. his flesh fiesher than a c. 1'sal. 131. 2. as a c. ns a wenm-d c. Prov. 20. 11. a c. is known by doingi CHI V train up a e. in way he 15. foolishness 13 in heart of a p. SSL 15. a c. left to hrmself hrnu'c:li 21 hrmgeth up servant from a r. Sect. 4. 13 better i* n wise c. than 10. Id wo, when thy king is a c. ita 9. 6. for ma. i n- ir > burn 10. 19. tree? be few a e. ntjr write 7rr. I. & n'.t speak, for I am a c. ~. tO. IV a man r. is liorn to thee J/V <. 14. verily she hath no c. Luke I. 7. they had no c. bee. Elizah. Acti ~. b. promis* c. shall be ript up vtnf 1. 13. her. they rlpt up wo. w. e. ){,' 1. IN. 1C. c of the Holy (ihoat 23. a virgin hall be wiVA c. 2*. 19. xv u to them that are irirA r. .V//r* II 17. LAe 21. *3. T.*<-2. 5. with Mary, great ir. c. ! The*. 5. 3. a* travail on worn. ir. r. Her. 12. 2. and he being IT. c. cried Young CHILD. I Sam. I. 24. and the c. was vming /./. 2. R swch diligently for v. e. 13. take vung r. and hi< mother riML '.IlKARlN'i. 1 7*. 2. 15. the shall be aved in fc.6. CHILDHOOD, 1 Sour 14 . walked h. f.ire you fr. c. XixL II. 10. c. and youth vanity CHILDISH. 1 Cor. la II I P'lt away f. things CHILDL GfH. 15. 2. give me, seeing I go c. Let A &L they ihall die c. CHI I Sam. 15. 33. a* thy sword made wo- men e. so thy mother be c. Jer. ii. 30 write ye this man c. Luke 20. 30. kfi-ond took her, died c. CHILDREN. Gen. a 16. in sorrow bring forth c. 10. >. I may obtain c. by her *V 2i the r. struggled within her 30. I. give me c. or I die 33. 5. c. God hath given thy MTV. 49. 8. thy father's c. hxll how down Exo. X 5. rtsUing Iniquity of fathers oil c. : 7 .Vu/n. 14 Is. W-ut 5.9. 21. 4. e. shall be her musters Sum. 13. 2a saw e. <>f Anak there --<<. II. & of Korah died not Orti/. 9. & stand before c. of Anak f 13. 13. c. of Belial are gone out 14 I . >e are the c. of the Lord 83. 8. c. begotten of them h. enter 24. 16. fathers not h.- put to death for c. nor c. for fa. 2 CAr. ^5. 4. 3'2. 20. c. in whom there is no fiiiih 33. 24 let A-har be blessed xvitli c. Jiuig. S. IH. earh resembled c. of king 30. 13 deliver us the c. of Belial 1 Sam. i 5. she that hath MI.IIIV r. is waxed feeble 2 Sam. 7. 10. c. of wtrkedne.* afflict any more. I CAr. 17. 9. 'l'n. 21. larame in tw..r. ol Belial 2 Kin. 2. 24. ahe.bears Ure 42 c. 10. 13. salute c. of king c. of queen 14. ft c. of mnrd. slew not,-/C*A 25.4. 17. 34 nor do as L. com. c. of Jai oh 19 a c. are come to Mrth, Int. 37 a 1 (.'fir. 2 30. Sele.1 di.-d without c. 3.'. and Jether died xvittiout c. 4. 27. Shiraei'* breth. not many c. K,. 13. ye r. of Jnrob. Pn. \W-.. fi. 1 CAr. la 7. In Jerob-am c. n( Helial 25. 7. L. i* not with all c. of Kphr. Ezra 10. 44. wlreahy whom had c. .WA. 9. 2a c. multipliedst as stars Job 19. 17. I entreated for r. sake 30. 8. c. of fiH>U, yea c. of >>ae men 41. 34. king over all c. of pride Puti. 17. 14. they are full of r. 34. 1 1. come ye c hearken to me K>. 8. an alien to my mother's c. 72. 4. he shall save c. of needy 78. 6. c. wh. hh. be born might know 82. 6. all of you r. of Most High M-I H. holpen c. of l^>t. Selah lirl 28. c. of thy servant* continue 113. 9. barren to N> mother of c. I'^r. 3 In r. are an heritage of L. 4. an arrw in hand, wi are c. 137. 7. remember, c. of Kdom I4t. 12. old men and c. praise Lord 149. 2. let c. f Zion he Joyful Prov. 4. 1. hear, ye c. in-truction, 5. 7. j 7. 24. I a 32. 17. 6. glory of c. are their father* 31. 28. her'c. end h.-r ble-wd cri . 3. if a man beget 100 c. Cant I. R my mother'* r angry /.'i I. 2. lironght up c they rebelled 4. c. that are corrupted 2. 6. pl>-;i*e in the c. of ntriinffprs 3. 4. give c. to be their pnnrei 12. c. are their oppr.- 8 la I and r. I., hath eiv /W.Zia la IS. thilr eye >h;ill int pare r. 21. 17. mighty of c. He dimim-lied 214 I trnvnil not norbri gforthc. 30 I. wo to relielhous c. naith U 9. lyinir r. r. will not hear law 35. la f..ther to c. make known 47. 8 neither knoxv \i< .,1'r 9. In one day lo- of r widowhood 4% 20 c. shaft hare, shall ay 54. I. more arec. of nenolate lhanc. of married wife, GaL 4. 27. 64 CHI Ita. 57. 4. are ye not c. of traiMtn* & tlayuiff the c. in the valley* 63. 8. c. that will not lie 66. 8. Zion brought I. rtli e. Jer. a 14. torn, o h*i k-li,ling -. j 19. how put tliee iiinong the . 4. 21. my peopli-, are sottish c. ft. II. pour it out on r. abroad _ .ther w.,0,1, fnther* 9. 21. death entered to rut i.ffc. IV 7. I will here..>.. them of c. 31 15. Ra. hel weep, for c. Mat. 'J 18 Lam. 2. 20 shall the women eat c. 5. 13, c. fell under the wood Ktfk. 2. 4. are iinpinlent c. 20. v!l. the c. rebelled against me 33. 30. c. bilking against thre 47 22. to strangers that heget r. Dun. I. 4. c. in whom no blemi-li 17. four r (>od nave knowledge 12. 1. Michael shall Maud for r. Hot. 1. 2. take r. of whoredom* 2. 4. not have merry on her c. II. 10. c shall tremMe from xvest 1.3. 13. place of breaking forth of < Joel >. Ifi. gather c. and tho-e MH k 23. he glad, then, ye r. of Zion Am* 9. 7. aa c. of the Ethiopians t .Vic I. 16. poll thee for delicate c. Zeph. 1. a 1 will punish king's c. Mni. 4. 6. heart of fathers to c. of e. t.. fathers, Luke 1. 17. Mat. i Ifi. Herod slew all the r. 3. 9. stones to rai>e up r. Z.U. 3. i 5. 4-V be the e. uf your Father 8. 12. but the c. shall he r;<-t nut 9. 15. canc.of I, riil.'. chamber mourn Mark 2. !!). Lukr 5. 34. 10. 21. c. against parents, Mar. 13. 12. 11. 19. wUdom ia justified of her e. Luke 7. 35. 13. 3a good seed are c. of kingdom .'5. 26 to take c. brend, .Mark 7.27. 17. '^C. then are the c. free !9 29. forsaken c. Mark 10. 29. 20. s>o. mother of Zeliedee's c. 21. 15. saw c. i rying in tempi* Mark 7. 27. let the c. tir.t be filled 28. dogK eat of the c. crumbs 9. 37. receive one of such c. 41. Lukefi. 35. ye shall he c. of Highest IH a c. of this world are wiser 211. :-.' the first died without c. 34 the c. of this world marry Jn/tn a 39. if ye were Abraham's c. Artt 3. 25. ye are c. of prophets Horn. H. 17. if c. then heir-, heir* 9. 7. s-ed of Ahra. are they all e. II. the c. being not yet horn I Cor. 14.20. not c. in understanding * Cor. 12. 14. c. not to lay up for par. Gal. 3. 7. of faith, are c. of Abraham 4. 3. MI we. when c. w. re in l.ond. 25. Jem. in bondage with her c. 31. we are not r. of hond-xvomaa Elh. I. 5. to the adoption of c. 2. 2. in c. of disobedience 3. were by nauire r. of xrrath 4. 1*. we hie no more c tossed 5. I. followers of . 14 cor-. ,1 r 2 John I. to elect Ludv and her ft l:i r. of elect iier gr.-et thee Ret. 2 23. 1 wi I kil> h. r c. See A*H CHILDREN. Gen. 18. 19. Abraham will com. h. c. Deut. 17. 20. prolong days and h. c. 32. 5. their spot is not spot of A. c. 3a 9. nor knew his own c. 2 Sam. 12. a ewe-Umh ?rew with h.c. 2 Kin. 8. 19. irive a light, and to A. c. 2 CAr. 28. 3. burnt A. c. after heathen 33. 6. A. c. to pass through fire Job 5. 4. A. c. are far from safety 17. 5. even eyes of A. c. shall fail 20. 10. A. c. sha. seek to please poor 21. 19. layeth up iniquity for A. c. 27. 14. if A. c. lie multiplied, it is P/icil. 89. 30. if A. c. forsake my law 103. 13. as a father pitieth his c. 109. 9. let Aw r. he fatherless 10. let his c. he vagabonds Pror. 14. 26. A. c. shall have refuse 20. 7. A/.t c. are blessed after him Ita. 14.21 prepare slaughter for A. c. 29. 23. when seeth his c. in midst Hos. 9. 13. Ephr. sh. bring forth h.c. Joint 4. 12. his c drank thereof 1 Thfs. 2. 11. charged you as fath.A. c. 1 Tim 3. 4. having A. c. in subjection CHILDREN afhraei Eroii. 1. 7. the c. of t. were fruitful 12. grieved because of the c. of I. 2. 25. God looked on the c. of L 4. 31. heard Lord had visited c. of L fl. 13. c. of /. out of Eg. 26,27. \ 12.51. 29. 43. there I will meet with' c.ofl. Lev. V>. 55. to me c. of I. are servants Kitm. 14. lO.glory of Uappear.bef.c./. Josh. 7. 1 2. <:. /. not stand bef. enemies 2 Sam. 21. 2. Gibeonites not of c.nf I. 2 Kin. 17. 24. instead of the c. of I. Psal. 103. 7. his acts to the c. of L 148. 14. c. of L a people near to him Tin. 27. 12. path, one by one, O c. L Kzek. 44. IS. c. 7. went astray, 48. 11. Amo 2. 1 1. is it not thus, O c. of I.f 4. 5. this liketh yon, O ye c. of I. Luke 1. 16. many of c. of I. sh. turn ActsT. 2a to visit hreth. the c. of I. 37 Moses which said to c. of I. !). 15. to hear my ni c. take lieen to way 8. 25. so t. c. take heed, 2 Chr. 6. 16, 20. 3. thy wives and /. c. are mine 2 Kin. 10. 30. t. c. of fourth gen. sit 2 C/ir. 21. 1 1. Lord shall smite t. c. Job H. 4. if t. c. have sinned ag. him Pa. 45. 16. instead of fathers be t. c. 73. 15. offend against gen. of t. c. 12M. .'). thy c. like olive. plants 132. 12. \f Iky c. keep my covenant 147 13. bbfefted M?/ < within thee /i. 49 17. thy c. shall make haste 25. and 1 will save thy c. 54. 13. all t. c. he taught of L. and great he peace of thy c, Jer. 5. 7. tAy c. have forsaken me 31. 17. is hope that t. c. come again 38. 23. bring out t c. to Chaldeans Ezek. 16. 36. by blood of thy c. didst give them Hns. 4. 6. I will also forget thy c. Mat. 23. 37. how often would! have gathered thu r. Luke .3. 34. Luke 19 44. lay thy c. within thee 2 John 4. thy c. walking in truth Few CHILDREN. Exod. 12. 26. when vnur c. shall ay 22. 24. your c. shall be fatherless Lev. 26. 22. wild beasts rob you of y. a Deut. I. 39. .v- c. "hall in> in thither 11. 2. I spcuk not with yovrc. who 19. my words ye shall teach y. c. 21. days of your c. he mut /plied 32. 40. which coinin. y. c. to ,>hserv J"sh. 4. 2'2. then let )/.' r. know, say. I A'I'H. 9. 6. if v- r. tiirn from foi. roc 1 Chr. 28. 8. for inner, to;/, r. /.Vr.i). li 2 C/ir. 30. 9. y. c. shall find rompus. Ps. l!5 14. L. i crease you and y. e Jer. 2. 30. in vain have I smitten *. Mat. ',. II. gifts lay. c. Luke 11." 13 CHO Af.it 12. 27. or whom do >/. e. cast out Luk~-il '.W. we.-p for yours, mid y. c. Act* 2. It), proim-..- i- to you .m.l '/. r I Cor. 7. It. else were . c. nncle'itn i'uA. 6. 4 provok- nof'. r. Cot 3. 21. IWnf-CHILiniBK. Jo* 19. 18. yea, .y. e. despised me Z.TM. 4. 4. v. c. ask bread, no man MiA, 3. 10/lier a. r. were dashed Murk lU. 13. brouifht v r. tn him t<> /Icfr 7. 19. BO that they rut out y. c. CHIMNEY. H<-t. 13. 3. be , is smoke nut of c. CHODE. Oit. II. 36. Jacob r. with I aban .Vu/n. SO. 3 people r. with Muse CHOICE. 1 Sam 9. i. Sa-il a r. youn? man i Sam 10 9. c. of Israel. I CAr. 19. 10. 8 CAr Si. 5. 300,000 r. men Crat 6. 9 J. or.f of h.-r that hare AcL IS. 7. Owl made c. among its CHOICEST. ltd. 5. & planted with the e. vine 22, 7. e. rail-y. full of chariot* CHOKE. .Vj<. 13. 22. deceitfulness of riches e. the word, Hark 1 19. CHOKED. Mat 13. 7. thorns c. .tfur.4,7. Luk. 8. 7. Mark ft. 13. c. in sea, Luke a 33. Lttke 8. 14. and are r. with fares CHOLER. Dan. 8 7. he-goat moved with e. 11. II. king of south he moved withe. CHOP. Hie. X. 3. c. hone* of my people CHOOSE, tu an act nf God. Hum, 16. 7. man L. doth c. be holy Dfut. 7. 7. I. did not c you because 11 5. the plare L shall c. !l. 14. 18, 2ft | 14. 23. 24, 25. | 15. 20 | 16. 2, ft 7, I ft, l& | 17. a 10, | 18. 6. | 26. 2. | 31. II. Joth. 9. T,. 17. IS. kinif, whom L. shall r. 1 Sam. -L 28 did I c. him of all tribes 9 Sam. 16. 18. L. and this people c. 21. >;. ban* in Gibeah whom L. did c. 1 kin. U. 21. the rity L. did c. AVA. 9. 7. God who di.it c. Ahram PtaL 25. IX teach in way he shall c. 47. 4. he shall c. our inhi ritance. In. 14. I. Lord will yet c. Israel 49. 7. holy One of Isr. shall c. thee 66. 4. I will r. their delusions lech. I. 17. L shall c. Jerus. 2. 12. CHOOSE. Dmt 23. 16. in plare. he shall c. 30. 19. therefore c. life that both Joth, 24. IS. r. this day whom erre 1 Siim. 17. 8. r. you a man for you t Sum. 17. I. let me c. l.'.om men 24. 12. I offer Hire-, c. one. I CAr.2l.la 7<>A 9. 14. c. my words b> reason 34. 4. let u r. to tin judgment S3. or whether thou r rVor. I. *9. did not c. fear of Lord 3. 31. arid c. none of hit wan Ita. 7. I ft. know to r. rood, 1*1 ftft 4. eunuchs c. thinirs please me Cft. 12. didr. w'.erein I delighted not Ezelc. 21. IP. c. a plare c. it PAH. I. 2i what I shall r. I wot not CHOOSKST. El U, ING. lot 7. 15. my oul r. tr.uiirliii.r 1ft. i thou r. tonirue of rr.fty *"*.' fii. 4. blessed U man thu c. r*3. 40. ai r. a tree will not rot 41. 24. ahoininati'1'i i* he c. you UaU II. 25. c. to sufT-r affliction ( HUSK. Ef*L 19. 25. MOS.M c. ahle mer. Dmt 4 J7. he c. their -ed. I" 1ft. Sotk. a 3. Joshua c. 90,000 mighty CHO Jitny. ft. 8 they c. n< w gods > Sum. ft 21. r'me before thy father I Kin. 8. 1ft 1 c. no city to build an house 2. CAr. ft 5. I CAr. 23. 4. Lord c. me before all . I r. out th.-ir way /'. ,1 7- i~. r. not tribe of Kphraim 6t but c. the tribe of Jtid.th 7'l. he c. David also his servant hi. fift 4. c. that I delighted not Errk. -Xi. 3 in I he day I c Israel /.uA'cri. 13. he c. twelve apoxtles M. 7. how they c. chief rooms Ai-iifi. 5 c. Stephen, full of faith 13. 17. God of Krael c. our fathers 15. 40. Paul c. Silas and departed CHOSEN. Num. 1& ft. him '-. cause income near Joth. 24. fi ye have c. you the L. Judg. 10. 14. cry to gods ye have c. I Sam. 8. 18 king ye have c. 12. 13. 20. 30. hast c. the son of Jes-e I Kin. a 8 hast c. a great people 8. 44. city c. 4R 2 CAr. 6. 34. 38. 1 CAr. lft 13. rhil. of Jacob c. one* Job 3ft 21. e. rather than affliction Ptal. 3a 12. c. for his inheritance 89. 3. a covenant with my c. 19. exalted one c. out of people 10ft. ft ye children of Jacob, his c. 41. forth his c. with gladness 10ft 5. I may see Kood of thy c. 2a had not Mones his c. stood Proe. 1& lft understanding rather c. ?2. 1. a rood name rather c. I- i 4a 20. to give drink to my c. 65. IS. name a curse to my c. . a have c. their own ways Jer. 8. 3. death shall he c. rather 49. 19. who \* a c. man that I, 50. 44. .Mat. 211. lft but f.-w c. 22. 14. Murk PI 20. for elect whom hath c. Luke 10. 42. Mary hath c. good part Act* I. 24. show whether thou hat r 9. 15 for he U c. vessel to me Rum. lft 13. salute Rufus c. in L. 2 Cr. 8. 19. c. of churches to travel 2 Tim. 2. 4. c. him to be a soldier I Pet 2. 9. ye are a c. (reiteration Ree. 17. 14. they are called c, CHOSEN of God. Luke 23. 3ft. if Christ the c. of Rod Art* 10. 41. to witnesses c. before I Pet. 2. 4. a llvinir stone c. of G. God hath CHOSEN. />< 12.21. 0.c, to put his mme 16. II. 21. ft. them G. c to minister to him I CAr. 29. I. Solo, whom alone C. c. Art* 22. 14. G. of fathers hath. c. thee 1 Cor. I. 27. G. c. fix.lish thinns G. c. 28 things despised G. c. and things 2 The*. 2. 13. G. from begin. A, c. you Jam. 2. 5. A. not G. c. poor of world I hare CHOSEN. 1 Kin. 11 13. Jeri. sake which I h.c 2 Kin. 21. 7 | 23. 27. 2 CAr. ft ft 3'>. rity /A. c. out of all tribes .VeA. 1.9. plare /A. c to set my name Ptal. 1 19. :. /A. c. way of truth, 173. ha. 41. 8. Jacob whom I Hare e, !'. I hare c. and not cast away tx 10. my servant /A. e. Mrrf 12. la 44.1. Israel whom/A, e. || 2. Jejiirun 4R. 10. / A. c. tin* in furnace of a. ftft 8. the fat that / hare r.f ft ling. 2. 23 /A. r. thee. with the U ./An 13 18 I know whom / hnrf c. 15 16. ye have not c me, / Arv r. 10, but / hnrf r. V ou out of world Loraknth CIIOxKN. Di/.7.ft /.. c. theea pecinl peo. 14.2. ia 8. L A. c him out of all tribes I Sam. lft 84. see \e him /.. hath r. Ml 10. Samuel said, /.. A. not c. these 66 CHR 1 CAr. 9R 4. L kath. t. Jndah niler ft. /.. c. Solomon to it on throne, I U. 2 CAr. 29. II. L. A c. you to serve him P*. lOj. !*. Aaron whom he had c. 132. 13. L. c. /ion H l.t.) 4. /,. c. J;u oh Jer. 33. 24. the two families /,. A. e. Z-A. 3. a! L. that A. c. Jem. rebuke A/iA. 1. 4. a< cor as he A. e. us in him CHOSEN men. Jitdg. ?0. 16 7UO c. wii- left-handed 2 CAr. la 3. Abij.ih with 4uld be b >rt IfJ 1C. thou art C. the on 2a a one is Master even C. Itt 24. 5. saying I am C Mark la 0. Luke 21. 1 9ft fi8. prophesy to us, thou C. >/(ir*9. 41. because ye belong to C. I ft. 32. let C. descend Iron, cross Luke 2. 2ft not die, bi-l.he had seen C 4. 41. devils knew he was C. 2a 3ft. save hi.nself, ii he be C. 39. if C. Have thys* If and us 24. -X. ought not C. to have sutt 4ft it behoved C. to nutter Ji.fin 4. 2ft. Meiutias coineth called C. 7. 27. C. cometh no man know. 31. 41. C. come out of Galilee? 4'2. that C cometh of seed of D. 9. 22. if any 'lid confer he was C. 12. 34, heard C. abideth for ever Art* i. 3d. would raise up C. to >>it 3ft made Jesus both Lord .,mi C. 3. la G. bef. showed C. should suffer 8. 5. Philip preached C. to them 9. 20. stiaightway lie prea< bed C. 17. 1 C. mut ne.-d- have .xiirl.-red J'l 2a C. should sutler and n-e hr4 limn. 5 ('<. in ilue tune C. died for >*. yet sinnei>, C'. died for us ft 4. like as C. was raK<-d Ir. dead 9. C. beinjf rai>ed ilirtli no more 7. 4. dead to la I y the l.ody of C. a 9. if any have not spirt of C. 10. if C. he in you, body is dead 11. he that rai'-c.l ii|i C. Irnmdeno 'j. 3. wi-h myself aci-iir-td from C. 5. of whom C. i aine, who i< over 10. 4. C. is end of law for righteous. 6. to bring C'. down from above 7. that is to bring up C anain 14. a to this end C. both died I5.destroy not him for w h. C. died 18. in these thiturs -erveth C. is 1ft. 3. C. pleased not liim-elf 7. M C. also rei-i>ived us to glory 18. wn. C. not wrought by me 20. not where C. w named Ift 5. Epenetus rirsl. fruits to C. 1 Cor. I. 23. we preach ('. iTiicified 24. C. the power oi f.od. and a 2a ye are C and C. is Grid's 5. 7. C. our p.is~ov,-r i* -arrllici-d a II. perish, fot whom C. dird 9. 21. under law t C. that 1 migt in. I and that HM k w.!- c' 9. nor let us tempt C. a some of 15. a how C. di- d for our sins 12. if C. be preached that he roe lit if dead rie not, i- noi I' r.ii^-t 17. if C not rai-i-d faith is vain M in hi< older. C. lirst fruits 2 Cor.:t4 trust thro'C. to God. ward 5. 10 tlio' known t'. after flesh oncord C w I'd Helinl t 11. 2. as a chaste virgin t C. I yet n.,t I, C. liveth in rr4 'e\. law, flien r. i- dead in vain a 13. C. ledeemed us from rurs 24. M-hool-in. to briujf us tu C CUR ffo/.3.29. if ye IM C. then Ahra. seed J 4. 7. if a on, heir of Hod thro' C. li. till C. lie firmed in you 6. I. lib'-rty wh. ('. made us five 2. if circumcised, 6. profit nothing 4. C. is <>f none effect unto 24. they that are V have crucified Eph. ".. It. at that time without C. 3 17 that C. may dwell by faith *4. 15. wliirh is the head, even C. 20. ye have not so learned C. 6. 2. as C. also |..ved us, mid hath 14. C. shall i/ive thee light 23. as C. is head ot the church 24-as church is subject to C. so let S5. love wives as C loved church 32 1 speak concer. C. and church 5. 5. in singleness of heart as to C. fftil. 1. 15. suine preach C. of envy Jfi the one prearh C. of conten. 18. C. is preached, and I rejoice 20. C. be magnified in my body 3. 8. dung that I iray win C. 4. 13. I can ilo all thro' C. who str. Cot >. 8. world, and not after C. 3. I. where C. sitteth on right hand 4. C. who is our life shall appear 11. but C. is all and in all 13. as C. forgave you, so do ye 24. for ye serve the Lord C. Heb. 3. 6. C. as a son over o\vn house 5. 5. so C. glorified not himself 9. II. C. an high. priest of good 24. C.is not entered into holy places 28. C. was once offered to bear 3 Pet. -3. 21 C. also guttered for us 3. 18- C. once suffered for sins 4. 1. as C. suffered in the flesh Ren. II. 15. kinad. of L. and his C. 12. 10. is i-ome power of his C. Aeaiwt CHRIST. Acts 4. 26. Kings gathered a. his C. 1 Cor. 8. Is}, ag. breth. ye sin a. C. 1 Tim. 5. 1 1. wax wanton a. C. marry Bit CHRIST. 2 Cor. 1. 5. ronso. aboundeth by C. Gal 2. 17. seek to be justified by C. Eph. 3. 21. be glory in church by C. Fvr CHRIST. 1 Cor. 1. 17. C. sent me not to bapt 4. 10. we are fools for C. sake 2 Cur. 5. -ffi. we ambassadors for C. \'l. 10. pleasure in distresses, for C. Fl>h. 4 3i. as (iod/r C. sake forgiv. P Ml. a 7. I counted loss /iw C. ? Thes. 3. 5. patient waiting for C. .fanw with CHRIST. Jlfaf. 1. lf. born J. called C. 27. 17.24 JO/IH I. 17. grace and truth by J. C. 17. 3. may know thee, and J. C. Acts ?. 38. be bapt. in name of J. C. 3. . Sp. of life in C. J. made me fre 1ft 3. Aquila my helpers in C, J. 1 Cor. 1 l.apos.of./: C.ICor. 1. 1. Eph. 1. 1 2. with all that call on na. of J. C 4. for grace given you by J. C. 30. but of him are ye in C. Jena 2. 2. not to know, save J. C. cruriflec 4. 15. in C. J. have I begotten y 2 Cor. 4 ft knowl. of G. in face of J. C 5. 18. hath reconciled us by J. C. la 5. how that J. C. is in you Gal.2. 16. man is justi. by faith of J. C 3 14 blessing on Gentiles thro* J. C 23. for ye are all one in C. Jams 4. 14. rec. me as an angel, as C J. Eph. 2. 6. in heavenly places in C J 20. J. C. being chief c.orner-st..ne Phil. 1. a I long in bowels of J. C. 2. 5. mind in you, was in C. Jexiu 11. J. C. is Lord to glory of God 21. all seek not things w. are J. C 3.8.1 count all loss for excel. of C.J 12. 1 am apprehended of C. Jena 4. 19. to his riches in glory by C. J Col. 2. ft rec. C. J. so walk ye in him 1 Tim 1. 15. C. J. came to save sin. 2. 5. one mediator, the man C. J. r>. 13. C. J. who witnessed a good 2 Tim. I. 9. to irrnce given us in C. J 13. in faith and love in C. Jems Philem. 1. Paul a uris. of J. C. 9. 23 Hub. 13. 8. J. C. the"ame yesterday I John I. 7. blood of J. C. cleanseth 2. I. we have an advocate J. C. 5. 6. came, by water and blood J. C 20. we are in him, even in J. C. Lord Jena CHRIST. Acts 11. 17. who believed on L. J. C 15. II. thro* grace of L. J. C. besav, Ift 31. believe on L. J. C. be saved 20. 21. testifing faith tow. L. J. C. Kom. 5. 1. peace with G. thro' L. J. C 11. joy in God thro' L. J. C. fi. 23. gift is eter. life thro' L. J. C. 8. 39. from love of G. in C. J. ouri 13. 14. put ye on the L. J. C. 16. 20. grace of L. J. C. be with you, 24. 2 Cor. 13. 14. Gal. 6. la 2 Thes 3 18 Rev. 22. 21. 1 Cor. \. 7. for coming of our L. J.C. 8. 6. one L. J. C. by whom are all 1 5. 57. the victory thro' our I..J. C. Ifi. 22. if any love not J.. J. C. 2 Cor. 1.2. peace from God and L. J.C. Gal. 1. 3. Eph. 1. 2. Col. 1. 2. 8. 9. for ye know grace of L. J.C. (!ut.& U.glory save in cross of L.J.C. Eph. I 3. blessed be Father of L. J. C. 17. God of L.J.C. give Sp. of wis. 1 Thes. 1.3. patience of hope in L.J. C. 2. 19. our joy in presence of L. J. C. 3.l3.establish you at com. of L.J.C. 5. 2.1 preserved t com. of L. J. C. 2 Thes. 2.1. beseech by com. of L.J.C. Mi.now our L.J.C. who hath given 1 Tim. 5. 21. I charge thee before L. J. C. 2 Tim. 4. 1. 2 Tim. 4. 22. L. J C. be with thy sp. 2 Pet.\ II. entr.into kind.of L. J. C. 3.18.grow in knowledge of L. J. C. In CHRIST. /4ctt24.24.heard him concerningfaith Rnm.9.\. I say the truth in C. [in C. 12. 3. many, are one body in C. 1ft 7. who were in C. before me 9. salute Urbane our helper in C. 10. salute Apellei approved in C. I Cur. 3. I. even as unto babes in C 4. 10. but ye are wise in C. 15. 18. asleep in C. are perished 19. if in this life only hope in C. 22. in C. all be made alive 67 CHR 2 Cor. 1. 21. stnblish ns in C. 2. 14. cansrtli >j< to triumph in C. 17. in sight of God speak in C 3. 14 vail is done away in C. 5. 17. in C. he is a new creature 19. in C. reconciling the world 20. in C. stead, be reconciled 12. 2. 1 knew a man in C. 14 year* l!. we speak hefoie God in C Gal. 1.22. to churches of .Indea in C 3 17. cov. confirmed of l.o.l in C. 27. as many as baptized into C. Eph. 1. 3. with spiritual hies, in C. 10. gather in one all tilings in C. 12. who first trusted in C. 20. wrought in C. when he raised a 6. partakers of 1m promise in C. Phil. 1. la my bonds in C. manifest 2. 1. if any consolation in C. Col. 2.5.steadfast. of >our faith in C. 1 Thes. 4. 16. dead in C. rise first 1 Tim. 2. 7. I speak the truth in C. 1 Pet. 3. 1ft good conversation in C. Is CHRIST. .Vat. 24. 2a lo, here it C. Mar. 13. 21. Murk 12.3-i.C.i* eon of D.it/Are20.41 Luke 2. 1 1. born a Sax iuiir, \vh. is C 23. 2. saying, that he t.v C. a king John 7. 41. said this i* the C. Acts. 9. 22. Saul proving this is C. 17. 3. Jesus I preach to you in C Rom. a 34. it is C. that died, yea 1. Cor. 1. 13. it C. divided ? was Paul 7. 22. being free is C. servant 1 1. 3. head of every man is C. 12. 12. many, are one body, so it C, 15. 13. if dead rise not, is C. 16. 20. now t> C. risen from dead 2 Cor. 10. 7. if any trust he is C. Gal. 2. 17. is C. minister of sin ? a 16 and to thy seed, which i.v C. Phil. 1. 21. to live is C. to die gain Col. 1. 27. i* C. in you hope of glory Of CHRIST. Mat. 11. 2. John hehrd works of C, 22. 4s!. what think ye of C. ? Rom. a 9. if any have not Sp. of C. 35. separate us from love of C.f 14. 10. bef. judgment. seat of C. t Cor. \. 17. lest cross of C. be mado 2. I& we have the mind of C. ft 15. your bodies members of C. 10. 1ft cup, is it not the communion of blood nf C. bread, is it not 11. 1. be followers of me as I of C. a the head of C. is God 12. 27. now ye are the body of C. I Cor. I. 5. as suffer, of C. abound iq 2. 10. forgave 1 it in person of C. 1ft. we are a sweet savour of C. a a ye are epistle of C. ministeied 4. 4. lest light of gospel >-e.,k the my.-tery o/t". i Tim. .'. 19. iiametli the name of C. Ur>>. 3. 1 I. in.ul partakers of C it y. II. more. hl.wd o/C. pur'.-e II. 2ft. reproach ,,f C. gr.Mt.-r riches Ptt. I II Spirit o/C. did signify 10. iv th |ii-, -I. in. III. i.i, I of C. 4. 13. partakers of C. suffering* It. if reproached fr name of C. Rev. 20. 'i. priests nf (i.Kl ,.nd o/C. rikaf CHRIST. Ji-> I. 2.Y if tho.i l.e not Mrtf C. 6. S3. we are sure ihou art that C. The CHRIST. lief. l.2n. tell M.I in.oi he was the C. 2>i. A3. Ml ivli- th-r thou be the C, M.irk R '"I. sa-ih, thuii art M^ C. II. 61. Mr C. Son ..f the Me-aed f Luke 3 IV John, whether he were t C. 9. #. 1'eter sii.l thou art the C. *>. 67. Sc. -sying art tbou t C. tell /-./in I. -*l. I Htn not t C. 41. found Die Mes-ias, the C. 3. 8. I said 1 am not the C. 4. -.1). told me all, is not this the C.? 4'.'. till" is indeed the C. 7. 26. 7. 41. other* -ai.l, this is tlie C. in. ->\. be Mr C. Ml us plainly II. 27. I helieve thou art the C. 80. 31. might believe J. it the C. I 7..A/I 1. 22 denieth Jesus U the C. i L whoso helieveth J. is the C. With CHRIST. Rom. ft. 8. if >ve he de.id irith C. we a 17. then joint. heirs iriUi C. Cal.-i.-in. I am crucified w.C. yet live Kph.-tb. quickened us together w.C. Phil. I. 23. a desire to be ici'M C. CoL Z 20. if d. a-l w. C. from world 3. I. if risen n>. C. e.-k t!imif> almve & your life is hid iriUi C. in God Jtn: 20. 4. reiiMie.t .ri'M C. 1000 years CHRISTIAN. & Art* II. 2ft. tir.t called <-. at Antiorh 2fi.29 almo-t p.-rsuadcst me to be a 1 Pet. 4. 16. yet if 411 v suffer as a c. CHRISTS. Mat. 24. 2t. arise false c. Mark 13. 22. CHRONICLES. 1 TAr. 27. 24. nor numher put in c. Ettb. 6. I. to hrinir the book of e. .w ROOK. CHRYSOLITE. Rev. 21. 20 sevnth foundation a e. CHRVSOPRASUS. Rrr. 21. 20. tenth foundation a c. CHURCH. tlitt. IM IS. on thi- -.K-k hiiild my c. 19 17. tell it to the c. if he neglect Artt 2. 47. added to e. daily such 3 II. (Treat fear came nn c. & I. * irreal persecution avaiuot c. II. 'Hi they a-embled with th' c. 14 23. ordained elder> in every e. 87. had *ath- r-d r. together I.V .1 hr.i.i.'ht on w:iy by the c. 28. it pl-ased eldcm with the c. 1H 22. when he had saluted e. Sam. 1V 5. reet c. in their house I C'ir 4 17. H. I teai-h in every c. 14. 4. prphesieih edifleth r. 4. th;it r mav r.-.ene cdifyint; 21 if r. be come into one pl.it _ l. I'J. with e. in their IH-II-.- ffth- I fi. head over all to the r. 310k -own '.v r tvi-dom i.l (J.i.1 5 -H. a r. is .nhj.-.-t to Chf i c. CHU F.nh. 5. 3?. I apeak conr. Christ Mid c. PhiL 3. R leal, persecuting the c. 4. I.V no c. roiiiiiiiinicatcd with me CoL I. Is. head of the h. H |y the c. 24. for his hotly'- -ake, the c. 4. I.V salut.' c in Nymphas* house I Tim. 5. l& let not c. he charged Philem. >. Paul to c. in thy hoii-e Heb. 12. Zl to c. of fir-t.l"irn rl .V i:i c. at Hal. v I.. n salllteth 3 Julin witness of thy charity hef.c. 9. I wrote to t..e c. hut iJiutre. In Uie CHURCH. Art*!. 3t th .1 wa- in the c. in wild. 1 13. I. prophet- IH tlu- r. t \ntiocli t Cor. & 4. least i-steeraed lit the c. II. la when ye come tone, in th* c. li -'S. (....I h'.ith ct some in Vie c. 14. 19. yet i lite c.l had r..ther -peak 89. let him keep silence in Mr c. 3i.nh.ame foi w..m.top.-ak in the r. Efth. Z. 21. to him I..- g| ry in the c. CoL 4. 16. cause it he read in the c. Oftlte CHURCH Act* a 3. Saul mad- hav.x k of the c. 11. 22. tidings came to ears of the c. 12. I. Herod vexed certain oftliec. ft. prayer "-as made o/M c. for P. 15. 4. they were received ofUtec. 20. 17. Paul called elders of the c. R'lu. 16. 1. I'hel.e a aervant of the c. 23. Oaius my host anil of c. salu. I Cor. II. 12. excel to edifying o/c. Euh. .V 23. as Christ is head /, tleh 8. 12. in midst i>fr. I will sing 3 John 10. Uiotre. rastetli out of c. Kff. '2. 1. to angel o/c. of Ephesus 8. Smyrna || 12. IVrga. y Is. Thya. a 1. Sardu | 7. Philad. || II. Laud. CHURCH of God. Act* 20. 28. feed the c. of God 1 Cor. I. 8. to c. nfG. at Corinth 10 32. none offence to c. ofGmi 1 1. 22. or despise ye the c. of God I.V 9. I persec. c. ofG. GaL \. 13. I Tim. 3. 5. how take .-are of c. of G. CHURCHES. Act* 9. 31. then had the c. rest 15. 41. Paul confirming the c. K 5. c. established in the faith IS. 37 these neither rohhers of c. limn. 16. 4. to wh. all c. five thanks I'i. the c. of Christ -alute you 1 C'ir. 7. 17. to ordain I in all c. \ I. Ift such custom, neither the r. 14. 33. author of peace as in all c. of .'14. women keep nl.-nce in c. Ift. I. order to c. of Galatia so do ye ':' the c. of Asia *alnte you 2 Cor. a I. t^-ace hettowed on the c. III. chosen of the c. to travel 23. they are m.-ssengers of c. II. 8.1 rol.he.l other c. taking- wages 2a daily the care of all the c. 12. 13. wherein infetior to other c.T G> -2'2. 14. walketh inc. of heaven Pail. 19. fi. and lu< c. from the end* Ecci. I. a retiirneth accor. to his e. CIRCUMCISE. Gen. 17. II. ye shall c. fore.skini Deut. 10. Hi. c. fore-skin of h.-urt .'10. & Lord will c. thine heart Jialt. 5. 2. c. again rluldn-n of Israel Jer. 4. 4. c. younelveM to the Lord Luke I. 59 they came to c. the cliU Juhn 7. 22. ye on Sabhath c. a man Act* 15 5. lieedful to r.. them * 21. 21. that they ouu-lit not to e. CIRCUMCISED. Grn 17. 10 every man. child be A 14. note, shall'he cut oft 26. Abraham was c. and Ishmael 34. IA if as we he, every male c. 24. every male was c. f.jixi. 12. 48 Jiish. b. 3. Joshua c. chil. of Israel J' r 9. 25. punish all c. with nncir. Act* I.V I. except r. not be oaved, 24. Ift. 3. Paul c. Timothy [not c. /{am. 4. II father .if all believe, tho I Cor. 7. IK called beinif c ? in unc.r. rumcision 'r let him not he c. GaL 2. 3. Titus compelled to be c. 5 2. if r. Christ shall profit nothing 6. 12. they cnntrain you to be r. 13. they c. keep not 111 law PhiL 3. a. c. eighth day. of Mock of CoL 2. II. in whom nl-"o ye are c. CIRCUMCISI Sx;. Luke 2. 21. days accomplished for e. CIRCUMCISION. John 7. 22. Moes gave unto you c. 83. if on Salihath receive c. Rot*. 2. 25. r. protitetl , if thou keop the law, thy c. is made iincir. r is that c. hi. h i-. out .< anl 211. e. is that of the heart in -pirit J. 30. shall justify c. i.v faith 4 9. this MMMltal>t on c. only r 10. when he \ra< in c ? not ill c. I Cor. 7. In. c. is k. .[mil? of i ointna, Cnl. 2. . they sh.iuld go unto c. 5 ft. neither c. avail, th, n. 15. 11. and I, if I yet pr-ach c. Kph, 2. II. hy that called c. ill flenh I'hil. 3. 3. we c. which u.ir>hip (iod C'.l. i 12. c. without hand-. l.\ r. 3. 11. there is neither . nor inn ir. O/CIHCfMl l.slO.S. Er. 4. 26. hloo.lv hu-haiiil I..-.. ! c. Art*!. 8 gave Alirah. covenant '"fa III. 45 they of c. "ere a-t"iii.h.M| II. 2. iifr. eiMtencVd with 1'ettr Hum. 3' I. what protil f r.t muck 4. 1 1. he rec.-iv.-d the s'lun (,f c. 12. father o/c. to them ii'it nf r. 15. 8 Jeous Ch. was a mini-ti'r -/e. li'il. -J. ~. gospel o/c. com. to I'efei H. iii I'eter to apo-tlenhip of c, C"l. 4. II cho are of the c. salute Tit. I. 10. unruiv. e-p.i-ially of e. CIRCUMSPECT. " F.rod. 23. 1.1. in all tlnno, he e, CHU UM^I'Ki I LY. ph. i 15. tee that ye walk * CIT CISTERN. J A'in, 18. 31. drink ev. one of hi? c. Pme. A. 15. drink of thine own c. Eccl. 12 6. wheel broken at the c. Isa, 36. 10. drink ev. one of own c. CISTERNS. .Jer. 2. 13. hewed out c. broken c. CITY. Gen. 4. 17. Cain builded a c. Enoch 11. 4. let us build c. and a tower 5. Lord . smite inhabitants of that e. /rt*A. 3. 16. very far from c. Adam 6. 3. compaos the c. six days, 7. 24. burnt c. Deiit. 13 16. Jo.A. 8. 8. 19. Jitdg. 1. 8. | la 27- *. 2. lay ambush fur e. behind 20. smoke of c. ascended to heaven 5. !3. c. of Arba, which c.is Hebron .9. 50. gave Joshua c. he asked Jwig. 6. 27. he feared men of c. 9. 45. c. and sowed it with salt 20. 40. flame of the c. ascended Ruth 1. 19. all the c. was moved 3. 11. for c. of my people know 1 Sam. 1. 3. out of c. yearly to wor. 4. I. 'I told it, all the c. cried out a 22. ffo ye ev. man to his c. 1 Kin. 22 36 Exwi. I. TvVA. 7. 6. 2a 3 Is. buried him in his own c. 9 SUM. 12. 1. two men in one c, .5. 2. of what c. art thou t I). 37. 1 may die iti my own c. 20. 19. seekest to destroy a c. . Kin. 1. 45. so that e. rang again 11. 32. c I have chosen, 36. 2 Kin. 6. 19. neither is this the c. 11. 20. arid the c. was in quiet 24. 10. c. Jeru. was beseiged, 25. 2. 2 Chron. 15. 6. c. was destroyed of c. 19. 5. and he set judges c. by c. 30. 10. posts passed from c. to c. 32. 18. that they might take c. Exra 4. 12. building rebellious c. JVVA. 2. 3. why not sad, c. waste, 5. 1 1. 9. Jndah was second over c. *. 28. like a c. broken down 29. a scornful bring c. Into snare Ecct. 9. 14. there was a little c. 15. poor wise man delivered c. hit 1. 26. c. of right faithful c. 21. 14. 31. howl, O gate, cry, O c. 17. 1. Damascus from being a c. 19. 2. shall fight, c. against c. 94. 10. the c. of confusion is broken 525. 2. of a c. an heap, to be no c. 33. 20. Ziori c. of our solemnities fiO. 14. shall call thee c. of Lord 62. 12. be called, a c. not forsaken Jer. 3. 14. I will take you one of a c. i. 29. c. shrill fl>>e from the noise 19. 12. make this c. as Tophet 25, 29. evil on c. railed by my name 32. 24. come t > c. and c. is#i>en SO 2. the c. w w broken up, 52. 7. CIT Jer. 46. 8. 1 will destroy thp e. 49. 25. how c. of praise not left Lain. I. 1. how d 'th c sit solitary 2. 15. c. men call perfect, of beaut; Ezek. 4. 1. pourtray c. Jerusalem 7. 23. the. c. is full of violence 9. I. them that have charge overc 4. go thro' midst of c. Jerusalem 9. c. is full of perverseness 10. 2. coals of fire over the c. 27. 32. vvliat c. is like Tyrus 33. 21. saying, the c. is ^mitten 48. 35. name of c. be. L. is there Dun. 9. 18. c. called by thy name, 19. Hits. 6. 8 Gilead c. of th. work iniq. Amos 4. 7. to rain on one c. not on 5. 3. c. that went out by thousands .Vie. 6. 9. Lord's voice crieth to c. Hub. 2. 12. stablish. a c. by iniquity Zeft/t. 3. 1. wo to thy oppressing c. Zech. 8. 3. Jerusalem ae. of truth 5. streets of c. be full of boys 14. 2. the cshall be taken and houses rifled, residue not be cut ofl Mat. 5. 14. a c. set on hill cannot 35. Jerusalem is c. of great King 8. 34. c. came out to meet Jesus 10. II. whatsoever c. ye enter [12. 15. than for that e. MatK.ll. Lu.]0. 21. 10. all the c. was moved, saying 22. 7. king burnt up their c. 23. 34. shall persecute from c. to c. Murk 1. 33. e. was gathered at door 5. 14. told it in the c. Luke 8. 34. Luke 2. 3. taxed, ev. one to his own c. 7. 12. much people of c. with her 19. 41. he beheld the c. and wept 23. 51. he was of Arimathea a c. Jnhn 4. 39. many of that c. believed Acts 8. 8. was great jy in that c. 13. 44. came almost whole c. to hear 16. 12. in that c. certain days 17. 5. set all the c. in an uproar 19. 29. c. was filled with confusion 21. 30. all the c. was moved Jleb. 1 1. 10. c. that hath foundations 16. hath prepared for them a c. 12. 22. to thee. of the living God 13. 14. we have no continuing c. Jam. 4. 13. we will go into such a e. Rev. 20. 9. compassed the beloved c. 21. 14. wall of e. had twelve found. 18. the e. was pure /old like glass 23. e. ha I no need of the sun Bloody CITY. Ezek. 22. 2. judge the bloody c.7 24. 6. wo to Moody c. 9. AViA. 3. 1. Defenred CITY. >n. 25. 2. ol a dt -fenced c. a ruin 27. 10. yet the d. c. sh. be desolate Jer, 1. la made thee this day a rf. c. CIl \ uf Darid. 2 Sam. 5. 9. called it c. of D. 1 Ch. 1 1.7. 6. 10. not remove ark intoe. of D. 12. brought ark into c. of D. 16. Kin. 2. 10. I>avid was buried in c.D. 3. 1. Solomon brought her to c. D. a 1. ark out of c. of D. 2 Chr. 5. 2. 1 1. 4n. Solo, buried \nc.D. 2 CA.9.31. 14.31. Rehoboam bur.c.I>.2CA.I2.l6. 15. 8. bur. Abifain in c. D. 2 Ch. 14. I. 22.50.Jehoshphatl.ur.c./).2CA.21.1. -' A'm. 8. 24. Joran. bur.e. D.2CA.2I W. 9. 28. Ahn/irth was buried in c. of D. 12. 21. Jehoash bur. c. D. 2 CA. 24.25. 14. 2.1. Amaziah || 15. 7. A/Brian 15.33. Jothan 2 CA. 27. 9. || 16.20. Ahni Chron. 24. 1C. bur. Jehoiadaine. D. Is't. 22. 9. sien breaches of e. of D. 29. 1. wo to Ariel, c. where Ditrid Luke 2. 4. Joseph went to e. of D. 11. born in e. of D. a Saviour Elders with CITY. Dtut. 19. 12. e. of his c. u. fetch him 69 CIT Vent. 21. 6. e. of that c. next to?Iatai ft. say toe.nf e. our son is tnb>..,rft 22. 17. spread cloth before e ot c. 25. 8. e. of his c shall call him Joxh. 20. 4. declare his cause to e. ufe. Jwlf. 8. 16. (iideon took e. of c .-iitth 4.-i. Boaz tonh ten men of e.of a. Ezra 10. 14 with them c. of ev c JRwrvCITY. i Kin. 3. 19. smite erery fenced c -' Chr. 31. 19. of sons ..f Aaron in 'e. s. Jer. 4. 29. ere n/ c. shall be forsaken 4S. 8. the spoiler shall come on e. c. Writ. 12. 25. e. c. divided against itself Luke 10. 1. two and two into ev. c. Acts 15. 21. in e. c. them that preach 36. let us visit brethren in ev. c. 2| >. 23. H. (Jhost witnesseth in e. e Tit. 1. 5. ordain elders in every c Fenced CITV. 2 Kin. 10. 2. with you n f. c. also 17. 9. tiwer of watchmen tof. c. 2 Chron. 11. 23. he dispersed of chil. dren unto every f. e CITY of God. P*al. 46. 4. streams make glRd cofO 48. I . greatly to be praised in c.ofQ a e. offi. (iod will establish it 87. 3 glorious things spoken of thee, O c of (iod Heb. 12. 22. come to e. of living God Rev. a 12. the name of e. of my God Great CITY. en, 10. 12. builded Hesen, a#. e. Josh. 10. 2. because Gibeon wasg'. c. Sell. 7. 4. c. was large and g. but Jer. 22. a L. done thus to this g. c. Jon. 1. 2. go to Ninev. that g. c. 3. 2. 3. 3. Ninev. was an exceeding g-. c. Rev. 11. a bodies in street ofg-. c. 14. a Kab. that g. c. 18. It), 16. 19, il. 16. 19. g. c. was divided into three 17. 18. the woman is that g. c. 21. 10. he showed me that/?, e. Jer. Hulif CITY. Xeh. 11. 1. to dwell in Jer. the A. c. Isa. 48. 2. call themselves of A. c. ")2. 1. put on beautiful garm. O A. c. 3n. 9. 24. seventy weeks ;iy, we will enter into c. 12. we shall catch them, get into ;. J j/. 31. 21. showed me his marvel. Ions kindness in A strong e. 55. 9. I have seen violence in the c. "ror. 1. 21. in e. wisdom nttereth tccl. 7. 19. ten mighty men tit the t- 8. 10. Htcked were forgotten in <. i. '-'4. 12. i/i the c. is left licgnlati-rc li'r. 14. 18. if I enter :nto the e. tlien 38. 9. no more bread in the c. 52. 6. the famine was sore in Mf '. .am. 1. 19. elders gave npghosf f'ne. Has. ll. 9. I will not enter intn thee ln?l 2. 9. run to and fro in the c. 1tot3. 6. t> blown in the c. sli there be evil in r . err '}. 17. thy wife be harl.-t in e. ton. 3. 4, Joiwn began to niter intoc. Nut 9. I. he came infn his own r. 10. 5. c. <>l tut' SrtinariUii- enter not 1 1. inbi whatsoever c. ye enter 2G. IR n int., th? r. to such a man 28. II. s, .me of watch tame ito ex X/rrt U. 13. ff into c. .frfc 9. a /.u c. /fcr 2i 14 enter tlint' Kates into c. (II Y fl/rt* on as I am o. o/e. 3a and Mos.s went oit -w him o.ufc. Ifi. 13. Sabbath we went ottfafc. 21. 5. brought us till OH* o/(A c. CITYo/ fl r. sh.ill remain for ever 19 8 I will make (hi* c. desolate 1-V lirinir mi Wir. all the evil 8 I. done thus unto t c. 86 6. I u-fli make t c. a rurne to all 15. hrlnir iiiii.vnt bliMid on tlii* c. J7. 17 wliered.re t r. br laid wate *2. 3. ifivc r c. to C'hald. V8. | 34. 2. HI. MIC r t>. I'll x<. a pinvii ti>ui 1 5 lor WH k. hid mv fare from t. c. 34 5>y. rau-e them return to MM c. :. 17. /. .-. ttu.lt not !* burnt ''. 16. K wcrdi on t c. tor erll CfT Kzek. 11. 3. Mu c. In the raldron, 7. Mat 10. -^3. pe execute in Mine, (lee ^ctt 2. 37. nor to c. in mountains 3. 19. abide in r I have (riven you fi. I(X to give thee goodly c. 19. 5. flee to one ofthev r. J'*l.. 10. 19. auff-T them not tn enter c. 1 1. 13. ta for c. till in strength IR a described it by r, in a )>ook Juttg 2(1. 48. men of IsV. set on tirec. 21. 23. they repaired the c. I .Sam. 31. 7. Israelites forsook r. 2.Vm. 10. II r. our God. I CAr. 19. 13. I Km. 9. 12. Hiram came to see c. 20. 34. c. father tiKik I restore Jab IS. 2a he dwelleth in desolate c. /'*//. 9. 6. O f nemy, .ie-tr-iy -d c. I-ti. fi. 1 1. he iinsw. till c. be waited 14. 21. nor till world with c. 19. la in tliat d.y -ball 5 c. in Eg. :. 8. In hath despised th- c. 64. 10 thy holy e. wilderness Jtr. 2. 15. hi- c. are burnt 2ft. accor. to number of thy c. 11. 13 1.1 19. c. of south he shut up 20. 16. be a the r. I. overthrew 31. 21. O virgin, to these thy c. 49. 13 r. be perpetu.il wastes 50 32. I will kiiutle fir. in In- r. A'r.A-. -K. 19. like r. n.it inhiiliited 3n. 17. these r. into capt'vity .T'. 9. thy c. .-hull not ret urn Hot. 8. 14. send die upon hi- r. 1 1. fi. sword -hi.ll jilixie on his r. Auua 4. a three r. to one tr water Mir. S. 14. so will I destroy thy c. Zrph. 3. 6. their r. lire destroyed Xfch, I. 17. my r. shall yet pr*ad Mat. 10. 23. not have g> i\er c. II. I. to preach in their r. Art* 26. 1 1. I perse, uted to stranger. > /',!. 2. R r. of S.K!. and (J. to a>hi s Judf 7. c. about them in like manner Her. 16. 19. e. of the nations fell S T s. SI. SS. Isr. t.K.k all these r. fl-v/. 2. 34 | a 4. J".A. lu. 3!l. 31. 10. burnt tlvir r. JuHg. 20. 4a Dent 20. 15. thus d.. to all r. afar >V.A. M 12. all r. of kiiif* destroyed 21. I!), all c. of Aaron were 13 c. 41. all c. of I.evites were 48 r. I Ham. IK. 6. worn, came out of n. r. Hum. 24. 7. came toe;, c. of Ilivites AVA, 10. 37. tithes in all the r. Jer. 4. 26. n// the r. broken down 33. 12. in nil r. hahita. of shepherds 'lot 13. 10. save thee in all thy r. ActtS. 40. he preache-l in all c. Defend CITIKS Itn. 36. I. Sennacherib airainst d. e. 37. 26. be to lay waste dtfi tirrd r. Jer. 4. 5. let us go to rfefenVrrf r. R14 34. 7. defrnrrHr. remained of Judah ( n ii - A'l/m. 3?. 17. little n*s in fittrnt r. DeuL a 5. r. friitfH with fund "'alls 9. I. r.frwWtu heaven. J"*h. 14. 12. hah iO. 20. rest entered into fen. c. ' *V/m. 2. 1. shall I go up to r. o/ J.I ^ A'i. 23 ft. burnt ini-ensein c. ofj. 1 Chr. fi. .'i7. to sons of Aaron c. <-f J 2 CAr. 17. 7. to teach in c. of Jvdah 19. 5. Set judges in the r. of Judah 2.'l 2. gather Lev. out ofr. o/ Jud. AVA. 1 1. a in c. nf Jnd,ih each dwelt /'W. 69. 35. God will h.iild c. of Ju. ha. 4". 9. f. of Ju. bed., d your God 44. 26. to c. of Ju. ve shall be built ./er. 1. 15. families of north ag. c. ofj. 4. Ifi. their voice aiMinst r. of Jud. 7. 17. what they do in r. of Judah 9. II. c. ofj. desola e. Ill 22. | 34. 22, II. 12. shall c. of Jitiitih cry to gods 32. 44. take wit'iies- in Ihe'r i-f Ju. 33. l(>. without man and beast inc. J. la in the c. of Ju. shall flocks pass 44. fi. my fiiry'kindl.^l in r. if Ju. g, 21. the incense ye burn in c. of J. &ech. I. 12. not have n er.-y on c. J. Ill IKS.,f rfugr. A'uro. Si fi. be six c. for tv/r,. 13. 14. 1 1. appoint r. for r.fngr Joik 20. 2. I CAr. & 67. to sons o! K..hath ofc. r. Mr CITIES. Ji.'h. 15. '<'.' mount of Judah nor c. CITIKS with Snvurht. Ler. 25 34. jrA/r/<- of r. not be sold .VUIFI. aV 2. gie to l-.-v He-, .T. for c. Josh, 21. 3. pave to l.evite- c. with *. CITIKS with Ullage!. I .. Jesus went , tont all e. and r. teaching. 7.Ae la 2i A/arfe fi. 5". whether into n't or c. CITIKS with ./.: Ler. 26. 31. innke your c. mute. 33. Ita. 61. 4. they shall repair imiV c. Jr. 4. 7. thy c. shall be laid .<.<< E>rk. 6. . in dwellings r. thall He ir. l!i 7. ir. their r.|| :f\ 4. lay thyc. w. 'JR. 35. ir. c. are bee. me fenced :ts. tr. c. be fill, d . fio.-ks of men -/w.sf 9. u. sh..ll buil.l thy ir. c. Vcmr CITIKS. Ita. I. 7. y. c. re burnt with fir* Jer. 40. 10. dwell in v-"r c. ye havo CITI/KN. .S. '.vArr 15. 15. priMtignl juined to a c. Ml. 14. his c. hated him, and Arti 21. 39. a c. of no mean .ity Euh. 2. 19. fell w c. with saints CLAD. A'in. II. 29. Jerob. hud c. himself Ita. 59. 17. r. with r.erfl a a cloak ( LAMIiKoUS. r>. 9. 13. a foolish woman is e. CLAMOUR. Kfih. 4. 31. let all r. be put away CLAP HANDS. Jo/,. 27. 23. shall r. then A. at him /'*;/. 47. I. c. your A. nil ye p. opl !W a let the flo.K*.. r. their fiandt Ita. 55. 12. tie.-, of field c. their A. Lam. 2. 15. pass b) c. their A. at the* A'oA. a 19. hear hi nit of the* c. A. CLAPPED. Ezek. 25. 6. hast >. thine him 1s CLAPPETH. A/// 34. 37. c. his hands among M CLA PI I Kin. 11. 11 c. th.ir Sjinds CLAVE f;j.22.3. Abra.r w.M.d for hiirnt-atl A.' urn. 15. 31. ground < a. under iiiilf. 16. l!. (,i'd c. ho. low in jaw 1 Sam. & 14. c. wood of cart CLE PtaL 7R 15. c. forks, ltd. 48. 21. CLAVE. Gen. 34. 3. his soul c. to Dinah Ruth \. 14. Ruth c. to m.-in-law 2 .Sa/. 20. 2. JmlHh c. to their king 23. 10. till his hand c. to sword 1 Kin. II. 2. Sol. r. to these in love ? Kin. 18, 6. Hczekiah <:. to the L. Xfh. 10. 29. c. to tlieir brethren Act* 17. 3*. certain men c. to Paul CLAWS. Deut 14. C the cleft into two c. Dan. 4. 33 his nails like birds c. 'leek \ 1. 16. he shall tear their c. CLAY. Job 4. 19. that dwell in houses of c. 10. 9. hast made me as the c. 13. 12. are like to bodies of c. 27. 16. prepare raiment aj c. 33. 0. I am formed out of j. 38. 14. it is turned as c. to senl PsaL 40. 2. up out of the miry c. /i. -Jif. 16. he estemed as potters c. 41. 25. as putter tre ideth c. 45. 9. c. say to him fashioneth it 64. a we the c. thoii our potter Jer. 18. 4. vessel made of c. marred 11. as c. \i in the potter's hand 43. 9. stones, hide them in c. Dan. 2. 33. his feet, part c. 34, 42. JWj. 3. 1 4. o into c. and tread !/ you John 13. II. said he ye are not all c. 15. 3. now ye are c. thro' the wnrd Act* 18 6. on v our on n heads I am c. Km. 19 8. Ii r. and whil.>, 14. C I.KAN A,irf*. ** 9. 30. if I make k. never so c. 1?. 9. , s /li c. /(. dhi.ll be stronger CLE Psat. 24. 4. hi> that hath e, hands. CLEAN heart. Psat. 51. 10. create in me a c. heart 73. 1. God is good t.. such of c.'A. Prov. 20. 9. 1 have made my A. c.? ACLEAN. ' Lev. 13. 13. he is c. 17. 37, 39. Psal. 10. 9. fear of the Lord it c. Pror. 14. 4. no oxen are, crib ii c. John 13. 10. hut if c. every whit Pronounce CLEAN. Lev. 13. 6. priest p. him c. 14, 7. Shall be CLE AN. Leo. It. 36. wherein is water*, b. c. 12. 8. she *.6.c. 15. 2s. || 13. 5a it Ac. 14. 53. he *. 6. c. 20. 1 15. 13. | 17. 15. 22. 7. Num. 19. 12, 19. Num. 31. 24. ye be c. Ezek. 36. 25. Piat. 51. 7. hyssop and I shall be c. CLEANNESS. 2 Sam. 22. 21. to c. of my hands re- compensed me, Paul 18. 20. 25. c. in hi* eye-sight, /jui 18. 24. Amoi 4. 6. trlven you c. of teeth CLEANSE. Erod. 29. 36. thou shall c. rte altar, Lee. !& 19. Num. 8. fi. take Levltes and c. them 2 Chr. 29. 15. to c. house of Lord, 16. A'eA. 13. 22. Levltes should c. thems. Psal. 19 12. c. from secret faults 51. 2. and c. me from my sin 1 19. 9. a young man c. his way? Jer. 4. 11. a dry wind not to c. 33. 8. c. them from iniq. Ex. 37. 23 Exek. 36 25. from idols will I c. you 39. 12. that they may c. land, 1& 45. 18. and c. the sanctuary Joel 3. 21. c. their blood not cleansed Mai. 10. 8. heal the sick, c. lepers 23. 26. c. first within the cup 2 Cor. 7. 1. c. ourselves from all filth. Eph. 5. 26. miaht c. it with washing Jinn. 4. S. c. yniir bands, ye sinners 1 John 1. 9. c. us from unrighteous. CLEANSED. Lev. 14 14 of him to be c.!7,18,25,2a \nm. 35 33. the land cannot be c. Josh. 22. 17. we are not c. until this 2 Chr. <:!. !8. c all the house of L. 30. 19. prep, his heart tho' not c. 34. 5. Jo-iah c. Judith and Jerusa. eA. 13. 9. lliey c. the chambers Jo!> 35. Jt. what pr.itit it 1 he c. ;/. 73. 13. c. my heart in vain Ezek. 1->. V4 art the land not c. 44. 26. after hr is c. reckon 7 (lays JH. 8. 14. then samtiiiiry bee. Mat. 8. 3. iinined. liis lepnwy was c. 1 1. 5. the l.-pr-rs are c. Luke 7. 22. Mttrk I. 42. leprosy dep. lie wns c. Luke 4. 27. none c. save Naaman 17 17. were not. ten c hut where Acts 10. IS. what . .ind saw every man e. .ftowt. 1. 20. from rr^at'-on c. seen CLEARNESS Ejcod. 24. 10. bi>dy of henvpn in c. CLK AVE. Lev. I, 17. c. it with the w'.ng P>al. 74. 15. didst e. the fountain Hob. 3. 9. c. the earth with rivers 'Lech, 14. 4. mount sliall c. in midst CLFAVE. Gen. 2. 24. and shall c. to his wife. Milt. 19. 5. Mark 10. *, Z>efc 4. 4. ye that did c. to the L. 10. 20. to him shall thon c. 1 1. 22. | 13. 4. | 30. 20. Josh. 22. 5. Josh, 23. 8. but c. to L. your God Job 38. 38. the clods c. together Psal. 101. a hate work, not c. to nie 102. 5. my hones c to ray skin 137. 6. let my tongue r. in rorf ha. 14. 1. shall e to house of J icob Jer. 13. 11. caused to e. to me Istael F.xek. 3. 26. make thy tongue c. Dan. 2. 43. shall not c. one to ano. 11. 34. c. to them with flatteries Arts 1 1. 23. purpose of heart c to L. Rom. 12. 9 c. to that which is good CLEAVED. 2 Kin. a 3. Jeh. c. to Jeroboam's sini Job*9. 10. their tongue.e. to roof 31. 7. if blot have c. to my hands CLEAVETH. Job 19. 20. my bone c. to my skin Psat. 22. 15. tonirne c. to my .jaws 41. 8. an evil disease c. to him 44. 25. our telly c. to the earth 119. 25. my soul c. to the dust Jer. 13. II. as girdle c. to loins Lam. 4. 4. tongue f suckins- child c. a their skin r. to their bones Luke 10. 11 dint of your city wh. i. < LEAVKTH. Deut. 14. 6. heast that c. the cleft Jnli 16. 13. he c. tin reins asunder PsaL 141. 7. as when one c. wood cci 10. 9. c. wood he endangered ( LEFT. Mic. I. 4. vallev be c. as wax CLEFTS. Cant. 2. 14. O my dove, that art In n Isn. 2. 21. to go into c tot fear Jer. 49. la dwellestin the r. Ob til 3. Amtn6. II. smite iittti- house with a CLEMENCY. Acts 24. 4. hear us of thy e. CLERK. Acts 19. 35. town c. had appeased CLlrT, S. Erod. 33. 22 I will put thee in a e. Dent. 14. . c. into two claws I Chr. 20. 16. come l.y r. of ZiB Job 30 ti. to dwell in c. ot valleys /AVI. ;V. 5. slayinir . Inl.lren under C. CL1MK. ED. KTH. 1 Sam. 14. 13. Jonathan c. up Jer. 4. 29. they shail c. up r>cks iel'i. 7. c. null like men of wat 9. th> y shall c lip on houxi-a Amu* S 2. tho'c. up to heaven 7.;Mv I =. 4. ZHI cheiiH c. up a t! * John 11 ) c. up some other wy CL1PT. Jer. 48. 37. every heard shall b* i. CLOf'8. "* 7 5 flesh Ic-Hn'il with r. of >u< 21. 3a C. of valley be sweet 38. :tS. c. clea\e J'i.sf touether '.. 2M. 24. plowiniin 'cek th n.o //'. 11. Jacob shall break hi. r. Jofl\. 17. th* - i is rotlfii under c. CLOAK. In. SB. 17. clad with zeal a* ae. Mat. 5. 40. let him have thy <. also LukeG. 29. taketh r. f.irhid not / AM 15. 22. ii" r. f>et*n c. nor 29. 10. Lord hath r. your ryes II in. 'ri 9. the words are c. up Jihtih -L ft. the depth c. me round ./.if. 13. 15. eyes c. ^ctf & 27. Z.t* 4. 20. and he r. the book CLOSER. Pron. la 24. a friend sticketh c. CLOSEST. J'-r. 22. 15. thou c. thyself in cedar CLOSET. S. Jofl 2. 16. let bride p out of her c. Mat. 6. 6. prayest, enter thy c. t.uJte 12. 3. spoken in the ear in c. CLOTH. .Vnm. 4. R. spread a c. of scarlet Hi ill. 22. 17. spread c. before elders 1 &rM.I9.iaMichalrov.iiniig.Mvitb.0. 21. 9. sword is wrapt in a c. S Sam. 20 I i. cast a c. on Amasa I A'i. a 15. H.izael took H thick c. /*i. 31 22. an a menstruum c. Mat a 16 new r. Marie 4 21. 27. 59. wrapped it in a linen c. Hark 14- 31. a linen c. about body CLOTHE. Emd. 40. 14. hi* sons and c. them } ith, i. 4. raiment toe. Mordent! /"/. 132. Ifi. c. priests with salva. IS. his enemies c. with shame Pror. 2a 21. drowsiness c. with rag* ha. 24 31. c. him with thy robe 4R ia shall <. thee with them all .V). a 1 c. heat mi with hlarknets Erffc 26. Ifi. e. with trembling 31. a c. you with the wool H'ig. I. 6 ye c. but none warm Zerk. 3 4. I will c. thee with change Milt. 6. ?U. if Ood *o c. the grass, much more e. ou, Luke 12. 28. CLOTHED. Cm. a 21. mats of -kins. c. them l.rr. 8. 7. Moors r. Aaron with robe 8 Sam. I 24. SHU! who c. w. scarlet 1 CAr.21. 16. 1). and Isr.c. with sack. S I fir. 6. 41. priests be c. with salva. IS. 9. king of Is. and Judah c. sat 28 15. r. all that were naked E>th. 4. 2. king 1 ., gate r. with sackc. A>6 7. 5. my fleh c. with worms 10. |1. c. me with skin and flrih 89. 14. I put on righte. it c. me 39. 19. e. hi* nerk with thunder? Ptal 35. 2li. he c. with sharne, 100.29. 6.1. IX pastures c. with florkt 93. I. L. i r. with majesty 104 I. thou art r. with honour 1(. 18. c. tiimoeir with iiiming 132. 9. priests be e. with rn.ht. u. Pnir. 31. 21. household c. with s.vr. ha. 61. 10. c. ttif with eri E*. 16. 10. 1 c. thee with r-roidt red Dan. & 29. e. Daniel will scarlet CLO ZepK. 1. R e. with ttrange apparel /"A. a 3. Joihua c. w. filthy if inn. Mnt. II. 8 man r. in soft, Luke',. 'A'). 25. 36. naki-d and ye r. me np r. up. .11 .( if -ii beinx r. not he naked I Pet. 5 5. ( r with humility Rf : 3. 1& that thou mHyent be c. 10. I. I saw angel r. with a cloud 11. 3. prophecy r. in -arkcloth I '. I. .1 woman c. with the mm 19. 13. wa c. w. venture dipt in bl. CLOTH K I) with Linrn. Etek. 9. 2. one man was c. with '. 44. 17. they dhall be c w. i irnrm. Dan. 10. 5. * certain man c. with /. \1. 6. one said to man c. in limn Rev. 15. 6. r. in white /. I8.IC.||I9.14. Shall be CLOTH ED. Jnli S. 22. hate thee /. b. c. w. shame JKzek. 7. 27. prince*, be c. w. de>oln. Dun 5. 7. read this writing i. be c. Mat. 6. 31. wherewithal i. e It e. Ret. a ft. overcoini-t h shall be c. 4. 4. CLOTHES. Gen. 49. II. his c. in blood of grapes Erod. 35. 19. c. of service, 30. 1, 41. l.er. 10. & nor rend your c. 21. 1". Dent. 29. ft. your c. not old, \eA.9.il. I Sam. 19. 24. Saul strict off his r. I A'in. I. 1. covered David with c. i Kin. 2. 12. took own c. and rent > Chr 34. 27. didst rend thy c. \eh. 4. 23. none of us pin oft our c. Juh 9. 31. my e. shxll ablior me Pror. (I. 27. and his c. not be burnt Kz. Id 39. strip thee of thy c. 23. 26. Mat. 24. la not return to take c Markb. 2& if I touch but.his c. I 15. 20. put hia own c. on him Luke _'. 7. in . 34. H c. entered tent ! emigre. 3a e. on tabernacle by day l.er. 16. 2. I will appear in the r. Aum. 9, 19. c. tarried long on tuber. 10. 34. c. waa upon them by day I A'in. a 10. c. filled house ..f Lord, 2 CAron. 5. 13. Exrk. 10. 4. ia 44. a little c. like a man'- baud Job a 5. that day let r. dwell on it 22. 13. can he judge thro' .. .Wut I7.:i.c. oversha. MarM .7. /.u.9.34. toice out of c. Luke 9 35, Luke 12. 54. when ye see a c. rise ?l. 27. Sin of man coumiif in a c. Act* I. 9. a c. received him 1 Cor. 10. I. all our fathers under e. 2. baptized to Mo>es in tlie ,-. Rev. 10. I. angel clothed with a c, 11. 12. they ascended in a c. 14. It. white c. on c. one>at, 15, 16. CLOUDa/onV. Erod. 40. 35. because r. a. thereon Xum. 9. I", c. a. there they pitched Morning CLOUD. Hot. 6. 4. your goodness as m. e, 13. 3. be us m. c. HI d early dew .Pi/far n/CLOL'D. Erud. 13. 21. by day in n pillar of e, 14. 24. on TV) ptnois thru' piL of c. .Yum. 12. V K camr down in p. of c. Drvt.3\. 15. L Mppt'ared \np.ofe, Keh. 9. 19. the uiL of r. departed not CLOUD MM M. Ernd. 40. 36. c. a /. up. .Vum.9. 17 j7. c. not t. i/i> journeyed not H'AifX LOUD, trr 14. 14. a ic. c. and on c. on* Ml COA CLOUD of initneiaei. tteb. 12. I. comp. 'with so great c. w. CLOUDS. Deut. 4. 11. c. and thick darkness Judg. 5. 4. c. dropped with water 2 Sam. 22. 12. about him thick c. 23. 4. as a morning without c. 1 A'in. 18. 45. heaven black with c. Job 20. 6. tlio' his head reathed to c. fi. 14. thick c. covering to him 26. 8. bindeth up waters in c. 3fi. 29. understand spreadingsof c.? 37. 1R. know, balancings of the c. 'i 38. 37. number c. in wisdom ? PtiL .'{f>. 5. thy faithfulness to c. 57. 10. thy truth to the c. 108. i. 69. 34. bia strength is in the c. 77. 17. the c. poured out water 78 23. tho' he com. c. from above 97. 2. c. tind darkness about him 104 3. maketh c. his chariot 147. 8. covereth heaven with c. Frov, 3 20. c. drop down the hall P. and all saints Mai. 3. 1. the Lord ye seek shall c. ttat. 2. 6. out of thee e. Governor & la thy kingdom e. Luke II. 2. 8. 9. c. and he rnmeth, Luke 7. 8. 11. many shall P. from the east 11. 3. he thnt h. p.? Luke 7. 19, 20. 28. c. all ye that labour 16. 24. if any man will c. after me 17. HI. Ellas must first C.? II. 84. II then tthall the end c. 4V. know not hnr Lord doth e. 2-V 34. c. ye blessed of my Father Mark 8. 34. if any will c. after me Luke it. M. | 14. 27. Itt 14. little chil. to c. Luke 18. 16. "Lukr 10. I. plnre whither he won. c. 17. -Jii. when kingdom should c. 1. l:i. opcupy till I c. 2V. 18. till kingdom of God shall c. John I. 3S1 he saith. c. and ee a SO haptiz>'th, and all men r. 5 14. lent worse thing c. to thee 40. ye will not c. to me that ye (. 3V Father giveth shall c. to me 44. no man ran c. except Fitth. IV>. 7. 34. I am, thither ye cannot c. 37. if any man thirst, let him c. R. 14 ye raunot tell whence I c. 13. 19. bef.ire it p. that when c. 14. IM. not leu ve , I will r. unto you 23. and we will e. unto him 17 II. I r. t" th-e, 13. 81. 22. if I will he Urry till I c 23. Irti III. this leus shall so c. an 8. 80 before great day of Lord c. H V4 pray none of these thing* c. > :m that he would not delay to c. 13. 4 / . lest that c. upon you M. t over into Macedonia COM Arts 19. 4. believe on him should c. 2fi 2V, than Moses did Kay should c, Rom a 8. do evi tint gma4 may p. 1 Cor. 4. A. judge imth.nir; (ill I.! c. 11. 26. show I-onl's deuth till he c. 34. will I set in order when 1 c. V Cor. 1. 15. 1 was minded to c. IV 20. for I fear, lest when 1 c. 2 Tfi,t. I. 10. shall r. to be glorified 2. 3. except r. a falling away 1 rim. 4. a life now i*. and to c. 2 Tim. 4. 3. tune will r. they ivill not ///.. 4. 16. let us r. l.oldly to throne 7. 25. able to nave them c. to God in. 37. he that shall e. will c. KIT 2. 6. repent, else I will c. quick. V\ ye have, hold fast till I c. 3 11. I p. quickly, 22. 7,20. 6 I. saying, c. and see, 3, 5, 7* 22. 17. and let him athirste. CUMK again. Gen. 88. 21. so that IP. a. to fath. F.fod. 14. V6 waters c a. on Kin p. Judg. 8. 9. I c i. in peace, I'll break 13. 8. let man of God r. n. to us I A' in. '2. 41. Shimei was c. again 12. 5. depart for 3 days find then c.a, 2 CHron. 10. Si 17. 21. let this chiltr. 15. 30. Luke 19. 5. J.'MI- said, Zncchi-us c. d. John 4. 4. c. dmrn err child die CO ME Art*. Gen. 15. 4. he that c. / of thy howels I .Sam. 14. II. Hebrews p./ ..f h 1 A' in. ii 30. saith the kinir, . 2 Ain. Ill 2ft. slay, let none c. "f.rth Jnl> 23. Itt tried, I shall r. / as gold Ptal. 17 i let my sentence t. forth 8H & I am shut up, 1 cannot e.f. IK fearelh (J.Hi cliall P./ l*a. 1 1. I.e./ a r..d nut "f stem of J.-SM. 48. 1. art c. f. of waters of Jiuliih Jfr. 46. H. let mighty men c. folk r'.zek. VI. lit. twain c. f of one Ininl Dun. a 26. ye servant's ol (;IM|. c / J'-fl 3. 18. a fountain shall r. forth Mir. .'>. - A out of Ihee r. fnttfi ruler Hut. IS. IS. c./ from heart >ind -l.'file Murk !. 2! I. this kind r. f. by prayer Lukt\'t.'3i willr. /. anaserTe tbrm 74 COM Jafin 5. 29. shall r. f. they done g. ..xj II. 4.'i. he cried, Lazarus c. firth Act* 7. 7. they shall c. f. and serve m COMKAt'Mrr. [p. A. dm. 15. Hi. in the 4th generation sh. Judg. 16. 2. Samson is c. hithrr 1 .Sum. 10. 22. H the man should e k. If.. II. not sit down till her. A. 2 .Sum V". 16. say to Joab, c. A. I ma* /Vr. 26. 7. belt' r it lie said. r. upd. Dan. a 26. ye *erants ol God, c. A. John 4. 16. Je.saitli. .all hush, and c.h. Act* 17. & turned ..r 1,1, are c i. Aer. 4. 1. c. up A. 1 1. IV. | 17. 1. I VI. 9. COM I. in ,T into. Gen, 19. 31. not u man toe. in to us 24. 31. p. in thou M.-s-eil of Lord A'r/m. 27. VI. at his word .shall c. in JteuL 31. 2. 1 can no more .-. in Jnin. 14. 11. so my strength to r. in 1 A'in. I. 14. I wi'll r. in after Ihee 3. 7. 1 know not ho\v to r. in or 14. 6. c. in thou i|, of Jeroboam I ft. 17. any to go out or c. in 2 A'in. 4. 4. wlienr. in shut door 1 1. H. each his men to r. in and 2 CAr. I. la and p. in before people 10 I. none go out or r. in to Asa 23. 6. P. into house, xuve priests .VpA. 2. 7. till I P into Judah r'.ith. ri. 5. said, let Hainan p. m PiaL 24. 7. king ol glory r. in, 9. t:9. '.. for the waters ar- c. in !Ki. 8. and p. intti his i rts 1*0. la 1. Lord .-hall r. int<, Kirypt V.'l Assyrian shall r. inro Kgypt 24. 10. -v. house chut, no man r. in J-r. 17. 19. gxte, kings of Jndah p. in 51. 50. let Jeriis. c. into your mind iWip. ft. ft. when Assyri in shall r. into Mat. 16 27. Son of man xh. p. in glory 24. 5. many shall c. in my name, Murk 13. o. l.tike->\. a 25. 31. Son of man shall r in glory Luke 11. 3a wh. p. in may see light 12 46. p. in a day h. |ook< Ih not 14. 2M. compel th'-m to r. in John 5. 43. I am c. in my Father's name, if anolhiT shall r. a 14 prophet, that should p. I1.V7. .fcfct 16. Ift. c. intu my house Horn. 1 1. 25. fulness of (Jent. be c. in 1 Cur. 14. 23. c. in those unlearned 24. if P. in one helo-vetli not Jnin. V. 2. there p. in a poor man A'I r. a 20. P. in to him. and sup CO.Mi: tifiir. Gen, 20. 4. Al'ime. bail not p. n. hei Enid. 16. 9. say, c. n. before the L. A'um. lt>. ft. will cause htm to p. n. 1 Sum. 10. 20. caused tnl.es to r. n. Pud. 3V. 9. held, lest they p. n. thee 1 19. 169. let my pry c. n. thee /HI 41. 1. let us c. . to judgment 4M. |t\ p. ye n. hear \e tM- 8. mine adrersnry ? p. n to me Erek. 40. 4fi. P. ;/. to L. to minist-i 44. I ft. shall c. near me to nut.ist.-i Mai. a 5. P. n. to you tojiidgmeiit l.ukr 19. 41 P. n. be beheld . ity Artt'13. 15. and we, or ever he p. n. COMK niuh. Emd. ?4. 3tt w. re alund to c. n.him LIT. lit. a be sanctified in all r. in>A Luke 10 9. kingdom of i ,,,.1 p. n. ] 1 COMK w../. Krad. V4. V. hut lhe> sh.ill not p. nigh A'FIFB. Ifi. 12. i-aid we will . r. up, I i ./o A. 3. 4. c. init neat unto rk ^.'1 7. that yep. mil Bill' 'in.' rations V Nam. 14. i). JiMb would ni.< c. 2 A'in.l'J.3V.kinir of Assyiia n..-. intj city, 33. Ita. 37. 38, 34 2 CAr. 35. 21. 1 e. nut H""-t tto COM Szia 10. 8. nnt r. within three days Juli 13 16. hypocrite . c. before him Ptal. ;J2. 6. i'n floods, they shall n. c. 69. -21. let them n. c. into thy riff lit. 91. 7. but it shall not c. nigh thee ).'i2. .'). I will n. r. to taber. i>f house Prof. 5. 8. c. B. nigh door 'if house Isa. 7. 17. Lord shall bring days n.c. 32. 10. gathering shall not c. 54. 14. terror shall no/ c. near thee (ii 5. tvtiirh say, c. not near me ***. 16. 16. like things shall note. lint. 4. 15. c. nut ye unto Giljal, nor R 4. th>irsonl shall n. c. into h use /,. 14. 18. if family of Eg. c. n<,t Mitt. 22 3. and they would nut c. K~k 2. 4 n. c. for'press, iuke 8.19. Litl? 14. 20. married, 1 cannot c. Jc/m 5. 24 note, into condemnation 411 nut c. that ye might have life 7. 34. thither ye cannot c. 36. 15. 22. if 1 had no< c. not had sin 16. 7. tl e Comforter will note. \ Cor. 4 18. as th.i* I wl>uid not c. COVE out. yen. 15 14. shall c. o. with substance 17. 6. kings c. out of thee, 35. 1 1. Num. 11. 20. till itc. out at no-trils 12. 4. c. unt ye three to tabernacle ii. 5. people c. out of Egypt, II. Drf. 28. 7. c. o. one way flee seven Judg. 9. ii). increase army, and r. o. I Sam. 11. :{ tomorrow we will c.o. 10. 24. 14. alti-r whom is king c. out '( t Sum. 16. 7. c. nut, bloody man Kin. 6. I. 480th year after I-r. c. o. 2i. 17. men c. out of Samaria Kin. 5. 1 1. he will c. out to me 18. 31. agreem. and e. o. I*a. 36. Ifi. Ptal. 14. 7. O that salva, c, o. ol Zion 68.31 princes shall c out of Egypt y/ih, I. II. one c. out imagineth evil Mat. 5 2i. c. CH< ti.l thou ha-t paid 26. 55. are ye c. o. as against a thief Mark 14. 48. 7.u** 22. 52. 3/ar* I. 25. c. o. of him, Lwte 4. 3V 5. 8. c. o. unclean spirit, /,< S. 2&. John I. 46. -ny ifood c. o. of N'azar. y 7 41. shall Chtist c. o. of Galilee ? //efa 16. IS. in na, of J. to c. o. of her Horn. Ii 26. c. oulofZion Deliverer K C<-r. 6. 17. c. otd from among them Heb. 7. 5. tho' c. o. of loins of A lira. Rep. 16. 13. spirits c. out of dragon 18. 4. saying. c. oulof her my peo. ' COME topa*t. Xtim. II. 23. whether in) word c.top. Deui. 13. 2. siifii or wonder c. to past J '.nt 3 23. all c. . of glory of God HP*. 4. ' ihould seem to c. t. of it COM COME together. Job 9. 32. we should'e. t. in jndgm. 19. 12. his troops c. t. against me Jer. 3. 18. c. t. out of land of north 50. 4. l.-rael and Judah shall c. t. Acts 1. 6. when they were c. t. v8. 17. 10 27. he found many c. together 19. 32. knew not wherefore c. t. 21. 22. multitude must needs c. to. 1 Cor.'.b.c.t again, that Satan tempt 11. 17. you c. t. not for the better 18. when ye c. t. 20. 33. | 14. 26. 34. ye c. not /. to i oi.demnation U.23.if whole church be c. together Cl.'ME up. Erod. !9. 24. c. up thou and Aaron 24. 12. c. up to me into mount 33 5. I will c up in a moment .'U. 3. no man shall c. up with thee A'um. 20. 5. wh c. u. out of Egypt * Joxh, 1 0.6.C.1/P to us quickly and help Judg. I. 3. Judah said c. up with me 15. 10. why are ye c. up against us 'i 16. IS Delilah sent, c. up this once 1 Sam. 14. 10. if they say c. up 17. 25. seen n an that is c. up ? I Kin, I. 35. then c. up after him 20 22. of Syria will c. up ag. thee 2A'in.l&25.ain I c. upwithout "L./z.36. Job 7. 9. to grave, c. up no more [ID. Prov. 25. 7. bt'tter said. c. up hither 7.i. 8. 7. c up over all his channels 14. 8. no feller ii c. up against us 6'>. 7. c up with acceptance on altar Jer.49.l9.he shall c.uplike lion,50.44. 22. he shall c. up and fly as eagle Ezek.'.R. I6.shalt c.up aga. my people II- * 1. II. shall c. up out of land .3. 15. the wind of the L. shall c. up Obad. 21. saviours sh c. up on Zion Zech. 14. 17. whoso will not c. up 18. if family of Egypt c. not up Acts 8. 31. Philip to c. up and s:t 10. 4. Cornelius, thy alms are c. up Rev. t. 1. c. t/p hither, and I, II. 12. COME, Pasiire. Gen. a 13. the end of all flesh is c. IH. 5. are ye c. to your servants 21 according to cry whi< h c. to me Ej-od. 3. 9. cry of Israel is c. to me \um. 22. 11. there i- a pei pie c. Josh. S. 14. as captain am I c. Judg. 16. 2. Samson is c hither 1 Sam. 4. 7. God is r. into the camp 9. 1(>. because their cry is c. to me 2 Kin. 8. 7. nian of God is c. hither Ezra 9. la after all that is c. Jol, 3. 25. thing I feared is c. 4. 5. Pna'. 44. 17. all this is c. on us, yet 53. h. l that saltation were c. 51. 5. fear, and tremh are r. upon me t<9 2. I am c. into deep waters 102. 13. yea, the set time isc. Int. 10. 28. lie is c. to Aiath '>6. I. my sal\Htion is near to c. 60. 1. shine, for thy liphl is c. 63. 4. year of my redeemed is c. Jer. 40. 3. therefore this is c. on you 50. 27. wo to them, their day is c. 31. thy day is c. I will visit thee 51. 13. in waters, thy end is c. l.nm. 4- IS. our end is r. V I. remember what is c. upon us Ezek. 7. 2. an end is c. on land, 6. 7 the morning is c. upon thee 10. day. behold it isc 39. 8. 21. 25. whose day isc. 29. Dun. 9. 13. all this evil is c. on us Amu 8. 2. the end is r. ..n Israel Mir. 1.9. he is c. to gate of my peo. Milt. 12. 28. kingd. of God is r. to yon 18. 11. Son of man is c. to sve that Murk 14. 41. sleep on now, hour isc. Luke 19. 10. is c. to seek and to save 75 COM Jnhn 4. 25 is c. hp will teli na all U. 2R Master is c. and calleth 12. 23. J. answ. the hour is c. P. I. I Cor. 13. 10 when that perfect is e. Col. 1. 6. which gospel is c. to you 1 JuAn 4.3. thatconfesseth not ('drift is c. in the flesh. 2 John 7. 5. 20. we know Son <.f God is c. / m CO M E or am / CO M K. Exod. 18. R 7 Jethro am c. to tbee .Vt/rn. 22. 38. Bal. said. In, 1 am r. 2Sawj.14.32.wheref.am /c.fr.Ge-hnr? I'sal. H9. 2. / > c. into deep waters Eccl. I. 16. lo I am c. to great estate Dan. 9. 23. /am c. to show, 10. 14. In. 12. I am c. for thy words Mat. 5. 17. / am c. to destroy law 9. 13. 7am ntc. to call righteoiM 10. 34. not 7 am c to send peace 35. I am c. t" set at variance Luke 12. 51. I am c. toijive peace John 1. 31. therefore am I c. haptiz. 5. 43. 7 am e. in my Father's name 7. 2R I am not c. of myself, he that 9. 39. for judgment 7 am c. U. 10. 7am c. they might have life 12. 46. 1 nine, a light into world 16. 28. 7am c. again 1 leave world COME joined with Time. Gen.30.33 righteou. answer in t. toe. Ervd. 13. 14. thy son asketh in t. toe Deut. . 20. Jo*//. 4. 6, 21 Prat 102. 13. the set ftW is c. 7Vor.31.25.she shall rejoice in t toe Cant. 2. 12. t. of sinuing ol birds is e Isa. 13. 22. her timeis near to c. 30. 8. note in a book, be for t to c. 42. 23. who will hear for time to c.l Ezek. 7. 7. t. is c. I2.|| Hag. 1. 2. not c 7-uXre 9. 51. t c he sh. be received U| Gal. 4. 4. when fulness of t. was c. 1 Tim. 6. 19. founda. against t. to c. 1 7V/. 4. 17. <. is c. Judg. must begin Yet CuME. Deut. 12. 9. iwtyetc. to the rest John 2. 4. my hour is not ve/ c. 7. 6. my time is not yet v. 8. 30, hour was not yet c. 8. 20. 1 1. 30. Jes. was not yet c. into town Rev. 17. 10. the other is not yet c. COMELY. I Sam. 16. 1& David a c. person Job 41. 12. conceal his c. proportion Psal. 33. I. praise is c. far, 147. 1. TVf/r. 30. 29. four are c. in going Eccl. 5. 18. it is c. for one to eat Cant. 1. 5. I am blai k, hut c. 10. thy cheeks are c. with jewels 2. 14. thy count, nance is c. 4. 3. thy speech is e. K. 4. art c. O my love, as Jerusalem Isa. 4. 2. the fruit shall be c. Jer. f>. 2. dau. of Zion to a c. woman I Cor. 7. 35. I speak for that c. 12. 24. c. parts have no need COMELINESS. 7.tn. ',3. 2. hath no form nor c. Ezek. 1'i. 14. perfect thro' my c. 27. 10. they of Lud set forth thy e. Dun. 10. R my c. into corruption I Cor. 12. 23. more abundant c. COMER:}. Heb. 10. 1. the c. thereunto perfect COMEST. Deut. 38. fi. blessed when thou c. in 1". cursed when thou c. in Judg. 17. 9. Micha said, whence c. Id. 17. old man said, wh nee r. thofl ! Sam. Hi. 4. c. peaceably? I AVn.2.13. 17. 45 thou c. to me with a sword ? Kin. 5i 25. whence c. thou Gchasif .//< I. 7. whence c. thou r 2. *. Jonah I. a whence c. thou f Mat. 3. 14. and c. thou to mf COM 7.ri. 23. Vi when c. Into thy kingdom COMETH. Devi. 23. 11 rover that c. from thee 1 .S'.frn. 4. 3. when ark r. may rove us 9. 8. all he nith c. surely to IMS* 20.29.theref. hee. nut to kind's table Jolt 581 20. whence then c. wis.Iorn ? T^wji 30. 5. hut joy c. in morning 1 75. 6. promotion r. nut from east 96. 13. hef. L. far he c. to judge 1 18. 2& blessed is ho c. in name 121. 2. tny help c. from the Lord F.i-rl. 6. 4. he c. in with vanity Cant 2 8. lie c. leaping on mount Jta. 13 . day of L c with wrath 30 f name of L. r from far 62 I . say to Zinn thy salvation c. S3 1. who is this e. from Kdom er V. 6. not nee when (rood c. 43. II. c. he shall smite Egypt Lam. 3. 37. aith. and it c. to pass Ere*. 20.31 wh. c. in Tour mi nd not be 21. 7. because it c. behold it c. 24. .'4. when this a know I am L. 33. 31. they rome as people e. 33. when this c. to pass, then Z>o 12. \'i blessed r. to 1336 (lays J-/il.day of L.e Z-A.I4.1.irA.5.2- A/.;/. 4. I. day r. that shall burn Jtfotail. he that c. after is mightier .War* I. 7. i*e 3. 16. & 37. more than these c. of evil 8. 9. come, and he c. Luke 7. 8. 91. .V behold, thy kinge. John 12. 15. 9. Messed is he e. in name of L. Mark II. 9. Luke la .>>. | 19. 38. S5. I!), after long time lord e. Mark 8. .19. asln. when he c. in glory 9. Ii Elias r. first and restnreth H. 43. u-hile he spake c. Judas Luke 6. 47. whoso r. to me, and 12. 37. he c. shall find watching 40. c. at an hour ye think not 43. when he e. shall find so doing .V.. there will he heat, and it c. to 17. 20. c. not with observation 1R a c. shall he find faith on earth ? John 3. 8. canst not tell whence it c. 20. nor c. to the light lest deeds 4. 21. woman, hour c. 23. | 16. 32. ft 3.">. c. to me never hunger, 37. 45. learned of Father, c. to me 7. 27. C. c. n nwn knoweth, 31. 48. Christ c. of seed of David 9. 4. night e. no man can work 14. 6. no man c. to Father but Ifi. 32. hour c. ye shall be scattered 4cit\Q. '.l-i. when he c shall speak 1 Cor. 15. 2*. then c. the end 2 Cr. 1 1 28. beside wh c ou me daily 1 Tkrt. 5. 2. day of L. c. as a thief //.-'-. 1 1. 6. e. to God. must believe he Jude 14. L. c. with IOOUO of his saints Rev. I. 7. he e. with clouds 17. 10. c. continue a short space COMETH iio>rn. l'fETH m**. ,Vum. 1. 51. stranirerfhat c. n. be put to death, 3. 10.38. | 18. 7. COMETH out. Out. tS. 67. evil to* young or c. o. COM Ita. 26. SI. Lord e. o. of tils place 42. 5. spread earth, and what c. o. Mat. 15. 11. e. o. f mouth, this de. fileth a man, Mark 7. 20. COMETH up. I Sam OS. 14. said, an old man e up Cant. 8. Si c. up from wilderness ? Jer. 46. 7. that c. up as a H.MM! ? 50. a out of north c up a nation COMFORT. Job ft 10. then should I yet have ft 10. 20. alone that 1 may take e. Ptai 1 19. 60. this is my ft in afflic. 76. let kindness be for my e. ha. 57. 6. should I receive c. in these? F.zek. 16. 54. thou artac. to them Miit. 9. 22. be of good c. Lu. a 4S. Mark 10. 49. be of good c. he calleth Act* 9. 31. walking in ft of Holy G. Rom. 15. 4. thro' c. of the scriptures 1 Cor. 14 a s.peaketh toexhor. audc, 2 Cor. 1. 3. blessed be God of all c. 4. ft wherewith wo are comforted 7. 4. I am ti led with c. 13. we were comiorted in your ft 13. II. brethren, be of good ft PhiLt 1. if any c. of love 19. of good c. when I know Co/. 4. 11. these only, been ft to me COMFORT, fero. Gen. 5. 89. same c. us concer. work la 5. c. ye your hearts 27. 41 Esau doth c. himself .'{7. 35. sons rose up to e. him Jurfg. 1>). -S. e. heart with bread, & 2 Sam. 10. 2. Davi I sent to ft him 1 Chron. 7. 22. breth. came to c. him Job 2. 1 1. friends came to ft him 7. I >. say, my bed shall c me 9. fl. if I nay, I will c. myself 21 34. how then c. ye me in vain Ptnl. 2a 4. thy staff, they c. me 71. 21. shali c. me on every side 1 19. 82. when wilt thou ft me f Cunt. 2. 5 ft me with apples Ixi. 'fi. 4. labour not to c. me 40. I. ft ye, e. ye my people 51. a Lord shall e. Zion, e. wastes 19. by whom shall I c. thee? 61. 2 sent me to c. all that mourn PK. 13. so will I e. you in Jerusalem J'-r. 8. IS. when I would ft myself II 7. nor men tear to c. them 31. 13 I will c. and make rejoice Lam. I. 2. she hath none to c. her,17. 21. there is none to e. me 8. la equal, that 1 may c. thep? Ezek. 14. 2a c. when ye see ways Zech. 1. 17. Lord shall yet c. Zion ID. 2. they e. in vain John 11. 19. t-i e. them concerning 2 Cor. 1. 4. may he ahle to e. them 2. 7. ye ought rather to c. him Eph. 6. 22. he might ft your hearts CoL 4. 8. estate, and ft your hearts 1 The*, a 2 to c. yon concer. faith 4. IS. c. one ano. with these words 5. II. wherefore c. yourselves toge. 14. c. the feeble-minded 2 The*. 2. 17. I. Jesus c. your hearts COMFORTABLE, 2 Sam. 14. 17. word of my Unow he e. Zech. 1. 13. U nnsw. with c. words COMFORTABLY. 2 Sam. 19. 7. speak e. to thy servants 2 Chr. .10. 2!. he spake c. to l.evites 32. R. set captains, and spake ft /../. 40, 2. speak ye e. to Jerusalem Hot. S. 14. f will .peak c. to her COMFORTED. Om. 94. 67. l*ar was c. 37. 35. Jacob refused to be ft 3S.I2. Judah w:ise. went tooherp.sk. 50. 2!. Joseph c. hU brethren 76 COM Ruth 2. ia find favour for hast r. me i Sam. I-.'. -2t. David c. Uatlusli.'hn 13. 39. he ..< c. i-onreii iiii,' AII.IIOQ J;!> 4^. 1 1. bretliren c. him over evil Pni 77 2. my soul refused to be t . 17. because thou L. huat c. luc 119. 52. and have c. mysell lua. 4'J. 13 (Jod c his people, 58. 9. 5t. II. Oh tbou afflicted, not c. Oi. l.'i. ye shall bee. in Jerusalem J'-r 31. 15. Rachel refused to l.e e. Erek. 5. U fury to rest, 1 will be e 14. 22. be c. concerniiiir all the evil 31. I'i. all that drink water be c. .-(.'. 31. l'li:ir.ioh shall bee. Mat. 'J. IS. not be c. bee. were not 5. 4. inourn, tor they shall he c. 'I.ukf lo. ?5. he is c. t'h.ni tormented Jnhn II. 31. the Jews which r. her vlcto 16. 40. seen brethren c. them 20. 12. broiifibt man alive, werec: Hum. I. I?. I may bee. wilh you 1 (or. 14. 31. in iy ! arn. and all I e ft 2 Cor 1.4. cuihfurt wh. we :. Sum. 3. '2.Y to know thy r in 2 A'i l!).27.l know thy c .i'n,/i.37.28l wji 37. 13. seeth his day is r. 121. 8. L. shall preserve thy r. in Ita. 44. 7. tliiims c. let them ihow Jfr. 8. 7. observe time of I heir c. .Vi>. 7. 15. accord, to days of thy e. Mai 3. 2. may abide day of ::i e.) 4. 5. before c. of the preat day Mat. 16. 23. till *ee too of 111,111 r. 24. 3. What hMI l.e i(?n of thy c. /7. so c. of Son of m^n be. 37, ,'CI. 30. Son of man c. in rlnu.ls, 2(. 64 .Vir. 13. 2<;. I 14. tii. /.it 21. 27 Vf. Lord delayeth r l.nk- \~2. 45. 25. 27. at c. rec. my own, I.u I!), al Mark fi. 31. many c. and iri'biif I.u. 18 5. continual c. she weary m JoAn .'>. 7. I am r. another steppeth >>. h'.ur is r 28. || 10. 12. w,,|f r. Ada 7. 52. showed b.-f. c. of j-ist Ont 9. 2R Saul was with them r. in 1.1 2. Juhn preached bef-j/w hit r. COM t Cor. I. 7. waiting fore, of L. Jes. }'. 23. that arc Christ's, at his c. 1ft 17. 1 .tin ul.id (if r. of Stephanas 1 Cor. '5.8. Odd comf. us hy c. of Tit. 7. not hy his c. only hut byconsol. Phil. 1. 26. more abundant, hy myc. 1 Then. 2. 19. our rejoicing at his c.f 3. 13. tinblameable at c. of Lord 4. 15. }ve which remain to r.. of L. 5. 23. blameless to c. of our Lord 2 T/tfs. 2. I. we beseech hy c. of L. 8. destroy with brightness of c. 9. c. is after working of Satan J-im. 5. 7 be patient to c. of Lord 8. c. of Lord draweth nigh 1 Pet 2. 4. c. as unto a living stone 2 Pet I. 16. the power and r. of L. J. 3. 4. where is promise of his c.? I'/, hasting to c. of day of God 1 Juhn 2. 28. not be ashamed at hisc. Her. 13. 11. another beast c. up 21. 2. new J. rus. c. down from God COMINGS. Exek. 43. 11. show them the c. in COMMAND. Job 39. 27. eaale mount at thy c.? COMMAND. Gen. 18 19. Abrah. will c. children E.rod. 18. 23. and God c. thee so A'/. 9. a I will hear what L. c. 3l>. (i. this is the thin? L. doth c. Di'itt. 28. 8 L. c. blessing- on thee 32. 4(i. c. children to observe Jtish. II. 15. so did Moses c Joshua Paul. 42. 8 L. c. his lovinif kindness 44. 4. c. deliverance for Jacob Isa, 43. 11. concerning work of my hands, c. ye me Jirv. 27. 4. c to gay to their masters Lam. 1. 10. didst c. should not enter Mat. 19. 7. why did M. c. to give wri. 27. 61. c. sepulchre be made sure Murk 10. 3. what did Moses c. you Luke 8. 31. not c. to go into deep 9. 54. wilt thou we c. fire to come Acts 5. 28. did not we straitly c you 15. 5. to c. to keep law of Moses 2 Thes,3A. ye do, and will do thi. wee. (i. we c. you, in name of our Lord 12. such e c. and exhort by L. J. 1 Ti'n. 4. II. these (hinsfsc. and teach /COMMAND. Er. 7. 2. spenk all I c. Jer 1. 7, 17. 34. 1 1. observe what I c. Deut. I2.2R I.er. 25. 21. / wil! c. my blessing Deut. 4. 2. not add to word / c. you 7. 11. which I c. this day, 8. II. | 10. 13. | 11. 8.27. | 13. 18. | 30. a 24. 18. / c. thee to do this, 22. :0 Hi. /c. thee this day to love L. Jer. \ \. 4. do all which / c. you AIHM'.I.'.I. / ill c. and sift house of Is. Juhn 15. 14. if ye do what / c. you 17. 1 c. you, that ye love one ano. Act: 16. 18. / r. thee in mime of J. e. COMMANDED. G,3.l8. Jnsli. i. 8. rhil. of Is. did as J..sh. c. 22. 2 obeyed mv voice in nil I c. Jtutg. 13. 14. all 1 c. let her observe .' Sum. 20 29. broth, c. me to he there 21. 2. the king c. me a business 23em.l. 14 they perfor. all king c. 2 A'in. 1 1. !). ac, ,>r. to all Jehoiuda c. I'i. Iri. according to all Ahaz c. 2 Clinn. a 14. so had David c. 14 4. Asa r. Judith to seek Lord 32. 12 llejekiah || 33. 16. Mimas. Kith, 4. 17. Mordecai did as Ksth. c. a 9. written, or. to all Morde. c. Jot' 3S 1 2. ha*; tnou c. morning A;-. 35. 6. .'cuadab c. us, 10, 14, 10,18. COM F.zek. 12. 7. I did as I was c. YJ. 7. Dan. 3. 4. to you it is c. O people Mat. 14. 19. c multitude to sit, 15.35 Mark f>. 39. 18. 25. his lord c. him to be sold 21. fi. disciples did as Jesus c. 28 20. teaching to observe all I c. Luke 9. 21. he c. them to tell no man Acts 25. 6. Festus c. Paul to he bro. 1 Cor. 14. 34. c. to be under obedience I Thes. 4. II. work as we c. Heb. 12. 20. could not endure that c. God COMMANDKD. Gen. (i. 22. accor. to all G. c. so did he 7. 9. into ark as God had c 16. | 21. 4. Deut. 20. 17. Jo.v,l 10. 40. /)ew 5. 32. observe to do as L. c. you 6. 1. G. e. to teach you, 20. | 13." 5. 26. 16. this day G. c. thee to keep 1 Chr. 14. 16 David did as God c. Exra 7. 23. whatsoever is c. by God Psal. 6a 2a G. hath c. thy strength Acts 10. :^3. to hear all c. thee of G. 2 Cor. 4. (i. God who c. light shine Lord COMMANDED. 2 Sum. 24. 19. David went up as L. c. Psal. 106. 34. cone, whom L. c. them 133. 3. for there, L. c. blessing Lam. 1. 17. /.. hath c. concer. Jacob Acts 13. 47. turn to Gentiles so L. c. Lord or God COM M ANDED, implicitly. Ex. 23. 15. as I c. in time appointed Deut. 17. 3. whii h I haye not c. 18.2(1. Jer. 19. ft. | 23. 32. i 29. 23. Josh. 1. 9. have not I c. thee ? be I Kin. 11. 10. c. Sol. concerning this 1 Chr. 16. 15. word he c. to 100(1 gen. rations. Psal. 105. 8. Psal. 1. 6. awake tojudgm. haste. 33. 9. he c. and it stood lust 111.9. he hath c. his covenant 119. 4. c. us to keep thy precepts 138. testimonies hast c. are right 148. 3. he c. they were created Isa. 13. 3. c. my sanctified ones 31. Ifi. for my mouth it hath c. 45. 12. heavens and host have I c. Jer. 7. 31. which 1 e. not, 19.5. | 32,35. Lam. 2. 17. word he c. in days ot old Ezek. 9. II. I have done as thou c. 24 18. I did in morn, as c. 37. 10. Zech. I. 6. words I c. did they not \lal. 4. 4. remem. law I c. in Horeb Luke 14. 22. Lord, it is done as c. Acts 10. 42. he c. us to preach to peo. Moset COMMANDED. Deut. 31. 29. turn from way I c. 33. 4. Moses c. us a law, even Josh. 1. 7. observe to dnall M. c. 22. 2. ye have kept nil M. c. you Mat. 8. 4. offer the gift Motet c. Mark 1. 44 offer for thy cleansing things Minei c. Luke 5 14. John a 5 Moses c. such l>e stoned COMMANDEDST. Neh. 9. 14. thou c. them pre epts Jer. 32. 2a done nothing thou c. COMMANDER. ha. 55. 4. and r. to the people COMMANDKST. Josh. I. 16. all thou c. us we will do la not hearken in all thou c. Jer. 32. 23. dune nothing of all c. Actt 2:i 3. c. me to be smitten COMMANDKTH. Sum. 32. 2ft. will do as my lord e. Job 9. 7. e. sun, and it riseth not 37. 12. they may do whatever he c. Liim. a 37. coineth, when L. r. not ? Murk I. T(. he c. spirits, Luke 4. 3(i. Art.i 17. .SO. c. all nn n to repent COMMANDING. Gen. 49. 33. Jacob HII end of c. sons 77 COM Mat. 11.1. Jesus madn eiid of & COMMANDMENT. Erod. 34. 32. in c. all L. had pnk*a A'wwj. l.V 31. broken c. be cut off 23. 20. 1 have received c. to blew 27. 14 ye rebelled against my c. Deut. 30. 1!. this c. I command I Kin. 2. 43. why hast not kept e. I Chr. 12. 32. breth. were at their a. 28. 21. people will be at thy c. 2CAr.l9. 10. come between law anac. 30. 12. one heart to do c. of king 31. 5. as soon as c. came abroad Exra 8. 17. 1 sent with c. to ldd 10. 3. ol those tremble at c. AVA. 11. 23. kings c. concern, them Esth. 1.12. refused to come at c. 3. 3. why transgresses! king's c.? 9. 1. when king's c. drew nigh Job 23. 12. nor gone back from t. Psal. 119. 96. c. exceeding broad 147. 15. forth his c. upon earth Prov 6. 23. the c. is a lamp 8. 29. waters not pass his c. 13. 13. feareth c. be rewarded 19. 16. keepeth c. keepeth soul Eccl. 8. 5. keepeth c. feel no evil Jer. 3ft. 14. obey their fathers' c. Dun. 3. 22. king's c. was urgent 9. 23. the c. came forth, and I am Hos. 5. II he walked after c. Mai 2 1. O priests, c. is for you 4. I have sent this c. to you Mat. 15. 3. transgress c of "God f 6. the c. of Gnd of no effect 22. 3fi. which is the great c. 38. this is great c. Mark 12. 30. Mark 7. 8. laying aside c. of God 9. full well ye reject c. of God 12. 31. no c. greater than these Luke 15. 29. nor transgressed I c. 23. 56. rested Sabbath accord, to e. John 10. 18. this c. 1 received of 12. 49. a c. what I should say 50. I know his c. is life everlasting 14. 31. Father gave me c. so I do 15. 12. c. that ye love, 1 John 3. 23. Acts 15. 24. we gave no such c. 23. 30. gave c. to his accusers Rom. 7. 8. occasion by the-c. 11. 9. c. came, sin revived 10. c. which was ordained to lite 12. c. is holy, just, and good 13. 9. if any other c. it is britfly in 16. 26. according to c. of everl. God 1 Cor. 7. 6. 1 speak this, not by c. 2 Cur. 8. 8. not by c. but by occasion Eph. 6. 2. the first c. with promise 1 Tim. I. 1. by c. of G. our S. Tit. 1. II 5. end of the c. is charity out of Heb. 7. 16. after law of a carnal c. 18. dis-'iinuiling of the c. going brf. i I. 23. were not afraid of king'b c. 2 Pet. 2..21. to turn from holy c. 3. 2. mindful of c. of us apostles 1 John 2 7. but an old c. 3. 23. tl.is is his c. we sh. believe 4. 21. this c. have we from him, h 2 John 4. received a r.. from Father 6. this is the c. 1 hat as ye heard Gire or Given COMMAS D M 1 . N T. /'.rorf. 25. 22. things I will gire in c. Dent. 1. 3. Lord hadg- him in c. to Ezra 4. 21. e. c. till another c. be g. I'il. 71. 3. Imst g. c. to save me Isa. 23. 1 1. L. h;,th #. c. ajr..inst city A'tfA. I. 14. I_ hath g. c. concer. the* Jn/iti II 57. g. c. if any knew where A'ecy* ("OMMAM.MIM. Sfi- Kni-P. CO M M A N D M E N T oftlie Lord. A't/m. 24. la I cannot i-o bey.c.o/Z. J*h. 2.'. 3. k.'pt charge ot c. oft. L. 1 Sum. I'-'. 14. not icbel iiga. c. oft. L. 15. but rebel against c. ofth* Lord COM 1. Kam. 13. 13 ha-t not kept r. oft.L. )i la Saul said, I perf. c. o/t L. 84 I have traimirrciuHtl c. nftht L. 9 Sort, 12 !. when f. despised c. o/tL. 9 A. V4 3. at c.of L. came on'Jn i. 2 CAr. 2U V.V for so was c. nftke L. ftal. 19. H he t. of the Lord \, pure 1 Cor. 7 %| virgin- I have n . r.of L. AVrr I OMMANDMENT. J.-A-i 13. 34. a n. c. I ifive unt you 1 Jnhn 2. 7. no ?inr r. || 9. a >if w r. 2 Joht .i. not as tho' I wrote ntir r. KfMled agniiitt the COMMAND MUST. ATvm. 27. U. ye rebelled ago. my c. OM/. I 2fi. hiU ye r. a. c. of I. 4:1 9. 'J3. hen ye r. a. the c. of Lord Lam. I. 18. I have r. ',!/! ,ig. hi* c. ( OMM tNDMKNTZ Gen 26. ft. Abraham kept my c. F.xod. I.V if, if uivc eiir to his c. 31. 2a wrote ten r. DeuU.\3 \ 10.4 I.er. 4. la somewhat ,iu. any r. 27. '>. 17. rominit -in forbidden hy c. 27. 34. these are c. L. commanded \nin. IV 3'.*. remefiiher all r. of L. DeuL 8 II. in not keeping his c. II. 13. If you shall hearken to my r. .s 13 ./.-.. ,/i.r. ;j. 4. 27. if ye will obey the c. of the L. 28 if ye will not obey the c. of L. 1 Sam. 15. II. '-ml not perf. my e. 1 Kin. 1 1. 34. her. he hath kept my c. 14. 8. David who kept my e. 18. la in that ye have forsaken c. I Kin. 17. Ifi. they left all the c. 19. Judah kept not c. of the Lord 18. 6. hut kept his c. which he coin 1! I'hr. 7. 19. if ye f..r-ake my c. 24. 20. why transgress ye the c. Ezra 9. 10. we hav forsaken thy c. 14. ihould we ai?ain break thy c. PiaL 89. 31 if they keep.nut my c. III. 7. all In- c. are cure 112. I. Messed he ileliirliteth in c. 119. 10. let me me not uander fr. c. 19. hide not thy c. from me 3:>. to fro in path of thy c. 47, I will delight in thy c. 66. for I have believed thy A 73. that 1 may learn thy e. (K. r. are are faithful || LSI. truth JK thro' c. made m wiser 1/7. I love thy c. || 131 I longed 14:1 c. my delights || "72. right ICfi. done thy c. || 176 not forget Pror. 2. I. wilt hide my c. with thee 7. 1. lay up my c. with thee 10. A wise in heart will receive c. 1*0. 48. 18. hailut hearkened to c. Nat. 5. lil. whom break least c. li 9. tcai-hniir c. of men, Markl.t. 22. 40. on these two c. hang law Mark 10. 19. koowest c, Luke la 80. IV. 29. first of c . is. henr O Israel I.iikr 1. 6. walking In c. blameless ,'fhii 14. 21. he that hath my c. and 15. 10. if keep my c. HS I kept Path. 1 Cor. 7. 19. nothi'iiK, hut keeping c. 14. 37. thing* I. write yon are c. CoL 2. fi. after c. and dort. nf men I Thei. 4. 2. ye know c. we gave you 1 JoAn 2. 4. k>-epeth not C. U liar a 24. that keepeth r. dwelleth 8 John 6. thi* is l"Ve, Walk after c. /;,, Id .IMAXDMKNTS. tium. 15. 40. do all my c. Dr-'t. Ij 25. observe to da all c. 15. 5. 1 tV,r. vs 7. if coii.tant to do my c. fuil U'3. IH. that r- member his c. 111. 10. understanding thnt da c. Rfr. 'J2. 14. Me>-e.l lire they dn c. Xotd,, CO.MM \Mi.\IKNTS. <*. >'i 14. U e will nut d a c. COM Keep CouMANpMr.i-n. S KEEP. COMMEND. /.u. 23. 46. into thy hands I c. spirit Act* 20. :. brethren I c. you t.i (..) Koin.3b.if our iinri-lit. r.right.of (. 16. I. I c. unto you f'hebe 2 Cur. 3. 1. do we begin airain to e. 5. 12. for we r. not niir>elve- 10. 12. compare with some that e. COMMKNUATION. 2 Cor. 3. 1. or in ed we epistles of r. COMMENDED. Gen. 12. 15. princes c. Sarai Pror. 12. & man c. arror. to wisdom KccL a 15. then I c. mirth Luke 16. 8. L. c. unjust steward b 14. 23. c. lh' in to U on whom i C'or. 12. II. to have been c. of you COMMENDETH. /font. 5. a God c. his love towards us 1 Cor. 8. 8. meat c. us not to (tod -' Cor.' Hi. 18. c. himself is approved COMMENDING. 2 Cor. 4. 8. c. i.nr-el. to man's ronsr. COMMISSION. S. 8 > delivi-reil the king's c. 12 as I went with c. COMMIT. F.jcod. 20. 14. Dot c. adultery, Unit. 5. 18. Mat. 5. 27. | la la Km. 13. 9. /.' r. A. 17. c. things forbidden la 29. c. any of the-e al>ominatin.s .Vum. 5. (>. c. any sin that men e. Dent. 19. 20. c. no more such evil -' I'hr. 21. II Jeru. to c. lornic.Uion . a to God would I c. my caime I'nil. 31. -V thine haml I c. my spirit 37. 5. r. thy way to the Lord Prop. 16. 3. c. thy works unto Lord 12. to kings to c. wirkedneos /ML 22. 21. 1 will c. thy government '' /. 41. 7. why c. ye this great evil Ezek. a 17 c. ahomin. they c. here Hi. 43. slmlt not c. this lewdnes 22. 9. in midst of thee c. lewdnest Hot. 6. 9 priests c.' lewdne&s 7. I. for they c. falsehood Luke 12. 4& did c. wm thy of ttripes 16. II. r. the true ri. hes t John 2. 24. Jesus did not c. himself Rum. I. 32. c. such worthy of death 2. 2. i- against them r. surh things 22. dost thou c. sacrilege ? 1 Cor. 10. 8. neither let us c. fornic. 1 Tim. I. la charge I c. to thee 2 Tim. 2. 2. same c. to faithful men Jam X 9. respect to pers. ye c. sin I I'rt. 4. 19. c. keeping of souls 1 John 3. 9. born of God, not c. sin Rev. 2. 14. taught Israel to c. forni. 20. my scrvantx to c. foruicatiou See AniiLTKRV. COMMIT iniquity. 2 Sum. 7. 14. c. i. 1 will chasten him Jof> 34. 10. Almighty he h. c. in. Jer. 9. 5. weary thems. to c inii/nitu Erek. a 20. from right.and c. i. 33. 13. COMMIT t Lrr. 5. 15. if a soul c. t. thro 1 ignor. .Vum. 5. 12. if a man's wife c. tret. 31. IB. caused l-rael to r. tretfxui J*h. 22. 20. A chan c. a trrxuau ( OM MIT whoredom or ,il,,,redonu. Ler. 20. 5. that c. v. with Molei-h .Vm. *:>. I. tor. r. with ilau.of Miinh Ezek. Ifi. 17. di'l-t c. ir with imag.s 31. none lolloueth tor. tihnredum 20. 3tt c. ye w. after thi'ir :il>oinin. ? va 4a will they r. tr. with her Ho*. 4. 10. r. ir. ami not im reaae 13. your danehtiTK ^liall c. if. 14. CO.MMI'I I Gen. 39. a c. all he hath to my hand 22. L. to JuM-ph the pribOiiiTS 78 COM Ler. 20. 23. c. these and I alihor'Ml Judg. 20. fi. c. lewdness in Israpl 1 A'IH. 8. 47. we have c wu keiine.it 14. 22. prov. him with sln they c. Jer. 2. 13. my people c. two eviit 5. :. an horrible thing is c. Ift 10. what is our sin we c. 44. a c. to provoke me, 9. Er,-k. 16. 2ti hast also c. lorniratl r 51. nor Samaria c. half of thy si js la 21. from sins he r. 22. 2S. 2a 3. c. whored, in Egypt in yon. I 7. c her whoredom* ith them 3a l(x none if sins he c. be nient Hoi. \ 2 land hath c. great w In rH 4 IS. they have c. whored >n> cone. Mark 15. 7. who had r. mur.i.T Luke 12. 4H. have c. much ot him .A./iii 5. 22. c. all judgment to Sou Act* 8. 3. r. them to pri-mi 2... 1 1. if 1 have c. anything worthy 25. found he c. nothing worthy 27. 40. e. themselves to the sea Va 17. C. nothing againt people finm. 3. 2. were c. oracles of (iod 2 for. 5. 19. c. to us word ol rroon. 12. 21. lasriviousness they c. <;/.2. ".gospel of the nnrircuineision was c. to me, ! Tint. 1. 11. 1 Vim. 6 2o keep what ;s c. to thee 2 Tim. 1. 12. able to keep wh. I c to Jam. 5. I a if he c. sins be forgiven I Pet. 2. 23. c. himolf to him judjf. J'ulf 15. ungodly deeds .* ev c. AVc. 17. 2. kings have c. for. la 3,9. See A sou i NATIONS. COMMITTED iniquity. Pia'. lOtj. (i. we have c. iniquity Kzfk. a'i. la i. c. he shall die, 1 Dan. 9. 5. c. t. and done foolishly COMMIT"! KD trnpau. Joth. 7. I. Isr. c. t. in accurseil thing 22. ic,. what (. is this ye have c. 31. because not c. this t aga. L. -*. 15. H. have c. t 1 will make 20. 27. in that they c. a t. aga. DM COMMITTEST, ETH, INC. PtaL 10. 14. poor c. himself to IDce Exck. 8. fi. abomina. Israel c. here 3a 15. without c. iniquity Ho*. 4. 2. by lying, c. adultery 5. 3. O Kphn'niii, c. wimp dom John H. 34. e. sin, is servant of sin I Cor. A. la c. fornication sinneth I .AVi/i a 4. c. sin transgreHKeth law/ a he that c. sin is of the devil COMMODIOUS. Act* 27. 12. the haven was not c. COMMON. I Sam. 21. 4. there i- no c bread Eccl a 1. there is an evil, it is c. Jrr. 31. 5. eat them as c. things Ezek. 2a 42. with men of r. sort AfU-i 44. had all things c. 4. 32. 10. 14. eaten any thing c. 11. 8 15. cleansed, call note-. II. 9 28. should not rail any thing <-. 1 Cor. 10. 13. no temptation hut a Tit. I. 4. my son after r. faith Judf 3. to write of c. salt atiun 8. Jer. 26. 2a into the craves of e. pro, Mark 12 37. r. p heard him gladly COMMON.-t//A. Ejih. 8, 12. aliens from the i-ireaUh COMMONLY, See HKPOKILU. ( OMMO'l ION. S. 2 Chr. 89. t "eliv. them tf. great c. J,-/-. 10. 22. a great c. out ol north Luke 21. 9. when ye hear if c. be i OMMUNE. Erod. 2S. 22. there r. with thee I Sum. Irt -ft. r. with Da. *e ( retlj lb.3.1 will c.with my father of th* COM Job 1 2. if assay to c. xvi'.h thee Ptal. 4. 4. c. with your :wn heart 64. 5. c. of laying snaris privily 77. 6. night I c. with trine heart COMMUNED. Grn. 23. 8. Abra. || 3*. 6. Hamor a W 24. Joseph || Judg. 9. I. Abim. 1 Sam. 9. 25. SatnnH || 25. 39. David 1 A'i.l0.2.the queen of Shehac.with Solomon, 2 Chr. ~). 1. 2 Kin. 22. 14. c. with Hu.dah F.ccl. I. IS. I c. ;vith mine hear* Dan. 1. 19. kini.' c. with them 2, tike G, II. c. what do to Jesu? 24. 15. while c. Jegus drew nigh AcU -21. W. Felix c. the oftener COMMUNICATE. Cat. 6 f. c. to him that teacheth Phil. 4. 4. c. with my afflictions 1 Tim. ft. 18. he willing to c. heli. 13. 16. an.) to c. forget not COMMUNICATED. Gal, 2. 8. c. to them that uospel PhiL 4 15. no church c. with me COMMUNICATION, S. 2 Sam. a 17. Ahner had c. with elders 2 Kin. 9. 11. ye know his c. Mat. 5. 37. let your c. he yea yea Luke 24. 17. what manner of c. 1 Cor. 15. 33. evil c. corrupt pood Eph. 4. 29. let no corrupt c. Col. 3.8. Phtlem. 6. c. of thy laith effectual COMMUNING. Gen. 1R 33. L. left c. with Abraham F.fod. 31. 18. an end of c. on Sinai COMMUNION. 1 Cor. JO. 16. c. of blood, c. of body 2 Cor. 6. 14. what c. light with dark. 13. 14. c. of H. i . be with you all COMPACT. Pml. 122. 3. lerusalem is a city c. COMPACTED. Eph. 4. 16. the whole body c. COMPANY. Gen. 32. 8. if Ksau come to the one c. 33. 1 !. c. of nations tie of then Jfom.16.IA.thou and all ihy c. bef. L. 40. be not as Korah and hig c. 22. 4. this c. lick up all roundabout 26. 9. strove in c. of Korah, 27. a Judg. 9. 37. another c. by plain la 23. comest with such a r.f \ Sam. 30. IS. bring me to this c. ? 2 Kin. 5. 15. hU c. came to Eli&ha 9. 17. he spied the c. of Jehu 2 Chr. 24. 24. Syrians with small c. Job 16. 7. made desolate all my c. 34. 8. in c. with worker* of iniq. Pial. 55. 14 to hou>e of God in c. 68. 30. rebuke the c. of spearmen 106. 17. earth covered c. of Ahirain 18. a fire was kindled in their c. Fran. 29. 3. keepeth c. with harlots Cant. 1. 9. to a c. of horses in Phar. 6. 13. as it were c. of two armies Etek. 16. 40. bring a c. against thee 23. 4*i. I will bring a c. on them 32. 22. Ashur is there and her c. 35. 7. prepare, thou and thy c. hot 6. 9. so c. of priests murder Luke 2.44. but tin y supposing him to have been in the c. 6. 17. arid c. of his disciples 22. separate you from their c. 9. 14. iit by filties in a c. .'38. a man of the c. cried out 24. 22. a woman of our c. made Acti 4. 23. went to their own c. 10. 28. unlawful for a Jew to keep. c. IV 22. to "eiii! chosen men of c. 17. 5. gathered a e. and set city 21. a we 1 Paul's c. departed Horn. ?> ;!4 filial with your c. 1 Cor. 6, 11. not o kiep c. with forn. COM 2 That. 3. 14. have no c. with him Heb. 12. 22. to an inniiin. r. of angels Rev. la 17. c. in ships afnr off Great COMPANY. Gen. 50. 9. with Joseph a great c. I Chr. 9. I. queen of Slieba with g. c. 20. 12. no might against this gr. c. Pial. VS. 11. g. was c. of those publi. Jer. 31. 8. a g. c. return thither Ezek. 17. 17. nor Phar. with great c. John 6. 5. saw g. c come to him Acts 6. 7. g. c. of priests obedient COMPANY. I Cor. 5. 9. nut to c. with fornicators COMPANIEI). Acts I. 21. which have c. with us COMPANIES. Judg. 1. 16. 300 into three c. 1 Sum. 11. 11. Saul put in three c. 13. 17. spoilers in three c. 2 Kin. 5. 2. Syrians u'one hy c.' Xeh. 12. 31. c. gave thanks, 40. Job 6. 19. the c. of Sheba waited Inn. 21. 13. O ye travelling c. of D. 57. 13. let thy c. deliver thee Mark 6. 39. t > make all sit by c. COMPANION. Exod. 32. 27. slay every man his c. Judg. 14 20. Samson's wife to c.15. 6. 1 Chr. 27 33. Hushai king's c. Job 30. 29. I am a c. to owls Pi. 119. 63. c. to all that fear thee Prof. 13. 20. c. i.f fools be destroyed 28. 7. c. of riotous shameth father 24. same is c. of a destroyer Mai. 2. 14. yet she is thy c. wife of Phil. 2. 25. Epaphro. my c. in labour Rev. 1. 9. I John your <: in tribula. COMPANIONS. Judg. 11. 38. went with r.. and bewa, 14. II. 30 c. to be with him Jab 35. 4. I will answer thee and c. 41. 6. c. make a banquet of him ? Ptal. 45. 14. her c. sh.ill be hi ought 122. 8. for my c. sake I will aay Cunt. 1. 7. aside hy flocks of thy e. a 13. e. hearken to thy voice, ha. 1. 2a princes c. of thieves Ez. 37. 16. for Jiulah and Israel his c. Dan. 2. 17. thing known to his c. Acti 19. 29. caujfht Paul's c. in trav. Htd. 10 33. c -I them so used COMPARABLE. Lam. 4. 2. sons of Zion c. tgold COMPARE, ED, ING. Pi. 89. 6. who in heaven c. to L. ? I'rot. a 15. not be c. to wisdom, 8. 1 1. Cant. 1.91 h.tve c. thee, O my love Isa. 40. 18. what liken, c. to him 'I 46. 5. to whom will ye c. me Rum. 8. 18. to be c. with tne glory 1 Cor. 2. 13. c. spiritual tilings with 2 Cor. 10 12. c. oursel. with some that commend, c. themselves amongst COMPARISON. Judg. 8. 2. I done in f. of you ? 3. Hag. 2. 3. in your eyes in c. of it Mark 4. 30. with what c. shall we COMPASS. 2 Sam. 5. 23. hut fetch a c. behind 2 A'm 3. 9. fetrht a c. of seven days Pror. a 27. c. on face of the earth Isa. 44. 13. marketh it with c. AcU 28. 13 fetched c. t-> Khegiiim COMPASS, Verb. Jfum. 21. 4. to r. the land of Edom / 12. with favour r. as a shield 7. 7. congregation r. thee about 17. 9. deadly enemies who c. me 26. 6. so will 1 c. thine altar, O L. 79 COM Ps.32.7. e. me with sone of dellvif , 10. trusteth in L. mercy c. him 49. 5. iniquity of my heels c. me 140. 9. as for head of those c. roe 142. 7. the righteous shall c. me Isa. 50. II. c. yourselves with spark* Jer. 31. 22. a woman shall c. a man Hob. 1. 4. wicked c. righteous Mat. 23. 15. for ye c. sea and land Luke 19. 4a thine enemies shall c. COMPASSED. Deut. 2. 1. we c. Seir many days Josh. 6. II. so the ark c. the city Judg. 11. la c. the land of Etlum 16. 2. they c Samson in 1 Sum. 23. 26. Saul c David and 2 Sam. 22. 5. when waves of death , me, Pial. 18. 4. | 1 16. \ 2 Kin. 6. 15. behold an host c. city 2 Chr. 21. 9. smote Edomites wh. c. Job 19. 6. God c. me with his net 26. 10. c. waters with bounds f'xul. 17. 11. now c. us in our step* 22. 12. bulls c. me || 16. dogs Lam. a 5. c. me with gall and Luke 21. 20. when ye see Jerus. e. Heb. 5. 2. himself c. with infirmity COM PASSED about. 2 Sam. 18. 15. c. Absalom about 22 6. sor. of hell c. me a. Ps. \8. 5. 2 Kin. 6. 14. Syrians c. city about 2 Chr. la 31. c. about Jehoshaphat PiuL 40. 12. innum. evils c. me a. 88. 17. c. me a. 109. a | I la 11, 12, 1 la 10. all nations c me about Jonah 2. 3 floods c. me about Heb. 11. 30. fell, after c. a. 7 days 12. I. c. a. with such cloud of witn. Rev. 20. 9. c. camp of saints about COMPASSEST, ETH. Gen. 2. 11. c. Havilah || 13. Ethiopia PsaL "7a 6. pride c. tht m as a chain 139. a thou c my path, and Hos. 11. 12. Ephraim c. with lies COMPASSION. 1 Kin. 8. 50. give them c. before 2 Chr. 30. 9. children shall finrfe. Mat. 9. 36. Jesus moved with c. 14.14. Mark 1 .41. | 6.34. la 27. lord was moved with c. 1 Pet. 3. 8. having c. one of another 1 Juhn 2. 17. shut, his bowels of c. Full of COM P ASS1O N. Ptal. 7a38. ne beir.g/// o/>.forgave 8G.I5.G./ ofe. 1 1 1.4. | 112.4. | 145.8. Hare or had COMPASSION. Erod. 2. 6. babe wept, she had c. Deut. la 17. L. may hare c. on thee 30. a L. will hare c. on thee 1 Sum. 23. 21. for ye hare c. on n.9 1 Kin. 8. f>0. they may h. c. or. them 2 A'm. la 2a Lord had c. on them 2 Chr. 36 15. htid c. on his people 17. Chaldees had no c. on man or Isa. 49. 15 she not hare c. on son Jer. 12. 15. I will hare c. on them /,(f;.:).32.yet will he hare r.Mir.~.V.i Mat IS. 32. c. on miiltit Mark S. 2. 18. 33. c. on thy fellow-servant 20. 34. so Jesus had c. on them Markb 19. how L. had c. on thee 9. 22. hare c. on us and help us I.itkeT. la L. saw her. he hnd c. Ok 10 33. Samaritan had c. on him IS. 20. father hail c mid THH and limn. 9. IS. I will hare c. on whom Heb 5. 2. can hare c. on iirno'ant 10. 34. had c. of me in my bonds Jude 22. of some hart c making COMPASSIONS. Lain. 3. 22. because bis c lail not Zech. 7. 9. show c. every man to brfe COMPEL. Mat. 5, 41. c. thee to go a mile go CON Itmk 15, 21. e. one Simon to bear Luke 14. 33. and c. them to come in COMP EL LED; EST. C CAr. 21. II. c. Juiiah thereto Mat. 27. 3i liim r. to bear cross Aetfffi. II. I c. them to hU.pheme t Cor. 12. II. u lor tint.', ye c. me Gat. 2. a a-, c. to t.e circumcised 14. e. Gentiles to live as Jews f COMPLAIN. ED, ING. >'UM. II. I. r. tt displeased L. .//_'. 21. 22. breth. roine to us to e. JoA 7. II. I will c. in bitterness of 31. 38. the furrows th.-r.-Mf e. I'm!. 77. a I c. and my spirit was 144. 14 be no c. in our streets lam. 3. 39. doth a living man c.t COMPLAlN'KKS. J-tdt '.6. the**- are murmurers, e. COMPLAINT, S. ] Sam. I. 16. nut of abund. of my A Jot 7. 13. ruurb shall east* my e. 't. 27. if I Bay, I will forget my c. 10. I. 1 will leave c. on myseif 2 1. 4. as for nr.e, is my c. to man ? 23. 2. even to-day is my c. bitter ftai 55, 4 I mourn in my c. 142. 2. I poured out my c. iY-U 25. 7. c. against Paul not prove COMPLETE. ;*v. 23. 1-V seven sabbaths be & '' 1 2. I'- and ye are c. in him 4k 12. that ye may stand c. in all COMPOSITION. E*. SO. 32. any like it after c. 37. COMPOUND, ETH. Ejrrxi. 30. i'l. an ointment e. 33. whosoever c. any like it COMPREHEND. Job 37. 5. duth he we rannot e. fait. 3. la ai'le to c. with all saints COMPREHENDED. Ita. 40. 12. c. dust of the earth John I. 5. the darkness c it not Hum. 13. 9. it it bri. By c. in thii CONCEAL, ED. ETH. Gen. $1. 2. Leah 3a 3d .V Billiahr. || 23 Rathel c. 30 ock c. || 3R 3. Shuab c. 38. la Tamar e. | Ex. 2. 2. Jochcb. Z^rr. 12. 2. have r. need, and tx>rn VMM. 1 1. 12. hive 1 c. nil this people * . >~jm. 1. 20. Hannah r. 2. 21. Soss. 11. i i CON 2 ATi'n. 4. 17. Shun. || hit. . a proph. .''< 3. 3. there i* a man-child r. /!/. 7. 1*. .. -lischief, hrouvht Cant. 3 4. chamber of her r. me Jrr. 4'J 3U c. a purpose against you Hot. I. 3. (iomer c 2. 5. r. hath done shamefully M,it. 1. 20. c. in her is of II. Ghost Luke 1. 36. Elisabeth hath c. a son 2. 21. so named before he was c. Acit !>. 4. c. this in thine heart? Aom. 9. 10. Kebecca had e. Jam. I. IS. when luiit halh r. CONCEPTION'. Gn. 3. 16. multiply thy c. Ruth 4. la the Lord gave her e. Hot. 9. II. glorv flee fr..m the c. CONCERN, ETH. PiaL 138. 8. L. perfect that c. me Ac ill. 31. things whirh c. Christ 2 Cor. II. 30. r. mine infirmities CONCERNING. Gen. 19. 21. accepted thee c. this A'um. 10. 2U. spoken good c. Israel 1 Kin. II. 10. comma, him c. this Ecci 7. 10. enquire wisely c. this Ita, 30 7. therefore I cried c. this l-'.rrk. 21. 2a snith L. c. Ammunite 47. II. r. which lifted mine hand Luke 24. 27. expoun. things c. aims. 44. written iu Psalms c. me Actt 13. 34. as c. he raised him Rom. 9. 5. as c. flesh Christ came II. 28. as c. gospel eneinifs for 2 Cor. II. 21. I (.p. ;ik MS r. reproach Eph. 5. 32. but I cpeiik r Christ /nil 4. 15. as c. giving and receiving 1 Thei. 5. la will of ',o,i in C.c. you CONCISION. PhiL a 2. beware of the e. CONCLUDE. Rom. 3. 28. we c. a man is justified CONCLUDED. Artf>\. 25. touching (ientiles n c. Rom. II. 32. c. them all in unbelief (iai. 3. 22. hath c. all under sin CONCLUSION. Keel. 1%. 13. heart-, of matter CONCORD. 2 Cor. 6. 15. what c. C. with Belial ? CONCOURSE. Proe. \. 21. she crieth in place of c. Actt 19. 40. give m count of this c. CONCUBINE. Judg. 19. 2. his c. played the whore 29. c. and divided her, 20. 6. 20. 4. I and my c. to lod^e 2 Sum. 3. 7. gone into my father's c.f 21. II. what Kup .1. r. of Saul CONCUBIMI & Gfn. S5. 6. to sons . f e. gave gifts 2 5am. 5. 13. Davi.i tiMik mor- r. I'i. 22. Absalom went in to f.ttli. r. 19. 5. and the lives of thy c. 20. 3. I- ing put his c. in ward I Kin. 1 1. a Solomon had 3110 c. > Chr. 11 21. tok threescore c. E*th. 2. 14. sharf-hiraz kept c. Cant, ft R th.re are 80 e: 9 and c. they prai-ed her Dan. 5. 3. c. arank in them, 23. CONi UPI>( KNC K /?om.7.8.sin wrmight all manner of e. Col. 3. 5. mortify e\il c. I Thfi. 4 5, not in the lust "f e. CONDKMNATION. J.'ikr 23. 40. thoii art in same e. J ut. -I'.t. 1. judges -li..ll c. wicked Job 9. 'JO. my mouth xhall c. me 10. 2. I will MIV, do not c. me 34. 17. wilt thou r. him most just r 40. 8. wilt thouc. me, that /W. 37 3a nor c. him when judged 94. 21. they c. innix-nit Mood 109. 31. from thi*e that c. Iu- -oul Prut. 12. 2. of wick, devices will tie . Ita. 50. 9. who is he -hall c. me - 54. 17. that rise H^'i'''*! thee c. A/at l2.41.and>.h,IU. it, Luke 1 1.32. 42. qu.-en .f soutli hhall c. it 20. 18. c. him t not, we CONDEMNED. Job 3>. 3. yet had c. Job /*. 10ft 7. be judged, let him be c. Amofi. 8. they drink wine of r. A/at 12. 7. not have r. guiltless 37. by thy words ^talt be c. 27. a Judas when he saw he wasc Mark 14. 64. all c. him t.. be guilty Lu 24. 20. delivered him to bee: John a la believeth on biro, is nut c. believeth not, is c. already 6 10. hath no man c. thee ? Rotn. 8. 3. and for sin c. *in in flesh 1 ft>r. II. 32. not he c. with world Tit 2. 8. fpeerh that cannot be c. a II. siniifth, being c. of himself He!>. II. 7. by whirh he c. world Jain. 5. fi c. and killed the just 9. grudge not, lest ye be c. 2 Pet. 2. R c. with ov.-rtl.row CONDKMNEST. ETH, INC. I A'in. a 32. eenditnning wicked Jub 15. (i. own mouth c. thee Pro*. 17. IS. ne that c. the just is Arti la 27. fulfilleil them in r. him Rom. 2. I. judt-e.st, tlinu c. thyself a 34. who i> !.. that c. ? 14. 22. c. not himself in thing be CONDESCEND. Rom. 12. 16. c. to men of low estate CONDITION, S. 1 Saw. 11. 2. on this c make coven. Luke 14. 32. he desireth r. of peace CONDUCT, ED. 2 Sam. 19. 15 c. king over Jord. 31. 40. people of Judah e. king Acltll. l.'i. thatc. Paul brought I Lor. 16. 11. but r. him in peacO CONDUIT. 2 Kin. 18. 17. stood l>y c. Ita 3G. i 20. 20. how he made a piHil and L. Ita. 1. 3. to meet Altai xt end or c. CONKKCI ION. Exod. 30. 35. make a c. after art COSKECl ION ARIES. 1 Sam. 8. 13. your dHiiirhters to be* ON'KKDEH ACV. Ita. a 12. c. to wli..m people say e. Ubttd. 7. men of tlty r. t.ro-iyht CONFBUEBATR Gen. 14. ia thene c with Abnim PiaL hi. 5. they are c. uain-t thee yo, 7. 2. Syrm i- r with Kphraitn C ONKERENCE. Got 2. 6. they in r. alde.l nothing CONFERRED. 1 Kin 1. 7. Adiinijiih c. Kith Joab AcU 4. IS. c. among then. Drives CON Acts 25. 12: Festjs. when he had e Gal. 1. 1& Ic. not with flesh and CONKERS. Lev. 5. 5. c. that he hath sinned 16. 21. c. over him all the iniquities 26. 40. if they c. their iniquity yum. ft. 7. they shall c. their sins 1 A:<.8.3ac.thy narae,35.2 CA.6.24,26. ffeft. 1. 6. c. siiii ot children of Israel Job 40. 14. c. thy hand can save tht e Psal. 3~2. 5. t said, I will c. my trans. Mai. 10. 32. whosoever shall c. me before men, Luke 12. 8. John 9. 22. if c. that he was Christ 12. 42. did not c. him, lest they Acti L'3 8. but Pharisees c. both 24. 14. I c. after the way they call Rum. I J. 9. c with thy mouth Jesus 14. It. every tongue shall c. to God 15. 9. c. to thee among' Gentiles Phil. i.ll. eviry tongue should c. Jtim. 5. 1C. c. your faults one to ano. 1 John 1. 9. if we c. our sins, he ia 4. 15. c. Jesus is the Son of God 2 John 7. c. not Jesus Christ is rome Rev. 3. 5. c. his name before my Fa. CONFESSED. ETH, ING. Ezra 10. I. Ezia had c. weeping Neh. 9. 2. stood and c. their sins Prop. 28. 13. whoso c. and forsake tr. Dan 9. 20. c. my sin and the sin Mat. 3. 6. baptized, c. their sins John 1. 20. c. 1 am not the Christ Acts 19. 18. many c. and showed lleli. 11. 13. c. they were strangers 1 John 4. 2. spirit that c. C. is come 3. c. not Jesus Christ is rome CONFESSION. Josh. 7. 19. and make c. to God t Chr. 30. 22. ottering and making c. Ezra 10. 11. make c to the Lord Din. 9. 4. 1 prayed and made c. Kmn. 10. 10. with mou'h c. is made Tim. 6. 15. witnessed a good c. CONFIDENCE. Jud%. 9. 26. of Sheen, put c. in Gaal 2 Km. 18. 19. what c. is this wherein thou trustest ? Isa. 36. 4. Job 4. 6. is not this thy fear thy c. 31. 24. fine gold, thou art my c. Ptal. 65. 5. art c. of all the earth 1 18. 8. trust in L. than put c. in man 9. than to put c. in princes Pron. 3. 2(i. Lord shall he thy c. 14. 26. in fear of Lord is strong c. 21. 22. casti-tli down strength of c. 25. 19. c. in unfaithful like a tooth Jsu. 30. 15. inc. be your strength Jer. 48. 13. nsha. of Bethel their c. Ezek. 28. 2ft yea shall dwell with c. 29. 16. Egypt de no more c. of Isr. Mii: 7. 5. put ye not c. in a guide Acts 28. 31. preaching with all c. 2 Cor. 1. 15 in c. minded to come 2. 3. c. that my .joy is the joy 7. iri. that I have c. in you in all 8. 22. on th- great c. I have in you 10. 2. with the c. I think to be bold 11. 17. as foolishly in this c. of (inl. 5. I". I have c. in you thro' L. /.>/). 3 12. access with c. by faith /''//,'. I. 2.'.. having this c. 1 sh. abide 3. 3. u-e have no r. in the flesh 4. tho 1 i might have c. :;. flesh 2 Th?*. 3. 4 c. in L. touching you l'/fili'in. 21. having c. in thy obed. //./.. :!. 6. if we hoi. I fast c. to end 14. hecriinmiir of our c. stcdla*t 1C. :!.'). ca-t hot away your c. 1 ./U//H 2. '-'8. appear. We in >y haver 3. 21. thi-n hav we r. toward God 5. H. the t: w have in him CO\T DKNCKS. }?r. 2. 37 Lord ejected thy c. CON CONFIDENT, fiber. Psal. 2',. 3 tho' war rise, in this will Pro- 14. l& fool rasetli, and is c. Rom. 2. 19. art c. thou art a guide 2 Cor. 5. 6. we are always c. know. 8. c. and willing to be absent 9. 4. ashamed in same c. boasting Phil. 1. 6. c. of this very thing 14. waxing c. by my bonds CONFIDENTLY. Luke 22. 59. c. affirmed this fellow CONFIRMATION. Phil. 1. 7. in the c. of the gospel llcb. 6. 16. an oath for r.. is au end CONFIRM. Ruth 4. 7. manner to c. all things 1 Kin. 1. 14. I will c. thy words 2 kin. 15. 19. to c. the kingdom in Esth, 9. 31. to c. these days of I'urim Psal. 68. 9. c. thine inheritance Isa. 35. 3. and c. the feeble knees Ezek. 13. 6. they would c. the word Dan. 9. 27. c. coven, for one week 1 1. 1. I stood to c. him Rom 15. 8. to c. promises made 1 Cor. 1. 8. also c. you to the end 2 Cor. 2. 8. ye would c. your love CONFIRMED. 2 Sam. 7. 24. c. to thyself Israel 2 Kin. 14. 5. as soon as king, was c. I Chr. 14. V. Lord had c. him king 16. 17. c. same to Jacob, Ps. 105. 10. Esth. 9. 32. Esther c. mat of Purim Dan. 9. 12. c. words he spake ag. us Acts 15. 32. exhorted and c. them 1 Cor. \. 6. testimony of C. c. in you Gal. 3. 15. if c. no man disannul, it 17. the covenant that was c. bef. Heb. 2. 3. WHS c. to us by them that 6. 17. he c. it i>y an oath CONFIRMETH, ING. Num. 30. 14 bonds on her, he c. Dent. 27. 26. cursed be he c. not all Isa. 44. 26. c. word of his servant Mark 16. 20. c. the word with signs Acts 14. 22. c. souls of disciples 15. 41. thro' Syria c the churches CONFISCATION. Exra 7. 26 judg. be executed to c. CONFLICT. Phil. \. 30. same c. ye saw in me Col. 2. I. knew what c. I have for you CONFORMABLE. Phil, a 10. made c. to his death CONFORMED. Rom. 8. 29. c. to image of his Son 12. 2. be not c. to this world CONFOUND. Gen. II. 7. c. their language. 9. Jer. 1. 17. lest 1 c. the.- before them 1 Cor. I. 27. to c. the wise, to c. CONFOUNDED. 2 Kin. 19. 26. in hah. werec. 7ra.37.27. Juli 6. 20 c. because they had hoped P tal. 35. 4. he c, that seek my soul R.I. 6. let not those seek L. he c. 71. 13. tie c. that are adversaries J4. are c. that seek my hurt 83. 17. let them be c. for ever 97. 7. c. be all they serve images 12!). let all he c. hate Zion Isa. 1. 29. c. for the gardens ye have 19. 9. that weave net. work be e. 37. 27. inhabitants were c. Jer. 9. 19. c. because we have forsnk 10. 14. founder c. hy image, 51. 17. 17. 18. he c. that perw cute me l(i. 24. da u. of Kg. c || 4S. 20. Moab 49. 23. Hamath is c. \\ 50. 2. Bel 50. 12. your mother be sore c. 51. 47. Babylon whole land bee. 51. c. l-ecau.se we beard reproach Ezek: 16. . r ,2. he thou c. 51, 63. Mic. 7. Hi. nations r. at their might 81 CON Zech. TO. 5. riders on horses be a Acts 2. 6. multitude were c. 9. 22. Saul c. Jews at Damascus Ashamed and CONFOUNDED. Psal. 40. 14. a, c. seek my soc', 70. i ha. 24. 23. moon be c. sun br a. 41. 1 1. incensed ag. tbee he a. and & 45. 16. idol-makers be cuhum. and C. 54. 4. slialt not be a. neither c. Ji'r. 14. 3. nobles and little ones a. c, 15. 9. hath born seven been a. a. c. 22. 22. then shall be ashamed and c. 31. 19. a. yea c. because 1 did bear Ezek. 36. 32. be a. c. for your ways Mic. 3. 7. seers be a. and diviners c. Not CONFOUNDED. Pi. 22. 5. fathers trusted, were note. Isa. 45. 17. nor c. world without end 50. 7. God will help, I nut be c. 1 Pet. 2. 6. believ<-th shall not be c. CONFUSED. Isa. 9. 5. battle is with c. noise Ar.ts 19. 32. the assembly was c. CONFUSION. Lev. ia 23. a beast to lie, it is c. 2(. 12. they have wroiit-ht c. 1 Sam. 20. 30. chosen David to thyc. Exra9. 7. been deliver'd to c. of face Job. 10. 15. I am full of c. see afflict. Psal. 35. 4. to c. that devise my hurt 44. 15. my c. is contin. before me 70 2. to c. that desire my hurt 71. 1. let me never be put to c. 109. 29. cover with their own c. Isit. 24. 10. the city of c. is broken 30. 3. trust in shadow of Egypt c. 34. 1 1. shall stretch on it line of e. 41. 29. their molten images are c. 45. 16. makers of idols go to c. 61. 7. for c. they shall rejoice ip Jer. 3. 25 and our c. covereth us 7. 19. do they not provoke to the a 20.11. their everl.c. never be forgot. Dan. 9. 7. belongeth c. of fates, S. Actt 19. 29. city was filled with c. 1 Cor. 14. 33. God not ai.thor of c. Jam. 3. 16. where strife is, is c. CONGEALED. Ex, 15. 8. depths were c. in the sea CONGRATULATE. 1 Chr. 18 10 of his welfare, and c. CONGREGATION. Lev. 10. 17. given it to bear iniq. of & 16. 33. atuement,for all the c. Num. 1. 16. the renowned of c. 14. 27. bear with this evil c.? 15. 15. one ordinance be for c. 16. 21. separate yours from this c. 4"i. get you up from among this c 47. Aaron ran into midst of c. 27. 16. let L. set a man over c. 35. 12. till he stand before the c. foi judgment, Jiish. 20. a Jndg. 20. 1. c. gathered as one man 21. 5. came not up with c. to L. I Kin. 12. 20. called Jeroboam to t'. Exra 10. 8. himself separated from c. \ch. 13. 1. Moal-ite not come into c. Juti 15. 34. c. of hypocrites desolate 30. 28. and I cried- in the c. Psal 1. 5. nor sinners in c. of right 22. 22. in midst of c. will I praisu 26. 5. hated the c. of evil doers 5a 1. do ye indeed speak right. Oc.7 74. '2. rein. c. thou hast purchased 19. forget not the c. of thy poor 75. 2. when 1 receive the c. I will 82. 1. G. stHiidelh in c. of mighty 8!). 5. thy faithful, in c. of saints 107. 32. exalt him also in r. of pea 1 1 1. 1. 1 will praise the Lord in c l'r,,r. 5. 14. in all evil in midst of a 21. 16. remain in r. of the dead Isti. 11 13. will sit on mouut o/o. CON Jfr. fi. IS. O r. what Is among thorn HO. to. c. be established before me Lam 1. 10. should not PHUT into r. Hot. 7. 18. eha-tiae them a& their c. Jotlt. Id sanctity the r. Artt 13. 43. tvhi-ii r was broken up JiVtA* CONGREGATION. /.. a 3. gather a. (. c. to tin- door 16. 17. make atn i.-ment for all t c. yum. 16. 3. seeing tU thee are holy 82. one kin, he wroth with all c.t 30. 87. up in sight nf all thr c. 'ib. 6. w/i. 82. SO. wrath MI on all the c. } Kin. R 14. kin* Messed allt c. 55. 1 Chr 29. 80. .ill the c. Messed L. X CAr.23.3.0. t e. madecov. with king 29. 8H d c. 19. holding faith and a good c. a . mystery of faith in pure e. 4. 2. c. seared with a hot iron 2 Tim. 1. a whom I serve with c. Tit I. 15 but their c. is defiled Heb. 9. 9. perfert ii- pertain, to ft 14. purge c. from dead works 10. i worship, no more c. of gins -'^. hearts sprinkled from an evil c. 13. 18. trust ,vi- have good c. in 1 Pet. 8. I'.l. fore, endure grief 3. li>. having M good c. 81. but the answer of a good e. C ONSt IKNCES. 8 Cor. 5. II. manliest in vour c. CONSECRATE. E.rmi. 29. 9. c. Aaron and sons, 30. 30. :. . r. yourselves this day to U I Chr. . S. to r. his service to L. Kzrlt. 43. <*). shall c themselves .Vic. 4. 13. I will c. their vain to L. COX SEC II A I KD. Judr. 17. 5. Mi iih c. one of sons, 18. 1 Kin. 13. :<{. whoso, would, he c. s! Chr. 29. HI. c. yourselves to Lord .SI. 6. tithe of holy thing!) c. Heft. 7. 2a Son. who is r. evermore 10. 20. by a living way c. for ua CONSBCRAIBD, 8 Chr. 89. 3-1 c. things 600 oxen CONSECRATION. S. Erod. V.i 22. for it is a rum of r. I.er. 1. 3;. this i* law of thee. a 88. c. for sweet savour to L. 31. eat it with bread in basket of e. 3a till days of your c. be at an end yum. fi. 9. defiled the head of his c. CONSKNT. KD. I Si;. Gen. 34 2a only let us c. to them Dent, la a shalt nut r. to him I A.'i. VO. S. hearken not, nor e. Pttii. 50. IS. sawest thief, thoil c. Prov. I. 10. entire thee, r. thou not Dun. I. It. so he c. in this matter Luke 83. 51. same had not r. to deed Act* a I. Snul c. to hi death, 88. 20. la 80. to tarry longer, he c. not Il-'in 7. 16. I c. to law that it i good I 7'i;.6.a c. not to wholesome words CONSENT. I Sam. II. 7 t-ame out with one e. l'*nl. K3. 5. consulted with one c. Hot. B. 9. of priests murder hy c. /'/i/i. 3. 9. to serve him with oner. I.uke 14. 18. one r. t" make excuse 1 Cor. 7. 5. except with c. for a tim* CONSIDER. n-'iil. 4. 39. c. it in >hin<> heart 38 89. wise to r. latter end Judg. la 14. c. what ye have to do I Sum. 12. 24. c. how great tilings 85. 17. c. what thou wilt do .In!, II. II. Will he not then r. It f 8.'l 15. I c. 1 am afraid of him 31. 87. would not r. his ways 37. 14. c. wondrous works "of YJod Ptal. \ I. r. my meditation :> 13. r. my trouble V :i when I r. thy heavens I 1 ;. .1 c. and hear, 45. 1". V.'i I' 1 , r. my enemies 37. 10. shalt diligently r. his place 48. 13. r. hei palares.'thnt ve SO. 82. c. this, ye that forget (Jod 64. 9. wisely e. of hi. itoinvs I 111. :.'). I will r. thy testimonies 153. c, mine afflirtmn ili-liver 150. c how 1 lo\e thy prei'epts frov. 6. 6. go to ant, c. her ways H CON Prov. 83. I. c. what i be'off thee 21. !8. that pondereth hei.rt c. it f KccL 5. I. c. not that they do evil 7. la r. work ol <;od, who can 14. hut in Hay of adversity c. /MI. I. 3. my people .loth not c. 5. 18. c. operation ol his hands 14. 16. shall narrowly r. thee 18. 4. r. in my dwelling->iut-w 41. 80. that they may see, .ui.1 c. 43. la nor c. the things of old 52. 14. not heard shall they c. Jt-r. 2. 10. c. if there I.e sin li a thin| 8J. 20. in the latter ilay ye shall e, it (.ertei-t'lv, 30. 24. Lam. 2. 80 c. tc e thee iinders, llrli. a I. Brethren r. the Apostle 7. 4. c. how great this mini was III. 84. let us c. one another to prov. 18. a C. him endured such > mi trad. CONSIDKRt:!), KST. 1 A'in. 5. 8. I have c. things sent, for ./"A I. a hast thou c. Job ? 8 3. Ptal. 31. 7. hast c. my trouble Proe. 24. 3i. then I r. it w. II Ecct, 4. I. I c. all the oppressions 4. again I c. all travel, and 9. I. all this 1 c. to dec tare this Jer. 33. 24. c. not pen. have spoken Act, 18. 12. when 1'eter had c. Horn. 4 19. he c. not his body dead CONS1DKUK1 H. IM.. Pail. 3:1 15. he r. all their works 41. 1. blessed is he c. "'e poor Pror. 81. 12. c. house of wieked -"> 88. r. not poverty shall corn* 29. 7. righteous c. cause of poor 31. Hi. she c. a field, buyeth it ha. 44. \'.>. none r. to say, I burnt 57. 1. none c. rk'ht. is taken away Exek. K 14. c. and doth not, aa (inl. 6. I. c. lest alao he tempted Heb. 13 7. c. end of their .onversv CONSIST, KTII. I.uke 18. 15. life c. not in the ar ir4 (',./. 1. 17. iiml by him all things a CONSOLATION. Jer. Ifi. 7. nor give them eup ofc. I.iikf'i. 2S. Siineni' \vaitinif fore. G. '24. wo to you rich, reeei. your t Artt 4. 36. intcrpieti'd, sou ofc, 15 31. they rejoieed lor the c. Horn. 15. 5. God ot c giant you toTtt 2 Cur. . -V our c. al onndetb l.y C. ri alHic-ted for ymir c. e.nnforted 7. so ye he partaki-rs ..I the r. 7. 7. c. wherewith he was c-.nnf. Phil. 2. 1. if any c. in < hrist, fc.HI 8 Thei. 8. IB. civen u< everlasting u I ' hilem, 7. joy and r. in tin love //(A. 6 la might have -trongc. CON 01. A 1 ION -. .Job. 15. II. are c ol i,.,,1 -mall 81.8. and let this I.e \.,nr r. lia. (B. 11. sat. with brea is of her a. ( osson i i.D. Actl\T. 4. r. with Paul and Silas CONSPIHACY. '> Sim. 15. 12. Abal'>in's r. strong 8 A,'I'M. 12. 20. a c. and slew .loash 14. 10. c g. Amxxiah. 2 Chr. 85.31 15. l.'x acts of shailiirn and c, 17. 4. fuuud c. in llushea CON Jer. 11. 9. c. among men of Judah Extk. 22 2- r i. is a e. of her prophets ^ci 23. 13. 40 which had made c. CONSPIRATORS JSom.15.31 Ahithophel is among c. CONSPIRED. Gen. 37. 18. c. ag. Joseph to slay him 1 Stim.2i. l.lwhy c.thou & son of Jesse 1 Kin. 15. 27. Baasha c. a >. 4. 8. c. all to come and tight Amoi~. 10 Amos hath c. nn. tikM CONSTANT, LY. } CAr. 28. 7. if he be c. to do mm. Prur. 21. 2ft. heareth, speaketh c. jictr 12. 15. she c. affirmed it was so Tit. 3. 8. I "'ill thon affirm c. CONSTELLATIONS. Iia. 13. 10. c. thereof not give light CONSTRAIN. GaL 6. 12. c. yu to he circumcised CONSTRAINED, El H. 2 Kin. 4. 8. woman c. him to eat Job 32. 18. the spirit in me r. me 3f<.14.22 J. c. disciples, Mark 6. 45. L'tke 24. 29. c. him, saying, abide Act* 16. 15. Lydia c. us to route 28. 19. I was'c. to appeal to Cesar i Cor. 5. 14. love of Christ c. us CONSTRAINT. 1 Pet. 5. 2. the oversight, not by c. CONSULT. Ptal. 62. 4. only c. tit cast him down CONSULTATION. Mark 15. 1. chief priests held a e. CONSULTED. 1 Kin. 12. 6. Rehoh. c. with old, 8. 1 Cfir. 1.1 I. David c. with captains 2 Chr. 20. 21. Jehosh. c. with people Keh. ft. 7. then I c. with myself Ptal. 83. 3. c. airainst hidden ones 5. they have c. with one consent Ex. 21. 21. king of Hah. c. images Dun. R. 7. presidents and captains c. Mic. 6. 5. remember what Kalak c. Huh. 2. 10. c. shame to thy house Mat. 26. 4. c. might take Jesus John 12. 10. r. to put Laz. to death CONSULTER. Deut. la 11. a c. with spirits CON ULTETH Luke 14. 31. c. wh. able with 10000 CONSUME Efod. 33. 3. lest I e. thee in way, 5. Deaf. 5. '25. this fire will c. us 7. Id thou shall c. all th<> people 28 3n. locust shall c it, 42. 32. 22. a fire kin. in anger c. earth Josh. 24. 20. c. affer done you good 1 .lam. 2. .'11 man he to c. thine eyes 2 Kin. I. 10. let fire c. thy fifty, 12. Job 15. 34. fire c. tahern. of bribery 20. 26. a fire not blown e. him 24. 19. and heat c. snow waters Piul. 37. 20. c. into smoke sluill c. 30. 11. his beauty to c. away 49. 1 I tlieir beauty c. in grave 78. 33. their days did he c. in vanity l*a. 7. 20. it shall consume the beard 18. IS. c. tflorv of his forest 27. 10. shall calf r. branches Jer. 11). 27. fire r. palaces .f Ren.h. Exek. 4. 17. c away for iniquity 13. 1.1 great hail-stories to r. it 21. 2S. dwo'd is furbished to c. * 15. 1 will c. thy filU.incsa oat CON Erek. 24. 10. kindle fire, c. the flesh 35. 12. they are iriven us to c. D'in. i. 44. it shall c. these kingd. Hot. 11. 6. sword c. his branches 'Leph. 1. 2. 1 will c. all oil land 3. I will c. man and beast, fowls Zech. 5. 4. remain in house and c. it 14. 12. eyes, tongue shall c. away 2 Thet. 2. 8. wicked, whom L. shall c. Jam. 4. 3. may c. it on your lusts CONSUMKiW. K.r.32. 10. wax hot that I may c.t.\2. Num. 16. 21. c. t. in a moment, 45. Deut. 7. 22. mayestvot c. t. at ouce Neh. 9. 31. didst not utterly c. them Esth. 9. f 24. Hainan cast lot to c. t. Pstil. 59. 13 c. t. in wrath, c. them Jer. a 13. 1 will surely c. t. saith L. 14. 12. 1 will c. them by sword and te/t.20.13.pour fury on them to c.t. Luke 9. 54. fire to e. t. as Elias did CONSUMED. Gen. 19. 15. lest be c. in the iniquity 17. escape to mount, lest be c. 31 40. in day drought c. me E.rod. 3. 2. behold, hush was not ft 15. 7. wrath c. them as stubble 22. 6. if corn bee. therewith Num. II. 1. c. them were in utterm. 12. 12. of whom flesh is half p. 16. 26. lest >e be c. in their sins 35. fire c. the 250 men 21. 2R fire hath c. Ar of Moab 25. 1 !. that I c. not children of Isr. 32. la generation done evil was c. Deut. 2. 16. men of war were c. Judg. 6. 21. fire out of rock c. flesh 2 Sam. 21. 5. the man that c. us 1 Kin. 18. 38. fire of Lord fell and c. sacrifice, 2 Chr. 7. 1. 2 Kin. 1. 10. fire c. his fifty, 12. 2 Chr. 8. 8. whom chil. of Isr. c. not Neh, 2. a gates thereof are c. 13. Job I. 16. fire of God c sheep 4. 9. hy breath of his nostrils c. 6. 17. snow and ice are c. 7. 9. as cloud is r.. and vaniahrth 19. 27. reins r. || 33. 21. his flesh b c. Ptal. 6. 7. mine eyes c. 31. 9. ID. my bones,:. 102. 3. 39. 10. c. by blow of thine hand 71. 13. let them he c. that are 73. 19. utterly c. with terrors 78. 63. fire c. their young men 90. 7. we are c. by thine anger 104. 35. let sinners be c. out of 119. 87. almost c. me upon earth 139. my zeal hath c. me, because Pror. 5. II. flesh and body are c. Iiia. 16. 4. oppressors c. out of land 29. 20. the scorner is c. and all 64. 7. c. us because of iniquities 61. 17. eat swine's flesh, be- c. Jer. 5. 3. c. refused correction 6. 29. lead is c. || 12. 4. beasts 20. la days sho. be c with shame 36. 23. till all the roll was c. 44. 18. we have been c. by sword An;n.2.22. those I swaddled enemy c. 3. 22. of Lord's mercies not c. Ezek. 19. 12. rods fire c. 22. 31. 24. II. scum of it may he c. 43. 8. wherefore I have c. them \tiil. .1 i'. sons of Jacob are not c. Gal. 5. 15. ve be not r. one of anoth. Shall f>e CONSUMED. Num. 14. 35. in wilder, th. they be c. 17. 13. thtill we be c. with dyi'nir ? 1 fium. 12. 25. ye i. he c. ye arid king Isn. I. 28. that forsake L. shall he c. i"i6. 17. eat swineV flesh, shall he t. Jer. 16. 4. . be r. bv sword, 44.12.27. Exck. 5. 12. with famine shall '< c 13. 14. it shall fall and ye tUaU fc c. CON J?*.34 29.*.be no more c.with hanger 47. 12. nor thai! fruit ther.-of be c. Dan. 11. 16. land which .*hii!l be e. CONSUMED with till or until Deut. 2. 15. destroy un. c. Joih. 5. 8. 2S. 21. BKttfbe havec. th.-e Josh. 10. 20. slaying thfm till c, 1 Sum. 15. 18. fight until th-y be e. 1. Sam. 22. 38. 1 turned not u. I had c. them. Ptal 18. 37. 1 Kin, 22. 1 1. push Syrinus . c. them 2 Kin. la 17, 19. 2 Chr. 18. 10, Ezra 9. 14. angry till ha.lst r. us Jer. 9. 16. send a swonl till 1 have e. them. 24. !0. I 27. 8. | 49. 37. CONSUMETH, ING. Z>ru4.24.God is a c. fire, Heb. 12 29. 9. 3. L. geth before thee as c. fire Job 13. 28. he c. as a trarment that 22. 20. remnant of them fire c. 31. 12. fire that c. to destruction Ita. 5. 24. as the flame c. chaff CONSUMMATION. Dan. 9. 27. m.ike it desolate until & CONSUMPTION. Ler. 26. 16. appoint over you c. Deut. 2a 22. L. smite thee with a c. Isa. 10. 22. c. decreed f.hall overflow 23. the Lord shall make a c. 28. 22. 1 have heard from Lord a c. CONTAIN. I Kin. 8. 27. heaven of heav. cannot ft thee, 2 Chr. 2 6. | K. 18. John 21. 25 world not c. the books 1 Cor. 7. 9. if cannot c. marry CONTAINED, ETH, ING. Ezek. 23. 32. thy sister's cup c. muck Rom. 2. 14. by nature thi. c. in law Eph. 2. 15. abolished law c. in ordin. 1 Pet. 2. 6. it is c. in scripture CONTEMN, ED, ETH. Pxal 10 la wher. wicked c. God? 15. 4. eyes a vile person is c. HI7. 11.' c. counsel of Most High Cant. 8. 7. his substance would be c. Isa. 16. 14. glory of Moab be c. Ezek. 21. 10. it c. rod of my son CONTEMPT. ElS(i. Jutlf 9. when c. with the devil CONTENT Gen. 37. 27. sell him, brethren r. 7.T. 10. iO. heard that, he was c. J..A. 7. 7. would we had been c. 8 A" in. 6 3. cine -aid be c. nud go wUh Job & 28. imw therefore be c. /roc. 6. 35. nor will he rest r. tlm' Mark 15. 15. Pilate willing to c. J.'tk, 3 U. be c with your wages I'hiL 4. II. in every state to be r. \ Tim. (1 8. raiment, let us he c. Heb. 13. 5. he c. with such things > John 10. not r. with prating CONTENTION: Gen. 2fi. t *0- railed the well, c. Pror. 13. !0. by pride cometh c. 17. U. leare otf c. before it be med. la C. a fool's lip* enter into c. 22. 10. rant ut scoruer, c. shall go J*T. 15. 10. born me a man ofc. Hob. I. 3. then- are that raise up c. Actt 15. 39. the c. was so sharp PhiL \. 16. the one preach Ch. of c. I Titet. 2. 2. to si.eak no,pel with c. CO VI tNTIONS. /Vop. la 18. lot causeth c. to cease 19. c. like bars of a castle 19. 13. c. "fa wife a dropping.27.15. 2a 29. who hath wo } who hath c.? Cor. 1. 1 1. there are c. among you Tit. 3. U. avoid c. and strivings CONTENTIOUS. Prnr. 21. 19. than with c. woman 26. 21. so a c. man t kindle stiife 7. 15. drop, ana e. woman alike. K-m 2. 8. but to them that are c. 1 Cor. 11. I'i. if any seem to be c. CONTENTMENT. I rim. 6. (i. godliness with c. is gain CONTINUAL. Erod. 29. 42. be a c. burnt. offering CAr. 2. 4 house for c. show. bread fror. 15. 15. merry heart a c. feast 1m, \\ i',. smote with a c. stroke Jrr. 48. 5. c. weeping shall go up Ezek. SI. 14. men of c. employment Luke 18. 5. lent by here. c> ming she 001. 9. 2. r. sorrow in my heart See Ill'K.\T.()FFEBI\GS. CONTINUALLY. Gen. 6. 5. imagination was evil e. Ejrod. 28.:>0. on heart before Lordc. 1 Chnm. Ift 1 1. seek his (ate c. J;'- I. 5. thus dill Job c. fail. 34. I. hi praie be c. in, 71. 6. av 27. fay c. L. be max. 40.16. | 70.4. 38. 17. sorrow c. before me 40. II. truth c. preserve me 42. 3. c. say where is thy Ood ? 44. 15. my i fusion c. before me 50. 8. burnt-offering* c. before me 52. I. goodnes. of f;.,d endureth c. 71. 3. uhereunt'i I may c. resort 6. my praie line, of thee 14. h'ut 1 will hope c. ami yet 7a 23. 1 am r. willi th.-e, thou 74. 23. the tumult inrreuseth r. I0!. 15. let them he h-fore Lord c. 119. 44 MI shall 1 keep thy law c, Ud. my mill is r. in my hand 117. repN-t to thy statutes & I4fl. 2. ^ are gathered for war I'ror t.. 14. dciiitrth mischief e. 21. bind them r. on thy heart Jin. '2\. 8. r upon the watch, tower 19. Iri thy wall- art r. before me 51. 13. lirirt feared r. he< au-e 52. 5. my name r. is blasphemed 68. II. Lord shall guide tbtv c. CON 7ra.ftl. 11. thy gates shall be open c. 65. 3. provoketli me to anirer c. Jrr. 6. 7. before me c. is Krief Dan. 6. 16. f.od whom servest e. 20, Hut. 12. a .in.! wait on tli> <;...! r. Glxid. 16. so shall heathen drink c. \nA. 3. 19. thy wickcilu. passed r ? I.uke 24. 53. c. in temple praising U. Actt 6. 4. ourselves c to prnyer A'. .m 13. & c. on this very thing Heb 7. 3. ahidrth a priest e. 10. 1. sacrifices year hy year c. II 15. the sarrilire of praise c. COM 1NUANCE. Dent. 2a 59. plague* and if long c. I'M/. \39. 16. in c. wre fashioned fni. 64. 5. in those is c. Hum. 2. 7. patient c. in well-doing CONTINUE. Erod. 21. 21. If he c. a day or two I Sam. 12. 14. c. following the Lord 13. 14. thy kingdom not r. 1 Sam. 7. 29. that it may c. for ever I A'in. 2. 4. L. may c. word he .spake Job 15. 29. neither silbsUtm-e c 17. 2. eyec. in their provocation ? Ptul. 36. 10. O c thy loving kindn. 49. II. that their him -es shall c. lil-'. 28. i-liildien of thy servanta c. 119. 91. c. aci-or. to thy ordinances />.i. 5. II. c. till night, till wine Jer. 32. 14. may c. many days linn. II. 8. c more years than king Mut. 15. 33. c. now three days John 8. 31. if ye c. in my word 15. 9. t: ye in niv love Arts la 4a to c. in vrare of God 14. 22. exhorting tn r. In faith 2ft 22. I c. unto this day Rom. 6. 1. oh. we c. in sin, that grace 11. 22. if thou c. in his |roodnee ilo c. to decrees J8. 13. to worship (Jod :. to law -'.'i 3. to be smittei: c. t the law A. 9. c to the name of Joi.i Hum. 1 1. 24. grafted c. to nature I'i. 17. c. to ui trine ye learned GaL 5. 17 c. one to the other ('./ >. U. hand. writing c. tons I Thn. 2. 15. and are r. to all men 1 Tim. I. 10. c. to sound doctrine Tit. 2. a he ofc. part b. ashamed CONTHAimVKSK. 2 Cor. 2. 7. c. rather to foruive him GaL 2. 7. c. when saw gospel was 1 1'et. a 9. railing, hut c. Meosiiig CONTK I BUT U IN. Horn. 15. !. r. for the poor saints CONTRITE. I'm. 34. 18. saveth such as of r. spirit 51. 17. c heart, wilt not despise !*a. 57. 15. that is of a c. spirit, to revive hearts of the c. oueii 66 2. ofc. spirit mid tremMeth CONTKOVEKSV. Deiit 17. 8. being matters ofc. 19 17. between whom c. is, stand 21. 5. hy their word c. be tried 25. I. if there be a c. between mea i fiam 15. 2. that had a c. came ^ i'hron. !!* 8. set the Le''ile lor c. ha. 34. 8. year of recom. for c of Zi. Jer. 25. 31. L. hath r. with nations Fxfk. 44. i>4. in c. they shall stand Hot. 4. I. L. hath ar. with inhabi. 12. 2. Lord hath a c. with Jmlah .Vic. 6. 2. Lord hath r. with his pea. 1 rim. a 16. wi. c. great is jnystery CONVENIENT. Prop. 30. 8. with food c. for me Jff. 40. 4. it seeim th c. to no, 5. Mark 6. 21. a c. day was come Actt 21. 25. a r. season. I will rail Rum. I. 28. to do thing* not c. I Cur lt>. 12. when have c. time Efih. 5. 4. talk mi.', nor jesting, e. Philftn. 8. to enjoin thee that c. CONVENIENTLY. Mark 14. II. mlirht r. betray him CONVEKSAN r. Jiah. a 35. strangers c. among them 1 Sam. 25. 15. MS lone '* we were c. CONVERSATION. /W. 37. I i. a he of upright c. 50. 2a ordereth his c. ariuht 2 Cor. 1. 12. in goillv simviity had c. l!nl. I. 1.1 ye lixve heard of my c. KIM. 2. a had our c. in times past 4. 22 concerning the former c. Phil. I. 27. c. as hecoineth cot pel ". 20. for our r. i< in heaven I Tim. 4. 12. he mi example in r. llrb. !:i 5. c. he without covrtousn. 7 cor .-iiterinir end of their c. Jam. :t. la hhow out of a ITOIM! c. his I Pet. I. 15. holy in H I manner ofc. 1H. not redeemed from vain c. ?. 12. c. li'inent ammiir (ienti'es a I. may be won l.y c. of wi 'es 2. while they lieho'ln i h:o-te r. \': I il-ely license y Mir e>n\ e. 'J I'ft. 2. 7. vexed with the filthy c. .'(. 11. ought ye to he in :ill holy c. CONVERSION. Artt\b 3. decUiin* c. of 'Entiles CONVKHT, El). P>al. 5 . 3. sinners he c. unto the AM. fi. r lest r. and he healed 1-iiiirtain ~<-.\ tie e. to the* .Vat 13. 15. he r. and heal. Mar. 4.lx IR .1 c. and become a> children J.ti. VJ ?2. when c. i-treiiu'ilieii breth. Julin Vi. 40. be c. and 1, 'Acti 2k. 21 COR Act* 3. 19. repent ye and be c. Jum. 5. 19. do err, and one c. him CONVERTETH, ING. PtaL 19. 7. law is perfect, c soul Jam. 5. 20. he which c. a sinner CONVERTS. lia. 1. 27. her c. he redefined with CONVEY, HI). Kin. 5. 9. I will c. them by sea NVA. 2. 7. c. me over till I come John 5. 13. Jesus c. himself away CONT1CTED. John 8. 9. c by their conscience CONVINCE, ED, ETH. Job 32. 12. none of you c. Job John 8. 4fi. wh. of you c. me of sin ? Actt 18. -28. mightily c. the Jews I Cor. It. 24. lie is c. of all, he is Tit. '. 9. be able to c. gainsayers Jam. 2. 9. c. of law as transgressors Jude 15. to c. nil that are ungodly CONVOCATION. .Rrorf. 12. 16. nn holy c. Let: 23.7,24, a 1 ). Xnm. 28. 18. | 29. 1. Num. 28. 26 day of first-fir, a holy c. CONY, IKS. !,>. 11. 5. c. cheweth cud, 7>d.l4.7. PiaL 104. 18. a refuge for the c. Pro. 30. 2a the c. a feeble folk COOK, S. 1 5am. 8. 13. daughters to be c. 9. 23. haniuel sai.l to the c. bring 1 COOL, SuMantire. dan. 3. 8. walking in c. of the day COOL, Verb. Luke 1C. 24. and c. my tongue COPIED. Prov. 25. 1. men of Hezekiah c, COPING. 1 Kin. 1. 9. from foundation to c. COPPER. Ezra 8. 27. two vessels of fine c. COPPER-SMITH, 2 TYm. 4. 14. Alexander the c. did COPULAT.ON. i).15.1C.seed of c. go out, 32. | 22.4. COPY. Dent. 17. 18. writ*- him a c. of law Joth. 8. 32 on stone, c. of law of Mo. Erra 4. II. c. of letter sent, 5, G. Esth. a 14. c. of writing for cora.8. 13. COK. Exek. 45. 14. offer the tenth of a bath out of the c. CORAL. Job 28. 18. no mention made of c. Ezek. 27. 16. Syria merchant in c. CORBAN. Mark 7. 11. it is c. that is, a gift CORD. Josh. 2. 15. let spies down by a e. Job 30. 1 1. he hath loosed my c. 41. I. draw out tongue with a c.t Eccl. 4. 12. threefold c. not quickly 12. 6. or ever silver c. be loosed Itq. 54. 2. lengthen thy c. strengthen Mic. 2. 5. a c. by lot in the congre. COttDS. Judg. 15. 13. Samson with new c. Job 36. 8. if holden in c. of affliction Psal. 2. 3. let us cast away thrir c. 118. 27. bind the sacrifice with c. 129. 4. hath rut c. of the wicked 140. 5. proud have hid c. for me PTOV. 5 22. hol'len with c. of his sins Isa. 5. 18. draw iniquity with c. 33. 20. nor any of the c. be broken Jer. 10. 20. spol.ed, and all my c. 38. 13. drew t;, Jeremiah with c. Ex. 27. 24. af j,rcl bound with c. Hnt. 1 1. 4. I crew with c. of a man Juhn 2. 15 a sroursje of small c. CORIANDER. Er. 10. 31. like c. seed, AUTO. 11. 7. COR CORMORANT. Lev. 11. 17. owl and c. Deut. 14. 17. Isa. 34. 11. c. possess it, Zeph. 2. 14. CORN Gen. 41. 57. all came to buy c. 42. 2. c. in Egypt, Acts 7. 12. Ex. 22. 6. stacks of c. be consumed Lev. 2. 16. burn part of beaten c. 2a 14. eat bread nor pan hed c. A'7/. 18. 27. as c. of thressing floor Deut. 16. 9. begin, to put sickle to c. 25. 4. not muzzle ox trexdeth c. 1 Cor. 9. 9. 1 Tim. 5. 18. Josh. 5. 11. did eat of old c. 12. Ruth 3. 7. to lie down at heap of c. 1 Sam. 17. 17. for breth. parched c. 25. 18. Abigail took of pan hed c. 2 Sam. 17. 28. brought parched c. 2 Kin. 19. 26. as blast, c. Isa. 37. 27. Xeh. 5. 2, we take up c. for them Job 5. 26. as a shock of c. cometh 24. 6. reap every one c. in field 39. 4. young- grow up with c. Psal. 65. 9. thou prepares! them c. 13. the valleys covered with c. 72. 16. handful of c. in the earth 73. 24. given of the c. of heaven Prnv. 11. 26. withhold, c. peo. curse Isa. 17. 5. when harvest-man Bath. c. 62. 8. no more give c. to em miea Exek. 36. 29. I will call for c. and llta. 2, 9. I will take away my c. in 10. II. Ephraim loveth to tread c. 14 7. shall revive as the c. and Joel 1. 10. for the c. is wasted 17. the c. is withered Amni 8. 5. new moon be gone, that we may sell c. 9. 9. like as c. sifted in sieve Mark 4. 2& after that the full e. John 12. 24. except c. of wheat fall Gen. 41. 5. seven ears of c. came up Len. 2. 14. offer green ears ofc. dried Ruth >. 2. glean ears of c. after him 2 Kin. 4. 42. brought full ears ofc. Job 24. 24. cut off as ears ofc. Mat. 12. 1. to pluck earn ofc. Mark 2. 23. Luke 6. 1. CORN. .fields. Mark 2. 23 thro' c.-Jields on sabbath. day. Mat. 12. 1. Luke 6. 1. CORN./foor. Isa. 21. 10. and c. of my_/foor Has. 9. 1. loved reward on every c.-Jl. Standing-CuK.fi. E.rnd. 22. 6. so that s.-c. be consumed Deut. 23. 25. into s.-c. of neighbour Judg. 15. 5. let foxes go into s.-c. CORN and trine. Gen. 27. 28. God gave plenty of c. w. 37. with c. and IF. I sustained him Deut. 7. 13. bless thy c. and wine 11. 14 mayest gather in thy c. a. w. 12. 17.notpattitheofthrc.tr. 14. 23. 18. 4. give him first-fruit of c. a. w. 28. 51. shall not leave thce c., trine 3:t. 28. Jacob shall be on land of c. ir. 2 Kin. 18. 32. to land oft-, jr. Isa. 36. 17. 2 Chr. 31. 5. brought first fruits of c.w. 32. 28. store-houses for c. and wine Neh. 5. 11. restore 100th part ofc. ir. 10. 39. bring offer, of c. w. la 5, 12. Psal. 4. 7. than in time c. w. increased I.nm.1, 12. motht-rs, where is e. a. rr.t Has. 2. 8. that 1 gave her c. and w. 22. the earth shall hearc. trine and 7. 14. the,y assemble fore, and trine Jnrl 2. 19. I will send you c. to. and Hag. 1. 1!. for drought on c. and tr. Zech. 9. 17. c. make men cheerful, to. CORNER. Ler. 21. 5. nor shave of c. of beard 2 Chron. 28. 24. m:ide ultars inev. c. 85 COR Prms. i. 9. pausing near her 7 12. tie lieth in wait at every ff, 21. 9. better to dwell in c. 2.'. S4. Isa. 30. 2U. thy teachers into a ft Jer. 4a 45. devour c. of Mab 51. 26. nor take a stone fur a e. Exek. 46. 21. in every c. of court Amos a 12. in Samaria in c. of a bet Zech. 10. 4. out of him came c. Mat. 21. 42. the same is become head ofe. /W. 118.22. Mark 12 10 iw*. 20. 17. Acts 4. II. 1 />. 2. 7. yicfr 26. 26. this thing ivns nut don COHNER.^ate [j n a 6 Jer. 31. 39. city built to gate of c. Zech. 14. 10. be inhabited to c -gate COBNKR-*fen* Joi 38. ft. who laid c.->trmc thereof? Psal 1 18. 22. is head atone of c. 144. 12, daughters as c..tone> Isa 28. ia in Zimi a c..s. 1 Pet. 2. 6. Epk. 2. 20. Christ beini.' chief c.-tton CORNERS. Lev. 19. 9. not reap the c. 23. 22. 27. not round c. of your heads Num. 24. 17. smite c. of Moab Deut. 32. 26. I will scatter into c. AVA. 9. 22. didst divide them into e. Job I. 19. smote four r. of house Isa. 11. 12. gather dispersed from 4. c. Jer. 9. 26. 1 will punish all in utter- most c. 25. 23. | 49. 3i Ezek. 7. 2. end is come upon four e. 45. 19. put blood upn four c. Mat. h'nll not he c.t Prov. 29. 17. c. thy son. and he Jer. 2. 19. own wickedness c. thec III. 24. O Lord. c. me, but vith 30. 11. c. thee :n meai.e 46. 21 CORRECT'..^, ETH. Job 5. 17. happy is man Oo>i c. Prov. a 12. whom Lord loveth he . 29. 19. servant not be c. by words Heb. 12. 9. had fathers which c. in CORRECTION. Job 37. la rain whether for c Prov. 3. 1 1. neither be weary of his t 7. S2. goeth as a fto.' to the c. 15. 10 c. grievous to him forsnkf tk 22. 15, rod of c. drive it from him 23. 13. withhold not c. from child Jer. 2. 30. your children recei. no <. 5 3. have refused to receive c. 7. 28. this is nation receivr-tli nut i, Rub \. 12. hast e*t -.b. them for c. Zeph. a 2. she rece ved not r. 2 Tim. a 16. script, profitable fr a. CORRUPT. G'n. 6. 11. the ear!h also wns c. 12. Job 17. 1. my breath ia c. Psal. 14. I. they are c. 53. 1. | 7.1 a 38. 5. my wounds are c. because I'rnr. 25. 2(i. as a c. spring Exfk. 20. 44. not accor. to r. doing? 2:1. II. c. in her inordinate love Dan, 2, 9. ye have prepr. c. wordj COT Jfel I. 14. samn. eth a c. thin* Mat. 7. 17 ar. tree evil fruit la e tree K.....I fruit, /.* R 43. 12. 31. <>r el*e make tre.- r. and JEM. 4. ft. p>it iilf the ..Id man e. t. let mil- communication pro c.-ed out of miiiitli 1 TYm. A. .V disputing* of mm of c. J 7V/H. 3. 8. m.-n .if c. mind* CORIOPT. Drjt. 4. Ifl. le-C ye c. yourselves, 25. 81. 29. after my death ye will c. Dan. II. 32. shall he c i'y flatteries M-it. I 3. I will c. your seed A/a/. & IR cn.ilh and rit dnth c. 20. moth nor ru-t dnth r. 1 C' 9. he should live and not see c. Itf. 3b ' deli. it from pit of c. Dan. la a -"meliness into c. Jim. 2. fi. bri.u ' up my life from c. Ucfc. i 31. ne.ili. ...- flesh did see r. 13 34. no m..r-- to return to r. 3. David saw e 37. whom ft.id raised saw no c. Hnm a 21. de.iv frorr. bondage of c. 1 Cor. 15 42. i< -iwn in r. raised 50. r. inherit mrorruptl-m Gnl rl S of the fl h reap r. C Pet I. 4 e-caped Ihe r. that U 1. II perish In their own c. 10. they are erv:mt ofc. tRUFTLf. 2 r*rrA 27 2. people did yet c. .VA. 1. 7. we hae dealt e. *. thee 2 Sam 19. 4?. eaten of kinr's e.f 24. 24. oft.-r of that r. nothing I f*r. 21 .'I hnrut.offer. without r. Luke. 14Y 28. and roimteth th.- c. COsI I. IN fl. lai.l MI k folks on c. COUCH. ./'-. 3s. 40. when they c. in dent COOCHfcD, lien. 49. !>. Judah c. a- a lion .Vum. X4. 9. hi- e. he lay an a lion COUCHKTH. /)<<. 33 13. deep thai r. beneath COVC HI HO. Gen. 40. 14. a stron- .1-- c. do-n Ezek. 25. 5 a c. pi:., e fur flocks COULD. /'// 37. 36. but he c. not be found Jer. l.s. I. c. not tie tow. tin- people Mark 9. 18. they e. not, Luke 9. 40. 11 8. she hath done what he c. CODLTEB. I Sam. IX 20. to sharpen each his c, COUNCIL. Mat 5. 22. Rara, in dan K >-r of c. *<>. 59. c. souirht false it. Mar. 14.55. .V/i/rA- 15. I. c. rxuind Je-nx Luke fi 66. led Jesus into their e. John II. 47. pri.-stt. jtli. c. Acttb.*\. Acti 4. I , coiiim ui'teil to if o out of c. s. '-7. and et them he). .re e. 34. stood up in r. a Pharisee 41. departed from c. njoiriug 6. I-.', l.rouvht Stephen to c. 2V. 30. h- coinm. tiieir e, to appear '-'.I 15. ye with c. signify to captain 24. M. evil in me, while before c. CoUNCIlA Mat \0. 17. del. v. up to e. Mar. la 9. la 19. I will give thee e. Sum. 27. 21. Kleazar a>k c. for him 31. 16. caused l-r.,el. through C. of Iliilaam, to trespass !>':!. 32. SH. H nation void ofc. ./'.*. 9. 14. aikc.i not r. at the Lord Judg. 20. 7. ifive here yo.ir c. 2 fettt. IS. 31. e. of Ahith. foolishne*- 16. 2a MI all r. ( Ah th. with Da. 17. 14. L. d-fcated iriMid c. of Aim. 20. la shall surely ask c at Abel I A'l'n. I. 12. let me ifie thee c. 12. 8. forsook r. o ol I, 2 Ch. 10. 8. i Kin. fi. 8. tiMik c. with hi- ser. 18. 20. I have r. for war, /?. V,. 5. I Chrrm. la la so Saul died for ask. ink' f. of one i CAron. 2Z 5. Ahaziah after their c. :'b 16. art tho*i m de of king'k c F.rra 10. a i r. 3i. they would none of m> c. /ML 46. 10. mv r s.iall M.i.id I will II. execu. mil r. Irom far countrf n c be Inh 18. 7. hi 0'KI.. l.r.l). .' Snm |f> 2a which Al.llli"oh A 17. 15 thus Ahitho. c. thiu 1 e. fi cou fob 98. 3. how c. him hath no wisdom i*i8. 2 I c. tht-e to keep king's rum. See. 3. 18. I c. to buy of me gold COUNSELLOR. PSam. 15. 12. David's c. 1 CAr.27.XJ. 1 Chr. '26. 14. Zeehariah wise c. '27. 32. Jonathan was a c. 2 CAron, 22. 3. Atluiliah was his c. /jo. 3. 3. l.oni taketh away c. 9. C. he called VV,,ml.-rful, C. 40. la or who being his c. hath 41. 28 for 1 beheld, WHS no c. Mic. 4. 9. is thy c. perished ? A". c. nut me dangh. of Bel. Job 19. 15. maids c. me a stranger 31. 4. doth not he c. all my steps Ptal. 87. 6. L. c. when he writeth 139. 18. if I c. them, more than sand 22. I c. them mine enemies Mic. ft II. shall I c. them pure with Acts 20. 24. nor c. \ my life dear Phil. a8. I c. all loss. c. hut dung 13. I c. not to have apprehended VThes. 1. II. c. yon worthy of railing 3. 15. c. him not as an enemy 1 Tim. 6. 1. c. masters worthy of Phil -in. 17. if thou c. me a partner Jam. \. 2. c. it joy when ye fall 5. 11. we c. h.tppy which endure 2 Pet. 2. 13. c. it pleasure to riot 3. !>. as some men c. slackness Rev. 13. 18. c. number of beast COUNTED. Gen. 15 0. c. it to him for riifht. Ft. 106. 31. Rom. 4. 3. (Sal. 3. 6. 30. :, he c. stolen with me 31. 15. are we not c. strangers 1 Kin. 3. 8. cannot be c. for inulti. I C/tron 21. f> lienjamin c. he not AV'A. 13. la were c faithful Job IH 3. wheref. are we c. as beasts 41. 2! I. da-"-" are r. us stubble Piiii 44. 22. we are c. as sheep for 8H. 4. c. with them go to the pit Pr-a. 17. 28. a fool \vrticn he hol.leth his peace is c. wise ?7. 14. be c. a rnise to It in fa* 4. 28. hoofs be c. like Hint COU Ita. 32. 15. Held be c. for a forest 40. 15. nations -c. as small dust 17. nations e. less tnan nothing //(. 8. 12. were c. as strange thing Mat. 14. 5 c. him propb. Mur. 11.32. Luke 21. 30. be c. worthy to escape Acts ft. 41. rejoicing were c. worthy 19. 19. burned books, and c. price Rom. 2. 26. noi ir. he c. for i-lrcum. 4. 5. his faith is c. for righteous. 0. S. children of promise c. for seed Phil, a 7. those I c. lost for Christ 2 Thes. I. 5. be c. worthy of kingdom I Tim. 1. 12. that he c. me faithful 5. 17. elders c. worthy of double Heb. 3. 3 this man was c. worthy of more glory 7 6. he whose descent is not c. 10. 29. c. blood of covenant unholy See AccotivTEiJ. COUNTETH, INO. Job 19. 1!. c. me of enemies, 33. 10. Eccl. 7. 27. c. one by one, to And Isa. 33. 18. where is he c. towers Luke 14. 23. and c. the cost COUNTENANCE. Gen. 4. 5. C in was wroth, c. fell 31. 2. Jacob beheld c. of L ban 5. father's c. not toward me tfum. 6. 26. L. lift up his c. on thee Deut. 28. 50. a nation of fierce c. Jiulg. !3 6. his c. like c. of angel 1 Sam. I. 18. her c. no more sad 16. 7. look n. t on his c. or height 12. David was of beau. c. 17. 42. 25. a A I igail || 2 Sam. 14. 27. Tarn. 2 Am. 8 1 1. he settled his c.on I ta/ael Neh. 2. 2. why is thy c. sad a why not c. sad, when city Job 14. 20. thou changes! his c. 29. 24. light of my c cast not down P*aL 4. o. lift light of thy c. on us 10. 4. thro' pride of c. not seek O. 11. 7. c. doth behold upright 21. 6. made him glad with thy c. 42. 5. praise him for help of bis c. \ I. who is health of my c. 4'<. 5. 44. a light of thy c. did save them 80. lu. perish at rebuke of thy c. 89. 15. walk, O L. in light of thy c. 90. a sec ret sins in light of thy c. Prof. 15. 13 maketh a cheerful c. 16. 15. in light of king'3 c. is life 25. 2a so angry c. a Backbiting 27. 17. so man sharpeoeth c. of Eccl. 7. 3. by sad. of c. heart Letter Cant. 2 14. see c. thy c. is comely 5. 15. his c. is as Lebanon ha. a it. c. doth witness against them Exek. 27. 35. be troubled in their c. Dun 5. 6. king's c . \vas changed 8. 23. king of fierce c. stand up Mnt. 6. Hi. as hypocrites, of sad c. 28. a r. like light ing. Luke to. 29. Acts >. 2a foil nt joy with thy c. 2 Cor. 3. 7. not behold Moses, for c. Rev. I. 16 c. was :is sun shineth See CIIANIIKII. COUNTENANCE. Ejcod. 2a a neither c. a poor man COUNTENANCE* Dun. 1. 13 let our c. be looked on 15. their c. appeared fairer and COUNTERVAIL. Esth. 7. 4. not c. the king's damage COUNTRV. GVn. 24. 1 thou shalt go to my c. 29. 26. not he so done in our c. DO. 25. that 1 may 1:0 to my c. 42. .1.'). lord of r said unto us \K/. 15. 13. ;ill born in c. shall do :!- 4. c. Lord smote before Israel I)>-n(. 2(> 3. ciime into c. L. swarc Joi/i. 2. 2 to search out the c. a 87 COU Josh. 7. 2.. po up and iew the a, Judg. 11. 21. Israel possessed that A 16. 24. the destroyer of our c. Ruth i. 2. came into c. of Mnab 2 Sam. 15. 23. ail the c Wept 1 Kin. id. 27. Syrinx filled the c. 2 Kin 3. 20. c. filled with water Isa. I. 7. c. is desolate, cities burnt 22. 18. like a I all in a large c. Jer. 22. 10. not see his native c. 31. 8. brirg them from north c. 45. 21. judgment upon plain c, 50. 9. an Hssen.bly from north c. Exek. 20. 38. bring them forth of ,' 25. 9. glory of c. Beth-jeshnnoth 47. 22. be to you us born in the c. Jonah 4. 2. when yet in my c. Mat. 9. 31. his faim- in nil that e. Mark 5. 10. not .send them out of i 14. told it in the c. Luke H. 34. Lit. 15. 15. joined to cit'uen of thuc, Acts 12. 'JO. their c. was nourished 27. 27. they drew near to some r. Heb. II. 9. as in a strange c. 14. plainly that they -seek a c. 15. been mindful of thatv. 16. desire better c. an heavenly Far COUNTRY. Jo.ih. 9. 6. we be corne from far c. 9. 1 Kin. & 41. out ot a far c. for thy sake, 2 Ch-ron. 6. 32. 2 Kin. 20. 14. come from fur c. from Babylon, I.ia. 39. 3. Prov. 25. 25. so good new- from/ c. Isa. 13. 5. from/ c. to destroy Innd 46. 11. execiiteth conn-el from f. c. Jer. 4. 16. watchers come from/ c. 8. 19. because of them in a fare. Mat. 21. 33. householder went into/ c. Murk 12. 1. 25. 14. is as a man trav. into f. c. Luke. 15. 13. his journey into a tar c. Own COUNTRY. Lev 16. 29. whether m e of o. c. 24.21 1 Kin 10. 13 she went to her o. c. !1. 21. that I may go to my oumc. 22. 36. a proclam. ev. man to irn a. Jer. 51. 9. eveiy one into his oicn c. Mat. 2. 12. departed into their o. e. la 57. without honour save in hit otrn c. Mark ri 4. Luke 4. 24. Mark 6. 1. came into his otrn c. John A. 44 prophet no honour in o.c Thif d UN'l RY. Gen. 12. 1. et out of thy c. Art* 7. a 32. 9 return to thy c. and kindred Xinn. 211. 17. let us puss thro' thy c Jn,,uh 1. 8. what is th>i c.? Luke 4. 23. <1o here iii thy c. COUNTRY- illaaen. \ Sam. 6. la both of r..ri!laeet COUNTRYMEN. 2 Cor. 11. 20 in penis by own c. 1 Then. 2. 14. like tilings of your c. COUNTRIES. Gen. 26. a to thy sc- d these c. 4. 41. 57. all c. came t> buy corn 1 Chr. <2. 5. lion e of glory thro. r. 2 Chr. 20. 29. fear of (;. on all those c. Ezra a 3. fear, bee. of people ofc. 4. VO. kings which ruled over all a. P.tal. 110. 6. wound over many c. Iia. 8. 9. give enr \e of far r. Jer. 23. 3" 1 will gather my flock on of .11 r.'a | 32 37. 28. 8 prophesied against many c. Errk. 5. 5. Jerusalem in mid-t'ofc. 6 i hanged statutes more than c. 6. 8. when sc.itteie-l through c. 11. 16. tho' 1 scattered them am. e little sanctuary in c. 17. assemble you out ..f c. 20. 34, 41 22. 4. a m.ickiiig to all c. 25. 7. cause thee to perish out of I cou Iftk. 93 12. diiprrif through?. 3ft '. V>. 10. tliee two r. shall he mm Xwn. II. 40. he sh:ill enter Into c ii forth hi- hand upon the r. Zfrk. 10. 9. remember me in fur a 2.U** 21. 21. that are in c. entr r COUPLED. 1 Pet. 3. 2. conversation c. with fear COUBAUK J,uh. 2. II. nnr any more c. in any 8 CA -ax. 15. 8. to..k r. put away idols D in I I. -'V Mir up <-. ag. king of south .fcfa2a IS. 'hanked Ood took c. GoorfCOUKAiJK. A^ini 11 tO. goodc. and brlr.g fruit Deut. 31.1. I* sir one, nd of /r*"f c 7. 23. JmA. I. fi, 9, la | 10. 25 1 Chron. 24 13. | M. 20. 2 Sum. 10. 14 l.e of g. c. 1 Chr. 19. 13. Erni 10. 4. /B. 41. 6. P.27. 14.be of g.c. he shall strengthen thine heart, 31. 24. COURAGEOUS J,T. 1. ". V c. 23. 6. 8 CAron. 32. 7. 1 Sum. la 29 fear not. he c. valiant Amoi 2. 16, the c. shall flee naked COURAGEOUSLY. 2 CAnm. 19. II. dealt COURSE. 1 CAr. 71. 1. fathers of er. e 24,000 2 CHr. 5. II. priest* not wait by c. Erra 3. II. sung together by c. Ptal 9i 5. foundations out of c, Jfr. 8 R. every one turned to his e, a la their c. is evil, their force l.rikt I. 5. Za.-hari i- c. of Abia a in the order of his c. .<<* 13. 25. as John fulfilled his c. :. II. with straight c. 21. I. 00. 21. finish my c. with joy 81. 7. finished c. from Tyre \ Co'. 14. 27. at mi.st r>y three, by p. 2 The'. 3. I. word may have free c. 2 rim. 4. 7. I have finished my c. Jam 3. 6. on fire the c. of nature fTafer-CiiimsE. Kff WATKR. COUKSKS. JnHg. 5. 00. the stars in their c. 1 CAron. 21. 6. the Levites into c. 8 Chr 23. a Jehoiada dismissed not p. 31. 2. Het-kiah appointed the r. 35. 10. Levites st I in their c. COURT. ErrxL 27. 9. shall make the c. 40. 8. thou oh .It set up the c. t Kin. 20. 4. afore Isa, was into & j CAr. 20. 5. Jehoshaphat bef. new e. 24. 21. stoned Zechnriah In c of 2!l. II. brought uiirleanness unto c. F.tth 6. S. beh Haman oUndeth ID c. Jin. 31. 13. chatl he a c for owls Jer. l. 14. Jeremiah stm>d in c. 26. 2 stand in c. of Ix>rd's house 3Z 2. Jeremiah WHS shut up in e. of prison. 33. I. | 39. IS. Ex. 8. 7. he bro. me to door of c. IS. 10. .1 tire ploiid til ed inner e. 40. 17. to outward c. 42. I | 46. 21. 29. h- brought me to Inner p. 43. 5, spirit brought me to inner c. 4fl. 21. In ev. corner of r. w*s a c. Anna 7. 13. and it is the king's r. Rrr. II. 2. c without the temple COURTS. J Kin. 21. 5. Miilt nltars for hosts of heaven in two c. 2 CAr. 33. 5. ) CAr. 23. 28. office to w-it in p. 2B. fl. Solomon f hall build my e. CAr. 23. 5. all the pople he in e. Ptal. RS. 4. he m:iv dwell In thy c. 84. 2. my soul fainteth for c. of L. 92. li fl'.iurl-h in c. of onr God %. 8. bring off rorne into hit e. 100. 4. enter his c. with praise COV Ptal. llfi 19. pny vows in the r. of !<'. 2. yi- that stand in the c. of 7o. 1. 12. to tread my c / fti. 9. drink it in c. of holiness Krek. 9. 7. fill c. with the slain Z'-rH 3. 7. vlmlt aNo keep my r. Luke". 25. delicately in king's c. COURTEOUS. 1 Pet 3. a love as brethren be c. COURTEOUSLY. Act* 27. a Julius r. entreated Paul 28. 7. and PiildiMB lodged 113 c. COUSIN. Luke 1. 36. thy r Kliabeth COUSINS. Luke I. 5a her c. heard how COVENANT. Gen. 1. 12. token of c. 13 17 | 17. 11 17. 4. as for me my c. is with thee 13. my c. be in your rtesh 14. soul rut off, linth broken my c. Erad. 31 16. sabbath a perpetual c. 34. 28. wrotf upon tallies the e. T.,-r. 26. IS. hut that ye break my c. Sum. 25. \'J. gave him my c. of peare 13. p. of an everlasting prit-xtliooil Deut. 4. 1:1 derlareil unto you his c. 2a lest ye forget c. of L.'nd 31. L. not forget c. of thy fathers 9. II. Lord gave me tahli^ of c. 29. I these are the word" of e. 12. thou shoulde-t enter into c. 21. arrnrding to all rurses of c. 25. hernuse ye have forsaken c. 31. 20. they will hreak ray c. Judg. 2. I. said, I will never break r. I Sow. 20. R thy servants In c. of L. 1 Kin. 19. 10. Urael fr. 13. 20. thro' blood of e*erla.>.3Z 29. 9. kei-p words of this p. and do 33. 9. they have kept thy p, I A'in. 11. II. hast not k. p. P>~8. 1. 17. 14. by AT. of p. it miu'ht stand Dan. 9. 4. A:. P. and mercy to them Made COVENANT. ipn.15.l8.same day L.m.c.with Abr. 21. 27. Ahr. and Ahim. m. c. -Ti Deut.b.i.l*m a p. with us in Horeb a m. not p. with fathers. Heo. aft 29. 1. besides c. he m. in H.-reb 31. 16. will hreak my P. I made Jrah, 24 25. Joshua m. BP. wilh pen. 1 .Sam. 18. 3. Jon. and Dav. m.p.2:U8. 20. Ifl. Jon. m. c. with hou-e of I). 1 A'in. 8.5M. ark wherein isp.of Uhem 20 34. Ahah mude r. with Ken. 2 Kin. 11.4. Jehoiada m. r. w. mien 17. m. p. between L. and king 17. 15. rejected p. m. with fathers 38. p. marie with you not forget 23. 3. Josiah m. c. bef. I..-' CAr.34.31. 1 CAr. II. T). David m. c. with elders 16. 16. be ye mtndful of c. he m. with Abra. >VA. 9. a Pml 1M. 9. 2 CAr. 21. 7. of p. he had m. with I). 2TL 3 congr. m. ac. with king Jonah Jol> 31. 1. I m. a c. with mine eyes 7*101 50. 5. m. a p. with me by eacri. 99. 3. m. a c. with my chrneu Jin VS. IS. we have m. a p. w. death 57. 8. enlarged thy bed and m. a a, Jer. II. 10. br*e p. I m. with fth. 31. 32. not ac. to c. I m. with fath. 34. a after Zed. m. c. with ne. 15. 13. I m. a c. with yar father* cov Jrr. 34. 15. ye had made c. be-' >re ma Ezek. 17. !3. and made a c. with him Make COVENANT. Gen. 17. i.m. c. between me and thee 26. 28. lei us m. .. with thee, 31. 44. Exud. 2.'i 32. m. no c. Dfut. 7. 8. 34. 10. I m. c. before thy people 12. lest in. c. with inhabitants, 15. Drut. 29. 14. nor with you only m. c. 1 .Sam. 11. 2. on tin-, condition I m.c. 2 CAr. 29. 10. in my heart to m. a c. Nell. 9. 38. we make a sure c. Job 41. 4. will he m. a c. with thee? Jer. 31. 33. this is the c. I'll m. Heb. 8. 10. | 10. 16. Esek. 34. 25. m. c. of peace, 37. 26. Hoi. X 18. m. c. for them with beasts 12. 1. they do m. c. with Assyrians MwCOVENANT. Jer. 31. 31. n. c. with Israel, Heb.8.8. Heb. a la a new c. the first old 12. 24. mediator of the new c. Remember COVENANT. Gen. 9 15. 1 will r. my c. Lev. 26.42. F.s-ek. 16. 60. Lev. 26 45. for their sakes remtm. c. Psal. 105. a he hath r. his c. 106. 45. ^JTXM I. 9. r. n-'t the brotherly c. Luke 1. 72. nnd to rtm. his holy c. COVENANTo/Saft. Lee. 2. la raft of c. to be lacking A'UOT. 18. 19. it is a c. off. for ever 2 Chr. 13. 5. to David by c. of salt T.-ansgressed, ing, COVENANT. Deut. 17. 2 wickedness in t. his c. Jo*A. 7. 11. transgressed my c. 15.bec.he i.e. Judg.'LW.2K.in. 18.12. S3. 16. when ye have fc c. of Lord Jer. 34. 18. give men that t. my c. Ho*. 6. 7. they like men t. the c. 8. 1. because they have t. my c. COVENANTED. 8 CAr. 7. 18. as I have c. with David Hag. 2. 5. ace. to word I c. with you Mat. 20. 15. c. for thirty pieces Luke 22. 5. c. to nive him money COVENANTS. Rom. 9. 4. to whom pertaineth c. Gal. 4. 24. two c. one from Sinai Eph. 2. 12. strangers from c. of pro. COVER. Erod. 33. 22. I'll c. thee while I pass JVm. 22. fl. they c. fare of the earth Deut. 23. 13. c. wh. rometh from thee 33. 12. L. shall c. him all the day 1 Sam. 24. 3. Saul went to c. his feet .AfeA. 4. ft. c. not their iniquity .//< 16. ia O earth, c. not my blood 21. 26. worms shall c. them 22. 11. the abundance of waters c. thee, 3a 34. 40. 22. the shady trees cr. him Ps. 91. 4. c. thee with his feathers 104. 9. that they turn not to c. earth 109 29. c. with own confusion 139. II. surely darkness shall c. me 140. 9. mischief of lips c. them Isa, \\. 9. as waters c. sea,Haft.2. 14. 14. 11. worms c. thee 22. 17. L. will surely c. thee 20. 21. earth no more c. her slain 30. 1. c. with a covering, but 68. 7. naked, that thou c. him 59. 6. nor c. thennelves with works 60. 2. darkness shall c. the earth 6. mult of ramels shall r. then Jer. 4& 8. I will c. the earth Exrk. 7. l& horror shall c. them 18. 6. thou shall r. thv face 12. he shall c. his face, that 84. 7. poured it n<*. on ground, to c. it with dust 17. c. uot thy lips, and cat not the Ml y hall uot c. your lips, nor COV Ezek.26.} ). horses, their dust c.thee 19. when waters shall c. thee 30. 18. as for her a cloud c. her 32. 7. I will c. the heaven, sun 37. 6. c. you with skin and 38. 9. be like cloud to c. land, 16. Hot. 2. 9. flax given to c. her uaked. 10. a say to mount, c. us, Lv. 23.30. Obad. \ shame shall c. thee Mir. :>. . shall all c. their lips 7. 10. an;itm> c. her said to me Hob. 2. 17. violence of Leb. c. thee Mark. 14. 65. to spit, and c. his face 1 Cor. II. 7. a man not to c. head 1 Pet. 4. 8. charity c. mult of sins COVERED. Gen. 7. 19. mountains were c. 20. 9 23. c. nakedness of their father 24. 65. Kebekah c. herself 38. 14. Tamar c. her with.a veil Ejcod. 14. 28. the waters c. chariots 15. 5. the depth* c. them 10. the sea c. them, Josh. 24. 7. 24. 15. a cloud c. the mount, 16. 37. 9. c. with wings mercy-seat 40. 21. veil c. ark of testimony , \nm. 4. 20. when holy things c. Deut 32. 15. art c. with fatness Judg. 4. 18. Jael c. Sisera, 19. I Sam. 19. 13. Michal c. the pillar 28. 14. old man cometh up c. 1 Kin. 1. 1. c. David with clothes 8. 7. cherubims c. the ark, 2 CAr.5.8. 2 Kin. 19. 1. Hezekiah c. him with sackcloth, Isa. 37. 1. Job 23. 17. nor c. dark, from my face 31. 33. if I c. my transgressions Pt. 44. 15. shame of face c. me 19. c. us with shadow of death 65. 13. valleys c. over with corn Ca 13. wings of dove c. with silver 71. 13. c. with reproach, that seek 89. 45. hast c. him with shame 106. 17. c. company of Abiram 139. la c. me in n other's womb Prov. 26. 23. a potsherd c. with 26. whose hatred is c. by deceit Eccl. 6. 4. his name c. with darkness Isa. 0. 2. with twain he c. his face 2i). 10. the seers hath he c. 51. 16. I have c. thee in shadow 61. 10. c. me with robe of righteous. Jer. SI. 42. she is c. with waves Lam. 2. 1. c. dau. of Zion with cloud 3. 16. he hath c. me with ashes 43. thou hast c. with anger, and persecuted us 44. c. thyself with a cloud Ex. 1. 11. two wings c. bodies, 23. 16. 8. and c. thy nakedness 10. I c. thee with silk 18. 7. and hath c. the naked, 16. 24. 8. her blood should not be c. 27. 7. hlne and purple c. thee 31. 15. I c. the deep fur him 37. 8. and skin c. them above Jnnah 3. H. and heast bee. with sack. Hab. 3. 3. his clory c. heavens Mat. a 24. ship c. with waves 10. 2G. nothing c. that shall not be revealed, Luke 12. 2. 1 Cor. 11. 6. if the woman be note. COVERED face. Gen. 38. 15. Tamar had c. her face 2 Sam. 19. 4. liut David c. his face Esth. 7. 8. they c. Daman's face Psal. 01). 7. shame hath r. my face Prov. 24. 31. nettles c. face thereof Isa. fi. 2. with twain he c. his face Jer. 51. 51. -shame hath c. nur facet Head COVERED. 2 Sam. 15. 30. David hud his head c. E*th. fi. 12. Hainan, his head c. Psal. 140. 7. c. my head in battle 89 COV Jer. 14. a and c. their heara, . 1 Cor. 1 1. 4. every man praying, A. . COVEHEDrijiorWn*. Pial. 32. 1. whose sin is c. Horn. 4. 7, 85. 2. thou hast c. all their tint COVEREDST. Pial 104. 6. c. it with deep : garm. .16.iabroidered garm. and c.taera COVEREST. Deut. 22. 12. vesture wherewith c. Psal. 104. 2. who c. thyself with liifh* COVEKETH. Num. 22. 11. peo. c. face of the earth Judg. 3. 24. surely he c. his feet Jut 9. 24. he c. faces of judges 15. 27. c. his face with fatness 36. 30. he c. bottom of the sea 32. with clouds he c. the li?ht Psul. 73. 6. violence c. as garment 109. 19. be as garment which c. him 147. 8. c. heavens with clouds Prov. 10. 6. violence c. the luouth, 1 , 12. love c. all sins 12. 16. prudent man c. shame 17. 9. c. transgress, seeketh love 2a 13. c. his sins, shall not prosper Jer. 3. 25. our confusion c. us Ezek. 28. 14. art cherub that c. Mai. 2. 16. for one c. violence Luke 8. 16. candle c. it with resell COVERING. Gen. 20. 16. to thee a c. of the eyes Ejcod. 22. 27. it is his c. for his skin Lev. 13. 45. leper put c. on upper lip 2 Sam. 17. 19. c. over well's mouth Job 22. 14. thick clouds c. to him 24. 7. naked have no c. in cold 26. 6. destruction hath no c. 31. 19. seen any poor, without c. Ps. 105. 39. he spread cloud lor c. Cant. 3. 10. he made c. of purple Isa. 22. 8. he discovered c. of Judkh 25. 7. face of c. cat over all people 28. 20. c. narrower, than can wrap 30. 1. cover with c. not of my spiiit 22. ye shall defile c. of images 50. a I make sackcloth their c. Ezek. 28. 13. precious stone thy e. 1 Cor. 11. 15. hair is given her for & See I>y\nc;riis->A'i'.. COVERING. E.rnd. 25. 20. c. mercy-seat with Num. 4. 5. shall take down c. veil Ezek. 28. 16. O c. cherub Mai. 2. 13. c. the altar with tears COVERINGS. Prov. 7. 16 decked my bed with c. 31. 22. maketh hersel'f c. of tapestr\ COVERS. E.rod. 25. 29. make c. A'wm. 4. 7. put c. to cover withal COVERT. 2 Kin. 16. 18. c. for the sabbath, Aha took di'wn Jab 3a 40. when lions abide in c. 40. 21. behemoth lieth in c. of Ps. 61. 4. trust in c. of thy wings If a. 4. (i. a tabernacle for a c. 16. 4. he thou a r. from spoiler 32. 2. a man be c. from tempest Jer. 25. 38. forsaken c. as a lion COVET. Exod. 20 17. thou shall not c. De*t 5. 21. Horn ~. I. | 119 Mic. 2. 2. thev c. fields and take I Cor. 12. 31. but c. the best gilt! 14. 39. c. to prophecy COVETED. Josh. 7. 21. then I c. them, and Acti 20. 3.3. I c. no man's hilv* I Tim. 6. 10. while some c. sl?l COVETETH. Pror. 21. 26. c. all 'he day lonjf Hab. 2. 9. wo to him c. evil core! CRE COVETOUS. rW Id 3. wick, d bleseth <. L>Jte 16- '* Pharisees who were c. 1 Cor. 5. 10. yet not altotre. with c. 1 1. r. with such nut tn eat 6. 10. ii'ir r. inherit kimrd. /iA.5.5. 1 /ii. 3. 3. bishop must out be e. J Tim. a 2. ir Sst times men be e. 2. It. e .-ri'wd with c. prart COVETOUSNESS. 1& 21. pn.vide men hatinr r. /'i 119. 36. iii<-l>ne not heart toe Pror. 2S. la bateth e. h i;l prolong 7ra.57.l7.for iniq.of hmc.wa.- 1 wroth Jer. fl. 1.1 every on* given toe a 10. tl. 17. eye are not hut for thjr e. Al. 13. and meiMire of thy c. Ezek. 3:i 31. their heart go after c. Hob. 2, 9. that coveteth an evil e. Mark 7. l out heart proreedeth e. 7.r li 15. h s.ud, beware of c. TbM. I. 29 beinir filled with all c S Cor. 9. 5. a. a matter not of c. pA. .V 3. c. let it not he named CoL a 5. mortify c. whir* it idolatry 1 Tket. 2. 5. nor u*ed <-!oke of c. Hfb. 13. 5. run versa, he without c t /*ft i a thro' c. make men-ban. COW. />r. 2-'. 2S r. or ewe. shall not kill it Num. IS. 17. fir-tl. of c. not redeem /..'. 21. 10. their c. rat.-th not Ira. 7. 21. a man nourish a young c. II. 7. c. and the bear shall feed Errk. 4. 14. Riven thee c. dung for Amot 4. 3. ev c. at that before her CRACKLING. Ecd. 7. 6. as c. of thorns under pot CRACKNELS. 1 Kin. II a take with thee c. CRAFT. Dun. 8. 25. shall cause c. to prosper Mur. 14. 1. take him hy r. and put Act* 18. a because he wa of same c. 19. 27. not only our e. in in danger Rev. 18. 22. of whatsoever c. hebe CRAFTINESS. '.,'. & 13. wise in their r. I Cor. 3. 19. ILuke 20. 23. he perceived their c. t-C-r. 4. 2. not ualkinu in r. nor J->A 4. U. carried hy running c. CRAFTY. JoA&. 12. hedi ipp.iint devices of e. 15. 5. thou chnoxtt tongue of e. PfttLtt. a c. counsel airai. thy pen. f Cor. li 16. heinif c. I caught you CRAFTSMAN. Drut. 27 15. the work of the e. Her. 18. 92. no r he found any more CK *FT>MEN. t Kin. 94. 14. carried away c. 1& 1 Car. 4. 14. (or they were t >VA. II. 3*. the valley oft //<*. la 1 all of it the work ofc. Art*. 19. 24. no small gain to c. 34 c. have matter against any CRAG. Jot 39. 28. eagle abi leth on c. c RANK. lii. 3*. U like r. so did I chatter 9er. * 7. e. oh-erve time of coining- CRASH1NO. &/<. 1. 10. be great c. from hills CRAVED. Mnrk 1\ 43 Joseph r. l...dy of Jeiut CRAVETH. f~vc. 16. ;. for his mouth c. it CREATE. PtaJ. M. 10. c, in me a clean heart /i. 4. 5. c. on every dwell, a rloud <.*>. 7. i darkness. I c. evil 57. 19 I e the fruit of the lipi H: 11 1 c. new beaten* and a new Ml. T joice in that which 1 c. CRE CREATED. Gen. I. 1. In beginning Hod c. hea. 21. God c. great wh.il^v 27. so God c, man in his own im. age, male and female, 5. 2. 2. a in it rented from M he c. R. '. I will detroy IIIBII 1 have :. Drut. 4. 3i iu.-e day God c. man ft. flB. 12. north and south hn-t c. M. 1 la people to be ,: -h:ill praise In*. 3D. forth spirit they are c. I4H. 5. rtHnma. and they were c. In. 40. 26. Mho hath r. these things 41. 20, holy One of Nr.,.-l hath c. it 42. 5 he that r. the heaven* 43. I. Lord that c. thee, O J.irob 7. I have c. him for my glory 45. a I the Lord have r. it 12. I have c. man upon it 18. he r.. it not in t nin 4a 7. c. nc.w, m.t from beginning 5*. Ifi. I have c. Mnith, c. waiter Jer 31. 22. L. hath c. a new tinny Exrk. 21. 30. judk-e where wast c. 28. la in day thou wa.-t c. 15. perfect from day thu wast c. Jsfo( 2. in. hath not o'ne Gud c. us Mark 13. IR b.-gin. of creation G. c. I Cur. II. 9. man e. for the woman F.ph. 2. 10. workman-hip c. in I'hr. a 9. who r all thiiign hy Jesim Ch. * 24. alter (J"d is c. in ritrhteou*. CoL I. 16. hy him were all things c. 3. Id after imaire of hui. r. him 1 Tim. 4. 3. meat> G. c. to he rereiv. Rev. 4. II. hast r. ll tlnn. -. for thy plra-nre are ami were c. 10. 6. who r. heaven and the CREATEIH. Amot 4. la r. wind I. \* his name CRE .TION. Mark 10. (x from c. male and female 13. 19. as WHS not froi:< the r. Horn. I. 20. from c. arr clearly seen . ->2. that whole c. gr aneth 2 I'rt. 3 4 continue an frm the r. Rev. a 14. Keuimiinir of c. of God CREATOR. EccL 12, I. r-memt>er c. in youth ha. 4ft c. of ends of the earth 41. 15. I am the Lord. c. of Nrael Ans. I. t\ creature more than c. 1 Pet 4. 19. a to a faithful c. CRE. A Tl'HK. Gen. I. SO. I. ring forth moving c. Ler. II. 4C. thi* is law of eery c. Mar. Ifi 15. gopel t..e. c CoL I. 2a Rom. 8. 19. expectation of r. -ait.-th 20. c. made Milje. t to vanity 21. r. be delivered from bondage 39. any r. able to separate us 2 Co-. 5. 17. if in Chr. he is a new c. GuL fi. 15. nor nnrircum. hut new c. Cl. I. 15. first. horn ..f every c. I Tim. ^. 4. every c. of i...d i- ei>4 llfh. *. 13. nor any c. not inanife-t Rev. 5. 13. every c. in hiMv. heard I 1. trine ( RKATUHE. Gen. \. 21. Gd created every 'ir. c. 24. let eartu bring forth tiring c. 2. 19. Adam called every tiring c 9. 10. covenant with .-very tiring r. 12. token het-. me and ev. I r 15. l.fr. II. 46. the law of ev.-ry tiring c. Krrk. I. 20. tpirit 01 L r. 21. I 10. 17. 10. 15. the I. c. I MW by ( hebar, *>. CREAI I IM. II 91. hoii-es full of doleful r. Jim. I. 18. of fir-t.friiit of hi c. HT. H. 9 third of r. in -ea died /.in'nif C KKATtKKS. F.zrk I. .V liken>-K of four tiring e. H / r. ran. returi.i- '. .1- li.'litninif 1 Kring e. went the wheel* went BO CRO re.ai.X I heard noise o nlngsofi.c C HK 1)1 I Oh Derit. 15. 2. r. that l.-ndeth shall 2 Kin. 4. I. c. to take my two sons Luke 7. 41. r. had two debtors CREDITORS. Jia. 50. 1. to whii-li <>f my c. sold yoa CKEKK. Acti. 27. 39. di-niveied certain c. CKKKH. I.rr. II. 31. .in, Iran all that c. Pi. 10*. 20. tx-n-1!. of f..ret c. forth 2 Tim. a 6. of 'In- -. .rt r. into house* CHEEPEI II. Gen. 1.25. mad-ev. thing that c. W. 30. riven to every thing c. herb 7. a c. went in two ai.it two, 14. 21. all fleh di>-d, of thing that c. a 17. brine forth eei> thing e. 19. wliatsi.ver r. nut forth Ler. 11. 41. that r. -hall Lean abom- ination. 43. 44. | 20. V>. Deut. t 18. liken, of any thing that e. CREEiiNG lil'lNG. S. Grn. 1. 26. dominion over every r. t, Ler. 5. 2. can-ase of um lean c. Vtinf II. 21 . my ye eat. of every r. thing 22. 5. or who-o. ton, h.-th any c. t. Deut. 14. is), e. t that fli.-th unclean 1 Kin. 4. 3a he spake of c. (h. fi-h.-s P*aL 104. 25. in ea r. t. innumerable 148. 10. all c. thin, praise tlie Lord Ex 8. 10. form ofc. Ut. pmirtrayed 38. 2ii. all c. t. thake at my pre*eme Hot. 2. 18. coveiiHiit with r. thine* Hub. 1 I*, makes! men a3 c. thingi Art* 10. 12 H.t.-r r. MIIL II. 6. Hum. I. 23. an image like to c. thin, C KKPT. Jude 4. certain c. in unaware* CKEW. .Vat 26. 74. immediat.-ly the rock . .W(?rA 14. fin. '/.t/A-e 22. filj. Mark 1*, 72. sei-oiui tune the cock c. I RIB. rj.^nia27. Jnti 39. 9. unicorn ..hide hy c.f Prov. 14. 4. no oxen are c. i clean ha. 1. a ass knnweth hm master's c. CBIED, Sf alter lav. (HI ME, .v Job 31. M. this is an heinous c. xt* 7. 23 land i lull of bloody e. Act* 2.i. 16 com-, c laid Against him 27. not to signifv th<- c. laid CRIMSON. 2 C*r. 8. 7. cnnniin.' to work inc. 14 a 14. he made In,- vail ol r. Itn. I. la tlio' your MO be like c. Jer. 4. 30. tho' thou < lothett with & CRIPPLE. Actt 14. a being a c. from womb CRISPIN!. TINS. Im. 3. 22. 1-ord will tak. away r,.L CROOK. HACKED. Ler. 21. 20. that is c..A. not approa-.-a CROOK I I). Deut XL 5. they ar. H r. generatioa Jof> Vi. 13 form'e.t the r. serpent /'hall pluck away c. ( KOPP1 I). F.xtk. 17. 4. c. ,'fl 'op ,,l young twin CROss .Vat 10. 38 takrtl: not bin e is not worthy of me. LW 14 37 CRO lfffilS.21 . and follow me Mar.B.Si. | 10. 21. Luk<- 9. 23. FT. 82. Simon, they compelled to bear c. Mar. 15 21. Luff 23. 26. 40 if Son of God come cinwn from c. 42. Mark 15. 30, 32. John 19. 17. he hear. c. went forth 19. wrote title, and put it on c. 25. sto.id by the c. his mother 31. not remain on c. on sabbath 1 Co-. I. 17. lest r. be of none effect 18 preaching of c. foolishness GaL 5. I . offence of the c. ceased 6. 12. suffer persecution for c. of C. 14. t should glory, save in the c. Eph. i 16. reconcile both by c. Pl.il. 2. 8. obedient to death of c. 3. 18. they are enemies of c. of Ch. Ccl. I. 20. peace thro' blood of c. 2. 14. nailing it to his c. Hsl>. 12. 2. endured the c. CROSS. WAY. Olxid. 14. nor have stood in c.-tr. CROUCH. Satn. 2. 36 c. for piece of silver CKOUCHETH. f sal. 10. 10. he c. and humbleth CROW, CHOWIMG. See COCK. CROWN. Ejrod. 25. 25. a golden c. to border 29. 6. holy c. upon the mitre Lev. 8. 9. on his forefront holy c. 21. 12. c. of anointing oil 2 Kin. 1 1. 12. f. on Joash, 2 Ch. 23. 11. Esth. I. II. Vashti with c. royal Job 31. 36. bind it as a c. to me Pfal. W. 3!l. hast profaned his r. \'f>. 18. upon himself c. flourish Pror. 4. 9. c. of glory deliver to thee 12. 4. a virtuous woman is a c. 14. 21 c. of wi-e is their riches 16. 31. hoary head is c. of glory 17. fi. children's <-h. c. of old men 27. 24. c. endure to every genera. ? Cant a 11. behold Sol. with the c. Ita. 28. !. wo to the c. of pride ft. L. shall be for a c of glory 62. 3. shall also he a c. of glory Jer. I:}. 18. c. of glory come down Erek. 81. 26. take offthe c. Zech. 9. 16. be as the stones of a c. John 19. 5. J. wearing c. of thorns 1 Cor. 9. 25. to obtain a corrupt!, c. Phil. 4. I. beloved, my joy and c. 1 Thes. 2. 19. what is our c. of rejoi. 2 Tim. 4. <. laid up for met. of right Jam I. 12. he shall receiver, of life 1 Pet. 5. 4. ye sh. receive c. of glory Jler. 2. 10 (five thee a c. of life 3. 1 1. that no man take thy c. 6. 2. a c. was ifiven to him CROWN o/gW/A. 2. 17 kin;.' set .,-. on her head 6. 8. tlie c. royal set upon his head Ji'li 19. 9. taken c. from my head ltd. a 17. smite with a scab c. of A Jrr 2. 16. broken c. of thy head 48. 45. c. of h. of tumultuous ones Lam. 5. 16. f. fallen from our head Errk. l<=. 12. beautiful c. on thine h. Mat. 27. 2!l. they put a c. of thorns, Mark IS. 17. John 19. 2. RtC 12. 1. a c. of twelve stars 14. 1* on his head a golden n. CRU CROWNED. Pied. 8. 5. hast c. Mm with glory and I'rnr 14. 18. prudent c. with know). Cant. 3. II. where, his mother c. him .VtfA. 3. 17. thy c. are as locHRts 2 Tim. 2. S. nut c. except he strive Heb. 2. 9. we see Jeans e. with glory CHOWNEDST. Heb. 2. 7. c. him with glory and CROWNEST. Pi. 65. 11. c. year with thy goodness CROWNETH. Psal 103. 4. c. thee with living kin. CROWNING. ha. 23. 8. against Tyre the c. city CBOWNS. Ex. 23. 42. beaut, c. <>n their heads Zech. 6. 1 1. make c. \\ 14. c. to Helem lien. 4. 4. elders had c of gold 10. cast their c. before throne 9. 7. on locust's heads werec. 12. 3. a red dragon having 7 ti, 13. I. upon his horns ten c. 19. 12. on his head many c. CRUCIFY. Mat. 20. 19. to '.entiles, to c. him 23. 34. some of them ye shall c. 27. 31. away to c. him, Mark}5. 20. Mark. 15. 13. cried ag. c. Urn. 14. Luke 2a 21. c. him, c. John 19. 6, 15. Heb 6. 6. c. Son of Ood afresh CRUCIFIED. Mat. 26. 2. betrayed to be c.Lu. 24.7. 27. 22. said, It him bee. 23 26. dt liv. him to be c. Jo/in 19. 16. 3.'). c. him, John 19. '-'a 3a thieves c. 44. Mark 15. 32. Luke 2a 3a John 19. 18. 28. 5. ye seek J. w. wane. Murk 16.6. JoAn. 19. 20. where Jesus was c. 41. Arts. 2. 23. by wicked hands c. and ,'ifi mude J. whom ye c. Lord,4.10. Rom. 6. G. old man is c. with him 1 Cor. 1. 13. was Paul c. for you? 23. we preach Ch. c. unto Jews a 2. 2. save Jeg'is ChrUt and him c. 8. would not have c. L. of glory 2 Cor. 13. 4. tho' c. thr ' weakness Gul. 2. 20. I am c. with Christ 3. I. Ch. set forth, c. among you 5. 24. are Christ's have c. flesh 6. 14. by whom the world is c. Rev. 11. 8. Egypt, where L. was c. CRUEL Gen, 49. 7. wrath, for it was c. Ef. 6. 9. heark. not, for c. bondage Deut. 32. 33. wine c. venom ol asps J'>b 30. 21. art become c. to me P>. 25. 19. hate me with c. hatred 71. 4. deliver out of hand of c. Prof. 5. 9. lest thou give years to c. 11. 17. he c. troublethown flesh 12, 10. mercies of wicked are c. 17. 11. c. messenger be sent ag. him 27. 4. wrath is c. Cant. 8. fi. jealousy is c. h/t. 13. 9. day of Lord cometh c. 19. 4. Rgyp. will I give to c. lord Jer. 6. 23. they are c. 50. 42. 30. 14. with chastisement of c. one Lam. 4. 3. daughter of my people c. Hel>. 11. 3C. trial of c mocking* CRUELLY. Ezek. 18. 18. because he c. oppressed CRUELTY. Gen 49. 5. instruments of c. in hahi. Jitrli;. 9. 24. c. to gnus of Jeriibb. Pad. 27. 12. such as breathe out c. 74. 2U are full of habitations of c. Exek. 34. 4. with c. ye ruled them CRUMBS. Mat. 15. 27. dogs eat of c. fall from master's thlp, Mark 7. 28. Luke 1C. 21. to be fed with the c. 91 CRY CRUSE. 1 Sam. 2fi. 11. take the e. of water 12. so David t< M) k the c. 16. 1 Kin. 14. 3. take a c. of honey 17. 12. I have a little oil in c. 14. norc. of oil fail, till, 16. 19. fi. Elijah had c. of wat. at head 2 Kin. 2. 20. bring me a new c CRUSH. Job 39. 15. forgctteth font may c. Lam. 1. 15. aga. me to c. my young a 34. to c. all the prisoners " Amos 4. I. which c. thr needy CRUSHED, CRUSHT. Lev. 22. 24 not offer what is c. Num. 22. 25. ass c. Balaam's foot Dent. 28. 33. only oppr. and c. R!WT Job 4. 19. are c. before the moth ' 5. 4. his children c. in the gate I.ia. 59. 5. c. hreaketh into a viper Jer. 51. 34. Nebuch. hath c. me CRY. Gen. 18. 21. ncco t- c. come up Exod. 2. 23. their c. caTne up, 3. 9. a 7. I have heard their c. I Kum. 16. 34. Isr. fled at c. of them 1 Satn. 5. 12. c. of city went up 9. 16. beei'.ise their c. is ea Exth. 4. I. Mor. i ried wfth bitter a 9. 31. f fastings and their c. Jnb 16. 18. let my c. have no place 34. 28. c. of poor to come to him, he heareth c. of afflicted Psal 5. 2. hearken to my c. my king 9. 12. forgetteth not c. of humble 17. 1. U L. attend unto my c. 18. 6, my c. came liefore him 34. 15. his ears open to their c. 39. 12. O Lord, give ear to my c. 40. 1. inclined and neard my c. 88. 2. incline thine ear to rny c. 102. I. let my c. come unto thee lOfi. 44. when he heard their c. 119. 169. let my c come near 142. 6. attend to my c. I am Pror. 21. 13. stop, ears at c. of pool F.rnl. U. 17. more than c. of him, Ixa. 5. 7. fur righteous behold a c. 15. 5. shall raise up f. of destruc, 8. c. gone audit hord rs of Moab 30. 19. will be gracious at thy c. I.'!. 14 whose c. is in the ships Jer. 7. 16. neither lift up c. 11. 14. 8. 19. voice of c of my people 14. 2. c. of Jerusalem is gone up 18. 22. c. be heard from houses 25. 3fi. c. of shepherds he heard 46. 12. thy c. hath filled land 48. 4. little ones cmised a c.be heart ft. enemies heard c. of destruction 49. 21. moved at c. of Hdom 50. 4fi. c. heard at taking of Babyl. 51. 54. sound of a c. from Pnhylon Lam. 3. 56 hide not ear at my c. Exek 27. 28. shake at c. of pilots 'ieph, I 10. be a c. from fish. gate Mat. 25. 6. midnight was c. made Great ( RV. Gen. 18. 20. c. of Sodom is g. 19. 13. 27. 34. Esau cried with a ureat c. Enid 1 1 . 6. he n g. c. thro' t'.p\ pt 12. 30. there wax great c. in Egypt .Vc/i. '>. 1. was a g. c. of the people Acts 23. 9. so said, arose a freat c. //tt/rCHY. Exod. 22. 23. I will hrur their c. Job 27. 9. hetirc. when trouble rOBM 1'nil. r,\. 1. hrur my c. O 9>. 30. 1 c thou dmt nut hear 24. tho' they c in his destruction V> 9. oppressed to c. they c. out 12 they c. none giveth answer 8(1 13. c. not when he hindeth 36. 41. when hi; young ones c. to O. FtaL 22. 2. I c. in the day-time 27. 7. hear, O Lord, when I c. 2H 2. 2H. 1. tn the* will I c. my rook, 2, 34. 17. righteous e. L. heareth 56. 9. when I c mine enemies torn VI. 1. 1 will c. to Hod most high 61. 8. from end of earth will 1 c. 86. 3 be merciful, for I c daily 89. 2fi. shall c. thou ait my father 141. I Lord I c make haste 147. 9. to young ravens which c, l'r.,r. a I. doth not wisdom c. and 81. 13. he shall c hut not be heard Jta. 8. 4 hefore child c. my father 13. 2-?. hearts of islands shall c. 14. 31. c. O city, thou Palestlna 15. 4. and HesM.nn shall c. and 33 7. their valiant ones shall c. 34. 14. satyr shall r. to fellow 40. 8. c. to Jeru. warfare aecompl. 6. voice said, c what shall 1 c.? 42. 2. he shall not c. nor lift voice 13. he shall c. yea, prevail 14. will I c. like travailing woman 46. 7. one shall c. to him, yet can 58. 9. c. he shall say, here I am 65. 14. shall c. for sorrow of heart Jer. 2. 2. go and c. in ears of Jerusa, 3. 4. wilt not from this time c. 4. 5. blow trumpet, c. gather 11. 11. tho 1 they c. to me, I will 18. e. to (rods to whom they offer 14. will not hear when c. E*. a la 52. 10. go up to Lebanon, and c. 25.34. sheph. and c. 4*. 20. E*. 21 12. 31. & watchmen on Kphraim c. Lam. a & when I e. he shutteth f.zek. 0. 4. that e. for abominations 24. 17. forbear toe. make no 26. 15. shake, when wounded c. 27. 3d e. bitterly tor Tyrus Ho*. 8. 2. Israel c. we know thee JneL \. 19. O L. to thee will I e. 20. the Keast r. al-o unto thee Jonah 3. 8. let man and beast c. to 0. Mir. 3 5. bite with teeth, r. peace .Von Job 31. :ia if my land r. ngaintt me J:*aJt I. 2. go to Nineveh, c. of a. it CRTML 1 Kin. 1- i? Eti.ian f>.uu, c ntmidtta Jo6 19. 7. I c. a bat IH> inclement pai ID 17. at n.'im \vill I r. ,,l,,u4 Jia. 34. 14. shall r. a. from the --a CRI /*a.*4,l. break forth into slnging.e.a 58. 1. c. a. spare Dot, lift up Hot. 8. 8 e. a. at Heth-a. after thee Mic. 4. 9. why c. a r is there no king CRY to (He Lord. 1 Sam. 7. 8, cease not to c. for as Pi. 107. 19. c. to <. /.. in trouble, 28. /jo. 19. 20. c. to L. bee. of oppressors Joel 1. 14. sanctify fast, e. to the L. Mic. 3. 4. e.to L. he will not bear CKYout 1 .Sam. a la ye sh. c. o. bee. of kin; JbA 19. 7. I c. oul of wroiik, hut 3."). 9. c. o. by rea. of arm of mighty Ita. 12. fi. c. o. and shout, inhabit. 15. 4. soldiers of Moab, shall c. out 5. my heart shall c. out for Moab 29. 9. and wonder, c. out, and cry Jer. 4& 31. I will e. out for Moab Lam. 2. 19. arise e. out in the niht /{mo* 3. 4. young lion c. out of den f //-/A. 1. 2. I c, out to thee, but thou 2 1 1. stone shall r. out of wall Mark 10. 47. to c. j. people e. to Phar. for bread A'um. 11.2. c. to Moses, he prayed Dt-iit. 22. 21. damsel, bee. she c. not 27. damsel c. and none to save Judg. 5. 2s. mother c. thro' (attest 7. il. and all the ho*t ran, and c. 10. 12. ye r. and I delivered yon 1 Sam. I7.a Goliath c. to armies of Isr. 20. 37. Jonath. c. after lad, 39. 2 Sam. 20 16. then c. a wise woman 22. 7 I e. to my (>od. he did hear 1 Kin. 13. 2. c. against altar, 4. :tt la 2a c. aloud and out themselves 2 Kin. 2. 12. Klishn c. my father, my 6. 5. he c. alas, it was borrowed R. 5. woman e. to king for house 11. 14. Athaliah c. treason, treason 1 CAr. 5. 20, c. to God in the battle 2 CAr. 32. 20. Isaiah c. to heaven AVA. 9. 27. they c. thou heardest 28. Job 29. 12. I delivered poor that c. 30. 5. they c. as after a thief Ptal. la 6. in my distress I c. to O. 41. c. hut none to save them 22. 5. they c. and were delivered 24. c. unto him, he heard 30. 2. O L. I c. to thee. thou heah-d n. 1 c. t.i the O L. and made 31. 22. heanli-t ttUpplira. when I c. 34. fi. tin- poor man c. and the L. fifi. 17. I c. with my mouth, 77. 1. 88, I. I c. d.iy and niirlit before thee 13. I c. O Lord, in the morning IIS. 1 14.V I e. with whole heart 130. I. out of the <|. pths have I c. 138. 3. in day 1 c, thou answeredst 1*0. 6. 4. moved at voice of hi i c. 30, 7. have I c. concern mir this Jer. 4. 20. destruction on desrr. is c. Exek. 9. 8. I fell on my fare, and c. 10. 13. it waa c. to them, O wheel Dun. fi. 20. he c. O Daniel Ho*. 7. 14. not r. to me with heart J"n. 1.5. mariners e. ev. man to hi* C. 2. 2. 1 t by reason of affliction to L. out of belly of hell r. I Zech. 7. .3 as he c and they would not hear, so they c. and I Mat 14. SI. P. ter r. L. save me 20, 31. thfy c. the morr, have mi-rev on us Mark 10. 4a Luke 1*. 39. Murk !'. 2fi. spirit c and rent him 1'ihn 7. >'. Jcsm c. if any thirst let Art* 19. 32. some r. one thinir. 21.34. iheref. they c. . 7.1 "I. la A'um. M. 16. we c. tut. L. to heard, Dent Jrah. 24. 7. c. to L. he put darkiies* i in. 7. ft Samuel c. to L. I.V 1 1 X CAr. 13. 14. they c. to L. Pi. l'/7. fi, 13. JomiA ). 14 14. II. Asa c. tn the Lord Pi. 3.4. I c. toL. 1-jf,. 1. j 142. I. Lam. 2, IS. heart c. tn /.. O,lau.'< T. CRIED iri'M a /<>/ / r 2 .Nam. IS. 4. David f. ir. /. r <) Aim. AVA. 9. 4. Levites || Ez. II. 13. E/ek "at 27. 46. ninth hour J c. /. L r. 50. -Vrtr* I.V34,:t7./.u.i46. John 1 1. 43. .Vr& I. 26. evil spirit c. ic. a. I. r-ic Ictt 7. 60. Stephen c. in/A /wd p 16. 28 Paul c. tn'tA a Itmd -oice Rev. d 10 c. ir. /. r. how long, O L. 7. 2. the angel c. IT. / r. 10. :i.\\'j. 17. 10. that stood bef. Lamb c. n . I. t. CRIED out. . Sam. 4. 13. city c. o. || 5. 10. Ekron 1 A'in. 22. 3i J.'lKish. i Clir. I-. :tl. Jer. 20. a I c. out I cried violence Vat. 8. 29. spirits c. o. Luke 4. 33. 14. 26. disci, c. o. for fear, A/'irA- 6.4ft 20. 30. blind men e. o have mercy AfurA; 1. *3. with unrlean si-irit c. o. 9. 24. the father c. out, Luke !). *. 15 13. c . avain, crui ify him. Mat. 27. 21 Luke 23. la J,.h>. 19. 6 let* I!). !M. c. o. great is Diana, 34 22. ^3. r. out ami threw iln.t 23. 6. Paul c. out I am a 1'liarisec CRIEST, ETH. Jen. 4. 10. voice of broth, blood r. Er. 14. 15. wheref. c. thou to mef 22. 27. when her. I will hear Sam. 26. 14. that c. to the king //. 21. 12. soul of wounded c. P*ai 72. 12. deli*, needy when he e 84. 2. my fle-h c. out for living U. Proe. I. 20 wisdom c. a 3. | 9. 3. 2 a if thou r. after knowltdge ri 26. 17. like as a woman c. out 40. a thatc. in the wilderness 57. 13. c. let companies delr. er ft r. I-J S. my heritage r. against me 30. 15. why r. thou for thine aiiiicf. Vic. f>. 9. Lord's voice c. to r'ty //. I.V V3. f..r shec. after in r '.). :O. he c. out. and it teareth R r com . l.s.r. Aim. . ft. 4, hire - f labourers c. C HYING. .Sam. 4. 14. Eli heard noise of c. Ham la 19 Tamar Kent on c. r "'< :ct. 7. nor rcvsiid. h- c. of driver "nor. 19. IS. soul spate for his <-. :i(i l.i horxelrech two -Ian. r. five 'a. 22. S. day of r. to mountains 24. II. a c. for wine in tre. t- 65. 19. of c. no more lieafd in her 4a 3. of r. he from llon.iiairn ZrrH, 4. 7. forth head-stnne withe '. 2. 13. mteriiur altar with r. Mat. 3. a one r in nil-lcriie-'. Ma- 1 I. 1 Luke 3 4. JJ,n I. vj 21. 15. children c. in the temple ActiB. 7. c. spir. came out of many 14 14. they ran amoni: peo. r. out 21. 2*. r. .-ill, men of Israel, helf :tK. multitude r. away with him Gtl 4. R c. Abt-a, Father Vtb. 5. 7. prayer?, with strong e. CUP Rev. 21. 4. no mo.-e death, nor c. CHXS.'AL. V 1 28 17. and c. cannot equal it Erek. I. 22. as -oloiir of tenible c. Hn. 4. 6. a se of glass, like c. 2i. 11. light > f city clear as c. '12. 1. a pure river, clear as c. CUBIT. Pettt 3. 1 1. i'ter the c. of a man /?2f/t. 43. 13 the c. is a c. and an Vat 6. 27. ofirt c. to stature, Lit. 12.25. CUBITS. (Jen. 6. IS. length of ark 300 c. I Sum. 17. 4. Goliath's height, six c. 1 Kin. 6. 4 length of the house <>0c. breadth 21) i Kin. 14. 13. brake wall of Jerusa. lem. 400 c. 2 CA/wi. '25. 23. EM. 5. U. gallows 50 c. high, 7. 9. tz-k. 40. 237 gate to gate 100 c. 43. 17. the settle fourteen c. ZJrtn. 3. 1. height of image 6 I c. JoAn 21. 8. were from land 2i)0 c. HCB. 21. 17. wall of city 144 c. CUCKOO. Lev. \\. 16. c. abomina. Deut. 14. 15. CUCUMiiERS Num. 11. S. we remember the a Ita. 1. 8. s lodge in garden of c. Cuo, if, CHF.W and CHEWKTH. CUMBERED. I.ukf 10. *<>. c. about much serving CUM BERET U. Luke 13. 7. why c. it the ground? CUMBRANC& l)eut. \. 12. I alone bear your c.? CUMMIN. Iia. 28. 25. doth he not scatter c. 27. nor is a cart-wheel turned on r. but c. is beaten Mat. 23. 23. VP pay tithe of c. CUNNING. Sen, 25. 27. Esau WHS a c. hunter Ejr. 31. 4. to devise c. works in gold 1 Sam. I fi. 18.8011 of Jesse c. in playing 1 Chr. 25. 7. c. in songs, were 288 $Chr.->. 13. I sent a c. man of Huram 7W. 137. 5. rii,-ht hand forget her c. Cant. 7. 1. thy joints, the work of a c. workman Ita. 3. 3. take away c. art'ficer 40. ill. he seeketh a c. workman Jer. 9. 17. send for c. women 10. 9 all thu work of c. men Dun. I. 4. children c in knowledge Ejlu 1. 14. carried by c. craftiness CUNNINGLY. ? Pet. 1. 16. c. devised fables CUP. Ger. 40. 11. Pliara. c. in mine hand 41. 2. silver c. in sack's mouth 2 ,Srt,n. 12. 3. it drank of hix own c. Ptnl. 1 1. 6. hi- portion of their c. 16. 5. Lord is the portion of my c. 23. 5. my c. runneth over 73. 10. waters of a full c. wrung 1r>. 8. in hiind of Lord is a c. 1 16 13. 1 will take c. of salvation I rut: 23. 31. giveth its colour in c. ha. 51. 17. RUl drunk the c. the dregs of the c. of i remitting 22. taken out of thy hand c. of Jer. !(i. 7. ri"r give c. of con-olntion 2.5. 15. take wine c. of this fury 17. took I c. at Lord'- hand 2H. if they refuse c. at thine hand 4.->. ''. judgment not to drink c. 51. 7. Babylon been a golden c. Lam. 4. 21. c. also pass thr y' to thee Ezek. 23. 31. her c. into th ne hand 32. Irink of thy bister's c. deep */.// '.. Ifi c. of L. right hand shall l"--h. 12. 2. Jernsil. c. of trembling Uat. 10. 42. c. of cold wat Mar. 9. 41. CUR jr7, 28. | 29. ft. 39. 5. Lev. 8. 7. 35. 32. and to devise c. works Acts 19. 19. that used c. arts CURIOUSLY. Psal. 139. 15. c. wrought in lowest CURRENT. Gen. 23. 16. c. money with merch. CURSE. Gen. 27. 12. I shall bring c. on me 13. his mother said, on me be c. Num. 5. 18. the bitter water that cauaeth the c. l!i, 22, 24, 27. 27. woman be c. am. her people Dent. 11. 26. a blessing and c. 30. 1. 28. a c. if ye will not obey com. 29. and piit the c. upon Ebal 23. 5. c. int. blessing, Neh. \3. 2. 29. 19. heareth words of this c. Josh. 6. 18. the camp of Israel a c. Jiuig. 9. 57. came c. of Jotham I Km. 2. 8. with a grievous c. '} Kin. 22. 19. should become ac. Neh. 10. 29. they entered into a c. .lob 31. 31. by wishing c. t his soul Prov. 3. 33. c. of L. in house of wic. 26. 2. so c. causeless not come 27. 14. be ci muted a c. to him 28. 27. hideth eyes have many a c. [tit. 24. fi. theref. c. uevoured earth 34. 5. down on people of my c. 43 28. given J:u-..h to the c. 65. 15. leave your nrime for a c. Jer. 24. 9. deliver them to he a c. 25 18. | 29. IS | 42. 18. | 44. 8. 26. 6. this city a c. to all nations 44. 22. therefore if your land a c. 49. 13. Buzra shall become a c. 98 CUR Lam. 3. 65. give thy c. unto them Dan. 9. 11. the c. is poured upon Ul Zech. 5. 3. Ihi- is c. that goeth 8. 13 as yt were c. am heathen Mai. 2. 2. if not hear, I will eenrt 0, a 9. ye are cursed with a c. ye 4. (x lest 1 smite earth with a c. Acts 23. 12. bound under a c. 14. Got 3 10. of Uw, are under c. 13. redeemed us from c. of law Rev. 22. 3. shall be no more c. CURSE, Verb. Gen. 8. 21. I will not c. ground 12. 3. will c. him curseth thee Exod. 22. 28. not c. ruler nf thy peo Lev. 19. 14. shalt not c. the deaf Num. 22. 6. c. me this people 17. 1 1. now c. me them, 23. 7, 13. 12. God said, thou shalt not c. 23. 8. how I c. whom G. hath not II. 1 took thee to c. enera. 24. 1& 25. neither c. at all, nor bless Deut. 2a 4. hired Bal. to c. Nef h &.'2. 27. 13. shall stand on Ebal to c. Josh. 24.9. lialak called Bal. toe. you Judg. 5. 23. c. Meroz, said angel, c. 2 Sam. 16. 9. this dead dog c. king? 10. let him c. L. hath said, c. Day Job 1. II. c. thee to thy face, 2. 5. 2. 9. said his wife, c. God and die 3. a let them e. it thatc. day Ptal. 62. 4. but they c. inwardly 109. 28. let them c. but bless thou Prov. 1 1. 26. people shall c. him 24. 24. him shall the people c. 30.10. accuse not serv. lest he r. thee, Eccl. 7. 21. lest hear serv. c. thee 10. 20. c. not king, c. not the rich Isa. a 21. c. their king, and God Jer. 15. 10. yet ev. one doth c. me Mai. 2. 2. I will c. your blessings Mat. 5. 44. bless them that c. you, Luke 6. 28. 26. 74. he began to c. Mark 14. 71. Rom. 12. 14. bless, and c. not Jam. a 9. therewith e. we men CURSED. Gen. 3. 14. serpei.t c. || 17. ground 4. II. Cain c. \\ 9. 25. c. be Canaan 5. 29. because of ground L. hath c, 27. 29. c. that curseth. Num. 24. 9. 49. 7. c. he their anger, for Lev. 20. 9. hath c. his father or 24. 11. Israelitish woman's son c. 14. bring forth him hath c. 23. Num. 22. 6. whom thou cursest is c. Deui.27. 15. c. be he, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 2. 28. 16. c. shalt be in city, c. in field 17. c. shall he thy basket and 18. c. be fruit of thy body 19 c when comest in and goeut Joth. 6. 26. c. be man hui'.d. Jericho 9. 23. ye Giheonites are c. Judg. 9. 27. and c. Abimelerh 21. 18. c. giveth a wife ti> Benjam'.a 1 Sam. 14. 24. c. that eateth till even 17. 43. Goliath c. Dav. by his gode 26. 19. but if men, c. be they 2 Sam. 16. 5. Shimei c. still, 7. 13. 1". 21. because he c. L. anointed 1 Kin. 2. 8. c. me with grievious e 2 Kin. 2. 24. c. them in uame of L 9. 34. go see now tt.is c. woman Neh. la 25. ! c. there Job I. 5. it may be my sens c. God 3. I. then Job c. his day 5. 3. suddenly I c. his habitation 24. 18. portion is c. in tV eaith Psal. 37. 22. c. of him shall be cut eft 1 19. 21. rebuked proud that are c EccL 7. 22. likewise hast c. others Jer. 11. a r. obeyetb not covenant 17. 5. c. man that trusteth in man cus Ar. 9. 14. ft be thf- day I wa bom 16. e. man brought tidings t falh. 4a 10. c. doth lord's w>rk dereitf. c. kiepcth dark sword >f .'. 1. It hut r. be the deceiver 2. 2. c. your hle-sings already 3 y ri* c. with a curse for Mji#- 13. 17. clear? nought of c. t. to thy CURSKOST. piMsd Ju4>. 17. 1 silver about which c. Mar* II. 21. ft*. tree thou c. U CURSKS. XttM. 5. 23. priest write these c. Drui. O. 15. them- c. shall <-..roe, 45. 29. ). all the c. written in this book, 87. 3 CAr. 3* 24. 21. aprnr to all the e. of covenant 30, 7. will put these c. on enemies CURSETH. Erod. 21. 17. he that c. his father, /.er '.'0. 9. f rur. 20. -A). 7.'T. 84. 15. whim r. his Cod shall Proe. V). 1 1. genera c. their father Mai 15. 4. c. his father or mother let him die, Mar. 7. 10. CURSINQ. yum. 5. 21. 'charge with oath of c. Dfut. 2a 20. L. shall send on theec. 30. 19. before you blessing and c. J Sam. 16. 12. requite good for his c. A. 10. 7. mouth full of c. Ron. 3. 14. 59. 12. r. and lying they speak 109. 17. lured r. so let it pome la an he clothed himself with e. Pmr. 29. 24. hear. c. bewrayeth Dot Hel>. ft. 8. thorns, is nigh to c. Jam. 3. 10. out of ,-ame mouth e. CURSINfJS. JbtA. 8. 31. he read Meitings and c. CURTAIN'. Ptai 104. 2. stretrhest out the hea. ens like a e. Ita. 40. 22. CURTAINS. J?r. 26. 1. taber. with 10. c. 2 | 36. ft Xwm 4. 23. Oerhoniteg hear c. 8 Soi*. 7. 2 ark within c. I CAr. 17. I. Cunt. I. 5. I comely me. of S,.|omon In. 54. 2. stretch forth ther. of hah. J-T \ 20. my c. spoiled in a tnume. 10. 20. none to -t up my c. 49. . shall take their r. Hob. 3. 7. r. of Midinn did tremble CUSTODY. Xum. S. 3ft c. ol MUM of Merari Eftk. 2. 3. virgins to c. of Hcge, a 14. to c. of shaaxhgMz the cli.un. C U>1 ()M. Gen. 31. 35. c of women is on me Jivis; II. 39. WHS a r. in Urael I Sam. '2. Ui the prie-ts p. was i'*r.i. 1 4. ace. to the v p. JCT-. 3*. II. 4. 13. then will they not nay e. 20. kings, and r. wa (mid lo them 7. 24. not impose c. on prie-u .V./A !l ! he -:,vv MHttheW At Tf. ceipl of r. M,tr. '. It. /.*. f>. *7. 17. 25. o( whom no kiturit lake c? LuJif I. 9. arc. to r. ot priest'* "rtii e 2. '/i. to do for him alter r. ..f law U t.i J ruia. alter c. of ' 4. IK. * .!>-' i 'nl Jnlin IS 3l. r. I should . el.-., nr Aon. 13. 7. P. to whom r t~ ilue I Cor. II. 1C. we have no MU h e. )MS. I . 18. 30. BOM 01 tl.rw abom. c. CUT Jer. 10. 3. c. of this people are vain Arli 6. 14. shall change p. Moses 16 21. c. not lawful to rerive 21. 21. ought not to walk after c. X 3. thee to be expert in all c. 28. 17. tho' I com nothing iik'.ii. e. CUT. 7,cr. 20. 24. not offer what is c. Ezek. Id 4 thy navel wat note. Actt 5. 33. were r. to ibe heart, 7. 54. CUT. Dent. 14. I. ye ohall not e. yourseL Jiuig. 20. 6. my com uliine, and c. her I Kin. H. ^8. c them*, after manner i Kin. 24. 13. he c all the vessels of gold. 2 CAr. sS. 24. I CAr. 20 3 he c. pe-.ple with s-aws />. 5a 7. beiideth let them he as e. 107. 16. c. bar., of iron, Ita. 45. 2. 7w 51. 9. art thou not it r. Rahab Jer. 16. 6. nor c. thems. for them 36 23. he c. roll with penknife 41. 5. havinir c. themselves 47. 5, how long- wilt c. thyself Dan. 2. 5, if ye will not -hMI be e. a 29. -peak arnin-t G<>d shall be c. Amnt 9. 1. c. them in the head Zech. I.', a hunieii th. with it be c. * CUT tunndrr. Pt. 12ft 4. hath c. a. rords of wicked Jer. 51). 2:i. hammer of earth c. oru. 2-A. 1 1. 10. .-taff Beauty and c. it a. 14 then I r. am. mine other staff Mat *4. 51. sh. c. him a. Lu*. 12. 4& CUTrfmm. TOrra. Jer. 22. 7. c. (foirn thy choice cedars 25. 37. peaceable habitations c. do. 44. 2. sh^lt be c. dSo. (> Madmen .V./A. I. 12. yet thui shall be c. dmrn '/.- l>h. I. II. merchant people c. Ho. ./,// 21. a c. d. branches. Wm 0. 13. Lev 17. 10 I will c. him nTlrl. 29. I 20 3, ;. IS .Nujn. II). 20. 14. eateth hl...Hl -hull he e. / 20. 17. he c. "/"in -lu'ht of people \itrn. 4 IH. c. not rjT tribe of Koh. 15 31. that soul utterly be c. i. a I. 'I that the water* of Jor. .Ian .null he <-. i.ff, l. 4 20. 22. they c ,,ri the hisi.l of Sheha I Kin. 9. 7. ill Ic -.jf 1-r. ..ut ol land 11. II c off every m;ile in I dom la 31. top. j/-Jeri>h. hon>e, 14. 14. 14 10. P. 'i/flrom Jrrobfiim dim la 4. when Jezehel p. nff prophet* 21. 21. I will c. . 7. to p. n^f house of Ahab 3'i 21. ansel p. (Jfinifjhty men Ji>'i 4. 7 where were riuhte iiir. r^f ft. 9. lno*e his han.l, and r. me ,Jf a 14. whose hope ghnll be p. ojf II. III. if he c. (Jf wiio can hinder la 16. above, his branch be c. ,~ff 23 17. I was not p. of before dark. 21. 24. c. offm tops of ear of corn 3fi. 20. people p. i,ff in their place Ptai. 12. a p. r^fl:itteriiiK Mpi 31. 22, lamp, o/ffiomhel tlnneeyei *. 16. to p. o/rem.-mhra. of tlu-m 37. 9. evil doers shall he .-. / 22. they cursed of him b- r. tiff 2a seed of wicked >h;ill he p. iff 34. wicked are c i,ff -hall see it 3S end of wicked .-hall he c. '/ 5). 5. P. them (^in thy truth 75 III. horns of wicked will I c. off 7fi 12. P. (.(f-pirit of-princei ftl 4. said, let u* c. them if 85. 5. are c (.Jf from thy hand Iri. terrors have p. me off 94. 23. c. them ojf in their wicked. 101. A. slandereth will I P. <:ff a c. nf wicked d>>ers from city I09. la let his posterity be p. ojf 15. L. may p. oj/ memory of them Ma 12. of thy mercy p. n^eneiaiel fr..r. i 22. wicked shall i e r. ,.ff 23 IK experta. not Le p. if->\. It. Ita. 9. 14. L. will c. off head and tail 10. 7. toe ojf nation"- ltt a few 11. la adversar. of Jndah be p. ojf U. 22. c. if from Rabjlon the name 15. 8. every beard p. f KH. 20. watch for iniquity c. of 39. 12. c. me (Jf with pining -n-k. 4v '.i. refrain that I P. thee not Jf 19. his name should not been c. L 8. burning incense, that ye m^ht p. yonr-i-l . 1 1. fuce aza. vim top. ojf alljuduh 47. 4. to c. ijrinxn 'I'yrus .-,. A-hkelon is p. (Jf it nffritm I eingr a nation ^ the horn ! M(M!> 'n f. off 4!i ->l\. men of war -Im.l In- 50. IS. c. .Jf sower Iron, Knhylon 51. 6. be not p. (Jf in her Iniquity ken ai'. th.- pl.n e. to <. if (Jf Ismt. i a c. '.Tin ii.nrer horn of | sr . a 5.1. P. 'Jf my life in the dmiir-on (Jf from mv |-opl 13. c. ojf man ^nd IMM-I, IT, ' '. jl. I-.'.'). 13. ; &. (. 4. 14. c (^"his hraiu-hes !. 26. Messiah shall he c. off W.r 8. 4. idols, that they may be c. 10. 7. her kiiiif is c. /iff as foam, 15. jV/c/ 1. 5. the new wine is c. off. 9. 16. meat c. o/F before our eyes ? /4mn, 2. 34. a stone was c. OM/, 45. .Rom. 11. 24, c. out of olive-tree CUi short. 2 Kin. 10. 32. L. betran to e. Israel . Aojn. 9. 28. c. it stj. in righteousness CUT up. Job 30. 4. who c. up mallows Ita. 33. 12. as thorns c. up shall CUTTEST, ETH. Deut. 2t. 19. when thou c. harvest 7A 28. 10. he c. out rivers Psal, 46. 9 he c. the spear in sunder 141. 7. as when one c. wood Prov. 26. fi. mess, by fool, c. off feet Jer. 10. 3 for one c. a tree oul of 22. 14. and c him out windows CUTTING. Erod. 31. 5. in c. of stones, 35. 3a /.to. 38. 10. I said in c. off of days, Hiil>. 2. 10. by c. off many people Mark 5. 5. c. himself with stones CUTI INOS. Lee. 19 23. not nmke any c. 21. & Jer. 48. 37. upon all Hanoi be c. CYMBAL, 1 Cor. 13. I. I am as tinkling c. CYMBALS. 2 Sam. fi. 5 played on c. 1 Chr. 13. 8. 1 Chr. 15. Ifi. harps and c. 16. 42. Ifi. 5. A;iph in. ul sound with c. 25. (1. these \verp for forig with c. 2 Chr 6. la lift up Toice with c. DAN 2 Chr. 29. 25. set Lev. in house with c. Ezra 3. 10. sons of Asaph with c. I'sal. 150. 5. upon loud sounding c. CYl'RE.S. lid. 44. 14. he taki-tli the c. D. DAGGER. Jurlif. 3. 16. Ehud made him a d. 21. took (/. from riiriit thiirh 22. he co'ild not draw the d. out of his belly DAILY, See after I>A\S. DAINTY, IKS. Gen. 49. 20. Asher yield royal d. Job 33. 20. his soul abhor, d. meat Pud. 141. 4. and lit me not eat of d. Prof. 23. 3. he not desirous of d. 6. neilher desire his d. meats Rev. 18. 14. d. are departed DALE. Gen 14. 17. valley of .Shav. king's d. 2 Sam. 18. 18. a pillar in king's d. DAMAGE. Ezra 4. 22. why should d. grow Esth. 7. 4 not countervail king's d. Pror. 26. 6. and drinketh d. Dan. 6. 2. king should have no rf. //cfcs 27. 10. voyage will he with d. 2 Cor. 7. 9. d. by us in nothing DAM. r. 22. 30. 7 days with d. Lev. 22. 27. Deut. 22. 6. not take d. with young DAMNABLE. 2 Pet. 2. I. who bring in d. heresies DAMNATION. Mat. 23. 14. ye shall receive greater d. Mark 12. 40. Luke 20. 47. 3a how can ye escape d. of hell Mark 3. 29. in danger of eternal d. John 5. 29. to the resurrection of d. Rom. 3. 8. wliose d. is just 13. 2. receive to themselves d. 1 Cor. 11. 29. eateth and drinketh d. 1 TJOT. 5. 12. having d. because they 2 Pet. 2. 3. their d. slumbereth not DAMNED. Mar. 16. 16. believeth not be d. Rom. 14. 23. douhteth is d. if he eat 2 Thet. 2. 12. he d who believed not DAMSEL Gen. 24. 55. said, let the d. abide 34. 3. he loved d. spake kindly Deut. 22. 15. tokens of d. virginity 21. t'ring out d. and stone her Judg. 5. 30. to ev. man a d. or two ? 19. 4. the d. father retained him Ruth 2 6. it is the Moahitish d. I Kin. I. 4. and the d. cherished him Mat. 14.11. head given tod. Mar. 6.28. 26. 6!). d came to Peter, John 18 17. Mark 5. 3!. d. is not dead, hut 40. he cnten-th in where d. was Acts 12. 13 a d. came to hearken 16. 1C. d. possessed met US DAMSELS. Gen. 24. 61. Uehekah arose and d. 1 Sam. ->5. 42. Abigail rode with d. Psal. 68. 25. among them d. playing DANCE. Psal. 149. 3. praise him in d. 150. 4. Jer. 31. 13. virgins rejoice in the d. Lam. 5. 15. our rf. is turned into DANCE. [to A Jndg. 21. 21. if d.)ii. of Shiloli cone ./r.A21. 11. their children rf. Reel. 3. .4. and a time to dance ha. 13. 21. satyrs shall d there DANCED. Jttdg. 21. 23. aci-or. to number thatrf. 2 Sam. ft 14. David rf. before Lord Mat, 11. 17. ye have not rf. Li<*. 7. 32. 14, 6. dau. of Herodiaa rf. A/ur. 6. 22. DAR DANCES. ./Mrf^. 11. 34. daughter came with 4 1 Sam. 21. II. did they not sing of him in d 29. 5. Jer. 31. 4. shall go forth in the i DANCING. rorf. 32. 19. he saw calf and rf. 1 Saw. 18. 6. women came out rf. 30 16. spread on all the earth rf. 2 Sam. 6. 16. saw Dav. rf. 1 Chr. 15. 2ft Psal. 30. 11. my mourning into rf. Luke 15. 25. as he came heard rf, DANDLED. Isa, 66. 12. be rf. upon her kncei DANGER. Mat. 5. 21. be inrf. of judgment, 22. 22. in rf. of council, of hell flre Mark 3. 29. in rf. of eternal damna. Acts 19. 27. not only craft is in rf. 40. in rf. to be called in question DANGEROUS. Acts 27. 9. when sailing was now J. DARE. Job 41. 10. none rf. stir him up Rom. 5. 7. some would even rf. to die 15. 18. rf. to speak of any thing 1 Cor. 6. 1. rf. any of you go to law 2Cor. 10.12. rf. not make ours, of num. DARK. Gen. 15. 17. when it was rf. Le^'. 13. 6. if the plague be rf. 21. \um. 12. 8. speak not in rf. speechet Josh. 2. 5. when rf. men went out 2 Sam. 22. 12. rf. waters, Pi. 18. 11. A'eA. 13. 19. gates began to be rf. Job a 9. let stars of twilight be rf. 12. 25. they grope in the rf. IS. 6. light be rf. in his tabernacle 22. la can he judge thro' rf. cloud ' 24. 16. in rf. they dig thro" houses Psal. 35. 6. let their way be rf. 49. 4. open rf. saying on harp 74. 20. d. places lull of cruelty 78. 2. utter dark sayings of old 88. 12. wonders be known in rf. ? 105. 28. sent darkness, made it rf. Prov. I. 6. and their d. sayings 7. 9. in the black and rf. night Ixa. 29. 15. their works are in the d 45. 19. not spoken in a rf. place Jer. 13. 16. feet stumble on rf. moiiu. /.<. 3. 6. hath set me in rf. places Exek. 8. 12. house of Isr. do in d. 32. 7. make stars thereof rf. R bright lights of heaven rf. 34. 12. scatt. in cloudy and rf. day Dan. 8. 23. understan. rf. sentences ./nr7 2. 10. sun and moon he rf. Amos 5. 8. maketh the day rf. 20. Mir. 3. 6. rf. to you, day shall be rf. Zech. 14. 6. light not clear nor rf. Luke 11. 36. body, having no part <1 John ti. 17. and it was now rf 20. I. Mary came when yet dark 2 Pet. 1. 19. shineth in a rf-'place DARKEN Amos 8. 9. rf. earth in dear day DARKLY. 1 Cor. 13. 12. we sec thro' a glass rf. DARKENED. Exod. 10. 15. so that land was rf. l'x,il. <;. 2a let eyes be A. 4. 18. the understiiniiinir rf. /fee. a 12. so as third purl wua d. DAR Hf9. 9. 2. inn and the air were d DARKKNETH. JttK. 2. who i> this rf. counsel DAKKXESS Caw. I. J. d. wai II|HHI tne deep 5. the d hi- i-.illed Sight 18. t dm, I.- Hi.- liu'ht from d. 15. 12. hrn>r of rf. tell nn Ahrara Exod. 10, 22. d in all Egypt 3 days 14. SO. it to them, but light 20. 21. Mines drew near to d Dt'il 4. II. in, -urit. burnt with d. 5. -fi. words L. spake out of d JaiA. 24. 7. d hetw. you and Egypt i! Sam. 22. ln.d under hU feet, ,/YKU. !_' pavilions 29. enlighten my it PtaL 18. 28. Jo* 3. 5. let d. stain It A as for that niuht. let d. seixe it & 14. meet with d. in .'ay-time la 82. a land of d. ta d. itself 19. 8. hath set d. in my paths 80. 2a all /. he hid in his secret pi. 2*2. 1 1. or d. that canst not see 23. 17. I was nnt cut off before d. neither hath he covered the d. 28. 3. an end to d. stones of d, 34. 'ti. no d. where may hide 37. 19. not order speech for d. 38. 9. thick d. a swat laid m- in d in deep* 91. 6. pestilence that walk, in d. In;, iii. such as sit in d and shadow 143. a ene. made me dwell in d /V-r. 20. 20, lamp out in obscure d Keel. 2. 14. fool walketh in d 5. 17. eateth || C. 4. departeth in d Iia. 4.'. 7. sit in d out of prison 49. 9. to them in d show yourselv. 5 '. 9. liflit, but we walk in d Jer. 23. \i ns slippery ways in d. Dan. 2. >. knoweth what is in d John 8. 12. follow me, i, t walk in d 12. 35. walketh in d knoweth not 4ft believeth sh. not abide in d 1 Tfift. 5. 4. but ye re nut in d I John \. 6. and walk in d. we lye 2. 9. hateth brother, i* in d 11. Land-/ DARKNESS. Job 10. 21. before I go t<> tana ofd. 22. /. ofd as d itself, and shadow Jer.l3\ have I been to Israel io/d DARKNESS with LigAt G} the rf. JoA 12. 22. disi-ov. deep thing* o. o/rf. 15. 22. that he shall return outnfd. 30. he shall not depart out of a. Pi. I' 7. 14. brought them out oj d. Ita. 29. 18. eyes of blind seeoui ofd. DABLINO. Pi. 22. 20. d. from power of dog 35. 17. rescue my d. from lions DAM. V 2 Sam. la 14. Joab took three d 2 Chr. 32. .V Mezekuh made rf. .''..'. 41. 26. nor the d cannot hold 29. d. are counted ,i tnM>le Prnr. ~. 23. till d strike thro 1 liver F.iA. fi. Hi. to que.,, h fiery d of //*. 12. 2tt be thrust thro' with ad DASH. 2 Ain. R jo wilt rf. their children P- ''hil. f Isr brought d. DAUH, El). IN'ii. F.rod. 2. 3. she d ark with slime /->. 13. 10. d it with unten pered 22. 28. bur prophets rf. them DAUGHTER. Gen. 20. 12. d. of my father, not 4 24. 23. whose rf. art thou, 47. 4a master's brother's d to son 34. 7. in lying with Jacob's d. 8. my son loiu'eih fur your d Exod. \. 16. if ad she shall live 21. 31. have gored a son or a d Lev. 12. a days fulfilled for a d. 18. 17. nor take her daughter'* d 21. 9. it d of prie-t profane Num. 27. 9. if no d give his inherit 36. 8. d. that posse-set h an inherit. Deut. 27. 22. curse.l be he lieth with d of father or mother 25. 56. eye be evil towards her rf. Judg. 11. 40. to lament JephthahW. 1 .Sam. 1. 16. handmaid ad of Belial la 19. Saul's d should been giveu 2 Sam. 12. 3. Iamb unto him a a d Ain. a 1. Solo, took Pharoah's d II. 1. loved many with d of 1'liaro, 2 A'ifi 8. 18. d Jehormn's wife 9. :U. bury her, she is a king's d 1 Chr. 2. 49. d of Caleb Achsah Eith. 2. 7. uncle's rf. for hi- onn Ptal 45 10. O d and consider, and la king's d. glorious within Cant. 7. I. with shoes, O prince's d Jer. 31. 22 h.n-ksli.iinif rf. 49. 4. 46. 19. O d in Egypt, furnish 48. la d dost inhabit Dil.on Ez. 14. la deliver son nor d 18, 20. I a 44. as mother, so is her d 45. art mother's d that I. athcth Dan. II. 6. king's rf. ofMiuih cume 17. shall give him d of women Hot. 1. 6. cone, again, and bare a d .Wir. 5. I. Orf. of troops 7. & d riseth up against mother, Mat. 10. 35. /.uA^I2,53. Zeph. 3. 10. d. of my dispersed .*/,;/. 2. 11. mar. rf. of strange god Mat 9. 22. Jesus said, d be of good comfort, Markb. 34. l.uke a 48. 10. 37. loveth rf. more than me 14.6. d of HerodiaidanreH IV 28. her d. was made whole Mark 7. 26. cat devil out of her d Luke a 42. he had one only d 13. lathis woman heinv a rf of Abr Ar-tt 7. 21 Pharaoh's d nourished Heb. II. 24. to be ..n of Char. d. DAl'fiHTEU i.f J' Pt. 137. 8. O rf of ff. lo he 'destroy. Ita. 47. I. O rf of fl. sit on ground Jer. 5tl. 42. to ha'tlle (r. th. e rf. oft. 51. 3:1 d nf R iike tlirevhinv fli-or ZecA. 2. 7. Zion rtw. lle.-t with do/ H. DAUnHI Eli ,,fthe ChiMntnt. Ita. 47. I. i" no throne. O rf. of C. 5. get thee into darkness, rf." of C. DAf(iH I KK of A'rf. m. ' Lam. 4 21. r. j.,ire hi- iflad. rf. of E. 'fi. >isit thine iniquity, Od.fS. D.\I:I;HTI- K of Egypt. Jer. 4a 11. g into r:|feiid, d o/jf, 24. d of. be rrnifiinoded D ALT; in KH <-/ G////it /M. 10. 30. lift up thy voii-r d o/ft DAU JKi DAUGHTER, Ex 21. 7. if sell Aw d. to be servant Hum. 27. 8 inherit to pass to his d. 30. 16. statutes tietw. fa. and his d. Deut. 7. 3. nor h. d. take to tliy son la 10. one that inaketh his d. to pass thro' fire, 2 Kin. 23. I.I. Jteds*. 21. 1. not give his d. to Henja. 1 Sam. 1". 25. kini? give him his d. 1 ) A U G H T E R of Jerusalem. 2 Kin. 19. 21. d. ofJ. hath shaken her h.-aM at thee, ha. 37. 22. Lam.2. 13. what liken to thee, d.of J. 1 i. wag their head at the d. o/ J. .Vi'c.4.akiuirdom shall come to d.ofJ. Zepfi. 3. 14. rejoic.' with hearl.d.o/ J. lech. 9. 9. d. of J. thy king cometh DAUGHTER of Judah. Lam. 1. 15. L. hath trodden d. of J. 2. 2. down strong holds of d. Ojf J. 5. increased ind. of J. mourning DAUGHTER-m-Jaw. Gen. 38. 16. knew not she was d.-j.J. 24. Tanvr thy d-in-l. played liar. C>. 1H. 15. nakedness of thy d.-in-l, 20. 12 if a man lie with his d.-in-l. Ruth 4.15.thy d.-in-l. which lov.thee 1 Ham. 4. 19. his d.-in-l. Phinehas wif- was with child Ex. 22. 11. lewdly defiletli his d.-i .1. Mic.1. 6. d. Hifainst mother-in law, Mat. 10. 35. Luke 12. 53. My DAUGHTER. Deut. 22. 17. tokens of my d.virginity Josh. 15. 16. to him Will I give mil d. Judg. 11. 35 my d. hast bro. melow 19. 24. hen is m>i d. a maiden Ruth 2. 2. ana she said, go, my d. a 10. blessed be thou my d* Mat. 9. 18. my d. is even now dead 15. 22. mil d. is vexed with a devil Mark a. 23. mtid. at point of death D A U G H T E R of my people. Im. 22. 4. bee. of spoiling of d. of p. Jer. 4. 11. a dry wind toward d. of p. 6. 14. healed d. of p. slightly, 8. II. 26. O d. of mil p. gird with sackcl. 8. 19. voice of the cry of d. of my p. 21. for hurt of d. ofm.p. am I -hurt 22. why not health of d. recovered $. 1. I might weep lor slain of d.o.p. 7. for bow shall I do for d. of m. p. 14. 17. the virifin d. of p. is broken Lam. > 1 1. d.'stroc. of d. of p. 3. 4a 4. 3. the d. ofm// p. is become cruel 6. iniquity of d. of mi/ p. is greater 10. meat in destruction of d. of p. DAUGHTER of Tarshi.sh. Isa.23. 10. pass thro' as river, d.ofT. Thy DAUGHTER. G*n. 29 18. serve 7 years for thy d. Ex. 20. 10. nor thy d. Deut. 5. 14. Lev. 18. 10. nakedness of thy d. d. 19. 29. do not prostitute thy d. Deut. 7. .'!. thy d. not give toi his son 13. 6. if thtid. entice thee 22. 17. I found not thy d. a maid I Kin. 14. 9. give thy d. to my son Mor.\K.tM,t. d. is dend, LukeS.49. 7. 29. devil is yone out of thil d. DAUGHTER ofTirr'e. Pi. 45. 12. d. of T be there with gift DAUGHTERo/Z;dM>. ha, 23. 12. O oppressed d. nf Zidon DAUGMTKRo/ZiVm. 1 SftU9.tl.4o/ Z.despised,//.37.22. Pint. 9 14. in gates of d. of Ziun Ita. 1. 8. d. nfZinn left as a cottage 4. 4. washed away filth of d. of Z. 10. 32. ag. mount of d. r.f Z. 16. I. 52. 2. loose thyself captive d. of Z. fi2 II. d. of Z. thy salvi. coim-th '-. 4. 31. heard voice of d. nf Zion o. X. d. of Z. to a comely woman DAU Jer.6.23. men of war ag. the, d. of Z. Lam. \. 6. d. of Z. beauty departed 2. I. L. cover, d. nf Z. with cloud 4. slew in taber. of d. of Zion a to destroy wall of d. of Zion 10. eiders of d. of Z. sit mi ground 13. what equal to thee, d. of Ziun 18. O wall of d. ofZ. let tears 4. 22. punish, accomplished d. of Z. Mic. 1. 13. begin, of sin to d. of Zion 4. a strong hold of d of Ziun 10. labour to bring forth, d. of Z. 13. arise and thresh, O d. of Zion Zi-ph. 3. 14. sing, C) d. of Zion Zech. 2. 10. sing and rej. d. of Z. 9.9. Mai. 21. 5. tell d. of Z. king coineth John 12. 15. fi-ar nut d. of Z. thy DAUGHTER o/Zur. Num. 25. 15. Cozbi, the'd. of Zur DAUGHTERS. Gen. 6. 2. sons of God saw d. of men 19. 36. both d. of Lot with child 24. 3. wife of d. of Can. 37. | 28. 1, 6. 13. d. came out to draw water 27. 46. weary of life because of d. 30. 13. the d. will call me blessed 31. 26. hast carri"d away my d. 43 d. are my d. || 50. if afflict my d. 34. 1. Dinah went out to see d. 9. give your d. take our d. Ex. 2. 16. priest of Midian had 7 d. 21. 9, deal after the manner of d. 34. 16. d. gti a ivliorint! after gods Lev. 26. 29. flesh of d. shall ye eat Nu. 26.33.namesofd.of Zel.JtwA.17.3. 27. 7. d. of Zt-loph. sp-ak right :>. 10. 30 did d. of Zelophehad Deut. 23. 17. be no whore of d. of Is. Jutlg. 3. 7. took d. to be wives 21. 7. not give them of our d. la Ruth 1. 11. turn again my d. 12. I Sam. 8. 13. d. cohfeetionaries iVeA.5.5.our d. into bondaav already 7. 63. one of d. of Barz. Es-ra 2. 01. 10. 30. not give d. to people of land Job 42. 15 none so fair as d. of Job Ps. 45. 9. king's d. among hon. worn. 144. 12. d. be as corner-stones Proit. 31. 29. many a. done virtuous. Can*. 2. 2. so is my love among d. 6. 9. the d. saw and blfsseil her ha. 32. 9. ye careless d. give ear tio. 4. d. be nursed at thy side Jer. 9. 20. teach your d. wailing 29. 6 give your d. to husbands 49. 2. her d. be burnt with fire 3. cry, ye d. of Rabbah, gird ye Lam. 3. 51. because of d. of my city Ezefc 13. 17.set fare ag. d. of thy peo. 16. 46. Samaria and her d. Sodom 49. idleness was in her, and in d. 55. sister Sodom and d. return Cl. give them unto thee for d. 23. 2. two women d. of one mother 26. G. her d. be slain in field. & 30. la her d. go into captivity 32. 16. d. of nations lament her Ho>. 4. 13. d. shall commit whored. 14. I mil not punish your d. Luke I. 5. his wife of d. of Aaron Acti 21. 9. had four d. virgins 1 Pet. 3. 6. whose d. ye are as long DA UGHTERS tfJartuattm. Cant. 1. 5. but comely, O d. ifj. 2.7. 1 charge you d.of.J. 3.5.]i.a|8.4. 3. 10. paved with love for d. nf J. 5. Ifi, this is my beloved, O d. nf J. Luke 23. 28. d. nfj. weep not for me DAUGHTERS nf Israel, ri/itt 23. 17. be no whiire of d. of I. Judg. II. 40. d. of I. yearly to lament 2 Sam. 1. 24. d of I. weep over Saul DAUGHTERS f Jtidah. Psal 48. 11. let d. of J. be glad DAW Psal 97. ft the d. of Judah rejoiced DAUGHTERS.iWatiT. Ruth I. 8. Naomi s:.id t,, d-in-laic DAUGHTERS / A/,,A. A*MOT. 25. I whoredom with d. of It ha. 1C. 2. d. be at fords of Arnon DAUGHTERS o/Mtofe Eccl. 12. 4. d. ofm. he brought low DAUGHTERS oft/te Philistine*. 2 Sam. 1. 20. lest the d. of P. rejoice Exek. 16. 27. deliv. thee to d. of P. 57. the d. of P. which despise thea I) A U G HTE RS <,/ Shiloh. Judg. 21. 21. if d. ofS. tome to danos ca!rh every man a wife DAUGHTERS joined with Son* Gen. 5. 4. begat*, d 7, 10. | 11. 11. 19. 12. thy xiinx and d. bring out 31. 28. not suffered to kiss . and i 55. kissed his sons and d. blessed 37. 35. s. d. rose to comfort him E.rod. 10. 9. with s. and nos 7. 17. 25. when I take their sons and d. Joel 2. 28. *.and d. prophesy, Acts 2. 17. 3. 8. sell sons and d. to Judah 2 Con 6. 18. be mv s. and d. xaith L. TVo DAUGHTERS. Gen. 19. 8. 1 have t. d. let me bring 15. take thy wife and tiro d. 29. 16. Labrt'n had tiro d. Leah 31. 41. 1 served for thy two d. Ruth 1. 7. Naomi went out with t d 1 Sam. 2. 21. Hannah bare tiro d. 14. 49. Saul's lira d. were Slerab Prop. 30. 15. horse-leech hath tiro d, DAUGHTERS nf the uncircum. cisi'd. 2 Sam. 1. 20. lest d. of . triumph DAUGHTKKSo/Zton f. 3. ! I. go f.. r th, O ye d. (/ Zi Isa. 3. Hi. d. of Zinn are haughty 1. 4. washed away filth of d. oj Zi DAWS', ING. Josh. 6. 15. r -Be about d. of djr DAY Jttdr. 10. V>. came woman in d. of ^M a 9. nor l.-t it see rf. of day 7. 1 1 am full of Ms,iii|rs to rf. ^.;/. II". 117. 1 prevnited therf, .Vi/t 2S. I. a- it lieifan to rf. 2 Pet. 1. 1d called ti.e li x ht rf. 3i Ifi. let me |fo. rf. hreaki-tli Lee. 2a 'Jl. eterv thinir on his d. Xi.-n. 14. M. e.irh rf- lot a year, hear Daiit. 4. I ). rf. thou %liM>dst h. fore L. a /4, reSellious fr. rf. 1 knew you 24 Ii at his rf. irh> him hi- hire /u4. 10. la sun not down aoout a rf. 14. waa oo rf. like that Jur/i?. 16. 2. when it is rf. kill Sam. I Sam. 9. 15. told Samm-l a rf. before 84. 4. rf. of which Lord said 26 10. or hU rf. shall c ome to die 8 Sam. a 35. while yet rf, Jer. 15. a 1 A'in. 2. 37. on rf. thou goest out 8 Kin. 4. 8. it fell on arf. Elisha. ll.ia KeA. 4. 2. make KII i-nd in a rf.f JoA 1. 4. feasted, e>ery one hi* rf. 6 was it rf. when sons, la | 2. 1. a 3. rf. perish wherein I was born 14. & till he accomplish his d. la 20. he astonished at i.ia rf. la 25. stand at Utter rf on earth 21. 31. reserved to rf of d.strudion P*il. 19. 2 rf unto rf. utter, sp.-ech 37. I:', he seeth his rf. is coinimr 78. 42. nor rememb. rf. he delivered 84. 10. a rf, in thy courts better lia 164. 7 times a rf. 1 praise thee Pron. 4. IX. and more to perfect d. 7. 20. home at the rf appointed 87. I. what a rf. may hiing forth Cant. 2. 17. till the ii break. 4. a I*n. 7. 17. from rf. Kphrai in departed 43. la before rf. was I am he 5.S. 5. a rf. to afflict soul ? rail this an am ptahle rf. to Lord ? 61. 2. rf. of venireanre of Ci. (53. 4. J-. 12. 3. prep, for rf, of slaughter 27. -'.' th. re be till rf. I visit 32. 31. from the rf they built it 36. 2. from the rf. I spake to the* 3a 28. till rf Jerusalem WBJ taken 47. 4. of rf. that cometh to >fioil 5<. 27. wo, for their rf, is come Ertk. 4. 6. each rf. for a year 7. 10. behold the rf. it is c .me 21. 25. prince, whose 4 i* come '.'<. 15. from rf. thou wast created 3a 2. wo worth the rf. || a m-ar la at Tehaphne. rf. be darkened fHn. fi. 10. petition 3 times a d. Hnt. 9. 5. what do in solemn rf.? Joeii I rf. f darknes* and Anuab. 8. seek him maketh rf. dark it. la end thereof as a bitter rf. .Vir. a fi. rf. be dark over them 7. 4. the rf. nf thy watchmen Zr/ih. 2. 2. before rf. pass as chaft* I rf. I ri-e up to the prey 7.rch 4. 10. depied rf, of small thin*. Mill 3 2. abi le rf of his n.minif ? 4 1. the rf. cometh th .t shall burn U it 24. 38. till the rf N'.e entered ark, Luke 17. 27. 50. Lord lhall com.- in n rf. when he look'-ih not, Luke 12. 4$. 25. la know the rf. nor the hnur V juiced to s^ ( . my rf. b. 4. 1 mutt work while it U rf. DAY Arli I. 2. until rf. he was taken up I 12. 81. on a set rf. Her..! -at 1C. 35. when it was rf. *1 lv>. | 27. 3&. 17. :)U hi- hath app-.tiited a rf. 27. 29. thi-jr wishi-d for rf. ffo;n. 2. A. wrath a.-ain-t d. of wrath 13. I-.', d. Is at hand, let us 14. 6. re|tardeth rf. to the Lord I Cor. 3. 13 the rf. -hall declare it .' Cor. & 2. now is therf. <>f *alvati<>n Epk. 4. 30. sealed to rf. of redemp. PHLl. 6. perform it until therf. of C. 1 TA. 5. 5. ye are rhil. of the d. 8. who are of the rf. he soher /M 4. 7. he limitf th a certain rf ft. not have spoken f another 10. a.'.. as ye see A Y o/ itf.it h. Gen. 27. 2. 1 know not rf. o/my rf. Jurf^. la 7 he a Nazarite to rf. o/rf. I 5am. 15. 35. to see Saul tillrf of d. 2 Smn. 20. .1 concu. shut up to d. ofd. > Kin 15. 5. Uz*ih leper to rf. ofd. Ecrl. 7. 1. rf. ol dfiith better than rf, 8. a nor hath he p iwer in rf. of d. Jer. to. II. in prison, till rf. nf death 34. every day a portion till rf. o/ rf. fly DAY. G. 39. 10. the spake to JIM. rf Ai/ rf jvt la 2!. L. went b-f. them/vrf. 40l 38. cloud WHS upon the taher. nacle Ayrf, \nm. 9. 16. Sum. 10.34. cloud on't hem Ar/rf. 14.14. /)<< i. :a y.A ;i. IH. Jurff 6. 27. he n-uld nut do it hit d. 1 CAr.30.21. priests praised \..d.1yd. Ezra a 9. let it he given rf. by d. .V, A. a IH. rf. Ay rf h.- rea I in law /W. 91. 5. nor arrow flieth Ay i I'-'l. 6. sun not smite thee Ay rf. 136. a sun to rule by d. for Ita.On. \'.t. *nn no more thy liirht tyd. ler. 31. 35. sun for a lit-ht ''/ rf. --<*. 12. a remove A>/ rf. in' -iirht /,*# II. 3. (jive n* rf. //v rf r>read i C'or. 4, Id in renewed rf. ^/vrf. An>. 2L 5. |T"te not he shut by d. F.rerii DAY. Pmt 7. 11. tinirry with wicked t. rf. 5fi. 5. i^-. rf. they w-rnst my words US. *. r. rf. will 1 tl-b-, ti,oe H DAY 1*0. 51. 13. ha*t f.-an-rt rwry 4 fti 5. my name i-r. rf. hla-plietn l.uJcf Ift 19. uiiiptnoii.|y erervd. Rom. It. 5. e-trt meth rr. A alike /jni 81 3. Mow trumpet on /-rf. .Vat 2fi. 5. said, not on /-rf Vur 14 S. ./ An i 'J3. in f -d. many beliereti Firtt DAY. (iffi. 1. .V evening nd mornlnir/ ii. Xfh. 8 18. from / unto last d he read Dan. 10. \'i. from/ rf. th"U did't set .V.K-A17./rf'.fm,l.hrr;id,.V./r.l4.li Xrt**fl. IS./ l.hath,20. 1(\ ir. 2a a /)ft 5. 14. 27. thf re went out some on i. d. 31. 17. on f. rf. God re-ted lleb. 4. 4. spake oft. rf. on this wis Eighth DAY. J*er. 12. a on e. d herirrcmrised Luke \. 59. e. d. came to cin-i-.mciM chilli, .1,1. 7. a /-AiZ a 5. Good DAY. I .?nm. 2.^. 8. we come in a food d. Etth. 8. 17. Jetvs had H |Mtf2 9. 19. 9. 2i from >nonr ninir into a good rf. Great DAY. Jer. 30. 7. ala. that rf. i f . none // .. I. 1 1. if. shnll he rf. of Jezreel ,/of/ 2. 1 1. f ti.e Lord is near .Wui 4. 5 belore cornini.' of y. rf of L. ./Aw 7. 37. g. d. of ft at. Jehus rried Jitdefi n-er. unto jinlgment of ^.i A^r. C. 17. g. d. of his wrath is ri.ii* 16. 14, to ifathi-r t<> battle of g. rf, 7n DAY. Gen. 8. 4, fit ( rf. L. made the earth 17. tit the rf. thou eatest, .halt die 3 '. in thed. ye eat, eye* he openi-d 31. 40. in rf, droiiKht consumed me :U. a annw. in the d of my distres* Kind. 3i 34 in the rf. when I viMt Job 20. 2a flow away I'M rf. of wrath Pi. 95. 8. ssinrf of lempta. ///..3.s. Ii 'i 2. hide not face in rf. of trouhle, in thed. hen I cell 110. 3. willing in t rf. of thy power 5. thro' kings I'M t rf. of Ins wrath 137. 7. Kdom, in t d of Jerusalem 138. a in rf. I cried, thon aritwer. I'ntr. fi. 34. not opare in rf. of venge. 11. 4. riches profit not in rf. of wrn. 24. 10. if faint in the d of adversity cci 7. 14. in the rf. of pro?|rity h Joyful, in d uf adv consider 8. a nor hath power in rf. of death 12. a in t rf, keepers shall treinl.le Cant a 11. inrf of In- e.poiisal<.nnd of triad i if-* of hiH heart H. a in t. rf. *lie ..hall i- -|...kiMi for /.. 9. 4. as in the rf. ot Mnii;in 10. a what do in thf rf of visitation 11. 16 rf. rnme out of 1 ... // < of thy fall 33. )2. in d. IK- turnelh from wick, not able to live in d. he sinned Hot 1. 3. as in the d. she was horn 4. 5. therefore shall fall in the d. Ainoi 1. 14. in the d. of a whirlwind a 9. darken the earth in the clear rf. Oonrf. 11. in d. stoodest on other side 12. nor rejoiced in d. of destruct. Mai. 4. 3. in d. that I shall do this Luke 17. 30. in the d. Son is revealed Jnhn \ I. 9. if any walk I'M the d. he Hum. 2 Ifi. i d. G. sh. judge secrets 13. 13. walk, honestly as in the d. 1 Cor. 1. 8. blameless in d. of Lord Cor. 6. 2. in rf. of salva. I sucroiired Phil. 2. 16. may rejoice in d. of Ch. Heb. 8. 9. in d. I took them by hand 1 Pet. 2 12. glorify G. in rf. of visita. DAY of judgment. Mat. 10. 15. more tol. for Sov!om in d. ofj. 11. 2*. Mark'-,. )]. 11. 22. for Tyre and Sidou atrf. <>fj. 12. 38. give account in the d. of/it. 2 Pft. 2. 9. reserve unjust to rf. off. 3. 7. reserved unto lire aga. rf. /"_/ 1 Mm I. 17. boldness in rf. ofjitdi>jn. D\V of the Lord. Isa.2. 12. r n. 62. 6. hold their peace d. nor n. Jw. 9. 1. weep d. and w. for slain 14. I7.down tears rf. and n.Z.am.2.18. 16. I a serve other gods d. and n. 33. 20. should not he d. nor nig-A/ ZecA. I4.7.-rf. known to L. not rf.nor n. Mark 4. 27. sleep and rise, n. and d. 5. 5. <2. and n he was in mountains Luke 2. 37. and prayers night tuiA d. 18. 7. elect, which cried a. and n. Acts 9. 24. watched gates n. and d. 20. 31 cease not to warn n. and d. 26. 7. inslanlly serving G. d. and n. 1 Thes. 2. 9. labouring d. and n/'A 3. 10. n. and d. praying exc. rTi;.5.5. 2 Thes. a 8. with labour n. and d. 2 Tim. 1. a remembrance of thee in my prayers night and d. Ren. 4. 8 they rest not d. and night 7. 15. serve him d. and n. in temple 8. 12. d. shone not for a third part 12. 10. accused liefore G. d. and n, 14. 1 1. have no rest <.5.12. II. Lord blessed Ihe sabbnth.d. 31. 15. doMi any work ou salAath.d. 3. r > 3. shall kindle no fire on s.-d. Num. 15. 32 gathered sticks on s.-d. Dent. 5. 15. God comma, to keep *.-d. Neh. 13. 15. burdens to Jeru. on s..d. 17. and profane the sabbath-d. 22. keep gates, to sanctify s.-d. Jer 17. 21. bear no burden on s.-d. E*e. 46 4. the prince sh. offer in s.-d. Mat. 12. 1. Jesus went on s.-d. thro' corn-fields, Mark 2. 83. 8. for Son of man is Lord of s.-d. 11. into a pit on s.-d. Luke 14. 5. 24. 20. pray flight be not on Ihe s..d. Mark 2. 24. on s..d. tliat not lawful 3. 2. he would heal on s -d. I. it.fi. 7. 6. 2. he went into the synagogue on ..d. Lu. 4. 16. Acts 13. 14. Luke 13. 16. from this bond on s.-d. 14. 1. went to eat bread ou sab.-d. 23. 56. and rested \hesabbath rf. John 5. 10. s..d. not lawful to carry I'i. because done these on sab..d. 7. 22. ye ou i -d. circnrncis" a man 9. 14. it was t.-d. Jesus miide clay 19. 31. n .1 remain on cross on s.-d. Acts 13. 27. read every s..d. 15. 21. 44. next ' -'! came whole city .SVi/ne DAY. Eret.24.2.write the name r,f this s.d. Xi'/ih. I. 9. .v. rl. will I punish those /,;/** 23.12.*. rf. I'i late and H friends Ju/ni 5 9. on s. d. was the sabbath 99 DA 1 ! JoAnSO. 19. s. d. Jesus stood in mi* Acts 1. 22. to s. d. he was taken up 2. 41. i. d. were added 3000 souls Sinrethe DAY. Deut. 4. 32. s. t. d. God created man 1 Sam. 8. S. s. d. I brought them out of Kg. 1 ATin. 8. 16 1 Chr. IT. j Jer. 7. 25. *. r. rf. fathers came fi rtli Co/. 1. 6. since the d. ye heard of it 9. *. d. we h.'ard it. do not cease That DAY. jrod.l0.28./.rf.seest my fare jhalt die 14. 30. thus Lord saved Israel t. d. Dettfc2l.23.in any wise bury him t.d. 31. 18. I will hide my face in /. d. 1 Sam. 8. 18. ye shall cry out in t. d. and L. will not hear you 14. 23. so fcord saved Israel that d. 37. Saul asked, he answ. not /. d. 16. la Spirit of L. on Dav. from t.d. 18. 9. Saul eyed David from thtit d. 2 Sam. 6. 9. David afraid of L. t d. 1 1. 12. so Uriah abode in Jer. t. d. Job 3. 4. let that d. he darkness Ps. 146. 4. in t. d. his thoughts perish Ltct. 2. 11. L. alone exalted in thatd. 19. 21. Egypt, shall know L. in t. d 24. 21. in t. d. L. shall punish host 26. 1. in t. d. this be sung in Jndah 29. 18. in t. d. shall deaf hear words 52. 6. shall know in t. d. I am he Jer.'V). 16. sh. be accomplished inf i. 17. but I will deliver thte.in t. d. Kxek. 29. 21. in t. d. Isr. be exalted .'iS. 19. in t. d. be a great shaking 39. 22. know I am L. from t. d. for. Has. 2. 18. in t. d. make a covenant Joel3. 18. in t. d. mount, drop wir.e Amos 2. 16. flee away naked in t if. 8. 3 the songs be bowlings in /. d. Zeph. 1. 15. t. d. is a day of wrath Zech. 2. II. nat. joined to L. in t. d. 9. 16. God shall save them in ;. d. 11. 11. covenant, broken in that d. 12. 8. feeble at t. d. shall be as Dav. 11. in t. d. ben pvat mourning la 1. in t. d. be n fountain opened 14. 4. his feet t. d. on the mount 9. in r. d. be one L. his name one Mai. 3. 17. in t. d. I make up jewels Mat. 7. 22\ will say in that d. Lord 24 36.of t. d. kn. no man, Afur.13.32. 26. 29. till that d. I drink it new, JV/urA-14. 25. Luke'6. 23. rejoice in t. d. and Ii ap 10. 12. more tol. in t. d. tor Sodoia 21. 34. so t. d. come unawares 23. 54. t. d. was the preparation Jnhn I. 39. abode with him that d. 11. 53. from t. d. they took counsel 14. 20. at /. d. know 1 am in the F. 16. 23. in r. rl. shall ask me nothing 26. at t. d. shall ask in my name 1 The*. 5. 4. t. d. overtake as a thief 2 Then. \. 10. testim. believed in t. i 2. 3. /. d. shall not come, except i Tim. 1. 12. committed to him atrJ.A lH. may find mercy of L. in thatd. 4. 8. crown L. shall give me at t. .L This DAY. Gen. 48. 15. God who fed me to t. if. Exnd. 12. 14. t. d. be for a memorial 17. observe t d. in your genera. 13. 3. reme^i. t. d. ye came out, 4. Deut. 4. 4. are alive ev. one t rf. 5. 31 5. 24, seen t. d. God talk ^ith man 6. 24. HS it is at /. d. 8. .8. Ezra {>. 7. 11. a 1 command you t. H thy . 2. from JosiiUi even to thit d. 44. 10. are not humbled to thit d. Lam. 2. 16. thu is d. we looked for Kzfk. 33. a thit is the d. whereof I hare spoken Dan. 9. 7. rnnfur of face* as at t d ///_' 2. '.">. consider from thit d. 19. 19. from MM d will I blest yon Nat. 6. 1 1. give us t. d. daily bread II. 23. Sodom remained to thii d. 28. 15. reported among JeWstu t rf. /.u&e -' 1 1. is Irtirn MM d. a Saviour 4. 21. MM d. script". fulfilled 10. 9. t d. SMlvHtion In this house 42. known, at least in Utu thy d. Artt -ft. 3. lealout, a ye are all t d 23. I. in u. ..id conscience (ill MM \itne-sinir K. I wiiiii.l all that hear me t. d. Rom. II. 8. should not hear to t d To DAY. Ce.t. 21. 6. heard I of it. but t d. Exod. -'. la come so soon to d f 14. 13. talmlinn show you to d. I -r 9 4. to d Lord will appear I Sam. 1 1. latodUwrought salvation M. 10. how Lord delivered thee to d into mine hand, 26. 23. f Sam 13. 4. why le ,n from d to d.f 16. 3. tn d. house of Isr. restore me 1 Kin. 18 15. 1 will-Mow myself tod. 22. 5. enquire at L. tn d. > CAr. la 2. t Kin. 4 2a why BO to him to d/ I CAr. IrV 23. *how from day to d his salvation. />,//. 9ft v. /><6 23. 8. to 4. my coini>lai-it hitter 1'iaL 95. 7. to d if ye will hear hi* voice, Hei 3. 7. 15. | 4. 7. Ztrh. 0. 12. to / -I I declare that tilt. . 3'l. which tu rf. he with me in paradise M. 31. tod I* Hie tbirJ djy DAY la while it is railed to d, 5. 5. to d have I begotten thee 13. 8. the same yesterday, to d Jam. 4. 13, ye that say to d or 2 /*ft 2. 8. vexed his soul d to d DAYo/frouAfc. 2 Kin. 19. 3. this in d. of t. Ita. 37. a /'.ai 20. I. L. hear th'.-e in d oft 10. l-l. call upon me in d of trouble 89. 16. been my refuge in < oftrou. 77. i in d o/ t. I sought the Lord 98. 7. In d o/ t. I willcall on thee /ML 22. 5. it is a d of trou. treading JT. 51. 2. in d of t shall be ag. her Ezek. 7. 7. time is come, d o/ t near Nah. I. 7. L. strong hold in d. oftr. Hat. 3. Id I might rest in d <>f (r. Zeuh. 1. 15. that d i* a rf. of trouble DAY-TIME. .A.'/ .1. 14. meet with dark, in t - lulti.led, onf Hzfk. 12. 23. d it hand, cftVct .if via 16. 22. not rein, d ot tliy youth, 43 Dan. 8. 14. unto 2300 d sanctuary 12. 11. abnm. set up -bail he \::\d 12. blessed vraiteth to 1335 rf. Hut. 2. la visit on her d of Baalim 9. 7. d ..f visitation, recompense 10. 9. sinned Irom rf. of Giheah .Vic. 7. 15. ace. tn rf. of thy com. out ZecA. a 9. ye that hear in these d II. I will not be as in former d 15. thought in these rf. to do well Mill. 3. 7. d of fat. ye are gone avrty Mat. II. 12, from rf. of John Hu|it.t 24. 22 except th-.iserf. he sh.irtrned, no flesh be saved, Mar 13. 20. 37. as d of Sue s.i ruining of Son I.uke$\. 22. these lerf. of vengeance Actt 3. 24. foietold of th rf. 5. 3d. bef. these rf rose i>\> '] lieudas 12. 3. d of uuleavened bread, 20. 6. (inf. 4. 10. ye observe rf. months Eph. 5. Ifi. because the d. are evil Heb. 7. 3. begin, of d nor end ol life 10 32. call to reinenr former d 1 Pet. .1. 10. see giHwl a', let refrain Her. II. a shall prophesy IwiOd !2. a feed h^r there I2rk) rf. See DAVID, LAST, OLD, JOURNEY. All the DAYS. Gen. 5. 5. a. I. rf. Adam lived 930 y*. 8. d of seth,| II. of Knot 14. of Cainan||23. Enoch 27. Methuselah I] !. 29. Noah Dent. 4. 9. lest they depart ul! Her d. 10. to fear me all t. rf. I Kin. a 40. 12. I. to possess ii all the rf. ye live Joth. 24. 31. served L. a. t d. of J.i.n. 1 Sam. I. 1 1. will give him to U a. d. I A'in. 4. 25. safely all t. rf. of Solom. Job 14. 14. alt d. of my appoint, time PtaL 23. fi. mercy folio* me all t. d. 27. 4. in house of L. a. rf. of my life Pror. 15. 15. all t. rf. of afflicted evil 31. 12. do him good u. rf. <>f her life Luke I. 75. holiness a. t rf of our life See Hit I.IFI , Thy LIFE. DAYS come. Iii. 7. 17. bring rf. that h.ive not c. Jer. 23. 5. behold rf. c. 7. | 31. .11. Amot 4. 2. rf. c. lie will tuke \..u aw. Mat. 9. 15 d. c. bridegroom (hall ha taken. Mark. 2. 20. Luke 5. 35. Luke 17. 22. d c. ye h. desire to see 21. & d c. there shall not be- left Heb. a a d. c. I will make new , ov. Few DAYF. Gen. 29. 20. seemed to him but a/ d 47. 9./ and erild of my pilgrim. .'' 14. I. man brn of worn, is of f rf. PtaL 109. a let his d be/ let an'oth. Dun. II. 20. in/ rf. he lie destroyed Heb. 12. Id. for a/ rf. chastened u* //M I) \YS. Gen. 6. a AM d sh.,11 be 120 years 10. 25. in hit rf. was earth divided l)-ut. ?2. I'.', put her away all //i- d 1 A" in. 15 14. Asa wn perfect all A. d DAY Jtr. 17. II. leave :n midst 01 w d. 23. 3C. a man not prosper in his il. 231 6. in h. davs Judah .-.ha. be saved /nMoDAYS 1 Kin. 10. il. silver not. accounted of in d. of Solomon, 2 Cnr. 9. 20. 1 Chr. 13 3. enquired notind. of Saul X CAr. 26. 5. sought O. in< of Zech. 3i 26. came not in d. of Hezekiah JoA 29. 2. as in d. Coil preserved me 4. as I was in tte d. of ray youth ^ttit 37. 19. in . 11. 1. shall find it after man ml. Isa. 24. 22. and after many d. shall they be visited, Exek. 38. 8. 32. 10. many d. shall ye be troubled Jer. 32. 14. continue many d 35. 7. 37. 15. Jer. hart remained many d. Exek. 12. 27. the vi>ion thathe^eeth is fur m. d. Dan. 8. 26 | 10. 14. Dan. II. 33. fall by captivity m. d. Hot. 3. 3. shall ahidt- for me many d. 4. Isr. abide m. d. without a king Luke 15. 13. not m. d. after younger John 2. 12. continued not many d. Acts i. 5. baptize. I not m. d. heiue 13. 31. he waageen many d. of them 16. 18. this did she many d. 27. 20. nor stars in m. d. appeared M V DAYS. f Kin. 20. 19. if trulh be ir. my d.? Job 7. 6. my d. swifter than .shuttle 16. let alone, my d. are vanity DAY Job 9. 25. my d. swifter than a post 10. 20. are not my d. fen? cease then 17. I. mil d. are extinct, the graves 11. my d. are past, my purposes 29. IS. multiply my d. as sand 1'iul. 39. 4w and the measure of myd. 5. my d. as an hand. breadth 102. ;t my d. consumed like smoke 1 1. my d. are like a shadow that 23. he shortened my d. 24. not away in midst of my d. Isa, .'iS. 10. I said in cutting off my d. 39. 8. be peace and truth in my d. Jer. 20. 18. my d. consu. with shame JV./tt'-a-DAYS. I Sam. 25. 10. many n. a d. break aw. Prolonged, eth, DAYS. Deut. 4. 26. not p. your d. on it, 30. 18. 40. thou mayestp. thy d. 22. 7. 5. 16. that thy d. may be p. 6. 2. 33. that ye may prolong d. \ 1. 9. 17. 20. to the end he may p. his d. 32. 47. ye shall p. your d. in land Prmi. 10. 27. fear of the Lord p. d. 28. 16. hateth covc.tousness.p. hisrf. Eccl. 8. 12. tho' sinner's d. hep. yet 13. neither shall wicked p. his a. Isa. 13. 22. her d. shall not be pro. 53. 10. see his seed, he shall p. d. Exek. 12. 22. d. are p. vision taileth Sabbath DAYS. Mat. 12. 5. on g. d. priests profane 10. is it lawful to heal on *. d. ? 12. is it lawful to do well on s. d.? Mar. 3. 4. to do good on s. d. ? Luk. fi.9. Luke 4. 31. taught them on j. d. 6. 2. is not lawful to do on s. d. Acts 17. 2. three sabbath d. reasoned Col 2. 16. judsre in respect of*, d. Thy DAYS. Exod. 20. 12. honour thy father that thy d. may he long,' Deut. 25. 15. 23. 26. the number of thy d. I fulfil Deut. 23. 6. not seek peace all t d. 30. 20. he is thy life, lenuth of t d. 31. 14. thy d. appro, thou must die 33. 25. as thy d. so thy strength be 1 Sam. 25. 28. evil not found all thy d. 2 Sam. 7. 12. when thy d. be fuln'lled 1 .Kin. 3. 13 he any like thee nil t. d. 14. then will I lengthen thy d. 11. 12. in%rf. 1 will not do it 2 ATin. 20. 6. I will add to t. d. Isa. 38. ft. 1 Chr. 17. 11. when thyd. be expired Job 10. 5. are thy d. as the d. of man 38. 12. comma. .morning since thyd. 21. number of thy d. is great Pron. 9. 1 1. by me t. d. be multiplied Ezek. 22. 4. caused thy d. draw near Two DAYS. Num 9. 22. whether t. d. or month 11. 19. shall not eat one, nor tiro d. Hot. 6. 2. after two d. will revive us Mat 26. 2. t. d. is feast, Mar. 14. 16. John 4. 40. he abode there two. d. 11.6. he abode tiro d. still Three DAYS. Gen. 40. 12. branched are three d. 18. three baskets three d. 42. 17. he put all into ward t. d. Exud. 3. 18. go t. d. journey into wil- derness, 5. 3. | 8. 27. | 15. 22. 10. 23. nor rose any for three d. Josh. I. II. within t.d ye sh. pass over '/ 16. hide there three d. 22. Judg. 19. 4. abode with him three d. 1 .SV//n. 21. 5. kept from us these t. d. 30. 12. he had eaten no bread t. d. 13. t. d. agone 1 fell s : ck. 2 Sam. 20. 4. assemble Judah in t. d. 24. 13. t. d. pestilence, I Chr. 21. 12. 1 Kin. 12. 5. depart for/, d. 2CA.10.5. 2 Kin. 2. 17. sought him three d. but Es-ra 10. 8. would not .'Jine in t.d. 9. 101 DAT Jon. 1. 17. Jonah was In hell f of tfl fish three d. Mai .2. 40. Mat. 15. 32. they continue with m* three d. Mark S. -'. 26. 61. to destroy the temple, and to build it in t. d. 27. 40. Mark 14. 58. | 15. 29 John 2 13. 27.63.after<.d. 1 will ri.-e,Afr.a3). Luke 2. 46. after t d found in temple Acts 9. 9. Saul t. d. without sight 28. 7. PubliuH lodged us t. d. cour. Ren. 11. 9. .wirties t. d. and a half 11. after t d. spirit in life entered Four DAYS. John 1 1.39.for he hath been dead f.d. Acts 10. 30. / d. ago 1 was lasting Five DAYS. Num. 11. 19. nor Jive d. nor ten d. Six DAYS. Exod. 20. 9. six d. shall thou labour, 23. 12. | 34. 21. Deut. r>. ly. II. in si.r d. made heaven, 31. 17. 31. 15. six d. may work be done, 35. 2. Ler. 23. 3. Josh. 6. 3. thus shall do six d. Exek. 46. 1. f-ate shut .M> working d. Luke 13. 14. six d. ought to work John 12. 1. Jesus tijc d. hef. passmver Seven DAYS. Isa, 30. 26. light of sun as of .?. d. Eze. 3. 15. I lemained astonish, s. d. Heb. 11. 30. fell, compassed s. d. Eight DAYS. Gen, 17. 12. e. d. old, be circnm. 21.4. Luke 2. 21. when e. d. were aci omp. John 20. 26. after e. d. Jesus came Ten DAYS. Dan. 1, 12. prove thy serv. ten d. Rev. 2. 10. have tribulation ten d Forty DAYS. Exod. 24. 18. Moses in moont forty a, 34. 28. Deut. 9. 9. | 10. 10. Xum. 13. 25. retur. afler/ d. 14. 34. Deut. 9. 25. I fell before L. forty d. Exek. 4. 6. bear iniq. of Judah/ d. Jnnah 3. 4. yet/ d. Ninev. be over. Mat. 4. 2. he had fasted firty d, Mark 1. 13. Jesus was/, d. tempted of Satan, Luke 4. 2. Acts I. 3. being seen of them/ d. Your DAYS. Deut 11. 21. y. d. may be multiplied Jer. 16. 9. to cease in y. d. mirth 35. 7. all y. d. ye shall dwell in tents F.xek. 12. 25. in y. d. will I say Joel 1. 2. hath this been in y. d. Hob. 1. 5. a work in y. d. Acts 13. 41. DAILY. Judg. 16. 16. she pressed him d. E.itn. 3. 4. spake a. he hearken, not Psal. 13. 2. sorrow in my heart d. 42. 10. d. to me, where is thy (od 7 56. 1. he. fighting d oppresseth in* 2. would d. swallow me up 61. 8. I may d. perform my vows 68. 19. Lord, who d. loadeth us 72. 15. and d. shall he be prai-ed 74. 22. foolish reproacheth thee d. 86. 3. 1 cry rf.|| 88.9. 1 called d.on the* 88. 17. about me d. like water Proti. 3. 30. I was d. his delight 34. watching d. at my gates Isa. 58. 2. yet they seek me d. Jfr. 7. 25. d. rising up early, and 20 7. 1 am in derision rl. 8. Ezek. 30. 16. Noph lmvedistresje d. Dan. 8. 1 1. and by him the )e. Mar. 14. 49. Lu. 19. 47. ! 22. M Luke 9. 23. take up bin crosn if. and Acts 2. 46. continuing d. -villi o:ia DEA X'-?' ! 47. L. allied to chiirri d. such 6. I. neglected In rf. inini-tratiou Ifi. 5. thi* chur.hes increased d. 17. 11. -marched tin* scripl'ire* d. I Cor. I.V 31. I die daily . remain in con*reg. of the rf, r.ri-1 4. 2. I praised rf. alieady rf. 9. 3 after th.it they e>< to rf. 4. Hrin d../ htter than rf. lion .Y lint th rf know not anv thing Int. N. 19 for living to the rf.? 14. J. it -t.rr. th up rf. for thee 82. 2. not :mn nor rf in battle K 14 ar- rf. they h !! not live 19. thy rf men hal| live with V. in HI d.--oiate plate* as rf. men /./rm. 3. fi a they thiit he rf. of o.d Kzrk. 44. 25 come at no d person M'tt 1 20. are rf fr.uirht rhil Vs life H 22. let the rf > nrv their rf. 9. 24. the maid i tiot rf t,ut -let-petti. Murk 5. :w /..*< R 52, in. g, heat the i.-k, raise the rf. II. 5. rf. are rai-cd up. /.t.Av7. 21 *2. 31. touching resurrection ( .f rf .V.in 4. 5. ready to judge quick and rf, fi. i-o-pei prcai h.-d t them rf. Judt !2. twice rf, plucked by root* Hrr 1. 5. Join. tirt.l.egotten of rf, 17. I fell at his feet a* rf. a I. a name thou livest, and art rf. 14. la hlessed are rf. (tie in Lord Ifi. a sea, as blood f a rf. man SfO. ft. rest of rf. lived not aifain 12. I saw the d. stand before God; the rf. If.-rr judged 13. sea *ae up rf, wh. were in it See BODY. Hrav, CARCASE, CURPS, Hi si'HRn-TIo*. Fur the HKAD. J.fr. 19. 28. not mak- i nltintni/ t d. Dfnt. 14. I. make anv haMn.t*/ rf, . . 14 not L'iveii \iaMfarUtrd. i S,/m. 14. 2. that had mourned f. rf, i Jrr. I'!. 7. not tear to . omfort/t rf, j 22. 10. Wei.p ye not fnr thi rf. A';,*. 24. 17. make no mourn./ t rf. I Cn. 42. 31. hi- hr..ther it rf. 44. 20, '"A I. 2. Me* my rcrvaiit it d. Judg. 20. 5. they f'.r.-ed thnt she iid. 102 DEA 2 Sam. 2. 7. Saul 4. 10. U 1 1. 21. Lrlai 12, IS. child || 13. 32, AIIMIIOII only 14. 5. my husband u rf. 2 Kin. 4. L 15. 20 because king's son u rf. lit. 10. Al>!>a. HI A'i'n. 21. 14 Naholk /:. 44 31. not cat that it rf. uf it.elt Mat. . IS. my daughter it rf. Mark 5. 35. /.MX* 8. 4". .V.irfr. 9. 26. many said, he u rf, JA 8. 52. Ahnihain i> rf 5a II 14. said Jesus, i.a/.aru u rf, /Zom. 6. 7. he i. rf. is Ireini from sin 8 10. if C. he in yon, l,ouck, it tratd. 2 Ai'. 4. 32. I., hold the . hild tnu rf. II. I. Athaliali saw her >..n tnu '/. .V-/Y. 2. lit. but when Herod t/-arah's womb DEAF. F.rod. 4. 11. wh.. tnaketh the rf. /..T. l!t. 14. shall not curse the rf. /'";/. 38. 13. I as a rf. man, heard not 58. 4. tliey are like the rf. adder I*ii. 29. 18. in that d..y rf. hear wordl 35. 5. ear* of the rf he un^top-tcd 42. 18. tie.ir, ye rf. -ok, ye I hud 19. who isrf as my oes-enucr 1 -ei:t 43. a briiiir rf. that have ears Mi>: 7. 1C. their ear- shall he rf. Mat. II. .\ the rf. hear, Luke". K. Mar. 7. 32 brought to him one rf. 37. he maketh the d. to hear 'J 25. thou rf. p rit come out i)KAI.. Gen. 19 9. rf, wirse with thee 24. 4!>. it ye deal truly with master 3.'. '.I return, I will rf well wi. the* :\\ 31. rf with -i-t.-r n s harlot? t:,r,A. I. 10. rf. wi-ely with them ?l.!t. rf. wi. her after manner of dad. 2TI II. in like manner it. with vine. / .r 19. II. not steal nor rf. faliely .Viim. II. 15. ifrf. thii, kill me /;, nt. 7. 5. thus >hal| ye rf. with them - Citr. 2. 3. as thou did-t rf. with David, -.. rf. with lac J-.*42. 8. leit I rf nfiei your fully ft 75. 4. to fool., rf i..,t fooli-iuy 11'. r. rf honntifully with, 112. 7. l';4. rf. with me HCI tn thy mercy I'n-r I.'. V2 they that rf truly are tin. 2fl. Id. in laud of uprightneu . II | 12.6. Lam. I. 2 Ex. 2?. 7. in thee d. hy oppression 25. 12 that Edom hath rf. ag.Jndah 15. Philistines have rf. by revenge Hos. .'. 7. they have lew at his d. more Ruth 1. 17. if ought hut d. part 1 Sutn. 4 20. iihout time of her d. 15. 32. the bitterness of d. is past VO. 3. a st' p between me and d. 22. 22. 1 orcasi. d. of father's house 2 Sum. I. 23. in d were not divided 15. 21. in d. or life, there thy serv. 22. 5. when waves of d compassed me, Ptal. 18. 4. | 116. 3. 6. snares of d. prev. me, Pi. 18. 5. 2 Kin. 2. 21. shalt not be any more d. 4. 40. d. is in the pot 1 Chr. 22. ft. Davirt prepared bef. d. 2 Chr. 22. 4. couns. aft-r d. of father :!-'. 33. did him honour at his d. Ezra 7. 26. unto d. or banishment ,1ul> 3. 21. long for d, it cometh not 7. 15. my soul chooseth d. rather 18. 13. first. horn of d. devour 27. 15. remain he buried in d. 28. 22. destruction and d. say 3l. in virtory o!-. 18 d r-niinot celt-brute thee 103 DEA Ita. 53. 9. with the rich in hi* rf. 12. poured out his soul unto d. Jer. &. 3. rf. chosen rather than life l. 21. d. come up to window* 15. 2. as are for rf. to rf. 43 II. 1. a in, 1. 80. at home there is as d. Esrek. 18. 32. I have no pleasure in d of the wicked, 33. 11. 31. 14. are all delivered unto rf. tins. 13. 14. O rf. I he thy plagues, Jonah 4. 9. well to he angry unto rf. Huh. 2. 5. who is as rf. not satisfied Mat. 2. 15. there till rf. of Herod 10. 21. deliver bro. to d. Mar. 13. 12. 15. 4 curseth I'Et her or mother, let him die rf. Mark 7. 10. 16. 28. some here shall not taste o. rf. till, Mark 9. I. I.nkeV. 27 20. 18. cond. him to rf. Mark 10 33. 26. 38. sorrowful to d. Mark 14. 34, CR. he i* guilty of d. Mark 14. 64. Mark 5. 23. my dati. at point of rf. Luke 2. 26. not see rf.h.'f.had seen C. 22. 33. go with thee to prison and d, 23. 22. 1 found no cause of rf. J' hn 4. 47. he was at point of rf, 8. 51 he shall never see d. 52. 11. 4. this sickness not unto rf. 13. Jesus spake of his rf. 12. 3:!. sicnifvins! what rf. 18. 32, 21. 19. by what rf. glorify God Acts 2. 24. loosed the pains of rf. 8. I. Saul con>. to his rf. 22. 20. 13. 28. no cause of rl. in him 22. 4. 1 persi-cut. this way to the rf, Rum. 5. 10. reconciled to (Jod by the d. of his Son, Cul 1. 22. 12. and rf. by sin, so d. passed 14. rf. reianed from Adam to Mos. 21. as sin hath rfitrned unto rf. 6. 3 as were baptist d into Christ, were baptised into his rf. 4. buried by baptism into d. 5. planted in likeness of his rf. 9. d. no more dominion over him 16. whether of sin unto d. 21. end of those things is d. 23. for the watres of sin is rf. but 7. 5. to bring forth fruit unto rf. 10. comma to life I found unto rf. 13. that good made rf. unto me ? 24. deliv. me from body of this rf. t 8. 2. free from law of sin and d. P. to he carnally minded is rf. 3S. rf. nor life gi-pnrate. from lore 1 Cur. 3. 22. life or rf. all are yours 4. 9. as it were appointed to rf. 11. 2f>. ye do show the Lord's rf. 15. 21. for since by man came rf. 2b 5. 10. in famine redeem thee/.d P. 33 19. to deliver their soul f. d. 5*. U hast del. my soul/ d 116. a 68. 20 to L. belong issues from d 78. 50. spared not their soul/row d I'rov. 10. 2. right delivereth/rf.11.4. II:*. 13. 14. I will redeem thee/ d J->An 5. 24. passed/, d 1 JAn 3. 14. //<-6. 5. 7. tn him able tosave/roiwd Jam. 5. 20. shall save a soiil/rom d Gala of DEATH. Jnb 38. 17. y. o/d been op. to thee f /ii 9. 13. liftest me from g. ofd. 107. la they draw near to g. vfd. Put to DEATH. Gen. 26. II. touch, this man p. to d. F.fod. 35. 2. who-o. doth work.p.tod Lev. 19. 20. shall not be put to d b. cause not free ?*. 21. killeth, he^. to dAum 35.30. X;. 1.51. stranger that comcth nigh put to d 3 10. 3a | 18. 7. Deut. 11 5. dreamer hf put to d. 17. 6. of one witness not be p. to d. 24. Hi the fathers not be p. to rf. fur children, nor, 2 Am. 14. 6. J',/ to d i! -Sum. 8. 2. with two lines tn p. tod. 19. 21. shall not Shimet be put to d 1 A'in. -J 8. I will not put thee to d 24. Adonijah shall be put to d 26. not at this time put thee to d t Chr. 15. 13. not seek I., hep tod. 21 7. cometh into house, put to d F.rth. 4. 1 1. one Uw to put him to d Jrr. la 81. their men he put to d 26. 15. know, if ye put me to d 19. did Jndah put him at all to d f 3a 4. let this man be put to d. 16. king i ware, not /ml thee to a. .'.-.'. 27. pu< them to d in Riblah >/(!/. 10. 21. cans>- them to be p. tod Mark II 12. Luke 21. 16. 14. 5. have p. him to rf. he feared 86. 59. sought false witn. ag. Jesus to p. him to d 27. 1. Mark. 14. 55. Murk 14. I. craft, and put him to d 7-r/A-c 18. 33. they shall put him to d 2.'l. 3i two maletac. to be put tn d. John I]. 53 rnuncl topu/Vim tod li in might p-'f l.acarus to d 18. 31. not lawinl topu/ any tod A<-U 12. 19 keepers to bepu/ to d 28. 10. pnf to d I gave my voice 1 Pit. 3. 1U put //. rf. in the flesh .SVc M'Rl I.V. Shad-nruf DEATH. Job 1 5. let the thniinw ofd stain it 10. 81. to land of dark and i. of d. 12. 22. hrinceth to light tlutrl. of rf. 16. 16. on eye. lid, j, ,>,<" nf ,1 4. 17. morning is a* tin- *o'i' o/.A DEC . 3. hesearchethoutMrtrf. nfd. 34. ii. no i. of d. sinners may hide 38. 17. wen do..rs of the sLiit. ofit.T Ptat. -a. 4. thro' valley of *Aa. ofd. 44. 19. til"' covered us with t. ofd. 107. 10. lit in darkness and in j.o/rf. 14. nut of darkness and s/iad. of d. Ita. 9. 2. dwell in land of *A,/rf. nfd. Jer. 2. ft thro* laud of the tliad. vfd. la la light, he turn it to tha. ofd, Amot 5. a *. o/rf. into the BorwM Mat. 4. 1C. jii-i.pl,. that sat in *. 6 3. word- of hi* mouth are d 38. IX imagine rf all the day 104 DEC Ptal SO. 19. thy tongue fraiieth . 56. II. d and guile depart not 72. 14. redeem their soul fron. d. 101. 7. worketh d not dwell 119. 118. their d is falsehood Proe. 12. 5. counsels of wirked are d 17. false witness showeth rf. 20. d is in them that imagine evil 14. a the folly of fools is d. 20. 17. bread of d is sweet to a roan 26. 24. hateth layeth up d 26. hatred is covered by 4 Ita. 30. 10. speak smooth, proph. rf. 53. 9 nor any d in hi- month Jer 5. 27. their houses full of d 8. 5. they hold fast rf. they refuse 9. 6 thro' rf. refuse to kn.ivv me 8. their tongue, it speaketh il. 14. 14. prophesy d of their heart 23. 26. are prophets of the rf. of A> A-. 22. f 29- the pen. have usej d Hot. II. 12. Ur. compasseth me wi. d 12. 7. balances of a. in his hand* Amot a 5. falsifying balances by d Zrph. I. 9. fill roasters' houses wL d, Mark 7. 22. out of heart proceed d Hum. I. 29. full of debate, rf. 3. II with tongues have used d Col. 2. 8. spoil you thro' vain d 1 The*. 2. 3. our exortatiou nut of d DECEITFUL. PtaL 5.6. Lord will ahhor rf, man 3i 20. devise d matters apai. tiit-m 43. I. deliver me from rf. man 52. 4. O thou rf. tongue W. il d. not live half their days 78. 67. turned aside like rf. how 109. 2. mouth of d opened ng. me 120. - deli, my soul from rf. tongue Prov. 11. 18. worketh a rf. work U. 25. rf. witness speaketh li.-s 2.'l 3. his dainties are rf. meat 27 6. kisses of enemy are rf. 29. II poor and rf. meet together 31. 30. favour is rf. beauty vain Jer. 17 9. heart is d al...v<- all lint. 7. 1C. they are like a d bow .Vic. 6. U. With hag of rf. weiehU 12 tongue ID d ill their month Zrjih. 1 13. nor rf. ton-rue be found - Cor. II. 11 fin h are rf. workers Epk. 4. 22. corrupt, a.-c. to d. lu.-ti DECEITFULLY. Gfn. 34. II answered Hamor d j-od 8. 29 let not I'har. d.-a! d /.-r. 6. 4. or the thing rf. gotten .'"'. 6. 15 brethren dealt a. as brn.z 13 7. will you talk d for G..d TV/it 24. 4. nor sworn rf. "2. 2. like a razor, working d Jer. 48 10 cursed dolh work of U t i.o in.-tn rf himself /./,/!. 4. 14. they lie in wait tu li DEC Epk S.S.let no man rf.you, ZThes.1.3. 1 John 3. 7. 1 John \. 8. say we have no sin, we d. Rev. 20. 3. d. the nations no more a go to d. n:itii>ns in 4 quarters OECE1VABLENESS. 2 Thes 2. 10. with all d. of unright DECEIVED. Gen. 31. 7. your father hath 4 me 7.6*. 6. 2. or if d. his neighbour Deut. II. 16. your heart be not d. } Sam. 19. 17. why d. me so? 2a 12. 2 S'izw. 19. 26. my servant 4 me Jot 12, IB. d. and deceiver are hit IS. 31. let not d. trust in vanity 31. 9. If been d. by a woman Jia ?S. 13. prince* of Noph are rf. 44 20. a d. heart turned htm Jet 4. 10. hast greatly d. this peo. 20. 7. O Lord thou hast d. me 49. 16. thy terribleness d. thee Lam. I. 19. my lover*, they d. me rc*. 14. 9. if prophet he d. I 4 him Qbad. 3. pride of heart 4 thee 7. men at peace with thee 4 thee Luke 21. 8. take heed ye be not 4 Jahn 7. 47. answered, are ye also d. Rom. 7. II. for sin d. me 1 Cor. 6. 9. he not d. 15. 33. Gal. 6. 7. ! Tim. 1. 14. Adam wns not 4 but 2 7Y;. 3. 13. deceiving and being- 4 Tit. 3. 3. we wore foolish, 4 Rer. 18. 23. all nations were 4 19. 20. rf. them received the mark 20. 10. devil that d. was cast DECEIVER. Gen, 27. 12. to my father ns a 4 J6 12. 16. deceived and 4 are his 3/rt?. 1. 14. cursed 4 h&th a male Mat. 27. 63. we remem. that 4 said 2 JoAn 7. this is a rf. and antichrist DECEIVERS. 2 CAr. 0. 8. as rf. and yet true Tit. 1. 10. many 4 especially of cir. 2 i/f/An 7. for many rf. are entered DECEIVETH. Pron. 26 19. so is man d. neighbour John 7. 12. said, he 4 the people G/. 6. 3. nothing, he 4 himself 7am. 1 . 26. but d his own heart Rev. 12. 9. serpent which d. 13. 14. and 4 them that dwell DECEIVING, S. 2 Tim. 3. 13. d. and being deceived Jam. I. 22. not hearers only, rf. 2 7W. a. 13. sporting with their 4 DECENTLY. 1 Cor. 14. 40. be done d. and in order DECIDED. 1 JJn. 20. 40. thyself hast 4 it DECISION. Joe! 3. 14. multitudes in valley of 4 DECK, ED. Job 40. 10. 4 thyself with majesty Pron. 7. !6. I have 4 my bed Jer 10. 4. thev rf. it with silver J?2. M. 14. 4 plainly they seek 1 John 1. 3. have seen rf. we to yon 5. this is message we rf. unto you I 'rill DECLARE. Job 15. 17. 1 have seen I will 4 Psal. 2. 7. 7 mil rf. the decree H2. 25. 22. 7 IT. rf. name to breth. Heb. 2. 38. la I trill d. mine iniquity Si. 16. Iw. rf. what done for my goal 75. 9. but 7 will rf. for ever, I will 145. 6. I will d. thy greatness lift. 57. 12. 7 will rf. thy righteous. JfT. 42. 4. 7 >t'W rf. it. keep not back John 17 26. thy name, and trill rf. it DECLARED. Isa. 48. 20. voice of singing 4 ye Jer. 4. 5. rf. ye in Judith, publish 46. 14. rf. ve in Egypt, publish 50. 2. rf. iff among the nations Mic. I. 10. rf. /e it not at Oath DECLARATION. Job 13. 17. lieiir my rf. with ears Luke \. I. to set forth in order 4 2 Cor. 8. 19. to rf. of ready mind DEC I A RED. E.r. 9. IR. that my name may be rf. D'rut. 4. 13. rf. to you his covenant Job 26. 3. plentifully rf. the thing 105 DEC Ps. ... 10. I have rf. thy faithfulneai 71. 17. I rf. thy wondrous Works 77. 14. rf. thy strength among pea 88. 1 1. thy loving kin. be 4 in grar 119. 13. have I rf. all judgments 26. I have rf. my ways, and thon. Isa. 21. 2. gl iev. vision is rf. to me 10. what' I heard of God have I d 41. 2fi. rf. from beginning 45. 21. 43. 12. I have rf., 44 8. | 48. 5. 48. 3. I have rf. former things 14. which rf. these things ? Jer. 36. 13. Michainh 4 words 42. 21. 1 this day rf. it to you Luke a 47. she rf. to him before all John 1. 18. seen G. Son rf. him 17. 26. 1 have rf. to them my nam Acts 9. 27. he rf. how he hail seen I. 10. 8. he had rf. these thitigs 12. 17. rf. how L. brought him out 15. 4. rf, all G. liail done with them 14. Simeon rf. how God at first 25. 14. Festus rf. Paul's cause to Rom. 1. 4. rf. to be Son with power 9. 17. my name might be rf. thro* 1 Cor. 1. 11. been rf. to me of you 2 Cor. 3. 3. ye are rf. to be the epistle Col, 1. 8. who rf, to us your love Rev. 10. 7. mystery finished, as he 4 DECLARKTH, ING. Isa. 41. 26. yen, there is none that rf. 46. 10. rf. the end from beginning Jer. 4. is. a voice rf. from Dan Has. 4. 12. their staff rf. unto them Amos 4. 13. rf. to man his thought Acts 15. 3. rf. conversion of Gentiles 12. rf. what miracles God wrought 1 Cor. 2. 1. rf. to you testimo. of God DECLINE. Exod, 23. 2. to rf. after many Deut 17. 11. nor rf. from sentence Psal. 119. 157. 1 not rf. from thy test. Prov. 4. 5. not rf. from words of my 7. 25. let not heart rf. to her ways DECLINED, ETH. 2 Chr. 31. 2. rf. neither to right Job 23. 1 1. his way I kept, not 4 Psal. 44. 18. nor have our steps 4 102. II. days as shadow that rf. 109. 23. like shadow when it 4 119. 51. yet not rf. from thy law DECREASE, ED. Gen. 8. 5. the waters 4 continually Psal. 107. 3S. not their cattle to 4 John 3. 30. he must increase, 1 4 DECREE. S. Ezra. 5. 13. Cyrus made a <. 17. 6. 1. Darius 12. ||7. 21. Artaxerxes Esth. 3. 15. rf. in Shushan, 9. 14. 9. 32. the rf. of Esther confirmed Job 28. 26. made a rf. for the rain Psal. 2. 7. declare rf. Lord hath said 148. *. 44. 29. every rf. thing he their* Z/e6. 9. la nor rf. without blood DEDICATION. irrn fi. 17. offered at rf of this house Jihn 10. 22. at Jerusalem feast of rf. DEED. Gen. 44. 15. what d. is this ye have EJ-. 9. 16. in very <*. for this cause Jurftf. 19. 30. no nuch rf. done 1 V;m.^"> l. s anl was rome in very d. 2 S./m IJ. U. by this rf. (riven ocras. F.ttk. I. 17. rf. of queen rome abroad l.vke -.1. M Jot. not consented to rf. 24. 1!). Je-n who was mighty in rf. Art* 4.9. this day examined of good rf. .R-'/n. !.\ la Gentiles obedient b d 1 Cor. .V 2. hath done this rf. might 3. rone, him hath so done this rf. Co/. 3. I?, ye do in word or rf. do all Jam. \. 2o -hall be blessed In his rf. 1 John a. 18. love, in word, but in rf. DEEDS. f7en. 80. n. done rf. ought not to be 1 Chr. 16. 8. make known his rf among the people, PtaL 105. I Ezra 9. 13. all is come for evil d. Keh. 6. 19. reported his good rf. 13. 14. wipe not out my good rf. PfoA 2a 4. give them ar. to their d In. 59. 18. arcor. to rf. he will repay Jtr. b. 2R overpass (t. of wick id 25. 14. recompense according to rf. Luke 1 1. 48 ye allow rf. of fathers 23. 41. we receive reward of our rf John 3. 19. because their rf. were evi 20. lest his rf. should he reproved 21. his rf. may be made manifest R 41. ye do rf. of your father Act' 7. X:'. Mope* wan mighty in d. 9. 36. Dorcas was full of alms-rf. 19. la many showed their rf. 24.2.hy thy prov. worthy rf.Kre done Rom. 2, 6. render to ev. man ar.torf a 20. by rf. of law n<> flesh justified 2& justified by faith without rf. a 13. >f ye mortify rf. of body I Cor. 12. 12. in signs and mighty rf. Col 3 9. off old man with his rf, t /'rf. 2. 8. vexed with unlawful rf. f ./-.An 1 1. partaker of his evil rf. S Jhn 10. 1 "ill remember hi* rf. Jiirfr 15. ri'tiv. of their ungodly d. i <;. hatest rf. of NirolaitHiis 22. tribulation except repent of rf. 16. 11. repented not of their rf. D F.EM ED. Actt 27. 27. the shlpmen rf. drew near DEEP. Gen. \. 2. darkness on fare of rf. 7. II. fountains of rf, were broken & 2. fountains of rf. were t topped L 2-i. with hleiniri of the rf. Drut 33. 13. rf. that cou.-h. beneath Job 38. 30. face of rf. it frocen 41. 31. the rf. to boil like a pot 32. wo-ild think the rf. to be hoar Ptal. 36 \ judgments a great rf. 42, 1. d. ralleth to rf. at noise of 69.. l.V nor let rf swallw me up I'i4. 6. rveredt it with the rf. as W. 24. tee his woadvrs in the rf. DBF r..r. S. ?s. trenifth.'iied fount of rf. ii. 44. 27. sailh to the rf. he dry 51. 10. art thuu not it whirh dried waters of rf. 63. 13. that led them thro' the rf. Ezfk. 26. |y. bring up rf. on thee 31. 4. rf. set him on high with rivers 15. I rovere.1 the rf. for him Amu 7. 4. it devoured the great rf. Jonah 2. 3. had-t oast me into rf. Hal>. a 10. the rf. uttered his voice Luke ft. 4. launrh out into the rf. 8. 31. would not coin, to go into rf, torn. 10. 7. or who dearend into rf, 2 Car. 11. 25. a night and day in rf, DEEP, Adject. Job 12 22. discovereth rf. thing* Ptal. fit 6. and the heart is rf. fi9. 2. I sink into rf. mire 1 am rome into rf. waters 14. let me he del. out of rf. water* 80. 9. didst ciiu-e it take rf. root W. .S. thy thoughts are very rf. 9-V 4. in hi hands are rf. places 135. 6. in Heas. and nil rf. pUces 140. la let them be rat into rf. pits Prof. 18. 4. words are as rf. waters 20. 5. counsel like rf. waters 32. 14. of strange women is a rf. pit 23. 27. for a whnre is a rf. ditch rci 7. 24. exre.-dinn rf. who ran /.'i 29. 15. i>eek rf. to hide roun.sel ;R 33 he hath mud.- Tophet rf .'. ;. 49. 8. dwell rf. (> inlia. of Dedan Ezrk.-O. 32. halt drink sister's cup rf 3-'. 14. make iheir waters rf. 34. la drunk of rf. waters Dan. 2. 22. revealeth rf. things Luke 6. 48. and dit-ged rf. and laid Jnhn 4. II. and the well is rf. 1 C-r. 2. 10. .search, rf. things of God 2 Cor. a 2. rf. poverty abounded DEEP ilee p. Gen. 2. 21. a rf. tterp to fall on Adam 15. 12. a d. ilffj tell on Abram I .SVirn. 26. 12. l>ec. rf. *. was on them ./.' 4. 13. rf . f-illeth on men. 33. l.V l!i. 15. sloth rasteth in rf. .>',.; /j. 29 10. poured spirit ( rf. <A. 9. 11. persecutors into rf. fW. 88. fi. hast laid me in the rf. IK 7. praise the Lord, all rf. ZerA. 10. II. rf. of river shall dry up DEE it. I), tit. 14. 5. ye nlmll eat fallow rf. I A'm. 4. JM. So omon had rf. DEKAMKI), IV(i 1 Cor. 4. 13. being rf. we intreat ^. r 20. la I heard rf. of many DEFEAT. 2 Sam. 15.34.rf counsel of Ahith. 17. 14 DKKENCK. .Vum. 14. 9. their rf. is departed .!/: -l-i. 25. Almighty he thy rf. /'/ 7. 10. my rf. is of God. who 31. 2. be thou f, r hou-e of rf 59. 9. for God is my rf 17 | 02. 2,fi 16. hast been my rf. in tr.inlde W. 18. I. is our d. ||94. 22. l..my rf ^cct. 7. 12. wisdom i H rf money hn. 4. 5. on Klory hall h.- :i rf. \'J. 6. brooks of rf be emptied 106 DEF 'to. 33. 11. his rf. munitions of rock* V'uA. 2. 5. rf. shall be prepared Ard In :ia would have made his t 2. I. hear ye my rf I miike now AiV. I. 7. and in rf. of the gospel 17. knowing 1 ait ,-et for rf.of (}). DEFKNCfco, >ee I'M Y. CiriKt. DEF1.NI). [rf. Urotl urfr.iai. Ti'lHsonof I'uah xroet3 X Aia. 19. 34. I'll rf this rity, 2). x in. :n 35. i s& A /. 90. 1. name of (io I i>f Jacob rf. 59. I. rf. me from them rUe up 82. 3. rf. the poor and fatherless fi.i 31. 5. no will Lord rf. Jerusalem iech. 9. l.V Lord shull rf. them 12. R in that dy L. rf. inhabitants DEFENDED, EST, I NO. 1 Sam. 23. 12. >hammah rf. ground Ptal. A. 11. because thou rf. them /.>. 31. 6. rf. Jeru.-al. will deliver it Act*! 24 he rf. him. and avenged DEFEIt, RED. KETH. /Vor. 13. 12. hope rf. nmketli sick 19. 11. discretion rf. aii)f.-r A:CCI. 5. 4. vowest rf. not t.. pay It lia, 48. 9. will I rf. mine anger Dn 9. 19. rf. not, tor own sake, O sictttl. 22. F.-lix rf. them DEKY, IEI). .Vwm. 23. 7. curse me Jacob, rf. Isra, a liow I rf. whom U not defied ? 1 .Sam. 17. 10. 1 rf. armi.-K of Israel 25. to rf. Israel is he rome up 20 that he sh.m d d. the armies 38. rf. armies of living (iod 4.S. God of Israel whom hast rf. 2 Sam. 21 21. when he rf. Israel, Jonathan slew him, I CAr. 20. 7. 2a 9. when the\ rf. Philistines DEFILE Le*. II. 44. nor rf. yourselves, la 24. IH.2S.lwnd spue not were nut d. with women DEFILEDST, ETH. Gen. 4ft 4. fatuer's bed, d. it r. 31. 14. d. Sabbath, put to death Mat. 15. II. goeth into tlie month d. 20. with iinwasheu hands d. not ~Mai~: 7. 20. t^i.-it Cometh oat d. man 7/iY. 3. 6. to,:j-)e, it d. whole body lie-!. 21. 27 eiT.'-P anv thing d. DFFIIAUD, ED. Lev. 19. 13. shall not d. neighbour 1 Saw. 12. 3. whom have I d.'f Mark 1C. 19. d. not I Cor. 6. 7. rather suffer to be d. 8. you d. your brethren 7. 5. d. not, except with consent Cor. 7. 2. we have d. no man 1 T\ei. 4 fi n man d. his brother DEGENERATE? Jtr. 2. 21. turned into d. plant DEGREE, S. 2 Kin. 20. 9. or hack, ten d. /wi.38.8 1 CAr. 1 7. 17. state of a man of high d. Ps. 62. 9. low d. vanity, of high d. Luke I. oi exalted them of low d. I Tim. 3. 13. purchase a good d. ./COT. 1. 9. bmtlier of low d. rejoice DELAY, ED, ETH. Ex. 22 29. not d. to offer first-fruits 32. 1. that Moses d. to come flown /W, l!9. 60. d. not to keep com. Mat. 11 4S. L. d. coming, Lu. 1-2.45. Acts 9. 38. not d. to come to them 25. 17. without d. morrow I sat DELECTABLE. Isa. 44. 9. thi-ir d. things not profit DELICACIES. Rev. 18. 3. merch. rich thro' her d. DHL1CATE. Deut. 28. 54. the d. man or woman among you, 56. Jga. 47. 1. no more be called d. Jer. 6. 2. likened Zion to d. woman Mic. 1. 10. hrtl.l for thy d. children DEI 1 GATES. Jer. 51 34. filled belly with my d. DELICATELY. 1 Sam. 15. 3'i Agag came d. fserv. Prm\ 29. 21. he that d. briiKreth up Lam. 4. 5. did feed d. are desolate Lu. 7. 25. live d. are in king's courts DEI.ICATENESS. Deut. 28. 56 foot on trround for d. DELICIOUSLY. Ret. 18. 7. .'.he lived d. 9. DELIGHT. Dfut. 10. 15. L. had d. in thy fath. 1 Saw. 15. 22. as great d. in offering 18. 22. the king hath d. in thee 2 Sam. 15. 26. I have no d. in thee Jot> 22. 2li. have d. in Almighty FsaL I. 2 his d. is in law of the L. 10. 2. in whom is all my d. 119. 24. thv testimonies are my d. 17. for thy law is my d. 174. Prnr. 8. 30. 1 was dailV his d. 11. l.just weight is Lord's d. 20. sui h as upright, are his d. 12 22. that deal truly are his d. 15. 3. prayer of upright is his d. 13. 12. righteous lips d. of kings 18 2. a kol nti d. in understanding 19. la d. not seemly for n fo-vd d. this people Deut. 7. 24. d. kings into thy hand 32. 39. neither any that can d. out of my hand, Isa. 43. 13. Jn.ih. 2. 13. d our lives from death Jwlg. 7. 7. by the 300 will I d. Midi. ! Sam. 12. SI. Vb. cannot profit nor d. 24. 4. d. enemy into thine hand 28. 19. Lord will d. Israel to Philis. 1 Kin 20. 13. I will d. this multitude 22. a L. Khali d. it into kind's hand, 12 15, 2 CAr. IS. 5, II. 2 AiJi. a 18. he will d. Moahites 18. 35. L. should rf. Jerns. ltd. 36. 20. 2 CAr. 25. 15. could not d. own peo. 32. 13. irods ab'e to d. th. ir !and~? 14. that your God should d you JiJi 10. 7. tmne cmid. out ol thy hand 22. 30. shall d. island of inno/ent 33. 28. d. soul from ifoing into pit I'/tal. ft *. d. my toul, 17. 13. | 22. 2 . 110 4. | 120. 2. 7. 2. rending it, none to d. 50. 22. 33. 17. d. any by his ereat strength 19. to d. their soul from death" 56. KL d. my feet from falling ? 107 DEL P.M/. ""S. 12. d. needy when he 74. 19. d. not soul { turtle-dove 8i. 4. d. needy out of the hand 89. 4H. d. his soui from grtve Prof. 4. 9. a crown sh. she d. to 6. 3. do this now d. thyself 2* 14, shall d his soul from he.1 .Eci-;. 8. 8. wick d. those given to : Isa. 5. 29. none shall d. prey 29. II. men d. to one learned 31. 5. defending also lie will d. it 44. 20. that he cannot d. his goal 46. 2. they could not d. burden 47. 14. not d. themselves from flatus 50. 2. have I no power to d.? Jer. 15. 9. residue will I d. to sword 18. 21. d. their children to famim- 20. 5. I will d. strength ol tlas city 21. 7. I will d. Zedek. from sword 22. 3. d. spoiled out of hand of pp. 43. II. d. such as are for death, to 51. C. d. every man his soul, 45. Eze/c. 13. 21. f will d. my people, 23. 14. 14. d. but their own souls 16. shall d. sons nor dan. 18. 20. 33. 5. taketh warning d. his soul 34. 10. d. flock from th-ir mouth Dan. 3. 29. no god d. afler this sort 8. 4. nor any could d. from ram Hot. 2. JO. none d. her out of hand Amot 2. 14. iior mighty d. himself 15. is swift shall not d. himself 6. R d. city with all therein Mic. 5. 8. teareth, and none ran d. 6. 14. shall take hold, hut not d. Zeck. 2. 7. d. thyself, O Zion 1 1. 6. d. every one into neiglih. hand Mat. 10. 21. brother d. bro. to ileath Jets. 25. 16. to d any man to die 1 Cur. 5. 5. to d. such an one to Sat. 2 Cor. 1.10. trom death, and doth i 2 Pet. 2. 9. L. know, how to d. godly DELIVER him. Oen. 37. 22. to d. him to his father 1 Sum. 23. 20. our part be to d. Um 2 Sam. 14. 7. d. him smote his bro. 20. 21. d. him, and I will depart Jnh '.13. 24. d. him from going to pit I'.tal. 22. 8. d. him, let him d. him 41. 1. L. d. him in time of trouble 2. not d. him to will of enemies 71. II. for there is none to d. him 91. 14. set his lov" on in,', I d. him 15. 1 will be with him, I willd. him Prnr. 19. 19. if d. him must do it ag. Jer. 21. 12 d. him spoiled Irom opu'r. F.xuk. 33. 12. his right, shall notd. him Mat. 20. 19. d. him tit Gentiles, Mar. 10. 33. Luke 20. 20. Acts 21. 11. 26 15. what give, and I will d. AI'.TI 27. 43. let him d. him now, if he DELIVER me. den. 32. 1 1. d. me from Esau i Sum. 17. 37. will d. me from Gol. 2 'i. 1 1. men of Keilah d. me up ? 24. 15. Lord be .i inlet . and d. me /6. 24. d. me out of all tribulation Jnb 6. 23. d. me from enrmies, Psal. 31. 15. | 59. 1. Psal. 7. 1. save me from them, d. mt lb. 20. keep my soul, and d. ww 27. 12. d me not to will of enemitfi 31. 2. d >ne speedily 39. 8 d. me from all my tranegresi 40. I. 'l be pleas' d to d. me 4.'<. 1. O d. me from the dereitful 51. H. d. mefr.im blood.g liltincul 59. 2. d. me from workrri of iniq. (>!). 14. d. me out of the mire 18. draw nigh to my HUH), d. me 70. I. make baste tod. me 71. 2. d. me in thy richleoiiB. 31. I 4. d. me out of hnnrl of wicked Oft 21. mercy it gcod, d. thou m DEL ft. US. 131 d. OK from oppr. of man 15.1 consider affliction, and d. me 154. plead mjr cause, and d m 170. d. me according to thy word 140. I. d. me from the evil man 142. ft, d me from my persecutors 143 9. d. me from mine t- uernles 144. 7. d. me out of great waters 11. d. me from strange rhildren Jin. 44. 17. d. me, thou art my God Jrr. 3& la afraid lest Jews d m II. no roan may d. me Rnm. 7. 24. '/ me from b -dy of death? 2 Tim. 4. 18. d, me from evil work DELIVER MM Dent. 23. 14. walketh in camp to d 1 1 Sam. 17. 4& L. will d. t into mine 2 Kin. 20. 6. d. t. and thin city, It. 3S.& Job 5. !9. shall d. t. in six trouble* 36. l& treat run-om cannot d. t. Pi. 50. 15. Kin. 21. 14. 2 CAron. 25. 20. fa/ it came of O.to d t AVA. 9. 2a many times didst d t Joi A. 4. neither any to d (L 7W. i.'. 4. they trusted, didst d t 37. 40. the Lord shall d t. 108. 4a many times did he d t Proe. ll.ftriuht. of upright shall dt 12. 6. the mouth of upright d t 24. 1 1 . forbear to d t drawn to death In. 19. 20. send a Saviour and d. t. Etek. 1. 19. gold not d t., ZrpA.I.1% 34. 12. seek out my sheep and d t Act* 7. 25. God by his hand d t Ueb. 2. 15. d L who through fear Of DELIVER IM. Judy. 10. 15. d tu only, this day tO. 13. d tu ch Idren of Belial 1 Sam. 4. a wo to us ! who shall d ut 12. 10. now d tu from enemiea 8 Ain. 18. 30. U will d tu. /ML 36 15. 1 C'Ar..n. Ift. 35. d tu from heathen C t'Aron. 32, II. saying L. shall d.ut Ptat. "9. 9. d tu, purge away situ Jer. 43. a to d tu to Chaldeans /.(/m. A. & none that doth d tu Dan. a 17. d 15. 30. Judas and Silas d epistle 27. I they d Paul to one Julius 28. 17. yet d prisoner from Jems. Ram. 4. 25. was d for onr offences 7. h. now we are d from the law a 81. creature it-elf shall be d 15. 31. d from them not believe 2 Cor. 4. II. are aim-ay d to death 103 DEL 9 Thet. 3. 2. d from unreason, me* 1 Tim. I. 20 whom I have d to Satai 2 Tim. 4. 17. I was d out of thf mouth of the liot //.'. U. 11. by faith >-4rah was d J Pet i -,. and d just Lot, vexed 21. to turn from the command, i to them Jude 3. faith onre d. to the saiuU Her. 12. 2. and pained to he d See H\M>, HANDS. DELIVERED Aim. Gen. 37. 21. Ueuhen d. him Deut. 2. 33. God d A. hclore us 1 A'in. 13. 2ft Lord d A. to th- lioa 17. 23. Elijah d A. to his mother I'-til. .. t. il. h. that is mine enemy .V jr. ia 34. d. A. to tormentors 27. 2. d A. to P. Pilate, M. L. d. t to.,l,,v into my h. 2 Sam. 12. 7. 1 d t out of the hand P*al 81. 7. thou calledst and 1 'I. t Erek. 16 27. I d t to them tint ha'o John 18. 35. chief priests d. t to rt* DELIVERED them Er 18. K. Moses told how U d t Judg. a 9. raised up deliv. who. a. 2 Ktn. 19. 12. go.ls d t.. Ita. 37. 12. 2 Chron. 29. 8. d t. to trouble PtaL 78. 42. he d /. from enemy 107. ft he d f. out ol distresses 20. he d t. from destructions 7-.i. 34. 2. hath d t to slaughter Mat. 25. 14. and d to t. his coods I. nke I. 2. as they d. t. unto us ^rtf Ift 4. d t decrees for tok.-ep 1 Cor. 11. 2. keep ordin. as I d. t. 2 Pet. 2. 4. d. t. into hain of daik. DELIVERED p. 2 Sam. 1R 28. d up men that lift 0Au from wrath to coins DELIVERED ,. Rnm. ft 17. obeyed dortrine d y. 1 Cor. II. 23. 1 recei. that I an. 6. 27. God d. and resrueth DELIVERING. Lui-* 21. 12. d. you up to synagogues Acts 22. 4. d. men and women 26. 17. d. thee from the Gentiles DELIVERY'. Jta. 26. 17. near the time of her d. DELUSION, S. Jta. 66. 4. I will choose their d. 2 Tket. 2. 11. send them strong d. DEMAND. Dan. 4. 17. d. by word of holy ones DEMAND, ED. Job S3. 3. I will d. of thee, 40.7. | 42.4. Mai 2. 4. he d. where C. sh. be born Luke 3. 14. sold. d. what shall we do 17. 20, when he was d. of 1'harig. Acts 21. Si. on plain d. who he was DEMONSTRATION. 1 Cor. 2. 4. but in d. of the Spirit DEN, S. Judi?. 6. 2. Israel made them d. Job 37. 8. then the beasts go into rf. 38. 40. when they courh in rf. fsal. 10. 9. li.-th as a lion in his rf. 104. '22. lay themselves down in d. Cant. 4. 8. look from the lions d. Jsa. 11. 8 hand on Cockatrice d, 32. 14. towers be for d. for ever Je-r. 7. 1 1. this house a d. of rohbers 9 II. Jerusalem a . 12. if rf. him. he will rf. us 2. 13. he cannot rf. himself Tit. 1. 16. but in works they rf. him DENIED. I Kin. 20. 7. sent and I rf. him not Ji/'i :!1. 2R I sh. have rf. G.id above t 21! 70. Peterrf hef.all,72. Murk 1 4. 70. Luke 22. "'7. Jo/iw IK 25, 27. 7,1/AvS li. all rf. they touched him VJ. 9. he rf. liefore migels of God John I. 2(1. John rl. not, I urn not C. rfrfc3. 13. whom il. in pres.of 1'ilate 14. hut ye rf. the Holy One I Tim. 5. 8. he hath rf. the faith lift: 2. 13. and ha=l not d. my faith DEP Rev. 3. 8. and hast not rf. my nara . DENIETH, ING. Luke 12. 9. that rf. me before men 2 TY/n. 3. 5. but d. the power thereof TO. 2. 12. that rf. ungodliness 2 Pet. 2. 1. rf. L. that bought them 1 John 2. 22 a liar rf. Jesus is Christ 23. who rf. Son, hath not Father Jude 4. and rf. the only Lord God DEPART. Ejcod. 33. 1. rf. thou and the people 1 Sum. 22. 5. abide n.it in hold, rf, 29. 10. as soon as ye be up, rf. 2 5am. 15. 14. make speed to rf. lest he 1 Kin. 12. 5. rf. for three days, then Job 20. 28 increase of his house rf. Isa. 11. 13. envy of Ephraim shall rf. 52. 1 1 . rf. ye.rf. ye, go out, Lam. 4, 15. 54. 10. the mountains shall rf. Jer. 50. 3. rf. both man and beast .Vic. 2. 10. rf. this is not your rest Zech. 10. II. sceptre of Egypt sh. rf. Mat. 8. 34. rf. out of coasts, Mar. 5. 1 7. 10.14. when ye rf. out of that house, Mark 6. II. Luke 9. 4. Luke 2. 29. thy servant rf in peace 13. 31. rf. Herod will kill thee 21. 21. let t:iem in midst, rf. out John 7. 3. said rf. go into Judea 13. 1. Jesus knew he should rf. la 7. but if 1 rf. I will send him Acts 16. 36. now rf. and go in peace 39. desired them to rf. out of city 20. 7. Paul preached ready to rf. 22. 21. rf. I will send thee to Gent. 25. 4. he would rf. shortly thither 27. 12. more pait advised to rf. 1 Cor. 7. 15. if uubelicv. rf. let him rf. l'!M. I. 23. to rf. and to be with Ch. Jain. 2. 1C. rf. in peace, !>e clothed DEP ART from. \um. 16.26. d. f. tents of these wick. Dent. 4. 9. lest tliey d. f. thy heart Ji/dff. 7. a let fearful d. f. Gilead 2 Sam. 12. 10. sword never d. f. house 20. 21. deliver Sheba, and 1 will rf. from the city 2 Cftr. 18. 31. God moved torf./ him ./oft 21. 14. say to (i. rf./ us, 22. 17. 28. 28. to d.from evil is undersUn. Fsal. (i. 8. rf. / me, workers of in. iquity. Mat. 7. 23. Luke 13. 27. 34. 14. rf./ evil, do good, 37. 27. 101. 4. a froward heart rf. frnin me 119. 115. d. f. me, ye evildoers 139. 19. rf. / me, ye bloody men Prov 3. 7. fear Lord, d. from evil 13. 14. d.f. snares of death, 14. 27. 19. abumina. to fools to rf. f. evil 15. 24. he may rf. f. hell beneath 16. 6. by fear'of Lord men rf. / evil 17. high. way, if, to d.from evil /.?. 14. 25.his burden rf. / shoulders Jer. 6. 8 lest my soul d. from thee 17. 13. rf. / me be written in earth 31. 36. if ordinances rf. / before me Ezek. 16 42. my jealously rf./ thee //o.s. 9. 12. wo to them when 1 d.f. Mat y. r >. 41. d. from me, ye cursed Mark 6. 10. there abide, till ye d.f. Luke 5. 8. rf. / me, I am sinful, O L. 8. 37. Gadar. besought him to d.f Acts 1. 4. should not A. frnin Jerusal. 18 2. command. Jews to rf / Rome i. Cur. 12. 8. that it mi:; lit fl. from me 1 TVm. 4. I. some shall rf frarn laith 2 7V;n. 2. i9. nameth C. rf. / iniquity AW DEP ART. On. 49. 10. sceptre nnt rf. fr. Judah ,/av/i. I. 8. book of law shall m>< rf. Jin/??, fi. K rf. "f hence till I come i 'MIIH. 1. 15. mercy "< rf. from him 22. 23. statutes, I did n. rf. fr. them ,7o6. 7. 19. how Ion!; nut rf. from me DEP 5. 30. he si all n. rf. out of dark, Pi. 55. 11. guile rf. mtffrom streets Pro. 3. 21. let n. rf. from eyes, 4. 21. 5. 7. rf. not from words of my mouth 17. 13. evil nnt rf from his house 22. 6. when old, . e will not rf. 27. 22. will not his foolishness rf. Isa. 54. 10. my kindness shall not rf, 59. 21. my spirit and words not rf. Jer. 3>. 40. they shall n. rf. from me 37. 9 the Chaldeans shall not rf. Mat. 14. 16. they need not rf. give Luke 4. 42. that he should not rf. 12. 59. not d. till thou hast paid DEPARTED. Gen. 12. 4. so Abraham rf. A"M;. 12 9. anger kindled, and he rf. P*. 105. 38. Egypt glad wheu they d. Isa. 38. 12 mine age is rf. Lam. I. 6. all her beauty is rf. Mat. 2. 9. the wise men rf. 12 14. Joseph an. I Mary rf. into Eg. 4. 12. JeMis rf.9.27. | 11.1. | 12.9. fli 53. 14. 13. | 15. 21, 29. | 16. 4. }'->. 15. Murk 1. 35. | 6.46. | 8. 1 a Luke V 42. J,,/<4. 3, 43. I 6. 15. 12. 3(> Luke 5. 25. he rf. to his own house 7. 24. mcssengreis of John were rf. 10. 30. thieves wounded him, rf. .icA? 15.39. Paul and Barna rf.asuiidor Philem. 15. perhaps he therefore rf. 7Je. 6. 14. heaven rf. as a scroll DEPARTEI)/roj Gen. 31. 40. sleep d. from mine eyeg .Yum. I4.9.their defence is rf./. them 3a 3. they ri. from (Jameses Alltlieir departures set down to verse 49. Deut. 1. 19. and when we rf. from Horeb, we went Judg. 16. 20. wist not U was rf./him 1 Sam. 4. 21. glory is a. f. Israel, >>. 16. 14. Spirit d.from Saul, 18. 12. 2a and the evil spirit rf. frum him 28. 15. God is d. from me Ptal. 18. 21. nut wick. d.f. my God Isa. 7. 17. day Ephr.iitn d.f. Judah Dan. 4. 31. kingdom is rf frum then Hot. 10. 5. glory of Samaria rf. / it Mat. 28. 8. they rf. quickly/ Kepul. Lukf 1. 13. devil d.f. him tor a season 18. 14. fruits thy soul lusted alter are d.fnnn the DEPARTED not from. 2 Sam. 22.22. H.rf./my God. P..1H.21. 2 Kin. 3. 3. he rf. not therefrom, I3.i 10. 29. rf. n. / sins of Jeroboam, 31. la 6, 11. i 14. 24. | 15. 9, IS. 17. 22. 1R fi. Hez. rf. n./ following Lord 2 Chron. 34. 33. th.'V rf. n.f. follow. L. P*. 119. 102. re. rf. / thy judgments Luke 2. 37. Anna rf. n. f. temple DEPARTED out Judg. 6. 21. ang. I rf. o. of his night A/f buth in one day 7o4.1H.l7. Oud rf. her of wisdom /*. 3d la rf. of residue uf years DEPTH. ifo JR. 14. A faith, it is not in me :ti 16. <>r walked in search of rf. f /in/. XL 7 tlit rf. in t ore- houses Pror. * /? a < oinpasK on face of rf. 5. 3. and the earth for rf. /M. 7. II. aak it . ither in the t or Junah 2. 5. rf. rimed me round ahout IMLIMLbrttCt drowned in rf. of M y-irk \. :> no rf. <>f earth, wit lier.nl yf'/m. 8 Si. nor rf. separate us fr. love II. 33. O the rf. <>f the rich.-* both F.pk. a la rf. of the l-.ve of Christ DEPTHS. Efcd. 15. 5. rf. have r. vered them a rf. congealed in heart of the sea Dfut. 8. 7. rf. that spring out of ml. leys and In I- Ptat ftH 22. bring- peo. fr..in rf. of sea 71. 'M brinir me up from rf. of earth 77. 16. the rf. wire troubled 78. 15. drink, ax nut of preat rf. 10ft. 9. he led them thro' the rf. as 107. 20. they no down again to rf. 131). 1. out of the rf. have I cried Pro*. 3. 20 by hi* know), rf. broken a 24. when no rf. 1 Has brnu. fiwth 9. ia aud that her guesU are in the rf. ofhel, In. SI. 10. made rf. of the ea a way *c*. 27. 34. sh ill he broken in rf. A/i>. 7. II. cast sins into rf. of sea Ae. 2 24. not known rf. of Satan DEPUTED, t 5a. 15. 3. no man rf. of the king DEPUTY. i A in. 22. 47. a rf. was king 4ctt 13. a to turn rf. from the faith 18. 12. Oallin was rf. of Achaia DEPUTIES, Acti 19. 3a are rf. |rt them implead DKRtDE. ED. Hob. \. 10. shall rf. every strong hiilil Lt with peo. rf. him DERISION'. Jot 30. I. younger, h ive me in 4 /. 2. 4. L. shall have them in d. 44. 1.1 a rf. to them aUmt us, 79. 4. . & shall have heathen in rf. 119. 51. proud have h:id me in rf. ,7rr. 20 7. in rf. daily || a a rf. daily 48. 36. Moah shall be in rf., 3!. 27. wa* not Israel a rf to thee /.on*. 3 14. a rf. 'o all my people *<*. 23. 32. -ha t be had III rf Jlft. 4. to i ities which became a rf.to Hot. 7. 16. this be their rf. in Egypt DESCENa />* 40 IT glory not rf. after him E*fk. V> 20. tint rf into |,it, 31. 1R, .V./rtt 15 :tt let < hr. rf. from crow 4cli II. 4. I -aw a vi-ion, vessel rf. jtnm 10. 7. who rf. into the .l.-.-|, ? 1 TA*4. I'! I., -h.ill rf. from heaven DESCENDED. End. 19. 18. I. rf on Sinai in fire 31 5 1-orl rf. in the cloud r< 133 3. d-w that rf. on Zinn Prop. 30. 4 aecrn. to heaven or d. ': y.nt. 7. -iS. ram rf. floods rmne, '/7. .i^-l ol 1, ./ trom heaven l..,kr 3. 22. H.fi.rf. in bodily -nap* , 1. Ananias high-priest d. DBS 10. he t'.at rf. i the fame ilEM'ENDETH, INii. Cm.2S.l2.the angel- ..( (....I a.v-end ing and rf., J..A 1. 61 ./orf.5.3.let u ffn 3 .lays jour. into rf .Yum. /?. 14. ye rebelled in rf of Zii Job 24. i as wilil asses in rf. no /'-// 7S. 40. how 4. vfi. behold, he is in the rf. JoAw 6. 31. did eat manna in the rf. DESEHT land. Deut 32. 10. he found him in a rf. i DKSKHT place. Mark fi. 31. come ye into a rf. place 3'J. departed into a d. ulnre. Mat. 14. 13. I.ukeA. 42. Luke 9. \U.sa\Ar privately into a rf.ii. DKSEUTS. /a. 48.21. when he led them thro' rf. /. r. 2. 6. led un thr..' ,, laii.l of rf. 4. proph like foxes in rf. /.-/At- 1. HO. John was in the rf till 11. 38. they wandered in rf. DE.SEK I, S. P*aL 28. 4. render to them their rf. .:<*. 7. 27. arm. t . rf. will 1 judge DBxKHVE. ETH, INU. . a Ifi. arror. tu rf. ol his hacds E*ra9. 13. less than our iniquit. rf. ui 11. & less than thy iniquity rf. DEM HE. Jen. 3. 16. rf. shall be In thy husband 4. 7 to thee shall lie his rf. Deut. ia a with all rf. of I is mind S;n. !*. 2n. "0 whom rf. of Nra.-l -' Stun. 23. S. salvation and all my rf Xtn.Ul.13. to queen of She.all herrf t'hr. 15 15. with their whole rf 7* 14. 15. rf. to work of thine hand, 31 16 if withlield po.,r from rf. .\3. rf. is Almi. would answer me 34. % rf. i- Job be trie.l to the ei:.l Putt. III. 3. (..mstetb of hi- h.'art' rf. 17. hast h.-ard rf. of huinM.- >\ -i given him his heart's rf. : H. 9. aM my d. is before thee n rf. on eiii-mi.--. '.'.'. II. M fiiemiet then, tlo ir own ./. riwd 112. 8. till he .... ... ,,n e.. u.ie. 110 DES . rf of wicked shall i .-na 1 18. 7. thall I see my rf. on tliem 145. 16. s .tisti-st rf. of every i"-ing 19. fulfil rf. of them fexr hire I'rur. 10. 24. rf. of right, he i rif.teo 11. 23. rf. of righteous is onl> food 1:1 12. rf. rom.-th, a tree of life 19. d rrompli-hed is sweet 19. fi. rf. ol a m .11 is In- ki:idiieia i\. -a. rf. of slothful killeth I. IFI. Kit-L 0. 9. than wamleiii K > have a rf to return A'zrik 24. 1C. 1 take rf. of thine r>ri 21. profane rf. ..f yom <)-. Dan. II. 37. norrigiir.tr/ of w met //'..<. 10. 10. my rf. I should chusiise .'/n: 7. S. u'tr'reth n is. III.MIII- ,,'. ll'ih. -1. 5. eularneth his rf. a- he. I Hag. 2. 7 rf. of all nation- -hall mint I. nke 22. 15 with rf. I de-ircd tu>at It'itn 10. 1. my heart's rf. for I-. 13 l.'i. 23. having great rf. to rome i ('. 7. 7. tol.l u- your earnest d. 11. what vehement ee your face wi. rf. DESIRE, / .r. 10. 11. for that ye did rf. .'44. 24. nor shall any rf. thy land Dfut. .'.. 21. nor rf. neighbour's wif 7. 25. nt rf. the silver or gold I Ai'. 2. 20. I d. ..lie small petition i Ai. 4. i8. rf, a son of my lord t VrA. I. II. rf to fear thy name w/ ia a I rf. to re.ioii'with God 21. 14. rf. not know, of thy ways :. 32. (or 1 rf. to justify th.e 31 20. rf. not the ninht, when Ptal. 40. 0. i.rt. rin- thou didst not* 45. II. king great y rf. . as rf. to make a lair show l .>A. 3. 13. I rf. that ye faint . nt I'nii 4. 17. not hican-f I rf. a gift Tim. 3. I. if rf. the olhVe of a l.i-h.p ' I. we rf. ev. one ot y. u do II. 16. they rf. a b.-tt.-r co'intry 'im 4. 2. >'e rf. to have, not ..'.'tain !',! 1. 12. angel- rf. to l...,k in'o i. i a- 'iil.e-. r! the -ii.cere milk CP 9. 6. men shall ,1. to die, aud hi SiH \l:l.I fek. 23. 6 rf. young m. n, 12. 2a DRS1B1 I-. e ./. A//I. :i. IK deireSol.,rf.2 CAr s G. :vrt 2. la what, she .^20 20. not save of t!.yt he ,/ 'nl. !'.). 10. more to be r. tli.ui polj e tiling I rf. o! tlo- I....-.1 rii.g.-th to !,. ir ,/ havea 132. 13. rf. it fur his habit.. i...:i DBS Pj.132.14.here dwell, for I have d it Pron. 8. 1 1. d. not to he compared 21. 20. there i a treasure to he d. Eccl. 2. 10. what my eyes d. I kept lia. 26. 9. with my soul I d. thee ler. 17. 16. neither d. woful day Has. 6. 6. I (i merry, not sacririce Zeph. 2. 1. O nation not d. Mut. 13. 17 righteous hare ri. to see >/r* 15. a one prig, whom they d, f.tJce 9 9. and he d. to see him 10. 21. kings have d. to see those 22. 31. Satan h*th d to sift you lets 12. 20. they d peace 13. 7. Sergius P.iulu< d to hear 21. afterward they d. a king 28. d. Piliite he should be slain 16. 39 d. to depart out of pity 25. 3. d. favour aa-ainst Paul 1 Cor. 16. 12. d. him tit come to you 1 John 5. 15. we h:ive petitions xve d. DESIREDST, EST. Deut. 18. Id lire, to all thou d. of G. foi 51. 6. d. truth in inw parts 16. thou d, not sacrifice, else Mat. 18. 32. I forgave bee. thou rf. me DESIRES. f-ial. 37. 4. give thee d. of thy heart 140. 8. grant not d. of wicked Eph. 2. a fulfiHing- d. of the flesh DESIRETH. 1 .9am. 20. 4. what thy soul d. I will 2 Sum. 3. 21. reian over all heart d. Job 7. 2. as a servant d. tlie shadow 2a 13. his soul d. that he doth P*o/. 34. 12. what man is he that d. 68. 16. hill God >l. to dwell in Pro. 12. 12. wicked d. net of evil 13. 4. sluggard d. and hath not 21. 10. soul of wicked d. evil Eccl 6. 2. nothing of all that he d. J.uke 5. 39. drunk old wine d. new 14. 32. he d. conditions of peace 1 Tim. 3. 1. bishop d. a good work DESIRING. Mat. 12. 46. d. to speak with him 20. 20. d. a certain thing of him Luke 8. 20. brethren d. to see thee 2 Cor. 5. 2 rf. to he clothed upon 1 77(. 3. d d. greatly to see us 2 Tim. 1. 4. greatly d. to see thee DESIROUS. Prov. 23. 3. he not d. of his dainties Luke 23. 8. Herod was d. to see him 2 Cor. II. 32. rf. to apprehend me Gal. 5. 26. not he d. of vahuglory 1 Ttiei. 2. 8. affectionately d. of you DESOLATE. 2 .?. 28. he dwelleth in d. cities 16. 7. made rf. all my company 30. a wilder, in former times d. 38. 27. to satisfy the d. ground Psitl 25. 16. have mercy, for I am d. 40. |. r >. let them be d. for a reward 69. 2- r >. let their habitation be d. 143. 4. my heart within cue is d. Jix. 1. 7. your country is d. 3. 26. she d. shall >it on ground 7. IP. shall rest all in d. valleys 13. 22. beast slmll cry in d. houses 24. 6. that dwell therein are d. V). 8. tn inherit d. heritages 21. 1'ist my chil'iren, and am d. 64. I. more are chil. of d., Gal 4.27. 3. (I. I ities to he inhabited 7er. 2. li. tie ye \ery d. saith Lord ft a !i*t I miike thee d. a land 9. 11. 1 will make the ( it. of Ju. d. 10. 22. | 3.'!. 10. | 44. 10. 25. made his habitation rf. J2. II. and heinir d. it inoiirneth 19. 8. this city d. ami an hUsing 2. 43 it is d. withe ut man, 33. 12. DES Jer. 49. 20. their habitations A, 50. 45. Lam. \. 13. made me d. all day, 3. 11. 16. my children are d. 4. 5. did feed delicately are d. i. 18. mount Zion which is il. Exek. 6. ft altars may be made d. 19. 7. he knew their d. palaces 20. 26 make them d. to the end 35. 3. Seir, I will make thee d. 15. didst rejoice, bee. it was d. 36. 3 made yon d. and swallowed 35. d. cities are fenced and inhab. 36. I the Lord plant that was d. D'in. 9. 17. to shine on sanctuary d. 11. 31. abomi. that ir.akethrf.. 12. II. Hot. 13. 16. Samaria shall become d. Joel. 1. 17. the garners are laid d. 18. flocks of sheep are made d. Mic. 1. 7. idols thereof will I lay d. 6. 13. making thee d. bee. of sins Zeph. a (i. their towers are d. Mat. 2a 38. house is left d., Lu. 13.35. Acts I. 20. let his habitation be d. 1 Tim. 5. 5 a widow indeed, and d. Rw. 17 16. whore, and make her d. 18. 19. in one hour is she made d. Land DESOLATE. Lev. 26. 34. enjoy sabbaths, as long as it lieth d.. 35. 43. 2 Chr. :,'6. 21. Isa. d 1 1. ui:til the /. he utterly d. 13. 9. day of I., romcth to lay /. d. 62. 4. nor thy I. inure be termed d. Jer. 4. 7. gone to make thy I. d. 27. Lord said, whole I. shall be d. 7. 34. cease mirth for I. shall be d. 12. 11. the whole /. is made d. 18. 16. their /. d, and an hissing . 4a I. whereof ye say it is d. 50. 3. nation shall make her I d. Ezek. (i. 14. make the /. d. yea morerf. 12. 19. /. may be d. from all therein 15. 8. and I will make the I d. 19. 7. /. was d. and (nines- thereof 29. 9. /. of Egypt be d., 30. 7. 32. 15. 33. i9. when I have laid I. most d. 36. 34. 6. 20. shall set thee in p. d. of old 38. 12. to turn thine hand on d. p. A mot 7. 9. high p. of Isaac sh. he d. Mul. I. 4. return and build the d. p. Shall be or shall be DESOLATE. Lev. 26. 33. your land *. be d. cities Job 15. 34. cong. of hypocrites x. bed. Pxal. 34. 21. hate righteous .. be d. 22. none that trust in him s. be d. /*. 5. 9. many houses shall be d. 15 6. waters of Nimrim s. be d. Jer. 26. 9. this city shall be d. with. 33. 10. in this place, which ye say shall be ,1 49. 2. Kabbah s. be a d. heap 50. 13. Hahylon .t. he wholly d. 51. 26. thoii thn t he d. for ever Esek. 6. 4. your altars ahull be d. 29. 12. cities of Eg. *. be d. 40 years :CI. is. mountain* of l.-r. s. b>' d. H5. 4. O mount Seir, thou . bed. lias. 5. 9. Kphrnim s. bed. in the day I ) ESO L A T K trildi-niesi. Jer. 12. 10. plea-ant portion a d. w. Jot'lt. 3 and behind it is a d. w. 3. 19. and Edom shall he a d. w. DESOLATION. Lev. 2f. 32. I will bring land into d. Ill DES 2 Kin. 22. 19. should become a rf. 2 Chr. 30. 7. up to d. as ye see Job 30. 14. in d. they rolled thcmsel. PmL 73. 19. how brought into d Pron 1. 27. when fear comet h HS d. a 25. he not afraid of d. of wicked Isa. 17. 9. in that day shall be d. 24. 12. in the city is left d. 47. 11. d. come on thee suddenly 51. 19. two things are come, d. 64. 10. Jerusalem a d. Jer. 22. 5. this house shall bee. a *. 25. 18. Jerusalem and .hidah a i 44. 2. this day they are a d. 22. therefore is your land a d. 49. 13. Bozra a d, || 17. Eilom a me on us, d. Ezek. 7. 27. prince clothed with d. 2a 33. be filled with cup of d. Dan. 8. 13. the transgression of rf Has. 12. I. F.ph. daily increaseth d. Joel a 19. Egypt shall be a d. Mic. 6. 16. that I sh. make thee a d. Zeph. 1. 15. a day of wasteness audit 2. 4, Ashkelon he a rf.|| 9. Moab 13. he will make Nineveh a d. 14. d. shall be in the thresholds Mat. 12 25. ev. kingdom divided ag. itself is brought to d., l.u. 1 1. 17. 24. 15. abomina. of d., Mark 13. 14. Luke 21. 20. know d. thereof is nigh DESOLATIONS. Ezra 9. 9. to repair d. thereof Ptal. 4fi. 8. what d. made in earth 74. 3. lift up thy feet to perpet. d. Isa. 61. 4. they sh. raise up former d. the d. of many generationi Jer. 25. 9. these nations perpet. d. 12. Chaldeans' land perpetual d. Ezek. 35. 9. mon;-.t Seir perpetual d Dan. 9. 2. 70 years in d. of lerusa. 18. and behold our d. 26. to end of war d. determined DESPAIR. 1 Sam. 27. 1. Saul sh. d. of me.tnseek Eccl. 2.20. to cause my heart to d. [me 2 Cor. 4. 8. perplexed, not in .1. DESPAIRED. 2 Cor. 1. 8. that we d. even of life DESPERATE, LY. Jab 6. 26. speeches of one that is d. Isa. 17. II in the day of d. sorrow Jer. 17. 9. the heart is d. wicked DESPISE. Lev. 26. 15. if ye d. my statutes 1 Som.2.30.rf. me, he liif htly esteemett 2 Sam. 19. 43. why then did ye rf. us Esth. 1. 17. shall d. their husbands JoA5.17. d. not chastening of the Al. mighty, Pror.3. II. Heb. 12. 6. 9. 21. I would rf. my life 10. 3. shonldst d. work of thy hands 31. 13. ifrf cause of man. servant Punt. 51. 17. contrite heart.wilt not d. 73. 20. thou shalt d. their image 102. 17. will not d. their prayer Prop. I. 7. but fools d. u-iv,l,,in[19..1. a 11. d. not rha.-teninc of 1.., Heb. 6 30. men do not rf. a thief, if 23. 9. a fool will d. the wisdom of 22. d. not thy mother when old In. 30 12. because je rf this \\-ord Jer. 4. 30. thy lovers will rf. thee 23. 17. say to them that rf. me J.nm I. H.'all that honoured, rf. her Erek. 28. 26. juduin. on all '/. thein Anicis ft. 21. I rf. your feast-days Mnl. 1. fi. O priests, rf my name Mat. 6. 24. and d. the other, J.uft* ia is. 18. 10. d not one of these little Horn. 14. 3. d. him that euteth no DES I C"T. It. 22. or d. yi church of God 16. II. let no man tlu-r.-f..re d him I T/iet. .i. 211. d. not prophesying-. 1 Tim. 4. 12. let none rf. thy 'youth '"-. 2. nt rf. them because brethren Tit. 2. 15. let no man d. thee 8 Pet 2. 10. that d. government Jude 8. d. dominion DESPISED. Gen. 16. 4. n i-tn-s d. in her eye* 25 34. Ksaii rf. his birth.right l.er. 2rt 43. they d. my judgments .V'im. II. 20. th.it ye have d. the L. 14. 31. shall know land ye have rf. 15. 31. because he rf. word of Lord 1 Ham. 10 27. they d. him 2 &im. A. 16. she rf. him in her heart I Kin. 19. 21. daiu'ht.-r of Ziou hath d thee. /jo. 37. 22. 8 Chrnn. 36. Ifi. mocked, d. his words I'ek. 4. 4. hear, O Uod, for we are d. Job 12. *. he is a* a lamp rf. of him 19. la yea, young children d. me Ptal 22. 6. 1 am d. of peo. 7*a 53. 3. 24. not d. affliction of afflicted 53. 5 because God hath rf. them lufi. 24. they rf. pleasant land that is d. an I hath a servant i.l. '.i. .'- poor man's wis.lom isrf, COM' a 1. yea, I should not be rf. ,'w 5. 24. d. word of H.ily One of I*. ;a a he hath d. the cities 53. 3. he is d. and rejected of men, he was d. (SO. 14. that d. thee shall bow Jer. 22. 2a Coniah a d. broken Idol? 33. 24. they have rf. my people 49. IS. make thee rf. among men J.am. 2. ft. he hath rf. in indignation Ezck. 16. 59. which hut rf. the oath, 17. 16., 18. 19. 30. la they rf. mv judgments, Ifi. 32. 8. thou hast rf. mine holy things AIHOI 2. 4. because they rf. law of L. fVu/. 2. thou art greatly rf. 7 "''A. 4. 10 d. dav of small things J-lal. 1. fi. wherein rf. we thy name ? J.nlce IN. 9. righteous, and rf. others sfctt 19. 27. temple of Diana he rf. 1 Cor. I. 28 things d. God choten 4. 10. ye honourable, we are rf, diil. 4. 14. my temptation ye rf. not ft. that d. Mo-es law. died . & but ye have d the poor DKSPl.sKKS. r la 41. behold, ye rf. wonder g Tim 3. a nerce, rf. of thoe good MK.sl'l -r>T. KTH. I NO. fo6 36. ft. behold, God rf. not any /'. 69. sa L. rf. not his prisoners Prw. II. 12. void of wis. rf. neigh. la la rf. word shall be destroyed 14. 2. h perverse in ways, rf. iiiui 21. rf. his neighbour ainiieth 1ft 5. fiM.I d. father's instruction 20. fiHilish nun rf. his mother 32. refnseth instruction rf. soal 19. Ifi. that d his ways shall die 80. 17. eye thnt rf. to oh-y rr 'her tut. 3a 15. rf gain of oppression* I!' 7. saith I- to him whom man d. J.nlie 10. 16. rf. you d. me; d. me rf. Jinm. 2. 4. d. riches of his goodness I Thei. 4. & that d. d. not man but O. Heb. 12. 1 cne-s, rf. the thame DKSPITK. F.rrk. 2ft. . with thy d. agal Judah I'ei. 10. 29. done a. tn >mt of grace DESPITEFUL. LY. Kze. 25. 15.*euf i-tuit-e witk d. heart DES Etekse .V with d. minds .Vufcft 41. that rf. ii-c u.u, /.* 6.28. .lct 14. 5. assail. t to uie them d. /IHIII I. 30. haters of God d Gen. 24. 27. not left d. my master PiaL \0->. 17. reifHrd prayer of d. III. leave not niy Hoiil . 6. d. them speak leasing 10. d. thou them, O God 21. in. their fruit shall thou d. 2R 5. he shall rf. not build up 52. 5. likewise d. thee for ever 55. 9. d. and divide their tongue* 60. 4. would d. me are mighty 74. 8. said, let us d. them together 143. 12. d. nil afflict my soul 144 6. shoot arrows, rf. them 145. 20. all wirked will he d. /'v.r. I. 32. prop. <>f fols d. them 1 1. a pert, of transirreMorx d. 15. 25. L. will d. house of proud 21. 7. robberies shall d. them Eccl. 5. 6. d. work of thy hands? 7. 1R why shouldest d. thy-elf ? Ita. 3. 12. d. way of thy paths 11. 9. nor d. in holy mount. o5. 25. 13. 9. shall d. sinnerx thereof 25. 7. il in this mountain the face Jer. 5. 10. go upon walls, and d. 6. 5. hy night d. her palaces 12. 17. I will d. that nation 13. 14. I will n.it spare, hut rf. them 1ft. 6. strett h my liand and d. thee 17. la d. with double destruction 2a I. pastors that d. the sheep 49. a if thieve*, they will rf. Lam. a fifi. persecute and rf. them Krek. 9. a A a!l residue of l-r,.-i ? /J./H. 8. 2-V by peace shall he d. many 9. vfv shad d. city and sanctuary II. 2fx feed on his m -at, d. him OAod. a d. wise men out of Edom ? .Vi> 2. 10. polluted, it shall d. you Mat. 12. 14. they may d. him, .V.jr* 3. | II. la 21. 41. will d. those wicked men 27. 20. ask Barahba*, and d. Jesus .U'/r. 12. 9. d. husbandmen, /,u- 20. 16. John 2. 19. Je.iis -will, d this temple , Thft. 2. a nhall d. with briirlitneuM //eA 2. 14 d. him had power of death I J,J,n 3. a might d. works -f devil Rev. II. 18 rf them wh. d. the earth / trill, or in// / DESTROY. Oi-n. ft 7. / irtV/ rf. man whom I Ejxd. 23. 27. / trill rf. the peopl* 112 DES /...i/. 101. S. 7 -/7/ early d. nicked 1 IH. ill. ill ii;, me of L. d. them, 1 1 IS /.. lii. :). / it-ill d. coii.Mrl theretf i 14. / it-ill d ami devour at once J,r Ij. 7. 1 trill d. in) people, sith if*. ^5. 7. / irilld. thee; ahalt knox* I am t'n- L. 28. 16. ZcpH. 2. 5. 30. 13. saith Lord / tntf d. idols Amot 9. a / "''/ d. sinful kingdom Mar. 14. > say. / it-ill d this teuiplt I t'.-r. I. IH. / in//rf. wis,loinof wi.e Xc< DKSI'KOY. Gen. la 31. n. d. it for twt-ntj 's take Dent. 4. 31. be will uolforsak.* thee, Jir.r ,(. the* 9. 26. d. not thy people 10. 10. Lord would nut d. the* 1 .V;.'/i. 24. 21. swear nof d. my name 2 A'i//. a 19. n. d. Judah for Da sake la 23. would not d. them, nor 2 (Vir. 12 Ii wouid >if rf. him altog. 21. 7. not rf- the house of David 35. 21. forbear from God. he rf. not I'xtL 106. 34. they did n.,t d. nation* Ita. K}. 8. d. it H..V, blessing is in it Dan. 2. 24 rf. n wi-e nu-n of Kvhyloa Al' 2. a to d. him without cause a 9. it would please God to d mo Pi. 40. 14. seek soul to rf. it, 63. 9. 119. 95. wii ked waited to 4 me /.i 10. 7. it is in his heart to d. la 5. they come frtim far to dL '.>.(. 1 1. i.. given a command, to d. 32. 7. wii-ktil devices tod. poor .'>!. la a if oppressor ready to d. S4. 16. created the waster to d. Jer. I. 10. let to d. 18. 7. | 31. 2& 51. II. device against Baby, to d. it F.se. 22. 27. (o rf. to g.-t dishti'nest gain V5. 15. despiteful heart to d. it Dan. 2. 12. to d. wi.e of liahylon 24. 7. -f<. to d. his dominion unto end 11. 44. go forth with furv tn rf, Hoi. II. 9. not return tod. Kphraim '/.erh. 12. 9. eek to d. all nations Mat. 2 13 Herod seek child tn rf. 5. 17. not come tn d hut to fulfil 10. 2a fear him. able tt, rf. both 26. 61. said, 1 am able to d. temple Mark I. 24. art thou come to rf. us ? LuA-r- 6. 9. lawful tt! save life, or rf. 1 1 > 9. 5ft not i o.ne to d. men's live* 19. 47. chit f -oinilit /'. d. him l.hi, 10. I.', llnet r, Ill.-th tod. Jam. 4. 12. one lawniver able to d Mr S'l liOVKI). Gm. 1&. 99. rf. the cities of the pla> Kfud. 10.7. knowest not Kgypt in rf? Deut 2. 21. rf. them t-ef them. 4. 3. I II. 4. 2 A'in. 21 9. 2 Chr. 33 i 9. & Loid angry to have rf. you 28 20. until thtm he rf 24. 45 Judg 20. 21. Renjam rf that dny, 85 2 Sam. 21. 5. devised we should >.e rf, 21. 16 to ingel tlmt'rf I fAr. 21. IS. 2 A'i'n. 10. V8. thil- Jehu rf. Baal i! e d. fsal. 37. 38. transgressors shall be d. 92. 7. it is that they be d. for ever Prop. 13. 13. despiseth word sh, be d. 20. companion ot fools ahull be d. 29. 1. hardeneth his nerk shall be d. Isa, 10. 27. yoke shall be d. because Jer. 48. a the plain shall be d. Ezek. 30. 8. when her helpers*, bed. Dan. 2. 44. kint'd. s. never bed. fi. 26. 11. 20. within few days he sh. be d. fiat. 10. 8. the s n of Israel sh. be d. Acts 3 23 will not hear shall be d. 1 Cor. 15. 26. last enemy that sh. bed. Utterly DESTROYED. Deut. t. 2ti. if corrupt yours, be u. d. Isa. 34. 2. L. hath u. d. all nations DKS1 ROYER. Exod. 12. 2.t d. to come into houses Judg. 16. 24. the d. of our country Job 15. 21. in prosperity d. come fsal. 17. 4. kept from paths of d. Pro*. 28. 24. is companion of a d. Jer. 4. 7. d. of Gentiles is on his way 1 Cor. 10. 10. were destroyed of A DESTROYERS. Job 33. 22. lif.' draweth near to d. Isa, 49. 17. thy i go forth of Ihee Jrr. 22. 7. prcpa. d. against thee 50. II. O d. of in\ Vrita-e DESTROYS T, ETH. Dntt 8. 20. as the nations which L. d. Job 9. 22. he d. perfect and wicked 12. 23. increaseth nat. and d. them U. Ill tliou d hope of man Prop. fi. 32. doth it, d. own soul II. 9. with mouth d. neighbour 31. 3. thy ways to that d. kings Eccl. 7. 7. and a gift d. the heart !l. IH. one sinner d. much good Jer. 51. 2n. O mountain, d. earth Hat. 27. 40. d. temple. .V,/r/t 15. 29. DESTROYING. 1 Chr. 21. 15. as he wa d. L. rrpen. Jta. 28. 2. strong one, as d. storm Jar. 2. 30. word like a d. lion DES Jer. 51. 1. a d. wind || 25. O d. mount. Lam. 2. 8. not withdrawn hand tr. d. Ezek. 9. 1. d. weapon in his hand 20. 17. eye *pan-d from d. them See UTTERLY. DESTRUCTION. Deut. 7. 2a with a mighty d. 32. 24 be devoured with bitter d. 1 Sam. 5. 9. aga. city with groat d. 11. was a deadly d. thro' city 1 Kin. 20. 42. appointed to utter d. 2 Chr. 22. 4. his counsellors to his d. 7. d. of Ahazi.ih was of God 26. 16. heart lifted up to his d. Esth. 8. 6. to see d. of my kindred Job 5. 21. neither be afraid of d. 22. at d. and famine shall laugh IS. 2. (/. shall be ready at his side 21. 17. how oft conn th d. on them 20. his eyes shall see his d. 30. wicked reserved to day of d. 26. 6. before him d. hath no cover. 28. 22. d. and death say, we heard 30. 12. against me ways of their d. 24. tho' they cry in his d. 31. 3. is not d. to the wicked ? 12. a tire that < onsnmeth to d. 23 d. from God terror to me "A if I rejoiced at the d. of him PsaL 35. 8. let d. tame unawares, into that very d. let him fall 55. 2a shall bring to pit of d. 73. 18. castedst them down into d. 88 11. thy faithful, declared in d. 90. a thou turnest man to d. 91. 6 d. that wasteth at noon-day 10a 4. redeemeth thy life from d. Prop. 1. 27. your d. as a whirlwind 10. 14. mouth of foolish near d. 15. d. of the poor is poverty 29. d. to work, of iniquity, 21. 15. la 3. wide his lips shall have d. 14. 28. want of pen. is d. of prince 15. 11. hell and d. are before Lord 16. la pride goeth before d. 17. 19. exalteth gate sreketh d, 18. 7. a fool's mouth is his d. 12. before d. heart is haughty 24. >. for their heart studieth d. 27. 20. hell and d. are never full 31. 8. such as are appointed to d. /.va.1.28 d. of transgressors together 10. 25. my anger cease in their d. la 6. as d. from the Almighty 14. 23. sweep Bab. with besura of d. 15. 5. shall raise up a cry of d. 19. la one shall be called city of d. 24. 12. gate is smitten with d. 49. 19. land of thy d. too narrow 51.19. desol. and d. are come to thee 59. 7. wasting and d. in their paths 60. 18. d. tin more be heard in thy Jer. 4. 6. from north a great d. 6. 1. 20. d. upon d. is cried, for 17. 18. destroy them with double d. 46. 20. d. cometh out of the north 48. 3. a voite, spoiling and d. 50. 22. a sound of g-eat a is in land l.nm. 2. 1 1. d. of dau. of my peo. 3. 4S. 3. 47. and d. is come upon us 4. 10. in d. of dau. of my people F.zek. 7. 25. d. cometh, seek peace Hits. 7. la d. to them, transgressed 9. 6. are gone, because of d. 13. 14. O grave, I will be thy d. Joel 1. 15. as d. from Almighty (Hind. 12. neither rej. iced in their d. Mii: 2. 10. destroy you with sore d. 7.rrh. 14. II. he no more utter d. Mat. 7. l.'l broad is way lead, to d, Hum 3. 16. d. und misery in ways '.'. '!>. vessels ul wrath lilted to d. 1 Cor. 6. 5 to Satan, for d. <>f flesh 2 Cor. 10. a not for your d. 13. 10. 118 DEV Phi!. 3. 19. walk, whose end is d. 1 Thes. 5. 3. then sudden d. comtth 2 Tin's. 1. 9. punished with evert, d 1 Tim. 6. 9. lusts, drown men in d. 2 Pet. 2. 1. and tiring ewift d. 3. 16. unstable wrest to own d. DESTRUCTIONS. PsaL 9. 6. d. come to perpetual end 35. 17. rescue my si ul from j. 107. 20. delivereth from their n* 6. 70. Mild one nf you is a d 7. M. sid. thou ha-t a 4 a 4a & 44 ye are of your fatner the 4 1ft 1 hare nut a d. || fti. hast a d 10. JO. niiiny said, he hjth a 4 l. not words of him hath a 4 13 -J '/ h.ivinif put into .''Ida* jtcti 10. 38. healing all oppr. with d. 13. 10. thou i-lnlcl of therf JSp*. 4. -ft. neither (five place to 4 & 11. able to stand Hga. wiles of it . Tim. 3. ft fall into cxndemua, of d 7 le*t he fall into snare of the d. 1 Tin 2.2>.r-To\er out of snare of d Jtfri. 4 14. had the power of death that i the d Jm. 4, 7. resist d and lie will flee 1 Pet. 5. 8. your adversary the d 1 JoAa. a a rominitteth ia a of d might destroy work* of d 10. rhildreii of d are manifest Jutted. Mirliael, emit- nding with d Her 4 10. d ra-t Rome into prison 12. 9. old serpent railed the d 14 d it come down, having power 30. 2. old serpent which is the d 10. d that deceived, was cast out DEVILISH. Jam. a 13. this wisdom earthly, d DKV1LS. Lee. 17. 7. no more offer sarri. to d Deut 34 17. they sacrificed to d 8 CAr. 11.15. he ordained him priests for d Pial. 106. 37. sacrificed sons to d Mat. 4. i'4. those po-s. with d a 16, 28, 3a A/'/r* I. 34 .*< a 36. & 31. to the d hesoiiRlit, .V/irt.Mi Mark 9. 38. we saw one ranting out d in thy name, Lute 9. 49. Id 17. in my name cast out d Luke 4. 41. a. came out of mny 8. 1. nut of whom went seven d 36. hy what means he poss. of d. 9. 1. (rave them authority over all d 10. 17. even d are subject to us 13. 32. tell that fox. I cast out d 1 Cor. 10. 20. Gentile* sacrifice, to d I would not \- have fell.with d 81. and the cup nf d of the Lord's taMe, and of the table nf 4 1 Tim. 4. I. heed to doctrines of 4 Jam. 2. 19. 4 heiieve and tremble Ken. 9. 2 >. should not worship d 16. 14. the spirit* of 4 working la i become habitation of d Set Cvr. DEVISK. t SriM. 14. 14. 4 means that banished Pnl. 35. 4. to confusion, 4 my huit 80. 4 deceitful matteri ai{ii. them 41. 7. aif.i me do they 4 my hurt Pr/. 14. -halt 4 men no more D'ln. 7 5. 4 much flV>h 4'1 4 the whole earth // * 5. 7. a month 4 with portions 13. 8. will 1 4 them like a lion .JWKW 1. 4. fire 4 palaces. 7. 10, 14 It 'id. la kindle in them, and d. .ViiA. 2. 13. sword 4 the loiing lions Iliih. 3. 14. rejoicing M 4 the poor //A. I?. 'I. 4 all peopl.- round about .Vut 43.14. for ye 4 widow*' houses, Murk 14 40. l.uke-M. 47. 2 Cor. II. 20. if man 4 you (rr they hare 4 Jacob ha. I. 20. be 4 with the sw,.rd 14. 6. therefore curse 4 earth JCT-. 4 30. your word 4 propheti a 24. hame hath 4 the labour a Ifl and have 4 the land '0. 25. eaten up Ja. -..,, //. him 30. 16. devour thee ohall be 4 ill DIA Jer 50. 7. all tl at found d them 17 first the king of Assr. hath 4. 51. 54. Net>ucha.lrezi,ir 4 me Lam. 4. II. it hath 4 found, thereof Ezk. I ft. 5. le.s when fire hath 4 it 16. *). sacrificed -ons to be 4 ID. 3. to cat.-h prey, it 4 men, 6. 14. fire hath 4 her fruit 22. 25. like a roaring lion, 4 s:>u'. 23. 25. thy residue be 4 hy fire 33. 27. I will Kive to be 4 39. 1 Dan. 7 7. it d. and brake in pieces !V Hut. 7. 7. and have 4 their judges 9. strangers have 4 hi> >trengt>l Joel I. ID. fire 4 pastures, M. Ami* 4. 9. p.ilmer.Korin 4 treea 7. 4. and it 4 the great deep .VaA. 1. 10. shall be 4 a* stubble Z/-/-A. I. la land be 4r<> 2. 5. at Jern*a. Jew . 4 men . 4 4 men car. Stephen to burial 10. 4 Cornelius || 7 4 soldier 13. 50. Jews stirred up 4 women 17. 4. of 4 Greeks a great innlti. 17. Paul ill-put, d with d. persons 24 12. Ananias a 4 man DEW. Gen. 77. 88. God give thee nf the 4 F.rod. It;. 13. morning the 4 lay Num. II. 9. when d lell on camp i)/-n<. :. 2. my speech distil as 4 :ct. 13. hies, is Joseph's land foi i 2a his heavens, shall drop 4 Jurfy. 6. 37. if 4 on fleece only :. on ground let there bed. 2 Sum. I. 21. be no 4 upon you 17. 14 light on him a- d. falletk I Kin 17. I. there -lia I not be 4 Job 29. 19. 4 lay on M c branch r 2a who hath h.- ..if. drop* of i J PtaL lid. :). hast . of thy youth 133. a as the d >f Heimoi! I'rnr. ,'i. v> i-lond* ilr^.p .town 4 l<. 14 but hi- favour Cant. S. 2. my head i- filled with / /M. la 4. like dond ot 4 in haruft 26. 19. thy K M Jo* 20. 14. my jndt'inent as * 4 lin. 2M. 5. and for a 4 of beautv M 64 ^ a -ovai d in hand of GS..J DIE Ez?k. M. 26 remove the d. DIAL. I Kin. 20. 1 1. down in the d. /ro.39.8. HI AMOVD. Ex. 28. 18. second row a rf. 39. 11. /er. 17. 1. sin is written with a 4 DID. i Ifeh. 1. 16. knew not what I d. Ma(. 12. 3. road what David d. ? 21. )5. sa* wond. things that he d. Mark 3. 8 heard great things he d. Juhn \. 29. told me all ever I d. 39. 9. 2ft said, what d. he to thee ? 15. 81. works none other man d. jtcti a 17. ye rf. it as d. rulers 26. 10. which thing 1 d. in Jerusa. 7 Cr. 8. 5 rf. not as we hoped 1 Pet. 2. 22 who rf. no sin, nor DID joined with ax. Erod. 7. 6. rf. as L. oommand. 10. 20. | 12. 28, 50 | 39. 32. e. a t. I 1ft 34 | 24. 23 tftt/n. I. 5t. | 2. 31. | 20. 27. | 27. 22. | 31.31. Judg. 15. 11. as they d. to me, so 1 2 Saw. 3. 3d as what king rf. pleased 5. 25. David d. as L. commanded 2 Kin. 17. 4 1. a* d. fathers, so do they 1 C/ir. 14. 16. David d. as God coin. Mat. 21. 6. d. as Jesus com. 26. 19. 28. IS. 8t> watch d. as taught Luke 9. 54. and con. them o.vElias d. ActsZ. 17. th-n' ignor. asd. yourrul. 7. 51. as your fathers d. so do ye Heb. 4. 10. ceased, 0.1 fi. d. from his DID joined with evil. Gen. 50. 15. he requite us eril we d. Judg. 2. 11. d. e. in sight of L. 3. 7, 12. | 4. 1. | fi. 1. I 10. 6. | 1.3. 1. 1 Kin. 14. 28. | 15. 26,34 | Ifi. 7,30. 2 Kin. 8. 27. | 13. 2, 11 | 14. 24. | 15. 9. 18. 24, 28. | 17. 2. | 2 Chron. 22. 4. 1 Kin. II. 6. Solomon rf. e. 2 Kin. 21. 2. Manasseh 2 Chr 33. 2. 23 32. Jehoahaz, || 37. Jehoiakim 24. 9. Jehoiachin || 19. Zedekiah 2 Cfirnn. 12. 14. Kehohoam Neh. 9. 2R had rest, they d. e. ha. 65. 12. d. e. bef. mine eyes, 66. 4. 2 7Vm. 4. 14. Alex. d. me much e. DID not 2 Kin. 16. 2. Ahaz rf. . right Jer. II. 8. hut they d. them n. A/<. 13. 58. he rf. n. many works 25. 45. rf. it n. to one of these John 8. 40. this rf. n. Abraham 8 Cor. 7. 12. I rf. it n. for his cause 7Vi-9 DID. Job 1. 5. . in wilderness they sh.rf. l(i. '->!>. if these rf. common death 2i>. '.'. ami Aaron shall rf. there 2a 10. let me rf. death of righteous Dent. 25. 5. if one rf. ami have no children. Mark 12. 19. 31. 14. day* approach thou must rf. 3->. 50. ami d. in the Mmuiit Jmlif. 1 1. I.'), said, shall Jonathan rf? 1H. 3D. let me 'I. with Phil. I >'(/;. 8. 33. increase of house it DIE 1 .V.* 1 18. 17. I shall n. rf. but live Prov. 2a 13. he shall n. rf. Ezek. IS. 17, 21, 2a | 33. 15. John 81. 23. ha. 51. 14. he sh. n. rf. in the pit 66. 24. their worm shall n. d. Jer. 11. 21. rf. n. by our hand 34. 4. shalt n. rf. by the sword Ezek. 13. 19. to slay souls sh. n, rf. Haft. 1. 12. we shall n. d. Lord John. 6. 50 eat thereof and re. rf. 21. 2a that disciple should n. rf. Surely DIE. Gen. 2. 17. shalt t. rf. 20. 7. 1 Sam. 4. 44. | 22. 16. 1 Kin. 2. 37, 12. Jer. 26. a Ezek. a 18. | 33. 8,14. 3. 4. ye shall n it ,v. rf. Num. 26. 65. said, they shall s. rf. Jarfg'. 13. 22. s. rf. bee. we have seen 1 Sam. 14. 39. he shall t. d. 20. 31. 2 Sam. la. 5. 2 Am. a 10. Ezek. 18. la 2 Sam. 12. 14. child born shall *. rf. 2 Kin. 1. 4. but shalt .v. rf. & 16. To DIE. Gen. 25. 32. I am at point to rf. Ej-od. 14. 1 1. to rf. in wild. A'>n.21.S. Num. 35. 30. testify to cause him tu d. 1 Sam. 26. 10. or his day come to rf. 28. 9. a snare to cause me to rf. 2 Chr. 32. 1 1. give yourselves to rf. hy TVo/. 79. 1 1. that are appointed tu d, 88. 15. and ready to d from youth /'re/, a 2. born, and a time to rf. Jer. 26. 11. woithy to rf. || 16. not :i8. 9. he is like r rf. for hunger 26. to Jonathan's house to rf. Jonah 4. 3. better foi me to d. 8. 8 Jonah wished in himself to rf. 7,Are 7. 2. cent, servant ready to d. John 19. 7. by law he ought to . 3*. DIE Jofit 11. Id try may rf, with him gam. 14. a Of rf. Ml rf. unta the L. inn flen. 3. .1 nor t<>nrli it le*t ye fi.ul. 82. 7. v shall rf. like men /u. 22. It hot be purged till ye rf. ler. 22. '.'. there sh. V r d. 4-' 'It;. *7. 13. for why willyerf. <<*. I&3I. 133. 11. 42. 22. ye shall rf. by the sword foAa 21. /, shall rf. in your sins, 24. Rum. H. l:i if live after flesh oe d Or* 7 81. all t*etih rf, 24 23. 4 Sarah rf. ' 2V 8. Ahraham 85. IT Nhtnael v 35. H. Deborah S* 18 IU. hel. 4% 7. | V>. 29. Isaac Stt IR Jacob || 2ft .loscph, j-. I. 6. x 4 2a the kin* of Egypt rf, I*. 3. w.,i:!d to God we had rf. In Egypt. Xum. 14.4 | *> 3. | 26.10. In ML * N'adan and Aliihu rf. l& I. .V./m. :). 4. | 2ft 61. I CAr. H. 2. ttiim. II :t7. nearchers of land rf. SO. 2a Aaron rf 33. 38, 39. la t!. \iaw they that rf. beside 50. I. Miriam || 21. ft. niurli people 5. 9 rf in the plairue were 240UO 2ft II. children of Knrah rf. not 27. 3. our father rf. in (he wilderness but rf. in his own sin Dfut. 34. 5. Moses rf, 7wA. 5. t. H|| the men of war rf, 24. 29. Joshua rf. Judg. I a 1 5am. 25. I. Samuel || Nabal's heart 51. 5. Saul aii'l hi!i armour-bearer rf. 6. I Chrnn. 10 5, 13. 2 Sam. 3. 33. rf. Aimer as a fool ft 7. there U*/.ah rf. I CAr. 13. 10. II. 17. Uriah the Hittite d. 12 !8. on seventh day fluid rf. la 31 I hud rf. for thee, O AhsaL 19. 6. ami all we had rf. this day 84. 15. rf. of people even from i):in 1 A" i n. 3. in. this woman's child rf. H. 17. rame to threshold, < hild rf. 2 Kin. 4. 2ft sat on her knee*, d 13. 14. Klisha, 20. || 24. Hmael 2 CAr. -.'4 22. he rf. said, I., look on it Job 3. II. why rf. I not from womb? 42. 17. " .1..'. rf beimr old ha ft I. in the. year Ur.ziah rf. 14. 2. in Die year Aha* rf rAr. 21. IH. at even my wife rf. M .. 13. I. offended ill Ha.il. he rf. Mat.fi.-fl la.,t of all woman rf. Mark 14 22 u*e20. 34 /.*ir 16. 24 begrr rf. rirh man rf. /..An II. 21. my l.rot. had not rf. 34 ;r ev>-n this man sh. not have rf. Act* 9 37. Oorrus was K-. k and rf. /ton. 5. ft. in due time Christ rf, a -in revived and I rf. a 34. it in Christ that rf. 14 SI. to r.is end Christ hoth rf. 15. de-troy not him with thy meat, for 'whom C. rf. I Cor. 8. II. I Cor. 15 a how C. rf. for our sins I Cor. 5. . t if one rf. for all, then 15. live to him who rf. for them I The* t. 14 if we believe Jean* rf 5. 10 who rf f..r n, that we sh. live Hffl. 10. ,>M de-pi.ed Mixes* IrfW rf, II. 13 these all rf. in faith, not 24 hy fai-h ln.-ph when he rf. Jfc-r g. 9. the third part rf. 'I. innny men rf of watern bitter Iri 3 eve'rv livinu oul rf. in sea Andht. f,ftf. That he OIKD. Cm. V 5 a A.Iain rf. Jwti; 4. 21 nail into tern, in Ac rf. I s./m 4. N Kli'n neck brake, a.hrd. It l.i r~c.ifd Joiiath in M Aerf.nnt I Jfcuw. 11. XI. wuute Alj.m. th. Ited. DIG 2 A'l'n. 1. 17. so Aha/.iah rf. accord. 8. I.V cloth on his face, tn th ,t ttf rf. 2 CAr. 13. 20. L. -trn. k him, a ht d. l.u/c- 80. 29. and he d. without chil. ActtT. 15. He rf. in Kgypt, lie and Hum. ft Ill in th. he rf. hed, to sin J Cor. 5. 15. tt A rf. lor all, tit. they DIKST. Ruth I. 17. where thou rf. I will die DIET. Jrr. 5-1 34. for hi- rf. continual rf. DlKl H. l.rr. 22. 8. what rf. of itself, not eat 2 Sam. 3. 33. died Aimer as a fool rf. 1 A't'/t 14. 1 1. him rf. in rity do^s eat IH 4. rf. in field fowls eat. 21. ?4. J'<. 14. 10. man rf. watcth away 21. 23. one rf. in his fu.l -Ir.'i^-i'h 2'>. anot. rf. in bitternes of nul Pial. 49. 17. when he rf. car. nothing Prae. II. 7. wicked rf. hi exprctiu Kcri 4 16. how rf. the wise man ? 3. 19. as one rf. so rf. the other /jo. SO. 4 their fi -h rf. for thirst 59. a. that eat.-th of their eifa- d. Eiek. 18. 26. iniquity, rf. in them 32. no pleasure in death of him rf. /7i. ||. a that th..t rf. let it die Mark II. 4t. worm rf, not, 46. IS. Rom. K. 9. Christ rf. no more 14. 7. no man rf. to himself DYKI). If i. 63. I. rf, (farm, from Botrah j<*. 23. 15. in rf. attire on heads DYING. \iiai. 17. 13. be consumed with o. t Murk 12. 20. fn-t rf. left no seed Luke a 44 Jarus's daughter lay a rf. 2 Cor. 4. I'l. in liody the rf of Jetui ft 9. us rf. and behold we live Heb. 11. 21. hy faith Juiub when rf. DIFFER. 1 Cor. 4. 7. who maketh thre to rf. D1FFEKEMCB, S. A'r. II. 7. U put rf. betw. Kf. and Is. l.i'r 10. 10. rf. hetw. holy and unh.ily :tk. 22. 2ft they have put no d. 44. 2:1 tench my people the rf. Act* 15. 9. in. rf I.etw. iis and them rtom. 3. 22, that believe, for no rf. 10. 12. no rf. hetw. Jew and Gr.-ek 1 Cor. 12. 5. rf. f adininitratioii- Jude'ti. c.'mpa -HIM. making a rf. DIKKKKKTH. IS(i. Rnm. 12. . (C' ft rf - accor. t> (frace 1 Cnr. 15 41. one star rf. from another dil. 4. 1. the heir when a child rf, DIG. J..6 1 21. rf. for it more than for hid ft 27. ye rf. a pit for your friend 11. la thou Shalt rf. about thee 24. 16. in daik rf. thro* houses F.zek. 8. 8. rf. now in the wall 12. 5. rf. thro' wall in their si)fht Anua 9 2. tho* they rf. into hell /.u*e 13. ft. let it alone till 1 rf. about I ft 3. 1 cannot rf. DIGGED. O-ul. 22. .Vot 21. 3a rf. a ine.|.re's in it 25. 18. rf. aud hid lord i money 1M DIM I.itke ft 48. rf. and laid foundation Ruin. 11. 3. rf. down thine altar* DIGUETH. frur. 1C. 27. un^iidly rf. up evil 2i. 27. rf. a pit sh. fall. 1.,-d. la 9. DK.N1TY. IBS. Cm. 49. 3. Heiiheu ex< eih nry of t F.ith. & a what rf. to Mordecai Keel. 10. 6. folly is set in (?reat d. Hob. I. 7. rf. pr.M-eeJ of th mselves 2 fat 2. li. spe,k e>il of rf. Jurfe 8. D1UGKM K /'r,,c. 4. 83. keep heart with all 4. Luke 12, 5a art >n way, (five rf, /i"in. 12. a that ruleth, with d. 2 Cor. 8. 7. as ye abound in all rf. 2 Tim. 4. 9. do thy rf. to come, 2i Hfl . ft 11. ev. one d.. show same i 2 Pet I. .'). ifivinc all rf. add to laitb 10. give rf. to make calling sure Jude 3. when I iti ve all rf. to write DILJGKNT. Dint. 19. la make rf inquisition .Wi. 22. 5. take rf. heed to do com. Ptal. . 25. If, 'a.. -or. to year, -hailii Di-iif. 4 2. nor rf. ought. 12. 3J. /'r,,r. '3. II. wealth L'"t >> lanityd ha. 21. 17 men of K.-d-r shall he rf. ./>r. 26. i. speak I com il. not a word 2!i R. ma be increased, and not rf. t'.xek. 5 li. therefore also rf thee I'i. 27 I haverf. thme ordinary food 20. 15. I wi.l rf. them Rian. II. 12. rf. of ihem the riches ot DIM. Grn. 27 1. Isaac wa-. old hi eyesi 4H 10 the eyes of Israel were rf. Deal. 34. 7. Si ' eye wa- not rf. I Sani. a 2. l li'- eves wax .f. 4. 1ft .Mi IT. ". nin.e eye ik ,/ I y -orroW /.egan to wash the d. feet 18. 17. art one of this man's d. ? 20. 18. told d. she had seen Lord Ai-tx 9. I. breathing slaughter ag. d. 26. Saul assayed to join the d. 11. 26. d. called Christians first in 19. 1. Ephe>us. finding certain d. 30. the d. suffered him not 20. 7. d. came to break bread 30 to draw away d. after them Hi* DISCIPLKS. Mat. 8. 25 A. d. awoke him 9. 19. Jesus followed, so did A. d. 28. 7. tell A. d. he is risen 13. say ye. A. d. came by night Luke!). :iO. Phway alone 9. 27. will ye also be A. d ? 18. 1. with A. d. over Cedron 2. resorted thither with A. d. 20. 2ii. Birain A. d. were within Of Mi DISCIPLES. Mat. 11.2. John sent two of his d Mark 11. I. I 14. 13. Lu. 19. 29. Mark!. 2. d. eat wi. unwahen hands John 6. 66. many ofh. d. went hark 117 DIS JoAnlS. 19.hitm. 21. 4. soul of people was d. K>. 7. why d. hearts of people ? 9. d. heart of children'of l>raei Deut. 1. 21. fear not, nor be d. 28. brethren have d. our h.-;irt Ita. 42. 4. he sh. not fail nor be d Col. 3. 21. children, le-t. they be ft DISCREET Qen. 41. 39. none !>o d. and wise n nis Tit. I, V t*rh young; women to be rf. DISC KEKfLY. Wort 1. 34. Jesu- saw he answ. rf, DISCRETION. fail I i .V irnide affairs with rf, /nut. . t t tin- you n * man d. I. II. A shall preserve thee 3. 21. keep wisdom an I rf. 5. 2 fhiMi mayest reitnrd d. II. V.'. 4 r.iir woman without d. 19. II. rf d.-ferreth his unscr /in. 28. 2. his (;.*) instrurt him t d. Jer. 10. 12. *tretrhed heavens by rf, DISDAINED. 1 Sam. 17. 41 'J.iliath d. David J6 30. I. fathers I w..uld have to DISEASE. A'm. I. i if ! !.h. recover of this < a . shall I recover of this d. t S. CCAron. II. 12. yrtin hirf, besought not to the Lord t\. 15. shalt have rf. of thy bowels 19. L. sm.'te him with incur, d. Jnh 30. IS hy rf. _';inueiit changed PA 38. 7. filled with loatli*ume d. 41. A a" evil rf. say they, cleaveth /Jccl fl. 2. thi- i vanity, an evil d. Mat. 4. STV h.-linr rf. 9. 3V I 10. I. Jokn V 4. mud.- -.vhole nf whatev. rf. DISEASES. Ernd. IS. 2ft i e of these < on you /)('(/. 28. rVX hriiiff nil thee d. of Eg. tCHr'.n 21. If* IIH died of ire rf. 14. >. they li-ft him in (jreat A 7V;/ lo-i. .1 wh.. hcaleth all thy d. Hat. 4. 24. all ick were taken with diver? rf .Vr. I. 34. /.*. +. 40. /.*< P. I. (fare power to rure ii Artt 19. 12. rf. departed from them 2*. 9. had d in i-iand, ratne DISEASED. I A'm IS. 2.1 AM was d. in his feet Ezelc. 34. 4. rf. not -treiurthened .'I. b.M-.iuse ye have pushed d. Hat. 9 '.'I', woman d. with i-,u-- 14. 3V hrnuirht all rf. .War* I. 32. John 6. 2 mir.t. h- he ilid on d. DISFIfiUKE. Mat. 6. Id hyp.M-riii's d. fare* DlSORACB. Jer. 14. ?l d TVm 2. 20. are ve^|. ome to d. IHSIIOVOCK. KST. I TH. Mir. 7. rt. the ...i rf. the father JoA R 4!l F:ither and ye rf me Km I. t!4 to rf th.-ir own ' ...|i... 5. 't thr..' hre:ikni|r law, rf. <;.,.! t Cor II I MI..M -f '. ' ', woman DISINHERIT. *.i 14. f. I willrf them, and make of thet a (Treat- r ndtiun DIS D1SMAYKO. .8. nor he rf. y,,o, 1.9. | a I. | Itt S. I CArrA. I. III. rf. of fiilnes- of time* :t i. heard of rf of er..ce of (i.-d Ci 1. . mini.ter an-, to rf, of (iiKl DISPKRSE, ED. > Ckran. II. 23. Hehoh. rf. of children ..//. Hi 9. he hath rf. V Cor. a 9. />rnr 5 16. let thy fountains herf, IS. 7. In- of wise rf. knowledge /..< II. \->. vather rf. of Judah Ezek. ii IS. rf them in (he.ouutries, 20. aB. |. 1A | i. 13, 26. W. !V rf. th.e in th,- couritrie* :P>. lit. were A thro' coiintrieii Zrph. a in. dan. of my d. th. bring John 7. T> will he iro t.. the rf. Act* S. 37 a obeyed him were rf, DISPERSIONS Jer. *5. 34. dav of rf accomplished DISPLAYED. /wji 60. 4. hast given a banner that it mav be rf, DISPLEASE. -Vi/m VJ. .14. if it rf. thee, I will pet I .' . 7. thtiu rf. not the lords ' S>/m. II. 2V toJr. 10. V7 feast, ye he rf. to go DISPOSITION. Xrtf 7. S3. r.-rei. law hy rf. of angel* DISPOSSESS,' El). \iirn. 33 S3. ye shall rf. the inhabit DeiU. 7. 17. say, how can I rf. them? Judg. 11. ->3. (tad hnth rf. the Amor DISPUTAMON. S. .f'-ff 15. 2. P and B. had no small d Rum. 14. 1. hut not to doubtful d DISPUTE, ED. Jofi 2a 7. there righteous inieht rf. .V//rA !t. :)4. rf. who should be reat. Act* 9 29. Saul rf. au. the (Grecian* 17. 17. Paul rf in the synagogue Judel. Mich:iel rf. h. tody of Mo. DISPUTER. I Cor. 1. 80. where i, rf. of world f DISPUTING. & Actiti . rf. with Stephen IS. 7. been much rf I'eter rose 19. & rf. and pcrsuadine 9. 21. 12. they neither found me d Phil. 2. !4. do all ihuiu^ without d 1 Tim. P. 5. perers.. rf. Olsr.l IEI. ED, NESS. 1 Sirm. 2S. 15. why hat thou rf. me I'"ii. 38. 8. roared by reason of d 39. 6. surely are rf. in vain 42. 5. O my soul, why art thou d within me, 1 1 | -in 5 Pmr. 30 81. for 3 things .-rtli is rf. Jer. 50. 34 d inhabitants n4 Habylou DISSEMBLED, ETH. Joth. 7. II. stolen. Hiid rf. also Pmr. 2fi. 24. he that hatcth rf. Jer. 42. 2(1. for ye rf. when ye sent Gat 2. la the other Jew-. A like. DISSEMBLERS. PidL 26. 4. nor will ! KO in nun d. DISSENSION. Act* 15. 2. P. and H h:,d no small d 2.'J. 7. aro-e a rf. l.etw.'.-ri I'hariseM DISslMI L \ MOV /fnm. 12 !'. let love h.- without 4 6oi 2. 13 I'.ar. < -atii-l :iw ,v w:kd DISSOLVE, ED. EST. '?. th'.u rf mv substance /'..//. 7V 3 inhabit, th.-r.-of are d h,,. 14. 31. thou l',.|e-tinaartd 24. 19. the earth i- . l.-;in rf 31 4. the ho-t of h.-v. n he rf. Dun b. Iti thou cmi.t rf. doubto A./A. 2. fi. palatv shMI t-p rf i C.T ". I. hoii-e ..f (hi. tahrrn*. d 2 Pet 3. 1 1. all th tin in.', he 4 12. h.-Hvens on fire -hall he d DISTAFF 19. her hands hold d DIV DISTIL. D. 28. thf clouds d. on man DISTINCTION. I Cor. 14. 7. "xcept d. In the sounds DISTINCTLY. .W*. 8. 8. read in book of the law d. DISTRACTED, ION. I'M). 83. 15. I sutler thy ter. I ami 1 Tor. 7. 3 s !. attend without d. DISTRESS. Gen. 35. 3. an-wered me in myd. 42. 21. therefore is this d. come Judg. 11.7. ye come when in d. 1 .S'a//. 22. 2. ev. one in d. came to D. 2 Sum. '22. 7. in my d. I called oti the Lord, Pud. 18. fi. | 118. 5. | 1:20. I. 1 in. 1. z9. redeemed . d. for thee, Jonathan 2 Or. 2S. 20. king of Assy. d. Aha/ /7. 2sJ. 2. y;n I will d. Ariel 7. that d. her l>e as a drea;n Jer. 10. 18. I will d. the inhabitants 2 Cor. 4. 8. tronbl d yet not d. DISTRESSES. Psa. 25. !7. O bring me out of d. 107. 6. he delivered them out of d. !.'). he saved them out of d. 19. 23. hringeth them out of d. Ezek. 30. 16. Noph have d. daily 2 Cor. 6. 4. approving our-elves in d. 12. 10. I take pleasure in d. for DISTRIBUTE. Xeh. 13. l.'l their 'rtice was to d. 7,iM<> 18 >.. sell all and d. to poor 1 Tim. C. 18. rich to be ready to d. DISTRIBUTED, ETH, ING. Toll 21. 17. Gc.d d. sorrow Jo/in 6. 11. Jesus d. to the disciples Rum. 12. 13. d. to necessity of saints 1 C-ir ~. 17. HS God hath d. to every 2 Cor. 10 13. arco. to rule O. hath d. DISI RIBUTION. Act* 4. 35. d. made to every one S Cor. 9. la and for your liberal d. DITCH, ES. 8 Kin. 3. 16. make valley full of d. Job 9. 31. slr-ilt plunge me in the d. /*.!/. 7. 15. fallen into d. he made Prim. 23. 27. a whore is a deep d. /'". 22. 1 1. a d. between two walls Mat. 15. 14. both lall into d. Lu. 6. 39 DIVERS. Dent 22. 9. not sow with d. seeds II. not wt-ar garment of d. sorts 25. 13. Shalt not have d. Weights 14. in house rf. measures Judg. 5. 30. to Sisera a prey of d. rol. t ia-n. la 18w garment of rf.coL 19. DIV 1 Chron. 29. 2. s'ones of d. col OUT t 2 CAruw. 30. 11. d. of Asher humbled themselves Esth. 3. 8. their lawsd. from nil peo. P.ial. 78. 45. sent d. sorts of flies lo.). 31. came d. sorts of flies Prov. 20. 10. d. weights, d. measures 23. d. weights are abomination Eccl. 5. 7. there are also d. vanities Ezek. 17 3. a great eagle d. colours Dan. 1. 3. beasts d. one from anoth. 23. d. from all kingdoms Mat. 4. 24. brought ilck with d. dis- eases Mar. 1. 34. Lukel. 40. 24. 7. be earthquakes in d. places, Mar. 13. a Luke 21. II. Mar. 8. 3. for d. came from far Acts 19. 9. wh !! d. were hardened 1 Car. 12. 10. d. kinds of tongues 2 jTi/n. a 6. led away with d. lusts Tit. 3. 3. serving d. lusts and pleas. // Medea 1 1. 4. kingdom rf. toward four winds Hot. 10. 2. their heart is d. Amos 7. 17. thy land h. be d. by lino Mic. 2. 4. he hath d. our fields Zech. 14. 1. thy spoil be rf. in midat Mat. 12. 25. kingdom or house d. not stand, Mark 3. 24. Luke II. 17. Luke 12 52. be live in one house d, 53. father be d. against the son 15. 12. d. 'into them his living Acts 14. 4. multitude was d. 23. 7. 1 Cor. I. la is Christ d. t was Paul Rev. 16. 19. city was d into three DIVIDER. Luke 12. Uj.whom.ideined.over you) DlVIDETH. Job 26. 12. d. .sea wi h his power Pstil. 29. 7. voice of Lord d. flames Jer. 31. :{o. d. sea when waves roar Mat. 25. 32. d. his sheep from goat* Luke II. 22. and d. his s mils DIVIDING. Isa. 63. 12 d. water before them Dan. 7. 25. and a rf. of time 1 Cor. 12. 11. rf. to every man sever. 2 Tim. ^ 15 rightly d. the word of Heb. 4. 12. to d. asunder of joints DIVINATION, S. Num. 22. 7. rewards of d. in hand 23. 2^. nor any d. against Israel Dem. I a 10. useth d. 2 Kin. 17. 17. Jer. 14. 14. they prophesy d. Ezek. 12. 24. nor flattering d. in Ir. la 7. not spoken H lying d. 23. see no more divine rf. 21. 21. the king of Babylon stood to use d. Acts 16. 16. possessed with spirit otd. DIV1NK. Gen. 44. 15. such a man as I can d. ? 1 Sam. 2.3. 8. d. to me by familiar spi. Ezek. 13. 9. n prophets that d. lies 21. 29. whiles they d. a lie Mic. 3. 6. dark, that ye shall not rf. 11. prophets rf. for money DIVINE. fking Prnr. 10. 10. d. sentence in lips ol Heb. 9 1. ordinances of d. service 2 Pet. 1.3. as his d. power hathgiv. 4. be partakers of d. nature DIVINER, ERS. Deut. 18. 14. nations hearkened tod. 1 Sam. a 2. Philistines < ailed for d. hit. 44. 25. that maketh d. mad Jer. 27. 9. hearken not to your d. 29. 8. let not your d. deceive you, Mic. 3. 7. and the d. i unfounded Zech. 10. 2. the rf. have seen a lie DIVIN'KTH, ING. Gen. 44. 5. thi- it whereby he d. f Ezek. 22. 28. and d. li-s to them DIVISION, S. Er a 2a put a rf. between :ny p-o. Judg. 5. 15. for d. of Reuben, ur at thoughts of heart, f.trke 12. 51. nay, but rather d. Ji>h>i ".. 43. there was a d. among the people, 9. 16. | Id. 19. Rom. 16. 17. mai k them who cause rf. I Cor. I. 1(1. be not rf. among you 3. 3. whereas there is among youd. 11. 18. 1 heartherp be d. among y<>U DIVORCE, KD. Jer 3. 8. I baa given her a bill of d. Mat. 5. 32. whoso shall marry her d. DIVORCEMENT. Deut. 24. I. write her bill of d. 3. Isa. 50. I. bill of your mother's d. f Mar. 10. 4. Moses suflered bill of d See \\ KIU.VU. DO DO. 0m. 11 25. Jndsre of nil d right 1 31. Ifi. li it God hath said d. 41. 25. shewed what he is to d. V\. Ef 4. IS. tearh you what ye shall d. 19. 8. nil L. hnth .poken we willd i#r. 1S.5. if man d he ah. live in them, AVA. 9. 29. jvA-. it. II, 13, 21. f>'um. 22. 20 word 1 gay shall d 24. 14. what this pe. of. to thy pen. Drut. 7. II. command, to d. them 19. 19. d tu him an he thought to 27. 26. words of law, to d them 30. 1-.'. may hear it and d. it ? 13. Ja-k. 7. 9. what d. to thy great name? 22. 2t what have ye to d wi h L. 23. 6. to d. all written in the Uw, 1 CAr. 16. 40. 2 CAr. 34. 21. Judf. 7. 17. s I d, so shall ye d. a 3\ to d in comparison of yon 10. 15. d. to us what seemeth (food 18. IS. said the priest, what d. ye ? 1 Sam. 16. 3. shew thee what d 22. 3. what God will d for me 2H. 25. thou shalt d. great things 2 Sam. 3. 18. now then d. it 15. 86. d to me as seeraeth good 1 Kim. 4. ft. d. accord, to thy wisdom 8. 32. d. and judge thy servants 39. forgive, and d. 2 CAr. 6. 23. 11. 33. tod right, 38| 14. a 2 Kin. 9. IS. to d. with peace f 19. 17. 34. d. after former manners 20. 9. 1 4. will d. at he hath spoken 1 CAr. 17. 2. said, d all in thine heart 23. and d. as thou ha-t said 21. 8. d away iniquity of thy serv. 1 CAr. 19. 6. take heed what ye d. 20. 12. nor know we what to d. 25. H. if thou wilt go, d. it J?rra 4. 2. we seek Ood M ve d 7. la to se>-k law and to d. it XeA. 2. 12 put in my heart to d. J) 24. d. with them as they would ./oA 7. 20, d. to thee ? O Preserver II. a high a- heaven, what d/ 13. 20. d not two thing* to me Put 40. & I delight to d. thy will SO. 16. to d. to declare my statutes ? 109. 21. hut d. thou for me 119. 132. tod to thoie love thy name 113. 10. tearh me to d. thy will Prat. 3. 27. in power of hand tod It Keel. 9. 10. d. it with thy might Ita. 10. a what d. in day of visit*.? 45. 7. I the Lord d. all these things Jer. 4. 31. whut d in end thereof f II. 4. obey my voice, and d. them 14. 7. 4 It for thy name's sake 39. 12. d to him ax he shall say 42. 3. may .hew thin? we may d. 50. 15 she hath done, d. In her, 29. Lam. I. 12. d to them as done to me Ezek. a 6. seest thou what they d. t 24. 22. ye shall d as I have done 36. 37. be inquired of, to d It for D'tn. 9. 19. O L'.r.i, hearken and d 11. 3. d accord, to his will, 16, .V, J/it 10. 3. what sh. a king d to us P Am"* 'I 7 I. d nothing, hut reveal. Jon-ifi 4. 9. I d well to he angry 3/\. wilt d more than I say //'<. 4. 13. with whom we have to d 10. 7. lo, I come to d thy will, ft 13. 6. not fear what man shall d 21. make yon perfect to d his will 2 Pet I. 10. if ye d these, never fall 1 John 3. 22. and d those things Her. 2. 5. and d the first works Con or cantt DO. Job 22. 17. what c. Almighty d for 4'J. 2. thou cantt d. every thing Ptaf. 11.3. what can the righteou d ? 5ft. 4, not fear what flesh can d II. ! 18. 6. not fear what man can d. Mtir. 9. 22. if can't d. any thing Luke 12, 4. have no more they ran d. John 5. 19. the Son c. d nothing. 30. 15. 5. without me ye can d nothing Phil 4. 13 I caw d all thro' Christ See Do COMMANDMENTS. DO with eril. Er 21 2 not follow a mult, to d e. l.rr. 5. 4. if a soul swear to d e. or D'tit. 31. 29. because ye will d fril 2 .S-/m. 12. 9. df -pised I-ord to d e. 2 Kin. 8. 12. 1 know e. thou wilt d 17. IV sold themselves to d eril -'I. 'J. Manas, seduced to d more f. Ptl. 34. 16. (are :i|fain-t them d. t. 37. a fret not thyM-lf to d eril Pro*. 2.14. who rejoice to d gril DO Pror. 24. 8. he that deviseth to m. t Ercf. i 1 consider not they d fi-it a 1 1. fully >et in them to d erii 12. the ,1. Ptal 34. 14. d gijori, 37. 3, 27 | 51. IN. i 125. 4. Mat. 5. 44. /.. . '., 3i 36. a he hath left ofl to d c you Rom. 7. 19. g. that I would, I '/.'not 21. w*-en I would d . evi! i- pre. la 3. d #. thou shalt nave |>raiM Ga/. ft. 10. let us d g unto .ill men I Tim. ft 18. rich, that they d. gmid Heb. 13. 16. to d g. and coinmuni.-ate Jam. 4. 17. knoweth torf g. anil .loin 1 Pet a II. eschew evil, .in, I il. % ,d K'fiat hare I to DO. 2 Sam. 16. 10. tc. A. I to d with you lit. X2 I A'in. 17. IX. v. A. / tn d. with thee r 2 A'in. a 13. 2 CAr. X>. 21. .U-/r 6. 7. /.*< 8. 2& JoAn a. 4. Ho* 14. 8. tr. d any more with idols I Cor ft 12. tr. d tojiidifethem / that!, or / triff Do ; or trtU /, Gen. 27. 37. IT. . / d now to thee .Vwm. 22. 17. / ir d what ;iyest to .'i'!..Vl//. d to you, as I thought to d 1 5am. 3. 11 / ir. d. a thinu in Israel 20. 4. thy soul desireth. I tr d. it ?s. 15. make known what/*Aoflrf. 2 .Sam. 18 4. seemeth best / n-ill ,1. 19. 38. Jo63\. 14. what d when G. riseth up iniquity, / trill d. no more Prnr. 24. . / trill d so in him Ita. 0.5. I will tell what / tnll d. to my vineyard DO Ia. 43. 19. / irill rf, a new things 16. 10 / will d. all my pleasure 11. 1 have purposed, Jw. also d. it 48. 11. for own sake trill I d. It Jer. 29. 32. good / w. d. for my peo. zek. 5. 9. / mil d. in then what I 7. 27. d. to them after their way 82. 14. 1 have spoken, and icilf, d. it 24. 14. | 36. 36. Has. 6. 4. what shall I d. to thte 'e Amoi 4 12. thus trill I d. to thee Mat. 19. 16. what good thing- it. I d. 27. 22. what shall I d. with Je^us ? J.uAe 16. a what thall Id.? 20. 13. Acts 22. 10. John 14. 13. shall ask, that w. I d. 14. ask in ray name, / will d it ! Cor. II. 12. what I do, / will d. See JUDGMENT. Must DO. Vum.23. 26. L. speakelh, that I m. d. Acts 16. 30. what m I A to he saved V DO, joined with no or not. Exod. 20. 10. in it thou shall not d. any work, Lee. 23. 31. 83. 24. nof rf. after their works Lr>. 16. 29. d. no work, 2.3. 3, 28. Deut. 15. 19. Jer. 17. 24. 18 3. after their doings, nut d. ffum. 23.1 9 said, ami .shall he . rf. it? /)ew<. 12. 8. n. rf. after all we do here 1 Kin. 11. 12 71. (2. it for Dav. sake 2 A';re. 7. 9. said, we rf. not well .7. 15. should not d. like them 18. 12. not hear nor rf. tliem Erra 7. :2(i. whoso will not d. law /oA 13. 20. only d. not two tlnmrs 34. 12. God will not d. wirkedly 41. 8. remember battle, d. nn more Psal. 119. 3. they ai.so d. no iniquity Jer. 18. 6. cannot 1 d. with you as this potter? Es-eJc. 5. 9. not d. any more tlie like 33. 31. hear, but not d. thy words A/at 5.46. d. n. publicans the same ? 6. I. d. not your alms before men 12. 2. do that not lawful to d. 20. 13. I d. thee no wrong 23. 3. they say and d. not Mark 6. 5. d. no mighty work Luke 6. 46. d. not the things I say John 6. 38. not to d. mine own will 10. 37. if I d. not works of my Fa. Rom. 7. IS. would, lhatrf. I not, 19. 8. a what tjie law could not d. Gal. 5. 17. ye cannot d. the things Rev. 19. 10. see tliou d. it not, 22. 9. Observe with DO. Deut. 5. 32. 06. to d. 8. 1. I 11. 32. I 12. 1. | 24. 8. | 2 Kin. 17. 37 Rao. to d. it,l2. 32. I 28. 13, 15,58 | 31. 12, | 32. 40, 25. if we o. to rf. these command. 15. 5. to o. to d. all these command. Josh. 1. 7. mayest o. to d. all the law Exek. 37. 24. shall o. and d. them Mat. 23. 3. bid you, thato. and d. Will ire DO, we u for ever, and God d. it 7. 20. not a man that rf. good. 8. 3. for he rf. whatso. pleaseth him Ivi. 56. 2. blessed is man rf. this Ian. 4. 35. he rf. accord, to his w ill 9. 14. L. is righteous in all he rf. \l. !!). 8. 9. do this, and he rf. it, Lu. 7. a John 5. 19. he rf. these rf. the Son 7. 51. before it know what he d. 9. 31. rf. his will, him he heareth 15. 15. knoweth not what lord house .u4r 1. 4. lappet*. M A lapprth 1 CM. 17 43. larff Kin.9. IS. U II p.ir.ue alt.r arf t VMS 3 ft. as* I a *' head ? 9 & upon urh ded rf, as I am l& ft Ihit likr 4. 14. Arv* A II. M 4 reiurneth to hit mnlt. > /* 1 . 17. takrth 4 by the ran fi . 4. livinrf. I. better tho /M. (H. X M if hr rut ofrfoff 1 * nrrk DUOS. Ar. . 31. >-^h lorn. rt It to the 4 Jtfitt Ill *. Jfr. 7. 17. I AW 14. II. rf. nU. !. 4. | SI S4. SI. lft IB the place where rf. lirked thr M.xid of N'ahoth . 4. b_ rat Je*. S Kin. ft 10, 3& . lirkrd up hi* blond JU30. I. diWataW t set with rf. ^ri . I(V 4 be rnjniumed m (M Z3 and thr tonrne of thy 4. tta VI 10 ilumb rf. || 1 1. rredy 4 *er. IS 3. and thr 4 In tear Jft 7. & whirh I* holy unto 4 IS. *7 i . 43 rf. riirbt, 8 Cr. 80. M. I ( Ar.. 1V ri- and be rf. .! M. . in MI rf. my Mukrr would ^tf 44. 9. wt*rly ronsider of hit rf. K a. be i terrible in hit rf, III O. this I. thr l>,r K wrnt khmit rf. fnaA M. tl rM4 My ril rf. In nir lUm. It. . ta *o rf. .h. It hrp roil* < II. perform thr rf. of it f>* A & rf. thr mil of (iod I Tim. 4. IA in rf. thm, Mtcthytrlf irrfl.n A t. 1. rnntlnuunn- in W/.rf. y ry to ir.^. * JVx 3. la I l\ with ..rM-rf. yr >ilrnr 1 17. brlt-r .,iff.. r f..r Wl.rf. 4. 19k cMiait >ul. t.. b.a io ir..rf. Do: /.r la X Wtrr rf. of Krypt and C aian, >h.ll rr not d.i JV-t f*. . wirkrdam. of th rf J*4f. & 10 rr^rd m.t frnwi im n rf t (ArM. 17. 4 n..( .fur rf of l.mrl r*/ U. II. drrl.rr bit rf. /M. II 4. -T I*. 1 w,l' !. t>ik ..f thyrf. ^r>r. m 1 1 rhild known by hi. rf -. put away rii of ,,.,, r 4 I 1 thnr rf. rr irnlnit thr lrd 10 .h.H rt thr fruit of thrir rf. Iff. 4 4. b*r*UM> of r>ll of your rf M thy rf. hr prnrurod thr** t J. MMbd joor rf. i. | KU | 3i.U DON Jer. 11. 1*. MirwrdM me thrir rf. 17. 1C. m, r. to fr.nt of hi* rf. yl. 14. It. (Land maUr your rf. (food Sa vUit on you rvil of vur rf W. from evil of rf. SS. A. !trrk. I. 4 3S. IU t (fire arrord. to Ir.ut of rf *. 14. Si ye *hll er their rf. MX 43. there shall >e IMMMfff rf. 44. nor a. cord, to your rorrupt rf. y|. S4. In all your rf. Bin* d appear a.-rord. to thy rf halljudge 2f. 17. denlr.1 it !> their ..u n rf. 19. arror't. to rf. I judved them 31. shall r. member rf. not food //* 4. 9. will reward thrm thrir rf. S. 4. not frame rf. to turn to Ood 7. 1. their own rf have l.i-srt them !. IS. l-.r wu-k. d. of rf. i will drive li. S. art-. t 4. will he rr. omprnse Vr. S. 7. are these bin 4 T a 4. have behaved ill in their rf. 7. II br deM.late, for Inut of rf. Irak. 3. 7. itrrii|>t.-d all thrir d. II. not be aithaimd for all thy rf.? Zee*. I. 6. atroid. to our rf. so dealt DOLKFUL. 'w. la SI. full of rf. rreatnres Vic. S. 4. with a rf. lamentation DOMINION. den. \. S6. rf. over the 6*h, S& 27. 40. w hen thou shall have the rf. 37. & shall thou have rf. over us J \um. 24. l!L he that sha I have rf. Jurf*. S. la have rf. over nobles I AIM. 4. 84. Solomon had rf. 1 CAr. la a h- went to nUblish his rf. Srh V. 37. have rf. over our bodies Ji-6 ?S. S. rf. and frar are with him 3a 31 eanst thou et the rf. thereof /W. a (L to have rf. over the works ID. 13. sins, let then not have rf. 40 14. the uprit-ht M...II haverf. TV a have rf. from se to sea 103. yy. blew I., in all placet, of hie rf 114 y. and 1-rael hit rf. 119. I3a let not any miq-iity haverf. 145. la thy rf. rndurrth thro' all Ita. Sfi la "ther lord, hare had rf. .Dan. 4. a hit rf. from sjrneration to yy. rf. rearheth to end of earth 34. rf. is mi ever la.' in* rf. 7. 14. 6 yfi. hi rf. he even unto the ei.d 7 K. and rf. wasniven to the beast IS. hea>ts ha-l rf. taken away 14. w . Kitrn him rf. and glory 2V they shall take nway his rf S7. rf. shall be (jiveii to the saints 1 1. 3. that -h.ili ml.- with (f real rf. .V Vie. 4. a to thee shall it roinr. even thr first rf. rr*. 9. in. his rf. be from ea to sea Int. SO. SS. prin.-e. exrrrW rf. Rum. 6. 9. death hall, no more rf, 14. tin not have rf. over you 7 I. law hath rf over a man 2 Cor. I. S4 have rf. I.VIT your faith A>V I. SI. far ahovr iniKhl and rf. "ft 4 II. to whom he praise and rf. for ever, S. II. Rn. I. ft Jurfri dep..r rf. 25 to thr only wie God be rf. DOMINIONS. />a. 7. S7. all rf. shall M-rve him Coi I. Ifi. whi-tl.fr tl.roi.rt or rf. !)( r. IK 9. yondneu L. had rf. to lr. 31. IS. six da) may work i.r rf. 35. y. 7,rr ?:t :t. r^ii.5. 17. thinr> forl i.id. n t>. i* -i .Vi n. i lla.ak saw all Isr. had rf S7. 4. why hmri th.- name of out fath. r lie rf. any .- 3?. 13. all had rf. evil . rerwMtUDrd Dnrf. 10. SI. thy ..l ii,i.t UtLrf. DON Devi if>. 94. whrr.-forr hnth the Ixr rf. thus, I A'in. Si. H. y CAr. 7. i. i .<>./m 1:1. !/. oiiL-ht to In- rf. in Israe. .'4 17. wh. IIHT.' tliey d . * 1 CAr.il.17. .NVA. 9. XI. w have rf mi-kedly, /W. !(. fi. /Jan. 9. 5, 15. Ktlh.ft 6. what Khali l>r rf. to the man Jo* yl. 31. rrpiiv what hr hath rf. ? Pinl. XI 9. hr opakr, ai-d it wa> rf 71. 19. hath rf. grrat things. W,. yl. I ls. y 3 I2a a hr rf. to the.., false tonjriie f ^fr/. J. 9. i* rf. i- wht shall I.r rf. V. I*, what hath hern already rf. /.rA\ 3!'. a it it rf. ca.tl. thr Lord Dan. 1 1. i. that di't.-t mined f h. he rf, .W/. ft lU thy will I.r done, yfi. 4 to one of these, ye haverf. it to me 27. 54. things that were rf. 2& II. Mar. 5. 19. ho pre:.l lliiiiKK the L. hath done for tliee, yo. l.uie 8.39. & r-n. told him \\hat they had rf. 9. 13. rf. to him w li.,t>.. ihey lifted la 30. shall not pass till these berf. 15. a to d-i. sis he had ever rf. /.t/Ay i. 49. hath rf. treat things a IS), evils Herod I ad rf. a 5fi. tell no man what wan rf. 9. 10. told him all they had rf. 14. y9. it is rf. as thou hnst cum. 17. In. ve havr rf. that wl.irh wrut our iiuly to d.i John 5 29. they that havr rf. trood, to lite ; they tl-at have rf evil to l.V 7. ask ye what ye v. ill, it sh. he rf. Act* 4. VR lletellliiin-il I el,, I,, to hr rf. 14. /7. rehears,-.! al; (i. had rf. l.V 4. 21. 14. thr will nf tlie Lord hr rf, /' m 9. II. n. any t.",.i r evil I Cor. 9. 15. iior lie so rf unto me la 10. in part shall l,e rf. away 14. Hi. let all he rf. to edit) my 40. he rf, drr. ntly I''.. 14. br rf. with rhltnty [hody y Cor. 5. 10. receive tlnni,'s rf. in hif /"/'' (i- la and havinc rf. all to stand Phil. 2 3. nothiiu; br rf. thro' ^trila Ci.l. 4. 9. makr known all thing, rf. AW. 16 17. raying, it i- rf. yl. il. 2S. 6. which mii-t shortly be rf. Hare / DONK.' \um. 22. 5. what hnr? / rf. to thee, I Aii 19. yo, .Vie. fi. 3. J'idg. a 2. what hare I now rf. ? I .Viw. 17. J. 1 Sam. 20. 1. what A,/< '. !i A.ifArf. i.. this great evil ly. i4. h.,w (treat thiiif- Ar Iml/i rf. W. 32. he Main what Inilh h, d - I CAr. M. IP 12. remember his works lu- hath d.P,. -,%. 4 I Ml I. | IO.V i, /' n; Ifi. will dr.-'arr what AeA. rf. 115 3. Ar A/A rf. what hr pleaord /"rwr. 24. tt to l.im us AP A. rf to n,r 1m. \~i. 5. Ac AM rf. exrellri.t thinvt A>r*. y4. 24 that I., h. rf. shall ye do :& Ifi A A.;//, rf. ti.at i lat< fill '.v .ven wh;it /A. rl. Judg I 7 j / k. d. so G.requitedme 15. M :>s they ili 1 to inn, so A. / d. 8 .SV/7f 14. 21. / ht/re d. Mils tiling 21.10. / h. d. very foolishly, I CA.21.8. ? A7. 10.2>. not henrd, how /A.rf. it? Jl> :. 32. if I hare d iniquity /W. 7. 3 O Lord, if / hare d. this 119. 12!. I h. d ju'lgm. and justice Isi- 10. 13 .by strength of hand /A. rf.it? '. la hear ye far off what /A. d. 3!. '26 not heard how / hare d. it ? F*f&. 12 Il.as/A.rf.so he done to them 14. 23. know I hate not d. without cause, all I have d in it John 13. 12. hf nid to them, know ye what / hared. to you 't 15 do a / hare d. to you Ha*tt/iou DONE. Gen. 4. 10. what hast thcu rf.? 31. 26. A'i<7/i.23. 1 1. I Sn/n.iail. 2 Sam. a 24. Jo An 18. 83. 20. i). what A. (A. rf. to us? Jurf.15.11. 2 Sam.~. y\. acror. to thy he.irt It.t.d. 16. 10. wherefore A. he f.irtret what t. h. d. t.. him 31. 28. thouhaxtd. foolishly, I Sam. 13. 13. 2 fA/Vm. Ifi. 9. Jofh. 7. 19. tell me what thnu hust rl. 1 Sam 14. 43. P*<7/. 40. 5. wonderful works t. A. rf. 5-i. 9. praise thee, heranse t. h, rf. it 109. 27. may know th.,t t. h. d. it Jer. 2. 23. know what tjinu hast d. Lam. 1. 21 they are triad t. h. rf. it 2'2. as tfinu hust d until me 2. '20. consider to whom /. A. rf. this Etek. 1ft 48. Sodom not rf. as /. A. d. 59. even deal with thee as t. A. rf. Oiurf, 15. as t. h. rf. he done to thee Jonah 1. 14 C. A. rf. as it pieaseth thee A'o DONE. Gen. 20. 9. done deeds ought n. he rf. A" "7/i Hi. 28. n. rf. of mine own mind D^<<. 32. 27. Lord hath n. rf. all this //. 5. 4 done, that I have not rf.? 4f>. 10. declaring things not yel dL Jf/- 3. Ifi. neither sh. that he rf. more Eze/c. 5. 9. I will do in thee that 1 hav< not done Dun. 9. 12. under whole heaven hath not heen rf. a on Jerusalem 11. 2V do what his fathers nut rf. Aini'x :t. l'\ evil ill city. Lord n. rf. it ? Art* 2fi. 26. this was n. d. in a corner DONK with (hit. Grn. 21. 26. wot not who hftth rf. th. 42. 2K what is t. God hath rf. to us J.nlu. 2. 2. n.it obeyed, why rf. this? 6. tt. said, wh.. hath rf. /Aw/ 15. 6. I Sum. :>H. 18. therefore hath L. rf. t. Pif 7. 3. O Lord, if I have rf. tti.v 22. 31. declare that he hath rf. evil in thy sight .Vi. 41. 20. han.i of L. hath d. thin E-ek. 2,'t 33. moreover, t they have rf. unto tin Mark 5. 32. to gee her that had d. t. DOO T.uke 23. 41. t. man d. nnthinir an-ws Act* 4.7. by what pow. hr.ve ye rf. t i DOOR. Gen. 4. 7. sin lieth at the rf. 19. 9. came near to break the . 14. as rf. turn, th on hinges Cant. 5 4. put in hand hy hole of rf. H. 9. if she be a rf. we will inclose her Exek. 8. 8 digged in wall, behold a rf. 10. 19 sto, d at rf. of the east-gate M. I. at rf. of the gate 25 men 41. 2. breadth of rf. ten cubits 46. a people shall worship at the rf. Hot. 2. 15. vallej of Achor rf. of hope Amoi 9. 1. smite the lintel of the rf. Mat. 27. 60. he rolled itn at stone to rf. of sepulchre, Mark 15. 46. 28. 2. angel rolled stone from the rf. Mark 1. 33. city was gathered at rf. 2. 2. no room, no not about the rf. Ifi. 3. who roll us stone from rf,? JoA/ 10. 1. thut entereth not hy therf. 2. that enter, -th in by the it. 7. I am the rf. 9. 18. 16. hut Peter stood at the rf. Act* 5. 9. feet at rf. to carry thee out 12. la as Pi-ter knocked at the rf. 14. 27. opened rf. of faith to Gent. 1 Cor. 16. 9. a great rf. and effectual 2 Cor. 2. 12. a rf. was opened to me Col. 4. 3. open a rf. of utterance Jam. 5. 9. ju Ipe standeth before d. Rev. 3. 8. set before thee an open rf. 211. I stand at rf. if any man open 4. 1. a rf. was open in heaven DOOR with house. Gen.19. 1 1. smote them that were at rf. 43 19. they communed at rf. of A. Ej-od. 12.22. none of you go out at rf. Judg. 19. 26 fell down at rf. 27. 2 Sam. 1 1. 9. Uriah slept at rf. of A. '_> Kin. ft. 9. Naamaii stood at rf. of A. AVA.3.21. Meremoth repaired trom rf Pruv. 5. 8. come not nigh rf of her A. 9. 14. for she gitteth at rf. of her A. Exek. S. 14. to rf. of Lord's A. 47. 1. DOOR with shut. Gen. 19. ft Lot t. rf. || 10. angels t. rf. 2 Kin. 4. 4. shall thut rf. upon thee 6 32. s. rf. arid hold him fast at rf. Mfi. 6. ft hast ihnt thy rf. pray 25. 10 rf. was*. !|L l'l.7.rf.isnow*. Luke 13. 25. master hath t. to the rf. } VeW. a 8. set an open rf. no man can t. DOOR with tabernacle. \ EroJ, 29. 4. bring to rf. of t. 40. 12 Lev. 4.4. | 8.3,4. | 12.ftA~uf/i.6.1li. 11. by rf, of t 32. | 40. 29. Lev. 1. 5. A'm. 27. 2. 42. at rf. of t 33. 9, 10. | 38. 8. | 40. 28. Let. I. a | a 2. | 4. 7, 18. 40. 6. before rf. oft A~m. 25. ft Lev. a 31. at rf. of t 3ft. | 14. II. I 16. 7. | 17.6.A"wm.ftia | IO.aJ(rA. 19.51. 33. ye shall not go out ol rf. of t. 10 7. ye shall not go out fr-.ni d.oft. 14. 2a unto rf. oft 15. 14, 29. I 111.21. Kiim. ft 13. | Ift 19, 50. | 20. ft 17 4. hringeth it not to rf. of t. 9. VMBI. 12. 5 stood in rf. of (. 16. 18. Deut. 31. IS pill.tr of cloud over rf. DOOR joined with tent. Gen. 18. I. Alrahnm snt in the t. rf. 10. Sarah heard it in the tent rf. Exod. 33. 8. ev. man at his t. d. 10. DOU *f" m u, ll ;J a "'*?'?. -^ n*& Jo * In. 27. Duthan, Alnrain tooo to . Jrf?. 4. 20. he sai.l, -land in a. fc OOOK.Awy-r. Pv,,' 84. 10. I had rath.Tbearfwk. Je>: 3o. 4. Maaseiah keeper of the tL .. 2 Kin, 25. 18. captain ol guard took the three A. of d. Jer. f>2. 24 1 CA. I5.24.()bededom and Jehiah d.-k. Esth. 6. 2. k. of rf. sought to lay hand DOOR-pa*t E.rod. 21 ft master bring him to rf. .p. Exek. 41. 3. he measured p. of rf. j-orf.l2.7.strikehloo f. rf. of temple 7. 3. shut the rf. and bar them Job a 10. thut not up rf of womb 38. a who shut up the sea with rf.? Eccl. 12. 4. rf. be shut in the streets Ita. 26. 20. enter, and thut thy rf. Mai. I. 10. would shut rf. for nought John 20. 19. rf. thut, Jesus raine, MS. ts 21. 30. forthwith the rf. wer .. DOTE, El), ING. Jer. 50. 36. and they shall rf. Exek. 2a 5. Aholah rf. on A-isyriaM 1 Tim. ft 4. rf. about questions DOUBLE, Gen. 4a 12. nd take rf. money Yr. 22. 4. theft he found, restore rf, 7. if found, let him pay rf. 9<>! HLD.miWrt* 7m. 1. 8. a rf.-m man i* MMUMft 4 a purify your htarU, ye d.M. DOW DOUBLED. St the drrmm WM / twtee Id four-^uare. being d. Sk A a p" wa breadth, being A EM*. II. II. sword be A third time DOUBT, & Dm* W M thy life hang In d. Dm \ KLheardthoveandMtohre* X> 4. MA thkt M to a murd. C' 4. OL for I tand In d. of you I Jo*.. 1 la wiMild no A have coo. DOUBT. Vt U II. wh-r.-f.rt> didtthoorf.r II. >l. If \" harr faith and A not Mar. II. n (hull not d. In hi heart y*n la M. haw long make M if DOUBTED. ETH. lft HL 17 but Hne A AH, 5, 4 A ww*rento would grow in IT. while Peter A In himself & *> I 4 of (we*. a.ie*tion. XML 14. A 4 h damned, if he eat DOUBTFUL. XML 1 1 I. not to rf. deputation* DOUBT! Nft. Jlata 11 9i 4. of whom be pak .rfffi 10 id *o. nnthinr rf. 1 1 14 1 7W 4 * ">rn pr.y without A DOUBTLEM. ft. 1t& & rf. rome arin rejoirlnf fto. . Id A tho.i art our MM 1 Cw. 9. J. yet 4. I am to you .ia*yearf I count all bat IOM DOVK. Gen. a a Noah *ent forth a d. 10, It 8. the A found no rert 16. tf. take a turtle d. Lrv. IS. & ft. 55 d that I had win*- like a 4 ftH II. ye hal I be a* wing* of a 4 71 I'J the >ul of thy turtle 4 IW. I. IV Una hart 4 eym, 4. I. t It my 4 let me tee thy count*. A. 1 aye* to me. my iter. my 4 - d 9 my 4 my unoVflled is hut >>oe /M X U I did mourn a* a 4 Jrr. 4A S. and he like the 4 H. 7. 1 1. r phraim i* like a silly 4 II II thev hull tremhle u a/ Uat. 3. Id dew-ending liken d. ilnrk I. la l.ukr 1 ti. Jo** I. ai DOVES. t Mt HA ofarabof i dun* Cm*. k It hit eye* are a* eye* of A /*. IB. II. we m.. urn tore like d. X & flee a* d. t their window* u* '.. Id be likr A of the valley, \*. 1 7. lead M with voice of rf, Vtft in. |R tormle*. M A VI lit that told d. Mar II. IS. 7o* . 1 i found tlMe that sold A 7Wb.DoVBs t*e it a. take two {.ALUM! K. DOCl.H r*4 II IB. unleavened rakei of d. .\ IX tt "ft-r a rake .4 A 1. XM. 10 37. tril.fr u,l,..fourV J" IS. wmieo kiMtd their A Cwit. 44. & tie rir.t IrM of A Hot. 1. K. after b a.tb kneaded the d. OffUDOWV. /a 1. 7. w.lkln, ^awV Intt.l ?. r* M li .ader KM.I3. lam CM*.* l4.A *r t *. II 30 Uke r~.t A / 37 31 tori a XI. -pint of hew* r th d. trf i7. appnr. of Joins, d. a I DRA DOWRY. Gen. 30. 20. endued me with good rf 34. I*, ask me never so much rf. End. 22. 17. pay according to therf. I Sam. la 25. king deiireth not 4 DRAG. Hoi. 1. Id burn incense to their 4 DRAi.s. ffa. L 15. rather them In their d. DRAGGING. . a 4 the net with fishes DRAGON. . 1.1 4 shale thon trample ha. 27. 1. he *hall slay 4 that is In sea al. a rut Rahab an IS L. 4 oat before a* all the pco. Judg I. 19. Judah 4 out inhaMt:uit- 1 .Sain, d S. 4 the rart, I CAr. la 7 Km. 17. 21. Jerob. 4 Urael from following the Lord Artt 7. 45. whom God rf. out la IS. 4 them from judgnwot-seat See I)*llVK. DRAUGHT. Mot 15. 17 cat out in 4 Mar. 7. 19. Lu*- 5 4 let .1.IWH ,,et. f,,r a 4 a astoni.h. d H rf. of fl-he 1 R.Al i.H I. HOI > *a. 10 V7 m..de Baaf.lmuM 4 1.4 DRA nn A w. Cm. ?. 44. will pl 3-.'. 0. rf. her and all tier mii.titii'l.-i John 4. 1 1. hast not In HIT to d. with 15. nor come h:ther to rf. d 44. ex.ept tbe Kather rf. him 12. 33. I will rf. all men unto me SI. d were not able to rf. it Art* 20. 30 to *.-< ,i|ied 57. 3. rf. near ye >ons of *nr. .:. ^ Jer. 30. 21. will caii-e him t.i d. ti,'ar 46. a and rf. near to battle Effk. 9. 1. charge over city, to rf. n. 8V. 4. camed thy days to rf n,-r Jort 3. 9. let all men of war rf. /vjr WeA. 10. K. rf. n?r with tnu heart DRAW nigh. Erod. a 5. said rf not nigh hither /'';/ 69. 18. rf. mVA to my xonl 119. 150. rf. n. that follow mischief Erci 12. 1. nor years rf. ni/i nh- n f*a. 5. 19. counsel of Holy One ri, n . H,->>. 7. 19. by the which we d. nif/i Jam. 4. 8. rf. n. to God, he will rf. n. DRAW mil. Erod. 18 21. rf. out and take a Inmh J.er. 26. 33. rf. ot/f a <.word after you .ludg. 3 22. not rf. dairciT o. of belly /.. ; 41. I. canst rf. out leviathan ? P'nl. av 3. rf. ot/f also the i.|rear vV j. wilt thou rf. o. thine auger to all generatioi s Pror. 20. 5. man of under, will rf. it o. // ,"i7 .4. ait. whom do \e i? o. tonuue 5.S. 10. if rf. ..w/ soul to the hungry Jrr 49. !0. of flock rf. them a. Lam. 4. a M-a-monster. rf. . bre>t *. 5. 2. and I will rf. ot/< a .word, after them, 12. | IV. 14. Hag. 2. Id to rf. out fifty Yes** hi JoA 2. 8. rf. ouf now. and bear DRAW ,,p. Job 40. 21 that he can rf. up .Lmlan DRAW joined with iratrr. Gen. 84. 13. daughter* come to rf ir. I Sum. !). II. maidens giug to d ir. lui 12. a wilh joy shall ye rf. rrafet .V./A. a 1 4. rf. ,ro/<-r lor the M.-ye ./-An 4. 7. woman of Samaria to rf. DRAWN. Sum. 22. ta angel, hi* twnrd rf 31 Jo*k. 5. 11 1 Chr. 21. iti Druf 30. 17. rf. nwny, and wor. g jtk ./<*. 9. 6. till rf. them from city .th 20. is. it i* rf. and com.-th out /'. 37. I J. wi, ked rf, out the -wi.rd 'A il. than oil, yet rf. gwor.U ^ror 24 II that are rf. to deBth /a. 21 15. He.l from J. *wjrd DRfe, lia. 20. I. that are i/. from breasts /ft. 31. :>. wit'i Iming kind. d. tl.ee /.;im. 2. i rf. back his right hand Krck. 21 5. Lord d. my sword, v>8. .-.'ci. II. "'. rf. p -igain to heaven Jam. 1. ' rf. away nf his own lusts DRAWER. S. /)?<. S>: II. t.. d. of water /**. 9. 21. be rf. of water, 23, 27 DRAWETH. [10 deliver Dent. 25. II. wife nf the one d. near '(/. l!. 9. now the day d. towards evening Jolt. 24. 22. he d. the mighty .';.'{. 22. his soul d near to the grave /'... 1. 7. the Chaldeans are d. Mill. I. 14-. name rf. among heathen 4. 5. great and d. day of the Lord DUE AM. Gen. 20. 3. to Abimelech in a rf. 31. 10 Jacob saw in a d. the rams 21. God came to Laban in ad. 37. 5. Joseph dreamed a d. 9, 10. 40. 5. butler and baker nd. both 41. 7. it was a d. 1 Kin. 3. 15. 2S. d. of l'h.iraoh is one, 26. A'w. 12. G. 1 the L. will speak in a d. Judg 7. 13 told a d. to his fellow 1 Kin. 3. 5. t Solomon in a d Job 20. 8. he sh.il! fiy uway as a d. .'!.'i. 15. in a d. openeth ears of men Ps. 73. 20. as arf. when one awaketh fed. 5. 3. a d. cmnetli thro' business ha. 29. 7. fight aga. Ariel he us a d. Jer. 23. 28. hath d. let him tell rf. Dun. 2. 4. tell thy servants the d. 36. this is the d. 4. 19. d. he to them that hate thee 7. I. Daniel hud a d. wrote d. Mat, 1. 20. angel of Lord appealed to Joseph in a d. 2. 13, 19. 2. 12. warned of God in a rf. 22. 27. 19. I have suffered in a d. DREAM. Pi. 12fi. 1. were like them that rf. Joel 2. 28. your old men d. Actit. 17. DREAMED. Gen. 28. 12. Jacob rf. ||37. 5. Joseph rf. *0. 5. officers rf. || 41. I. Pharaoh, 15. Jer. 23. 25. prophets said, I have rf. 29. 8. dream* you cause to be rf. Dun. 2. I. Nebuchadnezzar rf. DREAMER Gen. 37. 19. said, this rf. cometh /><;/<. in. 3. shalt not hearken to rf. ft d. eliall be put to death DRE DREAMERS. Jer. 2T. 9. hearken not to your rf. Jude 8. filthy rf. defile the flesh D UK A MS. Oc7i. 37. 8. hated him lor his rf. 20. what will become of his rf. 4-1. 12. and he interpreted our rf. 42. 9. Joseph remembered the rf. I Sam. 28. G. answered not by rf. 15. Job 7. 14. thou scarest me with rf. Ercl. 5. 7. in multitude of rf. are Jer. 23. 27, forget my name by rf. 32. that pr< phesy false rf. Dun. \. 17. understand, in rf. 5. 12. 'Lech. 10. 2. diviners told false rf. DREAMETH. Isa. 29. 8. hunirry man rf. a thirsty DREGS. Psal. 75. 8. rf. wicked shall drink ha. 51. 17. drunken rf. of cup, 22. DRESS. Gen. 2. 15. into garden to rf. it 18. 7. young man hasted to rf. it Deut. 28. 39. plant vineyards, rf. them 'i Sam. 12. 4. torf. tor way-faring n.an 13. 5. Ttimar rf. meat in my siuht 1 Kilt. 18.25. Elijah said, rf."it first DRESSED. 2 Sain. 12. 4. rf. poor man's lamb I!). :t. Mephibosheth not rf. his feet He!i. 6. 7. for them K.y whom it is rf. DRESSER. Luke 13. 7. said to rf. of vineyard DREW Gen. 24. 20. Rebekah rf. water, 45. 37. 28. they rf. up Joseph 38. 29. as Zaral, rf. back his hand Exod. 2. 10. I rf. him out of water Ifi. Jethro's daughters rf. water Josh. 8. 26. Joshua rf. not hand hack Jung. 8. 10. fell 120,000 rf. sword 20. but the youth rf. not his sword 2d 2. 400,000 that rf. sword Ruth 4. 8. so he rf. off his shoe 2 Sam. 22. 17. he rf. me out of many waters, Psal 18. 16. 23. 16. three mighty men rf. water out well of B.thle'm I C/ir. II. 18. 24. 9. in Israel 800,000 rf. sword 1 Kin. '22. 34. rf. A bow. 2 Chr. 18. 33. 2 Kin. 9. 24. Jehu rf. h.;w full strength 1 Chrun. 19. 16. rf. forth the Syrians 21.5. Israel were 1100,000 that rf sword, Judali 470.000 Jer. 38. 13. rf. up Jen 1 , with cords Has. II. 4. rf. with cords of a man Mat. 13. 48. rf. to shore, Mar* 6. 53. 26. 51. Peter rf. his sword, Mark 14. 47. John IR 10. I-wAre 23. 54. and the sabbath rf. on John 2.9. servants rf.the water knew 21. 11. rf the net full of fishes Art*5. 37. rf. away much people 14. 19. rf. Paul out of the city 16. 19. rf. P. and S. into market-pi. 27. jailer rf. his sword 17. 6. rf. Jason and certain brethren 19. 33. they rf. Alexander out 21. 30. rf. Paul out of temple Rev. 12. 4. tail rf. third purl of stars DRKW near, or nigh. Gen. 47. 29. timerf n. Isra. must die 1 Sam. 17. 40. David rf. n. to Oolimh 2 Sam. 18. 25. Ahimaar came apace, and rf. near Zeph 3. 2. rf. not near to her God Mai. 21. 1, when they rf. n. to Jeru. 34. time of fruit rf. near, he sent Luke IS. 25. elder son rf. n. to house 22. 47. Judas rf. n. to J. to kUs him 24. I ft. Je.uis hiins.'lf rf. ni'iir 28 they rf. nigh to the village Art* 7. 17. time of HIM promise rf. . 31. as Mobe* rf near to behold it 125 DRI Act* 27. 27. rf. timr some country DRE WEST. /,. 3. 57. rf. near in day I rollei DICIKII, * after DRV. DRINK. Gen. 21. 19. and gave the lad d. 24. 14. Ihy camels rf. also, 46. LIT. 11 34. rf. drunk in such VPSI Num. 20. 8. shall give ronirrega. d Judges 4. 19. she gave Sisera rf. Esther I. 7. rf. in vessels of unld /'.v. 78. 15. rf. s out of great depths 102. 9. mingled my rf. with wi-epmj 104, II. gave rf. to every bea^t Isa. 32. 6. cause rf. of thirsty to fail 43. 20. rivers, to give rf. to my peo. Has. 2. 5. lnvers that (five me rf. 4. 18. their rf. is sour Hal). 2. 15. giveth his ru.ghhnur d. Hag. 1. 6. ye are not tilled with rf, Mat. 25. 35. and ye gave me rf. 37. gave thee rf. || 42. gave me no 4. John \. 9. a Jew, askest rf. of me 6. 55. my blood is rf. indeed Horn. 12. 20. enemy thiilt, give rf 14. 17. kingdom not meat and rf. I Cor. 10. 4. drink same spiritual d. Col 2. 16. judge in meat or in d. Strong DRINK. Lei: 10. 9. do not drink t. rf. Num. 6. 3. Nazarite separate from t.d. Deut. 14. 26. bestow money for *. rf. 29. 6. nor drunk *. rf. 40 years Judff. 13. 4. Man. wife not drink t. . 11, 18, 19,21, 24, 30,33, 31 3&. Num. 28. 14. rf--o. half an hin of wine Deut. 32. 3a drank wine of rf.,o. Erra ~. 17. buy speedily rf.-o. P*at. 16. 4. their rf.o. of blood Jer. 7. 18. rf..o. to other gods, 19. !. | 32. 2S 44. 17. rf.-o. to queen of heaven. IS Ezek. 20. 28. there poured out rf.-o. 45. 17. priureK part to give rf.-o. D R 1 N K. Gen 24, 18. rf. my lord, 4ft 30 38. set rods when flockicame a E.fud. 15. 24. whi.t shall we rf.? 32. 20. made children of Is. rf. of it Lev 10. 9. do not rf. wine nor Num. a 3. n..r rf. liquor of grapcf JUI//T. 7. 5. bowetb di.wn to rf. Ruth 2. 9. go to the vessels, and it, 2 Sum. 23. 16. he woold n.it a. thcns of, 17. I Chr,m. II. IN. !9 KA'in. 17. 4. shall rf. of Hie brook />///. a 15. king and Human to d. .In/, -Jl 20. '/. rat!i of Almifbt) /*/. 36. 8. rf. of river of thy J-ieas. DRI futl ir. I. rf wine of astnntsbment l Xl. they gve me vn.eirar to rf. TV . wi.-ke4 ! earth .hall rf. then .t.. M....I that u..t rf X 5 givet them t-ar to rf. 1 10. 7. rf. of the i.r,...k in the way r/vc. 4 17. they d. w 31 & lett they rf. and forget law 7 rf and lori;. Con* ft. I. rf. yen, rf. abundantly. O fas. 24. 9 drink hitter to them rf. it 51. XX. im more rf. it again t ft rf. it in . o.irf of ii. y hnllnett *\ 13. My tervnt hll d l.ut \e Irr. 16 7 ef .>f consolation to rf. t\ IV make rf. water of (all ." 15. cause Cation* to rf. It tby .hll rf. and be moved y>. rf. ye. fee drunken, and spue '.X savin I. ye (halt rertamly rf. i I L t" this day they rf. none U. II. whnw jixj(fn>'iit wa not ti A f r.ip. hut thi>u thalt rf. />rA 4 II tire* t tune nhiilt rf. Jf-l Si halt d of thy .Her', rup ' I*, rf. thai y ha>e fouled l'-"t- 5. X. M c*nruhines mirht rf. .WM II M* to mailer*, let ut rf. HI to shall all the heathen rf ci tii.nally. yea, thry hallrf. 1 1(1 rf. and let thy fot'e-kui // rf IT ht melt,,-. . ' 4 - that Slsil It D**. I. I* p.ll.e to ,-t u 4 I wandered to rf tr hut . 7. let . r* fe 41. |ie )..u rup i 1 IT. t., rf DRI JiAx 4. 7. Je. tailh. give me tr. to rf. I TIM. i. '.'3 rf. no !! . DK1NK, with inn*. Gen. 19. .1. m.ike our father d. w. l.rr. In. a not rf. ir. when HO ii.to / ./ no i in.-tfar of ir. 30. aftet that Naxarite may rf. ir. Drut- 28 3U. shall plant vineyards, but not rf of IT. AMOI b. II, Surff. 13. 4. Man. wife rf no ir. 7. 14. / Sam. 16. a. V. such as faint may rf. fiat. 60 3 rf. ir. of astonishment AVor, 4. 17. rf. the ir. of vi..|. nee 9 V rf. of tr. I have mingled 31. 4 It is not for kings to rf. tr. fieri 9. 7. rf, thy tr. with a nierrT Cant 8. a. OU-etherrf of -pin d u /ML 5. . that are mighty to rf. ir. <4. 9. shall not rf. ir. with a song 62. 8. toot of stranger not rf. thy M . Jrr. 35 X. g've R.-chahites tr. to rf. 6. we will rf. no ir. ye shall rf. no tr. xc*. 44 XI. nor any priest rf. tr. Dam. I. 16. tixik u-. they should rf JoeY 3. 3 have sold a girl tor tr. to rf. .lima i & they rf tr. of condenined Ii ye gave N'a/nrite. ir. to rf. ft d. that rf. tr. in howls d 14. plant Tine\arii- and rf. ir. .Vir R. 15. not rf ir. Z^A. I. 13. Murk 15. 1. gave to rf. -. mingled ' '/Ac I. IV John -hall rf neither u: 'm. 14 XI. it i* nt e , u *\ to rf. tr. f. 14. & made all nation- rf. ol -. 10. shall rf of tr. of wrath of God DRINKERS. Jorl I. 5. and howl. ..II ye rf. of wine DRINKS. //**. 9. 10. stoiMl only in meats and rf. DKINKETH. Gen. 44. 5 it in which my lord rf? /'i eating and rf. A i/i 4. 20. Judah and Israel rf la XI. Solomon's rf. vessels of gold Id ft Klh wa.rfn *0. 12. Beiihad. CHr. IX. 3D. with l>vid :< da\s rf. 'A. I. a rf. wa nrrnrding to law '* 1. 13. son. and daugh'ert rf. r o. 2< 13. e.ting fl..,h. and rf wine Wart 11. ia John ranie neither eat ing nor rf. Luke 7. 33. 19. eating and rf. l.vkr 7. 34 24 2. i.njrf. til) the fl,>,| ,. 8ni e Lulu 10. 7. and rf. Mich as they give HRIVE. trod. B. 1. with a .trong hand rf. out ^3. -J8. h..rn..t., hi.h -hall rf. 1 :M not rf. out in one year nd little I will rf. - .will rf. ,, ut the Canianite 41. II. behold. Irf. out Ainorite ,*- *2- fi tbt I may rf them out 3 5i if *" " r *' r ' '""' al " 1 rf "-ee. . 4, 5. J^ 3'^ DRI Dftit. 9. a so shnlt tin. n rf. then om II. V3. then wi.l th- Lord rf. out la \* Lord doth ./. their out J,li. 13. fi. them will I rf. out 14. I-', then I >li.:ll IK- al.le to rf. l.'i. 63. Judah ioul. Judah rould m,t rf. out VI. lieiiji.niin nut rf. out .Irl.usitei TI .Mnnas^h. [\'>. Ephraun 31. A.-hiT. || 33. Naphtuli II. vl. li. in l.or.l aliall rf. out A'm 4. i!4. rf. .-l:u k n.. i thy riding- S ihr.n. 20. 7. diJ-t 1 out inliai.ii. Jut ia U. terror.- d. him to M, ;. , i al. 3. rf. away ass of fatherlos />>i<-\ &. 10. the bra*t be rf. away A'ura. :iv il. till rf. out his enemies H-ut. 4. 19. be rf. to worship them 30. 1. whither L. hath rf. thee 4. if any of thine he rf. oot l-.-li. a.i.'L.d. out great Iidtiti3 I Sum. 2& 19. rf. me out tln> ciay Job 6. la Wisdom rf. from me? la i5. hreak leaf rf. to and Iro? la la be rf. from light to darkue** 311. 5 rf. forth from MIIIOI.K meu 'u/. 40. U. let be rf. (>ackurd 6a 2. as smoke i rf. away, DO 114. a Jordan wax rf. b k. 5. froe. 14. Si. wicked i rf. awiiy Ita. a 2. shall be rf. to darkn. : >j IU. 7. town hy brooks rf. a;,y 4i. 4 a rf. stubble to his bow Jer. & a in pla.-e.s whither rf. _:!. :(. a | an. u. IK. i 3*. :>:. 16. 15. from all lands huh. r rf. 23. 2. rf. them away not ti.it.-d ). be rf. on, and fall thi rein 40. I*, out of places whith. it. 43. :, 46. i& end of iiatiotis, whither u. 49 5 ye shall he rf out en i y n.iin 50. 17. lion.- have rf. him a\vay Ezck. 31. II. I have rf. him out l..r 4. brought thai rf. away, n,. inn. 4. ,'J.'t rf from men, 5. zl. I. 7. through allcoiintniv rf. =/. la a a. chatt rf. with whirl. Wc. 4. a gather her rf. /.>/.. :i. I!) uAefs. US. rf. ol devil in! . tilm-i. cUfJ. 17 and so were rf. Si. rf. up and down in \..n:i . I. 'i. like wave rf. with nind a 4. ships, tho' rf. ol tiene winds DKIVKR. 7oA 3B. 7. nor r.-iMrd. crying of .t DRIVETH. A'in. 9. 20. for he rf. furioi.-ly m/. 1 4. nnvodl) Ilk. cli tn.l 4. for. 25. 5J3. north wim! rf ;,-. VurA 1. lu. -p:nt //. lum to ui.'uer UBIVIMO. /wrfjT- ' S3. rf them 'int hnsti'y . '.'. iO. d. i> like ,1. ol J. im DRU J CJTWI. 17. 21. by d. out nations DROMEDAKY, 1ES. i Kin. 4. 28. brou 29. 22. my speerh rf. on them Ps. 6S 8. heavens rf. at presence of G. F.ccL 10. 18. thro' idleness house rf. Cunt. 5. 5. my hands d. with myrrh DROPPING. /Vac, 19. 13. the contentions of a wlfi are a continual rf. 27. 15. Cant. 5. 13. his lips d. mvrrh DROPS. Job 36. 27. he maketh smalt the rf. 38. 28. who begotten rf. of dew ? Cunt. 5. 2. loi-ks with rf, of night Luke 22. 44. a< great rf. of blood DROPSY. } u. 2. 17. shepherds rf them away ^nin 21. 32. rf. out the Amorites Jln/i. 3. 6. rf. asunder the nations John 2. 15. rf. them out of temple DROUGHT. ('n. .'tl. 40. in day rf. consumed me Dent. 8 15. fiery si-rpentsand rf, Jb '}\. 19. rf. consiime snow- waters 7'*/. it2. 4. my moisture into the rf. 7,. 58. 1 1. L. satisfy thy soul in rf. JIT. 2. G. through a land of d. 17. >. not lie careful in year of rf. SO 38. a rf. is upon her waters Has. 13 5. know thep in land of rf. tfui' 1. II. and I railed for a rf. DROWN. Cant 8 7. neither run floods rf. it I 7V, 6. 9. which rf. men in perdition DROWNED. Kjroil \f>. 4. are rf. in Red Sea Am> S 8. rf as l.y flood of Eg. 8. 5. A/'/f 18 6. better rf. in the sea Mi!>. II. 2!). Keyptiaus were rf. DROWSINESS. /row 23. 21. rf. shall clothe with rags DRUNK. Dfitt 29. 6. nor have you rf. wine 32. 42. my nrrows rf. with blood Jvdg. ;.\ 19 rf. his spirit cam., again I &!. 1A ha'eiiifith.wiuenur DRY 2 Sam. 11. 13. David made Uriah rf, 1 Kin. 13. 22. hast eaten and rf. 16. 9. Elah drinking himsell rf. 20. 16. lienhadad drinking him. rf. 2 A'tn. 6. 23. eaten and rf. he sent awaj 19. 24. rf. strange waters, ha. 37. 25 Cunt. 5. I. rf. my wine with my mill ha. 51. 17. hast rf. cup of his fury 63. 6. make them rf. in my fury Jer. 46. 10. he rf. with their blood 51. 57. I will make rf. her princes Ezek. 34. 18. rf. of the deep watera Dan 5. 4. d. praised gods of gold 2a thou and concubines have rf. Olmd. 16. rf. on my holy mountain Luke ft. 39. no man haunp rf.old wine la 26. eaten and rf. in thy presence John~. 10. well rf. then worse Eph. 5. 18. rf. wherein is excess Her. 17. 2. rf. with wine of foruica. 18. a all nations rf. of wine DRUNKARD. Deut 21. 20. this our son is a d. Prov. 23. 21. rf. sh. come to poverty 26. 9. as a thorn into hand of rf I fit. 24. 20. the earth reel like a rf. 1 Cor. ft. 11. with brother a rf eat no DRUNKARDS. P.ial. 69. 12. I was song of the rf. ha. 28. 1. wo to rf. of L'phraim, a Joel I. 5. awake, ye rf. and weep .V(//<. I. 10 while drunken as rf. I Cor. 6. 10. nor d. inherit kingdom DRUNKEN. _. .. 9. 21. Noah was d. 1 Sam. 1. 14. Eli said, how long be rf.? 25. 36. Nabal was very rf. Job 12. 25. stagger like a rf. man Ptal. 107. 27. Li. 19. 14. as a rf. man staggereth i!. 9. rf. but not with wine, 51. 21. 49. 26. be rf. with their own blood 51. 17. rf. dregs of cup of trembling Jer. 2a !). I am like a rf. man 25. 27. be rf. and spue, and tall 48. 26. rf. for he magnified nimself 49. 12. they have assuredly rf. 51. 7. golden cup made earth d. 39. make rf. that they may sleep Lam. 3. 15. rf. with wormwood 4. 21. thou shall he rf. Xah 3. II. 5. 4. rf our water f>>r money Erek. 39. 19. drink blood till yebt rf. tiah. K 10. while rf. as drunkards Hub. 2. 15. and makes! him rf. also Mut. 24. 49. shall begin to eat and drink with the'rf. Luke 12. 45. Luke 17. 8. serve me till I have rf. Acts 2. 15. not rf. as ye suppose Cor. 11. 21. and another is rf. I Thes. 5. 7. be rf. are rf. in night Rev. 17. 6. woman rf. with blood DRUNKENNESS. Deut. 29. 19. to add rf. to thirst Eccl. 10. 17. eat for strength not rf. ler. la 13. fill inhabitants with rf. Exek. 2a 33. shall he filled with rf. Luke 21. 34. overcharged with rf Horn. 13. 13. not in rioting and rf. rat. 5. 21. works of flesh are rf. DRY. '.IT. la 30. it is a rf. seal), a leprosy Josh. 9. 5. bread was d. 12. Jurlg. 6. 37 it be rf. on all the earth 39. let it he d. only on fleece Job 13. 25. pursue the rf. stubble ? "**/. 105. 41. they ran in rf. places 'ror. 17. I. better is a rf. morsel 'so, 25. 5. as the heat in a d. plarf. 32. 2. he as rivers in a rf. placn 44. 27. sa:th to the deep, be J. 56. 3. say, I am a rf. tree li r. 4, II. a rf. wind, not to fan .36. 1 will make her spring! d, 191 DUE Exrk. 17. 24. made it. free flourish 20. 47. devour every rf. tree 30. 12. 1 will m ;i ke tlie rivers rf. 37. 2. bones rf. || 4. O ye rf. bones Has. 9. 14 give them rf. I reasts 13. 15. his spring shall become rf. Kah. 1. 4. rebuketh sea, maketh it i 10. be devoured ns stubble fullv rf, Zeph. 2. 13. make Nineveh d. iik'e Mat. 12. 43. thro'rf. places, Lu. 11.24 Luke 2,'J. 31. what be done in the rf f DRY^rouwrf. G>n. K 13. face ol ground was d. Ejud. 14. 16. on rf. gr. in sea, v!x Jo*//. 3. 17. the prie&ts stood firm on rf. ground in Jordan 2 AT in. 2. 8. Elisha went over on d.g. Ptul. 107. 33. water, springs into d.g. 35. turneth rf. g.into wat-T-spriniM Isa. 44. a 1 will pour flood- on rf. g. 5a 2. grow as a rool oul of a rf -. Ezek. 19. 13. planted in a rf. ground See LAND. DRY, Verb. Job 12. 15. waters, they rf. up 15. 30. flame rf. up his branches ha. 42. 15. will rf. up herbs, pools 44. 27. rf. up thy rivers || 50. 2. sea Jer. 51. 36. I will d. up her sea Zech. 10. 11. deeps of i.ver sh. d. uo DRIED. Gen. 8. 7. natil waters were rf. up Lev. 2. 14. green ears ol'coin rf. by A'I/OT. 6. 3. imr eat moist grapeg or rf. 11. 6. our soul is rf. away Josh. 2. 10. how Lord rf. up Red Sea 4. 23. rf. up waters of Jordan 5. I. heard Lord had rf. up Jordan Judg. 16. 7. with wiihs never rf. 1 Am. 13. 4. Jeroboam's hand rf 17. 7. the brook rf. because no rain 2 A'in. 19. 24. with sole of fi-t have 1 rf the rivers, 7.. 37. *5. Job 18. 16. his roots be rf beneath *8. 4. they are rf. up, gone away Psal. 22. 15. my strength is rf. like a 6!). a my throat if rf. eyes tail 106. 9. Red Sea, it was rf. up ha. 5. 13. multitu. rf. up with thirst 19. 5. river be wasted and rf. up 6. brooks of defence be rf. up 51. 10. it which hath rf. the sea ? Jer. 23. 10. plaies of wildern. rf. up 50. 38. her waters shall be rf. up Erek. 17. 24. rf. up the jjreeii tree 19 12. east wind rf. up her fruit 37. II. they say, our bones are a H(*. 9. 16. their root is rf. up la 15. his fountain be rf. up Joel I. 10. the new wine is rf up 12. vine is rf. || 20. rivers are rf Zech. II. 17. his ,-uin he clean rf up Mark 5. 29. fiin. of her blood rf. up 1 1. 20. saw the fig.irt-e rf. up iitJ. 16. 12. Euphrates was rf. up DH1EDST, ETH. Ji>/> 14. II. and as the flood d. up ""*/. 74. 15. rf. up mighty rivers 'ror. 17. 22. broken spirit rf. holies \a/>. 1. 4. Lord rf. up all the river* DRY-SHOD. a. 11. 15. make men go over rf /. DUE. .;. 10. 13. thy rf. and thy sons' d It >-. 2<. 4!. we receive rf reward 'inn. 13. 7. to whom tribute is rf, Dl K fifHfrflfnct. Cot . 7. 1 "-ouder fc Uie wilt d. 4 Df f. J>. ft 4 rain in 4 r Drvt 11.14 .V. . S. to ofl^r t me in 4 /W 104. 27. m.t in 4 t. 14-V l\ /rr. It. . Word .p.. km in 4 . tret. 10. 17. pntir.-* et in 4. i. M*. 14 45 m.-l m rf .. /. I'.'. 42. Gui A, 9. la rf < Mr .h*ll leap. If I'l ! (IW tfc-ut . l& llwtr fo.* .114* In i t /... S. (V m 4 MUM I hrUl died I fr 15 H. . of one born out of 4 I I 7'iM. t & tu hr tr.tited in i t Til I S. in * I mnifetrd word I f*t 5. . br OMIT .x.lt you la i. (. l'i' I | *. II 7. read** to all their 4 DUKE, & Crm 3tV I.V 4 of too. of Kaaa. 19. 21. i ol the Hunt**. 9. X A Alah. 4 Jrtbrtk f.r,.4 15. IV i uf Mom amaied J*A. II *l. Hnr *nd Keha, 4 DULCIMUL Dm. & a. 4 aod muic, 10, 15. .11 I I Mat 13. IS. ears arr 4 4r* M 87. #*s ^ II. . m r arc 4. of hear. DUMB. Jf/W. 4. II. or who aMkrtb tb 4. fmtL M. 13 I wa M 4 mn m. *. I *t * with atlrnrr, 9. 7"rvr 31. a worn thy mo.ith f..r 4. /. Ji ft. t.Miiur mm. iluUI m .l.erp brfur* skewer* b A M. la hi. walrbmrn .11 4. dogs JTrei. 3. *. i and not be repr..rer *. 17. prk, and, br no more 4 33. W. and I WM on more /t B. 32. brought t him a 4. man U. the i pakr, tuA II. 14. II t and 4. and he healed him li. 30. hatin* with UN-IB thoar 4. 31. wondered whrn thry saw th> i prak, Murk 7. 37. >//* 9. 25. thou c spirit romr nut ;.* I. ga hlt hr 4 until thr day I Cor. II 8. rarrird away to 4 idols t f*. i Ift thr 4 > .pUkiD, DUNO. *>W. & 14. and 4 burn, 7.rr. 4. II. i ft. 17. | III r. XMM. 19. i. I *'. 14. la M Ukrth aoav 4 t &>. , ML rak irf dam- 4 H. 17. rarruM ,rf Jri^brl hr M 4 IK 17. <*'t thrir wn 4 /. 26 IX Jh40 7 prn.K hkr hit own 4 /i tt la thry t-oimr a* 4 t. * fc 4 AD thr rat th t> . rarf a^m fall M 4 riMMkrBB4.IA.rn Kr 4 /.rri. 4. It hit I akr It with 4 IV f itn rf.w'. 4 for nwui** 4 . I. 17. thr.r tr.h t* a* thr 4 . X 3. prr.d 4 oo ytxtr fam. rkiL 1 ft. oo ytx if xilvi bot 4 tidbr IJL ft. dv h"'it. and 4 it .\>i. 1 II H.nun r-p.irrd to 4-r I VMK t ft w r r fr.rni 4 /. 1117 II. Irt hi. hmur hr a 4 traw tro44ra for 4 1 "m i V rmfcrwr 4 /' '. 2. & y>xir h..uw Sr nuxlr a 4 M A. thrlr hur. hr >ra<ime to do to J,J> 32. (V 4 nt how my opinion Hat. *i 48. 4 not ak inon- qiin. ti..n-, Marie l. 34. luX J. 40. Joint 21. li. nunr 4 ak him If numhrr thr '4 of earth 18. VS. who am but 4 and ashes F.mi. ft, Ifi. my to Aaron. mitp 4 9. 9. it (kail brromr smll 4 Lm. 14.41. pour out rf. th.-yctapr i.ff 17. 13. pour out thr blood, and corrr it with 4 iM*. n. 10. who ran count rf. of Ja. Drut a 21. I rait tbe 4 into brook. * Kin. 23. 18. ta ti. makr rain of thy land 4 iaJt. 7. A. rldrn put 4 on heads t 8am. Ifi. IX Shimri cast 4 I A" IB. 1& 38 fire of L. roiiKiimrd d tO. 10. if the 4 of Samaria v.ffiie 9 Chnm. 34 4. made 4 of imavr* Jot i 12. uprinklrd 4 upon head* 7. & flrnh Hotbed with rloda of 4 III 9. brinr me into 4 attain ? y& A rarth. It hath 4. of rold .*U. li. man hall turn njraiti to 4 3ft. 3a 4 groweth Into hardnnw 4V. A and reprnt In 4 and Mhr Pill. 22. 15 hroiifflit me into thr 4 30. 9. ahull 4 prxi.r th>-e, ohsill it TV. . rnemir* -hall lirk tlie ./. 78. 27. hr ruined flrth on them as 4 102. 14. thy cerr. favour 4. thereof 103. 14. hr rrmemherelh we are 4 Keel. 12. 7. h 4 return to the earth In. 34. 7. their d. hll hr made fat 9. 4 be tnrnrd into hrimtonr 40. II comprehended d of earth 49. 23. lirk up the d. of thy feet S2. 2. shake thvrlf from the rf. O 5. 2i 4 be thr rrpei>t> mrat Lam. & 10. out 4 on their heads. Krrk *7 .TO F.xtk. 24 7. to rfirr It with iutt 2fl 4. I will M-rnpr ht-r rf. from her 10. by bit hon*. thrir rf. (hall rover tlier .Imnit. 7. pant aflrr rf. of earth V>r 7. 17. they nhall lirk thr 4 .V.i*. 1. 3 rloiid. are rf. of hit fert //'' I 10. f.,r they l.all heap 4 Vat 10 14. i,.'.r ..ffthr rf i.f your f^rt, Markli II. /.u*r 9 5. Uati 10, 1!. the 4 we do wipe off Jrfi IJ. 51. they >h.Kik off thr dutt fl 23. a* threw rf. into the Rir Krr. la ID. ral rf. on thrir headi A*tkt IM'^i. Or. 13. K, make thy need at the d of the eaitl,, W U c/;rcm. 1. ft 0*t 9. 81. i l( .mall at At 4, \m DWE 2 5am. 22. 43. I beat thrm m iraij < rf /'*. tho' lie heup up silver a* 4 /ML 6. 24. their h.-aom- gi> up i4 40. I5i nations ism.>il rf. oi hlaiirr 41. vf. he gsive ji4 to his sword Zr/jft. I. I" Mood lie poured nut i,i 'rch. y. 3. henp<-d up silver at 4 /ri r 1)1 ST. .'' I. 19. fniiniiatlon is in the rf. 7 21. now .-hall I Merp in the 4 16. I.V denied my horn in tltr d. 17. Ifi. our r.-.t toother is in the 4 20. II. he down with him in Mr rf. 21. vc.. he down alike in Me 4 39. 14. warineth eunn in /4r rf. 40. la bide them in Mr rf together PtaL 7.%. lay mine honour in M- rf. /-./. 2. 10. hide tlie, in the rf. for te.ir 2. 19. awiike nnd sing, ye i the rf, 47. 1. and MI in the rf. (> virvin Lam. a Kf pntti-tti mi. nth in the d. Dan. li .'. sleep tn rf. -h.,il awake .Uir. I. 10. roll thvself in the d. Sah, 3. 18. ii.iu.vi. .hall dwell in 4 Like the hlM. 2 Kin. 13. 7. like Mr rf. by threshing ha. 39. 5. tliy Mmnyrs l. /i*e 4 0/Mr I>L'M Grn. 2. 7. l.i.-rd dirn.ed man of them. Sum. ft. 17. take f d. in the tubern. Dent. 3-i. 24. poUi.'n (> f t-ei^eiit* o/4 I Sum 2. . poor out of 4 Pi. 113. 7. JobS.(L afflii-tionrometh in.to/Mrrf. /Vor. a 2fi. highr>t part o/rf, of world rr/. 3. v. all are of thr rf. /ML 3ft 4. speei li sh. he low out 0/4 Tot/ir DUST. Pi. 22. 29. all that v<> down tn the 4 44. 25. our soul is bowed down tad KM. 29. they die and return tad. 1 19. 26. my soul rleaveth to the d. Eccl a 20. all are of the rf. and turn to rf. again 1m. 23. 12. shall bring fortrew to 4 26. 5. blingeth rity even to the 4 m;f Y. />. 21. 10. rf. of marri. not diminish Deut. 26. 5. shall perlorm rf. of a lni-1. Mini's brother Krrl. 12. la this U whole rf. of man LuAr 17. 10. done that wliirh was 4 Aom. 15. 27. their rf to miii. in rarnal DWARF. Ler. 21. 20 a rf. shall not rome nifh DWELL. Grn. 9. 27. Japhet rf. :n tent of Shem 0-. 2.21. MOP. rontent torf.v.ith niuu .'.i. ."> I will rf. amongst Israel Ler. 13. 4fi. unrl>-Hri ~h II rf. alonr .Viim. U3 9. lo the people sh. rf. alone :. 34. L. rf. among . hil. of Israel Il'iit. 12. II. muse hi. name rf tin rr 33. 12. sh. 4 between his ghouldiT* J'idg. 9. 41. Oaal not rf. in sherhnat 17. 10. Mirah said Levile rf. with 'na I Sam. 27. it that 1 may rf. there I A'in. K. 13. 1 will rf. among Israel 8 12 hr would rf. in thick arku-mj 17. 9. ret to Xar.-pl.at h and rf. thcr* -' A'iw. 4. la rf. among mine wi p?o. Job 3. S. let a rloud rf. HIM i ft II. H. not wirkednt'x- *.. in t.h. rf. -i, thy holy U i\ 13 his soul shall rf. at . x-r 37. 27. depart from evil, and 4 tt U he niiiy rf in thy run's rf. in th- uttermost part* 6a Ifi. hill fio.l d..Mreih torf in la that 1. might rf. among th*u DVVE ft. 7? 9. that d. in wi Iderness s!i. t w 4. 10. than . I (1 in mid-t of a people 11. (i. wolf shall d. with lamb .3. -2\. owls shall d there Sfi. 5. hringeth down them that d. M< awake ye that rf. in the dust 90. 19. the people shall d. in Zion 32. Iii. jiiilifmeiit shall d. in wilder. 18 people d. in a habitation S3. 14. who d. With devouring- fit e ? 16. he -lu'll d on hiiili 24. the people that d. therein 34. li. the owl and raven shall d. 40. 2.'. spreadet h out as tent to d. in 49. 20. (nvf place to me that I may d. 5H. 12. the restorer of paths to d. in 65.9. and my servants shall d. there Jer. 49. 8. fiVe ye, d. deep. O irihabi. Exek. 2. 6. dost d. amon? scorpions 4a 7. I will d. in midst of Israel, 9. ZfcA. 2. 10, II. //* 12. 9. I make to d. in taberna. 14. 7. they that d. under his shadow Joel a 20. but Judah shall d. for evel Mir. 4. 10. thou shalt d in the field T. II the 8 >ck which A solitarily J^ah. 3. 18. O Assyria, nobles sh. a. Hag. I. 4. time to d. in ceiled houses? Zech. 9. a a bastard sh. d. in Ashdod Mat. 12. 43. enter in mid d. there, Luke II. '26. Luke 21. 35. that rf. on face of earth, Acts 17. 26. j-. 7. 15. he on throne shall d. 12. 12. ye heavens, and ye that d. 13. 6. against them that d. in huav. 21. 3. and he will d. with them DWELL. wtth earth. 1 Kin. a 27. will God A on earth ? 2 CAron. 6. 18. Dan. 4. 1. languages that d. in all the earth, 6. 25. fli. 3. 10. to try them that d. in e. 6. 10. blood on them that d. on e. 13 8. all that d. on e. shall worship 14. dereiveth them that d. on e. H. 6. preach to them that d. on e. 17. 8. they that rf. on e. shall won. DWELL, with houte. Di-ut. 28. 30. build house and not d. Amos ft. II. 2 Sum. 7. 2. I d. in a Ao> of cedar, 1 Chron. 17. 1. 5. shall build A. to rf. 1 Chr. 17. 1. 1 Kin. 2. 36. build A. in Jer. and rf. .Y 17. I and this woman rf. in one h. 8 13. I have surely built A. to d. in Jo/' 4. 19. tin-in that d. in h. of clay 19. 15. that d. in A. count stranger Ft. 2:i C. 1 will rf. in A. of the Lord -'7. 4. that I may d in A. of the L. HI. 4. hleised they that d. ill thy A. 101. 7 workcth deceit not d. my A. I'rov. 81. 3. better rf. in the corm r of a house, 25. il. D\VE Pro. 29. 5. huild A. and rf. in them, 28. I) WELL, with Jerusalem. 1 Chr. 23. 25. that ye may rf. in Jer. iNVA. 1 1. 2. offered them to d. at Jer. Jer. 32. 16. and Jerusalem sh. rf. safe Zerh. 8. a I will d. in midst of Jer. Acts 2. 14. all ye that d. at Jerusalem 4. 16. manifest to all that rf. in ,/er. DWELL, with font*. Gen. 24. 37.Canaanites in whose f. I rf. if. 2. rf. iii &jr work In all your 4. St. M It Si. MM* arr tbr d. .4 wicked 19 & ode barren land hi A rY SS. 15 for wicked. u in their rf. f7 t ntr* f Z than all 4. of Ja. .. 38 IS. people dwell In -ure 4. Eitk. O. 1 nvn of ratt mak- 4 ZrA. S. & cnwt .hall be 4 for bep D\S Ki.r. OOTL II. m th. y rf. there. 31 I 90. 17. Y Kit. 16. A. I CAr. 1 4 43. * Ckr I*. .Vamal.lo where they4*JCm IT.W. I Cm. II 11.4 old Mopfe. In Held. s.V Mat. ML M< I C M klnr in the /i 74. t />on H herein thmi 4 /a I. the . ,M where David 4 Jrr. 1 A. a land where no mun 4 39. 14. M Jer. 4 among thr people ik X IV that 4 by nrrr ( hrt>ar Jl ft. under hdow 4 nation*, 17. Dam. 4. *l. l-e-t. .rf field 4 Zrpt. t li rejoicing city that 4 fc I. fii fe.ir.aine n .11 that 4 JMn I. 14 wor.l n.ade flesh and 4. ." mat saw wh.-re he 4 Act* 13. 17. wWn thf y 4 m trang. M. 30. Paul 4 in hired home Mm. II. 10. tormented them that 4 I)\\ Kl.Tut O'm. . 19 and Abraham 4 irt Beer. J it 4 a/ Jerusalem Xrii 9. W. Sul r..n. Jrw. that 4 a< A Miats wh.. 4 at Lydda DWELT to XML W. 15 we bate 4 M E. lonr Tl II. Urmrl 4 M land of Ainnrit.r tn.. t. !. 4 in Ihrir ttewl, 21, W, O. I Cftron. & tt. 3 IA. will n( him that 4 m biuh M .4 then 4 in Unit * *a 7. & *. n.K 4 in any H..UM- Her* I brought I*, out of K. I t'AfMi. 17 5. If. all that 4 > hoiue of Ziha rr, in J rr, in J rr 4 M Jnu^ai Jerub. 8V.I frn Sol rf. M K y A.< IX X l.mel rf. , :br tenU i h.o.M-, . Ckr -AVI 14 Huld. a tbe prophrtn. 4. m " rnlU-a-e. J i*r 14 J* * :-vite^ SethU In ||*| 71 all l.riwlrf. mtlH-ir ,,!,,, f*d- W- 17. ol aiWMMt 4 M tlleare / II 10. >t.all it i^ rf. m frow, g, n . enuion. Jer. itt 3D. Jrr 35. 10 we bate rf. M t nu /.*-* 17 whea 1. rf in land tt wbe* 4 safely ,* IhrkrkMki /* . 4 lit the f..w . rf Mat t n J.M.-ph rf n. 4 in J.,. - , i .. mVnoi raav U 4. above .,i tfcj 4. in Jer. EAR jfrb 7. 3. Ahranam 4. in Charran, the) who rf. in Au heard * Twi. I. 5. whirl, rf. iniir..iidmother DVVKLT Ih.r .1,1 IVtrf t 10. Kminis i/. ( l|.-i>. pUnls 41 I Am II. 24. went to Dam. and 4 t. li youth is ren. like t'ror. 3U 17. th. young e. shall eat Wi. n. 3). mount with wings ase. Jrr. 4. 13 hi* horses swifter than t. am. 4. Ill perse, ut iwitter thnn e. "- - - . be gathered, iu.17.37. KAH ! . 6. ouuter sha 1 1 bore e. Drut. Sam. 9. IV I., hath told Sam. in e.' X Am. 19. 14 bow d* wn e. PL 31. i -,-. '''let thine r. he attentive, ll' it^i'V,'," 111 ii- II. dth not r ir) MiTitnV 34 3 13. I. mine , hath heard *'. II mhen the,, he.rd me . -ve , waited :l'fjr t . iaa EAR Jo 4i 5 1 heard hy Uaring of . /"ui 10. 17. thou wilt cause tliiiH* 31. 'J. how down thine e. to me . i. like adder that stoppeth . 77. I. and he gave r unto me !M. 9. he that planted the e. 116. it he hath incnnrd in* e. Prof. 5. I. and bow thine e. to 5. la nor inclined my e. to them 15. 31. the e. that heareth 17. 4. and a li.,r giveth e. to IHi 15. the . of the w,e teeketli v>i. li hearing e. seeing . >> 2i 17. bow thine e. hear the Wordi -'>. 12. wme reprover on oi.edient t. -> U. turneth away e. from hearii.g /.'/. I. 8. nor is the e. tilled with la. 48. 8. time thine c. was not 50. 4. he rakeneth my e. to hear 5. Lord hath opened mine f. 59. I. e. heavy that it ri.nnol hear r4. 4. nor perceivi-d hy the e. Jer.& IU their e. Is unciri uimiscd 7. 24. nor inclined their c. ii. | 1 1. 8. i 17. SKI | i>5. 4. j 34. 14 | 44. j 9. 20 let your e. receive the word 35. 15. ye have not in, -lined e. Lam. a 5li hide uot e. at my breath. Aiif.t 3. li Iroin the lion piere ol e. Mat. III. <;7. what Ve hear in the r. *6. 51. smote i.B ins t. Maik i I. 17. Luke I'Z 3. which ye have spok in e. 2i. 51. tourlied his e. and healed ^oAn 18. a6. servant whose c. I'eter I ('IT. 2. i). eye not seen, nor e. heard li Ifi. if the;, shall wiy Arp. 2. 7. he that hath an e. Irt hear, 11. 17. S. | a 6, 13, Sri | 13. 9. lurhnr LA H. /W. 17. & U Gd, i. tiiine e. to me, 71. i | 88. i IMO. 37. r..l>an.y. IS. 45. 10. O daughter, i. thine e. I!'. 4. I Will I. n me r. to Prim. X. i so that thou i. thine e. 4. -M. i. thine e. to my saying lia. 55. 2. t. your e. and come litre t AK. KjW. 15. 26. if thou wilt /?. f. to I>ut 1. 45. g. e. to yoikr voii e. v(7,r. 4. ly. AcA. 9. 30. :"i I. p.|| 8H I. *. e. ihep. 84. R.g.e.0 God of Ja, o" I4a I. g. e. to my cuppln ations 1m. I. 2. g. e. O earth 10. g. e to the law of our Gnd 8. 9. g e. all of far countries VS. TJ. g. ye e. and hear 42. 23. who among you will g . .]> 51. 4. hearken and g. e. to me. 'rr. la 15. g. e. ke uot proud Hot. 5. I. and g. ye r. \ l:..i.-e i. g. e. all ye inhabitantt /<*/ KA h. xo4 89. 20. tip ol T. e. of sons, / n, 8. 23. 5M. I 14. 14, 17, X5. S Z-uJte 2t MX cut of) r. c. Johtt is la EAR. jW 9. 31. for ha i ley was nllce. A/ar* 4. 5. the g. full corn in e I Sum. H. 12. set them toe. ground y. 1. 3. let ft-arful depart e. ^.r,;/. 4d me l*>t. 26. 9. will I seek thee e. //<>.v. 5. 15. they will seek me e. 0. 4. as e. dew it goeth, 13. 3. l.ntt 24. 22. women e. at sepulchre Jultn 18. 2a led Jesus, and it was e. i!0. .. comet h Mary Magdalene e. Jaw *i. 7 till lie receives, rain Sre AKOSK, RISE, RISEN, RISING, KilSK, MORNING. EAR. RING. Gi' ''4. 22. man took a golden e. 30. when l.aiian s.iu e. 47. 1 put e. upon her face Jnlt 42. 11. every one gave Job an e. Prnv. 25. 12. as an e. of gold so is a wise reprover EAR-RINGS. (Jen. 35. 4. they L'ave Jan. all their e. fr.-i 32. 2. break off the golden e. 35. '11 they brought e. for offerings Sum. 31 50. we have brought e. Jitdg. 8. 24. irive every man the e. l*a :i. 20. Lord will take away e. Exfk. 16. 12. I put e. in thine ears H'. 2. ia she decked herself with e. EARS. Gfn. 44. 18. let speak in my lord's e. 5'i. 4. speak in the e. of Pharaoh E.rod. 10 12. mayest tell in e. of sun 17. 14. rehearse in e. of Joshua Jnflg. 9. 2. in e. of men of .shec. 3. 1 Hunt, a II. Ix'th the e. shall tingle, 2 Kings 2\. 12. ./. i!i. 3. 2 Sum, 7. 23. we have heard with our e. I Chnni. 17. 20. 22. 7. my cry did enter int'i his e. Jolj 15. 21. a dreadful sound i- in his e.; in prosperity 28. ?2. heard fame with our e. 33. !fi. he openeth the ears of men Pfitl. 18. 6. my cry came inio hise. 34. 15. his e. are open to their cry >l4. I. we heard with our e. O God lift. G. have*, hut hear nut, 135. 17. 1'nrt'. 21. 13. whoso stoppeth his e. 23. !). speak not in the e. of a foM f'i. 17. tint taketh a do? by the e. hit. 1 1. 3. after the hearing of his e. 32. 3. the e. of them that hear 3a 15. stoppeth e. from hearing 35. 5. e. ol deaf shall be unstopped 4't. 8. aiid deaf that have e. Ji>r. 2. 2. and cry in the e. of Jeru. 5. 21. () people, which have e. >9. 29. Zep. road in the e. of Jer. .W'fA 28 14. if come to governor's e. Murk 1. 33. he put tinkers into his e. 35. his e. were opened 8. 18. having e. hear ye not? AH* 7. 51. uncircum. in heart and e. 17. 20. hriritfest atranee things toe. Rum. II. 8. hath given . 2 Win. 4. 3. teachers, hav. itching e. J.ifi. 5. 4. into r. of Lord of sahaoth 1 Pet. 3. 12. ati'l his e. ar open to EARS to hear. Dent. 29 4. I,, hath not given e.toh. K.re'- I '2 2. they have . to /u-r 4fj{ 11. 15. he that hath f. tohiar, li 9, 43. .V 11. A'tA. 8. 3. e. of the p. were attentive Tluir EARS. Ge. 35. 4. eai -rings wh. were in f. e. Exod. 32. a ear-ring.-, in tlieir e. 2 AJ. 23. 2. read i'n tAeiV e. 2 f Ar. 34. 30. Jer. 36. I j. /*. 6. 10. Weir e. heavy, lett hear with their e. Mitt. 13. 15. Acts -.'8. 27. .Wit. 7. Hi'. Wn-iVc. shall lie deal Zech. 7.11. they stopp.-d <. ^. .-/cto7.67. 2 7'i/n. 4. 4. turn . of com Mat. 12. 1. his disciples began to pluck e. Murk 2. 23. Luke 6. 1. See SEVEN. EARNEST. 2 Cor. 1. 22. e. of the spirit. 5. 5. p/t. 1. 14. e. of our inheritance EARNEST. Rom. 8. 19. e. expectation of creature 2 Cor. 7. 7. when he I old e. desire 8. !6. put same e. care into Titus Phil. \. 20. according to my e. expeo. Heb. 2. 1. ought to give more e. heed EARNESTLY. A"m. 22. 37. did I not e. send I Sam. 20. & David e. asked leave,28. Job 7. 2. servant t. dei-ireth shadow Jer. 11. 7. I e. protested to fathers 31. 20. 1 do e, remember him still Mic. 7. a do evil with both hands e. Lutce?!. 44. in an agony he prayed e. 56. a certain maid e. looked on P. Acti a 12. why look ye so e. on us 't 23. 1. I'aul e. beholding couniil 1 Cor. 12. 31. covet e. the bes- gifts 2 Cur. 5. 2. we groan . desiring Jam. .V 17. prayed e. th.it it not rain .Initi' 3. should e. contend for faith BARNETH. llae. \. 6. that e. wn^es e. Input in EARTH. Fatal Gen. ' 3. the e -us without form' 131 EAR Jen. .. 10. God called U t dry land 11. .et e. bring f rth, !!4. 12. p. brought forth (raw 28. replenish the e. 9. I. 6. 1 1. e was corrupt before God 7. 17. the ark was lifted above e. 8. 14. in second month wnt dried 22. #. remain, seed tin,,' not cea 10. 25. 'So his days was thee. divide* 1 Chrnn. I. 19 18. la all nations of e. blessed in him, 22. 18. | 26. 4. | 28. 14. 27. 28 God give thee fatness of e 41. 47. e. brought forth by hanrifulf Exod. 9 29. e. is the Lord's, Dcut. 10. 14 Pial. 24. I. I for. 10. Sifl. 15. 12. thee. swalUwcd them 20. 24. altar life, thou shall make Num. 16. 30. if the e. open her mouth 32. e. opened mouth and swallowed 26. 10. PcaL 106. 17. 34. lest e. swallow us up Deut. 2a 2a e. under thee be iron 32. 1. hear, O e. the words 13. ride on hiuh places of e. 22. a tire shall consume the e. 1 Sam. 2. a pillars of the e. are L.N 4. 5. so that the e. rang again 1 1. 15. and the e. quaked 2 Sain. 1.2. man with e. ou head. 15.32. 22. a then the e. shook, Ps. f& 7. 1 Kin. 1. 40. so that the e. rent 2 Kin. it. 17. two mules' burden of e. 1 Chr. 16. 31. let e. rejoice, Ps. 96. 1 1. 33. cometh to judge the e. Pta.. 96 ia | 98. 9. Nek. 9. 6. thon made e. Jia. 45. 12. ./<'.' 5. 25. offspring as (trass of e. U. 6. shaketh e. out of her place 24. e. given into hand of wick. silver tried in a furnace of e. 25. ia his seed shall inherit the e. 33. 5. e. is full of goodness of Lord 3'. 9. wait on L. inherit e. 11, 22. Hi. 2. though the e. be removed 6. he uttered voice, the e. melted 47. 9. the shields of thee. 48. 2. joy of whole e. is mount Zion CO. 2. made the e. to tremble 63. 9. the lower parts of the A 65. 9. thou visitest the e. 67. 6. e. yield increase, Erek. 34. 27. 08. 8. the e. shook, hcav. dropped 32. sing, kingdoms of e. 71 20. from the depth* of the . 72. 6. showers that water the e. 75. a e. and inhabitants, ha. 24. 19. 8. wicked of the e. shall wring 76. a 0. fearH || 77. la e. tren,Mea, 82. R O God. judge the t. [97. 1 90. 2. or evei thou hadst formed e. 97. 1. let the e. njoire 99. 1. let the e. be moved 102. 25. laid the foundation of th e. 104. 5. Proe 8. 2ft Isa 48. la l-ia 13. his glory is above the 5. I'nn: 3. 1!. LwdlwUi founded !hr* 8. 2a or ever e. was f/.wi. 24. i. u ; not made the e. nor tiridi 25. a e. for depth nnsein-habl* :>. 16. thee not filled with water 21. for thret things ' disiuieUd FAR gfti I. 4. thr ft ai.idrth fur rrrr S. ft th pro*t of Ihr . lor alt 1*0. 4. 1. null of . * xrrllent II. 4. m the . with r<>d ft c. full at know)**** of Lord tt 4. thr . mourneth. ft IB. r. broke*, r. i- 4olvrd ML . (hall rrr' JK Ift . nuit out M 11. f. all drl e. i my footstool AT. 4. Vl I beheld . without for tft fur lbi( .hall tbr . mourn A. Ift brar. O . I will r,rm *vll . m O . A . bear UM word W tbr Lord, tfic. I. t. 41 ft with. I will ravrr the * 10 l thr ft i. mo.ed, MX M. XM*. 7 t! tvr t.. w.rkf.1 of the . A ft L<>rd b*th f.)r*krn thr ft 41. f. ft tblnrd wllh hit lory Wo* t . thr . (ball hear rorn ^M ft ft I will dwkrn thr . J.A t & ibr . with her bar* Jfir. 7. 17. like worm( at the . .V t*. I i thr r ii burnt up //*. 14. ft AIM with knowledge & 1 . wa> full of hi. praise ft did-t rlrar- tbr e. with rivers JEml I. Ift. t and fro thro* e. A 7. 4. 10. ry* which run thro' thr ft /. 4. & let I (mite e. with carte M0L 4. i. mrek hal| inherit ft IV swear not bv ft It ii footstool la Si had much & SI. of thr ft is earthly 1 Car. IS. 47. rst man nf r. earthy f Tim. 9. in. vesvli of wood nnd e. Heb. II 9A whose n.ln> khook t. Jam 4. 7. precioui fruit of the A t r*rt 1 in. e. and wr In off Mo II *l ,,ll f (Mrd with rl,.rr II. U .rfo t f . 13. Zer*. i r .rf*f*,, | A'm tt I Of. l& 14. Judgment* In nil tkr e. SB. f^nr aJltkft /* n I (M. 9 fW I. -tr-lmt m//tte. 9 47 t. kiof M A. 14. 9 - afenree III Im S. > .r,h(p A Ift bl.-h rera///4re V7 9. rr Ip.ihrr^lWJt* iaattHrt Jf. C X. rltT rur^ to // tkr t - wr ..//* dr Om. t. 9 km/Hn rule nrer 00 1 * krrp.HeW tli frum the e. Pial U& 7. praitr \jftt fftm the e. jtmoti. 5. a (iiare/rvm Mr e. John 12. M If Hfled up /rum the t. Art* R 33. hi life i. Hken/romtt. 9. ft S ml Hrode/irnm Me ft W. iB. awmy with Mliiw/rom <*. t. A 4. [Mwer to fake peare/ Me ft li. & H4.'i redernird/rom tAe ft /i.rtRAHTH. Cn. I. tt. Irt fowl multiply in the t. 4 IX a TrtgHhond in tt* ft 14. 6. 4. wlrkedneu frrat in the . 10. & Nimrod mi.rhty one in Ike e. !' 31. not a man in ( e. to rome In 44. 7. preMTve a posterity in the ft r. 0. 4. or that is in tt e. beneath t Sam. 7. 9. uame like (iri-t men in the e. I CArun. 17. a 83. what nation in ft like Irxael ? I Chron. 17. il. I i. 90. to know all things in lAe e. I CAnm. S9. II. all in the e. is thine v? CAron. A. li. no God like thee in t. Jo6 I. 7. ("I"? to and Iroin M'l. 7. Jerusalem a prxiar in the e. 60. 16. blesM-th himnelf in the A iu-i-aret h in the e, Jer. SI. W. a new thin* in the e, Joel i. 30. (h>-\v won. IP r* in the ft Mnt ?.V IS went nnd di iwd in (A . 4 hid thy talent in M* e. Mark t. SI. muttard (red town in Mr r. ie than nil (etnis in Me e. I J.^n Vg three that witne-s in thee. On. or 1,/,-n, the H A Kill. ' .'rn li IV. <... 17. multiply upon thr e. and 19 3. nun wn riven u^>n the . va IK. ladil.-r k.-t upon thee, F.r. 10. A in<-e they were u/mn the e. Deul. 4. 10. they lire vpun the e. 12. 3rV.tt.fe shewed (rrrt re [I, 19. II l. p,,,ir it u/mn Ihr e. 24. 1 f'rwi la. IG. Duvid ly Hunn thee. I A'in. a /7. will God dwellun thee* i Chr n. C la 17. 14. till I., (ends r.iin up-.n the e. I Chr. 15. days on ft a hndou-, J"t> 7. I. time to mxii on ft ? [./*a9. I >n. itand Mt luttef day wp,, f. e. -'I 4. siiii-e n>4ii wan pUi-eil unthee. 37. . (now, I*, thou < rt* e. II II Me. then- i- not lii> like / 7.4 let enemy tread life -mthet. v known upon /Ae ft 7* ti. NIKII H^MI e. I il.'-ire lieiiliii rthinr* little u.Me. i '' '""it / ,.nthe,: '* ' ill. II/B.IM We* UM EAR Cant i 12. flowers appear o* flUs /M. 28. tt. i-oMsninpiion upon the t, Jrr. 9.3. not \aliant for truth uponm Lnm. i II. liver poured ufxnilhee. .lutns a 5. bird (all in snare u. lite e. Mat. 6. 19. lay not up tieasur. on 9. & Still hath potter on ft to for. give, Murk 2 10. l.uke 5 24. 10. 34. come to send peace on e. IA 19. thou -halt hind on e. 18 IS. 23. 9. rail no man lathei upm tlu- 1. Mark 9. 3. no fuller on e. ran white Luke 2. 14. glory to (.od n e. peace 12. 49. come to send fire .-n Me e. 41. rome to give peace on r. ? 18. a shall he' nnd faith on f. t Jn'in 17. 4. glorified thee on the ft /!/! 9. 28. a short work on M 2.S. refused him that spake on ft .fnm 5. .">. lived in pleasure on llu- e. 17. it rained not on tlu! e. Her. 3. 10. that dwell ;/;... n the ft V 10. we shall relirn on r. H. 7. hail and fire cast upon Mr r. 1 1. 10. dwell on the e. la a 14 | 14. 14. 1(1 his sickle on thr e. [6. | 17. & 1C. 2. [loured vial upon thr ft Out of the EARTH, i Sam. 28 la gods B.scen.l. ,,,,t oftltee. i .S'/m. 2a 4. grass out of toe e'. -'' 2a 2 it on i- taken nut "f the ft 4. ft ou/ o/it cometh bread Pt 83. 1 1. truth sh. spring out nft. . IH4. :tt. sinners lie con. out of thee. Dun. 7. 17. four kings ou/ of lite e. Hot. 2. 18. I .at tie out f the ft .Vic. 7. 2. good perished ou/ "f the e. Rev. IM. II. Least up out of the e. To, or u/to, /A EARTH. en. 24 .*>2 Lowing hin.se. f to M ft 42 6. they I. >w. d to M<- r. 4y. *. ./wA. 5. 14, J.HI. Ml to thr e. 7. fi. I Sam. 5. a Dag. on hi- fa.', to Mf ft 17 49. Goliath his fare to the e. ?5. 41. bowed herself to Me e. I Kin. 26. a smite him to Mr e. [I. 31. 20. let not my blood fall to tlir c. i Sam. 14. II. Dot one hair shall fall to thr e. I A in. I. .Si > Kin In. in. fall to / r. no word of L. lob 12. 8. or upeak to Me e. full. 17. II. bowing d<.wn t thr ft 44. 24 belly r.eaveth FJW/O '<. .VI. 4. he shall call to ti,,- r. l' ; 4. he retnrnetli f./ his r. AVc/. a 'l\ spirit of heat g.^th to ft 12. 7. dust return to < ft smrit to li. ler. 15. III. cont.-iition /-/Mr u holer. /Aw A 3. and former rain to Mr r. .<- <* 9. 4. and Saul fell to Mr r 10. ||. gr.-at sheet down to the r. Her. 6. 13. stars of hexv. 'ell to tlie e la dragon rast unto Hie e. EARTH I- X. Ler. A 2& *. vesel wh.-r. in soddei I!. 33. ft vessel whercinto lall.-ih 14. \ hiids killed in e. tessel, ,VX Yum. 4. 17. water In e. ve-sel '' r l!(. t. a potter's ft bottle vi 14 evidences in an r. v. --.! t.nm. 4. 2 este'ined a" e. piti'Lers i Cor. 4. 7. treasure in a t es-.-ls EAK IHLY. tin 3. 12. if \ told you e. thinri 31 he that in of the earth is r. (nr. V I. our e. h e of taLrrn, PM. a 19. who mindr. thiuirs 'ime*3. 15. this i-d...n is ft sena E A KTUV Cur. 15. 47 firat inaii of i>mrth> EAS i Cor. 15. 4ft. have borne Image of e EARTHQUAKE. 1 Kin. 19 1 1. an e. L. was not in e. 12. after the e. a fire /JCT. 2fl. (i visited of Lord with ft AmQt 1. I. two years before the e. Zech. 14. 5. ye fled before the e. Mat. 27. 54. 'centurion saw the ft 28. a. there was a ereat ft /. 25. 13. soul shall dwell at e. 12S 4. scorning of those at ft /a. 32. 9. rise up. ye women at ft 11. tremble, ye women ate. Jer. 48 II. Mo'ab hath been ate. i-ftt. 2a 42. voice of multitude at e. Amos 6. 1. woe to them at e. in Zinii Luke 12, 19. take thine e. eat, drink EASE. Verb. Deut 23. 13. wh. thou wilt e. thyself 2 Chron. 10. 4. ft thon somewhat, 9. Isa. 1. 24. 1 will e. me of adversaries EASED. Job 16. 6. though I forbear, what am I e. ? 2 Cor. 8. 13. that other men be e. EASIER. ITrorf. 18. 22 shall it be ft for thyself iV/at 9. 5. whether is e. to say, M<;rk 2. 9. Lnke ft. 23. 19. 24. e. for camel to go through eye, Mark 10. 25. Luke 18 25. Li/fo 16.' 17. ft for heaven to pass EASILY. 1 Cor. 13. 5. charity is note, provok. Heb. 12. 1. sin which doth ft beset us EAST. Gen. 3. 24. ft of the garden of Eden 13. II. Lot journeyed e. 2a 14-. abroad to the west and e. 29. 1. land ot the people of the ft A'um. 23.7. Bal. brought me out of e. Judg. 6. 3. children of the e. 3a | 7. 12. | 8. 10 I Kin. 4. 30. 1 Kin. 7. 25. three toward the e. 2 Chr. 4. 4. 1 Chr. 9. 24. the porters toward e. 12. 15. to flight them toward ft Job 1 a of all the men of the e. . Psal. 75. 6. promotion not from ft 103. 12. far as the e. is from west 107. 3. gathered them from e. Ita. 11. 14. spoil them ofe.Jer.49. 28. 41. 2. righteous man from the e. 43. 5. bring seed from e. Zech. 8. 7. 46. II. bird from the e. the man Ezek. 8. 16. faces towards the e. 40. & gate toward the e. 22. | 43 1. | 44. 1. | 4fi. 1, 12. 47. 8. waters issue toward the e. 4H ID. toward the e. ten thousand Dan. 8. 9. horn great toward e. 11 41 tidings out of the e. Zerh.ll 4. mount sh. cleave toward ft blat. 2. I. wise men from the ft S. seen his star in the e. 9. 8. 1 1. many come from ft Luke 13.29. 24. 27. as lightning nut of the e. Rev. 1. 2. ai;gel HSCI miing from ft 18. 12. the way of kinirs of e. 'i\. 13. on the e. three gates EA.ST BORDER. &>>m. 34. 10. point out your ft border !oA. 4. IB. eucampcd in the e. 6. EAT Jmh. \i 5. thp e. border was salt sea EAST EH. Act 12. I, aft.T e. to bring him forth EAST GATE. Xeh. 3. 29. Shemaiali keeper of e. g. Jer. 19. 2. entry of the e. gate Ezek. 10. 19 stood at door of e.gate 11. 1. Spirit brought to the e. gate EAST SIDE. Num. 2. 3. on e. tide shall Ju pitch Josh. 7. 2. Ai, on e. ride of Beth.-l Judg. 11. 18. rame by e. side of Moab Ezek. 48. 2. from the. e. ride even nnto, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 23, 24, 25, 26, .T. Jonah 4. 5. Jonah sat nn e. s. of city EASTWARD. Gen. 13. 14. lift up thine eyes e. Deut. 3. 27. 2 Kin. 13. 17. open the window e. 1 CAr. 2fi. 17. e. were six Levites Ezak. 47. 3. man with line went . EAST WIND. Gen. 41. 6. thin ears blasted with e. trinrf, 23, 27. Ex. 10. 13. L. brought an e. w. 14. 21. Jnh 15. 2. fill his belly with e. trind 38. 24. whirh scattereth the e. wind Psal. 48. 7. breakest ships with e. w. 78. 26. caused e. wind to blow /.ra. 27. 8. stayeth rough in day of e.w. Ezek. 17. 10. then, irind toiicheth it 19. 12 and the e. viwddrieth up 27. 20. th.- e wind hath broken Hoi. 12. 1. Eph. folioweth e. wind 13. 15. an e. wind shall rome Jonah 4. 8. God prepared e. irind Hat. 1. 9. faces Mip up as e. u-ind EASY. Prm. 14. 6. knowledge is ft to him Mat. 11 JiO. my yoke'', e. 1 C.- Hot. 4. 10. shall ft and rot have enough, .Vic. 6. 14. Hug. \. t> 9. a shall e. unclean things 4 ft thereof shall be pnllnti-d Amoi 6. 4. that e. the l:.rnh Aft'c. 3. a who also e. the flesh Zech. 11. 9. let the rest e. Mat. 12. 4. David did r. shew_hria 14.20. did all e.'and filled, Ib. 37. MarkS. 42. j 8. 8 !.*, ! 17. 15. 27. dogs ft ot iTumta, Mnr ~. 2M 3a they that did e. were 4M.O 26. 21. as they did ft he said. MjrJ, R 18, vi 26. take e. this is my body. Murk 14. 22. 1 (". II *l. Mark 2. 1G. saw him ft with |>uMi. 6. 44. that did ft were alo. aOU) II. 14. no man e. fruit f th.-e 14. 12. thou mayest ft th.- cs-.-> r, 14. Luke M. 111. Jewl* LuXeS. I. did ft ruhbii.f \'..tjs 10. 8. t. such things. *- re at* EAT * 11 & Irt u* e. an.l (M> mprry t 43. hp limk it, an-l did p. /I* 4 -n. **yia, M.. & Jfi. fat-can.* re did p. of loavp* 41 Pire(tt ve ' > of s - "' m Act* t * their mrftt II. a and didil P. with them n. It. r nolhiiiit till Um Pail H*m. It 2. b.-lit-velh h.- my r. all Jl do.i--t.Jh i. .tMinned if h *. I Cr. a - P. are Setter, if we e. Pol II I Will t. IMI fc-.ll WhllC to li who e. ->f the uu-rinV SS wh*t ..ld In haiMe, that . ft. r. .kln nl ^ue.tliin TW J 10. any work n..t,nithprf. S TVa*. It 17. want will r. as ranker JaM V 1 and .hull f. vour flph Rrr. 17. IK. 4h'l r. lirr fl.-h Ml i & that r fl-h ..f ktiurt HL..OII. KKI>, FAT. . mlb drink. Om. n M .lid r ad rfn*, M. 30. f.r*4 -M. II. JK/r !' '-fl- i ' 9 - < JCr. 31 Ml t r. Mirf i , I Cr. In. 7. 3V n. P l.rr-nd ii. r rf. 0pt a 9, 18 S Sn**. II. II. mv hou-tn& and rf. II 3. of hi. meat and A of i up 10 XV tat- wlwl I e. ttf ViA f I A"i. 13. s n..l P. brid nor rfn'n* WHI.T. u. n, -a. K 41. Elijah Mid. r. and *Vi* f JCiV 6. tliat they may t-. and i la ft. e. dun* and/ piw, /M M I*. am Id A Krra f, IMI bread ni.r rf. >V*. a l. I. I?, ptilw tu r. water tit 4. Hot. a iS wtwl f. or 4. 31 /.* !. l ft. 48. e. aod drink with drunken, /.** 11 45. * V l why . and H hival Kii.1 ifntutr nip f7. H*II ^. and ^r.* unworthily M. trt h"ti P and drink Iff .^rf.^r ,...ih,.. r GW t IX *r rfi4 r with Grntilm Gr* t 17 hlt / t. ..f It. X 1. 1 XIII r.4tm*ii4rd M( to f IT ft 4. Ih- Mm* .* r. /^r. 19. l 3. M. SL I IS. . ' -"1(111 mate. AjrW I ' ( .1 r .< r "r .Hidrll l.i.11 ItV r lhrr.-..f L* t. I |T r .4 ho y, rt 10, It Dn^. 14, n m' ' I', n, tl,., . />. * 41. :il fWr. H 4 <. .*ii.^,nli, < IX ii.r propip will awf r. M XL IMI rrlf.-d, I will HO/ . EAT t JCin. 7. 1 tat no/ . there ', 19. F-rra i &J. not r. l bly tliinr, ,Vr*. 7. fW. Pnl, Ml. 4. M m not . f dHiutif* /"r.T. ?a 6. r. V hrrM I "f In in rt 7. 3. -x. ,-ft wialifth f. not. 4. I.uJcrfi IB I will ../r. iht-rciif I Cor. 5. II. nilli -u.-li no not toe. 10. 28. . *.f for hi- Hke SA,/// tff E A r. r. li II . J.-illi/r ' -:th l..!ns gird. IS. *rv(*n .I..) s l/Hf// v f- 20 . 31. tJt.iU^rr. miy H.-li torn l.er. 10. M. Viiv- hr.-H>( iltall t/r f. 11. 9. rhfwcth the rnd, lli..l tlmll tffe. Dfitt It. 4,6. 19. 85. in thr fifth var JtaUyee. Yeth.il/ kAT. fr. li. II. vfikattt. it iii hMt> IS vr tfiall e. uiili*ai>nrd hra 12. i/r ikolle, tin- iniTeaM! l!l iff*l,,,tte. your fill M V .A./.7 * nf oM >t..rr, 2A. la ru/." |4. II. c'ran l>ir.l$ iff tlia I e. V Kin 19. -23. ye tltull e. tl.it \f-ar, In. 37. 30. ha. I. 19. If ohrdifiityr /<.///< fil. 6. Vf ''"<'' f- rirliM of ; ntil Joel V.'tft. vr*hitllt. in pit-ill y /,uX-<- li jfi IMI th..uirlit what ittcr tn e. tlierHtf lit. 113. M. cliall h<- for them to f. Irr. 19. 9 rniiM- them la e. the flesh Ezfk. :t 2 mused me toe. that roll . aue thy iM-lly (ue. Dun. 4. -ii. nnk<- thee In e. nras 32. Wir. 7. I. there i no Hmt-r to e. H'i>' I 8. H* eaele tht lui-t.-tli to t. Mai. !V. I. f. pin. k ear 4iid t t. 4. not lawful to e. Murk 2. i /.nA'.'fi 4. 14. 16. fle them to e. A/rA 6. 37. I.itkf9. 13. 15 <0. /a f. with iinwiuhen h,in.l< 3i inullitiide harp nothing tn r. M'trk 8 I, 4 Sfl. 17. whpf" prpparp to e. pa*.? Mark .S 43 >nii.|h. thingi II. 'JO Ih.j i not /o r l^.rrt'^ up. WeA. IM. In mi nlt^r M.. riuht In e. Rrr. V. 7. tn f. ..f Hie tree ,,l life 14. I,, f. tl-i.,.- .arnfi.-ed, 20. 17. to P. itf liiddf n manna K \ I' i.p. C,r*. 41. 4. lean did p 7 fut. . .VNM. 4. N he .hall r. ti/i natioui r*. /7. V. en**ii}ir mme to f. up flesh t < "^ ll'l tile li.-rt,. /^ *' t. e. iip B..--IC-. e. ti/i vine r? wind .-. w;i nil p:itures HM. 4. a lltey r ,, the MM of ^"*- S /' 1 ke mnkpr r. Itt 9. Ukr it. ,,d p. it up 134 EAT EATKS. Grn. 3. II hast thoii r. of trep 14. 24. wlii.-h yoiiiii? men have e. 41. *l. wh.-ii s'h.-y had t. tht-in f.'j-. 1^. 4(i. in one house sh it h-i- 13. 3. I o leHVfiK'.l tin-ii'l lie e. 7. ?l. '.'H his !.-,!, ehall not t r P. 29. 34. not be e. because it is hntr Lev. G. Id .hall l.p f . in the holt pia<-p, in. | ;. d. 23. wholly burnt not ! e. 7. 19. 3U no sin onVrinv >l.all b<- c. 7. l.i -hall he p. the ...IIIH dny 16. III. 17. why not cat -in fl>Tiiiff? II. 13. not bi-p 41. />/. 14. 19. 19. fi. shall I.ee. -am.- day. fi. 3H. \ui/t. 2& 17. unleavened i.r.-.iil !.. A'*.*.4Y '.'I Devt. & 11. when thoii -halt hav.. M II.. I* Vfi. 14. I have tint e. in mourning jffl. 6. yp hHve nul r. t.it-ad 31. ll. win n they -hall have*. ./.../,. S. Ii h.-i.l . ..i ..l.i i-oru RuUi 1 ~. when I'...;*?. hal. 12. hail p. hi> spirit . ante I A'f'n. 13. -A lion nt e. the i-rrM AV/i. 5. 14. have not e. the bread Mft !>. iin-av..iir\ > without melt 31. 17. or have p. iny mr.rM-l 3!) if I have t. the fruits /*. K). 9. <-H! of tlui.e h...|e hath e. me up. Ji.lm i. 17. 10& 9. I harp r. i.Hhe^ likt- bread Pruf. 9. 17. bred f. in -erret v:i 8 inoiM'l r. >liint thoii vomit Citiit 5. I. I havee. my liom y romb /MI. 3. 14. ye hav.' f. up vineyard Jrr. 10. 2:1." they have r. up Ja. i5. J/t It. 21. Hiid they tlr.t had . A/,i/-X- 8. 9. l.tikr 13. 8*1 wp havp e. ami .Irunk 17. 8 till I haver, alter ward t hu e. Act* 10. in. hiuiLTv. would have e. U. Lord, I have ' r. any llunc <-<>m. I A ^3 he was e. of worms J7. 3M. when they h.iti (- enouph Ret*. 10. IU as I ha- P. it, belly LitUT EAI KR. ^Hrfy. 14. 4. nut o' e. ramp forth meat /> .S5. 10. may irive hre.id t. the t. Su/i. a Ii fall 'int.. month of e. EATKHS. Pror.23. 20. among ii..tons t. offleth Gen. i 17. dny thoii p. tln.ii -lialtdip I Sttm. I. a why f. thoii not ? KATK'I M. f:.r. 12. 15 who p It avfiied hroaH. 13. Lev. 7. 18. soul that e. 20. ->5. /?. I 17. I 'I, I.V Xum. 11 rW. land *. up inhnbifiii'H I *!. 14. 2t. ror-.'.l 'ran thai t. >$. J-il>h. 5 harvet Hi.' htrcsry c. cp !?l i"> ni-verp ith p!e.iure 40. 15 I.elienioth f. t'ra-- a- .en < I P./;/. Ilir, ><1. HII ..X that p. ?rriK /rw. I a V5 lit 1 t.-Mi- p M -ati.fy 30. 20. he c. and \vipfth mouth 31. 27 flie r. not hread of i.iie->i Krd 4. ."> f..o! * hi- oxvn (lest. M hehoM Ii. ^ I .it awakelii 4. 10. with part h.> p. fl.-sh 5!i 5. that p. ,.f their epm .Vv fl.-h .1 .-l!.-th in I*. he that r. me sha'l live rvm EFF John 6. 58. he that e. of this bread limn. 14. 2. another weak e. herbs 3 let not him that e. despise 6 that e. to L. that e. not, to L.e.not 20. evil for who e. with offence 23. d iinned because e. not of faith I Cur. 9.7. who planteth vineyard and e. n.it '! and e. not of milk 11. 29. that e. unworthily, e. damn. EATING. [16,18,21. F.rod. 12. 4. every man to his e. 16. I'uifg-. 14. 9. Samson went on e. 1 Sum. 14 :H sin not in e. with blood V A'i'n. 4. 40. us they were e. pottage Jolt 20. _'.'(. upon him while he is e. Jtii. fi6. II. e. swine'sfle^h .<>ti * 7. 2. made an end of e. grass Ma'.. 'J6. 20. were e. Jes. took breai J fjr 8. 4. t. of things sacrificed !!. 21. in t. -v one taketh own sup. See DKIMIINO. EDGE. [A r um. 33. fi. .iv/rf. !3. 20. Eth-im in e.. of wilder. '.*:. 10. !oops in the e. of curtain Etc/. 10. 10. do not whet the . Set- TKI:I H. EDQEofUeticord. C?n. 34. 26. slew Ha. with e. oft. A'.ivirf. !7. 13. Amalek with e. of no. A'um. 21. 24. smote Sihon withe, oft. Juth. 8. 21. smote Ai withe offimrd Jwlg. 4. 15 Sisera with e. oft. ||2l. 10. Jahesn-gilead Jnh 1.15. Job's servants with e. <>fs.\~i. P>al 89 43. turned the e. of the s. i/cr.21.7. Neb. smite thern with e. off. LitkeM. 24. Jews fall by e. ofswi.rd Heb. II. 34. thro' faith escaped e. A I. 12. the e . of body of Christ 16 i the b..dy to the e. of itself 29 *-hich is good to the use of p. 1 Tim. I. 4. questions rather than e. E F F E ( T . SuMintire. JJum.90.3. husband make vow of no e. Pi. 33. 10. devii. '8 of peopleofnoi.ee. Isa. 32. !7. thee. of righteousness F.zrk. 12. 23. and e. of every vision Mtit 15. 6 make corn, of G. of none e Murk 7. 13. Wv-rrt of God of none c Rum. 3. 3 unbelief make the fait! of God without ' 1 14. promise of none e. (jal. 3. 17 ELD Rom. 9. 6. won! hath taken none e. 1 Cor. I. 17. cros- of C. be of none e. Gal. 5. 4. Christ is become ol no e. EFFECT, Verb. Jer. 48. 30. his lie.-, shall not so e. it EFFECTED. 2 Chr. 1. 11. Solomon prosperously e. EFFECTUAL. 1 Cor. 16. 9. a great door and e. 2 Cor. 1. (i. is e. in enduring suffer. Epft. a 7. by the e. working of 4. 16. according to the e. working Philem. 6. tliy taith may become e. Jam. 5. 16. the e. prayer of a right EFFECTUALLY. Gal. 2. 8. he that wrought e. in P. I Thess. 2. 13. th<' word e. worketh EFFEMINATE. 1 Cor. 6. 9. nor t . shall inherit EGG. Job 6. 6 any taste in white of e.? Luke 1 1. 12.ask e. will otier scorpion? EGGS. Deut. 22. R whether young ones or e. Job 39. 14. ostrich leavethe. in earth Isa. 10. 14. one gathereth e. 59. 5. hatch co. katrice s e. Jer. 17. 11. paitridue sitteth on e. EIGHT. [4. /,*< 2.21. Gen. 17. 12. he that is e. days old, 21. 22. 23. these e. Milcah did bear Num. 29. 29. e. bullocks, two rams Jwig. 3. 8. Israel served e. years 12. 14. Abdon judged Isr. e. years 1 Kin. 7. iO. of stones of e. cubits 2 A'l'u. 8. 17. Jehoram reigned e. yrs 22. 1. Josiah was e. years old, 2 Chr. 34. 1. 2 Chr. 29. 17. sanctified L. in e. day Eccl. 11. 2. portion to 7, also to e. Ezek. 40. 31. going up had r. steps, 41. e. tables slew sacrifices [34. 37, Mic. o. 5. seven shepherds, e. men l.uke 9. 28. ah. .ut an e. days aft. r John 20. 26. after e. nays his disciples /frfr 9. 33. Eneas kept his bed e. y. I Pet 3. 20. e. souls were saved EIGHTH. Lev. 25. 22. shall sow K. year and eat 1 Kin. 6. 38. in Bill, which is?, month 1 Chron 24. 10. the #>. lot came fortl Zfh. 1. I. in e. month word came 2 Pet. 2 5. saved Noah the e. person Rer. 17. II. beast that was, is^tlie e. 21. 20. e. foundation was a beryl Sei> DAY, DAYS. EIGHT hundred. Gen. 5. 4v Adam lived r. h. years EIGHTEEN. 1 Kin. 7. 15. two pillars of brass e. rnbits.2 Kin. 25 17. Jer. 52. 21. 2 Chr. 11. 21. Keho. took e. wives Luke 13. 4 e. on whom tower fell 16. Satan biith hound e. years EIGHTEENTH. 1 Kin. 15. 1. in e. year of Jeroboam, 2 Chron. I a 1 1 CAron. 24. 15. e. lot. came forth 25. 25. the e. to Hanani Jer. 32 I. w^ e. year of Nehuchad EITHER. John 19. 18. crucified, on e. ide one Her. 22. 2. e. side riv. r tree of life ELDER. Gen, 10.21. Shern brut her of Ja. the* 25. 23. e. erve younger, Ram. !>. 12 I A'i'n. 2. 2'J. be ii. mine e. brother .A// !.">. 10. mpn. much r than father Ezek. 16. 46. thy e. sister is Samaria l.iikf 15. 'J'v hi- f. son was in field I Tim. fi. 2. intreiit the <. women 1 1'rt. '>. 5 vo". Hirer, submit to ft KI'.DFK for rt//T. 1 Tim. 5. 1. n-l.itke not an e. I 3 ELD Tim. 5. i!>. ng. e. receive not t^rj. Pet. 5. 1. who am also ail e. John I. the e. to Jhe elect lady 3 John 1. the e. unto Gaius ELD E US. 'en. 50. 7. the e. of his home went Leu. 4. 15. e. ol congreg. lay handi Mum. II. 86. L. gave spirit to 70 e. Deut. 29 10. befor.- the L. your e. 31. 28. gather to me all e. of tribet 32. 7. ask tliy lather and e. 1 Sum. l(i. 4. e. ol the town trembled 1 A'i'n. 21. II. e. did as Jezebel sent 2 A'i'n. 6. 32. Elisha and e sat 10. 1. Jehu sent to e. of Jelrepl 19. 2. Hrzekiah sent e. ha. 37. 2. Pxitl. 107 3'i prais. in assembly of . /*ri/ft.3l.23. husband known umong , Lam. I. 19. e. gave up the ghost 2. 10. e. of /inn sit upon ground 4. 16. favoured note. 5. 12. I-'si'k. 8. I. and the e. of Judah sat Joe/ 1. 14. gather the e. 2. Itt Mat. 15. 2. the tradition of the e. Hi. 21. suft'ei things of e. 27. 12. 2fi. o9. c. sniiirht false witness 27. 20. e. persuaded the multitude 41. mocking with the e. said 28. 12. weie assembled with the e, Mark 7. 3. tradition ol the e. 8. 31. rejected of the e. l.ukt 9 22. 15. I. held a consultation with e. Acts 4. ft e. were gathered tngcthcl 23. all tl.M the e. had said fi. 12 stirred up the people and e. 1 1. 30. sei t it to the e. by Barnabas 14. 23. ordained e. in every church 15. 4. of the church and of the e. 6. the apostles and e. came 2,'i. apostles, e. and brethren, send 16. 4. decrees ordained of the e. 20. 17. called the e. of the church I Tim. ft 17 e. rule well be counted Tit. \. 5. ordain e. in every city Heb. 11. 2. by f ilh th. e. obtained Jam. 5. 14. call fore, ofchurih 1 Pet. ft. 1. e. which are among you Ren. 4. 4. upon the seats I saw 24 e. 10. the 24 e. f-.ll, 5. 8. 14. | II. Id 5. 5. and one of e. saith [ I 19. 4 6. in midst of e. stood a Lamb 7. II. angels stood about the a. 13. one of the e. answered ELDERS, with rtft/. Deut. 19. 12. e. of city shall fetch 21. 3. e. of city shall take heifer 6. e. of that'rt'/y shall wash 21. 19. bring son to c. of his ci/v Jurfg-. 8. 16. he took e. of the cit'v Riith 4. 2. Hoax took men of e. ol Ezra 10. 14. the e. of every o'/v ELDERS uf Israel Ef>d.3. 16. gather the e. of Israel 12. 21. Moses railed for e. of Ifratt IR 12. the e. nf Itniel came to eat 24. 1. seventy of the e. of Israel. 9. Ai/m. II. 1C. Be<. 27. 1. e. of Israel i oinnianded 31. 9. Mo. delivered law to e. of It. Jf/jr/j. 7. 6. e. o|"/. put dust on Iv-ads 2 Sum. 5. a e. of lit. came to king itt Hebron. \ lit*. 8. a 2 Chr. 5. 4. 17. 4. sayinu pleased all f. of Israel 15. Ahithophel counsel c. of It. Extk. 20. 1. c. of I*, came to iiijuire Actt 4. 8. ruler's of pen. and e. of It. ELDERS, with ur/,/<>. A"i/w. 11. 24. Moses gathered 70 men of the - ol thefjopfc I Sam. 15. 30. hotioin hi-l.-ree. of;,. Mat. 21. 23. the e. ol ^i,/'/' runic. l.,,kr 22. I*. 27. 1. e. of the /if(/;i/r took counsel ogtkiuvt J.-ui ELS F.I.!' On. t( 1 M. --"'I ! hit . servant 97. I. laac called E-au bit e. ton 44 It. bean at ill- f. Sum I M Reuben . on. M. 5. I SOT "f Jease, 14. tt. Kllab hi. t. brother t A. & ft. h- |...,k bin . ton .W 1. 11 drinkiuf in t. brother'- IM.UM-. 13 foAai 9 oe >>T "ne. beginning ate. BLr {M. 44 I. mine r. In whom my oul 5. 4 1-rarl inii.e e. I have called 63 9 tlner ih*ll inherit it K. mlm> e. hll lon enjoy Jf( St. s-i hut for the r. th.-r dav. lull be n..rteBed. .V irA 13 ifi 94. deceive the verve. .War* II i SI. mnflt hll nth* < from four wind.. V.trA 13. /7. te IS. 7. Ood avenge hi* own e.l Rom. a to chre of f;od's .? CW. 1 I*. Put on M r. of O. howelf I Tim. i. *l. before la- t. anyrli I TV**, t 10 endure for thr r. sake TVt I. I. bi the Uilh of f;..d'. r. I Frt 1.1 * ari.rdin G 4 1 under r. a the world ft the weak and beggarly e. t fet 3.10. t. molt with heat, 12. ELEVEN. Urn. K. H. Jacob took hii r. tons .77. 9. tun, moon, and e start Ef. 2& 7. . rurum. shall make 14. e. curtains | I i e of one Rice \at 39. JO, r. bullocks. two r^ma Deitt Lit. dayt' journey from H. Jm. Ik. M. *. cities with villaret J*4f. l& i. . huiid pit-re, of silver 17. i e. hundred >hekeli ufillrer t Km. 23. 3rV Jehoiaklro reigned . jer In Jerusalem, 1 C'Ar 3A. 5. 14. ISL Z^ehkh . >eart, X CArtm. 3d II. Jr. M. I. Wt .!. dUriplet went to Gal M broken up KlekM IM t. yewr. *X | 31. 1 a were hired abl the r hour M. IL 98. . faniodatioa of Ue city ff. 4. la O my !rd. I am not <>. |j > 3L L. d-ik take away e. orator 4c< 1C. 94. Apollo-. M . man BUK f*Mt 4. SB. Ixwd beta nod. there h flO /* EMP Ji/r 7.14. oothinf e.tave *. of Oid. I CAnm. 81. II or e. three dyt P*iL 51. l& not ta.-rlBcc e. wive it /M. 47. & none e. beside* me, 10. ./..An 14. II or . bellrre roe AMU. S. 15. arcusiiif or e PXrVHt AtB. 1 i. rrp-'iit, or r. I enine, Ifi. KM BALM. GL SO. t Joseph commanded phy- Mriiiii- to e. liia father EMBALMED. Gen. SO. 8. phv*irian r. luracl i6. they ft Joseph in K(rypt EMBULDENEO. 1 Cor. & 10. the concience be e. KMBOLOKN'KTH. Job 16. I. . thee that anBwvrett t EMBRACE. 1 Kin. 4, 10. thou thalt c. a son fror. 4. 8. whnn thou dwtt . 10. why wilt thou e. bosom of EccL 3. 6. a. time to t. and to refrain Cunt. I & right hand doth r. me. x. 3. Lam. 4. 5. up in tmrlet. r. dutiL'hill.- EMBJIACEO. Gen. 90. U Labwi e. Jacob 33. 4. Etau ran and e. Jacob 49. 10. Jacob e Joeph' 1005 Art, 10. 1. Paul e. di iplit lli'j. II. 13. teen and e. the promise!. EMBRACING. rr 3. & time to refrain from e. Act* m. 10. Paul e. Eutyrhua EMBROI K'K. F.xod. 2a 39. thou halt e. the coat EMBROIDERER. Kind. 35. 35. work of the e. 38. 23. Aholi.,b, an r. in blue EMERALD. S. K.md. 89. 18. terond rnw e. 39. II. 'JV*. 37. la Syria in faint with e. 23. 13. preriout ttone, the e. Rev. 4 :i rainbow like unto an e. 21. 19. fourth foundation wat an e. EMKRODS. Dent !& 37. L.will unite thee with e. Sam. ft. ft. L. tmote Ahdod withe. 9. f. In their tecret partt 12. died not were tmitten with e. 6. 4. antwered. five Kolden e. 17. 6. make ims^en of your e. 11. EMINENT. F.*'k. 16. 24. built an e. place, 31. 39. throw down thine e. plre 17. M. an hitrh and e. mountain EMMANUEL. In. 7. 14. call hit name . Mai. 1. 23. R 8. brradtli of thy land. O Em. EMPIRE. EM. 1. 90. puMi-hed throughout e. EMPLOY. Deut 90. 19. tree, to e. in sie r EMPLOYED. 1 CAr. 9. 33. tinren . dny and nirlit EMPLOYMENT. Ertk. 39. 14. tetrer nut men of e. EMPTY. Gen. 31. 42. hadtt trnt me away e. 37- 94. the pit wan e. no water in it 41. 27. the seven e. ear* bUtted Erod. n. 15 none thxll tppear be fore ure. 31. M. Dfit 16. 16. Juilr. 7. 16. Ij hand e. pi'chen Ruth \. 21. brought me h'>roe e. 3 17. fo not e. to mother.in.law 1 Sam. ft. 3. aend not ark away e. 20. ia thy seat will ! . v5, 27. 9 tarn. I. 22. tword returned not c. 2 Kim. 4. >. (co, borrow thee . vextel* J4 91 9. batt tent widows away . SB. 7. the ntwth urr the e. place M. 24. I. the Lord mak.th eiirth e. 29. & hungry man awaketh. tnul e. X. f to c. th* twul of the hungry END Hot. 10. I. Israel ia an e. tine .V<;A *. In. Nineveh is f. and void M,il. \t. 44. it nun.-, lie ftndeih it K Mark 12 3 sent him away e. l.itkr Luke 1 51 ri.-h lie ti-i.t e. [20. 10. II. EMPTY, ferh. I.rr. 14. 3fi. that they e. the house E'-cl. II. a the rloui> e. them>elvt ./f/- 51. .' faiiner;! thall e. her lan-l Hal: I. 17. shall they e. their net ZecA. 4. li. whirli e. th.- golden oil EMPTIKU. On. 42. 35. they e. their sucks i CAnm. V!4. II. officer e. the chest IM. iU. 3. land ahull he utterly e. Jer. 48. II. Moab not I.een <. .VoA. 2. 2. einptieiR hnve e. them out KM I' I 1K.RS .VnA, 2. 2. < hRve emptied them out I to. 34 11. out upon it f tones of*. EMULATION. Riitn. 11. 14. provoke to t. my breth. KMTl.A I IONS. On!. 5. 20. works of the flesh are e. EN A HI. ED. I Tim. I. !2. Christ J.'sus hath e. f na ENCAMP. Ejod. 14. 2 e. before Pi.hahiroth .Vow. v. 17. as they e. MI i-hal! they 3. 38. c. before the tabernacle in. Ml. how we are to e, in wilder. > San. 12. I'*, e againt Kalihah Joii IV. 12. hi* troop* e. abi.iit taber. />ii 27. 3. tho' an hoi-t e. against me Zeck. V. 8. 1 will e. about mine ho. ENCAMPED. Erod. 13. 20. e, in Etlwrn 1] 15. 27. . hy the vratir la 5. where Mo. e. at mount of H. .Yum. 33. 10. from Klim e. hy Ked.-ca II. from Red-K.-B. and f. in Sin JoA. 4. 19. people e. in Gilgal, \ 10 ,/urfg-. 6. 4 Midianit.'S :ig:im-t Is. 9. 50. Abimelech r. against 'J liebei ENCAMPE I H. /"/. 34. 7. angel of Lord e. ronnd 53 5. bones of him that e. up. thee ENCLINE, EC,I.OF. ; *ee INOLI.NB. INCLOHC. ENCOUNTERED. . 18. philo-opher* f. him ENCOURAGE. Dent 1. 3R e. him, he sh. cause, 3. 21 .Sosm. 11. 25. and e. thou him 'taL 64 5. they e. themselves ENCOURAGED. 1 Sam. 30. 6. David c. himself ? Chran. 31. 4. l>-vites might be t 30. 2. Josiah e. them to serv. of L. Ita. 41. 7. carpenter e. goldmitli END. Gen. fv 13. the e. of all flesh is cnrae 47. 21. one e. of Egypt to other e. .rd 2 A'in. 10. 21. ho. of Baal full from i Chron. 21. 19. after e. ( two yeait Job ft. 11. what is my e. that I 16 i shall vain words have *? 2fi. 10. till night f ome to an e. 28. a he tetteth an *. to darkness Ptal. 7. 9. wickedness come to an i. 9 6. are come to a perpetual f. 19. 6. going forth frome. of heavra 37. 37. the e. of that man is pear* 38. t. of wicked shall he cut uff T'. 4. make me know e. 73. 17. 1 understood their 102. 27. thy years have DO* END P. \\9. !)R seen an t. of perfection Proe. r>. 4. e. bitter || 23. 18. there is *. 14. 12. e. thereof are ways of death F,cc(. 4. 8. no e. of all his labour 16. there is no e. ( all the people 7. 2. e. of men || 8. better e. of thing 10. 13. the e. of his talk is madness 12. 12. making books there is no e. Jta. 2. 7. any e. of their treasures, any *. of tln-ir chariots 9. 7. of his irovernment shall be no e. 13. 5. come from the e. of heaven 10. 4. the extortioner is at an e. 2.'i. 15. after c. of seventy years, 17 42 10. his praise from e. of earth I! ." world without . 46. li. tli.- e. from the beginning fer. 12. 12. one e. to other e. 25. 33. 17. 1 1. at his . he shall be a fool 29. 11. to give you an expected e. 31. 17. there is hope in thine e. 51. 13. that dwellest, thine e. is come 31 . his city is taken at one e. l.am. 4. 18. our e. near, our e. come Exek. 7. 2. an e. the e. is come, 3, 6. 21. 2o. iniquity have e. 29. | 35. 5. Dan. 7. 28. is the e. of the matter 8. 17. time of e. shall be the vision 19. at the time e. shall he, 11. 27. 9. 26. the e. thereof be with flood 11. 6. and in the e. of years 35. even to the time of the . 40. at time of the e. king of south 45. yet he shall come to his e. 12. 4. seal the hook even to the e. 8. O Lord, what shall be the e. of 9. words are closed up, till the e. 13. go thy way till the e. be Amns 3. 15. houses shall have an e. 5. 18. to what e. is it for you 8. 2. e. is come upon people of Isr. y>th. 1. 9. there is none e. of store 3. 3. there is none e. of corpses Hut. 13. 39. harvest is e. of world 24. 3. what sign of e. of the world ? 14. then shall the e. come 31. gather from one e. of heaven 2fi. 58. but 1'eter sat to see the e. 28. 1. in the e. of the sabbath Luke 1. 33. of his kingdom be no e. 18. 1. a parable to them, to this e. 22. 37. concerning me have an e. John 18. 37. to this e. was 1 born Ram. 6. 21. e. of these things is death 22. the e. everlasting life 10. 4. Christ is the e. of the law 14. 9. to this e. Christ hath died 2 Cor. 11. 15. e. according to works Eph. 3. 21. glory, world without e. Phil. 3. 19 whose e. is destruction 1 Tim. 1. 5. e. of command, is charity Heb. 6. 8. whose e. is to be burned 16. an oath is an e. of all strife 7. 3. neither beginning nore. of life 9. 26. once in the e. hath appeared 13. 7. the e. of their conversation Jam. 5. 11. ye have seen e. of Lord 1 Pet. 1. 9. receiving e. of your faith 4. 17. e. of them that obey not Her. 21. 6. 1 am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the e. 22. 13. At the END. Deitt. 15.1. ate. of seventh ye. release Pxiil. 107. 27. and are altheir witse Dun. 12. 13. shall stand in lot. at (tie e. Huh 2. 3. at the e. it shall speak Mat. 13. 40. so he in e. of world But the END. Prev. 14. 12. but the e. thereof nro the ways of death, 16. 25. 9". 21. thf e. thereof nut he i le-sp<) V'd 24. 6. but the e. is not yet, Marl, 13.7. Z.M&C2I. U i Ftt. 4. 7. bvt e. of all is at hand END Last END. Yum. 33. 10. let my Itifte. be likehis Jer. 12. 4. he shall not see imrlaite. l.am. I. 9. she n memo Teth not /. e. Dan.8.19. make know what be in I. e. La'ter E VI). Num. 24. 20. his i. e. he that he perish Deut. 8. 16. to do thee good at Int. e. 32. 29. would consider their lat. e. Ruth 3. 10. shewed kindness in /. e. 2 Sam. 2. 26. be bitterness in latter e. Job 8. 7. thy /. e. greatly increase 42. 12. Lord blessed latter e. of Job Prov. 19. 20. m:iyest be wi-e in I. e. Isa. 41. 22. consider them, knowi e. 47. 7. nor didst remember /. e. of it 2 Pet. 2. 20. /. e. worse than begin. Made an EN D. Gen. 27. 30. as Isaac m. e. of blessing Deut. 32. 45. made an e. of speak- ing, Judi*. 15. 17. 1 Sam. 18. I. | 24. 16.^2 5am. la 36. 1 Kin. 1. 41. | 3. 1. Jer. 26. 8. I 43. 1. | 1.63. Mat. 11. 1. TO ane. of com. disciples Make an END. 1 5am. 3. 12. begin, I will also m. e. Neh. 4. 2. will th'-y m. ane. in a day ? Job 18. 2. ere you m. ane. of words? Jta. 38. 12. to night m. e. of me, 13. Erek. 20. 17. nor did I m. e. of them Dan. 9. 24. 70 weeks to m. e. of sing Nah. 1. 8. make utter e. of place, 9. Make a full EX D. Jer. 4. 27. yet will I not make a full e. 5. 1R ! 30. 1 1. | 46. 28. 5. 10. destroy, but make not af. e. Exek. 11. iah Lord, wilt m. af. .? To the KND. Exnd. 8. 22. to the e. thou mayest know I am the Lord, Ex. 20. 26. Deut. 17, 20. to the e. that he may prolong his days P*. 19. 4. their words to e. <>f world 30. 12. to the e. my glory may sing 1 19. 1 12. perform statutes to the e. Eccl. 3. II. find out from begin, to e. 7. 14. to the e. man sho. find nothing Isa. 48. 20. utter it to the e. of earth 49. 6. my salvation to e. of earth Jer. 3. 5. will he keep anger to t. e.? Dan. 4. 22. dominion to t. e. of earth Mat. 10. 22. endureth to the e. shall be saved, 24. 13. Mar. 13. la Acts 7. 19. to the e. might not live Rom. 1. 11. to thee. you be establish. 4. 16. to the e. promise be sure 2 Cor. 1. 13. shall acknowledge tot. e. 3. 13. look to e. of that abolished 1 The*. 3. 13. to t. e. he may establish 1 Pet. 1. 13. and hope to thf e. Unto the EX D. Job 34 36. desire Job be tried unto e. Pi. 46. 9. wars cease untoe. of earth 1 19. 33. 1 shall keep it unto the e. Isa. 62. 1 1 . proclaimed unto e. of earth Dan. 6. 26. his dominion be unto e. Mat. 28. 20. I am with you unto e. John 13. 1. he loved them unto the e. 1 Cor. 1. a confirm you unto the e. Heb. a fi. hold fast confidence untn e. 14. if hold beginning stedfast u. e. 6. 1 1. full assurance of hop unto e. Rev. 2. 26. keepeth my works untoe. ENDAMAGE. Ezra 4. 13. e. the revenue of kings ENDANGER, ED. Eccl. 10. 9. cleaveth wood sh. be . Dan. 1. 10. e. my head to the king ENDED, EI'H, ING. f.Vn. 2. 2. seven li day God e. work > Sum. 20. 18. so they e. the matter Job 31. 40. the words of Job are e. I'.iuf. ~2. 20. prayer* of David are e. 137 END Tsa. 24. 8. noise of them rejivc* * *>0. 20. days of mourning ahull be* Jer. 8. 20. the summer is . Mat. 7. 28 when Jesus e. sayings Luke 4. 2. 40 days e. he hungered 13. devil had e. all temptation John 13. 2. supper being e. the devil Rev. 1. 8. 1 am the beginning and *. ENDLESS. 1 Tim. 1. 4. heed to e. genealogies Heb. 7. Ifi. after power of an e. life ENDEAVOUR, INi;. Eph. 4. 3. e. to keep unity of spirit 2 Pet. 1. 15. will e. you may be abl ENDEAVOURS. /*. 28. 4. according to wicked, cf e ENDOW. tfjrod 1 . 22. 16. e. her to be his wife ENDS. Deut. 33. 17. push peo. to e. of r-arth I Sam. 2. 10. shall judge *. of earth Job 28. 24. looketh to e. of the earth 37. 3. lightning unto e. of earth 38. 13. take hold of e. of earth Psal. 19. 6. his circuit to the e. of it 22. 27. e. of world shall remember 4a 10. so is thy praise to the e. of 59. la God ruleth in Ja*. 109 :. I 107 I ; na i.*, a. 4. i is* l,,S,e\r.l l. Jr. Mill. I.X ' i rtf hte. . / . IlltS,*. !. HI. in. hit pruts* e.^r 117. . hi- truth t. f I 111 Iff), ev. ne of thy jiid*?m. t f. e. !. IX thy nme. O Lord, ft/ ft I fri I tt. Word nf the Lord ./* ENDOftlMO. /. 19 ft fear of L. clean. . for ever CW. I. . effectual In r. fane mffer. //*4. la M. In bearn e. mbiUuc* ENBNY. &r4 IS . riht hand dashed the e. 9 the e satd, I will pursue, I will M. IS. I will be c. to thine enemiei >'. in W if fo to war against . 15. 13. and wa* not hi* e. DnU. M*. 11. feared wrath of the A W. from hecm. of revenues on & a 7. he thll thruit out the e. Jmdf. In. 0. our rod deli*, our e. I SOB*, t. 3*. aee e. In my habitation K Sniil became Ihold'i f. runt. *4 19 tnd hi. * will he let him f I o*m & S3. when thy people be mitten before ft 2 CA. 6. 24. 46. if sin, and thou dellrer 10 r I Gkr. IS A make thee fall before e. fttk. 1. 4.*. not counter* ail damage '. t he e i thit wicked Human J*. A 10 he rounteth me fnr hi. <. /. T. V let the r. persecute my soul & S. mifMr-t Mill e. aod avenger ft O thou r destruction* are 4V*. ft I sKnorniiig l>er. of * f 43. . 44. 10. saakevt o U> tarn from t. M I I sjwHirn bee of voice of the e. II IMK an r. that reproached W. 1 a tnmc tower from the . 61 I. preere life from fear of c. 74. a all that . hath done wlrkedly Ml . Maaph. thy name fr rrr It re ait bi r . hath trpriiarhed 1 4*. wbjen he delivered from . Min. th c. not exact upon him 1 41 S. . hath pertecated my ml ^roe. f7. 6. kb*n nf r. arc drn-itfa /ML 90. 19. t. come in like a fl.*.d O 10. he wa- tamed to be th.-,r t. Jrr. rVaii *wttrd of c. U on em id l\ 1 1. mi" r to entreat tbee wrl K IT. I wtll M-mttrr them hrfur* e. jn. 14. with wound nf an e. LM. I . hath marnird himwl M d> !>. bema*e Brevailed L & drawn bwk band before the t 4. he bath bent bfc how like an t. 4. the Lord WM a* in r 4, li c. th'-nld hare entered iratn t*L t the , had MM. aha i S Itraet. e. (hall punue him L a, my ye* t* rien upa an . \ 'I awk tretift-Ul her. of c, IS tf. hk f. MT>V: tare* ENE ./.? 13 ?H. Mic 1 an e. hath done this J-. f tli.it ...VM-.I i. the devil ukr 10. IB. over all power of the f. irti 13 Id. thou rllemy of all llghL Cr. 15. JK th la-t e. is deatn Col 4. I(V m I Iwfon.e your ft bee. TTkrt 8. 15. count him not a- an < tossj. 4- 4 friend of world ft of (tod Hado}the r S K M Y ,. S& Stt. ye sbxll be delivered into the kaitd of the e. .NVA 9. 27. 'i. SI. 8. not hut me up into A. <>fe. 7* (II. he deliv. his glory into ft A. 108. 10, redeemed fr. A. o/e. 107. *. .am 1. 7. her pe... fell into A. of e. \l,n. r MM V Sam. Ift 17. why sent away m. e T Sam. 2*. ia from m. ft Pi. 18 17. Kin. SI. *0. found me, <) mine. e.t Jtk. Id 9. m. ft >hurpeiielh his eyes 27. 7. let SMM ft be as w irked ft 7. 4. I Delivered him that is m e. 13 -' how long m. ft be exalted 4. lent as. ft say, I have prevailed 41. II. m . not triumph over me '.am X. 22. I twaddled, m. ft roiiMitn. Jfic. 7. 8 rejoice uotaga. me, O m. ft 10. she that M m. ft shall see it Tkmt ENEMY. DfHt. 88. 57. t *. thall distress thee Sons. 24. 4. deliver thine ft s!6 & K 16. seeing Lord m become <. e. i Sam. 4. & behold the head of t. e. Jot 13. 24. wher. holde.t me for C. e. 'r Pror. H. 17. rej. not when /. ft fa 1 1. tt. l. if <. ft hunver. Hum. Is!. 20. /xnn. t 17. C. ft to rejoice over thee a 15. the Lord . a-t out (. ft -Vat 5. ia said thou -.halt hate t. e. ENEMIKS. Sam JO IS. wh n L. cut off e. of n. l& reaulre it at hand of David's ft ! Sam. It. 14. iM-ca--ii.il to ft, tohlasp. M. 32. e. he as that young man * CAr. 2U 9. Lord fought against . Jot. 6 23. d. liver me from e. hand f'r 17. 9. hide me from my deadly e. 37. 10 ft of Lird be as f*t of lambs 45 5. arrow* .harp in king's ft 78. 61. deli*, his glory into e. hand 127. V shall speak with ft in pate Jer. IX 7. beloved into hand of her e. 4H. !i. e. heard cry of destruction LAS*. I. 1. her friend* are become e. 5. adversaries c-hi- 1, A. ft prosper Vc. 7. A man's ft are of own liou.e Rom. 5. 10. If when ft we were recon. II. tt. M coiicer gorpel. they are ft Car. IV V5. put all f. under feet Phil, a 18 e of the i-n... ,.f ( lirint Coi I. 11. r. in your mind by H irked WuKNKMIKS. rv W. 17. seed pnsise** rate of A. f. \m. 24. K. ext op the nations Ait ft 31. It. till he hath dm en out A. e. Dfut 33. 7. be an help from Au e. 8 Scrsa. 7. I. given him rest from A. e. IB. 14. how L*>rd avenged of A. e. t I. out of the hand of all AM f. 1 CAr. 2V. 9 (five iet from -II Ait t. Jnk. l II. c teth eiie one ..f A. e . Pi I'l 5. all A. ft he puffeth at them 41. 1. not d. In. him to will of A. ft 6B. I. h t AM ft be urnttered t\ C,,.A .hall woiifd head of A. ft 11. ft and Aif ft shall li.-k the dust 78L flK. tmote A. ft in hinder parts W. 42. hat made A. f. to rejoice 87. i. a fire hurneth up Aif ft I li till he -ee desire upon A. ft l.'f. 1 |i AM f . clothe with shame /"rne. |fi. 7. mxketh A e. he at penre l*a. 9 II. L .hall join A. r. together 13. he tbali i>revi, gaii^t '. ' las ENE Int. 50 IS. recompense to Aw e. fiK.fi remlerelh lei-iiinpenw to A. It.indtirna. he known toward A. t. Jrr 41. :#'. PliK.r. info band ot 4. . .VuA. I. ^. rr-.erv.-ih wrath for A. . durknes.s >hall pursue AM e . 10. l:i till A. r. I..- nixde footstool .Wi<- K N b. M I KS. \um. 93. II. t" ' ur.- i/ducft ?4. 10. Went 35t 41. veii(feaiife to iniue r. .Vain V.I. moiiih enlarvd oter HI. & 14. 'J4. 1 mav he MVenued n m r. i! .Sum. 5. &>. Lord hath broken forth iipn M. r. I C'Ar. 14. II. 24 4. saved Iroin m. f. Ptal. IS. 3. 3R pur-ued m. r. Pitil. IH. .T. 41. linen ii.-i-ks of m. e. Pt. I& 4(X 49. liniiyelli ine lorl h In.'m ,. . CAro;i. la. IT? to I etray me t.. m. r. I'tal 3. 7 ha-t smitten all mine f. A. 8. lead me, O L. hci-,iu>e ! m. . 6.7. eye waxrth old biM-aus,. or ;/ ( i. in. let all />' t. h<- sliaiiii-d 7. 6. arise lieraiioc i>f rwtre of in. c. . a . ft ate tinned, th.-y shall fall 15. 48. he deliterrth me from m e. '.'3. 5. a table in prenenre ot mine e. 2.S. -i. let not m. f. triumph, 3j. 10. III. i-oiisider m e. they are many ft. t. mine f. i-ame to eat mj fli-s.'i ti. liead be lifted up above mine e. 11. plain path, beraii-e of mine e. IV. ilelu. r me i ot to will ol m. r. 31. II I was reproach ainonp m. e. 15 deliver me from hand ol m. e. :t\ 19. hut mine ft are lively 41. 5. mine ft fpe.iK evil of me 42. 10. mine f. teptoncli me, !02. S. .S4. 5. he shall reward evil to m. e. 7. seen desire upon m. e. A9 10. 5A. 2. mine e. would -wallow rne up 9. when I cry, nt.e. shall turn bai k tO. I. deliviT me from m. e. , 143. !(. 69. 4 they heinif m. e. wionefuMy 18. deliver rne. be. aiise of m e. 71. 10. mine e. 'p- ak against me 9i. II. mine eye HIT desire on m. e. 1)9. 98. made me wii-er than m. ft 139. m. ft have furi;. .tier tliy word 157. many ar m. e. yet do I not 138.7. stretch forth thy hand ag. m.e. 139. . 1 count them mine e. 14.1 12. ol thy m. r< y cut .,ft mine e. Iia. 1. 24. I will aveiii;.- me of m. e. I. urn I. 21. m. ft heard of my trmitil* 3. 52. m. ft chHsed me like H bird Luke 19. V7. mint- f. brimr and .-.lar Our KNK.MlKS. jtKl I. 10. they join aUo to ih down or r. 00. 12. he it i.' -h. trend ./ e. KM. 13. 80. 6. o. ft laiifth an mitf Ihi-nihel\e4 KVi. V4. hath rerte.-ined n- frmr n. e. I.um 3. 46. n. t. tipeio-'t their mouths l.'iki 1.71. >ho. be -.in id (mm our e. 74. beinc delivered fri>m our e. Th^r KNK.MIKS. l.rr. 16. 36. faintneps in land of t. r. - turn.-th backh belort I.e. li 21. 44. there Mood nut a man of t. t. 23 I. r.-ht froir, Mrir e K*lh. 9. 16. Jurlg. 1. 14 s;0d into the hand of t. t I*, delivcre them from t ft a 34 2 A' in. 21. 14. into thr hand of / e. S CAr R 36. | *S. 20. .\VA. 9. ?7. Pt. 7a .^3. the .-a overu h.-lmeil f . SI. 14. I vlmuld .i.on Mib,!io-d ( f. K'5. V4. made .frontier tt an ("i/Vr !(. II. the water, covered M t -r . 4S. their H. oppri'str. 1. 13. 2. rule thon in mid-t of thinee. 139. 20. t. e. take thy name in vain 7l. '26. 1 1. fire of t. e. devour them 62. 8. no more give corn to thine e. Jer. 15. 14. make to pass with th. e. 7,fi. I will e. gravine thereof 2 Cor. 3. 7. ministration of death e. ENGRAVER. Erod. 28. II. woik of an e. in stone 38. 23. Aholiah.au e. EN.IOY, ED. Ler 26. 34. land e. her sabbaths, 43. Xutn. 30. 8. Is. may f. inheritance beut. 2*. 41. beget sons, not e. them ENQ Jnxh 1. 15. return to land, and e it 2 Chr. 36. 21. till land e. sabbaths Eccl. 2. 1. e. pleasure, this is vanity 24. his soul e. good, 3. II | 5. la //. 5. 22 elect long e. the work Acts 24. 2. wee. great quietness I Tim. 6. 17. giveth all things to e. Heb. 11. 25. than e. pleasures of sin ENJOIN. El). Jnb 36. 23. who hathe. him his way Philem. 8. to e. what is convenient Heb. 9. 20. blood which God hathe ENLARGE. Gen. 9. 27. God shall e. Japheth E.rnd. 34. 24. I will e. thy borders I Chron. 4 10. wouldste. my coast Ps. 119. 32. when shall e. my heart /./. 54. 2. e. the place of thy tent Anns I. 13. might e. their border Mi>' I. 16. e. thy baldness as eagle Mat 23. 5. e. borders of arments ENLARGED. 1 Sam. 2. I. mouth is e. over enemie 2 Sam. 22. 37. e. my steps, Ps. In. 3fi /"*. 4. 1. hast e. me when in distress 25. 17. troubles of my heart are e. Isa. 5. 14. hell hath e. herself 57. 8. thou hast e. thy bed 60. 5. heart shall fear and bee. 2 Cor. 6. II. O Cor. our luart is e. 13. fr recompense, be ye also e. 10. 15. that we shall be e. by \ou ENLARGETH. Deut. 33. 20. blessed he he e. Gad .lull 12. 23. he e. he nations, and b. 2. 5 wliue. his d^ire as hell ENLARGEMENT. F.sth. 4. 14. e. from another place ENLARGING. Ezek. 41. 7. and there was an e. ENLIGHTEN. ED. Ps. 18. 28. Lord will e. my darkness I Sam. 14.27. Jonathan's eyes were e. Job 33. 30. e. with light of l.ving Pan!. 97. 4. his lightmnes e. world I-'. fih. I. 18. eyes of understanding e. Heb. 6. 4. impossible for those oneee. ENLIGHTENING. Psal. 19. 8. is pure, e. the eyes ENMITY. Gen. 3. 15. I will put e. hetw. thee Num. 35. 22. if he thrust without e. I.u/ee 23. 12. before they were at e. Rom. 8.7. carnal mind ise. airainst G. Eph. 2. 15. abolished in his flesh e. 16. havinir slain thee. thereby Jam. 4 4. friendship of world is e. ENOUGH. Jen. 33. 9. and Esau said, I have e. 11. take my blt-ssing. I have e. 34. 21. land is large e. for tin in 45. 28 it is e. Joseph is yet alive Ej-od. 9. 2S. entreat Lord, lor it ise. 36. 5. bring much more than e. Joith. 17. 16. hill is note for us 2 Sam. 24. 16. it is e. 1 Kin. 19. 4. I Chr. 21. 15 Mark 14 41. /.u. 22.38. ' Chr. 31. 10. we have had e. to eat B rr.30. 15. four things say not it ise. 16. fire that saith not, it is e. 'sa. 56. 1 1. which can never have e. Jer. 49. 9. will destroy till have e. Vn.1. 4. 10. shall eat, and not have e. 'Ing. 1. 6. ye eat, but have not e. Mai. 3. 10. not room e. to receive it Vat. 10. 25. e. for disciple to be asm. 25. 9. he not e. for ns and you .uke 15. 17. servants hi.ve hread e. ENQUIRE. Gen. 24. 57. we will e. lit damsel 25. 22. Rehekah went to e. of Lord F..rd. IK. 15. peo. come to e. of God Dent. 12. 30. e. not after tht ir gods 13. 14. shall e. and make search 139 ENT Judg. 4. 20. when any man doth * I *m. 22. 15. then begin to e of G i 2 ^ 7 ' ek me " """an, that I .' 1 A. 22. 5. e. at the word of th 2 Kin, 1 o?,'" '!" V ChTU * '* *' J6. 15. brazen altar for me to e. by 22. 13. e. f L. lor me, 2 C/ir. 34 *1 VT Co".', 13 ' '"' l "Pint toe. of it . JO. David not go before it to e. Lrrn ~. 14. sent toe-, romvrnini; JIL ./<>* 8. 8. for e. of the former ace Ant 27. 4. and to e. in his temple Eccl. 7. 10. thou dost not e. wisely I*a. 21. l;,. if ye W i|| e e ye Jer. 21. 2. e. of the Loid for iu 37. 7. that sent you lo e. of n e Ezek. 14. 7. cometh to prophet ti . 20. I. elders . arne to e. of the Lord Mat. 10. 1 1. e. who in it is Worthy 7.ie e. of at all '20. 3. as 1 live, I will not be e. of 31. shall I bee ol by you, O Israel f I will not be e. of l>\ you 36. 37. I will yet for this be e'of Dan. I. 20. in all king , of them Z,'f>h. I. 6. hav.' not e.for the Lord Mat. 2. 7. Herod e. of wise men, 16. John 4. 68. e. hour began to amend 2 Cor. R. 2a or our brethren he e. of "et. 1. 10. of which sal. prophets e. ENQUiRKST. Job 10. 6. e. after mine iniquity ENQUIRY. Pror. 20. 25. aft-r vown to make e. ENRIC H, ED, EST. I Suin. 17. 25. king xville. him Ezek. 27 33. didst e. kings of earth Psal. <)5. 9. e. it with river of (,i,il 1 Cor. 1. 5. in every thing je are c. 2 Car. 9. II. being e. in every thing ENSAMPLB. Phil. 3. 17. us ye have ns for an e. 1 Thes. 3. 9. to make ourselves an e. 2 Pet. 2. a So.ion. and Goim rrah e. ENSAMFLES. Cor. 10. II. happened to them fore. Thes. I. 7. so that ye were e. to all Pet. 5. 3. but h, ing e . to the tl.uk ENSIGN, S. Pxal. 74. 4. set U|> their e. for signi '.. i facet, to r. Etfyat > jr 7. . robber* shall e. into it II ft nor f. into land of Israel M. 10. a* men r. Icto a city, wherein I* made a breach Tl. ft. cu*e breath to e. iuto you 44. t. rate shut, no man e. by it 16. they ahull r. into my sanctuary Dm. 1 1. 7. h.ll t. into the fortress 84. he (hall r. peaceably 40. he shall e. Into the countries 41. be (hall e. into gloiiuiu land Jorl it a .ball *. In at the window* Am* 5. 5. nr t. Into (iiliral JW.i/. S. 0. In no rate r. into kinr. & 'i. pray r*t, r. Into thy closet 7. la e. in at (trait rate, /.u. 1.1 84. 81. that .aith. Lord, shall r. in IH 1 1. what city ye e. t.u 10. 8, 10. IX. KSl. c. inloasUung man's house, in dwell there, Lukt IL 96. la a It U better to . into life halt, . 9. A/.jr* a 41. 45, 47. 19 17. if thou wil; ,. into life 24. f..r a rich man to e. into king. i..m, Murk 10 *S. /.uAff la S5. 85. SI. t. into joy of thy Lurd Murk I. 4V no more openly e. city i. K. e. Intn swine. / uttr & 32. la hmur ye e. Lute a 4. | 10. 5. . tft. am) t. tut mor.- into him 14. . l~t c. into tempt. Lu. .4. /.* 8. Id. which e. In may see light la 84. iMwy will seek to c. in 4. 84 and to . into hi* rlory f />* a 4. can be e. into womb i beiannot r. into kingdom of O ". 9. by me if any man t. In Xrfa 14. thro' tribulation e. kinr JO, rrievoo. wolves shall . in //**, 4. 1 .. r. Into rert, if ,. re ,t, 5. . remainetb, MHne must e 11. let . lab,Hir t *. that rt Ift .k..liet by blood of Jr.n* 1 no man able to c temple i- r that Mefil.-th W. II. e. in thu.'gjiie. into citv H ..t. fmL \n 1 . KeflnU. jndcment /rr. 4. 14. . *>4 path ..f wicked n la c. O..J tel4. of fatherleu ft. an* eity of Sarear r .7. . prte.UriM a-Wc b..iue II. .bmild not c. B y real /M. 9ft 14. tUMl equity tmmt* : , I H * , ; , -, NMM A^r* . A tkry tkaJI */ iTtand r annrrumoM-d , *<*. II. a IwillMrf, into the rrty V* !. a. *... kinjdum of hr. ENT Mark 10. 15. n. .. therein, 7.:..IS.17. Urh. a II. nott. into my rt-l, 18. 19. not t. hrru- of iinl-lirf Sf* KIKOIXIM. KN I I.HE1). i Ckr. 15. I*, e. iiitomve. to erk L f!. t Jot hum .-. not t.-ninl.- nt l.oni Jab 3K In. <. into >prn.K- of ea 1 U. . Into lrrniir-t> of the snow Jer i 7. but when ye e. ye ill-filed tl SI. death ii e. into our paiif* 34. 10. which had e. int.. in.enaiit Lam. I. 10. heathm e. hrr Mu.rtiinry 4. lit enemy should have e. KHtet K*rk. 2. 1 spirit f. into me. 3. i4. IA. a I e. into a cove, with thee 9& 0. when they e. unto lie.ithcn 4i 4 God of Urael h(. II. day foreigners e. In- gates Ilk booldeot not hare e. i;ate Hub. 3. 16. rotteiinef)- e. my bone* A/a/, lit 4. how he r. into the houi of Ood, and did rut *4 Sa day Noah e. ark, /.u. IT. Mark 6. 68. whitlierxi. lietr. laid -irk /.Ur I. 40. Mary r. ho. of Zarharia T. 44.1 1. thine houae, thou gavrt 9. M. tbey feared B they . i loud II. SJ. lawyers, ye e. not in ) nurse). 82.3 . Satan intiiJnda.1 Jp Hot 15. 17. whatsoever *. in at the mouth, Mark 7. 18. Mark 5. 40 e. whe. damsel a- lyinv Lute . la follow Into house he e Jolt* 10. I. . not by dK>r into fold 8. . In by door, is the shepherd t/rf>. 6. 19. e. Into that within vail 9. 25. M hiith prle-t r. every year KMKHlN(i. /ML S3. I. there Is no h.'ii-e, no e. in A>i"A. 44. .V mark r. in of the house Hat S3. la neither mffer ye them ff. IOKO in, /.n/-,r ||. 55}. .Vor* 4. 19. the lusts r. in choke 7. I.V nothing without e. tan defile 16. 5. and r. Into the senulrhre tu* la 30. at your t. find colt tied rri 8. 3. Saul e. Into every house THe*. I. 9. what manner of e. in <6. 4 I. promise of e. into bis re*t RMTEBPB1SB. Joo 5. 18. hand* cannot perform e KNTEHTAIN: Hr6. la 2. not foriet. to e. strangers ICE. . . 13. & if wife c. thee secretly r. 14. 15 e. thy husband, that ri ,.! r< ! i " id lo D *"'h. '- him * ** !. 19. who hall e. Ahab ? . I will <.. himnil. shall f. him "'" venturc be will bv ,.. UO EPI Jam. 1. 14. U tempted win) A KX I HIM. WUHDS 1 C'. a. 4. my preach, not with Ad. Cut. *. 4. lest ! beruile with . ) Jm. 1. 4. that ye be perfect and . EN J "RANt K yuifV. I. 24. shew us *. into city Pt. 1 19. 130. e. of words giveth light 1 Thei. 2. I. yourselves know our *. 2 Pet. 1. II. (o an e. he ministered ENTHY. Proe. & a wisdom crieth *.t. ofritf ENVY. ./p;ikr 17. 5. II. e Jews moved with ?. A- wi 1. 29. full of e. murder PhiL 1. 15. preach Christ even o* 1 I Tim. a 4. whereof . ometl f. Tit. 3. 3. living in malice anil 1 .?. Jamei 4. 5. spir.t in us lusteth to e. ENVY, Verb. Pror. 3.31. e, not the oppressor 'i. 17. let not heart e. siiinerti .''. II. la Ephraim sh. not c. Jndnb EN\ I ED. '-/i. 26. 14 Pbilistmrs e. Isaac 30. I. Rachel 0. her sister 37. 11. Joseph's brethren e. him Pial. 106. in. they 0. Moaeg aUo An7. 4. 4. a man is r. of neighbour tzrk. 31. 9. trees in garden e. him ENVIES. I /'. /. 8. 1. laving aside malice, <. EN V IKS I, ETH. A'um. II. 29. e. thou for my sake t 1 Cor. la 4. charity ?. not EN\ Y1N(. /;. la 13. let us walk, not in e. 1 Cor. 3. a for whereas there is e. Gal. 5. 26. e. one another Jm. 3. 14. but if )< have bitter f 16. wh, re t?. is, is confusion I.NVYINC.S. 2 Cor. 18. 20. I fear let there be a CVo/. 5. 21. \vorks of the flenh ure e. ENVIOUS. Pi. 37. 1. e. aga. workers of iniquity 73. 3. lor I was e. at th- fooli-h 1'inr. -J4. I. be not e. aga. evil men 19. neither be e. at the wicked ENVIRON. f/oM. 7. 9. Canaanites e. u* ro.ind EPHAH. 7-er. 19. 3d have ;. j-ist c. iz. 45. 1C / 5. 10. seed of homer y:e,d an * Anita 8. 5. making the e. small /"'.. 5. 8. and he ca.t it into the e EPHU1). Erod. 28. 4. they (hall make an & l.er. 8. 7. he put the e. upon h:u JIM/?. 8. '/7. Gideon made ac e. 17. 5. the man .Mici.li made an <. 1 Ham. '.'. 18 Samuel girded witU & v.'i '.. Diivid said, bring e. 30. 7. 2 Sum. & 14. David was gild, d iriti linen c. 1 fAr. IS. -T. . 3. 4. abidomany day* without , EPISTLE. Artt 15. 3). they deliverfd e. 2a 33. /f'.rn. Hi 22. I '1 ertius who wr. te I Cur. 6. 9. I wrote to )ou in an t. t Cor. a 2. ye are our e. written a declared to be of Chrut ERR I Cor. 7.8. the same e. made you sorry Col. 4. la when this e. is read, like. wi.se reade. from Landicea 1 Thfs. 6. /.. this e. be read to all *>. Thet. 1. 15. taught by word or e. \ 14 if obey not word by this e. J7. which is the token in every e. S Pet. 3. 1. this second e. I now write EPISTLES. 2 Cor. 3. 1. or need e. of cninrnenda. S Pet a 16. as in all his e. speaking EQUAL. Ps. 17. 2. thine eyes behold things e. 5 1 ). 13. but it was thou, mine e. Prov. 26. 7. legs of lame are not e. ha. 40. 25. to whom sh. 1 be e.'i 46. 5. l.vm. '2. 13. what e. to thee, O virgin txek. 18. 25. ye say. the way of the Lord is not e. 29. | S3. 17, 20. 29. O Israel, are not my ways e? 33. 17. their way is not e. Mat 20. 12 hast made them e. to Us Luke 20. 3fi. they are e. unto impels Juhn 5. 18. mak. himself e. with (iod Phil. 2.6. not robbery to bee. with G. Col. 4. I. give servants what is e. Rer. 21. 16. breadth and height ft EQUAL, Verb. Job. 28. 17. gold and crystal not e. it III. topaz of l-thii'pia shall note, it EQUALITY. 1 Cor. S. 14. by an e. may be an e. EQUALS. Ga. 1. 14. I profited above my e. EQUITY. Pt. 98. 9. he shall judge with e. '.id. 4. thou dost establish e. Prov. 1. 3. to receive instruction of e. 2. 9. then shall then understand e. 17. 26. to strike princes for e. Eccl. 2. 21. whose !al our is in e. Ita. II. 4. reprove with e. for meek 69. 14. and e, cannot enter 3/i'c. 3. 9. ye that pervert all e. Mai. 2. ti. he walked with me in e, EHKAND. Jen. 24. 33. 1 will not eat till I have told mine t . Judg. 3. 19. I have a secrete. O king 2 King 9. 5. an e. to thee, O captain ERR. 2 Cftr. 33.9. Manass. made Jndah to e. Ps. 95. 10. that do e. in their heart 1 1!). 21. wliii-h do e. from thy com. 1 18. hast trodden them that e. Proa. 14. 22. not e. that devise evil ? 19. 27. instruction that caiueth to e. lsa.3. 12. they which lead thee cause thee to e. 9. 16. 19. 14. have caused Egypt to e. . 28. 7. they e. in vision " 30. 28. be a bridle causing them toe. 3-i. 8. way-faring men shall note. 63. 17. why ha.-t thou made us to e .fer. 23. 12. the prophets caused Israel to e. 3-. .We. 3. ft. Hns. 4. 12. Whoredoms caused to e. Amos'2. 4. their lies caused to e. Mat. 2. 29. ye do e. not knowing tin Scriptures, ^lark I2. *4. 27. Ileb. 3. 10. always e. in their hearts James 1. 16. do note, my beloved . 5 19. 'f any e. from the truth EH RED. Lev. 18. ignorance wherein lie e. 1 Sam. 26. 21. 1 have e. exceedingly Jili. 6. 24. nnderst. wherein I havee IS). 4. and be it indeed that 1 havee. P.v. 119. 110. ? j. not fr..m thy prec. ltd. 28 'i. hav> e. thro' win, priest HUH prophet have e. Sil. 21 that f. in spirit shall come I Tim. F,. 10. have f. from the faith 21. tome have e concerning faith ESC 2 Tim. 2. 18. concerning truth have e. ERKETH. Prop. 10. 17. refuseth reproof*. Exek. 45. 20. so do lor ev. oue thai e. ERROR. 2 Sam. 6. 7. smote L'/./ali for his e. Job 19. 4. e. remaineth with myself Eccl. 5. a neither say it was an e. 10. 5. an evil I have seen as an e. ha. 32. (5. to utler e. against. Ihe L. Dan. 6. 4. nor was e. found in him Mat. 27. 64. last e. worse than first Rom. 1. 27. recompense of their e. James b. '.'0. from the e. tf his way 2 Pet. 2. 18. from them who live in e. 3. 17. led away withe, of wicked I John 4. 6 hereby know we spi. of e. Iwlc 11. tan alter the e. of Balaam ERRORS. PH. 19. 12. who can understand hisef Jer. 10. 15. the work of e. 51. la Heb. 9. 7. he offered for e. of people ESCAPE. Gen. 19. 17. e. to Ihe mountain 20. Oh lei me e. \\ 22, e. thither 32. 8. the other company .-hall e. Josh. 8. 22. they let none of them e. 1 Sum. 27. 1. e. to land of Philistines 2 Sum. 15. 14. lei us flee, not else e. 1 Kin. 18. 40. let none e. 2 Kin. 9. 15. 2 Kin. 10. 24. if any of the men e. 19. 31. thate. out of Zion, ha. 37. 32. Ezra 9. 8. to leave a remnant to e. Esth. 4. 13. think not thou shall e. Job 11. 20. Ihe wicked shall not e. Psal. 56. 7. shall they e. by iniquity? 71. 2. deliver me, and cause tnr to e. 141. 10. let wicked fall, whilst I e. Pr/.v. 19. 5. speak, lies, shall not e. Eccl. 7. 26. pleaseth God shall e. fron /*. 20. 'i. anil how shall we e. [her 66. 19. those that e. to the nations Jer. 11.11. bring evil not be afile to e 25. 35. nor principal oi the flock e. 32. 4. Zedek. not e. 34. 3. | 38. 18, 23. 42. 17. thai go into Egypt ,. 44. 14. 44. 14. none return but such as e. A yet a small number that e. 46. 6. let not mighty man e. 48. 8. spoiler come, no city shall e. 50. 28. the voice ot them Ihal e. 29. let nonee. recompense her Exek. 6. 8. may have some shall e. 9. they that e. i-hall remember me 7. 16. shall e. and he like doves 17. 15. he e. that doth such things ', 18. done these things, shall not e. Dan. II. 41. shall e. "lit "f his hand 42. the land of Egypt shall not f. Jfitll. 3. and nothing shall e. them 01. nil. 14. to ( ut off those that did e. Mat. 23. 33. how e. damrw. of hell ? Luke 21. 36. accounted worthy to e. A cts 27. 42. kill prisoners, lest anye. Rom. 2. 3. shall e. judgment of God' I Cor. 10. 13. will make a way to e. I Thes. 5. 3. and they shall not e. Heb 2. 3. how sh. e. II we neglect so 12. 25. mnch more shall not we e. E.-CAPE. Psal. 5. 6. hasten my e. from storm ESCAPED Gen. 14 13. there came one had e. A'i/m. 21. 29, sons that e. into captiv Dent 23. 15. not deliver servant e. Judg. 3.2!>. e. not n man, 1 Sam. :!0. 17 521. 17. inheritance for them that e. 1 Sam. ' i. 41. .Ion. taken, hut peo < 19. 10. David fled and e. that night i \,n/i. I. 3. out of the camp m I e. 4. (i. and K.ichab : nd Baimnh e. 1 Kit'. W. iO. Hen.hudi d Ihe kinire 2 Kit 9.30. the leiiiiuuit e. of Judiil shall take root, M ">7. 31 141 E8T Chr. 16. 7. theref. ia host of Sj ria t 30. (i. he will return to \,,i, that . Ezra 9. 15. for we remain yet t. an Job. 1. 15. I only arn t. 1C, 17 la HI. 20. \e. with the skin of my teeth Psal. 124. 7. our soul is e. as it bird out of the snare Isa, 4. 2. shall be comely Im liem e. 111. 20. and such as are e . of Jacob ' 45. 20. draw near, ye that are e. Jer. 51.50. havee. rcniem. L. afar off Lam. 2. 22. that none e. nor remain E*ek. 24. 27. mouth opened to Inn. <. 33. 21. one that had e. came unto me John 10. 39. he e. out of their hundd Act* 27. 44. so they e. all safe to land 28. 4. tho' he e. the sea, yet venge. 2 Cor. 1 1. 33. I was let down aim <. Heb. II. 34. Ihro' faith e. the edge 12. 25. if e. not who refused him 2 Pet. 1. 4. e. corruption in world 2. 18. allure those that were f leant 20. after e. the pollutions of wor'd ESC A PET H. 1 Kin. 19. 17. that e. sword of Haiae shall Jehu slay; thate. Jehu //. 15. 9. bring lions upon him e. Jer. 48. 19. ask her e. what is done? Exek. 24. 26. he e. sh. come unto thee Amos 9. 1. he that e. not be delivered ESCAPING. Ezra 9. 14. there should be no e. ESCHEW. 1 Pet. 3. 11. let him e. evil, do good ESCHEWED. ETH. Job I. 1. feared God, e. evil, 8. I 2. 3. ESPECIALLYanrfSPEClALLV Ps. 31. II. e. among my neighbours ActsVb 2(>. s. before thee, O king >i/. a 10. e. the household ol laith 1 Tim. 4. 10. t of those that believe 5. R provide, *. for them of his own 17. e they who labour in word 2 Tim 4. 13. but e. the parchments Philem.\G. a brother beloved *. to m ESPY. Josh. 14. 7. Moses gent me to e. out See Spy, SPII-:I>. ESPOUSALS. Cunt. 3 11. crowned in day of his f. Jer. 2. 2. 1 remember love of thine t E>/tat II. liealf f vi.o ^lavt* V l.\ e. jud/roent In the gate Ram. 1 SI. yea. we e. the law ,.* h..,it tor ownrit-bt ifi -Ji tn ni.n of powert" t 7% i 4 sent I imothy tn A you II f ur hearts ttuhUmeaMe I TUa fc 17- - y> I" ev. go.l word I S Lnrd h*ll . you, and keep WeA. la a that he may A second Jam. 5. ft jMti-ni. .. your hearts I rW & 10 the God nf all grace . HI.I>HKI),srABI.ISHKl) Urn 9 17 token of covenant I r. 41 38 bemuse thing is A by God t I have abo f. my cove. V not rna-le and A thee t I \ . I SO SMB. was A a prophet II 13. now would I., e. thy king. 0. 31. th-Mi Shalt not be e. nor t s> 5 It pereelv U bad e. him 7. K let the h.-use of thy servant David He e. I Ckr. 17. 14 I JCiV t It kinidom was A greatly I Ckr. 17. 84 let thing be A for ever 't CAr 1.9. L. let thy promise be*. JW 81. ft seed is f in their sight Ftal 14. hth A It on the floods 4A t feet on rot k, e. my goings ~.\ ' f * testimony in Jacob ft) earth he f. fur ever. I la 00. n I. world e. 1 1 throne e. of old It*. H. hi* heart b e. not he afraid !* II. let not evil speaker be 144. & A the waters for ever and ^mr. 3. Ift I. hath e. the heaven < 4. M let all thy way* kv ft n when be e. the cloud* above It 1 sh. not he . by wickedness IV tl. In multilu-ie of couiiM>IL A 1C. It throne U t. by righteous, fa II et. purpose ISA hy counsel M. J. hy understand, is an house t, 3ft 4. who bath A ends of earth Ita 7. 9. If ii"t believe, not be e. IS. .V In mercy shall throne be A 4', Is made earth, he hath A It I*, e world y wi-d. 51. I J Dm. 4 M I was A tn my kingdom //*. I. li A them for correction .W.rf I*. I* of two witness ev. word A Jet, |. V churches t. in the faith K-m. I. 1 1 . to the end y !) may be A r/. i 7. an I . in the faith ' ". r. upon better promises M. 9 that heart be e. with grace t frt I. It tb* A In present truth jauawKATAiiLiMu; >. MbeA ISoas 7. Id. 111. IS at mouth f 1 or 3 w t. i sh. Miter he A 8 Car. 13. I. m kinvd be e. In hand 7. Id thine ho . 4< r A* * shall iterree. it tkatt te e i ivith wh -mmy hands. It r ;h- wrl4 A Ift. th ' V. 14. <-. II. 7. one stand up In his A 21 3*. in his A honour (>od of forces Hot li 45. last J. of that man w,,r- than first, tuA; 1 1 Aute I. 48. low e. of his haudmaideu Art* 28: A A of elders hear witness Rnm. li la coud. to men uf low A Phil. 'I 19. when I know your A 90. naturally care for your i. 4. II. what A I am to be content CoL 4. 7. all my i. shall Tychiciis ft that he might know your A Juiie 6. an^rels who kept not first e. ESTATES. F.rrk. 3d II. settle yon a'ter old A Murk a 81. a supper to his chief A ESTEEM. Jo*t& 19. will he A thy riches? Pint. 119. I2& I A all thy precepts l*t 53. 4. A him smitten of God /'Ai7 t 3 A other better than them I 7Aei.5.ia A high) v for works' sake ESTEEM KI). Otnt. 3i 15. lightly e rock of salv. " Sam. 8. 3U desp. me, he lightly A 18. 23. teeing I am lightly e. Jab 2a 12, I A words of his mouth "roe. 17. 28. is e. a man of undentt. Jut. 29. la shall be e. as potter's clay 17. fruitful field be A an a foreat 53 3. and we A him not '.am 4. 2. A as earthen pitchers '.uke la 15. A among men is abora Cor. & 4, set to judge who leaat e. ESIKBMKTH. r o* 41. 87. he A iron as straw torn. It. 5. A one day above another 14. that r. any thing unclean ESTEEMING. Hob. 11. SflL e. reproach of Christ ESTRASGKU A 19. la acquaintance are A W 50. 3. wicked A from womb 7& 30. they were not A from lust /. nire:,;., e of A fire I 11 !! N .A , V^ 19. IMh.t I , * to. righteous all. ill g u iuto/i'rr 143 RVE .Vor* in. 17. do that I may inherit f . nff ? i.ukf 10. . | is. :a 30. receive in world to come e. lift Jh.; :i IS. helieveth h. have e. .'/if 4. 3A guthereth fruit unto life e. .->. :'. in them think ye have ?. lift a 54. drink my blood, hath e lift fiH. thou hHst tlie wi.rdd of e. life 10. 28L I give unto my sheep f. lift li 5. hatetli life, k.-ep it to <-. I'fr 17. i. should give e. life to as many 3. thi i- /i/c^ might know thee .frfj 1.1 48. as were orduini-d to e. I. Kan. 2. 7. who seek for iilory. f. life 5. 21. so might grace rei n to f. life 6. 23. but the gift of God is f. Mr I rim. a 14 lay hold on f . tiff. hi. Tit. I. 2. In hope of e. life wfnch i:. a 7. heirs accord, to hope of f h > I John I. 2. . /r/f whii-h was wiili }'. 2 25. promise he promised, r. /;'.- 3. I-V no murderer hath e. I. ;il> ; d. 5. II. that God given to us f. life 13 may know ye have e. life 20. this is the true God. Mid ,-. life Jude'i\. look, for mercy of L. to c. I. ETERNITY. Ita. 57. 15 loftv One that inhabit, e. BVAMOEMST, s. Ar(t 8). H. house of Philip the e. Epk. 4. 1 1. he gave some e. i Tim. 4. 5. do the work of an e. EVKN. Erod. 18. 14. people stand l.y thee from morning to .-. Lev. 83. 5. at e. is the Lord's pass, over, A'um. 9. 3. Dent. lii. (^ /)<>/. 88. 67. would God it were e. Judg. VO. 2.'l they wept till f. y'i. fasted till e. 2 .V/m. I. U. -'1 '-'. | abode till e. before God 1 Chr. *a 30. praise the L. eveiy e. Err*, li 7. in e. I digged thro* \\ail la when the e. was come, 20, 8. j 2fi. 20. | 87. 57. Murk 4, 35. | . 47. | II. 19. | 15. ii Mark I. 32. ate. brought diseased 13. 3\ at e. at midnight, or at John 6. la when r wa.t now come EVEN. Kin. 1. 48. mine eyes e. seeing It Pruv. 22. 19. knwn e. to thee Job 31. 6 be weighed in e. balance I't.it 2a 12. standetli in an e. place Cant. 4. 2. a flock of sheep e. shorn 7-uAre 19. 44. lav theee. withground EVENING. F.rod. 12. a Israel shall kill it in e. Jtatg. 19. 9. day draweth toward* A Sam. 14. 24. cur>ed eateth till e. PtaL 59. 6. they return at A th.-y 14. at e. let them return 90. 6. in the e. It is cut down lt. '-'3. Roeth to labour until <. "r,.r. 7. !. went to her hoiite in e. Eccl. II. a in A withhold not hand r er. 6. 4. nhadows of A stretched '.zt'k. 3.'). 22. hand of L. on me in 9 /f//A. 2. 7. eliall they he down in A V'/' It. 2a e. he was there alone Ifi 1 when it is e. ye *ay, it will J.u*e24.2i). abide, for it i* ton , John 2(. 9. 21. touched me about e. obla. //uA. I. 8. fierce than ft wolves ZeyA. 3 3. her judges are e. wolves Z-cA. 14. 7. at ft time it sh. he light EVENINGS. ,7-. & (5. wolf 3. Isaac to meditate at e. l.i,t. 17. 14. behold, at e. trouble Murk II. II. e. Jesus went out lets 4. 3. put them in hold, now e. EVER. >VieuS.29. well with them/ K. 12.28. 15. 17. shall i.e thy servant fir e. 23. 6. not seek their peace /or a. 29. 29. revealed belong to us for e. Josh. 4. 24 that ye might fear L. / e. \ Sam. 2. 30. ho. "walk before me/ e. 20. 15 not cut oft kindness fur e. 2 Sam. 7. 21. :"iifinned In. to thee/ e. 26. thy name he magnified I/or e. 29. that it may continue for e. 1 Kin. 10. 9. the L. loved Israel/ e. 11. 39 afflict Dav. seed, not yore. 1 Chr. 17. 22. didst make thine/ore. 2. 1). he will cast thee off/or e. 21). 18. O Lord, keep this/or e. t Chr. 7. Iti. name he there/r e. 33. 4 in Jerusalem name be/ore. Jab 4. 20. they perish fore. 14 2). prevail '*t <-o/-ft HL'ainst him 2) 7 peri-h/irf. like hi* dung 2 7 delivered/ e. from inyjndge 3r ' d..tb rstahlMi them/,re. P*al 9. 7. Lord s|,,,|l fndure/.r c. 18. expecta. of poor not perish/ e. 12. 7. shall preserve them for e. 13. 1. will forget me, () Lord,/ e.t l!). <. fear cle-ui. enduring f,r e. II. 6. made h: n most Messed/ore. 83. fl. dwell in house of Lord' for e. EVE Pfal. 28. 9. and lift them up/or ft 2'J. 10. Lord silteth kiug/ur e. 3D. 12. give thanks/or e. .9. 13. 33. II. counsel ol L. siandeth/bre. 37. 18. their inheritance be /or ft 28. his saints preserved /or e. 29. righteous nwell in land/or ft 4!. 12. settest me before face/ore. 44. 8. and we praise thy name/ore. 23. arise, cast us not tiff fur e. 45. 2. Goil hath blessed tliee/\\r\\ for e. 25. Jern. ami this city remain/ e. 31. 40. plucked up any more/ore. 32. 39. that they may fear mi' for e. I.,tm. 3. 31. L. will not cast nff'fore. 5. 19. thou, O Lord, remainest f. e 20. wherefore foriret us/rr .Ua<. fi. 13 power and *lorv/r ft iuA-e 1. 33. reign over Jacob for e. 55. spake to Abra. and seed/era John 8. 35. servant abideth not f,,r e 12. :J4. that Christ ahideth fur e. ' Rom. I. 25. Creator, hles-ed fur ft 9. 5. over all, (iod bles-ed/,r e II. 36. beglory/rt-ft 16 L 2 Cor. 9. 9. his righte. remaineth f. t Philetn. 15. shouldst receive him/ . Hen. 10. 12. for e. sat (low i riphi 14. perfected/ . them sanctified 13. 8. J. C. same to dv and f,re 1 Pet. I. 23. which liveth for e. 2.S. word of Lord endiireth_/- e. 2 John 2. truth's sake be with us/ e. See ESTABLISH, ESTABLISHED. Lire for EV1-:R. Gen. a 22. of tree of lile, and /./ e. Deut. 32. 40. and say, 1 lire fore. 1 Kin. I. 31. let king David lire fort. Psal. 22. 26. yourheart shall I. fore, 49. 9. should still lire for ft ' Dan. 2. 4. O king lite for e. 3. 9. | 5. 10. | 6. 6, 21. Zech. 1 5. prophets, do they 1. for e.t John 6. 51. if any man eat of t'ii bread, he shall /I'FV fir &. 58. For EVER and KVb'.R. Erod. 15. la reign //re. and. e. 1 Chr. 16. 36. blessed be God for e. and e. 29. 10. Dan. 2. 20 Neh. 9. 5. bless your (tod far e. find e. Ps. 9. 5. put out their name/nr ft 10. 16. Lord is kimr/or e. nntfe. 21. 4. length of days/of e. and . 45. a thy throne, i) God, is for e. 17 people praise thee for e. and e. 48. 14. this God is our God / ,. it. e. 52. a I trust in the mercy of God for e. and ^. III. 8. they stand fast 'for e. and f. 11<. 44. so sh. I keep thy law/or*. 145. 1. bless thy name/jre. and e. 2. praise thy name/ e. and e. 2J. 148 6. stalilished them for e. and t. Isa. 30. 8. be for time to come for e. 34. 10. none pass thro' it/ e. and* Jer. 7. 7. in land 1 gve for e. and e, 25. 5 given to you and fatlieca/ur #. Dan. 7. IS. possess kingdom/ e. a. e 12. 3. shine as the stars/or e. a>;d a Mic. 4. 5. walk in name 'of G. fore Gal 1. 5. be glory for ft Phil. 4. <0 I Tim. 1 17. 2 Tim 4. 18. Jlff>. 1.1 'Jl. 7/e6. I. 8. thy throne, O G. i. for e Her. 4. 9. who liveth for f. anile. 10. | 5. 14 | 10. 6. | 15. 7- 5 13. honour be to Lamb f. e. a. I. 12. power he to our G./ e. ande I 1. 15. Christ shall reign / e. and 6 20. 10. be tormented for e. ande. 22. 5. they sliall reicii fur ft and . EVERLASTING. den. 17. 8. an e. possession, 48. 4 21. 33. the e. God, Iia. 40. 28 H;IK, It 2R. 4P. 2a utmost bound of the < hill-t Ej-nd. 40. 15. e priegth. .Yi. :!.'). 27. nriileineath ar< ft nrmi /'jr. 24. 7 . doors. 9. || 100..-. merer I 112. '!. riuhteoui in ft remembrance 119 142. thy righteousness is e. 144. 139 24. lead me i.i the way f. 145. 13. thy kinirdom is an ft king. Dan.'\. 3. |7. '.'7. 2 Per. I. II. rVw. 10. 25. an f. foundation IM. 9. fi. he called, th" ,: Father 26. 4 in I^rd Jehovah ie. strength 33 I L dwell with * t.urnijjrb ? EVE &.!& with e I..T..M. 11. | HI. 7. tA 17 * Ml** l| M. a . kindue IS*. atn.|.VV5 . Mme. '.I. \; aa i. L U 1.1 tbee an . i rht, m /rr. 10 ia i. king. I M. 1 I.*. o.ufu.ioo A 40. brine *n r rvpraarti an you 31 3 jn*. Lived thee it h an r. love fton 4 :U It mi * dominimi. 7 II //.*. i (I the r. mountain* Uat la 8 be r-t ml., t. Are, 8ft 41. *\ 4* (hall |T'> '" e. pnni.hmriil iU !. H int.. . habitation! * 7V. I. a |Mai wMb*4MnatflM >> O./ e. 106. 4& ML t-fr-m r.tat taoil art Ood iO. . tBiiMte f 44. tkmi art //"* (OH 17. Merry * t*w Lord i/ r. /"IMSL a 13. I WIM set up/v*s *. or /M 4& l& L"fd, thy name i/ e JWw. i i wao-e '.i.ur forth/ ft Jfoa, I. I*. r| thon not f f. O Lord KVKKl.ASTINtt /r/L D-m. 11 *. awake, s .roe ti> r. /// Mo/ 19. . and Ow.ll inherit . fi/fe 7-uAr In 30. in world to rum* e. life JU* 3. Id believeth, have*. t/e, 35. 4. 14. water -print-in* up to . ft/!- & M. bcareth my words hath . fye & T7. m-l whirh enduret h In e Mr 4 aevta thv Son, may have r /iVr 47. that belteveth on me hath e. I 1*. ML hi emninandinent i* /!/< . Xrfa II 4& Judge unworthy ol e. Kfe Kxm. ft , ye bare tbe id. t Go/ & a (hull -f the Spirit reap /. . I 7"iat. 1. 16. h-reafler believe to e. KVKRMOHE. i Sam. 81 51. merry unto DarVd . I Ckr. 17. It throne he established* ftaL Id II. there lire pleasure* for . la M. merry to his eed lor r. 17. f.. do food. an.l dw.-ll f..r f. 77. a doth hit prom 1-4- fail for e.t Hfi. )<. will eUrify thy name for r. L tt. merry keep for him for t. It Mewed be the Lord for e. amen tt & Lord, art most high f..r r. M. 4 leek Lord, seek hi. fare . .1*. 31. roanted for r. 18. 1 cunf rrfa. ar* holy t. , EVI Dfft 4, 4. ye are alive e. ** of you I 2* hearken. . <>itf of yon J Car 3a la good Lord par l-n e. o. Pi 71. ia thy power to r o ' I li & MI r o. that tr.i-t.-th. 135 18 /. 43. 7. *, "tiled ' y my name 11. I ho. . one that thir-teth mine Jer. J.V i turn . o* from rvil way Dm. It. I. e. . found writ, in h.M.k - e. o. that a-k. Luk. II 10. \l,irk 7. 14 hearken t.. me r. n of /.uA-e IB. rt. toe on< whnh hath Jukn 3. a so i e. onr b.rn of Spirit I*. 37. . 8. that is of truth, heareth .let* 17. 27. tho' not far from e. one /turn. 14. 12. e. o. shall give account 2 rim. 2. 19. r. o. that nameth name EVRRY rcArrr. I C Ar. la 2. abroad to brethren e. v. Mark 16. 20. and preached e. irhere /. 9.ft prearh go-p I e. tr. Acb*. 4. .-fcfj 17.30. command. all e.tr.tu repent 28. 22. it i e. irfiere spoken aganiit I Car. 4. 17. as I tea< h e. where in /'Ait 4. 12. r. v. in all things instru I Tim. 9. a I will that men pray e.ir. KVIDEN< E. Jer. Si. la I subwribed the e. and II tb II. 1. faith r. of things not seen EVIDENCES. Jer. 32. 44. sh buy riel.U, subscribe*. EVIDENT. J'J> 6. 8a for it is e. to you if 1 lie (../' 3. II. justified by the law Is . PAit I. 28. an *. token of perdition Heb. 7. 14 . L. sprangout of Judah li it is yet far more e. for that EVIDENTLY. Gal S. 1. Jeans C. been e. set forth EVIL. Gen. 19. 19. some *. take me. I die 44. i ye have done *. in so doing 34. *. that shall come on my father 50. 10. ye thought evil againtt me Ex. i 23. hath done t. to this people 10. 10. look t-, it, e. is before you 3v. 14. the Lord repented of thee 8 Sam. 24. 16. I Cfir 21. 15. brut 19. 80. commit no more surh *. 2U. 21. Lord sh. separate him unto *. 30. IA. set before thee death and e. 31. 29. *. b fall yo>i in littler days JotJk. U. 15 if seem e. to serve Lord ludg. 2. IS. hand of L. ag. them for r. 9. 57. e. of Sherhem did God render Xi>. 34. they knew not e. was near 1 Sam. V0.7. be sure . is determined 24. II. *. nortrani.fr. In mine hand 17. whereas I rewarded thee r. 8i 17. . Is determined ag. master 8& A hath not been found in thee 2fl 18. what e Is in my hand * 29, n. I have not found e. in thee 2 Sam. a 39. Lord reward d-er of r. 12. II. I will raise up e. Bjrai. thee 19. 7. worse than all *. that befell 1 Am 14. 9. r. above nil before ihee I*. I. I. and erhewed *. K. | 2. 3. Ift in een m. r. touch thee 31. l.ft up when e found turn 42. 1 1. rmnlorted him over all the * /"- 54. n..r shall *. dwell with thee ..." ' ***< f. to him at peace 153. nor rtothr. t- hi, neighbour 81. II. thev intended e.agaiii-l the. 2X 4. I will fear no*, for thou art 144 EVI Pial 34. 81. f. shall flay the wick*.' 3ft. 4. he ahhorre'h not t. 40. 14. he put to shame wish me e. 41. 5. mine enemies -peak t. of IDO -P. ;> why "ho. I fear in days of e J :> 19. thou gives! thy moulh to e. .St. .5 shall reward e. to my ennniet .'.6. 5. their thoughts a)fa. me for e 90. I i the years xvli.-rem we neeu e. 91. 10. no f. befall then, Jer. 1'3. 17 97 10. that love the Lord, hate e. 109. 20. that f|>e..k r. jta. my soul 140. 1 1. e. -lull limit tl,c violent maa /ror. I. Ifi. leet rim to e. ha. 59. 7. 33. shall be quiet Irom fear of e. 3. ^9 devise not e. ngn. uei^rlibnur 5. 14. was almost in H ll e. in ini.l-t II. 19. pur-ueth e. pur-u. it to death 12.20. deceit in them that nnairim- e. 1. shall no e. h.ippen to the just 13 81. e. pursuetli sinners 14.22. do not they err that devise e. ? 16 4. even wick, d fur the day of e. 27. an ungodly man diggeth up - 3' i. moving lip* l.ringeth e. ty puss '.9. 23. shall not be viMtr.l with . 20. 8. sratter. away e. with his eyes 22. say not, I will rerompvnse ,. 81. 10, soul of the wicked di-sireth f. S2.3. prudent man foresteth e. '/7. 1^. 30. 32. if thought e. lay thine hand Ecct. 2. 21. is vanity, and a great f. 5. la there is a sore e. which I, la ri. 1. an e. which I have seen, 10. & 9. 3. an e. Hinong things done, heart t the sons of men is full of .. II. 2. knove-t not what e. on earth ha 3. R rewarded e. to themselves la 1 1. I will punish the world for e. 33. 15. shutteth eyes from seeing e. 45. 7. I make peace mid create e. 47. II. therefore sh. e. come on thee 56. 8. keepeth hand from doing e. 57. I. the righteous i- taken from e. Jer. 1. 14. out of the north an e. 6. I. 2. 3, *. shall come upon them, saith ,4. 4. because of e. of your doings, 23. 2. | 5*. a | 44. 22. 5. 12. neither shall e. come upu m 7. 30. child, of Judah have done ,-. II. 15. doe-t e. then thou lejoic.-t 17. pronoiinc.il e. for*, of Israel li II. to entreat well in lime of e. 17. 17. art my hope in the day of , . 18 bring on them the day off. and la 8. if tarn from e. I will repent of the e. 2(x 3, 13, 19. | 4.'. lu. II. behoid, 1 frame e. Hgaiiit.t >ou 19. 15. bring e. I hate pronounced 21. 10. my face aga. tin* cit) lor e. vr-'j 32. e. to from nation to nation 2a 8. the prophets prophesied of .'.'. II. ilii.ni.-ht- of peace not of e. 32. 30. child of Judah only done e. 36. 17. all the evil that I have pro. nounced agaiintt them. 'Jfi. :il 38. 9. these men have done e. in all 44. 1 1. set my face n^n.n-t )ou for t - 17. we had plenty, and i-aw no e. 27. I will watch over them for e. 29. my words stand aga. you tor e 51. 24. render to h*h)liin all the t. 60. wrote e. fho. o.m- on Kal.yi3S t'.ztk. ~. 5. an f. an only e. is come 14. 22. he roniforteil concein. the e. Dan. 9. 14. Lord ati lied up..n the e, >' I '2 l.'i. Lord r i-penirtn of the e. Amti$Z. a. e in city, L. not done it] 9. 10 say e. Khali not overtake us tonuAa 'in. f.il rep.-nt.dof e. 4. 2. .Vir. I. I*, t. fame d' wn Irom Lord V. !. that u ork e. ii| on ilr-ir l.e.is 3. aga tin* faii.il) no 1 devise ana 3. 1 1. 1. .TO *[i,. towurd I. mlber 50. her eye be e. toward husband 145 EV! Sam. 2. 23. hear of your e. dealing* I Hiit. 5. 4, nor e. nri urrent Ezra 9. la come for our e. deeds />*. 41. 8. e. disease cleaveth to hiui 64. 5. encourage in an e. matter 78. 49. by sending f. angels 1 12. 7. not be afraid of e. tidings 140. 1 1. let not e. speaker be esta, Prov. 6. 24. to ke.p from e. woman 14. 19. the t. bow before the good Eccl. 5. 14. riches perish bye. truml 6. 2. and it is an e disease 9. 12. fishes taken in an < net xn. 7. 5. taken e. counsel aea. lliee 32. 7. instruments of diurl art* e. Jer. 8. 3. that remain of e. family 12. 14. against mine e. neighbours la 10. e. peo refuse to hear words 2a 10. their course is e. 24. 3. e. tigs, very e. 8. | 29. 17. 49. 23. they have heard e. tidings Ezek. 5. 16. e. arrows of famine 17. so will I send on you e. beasts 6. II. alas, for all the e. abnmina. 34. 25. will cause e. beasts to cense 38. 10 shalt think an e. thought Hab. 2. 9. coyeteth an e. covetous. Mat. 5. 45. his sun to rise on the e. I. II. if being e. Luke 11. 13. 18. cannot bring forth e. fruit 12. 34. how can ye being e speak 39. an e. generation, Luke 11. 29. 15. 19. out of the heart proceed e. thought's, Mark",. 21. 24 48. if e. servant say in heart Luke 6. 22. shall cast out name as e. 35 kind to unthankful and e. John 3. 19. because deeds were e. Acts 24. "20. if found e. doing in me 1 Cor. 15. 33. e. communications Gal. I. 4. deliver us from e. world Eph. 4. 31. e. speak, he put away PhiL 3. 2. beware of e. workers Col, 3. 5. tnortify e. concupiscence 1 Tim. 6. 4. comet h e. surmisings Tit. I 12. Cretians are e. beasts Hi'!'. 10. 22. sprinkled from e. cons. Jam. 2. 4. judges off. thoughts 4. !'i. all turn rejoicing is -. 1 Pet. 2. I. laying HsideV. speaking! Rev. 2. 2. 4 anst not bear them . EVIL day or dans. Gen. 47. 9. few and e. d. of life bet- 1 Pr-,v. 15. 15. days of afflicted are e. Feel. 12. 1. while e. days rome not Amos 6. 3. ye that put far nway t. d. Eph. 5. 16. time, because day* arw g. 6. 13. able to withstand in'f. dap Day of Ev M. : See E\ it, Subst. EVIL doer or tlncr.t. J"b 8. 20. neither will he help t. d, P>. 26. 5. I hated congrega. off. d. 37. I. fret not because of e. doer* 9. e. dnert shall he cut off, but S4. 16. who will rise up ana. e. < or V irifj. Jwtf ft i3. r. < between Abimekvh I Sam. IK. 14. ft f. troubled him. 15. Ifl when e. wfi-if l upon thee A f. ifiril dep.irte.1 from him I*. Itt ft t. nune ..n Saul, 19. 9. Luke'. XI. be cured many of ft *. *1. 1 a w.im^n h aled of e. ifiihtt Jrtt 19. II ft . Went out of them 15. . C. sid. Je-n. 1 know, Paul A'-A. 11 17. wh.t r. t. H this ye do? fi III. 4. iii. line nut heart toft t Meti & 3. stand not in mi e. Mug .V keepeth mm. .lull feel no* t IX. 14. erret t whether VIKM! or . JW. t 19. it i- n ft t and bitter T. *. & bavin* no t. t to My of you KVII. M/iiffy. ' ./*. n. li I., brniK on you mile. t. Prof, li. 19 month pourcth nut ft f. J from r trrrv S4,|Va. |.U l.V | 36. 3.7. U. IX. turned them from t. tr. /MM* .1 & torn eery one from #. IP. 10, MW Iber turn.-d from e. teay R V I L leayt. t A.'. 17. 13. turufrumyniirc. tmi Etet.33.tl. berk. Jfl II. rrmember our. w. MM I. 4. turn ye now fr..m e. w. KV ^1 l.^r* or*r* fort 1 a who b.th iM.t .n e. w. - II. >enteiH-eimiit an e. iror* ^ * 7. 7 le.trv IT thereof arr . /(.Ill lrrr..r I.. (...) I ,, t ,. . f Tim 4. IH. drlirer me frm . c. . / > Irt r.. nl, i, lu n, and erery c ' I ^ * 1 I - >. ..-. n .r ,r4j werr r A o * entr. tr.( thl. pen. f 5il . rl r ,.^ . .Hi In. hoiue J^ *4 ih the barren J<+m l. /3 if .p..ke,,. be,- h'i -ntr~xt ' V> H* - 14. t- ffe<-:ed ( I V ft hip 39. the e. *w Philip no more KUKOl LYDON. .{It n. 14. iiro.e a wind, railed e. KWK or EWES. Gem. 21. i9. Abraham set seven e. :il. 38 thy ft not r,,-t th.-ir young /.er. 14 10. take one e. lamb 2 .SV/OT li. 3. nothing save e. lamb Piat. 7a 71. from following the e. EXACT. Drut 15. 3 of foreigner may ft again .Ve/t 5. 10. I likewise might ft of them 1 1. re-tore hundre. of money > -- e. /**ii 8l. ii enemy not ft upon him ha. 58 3. in fast you ft all labours 3. 13. ft no more than U appo. EXACTED, KTH. -' Kin. IV -jo. Menahem e. of Israel il 3V. Jeboiakim e. the gold Jo6 II. & G. ft IrM than iniquity des. EXACTION. S. .VeA. 10. 31. would leave ft of debt Ezek. 45. 9. take away your e EXACTORS. 00. 17. w ill make e. rigbteout. EXALT. F.f. 15. 8. father's G. I will e him I Sum. i 10. -h. ft horn of anointed JoA 17. 4. shall thou not e them /'//. 34. a let us ft his name toge. W. 34. . thee to inherit the land (K 7. let not rebellion* ft themseL W. 10. my horn ft like the horn 99. 5 ft ye the Lord our God, a 107. 3*. let r. him in conirrepution IK iS. art my God. I will < thee 140. a l-tt wicked ft themselves Prop. 4. a ft her, she shall promote !". 13. 4 ft the Voice unto them 4 II I will e. throne al ..v e stars *S. I. art my God. I will e. thee. I ft him that i- low *. li. nor ft it*elf above n-.tions 31. 14. to the end none of tr. /Jan. II. U, roUer- of thy people e. :V kin* f him -elf above -v. irotl ' I! 7 n.ine Mould r. him ; >h.r r . thy-elfa* th- . Wut X3. I- h..-., shall r him-elf I Pet. 5. 6. Kay f. you in due time 146 EXA EXALTED. 'Sum. 24. 7. hi.* kingdom shall t>p * I ,S./j. 2. I. -he sani, mine horn is t. i 5am. 5. 12. that he ha.! ft kingdom 2i. 47. ft be the God of the n-ok of my salvation, SW. It*. 46. I A'rn. I. .V then Adoiujah e. himself 14. 7. I ft thee from peop e, Ki. i. 1 A'i. 19. ii. wgaii.st whom h..-t thou e. thy voirei- /i. 37. 2J I C/ir. ii. II. thou art ft a> head AV/i. !). 5. ii c. above all hie>-ing ./. be ft above ln-avei>, II. 15. ID. horns of ML- lit. -on- sh I.e MU. Iti. in thy ruiht.-. .-h. they he e 17. in thy favour our hum be r . 19. ft one chosfii out of people -'4. ill my name his horn bee. "7. 9. art ft far above all to.ds I0a 5. be thou r Hhove the heaven! Hi 9. Ilia horn be r. with honour IIS. Id right hand of Lord i-e. /'ror. 11. II. by blesin' <-ity is ft /m. -J. i. niniiiilHin of l.i.r.r- liou-e be ft above the hill-', .Vi>. 4. 1. 11. L. he e. in that day, 17. | 5. ItJ. 12. 4. menti-.il that bis name is ft 30. IK he . that he have mercy S3. 5. L. is e. h 10. now will I be e. 40. 4. every valley shall be e. 49. II. my high-ways shall be A !>>. la my servant shall lie ft Eiek. 17. i4. I the Lord e. low tree 19. II. her stature was ft 31. 5. Hot. 13. I. Kphraim ft himself ill I 6. and their h. art was ft Mat. 1 1. 23. ft to heaven, Luke 10. 15. 12. humble himself .-hall be e. Luke 14. 11. | la 14 Luke 1. 5'?. ft them of low degree Act* i 3a by right hand of God e. 5. Ml him hath <.'.! ft la 17. God of Israel ft the people -' Cor. 11. 7. that yu might be e. 12. 7. he ft above measure, 7. I'/iil. 2. 9. (....I hath highly ft him Jam. 1. !). let bro. rejoin- that he is ft KXALIKM. KTH. Er. 9. 17. e thyself lurainst my pea. Job 3ft. '->i. G-id'e. by his power full. 14*. 14. lie ft horn of hi- pen. Pror. 14. *9. hasty of spirit <. folly .'it. righteousneii- e a nation 17. 19. ft gate, seeketh d.-s'rurtinn /.A-e 14. II. ft him. heaba-ed, 13.14. 2 Cor. Id 5 down ev. thing that r. ^ TA. i. 4. ft bun. above all called 1 X \MINAT10X [i;o< f^25. 2& after ft had, I might KX A M I N E. rrn in. Ifi. cat down to ft mnttw /'*. 26. i. e. me O Lor.!, prove mo Cor y. :i my alls, to 'hem that e 11. <& let a man ft bin.-. It 2 Cor. 13. S. e. yonr-elve-, prove EX A MINK I), ING. r.A-23. 14. I have . 21. i suffered, lea V.us an . lude 7. set forth for an e. suffering See EN- AMPLE, S. EXCEED. Dtnt. 25. 3. forty stripes, and not e. est if he e. brother seem vile Mul. 5. 20, your rk-ht. e. the scrihc- 1 Cor. K 9. ministration e. in glory EXCEEDED I Sum. 2t. 41. they wept, till David . 1 Kin. 10 23 Solnm. e. all for riches EXCEEDEST, ETH. I Kin. 10. 7. thy wi-dom e the fame I Chr. 8 6. thou e. fame that I heard EXCEEDING. (i<>n. 15. 1 and thy e. great rewnrd 17. 6. I will makethee e. fruitful 27. 34. Esau cried with e. hitter cry Ej-nd. I. 7. Israel waxed e. mighty M). 16. voice of the trumpet e. loud yum. 14. 7. land we passed ise. good 1 Ham. 2. 3. talk no more e. proudly 2 Sam. 8. 8. Da. took e. much brass 12. 2. rich man had e. many flocks 1 Kin. 4. 29. G. gave Sol. wisdom e. 1 Chr. 20. 2. brought e. much spoil 22. 5 house must be e. magnifies! 2 Chr. 11. 12 he made cities e. strong 14. 14. was e. much spoil in them 16. 12. Asa, disease waxed e. great 32. i7. Hezekiah had e. much riches Ft. 21.6 thou hast made him e. glad 43. 4. will 1 go nntifGod. my e. jo> 119. 96. thy command, is e. broad Pror. 30 24. font things are e wiae Eitl. 7. 21. which ise. deep, who can Ezek. 9. 9. iniquity of is. is e. great I'!. 13. eat oil, and waste beantifn 37. 10. upon their feet e. great army 47. 10. as fish of great sea e. many Dun. 3. 22. the furnace was e. hot 7. 19. fourth beast was r. dreadful 8. 9. horn, which waxed e. great Jiinnh 3. 3. Niti. was an e. great cit> 4. ft. Jonah was e. glad of the gourr Mat. 2. 10. rejoiced with e. great joy 16. Herod mocked, was e. wroth 4. 8. taketh up into e. high. mount. 5. 12. rejoice and he e. glad, great H. 28 possessed with devils e.Aero 26. 22. they were e. sorrowful, and 38. soul e. sorrowful, Mark 14. 34 Mark. G. 26. the king was e. sorry 9. 3. his raiment e. white as snow Arlil. 20. Moses horn, and was e. fair Rum. 7. 13. that sin become e. sinfu 2 Ci-r. 4. P. worketh e. weight glory 9 14. for e. gra< e of God in you Efih. 1. 19. f. greatness of his power 2. 7. might shew e. riches of grace "}. '20. is able to do e. abundantly 1 Tim. I. 14. grace of L. e. ahundan 1 I'et. 4. 13. be glad also with ft joy 2 Pet. 1. 4. given use great promisei J^^de 24. yon faultless with ft j"V /fet>. 16. 21. tlie plague was ft great EXCEEDINGLY. Gen. 7. 9. the waters prevailed ft on 13. 13. men of Sod. were sinners e. ]<>. 10. I will multiply thy seed ft 17. 2. I will multiply tliee e 20. I will multiply Nbmael e. a 27. 33. and Isaac trembled very e. liO. 4.'!. and Jacob increased e. 47. 27 1 Sum. 13. 15. Amnon hated here, t Kin. 10. 1. elders Samaria e. afraid t Chr. 29. 26. I,, magnified Solomoi e. 2 Chr. 1. J EXC 1 Chr. 17. 12. Jehosh. waxed great e. 26. 8. I.' /./nili strengthen, himself e. Xeh. 2.10. heard it, it grieved them e. Esih. 4. 4. the queen was r. grieved lob 3. 24. rejoice e. when they find Ps. 68. 3. let the right.-ous e. 'rejoice 1116. 14. lusted e. in the wilderness Hit. 167. testimonies, I love them e. 1?3. 3. are e. filled with contempt, 4. lin. 24. 19. the earth is moved e. Dan. 7. 7. a fo mill beast strong e. Jonah 1. 10. men were e. afraid, 16. tde men feared the Lord e. 4. I. it displeased Jonah e. Mat. 19. 25 they were e. amazed _ Mark. 4. 41. they feared e. and said 15. 14. cried out the more e. crucify Acti 16. 20. these men do e. trouble -(i. II. heniL- P. mad apainst them 27. 18. e. tossed with a tempest 2 Cor. 7. 13. and e. the more joyed we Gal. 1. 14. e. z-alous of the traditions 1 Tlies. 3. 10. night and day pray. e. > Tlies. \. 3. your faith groweth e. Heb. 12. 2!. Moses said, 1 e. fear EXCEL. Crew. 49.4.unstable us water, 8h. note. I Chr. 15.21. with haipson Shpin. e. Pt. I0a 20. angels that e. in strength lisa. 10. in. whose images dide. them I Cor. 14. 12. -eek that ye may e. EXCELLED, EST. [H.gypt 1 Kin. 4. 30. Sol.'s wisdom e. wis. of Prov. 31. 29. but thou e them all EXCELLETH. Eccl. 2. 13. wis. e. tolly, light e. dark. 2 Cor. 3. 10. by reason of glory that e. EXCELLENCY. Gen. 49. 3. e. of dignity, e. of power Efod. 15. 7. the greatness of thine e. Deut. 33. 26. who rideth in his e. 29. and who is the sword of thy e. Job. 4. 21. doth not their e. go away? 13. 11. shall not his e. make afraid? 20. 6. e. mount up to the heavens 37. 4. thumlereth with voice of his e. 40. 10. deck with majesty and e. Psal. 47. 4. the e. of Jacob whom he 62. 4. to cast him down from his e. 68. 34. his e. is over Israel. Eccl. 7. 12. the e. of knowledge is Isa. la 19. beauty of the Chaldees'e. 35. 2. e. of Carmt 1 ; e. of our God. 60. 15. 1 make tliee an eternal e. Ezek. 24. 21. the e. of your strength Amos 6. 8. I abhor the e. of Jacob 8. 7. L. hath sworn by e. of Jacob Nah. 2. 2. e. of Jacob, the e. Israel 1 Cor. 2. I. I came not with e. speech 2 Cor. 4. 7. that e. of power may be Phil, a 8. count nil things lobt fore. EXCELLENT. Etth. I. 4. A hasu. shewed e. majesty Job 37. 23. Almighty is e. in power Pt. 8 1. how e. thy name in earth ! 9. 16. 13. e. in whom is all my delight 36. 7. how e. is thy loving kindness 76. 4. more e. than the mountains 141. 5. it shall bean e. oil 148. la Lord, his name alone (s e. 150 2, according to his e. grentnesi< Prim. 8 6. I will speal; of e. thing; 12. 26. righte. more e. than neigh. 17. 7. e. speech beconicth not a too! Cant. 5. 15. countenance e. as cedar.- Isa. 4. 2. fruit of the earth shall I.e e. 12. 5. sing to L. hiith done e. things 28. 29. Lord ol hosts e. in working Ezek. 16. 7. art come to e. orn inent.' Dun. '2. 31. whose brightness was e. Dun. 4. 36. e. majesty "as added unto ">. 12. e. spirit found in Daniel, 6.3. 14. that e. wisdom is found in tliee J Luke 1. 3. uiost e. 'hcophilus 147 EXC Act" 28. 26. to the e. governor Fell Bom. 2. 18. appmveat tin ling.-, nior / M. I. re* _ 10, 1 Cr. 12. 31. shew I a more e. way Ileli. I. 4. obtained a more e. name 8. 6. he obtained a more e. ministry 11. 4. Abel oft'.-reif moie e. sacrifice 2 Pet. 1. 17. voice from the e. glory EXCEPT. Gen. 32. 26. not go e. thnn bless me 42.15.e. youngest broth. come, 43.3.5. A'um. 16. 13. e. make tli)self a prince Deut. 32. 30. e. their Itock had sold Jofh. 7. 12. e. you de-troy so curbed 1 fiam. 25. 34. e thou hail's t ha-tcd to 2 .S'u;/i.l3. e. thou fitst bring Mirbaei 5. 6. e. thou take away the blind '2 Kin. 4. 24. slack not riding, e. 1 bid Eith. 2. 14. e. king delighted in her 4. l\.e. king sh. hold golden sreptre Pi. 127. I. e. the L. build, e. L. keep Prov. 4. 16. sleep note, done mischief Isa. 1.9 e.L. left remnant, Rom. 9/29. Dan. 3.i8. nor worship gcd e. n thoughts arriuinf or * EXECRATION. Jrr 4i K and ye Mall he an A 44. li shall he an ft and reproach I I r. t.roJ 12 i?.wil1 e. judg. on gods of E. A'tun. L I". priet iball t upon her R II lht they may ft service of L. Prat 1 18. nr doth e. judg. of widow ft. I ia 64. when wilt thou e. judg. I4t. 7. to ft vnig. ancr upon heath. 9. toe. the judgment written Isr. 7. i. r. j "ig between ro.n and SI. IS. t. jn .gment In the morning tt.3i e judgment and righteous. S3. i bram-h hall r. jadgin. 'J3. li EM*, i N. I will e. jndif. lit thee, la & li when I nhall e. judg. in thee II. R and I will e. judg. among you B. II. I willftjudgm. upo:i Mi*h 17. I will ft veticeanre upon them 30. 14. and r. judgments In No 19. thus will I < judi-m. in Ecypt 4S 9. r. judgment and juotiie H* II. 'J. I will not ft the flerrenrsK JsV 5. IS. and I will r. vengeance 7. 9. and ft j-tdgmrnt for me ZerA. 7. 9. e. true judg., show mercy 8. l& ft the judgment of truth Jo* A.77. given authority to ft judg. AMU. la 4. minister of Oral e, wiath Jk4e li to ft judgment tin all EXECUTED. Him. 33. 4. on god the L. . jndgm. JDMst 3a 21. he ft justice of the Lord t Sam. i. li U ft judg. I CAr. IK 14 1 CAr. . 10 that ft the prie.f office Kit Bin. and It... e. priest's office A>ra 7. . let judum. be ft >pe. dily / IDA. 30. Phiurhas, and e. Judgm. ErrL L II. sentence not ft speedily ./r. O. 1OL anger irf the L. have ft AMft.ll.lt nrith.rr. myjudir. 20.14. in & ft trar judg. l^twern man. 17. 3. 10. ttn-y had ft judit. upon tier Jt. . when I .hall have ,. iudg. 2ft In. 1.8. while ZwlTi.. i!r,r.onW EXECUTKDST. aia m e. wrath on Aroalek 'EM. ETH I. I. known by judg bee. W. . ISMHI ft jiHUmet,t iu Jr,* J the l-4.nl . ri((ht. ** 4C It, . II. , ,nvr,,,n.,| ' ' W1 " > r< '" n wurd ? r*r II II J ..... t. r.t ..fffr-mr "iitr. .41 Ah-h' hiMiir I TION. KK. I. drf rr drrw to hr put in r I *.. 14. 1 7-v :--"trthllttl ** IT '. n 4 - to hirh .W . 24 I %rhi. I. f .. lt ..k ..... n. Hat. JU li |.i d..m. in.ii. iht ati ttr*\ , JiUuinty, Vfc la 4: tu.2ixi.' EXP Arti 84. 16. do I e. ray*, to have cons. 1 Tim. 4. 7. e. ihnrA to godll 1 II. . U -orr travail, ti be ft 3. 10 t.srk. 22. 2. pfo. of land ft robbery //**. i 14 seiiM-* ft to diftcern good I.' II. fruit of right, to theme. 2 Pet. 2. I . heart ft with covetous Rtr. la 12. ft powtr of first beast EXHORT. Act* 2. 40. with many words did hee. 27. . I ft yii to be of good cheer I Tke*. 4. I. brethren, and ft you M now we*, you, warn unruly 1 Tke*. a 12. we loinm. and e. by C. 1 Tim. 2. I. I e. that tir-t of all, pray 6. 2. these things teach m.d ft 2 Tim. 4. 2 ft with all long-suffering Tit. I.U.may beahle tne.and convince 2. ft. young men ft to h sober 9. e. servants to be obedient l.V -peak, . and rebuke //''. a l.'i ft one another daily I Pet. 5. I. the elders aitioni; you I ft JufitZ. needful for u e to write and ft EXHORTATION. / u. a 18. many things in e preached AH* la 15. if ye have word of e. vO. 8. w hen Paul had given much ft Ham. 12. a exhortrth, let wait on ft 1 Cur. 14. a peketh unto men to ft 2 Cor. 8. 17. indeed he acceptrd the ft I The*, i a our e. was not of decei I Tim. 4. 13. give attendance to ft Heb. 12. 5. ye have forgotten the e. la 22. snfl-r the word of ft EXHORTED, ING. Art* 1 1. 23. Kar. ft to cleave to Ixird li 32. ft brethren with many word.-. 14. 12. ft them to continue in laith 18 87. brethren wrote e. diM-iph-s //-.'. 10. 25. hut r. one another ard '.5. 12-bySilv. I hve written e. I The*. 2. II. yon know bow we e. EXILE. iSam. li 19.astrangerandal itn en oiitking'* house * 1 decree that e. be giveu to 1-IS EYE EXPEKIKNCE. Grn. 30. 27. by c. the L. blessed B* A'ri-/. I. I ft. my h Mrt had e, of wtsd. Rum. 5. 4. MtMWC wurki" h . and *. BXPEBIMENT. 2 Cor. 9. la br f. of this nnuistraf ion BXPEBT. [in war I CAr. 12. 33. of Zeb. fi ty thouKiid e. 35 Danites e. in war. ||3& A- her t'n'tt. 3. 8. all hold swords.e. in nr Jer. 6a 9. arrows shall be a r. mu ^ctf 26. a I know thee e. in ru-ti.n.t EXPIRED. I Sam. 18. 26. the dayn were not ft i Sum. 1 1. 1. year was e. I. CAr. 20. 1. I t'/ir. I". II. ci>me when be e <.l,r. 3i. 10. whrn year e. Neb. i A'-M. 1.5. when day P were e. theking Etek. 4a27. when days are ft it thall Act* 7. 30. when forty years were ft Rev. 20. 7. 1000 years e.' Satan loosed EXPLOITS. Dan. 11.28. to lii.- land he shall do ft 32. people shall be strong and do ft EXPOUND. El). Judg. 14. 14. they could not ft riddle 14. 19. garment- to them who ft rid. .Mark 4. :U when alone ft all tl.ings /.ut24. 27. he e. to them all .-n ipt. Art* II. 4. Hut Peter ft it by oidrr lH.26.Aq. and Pris. e. to him way (!. 28.23. Paul ft the kingdom ot God BXPBES& . 3. bring ft image of person EXPRESS, El). .Viim. 1. 17 took men r. by names 1 CAr. 12.31 Manas* 18,000 ftby name Hi 41. who were e. I y name 2 CAr.,;,. -.'8. IS. men ft took captives 31. !!>. men ft to give portions Ezra a 20. Nethinuno e. by name BXPHBSSLY. I Xorn. 20. 21. if I r. my to the lad ieAr. I. 3. word cnme c. to Ezekiel 1 TYm. 4 1. >!>iiit sp. ak.-th ft .-Line EX I KM), ED. Ezra 7. 28. e. mercy to me || 9.!). to ui Pi. 109. 12. let be none to ft rncr/-y Ita. 66. 12. I will r. pracv like river E.V1 ENbE'I H. Pi. 16. 2. my f... .1... -. e. not to the* EXTIUCT. Job 17. I. my day- are /. the grates 7*0.43. 17. thev nre e. the) quenched EX JO I.. l.EIJ. //at 30. I. I will c. th.e, O Lord 6<:. 17. he wa- r. itb my tongue Ca 4. ft him that ndeth on heaven* 145 I. I will e. thr., my ft oil Ita. 52. la mv n-rvant shall Le e. Dan. 4. .'17. I Nrbiichad. e. King of EXTORTION. KH, S. Pi. 109. II let ft catch all he hath / 26. if man -nntr f nf Kervanu 7-rr. 21. 20 that liath b| ( mixh ii> e. a A4. his . fhall be i 5(1 her ft stall be e\il to. huthand .TV. 10. kept him a^ apple of bir e. Drut. 34. 7. hi> r. w a- not dim, nor 1 f.zra 5. i . of Gud wa on elders EYE M 7. 1 . that hath see . me, shall 10. la and no e. had amn me CO 8. j. which saw sh. see no more 24. 15. e. of adulterer waiteth for twilight, saying, no e. shall see 29. 11. when e. saw me.it gave wit. fsal 33. 18. e. of L. on them th. fear 35. 19. neither let them wink with e. 21. aha, aha. our e. hath seen it W. 9. that formed e. sh. he not see ? Prov. 10. 10. that wiuketh with the e. causeth sorrow 20. 12 the seeing e. L. hath made 22. 9. bountiful e. shall be blessed 30. 17. e. that mocketh at father EccL 1. 8. e. not satisfied with seeing 4. 8. neither e. satisfied with riches /.a. 13. 18. e. shall not spare children 52. 8. for they shall see e. to e. 64.4. neither hath e. seen, I Car. 2.9. Lam. 2. 4. slew all pleasant to e. Ezek. 9. 5. let not your e. spare J/ic. 4. II. let our e. look on Zion Mat. 6. 22. light of the body is the A Luke II. 34. 7. 3. mote in brother's e. beam in thine own e. Luke 6. 41, 42. la 9 if e. offend thee pluck it out 19.24. camel go through e. of needle, Mark 10. 25. Luke 18. 25. 1 Cor. 12. 16. because I am not thee. 17. if the whole body were an e. || 21. e. cannot say 15\ 52. in twinkling of an e. Ret. I. 7. and every e. shall bee him Er,l EYE. Prov. 23. 6. bread of him th hath e. e. 28. 22. hasteth to be rich hath e. e. Mat. 6. 2a if e. be eril, Luke II. 34. 20. 15. is thine e. e. bee. ! sm good 'i Mark 7. 22. of heart proceedeth e. e. Mine EYE. 1 Sam. 24. 10. but mine e. spared thee Job 7. 7. m. e. sh. no more see good 13. 1. mine e. hath seen all this 16. 20. minee. pourelh tears to G. 17. 7. mine e. is dim by sorrow 42. 5. but now mine e. seeth thee Pi. 6. 7. m. e. con. with grief, 31. 9. Si. 8. I will guide thee with minee. 54. 7. mine e. hath seen his desire 88. 9. mine e. monrneth by reason 92. 11. minee. shall see my desire L'im. 1. 16. m. e. m. e. runneth, 3. 48. 3. 49. minee. trickleth down 51. mine e. affecteth my heart Exek. 5. 11. neither shall mine e. spare 7. 4, 9. | 8. 18. I 9. 10. Thine EYE. Deot. 7. 16. thine e. shall not pity, 13. 8. | 19. 13, 21. | 25. 12. 15. 9. t. e. be evil against brother Mat. 6. 22. if t. e. be single, Lu. 1 1.34. 7. 3. beam in t. own e. Lukefi. 41. 18. 9 t. e. offend pluck it Mark9A1. See APPLE. EYE- BROWS. Lev. 14. 9. sh. shave hair off e.-brows EYE. 1. 1 OS. Job 16. 16. on mine e. is shadow 41. la eyes like e. of the morning Pt. 11. 4. his e. try children of men 132. 4. or slumber to mine e. Prov. 4. 25. let thine e. look straight 6. 4. or slumber to thine e. 25. neither let l/er take with . 30. 11 their e. are lilted up Jer. 9. 18. e. ma> gush with waters flight EYE. ZcA. 11. 17. on his right .. Msright e. shall be utter 1 darkened Mat. 5. 29. if r. f. offend pluck it out EYK.SAI.VE. Jter>. 3. 18. am , Col. 3. 22. EYE-Mc.HT. 2 Sam. 22.25. according to my clean, ness in his e.. sight, Psal. 18. 24. EYE WITNESSES. Luke I. 2. from beginn. e. -witnesses 2 Pet. 1. 16. were e.-wit. of majesty EYED. 1 Sam. 18. 9. Saul e. David Tender EYED. k Gen. 29. 17. Leah was tender.e, EYES. . Gen. 3. 6. and pleasant to the e. 7. e. of them both were opened 16. 4. mistress was despised in e. 5. 1 was despised in here. 20. 16. he is to thee a covering of e. 21. 19. God opened Hagar's e. 39. 7. wife cast her e. on Joseph 48. 10. e. of Israel were dim for age Ej-oti 8. 21. abhorred in e. of Phar. 24. 17. glory of L. like fire in e. of la Lev. 4. 13 hid from e. of assembly 26. 16. burning ague sh. consume e. Num. 10. 31. mayest be in.-tead of e. 20. 12. to sanctify me in e. of Israel 22. 31. Lord opened e. of Balaam 24. 3. man whose e. are open. 15. Dent. 16. 19. gift doth blind e. of wise 28. 65. L. shall give failing of e. Judg. 16. 28. I be avenged for two e. i Sam. 6. 20. uncovered in e. of hand. 24. 3. that e. of king may see it 1 Kin. I. 20. e. of all Ur. upon thee 2 Kin. 6. 17. L open. e. ot young m. 20. Lord, open e. of these men 25. 7. out e. of Zed. Jer. 39.7. | 52.11. 1 Chr. 13. 4. right in e. ot people Job 10. 4 hast'thou e. of flesh ? 11. 20. e. of the wicked shall fail 17. 5. e. of his children shall fail 28. 21. hid from the e. of all living 29. 15. I was e. to the blind 31. 16. cause I e. of widow to fail 39. 29. and her e. behold afar off Psal. 15. 4. in whose*, vile person 19. 8. commandment enlighten, e. 115. 5. e. ha. they, see not, 135. 16. 123. 2. as e. of servant, e. of maiden 145. 15. e. of all wait upon thee 146. 8. Lord openeth e. of the blind Pro. 10.26. as smoke toe. so sluggard 15. 30. light of e. rejoiceth heart 17. 8. precious stone in e. of him 24. e. of fool in ends of the earth 23. 29. who hath redness of e.? 27. 20. e. of man are never satisfied Eccl. 2. 14. wise man's e. in head 6. 9. better the sight of e. than 1 1. 7. pleasant for e. to behold sun Cant. 1. 15. thou hast dove's e. 4. 1 Isa, 3. 8. to provoke e. of his glory. Ifi. daughters of Z. with wanton e. 5. 15. e. of lofty shall be humbied 29. 18. thee. of the blind shall see 3'i. 3. e. of them that see not be dim 35. 5. then e. of blind sh. be opened 42. 7. to open the blind e. to bring 43. 8. bring forth blind that have e. 52. 10. made hare his arm in e. of 59. 10. we grope as if we had no e. Jer. 5. 21. have e. see not, Ex. 12. 2. Ezek. 1. la their rings were full of e. 10. 12. the wheels were full of e. 38. 23. I will he known in e. of na. Dun. 7. 8. in horn e like e. of man 20. horn that had e. nnd a month Hab. 1. la purer e. than behold evil Zech. a 9. upon one stone seven e. 8. 6. if marvellous in e. of remnant Mat. 18. !). rather than having two e. emit into hell fire, Mark 9. 47. 14* EYE Work 8. 18. bavin* e. *t*. yp n. 4. 6. four beasts full of e. 8. and were full of e. within 5. 6. a Lamb having seven e. Hit EYES. Gen. 27. 1. Isaac, hii e. were dim 49. 12. hit e. shall he red with win* Xum. 24.4. trance, hav. hise. open, Hi. Judg. 16.21. Philistines put out /:j< 1 Hum. 3. 2. Eli, hi* e dim, 4. 15. 14. 27. and hi* e. were t-nlighiencj 1 Kin. 14. 4 Ahijah, his e. Wi-rest-t 2 A'm. 4. 34. child, put /m e. on Aw A 35. child sneezed, opened hit e. 6. 17. open his e. that he may see 25. 7. blew sons of Zedekiah before his e. Jer. 3 f>. \ 52 I a 1 Chr. 2). 23. king do good in hii e. Ext/i. 8. 5. and 1 pleasing in hi* t. Job 16. 9. enemy sharpeneth hi* e. 21. 20. hi* e. sh. see liis destruction 24. 23. yet hi* e. are on their u > 27. 19. the rich man openeth ni*'e. 34. 21. his e. are nn the ways ot maa 36. 7. he withdraweth not hi e. from 40. 24. he taketh it with Ms e. 41. 18. Ms e. are like eye. lids of m. Pml. 10. 8. hiie. net against pour II. 4. AM c. behold children of men 36. I. no fear of (Jod before Ait e. 66. 7. AM e. behold the nations Prmi. 6. 13. he winketh with hit e. 16. 30. he shutteth his e. to dcvi-e 20. 8. king scattereth evil with hit f. 21. 10. neighbour find, no fav. in A. A 28. 27. hideth hise. shall have--nr-e Eccl. 8. 16 nor night sleep, with A. e. Cant. 5. 12. hise. areaseyes otri.ncj 8. 10. in h. e as one that found Car. ha. 1 1.3. not judge after siiht of A. t>. 17. 7. h. e. have respect to holy Un 33. 15. shut'eth A e. from see. evil Jer. 32. 4. his e. shall behold lit* f. Ezek. 12. 12. see not ground with >,.e. 20. 7. cast away abomination ol A. A >'!. 8. 5. horn between Awe. 21. 10. 6. hit e. were as lamps of rre Mark. 8. 23. when he had spit on f- *. 2">. after he put haridi on Aw < Jnhn9. 14. made clay andopeiieil .*. 21. or who hath opened AM f. Acts 3. 4. Peter fastening AM . upoa 9. 8. and when his e. were opened 18. there fell from AM e. scales 13. 9. then Saul set hise. on him 1 John 2. II. dark, hath blinded /;. f. Rev. 1. 14. AM e. as a flame of fire, 2. is. | ia 12. Lift, m lifted up KYKS. Gen. 13. 10. Li* lifted nu hise. 14. lift up thine e. and 'ok, 31. 12. Deut. 3. 27. 2 A' in I'J. -'-' h;>. 4!) 18. | 60. 4. Jer. 3. 2. hxek. 8. 5. Z-A 5. 5. 18. 2. A bra. /ijft up his e. 2?. 4. 13. 24 63. lsaac||t;4. Kebek L*pmrt* 31. 10. Jacob, :. 1. 1| 43. 2R J" t * * jorf. 14. 10. lift up their f. A'wm. 24. 2. Hainan lift "f> hi* . f. 4. If*, le-tthou /. . c tohea?. Jcth. 5. 13. Joshua WV" "/- h:i . . 19. 17. old man lift ?}< M* A EYE FYF. OE 1 ftiB C IX Nfl. tat . and w ark f.rrn. 12. 4. open as. e. on ho. of Jnd. Ttfut. 0. 21 thtnr bi,-h t. f. ten t ^im 11 ' II .le.ii. anointed m. e. IS. . t he hath ..penrd miner. AHt II R when 1 had fattened m. t. Our KVKS. .VMM. II. R no. bur manna befo. o. *. DettL 6. 12. shewed -i*ii h.-f..re o 2K. 31 o\ *l all he l:>ill before t f. itt. thine- r sli.ill look, and fail 34. ma.l for 'be sight cf thin,- e 67 ^1 4 .an-ed the. to ee with t. e.. fttith > <>. let -hine f. be on the field in. win have 1 found grace in t .f 1 .S'.rm 2. "33. ll:ill be to colisiin.e '. . Ere* ), R n .r rV/ M ' " '". '* 18. hath '.ft . hi. r. to idol. Dun. 4. J f Veloo-rutd, t up minee. & X 1 'irVrf Mp mine e. Ul. S. 7erA. VI 7. hlixMt, nor have o. e. een it 2 TAr. >. 12. O r, ,.. r. re n|>..n the H. (hat our G. lirhten o. e. Ptnl MR 83. l-ord> domif. marvel. 24. 10. t e seen how I delivered 2\ R let men find favour in t. e. 26. 21. soul precious in t. this day 87. A. if 1 brfve loiind grace in 1 e. i. 1, i. B. | R 1 1 inn. e. V,ff 21 4i Vrrrirl8.ll. 8 Sam. 12. 1 1. tak.- thv it M es h . /. e. 88. 'JR thine e. are on the haughty* V-rf 17. fl. h />!>> much as e. to be*. V 17 for th.-e thini' o. e. are dim Jnei I.1R is no' meat rut before o. e. ? 20. R what, in ple.isant in Iliinr e. 2 A'in. 7. 8. thou shall >ee it with t. e V-t 20. S3. 1.. that o. e. he opened 10. 5. do to u- what, is irnod i.i t. e (Ve-s. R R S f.Miod rare in * tf L. 1 JaA 1. 1. "e hare seen with o. e. 18. IR open I .rd t. e. /-//. :f7. 17. /Jen/ II. 12. e. of 7 Me /..always on it Otm KYKS. 82. 80. t. e. shall not see all evil in. IR do what i ruht ID e, f 1- ,Vt. IV 3B. eek not after wit e. i CAr. 17. 17. wn-> small tinny in t. i \ S*m. 8R 24. life -et by in e. ../ /_ lin'l 18. R not do erery man what -' CAr. 34. vf* nor -hall t. r-. see evi. 1 Am. 14. V l"rid did right in e. / r.irht in his a. e. Jiaif. I7.R | 2I.2.S. Seh. 1. fi. let Mine e. open Me /.. II. I 88. 13 JCAr. 14. 2. .VeA. 1 IR enemies ra-t down in o. e. JoA 7. R Mine e. are upon me 1 C\r. IR 9. the t. /Mr /..wrf run to Jith 38. 1. herHUe righteoiio in o e. 1 1. 4. 1 am clean in thine e. an) fr. s Z-rA. 4. I". 8. he filttereth him. in o. e. 14. a do-t thou ..pen i. e. on such 1 /"roe. 3. 7. be not wise in tm e. IS. 18. what do I/,,,,, e. wink at P 'righteous. 1 Pet a 18 18. IS. way of fol i right In oirn r>. /*. 31. 88 1 am rut oft from be. t. e. Frtf. IS. 3 f. of 1.. re In er. pirn, e IR 8. way* of m >n are clean in o. e. SO. 81. set in order before tl:im- ,: . It. e. fA- f- preserve know). 2). 8. way of man is rivht inmrne. 91 R with <. e. shall lhu behold /M. tf. S. glor 1 .111 in e. /Me /.orrf 30. 12. gen, ration pure in their o e 139. IR t, e. did see my sub-taace Waso. u. a e or" A. are nn -mini king. ha. .V 2). w... to them w i-. In o. e. Prnr 4 vS let Mir.r- r-. lo..k niihton Mss* K\ KN linl. 4. IS. Would have plucked o. e. 6. 4. give not .li-.-p to C/,iW e. Gem. SI. 4A sleep ie|mrted fr m. e. Their KVKS. 20. 13. open Mine e. and thou 44 81. that 1 mav et as. e. on him Gen. 43. 24. bound S-m before t. e. 83. 5. set f. e. on that wh. is not 1 Vtw 18. 'I rer bribe to blind m. e. K.r. x. 8A ahoin. of Egypt, befo t A 26. let thine e. observe my ways II 5>. w bnw mine e. enlightened /.er. 80. 4. do ways hide t. e. from 33. t e. -h behold .tranife Women 8K M. life much M-I hv in mine r. A'KM. 20 R (.peak to r.n-k before t e. 85. 7. prinre whom t e. h;.ve-c.-n 1 A'li-u 1. 4, one t t, M e. see. it 87. 14. -anrtify at water before f. e. rct 11.9. man, walk in sight of t e. ft a SMUT e. 81. R oft-prit.(r before Mer ft 6. 5. turn away MiW e from me 10. 7. unrfl as. e. seen it. 2 CAr. 9 . /''. 17. II. they hate oetMn're. 7. 4. thine e. like the (Mi-pools II. S3. tort., that whirh i. riht In fB. 3 let Metre, be dark, ii.-d 7*0. 30. 20 t e. shall R.-e thy t.acheri mim-e. II. R 2 A in 10. 3O 7a 7. Metre, stand out ith fatness 33. 17. t. e. ("hull see king in ' eauty t Ckr 7 I 1 - now M e. shall heo|ien Prar. 29. in U livhtriicth both (. e. 80. t e. see J.-rti. quiet hahitiition /' 1 1. n image was before m. ft 311 13. () how lottv are their e. Jer. 5. a K are not t. e. on truth ? )'< /: miWe. .halt behold F.crl. S. 1 1. beho! lii.e them with t. e 80. 4. fall by sword t. e. behold it 3'. 1 I mde a covenant with m. e. Ita. R in. shut thi-ir e. lest they see 28. 17. t e. are not but for covet. 7. mine It-art walked after as. e. with t e. M,,t 13 IS. Art* VS. S7. 31. IR refrain MIIW e. from tears Pi \\ \ lighten m e. le.t I deep 44 18 for he hnth .but their e. 32. 19. t. e. open on way of men Ti 1 ).< ate ever toward the L. Jrr. 14. 6 Mlon 1 X loving .kiiidnesi. l*-1.* rm .e Erek. 6. 9. with?, e. vvh. go whoring 42. 2. few, as thine e. !<> behold us S*. in. a- for Ititht of M. e. it i- none SI. R with l.itterneits sigh befo. t. e. r.om. 8. 18. !et not apple of t, e cea-e IB 1 m. r f.il. whil.t 1 .,it f,.r O. 18. 8R h:.ve hid /. e. from my sab. Exek 23 40. for who:i painte.ist /. e. 77. 4 tbon hold-st miner. Making '.ike from them desire oft. e. 84. IR take fiom thee de.ire of t. e. |fl 3 >et n evil thiu before s*.e X. 23 |.hall he sanrtified before t e. 40. 4 man, behold with t f. 41. S. R mine f. .hall be on faithful 37. 80. .tick, in thv hi.nd before t e. Dun 9 IS. open I. e. and behold K . hat delivered m e. fr tears 3R 16 sanctified. 6 fiojr. before t. e / vice 19. 42. but now hi<1 from f e. 1 (9 IR open (. e. n 37. torn m. e. Zero. 14. 12. and t. e. shall ron.nme John 9. 10. how were /. e ..pen.* -.fV, Ml assster. fail for thy word Mat. P. W. (ou.-li.si he r a. saying 17 th*t he halh -.pened U,ir ': VTl as/av e. fail for thv P -(ration 30. thrir e. were opened Rev. a 18. anoint/ e. wit!ie\e.salve RsXMttfBMf >ten run down m r la IV Metre. the hare Hosed Y,,nr I V 1 - !R axe prevent nighUwatrhes 111. 1. n.e MrW e lofty 80. 34. Jesus touched Meir e. their Gen. a S. da; 1 ye et ft e. be opened I Mill not rive sleep t a*. . . 43. / f were bearv. .War* 14.40. M. II. aid, et me find grace in ;. e in.- e r unto thee. O O /.tr>e84 \r, i,,,t f e. wen- holden \i u. e. and eve. of brother i'.en *rrt 8. IU h .t"-ver m , r|e,:r.H /. 1. IV 1 will bi-t.. m e from v..u 31 their e. were opened l-hn It. 41. he hath blinded thiir e. SO 4". if I have found grace i.-> v. e Sum. 33. !A. whirh ye let rrn ;iin -b M pot wnv evil doinr from m. e. Art* 2R 1*. to ..p.-n flair r. nnd to be prick* in u e Jn*li. 2,'i. 13 R 4. swnr e hare een f e King Knm. \ |x. n.. f.Tir of I, before t. t I>"it. 1. 3ii. that be "did i.eti.re if HI SR II Slflw r ttl M Ith l,> awav all tenrii from th>ir t 81. 4. 4 3. your e. have seen wli.it I C'd did. II. 7 J<*h. vi /. 13 IT mntf . uNall weep snee II 17 -. fun down -sub t~ar* Thint Gen. SO ?T. lound favour in thine e. 9. 17. 1 break two table- h. fore y. f. II. IR be as frontlet, between-)!, ft n- tbeir Inw'iitv hid from s e' 1 C 1 ,, 4fi. 4 J.. ph put hi hand on t. e. 47 19 shall we die b.-f..re thine e. 14. 1 not make haldnes- t.elw v. t 1 .V'rm. 12. If. what 1.. do before 'i/. t .1 IV -| M f *.n |h f. r V|MH < Kj-ntl M 'I f,. r iremoruil bet\i t. e V CAr. -29 8. hissii.*, ; --pith I/. />ras. ?. II. as e. 4 ' a*-aat.e. "ilet. h. iw. r. e Dn// 6. R />"'/ ? /!. thine e. bare seen all li. 29. in. for L. l.ath do.. .1 w e. <0. v6 lift i/ e. 01 hicrh. Ji-r. 13. 8d i'h t. e. ' f..rg.| thin,. h. t. e. ha een 7. 19 u-m|.tati..n. t. t saw, 29. a Jer. 7. II. lioiiM- den of r..l.Ler- in u.e V9. 21 lie rh. >ly Ibein before v. t'*ek 24. 81. the desire of i/o-.r . FAC ftair. 2. 3. in your e. in comparison ttaj, I. 5 tim'ir e. shall set-, the I,orn his/ Lev. 13.41. hair fallen towards his/ IS). 32. thou sh. honour/ of old man Num. 12. 14. her father had spit in/ 19.3. one sh. slay red heiler hefore/ l)fut. \. 17. not be afraid of/ of man 8. 'JO. niiti.i-is L. destroy, hefore f. 25.2. wirked he hearcn hefore his/ S and spit in his/ and say 25. 31. ass :-h. lie taken before thy/ .7|>e.l with f to earth L'5 41. Abigail how.-doii/ and said 28. 14. Sa. stooped rvith /! to ground >Sam. 2. 22. hold up my'/ to Joab? 11. 33. Ahs. howed on/ to ground 24. 20. Aranu.ih howed himself he. fore king on/ I CAwi. 21. 21 ! Kings I. 23. Nathan howed with/ 31. Bath-sheha howed with her S. 14. kine turned his/ 2 Chr. 6/3. 18. 42. Elijah put/ between knees 19. 13. wrapped Ins/ in his mantle 211. 38. prophet disguised ashes on/ VI 4. Ahnh turned away his/ .' AT. 4. 2<. lay staff on/ of rhild 31. (Jell laid'his staff on/ of child 3. 15. Hazael -prrad it on his/ 9. 30. Jezebel painted her/ .12. Jehu lifted up his/ to window 13. 14. Joash wept over his/ 202.He7.-k turn. /: to wall. /.wi.38.2. I Cltrini. \\ 4i turii not away the /! of thine anointed, P*. 132. 10. 30. 9. U will not turn/ from you 21. he returned with shame of/ 3. r . 22. Jusiah would not turn his/ />/ airaiust f. 41. IA thou set lest me hefore thy f K4. !). look upon f. of thine anointed 81). 11 mercy un'il truth go before/ FAC Prnr. 1. 13. with an impudent f. said 21. 29. wicked man hardcucth his/ Err!. 8. I. boldness of/ he changed ha. Iti. 4. from the/ of the spoiler 25. 7. he will destroy/ of covering 25. 25. made plain the/ thereof 29. 22 neither shall his/ wax pale 49. 23. they sh. Low to tliee with/ 65. 3. that provoketh me to my/ Jer. 2. 27. turned bark, not f. 32 33 4.30. tho'thou tentest/ with paint. 13.26. thy skirts upon tl y / that shame may appear, Hah. 3. 5. 18. 17. the back, and not the/ 22. 25. them whose/ thou fearest Lain. 3.35. the right of man before/ Exek. I. 10. / of man. the / of lion. / of an ox. the/ .,f an eagle 3. 8. I made thy/ gtrnnir aga. faces 7. 22. my/ will I turn also fr. them 10. 14./ of a man,/ of a lion. f. of an eagle, 41. 18. 14. a put stumbling-block before f 38. 18. my fury shall come in my/ tt'in.S. 18. 1 was in sleep on/ 10.9. 10. 6. his/ as appear. ..f lightning 11. 18. he sh,.ll turn/ unto the isles //o..o.5. pride Isr tcstifieth to/ 7. 10. .Inel'i. 6. before/ people be pained 20 will drive him with his/ .VnA. 2.1. that d.isheth come before/ Mut. 6. 17. anoint head, and wash/ II. 10. I send my messenger before tliy/ Mark I 2. Lukel. 27. 18 10. anl-els behold/ of my Fatb 26. 67. then did they spit in 'his/ l.u 2.31. thou hast prepared before/ 9. 52. sent messeng. before/ 10. 1. 53. his f. as tho' he would go to Jer. 22. 64. they struck him on the/ Jnfin II. 44. his/ hound with napkin Aftn-i. 25. I foresaw L. before my/ 7. 45. rt. drave before/ of fathers 1 Cor. 14. 25. falling down on/ will 2 Cor. a 7. could not behold/ of M 13. Moses, who put a vail over/ 18 we all with open/ hi holding 4. 6. the glory of God in/ of Jesns 11. 20. if a man smite you n the/ Gal 1.22. unknown by/ to churches 2. II. I withstood him to the/ Jam. 1. 23. behold, natural C in glass J{er. 4. 7. third beast h d/ as a man 10. I. hi.s/ was as it. were the sun 12. 14. nourished from/ of serpent 20. II. from whose/ heaven fled fee SE PR, SET, SHINE, SKV, WAIEIIS, WlLDEKNl-SS, WoBtll. F A CF., with corer, or corered. Gen. 38. 15. harlot because sh- c.f. Ej-nd. 10. 5. locusts c.f. of earth. 15. \itin. 22. 5. they c.f. "f the earth 1 fiam. 19. 4. king c. his/ and cried Kxth. 7 8. they corered Hainan's/ Job !5. 27. he c. his f. with fatness 23. 17. nor c. darkness from my/ Pi. 44. 15. shame of my/ hath c. me 69. 7. for thy sake shame c. my/ i'ror. 24. 31. nettles had c.f. thereof ha. 6. 2. with twain he c. f. and feet Ezek. 12. ft thou shalt corer thy/ 12 the prince shall rarer his/ Mark 14. 65. to spit and i"-'-er his/ 2 Sam. 18.8. battle scatter, over/o/c. FA( K nft/if deep. Gen. J. 2. darkness upon/ of the d. Job 38. 30. the/, of the deep is fro/en .Prof. 8.27 set rmnMM t>n f. of the d. PACK of the earth Ten. I. 29. every herb on/ o/fAe e. 4. II. h.ist driven me fr. / nfthee. 6. I. to multiply on the/ . 16. 4, Moses || 22. 31. Hal. / flat u>, f. J*h. 5. 14. Joshua/'// on his/ 7. K Judg. 13.20. Man. and wife jell on f. 1 Sam. 17. 49. fiol. ||iO. tl. iJa./ <;/ /! 25 23. Abigail || 2 Sum. 9 fi. >Ie|di*. hosh./W/o/t Ins/ 2 .S'm. 14. 4. wo. of Tek./ i er"/. 22. Joab|| la 2a Ahimnx/ OH ln> /: 1 A'j'n^* 18. 7. Obi.d. ||39. pvn.f.,,nf. Ezek. 1. 28. 1 / on my / a v3. | 9. 8. I 11.13. 1 43.a 1 44. 4. Dow. an Dan. 2. 46 NVbu. \\.fell vjx.n his/ Mnt.\~i 6. disciples || z6.;j9. Je. f.iinf. I.itke 5. 12 b per || 17. Ifi. -Mima. / utif. Hep. II. 16. 24 eld. -i fell on their/ 2 Kin. 9.37. Je/e. oun mi/ of the f. FACbofthegate. Ezek. 40. I ft. (T.f/ fiom house of J. 50. (i. I hid i of n y f. from shame 54. 8. in a little wrath 1 Airf my/. 59. 2. sins have A. Ins/ Iri.rn you 64. 7. thou hast hid thy/ from us ,/rr. l(i. 17. wa\s not A. from my/ 3.T 5. I have Ai'rfmy/ from e'ty /-><*. at. 23. A. I my / Ir. them, 24. fit. nor will I hid,- my/ any mure A/'e. 3. 4. he will A. y at'f-.il time /<. 6. 16. A. no fr./ of him gitletb FACE /'<* AMMA wA. 41, 14. breadth of/ /* FAC T.\CK9fUel*r*. IB. 13. cry llore/../tte /.nrrf t not btoMi h. / o/ L. I Ai. I& a entreat/ /<** /-.rd / U. 16. / of Cte /^rrf agiunst them tftat doell. I Pet I I* !. l poiif be*rt brfi.iv/ /. x.ttt* I. 7A. .halt ro *N-f.,,../ o/L. t/ltoMi* Ftt*. 40. !./ if port* ttlty eobito 41. *. taM-k plants on/ tffo FACE. withU*. be*. 3S *1 aftewrd I will . hi*/ 13. lu. tWr* Teaave I arn thy/ l 1. ye ta. * *. m r/ 5 | 44. 83. 44t SO. let me die MOO- I have . / 4M 1 1. hud INK thu| jm ray/ 83 but my f. hall nt be *em >t li. children ul l.r-wl t. / of Mo 8B. Abe two )rr. not kin*'*/ J A in. 14. H. let u> look HIM- an- lher In the/ V Citron. 84. 17. 1 1. to***! one iillM>r in the/ Fitk. I. 14. 7 priiii-p. who . kii.g's/ . iimuntnins 13. 17 r< thy/ ((injt duudhUrt I will < my/, mrnluiit tli.-m CO. M. < thy /: toward thv soutb II. t. < thy/ townrd Jirus.ilrm whlthcfMH-rrr thy/ :t irt M Zi'>n || .2./. ny. Pha. a. m-unt s. U38.i/ . UM . 8. a. I M4 m v / to Lord God > IV I *rf my/ t*rd rrnund M 17. hrchalinrfhU/tnFiittr . b . / t- ro to JrrtuaJem K~ . L. make/ to . on thec !. makr thy / t., MM on th Arrant. 119. I3i 67. I. and rain* M,/ t..Minr on us ML 1 ran* thy/ *W,7. |, 101, IV oil to -niki- hi./ fi JErri & I wiv..Hn mnkrth ht/.to. I/, rainr tb Jft 101 1 y nn ditrrrn the / / * *;. /-"* it *4 It rofmnaml^th on/ /. /. it i. n.* any ,/-. ithnti IT. . lararl ail/ ./. *itb fruit O*. P. . tfcrlr/ r- hurkward Ji Ml 7. Moan ! I U-f..rr tl,,,r / FAI Br. SOt SO. hl frar be before your/ Xi. W./ *hall lo.ik one to mmtlu-f 37. 9. mercy.eat.ward/ of rln-ru. Sam. 19. . hast shRmrd / if erv. Xm. 1 18. Mil Nrwl Ht/ on me (Ar. li 8. / were likr/ oflioni < C*r. a 13. their/ were inward Job 9. M. he rorereth A of judfret 40. 13. and Mnd thrlr'/ in si-rret ut 34. . their/ w^re nut aliam. 'M. * I A that ye (rrind/ of poor IS R their/ (hall be an Bame* S5. 81 find will wipe, tears from all/ M :<. hid as it wi-re our/ fr. him Jer. I. & be not afraid of their/ A 3. their/ harder than a rork 30. A. all/ turned into paleneas 4X. 15 set/ to enter Kff. 17. | 44.18. V) A to Zioi., with/ thithrrtvard Lam. i. li/ of elders not honoured Kt 1.6. ev one four/. 10, II, 15. 7. 18. h4me shall lie on their/ S. Id men with/, townrd the east 14. rt. turn/ from alu>iiiiiiatinn tO. 47. all/ nhaJI be burnt thrrein 41. l& every cherub had twp/ ),(.. 9. 7. unto us ronfiilon of/ /,h. sup up ns past wind V.r/. i>. 3. I will spread dung on/ V/tf. ft la hypocrites disfl^ure/ ^iiltif 24. 5. hae bowed/ to earth Hrr. 7. II. fell before throne on/ 9. 7. / of locusts as/ of men See Felt on FACE, or FACES, FADE. 8 SOM. 21 46 stranger* shall / away, I't-il. 18. 45. 64. & and we all/ as a leaf Jer. 8. 13. and the leaf shall/ Ksek. 47. 14 whoe leaf ..hall not/ 1. 11. so rirh man sh./ away. FAUKTH. r . I. 30. as an oak, whose leaf/ 24. 4. and/ the MMM/WM 40. 7. prass witheri-tli. flower/ a /*t I. 4. inheritance/ nut aw*y 5. 4. crown <>f K lor y that / not aw. FADING. Ita. 8& I. glorious beauty/ flower 4. gloiloiu beauty li. be/ flower FAIL Jntk. a in. will without/ drive Can. Jtfig. M. 30. without/ deliver Am. zra& 9. day hy day without/ FAIL, FMd Gfn. 47. Ift. your cattle, if money/ Dfut 88. 38 eyes/, with loniii 31. ft he will not/ thee, a Joth. 1. -V I CAron. 2R 80. I 5oM. 17. 38. no man'* heart/ him 80. V 1 shit, not/ to sit with king I A'ln- 8.4. shall not/ man on throne of In a 85. i 6 5. 8 Ckr. 6. la n. 14. neither Kh. cruse of oil/ la t -If. a 10 let not liinir/ of all B. 27. not/ keep day* of Purim, 88. Joh II. SO. eyes of the wit ked h./. 14. II. as waters/ from the sea 17. .V eyes of IIIK children shall/ 31. la or rauied ey e of widow to f. P*iL 18. I. faithful/ fr. among men W.X nine eye./ while I wait >7. & doth his promine/ for ever 119. 82. mine eyes/ for thy word in. mine eyes/ for thy alvation Jj** *t 8, rod of his auger shall / *. IX S. desire/ Sec. man voeth In IK 5. waters/'||Vl. 1(1 K l of K./ 3 they all .T..II/ toii.-tl,,-r J . . rau^ drink ..f tlnr.lv to f. I". f<* the vintace l,|| / ' H4. IR no on,. ( .f th-*r ihiill/ ' will, looking IM FA '!. 42. 4. >t/ nor hi di*rnurairr*. 57. Irl spirit should/ before me M. II. iiihngwhoxe waters/ not Jer. 14. 6. yes did/ bee-, im ra> s 15. 1H. unto me as waters that/.? 48, 3a wine to /. from pn-^rs, Hot. 9. i lam. i II. mine eyes/ with tears a 88. consumed, i-c. corn. / not Vu*. a 17. labour of ..live ch'all/ [,*5. I, sh. ive/ of eyes Luke 81. 86. men's hearts/ fur tear FAIN. Job 87. 22. / flee out of his hand Luke 15. la/ fill, belly with Im.-Us FAINT. Gen. 85. 29. Esau, and he wa/ 3a /J*tv5.ia smote when thou \\-"ast/. Judg. 8. 4. / yet pursuing them 1 Sam. 14. 88. people were very f. 31. 3(). 10. so/ could not go over," 21. 2 .Sam. la 8. such as be/ may drink ha. \. 5. the whole heart is/ la 7. therefore sh. all hands l. f. 89. 8. awaketh, behold he is/ 40. 29. he giveth power lo the/ Jer. 8. 18 my heart is faint Lam. 5. 17. for this our heart IE/ FAINT, I'erh. Dent. 20. a let not your heart. < a lest his brethren's heart /.' ' Jo*h. 8. 9. inhahitaiits of land f. Prae. 84. 10. f . in day of adver-.it>- 1'a. to. 30. ycatlis sh. / .-hnl! reap, if we/ not /'/-A. 3. la/ not at my trilmfatiimi Ilffi. 12. 3. and/ in ymir minds 5. Dor/ when rebuked ol liim FAIXTKH. Gen. 45. Sfi. Jacob 1 * heart/ /''. --'7. I'l/ unlebk 1 h.id bellied AI Psal. Vn. 5. their soul /. in them hti. .'>!. M. thy sons/ they lie ,7or. 4.">. 3. \ f. in my sighing F.fk. :il. 15. trees of field/ for him Dan. 8. 7. I Daniel/ and was sick Joiuth-i. 7. so-il/ I remembered L. 4. S. hi-/ an wished in him to die Mat. 9. '.'.6. coinpas. on them, bee,/ Kev. 2 3 lahonred, and hast not/ FAINTEST, ETH. /)J 4. 5 ?ome upon thee, andthou/ )'ml. 84. 2. soul/ for courts of L. 119. 81. my soul/ for salvation 7>a. 10. 18. when a -tandard bearer/ 40. 28 Crea. of ends of earth/ not FAINT-HEARTED. T>eul. 20. a and/ let him return J.tn. 7. 4. nor be/ for the two tails Jrr. 49. 2a Hamath and Arpadare/ FAINTNE8S. Lee. 26. 36. I will send/ into hearts FAIR. Gen. 6. 2. daughters of men were/ 1*11. Sar./ 14. || 24. 1R Rehek. 26.7. 2 Sam. 13. 1. Tamar was/ 14. 27. 1 Am. 1.4. Abishajra/ damsel *M. 1. II. Vashti/ || 2. 7. Esther/ 2. 2. li-t/ young virgins besought .'437.22 / wcath. comethout north 42. 15. so/ as Job's daughters Prof. 7. 21. with / speech she caused 11. 22. / woman without discretion yfi. 25.*when he speaketh/ bel. not Cant. 1. 15. thou art/ 16 | 4. 1, 7. 2. 10. my love, my/ one, 13. 4. 10. how/ is thy love, my sister a 10. / as moon ||"7. 6./ art thou /*'.-. 5. 9. many houses great and/ 54. 11. lay stones with/ colours Jer. 11. 16. and olive tree/. 12. 6. though they speak/ words 46. 20. Egypt like a very/ heifer F.zek 16.17. thou hast taken/ jewels 39. they shall take/ jewels, 23. 2fi. 31. 3. cedar in Leb. with/ branches 7. thus was he/ in his greatness 9. I have made him/ by multitude Dan. 4. 12. leaves were/ 21. AmnsS. 13. the/ virgins shall faint Zff/j. 3. 5. let them set a/ mitre Mat. 16. 2. it will he/, weather ^/ctv 7. 20. Most-s was exceeding/ Jiom. 16. 18. hy/ speeches deceive O'a/. 6. 12. to make/ shew in flesh FAIR haven*. Acts 27. 8. place called the/ haven* FAIRER, EST. Juiig. 15. 2. younger sis./ than she />*<(?. 45. 2. / than children of men Cunt. 1. 8. O/ am. women, 5. 9. | 6. 1. Dan. \. 15. countenances appeared/ FAIRS. Ezek. 27. 12. traded in / 14, 16, 19, 22. 27. thy/ shall fall into the seas FAITH. Deut. 32. 20. child in whom is no/ Mat. 6. 30. O ye of little/ 8. 26. | 14. 31. | 16. 8. Luke 12. 2R 8. 10. great/, no not in Is. Lu. 7.9. 17. 20. / as grain of mustard seed 23. 23. judgment, mercy, and/ Mark 4 40. how is it ye have no/? II. 22. Jesus saith, have/ in God Luke 17. 5. Lord increase our/ 6. if ye had/, ye might say to tree 18. 8.when S. of man cometh find/? 4rt*6. 5. Stephen, a man full of/ 8. 7 priests were obedient to the/ 11. 24. Baniahas good, full of/ 13. ?. seeking to turn deputy fr. / 14. ). that he had f. to be healed 21s. ,'xhortini; to continue in/ 27. ojx-ned door aft to Gentiles :ti 5. churches esl'iU iihed in/ FAI Acts 20. 21. / toward our Lord J. C. 24. 24. Felix heard Haul concern./ Row. \. 5. grare for obedience to/ 17. righte. of G. revealed fr. / to/ 3. a make/ of God without eflWt 27. boasting ? excluded by law of/ 4. 5. / counted for righteousness, 9 11. fin-lira, seal ofvighteous. of/ 12. in steps of that/"of Abraham 13. through righteousness of/ 14. if they of law be heirs/ is void 16. it is of/ of the/ of Abraham 9. 30. righteous, which is of/ 10. 6. 10. 8. word of/ which we preach 17. so then/ comethby hearing 12. 3. God hath dealt measure of/ 6. according to proportion of/ 14.22. hast thou/? have it to thyself 23. he eateth not of/ what is not of/ is sin 16. 26. for the obedience of/ 1 Cor. 12. 9. another/ by same spi. 13 2. though I have all/ and have 13. now abideth/ hope, charity GaL 1. 23. / which once destroyed 3. 2. or by the hearing of/ 5. 7. they which are of f. 9. 12. law is not of/ but man 23. before/ came || 25. af./ is come 5. 6. / which worketh by love 22. fruit of Spirit is love, joy,/ 6. 10. who are of the household of/ Eph. 4. 5. one L. one/ one baptism 13. all come in the unity of the/ 6. 16. taking the shield of/ Phil. I. 25. furtherance and joy of/ 27. striving together tor/ of gospel 1 Thes. \. 3. remembering work of/ 5. 8. putting ou the breast plate of/ 2 T/iet. 1. 11. work of/ with power 3. 2. for all men have not/. 1 Tim.\. 5. / unfeigned [shipwreck 19. holding/ concerning/ made a 9. holding the mystery off. 4. 1. some shall depart from the/ 5. 8. he hath denied the/ and is 12. they have cast off their first/ 6. 10. have erred from the/. 21. II. follow/ || 12. fiKht fight of/ 2 Tim. 1. 5. unfeigned/ is in thee 2. 18. overthrow the/, of some 22. follow/ |1 3. 8. reprobate the/ a 10. thou hast fully known my/ 4. 7. I have kept the/ henceforth Tit. 1. 1. the/ of God's elect 4. Titus mine son, after comm./ Pkilem. 5. hearing of thy/ Heb. 4. 2. not profit, not mixed wi./ 6. 1. not laying foundation of/ 10. 22. heart in full assurance of/ 23. hold fast profession of/ 11. I./ is substance of things hoped 6. without/ impossible to pi. G. 12. 2. author and finisher of our/ la 7. whose/ follow, considering Jam. 2. 1, with respect of persons 14. say he hath f.fnnf. save him ? 17. / without works is dead, 20.26. 18. thou hast/ and I have works 22. / wrought with works, and by works wa/ made perfect 5. 15. prayer of/ shall save sick 2 Pet. I. 1. obtained like precious/ 1 John 5. 4. overcometh world our/ Ju.de 3. earnestly contend for/. 20. building yourselves on holy/ Rer. 2. 13. and hast not denied my/ 19. 1 know thy works and/ la 10. pati-ne and/ of saints 14. 12. that keep tire/ of Jesus 2b FAITH. Hub. 2. 4. just shall live byf. Rom. I. 17. Gal. a II. Heb. 10.38 ,4cfr 15. 9. purifying hearts by/ 153 FAI Act* 26. 18.sanr tifiod A. f. thr-t is in TIN aom. 3. 22. righteouMh-M of (, /,., / 28. justified Ay/ 5. 1. GaU 16. | 3&t Jtt shall justify fimimcUon Ay/ 5 2. by whom we have access f./f. 1 1. 20.thou standest byf. 2 for I iii 2 for. 5. 7. walk fa niib s J f-VJ""! > 26. child, of G. byf. in Christ Jes. 5. 5. hope of righteousness byf. F.ph. 3. 1 2. whom we hav A, c,V, /,, f f_ 17. Chr. may dwell in hearts tof Phil. 3. 9. righteousness of God hi, if. Heb. 11. 4. byf. Abel ||5. byf. Ellm-lj 7. */ Noah ||8. fry/ A bra. 9, 17. 20. 6y/ Isaac || 21. Jac. J| ->2. Jo*e 23. 6y/ Moses, 24. 27 ||31. Rahah 29. byf. passed through Red sea 30. byf. walls of Jericho fell down Jam. 2. 24. works justified, not 6v /" In FAITH. 3J Rom. 4. 19. being not weak inf. 20. but was strong inf. 14. 1. him weak inf. receive yon 1 Cor. 16, 13. t>tand fast inf. 2 Cor. 13. 5. examine whet, ye be n/ Coi 1. 2a if ye continue in the/ 2. 7. and stablished in the/ 1 Tim. 1. 2. Tim. my own son inf. 4. godly edifying which is in/ 2. 7. a teacher of the Gentiles inf. 15. saved, if they continue inf. a la they purchase boldness inf. 4. 12. example of believers inf. 2 Tim. I. 13. hold fast form inf. Heb. 11. 13. these all died inf. Jam. 1. 6. but let tin in ask inf. 2 5. poor of this world, rich in/ 1 Pet. 5. 9. whom resist, stedfast in f . Their FAITH. Mat. 9. 2. Jesus seeing their f. Murk 2. 5. Luke 5. 20. Through FAITH. Acts 3. 16. through f. in his name A'fiw. 3. 25. propitiation /. /. in Mood 30. justify uncircumcised /. / 31. do we rnxke void law t.f.t Gal. a a God justify heathen t. f. 14. promise of the Spirit thro' f. F.ph. 2. 8. hy grace are ye saved t/. Phil. 3. 9. righteous, which is t. f. Col. 2. 12. risen t. f. of opera, of G. 2 Tim. a 15. wise to salvation t. f. Heb. , 12. Vihut.f. inherit promise* 11. a t.f. we under, worlds trained II. t. f Sara received strength 28. thro' f. lie kept the passover 3.3. who thro' f. suhdued kingdoms 39. obtained a good report /. / 1 Pet. \.\ keptMro'/ to salvation Thy FAITH. Mat. 9. 22. t.f. hath made thee whole, A/ar.5.34. j 10.52. Lu 8.48. | 17.18. 15. 28. O woman, great is th>/f. Ltikel.50. tf. hath saved thee, I(U 22. 32.1 prayed that thy f. fail not Philtm. 6. communication of tlnif. Jam. 2. la show t.f. without works Your FAITH. Mat. 9. 99. according to ynttff. be it Luke a 25. where is yourf? limn. I. 8. y.f. is spoften thro* world 1 for. 2. 5. y.f. not stand in wisdom 15. 14. ynurf. is also vain, 17. 2 Cor. 1. 24. dominion over ytmr f. 10. 15. when ynurf. is increiised Eph. 1. 15. nfter I heard of voitrf. Phil. 2. 17. tittered on service of jr. Col. 1. 4. since we heard of i/or/ 2. 5. steadfastness of?/./ ID ( hrist 1 The*. 1. 8. ymtrf. to Gid. ward 5. I sent to know yourf. 7. we were comfoned fcy yau/fj- H2 FAI . TV.I 10. perf. what is Jick. iq u. f. I Tlx. I. 3. jrir/ growrt /ML I. 1 tryin of ./ work. p..t I /<* I. 7. trial of y/ morr preci.ni. 9. the end of ymtrf. even mlvation II. (hat HHT f miht be in God 1 eL 1. 5.' add t r .ur < rtrtoe > Al I 111 I'l. .VkM.I8.7.Mo./ In boutr, IM..18.5 Drt.1. 7. 9./ G.^i who keepeth cov. 1 Sa-*. t Si. I will rai-e up/ priest * &*m. X 19. them that f ,V*. la II n.unled/ to di.tr hnte /i 1'.' I. the/ fail from among mei 31. U. the Lurd pre^rveth the/ n. 37. and as a/, witnm in heaven 1o 14 l for they dealt/ 88. 7 * f*r. 31. U. they hroucht offer f. * f*r. .14 l. men did the work / /V. . 14. king/ judgeth the j.oor Jf- IB 1BI let him .peak my word f FAITHFULNCS& 3 ' * * 3l L. render U. man his / ^*^L 1. la I liave declared thy/ m. I. I will makf known thy/ tlhv/ -h. th..ii establish Inheav & thy/ aim in the rongreffiition ./ rwind B'-MIt thee? 91 *y / an i merrr he ith him K. i. d to ih-r / very ni v ht , 119. 7i. thJ in/ hat afflicted me M. thv f is unto all veferntions '4A i. bear n Ik)/ ao-wer me. FAL /!. 1 1. S./ 'hall he gird'e nf reins , ..ui.sel. ..I ..I.I are/ Lam. a 23 iner ies n-w, great thy/ Hot. A 20. I will betroth thee in/ FA rin i . V//if.!7 .17.O/ genera. A/.9 19. J..9.4I J0A 2U 87. be u t/ but believing FALL SMMMtim /ror. Ift I*. haiiifhM spirit before/ . Ift righteous .hall see their/ Jrr. 49. 21. earth moved at n>.isv of/ Will* 7. 27. and irreat was the/ of it I n. 2. 34 child set for/ and rising Aon II. II. thro' their/ -alvatioi is come to the fiei.tile* 11 if/ of them be riches of world f A I I g -1 r A I . I ., rfro. Gnt 2. 21. d.-ep sleep to/ on Ad.im 4Y 21 see that ye/ not out by way 4ft 17. his rider shall/ backward /.re 19. 29. lest land/ to whoredom 36 they sh./ when nne pur.netli 37. Ihey .hall / f-ne upon another \IIHI 14. 29. care, sh./ in wilder. 32. luiig 15. 12. swear ye will not/ m n.l/ into hand of nncirf-um. Ruth 2. Ift. let/ ome hand fills 1 Sam. a 19. none of words/ ground 14. 4.' not hair of head / ground, 2 Sam. 14. II. I A' 1.52. Act* 27.34 92 17. would not/ on the priests la turn M:ou and/ on the prie-ts 2 Sam. 1.15. / on him I A'in. 2. z9. 31. 24. 14. let UK/ in hand -1 ';. 1. 1 me not/ into hand man, 1 ('Ar.'.'l 13 2 A' in 7. 4. let n-./ unto host of Syr. III. 10 sh / nothing of word of L. 1 Chr. 12. !. he will/ toma-ter Sa. 2 I fir 21. I.V si. k., ti.l bowels f. out 9f>. H. n. make thee/ before enemy K,lk 13. before whom thon begun to/ J..A la ll.sh. not his .tread/ on y..u 31 2-.>. let arm/ fr. sh..iilder.hlad. /< !S 10 let them/ by own counsels 9 3 mine enemies sh./ and perish I". 10. that the poor may/ 3S. K. into that destruction let him / 37. 24. tin.' he/ sh. not I e utterly R4. & make their tnuue 'nf. on 82. 7 ye shall/ like one of princes 91. 7. a thousand sh / at thy .id. 1 K la hast thrust at me I night/ 140. 10. let hum. coal./ on them 141. I<1 let wicked/ into own nets 145. 14 Lord upholdeih all Unit/. fri>r. 10. H. a prating In.. I sh / 10. 11.5 wicked shall / by his wicked. 14. where lit. counsel is the p o / 2V that trusteth in his ri. hessh / 22. 14. ahh..rr.-dof L. h./. therein 84. Ift wicked shall/ into mischief 2ft 87. whoso ding, pit -h./ therein 14 hetliathardn.eth heart shall/ Isi that is perverse shall/ at ..nee Krrl. 4 10. if th./ one will lift fellow 1 1. 3. if the tree/ toward the south /a. 10. 4. they shall/ under slain 34. I .t han- .n sh. / by mighty one 12. Vi. nail fastened sure place .h. f 24. Ift from fear shall/ into the pit 20 the earth shall f and not rtst 30. la iniquity as breach ready to/ 40. 30. y..iing men shall utterly f. 47. ||. mischiefs shall/ upon thee Jrr. . 15. / among them that / S. 12. 21. futhets and s<-n sh. / on them 4. L. shall they/ and not arise ? 9. 82. carcases of men h. f. as dung IS >. I have r.uised him to/ 19. a whirlwind/ on head, 30. 23. 85. 27. be drunken, and pue. and/ 37. 14. I/ not away to Chaldeans 4 I -i. they sh all f. in land of Kg 4ft & they .hall rtnrnblr and /. 1*4 FAL <^. 4R 44. that fleeth shall/ inln pit 49.26. yonii)f men/ in street*, 50. .YJ 50. 32. most proud stuinMi' and f. 51. 4. slain/ in land ..t ( lial. 4~. 4 I. 'I. 44. the wall ot KuI'Vlon (hall/ l.am. 1. 14. hiith man.' s'trenvth tf>/. K*fk. G. 7. slain sliall / in the midrt 13. 11. say unto them it ttha.1/ and ye, O great hailstones, shall ' 84. R. piece ny pier.-, let no lot/ ou vfi'.S. thon sh./ on open fields, 3!l.s. n. they that iiphtild h gypt shall f. ft. I will cans.- the sword to/ out 32. 12. will I ranse multitude to/ 33. 12. not/ therehy in the day S5. R in all thy rivers shall tlu'-y/ 38. 20. fteep pl;.ren/ every wal'l '. 39. a arrow* to/ || 4 shull'/ tnoiin. 44. 12. caused Is. to/ into iniquity Dan II. 14. rohher. of tliy pi-o. ,|, f 19. hut he shall Miitnhle :ind/. 34. they shall/ || 35. som. / t.' try . . Hoi. 4. 5. Shalt thon/ in the day, tl. prophet als., !>hall . 5.5. Ephraim shall/ Jn.tah li.iH'': 10. a they shall say to hills/ f.n 14. 9. trails* res-or. shall/ therein Amnt 3. 5 can a hint/ in a snare? 14. horns of altar si. / in groin..! 9. 9. shall not least rainy to earn MIC. 7. A (> mine enemy, when I f. A'uA. a 12. Iheysh. /. into the moiith Mat. Id. 29. not one" sparrow/ to K r. 12. II. if it/ into a pit on .ahl.all: 15. 14. both/ ii.t..dit.-h, / tn n- Jnhn 12. 24. except a c..rn/ int.- pr. JctifJ. 17. list they/ into quirk.. 32. cut the ropes and let her f. i If 34. shall not an lutir '. from fi"...i Hun. II. II. stumbled "that they f. 14. 13. orcas. to/ in brother's" w *v U'or.lO. 12 stand, take heed le.f in- ,' 1 Tim. 3. ft he/ int.. coiidviiuiHtion 7. good report, lest/ ii to repioa. !i ft 9 that will he rich/ into tni.pt. feA.4.11. lestany/: nfter same exnni. 10.31. fearful tf>/ into ham) of liv.c.. Jutn. I. a. when ye/ int.. temptatiou 5 12. swear not, lest ye f. int.. , -.in.i. 2 Pet. 1. 10. d.i thee thinus ye nev./ a 17. lest ye/ from stra.lfHstne.-" /for. 6. Ift mount, and rocks/ on n* 9. 1. 1 saw a star/ Ironi liein. n FA 1.1. iltn.it. l.ukt a 13. in time of tempta. f . a. Heb. a ft if they/ i to rein w tin :n FA Ll. liotrti. Dnit. 28. 4. see thy brother's ss/ ti. J^fi ft 5. wall of.ity -hall/ rf. rl.it I Sam. 81. la David "lei >pittal/ y the* (i. 12. that is near shall/: by the . 1 1. 10. ye shall f. hy the s>rord 17 SI. his fugitives shall/ by the*. 23 25. thy remnant shall/; by the*. io 13. they of Dedan sh./ l.ythe*. 3't. 5. men in the league sh./ hy *. 22. 1 will CBUSC tbtfsiriirdlnf. out Dun. II. 33. that underst sh. / hy*. ;/. T. IB. princes shall/ hy the *. 13. !R Samaria shall f. hy the *. foe! >. 8. when they ' on the sword Luke 21. 24. they sh. ;.' by edge of*. FALLEN. Gen. 4. 6 why is thy countenance/? l.er. 13. 41. hair/, .iff from his head 25. 3, r >. if thy brother he/ in decay Judg. 3. '25. their lord was/ ile >d 19. i7. the woman was/ at dour 1 Sam. 5. 3. Dagon was / || 26. 12. a ileep sleep/ 31. 9. Saul and his sons f. I Chr. 10. 8. 2 Sinn a 3S. a t'reat man/ this day 2 Kin. 13.14. Elisha was/ sick of sick. 2 CA/\ 2O. 24. (lead bodies / to earth 29. !). our fathers have/ by sword Ent/i. 1. a Hainan was/ on the bed Pxal 20. 9. are hrouirht down and/ 3fi. 12. are the workers of iniquity/ /. 14. 12. thon/ fr. heav. O Luci. ! Erek.X>.X>. all of them/ hy sw.23,24 Has. U. 1. thoii hast/ by iniquity Luke 14. 5. have an ox /'into a pit ? ActsH. \f<. the H. G. w.is/ on none 20. 9. Eutychm / into deep sleep 2n I 1. vvli (! we were all / I heard 27. 29. lest, tliey slid, h;ive/ onrork 29 fi. looked when Paul slid./ dead Phil. \. 12. / nut to further, of gos. 7im 2. 5. remi'm. whence thou art/ ^re FALLEN. 2 .5OT. 1. 4. many of the people aref. ls. how are the mii/lity/ ! 2\ 2T 2-2. :). rtr<'/ under feet, /.. 18. 38. P. Ui 6 lines itref. to me in pleas. 55. 4. terrors of death aref. on me fill. 9. the reproaches of thun aref. 7w. 9. 10. the bricks an- f down Jfr. 3*. 19. Jews that aref to Ctial. 46. 12. merj, they aref. both totreth. 30. 15. Babylon's foundations are f. Lam. 2. 21. my virgins are f. hy sw. Ezek. 31. 12. hi- branches / fr. heaven Pint. 7. 13. and iff into the ditch l*a. 3. H. J.TII. ruined, and Jndah f*/ 21. 9. Hab. is f itf Rer. 14.8. | 18.2. 59 14 for truth isf. in the streets Jer. 48 32. spoiler i/ on sum. Iruits 51. 8. Babylon i, suddenly/ Lam. 5. Ifi. rrown inf. fr. our beads Erek. 13. 12. lo. when .the wall */ j;/< 5. 2. the rirtrin of Israel ./. 9.11. I will raise up tahern. that >/ ^efa 15. 16. build taher. of I), wh. isf FALLKST, ETH. E.rnii. I. 10. wh.-n/ out any war !l Snni. 3 29. not fail one that f. ..n f w. 34. as it man f. before wicked men 17. Isf. oa him" as dew/ on ground toA * la when deep sleep/ 33. 15. FAL Prof. 13.17. messeng./ into mischief 17. '20. peiverse tongue / into mis. 24. 1C. a just man/ seven tunes 17. rejoice not when tliine enemy/ Eccl. 4. 10. woe to him alone when f. 1 1. a where tree/ there . righte. f. before wicked lia. 34. 4. as a/ fig from the fig-tree Luke 8. 47. came trembling / down 22. 44. great drops, of blood/ down Acts 1. 18. and Judas/ headlong 1 Cor. 14. 25. so/ he will worship G. 2 Thes. 2. 3. except corn, 1 a/ away Jude 24. that is able to keep from/ FALLOW. Jer. 4. a break /ground, Hot. 10. 12 FALSE. jrorf.23 l.thou sh. not raise/ report 7. keep thee far from a/ matter 2 King-it 9. 12. it is/ tell us now Job M. 4. my words shall not he/ f*. 119. 104. I hate every f. way, 128. 120. 3. what sh. done thee,/ tongue Prov. II. I./ balance is abomination 17. 4. wicked giveth heed to/ lips 20. 23. and a/ bal 'nee is not good 25. 14. whoso boasteth of a/ fill Jer. 14. 14. they pr'.phesyajf: vision 23. 32. air. them prophesy/ dreams 37. 14. il is/ I fall not away Lain. 2. 14. seen for ihee/ burdens Exek. 21. -23. it -h. be as a/ divina. Zec/i. 9. 17. evil, love no f. oath 111. 2 diviners have told/ dreams .Vfa/. 3. 5 swift wif.nes- ag. / swear, Wa<. 21. 24. shall aris.-/ ( hrists and / p ophets, Mark 13. 22. t. 19. 8. any thing by/ accusation 2 Cor. 11. 13 "for such are/ apostles 26. in perils among/ brethren Gal. 2. 4. because of/, brethren Tit. 2. 3. that they be not/, ac. users 2 Pet 2. I. there shall he/ teachers See PROPHET. FALSE />*./>/<. A/at. 7. 15. //>. in sheep's clothing 24. II. and many//*, shall rise, 24. Mark 13. 22 / p. sh. rise shew signs Luke 6. 26. so did fathers to the/ /;. 2 /'t 2.1. there were//), among pen. I ,/Are 4. \.f. p. BOH*- out into world FALSE wittiest, es. E.rod. 20. 16. thou shall not hear/ icrt. ><><. ft. 20. .>/< 19. 18. Dntt. 19. 16. If a/ imtnent rise up 18. if the witness tie a/ in'tneis Paul. 27 12. / iri(nms<:i are ri-en up a>. ll./w. did rise, laid to charge /'rr. ft 19. a/ m. that speaketli lies 12. 17. a/ r. sheweth deceit. 14. 5. 19. 5. / w. sh. not be unpunished, 9. 21. 28. a f. jritne s shall perish 25. 18. that heareth/ ir. is a maul Mat. 15. 19. out of h.-art proceed />. 2ti. 59. elders souulit/ ". aifa. Jes. 60. many/ iritiiesfe* came, at la-t came two/ i/v'.c.w* A/r. 14. 56 hare/ w. aifa. him S7. /4o 6. 13. Mid set up/ ir. who said 1 Cor. 15. 15. we are found/ w. ol G. 155 FAM FALSEHOOD. i Sam. IS 13. hh..iil.. nave wt night f, Jn'i -21. 34. in an-wer- rem.ii leth/' Pi. 7. 14. he hath brought forth / 1 19. 1 18. trodden them for deceit Is/ U4. 8. hand is a right hand of/ II. Isa. 28. 15. and un er/ have we hid 4. seed of/y || W . i a words of/ ,rr. 10. 14. molten image U/ 51. 17. //o. 7. 1. for they commit/ Mic. 2. 11. man walk, in spirit and f FALSELY. (7m.SI.S3,* wear thou wilt not deal/. /xt-r. 6. 3. found lost, and sweareth/ 19. 11. neither deal/ nor lie 12. ye sh. not swear by my name f . Deut. 19. 18.if witness have testified"/: PsAL 17-nor have weilealt/ in i ove. Jer. 5. 2. the L. liveth, they swear/. .'6. lit. isle.- that ha. not heard/ ./ /'. i. 24. we have heard the/ Xc//.'). 3. l!i. and 1 will get them/ Mat. 4. 24. / of J. abroad, Mir. 1 .28. /.u*e4 14,37. | 5. 15 9. 2& the/ theieof went abroad 31. th' y spread abroad his/ 14. 1. Herod heard of/ of Jesus FAM1LIAK. Job 19. 14. my/ friends have forgot. /"s.41.9. my/ friend ha. lift up heel FAMILIAR */><. Lev. 20. 27. man or woman of a/ jr. 1 Sam. 28. 7. woman that hath a/ *.|| 8. a/ spirit at Endor 2 CAr. 3a 6. Mana-. dealt with/ *. /*a. 29. 4. voice MS one th.,t ha. a/ *. FAM1LIAK spirits. Lev. 19. 31. regard not th. have/ *. 20. 6. soul that turneth after/ *. Deul. 18. II. nor consulter with/ A 1 S'fm.28.a.Sa put away those/*. !). 2 Kin. 21.6. with/*. || 23 24. with/ *. /*. a 19. seek / *. || 19.t. th. have/ . FAM1L1AKS. Jer. 20. 10. my/ watched for halting FAMILY. Lev. 20. 5. I will set face air. his/ 25. 10. return ev. man to his f. 41. 47. the stiK-k of the stranger'- f. 3nri. i. 41. K shall/ them, winds sh. car. /^ n*w r A iv. Dffw*. 2a 49. nation ag. / / Jer. 5. IS. JutiZft. 3. 1 will letch my know.// /M. 5. 2ft he will lift up enMiKii// Itt a desolation which >h com.'// ^.' :i hound which are tieil /// Arno** 8. VMI hvr I known ol all/ AT*k. i 4. irl>th/ thro 1 witrhrra/w 2cA. 14. / tl.at remain, fain, apart 14. 17. whoso will not come of all/ F A my B. Jer. 4. II. a dry wind not to/ li 7. 1 will/ them with a fan 51. 2. scud fanner* that .hall/ her FAR. .Vn.lR.8i/ from thee to slay right 30.27. the name of Lord com-th//. 43. ft bring my sons/rowi/ 'H). 'J. 49. 1. hearken, ye peuulo/niin/ li these shall come/ro;n/ 60. 4. m r^ Gen. 11. la / wu grievous In land fr. 83. 7. keep/ from false matter Jrr. 30. 10. 1 will save thee/o. rT 8ft. I./ iu the land, besides flrst/. 41. 87. arven empty ears 7 yean/ Deui li 81. I'M'/ from thee, 14. 84. Hi. 88. the stranger from a/ land re*. va 40. for men to come/'/ Mark 8. 3. divers of them came / / 30. the/ shall tonsume the laud ,/ain. 9.82. f. from you when ye dwell See AFAR. 31. plenty not known by rem. of/ 5ft/ was over all fare of earth 47. ia land fainted by reason of/ Jud. a 17." father adventured lif.-/ 19. II. by Jebus, day wa /: spent Sam. 20. 9. Jon. said,/ He it from Deut. la 7 serve the ffods/ of 20. 15. thus ilo to cities very/ of Rulh 1. 1. Judges ruled there wan/ * Sam SI. 1 / In the days of David .' l:i shall wven years of /come I 1 1 A'i837 If be in land/ 2 CAr.2UU. la. 8. wire/ in Samar 8 Kin. R 85. S A'ta. 7. 4 then the/ in In the rity Chr. 8rt. 15. name spread/ abroad VeA. 4. 19. separated one/ from an. KitA. a 20. Jews both nigh and/ JoA 5. 4. his children/ from safety 11. 14 put iniquity/ away, 22 2a 31 ia/ be it from Uod to do wick. 3 1. th lxir.1 hath called for a/ "f. 10. & judgm. are/, out of eight 1*0. 17. ia they shall fiee/ o^ *V 1 /. prevailed in Jer. no i.read 2.'. 1. why so/ from helping me ? 33 13. hear, ye/ ojf, what [done I Car 31 II. H.-i per. you M die/. 7:1 27. that are/ from thee h. per. 17. shall behold laud that ia/ off & 90. In/ he shall redeem thee, 97.9. Lord f xalted/ above all gods 46 13. my righteousness not bey. nff 88. at dettrur. / thou shall laugh 91 a for want and/ were solitary lua 12. as/ as east from west, so/ hath he removed 57. 19. peace to him/ o^, anil fn'i.r 50. 11. for salvation, hut it is/ -,ff /'< 31 ia to keep them alive In/ 109. 17. let blessinv be/ from him Ezek. ft li he/ f FURIHER. 14. 17. iih-rty for you to the/ .am. 3. 17. my soul/ from peace FARTHING& 4i 16. the/ h*V follow cliwe after M & the/ wa* sore In the rity 1.4m. 5. 10 skin Mark, because of/ txek. II. li get ye/, from the L. /Jan. II. 8. the fourth king/ richer 4mo6. 1 that put/ away evil day Mat S. 25. till paid the utternv.t/ lo. 89. are two sparrows sold for/? Afar* 12. 42. throw two mites a/ *.ilS. third p*rt consumed with/ Vat. IR 88. be it/ from thee, Lord Luke 12. ft five sparrows for two/7 11 send on them evil arrows of/ 17 ... will 1 M-ud on you/ 14. la Mark & 3i day was now/ spent li 34. art Dot/ from king, of Ood FASHION. Mir* 2. 12. never saw it on this/. 7. li/ within/ und pestilence 18 I& leave a few men from the/ 13. 31. as a man taking a/journey '.A. 1. 81. / above all principality 4. 10. ascended up/ above all heav. 1'hil. 1 23. with Christ wh. is/ bet 44. 18. the smith/ it with hammers 45. 9. sh. the clay say to him that/ Ezek. 16. 7. thy hreastj are/ giowu It 17. they shall die ***/ He*. 7. IV it It yet/ more evident, /'AiV. 3. 21. be/ like t Lord fie not / from me. 19. | 28. | rL2l | 71. li 7. 9. hide not thy f an- f. from me. Jonah 1. 5. he lay in ship,/ asleep FAST, Sitbttantirf. In. M. 3. in/ you find pleasure i such a/ wilt thou call tliia a/? fro. ML 1 pttarv*/ In rnngre. M. Airf* 4. II. be th,-o / In Bet hi. hem 14. bis Dwos* may be/ la Israel 88. a mine ar^iiaintam f f. f. me IH lov^r and friend f. from me Prrm. >. g remov-// m - iranitv fc'erf. 7. M. wte, but wa/ from 'me . is not this the/ I have chosen? ./' 1.14. sanct/call assemhlv Hi ZrchM .III. /of 4th,5th,7th,10th moa /fct*27. 9./. was now already pint 166 FAT FAST, Verb. t Sam. 12. 23. rhild is dead, wliy/. ? /wi.58.4. ye/ for strife, ye bh. not/ Jer. 14. 12. when/. I will not hear Zech. 7. 5. did ye at all/ unto me ? 4/ot. 1). 16. ye/ be not nf a sad conn- tenance, that may appear to/ 9. 14. disciples/ not? Mar. 2. 18. 15. then/ War. 2. 20. Luke f>. ,S5. AAi7-& 2. 18. disi-i. of John used to / 19chil. of bride-chiiin. / Lu. 5.3.i. Lt/<;/ 8. 3. if I send them away/ Luke 2. 37. Anna served G. with f. Acts 10. 30. four days ago I was/ H. 23. mid had prayed with/ 27. 33. fourteenth day ye cont. / 1 for. 7. 5. may give yourselves to/ 2 Co/'. 6. 5. approving ourselves in/ Jl. 27. / often, in cold and naked. FASTEN, ED, ING. Judg. 4. 21. Jael/ nail into ground 1 C/ir. 10. 10. / head in temple of 1). Jub 38. 6. whereon are foundations/. Eccl. 12. 11. as nails/ by masters of Ifa. 22. 23. 1 will/, him as a nail 25. nail/ in the sure place 41. 7. he/ it, it sho. not lie moved Jer. 10. 4. they/ it with nulls and Luke 4. 20. eyes ..f all/ on him Acts 11. 6. when I hai/ my eyes 28. 3. a viper/ on his hand Acts 3.' 4. Peter/ his eyes on him FAT. Gen. 4. 4. Abel brought/ of flock a-. a 22 / closed on the blade 1 Sam. 2. 15. before they burnt/ 15. 22. to hearken is better than/ 2 Sam. I. V2. from/ .if mighty, bow 2 C/ir. 35. 14. oflvnnjr/ until night Job 15. 27. collops nf/ on his flanks /*. 17. 10. inclosed in their own/ 7a. 1. II. full of/ of fed beasts 34. 6. made/ with the/ of kidneys 43. 24. nor filled me with/ of gacfi. Ezek. 44. 7. ye offer/ and bio d Eat FAT. fieri. 45. 18. ye shall eat f. of land Lev. 3. 17. r< no/ nor hlo.;d, 7. 23. 7. 25 whso eaMh f. be cut off Dent. 3->. 38. did eatf. ..f sacrifices Vtli. S. in. e,,tf drink the wweet E irk. 34. 3. \e fat f. and clothe ynu 3K 19 ye shall eat f. till ye be lull ZA 11. Ifi. he shall ,-nt flesh of/ FAT, ^Vv/. Gr*. 41. 2. came up seven kine/ 49. to make/ with offer. 28. 24. th woman had a/ calf 1 Chron. 4. 40. they found/ pasture AVA. 9. 25. took a/ land became/ /*. 22. 29. they/ on earlh shall eat 37. 20. enemies as the/ of lambs 92. 14. they shall he/ and flourish. 119. 70. heart is as/ as grease Pro. 11. 25. liberal soul he made/. 13. 4. soul of diligent be made/ 15. 30. good report n.aketh bones/ 28. 25. trusteth in Lord be made/ ha. 5. 17. of/ ones stnmgeis eat 6. 10. make the heart of this peo. / 10. 16. send among/ ones leanness 25. a feast of/ things full of mar. 28. I. on head of the/ valleys, 4. 30. 23. bread be/ and plenteous 34. ft sword of the Lord is made/ 7. their dust sh. be/ with fatness 58. II. L. shall make/ thy bones Jer. 5. 28. waxen/ they shine 50. 11. ye are grown/ as heifer Ezek. 34. 14. in/ pasture shall feed 16. 1 will destroy/ and strong 20. judge betw./ cuttle and lean 45. 15. one lamb out of/ pastures Antosb.M, nor regard oft. ol/ beasts Hab. 1. 16. by them portion is/ FATHER. Gen. 17. 4. be the/ of many nations, 5. Rum. 4. 17, 18. 44. 19. have ye n/?|| 20. we have 45. 8. made me a/ to Pharaoh Lev 24. 10. / was r an Egyptian Num. II. 12. as nursing/ the suck. 30. 16. statutes betw./ and daugh. Judg. 17. !0. be to me a/ and a priest 18. 19. be to us a/ and a priest Esth. 2. 7. Esther had neither/ nor JuOVQ. 16. 1 was a/ to the poor 31. 18. bro. up with me as with a/ 38. va hath the rain a/? Pial. 68. 5 a/ of fatherless is God 103. 13. like as a/ pitieth children Proe. 3. 12. correcteth, as/ the son 4. 1. hear the instruction of a/ 10. 1. mnketh a glad/ 15. 20. 17. 21. the/ of a fool hath no joy 23. 24./ of righteous shall rejoice lia. 9. 6. name railed everlasting F. 22. 21. Eliakim be/ to inhabitants 38. 19. /. to child, make known truth Jer. 31. 9. for I am a/ to Israel F.xek. 18. 4. us soul of/ so of son 20. son sh. not bear iniquity of/. 22. 7. in thee they set light by/. Mic. 7. 6. the son dishonouretb the/ Mul. I. 6. if a/, where mine honour ? 2. 10. have we not all one/? /VaM0.2I. f. deliv. child, Mark iai2. 37. that loveth/ more thmi me 11. 25. Jesus said, 1 thank thee, F. 26. even so F. Lu. 10.21. Juhn 1 1.41. 27. knoweth the Son hut the F. 15 4. he that rurseth/ Mnrkl. 10. 19. 5. leave/ and cleave to his wife 29 that hath forsaken / for my name's sake. Murk 10 2!> 28. 19. baptizing in name of the F. Mark 9. 24. f. of child cried, I believe 13. 32. kn> welh no man hut tru F. 14. 36. Abba, F. all things possible Ln/,e 10. 22. who the F. is, but Son 11. II. if a son ask bread of a/ 12. 53. / be divided against the son and son against the/ 15. ?)./ 1 have sinned ga. heaven Ifi. 27. 1 |>ry thee/ send him 22. 42. F. if williiii.', remove cup 23. 34. F. forphe them, they J57 SAT Lu. 2346. F. Into thy hand* Icomni John 1. 14. as of only begotten of > 18. Son who is in bosom of the F 3. 35. F. loveth the Son, 5. 20. 4. 21. nor at Jerusalem worship F 23. shall worship F. in the spirit 5. 19. do nothing, but what f. do 21. as F. raUeth up dead, so Son 22. the F. judgeth no man, but 23. honour the Son even as F 26. as the F. hath life in himself 36. works F. hath given me beai witness F. hath sent in* 37. F. which hath sent me, . Ki 112.49. | 14.24. 1 Jolm\. li 45. not 1 will accuse you to the F. 6. 37. all the F. giveth me, shall 39. F. will that 1 lose nothing 42. this Jesus whose/ v*e know 44. except the F. draw him 45. learned of F. cometh to me 46. not any hath seen the F. be 57. sent me, and I live by the >'. 8. 16. 1 am not alone, hut I and >'. 18. F. heareth witness of me 27. understood not he spake of P. 29. the /'. hath not left me alone 41. we have one F. even God 44. devil is a liar, and the/ of it 10 15. F. knoweth me, so 1 the F. 36. whom the F. hath sanctified 38. /' is in me, and 1 in him Iv. 27. F. save me from this hour 28. F. glorily thy name: then SO as F. said to me, so I speak 13. 1. should depart unto the F. 3. that !'. hud given all things !4. 6. cometh to the F. hut by me 8. Lord, show us the F. 9. hath seen me, hath seen the F II. I am in F. and F. in me, 17. 21 13. ;'. may be glorified in the Sou 16. prey the F. for you, 16. 26. 31. 1 love the F. as F. gave com. 15. 9. as the F. hath hived me, o 16. whatsoever ye ask F. 16. 23. 26. 1 will send Comforter from p. 16. 3. not known the /'. nor me 15. all things F. hath, are mine 15. because 1 go to the F. 17. 25. shew you plainly of the /'. 27. the F. loveth y"O, because ye 28. I came from /'. and go to /' 82. 1 am not ahme. ]'. is with me 17 I. F. hmir is come, glorify Sou 5. O F. glorify thou ire with 11. holy F. keep those given me 24. F. 1 will they l>e where I m 2ft. O righteous F. world hath noi Acts 1. 4. wait for promise of F. 7. seasons, F. put in his own pow er 2. 33. receivtd of F. the promise Ram. 4. II he/ of them believe 12./ of circumcision to them '.6. Abraham, who is/ of us all 6. 4. as Christ was raised hy F. a 15. wher*by we cry, Ahlm, F il. 2R are beloved for the F. snkt 15. a F. of our Lord J. f. 2 Cl .les. F. of glory 2. 18. access 1 v one Spirit to F. 3. 14. 1 bow lily knees until the F. 4. (i. one (i'iriN J.,1*. I. IT. .oinrth from F ..I lichti 9 !t Mr*. wr (iiM|. even the f. Frt i S, f..rrknowlr.| nf thr F. 17. rail on r whnjii.leth ^H. I. 17. received frmn F honour J,Jut I. i. Hfr which was with F. 1 our fell. .whip i with the f. t I. M d.M-..tr with thr f . Jrsus Ilk bmtMv ye hnve known F. IV thr lovr of the F. b out In him 16. pri.te of lifr is not nf the F. ft. Hiitichrnt drnirth P. mid Son XL hiM> d.-iiirth S.. hath nut F. *4. continue In thr Son and in F. X I. what manner of love thr F. 4 7 thier bar record, thr F. t JAji 1. nirrry and peace from F. 4. re rrrr'ivrd a com. from/ !' thiil ahidrth in Chrit huth F. Jtt* I. arr Miirtiflrd by God the F. Srr .\aAii>. Wrr FA I' HER. tirm. 19. XI flr.t-born lar with h. / W II hr a Arr/ brother, the l.-f. SI. -.1 >hr pr.if H ii.-th Acr A..ML IK 14. if Arr/ hud hut ipit IVut SI la bewail krrf. a month Jute. 15. a Phtliitin.-. burnt hrr/ CUE t 7. Arr f a-..) moihrr dr H d ' . Cm. 1 94. ihHll a man lenvr hitf. .War* ID. ?.>. S. jfl. . 7 Jamb nhryrd Ait/ mid hit SI. Sa Jacob swarr hy f... r of A / S7. I. whrrrin hitf w* a stranger tt to ddivrr him to hit f. 44. . thr lad mnnot lrvr AM/ 4B. I. rriflce to (;.H| nf hitf. AL Jowph wrnt to me, f l,i,f. 47. It. J.Mu-ph noiiri-he.l kit f. *r tl. 14 s.mleth/ he,.ut to death 17 ciireth kitf. l.rv. SO. 9 LfO. 19. 3. frar rrr n,.,,, hut. D*tl II. II which will not obey/ 7 IB. th:.t .-tti-th liht t.y kitf 3J 9. t kitf I harr not w*ii him I Sam. 14. I. Jonathan tM not Hitf I* 4. apakr rvo.1 .if I ),,,! t.. hut . 34. Aw/ had donr hi,,, ham/ * Vi 7. It will hr Ai./ hr my M>I, ja 5t a AM / >hr.., f. mr, I f* r 19. .' I Ktn. 1 1 4. n.t prrf^rt a* I >- vi.i A f C M did l)aH A,,/ l\ II j; A in i a. * CA>. K i. I*. , i hitf. .' 14 1 walked In all si )fi. Way irf / SU 43. 1 mm. ti. ii. t AMI. 3 t did rvil, h,i| ,,.,| I, I,,/ I (*r... 17. It I will br A./ H ft t Ihr 1 I. L. aporared to II, f 17 4 Jrnha 0114 ht QatmtMtf 34. to way* of thvid AM/ 3. f rm. II I. newrtk in im.-to.i, ,,f f 14 4 4fUeth AM/ Ir.lru. lion 17. ft. a f.-4i.h MHI airier |.. hi, f .lam.| ..f A,,/. ' K. wastrth |M/ raiiM-th .hmr f M. rurcHh Au / lamp put out S* *. -th A ' SI. wlxno tnbSrlh Ai, f ..r inolhrr W. a. lovrth VMdum FAT t 3ft. 17. eye mock./ raven* pic t /a. 44 10 wo to him aith to AM / i'rrtk. IH. 14. breet -on -.-elh/ sins 17. not die tor iniquity of hit f Amot S, 7. AM f |f" '" '" -;<""- ni.iid ZorA- 13. 1 AM thru-t him through Mai I K. a son honours AM/ Mat. 10. 34 at variance aifH- liitf 144 to A./ it isamft, .War* 7. II. ft. and honour not AM/ be free IB. /7. Sou tome in Bb.ry of AM F. Afar* S. 38. Luke 9. 2fx SI. 31. whether did will at hit f.-> Luke \. 3-i U (five him throne of/ 5tt. railed him after name of AM/ 6s. they made si|rns unto AM/ a S Jesus delivered him to /,/./ 14. SA if come and hair not AM/ 14 Is. younger -aid to hitf. JO. aro-e and came to hitf. JoA4 K Mid, 'hat G.id was his F. Adi 16 1. but Ai./ was a Greek 11 fb 7. 10. yet in the loins of hitf. Her. I. ft kliif* and prie^U to AM F. 14. I. AM F. name in forehead* Srt HOUXK. FATHEH-in-toiiT. Efod. la 1. M<*rs/.in.&rtr, 8. 14, 17. Juda. I. 1ft |4. 11. 87. Mones let /--wrr depart Juiiig. 19. 4. f.in-lair retained him JiJat 18. la/- in.lntr to Caiaphas .Ww FATHER. Cm. Ill 3 1 lay ye>ter. with myf. SO. 12. nhe is the daughter of mi/f S7. :M. K-IIIII cried, bless mr, mi/f. 31. 4 the (iod of myf. 4S. | &. 9. j-orf. i a 4. 44. 24. thy servant myf. 27. 30. 3S. surety for the lad to my f. 4V 3. doth m,/ / yet live ? 47. I. my/ and brethren are rome DfiU. 3R. ?.. a Syrian was myf. Joth. 2. la ye will save alive my/ -My. 9. 17 myf fought for you 14 16. | |,a. not told it myf. I Soa. 14. Sft mtff.ttn,, l.ied the land I* IK. and what is mil J. lauuly f 9. 2. mvf. will Jo niithinir, hut he ML I* M with thee as with my/ . a let myf he with you S .Vans. Id a restore king, nf my f. I A'l'n. S. 26. barest ark before 'myf. in all wherein my/, w as afflicted 44. wickedness didst t. Dav. myf. 3. B. shewed to David myf. mercy 7. made king instead of my/. 5 3 m>i f could nt build an house 8 17. in hear' of Dnv. myf to build U. 10. httle finder br thicker than myf loins, 2 CArv,n. 10. 10. II. sy/ lade yon, 2 Chrun. 10. 11. 14. w.y/rha-fWd.2fAr.,i,. 10. 14. III. SO. let me kits mi//' and mother I Ktn. 2. )'. KliNba cii.'-d. mi,f. myf. H SI. mvf. sh ,11 I .mite them ? I*. 14 J..a-h said, mt/ f. mil f. I Chrnn. .- I , I,...,- me before all hour of miff. anM arrtony sons < TAr. S. 3. did-t deal with mu f , M 17. 14 |. ,-d I,, corrupt,,.,,, m.f. f' fJ IO./ and mother f..rsake nie "9 SB. th..n art my f. my fiod I'rnr 4. 3. for 1 w:,. -, t. -,, t 4. win th.ni not cry. nut P.ttif vn |i r.ir.r.1 bronchi tidna-- / .r.. ont of Jewry ' wi'lof F. IS W. ,*' ' SS. hur 31 him oil! ; f FAT Vat 11. 87. deliver, of F. Lu. 10 il 15. ia p4ant my F. hath not plur.tvd 16. 17. iii'i F. in tit-men revealed it 18. 10 HiireU behold (are of my F. 111. it <>hall br done- of ii,;i K 34 M> hraveiily F. H|M> d>, to yon SO. 2a it is prepared of mu /'. 54. 30. that day ki.nweth 'hnt '.14 f. 2.T. 34. rome, yr blrr-sed ot m / . SR. Sit drink it new in A. kii.Kilo-* 39. O w/v f let this nip pu.vi I-' in F. thy will I.e done A3. that 1 canti.it |-ray to mi/ /'. ? LuJee S, 49. about my F. bu-ine*-. 14 IH. 1 will arixr und t'. to /,,/ / !('. 27. send him to tin/ t hon>e 55. S9 us my F hath Htii-xnted S4. 49. 1 send thr pron. ol / R Julmb 17. my F. workrth hith.-no 3(1. I M-rk but the will of ;/,// /. 43. I am ese,-n will, mi/ F. 49. I honour my F. ye (li>l,oiimir .'4. it i- niy F. that honour. 'ill me 10. 17. doth my F. love me, l.ecaus/ F. 37. if 1 ,io not the works of /,i/ P. IS. -A5. him will )// F. honour 14. 7. should have known mi/ F. 12. I.e. aii-e 1 K" to mi/ F. lii. 10. 50. ye >li;;il know I ail) in mu F. 51. ihll be loved of my f. 113. 48. mv /'. i> a renter tliHii I I'.. I. inn ^. i- the husbandman 8 her. -in i* //v F. tfioiifird, tlint 10. HS I ki |)t Hill F. f o|l:|-;ulMlll,tlll 15. all that 1 heard of HHI /'. S3 hiiteth me hatrth /-".'also, S4. IH. II. cup MV t. hath riven, elm!l Sii. 17. ascend to my F. mid jour /'. 21. s wiv ^ hatir*ent me, so /fpr. S. 27.' a-. I rerrivcd of my F. a 4 confer hi- name l-elore my F I),,,- KAI UF.a fien. 19 31. o.f. old || -J2. o./ drink 4:1 28 our/ is in Rood health 41. 31. our/ with Mirrow to prave \um. 'fi. 3. t/r /. dird in wild, rnrcs 4. why name ofunrf. doneaway ? I Chr S9. 10. blessed br thoii, I., o.'f. ha. r,;\. Iff doubiless thon ;> fit. 8. art our/ we are the ciay 'rr. 35. T>. mirf com. drink no ine .Vnf. a 9. n*r f. whi. h art. Lit. \\.-J. \lnrk II. 10. blessed be ki.itf ol . f I.n/Cf3 8. have Abraham to ,//. I. s. /'A,7 1.2. CoL 1.8. I y/-... 1. 1 2 7"A. 1. S. 1 Tito. 1. i Philem. 3. 9. 10. by one, even hy our /! Isaac '"//. I. 4 the will of God arid our T. /'A/7.4*) toir F. he ir lory foreier I Ttin. I. 3. in siifhl of (.0,1 and F. 3. !l. r,i/r f. iir-ct our wy to >,.a la-tal.li-h -thi.liiie-Kl.efor. vf.t.f. 2 Chr. 21. 3. thi-irf. uave great gifts Job \2. 15. their f nave inheritance TVor. 30. II. th.u c-irseth e<>/ Jer. Hi. 7. cup of i. n. t drink fur/ 35. U. Jona. sons beyed their f 16 J?2e/t. 22. 10. diseoi ered tt. / naked .U<. 4. 21. with Zebedee / 22. left rtV f. and fiillowi-d him TOyFATHER. Gen. 12. 1. get from Av/ house 46. a I am the God of thy f. fear not 49. 25. by the (in.) of thy f. who sh. 26. blessings nf A. (,. 2. Luke-2. 48. My/, and I sous-ht thee 15. 27. and thyf. hath killed calf John.8 19. siii.l they, where is thy fi Your FATHER. Gen. 31. 7. your f. hath deceived me 43. 7. is v>/ alive 1 have ye brother 41. 17. (jet up in peace lit your f. 45. 19. bring j/"Mr/ and come 49. 2. hearken unto Israel your f. Jer. 35. 18. obeyed JonadftbyMrj! /;*<<. 16. 45. yourf. an Amorite jV<. 5. 16. glorify !/. F. in heaven 45. may l>e children of ynur F. 48. as ?/o*. 32. y. F. pleasure to give king. J.ihn 8. ij8. ye do what seen with y./ M. ye do tin- deeds nf ynur f. 42. Jesus said, if fod \\erpyourf. U. ye are of y. f. _.ie devil, and tin lusts of y. f. ye will di JO. 17. I ascend to my F. and y. F. FATHERS Kyod. 1 1. 6. thy/ nor thy/ / seen FAT >. 20. 5. visiting iniquity off. 34. 7. .VM/. 14. 18. Deut. 5. 9. Deut. 24. 16. f. not be put to death for children, 2 Kin. U. (i. Job 30. 1. f I would have disdained Prof. 19. 1 1. rich.* inheritance ot/ Isu. 49. 23. lungs he thy nursing/. J*r. 6. 21. /: and sons s'liail fall 13.14. 7. 18. (rath wood/ kin .le the fire 3I.2J'./ eaten sour grapt-sEzek. H.2. 32. l!S. recompensest iniquity of/ 47. a/ not look back to children Ezek. >. I"./ shall e.it the sons Mai. 4. G. turn/, to child, /.u. I. 17. /A/i 7. 22. of .Moses, but of the f. .4ct*l. 2. and/ hearken, 22. I. 13. 32. promise made to the/ 22. 3. pcrf. ct manner of law of/ Horn. 9. 5. whose are the/ 1 lor. 4. 15. yet have ye not many f. F.ph. U. 4. / provoke not Col. 3. 21. lieb. 1. 1. spake in times past to/ 12. 9. we had/ who coireded us -' /',. 3. 4. since the./, fell asleep ! Juhn 2. 13. 1 write unto you/ 14. .See BruiKi), CHIEF. His FATHERS. > Kin. 15. 9. did evil as h. f. had done il.22. forsook G.ol h.f. 2 CAr.21.10. i. Chr. 21. 19. like l-urnin^ of his f. 28.2.5. Ahaz provoked L.G. of hit f. M. 19 prepar. to seek (i of/m/ 3a 12. hnint.led before God of lag f. Ps. 49. 19. o to gi-neration of his f. 109. 14. iniquity of his f. lie reinem. Dan. 11. 24 do what/Wi/ not done 37. nor ie^nrd the God of his f 38. a god whom hisf. knew not Ada 13. 36. David was laid to his f. My FATHERS. Gen. 47. 9. not attain, years nf my f. 30. I will lie with my f. carry me -. 1C. name of my J. be named 9. 29. bury me wilh tnyf. in cave K.ni(l. In. 2. be is /// God, I will Ai'/i. 1H. 4. no better than my f. 21. 3. inherit, nf my f. to thee, 4. 2 A't'n. 19. 12. them 'which my f. des- troyed 2 Chr. 32. 14. /i. 37. 12. 2 C/ir. 32. 13. what I and my f. done I'*. 39. 12. sojourner as my f. were /)>. 4. or/ trusted in theft 4V. I. imr t. toUl wha! diilst 7S. 3. KKi. (i. we have sinned with mi" f. 7. ourf under-tooil not wondi rs ].,,. i;t. 11. be.e /,i. 7. ,,ur f. sinned, and are not Dan. 9. 8. contusion of lare to uurf. 16. for nur sins and iniqui. itfaurf. Me. 7. 20. sworn to oi,rf from old Mai 2. III. prolHiiiiiK eoie. ni-oitrf. Mat. 23. 30. if been in days of our/ AAe 1. 55. as he spake to ourf. 72. mercy promised to our f. John 4. 20. ourf. worship, in mount. G. 31. ourf. eat manna in desert Acts 3. 13. God of o. f. hath iilorifled 25. covenant G. made wilh our./. 5. 30. God of ourf. raised up Jesut 7. II. ourf. found no sustenance 15 Jacob died, he and ourf. 19. and evil intreated . 25 transgressed aga. G. of/ 29. 20. bletsed God of t. f. [ i 2a 6. 2 Chr. 7. 22. forsook (i. of t. f. 24. 24. 11. Hi. to sacrifice to God of their f. 13. 18. they relied on God of their f. 11.4 torn, to seek G. ot t. f. 15. 12. 19 4. back to the God ot Me /',-//; Prop. 17. 6. glory of children are t. , Ita. 14 21. slaughter tot iniqoi. of/ Jer. 1. 26. did worse tliiin th-;r_t. 9. 14. Kaalim, which t.f. timi/lit 16. nor tlifirf. have known, 19. *. 2M. //. as t.f. forgotten my i am- 31 32. not aivordmvr t" coveiiHiit I made with f./ 11. I". ll~ .10. 7. sinned HKII. 1 ho| f t. t. h.:ek. 2. 3. and t.f. have tningiMi 5. 10. and sons sliali eat C',,irf aO. 4. cause know uboiuiua. of i f FAT 4m*t t. 4. lie* after wh. I / walked , >.eart of children aut* A n In like rammer did t / . di.t r iieti r*vVAini:i(s. C. IV 4 klt g- to I. /. in peace tivi 13 ' swaretott*./ II i>et . 10. ia 1 7. 12. U i s. ia I 9. M ix IT i ia a | A ii. I JJi l.\ I XL Ml Ot 4. l. nor foe iret core, of t f. 57. bemus* he l.ed O f. 10. li in. tt 0,vf went with 70 penons t. I. uu-l the O^ trfM*/ rlveth 19. & UwU he priUl ttjr/ 7. 3. 3D. multiply thee above Ajr / 9. as be refok^ rer */ SI. IS. ileesi with t /. &rm. 7. 12. . Km. 13. Tt nt fipulchre oft/ I A'm. l 17, t/. laid up. be carried tt. ). gather to t / 2 CAr. 34. 18. I CAr 17 II must go to be with t/ />. *s Id imte*dof Lf. berlnl.lren Jer. 34. .V with the buriiiiuis of t / .'-JSB. . 14, rien up in jr. / te*d J-A. t *./ dwelt oo other side & I brought Mr/ out of Kgypt I Sam. IX 7. act* Lord did to y / a ./ cried. L. brought forth y./ I.V hand of L. ara. you a your f. < CAr. 11 12. flght ooi ana. O. of/ 3D, 7. be not like y. f. & Zeck. I. 4. ' 1 1. confeMHMi to O. of y f. /V 95. 9 w. / tempte.l me. <*. 3. 0. /M. <& 7. your and iniquiti. s of jr./ Jer. 2. V iniquity * / found in me t II. 7. I eroetly protested toy./ 1(1 1 1. or/ have for-mken me I if. done wot se than vur/ 14. 14. . / hearkened not unto me 44. 3. knew not, they nor t/ourf. 9. forgotten wi< kedneM vf y./f 2IX K walk not in statu. of/ 17. In thi wiir/ lilK'd me 3(1 polluted lifter manner of jr. /f M. like a> I pleaded with voitr'f.r 87. IV dwell in land your/ dwelt Wo*. 9. la 1 >aw nur/ as Urnt ripe J'~l I. C. this been In day* of . / Z*rA 1.2. Lord dinpleased with r/ 4. be n-t a. r/ S> Mir ^ where are they . my words Uke bold of your/? 14. when owr/ provok'ed me J*i S. 7. d rfr /. ye are gone tiiA 43. W. fill upme*ure of . / /.* II. 47. and v r/ killed th.m *. that ye a>iw deed* of wour / J*A A 4ft / did eat manna Ml not a* v. /eat. and are dead .frf7. M ye reut Holy i.. a. v / 5. have not .r f persecuted t I fm, I. IR > .,,,./ jW. n. K MI fli'rt' r f: child II tour children shall he/ 0t 10 It be doth execute judg. neat -T f. fiaL 9t 3. /. I. 17. >4 A tT. ye overwhelm the/ 9 arm. rf /! bate been brok 14. f they :Hve away a of the/ 'react Hi 12. beraiw'l delivered the/ . A tbey M**/ lr..m the hre 31. 17 an 1 t'te f n.it ealen tl If I lifted up roy hivig,i ,.t/ fnl la 14 Ibou art hel|>er of/ IR 1 1 j'lrt.-e (he / and nores)e4 % & fatbtf o' the /. ajudfsj of FAV PtaL 10A ft let bis children be/ ..rauy favour Ins/ children Prof. 23 HI enter not field, ol f. I ft. I. STL in.i.e not /" Jer. 5. 2& . '7. L. not have merry on their/ Jtuh. II. 20. th-y inifiht have in./ 10 2. that they may rob the/ ./cr 4U. II leave tnv/ children Lam. 5. 3. we are orphans and / *. 22. 7. in thee hare rexe.I/ Hot. 14. 1 in thee/ findeth merry MuL S. 5. witiiema r. those oppr. /. Jam. I. 27. pure religion to viMt/ FATHERLESS with ttranqer. Iteut. 14. 29. procure! h/ 13. l.'i. i.'i>'>'f. '& king's/ toward* wise servant 16. Id. his/ is as a cloud of ruin 19. & many intreat/ of prince 12. king's/ is s di w ipongra-s 21. 10. his neighbour Bndeth im f. Si 1. loving/ rather to be chosen 29. 26. many seek the ruler's/ SI. 30. / is dereitful, beauty vain EtxL 9. II. nor yet/, to men of -kill E*fk.3. la all of them/ of Hashan j Ita. 26. 10. / be showed t.. wi -k. d .Vat H 4. oaen and my/ are killed 27. II. formed show them no/ FATXKSS. (im. 27. ia God aivethee of the/ 39. thy dwelling be/ of the earth Dent. :U. 15. art covered with/ my/ Joi 15. 27. covereth face with his/ I a on thy table sho. be full of/ Pial 36. a satisfied with/ of house O'l. 5. my soul satisfied as with/ 65 II. all thy paths drop / 7:i 7. their eye-, stand out with/ 109. 24. my flesh f .ileth of/ Ita. 17. 4 / of his flesh wax lean 34. 6 s.rord of Lord is fat with/. 7. their dust be made fat with/ 5V 2. let M>U! delight itself in/ ' r. 31. 14. hoiil of priests with/ Aoa*. 11. 17. partake.1 of/ uf olive FATS. Jufli 24. / shall overflow, a 13. FATTED. JCT-. 46. 21. hired men like/ bullock* Sfe CLF. FATTEST. /W. 7a 31. wrath of God slew/ Dan. II. 24. enter >n the/ places F AC I/I. S n 41. 9. I remember/ lhi< day EJ- V 16. / U in thine own people Drut 25. 2. beaten accord. to his/ 1 .V:, 29. 3. I found no/ in him 2 .Sum 3. a charges! me with a/. /'u' 19. 12. cleanse from were!/ VJ. 4 they prepare without m y/ D,/n. 6 4. could find no/ in him 18. 15. trespass, tell him his/ Murk 7. 2. unw. hand-, they found/ Luke 2a 4. I find no/ in this man, U. J.'hn 18 : | 19. 4,6 Horn. 0. 19. why doth he yet find/? I for. ft. 7. utterly a /among you Hal A I. if a man he overtaken in/ Hrh. 8 a for. finding/ with them Jam. 5. 16. confess/ one to another I PrL 2 20 if w hen hutleted for/ JIfx 14. 4. without/ before throne FAULT!. 1- ttek. 8 7. if fir.t cove had been/ Juat 84. U ahle to present you f F At I TV. *"" ! la king sp ak as one/ //o. lu. g, now k ha!ltl,ey be found/ PAVOUB fid. 10. but in my/ 1 had mercy Jer. 16. 13. where I will not show/ Dan. I. 9. brought Daniel int ,,t,,/ HI/ . 1 Sam. 29. 6. the lords/ thee not PtaL 35. 27./ my righteous CHIIKB 102. 13. set time' to/ her is corn* Ii thy servant*/ dint thereof 109. 12, In/ fatherle^ children FAVOURABLE. Judg. 21. iv 1 . he/ fur our sake* JoA33. 26. God will he/ unto him Pial 77. 7. will Lord he/ no more ? 85. I. hast been/ to thy land FAVOURED, KST, ETH. Gen. 29. 17. Itarhel was well./: 39. & Js. well./ || 41. 2. kine, la 41. 3. ill./kine, 4. I9.il, '/7. 2 Sam, 20 1 1. / J-ah, go alter Joafc Pi. 41. II. by this I know tliou/ lam 4 IR they/ not the eld-rs Dun. 1. 4. children w. II./ skilful .NV/A.3.4. whiired.mi-.ifw.-ll./har.'ol Luke \. 28. hail, thou highly/. FEAR. Grn. fi. 2. / of you he on ev. heat 31. 42 f. of laachad I.een with ru .VI Jacob su-are by/ of Isiar JEjtxl 15. 16. / shall fall upon then> 2a 27. will send mv/ b.-f,.re thee Sen. 39. 81. gave Joseph / in light Dent 2. 25. put/ of thee oil uationa Mi FRA Deut. 11. 25. lay/ of you on land 1 Ckr. 14. 17. / of him on nations E-rni 3. 3. / WHS on them because NVA 6. 14. tlmt ..ut me in/ 19. K*th. 8. 17. / ol Jaws fell mi them 9. 3./ of MjriltMw) fell on them Job 4. 6. is nut this thy/, thy cunfid. 14. / mine on me and trembling 6. 14. forsaketh/ <>f Almighty !). 34. 1. 1 not Ins/ terrify me 15. 4. yea, thou easiest off/ and 21. 9. their houses are safe from/. 22. 10. sudden/ troubleth thee 25 2. dominion and/ with him 39. 22. he mncketh at/ /"fui 5. .. in thy/ will I worship . 20. put them in/ O Lord 14 5. there were they in great/ 31. 11. 1 was a/ to acquaintance 13. /. was on every side, they took 48. 6./ took hold upon them there 53. 5. were fn/ where no/ was 64. 1. pres. my life from/ of enemy 90. II. to thy/ fo is thy wrath 105. 38. / of them fell upon them 119. 38. thy serv. devoted to thy/ 1'rur. 1. 26. mock when/ eometh 2". when your/ cometh as deso. 33. he quiet from/ of evil 3. 25. be not afraid of sudden/ 10. 24.. f. of wicked come on him 20. 2. / of king HS roaring of lion 29. 25. / of man hringeth a snare Cant. 3. 8. sword her. of/ in night Isn. 7. 25. not eome the/ of bliers 8. 12. neither fear yr their f. 13. the Lord, let him be your/ 14. 3. L. shall give thee rest from/ 21. 4. night of 'pleasure into/ 24. I7./T and the pit are upon thee la fleeth from/ Jer. 48. 44. 29. 13. their/ is taught by men 63. 17. hardened heart from thy/ ler. 2. 19. that my/ is not in thee fi. 25. / is on every side. 20. 10. 30. 5. we have heard a voice of/ 3'J. 40. put my/ in their hearts 48. 4?. f. shall he on thee, O Moab 49. 5. f will bring a/ upon thee 24. / hath seized on Damascus '29. shall cry,/ is on every side Z,nm. 3. 47. /and a snare is ri'tn< Exek. 3i> 13. put a/ in land of Eg) Mai. \. 6. if master, where is my^,.. Luke 1. 12. Zach. saw him,/ felloi 65. / came on all, 7. 16. Acts 2. 43 | 5. 5, 11. | 19. 17. Ren. 11. 11 num. 13. 7. / to whom/ is due 1 Cir. 2. 3. with you in weak, and/ 2 C->r. 7. 11. what/ ! what vehemen 2 Tim. 1. 7. not ifiven us spirit of/ Heo. 2. 15. who through/ of death 12. 28. with reverence and godly/ 1 Pet. 1.17. pass timeof sojourn, in/ 3. 15. answer with meekness and/ 1 John 4. 18. no/ in love, cast, out/ For FEAR. /Jcrrr. 28. 67 f*),f. of.li. on all kingd. ieh. 5. 9. .o walk in the/ of God ? 15. so did not 1, because of/ ofG. 3 s. 36. 1. no/ of G. before his eyes iom.3. IRno//(i. befoie their eyes Cor. 7. !. pT. holiness in/ nfGud Eph. 5. 21. submitting in/ of God FEAR <:f the Lord. Sam. 11.7. / o/. fell 2 CAr. 17. 10. 2 CAr. 14. \f. f. of L. came on them 19. 7. let the/ o//,. be upon you 9. thus do in/ of Lord faithfully Job 28. 2a said,/ uf L. is wisdom D s. 19. 9. the/ o/d. u rov. l.Z/ o/L. b*g. of know. 9.10. i9. did not choose the/ f/ Lord 2. 5. shall understand/ of the Lord 8. I3./ of the Lord is to hate evil 10. 27. / oft. Lord prolongeth days 14. 26. in/ of L. is strong confid. 27./ of Lord is a fountain of life 15 16. better is little wilh / of Lord 33. / of L. is instruction of wisdom 1C. 6. by/ of L. men dep. from evil 19. 23. / t/M.be obedient w.f and tremb Phil. 2. Is!, work ..lit salvation w.f. Heb. 11. 7. Noah w.f. prepared ark 1 f<.2.18.be snlject to masters w.f. 3. 2. chaste conversa. coupled w.f. Jude 23. and others save withf. Without FEAR. Job 39. 16. her labour in vain wit, f. 41. 33. is n"t his like, made wit.f. Luke 1. 74. miaht serve him wit. f. 1 Cor. 16. 10. may be with you wtt.f Phil. I. 14. bold to speak word w.f Jude 12. feeding themselves wit.f. FEARS. Ptal. 34. 4. delivered me fr. all my/ Eccl. 12. ft. when/ be in the way Is. 66. 4. bring their/ upon them 2 Cor. 7. 5. tiiihtings, within were/ FEAR Verb. Lev. 19. 3. / every man his mother Aura. 14 9*. neither/ people of lane Deut. 4. 10. they may learn to/ me 5. 29. O that they would/ me 28. 58. / glorious name, the Lord 66. and thou shall/ day and night 67. fear wherewith thou shall/ Judg. 1. 10. if thou / to go down 1 Kin. S. 40. may/ thee, 2 Chr. 6.31 43. name to/ thee, 2 Chr. 6. 33. 2 Am. 17. 38. neithet/ other gods 39. the Lord your God ye shall/ 1 Chr. 16. 30. / before him all flu earlh, Ptal. 9fi. 9 AVA. 1. 11. nl'odesire to/ thy iimni ./,,'.. 'II. :u. did I /a great multitude Ptal. 23. 4. I will/ no evil, for thou 27. 1. my salva. whom >hiill \ft 31. 19. goodness for them/ thee 40. 3. nuiny -loll f-ee it, nd/ 49. 5. why aha If in d;,ys of evil 52. 0, right, also shall see and/ 101 FEA />//. 60. 4. a l.aiiner to them that /. (il. 5. bvrtafv oi tln.se/ thy i>8t (U. 9. all *h.f. and (!.-< lare work *2. 5. / then as long as sun rnduretk 86. II. unite my heart to/ name 102. 15. so In athen ohall/ thy name 119. 39. my reproach which if 63. companion of tin IP ibat f. thee 74. they that/ thee will be'g'.ud 79. let those/ thee turn to me Eccl. 3. 14. that mm/ before him 1*0. 8. 12. neither/ ye their fear 19. 16. Egypt shall be ;,lraid and/ 25. 3. city of terrible nations/, thee 44. 1 1. the workmen shall/ and be 69. 19. so shall they f. name of Lor4 60. 5. thy heart/ and be enlarged Jer. 10. 7. who would not/, thee O 23. 4. and they shall/ no more 32 39. one he;irt that they/ me 33. 9. they shall/ for the goodliest 51. 4a and lest ye/ for rumur Dan. 6. 26. / before God of Uai.iel I lii.i. 10. 5. inhab. of Samaria shall/ A/i'c. 7. 17. arid/ because of thee Zefih. 3. 7. 1 said, surely wilt/ me Huff. I. 12. people did/ before Lord Zech 9.5. Ashkelun shall see it, and/ MuL 4. 2. to you / my name, sh. Sun Mat. 21. 26. if we say of men, we/ Luke 12. 5. forewarn whom ye sh. / Horn. 8. 15. the spirit of bondage to/ 1 1. 20. he not high. minded, but/ 2 Cor. 12. 20. If. lest n'.'t find you I Tim. 5. 20. that others also may/ Heb. 4.1. let us/ lest a promise being 12. 21. Mo. sii'iil, 1 exceedingly/ Bev. 2. 10. / none of those things 11. la reward to them/ thy name FEAU God. Gn.42.iathidoand live, for I/ G. E.rod. 18. 21. provide such as/ God Lev. 19. 14. hut shalt/ thy God, 32. X5. 17. thou i-ha't/ thy God. 36. 43. Job !. 9. doth J..h/ G. for nought? /'//. (>6. Ifi. hear, all ye that/ G'od A'r7. 5. 7. vanities, tut/ thou God 8. 12. be well with them that/ G. 12. 13. f. Gud, and keep his com. I na. 29/23. they sh./. God of Hraol itrd on them/ him 34. 7. angel enrump. ab. them/ h, 9. nu want to them that/ Aim 67. 7. ends of the earth shall/ h)a> 85. 9. his salva. is nigh them/ hint 103. 1 1. great is bis mercy to them/A. 13. so L. pitieth them that/ him 17. mercy of L. is on them/ him 111. 5. meat to them that/ Arm 145. 19. fulfil desire of them/ hi*. 147. II. pleas, in them that/ lam VotiaSa/4 who is nble, L.ll I /.u*e I. 50. his mercy on them/ A. Rev. 19. 5. praise / thy G la shall/ /.. 10. 20. 2 A'/". 17.38. 24 to/ t. for our good alwjr 10. 12. / 7. Mint* 115. II. ye that/ /.. tru.t in the L. IX ht> will !!- them that/ Lwrrf lia 4./ L.ay.hl merry endurrth IIS. ML e Ual/ L. bk>u the I..,r.l ?V. a 7./ torW, depart lr..,n evil X4. tl. / At Lard, and the kin* .Jer. & 24. n-r My they, lei us/ i. *V lit .lid be n<(. thou sliult lint die 1 .Sam. 4 10 women MI.| to her,/ . IS. Jill Samu I Mtid !> people/ w< W. X abide thou with me/ no/ O II Jonathan laid to David/ n. t 5-im. IX 2M. ai I. kill Amuon. /C n. 1 Am. 17. 13. uid t widow,/ Hot 2 JCi*. & l(i //. more with us 17. 34. to thin d.y they / not Lord 85, 24. / rf Ui serve Chaldee* Or. 20 IT. L. will be wi. yon/ n. Jt 55. l. tber-fore they /: < Ood i 4. they >h.Hit At hi n. and / n-4 Im. 1. 4. /. .< t*i - of At ebraods S5.4. to them of fearful heart,/ not 41. IO./ . 1 am with thee. 41 5. IS. 1 the Lord will hoi i thy riirht hand, ayuiif, f. mot 14. f not. thou \v..rin Jaroh, and L C/Mfc I he redeemed the* 44. S. / ^, O J.ir..'. my M-rrant, JT :n 10 i 4ft rt, mth the L. Jam. S 5.. in... i wi.t-t,/ not ;M. la i .' t.. in-, r . /. Daniel. 19 Jaef t H. f m>t, O laud, be *).,.] and /.rt*. S IL H- .,1 t., J.-r.il / n / /.'^ < 5. *piri| remain m \n.fn SA 1 IS hall hr * M.tMi.ir r not n do well In Judh./ ye / Vi & 5. witne*. tlirm/ . me Mat \. > / . t.. t*kr t..|(lee >!.,r v MM/. them mat. n.. thing rorenj M( Oiem who kill the l..~ly ant -I Mid r.. WIHIWH/ *^ I. 1.1 f it ZM-B. H m Mory M/. A. & a f. 5!. not trrard J.J.i I'. , / rtu...I.T nTfiill jl'-ttf! M r w.' Pmil. ttv.u ,.. u t Am 1. 17 ). mot. I am the Out AH f r-^i . ML ; will n. jet /! t!, U PEA 8 Kim. 17. 3V n.f. other gods. 37 JiJ> 9. 3i. Wo. I -p.-.k. an I m. f hon II. 14 sle'lf..t thou -h.ilt nt f Ptal 27. H. tho' hunt encamp, motf. 46. 2. motf. tho' earth be r.-im.v.-d 5ft 4. . / what flesh ran do, I IS. 6. /J. 54. 14. fr from oppression, *./ Jer. la 7. wno would nut f. thee, () /4MM 38. lion roared, who will n ft I.ttitt 2a 40. d.*t a.,t thou / God ? //*. |.t. 6 ./ what man do to me life. 15. 4. who . 19. | . 2. . /.iiAr9. 34 / they entered cloud <:> / t aak him or thnt -..viiitr 18. 2. wa* a jud^i- whirh/ liot (iod !'.. 5il I / thi-e, ait ;tu->t.Ti- man JiJtn 9. ti. I..-. HUM- th-y/ the J.-v- Arti Id 3H. wMnlM/ when ///.. 4. 7. C. wan heard, in that he f. FEAKEI) Hod. Eroti 1. 17. hut inidwip/ Gad AV*. 7. 2. he/ God above many JoA I. 1. Jh wai one that/ God Act* 10.2 CorneliiiH w one/ God .los*. la 2. the CanaHmtes'/frmrt/v ! &ws. 12. 18. all the peoples / II 1 Ar. 18. 3. now Ohadiah f. L.rd g. Jnb 3. 25. thing If./ come on me ps. 89. 7. Oodl- g. to be /. in..,,..m .Vot 27. 54 centurion / 'ifrfnttu rgABBD*L*W fjwi 14. 31. / L. heliev.d \!.e< 2 ft*. 17. i so they/ tht L .Ti 11 10. 3. no king. be. au-e not/ /_. 4 I. 16. meii/ /.. exceediiiL'iv 3. in that/spake oft, a Imok of remembrance for them/ h. Fh.\ni:sr. Gm. 82. Ii now I know thon/ r id 1 1. I held peare thou/ not Jer. 22. 2V into hand of them thou f. FKARKTM. 'o* I. , Job one thai/ God 8. 1 /ui 25. 12. wh*t man U he/ Lord? I hlesaed is the man t. l...r.l I H. I. blrs.ed is .-.erv one r Lord 4 thus man he h'e.-.| f Curd . la / con. ma., . I I* r.-^rd !. 2 w^lk in iiun/htne.s f. I^ird 16. a wi*e tmmmf. nn.l . Cornelius one/ (Jod :(.">. h.- thitt /" linn i* urce|it>-d la J!fi whoK.i. among y.ui/ (;od I JA 4. la/ is not perfect iu love FEAKIMi. Junh. 82. V!5. ri.il.lren ceae/ Lord .V2l. II. / Right- in diverx pin. He>>. 10. 27. / looking for ofjudgm. 31. / to fall into hands of (iod Ret. 21. 8./ have imrt in the lake FEARFULNKSS Pi. 55. S. / and trembling are rome Ita. 21. 4. / Rffri* hted me 33. 14. / surprised the hypocrites FKARFULLY. Pi. 139. 14./ and wonderfully mad FEAST. (,'r-n. 19. 3. Lot made/ || 21. a Abra- 2(1 30. UXHC || 29. 22. Laban 4l). 2(1. Pharaoh made a f. to all Erud. 5. 1. may hold a/ to ire. 109. 12. 14 keep it a/ /.< . 23 39, 41. 13. & the seventh day shall be a/ 23. 14. three times keep/ in year 32. 5. Aaron said, to-morrow is nf. Xnm. 29. 12. ye shall keep a/ to L. Drut. IA 14. Khaltrej.me in'thy/ ./'/.',' 14. 10. Samitoii made a/ I .SVi/n. 25. i. Nahal held/ like kinf I A'tn. 8. 2. all axiienililed at the/ 12. 32. Jeroboam ordained a /!'lik the/ that is in Jn.i .h -' Chr. 7. 8.S moil kept f. '. | :. 22. .NVA. H. IS. Mfc 4.' V,i /:rA I. 3. Alia>iieriiimde/2. IS. . Vashti made/ || a 17. Jews Pror 15. 15 m.'try In-art roitinn. f. Eccl In. |9. a/ is made for Uuirhter lot. 25. 6. L. make to all p.-..|i a t. EzeJc 45. 2.'i seven nay* ->f / pn-parn Dun. 5. 1. Kelha7.r.ar 'm-id'e a f. Maffi. I Vat that/ wont to piivmer, .Murk IS. . Z,it up 10. then went he'alo up to the/ 1 1. the Jew* ..might him at the f 14. mid-t ..f the f. J.-u [..light 37. that ifr.'at day <>t th.-/ in. -A it a at the/ of dedirat'ev 1 1. 5fl. he will not xnne to tli>> t 12.1?. n.-jct duv mm h p.-o. rome' to/ 2(1. (Jreeks th..t rain.- to the f. 1.1 29. buy wh.it wi need nira'lnst/ , I mii-t keep tin, f > f will, old liMv.-n 10. 27. thai belieie not I. Ill to/ FEAST iin". ilmi*. ll>*. i. 1 1. raiu her/ dayi to ceaie FED /70s, 9 5. what will ye do in day off. A',nns 5. 21. 1 despise your/ dayt Mat. 26. 5. not on/rfa;/, Mark'M. 2. 4/oA2. 23 in/ rfc/v inuny believed F E A ST of the Paxsorer. Mat. 26. 2. is the/ O//MU. A/urA: 14.1. I. itke 2. 41. every year at/ of pax. John 13. 1. before/ i/p. Jesus knew Solemn FEAST. Z>e?. 16 15. seven days keep a ./ Ps. 81. a blow trumpet on so. f. day Lam. 2. 7. made noise as in so. f. day tlos. 12. 9. dwell as in days of so. f. FEAST of tabernacle. Lev. 23. 34. shall be the/ of taber. Deut. 16. 16 in/ .31. 10. 2'C/ir.S.ia Z'ch. 14. 16. even go op to keep/- 18. heathen that come not Inf.. Jo'ir. 7. 2. the Jews/ . was at hand FEAST of unleavened bread. Ex. 12.17. observe./ - 2a 15. | 34 18. Ler. 23. a and mi the 15th day is/. IV7<. 16. la in/ - 2 C/.rn. i .3. 2 Or. 30. 13. as*embled to keoj, / . Mnt. 26. 17. / O/H. disciples came .Vur. 14. 1. was the f. . Luke 22. 1. FEAST i ,f weeks. Ex. 34. 22. observe/ - Deut. 16. 10. FEAST, ED. Job 1. 4. his sons f. in their houses 2 /'rf. 2. la sporting, while they/ Jzwfe 12. spots, when they/ wi. you FEASTING. J Enth. 9. 17. made it a day of/ 18. J.iA 1. 5. when days of/ were gone Eccl. 7. 2. than go to the house of/ /tfr. 16. 8. uot go into the house of/ FEASTS. Lev. 8a 2. these are my/ 4, 37, 44, P. 35. !6. hypocritical mockers in Isa, 5. 12. pipe and wine in their / Jer. SI. 39. in heat I will make th / Ezek. 45. 17. part to give offer, in/ AmnsS. 10. turn your/ into mourn. Zfch. 8. 19. shall be cheerful/ jMat.23 a love uppermost rooms at/ War. 12. 39. Luke W. 46. J. 3. even dung of your so / FEATHERED, See FOWL. FEATHERS. Job 39 13. gavt'Bt/ to the ostrich ? Psal. 68. 13. / cov. with yellow void 91. 4. sliall royer thee with his/ F.zfk. 17. 3. an eagle full of/ 7. Dun. 4. 33. his hairs like eagles/ FED. Oen.48. 1ft. Ood who/ me all my life F.r. 16. 32. the hr.-ad where. I/ you l)eitt 8. a he/ thee with manna 16. who,-' thee in the wilderness I A-'ittg-.? 19 t. / them with bread, 13. J's. H7. 3 verily thou shalt he/ 73 72. /. .hem ac. to his integrity SI. 16. / them \vith finest of wheat li. 1. I'l. lair, full ..f fat of f. beasts Ji-r. 5. 7. when I/ them to the full *. as/ horses in the morning J..~ck ./oA I. 14. plowing, the asses/ by Ezek. 34. 10. rause to cease/ dock A"*. 5ft 9. before pots can/ thorns Eccl. 8. ft. keepeth comman./ no evil Acts 17. 27. if haply might/; alter /iiA.4. 19. who being past/ have giv. //ei. 4. 15. with/ of our infirmities FEET. Gen. 49.10. lawgiver from btw. his/ 33. Jacob gathered up his/ in bed Ex. a 5. shoes off thy/ Acts 7. 33. /Jeul. 2. 2& will p ss th'o' on my/ 28. S7. young one from betw. her/ 33. 3. and they sat down at thy/ Jash. 3. 15. /! of priests in Jordan 10. 24. /. on necks of these kings 14. 9. the land thy/ have trodden Judg. 3. 24. surely hecovereth his f. 4. 15. so that Sisera fled on his/. 1*7. 5. 2.. at her f. he fell down dead Ruth 3. 8. and a woman lay at his f 1 Sam. 2. 9. will keep/, of his sanits 24. a Saul went in to cover his '.' 2 Sam. 3. 34. nor thy/ put into fet 4. 4. was lame of his/. 9. 3. 13. 12. cut otf their hands and their/ 19. 24. Mephih. not dressed his/ 22. 34. he inaketh my / like hind-*' / Pn. 18.33. Hah. 3. Ill 37. my/ did not slip, Ps. IK 3a 1 King*? 5. bl. of war in shoes on/ 14. 6. Ahi. heard the sound of her/ 12. / enter the city, child sliall 'Ul 15. 23. Asadiseas. / 2 Chr Hi. li 2 King* 4, 27. she caught by the/ 6. 32. sound of master's/ behind ? !). 35. found no more than the 13 21. dead man stood on bin/ 21. a/ of Israel in .ve any more .\V/i. . 21. their/ swelled not Job 12. ft. he ready to, lip with Mf 13. 27. my/ in tiie stocks, 33. I a piint on heels of my T. IS 8. cat into a net l>v his own/ II. U-rror sh. drive him to bu/. FEE Jj Jftli. / wa 1 to the fern* 3U IV On- vuth puh away my/ fwi SI in. pier. .* int h-iMJ. mitt S IS. plui k m\ / out >l Ibr net II. & hatt -t my /. la a laige room 4A 4hr trt my/ * rm k, mid ML IS d liver my/ from fallln* f 06. 9. tilfler. not <>ur / l. be muted 73. 4 n>) / WVIP *lm.t |foo 74. S. lift up thv/ iu dew.lationi 105. 16 wh.wr hurt with fetter* IIS. '../. h?e they hut wait nut II&.SL h*t dehv. my/ froir ailing I 1'l Ml tunwd my/ to t-ti aonim 101. refr. ray / Irwm r*. rvi way III) iby word ) m lump ti> my/ 12t 2./ Und within thrgatet Prw.t.lR./ tun t . etil. f. IK. /.S9.7. 4. p.-n'.ler lh p..th of thy/ ft S. her/ g down to de-. i. .preadeth net for hit/ Cm/. 7. I. h->w hrautifu' are thy/ *JB. 1 16. a tinkling "tin their/ IS. a* a> oriMiiienl alMtut tlirir/ US with t < am he covered bis/ 7. JO. l>.rd -lull thave hair of/ 1Q 7. own/ thall carry her afar off K. ft. / of pr .hall tfrad it down 31 M. that Mud forth the/ of ui 41. 1. way br had not gone with/ A tt. rlMll lit k up du.t of thy/ M.7./ of him hrii. K elh good tiding* 60. 1.1 ill* place of my/ nloriout ^r. 1.1 ifi. beforr/ i-tiimfile on mnun. II In. hae not refrained their/ Ml 4 they bid tiurit for my/ & S2. thy/ are nunk in the mire Lam. \. li pread a net for my/ JCrrtk. I. 7. their/ were ttraight/ 4 1 tpirit M-t m.- oo my / 3. 24 III 2V. opened thy/ to every one 24. 17. put thy hoet upon thy/ th. ft. because utamprd with the/ 91. t troui.ledit water, with thv/ 31 IS. foul retidne with your/? 19. what ye hate fouled wnh/ 97. 10. lived and tood upon their/ ZW 4 3a hi*/ port of iron, 44 31 ttone (mute image upon hit/ 7. 7 ttamp.-dr-tl.lue with/ of IMS. 10. ./ like hraM. er. I. li I 418. >'<*. I. a HiMidt are dut of hi-/ li / nf him bring th food Hiiii Zfrn. U. i./ ttand on mount of Ol. UmL 10.14. thakenirtheduti.r vonr / Mark 6. II. iu* ft S. IS 30 rat the lame at Jetut'/ I* ft rather than b*vnr two"/. *. 9. held bj/ w..rl.ipprd him J.tJc* I TV our/ into way of |^ 7. . the kitrd hi./ and anointed & & fovnd the man at/ ..f J^..i, 41 Jtr.ii. fell down at Je.,i.'/ la m Mary wbirh wt at Jetut 1 / 14- . put .IHN . ... .*/ ' M. Ml beleJd my hand, and my/ /* II. I and .nped hi./ II 1 fa II the other ancel at the/ . 7 bU/ reo-i.ed ttreu/th 4. & bud al *pn.|lrt' / 37. 1 5 ft hi.-h burie ?. Ml rlntlic* at a young man'./ . . ft 9. the/ of then M hi.-h buried the/ of the rlntlic* at a U IS. .hoe. of hit/ not 61. tl-ry .hk laTteat not Worthy at of their/ 14 10. Pul wid -land upr. M/ ir /( - t kt f I. 1 1. AV>'u. h.. un d bit own r* SL triiiiiht upt/ of -. it 1C br and I jj>d upon ' PEL . 15./rwfl tothedblood la 15. / of them prearh ffoepel Cor It 21. to/ I hrr n.. ii^rd 0*. ft. IS./ h"d with pr- parntion Hrf. 14 13 ttri.it plhf..r your/ Hrv. 3. a and worthip before thy/ 10. I. angel. hi>/ a> pillars of tin- 1 1. 1 1. two wllnewriiitiMidoM their/ li 1 hit/ at the/ of a be.tr J4 & I fell to wor.hip before his/. Jude. 4. In. with 10.000 at hit f. laS. 3. & burning coals at hi* f. Vat ia 29. fellow-w-rt. fell at hit f. Mark 7. 2S. Syrophrnii ian fell ath.J. '.ukt 7- 38. !>he ttiMid at hi* f. heh'ud Act* .V 10 Sapphira fell at hi* f. li r I. 17. I fell at hit f. at dead 19. 10. I fell at hu f. to worship FEET joined with mlrrole*. Deut 1 1. 4. *. of/ tread t.e your* A tax S. 3. wart under t. of MB/ ' Ain. 19. 24. l.olf. dried, /HI.37.2S. /a. . 14. bow down at . of thy/ zwk. I. 7. . of/ was like a calt't 4-'i 7. of my/ no m.-re defiled Wai 4. a be at net under . of your/ l/mfer FEET. Cjtxi. 24. 10. under hif. a tnpphire 2 Sam. 24 Itt narkne*. u.f Pi. \&'J. 39. they are fallen under my/ /W. a & put all tliingn under hit/ I for. IS. 27. tph. I. 2*. 47. 3 he th. siilMloe nations u our/ 91. 13 dragon tnait trample u. f. 'a 14. 19. at a carcase trodden u./ 28. a drunkardi he trodden ./ Lam. a 31. u. hi./ all prisoner! Mat. 7. 6. K st trample u. their/ /font. Ifi. 20. bruise Satan u. your/ Cor IS. 24. all enemiet u. bit/ feb. i. H. all in objection M. his/ Arr. 14 I. moon under her/ FEKT with irajA or traikfd. F.rvd. 30. 19. Aaron and hit toni thall truth their/ 21. | 40 31. 2 Sam. 11.8. Uriah, go voth thy/ Pt. 5a ia tr. / in blood of wicked Cant. S 3. I have vmhfd my f. Luke"). 3a to hm/ with tearv John 13. S. to tra-A the disciples'/. 6 Lord, do*t thou muh my/ '; 10. needeth not rave to tr. hm/ 14. If I your I.ord have IT. your/ I Tim. 5. HI. if the have tr. uinu'/ FEUiV, ED. EST. 1 Sam. 21. ia David/ himself mad 2 Sam. 14. 2 / thytelf a mourner I A'ln. 14 S./ herself another \vom. .VrA. ft K. thou/ them out of thine PtaL 17. I. prayer not out of/ lips Lt^eVl 20 / lh*mUK*/ on the |..rds 1 *am. 4. ia Eli/ frinn eat back. 11. 7. lear of Lord f on nei.ple 14. la I'hili.tinei/ before Jonath. 84 ia Ooeg t. upon the prietta n. Ml Saul/ straightway along 29. a no fault tinit- he/, to me 31 4. Saul t-.U -v.ord'i.nrt/ on it 2 Sam. 4. 4. Met.hih,l,eth/ 20. H. J,b't tword/ out, a he 81. 9. they/ all teven f.gether I Am. x. , Benni^h/on A.ionijah *4/ i>c teamen more righteous 1M PEL A'lft. 2. 34. li.-imi.ili / on Jcafc 4rt./ onSlimiei SO. 30. a wall/ on 27,000 men 2 A'm. 1. 13. captain/ on his kneA 4 13 mantle that/ fniin HI ijitli 6. 5. axe head/ inio the water t//r. 21. 14. / of Israel 70,i)Ci(i men f!. H.f. wrath for it lurHinsl hriil CAr. 17. 10. frarof L. /mail king. 20. 10. iiihahitanU /. IM-'I re Lord 21. 19. his txiWrU/ out by ri'a-on Etra 9. 5. I/ on my knrei, and hith. 9. 3. fear of Murde./ on them /...'. 1. IS. Sahexnr/ on the H-.-S 19 house/ on the yming men Pt. 27. 4 to eat up my ftVt.li, they/ 7a 64. their prit-st./ hy cword In'. 38 fear of Inni.-l/ on Ejrypt Jer. 39. 9. thotc that /away, that/ to him, 52. IS 46. la one / upon another, and I. am. 1. 7. her people'/, into hand V 13. rhiltlren/ under the wood Ei-ek. a I. hand >( L. f. on me, HA 3D. V3 to/ they all hy the sword Man. 4. :i\'. f. u voire tmni heavea 7. '^0. before whom three/ In. 7. Kreitt quaking/ on them Mat. 7. *i the hi.use/ not r.. house/ I.uktb 49. 13. 4. eed/ by the way side, Mnrk 4. 4. Lokf 8. 5. Mark 9. 20. he/ and walinu rd 14. as. Jesus/ on the ground Luke I. 14 f.-ar/ upon Za.-lmriat K). 30. / among thieves, 3fi 13. 4. on whom tovx-r in Siloam/. 15. 20. bin father/ on his neck in. 21. crumlii which/, from tahle John 18. 6. went I ackward, and/ Ai-tt I. 2S. Judas hy traiiivgressiou/ 26. the lot/ upon Matthias 7. 60. had said tin-, he/ a>leep 9. 4. SMII!/ and heard a voice 10. 10. Peter/ into H trance 44. Holy CJhost/ on all, II. 15. 12. 7. chains/ >-tt I'eterV hands 13. 11. th. reV on him a mist 36. David/ on uleep, *aw corrnp. 19. 17. fear/ on Jews at Ephetus 20. Itt Paul/ on Eutychut 37. they all/ on Panl'd neck 22. 7. I/, unto the ground, and Rom. 11. 22. on them wh./ severity 15. a reproached thee, / on me I Cor. 10. 8. / in one day 23,000 Heb. 3. 17. who-e can-ases/ in wil. i Pet. 3. 4. tince the father*/ asleep Rev I. 17. I/ at his feet a* .lead 11. ia and the stars of heaven/ a 10. / irr' at otar from heavi-n II. II. fear/ on them whirh aw 13. tenth of city/ by earthquake 16. 8. there/ a grifvou> M.rr 19. and the citiet of nations/ 21. there/ on men a great hail 19. 10. If. At hi.- teet to orahip See KAI e, FACES. FELL d,nm Deut 9. 19 If. duint before L. 25 JmH. . 2O Muiiited, the wall f. A Judg. S. 27. where he howed.'he/ 4 19. 2K. ronriiMne/ tioirn at d..r."i 1 .//.. 3l.l./iin(Jill".a, K Ar. H . 2 Sam. 2. Ift MI they/ d. tnueihtr 23. Atahel/ \vn at his feet 24. 49. shall begin to smite his /.jr. Cul. I. 7. Epaphras our dear/.-wm. 4. 7. Tychicus, who is nf.->errant Rev. f>. II. till/.*, should he fulfilled 19. 10. do it not, I am thv-/-.22.9. FELLOVf.mfdier. Phil. 2. 25. Epaphn-ditns my f.-tol. J'hilem. 2. Paul to Arrhippus/-*. FELLOW.worA-enr. Cot 4. 11. these on If are my f.-wnrk. FELLOWS. Jt-.dg 18.25. lest angry/ run on thee 8 Sam. 6. 20. as one of vain/ uncov. Psal. 45. 7. with the oil of gladness abore thy/ He>. I. 9 /*o. 4-1. 11. all his/ i-UII be ashamed Ezek. 37. 19. tribes of Israel his/ Drm. 2. 13. Dan. and his/ to he slain 7. 20 look more stout than his/ ZecA. 3. 8. thou and thy/ that sit Y<;r. 11. 16. child, calling to their/ Acti 17. ft. lwd f. of the baser sort FELLOWSHIP. ii'V. 4 2. delivered to keep, or in FE1 Pi. 94. 20. iniquity have/ wl. thce ? A>-ts 2. 4^. continued in apostles*/. 1 Cor. 1. 9. called to/, of his Son 10. 20. should have/ with devils 2 Cor. 6. 14. what/ hath righteous. 8. 4. / of ministering; to saints Gal. 2. 9 gave the right hand of/ Eph. a 9. what is/ of the mystery 5. 1 1. no/ with works of darkness Phil. 1. 5. for your/ in the gospel 2. I. if there be any/ of the Spirit 3. 10. know/ of his sufferings 1 JoA 1. a have/ with us, our/ is with the Father 6. if we say we h.ive/ with him 7. if we walk in light, we have/ FELT. Gen. 27. 22. and Isaac/. Jacob Ex. 10. 21. darkness that may be/ Pro*. 23. 35. beaten me, I/ it not Mark 5. 29. she/ she was healed Acts 28. 5. off benst and/ no harm FEMALE. Gen, I. 27. male and/, created, 5. 2. fi. 19. two of every sort, male and/ 7. 16. went in male and/ Lev. 4. 28. offering, a/. 32. | 5. 6. Num. 5. 3. male and/ sh. ye put out Dt'ut. 4. 16. likeness of male or/ 7. 14. not be male nor/ barren Mat. 19.4. made them male and/ Mnr/fc 10. 6. Gal. 3. 28. in Christ male nor/ FENCE. TV. 62. 3. ye shall be as a tottering/ FENCED. Jnb 10. ll./ me with hones and 19. 8. he hath/, up my way that I Isa. 5. 2. a vineyard, and he/ it FENCED Deut. 28. 52. till/ walls come down 2 Sam. 2a 7. touch them must he/ 2 .Km. 3. 19. shall smite every / city 17. 9. from tower to/ city, 19. a Isa. 2. 15. day of L. on every/ wall ./er. 15. 20. will make thee a/ wall Ezek. 36. 35. ruined cities become/ FENCED ctfcVw jVwjn. 32. 17. little ones dwell in/ c. Deut. 9. I. possess c. f. up to heaven Josh. 10. 20. rest entered into/ c. 14. 12. :md that the cities were/ 2 Soat for king's house FERVENT. LY. ylrf* 18. 25. Apollos,/ in spirit 7Jwi. 12. ll./ in spirit, serving L. 2 Cor. 7. 7. your/ mind toward- me CW. 4. 12. labouring/ in prayers Jam. 5. 16./ prayer of a righteous 1 Pet. 1. 22. ye love one another/ 4. 8. above all th. have/ charity 2 Pet. 3. 10. melt with/ heat, 12. FETCH. Gen. 18. 5. 1 will/ morsel of bread 27. 45. I will f. ihee from thence ,Vn. 20. 10. /water out of rock ? 7>><.30.4. from th-nce will L. / thee Jndff. 11 6. went to/ Jephthah I Sam. 4. 3. let us/ ark of covenant 6. 21. come and/ ark up to you 16. II. send and/ Saul, 20. 31. 1*J5 FEW 2 .Vnrm. 5.23. / a compass behind 14. la king doth not/ banwhrt 20. to/ about this form of spci I 1 A'm. 17. 10. ' me a little water 2 Kin, 6. 13. where, that I may / hi 2 CAr. 18 8. /quickly Miraial.son Job 36. a/ my knowledge from fai /i. 56. 12. say they, I will f ine Acts 16. 37. let come, and/T us out FETCHED. 1 Sam. 7. I./ up ark of the La-d 10. 23. they/ Saul thence 2 Sam. 9. 5. and/ Mephibosheth 1 1. 27. / Bath-sheba to his house 9. 28. they/ from Ophir gold 2 A'i'ngx II. 4. Jehoiada/ inli-rs Jer. 26 23. / Urijah out of Egypt Acti 28. la thence we/ a compass FETTERS. Judg. 16. 21. bound Samson with/ 2 Sam. 3. 34. nor thy feet put in /. 2 Kin. 23. 7. bound Zedeklhh with / 2 Chr. 93. 1 1. Manas, bound with / 36. 6. Jehoiakim was hound with Ps 10,i. 18. lect they hurt With/. 149. 8. to bind nobles with/ of iron Mar. 5. 4. often with/ Luke 8. 29. FEVER. DP 28. 22. smite thee with a/ Mat. 8.14. Peter's wife's mother sich of/ Mar. I. 30. l.u. 4. 38. John I. 52. at 7th hour/ left him ActfiS. 8. father of Pub. sick of f. FEW. Gen. 34. 3D. I being/ they will slay 47. 9./ and evil have the days of l.er 26.22. you/. Deut. 4.27. f VS. f,2. A'WOT. 13. IS.see the people whether/ 26. 54. to/ give less inherit 35. 8. 56. divided between many and/ Deut. 26. 5. s- journed with a/ 33. 6. let not Reuben's men be/ 1 Sam. 14. 6.to siive by many or/ 2 CAr. 29. 34. the priests were too/ AVA. 7. 4. city large, but people / Ji,b 10. 20. are not my days/? 14. 1. man is of/ days, and full of 16. 22. when a/ years are come P*al. 109. 8. let his days be/ and let Eccl. 5. 2. there, let thy wi.rds he/ 9. 14. a little city, and/ men in it 12. 3. irrinders cease, because f. ha. 10. 19. rest of trees shall he/ 24. fi. are burned, and/ men left Ezek. 5. 3. alsu take a/ in number 12. 16. leave a/ men from sword Dan. II. 20. in/ days be destroyed Mat. 7. 14. / there be that find it 9. 37. labourers are/ Luke 10. 2. 20. 16. called, but/ chosen, 22. 14. 'ib 21. faithful in a/ things, 2a Mark 6. 5. his hands on a f. sick folk Luke 12. 48. be beaten with f. s!ri|,,. s 13. 23. are there/ that be saved y /lcf. 24. 4 wouldst hear us/ words f'.ph. 3. 3. I wrote afore in f. word* Heb, 12. 10. for /: days chas'ten-'d in la 22. I have written in t. words 1 Prt. 3. 20. wherein/ that i- eithl Her. 2. 14. a/ things agn. thee, 20. a 4. hast a/ names evti tr. Sunri .#/ FEVr. Gen. 29. 20. seemed kit af. days /,er. i5. 52. if remain Af rooun>ed ier *.V 3 -Ix 'e.r. ii..t .ow thy/ J7 17 if he -aiMity hi. r H -..|e.-'m tb* f. Dent V il neither . I., It ,-oret'M. <" J->k IS l tO a-k a/ .Wjfrt | U A*fA L i* * n..t to p-lean in ! / 4 i dv thou MiyeM/ of Noml 1 MM U. 3 i JMn/li near mine 31. rtiv -rv ! niv/ n flrr f J Ci IK 17 in hiirli.way of fuller'-/ /. 7. 3. | 3fi * . .Vr*. II Id .-d every oiu> t.. hi. f /../. I* let the/ be joyful. 4 fiil //*. -?4 30. I went'Hy/ u/.Mhful TJ. .' arc lae p'rii e iif the f. 31 l. .he r..i,drre-tit / a.id hiiy. -it er have we vineyard./ :n eUdt.-.. i. taken from the/ ./-/I 10 the/ t. waited, the land M 17. 7. when . ome from the f. Jet* I. :H. this man pm chased a/ FriutfHt KIEL)). /. la l . "ii-mw tjliirr irf hi- f/ H7 LehaiH.n turned ii.toa/nw'l/ li 15. the wiHerne*. he fr*it. / //he rininte4 a fnrnt IV a-.d ri'*. 17 4 he pUntel *eedlD// /Me UK,. I). C. 4 when they were fo <*e/ l. t .nit to m. Hit Mr in thr f. ST.. 13 J.~-ph waiidTlnr /**/ ' 19 ir -thnr all thnu ha.t in/ \ the hall .m.te nil in tkrF K t....1r n..t find it in thr f. ' I f'.und . mn. lylncill/. 1 Mew 4 ,hHlt thoii he in thrf. l*\ an I r.ir-r^ -halt thoii hew/ el rame t worn MI / I v " father r/ M. tl. f...ird n Egyptian r r4e / ' fi the, ir,. .troe in / S-T talnneia/ I II Hi. ih ,.f /er.^wmm ln Me /; lt 4 eth ,,f Aha* fe Cavf ,f. were ,. aW/ J*l ** fi re .p erery one et.rn in f f^t 7". !> marrel ihlnri at f 41 Prv II r n'f.r.h,.,lf,ti,f J.r. U A hi. 4 -l> ral.rd i M,/ T .r.o,.t.ln l*e f 111 ' ' fhrat '< die h, iwnrd I. UT thr 4ai.rh(er> in f ft > '......h,lt4w,|l,. /V,r T-r* III I. to rery one (mv inf. !l IV* rn.e r.f ff. let him tnf retiim > ir* I] |. [.Serd- aSidmr ' f t . u went intn thr f. J'utg. 9 42 p.-ople went into thr f. ii 14. mrt rame into the f' ll. II. Jon* said, let us g.. >nt-f 2 ."kirn. JO. 12. removed Amaa int" f Cant 7. II let u* c forth into thrf. ', M, goii.. i f.nth iW/,/ nor 14. IN. if I ir n//> f behold slain O.'tte Fit. 1. 1). Gen. 4. 5. madi* every plant off. .14. 7. win* "f Jar.* rume out off. 47. t\. four part, for seed "f the f. Lev. *R 4. rf*off. shi.ll yield fnilt 27. 3M IMI devoted lliinir .'// sold Drtit ffi. 19. tree off is man's life .//. .V 4. marrhedst ut nfthnf. 19. Id old man from work out off, 2 Kin. 9. 25. rast in portion of thr f 37. carcase a. dung on fare of) Jolt S 23. in league with rones i>ff. Ft. 103. I5.asfloero// li>- flourish. Cant. 2. 7. hy the tori of thrf. 3. S. lit. 37. 27. iiihxl itauts as grass off. 40. ft and a* the flower of thrf. 4:1 5)0 beaut off. shall hou.uif me M 14 tree* off shall rlp hands Jrr. 4. 17. keepers i-ff. an- they 11 14. snow from the rock ofthef. tjitn. 4. 9. for want of fruit* nf) Esek. 16. 7. to mnltiplv a. bud off. I 17 ' tree* ofthef shall know 34 V t . tree of 1 / shall yield her fruit 3R SB. multiply increa-e nftJirf -' 10. shn!) take no woixi out off. n-m. 4. IS. in tender grass afthef. H. I. R Samaria as an heap off. Mat. fi S>8. consider lilies of thrf. JO. U Gfid -.1 Hot he grass ofthef. Sft Hr.Anr. RF.ASTS. (V" FIELD. Lrr. It 7. living hir I looe Into o./ 17. 5. sariflees in the open f. F.tfk. IR 5. wast past out in the o./. M. 4. I will . ast th.-e on the open/ 33. 27. that is in o /; give o beasts 39. S. ' alt fall up-in -he "penf. FIEI.O?. l.rr. y>. 31. counted s the/ S'im. IR 14. h:it not uiv^n us/ <> 17. not pa- through/ 5(1. itt />'/<. II. 15 -end grass into thy/ 32 I* might ewt increase of the/ .t2. as vine of the/ ..f .omo. rah J'*. *l. la f. gave they to Caleb ! ."win. *. 14' he will take your f. 12 7 will son of Jesse give yon/* 2V IS a wall to ... h-n in th.-/ I A'II 2. x gel thee t- thi::e own/ I Chr. IR 32. let f. rejnire and all /?. 8.V slire.hone< in/ in ritiea .fnA S. 10. who sendetl. waters on/. //. 107 :<7. sow the f and plant I*.', fi we found it in' f of the wood Prnr R #R he had not rvade the/ 53 10 enter not to/ of fatherless /ML IR ft for/ of He'.lihim languish JT .^.'. IS f sli he p>esed again 43. f bought It 44 men shall buv/ Ofta 19 shall PO...-SS f of Fphraim J*e. 1 t thev r.ivet/and take 4. he hath divided our f '- :.'Miough f yield no meat rr* S. 23. he w. nt through coin^ Jnhn 4 3.\ up eve., and look on/ Jam. S. 4. whii h reaped your/ Opn FIF: Irr M STV let go lit ing bird In O. f bum. 19. l&tlait. withsnord lao.f. ICfi FIG ? Stir'hira Ita. 19 4. a/ kinn shall rule i.v.-r 3a la. tli.ni -Im t not -<> a/ people /)nn. 8 '^3. a knur of/ rouiiteiiHncr //i?A. I. A horses in. ir.' /! than wolves A/ot. 8. *a with devil, i-x<-.'e.li! uf. I.uke V3. ft they Wire m..re /" >;.> ini; a) 7"f'n. 3. 3. inrontment,/ d.pi-ers J,im. a 4. . from riuht hand went/ law Pi. 91. 9. ntHke them ;is a f. oven lnn. 14. 2". friiit In- f. timii.' ...TiM-nt /Jnn. .'I ft into mid-t of f fur.,a.--, II, IS. If. 21, 23. i6. 7 9. Ills throne wax likf/ fl; me 10. a f. strt-am is-ui <1 and rdine F.ph. ft Irv ahle to qilcn.-b r darts //'. 10 27. jiidcm.-nt and ^ inclii/n*. 1 /v '. 4. U. not -trant-e ,iv / trial FIK1 II. 2 Sam, 2. 83. smote ASN -mder f. rlh 3. -fJ. Ah. under/ || 4 r.. Uh.hn*h*tfi -!' 10 Joah Mnte AniRsa nnd. f rib Rer. R 9. whnn he opened/ seal 9. I. the/ angel mitindfd 16. 10. /. anirel poured out his vial FIKI KKN. J'lin II. 18. Bethany f. furl, off Jer. Ai-ltf!. 2>. and foiimi it ^ fathoms Gat I. la I nhodewith Peter/ dan A'um. 4. 3. from :)0 years old and up. wards, even to/ 3^3. 30, 3-\ 38. 8. V5. from age of/ nerve no more 1 A'm. IM. 4. hid them hy/ in <-ae 2 A '. I. 9. rap. of/ with his/ 1 |,I3. 10. fire consume* tliee and /" 12. fjrWi S. U. gallows/ ruMts ^^^,".9. l.tikr". 41. one Will p.-nre. otii.-r/ IR R sit down quickly, ami rite f. Jnhn a 57. art not ve> / years old" FIFTV.>. Err8.22. men of Vnophah/. and i. FIFTY th.-vninii .fffl9.19.prieeb.M.ksl.uriit/f. pirc. Mark ft 40. sat down I- r/ /../Avrftli F I FT IK TH" l.rr. 2.V 10. ye <>hll hallow/ year II. a jubilee shall th:.t/ y.-ur bo Fl. S Grn. 3. 7 sewed/ leaves fur aprniiB I S,im. M. 18. Ani took SKI .i.k.-/ m IS. )rve Ffyptian rake of/. .' A'in. 20. 7. take lump/ /.m. 38. 21. \rh. 13. 15. sahhath <.om.> broitirht f. C.inl. 5>.I3. fie tree put. lorlhifreen/ /'i. .11 4. M\\<\f f. from fig-'ree ./ r. 8 13. -hall be no/ on fiu.tree ?4. I. two haxkets /! one irod, 2, 3. X. evil/ that ran'not t..- e^ten 2<. 17 I wi I make them like rile/ XVi*. 3. 12. fi|r. trees with first ripe f . Mat. 7. Ift do men gather . of th*t l-s I.'ikeK 44. Jam. S, 12. fig bear b*rr ie . or v me/ FIG /Ter. 6. 13. fig-tree casteth untime./ FIG.TRBK. Jud%.9. 10. trees said to/ reign, 11. 1 Kin. 4 25 dwelt under f. Mir. 4.4. 2 A' /fly* 1 8.3 1. eat ev. one/. /.. 36.10. Pr,,v. 27. IS. keepeth sh. eat fruit H"H. 9. 10. first-ripe in the/ thereof Jn-l. 1. 7. he hath barked my/ and 12. vifie dried, the/ languisheth Jlth. 3. 17. although/ sh.'uot hloss 'Lfr.h. 3. 10. sh. call ev. man under/ jlnt.il.\9. saw /" in way, Mur. 11.13. 20. is f. withered ? .tfrtr. 1 1. 20, 21 2k 32. "parable of the/ Mnr. 13. 28 LUe 13. 6. a man had'a/ planted 7. I cime, seeking fruit on this/ 21. 29 hel ,ild the f and all trees to :n I 48. under f. I saw thee, ftO. FIG. TREES. lleut 8. 8. a land of vines, and/ Paul. 105. 33. he smote vines and/ Jer. 5. 17. eat thy vines and f. Jinn. 12. i will destroy her/ yfwor I 9 when ifar. and/ increased Xah. 3 12. strong huMah. belike/ FIGHT, Sitfutantine. ] Sam. 17. 20 as host was going to/ 1 Tim. fi. 1-2. iU'lit the good f. of faith 2 7V/. 4. 7 I have fought a good f. H<-l>. 10. 32. endured great/ of a/ft. 11. 3t. waxe I valiant in/ FIGHT, I'erh. Dent. \. 40. we will go up and/ 4>. go not up, nor/ for I am not ) Kit in. 4. 9. quit like men, and f ]". 10. give me man that we may f. 2 Sum. 1 1.20. so nigh when ye did f.'i \ AVif.22.31. f. not great 2 CAr. 18.30. V Chr 20. 17. ye shall not need to/ /">-. I H. I. teachelh my fingers to/ JT. 51. 30. inighty men forborn to /: Zf-t-fi. >0 ft. /: be. Lord is with them II. 14. J'id'ah shall/ at Jerusalem .'Jin la .36. then would my serv. 1 (\>r. 9. 26. so/ 1 not as heateth air Jam. 4. '2. \> kill, ye f. and war FIGH \\ngaiimt. E<: 1.10. join our enemies and f ag. Itfnt. 20. ID nigh to a city to/ ag. 7o-A.tSI.47. Oanites went/ Jehoshaphat 2 AV;;.1 21. kin-.'swer ime ti> f.ag. 2 C'n: 13. 12. / ye not ag. the Lord 32. "2. Se'in. purposed to/ !>. Jeru. 35. 20. Nerho com,- to f. tig. Carch. AWi 4 8. to come and/ r/i'. Jerma. 7'v. 35. I. f . 7. all nations that/ riif.' Ariel K. nations tliat f. ag. mount Zion Je.r. I. 19. shall f. ag. thee, 15. 20. 5. I myself will f ag. you with 32, 24. Thai. f. ,,g. 2!) | 34.22. | 37. R Zer-h 1.4. 3. L. / fii. 1.30. |3.22. | 20.4. 8 Am. 10. 3. f.frr master's house A'cA I 14. /' f y..ur brethren, sons 20. nttrOftd shall f. ftirt^ Jti. 31. 4. L. sh ,-oihe to// Zion FIGHT, with. Ef. 9 38. out now and f. w. Abim. FIL B.r.ll.G.we may f ir.phildren of Am. I Stem. 13. i. 1'iii'l. f. w. Israel, 23. I. 17 9. if he he aMe to f irit/i me 32. thv serv. will iro and/ H: 1'hil 2 Chr. ;&. >>. Jo-i. dUsfuiseJ to/ w. Isit. .HO. 3'2. shaking wili he f. w. it ,/r>. 25. 19. and ye shall eat your / DfUt. 23.24. maye>teat grapes thy/ 1 /Vor. 7. 18. let us take c'mr ^ of love FILL, J',;-/,. ' Gen. I. 22. and f. waters in the seas 42. 25. Jos. com. to/ sacks, 44. I Kx.in. Hi. locusts shall/ thy houses Itt. 32. Mo. said,/ an homer ot it 1 Stun. \i\ \ I. thine horn with oil IS .It/, four hurrels with water Job 8. 21. he/ mouth with laughing- 15. 2. should wise man f. his l-elly 'i 20. 23. when about to/ his helly 23. 4. would/ mouth with arguin. 38. 39. or/ appetite of young lions 4l.7.canst/ skin wi. harhed irons v / J .t. 81. 10. mouth wide ami 1 will/ 83. Ifi./ their fares with shame " II 1.6. oh./ places with dead bodies Proi\ I. 13. we shall/ inn houses 8. 21. I will f. their treasures Isti. 8. 8. shall/ breadth of thy land 14. 21. nor f. the face ot the world 27. 6. Isr. shall/ lace of the world 5fi. 12. will/ with strong drink ./er.13.13. I will f. inhah. wi. drunk. 23.24. do not I/ heaven and earth ? 51. 14. I will/ thee with men. as Ezek. 3. 3./ thy bowels with this roll 9. 7. / the roiirts with tlie slain I0.2./ thine hand with coals of fire 24. 4./ it with the choire hones 30. II. they sh./ land with slain 32. 4. I will / beasts of whole earth ft. I will/ valleys with thy height 35. 8. i will/ mountains w'i. sluin Zrpfi. I. 9. who/ master's house Hug. 2. 7. I ill/ house with glory Mitt. 9 Ifi. which is put in to/ it up 15. 33. whence bread to/ multi ? 23. 32. f. ye lip then the measure Jnlni >. "1. f. water-pots with wafer Rom. IS. f3. O nfhope/ you with l-'./ih. 4. 10. that he mi-lit ,f all things C"/. 1. 24. /. up what is behind of 7Vic.. >. I'',, to f up their >ins alway Rev. la (I cup she filled,/ double FILLED. Gen, 6. 13. earth is/ with violence 21. 19. nud/ bottle with water 2t. Ifi. HeKekah her pitcher and 2lx 15. I'hil. had'/ wells with earth 1(57 FIT, E.r. 2. Id. they f. troughs \t wafer 28. .'). I have /. with wi-ilon , 3.=,. :i'i 31. 3. 1 have/ with Spi. of H. 35.31. 40. 21. glory of L./ tabernacle, ' JOM.9 13. hnttlt-* we/ Were neiv I Kin. 8. 10. cloud/ house of Lord II. glory/house, aCAr. 5.14 | 7.1, A 18. 35. he/ trench als,, with water 20.27. the Syrians/ the country 2 A'in. 21. Ifi./. Jer. with hlood, 24.4. 23. 14. JiMi./ their places wi bonet 7ach Ezek.H.ll. have/: land with violence 10. 3. and (loud/ the inner court 11. 6 ye have/ streets with slain 28. Ifi. they/ midst with violence 3fi. 38. waste cities/, flocks of men 43. ft. glory of L./ hou-e, 41. 4. Dan. 2. 35. stone cut/ whole earth .VA. 2. 12. lion/ holes with prey Hub. 2. Itt thou art/, with shame Hug. I. a ye are not f. with drink Zech. 9. 13. I have/ bow with Kph. Mai. 27. 4. and/ spma'e with vine, gar, Murk 15. :iti. ,/"/ riL t tin. a 17. Tlle* &/. wHk water Prvr. I. 31. . 4rksllder J*U W/ with 50. 17. m..utbj*oZ/i./ with gravel Vt. V by knowl *. chambers kef. Jrr. ia It- bottle M. tef. With wine Ajr*. ta S3. *. */ with drunken. V-K.J* mall bit at my table /fat. t It. earth i. kef. with knowl. Zee*. 9. !S. they m. & f. like bowls Mat 5. fl that hunger, they**, kef. Lulu I. li. John sh. kef. with H. G. 3 4. every valley tltaUbef. & SI. bleaced hunger, ye thmOhef. rfmt FILLED. frew.6. II. earth waif, with violence 1 Kin. 7. 14. Hiram wcu/ withwls. 2 Kiit. a 0. country ./ with water 2 I'Ar 5- II hon*e ./ with cloud 111 1 4 bed traif. with sweet odours P*. \KL t. mouth w.f. with laughter /*. & 4. bouse irat f. with smoke ./rr 5I.Y land irwi/ "with in ag. Ho. r*. Ill 4. houoe traif. with .loud * I. 41. KlMb. ic./ with H. G. 67. Zachatlaaar./ with Hi>ly U. JoJtn lit a h..ue waif, with odour /fctf l!i. 29. city ic. / withcitnfu-ion Re*. 15.8. temple w./ with smoke Here FILLED. AM U & th.-y ST. / and their heart l.ukr 4 JL they irere/. with wrath A. . and inrrp f. with fe^r, saying A. II. they tore/ with madness S. 1 they trfref. with water J'Jtit ft II wh/n they IT. / he said *H. eat of the loave, and vert f. AHit- 4. v. all/ with Holy O. 4. 31. a 10 they trrref. with wonder 5. 17. and were/, with indignation 13. 45 the Jews trrref with envy 4*. div.plw irere f. with joy *. 19. 21. all fowUic./. with flesh Set K.r. FILLKDsT. AM*t& II. hmiset full. thou/. not FILLtSl. ft 17. 4. whose belly thou/ with FILLK1H J6 A IS. be/ roe with MtterneM riuL 4. & rain alo/ the pool* f!. 9. be/ the hungry soul with 1*9. 7. wherewith mower/ not hand 147. U./ thee with nr.ei.tot wheat F-i*. t. O. lulnet, of him that/ all FILLET, S. J End. n. 10. their/ shall be of sil. ver. ll.|3- III, n, u, 17, | 8 . 3 . benverlaid rhapitem and/ Jrr. 4i |. / of twelve cubits FII.I.UKD. . I7J7. all be/ wi. .liver. 38 17. . b overUi'l rh.piters and/ 4e* 14. 17. / our henrt. with food l^i 4 . *,**". U "-"'/ "f Zlon .%*. 3. * I will rm.t ab^rniiuable/ SS /'**'"/" tb wort/ I FeC J. l. ~ away/ of fle* " / ">an . 14. a altogether berome/ 43 /. 4. A. all oar rihte a./ ran Zffk. I I. war to her that fa/ Zr* 31 JusUM Hothed wl f nrm .ke away the f garmeiiti Csi a . ym p..t */ cm.*****. I Tiiw. a a not greedy f / lorr*, a nnt fiven to/ lucre II. tnrbiaig / l^re I /-rf S, 1 rf t. 7. Lot veei wi. / FIN Jude & / dreiuners defile the flesh JtaLtt.Jl.Jt! let li.m he/ itili FILTH IN i J dr. 89. 5. carry/ out of holy pla. JTru & il. separati-d fr./ of heathen a. II. unclean with/ of people /roe. Ml II yet not wash>-d from / /M. 88. a tables full of vomit and/ /.A 5. 4. nor let/ be nure named Jam. LSI. wherefore lay apart all/. Am. 17. 4. rup full of ahumiu. and/ FINALLY. * Cor. la II. / farewell. Eph. & 10. /'AiV. i i. 1 4. s. a 2W a i. 1 Pet 3. 9. FIND. fim. 19. II. wearied to/ the door .Vm. 3i '-'3. your fin sn. / you out Drut. tt.Vb. man/ damsel and lie.28. A'urt I. 9. L. (fraut ye may/ rest I .Sam. 20. 1. go,/ out arrows, 36. 24. 19. man/, enemy, let him go? 1 Kin. IS. S. peradv. we may/ grass J t'Ar. i It. to/ out every device Jo* -O. a O where I might/ him /'/. Itt la. seek wirked. till/ none /V.,r. i 5. thalt/ knowledge of G. I. VJ my words life to thorn- that/ R 14 / out know, of witty invent t'.i-rl. 7. /7. one by one,/ out arrount 14 10. to/ out acceptable words Can/ 5. R if/ my beloved, tell him In. 34. U. M-reerh owl shall / place .'Km day of fa*t you/ pleasure Lam. 1.6. like hart* th./ no pasture /. 9. her prophet* also/ no vision Dan. ft. 4 priures sought to / ocra. sum Agn. Dan. but could/ none 5. except we/ it con. law of O. .Wat 7. 14. few there be that/ it I". IM. and if so be that he/ it .War* 1 1. 13. if haply he might/ any 13. 36. lest com. he/, you Bleeping Lvke A 7. they might/ accusation 12. :&. f. them , blesoed srvant8 ia 7. come si eking fruit and/ none I.V 4. that which is lost, till he/ it a seek diligently till she f. it? JoA Id. U. go in and out, f. pasture Arti 7. 4R derired to/ tabernacle 17. 27. feel after him and/ him JO. 9. we/ no evil in this man Rom. 9. 19. why doth he yet/ fault 2 Cor. 9. 4. mid/. you unprepared 2 Tim. 1. ia may/ mercy of Lord Sff r'AI'TR. Conor court FIND. Gem 41. 38. am/ sui-h one as this T r. 5. II. get straw where canf. it Erro 1. 16. all silver and gold c. / Jot 3. S*. glad when they c./ grave II. 7. mint thou by searching/ out Ood, c. thou/ out Almighty ? /Vor. ). A faithful man whoc. /f 31. 10. whoe. fa virtuous woman? cct 3. 1 1. c./ out work tt. maketli 7. 84. exceeding deep, who c.f.ttt Jer. 5. I. if ye c./ mn seek. truth Cantn'4 KIND. I Kin. la II c. / the*. will .lay me Joa 17. la 1 cannot f. one wise man 37. 83. Almighty, wee./ him out KctL a 17. a man c / out the work n Gem. W Si I ay / prncr in thy ight, A\rMf. 33. 13. , . . . / froce in irht of my lord Ift. let e/ *. || B4. 1 1. let me/ *. FIN G. 47. 2-V/ y. in light of my lord AuM 2. 2. in whose sight t sh./ g. I SOOT. I. 18. Irt thy handmaid I. *r. i Sam. 16 4. I may/ g. in tby'sight #o. 4. 10. that w,- may/ . to hel v Cm. !8. id // in tmtam SOrighte. 2a if // 45 || 30. if // 30 there Pi. 13-J. ft. till // out place for L. EccL 7. *6. // more bitter th. death Cant. 8. 1. when/ sh./. thee, 1 kiao Luke VS. 4. // no fault in this mai ., John ia 38. I ly. 4, 0. flnm. 7. la that wh. is good Ao< FIND, or FIND >,'. Erod. Hi- *">. to-day ye shall o//. .' .SVim. 17. 20. and could not/ them /V. JA/i 7. 34, :>(.. Feel i. 28. soul seeketh, but 1 / nu< Cant 6. 6. but I could not f. him IM. 41. 12. shalt n. r. them, //./i. U.7. //of. 2. 6. that she shall no// paths * 5. 19. no// what way they 19. 4R no// what iniuht do to Je*. John 7. 35. that we shall not f. him Rum. 7. ia how to do good. I /. nui .' Cor. 18. 20 I ah. no// you >ui h A'Moii A'.-rn 4. 15 thou ./. in book of re< . /'">/. 17. 3. tried me and ./ noiliin^ VI. & thy hand thallf. out rin-nn>^ /'roc. a 17. they that sei-k me rany *A/// me JT. i!<. IX /Trci II. 1. . / it after many day* Jer.fi. I6../ rmttOMMlaJtofclljB .V/. 7. 7. seek and ye *. / Lu. 1 1. 9 10. 39. locelh life for my hake ./ it 17. 27. thou t. f. f pii\. i. t.f. an as tied, Mark II. X. fi. 9. as many as ye thallf. bio 24. 46. when cometh, *. /. o duing LukeVl. 37, 41 LuAr 2. 12. ye thallf. babe wrapt ia & thallbej faith on varth > .'i'< r. 18. 14. thou t. t. them no n urc F1NUETH. Gen. 4. 14. that/ me shall slay me Job'.Q. 10. he/ iHcasions aga. me ft. 119 162. 1 rejoice an one/ (M.il /ror. a 13. happy man/ wiMlmn 8. 35. whoso/ me/ life, obtain lav 14. 6. scorner seeketh viio. / it no* 18. 22. wh (to Lam. I. 3. among heathen,/ n<> r.->t Hot. 14. 3. in th<-e fatli.'ilf^-' f. rr. v Mat. 7. H. that seeketh/ I.nk'- I l.ll>. 10. :<9. that/ hi life khall l..-t- it I-'. 43. we king rest,/ none 44 /: it empty, swept 7,"Av 1 1. :'.>. John I. 41. he first/ own brother 43. Jenus/ Philip||4.j. 1'hi./ Nat FINDINli. f?cn 4. 15. lest any/ Cain sh. kill Job9. 10. rtoeth things |>n-t/ out Ita. 58. la/ thine own pleaMir.- AuAre II. *\. seeking reft and/. non Rom. II. 3,'i. ami I iv v.n\- |.,,'-.t f. W*. a 8. for/, fault with them > I N K. JottS. I. place f..i V ..M where/ it FINK. Ero 8, 27. vi-ssels "/ cop. as gold | /M. in. 9. that wort in/ Max huU FIN Rf. 1. 15. feet like to/ brass, 2. 18. FINE flour, or meal. Gen, 18. 6. Hirer measures of/ mtnl Lev. 2. 1. offerhi!.' be xff.Jtour, 24.5. 4. ckes of f. jtour mingled with oil, 5. 7. | 7. 12. | 14. 10, 21. II *a ia Num. 6. is |7. is, 19, 25,31,37, +3, 49,55,61. | 8. 8. 1 Kin. 4. 22 30 measures otf.jtuur 2 Km, 7. 1. meas././fcir shekel, 16. 18. Eze/c. 1R 13. thou didst eat f. flour 19. I gave thee/. flour, and oil #c. 18. 13. her merchandise off.JI. - 2 CAr. 3. 5. he overlaid with/ gold 8. roost holy over laid with / gold Jo63l. 24. to/, g. thou art confidence Psa/. 19. 10. 'desired than much/ *. 119. 127. I love com. above/ gold Prov. 3. 14. (fain of wisdom than/ 8. <9. better than gold. than/.jfoB 25. 12. as ornament of/ y. so repro. Cant. 5. 1 1. his head is as most / g. 15. as pillars set on sockets of/ g. Jsa. 13. 12. man more preci. than/ . l.am.i 1. ho\v is most/, if. changed '( '2. guns of Zion comparable to/ c\ Dan. 2. 32. tliis image's head/gwo 10. 5. girded with/ #. of Upliaz Zech. 9. a Tvru-: heaped/ fi-. as mire FINE 7,twn. .E-roi. 25. 4. ye shall take/ linen 26. 1. curtains of/ twined linen 31. vail of/ K. a\ 35. 2 CAr. 3. 14. 36. hangiMi; of / twined linen, 27. 9, 16, 18. | 36. 37. ! 38. 9, 16, 18. 28. 5. they sh. take gold and/ /men 6. the ephod of f. linen, 39. 2. 8 girdle/ linen, 39. 5, 29. 39. 8. 35. 35. all manner of work and/ linen, 3a 23. 2 Chron. 2. 14. 36. 8. curtains of/ fiuen and blue 39. 27. coats of/ /men for Aaron 28. mitre of/ I bonnets of/ /men 1 CAr.15.27. Dav. clothed wl. robe//. .E^A. 8. 15 Mord. wi. garment of/ 7. JVoc. 7. 16. ha. decked bed with/ /. 31. 24. rnaketh/ Wn. and selleth it . K:ek. 27. 7. / hnen from Egypt .V- thy/ and behold FINGERS. I Sam. 21. 20. on every hand six/ 1 CAron. 20. 6. P. a a thy heaven*, work of thy f. 144. 1. whoteacheth my/, to fight Prov. 6 la wicked teacheth with f. FIR Fr. 7.3. hind them on thy/ write tb. Cant. S>. 5. my/, with sweet myrrh /to. 2. a which own/ ha. maile, 17.8. Jer.Sri. 21. thickness of pillar four/ Dan. 5.5. came forth/ of man's hand Mat. 23. 4. they will not move with one of their/ Luke II. 46. Mark 7. 3a he put his/, into ears FINISH. Gen. 6. 16. in cubit shalt/ it above Dan. 9. 24. / transgression, make Luke 14. 28. whether sufficient to f. 29. and is not able to/ it Ji'hn 4. 34. to do his will,/ work 5. 36. works Father g.vcn me to/ Acts 20. 24. I might/ my course Rom. 9. 28. for he will/ the work 2 Cor. 8. 6. he would also/ in you FINISHED. Gen.1. 1. heavens and earth were/ Ex. 39. 32. thus all work/ 40. 3a 1 Kin. 6. 9. Solomon built house and / it, 14, 22, 38. 2 CAr. 5. 1. | 7. 11. 7. 1. Solomon/ all his house, 9. 1, 25. 2 CAron 8. 16. 1 CAr. 28. 20. not fail till thou hast/ Erra. 5. 16. building, and yet not/ ti. U.elders of Jews built and/it 15. Neh. 6. 15. wall finished in 52 days Dan. b. 26. numbered kingdom and/ "rial. 13. 53. when Jesus/ parables IP. I. wh. Jesus had/ sayings, 26. 1. John 17. 4. have/, work thou gavest 19. 30. he said it is f. bowed head 2 Tim. 4. 7. I have/ my course Heb. 4. a works/ from foundation Jam. 1. 15. sin, when^ hring. death Rev. 10. 7. mystery of G. should be/ 11. 7. witnesses have/ testimony 20. 5. till thousand years were/ FINISHER. Heb. 12. 2. Jes. author and/ of faith FINS. % 11. 9. hath/, eat, De<. 14. ft 10. hath not/ be abomination, 12. FIRE. Gen. 22. 6. Abraham took/ in hand .7. my father, behold/, and wood Exod. a 2. the bush burned with/ 9. 23. Lord sent hail and f. ran 12. a flesh that night roast with/ 9. 19. 18. Lord on mount Sinai in/ 22. 6. if/ break out, and catch 40. 38./ was on tabernacle by night Xum. 9. 16. Deut. 1. 3a Lev. 1.7. sons of priest put/ on altar 8. upon wood in/ 12, 17. | 3. 5. 2. 14. green ears of corn dried by/ 9. 24. came/ out from before Lord 10. 1. sons of Anron put/ in censers 2. out/ from L. and devoured 18. 21. not let any seed pass thro'/ Deut. 18. 19. 2 Kin. 17. 17. | 2a 10 Num. 6. 18. hair, and put it in the/ 11. 2. Mo. prayed,/, was quenched 46. take censer, and put/ therein 21. 2a/ gone out from Heshbon 31. 23. every thing th. may abide/ Deut. 4. 11 mountain burnt with/ 36. he shewed thee his great/ 5. 5. ye were afraid by reason of/ Josh. 7. 25. Isr. burned Achan wi./ Judg. 6. 21. rose up/ out of rock 9. F5. let/ come out of bramble 16. 9. thread of tow when touch. / I Kin. ia 2a lay wood, put no/ 25. 24. God that answereth by/ 38 / of Lord fell, 2 CAr. 7. 1, 3. 19. 12. after earthquake / hut I* not In/, after f. Hill small voice 'i Kin. 1. 10. then let/ come down 2. II. a chariot and horses of/ 6. 17. mountain full of chariot* off. 16. 3. Ahaz made son puss thro'/ 160 FIR tftn. 19. 18. hare cast grodj into f 2J. 6. Manantetin.adeson pass thro / 2 ChrjH. 33. 6. lCAr.21 26. answered fr. heaven by ' Jo6 I. 16. the/ of ,, ' ' \. be shook ufftb* '-"! int.. r* I drill its* bereve.led ky/15. f fW I. 8 In sUming/ taking eng J/S. 1.7 hi- mluisters a fl me of/ lLS4thm' faith quenrh rlolei.ce/ It la Ui mount that burned with/ Jt* 3 V great mutter little/ kind. C tongurl. a/ aWHrld-/ Iniqnit ft. IL shall et your flesh as it were/ I Pel \. 7. gold, iho' tried with/ I ^*t 1 7. reserved unto/ aga. dy IV he*v.belBfM/th be di*solv JW*V7 the vrnei.ce nl eternal/ )OL save pulling them not of tb"e/ M. & la buy of me rnld tried In 4 4 sren lamp* of/ burning & i. an*el tiled the rei.wr with/ 7 there followed ball and/ ' R crrat mountain burning with/ 17. out "f mouth* i.Mied f II. \ 13 llmaketh/ com* down fr hear 14 IK angel wh. bad powrr over/ l\ I a t > MI!OU>:D. DKVUUBIMQ, Fnf. HILL, Miorr. A.W/ . or WwM FIRE fr. . & that *./wake res' itntion J ye h. *. mi/ on the ahbal'i J>mi Ji*t fur a n *. In my aarrr, ' ./. 14. U.I 17. 4 Aiis. . II were coal.. of/ k. - 'I r wa. *. acain.| Jacob /. Jtt 1 1. behold all ye ttut I. a/ AT. 7 l tratWnt W.N^ fath. * / II. Id bo hath *./ on green ..liv, . 14 | ii u 1 4ft *7 ; 50,3* L*m. 4 II. I. h.th t -/ in Zion k JO, 7. I will *./. in f.irvt -*wiU & Juab- ( kM oo'/ 1 1 J|. F'S ? Am ft It Hat. wil. t. holds on/ /li? 4. .imong them that are i. on/ /a. 27. II. women trt them on/ hath i. him on/ round Jtr. 6. I. up a sign of/ in Beth. 31 t ( hal. shall*, on/ thi* city *e* SO a rf / in Eg. || 14. Ifi. . A fetnnf. burn weapon* r'" Jos. a & tongue f.-t on/ n.n _ n.tiir.', is i. on/ ol hcl StniHfe FIHH />*. 19. I. Nad. and Abi. offered *./ .VIMS. S 4 tied when ff. ./ 26. 81. FIREBRAND. S J4g. 15. 4. Sum. took/ put/ mids /'roe. I*i la as a madman rast.-thy. /. 7. 4 two UHs of thee smoking/ 4. 1 1. a/ plucked out of burning FIRE-PANS. *. 87. a make bxsons unAf.-pam 3S. he made \\\r f.pant of hraat 2 A'l*. 25. IS./..B. tarried Jrr. 52. 19 FIRES, /so. 24 15. glonfv re Lord In the/ FIKKKNS. 8. fi. ronuining two or three/ FIRM. [4.3 17. priest stood /on ground. Jot 41 21 are/ in themselves 14. his heart Is as/ as a st-me i *. 7a 4. n hands hut -trength is/ fla* ft 7. th.-y consulted to make/ ' ' 3. & rejol, ing of hope/ to end FIRMAMENT. Celt. I. f. let he/ in midst of Water 7. O. made/ waters uni and ah/. 8 and God called the/ Heaven 14 let there be light* In/ IS. 17. .iiwl that fly in open/. Pi 19. I./ sh.. eth handy work IV) I. pfai-e hire in/ of power F.zek \. 22, likeness of/ as crystal 25. a roipc from/ over heads 26. above/, was likeness of thron- Da*. 12. a shall shine as bright of/ FIR. . AT iis. 5. a concerning timber of/ ft I.V. covered floor with planks ol/ Cant. I. 17. cedar, our rafters of f. FIR-TREK, TREES. ' 1 Kin. &. 10. Hir. gave Solo./ 9. II. 6. 34 and the two doors were of/ *i. 19. a rot tall/ /M. 37. 84 2 CAr.'.'.a aend/ll/M. I4.a/ rejoice a 5. greater hou-e ho ceiled with/ Pi. I'M. 17. ai for stork/ are home f. 41. 19 I will set in the desert/ S5. la instead of thorn h. come/. *l 13. the f the pine-tree, and box F.tfk 27. > they male hip. boards f tint 14. R ' ' '- r ' ' J - VoA. Z a/ sha'l be terribly skakei FIR. WOOD is. ft 5. intriimonts made of f FIKM fen. 8\ 25. / came ont red all orer W. 2K midwife said, thi- cam*, out/ fTjr. 2ai9./ of flr-t-fnnts bring to I.. 2a 17. / row sh. be sanlinv 39 lu II I. t, hie. like t../ 4 Deui 10.1.3 vs 2.9 Judah. the*- sh./ .et forth 14 *l Amalek was/ of nations D'til. II. 14 give/ rain and latter 17. 7. hands of witn. shall he/ upon Saas. 14 35. / altar Saul huilt L. 1am. ri 19. attained not to/ three 2a I CAr If. 21. 25.' 7?A 1? - th * rl " r ' t "* th " ^ """ * 15 .. art th..u the/ man born *r. 18 17 that i. f in own cause 4.} 7 thy/ father hxth sinned !>* (L 1 I).,,{el w,. f president * the/ hea, t was like a lion -T. I a that saw house in/ glory 170 FIR Zrrh. 1?. 7. sli. save Unts of Judah f .Vfr 5. 24. / >- r.-< -oii.-il.-d to broth, ft. Ua seek ye/ kingdom . desire to be/ he sh. be lant 13. 10. ftonpel mu-t/ he published Ifi. !J. he appeared/ tn Mnry Mag-. I. on oeroiid - .ht.ath after/ 11. 3a that he had not/ washed :42H sitteth not dnw.-i/aiid count In 5. 4/ step, in was m.ide wholr of H. 7. without sin, let him/ rast st /fcf.1 3. 26. to you/ (>od -ent him 11.26. railed fhr.st / at Anti.h 12. 10. past/ and second ward 2ft 23. C./ that slio. use from dead R'-m. 2. 9. of Jew/ also of Gent. !U II 35. who hath/ uiveii to him 1 1 Cor. 12. Ja/ apo>il..s. second uroph. 14. 30. let the/ hold In- pence 15. 4V/ man Adam mad.- a liv. soul 47. / man is of the earth, earthy 2 Cor. aS. /gave selves to Lord 12. for if there be/ a willing mini tuh. I. 12. who/ trust, d in Christ o. 2. / command with promise Thi-i. 4 16. dead in C. shall rise/ 2 7*Ac?/. 2. 3. exc.'pt a falling away/ 7'im.l.l6. in me/ C.J might shoir 2 la Ad. was/ lorasWd, then Kve 3. 10. 1. 1 these also/ i e proved 5. 12. they havei-a.st utt ilieir/ faith 2 Tim. 1.5. faith dwell/ in grandmo 2 6. husbiindtiiHii mu-t >>/ partak. 4 Ifi. at my/ answer no Ma claud] fit-'i I", after/ and sec. adinoniti.-n //eft. 5. 12. whlth heth.-/ principlt* 7. //. offer/ for hi own sins a 7./ covenant, 13. | 9. I, 15, la 9. 2./. tab. where, sh.-w.hr. ft a 10 9. hetaUeth aw .y /! that he ma) lum 3. 17. wisdom fr.iin above is/ ,/FI. 13. 4. Ah. made altar at the f. 43.21). we came f Me/ to buy food Vu/ 9. ia I fell before L. as at I . /a. I. 26. re-t-.ri- judges a- .ji" ttr ^ y. !. when nf . L. sm-.te all/, in Kir. 13 15. I.T 2. canrtify nnt.- roe all the/ 2V. W. ' of thy sons sh-,lt tlu.n glr* 3I.'20/ ,ons sht redeem, .Vum.iaiA .Num. 3. O. instea-t of the/. 41.49. ifu. 3.13. because all/ oflsr. are mine D'-'tt. 21. 17. f'r tin- right of f. is hi* Jofh. K. 2fi. shall lay found ition in t. 1 Kin. 16. 34. Inid found, in Al.ir. / Jolt l!i. 13 the/ of death sh. devour Psal. 78. 51. he smote all/ in Egypt I05..m | t: s. | isa'io 89. 27 him my/ higher than kings /.i. U. 30. the (5 of i or shall feed Jrr. 31. 9. and Ephraim is my/ .UiV 6.7.sh. give/ for transgression ? Z-A.I2.10. as one in bitterness for/ -V.i/. I. 25. brought forth/. . 2. 7. /l'i//i. 8. 29. / among many brethren (.Vi/. 1. 15. who is/ of every creature 18. beginning / from the dead .VfA. II. 28. lest he that destroyed/ !2. 23. ye are come to church of/ F I RST. F R U I T, or fruit*. /Tr. 22. ). t< offer the/ np.'/ruitt J3. !<>././ of thy .'ibour thou liast 19. /./ of land, 34. 26. 26. 2. l.er. 2. 12. ohl.ition of /-/ yesh. offer 2. 14. meat-offer. of/./ green ears 23. 10. bring a sheaf . 10. I have brought/-/ of land 2 ATm. 4. 42, brought man ol G. /./ 2 CAr. 31. 5. in abundance the/-/ AYA. 10. \V>. f.-fruitt of our ground 37. the/./rwife of our dough 12. 44. over chambers tor// la 31. Pror,. 3. 9. honour L. \v\\\\f.fruiti J<-r. -I. 3. Israel/-/! of his Increase ftff'c. 7. I. my soul desired/ ripe/. Rnm. 8. 2'1 which have ./ of Spirit 11. 1C. if/-/ he holy, lump is h,.ly 16. 5. who is \\ief.-fruits of Arhaia, I Cor. 16. 15. lCor.l520.Ch/-fofthem th. Nlept.23. Jam. I. 18. kind of/-/ of creatures Rev. 14. 4. being the /./ unto God FIRSTLING, S. Gen. 4. 4. Abel brought/ of Bock Er.l3.I2.sht set apirt every /34.19. 13. / of as-, thou sht red.'em,34 20. l.fr. i7.26 L.'s/ no man sh. sanctify Nil. IK. lo./of unclean beasts red. 17. Dent. 12. f>. ye shall bring/ of herds 15. 111. f males sanctify to the Lord .'13. 17. Joseph's arlory like/of bullock FISH. Gen. 1.26.dominion over/ of sea, 28. KJ.- 7. 18. / in river shall die, 21. .Yi/w 1 1. 22. all / of sea be gathered D'tit \. IS.Iikeness of any/ in w.iter / J .v. X. 8. put the/ under his feet 105. 29. waters into blood, slew/ />/. HI 10. ,-lnices ami ponds for/ .VI. >. their/ stinketh bee. no water Errtt. 29 4./ tn stick to thy scales .">. i.nd all "the/ of thy river* 10. f. shall be as/ of great sea Jimiih 1.17. Lord prepared great/ 2. 1 ..'i>. prtyed to L. out of/'* belly. 10. 1,, spoke to/and it vomited Jo. Mnl.~. lO.i he ask/ will hegiveserp.? 17.V7.tHke up the/ th. first comcth I.n -H. 42. gave him piece broiled/ John -21 9. they saw/ laid, 10. 13. FISH: Ter. 16. 16, flatten and they eh./ them FISH. GATE. 2CAr33. 14. Manas, bui.t toenter./.g- AYA. 3.:\.f.g. did sons of Hans, build 12. :$9. from above the/.^r/fe Z-uA. I. 10 noise of crv from /-if. FISH- HOOKS. ' Am<*\ 2.1 will take posterity WI./-A FISH, room Cca*.7.k. thine eye* like/! p. of Hesh. FISH.SPK.OtS. /fUl.7. eau*t U.jv !U1 head wi tli/.. FLA FISH HUMES*. K. 5. 2. / were none out of them FISHERS. /. a/ of sea shalld'-clare Krcl. 9. 12. / that are taken in evil flab. 1. 14. tnakest men as/ of sea Mat. 14. 17. hut five loaves and two/ Mar. 6. 38. Lu. 9. 13. John. 6. J. 15.34. seven loaves Httle/ M/r. S.7. T/w.5.6. reat multitude of/ ,/o.2l.6. 9. astonished at draught of/ John 21. 1 1. Pet. drew net full great/ I Cor, 15. 39. flesh of beasts, an. of/ FISHING. John 21. 3. Sim. Pet saith, I go a/ FIST. S. Ex. Si. N). one smite another with f. Pro.30.4.whohath gather, wind in/? /o.5*.4, smite with/ of wickedness FIT. Lev. 16.21. away by hand of a/, man 1 Chr. 7. 1 1./ to go out to war, !2. 8 JA34. 18.is it/to'say king.thou wic. ? Ezefc. 15.5. vine made/ for no woi k l.u. 9. 62. is f. for kingdom of God 14. 35. not/ for the land nor dung Acts 22 22. it is not/ that he sh. rive Col. 3. 18. wives, su mit as/ in L. PITCHES. Isa 28. 25. doth he not cast the/? 27. / not threshed,/ are beaten Exek. 4. 9. wheat, barley, millet,/ FITTED, ETH. I Xin.fi 35. gold/ upon carved work /.t.44. 13. carpenter/ it with plane* Rom.9.22. vessels of wrath/ todestr. FITLY. Pro.%5. 11. word/spok. apples of gold Eph. 2. 21. all the building f. framed 4.16. form wh. whole body"/ joined FIVE. Gen. 14.9. vale of sid. four kings wi./ 18. 28 destroy xll for lack of ft I3.3./ lords of Philistines, Judg. 3.3. /jta.lSJ.18./ cities speak lang. of Can. 30. 17. at rebuke of/, shall ye flee Azu&U.l?. we have here but/ lo .ves Mar* 6. 3*. /,*e9 13. 25. 2. f of them wise, and/ f 'olish ,. a visited with/ of devour, fire 43. 2. neither sh./ kindle upon thee 6*1. 15. render rebuke with/ ot fire Exek. 20. 47. / sh. not he qnenchi-d /). 7. 9. his throne was like fiery f. II. till body given to burning/ Joel I. 19. / hath burnt trees of field 2. 3. behind them a/ burneth 01>ad. 18. house of Joseph shall be /. Luke 16. 24. 1 am tormented in this ; lleb.l.l. who mak. ministers/ of fire liev. 1.14. eyes as/ of flre.si.ia I 19.12. FLAMKVO. Gen, 3. 24. at garden of Ed. / sword A>f/t.20 47./ flame sit. not lie quench. A'uA.2.3. chariots sh. he wi./ turche* FLANKS. Le.i. 3. 4. the fat which is by the / 10. 15. ( 4. 9. | 7. 4. Job 15. 27. maketh rollopsot fatou/ FLASH. Ezek. 1.14. appearance of f. of lightn. FLAT. Lev. 21. 18. that hath/ nose sh. not .\"w. 22. 3!. Balaam fell/ on his face Josh. 6. 5. wall of city sh. fnll/ 20. FLATTER, ETH. Pi. 5. 9. they/ with their tongue 3fi. 2. he/ himself in his own eyes 78. 3(5. they did/ him with mouth Pror. 2. 16. from stranger who/ 7.5 30. 19. meddle not with him that/ 2a 23. more favour than he that/ 29. 5. man that/ spreadi-th a uet FLATTERING. JoA23.21.t\eith. let me give/titles 22. Psal. 12. 2. wi./ lips and donb. heart Pror. 7 21. with the/ of h. r lips 2(>. 2a a/ month worketh ruin >*&. 12. 24. sh. he no more/ divina. 1 Thet. 2. 5. neither used we/ words FLATTERY, 1ES. JoA 17. 5. that speaketh/ to friends Pror 6. 24. from/ of ttrange woman Dan. II. 21. he sh. obtain king, by/ 32. do wicked, sh. he corrupt by/. 34. but many shall cleave with/ FLAX. Er. 9. 31. / was smitten/ was boiled ./ \A 2. 6. she hid with stalks of/ ./. 31. 11. that did see me/ fr me 1 14. 3. the sea saxv it and/ Jordan /wi. 22. a all thy rulers are f. toije. ,/cr 4. 25. all birds of the henvrns/ !l 10. the fowl and beast are/ J;nah 4 2. therefore I/ t. /'nrshi^ Z,rA. 14. 5. as ye/ before erthi Mat 8. 33. they that k. pt them/ V6.5C. dmci. lofaook and/ i/ar.li. PL! Mar I*. . and / from th t*i>ulcar 4e*\*.-n ippirnr prUoorrs/ JIM. & K / for ref. i<> Ity b..M JUItft wmas)./!|l6iinev i.land/ .. . : ., . ... Ml llMfMj H' H.KI). CM. 7. w>ri * ^ from brother 3U.Ufc.lrft can* *l t:i IS. l . .. ..I I. I0t kff fr. rrr-nre ..f L. Mar 14. Si *< left lir.ro rU.tfc MM/ /. h i .VMM.3S. 31. n satWar. for him th./. f7r, 14.10 I th" remained fTlo JUM. ln.ll.asl/ U cat great -ton.-* 1 5am 4. 10/e man t lent .V A 1 4. 1 i f, 104. 7 it thy rrk.kr My/ y tl. IV fr t A frn tbr wr. 10. 7. t / In *vr thrmaelvea Hot. 1 13. wo f'* t buve/ from mr Z.M. H. 34 Whro aw what drmr t/ >(<-< la 18. MI that t/ out of housr Grw. SB. I. wbrn/ from far*- of Ei / Il4.5.wht ailrdOa,th.tbou/? PLKBCB. *. IH 4. fln>t f/ l* Levitrt J*4r.tiX!. put/of wool infl.M.r,3&3B JA 31. *Q. warmed with/ uf he.-p KI.KK. 0>n l&S/. fr. far? of raistre** Sara 19. 10. this ritjr i near to/ unt.i Jtr. SI. 131 a plar* whither he sh. / 7,ii.*fll7.h/ when none pursue. .Tfi. Asi.iaSS.hatrlhee/bef.lbrr.fVia.l li. & cities, lht man-slayer may/ II. IX Dru*. 4. U. | W. 3,4, 5, :t, 4, 9. ". and/ evn wajm. SS. JM*. a S. ai at not wr will/ & SO. had no pnwrr inf. this war .Mr . M. I t ii. / and draw th t Ssa.4. 4. nurw hat-- In/ -hr trll U. IX wilt thou/ thrrr month.? JA'iVwa oprii il.Mir, and/ t.trrv n >>*. & II. .a. such * man a* l/> JUXX )4 hr th. / from iron wepr 87. >S. would fain/ out of hi. >MI, II. tft. arrow ranwit mike him/ I'*. II. I. how say yr to my >oul/ a> 6M. II atngi of armtrn/ apni e IS 7. whithrr .h I / fr. pir^nrr I4a ft O U I / to Tnrr to hidr mr ^r. t I. wirk./ no man purlin ya. 10 >. whoa will **/ f..r hrlp filltnrr thall/ unto Zoar M. 10. for we will /; on bortr* 17 al rrhukr of ftrr .hull yr / <9 rilyh./.foriiouro(liorr *. & /. n*r IITM, and hr likr heat JiMfS 19. a> if ro*n did/ fr..m lio. Jo*. I. & Jon. rnr up to/ toTarch VoC I II takr y..ui. rluld and/. IT. yon U/ fr.wn wrath ? /.u. 3 10 !El Whro prr.rni. ill uwr fit J / J. 18. Irt thrm m Judra/ to M Utaa. Mir 11 14. 7.M.1I. Jaa itt S. rtruffr/ not (..I. hat / -. It. f. furntrMldU/fr idola. I Tim. Ml. mn ..f n. / Urw thiun X Tim /.!.. y.Mithf ul lu-u J^m 4. 7. rr...t tar d^nl. hr will JU . I *r.th >hali/ fro* UMM' CM. SI. 87. did4 thu / * arrrrtly Jvit.Da.aiy dj*y/.*.thry r no ~ 9a & hr .hall/ i M a drran /fc 4. a all IhM rr tar a. hall/ CM t 17. a4 ahjUow./ . 4. i /a, & la and .irrhin* >h / . 61. I /rr 4& & let avt Oat iwift/ a . om aword FLE wwTl? thnu seer, (fo/o into land 9. I. th-t fl -eth shall not/ a. Ii hall/ /. INt, Kl'Il. ^r. J3rl shall nee >/ tru 9 II. mortal y/ into one of cities ok 14. . be/ aim as a shadow 30. 3 want ^nd famine/ to wildern. rr 4R 19. a-k him that/ and her 9.1. that Y. of them s-h. not flee Aaialie.be that is an hireling /I3. KI.KSH. em 2. 21. Hod i-loed up/ instead 24. ai.d they shall be one/ . 3 mK strive wL man, for he is/. I7.ll.rirc.im.-i-e/ ol fore 9 kui.l4.h. t* holy S. 31. bui 1 / at dour of Ubernacle IX 10. if quick raw/ 14. 15. Ifi. 24. 38. if in skin of/ I right spot*, 39. IS. IB. if Issue in her/ be bl.H>d 21. .V. nor shall make .utt*g In f. Vya. II 3a while/ was hetw. teeth /)it 3i 4t my sword sh. .levour/. udg. (I X take/. au<1 unleav. cake- VI Are out of rN k. ai.d coniuin. / &ssm. 8. IX while/ was in seethintt IS. Klve/ to roast for the pneat A'm. 17. & ravens brought hre.,d/ A'iis. 4. 34. / of child waxed warm t*r. 3t & with him Is an arm of/ VrA. .V. .V our/ is / of brethren Jut 10.4. h<-l thou rymol/? or -eent II. clothed roe with skin and f*. '. 56. 4. will not fear what/ ran d 7H . ran he provide/ for pn.plef 27. he rained/ upon them a.-, du- 39.hr remembered they were but/ 79. *./. of saints Riven to beast* *ror. 4. 22. my sayings health to/ VX9IX be not am. riotous eaters of/ '*i. 31. 3. horses are/ and not spirit 4ft 16. I will fe.-d them with own/ Jer. II. 15. holy/, is panted from the< 17. S. cursed be man th. mnk./ hi: r .:ek. 4 14. nor came ahomiaaMe/ II. 3. city is ralilron, and we the/ 19. and 1 will jrirr heart of/.:r 83. HO. whoa*/ ls aa/ of aaara 19. and I will irirr heart f/JBjtf. I/ o 10. nm>uine the/ s:>ire it well Don. I II. *od, whose dwell not/ 7. 5. amid to it ari-e, detour much/ la X neither/ nor wine in irmutli 'lot. 8. 13 sarrifc-e f. for sacrifirrs V/ie. a S. whoplurfc/ fr. off hones ffJi. I. 17. their/ hall br poured /. la liberty for an occasion to/ 17. f lustrth ag. Spirit, Sp. ag. / 24. 'that are C. t have criicile.l/ /(A. 2. a conversa. in lui.t of our/ 6.5. mat.-rs according I../ CoL3.fi. 12. we wre>tle nut ag. / and blood leb. 9 14. ihildren are partak of/. Ii. 9. fathers 7. and going after trne/! a filth) dreamer* drfile the f 2a hating even garm. spottf <"1 hy /t Her. I9.I8./. of captains,/ nf mighty 21. all fowls were filleii -,vith/. &'. f ET, KAI EI H. After the FLESH. 'nhn 8. 15. ye judge a. the f. lorn. 8. 1. In. walk not a the f. 4. 5. that are a. t.f. mind things of/ Ii not debtors t.. live a. thef 13. if ye live a. the f. ye slialldie Cur. l.sffi. not many wi>e men a.// 10. 18. behold Israel u/fcr h :4. 15. allf. shall perish together Pi. 65. 2. to tfiee shall allf. mine 13K. 25 who giveth foo.l to all f. 145. 21. let allf bless holy name 'in 40 V B/ shall see it tug.-ther 6. allf i* gran* a- flower, 1 Pet. 1.24. 49.rf.otf/ know 1 am Suv. z --1. 5. 6ft Ifi. by fire will L. plead w. ,,Uf. STJ. allf. shall come to worship 24. they sh. be abhorring to all f. Jer. 25 31. he will pb-ad withu/// 3-1. 27. [ am the Lord G'Ki of off/ 7.21.4. sword go xf.allf. fr. south /->a \om. 19. '. 1 Kin. 21. 27.Ahab put sack, on A / i kin 5. 14. hit f. came again M 6. 30. Joram had sack, on hit \ Job 2. 5. touch bone and A. / he * II 31. 31. O that we had of hi- f. 33.2-S/ h. be freher than child 1 ! 41. 23. flake* of litt f . are joined Proa. II. 17 th. is cruel troubleth/ F.n-l 4.6. fool foldrth handi rateth/ In. 17.4. fatneso of/ shall wax lean ^(.A K.b'(. can thin man give/ to eat ? /(ctrl 31 nrith. h. f. did see corrupt. Gal. 6. 8. thntsowrth to A./ sh. reap Eph. I 15. aSolifched in A./, enmity & 2*. no man ever bated Aw own/ FLE KtA. 5. 30. members of his body, of/ Cui 1. 22. reconciled in body of hisf. Heb. 5. 7. who in the days uf hisf. 10. 20. vail, th it U to say, hi* f In the FLESH, or in FLKSH. Gen. 17. 24. Ah. circura. in t / 25. z. 44. 7. uncircumeised tn t f. 9. Dan. 1. 15. fairer and fatter tn the f. Kom 2. 2K. circuij. outward in the f. 1. f>. in thef. the r:otions of sin 8. 3, for sin condemned sin in thef a that are in t, f. cannot please G 9. ye are not int.f. I'Ut in the Sp. I Cor.7 '28. such h have trouMe inf. B Cor. 10.3. though we walk in ?Ae/ 12. 7. was eiven a thorn in thef. Gal. 2. 20. life which I now live in/ 6. 12. to make fair show in thef. Kah. 2. II. Gentiles inthrf called Phil. 1. 2-1 if I live in thef. this 24. to abide in thef. more needful 3. 3. have no confidence in thef. 4. Col. 2. 1. have not seen face inf. 5. 1 Tim. a 16. G. was manifest inthef. 1 Pet. 3. 18. put to death in thef. 4. 1. Christ hath suffered in thef. I. live the rest of hit time in thef. 6. according to men in the f. 1 J.4.2. deuieth th. C. come tn t.f 3. 2 Johnt. conf. not th.C. come i t.f. My FLKSH. Job 4. 15. the hair of my f. stood up 6. 12. or is my f. hrass ? 7. ft. #/ is clothed with worms 13. 14. do I take my f. in my teeth ? 26. yet in my f. shail I see God Pi. I6.9.iy/sh. rest in hope,^c.2.26. 38. ,'i. is no souii'lnesg in my f. 7. 63. I. mi/ f. Inngeth for tli.-'c in dry 73. 2a inyf. faiieth, but G. is port. 84. 2. my heart and my f. crieth 109. 24 'myf. faiieth of fatness 119. 120. inyf. trembleth for fear Lam 3. 4. inn f. hath he made old John (\. 51. bread I will give, in my f. 54. whoso eateth ///. hath eternal life, 56. 55. my f. U meat indeed, my blood Rom. 7. 18. in my f. dwel. no good 11. 14. provoke them wh. are my f. GaL 4. U. temptat wh. was in my f. CoL 1. 24. afflictions of C. in myf. See BONE. Of the FLESH. E.rod. 29. 31. if ought oft.f. remain Prort. 14. 30. sound heart is life off. EccL 12. 12. much study is wear. off. John I. 13. born, not of will of thef 3. a which is born "ft.f. is flesh llA'n. 8. 5. do mind tKe things oft.f. tS. which are the children Oftf 1 Cor. 5. 5. to Satan for destruc. off. S Cor. 7. I. from all filthine-<8 o/t/ GaL 4. 13. throuifh intinnity oft.f. 5. 16. ye shall not fulfil lust> oft.f. 19. works oft.f. are manifest . 8. soweth to/ shall oft f. reap Ejik. 2. 3 walked in lusts oft.f. Cel. -t. II. the body of sinso/t/ 2:1. to the satisfying oft.}. tleli. 9. 13. to the purifying oft. . 1 /W.3.21. putting uway filth oft.f. 2 Pet. 2. !& throuifh the lusts brought up ! Chr. 23. 17. gave pure gold frf..h. Chr \. 16. pots and the/.Aooto FLESHLY. 2 Cot V 12. not with/ wislom 3. 3. i...' iik/ tables of the heart Col. 2. 18. puff.-d np by his/ mind 1 Pet. 2. 11. ahstn'n from /lusts FLESH-POTS. Ejcod. 16. 3. when we gat byf..pott FLEW. I Sam. U. 32. people/ upon the spoil /ja. 6. 6. then/ one of seraphims FLIES. E.rod. 8.21. will send swarms of/31. Ps. 78. 45. he sent divers sorts of/ 105. 31. there came divers sorts of/ Eeci 10. 1. dead/ cause ointment FL1ETH. Deut. 14.19 creeping thing/ unclean 28. 49. nation as swift as the eagle/ Pi. 81. 6. the arrow that/ by day -VijA. 3. 16. cankerw. spoileth and/ FLIGHT. Amot'2. 14. / hh. p.-rish from swift .Wu/. 24. 20. pray/, be not in winter, Mark 13. 18. Heb. 11. 34. turned to/ the armies See PUT. FUNl 1 . AT*/, a 15. water out of rock off Ps. 114. 8 tuiniug/ into fountain Isa. 5. -J8. horses shall be counted/. 50. 7. have 1 set my face like/ Ezek. 3. 9. harder than/ thy toreh. FLINTY. Deut.32.\3. to suck oil out of/ rock FLOCK. Gen. 4. 4.Ab. brought firstlings off. 37. 2. Jos. was feeding/ wi. brcth 12. brethren went to feed/ 13. EJL: 2. 16. troughs to water lath./ 17 Moses helped, wati-red/ 19. a I. Moses led/ to b.ick of .le.^ert Lev.b.\S. a ram without blemish out ol / 6. 6. Ezra 10. 19. Exek. 43. 23,25. 27. 32. t the of the herd or of the/ Deut. ft. 19. first males of/ sh. sanct. I Sam. 17. 34. lion took lamb out of/ Jab 30. I. to set with dons of my/ C'heep, a 6. l*a. 40, II. he sh. feed / like sh.-ph. Jer. 13. 17. bee. L./. is carried cap. 20. where is f. given thee l.eanti.? i'A. 2 ye have Hcuttered my/ 3. I will gather remnant of my/ 25. 34. yr principal of the/ 3. 36. 31. 12. sing for the young of the /. 49. 20. least off. shall draw 50. 45. )l.23.will break shepherd and his/ Exek. 24. 5. take the choice of the/ 34. 3. ye eat fat, but yeleed not/ a/ cattered on the face of earlh 8. iiecance my/ hwurne a prey 10. I will require my/ I will 12. a a shepherd M*eki-th out Ilia f. 173 FLO J*.34.15.I will feedmy/||17.Omy 22. therefore will I save my/. 31. the/ of my pasture ar. men Amoi 7.15. L. took me as I follow./; JnnahS. 7. let not herd nor/ taato Mtc. 4. 8 thou, O tower of the/ 7. 14. feed thy people, the/. 0. 7. / of Kedar shall he gathered 61 . 5. strangers sh. stand and feed /: 65. 10. Sharon shall be a fold for/ Jer. 33. 12. sheph. causing/ to ( ie \3.jf. sh. pnss ngain under thv rod SO. a be as he-goats before the/ Ezfk. 34. 2. shall not sheph. feed/? Joel I. 18. / of sheep made desolate .V/ic.5.8. young li'in among/ of sheep Zeuh. 2. 6. sea-coast sh. he folds for/ FLOCKS with herds. Gen. 13. 5. Lot also had/ and herdt 24. 35. L. huth given Ahra./. and A. 26.14. Isa. had possession of/ and A. 50. E. 12. 32. your/ and A. and he gone 34. 3. let f. nor A feed bet. mount Num. II. 22. shall/ and h. be -him Deut. 12. & firstlings of A. and/ 17. 14. 2.'l Neh. 10. 36. I Sum. 30 20. David took/ and A i Sam. 12. 2. rich man had many/A Prov. 27. 23. know/ look well to A. ler. 3 24. shame devoured /; and h. Hut.5.6. 8h. go with/ and A. to seek FLO >!>. Gen a 17. even I, bring a/of w.itrr 7.6. when/ of waters on earth.TKX 7. 17. / was forty days on enrth 9. 1 1. sh. be any more a/ to destf. 28. N,.ah lived after/ 350 years 10. 1. were sons born after/ 3i Josh 24. 2. rath. on other side/. 1 ) 14.15 lob 14. II. sf deiayeth and ilrieth -fl. 16. toiunla. overthrown with/ 28. 4. / hreaketh from inhaii tant Pi 29. 10. Lord sitteth upon the/ fi6. 6. they went thro'/ on foot 69. 15. let not water-/ overflow if), s. / and A. left in land of Gosh, '.corf. 10. 9. we will go with/ and A. PLO Ft WV * carried th. away a* with / 'I. runny -h. o.roe in likrV Jrr.Vf.~t wbtbithr.iDetha-/l' /> A. tkr end kll kr with /. 1 1. rt. urn> of/ .hall u ovrrtwn X.j .* ih. rW up wholly a. /!<.&. & & W-drowurd a. h>/ -f Uypt n dry ground /MMA Hi/ comp.M-d mr about Mat!*!, tiff . aror. mdi blrw.S7. FLOOR. ;>rA. t Cfcrwi .14. 1 1. fur tlmKrr to/ hotuc* H.OuH. s, Sutitamtirt. Cm. V. 10 t<> thr.-.hii.* / of A tad.l I. .Vwj \ 17 prir.t. -h lkr du.t in/. FLY - and/ to(r f thi>*hin(r/ IS. -ft brut li 14 Ihou h. furnish out uf/ Jn^f . & ST. put fleerr ol woo! in/. JUtt J i br M innow. in thivnh in* / X&MK. & 6 to Nitrhuu'. thrrthinf / I Chr. la ft 4.18. rear altar la thri~h / of Ar. *l. r>id Mid, to l>uy thre-liinir / 1 A.*6 30 overlaid/ ..f home with g. 1 A'i 6 Y7 nut nf hum /or iiif.pr y t Ckr. 3 I. In thre-hinj: / of Urimn /. um tbrr*h./ Hot. 9. I. |n.-d n-ward on CT. rurn/ *./ and in<-.pr. h. n..t frfd thm 13. X airhafl that Udrirrnui ol/ Ml *./ .hall br full of whrat Jftc 4. It. h (rthrr hra*r to/. Wot 1 II throughly pnrgr/ i. 3. ft. r FLOATS. 9. I will convey them by arm In/ 2 CAr. i 16. rtouBilH. ft. 7 7. In hl day. .h. riirhtenu*/ III they nf nty .ball / like fnti 9t7. when all wi.rkrr* <.f iniquity II rt,btr., u . .ball / like pHlm.tr . lf .hall rrown/. iirh IM. IK. . fr II Wri|rhteouihall/a 14 II . tahernarlrof upright .hall/ -rn almond. tr.-r. hall/ 711 worn thou.h make wed/ *o,,r,.haJI/l,krhrT> FLtJtJRMIICDj . wrnt to -er lirth vine f 'meh.th/a* r**V. Ml II In the rr~.rnin it / end W 14. It) Me they .hall U- f{ .nd /! IDS li a* a dower .rf l-ld, ... he/' Dm. 1 4 I wa> at r-t. v.d / | n oa. / * .1 '{+ >' ,:... '.. .' , ' ' .,, fft 4 If Chat th^ pcr nmy/ oo 'am. t 1 *1 nation, .ha'l/ unto It M ! MUL water* to/ out of rock a 60. 5. thalf 4. I. mount. n. 51 44. nation* -hall not/ toirelh>-r ,,!/ wttli milk. ' rtver*of JudMh/ with waters .V. 4 I peopie ah / to mount ol I.. JuAn 7. 30. out ol nelly >-h / llv. WL FLOWED. 4 18. Jordan/ ier all bank. ru. M. 3. mount. /. down at presence lam. 3. 54. wter/ over mine head FLO \\ETH. Lee. 20. 24. land that / with milk and honey. Xum. 13 27. | 14. a III 1.1, 14. Dent & 3. ( II. 9. 26.15. | 27.3.1 3l.2ajo.5.6. FLOWING. Etod. 3. ft a land/ with mi:k and hoi-ey. 17. | la 5.J 3a a Jer. II. 5. | 3*. 22. CMC. 2". 6. 15 Pn. IR4 well.p. of W. a/t>rool /M. riC. 12. glo of Lent like/ strean Jer. iai4. A. rnl.l/ water* he f..ra. 49. 4. vloriiit thou in/, valley r FLOUR. jr. 29. 1 of wheatrn/ *h. thou mak- I rr 2. 2. hi. han.lfuf of the/ 6. 15. za 5. tenth part of rphah of/ for meat.off. 20. 28. | 29.3.9,14 Jud &I9. ofanrphahof/ I Vim I. VI -, 24. took / and k Header. It, 2 Sam. 13. a 2 Sam. IT.ia broucht f parched corn See IU*L, KINK. FLOWEU I Sam.1.33. Increase *h. die in/of B(fe 1 Cor. 7. 36. if *he p/ of her age FLOVVKR. Ef. 25.33. and/ in one hranch.37. 19. Job 14. 2. forth an/ and is rut down 15. -St. he .ball rat/ H- the olive /. 1113. 15. a*/ of field. M. he flounsl I to. la .V. tour rrapr Is ripen. In/ 2M. I. frloriou. Wauty U fariina f. 4 4O. A KiMHllinew I* a* the / of n>l< 7./ fadeth.a A>A. !.4. Jim. I. 10 11. 1 yet 1.24 FLOWERS. F.rod. 25. 31. hi./ of the came. 37. 17 37. 20. like almonds, knopo and his/ /.rr IV 24. if l.f/ he upon him, 33 1 A'in. 6. la carved with knops aiu open/ 29. 3v?, 35. ; 7. Jfi, 49. 2 CAr. 4. 5. rup with/ of lilie*. 21. Cait(. 2. 12. the/ appear on earth 5. la a* bed of >pice, a* *weet/ FLUTE, S. when hciirtoiiiiilof/7 10,15 FLUTTBBETH. Drut.3t. 1 1. a* eajile/ over her younr FLUJf, b. (ay sick of a/ FLY. lm.1 1& L. ih. hi** for the/ in E>yn FLY. V*L J Gen. 1.20. fowl th. may/ above earth I Sam. 15. 19. but didst/ on the .pot V. II. upon rhernl., did/ ni win|r of wind. P-al. id 10 Jo* 5. 7. totroiihleasupark-i/ upwa. 9 2A. doth hawk/ by thy wisdom ? Pal |g. In. he did / on uint" of wind V5. R for then Mould I/ away 0. 10. ...,n cut off, Mild we/ away Prar. v3 5 richt / away a* an eaitle /o .2. six wings, with tw. he did/ '.* "hoar,. the- that/ s a < loud Jrr 48. 4O. be .hall/ a* an eagle .< vtt ye hunt *n u l> to make/ /'". 21. ft.k. canned to/ .wiftfy Ha. . 1 1. ,i., r y .h / away like a bird '.'" '-' K 'he) .hall/ a.' the eale tier. 14. A. . w another angel/: in mid. 174 FOL R. K-t likr u/ . i.tle H. la angel/ thro' midit ol lieuvea FOAL, S. Gen. 3S. 15. Jac. tixk 20a*r, t^n t 49. M. hindinfr hi*/ to the vine ZecJt. 9. R on colt/ of MM, .Vat. 21. 5. FOAM. Hoi. 10.7. kin? of Saroa.U rut ofl;.*/. FDAMETII, lN heth wild Ml te.-th, Lake M. :. sffl. on uruund and wallowed,/ Judt 13. wav>-g/ out own stiHine FODDER. Jo* 6. 5. or loweth the ox over liiii/f . 1 C/iron. il. li. l,e destroyed hfo./ A.M. !'. 16. Jews slew of/ ;.,. i /'t. f!. 2. mine enemies mid f. < ame 3D. I. not mane my/ to ri-j.'.ice H!t. V3. I will lieHt down hi-/. .Vat la 36. iiiiin 1 - /. l>e they o'l li..u>e /let* Si 35. until I u.Mki- /'f,...,,,,.,,| FOLD. <'.;. .ir. up Heb. 1. 12. as vesture vLnit tlmii / FOLD. Ita. 11 20. sheiiljKrds make tin ir/ 1:5. I". Sharon -hall he / for H..,k Kxck. 34. H. on ii sh / l Hub. a 17. fWk i-hll be < ut from/ .Mot la 8. brouiihtlorth fruit, .ma thirtv / 23. Mark 4. s, 20. 19. S3. forsaken ho. ivieive 10(1 / John 10. 16. other i-heep wliidi not ol this/ one/ and one heLlierd FOLDS. \i/m. 32. 24. build/ for ihrep. 3A. /'. MX U. I will take no he.fro H t of/ Zeph. 2. fi l>e..i,-k / JoAii 5. 3. multitude of impotent/ .-M. 5. 16. about, hrin.'iiig kick/ FOLLOW. f.'t. 24. 8. w-4.ii. n not willing to/ 44. 4. Joseph Raid, up./, afti r men Ajt 14. 4 haid. n Fliar he -hall f. 21. 12. hurt worn, no mischief/ vi. v:t. 2. >h. not/ multitude to doevil /Jeu/ 1C., id. whutii>ju-t fh. thou/ 'eA 13. 3. prophet"/ own .p rit Hot R a if e/ on to kiinv tl.e I A/at a 19. Master, I will/ ther, Luke 9. 57, /. a 12. '/. alter, if that I n 1 T/iei.b. 15. / that whic FOL 8 Thes. a 9. ensample to you tof. us 1 Tim. 5. 24 sump men they/ after 6. II. man of <;./ right. 2 Tim. 2.22. //cA. 12. 14. / peace with all men 13. 7. whnse faith/ consider, end . Pet. 1. 11. testified glory should/. *. 21. example, that ye sno./ steps 2 /< 2. 2. sh. / pernicious ways 3 Jokn 1 1./ not that which is evil Xev. 14. 4. are they that/ the Lamb 13. and their works do f. them FOLLOW Mm. 1 Kin. 18. 21. if Lord he God,/ him Mark 5. 37. suffered no man to/ h. LtOce 22. 10./ A. into house, Mar. 14. la /(/An 10. 4. and the sheep/ him FOLLOW me. Gen. 24. 5. the woman will not he willing- to/me, 39. 2 Kin 6. 19. / me, I will bring vu Pt. 23. 6 goodness and mercy/ me Mat. 4. 19. Jesus saith./ me, 8. 22. | 9 9. Mark*. 14. Luke 5. 27. 18. 24. take up cross and / me, Mark 8. .'i4. | 10. 21. Luke 9. 23. 19. 21. sell that thou hast. / me, Luke 18.22. Luke 9. 59. he said,/ me, John I. 43. 21. 22. 7oAn 10. 27. sheep hear voice,/ me 12.26. if man will serve, let him/ me 13. 36. thou canst not/ ?ne now ,f ./ whet, W I* ftlV A* r Arm 10. II attrrrth .Under it at. 19 I. fftirnr in lip*, and u u/ S*. (A. iruteth In own heart M a/ d heart 10. II / die for want f wi.doin U 13 heart f /: prurlaimeth fiHil U l. afcosn. t. f. to drpiirt fr. evil ML pgmftnlnn of/ be destroyed 14. I Mly of/ it derril *./ makr mark U tin the fnolUhne** of/ it foil jr n la Bid.t nf/ it made known 11. t BKHiUi of/ pour. out f.-oli.h U -out* of/fe*d. on f.-.li-hn. ML L in-trurtioo of/ U MIT Ml . ttrie pr. pr. for l*ck of/ J* 7. praMe in mouth of/ IU tori S. I. then (rive sarri8ce of/ 4. ho bath no pleaure in/ 7. 4. bri of/ in bou-r of mirth 5. than to hear the tnnir of/ . ftuf^r rivtrth in tin- IMMUIID of/ ft 17. rrj of him rulrth numf f. JM. la II. priurnof Zo.n/ Ul 9V & tho 1 /. ihall not rrr thrrrin 17. / ndl.lind 19. IH. 11.40. l.Hkt U. 11. ()/ d Hlow to IM-II^TI- /!. I. U to W Vlw-, brmine/ I Cf. 4. ia arr/. fur < hritft Mke t Cor. U. 19. fir ; >uffrr/ *ldly M- &. li. " J* walk not >/. FOOLISH. Dnrf SI tho* ri^uit* L./ pen.? tl. prurwk* thrm to orr with * / Dti..n. K.'m 10. 19. JU t. 10. M our of/ .orarn (pra k. i i for *r.tk k.ltrth thr f. man 1 I b..r MV* thr / takin( ront PM 4 S / Dot Maud in thy >i ( ht & IL k * But rrpr.wrb of/ 71 1. Iw I WM rnTi.,n at the/ 74. IftjtlMtotoM ft b-w / rrpr.-rheth the* daily Pr**. ft 1 forsake the/ ajid live 13 /. * i* ruusuiTMM 14. iawtth f / Bear destruction 14. I. the/ plurketh bxisedown & U> tMMtt nf / U rod of prid 1. M ffMB aoe> W a/ man 1& ' kemrt it the/ tVwth n4 so Ml / > tVWb hi* mother IT. li. / MM to trk-f to hi* father A O.C M nlatBMv W ,. father II. Jft /. M* spen4eth a lrea.u . it- rmitrutetli with/ 13. wit* child ttaa/ kwf FOO irr/. 7. 17. te not wicked, neither/ ia IV labour f 'he/ wearMh M. 4 *A. iiiakrth kiiowl>-de/ 'er. 4. . for m> people i-/ i. 4. these are poor, they are 81. sv-mr now this. Of. people IU & they are brutih and/ '.am. 2. 14. prophet* M>"U ( things J. wo to the / prophets Zerik. II li inttru. of/ shepherd V,iL 7. M be likened to a/, man 2S. i flve were wie and fle/ torn. I. SI./ heart was darkened l 2tt an Instructor of the/ Cor. 1. M./ wisdom of thu world iaL a 1. O/ (ialatiant.who bath a are ye so/? havirnr beirun CpA. i. 4. Blihinett nor/ talking TV**. & 9 rich, fall into f. lust* JTta*. 1 23 / question*, Tit S. ft a a we were sometime*/ li. tnnilenre ignorance of/ FOOLISHLY. Cm. 31. thou hast now done / 1 Sam 13. 13. 2 Chr. 16. ft Vum. II 11. tin whrreia done /: . 24. I a I have done very/ Jot I. 31 nor rharyrd God/ /W 73. 4. to the fools, deal not/ Proa. 14. 17. toon angry dealeth/ SO. :. if/ in lifting up thyself 1 Cor. II. 17. I speak at it were/. SI. I speak/ I am bo'd also FOOLISHNESS, f Sam. 15 31. counsel of Alii. Into/ ot W. 4. ttink, because of my f. 0ft 5. O Hod. thou knowest my/ "roe. IS. 23. heart of |IK>|; pr.x-l./ 14. 24. but the/ of f.-ls i* folly 15. 2. mouth of fools pourethout/ 14. mouth of fmil* feedeth on/ 19. 3./ of man perverteth his way . IS./ bound in heart of child 94. 9. the thought of/ it tin n. tl. yet will not his/ depart Eecl. 7. 25. to know wicked, of/ la 13. the bffinninir of wolds U/ War* 7. 22. / come fr->m within Cor. I. la to them that perish/ 21. by/ of preaching to save 23. we preach C. to Oreekt/ tLJ. of nod it wiser than men 8. 14. things of spirit/ unto him X 19. wudoro of this world it/ FOOT. Gfn. 41. 44. without thee no man thall lift up hit/ fjrod. 81. 24. (five/ f or /fleu/. !./!. Vum. 22. 2i. an crushed Balaam's/ Aeut a 4. nor did thy/ swell these II. 10. watered*! it with thy/ at 8ft i. thoe it n. .t waxen old on/ 3-.'. ai. / thall slide In due tin e ?.a 84. let Asher dip hi./, in oil Jvtk. I. 3. ev. puue/ th. tread on .V li I.Hi-e sh'# from off thy/. J"dg. 5. li. Barak wat sent on/ S Sam. 2.18. Aahel wat at liirht of/, tl. 211 on/ "i\ toes, I CAr. 2O. & S A'IH. ft 33. tr.^l Jezebel under/ 2 CAr. :B. a nor remove/ of Ura*l MA II my/, hath h>-ld his slept 28. 4. even watern forvotten of / 31. A. If my/, hauled to deceit 39. I.V forf[cttelh/ may crush them r.i/. ft IS. in net they hid/ taken 2ft. IU/ Ktandeth in an even place 3*. II let iMit the/ of pride come W. 10 / rlippeth, they magnify (TV r> went Ihro' the flood i.n/ 68. J3./. mtt Ke .li|.|,. d in blood l. 12. lest th.ui dash/ gm. * Hone fo/. 4. R. /.i/*r 4. 1 1 H. 1*. wbcn 1 laid, my/ 176 FOR i. 121. 3. not inff-r/ 1 1 be e truditen und. f. .i s:. li..wift of /not deliver him. Mot 9. 13. salt trodden under/ 14. ia people followed him on/ 18. 8. if thv/ i.ffeiid. Murk 9. 4. 2& ia bind him hand and/ and Vnr* 6 33. many mil H/. thither oAn 11. 44. dexd bound hand and/ 4ri> ?. &. so min-h HS to set his/ on in. ia minding himself to fro a/ Cor. 12. 15. if the/ sy, hecau-e I He/,. 10. 29. trodden under/ the Son *r. I. 13. clothed with jrarrn. to/ 11. 2. holy city sh. trend under/ fcfet/roor. Gen. 8. 9. dove no rest for o/e off. Deut2&ii6 not tet . fff. on ground 6ft. nor shall f. o/lhy /. have rest uA. I. a ev. place . o// tread on 2 Sam.l4.V5.like Absalom fromi. off. Ita. 1. 6. i. off. to head DOMHindMM Ezek. \. l.toUoff. like .nil's, hit FOOT-irrtirftt. Deut. 2. 5. not so mm h *xf..brtadth Right FOOT. i>/f FOOT. . 10. 2. and he -et Ins r. / upon the sea and his /. / on the earth See TOE. FOOTED. l.fr. 11. 3. cloven/ that ye (hall eat 7. twine, thoiiirn rlovcn/ unclean 21. 19. man broken/ not approach Jet* 10. 12. of f.nir/ beasts, 1 1. . Rom. 1. 23. imare like four/ beastl FOOTMEN. 1 .?am.22. 17. to the/ slay the priett Jer. 12. 5. if thou hx*t run with/. FOOTSTEPS. Pml. 17. 5. that my/ flip not 77. 19. thy/ are not known SO. .M. rcproarhed/ of anointed Cant 1. 8. if" by/, of the fl..ck FOOTSTOOL. 1 Chr. iS. 8 build house for/ of O. F*al. 99. 5. worship at his/ life. 7. liai.makeenemiei,thy/.W(/r tn whatsoever L./ Mat. a 14. John/ him snvinir. I 3for 9. 38. We/ him, LtjM 5. 4!). 2 Pet i 16. -. f. madness of pruph. FORRABB. I Sam. 71 13. Saul f. to pn forth Jer 41. S M.mael/ :m.i si. w not FORBEAftAM K Aon.2.4. or <1e>.piset ri-he of fclt/.? a 25. remubiou of bum thro 1 _/. FOR FORBEAR, ING. Baitt. 23. 2. f. tn vow it ah. be no sin 1 Ktn. 22. . in. go or/? 2 CAr. 18.5. 8 CAr. 25. 16. / why be smitten ? 3.T.2I. f thee from meddling with G. tfi'h. 9. 30. yet many years didst/. Jo*. 16. 6. tho* I/ what am I eased? PTUV. 21. II. if/ to deliver them y>. IS. by long/ prince persuaded ./<-/. '20. 9. I was weary with/ 40. 4. but if it sfcni ill unto thee f. K.-ek. 2. 5. will hear, or/ 7. | 3. II. 3. 27. that forbeareth, let him/ 24. 17. / to cry, make no mourning ZceA. 11. 12. give my price, if not/ . Cor. 9. 6. power to/ working ? 2 Or. 12. 6. I/ lest any think of me y>A.4. 2./ one an. in love, CoL 3. 13. (>. 9. masters/, threatening 1 Thet. a 1. we could no longer f. 5. FORBID. -Vm. 11. 28. my lord Moses/ them Mark 9. 39. f. him not, Luke 9. 50. 10. 14. 8ufft-r little children and / them not, Luke 18. 16. Luke 6. 29 / not to take coat also Acts 10. 47. can any man/ water 24. 23. / none of hi* acquaintance 1 Cor. 14.39. f. not speak wi. tongues Corf FORBID. Gen. 44. 7. God f. \l.Josh. 22. 29. | 24. 16. 1 Sam. 12. 23. | 14. 45. I 20. 2. Joh 27. 5. Luke 20. 16. .Rom. 3. 4, 6, 31. | 6. 2. 15. I 7. 7, 13. | 9. 14. | 11. I, 11. 1 Cor. 6. 15. Gal. t. 17 I 3. 21. | 6. 14. FORBIDDEN, ETH, ING. Leo. \ 17. commit any of things/ Dent. 4. 23. the likeness of what/ Lit. 23. 2./ to give tribute to Caesar . 19. he will not esteem the/ /;;. IK). 5. / of Gentile* shall come II. may 'firing/ of the Gentiles Jc-r. 40. 7. captains of/ la | 41. II, 13, 16. | 42. I, 8. I 43. 4. 5. Dan. 11. 10. as-emhle a mnlti. ..f/ 3s. shall he honour the God of/ O/KK'. 11. stranger* carried away f. FOfCIHLE ob 6. 2$. how / are right words FORCING. De-d.X.19. by/, an ax against them FOR Pron. 30. 3a/ of wrath bringeth FO R DS. /in. 16. 2. daughters at/ of Arnon FORECAST. Don. 11. 24. shall/ his devices, 25. FOREFATHERS. Jer. 11. 10. turned to iniquities of/ 2 Tim. I. 3. whom I served from/. FOREFRONT. 2 Sam. 11. 15. Uriah in/ of hattle 2 CAr. 20. ?7. Jehoshaphat in the/ 1 OREHEAD. 1 Sam. 17. *9. stone sunk in his/ 2 CAr. 26. 20. Uzziah'leprous in/ ,7r. 3. a thou hast a wh. ire's/ Exek. a 9. as adamant I made thy/ l(>. 12. and I putjewel on thy/ Ren. 14 9. mark of beast in his/ 17. 5. on her/ a name written FOREHEADS. Ezek. 3. 8. strong against their / !. 4. on the/ of them that sigh lien 7. 3. sealed servants of O. in/ 9. 4. have not seal of God in their/. 13. 16. all ti receive a mark In/ 14. 1. his Father's name in their/ 20. 4. nor received his mark on / 22. 4. his name shall be in their/. FOREIGNER, S. Erod. 12 45 a/ not eat thereof Deut 15. 3. of a/ exact it again Ohad. 11. in the day/ entered gates Eah. 2. 19. ye are no more/ FOREKNEW, KNOW. Rom. 8. 29. whom he did/ he also 1 1. 2. not cast away people he /. FOREKNOWLEDGE. Actt 2. 23. delivered by/ of God 1 Pet. 1. 2. elect accord, to/ of God FOREORDAINED. 1 Pet. \. 20. who vt-rilv was/ FOREPART. Actt 27. 41. the / of ship stuck fast FORERUNNER. Heb. 6. 20. whither/ is for us enter. FORESAW. Acts 2. 25. /. Lord always before me FORESEETH, ING. Prov. 22. 3 man/ the evil, 27. 12. Gal 3. 8. the s< ripture f. that God FORK-SKIN, S. Gen. 17. II. circumcise flesh of/ 23. Ejcod. 4. 25. Zippor. cut off/ of son Lew. 12. a flesh of his/, sh. he circu. Deut. 10. 16. circumcise/ of heart Josh. '>. a circumcised at hill of/ 1 Sam. 18. 25. IOO/ of Philistines 27. Dav. brought /and gave them 2 Sam. 3. 14. I espoused for IOO/ Jer. 4. 4. take away the f. of heart Wo6. 2. 16. let thy/ be uncovered FOKEST, S. I Sam. V>.. 5. D. came to/ of Hareth 1 Kin. 7. 2. Solo, built house of/ 2 Kin. 19. 23. 1 will enter into f. of his Carmel, ha. 37. 24. 2 CAr. 27. 4. Joth. built castles in/ PiaL 29. 9. voice of L. discoveretn/ 50. 10. every beast of the/ is mine 104. 20. beast of/ do creep forth ha. 9. la si. kindle in thickets of/ 10. 18. sh. roisuim glory of his / 1 1. rest of trees of his/ be few 34. cut down the thickets of the/ 21. la in/, "f Arabia sh. ye lodge 22. 8. didst look to nrmour of/ 29. 17. field esteemed as a/ 32. 15. 32. 19. hail coming down nf. 44. 14. cypress from atnonir trees off. 23 break forth into Kinging, Of. 56. 9. yea, all ye beasts in the/. Jer. 5. 6. lion out of/ sh slay them 10. a one cntteth a tiee out of/ 12. 8. in) heritage, ai a lion iu/ 177 FOR P5.21.I4. I will kindle a fire In the/ ;. 18. as high places of / A/fc. 3. 14 4(i. 23. they shall cut .town her / Ezek. 15. a vine-tree am. trees of/ 20. 4(1 proph.-cy against/ of south 39. 10. neither cut any out of the/. W.i*. 2. 12. and I will make them a/ Amos 3. 4. will a lion roar in the/ A/ic. 5. 3. as a lion am. beasts of/. ZecA.11.2./ of vintage is come down FORETELL. 2 Cor. la 2. I/ you as if presen FORETOLD. .Var. 13. 23. I hav-/ you all thing* Acts a 24. prophets/ ol these day* FOREWARN, ED. Luke 12. 5. will/ whom ye sh. fear 1 Thei. 4. 6. as we also have/ you FORFEITED. Ezra 10. 8. substance shoul FOR GAT. Gen. 40. 23. Joseph, but/ him Judg.3. 7. children of Israel/ Lord 1 Sam. 12. 9. when they f. the Lord Ps. 78. II. and they/ his works 106. 13. soon/ || 81. /G. their Sav. Lam. 3. 17. peace, If. prosperity Has. 2. 13. after her lovers and/ m FORGAVE, EST. P* 32. 5. / iniquity of my sin 7a 38. he/ their iniquity, and 9!). 8. was a God that/ them Mat. 18. 27. Hiid / him the debt 32. O wicked servant, I/ all Luke 7. 42. he frankly/ them 43. that he to whom he/ most 2 Cor. 2. 10. if I / any thing, for your sakes/ I it Col. 3. la as Christ/ you, so do ye FORGED. Ptal. 119. 69. the proud have/ a lie FORGE US. Job 13. 4. ye are/ uf lies, physician* FORGET. Gen. 27. 45. till thy brother/ that 41. 51. God made me/ all my toil Deut. 4. 9. / things eyes have seen 23. lest ye/ covenant of Lord 31. Lord will not/ the covenant 6. 12. beware lest/ L. 8. 11. 14, IB. 9. 7. / not how provoked*! Lord 25 19. blot out Ainalek, not/ it 1 Sam. 1. II. if not/ handmaid 2 Kin. 17. 3R covenant ye shall not/. Job 8. ia so paths of all that/ God 9. 27. I will/ my complaint 11. 16. thou shalt/ thy misery 24. 20. the womb shall/ him Psal. 9. 17. all nations that/ God 10. 12. O Lord/ not the humble 13. I. how long wilt thou/ me ? 45. 10. / thine own people, and 50. 22. consider this, ye that/ G. 59 II. slay not, lest my people/. 74. 19. /. not rongrega. of thy poor 2:1 / not voice of thine enemies 7a 7. might not/ works of God 102. 4. so that 1 / to eat my bread I0a 2 /not all his benefits 119. 16. 1 will not/ thy word 8a do I not/ statutes, 109, 141. 9a I will-never/ thy preirepti 153. deliver for * do not/ thy law 176. for I not/ thy commandm. 137. 5. if If. thee, 6 Jerusalem, let right hand/ running Prop, a 1. my >n/ nut my law 4. 5. get widom,/ it not 31. 5. lest they drink, and/ Inw 7. let him ilrink and/ his poverty Isa. 49. 15. can a woman/ child ? 54. 4. shalt/ shame of thy youth 65. 11. that/ my holy mountain Jer. 2. 32. maid/ her oruiuimuU ? la FOR Midi -n 4*M87 I w, ' w< 'k' HA & in er run J..4 *. li r f.t may rrush them /'a/ 9 I* / ! cry f the hum Me why f IK. ni ,.ur *mVti,,n T ^rm t 17. f eo.enant of her Ood /M 41. IX "< ' I. or I thy maker /A S. 11 / tlwwe thine, behind Jam*- L KW/ what manner of FOKUIVR ! I Xm fS. A I prav r tke tretpass 1 JCM.&10 hert/. Ckr. &*I. M. hew and f. the tin of l.rael M / of thy er. CAr ft g& an / thy people that have sinned t Ckr. 7. II. then will I hew and/ ^. A IS pain, and f all my MM ML 4 L art cd and ready to/ /ML t 9. mean howetb, therefore/ f n.K their Iniquity ' 91. 91 for I will/ their iniquity 31 S I may/, their Iniquity and *. . 19 O I...- I h.- ,r. Lord/ Amo* T. f I u4./ I heneerh tl.ee MaL . It/ u. a. we/ J.ulst II. 4. li If ye/ men their tre*paMa IV If ye/ nut, neither will your 9. S. hath power on earth to/ in, /.ir*2. in /.M*4 24. 18 ffl. hw ..fr .in, and !/ himf 9*. M ye from your heart./ not Vri 17. wh ran/ ili, ZmtVtt. II. A. stead prving./ that y.mr JIV If not/ your Father will nut f. Lmkf rV ./ ye .hall be forgiven IT. 1 thy Brother repent,/ him, 4. 0. .U. Father/, them, they know S Ctf 1 7. ye ought rather to/ and Itt to whom ye/ any, I/ alto IS. II In y"i. f me thii wrong 1 -* I. 9. faithful t f iu our slot FORfJlVEN. tm. 4. Itt It hall he/ them. Ml 31. *v I 4. in. ix I*, is. : ft 7. | IB. a fciwi.iA.Yi.iW.ya Dmtti.& VIM. 14. 19 prd..n. a./ from R A. A I. wh~e irans. &/ AOM 4.7. W 1 ba.1/ Iniquity f fhy people / SI J4. pe..pir b f their inTq.iit, Vt9t tin. b./ tWr.4. Var*/ 4. 9 /.u* i , a | 7 48 It. SI. all -in - / l,,it avainat H.O 9t Hark a . /.tU l. 10 Ifar*. 4 I? ln -hnuid he/ them A & 17. (arrive and / >h b/ >er rfn which .r many ar* / to whom little U f \ ft tfcMwbt of b~H m.y be/ 4 : f - - , . ... . . ,~ mnt ^ TIMIT si SB are V fonoiVF.TH. l\0. - 7 f uoq.iltv, .Vm 14. la 3 ^ ^ sit) thiit4* tiiiquitift 4ft wh . Iki./.ln. alMi* k*t/ "-4113. Fon;n ere b/ with the* FOR i to the U our O. belong/ V.ir3flL !'./ but in dn. i.f hell five/ II 9& thro' him i- pn-iu-heH /! lins 9A, 18. they may receive/ of -in *. L 7. e have/ ,.f -iiii, tW.1.14. t * Of*. 41. JO. all the plenty hall be/ tful Ki 19. and ha>t/ a oheaf in tt II neither have [/ thrra II. VI. thlt in -hall not be/ t.> I. / (i>Mj that forineil thee U la 14. my f.m Hir frien.U/ me O. 4. rvrn waten/ of thi- foot Ptal 9. 18 needy not ulway he/ la II. aald In heart. God hath/ 91. 12. I am/ at 4 dead man out of 4t ft Miy my rock, why hnt/ me? 44. 17. yet have we not/ thee JO. if we hate/ name of our Ood 77. ft hath Oot f mi- //. 4. 6. teeing thou hast f. law a 14 Israel hath/ hi. Maker 13. R theref'H-e have they/ me Vnt Ifi 4. had/ bread. WtWt 14. .u*e K. ft. not 'one of th>-m is/ W*. 11. A. ye have/ exhortation 8 Pet I. ft/, that he was purged FORKS. I .Sam, IX SI. they had a file for/ FORM. Gen. I. 1. the earth wan without/ 1 Sam. 3& 14. what form i* he off 2 Sam. 14. 20 thin/ ..f p.-e.-h J0A 4. 10. I could not di.r.Tii the/ /o. to. 14 hi-/ morr than sons 41 2. he hath no/ nor romelinett ar. 4. 2& lo, It wan without/ Ezelc. la 8 appeared /! of a hand 43 II. shew them/ of the hoii.e Dan. 3. 19. / of visage was changed 2.V / of fourth like Son of God 'irt Ifi. 12. he aMpeAred In ami./. m/ out of the .-lay /'/. 9" if. or ever hiulst/ earth M 9 / 'he ^y.., .hall he not see ? '> S. Us kand r :',e dry laid 178 FOR Prnr. W. U great Ood that/ ah /*a. <7. II. j them shew nu favour 43. I. saith he that/, thee, O Israe 7. I have/ him, yt-a, made hiu< 10. before me wna no god ' 21. this people tiHVe I/ f,,r ,nyel/ 44. 2. and/ thee from the w-,mb 10. who hath/ H god or imuge 81. art my srtantn, I have/ tl:e 24. thus >aith he that/ thee 44. l& God that/ earth, h.-/ it 49. A that/ mi' to he his >> ;mt 54. 17. no weapon/ ai.-uiii*t Iliee Jer. 1.4. be/l e I/ thee in helly XL i the Lord th U/ it to . >t;ih. Anna 7. I. behold, he/ |raMoMrtt Rom. 9. ?tt thing/ ay to him/, it Go/. 4. 19. till Christ he/ in >.;.i I Tim. 2. 11 Adam first/ tl:e:i fcv FORMKH. 1 Sam, 17. 30. aiiRW. alter/ manner 2 A'in. 17. 34 do after/ manner, 4a Jt>b aa inquire, I pray, of the/, age 3U a wililerue.s in/ time wa.te /*. 79. a O remem. not/ iniquities 89. 40. where/ lovin* fcUtdoeaart f EccL I. 11. DII rern.'inh. of/ things 7. 10. that/ day. were hrttr /. 41. &. shew/ thing*. 43. . 42. 9. / tliincK are mine to p.i-s 43. ,8. remi-mhi r ye not/ things 4fl 9. remembiT/ things of old 4R a 1 have declared/ Hunt's Cl. 4. shall rai.e up/ ile-nlailon fi5. 7. mea.ure/. work, into rm.oin IS. becauiie f. troubles are forgot 17. the f. dial; not he remeuihercd Jer. 5. 24. giveth f and latter r;,in in his iieason, HI*. 6. 3. Joe* i. ~ii 10. l&heis/ of all thiig... :,l. IU. 31. -V the/ kings hefre Hire 3fi. 2a write in it all the/ wonl fzek. 16. 44. sisters retu. to /. e.-tat* P<;. II. '.1). shall not he as the/ Hag. 2. P. greater than of/ hm'i.e /a .Vu/. a 4. pleasant a- MI/ \i-ars Ail* 1. I./ treati.e have I'lna.le Eph. 4. 22. conci-rning / < ver.a, I Pet. 1 14. not according to/ lutt Ret. 21. 4. /things .ire p. tmn "imin / Judel. giving themi>elve over to/. Am. 2. 21. space to repent of her/ 9. 21. nor repented they of lli--n/. 14. a wine of wrath of her/ is. i 17. 2. drunk with wine of hci /. 4. cnp full of filthineKS of \\erf. 19. 2, corrupt earth with her/ FORNICATIONS. ar*. 16 14. pouredstoiit thy/ Jfttt 15. 19. proceed./. .V.i/* 7. S\ 5ra COMMIT, ( OMMITIKD. KORNICAl OH, s. I Car. 5. 9. not to company w'.i h / 10. not altojjvti.er vi./. of w,ild FOR 1 Cor. V 11. called a brother hp a f. fi ft. nor shall/ inherit kingdom Heb. 12. 16. lest there be any/ or FORSAKE. Di-nt 31. 16. this people will/ me 17 in that day I will/ them Jo**. 24 16. God forbid wesh./ L. . If ye f. the Lord, and serve Jiir/f. 9 II'. should If. ray sweetness 2 Am. 21. 14. I will/ remnant 1 CAr. 28. 9. if thou/ him, he will 2 Chrnn. 7. 19. if ye/ mv statutes 15. 2. if ye/ him he will/ you .Ezra R 22. wrath aga, them/ him P.iaf. 27. 10. father and mother/ 37. a cease from anger./ wrath S9. 30. if his children/ my law 94. 14. nor will he/ his inheritance 119 53. because wiked/ thy law Prnr. 3. A let not mercy and truth/ 9 6. /the foolish, and live 2H. 4. thrft/ law, praise wicked Iia. I. 28. that/. L. sh. hp consumed 55. 7. let the wicked/, his way 65. II. ye are they that/ the Lord Jer. 17. 13 / Lord shall oe ashamed 2a 33. I will even/ you, 39. 51. 9./ Hahylon, and let us go Lam. ft. 20. why dost/ us so lung Dan. II. 30. that/ holy covenant Jonah 2. 8 f. their own mercy Acts 21. 21. teachegt to/ Moses FoRSAKEnot Dntt. 12. 19. take heed/ n. Levite Job 'X> IA tho' sp'ire it, and/ it n. P*. 3a 21. / me not, O L. 71. 9, 18. 119. 8. Of. me not utterly 138. a/ n. works of thine hands Prov I. 8. f. n. law of mother, 6. 80. 4. 2. doctrine,/ yon not my law 6. / her nut, she sh. preserve thee 27. 10. and father's friend/ not AW FORSAKE. [28.20. Dntt. 4. 31. n f. thee, 31. 6, 8. 1 CAr. 14. 27. thou shall notf. Levite Jo>h. 1. ft. nor/ thee, Heb. 13. 5. I Sd>. 12. 22. n. / his peo. 1 Aj'n.6.13. 1 A'j'n. 8 57. let him nut f. us AVA. 9. 31. thou didst notf. them 10. xg.nntf. the house of our God Ps. 27. 9. neither/ me, O God Isa. 41. 17. I will not/them 42. 16. will I do, and notf. them Ezek. 20. 9. nor did f. idols t.f Egypt FORSAKEN. 2 CAr. 21. 10. he had/ L.24.24. | 28.6 A*' A. 13 II. why is house of God/? Job la 4 shall earth he/ for thee ? Psal. 37. 25. not seen the righteous/ Iia. 7. 16. land be/ of both kings 17. 2. the cities of Aroer are/ 9. shall he as a/ bough 27. 10. the habit-lion shall be/ 32. It. because palaces shall be/ 54. 6. called thee as a woman/ fiv;. 4. shnlt no more be termed/ Jer. 4. 29. every city shall be f. 18. 14. waters from another pi. he/? Ezek. 36 4. saitti Lord to cities/ Amos 5. 2 the virgin of Israel is/ Zei,h. 2. 4. Gaza be/ and Ashkelon Hure, hast, huth FORSA K UN. Deut. 28. 20. doings, whereby/ me 29. 2ft. because f Lord. Jiuig. 10. 10. Judg.fi. 13 now Lord hathf. us It. 13. yet ye hare f. me, and 1 Sam. 8. 8. works wherewith/ me 12 10. sinned, because we A. / L. 1 A'm. II. 3:1 because they A / me 18 IR ye A./ commandments of L. !9. 10. Israel A. / thy covenant, 14. 8 A'in. 22 17. because they A./ me, 2 Chf. 34. 25 Jer. 16. II. [19. 4. I Chr. 12. 5, ye havef. roe, and I FOR 2 Chr. 13 11. hut ye hare f. him 24. 20. ye haref L. h- hathf. you 89. 6. our fathers have f. him Ezra 9. 10. we A./ thy command. Job 20. 19. because he hathf poor /W 22. I. my God, why haft thou /me? Mat. 27. 4fi. >/d huth f. him Isa. 1. 4. they Artre/ the 'Lord 54. 7 for a moment have 1 / thee Jer. I. 16. who haref. me [49. 14. 2. 13. A./ me, fountain of waters, 17. In that thou hast f. Lord, 19. 5. 7. thy children haref. me 19. answ?r. like as > have f. me 9. 13. because they httrref. my law 19. com minded beca. we A./ laid 12. 7 I hare), my house, I have 15. fi. thou hast f. me, saith Lord 17. 13. A. / fountain of living waters 22 9 they A. f. covenant of God 25. 38. hathf. his covert as the lion Ezrlc. 8. 12. Lord hathf. earth, 9. 9. Mat. 19. 27. we hare f. all 29. every one that hathf. houses 2 Tim. 4. 10. IVmas hathf me 2 Pet. -i. 15. which h. f. right way AW FORSAKEN. 2 Ihr. 13. 10. the Lord is our God, we have notf. him Ezra 9. 9. notf. us in our bondage Psal. 9. 10. hastn. / them seek thee Iia. 62. 12. he called a city notf. Jer. 51. 5. for Israel hath n. been/ 2 Cor. 4. 9. persecuted, hut notf. FORSAKETH, ING. Job 6. 14 he/, fear of Almighty Ptal. 37. 28. Lord/ not his saints Prov. 2. 17 / guide "f her vouth 15. 10. grievous to him that f. way 28. 13. whoso confesseth and/ Iia. 6. 12. until tliere be a great/ Luke 14. 33. whoso f. not all listh Heb. 10. 25. not/ the assembling FORSOOK, EST. Deut. 32. 15. / God that made him Jutig. 2. 12. they/ Lord, 13. | 10. 6. I .Sam. 31. 7. / cities. I Chr. 10. 7. 1 A'm. 9. 9. because/ Lord thrfr G. 12. 8. but Rehohoam/ the counsel of old men, 13. 2 Chr. 10. 8. 13. 2 Kin. 21. 22. Amoii/ G. of fathers 1 Chr. 7. 22. they/ God of fathers 12. 1. Rehohoam/ law of Lord ffeh. 9. 17. slow to anger,/ them not 19. / them not in the wilderness Psal 7R. 60 he/ tabernacle of Shlloh 119. 87. but I/ not thy precepts Isa, 58. 2. / not ordinance of God Jer. 14. 5. hind calved, and/ it Mat 26. 56. disc./ him. Mark 14. 50. Mark 1. 18. they/ their nets Lukt 5. II. / all, and followed him 2 Tim. 4. Hi. all men/ me Heb. 11. 27. by faith Moses/ Egypt FORSWEAR. Mat. 5. 3a thou shalt not/, thyself FORT, S. ' 2 Sam. 5. 9. so David dwelt in the/ i Kin. 25. 1. build / aga Jer. Jer.W.4. Iia. 25. 12. / of walls sh. bring down 29 a I will raise/ against thee 32. 14. the/ be for dens for ever Ezek. 4. 2. a/ against it, 21.22. | 26.8. 17. 17 building/ to cut off many '.'I. 22. W8* divination to build a/ 26. 8. he shall make a/, aira. thee 31 27. and they in the/, shall die Uan. 11. 19. toward/ ofoxvn land FORTH. Pial. 113. 2. blessed be Lord, from this time/ 115. 1& | 121. 8. Jer. 49. 5. be driven out right/ Mat, 16. 21. that time/ began Jesus 170 FOU Mat. 22. W. fr. that day/ a.k $u. John 11. 5a that day/ took.. uiiOl FORTH WITH. Mat. la 5. and/ Ihey sprung up Mark I. 43. and/ >ent him ;.wny J"h, t 19. 34. / came out blood mid Act* 12. 10. and/ the aniiel drmirt. FORTY. Act* 23. la more than forty mad thi-. con>pir'acy, 21. ' Deut. 25. 3. / *. he may 4fie him 2 Cor. 11. 'J4. of the Jews 1 rece /. y F.rod. 16. 35. manna/ . AVA 9. 8|. A'am. 14. 33. wander /j, 32. 1.1 34. yt *h. bear your iniquities L Dml g, 7. thy walking these/ 17 8. 2. way God led thee/ y. -,9/5. 7ojrA. 5. 6. Is. walked/ y. in wilder. 14. l.f.y. old was I when Mosea Jtidg. 3. II. had rest/ y. 5.31. I 8.29L 13. 1. Israel into li.md' of 1'hil./ u 2 Saw. 15. 7. after/ y. Absalom said /** 95. 10. / y. long was 1 grieved Ezek. 29. 11. nr be inhabited f. y. 13. end of/ i/. will gather tfgypt /f TOO* 2. 10. I led you/ y. in Bildur. 5. 25. sacrifii-es/yeor*, Actt 7. 42. Acts 4. 22. man was above/, y. old 7. 23. Moses/ ^. old visited breth. 36. wonders in wilderness/ y. 13. 18. f.y. suffered he their m'unn.- 21. gave Saul by space of/ yean Heb. 3. 9. fathers saw my works f.y. 17. with whom grieved/, yetirtf FORTY, two. 2 Kin. 2. 24. bears tare/.t?/-o child, Rev 11. 2. tread f.-two months 13. 5. to continue/-f the f. 16. 19. O Lord, my/ in affliction Dan. 11. 7. / of king ef the north 10. be stirred up even to his/ Hot. 10. 14. all thy/ hall be spoiled .I nun 5. 9. spoiled shall come apa. A/ic. 7. 12. he sh. come to thee fr. *. FORWARD, NESS. Jer. 7 24. and they went not/ Zech. I. 1ft. helped/ the affliction !i Cor. 8. 8. by occasion off. of o!lit>. 10. also to be/ a year ago 17. more/, of his own accord 9. 2. I know the/ of your mind Gal. 2. 10. same 1 aUo was/ to do 3 John 6. if bring/ on journey See That DAY. Go. SET, Wr.vr FOUGHT. Jnnh. 10. 14, Lord/ for Is. 42. 123.1 Judg. 1. ft./ against Adoni-heiek a Judh had/ against Jf nxsalem 19. kings/ kings i.f Canaan 20. they/ from heaven, tarJL FOU JMrJt 17 my f.ther/ for you, I f with Ahimelech It. Oitoad f with Kphr.iro t S*m 4. HI PhtlM./ I CArm. 10. I. MM)/ an all hit enemies 19 1 David/ Ph.l.s-Joe.. tt S t Sosm. 1 . sxw / they any aasra 1 Syrian./ a D I fAr !' 17 t CAr. l av L."/ ag.emesBte- of Isr. rW. I OB. 3. f. ag BM> wilhoat a cau-e /.'. Tarta-/ against Asbdod 63. ML btiMWeiwsay/ M then i I. pewple r .. Jerusalem.? JUdL 14. 1 as/ (a th- day of battle II U (saitr them/ aga Jrrusal. I Cr. IV 31 I have/ with beasts S TIBS. 4 7. I h.ve < a gwd *ht JUlV, II 7. Michael/ against dragon FOl/U JM !. !. my fare to/ wL weeping Mt 1C. 3 II will br/ weather J*r* ft t. b refcuked IMe/ .ptrit Us*. II 1 Bb b- ot er J- spirit FOl'L. t !>. KD>f XM*. 34. II ye mo.t/ the rrsUiM M.1 watrrs.and r their nvert >4. Ift Uey drink what ye have/ UDCkfaoueM in her ML la be/ him la a desert land /*. 1 n pursuer*/ them not J*4f 14 IH. ye had not/ out riddle tl. 11 tbey/ fmir hundred virgin- 1 teas. 9. 4. but they/ not the asse* II. tbey/ saaid-us going ls> draw 11 V B.H/ ought in my hand H : no sword/, in hand of people IS. M. evil not been/ with the* IB. J. I have f. no fault in him 30, II. r an Ccyptiaa in the field II. I/ Saul and three sons fallen FOU 7. S7 / m hi* heart to pray UU prayrr. I Car. if SA 1 fm. 7. 47. nor wn K hi of t.raM/ II. & AhM4h/ Jrr.rf>...m in way \t. 9t. ttrf bu rrra>r r .t in wmy II 10 took an -ta/ thrr not M 31 a IMM/ bin and ilrw hint I. JO. / m* wiirw rormy f I have t Kin. i 17. EliJh. but/ him not ft * ' ao TO.M-C at hrr than ikull * ft I / law in bouw at thr Lord & II t.* dity mm/ in rity I rr. 4 40 tbr T / fat pa.f.rr and f Ckr. |ft 1 ( .HM| thliif* / In thrr K*- 1 1 tkry / nnthm* tit aiuwrr not Jrr. t. 5. wtmt iniqu flh./ in me f 3k in thy tklrt* i*/ the blond of 5 SK am. my people are/ wirkrd 15. Ifi. word./ and 1 did eat them SI II. in my houae/ wirkrdne-a 41. 1 ten/ that iid, ilay us oot JO. 7. all that/ them devour, them t^M. 2. l& thi* is day wp hare/ Krelt. . 3U. for a man, I / nune Da. S. IX. rx. 45. fin. snurhtwitn./ none, .Vur. 14.55. 27. 32. they/ a man uf Cyrene JTor* I. 37. when they had/ biro 7. X. eat with defiled hands,/ fault 30. the/ the devil (one out 11. 4./ rolt tied by dour without Luke i 18. / bane lying in a manger 4i. after 3 day./ not h.Kly of the L. rd Jean* O. when they/ not his body STl/ the eleven gathered together JoAn I. 41. we have/ Mesniaa, 45. 2. 14. Jesns/. in tbe temple those for* 5. 10. cmine in. and/ her dead 22 officer*/ them not in prton 7. II. our fathers/ no sustenance !i 2. that if he/ any of this way 10. <7. Peter /m*ny come together 12. 19. wh.-n Herod/ not Peter 13. 6. they/ a certain sorcerer W. I have/ David, a man after 17. 23. I/ altar with 'norription 24 &./ this mnn a p-Milerit fellow (0 if they/ any e-il doing in me i. . I/ nothing w..rthv of death 14. Futeoli. ,,ere He/ l.relh. now 4. I what Abraham hth/ 7. 10. tn life I/ to h.. unto deiith I Cor. li IV wmre/ false witness. V Cor. i. 13. Krraur I / not I itus ('at it 17. we al> are/ sinners fkiL 1 & /. in fabiua as a man 180 FOU 1 TVs* 3. 10 being/ blnmelca* 1 Tin. I. 17. Oneiphorus/ m* Hrl: VI. 17. he/ no plait> of repent 1 PH. I. 7. your f*ith l.e f. to priwM 2 JaJm 4. I. / of thv < hildren walk. A'rr. X. X. and has found them liars 3. *. not/ thy work* perfect 12. a nor their pli-e/ in henven 16. XO. mountains were nut/ J* FOUND. Gen. l& 29. peradveiiture br f.irty /: fjod.^1. 16. Htealeth a man, if he iff. 2i i if thief te/ breaking up 7. 4. if the theft ff i rrtaii.lv/ in his I 5am. 10. XI. Saul could not be f. X 5am. 17. 12. come on him \vfu-re be shall bef. 1 A'in. 1. 52. if wickedn. bef. in him 1 CAr. i*3. 9. st-ek him, h<* will be f. of thee, X CAr. 15. 2, Job 20. a nh. fly away and not Iff. iU. II where shall windum fcc/? PiaL 3X. (i pray when n:ayrt be f. X X. till his Hiiqnityfc/ hatelul 37. 36. but he could not be f. Pror. 6. 31. if he bef. he -h restore la 31. if it bef. in way of right to. 30 6. ad ihou iff a liar la and thou be f. guilty ha. 30. 14. shall not bef. a sherd 35. 9. lion, nor any bea>t Ac/ there M. 3. joy and gl.idneos be f. therein ''.'). 6. seek Lord while he may Iff. Jer. 29.14.1 will brf. of you, sa'ith L M. XO. i>iim of Judah shall not kef. Etek. 26. XI. shall never bef. again Don. 11. 19 lie shall fall and not bef. IX. I. every one that lit f. writteu Ho*. 10 I', shall they bef. faulty /.//A. a la nor de< fitful tongue >/ ZcA. Id. 10. place not It f. tor thein Act* 5. 39. lest *t also/ ^. 1 T la if 1 have/, y. 34 9. Judg C I,. 1 Su,. XT. 5. 16. how known that I have/ f.? .VUOT. 32, 5. if we have/ gract I Sam. Xtt a thy father ki.ow. I / g. Jer. 31. 2 people/ g. in wilderness // FOUJJI'. Gen. 44. 10. he with whom cup it f. 1 A'in. M. 13. it f. some good thing 2 Kin. XX la this book that M/ rra 4. 19. il i* /. rity been rebel. Job 19. 2& root of the matter it f. Proe. 10. 13. in the lips wUrion. iif. Ita. 13. 15. that >>/ be thrin-t thn>' 65. a as new wine it f. n cluster Jt-r X. Wi. H the thiel wh.-n he it f. 34. u/ the blood of inno. mi- ll P. aconpirM<-yu>/ i.monr Jndah Dan. 5. 14 exrellenl wUdomu/ 12. //(M. U. a from me it thy fruit /. 'ikr 15. X4. son was liu>tand u/ 3X. Cor. 7. 14. our hoatingu/ atruta Gen. 44. IX. i up tr / in Bent, sack 1 Sam.la2X. with Saul arvdjoo. u- f. 2 (l,r. IV 4. he ,r,uf of I Item, U. '-~a 0. 2. tuert uai/ Kt Ach. a roll FOU KceL 9. 15. ic. f. in it poor wise man Jer. VS. 27. teas he/ among thieves? zek.28.\5. till iniquity w.f. in thee Dan. 1. 19. none waif, like Daniel 2. 35. no place Wtuf. for them 5. 1 1. wi.dom of gods w. / in him 6. 24 innoeeiicy wasf. in me J/o<. I. 18. >./ with ihild of H. 0. Luke 9. 36. Jrsus waif, alone .rfete 8 40. Philip not/ at Azotns B(>. 10. 20. 1 XM/ of them that 1 Pet. 2. 22. nor ?. guile/ in mouth Rm. 5. 4. was j. worthy to open 14. 5. in their mouth wtuf. no guile 18. 2*. in her w.f. hlood of prophets 20. 11. waxf. no place for them Wainot FOUND. Mai. 2. 6. iniquity w. n. f. in his lips Heb. 11.5. Rnoch wot not f. because Kea. at. 15. whoso w. n,f. written FOUNDATION, Ex. 9. 18. not been in Egypt since/! Josh. 6. 26. lay/ in his first-born 1 Kin. 5. 17. hewn stones to lay 6. 37. in fourth year was/ laid 7. 9. of rosily stones from the/ 16. 34. laid/ of Jericho in first-born 2 Cfir. a 16. work pr.-pr. today of/ 31. 7. began to lay/ of the heaps zra3. 10. when builders laid/ 12. 5. 16. Sheshhazzar laid the/ Job 4. 19. whose f. is in the dust 22. 16. / overflown with a flood PscJ.Sl.}. his/ is in holy mountains 102. 25. of old thou hast laid/ 137. 7. rasp it, rase it, ven to/ Pror. 10. 25. righteous is everlast./. ha. 2H. 16. I lay in Zion for a/ a 44. 28. thy /shall be laid 48. 13. my hand laid/ of the earth *rk. 13. 14. /thereof be discovered Hdtt. 3. 13. by discovering/ to neck Hag. 2. 18. from day the/ was laid Zech. 4. 9. Zerubbabel hath laid/ 8. 9. prophets when the/ was laid 12. 1. which layeth/ of the earth l.vJce 6. 48. laid the/ on a rock 49. without a/ built an house 14. 29. lest after he hath laid the/ Rom. 15.20. lest build on ano. main's/ 1 Cor. 3. 10. wise master.build. laid/ 11. for other/ can no man lay 12. if any build on this/ gold Eph. 2. 20. on/ of the prophets 1 Tim. 6 19. laying up a good/. 2 Tim. 2. 19. / of G. standeth sure Heb. 1. 10. hast laid/ of the earth 6. 1. not laying f. of repentance Rev. 21. 19. the first/jasper FO U N 7 D A T 1 N of the world. Mat. 13. 35. kept secret from/ ofw. 25. 34. kingdom prepared fr./ ofw. I.i.'te 1 1. 50. blood shed from / ofw. John 17. 24. lovedst me befo. f. of. w. Eph. 1. 4. chosen us before/ ofw. Heb. 4. 3. works finished fr./ ofw. 9. 26. have oft suffer, since/ ofw. 1 Pet. 1. '20. foreordained t>efo./oftc. .flee. 13. 8. Lamb slain from f.ofw. 17. 8. names not written fr. fc ofw. FOUNDATIONS. Dent. 32. 22. set on fire/ of mount. 2 Sam. 22. 8 / of heaven moved "16. / were discovered, Pi. 18.7,15. Ksra 4 .2. and joined the/ 6. 3. let the/ be strongly laid J0638. 4. when I laid/ of earth ? 6. whereupon are the/ fastened P*of. II. 3. if/ be destroyed, what 82. 5. all the/ are out of course 104. 6. who laid/ of the earth Pro*. 8. 89. appointed/ of enrth Ita. 16. 7. for/, of Kir.bareseih 24. la the/ of the eaith do shake FOU Ita. 40. 21 . not understood fr. the/. 51. 13. Lord that laid/ of earth 16. tliat I may lay /of the' earth 54. II. lay thy/ with sapphires 58. 12. raise up/ of many genera. Jer. 31. 37. if/ can be searched 50. 15. her/ are fallen 51. 2ft not take of thee stone for/ Lam. 4. 11. it hath devoured the/ Sxt'k. 30. 4. Egypt's/ broken down 41. 8. the/ of the side chambers Mic. 1. 6. I will discover/ thereof 6 2. hear, ye strong/ of the earth Acts 16. 2ft/ of prison were shaken Heb. 11. 10. for a rity that hath/ Ren. 21. 14. walls of city had 12/ 19. / garnished with precL stones FOUNDED. Psal. 24. 2. he hath/ it on the seas 89. U. fulness thereof thou/ them 104. a to place thou/ for them 119. 152. testimonies, hast/ them Pror. 3. 19. by wisdom hath/ earth Lin 14. 32. that the L. hath/ Zion 23. 13. peo. was not till Assyrian/ it Amo 9. 6. / his troop in the earth Mat. 7. 25. it fell not,/ on a rock Luke 6. 48. it was/ on a rock FOUNDER. Judg. 17. 4. gave them to the/ Jer. ft 29. the/ melteth in vain 10. 9. work of the hands of the/ 14./. confound, by graven im. 51.17. FOUNTAIN. Gen. 16. 7. found Hagar by a/ Lev. 1 1. 36. a/ wherein is water 20. 18. he discovered her/ the/ Deut. 33. 28. / of Jacob be on a land Ps. 36. 9. with thee is the/ of life . 4. much peo. who stopt/ Prov. 5. 1ft let thy/, be dispersed 8. 24. no/ abounding with water 28. when he strength. / of deep Isa. 41. 18. 1 will open/ in valleys Has. 13 15. his/ shall be dried up Ken. 7. 17. lead them to living/ 8. 10. star fell on the/ of waters 14. 7. worship him made the/ 1ft 4. angel poured his vial on/ FOUR. Gen. 2. 10. river became/ heads 14. 9. four kings joined hat. with five 47. 24. / parts be own, for seed Exod 22. 1. shall restore/ sheep Lev. II 20. fowls going on all/ 27. go on all / unclean, 42. t/oA42. 16. son's sons, even/ genera. t Prop. 30. IS./ gay not, it is enough I 18. be/ things which 1 know not { 21. be/ things little on enrth 81 POW r C O H B and fire. Josh. 14. 10. I am this day/ andfat FOURTEEN. Gen. 31. 41. served/ years for dan. Mat. 1. 17. fp'tn David to currying away/ to Christ/ generation 2 Cor. 12. 2. man above f. years ago Gal. 2. I./ vars after I went up FOURTEENTH. Act*yi. 27. when/, night was ?om Sw DAY. FOURTH. Gen. 15. 16. iff gen. come )..ther Exod. 20. 5. iniquity to/ generation, 34. 7. JVi.'l4. 18. Unit. 5. ft A. 19. 24. in/ year fruit holy > Kin. 10. 30. child, of/ gene."l!i.!2. !>inlor. OTWT . t praUe the Lord f hravros at ted .nler it h. dwell all/ & 17. *pek ' '-red/ 44. 31. not rat t-tn / f Veatt DM. 7. . n bar* f.Mtr winf oft/ KO I 6-a M take */. alao by**M IV II. whea /r*isji l.~ \ u if II II thre >itf Mo ,1! < thy fl-sh In Ik*/ 46. nlMSMM faheW/: ft Ml, M. 1 1 XI. *4. is r were *<* for me ' Mather**. Ml IhM ^.f V II lkaw all th*/ of the 74 ft. rmr a portion for/ rMt t 1* Uk tb^/ ihr Httl//. /.a. & Id tar f wlk upon Zion K* Kl 4 Oiy pro|>k<* arv likr /! M.I & * f ka*> h..l, |,u4r 9 & /.whr II .' r<> i-il Ui4l f I nut > 9 17 J^.fi. u U * a Ml aw oMiiy hwk. t. of /: JJ^m . IK. |rath*r ap u*/ main / . jt m 1 m*jr k. kow/ I am nun* ' /i If* II W kwxrrtk ov/ he /rk 40 r an Ikr/ ./ nt. FRAME. Kl> JWr. li "/ to pmooaarr U ^t JO l4 (Kir l..i,u, ^ rt,,,, t t>( *l irhtrk / iwh.f f ky a lav /.!./ uy to hiii that / it r J-- it II I/ 'i MB yoa 4 wt/1 *!/ t" lu.nl.. Ood t'* 1 l. i" wli.m lh hai.diu/ f II \ S K I \ ( f . V > F trU. Ju ii. lalw .pi. r mth par/ FRE trr.ll. put f. Ml. I S7 Vuw.S 1 Ifi prirt burn oil with/ 6. li. 1 C*r . . app-itniiHi t'oMf. 10 7. his mouth i full of/ Jam. \ 4. hirr krpt berk by/ crtcth FKAY. oo mm h. / thrm away Jer. 7. ZcA. I. SI. but the** an> come to/ FRECKLED. Lte. IS. U. It U a/ >put jrowrth FH'KK. CjW. ay, I will not g,< out/. II. ike rn out/ without money l l.'t him */. for hiii ryr' sake /.IT. IK 20. not put to cvath, not/ .Vwa. 1 19, br /. fnMn tMttrr watw If woman not drfilrd, he/ Ontt IS la not h..rd u hen lendrit/ . 4. t hall he/ at home one year I \ of m..ny 0/T-nres 18 the/ gift raioe upon all men C. la being made/ from Kin, " M. ye were/ from right- oniiieM 7. a hu>haii<{ be dead, olie i- / 8. V Ire made me/ from death Cor. 7. tl. if innyet be made/ 9 I. not an *po*ile, am I not/? 19. tbo' I be/ from nil men, yet II la by one Spirit noiid or/ at 3. ffmngi every morn. Amoi 4. 4. puoliiih \b--f.-offrrinft FREQUENJ. 2 Cor. II. 23. in prixm- more/ in KKEE..r.//..^-r.ne. ). 8 21. a/.ir-o/ shall he pnrfert /)/. aa i./.ir.(}r f h i iitthoii keep Ezra 3. 4. wfllingU offered /.>r... 7. 1C. silver '-anst find with/.w FKEK.tnA./er>nin. tt. Ii 6. thither i.fmi/ f.,r..,,frr. ftaL 119. IOH. accept t\iff.tr.-r,/Kr. FR EH. WOMAN. (ial. 4. 88. had two sons, by a/ ifa but he of/ was by promise 31. nufe-hiid. ot hond-woiimii, of f. AFRESH. EH. um. II. a tate of manna as/ oil Jut 89. 20. my glory wan/ in me 33. 85. his flesh bn/" than a child's /"//. 92. 10. he anointed with/ oil Jam. 3. 18. yield salt water and/ FRET. J>r. la 54. burn it in fire, it is/ FRET, TED. El H, INU. . la 51. U a/ leprosy. 14. 44. 1 Sam. I fi. to make her"/. :/. 37. I./ not. 7. a frot. 84. 19. /Vur. 19. 3. hi heart/ airninst Lord l*a. a 81. when hungry th.-y shall/ *fc. 16 4ahat f. me in these tl.fi.jrs FRIEND. .rrxt Sa 1 1. f i. spake n* man to his /I Drut. la 8. or if thy/ entire thee Judg. 14. 20. M-honi he used H* his/ 8 Sum. 13. 3. Amn n had a/ Jnnad. IV 37. Hushai David's/ 16. 16 Ifi. 7. is this thy kindness to thy/* i Ckr. 80. 7. to s eed of Abrah. thy/ Job 6. 14. pity be showed Irom (no/ 87. and you dig a pit lor your/ ">/. 35. 14. as tho' been my/ or 41. 9 my f.imiliar f. lift up his hcl 88. ia lo>er and/ fur from me /roc. C. I if be surety for thy/ 3 in hand of / make sure thy/ 17 17. a/ lovtjth at all times 18 surety in presence of hi / la 34. a/ closer than a l.rothvr !:. fit U u/ tu him liifeth iiifu i-'. II. the kinifBhall tie i>/ 87. a faithful are wound* of a/ 9. * mmi's/. by hearty connrcl 10. own/ father's/ forsakv not 14. btaMeth his/ with lou.l voice IT sh.irpeneth i i ten. of his/. ""ant. 5 In. beloved, this . j my ^ /. 41. 8. art .edof Anrahain'my/ 7- 6. 81. the neiifhtxiiir and hi/ la a eat every one fle.h of hie/ />. .1 1. beloved o her/ adultereM Wr'c. 7. V trii!,t ye not in a/ !>ntnuf> Vat. II. 19. / of pnWic Luke 7. 34. 20. 13. /! I do tl.ee no wrong 88. It/ how earnest in hither? 8fi. 40 / why art thou come ? tufce II. 4. shall h .ve a/ and My, / lend me three loaves 14. 10. may suy.f. u<< up luifhrr I'Jut a 89. / of bridegroom r.-joicet) II. II our/ l.ar.arus s.-cpeth 19. 18. thou art not Cesar's/ FRO At* 2 SO. martp Blastns their/ JOIK 2 2.'!. Abrah. eaIU-4/ of God 4. + /". . If). 3. v"nt tu speak f. to her Bulk 2. ID. spok"n/ to handmaid Pnin. 18. 21. mii-it show hiroself/. FRIENDS. I v,,m. 30. 2a David sent .ill to/ ? SV/w. 3. 8. kindness to Sail 's/ 19. 6. Invest enemies hatest thy/ 1 /* IB. 1 1. left not one of his/ E'tft. 5. 10. Hainan railed for his/ 14. then said his wife and/ to him C, 13. Hamau told/ every thing lob 2. 11. when Job's three/ heard 16. 20. my f. scorn me, hut mine eye 17. 5. speak-th flattery to his/ IP 14. tny f. have forgotten me 19 my Inward/ abhorred me 21. have pity o'n me, O ye f. i-2. 3. Elihu's wrath kindled aga. f. 42. 7. kindled airainst Eliphaz and/ 10. when he prayed f >r his/ P/. 33. 1 1. / aloof from my sore Pror. 14. 20. the rich hath many/ 16.28. whisperer separateth chief/ 17. 9. repealeth a matter, separ. / 1R 24 hath f. shew hmis. friendly 19. 4. wealth maketh many f. 7. im:re do f. BO far from him Can/. 5. 1. eat, O f drink, yea, Jer. 20. 4 theea terror to thy/ K buried there. thuu and thy/ 38. 22. thy/ have set thee on l.itm. I. 2. her f. have dealt trearh. Z'ck. 13. 6. wounded in house of/ 3/rtr* 3. 21. when his/ heard of it S. 19. Jesus saith BO home to thy/ Luke 7. 6. centurion sent/ to him 12. 4. my lie not afraid of them 14. 12. a dinner, rail not thy/ 15. 6. heralleth together his/ 9.'she calletfc her/ saying 29. niglit make merry with my/ 16 9. make/ of the mammon 21. 16. ye shall he betrayed hy/ 23. 12. Pilate and Herod made/ /'.An 15. 13. down his life for his/ 14. ye are my/ if ye do what I 15 hut I have'called you/ Jrfc 10. 24. Cornelius railed his/ 19. 31. who were his/ sent to him 27. 3 liherty t iro to hit f. 8 JiAn 14. / salitfe thee, greet/ FRIENDSHIP. Pro*. 22. 24. no/ with angry man Jam. 4. 4./ f world is enmity pnoai j?.rW. S. 2. all thy horders with/. 7. the magician* hroiiirht up f. P(/. 78. 45. he sent/ wh. destroyed lOi. 30. the land brought forth/ Tier. 16. 13. saw urn-lean spirit! like/ To and FRO Gen 8. 7. a rav. n, went tn andf. 2 Kin. 4.35. l.lisha walked to andf. Job 1.7. Sat. said fr. goimrtoa./ a 2. 7. 4. I am full of lousing? to and f. 13. 25. break a le if driven tn andf.? Ps>t/. 107. 27. they reel to andf Pror. 21. 6. vanity tossed tn andf. /.o. 24. 20. earth shall reel to andf. 33. 4. as runninir to and f. of locusts 49. 21. and removing to and f. Ezetc. 27. 19. Dan going to and f. Zech. I. 10. L. sent to walk to andf. '!. we have walked to and f. ft 7. might walk tn andf. o they walked tn andf. through earth Fph. 4. 14. be no more tossed to a./ Ste RUJI FKONT. 9 San :. 9./ of battle against him FRI T FRONTLETS. E.tW. 13. 16. be fi.r f. between eye Deut. fx 8. shall be as/ 11. 18. ' FROST. Gen. 31 40. / consumed hy night E.rnd. 16. 14. as small as the hoar/ Jr>b?Tl. 10. by breath of ft. / triven 38 29. / of heaven, who hath P*. 7H. 47. destroy syca. trees wi. / 147. Ifi. he scattereth the hoar/ Jer. 36. 30. JeSu. hodv cast out to f FRO WARD. Deut. 32. 20. are a very/ generation 2 Sam. 22. tf. with/, wilt shew thy self/ P*,//. 18. 26 Job 5. 13. counsel of/ rarried head Psnl. 101. 4. a/ heart shall depart Pron. 2. 12. man speaketh f. things 15. ways clocked,/ in paths 3. 32. / is abomination to Lord 4. "H. put away fr. thee a/ mouth fi. 12. walketh with a/ mouth 8. 8. there is noth ns f. In them 13. ami the/ mouth do I hate 10. 31. / tonirne shall he rut out 11. 20. of a/ heart, are abomination 10. 28 a/ masowet>ia'rife 30 shiltteth eyes to devise/ things 17 20. / heart, finder h no good 21. 8. the way of a man is/ 22. 5. thorns are in way of the/ I Pet. 2. 18. servants, he subject to/ FROWARDLY. ha. 57. 17. he went on/ in way FROWARDNESS. Pror. 2. 14. delight in f. of wicked 0. 14. / is in his heart 10. 32. mouth of wicked speak./ FROZEN. Job 38. 30. and face of the deep is f. FRUIT. Gen. 1. 29. every tree wherein Is/ 4 3. Cain brought of the/ 30. 2. hath withheld f of womb E.rnd. 21. 22. so that her/, depart Lev. 19. 23. count/ unrircumcised 24. fourth year/ shall he holy 25. 3. six year-* shall gather in/ 27. 30. the tithe of/ is the Lord's Num. 13. 26. shewed them/ of land Deut. I. 25. of the/ in their hands 7 13. He will bless f. of thy land 22. 9. lest/, of vineyard he defiled 26. 2. take of first of all the/ 28. 4. blessed he/ of thy body 11. pK'iit. In/ of thy body, 30 9. 18. cursed he the/ of thy body 40. for thine olive shall cast his/ 42. all thy/ shall locust consume hidg 9. II. should I forsake my/? I Sam. Ifi. 2. summer/ for young Pmil. -'I. 10. their f. shalt destroy 72. Ifi./ thereof shake like I.eban. 104. 13. earth is satisfied with/ 105. 35. the locusts d voured the/ 127. 3. / of womb is his reward 132. II. of/ of thy body will I set Pror. 8. 19. my/ is belter than irold 10. 16. / .if wirked tendeth to sin 11. 30. /of righteous isatree of life 12. 14. satisfied ,.y f. of his mouth IS. 20. be satisfied with/ of mouth 31. 16. with / of her hand she 31. give her of f. of her hands lunt. 2. 3. his/ sweet to my taste * '.>. that keep/ two hundred da. 3. 10. shall eat/ of their doings 4. 2./ of earth sh::ll be excellent 10. 12. punish f. of the stout heart 14. 29. his 13. 18. no pity on f of the womb iea fierv serpent 27. 6. fill face of the world with/ 9. the/ to take away his sin 28. 4. hasty/ before the summer FRF Ia. 57. 19. I create/ of lips, , 65.21. and eat the/ of them Jer. 6. 19. will bring/ of th.iuahto 7. 20. my fury be on/ ,,f urouud 11. Ifi olive tree of goodly/ 19. let us destroy tree \vifh / 17. 10 ac. to/ of d. ,i, ^,21 . 1 4 | 32.19 Ezek. 17. 9. cut . the/ thereof 19. 12. east wind dried up her/ 14. fire is gone, hath devoured f. 25. 4 they shall eat thy f. and 3fl. 30. I will multiply/ of tree 47. 12. nor/ thereof be connnnied Dan. 4. 12. and/ thereof much, at 14. and said thus, scatter his/ Hot. 10 13. ye have eaten/ of lies 14. 8. from me is thy/ fount Amos 2. 9. destroyed/ from above fi. I2./ of righteous, into hemlock 7. 14. a gatherer ol sycamore/ 8. I. a basket nf summer/ 2. Mic. 6. 7. / of body for sin of jotilt 7. 13. land desolate for/ of doings Hab. 3. 17. ne.ther/ be in the vines Hag. 1. 10. earth stayed from her/ Zerfi. 8. 12 vine shall give her/ Mat. 1. 12. table is polluted, and/ 3. II. nor your viiie cast her/ Mat. 12. 33. and his/ good, fi- the tree is known hy hit/ 21. 19. let TO)/ row on thee 34. when the time off. drew near 26. 29. I will not drink of / of the vine, Mark 14. 25. Mark 12. ?. might receive/ of vine. Luke 1. 42. blessed is/ of thy womb 13 fi he sought/ and found none 7. I come seeking/ on fig-tree 20. 10. should L'ive liim ol the/ John 4. 36 irath reth/ to life eternal Acts 2. 30. of/ of his loins raise Rinn. 1. 13. I mitfht have some/ 6. 21. what/ had ye in those thing* 22. ye have your/ unto holiness 15 28. have sealed to them this/ Gal. 5. 22. fruit of SpA. lf>. 35. Wngf. of ail treed, 37. ".//. 1. 3. hringrtn forth f. ill sea.n 92. 14. still bnnif forth f\n old age ^<. 8. II. for the f. was to 6. silvel IT. 12. 2. wicked bring frthf. v .zvk. 36. 1 1. they shall bring f. f. 47. 12. shall A /new/ for meat //o*. 10. I. Nrael A. f f- to himself Vu<. 3 10 bringetA not /brMirood /. 7. 19. /.*< a ft 7. 17. every good free A./ itood/ 18. a good tree cannot A./ evil/ 13. 26, when blade brought forth f. FRU mar. 4. W. hear word and i. //. rtk MbHa/J! .f herself Ittkr . 14. *ri'< n../ to perfection IV 4rW Wtt/ Wnh p.' JUUI. ! A f much/ Ji. t. tbi it mv bring} mar* f. mr in** / ma.*/ th.t yoa .h...i W *.// MSkT. 4, WelHMtl4.// I *. I .TtfaiiMMi th.t yoa .h...i W *./ 1 J, ! (V I * lh Ji- i. K k !. >.r,f ft unt.i dmth -(rfH*^"r//'nyo" Xe*. 9, SV rae.ed/ t hi abnnd. 1-MH.jtswMt. **/*<. FRL IT. (ie. I. II. fruit-tree mrUttf frtat Lm\ ML 19. land (hull y krr fruit l 4 trre. of Held shall y. their/ Arat II. 17 ln.l viWrfnot her/ fnv It It rootf righteous jr./ /r 17. . nor shall ceaae from y. f. Mm*. 34. n trre ..f sVid sk. y her/ M & s>W yur/ to my people Ms*. 477. tk-rn. (MM* it, V no/ 8 MI ya< yrmisMl, and did y. / /!<*. It II y pean-ahle/ of rlghte. /Uw. tt t y her/ every month TrU'fTFUL. GOTL I. ML bf/ and multiply. 88. I 8. 17. I ft 7. | SS. 1 1. 17. t I will make tbee exceeding/ m lahvari/ <& < Jaf.b/ ' frl 9X made room, we shall he/ M a O-l Almighty make thee /C 41. It fur <>d .-au.'ed me to be/ 49 n Joseph i. a/ hough, even Kr*4 I. 7. children of lr. were/ f>*. 88. ft I will make MsiJMK ^.. 107. U / Und Into barrennest 188. & thy wife ahull be a/ vine 14* 9/ tree*, praise the Lord /. S I. hatk vineyard in a/ hill 17. . In the outm.n.1/ branches 31 II shall lament for the /: vine Jrr. 4 8K. / pl- e was a wilderness . a Uwt shall be/ 4 i.ri increase F.'k 19. la ske was/ full ol br ,n. //ML l\ IS. tho'hi-he/ aneast.wind AH* 14. 17. gave rain and f. Reasons Cs* I. la/ in every good work SOT Finn. FKUITS. Gf*. 43. 11. take >4 the bent/ruto Jtr. n . to ..ffet fir.t of rfpe/ 81. Ml sis years gather In the/ >. SV IS. arror. to years of/ 16. SI. till kcr/ come in, eat old St. t& swr shah trees yield their/ /lent 0. 14 preei.Hts/ by son t vtiw. 9. 10 thy sons bring In / I Kin. R n. restore to her all the/ r9 ttX f>Unt tineyards, and eat/ y4 II .11 if eun/ without money / 107. 7. teldi which may yt. Id/ JCerl t S. tree* of all kind ! frviti Ca*t 4 la orrhurd with pleiuant/ l let my beloved eat plewiant/ II. I went to see/ of valley 7. IS at gale* nil manner ntfnnti 1m. Sa ft K. and Carmel .kake >/ /JMS. 4 pine away for w.nt of/ V' 1 II be shall not destroy JT V It / n>*t fr repent l.ut 3 A 7. 10 ye 'hull know them by/ (Q. ft. 14. they mirht rec-ive the/ 41 render him/ In their teuoM 41. be lv-n to nattnn bring f l.u*r If 17 here to hestow in* I fr 9. 10 lncre.r FM. I. II nll-H with/ nf ri(hte., u . t Tim. t 6. flrst pirtaker f the/ / 1 17. wt*d..m full of g.^Kl f tm. l 14. / thy aval lasted after y/ FfL Sr. SI 8. tree bare 12 manner off. St . J Saai. 16. I. Ztbawlth 100 oft./ /M. l& V. thy lummrrf. are fallen .'er. 40 10 (rathrr wine and < / thr .|...ilrr i-fiillrn .n ./ Jkfte. 7. I. ai when iratherfd if. KHLSI HA IK, hTH Rrra 4 &. hired t f. their purpoM /M. 44. / the tokens ..t the liars Col 4 *l. I no not /! the grace of 0. YIMi-l' \N. ^,. . 7. meat.off haken in a/ 7 9. all dressed in/ be the priest's FUEL. /. 9. 5. be with hum. and/ of fire 19. people be as the/ of the fire tf*.15.4. vine-tree into fire for/ 6. 81. Si shall be for/ to fire G*. 4. It a/ Shalt thou be 14. I kball he a/ and a vagabond FUGITIVES. uitr. IX 4. ye Gileadites are/ 2 KM. 85. 1 1. / that fell to king /. IS. 8. Moal., his/ flee to Zoar *. 17. 21. all his/ fall by sword FULFIL. Gen. 29. 87. / her week, and we ErotL SL la/ your daily tasks 8a 86. number of thy days 1 will/ Kin. 2. 27. he might/ word of L. 1 (.fir. 89. la if thou takest heed to/. the statutes 8 CAr. 31 51. to/ threescore and ten ./oft 39. 8. number months they/? /' 2a 4. Lori/ all thy counsel 5. the Lord ? all thy petitions 145. 19. / desire of them fear him Mnt. a IS. to/ all righteousness 5. 17. not come to destroy but to/ Act* la 22. who shall / all my will Knm. 2. 87. uncircum. if it/ law 13 14. to/ the lusts thereof lot. 5. 16. yesh. not/ lusts of flesh 6. 8. and so/ the law of Christ PhiL 2. i / ye my Joy, that ye be ( '-/. I. 25. to/ the word of God 4. 17. take heed thou/ ministry 8 THft. I. 1 1./ grMKi plea, of his will Jam. 2. a if ye/, the royal law Ree. 17. 17. in hearts to/ his will FULFILLED. .'<. 86. 24. when her days were/ 29. 21. give me wife. fr days are/ SO. 3 forty days were/ for so -rool 5. 14. why not/ your task * E-ee. 12. 4. till days of puriflca. be/6. Vuin. 6. 1.1. days of separation/ 2 Sam. 7. It when thy days be/ 111. a IA. with hih hand/ it 24. / It with thy hand. 8 Chr. 6.15. I CAr. 6. 4. hnth/ that he spake *r I. 1. word of U might be/ Job 36. 17. hast/ judg. of wi. ked Lam t 17. f. his word he had com. 4. I a our nay saie/ end come Krrk. 5. 2. when days of siege are/ Da*. 4. 88. same hoar was thing/ ID. 3. till three whole weeks/ Mat 1.2*. that it ml. he 8. 15, 2a I * 17. | 18. 17. 1 laSS-l'-'l. 4. I 87. 35. Jn. ll 3a I IS 85. | 6.17. 12. | K 9, .18. | 19. 84,88. 8. 17. then was/ that spoken 27. 9. 5. U In no wise pan till all be/ 11 14 Is/ prophecy of Ksai** n. 34 shall not pans, till all be/ .W. *". many days/ the Jew* took 18. 28. Paul and Barn./ mini. try la 25. and as John/ his course 87. / them in conaemiiing him 29. when had/ all written of M. 33. ("id hnth/ the snme to us 14. 28. to grare fur work they/ Knm. a 4 nghte of IMW be/ in 'is 13. a loveth another hath/ law 8 Cor. 10. & when obedience is/ (nil. S. 14. law is /: in one \v..nl Am. 6. U. till killing of breth. he/ 15. a till *even plagues were/ 17. 17. till the words of Uod be f. 20. a no more till 1000 years IK-' f. StfeScmmtBR. FULFILLING. Pi. 14a a stormy wiml/ his wi.nl flOT. 13. 10. love is the/ of the U\v A'pA. 2.a/ desires of flesh and mint! FULL. Gen. 15. 16. Iniq. of Amor, not yet f. 85. 8. Abraham old, and/ f jvnn 35. 89. Isaac In-ing old and/ clays 41.7. thin ears devour, sev./eurs >orf. 28. a sh. make/ rei-titution 'm. 88.18. give house/ of.il. a 1. 13. Jutir. 6.38. wringed bowl /of water Iliith 1. 31. 1 went out/ and I.or.l 2. 18. a/ rewaid be given tl.ee 1 Sam. la 27. gave in/ tale to kin; 8 Kin. 3. 16. make val./ of ditches 6. 17. the mountain/ of hurst- 7. 15. all the way/ of garments I a 21. house of Baal/ fr. one end I Chr. 21.22. *h. grant for/ price ?4. Job. 5. 26. sh. come to grave in f. age 7. 4. I am full of tossings to and fro 10. IS. I am/ of oonfunion, see 11. 2. sh. man/ of talk bejusti.? 14. 1. man of few days /. or troub. 80. M. bones/ of sins of youth 81. 23. one dieth in his/ strength 24. his breasts/ of milk, his bones 32. la I am/ of matter, the spirit /'.'. 17. 14. / of child, and leave rent 69. 20. brok. heart, I am/ of heav. 73. 10. waters of a/, cup wrung 74. 20. dark pla. / of hah. of cruelly 7a 85. h? sent them meat to the/ 104 16. trees of Lord are/ of sap 127. 5. happy hath quiver/ of them 144. 1.1 that our garners mny be/ Proe. 17. I. than house/ of sacriM!. 27. 7. / soul loatheth hnney-c.iinb 20. hell and destruction never/ JO. 9. lest I be/ anti deny thee Kcd. I. 7. run into sea, yet sea not f. 11. a if clouds/ of rain, th. empty ro. 1. II. I am/ of burnt offtTinxs IS. your hands are/ of blood 11. 9. earth sh. be/ of know, of T. 25. 6. fatthings,afeHt/ofimirnn 2a a for all tables are/ of vomit Jer. 6. 11. 1 am/ of fury of the L. Lain. 1.1. city sol. that was/of peo. Krek. 1. 18. rlng wen-/ ol eyes 10.18. wheels w-re/ of eyes roiin.l 37. I. Tall.-y which was/ of bone- Joel 8. 24. floors shall be f. of wheat Mic. 3. a I am/ of power by spirit Hub. a a earth was/ of his prnise Zech. 8.5. streets/ of boys and tfir. Vat 6.82. body/ of light, /.it. 1 1.31. 14 tO.afflraf.Yi baskets f.V. 4. 4. when f. of time was come Sph. 1. 10. in/ of time* be might ga. 2a/ of him tnat fill.-th all in all 3. 19. ye be filled with all/ ..f G..d 4. la we come to stature of/ of C. Col. 1. 19. in linn should all A dwell 2. 9. is liira.tvelleth/ of God. bod. FUUBISH.'El). Itr. 46 4 f . spears, put on brigand. FUR Esjfc. 21. 9. sword sharpened,/ 10. 11. given to he/ 1| 28. sword/. FURY. Gen. 27. 44. till thy brother's/ turn Job 20. 23. G. cast/ of wrath on him 1 to. 27. 4. / is not in me, who would 34. 2. liis'/ is upon all their aru:ies 51. 13. because of/ of oppressor: and where is/ of oppressor ? 17. Jeru. wh. hast drunk cup of/ 20. they nre full .if/ of the Lord 22. even dregs of rup of my/ 59. 18. will repay/ to adversaries 63. 3. I will trample them in my/. 5. my/ it upheld me, 6. Jer. 4. 4. lest my/ come like fire 6 11. I am full of/ of the Lord 21. 5. I will fight aioiinst you in/ 12. lest my/. go out like fire 2119. whirl*, gone forth in/ 30.23. 25. 15. take the wine-cup of this/ 36. 7. great / L. hath pronounced Lam. 4, II. L. hath accomplished/ Ere*. 5. 13. I will cause my/ to rest 6. 12. thus will I accomplish my/ 8. 18. therefore will I deal in/ 13. 13. with stormy wind in my/ Id 38. I will give thee blood inf. 19. 12. sin- was plucked up in my/ 20. 33. with / poured out will I rule 21. 17. 1 will cause my/ to rest 24. 8. that it inialit cause/ to come 13. till I have caused/ to rest 38. 18. that my/ shall come up Dan. 3. 13. Nebuchadnezzar in/ 19. & 6. he ran unto him in the/ 9. 16. let thy/ he turned away II. 44. he shall go forth wl. great f. Mir. 5. 15. I will execute/ on heath. ZecA.8. 2. 1 was jealous with great/ See POUR. POURED. FURIOUS. Prov. 22. 24. with / man thou not go 29. 22. / man aboundeth in trans. Ezek. 5. 15. execute judg. in/ 25.17. Dan 2. 12. Nebuchad. was very/ A'oA. 1. 2. Lord revcngeth and is/ FURIOUSLY. 2 Kin. 9. 20. like Jehu, he drhreth/ FURLONGS. Jfce24. 13. Emmaus from Jer. 60/ John 6. 19. had rowed about 25 / II. 18. Bethany nigh Jer. about 15/ Rev. 14. 20. blood by space of 1^00 / 21. 16. he measured city, 12,000 / FURNACE, S. Gen. 15. 17. smoking/ burn, lamp 19. 28. smoke went as smoke of/ Exod. 9. 8. handful* of ashes of/ 10. 19. 18. smoke ascendi-d as smoke titf. Dent. 4. 20. Lord hath taken out of/ 1 Kin. & 51. fr. midst of/ Jer. 11. 4. .\VA. 3. 11. repaired tower of/ 12.39. P*al 12. 6. silver tried in/ of earth Prov. 17. I/ for gold, 27. 21. Is/i. 31. 9. fire in Ziou,/ in Jerua. 4H. 10. I have chosen in/ of afflic. Ezek 22. 18. Isr. dross in midst of/ 20. as tin in the midst of the/ 22. Dim. 3. 6. into midst of fiery/ 11. Mat. 13 42. cast into/ of fire, 50. Rev. 1. 15. feet AS if burned in a/. 9. 2. as the smoke of a great/ FURNISH. Dent. 15. 14. thou sh. / him liberally P> 78. 19. can G./. table in wilder.? /./. 65. II. that/: the drink-offering Jer. 46. 19. f. to go into captivity FURNISHED. 1 Kin. 9. 1 1. Hirnm / Sol. with cedar Prur. 9. 2. she hath also/ her table Mat. 'fl. Id. wedding/ with guests Mark 14. 15. shew a room/ I.u. 22. 12. 2 7V;;i. 3. 17. / unto all good works GA Ft/TV .irURE. GCTJ. 31. 34. Rachel put in carrwU'* Exod. 31. 7. and hi*/ 39. S !. :fl. 35. 14. the candlestick and his/ AtoA. 2. 9. none end of all pleasant/ FORHOW.S. Job 31. 38. or/ tnereof complain 39. 10. canst bind unicorn in /: /W. 65. 10. thou settles!/ thereof 129. 3. plowers made long tln-ir s: ***. 17. 7. might water it by/ 10. It shall wither in the/ Hoi. 10. 4. as hemlock in/ of fi.-ld 12. 11. their altars as heaps in /. FURTHER. Job 3"}. 11. hitherto come, hut no/ 40. 5. twice, but I will proceed no f Eccl. 12. I2./ my son beadmonistm Mat. 26.65.what/. need of witnes>..s; Mark 14. 63. Luke 22. 71. J.uke 24. 28. as tho' he would pone f. Act* 4. 17. spread no/, among people 24. 4. 1 be not/ tedious unto thee 27. 28. gone a little/ they soundec. 2 Tim. 3. 9. they shall proceed no/ Heli. 7. 11. what/ need anoth. prSest FURTHER, ED, Verb. Ezra 8. "6. / people and house of 0. PsaL 140. 8. O I../ not wick, devlt* FURTHERANCE. Phil. 1. 12. things fallen rather to/, of the e-ospel 25. shall abide with you for vourf, FURTHERMORE. Exod. 4. 6. Lord (.aid/ to Moses Ezek. a 6. Lord said/ to Ezekiel G GADDEST. Jer. 2. 36. why g. thou to chaaee ?' GAIN. Judg. 5. 19. kings of Cana. took nn ^ Jobfl.Z. isitg. to make way perfect > Prop. 1. 19. every out" greedy of g. 3. 14. g. is better than tine cold 15. 27. that is greedy of g. trouhletr 28. 8. that by unjust g. mcrean'th 1 mi. 33. 15. despiseth g. of oppress], 56. 1 1. ev. one for his g. fr. quartet Esrk 22. 13. sinit. hand at dishon. /?. 27. princes wolves 9n get dish", g. Dan. 11. 39. he sh. divide land for jr. Mic. 4 13. I will consecrate g. to L, Acti 16. 16 brought masters much g. 19. 24. no small g. to craftsmen 2 Cor. 12. 17. did 1 make g. of you I 18. did Titus make a g. of you ? Phil I. 21. live is Christ, die is g. 3. 7. what things were g to me I Tim. 6. 5. supposing g. is godlincst 6. godliness with content is g. Jam. 4. 13 buy. sell, and get f . GAIN, fer/>. Dan. 2. 8. that ye would g. tiin Mat. 16. 26. if he r. whole worio, and lose soul, .Var/tS.36. Lu.'.t.->\ 1 Cor. 9. 19. that 1 miifht^. themi'ie 20. I mighty, .lows || 22. g-. weak 21. I mights', them without law GAINED. Job 27. B. what hope tho* he hath g. r~ F.zi'k. 22. 12. thou hast greedily /f. Mat 18. 15. thou hast g. thy brotliet 25. 17. that received two also,?. 21 20. I have g. besides five talents Luke 19. 15. BOW much ev. man g. 16. Lord, thy pound hath g. feu IX. Lord, tlijr pound hath g. five Avti 27. 21. to have e. this harm OAIN8. Act* 15 19. saw hope (g. waggon* GAINSAY. .!5. adrerariea not ble wg. GAR fi A!\N Ttt> * JcblO I nvincr if ithout* ..( Core Justell. prHthed in tkr f OAI /VW. tt IS. a root that brarrth r . 3* their rrapes arr crape, ol g. .W |(V II he p-.nreth out royf. II bi meat > thr * ' t5 iwnrd comrth out of his f . ^MI/. W. Kl gvr mr * f'T mm! Jrr ft 14 O. h.th riven water of r 9. 15. I will ir water of r. 15. 7^ m I V romptunu-d m with *. . mrti-brr wormwood and f. A*tf- 12 luvr turned Judg to*. Mat. tl J4. htm tnr. mmir led wi. *. Arli k. sa rt In *. of > Ittrrnrt* (. M I \s I /ML n 21. iw>r -hall *. -hip pas* OAl.l.KHV, Ir- Ont 7. \ kmr i held in Ihr*. Zn*. 41 \ < > he m-a.ured *. thereof 4*. 1 Bfaln* parm. *. arain.t * ! t Y. Iff. O. 11. wherein (hull ro Do*. (, M.I.HU - *OL (I 4 to hanr M.irderai on * . >..-d H.iman on tbef 8. 7. ft 13. Irt ten MMM br hnred on g.V>. OAP, & Irrt. IX 4. yr ha. not rone Dp to f XX. 30. man that should stand in *. OAPKH. Jo* 1C 10. they h* * on mr. ft.9i\3. OARDRN. Cm. 1 15. and put him In thr f. 31 XI I. sent him lorth from *. 13. 10 pla n of Jordan a<* ofL. Dmt II. '.a watrrentitas*. ofherh* I AIM 21 2. may havr it for*, of herbs .J-rR IK branch thootrth in hi *. li/. t. IX. g. Inclosed is my -ili r Id blew on *. Irt him come to g. i I. I am come Into mr *. my sinter M. my beloved rnnr to hit *. 1 1 . JW I. H. dailfh of Zion aaliHtrrin* Si. aaa*. whirh hath no water Mil. shall br like a watered g . 61. 1 1. f. rauseth thinr *"wu tosp J*r II. IV rtj4* br an a WMerrd p. 1^>M. 1 . tahrrna. as it wrrr of*. JEe* 18. IX in Kdrn the *. of God - redar. in r ..f (;od not hide . m g ,,i (. envied him K. . *V t late land like * of Kdet J~t*. 1 land a< r of UMI In-foi /.u*rl.lli> man tonk and rait into* to4ai IS. I. nter Ced. whrrr was g. iri did not I trv thrr in thr g f la 41. a g. and In *. a sepulchre CiARDfeNS. .' t. I sBtwtr mr g . and orchard Oa* 4. I A a fountain of jr. a wrll 'ed In *. and rathrr lilien tii.,1! ibat doelleo In the*, ndrdfori; /a 6V > a pr.^.le that arriBceth in * 'hat |..inf, them.rUn in / J-r A i. tant *. and rat fnnt. >M J... 4 . hl,.ti... vrhen r l> 14. th.-y.hallalK.naae*. and ea (iAHDKNKH. JVttn . 16. .he tupptia. hr brrn g. 1 *Jsa I". . hill h. re * nf Philt II X Jonathan Mttrf . II < ..>.r to thr PMsMtatVf li l'ie *. and sanilrrs f. I %an & I)tid put * CAR .^.14. pot* ' IM.ih.l KJ. I r. 18.11 lni-i. wa< thru in II 16 t/r. iu Ju.lHh ~ hVlh el CAr 17. 2. Jeli. j,-i >. II. thy str..iu'.lf Kod-wn Cwr. II. !. r"er. k.-pt rity wi. *. li \!tl.AM>S. ^rt II in pri-i ..f Jupiter brought i, A HI. UK. [oxen and *. 'tun. II 5. we ri-m. *. id --.it in K;;. RAIMENT. en. 9 23. Sliem and Jap'iet took *. l\ V5 flrst led. like a li-liy f. 39. 12. the caught Jiwph b> his g. |!> hi- left tin- t. with me. la 16. she laid up hl *. till lord rame rr. 13 47 * where pl.nrue of l.-p 4>J. ftl if plaHiie he rprend in the^f. W. Inw of plairue of lep. In * 14.55 15 17. *. where. erd of i-i.pii'ti. n )U 19 *. minrled on thee.On/r.r.'. 1 1. Deut rt. 5. man not put on w.m. *. :/j. 7. 21. a riKKtly Babylonish *. rf* H. 25. spreadi;. ndr-t i-ar-r. A'i'n. 11 W J'To. .lad With new*. F.ir,i !i 5. havinr rent^ and mantle E*lh a 15. Mord. went g. of tnirple M 13. ?<. s * j'. 'hat is moth ei ~ la hy fin-re of disease g. . hi 3R 9 lien I made the cloud Hi 41. IS. who ran discover face of*.? PHI! (tl. II. I made s.>ckcloth my g. 73. 6. i ilrnre coyrreth them a-, g. 102. Kfl. nil of them wax old like * lia. V). ! M. a Hi* I. 11. 104, 2. cov. with light, as wi'h H g fi. coy. with the det p a with a f,'. 109. 18 clothed with ctitsinr xs g Prnr. 20. IU. * that is surety, 27. 13 25. 20. that tiiketh g. in cold wenthei .10, 4. hath bound waters in H*.!- '*ii SI. 8 moth shall eat them like g. 61. 3. g. of praise lor spi. of henvi f .*fk IK. 7. ioier.-d naked wi. g. 1ft 'Jan. 7. 9. g. was w hite as snow Vir. 2. a yr pull off n.he with the*. .' 12. holy flesh in skirt ol L- Zrch. 13. 4. neither sh. wear rouufi * Ifi. one coyer, violence wi. g. Vat. 9. 16 new cloth to old *. Mark 2. 21. Luke 5. 3fi ys. woman di'eascd tmii-hed h ntg 21. I I4.MR .1/0.5. 27. 7. u.R 44. 21. II. man hud not wedding . 12 Mark 13. 16. not turn back to takeF. ' 22. ?fi. let him sell *. and buy 12. 8 cftiit thy *. about ther htifr 23. hating *. spotted hy Hesh Her. I. 13. Nm of man clothed wi. g OARMENT& Gen. 35. 8. be clean, chanrr yonry. 3& 14. lamarput widowV*. off 49. II washed his * In winr F.rnH. v& a Aaron' g. tnconsecralr 29. 21. sprinkled blood on Aaron'x g. Ler a 3(1. Lett. 6. II. offr. on other g. Ifi 23,24. .Vum. 15. 3fi. fringes in burden, of* !0 26. strip Aar. off. put on Kl 'Ik. >> W. ft. (iibeonites brought old#. turn, la 4. Jonm. ravr Day. hi- p .Sum. 1,1. 4V cut off their g. iu thr mid le. I Chron. 19. 4. '1 Kin. 5. 9A. Is it tlmr to receive *.f 7 15. all thr way was full of g. F.rrn 2 fW. they avr 100 prle.ls" g. \<-A. 7. 7n Tj;.h;Uh.i J30 priest.' g. T2 the people (rate ffj prirti>'*. Pnl.'fi IH part my* m..ng them 4.V a all thy *. meM i.f myrrh ! -l. ..int.-.rnt v.-iit to fkirt of*. F.rrl 9 let thy * he nlwa\s white ( aft 4. II. nmell of* >mell . I 1 . h /* U 4. battle I. F. rollrd in blood IttC GAT 'a 58. I. put on Iwaiitiflil g. O J 5JI. a tbfir weln h. nut lu-romr g. 17. In- put on 'ht-s-. "I vrtiKcMiire 61. 10. rlothfd mr with g. nfsal/a. <>3. I. loiiifth vi. dyi-d g. fr. Ho*. 3 Etek. 16 18 tookeM thy hroid. g 4-.'. 14. thrre hall lay thrir g. Dun. :i Vl. iu cnalu Hlid other g. -l -2. la ri-nd heart. Mid not g. Zrrh aa Josh, rlnhed wi. filthyg-. 4 .Wiif.21 H. spn-ad g-. in way, Mar. \ 1.8 K3. 5. they .nlhrite hwrdrm of*. s>7. :<5. thf y parted hiHg-. Mark 15. -24 .V.An i:i 4. liud h*i. 15 blesMt-d tluit Ut-epi'th hi- g. ///,/ <; AHMKNTS. xf S?8 2."mi.ke A. g. for Auron, 4. 31. 10. wUdoni to niiike hi-lii g. Lee. 16. 4 are A. v. he -h. wiwTi, 32. OAKNKR, S. 144. 13. our ^. may b* full Joel 1. 17. tin- g. are l.nd desolate Mat. X 12. Bather hU whent intc the*. /.uA3. 17 GARNISH, KD. S Chron. :t R he *. thr house with J..A26i 13. hy Spirit he g. heavnn, Mat. 12. 44. i-wi-pt Miidr. l.ulce \\.Xi -'.'i. y!>. ^ sepnlt hres of riifhli n V8. fi. that tur n battle to the g. Lain 5. 14. Hder> hatereasi-d fr. g. Ezek. II I. nt the ri.n.r nf g. *:, tni-n 43. 4. (flory of Lord hy way of K. 44. 2. thU^-. .-hal. he hU'it, none 45. I!), put hli.od on posts ol the *. 4'i. I. g. of inner ronrt l.e shut, 2. 4K. 31. one g. of Ueuh. one f of .hi. Mic. 1.9. romeintoy. of n y people Mat. 7. 13. enter in Hi vtrnit fi wiile is *. hroad is way, 14. /.i/Ar 13. 24. Lukf 7. 12. he ranie niph g. of nty 1C. J20. hevirar I.aiarns laid nt btaf. .lit.' ID. 17. m'tn fr tor. stood I.ei. g. 12. III. to the iron*, which o[-ene (i A 1 K Tror. 17. 19. exalt. A. y. orek. detr. At Ihr OAT E. 2 A'in 1 1. fi. nt Hit g. of Sur, third at Ihr c . hehind unrd. 2 Chr. 23. 5 V C/jr -/4. K. ,|,e k t /*. of boil, of 1 . t.itJ.. j. 12 Muid. silting a< kiii('!!r GAT Arts 3. 9. IMd dully at t. p. of temple IU. Silt (T ahi.s at beautiful g. High (i A IK. y Chr. 23. 20. came through high ft. ~. a .tullmin tuiilt high'g.iif home /er. 20. 2. JITI nuali in .-tucks in It. g. In the T. ATE. Cen. 19. I. Lot satin the g. of Sodom J-.r. 32. 26. Moses aloud ing uf ramp .'"(/. 16 i. laid wait for Sums, in t. g. H"lh 4. . I. peo. in g. said, we witn. > .S'.;m. a. 527. Joah look Ahnertw fc g-. ',' Ai>(. 7. '-HI. peo. trod on him in t. g. t'.sth. 2. Ifl. Mi.r. sat int. king'sf 2). 5. St. Haman saw Mm in /. king s g. Juli 5. 4. his children crushed in ?, g. 31. 21. when I saw my helpi'nttsg-. /*.v. IS). 12. sit in <. g-. speak HgH. me 127. 5. sh. speak with enemies ing. Pror. 2V. 22. nor oppn-ss afflict. in^. ha, 29. SI. snare for him repiov. mg. Jer. 7. 2. .stand i t. g. of. L.'s house 3S. 7. kin sitting in t. g. of Kenja. Zlim. 2. 49. Daniel sat tn t. g. of kins Ani"\ 5 10. h;iti' him that relink, ing. JV. they turn nside pfr in VA. 2. 13. 1 went out by g. of p. 15. 3. 13. the rtitleii g. lep.iired Hanun Hater.O A'l'K. AVA. 3 26. Net hiu. dweif asa. w.-g. 8. I. street before t he jrufcr.g-. 3. Ifi. 12. 37. priests, went even to trater-g. GATKS. Dnit. 12. 12. n.inire within your g. Josh 6. 2(5. in yowigest son set up g. I A in, 16. 34. Jttfig. 5. 8. new gods then war in g. ft. II. people of I. ..id shall uu tog. St'Ar.31.2. Hez appoin. to praise ing'. #pA. I. 3. g. burnt with nre.2.3,13,17. 12. 30. priests and l.ev. purified g. Pial. !>. H. forth thy praise in theg. 24. 7. lift up yo'ir brads, O ye g 9. 87. 2. I...rd loveth the g. of Zi.m 100. 4. enter intog-. with tlr.iksi.Mv. 1(17. Ifi. he hath broken g. of t.rass 118. 19. open g, of righteousness frott. I. 21. rrieth in open, of g. a a 8. 34. watching daily at my g. 14. 14. wicked at g. of righteous 34. ?3. her hu.ihand is known in g. :t4. let own works praise in the g. Jta. 3. 26. aiirt her g. eluill lament 2(i.',t.n g. th. riffhteoiis may enter 38. 10. I shall po to the g-. of (jravp 4") I. to open bef. him t o.leaved g. 2 I will break the g. of brass fi2. 10. f thro', jfo thro' the g. Jcr. 14. 2 Judah mourn, g. languish !''. 7. 1 will f.ui them with fan ing'. l~. 21. no burden on sab. by g. i*. ?5. then shall enter into g-. 22. 4. 27. lit and rust forth beyond the g. l.tim. \ 4. Zion's g. are desolate '.'. i). herg. re sunk into ground &:ek.-\Mi point of sword ajf theirg-. V2. hHtterinjr rani a^am.ot the g. Xi 2. broken rhiit w> g. of people Ofc. ll.indy that foreitrners >-|ter. g. \rtl 2. fi. g. 'f rivers -h. b< opened Kfi'h. 8. 1G. truth and pe;ire in g. Milt. Ifi. IS. g. of hell sh. not previl /frfcr 9. 24. they watrhrd g. to kill J'. tr.21.l2.ci*.y had I2g. atg. 12an GAT f!fr. -n. 13. on et 3 p. on north .T g-. 21. twelve g. wei e twelve pi-arls 25. g. of it shall not be shut See RAKS, l)i AIH. Thj, GATES. Er. 20. 10. btninger within thy g. DeiU. 5. 14. Dfttt G.S). th..u f h. write th. t. u. 1 1.20. 12. 1ft. eat flesh in % t '. 17. 18. 21. 14. 2l>lranper In I. g-1127. Lev. in t.g. 28.tithe iu /. g. I! 2V. widow in t. g. lf>. S.pas. in t.g || Lev in t.g. 1 4. 26. 12. 31. 12. KH'her peo. within I. g.to hear P*. 122.2. feetsb. ftan.i with t.g.O J. //. '4. 12. 1 will make t.g. of mrhu. (iO. II. //i.vg *hall lie" pen conlinu. 18. wall's salvation, (. g. praise GATHER. Gen. 31. 4fi. g. stones, th. took stone? 41. 35. g. all food of those years EJC, 5. 7. pog straw || 12. g. sti.hhle 9. 19. g. i-attle ||I6. 4. sh. g-. eer. rate Ifi. 5. g. twice as much||26. fi riaysg. 23.10. six years sow and g /.er.2.'>.3. Lev. 19. 9. Shalt not g-. glean. 23 22. 10. thoti shall not g every jjmpe A'um. 10. 4. one trumpet, prinre* g. 1 1. 16. g. seventy men ol the elders 19. 9. man clean sh;ill g. the allies )e>tt.2H. 30. vir.e. and notg. prap. 39. 38. much seed out. g. but little in 30.3. will g. fr. all nations, ;r.3fi.24. 2 Kin. 4. :'9. went to field to g. herbs 22.20. g. thee to fatbers, 2CAV.34.V8. 2 Chr. 24. 5. g. money to repair hou. Job 24. 6. they g. vintage of wicked 34. 14. if he 'g to himself his spirit '9. 12. sted, and g. it into barn ': Ps. v6. 9. g. not my soul wi. sinners 104. 28. th. thou sivest them they g. lOfi. 47. g. us from amoiip heathen Pror. 28. ff. g. for him that pity poor /."/. 2. 2fi. travel to g. and heap up /./. 34. 15. owl g. under her shadow 40. II. he shall g. Iambs with arms 43. 5. I willg. tht-e from the west 64. 7. with jtreat mercies will 1 g. 02. 10. highway, g. out the stones fi6. IK will g. all nations and t<>np. Jer. t : . 1. g. toflee||7 I*, chil g. wood 9. 22. none sh. g. || 10.17. g. up wares iS>. 14. I will g. you from all nations 31. 8. I will g. from coast of earth. 32. 37. L*rk. 20. 34, 41. | 34. la 10. th. scattered Israel willg. him Exek. II. 17. 1 willg. you fr. people l(i. 37. I w*l g. all thy lovers 12. 19. I will g. yon to midst of Jer. 20. as theyg. silver so I g. you, 21. 24. 4. g. pieces [I 29. 13. will g Ejtyp. !!/>. 8 10 hired amoiii; nat. 1 willg. 9. fi. Ejrypt shall g. them Uf- J(#l1, fi.'all far. s sh: II g. blackness 16. g. people, g. children th. siick 3. 2. 1 will g. all nations, and bring Mic 2. 12. I willg. remnant of Isra. 4. 6. I will g. her driven, XepA.3.19. 12. he shall g. them as sheaves 5. I. g. in troops, Odaugh. of troops A"A. 2. 10. faces of all g. blackness Hub. I. 9. they Khali g. captivity 15. and g. them in their drag Zeph. a 18. will g. th are sorrowful Z/rA 10. 8. I will hiss and g. 10. Mat. a 12. g. wheat into his garner, Luke 3. 17 6. 2fi. nor do the\ g. into barns 7. 16. g. grapes of thorns V l.u fi. 44 13. Vh. wilt thou that wi-g. them up Vll. lest while ye g. up tbe tares 30. burn tares but g. the wheat 41. shxll g. out of his kingdom all 25. 96. 1 g. when 1 ha. not st rawed I.uk 13. 34. as hen dot f. Irtmd 1*1 GAT J'tm fi. 12. r. .r.itMtieiits- th remain 15. fi men f. I),,.,,, a ,.j (RJ . t them Her. 14. 18. f clusters ol vine ot earth 16. 14. g them to l.altle ot that day . Gen. 34. 30. few they shail g. toge. 49. I. g. 81 yes to. ye eons i f Jac. i Lev. 8. 3. g. ronpreuntioii i.f Israel r n , .o together A'fin. 8. J Ai/m^l.lfi.g.peo. t. l>eut.*.\n. \ 31.12, J Sum. 12. ia g. the r. st tugether I C/ir. Ifi. 35. O God. and g. us toge. 22. 2. com. to g. htgMrr strangers E*th. 2. a g. toge. all fair virgins 4. 16. g. together Jews in Shushan Job 11.10. ifheg. t. who run hinder? Ps. SO. 5. g. my saints toge. unto m 104. 22. they g-. theinst-lves tugrthrr Eccl. 3. 8. a time to g. stones togeth. /TO. 11. 12. g. to. dispersed of Judah 49. 18. these g. t. come to me, 60. 4 Jrr. 4. 5. blow trumpet, cry.g. A.I.!0. Her. 19. 17. g. fcg. to supper of God #i. 8. tog. (jofj and Magog toge. OATHEBEU Cen. 25.8. Abra. was g. to his people 17. Ishmaelg-. || 3ft. 29. Isaac g. 4!). t. Jacob wasg. to his peo. 3a /.'.ci.rf. 16. 18. hethKtg. mm h, he that g. little, 2 Cor. a l.'i. J.er. 2a 39. when ye haveg. in fruii A'um. 11.32. g. quails || 1-V3*. g. sticks 20. 24. A^ron be g. to people, 26. 27. 13. Moses g. to his people, 31. 2. Deut. 3*. 50. Judg. 1. 7. kirgsg. meat under table 6. ;j4. Abiezer vas g. after him 1 Kirn. 5. 8. they g lords of Philiw 22. 2. ev. one in distress g. to Dav. 2 Sam. 14. 14. vtat'-r spilt can. beg-.. 2 A'i. 22. 20. Josiah be g. to grave in peace, 2 Chum. 34. 8. Joi 27. 19. rich lie, tut sh. not be g. I'sal. 107. a he g. them out of lands Prw. 27. 2ft. herb* of in < mi it. are g. 30. 4. who hath g. wind in fists 't Isa. 5. 2. and g. out the stones Id. 14. one gathereth eggs, ha. J g. 27. 12. ye lie g. one hy one, () Isj-a. 34. 15. vultures g. || 16. Spi.g. them 4S). ft. Israel not g. yet I be glorious Jcr. a 17. all nations beg. ui.to it Ezf k. 28. 2-V when I have g. ho. of la. 38. 13. hast thou g. thy company .fit. 28. 1 haveg. them to own land Mic. 7. I. as when g summer-fruit* Mat. 13. 40. as tares are g. and burnt 47. net cast and g. of every kind 25. 32. befoie him beg. all nations 27. V7. g. to him the whole band ,/oAn II. 47. g. chief priests council /frfjriS, 3. Paulg. bundle of sticks Ken. 14. 19. angel g. vine A. a 1. Joli 30. 7. under nettles were g. tug. Pt. 47. 9. princes of peoj le an g. 7. 10i 22 people g. fcg to serve L. Hot. 1. II. chil.ir. not -i Jab beg. . Zo-h. 12. 3. tho' all people be g. li Mat. 18. 20. two or three ale g. t 23. 37. how iilten would I IIKV* | children tog. as hen, l.uke 13. 24. VK eagles beg /<.g. l.ukr 17 Mark I. 3,'i all the city was g. t,. Lvkf 15. 13. younger song. alU Actt 4. 2(\ ruirrs g. tog. BguiMt ' j tplrtt flAV /W 4. Am*T li. I *. ol x--.nx.re.fr. GATHER! I H XML 19 10 that f . !.- th. wa.h / SJ. 7 be f . tralert .* sea t'*eth 41. I hit bemrt f. iniquity to itwlf t. he /r outett of N. /M.5&a . * be 10 i that r- i" su /. in. u t < r I?. \ M wtw Ifcr Krrr.t.mn Jfat, S. V Hut r <' kin H ntl..n HL 1130 hr Out f. not .ra'teretb SS.S7 M a Hen |r Her rMck-n. under JUba4> 3R He that rea|M-th g. fiuit PATH BRING Or*. 4B Itt to him th. r. of peo. be XML I.Y *V that found him/r "ticki 1 Kn- 17 in. widow M /f kllrkt /M. 33. 4 pnl >'' ** "f caterpillar Mat S& *4 r wbere hat not straw Act* 16 in. aMuredly L- > """ 1 CW.I&S. there be no/, wh. I C.MDC GAVE. Of*. S. SO. Al /r names to all ca...^ 3 14 tbe woman g. me of the tree l4.tfO.aod Her. hire Utbesofall, itrk 7.44 I. 44. Uf. tHmi rwt IV 15. | *X 3n. 1 & 10. ft G. f Saul anoih. heart JW I. SI. L. g. an-l L. hath taken / Is. 13. the Hurh.it r. hi. voice flH. *l. th. r. me vail, th g vinegar t.M. 12 7. tpir. h. return 10 G. th. g. /M. 43. A I g. Erypt for thy ransom M & I f . mv hark to the srniter* KM*, tfft IS. 1 g . them my tab. V5. //. la II. I r. theea klniriii anger Mai 14. 10 r. loares to disciple., 15. 36. TM. 16 MarkK. 41 | Al | 14 W. LiJceV. 10. I 3 19 SI UwHor.theeiith..rity J Mark \\.-A u*eVO. " . , 8. tV y f . m* mrat, /f me drink />* I. It g. t* powrr In brr, ion I* O. MI Iovr4 w. he f . only .Son . . . . IO.SS. Path, who y . them me li greet 14. 31 a* Kalk. f . me command, to Atti S. 4. to tpeak a* 89. g . uttennxv 1 C*r.3-A Apollo* watered, h>it G. ^ ttteliMTe M. t rr. & & hot flnt g arlre* to L. O4L L 4 f . kMWL for In*. Tit 4 14 S, \m-4 mt. g. hlmvU for me M I. i r- ktm * be head orer 4. & raptlr* and /f. )nft to men 1 1. o4 be f . v.mr apnctle^ Mime V SS Cb. Uted r h nAg. hUnt. for I Tte. 1 & who/. hfaMfrMNMH JtrM li t drcii r him bit power OAVC , v . tfM. Abrahw. f . ^ the r bo.| 17 ' . . . J.Jka IB. 30. *** L 1 ..* 1 ^' V C* I It tt Her AK Sft IS. Ibe r r. the dead C. 1 It wow. wb'MB tkon g. t* He > 31 land which .h..,, t ,.. 40. M X C*rwt i , ... A t.S* f. f4rtt, A t.S f. f4rtt, r water fo< tMm St kAfiMMlt -f rUr, /a. < 4. W JN|M4 ufc. Utou GEN 44 thou g. me no water, 45. 17. 4. I have fln w..rk thou f li thine thou f. me I hr.- k.-pt . . the (rl..rtbiir.ioe I haveg K y. h. th.. . in. ha. 1 lint uuu< * in. 0AT. Jam. J. 3. him Ih wrareth f. rl.'tli T. 19.11. lr.tht.-Hk thro' co .Vo*. 8. 8. 1 will et the* as y. ttork .4r(> l.|l.hytandye^.uplohraT.r Htt*. 10. 3L re were made g. itick (.KSDEK. Lff. 19. 19. th not let rat jr- wl. dir < Tit 1 l knowuiK thalth. ^. str. OKNDhRKI), ETH. JoA SI. 10. hull g. and fiulrth nut . 9. boary fnwt, who hath r. It (/oi 4. X4. mounr sin. li r. to boud GENEALOGY. I CHrt*. 4 I. f not t4i be rerkoned after birthnifht Erra S.O& these to U |tht/f. .\VA. 7. 64 8L I. till* F of them that went up .VrA. 7. 5. t found reriiter off. 0KNBALOOIUL I CA. 9. I. all Itrael rerkoned by g. t CA.l-ZIVh.Hik of Shera. ronrvrn g. 31.10. rire portion* tiall lerk.hyg. 1 TIM. 1.4. fire no heed to endless #. Tit, 3. 9. arold f.M,lih quest, g. OKNKRAL S f*. 87. S4. g of king'* arnyJoab //<. 11. 23. to g. atM-mhly and ch. OKKCBALLT. 2 San 17. II. that It brg. (rathered Jrr. 4& 38. (amenta g. on house tops GKNKKATION. Gen. 7. I. thre ha. I teen ritfht In g End. 17. Ifi. war with Amel.fr. /f.ti Urut 23 4 bant h not enter to 10;. 3. Amninu. to 10 r. thall not enter S. Ed. and Kf . In 3 g. thai) enter 31. 5. penrerte and rriMiked g, 80 Jitdg. 1 10. that g . (rath, to f.,thi-rs /VIi7. thou h. preere them fr.g. 14. 5. God It In g. of the rich te. HIM ft. 30. ammnted to Lord (or a g. H. 6. thin g . of them th. teek him 49 IB. he shall fro to g. of fathelt 7'1 IS. I should offend HIT. itu- g. 78, 4.thew. tog. toi-ome pri. of L. 6 that r. to ome mivht know & ttuhborn and r.-helliou* g. !tt. 10. *rl.-*ed with tfetof.JbCt.KI. 109.13. g-.followinir name he blotted l\l.g. of upriirht h. be hl.-,.,.,l 143. 4. one g. th. praise thy rorkn Prof. 7.24. crown endure to ev. r.> 80 II. a g. that ctireth their ! ctl,,- 14 there ing. pure in own eye* 13. g lofty HI 4. g. whoae teeth w KccL I. 4. one g . paa anoth. g. com In. 13. M. not dwelt In from / , g. Jer. 50. rM. I0.fr. g. tog. itth. lie wante 17. 51. 1 my Mir. th. be from g. to g. 5ia whoth. derlarehbff.? Xc.H.:fl. I.OM. 5 19. throne remains fr. /f tor. . 4. a his dora. fr. g. to r .It. .Wat I. |. book of g. ofJen. Cliri-t 3. 7. O g of vip?rt, li 34 | iTl : 7-uj(<- .1 7 ll.lrl wheretnth. I liken r. /.n ; 31 15. 39. dulternm F. eeketh ' 1*14. Afortlrlv 14 L*kt\\. W 41. In j.idfm. with this*. Lu 1 1 :(' 4i queen of S. rle wtr. /.u. 1 1.31 17. 17. O perrene ^. JSTar* '.t. I!) M thln^ h. come on tiili . S4. 34. this f . not pan, .W.irt li Luke t\. : 168 GEN War* 1 3S.asham. of me In thi tic f Luke I. 50. merry on th.-m fr g. log II 30. to .-h. S. <>( man be to tl.i- g 50. blood of proyh. requir. ol A ' 51 16. 8. child, of world in g. WI-.T in Acti 4 40. sae from untoward y 13 3& David, aftr served on 11 g, I Pet. 2. 9. ye are a chosen g. See FOCHTB. GENERA! IONS. Gen. 2.4. thi-se are g. of th> hpnv.-iu Si I. *. of Ad. H ft 9. y. of N. . in. U ft !l. Nouh was perln-t in \ti~ if. 9. 14 of coven, for perpetual /;. 11. 10. g. of >hem || 27. y. f I erah 17.14 ev. man-ch. iny. cirrumn> 4 *5. 14 g. of Ulimael. 13. 1 CA. I. . 19. g. of Isaac || 3ft I. "t Kau, 31 37 4 thene are the ^. of Jacoh /.'nW. a 15. my memoriHl to nil p. 12. 14. I'eii-t to L. throujfhniit g. 41. a intent to he observed In g. 16.3*. ri I homer to he krpt lor t'.33L 27. 21. a stHtute for ever to tln-ir g. 30. 5(1. Lrr. :i 17. | 6. 18 | 7. 3ft | W. 9. I 17. 7 | ^3. 14, sJI. 31, 41. 30. . inri'iisel! 31. oil thrnueh. f. 31. 13. SHhhHths a sicrn thr... a. Hi. 40 IS. eVerlHst. |inrth. thr.. y. Of'./. 7. 9. L. keepeth cov. to I('IO^. 34 7. consider y..r of many ,* Juilg. 3. -t.g. of 1. miifht ti-arh war Hull: 4. IK. these are g. nl Plrnr. x I Chran. Ifi. 15. or,l ivhic h h- mm. manded to a liH) '/,/. /' In'.. H. VnA 44 16. Job OHW sons sons, 4 g. Pi. 33. 11. thoughts of heart to alltf. 45. 17. name to he remem. in nil g. fil. 6. the kiin-'s years as many g. 71. 5. shall fear thee thro, all g. 79. la we will shew praiet all g. So. ft. wilt th. draw anffpr tu all g.t 89. 4. I will !.inld thn.ne to all g 90. I. our itwi-llinif place in all if. 100. 5 his truth endureth to ll g. 10-4 12. thy rememlirani-e to aK g. '. 1 thy y ar* are through all g. 108 31. counted for righte. to all g . 119. 90. thy faithfulness is to till g. 135. la thy memorial thro, nil g. 145. la thy dominion thro. Mil g. 146. 10 thy r,. O Z. relvn to all f. fin. 41. 4. railing g. from heirtminff I 9. awake, U arm of I., a- in g. 60.15.1 w. make thee joy of many f. ''I. 4. lepsir di-i.la of many if. Wit. I. 17 . g. fr. Ah. to Dar. I4y. Luke I. 48 all g. sh mil me hi, rd ('"A I. i(i mystery hid fr. agea andi' V.KN'TII.FX Rom. 2. 9. of J. fir^t, aNn of g. 10. (iKS riLES. en. 10. 5. Isles off. were divided /*/. 11.10. root of JHS. toil h. /f. ! It 44 I. hriiijf jndf. tog. Mat. 14 II ftlijfht to if.4!)fi. L'(. 4:. /<-. H.17. 4f. 4.'. I will lift mi-ie hand lit g. ft4. 3. thy seed sh. inherit the g. 60. a the y. sh. rometo thy liii'lit .V forces of g. sh. come to thee, 1 16. thou sh. sin k the milk of g. 61. 6. ye sh. eat the rirhes of g. ft aped sh. he known am. the g. 64 4 g sh. tee thy righteonncsi 6ft IS. (flory of a. like flow. t into the way of the g. IS. lestinvny ag. them and the g. 12. 21. in his name shall the g-. trust 20. 19. shall deliver him to the g. Mark 10. 33. Luke la 34 25. princes of g. exercie,Z.i*.22.25. J.tJce.-i\. 24. Jems, trodden ofg-. till times of g. be I'uliill.-d Jiihn 7.35. to dispersed am. g-. teach g-. Jo/.r 7. 45. with Jes. into possess, ofg-. ft. 15 to hear ray name before g. 10. 45. on theg-. was pour.-d gift 11. 1. that g. received word of G. 18. hath O. tog-, granted repent.? 13. 42. g. besought words preached 46. Pa, and Bar. said, we turn tog. 14.2". he opened dour of faith to g. 15. 3. declare the conversion of g. 7. g-. by my mouth sh. hear word 12. wh. wonders G. wrought am.g- 14. how G. at first did visit g-. 17. 19. them which from among- the g. 23. greeting to brethren of the g. la 6. henceforth 1 Wnl go to the g. 21. 19. God wrong-lit among- the g 25. touching the g'. which Believe 21.teacheif g. be come in 15. 9. thatg-. might glorify (io.i ; I will confer jj-ijonp g. 10. rejoice, ye g. with his peupl.-' 11. praise L. all ye g. and UmlV.lir. 12. over g. in him shall g. trust 16. minister of Jes. Chr. to g. that offerin-/ up of be g. 18. 27. if g. have been made partakers IB. 4. hut all the churches nf thcg-. ICor. 5. 1. not named among g-. 10. 20. things g. sacrifice to devils 32. offence neither to Jews nor g. 12. 2. ye know ye were g. carried 13. whether we be Jews or g. Cnl. 2. 12. before, he did eat with g-. 14 aft.-r man. of g. why compel g-.? 15. Je v 8, and not sinners of tbe g. 3. 14. blessing of Abraham on g. F.ph. 2. 11. in time past g-. in flf.-h 3. 1. prisoner of Jesus Christ fur g. G. that g. should he felloe. heirs 8. preach am. g-. unsearch. riches 4. 17. that ye walk not as other g. Col. I. 27. ttlory of mystery am. g-. 1 The*. 2. 16. forbid to speak tog-. 4. 5. in luatnf roiicnpis., as theg. 1 Tim. 2. 7. ordained teacher of g-. 3. 1 6. preached to the g., believed ot 2 Tim. I. II. apostle and teacher ofg- 1 Pet. 2. 12. con versa, honest nm.g. 1. 3. to have wrought will of g. 3 J"A)( 7. taking nothing of the g. Rev. 11. 2. the court, is given to g. GENTLE. I T/i". 2 7. we were g. among yon g. Tim. 224. servant of L. must beg. Tit. 3. i. g shewing all mei-km-ss J'i'o. 3. 17. wi idom fr. ahov j pureg-. I P*. 2. 18. sub) > * not .ml to g. GIA GENTLENESS. 2 Sam. 22. 36. thy g. made me great Pitt. 18. 35. 2 Cor. 10 1. I beseech yon hyg-. of C. Gal. 5. 22. fruit of the Spirit is g. GENTLY. 2 Sam. las. deal g-. with Absalom I ni. 40. 1 1. g. lead those with young GET. Gen. 34. 4. g-. me dam.iel to wife Erod. 14. 17.1 will g-. honour up. Ph. Lei: 14. 21. poor and cannot g-. 22. Deitt. 8 la power to g. wealth Jud%. 14. 2. g. her for me to wife, 3. I Kin. 1. 2. that king may g. heut Ps. I i9. 104 thro' precepts Ig-. under* Prof. 4A g-. wisdom, g-. understand 16 16. betters-, wisdom than gold 17. 16. price in hand of fool tog-, wis. Ei-cl. 3. 6. there is a time to g. Lam.3.~. hedged me, I cannot g. out Ezek. 22. 27 to g. dishonest gain Dan. 4. 14 let beasts g. fr. under Zeph. 3. !9. I will g. them praise I.uke 9. 22. lodge and g-. victuals ' Cor. 2. II. lest Satan g-. advantage Jam. 4. la buy, sell, and g. gain GET thee. Gen. I2.1.g-.l.out ofcountry,.4ek 7. 3. E.vod. 10. 28. g. th. fr. me, take heed 1 1. 8. g. th. out, and all people 19. 24. Lord said to Moses, g. thee dwu, 32. 7 Deut. 9. 12. 1 Km. 17. a g. MienceJl 9.toZar.'pha 18. 41. Elij. said.g-. th. up, eat 2 Ktn.3.l3.g-. t. to prophets of father /i-rt.40.9. O Zion g-. t. to high mount 47. 5. and g. th. into darkness Jer. 13. 1. e.thee a linen girdle Mat. 4.10. Jes. saith,g-.<.hence,Satan 16. 23. said to Peter, g. thee behind me, Satan, Mark 8. 33. Luke 4. W. Actt 10. 20. arise, g. thee down 22 18.g-.<. quickly out ot Jerusalem GET ye. Gen. 19. 14. Lot said, up, g. ye out fxa. 30. 1 1. g-. ye out of way, turn Jtr. 4'J. 31. g. ye to wealthy nation Joel a la g-. ye down, press is full Zech. 6. 7. g 1 . v hence, walk to Gen. 34. 10. g. you possessions there 42. 2. g-. i/ou down thither and buy Exod. 5 4. g-. you to your burdens ! 1. g. y. straw where you can find V u/n.lr!. 24. g. y. up fr. tab. of Koran Josh. 2. 16. g. y. to the mountain 1 Sum. 25. 5. g. y. up to Carmel Jer. 49. 30 flee, g- you far off , GETTETH. 2 Sam. 5. 8. whoso g- to gutter, chief Prov.3. lahappy man th. g. underst. 9. 7. that reprov. scorner g. shame, th. relink, wicked man g. blot IS. 32. th. hear, reproof g. underst. 18. 15. heart of prudent g. know. 19. 8. th. g. wisdom loveth own soul Jer. 17. II. th. g. riches not by right 48. 44. th. g. out of pit sh. be taken GETTING. Gen. 31.18. Jacob carried cattle ofg. Pron. 4. 7. wi. all thy g. get underst. 2. 16.e.of treasures by lying tongue GHOST. Gen. 49. 33. Jacob yielded up the g. Job 10. la O that I had given up g. 1 1. 20. hope an giving up ofg-. 14. 10. man givethupg- and where? Jer. 15. 9. seven, she ha. given upg-. . 6. 4. ha. tasted of heavenly g. Jam. 1. 17. eYery good g. and per. feet g-. is from abovti GIFTS. Gen. 25. 6. Abrah. gave g-. to sons Lev. 2a 33. feasts, beside* yourg 1 . Num. la 29. of all yourg; offer best 2CAr.l9.7. with L. is no taking ofg-. Kxth. 2. la Ahajuerm gave g 9 22. days of sending g-. to the poor Pi. 68. la hast received g-. for men 72. 10. kings of Sheba snail offer g. Pron 6. 35. tho'thou givest manyg*. 15. 27. he that hateth g. shall live 19.6.ev. man friend to him th. giv.g-. 29.4. g. overthroweth judgment /*o. I. 2,'i. every one lovth g. Ezek. 16.33. g. to whores, g. to lover* 20 26. I polluted them in own e. 31. when ye off-r g. ye pollute 39. pollute name no more with g. 22. 12. in thee have they taken g. Dan. 2. 48. king gave Dan. many f. 5 17. let thyff. he to thyself Mat. 2. 1 1. they presented to him g 7. II. how to give goody. Lu 11.13. Luke 21. 1. the rich oa*ting their if. F>. temple was adorned with ff. Rnm. 1 1. 29. g. of i^. without repent 12. 6. g. differing according to piritual r. f *. 4 s ...d ve r. t //,* 1 4 God bearing tineas wi. g. W J. . they har Mtld for wine *-** ^'^IHT" F.'wi. 1. 17 ("! n.ay .-. you -p.r.t 4 VH. have to g. to him need ih ' Tim. 4. a rixht^ous Jurtye .-h. r. Hrf>. V. 1. to g^. more ean.t-t he.>. 5, 1 be may t*Vt g. and wrria.-es it i it i . j.Jk \ Ift g life lor them I hut *lt a a Blua.prte.tcwWedtoerr. *^" ?"^" lk " l jih"?rdle '"leather Krr. 13. IV power toy. liletoim:.r e .re rie.t that *!/. 0. f. .4)Vre4. fc"tk r and .am*.** II A {**! trttlf t tllaf Of A'***lN |f- M*I.'I. *" ?* r "''> -' >A. ft 14. bavin* lli. g. wi. tri Ift 19. toy. her rup ol tin- n e tt. li r. every m.inwi-oid tou,.rk y.er.l^J.r.ah.tiit^p-gold.rirdl /< U JT to Inhabitant, of Jem*. j_, is. bird full In nre w a.iKty.? BIRD Xr. f*S.r. him wi. rnrious rirdle.9. J*4r a "ft Khud did f. hi- der 1 Sum, U r tM e man .word /^ / 45. X r. wod tin thy thiifh Cen. If SL what wilt g. me ? aerlnfr . II. the fteld 1 r fliee and ave a . all ihu g. me 1 will g. I'.nih r ia w th..ii n.ii-t ,< n- .nh<>-i. 30," lttheybllr .manrHi,-..n. 11 nht.ll g. evetv one h-lt a shrtel Num. 1 1.4 wh.. .h r. fleh to eat ? IK ft 18 if Pxlak r. me house, 24 II. Gen. 14 VI. jr.'me th.- pf-r^'in ft. VS. God r. the.- dew of hef.vrn 29. 21. g . me wif,- || 30. 1. f rhil.-.iet .Ni/m 6. V6. Lt.rdy thee pe..re Jnth. V. 12. and r. me true t.-ken 15 19. g. hie**, r. sprine, Jt/rf^.l.li 1 Sam. R ft y. u- a kin? to jndt-e n< 17. 10. y. nie Iran that we ma> hi lit F.tft. 44. la r. what rauelh sweat 3. . yottrwlf e and lament ii*e ia 37 sli. r bim-elf and make Ha* tay- If. and .erv.- roe JUU II. ia old. ai.oiher h. r. thf e Jrth. /V IS.:*. 1 A. A 3* r sark.-l.rth .i loins /*/ ia II b*t r me wl. glad iieu 6V ft i-em* g. with pt.irer B3.I. strens-th wherewith he hath r. lOJi. IV rtrdle herew th he I- g. W * 4. 1 r thee, th..' th.. ha-t Lam. 1 10. elder* of Zl g. wi. -to k. e*. Ift 10. 1 r thee with fine linen 3i S ye sht.ll g ttt LeTitensnl url.. Urirf. Ift 17. erery ma., r at. he n> aMe, ie*. 46. 5, 11. S. 1 foity stripe, he n.ay e. 1 Sam. tt 7. Mn of Jee g. helds r V .Wa. V3 15. oh that oner me drink of well of Bethlehem, ICAr.l I.I .. 1 A'm. ia ft if th.-ii wilt g. me half v TAe.30.IV. hand f G. to r. one heail Em ft a and to r us a nail H. tor. us a revitinr in Jndah Jo* X 4. all man hrith he g. fr life P-al. t. R 1 shall g tkee henl'ien ST. 4. he sh. r. Ih.H- derire* of heart 49 7. none ran r. to (Jod a rannom 51 . Ift not s-4 rifiee. el-e wo. 1 g. it 7R m Jol, ?V. VI. liorl.t niey flnlter title* ^jroi 2& 4. y. RiiordiiiKlo.l...U Cfl. II. y help fr-.ni troul.le. li*. U 8fi. 16. g. strength t" thy M-rviu-r 119. 34. g. me underfctanmi'r. T, |V5. I4, lr. frnr. 9. 9. y. in*trurt I" i-e n.un VK). 2fi. mv wiii.y. me tliilie he;.n V5. 21. if eneinv hun>frr, g. l.im bread. KIM'. IV. .0. 30. R y me nei. poverty nor ri.-hea, IV two dam-liter., i-rvintf. ^f. y. F.rcl 11 i y n portion t" srx.n ha. 6V. 7. y. no re-t till eclah. J.-ru J,-r. 1ft 19. y. lie. d to ire, d Lord Lam. 2. IR y. thyself no r.-st J-rl 1. a lament like a Vimin g. Jokm \\ 4. took towel and r. himself 5. towel wherewith he w y. JsVsx. 14. 6. hceats r. wl. roldeu |pr. /m. 30. V3. then he shall r. rain 'S. la that it may /f. *ei-d to -o\wr l a to r. to tit. Leant y for -h. K 7er. 3 19. how shall 1 r. pl.-a-. liunl V :t. n.V y them sorrow ot heart fflt. 3. 17. y. thfin -;irnii u d. me Da*, b. 17 y. rewards t another Hit. 4. 18. her ml. rs do lov, , g. y See l.oi N. SWOIO. !7.lft r. mMii an ord. to uay,3V.I9. 9. 14. y. O l.or.i.wliiit will th..iiy.f (ilKDKDsr. 5ft II. Iff. you an exp.-eted end 1.1 10 y. me a kin? and primes JJU II. la when younff r. thyself l.IRDKI II. Errk. 1. H. eat that 1 g. thee 3. a fill howl- with roll 1 r. thee ZrrA. II. IV. y. me mv |-n.e Mat. 5. 42. y. to him that rt^keth Ktm. ML II. him that r his harne*. Wi In if prinrer. tilt to sons. 17. 6.11. g. UKonrdailvhrcnd, l.n 11.3. h* It. ia and be r their loins ;/. ia 3C. K W <.od that r. M Dan. 9. ti. am rorne to r. Ib.-e skill .Vir. fi. 7. 1 r. Urst.lM.rn for tran-|r? 9. 24. y. plare |! 10i 8 Ire. l> K- 14. 16. y. them to eat, HaV* . 37. ^rsw. 31. 17. he r her loins Zee*. H K. Tinesh. r. fruit, around /d* W. flL r. of ftne twined linen Ift 7. to r. wrltinr of divorci-inent t JoAn47 Jes. Milh.y. meMdrink, In, 1 Kfm. fa 4. rave I>av b ^rfR 19. Simeon ciiid y.irep. w. I Jls* K. la MM nf klaw* with a r. I.tikr 4 fi. to whc UNI. 1 will, 1 g . ll Horn. IV. 19. rather y.|.u...' to r;iih /'. liJ Ift r. wherewt. be i- rirded 6. IK rood meaai re shall men r. 1 Cur. 10. 3V. y non. i.fli n.-e 1m. 3 *4. tasttewd i>f a r a'rmt 1 1. a f . him H* n my a* he needeth S for. 9. 7. let him y. not i/rndi'i. r 1 /7 nor ska 1 r <4 llns be hman Join 4. 14. the wtler 1 shall g h m CW. 4. 1. f. to -i-r>iit- tliat i- ji--t i.ttal.ilneu r .4 reim a Tf7. meat whirh * on ol man .h. fg ft*, bow ean thi- man g. hii- ll. -li : 1 /tin. 4. 13 ^. H*t**tid. ti r**iKjiitj 15 y. lh\seif wl.ollv .. tli.m H >l. Mteawtlfii Klinkim w 1. thy r 10. JR I r. to them eternxl lile Her. TO. 9. y. mr Hie little hM.k eVr. 11 1 rrt f ee a hi.e r II W. what thou ak (i. will g it IR 7. torint-nt and -..rr..w y. lief 10. as law f r -< for (Mtthinr ia V9 that he obould g. to p....r Ste ( HAHI.I , KAR, GI.OIIV, Lia r. Jtfa4. 3 4 Joaa bad a le^thnn 14. 16. lie hll r. you Comlotter 1 trill .'VI Hark 1 i 87. my neare T r to you; not Gen. 17 8. / tr// y. to thee land . sing and g. praise, 108.1. /'/on. 3. 28. to-morrow / irillg. ha. 3. 4. / ir. g. child, to be princes 11. 27. / trill g. to Jerusalem one that bringetli good tidings 42. & I tf. g. thee for covenant, 49.8. 45. 3 7ui.fi-. treas. || 49. 6. for a light Jer. 3. IS. I will g. y.m pastors 9. 15. 7 IP. g. waters of gall to drink 14. la I in/I g. you peace in land 17. 3. 1 trill g. substance to spoil 24. *3 Jiv. g. heart to know me 32 39. 7 IP. g. one heart, Ez. 11.19. Ezfk. 7. 21. 7 ir. g it to str.uiL-ers 11. 17. 1 trill ir. you land of Israel 16. 38. 7 trill ? thee blood in fury 33. 7 trill g. thee into their hand 61. 7 trill g. them for daughters 21. 27. whose riant it U, 7 w g. it 29. 21. 7 ir. g. thee opening of mouth 36. 26. 7 t//#. you heart of flesh Mat. 11. 28. and I will g. you rest 16. 19. 7 irillg. to thee the keys 20.1. whatsoever is right Iw. g you 11. 7 to. g. to last even as to thee Mark 6. 22. ask, 7 -7/^. it thee Luke 21. 15. 7 trill g. you a mouth JoAtt 6. 51. bread 7 ir. g. is mv flesh .^eto 13. 34. 7 . if. mercies "t David Rev. 2. 10. 7 trill g. thee a crown 17. J irillg. him a white stone 23. 7 rp. g. ev. one accord, to works 28. I trill g. him the morning star ! 1. 3. 7 w. g-. power to my 2 witnes. 21.6. 7 w. #. !>im athirst water of life Will 7 GIVE. Gen. 12. 7. to thy seed trill I g. this land, 13. l'5. | 24 7. | 28. 13. | 35. 12. Ejmrt. 32. 13. | 33. 1. Deut. 1. 36. Caleb, to him w. I g. land 1 S.im. 18 17. Merab. her TP. I g. thee 7W. 18. 49 trill I g. thanks to thee Cant. 7. 12. u-ill I g. thee my loves ha. 43. 4. trill I g. men for thee Exek. 36. 26. new heart trill 1 g. you Hag. 2. 9. in this place IP. 1 g. peace M yf ?. I Tim. 3. 3. bishop not g. to wine. no striker, TV. 1. 7 8. deacons not g. to much wine '2 Tim. I. 7. G. n. g. us spirit o rear Tit. 2. a agtid wuuitii n. tf. tc wiu G1V 11*11 '<(.:'. f..ik Mil U g I- hail of kingdom A f. keg. oC gold of -befta IWXwbul * g thrv.Ulse liM.guef re> r o haixi* . 6.y. km XI I &. krr*4 . irf. bi !. *V. . ffCort of Lrku. *. tc II. mariabe^ ik.lt f. to Mil i **. fey. t hi* band .doro *. ** jr . ! Ibe saint. W.i/ 7.7.k. and llaa. Wf.L-Ar I I.V . iuMhMtfWflr.iall. U Vn.Mtii**.y. Vr*A II. LOfll. L I? It wlMHA. bath, to bin. M. Ug. i A. A/art 4. IS /.*e . IH. V IS. il^.l.y.fi>rwba prepared l 43 kin4. TG. *. **f.to nation t Ki' & 16. jriv., and it t ** y. you Pk,L . tbr..' prayer* I *. 4r y. Ju. I. i ask i4 dad. and it U. Vy. IV X to IM (A. Aorfy. no teed J.-A lilurAy *mitbUo4. Ju4.l li .'* Aojry him tread &<. II 14. fiUd A*y. ooaioo fix OMI AM( -I*., y me. / IS.3S. 41 f A y me Berk, of enem. />. l& 4tt Xmi . 13 (A. A. y. u* deliverance PL XI * fA. A y hi* heart's desire 44. II. fftM AJ*/ U* like sheep f.i A. y. a banner to them II i OMI Arfrfy. me tbe heritage 71.3 (AM Aorfy. riMMMwL to save JJkm 17. . (AM Aorfy. bin power 7. all Iblan MM Aorf g. me ft I prayTor them (few Awf A Me 1 1. keep those (AM AoW y. me Jk 18. & (A. Ad>/ y bloodto drink GIVER. /M. 84. 1 taker of usury, to with y. * Or. a 7. God I. *eth a cheerful g . O I VEST. /Vu/ IV P. th'.u y. him nought, 10. J 35. 7. If rlgbteoui. what y. him f ft. Ml IB. Ibou y thy mouth to evil i i tho y. them tear* to drink 104. tbat y. them, they father I4.V IV thou y them their meat J'nr ft. 3K tho' thou y. many irifts i'.-e*. IA S3. thouy. to all thy lover* J*. thmt y. reward, none I* given I t or. 11 17. thou r . thank* Well F.T** Kb-y oo sixth dav bread ML It day l.m In land which L. f. lbr. Dnrf.4.40 | 5. 1C. | tt. 15. ft. t. rvery .ataatr It willingly J>,nt 2. t. Into land which L G /. tb.. 4. i.ii. |ii.i7. ai. i ft. I, ll| 14. 4.1.1 Ifl. . ! 14-j It. 9. I H. 1.*, 10.14. it i. n i *i 4. i *L i, i 7.I.1|& Jd.Vl.7Lti . in b f . nwer to get wealth f o lai^ fur tby righteooa, II I. il a rabt y. thee a sign 11 - L ' lh * r> " ' " * W|M y. rkiii upon earth 33. 13. be y. IM> aentont of bit way* >^r ^et.| Itt y. soni, * I V 'fef " r* HI. f - meat /' ML M. drHvei.i.c* y be to king **. 3*. d of l.rael that y.slrength ! I 1 ' lyi. entrance of w..rd f. ltht IT7. V. MI be y. Kit beloved sleep . t.f. L. g. Witdntn out of mouth *. M g. (rare to lowly. Jam 4. I Pttrr i 6. li fnnd uderstan4 f. favnnr l.-Arwt.t f. nd*MfetbiMt th.t y to pr .hall not Wk Cd f t. g.^ * wit. dii, t iLarr y . trave GLA /.*. God y him D"t power to eat *. 40. A. bf. power lothi faint li. MI y br. nth t people Jrr S. *4 y. nun ||3I. 32k f sun / UM. :i 30 g. cheek I., him -n.it th -t 15. w l him g neighb. drink < 5 I A it * light to ll I" hou-e J,Jut 3 SKi.y.i.ol .spirit by 11 & 33. my Father y. Tu true bread 33. who y. life In tne world 37. all tlir Father y. me i-hall com.- la II. the goo.1 shepherd # hi> lifi- 14. 77. n.it u the world y. give ' ,Vr(i IT. 2V bey. to all life, breath &>>. li & that g. let him do it with simplicity I Cfcr. & 7 Ooi that f . the increase "7 3& tbaty. In marnage doth well li aa God y. body an pleased hitn 57. thanks to find wh'iy. victory I Cur. 3.6. letter killeth, -|nrit ft life I Tim. 6. 17. whoy. richly all things, Jam. I. 6. a>k of (Tod that y. to all 4. 6. f. more frace, God g. grate Pet. 4. U. a* irf ability that Gody. Ret. 22. 5. Lord find g. them light GIVING. Devi 10. 18. ttranger in g. him food '.'I 17. by g. him .1 douMe portion Ruth 1.8. L.vUited people in g. bread Job 1 1. xO. hope a* g. up of the choni Mai. 24.38. marry. and g. in marriage Arti 6.9 g. out himself great one li & y. them the Holy U net Rom. 4.vO. ttrony in faith, y. G. glory V. 4. g . of law. wrvicr of God I Cor. 14. 7. f sound || 16. y. thank* 8. Cor. 6.3. ^ . no offence in any thinir Phil. 4. 15 mncrn. /f. and receiving I.TVwi.4.1. ff.hee.l to reducing pirit I Pet. 3. 7. g. honour to the wife * Pet. \. 5. g. all diligence to make Jude~. g. tbem-elves to fornication See THANK*. GLAD. Kind. 4. 14. he will be g. In heart I Am. & 06. Israel went to tents g. 1 Chr. 7. 10. F.itk. 59. H*man g. \\ 8.5. Shuthan g . Jot 3 22. y. when they find thr grave 22. IS nifhle. see, are y. P>a. 64.10. /*. IA. 0. my heart y. i'ory njoic. th 2l.8.made him g. with thy cuunten. 34. 8. humble hear and be y 69. 32. 45. 8. whereby have made thee y. 46. 4. stream* make g. city of God 07. 4. let the nation* be g. and ting 90, li make ui g . || 92. 4. L. made g. V7. I. let islet be g . |] 8. Zin wa* g. 104. li wine that maketh g heart 34. bey. in Lord B Ilii 38. Egypt y. Un. 30. are they r. because quiet 122. ). f. when they Mid. let u* go 186. 3. great things, whertof arc y. Pror 10. 1. wl*e ton mukvih a /f. la. ther, | A. 80. IX ?i a good word rrmketh it g. 17. i that is g- . at calnmitiet 23 VS. father mid mother Khali bey. 4 17 heart not he r.whrn Mumble. if7. II. be wie, make my heart g. /ML Si I. wilderoesii b>- 'g. for them Jrr. 20.15. child horn, making hinif Dan. 6. 83. was king exceeding g. Jomak 4.A. Jonah g. because of gourd ZerA. in 7. children see it and b.. g Marie 14.1 1 j.and promised, l.u W. Luke I. IB. to shew these g. tidings. . If. tidings of the kint-ion, 3f, inret we make meirjr. he *. Jn*8 5 Abra.aw my day was glad Artt 1 1. 23. teen grare nf God, wa* r in 481 Gent, beard, tu-y were g.' Rom. 16. IW. I an g. uo your Lehalf GLE 1 for. 1R 17. g. of coming nf StepK X Cor. >. 2. who that niaki-th niey.i 1.1 !' we arc g when u e are weftk /'jf 4 l:l. ye mav bey. alxi GLAD joined with rtjotrf. 1 CAr. 16. 31. let l..-a>.n> he |f. and let earth rejoice, Ixird reign, eth. Pnitm !tl. II. /". 9. 2. I w-ill be g. and rrjfirr 14. 7. Jacob r. Israel be g. 53. 6. 31. 7. 1 will be#. and r. in mercy 3* II. be F. and r., yerightc. t;s. .1 40. 16. 8e.-fc thee, be g. and r. 70. 4. 4R II /.ion r. daugh of Jud. I* #. 90. 14 that we may be g. and r. I18.*4.dit), we will r. and be #.ini Cunt. I. 4. wi- will be g. and rejoice ha. >. . we will rrjmce and be ^. tv\ 18. be )".'. and r. for ever 6ft. 10. r. yewith Jerusa. and he ^ r . /.<;m. 4. VI. r. and be r. O daughter ./-./ A 81. O land, he e. and r. 5?a be g. ye child, of /ion, r. In L. Huh. I. 15. they rejoice and are r. X'7/A. 3. 14. be^. and r. O daughter Mat 5. 12. r. and he y. great reward t 2. 2fl. heart did r. tongue waif. Her. 19.7. be jr. and r. marriage come GLADLY. Mark 12. 37. people heard Christ g. Artt 2.41 f. receiv. word were bapti 21. 17. the brethren rrc.-ived usr. 2 Cor. II. 19. ye suffer fools g. IV. 9. mo-t ' will I rather glory 15. 1 will g !>pend and be ipent GLADNESS. Xuni.10.lU.in day of g . ye shall blow * Sam. 6.12. Dav. brought ark withy. I Ch. I*;. 27. strength and g. in place Ch. 29. 30. sang praises with g. 30. 21. Israel kept ft-ast with g. ' 23. they kept other 7 days with f. AVA. 8. 17. there was very great g. EM. a la Jews had light, and y.17. 9. 17. day of (easting nd g. IS. IB. Pi. 4. 7. thon ha>t put g. in my heart 30. II. thon bust girdi-d me with if. 4.V7. anointed r ith oil of y. ///-. 1. 9. li withy, shall they he brought M. 8. make me to hear joy and g. 97. II. g. \ sown for the untight 100. 2. i>erve the Lord with g. lOi 43. he hrouvht chosen with g. 106. 5. that I may rejoice in the g. Cant. 3. II. in day of g. of his heart 7*0. 22. 13. j-y andy. slaying oxen SO. v9. sh. have Ming and y. of heart 35. 10. shall obtain joy and y. 51.11. 51. 3. joy and y. found therein Jer. 7. 34. voice of mirth and y. Ifi. 9. | '/5 -0. 31. 7. sing withy, for Jacob 33. II. heard n voice of joy and y. 4R 33. j.-y and y. taken fiom field Joel 1.16. j'oy and y.from house of G 2ah. 3. a horseman lifteth g. spear Hab. 3. II. shininir of thy g. spear GLOOMINESS. [I. 15. Joel 2. 2. day of darkn. and g. Zep/i. GLORIFY. Pial. 22. 2a all seed of Jacob g. him 50. 15. and thou shall g-. me 8fi. 9. all nations shall come and g. 12. and I will g-. thy name Ixi. 21. IJ. y. ye Lord in the fires 25. .'i the strong people g. thee 60. 7. 1 will g. house of my glory Jer. 30. 19. I will also e. them Mat. 5. 16. g. your Fath, in heaven John 12. 28. Father, e-. thy name la 32. God sh.llg-. him 111 himself 16. 14. he shall g. me ; for he shall 17. 1. g. thy Son, that thy Song-. 5. g. me with thine own self 21. 19. hy what death he sh. g. God Rom. 15. 6. one mind and mouth g.G. 9. that Gentiles might g. God 1 Cur. fi. 20. g. G. in body and spirit 2 Cor. 9. I a g. O. for your subject. 1 Pet. 2. 12. g. G. in day of visitation 4 la let hung-. God on this behalf Her. 15. 4. fear thee, and g. thy name GLORIFIED. Lev. 10. 3. before all peo. 1 will beg-. Jsa. 26. 15. increased nation, artg\ 44. 23. L. hathg'. Mmself in Israel 49. i O Israel, in whom I will I e. 5.',. 5. Holy One of Isr. hath g. 60.9. 60. 21. work of hands th. I may bee-. 61. a planting of L. that he be g. fi6 5. said, let the Lord be g. Ezek. 28. 22. I will be g. in midst of 39. la in the day that I shall beg. Dun. 5. 23. God hast thou not g. Mat. 9. 8. marvelled, and g. God, Mark 2. 12, Luke 5. 26. IS. 31. they g. the God of Israel Luke 4. 15. in synagogues, being g. 7. 16. fear on all, and they g. God 13. 13. she made BtrMght, andg-. G. 17. 15 leper e O. ||23. 47 centurion John 7. 39. Holy Ghost not given, because Jesus not g. 11. 4. that Son of God might be g. 12. 16. but when Jesus wasp-, then 23. the Son of man should he e. 2s. I have g. it, and will glorify It 13. 31 S. of man g. G. is g. in him 32. if G. be g. in him G. sh glorify .. 13. that Father may be g. in Son 5. 8. is my Fat. g. th. ye bear fruit 17. 4. I have g. thee on earth 1C and I am g. in them trlt 3. I a O. o? fathers hath g. Son 4. 21. men g. O. for what was done II. 13. they held p*ace, and g. God 13 4*. Gentiles g. word of Iwird 81. 20. they of Jerusalem g. Lord GLO Knm. 1. 21. they g. him not as God 8. 17. suffer that wi may be alsog-. 30. whom he justifies, them he g. Gal. I. 24. and they g. God in me 2 Thes. 1. 10. when lie come to he g. 12. that name of Jesus miiy be g. 3. 1. that word of Lord mav he g. Heb. 5. 5. so Christ g. not himself 1 Pet. 4. 11. G. in all things may be g. 14. hut on your part he is g. 2lev. 18. 7. how much ohe g. herself GLORIFIETH, ING. Pt. 50. '23. whoso offer, praise g. me Luke 2 20. shepherds returned, g. G. 5. 25. he departed to own ho. g. G. 18. 43. blind man followed, g. Hod GLORY. a<'n. 31. 1. of fathers gotten this g. Er. 28. 2. garni, for Aaron for g. 40. 1 Sain. 2. 8. make inherit throne of g. 4. 21. g. is departed from Israel, 22. 1 Chr. 22. 5. house for L. must he g. 29. 11. thine is greatness, power, and g. Mat. 6. la Esth. 5. 11. Hainan told g. of riches Job 39. 20. g. of nostrils is terrible 40. 10. and array thyself with g. Pi 24. 7. King of g. shall come 111, 9. 10. who is this Kin* of g y 29. 3. the God of g. thumTereth 49. 16. wheng-. of Iwuse is increased 73. 24. afterward receive me to g. 79. 9. help us, O G. for g. of name 85. 9. that g. may dwell in our land 89. 17. thou Mt g. of their strength 10G. 20. changed g. into similitude 145. 11. speak of g. of thy kingdom 149. 5. let the saints be joyful in g. Prov. 3 35. the wise shall inherit g. 17. 6. g. of children are fathers 20. 2ft. g. of young men is strength 25. 27. men to search own g. is notg. 28. 12. righteous rejoice, there \sg. ha. 2.10. hide forg-. of majesty, 19.21. 4. 5. on all the g. shall he a defence 5. 14. g. and pomp descend unto it 10. 3. where will ye leave your g. ? 12. 1 will punish g. of hit-h looks 18. shall consume g. of his forest la 19. Babylon g. of king as Sodom 14. IS. all lie in g. each in his house 16. 14. g. of Moahsh. he contemned 17. a be asg-. of children of Israel 4. g. of Jacob shall be made thin 20. 5. be ashamed of Egypt their g. 21. 18. all the g..,sed to stain pride of g. 24. 16. songs, even g. to righteous 35. 2. g. of Lebanon be given to it 61. 6. their g. ye boast yourselves 66.11. delighted wi. abundance f g. 12. g. of Gentiles as flowing stream Jer. 2. 11. people have changed g. 13. 11. they might be to me for a g. 18. come down, crown of your g. Ezek. 20. ft is the g. of all lands. 15. 24.25. take from them joy of their g. 25. 9. I will open g. of the country 26. 20. set g. in land of the living 31.18. whom art thou thus like in g. Dan. 2. '.VI. given power and g. 7. 14. 4. 3fi. g. of kingdom returned tome 1 1 . 39. acknowledge, increase wi. g. Hot. 4 7. chance their g. into shame St. II. Kphraim, their g. fly away 10. S. priest* rejoiced forg-. thereof Mic. 1. 15. Adullam theg-. of Israel jVA. 2. 9. none end of store and g. Hub. 2. !fi. rilled with shame for g. Hag. 2. S. saw house in her first g.t 7. fill hfin-e with g saith Lord 9. g. of lattf r h"iise greater Zec/i. 2. 5. 1 will he g. in midst of her 193 GLO Zecti. 2. R. after g. ser ne to nations H 13. build temple, he bear g. 11. 3. their*, is .spoil, d 12. 7. g. of house of Oav. g. of Jer. Mat. 4. 8. kingdoms and g. of them (i. :>. sound trumpet, haveF. ol n.en 16. 27. come in g. ,,t Fa. Mrlc8. 38. 24. 30. Son coining with pow-r and g. Mark 13 26. Luke 21. 27. t 2. 14. g to God in highest.ia.SS. 32. and the g. of thy people Israe4 4. 6. power will I give thee, andf. 9. 31. in g. and spake of his dereas John 17. 5. g. which 1 had with the J'2. g. thou gavest me given them Act* 1. 2 G. of g. appeared to father 12. 23. because he gave not God g. 22. II. I could not see g of light Hum. 4. 20. strong, giving g. to G. 6. 4. raised by theg-. of the Father 8. 18. not worthy to he coinp. wi.g. 9. 4. pertaiueth g. and covenants 2a he had afore prepared unto g. 11.36 beg. for ever, Go/. I. 5.22"im. 4. IK. lleb. 13. 21. 1 Pet. 5. 1.. 16. 27. to God beg. 1 Tim. I. 17. 1 Cor. 2. 7. God ordained to our g. 8. not crucified the Lord of g. 11. 7. woman is the g. of the man 15. woman ha. longhair, is g. to her 15. 40. g. of celestial, g. of terregt 41. one gf. of sun. ano. g. of moon 43. sown in dishonour, raised nig. 2 Cor. 3. 7. g. of his countenance 9. if condemnation beg-, righteous. ness exceed in g. 10. nog-, by reason of g. Ui. excel. 18. all are changed from f. to g. 4. 17. worketh eternal weight of g. 8. 19. administered to g of same L. 23. messengers, and g. of Christ Eph. 1. 6. praise of g-. of his grace 17. Father of g-. give you Spirit 18. know what is riches of the g. a 13. tribulations, which is yourg-. 21. g. in the church hy C'hrist Jes. PhiLl. 11. fruits, by Christ tog. it 3. 19. whose g. is in their shame 4. 19. according to his riches in g. 20. G and our Fath. beg-, forever Col. I. 27. Christ the hope ofg-. 3. 4. ye shall appear with him in g. 1 Tfies. 2. 6. nor of men sought weg-. 12. who called you to king, and g. 20. for ye are our g. and joy 2 Thet. 1. 9. punished fr. g. of power 2. 14. obtaining of the g. of our L. 1 Tim. 3. 16. received up tint"/?. 2 Tim 2. 10. Christ, with eternal g. Heb. 2. 10. bringing sons untog-. 3. 3. man counted worthy more g. 9 5. cherubims of f. shadowing Jam. 1. 1. laith of Jesus Lord of g. 1 Pet. 1 8. rejoiie with joy full of g. 11. testified g-. that should follow 21. God raised him, gave him g. 24. all g. of mim as flower of tram 2. 20. what g. is it, when buffeted ? 4. 14. spirit of g. resteth on you 5. I. the g. that shall be revealed 10. called us to eternal g. hy Christ 2 Pet. I. a that hath called ug to g. 17. voice to 'him fr. ex;illent g-. 3. 18. to him he g. ever, Rcr. ! 6. Jnde 25. only God our Saviour, beg. Rrr. 4. 1 1. worthy to receive g. 5.12, 7. 12. Messing and g. to our (>od 11. 13. remnant affrighted, gave f. See CROWN, HUMUIR, VAIN. G.WGLORV. Jo*h. 7. 19. my son g. g. to CJod 1 Sum. r,. 5. ye shall g. g. to God I Chnm. la 2R g. to the Lord e . Pt. 28. 1,2,106. 7, a Jer.\l 11 CLO GtO **< Hi I Bott.. ~,- ; I*** Jlrr 4 tl..H Dl r 19 l.hr.v. rVpr i.4. Ike . I 'I % UMIlr f. f * " ' no-Hi rllterrr rherub i. II. la IS. g. fl..' ->er th. 43. *. f *fli. tme fr.M thr rut lafai 1 1.4. !* lrk nr ii , h lorg-. f G. 40 if i-rii 5. it rr>r In b.*r of Ike f. / tY . I hr re.-r.vrd u. t.. g. O/G. ICW.taiir*! i.r .truik. all t. II 7 man I. image and f t CW-. 4.A li**>t know. g. fG. IS. thi.kHriv redound to g. yO. />Arf I II. h, < hrl-t to tWf.ffG. i. II. Ji-usks I..-* to thr f. c/G. JTr. li. 6II.-<1 with smoke fr. g. oftl. SI. II. Jeru-alew having jf. 4. Lord ruth -hewed A. f. S3 17. A. g like nr-Hii.if of Lull- k I CAr. l& 24. derUri A. *. ainom; the hralhrn. fulm 9ft 3. ft. fl. i A f . i- gr. at in -hut ion . H. rrrry one .peak of A. g. 49 17. A f hall not dr* end after 72. 19. Irt ertb hr riled w-Nh A. g. TK HI. delivered A. g. t" nrmies W 44 thou hut made A. f. lorrnxr V!. 4 and all Hit- people ee A. g. 101 ia bpild Zion. appear In K. g. 113. 4. A. |- above hevei, IM. U IM. 3. 1 to pr-.oke the e>e of A. e a 1 cried, wh-.le earth full f A. g. la ia under A. g. kindle a i.urniu.- Ml. 19. fear A. g. from rising of MIH 60. t A. m. *h,ll be wen up. .n the. 18 . . . r i.h A. g Ftrk. U < nirth .hii.l will, A. Ann. i. M th^jr tixik A. g. (nim hto 1 A...oer^dtDr hravrn, Uat .. S.*wnon In A /p. /.u*. I -.'./:. m SMI of man ill MLf. l.u l>tl f .rth A <. It 41. Mid Ku ... hr,, . A V XMB > 1. thr..' my li^ unto A. e. ft A kr known Urn.-, of H g. Fmtt I. I* ti. Ihr , r.i^r ..I A. f . it H IV rmrlinit ! rtrhr of I g I. 1 thr IrirliliMMMori.f" I /W 4. II. tra^i, A. f. >r ir\r\r<\ JHJT fl brfxiv t!,. pr. >. ,,r. ,,i A, g with A. * 19 i,..t seen m. g. h. d.-H-re m. # . *l s.-t J among hethi, . rhlld en txken >. f .** 8. 5iV I - rk not .'' own /f. 17.: Ifi. 7. yr h* I see g. _ (I f . of /.. appeared. /.<. 9. 3D. Nuii u. ia i i. 19, 42. i 20 a 4. ia . i/hame . 19. God t. g. U fii.i. kingii ee tj-. R3.15. behold from haMtatioii of t.g ler 14. VI. not rd, g. \ I. who likr Lord, g. in holiness ~)mt. 1/9. &8. maysl fear this g. name .V, fi. 105. a 35. we may g. in thy praise ft. H3. 11. ,-w.areth h) him sholl f. 04. In the upright ii. heart shall f 106. ">. I may g. with thy inherita. 'i,,. 41. 1R i>liMli g. in the Holy OM 45. 25. in 1 . -hall seed of lrael g >rr. 4. 2. and in him ;.hail they g. V3. let not the wine, rirh nmn g 24. g. in thi:-, thi.l h. knowetli me Row. 4 2 he hath whereof to j-. 5. 3. we g. in tribulation* also l.V 17 1 have whereof I may g. Cor. I. 79. no Bes-h g. in his prrs. :il. elorifth. g. in I.. 2 Cor. 10. 17. 3. 21. let no man g. in men 4.7.why j-.as if l,ao 3>. u t; I will g. of my intirnntic-a 12. l.il is not expedient for n e -o^-. 5. will I g., of n.ys. If I will not g. ft. t ho' I desire to g. not he a fool 9. nill rather g-. in my infirmities al. fi. 13. they may g. in yorr fl. .h 14. I should p. cave in the rro*9 .'. TA I. 4. so that we g. in you Jam. 3. 14. if ye have envving, tf.not GLORIEST, El'H. Jer. 9.24. let him that g. \Cr. 1.31. 2 C.-r 10. 17. 49. 4 why g. thou in the valleys f GLOKY1NG. 1 Cor. 5. fi. your g it not good f'.IMhan any -I., make my g void 2 Cm: 7. 4. great is my g. of y..n 1 1. I HIII I.ei-ome a IIMI! in g. GLUT I ON. Deut 21. 20. this . ur son is a g. Prm. 23. 21. g h. rome to poverty GLUTTONOUS. Matt. 11. 19. a many /.uXo7. 3*. GNASH, hi). El H, IN<;. Jnb 16. 9. he g on me, /*/ .'i7. II 35. 16. they g. or. nie with tietli Pi. Ill 10. hehall y. within- teeth Lam. 2. Ifi. they hiandy. the te-t.h Mat. 8. 12. be g of lei Ih la 42. 50 I 22 13. | 24.M. | V5.34I. /.u.13.28, Mark 9. a he foamelh and g. Actt 7. 5* they g. on him with teetl GNAT. Mat 21 94. MrRiiiHt n e. swal. nuna fiNAW. rfl). Zrph. S. 1 hey y not the bonpn till Ret. 16. 10. tbey^ tongtes for pain GO. Cm. 3. 14. on thy belly shall thoa f. Ifi. a whither wilt thou g. t . 4V. pnwper n.y > whirh I g. 58. wi t thou g with thi man ? 6. Ifi. Ahi. snid to l-aar. j-. from m 2R. 20. if f-od kei-p me in w..y I #. 32. 26. let me f. ; I will not let thee g. exr. pt th.'ll l.l. '- n. 37. 30. and I. whither shall 1 ro ? 43. a *end Ih^ lad. and we will g. . 3 I!), w ill not let yon whenyi j;.yeihallMtfjr. rmpty CO E.rnd 4. 23 let my son g. if thou relo-, . 8. 2. 21. | 9. -I. | 10. 4. \ 1. let my pe '(> eg- ^ 16. | & I, 20. | 9. I, 13. | 10. 3 . nor will I let Israel g. *. 3. I will let people f. 2a | 9. 2a Hi. nor would he i--t people g 7. 14. ; 9. 35. | in. a , 27. 10. 9. g. with inir younif and i>.d la 21. litflit toy. JV.'A. 9. 12, ID. 14. 5. that we have let Israel g. 17. 5. g. on before the people 23. 2.a aiijfel g-. before the.-. 3'. :U. 3-1. 23. gods tog- before us, .4^7.40. 33. 14. my presence sh. g-. with the.' S. 9. if found if rare, g-. amongst us Kum. 22. 13. L. refuseth leave to 5-. 20. if the men cull thee, g, 34. 1 1. and nw I g. unto my peo. 31. 2.a make it g. through tire and 32. 6. g. to war, and ye sit hen* ? 17. hut we will g. ready armed Dent. 1. 33. shew way ye should g. 4. 5. whi. yeg: 0.1. | 11.8,11. | 30.18. 40. that it g. well, 5. 16. | 19. la 1 1. 28. if ye g. after gods, 28. 14. 31. a thy Ci-d, he it is that doth g. 7. thou must g. with this people 8. he it is that doth g. before thee 18. land whither they g. amongst 81. know imagina. they g-. about Joih. I. IB. whither sendest will g. 3. 4 may know way ye must g-. Judg. I. V5. let g. man and family 4. 8. if thou wiUg-. th " I will o-. 6. II. said, g. in this thy might 7. 4. this shall g, the same shall g. 18. 6. b.-fore L. is way wherein yeg-. 9. be not slothful to g. to possess 19. 25. day heiran, they let her g. Ruth \. IW. ste.lfastly minded toff. 1 Sam 5. 1 1. li-t it g. to its place 6. 6. did they not let the people g.? 12. 21. should y?g. after vain things 16. 2. how can 1 go y if Saul hear 17. 33. not aMe tog-. aga. Philistine 18. 2. let him g no more home 83. 13. DaviJ went whither could g. 2 .Vain. 12. -23. I shall g. to him. he 13. 13. whither cause shame to g.1 15. 20. seeing 1 g. whither I may 17. II. g. t battle in thy person 20. 11. David, let him g. after J .ah 1 Kin. 2. 2. 1 g. way ofall the earth II. 22. let meg-, in any wise 13. 17. nor g. by way thou earnest 80. 42. hat I'-t y. a man appointed 22. 4. g. wi. me to battle, 2 Chr. I8.a 8 Kin. 3.7. g. with me against .Moub ? 4. 23. wilt th'in g. to him to-day ? (i. 22. set bread that they may g. 10. 24. he that letteth him g. 18. 21. will g. into hand, lia. 3fi. 6. 9 Cfiron. 14. 1 1. in thy name we g. 85. 7. let not the army of Israel g-. 8. if thou wilt g. du it, be strong Job 6. 1R they g. to nothing 10. 81. before I g. whence I shall x not return, 16. 22. 20. 2a \tg. ill with him that is left 21. 29. not a-ked themg;. by way ? 27. 6. righteousness I will not let g. Pi. 32. R teach thee in way shall g-. 39 13. ' efore I g. hence, and be 42. 9. why g. I mourning, 43. 2. 49. 19. g. to generation of fathers 84 7. g. from strength to strength 85 13. riifhteoiis. sh. g. before him 89. 14. mercy and truth g. before 107. 7. minht g. to a '-ity of hahita 1 M?. 7. we will g. into his tabernacle 139. 7. whither g. (r. thy presence Pro*. 2. 19. none 'that g. j-etnrn 3. 38. g. autteume ugaic. to-morrow GO Prow. a 28. can oneg-. on hot coals 9 15. passengers who g. rhjht on H. 7. g. from presence of foolish 15. 12. neither scorner g. to wise 19 7. more do his friends g-. f;ir 22. 6. train child in way he sho. g. 30. 29. three thinus which g. well Eccl. 3. 20. all g. unto one place, all 5. 15. naked to g. as he rame, 16. 6. 6. do not all g. to one place ? 7. 2. to g. to house of moiiriiinif 9. 3. after that, the) g. to the dead 10. 15. know, not how tog-, to city 12. 5. mourner* g-. about streets Cunt. 3. 4. I would not let him g-. ha. 3. 16 and mincing as they g. 6. 8 and who will g. for us ? 9. g. tell this people, Act* 28. 26. 27. 4. I would g. through them v8. 13. that they milit g-. and fall 45. 13. he shall lei g my cnptives 48. 17. leaiteth by way shonldest g. 58. 8.*righteousness g. before thee (W. 10. g-. throuifh.g- thro' the (fates Jer. I. 7. -halt g. to all 1 send thee 9. 2. I might g. from my people 31. 22. how long g-. about, U daugh 34. a g. to Babylon, Mic. 4. 10. 40. 4. seemeth good to g. there g-. 5. 42. 22. die, whither ye desire tog-. 46. 22. voice shall g-. like serpent ftO. 33. they refused to let them g. Ezek.&R. should g 1 . far fr. sanctuary? 14. 17. sword g-. through the land 21. Ifi. g. thee one way or other Hon. 5. 6. g. with flocks to seek Lord 7. 1 1. they g. to Assyria 12. when they g-. I will spread net 11. a I taiitrht hphraim tilso tog-. Mic. b. 8. if he g. throuuh treadetn Zeck. a 7. the bay sought to g. 8. these g. towards the north a 21. inhabit, of one city g. to ano 23. will g. with you, we have heard 9 14. g. with whirlwinds of south Mat. 2. 22. Joseph was afraid to g. 5. 41. g-. mile, g-. twain, Lukel. 8. 8. 9. and I say g*. and he goeth 10. a g. rather to lost sheep of Isr. 21. 30. I g-. sir, and went not 25. 9. g. rather to them that sell 28. 19. g. ye and teach all nations Mark a 3a g. see|| I V. 6. let them g. Luke \. 17. he shall g. before him 9. 51. set face tog-, to Jerusalem 60. g. and preach kingdom of God 10. 37. if. thou and do likewise 22. aa I am ready to g. to prison dS. not. answer me, nor let me g-. 23. 22. chastise him, and let him g. John 6. R8. Lord, to whom sh. we g. 7. 3a then I g. unto him sent me a 14. but I know whither f g. 21. I g. my wav, whither I g. la 36. whither I g. not follow 14. 2. 1 g-. to prepare place for you 4. whither 1 g-. ye know, the way 12. because I a. to Father, 16. 10. 2a Ig. to the Father, 16. 17, 2a 19. 12. if thou l"t this man g. Acti 1. 2ft. might g. t his own place 3. la when determined to let him g. 4. 21. threatened, they let them g. 23. heinj let g. went to company 5. 40. should not speak, let them g-. la 35. saying, let those men g. 20. 22. g. bound in spirit to Jerusa. 25. 12. to Cesar shall thou g. 2S.ia examined me, would let meg-. Rum. 15. 25. now I if. to Jerusalem 1 Cr. ft I. g. to law before niijuat 10. 27. andye be disposed tog-. la 4. if meet I g-. also, they shall g. 'i Cor. 9. 5. exhort brethren g. before Iflfl GO r-hil 2. 23. sec how it will g. wi. ms Jam. 4. 13. will r. unto sudi a cit> See KUKK. GO unite. VMM. 5. 12. if a ,,y ,., wiff ffJI|Vfc />/. 50 a shepherds caused g. ustniy Ezek. 14. 1 1. Israel g. no more astray G O atray. E.rod. 8. 28. nol g-. very far airay Dent. 15. la if he say, I will not g.a. 1 .SV/;n. 24. 19. will he let enemy g-. a.? Job\. 21. doth not excellency g. .? 15. 30. by breath of mouth -. array Jer. 51. 50. escaped sword g. ttirat/ Hn.i. 5. 14. I will tear and g. away Mat. 25. 46. g. a. to everlast. piinuh. John 6. fit. will ye also g- awai/ ? 14. 28. how I said, I g-. away, 16. 7. GO their way. John 18. a let these g-. their tray GO A Ui M^Mnmr liw ttoll f ./ tuai,,.is*fc MI? w,uf./tu 4J. K. s*fci! f- m*n. .. *~rj m ii a- y to rapu 3i a in UuU dy mssfers sh. f ./. Jn ||. 44. be .hall f /. wtb fury ./.< i !. tt brM> li. 15. speak U* Urael they f . /. f AM. X A shall shae-iwf ./. IU def. J*o /I b. If/. bu. he is not there GO in, r int, or not GO us. >'MSV 4. I a Aaron aud sous sh. f. in a 15. after that shall Leviles f . in rr 17. f . oat. and f . in before them XL V. should not f. int. the land 4. I. and f M aud potMl*. 8. I /. HM. 4. iMrtf. in with MM I it. iv iip^n thr irt*^ I will g. in II*. Mr'* Pth f thy CMinmiuid. I3<. 7. we will g . into hi. Ub.-rn.irlr /rw. *7. 10. mw f. i. hr<>lner' himm /m. 1 la hll . U(o holr* of HM-k Ji-r (. y Irt ui ; . I. .k-fi-nrrd ritira M. i I r.aiH.t f . int.. buur i>f Lord . mt win f . into Und f Ktfypt IV L. hMh wMl, f . ye not i. Ktfypl JTrr4.4. lilwltr* thry /f. i. prince >*. 1 Uf.iMlt rlay. aud trend trA. & 10 / m<* bwnw f Jmiah J/W. t i Uke rh.ld.f. Mte Itruel 7. II aud ay tkff b<> that g . in Ml V. r . imia Mw vinryard, 7. VI t f Ml. tillacr. Luir IB. 30. 11. b*rtoU g i*to iii(ra.m of God tt > f. i hMfh-watt, bid to mar. IS. yi- <-tU*r g M. nor infer ritT. W.i j g. imto the country .ir* 14. U. Mllf. tufa tte *< C JH. m _ 4V 5* nor f . tn*v> tMvo, nor tell any K 15 r * all the world, preach /.lUrlS M. ansri y and would not r.i. Js 10. V. b. shall f in and uut 1 1. as ye see aim f. i. hrave AMI 17. a beast shall f . 1 perdition lot Crrmir. .n in. -n. HI 1 f. in unto my maid I i IL mstke drink vine, and f. .li a. my maid Hilbah, f. in to ber 9*. - f . in ant thy I rotber 1 ! wifi IttU *1 IX after I MM r in t her f* II tnkr a M if*-, f into ber A S. hnxMind's brother f . in to Her 4s*t U. U. sknn* m uriaf e>, f . in .Sm. Ifi. 21. f . in to lather's concu. Ain. 1 1. 2 ye hall not /( in to them Kffk. O. 44 as they g tn to woman Amo4 S. 7. mail an. I his father g. in (>O in ftfft, Gen. IS. 15. f. U. thy f-thers in p. i.VwV4.KJrtliro Mid lo Mos g. inp. la . people f. to tin ir place in ft. jWr.ia&prteat snid to Dan. g inp. I SM. I. 17. Kli-Mid to Han. g. inp. 40. 42. Ji nathmi .nd to Dav.f. inp. t\ 35. David said to Abigail, f. in;;. M. T. AchUh said to David, g. in fi. i Sam. IV R kinir*id to Ab.f.fnp I X'in. 2. & let not headf. down in ft J A'i/i. .V 19. Elisha aid, f . in p. Mmr. 4. 4. f . in p., and be whole Luke 7. 50. laith hath saved thee. g in p. 8. 48 Act* 15. 33. they were let f . inp. Let tuGO. O*n. 37. 17. let tug. t> Dothati Ejrvd. 3. 18. uon U-t tug. three days' journey, 5. 3. 5. a they say, K tu f. sacrifice, 17. la 15 Pharaoh would hardly lu.g. Oru.13.2. /. u. f.aft other Kd., r>. l:i. 1 Sam. y. 9. let ut g. tit the seer, la II. M. 1ft ui g.l <; ilnai, and renew 14. 1. let tug. over to Philistints, C. 2 Ain. 0. 2. let tu g . to Jordan ft \*L I. let tug. into house of L. /so. 2. 3. let tu g . tit mount of Lord Jer. 4. 5. let tug. into defenci-d cities f>.!> let tu g. aud destroy her palaces 35. 1 1. let tu g. to Jerusalem for fear 46. I fl. let ui g. to our own people 51.8. M i Mar. I. 3& 51. 9. M tug. everyone to country Vd by hurnt.olT. and / te. g. Deal. 2. 27. / K>. f. alonf hijrh.way Juag. I. a / ic. f . with thee into lot 4.a if thou g. with me, then / ir.f . R said, / mil surely g . wilh thee ItV 2(1. / IT. f . out as at other time AuMI.16. whither thou JJIM^I Iie.g .' A'lV 6. 3. he answered, / will g. 2 Cnr. 14. -JV. he said, / tr. g . to battle Pi. ta V then ir. / f . to altar of U. 6C. 13. I will g. into thy house 71. Ill / ir. f . in strength <>f Lord Iia IR op. n gatex, / uallg in yT.2.'i5.strauiter, after them / 10. i Krek.. \\. ItriUg.ta them at rest Hot. 2.-V. she said,/ ir. f. after lover 7. / trill g to iay first husband 5. 15 / 'ru'f. to my place, till seek Vi'-. I. H. / v. f . stript and naked Zed H. 21. s-ek the Lord ; / >ri#f. Mat. 2& 32. / m. f. before into (Jail- lee, U,trk 14. 'W. /.X- 15 14. /tr. arise and g to fataer Acti U. 6. henceforth luj.g.t'i (ien 00 near. OMt 5. 27. f . n. hear all the L. says 2 Sam. I. li g n.. fall upon him -V. 31. :IT. as a prince would I g. n. *<* a . f. n.. join to thi> chariot OOkoL or no/ GO. *<{. 33. 15. if thy pretence f. n. IM 00 yum. 10. SO. Hohah iwid. I will t. f. 2U 10. and he nairi, thou ahalt . f. X'.> lv(. id to Hal. i., in, nhalt n. f la n. f. beyond wiird of L. U .13. /Jen/ 3. /7. slmit 11. f . or.-r Jordan 6. 11 ye shall n. g . after other gd, I Ai;'#i 11. I a 24. I!) thou (tiHlt n i>. to letch It :. A.' th.iu sh.ilt n. f. thith'r o'h. H 4. # n. fr from the t ty Wy. 20. S. w? will n. miyg. to tent Hutn 3.17 g. H. empty ti>thy mother v.iwi. IT. 39. David said 1 ainnjt g. -".' 8. I may n. g, to tight ent-miea 2 \IL. 13. 'A n. ally., he would M.f. .' Ai i. IH \. David could n. g. before . J Chr. vJ.S. la soldier* that ih. n. f. n*. 4 13. take instruction, let tt.g. U. g . n. into the way of eril men 'ti. 4. \vi:li InriiMis man shall i. g. /-i .'.-'. 1^. ye ahull >L v. with liaite Jer. 10. 5. be borne, they cannot g. lfi.8. shalt n. K- to house ol f.-i^tuia; 25. 6. f. n. after oilier pt, 42. IU. ly. \-i. Ihou halt n. g. iinpunit hed l.atn. 4, la we cannot g. in street* ><*. 4 14. priet> tlmll ri. r.out Mat. 10. 5. y. . int-i w^.y of (ientilea Luke 111. 7. g 1 . . from house to house 17. 23. here or there, g n. after, 21.& GO over. Deut. M 25. let me g. o. and gee land 3. Joshua shall g-. o. before, 31. 3. 4. 14. land whither ye g. over, -X. I 3~. 13. | 32. 47. 28. I mint not g. o. Jordan, ye sh. V.U -> i. thou shult not g. o. thebougkf .'). 13. who shall g. o. the sea for u 31. 3. the Lord will g.u. before the* 34. 4. thou shalt not g. o. thither ./-. A. I. 2. arise, f . o. this Jordan Jtuig. 12 6. Kpliraini said, let tnt-g.o. I .Sam. 14. I. let u< f . o. to Philut. (L 30. 10. so faint, they could not g. o. 2 Sam. IK. 9. let me g. n. and take off 19. 37. Chiinham, let him g. orer // 8. 7. tome mid g. o. hie banks II. 15. >li make men g. o. dry-nhod "il. 23. bow down, that we may/f. o. 54. 9. waters of Ni>ah no inorc^r. o. Jer. il. 10. Uliinael departed tof. o. GO ut. Gen. 9. 10. from all tliatf. o. nf ark '14. II. women g. o. to draw water 45. 1. cause every man g . o. from me r'.fiid. & II. let children of Isr. g. o. H. ?.>. behold, If. o. from thee II. & after that I willf out 10. not let children of Israel f. o. I'-' <*.'. none shall f. o. at the door IK 4. people g. o. and gather a rate 'i'J. no man g. o. place on 7th day 21. 2. in 7ih year he shall f. o. free 3.came by himself, g.o. by liim^elf; if married, wife g . o. with him 4. and he shall g. o. by hiiiinelf 5. if M'rvaiit ny, I will not if o. 7. maid. servant not g. o. at men II. then shall shey. o. free uitlimit I.T 6 13. fire on altar >h. npver . . 8. 33. not f. o of tatterna. in 7 days 10. 7. not f. o. at door lest ye die It. .'is. the priest sh. g. o. of house 15. 1'i. if man's seed of cnpulat tf.n. \f>. N. sh f. o. to altar I; i fore Lor< 21. li nor g. o. of the siiietuary 25. 28. In juhile.- it -h. f . o 31. 33. HO. not f . o. in jubilee || .M. sli. g. . /)"8. shall I again g. out to battle 1 Sum. 19. 3. #. o. stand beside fath. 20. II. let us ir. one into the field &. I. Achish i.iiil, g. out with me t Sam. 5. 24. the L. shall y. o. before 81. 1". thou sh. /f. ni> more o. to hat. 1 Kin. 15. 17. not suffer any to g. o. or me into Asa, 2 Chr. TO.l. 20. 31. r pes on our heads, and g. o. \ Chr. 20 I. time kings g. o. to hat. 2CAr. 18.1".^. o. and be a lying spirit 20. 17. to morrow g. out against 28. \S.g. o. nf sanctuary, hast tresp. 20. yea, himself hasted also to g. o. Job 15. 13. such -nnis g. o. of mouth Pi. 60. 10. didst nutg. o. with armies fro. 22. 10. scorner, rontention g. o. Eccl. 8. 3. not hasty to g. o. of sight ha. 52. II. depart, g. o. from thence 12. ye shall not g. a. with haste %. 12. ye shall g'. out with joy J T. 21. 12. lest fury g. out like fire 51. 45. g. ye o. of the midst of her Exfk. 15. 7. shall g. o. from one fire 44 3. prinre shall g. }. same way 46. 9. enter, by north, g-.o. hy south Amuch as g. on in trespasses 88. 16. thy fierce wrath g. over m* 97. 3. a fire g. before him, burneth 104. 23. man g. forth tn his work 126. 6. he^. forth and weepeth 146. 4. breath g. forth, heretnrneth Prov. 6. 29. g. in to neighbour's wife 1 1. 10. when g. well with righteoug 16. la pride g. before destruction 20. 19. that 5-. about as tale-hearer 26. 9. thorn g. into hand of drunk. 20. where no wood is, fire g. out 31. 18. candle g. not ont hy night F.i-cl. 1. 5. sun g, down, and hasteth a 21. the spirit of man g. up, the spirit of beast g. down 12. 5. because man g. to long home ha. 28. 19. from the time it g. forth 30. 29. as when one g. with a pipe 55. 11. so sh. my word ne that g. forth 59. 8. g. therein sh. not know peacn 63. 14. as a beast g. down into vaL Jer. 5. 6. that g. ont thence be torn 6. 4. wo unto us for day g. away 21. 9. g. out to Chald. sh. live, 3H.'i 22. 10. weep for him that g. away 30. 23. whirlwind of Lord g. forth 44. 17. do what g. out of mouth 49. 17. g. by it be astonished, SO. 13 Ezek. 7. 14. hut none g. to battle 33. 31. heart g. after covetousnens 44. 27. in day he g. Into sanctnarjr Hot. B. 4. goodness drwg. nwv 5. judgments as light that ff. fotth Zerh. 5 a this thecursetha' g. fo/(l> & this is an ephah that f fwrtk OOA GOA I y go, and her. In. 7. 8. 1 F.crL II 11. ord. of wlie are a* ;. (.OAT. Gm. J5. 9. heifer, a .he;, of 3 years Ln. 3. 12. if his offrring be ;. 4. 14. Uy hit hand on head of;. 7 23 eat no l..t o' ox, sheep, or ;. 9 15 the; which was sln.offerlnir 10. 18. Mme souuht ;. tin.olteriag IK. U. AartMi shall hrin? the;, tt let (o the ;. In Wildernes* 17. 1 who,... killeth H;. in camp ti. 27. ;. ii brought forth 7 days .Vuw. 15. 77. in thro'ijtiiiir. brmir;. I". 17 fln>tlinir of; >h. aotredeem 28. 22. one ;. for a rtn-tdrriMr, Vfl. 22.28. 31. 31 38. nt. 14. 4. rat the ox, -he. -p. and;. F.trk. 43. v5. prepare every day a ;. Dam a 5. the g. had a notable horn II. the rmiBli ; Is king of Grecia. fie.fi OAT. Pnr. 30,31. nimeiy in rolng. an he.g. ./. r. .M 40. hriiiit like rinns with A-;. l>nn. a A. behold, an hr.g fr. west 8. the Ae-;. waxed very great /.ler.GOAT. l.n. IS. a bring /..;. || 21. lay both hands on L-g. Scapt.nO AT. /.re. Ifl a the other lot for icape-g. in. l.t him g.. for .-;. to wilder. 2 1 '.. that let go ieaije.g. -hall u ash Hi/A GO AT. Dent 14. 5. \- Khali eat the triM-;. 'GOATS. 17. 9. fetch me two kids of;. ._ 41. f.fjovtf. and elleth a.l 15 II IHK what s i I., mouth del. 17. II. g. nol nt >.ut h v pr\er R2 - r Hen. Mart 14 II t.niir:l fi. 1 7.;. bf..ietu l.ahlee, Vare ? Jam. T 24 ' eh .l.l-th hin.H and ; It**. 14. 4 "'! Umh whither h. ; IkX li. it f month f . .haip.word Ih g. , / 23. 4. If thine .-... m v' 01 ;. alray Xmw. 34. I ; f-rth be Iroin sou.* I>eW. IS 4> PUMI at ;. down of sun 31. l r-J *rr Zebu tin. In g. not JUA. 7. A .m..te them In ;. down Id ll.lnt e; d-wtlto Brth.h..r,.n n 14 ; the way of all the earth J*4f | la I noi /r to hnuce of L. 1 S4W. la a meet 3 men ; up to G. t Sfm. t 19. in r- ' turned not *t sdf/r itree,l CAr 14.15. I A" m 17. 1 1. a> < wra;. to fetch it tt JS prorlama. at;, down of nn " A in 1^3. ; I'V way. chili mocked ft Ii. smote Ahtiah ft g. to i;iir t CArra. Id 34. uu ;. down, he died ..* I. 7. from ; to and fro. 2. t 33. 24 deliver from;, down to pit M. oelier Hinl from;. Into pit Adi & l ;. forth fr. MM! of hearen ML I. frm ri-iiin of sun to;, down. 113. 1 .Vrt/. I. l|. 104. 19. *nn knotveth ai ;. down Prar. 7. 27. ;. to chamber* of denth 14 II prudent look.-tli well to ;. IU tt. yea four are comely in ;. /- IS. in. inn darkened in ;. lorth Jrr. Ml 4. ;. and weepin* ^k I. or. I ftrk. 4U il. ;. up hadKttep..34.:r;. 44. 5 every ;. l.-th >rfnn. -inury 4A. It. after g forth, one flint rale An R. Ii laho.ir. -ill; down ,,r-.u, 9. A ; forth of the commandment MML rl a ht ;. l.*1h t prepare.l ML l 4ft let iw be ;. he i. at hand iMkr 14 II what kin ;. to war J.Ju> H. 5H ;. Ikrv midst of them AH* Xfc 5. ;. before, tarried at I roa- <. Id \;. to e>Uhlih own rinh' .' Tim. V 24 .III-/T before to judtfin' IS ,|. -,,,,,, II, ., ..( c,.m. if. A*4t 7. ;. after .i.ne lrh, are Sr <'u.Na. A'""L ft t M.e<-. wrote their;, out 34. 5. I He ; out ..f their border* .. It J*. IV 4.7. l|. I |. 3. a. i ia ir, 14. **4Jl Jl hi. eye. seelh all hi. ;. fi 17 h..i I up my ; in thy p^lhs 40 2. and eriahlt.fe/my ;. >en thy t. even ;. of G.l lwr*tHr4 |M overthrow ; 21 We p..tereih all hi. ;. ,.f ihe l...rd nt In t.ieir thy I4 4 pM frwm. 5. VI mai.'. g A M. a IMI J-.drm I* t 4i 1 1 f . -ut arror V t.. vi II >tww tlMir -111 tli^rxrf W t t w|n* forth from ..fold ^*4T * 'I- " *> with an .* ,. IMSL 1.1 VI. Ud i*> t tJwrpenV Ifl put skin* of ;. on h 30. 12. ^potted ana -peck led amo. ;. :H. not .petkled;. || 35. remov. ;. 31. 38. -he i! not . ..-t th.-lr youn .'('. 14. 2Uihhe.r. and twenty he.;. .T. :il. killed a kid of the;. Kxnd. \'l. 5. take it from sheep or;. /,ee. I. 10. his onVrinif l>e -deep or;. 4. J3. If sin come lokimwledve sn. hrinir H kid id' the;. VH | 6 6. 9. .1 kid of;, for a siii-uflerina Ifi.Mw.. kids of; ||7.tuo;.pr<-sent fi. 19. a male of the sheep ..r ;. Zi. I'.', kid of ;. for a sin ntteitng. A'tun. 7. 16. , 15. 24. .Yum. 7. 17. five rums, five he.; 23, 29, 3V 41, 47, 5M, M. , 71, 7<, Kl K7. kids of;, for a .in.odeiinir *>& he;, sixty, the Intnl.* sixty DruL : he;. M. :& childrer ..Ber.-d twelve be;. ffaL An. 9. I will take mi he.;, out H. or will I .Irii.k the Mood of ;. ff>. IS. I will nffer bullocks Ith ;. /roe. 27. 2R ;. are price of thy field V7. thoi -halt have;, milk enough ('"if. 4. I. hair H- M 6<\ of;. C 5 /MI. I. II. nor in the I.IM.K) ol he;. .14. fi. sword fat with tt.ehlo. d of; Jrr. SO. 8. an the he.;, bef. re IWks f.frk. 77. 21. Arahia oc. upied in ; HI 17. Judre between r:,m i.nd he.;. Til. IN drink h!<.d of lamb- and g 43. 22. M-.-ood .lav off.-r a kid ol /. 45. XI. kid of; .JHi y f,.r cin.offer 7.rt* 10. 3. I p. .ni-l,., I the; Mill. ii. 31. riitid.-th -he.-|i from;. :tt set the; on his left hand Hrb.'.i. 12 if r entered >) 1'iiH^l f;. i:i if the M.HH! ol ;. -anctineth I'' t.H.k I.IDO.I nf ;. and -pnnkled 10. 4. not |.o- ,I.HM| ,.l ;. take tin* i()AT* A,/ir. .*. 25. 4. oBrring ye shall take, ;. A. IM GOD EJ. 26. 7. make curtains of;. Aa> -i. a let him hrln?;. A<> KX with > hom w ,.- found g. lurir "ffi. and Mil the women spun ;. Hat 3d 14. cunaini of;, hair for tent ,Vum. 3! ;0. purify nil work of g. A. I &JM. 19 la pillow of;, hair, 16. GOATS.Ain. H?4. II. !7. Waid.TiiiK Wild GO ATS. I Sow 24. . . avid on rock* of tr ;. ./../. .t. I. when triVrf;. hrin(f forth ft. 104. 18 high hill- relume for u. g (iOlil.KT. Cant. 7. 2. thy navel like a round ; <;OO referred to ma*. Ex. 4. 16. be to Aaron in-lead nt f. 7. I. made thee a ;. to Hhaiaoh GOD for irf;. Jnrig. B. 31. if M g let him plead 8 33. made Haul.lierith their;. 9. 27. went int.. the house of their;. 1 1. S>4 Which ('hem. -sh thy;, civetll 16.23. PUIblilMVf \VM'- l)i. K ""V4. I .Vnrn 6.7. hi- hnnd is -sore on our;. 1 A'l'n 11.33. wumhiuped;. of Moab. l& 27. he is a;, eiiher UlkitiK, or 2 A in. I. 2. Baal-zehub the p. of Ekron, 3, (i, 16. 19. 37. wnmliipplne in (he lnnie of Nisr.K-h his;. JCAr .3i.il. //.:<;.. ['nil. Id. 4. hu-ten all.-r another ;. Isn. 44. 10. formed g or molten ima. I '-. maketh if. worvhinpetli It, I 45. 20. pray to a;, rannot save Hi. 6. liiHketh it M ; they worship Dan. 1. 2. vessel;, to house of his ;. 4. 8. acf.rding to imii.e of my g. II. 3f>. inM^nity him nbove every;. Anita 5. 2fi. star of yoiu ;. Acts 7.' t*. a 14 say. thy;. O Dun, liveth Jimnh I. 5. cried, every man to his^. .Vic. 4. 5. walk in the name of hi*;. ///''. I. II. imuutiiiK p--erto his;. Act* Ii. 22. Vulceof g. not of a man Any GOD. Ej-aJ. 22. 20. tarr to any g. MIVI K i .Sum 7. 2i IS there a.'G. liejidei, I Cttn.n. 17 20. Dan. 3. 28. not worship atiyg. cxc.pt (17. ask petition f . g. r nnin, 12. II. 37. neither sh. lie regurd UWVA'. Other GOD. F.rnd. 34. 14. sliHlt w..rhipnocM.; Dan. 3. 29. Ho otJier g. ran deliver I Cor. 8. 4. is none other g. but one Strangi (.Ol). T. no ttratige g. with them / './. 44. VII out lii.iul- to stnitigc g. 81 9. no ttritHgf g. he in thee /*o 43. Ii. in. itian#f g am. them /Jun. II. 39. thiu -hail du with r ;. GOD Grn. I A la Lord thou G. seest me 17. 7. he a G. to thee and thy M-ed 31. la I am the G. of IVlliel 42. va what i Him G done to UK ? I.V 8. not you -ent me hi i her, l.ut G. 4K. 21. I die, but G. he with you Ej-fd. 6. 7. yon to me, he to you G. IS. 19. and G. i.hall l.c with thee .Num. -a i3. lit Imtli G. wrought ? 4. /;{. u ho live when (, .loth tin,.? /Jf/.l.7.w-h. nation hatl G.wi nigh f v!. la that he mxy ! 10 tln-e a C. 1 Sam. a 17. G do .. *ml n,..rei.lMj, 14. 44. |i5. rt. X5o. 3.11. 3\ | 19.13. I Ain. V.2?.. VAut.n.31 17. 4i;. know thete i- H G. in l-tioj 2V. 3. know what G. will On (or mi 2 Sam. V2. 32. nho U G *;.ve tlir Lord ? /'i/. 18. 3 I A'in. 18. 81. if the 1.. be G. folio/ 3D. the Lord, he i> the G. tlir i GOD t Kin. 19. IS thou art t even thou t Chr. 20. 6. O Lord G. art tliou not Cf . in heaven ': f:ra I. 3. his G. be with him '/. 9. 17. art a G. ready to pardon J,4t 22.13. doth G. know ? fs. 73. 11. PJ 5 4. not H G. hast pleasure in 52 7. man made not G. his strength 8. I am G. there is none like inp Jei 31. 31 1 will IK- their G. 32. 38. r:e<.2S.2.hast -aid, I sit in cent of G. . thou shall he a man. and no G. Hot. 8. 6. workman made it, no G. 1 1 9. I am G. not nun, Holy One Mic 7. 18. who is a G. like to'thee ? Mat.]. 23. name Immanuel, wh. is G. 6. 21. ye cannot serve G. and mam. tnon, Luke in. 13. 19. 17. there is none good hut one, that is G. Mar. 10 18. Z,.1S. I!). Hark 12. 32. there is one G. no other JoAn I. I. the Word was with G. .12. do miracle*, except G. with him 8. 41. we have one Father, even G. 42. 1 proceeded and came from G 17. 3. know thee, the only true G. Acts 2 22. wonders which G. did 5. 29. ohev G rather than men 7 9. sold Joseph, hut G. with him 10 34. G. no respecter of persons Rin. 3. 4. let G. he true, man a liar 8. 31. if G. for us, who against in ? 15.5 G of patience and consolation 1 Cor . 6. hut one If. the Father 15. 2M. that G. may he all in all 2 Cor. I. 21. he wh. anointed UK is G. 4. 4. G. of this World hath blinded 13. 1 1. G. of love and peace with you 8 Thf*. 2. 4. above all .-ailed G. 1 Tim. 3. 16. G. manifest in the flesh Tit. I. 16. profess rhat they know G. Heb. 14. he that built a.l thing!, is G. 4. 10. cea^d from work", as G. d d 8. 10. to them a G., they a people 1 John I. 5. G. liirht, in him no dark. 4. 12 no man seen G. at any time Rev. 21. 3. G. himself he with them 4. G shall wipe away all tears 7. I will he his G. he he my Son Against GOD. Gen. 39 9. this wickedn. and sin a. G. A~;n. 21. 5. the people (make ag. G Psalm 7 N 19. 1 Chr. 5. 25. they tranagres-ed a. G. 2 Chr. .'. 19. ?p:.ke a. G of Jerusa. ,/oA 15. 13. turne-t thy spirit ag. G. 2S. streti h.-th out his hand ag. G. 31. 37. miiltiplieth his words ag. G. Dan. .'i. 29. speak amiss a. G. of -Sln.d. !1.3fi. marvel. tliitn/. ag. S. of pods fr. 13. IK. she hath rebelled* G. jlrts 5. 39. lest he tound to tight a.G. G. II. sp-'ken hlasphem words a. G 23. ft. let us ii"t Hunt against G. Hum. 8. 7. caniMl iniini enmity a. G 9. iO. who art that repliest ag. G.? 7frr>. 13. 6. op< ned his mouth ag. G. See ALMIGHTV. Btf<*e OOD. Gfr.. 6. II. earth was corrupt h. G. En>d. 18. 12. eat xvi. Moles' fath.A.G. Jo*h.'l\.\. presented th. in-clv. i. ',. G. Jud#. 21. 2. pr.iple abode before G. 1 CAr. 13. 8 Dav. and Isr. played A. G. 10. and tl .-re L'7.7.a died tetore G. 16. I offered burnt-sacrifices b G. lChr.33. IV. MmiiassehhumhledA.G. 31. 27. Jostah's heart humbled A. G. J5*"' 7. ly deliver ft. G. of Jernsa. u i vstraineat prayer A. G. GOD Px. 42. 2 when sh. I appear bi-f. G.f . ; .6 U Walk 6. G. in light of "inini; 61 7.he shall abide hrf. G, for e*er a 3. let righteous rejoice A. G. 81.7. every one In Zion appear. 6. G. EccL 2. 20. give to him go.id A. G. i. 2. heart h.ty in utter bef'ire G. 8. 13. because he feareth not btf G. Dan.ai0.gave thanks />. (i. as alore. 1 1. found making supplication A. G. 26. men tremble 6. G. of Daniel Lttke 1. 6. were both rivhteoii> />. G. 12. 6. not one is forgotten before G. 24. 19. a prophet miuhty befirc G. Acts 7. 4a who found favour bff. G. 10.4 alms i nine for a m>-ninr\tb.G. 33. all here present A. G. Jo hear 23. I. lived in good conscience l>. G. Rum. 2. 13. not hrarersjust bef. G. 3.19. world may become guilty A. G. 4. 2. whereof tog|.,ry. but not b. (i. 14. 22. have faith to thyself bef. G. J Cr. 12 19. we speak A. G. ill Chr. tin/. I. 20. behold, 6e/ G. I lie not I Th,-s. 3. 13. establish hearts A. G. 1 Tim. 5. 4. good and acrepta. A. G. 21. I charge thee A. G. 2 Tim. 4. 1. Jam. 1. 27. pure rdiirinn before G. Kfi: 3. 2. works not perfect bef. G. !(. 13. voice from horns of altar A G. 12. 10. accused A. G. day and night llj 19. Babylon in remembrance A. G. 20. 12. 1 sa\v dead stand befnre G. See CALLED, C'HOSHN, COMMANDED. Eternal GO[t. Devi. 33. -ft. the et. G. is thy refuge Everlasting (JOO. Gen. 21. 33. Abr. ciil.ed nameofe.G. ha. 40. 2a the e. G. fainteth not Hum. 16. 26. commandment of e. G. See FATHI.R, KI:AH, FUKBID, GAVE, C>LRIPV. High (JOD. Gen. U. 18. priest of the most A. G. Heb. 7 1. I!), blessed be Ahrah. of most A. G. 20 M.-gsed be the most high G. 22 lift up my hand to mo>t h G. Ps. 57. -2. 1 ill cry unto G most h. 7*. 35. the A. G. their Redeemer 56. they tempted the most h, G. Dan. 3. 26. servants of the most A. G. 4. 2. show wonders h. G. wrought 5. 18 h. G. fave Nehucli. kingdom 21. till he knew most h. G. ruled .Vic. 6. 6. how myself brf. most A. G. Mark 5. 7. son of most A, G. Lu.8.i-& Acts 16. 17. these serv of most A. G H<,1 ; , 001). Josh. 24. 19. he is HP h. G. jealous : Sum. 6. 20. who stand before h. G.? Px. !>1). 9. the I., rri our G. is holy Isa. 5. 1C. G. that is h be salut'ified GOD ofhearen. 2 CAr 36. 23. all kingdoms of eartl hatli G. nfh. given me,, ?r I. V. Ezr 5. II. servants of the G. of ft. 12. our l:,tliers provoked G. of h. fi. 9. burnt., fferings of G. ./A 10. 7. 12. s< ribe ,,f law of G. ofh. 21. i'{. ciimmMiuled t.y G. of heaven .SVA. I 4 prayed bef. re G. ./A. 2. 4. /' 136. 26. D'give thankstoG. ofh. Dun. 2. Irt. d. sire merriet. of G. ofk. 19. Daniel hle^ed the G. o/A. 41. G. o/A. shall set up kingdom Jotuih I. 9. I fear the Lord. G. /A. /J(V. II. 13. eav- iflory to G. ofh. ia II th.y bl;.sphnn'e.l the G. o/A (JO I) <,fho*t*. Pi. 80. 7. turn us, O G. of host*. 19. 14. return, we be-ei-ch, O G. i( /^ewt 3. 24. what G. i* in heaven .'i'i. i7. lite eternal G. ithy refnue JosA.24.19.our holy G. > a jealous G 1 Sam. 4. 7. G. is come into the ramp 10. 7. G. M With thee, I CAr. 17. 2. 2R 15. G. /(departed from me 2 Sam. 22. .'(.'I. G. is my strength 1 t'Ar. 14. 16. G. wKone torihbefor* 2 CAr. 13. 12. G. himself i, with us ./o'< 3:1. 12. G. >> greater than man 36. 5. G. in mighty, despiseth not 2a G. if great, we know him not Ps.1 li. G. is ancry with the wicked 10. 4. G. is not in all his thoughts 14. f>. G. i> in generation nf righte. 33. 12. blessed, whose G. u U 144. IS. 46. I. G. is our refinre and str. 62. a fl. G. it in midst of her, not moved 47. 5. O. t gone U|>|| 7. fi. i'.t king- 48. 3. G. t> kin>wn in her palares 50. fi. ff. tijudire him*. Selah,75. 7 54. 4. behoiJ, O. it my helpiT 56. . this I know, for G. it for me 59. 9. I wait. ft. is my ilefence, 17. 62 7. in (i. is my salvation. 7.K/.I2.2. 68. 5. fHth.-r of the fatherless u G. 73 I. truly <>. it good to Israel 26. (i. in the strength of my heart 74.12. G. i my kintfofold, working 89 7. G. is greatly to be feared in 116. 5. the Lord, our G. iV men-ifnl 118. *7. (i. IA L. thrtt shewed light Ercl.fi.V. G M iii heav. thim on . :,rth ha. 5.lfi. G. that holy be sanctified 8. 10. fJ. u with us || 45. 14.0. in the* ZcrA. a 23. beard that O. M with yon Mat. 3. 9. O. it able of these stone* to raise, Luke 3. 8 22. 32. G. if not of d.-ad, but living Mm 3. 33. set to seAl that O. it tru> 4 24. O. was-.iritH 13.31. gloiified Arts 10. 34. O. it no respecter of per Runt. I. 9. G. is witness wh. 1 serv* 11. 23. O M able to trraft them in U. 4. O. i'.\ able to mak him stand 1 Cor. I. 9. (J. w'aitbf. by wh. called 10. 13. O. it faithful, will not suffer 14. 25. and report that O. is in you 33 (i. is not author of contusion 2 Cr. I. 18 as G. is true, our w.Td !. H. O. M able make yrwce abfiund Gn/. 3. 20. (} .me || . 7 not mocked /->A. 2. 4. O. who t* rich in mercy /'A/7. I 8 O. '.v record, bow 1 long 3 l!i. many walk <>. i> their belly I 7V(ivr. 2. .'). nor cloak, G t* wltne'st //-/,. 6. 10. O. it not nnriifhteous 11. Mi. O. i'. not ashamed to be called 12. v9. our O is a consmninir fire !3. l'i.\'ith sjji-h saiTlti O. t pleased 1 John I.5.G. i litht ||4 8. it love.16. 3. 20. G. t't iTea'er than our heart OODo/ hriirl. Efod. V4. 20. went, and saw O. of/. A'nwi. Ifi. 9. O. -///. separated you Joth. 7. 19. to give glory t" O.'o/ /. I Sum 6. 5. 13. 33. . of Isr. their inheritanre 22. If. wh rf t trespass H g. (J. .//.F 24. what y. to do with (J of Irr.t 24 2:i incline your heart to O. <>f I J'ine II. 2.'i. O. of I dispossessed linth 2. 12. reward give', of O. of It I A'uro. I. 17. O. (//. grtnt petition 5 1 1. send awa\' ti.e ark of li.ofl I A'tn. 8. 5O. Li-ni *r 7. 15 frrljr *%r*4 to O. //. 4. Wml -d M word. uf ./ /. i I blrwrd be th4 L..rd G / It fr.. rVt-rU'tm* torvrrU-t- Inf. 7*. l. | 104 41 l.ukt I M*l '. 41. 17. t. a// will tat forwkr ti. 1 I Whtrk r\\ tbrc mm O. ff I. l&ithrf stay thr*lvs 0.1 <;.//. t* i 4. Uw flry ufG.ofl. th-rr BOO DM! IK. ./.-A, IL 10 brreMr know Ihr I G. I &MBL IT. M MfrRWlnrft O.t& fl M. 19. 4 kuic t AByrU trot M repr,rh/ (.. IB. /M. 37. 4, 17. A. 41 *. f MM! thirtieth fur i ti. HI t ay heart cnrlh >tit for ,' (i ./r. laiUthr I ., everlattinf king A XL prrvrrtrd thr word* uf i U. />*. 6. . i O. t-dfiut f.ir ever // I la yare S.MIS of Wrw O Mat 14 14 art (. hri.t, ton of Z O. K tt I Bdjare th by i O. le.l u> Act* 14. U tun. fr. vanities toi ii. O. iOD _ 145. - - willestol thee, my G. fro. 90. ft Uk* name of m > ..in vain /M. 7. IX will ye weary my O. also t tO. 27 Judgment (> .^e.l lr..m my G. 44.17. deliver me. for thounrtmy i>. til. 10 my soul sh. brjoful in my G. Dan. ft. my c. hth sent hu angel MM. ft X they shall ay, tliou art My G. Zeck. 13 U ai Israel cry, *y G. we know thee B. 17. my li. will cast them away Vic. 7.7. I will wait, my G. will hear Jn. HO. 17. and ay, I ascend to my G. Ml Thomas said, my L. and my G. Mm I. H. I thank my ti. thro* JiMl Chrit. for you all, I Cr. I. 4. I 14 la I'Hil. 1.3. r-Aifcm. 4 t Cor. la 21. lest my t!. will humble PkiL 1 19 My ti. supply your need /kr.3.IX.wnte on him name of m.G See Loan my Gud. So GOO. Deut. 3*1 39. there ls no G. with me 1 AriA.ft.2a no G. like thee ,2 CA.6.14. 2 AIM. 1. 16. is it because no G. in U? 6 15. I know there ls av>O. in earth 1 CAr. 34 15. no O. of any nation t Car. \ X with the Spirit of I U. 4 14 ye are the temple of the L G. I ****. I. SI. from idols to serve I. ti. I rim. X IS. thr church of the L G. 4 10 we trust in th* i G. . 17. JM* X 14 evil heart depart fr. I.G. t.l4.prge nirHcienre to serve L G. la >l. la fall into hands of thr L ti. IX . come to Zion. city of t ti. . mifrl having seal of /. ti. rd G m gracious D**L 4. II. Lord thy God is a m. G. I CAr. >i. . Uir.l your G. Is mer. VM. 9.31. thuu rt a gmcious, m. G. ft. 114 5. (Taci->U4 M I...G. U m Jtnmk 4. 4 I ki.ew th. till I tad M baMtation for m, O. ia tl. rennabi .h. retain to m. G. ^rr. 3X IX M. O. the Lard of hosts //4\ 1. It O M. G. tboa bast sUb. Jfy 000. OML Ml II. tWo sh. L, be 1 rJ li 4br toMv(i.,SBy / u. I (eaptmT Pm. 1H. I CAr. M. A aw . will be with thee t CAr.KIX wht y O. BBith I will \*4 i Mi thlok MI ate, IX 11 rwMB*rr BW. ft. fl \ my G m* ti" why hast Ibon f..r .km me t Mat f!. 46 la My G. from my mother's belly SI 11 I Kid. th to my n ML . art my O I will prais* the* ni\ i i- , r 9 *. 14.1 fwd said, there is noti.511. /w. 43. 10. brfure mr no G. formed 44. 6. brstde me there i> no (i. & | 45. 5, 14, 91. .rfk. 9ur OOD. Knd. 5. a let us nacriAce to our r, lint. 31. 17. our O. not *mo.ur.t us 31 31 a* ribr |irrlui>M uulu o. O. UOO OOD J-uh. 94. a serve L., he I in.r O. Judg. 10. 10. we have fur ken a. O. I Sam. 'i V. neither rM-k like our G J>um. 10. 12. let u piny the ini-n r. 13. 2. o. G. turned curse to hlessinf /V 40. 3 a new long, praise to o. U. 4H. 14. this (iod is our U. for ever 50. 3. our (i. shall not keep rilrncc 67. 6. (i.,our own ti., ha. ble u 63. 20. o. Ci. is the G. of salvation 77. la who so great a G. as o. (i.? to. 7. he is o. ti. U 1 15, 3. o. G. in hea. 110. 5. gracious is L., G.is mt-rrifu/ ha 25.9. thia is ti. we have waited 55. 7. o. U will abundantly pardon 59. 13. departing away from u. ti. 61. 2. day of vengeance of our (i. Dan. 3. 17. our t.. U able to deliver ZecA. 9. 7. remaineth be for our (i. Cor. 6. II sanct. by spirit of . (i. fli. \'t. 29. o. Ci. is acoiianming fire ,'i'T. S. 10. made us to our G. kiims 7. 10. salvation to o. (i. who sitti th 12. blessing and honour be ton. >; See PKACK, SAIU, SAITH, SV.KVE, SENT, SPFAK. SPEED, SPOKE.N. Their GOO. Gen. 17. a 1 will br Meir G. Emd. iK. 45. Jer. 24. 7. | 31. 33. | 35J.:. Ezek. 1 1. 20. | 34. 24. | T.. i3. .-7. Zi'ch. a 8. 2 Cor. 6. Ift Rfr. '2 1 . 3. Lev. 21. 6. shall he holy to , G ? ID. 45. 7. t G. hath anointed, Heb. I.J. 50. 7. O Isr. I am i .od, even Uiv ^ P8. 28. (L O. command, thy tren(rtfc 147. 12. praise thy ti.. O Zion /M.4I.IO.he not dismayed, 1 am t O. 51. 20. full of the rebuke of thy G. 54 7. saith to Zion, fibjr O. re UTMth 60. 1ft My (>. shall be thy glory fi2. 5. so B halit. ti. rejoi..-o,-rthe* Dan. R Hi. t. G. whom th.m srrvest *J. is thy O. ahle to deliver t 10. 12. cha-ten thywlf before I O. Hut. 4. 6. hast forgotton law of t, Cft GOD ffa 9. 1. gone a whoring from t. G. 12 a turn to t. U. and wait on <. G. Ainu: 4. 12. prepare to meet thy G. tun. 1. 1\ sleeper, arise, call upon t. G Mic. 6. 8. to walk humbly with t. (i. See LORD thy Goo. 2'o, or mfe GOD. GCT- 40. 8. interpret*, belong to G.? .r. !. 23. and their cry came to G. i.G. || 32. 28. Jao. Z.i'. 19. 17. brought peo. to meet w. O. 1 . G. 13. 3. I desire to reason w. G. Id 21. might plead for a man w. G. 2\ 4. how can a man be just. w. G. ? 27. 13. portion of wicked man w. G. 34. U. should ilelight himself w. G. 23. he enter into judgment w. G. 37. 22 w. U. ts terrible majesty /Y 78. 8. spirit not stedfa.st w. G. Hot. II. 12. Jndah yet ruleth w. G. 12. 3. Jacob had power with G. Mat. 19. 26. with men tin* is impos- sible, w. G. all things possible, Mar. 10 27. Lu. I. 37. | la 27. /.iiA-c 1 30. hast found favour to. G. 2. 52. increased in favour tp. G. Ji>.G. ? 1 Cor. 3. 9. we are labourers u 1 . G. 19. wi-iloin of world foolishn. w. G. 7. 24. every man therein abide, w. (J. i Thei*. 1. 6. a righteous thing w. G. Jam. 4. i. friendship enmity w. G. 1 Pi 2. 20. this is acceptable i>: G GOD Would GOD, *pe WOULD. Yinir GOD. (Jen. 43. 23. y. G hath given treasun Ejrod 8. 25. go ye, sacrifice to y. G. Lev. II. 45. bring, you out of Kgyp bey. (;. 22. 23. | 25. 38. Nu. 15. 41 26. 12. I will bey. G. ye my people Je. 7. 23. | 1 1.4. | 30. 22. Ez. 36. 28 Num. 10. 10. a memorial before y. G 15. 40. do my com. be holy to (/ G. Josh. 24. 27. lest ye denjr JWUT G. 1 Sam. 10. 19. ye have refected y. G 2 Chr. 32. 14 that.v. G. deliver yon I;"), how much less shally.G.deliv.: Isn. 35. 4 y. G. will come with veng 40. 1. comfort my people, saithy. G 9. cities of Juduh, behold y. G. 59. 2. separated betw. you andy. G. Ex. 34. 31. 1 amy. G. saith the Lon Dan. 2. 47. of a truth it is, y. G. is i, Hog. I. 9. I will not be your G. John 8. 54. ye say that he is t/. G. 20. 17. ascend to my God, andy. G. See LORD your God. GODDESS. 1 Kin. 11. 5. Solom. went after the g. 33. worshipped Aghtoreth the g Aeti 19. 27. temple of great g. Diana 35. Ephtsians worshippers ofthcg-. 37. nor yet blasphemers of your g. GODHEAD. Act* 17. 29. nor think the g. like gold Rom. 1. 20. his eternal power andg-. Col. 2. 9. in him the fulness of theg. GODLY. Ps. 4. 3. Lord set apart him that is g-. 12. I. help, for the g. man ceaseth 32. 6. tor this every one g. pray Mai. 2. 15. he might seek a g. seed 2 Cor. 1. 12. in g. sincerity our conv. 7. 9. sorry after a g. manner, 1 1. 10. forg-. S4 GOL ha%enou y. k-f. me mitkr no mention -J oik. g. l U yehllui ..... II. M I s& II. I A'uv' >' > a Jrr ii fv , 34 15 ..MI t., .erve WArry & 1* tf lh.. w*lk IU>r afibr . II *. l-l ... .. .fter y. 6. if d >; j<4 A ie Jn4r- ia '* I SM. A HJIrr I la U. n pr.K *peak ir. name or * y. >l IT. ahaU rrlup r:Wr y. and wr.e them. ,/er. VX . 91. & that fey thry turned to o. y 1C will Ihry lurn t" A*T f. /..if y.ln. forma* L. MioweJ.y If ml t wh..ruic after Mr y 19 Ml.min* .>. g. lu wrve Uwm I $. as ia. aayinc. ro *r * y. 1 A.a. a >. kar, Ukrn hoM upon e/Arr g. 1 Chr. 7. . It. 4. wt rr turned benrt after . y. U < h4*l|ri>ue HIM! made lh a. jr. 4offerair th. makr.Mi' urti-. f f 36. 13. M. h-k HA -pti..d r-IA ffirf . iWy KriMHrbt J. wrto ,/. SI .... ruud thr hmrd* wttk . A * - -|_1^ -^..^fc^ _- 11 > wi maptirt t, Bllrta wi.f. ali tk*^. tkat orrupird If i heat (be y Into thin plate. 4 A Mt altar .rfy before the ar .** 7 tT w-4 r f. __ II J..h t~ok Ac*. and wedeofy 5 A t s IL l4 UM rli of < f f. M U* rart Stm A li.coff. r anli I Chr IH. Xu*. A tfl hou-e he t i*i him he given g of Slieha frur.\\.fi jewel ofy in wiue'* *ihie* t'.inf I 10 neck comely w. chains y. 5. 14. hand. a-, y. tiiujoet w. heiyl IKI JIO W ornament of i magi's of g. IH. 19. spreadeth it over withy. c.'l. 17 fr bra I will briny y. Irr 4.30 deckest wi. ornaments ofy. l.Htn 4 I. how i y. hecome dim .' E:rk. 27. 2*. inerch nit* occup. w. y. I>.,n V. :. he d of y || a I. image y. 5. /3. hat praised the goda of g. 29. a chain of g. al>out Dan. neck /.rrh 4 2. a . andtetirk all ofy. 1.1 !). I will try them aiy. ia tried Mitt. 1. II. tbey"preeuted 10 him y. 1. 16. swear hy y. of the temple 17. whether greater, y. or temp e ? I Tint, i 9. not adorned with y. nr pearl*. 1 I'rtrr :i 3. Itfh. 9. 4. ark overlaid round withy. Jam 1. 1 come mini with a y. ring I Pet. I. 7. trial of faith more preci. on. than y. Rat. 3 IS. to hay of me y. tried 4. 4. elder* on beads rr-iwim of y. 9. 7. locut on head* crowns of y. 17. 4. woman wat decked with y I4I6. the great city deckel withy. Set BCATEN, Caow>, FINE. /nr* (iOI.I) fTj-ii . ||. overlay ark with p y. *. | 3tt 3. | 37. V, 1 1. VA I*, a merry^eat til p. y. 37. A M dUhet, *pooa* Tuvers. of p. y 37. Irt. :t. 31. randle*. p y 37 17 1 Ai .7 l!> Si. iiiulT.di.be p. y. I A'in. 7. 5ft * CAr./n. . 2.' Jw.^14. 2 ehain. of p. y. .".' | 39. 15 I Ai.i ^ ;>0 orade overlaid w. p. g I :n >l ve-el, of \fi.. p g ">Ch !l V" I Chr * 17. prirey for lf.-li.ho.ik. Cr. 3.4 ovrrl ,M porcU with p. y. M GUL r*.9. 17. overlaid throne with p. f Jo6 va IU. WIRI|. not value-l wi.'p. y ". 21. 3. a i-rown of p. ft. on head AVr. VI. I*, city p. y. ll VI. street (>ULI) with .'ili-tr. ;n. 13 .'. Al.r. rich in t. a*idy. 24.3ft II i .leal out of |..rd's hou. *. ory. Kfod. 3. 2V. jewel* of ulrer and g. I'.. V. | 12. & *5. 3. this the offering, take t and r. 31. 4. work iu y.. .. andhrau.3531 Vum 2V. IH. houi>e full t. andy -i4.il II ?.' only y. and .. al.ide Ike Bra 'Jew/ 7. V5. halt not desire . andy. a .3. when t. and y. ia multiplied 17. 17. nor -h. he multiply *. a.i y. II. 17. have neen their id)>, f. andy. ! >,ih. C. 19. t. and y. .-..nsec. to L.V4. 'J.'. 8. return to lent- with and y. ! .Sam. 8. II. *. and K. David dedi. cated, I A'in. 7. Al. VI. 4. we will have no t. nr g. of Saul AIM. I5.l.>. A-JI hrouglit into hon- of L. t. and g. V Chr. IA. 18. ia Aaa took t. and y. tCkr. Ifi. V. 19. a present of . and y . CA. Ifi. a ?0 .'(.j.and y. mine ||.' ( . . gave *. and y. || 7. IA. to carry 1. 25. w-ighed the ulrer and y. 33. _'a<4 I. A heds were.of y. and tilittr Job IN. I. a vein for ., a place tor y. r*. BU 1.1 cnv. with . feather* w. y. 11)5. 37. brought out with t. nd y. 1 15. 4. idol* ale W/r. and y. I35. l?x 119.72. thy law belter thany. and*. I'rot. a 10. nutnVeer receive know. ledge rather than y. 17.3. fining pot for t. fur. fory.V7.VL i'L I. favour rather than al or y. i">. II. apples ofy. in picture* of*. c.'rr/. 2. H. I gathered aiao til. andy. Can/. I. II. hord.-r. ofy., >tud.- of i. .1 10. pillar- nf tilrer, hot torn nf y. f'rt. v. 7. the land is full of i and y. Vli. man ca-t idnUof t. and s/,31.7. 13. 17. khall not reg.rdn/rer ory. IA C. they lavish y. and weigh tit. fin.O.hr ing their . and y. with them Jrr. 10. 4 they deck it with*, andy. r.ztk 7. 10. i asi away their i. andy. f.aiidy.not aide todel.ZepA. 1.18. IA la v/a&t decked with g. and i. A). t. and y. was broken, 45. 5. 4. praised god- nf J and y. V3. II.3S.H gnd>h he honour wi.y. and*. -:( power over treasures ofy and *. Hut V. 8. I multiplied her t. and y. 8. 4. of <. undy. they made idol. /e/3. 5. ye have taken my *. H.idy. \,iA V. 9. lake the spoil of*, and y. llith.1. 19. it is la id over with*, andy. Hug. 8. the *. I* mine, they mm* Zrcn. C. lit. and y., make crown* Mul. .1 3. sh. purge them ay. and *. >/<. 10. a provide neither y. nor*. Arts 3 A /ifrvr and y have I none I7.VU nor thinkdodhend like *.andy Vfl 33 I coveted no man'* *. ory. C-.r 3. IV. build on foundat y. *. V 7"in. V. VO. ve*.vlis of nlrer ajtd y. J'im 5 3. your y. and '. c-miker'-d I I'rt \.\*. not redeemed wi. f aiidy. Her 9. n. repent not of idol* of*, g Talent anrl talrntt nf r. O L I). K od V5 :t. of a t. "fg h he maV fi. V4. of a t. o/purey. made he il .' tram. IV. 30. weight of crown a. .//y. I Chr. SO. I I Kingi 9. 14. Hiram >ei,t Solomo* 1*1 talent' ofg 2a <-iit 'rum Ophir 43J tut. off. COX i Ri*. 10. 10. *1;p pnvn ^olomnn 1?0 t'lti'Htmf f. ? C'.r.'.i.'.i. 14. in 1 yr. came to Sol. l^V. /. i,/"^. t A'M. .'. TO. put the land to a 'ml. nl'if. 2 Clir. 3(5. 2. 1 CAr.?2 M. Pav prep. 100,0 Vt.iifg. 2!l. I "I mvi.wii Jfooil :>HI/. i,fff. 7. rliief ..f fathers (rave .VKK) /. ( ';fif 8 (V,r. S IX. tiM.k fr. O ph i r 450 t.nfg i'.tni K 2tg plate A'IW. 7. Vfi. I g-. spoon of 10 shekels Jntitf. 8. 24. had g. rar-rinjrs 2fs ] .">tt : :r;. seeth their power I* g. 1 Sum. J4.X knew not Juna. was g. 17. see Kim is if. from us 15. 2". if. the way the Lord sent me *A. II. as S.MIII as the lad was g. f Ki/. 3 7 /f. in to father's concub. -'I unite /f. || l:i. '.s. arise, be/f. 1 A'r'w. 2. II. Shimei /. fr. Jerusalem 13 24. when if. a lion met him by IX. 12. as -.mill as;*. Spirit sh. carry 80. 4>>. aic I a- busy, he was /f. 1 i'Ar . I7.\ hitv.-^f (nun tent to tent Jot-l. M. 1 rise, and iiiifht beif.? Ill Id. destroyed me, and I am 'g 9\ 21 e\alt.-d'fi:r a while, tint are if. W 4. they are dried up and g. away ft 3. lu. liijlit ol mine eyes, iti GON P*. 42. 4. ! hnd f, with irnltitnrle 73. 2. for me, my leet w*ie aim, g. 77. 8. l his mercy clean . for ever? IW. Iff. wind pa-seth oTer, it is g. 109. 2f. I am r. like tin; shadow /Vr. 20. 14 when p. his way, boast. Eir/. 8. 10. who had come and g 1 . Gr;f. 2. II. the rain is over and g, f<. fi. beloved had withdrawn and jf. fi. 1. whither is thy beloved g.t I*n. ft. 13 my peo. g. into captivity 24. II. the mirth of the land is g. 41. 3. hy the way he had not g. Jer.'i.b. what iniquity that th. areg.f 23. how say, 1 have not g. after B.? 5. 2.'' people are revolted and g. 9. 10. heast-g-. || IS. 0. thoti art g. 44. 14. noney. into Keypt sh. escape 28. remnant that are g. sh. know 50. fi. have g. from mountain to hill l.iim. I. .'!. Jiidah #. ||5. Xion's e\>. g. fi. g. without strenjfth || IH. virg. g. *e*.37.2l.froin heathen whither #. Dun. 2. 5. the thing is g. from me, 8. Hits. !. 6. g. hecaiise of destruction Amin 8.S. when will new moon he g. Luke 2. l.i.anjrels WITH jr. from them 24. 2R made as would g. lurther Julia 4. 8. disciples were g. to buy 12. 19. the world is g. after him Arts 16. IR saw hope of jains was jr. 20. 2"). g. preaching the kill);, of (;. I Peter*. 22. Who is g. into heaven Jude II. have if. in the way of Cain GONE at-out. 1 Sum. IS. 12. Saul isg. a. and passed Jnli I. 5. days of feastinas were g. a. An 15. a g. a the borders of Moab Act* 4. 6. g. a. to profane temple CSONKuWrfu. A'liOT. 5. 19. not g. a. to unclcannes 20. if tliou hast if. utiiie to another f>*. 14. 3. they are all g. imide. filthy Actn 26. 31. when they were g. uiide CONK at tray. ft. 119. 176. I have g. it. like sheep Isn. 5.'i.(i. all we like sheep ha\e/f. u. Mil!. 1(4 U. it a man have 100 sheep, one be if. u. he geekcth that g. a 2 Pet. 2. 15. forsaken way, antAg.it. GOO Jrr. 3. that which is g. o. of thy lips ./'<>/. 4. 14. is not the Loid u. uut lintli I. 13. hand of the Lord isy. . I .V;/j. 25. 37. vviiK'. out of N.,l. a l 2Sam.3.W. Aimer if. <*. in peace, 23. 2:i. !). the men of 1 srael were g. it. Job 28. 4. waters were g. n. fr men l.tn. I. 4. they are g. a. Backward Kzek. 44. 10. Lcvites/sf a. fr.rn me A/it/, .'i. 7. g. a, from my ordinances Ji'hn C. 22. his disi-iplcs jr. a. alone OONKior*. /?'(M 1. 15. thy sister-in-law is f. b .lull 23. 12. nor have I g. Ixtck /'.. 53. .1 every one isg-. /i.none pimd ,/cr. 40. 5. while he was not yet g. b. CiONKrfWu. I f> lt ,n. 15. 12. Saul is g. it. to G.lgal 1 Kin. I. 25. Adonijxh is g. dnirn 21. 18. Ahah #. rf. to po-srs.s viney. 2 Kin. 20. II. the shadow had g. 'vas(f. / I Clir. 14. I.V lioit in f. f,,rth lielofe /. SI. S. my salvation'is if f.,rUi Jrr. 4. 7. if. I to make land de-ohite >n. '.11 my children lire g. f of me 23. 15. profuneiu'in . / into land 10J 2. Syrians jr. n. bye ... r 7. 12. we hniiL-ry, there!', they g. o. 20. 4. afnre Isaiah \vA*g o. tonmrt Pt. lit 4. line if. n. thro* the earth SR 34. alter the thing that is u. ities of Israel GONK np. Hen. 49. 9. my son, thu art /?. tip 2 A'. I. 4. not come ofl ned oa which g n/i, fi. 16. /'*. 47. 5. God is g. n/> with shout /./. 15. 2. he is if. ; to H.,jjth ard 57.8.discovered to another, arlg.up Jer. 3. ti. she isg. iifx-ii high mount 14. 2. the cry of Jerusalem is /r. eAr.23.DH.becaiise thnii hait g u IP. Km. 4. 12. g. n ir. from muter In G. l. I. thou hast g. it ic. from thy G. GOOD. SitMinilirt. Gi-n.t. i2. I will surely do thee g. 45 18. the if. of the land ( Kirypt 20. if. of htod of Kgypt is yours 50.20. God meant it unto #. to bring \iw. 1(1. 2!>. Lord hath spoken g. Jus/i. 24. 20. consume you, after he hath d<>ne you g. 1 Sum. 20. !2. if then- be if . tow. |)av. 24. 17. hast rewarded me if. for evil lit. wherefore L. reward fhee g. S. 30. aciordini.' to g -poken 2 Si/wi. 14. 3-.>. g. f..r me to been ther if.. 12. L. will requite if. l,.i rnrsing I Kin. 22 13. words of'prophcts d.>. c:re g. to kinir, 2 Chr. 14. 14 1 Chr. '.I. 3. I prepared of my own g. 2 Chr 24. 16. had done if. iii I rael F.zni !l. 12. eat the #. of the land Eft. 7. !>. had spoken g. lor trie kir* .M 2 III. rwe-ve.if Ht hand ol (MI U . 27. know thou' i for thy^ 7. 7. mine eye sh no mor* se f. ooo JMI I* my .I \ (1'r. they tee no f;. 15 1 > ''i .;'- lie ran donnf. tl l their n not in their hmid > peiMV. r. hll come to thee h- doeth not g. to the wtd-i Ft. 4. A who will he\v u* any if. f 14 I M.--.I.. g. 3. |.V3. I JUtUL 34. It loveth Jay*, he may ee /f. JU. t I KeM my forr. even frorar. M. 9A they at- filled with g. 108 S. may ee the . ..f thy rhoirn t Uwd I will seek thy j. !. & hl| we thr f . of Jerusalem /cm. 1. 17. withhold itoljr from them II. IT doth f to In. own ..ul *7 hr thul diligently eekethj'. 4 mutt .-n.r.1 tvithf. la V. eat s by fruit -.f hit mouth 91. tn nchteoiM/r 'ball be repaid U. n truth In them thiit devise g . K*X hanrlleth matter wl.-ly find /f . IT X fmwiird heart, Bndeth n. merry heart doeth good \9 ft. that keep understand nd g. Ktti S. * .our enjoy f. I 13 | & In. & II I know there fi no g . in then 4. H, do I labour, bereave MIII! of#. f 5. 1 1. whM r. t* there to owners f . X his soul hr not flllrd with g. a f>n no g . all if" I" on* place T A that doeth y. nd smneth not fl II nor sinner detroyeth much g. Ita I. IB, yr ball rat thr y. of land M 7. hrimreth fxi tidinm of r. JW. A I.V n.. f. raire, M. 19. I'. A thai! not ee when y . Cometh IA 10. I' do evil, I will repent of . HO | ,tod before tliee to -peak g. L 9t neither shall behold g. \ do K 4i I lll hrinr they. 1 promised n 9. bear nil the g . that 1 do them Fffk.tfi. ift. I took them m I saw Zff. II. II If y. give m* ray prire JVal. m4. hern f . had not heen hum Jain Y89. i'torg. to the resurrection Xc. la .". who went about doing g It. 17. be did g. and gave n rain A*, i 10. hon -urev. man w.irkethf I TV*. 1 I. g . to be left at Athens I JoH 1 IT. who hth this world's g For r.OOI). ZW A ? feur the Uird /or our f. 10. 13. nun. thee thii day for thy if ao. a Lord win t ej,,. n > nritWc ' X*m a ft. O.-d >>n all of them / r AM. 1 IB O my ttna,Jhrg. |3 3! J* & T7. kniw thscie*CK, Coua- OR, Do, I)v, Oin age. GOODArerfY Dew. 8. 4. take ye g. hredJot. 83. II. ctV. 18. 9. preacher gave g. koej h GOOD. Celt. 8. II the gold of that land itg. Dfu. I. 14. thin* thou hast pok. it g. 6 la do that which itg. in sight L 1 So. J9. rl coming in with host it g I A' i. 3 3H, Shimel said, the say. itg 48. the word I have heard ug. n. IS. and .peak tha> which it r. 1 Ki. 20 a done which it g. /.. 3H. n I C* IM34 I. iiy.8CA.VIX | 7.3 A>.3 II. rVinn.5. | IOR.I. | 107.1. I 118 1,89 | 135.3 I I3M. | 1 15.9. Jf. XT. II. 1st. 3. ?5. Wu. 1.7. IX I. dn which >. in hi. .ieht aniung ourselves what it g . 304 GOO P> 31. a O tmte and see the I., it g ',!). ili. tliv I..MIII; kindnevs it g. 7.'l I. truly God it g. t. Nme'l , . ^ll J.MV.- that wlnrh it g. ID!), il. heraii-e tliy merry it g. I 13. 10. Spirit M.if. lead into the l.uid ^ro. 1 1. it. d.-sire of right i on' > " io.^5. miff, news from tHrrni.nrry 31. la perre. her merrhandie i ^> EC. t. 26. giveth to a man that u jf. ti. him that it if. hefnn- l.ud 6. li. who kiiMW. what u g. for IIKUI f 7. II. wUdomuy. with an inheri. 9. 2. a* u the y. wi is the sinn.-r IM. 55. 1. eat ye that whii-h u g . Jr. 13 10. thisgirdle it if. Icr mulling; HUM. 4. 13. the >liMd..* tlieri'nf it g. .Vic. 6. 8. lie shewed tliee, whut ng Mai 2. 17. every nnednth evil it e . Mark S. 50. salt itg. Luke 14. :H. /.u. 6. 45. Srinireth that which M ?. 18. 19. nom-uf. save one, th;.t i- G Ro.7. IS. that whith it g. mmle il.-utl ia how to perf. that it g I Mini n.t H. 9. cleave to that wtuih itg. 16. 19. have you wise to wliat M if. I Cor. 7. 86. this it if. for the {.r.^.-nt fgk.^,90. norommiini. hut that it f. I Thet. 5. 15. fnlL whHtif^.37oA II. 81. hold fast that which itg. I Tim. 1. a we know the law it g. i. 3. this u g. in the sight uf <;..) 4. 4. for every creature of (,'ort i* g. 5. 4. fur that is p. hi-fnre Hud 1 Pet.3.13. followers of that whi. iff. 7/uOOOD. Pi. 58. 9. thy name, for it it g. 54. 6. 71 28 it in g. to draw near to Cod 9-'. I. it it M g. thing to give tlixnks 119. 71 it it g. \ have been afflicted 147. I. it it good to sing praiti-x Pro. 24. 13. eat honey, hecau>e it it g. EC. 5 18. it itg. to eat anil drink 7. is. ititg. that thou tike hold Lmwt.3M itit g. bear yoke in youth Mat. 5. 1:1 if it g. fur no. hut ra>-t out 17. 4. it it g. lor us to be here, M,tr. P. s. j.u. '.i. ax r?o. 7 Ifl I consent to law, it i* good 14.21. itit f. neither toeal fl.^h nor I Cor. 7. 1. it i' g. for a man not to touch a woman, a 2fi. I soy it it g. for a man so to ho Hal. 4. ia ititg. zenlously afl'ected (JOOI) land. F.r. 3 a come to g. land, Drut R 7. .V. 14. 7. the land is R ifimrt land Devi I. 25. Hg. I. the Lord doth i 3."i. none of tliRt (jencra. nee ;' f. 3. 85. let me go and see the g. Imd 4. 81. should not no unto thut g. I. fi. ye shl! p..s->eM that g. land R. ia go in and posse" the j- bind 8. 7. Jer. la II m. wnv nnd doing g. OOOh man. 9 Sam. 18. 27 Ahimaaz is a y. *TH /. 37. 83 steps of H*^ m ord. hy 1* ?. 5. H gnod man sneweth favour /'ro 7. ly. the y. man i not at h.M GOO fro 112. a %. man ohtaineth favour 13. i'L if. m. leaveth an inheritance 14. 14. a g. m. is satisfied, 12. 14 Mir. 7. 2. the good man is perished Mat. 12.35. a g . m. out of pood trea- sure, J.u. fi 45. 20. II. murmured ajrainst the g. m 24. 43. g. man had known I.u. I2.3SI. u. 23. 5'). Joseph was a VK)rf mnn JoA;i 7. li. some said, he is a g-. man ,4r 11.2-1. Barnabas was a good man Horn. 5.7. for a ff. m. some would die Not GOOD. Ceii, 2. 18. it is of g-. man be alone 2 Sa. 17. 7. counsel n. g. Ht this time ft. 36. 4. himself in way tlmt is re. g. fro. 16. 29. Iradeth into way not g. 17. 26. to punish the just is not g. 58. 5. is not g. to accept the wicked 19. 2. soul without knowledge n. g. 20. 23. a false balance is not good 24 23. n. g. respe< t of persons, 28.21. Itf- 27. it i- not g. to eat much honey Itc*. 65.2. which walketh in way ti.g. Ezek. 18. 18. did that which is n. g. 20. 25. I gave them statutes not g. 36.31. reinero.your delinks were n.g. Mat. 19. 10. it is not gunA to marry Ac. 15.38. H. thought n.g\ to take him 1 Cor. 5. 6. your glorying is nut good Seem, teemed, seemetA G O O D. .Jot. 9 &. as it ev;/i. tr. to do unto us ./aaV. 10.15. lSa.U.3fi,40.*r<77. 18. Sid 3. II. Jer. 26. H. | 40. 4. Judg. 19. 24. do to them what *. g. 1 &i. 1.23. what .g-.3.ia | 11.10. | 24.4. 2 Sam. 3. 19. all that s. g. to Urael 10. 12. do that reemeth him g. 15. 2ft 19.37. do to Cliiin. what teem g. 38. 24. 22. take and offer up what t. g. 1 Ki. 21. i. if it . g\ to thee, Je. 40. 4. 1 CAr. 13. 2. if it teem good to you Ezra 5. 17. i. g. to the kins.'. En. 5. 4. .fcr. 19. 4. as teemed g. to the potter Mat. 1 1. 26. i. g. in sight, Xu. 10. 21. X^. 1. 3 it teemed g. to me, having Acts 15. -'5. it teemed good unto us, 28. it teemed g. to the Holy Ghost GOOD with thing. E.rod. 18.17. Ming- thou dost is notg-. Dm. 26. II. rejoice in every g. thing Jot. 21. 4f>. there failed not any g. t. 1 Sum. 26. 16. this ttiinir is not good 1 Ki. 14.13. in him is found Rome if t. 2 Ki. 8.9. took of ev. g. t. of Hamas. Ps. 31.10. that seek L. not want g. t 3H. 20. I follow the thing thatg-. is 84. 'II. in. g- thing will he withhold 92. 1. it is g. t. to give thanks to L. Pro la 22. whoso findeth a wife, findeth a good thing fc.33.l4.wil! perform g. t. [promised Hot. 8. a < ast off thing thnt is good Hat. 19. 16. what g. tiling shall 1 do John i.46. any g.t out of Nazareth ? flu. 7. 18 in my flesh dwell, nog-, t. Col. 4. I a zealously affected in g. t. Ef'i- 1.28. working thing which is g. 6. H. knowing g. t. any man doeth 2 Tim I. 14. that g. t. com. to thee Phil. i>. acknow. every g. t. in you Ufo. 13 9. a g-. t. h. art he established OOODCMw* Dim. 6 II. give house-, full of g-. t. Jot. 23. 14. not one failed of the g. t. 15. that as all g. things are romp Jot, 22.18. filled their houses wi. g. t. Pi. 103.5 satisfieth thy mouth wi.g. t. Pro. 28.10. upright shall hnveg-. t. Je. F> 25 your sin- have witlihoT. g t. Mat. 7. 11. irive good things t them 12.31. can ye, I., inp evil, speak g. t. 35. a fin..! man hringeth g. thingt I.u. 1.52. he tilled the hungry wi. g. I. GOO L 25. in life-time recelr. g. t. Ho. 10.15. glad tilings ,.{ pood thing* Hal. 6. 6. e-oinmui.icate in all g. t. Tit.-2.~3. ged women teach>r of g. t. 3. 8. these t. are g and profitable lleb. 9.11. Christ high, priest of g-. r. 10. 1. a shadow of gv thingt to come "2 Sa. 4.10. to have brouuht g. tiding! 18. 27. and comethwith g. tidings 1 A'i>. I. 4^. and bringest g. tiriing* 2 A'tn. 7. 9. this is a day of g-. tidingr Is 40. 9. O Zion that bringest g. t. 41. "27. give Jeru. one bringeth g-. t. 52. 7. feet of him that hringeth g. t. 61. I. anointed me to preach g-. tid AW;. I. 15. behold him bringeth g. I.u, 2. 10. I bring you g. t. of great I Thes.3.6. brought g. t. of your faith Wat GOOD. Gen, 1. 4. God saw that it was good. 10, 12. 18. 21, 2. 1 ). 31. O. saw ev. thing, it tr. very g. 3. 6. the woman saw the tree tr. g. 40. 16. baker saw interpr. ta. w. g. 41.37. thing w.g. In eyes of Pharaoh 49. 15. Issachar saw that rest w. g. I Sa. 15. 9. Saul spared all that jr. g. > Ch. 14. 2. Asa did that which w. g. 31.20. Hezekiah wrought \vhatn-. g. EC. 2. 3. I might see what w. that g. GOOD understanding. 1 Sa. 25.3. Abigail Was a wo. of g. tt. Ps. 111. 10. g. u. have all that do his Pro. 3. 4. so find favour and g. un, 13. 15. g. understand, giveth favour GOOD work. Xfh. 2. 18. strengthen for this g. tr. .Mat. 26. 10. wrought g. tr. .V/ur.14.6. John 10.33. for g-.tr. we stone thee not 2 Cor.9.8. ye may abound to ev. g.w. Phi. 1. 6. which hath heuurig-. work Col. I. 10. being fruitful in ev. g. w. 2 Thei. 2. 17. statiliah you inev. g.w. 1 Tim, 3. 1. a bishop, desireth g. IP. 5.10. if she diligent y followed g. w. 2 Tim. 2. 21. prepared to every g. w. Tit. 1. 16. and to ev. g. ir. reprobate 3. 1. in mind to he ready to ev. g-.tr. He. 13.21. G. make perfect in. ev. g.w. GOOD works. I So.19.4. his ir. to thee have heeng-. Mat.b. I6.that they may see yoiirg-.tr. John 10.32. inaiiyg-.tr. have 1 shewed Acts 9. 36. Dorcas full of good works Ho. 13. 3. rulers not a terror to g.w Eph. 2. 10. created in Christ to g. tr. I 7V.2. 10. worn, be adorned wi. g-.tr. 5.10. a widow well reported forg-.ir. 25. the g. 10. of some are manifest 6. 18. that they he rich in g-. tcorkt i Tim. a 17. furnished to all g. IP. Tit. 2. 7. thyself a pattern in g. w. 14. a people, zealous of g-. irorkt 3. a careful to maintain g. IP. 14. Heb. 10.24. provoke to love and g. w. 1 Pet. 2, 12. by your g-. IP. glorify G. GOODLY. ten. 39. 6. Joseph was a g-. person 4f.21. Naplitulia hind, giv. g. words Er. 2. i she saw he was a g. child 39. 2a made g. bonnets of fine linen Vttfw. 24. 5. g. are thy tents, O Jacob Deu. 3. 25, let me see thatg 1 mount. 6. 10. g. cities which thou huild. not RI2. when thou hast built g. houses 7o.t. 7.21. sawag-. Babylon, garment ' Sa. 9.2. *ul, a young man, andg. 16. 12. David wos goodly to look to 2 Sam. 23. 21. Benaiah slew a g. man A.'i. 1. 6. Adonijah was a g. man le>l>3!>. 13 gHV. g. wings to pem-oct- Pt. 16. 6. yea, 1 have a g. heritage 90. 10. boughs were like g. cedari 205 GOO Jfr. 3.19. how sh.IgiTethrcr. kwi.. 11. \6. a green i, live-tree nfg. fruit Eze).. 17.8. that it n iifht be d g vine 23. bear fruit, and be a g. ied*r HU.I. 10. 1. they have made g. iinacef ./oe/S.5. into your teiu. my g. thingi Zech. 10. 3. mad- them as K horse II. I:), ng. price 1 wa- prized at Mat .3.4-S. met chant se.-k. g. pearls I.u. 21 5. it was adorned wi. g. stones J mi. i.2. if con.e a man ing. aimure llev. It.U. all things dain y aiid \ g ' GOODI.IKK. KVr. 1 Sa. 8. Ifi. take your g-. young men 9. 2. not in Israel a goodlier person 1 A't. 20. 3. children, ev. tig. art mine GOODNESS. Kro. 18.9. rejoiced for g. L.had done 33. 19. I will make g. pass bf. thee :U. (i. the Lord God abundant in r. \u. 10.32. what g. Lord sh. do to us 2 Sa. 7 2a thou prom. g. I Ch. 17. 26. 1 Kin. 8. 66. joyful for g. 2 Ch. 7. 10. 2 Ch. 6.41. let thy saints rejoice \ng 32. 32. Hezekiah^. ||35.26. Josiah g. Ne. 9. 25. delighted themselves in g. 35. they have not served thee ! .ng. Pi.lK. 2. my g-. extendeth Dot to thee 21. 3. preventest wi. hissings o/ g. 23. 6. surely good, shall follow me 25. 7. remember me, for thyg-. .-aks 27. 13. I believed to see g. of the L. 31. 19. O how ereat is Ihy giiodnest 33. 5. earth is full of g. of tbe Lord 52. 1. g. of God endureth continu. 65. 4. satisfied with g. of thy house 11. thou crownestthe year withg-. 68. 10. prepared of thy g. for poor 107. 8. praise L. for his g-. 15. 21, 31. 9. filleth the hungry soul with g. 144. 2. my goodnett and my fortress 145.7. &h utter memory of thy g-. Pro. 20. 6. pnir-liiim every one hisg. 7*.fla7. g. toward the house of Israel Je. 2. 7. brought you to eat g-. thereof 31. 12. flow together to g-. of the L 14. people satisfied with my g-. 33. 9. they sh. tremble for all the g. Hoi. 3.5. sh. fear the Lord and his p. 6. 4. your g. is as a morning cloud 10. 1 according tog. of his land Zee. 9. 17. great is his g. ;;nd beauty Ho. 2. 4. g. of G. lead, to repentam-e 11.22. behold, theg\ of God, toward thee g. if thou continue in g. 15 14. that you are full of goodliest Gai5.22. fruit of Spirit is g-. Efih.b.'J. 2 rA.l.ll. fulfil g-. pleas, of his g-. GOODS. Gen. 14. 1C. Abram brought bark g-. 21. take the gnodt to thyself 24.10 c. of master were in his hand 31.18. Jacob carried HW. his g-. 46 6. r.22.8. not put hand to neigh, g. 1 1. Vit 16. 32. earth swallowed their g. 31. 9. spoil of Midian and their g. 35. 3. he for Levites* cattle and g. Deit.tH. II. make thee plenteous in $ 2CA.21.I4. L. smite thy wives, thyg-, Ezra 1.4. let the men help him wi. g. 6. strengthened their hands wi. g-. 6. a king's g-. expenses be given 7.26. banishment or to confisca. <>fg. ffe. 9. 25. possessed houses full of g-. Job 20. 10. his hands shall restore g. 21. therefore no man look for hisg". 28. his g-. shall flow away in day ErrL 5. 11. when g. increHse, they Exek. 3* 12. have got cattle and g 13. art come to ta 1 e i-attleandg.* Zrph I. 13. *. shall vcome n booty Mut 12. 29. how enter stroi u man'i ho-jse. and take e.J Mark ;<. 27. 24. 47. make him ruftr ovr nos l^u n, ' |i.- t.k.-th wy Ik) g. >/irr/t 1. Ii ,i- f rr n. pnrv I-, ir mil 1 >>r.tow mjg. |ft tlM.u h*l * f . l id 1. 4. Br kar g. prr l.vtr '.. V.-. f 4 14. ff h. he,** i:i /r. 14. .\ r* 11 14. f. f g toeveiy rrea. . | 1. BI * tt kr aale* 1 hi- g ,ie4. 1" '"1 "-e I" p. Ihrf ^ , . . l||* j|| i||.i 2 IV ft. hull l BI. ,-. 1 tvet.i B.-IT f. ! * i Ll /r *>'d purled then fmr 13. X !" 1 fce-low all ny f . |M. 10. :U tkr .p..iun .4 your . r*>K. *4. prr f. '" *" Smaritan. : h.,d mlled uln^. the if. . MH. 1. 1-V 1 < le.dy lop g. at K. 6 Jt*. 3. 17. m h, m..l n..irrd"l. r- roW. U IS hraiinlnl feet Ih^t p. tlie g. \ V IV. lhavr lolly . g of C'hri-t On-V. 14 M .krihrranarkolj-. r. Vi. ! have 1 lrivi-d loorf. thr g. 2 fr. 1. 17. not tii LaBlii.-. hut p g. J u. 14. lblp. g *hmild live nf they. 31. wk! Ikrr f . -mi r Aciif ktrr h i ii . 1 ^ 6. tk*' 1 ^. J. iHilhinif lo lory nf. w.i In n.r it 1 p. not ibef. Mrr* IS. II Arii. n.*r4 g. ia when 1 f. g. \ ma) make g. 1 5, 1. 1 declare the j. which 1 pre. J SS.H. | run tag. in*r Cor. . 11 1 rmi'e i Tniaii tn^. g. f n 14. cnm- a. far a lo you in p. g. JhC4 II. g f,re of me is not :.lti-r n an 1 a iircii. bt-fiir- the g. to Abraham 4. 13 thru ii.firn il> ol llrsh 1 p. g. Z.*Arn 1. ketnuthliiiidprritrli.djr. Tkr$. V. 9. we p. In you g. of f.od / Ai: 4. V. to us was g. p. a- well a* 3 *4 Ike f. ul U.r'(rrce .J U..-I I'rl. 1. \t. hy Ihrm that pr. the g. J J.S. word which hy g. i* p. lo yon V. 1 ervr with n.y .p.ril in Ihr y Id 1 . n-.t a-hnn.rd nf g. ! ( hi I K. lr Ihw mute was thr 4. pre. rt. I4.A. haTinir evrriaiting g . top. . f. 1C jn.lr rrr- 1- cnrd. Ii! my g GOT. IK 141 have not .11 .... ,rd the g. II. ia riiiirrrnior g . thrv arr i-i.i-n. em. l l. Joseph g. him out, 15. *. 44. 3. K. nl landhy iwn -word tt, 1*1 mu.i.t. line Ihe r "f '-"d 'ret It 7. If. servants and mmdeua i n Ih. 1. r..m ..1 thr ,.f ( 1 li-t nuTTBJf. K. & rlMlh y.MI i ni.lii |T lo f . m. 4. 1. I have g. a man from L. 1 CVr. 4 14. Hrtollrn vnd thrii'.f. rod. 14. la *hrn 1 have g honour I/ Ir-l M r hinder jf. i.f 1 hn t .rr. A. 4. Ihinpr h. hath il. cntlnlU g. 17 rti.p--' witn.ii nt f ii.-nimtt )ntl M. 17 mv haml hath^. vt*all4i IR nheii 1 fteach g. 1 may mak> Sum 17. 13 "if lie hr g. intoncitf f..f ( hr wilbi'iit chaiife ; th. i oh -a IS. wi.ri'.m not g. fur L'ld l 111 t ,'rc/. 1. Ifl. g. mure widinn than al a 11 pofe. <1 iil.jei-lino lo the g l*a. 14. 7. al."i.d..nre g. they carry 11.4. If ye receive annthrr >pinl jrA 2H.4. vtth iti-ili. m ttttHg. riih. or ^ . Hal 1 n >.;. 0. I'v tlmu hiist i:. ri-inun Oat 1. 7. ini'd prrvrrt r "' < hnt Afre. 15. 8. w thrm tiiat g. victory t. 1 entamnnicMled ^ f prrach i.liVr MS t that tinik.'f),' mi|tht lonlinu. i A'i'n. *l. 7. dot g kinirdiim of Isr.J 7 f of in " ti nil. i i.n.n'itlrd to mr 'I' .14. 17. hal! he thai hateth g.t 14. aniin in Ihe truth of the g I'l. 67. 4. thmi sh.-iil g the nations Ip*. 1. 11 tkr g . .4 vour .alv-tl. H 1 IV punakr prnn W in l hr. hy . f;n\ KRNMRNI, v Ita. 9. 6. g. nh hr up.. n bin -hnnliU-r & 1*. Bcrpriitimi of thr^. of praci 7. Ill inrie:.e ol bl g. >h. I e III. end IV n*ke knmin thrmv-ti-ry nf^. fi. '.'1 I cntKir.*! thy g. tn hi. hand ftti. 1. 5 ynur Irllo M-.h p in the g. 1 for. W. . if .. ili>;r-ttir ..l long. 7. drfrorv n.it rmiHrinat. nf r. 1 , ; Pet. 8. I" lh.-n. tbal .tetpiae g. It fallen -.! In fnrlhrr.nrr nf g (il VK.I.'NOK 17 I* t your rnvrr~tlnli hr ax be (.'m. 4. A. Jn. f. nvi-r land, 45. . rwetlif trivii.f for f^ith nf> 1 t* hr hath - ririf M 1th me in 4 1 AIM. ia 3 Oh..d g. nv.-r Allah's h. 1 f hr. KR M. ai ninti-ri Soln. chief ^. 4. 1 krin...ir>rn w itb mr in thr/ 14. Ill Ihr kr n. ll f of thef. ^rro 4. 14. C'ru-neliv. vi-i^el* tn^. .VrA. 5 14. nnt eaten the hreud of g. ( 5 him"i lrt,.rr nl truth of g H kr ut moved from hn|.e of g IN. | rrqnirrd not the hn-ad of g. P*. fi. M. kr i jr. ammiit thr natinna 1 TVt 1. 4 Ihr jf tame m^ in wnr ./rr. 10 71. jr. Kb. pr-icei-d from them t T koU ! pp*k t: . g of r.,w1 10. 5. r I'mk tn (i.-di liah the f. 1 .ffd tnKr BUI inlru|M.|h 41 1. Uhm. emote (.edali^h tbef. n,.l f . ,.!, Hag. 1. U. L. Mirrcd up Zeruh. g. S Tip nor frlU.w.l.U.nrrr in t. 1. peak tn ZrrnM.ahrl the g. 21. 1 Ta. 1. a thrm that i.t -v ZA. u. 7. hr sh. he as a g in Jiidah lhr 1 f,l t | t 14 hrrrnnl.i mlfrd ynu l.y g 1 7 1 1 II r...rdii IT t..jf of I,u4 "i 1 a offer It nnw lo Iky g. Mul ? . .-ul nl thre -ball cnmr g . M if thi. romr to the f.'s eai* t Tim. 1 f. Brakrr of rBii-t 2. a bear In ihef. f thr t.M-t 10 iMiinacta'it y ! h^l.t ttirn'f. ActnH I inf. rmed f. against Pa u J 1 r i>r<1 .. .-..r.i.nf In g. fML UL Bjtauurrd tn BVM W f .' Cur II. 32. the g. under Areln. JM 3.4. aklp* turned whi.f. lltivtk GRA COVER Nor.o. 14. out i.f Machir fiiinr il ti'ii g f.xra H. 3i. delivered rnii.nn*-. to f. 7. let Irtlrrs hr (fivi-n lo g. 4. 15. Ihr g. fharnecMe tn BnipC DM.V.48. kin madr Daii.i hirl of g. ,,h \t. fi. Ihr g. nf JudHll .|IM!| ** r. I will make y. of Jnd. likr liraM* Mat. 10. It. >h. be hmnul.t U-iori-ff. OK.' 4.?. the heii nude* tutor* anilf. //. . 14. mhmit yourselvr* tu f. l.Ot HI), S. 2 A'i'n. 4. 3!>. nne itatlitred wild g. Junah 1.6. find prepared g. Jon. plnd 7 a norm (mote g., it wiliirrnl 10. thmi lust had pity on the r RAl K. F.*ra9. a for a little spar* . she>ve4 Kith. . 17. Es-t obUinrd . in -n:l,t g. p. mreii iiitn lins (,. anoint. M. II. Lord in a run, will five g. I r r. I. . >-li. be an orimnn-nt nl g. 3. '/v. -.. ahall they M- hie : II. for? of li|'kin hi-tnen* /trA.4.7.witrifhutini(i>, i-ryntf.f.g. ' 10. I will pour the Spirit nf g. ha 1.14. l..ottrn of Fi.th. full off. 16. we havr all reeelved g. fur*. 17. g. and truth rame hy Jen. ( hr. .irt* 4. 33. and great g. was nn thi-m 14. i testimony tn Word of hi* g. 18. 27. helped wh. hrlievi-d thri.'j'. fll. 32. ronimend >ou to word i.f g. Rum. I. 5. hy whom we reieivrd g. 7. g. and peace from (i. our r nth. I Cor. I. 3. 2 Cur. I. s>. Gal. I a . i C,:l. 1.2. I7for l.'l. i Thr,. 1.2. fAi/rtn. a a 24. justified freely hr hi**'. 4 4. r.-w rd m not reckoned of g. 16. of faith, that it rnipht hr hy g. 6. 'I. we hmr access into thi* g 17. who receive abundance 1 of g. .'(i. where tin aboiindtd, g. inure SI. g. reiun thro* rii?liteoiir>e* 6. 1. continue In -in. that i>. al.i.niid? 14. unrter g. |] I5.l.eraitke nndrr g.t 11.5. acci.riiiny to the elrrti-in of e. H. i( h> g. then in. mon- of u orkt 12. a thro' thr g. (fiven unto m 6. tiff* diderinir c>rdin(r In f. 15. 18. the g. givrn to me of God I Cor. 10. iO. if I by ^. hi- a parlatrr 15. 10. l>\* g. bestowed not in va'n -' Cor. 4. IS. f. reilniind to p'nry nf 0. x. i;. tinii-li in you the .ame g . alt* 7. nee that ye a 1 nnnd in thin g. III. to travel with in- with Ihitf. 9. 9. God i- able to makeg. nhi.iin* \'f. 0. my F. is sufficient for the* 6W. I. a him who callt-d \nu t,, g. 15. i ml, who calleil me hy hi- g. 2. R when James perceived g. nr s. 4 justified l.y law, fallen Irom g. 1 jk 1.6 the piaiseof thi-filory {g. 7.lorcivrnem>, act or. !' riches of g. i. S. l.y g. aTi*d Ihriiiieh faith, H. 7 In- mii:ht chow the rnhranf g. 3. S to me i* thin g. (riven 4. 7. tn every one i.f u> i? ien g. 29. it imy minister g. to heariT A. n. g. with all that |..\e L. Ji-nM I'hit. \ 7. ye are all pai takers of g. I'ul. 3. Irt. Mnirinir with g. in heart* 4. 6. li-t f pi-rch be alway w ith f 18. g. hr with >ou, 2 Timo. 4 ft Tit. 3. IS. //eA 13. A 2 TAe*. g. 18. givrii n* hope thro' g \ Tim I. g. if.,n>rrcy, and peace 7r. G. our Father, and our 1. .'. C 8 Tim. 1. 2. Tit. I. 4, 4 John 3 14. g of -i r [.. wn nSnndant 6. 21 g be with thee. Ai en. t Tim. I. 9. .-ailed us accord ng tog 2. I. he tr> .rig in theg. in ( 'hrUt Tt 3. 7. justified bvff. we sh. be heir Ueb. 4.16. 01- me boldly ti throne of y. la 29. don despite* to the Sp. of e 12. 28. let us have g. tit s>rve Cod 11 9. d the heart hi> estah. \vi g-. /a 1. II. g 1 . of the fashion perisheth 4 n. vtveth more g giv. g. to hiimt.lt 1 ft 1. X. grace, and peace l-e mult. 2 /'tffe-r I. 2. 10. who prophesied nf g. to roine .3. hope for theg^ ||3.7. hrs of 5-. 5. 5. Uod ifiveth g. to the humble HI. e yift of g. of G. CoL \. fi. since ye knew the g. ofG. 2 The*. \. 12. ye in him, ac. to g-. nfG. Tit. 2. 11. g. ofG. th. brings th saivat. Heb. 2. 9. he hy g. of G. taste death 12. 15. lest any man fail of g. of G. 1 Pet. 4. f. stewards of the g ofG. 5.12. testify, this is the trueg-. ofG. G R /.CK 0/our iorrf Jt. jfe<* 15. 1 1. g. of I.. J. we sh. he saved Ro. 16. 20. g. nfour L.J. he with you 24. 1 Cor. 16 2a Phil. 4. 23. 1 Thet. 5. 28. 2 TA. I a Vm. 6.2V L. make his fare shine g. 2Sam.\i.-n.*\\ whether G. will be g. f>'eh. 9. 17. a'Wiodg-. merciful, 3!. Job 33. 24. then he is gracious to him ft. T7. 9. hath G. forgotten to beg-.? 86. 15. thouart God g. 1 1 1.4. | 112.4. Pro. 1 1. Ifi. a g. w>. retaineth honour . in. 12 words -f a wise man are It. 30. 18. L. will wait th. he may beg-. 19. he e. to thee || 33. 2. b.' g. to u, Jer. 22.23. ho-v y. when pang< com* Anna 5. 15. nj ij he the L. will be g . Jonah 4. 2. I knew thii art a g. G. Mid. 1.9. beseech O. he will he?, to us Lvkf 4. fi. wondered at g. words IPet. i. 3. if ye tasted, the Lord is/p. GRACIOUSLY. Gen. 33. 5. children G. g. given me 11. Ond hath d.-alt g. with me Pi. 119. ?. and gr-.int ; e thy law g. A3f.l4.2,talte uway iui ;_ receive uag. G R A GRAFT, KD. rim. II. 17. a wi d olive-rree wert g. 19 that 1 might be grafted ill V.'l theysh. beg-. G.ii aide l"?.them 24 cut out a i ill if. these hi- g. GRAIN, S. Am. 9.9. not the least g-. full on earth Afuf.13.31. kingdom of heaven is like R g. nf mustard-seed, Mar. 4. 31. Luke 13. 19. 17. 20. faith as a g 1 . nf mustard Seed, ye sh. say to this mount remove Luke 17. 6. lCor.15.37. bare?, wheat, orotherg-. GRANDMOTHER. 2 Tim. 1. 5. faith dwelt in thy g. Lois GRANT. Ezra 3. 7. accord, to the g-. of Cyrus GRANT. Lev. 25. 24 g. a redemption for land I Sam. 1. 17. God g. thee thy petition 1 CA. 21. 22. g. this threshing-floor ; thou shall g-. it me for the full 2 CA. 12.7. 1 willg; them deliverance .Ve 1. 1 1. g- mercy in sight of this man Etth. 5.8. please the king g. my peti. Job 6. a God g. the thing 1 long for Pi. 20. 4. g. thee to thine own heart 8\ 7. O Lord, grant us salvation 119. 29. g-. me thy law graciously 140.8 g. not OL. desire* of wicked Mat. 20. 21. g. my two sons may sit, Mark 10. 37. Luke \. 74. g. to us, that we being /lr.4.29.?. wi. boldness we may speak Ro. 15.5. O. g. you to be like-minded E, h. a 16. g-. you to be strengthened 2 Tim. 1. 18. L. g. he may find mercy Rev. 3.21. will I g-. to sit in my throne GRANTED. 1 CA. 4. 10. G. g. what he requested 2 CA. I. 12. wis. and know. i>?. thee f.rru 7. 6. the king g. all his requests yeh. i. 8. g. accord, to the hand of G. Kit. 5.6. petition, sh. beg-. 7.2. | 9.12. 9.13. let it be g. to Jews in Shiishan Job 10.12. thou hast?, life and favour Pro. 10. 24. desire of righte. sh. be g. Ac. 11. 18. G.?. Gentiles repentance 14. 3. g. signs to he done by hands Rev. 19. 8. Was g. she sho. be arrayed GRAPE. Lev. 19.10. nor gather g-. of vineyard Z)f*. 32. 14. didst drink blocd of g-. Job 15 33. shaUe off unripe g-. as vine Can. 2. 13. tender g. give good smi-ll 7. 12. see whe. the tender g. appear //. 18. 5. >onr g-. is ripening in flower Je 31.29. fathers have eaten a sourg-. 30. ev. man thateateth the sonr?. A/ic.7.1. I am asg-.-glt-aningaot vint. GHAPE-gatherer. Je. 6.9. turn back thy hand as ag-.-g-. 49. 9. if g.-g. come, Obadiah 5. GRAPES. Gen. 4fl. 10. clusters brought ripe g. 49. II. washed clothes in blood of g-. /. 25.5. nor gather the g-. undressed II. in juhi., nor ga g. of thy vine Num. 6. S. nor shrill he eat moist g. 13. 20 the time of the first ripe g. S3. cut a branch wi.one. cluster of*-. Dt.23.24. thou mayesteat?. thy Oil 24. 21. when thou gatherestthe?. 28.30. plant a vineyard not ga,? 39. 32. 32. their g. are g. of gall Judg. 8. 2. gleaning of g-. of Ephraitn .\VA. la 15 bring, wine and g. on sab. Cant. 2. 15. our vines have tender?. 7. 7. thy breasts are like clua. of g. It. 5. 2. it should bring forth g. 4. bring forth g. brought wild g. ? 17. Ii. Cleaning g. shall be left in it 24. 13. glean, g. u hen vint. ii done 407 GKA Jr. 8.13. there sh. benny, on Hie vttn 25.30. a shout, as they'lliM tread r. 49. 9. not leave gl.-aning g. Oka. 5*. F.z. 18. 2. fathers have eat. n smir g. Hoi. S. 10. like g. in the wilderness Am. 9. 13. treader of?. \ert. tower >ld 14. 13. Jeroboam h. come to the ?. 2 A.22.20. gath. to thy ?. 2 CA.34.2H Job 3. 22. glad when they find the ?. 5.2C. thou sh. come to ?. in full ug 7. 9. goeth to?, rome np m> inor* 10.19. been carried from womb to 5. GRA JW 14 11 O tht Hi. HI hid* me Inf. - .it, tiff U mjr boue t *. be be broiur ht t- the f U. not .tretrh bit hand to the f .13 ft, hi* *nul drawvth near to r A** & & in f. wh> gie the* thank 91 3 broufht my mil from the r. II 17 kt wkfced b*atk*MUitWf >a>d in f . en*ume ID Art. 15. redeem .ul friH power nff W. a my life drawelh ulffh lag. . ni(.kludne* declared la g. rraailuude/f. ..in sattlered t g 'i mouth It. et u swallow them as f f . and barren wmri say nl !U no m Mil MO hif whi. fiw-t f.i.t 8. ijelouy kt Tuela*thrf. /u II II pump is rirouirht tof. 19. nut out oftbv f. Ilkr abraorh 91 la I shall (> to the gates off. 18. the /r rmnoot pri-e thee VI ft h* a*de Hu f . with wirked / r. 10. 17. my mother might been j 11 A eiNna*ny round berr i 14. rejMMD fr. power of thV f . O f I will be destruction XaA. I II make thy g., thou art rilr JW II. 17 be had Imin Inf. 4 day. 31. he forth to f. to weep there II 17 bf railed Laiaru nut off. 1 C-r.l S. JSi/r where U thy victory r Joint II. 4i Latarus raroe forth bouii-l with g.^Uiut GRAVE. Aijtrtin. ir.S. dearwos bef. U ll.wivesf. TV * t tht aged men be tuber, * GRAVE. ((at t* & shalt f . on onyx-tone 3ta plate of pure (old, and g. to it t Ckr-n 1 7. send a man that can g. II hare sent running man to r. OHAVK1) I Kin. 7. M. oo borders g. eheruhlm I Car. 1 7. hef rherubuns on wall* GRAVKL. rr**.?n 17. m-.uth.h be filled wl f. /M. 4& 10. offspring nfhoweii likef *. 3. 16. brokrn my teeth with g. GRAVES, IVrA. 7i 49. IK. g. thee on palm* of handi flu*, t 18. th.- maker hath g. it GRAVES. r 31 K writinff of r;. g on tahl. :ti A. signets f . with name* .if Itr. J'4 19 84. were f . with an Iron pen .Jer. 17. I. Uf. upon table of hv RI D*tt.iH Doit 4. l& Wt y corrupt n.i m.ikr a g . image, 25. 17. IS. mred man th. makeOir. i ):>dg 17. 1 til*. fr *on to make /r i IL ]& DM let up the f . imagt. 31. in. f I. 7. Mana^eh et g . Image It*, ta NL the w.-rkm.n meltethjU ML a workraaa to prepare a g . i 44 A they th m,k- r i are ranity ICL *h* Utk moiteo a g. imagt \- with rv^due be mak-th r t. 4\ a et up wond / their f. MM. 4 imy g. i h,th ounmaiMlei ISem >f in. !\ ronf.Mindrd h) f XoA. I. 14. I will rut C tli* f. fat. Ron, S. l what pr..ateth the r. i? - Deitl 7. & ye rh*ll hum their g. i % ' >ball Vw down the f . i. t Kin. 17. 41. lear^d U. r*edV I Or. U 7. wbeu be bad beaten*, i. GRE P. 7 moved i jralmwy wl. f . i ..nf. .united all thatservef. I /j.i. 81. 1< iUi.>lon lallen, audf. tm. 3a ti defile tlie itivering of f . in 41 a neither give my praise t.-f I. 17. be a-li..m.d that trust in f I. Jer. a 19. prroke our G. the f . the mighty in. Kith I. 20. piihli.h.-d. for it is f . J<* 88. 5. Is not thy wirk. dn-ssf ? 3d la a f. ransom |]2n. God i f . 38. 1 1 . w Ut t rut heraiKe strength g. ? Pt. 14. 5 were they in f . fear, 51 5. 19. II. in keeping them f. reward 81. 5. hU glory g . in thy alvation 25. II. pardon iniquity, for it Iff. 31. 19. O how f Is thy goodness *> 10 art f and doet wondrous *'. S how f. are thy works I3B. 17. O God. how g . aos he ira GRE Err/. !). la wisdom seemed r. tnm 1m. 5. 9. hou*s even g amf fmr H 2. have e.-n g HfM, Mat. 4. 10 12. ft f. is the Holy One of Israel Hi. 20. rend a "avniiir and a f. one .',.'( 12. divide him a portnm Kitlif. 54. 13. f . sh. be peiu-e of thy rhild. Jer. 5. l'i. are heroine f . an I rich 10. A thy name U f. in might 3^ I* thcf. the mighty (i. is name 19. f . in counsel, murlity in work I.'im. 3. 23. f. is thy faithfulness >rtt. 17. a g. -agle with g. wings, 7. 3ii. '.'3. 1 will sanctify my f . name Dai. 4. I how f . hi* MKIIS, mighty /'*/ 3 la their Wi.-ke.lm-j.. is g. /'A 9. 17. how f . his goodness! Mai I. 11. name f. among Gent. 11. Mat. 5. 12 rejoice and be glad. f. hj reward in heaven, I.u. 6. 23, 35. 19. sh. he railed g . in king, of hea. fi. 23. how f. i- that darkness '. I3.4B. pearl off. prire|| 15. 28 f. faith 19. 82. f. p-MSM-wions, Murk III. 42. 811. 25. they f. excr.-ise nnthoritv 86. whof. among you, Alar. 10. 43. 22. 3fi. which i g. ci.nnnaiidment ? 38. the first aiidf. rommitndiaent l.uke I. 45. f. in sight of the laird 9. 48. least amou.. you shall he r. 10. 2. harvest f . the IS, Hirers few Hi 26. between us and you g . gulf IcttS. 9. that he wan some g one 19. 2a f. is Diana of Ephesiaaa ! S4. 2 Cor. 7. 4. f. my boldness, f. irJ.>ry. (V. 4. ia he hath H f. zeal for you Tim. a 16. f. is mys'ery of god. in. Tim. 8. 2(l.iii f. house not only ves. Tit. 2. 12. appearing ..f thef. God Jam. a 5. f. matt.-r little Sr kindle. Am. 16. l<. f. Babylon raree ui 17. 5. Babylon the g . the re 'her of h..rl.iU 18. 2. 'te CiTr.CYMfANV.CoNGBKO. . ION, Car, DAY, DESTHIXTION. GREAT erii S'im 6.9. he hath done us this i F.rcl 2. 21. this U vanity and a g . . Itr. 16.10. Lord pronouiiced thi.sf. . M 4'.'. l.rouglit g. e. upon people 44 7. why commit thin f. erii t See KxcK.niM,, JOY. (; K K AT king or king*. Pt. 47. 2. the Lord is a f. king over 18. 2. Zion, the city of th.- f . king. 95. 3 L. i* u f. king above all gi'ds 1 '. 17. thanks to him th. urnotef k. Keel. 9. 14. there mine f. k against Jer. 25. 14. g . kingt shall serve them. V,il. I. !4. I am af k. saith'thr U Mat. 5. 35. Jerusalem i-city off. K. GREAT men. 2 Sam. 7. 9. like name of f. m. la earth. I CAron. 17. a fob 38. 9. f. tn. an- ni ^way wise I'rat. 85.6 stand not in place of f.rn. Irr. 5. 5. I will get mi* unto f. men Krrk. 81. 14 it is Hi- -v...rd off. m. VaA. 3. 10. all her f . m<-n in chains fr. G. 15. f. men hid tliem.wlves 18. 23. thv merchants w.-re g. men GREAT muttit'uir. mnttil udti. ' Ckr. 13. a ye he a f. multitude 20 15. not dismayed l.\ r.-awnif. m. 2a 5. carried f . m. captive to (lain. lot 31 3t.did I fVarf. m. or rontempl r i 1(1. 14. f. m. shall t>e contemned Jer. 44. 15. women stood ny, af. m. f.ttk. 47. 9. a very y. mnUtt. of Ash /''.m. II. II. king of south -et f. m. Hat. 4. 25. f.m. follow. -d him,*. I. I 18. 15 : Ut 2. ; 20, 2tf. Jkfar* X 7. John 6. GRE IS. when Jesus saw g. mft. 14 14 MarkS. 14. 15. 30. ff. mufti, came, having lame 33. so murli lire-.t.l as ill NI> g. a w. 91 S. a g. in. spread th nr ga -nents 26. 47. ff. n. wi. gwonU, Mat 14.43. LuAy 5. 6. iiicliKcd H m. of fishes 4o(v 14. 1. a g-. mu of /ews believed 17. 4. of devout ureeks a g. mult Ser. 1. 9. $ in. no man could number 19. fi. as it were the voice of a g.tp. G R K A T nation and tuitions. Gen. 12 1. I will make of thee a g. n. blt'M thee, 18. 18. | 46. 3. El, 32. 10 17. 20. make Ishmael & g. n. 21. IS. Deut. 2fi. 5. he became there a. n. g. P< 135. 10. smote g.n. anil slew kings J.-r. 6. 22 a g nati'in shall he raised Exck. 31. 1' under his shad, dweltg-.n. QKEATfmpif. Deu<. 2. 10. Emiins dwelt a p. g. 21. 21 Zamzninmims, a penple great Josh. 17. 14. seeing 1 am a g. people I ft. be a g 1 . o. l| 17. thou art a g. p. 1 Kin. 3. 9. who is able to judge this great, people ? 2 Ch. 1. 10. 5. 1. given wise son over this g. p. Jsit. 1:14. nois in mountains as of g.p. ORKAT umrer. fo. 32. 11. ut of Ejjypt with g. p. 2 Km. 17. 36. AteA. I. 10. yum. 14. 17. the/>. of my lord be g. Job 23. 6. plead au-tinst me with g.p. Ps. 147. 5. great is our L. and ofg-. p. Jer. 27. 5. have made the earth, man, and beast l>y my g. p. 32. 17. A T iA. 1. 3. L. slow to anger, g. in p. Mar. 13. 2'!. coming in clouds wi. g.p. Acti 4.33. wi. g.p. gave apostles witn. 8. 10. this man is the g. p. of God Rev. II. 17. thou hast taken thy g.p. GRE*T tea. Num. 34. 6. have e.t. for a border Jus. I. 4 from wilderness t > the g. i. 15. 12. west border toe-, f. and coast Erek. 47. 10. as fish of the g. sea l.j. border of land from the g. tea Dan. 7. 2. four winds upon the g. t. See SIN. GREAT daughter. Josh. !0. 10. slew them with & g. t. Judg. 1 '. 3,'t Jephthah smote, wi.^-.t. 15. 8. Samson smote with g. i. 1 Sam. 4. 10. Philis. smote wl g. i. 17. 6. 19. L. had smitten peo. with g. t. 19. 8. David slew with ng. i. 23. 5. 2 Snm. 18. 7. a g. fltt't. of 20,000 men lA'm. 20.21. Israel slew Assyr.wi.ff.. 2C/ir. 28.5. Israel emote Ahaz wi.g-.jr. /.t 8. 1 Kin. .1.9. judge to g. peo. 2 CA.1.10. Ft 77.13. who tog. * God as our O.f lO.'i II to g. is his mercy to them Mat. 8. 10. not*og-.faith in Is. it*. 7.9. 2 Tor.l.lO. delivered from tog-, death Ileb.1.3. if we neelert tug. salvation 12. 1. to g. a cloud of witnesses Jam. 3.4. in g. yi-t turned wi. a helm Small and ORE AT. Gffrc.19.11. smote wi. blind, i. and g. Deitt. 1. 17. ye h. hear i. HI well as g. 25. 13. divers weights, g. and tm. 1 Sam. ft. 9. smote the men i. and g. 20.2. my father will do noth. g. on. 3. Alias, made a feast tog-, a. i. 20. to husband's honour ff. a. I. ,/oA 3. 19. imall and great are there S7. (i. to the /. rain and to g-. rain Pi. 104. 25. things creeping, *. and g. 1 15. 13 fear the Lord, trnall and g. Ecrl. 1. 7 posses, of g. and s. cattle Jer. 16. 6. g. andi. &h. die in this land Anton 8. 5. the ephuh j. the shekel g. Acts 26. 22. witnessing to *. and g. /ten. I I 18. rew. that fear him,*, a. g. 13. If,, j. and g. to receive a mark 19. 3. praise our Gwd, .tin. and g. 20. 12. dead, t. a. g. stml before G. GREAT itone and stunes. fien. 29. 2. g\ *. wagon well's mouth ><;. v;7.2. setups.; and plaster them ew. 10. II. L. cast ff. . from heaven 24.2(1 Joshua took g. i. and set it up 1 Sam. 6. la to the g. ittme of Abel 14. 33. roll a great stone unto me 2.S'm.20.8. were at g ttonein Gibeon 1 Khi. 5. 17. brought g. t. to lay foiiu. 7 10. founda. was of g. t. Ezra 5. R 2 CAr.26. lo.engines to shoot g. ttimet Ezra 6. 4. 3 rows of g.i row timber J'-r. 43. 9. take g. i. and hide them Mat. 27. 6'). rolled a g. I. to door of GREAT thing and Uugt. Deut. 10. 21. thy God hath donee-, t. 1 Sum. 12.16. see this g. t. L. will do 'ISam 7 21. word 's sake thou doneg-.l. 23. and to do for you g. things S Kin. b. 13. if prophet bid thee g. t. 8. 4. tell the g. t. Elisha hath done \Chr.\~. \'J making known these g.t. Job 5. 9. to G. doeth g. 1 9.10. | :fl. 5. Pi. 71.19. Anne g. t. who is like thee 106.21. furgat G. who had done^.t 126. 2. L. h (i done g. t. for them 3. Jer. 33. 3. shew theeg-. and mighty t. 45. 5. seekest thou g. t. (or thyself '( Dan. 7. 8. a mouth speaking g. t. 20. ,Iter. I a 5. Hns. 8. 12. I have written the g. t. Joel 1. 20. because he hath done g. t Mar. 3.8. heard whatg-. things he did 5.19. tell '#./. L. hath done, 7,.8.39. Luke I. 49. mighty hath done g. t. 8. 89. published g. t. Jesus had done Act* 9. 16. shew g. t. he must suffer 1 Cor.9. 1 1. Is it g.t. if we reap carnal? 2 Cor.ll.15.no g. t. if minis, be trans. Jam. 3. 5. tongue hoasteih g. things Vent GREAT. Ejcod. 1 1. 3. Moses wag r. g. In land iVi/m. 13.28. cities are walled and e.g. 2 ?-im. 19.32. Barcillai was a r.ff. man 1 A'rn.l0.2.Sheba came with f.g. train \Ch". 21. 13. for p. j-. are his mercies 2 CAr. 16. 14. r. g 1 . burning for Asa Job 2. 13. they saw his grief was . . Pt. 104. 1. O my God, thou art p. ff. Mar. 8. I. the multitude very great 16. stone was away, for it was v. g. Win G HEAT. (7en.6.5. the wickedness of man w.ff. 13. 6. their substance w. g. so that Job 31.25. 1 rejoiced my wealth tc. ff. rci 2.9. I w. g-. and increased more Lam. \. \. she r. g. among nations Dan. 4. 10. the tree's height i/'. ff. ;tfafcZ27. g-. w. the fall of it, iw.6.49. GREAT tratert. Pi. 32. 2. in floods off. t/>. shall not 77. 19. in the e, thy path in if. v>. 107.23. they that do business in g.ir. 144. 7. deliver me out of g. trateri Jer 51.55. waves do roar like . w. Effk. I. 24. noise of wingo likeff.u?. 17. 5. he placed th* need by ff. w. 8 v- plftlii.nl in u-o/>d soil by ff.jc. 26. 19. when g. rr. if "* ff. riches Jam 3. 1. receiver, condemnation i Pet. 2. 11. angels areff. in power I John a 20. God is ff. thai, our heart 4. 4. g. Is he that is in you, than in 5. 9. witness of G. is g. this is wit 3 John 4. no g-. joy than to hear that ffREATEST. Job 1. a this man was the g. of all Jer. 31.34. all know me from least to the*. Ueb. 8. 11. 42.1. peo. from least tog-, came near 44 12. they sh. die, from least to g. Jonah 3. 5. on sack., from g. to least Mat. 13. 22. it is the g. among herbs 18.1. whoiag-. in kl.igd. of heaven ? 4. humble as this child, game is g. 2a II. he that is ff. sh. he your ser Mar. 9. 34. who should beg. 7,K.9.46 Lu. 22 24. a strife who should beg-. 26. he that is g-. he us the younger 1 Cor. la 13. the ff. of these is charity GREA'J KY. Gen. 3. IB. I will g. multiply thy sor. Exod. 19. 18. whole mount quaked g /;,>;< M:>. 4. the Lord sh. g hless thea I Sum. 12. 1 8. the peo g. feared the U 1 Kin. 18. 3. Ot.adinh f.-red L. g. 1 Glr.-J.3tt. house of fath. increased f. GRF. | Cftrw*. 16 V> thr I j.H I* g . to be prmterd. ft 4* I. | 96, 4 t C*r *V l tbrr nner g. kindled M 11 !* Ja4> & 7. Utter end h. g. :nrree ^f *l. I I" thy .l.li..n g. rejoice 7. heart g . rejwireth. will prawe 44. II. king -a. g -le-lre ti.y brauty 47 V*etoiifftu t.d he I>F. '"lied feL . I .h.ll IMA rn- g. moved 4. ft tbjMi f enrx-fc't It with the 71. lip^ f rej..i. e when I mg m M. wrwiY and g abhorred Iff. K0 >4 iM-rrMed people r. IU7. lot- in I i I g prater the Lord 114 I deligbtethg in hn rmmad 116 10, I w *F. l.tcd. I .,.) /Vwft. AM father of ri(ht.f rej.nre 1m. 4*. 17. g. ahmedth. IruM tmn. 4M. ML I wi:l g retotre la the Ll Z. . 14 f..veriH- marvelled g. Mrt \ :*. thai wrrpt ai.d walie^ g. ft 14 trfceM. they were amaiod g Hi f). ye therefnte do g err AJta S M. rrjoirelh g. berue of Act* C 1. Ike number of diariple* mii.tiphe.1 in Jerniil> m g . I Cr. IA IT. \ g. de>lred Apollui ^*W I. . f . I long fter you all I Tket 3 6. deirini< f. to we u* t Tim. l.lg *-iri a * t -w the* 4 Ii. Natb f. wltlni.MMl our word* 1 Fit. I . f . rejtMo- tho' In hen t in. t ./* 4. I rejo,rl g. that I found I JJut 1 I rejoH^d f . when breth. GRF 4up. r-i option written in 0. J hn 19. m ..37. rant th..n p-ak G.I 9. II in G tongue name ApoL OBI Gei*. I. t bet g herb for meat ft 3. a* g. herb I have give,, you all . IV offer for Drl. fruit- if ear- 14 eat no g. ear. till ye have r |fi. 7 hind me with 7 g. with* a they brought to her 7 g. witli- 2 Kin. 19. . inhabitant* were a g. herb*, /jo. 37. 2 i. JM 8 I ft he I* r before thr un IA. 3J. M* branch .-hall not he g. 19. a the wild a- seiirrheth after g. Pi. 21 t lie down in g pa-tiire* 37. *. *hll wither as the g. herb 34. wicked upread like r. laj.tree Cnnt I. Ifi. thou art fair, our bed g. t IS. Bg-tree pnlteth forth g. figs 1*9. IS 6. there i n- F. thing Jer. II. 16. Lord railed name*, olive 17. a a* tree preadeth, leaf b<- g. H"t 1 4 H. I am like a F. flr-tree Va/*&3. by companies on g. gnat Rev. a 7. all r. gra* ww burnt up 9. 4. rominan.led not to hurt any g. Git KEN free. It t. ei vrd gd under g. tr. GREATNESS. JTiW IS 7. in g if thy e*ellenry >k 14. njlarrord.rur, IOF nf rneroen D*rf I ** begun to chew r r 4. *4 the Lord hath (hewed hi., F. ft M. baat redeemed through thy f. II. rh.ldren who have Dot keen F M. 1. a erthr yr g. unto our (Jod \Ckr.\1 21 maketheea ntuneofF. ML II thine, O laird. I* th* F f Oke. 9 C. * half >if F not .hewed J**X 11 ffl (pareme arrnrding tog. f*. . S. g. .f th-y power enemie* 71. tl ib. .hart twrr*fM* my g. 7ft II. aec.fdi,, f t g . f thy power I4A3. g . mil MjWario. declare g. ISO 1 arrurdlng to hi. rxrellent r frmf. ii SI m g of folly gn antray /ML 40. . rtlirth by g. f hi* might r. ia wearied in thr g. nf thy way tt I. travelling tn g nf trength Jer U g nf inanity dtarovrred /**. Jl f. whmt. art th-.iilikeing.? ! 4. n tbt r ri-athetb beavpfl 7.TI. F. -^ k ji KOY. rtL 17. IT a IMO that la f . nf prey Fr~. !!.(. t* every *o> f. of r* U T7. be that tog. tmufclrth hmiv *% 1 1. f. 4n. never ha. enough I Tim. 1 1 nt <> nf llthy \uf lr . ft r.RlTEDII.Y. fff fl . fce r..retrth g. all day CM*, ffl Ii luwt F gained of nrlth 1tm\1.nmm -M.r ^rn*.4 Balmaa- .|fl ^p4 4 Ml Five* mvrr to wnrb all nrlraowrw t> ith g I A'm. 14. JO. image* under every e. tree, t Kin. 17. 10. Am. 16. 4. AM Mi-rlfired under every g. tret 2 C*r. 28. 4. Pi. W. a a F olive t in house of O. /M 57 4. ii.n miiiif ynur.. under g.t. n 4. II. treeF. and w^ str.nii.- War* 4. 7. and the thorn- F. up /.ve I. n, .-hild F and waxrd. y. I H. H. it F. anl w*- or c.l i.odg. and 111. tO mightily g. the word of 0! < . R k. i-houttJ. Pro*. 30.31. comely in k'oing, it g.. A. ORIEf, & irn. 8P. 3S. a g. unto l*aac and Tteb. Sum I. 16. out of HbuiidHiiri- i.f g. Ckr. 6. ti<. f ery one know ownf. /oft 6.1 oh that my g. were wrighrd 16. 4. oiii of lip. -h. a-iiaK. F. a tho' I (peak, F. i* not u.-Mikre,l "i. 6. 7. mv eye U ruin>uii.ed IM . cau.e of F. 31. . 31. 10. my life i -pent with g K>. 26. talk toy. of thoe womiii.il 'r.r 17. 25. foolish son F. to fattier ted \. la in mmh wisdom mui-li j,-. 2. 23. day re sorrow*, travail g. 'to. I7.ll.harvf>t a lieupin ila\ o F A3. 3. a man ,eA;. 2& 24. be no more it g. ih..r,i GI1E7C A'a, 2. 33. the man to F. thy In-art CAr. 4. 10. keep fr. evil, nut g we V 7a 4O. how oft di-i the\ /;. linn .,/m. 3. :. doth not will'iigh t-.n .-u A>A. 4. 30.F. not Holy spirit -I i-od (.KIKVKI). r'ets. ft. 6. it repented the U tlial he had made man, ai.d it g. Inn 4.'). 4. be nut g. that ye !.! mi- 11.23. the Hrrlnra Imvewirfly jf.hiin ')eut. IA. 10. not g. When tlnuiyiv. -t Jutig.lQ. 16. 011 1 g. for ii.i.-i'i\ f I*. 1 A'un. I. a why i^ thy In-art g.'f 20. 34. Junalhan wa> F. for liav'd 30. 6. soul ot all the p>-i>|ilr a- if. Sam. iy. 2. king wai> F. lor ln >.>n .\VA. 13 8. it F. me ore, and I < :'.-t rVrt. 4. 4. the qiifeli i-xrvenini-lv F Ink 4. 2. if we commune, wilt >,e^.. 30. SS. my goal g. for the |>o..r f /i. 73. 21. heart F.. I wa. prn-ked 94. 10. 40 yearn WHS 1 F. "<> tl.i* 1 18. 10. wii ke.1 sh. -e,- it. iind l, < . 119. I.S8. I behelo tran.L're>.or., <. am not I F. with th..t- ti>.>t M. 6. L. railed ** a won an f. .Irr.ti. 3 haul stricken, thev i, oi //. Dun. 7. IS. I Daniel was F. iu -pint 1 1. 30. he (hall be . n. he hath not F me, hut in part II t-h 3. 10. I was if. with generation 17. with whom vrieved 40 vears * OKIKVEI II. Ruth I. 13. it F. me for you: sake* /'rur. 26. 14. F. him t.. bring t . Drouth ORIEVOO& Grn. 12. 10. f.iniim wa- g. ii land 18. 20 L. said, their -in in very g 41 31. the famine 'hull he very g .VI. II. g. mourning t the r'.n\ot. f.rod. a 24. came a F. (warm of UM 1*. 1 a ery F. murrain in Kgypt GRO 19. to rnln very g. hail, 24. 10. 14. Im-usts were very grievnnt \ Kin. 2.8. Shim, cursed wi. g. curse 12. 4. make the g. servii e lighter, 2 Chnm. 10. 4 Pia. Id 5. hit vi ays always grierou* 3i.lK tpeak^. things against righte. Pro. 15 I. g. words .tir up anger 10. correct, e. t" him that forsaketh Eccl.'i. 17. work wrouvht undersung'. /!. 15.4 his life shall I* g unto him 21. 2. a g. vision is declared to me Jer. 8. 'US they are all g. revolters 10. 19 woe is me, my wound is g. 14. 17. broken with a very g. blow 16. 4. they shall die of g. deaths 23. 19 g. whirlw. sh. fall on wicked 30. 12. thy wound is;. Nah. 3. 19. Mat.-XA. heuvy l.urdens;. Lu.\ 1.4 Ac. 2U29. g. wolves enteramong you iii. l.g. complaints against Paul Phil a I. to me indeed is not g. Heb. 12. II. no chastening joy. but;. 1 John 5.3. comiiiundinent- are not g. Rev. IC.-J. a;, sore on men that had GRIEVOUSLY. /a. 9. 1. afterward did;, afflict her lam. I. 8. Jerusalem hath ;. sinned 20. heart is turned, for I;, rebelled Exek. 14.13. sinneth by trespassing g. Mat. 8. fi. servant ; tormented 15. 22. my dauvhte.r is ;. vexed GRlfc.VOUSNE.SS. /fa.lO.l.that write;, they prescribed 21. 15. they ftVii from the g. of war G1IND. Judg. 16. 21. Samson did;, in prison Juh 3!. 10. let my wife ;. to another Jin. 3.15. what mean ye to ;. lares '! 47. 2. take millstones and g. meal Lam. f>. H. took young men tu;. Mat. 21. 44. ;. him to pow. /,u.20.18 GRINDERS, 1N(J. .ffcc/.lS.S. ;. cease, hec. they are few 12. 4. when the sound of;, is low Mat. 24. 41. 2 women ;. Luke 17. 35. GRIN, S. Job la 9. ;. tli. take him ny the heel fial. 140. 5. they set gritu for me 141. 9. kaep me from ;. of iniquity See GIN. OR1SLED. Gen. 31. 10. rams -pccklcd and;. 12, Zech. 6. 3. in chariot were ;. hors> > (i. th* g.g-i forth toward the soutli fiROAN. Job 24. 12. men ;. troin out of the city Jer. 51. 52. thro' land wounded sh. ;. Jurl I. ia how do the beasts groan Rom. 8. 23. we ourselves ;. within 2Cor..2. we ;. desiring to he clothed 4. we in this tabernacle An groan GRCJANEI), ETH. John II. 33. he groaned in spirit Rum. 8. 22. the whole creation e. GROANING, S. fro. 2. 24. God heard their groan. 6. 5. 1 heard ;. of Israel, Ac. 7. 34. Job 2a->. my stroke is heavier thane Pi. o.fi. I am Weary with ;. all nivrni 38.9. imd my ;. i> not hid from thee 102. 5. ;. bones cleave to my skin 20. to heaj the;, of the prisoner Exek.3ft.U. ;uimria 21. a reared up altars, and made a g-. 23 fi. hrnught if- from IMIU-C of L. 15. JoaUh burnt high plare and g . End. 34. 13. dit down;. Deut 7. 5. Dru*. li. 3 burn their ;. with fire Jtirt/r. a 7. served g. 2 CAro. 24. ia 1 Kin. 14. *3. built g. on every hij-h hill. 2 Kingt 17. 10. 18. 19. the prophets of the g . 400 2 A'i. 18. 4. Hezekiah rut down if. 2a 14 Joiah cut g. 2 tAr. 34. 3, 4. 2 CAr. 14.3. brake imaues. and cut g. 17. 6. Jehoshaphat took away the;. 3a 3. Manas. made g-. || 19. set up ;. 34. 3. purge Judah fnnn the grnrei /.. 17. 8. neither shall he respect g. Jer. 17. if. remember altars Hurt g. Mic 5 14. 1 will pluck up thy grotet GROUND, ferb. .rorf.32.20. g tci powder, Deut.9.1l. .Vuwi.li.8. the p:-o. g. manna in mills O MOUND ear*. 2Sa.17.l9. spread ;.r on well's month GROUND. pn.2..S there was not ,i man to till;. 7. God I'orined man of dust of they. 19. of g. the L. funned every lieast 3. 17. cursed is the g. fur thy suke 4. 2. hut Cain WHS a tiller of the g. 10. blood rrieth to inn from the g. f>. -M. the if. the Lord hath curs, d & 21. I will not again curse the g. E.rod. 3.5. standest is ho:y g.Jc.'.M. Xnm. 16. 31. the;. rlave asunder .luiig. 4 21 fastened nail into the g. 1 Sum. 8. 12. set them to ear his g 2 Sum. 23.11. piece g. full of lentiles 2 kin 2. lit. water iiauu lit, g. barren 9. 26. cast him into the plat of g. UAr.ll.ia parcel of g. full of barley iChr. 4. 17. kinu cast them in rlay g .VeA. 10.35. bring first-fruits of ourg- Job o.ti. nor trouble spring out of g U.M. though sto< k thereof die in g. IS. 10 the snare is laid lor him in g. 38. 27. satisfy desolate and waste;. 39. '.'4. swallows the g. wi. fierceness Pt. 105.35. devoured fruit of their g. 107 33. turneth springs into dry g. .li. turneth dry g. to uater.spring* Isa. 28. 24 and l>n-;ik clods of his;. 29. 4. thuu sha't break out of the g. 30.2a thou shalt sow the; withal 24. asses that ear the g. shall eat 35. 7. parched g. sh. bpcnme pool M. 23 hiist laid thy body s the g .7cr.4.3. break your fa) g. //.! 0.1 2. 14. 4. because;. is chapt, no ruin l.ntn. 2. 2. her gates are sunk into g. Exek. 12. 6. thou see not the;. 12. Dan. 8.5. iront came, touched not g. Hoi. 2. IS. make cove, lor thing* ff. 2-A. 8.12. #. shall give her increai>e Mul. 3. 1 1. not di'-t r..y fruit of ,'. .V/r.4.2fi. should ca>t8ed into;. l.ukr li. Ifi. the;. of* certain n an 13. 7. why cuixhcreth it the;. ? 14. 18. I have bought a piece of g. 19. 44. they sha I liiy thee wi. the;. Jnhn t.V the parcel ol ;. Jacob gave 12. 21 a corn of wheat tall into g See Dv. KCK. On or upon the G HOUND. Gen. 38. <). Oi an spilled it on the g. Kfud. 4. 3. cast rod u. g. he otut o.f. GRO 9. 23. the fire ran along u. t m. U.IG. o on dry ;. through sea, & Dent. 22. li. if a hiid'a nest be on g. Judgfi.-JS u. a.l t.g. !.! t here b. .Jew 40. there was dt-w upon all Utt g. I Sain. 14.25. there was honey u. t.g. i Sam. 14. U. a \VHti-r spilt un the g. 17.12. light him as .lew la l.-th i>n t.g. Kin. 13. a smite u^un t g. he .-mule -.4 l.2(). Job lellu t.g. and wotshlp. 2 la they at down with him a.f.y. l(i. la he pureth out my gall u. g. Isa. 3. 2fi. being desolate sh. Mt on g. 47. I. O daughter, git on the g. Jer. 2A.33. shall be dnnv upon the g. 27. 5. made man and bea>t u. t/tt g. Lam. 2.10. dau;h. of Zion, sit.y>. m-ilt. siton t. g.MarkX.A Mark 4. 5. some fell un stony g 10. 8. fell on good ff. 20. iA* a 8, 15. 9. 20. he fell on the g. and fi.uming 14. 35. and fell on g. and prayed John S. P. he rote on Mr g. 8. 9. 6. he spat on Ihrg. and made clay To or itntothe ({ROUND. Gro.3.19. till thuu return unto (fit g. aa aJni-ob bowed himself t>, the g. Jndg.-S>.1\. destroyed ti> thr g. 22,000 25. destroyed t the g. iK.Omi men Ruth 2. 10. Ruth bowed to the g. 1 Sam.3. 19. none- of his words to t. g. 5. 4. Dngon fallen on his face to g. 25. 2a Abigail bowed to thegroitnii 2a 14. Saul stooped wi. Ince ti, t. g. 2 Sam. 14.4. fell on her face tu the g. ft. Joab fell to the g. on his face 3a Absalom bowed to the e. 20. 10, shed Amasa's bowels to t. g. 1 Kin. 1. 2a Nathan bowed to thr g. 2 Kin. 2 IS. sons of prophetn, to t. g. 1 Car. 21. 21. Ornan bowed to th> tf. 2 Chr. 7.3. Israel b.>. wi. laces tog. Neh.9.6. worshipped Loid faces tug. / J .74.7. dwelling of thy name fc. / g. 89.39. pr-'faned crown, catinv '<'^ r . 44. rast his throne down tu //;,-. 147.6. he casteth the wicked ! t. ff . /*o.l4.li artthon rut down *.. the g. 21. 9. images lie hath broken tu t. g. 25. 12. bring hi the g. even to rtust 2fi.5. the lofty city he lajeth tt- t. g Jer. 14.2. gates languia!., bUrk to t, g. Lam.t.'i. strong hld of Jinlnfc ti- if. 10. virgin* hang their heads tu t g. Exek. 19.12. mother was rast /.-- / g. 26. II. thy gauisim shall go It. t. g. Dan. 8. 7. cast the ram down to t. g. 10. it east hosts and stars to tbe g. 12. and rast down the truth to t. g. Amot a 14. horns of altar fall to t. /f. Oh. Act* 22. 7. fell to t. e. heard a voin- GROUND. 1 Tim3.15. the pillar and g. of tT.nh GROUNDED. ha. 30. 32. where g. staff shall p-s A>A.3.17. heinr root, d and g. in I < Col. I. ia in the faith, g. and .-!l>rd (.KOW. Gn.3.9. L. G. nmde rverv tree > ^. Sum. 6.5. let the lorks of his h:i g. Jurig. IK. 22. Imir ol h.'Hd heifan l-g. -' Sum. V3. 5. tho' he mfke it n>.i #. 2 A'w. 19. 2R eat such IhinfS a- f. .lot H. ||. ,n rushy, uilh'.ot i 14. 19. thinirx that g. out "f d' > 31. 4 i. thistles g in-lead iitwhf| 3U. 4, they f. up with the cora GUI ..I 1 .'. 4- lip t. lid- r piMit .' they g. yeatiruiK forth fr. i.raorhof rivhl l * to l>av. i; *MM/.i-t 4 27 *.-edf knowelhnolhoW I 4uhlr4 hereunto thUf. ///. . li V.ay /f into him in nil - 1 1. SneUh \>rg | 14. WU f. I 1 1 that hen Muw* wu g . H"il Si li Ih.io art g. thirk li UTfjr III! they wrrr g.1 .'WiB.iai. Urry -I Jericho till y.'ir beard. I* g.lCtr. 10 5. t A us. 19. M. * corn Wasted before It he f. /. 37. 27. Krra9 & lrr*pa**f. upt brarrn- /< IM. IS. rf<( 2R*3 IM* liy fnuf therein Javff . la 9 the day g lu An rnd u.when diintf. mto bardnrfr* /' in. i likr (frav. which f. up, . l. d. wh. witherrth a/ore it g. up /M. :fl 30 rl .urh M f . of itarlf Manic i. W. whrii it i> xiwn it g. lip F.I* 2. VI. g. in. to mi holy trmplr I T***. I A yur faith r. *rrrdiuly 1. up of lattrr g. Vari 14. 14. hrr^w^. c.X /,u..ll. Kim. I. 41. / dung -h and g. hj-ard /or. . IS. br^. 10 drplli. ..f hrll ^u* 1.7. L. hMlhprrpuf lad bid g. Vat. lU wrUdnig fiirin.lird wi. g. 1 1 tlir kinc i """ I" U> Uir rf nuiuE.s. i. 4i. 14. hr iur ^. rrn to di-ath i 13. it wu tbuu a inn, my g. Pro*, i 17. fornnirth g. f her youth 6 7 Invitif ag., orrefi. ruler r. a 4. th..u art g. ^. in judgm. . l^r. ISl I*, intr i-r r ncaiiMt pru. liMCIUii, rrrb. ft M. II t.-ttkrtn r if iiMMti.ftrd /t. SL '.i r w.l -i^^nun-tBDolhrr (ikfl)i.lNi.. LV. ff CW ft 7. Ul bin irin-, n..t g. I /li.S.MMhw-ptUhty wiMMto: I AKI). O.- 37 3B JIM. (Mid t rap. of /?*.). I 41 I.' *'-r% .nt t.n-aptaiii uf lh*r I ktm. 14. K7. roninutird cbirld* I. . In. f ..( )f . X f * r . ! m It. f. bTM*M ll.rm. 1 CAr. til. t Am. :&&. m r. nun<>, Jrr. M It p. /f Krakr,||. Jer.toM II. p. cft irff. rurrird away It r*f. of g. Mi .4 p. Hir of Uod ** 4. thr nifht may Sr a f . A Mr awn .4 f . put of rlothn /-. 40 rap. -4 f . hint irt. MLJA. raj ..I f U.A ruptiTf 4600 / 1-4-. 3ft. 7 W UMMI a f In ttvm . 14 l>an. aaawrtdniB. n --ui/ei women f.Tiouse (JUII)ED. IN(i. f 4ft. 14. Israel e hands wittingly j,' ".'. g. luem b> -kilfuluesool hands OL'ILK. jrorf. 21. 14. if a man Uy with g. Pi. :ti. 2. in whose spirit i-> no ^. 34. ia keep lips from . I Pet. 3 10. M. II. deceit and g. depart not sir. John 1.47. an Israelite in who. no g t Cor. 12. Hi. I n.ii((ht you with g. Tkri. 2.3 our exhortation not \ng. Pet 2 I. laying Mstile malire nnd g. 22. nor wa|r. found in bin moiiih Ret. 14. 5. in mouth wa f..iind tig. GUILT. [hi,M.d. 21.9. )eut. 19. la put awavr. of innocent <;UILTV: irn. 42. 21. we arr verily f. K.vod. :4. 7. not i-tear f. Sum. 14. 18. i.er. 5 2. he nh ..|i be um lean and g a Wbrn he knoweth not, be g. f. A. when g. he oh.ill ronfems hi-, sin 17. tho- he mt it not yrl is he g . ft 4. he sinned and is g *h. restore \um. 35 27. tho' kill .layer not he^ 31. (or a murderer g. of death ' VI. 22 not give that >-h br^ :i la iet heeumeMhou t-g, 'I 4. art hrrnmr g . in h nod A K -wear hy the g. on It :f, tX he is g of death. Hark 14. 4 '<<**. 3 19. all the v. orld inn) brr. g I Cur. 1 1 27 g of body an.i i n.od Juut. X II). offend in one, g. ol all 1 1 ..14 dehrr me friiin I lood./f I.I ILTI.KSS. t*nd. . 7. tl.r Lord will not holt him g Drui. 5. II . * rrtnro ad !N> *. I.eforr L. 'A V. IV l.l..d on him. wr he ^ I -xrm. . B. K|rain.t I..N anointed /? .' '"" .1 28. I an<1 kintd g of h|oear, dart. A. munut hold HABEIU.KONS. 1 CAr. 26. 14. A. Uzziuli prepared Nr/i. 4. 16. half of WIVHIIU held A. HABITABLE. Pruv. & 31. in the h. part of earth HABITATION Erod. 15.2. I will prepare him an A. Lev IS. 46. without the <-mnn hiH A. Sam. 2. 29. ofivrinif cominand. in A. 32. shalt nee an enemy in my A. 2 .Sam. 15. 25. shew me it and his A. / Cltr. 6. 2. an houe of A. for th.'e 29. li. turned frm the A. of Lord Krra 7 15. (i. of Is. wh-i.se A. in Jer. I'.ii a. a hut suddenly I rursed A, 24. Khalt vint ft and bhdlt not in & & A. of r^hteon-nesi-. |iroi.prroui 18. 15. brimstone Mattered utmii A. i't it!. 8. I tin. loved A. of thy hnuse 33. 14 from place of A. he looketh H). v;.'i. let tlit-ir A. he d.-bolate 71. 3 lie thou my Btrong A where. K9. 14 the A. of thy throne, 97. 2. ill. MVrtli an A. for hiun-rlf 32 is. people dwell ill p4real>le A, :t:t. :(). -h. e jcrn*ai< m a quiet A. :. la it chall he an A. of drain. IIB :C> 7. A of dtafomi Hhall he irrH '3. 15. from the A of thy holineo* Jfr. 9. a thin. A in midst of dereit 10. 25. have made hi- A. dettoUte V 30. Lord K!I. miahtily roaron A- 31. 2a U blres, O A of Jii.t. M). 7. 41. 17. dwelt in the A. ol. C himharu 49. \'.i. not rome ng.h.'-l ht roiifi ..Vi 44. 50. 19. brin* Israel a?ain to his A. 45. he (hall make their A deholate / r. A ii. 14. rmi.-e Kpypt return to A. 0/,/rf. a whoi-eA. hiph^Hitli inl.rxrt //<;//. a 1 1. sun and momi flood in A Actt I 20. let his A. he de>.o!.ith detertniiied iHiunds of A A'/.A. V. 'J2. mi A. of 1 .d thro' .-pirit Jiidr K. alifteU ivh. left their own A. Hee. ia 2. Biihyion Iwome A. of drr liolti HABH A I ION. Erod. l.'.. IXhaVt (f uid. d thrm to A. A. /J..,,r 2fi I.V look dou n from A. A. /'.!*. Juoge of widows is (v in V* Jrr. 25. 3D. L. nh. utl* r voirr fr. h. A> /frA. 2. 13. he it railed out of A. A. II Ai II A'l IONS. ( m.48.5.ituiriimriitM)i i rnrlty in A. / \-i. - in H e:.l IM.IHHV. hread :t . .V kin ' n. tir Ihr..' your A. /' 74 2D..i:irk plarrs full of A n! rru< /O. 54. -. slicicn lurlli turlauu ul A. HAT Jtr. ft 10. A. of wil'i-r. lamentation 21. IS. who shull i :iter into mir A.? 85. 37. peaceable A. arc cut down . 49. 20. shall inukf their h. desolate Lam. 2. 2. L. svallowed fi. of Jamb Szefe. 6. U. A. n ike land desolate Am"i 1. 2. A. of shepherds mourn Luke 10. 9. receive into everlust. A. H A I). Joh SI. 31. oh that we h. of his flesh ! 42. 10. L. gave twice as murh as he h. Pi. 84, 10. I A. rather be door-keep. 89. 7 to be A. in rerereuce of all Hat. 1.1. 46. he gold nil that he A. W. 2a wife of 7, for th.-y nil h. her Mark 12. 44. did cast in all she A. John 4. IS. th hast A. five husbands 12. 6. Judas A. the bag, and hare 15.22 A. not mine they A. not A. sin 17. 5. the glory I A. with thee ArttV. 44. believed A. all common Heb. 7. 6. blessed him A. premises 1 ,/oAn 2. 7. t'ommaud. A. fr. heginn. fjohn 5. we A. from the beginning See ALL, COMPASSION. HADST. Gfn. 30. 30. little ft. before I rame flei. 10. 8. offerinir for sin A. no pleas. HAFT. Judg. 3. 28. the A. also went in HAIL. Sr. 9. 18. cause to ran* irrievous A. a the Lord sent thunder anil A. 26. children of Israel were, no A. 29. nor any more A. ||fi3. A. i eased Job 38. 22. hast si-en treasures of A. I' Ptal. 7a 47. destroyed vines with A. 49. irave their cattle also In the A. 105. 32. h? srave them A for rain 148. 8. fire, A. snow, and vapour Jta. 28. 17. the A. shall sweep away Hag. 0. 17. I smote you with A. Bn>. a 7. there follow, d A. aod fire II. 19. temple opened, was great A. 18. 21. there fell on men a great A. HAIL. Verb. Ita. 32. 19. people dwell, it shall A. HAIL. Mat. 2avid I Kin. 3. 28. A. child to one. A. other 10. 7. A. was not told, 2 Chr. 9. 6 13 8. wilt give me A. thine house 16. 21. A. followed Tibni, A. Omri .\VA. 13. 24. A. in speech of Ashiiod Eath.5. a to the A. of the kingdom 7. 2. Mark fi. >a /'.f 55.23. bloody men not live A. days Dan. 12.7. be lor time, limes, and an A. Ren. 12. 14. Zech. 14. 2. A. of city i to captivity 4. A. toward south || 8.A.to\vardaea Luke 10. 30. leaving him A. dead 19 8. A. of goods (give to the poor fier.8 1. was silence ahouttfc an hour 11. 9. dead bodies 3 days and A. 11. See SREKRL. HIM, TRIBE. HALL. Mat. 27. 27. soliiierstook Jes. into A. Murk 15. IS. soldiers led him to A. Luke 22. 55. kindled a fire in the A. See .1 rn-i MI- NT. HALLOW. Ejrod. 29.1. A. them to minister to me Lev. 22. 32. I nm the L. who A. you 25. 10. shall A. the fiftieth year .Yum. 6. 1 1. shall A. his head that day I Kin. 8. 61. king A. court, 2 Chr. 7. 7. Jer. 17. 22. A. ye Sabbath-day, 24.27. Ezek. 20. 20. and A. my sahlia'hs. 4-1 24. Keep laws and A. my sabbaths HALLOWED. E.rr,d. 20. 1 1. blessed sabbath and A. it 29.21. Aaron he A. and his garments LIT. 12. 4. shall touch no A thine 22. 32. be A. among children of tsr. Num. 3. 13. A. to me first-born in Is. 5. 10. every man's A. things be his Ifi. 37. take censer-, they are h. 38. Deut. 26. 13. brought away A. things I S'im. 21. 4. but there is A", bread. 6. 1 Kin. 9. 3. I have A. this house, 7. 2 Chr. .36. 14. polluted ho. L. had A. Mat. 6. 9. A. be th v name, Luke 1 1. 2. H A L T. Mat. las. it ia better to enter Into life A. MarkQ 45. Lulit 14. 21. bring hither A. and blind Jnnn 5. a A. waiting for moving of HALT. I NO. [water 1 Kin. 18. 21 how long A. ye he. tween two opinions ? Pi. 38. 17. for I am ready to A. Jer. 20. In fiiiril'iirs wntrhcd my A HAI TKI), KTil Gtn 3i 31. Jacob p-.rd, A. -in thieh HAN Mie. 4. 6. I will assemble her fhJ \ ". make her that A. u remnant teph. a 19. I will save her that A. HAMMKK, S. Jitdg. 4. 21. Jael took A. in her haaj 5 26. with A. she smote Siaern 1 Kin. 6. 7. neither A nor axe heard Pi. 74. a break carved work with * Ita. 41. 7. thatsmootheth with the A. 44. 12. smith faahioneth it with A Jer. 10. 4. fasten it with nails and A. i3. 29. like h. that hreaketh rock 50. 23. A. of whole earth cut asunder HAND. Gen. 9. 2. into A. are they deliveiea 44. 17. man in whose A. cup fo^nd .rorf. 6. 1. strong A. drive them out 13. 3. strength of A. Lord bronirh: 14 a Israel went out with an lnr A. Xum. 33. a 16. stretch out A. over the sea 19. ia there shall not a A. touch it 21. 24. A for A. De*:.)9. 21. 34. 29. tables of testimony in Mrs jt 38 15. on this A. and that A. Were Dent, la 9. the A. of a) the people 2"i. 12. cut off her k. |iij her not Ji-fh. 2. 19. blood on head f.. on him Jung 1. 35. A. of house of Joseph 4. 9. sell Sisera into A. of a woman 15. 18. fall into A. of uncircuiiicis-d 1 Sam.\-i. 3 of who. A. receiv. bribe? 13. 22. nor spear found in A. of Isr. 17. 50. mi swoid in the A. of David 20. 19. hide when business was in A. 22. 17. their A. also is with havirl 2 Sam. 13. 5. and eat it at her h. (\ 14. 19. the A of Joab in all this 21. 20. every A. 6 fingers, I CA/-.21S. 24.14. fall into A. of men, KAr.jl.13. 1 Kin. 2 46. established in A. of Solo. 13. 6. king's A. was restored Kgaiu 18. 44. uriseth cloud like man's A. 22. 6. eo up, Lord shall deliver it into king's A. 12, 15. 2 CAr.ttl. 5. 2 Kin. 7.2. on who. A. king leaned, 17. Ezra 7. 9. good A of < -od on him 9. 2. A. of princes chief in t r espa*s Jiih 9. 24 given into A. i:f wiekeii 12.6. into whose A f5od bringt-th 10. in A. is soul of ev. living thing 20 22. A. of wicked come on him 21. 16. their good is not in their A. 34.20.mighty taken away without A. 37 7. sealeth up A. of every man Pi. 31. 8. not shut into A. of enemy 3fi. H. let not A. of wicked remove 71.4. deliver me out of A. of wicked. 82 4. | !)7. ID 123. 2. servant* look to A. of m.isl.-.-a 127. 4. arrows in A. of mighty man 149. 6. two-edged sword he in A. Pratt. 6. a come into A. of friend 10. 4. hecometh poor dealelh i.ick A. hut A. of diligent makerii rich 11.21. A. join A. not unpunished. KiA 12. 24. A. of diligent shall hear rule 17. 16. price in A. of fool get wis.t ? 26.9.thorngoethintoA. of.irunkat.; Ita. 10. 5 st^ff in A. my indignation 13. 2. shake A. may go into gates 19. 4. give over into A. of cruel lord 28. 2. L. cast down to earth with A. ler. 12. 7. beloved into A of enernic 18. 4. vessel marred in A. of potter B. as clay in the potter's A. so y 21.5. outstretched A. apniiist JMin & 24. A. of Ahikam with Jeremiah not to give him into A. of peop.o Lam. 5. 6. given A. to the P?ypti*M 12. princes are hanged by tu*ir A. Efck. > 9. an h. wa^ sent me roil S M. put forth form of A. 10, S. 40. 4i>. uorstreiuflht-n A ofuee'ly II \N frr. 1* tt. . l tt> A. (but I vrh -.h -h. M -. * tiMM-hrd Mr /W 1& -! d_u-l, tu A J..dh Muf & IS t< M hod A rt. 13. biMd A Mr*l I .Hr..-re4 A 3. / UP.-H.S U 41 to h. !*. A.** -rmrtt /.** I I. lakrn in A. to M f.rth 71 4rllYrrrd mil ^ A. ofrnrmtrs n. Jl. 4. that t-rtrajrrth to with n>r JJkm 10. SH he - *+ "t iW Ihrir A. II 44 rMMvfurtli.biM.Md A sndfui.t At* It 17 H..-fc.min l tbrm trt 4. 1 II i-.-u I ra iHit Ihr A. l re ronnut ...y to A no I*** Gf 1. >9. by .Mr< in A. .f itrMatr Jin. 10. R l.kr b..* iii A. W arrl 17 4. hvin n ATM r4J ia arr A W/ HANI. raf<* HAM). firm. \ * A ..' evrrv bra-t, ~wbl al 4 f , k.H. IV.i U & thr ^r trf '**> > VA. *.im ml* / A .* |>ald'rt>rmrr, f A m ' 7 bb~4 / A- f Jrtrhrl JrrnvX am I a i."d mt AosW f [I.Y r-.'k \t -A. taw .lay- irr mt AopW 31 IV hl.pMl rr^uirr uf watchman'* 4. ./ W t I. day .pf l.ord is i.l*-h at A. Hft 3. t hravru IP. at A 4.17. | 10.7. MM 'km- i. rt A U 44 hour n * 4. 4. f A that I. toy mr,.Wr. 14 4*. JferA- 1.14. kin* ntti. atk Ltt.VI.3i. > /I. :d). .iiranier ! Mifh of A. II f P.rrr wa*i/(A. II. .S& lit 4*. tbr wpuMire fix. niirh / A . I Mi iii.bt far .pent, day uf A /< 4. i. hunuu. tbe l.urd I- a/ A S 7"i V th- day -I Chi mt is*/ A V TIM 4 A lime .-f drsi.rtorr h pmsb. Ay A of Saul I **sm S. l l *t Mm 4. rf I >id. I CAr *0 H I *.. t i .rntAvCArA 14 IH h> s>-k * A -i f An It A br -Mk , rd tbrtl. i., A. >4 JT.^-,- I Or 10 U -p-k, H 4. W Ab.jak It 7 ^IIHT > rk Ajr 4 at "klihnli /w M ! IM tlwt Uirtk BI> Mr 4. /. r V7 1 y.*. /. A f swMrnfrn II *t t t..* tb.fi. . A /M. ft f - Ha'. 9. * M-14 u4 tM4i krr * Vr> I I ^ 41 /.*. 1M ikr Mltvl pni A. H\N rf. 7. 3S. a dlirrrr *w A of n.-y Ud him ** 13 tl.Mvkitnii.Knrtole'ad kun-v A 4. in. Mint .lion l*t thr h. of mr Srr < HILI.HMI. KMtHV. H AMj'4ned nt>efmi*$, m 4\ ark uf the roven.mt save ..it A. of r !V. Hi. V tern 3. la. IV. II. d-iiver ..-,!..! A r V AM 17.39. was. IR >'. "HI <>f A of our mrmuw Am 21. 14. will .lellvrr then. l A. .'at 9. Irfi then, in A! of their r. il d.-liv. r in >ni A. of i. ii..' e. r. 4. lr thw nty into /, ..t th. ir s. Si. 7. I 34. 'JO, vl. Erri VL 44 30. fir Pb-r..h tu A of hi- r /ir. 4. 10. redrew ther from A uf e. r I. 74 drliv. out of A. of our *. Ftnmlhf HAM). (7ns. * II. deliver/ A of hrothrr >fttt 7.H redeeBUHi/. A. nf Pharaoh iAr. R . d livrreu/ A. of Midixn V.as. V6. 3U. p4.ade//. A of Nahal lot & 14. MVrU p--r /. A of miyhly A .3 r.-d- em me/ A ol lh.-n.iiy t . 4 drlirr ^nl/ A of urarr (OIL Itt saved / A. of him that hated, wd n-deem. d / A ! them. my 144. 7. deli.r/ A of ibiMrrn. II. 'r f. lift. >.eli> . r a* rm-/. A. of hull. Jr. Wi ia drliv. rrd po.."r/ A .^ evil 31. II / A. of bin. that a MMMi|rrr LtJct I. 71. Hi.-d/ A of nil that half &ML 5. 1 1. A. / O. lir-vy nn thrm TAr. :*). 13. A 'vfli. KHH ,,r... 1,,-art . ia l.y r-"^ A ./GWnpou u ft. k. J G i- iiuiin tl.rm lor (( NVA t.18. tiild them of A. (/<>' nn me !' VI. A. of(i. hth tfMi. urd a.r Till willuarh you hy A. o/G. rc/ V V4. I' H a. from tlu- A a) G. u I. thr wlxr are in thr A. '/Gorf 'at M 3. a royaJ diadem in h. fJ'G. Mark lfi.19. and i.t onrivht A. ofG Bam. 8 :M. CU a I. H6. 10. IV. I P.trri. 2V. frr v. X*. hv rijrht A. o/G. rxaltrd 1. fi.V niaudiiMt on riylit A, o^G. 66. /'ff M. hun. Me under thr A. o/G. l/w HAM) it*. 3. W. forth A A take trrr of lifr IA 18 AM A br ajtaii>4 evrry man 41. 4i I'hara-h I.H.k rin .jf AM A. '."..-^ 44 foith A A l-e. . r.Ki in A. A A AM A, a mi leproii- a* mow Sfl. M..IU-. t>iti r.Ml of O.l in 4. 4. k. A stretrhcd A. A. over walrr, 17 10. V2. rtretrhl AM A lo hex> ei 17. II h. Id up Ai> A. Irt down AM A Ifi found in A A || V.dir under A. A 5t 4. M Ihr tb ft he found in Au A 8. li.th put Au 1 to nd. II. M. II on n..Me- he laid not AM A. 3V rahl^. .f trM.nM.ny in A.*A.34.4 I *r I 4 Ai A, on head of '.unit ..Tier A'uaw. 5 ia hx vr in AM A hitler xler 2Y. O. -vord In A A 31 I CAr .VI. Ifi. %7. I'hiin ha !.-. a juvrlin in A.A. Deu/ li 5. AM A frlrhrtl. a Mrokr /-A Si IS a man wt. -\> ord in AM A *. . drrw tHit A. A till dmtroyrd Mf A VI put el d .X MH4I i|, AM A 7 U Ii, A A. ..-) delivered Mid, HI I SMSJ. :i Ai- A nt r. n.o from you 9. II U 4 AM A. Un.1 *m<4e us U rf IM. man put A. A. to hi. month V7 JotuUbjui put A A t..liii>m>-iiU< W Ifl thxl t >l..|l pixy with AM A V3 h rpandplxyed wiihA A iM.m 17. 40. hi. sUff .nd his .line to A. A. 214 HAN 17.s;. brad ,.( I'ki'Klnr In A i l. i iif. in A. A nnd .-lew I'biliMliM. t'i. 16 >trrii(ithriM-dA AoW in U<>4 V/w.r.R put A.A. Kinrk, ICAr 13.10. A'm II. :t4. kiiiiclom out oi 4i A. I.I 4. A A h. put i.. ith KfMin.t him AIM ill. rail on U HII.I xtrikei.4. III. li. nd he f nve him AJ* A-f|. f At A t.duv if ye \viU 106. 9H. he lilted up A k. H'. thra l.!l. 7. lh>- mower tiiieth imt hi* h. Prut. IV. U. a Blothfvil nmii ludeth Ai hand, VG. IS. rW.6.U. hake A A. H^H. mount Zion 11.11. *i-t A.A (i"'o the MM^riMi tine \\ *haJl shake A. A. over the ntrr "i. VI. thy internment into Au 4. V8.4. while yet in hit h. he e*teth it 31. a I.r.1 .-liall sir. tih out AM A. 37. Vi. d Lord. MVI> u from fut k. 40. 12. WHtrrs in hollow ..f AuA 44 & MJI.M r.U' ith A. A. t.. the L. 49. V. in shadow of A. A. he hid me 53. 10. pleasiue ol 1. pr.,.|..-r in A.A. 5*;. V. keepeth A. A. from doii.if evil Jt-r. 27. a iiMiMinwd them hy AM A. t.uin. I. 14. my tranverei-i-ion l>v A.A V. a he hath n<4 ithdi n hu A. 3. 3. he turnrth A. A apHin>t UK t><*.8 11. rv. man wi. i-ener in A.A U I rv. man di-Mro\inp ucp..n k.k 17. la when l,i, he'hHd iriven AM A :O.24. I will put my KM ore) in hit k 41' 7. a 7. 5 he -tret.-hed ..lit hit A.nU IV. 7. hi.Uii.-e., of dei eit are in AM A. //.;'. a 4. h> rni> ronjiiiK out of 4w 4. Z<-)Ji.'l. Ii. paMi her hi*> and watr A V. 7.i, /i. 8.4. rvery man wi. st..fl inA A, 14. 13. A. A, rise aya. hi.nd ..I nciyh. Mai. a 12. fan in in A. A. Luke a IT :-r.-f.i he that dippelh A. A. with mr Mark a 5. A. A M M-red /./*e. fi. 10. 7. 32. lie-r.-. h to put A. A. upon him ./.An 2. 35. ftivrn xll ihiiifi* into A.A, 18 -l-i. Mru.k with the palm of A. A. Artt 7. 25 (iod hy A. L deliver theoi VK 3. a vi|H*r fmttenrd ..n AM A. 4. M thr hrat IIHHB nn Au A. /IT r. .S H pair of I'Hliinrrit in A A. 10. V. hd in A. A. a little l,.,..k OM 14 9. in hi fnrrhrMd, or in AM A. li. crown, and in A A sharp Mckk %. 1. anirrl i aine w i rhain In A, ( HAM) of Ihr ls*d, or Lorf, HAM). 3 A. * L. U upoc ctf HAN Frml. Ifi. 3. would lid died b X.i. 1 1. 23. \* /..'* A. waxed sh.'rt C ,fmY4 24.peop. know A. ofL. mighty Jtvltr. -I. \!>. h. of Lord against them HnUt !. l:i A. of the Lord is gone out I .V<;. 5. 6. A. of L. heavy nn them 7. 13. A. 0/f. /.. against Philistines hM5 then h. A. fV,.h*O"- 4 < you J Srtm.24. 14.fall int.- A.O/L. I CA.21. la 1 Kin. 18. 46. A ./. was on Klijah * Kin. 3. 15. A. o//.. .'Hiiie nn Klisha Ezra 7. ri. granted accord, tn A. of'L. Jol' li8.A. u / L. wrought this,/j.40.20. ft. 75. ft in A. of the Lord is a cup Prm. 21. I. king's heart in A. of L. lia. 19. 1C shaking of the A. oft. L. 25. 10. in mniint. ahull A / L. rest 40. 2. rei eiM-cl it) tlie L 't A. double 51. 17. ha^t drunk at A. of the Lord 59 1. Lord's li. is not shortened 62 3. rrown of glory in A, q/" 23 9. .'ii Ivfl h he doth work Pniv. 3 16. In 1'ier I. A. riches, honour Keel. 10. 2. a fool's heart at his L A. Cant 2. 6. I. A. is under my head x. 3. liis / A. under my head Ita. 9. 20. he shall eat on It ft A. and 30 21. when ye torn to the lef/ A. 54. a break forth n right A and t. E.-fk. 16. 46. d .iiiihteri, dwell at t A, 39. 3. 1 will smite how out of I. h. Dan. 12. 7. when he held up hi* /. A. Jonah 4. II. h -tween right n. and ( Ztrh. 12. 6. nil pe... on riitht A. and I. Milt. 6 3. let ml lift A. know what 20.UI. one right Mother A .V,ir*l0.37. 23. niton ri*ht A. and / Mar. 10.40. 25. 33. sheep <.n nht A. t-oatv on {. 4 . (th. B.IV to them on f. A. depart 87. 38. two thieves, one on right A. thermit \lnrk 15.27. /..23.a-t. >Mi 21. 3. left Cyprus on the 1,-ft 'i. Cor. 6. 7. arnv'iir on right A. and /. Srr LUT A. I have lifted n. A. to L. 31. 39. of m. A. didst them require it 33. 10. receive my present at m. A 42. 37. deliver him into my h. I will 43. 9. of my. A. shall th.ni require Ejcud. 7. 17 smite with rod in m. h IS.U.m. A. destroyl' 17.9. rod in m. h 33 2i. I will cover thee with m. h N'um.'SS. 29. I would H sword in m. h Deut.8. 17.miglitof m A. got. wealth iU 3. havinu the 2 l.ihlr-, in in. h. 32. :. deliver out of m. A. It. 43. 13. 40 I lift up my A. to heaven, and 41. it m. A. take hold on judgment Judg. fi. .S6. save Israel by m. A. 37. 7. 2. saying, m. own A, saved me 9. 29 W"Uld peo. were under m. A. 17.3 dedicated Mlv. to I., fiomm. A 1 Sum. 12. 5. not found ought in m. A 17. 4ii. Lord will deliver int-i m. h 21. 4. no common bread under m. A 24. 6. stretch m. A. ag. L. 'sail. tinted 1 1. see no transgression in m. A. 12. in. A. ah. not he upon th.-e, 13. 2fi. 18. what evil is in mine A t 23. L. deliverer into m A. 24. 10. 28. 21. I have put my life in mt/ h. 2 Sam. 5. 19. wilt deliver I'hili.-tines intomvA.y I CAr. 14. 10. 1 Kin 13. fi. that 'm. A. may he re.st. 2 Kin. 5. 18. he leaneth on mt/ A. in 2fcr.32.ia.nh. l'7.lesi advers. say, ...A.high Judg 16. 23. delivered *arb. into o. A. I ) Sam. 14. 10. i.liv 25. delivei o. / h. ..| avenger ! Sam 4. 8. wh.. >h. deliv. Uio.ufh.t i -win. 12. ? -jtt ,,fh of Saul, 'U. \. 2a 21. spear out oj KtfxptnmS A. I Kin. II. 12. rend'knigdMin tutofk. Ps. 71. 4. deliver oul o! A. ol wicked N2. 4. rid them out nf h. of wicked !I7. 10. dclivereth o. oj h. nf wi< ke4 Jer. 15. 21. leliver Ihee o. of h. of w. 21. 12 oul oft h. of oppressor. 22.4 32. 4. o. i.fk. of Cha.d. ns,3S.K,2a. 1 Mm. 5. fi. none deliver . i/lheir A. 2f. A. 1 1. 6. o. of their A. nut deliver .A 23. 9. hideth himself on right A. 30. 12. upon my r. A. tise the youth 40. 14. that thineownr. A. ean*;.ve Pi. 16. 8. he is at my r. A. not moved II. at thy r. h. are pleasures ever. 17. 7. savest hy r A. them that trust 18. 35. thy r. A. hath holden me up 29. 6. with saving strength of r. L -'] a thy r. A. nn i those that hate 26. 10. their right A. i- full of hribe 41. a thy r. A. and arm .-aved them 45. 4. thy r. A. sh. teach terrible th. 9. on thy r. A. the queen in gold 48. 10. thy r. A. full of righleousn. (K). 5. save with thy r. A. and hear Ki. 8. thy right h. upholdeth me 73. 2:{ hast holden me hy my r. A. 74. II. why withdrawest thy r. A.? 77. 10. remember yenm of the r. A. 78.54. mount, which r. h. purchHsed 80. 15. vineyard whit h r. A. planted 17. thy hand he unon man of r. A. 89. 2S. I will set his r. /!. in rivers 42. hast sei npr. A of adverarip 91. 7. ten thousand shall fall at r. h. 98. I. his r. h. hath i/trtten victory 108. fi. *ave me with thy right A. 109. fi let .Satan stand at his r. h. 31. he shall stand at r. A. of pool 110. 1. sit thou at my right A. Ltikt 20 42. A* 3. 3*. Hi-h I. 13. 5. L. at r. h. sh. strike thro' kings IIS. I ft. r. A. of L. doeth valiantly 16. rtiftit A. of the Lord is exalted 121. 5. L. Is shade on thy riifht h. 137 5. let rt#Af A. forget cunning 1 133. 7. thy rii-ht h. shall sitve me 1*1. 10. thy riffht h shall hold me 142. 4. looked on my right h. none 144. a r. A. is r. A of falsehood, II. Prtn. 3. 16. length of days in rifilit A. 27. 16. ointment of r. h. bewrayrth Eccl. 10. 2. wise man'" heart at r. A. Cunt 2. R rt/(/it h doth embrace me 8. 3. rig-tit A. should embrace me Ita. 41. 10. uphold thee with riithtk. 13 thy t-od w II hold t ly right *. 44. 20. is there not a lie.nmv r. A.f 45. I. whose r A I have holden 48 13. r A hath spitiined hearenj 62. 8. Lord hath sworn hy his r. 4 63. 12. led them by r. A. of MIMM .'er. ya. 24. were iffm-A. 3 I. SwUn standing at righth. V :nl thee 6 r. A doeth Hark 14. (ML shall lee Son of man * on r. A- of power, l.tLtt.VO. 16. !:. sat on r A nf <-~l //<*. I. 3. | II I. | 10 I*. | IK. 1 I rrlZ.1t. l.mlcr 6. A man whose r A. withered Wrti 2. i he i on my rt>A/ A. 31. t. xnlt.-d, 5.31. 3. 7 hi- took him hy th<> riff A/ A. 7. 55 Jetus Undin* iu right h, X. K-m. a 3*. h '-veil at r. A. of iod pA. I .20, set him t hi* ri*A/A. Cot 3. I. Christ iltU-th on r. A. ofO. ff** JbriA or ml H A S I). Cm . Itt Abraham . / A. to slay AiW. 1 Mi 1 will itrrtch out roy A. on Krypt. 7. 5 | 9. 15. U !. . o/ A over ea, M. 7, 19. SI. MOM* MYetcA. o. A. orrr wa, 27. 1 Xam.K.9 who*./ A am- Lord's /Vr. 31. ML the . o. A. to the poor Xtrk. 14. ft i. . A. on that prophet JS. 13. t. . mine A. up.ni Jvlom, In. Dan. 1 1. 48. *. / A. on the rountrie* Z^A.1.1 on Judah || y. 13. ag*. Assy. See STIONO. TAiawur thv HAND. Sn. 4. II. brother'' blood from t A. >ft . thy ir.aid is in My A. do to her SI 12. lajr not thine A. "upon the lad 14. t (Ay A. under my thijrh, 47. -a. 49. 8. thy A bf in neck of enemies rW. 4. X what ii that in .13 ..VarA-aa. DftU. 17. ble.ed thee in work* of /. A. 14.0. | 15 10 | 2320 ; 888,12,80 M. bare riven into th>i h Si don X 8. deliver O and people into t. A. 11 9 tA A .hall he first on him 17. cleave nourht cursed Ih. to t. A. 14. 25. bind up money in Mne A. 15. 7. ihut r A. from poor brother I. open (AIM A wide to brother nd nut all ei.einu-i 31. 5 Into f. A. li-oinmit my -|"rit 15. mv time* re in tliy A. drin er 3.'. 4. day and ni|rh( thy h. heavy i. 10. blow of T4. II. why withdrawe-t thou /. fi.'t 80. 17 Mv A. on man of M// ripfit A IOL 2a thou openett Hfi. M5. 16. 1 19. 173. t. A help || IV.5.r. A. in me 139. 10. there shall (Ay A. le^ me 144. 7. cend (A A. from above Prof. 3. 87. It l in power of thine h. 6. I. strickv* t h. with H stranger 30. 3i Uy (Ay A. upon thy mouth Ecci 7. 18. withdmw not thine H. 9 10. wlmt-oever t.h findeth to do 11. a in evening withhold not t A. /ML 2A. II. when thy A. is lifted up 42. & 1 the Lord will hold thine A. 47.& given my inheritance iutoi. A. 51. 28. out u( (. A. cup ot treinhlinir 57. 10. th ba*t fount the life oft A. oi 8L we are the work of thu h. Jer. 6. 9. back t A. as gi ape.jratherer 15. 17. 1 at alone be. ause of th>i h. 85. 28. refuse to Uke cup at t A. 3A. II take in thy h. the roll 40. 4. chains whirh were upon t. A. i'jfi. a la his bl.MKi will I requir. at thine A. 80. | 33. 8. ft. 1 1. smite, with t. h. stamp i foot 10. 8. fill (Aiire A. with rowli of fire 23. 31. will cite her cup into t h. .T7. 17. shall become one in thine A. 38. 18. turn t. A on desolate place* It'in 8. 38. fowls ffiven into thine h, .Vic. 5. 9. (hint- A. shall l>e lift up on 18. cut off iii-li< r.. ft o"it 18. 7. rejoice in all pat v. A. to J-th. a 7. G. deliver it intoy. A. 20 24. a rive Amnrite* into v. A. II. uJf. S 2H. MiMbitev || 7. 15. Mi<1in. . 2 Sum. 4.1l.n..t reqiiireb o.M|i.f ;/ A.? 8 CAr. 2R9 (J. delivered them f'.y. A. ha. 1. 18. required thia *t ynur A '; Jer. 86. 14. I am in v. A. dii with me 44. 25. and fu!6llf with y, ur A. Af.i/. I. 10. nor accept offer'niK t v. A. la should I accept thin of your A.? 8. 13 receive, with rood will at y. A. HANithn. itt l.nrr WEAK. HAXD-BREADTH Ernd. 25. 25. A. round about. 37. 12. I Kin. 7. 88. a molten sra H A. thick, 8 Chron. 4 5. PfttL 3P. J made my day- a* an A. Exek. 40.5. ix cubits long and an A HAND.&roorf. *. 40. 4.1 hooks an A .broad fast er. 2. 1 priest take thereout an A flour, 5.18. | B.1.V i 9 17. A'liin .ft.26. I A in. 17. 12 A of meal in a barrel /' T-.' In. he an A. of corn in earth Errf. 4 &betteri A. with juietness Jer. 9. 28, as A. afl-r harvest.man HANDFULS. C,en 41.47. earth brought forth hy A Eft 9. a A. of *he> of the furnace Ruth 1 16. let fall also some A. 216 HAN 1 Kin. 20. 10. du*t of Sa. otifflce for A A;,A. i:i. 19. pollute for ft. of barley ? HANDY. /"*. 19. 1. firmament >hewth A. work HANDKERCH1KKS. Act* 19. 18. from body to irk A. HANDLfe, S. GM I I. have A of nord of life HANDI.KTH, IN. Pror. 16. 20. that A. matt.-r wi^rlr Jer. 50. 16. rut or) him that A Ictkta Kxrk 38. 4. all of them A. nwi-rdi Atnoi-i. 15. nor he>tand that A. hnw I Cor. 4. 2. not A word of U. deceit. IlAND.MAin. Gen. 16. 1. Sarai hud ai> A. Harnr 8!. 24 Zilpah to he 1 eah'- A. :. 26. M. nilnah RarhelN A 3(1.4. \ :.V5. r.'av.d. 2a 12. son <^ A. he re resiled Jtt^S'. 19. Iff. hrend and wine for A. uM V. iaha-t ^p..kell friendly to A. :i. !. Hiiswi-red, I m Hnth thin.- A. I .SWm I. II. l''k on affliction of A. Ifi. count not thin. A. flaiiuh.uf f'-' 1 !. 18. let thy A. find trrare in thy sight 85. 24. (ft*, -peak [| 31. remember A. 41. let thy h. w sh feet of servants > Sam. 14. li. thy It. had two sons 1 Air I. 13. didsl near to thy A ? 5. :(). took my son while thy A. slept 8 Kin. 4. 2. thy A. hath not any Ihinir 111 man of ('.. do not lie to thine A. ft. 86. 16. and save the son of thy A. I Hi. 1C. thy servant, and son of A. Prnv. 30 ia an A. heir to mif tresn Luke 1. :<. hehold the A. of the Lord HANDMAIDEN. Luke 1. 48. regarded low estate of A. HAM) MAIDS. dm. 33. 1. Jac divided children to A, 2 put A. and children foremost Ruth 8. 13 not like to one of thy A. i Sam. fi. 20. uncovered in eye* of A. Joe/ 8. 29. uu A. will 1 pour spirit, HANDS. lAct,?. la Gen. 27. 22. the A. are the A. of E-au 4'J. 24 A. made slron* by A. ..f (!..d Erod. 17. 12. but Mones' A. heavy Ler. 8. 27. Aaron'* A on hi* son's A. \nm. 6. 19 put on A. of Naiarite Dfut.4.'iS. serve gods, work of men's A. 27. 15 2 A'm. 10. 18.2 CAr :.!!>. !). 15. tables of covenant in two /,. 17. I cast them out of my two A. 17. 7. A. of witnesses first on him Judg. a a A. of Zeba and /aim. I." 34. delivered them out of A of enemies, 1 SUM. 14. 4s 19. 27. hrr A. were up.n tdro-li..M 2 Sam. i. 7. A. be .tnniK , ZrrA.RO.l.'i. In 21. A. of all shall he i,tr.>nir .' A'in. 3. II. water on A. of Klijsih !). '.ft. found skull and p^lins of A. I CAr. 25. 2. under the h. of .Wph M A. of Jednthiin || G. A. of fattier -' CAr. 15. 7. lot not A. he weak Erra 4. 4. wenken.'d A. of peonlp Job 4. 3 strengthened the weak A. I'i. II. turned me into A. i.fui.k.-d IT a th.t will strike A. with me ' 9 th hath clean :.. h. he utrnn^rr Put 24. 4. he that hnth clean A HAN /V ?6. 10. h. is mischief ||47. 1. clap A. Vs. '2. weigh the violence of your A. dK 31. Ethiopia stretch "lit her A. 115.4. their idols the work of men's h. 135. 15. /. 37. 19. 7. they have A. hut handle nut 134. 2. lift up A in the -ancillary 140. 4. keep me frcim A. of wicked 7Yor.fi. 10. folding of A to sleep, 2-1.33. IT. hate the A. hrd innocent blnod 12. 14. the recompence of man's A. J4. 1. foolish plu. keth it with her A. 17. *8. strikelh A. heconicth surety 22. 26. he not one that strike hands 30. 28. spider taketh hold wi. her A 31. 13. worketh willingly wi. her A. 19. she layeth her A. to the spindle 31. give her of the fruit of hei A. i.'ct 4. fi. both A. full with travel 7. 26. A. as hands || 10.18. idlen. of A. Cant. 7. 1. work of A. of a workman lin. l.lS.spreail your A. hide my eyes, your A. are full of hlnod 2. 8. worship work of their own A. 13. 7. theiefore shall all A. he faint 35. 3. strengthen ye the weak A. 45. 9. thy work ray, he hath no A. 59. 3. your A. are defiled with blood Jtr.Hl. spread. A. saying, woe is me 10. 3. work of h. of the workmen 9. and of the hands of the founder 23. 14. they strengthen also A. of* evil doers, Erek. 13. 22. 33. IS. under A. of him that telleth 38. 4. weakenelh h. of men of war 48. 37. upon all A. shall he cuttings Lain. I. 17. Zioti spreadeth her A. 4. 2. the work of A. of the potter 10. A.of pitiful woman have sodden Ezek. 7. 17. all A. sh. he feeble. 21. 7. It an. 2. 34. stone rut without A, 45. A'IC. 7. 3. may do evil with both A. A'oA. 3. 19. all shall clap A. over thee Hag. 2. 17. labour of A. 1 smote you Zfc-A. 4. 9. A. of Zeruh. Inid founda. Mat. 15.20. to eat with mm ashen A. Mark 7. 2, 5. 17. 22. betrayed into the A. of men, 26. 45. Mark 9. 31. /. 9 44 18. 8. two A. cast into fire, A/or.9.43. MY/* )4. 58. temple made with A. Luke 22. 53. ye stretched forth no A. 24. 7. delivered to h. of sinful men Actfi. 23. wicked A. have crucified 5.12. A.'if apostles wonders wrought 48. P ,in temples made wi. A.17.24. 8. 18. Aying on of the apostles' A. 11. 30. by h. of Rarnahas and Saul 17 25. neither worship, wi. men's A. 19. 26. no gods are made with A. O.34. A. minister, to my necessities 2 Cor. 5. 1. an house not made wi. h. F.ph. 2. 11. circumcision in flesh by A. Col. 2. 11. circumcision without A 1 The*. 4. 11. study to work with h. 1 Tim. 2. 8. pray lifting up holy h. 4. 14. A. of tht presbytery, Heb.G.Z Hcb. 9. 1 1. tabernacle not made wi. H 21. not entered place made wi. A. 10. 31. fall in A. of the living nod 12. 12. wherefore lift up the handi Jam. 4. 8. cleanse your A, ye sinners Sef Ci AP. ' Hit HANDS. Gen. 27. 33. A. A. hairy as his brother 48. 14. guiding his handt wittingly Ej-orf. 17. 12. Aar.and Hurt-toyed A. A. 32. 19 Moses c.ist tables out of A. A. Lev. 15. 1 1. not rinsed A. A. in water 1. VI. Ifiy both A. A head of live p. Rum. 24. 10. Balak smote A.A. togeth. Deut. 3.1 1 1. accept the work of A. A. 84 P. Moses laid A. A. upon Joshua 1'idg. ft 16. according todeserv.of AA HAN 1 Sam. 5.4. />alms of A. A. were cut off 14 13. Jonathan climbed upon A. A. 1 Kin. 8. 22. Sol. spread A. A. toward heaven, 3& 54. -2 Chr. 6. 12, 13, 29. 16. 7. provok. him wi. work of A. A. 2 Kin. 4. 34. and put A. A. upon A. A. 13. 16. put A. A. upon king's hands Job 1. 10. thou blessed work of A. A. 5. 18. and AiV hands make whole 20. 10. A. A. shall restore their goods 34. 37. he clapprth A. A. amongst us Pia. 9. 16. wicked is snared in his A. 28 5. they regard not opem.of A. A. 78. 72. guided hy skilfulness of A. A. 81. 6. A. A. weredelivered from pots 95. 5. his hands formed dry Ian a 111. 7. the works of A. A. are verity Pror. 21. 25. Ai* A. refuse to labour Eccl. 4. 5. fool foldeth A. A. together Cunt. 5. 14. his h. are as gold riiius Isa. 3. 11. reward of A. A. be given him 5. 12. nor consider operation of //. A 17. 8. not look to altars, work of A.A. 25. 11. L shall spread forth A Anrf.v 33. 15. shaketh A. A.fr.holding bribes Jer. 30. 6. ev. man wi. A. A. on loins ? Hab. a 10. deep lifted A. h. on high Mat. !<. 13. A. A. on them, Wor.JO.lfi. 27.24. washed A. A. before multitude iWorA: 8. 23 put A. A. on his eves, 25 Luke 24. 40. shewed A. A. Jokn 20. 20. 50. lifted up A. h. and blessed them John ia 3. jrlvei. nl! things into A. A. M. v'5. see in A. A. the print of nails Actt 9. 17. puttinir his hands on him, 12. 1. Herod stretched forth Aw A. 7. and his chains fell off from A. A. 2 Cor. 11. 33 by a wall, escaped A A, .EpA.4.28. working wi. A. A. thing good See LAV, LAID. Mine H A N DS, my HAN DS. Gen. 20. 5. in innocency of my hand* Judg. 12. .3. I put my life in my A. 2 Sam. 22. 21. according to cleanness of my h. Ft. 18. 20, 24. 35. he teacheth mi/ hands to war, Ps'a 18. 34. | 144. 1. 2feh. 6. 9. O God, strengthen my h, JobQ. 30. make myh. never so cfean 16. 17. not for any injustice in m. A. 31. 7. any blot hath cleaved to m. h. P". 7. 3. if there be iniquity in myh. 22. Ifi. pierced my h. and my feet 26. 6. I will wah m. A. in innocency 28. 2. lift my h. toward thy orar le 63. 4. 1 will lift my h. in thy name 73. 13. in vain I have washed myh. 1 19. 48. myh. will I lift to thy com. 141. 2. lifting up tmth. as even. sac. 14a fi. stretch forth my h. to thee Isa. 19. 25. blessed be work of my A. 45. 11. concerning work m'my A. 12. myh. str"tihed out the heavens 49. 16. grav. thee on palms of my A. 60. 21. people also the work of myh. 65. 2. 1 have spread out my h. all day Dan. 3. 15. deliver you out of myh, 10. 10. set me on the palms of myh. Luke 24. 39. behold myh. John'M. 27. Jnhn 13. 9. hut also my h. and head Rom. 10. 21. all day 1 stretched my A. 2 Tim, 1. 6. by putting on of my A. Our HANDS. Gen. A 29. concerning toil of o. h. Dent. 21. 7. n. h. have not shed blood Jnsh. 2. 24. delivered into our hands Jitdg. 13. 23. a meat-offering at o. A. 1 Sam. 17.47. will give you into o. A. Psal. 44. 20. or stretched out i.iir h. 90. 17. establish the work of our h. Jer. 6.24. heard fame, o.h. wax feeble inm. X. 41. lift our heart with o. A. Hot. 14. 3. nor say to work of our h. 1 Cor. 4. 12. working with o. own A. an HAN 1 .7e weakened J6. Mark'i. 3. except wash /. A. eat nt t. A. 9. 20. repented not of works of t. h, 20. 4. nor had received mark in t. H, Thine or thy HANDS. Deut. 18. 5. Lord shall bless thee in all works of t. A. i4. 19. Judg. 7. 11. afterw. t h. be strength. 2 Sam. 3. 34. thy A. were not bound Job 10. 3. good to despise work of A. 8. thine n. made and fashioned me 14. 15. have desire to work of t. h. 22. 30. delivered by pureness of t. h, Ps. 8. 6. dominion over works of t. K. 102. 25. heavens are work of thy A. 1 19. 73. thy hands have made me 128. 2. thou shall eat labour of t. A. 138. a forsake not works of thine h. Ua 8. I muse on the work of thy h. Jer. 2. 37. go forth, t. h, on thy head Lam. 2. 19. lift t. h. for thy children Mir. 5. 13. no more worship thy A. Zerh. la fi. what are these in th, A. l.uke 2a 46. to t. h. I com. my Spirit Jnhn 21. 1H. thou shall stretch thy h, Heb. 1. 10. heavens are works of t A. 2. 7. set him over the works of t A. HAND.rfwe*. Ezefc. 39. 9. shall burn the A.-rfoo* HAN Tt.treapon. Rum. 35. 18. he smite him wL h.~v>. HAND.tm'hwe-. Col 2. 14. blotting out the h.-uritmg HANO. Gen. 40. 19. Pharaoh shall hangt'hft JS'wm. 25. 4. A. them before the Lord Deut. 21. 22. if thou A. him on a tree 28. 66. thy life shall hang in donbt E.tth. 6. 4. speak to hang Morde/sai 7. 9. the king said, A. him thereon Isa. 22. 24. they shall h. on him glory Lam. 2. 10. virgins hane thefr headi Es-ek. 15. 3. take pin to A any reM-l Mat. 22. 40. on these two A. nil law Actt 28. 4. venomous beast A. HAR *"flfc .e* 40. tf A the. hief baker. 41 ta IVHT $1. 13. thut i> A i> ar, ' y'l y M-rii MMI of s..i.l A. they* /"itt 1. O two rwamberlams wi re A. :,n R >* 14. A. ten sons ; / l:fT. 'i A our harp, on willow. ,.,. r. y hand. 7 IH they A. the .hieM, II. fjat- ' i -time wcr- A. lajdMWXrf .'nd A. him.ell ^1 one..f thieve* who we. A. .4 -rj :> J(\ le and A. <>n tree, la 39. IIAM.r IH .MtR. 7 be A. -art I, npn nothing Gat 3.11 rured eery one A. on tree HAS' Jvtk. 10, Iff H 01. tree* till evening II A N' fW. K 36 .ake A. for door of tent 17. make f..r the A. ie pillar* J. 16. A. for .ourt gate, IA I :i. v << -. H Si. IS A. for d >r entering taher. M< le. Sft TT. I 39. .-K | 40. 5, 2H HAK6 JTr. ST A A. 100 rubiU, 11. I ." 9.11. K. .hail be A. of fifty rnt.lt., ftR 12 17 the A. of rourt, 3K. 9, Hi. IN | 40 \um a 91 | 4. tti f A'l'ax *a 7. women wove A. for gro. HAPLY. Hark II. 13. If A. he might flnd fruit lukr 14 ! le.t A after laid fnunda. Jr. 4. SB. let A. found fight aga. O. VI. ft. tf A. they mlf ht feel after him HAPPEN. Vtm. II II. IMI evil A. tn the just Jta. 41. W (hew O* what .hall A. HAPPEN I! P. f >:* I rt a- I A by rhanre on .rr. 44. VI therefore evil i* A. to you K"m II. i5. h indnra. i A. to lirar I C-r 10 II things A. for ensample. /*..' I 14 things A. me have fallen 1 /' ' 4. 12 (trange thing A. to you t PrL i *. A. arrordin* tn proverb HAPPENETH. X rrt. t li one event A. to them all I.V a it A. ti> foot, M It A. to me ft II. time and rhanre A. to th. all HAPPY. Drf. S3. 19. A. art Ihon, O Israel 1 AH.. 10. a A. thy men. A thy ser vanu, 2 CAn*. 9. 7 JU 5. 17 A. I* man wh. 0. rorr.-rteth fal 1*7 5 A. man hath quiver fill 117. K A. he who rewardeth thee, 9 14*. 15. happy people in such a mse M. people whoM- r.od to the I I IA & A. b he that hath (i. of Jamb ff-. a l> A. man tax flndeth wirdnm 14 VI. A. i. be hath merry on p,.., | wh,-,. truotetl. In L A. hi K V^ 14. A l man that feareth alwa fl>. 1- that keepeth law, A. HI he Jrr I?. I. wh A deal trearheroii. Mat a li amw we rail the proud A Jakm IS 17. kiM! thknr>, A if do them /(* 14 n A u he that r<,nden.n. J'itn i II. rnunt th. A who endure I .'..' 1 14 offer for righteoui.. A, y 4 14. re*o.rhea for ( hrl.t, A. ye HAPPIER I Or. ? 40. (he i. A. if .he *. abide Ce* m 14 .1 > iiui.ir too A for L & IK. R. hrl ha.' A. la-.iir. 17. ^> I 14 Me Litter with A. b..nd ttfJ. I I' .u-. .. A hrinctum I *. aVto^ Matte to A. 10 jo4| . HAR Vt/t K. 6. Er> pt laid on A. koitda c -.- A'm. la I. to prove with A. qiif. tion. : Cl,, Km. 9. 10. thnn hn>t a-k,-d A. thii.fr o* 41. 'J4. a* A. a* piece of milMm.e tnl fn M .h. wed p.-ople A thini'S v> lotiK wnk. pi'ak A. thinif r-r 13. li. *ynf transares. i A. er. 3*. 17. nothing too A further 'J7- *. a 5. to pen of A. language, 6. tut. 2\ v?4. I knew thnn art It. uian /,,rA 10. *4. A. f..rlh. triut in ru-hes AM IL 00. this is an A. saying -I, -i .V A. to ki. k ay. priikN.SC. 14. /rt. 5. II. and A. to be uttered Prt. 1 IB. things A to I* under*t. 4e 15. roininre 4 II of A . *p,-ei-he HARD. r. a 9. rump ofl A. by bark. bone CAr. l!l. 4. rut larments A. by but. '. <3. t. soul followeth A. after tlu-e oHiA I. la rowed A. to bring to liuid JHt IH.7. house joined A.tosyna(;o. HARDEN. rod. 4. l. I will A. Pharnnh 1 * heart, 7. 3. | 14. 4. 14. 17. A. heart* of the Kryiitiuin */. I.V 7. shall not A. thy h-art .0*. II. -A), of I. to A. their heart* ,J. II in would A. n yself in sorrow W US. a A. not your heart*. /Vet. 3. 8, 15. | 4. 7. HARUENKI). F.m*. 7. 13. L. A. Pharaoh'* heart, !l. li. | In. I, 20. f.. I U. 10. | 14.8. 14. h.artA.||.a-A.8.1'J. |)l.7 . 15. he A. his heart. :. I .!. :U. tent -1. 30. U. A. hi spirit and h. art Am. 17. 14. they A. their nerk* \,h. '.>. In. fath. A. their necks, 17 W. 9 4. who bath A. himself ag. him? 3D. Id A. ajraintt her young ones 63 17. why hast thou A. heart? 7 Vft I'Ut A. their m-rk ')s nerk Hum. 9. 18. whom he will he A. / -- A. 3. 7. lioiiat- of Israel are A..A. HARDER. I'rur IR 10. A. to be w-n than rity ler. 5 3. made farm A. than a rock I'.trk. 3.9. A. than flint made forchea< flAHDI.Y. Ita. a 21. shall past through it A. Mat 19. 23. rich man A. enter king dnm of O. Wr* la tfl /.u. IR 24 l.ukr V. 39. A. departeth from him HAHI'NESS. 7',/. 3* 3R when dust groweth Into A Mul. 1!) R A. of hearts, Hark 10 5. Murk X 5 grieved for A. of heart 16 14. upbraided with A. of heart Hum. X. &. A. and impenitent heart V To*. It a A. as soldier of J. Chris HARE, /.re. 11. 6. A. I* unrlean, DmL 14. ' HAHIOT. (-en. M. 31. deal with sister a* wl. A, 3a 15 he thought her to l.e an A. /.er. VI. 14 high.priet-t not t ke A. JwA. . I. spies rame tn an A b>us r-. 17. only R:iha>> the A shaJ live .'ic/f. in I. Samson SHW th.-re an A Pnr. 7. 10. woman with attire ol A. 21B HAR tit. 1. SI. faithful i Ity herom* A. ^3. 15 frr 7P > nrO yr.'Mnfraii n:ii,i|. T.--I. (,lrt)in(! tl.e A, 3 | thnn hast |.lyed the ^. fi, & trk. IR I' lilayerist tbe A. !<>< ima Id playedst It. \\ :*. ply<-d A. witfc 41. riin-e tn !<<-> Irnin plHyingA. fl. 5. AholMh pla\^il the A. Hut. i. 5 mnthi-r Imtb played thf >,. \. I.S. thi'iiL'h l-r:i. I play the A, S. '.I have (tin-n buy for an A, I. 7. return tn the hire nl an A. ',//,. 3. 4. w linr. .ImnM.f well far. A. Cur. C. '6. make them ini'inlH'tsnf A |i;, isjiiined |.. n It. i- one hndy Irl,. II. Si. A. llahHh p.-ri-h.-d nnt niw. J.Ji.">. lln H- A jn-titt. by wnrki IIAKI dl> 'ror. a i. 3 kei'i>elli coinpniiy wi. A. ,< ,'k 7 a.-eii,l,Ii' trM.|i> i-i/i. hoiisca /. . 4 14. SH. rih.r null A. l'i( 21 : nl-, Htid A. IM dove* /'AiV. v. l.">. may be A. ihe son* of O. Heb. 7. -' . hnl>, A. and nndehled H A It N KS>, Su/,*t,tntire. Kin. VO. II. him frirdeth on A. bo*t 22. 34. betw. joint of A. y CAr. IRa3 * CAr. P. 24. brnuiiht every man h. HAHNKSS, EH, W*. F.jtxi. 13. 18. l-ra.-l went up A. Jer. 4(V 4. A. hi>rs>-. get up horsem. HAIiP. tn. 4.81. father of th th. hat dk -w I .V<;m. 10. 5 meet prnphet.i with A. Ifi. Hi. man. riinnin); player on A. I Cftr. 2ft. 3 >ix pn.phesieH with A. J-.A ifl. 12. tK>- the timlirel mid A. ; 31. my A. i- turned to mourning I'uil :. 2. p-aiw I, with A. 150. S. 4M. 4. on Ihe A. will I praUe thee 4!t. 4. O|IMI diTk !-;iyin(f upon the A. 57. M. aki- p-Hltery and A, I0a a 71. itt. 1 will MI ^ with A. 9V. 3. | Srr CYMBAL. HAKIKD. 1 Cor. 14 7. ki own what piped or A.J HAHl'KHS. Rrr. 14. . I heard the Tolce of V 18.22. ther'-irenl A. heard non.ort BARROW. Jt39. 10. will he A. vslley. af. thee t HARROW* 2 Sam. 12. 31. then, under A of iron I CAr. SO. 3. rii- with *awk and A. H A HT. 8. Ortif. li. 15. may eat flesh of the i 14. 5. 1 14. i HAS Pi. 42. I. Re h. panteth after water lia. 35, ri. iS. A. words of eternal life 7. 20. thou An** a devil. 8. ^S, 5i .Rr/m. 14. 22. A. thou faith ? to thyself 1 Cor. 4. what h. thou that didst lint Jiimrf 2. I*, thou A faith and I works Itrr. 2. r>. hut this thou hint, that thou 2 a thou ka.it a little strength II. hold that last which thou hast HASTE. Sulutta-itire. Efod. 12. II. ye shall eat in haste 3:1 send out of land in h. Deut. IRS. 1 Sum. 21. 8. king's bust, required A. Psal. 31. 22. I said in A I am rut off 1 Hi. 1 1. I said in A. all men .ire liars /*. 52. 12. ye sh;ill not go out wi. A. Dan 3. 24 king rose in A. and spake a 19. went in A. to the den of lions Mark 6. 2S. came in A. to the king Luke 1.39. went to hill.country wl. A. HASTE Gfn. 19. 1. A* thee, escnpe thither 1 Sum. 23. 27. ? A. thee, for Philistines Pixl. 'a. 19. strength, A. to help rae See MARK HASTE. HASTED. Gen. 18. 7. nnd he hatted to dress it Juth. 4. 10. people A. over Jordan 10. 13. the sun A. not to go down 1 Sum. 17. 48. David A find ran to 25.23.wh. Abigail saw Dav she A. 42. 4S. 24. the witch at Endor hasted \ Kin. yfl. 41. prophet A. and to..k 9 i'hrnn. 2fi. "0 himself A to if out M. >. 12. Hainan A. to his house 14. they hustfii to brini? Hainan Jot ). 5. U my foot hath A. to deceit HAT Pt. 48. ft. tronh. and A away, !04. 7. Act* -M. 16. Paul A. to Jerusalem HASTEN. Psal. 16. 4. hasten after another god 55. 8. I woulil futxtrn my escape Eccl. 2. 25. whi> can A. more than I ? /wi. fit). 22. the L. will A. in his litre Jer. I. 12. 1 will hasten my word HASTEN HI), KTH. Lsth. 15. heing A. by king, 3. 14. // 51 1-1. the exile h. to he loosed Jer. II 16. not A from heing a pastor HA SIM-IT H. Job 9. -3. as eMgle that A to the prey Prov. ', . 23. as a hird A. to snare 19. 2, le that A wi his feet silineth 28 22. A. to he rich, hath an evil eye Erci I. 5. sun A to where he arose Hah. I 8. fly as eagle that A. to rat Zeuh, 1. 14. day of Lord A. greatly HASTILY. JiiJg. 2. 23. without driving them A. Prov. 20. 21. inheritance gotten A. 25. 8. go not forth hastily to strive John 11. 31. saw Mnry slie rose A. HASTING. /.?. 16. ft and hasting righteousness 2 Pet. 3. 12. A, to the day of the L. HASTY. Prov. 14.29. A of spirit exalteth folly 29. 20. seest thou a man A. in words? Eccl. 5. 2. let not thy heart he hasty 7. 9. be not hast// in thy spirit 8. 3. be not too A to go out of sight Lin. 28. 4. as A. fruit before summer Dan. 2. 15. why is the decree so A? Hub. 1. 6. that bitter and A. nation HATCH, ETH. Isa. 34. 15. owl shall A. and gather , r >9. h. they hatch cockatice.eggs Jrr. 17.11. as partridge on eggs h. not HATE. Gen. 24. 60. possess of those that A Lev. 19. 17. shall not A. thy brother 2fi. 17. th. A. you sh. reign over >oti Num. 10. 35. let them that A. thee flee Deut. 22. 13. go tint > her and A. her 24. 3. if the hitter husband A. her 2 Chr 19. 2. love them tha A. Lord? Jub 8. 22. A. thee clothed wi. shame Pi. 21. 8. hand find those that A. thee 34.2!. th. A. righteous sh. he desolate 8. I. lhnt A. him hVe'liefore him 8a 2. A. thee have lifted up the head 89. 23. will p'agtte them that A. him 97. 10. ye that love the Lord A. evil lOX 25. turned their heart to A. peo. 129. 5. let them he turned that A. Z. /Voti.1.22. tools, will ye A. knowledge 6. 16. these six doth the Lord hate 8. 13. fear of the Lord is to A. evil 9. 8. repro. not scorner, lest A. thee 19. 7. all brethren of poor do A. him 29. 10. hlo..d-thirsty A. the upright Ercl. 3. 8 time to li.'ve and time to A Amosb. 10. they A. him that rchuketh ID. A. the evil, and love the good MIC. 3. 2. who A. good, and love evil Mat. 5. 43. love thy neiuh. A. enemy 44. good to them A you, Lu. B. 27. 6. 24. he will A. the one. Lu. Ifi. li 24. 10. betray and A. one another l.nke I. Tl. saved from hand th A. us 6. 22. blessed are ye when men A. 14 26. \ not his father, nnd mother Jnhn 7. ". the world cannot A. you 15. 18. marvel not if world A you, 1 John 3. 13. Her. 17. 6. these shall A the whore / HA I E. I Kin. 2? 8. /A him, 2 rAr. IS. 7. Pi. 101.3 /A. work of hm that turn 119. 104 I h. every fahe way. I2x. 113. 7* vain thi'iig., thy law I love HAT Ps. IH). 163. I hate and alihor lyin< 13ft 21. /A. them, that hnte thfe r 22. /A them with perfect hatred Prov. 8. la frowarci mouth do / A lia. fll. 8. /A. robbery for burnt.off. JIT. 44. 4. do not this thii.g that /A, Amos 5. 21. / hate youi feast-days Zech. a 17. these are things / hate Horn. 7 15. but what / A. that do I fiea. 2. 6. deeds ot Nicolait. /. A. 15. HATE me. Hen. 26. 27. why come, seeing A. mel Efud, 20. 5. iniq. t" thira and fourth gen. of them that A me, Deut 5.9. Deut. 32. 41. reward them that A tin 2 Sam. 22. 41. dentroy them that A. me. Psalm 18. 40. Pt. 9. 13. I giifler of them that A. me V5. 19. they A. me with cruel hatred 3. 1 ) 19. let th>m wink that h<,tr me 38. 19. A. me wrong are many, 69. 4. 41. 7. all th. A. me whisper together 69. 14. dellv. from them that A. me 118. 7. see my desire on th. th. A. m Prov. 8. 36. they that A. me love death HATED. Gen. 27. 41. Esan hated Jacob 37. 4. A. Joseph yet the more, 5, 9. 49. 2a arch, shot at him and A. him Deut. I. 27. because L. A. us, 9. 2& 4. 42. A. him not, 19. 4.6. Josh. 20. 5. 21. 17. shall acknowledge son of A. Judg. IS. 2. I thought thou A. h.-r v Sam. 5 8. lame and blind that are i. Esth. 9. I. rule them that A. them Ps. i6. 5. h. congrega. of evil doers 31. 6. I A. them that regard lying 44. 7. put them to shame that A. us 1(16.41. they that A. them ruled ovef Prov. 1. 29. they A. knowledge 5. !2. how have I A. instruction ? 14. 17. man of wicked devices is 20. poor is A. even of neighbour Eccl 2. 17. I A. life || 18. 1 A. labour Lin. 60. 15. hast been forsaken am. A. Jer. 12. 8. have I A. mine heritage. l-.~ik. 16 37. will gather them thou A. :::>. 6. sith thou hast not A. Mood Hia. 9. 15. A. them for wicked, domgn Mai. \. 3. I hated Esau, Horn. 9 13. Mat. 10. 22. ye shall be A Mark la la L*e2l. I'. 24. 9. ye shall be A. of al> nations Luke 19. 14. his citizens hated him John 15. IK. it A. m;? before it A. >ou 24. seen and A. both me and Kathe 25. they A. me without a cause 17. 14. and tne world hath A. them Euh ft. 29. no man A his own flesh lli-b. I. 9 thou hast hatrrl iniquity HATEFUL, LY. P*. 36. 2. iniquity be found to he A. Ezelc. 23. i9. shall deal with thee A. Tit. a 3. were A hating one anothei A'ff. 18. 2. rage uncle;, n and A. bird HAT His. Psal. 81. 15. A. of L-rd should submil Norn. I. 30. back! iters, A. of Ood HA'I EST. 2 Sf7m. 19. 6. and hatestthy friend* Psal. 5. 5. A. all u inkers of iniquity 4S 7. lovest riehteo. A. wickedness .SO. 17. thou hatextiml. -iction HIT. 2. 6. A. the deeds of Nicoiaitineft HATETH. Deut. 7. 10. not slack to hit.) A. him l<>. 2V. nor set up image the l.iurf A, Vf.63).l7.sh he who A.right govern? I's. II. S. loveth violence, his sc.nl A. 120. P. soul dwelt him thnt A. pr.ic- Pror. I). 15 A. suretyship is sure 12. I. he that A. repim.f is brutish 13. .'>. a righteous m;in Af/if/A lyiiif 24. he ttcat epureth his rod A, ton HAY itff tftnffue *. thiM- aflli. t. d 1 prtorr w.th lh;r( '. .. ,st, my M.tll A h- * puiMiid awy ^WM\*> rv. one dorlbr.il A light It O. 4 lif- in world Oi.ll kr.-p It i wurld, worW A. you 2X thai 4 me A my Fit her )> 1 .;..*., '..irk. II. A li A hit brother l miir li-ri-r 4. . I ior < ' A .r.ithrr. it liar HA I H 31. ,.f truth. A. covetous. nttrful. and A. our another Ju-tr A k. garment .potted hjr flmh HATH. ftm. 13. Sfc. fh A. woe who A. KifTnw f who A. wounds? CM 16 9. A. no band, |5ft 10. t (In JJ, I. i it* money, come buy nd rat . Vr.ttLl. A, la, no too* t A. hr mi heir t \laL a MX A. oot whrrr to my hi* hrd. /.uArr 9. ML IU li hr thit A. ran to h-r, let him h.-.r. II 9. 41 Mark I a /.u*r 8 ft | 14 36. flrn, who A. not, shall \tr Ukrn thnt he A. aS. & Mark 4 .'A /.uA-r n. 18. | 19. 26. 41. ellrth ll he A. buyrtl. fl. Id ! J It: S. I* hr thnt A. thr Son A. lifr, A. not Son, A not lif.- S J<* 9 aliidrth nut in Christ A. not Ud, ibideth A Fthr and Son HATRED. \M S5. 8ft if hr thruot him of A. I ! 19. hatr mr with rru.-l A. !>' .1 roirpaased mr about with A. & thry rewarded mr A. for my !" 131. ft. hite thrm with perfect A. Prut 10. It A. itin np utrifes |g that hideth A. with lying lip* IS 17. better than stalled ox and A Icrt 9. I. knowrth either love or A. (V thrir A. mud rnry now perished T.-'* *.V li. destroy it for the old A. U & thu hat had prrprtu.il A. II ^. 9. . prnphrt i A. in liou-r of G. Ooi & )HX witchcraft, A. variance HATi />. i l. houoH in h.i,-n and A. HAUGHTY. t Sam. *. 28. thinrryr* irr upon A rW. 111. I. Lord, my heart i. not A J'nr. 16. li. A. .pirit brforr a fall hrfin* detraction heart A. 1\. xl A aroroer w hi name /ML a III dMfhtrn of Zion arr A. I I tor A. people of thr earth ifjtk 1 II. D more A. W. of holy HAUGHTINESS. / t II A. of men hr bowed down 17 A nf mrn thai) be madr I .w i J 1 1 lay U.w thr A. uf tb- trrriblr ML & heard A. of Moh, J r r. 48. 29. HAUNT. * where hit A. b HAI . <*hr. Dald wont to A. 17 terror hr oa all th. A. it II '. ' * Ccnf ',,-, KIIVIMOI, &r. II V CM l I* Z'h.ihm dwell at th A. PtaL im. 30. brinfth to dnirrd A. 4ctt V. '8. A. Mil .-..mmodtou* HAVOCE 1-O&. 1 teal, a ux . f ike rhorri HEA HAUK T.rr 1 1 II A. BomlMmtitl.Z)tM. l. J:>t, X>. X6. doth A fly t.y wiwloiu : H.\V. Prvf. VI. . A. npj^arcth and gran /. l\ . thr A. i with-TMi Hway I Cvf. 3. li liiiiMftl d with me, hn 41.4. I 43. 10. la I 46.4. I K I'-'. Mat 24. tt.Hrf. in desert. In rhamb. Murk \'l. &. is none other hut He l.ukr 24 rl thry said. He is not hrre John I. !5 he of whom 1 spake, 30. 7. 1 1 wh. re i he || 2S. is not thU A/-? a 2& then shall yrknow th. 1 am Ac 9. 9. some said, this is Ac, hut Ac said, I Hin he 3& and nld, who is A* Lord r 37. I Cor. 10. W. we stronger than het See BLESSKO, DID, SAITH. HEAD. Gen. a 15. It shall brnlsr thy A. 40. la Pharaoh sh. lift up thy A. 19. 49. 2& hlrainn on A. of /OM>nh, and on top of h of him. Deut 33. 16. F.rnri. ). 10. Aaron and sons put hands on A of bull. Let. 4 4, | S. 14. 15. Aaron and sons put hands on A. of ram, 19. Ler. a 18, 24 .<*. I. 4. hand on A. of liiirnUnffrr. 3. t. lay hand on'A. of his offering 4. a9. hand on A. of sin-oHeiing, 33. 13. 4-V rlothru rent, and his A. hare 81. 5. not make Baldness on their A. Num. 5. l& priest unrorrr worn. A. ft. 5. no raior <-umr on Nazarite's A. 7. ronsrrrntioti of n, nornior romp on A. I Sam. 17. 57 ftoliath's A. in hand 31. 9. and thry rut off Saul's A. *R a. make thre keeper of my A. .' Sum. I. 2. earth upon his A. 15. 32. a K and said, am I H dint's A. ? 16 9. let mr go over, take off his A. .' A'in. 2. 3. master from A. to-day, S. 4. 19. said t- his father, my A. my A. ft. 31. A. of Kllsha sh. stand <>n him 19 21. dauehter of Jerusalem hath shaken her A. at thre. lia. 37. *a. i Chr. & 23. rerompen-ing w.iy^on A. Erra9.K. Iniquities inereasril over A. .VrA. 4. 4. turn rrpronrh on own A. KttH. 9 25. deirr return on own A. Jot I. aO. shared A. and frll down 10. IV yet will I not lift np my A. 16. 4. 1 could shake my A. at yon rW a 3. the lifter up of mine A. 7. 16 rolwhief return on own A. n. 7. xhoot oat lip, shakr the A. a:i 5 thon anointrst my A. with oil /7. 6. now shall my A. hr lifted up 3S. 4 iniquities gone over mine A. fiO. 7. EphraimstrrnKth of A 108. 8. 88 81. O. sh. wound A. of enemies 110. 7. therefore ..hail he lift up A. I4(i. 9. A of thooe th .t compass me 141. & oil, which shall not bleak A. Pro*. 10 6. bleMlnirs on A. of just 11. 96. hleiainf on A. wh. -ell corn . . coals of Ore on A. Rom.\2. 80. KrH. t 14. wle man 1 * eyr sre in A. Caaat t & left hand under my A. 8. 3. 5. . my A is filled with dew 1 1 . A. as ftnr g-uld ,75. A. as Carmel In. I. y the whole A. is si -k 51. II. everiaitniK j">- on their /). 'A. 5. bow 4 w A. a* a bulrush ? HEA Ita. 59. 17. helmet of salvation or & 7. and thine hands on thy k i I () that my A. were waters r'.ffk. !'. In recompense way mi A. -". IH. every A. wan made bald Dun. 2. aS. thou art this A. of gold Jw/a 4. recompense on y.,ur h. 7. .Vmw a. 7. diM ..n the A of tin- pour 8. 10. bring baldness on evei y A. i >>. 1. he .said, cut th<*m iii the A. /-A. 1. 21. no man aid lift up hi. i 6 II. set crowns on *. of Joshua .Wat 5. 36. neither swear by thy h. 27. 30. smote him on A. Mar. |:>. M Mark*. a4. A. of John the Baptist Lultel.lK. A. with ..i didst not anoint ./"An 13. 9. hut also my hands and h, I Cor. II. 4. A. roterfd, dishonour. A * 10. ought to have p..wcr on h. 22. 44. thou hast kept me tal. 18. 4. Ita. 7. 8. A. of Damascus is Kczin,S>. 14. cut off from Israel A and tall 15. ancient and honourable i- A. Jrr. 22. 6. Ciilead to me, A. of Lehan. II"* I. It. appoint themselves one A. Hab. a 13. A. . ut of house of wick-d 14. strike through A. of villages 1 Cor. II. a A. of man is Christ, A. of woman man, A. of Chtlst is fid Eph. 5. 23. liushitnd it A f.f the wifa. even a Christ is A. of < hurch Cot 2. 10. who is A. ot principality HEAD, f<.r Tnp, Cliii-f. Ita. 28. I. on the A. of fat valleys, 4. M. 20. lie at the A. of ail the streets F.zfk. ia 25. built places at A. of way 21. 21. king stood at A. of two ways H EA I), with Anir or Aoir*. Lev la 4fJL A. is f.,1 en oft his A. 41. 14. 8. leper 'have Hair oft his A. .Yum. 6 5. let locks irf A. of A, grow 18. take A. of A. of his separation Jiulg. Ifi. aa. A, of A. heifan to grow I .Sam It. 45. not A. of A. fallgroimd .> .Sam. 14. aft. A nf A. at aou shekel Ezra 9. a plucked off Ai> of mv *. I- ml. 40. la. more than A. of A. <,'.! 4. Cant 7. 5. A, of thine A. like purp.e Dim. a 27. nor an Hair of 1. MIIK. .1 7. 9. A. of his A. like the pure WIMI! Mat. 10. 30. A. of your A. nurrS.-r-.l Luke 12.7 l.iikf- 38 wipe with Hair nf A. 44. 21. 18 shall not an A. of A. perish A: t* 2: 31. not an hair fall from A, Int. 1 ' . hU A. and A. were white HE A Hoary HEAD. Lev. 19. 32. thou shall rise before h. h HEADBANDS. /.vo. a 80. lake away A. and lablets HEADY. 2 Tim. 3. 4. men be A. high-minded HEADLONG. Job 5. la counsel of froward car. A, Luke 4. 29. mit;ht cast him down A. 'Act* 1. IS. falling A. he burst asunder HEADS. Gen. 4a 28. bowed their A. r. 4.31 Lta. 10. 8. uncover not your heads 1 A'tn. 29. 31. let us put ropes on A. 3i put ropes on their A. and came 2 Kin. 10. fi. A. of your master's son a brought the A. of the king's son- PtaL 24. 7. lift your A. O ye gates. 9. 66. 1 2. caused men to ride over our A. 74. la brakest the A. of the drajfoi 14. thou brakest the A. of leviathai: 109. 25. look, on me, shaked their A. Isa. 15. 2. on their A. sh. be baldness 35. 10. everlasting joy on their A. Jer. 14. 3. they covered their heads Exek. 7 ia baldneg3sh.be on their A II. 21. recompense way on h. 22.31 32 27. laid swords under their A. 44. IS. ha linen bonnets on their A. 20. they shall poll their heads Mat. 27. 39. wagging A. Mark 15. 29 Luke 21. 2a look up, and lift your A. dels 18. 6 your blood be on your A. Rev. 9. 7. their A. as it were crowns 13. I. I saw a beast having seven A. a 1 saw one of hi.s A. wounded 17. 9. seven A. are seven mountains 18. 19. they cast dust on their heads HEADS, for (iiirernors. Ej-od. 18. 25. made them A. over peo. Num. 25. 4. take all the A. of the peo. Ps. 110. 6. wound A. over countries Mic. a 1 hear, O Artirf.v of Jacob, 9. 11. A. thereof judge for reward See FATHERS. HEAL. Deut. 32. 29. I kill, I wound, I heal t Kin. 20. 5. A. thee, add to thy days 1 Chr. 7. 14. forgive sin, and A. land Pt. 6. 2. A. me, for my hones are vex. 41. 4. h. my soul, for 1 have sinned 60. 2. heal the breaches thereof Eccl. 3. 3. time to kill, and time to A. Isa. 57. la seen ways, and A. him 19. Jer. a 22. I will A. roar backsliding* 17. 14. A. me, O L. and I shall he 30. 17. I will A. thee of thy wounds Lam. 2. 13. breach great.whocan A.? Has. 6. 1. hath torn, and will A. us 11. 4. I will A. their backgliilings Mat. 8. 7. I will come and A. him 10. 8. h. the sick, Luke 9. 2. | 10. 9. 32. 10. A. on sabbath-ilay ? Lu. 14. 3. 13. 15. be converted and 1 should A. them, JO/K/ 12.40. Acts 28. 27. Mark a 2. A. on sabbath, Luke 6. 7. Luke 4. la senl lo A. broken-hearted 23. will say, physician, A. thyself Jchn 4. 47. i ome down and A. his son Arti 4. 30. stretahingthiue hand to A. HEALED. Kj-od. 21. 19. shall cause him to he A. Lev. 13. 18. bile A. || 37. the scall is A. 14. a the plague of leprosy be A. 48. J Kin. 2. 21. A. waters || 22. waters A. 2 Chr. 30. 20. L. hearken, and A. peo. Ps. :i'l. 2. I cried to thee, thun A. me 107. 20. sent his word and A. them I I'rnr. 25. 22. A. coals of fire, /to. 12. 20. Isa. & 10. and convert, and be A. ' I'.i-rl. 2. '26 to gather and to li. up l-'.zek. 21. 10. A. on wood, kindle tire Hah. I. 10 .-hall A. dust and take it 2 Tim. 4. 3. A. to themselves leathers HEA Exek. 47. 8. the walers shall be A. 9 ! 1. and the marishes shall not he A Uos. 7. I. when 1 would have A. Isr. 1 1. a Ihey knew not that I A then Mat. 4. 24. had pa'sy, and he A. then a a speak, and mv servant shall I ( healed, Luke 7. 7 12. 15. followed, he A. them, 14. 14. Luke a 4a nor could he A. of any 13. I. therefore come and he A. 17. V. saw he was A. turned back 22. H . touched his ear, and A. him. Juhn r 13. was'i. wist not who it was Acts 4 4. beholding man who was A 14. 9. ',liat he had faith to be healed Heb. 12. 13. hut let it rather be A. Jam. 5. 16. pray thai ye may be A. I Pet. 2. 24. by wh. stripes ye were A, Her. 13. 3. deadly won .d was A. 12 HEALER. Isa. 3. 7. saying, I will not be an A. HEALETH. Ej-od. 15. 26. I am the L. that A. thee Ps. 103. 3. bless Lord who A. diseases 147. a he A. the broken in heart Isa. 30. 26. A. stroke of their wound HEALING, Substantive. Jer. 14. 19. there is nit healing for us ,VA. a 19. there is no A. thy bruise Mill. 4. 2. arise with fe. in his wings Luke 9. 1 1. healed them that need A. Arts 4. 22. this miracle of A. shewed I Cor. 12. 9. another the jiilt of A. 28. 30. have all the gifts of healing ? Rev. 22. 2. leaves for A. of nations HEALING. Jer. 30. 13. thou hast no A. medicines Mai. 4. 23. A. all manner of sickness I. it. 9. 6. preach, gos h. every where Acts 10. 38. A. all oppressed of devil HEALTH. Gen. 43. 2a our father is in good A. > Sam. 20. 9. art in A. my brother ? Psal. 42. 11. A. of my couuten. 4a 5. 67. 2. thy saving A. may be known Prov. 3. 8. it shall he A. to thy navel 4. 22. for they are A. to their" fle^h 12. 18. Ihe tongue of the wise is A. la 17. a faithful ambassador is A. 16. 24. sweet to soul, A. to the hones Isa. 58. 8. thy A. shall spring forth Jer. 8. 15. looked f.ir a time of health 22. not A. of my people recovered? 30. 17. I will restore A. unto thee Acts -fl. 34. take meat, fur this is A. 3 John 2. mayest he in A HS thy soul HEAP, Su/istuntiee. en. 31 46. made a A. eat on the A. 52. this A. he witness, and this pit. Ej:ud. '..-x a the floods stood as an A. Josh, a 13, 16. Pt. 33. 7. | 78. 13. Deut. 13. 16. shall be an A. for ever Jnsh. 7. 26. over him a A. of stones Ruth 3. 7. lie down at the A. of corn '- Nam. ia 17. great A. on Absalom "ant. 7. 2. thy belly like A. of wheat so. 17. 11. harvest shall be an heap L'J 2. thou hast made of a city an A. Jer. 30. la city builded on own A. Mic. I. 6. Samari.i an A. of the field Hah. a 15. walk thro' A. of waters Hag. 2. 16. came to A. of 20 measures HEAP. ')eut 32. 23. A. mischiefs upon them In', 16. 4. A. up words against you 27. 16. he A. up-silver as the dust "" la hypocrites in heart A. wrath 53. 5. and with his stripes we are // ler 6. 14. they have A. the hurt. 8. 1 1 P 11 heal me, O. L. and I -h. be A. 5 5. W" would have A. Babylon Exek. 31 4 nei'uir have A. ,-ick HEAPKD, KTH. Peal. 31>. 6. lie lietijifth up riches 21 HEA Hub. 2. 5. A. nnto him all peoplo Jam. 5. a have A. treasure tiMwf.it* HEAPS. ludf. 15. 16. jaw of an ass, .4 on L -' Kin. 10. 8. lay ye them in two t J Car, 31. 6. and laid them by heap* Job 15. 28. in houses rea.ly to bee *. I'.-al. 79 I. they laid Jerusalem on A, Jer. 9. II. make Jerusalem A. *(i. ia 31. 21. set thee up, make high /,. Has. 12. 11. their alt:irs lire as he i/*t Mic. 3. 12. Jerusalen sh. become i HEAk. Gen. 21. 6. all that A, launh with me Ej;,d. 32. 18. them that sing do I A A'm. 23. 18. rise up< Balak, and A. 30. 4. and A. her vow and her bond Deut. I. 16. A. causes betw. brethren 4. 10. will make them A. my words 5. I. A. Israel the statutes 6. 3. I & 1 | 20. a Isa. 48. 1. Mark 12. 29 27. A. all the Lord our G. doth s;.y 12. 28. A. these words I command 13. 12. i-h. A. say in one of thy cities 30. 12. bring it 'that we may A, 31. 12. A. and fear L. 13. Jer. 6. 10. Joth, a 9. A. the words of the Lord Judg. 5. a A. O ye kings, give ear 1 Sam. 2. 2a I A. your evil dealings 15. 14. lowing of oxen which I A. 16. 2. if Saul A. it, he will kill me 2 Sam. 20. 1& cried out of city, A. A. 22. 45. soon as they A. Psal. 18. 44. 1 King* 4. 34. A. wisdom of Solomon, 10. 8, 24. 2 Chron. 9. 7, 23. Mat. 12. 42. Luke II. 31. a 30. A. in heaven and forgive, 32. 34, 3fi, 39, 4:t, 45. 49. 2 Chr. G. 21. 18. 26. saying, O Baal, hear us 2 Kin. 7. 6. A a noise of chariots ia 28. h, Ihe word of the great kinif, Ita. 36. 13. | 37. 17. 1 Chr. 14. 15. when thou A. a sound Neh. 1. 6. A. the prayer of servant 4. 4. A. O G.id, for we are despised 8. 2. could A. with understanding Job 5. 27. A. it, and know thou it l.'iL 17. A. diligently my speech, 21.2. 27. 9 A. his cry? || 34. 2. A. my words 42. 4. A. I beseech thee, and 1 will PiaL 4. 1. A. my prayer, O God, W. 12. | 54. 2. | 8t. 8. | 102.1. | 143. I. 20. 1. Lord A. thee in day of trouble 9. lei Ihe kinir A. us when we call 27. 7. A. O Lord, when 1 cry 30. 10. A. O Lord, ami have mercy 49. 1. A. this all ye people, give ear 50. 7- A. peo. and" 1 will speak, 81. 8. 51. 8. make me h. joy and giadnesJ 59. 7. for who, say they, doth h. 1 61. 1. A. my cry, O Hod, attend ID 66. 16. come A. all ye that fear (Jo.t 102. 20. A. groaning of I he prisoner !38. 4. A. the words of thy month 143. 8. to A. thy loving-kindness Pruf. 1.8. A. instruction of thy fnth i 4. I. A. ye children, instruction of 10. A. and receive sayings, 19. 20, 8. 6. A. 1 speak of excellent thing* 33. ft. instruction, and be wi-e IS). 27. cease tc A. instruction that 2'2. 17. A. the words of the wite 23. 19. A. thou, my son, and be wi* 5,'ccA 5. I. more ready to A. than piva 7. 5. better to A. the rebuke of .vise 12. 13. A. conclusion of the matter "(//;/. s. ia thy voice, cause me to A. Isa. \. 2. A () heavens, :in>l i ive ear 6 9. A, ye indeed, Mark-t. 12. 18. 3. he bloweth a trumpet. A. ye aa ia A. ye that are afar off 34. I. earth A. and nil that is rhrM 42. ia A. ye def|| 23. who "ill A. 4,i. 9. let them A. and say trcth UK A ; Mill. ii nitili ) mrif Irri ni- 1 1 *V 1 A IM x>u >h li . , ./* A It * \r nation* 'I III A. II Hrtl II t. A. J* words * r.. A him Hud be li^j:.-.i 1 la Ukr hci-d therefore how yr A SI. whirh A. word and d it, 1 1. -.'- I U. but M h.. It Ihi of whom I A v I(V i how i. it I A. llii- of thee ? l. >! s and prophets. A. th.-rn 19. 4H people vrry .trentue t A. '.I. 38. i ami- t.. temple to A him /oAn.s 30 I A. lji,dgr||firi|i wh.-A.? 7. .M law judge man I- for.- it A him 3. f!. wherefore w.l. yr A. it again? la 3 sheep A. oirr, mil. hy name IS. 47 if man A word*, heiirve not U. n wind wh. yr A la nut mine Atit t. 8. A. rvrry man In own long XI thi. whirh yr now MM- and A. 10 tt. and to A. words of the* 31 A. ll thniff roinmwidrd thre II 7. d^rrd to A. w..rd of <;,K| 44. wbolr Htr ramr to A word 147. (irntil. ihymy mouth A word 17. l. to tr I or A. Mnr nrwthiii* 5t I. A. i' my drfriwv oh I make 14. 4. w.xiM.t A ut i.f thy rlrtnrnry V t I wwld A thr mno iny*lf *, t U. A. what th.ui thiiiknt I Cr. II. 18. I A. thrrr h, diri.inn* ''** ' f I y *- f our ft.irs I TArt. a II. r A. thut M>nir walk I r. i l& aod thrm that A thrr < Tim. t 17. all Orntilrt mivht A. Immt. I. IB r**t7 ur br nwift t A. kj r> V * HtAltM tML A H tbeo th. Pharanti A. aw ! I AIM IH. T7 A a*r, O l...rd A. Me 13 4. A ^.th,,J,r..K.., m II *. A, aw AM | m. ga A. aw Jud V A. . r- 1^., itr, Mnrtif* W U O tk. .r w!.uld A m, TtaL 4 I %. wh^n I r-l>. H 1 ixMHidrr, i,d A ms. n I ..,.\ It . okited o UV*. tW M w^t A. j UFA /. Id for I a*id. A. . tot the .Vt. it. ntlrlid unto inr, wnd A. me 60. 5 .a$. :'.\ 30. ft will not A thr law. .ftlir lord SO. I rmr hraTT thut it cunn / A. 1 will mrf A. r ISA. 14 yr did no< A. OH. 4 they did not A. ZerA I. 4. Jer. 5. XI. har can HIJ.I n. not. 2^ i& * .VU/-A- ia a II 17. will not A W. .V A/n/. i i. 17. samiirhtnor'i. ID. |.VZn-A.7.ll rt. SI. thou laid.t. I will ;/,,/ A. Dan. &. K3. prxird (r"d of rilver, whirh -e not u.-r A. lirr. 9. VO. .Vi>. 3. 4. rry t*i L. hr will tint A. tl.rtn Hah. I. 2. how long; rry, u ilt no/ A Vnt. 10. 14 ri-rrire you. mtr A. words la Id if h.- will < A tW, tli.-n *< K 31. if A. .,< Mot. unit pr.-pli Jotut 8. 43. hwHUM* ye cannot A. wort 47. yr thrrrforr k. th^m B< ''. -T I T. .1.1 you. mid yr did not A i" a but tli.'- -lu-rp did not A. them lrfi.1 2a MMil will not A. ilr>troyed Cor. 14. Ul. will tli. y . r A me u/. 4. SI. do yr // A', tlie IHW ? Would nut HEAR, ixod 7. Ift hithrito, thiiii ir. not A )/. I. 41 Israel vuld not A. :i Vrl A'in. 17. 14. JCi'n. II 11. Amazinh tr,.i,M not h. 2 Chron. 5. 20. la 18. Israel vovtd not A. >VA. V. . ZrcA. 7. la /-. IS 11 praise, they r. n. A. S9. 19. 3r\r?5.hrir. n.A.IIZerA.7.13 IIP. n-k. II R A K noir, or norr H K A R. 'ut*. l & A. nme my \\ orrtx, *0. la tarn. 91. 7. *aid, A. n, Rrnjamitei 13. 6. A. now my reasoning "roe. i 7. A. me now, then-fore /. 7 la A. itutr, () house of Hariri 44. I. now A. O Jaroh, my servant 47. 8 A now thou given to pleasure 51. SI. A, notr tlii, thou Hfflirtcd er. 5. SI. A. now. O foolish people hua hich.prii-st rti S. 33. this whirh yr n. see aud A. 'At/. I. 30. saw in me, and now A. SA.//7 HKAR. 'rod ISi 14. people *. A be afraid DnU. llll.J if.ia | 19.20. I il.SI 'urn. 14. 13 EvvplianA/7;/A. It >nU. 4. & ikalln. all the>e ntHtnte- ' ATm. a 41 *. A. of thy ureat name AI. 18. 7. . A. rumour, Im. .77. 7 o* . 7. prayer to him, he ,/,// A *i .". S. humhl* tkjll A. th.-n-of 17 rry, -n. enrth >. A. the ro n dud \vm VdMaii h.-aring, yr*. A. .1rt**ti.:'t la !5 a. A. tliei- tliou h.isl yain- d j(4. fi. yr Mhull A. or war* ,,i,d u-ill h the wor.lt i CAr. 7. 14. tr. A. fr. hew en. Pi. '.-a (V X 9. thou IT. A. nd help. Pi 3.- ,.\ /'. 4. a Lord IT. A || 17. G. IT. I, me Ki a ir. A. what l.i.d will >|>euk U.'i li). he .t!-ii H-ill h. tlieir rry Prov I. 5 tr. A. and inrreHoe lenrn. /r. 41. 17. the L.i'd irtV/A tliem '<&. 24. arr yet speak inv, I in'// A. ./7/A. Z^cA. 10. A God tr. A. them, la . .*rti 17. 32. we trill h. thee HKHIII /I. -"'. in'// A. that thou art mine .'.'( :C> tr. A. theewh. arm.--i- n>in M a8. salva. sent (ientiles, ii,/ h. H E A R the vord <,} the 1.. r ye nations 34. 4. A. word ,,f Lord, O Z.-dekiah 44. 24. A. word <-/ /. all Judah, a& tV'Ar. fi. 3. mountains of Israel A ur. o/M I vrd. 3>i. I, 4. 1.1 8. aay to prophets, A. tr. of Lori l& 3-V O harlot, A. \rord i,f L-rd 20. 47. fore-t of Mintli, A. tr. of L. :. 7. shepherds A. irorrf o/ Lr.rd, 9. /M. 4. I. A. v. o//.. children of Isr. Amotl. 16. Aiiia/iah. A. tc. of Lurd HEAKD. .'n 111 II. Lord A. thy a'rlirtion 81. SR n-ither yet A. I of it Erod i 4. God A. their cronning 88. 35 Miiiml A. when he froelh in '.et. 94. 14. that A. him lay hands Num. II. I. complained, Ixrd A. it la. 8. wrx.ke Hg-ainst .Mui>, L. k. it 14. 15. imtions have A. fnme of Hire Aim. 7. 9. rrird, thr l^ird A. liiTi A in I. II. A. A.l'.nijtih doth reign A. 7. any tool of iron A. ii. him." A'in. I'j.aV not A. long acnJ/.37.96. CAr 5 la make one A. in praising 3a la and A. hi* *nppiir*ti.>rif r \f>. 8 haul A. the .err.-t of I.IM! t 19. 7. rry out o' wrong, hut not A. -'V 14 but how little 8 portion id A. f V9. II. vvh^n the par A. rre.it hlesa. *. >\ 9. L. hath A. my impplicaiion 10. 17. A. thr d.-sire of tin- him Ide .'-. 21. save me, for Ihou lia^'/i m HEA f ai 2S. 21. but when lie cried he A. 3-1.6. j 40. 1. | 120. I. 34. 4. 1 snug-lit the L. and he A. me 3 13. but 1 as a deaf man A. not 61. 5. thou, O fid, hast A. my vows 66. 19. verily <;<>d liath A. me 76. 8. cause ju. lament to be A. IS. 21. theref -. the Lord A. this 59. when (i. J A. this, was wroth 81. 5. where A. a language that I 97. a Zion A. and was>lad 118. 21. for thou hast A. me and art 132. 6. lo, xve A. of it at Ephratah froe. 21. 13. cry him-elf, Kut not A. 7*i. 10. 36 cause it to be A. t> LaUh 40. 21. have ye not A.? hath it not 2a not A. everlast. G. fa'.nt. not? 4H. 6. thou hast A. see all this 62. IS. hail not A. shall tlu-y con*iit ( >r N 18. violence no more A. in land 64. 4. not A. what he hath prepared 65 !9. wei-piiiif shall be no mon- A. 66. 8. who hath A. surh a thing ? Jer. 4. 19. ha.st A. sound of trumpet 5. 7. wickedness, spoil is ft. in her 7. 13. rising early, but ye A. not 8. 6. I hi-arkened and A. hut they 18. 13. heathen, who hath A. such K. let cry be A. from houses 25. 36. howling O! flock shall be A. 26. 1 1. hath prophesied as ye have A. 34 lo A. roan surv ant shall go free 35. 17. spoken, but they hv.ve not ft. 46. 12. nations have A. of thyshami' 50 46. the cry is A. among nations 51. 46 rumour shall be A. in land Lam. 3. 61. hast A. their reproach Ezek. 26. 13. harps sh. he no more A. Dan. 12 8. I A. hut understood not Jonah 2: 2. I cried to L. and he A. Mic 5. 15. such as they have nut A. Mat. 3. 16. the L. hearkened anil A. yiat. 5. 21 ye A it said, 27, 33, 38, 43. 6. 7. shall be A. for much speaking la 17. have ii"t A them. Lit. 10.24. J2. 7. when the king A. thereof 26. 65. have A. Ins bias. Mark 14.64. Mark 4. 15. they have A. Satan com. 14. II. they A. it they were glad Luke 1. 13. prayer is A Acts 10.31. 12. 3. have spoken, sh. be A. in light SO. 16. when they A. it, they said John a 32. he hath A. he testiti-th 6.45.every man that hath A. of Kath. 8. 6. wrot.- on tirnund as he A. not 11. 41. I thank th.-e thou hast A. me 15. 21. ask them which A. me 81. 7. Simon Peter A, it was the L. Act* 1. 4. the promise ye A. of me 2. 37. when h. this they were prick. 4. 4 many which A. the w1>rd lieliev. 5. 5. fear came on all that h. these 13. 48. when Cent. A. this were glad 14. 9. the same A Pa il speak 16. 14 woman worshipped G. A. us 25. and the prisoners' A. them 22. IS. shalt wit. what seen and A. 24. 24. A. him concerning faith in C. limn. 10 14. whom they have not A. la have they not A.? yes, verily 15. 21. they that have not A. shall 1 Cor. 2. 9. eye not seen, nor ear A. Gal. 1. 13. ye have A. of my conver. Eph. 1. la after ye A. word of truth IS. after I A. of your faith in L.J. 4. 21. if so he ye have A. him Phil. 4. 9. things ye have A. and seen Col. 1. 4. we A. of your faith iu Christ 6. ye A. of it. knew grace of God 9. we A. it, do not ceise to pray 1 Tim. 2. 2. thiuifs thou hast A. of me tf?A.2.a confirmed by tl em th. A. him . 16. when they l-ad A did provoke 42. mixed with fuiih in them that A HEA i'.*\ 5. 7. offer, prayers, and was A. lam. 5. 11. have A. of patience ot Job \John-t. la ye A. that antichrist, 4.3. 24. A. from the begin. 3. 1 1. 2 J,,h>. 6. Rev. Z. 3. remember how th. hast A. 7. 4. I A. the number ! them sealed 9. 16. 1 A. the number of horsemen 16. 5. I A. the am.'1'l of waters say 18. 22. trumpet, shall be A. no nv>re 23. voice of bride sh. be A. no more 22. 8. saw these things, and A. them I have HEARD. Gen. 17. 20. jr I.-hmael 7 A. A. thee 42. 2. 7 A//t- \ there is corn in Eg. Efod.a.'J.I A Y ;ry || 6.5.7 A.A.groau. 16. 12. 7 A. / n..-jrmur. Num. 14.27 1 Kin. 9. 3. 7 4. A. thy prayer, 2 Ai/. 20. 5. 2 Or. 7. 12. 7.vn. 38 5. 2 Kin. 19. '20. hast prayed I hare h. 22. 19. 7 A. A. saith L. 2 Chr. 34. 27. JoA 16. 2. I hare h. many such things 10. a 7 Acf A. check of reproach 42. 5. 7 A. A. by the hearing of ear Psal. 31. 13. for 7 A. A. the slander t2. II. twice I have h. this, power hit 19 a accep. time A. 7 A. 2 Cor. 6. 2. Jer. 23. 25. 7 A. A. what the prophets 31. 18. I have h. Ephraim bemoan. 49. 14. I have A. a rumour from L. Exek, 35. 12. 7 A. A. all thy hUvphem. Hns. 14. a /A. A and observed him Hab. 3. 2. O L. 7 A. A. thy speech, John a 26. those things 7 A A. of hirr 40. told truth, which 7 A. A. of God 15. IS. that 7 A. A. of my Father Acts 7. 34. I h. h. their groaning- 9. 13. L. 7 A. A. by many of this mai HEARD, joined with roire. Gen. 3. 8. they A. voice of the Lord 10. I A. thy mire, and was afraid 21. 17. Cod A. the voice of the lad 30 6. God hath A. my p. and given 39. 15. when he A. I lifted up my e. Num. 7. 89. then he A. the p. of one 20. 16. we cried, he A. our voice Deut. 1. 34. Lord A. the p of words 4. 12. no similitude, only he A. a p. 33. In ar P. of G. thou hast A. 5. 26. 5. 23. ye A. the v. out of darkness 24. have A. his v. out of the fire 28. the L. A. the p. of your words 26. 7. the L. A. our p. and looked Jud. 18. 25. let nut p. be A. among us 1 Sum. 1 la lips moved, p. was not A. 1 Kin. 17. 22. L. A. the p. of Elijah 2 CAr. 30. 27. c. was A. prayer came Job 4. 16. there was silence, I A. a p. 3a 8. I have A. the p. of thy word 37. 4. not stay them when his p. is A. Psal. a 4. L. with my P. he A. m 6. 8. L. hath A. the p. of my weeping 18. 6. he A. my p. out of his temple 19. a no speech where their p. not A. 28. 6. hath A. p. of my supplication 66. a make the p. of praise to be A. 116. 1. I love L. he hath A. my p. Cant. 2. 12. the n. of the turtle is A. Isa. 6. 8. also I A. the p. of the I-ord 30. 30. L. cause his glo. v. to hre A. 223 HEA John 5. 37. neither A. Ms v. nt nn> tcttS. 4. and A. a p. saying, SK .1, Saul, 22 7. I *li i-i. 11. 7. I A. n p. saying to me, ari*e 22. 9. they A. not thf p. of bim Heb. 12. 19. which v. they that A 1 Pet. 1. 18. p. camefroni'lieav. xveA. Rev. I. 10. 1 A. ai>. Ifi. 1. | 19. 1. | 21. X 4. 1. first p. I A. was as of trumpet 5. 11. and I A. the v. of many itnifelt 6. 6. I A. a p. in the miilstof beast* 7. I A. a p. of the fourth beast say 9. la I A. a p. from the four Inn .it 10. 4. I A. a p. fr. heav. 8. | 14. 2, II 12. 10. and I A. a loud voice [18. 4. 14. 2. I A. the p. of harpers harping 19. 6. I A as it were v. of multitude We have HEARD. Josh. 9. 9. we hare h. the fame of him 2 Sum. 7. 22. there is none like the* ace. to all we have h. 1 CAr. 17. 20. Psal. 44. 1. we have A. with our ear* 4S. 8. as we have A. so have we s.-.-n 78. 3. dark sayings which t: A. A. Isa. 16. 6. we hare h. of M. Jer. 48.29. 24. 16. we have h. songs, glory to Jer. 30. 5. we A. A. a voice of tremb. 51. SI. confound, ire A. A. reproach Olmd. 1. we A. A. rumour from Lord Zech. 8. 23. for we hare A. that God Mar. 14. 58. we have A. him say Luke 4. 2a whatever we nave A. done 22. 71. tee ourselves hare A, of his Jo/in 4. 42. believe, we have ft. him 12. 34. we hare h. out of the law Acts 4. 20. cannot but speak we A. A. 6. 1 1. we hare A. him speak bias. 14. we have h. him say, this Jesus 15. 24. we hare h. that certain Heb. 2. 1. heed to things ire have h, I John 1. 1. which we have ft. 3. 5. message which we have h. HEAR D, joined with word or word*. Num. 24. 4. which A. w. of God, 16. Josh. 24. 27. it hath A. all the ir. of L. 1 Sam. 17. 23. samew. David A. them 31. when w. were A. David spake 1 Am. 2. 42. the w. that 1 A. is good 2 Kin. 6. 30. king A. w. of woman 19. 6. afraid of w. hast A. Isa. 37. 6. Job 33. 8. I have A. voice of words, EccL 9. 16. poor man's w. are not A, 17. w. of wise men are A. in quiet Isa. 37. 4. the w. which (.od hath A. Jer. 2a 18. marked, and A. his IP. 25. 8. because ye have not A. my tn. 26. 21. king and princes A. his w. 3(5. 13. declared all the w. he had A 24. were not afraid that A. these v>, 3a 1. Pashur A. the w. Jeremiah Mat. 22. 22. when they A. these w. Mark 5. 36. as Jes. A. the w. spoken Luke 10. 39. sat at Jes. feet, A. his w. Arts 10. 44. H. G fell on them A. w 2 Cor. 12. 4. and A. unspeakable ><: Eph, 1. 13. after ye A. the it', of truth Col. 1. 5. ye A. the w. of the go-pel 1 Thess. 2. 13. the w. which ye A. of u* 2 Tim. 1. 13. form of soui.d w. hast A. Ilfli. 12. 19. that A. entreated that IP. 1 John 2. 7. w. ye ha. A. from begin. HEARDEST. Deut. 4. 36. thou A. his wo. out of fir 2 Kin. 22. 19. thou A. what I spake against this place, 2 Chr. 'M. '17. Neh. 9. 9. thou A. their cry by R. * 27. they cried, thou A. them, 28. Psal 31. 22. thou A. voice of stippli. 1 19. 26. I declared my w ays, them A. ha. 48. 7. the day when thou A. not 8. thou A. not, yea thou knew, not Jon. 2.2. out belly of hell Icricd.thA HEAKEB, S. Kom. 2. I& uot the A. of law u e ;ul HFA ' -:\t .-unto thr A f th- Jam. I.T2 dor .- of word, and not A 13. V any hr a A of thr word St. IM brill* not a f..ietful A. Hi \ I Sam. M. 9 /L thou mrn'* Sam. S. K. A. stmnd in mnlb..trrr I A>. 1 S". a. forgivr 2 CAr ft 21 Pi XX. X. cry in day.timr but A. not rti , thou that kfmr ft prayrr Hat St. (A. A th.Hi what theae My r -7 II A. thou not how many thi Jntat H a and thou A thr sound II. 41 and tht thou A. me alway UK \ l>mt 19. 19. A word, of this curse l Sam. S ft Lrd. tby ervi.ot A I > /* 31 2a A. tbe rry of the afflicted . trouscry.th*L..rdA M U I wm. a. a man tbat A. not 9. SI L A BOOT, drpl*. not pn-o *vr. a . Meaard i. man th A. mr U. I. A hi. father in.i ruction a but poor Ar>rrr*A not rrhukr IA. fft he A. prayer of thr riirhtrii> 31. rar that A. rrproof of life. 32. ft II answer, a matter before A it .1 ta but the man that A. sprakrth . la that A. It put thee to ibame JS. 24. A. curin, n I bewray, not Iff 4kV 20 opening ran, but A. not tt*. 3. 27. be that A. let him brar Mat 7. K A. saying*. 2A Lu. 6 47,49. la 19. A. thr word of the kingdom M aaae that A the word. 2'. 23. IvJtr IU 16. br that A. yon A. me /An 3. 29 who Mandrill and A him 5 24 A. my word, and hrllrvrth a 47. br that is f G. A. <;.' words ft 31. God Arorr/A not innen I*. 37. tbat i- of truth, A. my voice I Cor. 12. 6. abovr that hr A of mr I J** 4. 5. and thr w.,rld A. thrtn ft. aeth.t knowrth God A. us .V 1 4 a*k arrordmg to will, he A. n* Mer. f. 17. let biro that A. say, romr IK to every man that A. the words HRAKING. Drut II II. readthi.lawinthrlrA S .Sam la 12 in our A. king charved .' kit 4 31 wa. neither voice nor A. Jf n. a thou hast >pkrn In my A. 42 & I hare heard of thre by A. / i 11.3. nor rrprovr after A. iif ran *l. i bed down at thr A of It XI 15. Mop pel h ran from A Mood sr* B. 5 said la my A. go after him IA IS. rrtrd unto them in my A. A~~ a. ||. A. thr word of thr lrd .4.0 .'VII rnervrd t.. A ol Augustus 23. Wasrntrred into theplaceof A *a> 10 17 faith romrth f.y A. 12. 17. where werr the A. t Gil JL 1 mt by thr A. ..f faith, i. IM. *. 1 1 Mwlnt ye arr dull of A. Ml MUM., I'era. fr~ t IX. A. mr. the L. hath madr 1* ft away tbr rar from A thr law frrl I. a nor U thr rar filled with A Mat IX 13. and A. they h-ar not 14 by A. yr h hear and not under 14 their ear. dull of A. AH, 2H 27 M r*. i. ||. Jf.rrv 6. m.nv A wrr* astnni.hrd tulv 2. If. r. thrm and a*klng ane. " 4 and weinir mira< lr be did 7 A- Toicr, but weini no nan '.. A. Kellr.ed and faith Frt - .' and A. vexed . 301 (ball fbaraoli A. to meF HEA Dmt T. II A t- thrdt ndfinrnti 1 1. 13. A. di'irrntly tnri yririnmndi 11 .V A t" V..W-I- .'.f l...r.i. ./rr. 17 5-J ia IS. |ir..plirt. t- him yr -hall A. 1. 13. If thou A. t l AIFU-. n :w ./-oA I. 17 o will wr A. unto Ihrr I Vnm !' t<> A. than fat of mrnt 30 vc wh.i will A. to you In tin- t I A' ML *. L harr thou rr>pm-t to A, A. l pruyrr, ft'.' :' Cf>r 6. 19. W. .\V/i I'l --7 * tin i. o\ou tiidi>thir /'.i/ 81 , If thi-u wilt A. unto mr Pn*. . l. If a rnlnr A. to lir. In. .Tl X r .r of th.-m that hmr A 4-i.a. who will A. for timr toroim-J Jer. M. .1 will A. and turn from rvil 5. A t" thr pn.ph.-t- whom I gent . It pray to mr. and I will A. XV 13 not VerriTr intrurtln t A ZrrA. 7. II. but th^y rrfuMHl to A Arli 4. 19. A. to yon morr than In U. K. 13. a damurl ramr to hearken II K A K K f. N . Impffatit-fty. Gen. 23. IS. A. to mr H *-". 8. A. to !. \um. O. IA A. to mr. *n of Xippor fiit 4 I. A. iHrarl. to ttxltitmi fl 9. take brrd. and A O l-ra.-l tiHr 9. 7. A. to mr, mm of shirhr I Kin. 8, 3U A. to thr mippli.-.ition, S fiffm. A 21. 88. 88. A. O proplr, r one ot yon < Ckr-n. 1& 27. hr mid, A all proplr #i. IV A. yr, all Juduh. and Jrrusn. J'A 13 fl A. t plrndiiiK" "f my lip* Si. ia I y thcf, A. to my wnrdi 34. 10 n. untn mr, mrn of nndrro. 34 wts* man A || .17 14. A. to this P*al. 34. II. A. I will trarh you 4ft. 10. A. O daufrhtrr, and ronsidrr Prof. 7. 14. A. to mr, O i lii.il. . 32. /Jo. <& V3. A. and hrar my xprrrh 34. I. ye nation-, A yr proplr, 49. 1. 46. 3. A. unto mr, O houix- of Jaroh, 48. 12. //<.. V I. 12 A. to me, *toat.hartrd 61. 1. A. to me. th. follow riphtrnii*. 4 A. unto mr, my people, vivr rar 7. A. to me. yr th. know rijihleoiK 55. 2. A. diligently unto mr. raUlint Dan. 9. Ift O Lord, A. und dn Wtr I. 4 A. O riirth. and all therein Mar. 7. U A. to mr, r. on.- of yon Act* 2. 14. men of Ju. A. to my words 7. V. mrn, brrthn-n, and fathers, A. 15. 13. mrn and hr>-thrrn. A. to me Jam. 2. 5. A. mv t-lored brethren 5rr Voire. HRARKBN, with w* Gm 34. 17. n. A. In hr clrromrtsrd Sftl. 7. 4. n. A. to you, W. | II. ft 'JiU 13. n h. n. A. tntliiit iire:nner 17. I*, that will n. A, to thr priest 18. 19. ho will n. A. in my word* VI. IR br will nut A. to then, V3. 5. A. *. tf> Ralnam, Jo*h 24. 10 Jl*h I. |H will f,:.l A. to tl,y Words 'lHv *. 17 would . A. tflfitfffM Kin. yd. R. elder. Mid, A n. lo him Kin 17. 4tt n. A. hut iiftrr mniii-r !>. 31 A. n. to HrsrhiMh. ha ZR. 16. V f Ar 10. 16. Reh-bonm would n.A. S3. 10. L spakr, hut thry wo. n A. JnA SS STl if n< A. hold thv peai-e ft. 5 5 n^ A to Toil p of .-harm.- I II. pro. winilil n. A. to my voir Jtr fl In nnrii rninri--i,t. 9. ID. Lord A to i.,e. III. 10. 18 1C nations A. to olner. of timrf 34.9 Israel A. rJ..,hini, Ji*h. I. IT. I Sam. 2821. M mn. ol Endor A. to Sa, 1 A'r'n. 12. 15. king A. i.ot to p>f ipip, Hi. i> TAr. 10. 15. 24. they A. to word oi the Lord 15. 20. A. to king A^a, 2 ( 'hr. In. 4. 2 Kin. 13. 4. the Lord h. to Jehonluu Ifl. 9. thr king ol Ayiia A. to Asa 20 la Hezekiah A. to messengers 21. 9. .In. hili A. not to the law 22. la our lather. A. not to words 2 I'hr. 24. 17. Joa.h A. to the prince* 25. 16. Amaziah A not to the pro. 35. 22. Josiah A. not to Pharaoh AVA. 9. Iti. A. not to thy command. ment*, 29. 34. Jer. 34. 14. F.ith. 3. 4. Mordecai A not to them I't 81. 13. U that my people had A. lot. 21. 7. and he A. diligently 44. la O that thou hadst A, to my Jtr. 6. 19. have not A. to my word, 7. 24. Sft | 25 :i, 4. 7. I 26. 5. I i9. Ift I 32. 33. I M4. 17. | 3S. 14, li, 16. | 36. 31. | 41 ft. 37. 14. Injah A. not to Jeremiah Erek a 6. would have A. not tKer Dan. 9. 6. neither A. to thy servant MaL 3. IA thr Lord A. Jer. *. 6. .left 27. 21. ye should have A. to m See VOICE. HEAKKIINKDST. Driit. 26. 45. thou A. not to the Lord HEAKKKNETH. 1'riir. I. 33. A. to mr sh. dwell safely 12. 15. he that A to counsel is WIM HEAKKEMN<;. Pi. 103. 2a anci-l. A. to the voice HEA RT. Gen. 45. 2a and Jacoh'i A faint<-d F.sod. 23. 9. know A. of a .tranter 2". :>. thry bhall I* on Aaron-it A. 35.35. hath be tilled wi. wisdom of A. /-c. 2(1. Iri. and tnusr sorrow of A. A'in. 32. 7. dwcouriure A of Israrl 9. thry diw ournged the A. of Urarl Deut. f>. iil.'were Hinli :in A in thrm 2R 28. smite wi. a-toiiUhmeiit of A. 47. srrv. not L. wi. uladnrHs of ft. fv>. L. shall give thee treinhling A. 20 4. L. ha. not given A. to perceive Jnth. 14. 8. madr A of thr p. o. melt .ludg.b. 15. Werr great ?honglitof A. Hi. wrrr great Beari hings of A, 18 21). thr priest'. A. wn> iilad ! 'urn. I. la Hannah spake ill her A. If). 9. Cod gave him another A. la 7. the Lord lonketh on the A. 17 :& Da. -aid. let no man'. A fail 24. 5. and Dnvid'. A. smote l:itn 25. 31 nor off.-n 12. I jriven thee understanding A. 06. to tents glad of A. 2 Our. 7. U HEA 1 Kin. 10. 2. com. of all in h. 2 Ch. 9. 1. 1 1. 4 perfect, as the h. of David 12. '27. thei shall the .1. of this peo. 2 A'I'M. 6. II. h. of king of As troub. 12. t. mine, nto man's h. 2Chr.-M.3l. 1 Chr. 12. 33. were not of double h. 1(5. 10. let t-e h rejoice, ft. 105. a 29. 17. thou triest A. 18. Jer. 1 1. 20. 2 (Vir. 7. 1 1. came into Solomon's A. is/Yi 6. 22. turned A. of king of As. 7.?7. put such as this in the king's A. >YA. 2. '2. nothing- else Imt sor. of A. .i/A I. 10. when A. of king merry 5. 9 Ham went forth with H glad h. 'lob 9 4. he is wise in A. mid mighty '.>. -i\. he Ukcth away A. of chief 29. 13. I caused widow's A. to sing 37. 24. respecteth not that wise of A. : J .H. :i6 given understand, to the A. l j il. 12. >. wi. double ft. they speak l!i. 8. stat. of t.. right, rejoicing A. 34. 18. L. is nigh them of broken h. 44. 21. he knoweth secrets of the A. 40. 5. arrows are sharp in A. of ene. 5H. 2. in A. ye work || 64. 6. A. is deep 7.'}. 7. have more than A. ronld wish 10!. 4. froward A. sh. depart fr. me 5. a proud A. will not I sutler 104. 15. wine maketh glad the A. bread, strengtheneth man's A. froe. 6. 18. an A. that devis. wicked 7. 10. mt him a woman subtle of A 8. 5. fools, be of an understanding A. 10. 8. wise in A. will receive com. 12. 8. he of perverse A. shall be des. 20. dec. it is in the A. of them 25. heaviness in A. of man maketh 13. 12. hope deferred maketh A. sick <4. 10. the A. knoweth own bitter. 13. in laughter the A. is sorrowful 14. backslider in A. be filled with 30. a sound A is life of the flesh 33. wisdom resteth in h. of him 15. 7. the A. of foolish doeth not so 13. a merry A. mak. cheer, count. by sorrow of A. spirit is broken 15. 14. A. of him that understandeth 15. a merry A. hath continual feast 2S.ft. of righteous gtudieth to answ. 30. light of eyes rejoiceth the A. l(i. I. preparations of A. from Lord 5. proud A is abomination to Ld. 9. a man's A. deviseth his way 23 A. of wi>e teacheth his mouth 17. 16. price in hand, hath no A. to it 20. a froward A. Hndeth no good 22. merry A. doeth good like medi. 19. 12. before destruc. A. is haughty 15. A. of prudent getteth knuwl. 19. 21. many devices in a man's A. 20. 5. counsel in A. like deep water 21. 1. king's A. is in hand of the L. 4. a high look and a proud A. is sin 6. 1 1. purenegs of A. king his friend 15. foolishness hound in A. of child 24 12 pondereth the A consider it? 25. 3. the A of king" is unsearchable 20. so he that singeth to heavy A. 26. 23. wicked A. is like a potsherd VI. 9. ointment and perfume rejo. A. 19. the A. of man answereth man *8. 25. a promt h. stirreth up strife SI. II. A, of her husband doth trust tcct 7. 3. sadness of count. A. is het. 4. A. of wise in house of mourning, A. of fools in house of niirtu t 5. a wisr man's A. discerneth 11. the A. >f men is set to do evil 0. 3. the A. of men In full of evil 7. d-ink thy wine with a merry A. 13. 2. a wise man's A. at ripht hand, k it a fool's A. is at his left /' & a jake their A. fat, .V./C. ):< 15. Acts 28. 27. HEA Isa. 10. 12. I will punish the Rtout h. 13. 7. every man's A. shall melt 30. 29. ye shall have gladness of A. 32. 4. the A. of rash shall understand 3"i. 4. say to them of fearful A. 44. 20. deceived A. turned him aside 57. 1. man layethtoA, Jer. 12. 11. 15. revive the A. of contrite ones 59. 13. uttering from A.wordsof fals. 6i 14. my servants sing for joy ol k. nut ye cry for sorrow of A Jer. 4. 9. the A. of king shall perish 5. 23. people hath a rebellious A. 9. 26. Israel are uncirrumeised in h. 11. 20. O L. that triest reins and A. 17. 9. A. is deceitful above all things 10. I the Lord search h. I try reins 20. 12. O L. that seest reins and A. y 1. 7. I will give a A. to know me Lam. 3. 65 give them sorrow of A. Ezek. 11. 19. stony A. out of flesh 13. 22. ye made A. of righteous sad 18. 31. make a new A. and new spirit 21. 7. every A. sh. melt, all be feeble 25. 15. vengeance with despiteful A. 36. 26. I will give you an A. of flesh 44. 7. uncirc'im. in A. 9. Acts 1. 51. Dan. 4. 16. let a beast's A. lie giv.him 7. 4. and a man's A. was given it Has. 4. 11. new wine take away A. 7. 11. Kphr. is like dove without A. Nah. 2. 10. the A. melt knees smite Zefih. 2. 15. this city said in her A. Mai. 2. 2. bee. ye do not lay it to h. 4. 6. the A. of fathers the A of chil. Mat. 11. 29. I meek and lowly in A. 12. 34. of the abun. of A. Lu. 6. 45. 35. out of treasure of A. Lu. 6. 45. 15. 18. from the A. and defile man 19. out of A. evil thoug. Mar. 1. 21. Mark Id 14. upbraided with hard. A. Luke 2. 19. Mary pondered in her A. ;")!. mother kept Hayings in her A. 24. 25. O foi.ls, slow of A. to believe John 13. 2. devil put into A. of Judas Acts 2. 46. eat meat with single, of A. 5. 33. heard that, were cut to A.7.54. II. 23. purpose of A. they cleave toL. Rom. 2. 5. thy impen. A. treasnr. up i'9. circumcision of A. in the spirit 6. 17. ye obeyed from A. that doctr. 10. 10. with the A. man believeth 1 Ci'T. 2. 9. neither enter, in A. of man 7. 37. and hath so decreed in his A 2 Cor. 2. 4. of anguish of A. I wrote a 3. written in fleshly tables of A. 8. 16. earnest care into A. of Titus F.ph. 6. 6. doing will of God from A. Col. 3 22. in singleness of A. fear. G. 1 Thei. 2. 17. in presence, not in A. 1-li-h. 4. 12. is a discerner of the A. 10. 22. draw near with a true A. I a 9. it is good the A. be established 1 Pet. 3. 4. let be hidden man of A. 2 Pet. 2. 14. an A. excr. with covetous Rev. 18. 7. she saith in her A. I sit HEA RT. Ejrod. 15. 8. congealed in A. of sea Isa, 19. 1. the A. of Kgypt shall melt Mat. 12. 40. Son of man in A. earth HEART, withal Deut. 11. 13. serve him with all your A. Josh, 22 6. 1 Sum. 12. 20, 24.' 13. a love L. wi. al'h. 30. 6. Miit.M. 37. Mar. 12. 30 a3. Lu. 10. 27. Dfut. 26. 16. do them with all thy A. 30. 2. turn to L. a/I A. 10. Joe. 2. 12. Jndg. 16. 17. Sam. told ,/hisA. 18. 1 Kin. 2. 4. walk lief, me wi. all ft, 8.23. a 48. return to thee with n// their A. 2 Kings 23. 25. 2 Citron, (i. ,'(H. 1 I. 8. David, fol. me with nil his A. 2 Kin. 23. 3. a covenant t..walk with all their A. 2 Chron. 34. 31. HEA 2 Chr. 1ft. 11 seek (}. of fa. with d7\ 15. had sworn with all their A. 22. 9. Jehos. SOUK lit L. wi. ull his A. 31. 21. did it with utt his A. and pro*. PiaL K6. 12. I'll praise, O L. wi. all A. 1'rui: 3. o. trust the L. with alllhy A. Jer. 29. 13. search me with all your A. Ezek. 36. 5. joy of alt their A. to cast it ZeiJi. 3. 14. rejoice with all the A. /i<;/j8. 37. if thou believest wi. all A. See APFLY, BUOXIN. ILKAN, Kvit, HAUIM.N, HAKIH .NLU. Hi* HEAKT. Gen. 6. 5. imagina. of Itis A. only evil ft it grieved him at AM A. [in Aw A. 8. 21. Ld. said in AwA.|| IT n.Abra. 27. 41. Esau said in AI.V A. the daya /,.r/. 4. 14. he will be glad in his A. 7. 23. neither did he set las A. to Uiig 28.29. breast-plate ol jutlg. on Aw A. 35. 31. he hath put in Aw A. that he Deut. 2. 30. Lord made his A. obstio. 17. 17. wives, Aw A. turu not away 20. hit h. he not lilted up above 19. 6. avenger pursue, las A. is hot 20. 8. brethren's A. faint as kit A. 24. 15. poor, and setteth Aw A. 34. 14. it he set his h. upon tuau 41. 24. Aw A. is as linn as a stone 1'sal. 10. a Doasteth of Aw A. desire ahesaldinAtiA.il. 13. | 14.1. | .Vi.l. 15. 2. that spertketh truth in his A. 21. 2. hast given him his h. detire .'(.'). 1 1. thoughts of his h. lo all gen. 37. 31. law of his (iod in Ai. A. 41. (i. Aw A. gathereth iniquity 55. 21. words smooth, war in Aw A. 78. 72. fed accor. to integrity ol //. A. 112. 7. his h. i- tixed, trusting in L. 8. A. A. is established, not be alraiij Proi: 6. 14. frowardne^s is in hit A. 18. 2. but his h. may discover itse:/ 19. 3. his h. fretteth auainst the L. 2a 7. as thinketh in his A. so is he: but hit ft. is not with theo 28. 14. thathardeneth h. A. shall full Arc/. 2. 23. yea, Aw A. taketh no rest 5. 20. (iod answereth injoy til his fi. Cant. 3. 11. day of gladnebs of Aw A. Isa. 7. 2. Aw A. moved, and A. of peo. 10. 7. neither doth Aw A. thii.k so 31. (i. Ai> A. will work iniquity 41. 19. none considereth in his h. 57. 17. fro ward) y in the way of A. A. .', ,: 9. & in A. A. he layeth his wait 30. 21. Aw A. to approncti to me 24. performed the intents of Ml 4 49. 29. heard haughtiness <<( his jrnu M. . had In m. A. tobuiltl mi hon-e t Ckr. 19. la in M. A.tom.ikearove. AV*, X. It. (!. put In M. A to .lu, 7 5 7uA 17.11. thouht*of m.A.arebrok. tt IB. Oixl makrtb m-i A ii.lt . & my t (hall nut repnwrh me 31. 7. If 'm. A- wlk. tftrr mine eyei A m.A l>-iide. eived hy a woman 87. m. A. hath l-reu -ecretlyentin-d 31 3. wrd- ( upriielitiiiiof my k 37. I. at this al* mi/ A. tr.-mbleth /'i. t 7. th.ni put lMdnei in my A. 13. t hvio sorrow in my A. daily 5. my A. h. rejoice in thy salvation Irt. u . A rlad U 17. 3. pro.-d m. A. 19. It raedita. ofm. A. bMpMMr . 14. my A. i* like rax. it In melted a 1. try my reins, mid my A. A 17. truuhl-of r>yA re enlarged ft. 3 m A. >h. not 1f.tr, tlioimh war M mv A laid ! th.e thy Urc, I~ SH. 7. m ' A trusted, my A. tMfatly 3H.8. by reason of disquiet. 4. my A. I* >re pained within me 97. 7. aw A i. bxed. ...1, ina I. 61. 1 when my A. is overwhelmed W. It if I re > mv A. SS lnrltn my A to thy tr'llmonlf A my A. Iw Mtnnd in thy ita'uUi III thyt^titn th*rcj,.|r ..f m A. I K. lnrti4 m A. t.> thy utatiitra ni I. Lord. m A l not haiivhty 130. 1 (enrrk mr, mid know my A 141 4 in-lin.- not .,,,/A. to any rvll 113. i < A within m.- n dri.lMt<> ^ror. ft I'll my A. .mpiirrt tvprixif tO. 9. who ran my. .y A. U rlmn K3. IV H wt^. my A >hall rejoice f t I. 13 I r my A. to Mfk l& my A. had rr it fxp^rirurr 17. t tr**** my A. t>> koow i-,ion I 1. I mid in mv A I will p ltu+, li I S 17. IH & In my A. to % ir* mM-.f t > win M I withheld .t my A. fr .a Joy HEA Jft to nui-f m. A. to d>>pnir 7 ii. appli<*<) m. A. to kiinw. a. 16. Cm/ t '.' th.i r.n i-li.-.l / A. 9. 6. *. 1 ilwp. hut m. A. WakHth M. a 4. e 7. Ml. neither OHIII^ it into m. A. a IM. romfort inya^lf. m. A I- faint 14 .'I bat MVII mi- Mild trifd m. A. li 16. the joy and rejoi imr <>l i A. l . liii. word w- in m. A. us fire X3.U. m. A. l.r..ken H t&M. -h. inourn 4R 3d m. A. -hull sound for Huwb lam. 1. to. m, A. isturne.l within m- II sih> many, mid my A. in faint 3. 51. mine rye nlf rteth mi'n* A. !! II. 8. m. A. is turncil within me t*f.1K. therefore di<) iwy A. rejoin* . 13. to Wrep. Hiid l.r.-.-ik mint- A ? torn. 9. t. (intiiiiial iiorrow in my A. lu I. my A. denire to (>. for Nrai-l i.- f'Aii 1.7. bei-Hiim' I have youin ;y A. Sr AFPLIKO. Oft HI: \nr. T4r. 30. li hand ol (5. to gie o. A. . 39. willniveo. A. z. II. 19. Acti 4. 34 multitude were of one It. Oirn I IK. Mil'. \um. 15. ). that e-k not after n. A. Sum. 13. II. man after o.A. Act* 1 3.1U. < Sam 7. 21. arrordinfr ' thine o. A. haitt tliou done, I Chmn 17. ll>. A'i'n. a 3S. the plaitue of hi. o. A. Sek. & a feigned th.-in out of o. A. I't'il. 4. 4. i onimune wi. o. A. on bed siO. i (frant Hivorditifr to own A. 37. 15. MWiird \i. enter their otrnh. 77. & I ri.iMiinne with mine o. A Prwr. m yA. that truoteth his nrrn A. Krrl. 1. Iti. I roin. with "'in ft. > in.' 7. <2. thy oirn A. Ir.ist ciirs.-d otherit J,r. 9 K. linniiiiM. of mrn A. 'X. 17. 1 la peak a vision of tlipir oirn A. V. proph. den-it of... A. Ex. 13.17. Jam. 1. & hut drreiveth his nil. 3a 21. for our A. h H |l rejoire 4i 18. our A. is ii' t turn. ii MI k Lam. 3. 4!. let ti lift up our A. A IS. joy of o A. || 17. o. A. U faint I.iike 'H. 3i did not o. A. burn within it Cor. A. II. open, our A. in enlarged I JoAni. #>. if iair A. i-onilemn us, 21. /W/erf HEART. 1 Kin 8. 61 A. be p. with the Ixird 1 1. 4. A. not p. with the Lord, 15. 3 15. 14. n'-verthel.-ss AJH'A. wn^ with the Li.r.l. i Or.m. 15. 17 8 A'in. 2U- 3. walked before thee with a Ofrfert ft. IM. 38. 3 CAr. IX 3R. p. ft. t m.ik. Da. kinv 88. 9. my min serve (Joil with up. A. 89.9. wi. p. A. they offered williiiL'h 19. give t Solomon my non a p A 2 CAr. la 9. them wSime A. ix perfect 85. 8. did riftht, hut not with a p. A /. 101.8. WMlk in my house wi.B. A. Pur? HEART. Pi. 84. 4. who iLvend? that hath p. ft. Mat S. 8. blessed are thepxrc in A. I rim. I. 5. end ii charity out of p. h 1 Tim. i ft. rail on I., out of a p. A I Pet. 1.23. lov.- one ami wi. H p. A Tkrir HKART. Or*. 41 a Ihrir A. failed them I CAr. 29. la prepare /. A. unto the. Jnh a 10. utter words out of t I,, ? 17 4. hid f. A. from understiindinc Pill. 10. 17. LorH wilt prepare t. A. 7a a fenerii th set not t A. Hritfh la they tempted O..d in thrir h. ~a 37. t A. wa not right with him Ml HEA Pi 10. a l>':oj>le that do rr It) ( i life 85. turned t h. to I, at.- i>.tMa 107. 14 he hroiiiflit down tlv t, h. ]l!t. 70. t. ft. is us h.t as jfrea.e li'i. 8. imaitine IIH-I Itu-ls in I A. Pro?. 24. 4 /. A. -tiidiethdeatruct i '. :i 1 1. he hath set world in i A. !'. .'I. madness is III Ififir fl. wliilf to. & 10. aud understand with j i Mat. 13. 15. ^r<* .'. ?7. 89. la t A. ii far from me, M.it. &. 8. Mark 7 6. let. 13. 10. walk In immiina i>f /. A. 14. 14. prophesy the deceit of t. A. 17. I. ain ol Judah is graven on t. A. r .r/m. a. IX. t A. cried to the Lord -.'r A-. 14 :t. .>et up their idols in /. A. JO. 16. /A.-i. A. went alter their idol* 21. l.-i. th.n Me/.- A may faint, mini :L') 31. /. A. ifoelh after roVetonslleM /'. 4. a they set /. A. on iniquity 7. 6. made readv t. A. like an oven HI. 4 t ft. divided || 13.". t. A. exalted 13. H. will rend the caul of thnr A. If-rA. 10. 7. t A. r.joice in thr Lord Vrfr6.58.t ft. Was hard. R,n. 1.81. '.xA'f U. 47. perreiv. thought of t A. A>A/i 18. 41). he hath hardened /. A. Act* 8. 37. were pricked in their A. Cor. 3. 15. Moses read, vail on t A. Euh, 4. IM. of the blindness oft A. nine. My HEART. Gen. SO. G. in the integrity of My A, LIT. li). 17. not hate brother In t A. '>,-nt. 4. 89. if thoii seek him wi. t A. (i ;.. love the Lord with all thine*. 7. 17. if Ihoii shall say in t A these nations are more than I, 8 17. | IS. 21. Jer. 13. >*. H. 14. t. It. he lifted, thou forget U !). 5. not for iipriL'titue'ss o' U.iiinK in. 18. serve the L thy (J. wi. all t. K 15 9. uot a t II..IIK lit in t wicked V 10 t A. shall not be grieved when 88 67. for the fear of linn, ft. 30. 6. circumcise /. A. and A. of seed 14. wnt is very nigh to My A. 17. if t. ft. turn, HO that th. not hear Judg. 19. 6. l.-t thine ft. be merry, A I Kin** 81. 7. Sam. 8. 33. man he to grieve t A. 14. 7. do nil that is in t. ft. '2 Sam. 7. 3. I CAr,,. 17. 4 17 28. pride and i. ana-Mi, of My A. i Sum. 3. 81. over all that t A. desir, i A'i 8. 44. wirkedn. t. A is privy S.IK, int.h. to build. 'J CAr. 1.1 1. i c'rt. -' Kin. 10. 15. J. hu said, is / A. rifM 14. 10. t fi. lilted thee. " CAr. 25 1. fi. 19. t. ft. was lend r, 8 CAr 'U. '.'7 i CAr. 19. 3. prepared /. A. to seek O. lob 10. 13. these tliiiiL's hid in t. ft. II. 13. prepare / A. and stietch'iut fi. 28. and lay up his- words in t. A. l'*ai 27. 14. he shall strengthen /. A. :fl. 4. ive thee the desirei of t A. I'nir.-'.-i apply/. A. toiindcMtandinf 10. when wisdom entereth into / .'. 3. 1 let I h. keep my r< m inandinen U 3. write them .Ji'iahle of/. A. 7. 3. 4 4. let t. h ret 'in mv w. t-is, 81. 83. keep My A. with all dilifrenre M. 81. bind toiitiHiially upon! A. 7. 2.V let not / It. decline to way* 83. 15 my n, if thine ft. be wine l~. let not Mi/..- A envy sinners 19 hear, my son iruide t A in way 8ft irive me i/iim-fi. I. t even ohserv* 33. t A, si all utter perverse thinn F.'-t-l. \ >. not /. A. v >e hasty to uttar II. 9. let t. A cheer, in WHV of M. *, 10. remove sorrow froir /A A. IM. 14. la thou hast Raid n thm* fk 33. la t A. iliall meditate toftur HKA l*a. 47.7 not lay things to*. 57.11. 8. tbat sayet in thute h. \ am, 10. Jet. 4. i,. O Jerusalem, wash t. h. li bitter, beca. it reacheth to t. h 31. 21. set thine h. tnvvard highway 4ifc lit pri I- ,,(t. ft. deceived. Oh. 3 I.'im >. I!), pour ..lit/. A. before L. Ezfk. 3 10. my wrd- receive in t. h, K. HO. how weak U t. h. >aith L.O. 22. 1 4. <-an M.'w A. endure in days 29. 2. becau-e thinf h. is lifte.l up 'i. hast set MI/I-' A. a< d.'.irt of liit.'ii up because DII/I. 2. :*) know the thoughts ( t. h. 5. 2'2. tlinii hH>t not hirnhle.l t. h. A:ti 5. a why hath Satan filled t. A.? 4. why conceived this in thine h.'i 8. 1. fort. h. n..t right in sight of <;. 22 thought .if t. A. forgiven thee Sow 10. (i s.iy nut in t. A. who shall U. believe in /. A. that (iod raised Uprig^in HEART. 2 CAr. 29. 34. Levites were ;>. n A. '*!/. 7. 10. which saveth the u. in h 11.2. that they may shout at u. in h. 32. 1 1. shout for joy ye upright in h. 36. 10. contin. thy righte. to up. in A. W. 10. all upright in h. shall glory A. IJ. all the up in h ah. follow it 97. II. ffladn.'ss is sown for up. in h. I'pnuhtness ../ H E A RT? Kin. .1. fi. he w:.lk."'th in up. ofh. 9.4. Pt/. 119. 7. I will praise thee with uprightness ofh. WAofeHEART. ^*i/. 9. 1. I praise thee, O L..with my whole h. 111. 1. | 139. f. 119. 2. that seek him with the w. h. 10 with my w. h. * sought thee 34. I shall observe it with my w. h. 58. entreated favour with my w. h 69. keep thy precepts with 1C. h. 145. I cried with my w. h. O Lori Isa I. 5. head i< sick, the ir. A. faint Jer. 3. 10. not turned with whole h. 24. 7. return to me with their to. h. 32. 41. I will plant in land wi. w. h. Who*e H E A KT. F.xod. 35. 1>', women w.n. stirred up Jteut. X). 18 w. h. turneth from Lord H Sum. 17. 1 ). IP. A is as A. of lion 1 Kin. 8. 39. w. h. know. "2 Chr. fi. 30. 2 Chr. 16. ft them w. h. is perfect Psiil. St. 5. in te h. are ways of them F.ccl. 7. vfi. woman ic. A is snares Jut. 51. 7. in trh: said this, -orrow ha. filled y. A. :*> I will s.-e you, i/. A sh. rejoice pA. C. 5 iinglpu.'ss of y. h. as toC. HH.AUTED. f-nxt 35. '22. many as were willing. A. PM/. 76. 5. thv stout.A. are spoiled HEA /<*. 24. 7. a!! the merry-A. d( tigh 61. 1. sent metol.ind iiphrrken.A Exek. 3. 7. house of Israel hard-A. Fotn<. HEARTED. Dfut. 20. 8 what man is there/.A.v Tenrlfr-HEAHTEl). 9 Chr. la 7 Ri-hoh. young and t.-h. Eph. 4. 32. kind one to anotht.% t.-h. Wise. HEARTED. Eroti. 2a .3. .-p^iik to all th. are w..h. 31 6. hearts of all that are trise-h. 35. 10. tntf.h among you sh. come 25. women th were trite-h. did spin 36. 1. wrought every ir.-A man, 2, 8. HKARTH. Gen. 18. 16. make cases upon the A. Pud. 102. 3. hones are burnt as an A. /TO. 30. 14. sherd to take fire from A. Jer. 36. 22. a fire on the A. burning 2a rast roll into fire that wa- on A. ZecA.12.6 governors of Judah like A. HEARTY, 1LY. Pratt. 27. 9. friend hy A. counsel (-'.,/. 3. 23. do it A. as to the Lord H K \ RTS. Josh. 7. 5. A. of the people melted 1 Sum. 10 26. whose A. G. had touch. 2 Sm. 15. 6. Absalom stole A. of Is. I Kin. a 39. thou only knowest the A. '2 Chrnn. 6 30. I CAr. 28. 9. I^ird searcheth all A. Paul. 7. 9. God trieth A. Pro*. 17. a Pror. 15 11. more then A. of men 21. 2. but the Lord poudereth the A. 31. 6. give wine to those of heavy A. Ezefc. 32. 9. also v.-x A of people Dun. 1 1. 27. k ng's A. to do mischief Lttkf I. 17. turn the A. of the fathers 2. :15. thought* of A. he revealed 21. 2(3. signs, men's A. failing them Arts 1. 24 knowest A. of men, IS. 8. Horn. 8. 27. he that searcheth the A. 16. IS. deceive the A. of the simple I Cor. 4. 5 manifest counsels of A. Rev. 2. 23. 1 am he searcheth the A. Our HEARTS. Josh .2. 11. we heard, our h. did melt 1 A.' in. 8. 58 incline our A. to him Arts 14. 17. filling our A. with food Hutu. 5. 5 love of G. abroad in o. A. 2 Or. 1. 22. earnest of Spirit in o. A. 3. 2. our epistle written in our A. 4. 6. God hath shined in our A. 7. 3. in oar A. to die and live wi. you I The . 2. 4. God, who trieth m,r h. Heft. 10. 22. o. h. fr. evil conscience 1 John 3. 19. assure o. h before him Their HEARTS Lev. 26. 36. send a faintness into t. h. Jttftg. 9. 3. t. A. inclined t.. fol. Ahim. 19. 22. were making their h. merry 2 Chmn. a 14. hefo. thee with all A A. 1 1. 16. set their h. to seek the Lord 90. 33 not prepared thfir h. to God Job I. 5. sons cursed (..d \nthrir A. P>aJ. 28. a hut mischief is in their h. 33. IS. he fashioneih M-'i'r A. alike 35. 25. let them not say in their h. 81. 12. I gave up to t. own A. lust I2S. 4. them that nre upright in t. h. Isa. 44. 18. hith shut their h. they Jrr. 31. 3a write law in t. A. Heh.S. 10. 32. 40. I will put mv fear in their h. Ezek. la 2. prophesy out of t. own A. Zrrh. 7. 12. mad.- 1. h. as an adamant Mark '2. 6. and reasoning in their h. 3. 5. grieved for hardness of t. h. 4. 15. word sown in / /.. /.;/. S. 12. Luke \. SI. imaginations of their \. 66 that heard laid th.'in m. in/. A. 3. 15. all men mused in their h. ActnT. 3>. t. h. turned hack to Egypt Rom. I. 24. through lust of thmr A. 2. 15. work of law written iu t. A. HEA Cnl. 2. ?. t A. might be entnlt,. set Heo. 3. 10. they always err in / \ Rev. 17. 17. G..d hath p-it it in t * Y'our HKART& Gen. S. 5. comfort ye yr A />*<. 20. 3. O Isra. Jet not y. A. fniut 3-2. 46. set your A. to all the words Jiah. 24. 23. incliii-.y. A. to the Lord I Sum. *i. fi. do ye harden your A ? 7. a return to Lord with all y. h. and prepare jrour A. to the Lord Jer 42. 20. >'e dissembled in y.,nr A. Zerh. 8. 17. no ne imagine evil in y. A. Mat. !). 4. wheref. think evil in y. A.? IH. 35. if ye from y. A. forgive' not 19. R because of hardness of y. h Mark '2.9. why reason things iii y. h.1 Luke 5. 22. w'ha't reason ye in y. h. 1 16. 15. God knoweth yirur h. 21. 14 settle in y. A. not to meditate 34. any time y. A. he overcharg.-d 24. 38. do thoughts ri>e in y. A.? G//A 4. 6. sent Spirit of Son into;/. A. Eph. 3. 17. Christ may dwell in y. A. 5. 19. melody in y. A. t L. Co/. 3. 16. 6. 22. that he mi'ght comfort your h. Phil. 4. 7. shall keepy. A. and mimta Cut. 3. 15. peace of (iod rule iny. A, 4. *. knotv estate and comfort y. A. 1 Thes. 3. I a he may establish y. h. 2 Thei. 2. 17 estah. y. A. unhlam'eable 3. 5. the Lord direct y. A. into love Jam. 3. 14 if ye have strife in y. A. 4. H. purify y. A. ye double-minded 5. 5. wanton, ye have nourish. y. A. 8. he ye also patient, stablish if. A. ) Pet. a 15. sanctity Lord inyurA. 2 Pet. 1. 19. day. star arise iny A. HEAT. Gen. 8. 22. cold and A., summer and 18. 1. tent-door in A. of the day Deut. 29. 24. what meaneih the A. I Sam. II. II. slew till A. of the .lay 1 Kin. I. I gat no A. || 2. lord get A. Job 24. 19. drought and A. consume 30. 30. my hones are burnt with A. ft. 19. 6. is nothing hid from It'e A. Eccl. 4. II. together, then they ha. A. Lin. 4. 6. shadow in day fr. A. 25. 4. IS. 4 like clear A. on herbs, ami like cloud of dew in h. of harvest 2S. 5. as A. in a dry place, even A. 49. 10. neither A. nor sun unite Jer. 17. 8. not see when A. romcth 36. 30. dead body cast out to A. 51. 39. in A. 1 will make their foiwta f-'xek. 3. 14. I went in A. of spirit Mut. 20. 12. borne burden and A. I. ut th A .1.0.80. a > I A are come Into thine Inherl ,r wrath on th. A Jrr iUiS lu wfcrrrfre thouM the A My here I. their .od f IIS. S. M. 10. be tlua rhaMbrth the A. W. * openly .hrwi In .iht of A. KW. IV 4 .kail fear n.itar of the L. thrwi to hMd ..I thr A. III. a ttvr them BTttace uf thr A IS. 7 eerutr vea*ranre upon A. /M. 1C a tor* W 4 brakea down Jrr 10 1 Irmro wH wy W the A. /.m I. 10 wra th^t the A. entered II I*, dune after manner* of A. . JL wot 'p"lluirdhef..reAI4.22. It 1 M. will he a* the A 41. te unrtiAed Kef..re A. * IS. Si I made MM* repr.rh to thr A. !'. take thin* .nheri la (ifht >( A. >3. i fe a wboring aflrr the A. 5 7. 4ell*. the* for *poil to thr 4 a > irf JiMah fa) like to all A. 31. II. to hand trf >i(hty one of A. II tB. neither hear the shame of A 3d I MteMion toreddur of th- A, 4 a den -ion tu the retidue t IK hy.word a. / A 4ft la I m(. | will heeoltnla.A Bn. Kl y a. A that Ixord rrinnrth lil^ Si H.e were mlDrled a t A 7. <> l*i .Hit,,, , >, f 4 IK be .h .11 j.,/,, amamf Utf A IM. t . A K h^th d..n. irent thi Jrr 4W 14 aie thee tmali a. IAr A Z*a. 4 IS. a A tk n.. nore xijourn *i. UfHter hi. .harfuw h. lire a. A -fk II. 1A rt ih.tn fr .iff a. t A t. M aVrfare K..inin!i,,. . j j_ ' I 4 th rriMiWD Went fnrtt, >, *V la I did Batter them a. Me A. ruraneia t A , a I i i.Ur o U fr.no .A371I S yi I will .el HIT (lory ( A /-e/ 1 19. ao more a reproach a A t*** I. an 'n'......i..f |. vM a. A lr 1 bai e .a, thre tnull o. t A HEA Hi'. IS. rrhold ye a. - 11 * vr wrrr a rure a. A m> niiine l>egreata. A. 14. Gal. I. 18. might iirearh him a. t A. HtA\ r*A *7 A of ram f rorarrra. .VMM IS. . i>ffrriiif tn nhall ye A It 18 1ft ye A Hie he-t thereof, 3i & Or-rKIINi . SiioULOKB. HEAVEN. Crm. I. I. fNl rrextrd A and earth K. and Ood railed the firnirimriit h. 11. I if Mi In firmament uf A. 15. Vtt fowl that nmy fly in Arma. of A 7. II. window* of A. were opened 8. f wioduwn of A were Hopped It 10. Ciod. poue. A and earth.. I". 14. rained tre from the 1.. of A 7. YS. n. give thee of d<-w of A 3. A 17. he Mid, tliiR i* thr rale of A 4V 25. Mew thre wi. hl.-^in^ of A F.r,*l. m II. Lord madr A SI. 17. 2. I a a* it Were thr h.Mly of A Lrv. 20. IB. make your h. iron UruL 4. 1 L mount, burned to mid-t h. 1HL I ti! A aixi earth to witnrtut. 30 19. | 31. VN 12. auk fr.im i.le of A. to thr other .'ft. out uf A niude thee henr vniie 10. 14. A and A of hrar. P, I IS. IK. 1 1. 17. be abut up A I Kin ft R 35. CAr. 6, 26. | 7. l:t Zft IS. open the A to L >h . thee rain . A over thy bend ihall > bra8 30. 4 to utrooat part of A .NVA I. 9. S3. Ill for the prerii'us things of A m tiodof Jr*. ridrth i.-non the A. I Sam. i 10 out of A ih. he thunder Sam. la 9. uphetwrenA and earth -'I . la till water dropped out of A W. & the fiMiiid^tinninf A moved Kin a fl. the A and A of heavens not contain ther,SCAr.6 |6.ia 35. when A. is ohut up, and nn rain Kin. IH. IS. thou hast made A and earth, 8 CAr. 14 AVA 9. 6. I fAr. 21. Ift antrel bet A and earth J-b\\ 8 It i high an A wh. ran-t ? 9a 27. A (hall reveal hi* iniquity . IU. in not ..o,t in height of A ? 14 he walketh in the rirruit of A 1 1. tlie pillar, of A. tremble 38. ffl. frost of A who hth gen. it y 33. knowevt thou ordinnnresof A.f 37. who ran stay the bottles of A t Pi. 19. a hi* going IK from end of A W. 34. let A and earth praUe him 78 23. hr opened the doors of A *4. had viven them of corn "f A. W) 29. throne tn endure as days of A 103 II. A i* high Mbove the earth 105.40. heutU. tli.-m wi. bread of A. 115. 15. th* Lord who made A and earth. IV). *. I 124. a I 134. a | 146. ft /. 37. Ill Jer. 32. n Arl* 4 . I 14. Ift. fler. 14. ?. 147. a who rover, th A. with rl.md. !4& 13. glory i- above earth and A Proe. 25. 3. A for height, earth for I 1. 411. 12. who hall, mete.1 out A ? WI I. A. is mv throne. Act* 7. 49. Jrr 7. 18. make rake, to queen of A. 10. 2. he not domavedat nignsof A 23. 24 do not I fill A and earth ? 31. 37. if A above ran be measured. I .'5. not '(.point, d ordina. of A <* >7. Inrense toqu. of A I H, IS). 25. 51. 15. h..th vtrrtrhed out the A l.im 4. l!l .wift-T than cHle of A f.*rk. S3 lifted m.-l*t. earth and A 32. . I i ill rover Ih^ A mid make H. the lig'.f of A will I make daik ". 4. 15. bcwrt witb dew of A 90 2\ 33. | 5. 21. HZ A Dan. 4. 35. doetb will in army of &> 5. V3. lifted thyself irain>t L. of \ 7. 2. four wind- of A. strove on Ma 13 IIIMII, mine with rlouds ol ,1 1 ) divided toward fourwindu uf i, lm..j y. 6. buiidelh Ins stnek in A 11 :.-. I. 10. the A. is i>taypdfr.nn .lew /. fh .'. ft spread you ,19 winds of A Mul. a 10. i.ot open \vindnn* of A. Mas shut up IS. la 1 h.ive sinned against A. 21. Id 17. easier for A. and earth to past 21 26 powers of A th. be shaken John I. 51. ye shall see A open ,4cts3. 21. whom th.- A. must receive 10. II. I saw h. opened, Rrr. 19. 11. Jam, 5. 1R and the A gave rain Ret. a 12. rmneth down out of A (I 14. A departed as a scroll when 8. la an angel flying thro' A. 14. 6. 10. 6. who created A and the thing* 1 1. fi. these have power to shut A IS 17. came a great voice out ol A, 21. there fell a great hail out of A, la 20. rejoice over her, thou A IB. 17. tii the fowls that fly In A. 20. 9. fire came from God out of A 1 1. earth and A. fled away 21. I. I saw a i.ew A and earth 10. Jerusalem descending out of A. Sef FOWL, FOWL*. From HKAVKN. Exod. 18. 4. 1 will rain bread fromh. 20. 22 talked wi. you /A. AVA.M II Dent. 26. 15. look down/rom h. lia. 63. 15. Lam. a 50. 2& 84. at dutt/ A sh. it come down Joth. 10. II. L. cart great stones/ A JuSam. 22. 14. Lord thundered/ A 2 A'in. I. 10. let fire come down/ A there came down fire/ fi. 12.14k 1 CAr. 21. SC. nw<-r.-d f. A. hy fire 2 CAr. & 21. hear thou /A. 23.27,30. 7. I. fire came dwn f. A. mid cons. 1 1. then will I bear ~f.h.>\nA forgive AVA 9. 15. gavent them bread/ h. ./'/A I. Id fire of God is fallen/ A. Pt. 14 2. L. looked down/ A 53. 8L 3.1 13. the Lord look-th/ h. 76. a cause judem. to he heard/ A. Ml. 14. O Cod. look down/ A. 8V 1 1 . richt .on-iiess shall look / A, 102. 19./ A. did the L. behold earth l*a, 14. 12. how :irt ihou fallen / A. 'ft. 10. a* snow falleth/ A and ret. 1 -nn. 2 I. Lord cast down ' A Dan. 4. 31. fell voice f h. Mat 3. 17. LuJct 3 . J,.hn 12. 28, Mat. 16. 1. shew ih>>m R xivn/ A 21. 25. whence was it ? / A. or nf men 1> Mark 1 1. 30. l.uJce 20 4. 28. 2. for the angel de-rended f. h Hund/. h. 9. 3. suddenly a light/row A. shined, 22.6. | 26.13 II. 5. a great sheet let down/, h. 14. 17. and gave us rain/;wn A. Rum. 1. 18. wrath of O. is revert./ A. * Cor. 15. 47. -econd man is L. / A. 2 Ccr. 5. a. clothed with house/ A. Gal. 1. & angel f. h. prea. other gos. I TV*. I. HI. wait for his Son/ A. 4. 16. the Lord shall descend/ A. 8 Thei. 1. 7. L. Jesus he revealed/ A Jleb. 12. 25. fr. him that speak. / A. 1 Pet. \. 12. that preached gospel to you with H. Ci. sent/ A. Rev. 8. 10. there fell a great star/ A. 9. 1. I saw a star fall/ A. to earth 10. 4. 1 heard a voice/ A. saying seal things and write them not, 8. | 11. 12, | 14 2, 13. | 18.4. 13. 13. malceth fire mine down/ A, See (ion b G. iA. th. reveal, secrets Amos 9. 6. that buildeth stories in A. Mat. 5. 12. great is your reward in A. 16. and glorify your Father in A. 4S. child, of your Ka. who is iA. 48. bo perfect, as your Father i A. 6. 9. Our Father which art in A. hallowed he, l.uke 11. 2. 10. on earth, as in A. Luke 11. 2. 20. hut l;iy up treasures in A. 7. II. Father in A. give good thincs 21. doth will ot my Ka. injLl2. 50. 10. 32. confess before my Ka. in h. 33. him will 1 deny liefore Fa. in >i. HE A Mot 1U. 17. Fa.wh. is in A. revealed it 19. shall he bound in A. 18. 18. 18. 10. despise not little ones, in A their angels always behold 19. 21. have treas. in A. Lit. 18. 22. 22. 30. are as the angels of G. in A. Mark 12. 25. 23. 9. one is yonr Fa. who is in h. 24. 30. sign of the .Son of m.m in h. 28. 18. all power is given to me in A. A/ar. 11.26. nor Fa in A. forgive you 13. 29. powers in h. sh. be shaken 32. no, not anuels which are in A. Luke 6.23. your reward is preat in A. 10. 20. your names are written in A. 15. 7. joy hi h. over one sinner 19. 38. pence in A. and glory in high. John 3. 13. even Son of man in A. .tcts 2. 19. shew wonders in h. above I Cur. 8. 5. whether inA. or in earth Efih. I. 10. gather in one, things iw A. 3. 15. whole family in/i. is named G 4. your master is ink. Col. -\. 1. / J Ai/. 2. 10. knee bow, of things inA. 3. 20. our conversation is i A. Col. I. 5. hope which is laid up in A. IH. all things created that are in A. 20. him to reconcile all things in A. lleb 10. 31. have in A. belter substa. 12. 23. first-born are written in A. 1 Pet. 1. 4. an inheri. re-erved in h. 1 John 5. 7. three bear record iw A. Jiev. 4. 1. a door was opened in A. 2. a throne was get in A. and one 5. 13. every creature in h. saying, 8.1. silence in h. \\ 1 1. 15. vices in A. 11.19. temple of O. was opened in A. 12. I. appear great wonder in A. 3. 7. there was war inA. Michael and 8. nor place found any more in A. 13. 6. to blaspheme them i?i A. 14. 17 came out of the temple in h. 15. 1. I saw another sign in A. 5. the tabernacle of testimony in ft. 19.14. the armies inA. followed him Int,, HEAVEN. 2 .Kin. 2.1. L. wa. take Elijah into A. 1 1. Elijah went by a whirl, into A. Pi. 1:59. 8. ascend i/itoA. th. artthere Prop. 30. 4. ascended into h. /T-/.I0.6. 1m. 14. 13. 1 will ascend into A. Mark 16. 19. L. was received into A. Luke 2. 15. angelg gone away ititoh. 24. 51. he was parted, carried into h. Acts I. 11. gazing intoh. takrii into h. 7. 55. Stephen looked up into A. 10. 16. vessel received into A. II. 10. Heb. 9. 24. but into A. itself, to appear 1 Pet, a 22. gone into A. on right hand See KINGDOM. HEAVEN joined with stars. Gen. I. 17. God set . in tirma. of A. 22. 17. 1 will multiply ihy seed as I. of A. 26. 4. KfodSi. 13. 1 Chr. 27. 23. Nfh. 9. 23. Deut. 1. 10. you are ns s. of A. 10. 23. 28. 62. ye were as I. of A for multi. ra. 13. 10. i. of A. sha'l :iot give light Ezek. 32. 7. cover A and make ,. dai k MiA. 3. 16. multiplied as stun ..f A. Mat. 24. 29. i. fall from A. .Mar. 1325. Ken. 6. 13. the*, of A. fell on earth 12. 4. his tail drew third of*, of A. Tn HEAVEN, or wnto HEAVEN. Gen. 11.4. tower may reach milo A. 2H 12. the top of it may reach In h. Dent. 1. 28. cities walled to A. 9. 1. 30. 12. who shall go up for us to A. 32. 40. for I lift up my hand to A. nnd say, I live for ever I Sam. 5. 12. cry of c'ry went up to h. I A'in. 8. 54. wi. hitnds spread to A. > Clir. 2S. <>. a rage f h. reacheth u. A. Ptal. 11)7. 26 they mount up to A. 2'2'J HEA Jer. 51. 9. her judgm. rearlir'h . \ Dun. 4. 11. the tr. e readied ' .//mwr'J. 2. tlmnuhthf) climb MJJ -. Mat. II. 23. Caper, art exalte'! i . 14. 19. looking up to A. lie Me--d Mark 6. 41. /.*< !i. i^. Mark 1.94. looking to A. lit igh,- ( | l.uke 18. 13. not lift his eyes nut,, ,i, Juhn 3. 13. no man act-ended up i, ti. 17. I. Jesus lift up his eyes / I,. 2 Cor. 12. 2. one caught up to thin! /;. /lev. 10. 5. angel lilted his 1m; 11. \i. ascended up to A. in a ciuti.l 18 6. her sins have reached unto /,-. Toward HEAVEN. Gen. '.!>. ">. look now t. h teli & tars Ejcod. 10. 22. streti hed liis lian.i t. / Judy. 13. 20. the flame went up /. /,. 1 Ail. 8. 22. Solomon spread lortli his hands t. A. 2 Chr. 6. l;j, Jnh'2. 12. dust on their heads t It. Pr n. J3. ft. fly away as an eagle t.h. Act*\. 10. tbey looked stedlastly t. h. Under HEAVEN. Gen. 1. 9. waters . A. he gathered . 17. to destroy all flesh from u. A. 7. 19. the high hills u. the whole li. >eut. 4 19 divid. to all nations n. h. 7. 24. destroy th. name fr. u. h. 9. M. 29. 20 L. blot out his name fr. it. it. 2 Kin, 14. 27. blot name of Is. fr. u. A. lb 28. 24. God seeth u. the whole A. 37. 3. he directethit K. the whole A. ll. II. whatsoever is u. A. is mine Eccl. I. 13. search out all things u. A. 2. 3. that good they should do if. h. 3. 1. a time to every purpose u. h. Luke 17.24. lighteneth one part it. h. Acts 2. 5. devout of ev. nation u. i. 4. 12. none other name u. A. given 23. gospel toev. creature u. A. HEAVENLY. Mat. 6. 14. A. Father will forgire yon 6. your A. Father feedeth them 32 A. Father knonreth ye have need 15. 13. ev. plant my A. Fa hath not 18. &. so sh. my A. Fa do to you Luke*. 13. the A. host praising G<) 11.13. your A. Fa. sh. give the Spirit John 3 12. if I tell you of A. thing/a Act*. 26. 19. not dixirf>edient to A. vis. 1 Cor. 15. 43. as is the A. such are 49. we gh hem 'he image of the /L Eph. 1. 3 blessings in A. places in C 20. at rigt.t hand in A places, '2. t'. 3. 10. unto the powers in A. places 2 Tim. 4. 18. L. preserve to A. kingd. /('/). 3. 1. partakers of the A. cailini) 6. 4. and have tasted of the A. t-ift 8. 5. exiimple and shad, of A. things 9. 23. A. things wi. better narritice* 11. 16. A country || 12. 22. A. Jen.*. HEAVKNS. Gen. 2. 1. \. and earth were finished 4. generations of the A. and carili Deut. 32.1. O A. 1 will speak, J.-. 1.2. 33. 28. his A. shall drop it tvn dew Jntig. 5. 4. trembled, the.V druppeo 2 Sam. 22. 10. bowed the A. Pa. 'l(<. !l 1 A'in. 8. 27. A. cannot contain thee 1 Chr. la 2ft the L. made the A. AYA. 9. ft P*. 96. 5. I 102. '-'.T. | l*i. 5. 31. let the h. be glad, earth rej..io- 2 Chr. 6. 25. hear fr. the A. 33, 35, o!>. Job 14. 12. rise not till A. be n inre l.V IS. h. are not (lean in hi* -i^'li! 20. A his excellency mount np to i 2fi. la by >pirit he garnished the /. 35. 5. look to the h. and see, h.'l... il Pi. 8. I. thy glory above A. ll.t 4. 3. when 1 consider thy A. tlie woi \ 19. I. A. declare the glolT of ' :V.\ i\. l.y word of L. were /, 50. 4. shall call toth^ A. from '.' ' H \ ' k tVrUrr hit rtrlitrnixnr. HVi. MlhM rxallrd, O Kod.aho* th- 4 II I". thy mrrry to rr.,t U> A. I0. i 14. Mm tlMt 0^h upon thr A. n dritpprd .t PTMOTKV of Ood MX vt thrfr iiMrtith Klii*t thv k. * i A .h. pr.l-r thy W.M. : II the A. rr thinr. thr rarth lion f II. Irt thr A. rrjnirr. rtrr. |.| $7 1 A. dr< larr hi. rtrhtmMMn* |l'4 , Itrrlrhr.! out A. /M. Ml XI I'" i thy m-r.-y i. rrt afc.rr A. 1 1'- 1(1 r- th.- A rr thr Lord** III kViMttfif A,OUiN,dMMii Iti I. pmtM yr th* Lord fr...n * 4 praiw klm A. nf A. d watrrt I It. hr r*BhHlr4 thr A. R XT. wtw kr prr*rrd thr A. /M 13. 13. .k.kr ihr A H* >Awrthrr 41 X* .m. (I y- * '* I. dmir it -I -IrrO-fcrth f..rth thr A. 4i IT /1 3. I cl..tl.r A. wltfc hl.rkr.rM 41 ft lift ..rrr. to A. nd look !'". that I m.y pUnt Ihr A. 4i 9 an A. arr hiirhrr than mirth light m. all bird. . ft. wm- rd, 9. la M rurih m.mrn. A. a'-ovr Mark 10. ||. rw4. not raiwlr A. h i>rrUh 14 it r ra th- A. fir hciwrrt ? K.rr*. I.I. A. Wrrr oprnrd, V.(f lift /'in 4 V kti.i ii lh.,t A. .'ii riilr Hat. 1 XI. I will brw thr A. thry -h. ./ ^ ; 10. tlir A. .h .11 trrmhlr. nun J/A a X hiii *Wy rovrrrd thr A. tr. A. . '. tlir (..iir .p rit* of thr A. R I : thr A. hitll nitr (hrir drw tint. X4 f now. r. ..I A Nr >hiikrn >lo'k \. 10 hr .w thr A. Oprnrd *rf* i II. IHt*. U ii-it awrndrd to A. ". M. Hrh..U, I -rr thr A. oprurd B4 I. Id A. uv work of th. hands 4. IV Prtr,t tlmt i MMrd Into A. '. ft. Prii-.t mMtr hiiirr thin A. fH. 3 i. wor.l ..( ( . A. wrrr ,rf old 7 A. wh. rr iMiit , *rr krpt in trr la A. h, p oy wi. fTrat ixiinr IX A, hrinc nn Irr .h. hr di>oll /n 4Ar HKAVKSS. fiH hrth. -itt.-th i A ,h. lunch I* 13. thr I. NU.thniidrrrd in t. /i. K. V th mrrry. o Ixwd h rn t A. K V f.lth'Mh- nUhli.h it, t A. lltl t. L. prr^nrrd hi. thnmrtnA (IX 1 ft.4 i- m O. faA. J-tt t 3n hr w ndrn in (A A. / tW U. XI a lrrrr in (Ar A. t Tr. k I. n.4 HMdr i haa.u, nt A. IM. f I. thr-.nr ..( H^mty m ( A. V n th* Bmttrrm .4 thlnfi m t A. HK\VV. r,t 17. II Mn*' haad* wrrr A. I* I*, tl. . ti.ii>v i- I A f.ir thrr X IM .1 14. i>nt nMr, krr .ur t'in A. I i-* I I* K i in ..Id mD A f ^i 14. V thr hir *- A. m. him I KIH .< 4 Nt'.-r'. A y..kr hrhirr in. II. 14 I fAr 10 I. IO.H, 14 14 K nt 4 tHrr with A tidinci J/. . i If t*Mtda*r wn A. no pmplr .V A 1 uoilWr ah. my hand be A. MF.I Pi. I!. 4. thy h.ind wa A. on rar Ml 4. an A. hurd- n thry arr too A. Pr.it. Vt. -Ji. W.I.K. t an A hrart X7 .1 tionr is A. and *nd urisrht) 31.6. firwtortothor..fA. hrarto /M. & 10. and nmkr Ihrir rant A. X4. XO. trnnrr(non shall br A. 3D. X7. and thr hiirnrn thrrrof is A. 4*; I. rarriairrii wrrr A load.-n Jg. 6. to undo thr A. hur.lrn- JM, I. nrithrr hi* rat A. that it ran. I. *m. a 7. hr.tynl mr. madr chain A. .Vat. II. xtt. all y.- that nrr A. ladrn .-', 4 f..r tliry Mod A. hurdrni Xft 37. I* Mmiwf'l. and rry A. 43. r >rs w. re A. Jimrk 14. 3-t, 40. LtJctV. 3t wrrr A w ith -Irrp HEAVIER. Jtt ft a he A. than und of thr era X:i X. my strokr in A. than (rroaniii| frff.-fi. *. f.x.r- wrath la A. HEAVILY. Pto. 14. 2i o that drarr thrm A. Pi.:e> 14. hownl A. Miir mournrth In. 47.fi. on aiirirn A laid thy vokrC HEAVINESS. F.rra 9. 5. at sarrifirr 1 roar from A. Jut. B. X7. I will Irovr off my A. U J/ fill. XO. brokrn hrart. hill of A. IIU. 29. ray MIU l mrltrth for A. frw. 10. I. fooii-li s-.n A. of mothrr 12. X& A. iii hrart ...akrth it st. X6. my nrothrr wan full of A. 'm 4.9, Irt your j'.y brtunirdtoA. I t'ft. 1. 6. if n.-r.i hr, ye are ill A. JoA I. 10. not madr an A ahoot him t ftnl. MX II brokrn hrr A. f *. tn. I'r.*. \b IB. way ..r .loth. A. of th-.rn- KrcL 10. a i.rrakrth A MTprnt tiitr ItL. &. 4. takr away thr A th.-r.-of IT. 49. a run to and In. hy thr A. Af. Mil. 9. takinr A. to thy word "mr 17.4 WH'krdl A. l War lips 'rr/ Ix. 9. prrarhrr avr f'xni A. Jrr 18 IN. not )ri*r A to any Words IR *ivr A. to mr. O Lord Artt a 5. hr (avr A. unto thrm a 8. pro. of Sum. ffavr A. I.. Philip 10. evr A. t Simon lra.t toi-r.'iit. Tim. I. 4. nrithrr Kir A. to fahlrK, Tit I. 14. 4. I. rivinir A to -rdurin^ spirits HA. 2. 1. we ouvht to ivr more A. Srr TE. HKEL. & On. 1 I.V thou -halt hrni.r hi. A. X5. 26. hold on K-4U> A //.a. X. a 49. 17 Dan an iiddrr hitrth h..r-r A. Jot 11. X7 a print on A. of my It-rt I*. 9 fin .hall takr him hy thr A ft. 41. 9 hath lift up hi- A arainut mr. J,,h 13 ia W. &. Inl^nlty of my A ,-ompa.iimr Jtr. la XX. for inij. thy A. niadr barr IIHrKft '- 19 X. rrd A. || i hum the A. "1.8. thr rid. r* nha.l take an "k. WI HEL Drut. 01. 4. strikr nlTthr ft Dck 6. lmll wush hand-, over ' ir A, JuJg. U. la not pi.. \v.-1 with my A. Ita IS. .S. i ry nut f.n Mimh ai an i Jrr. 4ft v. KK)'pt i- likr H fair A. 4->. 34 tittT. . : I. la A. of ri.urt. liv. i-nl.it-, :. la 30. a, A. of Mltr of liin-iiH.., :<7 ^5i 1 Sam. IR. 7. ln..k not nn A. ..1 -tHturs 17. 4. (ioltathS ft. f, i 111.. . nrl * t ; in I A I'M. fi. V. A. . f hou-r nf I.. l -ih. X<1. i.rarlr twn |y ciiliitR iii tl . A. Zft A. nf thr rhi-rnl. wa- trii rni.m 7.2.A. ul In.ii..- ..f I .. hai.i.n :1 rul.lts 16. A. of onp rhupt. r wa> 5 i iii.iti X3 A. of inoltrn -. a wa> five . u' it- 27. A. of our I nr was thr.-r i uhits Em 6. 3. A. of (..' liou-r nn cnlnti J A . 12. is not < in A. ..f h. avrn? Pi. IOX. Ift L. looi.rd fr A of ..anrt I49. I. prai-r thr Lord In Ilir A. fror. X5 a th- Ii.- H vrn f..r fi. l"i 7. II -k it in thr A above 14. 14. I will ao-i-nd ahovr tlir A. Jer. 49. 16 O tln.u that !i..ld.->t thr A. 51. '.3 fortify Ihr A. of h.-r strrn^tb F.zrti. 17. v:i. in A. m Urarl, -A). 40. Ifl. II. hr api>rar>-d in hrr A. 31. 5. thi-r^l..r.- h ^ A. WH- exaltrd 14. iiniir of tlir tr.'.-s rxult li-r h. 3^.A. I will fill Ihr v allry- wi. thy t. Dan 3. 1. imaifc who. A wiisfiO rui'iit* 4. 1 1. thr A. n-arh.-rt unto liravcn, -JO. Am,, i 2. 9. A. w ;. likr A. n/ .-rdars A' m a 39. m.r A. B'.r depth i.- ahl* A>A. a 18. thr A. of th' l--vr of ( h.f Ahall not l-.-ihuiT A. I. 10. Ul,ma..| -liull n.it l.r A. Sam. 11. 7. will r|.>ti.,y Ihr A. Pntr. 30. 23. liaiiilniHiil A ton,: ' T 48. I. hall, U in. -mi- ? 111. A ? X. Urarl A. t.. thrm that w-rr hinft. ViV. I. IV I will luintr an A. to tlif Mat. Xt. 38. this is Ihr A. .V/,r/t 12. 7.-/.r. promisr 4. I. thr A. UK I. .HIT a- hr m ihild 7. an A. <>f rind tlirmiiih ( hriet % -..n of Konrt. w.iin in h. not t* V f-jifi. 3. 6. (irntil.i -ho h.. i. llow.A, it. 3. 7. A aiiiirdlnir I" thr 1 hope *ft I. X. wh..in hr app-.intrH A. 14. who >.hall hr A "f talvation 6. I'. Cod wil to s hrw to A. ..f pro. P. 7. br<-ninr A of ridlitro'innriu) Inm. i S. A. of thr kinirdom hr pra. I'et. 3. 7. n. A totfrlhrr of frace HKI.I). F.znd. 17. II. whrn M.iri A. up hand l>iir 7. XO. A lamp- ill th Irlt Imiidl Ihr. 4 V >.-H A tlirri' tin. us oath* \VA. 4 IrV half h. hoth -Prari. II. 17 wi ..th, r hand hr A. a w.'pn F.tth. 5.2. kinj! A. out ifoldrn m-rptre /' 2.1 II. in> f.rtit A In- .-t.-ps ".//. : !' wii.,-f mouth must bv A 94. 18. thy mrrry, O L. A. mm mj HEL Cant 3. 4 I h. him, an! would not 7. i. the kiiiK is A. in tin galleries Jer 50.33. to.ik captives, A. them fast Dun. 12. 7. he A. up his ri|n. 7. 6. Head that h. we were A. fee. 6. 9. slain for testimony they A. H ELI) pi ace. r jen. 24. 21. man Wondering A. I'isp. ( ,e". 10. 3. gi-jrified, Aaron A. his p. V:c; 30. 7. her hushand A p. II. 14. Ve .V 5. & A. their /> found nothing lo>, 29. 10. nobles A. their peace Paul. 39. 2. I A. my pt ace from good />< 3K 21. A. their . Mar. 3 4. | 9.34. S7 II. have not I A. my p. of old ? Alat. 26. 153. hut Jesus A. his pence l.n. 14. 4 they A. p. 20. 2. Art* 1 1. 18. Arii 15. Ui A. their p. James answer. HELL. Dent. ?2. 22. fire burn unto lowest A. U Sum. 22. 6. sorrows of A. compas- sed me, Psal. 1. 5. M> 11. 8. deeper than A. what i anst thou know ? 26. 6. A. is naked before him P*nl. 9. 17. wicked he turned into A. I'i. 10. not leave soul in A. Acts'l.-n. 5ft. 15. let them go down quick to A. I Hi. 3. pains of A i/at liolit on me 13 '. 8. make bed in A. thou art there Proa. ft. 5. her steps t-tke hold on A. 7 '27. hoti-e way to A. going down !). 18. her guests are in depths of A. 15. II. A. anil dextrin tiou before L. 24. he may depart from A. beneath 23. 14. shall deliver his soul fromA. 27. 20. A. and destruction never full Jf.ii. 5. 14. A. hath enlarged herself 1-1. 9. A. from IH neatli is moved 15. -halt be brought down to A. 28. 15. with A. are we at agreement 18. agreement with A. not stand .Y7. 9. didst debase thyself even to A. Erek. 31. 16. I cast him down to A. 17. also went down to A. with him :?>. 21. shall speak to him -mt of A. 27. gone down to A. with weapons Amot 9. 2. though they dig into A. Jnnnh-i. 2. out of belly of A. cried I Hah 2 5. enlargeth his desire as A. Mat. 5. 22. sh. he in danger of A, flre 29. whole body be cast into A. 30. 10. 28. to destroy joul and body in A. Luke 12. 5. 11. 23. Cnpornaum brought down to A. l.iikr 10. 15 16. 18. gates of A. shall not prevail 18 9. havinr two eyes to he cast into hell, Murk 9. 47. V:t. 15 twofold more the child of A. 33. can ye escape dam nation of A. f J.iike 16. 23. in A. he lifted up his eyes Ai-ts-i. 31. his soul was not left in A. Jam. 3. 6. tong'ie is set on fire of A, Pet. 2. 4. cast angels down to A. KIT. I. 18. have keys of A. and death 6. 8. name Death, A. followed him 20. 13. death a.d k. deliver, up dead 14. death and A. cast in lake of fire HELM. Jam. 3. 4. turned about with small h. HELMUT, S. 9 Chron. ? 14. Ur.ziah prepared A. Isii 59. I" A. of salvation on head ier. 4. 4 stand forth with your A. t:.~fk. 25 .'4. xga. thee shield and A. 27. 10. hanged shield and A. in thee 38. ft. all of them with shield and A yh.. f 17. take fie A. of salvation . 'J'Htt. .1. 8. for A hope of salvation HEL HELP, SvM. Grn. 1. IS. make an It. meet for him 20. nut fotiM'l a i h. tr.tvt for him E.i'iiri. IS. 4. Ond, said he, was my A. eu*. 33. 7. k. to him from eiitmie v(i. Hh..rideth on heave, i thy A. 29. saved by I.Did, shield of thy A. Jurfg. 5. it came not to h. of Lord J>,1 6. la is nut my h. in me ? :il. 21. when I saw h. in the (rule /'j. 3. 2. say (if soul no h. for him 20. 2. Lord send A. fr..m sanctuary 2". 9. ! en my A. leave not, O (idd :. 20. soul waits for L. he is our A. 35. a. stand np for my A. 44. '26. 40. 17. my A. mid my deliveier,70. 5. 4'2. 5 praise for A. of countenance 4fi. 1. Hud very present A. in trouble 60. 1 1. pi ve A. vain A. of man, 108. 12. fi.'i. 7. because thou hast been my A. 71. 12. God, make haste for my A. 89. 19. laid A. on one tliat is mighty !>}. 17 unless Lord had been rny A. 115 9. is their A. and shield, 10, II. 121. 1. from whenre rorneth my A. 2. my A. eometh I rum Lord l2-i. 8. our A. is in name of the Ld. 146. 3. trust not man, in whom no A 5. happy h:e my A || 54 4. G. is my h. 72. Iv. deliver him that hath no A. Jer. 47. 4. fr. Tyiusand Zidon ev. A, Rom. Id 9. Urbane our A. in ( hrist tlel*. 13. 6. L. is my A. I will not I CM: HELPERS. 1 Chr. 12. 18. peace he to thine h. Job 9. 13. proud A. do stoop under Ej-ek. 30. 8. her A shall be destroyed Sn/i. 3 9. Put -nit Lublin were A. liom. 16. 3. Prise. HI (i A<]uila my A, 2 Cor. 1. 24 but are A. of your joy 3 John 8 be feilow-%. to the truth HELPS. ArtxTi. 17. used A. undergirdingship I Cor. 12. 28. healing, A. government HELPETH. 1 Chron. 12. 18. for thy God A. thee ha. 31. 3. both he that A. shall fall Jioiii. 8. '<>. Spirit also A. infirmities 1 (..-/. 16. 16 MI! mit to ev. one A. tm. I ft. v.'i. A. amoii!! generation* Mat. 21. 19. no Iruit grow on thee 4. HERALD. Dan. 3. 4. then an A. cried aloud HERH. Gen. 1. 11. bring forth the A. 12. 29 g'ven you every A bear. t*_ 2. 5. made every A. || 3. 18 eat tftefe 9. .'i as A. 1 bute ifiven *'.! thiufi MF.R f _4 52. 1C. I- JVW. SI I f fin. IS. ' ' rr u th. T7. T, JS* 12 taf wtthrrethb.-r.. othfr A . J r i-nvti A. l'>4 II. r..u. ^anA. Jta> It 8. and with bitter A. rat It. Xm. 9. 1 1. JVut II. 10 natrr M arrl<-n of A. .'1. i havr It ..r garden of A. JY 105. 35. did rat up all the A. /'v 15. 17. Seller .lu.nrr of A, *7. IV A. of m.rtintin. gathered Im. 1ft 4. co>.d.-r like K h.-t on A. . 19. thy dew I. a< the dew c,f A. ML IV ' d I III dry up ill thrir A. Jer Ii 4 A. of rrry flrld wither HjL II .' U (rratnt ainon* nil A. Mark 4 3i /.* II. . yr tithe all manner of A. /T*w. 14. X. who weak, eatrth A. j*. 4 7. Bud bringi-th tarO> * HE Hi). & ffjW 10. 0. with IWks and A. we go 7..-r *7 31 rourrrning th.- t thr of A. IVt I-/. XI. thti i.hlt kill of thy A. f Smm. IH 4. uparrd to take of hi* A. I fr. T!. 29. ovf r thr A. In Sharon In 65. Itt a plre f..r A. to lie down Jrr 31. It together for young of A. Jfft I. 18. A. ol r.ittlr lire perplexed Jomak 3. T. M not A taste any thing Huh JL 17. oh. he ii'. A. in thr stalls Hat H. 30. a A. of .wine feeding War* 5. II. Z.H**8. W. See FLOCK*. HERDMAS. MEN. 3oi 13. 7. trife hrtw. A. of Abram 1 Sim VI. 7. D.wg chirfrst of A. ^MMW I. I. who wa urn. A. of Trkoa 7. 14. I WM no prophet, but BD A. HERE. Deut 5 3. who rr all of a* A. alive ft. II.'. 14. tin. my rmt. A. I dwell 7". A 10. A. a httlr, thrrr a littlr. la :' K r y ham arr A. and hrrr Mat It 41. a greater than Joniu u A. 48. /.**- 11.31,32. 18. 19 tome standing A. /-n* 9. 27. IT. t. l.rd It i- find for u t be A. >4 a lo. A. i* Thrift, Hark 13. 21. C IM to not A. hr U risen. Mark I6.it. ;.u*2i. a JfortlX. I. srr what buildings are A. JoA ll.tfl. I., if thnu had been A. 32. Aeti 9. 10. behold, I am A. Lord io. 3*. wr arr all A. brfore God /M. Ii 14. for A. i r we no city SM STAND. HKHKAH ER If. 41. . shew thing. tht roror A. I*t*. 4 Y9. whM romr to paan A. 45. AM. t& A4. A. .k ye >rr Son of man Mrk IL 14. M IT^UI rat of thrr A. Lmln - * A (hall Son nf mm lit /On I. 51. A. r .h. wr hrnven opro IX 7. MM now, thou .halt know A, It 90. A. I will no*, talk with you I Ttm. I. Id t thrm h. A. brlirve Am I. 19. writr thiaffi h. h. br A. 4l.*hrwththlmr* wh mtntbrA. ft. It. Ur ri nr to wor*mnrA. H K H /wA 1 10 A. know (i I AK IB* ArtfU. IV af'rrthr waythryrill h. < }:>. tliTr h" A. Biimnif you iinL 5. JU work* of flrh wrath. A.* * Pet. S. I. who hrlnc in damnable A. HERETIC Tit a 10. A aft.T i.ri.d admonition HERKToFOKh. I Sam 4 7. not brrn such a thin? A. i Cor. 13. 2. to thrm which A. sinned HERHUS IO. 1 Ptt t SI. een A. werr ye called HEREWITH. A/ot S- 10. and prore mr now A. HKRITAGE, S. Eroil. . a I will (tie it you for A. Jot . H). A. appoint, d hy G. for him f,. 13. A. of opprrssom thry receive PtaL 16. & yra, I e a gwdly A. 61. S. A. of those that frnr thy name '.4.5. brrak thy prople, nlBict thy A. III. & givr thrm A. of the heathen 119. llf t>'Stlmonira taken as an A. 127. 3. children are an A. nf the L. 135. 12 rare their land for an A. 136 21, 22. IM. 49. a to inherit thr desolate A. 54. 17. A. of servants of the Lord 5& 14. feed thee with A. ol Jacob Jrr. 8. 7. made mine A. an ahomina. :< Itf. howsh. I give thee goodly A. f 12.7. 1 left A. H a my A. is as a lion 9. my A. is to me as speckled bird 15. tiring lurain every man to his A. 17. 4. thou -h. discontinue from A W. II. O drstroyrrx of my A. Joel '1. 17. giv- not th. A. to reproach 3. t I will plrnd wi. them for my A. .Vic. 2. 2. they oppress a man and A. 7. 14. feed the H. k of thine A. IS. paMeth transgression of his A. Hal I 3. I laid Esau's A. waste I Pet & 2. t'.-ing lords over God's A. HERODIANS. .Vat 22. 16. tliry sent their disciples with the A. Mark 12. la Mark 3.6. Phari. took counsel wi. A. HERON. Let. 11. 19. the stork, the A. unclean, Deut 14. la HCKSELP, tee SELF. HEW, ED. Erod. 34. L A. two tables of (tone, Deut. 10. l. 4. A. two tab. like first, Deut. 10.3 Deut 12. 3. A. down grnven images 19. & forth wi. hit neighbour to A. 1 Sam. II. 7. Saul A. ojcrn in pieces IV 33. Samuel A. Agag in pieces 2 CAr 1 Solo, told S'l.OOO to A. Jrr. 'i. 13. my pen. A. them cKtrrns Dan. 4. 14 A. uown the tree, 23 Hot. 6. 5. 1 A. thrm hy the prophets HEWKR.S. Deut 29. 1 1. from A. of wood Joth. ft21. let them br A. of wood, 23. 27. Johua miidr them A. of wood 1 A'in.5. 15. and 8U.OOOA.in mountains, CAron 2. 18 Jer. 46.82. an. Egypt as A. of wood HEWETH. In. 10. l.V shall the ax boast against him that A. K. 18. that A him out a sepulchre HEWN. Prof 9. 1. hath A. out wTrn piltnr* /to. 10 33 high ones sh, be A. down d 9. Lrb. is ashamed and A. down SI. I. look to rock wh 'nee ye are A, UN HID Mat t 18. h. down and ca.t Into fl-A 7 19. /.ttkf 3. 9 27 HO sepulchre he had A. out of s rock, Mark IS. 46. Luke Vt3. ra See STONB, H1U Gen. 3. 8. and Adam and his wife A. 10, I was naked, and 1 A. myself Efod. 2 S). A. Mors thr.'e nn.iitlii 11. Mose A. thr Kgyptiau ill Miud 3. (I and Mm>e A hin lai e Joth. t 4. Kahab A. the s-pies, A 8. 17. she A. the mesucnuers. 25. 1 Kin. la 4. Ohnd. A. prophets, ia .' Airi. 4. /T. the Lord A. it Inim m 11.12. they A. him his nur-*, 2 t'Aron. 22. 1 1. Job 17. 4. A. heart fr. underr>tanding 29. a saw me, and A. tlu-insf U es fiaL 9 15. in net whuh they A. Si. 24. neither A. his face from him SS. 7. they A. for me tlieir net 8. let net he hath A. cut. h hirnsc.f 119. II. thy word 1 A. in mine heart 140. 5. the proud A. a tnare for me l'-i. 49. 2. in quiver he A. me 50. 6. 1 A not my face from shame 5a 3. and we A. our faces from him 54. a in little wrnth 1 A. my face 57. 17. I A. me and wa. wroth 5!. 2. your sins A. hi- face from you M. 7. thuti ha>t A. thy face from us Jer. ia 5. and A. it hy Euphrates la 22. they A. snares for my feet XL 5. I A. my face from tl.is city :i i(i hut the Lord A. them ffk. 22.26. A. tht-ir eyes fr sabb ithg .19. 23. therrfoie A. I my face, -'I. M>it II. 25. A, from wise, Lu. 10. 21. 13. 3a A. in 3 measures, Lu. IM. '.'I. V5. 18. went and A. lii lord's money 25. went and A. thy talent in earth Luke \. 24. ElitMheth A. herself Juhn a S9. but Jesus A. himself Ret. 6. 15. bondman and freeman A. HID. 2 Sam. ia la no matter h fr. kinp , 1 Kin. 10. 3. 2 CAron. !'. -'. Job a 21. dig more than for A. tre-.is. 2a II. thing A hrinifctli he forth 21. A. from the eyes of all living MS. 30. waters are A. as wi. a More Pi. 17. 14. helly nlle>t wi. A treMii 19. 6. nothing is A. from the heat Prof. 2. 4 searchest as for A. rreas, IM. 40. 27. my way is A. from the L. 42. 22. they are A in prison.hoiiri Jer. Ifl. 17. nor iniq. A. fr. mineeyet Hot. la 12. the sin of Ephra'm if A, 11. 6. how are A. thinca onuvht up Mat. 10. 26. nothing A. thxtsh. not be known, .Var.4.22, /.u.8.17. | 12.2. I.'ike S. 45. this raying was A. (nun them, la 34. 19. 4?. they are A. from thine eiet Eph. a 9. fr. beginning been A. iii (i. CoL 1. 2r>. mystery been A. from airos 2. a A. all the treasures of wis-dum a 8. your life is A. wi. Christ in O. Ihb. II. 23. by faith Moses was A. Be HID. Gen. 4. 14. from thy face sh. I be A. Leo. 4. late A. from assembly, 5.3,4. Ji'b 2fA. 28. 3. no secret they can A. 31. 8. cedars could not A. him 39. 29. neither wi. 1 A. my face more Jam. 5. 20. and A. a multitude of sins lint. 6. 16. A. us fr. him that sitteth See FACK. HIDE himself. Jer. 23. 24. any A. A. in secret places? John 12. 36. Jesus did A. A. fr. them HIDE themselves. 2 Kin. 7. 12. gone out to A. t in field Job 24. 4. the poor of the earth A. (. 34. 22. where workers of iniq. A. t. Psal. 56. 6. A. t. they mark my steps Prov. 28. 28. wicked rise, men A. t. Amos 9. 3. they A. t. in top of Carrnel HIDEST. Job 13. 24. why A. thy fare? Psal. 44 24. | 8a 14. Pi. 10. 1. why A. thyself in trouble ? 104 29. thou A. thy face, they are Ita. 45. 15. thnu art O. th. A. thyaelf HIDETH. Job23. 9. A. himself on right hand 34. 29. when he A. his face, who can 2. 3. who is he that A. counsel? Pi. 10.11. he A. face he will never see IXi. 12. darkness A. not from thee Prov. 10 . A. hatred wi. lying lips 19. 24. Siothful A. his hand, 26. !>. 81. 3. prudent man A. himself, 27 2. HIG Prov. 27. 16. whoso. A. her, A. wind 28.27. that A. eyes, sh. have a curse Ita. 8. 17. A. face fr. house of Jacob Mat. la 44. mun hath found, he A. HIDING. Jnb 31. 33. A. iniquity in my bosom Pi. 32. J. thou art rnyA. plare.l 19. 114. Isa. 28. 17. WHters overflow A. place 32: 2. as an A. place from the wind Hal>. 3. 4. there was A. of his power HIGH. Gen. 29. 7. he said, lo, it is yet A, day Dent. 12.2. served gods on A. mount. 28. 43 get up above thee very A. 1 Chr. 17. 17. state of man A. degree Job 1 1.8. A. as heaven, what canst do? 22.12. behold stars, how A. they are! 38. 15. and the A arm sh. be broken 41. 34. he behi.ldeth all A. things Pi. 18. 27. thou bring down A. looks 49. 2. give ear, both low and A. 62. 9. men of A. degree are a lie 71. 19. thy righteousness. O G. is A. 89. 13. and h. is thy right hand 97.9. thou, Lord, art A. above earth, 99. 2. | 113. 4 101. 5. him that hath an A. look 103. 11. as heaven is A. above earth 131. 1. nor do I things too A. for me 138. 6. tho'- L. be A. he hath respect 139. 6. it is A. I cannot attain to it 149, 6. let A. praises of G. be in their 150. 5. praise him on A. sounding Prov. 18. 1 1. as A. wall in own conceit 21.4. A. look, and proud heart is gin 24. 7. wisdom is too A. for a fool Eccl. 12. 5. afraid of that which is A. Ita. 2 13. day of L. on cedars that A. 6. 1. L. on a throne, A. and lifted up 10. 12. I will punish his A. looks 24. 21. punish A. ones that are on h. 30. 13. as a breach in a A. wall 52. 13. my servunt shall be very A. 57.15. thus SRith the A. and loftyOne Jer. 17. 12. a glorious A. throne 49. Ifi. tho' thou make thy nest A. Ezek.2\36. exalt low,abase him is A. Obad. 3. habitation is A. that saith Jnhn 19. 31. sabbath WM an A. day Acts 13. 17. with an A. arm brought he Rom. 12. 16. mind not A. things 13. 11 it is A. time to awake 2 Cor. 10. 5. casting down ev. A. thing Phil.3.\4. prize of the A. railing of f). Rev. 21. 12. Jerusalem had a wall A. See GATE, GOD, HILL, HILIS. Most HIGH Num. 24. 16. the knowledge of TO. H. 2 Sam. 22.14. in. H. uttered his voice Pt. 17. 7. fing praise to the name of the Lord the m. H. 9. 2. | 92. 1. 46. 4. the tabernacles of the m. H. 47. 2. the Lord m H. is terrible 50. 14. pay thy vows to the m. H. 56.2. that fight against thee, O m.H. 57. 2. I will cry unto God m. H. 73. 11. is there knowledge in m. H. 77. 10. years of right hand of m. H. 78. 17. by provoking the m. H. 56. 82. 6. you are the children of m. H. 83. 18. thou art m. A. over all earth 91. 1. dwelleth in place of them. H. 9. thou made m. H. thy habitation 92. 8. but thou, Lord, art m. H. 107. 11. contemned counsel of m. H. ha, 14. 14. 1 will he like the m. H. Lam. 3. 35. turn before face of m. H. 38. out of in. H. proceedeth not evil Dan. 4. 17. m. H. ruleth in kingdom 24. this Is the decree of the m. H. 25. m. H. rules kingdom of men, 32. 4. 34. and 1 blessed the m. H. 7. 18. saints of m. H. take kingdom 22. judgm. given to saints of m. H. 233 HIL Dan. 7. 25. speak words against m h. 27. to people of saints of the n,. I Ho*.'!. 16. they return, not to m. H. 1. 7. they called them to the m. H. Acttl. 48. m. H. dwell, imtin temp. See MOI-NTAIM. On HIUH. Dfut. 28. 1. God will set thee on A. Job 5. 1 1. set on h. those that be ow 16. 19. and my record is on A. 39. 18. she lifteth up her eelf on A, 27. the eagre make her nest on A. P.*. 7. 7. for their takes return on A. 68. 18. thou hast ascended on k. 69. 29. O God, set me up on A. 91. 14. I will set him on A. because 93.4. L. on A. is mightier than noise 107. 41. yet setleth he the poor on A. /.vo. 26. 5. briiiKeth down them on A. 32. 15 spirit poured on us fr. on A. 40. 26. lift up your eyes on h. 5S. 4. make your voice heard on A. Lukf 1.78. the day-sprint' from on A. Kph. 4. 8. wh. he ascended lip on A. !>ee PLACE, PLACES, PRIEST.TOWER. HIGH way or trv*. Jurfg. 5. 6. in days of Jael A. w. ur.oc. /VotT.16. 17. A. w. of upright to depart Isa. 11. 6. an A. . for his people 19. 23. aA. w. out of Egypt to Assy. 33. 8. A. tr. lie waste, way-faring 35. S. and an A. . shall be there 40. .'!. make in desert a A. tr. for O. 49. 11. my A. tr. shall he exalted 62. 10. cast up the A. tr. gather stonei Jer. 31. 21. set thine heart tow. A. w. Amos 5. 16. shall say in all A. w. ala* Mat. 22. 9. go into A. w. Luke 14. 23. Mark 10. 46. Bartimeiis sat by A. v. HIGHER. 1 Sam. 9.2. Saul A. than any of people Job 35.5.clouds, wh. are A. than thou Pt. 61. 2. lead me to Hock that is A. 89. 27. I'll make him A. than kings Ercl. 5. 8. and there be A. than they Ita. 55.9. as heavens are A. th. earth, so my ways A. than your wayt Jer. 36. 10. Baruch read in A. court Dan 8. 3. one horn A. than the other Luke 14. 10. he may say, go up A. Rom. 13. 1. be subject to A. powers /Se6.7.26.high pri.madeA. than hear. HIGHEST. Pi. la 13. the H. gave his voice 87. 5. H. himself shall establish her Prov. H. 26. nor A. part of the dust 9. 3. crieth on A. places of the city Eccl. 5. 8 higher than A. regardeth Erek. 17. 3. took A. branch of cedar Mat. 21. 9. hosanna in A. Mar. \ I. 10. Luke I. 32. he called Son of the H. 35. power of H. overshadow thee 76. oe called the prophet of the H. 2. 14. glory to God in the A. 19. 3& 6. 35. ye shall he children of the H. 14. 8. sit not down in the A. room 20. 40. love A. seats in synagogues HIGHLY. l.uke 1. 28. said, thou art A. favoured 16. 15. is A. esteemed among mon Hum. 12. 3. think of himself more A. Phil. 1. 9. God hath A. exalted him 1 Thei. 5. la to esteem them very A. HIGH-MINDED. [17. Rom. 1 1. 20. not A. but fear, 1 Tim. 6 2 Tim. 3. 4. traitors, heady, A. loveri HIGHNESS. Job 31. 23. his A. I could notendur* Ita. 13. a them that rejoice In my A- HILL. Josh. 2*. 33. Eleazar buried In a A. 1 Sam. 10 8. shall come to A. of O. 10. Pt. 24. 3. who sh. ascend to A. of L. 42. 8. remember thee from A. HiiM HIL - U A f O- h aa * I. ,l,.ir^thtodwellln C-Vl 4 ft ,et t.. 4 of Irankllirense IM. -V I neyrd In very fruitful A Hi 37. shake hand ac*. 4 of J.-ru. an 17. be U-f. a- an en-ifi. "ii " A. ai 4 Lord thaim/ hi lor 4 thereof 40 4. mountain and A. he made low Irr 1C 18 h-it Ihena from ever* A. 31 M. UMHMurln* line >o * .areh V 14. t*l hUe.t hrifht of the A. HX a he g.e fr mountain to A. tUt. ft. I*. ! k * 1 u ** 00 * n , *' LmkrS.* > ryA he bronchi low 4 29 led him l the hrow of the A. . . when were come down fr. A. 4ft* 17. .! - . Inh . thro' ill A.e. ol Judrn Hak HI 1. 1. Hll.l.v P^, 7 1$. 4 k under heav. covered I JEto/M. tt roveyn ^ 7 *-jT* f at <* 14 A. A. a. hill .4 Ha-han IA leap ve. ye *>* A. f thi i* t H.- A IM. *0- V n A. A. rier of water* far. 1 a a A. A. thou wander. . 17. 1 remember trove* on A^A A. IS aUln among id.. It n A. A ^a. f. (I M* my king on 4 A nf Zlon 3. 4ertedtoL.herdi*ioul.if4 A. tt. I. who shall dwell In thy Ao/v 4 f 43. 1 lead me, bring me to thy 4 4 Ml a worship at hi* 4 4 L. i* holy HI 1. 1., with too. JbMal 17 9. I will -land on top of A. Hum I*. 44. presumed to go to 4 t J*tt IrV 'I Sunn-Hi carried tn f. of 4 1 AtV I U Elijah sat on top of an 4 HILLS. On 49.26. utmot hound of everla. 4 AIM*. *3. U. from the 4 I behold him Dnt a 7 aprlng out valley* and 4 II. II. It Its land of 4 and valley* 31 14 precious thing* of lastinr A. I A'ia 20. 21 go-In are god* oi A. 3H. IV. 17. *.iw all Israel mattered on 4 I A'i. 11 4 burnt incence on the A V I'Aron. . 4. Jn4 li. 7. wa*t thon made i>ef..re A Pial. la 7. foundation* of 4 moved M Id cattle n thousand 4 are mine fla. 14 little 4 rrj'ilce on every nidi 71 li the little 4 by righteousness 0. 10. 4 covered with shadow of it a, 4 strength nf the 4 it hi* also 97 i. 4 melted like wax at presence P . let the 4 be joyful toffether lot in sprin*s, which run among 4 13 he watereth 4 from chamber* t he toucheth 4 and they smoke Hi i little 4 .lpedlikelamn.6. III. I. will lift mine eye* to the 4 14*. mountains and 4 praise L. /V". ft V befo. 4 I brought forth CW 1 a he cometh skipping nn A. /wit shall be exalted above 4 14 day of Lord .hll be on all A. in ail A. shall not come fear 40 I* who weighed A in balance 41 t\ thow aait make 4 a* chaff U mak- wwte mountain* and 4 M ! axMintalo* depart, 4 remove* 8ft I* A break forth Into ilnfing *. tah>*ii'l me upon the 4 eW I 3L s,JUoii hoped for fr. 4 II Vt M*s> thy afca*ninmtl>n* nn 4 . X thus Mith I. to ' VI K tA\Uir>*er(aa4r*Heyi ML la ft stall aar U A. tell on HIR the h -'..: H- '. with milk i/i. I I it -hall b- exulted above 4 ., I and let the 4 hear thy voice \'ih I S 4 n.elt, and earth i- f.iirnt '. the perpetual A. did bi>w ' uke il 30 ay to the 4 cover us HIM Rom. II. 38. of A thio' A. an* to A. are all thing" HIS. 40. fourth part of A of oil '.ev. 19. 3fi. a ju.t A. .Mall ye have 1 13. the fourth part of an A. of oil. Sum. I.V 4. | *a 14. VIMS. 1! 5 fourth part of A. of win.' . the third p rt of an A of oil u mink led with halt an A. of oil Exrk 4 II >ixth part of A of water 45. 1(4 A. of oil for ephah, 4..\7.l I. 46. 14 an A. of oil to temper with H1NO.S. Sen. 49. II. Naphtali is a 4 let lo"e ! Sam. ti. 3* he maketh my leet like 4 feet Pi. ia 33 Hah. 3. 19. Jnli 39. 1. cant mark when A. calve ? Pt *9. . Tolce of I. maketh 4 calve />mr. i 19, be a* loving 4 and Pie Cant. 2. 7. I charge by 4 of field. 3 5. Jer 14 6 the 4 calved in the Held HINDER. Gen. 4. ift A. me not *eekng the L. \VA. 4 a flght. and 4 the huil.ling J:>k 9. II. taketh away, who A. him ? II. 10 cut off, shut up, who A. him ? Jrta3. what A n etobe haptiiod f Car. ft 14 lent we nhonld A. gospel jaL 5. 7. run well, v.-ho did A. you f HINDKKEU. HI H. F.tra A. a expen-en given, he not A r m. 14 & ruled is persecuted, none h. iikt II. ii th.-m entering in. ye A. Thft '1. la would ha. come, Satan A. Pet. S. 7. that your pray, be not 4 HINDU enrf. tea. 1 Sam. J 23. smote with 4 *. of spear ZecA 14. K half toward the A. tea HISDEKMOST, or HINDMOST. Cm. 33 i put Hachel and Joseph A. S-im 2. 31. thai) go 4 wi. xt nctards Drat. A 18. and smote 4 of thee 10. 19. and smite 4 of them Jer M. W. 4 of nation* wilderuess HINDEKporf. 1 A'lit 7. 25. their 4 parti were in. ward, < Chrnn. 4. 4. Pi. 78. flA. smote enemies in 4 parti Jnrl-i. 20. 4 P. toward utmost >-a rlt 4. 38. Je*ut was in A p. of ship Acti fl. 41. A. p. broken with wavex HIN(iKS I A'in. 7. SO the 4 of gold for doors ?. 26. 14 M d'r turueth upon 4 HIP. Judg. 15. a moU them 4 and thigh HIRR, Stiktlantire Gen. 31. 8. ring straked ah. be thy A. F.T<-d. ft. I.V hired thing, came for A Oral 23. ia not brin* 4 nf a whore I Ain. V fi, to thee will I give 4 a 17. she ahall turn to her A. her A. be holinett tn the Lord F.rrk I A 31. not as harlot ncornest A .Vic. I. ". all th. him shall be burnt ; gathered of 4 of harlot, return tn the 4 of an harlot 1 II. priests thereof tea. h for 4 7.rrh a Id. there was no A. for mat .Wat 80. fl. give them their 4 /u*e!07 labourer worthy ofhlsA Jam. i. 4. A. of labourers kept Lack HIKE. E*T. /0.46.A. 4 goldsmith, h- maketh god *&. IA. 33. A. them, they may conn SS4 HIT Vat. *X 1 went on) to I. laboornn HIRKO. . 3tt lf>. h with - n 1 * mandr* CM .. hi. 1.1. WHIM'S "I him that i A. )eut. 23. 4. they A. aKint He* KiilHHMi, XrA 13. i /txrfr. 18. 4. Mirnh A me, 1 Ins priest Kin. 7. 6. kinj of lor. A agaiiKt u* C/ir H 12 A- mivoiis and carpent. ;rrn i. 5. A. coiin-'-llor* a. th.-rn 'i. 7. VO -h.ive with i hr.or th. ia A. 'i-r 4(V l. A. men like fi tted hulliM-kl .'lot. R. t*. Kphrnim hatli A. loTvrs 10. they hue A. Hinong nations \t,U ."'. 7. Viet Hiise no man l.ntl A no !). were A ahout eleventh In nr Actt M. :*>. Haul 'I year* in A. LOIIM HIHKI) trrrant, i. i 18. 15. HII A. ii-rrant shall no% et thereof, /.rf. itt. I a , '.tf. V*. fi. nabhath he meat for A. *. 10 a* an A. . ha!l he be with the 53. yearly A. . hAlt he be with him Drnt. 15. 18. been worth ilonMe A. f. ;\ 14. thou Khalt not oppress A. t. Mark I. 0. Zet.edee in ship wi. At. Luke 15. 17. A. terr. have bread, 19. HIRELING. '..' 7. I. days are like H .y* of an A. 7 V. Bn A. I.M.keth for reward of work 14. 6. arromplih a- an A. hit day >. 18. 14. 3yeMr yearn of A. SI. 14 \tiil 3. 6. airuiiiHt tho-e oppress A. .hn 10. l. an A. not the shepherd 13. the A. fleeth. hecautie he in ai A. HIS. C,nit 1. 16 beloved is mine, I am A. 1C. 33. bpti-ed he and all A. i Tim. 4 18 L. knoweth them are A, HISS. A' in. 9. S. at houte every one h. h, Jnh ft. 23. sha'l A. him out of plure /i. 5. V6. A. tothem fr. end of earth 7. ia Lord ..hall A. for (Is In Kvypt th thereby shall A. 49 17. | 80. 13. Jer. 19. a passet Lam. 8. 15. A. at daughter of Jeriisa. Ifi thy enemies A. mid gna-h teeth F.xrk. fi. 36. merrhanlH A. at thee A. * li efry one pnseth sh A. A. 10. & I will A. for them HISSINO. ? CAnm. 89. R delivered them to A, ,/er 18. 16. make lnd perpetual A. l. a make city desolate and an A, i5. 9. and I will make them an A 18. f 29. ia M. 37. Babylon shall he an A. .Vic. 6. 16. make inhabitants an A. HIT. no. a. I Sam. 31. 3. archer* A, him, I CAr. HITHKR. Gfn. 4&\. 8. not you that oent me A. E.rod. 3. 5. draw not nigh A. off-hoet J A'in -I. a Jordan divided A. 14. I'rnr. !). 4. simple, let turn in A. l& Mat 14. IS. Iring them A. to m* !7. 17. hrmA. to me, Luke 9. 41. 22. 12. friend, how camext thoa A. Luke 14. -l\. brinn in A. the poov ard 15. -a. hring A. the fatted cftlf 15. <7. briiiii A. and siay them John id. ft. reach A. thy Anger See COM R. HITHERTO. Erod. 7. 16 A. th. w.oildest not htr J-'/i 17. 14. L. hath blessed me A. Judg. ia II A. thou ha-t rn.M-ked m I .S I! 9. A. greatet part kept ward Jn'< ix. 1 1. A. -halt thou come, hut no John 5. 17. my Father wnrketh A. 16. 24. A. have j< asked nothing- HOL ) Car. 3.2 n, ye were not ;.b!c to hear HO. R'ith >. I h' *ii'*h it OOP, sit down Ita 5\ I. A,,evi ryonethatthirstetlt Zn-fi. '. ft. I,,,, /o. corae forth HOAK, M OAKY, See KsuST, HAIRS, Hi AD. HOARY. Jfb 41. 38. on. ould think deep A. HOiMKll /<<(/ 27. 40. they h up th" man -salt HOLD S, SiiM-tntire. Jiflg. 9.4 1 '.. entered A. nf . "1 Merit 1 4-' pur t'l-" */>. B'idspt /, , * e 1 .V,n. hL4. David in A. 24. 22. 2 5am 5. 17. | 23 14 Jer. 51. 30. th y remained in their A Ezfk. 19. 9. I ey brouir lit him into A. Actt 4. 3. put them in A. to next dy Rer. la 2. the A of every foul spirit A>V<- - 1 MO.NG. HOLD. Gen. 21. 18. lad, A. him in thine hand Ej-nd. 5. I that they may h. a feast 9. 2. and wilt A. them still!' 10. 9. we must A. a feast unto Lord 20. 7. L. nut A. guiltless. Deut. ft. M. 2 Sum. 2. 22. A up my fare t.i Joah 6. 6. Uxnih put hand to ark of God. nnil took A. of it, I Chr. 13. 9. 1 A'i'n. '. '.<. now A. him not guiltless Kxtli. 4. II. kiiiL' A. out (fold. -n seep. jW6 -I and I will h. my torn/tie 9. 1;B. thfi. for all A, John as a prophet Mr,'i 7. 4. thinif-i they re< eived to A. R. I... A. tra.lition- yp have 7/eA. S. 14. if we A. our confidence lli-r. 2.14. tliatA. dortrinpof Balaam 15. that A. doctrine of Nicolaitaues See CAUGHT. HOLO/>Mt. Jot>8. 15. hesh A. it/ hut not endure 27. fi IY v righteousness 1 A. fnxt Jer. 8. ft. hev A. / 'ec.-it, th. refuse 1 Them. !>. *l A. f,nt that is flood 2 Tim. l.l.'t A / form of sound words Heh. 3 a if we A./ the confidence 4. 14. A / our professi.-n, 10 23. Her. 2. 2.S. alre..dy A./ till I coinc 3. 3. and A. /*< ami repent II. and A. that/, which thoii hast HOLD peace. E.rnd. 14. 14. ye shall A your priicc A'um. 30. 4. if her father It. his pence 1 1. if her husband A. his p. at her Judg. 18. 19. A. p. lay hand on mouth 2 \;n. 13. 20 A, thy' p. my sister 8 A'in. V. 3. h. von your peace, 5. AVA. a 1 1. A. your p. the day is holy Job 11.3. sho. lies make men A p. ? 1.3. 13. A, yoiirpntr* let me alone 33. 31. A. thy peare*n4 I will speak 33. A. thv f. and 1 will tearh thee ."t 8.1 I. O '-o.t V not thj >. IIS). I. lor Zin's sake IKK A. my p. never A. their p. day nor nig HOL /.. (i4. 12. wilt A. p. and afflict us Je r 4. 19. pained at heart, cannot A. p. 2ey>A. I. 7. A. thy p. at presence ol L. Mat. -20. 31. rehuked them, her, they ho. A. p. Mark 10. 4(1. /,u. IR39. .Vr/nt I. 25. A. thy p. LuAe 4. 35. l.uke 19. 40. if they A. p. the clones .-/rr 12. 17. beckonine to A. their p. 18. 9. he not afraid. A. not thy peace 1 Cor. 14. 30. let the first A. his p. See TAKE. HOLDEN. 2 A'i'n. 23. 22. not A. sin-h a pmso. 23. Joh .Sri. 8. if A. in cords of affliction /'. l-v.i:,. thy rU'ht hand ha. A me up 71. 6. by tb'ee h;ive 1 heen A. up 73 23. h. me up hy my rii;ht hand Pror. 6. 22. A. with cords of his sins ha. 45. I. whose right hand I have A. I. tike '24. Ifi. but their eyes were A. Artt 2. 24, not possible he sho. be A. limn. 14. 4. vea, h<- shall be A. up H OLDEST. h. 4. 14. A. thy peace this time Job la 24. wherefore A. them me P*. 77. 4. thou A. ir\ eyes waking Jer. 49. 16. O thou that A. the h.-ight Rev. 2. 13. thou A. fast my name HOLDBTH. JoA2. 3. still he A. fast his integrity 26. 9 A. hack the face of his throne P~. rVi. 9. bless (>od who A. our soul Prnr. II. 12. man of tinders A. peace 17. 28 a fool when he A. hi peace Dan. 10. 21. none A. wi. me but Mir. Ret. '2. 1. h. star* in his right hand HOLDING. I*a 33.15. shaketh hands fr. A. bribes Jer. 6. 11. 1 *m weary with A. in Mark 7. a A. tradition of the elders Phil. 2. 16. A. forth the word of life Cl. 2. 19. nnd not A. the head ITYrn. 1.19. A. faith -ind trond consri. 3. 9. A, the mystery of faith in pure Tit. 1.9. A. fast faithful word AYr. 7. 1. four anjrels A. four winds HOLE, S. Exnd. 2& 32. he an A. in the top of it I Sum. 14. II. Hebrews come out of A. i Kin. 12. 9. Jehoiada holed a A. Cant. ft. 4 put in hand hy A. of door Isa. 2 19. g-o into A. nf rocks, 7. 19. 1 1. 8. child sh. play on A. f the asp 42. 22 they are all snared in A. SI. :. lo..k' to the A. of the pit Jer. Ifi. Ifi. hunt them out of the A. Ezek. 8. 7. behol.l a A. in the wall .V.iA. 2. 12. lion filled hie A. wi. prey Hue. I fi. to put it in a bae with A' Zrrh. 14. 12. eyes consume-in their A. .Wat 8. 20. fnxi-s have A. Lu. 9. 58. HOLIER, KST. ha. fi-S. 5. for I am A. than thon Heb. R a tabernacle is called the A. S. way to A. wax not yet manifest 10. 19. to enter A. )>y Mood of Je-u* HOLILY. I Thei. t. 10. bow A. we behaved HOLINESS. Ejrod. 15. II. who is like thee, in A.? 28. 36. A to L. *>. 30 ZecA. 14.20.21. 1 Chr. Ifi. 29. worship the Lord In beauty of A. Pt. '29. 2, | 96. 9. 2 CAr. 20. 21. praise the beanty of A. 31. la sanctified themselves in A. /' 30. 4 remeii. brance of his A. 97. IS. 47. 8. fi. sitteth on throne of his A. 48. I. praised in mountain of Ins A. M. R. (i. hath spoken in A. |08 7. 89. 35. sworn hy my A. 1 will not lie 93. 5. A. l.ecomet h thine house, O I, 110. .'1 peo. willing, in Ix-RUties of &. Ita. 23. 18. her hire Kh. be A. t .the L. 3d. a it shal, be railed the \y of A. 236 HOL ha. 62. 0. ilrh.k it in courts nf _, (it 15. from habitation of thy A, 18. peo. of thy A. have perused I* Jer. 2. a Israel was A. to the Lord 31. 2.'t L. bless thre.O mount of A. A mot 4. 2. L. G. hath sworn by his A, O'.(i 17. on mount Zion shall be A. Mat. 2. II. Ju. hath profaned A. of L. Lnkf \. 75. we might sen e him in A, Acts a 12. hy A, made IliUman walk Rum. 1. 4. according to Spirit of A. ti. 19. servants to rightenu. unto A. '2-2. ye have our fruit nnt.i A. i Cor. , . I perfecting A. in fear of G. A>A. 4. 24. new man created in A. i Tkes. 3.ia stahlish your hearts in A, 4. 7. not to uncleanness, but to A. I Tim. 2. 15. continue in faith and A, Tit. 2. 3. in behaviour as become! h A. // A. 12. 10. he p.,rtakers of his A. 14. follow peace with men, and A. HOLLOW. Gen. 32. 25. touched A. of thigh, 32. E.i-wi. 27. 8. altar A. wi. hoar Is, 3a 7. Hidg. 15. I!'. God clave an A. place Isa, 40.12. me as. waters in A. of hand HOLPEN. Pt. 83. 8. have A. the children of Lot 8'M/.3.5.place th. standestA ground Ifi. 23. to-morrow is the A. sabbath 19. a to me a A nation. 1 Pet. 2 9. 20. a r-mememher sabbath keep A. 28. 38. hallow in all their A. gifts 29.33. they are A. || 34. Let a. it is A. 30. 25. make it an oil of A. ointment 32. it is A. and slm'l he A. unto you 31. 14 keep sabbath, for it is A. 15. Lev. 8.9. put on Aaron the A. rrown HI. 10. difference hetw. A. and unh. 16. 4. shall put on the A. linen mat 33. make atonement for A. sanctu. 19. 2. I the L. your G. am A. 21. 8. 20. 7 he ye A. || 21. 7. he is A. to G. 27. 14. his house to be A. to the L. 30 tithe of the land is A. to the L Sum. ft 17 the priest take A. water IS. 40. remember and be A. to God 16 a all the congregation are A. ft. L. shew who are his, who is A. ia 17. not redeem them, they are A. I S,im. 2. 2. there is none A MS t lie L. 21. 5. vessels of young men are A. ' Kin. 4. 9. this is an A. man of Go< I Chr. 22. 19. A. vessels to house of G. iChr. 2a6. they iro in. for they are A, 35. 3. said to Levites M h. were A. 13 A. offerings sod they in pott Ezra a 2a ye are A. to 'he Lord 9. 2. the A. seed mingled themselves AVA. 9 14. niadest known A. sahhath Pi. 20. 7. hear him fr. his A. heaven 22. 3. hut thou art A. O thou that 28 2. lift hands toward- thy A oracle Hfi. 2. preserve n.y soul, for 1 am A. 98.1. his A. arm bath gotten victory 99. ft. wors at fiHiteXMil. for he is A. 9. exalt L. worship at his A hill 105.42. he remembered A. promise 145 17. Lord is A. in all bta work* Prop. 9.1(1. knowledge of A. it under. 30. .1 nor have I the know). .>! the k. Ita. 4. 3. Jerusalem *h he called A. 6. a A. A. A. is the L..rd of Hnl made bure his A. arm 58. 13. call sabbath. A of the Lord 64. 10. thy A. cities area ilrirrnM II. A, and beautiful house U burnt HO. Jf II li A *-h (vH from thee . &. iiu JiflVreur- between A rnd profane 9V V increase tlinn a thr A fi.n-k .\; h r^^rrr:;:v ..- A rhmnbers lld, t. > If Malioil L*as*rhr* ,-bUtion. 21. i - : i , . - ' II m heart aoi"t * covenant 30. li.4U-nati..u M*. A- covenant, IntrtUr wL f..r-akrrof A. cov AS* * l< 'f "or l "- r * "r-h. kirl i bread. ituUI it br *. ZrA. 1 \\ I. raiwd up A. habitation J/.I/ 7. ft five in.t tht 11 A. to .!* 2V U rome and A. anel with him Mark & 10 know. h was Ju-t BII-I A. K M romrth ID glory wi. A Mrtb, X.i>Ar i. 26. !* I. 7CL >T the mouth of A. pro. plu-U. AH' a *l. 7ft to mnemSer hli A cov. nant t A firry n>'e . allrd A. tn Lrd JoAa 17. II A Father keep thixw ^frfe I V7. jtin.t thjr A. child Jfcii 1 ond. done by name ..f A. rhild 7. tl the place thoa stxndest i A. ML B. warned frinn !. hjr A. mngrl Jtvm. I. 2. pnwnied In A. scriptures 7. It thr commandment I* A. jnt II. I ft. 6rt fruit he A. if n-.l i.e A. U.I. prrsrnt bodies A. sacrifice to G. Id. !. *alute with A. k.-. I C-r. I ft. JO. V Cor. II U I TAo. 4 & 1 f.L 5. 14. I Cor. 1 17. thr temple of Rod Is A. 7. II now are A. y 34. he my be A. EiJk. I. 1 Hr A. without bUmr. A *7. C-i 1.22. prernt A. and uiihUmeuble 3 I* M elect of 0. A. and beloved 1 rV 4. 27 read to nil A. brethren I Tim. 2.R up A. hands without wrath 1 AM. I. 9 called tu with A. railing 3 15. thoa ht known A. scriptures Ti< ! * >'i.ii..p be sober. A. tempera. IM 3. I. A. brethren, partaken of T i*. hUh prtet became n* whoUA. 1 Pit. I. li hr A. in conversation, IA ISA. prlrthiiud i>ff"-r up Mn-riBrro S S. A unt'-n who triistrd in Ood S PH. I. :& we with him in A. mount *l. A. mm pnhe mured l.y H. O. f. SI. turn from A. "onmandmrut * t. f"krn Wrfntr b> A. proplirti 1 1. prnnM tu br in til A. ronrrna. jb& i 7 tain**. Mith he that n A. 4. & mjinf. A. A. A. U O. Almiifhtr la IH.W ln. O Urd. A. and trur II la la fmrorr uf A. anffrte li. i B..I frar thre t for thou art A. JH *L yr A p.~t ! and prophrU !.*. who bulk part in l>t rriur. J|. MX .|.rwrd mi- thr A. Jeruialrm tat ft. LK4 A a v. i. A. unb. thr L 10, 1 1. 41. 4 lti!n4e that kept A. '. upon him , i. ve.,led unto him by the It C. a 22. H G .li-ceiid. iii bodily shape 4. 1. Jemi* being full of the // G. l> 12 //. GA..f shall teach you Juki, 7. . II. G. W4 not yet (riven 14. 20. Comforter, who n the H. G. 10. 22. receive ye the H Gkn*t, Art, -2. >. kit I. t he through H.G. had giv.-n 8. after the H. G. is come on you 1 4. were all filled with H.G I. 31. 33. received promise of the H. G. 4, (L Peter, filled with the H G 5..1 Satan filled heart to lie to H.G.I Si. we are witnesses. >ois H. G. & X look out men full of the H. G. 5. rho.e Stephen, man full of //. G. 7.51. stlff.necked.always resist H.G. 55. Step, full ;.f H.G. looked to hea. A. 15. prayed th. mi^ht receive H.G. 17. hands on them, reieived H.G. 18. when Sim. saw H.G. was (riven 19. I lay hands, they receive H.G. 9 17. mightesl br filled with H. G. 31. walking In comfort of H. G. 10. 38. God anointed Je. with H G. 44. H. G. fell on all who heard word 45. on Gentiles was poured H. G. 47. haverecelv. H G. as well as we U. 15. H. G. fell on them as on us 10, ye shall be baptised with HO. 24. Barnabas, full of the H. G. 13. 4. being sent forth by the H. G. 9. tiled with H.G. >et eyes on him Si disciples filled with the H. G. 15. 8. (riving H. G. as he did to us 28 it seemed frond to the H G. IA. & forbidden of H. G. to preach 19. 2, ye received //. G.? we have not heard there he H. G. fi. laid hands on them, H.G came 20. 2a save that the H.G. witness. 28. H.G. hath made you overseers 21. II. thus saith the H. Gko*t 26. well spake H. G. by F.saias &MM. 5. 5. shed in hearts by H. G. 9. 1. conscience bearing wit in H.G. 14. 17. kingdom of G.Joy in H. G. 15. la hope through power of H.G. Ifl being samtifled by the H. G. Cor. i II word, which H G. teach. 6. 19. your bodv is temple of H. G. li a Jean* U Lord, hut by H. G. 2 Cor. fi. 6. by the H. G. by love 13 14. communion of H G. wi. you 1 The*. I. 6. g..pel came in H. G. fi received word with joy of H G. 2 TIM. 1. 14. good thing keep bv H.G. Tit 3. 5. saved by renewing: of H. G. He*, i 4 witness with gifts of H.G. 3. 7. H. G. Mith, to-day if ye hear 6. 4. were made partakers of H. G. 9. 3 the H G Ar this signifying 10. 15. whereof // G. is a witne>ad. 16 ye have drunk on my h. tn. lech, H. a mountain ot L. called A. in. HOLY name. Let. 20. a Mol'ch, profane my A. n. 22. 2. they profane not my A. . Si. Chron. Id 10. tflory ye in his A. n-im>; Ptal 1 ''I.'). 3. .%. (rive thinks to A. n. I'l 10*;. 47. 29. 10. build an house for thy A. n. Ptal 11 24. we trusted in hi- h. . 99. a [liaise terrible n. for it i. A. 103. I. Lord, hies* his A. n. !4-'>. '.-I. I 1 1. 9. A. and rev. is his n. /.it 1. 4U. /j. 57. 15. lofty One, whose . is A. fj-e*-. 20. .m pollute y-u my A. n. 3A, 20. they profaned my A. name 22. your naki-s, but for A. n.'t sake 3U. 7. will make known A. n. in Itr. 25. I will be jealous for my A. 11. 41 7. my A. M. Israel no moreili-fl! 8. defiled my A. n. by abominations Auto* i 7. may limUid thcA. 0. of I. 89 18. and the A. 0. >/ /. is our king /. 1.4. they provoked the A.O. o//. j. 19. counsel of A 0. of I. draw niuli 24. despised the word of A. O. off. 12. 6. great is the A.O. o//. in midst 17. 7. eyes have respect to h.O. of I. 9. 19. poor sh. rejoice in A. 0. o//. 30. 1 1. cause A. 0. of I. to cease fr. us 12. thus miith the A. 0. /./. 14. the Zion of the A. 0. of I. Jer. 50. 29. proud aga. the A. 0. of I. 51. 5. fi led with sin act. A. 0. of I. Ezek. 39. 7. I am the L. A. 0. in /, HOLY QMS. Dan. 4.17. demanded by word of A. o. HOLYoif. ro. 6. 16. unleavened bread shall t>. eaten in h.p.Zfi. j 7.6. | 10.13. | 24 'j. 27. shall wash th ,t in the A. //. 10. 17. eaten sin oft'erinif in A p. I 18. blood not hrong lit within A. p. 14. 13. slay burnt ofterinir in A. p. 16. -I. he come not at all times to n.p. 16. atonement for the A. p. 17, 27. 20. an end of recom ilin^ tin- h. p. 24. shall wash bis flesh in the A. p Josh. 5. 15. p. where th<>u stand is A. 1 Kin. 8. S staves were seen in A r> 2 Chr. 29. 5. carry filth, out of //. p. 30.27. their prayer came to his A p j-ra98. to give us a nail in his A. p Ps. 24. 3. wiio sh. stand in his h.p. 't 4C>. 4. stream* make glad th.- A. p. 68. 17. Lord is among them in h.p Ei-cl. 8. 10. who h id gone fr p. ofA. Isn. 57. 15. 1 dwell in high ;md h. p. Ezek. 41. 4. this is the most A. p. 42. 1 a p. is A. || 14. lint eo out of A. p. Mat. 24. 15 see abomination in A. p. Act* 6. 1.3. blasph. words airainst h. p 21. 28. this man polluted this A. p. Heb. 9. 12. Christ entered the A. p 25. priest entered every year h. p. HOl.\ placet. 8 Chrnn. 8. 11. because the p. are A Pi. (58. 35. Hrt terrible out nf thyA.p. F.xek. 21. 2. dn.p thy word t"W.' A. p. Hi'b. 9. 2*. Christ is not entered A. p. Shall be HOLY. E.rod. 22.31. ye *. be h. men unto me 29 .'<7. whatso. toucheth altar t. beh. 3' i. :t>. :md it i. be h. unto yon, 37. 40. 9 anoint tahern. and it"*, beh. Leu. 1 1. 41. ye t. be A. for I am holy, 45. | 19. 2. | 20. -26. i? V4. fruit t. h? h. to praise Lord Zi. 6. urita U *. ie A. unto their God HOM Let. 23. 20. they t. be h. to the Lord 25. 1 2. jubilee, it & Ac A. to you 27. 9. any man giveth to L. t. he A. 10. exchange thereof i. be A. 33. 21. the jubilee it *. be A. to the L. 32. the tenth *. be h, unto the Lord Num. 6. 5. Nazarite s. be A. to the L. Deut. 23. 14 therefore *. camp be h. Erek.lt>. 1. portion . be A. wi. borders Joel 3. 17. then s. Jerusalem be A. HOLY Spirit. Ps. 51. 11. take not thy A. S. fr. me ha. 63. 10. rebelled and vexed A. .S'. 1 1. that put his A. S. within him ? Luke II. 13 heavenly Fa. give A S. Eph. 1. 13. sealed wi. A. S. of promise 4. 30. grieve not the A. S. of God 1 Thess. 4. 8. hath iven us his A. 5. HOLY temple, ft. 5. 7. worship toward A. t. 138. 2. 1 1. 4. the Lord is in his A. temple 65. 4. satisfied wi. goodness of A. t 79. 1. thy A. t. have they defiled Jonah 2. 4. look again tow. thy A. /. 7 my prayer came to thy A. t. Vic. I. 2. L. from his A. f. be witness //a//. 2. 20. but the L. is in his A. t. Eph. 2. 21. groweth to A. t. in the L. HOLY Ming. /,?. 22. 10. no stranger eat of A. t. Num. 4. 15. sh. not touch any A. t. Ezek. 48. 12. oblation to them a t. h. Luke 1. 35. that h.t. born of thee HOLY thingt. Ejcod. 28. 38. Aaron bear iniq. of A. t. Lev. 5.15. bin thro 1 ignorance-in h. t. 22. 2. separate from the A. t. of Isr. 4 not eat of A. t. till clean, 6. 12. 7. ami shall afterward eat of A. t. 15. shall not profane A. t of Israel 16. to hear iniquity when eat A. t. Num. 4. 20. not see, A. t. are covered 18.32. neither sh. ye pollute the A. t. Deitt. 12. 2ft thy A. t take and go 1 Chr. 2& 28. office was purify. A. t 2 Chr. 31. G. brought in tithe of A. t A>A. 10. 33. made ordinances for A. t. 12. 47. sanctified A. t. to the Levites Exfk. 22. 8. thou despised mine A. t. 26. her priests have profaned A. t. 44. 8. nol Kept the charge of my A. t I Cor. 9. 13. who minister about A. t. HOME. Gen. 43. 16. bring these men h. Ej-od. 9. 19. not brought A. shall die Deut. 21. 12. bring her A. to thy hou. 24. 5. he sh. be free at A. one year Ruth, 1. 21. L. hath brought me A. 1 Satn. 6. 7. bring their calves A. 10. men shut np their calves at A. 16 2. go no more A. to fa.'s house 2 Sam. 14. 13. not fe'oh A. banished 17. 23. Ahithophel gat him A. lA'in.5. 14. a month in L.-ba. two at A. 13.7 come A. wi. me refresh thy. 15. 1 Chr. 13. 12. brinir ark of (7 A. 13. 2 Chr. 25. 10. to go A. th retnrm d A, F.xth. 5. 10. when Hainan came A. Job 39. 12. he will bring A. thy seed P* <>8. 12. she that tarried at A. Prop. 1. 19. the pood man is not at A. 20. will come A. at day appointed Errl. 12. ft. man goeth to bis mug h. Lam. 1. 20. at A. there is as death Hah. 2. ft. neither keepeth at A. ////or. I 9. when ye brought it A. Mat. 8. 6. my servant liethat A. gick Mark 5. 19. g" A. to thy friends Litter 61. hid them farewell at h. Jnhn 19. 27. took her In liis own A. 20. 10. disciples went to th. own A. 1 Cor II. 34 if man hnnirer, eat at A. 14. 35. let them ask hii-hatnls :,t // 2 Cor. 5. 6. whil. wo are at A. iu body HON 1 Tim. 5. 4. learn to shew piety t A. Tit. 2. 5. be discreet, keepers at A HOME.Aorn. Exod. 12. 49. be to him that is A.-4. Lev. 18. 9. whether A. at A. or abroad Jer. 2, 14. is Israel a h..burn slave ? HOMKR. Lev. 27. 16. an A. of liarley.seed /.vo. 5. 10. seed of an h. yield i phnh Erek. 45. 14. for ten baths are an A. Hot. 3. 2. 1 bought for A. and half A HONEST. Luke H. 15. in an A. and good heart Acts 6. 3. look out seven of A. report Hum. 12. 17. A. in sight of all men 2 Cor. 8. 21. A. things in sight of L. 13. 7. ye should di> that which is A. Phil. 4. 8. whatsoever things are A. 1 Pet. 2. 12. having conversation h. HONESTLY. Rom. 13. 13. walk A. as in the day I Thest. 4. 12. walk A. toward them Heb. 13. 18. in all things to live A. HONESTY. 1 Tim. 2. 2. lead life in irodli. and h HONOUR, a Gen. 49. 6. my A. be not thon united Exod. 14. 17. get me A. on Pbar. 18. Num. 22. 17. promote thee to A. 37. 24. 1 1. L. hath kept thee from A. Deut. 26. 19. high above nations in A. Judg. 4.9. journey mithe for thine A. 13. 17. to pass, we may do thee A. 2 Sam. 6. 22. shall I be had in h. 1 Kin. 3. 13. given thee riches a .d A. 1 Chr. 16. 27. glory and A. are a his 29. 12. riches and A. come of .hee 28. Dav. died, full of riihe. mid A. 2 Chr. 1. II. not asked richer '.r A. 12. give thee riches, wealth, and A. 26. 18. nor shall it he for thy A. 32. 33. inhabit, of Jerus. d'dnim A. Eith. 1.4. A. of his excellent majesty 20. wives sh. give to husbands a3. what A. hath been do.ie for this? 9. 16. the Jews had joy and A. Jut: 14. 21. his sons come to A. Pi. 7. 5. enemy lay min< A. in dust 8.5. thou hastcrownet him witli A. He b. 9. 7. S>. 21.5.A. and majesty thou laid on him 26. 8. place where thini A. dwelleth 49. 12. man being in A. ubidetli not 20. in A. and iinderstaiM* A 10 kouonrrd u. t m.i,> A lu A u. ewry m*n w .rketh go..t a *l o(ane lump make Teasel to A. 11. 10. In A . Herring m>r another 13, T. r> ..d-r A to whom A ii dur I Cur. li 21 hrtow abundant A. 24 t Cur. f H. by A and 4r.boooui Ct *. .a "t hi 4 to s .tt.fy of flesh I Tkm. 4 4 U pinan rel III A J ;, I 17 to..od kr A. nd glory 4. 17 rider, worthy of ,to,,kle A & I. rMint marten worth, of all A. Id lu whore br A and power I r>m i '/I some to A Mimr dia. 21. )lf> \ \ halb more A than houvr 5 I no Mao Ukrth A to himself I Put I. 7 f.Hind to pratoe, A gb.ry 7 A to wtfr as wrakri * el t PH. I. 17. from (i. the Father A. Mr. A a be-u fir glorv and 4 1 1. to rrwvr gl.-ry and A 4. li a ia A puwrr, and might b* to him. 7 li | 19 I. I a 7. let i rrjoirr, give 4 to him II. 14. bring g|..rv and 4 to It. Ml HONOUR, r'ert. jW 12 A thy falbrr and thv mother, Drut 4. IR Mat 15 4 | 19. IR V &>A & i Lr. 19. 15 not A person of mighty M shan 4 thr fare of thr old mai. Jtfig. V. 9. by mr thry A (i. and man 1 Sam. 3 30. tbrtn that A. mr I will A. 14. 30 jet 4 m* now Krfnrr rlder- klngd.-ligbtrth toA. 7.9,11. Pi VI 14. will deliver him and A. him Prof, a P. 4 L. with thy uhtanrr ha. 0. 13 pr-plr with lip. do A mr 41 *ll be t of thr field *hall 4 mr 4ft IX 4 him t doing own ways As*. 4 37. rxtnlaniA. Kmgofheav. II. aa ia etate A. O. of f.,r<-es a god whom fath knrw not h he A. Mat IS. A. and 4 not fath. or mother /* X . all men A Son a* 4 Fath. a 43. I 4 Father, ye dishonour me 44 if I A aayself. my 4 is nothing It. * rrr mr. him will F*th A. I Tim. 4. 3 4 widow* tb. arr widowi 1 fit I. 17. 4 all men, A thr king HONOURABLE. 14. rnl priii. e, morr A. H 6. there b in ll*. city a man * f'" 4 ' * 0<1 he i. an 4 man "> was hr not nuwt 4 of thieef I CAnm. 11.21. was orr A th.., the thirty AM. V I Naaroan A. withmatrr 1 C*. 4 a aore A. than brethrrn * . a aiMltbe A man dwelt in it li:. 3 hi. w..rk I* A and glorinu, JM. a a U doth Ukr away A. man J. ltsHrkr proudly against 4 4 13 tVif A men are fmihrd t IS. -awHent ai.d A. hr i. thr brad tl a trr rkVk-r. arr A ..f the rarth a lnl nuitrmpi all 4 of thrrarth 4* *l. mn,fv law. and make .t A .tb*rnA I|SM 1.1 h.,l ( | tiak 3 10 r.| |4,|. f,, r h, r ^ mr War* li U J.~eph an A. counsel! :.ia li a k-rt m, r A man hr >.u iri.ll Vi. .Vwi.tlrrrdupA w m 4 W Mnen antafrwhrlievert or 4 ia y ar Mroof . yr are 4 HO. . il mrmb. r think lr 4 Wet. 11 4. marring- A brO undefili d HONOURED. r.^4 14 4. I will be A. on Pharaoh rff. 13 18 regardeth repr.n.f 1-e 4 ?7. I* waiteth..iiiii-1'ter ihall hrA. 'to. 44. 23. nr 4 mr with a.-nfi< e am 1. a all that 4 her despite her 4. II faers of elder, were not 4 Itan. 4 31. I pialwd and 4 him I Car. II *. or onr member be 4 HONOUR ES'l. KJ H I Sam. i 8U. 4 thy sons above me Putt 15. 4. A. them that (ear I^.rd r*r>*. 12. 9. than hr that 4 himself 14 31. be that A him hath merry Hut 1.6. mn A fath. whrre my hon.? Mat. 15. 8 and 4 me with their lips. Marie 1. ft /oA 4. a 4 not S-.n 4 not Father & 44 It is my Father that A. roe HONKY. Orm. 44. II. furry a little 4 pice< t'.foJ. 16. 31. Ukr wafers made wi. 4 /.-T. i II. burn no leaven, nor A. Vntt H. a a land of oil. olive and 4 A'iaw* ML & 39. 13 be made him to sm-k 4 JuAf 14. 8. 4 in rarmse of lion, 9. IS. what Is sweeter than A ? I Sam 14 24. wan 4 upon yround 26. 4 dropped || . I tasted A 43. i Sam. 17. 29. hiought 4 mid butter I Am. 14. a t.me H rru.e of 4 and Job tO. 17. sh-ll not see hr.H>k of A. Pat. IB. 10. judgment weet r than 4 119. 103. 81. lit. 4 out of rock MtisHed iher Prar. 4 13 rat 4 it i giH>d. &. IK V). 27. it ls not 00.1 toeat inn. h A. Ca*U.4 11.4 And milk under tongue 4. I. raten honey. roinn with my A Ita, 7. 15 butter and 4 rliall hr rat ti, butter and A. ihull ev. one eat Jrr. 41 8 treasure, ol A. in the field Kirk. 3. a it was in my mouth u 4 ft. 17. Judah traded in 4 and balm Hat 3. 4. John Kaptfofs meat lo. rustsand wild A. M Ca+t. 4 1 1. thy lip. drop M an 4-c 4. I. eaten my 4.c. with my honey Lukt 24 4*. gr him piece of 4-e HOODS. /*/. a 1 will take away the 4 HOOF. S. Emm. 10. 26. shall not an A be left l*fr. II. a whatever parteth 4 t. of thrm that di> idr the 4 4. but divideth not A & Devt. 14 7 7. .wine, tin,' divi.lr A. /Jew/ 14. & Judf S. 22. were horw 4 broken PfaL 00 31. better than an ox wi. 4 /i.ft. A horses'4 shall l counted Jrr. 47. a nole of stamping of A. Vc. 4 ;a I will make ihy 4 brass HOOK. S f.T*L 26 4 be irffrnld. 37 | 3fi. 36. '< Kin. IB.M put A in II.IM-, In. T, V9. ^*4I I. draw leviathan with A. * i '" i * their speari into pruning A JR. 5. rut off prir> with pruning A ' /. in Ihx i . . 0. 43. within weir 4 ail handbroun M HOP t pruiuii(f A. ii,torr-i an A uke up tLh Mat. 17. 27. Ezra 10. 2. there is A in Urar i.6 4. A. U n.it this thy f.-ar. Uu i.f 5. Iri poor hatll A. iuiquit> t..|.; . Ik 7. ri. my iliiyi arr -u- i.t >vitli<>nt A. H. la hyp (Tlti-'aA xhall p>-r.sli, 14 II. 1ft. heberure. bei au-.e there is 4 fO A. shull be as (living up ol vl.<\ U. 7. A. I tree il il br rut down 19. thim dntruvml the A. ol man V7 M. what in A of liypiN-nti- f fial. 78. 7. might -t their A. in <;. I4H. 5. happy hr whoe A. ia in I.. Prat. Hi V8. A of riKht(*iiii*Kliidii>'V4 II. 7. the A. of unjust iniMip-ri;..-!h 13. 12. A. deferred in.ikelh li-urf -!! 14.31. tlieriKlit.-oiix hath A. i,, d.-.iih 19. 18. rhanten son while there i, h. &.\-i. in. ire A. offiMil than liim.vD vU t'.rcl. 9. 4. joined to living, there i.- i. Ita, 57. 10. there ig no A. Jrr. -i v?\ I ia li Jer. U. 8. O the A. of Israel, h. 13 17. 7 blewd niuii -li,. A l.ordu 31 17. there ia A. in eml. ,v,.th 1 5i. 7. tlie Lord, 4 of their lathers /.am. 1 SI. Inert-lore IIMV,- I A. r*. 37. II. our bo.iei.dr.ed. A, lo,t H.I X IA. valley of Arlmr d.M.r of A, Jel 3. 16. L. will he A. of hi- \,, ( ,\e /. . A. B. 1^. turn to the >tron K |,oM ye prisoner- .1 A. .lr/j IR IB. saw A. ol ((Mint. wn> i-one O. 6. AX and reurre.-tion ol d.v,.| 24. 1^ A. toward < . whii h th. ar/, b4 I. l& what is A. of his rllin^ i li no A, without (i. in the n.irld +. 4. evrn M ye are ml led in one A. CoL I. 5. A. laid up for yon in heaven 23. br not moved lrm A. of L">-|iel 27. Christ in you, the A. of glory 1 Thft. I. i pHtie:.<-e of A. in Jrsiis i 19. for what in our A. or jo\ > 4. la errna* others who hi. ve ho A 4. a for helmet the A. of r rt |v;,ti,,n 2 The*. 2. 16. hath given u. g ..... I A. I Tim. I. I. Lord Je.u-, is our A Tit. i 13 limkinu f- rtlmt hle,, ,1 A. 3.7. hrirn^rrord. to A ol eternal lit* Heb. 3 . rejoicinir oi A firm t .end & 1 1. full aa-uraiire of A. l the end la fled to lay hol.l on A. t rtore us 19. whirh A wr have MS nri :in. ):or 7. IU. thr hrii.gini' in of a better A. I Pet I. 3. begotten nn o a lively A. il. faith Mini A. might be in (-od 3. 15. axketh reason ol A. th. i- in von I John a 3 rv. man that hath tin-. A. In HOPE. Pnil. 16. 9. fl-'sh rest in A. /*>ti2 >. Rum. 4. 18 whoag. liopr helirr in A. 5. i rejoirr i,, A. . f ulory of (i-1 8. iO. hath ) in ted the same i It. li li rejoi,-. ink. p 'tient in .Vi 15 la that ye may abound in /; ' Cur. H. It), plowet'h in A throbrtfe TU. \.Z.in h. of eternal Uf HOR My HOPE. Job 17. )V and where is now tny A.? 19. 10. and tni/h. liwth he removed 31. 24. if I hare made gold mv A. TV 39. 7. wait I for t my h. is in thee 71.5. tlmu art m. A. () L. Jer. 17. 17. 119. 116. me nut be ashamed of myh, 1 am. 3. la myh. perished IT. the L,. HOPE, Verb. Job 6. II. strength, that I should hi V*a\. 82. '>. thim didst make me A. 31. 24. courage, all that A in the L. O. 18. that*, in his mercy, 147. 11. vi. merry on ng, as we h. in thee 39. 15. Lord, do I f: thou wilt hear ).'. A. A. thou in God, II. | 43. 5. 71. 14. but I will A. continually 119. 49. th u hast caused me to A. 81. 1 A. it thy word, 114. I 130. 5. 130. 7. let Israel A. in Lord, 131 a J.nm. 3. 24. therefore will 1 A in him .I) good that man both A. and wait Luke 6. 34. lend them of whom ye A. Act* 26. ". our tribes A. to come Bom. H. 24. seeth, why doth he A. for ? 25. if we h. for that we oee not Phil 2. 2a tint I A. to send present. 1 Pet. 1. 13. b* sober, and A. to end HOP EH. Job6. 20 ronfounded her. they had 4 TV 119. 43. 1 have A. in thy judgm. 74. 1 have A. in thy word, 147. 166. L. 1 have A. for thy salvation Jer. 3. 23. in vain is salvation A. for Luke 23. 8. A. to have seen miracle Act* 24. 26. A. money should hegivei Heb. II. 1. sill-stance of things A. for HOPING, ETH. Luke 6. 35. lend, A. for nothing again 1 Cor. 13. 7. charity A, all things HO UN. Erod. 21. 29. if ox push with his A. 1 Sum. 2. I. mine A. is exalted in L. 10. titiall exalt A. of his anointed la 1. till thine A. with oil, la 2 .Sam. '22. 3. the A. of my salvation, Ptal. I a 2. 1 Kin. 1. 39. Zadok took an A. of oil Jnf> 16. 15. defiled my A. in the dust Psal 75. 4. wicked, lift not up A. 5. 89.17. in favour our A h. he exalted 24. in my name shall A. he exalted 92. 10. my A. shalt thou exalt like 112. 9. his A. shall be exalted 132. 17. make A. of David to hud Lam. 2. 3. cut off all the A of Israel 17. set up A. of thine adversaries Ezek. 29. 21. cause A. of Isra. to bud Dan. 1. 8 among- them a little A. 20. 11. great words which A. spake 21. same h. made wnr with saints 8. 5. the goat had a notable A, 8. was strong great A. was broken 9. out of them came forth little A. 21. great A. that is between eyeg Me. 4. 13. 1 will make thy A. iron Zei-h. 1. 21. lift up A. over the land Luke 1. 69. raised up A. of salvation HORNS. Gen. 22. la caught in thicket by A. LjMd. 27. 2. make A. of it on four corners, his !i. he of the same, 30. 2. I 37. 25. I 38. 2. 29. 12. put oft' th" blood on the A. of the altar, 7.,-r. 4 7, 18, 25, 30, 34. | 8. Id. | 9. 9. ( 16. la 3fl. a wi. pure gold overlay A. 37. 26. lirut. 33. 17. A. like h. of unicorns I Am. 22. 11. Zedekiah made A. of iron, 2 Chron. 16. 10. ftal. 22. 21. heard from A. of unicorns -r. s. 30. A. thing committed in land 18. I:*, virgin of Israel done A. thing 23. 14. seen in prophets a A. thing Hot. 6. 10. seen a A. thing in Israel HORRIBLY. Jer. 2. 12. be A. afraid, O ye heavens Exek. 32. 10. kin?* sh. be A. atraid HORROR. Gen. 15. 12. a A. of great darkness Pt. 55. 5. A. haih overwhelmed me 119. 5a A. hath taken hold on me HORSE. Gen. 49 17. adder th. hiteth A. heels Ex. 15. 21. A. and rider thrown in sea Judg.ft.'te then were A. hoofs broken 1 Am. 10. 29. a A. for 150 shekels, 2 Chron. 1. 17. Esth. 6. a A kingrideth on, 9, 10. Job 39. 1R she M-oriieth A. and rider 19. hast thou given A. streneth ? Ps. 32. 9. he not as the A. or mule 33. 17. a A. is vain thing for safety 76. 6. chariot and A. cast into sleep 147. 10. delight, not in strength of A. Prov. 21. 31. A. prepared aga. battle 26. a a whip tor A. a rod for fool Int. 63. 13. led through deep, as a A. Jer. 8. G. A. rusheth into the battle Amis 2. 15. nor he th. rideth A. deliv. Zech. 1. 8. man riding upon a red A. 9. 10. cut off the A. from Jerusalem 10. a made them as goodly A. In hat. 12. 4. unite every A. with blindness 14. 15. shall be the plague of the A. Rev. ft 2. saw, behold white A. 19. 11. 4. red A. ||S. black A. H 8. a pale A. 14. 20. blood came to the A. bridles 19. 19. war against him th. sat on A. 21. slain with sword of him satou A. HORSEBACK. 2 Kin. 9. la i-n A. to meet Jehu, 19. Esth. 6. 9. on A. through city, 11. a 10. sent letters by prints on A. HORSE.GA'1'K. 2 Chr. 2ai5. come toeiitering nfh.-g. AVA. 3. 2a from above the h.-gate Jer. 31. 40. to corner of the h..gate HOUSES. Gen, 47. 17. bread in exchange for A Eiwi. P. 3. hand of Lord is upon A. Deut. 17. Iri. not multiply A. to h m- self, to end he should multipl) A 1 Kin. 10. 2a Solomon had A. out Egypt, 2 Chr. 1. Ifi, 17. | 9. 28 la 5. grass, to save A. and mules 239 HOR A'm. 28. I. and my A. are as thy to A. I Tto. & t 7U I. & kt "over of A, f.^ men 1 ft. 4 ft M* A, no* I* mouther Lmlct Ml 35. Ml r-ve them to A. Hum. l& d. C.aim miM A. aod of efc. HOI Of*. 1 I. earth tnish. all A. of them It 1 ke ttu4. tku I. '. SI. 14 wrotk wi. officen of A 4V. ottnrt uf A. rune t Mine* tVW. 14. men of war watted fr. A A ft when Ik* A. gurth forth aga. JMs.1.11. paMlhro'A. and command 1 t the ottrer* weot thro' the A. ilia, captain of the A. of the L. Jutg. 4. 2 optain of A. wat Steer* TfttW A. of MidUn WM beoeath 0. fet ike* down unto tte A. 10. IS. rake of bread tumbled Into A. a. II. Uldeoo smote the A. 18. . .CM. 11.11. Saul came Into the A. 14. II there wat trembling In A. la Ike ooJte -rf the A went on 17. ML av. came as A. was golnr L 4. SMl taw the A. of Philistines tt. & coming with me in A. it good t Ant. to. S3. Joab wat over till A. I CAron. la 15. tl 10. brake thn" A. I CAr. II. la Kin. 1 37. Abner captain of the A. K. 34. carry me out of the A. Kin. 3. 9. wat no water for the A. 4. 13. be spoken to rapUin of A, fl 14. teat hrei and A. to Dothaii 7. 4. let u* fall to A. of the Syrians & U made A to hear noise of a A. ft V the canUin* of A. were sitting 14. 19. principal scribe atk.Jer.frm 1 CAr. i. 19. fathers over A of the L It W. a great A. like the A. of God t Otr. IR 33. carry me out of the A. 84. 24. the 1, delivered a great A. Ft 87. 3. though an A. tho. encamp 33. 8. all A. made by thy mouth I* no king saved by multi of A. Ita. la 4. L. muttereth A of battle 14. 21. U th. punlth A. of high ones 4tt 8& bHngetb out A. .y number Jrr 41. 1 drttmy utterly all her A. JTss\. I. K speech, at noise of an A. Dm*, t. 10. ea*t down nne of the A 11. BninV<1 kirns, to prince of A. 12. A rn him aga. daily MUTift. IS. A to be trodden under foot (Ham. *l tte captivity of this A * X, IX heavenly A. prm.ing O. See Hovrx. HOSTAOEa f JTm. It. 14. JekoMh took A. and returned f. Sunaria. 8 CAr.t4.24. HOSTS. JC/W 1141. A of L. went oat of Eg Ft 103. S) hie., the U all ye hi. A. IOH. II. O O. go forth With our A. ? 14& t praiv ye him, all hit A. Jtr. S. 19. keriUge of A. of nations w 0n, Loan. Zr*t 1C. tl. when the tan waxed A If 13. 24. there i. a A. burning find. B. 19 anger and A. dp!e*snre UL C portou. whil- bit heart it A. HOU JwA. ft II our bread we took A. Jurf^. i 14, L. wa* A. araiwit Israe attfa. a i 10. . 39 let not thine anyer l>e A. I Sam. 1 1. 9. by tin- tune sun be A. : ut A brend when laken sway AVA. 7. a not wpenrd till sun be A. Jot, &I7. when A. they re loni-uroed /wi 0. I. neither chx.-t.-ii in thy A displeasure. 38. I, IB. 3. my heart was A. within me 7R4a (rave flocks to A. thuud. rboltH Pror. &lfa can one (jo upon A. coals 't K.-tk. *4. M brass of it may be A Dan. 3. W. fnrnare a exceeding A. II'*. 7. 7. they *T* all A. a* an oven I Tim. \. i conw. seared w I. A. iron /tor. 3. 15 art neither cold nor A. I would thon wert cold or A. 16. See Wx, Verb. HOTLY. Orn. 31. 36. tin.u hut so A. pursued HO1TEST. * Sam. U. 1-V front of the A. battle HOUGH. ED. Jot\. II. 6. thou sh. A. their horses ft A. hones, burnt chariots wi. fire Sam. S. 4. Durid A chariot buries HOUR. Dan. 4. 19. Dan. aitonied for one A. Mat. 9. fi. made whole from that A. 15. *i. daughter whole fr. th.it A. 17. la child was cured from that A. JO. 3. went out about th>- third A. 5. tixth And ninth A. || fi. lltli A. 18. thete have wrought but one A. 21 36. that A. knoweth no man, 42. Hark 13. Si. 4-4. such an A. as ye think not. 50. Luke 12. 40, 46 25. 13. ye know neither day nor A. 26. 4a watch one A. ? Mark U. 37. 4\ the A. is at hand. Sun of man 87. 45. from the sixth A. was dark, next over the land to the ninth A. Mark IV 33. Luke i.'i. 44. 4fl. ninth A. Jet. cried, .Murk 15. 34. Stark 13 II. he Riven you in that A. 14 35. if possible the A iniirht pa I5.V4. the third A. they crucified him Luke 10. 81. In that A. Jes. rejoiced IS. 39. what A. the thief wo. come KV. 53. your A. and power of dark. 49. about the space of one A. JoA* 8. 1 mine A. is not yet come 4. 8. it wat about the 6th A 19. 14. 81. believe m", the A. rometh. . 5i. then inquired he the A. he he. (Tn to amend, at 7th A. fever left 5. 85. the A. is coming, 88. | Id 32. 7. 30 his A. wat not yet i-ome, H. 80. 19 83. A. it come, Son lie gior. 17.1. 87. Father, save me fr. thi A fur this cause came I to this h. 13. I. Jeson knew hit A. was come !, 21. sorrow, beca, her A. i< come 19. S7. fr. that A di-ipl.. took her Act* 2. 15. seein* it it third A of diiy 3. I. A. of prayer bein/ the ninth A. 10. a about ninth A. anpel coming; 9. Pet went to pray about fitli A. 23. 23. make ready at tin- third A. I Cor. 4. II. to thii present A. 15. 30. ttand we in jeopardv er. A.? Gat 2. h. (rave place, not for an A. Her. 3. a not know what A. I will 10. keep thee fr. A of temptation . I. silence was about half an A. 9. 15. pr. pared fur an A and a day 14. 7. the A. of his judgrn is come 17. 18. receive power an kings one A. la la In one A. i- thy jadg. come 17. In one A. great riches 1^ come U. city in on* A. made desolate. 340 HOU Same HOUR Dan. 3. ft t A. i-H^t into furnace, U 4. 33 n>. A. was the tiling fu'hll.-.i 5. S. in the i. A. came forth tinker* .Vat 8. la servant wat healed $. A. 10. 19. givm you i. A. Luke \->. \-i Lu." Kl. j. A ruied many of plague^ DO. Ifl.f.A. sought to lay hands on him J. yi knew it was ;it the j. A. Actt Id IH. he came out the mm? h. 33. touk them tame A. ol the night Arc. 11. la i. A wu- earthquake HOCUS. .'(.An II. 9. are not 12 A. in day ? Actt 5. 7. cair.e in about 3 A. after 19. 34. all cried about two A. BODSE. Gen. 19. 4. men compassed the h. 21. 31. 1 hve prepared A. room 39. 5. Lord Messed Egyptian's A. 4.V 8. and the A. ,.l Pharaoh heard Erod. a 3. frog-, sh. come into the A. 12. & a lamb according to the A. 30. not A. where was not oue itrad 46. not carry flesh out of the A. 13. 3. out of the A. of hoiidatrc, II. Deut. 5. ft. | 6. ', SO. 17. sh. not covet neighbour's v. Ueut. 5. 21. Lev. 14. 3R priest th. empty the A. 14. 3& priest >h..ll go out of the A. and shut up, 45, 46, 49. V>. 30. A. told in walled city Devt.t.S. redeemed out of A. of bond, a 14. hrouvht you out of the land of Egypt, from A. of hondaee, 13. 5, 10. Joth. -H. 17. Judg. & 8. Jer. 34. la A/c. 6. 4. 25. 10. A. of him that ha. shoe loosed Juih. 2. 15. her A. w on town wall Judg.\&.Vf>. pillars wh.-r. A. standeth. 27. A. was full of men and women 30. and the A. fell upon the lords 17. 5. Micah had an A. nf godg 19. la no man receiveth me to A. 22. sons of He'ial t.e>et the A. 20. 5. 1 Snm.3.14. I have morn to A. of Eli V 2. brought ark into A. of Dagon 7. I. brnuvht ark to A. of Ahiuadab 9. la tell me where seer's A. it. 25. 28. L. will make my lord sure A. ^ Sum. 3. I. war bet w. A. of Saul and a hew kindne- to the A. of Saul 5. 8. lame and blind not come to A. & II. L. blessed A. of Ohed-edom, David brought ark from his A. 14 I CAron. ia 14. 7. & not d welt in any A. I CAr. 17. 5. 11. he will make thee an A. 29. bless A. of thy serv irAr.17.87. 12. a I gave thee thy master's A. A'in. 2. 24. who made me an A. 6. 22. whole A. overlaid with gold 9. . so Solomon finished the A 12 31. and Jeroboam made an A. 17. 15. and her A. did eat many dayt 21. 22. th) A. like A. of Jeroboam i. Kin. a 3. cry to theking for her A. la at did the A. of Ahah, 27. 2 CAr 21. 6. | 22. 4. 9 8. whole A. of Ahah shall perish 10. S. light for your mater's A. 81. and the A. of Baal wa* full 87. the A. of Baal a draught A. 20. 13 Heiekinh shewed A. f pre. cious thing*. A. of arm. /i.:i.i 23. 27. A. of which my name sh. be 25. 9. ev. great man's A. he burnt 2 CAr. 7. 1. glory of the Lord tilled the A Ezrk. 43. 4, A. 12. chosen thi< plnce for A of ac. f.rra 5 8. went to A. of gr.'at God fi. a at Jerusa. let the A. he hnilde. 17. withdraw fr. neighbour's A. 27. 10. brother's A. day of calamity Eccl. 7. 2. to go to h. of moiirninir, than A. of feasting 10. 18. through idleness A. droppeth 12. 3. keepers of A. shall tremble C'int. 1. 17. beams of our A. cedar 2. 4. brought me to banqueting A. 3. 4. brought him to my mother's A. 8. 2. bring thee into my mother's A. Ita. 5. 8. woe to them th join A. to A. 6. 4. the A. was filled with smoke 14. 17. opened not A. of prisoners 83. I. there is no A. || 24. 10. A. shut 31. 2. arise against A. of evil doers 60. T. T will glorify A. of my glory 64. 11. holy and beautiful A. burnt Jvr. 16. 5. ntr not A. of mourning 8. shall not go into A. of (easting 37.20. not return to A. of Jona. 38.126. Ezek. 2. 5. they are H rebellious A. 3. 9, 26, 27. | 12. 3. 8. be not rebellious like that A. 13. I. dwellest in midst of rel.el. A. 17. 12. say now to the rebellious A. 24. 3. utter parable to rebellious A. 43. II. shew them the form of A. 12. law of A. on top of mountain tmo 1. 5. sceptre from A. of Kden a 15. smite winter A. wi. summer A. 5. 19. or went into A. and leaned 6. II. tmite great A and little A. 7. 1C. not word against A. of Isaac O'-nd. 18 A. of Esau he for stubble Alic. 3. 12. mountain of the A. shall be as high place* of the forest 4. 2. let us en up to the A. of God ffah. 1. 14. out of the A. of thy gods Zec/t. 5. 4. enter into A. of the thief, into A. of him sweareth falsely Mat. 7. 25. and beat upon that A. 27. Luke 6. 48. 10. 12. when come into A. salute it 1,1 if A. be worthy, let your peace come, Luke 10. 5. 12.05. every A. divided airain-t itself 21. enter strong man's A. A/ar.3.27. 20. 11. murmured against man of A. 23. X your A. is left to yon deso. late, Luke la 25. 24. 43. good man of A. known what watch thief would come, Lu. I2.#>. Murk 3. 25. A. dmded against itself 10. 29. that hath left A. or brethren 14. 14. to good man of A. Lu. W. II. Luke 10. 7. in that A. remain 15. B. light candle and sweep A John 12. a A. was filled with odour Acts 2. 2. sound fr. heaven filled A. 5. ti. breaking bread from A. to A. ou .. a 3. built A. more hon. than A. 4. every A. is built by some man 6. whose A. are we, it we hold fast 2 John 10. receive him not into A. See AARON, BORN, BUILD r BUILT, CHIEF, OAVID, DOOR, DWELL. HOUSE joined withJn/Aer. Gen. 12. I. get thee from jWfter'* A. 24. 7. God took me (mm fitt/ier's h 38. thim shall go to my father's A. 40. take wife for my son ol/V A. 31. 14. any portion for us in/.'* A. 38. II. remain widow at thy/'* A. 41. 51. God made me forget/'* A. 46. 31. br< thren and/'* A. are come 50. 22. in Egypt, he and his/'* A. Ej-od. 12. 3. accord, to A. offathrrt Num. 1. 2. sum of ls r ael by A. of their fathers, 18, 28, 22, 24. 4. every one head of A. of his / 44. Josh. 22. 14. 2. 2. pitch with ensign of father'* h. 3. 15. number of children of Levi after A. of their fathers, 20. I * 46. 17. 2. according to A. of their/'*, 3. 18. I. thou and/'* A. bear iniquity 30. 3. a vow, being in her/ 1 * A. 16. Deut. 22. 21. play whore in her/** A. J-ixh. 2. 12. show kindness to/'* A. Judg. 6. 15. I am least in my/'* A. 9. 18. ye are risen against my/'* A. 11. 2. sh. not inherit in our/ 1 * A. 14. 15. lest we burn thee and/'* A. 16. 31. all the A. of his/, buried him Sam. 2. 27. appear to A. of thy/ 30. I said A. of thy/ should walk 17. 25. king will make his/ * A. free 18. 2. go no more home to his/** A. 22. 16. thou and all thv/.' A. sh. die 24.21 notdestr. my name out/'*A. 2Sa.a29. rest on Joab and his/'* A 14. 9. iniq. be on me. and my/'* A. 19. 28. all of/.'* A. were dead men 1 Kin. 2. 31. innocent blood fr./'* A. 18 18. thou and/'* A. troubled Isr. 1 Chr. 28. 4. G. chose me bef. A. of/ Ezra 2. 29. could uot show their/'* A. Neh. 1. G. 10. 1C. chief of the A. of/ examined Neh. l.C. I and my/'* A. have slimed EntH. 4. 14. th. and/'* A. be destroy. Pi. 45. 10. forget thy peo. and/.'* A. Isa. 3.6. hold of brother of A. of his/ 7. 17. bring on thy/'* A. days that 22. 23. be glorious throve t')"/'* A. 24. hang on Him glory of his/'* A. Jer. 12. 6 A. of/ dealt treacherously Luke 16. 27. send him to my/'* A. John 2, 16. make not my Father's h. an house of merchandise 14. 2. In my F.'sh. are many mans. Act* 7. VQ. Mos. nourished iu/'* A. HOUSK./GW. Gen. 28. 17. none other but A. ofG. 22. this stone I set sh. be Gail's h. Josh. 9.23. drawers \vaterfor A. ofG. Jiuig. 18. 31. A. of (i. was in Si.iloh 20. 26. |>eo. came unto A. ofG. 21. 2. 31. high, way oeth up to h. ofG. 2 Chr. 5. 14. glory of L. fi.U;? 4. uJG. 241 HOU 2 Chrim. 22. 12. ho was hid in A. efO. 24.13. they set A. nf G. in his tt 33. Manaasvh set i'tuage in A. ofG. 3. 19. they burnt the A. ../ God Ezra 5. 8. we went to A. a/great G 15. let the A. ofG. be builded. 6. 7 7. 23. let it done lor the A. of God Neh. 6. 10. let us meet in A. of G. 13. II. why is theft. ofG. forsakenf Pial 42. 4. I went to A. ofG. 55. 14. 52. 8. like an olive-tree iu A. ofG. 84. 10. be door-keeper in A. of G. Eccl.b. 1. when thou goestto A. ofG. ha. 2. 3. come, let us go up t'. th A. ofG. Mic 4. 8. If on. 9. 8. prophet is hated in/_ ofG. Joel \. 13. drink-offering withholden from A. of God 16. gladness cut off fr. the A. ofG. Zech. 7.2. sent to A. of G. men to pray Mat. 12. 4. entered A. of G. and did eat sh.- bread, Mark 2. 26. Lu. 6.4. I Tim. 3 15. behave thyself in A. ofG. Heb. 10.21. High-Priest over . ofG. I Pet. 4. 17. judym. begin at A. ofG. Hi* HO USE. Gen. 12. 17. L. plagued Phar. and A. h. 17.27 men of A.A. were circumcised 39.4. made him overseer over A.A.S. 45. 8. made me lord of A. h.Actil.W. Lev. 16. 6. an atonement for A. A. 11. 27. 14. a man shall sanctify A. A. Num. 22. 18. if Balak give me a. h. lulJ of silver and gold, 24. 18. Deut. 20. 5. go return to A. A. 6, 7, 8. 24. 10. thou shalt not go into A. A. Judg. 8. 27. became a snare to A. A. 1 Sum. 3. 12. have spoken cone. A. A. 13. I will judge A. A. for ever 7. 17. to Raman, for there was A. A. 25. I. Israel buried Samuel in A. h. 2 Sam. 6. 21. before thy fa, and A. A. 11. 9. Uriah went not to A. A. 16,13. 27. David fetched her to A. A. 19. 11. bring the king back to A. k. 21. 1. it is for Saul and A. Moody A. 1 Kin.2.33. on A A. th>'re sh. he peace 7. 1. Sol. building, ami finished A.A. 12. 24. return every man to A. A 22. 17. I Chr. 16. 4.1 2 Chron 11. 4. | la 16. 13. 19. did eat bread in Ai* A. 20. 43. went to A. A. heavy, 21. 4. 2 Kin. 6. 32. Elisha sat in hit A. 20. 13. nothing in A. A. Hezekiah 1 Chr. 10. 6. all A. A. died together 13. 14. the ark remained in A. A. 2 Chr. 24. 16. good tow. G. and k. h. Erra 6. 11. A. A. be made a dunghill AVA a 28. repaired over-aga. A. A. 5. la G. shake every man tr. A. A. Job I. 10. made an hedge about A. A.? 8. 15. he shall lean on A. A. it sh. not 20. 28. increase of A. A. sh. depart 21. 21. what pleasure hath he in A.A. 27. 18. he huildeth A. A. as a moth P>. 49. 16. glory of A. A. is increased 105. 21. he made him Lord of A. A. 112. 3. wealth and riches b ID A. k. Prov. 6. 31. give the substance of 4. A. Cunt. 8 7. 17. 13. evil sh. not depart from A. A. Mie. 2. 2. oppress a man and A. A. Hub. 2. 9. an evil covetousn. to A. A. Mat 12. 29. tbpii he will spoil A. A. .Mark 3. 27. Mark la 15. 24. 17. to take anything out ol A. A. 43. not suffered A. A. t.. !>. broken Luke a 41. that he w come to A.A. 18. 14. this man went down to A. A. John 4-. 53. himself believed and*. A. Acts 10. 2. feared i;od, with all Ait A, 2-J. warned to sen i for thee to AM A 11. li he had seen au;nig>;Uu/tu A M HOU iKjaMrrtroiifStl-' TlawU i : . willi all Au A Hd CW 4 14 ~.ltr rli.irrh .1. *,. A ^ J V M- ofatMol n, AM A. 5. II. 7. pre|.iv4 ark for sat luf AM A. '.. Om. 4*1. 7. s.i J A f J. wvrnty /^t 114. I. k. ofJ. ' bax t. & V fJ walk in lihl f U & bast fursaken thy prop r. A < J. ft IT U kd. Ih frr lr...o A / J*C. 11 I tkr. .ball rte.ve to A ttJte. 1ft L s*r A fJtnk Ikni aba Jrr. t 4. br.r .*d ..f I. A. / J*e. ft ). 4rrlarr IM. in tbr A of Jar. SML A 5. lwV4 op l..d i.-'A. ,/ J. 7*M 17. A. / J D..VM p.~-^His l& A fj^n* shall br a Ire Mar. t 7 lt art naiard tkr A. ofj ft ft be*', yr Kemds of thr A. ./Jc UA L M reicn ,,ver tbr A, / Jtac .O. 17 ar.Mw In. 1 A. fj<* aMdr in <.-t \ nkotJ. wrnt . Brtkrl ** irf A. /V.rpA prrrallrd &.& *r.fc out lik. flre in A /J. . ia A. a/Jl -kail he Bam* . 10. & I will Mr tbr A. of J. i* la Irt A. //i. bewail hurnlnf 17. a wbat man Ikrrr b.- of A. / ,. klllrtk ox or bunk, ft 10. | ?2. ift t Sum. 7. t Ibr A- o/ /. lamented 6 S. A. //./*/ played before L. l\ A. o/ /*ror/l>rought up thr ark It ft I farr Ikrr thr A of ttrael I A'im.211. .11. kli,g.trfA../7. mrrr.ful P*ii 9N 3 hi. tru'b toward A. of I. Hi. It be will hi.-., A. o/ liratt 1SV 19. O A o/ /.r,w/ hlrt. U.r.l ZM. A. 7. vinryard of L. i. A. ofltr 14. t A. of //r. prs> Inrm in land 4& S. rrmnaiit of A. of lit. hrarkrn Cl 7. g.NMne. toward the A. of It. Irr t . MI h) tke A e//. ashamed 1 1 bousr of Ju.Uh walk wi A of I ta 4raltlrr-heroi.OA.o//.VII. ft M. all A nf I are f Itr. 4* 11 A. //. a.ha.ned of Brlkel ttrk 1 I. o, opr.,k to A. of I. 17. t j > n. so. | *4. i. i 33. 10. 1 3n 2i T. A / /. m* krrk-n lii mr, A. of 1. Impiidrnt and hard.hrartrd II. tfcer wairkmsntoA. of I. 33.1 4 4. lay Iniq.iiiy .^A. off. up.,,, it ft, fcear Iniquilv ol thr A. nfltraef k 4. -> riMnr f..nk int.. A uf Imt, In TV i . L * r . ol %. f /. arr po.ii tr^vrd .ft lsik| V n>cr madr hedge f..r A. nf It. ui,wA "'" 4 II. Ik. A. / / ., ., m..r .itray ' R I- of A..// l.v * (1 ' > qa.|? SI .III ,,4,,. O A. o//.? 311 1.' .. Ji I A. // Utnmr krro **>* ft M M more a prirklnc hriar t.> . 8 .taff . frrrd to A. of I9> "" OMirr rni.04riirv .. k. nf U l rr k.-rr .rf ./ /. |., hod i. Kl I will mull, ply all ta* A. c/7. HOU .V //. dwrlt in own land St. be T Mharaed. U ho] luarl -i ul he inquired ol by A. of I. 37.11 thew h..ne- are whole A .//. Ihr A of I. his companion* 3*. It 7 mootbi A. of. 1. h* i.ur)ing ft. A. uf I. sh. know I m thr Lord y3.th-A of I w.-nl into captivity JM. poured out rov Spirit on A. ///. . ausrd A. //. fall into miq ti. inside, t uf Ihe see.l of A. ol L 45. & a>4wr. a a a new covenant wi. A. ofj Kixif-i HOUSE. 2 Sam. II. 2. walked on roof oft ',A I A in 9. I. .Solo, had finii-hed k.'t k. 14. 20. he took away the trrxturr of the k.'t A. 15. 18 2 Kingi IA ft J CAr. It . | 25. 24 7 ATin. 7. 1 1. they told It ' thr k ' A. < fAr. a 5. a third part he at A.'t A. ffl. 21. t ok a portion out of A of A. EitA t 9. STT. n maidens out k.'i k. 1. 13 think not escape in thr*.'i A. 9 4 Mor irral nas great In k.'t A, Hot. &. I. irivr yr ear, O A. of the A. Aim. 17. R r.,dof Aaron for A ofL I3i ft hlet Ihe U O A. o/l. ZcA. IS. IJ. U ,,i|y of A. of i. apart /* Or HOUSE S. .polled en, nil in t h hlr*.|ii R ,,f L on all in tl-t h. .WnttrlhD..| Whli.,vi.mn>if A. 44. Ill fame wa hrard i* Ptiar A. 242 HOU T.rnd. U. 46. in "nr A. paoTrr k Lev. 14. piillhrpin(fiie..f lepr, ina h. 35 43,44.4:, *4 JcuA. t 19. hoi>o with ti.er i;i Mr A. /iufA I. 9. r. h li, A. ol her Iiu-.l.un4 L ~. that hr Inirirda little in //ir A I .Sum. ta -.-4. lii'-i H fat I-M f in ti,, A :)l 9. pul.ii-h it i/i/. A. ol their uloM 10. put armour in t. h. of Astitnr. I AIM 3. 17. I and thin woman dwell I'M one k. deliv. i.f H rhild i>< t. A. ft. 7. not mi) t.xil h.-ar.l in tHr A. 14.13. tuuiid V wn>hippii^ in A.ounir uieii IM t A. rra 1.7. put them in t.h. irke(tne-.i< in A. of wir'ted ZcrA. 13. 6. wounded in A of friend* Mat, A. 15. liitht to all that are in t. A. Murk 9. 33 being in the A. h.' a-krd U. 3. heir.>r in t A. Simon the l.-p.-r Luke a y~,. in any A. but the toa.ha John a 35. -.TV. abidrth n.it in t \ 1 1. *0. Mary sat still in Mr A. Art* U. 1 1. inquire in the h. of Judas 10.33. Peter it lodged iii A. of Simon HOUSK, joined with Lord Erod. 23. 19. the fir-l-fruil- thon brine into th<- A. of the L. 34. ft AVA. 10 :& Drut. 23. la prirr uf dojr to A. of /,. Jotft. 6. S4. put in treasury of A. of L. I .Sum. 1. 7. hr went lo A of thr L. a I. Hannah brought him unto the A of the /.. 2 A.'ing* I A 4, 9, la |*t 4. S CAnm. 34. 14. 1 Kin. a I. rnd <>f h>iildin? A. of /.. 6.37. the foundati.in.if the A of thr /.. laid, 2 Chr,,n. a 16. Ezra 3. II. Ztck. 8.9. 7. 40. work hr rnadr for h. of /, ^ 51. 9 Chr. 4 Ift | 5. I. | 24. 14. 8. 10. rlond Hlled A. of L. 11. 1 t/ir S. 13. |7. V K*fk. 4. 4. 6a o Ur*el drdli-Htrd the A. of /.. 2 A in. II. 3. hid in h of /. -i\ y.-iira 4 took an oath in the A. of th.- /,. 15. Irt hrr not be slain in A of /.. * CAr,), '.'3 IV 12. 10. told monry found in A ofth* L. 14. 14. | in. a I H. 15. M. overnight of Ihe A. of th.^ /,. 16. trr**paM.monry not in A. of /,. 20 5. th rd day -halt go to A. of /.. & Lord will h.M.1 me, that 1 -I, ,11 go up fo the A. of /.. hn. :w Vi S3. 2. word, found in A. of the L. 24. CAron. 3t 17. .'H 7. Sodomites u ert hy A. of the L 85 9. hr l.urnt A. of /.. Jrr. 5*. 13. I Chr. fi. SI.M'Mi.-e in the A. of /.. K. I. DatM ,HI,|, thin is thr A of /.. 11. and l.uild the A of /.. thy (.ol 14. I hvr ptepured for A ol 1,^4 a 4. set forward work of A. of /.. 26. 12. to minuter in A. of Ube /.oT^ HOU 1 Chr. 8. 1C. h. of Z. was perfected fl). 5 Levites, sanctify h. of the L. 15. rame to rlear.se A. of th Lord 33. 15. Manas, took Idol out A. of L. 3V \">. found hook of law in h. of /.. 3d II. priests polluted h. (if the L. Etni 7. 27. to beautify h. f the L. ft. 23. 6. dwell in A. of L. for ever 27. 4 dw-ll in h. of L. all my life 02. 1.) that be planted in h. of /.. 116. 19. will pay my vows in L.'s H. 119. 2ix blessed you out of A. of /.. 122. I. let us tro into the A. of Lord 9. because of A. of L. seek thy pood 134. 1. ye thut stand in A. of /.. 135.2. Iia. 2. 2. L.'t h. he established in the top of mountains, Mic. 4. 1. Jer 17. 26. praise to the A. of the L. S8 2. come to worship in the L.'th. 36 5. I cannot go into A. of the L. 6. read in L.'th. ut>on fHStinvr.day 51. 51. come to sanctuaries of L.'t A. J.nm. 2. 7. made a noise in A. of L. Hag. 1. 2. time L.'t A. sho. be built &e COURT, DOOR, GATE,'! RF.ASUKLS, V KSs K LS. MJJM-, or my HOUSE. GCT. 15. a steward of m.A. is Eliezer 3. one horn in m. A. is mine heir Num. 12. 7. whwii faithful in all HI. A. A)A.24.15 nieandm. A. willservn L Judg. \ I. 31. forth of doors of m. A. l.SVi/n.21.15 this fellow com.- to m.A.? 2 Saw. 7. 18. O L. G. what is m. A.? 1 Chr. 17. Ifi. 11.11. sh. I then eo into m.h. to eat? 29. 5. the.' m. A he not MI with God 1 Kin. 21.2. because it is near to m. A. 2 Kin. 20. I.'), all things that are in HI. A. have they seen, Ixa. 39. 4. 1 CAr. 17. U. will settle him in m. A. Jol 17. 13. I wait, the grave is m. A. ft. 101. 2. in m. A. wi. perfect heart 132. 3. not come to tahern. of m. A. Pror.76. at wind >w nf m.h. Hooked J*a. 3. 7. in m. h. is neither bread nor 56.5. them will I L'ive in m.A. a i:a:ne 7. I will make them joyful in m. A. of prayer, m. A. shall he called an h. of p'ayer fc>r all people. Mat. 21 13. Mark II. 17. Luke 19. 46. Jer. II. 15 what helov. do in m. A. ? 12. 7. I have forsaken mine h. 23. 11. in >n. A. I f. un.l wickedness Kxek. 8. I. as I sat in m. A. and elder* 44. 7. gapt t. to pollute it, even m. h Dan. 4. 4. Nebu. WHS at rest in m. h Hug. 1. 9. bee. of m. A. that is viii-te Zecn. 3. 7. thou sh. also judge m. A. 9. 8. I will encamp about m. h. Mat. 3.1 ) there may be meat in m.h. Mat. 1? 44. I will return into m. h. Luke 11. 24 ittAre'161. bid them farewell at m.A. 14. 23 that m. A. may be tilled Ar.tt 10.30. ninth hour I pray, in m.h 18. 15. come into m. h. and abide Otim HOUSE. Gen. 14. 14. servants born in his o. A Sam. 4. II. slain person in his o. A 12. II. evil aga. thee out of thyo. A 19. 30. kinir come in peace to o. h. \ Kin. 2. 34. Joah buried in hiso. A. 3. I. made an end of huildineo. h. 1. 1. Solo building hiso. A. 13 yeiirs 12. Ifi. now see to thine o. A. David 2 Chron. 10. 16 14. 12. gef thee into thine men A. I Kin. 21. IS. Manasseh was hnriec in garden of o. A. 2 Chr. 33. 20 23. slew the kiiiL' in tii* men fi 2 Chron. 33. 24 8 CAr. 7. 11. came in his heart in o. A Kith. 1. 2*. cv. man rule in his o. A. HOU Prop. 11 ?9. he that tronblefli o. h. "rov. 15.2. (freedy troubleth bis o. A. tta 14. 18. .ie in glory, ev. one o. h. Mic. 7. 6. mi.ii's enemies are of o. A. Hug. 1. 9. run ev. man unto his u. A. Mat. 13. 57. a prophet is not without honour, save in <>. A. Mark 6. 4 Luke I. 23. he departed to o. A. 5. 25. 56. and Mary returned to lirr o. A. 5.29. Levi madeagreat feast in o. h. 8. 39. return to thy o A. and shew John 7. 53 ev. man went to his o. A. Arts 28.30. Paul dwelt 2 years in o. h. 1 TYm. 3.4. one th. ruleth well his o. A. 5. know not how to rule his o. A. ". 8 especially tor those of his o. n. Heb. 3. 6. Christ as a Son over o. h. This HOUSE. Gen. 39. 9. none greater in t. A.than I A'f'n. 6. 12. t h. thou art building 8. 27. how much less t. h. I huildtd? 29. eyes tie opened towaid t. h, 31. before thine altar in (. A. 33. supplication to thee in t. h. 42. 38. spread his hands towards t. A. 9. a I have hallowed thin h. 8. at t. h. every one shall hiss 2 Chr. 6. 2d. eyes may he open on t. h. 22. oath come In fore altar in t. A. J4. make supplication in this h. 32. if they come and pray in t. h. 1. 16. now have I sanctified t. A. 20. 21. and t. h. which is hii;l), shall be Ezra a 12 the foundation of t. A. Jer. 7. 10. stand before mi in t. h. 11. U t. A. hern, a den of robbers ? 22. 5. t. h. sh. become a desolation 26. 6. will I make t. h. like Shiloh S. saying, t. h. shall be like Shiloh Hag. 1. 4. in houses, t. h. lie waste ': 2. 3. who is left that saw t. h. first? 7. Iwill till t. A. wi. glory, saith L. 9. glory of t.h. greater than former Luke 10. 5 first say, peace he to t. h. 19. 9. this day is salva. come to t. A. Thine, or thy HOUSE. Gen. 7. I. come thou and t. h. to ark Sum. 18. 11. that is clean in t. h. 13. Deut. 6. 7. talk of them in /. A. 11.19. 9. sh. write on posts of t. h. 1 1. 20. 7. 26 bring an abomination to t A. ?l. 12. slialt bring- her home to t. h. 22. 8. hrinif not blond upon t. h. 25. 14. have in t. h. divers measures -'<;. I). God given to thee and t. h. .lush. 2. 3. men are entered into t. A. Jiirie. 12. 1. will burn t. h. on thee Hum 4. 11. woman come into /. A. 12. let t h. be like house of Pharez 1 Sam. 2. 30. t A. sh. walk before me 31. shall not he an old man in /. A. 33. t. h. shall die in flower of age 36. ev. one in t. h. crouch to him 25. 6. peace to t. h. and all thou hast 2 Sum. 7. 16. /. A. established for ever 1 1. 8. uo to t. h. anil wash thy feet 12. 10. sword never depart fr. t. h. 1 Kin. 13. 8. if thou give half t. h. 2 Kin. 20. 1. t A. in order, Isa. 38. 1. 15. what seen in /. A. V ha. 39. 4. 17. t. h shall be carried, ha. 39. 6. Psal. 5. 7. I will come into t. A. 26. a I ha. loved habitation of f. A. 36. a satisfied with fatness of t. A. 50. 9. 1 will take no bullock of t. A. fi5. 4. satisfied with goodness of (. A. 66. la go to <. A. with burnt. offer. 69. 9. zeal of t. h. hath eaten me up, John 1. 17. 9a ft. holiness becometh t. A. O L. 12H. 3. wife as fruitful vine by t. h. fsa. 58. 7 poor that are cast to t. h Ji-r. :*. 17. thou shall live, and t. A. Exek. 3. 24. shut thyself within t. h. 243 HOU F.zek. 44. 30. blessing to ir*< tnf A Hob. 2. 10. consulted shame to t h. Mat. 9. 6. ariae, go to t. h. M,,,/, -t II l.ukr :>. L'-l 26. 18. 1 will keep passovei at t. h. /.u.7.44. entered t. h. gave no Ht. 19. 5 to-day 1 must at.ide at t /. Acts 1 1. 14. all t. h. be -aved. Hi. 31. Phil. 2. to the chuirh in t A. grace Sff 'I'l'-n. HOUSES. F.rud. 1. 21, he made midwives* A. 12. 7 upper door-|iost of the h. la blood be for a token on the A. 15. put away leaven out of your A. Lee. 25. 31. A. of villages be counted Num. 16.32. earth swalloived tlirirA. 32. 18. we will not return to nr A. l)eul.fi.\\. give thee A. olgood things 8. 12. built goodly h. dwelt therein 19. 1. dwellest in their cities and A. A'eA. H. 25. Josh. D. 12. hot provision out of A. Jud/*. IS. 14 know there is in these A. 1 A'in. 13. 32. he cried against tic A. 20. 6. search the A. ot thy servants 2 Kin. 17. 29. in the A. of high placet) 23. 7. brake down A. of Sodomites 19. A. of high-places Josiah took 25. 9. burnt A. of Jerus. Jer. 52. 13. 1 CAr. 15. 1. Davidi.iarteA inthecitv 28 11. gave to Solom. pattern of A\ 2 CAr. 34. 11. buy timber to floor A. 35. 4. and prepare yourselves by h, Neh. 4.14. fight tor your wives and A. 5.a we mortgaged our lands and A. 7. 4. people few, and A. not huildeti Job I. 4. went and feasted in their A. a 15. who filled their A. with silvor 4. 19. them that dwell in A. of cl.-iv 15. 28. dwell, in A. no n.an inhati.'t. 21. 9. their A. are safe from fear 22. 18. he filler) their A. with good 24. !6. in d.nrk they dig tlnoiigli A. I's. 49. 11. A. -Imll continue tor ever 83. 12. let us fiike the A, of (,od Prnn. 1. la sh. till our A. with poil 30. 26. make they their A. in rocks Eccl. 2. 4. I buililed me A. 1 planted Isa. 3. 14. spoil of poor is in your h. 5. 9. many A. sh. he desolate, 6. 11. 8.14. rork of oflence to both A. of ).?. 13. 16 A. spoiled, wives ravished 21. their A. full of dolefirl creatures 15. 3. on tops of A. ev. one oh. howl 22. 10. A. have ye broken to fortify 32. la yea, upon all the A. of joy Jer. 5. 7. by troi ps in harlot's A. 27. so are their A. full of deceit 29. 5. huild A. and dwell in them, Vf). 32. 15. A. and fields sh. hepo.ssrssnj 29. A. on whose roofs they offered 33. 4. A. of this city, mid A. of kini?s 4a 12. fire in A. of gods of Epy. 13. Lam. 5. 2. our A. are turned to alien*, Ezek. 7. 24. heathen possess their A 16 41. they nh. burn thine A. 23.47 26. 12. shall destroy thy pleasant H 29. 26. build A. and plant vineym It 33. 30 ag. Ihee in doors of the A. Dun. 2. 5. your A. made a dunghill 3.29. their A. sh. he made a dtinehtft Joel 2. 9. shall rlimb up upon the A. Amos 3. 15. A. of ivory ohall perish, great A. shall have an end AMe.1.14. A. of Achzih be lie ':. * .i.j 2. 2. covet A. and tke them n ay 9. the women ye cast from therr A Zeph.}.9. fill muster's A. wi. violence 13. their A. heome a di solution Hap. I. 4. dwell in your ceiled fi. t Z>-rh. 14. 2. and the A. shall he riBi-d Mat 11. a wear f'ft rh-th. kir.t-'A. 19. 29. that hath forsakf u 4 them faaitag to A. \.rir A vt. por o. A. M>ld thru. i\e yr iiot A. to eat in? I . .-. 3. It. da-on ruling A. well ) f.w. a 6. thry h.cb creep into A, TV I II. *ut> HI whole * te hitig HOlSKI.Ol 0, ur HOUSE. n A. II. . emrta swalkiwrd them and A. l\ *1 r*l K before K Ihou mn HC-t'SKHOLDKR. Hat \\ n. rrvant* nf ibr A. mmr M. Hkr a nan that I* an A. W. I. tl. XV arrrtnin A planted tinryard . ( i.r..rliu. railed twoA. J. IMH BBHOLIXM Or*. It. 77. nhut hut found of A.-? AVA, lit. ra*t ....t .11 f,..,. of Tobiab HOWbw. .V"M. 14. II. A. (. rrr ihry brllrrrf t *. It S4. A. lm,g batr I tolivi-v I Km. la l A. t b.lt yr hrtur^nt J*t . 1 A /. wilt thfiu prak f A. i b. tby wordW likr itrc.nr wii. I* t. A. / rti- n lir rnd of vurdt FI 4. . A. I will yr torn my (rl lord, A. Is*** U I. A t ilt f.,rrt me. O lord? 8. A /. take citiiwel in my soul t A t eortny be rxa'trd i.vrr me ? 74. B nnrai.y ason> tssknow. A 1.1 Ift. () (t A. /. adversary reproach? T 5. A i wlH tt 01. t* anrr* t 80.4. M V. A t stilt Ju.lr unjiutlvr t. A limg V J * / .1 I t .b. O.r, utler hard thlt r>? rV< I fi A f wiC Aii 10. 84. A. L make us to doubt f Arc. ft 10. A. L O L. holy and true ? HOW many timet. 1 Atn. 88. in. A. a*, limtt shall I ad. jure thee ? 2 ( Ar, is. 18. 15. HOW arucA. 2 jr.'n 5. 13. A. in rather be aaith Ct 4. 10 A. at. better is thy love tIZ 12. A. at. is man better th sh. 16. 5. A.at.owet thou mvlord? 7. Hrt. a 6 by A. much he is Mediator 10. 59. of A much sorer punishment cr. la 7. A. m. she hath glorified HOW mwhlra. 1 Kin. a 27. A. mucA lea thig house which I have built, 8 CAr. & 18. 2 CAr. 38. 15. A. at. t sh. 0. deliver Jo* 4. 19. A. m. I. in houses of clay HOW 1 awA more. Luke 12. 24. A. in m. arr yr brtter A. M. more will be clothe yon f Rnm. II. 12. A. at. at. their fulness ? t'hilrm. 1ft brother, A. at.m.totheer 1 HOWL. /M. ia (V A. for day of L. is at hand 14. 31. A. Orate, cry, O city I.V 8. Moah shall A. S. | Ifi. 7. 8a I. A. ye ship* of TarshUh & ovrr to Tarrhish, A. it habitants 58. 5 that rule over make them A. 65. 14 and A. for vexation of spirit Jrr. 4. 8. lament and A. 48. 80. 25. 34. A. yr shepherds and cry 47 V inhabitants of lar,d shall A. 48. 31. A. fot Moah |1 3. thry th. A. 49.a A. O Hrshb || .Sl.a A. for Bahl. F.rrk. VI. IV. i ry and A. son of man 30. V. prophesy nnd say, A. ye Jofl IV A. drinkers || 1 1 .A.vine.dres. 13 A. ye ministers of the ultar Mir l.a therefore 1 will wail anJA. Zrph. I II. A. Inhahitn. of Maktesh Xrfft. II. 2. A. flr.tree, A. O ye oaks Jam, 5. I. re rieh men, weep and A. HOWLED, INO. it. 38. in found him in waste A. //'I. 7. 14. when thev A. on their beds HUWLrViO, s. In. I.V S. A. i- irone to Kg-lnim Jer. 28. 3. Ckr. 16. a F.thiop and Lob. A. boat HCM8LX, 'ot 22. 29. he shall savr A. person I't. 9. IV. forpettelh not cry of the A. 10, 12. O Lord, forget not the A. 17. U thou hast heard desire of A. :U V. the A. shall hear thereof A shall see thi- arid br plad l'r,.r. 16 1!. better he of a A. spirit fJ. va honour shall uphold the A. Im. yi. |.V with him of A. npirit, to revive spirit of A. and heart of Jam. 4. 6. iv. vrare to A. I Pet. 5. 6. Hl'MBLK, Fer*. F.roi. 10. * wilt refuse to A. thyself? - X A. thee and proveth.ee, U;. Wir. 1!^ v4 < rin out. and lidt A. thy-rlf before God 244 HUN Prrr. rl 3. A. thyw>l/,andrrakr ran Jrr. la la A. yniir-elf, ^il ,i,.wn Mat is 4. whoso, h hima-lf, -a. 18, t C'f. 12. 81. my (...d uill h me ./,/>/,. 4. 10. A M.nrv in M K |,I of L. 1 /Vf. .V C. A. vonr.,elv<-8 uuiier Go< HO MB LED. 7.r. M 41. uiicin-iiiiici>rliiims>eh A. himself ^really 19. set up images I etore he HS A. V.'! An. on A. not himself l.( fore L. as MmiMMieh his futher A. himself 36. I'-'. Z.-ii. kiah A. not liiini.. If /'s. :. la 1 A my M.U! with fwtinr ha. V.ll. lofty looks of man sh. hr A. 5. 15. man be A. ryea of lofty 1* A. 10. 33. and the Imughty shiill h<- A. Jer. 44. Itt are not A. even to this dny Lam. a 20. soul in rememh. and ig A. Exek. 22. 10. in thee hu\e they A. II. and another hath A hi sister Dan. 5. 2V. th.m his son not A. heart Phil. S. *.. h- A. himself BIIrrvnx L. wi. A. of mind (V//.V. IK let nomanberuile yon in A. /3. wisdom in will.wor-hip nnd A. I Pet. .V 5. and t e clothed with A. HuxDien. F. LD. Set FOLD. HUNDKED. 17. 17. shall a chil.i be born to bim th. is A. year- old ? Vl.5.', of rxi-inr, I Kin. 4. 93. provision for A. dheep 1H. 4. OI.H.Ii. h took HII A. proph.13. V A'tn. 4. 4a 1 set this hefn. A. iren ? I CAr. 12. 14. least wa over an A. 81. a L. make his people A. time* Esra V. f. pave A prieht*' ?:>rn enti fi 17. at dedication an A. hulio.-ks 7. 2V. let it be done to an A. ti.l.-nt of silver, A. meH-nie- of wheat and wine, and n A bnths nf oft AVA. 5 II. the A part of the money I'nir. 17 10. th^n A lripes to fool Errl. 6. a if a man ).e((et an A child 8. IV. tli" 1 sinner do evil :.nA. tin.eg) /JO. 6.V 20. for the . h.ld sl.i.ll die HB A. yeanold but Ihesii.ner hein* an A yt-Bri. old -hull k* sr rnrsrd Errk. 40. 19 he n ensured an A CO. hit.. 23.47. | 41. 13,11. IS. | 4* . Amoffi a wrnt <>nt by UKyi, sh-M |e%.. i.ii A thT which >voi forth by u A. thull leave ten HUN Mill. 18. 12. if a man have A. sheep, Luke 15. 4. Litke 16. 6. an h. measures of oil 7. lin\v much invest tliou? h. meas. Jti. l:i.:(;>. myrrh and aloes ft. weight One H U N D R E D anrf twenty. Gen. 6. 3. his days be A. and t. years DfMl.31.2. 1 am HU A. anrf <. years old 34.7. Moses A. <. years when he died One H U S I) H K D twenty-seven. Est/i. I. 1. Ahasuerus reigned over A. a. t.-s. provinces, 8. 9. | 9. 30. One HUNDRED thirty. Gen. 47. 9. years of my pilgrimage :ire an h. and thirty One HUNDREDjf/ty. Oen 7. 24. waters prev. A./ days.8.3. One HUNDRED fifty-three. JuAn2l.ll. net full of hshes an h.f.-t. One H U N D R E D eighty. r.rih. I. 4. Ahas. feast for h. e. days A n H U N D R K D forty. four thousand. Jin. 7. 4. sealed 144,000 tribes of Is. 14. 1. 144,000, having Father's name 3. n<> man learn song but 144,000 An \\ U N D R E Deig hty.fii-e thousand. 8 Kin. 19. 33. that night the angel of the Lord smote of the Assyrians, 183,000, ltd. 37. 36. Two HUNDRRD. John 6. 7. t. h. pennyworth not sum. Three HUNDRED. Judg. 7. 6. number lapped t. h. men 15. 4. Samson caught t. h, foxes 2 Sam. "\. 16. spear weig. t. h. shek. lA'm. 11.3. Solo, had <. h. concubines John 12. b. ointment for t. h. ponce Four HUNDRED. Get,. 15. 11 a21i<-t '.A. years.^efeTo. 30. 17. f. h. young men on camels i A'I'H. ls.19. prophets of groves,/ h. Acts 5. 3ti./ A. joined themselves Four H U N D l{ E D thirty. Ej-od. 12. 40. in Egypt 430 yars, 41. Gal. a 17. law which was 430 years Four H U N D R E D fifty. 1 Kin. 18. 19. proph. of Baal 450, 22. jlctt 1.1 20. judges about 450 years Four H U N D R E D eighty. 1 Kin. 6, 1. in 480 years Solomon Four HUNDRED thousand. Jwig. 20. 2. Benjamin 400,000, 17. 3 Chr. la 3. array with 100,000 men Four HUNDRED seventy thousand. \ Clir. 21. 5. 470,000 drew the sword Fire HUNDRED. ffum. 31. 28. one soul of/ A. for L. Luke T.41. the one owned/ A. pence I Cor 15. 6. above/ A. hreth. at once Sir HUNDRED. [11. G^n.7.6. Noah *. A. years flood came, Jndg. 3. 31. Shamgar slew six h. 1 fitim. 17. 7. spear weigh, s. h. shek 1 Kin. 10. 16. x. h. shekels of gold to one target, 2 Chron. 9. 15. Si> H U N D R E D sixty. six. Ret. 13. 18. number is s. h. and s.-s. Six HUNDRED thousand. Vut/>.1.4r>.all numbered were (500,000 ieeen HUNDRED. ) Kin. 11. 3. Soio, had .wen A. wives \ine HUNDRED thirty, iien. 5. 5. Adam lived 930 years Nine HUNDRED rixt-i-nine. <.>>!. 5. 27. Methuselah 969 years HUNDREDS. E.>w/.l8. 21. rulers of A. 25.DffuM.15. \'<>n.3l.l4. wroth with capt over A. 1 Satn. 22. 7. Jesse make capt. of A. {Sum 18. I. David set captains of A. 4. all the people came out by A. 2 Kin. 1 1 . 4. Jehoi. set rulers over A. 1 Kin. 11. 10. captains over h. did the Driest give spears, 2 Chr. 23. 9. HUN 1 rAr.13.1. consulted with capt. of A. Z8.I. Duvid assembled capt over h. 20. (i. captain of A. offered willingly >Chr. 23.1. Jehoiada took capt oi ft. Mark G. 40. sat down in ranks by A. HUNGER, Substantire. Exod. 16.3. kill this assembly wi. A. Z)etU.28.48. serve thine enemies in A. 32. 24. they shall be burnt with A. -VA. 9. 15. bread from heaven for A. 1's. 34. 10. lions do lack and suffer A. Prov. 19. 15. idle soul Khali sutler A. Jer. 38 9. he is like to die for A. 42. 14. see no war nor have A. I.nrn.'J. 19. faint for A. in top of street 4. 9. they that be slain with A. Erek. 34. 29. no more ronsum. wi. A. Luke 15. 17. and I perish with A. >Cor. 11. 27. 1 have been in A. thirst Rev. 6. 8 power given to kill wi. A. HUNGER, Verb. Deut. a 3. he suffered thee to A. Isa. 49. 10. they sh. not A. nor thirst Mat. 5. 6. blessed are they that A. after righteousness, l.uki- fi. 21. Luke 6. 25. woe to full, ye shall h. John 6. 35. cometb to me sh. never A. Kotn. 12. 20. if tit. enemy A. feed him 1 Cur. 4. II. we both A and thirst 1 1.34. and if any man A. let him eat Rev. 7. 16. they shall A. no more HUN'GER.Mtten. Job 18. 12. hi* strength shall be A..6. HUNGERED. Mat. 4. 2. afterwards an A. Lit. 4. 2. 12. I. his disciples were an A. 3. what David did when he was an A. Mark 2. 25. 21. 18. as he returned to city he A. 25. 35. I A. and ye gave me meat 37. L. when saw we thee an A.? 44. 42. I h. and ye gave me no meat Luke 6.3. David did when was an A. HUNGRY. 2 Sam. 17. 29. the people is A. weary 2 Kin. 7. 12 they know that we be A. Job 5. 5. whose harvest the A. eateth 22. 7. hast withholden bread fr. A. 24. 10. they take the sh^af fr. the A Ps. 50. 12. if A. I would not tell thee 107. "). A. and thirsty soul fainted 9. he nUeth A. soul with goodness 36. there he maketb the A. to dwell 146. 7. Lord giveth food to the A. Prov. 6. 30. to satisfy soul when A. 25. 21. if enemy he A. give bread 27. 7. to A, son) bitter thing is sweet /a.8.21. hardly bestead and A., n hen A. they shall fret themselves 9. 20. snatch on right hand, be A. 29. 8. as when a A. man dreameth 32. 6. to make empty soul of the A. 44. 12. he is A. and atreneth faileth 58. 7. is it not deal thy bread to A.? 10. draw out thy soul to the A. 65. 13. servants eat, but ye sh. be A. Ezfk. 18. 7. given his bread to A. 16. Mark 11. 12. from Bethany he was A. Luke 1. S3. filled A. with good things Acts 10. 10. Peter became very A. I Cor. 11.21. one A. another drunken I'hiL 4. 12. how to be fuH and be A. HUNT. Gen. 27. 5. Esau went to A. venison I 5am. 26. 20. as when one doth A. Job 38. 39. wilt A. prey for the lion ? Ps. 140. II. evil shall A. violent man Prov. 6. 26. adultress will A. for life Jer. 16. 16. A. them fr. ev. mountain Lam. 4. 18. they A, our steps that we Exek. 13. 18. will ye A. souls of peo.? 20. wherewith ye there A. souls Affc. 7. 2. they A. every man his brother with a net 245 HUS HUNTED. Erek. 13. 21. no more in ynit ">&.!.' %. HUNTKH, S. Gen. 10. 9. he was a mighty A. brtart L.. even as Nimrnd the mighty /i 25. 27. Esau was a eaoninu A. Prov. 6. 5. us a roe from hand o. A, Jer. 16. 16. and after 1 *emi for A HUNTES'I.ETH. Lev. 17. 13 A. and ca'.< hntli anybea?! I Sam. 24. 11. yet tbuu A. my MI| Job 10. 16. thou A. me as fierce lion HUNTING. Gen. 27. 30. Esau brother camp fr i. Prov. 12. 27. roasteth not took in ft. HURL, ETH. ING. Num. 35. 20. A. at him hy lying wait 1 CAr. 12. 2. right hand and left in h. Job 27. 21. as a stone A. him out HURT, Substantive. Gen. 4. 23. slain young man to my 7i. 26. 29. that thou wilt do us no A. 31. 29. in power of my hand to do A. \Sam.'20.2l. peace to thee, and no A. 24. 9. behold, David seeketh thy A. 2 Sam. 18. 32. all that rise to do A. 2 Kin. 14. 10. for why sliouldit thou meddle to thy A.? 2 CAr. 25. 19. Ezra 4. ^2. damage to A. of kings ? Psal. 15. 4. that sweareth to his A. 35. 4. that devise my A. 70. 2. 26. ashamed that rejoice at my A, 38. 12. seek my A. speak mischiev. 41. 7. aga. me do they devise my h, 71.13. covered wi. reproach seek A. 24. brought to shame seek my 'i. Eccl. 5. 13. riihes for owners to A. 8. 9. rnletli over another to his A. Jer. 6. 14. have healed A. of peo.Ml. 7. 6. neither walk after gods to A. 8. 21. for A. of my people am I A. 10. 19. woe is me for my A. 25. 6. and I will do yon no A. 7. ye provoke roe to your own A. 38. 4. not welfare ( peo. but the A. Dan. 3. 25. ha. no A. || 6.22. done no a. 6. 23. no manner of A. found on him Acts 27. 10. this voyage be with A, Exod. 22. Id. V a beast be A. 14. 1 Sam. 25. 1 5. men good and we not h. Eccl. 10. 9. removeth stones sh. he A. Jer. &2I. for A. of my people am I A. Rev. 2. 11. not he A. of second death HURT, Verb. GCTi.31.7. G. suffer, him nt to k. mt Exod. 21. 22. and A. woman wi. rhild 35. if one mini's ox A. another's 1 Sam. 25. 7. thy shepherds we A. not Job 35. 8. wickedness may A. a man Ps. 1115. 18. whose feet A. wi. fetters ha. 11. 9. they shall not A. nor de. stroy In my holy mount 65. 25. 27. a lest any A. it, I will keep it Dan. 6. 22. the lions have not A. me Murk 16. la it shall not A. them Luke 1.35. out of him, and A. him not Acts la 10. no man set on tbee to \ Ret. 6. 6. see thou A. not th cil 7. 2. was given to A. earth and sen 3. sayinjr, A. not earth, neither sen 9. 4. should not A. grass of earth It. their power was to A. men 19. heads, and with them they A. 11.5. if any A. them, fire proceedeth HURTFUL. Ps. 144. 10. deliver. David fr. A. swr4 1 Tim. 6. 9. rich fall into A. lusts HURTING. 1 Snm. 25. 34 L. kept me fr. A. tho HUSBAND. Exod. 4. 25. a bloody A. art thou, tt. Lev. 19. 20. lieth with woman b*. trothed to a A. Deut. Si ia. tttJI I. \ iny '-e defllrd for lUtrr h.,hi mi A A'.-rA 44 .'.' .-,. Sd. 6 If -h. hud at all an A. DeW. W ft wv woman married to A. r J X if thr Utter A. hatr hrr or die r tier A. mav not t ikr hrr KH t 4. duly "f 4. bn.thrr to her ML yv r>r thiil h, ril tow ard A. AM I. U I kin I ..Id tu tu*r A. Jrr. 4. II. A. with ife h. br takrB 31. 11 although I * n A. to them Art 1 & lr.le"t A put *) bl% wife U inii.e.lr'.i>* A ii .mi. litVd hi wile Kir' wilr mnrtifted liv A i CW. Ill |">n-ed yu tu one A <;i4.T moreihild tho hr hath A. >.>A. & . the A. i br*d of HP I 7W i 4 A. "f ..r w.fe, TO. I. 4 tfrr HUSH AND. Gem. i 6. Kr rl fruit. |Me to A A, f.rr. VI. 7. WIHIKII put wajr fr. A A. Vu V V tiimioiher Mi-fiend of A. A :i p 7 A. A. heard It. and lu-ld peace, 8. 10. II, II. 13, 14. Dnl 14. 5 A. A. bro. o la unto hrr ftu/A I. 9. rnii you In housr of A. A. S. I. Nn.iiiii Ini'.i kinman nf An- A I x I rt Mia to A A. I will not uu III. when he rainr up with A. A S S*m. 1 1. Ml wife f Uriah hrard A A. dr..d, br mournrd fur A. A S AM. 4. 14 hxth no rlil Id. A. A. old /nx I*. 4. lrti'.ti wifr rrown I..A.A. 31. 1 1. b-art of A. A. iloth tiu.t in her A Arr A. i* ki.own in III.- ffHtr A. A. rinfth up ami pt mseth lo-r Jfr. 1 >a M- mlf depart fth fr A A >rtl. IrVtt atraniirrs in.lead of A. A r. I.Mtlieih kn k Hud i hildrrn //<. *. (. ii. my wt'i-, neither I A. A. Mai. \. 19. Jo ph Arr A. iVfii junt /.uAr liV Id nwri. her "nv Ir. A. A. A't. & 1C i.urtfd hrr hy Arr A. H * T i u hound by law to Arr A :t A A ilriiil, h.- in fr.-. from law 1 for. 7. t r. wonmn h . A own A in let nut u-lfc iiepurt fr..m A A. II. nn nar. or br mimlh how >hr mnv plraM> A. A. I 0.1, M . l..i,( . Arr A livrth Ca4. & M that Wifr rrvrre-iirr A. A tin. tl * a- hnrt, ad..rn.-d for A. A. NyllUS AM). Cm. . *. i ow M* A. ill lo*e m- 14 now will v A hr joined in n In. IS I ..^ riv.nn.Mririii.iai.aV 10 IM.M )!> MV A. dwell with . * LrtHhrr rrfiiM- U. i I am a m mr , rav XL i- drad. X Ai 4 I. Ml At, >M relnrn to Mfir R tA - <... 1 Ifl tbt .1. .ir.- >hll I* to t A. >'. \ IV aiutt In.tniil of I A 111 J--/ 14 IS -aH to * ifr. rntirr t A > *.m 4. *A I. tl ell H id, M v A f M.krri.MvA 1 ve l.urirri I A i Or. 7. IA 11.011 -h-lt -ave tt . (triL ft 10 N.l- k ran to br an A. y-- H A I I hre,,k hi piWe. Ihr A 4nmA. ) -K .alia to inniirtii - '. II k I am no |.r..ph. 1 I ".i. n.r. K.lh. - i, 4 I /.. * ft tl.. A ll.nl l^hMiit'lh '*. i. 7. A, waitrti. for fi uil uf vai th HYS HUSBANDMEX. 2 Kin 25. 12 hr left f the poor to hr A. Jrr. ft! 16. Jrr. 31. 24. shall dwrll in Judah A. Joei I. II. he ahmrd yr A. howl Wut 21. 33. hr Irt it out to A. Murk IS. I LtUctW. U. 34. sent hit servants to A. Mark 12. 2. Luke'K. '.C. 38, when A. saw the son, Mark 12. 7. Luke 20. 14. 40. what will hr do to those A.. 41. Irt out rinrvard to other A. Mark 12. 2. hr mik'ht rr< .-ire Ir. A. 9. HUSBANDRY. CAr. 96. in. Ui'.iah loved A. Car. 3. 9. ye are Hod's A. ye are HUSBANDS. flu/A I. II. they may he your A.. 13. stay for them from havinp A.:- tA. I. 17. dr>pisr A. in thrlr . yes SO. les (five to their A. honour Ezek. Ifi. 45. loathed A and children /..An 4 IS thou hK-t had five A. Cor. 14. 3Y ask their A. at home pA. Si 22. wivrs MI) mit lo A 24. v.\ A. love your wives. Cat. 3. 19. Cat 3. IR w-ives. submit to own h. Tim. 3- 12 deacon. A. of our wife TO. i. 4. Irai'h women to lovr A. 4. be ohrdieiit to their own A. 1 Ptt a I. he illMlljectiontoown A. 7. ye A. dwell with them according HUNK, S. Xttm. fi. 4. kernels even to the A. 2 Kim. 4. 42. full e..rs of corn in A. 15. 16. fain fi led belly with A. HYMN. 8. ' Mat. 26. 30. when they had suns an A. Mrk 14. 2fi. 5. 19. speaking In psiilms and A. Ifi .l.ii..in-h in psHlitisandA. H VPOCRISY, IKS. Iia. 32. ft iniquity, to prartise A. Milt 23. V& w itln'ii yr arr full of A. Murk 12. Ii hr knowiiur their A. l.iikr 12. I. leavrn of Phnri-ers, is A. I Tim. 4.2. spnikinir I' s in A. I Pet. 2. I aside all irmlier and h. Jnm. 3. 17. wisdom ijtiri^ without A, HYPOCRITE. .F. I, 8 13 the A. hope shall perish I'l Ifi. A. shall not iimie hrforr him 17 R innocent stir upaxaiiist A. ?0 5. joy "f A. Is tut for moment 27. R hat Is thr hope .,f the A 34. 30 that the A. mini tint, lett 1'rnr. M. 9. A. with mouth destroy Im. 9. 17. for every ulit- is an A Mat ".. 7. thou A first i n-t ..nt l.e:im l.nke fi. 42. thou A rast O..MID out of 13 15 A. >loth not em h loose ox t HYPOCRITKS. Jot> 15 34. ronirr- (ration of A. desol. 3ft 13. A. in heart heap up wrath Im. XI 13. fearlulnesH surprised A. Mat fi. -J not xuiiid ti limpet, H<-A. di 5. pruvest, thou shrtlt not I.e HS A. Ifi. when yr ln-t, l.e not HS thr A. 15. 7. ye A. well did KSHI:.- pr... phesy. Murk 7. fi. IR 3. O A yediscrrn fare of si y, I. nl not tlpi* of times F Luke 12. 5ri. . IR aaid, why trmpt ye me. yr A. 23. la Pharisees. A. yr shut klnpd. affxliiit mm 1 1. 15, 23, 25. 27. 2. 24. M. appoint him portion with A. /.i.Arll 4\ -.ril.--Hi.fi Ph H risres, A, HYHM RITICAU Pi. 35 16. with A m.^-k.rsln frts hm. 10. 6. srnd him Hui.inst A. nation f'rnit. 12. 82. hin . h o. ,1. and dip It Ltv. I*. 4. trult and A. 6, 4U, 51, M X44J IDO ffum. IP. fi. rnst A. into ir'dtt of IS. |ieison trfkv A. ilip it ill U'aMT I Kin. 4. 33. crdar.tree, even unto A. ft. .M. 7. puriie will. A. I nh. hr rlru ./..All IR '.".I. tilled -I...IIKH put it till i, H<.b. 9. 19. blood with A. bpriuklet Erod. a 14. I AM, THAT I AM. J),ut 3:'. 3M. /, even /.urn hi- lui. 41. 4. / the Lord, the lirat. I nm lie. 4.'i II, V5. [..jHl, 4'. 5. in. I nm with thee, for / nm thy Mat. 26. 22. brtrxM t,, MIV L. IB It 7 > 1C 8. ,/oAfi. 16. hlarkiiih hy rpanon off. 38. 29. out of who>e wmnh fHinr i.f F*aL 147. 17. hr <-H>teth forth his i. IDLE, Erod. 5 8. he f. thrrrfore they cry 17. hut hr sid. yr ore i j> are i. Prof. 19. 15. i. soul tin. suffer hunter Mat. 12. 3fi every i. w..id men i-p.-uk 20. M. standing i. in nmrkrt.pl.u-t>, 6. Lukt :4. 1 1. wi.rdtNe.-itifd H- t Inlet I Tim. 5. la w il luil they Irani to hr i. lULENfc&S, Pror. 31. 27 rteth not hrrad of i. A.-.-/. 10. IS throuitli i ho. diopprth t::,'k. 16. 4>). a'.undriiire of i. in hrr 1DOLAJ KK, s. 1 Cor. 5. 10. with ill., rov.-tous or i. II. any rolled H hi other hv HII f. ii. !'. i. not inherit kinpdin of (>o4 10. 7. neitliei be '. H some were A.'/.A. 5. 5 who i- 1. hath Rny inherit Her. -i\. a i. have pnrt In the lake . 15. murderers Him i. and liars 1IKJLATKY. IKS. I .Sara. IS. 2M. in a- iniquity and i. Act* 17. Ifi. rlty wholly given tu i. I Cor. 10. 14 belo\.d, flee from i. Hal. 5. l. tin- w.uk!. oi id.- flesh t Co/. :. .">. rovetou-ness, whii-li is i. I Pet. 4. 3. walked in HLoinlnarile '. IDOl.A I HOUa. 2A'l'n.83.A. JoMh put it. .win. priestt IDOL, A'ljn-lir-: y.n-ft. II. 17. woe ti.the i. slu-pl erd IDOL. 1 Kin. 15. l.'f. "he nmde nn i. In (rrnve, 2 ('Ann. 15. Ift. 2 CAr 33. 7 he set t. in hoiisr of ii. /i. 4R 5. Irst SHV, n. y i. Imth dona fiti. 3. IIIIVIIKT H it h hli-Hi-d HII i. Jrr. 22.28. i> thin ( onmh H broken . f Ait>~. 41. tiffrrrri KH.Tifire to the i. I Cor. H. 4 '. nothiiiK in world, HI. !. 7. some with mnnriencr of thr i. IDOLS. I.er. 19.4. turn not to i.ij yr. makr no i 'J6 30. nu-\ yoiin-nreiif.es on yoiiri. Unit. V. I" "yr h-..vr ,rr'i Ihrir I. I Sum. 31 '.i. pnl.lM. it in house of i. 1 Kin. IS. 12. As rem.ivrd the i. Jl.--'; Ahabdidnhomin. in follow. '. 2 King* 17. 12, for thrv served i. 5? Chrnn. 24. IB. 21. II. made Judith t>. nn vi. hi- i. 23. 24. the i. tlmt were cpird in I nj 1 fAr 10. nirry tinliiK" ' thrir i Ifi. v6. allfriKiH ol thr peop.earr v. / CAr. 15. H. Ass pnl i. oiit.l Judnk 34. 7. J..-n.h i tit il- w n nil i. in Isra. Ptnl Wl. 5. Hll B.-it' of nations are i. >i7 7. Ih.y tlmt I...BS! ihemrel. off. Klfi. 3d mid tl.ev served their i. 115. 4. >'. infusion 4' : . I. their '. were on the hearts M j. infl. iminp yourselves with $. ,'.r. 50. 2. her t. are confounded :. and they are mad upon their i. Ktek. 6. f>. your ' may be I, token 9. which g<> a wh.iriiigatter their i. 13. they di i offer xavmir to their i. 8. 10 I saw all the i. of Israel 14. 3. set up their i in heart, 4. 7. ft turn yourselves from your i 16. 36. with t. <>f thy abomination 18. ft nor lilt eyes to i. of lsr.12,15. 20. 7. defile not yourselves wi. t. 18. | 16. heart after 1. 1| 24. eyes after i. i 31. ye pollute yourselves with your i. to tni.dy, 22. 4. | 23. 7, 30. 37. 39. pollute my name nomore wi.i. 2->. 3. thecity maketh i. aga. herself 23. 39. slain their children tot heir . 4'.l. ye sh.ill bear the sin< of your t. 30. 13. 1 will destroy t. and cause j 3fi. 85. from i. cleanse you, 37. 23. j 44. 10. went Btr:iy fiom meafter I. 12. they ministered before their i. Hot. 4. 17. Kphraim is joined to '. 8. 4. of filver and gold they n*ade i. 14. 8. what have I to do with i. Mic. I. 7. the i. will I lay desolate Hub. 2. ia Tusteth to make dumb t. Zn-h. 10. 2. fort have spoken vanity 13. 2. I will cut off iMint* of the t. /r'- 15. 20. abstain tr. pollutions of i. 29. abstain fr. meats offered i.21.25. Rom. 2. 22. thou that ahhorrest t. I Cor. ai. MS touching things uttered tot. 4, 10. | 10. 19. 28. Rer..1. 14,20. 12. 2. Gentilex carried to dumb t. ?Cor. 16. 6. agreement of O. withi.f 1 Then. I. 9. ye turned to God fr. t. I John 5. 21 keep yourselves from i. Rev. 9. 20. not worship devils and i. IGNOMINY. Prov. 18. 3. and with i. reproach IGNORANCE. Lev. 4. 2. if a soul shall sin through i. 5. 15 \um. 15. 24, 27, 28, 29. 13. coneregat. sin thro'i. || 22.tuler 27. if the people sin through t. Xitm. 15.25. forKiveii them, for it > i. Acts3.M. I wot that thro' i. yodidit IT .'SO. times of i. God winked at Efjh. 4. 18. alienated thro' i. iu them 1 I'ft. 1. 14. rtccordiug to lusts in i. 2.15. put to silence t. of foolish men IGNORANT. P*al. 73. 22. and i. I was as a beast IM. 5ft 10. all i. they are all dumb 63. 16. thoiitfh Abraham he i. of us ^(/*4.I.T perceived they weref. men Hum. I. 13. now I Would not have you i. brethren. 1 Ciir. 10, I. 12, 1. 2 Cor. 1 8. I Theit. 4. la 10. 3. hein? i. i.f (i.'s i ighteougneis 11. 25. should bf i. of this my-tery 1 Cor. 14. 38. any man t. let him be t. 2 Cor. 2. II. not . of Satan's devices //.'.. 5. 2. have i-ompaosion on the/. 2 I'll. 3. 5. this they u illinely are i. a but be not f. of this one thing IGNOR ANTLY. K'im. 15 28. aUine w\i\ sinn-th i. Deut. 19. 4. who,,, killeth neighb. i. Act* 17. 23. ye i. worship 1 declare 1 Tim. 1. 13. i.eean... I did it i. ISLAND. Job 22. 30. deliver the i. of innocent Itn. 34. 14. meet wild beasts of thei. dct< 27. 16. rin ning under certain i 26. we tnii-t he cast ,m arertiiin t *S I. knew thef. wa called Melita ; p>*se.isi' 113 l chief BMW of the i ISA i. was moved nut 16. zO. every i. ti.'d away, inoiinla. ISLANDS. 7o. II. II. receive p.-op. fr. . of sea 13. 22. wild beasts of the i. sh. cry 41. I. keep silence before me, O i. 42. 12. declare Lord's praise in '. 15. make rivers i. and dry up pools 59. 18. the i. he will payrecompen. Jer. 50 39. wild beasts of i. dwell ISLE. Ita. 20. ft the inhabitant* of th i. 23. 2 be still, inhabitants of the i. 6. li'.vvl, ye inhabitant* nf the i. Acts 13. ft (rone through '. to Paphos 2a II. ship which wintered in the. j. Rev. 1. 9. 1 watt in i. railed Patnios ISLES. Gen. 10. 5. these were '. of Gentiles EM 10. 1. Ahas. laid a tribute on '. Pi 72. 10. kings of i. bring presents 97. I. let multitudes of '. be glad Iia. 24. 15. glorify the Lord in the . 40. 15. taketh up i. ns a little thing 41. 5. the i *aw it and feared 42. 4. the i. shall w;.it for his law 49. I. listen, O i. unto me [60. 9. 51. 5. t. feh. wait upon me and trust, 66. 19. t. afar off nt heard my fnme Jer. 2. 10. pass over thet. of Chittun 25. 22. kings oft. drink after them E*ek.'if\. 15. sh. nut '. shake at sound? 2ft 18. i. tremble, i. h. be troubled 27. 3. roerc-hant of pe<>. fur many i. 6. brought out of t. of Chittim 7. blue and purple fr. i. ol Kli-h;i 15. many i. were merchandise 3o inhabitants of '. he astonished 39. ft that dwell carelessly in the i. Dan. II. 18. be sh. turn his fare to i. Zeph. 2. 11. t. of h.-athensh. worship ILL. GenM.S. kine came i.-fav.4,19,20,2l. 43. 6. why dealt you soi. with me '! Dent. 15. 21. hath any i. blemish Ptnl. 10ft 32. it went i. with Moses Ita. 3. 11. woe to wirked, it xh. be i. Joel 2. 20. his i. savour sh. come Dp Rum. 13. 10. love worki-th no i. ILL, or evil Janiurednei*. Dettt.\l.\ notsacrilice sheep where. in is Memish ur i.-f. ILLUMINATED. Iteb. 10. 32. after ye i. endured fight IMAGE. Gen. \. 26. let UK make man in our i. after our likeness, 27. | 9. 6. 5. 3. a son in his own i. after his i. Lev. 2ft I. nor rear up a standing t. Deut. 16. 22. ) Sam. 10. 13. Michael to..k an i. 2 Chr. 33. 7. set carved t. in house G. Job 4. 16. . was before mine eye* /'."il. 73. 20. shall despise tin ir i. Ezek. a 3. there was the seat oft. 5. Dan. 2 31. great t. stood befor. the. 35. stone smote i. became mo'int. 3.1. Nebuchadnezzar manrne t. <' ei'rthy 2 Cor. a IR chauLT I into the -nm< t. 4. 4. riiri-t. is i. uf God, CW. I. 15. C-nted Heb. I. 3. express i. of his person | 10. 1. not the very i. of things 247 JMM Ker. 13. 14. make H n i. to the 15. give life t.. the i. of Least It. 9. if any m.oi Worship i. of bewt II. have no rest, who worship i. 15 2. victory over bea-t and hi* . 16. 2. sore fell on them thit wore, i 19. *0. he deceived thi m th. wors. i 20. 4. not worship, beast nor hU i. See GSAVKN. IMAOE-tror*. 2 Chr. 3 10. maiie 2 rh.-riiKras . to, Molten IMAGE. Dent. 9. 12. tlie\ made them a m. t. PsaL lOfi. 19. and worshipped m. i. Jer. 10. 14. his m. i. is faisth. 51. 17. Hub. 2. Ib. what pn.fiteth the m. i. IMAGhS. Gen. 31. 19. stolen her fa.'. t. 34 3\ d. 23.24. tlion shalt break their t 34. 18. Dmt. 7. f A'i/wi. 3,'i. 52. Lev. 2C. 30. I will cut down your '. 1 .S'nm.6.5. i of emerods and in'h-e, II. Aii/. 14.9. hast made i. t | rv. me 23. built high places, i anil grove* 2 Kin. 10. 26. they brought i. out I!. 18 i. hrakeinpiecei.,18.4. | 23.14. 17. 10. set up t. || Ifi. they made i. 23. 24. Josiah put away t. in land Ita. 17. 8. sh. not look to groves or i. 27. 9. groves and i. sh. not stand up 30. 22. ye sh. defi e ornament of i. 41. 29 their molten i. are wind Jer. 43. 13. break i of rtetb-fheinesh 50. t. her i. are broken in pieces Exek. fi. 4. and your t. sh. be broken 6 that your i may be cut down 7. VO they trade f. of ahnmiiiiitions 16. 17. niaJist to thyself i. of n en 21. 21. king of Babylon consulted i. 23. 14. i i,l 8 2i the i. of man's h. an is evil Deut. 29.1". tho* I walk in i. of heart 31. 21. for I know their t. wli. they 1 Chr. 28. 9. L. understands all the i. 29. IS. keep this in i. of heart /'rr.t,. IK. heart th. devi.-eth wick, t Jer. v3. I", ev. one walki tli nfter i. Lam. 3. ''>'. hast seen i against me 61. hast heard their t. ugaini-t .ne I.uAf I. .M. -I'iitti red ttie pn>nd in i. Hum. I. 21. hechiiM* v;iin in their i. 2 Cor. 10. 5. casting down i. Sff H I A HT. IMAGINED, ETH. < en. 11. 6. nothing restrnin. (her i. I'ml. 10. 2. taken in device: the) i. J 1 !. 11. they i. mischievoiu device AoA. 1. II. one '. evil Hi-a. the Lord IMMr.DlAl ELY. Mat. Hi. 74. i. the r. ok crew, Ltttt 22. .TO. J<,hn la 27. Mark 1. 31. and i. tbe u-wr left Uer IMP r 4.I&. Sat rom-th i and taketh & 40 i It Ml | A 44. i staunch 19 II. kin*/ I. I*, i conferred not wi. flesh AMI . I a4 i I . m the Spirit I 7s. IT < Invi.l IMMiiHi Al.lTY. fl t 7. tn then who seek for i. I Cor. |.% 53 m..rtl mint pat on i M thU m-*tl >MII have put on i I 7'im & IS. hath i dwelling in light .' Ta. I. l who btourht i. to lighl IMMfl AHI.K. llr\. 6. !. that by two i. thine* I MM! IV HI 1. 1 I Y. Jf/4. . IT. the i .1 hi. . ouotel I. HP MM /at M. 17 nor i to her understand J.ttJt- 3. II. him i to him hath none i II. may i WHIM* spiritual vin I TaV* *. willing to havei ouls IMPK.MVKNT. Mr*> 7. . one had i in his speerh IMPF.VIIKNT. XMSL . 9. thou. after thy i. heart IMPKRIOUS. Erttt. Ift M. work of n i wootaa IMPLACAKLK. AMI. I. 31 without nffertlon, i. I M PLEAD. .trtf IR S* let them f one another IMPORTUNITY. LtJtf 11. 8 berail.e of hi* i be Will IMPOSE. ED. Esnl. J4. nut he lawful to toll //eA. 9. 10. carnal ordinance* i. oil IMPOSSIKLB. Mft 17. W nothing be i onto you I* M. with men is i Hark 10. a?. .* IS. 87. !.* L S7. with O. nothing*. Id n. It. |. it is i. but offlpnre* will com* whirh it wn. i for G. to He II. ft without faith f. to pleaaeGod IMPOj KNC. /* & & lay a multitude of i folk AcU 4. 9 goo-1 deed done to i man 14. tV an at Lvtra. i in hi* fact IMPOVERISH, ED. Jujf. & C l.rael waa greatly i |M a nuroed KM) men nffi-r. i. 4A Mo* Mid to Aaron, put on i. 47. he put on i. and mmle ntonein. Drit 33. 10. ihall put . before thee >> CAr. 30. U altan of i. took Rwuy M. \ and burned i. to other yoda /at 05. 15. offer to thee i. of rni8 141. 1 priyer let before thee as i. / I. 13 . in an abomination tome 41 n. have nut wearied thee with i 60. 6. khall bring fold and i. K>, 3. burneth i. on altars of brirk 66. S. hurneth i ai if he Mesaed idol Jrr. ft 20. whjr rometh i. fr. Shetiaf 1 1. IT. provoke to anger, riff-ring '. 41. A. offerlno and i in their hand l 35. him that burneth i. tn gods II. thirk rlad oft. went up In. l& set m>ne oil and i. befo. them il. 1. II erery plare i. be offered Luke I. 10. pray, without Rt time of i. Her. 8. 3. was given tn him much i 4. smoke of L a*ended before God Sec ALTAR, Rr*x, Buairr. SuwMNCENSE. ataat M. 6. spices for tirrft i. 35. ft, \m. 4. I ft 31. M. oil and mvef i for holy plare 3fl 381 brnnght oil and *. i. to Mo-es Lett. 16. 11 hanrlo full of nreet i IN( T.NSKD. FM. 41. 1 1. i against thee be ashamed 45. 84. t arninxt him he ashamed INI MASTER, s. Det (A 10. h*ll not he found ani. Jer. 87. 9. hearken nut t dream, or i. ISCHAVTMKSIS. . II. magicians did so with i si | a 7, la Ler. 19, W>. nor shall ye use i. Num. O. 23. there is not. a/a. Jaroh V*. I. Balaam went not to seek for i. 2 Kin. IT. 17. I. used r and did evil 81. & Manasseh used i. 2 C/ir. 3a ft frci Itt II. serpent bite without i. In. 47. 9. for irreat hundani-e of i. 12. stand now with thine i. INCLINE. /oak. 54. 23. . your heart to the L. Kin. 8. 58. that he may i. our hearts 'iai 7*. I. i your ears to the words 119. 3ft i my heart to thy testimoni. 141. 4. i. not my heart to evil thing few EAR. INCLINED, ETH. fwlr. 9. 8. heart* i to follow Ablm. "*<. 40. 1. Lord i. auto me, I Ift 8. 1 19. I li i. mine heart to thy statu. 'ran. 2. 18. her house i. to death V 13. nor i. mine ear to them who Itr. 7. 84. nor i. ear, 9ft I II. 8. . . 17.83.|34.I4. [3S. 15. | 44. I . . . 4. 25. 4V bat ye hare not i. your ear, INCLO E, ED. ijn4 J9. ft onyx-stone i in gold, 13. Pi. IT. la they are i. in their own fat . 16. aasemhly of wicked ha. t me xml 4. 12. a garden i. is my slater a 9. we will i. her with cedar <<. 3. 9. he hath i my way* /.u*5. 6. L great multitude of fishes IN CLOSINGS. &PA ML 80. ttone* in gold i. K, 13. m INC INCONTINENCE I Cor. 7. -V tempt you not for yuari, INCONTINENT. 1 Tim. a a without affect. . ficrre INCORHtP'l IBLE. Ram. I. aa changed glory oft. <:. to obtain an i. crown 15 ifi. the dead shall be raised '. I PH. I. 4. an inheritance f. undetiM 23. born oft. seed by word of Gd INCOHRUPTION. I Cor. IS. i-'. corrup. it is raised in i. 5>. neither doth corrup. inherit i. 5a thm corruptible must pnt on '. 54. corruptible shall have put on i. INCREASE, Sut,tla>.tlr f . Ler. V>. y6. no usury of him or i. 37. lend him rictuaK for i. -<; 4. the land shall yield her i. 80. your land shall not yield hei i. \nm. 18. 30. the i. of threshing. flo.,r :.'. 14. ri-t-n up an t. of -inKil men nit. 14. f>. tithe all i. of thy sent s!8. bring forth tithe of i. same year &. la cursed lie i. of thy kine, .M. I 5am. .'. S3. i. of thy house shall die Job 110. SS. i. of his liou-e >h depnrt 31. \1. fire would root out all mine i. Ptal. (T!. 6. earth ^mll yield her i. 78. 4 thou i. pric Deut. ft 3. that ye may i. mightily 7. . le-t bMBtti of fi.-ld i. on thee I Chr. i7. i3. wouUl i. Isr like >tart .lob a 7. thy latUr end (ireatly i. Pi. 44. I a. d'iwt not i thy wealth hy 62. 10. riches i. set not henrton th. 71 12. prosper in world, i. in riclie* I!5. 14. the Lord shall '. you nn.re Prof. I. S. Wiseman '. learning, seth poor to i. riches a3.2fl when they perish, righteous t. F.cd. 5. II. giiiKlsi. increased eat G. II. he many thing that i. vanity I*a. vS. 19. meek i their Joy in the L, Erek. 5. in. I will i famine on you 3ft 29. . it. and lay nol'an ine on you 37. i. them with men like a flork Dan. 11. 39. he shall i. with clory Hot. 4, 111 commit whon dom, not '. Zech. 10. 8. i. as they hate increased, Luke 17. 5. said. Lord i. our faith S. 30. must f. 1 must decrease '. Cor. 9. 10. i. fruit* of rightenusnes* 1 Thft. a 12. L. make you i. in love 4. 10. that ye i more and more 2 Tim. 2. 16. i to more ungodliness INCREASED. Gen. 7. 17. waters i hare up ark, 18 30. 30. little thou hadst, (t is nowi 4a Jacob i || Exnd. I. 7. Israel i. I Sam. 14. in noise went on and i. I Chr. 4. 38. house of fatli. i. greatly Ezra 9. ft lniquitie*i over our head Ptal. a I. are they . th. trouble me 4. 7. tn time their corn and wine i. 49. 1ft when glory of his house is i. Prne. 9. 11. years of thy life sh. hei. Ecd.19. li, more than all before m 5. 1 1. they are i. that eat them I!SD fsa. 9. 3. multiplied nation, not i. joy 28. 15. tlimi hast i. nation, O Lord far. 5. (i. tiieir ba< kslidings are i. 15. 8. widows i. above sands of si>a MO. 14. because tliy sills were i. 15. Kzek. l<>. 2f>. i. thy whoredoms, 23. U. 28. 5. i-y wisdom ha,-t thou i. riches Dan. 12. 4. and knowledge sh. he. i. Hix. 4. 7. a.t they . so they sinned 10. 1. according to fruit, he i. altars Zech. 10. S. increase, as they have i. Murk! 8. fruit, that tpraug tip and!. Luke '2 5. Jesus i. in wisdom Act* 6. /. and the word of Gd I. )(>. .=>. churches i. in iiiuulier daily 2 Cor. 10. 15. hope when faith is i. Jiec. 3. 17. rich, and i with goods INCREASES'!', Kill. Jistance 29. 16. wicked multiplied, transg. ,'. co~ 1 18. i. knowledge, i. sorrow Isa. 4C. '29. no might, he i. strength Hot. 12. 1 daily i. lies and desolation Hub. 2. t. woe to him that i. that Coi. 2. 19. body t with increase of G. INCREASING. Col. 1. 10. i. in knowledge of God INCREDIBLE. Acts 26. 8. i. God should raise dead ? INCURABLE. ? Chr. 21. 18. smote him wi. i. disease Jub'.A. 6. my wound is i. without Jer. 15. 18. why is my wound i. 30. 12. bruise is '. || 15. sorrow is i. yiic. 1. 9. wound i. it is come to Jud. INDEBTED. Luke 11. 4. forgive ev. one i. to U3 INDEED. Gen. 37. 8. sh. thou t. reign over us ? 10. thy mother, and breth. '. come 1 Kin. 8. 27. hut will God ' dwell on earth J> 2 Ch>;m. G. 18. 1 Chr. 4. 10. thou wouldest l>less me t. Job 19. 4. he it t. that I have erred i.v. 6. 9. hear ye'i. see ye j. hut Mat. 3. 11. I . baptise, .Vnr* 1. 8. LtikeS. 16. ATfirrfc 11. 32. that he was a prophet t. Luke 23. 41. f. justly || 24. 3^ risen . ./ hn 1. 47. liehold an Israelite i. 4. 4->. that this is t. the Christ (i. 55. flesh is meat i. blood drink i. 7.2(5. do rulers know f. this is Christ ? 8. 36. Son make fri'e, ye be free .Horn. 8. 7. the law, neither i. can be 1 Tim. 5. 3. hnn. widows are widows i. 5. that is widows', and desolate, 16. See ENBKAVOI a. INDIGNATION. I Kin. 3. 27. great i against Israel Job 10. 17. increaseBt . upon me Psal. 69. 24. pour out thy i. on them 78.49. cast on them wrath, '. trouble 102. 1C beca. of thine t. urid wrath Isa. 10. i. st. 'tf in hand is mine t. 25. yt a little, the t. shall cease 13. 5. weapons of his f, Jer. 50. 25. 2fi. 20. hide thyself till i. be overpa-t 30. 27. his lips are full of . 34. 2. i. of Lord is on all nations 66. 14. i. known towards enemies Jer. 10. 111. nations not able to abide t. IS 17. In. .11 hi'st filled me with i. Lum. 'i. ii. .ionised in i. of his anger Ksfk 21. .'li. pour mijM . upon thee 22. 24. not runted on day of his i. 31 po-jred out mine t. on them ian. 11. 30. i. aguiust holy covenant ING Mic. 7. 9. I will bear i. of the Lord \/. I. fi. who can stand before i./ Utib. 3. 12. march through land in ?'. Zech. 1. 1 J. hast had i. seventy years Mai. I. 4. against whom Ld. iiath i. Mat. 20 24. moved wi. i against two 26. 8. they had i. saying, to what Luke 13. 14. ruler answered with '. Acts 5. 17. they were filled with . Ruin. 2.8. obey unrighteous. wrath 2 Cor 7. II. ye,., what*'.! Heb. 10. 27. looking lor of fiery i. Keo. 14. 10 poured out cup ot Ins >'. INDITING. Ps. 45. I. my heart is t. sood matter INDUSTRIOUS. 1 Kin. 11.28. seeinif young man wast INEXCUSABLE. Rom. 2. 1. therefore thou artt. man INFALLIBLE. Acts 1.3, shewed himself by t. proofs INFAMY. Prov. 25. 10. thine i. turn not away Ezek. 36. 3. ye are an '. of tlie people INFAMOUS. Erek. 22. 5. mock thee which art . INFANT, S. 1 Sam. 15. 3. slay man, woman and i. Job 3. 16. as '. which never saw light Isa. 65 29. be no more an f. of days Has. 13. 16. i. sh. he dashed in pieces Luke. 18. 15. they broupht t. to him INFERIOR. Job. 12. 3. understanding not i. 13. 2. Dan. 2. 3.9. arise another kingdom f. 2 Cor. 12. 13. ye '. to other churches INFIDEL. 2 Cor. 6. 15. that believ, th with !.? 1 Tim. 5. 8. and is worse than an i. INFINITE. Job 22. 5. are not thine iniquities i.? Psal. 147. 5. his understanding is '. 3. 9. her strength, and it was '. INFIRMITY. Lev. 12. 2. days of separation for '. Psal. 77. 10. this is mine t. but I will Prov. 18. 14. spirit of man sustain '. Luke 13. II. woman which had i. 12. thou art loosed from thine '. John 5. 5. had an t. thirty-eiuht years Rom. 6. 19. because of i. of your flesh Gal. 4. 13. how through i. I preached Heb. 6. 2. himself compassed with t. 7. 28. high priests which have t'. INFIRMITIES. Mat. 8. 17. himself took our f. and Luke b. 15. came tn be healed of i. 7. 21. he cured many of their t. 8. 2. Rom. 8. 26. Spirit also helpeth oiir i'. IS. 1. strong bear i. of the wmik 2 Cor. II. 30. things concern mine I. 12. 5. I glory not, but in mine i. 9. 10 I take pleasure in mine i. 1 Tim. fi. 23. use wine for thine i. Heb. 4. 15. touch. 'd with feeling oft. INFLAME, ING. /..'/. 5. 11. continue till wine i. them 57. 5. i. yourselves with idols INFLAMMATION. Lev. 13. 28. it is an t. of the burning Dettt. 28. 22. Lord smite thee with i. INFLICTED. 2 Cor. 2. 6. punishment which was '. INFLUENCES. JobSS. 31. canst hind f. of Pleiades ? INFOLDIVC. Ezek. 1. 4. . itself, and a brightness INFORM, ED. Dent. 17. 10. according'to all they . ttan. 9. 22 i. me, and talked \vi. me Acts 21. 21. are t. thou tetchest, 24. 24. 1 >. airainst raul.M. 2, 15. INGATHERING. Exod. 23. 16. fea- 1 of . end of year 249 INH INGRAFTED, Jam. 1.21. receive with men. .' INHABIT. Num. 35. 34. defile not land ye sh. i. Prov. 10. 30. wicked not '. the eail? Ina. 42. 11. villages Kedar doth > 05. 21. shall build houses ,ind i. f- .- R, 22. shall not build, and an.itlur i. Jer. 17. Ci. shall f. the parched pli.ves Kzek. 33. 24. that t. wastes of Israel Amos !(. 14. build waste cities t. them Zeph. 1. 13. build houses, not i'. them INHABITANT. Isa. 5. 9. houses great without t. 6. II. cities be wasted without , 12. 6. cry out and shout, '. of Zion 20. 6. the i. of this isle shall say in 24. 17. s_nare on thee, O i. of earth 33. 24. j. shall not say, I am sick Jer. 2. 15. cities burned without f. 4. 7. cities laid waste without an i. 9. 11. | 26. 9. |33. 10. | 34. tf. 44. 22. land is a curse without nn i. 46. 19. desolate, without . 51. 29, 37. Ami.t 1. 5. will cut off i. from Aven 8. I will cut off. from Ashdod Mic. 1. 12. the*, of Maroth waited 13. i. of Luchish, hind the chariot 15. heir to thee, O '. of Mareshah Zujjh. 2. 5. destroy, there sh. be n? i 3. 6. cities destroyed, is none t. INHABITANTS. Gen. 19. 25. overthrew '. of cities E.rod. 15. 15. t. of Canaan melt away Lev. 18. 25. land vomiteth out h.t i. 25. 10. proclaim liberty to i. thereof Num. 13. 32. land eate.th up '. thereof Deut. 13. 15. surely smite '. of city Josh. 2. 24. i. of the country do faint 11. 19. made peace, save t. of Gihenn 17. 12. could not drive out the i. Judg. 1. 19, 27. Judg. 5. 7. i. of the villages ceased 23. curse ye bitterly the i. thereo Ruth 4. 4. buy i! before the i. 2 Kin. 19. 26. "t. were of small power 2 Chr. 20. 23. against '. of mount Sr Job 26. 5. are formed from under t. Ps 33. 8. all '. of world stand in awe 14. he looketh on all ;. of earth 49. I. give ear, all ye i. of the wofld 75. 3. earth and i. thereof dissolved Isa. 10. 13. put down i. like a man 18. 3. all ye t. of the world, see ye 23. 2. be still, ye t of the isle, 6. 24. I. and scattereth abroad the K 5. earth defiled under f. thereof 6. the !. of the earth are burned 26. 9. '. of world learn righteousn-. . 18. nor have i. of the world fallen 38. 1 1. man no more wi. t. of world 40. 22. i. thereof as grasshoppers 42. 10. i. sing to Lord a new song 1 1. let t. of rock sing, let th. shout 49. 19. land narrow by reason of '. Jer. 13. 13. fill t. with drunkenness 21. 6. I will smite the t. of this city 23. 14. as Sodom, and thai thereof 'J">. '.). sword upon i. thrfe"f, 50. 36, 26. l.'i. brine innocentJRnod on '. 49. 8. dwell deep, OMn'Dedan,30l 50 34. Lord disquiet. 6f Babylon 51. 3^. my blood nflmi '. of Chaldea Lam. 4. 12. t. of world not believed Don 4. 35. i. of earth are nothing Mic. 6. 12. t. thereof ha. spoken lies 16. I should -make i. an hissing Zech. 8. 20. come ;. of many cities 21. the i'. of one city go to annthet Rev. 17. 2. t. of earth made drunk r See JERUSALEM. INHABITANTS oftfielana. Gen. S4. 30. ma, roe stink amo. '. if I EJCO. 34.12, lest make co-. ./?i.J' nra Vvm M. IT. la -itie* beca. of j. //. tot 3. b. all 1 1 i u/Me UW faint . the i */t taaJI be.r t. 34. to detroy all i ofL IT. before J*r. I. 14. auetilth.brrakuatt/1 IU la 1 will liuf out i. .// at owe 47. X. Ktd at the! v(L .hall howl if**, 4. I. L bath routro. wL i // AW X. I. let the i. -/U* i tremble E*oL 1 1. u I will no more pit y i . frwt IA. T- till they came to land i l*r. IS. (1 .aiquitie* to a Itod not ' bo. 14. Mi It tkall never be i 44. K aalth to Jrru thou .halt be i 4 If. be formed earth to be i. *4 1 aiak* de*..lt. i ttiet to be i r C. I l**t I maketbee land not i. 17. 1 Inhabit IP a tall Uod and not i. IX. t I will make the* rltie, not i. 46 y& W ttwll he i. at tndayt of old in 13 .h. Moth*!, 3P no more i. CM*. !X. in. cities L .h. be laid w ante Vft II. nor thall It he i. forty yean >. 10 cine, i and wast~* builded 3H. II upon 4e*olhall be tafely C IMlABIThKS. Mt*. a 13. woe, woe, to i. of earth II II wtw to i of earth and of tea 1NHABITEST. BTH. J*t> IV rX dwell to house* no man i ft XX. a O, Ibou th i. praises of U. /. 57. li. Mty One that t. etrruity INHABITING. ft 74. 14. m- MI t pea. i. wilderneu INHERIT. Gen. li a th. I know that I sh. t. It? /. ..W. 1L II they shnll i. it for ever Kum. ia 14. p en it to Levite* to i. 3X. 19. aot i on yonder tide Jordan J>--ul I. 3ft. he th. caiiae Isr. to i It 71. 16. rukrth hi* tons to i. what JuJg II. X. th. noti in fa.'s houte I > j X. a i. the throne of f/lory rV tii II hi* teed thall i the earth 3T.JL that wait on L sh. i the earth 1 1. meek th. i the earth, Mot 6. 6. XX. hlrwed of him shall i. the e ,rtl. 6R 36. seed of his ti-rvmnb. ah. i It ftt . O O. thou .halt i. all nation* tr-~. 3. 36 the wit* thall i. (lory h>i*ewlioliivemei' iub*tjuire II. tronMeth own hoiu* {.wind UM th* tin.pl. C folly fa 4V a to i. th- deUte heritage* M 3. aod thy teed .k i (ientile* C\ 9 and mine elect shall It /rr*01. why dmh their ktivjri' Oadf W*. X li th* Lord thall i. Jndah Vmt 19. Xft and th. t everlasting life 1634 cum* <. t>>e kingdom prepared Jt*e 10. 17. that I may eternal life, f.MJke 10. Xi | It IH P-c a 9. wnrifbte. noti. kmgrt (i Ml DHIbMextortkeii. i G/ 5. XI. ky*l fp^rcorr.ptlo.Ti IncV whn tk..' faith i promise* I /* 3 9 that y* should i ble.*mg MK fll. 7. he that nverr., m . i thing* INHKRIT|g( fttL n i that tkov may**t i. butf Xa. 31 IX Ihl. I* tW .nuT yesh. i / Vl X. 31. that tha maye.t i hit I. d Ml i I the U flvetk tber 19 \ tbe ri(rhte..... it. t the / . d be .k. esaltthee t..i the/ / 21 they h. i the /. f.* ever IVH . 31. It. U tli, rt acy L for as INH li. IT. plant them in thine L ^r. Vi. t..kr them a i f-r err .Vu la 20. have no i I am thit,- 7. a ru>c hill, t.i paiw to rtmikrht 9 i. to brethren || .O.ftber' lir-th U. IS. our i. U fallrii on this irt 3*. | 34. 14. 34. 18. to 4t*lde the land by i. 36. .1 put to the i. of the trine, 4. 9. nor L reinore fr. iMit- trihe ti DtuL 4. . a people of i. ai ye are 9. 26. destroy not i. || fJ. re thy i. 31 ft Jarob the lot of hi t. J+. 13,14. *arrifl. f I. their i IR7 33 the L. fi. of Israel n* th.tr t. 14. li& people depart, every man ti IMP i. Jutlf. i a | XI. 24. Kut\ 4. 6. not redi^in i. mar mine i I.VOM iai. anointed thee over hii. M. IU. fr. aliMinc in i. of the Lord t Sam. in. I. neither have we i in ion of Jexi-deeinril 78. 6t. and wa wroth with his i. 71. bronrhi him to feed Isr. hix i 79.1. heathen are come into thine i M. 14. neither will he forrake hit i. 106. 1 1. CanMti, the lot ol your i. IOH 6. that 1 may fflory wi. thine i. 4(. that he abhorred hi* own i. Prof. l:i rt. a jriM>d man leaveth i. 17. t part of i. :imotiif the hrethri-ii 19. 14. hoat*> and rtrhn i of fath> r XI). 21. an i. may be (rotten haxtily Krri. 7. 1 1. wi.rti.rn It t not with mi i. n. 19. X^. blessed I* Israel mine i. 4*. I have polluted mine i nil 7. for servants' take, tribe* f i Jer. in ifi. Itr. rod of hit i 61. 19. for right of i. i. thine l.iim ft. 4 our i turned tottran^r r>r*. 44. t ti them for L I am th i. 44. 16. the i 'h ,11 be his M.nX 17 IH. not take people's i. hy o|.|.r-- Mat. VI. m and let u neite on hUt Marie li i. i. th. heur, l.u. stJ 14 Lu*f IX. IX. he riivUe the with o.. Actt XII 31. |five yon i. amn. tnnctifieit X. IK i. arnii. them Nun-tiff, hv faitli ial 3. la If the i. h.- of thr law >4 I. II. In whom weot.tained i. 1 4. vhicli In the earne>t of our i. la the richr* of the clory of hi* '. 5. 6. kiith-Hiiv i in kingdom of ( h CoL I.I?, partaker* of the i of xaint- 3. X4. ye h. recelv.- the reward ofi. ffi. 1.4. he hath hy i. ol>-aine<1 nnme 9 IV receive promise of et. riml i I Pet. I. 4 he(r..ttMi, i inroiruptihi.- For INHERITAN( K Emit. 3k 9. and take infer thine i Sum. IH. 21. tenth it, It./ an i. X6 26 26. the land i-l.all be divided for an i n 54. | 84. I | 36. i Drttl 4.*l,-3.| 141 | 19. 10. J.,,h. 13. 6.7. 3X. | 14 I. | 19 49. .M. t-xtk. 4i I I 47. 28. | 4tt. y9. Dent VO. 1C the Lord doth (hvi the^ }r an i. 21 21 | 24. 4. | 6. 19. I i. jo*, n. ?a ! i.-ia 1 14. ia. I A'm. * :. TtChr R.-/7. Jer. iia i X. H. give thee the heathen/ , * 33. *4 l,,,d i. given n./ .n i. . l. land b. fall to y.m f. m, t *. ll.g. a pluce he th, . receive /. i. UoO INI Xonrnone INHKRITAKCE Sum. la 20. tliou shall hnve no i i3.s!4. | Mfe l>rf Mi.i). | I4./J, JS. | 18.1. X. J I a I4,.i3. | 14.3. 2 Chr. 10. Hi. e Imve tin i in son uf Jctt 7. S. he ifnvr him n'. of mount. .Sec r'.Njut, KKJOI.I. IN yl'l I V. Gen. 10. 16. the i. of the Amnritel 19. 16. le-t tholl l-e i-oiiiiiiied III I. 44 Ifi. K. h>.tli I...III.IIMII i. of -.-rv Ejo. visiting th- i. of lath.-rr upfin the chilmit, I (An.n. 21. S I Chr. 19. 7. there i. no i. w th I ..r: l'ili 4. & th.-y th.it plow i reap Mima 6 Hi. an i i. Ktoppeth h. r month 6. X9. I prity you, let it not be i. :l. i- theie i. in my tongue ? II. ft (J. exa.-t. le-;. than i de^erv. 14. it i. he in thy hand, put it away li 6. thy month utt. reth thine i. Ifi filthy is limn tthi.h ilnnUeihi. 22. '.:( |>iit an ay i. from thy taln-r. :il.ll. i. tone pnni-l: by juilgen, VI :!"). !l. iniiiMent, nor is there i. in me .'(I. :\-i. if I have done i. I will do nt :irl. 21. tak. he. d, regard not i. V3. who ran Hy, thou wrought i.? P*. 7. 3. O L if be i. in my liai.ns U. behold, h trNVHileth with i. .'('. X. to whom L. iinnntetli not i. *>. thou forguv- i-t t "i my MM 3''. 3. the word* f hi.< mouth are i. \V>. II. thou do-t toirert in.iii for t. 41. . his heart guthereth i. to it>.-lf IH. 6. when f of my h. el- CfimpUM 51. S. behold I wa- nhapen in i .'xj. I. and have done ah immabltl. is. 3. for they t-H-t i. npnii me S6. 7. thall they .-.rape I y i. F Ofi. ia if I reviird i. in my heart .'i. V. h.it forgiven i. of th> |..-ople '' 20. throne ol i. have fel'low P lnp 107. 4?. all i. shMll -t..|, her mouth !< !'. 14. let I. of his fa.'t he r.-n.t ru, I lift, they do no i. walk in hif w:.y 133. let not i. bnved'Hrin. over me I-/.V 3. lent put forth hhiid< to i. nir. Ifi. fi. hy truth i. it purged l. X. mouth of i.-ked devour, t. 22. M. thHt wiweth i >h reap vault > Krrl. ;i IG. place of righte. . there' /'i I. 4. a people laden witli i II i even the solemn m, etinjf S. I", wiw t" them Iht draw . 'V 7. thine i i- taken any 14 2.. prt nre lor i. of llit-ir fa INI /3. 22. *. this i. not purged fr. you 2tt. 20. wati h fur '. are cut off 30. 13. i shall tic in you a- a I. reach 40. 2. rry li> her, her i. is pardoned 6,'i. 6 Lord laid on him ('. of us all If}. 17. fort. <>f covetous. WHS 1 wroth 59. 8. your tinu' rs are defiled wi. '. 4. lirinu forlh i. || 6. works of t. 7. 64. !i. nor remember i. for ever ter. 2. 5. what i. have fa. found in me 22 tliine i. is maiked before me 3. .'3. only acknowledge thine i 13. 22 greatness "' are thy skirts 14. 20. *< knowledge I. of our fathers 16 10. what i.iir 1. 1| 17. i. hid fr. eyes 30 14 iniiltitiid.- of i. 15. Hot. 9. 7. 32. IS. reion peiisest i. ol fathers Lam. 'i 14. not ilisrovered thine '. 4.22. punishment of i. accomplished, will vi.-it i. O daughter of Edom Kfek. 4. 4. lay i. of house of Is. on it 7. 13. nor stienuthen himself in i. 1ft 17. not die for i of his father 30. so i -lirfh imt he your ruin $1. 23. call to remembrance i. 24. 25. i. shall have an end, 29. | 35. 5. 8. 15 perfect, till t. found in thee 18 defiled sanctuaries by i. of traffic 44. 12. caused hoti.-e of Is. tall into i Dun. !. 24 n ake reconciliation fort. Has. 7. I. i. ot Knhraim discovered Id. R children of i || 13. reaped t. I.'. R they shall find no t. iu me II. is there i in Oilcad ? 13. 12 the i. of Kphraim bound up 14. I for 111. tn hast fallen by thine i. 2. take away I. ieie. usuraciotisl\ Vic. 2. I. woe to th. devise i on hedV 3. 10 I. inlil op .Icrnsiilern with i 7. IR (JiiJ like thee, pardonetht.? Huh. 1. l.'f. tl'on canst not look on i. 2. \>. wi> to him establish, citv by t Ze/'h. 3 ft jii-t Lord, will not do't. !3. remnant of Israel not do i. Zech. 3 4. .-au-ed i. pVss from tbee 9. remove/ of that land in one day ttnl 2. 6. i. was not found in his lips Mat. 13. 41 gather them which dot. 2.1. 2*. are full of hypocrisy and t. 21. 12. because i. shall abound Arts I. 18. field with the reward oft. 8. 23. perceive tlmii art in bond of i. Sum. 6. It). servants tot. unto f. 1 Cur. 13. fi. rejoiceth not in t. hut 1 Ttiei. 2 7. ttiystery of t. doth work 2 Tim. 2 19. nameth C.. depart fr i. Tit. 2. 14. inifht redeem us from f. lleb. 1. 9. and thou hast hated i Jam 3 6. tongue is fire, world off. See BEAK, (\>MMH, COMMITTED. ttf* INIQUITY. Xirtn. 15. 31. his i. shall be upon him Job 20. 27. the heavens reveal Mi i 21. ID. (J layeth upA. I. for.hildrei }'.< 36. 2 until h. e. be foniid hateful Jer. 31. 30. die for At* t. ?>& 3. 18. 19. | 7. 16. | 18 26. F*p*.14.7. stumbling block of A. i. I i. 18 18 he ghali die in hit i. 33. 8, 9. 33. fi. he is lken away in hi* i. 8 Pet. 2. 16. I?a,fim relinked for A. f. Mine INIQUITY. 1 Sam. SD. I. wliat is mine f.? t Sam. 22. 24. 1 kept myself from mint i. Pial. 18. 23. Job",. 21. why not take awsiy m. i.'i 10. 6. that thon inqiiirost alter m. i 14. wilt not in quit me front mint i 14 17 in i tig tliou scwest U|> m. i. 31. Ji.'l iiidiiiir in i. in my bo-om ft. '.!". 1 1. pardon m. i fo'r it is treat 81. 10. str.ru- h failcth hcca. of m. i. ?2. 5. and miff i have 1 not did I*. 18. fr 1 will declare mine i. INI JoJ5).2. wash me thoroughly fr. m. i. Thfir INIQUITY. Lee. 26. 39. shall pit e away in t. i. *tt 40. if they confess t/iet'r i. AVA. 4. 5 and cover not Uteir i. Ps. fi9. V7 add iniquity unto their i. 78 ?a forgave t. i ||89. 32. visit e. i. 94. 2a shall brinif upon tin m t. i. l(6. 43. were brought low for t. i. ha. 13. II. punish the wicked for/, f. /fi. 21. punish inhabitants lor t. i. 33. 24. people shall he forgiven t. i. Jrr. 14. 10. will now remember t. i. 16. 18. he will recompense ttiriri 18. V3. forp. not t. i. iior Hot out sin v5. 12. I will punish nation fort i. 31. 34. for 1 will lorgive thtir i. 33. 8. cleanse them fiom all tfieir i. 3(i. 3. that I may forgive thtir i. 31. punish his servants for t/itir i. E?fk. 4. 5. laid on thee year? of t i. 17. may consume away for t. i. 7. 19. stumhling block of t. i. 14. 3 14. 10. they bear punishment "It. i v9. 16. hrinxeth t. i. to remember. 39 23. Israel into captivity fur t. i. Ui,s. 4 8. set their heart on their i. ft. 5. shall Isra. ai d Eph. fall in t. i. 9. 9. he will rcmen ber their i. Work INIQUITY Ps 141. 4. works with men that tr f. lui. 31. 2. ttgainst help of them v. i. 3'.'. 6. will t/-. t. to practise h\ pocrisy Mat. 7. 23. depart fr. mc.yeihat '. t. Wt,rke>sof INIQUITY. Job 31. 3. punishment IM tlwA:. oft. 31. 8. KO. in company with v. nfi. 22 tr. i.fi. may hide themselves f'mf. 5. 5. thou hatest all to/**. with w>. of i. 3fi. 12. there are the ?/. oft. fallen 37. I. nor be envious again, tr. of i. ft9. 2. deliver me from the if. nfi. H4 2. ii surrectioti of the r. oft. !>2. 7. all the work, of i. do flourish 9. all the w. oft. sh. be trnttered 94. 4. nil w. nfi. boast themselves 16. stand up for me against w. oft 125. 5 lead them forth with tr. ofi. 141.9. ke p me from piim of W. /''. Prov. 10. 29. de'troc. to tr. c/. 21. 16. INIQUITIES. Lev. 16. 91. confcNK over p-at all . ifi. 39. in f. of lathers sh. they pine Erra 9. 6. i. ure increjised over head 13 punished less than t. d< served \fh. 9 2. Isr. confessed i of fathers Job 13. 23. hi.w many are mine t. 26. tnnkcst me to possess i. of youth 22. 5. wickedness (in at, r IliOliite />. 38. 4 mine ' gone over my head JO. 12. mine f. W taken hold on me 51. 9. hide lace fr. sins. Mot out t. 64 6. search out f. || fi5. 3. '. prevail 79. 8. remember not avainst us i. 90. 8. hast set our e. before thee 103. 3. liless 1.. wh.. f-trgiveth all I. 1(1. norrexvarded us according to t. 130. 3. sbouldcst mark t. who stand ? 8. he redeem Israel from all his i. /'rot;. 5. 22. his own f. take wickd ha. 43. 24. wearied me wi thire i. .'.3. 5. but he was broisi d for our i. Ml. 12. as 'or our f. we know thim 64. 6 i. like wind taken us away 7. consumed us because of our f. Jer II. II. back to i. of foil fathers 14. 7. thoueh our i. testify BBB. us 7 nm. 4 13. for f of her priest* Kzfh. 8. 18. by multitude of thine f. Dan. 4. v~. break off tbinp i. 9. 13. that we mij!ht turn fr. our . INN Mic. 7. 18 he will subdue our t Act* a 36. tiiriiini; eveiy onefr. hi* fiom. 4. 7. bless, d i bey wln^e '. forf Rev. 18. 5. God hath remembered J. Their 1N1QUTI IKS. Lev. 16. 2V. goat bear on l.im their L Ptal. 107. 17. lools bccauo. of Met/ i Isa. 53. 1 1. for be shall hear their i. Jer 33. 8. I will pardon all tfieir i. 1 tun. 5. 7. sinned, we havebmue t i F.*ek. 32. 27. t. i. be on theii bone* Htb.S. \-J.t.i. remeio. nomoie, 10 17 Yowr INlQUl'l It.S. A'um. 14. 34 foit) ye:its \e l.car v. i ha. 50. I. for^. e. you sold y. urseL ."!*. 2. y. i. separated >ou and God 05. 7. your i. I will recompense Jer. 5. 2S. y. i. turned away things Krek, 24. 23. ye pine HWay lor y. i. 36. 31. loathe >mnsclvcs for i/. i. moi3. 2. 1 will punish you fin v. i 1NJUKHD. Cat. 4. 12. ye have not t. me at all INJUH1OUS. 1 Tim. 1. 13. befo. a persecutornudi INJUSTICE. Ji'b 1C. 17. i.ot lor t. in my hands INK. Jer. 36. 18. wrote them wi. f. in book 2 Cor. 3. 3. not with t. but the Spirit 2 John 12. 1 would not write with t INK.HOhN. [3J ( ,/,/;]3. Ezek. 9. 2. writer's t. by side, 3, II. 1 N N. Gen. 42. 27. ass provender in the '. 43. 21. came to t. we opened sacks Ej-tid. 4. 24. in the i. the 1. met him Luke. 2. 7. no room for them in i. 10. 34. brought him to an i. 1 N N K K. I Kin. 6. 27 set cherubims in i. liouso I Chr. 28 11. patterns oft. parlour* r..-t/t. 4. ll.cometokingintot. rourt ft. 1. Esther stood in the >. i ourt Ezek. 10. a cloud fill, d the i. court 42. 15. RII end of measuring t. house 46. I. gate oft. court shut six duyi Artt 16. 24. thrust th. intot. pii-i.fi /;/A. 3. 16. strengthened in t. muc See CH MIM H INNERMOST Pro. 18. 8. i. p.m*i.| tb. belly, 26. 2Z 1NNOCKM Y. den, 20. 5. in the i. of my hands P. 26. 6. I will wash my bin ds in 73. la in vain I washed hund in linn. 6. 22. i. was found in n e Hut. 8. 5. bow long ere attain to '.? INNOCENT, S. r'rntt 23. 7. t and righteo. slay not Deut. 27. v5. taketh reward to slay ' Jub 4. 7. whoever perished being t.f 9. '.'3 liiniib it the trial ot the t. v8. I know thou will not hold met*. 17. 8. t. stir up ^((ainst h> nocnlv 22. 19. the t. lailph them to -coin 30. shall dcliv. r the island of the i. 27. 17. the t. si all divide the silver 33. 9. 1 am t. nor is iniquity in me /'*. 10. 8. in seen t places montcr/. 15. A. tateth reward nvainst the i. 19. 13. t. from great transgression Pn*. I. II. let us lurk privily fort 18. 20. haste to be rich sh. not be i. Jer. 2. 34. found blood of the poor I. 35. thon sayest, because I i.in i. 19. 4 filled this place w i. blood of t, Mat. 27. 24. I am i. of tin bloxl cf See Pi.oon INNUMERABLE. Jib 21. 33. there are i before him Pi. 40. 12. f. evils compassed about lOt 2. 1 ). wherein things creeping i Jer. 4C. S3. grasshopper*, MIIh. be at an i. suddeuly 30. 13, whie breaking rometh t I J.r IH. 7 t "bat i I pak, l.iAr *. 3K . on.ioir th. >'. gve thanks ;. 4 they brMiugbt him i . 7. oor I* tri>e i. ervinii O K, Ii. 12. continulKg i in prayec 2 Tim. 4 2. he f. in -aon, out ol INSTKl'lT. DfuL 4. '.*\. he*r, th. he might i thee Ar* 9. 2<>. Ket thy *p. to i. them Juh di. 2. *h. he that i-ontend i. him? ftal. I ft. i. mv reiqa also i. me .i/ f. I will i. the* an.l tein-h thee Caul. 8. 2. In boue, who will i. in* ; 2H. t& . 1 1. TCI tht unders. Mi. I. tnary | I'vr. 2. I'- Hut he may i him IN.SIKU4 TKD. Unit. 32. 10. 1*. led him about, i him -A , 3, lAold thou hast i. many Pi. 2. '-! ye judges of the eartl Prof. 5. IX mine ear to them i. me il. II. the wise is . he receivrth Jui. a. II. L. sp*ke thus and i. me 40. 14. who i. him. and taught him Jrr .: . be i. O Jeru. lent MIU! depur 31. la niter i 1 -mote un my tint >/0*. 13 M. every scribe who is I. Ik & being l.rto're i. of her inothe 1 'iir \. 4 thine* thou hast been i. Art* IS. '-"> man wos i. in way of L. Jl'-m. Y. I" '-emir i. out of the law PkiL 4. )v. and in all thing*, I am iNsntucriNii. I Tim. 2. 25 i thI ItUCTION. Jot> S3. IfV i>peiif tb ears, sealeth I. /. iX 17. M-eiiif tlioii hntest i frvr. I. 2. U>know i.d.,.n andi 1 to receive the i. of wi.itorn depue iMlom and i I.S.i & ton, her i. of thy father. t.ke b..ld of i. let her not g ft I*, and nay, how hate I hated i 23, die without i. .nd go ,,H tr R 23. f eproiif of i. are way of fife & la rerene my i. !| :O. hear i. 9.9 i <-e limn and be irv 17. In way of life that krepeth 12. I. lotrtb i. loietb knowledge 13. I. wi*e sou beureth father's i. 18. shame ! him taut refWth t Ii. 31 rrfiMrtb i dr*ptettl h s n fritr of I. I. the i of wiMlon he i of tools Is folly In. 2H bear CIMIIM*!, and rerelve 7. ceae to he .r . t hut catueth n II apply thy heart to i. 831 boy nl-0 . and un.l. r.tundin /rr. 17. 23. nut hear, oor receive 1 & out htarkrooi tu receive INT irk . 15. a reproach, a tnnnt, an I. .. rii'lnre i- | -' MW.31 !. .mite In..' wi . i. oflmn It x .mi? ne VOIIL-. O G. on mil. jo. 28. ft. not threshed wi. thresh t. I. IA makethee sharp thre-h. r,c i4 IV brintethtorth i. l"r his work ie.33.Xt. mg of one play on I. H( MKS1-. ew.49.5. i of cruelty in habitations j-.,rf. 2.V SI. the pBttirn of H!| the i. keep all i. of tubernacle '. I and sanctified all i. thereof &. II. boiled their flesh wi. t. CAr. 9 2". oversee i. of sanctuary r. 42. make sound with musical I J t 7. 13. prepared the i. of death 6R 2*. players on i followed after M7. 7. players on i. shall be there ISO. 4. praise biru with -.ttinpe.! i. :reL 2. R musical i. and of all sorts at 32. 7. i. ataoof the churl are evi 3H. 20 *lng my songs to stringed i. Jan. M l nor i ol nm-ic brought 'mnt l.a threshed Gile. wi. i. ..f iron ft. 5. invent to Ihems. f. of music lab. 3. 19. ch:et jinger on stringed i (.rrh. \ \. 15. take i. of foolish shep. I, *m 6. IS. nor yield mem. t. of un righte., members a i. of rijjhte INSURRECTION. ."rrn 4. 19. this city hath made t. 'i. 64. 2. i of workers of iniquity 'lurk 15. 7. tnnnd them that made i who had committed murder in I left 18. Ii. Jews made i. one accord I NT ANGLE. Mat. 88. l.V how they might f. him I NT ANGLE I), KTH. ~jrit. 14. 3. they are i in the land GaL 5. I. be not t wi. yoke bondag Tim. 2.4. i. himself wi. affairs of lif 2/Vt 2. HO. they are again i therein INTEGRITY. 7r SO. 5. i. of my heart done thli.fi t"t> 8. 1 still he holH.pth fact his i. 9. dost thou still retain thine i. ? 27. 5 I will not remove my i. fr. m 31. ft. that Ood may know iny f. fml 7. 8. according to my f i:i me 2.%. 81. let i. and uprightu. preserv 2ft, I. for I have walked in mine i. II. as for me, I will walk in i. 41. 12. thou upholdest me in my i 7H. 78. fed according to i. of heart Prof. 11. 3. i. of upright guide tl.e IIi.l. better is pmir th. walketh in 20. 7. jut man walketh in his i. INI HI.L1GKNGH. Dan. II. 30. i. wi. them that forsak INTEND. 2 CAr. 88. la i. to add more to 'sin Art* V 28. ye t. to bring man's hi 35. what ye i to do there men INTENDED, P. ST. F..ii,d. 2. 14. i. thou to kill me ft. 21. II. they i. evil against thee IMTRWDUro. I. like 14. 28 which of you i. to bill Arti 18.4 i. after taster to bring hi INTENT. 8. 2 ('fir. 16 I. i. he might let none g .'r na 24, till performed i. of hea Jnhn II. l.V not there to the i. 13. 28. for what i. he -pake to him Acti H. ?\. rame hither for that r. 10. 29 Wht i ye have ... nt for n ' the t. we should not Ii 10. i. that now to priocipn M INT r h 4 !'.'. divi-rnrr of J. of !ir-3lt ' IN. N. & n.;nu- i. icr !r;:n,-i.-ri-Mi:H . it l-.er lid rry.iior umKi . lii,-lli !.' II .kr I. t.i i.. ^p. n aketli i. r n.-, i".:4 : ;ik. tli i. to l^. ;IL'.I. l-uii 1 ! :H-I t!i tf n ;ikt- 1. Inr !',.. rt Tiir.. '-'. I. prayer* ai. IN'l KRCESSO& n Mt. If', wondtredthere waanol INTERMEDDLE, K'J H. ror. U. In Mriiiinei not i. wi. j.>y ". 1. -eeketli anil i. with niduin IN ! IU. MI SSI ON. am.3.41'. eve ceiisetli not w ithout i. INTERPBET. MI. 41. 8. mine could i. to )'h:ir:ioh I 1 .', an-ording to hi- IIHMIH lini..! i. fir. !-'.:). do itll i.?|| 1-1.5. except '. 4. I M. prny he niv i. || 27. lei on- i. IN'IEKPRETATION. [41.11. en. 40. 5. acrording to '. of aream, 12. Joseph M.iii, this is the i. ol it, !<. ;j/,. 4. '.>4. |5. 26. 'ror. I. ri undiTstiiml proverh mid i Jon. 8. 4. we sh. Mmw the f. 7, iio. 45. dream is c-.-rtain, and i. sure 4. 19. i. thereof te t" thy riirtnieii olin 1. 42. ( ephas, is l.y i. a ^;n]Jf 3. 7. pool of Siloam, ib hy i. ?rnt irtt9.:.TMihz, hy {.called Dm CM 13. 8. EljriM-- M.rcerer, name hy i. Cor. 12. 10. another i. of tonkin s 14. it>. every one of yi-u hath an i fb. 7. 2. by i. king of rightcouj-ne-t Pet 1. SO, n prophecy of ptivBtos, INTERPKETATIONS en. 40. 8. do not i. belong to God * ; i. fob 33. ii an i. >! amo. tlnms: i.d Cor 14. 28. it there he no I. keep INTKHl'UK'I IN(.. nIiaM I i. for thee v9. and I will i. L. that swarms Ruth 1. 16. i. me not to leave thee I Saw*. 2. 25. if R man bin, whofh i.l '. Kin. 1.1 R. i. the face of L thy (i. ft. 45. 12. among people, t. favour J'ror. I!) C. many will i. favour of Jtr. 15. II. cau.e enen y i. thee well Art*'. 6. sho. i. thi'm evil 4ui y. an I Cor. 4'. 13. being defamed, we i. I'hil. 4. 3. I i. thee also, yoke.tellow 1 Tim 5. 1. but i. him as a father IN'] KK.ATKI). Gen. 12. 1C. he i. Abraham well V5.21. Isaac i. for hi- wife, L. was t Efod. S. 22. why hast evil i. people? a 3tt Motes went and i. L. 10. la Dettl 26. 8. the Egyptian- evil i. ua 2 Sam. 24. 25. I~ was I. f--r the lanil EzrtiS. 23. hfMipht G.and '.vas i. o' 'K Job 19. la I i. him with my n out* 17. tho' I i. for children's i*ake !'nil. 119. 5S. i. thy favour wi. heart Ins. !. 22. h- shal'l !" i. of them Mul. 22.fi. and i. tpitefully, Lu. ISUS Luke IS. i8. came bis fVher. hit* IRQ . 11. i. him shamefully I!). same uvil i. our fathers 1 Thet. -2. 2. we were shamefully I. AV*-. 12. 1R i. word not hi- spoken J',. S -:l r.cer which no man liftf. t: l(i ha>t. (i. ii. ami the i. did swim I Chr. 22. 3. prepared i. in iibiu dance 29 2. prepared f. for thii.us of i. 7. Jvb 28. 2. f. is taken out of the earth 40. IS. behemoth'? bones are like t. 41. 27. he esteemeth '. as straw PxaL 2. 9. break them with rod oft. 105. 18 they hurt, he was laid in i. 107. 10. hound in i. || 16. bars oft. 149. a hind nobles with fetters oft. Prov. 27. 17. t. Rhariieneth t. Eccl. 10. 10. if the t. he blunt Isa. 10. 34. cut thicketsVf forest wi. t. 45. 2. I will cut asunder liars of i. 60. 17. fort. I will brim; silver Jer. 15. r2. shall f. break northern t. 17. 1. sin of Jud. written wi. pen oft. 28. 13. make for them yokes off. Ex. 4. 3. takef. pan, set for wall off. 27. 12. Tarshish was merchant wi. j. Dan. 1. 33. his legs of f. feet part i. 34, 41, 42. 35. then was the f. and clay broken 40. the fourth kingdom strong as f. 7 19. beast, whose teeth were of t. Amiis 1. 3. (iilead with instrum. of i. A/f'e. 4 13. 1 will make thy horn '. I Tim. 4. 2. conscience seared will. f. Rev. 2. 27. rule them nit), a rod off. 12. 5. | 19. 15. 9. 9. as it were breast-plates of f. See BiiAnS. IKON. Deut. 27. 5. not lift up any f. tool Josh. !7. IS. tho* they ha. I. chariots J: l> 19. 24. were graven with f. pen 20. 24 shall flee Irom f. weapon /.. 48. 4. thy neck is an f. sinew .li'r. I. 18. thee this day an f. pillar Erek. 4. 3. take unto thee an f. pan Dun. 7. 7. it had gieat f. teeth Acts 12. 10. thev came to the f. gate IRONS. Job 41. 7. canst till skin wi. barbed i.? !S. [come. 8. | 4. 8 Rev. 1. 4. which it, was, and is t. 17. 8. beast that was, i* not, yet i.v 10. one is and the other f not come IS not Gen. 37. 30 and said, the child is not 42. 1. S. youngest wi. fth. onetsw. 32. 42. 36. Joseph is not, Simeon is not Rev 17. 8. beast wa, arid is not, 11. ISSUE, Suostantire. '' Gen. 4-& 6. f. which thou begettest Ler 12. 7. f. of her blood, 15. 2S. Mitt. 9.20. Mark 5 25. LukeS. 43.44. IS. 2. man hath running f. 3. | 22. 4. 8. he 'hat hath thef spit upon, 28. ftn. 22 24. on him the offspring and f. Ezek. 2a 20. f. like thei. of h/.rses Mat. 22. 25. having no f. left his wife ISSUE. [/. 39. 7. 1 Kin. 20. 18. sons that f. from thee, Ezek. 47. 8. waters '. toward east ISSUED. Job 38. 8. break forth ** if it f. out Ezek. 47. 1. waters f. from under 12. waters i. out of the sanctuary linn. 7. 10. fiery stream f. came forth Her. 9. 17. out of mouths f. fire, 18. ISSUES. P*,. |.v i . in/ F Jr.M IM. ior. Wat 5. 18. oiw/ -r tittle shall in n Om. 24. 21. Umad-/ P'jwp'" J[aA. 5. i nor/ nut ronvenkeot t^. II M_ as a r. of gold In a AJW la l. lik/ from Mir.-olh Ift. I. l.r.elit'" t..k/ trom Klim fT^9. 1 1. *. ^ ^ swine's soi.ut VMM. ft 10. he in/ yet keep passive 10. II. llprf know ledge pr.- **,*. 16. 12. 1 IMII "/' "' lorettrad jf\\ ' I'i. uot in/ forbeareth k. ep p-s D ut 1.2. eleven iiays'/. fr. H..ret ia II. taketh\/ heloie people Cm. 24. 53- kf mkt forth / of ilver find. . kH borrow / of gid. II 2. 1135. [\n. 31. 4". 35. 22. tkev brought all/ "f ifoKl, f>itm M jl t>>k gold, en the/' ./wA. 9, 11. l*' virtual, for your j. JuAt 4, 9 / thou Uke R t not for lion. 1 4as. li ia Lord ent Ihee on a/. 1 Am. ia 27. or he is In a/. I'j 7. the/ i* I great for the* 2 A'l'n- 3. 9 compass of sev.-n days'/ f ~Ckr 2ft 2A rirhes and piecnoi./ .VrA. 2. 6. how long shall thy/, he t Pror. 7 19. go-lmHn gone a long/ JM9A.I7 ert..ugeo< it not '~ f.T/ f,W I la cweeks ciMoely wit >/. 7 1 Ike joint* of thy thigh- like/ /. fll 10 d"rne|h herself with/ ATM Ift 17. taken thi/ of myfoM *. tfcey sk. take thv fait / 23 26. .Wot 10. ia n..r scrip for your/ Mark K. 8. noihn.g for/ Lukr ft 3. /.* 1 1. ft a friend of mine in his/ 15. ia ttH.k his/ into a far rouutry J'Jm 4.R Jems wearied wi./ sat thus Ki.m 1. Hi might have prosper. MI-/. H< 1 lldeihed wi. ear. rings and/ Hal i. 17. wiien 1 make up my/ JOIN. . IV -J4. 1 tfil-t to we you in oiy/. 1 Cor. Ift fi. may bnnf me on my/ Tit. I la Ze..aai.d Ap-ll-son/ Jtrs* . 10. let they/ our eneinie* Krn 9 I4./ In ffloity with people frmr. II. 21. hand/ in band. Ill .'.. M Job* 6. whom hring lor ward on /. Daw" JOUKNEY. Sum. 11.31". quail'" fall a An/'tj }M V (1 we to them/ lnnl.e to ho. 1 A'm. 19. 4. went i'i/ to wildern. ft II. Lord/ hi eneifiie together Junak a 4. be*n to enter rity d.'tj. Luke 2, 44. a iL'ii among arouaint. .Irr Ml 5 let u>/'. ..ur~ Ive. to Ld. Actt 1. 12. from Jerusalem a iay'ij. jfjmk 37. 17. /' them one to another Srr lArrr OAVS. Atii V 11 dur-t n man/ himself JOUKNEYEI). ft i'. g"./ thyself to this rhariot a, J8. sui atmv'-o to join himself .'rn.129. Abnun/ g..ing south. 20.1 13 I) 1...I/ east 033 17 Jacob/ JOIN LJ. 35. 5. Israel/ toward B.-th.el Crf*. 14. 1 all thew king* were/ Kfod. 40. 37. thev/ not. Num. 9.21. * M. thutim* husband he/ tome Yum. 9. 7. rhildr n of Israel./ IK t Ckr HI 3ft he/ with Ah.iiah. 37. 19. kept charge of the 1. mid/', not Ezra 4. It up wall*./ foundations frb 9. a as Saul /'. he came near Da. // 1 ft. IH4 be/ to day ol year 7. men/ with him Hood, 26. 13. 41. 17 leviathan's (rules are/ JOUHNKYINfi. S. SI lakes of his flesh/ to.-ther Num. Itt 29. we are/ to the place J*r Hi. fc Aasur al-o i/ with them 2. thus were/ ol Israel's armies StvL U 4./ t" all the living is h..pe Luke 13 2). as he was/ tow. Jeru. /i 11 15 every one/ them h. fall 2 Cor. 11. 96. in/ often, in peril* 14 1. strangers he/ with them JOURNEYS, M not be/ with them in t.iirlal Grn. 13 3. Ahram went on his/. ML J *. knn hath/, to L. speak jW. 17. 1./ according to command. />* 1. 9. wing*/ one to another 40.36. they went on in/ Num.10.12. H-t 4 17 Kphraim is/ to Idols .ia rltnid on taliern. thro* their/. CerA. t. II manv nation./ to Lo^d Sum. 10. ft blow an alarm for their/ Mat Ift A. what rd is one spirit 6 16. dedication ol house of G wi./ IB* t IA the wkole iMMly fitly/ i 31. sod skall he/ t,, hw wife A. a ia/ of L. is your strength ''. 43. / of Jeru. was heard afar of .W H 4*1.1' Mia. fA. a 16. had light,/ and honour JOISIVU. SL U.-fi. month turned from i>orrow toj 1 C*r. ft a prepared iron for the/ make them days ,,f featingandj t ( Ar 3 12, / to wu.g of i herub Joh a 19. thin i the/ of his way JOIST. 20. 5 / of hy p-M-rit.- hut fur moment Cm. 3t SV Jar.eS 1 , tblrh out of/ r~l 21 14 all m* K..iies re out of/ J*rM, 25. 19 r..nl like font out ,,(j 29. I3\ caused widow's heart f ng/ 3a 26. he will aee his fare wi..i/. 41. 91. sorrow tur-ed to / h,-f. him MfA, 4. Ift whiek ev-ry/ supplieth Pi Ift. II. In presence fulness of/ JOIN 1 s 27. ft oBer in tahern. sacrififen of/ 1 Kin. ft. 34 smote king of l.rael 30. 5. hut/ cometh in the mornin between/ of karnew.2 Ckr. 19 31 47 4. 1 wen- with the voice ut j. f / 7 i / "* tbig s .re like j^wel. IMW. &. A i of in. |..in- were lotMed Ol t ! Ko-ir kv/ knit together 4.1 4. I go to (it>d my exreeding/ 4a 2 / of the earth I* mount Zion ^l 12. restore to me/ of salvation Vi. 1 12 d vdmg .. 1 V 1 .knn . counsellors of peace >i j( 14 I'l. t ranger nt uitermi-ddlr j. 15. VI. full) i/. deatitiile i.f iii>.iB *i niHn hath/ I.) Hii-fr nl iniuitli 17. 21. the father nf a tool hath no/ 21. I5./ t the just In do judgment 2.'l 24. begetteth wine child hair/. i'rc/. 1 lit. withheld nut I. .-art tr.j. (iod gi>elh knowledge mid/ 5. 20. <> answered linn in.; lit hiMr* <( 7.("thy ay, eat thy hre;,d wi./ ML It. 3. increased/' m cording I../ H. L. eh. have no/ in young men I'l 3. willi/ "hull ye draw water 16 I" J. i* taken MIII plentiful ti.-ld ' 24. ./. harp ceaaeth || II. / i dai k. 29. 1!*. meek h. increH.se Hi./ in I.. . 13. houses ol/ || 14. ;. *ihl a-ses 34. 2. rejoiieeven wi./ un > singing li>. everlast. /on their heads.;>!. . I. 52. 9. break into/ || i5. 12. go with/ 6tt 15. theea/of many ifeneMtioiii 61. 3. give them nil of/ for mourn. 7. everlasting/ shall In- to them 65. 14. servant* sh. IHK lor/ heart la behold, I rreate her people a/ 66. 5 hut lie shall appear to yur/ 10. rejoice tnr/ willi her, nil ye ./-. 15. 16. word wa-/ i> heart 31. 13. turn their nmiiri.inK into/ 33. 9. it shall In- to me H iiiune nl/ 11. there shall he hi-nrd voice of/ 48 27. spakest. thmi ki|.pe,ist for i 33. / Is taken fr. the plentiful field 49. 25. city of priii-e. Hy of my/ Lam. 2. IV tlie/ of the whole earth A. IS. the/ of our heart is reused E*ek. 24. i.'i. take fr. them/ .if |f lory 36. 5. with the/ of all their heart //o. S>. I. r-j.iiec not. () Urael. for/ Joe/ 1. 12. / is withered from n en 7.t-j,h. 3. 17. rejoice nv.-r ih-euith/ Mat. 13. 20. anon Wllh/ rereiveth it, l.ukfS. 13. 44. for/ thereof forth nndsrlletb 2.S. Sl.enter into the/ of ihy I.. 21 /.u. I. 44. hxrte leaped in womb for/ 6. 2a rojoire in that day leap fur/ ia 17. the seventy returned wi j. IS. 7. / in heaven over i.ne (.inner Ift then- is/ in present* of unwell 24. 41. they yet heliev d not f.T/ John a 29. my/ then-fore is fnlfille.l 15. II. that my / imiiht remain in you, that your/ might he full 16. 20. your sorrow he turned to/ 1. for/ that nmn is horn 22. your/ DO man takrthfr. you S4. receive, that your/ be full 17. la iry/ fulfilled in themselvet Actt 2.2a make me full if/ with thy 13. 5i disciple* were filled .nth/ 20. 24. finish my course wth / Hum. 14. 17. kingdom 01 Ood is/ 15. 13. G. fil e,l y.iu wi./ in holier 3i. come to you wi / hy will of (1 J Cor. 1. 24. we are helper* of your/ 2. 3. tint mv/ in the/ of yon all 7. la more joyed we for/ of Titul 8. 2. their/ Hhonmled to riches Gal. f> M the spirit IK love,/ pear* /'A//. 1 4. maktiur request with/ 2S. your furtherance and/ of fail! 8. y. fulfil my/ |j 4. I./ and crown 1 77/. I. fi. reci'iv.-d the word wi./ 2 19. what Is our hope or/ 20. for ye are our gh>ry and/ a 9./ wherewith we/ Lefore G..4 2 Tim. \. 4. tluit I may he fil led w i./ Plntem iO. let me have/ i.f thre //fA. 12. 2. lor / that ~B before him 13. I", do it with/ not with irrief Jam. I. 2. couii' it/ wueii ye fJ' torn. 4. C / bo turned int.) heaviness I Pet. 1. a rejoice wi./ unspeakable 4. 13. glad also *ith e xceediug / ) JoAn I. 4. / m:iy he full, '2 J/in 12. 3 John 4. no greater/ rtian to hear ludeW you faultless with exceed./ See (itxDNF.ss. Great JOY. 1 Kin. 1. 40. people rejoiced wi.g.j. % Chr. 30. 26. wasg-. / in Jerusalem AVA. 12. 43. them rejoice withg.j. Mat 2. 10. th. y rejoiced with g.j. 28.8. fromsepulehrewi. fearaud#./ L'Jce'i. 10 bring tidings of greitj '24. 52. retui i.ed to Jeruga. withy./ Act* a a th.TH was g-./ in thHt city 15. 3. cai ed g.j. to the brethren Pliilem. 7. we have g-./ in thy love Shiiut, 01 thnutedfnt JOY. rra3. 12 many shunted ;iliiud for ;'. ./o6 3a 7. I he sons nl (Jod shouted f'j. Pi. 5. U. those put trust in thee re- joice; let them shout fur j. 35. *7. 32. 11. t.forj. all that are upright 65. 13. the valleys shout forj. 132. ft let thy saints shout forj. 16. JOY, Verb. Ps. 21. 1. king sh./ in thy strength Isa. 9. 3./ before thee accord, to joy 65. 19. I rejoice and/ in my people Hub. 3. la I will/ in G. of salvation Zi'ph. 3. 17. / over thee with .-inking Rum. 5. II. but we also/ in God Pkil. 2. 17. / and rejoice wi. you all 1 Tket. 3. 9. joy wherewith we/ for JOYED. 2 Cor. 7. 13. more/, for joy of Titus JOY'KUL. 1 Kin. a 66. went to their tents/ Ezra 6. 22. Lord hath made them/ )\>b 3. 7. let no/ voice iome therein Ps. 5. II. them love thy name be/ 3 9. my soul be/ in the Lord 63. 5. mouth praise thee with/ lips 06. I. make a/ noise to G. ye lands 81. I. make/ noise to G. of Jacob 39. 15. blessed people know/ sound 85. 1. make/ noise to rock of salva. 2./ noise wi. psalms, 98. 4. | 100. 1. 98. 6. make a/ noise before Lord a hills be/ together before Lord 111 P. barren be/ mother of child. J4" i. children of Zion/. in king f>. let the saints haj, in glory Eccl. 7. 14. In day of prosperity he/ Ita. 49. 13. sing heavens, he/ earth 56. 7. make them/ in ho. of prayer 61. 10. HOU! shall be/ in my (Jod 2 Cor. 7. 4./ in all our tribulation JOYFULLY. Eccl. 9. 9. live/ wi. wife thou Invent Luke 19. fi. Zarcheus received him/. Heb. 10. 34. took/ spoiling of goods JOYFULNESS Deut. 28 47. servedst not L..with/. CoL I. II. to lorttr-xufferiiiff with/ JOYING. Co/. 2. 5. with you in the spirit./ JOYOUS. Ita. 22. 2. art full of stirs, a/ city 23. 7. is this your/ < ity, whose Jen. 32. 13. all house* of joy in/ ci ;y f/e6 12. II. no ( hastening seeineth/ JUDGE, SuMantire. Gen. 18. 25. 7. of all earth do right ? 19. 9. this fellow came, needs be I ;'. Ejcud. 2. 14. made thee a ;'. over n <, ^,Y* 7. 27, 33. Deut. 17. 9. come to the/ shall he 2. man will not hearken to the ;'. 25. 2./. shall cause him to lie down Jiuiff 2. IH. the Lord was with the / 1 1. 27. the Lord the J. be ;. this da) .*atu. 15. 4. O th*t 1 were made/. JUD Job 9. 15. make supplication to my/ 23. 7. delivered for ever from my/ 31. 2a iniquity be punished by/ W 50. a for Ood is/ himself 6a a./ of widows || 75. 7. God is/ 94. 2. thou J. of the earth, render ha. 3. 2. take away from Jeru. the/ Anna -2. 3. rut off 1 / from the midst .Vic. 5. I. shall smile the/ of Israel 7. 3. and the/ aeketh for a reward Mat. 5. 25. adversary deliver thee to / the/ to the oftiif.r. tu*e 12. 58. Luke 12. 14. who made me/ over you? la 2. was in city, a /. feared not G. 6. hear what the unjust/ saith icts 10. 42. God/ of quick anil dead IS. 15. will be/ of no such matters 24 10. many years a/ of nation rim. 4. 8 the Lord the riuhteous/ He6. 12. 23. come to God the J. of ali ;. 4. II. not doer of law, but a/ 5. 19. ./. standeth before the door JUDGE, Verb, applied to GOD and CHRIST. en. 16. 5. /. between me and thee, 1 Sam. 24, 12, 15. F..rnii. 5. 21. Lord look on you arid/. Deut. 32. 36. the L. sh./ his people, Ps. 50. 4. | 135. 14. Heb. 10. 30. I Sum. 2. 10. L / ends of the earth ! Kin. a 32. / servants, 2 Chr. 6. 23. 1 Chr. 16. 33. cometh to/ the earth, Psal. 96. 13. | 98. 9 i. Chr. 20. 12. wilt thou not/ them ? ,A>622. 13. can he/ thro 1 dark cloud? Ps. 7. 8. the Lord shall/ the people righteously, 9. 8. | 50. 4. | 96. 10. 10. la/ fatherless nd poor, 82. 26. I./ rue, O Lord, 7. a | 35 24. | 43. 1. | 54. I. Lam. 3. 59. 82. 8. arise, O God,/ the earth 96. 14. he shall / the world with righteousness. 98. 9. Acts 17. 31. 110. 6. shall/ among the heathen Ecria 17. God shall}', the right, oils Isa. 2. 4. he shall/ among nations 3. 13. Lord stamietli to/ the people 11. 3. not/ after sight of his eyes 51. 5. mine arm shall/ the people Exek. 7. & will.;, according to ways 34. 17. I/ between cattle and rattle Joel 3. 12. will I sit to/ heathen .\lic. 4. 3. he shall/ among people John 5. 30. I/ my judgment is just 8. 15. I/ no man || Hi. yet if I/ 26. things to say and to/ ot you 12. 47. I came not to/ th>- world Rnm. 'i. 16. God/ secrets of men 3. 6 how .-hall God/ the world ? 2 Tim 4. 1./ quick and dead 1 /Vf.4.5. Heb. 13. 4. and adulterers G. will/ flen. 6. 10. dost thnu not/ 19. II. in righteousness he doth/ See further / will JUDGE. JUDGE, applied to MAN, or other th*ng. Gen. 31. 37. may/ betwixt us both 49 la Dan shall/ his people Ej-nd. IS. 13. Moses sat to/ people 16. I/ between one anil another Lev. 19 15. in righteousness thou/ thv neighbour, Deut. I. 16. | 16. 18. I Sum. 2. 25. man sin, judge/ him 8. 5. make us a king to/ us, 6. 20. 1 A'in. 3. 9. understanding heart to/ who is to/ thi- people, 2 Chr. 1. 10. 2 Chr. I. II. mayeet/ my people 19. 6. for ye/ not for man Erra 7. 'J5. which may/ the people Ptal. 58. I./ uprightly, aonsof mei 72. 2. / people with righteousness 4. he/ poor of people, Prur. 31. <> ";'. 2. how long will \c t. unjustly ./w. 1. 17. / futher. plead for wMuw Stt JUD 7e/ Lit. ti. .'17. l.itk'f 7. 43. aid, thou hast rightly/ John Iti. II. prince of this world is/ Acts 16. 15. have/ me to be faithful 24. 6. would hav/ accord, to law 25. 9. there he/ of these thiuss,2(>. 10. I stand, where 1 ought to be;'. 26 6. am/ for hope of the promisa Kutn. -'. 12. / >y the law. Jam. 2. 12 3. 4. overcome when ih.ni art/ 7. why am 1 also/ a>* a sinner ? I Car. 2. 15. he himself/ of no man 4. 3. that 1 should he/ of you 5. 3. I have/ already, as though 6. 2. if the world shall be/ hy you 10. 29. tor why is my liberty/ of 11. 31. judge we should not he/ 32. we arc/ we are chastened 14. 24. is convinied, he is /. of 8tl llcb. 11. 11. been, she/ him teitUM Jt'D W. Ik- ina-lrr .h be brought to/ Drtrf. I III Irmartredyour/ th. time 10 lft./.h tfc* Bake In thy rate* j shall make d'lufent iiwutsi -. and/ *a.rose forth M. 31 even or eoemle, being/ ./.* O 3. Jo.hu* eall-d for their/ J*4t. . l U raJ-ed up/ l& [V4. 1. A.-/* I. I. when/ ruled famine was *. I. made SMS/ over Isr. V. I t *r. 17 ft. spake a wwrd to any/ 10. I. . Solmno spake lo the/ hr.et/ tn land | 6 MM !/ > ~-t/ mavjudre people I he covereth the fare of/. I*. 17. he maketh the/ fouls 31. 1 1. tt i. imq to be punched by/ I *. *. !ft be m>trtieted/ nf earth U when/ are overthrown .1 II. prince*, and/, of the earth Frv*. a IA by me prince* role, and/. /M. I M I will restore thy/. 4U 13. maneth/ of earth a* vanity ;'; . 9. U. bis words again after that he gave them/. jam. A 4 become/ of evil thought' JUOOEST. /it SI. i. be clear when thou/ ,/er 1 1. tO. L. of h.t, ' riht.*<*!y /!. 1 1. whn*ever thou art that/ 3 O man. that/ them which do 1 1 4 that/ another roan's servant*] Jtiw. 1 li who art thou/. another? J. * ?1. . h / those that were high - II (iod/ the righteous ' he l a i"d that/ in enrth .if mighty, he/ among godi -1 14. king thai faithfully/ ' tt. f.ir the Father/ n.. ITM ... neth.it seekethand, ..th o..e th.t/. him ae that is spiritual/, al 4 I Kiit h*th*t/ me U the Lord 1 IT them thmt are without, ./. i II. tht/ hihrother,/ law ! 17 witho. re-peet ,,.. r -o,..j t. a commit. him-el( to him thutj ML l & strong the I. that/, be '.INK. I Kin 14. 5. / the people of the land t Car**. M VI I. sntte*t In the thron-/ righ H h/ a.leekificj'id/.iien T,W/.u.2 f I IV 91 xyarOoy f3 V after man n IT r/ f U jrn rfT?.4l. If mv h*..d takehoM on/ V2. when any dime to klnif for/ ft Am a II. understa to discern/. -riM-l h-nr.1 of the/. 7 7. porch of/ 1] #) 40. * thy/, be Ai. *i ft. t.N.k king and gave/ '*/ IW. * rhiel of fathers tor /. VII ft eometh on ns as the sword,/ I 7. l let/, be executed n him |. 11 all that knew taw and/. ot> a 3. doth (Jod pervert/, r 9. 19. I speak ol/ H 19.7. there Is no/ Ift 89 y may know there is a/ 31 ft neither do aged understand/ 34. 4. let u choose to us/. V. neither will Almighty pervert/ _j. II yet/ i* before htm 36. 17. th.Mjfulnlled/. of the wicked / and justice take holdonthee .'al. 7. ft. awake for me to the/ 9 7. prepared hi throne for / a minister/ t- peo. in righteous. Ill L. known hy >. he executelh 33. 5. loveth nghte... and/ 37. 28. 17. . bring forth thy/, as noon. day 30 and his t-.ngue talketh of/ 74 . be sh. judire thy pH,r with/ 76. a rause/. to he heard fr. hravrn 9. G. arose to/ to save the me. k B. 1 4. justice and/ are hahita. 97.1 94. IS./. h return toriehteousnes W. 4. the king's stremrth alMj loveth / thon executes! / and riehtf 101. I. 1 will sing of mercy and/ 103. . Uex-cuteth/. tor op. Ufi. |l. 3 Mes-ed are they that keep/ 3' i. Phinehas stiMid and executed/ III. 7. works of his hands ur-j. 119. fla teah me/ and knowledge l-.'l. I have done/ and justice U!t. O K quicken me accord. t/ IW. 5. for there are set thrones of/ 140. ft execute on them/, written r.r I. :{. in-triut of wisdon- and/ Z a he kee[M'th the paths (if/ 9. then shult thou understand/ a 20. in the tnil-t of the paths of/ 13 f.l destroyed for want of/. 17 ft taketh' gifts to perv. wa Ift V8. ung>diy witne.s c..rneth/ VO. a king that sitteth in throne/ VR. 6. evil men mi ler.tmid not/ V9. 4. king by/ esta>>li-heth land &. every mun'-j. eometh tr..in I SI. 5. nor pervert/ of the afflicted Red. 3. l& saw under sun of place/ 5. . aeet vii>l.'nt perverting of/ as. wise man dicern.-th time and w 8. to ev.purp<-e there is time and/ Jfa. I. 17. aek/ 1 VI. it wa full of/ V7. Zion hll e red.-emel with/ 4. 4 purged Jcru hv the spirit of/ 5. 7. looked for/ || 16 5 seeking/ U 7. and to establish it with/ 10. V turn aside the needy from/ 16. 3 execute / Jer. 21. K | 2V. : Kxek iat. | 45.9. Zee*. 7.9. |ai 2ft. 6. and for a spirit of/ to him 17. I will al.o lay/, t" the line nave mercy, for I. is O. of/ S#. I6./ sh. dwell in the wilrit-rneft 33 A. Lord hath filled Zion with/ 34 5. on the peo. of ni> curse to/ 40 14. who taught him in ]> .th of 41. I let as rerne Bear together tn 41 I. bring forth/ to the (ientile 3. he -h l.rinii forth/ unt" trut 4 not fail, till ' 3. . taken fr..m prison and from 5. I. keep/ atldjii-ti.e, / 59. a there Is no/, in their gutngs M JUD a. 5P. !>. therefore is/ far from Ct II. we lopieiued him there a< n.-i/i 61. 8. 1 the L lore/, hate robbery r 8 I. if there beany cxet uteth/ , know not the/, of thei' G a 7. 5. they have known the/, of (iod ". 5. li ">< thorough y exerute/. I. V4. exercise/, and rii:Me u-iu-s* '. 24. correct me, hut ith/. 21. 12 execute/ in ihe m.-rning' 23. 6. execute/, in the earth. 33.15. IK Vl./ i> itime upi.n plain > oiintrf \f). IV. wlio-e/. was m.t to drink il. 9. for her/, reacheth to heaven 'rek. V3. 24. 1 will set/ before theui Jon. 4. 37. all whose ways are/. 7. 10. / was set H 2fi hut/ shall sit ti. /.was given to the saints Wot. 5. I. give ear,/ is toward you 10. 4. thus/, t-priiiueth as hemlock m. 5. 7 who turn/ t..wirmwood 15. and etablii>h/ in the gate 24. but let/, run down a- water* 6. IV. ye have turne.l /. into gall tfic. 1 1. not to know/ || 8 full of/ 9. that abhor/ ||. 7.9. execute/. Hob. I. 4./. doth never go forth 7 /. .-hall proceed of tdem-ehes IV. O L. thou ordained them for/. _tyA V. 3. ye whicn wroiiulit his/ 3 5. eve. morning bring/ to light Val. V. 17. ye say, where is G. of/? Wat 5. Vl. be in danger of the/ VS. T V. with what/ ye judifed V. 18. shall show/ to the Uentile* 20. he bend forth/ unt victory V3. 23. and have omitted/, mercy Lvke 11. 42. paw over/ love of O. Juhti i. 2V. committed all/, to Son V7. given him authority toexe / 7. V4. but judge righteous/ 9. 39. for/ I am come int. .world IV. 31. now U the/ of this world 16. a reprove the world of/ 1 1. irtiU 33. his/ was taken way V4. V5. as he reasoned ol /. Felix R,,m. I. 32. knowing the/ of i.od V. V. the/ of C is according to truth 3 thiilkest thou -h. eM-n^e/ of G.? 5. revelation of right i-/ of O. S. li>. /. w.i- by one to condi innation ia/canie on all to c..demiiation I Cur. \. 10. he joined together in/. 4. 3. I should be judged of man's/. 1 The*, i. 5. token of the/ <.i <..>d 1 V ii'i. 5. 24. i.pi-ii. going before to/. //.. a V. eternal/. || 9. V7. after this H). V7. certain fearful looking for/ Jam. V. ia have/ without mercy and mercy reji>iceth gaint/ . Pet 4. 17. / begin t house of G. 2 /"/. V. 3 who-e/. ingi-reth not 4. chains of dark ness, reserved/. JurlrCi. to/, of the gre. t day 15. to execute/ upon al. Rrr. 14. 7 th hour of hi-/ is com* 17. I. show the/, of the great whore 18. 10. alas, in one hour thy t. com* VO. 4. and/ wns niven to th. m See BKAK, l>*v, Do jriXJMKNT. Gen. laiw to*,ju ti.-"ai,d/. UC 10. 9 /'n/c. VI. 3 Jer :#. 15- 1 Kin 3. -A wUdom of <;.! torfc/ 2 CAr. 9. . set o\4 r then. t.. ./../. Prar. VI. 7. he., they r. fuse to ct>/. 15. it i- joy to the jnd to d-.i. Jer. 51. 47. Jnj. on graven :in:'(res 52. I w -i'l rfn/'. OTI graven images jrhl.Mr.V John 18. ffi. they led Jesu- to A.nfjl tlienibelves went not into A. of/ JUD Jolm 18.33. Pilate entered /.-ft. Hgain lit. !). went into the/.-A. ami sairli jfc(*^3. 35. kept in Herod's /.-/m// / JUDGMENT. i?p. 19. 15. no unrighteous, inj. 35. ffuin. 'to. 1 1. before congregation inj. Dint. \. 17 not respect persons inj. Judg. 5. 10. ye that sit inj. foil !) 32. should rome together inj. 37. i'i. excellent in power and inj. PHI'. !..">. ungodly sh. not stan. 1 inj. 25 !). the meek will he guide inj. Prow. 16. 10. transgresseth not inj. R 5. over: hro\v the righteous inj. 24, 23. not (rood resp. persons ira/ IM. 5. 16. Lord of hosts exalted inj. 28 ft sitteth in/ || 7. stumble in/ 32 1. behold priiursshall rule inj. 54 17. tongue rise against theet'n/ 7<7-. 4. 2. in righteousness and in/. re. 44. 24. in conttoversy stand inj. Unit. 2. 19. betroth thee to me inj. Mill. 3. 5. will come near to you tnj Ma!. 12. 41. men of Nineveh ris.- inj. 42. queen of south shall i ise in / Luki* 11. 31,32. Phil. 1. 9. love may abound inj. Ado JUDGMENT. Job. 14. 3. and hringest me intoj. 22 4. wiH he enter with thee intoj. 34. 23. should enter intoj. with God Ps. 14:!. 2. enter not i. / wi. servant Eccl. 11. 9. God will bring thee i.j. 12. 14. God bring every work intoj. ha. 3. 14. Lord will enter intoj. J/vJUDGMENT. Job 27. 2. taken away myj. 31. 5. 29. 14. mi/j. was as a robe 40. 8. vvilt thou alsiidisaunul myj.? r*d!. 35. 23. stir up, awake to myj. Istt. 40. 27. myj. is passed over 49. 4. surely wiy/. is with the Ld. 51. 4. make myj. ti> rest for a light Ezcn- 39 21 heathen shall see myj. Jo/in 5. 3(). my/ ju>t || 8. Ifi. myj. true 1 Cor. 7. :?5. yet I give my/. 40. happier if she abide in myj. JUDGMENT-veaA Mat. 27. 19. he was set down on/-*. John 19. 13. Ac's 18. 12. Jews brought him to/ .*. I*, he drave them from t\\ej.-seat 17. heat Sosthenes before/ seat 25 10. said, 1 stand at Caesar's/-*. 17. on morrow I sat on/-se, ' /W 1?. 22. 1 Chr. 16. 12. / of mouth, Pi. 105 5 14. his/ in all earth, Psal. 105. 7 AVA. :). --9. but sinned against thy/ I'tnl. |0. s. thy/ are out of bight 1!). 9. the/ of th" Lord are true 3d. <=. tbv/ ;ire a srreat deep <8. 11. let Judah he glad of thy/. 7.'. 1. irive the king thy/ O God P7 8 because of thy/ O Lord . 119. 7 I learned thy righteous/ 13. inv lips dec tared/ of thy mouth 20. longing it h;ith unto thy/ 30. thy/ have I laid before me 3i). reproach, lor thy/ are (food 4't for 1 have hoped ;n thy/ ft-'. I rcmeml ered thy /. of old Kenf t!ij righteous/ mi. Jit. 1 know U 'it thy/ are right JUS .P*. 11 9. 102. have not departed from/ 106. sworn 1 will keep riulitenus/ 1(>8. teach me/ || I'M. afraid of/ 137. righteous, upright are thy/. 15fi. quicken me accord, to thy/. 160. every one of tliy righteous/. 175. live, and let thy/, help me 147. 20. his/, they have not knowi Prov. 19. 29. / prepared for scorners /.vo. 26. 8. in way of thy/ we waitec 9. when try/ are in the earth Jtr. 12. 1. me talk wi. thee of thy/ Es-ek. 5. 7. according to/ "f nation 8. execute/ in the midst of thee, 10. 15. | 11. 9. 16. 41. execute/ in sight of women 23. 24. judge thee according to/ 28. 26. executed/ on all those that 34. 16. I will feed them with/ Dan, 9. 5. sinned departing fr. thy/ Has. 6. 5 thv/ are as the light Ze/th. 3. 15. Lord taken away thy/ Rom. II. 33. howunsearch.are his/ I Cor. 6. 4. have/ of things of life Rev. 15. 4. thy/ are made manifest 16. 7. righteous are thy/ 19. 2. My JUDGMENTS. Lev. 18. 4." ve shall do myj. 5. ye shall keep my/. VS. 18. 26. 15. if your soul abhor mi/j. 43. even because they despia. myj. 1 Chr. 28. 7 be constant to do myj. Ps. 89. 30. children walk not in myj. Jer. 1. 16. utter myj. against them Ezek. 5. 6. changed myj. to wicked. 5. 7. neither have kept myj. 14. 21. send my four sore/ on Jeru. 44. 24. judge it according to myj. Statutes and JUDGM ENTS. Lev. 18. 5. keep my statutes and my j. 26. | 20. 22. Deut.T. 11. | 11. 1. | 26. 16. 17. | 30. 16. 1 Kin. 2. 3. | 8. 5S. I 9. 4. | II. 33. 19. 37. ye shall observe all my sta- tutes and j. Dent. U. 32.1 12. 1. 2 Chron. 7. 17. Deut. 4. I. hearken to*, andj 5. 1. 5. I have taught you statutes andj. 8. hath statutes andj. so righteous 14. teach st. andj (i. 1 F.zral. 10. 5. 31. speak s. and j. thou sh. teach 6. 20 what mean the stafutesandj. 8. 1 1. keeping his s. andj. A'eA. 1. 7. ! Kin. 6. 12. walk in s. execute/ 2 Chr. 19. 10. come between *. andj. Ne/i. 9. 13. gavest them right.?, a. / 10. 29. to do all his statutes andj. Ps. 147. 19. he showeth his *. andj. Es-ek. 5. 6. refused my/, and my st. 11. 12. for ye have not walked in my .. nor executed my/ 20. 13, 16, 21. 18. 9. walked in my statutes and j. 17. i 20. 19. | 37. 24. 20. 11. gave them .v. mid shewed/ 15. not in s of fathers, nor their/ 25. gave them *. nut good, andj. Mai. 4. 4. law of Moses with s. andj. JUICE. Cant. 8. 2. wine of /. of pomegranate JUMIMNG .Wr/j. 3. 2. noise of the/ chariots JUNIPER I Kin. 19. 4. Elijah sat under/ 5. Jnl> 30. 4. cut up/, roots fur meat Psal. 120 4 slmrp arrows, coals of/ JURISDICTION. Lu/te 23 7. belonged to Herod's/ JUST. Gen. 6. 9. Noah WHS / man, and /,<. 19. 36. / balances,/ weii'hts, a;, ephah, and a;', bin shall \e have, Di'i/t. 25. 15. /.><-*. 4. 1 ). 10 "Vj/A Hi. l judge with/ judgment J2. 4. a God,/ nd right is he JUS 2 fam. 2a 3. rn.eth men tntit bp f, .VeA. 9. 33. / in all bront' t on UK Jeb 4. 17. sh. man bemort/ than Ci.t 9. 2. should man he/ with i.od ? 12. 4. / man is laughed to scorn 27. 17. but the/ shall put it on Ps. 7. 9. wickedn. end, e B tiibli.hj 37. 12. wicked plottctli auaiiist/ Prov 3. 33. hlesseth habitation of 4. 18. path of/ is as shininc litrlil, 9. 9. teach a/ mini, he will increase 10. 6. blessing upon head of the/ 7. the memory of the/ is blessed 20. tongue of/, is as choice silver 31. mouth of/ bringeth wisdom 11. 1. but a/, weight is his delight 9. through knowledge/ delivered 12. 13./ shall come out of trouble 21. shall no evil happen to the V. 13. 22. wealth of sinner laid up for/ Ifi. ll./ weight and balance L.'s 17. 15. condem eth/. is abomina. 26. to punish the/ is not good 18. 17. first in own cause seeincth/. 20. I.j. man walketh in integrity 21. 15. joy to the/ to do judgment 24. 16. a/, man falleth seven times S9. 10. hate upright./ seek soul Eccl. 7. 15. a/ man that perisheth 20. not a/ man on earth sin. not 8. 14. /. men to whom it happeneth Isa. 26. 7. way of j. is uprightness, thou dost weigh the path of the/. 29. 21. aside/, for thing of nought 45. 21. a/ God, and a Saviour I. am. 4. 13. shed blood of/, in her Ezek. 18. 5. man be/ and do right 9. he is /. he shall surely live Hon. 14. 9./. shall walk in them Amos 5. 12. they afflict the/ they Hab. 2. 4./ shall live by faith, Rom. 1. 17. lial. a II. Heb. 10. 38. Zeph. 3. 5. the/ Lord is in midst Zech. 9. 9. he is/ and hav. salvation Mat. \. 19. Joseph, being a/ man 5. 45. sendeth rain on/ and unjust 13. 49. sever wicked from among/ 27. 19. nothing to do with th./ man 24. innocent of blood of i person MurkG. 20. knowing he \>as/ WKfl Luke\. 17. disobedient to v^a. of/. 2. 25. Simeon wax p.d devout 14. !4- at thfe resurrection of the/ 15. 7. over ninety and nine/, perso. 20. 20. i-pies feign themselves/ 23. 50. Joseph was good man andjL John 5. 30. and my judgment is/. Aits 10. 2i Cornelius, a/ man 24. 15. resurrection of/ and unjust Hum, >. 13. not hearers of law are j. 3. 8. damnation/ || i6. might be>T 7. 12. tlie commandment holy,/. / J Ai7. 4. & whatsoever thinus are/ Col. 4. 1. (five servants \vhit.h is/ 7YA 1. 8. bishop must be/ holy eA. 2. 2. received a/ recompense 12. 23. spirits of/, men made perfect Jam. 5. 6. condemned and killed j. 1 Pet. 3. la the/ for the unjurt 2 /V<. 2. 7. delivered/ Lot 1 John 1. 9. he is/ to forgive siaa Rev. 15. a/ and true are tiy wayi A/mYJUST. Job 34. 17. condemn him a mottj.t JUST Or*. fefr 3. 14. ye denied the J. One 1. 52. shewed before coming of J! O. 22. 14. his will, and see that J. On* JUSTICE. Gen. 18. 19. keep way of L. to dojj Diiit. 33. 21. exeruUth the/ of L. 2 Sam. 8. 1ft. David executed / ) dm*. ia l, 15. 4. made judge, I wutii 1 AM J"th V! ^Tityprrrrrt V 17. mudj ihrr S...1 an*-* slikWy 8 1 4 / a4 ju4-.-iar.it arr hahiUliua lift 121. IM..- d....r j.id.n fnr. 13 t i , li k r owrt.kr n. -tandrth fur ..ff. truth fallen Jer. fa A. rtrulr judfinrnt mid/. 31. 1 1. Mr>thr.-. hahllali ..... if/ A'wit 49. 5 prn.rr., rTrcnle/ SV /> Ji lx.riT, brf'.rr. Jl -TIKK vfloV JUav 4 2V t li rai.r.1 *,,... for our/ i It frrr rift "f many "nVnrrs to/ 18. free S^fl mm* on all corn \aj. IIFY. Knl A 7. 1 will not/ thr wickrd Z>rt tV I. thry h./. IN- ritfhtr.ni> JMU. If I/ myrlf. own month 17. i < lorfcMl I nh.'ulil/ you SI 11 >prak, f..r I dmirr t../ thrr ZML. & 23 / thr wickrd for rrward 51 II. my n-hlr. circuit, citi.iit . In I. H thr seed of l.r. hr/. Jrr. 1 II. ha.-k.lid.nt: l.r / hrrirlf xA 16. 51 /. ti'rn In hm. 52 M*. II. 19. wid..m i,/ ,,f hrr rhll. drrn. /..,*< 7. . 11 37. hy thy wnrd thnn h. hr/ 7.nAv 7 . pr.i. and pnhlii-an*/ O. IS. li. thi. n,u u rut .1, ,n/. ^rt. l.t 9. ll that orlirvr r/ fr. which yr r.iuld n..t hr/. hy law AM* 1. IS thr 4urr* <-f law on. hr/. I 4 miffMr.t hr/ In thy uyinn >k.ll n -h br/ in hi* ulRht W irr-ly h> hit urarr, rt a 7. & * /. by fwth. A I. 6W 4 t If Ahr^ham wrrr/ hy work* 5. I / by faith wr har prarr wi.O. t./ by hi. hl.NNl. wr sh. hr oavrd t. 9L Whnm hr/ hr alw rlonfird 1 Cr. i. 4. yrt am I not t---.y /. . 1 1 yr arr/. In namr of the tl J. O/ t I A ma n i* n< * / by law. 1 1 1. 5 4 wh T.TI./ hv law, arrfallrn \Tifi lilt./ in spirit. .mi..fanrrU Jm 1 VI Ma. nl Abraham/, f *4 yr rr how b/ work* man b/ t5. wraa ant hmat./ hy work* ? :FIER. rU S..S* / of him who Mirveth . IKVINO. fcTM. 1 A'U. ft 9t. a4/. thr rifktrom, * f km 6. a. fVM. 17. IS. hrth.t/ thr wirkrd . h- I. B-.r th,-/ A a, I 5 h-hrr him Ihal/nnyodly 6 Tl ..Kj'. rlr. t r it It I. .Mi that , I I.K AoA. & 4. Ur HHMI..U shall/ . I V. ttit. & a MM L. rc^ iirbuttodo/r KKR AAc J3. 41. ind -.-.I /: f..r -crh krp thr H ay of L. l IV 1 am with thr*- to k. Hire. fi. 41. .r Irt thrm *. fo.nl ill III. , .ti,- xW 14 A *. It till fiiurtr.-nth day It. ye thali * it a f-*.t to thr I. U. IS | 94. ia Lett. -23 tl. 47 ronrrritation of Israrl -li. It it 3(X & rrmrmlM-r thr >al>b ith-dny tn i. it, 3!. 13,14. In. Ueutb. lili. Si 7. il a man drlirrr nionry tit k. *\ 7. A. thrr fr. f..lr inaitrr [III. 14. llirrr Inn.-- k. a fra.t t me ffi. I trad an aiurrl to It. ch>* Lee. 18. 4. yr ih. k. my urdiiiHiii-rs, 30. | rt. W. Etfk. 1 1. *i. 19. >. ye bll k. iajr*abhath, :). I . K. t trvrn .lay-, S! Ckrvn. ). la * VI 8. Ar. my jndifmrnts .iii.l duthnn A'MOT. & V4. L. l.|i*a thrr and k. thrr 9 a In f.nirirriith .Inv yr h. k. it 49 II A. trait Hi thr L srvrn day 3-i 7. k. hitnwlf to inhrrilaiirr, U. Dent. 7. ft. L. lovrd you. It. the ..atli 14 the L. .hall k. thr mvcnant IK. 10. *. frat ..f wrrk* t Ih- I. 17. 10. Irani to k. Word* of this law ri. U. . thr wrd of tin. rovrimiit J'*H 6. la *. fr. thr arrurrainl, ia 18 I b-ivr no .ni to k. my nwine I Kin. 8. 5. A. with thy MTVHiit Da\ id. -i CbVN. fi- ia I TAr. 4 10. woiildnt t nir from evil 1-2. 33. 5V i 0. which <-.iild * rank, 18. k. tin* for rvrr In brart [M. i CAr. . U. had nn ptiwrr to*, still 30. -.M. niniiM-l to * ..thrr 7 days A'jro H. 39. wali-b and k. thrm VA 14 27. *. drdira. with irUdnrjs K'th. a & nor *. they kinc's laws J-b 14. la () that tliou wonld.l *. me flX 13. tboturh lie *. it still within F*. 14 7. halt k. thrm, O U 31. -JO. 17. 8. k. mr as thr applr of thr ryr IU. 11 k. ft tan preoumptuoUH sins S3. ill. U*. my*4inl. anddrliTrrpiv S*. 13. A. thy long.* from evil 17.34. A. hi* way | 30. 1 A my mouth 89. *a my merry will I A. for him 91. II. his anurU rharvr, tn*. thre 103. 9. o.r will hr A. auirrrfor CUT lOA a MewdarrthryA. liidirmrtit 113. 9. harrrn woman t" *. h.nisr 119. 4 btattir* U-ry th. A. his trotim 4. th.iu nun H. to A. thy prerrpt* 17. may hr and A. thy wnrd, 101. 33 trarh ror, I sh. A. it to thr rnd 81 oimpxnion of thrm A:, thy prrr. 6V. A. thy prrrrptn wi. wMsri, 134. Ha will A. trstim.my of thymi.uth I(NX hrrausr I A. tliy prrrrpt* IO& will A thy riRhtroiiii ju.lrm. IW. and I -hll * thy tr.tim.iiMe> IfT. I. rxrept L A. ritv. watrhmnn 140. 4. A. mr from hand. l wi.-k.-d 141. S. O U A. thr door of n. y lip* Prov t II. uudrntan h..li k td.-r Ml may t A. natln> of ritrhtroas 1 VI my ..in. A. ..nnd wi..|in SH. L. shall k. thy f.i t Irom hrlnfr 4. fi. lovr wi-d.iin. .l.r li. 4 13. A. ioauu.-ti.il. lt her out go IM KKK Pr..r. 4.21. t .y snyiiiB* in th howl il *. thy hrart with H I ttimruet 5 1. thy .ip. mxy A. knowlrf\ a will A. ln-ii in pri frrt prare /7. 3. the I., ilo *. .t, * it ineht and 42. a L. rallr.l thrr, I will It tln-c 43. a A. not hai-k || .'/ft I. *. jml L . n^r:it rr. 3. -V will hr *. Hiiirrr to.-n.l? II. 31. IU. A. him H. ;>li.-i>hrrd d-iti. fi-rk 44 4. I will A. untiling ha. k Ir. y.iit Kzek. -ii. 19. A. my judnmrnU, *i.'/7. 41 II. thr> iimv * Ihr w hoi.- form Hat. 14 6 *. mrrry and iudvinrnt A/ic 7 -V A. thr ,l..nr. of thy in,, nth \"A.l 15 * thy frit~t.-||V.I.*.niiiiiitlon '/.,',-h. |:t 5. tuntfht in.- t.. *. cattle Mai. i 7. pri.-.-t. 1 lip s -.hM *. km.wl. Mark 7. 9. A. your own tr.iditinn 7.uAr 4. 10. Hiinrl. i-harpe t A. thre II. -'*. t>lri-r,l that lir.,r wifd. A. it 19. 43. thy rn.-ii.ir. >hail A. thre oAi &5I. A. my -ay. nrvrr <-e d.-.ith, 55. know him,*, ni. .s.iyinir r">i 12 2S. hatnh HI.- In tin. w.,rl.t *. it 1 1. 2-'l. if niMii love me It. my words I5.2D. .Hyiiiit, they wll *. ymirnalso 17. II. A. thy name || 15. A. frmn evil .1-t< !> 3 t A. hack part of thr prn-e 10. 2R. that is a Irw to A. company IS. 5. ruin, thrm t<, A. IHW of M>,*ef 2H. from which if yr A. yonrrrlvei Ifi 4 deliver, d them d-i rre to A. ftnm. 2. !!>. pr.iht.-th, if thoii *. l.ivr 26. A. the riKlitr.nisnr.*. nt law 1 Cor. 5. a therefore |.-t us A. f>-H*t 11. written to yon not A. mmpatiy 7. 37 d.-rrcr.l hr will A. his virgin 9 27. 1 A. under my 1-n.ly ami I, ring 15. 2. A. in memory wh. I prrarln-d 2 Cor. II. 9. HIM! no will I A. myrlf (inl. 6. II urith.T 'In > irriim. A. law Epk. 4 a t> A. l>im-rll iiin-p.itt.-d 1 John 5. 21. A. youn-el yen frm idol* Judf 21. A. yonr>elves in love ..f G. 24. tn him that i- ahlr (n *. V.HI Kfr. I. a blesrf thil l.ouk REBI*dlM m. a 19. int.. i.rk to A. thrm u. Ml \m. 31. IH chil.lren *.. for yoiira. 2 \iiwi. K. 2. wi. one fn I line ti. * a, P*. 22. 29 nonr .-an * a own noul 3:1 ID. and A. them ii/i'rr in famine 41. i, L. |irr-er> r an,l A. him aiirt KKKP r*.*^. A'um. I. iva l.rltm A. r. of tahprn. 18. i. | 31. 30. I Chri.n 2:1. :L a a they A. c. ..f Ihr children nf Is. 32. A. c. of the saif tury, ia 5. I CArem. 23. 31 ErrA. 44. 1>. rnli'lutrr t mr. V. my e. leek. 3. 7. if tlmu wilt * my ehargt KKKP ctimmvnilmmt*. Kfod. 18. 28 ri-lii-r yr to *. my c. 20. a mrri-v t-. them that A. mr r. D*U. V in I 7. 9. Dan. 9. 4. Ler. 22 31. .hall ye A my c. nd dc them. Dtut. 4. 4tt | 6. 17. 1 7. Ik KKE tr. 2fl 3. if ye *. my c. Deut. 1 1. 22. | l!>. 9. | -H". | 30. 10. 1 A'l.j. a 14 Veiit. 5. <*!. ft-.ir me and k. my row. 8. -I. know whether th. ffouldst /t. c. 2fi. 17 avouched the l.d. to /c Ins c. 18 tliee, th.-it tli. m sli.inl.ie.r k c. Jnsli. H. 5. take heed tn k. command. 1 AtVi >. :\ charge "f Lord to A. r. fi. 12. AT. my c. 2 Kin. 17. 13. Pror. 4. 4. | 7. 2. R 58. Incline our hfnrts tit A. his c. 61. let heart he perfect to k. his c 9. . mil ft. c. I will rut (iff Israel 1 C'hr. 29. 19. Sol. p rfect he;irt toft, c. .Pv. 7S. 7. work* of God. hut A:. Ins r. JIO RO. and delaye I nut toft, thy c. 115. depart evil doers, I will k. c. Pniv. 3 I. let t'>y heart A. my c. 6. '.'(I. my sun k. thy father's c. Ecrl. 8. 2. couiHel thee to A king's c. 12. 13. f.-ar God Hint k. his cam. Mot. 19. 17. wilt enter life, k. the c. 7uA* 14. 15. if ye love me, k, my c. 1 Tim. 6 14. t this c. without -pot 1 JMn i' 3. we know him if we k. c. 3. -it. a-k WM rereive, beca. we k. c. 5. 2. we love Ood and Ar. his com. 3. tins is love oi G. that we ft. his c. VZm 12 17 war with seed which ft. c. 14. 12. they whi<-h ft. the c. of God Set- COVENANT. REKP/ttaeM*. E.rorf. 12 4S. stringer ft. ;>. to Lord JVu/n. 9. 2. children of Israel ft. p in it> season. 4. I) fill. !. I. 2 ATi 23.21. 8 CA-r 30. I come to ft. the/), to God 35. 18 nor did -ill kinifs ft. surh a.p. Mat. 26. 18. I will ft. p. at thv house KEEP ri,Vce. ./lY/te. 3. 19. said, A. * all went out P*al. 35. 'fi. ft. not tHence, 83. I. .V.. a slial! come, and .shall not ft. a Err.i 3. 7. time toft. . time to speak Lin. 41. I. A. *. hefore me, () islands Lam. 2. I a elders of da. of Zion ft. t. Amu* 5. l-'1. the prudent shall ft. til. H. 20. L. in temple, earth ft. t. 1 Cor. 14. 28. let him ft. f. in church 34. let women ft. . in churches RERf tefate. jW. 15. _'(!. if thon wilt ft. all his *. Deut. 30 10. 1 A'tn 9. 4. | II. 3a Lev. 18. ft. ft. my JT. and judgments, 26. | 19. 19. | -.11. 8. 22. Ezek. 44. 24. Deut 6. 2. fear Lord to ft. his ittatu. 2fi. 17. avou, bed Lord to ft his tta. 1 Kin. II 33. in my ways toft. my*. Ptaf. 1 19. 5. ways directed to k. sta. 8 I will ft. thy t. forsake not, 145. Ezek. 18. 21. wicked turn and k. t. KKKPKR. Gen. 4. 2. and Ahel was a ft. of sheep 9. am I my brother's ft.? 39. 22 ft. committed to Joseph 2:) the ft. looked not to any thin? 1 Saw. 17. 0. David left sheep wi. ft. 28 >. make the ft. of mine head 3 Kin. 22. 14. ft. of the wardrobe, 2 C/iron 34. 22. E*th. 2. a Here k of women, H, 15. Joh 27. 18. as b..oth that ft. maketh Pi. 121. 5 Lord thy ft. L. thy shade Cant. I. fi. mad" me ft. of vineyards Acti Ifi. 27. ft. of tli'- prison awaking KEEPERS. fret. 12. 3. when ft. of hou. tremble Cant. 5 7. the ft. took away my vail 8. II. Solo non let out vineyard to ft. Jer. 4. 17. a* ft. of the field are they tint. 28. 4. fear of linn ft. did shake Art* ft. 23. ft. >t.iii.linir before doors 12. 6. ft kept prig. || 19 examined ft. T ut ft. his bed Iff ut. 7. 9. faithlUl God which ft. co- venant. AVA. I. 5. I 5am Ifi. II. behold he ft. the sheep J. child, of captivity A pa>..ver AVA. I. 7 have not ft. cominandm. 8. 18. they ft. the least seven day* ./ft 23. II. his wayshuve I A. 2a 21. A. .-lose fn.in fowls of the air Pi. 17. 4. ft. from paths of de-trover 30. a A. me alive || 42. 4 A. holy rt a 7S. .0. A. not the covenant of Uod 99. 7. they A. his testimonies 119. 22 for I A thv testimonies, 17. 5.V A. th\ law || 56. ft. precepts, Ida 67. A Ihv word || 158. A. not word Eccl. 2. 10. eyes dtsired A not from 5. la richea ft. tor owners thereof Cant I. 6. own vineyard ha. 1 not k. Isa. 30. 29. as when solemnity is ft. Jer. Iri. 1 1 A. law- 1|35. 18. ft. precept* Ezek. 5. 7. nor ft. my judgni. 20. 21. 44. 8. not A. chance nt hoiy ihiags 15. ft. charge of sanctuary, 18. 11. Dan. 5. 19. he A. alive, he set up 7. 28. I A. the matter in my heart Hot. 12. 12. served for wife, A. sheep Anna \. II. Kdom ft. wrath for ever Mai. 2. 9. have not ft. my ways, a 7. 3. 14 profit have ft. his ordinance Mat. 13. 35. things been A. secret 19. 20. these have 1 A. fr. my youth, Luke 18. 21. Mark 4. 22 nor anything A. secret 9. 10. they A. that saying, Lu.9. 36. Luke 2. 19. A. things in heart, 51. 8. 29. he was A. hound with chains Julia >. 10. th. hast A. the good wine 15. 10. I A. father's C'tinmandmeuti 20. if they have A. my saying 17. 6. and have ft. thy word 12. those thou gavest me I have k. Acts 5. 2. ft. back part of the price 7. 53. received law. and not ft. it 12.5. Peter ft. in pris. || fi. A. prjsim 20. 20. 1 A. hack nothing protirnMe 22. 20. and A. the raiment of them 28. 16. dwelt with soldier th. A. hia Rom. 16. 25. mystery A. secret 1 Cor. II. 9. I A. from beinn burden. Gul. a 23 w? were A. under law 2 Tim. 4. 7. my course, I A. the faitU Heb. II. 28. Moses A. the passover Jam. 5. 4. hire is A. hack by fraud 1 Pet. 1. -V are ft. by power of God 2 Pet. 3. 7. by same word A. in store ludi' 6. the angels ft. not first estate Rev. a 8. ft. word, not denied name 10. hast A. word of my patience Job 29. 2). men irlve ear, and ft. t. 31. 34. fear multitude, that I A. ,t ? Pi. 32. 3. I ft. .. my bones waxed old 50. 21. things thou done, and I A. t. Mi 15. 12. all the multitude k. t. 22. 2. spake Hebrew, A. the more*. KERCHIEFS. Ezek. 13. la A. on head of stature 21. your ft. al- will I tear KERNEL*. \um. 6. 4. eat nothinir from the*. KETTLE Sam. 2. 14. struck into A. or pot KEY. S Jndg. 2. 25. took a A. and opened ha. 22. 22. the A. of house of D.irid Vat. lfi.19. give A. of kin?, of heaven I. nfce II. 52. taken ft. of knowledge Ren. I. la ft. of hell and of death 3. 7. he th..t hath the ft. of David 9. 1. given ft. of bottomless pit, 20. L KICK, Kl>. Deut. 32. 15. Jeshu. waxed fat on* ^ Sain. 2. 29. ft. ye at my sacriliB KIL KIL Jrftj & hard to* ara. prick,.lt F.uft 13 31 .or Herod will ft. thee all and ft. it 1 Jmeph's bre. killed aft -.MIX III tA 1. Mil. 7.1. , ....., ,t to A. me? tO. whii'i: -th about to ft. thee f ^"f^j.fc^.y ajrUlT^t'llTWrf 1 i * 1 ^ViKfiKiflra '..ft. 40. Jl Ift then ye hi: let f- ..( the g..t .Vita*. .!. *-'. A ...I ft. Acti 9. *a iininsel t.. ft. I'aul, SC. 21. -.-. Pet. r, ft. ud eat K 19, IV re near, we ready to ft him (eon made r4y a ft. 1 1 4. flam n rent the lion a- a A. S5. a lajrlnf wait In way to A bin. T7. 41' soldiers' counsel to A pri>... (V teuJMird lie down with i. / h 1 have ft. t7. .' purposing to ft thee 2 Sam. IS. . thou hast ft. Uriah 97. tl and Mid. let a* not ft. him 1 A'iM.21.19. ft. and thken poMeMiionr JT^-rf. 1 IA. if it be a son, ye ft. him 1 CAr 25. a slew thowe that ft. kinv 1 11 Inten'tevt to ft. me ? .left 7.2S 30. 15. ft. the pa>sover, av 1, II. Ifi. 3. ft. thttaoemhly with hunier Ezra A. 2a 17. X A a- an.t children with thirst Putt. 44. 22. for thy sake are we ft. fP. 11 thou >halt not *. l)rt. 5. 17 Pror. 9. 1 she hath ft her beasts Mat. 5. SI. K-.rn la 9 l.ttm. 2. 21. thou hast ft. not pitied 9!. 1. If man steal an ox, and ft. it .Mut I'i. 21. be ft. and raided again. 0. II. ft. hull.* k before the Lord l.rr, \. 5. |4. 4. [IA. IV Mark a 31. | !'. 31. [Mark 12. 5. 31. . beat one, and A. an. ther. Ltr. 1. II. shull ft. it on ode of altar. 28. 4. my nxen and fallings are ft. 3. 1 A It at dor of the tahern... le :l 31. children of them ft. prophets 4,*4. ft it In the place where they ft. Murk IS. 8. ft. him and cast him out It M h- sh-.ll ft. OIH- of the birds 14. IS when they A. (he pa.ssover fit. 4 -d to Moloch, ft. him not /./Ar 1 1. 47. your fathersft. them. 4% Ili. t'lou sh. ft. woman nnd beast IS. 5. after he hath ft. hath power Kum II I.V if thou deal thus. ft. me 15 17 fath. r hulli ft. fatted calf, 30. K it IT..IU.-M ii- tft us In wilder. Art, a 15. an t ft. the Prince of life ft. fr n..w would 1 ft. thee IS. 2. heft. James, brother of John SI 17. ft eve woman known man IA. 27. and would have ft. hini-elf Dm/ 4 4V who ft his neigh 1 ..nr 23. IS. nor drink till they ft. Paul tha M. .\ .-t ft. and eat flesh Rom. a 3ft for thy sake we are ft. It B bat tso.i .halt surely k. him 3-1.9 1 * and 1 make alive 11. a L. they have ft. thy prophets 2 Cr. G. 9. aa chxstened and not ft. JWf It f\ L. were pleased t<> ft. us 1 Tkri. i 15. who ft. the Lord Jeus vim it it dxy, we sh. ft. him Jam. S. A. ye condemned and ft. just 'ipm tn *. M *t other times. tier A. II. should he ft. as thei were - ' if he he able to ft roe [39. . 9. la was the third part of man ft -^keth to ft. thee JO. the rest whii h were not ft. .r th. o wilt neither ft roe 1 1 . 5. If any hurt him he must be ft. t .torn 14 7 that we max ft him 13. 10. must be ft. with *w.,rd S* If lnq he in me. let him ft. me *!. 4. n-w f..r ... .h thnuft. any mm f *. V 7 .m 1 a '..si toft f 'hev t n. ne.hall hut die *ei, her * with -word 15. linage of h.-a*t, should be ft. KILLKDST. I SI. F.rod. 2. 14. as thou ft the Fsyptian Mat. S3. 37. th'at ft. the prophets, Lttkf 13.34 f firm. 'IS i '- thr p.,,r.-r KII.LFTH. IS letter. l, y p.Mt to ft. Jew. 3 tltnrl.. k ! ttn.r to he.. / 14. an k th^ r..! * tl. fmnlne Is* ?4. 17. he that ft any man shall be put to death, 2I..Vum 35. 30. 19 that ft. a beast, make giHKl, SI. . let ihm < -a. r :.-.. Sum. y>. II. who A anv unawares * them that sre fed V.r S.il h.,.h i in. fa. IMT rvK them whieh ft the 15. Drut. 19 4 j,,,h 20. 3. .' 1 Sam. 2. 6 1. ft. and m..keth alive J'J-l 2. wrath ft the >..oli.h man body. : J4 14 the murderer ft the poor f 1. 3 1 - ''roe 21.25. de.ire of slothful ft. him /o. AS. 3 he that ft. mi ox J<*lfi.2 wl.o A. TOIL d.M'th Ci M>rv. . th life a 18. 4n Mt 4. / sift* IB. go, Jai I See. J3. la he that i-.u,t be kil.ed Mi KIN KILLING. 2 Chr. 30. 17. ha.l .-Large of I. p.lM I a (laying oxen, t sheep ? ,we;trinv. l)ini:, and*. Mark I'i 5. beating some, ft. home KIN. r ,ce. 18. 6. none approarh to ti.nr ft. '. 1!). f.>r he unrovereth hi* near k, 25. hi* ft come to redeem it, 4-.'. tfl S. SO. the ma.i is near A. to u am. 1'.'. 42. king n.-ar of A. to us KIND. Sutit.- Gen. I. M. yielding fruit after ft. li. 21. waters bmaght forth :ifter ft. 25. (J. made the bettt alt. r hi-. A. & 20. fowls after their ft. cattle after ft. every creeping tiling after A. La. 11. 14. in abmniu. hawk after hi- A. 15, l.i, 19. Deut. 14. 14. 19. 19. not let cattle with diverge ft. AYA. 13 20. sellers of all ft. of ware r .--/. 2. 5. I planted trees of all ft. Mat. 13. 47. and gathered of every ft. 17. 21. ft. goeth not out, Murky. 29. 1 Cor. l.i. If i there is one A. ..I tl.-^h .//. I. la be aft. of first-fruit uuto a 7. ev/eiy ft. of heasU and birds KIND. 2 Chr. 10. 7. if thou be ft. to people I.ukeK. 35. (i. i ft. to unthankful 1 Cor. la 4. charity .iifleieUi and ft. i/A. 4. 32. lie ft. one to another K 1 N I)S. (jen. a 19. creep, th aftei their ft. 2 CAr. 16. 14. ith divers ft. t pices Jer. 15. 3. appoint over them tour ft. 1 Cor. IS. 10. divers ft. of tongues 14. 10. are *o many ft. of voices KINDLE. I'rnr. 26. 21. conten. man to ft. strife ha. . 18. it shall A. in the thicket* 10. 16. ft. a burning like H tire 30. 3a breath f the Lord doth ft. it 43. S. nor i. II. he hath aUo A. l.i wrath ,12. 2. then was ft. wrath of Klihn 4'J. 7. my wrath ia ft. againM thee I'*, i. 12 hib wrath is A. but a little 121. 3. their wrath is A. agninct MS /* 50. II. in sparks that \elinveft. .'. r. 44. ft wrath ft. in ntiei. of Judafc F.zek. 20. 48. I the I-orri have ft. it Ut*. 1 1. a my repentingRare ft. I. uke IS. 4ft. what will I, il it be ft.f Ser AM.KH, KIRK. KINDLBTH. .' .'- 41. 21. h' breath ft. coals ha. 44. 15. ft. it, an<1 haketh bread Jam. a 5. how great a matter little KINDLY. [fire*. G^ 21. 48. if you deal A. me, 47. sa :U. :i Sh'-cliem cpake ft. to .lamsel 50. SI. Joseph i ike ft. t.. l-ref n .4. deal A. and truly wi. the* iiii'ii I. 8. the Lord deal A. with you I Sam. 20. &. deal ft wi. thy t-ervant Ron. 12. 10. be A. to another KIN1 Gen. 20. la ft. thou f-h 'hew tc m -.-1.23. to th ft. 1 have done to . n..r shewed A. to Jerub. ">. n..t lelt off k to living a ia shewed mure ft. in latter tad KIN I v im. 15. 5. -fa shewed k. to Isrna 20. 14. shew me the A. of the Lor. 8 Sum. 2 5. shewed A;, to your lord 6. I also >> ill requite you this k. 9. 3. any. that I may shew Af-to Mm Ifi. 17, i' this thy k. to thy friend 1 1 Kin. 1 7. A- t sons of Bp.rzillai 3. 6. kept for riavid this great A. 2 Chr. 24. >. Jui.sh remember, not AT. AVA. 9. 17. God gracious, of great A:. ftittt. 2 9. Vi.iiden obtained x. of him Ps. 31 '21. shewed me marvellous A. 117. 2. for lii- merciful A-. is great 119.'76. merciful A:, he my rmnfurt 141. 5. righteous smite, it sh. beat. J'l-nr. 19. 22. desire of man is his fc. 31. 26. in her tongue is the law i>f A-. Ifti. 54. 8. with k. will 1 have mercy 10. k. shall not depart from thee Jcr. 2. '.}. I remember k. of thy youth Joel 2. 13. he is of great k. Jonah 4. 2. Acts 23. 2. shewed us no little k. 2 Cor. 6. 6. by long-suflering, by k. Eph. 2. 7. in his k. toward us Col 3. 12. on k. humbleness of mind Tit. 3. 4. aftT .the A:, of Go.l our 2 Pet 1. 7. brotherly A", to A:, charity lerffy. KINDNESS. /W. 17. 7. shew thy lariiig-k. 92. 2. 26. 3. ihy l.-k. is before mine eyes 36. 7. how excellent is thy lor.-k, 10. O continue thy l.-k. to them 40. 10. I have not concealed thy l..k. 11. letthv liirinq-k. pre-erve me 42. 8. the Lord will command l.-k. 43. 9. we thought of thy l.-k. () God 51. I. have mercy according to l.k. 63. 3. thy /. k. is'better than life 69. 16. hear me, for thy l.-k. is good KH. 1 1. sh. l.-k. be declared in grave ? 89. 33. l.-k. will I not take fr. him 9i 2. to shew forth l.-k. in morning 103. 4. whocrowneth thee with /.-A'. 107. 43. understand l.-k. of the Lit. 119. 88. quicken me after l.-fc. 159. 138. 2. praise thy name for thy l.-k. 143. 8. cause me to hear thy l..k. Jer. 9. 24. Lord which exercise 7.. AT, 1C. 5. taken away peace, even l.-k. 31. 3. with l.-k. nave I drawn thee 32. 18. shewest l.-k. unto thousands Has. 2. 19. I.etroth thee to me in I k. Laritig- KINDNESSES. Pa. 25. ft. remember mercies and l.-k 89. 49. where are thy former l.-k. ? Isct. 63. 7. mention l.-k. of the Lord KINDRED. Gen. 12. !. get thee fr. k. Acts 7. 3. 24 4. uo to A:, and take wife. 38. 40, 31. 3 return to f - k. 13. | 32. 9. 43. 7. man asked us straitly of ourA Ai.lQ.30. depart toown land and A; Jox/i. 6 23. brought out all her k. Ilut/i 2. 3. of A. of Klimelech, 3. 2. Exth. 2. 10. shewed not peo. or A:. 20 8. (j. endure to see destruction of k i'r. II. 15. men of thy A;, said, O gel l.t'ki- 1. <11. none of k. called by nam Act* 4. 6. were of A:, of high priest ". 13. Joseph's k. known to 1'iiara. 19. dealt snbtilly with our k. Ace. 5. 9. redeemed us out of every k "4. 6. gospel to preach to every A;. KINDREDS. i Chron. 16. 28. give to the Lord, ye k. Psal. 96. 7 Ps. 22. 27. all A:, of nations worship Arh 3. 25. all k. of the earth blessed Per. 1. 7. nil A:, of earth shall wail 7. 9. multitude of A. before throne IJ. 9. k. see dead bodies three days ki 7. power awe.n him overall k. KINE. &em. 35. 12. forty A. ten bulls to Esa KIN en. 41. !. seven well. favoured A. 18. 3. eveu k. out of river, I, 19, iO. 26. the seven good k. :tiv 7 ye;ira 27. seven ill-favour cd k are 7 years )eut. 7. 13. bless increaso of thy k. 28. 4. blessed be increase of thy A:. 18 cursed be the inerenseof thy k. 32. 14. butter of A;, miik of sheep Sttm. 6. 7. take two milch k. tie k. 10. took 2 A || 12. A. took the way 2 Sam. 17. 29. I. utter, and cheese ol A. Amos 4. 1. hear this, yi A. of Bashan KINO. Jen. 14. la Melchizedeck A. of Sa- lem, Hfb. 7. 1. Erod 1. 8. arose new A. over Egypt bum. 23.21. shout of a A. among them 24. 7. his A. be hither than AgiUf Deut. 17. 14. I will set a A. over me 33. 5. and he was A. in Ji-shurun Judg. 8. 18. resembled child, of a A. 9. 8. the trees weiit to anoint a A 17. 6. in those days no A. in Israel, 18. I. | 19. 1. | 21. 25. 1 Sam. 2. 10. L. give strength to A. 8. 5. so make us a A. to judge us 6. give a A. || 9. shew man. of A. 11. 19. will have a A. || 22. make th. a A. 20. that our A. may judge us 10. 19. nay, but set a A. over us 24. peo. said, G. save the A. 2 Satn. IG. 2 A'i. II. 12. 2 Chr. 23. 11. 12. 1. 1 have made a A. over you 2. the A. walketh before you 12. ye said nay, a A. shall reign over us, when God was your A. 17. wickedness great in asking a A. 19 to our fins this evil, to ask a A. 25. consumed, both youund your A. 15. 1. sent me to anoint thee to be A. 23. rejected thee from being A. 26. 16. I. 1 have provided me a A. 20. 5. not fail to sit with. A. at meat 22. 15. let not A. impute anything 24. 20. 1 know that thou shall be A. 25. 36. Nabal held feast like a A. 2 Sam. 5. 12. estah. him A. over Isr. 11.8. followed a mess of meat fr. A. 12. 7. I anointed thee A. over Israel 14. 9. A. and his throne be guiltless 17. as an angei of God) so is my lord the A. 19. 27. 15. 2. had controversy, came to A. 3. none deputed of A. to hear thee 16.9. should this dead dog curse A.? 17. 2. 1 will smite the A. only 18. 13. is no matter hid from the A. 19. 9. A. saved us out of hand of II. speech of Israel come to the A. 22. 1 know that I am A. orer Isr. 28. what right to cry more to A.? 43. we have ten parts in the A. 22. 51. tower of salvation for his A. 1 Kin, 1. 35. Solomon A. in my stead 3. 7. servant A. instead of David 28. heard judgment the A. judged 8. 62. A. and all Isr. offered sacrifice 10. 3. not any thing hid from the A. 11. 37. thou shalt be A. over Israel 14. 2. who told me I should be A. 14. Lord raise up a A. over Israel 21. 10. didst blaspheme O. and the A. 22. 13. prophets declare good to the A. 2 Chron. 18. 12. 47. no A. in Edom, a deputy was A. 2 Kin. I. 11. A. said, come down, 9. 4. 13. wouldest he tp.,ken for to A. 7. 2. lord on whose hand A. leaned 8. 3. to cry to the A. for her house 13. Lord shewed thou shalt be A. 20. Edom made A. over themselves 11. a be with A. as he goeth out 1 Chr. 4. 23. they dwelt with the A. 29. 20. worshipped Lord and Use A. Ml KIN I Chr. 2. 11. he made thee A P * 10. 15. A. hearkened not to peorto 11. 2*. he thought tj iiMke !, 24. 21. stoned him at fo.v,inaiid ol .i, 25. !6. thou made of the A. counsel t ^xra 4.12. be it known to A. la | 5. * 6. 1(1 pray for life of A", anil SOLS 7. 27. put in A. heart to beautify 8. 22. require of A. baud of soldiers >Vi. I. 11. 1 was the A. cup-bearer 6. 7. saying, there is a A. in Ju.li.h K.tth. 4. 10. 1 will go in unto the k. 6. 6. the A. delightetl. to honour , f, 7. 8. word went out of' A inbuilt Job 15. 24. as a A. ready to hut lie 18. 14. bring him to the A of terror* 29. 25. dwelt as a A. in the army 34. 18. say to A. thou art wicked 41. 34. he is a A. over child, of pride Ps. 2. 6. I set my A. upon holy hill 5. 2. my A. arid my God, 84, 3. 10. 16. Lord is A. for ever, 29. 10. 18. 50. deliverance giveth he to fc. 20. 9. let A. hear us when we call 21. 1. A. shall joy in thy strength 7. the A. trusteth in the Lord 24. 7. A. of glory shall come in, 9. 8. who is it. of glory ? the Lord 10. Lord of hosts, he is A. of glory 33 16. no A. saved by the multitude 45. 1. things I made" touching t lie k. 11. so shall the A. greatly desire 14. brought to the A. in raiment 47. 6. sing praises to A. |] 7. O. is A. ril. 6. prolong the A. life and year* 63. II. the A. sha'l rejoice in Got 1 72. 1. give the A. thy judgment* 74. 12. God is my t. of old 89. 18. holy One of Israel is our A. 98. 6. make a noise before L. thefc 99. 4. the A. also loveth judgment 149. 2. children of Zion joyful in A. Prov. 14. 28. people is the A. honour 35. A. favour toward wise servant 20. 28. mercy and truth preserve A. 22. 11. the A. shall he his friend 24. 21. fear the Lord and the A. 25. 5. take wicked from before A. 30. 27. the locusts have no A. 31. A. against whom no rism? up Eccl. 2. 12. man do cometh after A. 5. 9. A. himself served by the field 8. 4. where word of a A. is, power 10. 16. woe to thee, when A. is child 17. blessed when A. is sonof nnbit-8 20. curse not the A. in thought Cant. 1. 4. A. brought me tochair.hcr 12. while the A. sittetb at table 3. 11. A. Solomon with the crowa Isa. 6. 5. mine eyes have seen tlie &, 8. 21. curse their A. and their Gcd 23. 15. according to days of one A. 30. 33. for the A. it is prepared 32. 1. A shall reign in righteiu.-n. 33. 17. thine eyes shiill see the A 22. the L. is our A. he will sa\e u 43. 15. the Creator of Israel your A; 57. 9. wentest to A. with ointment Jer. 4. 9. heart of A. shall perish 8. 1J. is not her A. in her ? 10. 10. true God. an everlasting A. 23. 5. a A. shall reign and prosper 38. 25. what said to A. the A. to thec 46. 18. A. whose name ia the lord of hosts, 48. 15. | 51.57. 49.38. I will destroy A. and princes Lam. 2. 6. L. despised A. and priest Ezek. 17. 13. hath taken of A seed 16. A. dwelleth that made him A. 26. 7. I will bring a A. of kiii^n 37. 22. one A. be A. to them nil, 24. Dan. 2. 24. bring me in before !!* A. and 1 will shew the *. 4. 31. while word wus in 4. moiuli KIN Or* I H.l Kononr t of V.rTr B b ' i. M prt . f h itul II.. wrote rl A "' B " .'ii.|fniKT II 1 til*'.- 'i op * I . ' i. Will Ihr 1 I IT -h nd. w.thout k \ Uriel -r.V I.. d !>< thnr A 1 m>kr A. v .'t nh MXkednr> I tadm i.t i.ur * priarp* mmtt Ml a whkt th. i. .h..ui.i H t d.. t r 4 Knit . IT. w thr l.*ni 1 J in I it! lt.> *. i-ive n.r *. II I ve ti'-e * 111 n.lne nfvr twv 7 IS t " * . *pr '. the * n.urt */ir. 4. * l > '-r>. '- tbrrr no 1 1 Zff*. ft ft U-h..Kl. Ih, A ...n . Hi d. tk. .-. Mai .'I A 14. ft I. hH hr * .. r all r.,r'h K. *. " i p tn w..rlnpA. I" >/f l& a Mken.-rf t" .-.-ttiiiii* ytv. fill wKrnlheA n in In ee MrX)5 rmr with k.teti.th. A <\ IS M f.-rn. ti- ii.ufce him A It 14 KehuW thy * ifmrlh o . ~. t y; iM.ir ...ii, rt tk..u /t r K. It wh.r-ivri m> keth hmi>rll ft Ii fll.lr -llh. b- hold y..nr ft. I* .hull I rrti. lf\ yvur ft 4rti 7. iH till niber ft. nn^r M 1\. aftefWlild Ih. dr>il>d k. IT. 7 thrrr lo MiiiiMi. r ft. ..lir Jn>u I Tm I r >.<>w In the ft rtein.l & \\ I* A" nf kinr.. *nd L. of l..rl- W* 11.21 noiufni'dof ft. r..mm*i'. I t'rl I 3. h.-t'.. r ti> A. n. >upren.r 17. fr r..-.. h. i -i. r the A Arr 9 II. they ' d - ft ..er th. m IS X Jii.t i.rehv n r . A*. ..f w,ii t- 17. 14 I. irf lM'i. A. 91 4rlte>e hy ft. ,./ A. hewl mid hir Vr. M. 17 ft f /. .Vv.Mired him MB*, a IK .h. p -lim r , () ft ,,f A KIN . . kIM. .1 tg,pl Fn4 1. IV ft of F i i r.t M von .IT*./ f . .me n..t Mta f Or. I* t ft f K. mir.e*iL Jeru. 3R.3 ft. r jl t>iit hiit. d.. n m Jeru. 4. MM- ft / A. it**- f n..kin, kii . t. tbe ft. / E. to all w rn.Rt.tw. for i! T. Hm-.r. Jrwm. KIM- r Invri I *"* 1* twr ft. ) l*r In rome I %am. IV W. rbw .H.. wv thr ft */ I A SI iM ot.ly with ft V / It tk*y MM. .iei it u ft. of in- V Cftnm. IN. M I Urn. ft II. wt.tr, of . t . , A ,, / ._ IS t .f / u. n.Mi.t ..f tbe* 4* It br r ft fl/ / M Mm "t. HW'* is. as. > 1. 41 II- . . rt U.. A - f In* It IS bi. -~i i. the ft ..f /.rrf * * '* IT ' * '. ' / V tf|> t* w^flf foil ( W SiVI b> 7. W> Xi/wi 7 ft. o/ V bn.ght fr. Arum J.-A V4. S. ft. he.p.n H-t. r *& ft. / H Mm l*ttle tun Mite Jrr X7. *ieiKJyoke,to*. U JU. KINfi. M. 17 4S Mid. Oft. I mnnonell 17. my l..rd, O ft. 2 Snm. 14. . | Ifl 4 | 19. 16. I AiV I. 13. Vfl, *4 | *0. 4 . X Ai^ 6. I*, (ft | N. 5. [Help. Oft. S Sam. 14. 4 wi*nnn of T. k.-h mid, * C*r. VS. 7 ft. let not rtny of lr. l'*tt I4S. I I will extol thee, O. ft. Jrr. 10 7. fetrthee, O ft of nation** Uan. . 4. O ft. He for err. 3.H. | la | A 21. *9. O ft. thy thought* ramr Into 31. Hi., u, O ft. iiwet mi lirujre. 37. thoii, ft. *rt kinv ol ki'nir* S. Ill thon, O ft. hwl n iide k derree 17. deliver in. nt f thy Imnd, O.ft. |h he it known to th.-'e. ft. V4. they mi^wered Hue, Oft. 4. n. It U t Lou, O ft. that Hrt grow* V7 ft. M n f ii.utiiu I be m-repl. 6 7 -k p. fitioi. -e i-f thee. A. 8. now. ft e-tnhli>h the derree O*. I h vi- noil, no hurt .Irli 2ft 13 O ft I -! in WHy K light III. O ft. I WM i.ol diu-U-dieiit KIM- , , /, r.i,/ Crrn 4 3 ft. o/ P. r. n n auded D8 S. till the reign of Duriui. ft o/ /. 7.&iBliUm wtofi- iintn ft. of P. 6.14. .VfT- ( Ml M. K ' M . -. ' .v . rVi ATm. 90. 20. ft. B/'S. rop. on horre .' A'I'H. 5. I. niptmn of ho-t of ft. ,,i s. 87 ft. /.V. .1. k flV. ft /.V M-nt me - . ^ ^ . * IS 4. hem. ft. .,/.S. oppreMwd them Ift7. m e n e nt of hHi.d of ft. ,,J ,S. v < Ar in 7. thi.ii relied on ft. efS. BtM.AiiAi,. HA/AIL, Rtzm. **rm..VII Hirumft / 7. If*r.l4.l. I AMI S I A ,,J T Mnt Sol.,. -. rv < < Ar. X II. ft .> T IH...W in writing Gr. 17. ft ft. rhr. .-on e out nt Hire'. 31. the ft. th> reigiied in Kdni Joth. 10. V fire ft. of Anmrites toge. c^. put tre- oil lie, k- of I hM- ft. I* 74 nil the*e ft. thirty undone 'ttiill I ' nev.-ntv ft. lhiiinhrnt..ff t Sum. 1 1. I. u h. n ft vo to buttle I A in 3. 1.'L H< t ti) rt.o ft. like f her, 10 *3 J CAr \ IV. | . W. 4. ?4. Solomon ,.vn nil the ft. V A'r'm. 'I IP. mlled thr.e ft. together /.'I M.H..I, th. A nr.-.nrrh -IKIII 10. 4. two ft. utiMt- not l.ei.,re him I fAr. IHvl repinvedft. f, HJ U. V Cftr. '.' 21 ft. -oiirht pre>enrr Si. I., VO. I. th. rpulib'e.of A V4 V5. 73 fie'd f l.liriiil helolivrd to ft rr> 4 IV rit) h. ei, hurt), I to ft ft If ( dertrov ft. niter thi hon, 7 IV. ArlHXerXe, klnv of A to Kirn \rA. 9 :V 1 1.. nh. e l-tf le to II. DIM! ft. 34 nor h^vr our A kept thv l;.w Ii* .1 14 h*d I -rn t rent with ft. It 18 he l^e-eth the h.-nd nf ft. ~ A lire 'hi y on the throne ffft V V the i f the rmtli >rt lhn..|ve, /It-ft 4 vB. t 10. therefore. A be tn.tr.irlrd .Unhtrt nirong \< omen 48. 4. U.. the ft. were MFiBbled KIN ft. 6ft. 12. ft. of hrmim did trt ftp* * 14. the Altnurhty i>. uttered k. in it ii A t>rni(( (irif-nt- In the* 7.' II. k. 1-hnll iil1-nii heiore hi* 7a IV. i terril.le to ft. nl the earl* MI v7 higher ll.Hi. ft. ..1 the erfh lf>. IS k. <>t .MI tl. h. I.-HT t)i> Klur 110. 5. h. Mrik. A- in liny ..fw ruth Hit. 4K. j-peHk n/tntfnxtthv h.-t. * l:',") l'i. >.n.i>te i.Htioiii., M>d,lew t laS 17. whirh n'ote itrei.t k. IR i:. 4. ft. oleum pr'lM>tfc*,MBLili 144. 10. he thxt triv. th M.l. t,, It, I4H. 8. t<> hii.d tin ir A. with ihxins FroK. & IIV. hy m. fr. n-mn, prmres l& I*. HI mnlti. |. r A. run n.it it k. 13. rivht.-i.ii- linn TV .o-livht l ft. *2. . dill*, nt Jwll MHI d i >-fr. k, 5. t honour l A. to*,, xn h n ;.tter 3. mid hetirt <>( A i- iii.v.-i rchHl'le 30. 2H. th spider ii- ii A |w mi - 31. 3 WH> ti'lhiit Bin. I. ii. -not k. 4. it In ii..t f..r A. () I fin. t.. ilfh.k Erci 8. K mid perul.i,. tn-iimir- i.l Ic. 1m. 7. 16. lhd l..rv.k.-u ..t I ..;!, X. in. & an- nut prune* Hlln|frthet ft.? 14. IR nil A ol ii>.ti..ii,. lie 11. itli.ry IU. II. I am the M.n i.l iiiiri. nt A. *4. sfl. I.. h. piim-h Ar. l tl.e earth 41. 4 who mmle him rule over k. 4:. I. I wil I.H.-I- the I..MII. ol k. 49. ?. k. t-\\M nee Hhd Hrie ptinee* V3. A- -hull l> th> nut-iiif I..H..T* ">*. I ft. k. -h. chut mouih> HI hon 60 3 ft. ti> hrlyhtnisH ..I thy riMny 10. their k. slml' n ii.Mer to Hire 11. th..t ilieir A rtiH\ I..- hrotifthl 16. tin. n ?|IH i>i..-;. the In nl i.| Ac. fii. 1 Hlid nil AT. -hull ee th) phuy JIT. *. S6 k. Hi.d prii ,-e- H>l'n,ed l:t Cl A-. thi.t nt i. n I'hvi.lVihri ne it*. 4. ft. mtllOH npn Ihrnnei.f I nr /:> IR rtii-il. JudVh ami A .Irii k 34. -V with liuriiinvn nf former k. 44. I*. A mid prini-e- I urn imenwj 4fi Vb. will pin. fh their ft. m.dpiMlt 49. :. their A -hull v" to ti.ptivity 50. 41. HIHIIV A. -Imli he r..i>. n up I IIHI. 4. I 'A A". l>( < llflli lint helh ved f.frk Vi. 35 ft. he M re HltHid, Sjf.lO. VH. I". I Mill IHV Hie, h. f..|. k. 43 7. Ic. rh. in. in. r. ri. tile my m>m Dun 'j. if I. r in v.-tl. A- fetielh up *. 44. In the d!,y. ..I tlle^. A G. et up 4". thHi yi.i.i 7..u i~ H Li rd . I * 7. 17 lour yrt-Xt 1-e.^tK nri- fuUf V V4. thr Ii i- hnii.ii HI-I- ten k. V 6. -p.-Vt- in th> i. nme to ..nr k. 8. t * hi ul prii.rei- I eliuiRc i-.-lifn. ll.y. i. p three A |{?* tin-. A. hmrU Hi*. 7. : nil th. it 'A- hre fallen 8 4. Ih.y i ii|' A-. hut IH.I l.y me lint,. \ la th. y -hull K-.tff nt k. Mat. 10. IRhr.uyl.t h f..re it. f..r my -Hl.e. A/."l- I". /.ni. VI 12. 11.8 wej.r ml: i-ii'ili'iiK in \. N-,kr 10. V'4. A. Imve dri-iicd In MMI J"J ft. k ill ("-I lid- < x.-n-i-e lord, I Cur 4. R ) |IHI> reifrin d M k. I 7".. V. V. pm\er- i.e m(le f..r AT. 6. 15 King i.l A. HII I i rd i.f Inrric K,-. 11. 14. | IR IS, Hrh. 7. 1. retnrmd fr. Miul.t.T k. Hrr. I. .V J. . ( t,r frin. e ..I the k. '). k Hurt prie- 1 . in t- (Jid. 5. il. (I IS k. i.f e;.rtl' hin theinnlvii 10 II. iv. ni pr,.|, ).,.-> I.e or,- k. \fi Ii wy of A i.( eiit pirparrd 14. jiiriti" whii-r |ri> f.Tih I., the t 17. 1. k. i.t Mill, , ..niii'itt. <1 fi.M'irk. 10. IU-M-I, A live i.ie ii.ll.-n.one i. IV. tri A. In. Ii r. i > ivr (.nwi-r n fe IB. Whirh refuel huvrtk. l rarU KIN Bar. 18.1. 4>. nf earth haverommittpd 9. ft. of earth who sh.-ill bewail her ]<} la Pit the tlesli nf k. and rapt 81. 24. * f til.- earth hriiip irlory KINOSofM* AmnrHei. Dent. 4. 47. twii k. of A. 31. 4. .Aw*. 2. 10. | 9. 10. | 24. 12. Joth. 10. 5. five k. of A. tojfetner, 6. See H'HiK, (iRKAT. KIX Chr. 20. 34. in book <>> Jehll who is mentioned in the book of the *. nf lirtiel, 35 27. I 36. a 28. 27. not into sepulchre of k. nf I. Mic. I. 14. shall he H lie ti k. of It. .. JT/rt. H. i.4 the Look of the Chron- icles of the ft. of Juritih, 15. 7, 23. |22 <5. 2 Kin. 8. 23. | 15. fi, 36. | 16 19. | 20. 20. | 21. 17, 25. | 23 -A I V4. 5. 9 Kin. 12. 19. written in the hook of the Chroni. les of the k. ,,f Jit. 14. 18. 2 Chr. 25. V6. | 2a 26. | 32. 3'i. I 35. 27- I 36. 8. 23. II. took htnvffc <>fj. bad given 12. beat down Hltar- k. of J made ?9 not such pass. in d iys of k. nf.l. 2 Chr. 34. II. houses*. / 7. destroy. ler. I. la made pil'ar ag-.iinpt k. of.f. a 1. brinif mil hones of ft. of .hulah 19. 4. Rods ft of /. have not known 20. 5. treasures of ft. of./, to enemies 44. 9. forgotten wicked. of ft. ofJ. Ser KiNus of Ixrael. KINUDOM. Erorl. 19. 6. ) shall be H ft. of priests Dent 3. 4. took ft. of Osr in Ba^hxn 1 Sum. 10 16. mutter of ft. he told not 25. Samuel told manner of (he ft. II. 14. renew ft there|| 14. 47. took ft. 15. 2a U rent ft of Israel, 28 17. la 8. whatcan (! h.ive more hut ft.? 2 .?. asU ft he is elder hrot 11. II. will rend ft fr.'mthee r ,3l.35. la I will not r.Mid away ml ft. 34. 12. 21. to brine ft MHrt" to Kehn. lio;im, 2 Chron. II. I. 14 S. rent ft from |I of David I 1 -. 10. no ft. my lord hath not went S Kin 14. 5 soon HS ft. ronflnned 1 Chr. 16. 20. fr m one ft. to another people, P*al. 105. 13 . It. th.i.e is theft. O Lord, Pi. 22 28. Mat. . II I Chr. 13. 8. withstand ft. of L..rd 22. 9. no power to keep still the ft. NVA 9. 35. not served thee in their ft. *T exp.'iu.dert and testif. ft. ofG Horn. 14. 17. the * nfG. is not rbeu KIN 1 Cor. 4. SO. ft. of G. is not In wftM 6. 9. unright"..u* not inherit ft. ofG. 10. no- extortioners inherit ft. of Go , Gnl. 5. 21. Ei,h. 5. \ 15. 50. *sh i annot inherit ft. o/O. 2 TAew. . 5. counted worthy ft. of O. Her 12. 10. now in come ft. o/"our G. KINGDOM ofhfjren. Mat. a 2. repent, for ft. of heartn il at hand. 4. 17. | 10. 7. 5. 3. theirs is ft. of hear en 10. 19. least in ft. (/A. reat '" ft. o/A. 20. in no ivse enter A. o/A. 18. 3 7. 21. saith. Lor i, -h. e.iler ft. o/A, 8 II. pit with Abraham in ft. <,fh. II. II. least in ft. > ft. full ol darkness My KINGDOM. Gen. 20. 9. brought on me and my k, 2 Sum. 3. 28. I and ;/// ft are irnilt'let^ Dan. 4. :i. ffiory f'mi/ ft in i/ ft. 6. 26. in every dominion of my ft. '/rt/-ft 6. 23. ai've it, to halt of 'my ft. fatfte 22.30. drink at my table in M. ft. ./oAn 18. 30 F/w/ft. not 'of this world r/v KINGDOM. I Sum 13. 14. f. ft. shnll not continue A*. 45. 6. t. ft. r-(fht sceptrw, Htt,. I. 8. 145. II. .peak of the viol y ot (hi/ ft. la thy ft. i.> everlastinjf Hlndfi /)/A> II. 2. VO. 21. the other on the left inf. ft ufte23.42. when thon comeet to t. it. KINGDOMS. I Sam. 10. 18. out uf h:uidnf all ft. 1 Kin. 4. 21. Sol. reiifi.ed over all ft, 2 A'i. 19. 15. (iod uf all ft. of earth 2 Chr. 12. 8. may know service of ft. 20. 6. tho-i rule-t over all the * % '.'.). ;tll ft. hath the Lord KM en me, Erra I. 2. Pi. 46. 6. heathen rsijred. ft. moved 79. 6. wrath on ft. have not called \W. 22. ft. ifath.-r. d to serve Lmd I*,,. 10. ID. hand f.. mid ft. of idols 13. 4. noise of ft of nations Kiith.-ree 14. 16. is thi (he man did -hake k.i 23. II shook k. || 37. 16. G.,d of ft. . er. I. Hi. over ft I rmve set thep 15. 4. removed to all ft '.'4. 9. | 34. 17. 25. 26 all ft. ol th- world sh. drink 2). IS. make them a tenor In all * 31. I ft. to.iL'ht Hffai.'St Jerusalem Pzpft. 29. '.i be the ha-e-t of theft. 37. 22. in r lie ivnled into two ft. Dun > 41 shall i-nmi' all theae % 7. 23. shall lie divi-rcc- Itom all A'. KIS H ' .. B..UI .pake P* Without a A AiAH '* A *. wbow car Vrl rut fl JUL !. II. -il'it- Herodion my A. KISSVIKN. JtM * v*l n-an I- on-' of oar next k ft M II. my lover, and A. tod ..ff /.* II I-.', rail n.t brethren nor A. At- I'l ' ..rn-'liii. railed fain A. Ham. ft 3 my A arrordintf to (l.-h I6L 7. lut--" *. 5 VI A. salute y..o KINSWOMAN. MKS. Lew IH. I .' thei* my l.ithrr' near A. K 17. ( th<-T rt- hrr m>ar It. la she i- ! ..y in-iliiK.- S near A T. 1 roll under .landing thy A. KISS, KS. t. 6. A- ol iin . nemy dereitfn! to*/ I. y. Jt me with A. of hU mouth l.ukt 7. l.'v thu .'itve-1 mr no A. aittl betray**t Sun ol man with k ? A-** !. ItV alnt<- with an holy A. I Ctf. Ifl. *>. greet with an holy * JCw. la 12. 1 r-. 5 . rwt hreth. with holy*. I ftt. ft. 14. f rivt with k. of fharity KISS. Gn. *7. ift. rnme near and k. m II. A not nuffered t-> A. ray *ons ) 9. Aruaia hy heard to k. I * 19. . A. my Mherand mother ftaL X I A *. Son, u-t ho he angry Pnr. H. K every roan k. hi* lips Cmt I. t A. me wi. kb*e of month * I. I w-nid t thee. yet I should II" IS *. ia-n*arnAre A. the calm Hat M Ml rive ailcn, whomsoever I * oM him (ant, Mark It. 4t tiOw 7. 4&. not re ied to * my feet fit 47. Joda* drew near to J. to A. KICKED. G. 87. J7 Jamb nmw and fc him Bl 1 1. Jamd 4t. Karhrl and wrpt 31. V\ Ijti.n t. ..n. and daughter" . fc ail hi kmkraa J.. fflloofathrr-i (*. hire - d *. him 7 mri rathrr.ln.Uw and * him it t. dan* htrrt.in.law I ** ..I and *. Saul '.an nod Oarld *. th kiu At. AKwlom \ S*alm k any man rmr niif h n.iutli ti.thnot i htm Jr4 >l. . or my mnoth liath *. hand fti A Itt and PHMV * wh ..(ho, II ranfht him and k. htm X 19 mli. hall. M.,trr, ana i. Mara- it 14 Z^ar 7. M Mary t f^t and anoint 4. kirn KV: Kirn rDcuiu. ia . iillflriUJ. KSI;AD. KD. Gm 1*. 6. A it. and make cake* . . ' , : \< IM . 13. a. Tamar t..k flour A. i A. their dough , Hie dough KNKAD1NO. Erod R3- frog* i-.. me into A-.trought Ii 34. A -tron-' Ii- hound ill clothe" K s K K. Gen. 41. 43. th.-y cried, how the A. to. 45. 23. that unto me every A. . Rum. 14. II. Phil. 2. 10. T.it 27. 2!. l-owed the A. before him /torn. II. 4. bowed the A. to Baal K N K.E.S. Cm. XL 1 maid shall bear on ray A. i.rouglit them fr. between A. M). f{. brouirht up on Jos-ph'* A. Jri 2R 35. Lord smite Vhee in A. Juiig. 7 5 How down A. to drink, 6. Ift 19. made Samson i-Ieep on her A. 1 Kin. 8. -Vt. arose fr. kneeling on A. la 41 Kl'dun put face between his A. 19. la A have not bowed to Rual .' Kin. I. la fell on A. betore Elijah 4. zO. sat on mother's A. till noon > I'hr ft 13. Solo, kneeled on his A. Ezra 9. 5. I fell on my A. and spread :l. why did A. prevent me t. 4. hast strengthened the feeble A. />oi 109. 24. A. weak thro 1 fasting /. 3-V 1 and confirm the feeble A. Mick and be dandled on her A. Ksrlt. 1. 17. A. weak MS water 21. 7. 47. 4. the wnter were to the A. Dart. 5. 6. k. smote one aga. another fi. 10. kneeled on A. 3 times a day in. 10. an hand set me upon my A. .VaA.8. 10. and the A. smite together V,j'A 15. 19. bowing A. worshipped l.'Jcf V R Peter fell at Jesus' A. It. bow my A. to the Father Heb. 12.12. hands hang down,feeble A. KNKKI, ED. Gfn. 24. 11. made his camels A. down 2 CAr. 6 l.\ Solomon A. on knees PxiL 95. 6. let us A. before the Lor 1 Dan. 6. 10. Dan. A. three times a day r.uAv 2-.'. 41. and Jesiw A. dwn let' 7. 60. Stephen A. and cried 9. 40. Peter A. prayed |j 20. 36. Paul 81. ft. we A. down on the shore K.MEBLINO. Kin. R 54. Solomon rose from A. Hat. 17. 14. a man A to him, saying, if ark 10. 17. .VarA 1. 40. came a leper A. to him KNEW. Gfn. 4. I. Adam A. Eve his wife, 2S. 17. Cain A. wife, she conceived 38. Hi Judith A. her acain no more Jiuig. IL 39. daughter A. no man 19. 25. they A. her and abused her 1 Kin. t. 4. but the king A. her not Mat. 1. to. Joseph A. her not till she Gfn. 3, 7. Adam and Eve A. that 9. 24. Xoah A. what son had done 3& 9. Onan A. teed -ho. not be his 4.'. 7. Joseph saw and A. t.reth. a Xum. 14. 16. A. knowledge of M. H Dftit. 34. 10. whom L. A. f.ve to face 1 Sam a 20. A Sara, was a prophet IS. . Saul A. L. was with David 20.39. David and Jonathan A inatt-i 17. because they A. when he fled M. 17 Saul A. David's voice 1 .torn 1 1. 16. A. th valiant men were 2_f*r 33. la Manas. A. L. w I. la all that A. law and jnd * ':. where I might find him 264 KNE Ita. 4R 4. I A. thou art oUtii.at* Irr. 1. 6. lormed tliee. 1 k. thee !.i of the !. 41. 4. slain tiedaiiah, no man A. . 44. 15 men A. w mv-, burnt i: Dan 5. 21. he A-. A1o-i Hii-h nil. ( 6. 10. Daniel A. writiuu wn- - l.'itnh*. 2. A. t!:oii an auraiiou- (i '/..i. ll It. A. thai it WM word of I V/./t 7. :^i. proie.v I never A. you 12. 25. J. M, A. thoughts, Z4MML & 25. 24. I A. thee, Ihou art hard man Murk I. 34. becaui-e they A. him Luke 4. 41. they A. he was Cliri-t 12. 47. servant A. his lord's wiil 24. 31. eyes opened, they A. him John i 24. because he A. all men i"'. lor he A. what writ in man 6. 6. liim.-ell A. what lie would i!o 64. Jesus A. from the beL'iiiiiiiiif II. 42. I A. that tbou lieureht me 57. if any man k. where he were 13. 1. Jesus A. hi.- hour was rome II. he A. who should betray him 28. no man at talile A. for what 18. 2. Judas A. the place Acti 12. 14. Rhoda A. Peter's voiee 22. 29. he A, that he was rt I: H in. I. 21. Ix-can-e when they A. G. 1 Cor. 2. R none of princes of world A 2 Cor. & 21. made MII, who A. no sin 11 2. I A. a man in Cliri.-t, 3. CoL I. 6. since ye A. th.' /race of-O. 2. I. A. what treat conflict I have Jutie 5. though ye once A. this Her. 19. 12. name written no man A. KNEW*<* Gfn. 28. 16 place, and I A. it m t 3R 16. Judah A. W she was his Kjrod. I. 8. king which A. n. Jo-eph \um. 22. 34. I A. n,,t thou stoodett Deut. R 1R. manna thy father* A. n. 29. 26. gods thy lathers A. n. 21. II ludg. 8. 10. generation A not Lord 14. 1 A. not that it was of the Lord 1 Sum. 8. 12. sons of Eli A. n. Lord 20. 39. the lad A. not any thing 2 Sam. 11. 20. A. ye n. th. would shoot IR 29. but I A. not what it was 22. 44. people I A. n. -hall serve rat Jobi Ii Job's friends A him n t 20. 16. cause I A. not 1 searched out 42. 3. things 1 A. n wonder, for ice Pi. 35. 1 1. laid to charge things I A. a. I'ror. 84. 12. behold, we A. it not Ita. 42. 16. blind hy way they A. not 25. et him on fire, yet he A. not 55. 5. an.i nations that A. not tliee ! r. 8. R that handle law A. me not II. 19. IA. no/that they ha.l 44. 3. -erve gods whom they A. iu>t Dan. 1 1. 3R god whom fathers A. n. Hot. R 4. made princes and I A. it n. 11. 3. they A n. that I healed tln-m Mat. 17. lit Eiiascome. th. A. him ;*. 24. 39. A. not till the flood a l.iikel. 43 Joseph and mother A n. 12 4R A. not and did commit thlrigf John I. 10. and the world A. him not 31. and I A. him not, :-'3. 20. 9. for they A. not the rripturj 14. A. not that it w * Ji-u-. 21. 4. Acti 13. 27. because they A him not 1$). 33. A. n. wherefore they came 27. .ia when day, they A. n. laud I Cor. I. 21. hy wisdom A. not (iod Gal. 4 a then when y<- A. not '.nj I John a 1. became it A. him not RNBWEST. Deut. 8. afedwi. manna, thon A.nr-i AuM2.11. come to people thou A. IK t Ptai 142. 1 then thou A. my path //a. 4R 8. heardest not, thorn t w> KNO Mat. 25. 26. thiiu k. I reaped where I sowed not, Luke 19. '22. Luke 19. 41. AT. not time of thy visit. John 4. 10. if thoii k. the gift of God KNIFE. Gen. 22. 6. Ahra. took k. in hand, 10. Jitdg. 19. 29. took a A. anJ laid hold TVw. 23. 2. put a k. to thy throat Exek. 5. 1. take thee a sharp A. KNIVES. 7o*A. 6. 2. makesh.irp k. and circum .'(. Joshua miule him sharp k. ] Kin. 18. 28. out themselves witli k t:?ru !. 9. nine and twenty A:. Cyru? 1'rov. 30. 14. teeth as k. devour poor KNIT. Judg. 20. 11. Israel were A. together ! Sam, IS. I. Jonathan k. to David 1 Chr. 12. IT. my heart he A. to you Acts 10. II. sheet k. at four corners Col. 2. 2. hearts k. together in love IS), hody k. together increaseth KNOCK, ED. Mat. 7. 7. k. it sh. be opened, Lu.\ I. /.t(A<; 13. 2.i. begin to k. at door [9 Arts 12. 13. as Peter A:, at the door Rev. 3. 20. I stand at the door and A:. KNOCKETH, ING. Cant. a. 2. voice of my belov. that A. Mat. 7. 8. to him tUat Ar. shall h>> opened, Luke 11. 10. Z.M. 12. 36. when he A;, they may open tcts 12. 16. Peter continued A. KXOP, S. Exod. 25. 31. his A. and his flowers, 33. | 34. 36. | 37. 17. 19, 20, 2-2. 1 Kin 6. 18. redar carved with k. I. 21. A:, compassing it, k. cast into KNOW. Gen. 3. 5. God doth k. your eyes 22. one of us, to A:, good and evil IS. 21. I will go and see, I will k. Exod. IS. 16. k. the statutes of God yum. 14. 31. they shall A:, the land Di'ut. \. 39. k. this day consider it 8. 2. Ar. what was in thy heart [1 1.2. 13. 3. A:, whether ye love the Lord J'ixh. 4. 22. yesh. let your children A:. 22. 22. and Israel he shall k. Huth 3. 1 1. city of my people doth k. 14. rose bef. one could A;, another 1 Sam. 17. 47. assembly sh. Ar. the L. 21. 2. let no uian k. anything 24. II. k. there is no evil in me 28. 2. k. what thy servant can do 2 Sam. 3. 25. A:, thy going out, k. all 19. 20. servant k. that I have sinned 1 Kin. 8.33. k. every man the plague, 2 Chron. 6. 29. ? Kin. 5. 8. sh. A;, there is a prophet 10. 10. A-. there shall fall nothing 1 Chr. 28. 9. k. thou O. of thy father 2 Chr. 13. 5. to k. that the L. gave Kith. 4. 5. k. what il was, and why Joh 5. 24. A", thy taliernacle in peace 2. r >. k. that thy seed shall he great 27. and Ar. thou it for thy good 7. 10. nor shall his place A. him 8. 9. hut of yesterday, k. nothing I 1. 6. k. that God exacteth less 8. deeper th.hell, what canst th.A.? 13 2.'). make me k. my transgression li 6. A:, that G. ha. overthrown me 21 19. O. reward-nil him, "he sh. k. it 22. 13. thou sayest, how doth O.A-.? 24. I. do they that A:, him not see? 17. if one A:, them, they are in ter. 34.4. k. among oursel. whatisirood 37. 15. dot A-. wh. G. disposed them :. 20. A:, the paths to the house I'snl. 4. 3. k. I-, hath set apart godly 9. 10. that Ar. thy name trust in thee 39. 4. L. make me to Ar. mine end 46. 10. be titill, and k. that I am G. KNO Ps. 51. 6. in hid. port make me to k. 59. 13. let tli- 'ru Ar. that God ruleth 73. II. doth G. k. || 16. thought to Ar. 89. 15. blessed are tiiey that k. 103. 16. the place sh. Ar. it no more 139. 2:1 Ar. my heart, Ar. my thoughts 142. 4. there was no man wo. Ar. me 113. 8. Ar. way wherein I sho. walk Pro*. I. 2. Ar. wisdom and instruction 4. I. and attend to A', understanding 10.32. righteous Ar. wh. is acceptable 27. 23. diligent to Ar. state of flocks Ecrl. 1. 17. gave my heart to Ar. wis. 7. JJA. applied my heart to Ar. wisdom 8. tho 1 a wise man think to Ar. 9. 5. the living Ar. they shall die 11. 9. A-. that G. will bring to jndg. ha. 7. 16. before the child shall Ar. 19. 21. Egyptians -shall Ar. the Lord 41. 20. that they may see and Ar. 49. 26. all flesh shall k. 1 am Saviour 50. 4. A-. how to speak in season 52 6. my people shall Ar. my name 58. 2. arid delight to Ar. my ways 60. 16. A-. tlnit I the L. am Wiy Sav. Jer. 2. 19. k. that it is evil to forsake 9. 6. thro" deceit refuse to Ar. me 15. 15. AT that for thy sake I suffered 16. 21. cause them to Ar. my hand, and they sh. Ar. my name is the L. 17. 9. heart deceitful, wkoranAr.it? 24. 7. give them an heart to k. ine 31. 34. Ar. the Lord, for they shall all Ar. me, Heb. 8 II. 36. 19. let no man Ar. where ye be Ezek. 2. 5. Ar. that there hath been a prophet, 33. 33. 5. 13. Ar. I the Lord hath spoken 25. 14. they shall Ar. my vengeance 2a 19. all that Ar. thee be astonished 34.30. thus sh. they Ar. I am wi. them 37. 28. the heathen shall A-. 39. 23. Dan. 2. 21. knowl. to them who k. 4. 25. Ar. that Most High ruleth. 32. 7. 16. made me A. the interpretation 1 1. 32. people that A. G. be strong Hos. 2. 20. thou shall A. the Lord 9. 7. Israel shall A. it, the prophet la 4. thou shalt A. no God but me 11. 9. prudent, and he sh. A. them Mic. 3. 1. isit not for yon to A. judg.? Zecfi. 2. 11. A. the L. sent me, 4. a Mai. 2. 4. ye shall A. I have sent this Mat. 6. 3. let not thy left hand A. what thy right doeth [Z.w.11.13. 7. II. ifyeA. how to give good gifts, 9. 30. see no man A. it, Mark 5. 43. I 7. 24. | 9. 30. [4. 1 1. Luke 8. 10. 13. 11. it is given to you to A. Mark 24 33. A. desolation is near, Mark 13. 29. Luke 21. 20. John 4. 42. we A. that this is Christ 7. 17. he shall A. of the doctrine 10. 4. sheep follow, they A. his voice 14. am good Shep. and A. my sheep 13. 7. thou shalt A. hereafter 35. all men A. ye are my disciples 18. 21. behold, they A. what I said Arti I. 7. not for you to A. the times 22. 14. A. his will and see Just One 26. 4 from my youth A. all Jews Rom. 7. 1. speak to them that A. law 10. 19. but I say, did not Israel A.? 1 Cor. 2. 14. neither ran he A. them H.'i. knoweth nothin? AS niiirht to A. Eph. a 19. to A. the love of Christ I Thes*. 3. 5. I sent to A. your faith 4. 4. eve. one sho. A. how to possess 5. 12. A. them who labour nmo. you 1 Tim. 4. 3. whi. believe and A. truth 2 Tim. 3. 1. A. also that in last days Tit. I. Ifi. they profess th. they A. G. Jam. 2. 20. wt'lt thou A. O vain man Jade 10. but what they A. naturally 265 KNO /ten. 2. 3. chardies shall k. I arc. h 3. 9. make them A. I have 'oved th 6'eeCER7AIN,Cl'.RTAiNLV,CEttTAlNr /KNOW. Gen. 12. 11. /A. thou art fair woman 15. 8. / A. that I shall inherit it ? 18. 19. /A. he will com. his children 22. 12. 1 A. that thou fearest God 48. 19. snid, / Ar. it, my son, /A it Exod. 3. 7. L. said, /A. their sorrows 4. 14. thy brother?/. A. he can speak 18. II. A A. L. greater than all Kda 3& 12. / t thee by thy name, 17. Dt-itt. 31. 21. Ik. their imagination 29. / A. that after my death ye wiil Jinth. 2. 9. Ik. L. hath triven you land Judg. 17. 13. A. I L. will do me good 1 S,im. 20.30. / A. chosen son of Jesse? 21. 20. / k. thou sh. surely be king 29. 9. Ik. thou art good in my sight 2 Kin. 2. 3. / A. it, hold your peace, 5. 5. 15. / A. there is no G. in earth 19. 27. 7A-. thy abode, Ita. 37. 2. 1 Chr. 29. 17. /. A. thou triest he^rt 2 Chr. 25. IG. /. A. G. ha. determined Job 9. 23. / A. not hold me innocent 13. 2. ye know, the same do / A. also 18. 7. A. that 1 shall be justified 19. 25. Ik. my Kedeemer liveth 21. 27. Ik. your thoughts and devic. 30. 23. /. A. thou bring me to death 42. 2. /. A. thon canst do eve. thing I's. 20. 6. /. A. L. saveth his anointed 41. II. by this /A. thou favour, me 50. 1 1. / A. all fowls of the mount. 119 75. Ik. O L. thy judg. right 135. 5. /A. the L. is great above nil Mil. 12. Ik. L. will maintain cause Keel. 3. 1 2. / A. there no good in them 8. 12. /. A. it sh. be well with them 7.i. 47. 8. nor sh. Ik. loss of child. 66. 18. 7. A. th. works and thought* Jer. 10. 23. /. A. the way of man 11. 18. L. given me knowle. Ik. it 29. 11. Ik. the thoughts I think 23. / A. and am witness, saith L. 48. 30. Ik. his wrath, saith the L. F.zek. 1 1. 5. / A. things that come Hos. la 5. /did A. thee in wilderness Jonah 1. 12. Ik. for mysake tempest Mat. 28. 5. / A. that ye seek Jesus Murk 1. 24. / A. thee who thou art, Luke I. 31. I uke I. 18. whereby shall Ik. this J.ihn 4. 25. / A. that Messia* cometh 8. 37. Ik. ye are Abraham's seed 55. Ik. him || 9. 25. one thing Ik. 10. 15. knowr th me, / A. the Father 27. Ik. my sheep, they follow m 11. 22. Ik. that what thou ask G 24. Ik. that he shall rise again 13. 18. / A. whom I have chosen Acts 12. 11. Ik. of a surety L. sent 19. 15. Jesus / A. and Paul / A. 20. 25. / A. ye see my face no mora Rom. 7. la Ik. in me dwell, no go,>d 1 Cor. 4. 4. /A. nothing by myself 13. 12. /A. in part, then shall / A. Phil 1. 19. Ik. this sh. turn to salr. 25. Ik. I shall abide with yon all 4. 12. 7 A. how to be abased, 7 A. 2 Tim. 1. 12. Ik. whom 1 believed 1 John 2. 4. he that saith, 7 A. hi:n Rev. 2. 2. 7. A. thy works, 9. 13, lf>. ! 3. 1. 8. li KNOW not, or not K N O \V. Gen. 4. 9. where is AI-. ? I A. not 27. 2. I A. not the day of my death E.rnii. 5.2. I t n. L. nor will I l-t Is. 1 Sum. a 7. Samuel d'd n. yet A. L. 1 Kin. 18. 12. ?p. carry tliee I A. * 2 Kin. 17. 26. they A. . manner of knowest t h..u that we L n. ' f I. A d.> ye I Jr. thrir token* f 4 11 they t. mot the w> thereof in. .11.- Ill dark. ther * ../ l.*ht XL .*.. t > flatteriuf litlet 91 9(1 Ood treat, we Jr. him ><< flTI. IV I* numberi thereof M. & they Ir. . neither uiflrr-Und M. 10 te.h. th man. hall . he JU I will H. k a wi.-ked pe ?*-. 4 )! * ' what th. "tumMe . tlh *. . way at the I A. 1. t. afVr VNd<, whom ye Jr. mat t y )! * wrf jiidf mrnti * 3. th. y * Wme. taith thr Lord 10 f* fury .111 heathen ft. thee . Krk. M It. halt tHou nnf k. it t MML the did* A. laveherrorn /law* X Ml. th.-y k. not In do riirht MM-. 4. 1*. * not thotuht* of Lord Hat A II I My. I * ymi not M * I 4. m*t what thou sayrat Tt to ntrvr and swear, myluir, I ft. a the man, 74. Varft I4.fr. 71. lfr* in. m ye ft. no/ what ye ak If *4. hrramr ye ft. n. arriptures Juke I. J4 ee< K .vv M. I ft. him ->, I houM lie 9 It. hath opened eyen, we ft. n. 0. we fc not fri-m whence he li Hi \ they ft. ore f stranirers US we ft. . whither thu front 11 II. they ft. surf him that M-nt me Aftt 1\. M. he rmild it ft. certainty H. Kft ft. a what nho. pray fur \ Cur. 1 . detcrm.a. M* anything 14 1 1. II I ft. . meaning of voice I net. 4. & Gentile* which ft. n. O. I 7%e. I. a. venreanre on th. ft. n. fi. I Tim a \ man ft. n. how to rule ho M 1ft ipe.k evil of thinir, th ft n. * X 1 4ft. wimt hour I come Sff, V* Know. . **< . 7. y tha'l ft. Mrt /ai (V /^r< Irt. 14 | A",-* TO. A Xrrk & 7. II. | 7. 4. ft 111.10, 11. I It '. I II Q |i 2| 13. 1 1 14. , | 14 7. | 3*. 44 44. I 1 4ft I J4. *4. | i | .14 9 JT... W 11 /. 45 . i I I M. -. 14. * ""-, 'V"i I ">. a. !*. ii a a u 77 i ; f 7 . K a beath,n,h.lU lamU 39 Urael thall ft i I am O L. Jfr. -M^rf. M ,,, KNOW. XW. & Itt taoa aM^ ft. there I. B^w likr he t. I ! .Vu. fi.\.m. k. ht L. u-iilmy Drut, 4. 3& at. ft. that L. hr i I <>d JA. 3 4 m. ft wy yr should K" 4. 24. People M. ft. hand of tin- l.d. I .Sam 17. 46 earth m. L tliere i a (;. I Kin. fi 43. ft" '2 Kin. 19. ll 1 &IM. <4. 4 at ft. number of peopU- 37 p.-iiple m r. tli. a't (;. i (/tr f, M t ).-..ple ;/. ft thy name JoA IP . A Ih-Tf is H jiidiinent :tl n. that 0d m. k my ii'teirrity 37. 7 that all men . ft. hi work Pi. 9. JO. m. ft them*, to lie f.tit men 3P. 4. that may k. how frail I am K.-1 IH me., in ft thou art M. High 109. 27. mail A. that thi- is thy timid lift l?5 th .t I m ft. thy le(iinoi,ie, /M .V 19. dmw nlKh Dint went. ft. it 7. 15. he tuav ft. to refuse the evil 37. yO. all m ft. that thou art Lord 41. 23 that we HKIII * ye are (f'-ds 43. )0. ye may ft. and believe me 15. 3. thou m ft. I am th.- G. of Isr. H they m ft. from ri-in of nun F.zek. VI. 5. all fl.-li man k \ have 91. 16. that heathen may ft. me Dan. 30. M ft. thought* of heart 4. 17. to intent that In me may ft. .We. A. 5. m. ft. righteousness of L. JrJtn 10. 38 ye m//y ft. and heli.-ve 14. 31. that the world mntf ft. 17. 23. 17. 3 at. ft. thee the only' 'rue find Act* 17. l. M. ft. wh. thi dortriiie t- ? Tor. 2. lit m. ft. thiiur- L'lVfii of (i. * Cir 2. 4. m ft. love I have to yon '.'. that I mii'Ht k the proof of vnu Kpk. I. Ifl yem ft hope of his ralliliff i fi that ye might ft our ;iff,iirs fnit. 3. 10. that liKtv ft. him Col 4. fi. ye mnv *. h"- to im-wer I Tim 3. l.\ m. ft. howth nnehte^t JoAn 5 la m. ft. ve ha. eternal life VO we mur iniquities, rft. them Hot. . 3 then shall ire ft. if we follow 8 . cry to me, my Ood, ire ft. th-e Mat. . Ifi re ft', thou art true, Mark \9. 14. Lnke fO 21. /-/An 3 II. we .penk that irvdo ft. 4. W. wv ft. what we worship K. 4i whor.e fxther and tnnth. ire ft. 7. T7. me ft. whenre thi man ii a S2. tre ft. th:it tliou halt a devil 9. *0 trr ft. that thi. hi our *..n . fne ft. that Hod .pake to Mm.es 31. ire ft C>od heareth not ninner* 14. 5. U ire ft. mrt whither th. (rm-nt II. V4. try ft. hi tenttmony i true Art* 17. irr would ft. what theae Rout. 7. 14. nrft. that law i* ppiritiiMl & i.hii ft. /a 9. ve ft. the heart ol a Mraiiger .Vum. fl. 34. v* * hrearh i-lprom,M .'....A a 10. yr slMllft. the livilMf Oud .' Kin. !). ll.yrft. man and hi-rornm. ././. 13. 2. wli.it v A i-aiuedu I know /' 100. 3 A. ye that !. r,i he is (iod /. 51. 7. vr that ft rifhieoiinni-ss Jer. 4H. IT! all i/'- tlmt k his iiHine A>-A- 17. SI. ye ft. I hH.>.pokeii,J7. 14. ./.-/.'. f7. jwskmJI ft. I mi in nnd.it ZecA.*. !* vfstinllA. L. sent me, ti. li Vat 7. la ye -h*ll ft hy Iruib, 20. 20, 5(5. wr'ft. prinr.-i! "of the lien. Me.v .Varft 10. 4'J. 24. 32. ft. the Minnner is niirh, ./rft IS. xa I.uke2\. yi 8.V 13. fon/rft. neither day nor hour. .V./rft. 4. 13 ft. .- not tliix paral-le /.Kftr il. 31. ft. v kinird of O. is iiich J' fin 7. v?H. !/< hoth ft. me, and know a 28. then >ha!l r/. ft. that I am he 3-<>. mid v<-.-ha:l'A th.< truth 11.49. Ca'ip. said, ft. ve- nothing at all la li. ft. Ife what I liave d..ne I .'1. 17. if i/r A- thexe thiiiK?, liappy 14. 4 wli'th. I co i/,- ft and wny y<- ft. 7. from lii-iireforili >/- ft. him, 17. 20 i/r hall ft. I HIM in my Father I.Y ix. v* k. that it hated me Art* i. W. B ve yourselves ls ft. IH 25. ve k. thut In thix <-raft > I Cor. 15. 5H ye ft. laho. i- not in va. : n !> Cor. a 9. yr'ft. t-rai-e of our Lord Gul 3. 7. ft. tvthey which art- of laith I'M <. fi ve k the proof of him I T/iet. I. 5! wr ft. wh. manne-of men 2. 'Hti'd, as vf ft. II. vft how 'we exhorted TA. t.K.vfk. what withholdefh HrA. 12. 17. V.-A he Id ha. inh-r. I Pet. I. IS. Vr ft. ye not redeemed i frt. a 17. yrft. them- tliini;- Lefore I JiiHn 2. 80. and w A a. I tniiifrs VI. truth, hut hVranxe ft. it '^9. ye ft. he is riehte. ve ft. ev. one a 5."vtn1 to take 4 i. hereby ft ve the Spirit of O. :& l.'iJte'J. 5.S v ft not what manner ./'Aw I. 26. ope whom yr ft. >// 4. >ftt ye worship >// ft an/ what 3i meat to eat t/'' k. not of 7. *X sent me is true, whi>m vrft. m 8. 19 ye neither ft. " nor father 9. 3a .ve ft. r.nt from whenre he II * Cor. 'la f>. k ye not yourselves ./<**. 4.14. vr k n. what I.e on morroV I Jnhn i ii. vr ft. ! the Until KNOV K>J. Gen. 30. 26. thou ft. v.-ivire I done 47. a ft. any man of ariivi- f among Kfod. 3i 22. ft. peo. *et on ni, hlJ \i/m. -^i. 14. ft. tiarei. hath ef.illen limt iK it. a nation :hou . not ''- 14 a ft. thine th Lord .aid t .S;/m. 2. vfi. ft thou not that It will 7. W. U ft. thy servant. I Car 17. !i 17. i sud Hubh.ii. tl,. bring forth, 2. 2'.v. III. !) O L. thou k. Jer. I?,. 15. 69. 5. O O. thou A. my foolishness 139. -i.. thou k. my down-sitting 4. lo, O L. thoU*. it altogether Pror. 27. I. k. not what a day bring Eccl II. i. A. not what evil shall he 5. k. not what is way of the :-pirit 6. thou A:, not whether sh prosper Ita. 55. "> call a nation thou f, not Jer. 5. 15. nation whose hinaii. k. not 12. 3. hut thou, O Lord, k. me 17. Id. nor desired woeful day, th. k. IS. 23. thou k. their nsel to slay 33 3. will shew things thou k. tit Drttt. 10.20. k. thou wherefore 1 come Zech. 4. 5. k. not what these he, 13. Mark 10. 19. thou A. commandments, Luke 18 20. Luke 22. 34. sh. thrice deny th. k me John 1.48. Nath. said, whence A. >ne? :(. 10. a master, k, not these things? 13. 7. what 1 do, thou k. not now K). 30. sure thou k all things, 21.17. 21. 15. yea, L. thou A I love tl.ee.lfi. Acts I. 24. k. the hearts of all men Rom. 2. IS. k. his will, and approves! 1 Cor, 7. 16. what k. thou, () wife 2 Tim. I. IS. thou A. all they in A-ia .Rer. 3. 17. k. not thou art wretched 7. 11. I said unto him, sir. thou k. KNOWETH. Gen. 33. 13. k. children are tender Dent. 2. 7. k. thy walking thro" wild. 3>. I] no man k. Moses' sepulchre Josh. XI. 22. G. of gods, he k. Israel 1 Sinn 20. 3. thy father certainly k. 'i Sam. 14 22 serv.A. I found grace 17. 10. Isr. k. thy father is mighty Joh II. II. he k. vain men, he seeth 15. 23. k. day of darkness is ready 23. 10. hut he k. the way 1 take 28. 7. there is a path no fowl AT. 23. Go.) uiiderstanileth and k. 34. 25. therefore he k. their works Ps. 1. 6. L k. way of the righteous '47. IK. the L. k. days of the upright II. 21. he k. the secrets of the heart 74. 9 nor is there any among us k. in. I). L A. thoughts nf man vanity H>3 14. he A. our frame, wearedust 104. If. the sun k. his going down 138. 6. but the proud he k. afar off 139. 14. thy works, my soul k. Well Arc/, (i. 8. k. to walk before living 7. 22. thine heart k. th. hst cursed V I. no in. i n k. either love or hatred A.M. I !i the ox k. his owner Jer. <. 24. lie understand, and k. me D'/. 2. 22. he A. what is in darkness NY//I. I. 7. L. A. them that trust in him /e/>A. 3. 5. the unjust k. no shame */f ri. 8. Fa. A. what things ye need *y. A:, ye have need of all these things, Luke 12. 30 II.? 7 no man Ar. the Son hot the Father, nor any k. the Father sae the Son. Luke 10. 22. 24. 30. of that day A", no man, Murk />*Av Ifl. 15. G. k. your he >rts [13.32. itoAn 7. 15. how k. this man letters:- KNO ./o/iH 7. 27. no man k. whence he is 10. IS. Fa. A. me || 14. 17. noi k. him 111. 3;>. and lie A. that he saith true Acts 15. 8. G. which A. the hearts Horn. 8. 27. A. what is mind of Spirit 1 Cor. 2 II. Whatman A things of a man, even things of (i. A. no man 8.2. if any man think he A. anything 2 Cor. II II. 1 love you n>4?fl. A. 31. O Father of our L. A. I he not 12 2. I cannot tell, God A. 3. 2 Tim 2. 19. I, A. them that are his him. 4. 17. to him that A. to do good 2 Pet. 2. 9. L. A. how to deliv. godly 1 John 3. 20. O. is greater and k. all 4. a lie that A. God heareth us 7. that loveth is horn of G. A. G. Rev. 2. 17. name written, no man A. 12. 12 he A he hath hut short time Who KNOWETH, or not KNOWETH. Ruth. 4. 14. IP. A. wheth. th. art come Job 12. 9. who A. m,t in all three 14. 21. come to honour, he A. it n. la 21. is place of him. that A. n. G. 28. 18. man' A. n. the price thereof Ps. 39. fi. A. n. who sh. gather them 90. 1 1. w. k. power of thine anger J> 92. 6. a brutish man A. n. nor a fool Pror. 7. 23 A. n. it is for his life 9. 18. lie A. re. the dead are there 24. 22. in. A. the ruin of them both Keel 2. 19. > k. whether he be wise 3. !i. who k. the spirit of man 6. 12. ?r. A. what is good for man 8. 7. he A. not that which shall be 9. 12. for man also A. not his time 10. 15. he A n. how logo to the city /*. 29. 15. who secth us, w. k. us ? //o.?. 7. 9. gray hairs, yet he A. wo< ./w/ 2. 14. w. k. if he will return Mark 4. 27. grow up, he A. n. how John 7. 49. people, w. k. n. the law 12. 35. in darkness, A n. whither 15. 15. serv A. n. what lord doeth \ Jo/in 2. 1 1. walketh in darkness, A. n. 3. 1. therefore the world A. us o< 4. 8. A. n. God, for God is love KNOWING. Gen. 3. 5. as god* A. good and evil I Kin. 2. 32. my father David not A. Mat. 9. 4. Jesus A. their thoughts, Luke II. 17. 22. 29. ye err, not k. the scripture* Mark 5.30. Jesus A. in himself virtue 33. woman A. what was done in her 6. 20. A. that he WHS a just man Luke 9. 33. Elias, not A. wh. he said John 13. 3. Jesus k. Fa. had given all 18. 4. Jemis A. all that should come 19. 28. Jes. A. all things wereaccom. 21. 12. none a.-k him, A. it was L. Acts 2. 30. A. that God had sworn 5 7. his wife not A. what was done 20. >2 not A. the things shall befall Rom. I. 32. A. thejudsment of God 2. 4. not A. goodness of G. leadeth 13. II. A. time, now it is high time 4. 14. k. he which raised L. Jesus 5. fi. A. that whilst we are at home Eph.G.8. AT. wh. good any man doeth Co/. 3. 24. A. of L. ye receive re ward 1 Tim. I. 9. A. this, l.nv is for lawless ITim. 3. 14. A. of whom thou learned Heh. 10. 3J. A. ye have in heaven 11.8. not A whither he went Jam. 1 a A. this, tryinif of your faith \Pft.3. 9. A. ye an- thereunto called 2 Put. 1. 14. A. shortly I must put oft KNOWLEDGE: Gen. 2. 9. tree of A. good and evil, 17 Exod. 31 3. filled Hcza in A. 35.31 A./V. 4 3. if fin come to his {-. ?a JVum. 24. 16. A. of the Most High ' 207 KNO Ruth 2. 10. rhnuldst take t. of me I Sum. 2. 3. the Lord is a God of A 1 Kin. 9. 27. shipmen that had a A. of sen, 2 C/irim. 8. 10 2 CAr. 1. 11. but tliou hast asked A. 12. wisdom and A. is nrai:ted the* Neh. 10. 28. every one having A. Job 15. 2. wise man utter vain A. t 21. 14. we desire not A. of thy watt 22. shall any teach God A. r 33. 3. my lips shall utter A. clearly 3U. 3. I will fetch my k. Irom afar 4. perfect in A. is wi. thee, :t7. lei. Pi. 19. 2. night to night sheweth ft. 73. 1 1. is there A. in Most High ? 94. 10. he that teacheth man A. 1 19. 66. teach me judgment and A. 139. fi. such A. too wonderful form* 144.3. what is man tho takest A. it\'t Prim. 1. 7. fear of I* beginning- of k 22. fools hate A. || '.3. criest a'tt. r A. 29. they hated A. did not choose 2. 6. out of his mouth comer h A. 10. when A. is pleasant to thy soul 3. 20. by A. depths are broken up 5. 2. and that thy lips may keep A. 8. 10. and A. rather than choice gold 12. and find out A. of inventions 9. 10. A. of Holy is understanding 10. 14. wise men lay up A. 1 1. 9. thro" A. sh. just be delivered 12. 23. a prudent man concealeth A. 13. 16. ev. prudent man deal. wi. A. 14. 6. A. is easy to him that unders. 7. perceivest not in him lips of A. 18. prudent are crowned with A. 15. 2. tongue of wise nseth A. aright 7. the lips of the wise disperse A. 14. hath understanding seeketh A. 17. 27. hath A. spareth his wonls 18. 15. heart of prudent getteth A. and ear of wise st-ekvth A. 19. 25. and he will understand A. 27. cease to err from words of A. 20. 15. lips of A. are precious j,>wel 21. II. wise instructed, he receiv. A:. 22. 12. eyes of the Lord preserved. 23.12. apply thine ear to words of A. 24. 4. by A. shall chambers be tilled 5. a man of A. incteageth strength, 28. 2. by man of A. state he proton. 30. 3. nor have the A. of Holy Eccl. 1.16. heart had experience of k, 18. inoreaseth A. increase, sorrow 2. 21. a man whose labour is in A. 26. God giveth a man t. and joy 7. 12. excellency of A. is wisdom 9. 10. nor A. in grave, win. goest ha. II. 2. A. and the fear of the U 23 9. whom shall he teach A ? 32. 4. heart o rash gh. understa. k 33. 6. wisdom and A. sh. be stability 40. 14. in judgment, and taught A. 44. 19. neither is there A. nor under. 44. 25. and maketh their A. foolish 47. 10. thy A. hath perverted thee 5'L II. by A. righteous serv. justify Jer. 3. 15. which shall feed you wi. A. 10. 14. every man brutish in his A. Dun 12. 4. andA. shall be increased Hoi. 4. 6 peo destroyed for lack of A. thou rejected A. 1 reject thee Hah. 2. 14. earth filled with A. of L, Mai. 2. 7. priest's lips sbou. kep He Luke I. 77. to give A. of salvation 1 1. 52. to have taken away key of It. Act* \. 13. they marvelled and tiok A. 24. 22. more perfect k. of that wa horn. I. 28. not like to retain ii. in ft. 2. 20. which hast the form of A. 3. 20. for by law is the k. of sin 10. 2. a zeal, not a.vording to A. 15. 14. ye alo are filled with all 4 1 Cor. 1. 5. are enriched in all it KNO I r~ 1 we all ha. ft . pnffeth up |tt seo thee which h-t AT at mei.1 1 1 thro* U) * th brother pertih It & wnH ..( * by .a-"- >p'rit inderstaod n-y.terie end ft. A thef e he * It .hull nni.h > ip-.k I.T rt-TrimlMior * V CM-. - 14. manif'.t Mvoar of li. ft 4. & IwM ../ * ..I the cl-.ry ..f li.id R . kjr *. bjr W.nf ...inVrtng It 7 i ve b.tnd In filh and ft. 1 1. il r4e in .p-och. y-t not in ft. *: 1. I? y "Mom m k. of him 3. Ift love ..f Chr i.l Wb pelh * 4. II tn unity of talk, and It. of Son /W 1.0 love nya>-.iof Chrit CW I. ft ** witk Ibe *. 'if hi. will V. * bid trvaMim of Viacom and ft 1. 10. put "O new man renewed in ft I TIM. X. 4 mm come (. ft. of truth I 7V. 7. t come to ft. ..r truth //o*. 10. . if we in after received* .tan. 1 II mi~-m*n. endued wi. ft.? I Pet. a 7. bub dwell arrord. toft. ^rt I. & virtue ft. ft. temperance ft. nor unfruitful In ft. at our Lrd X IS. r.. w in A. of i>ur I-ord Jru KSOWLRtH.K ofGui. fnr 1.5. thou .hull flmi the A. /C. //-. 4. I. oar ft. ffti<.4 in the lan.l A . ft /(. more than burnt.otf.-r Km II Xi. of wid'>m, and ft. q/V. 1 Car. IS 34. tome have n..t ft. of G f Cc. 10. & exaltetb against ft. ofG. fW I. 10 inrreatintf in the ft. n/G. t Ft*. I. 1 peace, thro* the ft. ofG. K N W L K DO K o/Mtf /xmt f f*r. *l W. tauirM go.l ft. nfLonl ;i 1 1 earth full of ft. nfifu Ld. * /X. 8. *0 e-caped thro'*. o/ti .V. KNOWLP.OOE. D~.f I. 39 rhIM. that day had no ft / II 4 work, "f Iniquity no ft. 53. 4. /M. 5. II becauw they ha no k. 4\ M. ha. MM ft. Ihnt set up imam M. a wr (Dieted Mini, take*t no ft. Jer. 4 VI to d.> food. they ha. Ho k. MVA..U* KNOWLBDOK. XMB. l.\ 8i w. ft. of congregation Jot 3V Id multiplirth words IT. ft. M lit (ball perish. and die ir ft. 91 . man*-) by word* w ft. 44 1 Fnr 19.*. not food that ton) be tc. ft. KNOWN. CM. M. II nnr had any man ft. her ** J U (iirelv thit thing i* & 7^ t II .m lhT baro atnnod it* >'. II. IT. kill o.. woman ft. mn A*til I. l\ and ft. am^nf tribn, 15. /*. 14. 31. bad ft w..rk of thr L I Ai 14 3K lot it bo k tbou art II. T. kMt * rot -.ul in ndTiTilio I M ft. In hor paiam 7. . tby oaf may b* *. on onrth la. I. hi Jttdah li <>.! ft., hi. nam T7. l tky fmttaion* ro not ft >. la M him kr k. amun hoathog K. kall woodrr* l>o k in dark ? VI 14. brriMM* k katk ft. my namo IJB I. baat arrld mo. and ft. mo fnm. I*. M fonl'i wrath prownt ft. a rk.M to ft. by hu d..lo SI. O fcrr kukMkt to*. In mio, KedL i & (ool- voter ft. b* mnlbtu. -. > piped or harped 8 Cor. 3. 4 ye are enitle ft. and read 5. HI have ft Christ after the fl.-sh & 9. a- unknown, and yet well ft. Gal. 4. ft have ft. Rod r are ft. f 0. Kmk 3. IU might be ft. by church Phil. t. 5. moderation ft. to all men 1 Tim. 3 10. fully ft. my doctrine 15. from A child ft. holy scriptures I JH:il. 13. heca. ye have ft him, 1 4 8 Junn I. I. them that have ft. truth Made or maant K V . i W S. Gen. 45. 1. J.w.-ph m himself ft. to .\VA. !i. 14. M. ft. thy holy sahhath o7. 98. 2 Lord m. ft. his salvation 103. 7. he m. A. bis ways to Mimes Dan. 4 8a m. ft. to us kind's matter HIM. 5. U. m. ft. that which shall he /.-/ft* 2. 17. m. ft. ..broad the saying ./An 15. 15 all 1 heard, 1 m. ft. to you Arti 2. VS. m. ft. lo me ways of life 7. 13. Joseph was m. ft. to brethren torn. 16. 2fi. m. ft. to all na'ions A>A. I 9. m. ft to us mystery of will 3 a he m. ft. to me the mystery PhiL 4. 8. let request* he m. ft to O. 8 Pet I. IR. m ft. coining of our Ld. Make KNOWN. Num. 18. & I will m myself ft. to him I CAr. 16. a m. ft his deeds among people, Ptal. 105. I. Pi 99. I. will 1 m. ft. thy faithful*. 106. a might m. ft his m'ifhty power 145. 14 to make ft. to sons of men Prrm. I. 21 m. ft. my words to you /MX. 38. 19. father shall m ft. truth II. 2. m. thy name ft. to adversaries ATr-ft 3>. II. m myself ft among th. TO. 7. m. my holy name ft. in Israel Dan. 8. 25 man will m ft. to king 2S. the Lord m. ft. to the king, 29. Hah. a 8. in midst of year* m. ft. Horn. 9. 82. O willing to m. power ft. VTl m. ft the riches of his glory Kpn. A. 19. m. ft. mystery of gopel CoL 1. 87. to wh.,m 0M will m. ft. AW KNOWN. Gen. 19. a two daughters have nof ft. man. Atom. 31. l, 35 Juiig. 81. 12. 41. 21 a. he ft. they had eaten them 31. plenty shall n. he *. In the land Kx.fi. 3. hy name jKHovtn was l. ft. Oeut 11.8. children have . ft. 31. la 8*. after godi ye ft. n. la ft, 13. farff. 1 I. had n ft. wars of Canaan 16. 9. so hit strength was n ft. Hulk 3. 14. n. ho ft. woman came In I Kin. 14. 2. n ft. to h.- wife of Jero Putt ia 43. people horn I have n. ft. 7. 19. and thy footsteps are nr.t ft. 7ft ft wrath on heathen ha. n. ft thee 94 IU and they hae nof ft my Ways, //, /. .1 Hi ?. 2o. judgm. the h^e n ft. them Kor-t . 5 nut M-rn sun n. ft. anything- /. 44 16. in path, they have no* ft. 268 LAB T"i. 44. 11 hare n. ft. nnr iinil.Tstood 45. 4. tlioiik'h thon hat n. ft me, 5. J/-r. 4. a.', they have n,,^ ft. me Kzrk. SI. 9. oluntries thou hast if. ft. Dun. 2. - 1 ). will n. make ft. dreara. 9. 4. 7. n. Miiike ft. interprftiitinti, 5. K. Hot. 5. 4. they have . k. the Loi w .V/;'j. .1 IT plme n. ft. where tliex iin- Mut. in. -Jfi. there N n.ithinir bMUurt shall H. he *. l.ukr*. 17. | 12. 4 ./(An 8. 55. yet ve hne nut ft. him 14. 9. and yet MM thou n:t ft. me IU. 3. have n. ft. the Father imr me 17. 85. Father, world hath n. ft th. e Rom. 3. 17. way of peace th. y n. ft. i. 7. I had n. ft. -in hut liy the law i Pet. 8. 81. . ft. way of righteous. I .lultn 3. t\ tinner not - en 11 ft. him A'-r. 8. 81. n. ft. the deptni of Satan LABOUR, SuMantirr. (ten. .SI. t?. (i. seen I. of my hands :r. IK. Ka.-hel had hard / 17. [)i>ut. 8fi 7. L. heard, looked on our L Sffi. 5. 13. a. fehake every man fr. L />.'. .'. II. wilt thou leave /. to him Pt. 90. 10. their strength L sorrow 104. 2a man poeth to /. till evening !"">. 44. inherited I. of the people 107. 14 hrousrht down heart with i. 109. II. let the stranger upoil his I 128. 8. shall eat the /. of thy hands Pro*. 10. 16. t teiideth to life 13. II. gathereth by /. shall increase 14. 83 in all I. there is profit Kri-l. I. a what profit hath man of L 8. all thiiiK* are fu'l of /. man 2. 10 rejoiced in my portion of n-.y/, 18. I hate.) all /. which I hd taken 19. yet shall he rule over all my L 21. U a man whose L is in wi-ilnm 22. what hath man .if all hi.. /.? 24. muke his soul enjoy good in I. 3. 13. | .1. 1H. 4. a yet is there no end ..fall hi- L 9. they have a irood reward tnr L 5. 15. nothing f I. he iiiny i-arry 19. rejoice in /. this is gift of ('i.M 6. 7. all /. of man it for his nmuth 9. 9. portion in thy i under the S'jn 10. 15. /. of foolish wearieth ev. one ha. 45 14. I of Ritypt come to fur* S5. i. why spend your /. for th.it Jer. 3. 24. devoured 1. of nur fathers ?0. la came I nut of womh to see /. Krek. 29. 20. given land of Kiry. for Hnb. a 17. though /. of ol.ve fa. I ltn ? . 1. II. drought on t. of hands Jnhn 4. 33. reap where h.-stowed no /. /t'-m Id fi. bestowed much /. on n< I Cor. 3. a man receive accord, to I. !5. 58. know your /. is not in vain Gal. 4. II. lest I bestowed /. in vuin /'Ai7 I. 2V. th'S is fruit of my /. I THet. I. 3. remembering /. of love 2. 9. rememher our /. and travaH 3. V and our I. he In Tain i Then. 3. 8. hut wrought with I. Het. 8. 10. not forget vonr I. f lorf Rev. 2. 8. I know thy / and puticnci LABOUK", Vi-rb. Emd. 80. 9. six day* shalt thon ( Drut. S. 13. Jn,h. 84. 13 for which he did not L , i 2J. (ruard in, and /. on day Ji-h 9. 89. why then (. I in rain * Pi. 187. I. except L huild/. in valB 144. 14. oxen may he tronr to /. Prnr. 21. 85. his hands refuse to L 23. 4. 7. not to he rii-h, refine from y.,-<-l. 4. *. iith he. for whom do 1 1.1 3. 17. though a man i to sck '.*. ol LAC IM A. 4. 2R but rather^, wi. hi hands Col. I. 29. whereunto I I striving 1 7 'her*. 5 12. to know them which /. J TiVfl. 4. 10. I. and suffer reproach 6. 17. th; 1 1 in word and doctrine Ueb. 4. 11. i to enter Into that rest LABOURED. AVA. 4. 21. so we I. in the work Job 20.18. wh. he /. for, i-h. he restore L'l'd 2. 11. looked on labour I /. to do 19. rule over my labour 1 have I. 5. 16. wh. profit hath he th. /. wind? Imi. -47. 15. with whom thou hast /. 49. 4. I said, I have I. in va ; n 62. 8. not drink, for whirh thou I. Dun. ("). 14. king I. to deliver Daniel John 4. 38. men/, and ye are entered Rum. 16. 12. salute Per. who/, in L. 1 Cor. 15. 10. I i more abundantly Phit 2. 16. that 1 have not /. in vain 4. 3. help those that /. with me Rev. 2. 3. and for my name's sake I. LABOURER, S. Mat. 9. 37. harveit plenteous, but / few, 38. Luke 10. 2. 20 1. went oot early to hire I Luke 10. 7. /. is worthy of his hire 1 Cor. 3. 9. we are /. together wi. G. 1 Tim. 5. 18. /. is worthy of reward Jam. 5. 4. behold the hire of the /. LABOURETH. Pror. 16. 26. he that I. I. for himself Eccl 3. 9. what profit in that he I.? 1 Cor. 16. 1& submit to eve. one th. /. 2 Tim. 2. 6. the hushandrnan that /. LABOURING. Eccl. 5. 12. sleep of a /. man is sweet Acts -JO. 35. /. ye ought to sup. weak Col. 4 12. always /. for you In prayer 1 Then. 2. 9. /. night and day LABOURS. F.xod. 23. 16. the first-fruits of thy /. Deut. '28. 33. thy t shall a nation eat Pror. 5. 10. /. be in house of stranger //. 58. 3. in itav of fast ye exact all I. er. 20. 5. I will deliver all their /. Has. 12.8. in my I. sh. find no iniquity lijg. '>. 17. I smote you in all the /." Jnhn 4. 38. ye are entered in their I. 2 Cor. 6. 5. in L in watching* 10. 15. boasting of other men's /. 1 1. 23. in /. more abund. In stripes Rev. 14. 13. they may rest fr. their/. LACE. Exod. 28.28. sh. bind the breast-plate with /. of bin. , 37. | 39. 31. LACK, Sabsfantire. Gen. 18. 28 wilt destroy all for /. 5? Exod. 16. la thatgathered little had no /. 2 Cor. 8. 15. Jrk 4. 11. lion perish, for /. of prey .I*. 41 young wander for /. of meat Jlos. 4.f.. pen. destroyed for /. know). Phil 2. 30. life to supply /.of service 1 Tht i. 4. IQ. that ye /. of nothing LACK, f'erh. Cm. 18. ?8. if there sh. I five of fifty Llt-iit. 8. 9. sh. not /. anything in it P*. 34 1 1), the young lions do /. Prm: 28. 27. giveth to poor sh. not /. Kci-i 9.S. let thv --art t no ointment Hat 19. 20. have I kept. wh. /. I yet} r'am. !. 5. any /. wisdom, n.k of G. LAM LACKED. Dent. 2. 7. thou Imst /. nothing 1 Kin. 4.27 provided virtual, /. noth. A'eA. 9. 21. sustain them, ih. /. noth. Luke 22. 35. purse, /. ye any thing ? Acti 4. 34. nor any amo. them th. /. 1 Cor. 12. 84. more honour to wh. L Phil. 4. 10. careful, /. opportunity LACKEST. Mark 10. 21. hut one thing thou /. LACKETH. [/.*n /. 9,3.13. ft. 6 except take away blind mid / I!). 26. hccxiise thy servant is t Job 29. 15. eyes to blind, (rel to / I'rnr. 26. 7 legs of /. are not equal 1. 11 1. 33. 23. the /. take the prey 35. 6. /. man lr:ij> us an hart >>er I-./ them. A .1 / f..r him 1 ' h d..lrfli: l4IIIKIlt.>'liill y* Id 20 I MIJT. e h weep ami tt*r. la a hliir- ' the enrth thai) L NENTSI). I m & 19. p-.ple L because Lord f, I all l-r.-htr. /. Samuel. 28. .\ 7 tarn I IT l>*d / over tout 1 Tl the kin* L ov. r Aimer f Or TS. vl Jeremiah / for J-dlah .A / l t .h die and not >-e / /i 33. .V.f r IT bt jf be not/. /.* a ?T. rrent r.m.pmiy/. JffUt i. \MKSTAHl.K. J>. & *CL kin* rrte.l iih a L oire LAMMS i o io\. ftm. Vfl II m.iurr.ed with a ore / y&ral I? 1) Untent-d wllbtbW Ft. T (It their wid made no t ./" 7. 19 f*ke up t nn hifh plarrt fl 10. h>.iUii..n <>f wilderneu a t H II In lU-i.ah i Mat I 19. 4t there 'hall h*. /. t-enerally l.am * & Lord bath increaed re4c. IV |. Uke up a / for nrin.-eV I la 104 thy word i, /. to f.-et IM 17. n'dtlned/. for mine an. .Int. ffor. O. for nmimandinrnt ii a /. 1.1 *. lamp ..f irkrd ib rw put out Ml n. rurrth Nthrr. / he put out /* . I. (aUatlnn a* i thut hiirorth Jbw. & 10. tar KurninK a* it were L LAMPS Kf*. . 17. llchl / thereof. W. 4. Ml 7. 4fM*Hh L l.urn inrrne on it hi. / M-ith oil f. , r the li(ht 40. tt. llchtex) tlir L before the Ld .View. *. 1. 3 [J C5kr 13 1 1. /.-r. 1 . the I tnbnrnroatintiall*. Jt>4f T. Id he put / within pit.-t.er. W be d tbe L la their left hand I k>. 7. 19. b made 1 of ,.ld C*rv, 4 M. l. .Will la mil of until o t.urn. i I) Ilk* theapymraikvort e,i ,.f nre Wt >rt I ten .,r(t,,. t.^.k / .1 * .n^.1 I heir f. . f lr u .l. .ir / are (ouo out Sfffm I. A ' ffo4. 37. J rrifcte /. ..f pure .,!.( tick aoJ mvM i LAN . i, 5. were .. r of fire burning I. A S Jer. JO 4t ther thut (nil 1 1 ar* crutl I. AM KTS. I JCia. 1& cut themtrlTM with i I.ASD. Oem I li the fold of thiit /. l g.wd 10 II. out of llMt / went Ahur 14 I. Into / I -h^w th.-e. .irli". 3 11 f not hle to ht-itr i hem 17 a I will *lve unto thee an-1 ihv wed th. t >. l:i. !3iL li! ta IS. hehold, my i i hef..r.- f ec *4.37. Cannitr,in who-.- / I dwell 47. *1. boii(jht i o / tiei-amf Phar. H. only / of priet he tionyht Uot EjnJ. 10. 15 th.- /. wa darken.-.l X It dajrn may he lonir upon the /. L**. Id rt. ifoat I.ennuiquitie* to I. W. f ipue not you out. 2". *J. . < then / keep a hhMth, 4A 34. 23. / not b- .o|.l. the (. is mine W 4. t h. yl*Ui hr increase, 19. :t' /. fmL la Ifi. heathen p.-ri>h out of/. 4t & remember ihee fr. /L f J<.rd. 44. 3. tb.-y Kot n. .t t. in ....<. i.m 5t A. r.M.t Ihre nut oft of Ivinir MX 0. take deep root, and it filled /. 101 & mine eyen on fa'thful of /. % I Will d.-troy wicked of the i IDA. Ifl he cHlle'l fr famine on L 104. 24. they depi>ed pleiitant /. 3* the/. w. polluted with hl.Hid 107 34 turn fruitful i int.. barren. 143. 4 thirst" after thee mihir-!y/ 111 leHd me into /. of uprifthtneiui Prou. It. |l. tilirth / benntiii. m. 19 IH. t for trmmirre-tiuii of i prince* cc/.IO 16 ww. (I/. vh. fcinvlirhild 17. hl.e. H |e-t make thee/. Dot Inhabit*! X. Hi. whole /. trembled at s.n.nd 9. 12. the /. p.-ri.-heth and is Imrnt 11. 19 cut him off irom /. of livinir 12. 4. how long -hall the / mnu< n f I ft. I will hrinif every man t > hi- /. 1(5 15. brought fr.t of north. :d Id 1H. because they have defiled my t ST2. 27. to /. whereuntu they desire 2.'l. 15. prfan--nes gone forth t /. 4ff. 12. and thy cry hath title. I the A 50. la puni-h king" of Kahylon HI,.) /. 39 for it is the t of graven image* 51. 43. L wher.in no man dwelleth. Ezfk. 7. 23. /. full of bloody .-rune* a 17. hare filled /. with violence 9. 9. and the /. is full ot blood 14. 17. sword on /. || 19. pestilence 17. 5. he took also of seed of the I. 13 hath taken miuhty of the i 22. 24. the /. is not cleanoed 30. stand in gap before me for L 3~i. 4. then 1 leave thee upon the t 33 2. when 1 bring gword upon L 24. the /. given u for inheritance 3d 5 appointed /. into posse- iuii 13. tl.ou /. devourest up men SB. 9. like a cloud ton.ier the/. 16. II tfo up to I. of un walled villaifel 39. 12 that they may cl.-anse the I Dan. 11. Id stand in glorious / 41. i. 4.3. therefore thall /. mourn Joel I. i. a nation come up upon /. 2. 3. the /. is as the Harden ..I Kden la then will L. be jealous for A 21. U /. he triad || a 2. parted my /. Amta 5. 2. she is forsaken upon h-'r /. 7. 10. the /. not able to hear word* 8. 4. make poor or the /. to tail S. shall not /. tremble for this? Zr/)A. 3. 19. praise a'd lame in ev. L Zrch. a 9. remove iniquity ofthat L li It the /.-hall mourn, ev. lainily 13. 2. unclean spirit pn- out of /. Mai a 12. -hall be a dehuhUoine /. Mat. 9. '*;. fame went ahn.ad into L 10. 15. tolerable for /. of Sod. II. 2*. 27. 45. wan darkness over nil the /. M.irk 15. -J3. Mark (I. 47. and he alone on the A I.ukf 14. a;., neither ft for I he L John 6. 21. immediately i-hip wis at( Act* 4. 37. Barna. harlnf /. -o.d it V ft tell me whether \e i.>U t.'.e L 27. 39. was day, they ki" l^)t L 43. into the tea, and get t.) !. Srr HKN.MMI*. CHAIIK.**;, C. NAAM, DAKKSKSS, UtBOLAlB, Du IOK, DlVIIIKII. l)n, I.ASD. Gen. 1. 9. and let the dm I. appear ID and <...! called the ilni 1. eartk 7. 22. of all that wa in dry 1. ni.-d F.rni. 4. 9. pour water on the riry I It 21. Lord made the seu dry I LAN Brorf. H. 29. Israel walked on dry I, 15.19. on d.l. midst of sea, .VVA.iUI. Jwn. 4. 18. priests' fret lifted onrf. /. 22. Isr. came over Jordan on d. I. Ps. 6a I. longeth for thee in a d. I. 5. 6. tie turner! the sea into d. (. fS. 6. the rebellii.us dwell in d. I. 5*5 5. and his hands formed the d. I. Ita. 41. 18. 1 will make d. L springs Jer. 50. 12. hinderin.i^t sh. be a d. /. SI. 43. cities art- d. I. nnd wilderness tlct. 2. a lest I set her as a dry I. Jonah I. 9. G. who made sea and rf. i. // ig. '2. B. I will shake sea and rf. I. Hey. II. 29. pa-sed Hed sea a8 by d. I See DWH.L, E<;YPT, ROOD. /n , sacrifice to (i. in <. /. 9. 5. the L. fh. do this thing in t. I. J.er. 26. 6. 1 will give peace in t. I. Drvt. b. 1. |f well with thee in t. I 11. 9. that you may prolong your days in the I. 21. | 25. 15. 85 10. G. hath given thee rest in t. I. 31. 13. fear L. as lone as liveint I. ludq. I*. 7. was no magistr. in t. I. 1 Sam. 15. 4. () th. I were judge in I. 1 Chr. 6. 31. lear thee so long- as in/. 32. 31. wonder that was done in 1. 1. *ol> 28. IH. nor is it found in the I. .**. 27. 13. (rood ness of the L. in t. I. 1 16. 9. walk I.efore the L. in t. I. 142. 5. '.ho ' i art my portion in t. I. Ita. 7. 22 honey sh. ev. one cat in t.l. 26. 10. in t. L of uprightness he deal 38. II. not see L. in t. I. of living Ezek. 'X. 20. 1 shall set glory in t. I. 32. 2a caused terror in t. I. 24. 32. 37. 22. maki> them one nation in t. I. 45. 8. in t. 1. shall be his possession Wo*. 4. I. there is no truth in the I. Luke 2). 23. he treat distress in /. /. 'deb. 1 1. 9. by f-iith he soj mr. in t i See INHABITANTS, INHERIT, l-ll M I., JdDAH. Our LAND. 'Jen, 47. 19. buy us and o. /. for bread I'l 85. 12. and". /. sh. yield increase .Mir. 5. 5, A-syriuti sh. come to o. I. On-n LAND. Erod. 18. 27. Jethro went Into his o. I A'u/n. 10. 30. [2 Chr. 9. 5. lA'in. 10. 6. report 1 heard in my o I. 2 Kin. 18. 32. take you to a land like your o. L. Isa. 36. 17. ? Chr. 32. 21. return, wi. shame too. /. Im. 13. 14. flee every one to his o. L 14. 1. and set them in their own /. 37. 7. fall by the sword iu his wn I. Jer. 23. 8. dwell their in o t 27 II. 37. 7. Egypt, into their o. A 42. 12. Ezek. 34. la will bring them to their o. /. 3fi. 24. | 37. 14. il. | 39. 2ft. Amnt 7. 1 1. led captive out their n. /. Sue PEOPLE, POSKKSS, POSSESSION, STKANCE. Their LAN D, S. Cen. 4*. 22. the priests sold not t. t. bum IS. 20. Aa. had no inner, in t. '.. Drut 2. 5. will not give you of t. I. 9 2!). 28. L. routed them out of t. L \ Kin. 6. 4H. pray to thee toward t. I. 2 Chr. ~. 14. forgive sin and heal t. I Ft. 105. 32. gave flaming tire in t. I. 135. 12. gave t. I. for an heritage IMO. 2. -. I. I is full ..f silver [r3(i.21 8. t/t^r I. also is full of idols Jer. 12. 14. will pluck them out t. I. 16. I V I will bring them again to 1. 1 61. 5. tho' t 1. wa~ tilled with sill Ezek. 34. 27. they shall bi safe in 1. 1. LAN Erek. 39. 26. they dwelt safely in 1. 1 d>noi 9. 15. I wil! plant them ou t. I. This LAN n. Sen. 12. 7. the Lord said, unto thy seed will I give t. I. 15. 18 | 24. 7. | 4a 4. Exod. 32. I a 31. la get thee out from 1. 1. return 50. 24. O. will bring you out of t. I. um. 14 3. L. brought us unto I. I. 32. 5. let t I. be given to thy serv. 22. t. L shall be your possession Drut. 4. 22. but I must die in t. t 29. 24. the L. d< ne thus to t. I. ? 27 1 Kin. 9. 8. 2 Chr. 7. 2! Judg. 2.2. no league wi. inhab. oft I. 2 Chr. 30. 9. they shall come into 1. 1. Jer. 14. 15. sword sh. not be in t. I. 16. 3. fathers th begat them in t. I. t). great and small sh. die in t. I. 22. 12. he shall see t. I. no more 24. ',. I will bring them again to t. I. 25. 9. 1 will bring them against t. I. I), t. whole 1. sh. he a desolation 32. 41. and I will plant them in t. I. 36. 29. king of Babylon destroy t I. 42. 10. if > will abide in thin I. 45. 4. I will pluck up t. whole I. Ezek. II. 15. to us is this I. given 47. 14. t. 1. sh. fall to you for inlieri. Acii 7. 4. he removed him into t. I. Thy LAND. E.rod. 23. 10. six years sh. sow t. I. 26. nothing sh. cast young in t. I. 34. 24. nor shall any man desire t. L Deut. 7. l.a he will bless fruit oft /. 21. 23 that thy I. be not defiled 28. 12. to give the rain to thy I. 18. cursed be the Iruit oft I 42. 2 Sam. 24. 13. .-h. famine come tot/.? Ps. 85.1. hast been favourable to t. I //. 8. 8. wings fill breadth of t I. 60. 18. violence no more heard in 1. 1 62.4. nor sh. 1. 1. be termed desolate L. delighteth in thee, and t. I Ezek. 32. 8. 1 will set dark, on t. I. .linns 7. 17. t. 1. sh. tie divided by line AaA. a la gates of t 1. sh. be wide }'">// LAND. Gen. 47. 23. 1 bought y< u and y I. Lev. 19. 9. reap harvest of y. I. 23.22 26. 5. and dwell in y. I. safely 6. nor sh. sword go through ?/. I. 20. y I. sh. not yield her increase Deut. II. 14 give you rain of r/ /. 1 Sam. 6. 5. liuhten hand Ir. ufty. I. Jer. 5. 19. served strange pods in y. I 27. 1C. remove you far fromy. I. 44. 22. therefore is y. I. adesolatioi LANDED', ING. 'ct 18. 22. when we /. at Cesarea 21. 3. sailed to Syria, aud /. at Tyre 28. 12. /. at Syracuse three days LAN D-mark, t. Deut. 19. 14. not remove thy neigh. hour's l.m. Pror. 22. 28. | 23. 10 27. 17. cursed that removeth l.m. Job 24. 2. some remove tne {..marks LANDS. Gen. 41. 54. dearth was in all I. 57 47. la not left but our bodies and I Judg. II. 13. restore those /. again 1 Chr. 14. 17. famnof Dav. went all / 2 Chr. 17. 10. fear fell on all the /. 32. 17. as gods of other /. have no Erni !). 1. not separated fr. peo of/ AVA. 5. a we have mortgaged our i 5, (or other men have our /. 11. restore I pray you, their /. Pi. 49. II. their /. after own names Ii6. 1. make a noise all ye /. 100. 1. 105. 44. vive them /. ot the hexthei 10(i. 27. hand, to scatter them in /. ii 7. 3. (fathered them out of the I Jer. i".(i. these/, to Nebuchailne/znr 271 LAS Ezek. 20. fi. which is glory of all i IS. 39. 27. gather out of enemies' L Mat. 19. 29. hath forsaken houses, t Murk U> 29 Mark 10. 31). receive hundred fold.i Acts 4. 34. many ere ^owesgors or fc LANES. Luke 14. 21. go qnii kly into the L. LANGUAGE, S. Gen. 11. 1. whole earth was of one I 6. peo. is one, they have ail one ', 7. and there confound their /. 9. 2 Ain. 18. 26. speak in the Syrian / 7*a.36. II. [//. si;. ].l N h. 13.24. children not speak Jews' L hut according to /. of people Pi. 19. a no /. where voice is heard 81. 5. heard all understood not 114. 1. fmra a people of strange I. Isa. 19. 18. five cities speak /. Canaan Jer. 5. 15. whose /. thou knowest not Ezek. 3. 5. to a people of hard /. 6. Dan. 3. 4. O people, nations, and /. a 29. every L that speaketh amiss 7. all /. fell down and worshipped 4. 1. Nebu. all /. || 6.25. Dri. to all I. f>. 19. all /. trembled and feared 7. 14. nations, and /. sho. serve him Zeph. a 9. will turn to peo. a pure /. Zech. a 23. ten men out of all /. Actt 2. 6. heard them speak in own /. LANGUISH. Isa. 16. 6. for the fields of Heshhon I 19. a spread nets on waters sh. /. 24. 4. haughty people lift he earth/ Jer. 14. 2. the gates of Judah /. Ho*. 4. 3. every one therein shall / LANGUISHED, ETH. ha. 24. 4. world /. and fadeth away 7. the vine /. || 33. 9. the earth I Jer. 15 9. that hath horn seven /. Lam. 2. 8. wall lament, 7. together JoeL I. 10. the oil /. || 12. fig-tree L Nah. 1. 4. Bashan /. and C'ariuel / LANGUISHING. Ps. 41. 3. L. strengthen on bed f /. LANTERNS. John a la Judas cometh with L LAP. 2 Kin. 4. 39. gathered gourds, /. f'-ll \>'fi. 5. la I shook my /. and said Prov. 16. 33 lot is cast into the (. LAPPKD, ETH. Jiirlif. 7. 5. that /. water as n dog 6. number /. were three hundred 7. by them that /. I will save yia LAPWING. .SVe HAT. LARGE. Erod. 3. 8. into a good and /. land 2 Sam. 22. 20. he brought me Into a /. place, Psal. 1**. l!l. ffeh. 4. 19. the work is great and /. 9. 35. not served thee in the /. land Pi. 31. 8. hast set my feet in a /. mom 118. 5. Lord set me in a/, place Ita, 22. 18. toss thee into /. country 30. 23. thy cattle feed in /. pastures Jer. 22. 14. 1 will build /. chambers Ezek. 23. 32. sister's cup deep and J. Has. 4 16. L. feed them in a /. place Mat. 28. 12. gave /. money to soldier* Mark 14. 15. and he will -hew you H /. upper-room, Luke. 22. \i. Gal 6. II. how /. letter 1 have writ. licv. 21. 16. lenutli UK 1. HS breuUh LARGENESS. 1 A'in. 4. 29. G. gave Solo. /. of heart LASCIV10USNESS. Murk 7. 22. out of heart proceed /. 2 Cor 12. '21. not repented of the /. ('(//. 5. IS), works of flesh manifest, L Efjh. 4. l!>. given themselves to ?. I I' ft. 4. :t when we walked ill I. Jude 1. tin iinit; grace ol G. into L LAV Gm. 49. 19 C*d >lill 'ivprcom.- t /. .V a 10. Irl II,)' / i-i. ,i l.r- Ilk'- III- 1 Ww. .3 I. Ihrw /. wor.N ..I l).ni,i MVld anil day to the /I / rur 5. 1 1. mi. I II. ii tn urn .it th.- / P 41. 4. I 1.1 Ihr n-.l .in I /. 44. 6. | IS 1.' .'.'. I. 11.17. | -"<. I ''< /.'Mi. I. !i rcmtmiiM-fih not i end !*. & 3. and i he liigh.-r r^iiii- up L .**. I. I will .lay the / ..f them *e 4iM shall be I / a It 30 till ttio-i hut paid /. mite I rr. 4. V. tet forth u apo*tle L I i. a /. nl nil be tvas -e-n of me X6. t enemy I* de.ith || 4S. 1 Adai Rrc. it IK t work, be more th. Brit LAS! A/y, rf,y - 49. I. beUII you in Ihr A at i Aty f TtM. :l I. rf. perilous time* .-onie JV.. I. 4. .pokei. In L 4. hjr hi* Son J i. 3. hrnped trewmre fur /. d 3 i'H. & X rome In i rft I. & t.. be revealed in t IMM -" WM ma lfet in thete t timri I ./* X. Ill rhn4rt>n. It i* the it J*4t It. (bimld be morkert in L t LA SI ED. I NO. ri hill. Jtjfe 14 17. the Kept while feast t LATCHET. /MI . &. 87. t ol their ihoet lie broken if . r* 1. 7. i "if whttv thoet, /.u. 3. Id. LATE, LY. /t in & U r*iii f..r y.>a to tit up I Hi-: X t. at L my People riwu up td* It. X. AauiU t IMIDC fmni Italy LATIN. <.u* tt 38. written in t JoA 19. 20, LATTKK. Ortit II. 14. lve you flrat and L rain *Y Redeemer stand lit I day rtt OL osM-ord m.mih. an for i mln '. li Uvoui urliiidoft ruin ItviM iniyrmt Iv wi-r in t rnd Jrr. I 3. tlN-iv hmh tx*ti no L riu 1 *. f.rf-Mi^r and t rain in M-HMIO Am a n. i tlm ./ tl.i khiKdum // A S. ron* a* t and lurmrr ruin ^-W <. KL I rain in th- fimt month <>d nmue me to /. all will /. Job 5i ft. at famine thou .halt I '.'. Kt. he will /. at trial ot in cut 22. Itt the innocent/, them to scorn /j. 2. 4. that .itteth in hi-aven sh. /. 21 7. that tee me /. me to scorn 37. 13. the Lord .hall L at him 52. & righteous alto sJiall /. a 21. he III thy mouth with L 41. 29. he /. at ihhki' i: of a spear LAUGHTER. /'i/ 128. 2. our mouth Oiled with L Pratt. 14. la In /. heart torrowful Keel. ^ i I said of /. it is mad 7. 3. sorrow is (letter than i 6. thorns, so is the i of the fool Jam. 4. 9. L be turned to mourning LAVISH. /M. 46. 6. they i void out of baa LAUNCH, Kl). l.'tkr 5. 4. .Simon, L out into deep a 22. us go over, and I hey / fen th Act* 21. 1. after we had i 27. 2, 4. LAW. Gen. 47. 2A. made it a /. over land E-rixf. 12. 49. one / to htm is home, born, Lee. 24 22. Num. IS. 16,29. Jrat. 17. II. to sentence of the /. 3-1. 2. from right hand went fiery L 4. MiHwt commanded us a /. Joth. a 32. wrote copy of /. of Moes 22. 5. take heed to the 2 Am. 17. 13. 37. | 21. 8. 8 Kin. 17. 34. nor do after the /. fAr. 22. 12. rnnyest keep L ,.( Ood 2 Chr |u 10 between /. and comma. 30. 16. place according to/, of Moses Erra 7. K. ready scrihe in /. 12. 21. 1 1. according to the / of thy God 2ft Dot do / of God and L of kinif Nek. K. 7 caused people understand /. 9. wlien they heard Ihe word* of i Id -" made oath to walk in God's /. 18. 41. gather them portions of/. '.''A I. a drinking According to /. 4. II. / of his to put him to death 16. which is not accoruingto the t Job 2J. 82. receive /. from his mouth /'/ I. 2. In hi. L he meditates ?. 31. / of bis Uod is in his heart 7". 5. for he appointed a /. in Israel 10. they refused to walk in hit L 81. 4. Wiu a L of the God of Jacob 10V 10 confirmed same tojac. fort I la 71 L of mouth belter than gold rr*. 1. a forsake not the i of thy mother, 6. 20. R 23. commandment lamp, /. it light 14 14. t of wise Is fountain vfl ^ tn LAW Pror. '.'E. 4. forMiki- /. praise uhkerf, -i.rli.i~ k.-.-(i /. .-iinti-i.il with them I k, .-(lelh the /. i- a i.-e .-.ill V".l |si that keefietli / lu.ppy in ho 31. .\ Je^t drink ami l,,i j<.-l the /. ^ti. Hi hi-r tonkin- i* /. f kiudni-M l,,i i. 3. out i.l Zioil shall j(" ffth tl,.' i Mi,: +. -'. 8 16. sen) L || 20. to/, and letlimoi.y 4 4. the i>l.-s shall wnit fr his L yl. the Lnl will inauiiily the/. ftl. 4. a /. hull pr.M-reii from me ./. r. -,'. 8. they that hiuidic the /. IK 18 the /. Dot prrish Ir. in pri.-f-t 44. M. not obi-yi-d, nor wi Ikrd iu i i in i 9. the { i> no more /.'*<*. 7. 2fi. /. perish limn priettt Dan. ri. 5 coiice-iiiii(f /. .il his > are gode? 12. 34 heard out of/, that Christ 18. 31. judge him Recording to / ID. 7. and by our /. ho ought to die ActtG. 13. iila-iphemoiis words agu. L 7. 53. have received L hy migeU 13. IS. reading of /. and prophets 39. not he justified r.y /. of Mi.ses IS. S. command to keep /. of Mimet 24. be circumcised and keep the /. 18. IS. he a question of / look to it lit. 3R /. itopen||2I.W. lealonnoft 81. Da thU man teat heth against 1 -'-'. 12. il.-vout man arconlinv to/. v:t. a tittest thou to judge after L 25. a nor airainst tin- /. of the Jews 28. :'.. perouading thi-mout of the i Rum. 2. 12. ginned in /. judged by t. la not hearers of the /. are jnt 14 Gentiles h.ive not /. do things rontaioed in / these having not I. are H /. unto theniselv.-M 17. called a Jew, and rest.-st in /. W. ha-t the lorni of truth in the/. 83. that makest tl y Imast ol the /. through breaking I he i. 3. 20. by deeds of L no flesh be Jim. tilied, for by the L is know, ledge of tin, _'- (."//. 2. 16. 21. righteous, of (v witnessed by L 27. by what / exclmleil ? hy i of 31. do we make tu-d th. LV 4 14. they which aie ..I /. hi- hi-irs 15 L worketh wrath, where no '. it 6. la until i sin was in world, but sin not impute.! where is no /. 20. L entered, i iftenci- might alxiuiid 7. I. speaX to them which know J. 2. woman I, HIM, I l.y /. to husliand 4. ye al-o become ilen.1 to the L 7. is I tin, I had not knowo tin but by /. nor I ml, except L Mild LAW Rom. 7. 8. without L sin was dead 12. the /. is holy, and command. 14. we know th. the L is spiritual 16. to the L that is good, ITim.l.H. 22. I delU-ht in the I. of God 23. I see another /. warring against the /. of my mind, to L of sin 25. with mind 1 serve I. of God 8. 2. the t. of life made me free 3. for what the L .'ould not do 4. righteousness jf the L fulfilled 7. carnal mind n.it subject to /. (}. 9. 31. Isr. followed /. of righteous. 10. 4. Christ is the end of the /. J3. 8. that loveth another, fulfilled I II). ove is the fulfilling of the /. Car 6. I. dare any of you go to /.? 6. brother goeth to ' wi. brother 7. 39. wife is hound by ch.' I. as long 15. 56. and strength of sin is thfc . Gal. 2. 16. not justified by works oft 19. I thro' the /. am dead to the /. 21. if righteousness mine hy the i \ 2. received ye Spirit by the /. ? 5. mira> les, d--eth he it by the /. ? 11. no man is justified hy the /. 12. and the /. is not of the faith 13. Ch. redeemed UN fr. curse of /. 19. wherefore then serveth the /. ? 21. is the /. against the promises ' righteousness had been by the /. 24. the I. was our schoolmaster >. 3. is a debtor to do the whole L 4. whosoever are justified by the /. 14. all the I. is fulfilled in one word 23. temperance, aga. such is no L . 2. and so fulfil the /. of Christ Eph. -2. 15. abolished in his fl.-sh /. Pful. 3. 6. touching righte. in the /. 9. mine own riglitefiu.*. of the I. \ Tim. 1. 7. to be te.ichers of the I 9. 1. is not msvle for righteous man Tit. a 9. avoid contentions about L Heb. 1. 5. take tithes according to /. '.2. made of necessity a change of I. 16. not after the / of a carnal 19. for the I. made nothing perfect 28. the /. maketh men high-priests 8. 4. offer gifts according to the /. 9. 22. all things are by the I. 10. 1. 1. liav. shadow of food things 28. he th:it despised Moseg' /. died Jam. 1. 25. who lookcth into perfect L 2. 8. fulfil the royal L ye do well 9. convinced off as transgressors 12. they that h.- judged hy the /. 4, II. that speaketh evil of the I. 1 John 3. 4. whosoever coinmitteth sin transaresseth also the I. See Bcxon. L A Wo/ the Lord. Eron. 13. 9. L.'t I. he in thy month 2 Kin. 10. 31. no heed to walk in 1. L. 2 Chr. 12. I. Rehob. forsook /. of I.. 31. 4. encouraged in the the L of L. Ezra 7. 10. his heart to seek I. of L. Pi. I. 2. delight is in the /. of the L. 19. 7. the /. of the L. is perfect 119. I. blessed they walk in/, of L. Itn. 5. 24. they cast away the I ofL. 30. 9. children not hear the /. nf L. .Jer. & 8. how gay. L nf T . is wi. us jtmmt'H they have rtest sedl./ifL. My LAW. Ev?i II!. 4. whether walk in my I. 1 Chr. 6. Ifi. children walk in mi/ I. Pt. 78 1. O ri.ypeo. to mi/ I. incline /'ro--. 3. I. my son, forget not my I. 4.2. forsake not >ntj !. || 7.^.knpp m>i I. Itn. 51. 7. p o. in w'hoxe heart is mil I. Jer. (i. 111. not hearkened unlo mil .'. 1 II forsaken me. nut kept n:i/ !. 3. 3:1. 1 will put mill, in their part; 44, 10 nor feared nor walked my I. LAW Ezek. 22. 26. priests have viol, my I Hot. 8. I. they trespassed aga. my I. 1-'. written to him things of my I. ThuLAW. .Yum. 5. 30. prirst shall execute t. L Deut. 1. a. Moses to declare i. L 17. 18. sh. write him a copy oft /. 23. 58. if thou wilt not observe t. I. 31 . 9. Mose , wrote t. L || 1 1. read t. I. 24. writing words of t. L in a book Thuit the LAW. Ere k. 43. 12. thit it l/ie i of the house Mat. 7. 12. thix is t/ie L and prophets Thy LAW. Deut. 33. 10. shall teach Israel t L AVA. 9 26. cast t. L behind th. backs 34. nor our princes kept thy I. Pt. 40. 8. yea, 1. 1. is within in v heart 94 li. teachest him out of thy I. Ilk 18. wondrous things art of t. L 29. and grant me /. I. graciously 34. and I shall keep thy I 44. soshall I keep t. L continually 51. yet have I not declined fr. /. /. 55. I remembered, and kept thv I. 61. but I have not forgotten thy I. 70. heart fat, but I delight in t. I 77. for t. I is my deliglit, 92. 174. 85. pits, which are not after L 97. I love t. I. || 109. not forget t. I. 1 13. 1. 1. I love, IGa !| I26.made void 136. because they keep not thy I. 142. t. L is truth || 150. far from t. I. 165. peace have they who love t. /. Jer. 32. 23. olieyed not, nor walk. 1 1. Dan. 9. 1 1. Isr. have transgressed 1. 1. Under the LAW. Rom. 6. 14. for ye are not render t. I. 15. sh. we sin bee. we are not u. I.? 1 Cor. 9. 20. as u. t /. that I might gain them that are u. t. I. 21. not without law to fi. it. 1. Ch. Gil. 3. 23. kept . /. || 4. 4. made . L 4. 5. sent Son to redeem them u. I. 5. 18. led hy Spirit, are not u. t. L Without LAW. 2 Chr. IS. 3. Israel hath heen w. I. Rom. 2. 12. as m*ny as sinned w. I. 3. 21. the righteousness nf G. w. I. 7.8. ;r /. sin was dead || 9. I was alive 1 Cor. 9. ?!. '/. /. hein? not r. /. to G. Written in the LAW. 1 A' in. 2 3. as it is n-ritts*in the I. of Mo.es, 2 Chr. 23. 18. | 25. 4. | 31 3 Ezra 3 .2. AVA. 10. 34,36. Dan. 9. 13. Lukel. 23. Dnn. 9. 11. oath is w. in I. of Moses l.uke 10. 26. what is irritten in the I. ? 24. 44. all must he fulfilled v. in t.l. Arts 24. 14. believing thinga '. in I. LA WS. Gen. 96. 5. Abraham kept my I. Efod. 16. 28. how long refuse my /.? 18. 16 make them know /. of God 20. teach them ordinances and t. JVA. 9. 13. thou gavest them true /. Esth. I. 19. among /. of the Persians 3. 8. their 1. are diverse fr. all peo. ni-ither keep they the king's/. ltd. 24. 5 they have transgressed L Dan. 7. 25. to change times and /. 9. 10. nor obeyed to walk in his L Heb. 8. 10. put my L into their mind 10. 16. will put my/, in their hearts LAWFUL. ha. 49. 54. sh. /. captive he delivered? Ezek. la 5. do that which is /. 21.27. | 33. 14, 19. [33. 16. 19. son hath done that which is /. Mat. 12. 2. do what is not /. Murk 2. 24 l.nke 6. 4. [2. 26. Luke 6. 4 4 WHS not /. fur him to eat, M.irk 10. i- it /. to heal on s:ihbth ? 12. Mark 3. 4. l.nke 6. 9. | 1*. 3. 273 LAY Mat. 14.4. not lawful for thee to hare her, .V/ar/t6. la I Mark 10. V. 19. 3. is it / man to put away wife? Ji.hti 5. 10. not /. to carry thy bed Is. 31. not I. to put man to death Acts !!l. 39 determined in i assembly a. 25. is it /. to scourge a Human? 1 Cor. a 12. all things i to me, 10.23. 2 Cor. 12. 4. not /. for man to utter LAWFULLY. I Tim. 1. 8. good, if a man use it i. i Tim. 2. 5 not crowned, excel t i LAWGIVER. Gen. 49. 10. /. from between his feet A'utn. 21. 18. diu'gfd by direct, of L Deut. 33 21. in'a portion of thei. PtttL 60. 7. Judah is my i 108. & Isa. 33. 22. L. is our I. and our king Jam. 4. 12. one /. who is able to save LAWLESS. 1 Tim. 1. 9. law is for /. disobedient LAWYER, s. Mat. 22. 35. a / asked him, Lu. 10.25. Luke 7. 30. 1. rejected counsel of G. 11. 46. woe to you /. 5^.|| I4.a Jesus L A Y , at tritti a woman. Gen. 19. 33. /. wi. her father, 34. 35. 30. 16. Jacob L wi. Leah tliat niylit 34. 2. Shechem /. with Dinah 35.52. Reuben /. with Bilhah Deut. 22. 22. man that /. wi. women 25. man that /. with her shall die. 29. man th. L wi. her give5>shek. 1 Sam. 2. 22. Eli's sons/, wi. women 2.Sum. 13.14. Amnon forced Ta. andt Ezek. 23. a in her youth L with l?r LAY. Ernd. 5. 8 tale of bricks ye shall L 16. 13. /. round about the host, 14. 22. v.i. neither shall thou /. on him Lev. 1. 7. /. the wood on the fir ft priests sh. /. parts in order, 12. A'um. 12. 11. L. /. not sin upon us Deut. 7. 16. 1. on them that hate thee 11. 25. /. fear -jf you upon all land 21. a /. not innocent blood to peo. Jiulj. 16. 3. Samson/, till midnight Ruth 3. 8. a woman /. at his fert .1 Sam. 3. 15. Samuel /. till morning 1 26. 5. Saul /. in the trench, 7. 2 Sam. 4. 5. who /. on bed at noon 12. 3. ewe-lamb /. in his bosom 16. l)av. /. all night on earth, 13.31. 1 Kin. 13. 31. /.my hones beside his 18. 2a /. it on wood and put no fire 2 ki'i. 4. 31. went and /. on the child 2 Chr. 36. 21. loner AS she I. desolate Extli. 4. 3. /. in sackcloth and ashes Job 29. 19. dew /. iill night on branch 34. 23. not /. on man more th. right P. 7. 5 /. mine honour in the dust 38. 12. seek my life, /. snares for me 84. 3. a nest, where she /. young EccL 7. 2. the living will /. it to heart /*. 21. I \viliV. itUfnhlliiK-bluctl brf.ire this people. Erek. 3. 2iX Ezek. 4. 1. take a tile and /. it before 4. /. iniquity of the hmn-e ! l.-ra4'l 25 14. /. veiiKeniice on i dom. I". 32. 5. will /. thy fle-h on mountain* 3. 29. I will /. no famine upon you .-. land .-h. be tilled, it /. desolate 37. 6. 1 will /. sim-s upou yi'tt N2 LAT 1. 14. A not n ui Inuo. Mood . 7 the idota will I A desoUte H^i V S. It re ill not / it to he.rt hf t 10 hath out where to A ' head, l.uArV in. M A see the plare here the L. A .War* t 4 I. I * I..-L lick of paNy A l.nJcr l! 41 th I th.-e wit) . Irto T . .. m t" their I i. ri A n yt u no greater burden ttem. XI A an> ti.imr to C, '. elect >. U. I A In Zni'ii atumblln* stoue irt. lev. one A by him lu-tore llrt> IS. I let u. /. aniUe ev. w.ight Jam. I. SI. A apart all ttltbtne** I P*. . C. I A u. Zi-ii a n.l. f corner L A'Y"*^"*' On. 19 33. Lot perceived not when ?*. II JcnhA*Moth. place to sleep \s. 14. S cuurbed. he A 1 a* a li.iu J*4t 5 S7 be A * at her feet AHC* .1 4. uitcm.-r hit fe. 1. 1 thee al 1 Sam la Yt Sa.il A * naked Jot 17. 1 t 4 now, put me in surety -. I witt A m< d. in pe.tr* 101 n. )ouiv U.MM A 4 in dens Ktrk. IH X. mother A 4 ama. lion* .1m,* S, H. A themselves rf. unclothe* >A 10, 15, A rf n.) life for sheep, 17. II I '. It Wa t mywlf. I have 131 37. A al my life for thy Mke.Ja IS 11 A d. hi* life for hi, Irieoda l& A d. our lire* fur bretb. GS) B. 14 A wrt thy k. om the lad 57. ft BO Mood, A no A. n Joteph ateat T 4. I may A tny A. on Kypt 7^r. 1 t /. A. ...i bed ,,f hli off. r. a 4 4. th. A A. on bullork 1 . head, li th A A. un th- in.offerinf . 3:1 Xuo. V7 IN. L. Mid. A k on J...hna y*m. 4 . i A .Hd^uly on no n>*ii I.AI .^.' f~ I It trn- of H- t them /. A. It* I 3. I MM^ht lo / A. on folly '**. r.r. and t A. on the pr'y y* \ ** , I 4. on hiw mid ipear C-T* 1C Hrr */. A. on neighbour War* 1 |. hi* fr.rnd. wrot I., t A. t they mjcht to i A. on Urn - .K. h..pePtWfor 01 l.A Y .. . 1C tt t f manna till mom t *f a pnt of manna K. h k.- 17 4 .h. them In "* h. ,d. ia heart * tke .halt t u f t ,,ld a* du.t 7. I / t^r 10. 4 wlae men { hm MA ft W i M-r f..r y. L ( ty 4TMMTM la brat LAI S Cor. It 14. rhildrcn not to A up I. A V irwit Errafi 31. dellr. fr such as t In IT. ft 71. ID. tint I ir. for my ">il /ror. I. II let us I ir. lor blood IM they A IT. for their own blood S4 IV A not ir. against righteous Jrr. 4. *& A if. a> he th selteth snare LAY intitr. l*t 4. fi. I will A :t r. it sh. not be Kirk. 35. 4. I will A thy cities ic. LAID. Cen. Si fi. wood, and i It on Isaac ai 41. Jacob A r.Ki. before cattle 18 14. and A it on Kphr.im's head Kjrod. 2 2. she A It on flag* by nrer Unit. SK H. Kyp. A on us bondage J<~h 7. S3. they A them before the L. Huth 4. I'i. and A it in her bosom. .' Sum. 18.17 A heap of stones on Vbs. I A i 'i 3. SO A it in her bosom, and A her dead child in my b"*oni II ' prophet A the care*-.- on as* 17. 19. and A bun on hi- own bed S A'lV 9. 2V L. A this burden on him 30. 7. they took and A it on the boil Job & 8. mv calamity A in balance;. IS. 10. snare i* A for him in ground 38. A. or who A the corner-stone ft. SI. 5. and majesty ha* A on him Ml. 4. out of the net they I. for me 40. 14. they are A in the itrave KL 9. to be A in the balance, vanity 79. I. they hare A Jerus. on heaps **. fi. hast A me in the lowest pit f. la I have A helpon one mighty lav 18. wi. fetters, he wa*A in iron 119. 3n. thy judg. have I A bef. me 110 have A a snare for me. 141. a 142. 3. have privily A a snare for me IM. 4S.S5.yetAitiiottoheart.A7.il. 47 ft. thou hast heavily A thy yoke 5.!. ft. L. A on him iniquity of us all Jrr. Ml S4. 1 hare A a snare for thee Exrk. 32.19 A wi. the uncircnmcied . 12. saying, they are A desolate '/>. 1 1. 1 and I A meat unto them 'riad. 7. they A a wmmd under thee Vic. V I. he bath A siege aain*t us Hi 1 : 2. 19. it is I. over with gold Hag. S' 15. fr. before a stone was A XrrA. i 9. behold the stone 1 have / Vo<. a 10. axe is A to root, A.U. 3.9. 27. fiO. he A It in his own new tomb W. 20. Lazarus wa A at hi-. ;.te 2a 53. wherein never man before was A John lit. 41. JoAn II. 34. where hre ye / him 2(1 2. know not where th. / him, la Icti 3. X they A at gate of temple 4. 37. A money at apostle*' feet, 5.1 9. 37. A her kl an upper chamber 13. 3A. David wa* A to his father* 25 7. I complaints rould not prove Cnr. a IA. iM-cen-ity in A upon me 2 TIM. 4. IA. he not /. t<> their charue SreKotNLATioM. LAID fl,,,rn. JoA. 9. a before they were A dmrn Sam. 1 2. Eli was A * In his place .1 and Samuel wa* A d. to sleep 1 Ham. 13. a Amnoa was A dntm Kin. 19. A. and A him lept, I awak. t.ukr 1ft S2. taking up tb I A n .t d. Art* 4. 3-V A them d. at potlefT feet 7 ML A d. their clothe* at a young * IA.4 for,.) i., t.d. th. n.ck* I JuA 3. 16. be / d hi> life lor u* 274 LAT LAID A AT.7orf 84. ! I. on tli- noble* A not 4 .' -t.nn 13. lit. I iiinar I. A. nil head f rf* S>. la A not A. on spoil, 15. IA. .'A ~A> 9. prin. es A A. on tli.-ir moiitL ft. 139. 5. ha-t /. tiiine A. upon me Kir. I. 17. he /. his r nht A. -ipon me LAID A./nrfj. [is. -/a. l.rv 9. 14. Aa. mid \\\H MILS < A. on, .Vu. 7. i3. ai:d M.wes / hi A on Ji.-l'iia, Dntl ,'M . O'-irf II nor /. A. '.n their *iih>taiic .>/(. 18 SH. A A. t.K.k him by thront Murk 6. 6. he A A. on H few si. k folk L'tkt 4. 40. A A. on ev. .me of them 13. 13 he A his A. on her. he was John 7. 30. but DO man A A. on l.iin, 44. | 8. SO. [5. 18. Artt 4 3. they A A. on tl.e iipostles, 6. 6. they A nandt on the deacons 13. 3. A A. on Paul and Barnabas la & when Paul A hi* A. on them LAIUJUM (Jen. 19. l& men A A. on Lot's hand I .Van. 15. '/7. Saul /. A. n Sam. ~k rt J CAr. 7. fi A A. mi otli.T K<.ds nnd .Wat 14. 3. Herod hud /. A. on John. Mark 6. 17. l.ultett. 26. they A A. on one Simon Rev. 20. i. he A Mtfl the drK"i I. A I U t/^. fren. 41.48. Joseph A ;> food in ritifs Exud. 16. 34. AH. A up pot of manna es A ^ rods bef. U I Sum. 10. 25. S 'in. A it up before L. vl. li>. Dav. A up woids in heart Erra 6. I. treasure* A i/p in Hal.yloa I'*. 31. 19. thou hast A tip for them Prnr 13. S2. wealth of sinners / up Catit 7. 13. fruits I ha. A up for tl.ee ha IS. 7. that A up shall they curry 23. 18. hire not treasured or A up 39. 6. which fathfrs A up he carried Luke 1. f>6. all A them -i;> in hearts 1-2. 19. thou hast much K.M|^ /. up Cut. 1. 5 hope which is A up for ym '2 Tim. 4. a In A up for me a ciown LAll> tmiV. JoA 31. 9. A tr. at neiiihi.oiir's door Lain. 4. 19. A tr. for u> in the wilder. Acti Sa 3. Jews A r. for him, SJ3. 30. LA I D iraile. Pi. 79. 7. th. A IT. his dw.-Hin?.plare /to. 15. 1. Kir / ir. || ia I. Tyr. i / , r . -3. 14. ye ship*, your utieimth A >r. .'fi. 18. kiii(,'s of As-y /. ir. imtioni 64. II. all pleasant things are :. ir. Jer. 4 7. thy cities shall b /..r. with, out an inhabitant, Emk. 6. & | 12. SO. | la 7. I . \->. Ezrk. X. S. sh. he r.-plen. now / r. Imra 7 9 aiinrtuaries of Ur. be Am .VuA. 3. 7. and *ay, Mi.eveli is A tr. LAIUB8T. Pi 6A II. / affliction on nnr loins I.uke 19.21. thou latest up th. thou A LAIN. lohn JO. 12. where lly of Jems A LAYF.ST. ETH. .VWm. II. II. A burden ..f peo. on me I Sum 2& 9. A a snare for my life F /' i -i\. In. (i. I. up his iniquity V4. 12. \et nKl A not fol.y to them 41. 26. sword of him that A nt him Pi. 10*. 3. A beams of his rhamlfru Prnr. 2. 7. A up wisdom for riuhteout .-fi 24 and A up deceit within Inra //. -'<; 5 the lofty city he A low 5fl. S. blessed i> the man thnt J. hold i7 I. and no man I it to h.'..rt Irr. 9. H. eA WMit|| IS. II. A to heart '.-'I, IS. I. K A luiindation of earth '.nke\1 i\. oo is thi.t / uptrea*U/ 15. 5. he A it oa his shuu.dcn LEA LAYING. ffum 3ft 20. l>y /. wait, th. he die, 22. J'tt. til. f. they commune of / sna.'es MarkT. 8. /. asid.- commandment Luke II. 54-. /. wait lor him. to catch acts 8 iS. /. on of apostles* hands <>. 24. /. wait was known of Saul 23 Iff kinsmen heardof their /. wait 2ft. :i /. wait in the way to kill him 1 Tim. 4 14 with /. on of the hands 6. 19. / up in store good foundation tleb. 6. I. not I. attain foundation 2. b:ipti-n>s and of /. on of hands f Pet. 2. 1. /. aside all malice., guile LEAD. Sreii 15. 10. sank as /. in the waters A"?r. 31. 22 /. that may abide fire Jcb 19 24. graven with iron and I. Jer. 6. 29. i. is consumed of the fire rek. 22. 18. L in midst of furnace 20. as they gather I. 1 gather you 27. 12. tin, and / Tarshish traded Zech. ft. 7. was lifted npii talent of/, a cast weight of / on mouth thereof L E A D. Gen. 33. U. will I. on softly as cattle j-. 13. 21. pillar of cloud to /. them 32. 34. /. the people to the place Deut. 32. 12. the L. alone did I. him Jurtg. 5. 12. /. thy captivity captive AVA. 9. 19. pillar o cloud to /. them Psnl 5. 8. /. me in thy righteousness 25A 1. in truth || 27. 11. /. in plain path 31. 3. for thy name's saki- I. me 43. 3. send light and truth, let th. /. 60. 9. who /. me into Edom ? 108. 10. 61. 2. 1. me to rock U higher than I 125. ft. /. them wi. workers of iniqui. 139. 10. there shall thine hand/, me 24 /. me in the way everlasting 143. 10. /. me to land of uprightness Prof. 8. 20. I. in way of righteousn. Cant, a >. I. thee to mother's house ha. 3. 12. that /. then cause to err II. a and a little child shall I. them 40. II. gently A those with young 42. 1C-. 1. th -in in patns not known 49. 10 h:ith mercy on them, I. them 57. 18. 1 will /. hiin, ana restore 63 14. so didst thoii /. thy people Jer. 31. 9. wi. supplications I /. them A'uA. 2. 7. her maids I. her, as with tint. i. 13. /. us not into temptation, Luke II. 4. 15. 14. if Wind /. blin. 8. 9. /. them out of Egypt Her. 7. 17. Lamb fe.'d and /.'them LEADER, S. I Chr. 12.27 Jehoiuda I. of Aaronites 1M. 1. David consulted with every /. i Chr. 32. 21. angel which cut off). Ixa. 9. 1(5. /. of people muse to orr ". 4. given him a /. to the people U it. 15. 14. i,e blind /. of the blind LEADKST. 1'iuil. 80. 1. /. Joseph like 8 flock LEADETH. ?. 17 he /. counsellors away he /. princes away spoiled 23. 2. he I me beside still waters he /. me in paths of righteousn. f'ror. Ifi. 25). /. him into way not good hn. 4. 17. am thy G. which /. thee Mut. 1. 13. wide is way/ todestrnc. 14. narrow is the way that / to life Jn'm 10 3. calleth sheep and /. them Ri m. 2. 4. good ol (i. /. tu repentance lira. 13. 10. /. xliaM go into captivity LEAK. (V>v 8. II. in hut mouth \vag olive/. LEA Lev. 1ft. 3R. sound of a haken /. Jnh 13. 25. break /. driven to and fro f I'sul. I. 3. his / aHso shall not wither Ix't. 1. 30. lie as oak whose /. fadeth 34. 4. host fall as /. || n Jesus' bosom Heb. 11. 21. Jacob /. on top of staff LEAP. Gen. 31. 12. rams which /. on cattle Lev. II. 21. have legs to /. withal Deut. 33. 22. Dan shall /. fr. Bashan Job 41. 19. sparks of fire /. out Psal. 68. 10. why /. ye, ye high hills /.ra. 35. 6. then s4iall the lame man /. Joel 2. 5. like chariots shall they /. Luke 6. 23. rejoice ve, and /. for joy LEAPED. Gen. 31. 10. rams which /. upon cattle 2 Sam. 82. 30. by my God, 1 /. over a wall, Psal. 18. 29. Luke 1. 41. bahp /. in her womb, 44. Arts 14. 10 and he /. and walked 9. 16. evil spirit was, /. on them LEAPING. 2 Sam. 6. 16. Michal saw David I. Cant 2. 8. behold he cometh /. Acts 3. & and he /. up and walked LEARN. Deut. 4. 10. may / to lear me, 14. ?3. 5. I. may /. and keep, and . 9. 9. should 1 /. my fatness 13. vine laid, should 1 /. my wine Ruth \. 16. eutreat te not tc / the* i Sum. 9. 5. fdthur i raring f< tM* LEA CMS. 14 7. not t hatband nume A..H 4. 4.-1 shall eat and / thereof U7. t.rs5U he t.rf the people Jtfrm 9. H. /. u> a remsuit t ecp 11 i it f..r i i .- ttio.-e I., childre Xe4. 6 3. ..rk cc.e h,l-t I L U 10. II. w* woul.l / the e.rnlli y. a Jll-a. 11. wilt /. laKuur t him f fiaL 14 li). Ihoq will not /. my so In hell, .wUnre to their bbe, 17. 9. my heli.. / me out, 119. I VI. 49. Ift they their wealth to olhcr 141 8 (i L not rn> ...., I dr.titut Pr*f. 8 13. i paths ol upru htiiesj mcrt. i IS L it in the man fl. r me In. 4. ruler moin.i tbee, /. nut place /M 10. 3 where will e i glory * 6* IV L y..ur name for a rurse Jre 'J.t\ m ht my people 14. U. called b) thy naine, L us not IT II f them in midtt of bis days 4K 89. / ritieii and dwell In rocks 4* 9 iHit L some g canto* grape* t 1 1. /. r hiidr en. (will preserve them iViri. If, 3I. thee nuked, tl . 14 he / hi. Mood upon him Jr1? li. and /. blewinir behind bin Jm.*\ 3. shall L ten to Israel 7. who B richte.Kjtne** Inearth Mai 4, I. neither r.M.t n>.r branch Mat. 5. 74 thy gift before the allai 15. IX. duth he nut the ninety an.: nine, l.ukr I.V 4 t\ n and not In other U' done l.mlcr 19. 44. not In thee one stne Jt*m 14. /7. my peace t with you Ml m I world and go to Father t /. me alone, yet I am not alone Arttt. T. we h,.iil,l the word I Car 7. 13 let her not / him //*. 11 5. I will never thee 7n77. or ir.V/7 LEAVE Mil ft / ,nH oft my heavin*M 10 I / iet'// complnint on myself fn*. H yet / in// / a remnant lit HV but / witt I. B few men tt 5. / ictff the* into wi denies* JtrpA. & I'l / will t in midst of thee / will Hat LEAVE. t Kim. 1 rt I will ../ / the*. 4 30, /A* It. IK / n / von comfortless I.KAVKD. /. 45. I. open him the two./ rate* I.K SVKI 11 * U W (.Hainan/ inheritance 1. weepj n ruin H h mi food Mat 4. II Ih n the devil I him 11 WEN. t***. It 15 ,way .even dsvs. 19 T eiU.-r /. s~e,, in thy quarters 34 T I** ..ff. r the Mood with 1 1 n.. meat offer. m de wL i H I* eal meat ..It-Mi,, without L *lird .rf heaven hi /.*e li 21 .. . I >wwr, ,,f / of kr , d ICW. k * Itttle / lea*nelh the h..ie iMmp. oi 5 ft T, T'lrre n-it therefore the ..Id i 1 keep the f..t, not with old L _, h " J-JT* II li who ealelh J hread, 16 * rrjr*^"' ' m " /. U XI till h..|,,a,f /.u. Ilil " 40 -'/\t9 . fr. S & l.i ., , um I.K \ ' I. n /. t.*turii| o*e of woman . I. L Utr prtnoplrt of C arUl LEF I Pet 2. 81. suffered, an example LEI). <'. 84. 87. heinif in way. Lord m 4& wh., hath me in right way Rjad. 3. I. Motes flck to l.ark i 13 17 / not thr.,' land of Phili -tine 18. O.K! /. them thro' wilderness 15. 1.1 in merry forth the peopl Itfut 8 2. Lxird thee forty years >. 5. you 40 years in wilderness I A'I'N. n. 4S.I them Kway raptive Ptal 78. 14. he them with a clou 53 he then) snf-l y,t hey feared no IO& 9. L them thro' depths as thro ilderne*., 136. 16 ha 6a 13 107. 7. he them hy the riirht l'> or. 4. 1 1. have thee ill right path /HI V. 1C. are of thr m are destroyed 4&8I. thirsted not when they them 55. li shall be fortb with peace fin. Iv. them hy the right hand Jer. 2, A Lord us thro' wilderness 17. when he thee by the way ft. li die in plae- whither th hi 83. & Lord which L house of Israe Lam. 3. 2. hath me into darkness Kirk 3ft. X8 to be into ri.p ivity .Imoti. 10. 40 years thro- wildern Vat. 4. I. Jes-n / of Spirit. /.*< 4. I'tkf 4. 20. Jesut to brow of hill Jl. -H. .hall be awav captive 84. 50. them out as far a> Bethany IrlM a 3-> as sh.-ep t slaughter Hum. a 14. as are by Spirit of dod Cnr. II 2. idols, eve:i as ye were / (i,il 5. 18 If ye be by the Spirit I Tim. 3. 6. away wi. divers lusts LRUIJEST. [ICAr. 11.8. Sam. 5. 8. he thit out Israel, VcA 9. 12. them by a cloudy pillar 'W 77. 80, thy people like a flock LBDOE& ^Tiii. 7. W. borders between the /. 3ft. and borders were the s m * 38. plates of jrrvd cherubimi LEEKS. Vum. II. 5. remember and ontons I.KES. 'to. 85. fi. feast of wine on the Jfr. 4a II. Mimh hath settled on his/ Zfph. I. 18. punish men settled on LEFT. C,r*. 89. 35. Judah. hearing, SO 9 W. U. rarment in hand, 13, 15, 18 41. 4R (fathered till he/ nnmhering 17 18. not enough but our bodies 50 a little ones / they in (iosl,,.,, Erod 8. 80 why have ye I he man ? 10. 12 herb, all that the hail 15. Ifl 0. >.ire / of it till morning *'. 15. nor sacrifice be /. till morning .". 8 10, wh ih is of ment off.. r 86. 39. are of you shall pin* away 43 the land also shall b* of them 'urn tfV 65. not / a man of them Jntfi 8. 17. Jwlg 4. Ifi. Hot 9. ls>! *tt 8. 34. none to remain J,ah 10. S3, 37. , 40. | ||. H, M. 14 4 87. ye shall be /. few in number 8M. 2. /. 24. 6. Jer. 48. 8.' It. M there is none shut up or * 8 17. th- v /. the city open 1 I.V he / n, .ti, in- undone of all a ye h*ve not your brethren r 8. 83. L. tbie nations. 3 I. M I. a was and hertwosons 5, 18. then she >,, akiinr lo her ' I host thy father and mother 4 Ij.rd not thee this dav torn, x 3H every ..n. / u, |,.;,,e .vhi.-h i. / e t it before thee , L ,' ' Hlhl ' r ' , Ifi. 21 17. 1;'. n, -t he /. so nun h us one I A'l'n, 0. 81. i-h.lrireii tl.Ht were i V Cfir. 8. a [-J A'in. *. a 14. 10. cut oft' him is shut up and H 1. a /. ernt th-reil 10. I only L Ift. have / me 70011 1| vO. lie /. oxer 8 A'l'n. 4. 44. did eat and /. thereof 7. 7. they / tents || 13. ull thut .ire /. & ft since the day ghe /. the land 10. II. till lie / him none remaii ing 14 '.r>. not any /. IP r any helper 17. 16. / coii.nKinilinents of Lord JA 4. remnant thut are /. Ita. 37. 4. 80. 17. nothing / saith the Lord 85. li i of the p,.or of the land JfT. 39. 10. | .Vi If, 8 CAr. II. 14. the Levites /. Mihnrhs SI. 17. there wns never a MMI/ him 84. 18. they /. the house of the Lori* 31. 10. liml en.. null, have/ plenty 32. 31. i.od / liim to try him 34. 81. inquire fur them /. in Israel VcA. 1.2 i-oncerning Jews wh. had /. a remnant /. in urent ulllii ti.'ii Jof> 80. 21. none of his im at he /. M. ill with him /. in bin tahi-rnac'e PiuL 106. II. was not one of th< m /. Proo. 2!i. 15. a child /. to himcelf '.. 1. 9. L. /. u remnant, Il<-m. 1>. 20. 4. a i in Zinn shall he culled holy II. 1 1',. the remnant that shall he it. -'4. 18. in the city is / de-olxtion 39. 6. nothing he /. aith the Lord Jer. li 7. I heritage || 31. 2. i sword 49. 8-V city of probe not I city of joy M). 86. let nothing of her be L Exek 14. -'.'. shall he I a retnuant 31. 18. cut him of] and have /. him >!>, 8 44. not be / to other people lug. 2. 3 who is /. UK* hou in glory ' Z,fch. 13. 8. third part he i therein Vat. 4. 20. I. nets || 88 /. their ships 15. 37. took up of meat that was L .W.I /-A :R 8. I Mark li 20. 22. 85. he /. his wife to his brother, 23. 38. your honxe is /. desolate 84. 8. there shall not be /. one stone upon another, Mark 13.2. l.u. 81. . 40. one shall he taken, (he other /. 41. LiOce 17. 34,:. 36. ft 44. Jesus /. them, and prayed I'irf, lu IS. L all and followed the* 29. no man that hath /. houso, I.vke 18. 88, . 18 82. seven had her, and /. no srrd .ukf 5. 88. /. all and followed him 1". 40. sister /. me to erve alone uhn 4. 52. seventh hour fever /. hin i-<> 2. 31. his Konl was not /. in hell 14. 17. he/, not without witness ,?! 32. they /. heating ol Paul Tim. 4. 8rt. I /. sick at Miletum Fit. I. ft. for thi* cause I L thee /-. 2. R. he /. nothinir th. is not p:it nile K. aiiL-eU /. th. own habitation irr. 8. 4. th. n hat L thy first love Sff ALONK. LEFT if en. 17. 88. /. e/Utkfty with him . IS. no more, they /. ij/rMieak. 36. 3. he hath i o/to le wi-e FT. 3a 27 /. -jfsp,.i,tiii L r with him 44 18. since we /. .Jfto l.iirn in.-ense lot. 4. 10. they /. <,ff\., take li, ed LBPTwrMr. Ctn. II. II. i; ini.l -i., oil to thei a X'f HANIV LEFT.HANOSD. ini/f. 3. I.V Beiijamite, a man iJt 80. 16. wrre 71X) clioMn uien i-A LEP LEFTpiZfor. I Kin. 7. 21. he set uu the /. pillar LEFI'wVfe. CAr. 23. 10. weapon fr. right to ?. s. zeA'. I Hi. face of au ox on the /. t. 4. 4. lie also mi thy t. . lay iniquity ZecA. 4. a olive tree upon L s. 11. LEG, S. Exod. 12. 9. roast \vi. fire head and /. 29. I", wash inwards and /. Ler.9.14. Leo. 4. II. his head, and his /. burn 8. 21. lie washed tin- inwards and I. II. 21. which have I. above th. feet Deut 28. 35. sh. smite thee in the i 1 San. 17. G. greaves of brass on /. P 147. 10. taketh no pleasure in L /V.r. 26. 7. /. of lame are not equal Cult. 5. 15. his / are as pil. of marble ita. a 20. L. take ornaments of /. 47. 2. make bare the uncov. thiuh Dan. 2. 33. his /. of iron, feet part of Amos 3. 12. out month of lion two /. John\9.3], besought /.might be hrok. 3'^. soldiers fame ami brake the /. 33. was dead, they brake not his/. LEISUHE. Mark 6. 31. they had no /. to eat LEND. Emd 22. 25. if tbou I. money to any Lev. 25. 37. not /. him thy victuals Deut. 15. 6. sh. I. to many nations 8. thou shall /. him sum. for need 23. 19. sh. not/, on usury to brother 20. to a stranger may L on usury 28. 12. /to many nations, not borrow 44. /. to thee, thou h. not /. to him I.u. 6. 31. it 1. them of whom ye hope to receive, sinners also/ sinners 35. love enemies, doirnod and /. 11. 5. say friend,/ me three loaves LENDER. Prov. 22. 7. borrower servant to /. lia. 24.2. as with /. so wi. borrower LENDETH. Pi. 37. 26. merciful, /. seed blessed 112. 5. Rood man shevveth far. and /. Prov. 19. 17. pity on the poor, /. toL. LENGTH. Dmit. 30. 20. and the I. of thy days Job 12. 12. in /. of days, understand. Ptal. 21. 4. even /. of days for ever Prov. 3. 2. for /. of days sh. they add Ifi. /. of days is in her right hand F.pk. a 18. eompre. /. of love of Ch. Rev. 21. 16. the /. :is large as breadth At LENGTH. Prov. 29. 21. him become his son at 1. Rom. 1. 10. ut I. I may have journey LENGTHEN, ED. Deut. 25. 15. that thy days may be/. I Kin. 3. 14. then will I /. thy days ha. 54. 2. /. thy cord", streng. stakes LENGTHENING. Dan. 4 27. be a /. of thy tranquillity LENT. Erod. 12. 36. /. them as they required 1 Sum. 1. 28. I /. him to the Lord 2. -20. the loan which is /. to the L. Jer*. 15. 10. I have not i on usury LENT1LES. Gen. 25. 34. Jacob pave Esau of /. 2 Sam. 23. 11. piece of ground fjll /. Sen Ri A.NS. LEOPARD, a Cant 4. 8. fr. the mountains of the /. ha 1 1. 6. /. shall down with the kid Jet 5. 6. .'. sh. watch over th. cities 13 2.1 ran the /. change his spots? r>(tn 7. 6. and lo, another like a /. Hnt. 13. 7. 1 will be to them as a /. Hub I. 8. their homes swifter than /. Hev 13. 2. tin 1 be;i*l vas like to a /. LLPER. lev. 13. 15. / in \vhcm the plague is LET Ler. 14. 3. if leprosy be healed in /. 22. 4. the seed of Aaron is a / .VMI/I. 5. 'i. put out of camp every /. 2 Sam. a 29. of Joab, one that is a /. 2 A'irt. 5. 1. Naaman wan a I. 11. strike his hand, and recover /. 27. went from his presence ,i /. 15. 5. Azariah was a /. to his death 2 Chr. 26.21. Uzziahthekingwasa/. 2a for they said, he is a /. Mat 8. 2. and behold, there came a /. Mai'k 1. 40. [>/ar/t 14. 3. 20. a In the house of Simon the /. LEI'ERS. 2 Kin. 7. 8. /. came to uttermost part Mat. 10. 8. cleanse /. raue the dead II 5. the /. are cleansed, Luke 7. 22. Luke 4. 27. many /. were in Israel 17. 12. met him ten men th. were / LEPROSY. Leu. 13. 2. in skin like plague of/. 3. it is a plague of /. 8. II, 15, 25, 27, 30, 42, 49. 12. if a /. break out in the skin 4.3. if the /. covered his flesh 59. this is the law of the plague of /. 14. 5V 5\ 57. 14. 3. if the plague of /. be healed 7. sprinkle him tube cleansed tr. /. Deut. 24. 8. take heed in plague of/. 2 A'lVt. 5. 6. recover him of his I. 27. / of Naaman cleave unto thee 2 Chr. 26. 19. /. r,,se in his forehead Mat. 8. 3. his /. was cleansed, Mark 1. 42. Luke 5. 13. Luke 5. 12. man full of/, sought him See FUETIING. LEPROUS. Erod. 4. 6. his hand was /. as snow Lev. 1.3. 44. he is a /. man, unclean Num. 12. 10. Miriam became /. 2 Kin. 7. a four /. men at the gate 2 Chr. 26. 20. and Uzziah was /. LESS. Erod 30. 15. poor not/, th. half shek. Num. 22. 18. beyond word of L. do/. Murk 4. 31. when it is sown it is /. 15. 40. Mary mother of James the /. ICar. 12. 15. more 1 love, /. am loved F.ph. 3. 8. who am /. than the least Heb. 7. 7. the /. is blessed of better LESSER. Gen. 1. la I light to rule the night hit. 1. 25. for treading of/, cattle LE r. Gen. 49. 21. Naphtali a hind /. loose Exod. 3. 19. king of Egypt will not I you go, 4. 21. | 7. 14. i 8. 32. | 9. 7, 17,30. | 10.20,27. | 11.10. 5. 1. /. my people go. 7. Ifi. I a I. 20. | 9. I, 13. | 10. 3. [9. 2R | la 7. a 28. Pharaoh said, I will /. you go, la 27. Moses / father-in-law depart 21. 26. sh. /. him go free for eye 27. Deut. 15. 12. thou sh. L him go' free la sh. not /. him go away empty 2 Sum. 11. 12. to-mor. /. thee depart 1 Kin. 18. 40. L none of them esc.ipe ./''* a 9. he would /. loose his hand 27. 6. righteous. I will not /. it go Pn. 69. 6. /. not those be ashamed 109. A. /. Satan stand at right hand Cant. 3. 4. and would not/, him go 8. 1 1. he /. out vineyard to keepers lia. 43. 13. work, and who sh. /. it ? Ji'r 27. II. those will 1 /. remain Mat. 21. 33. a householder planted a vineyard and /. it out to hns. handmen, Mark 12. 1. I.u. 20.!. Luke 22. 68. i. II. large a /. 1 have written 2 T/ies. 2. 2. be not shaken by /. Heb. 13. 22. 1 have written /. to you LETTERS. 1 Kin. 21. 8 Jezebei wrote I 9. 2 Kin. 10. 1. Jehu wrote/, and sent 20. 12. king of Babylon sent /. to 2 Chr. 30. l.'Heze. wrote/, to Ephra. a posts went with." from king 32. 17. wrote I to rail on God of Is. A'eA. 2. 7. .. be given to governors 6. 17. sent /. to Tobiah, and /. came Eith. 1. 22. Ahasuerus sent I. a la the L were sent by post, 8. 10. 9. 20. Mordecai sent /. to Jews, 30. Jer. 29. 25. thou hast /. in thy name Luke 2a 33. written in /. of Hebrew John 7. 15. how knoweth this man Acts 9. 2. and desired/, to Damascus 15. 2a the apostles wrote /. 22. 5. from whom also I received 28. 21. neither receiv. /. out Jiulea 1 Cor. 16. a sh. approve by your i 2 Cor. a 1. nor need we /. o/ritmnv 10. 9. as if 1 would terrify you by JL 10. his /. are weighty ami powerful 11. in word, by /when absent LETTEST. Job 15. 13 /. such words out mouth 41. 1. with a cord thou /. down ? Lute 2. 29. L. tthnu thy serv. depart LETTETH. 2 Kin. 10. 24. he that /. him go Prim. 17. 14. as when one /. water 2 Then. 2. 7. only he that now . LEVIATHAN. Job 41. 1. canst thou draw out 1 Pn. 74. 14. break est the heads of I 104. 26. is that /. thou hast made ltd. 27. 1. shall punish /. even L l.KVITE. Erod. 4. 14. Aaron the/, thy brothrrf Deut. 12. 12. reioice before the / IS | la II, II. i W. II, 13. Judg. 17. 7. a voting man /. !. 10 thy victuals, so the I. went In 12. Micah consecrated the /. 13. seeing I have a /. to rny priest IS. 3. they knew the voice 'of the /. 19 l.th. was a certain /. s.journinj 2 Chr. 20. 14. Jahariel the 1. came 31. 12. Cononiali tlif I. ov.r thins?* 14. Kore the /. over free-will off LMP '.'.. 31. likewise a I ramr 4'U 4. Si rUrn ii.it. a L ha* in* land KrmL 39 l. lom.ted for rrirr of / Lcr. 24 Ji nti.- oi d m^y / re.tern Kam. I SO h i-p..|"t L or-- tab, M Ik- ' >. . tike It down M. I'.' f *h |n|.-ii round ..feint 3. i ...11 .S gi.ef nut.. A. run I < I h .rr taken the /. tbr /. mine 41 lak- the t lor mr. 40 7. V IHiMi .a. give wagg.oM unto .ke thr / fr l-r aud rt-aa-r r..n aa. -ft L brfof r th^ I. 1- -. ihe /. t.i o<> terrier, *3 I T.lne. I h-e giren to Hie / Si. S. tke (ireuntn thr / . /M*. 14 1 lot; lM-gareiH.nr mheri IT). 3. lr re l*i f ritlri |.> L H 41. nttr. ullbr / were lor ty-eitfh I v.-i * I L to.k down ark f L I It*, li IV Huldren nf I hare ark ' < belped ibe L thai he/e ark I I r i. I* t wh. were aim- 19. 1 1. a- t e t .h .li hr "ffi, rr. tl k. / (ball ernipaw tar king, 7. & S. ye t >n. nft y0. t th. are k - .me hear miq 411 II. irrnt not -try wh. L Wrnt ZV>rf I? 9. rn>e ton. . andjndir ./* 1 1 MH-/I a. t hraringthrark I Ait. &!.>..{. brought rk nf L I rtr 4 /< / .hi.ll be porter. .U. ^ . i wnr more nprirht *' l\ ^ .f V I vrrr ih imed II 1 W*. pmUrf Ibr Lrd f>. f. *** L hir-i-d thr prnplr 31 H. Hrj. k q.iratinnr4 w. p * L 1\ %. pTlncei vr to t lir j. rt// i / rni r. II. IS br WTHght t w. ....... II y; ; MH tbe f .4 thy nkor-dom i" ' ' 'Ht >nmln B fl rmi int. the f .,1 t- . 17 -111 I make thy I to emur. 4H ' "i ' / and u h..-.-4.M brarllMt, aba Uy I LIE Eittc. 1\ 4!) h rfnimprne your 5-1 13. in thy fllthm.-- i- I. H,a J. 10 no* ft I I di-r..vrrher/ i^-t- mnrd'T, th-v rominlt / Actt la 14. a mutter ..f wrong r I 1.1 A K, irr I.Y A It. I.IIU K \l.. I.Y. Drut. IS. 14. th...i.h..ltf.nni-h him/. /ror II. !' I -.011 -h. be made tat /M 3f. S. the il^ h not IH-^UIHI , A the i deVUeth /. tlllngf YOr. H 13. for your / dirtrlhutinn Jam I. S O. Wi iriveth all men t LIBEKAI.ITY. I Cr. IB. a bring your /. to Jerua. f Cur. & < to the rirhes of thej t LIHKHI INKS. Act* & 9. railed -viia*..* ue of the i I.IBKKJ Y. Ltv. 2S. Itt pri laim /. thro' the land Pi 119. 4V -.nd I w II walk at L /M. fit. I. prm Ulm /. to the raptle Jrr. 31. & a rorrnant to prix-JHim i IS. don- right, in pr.-uiiiiinir L 17. not h -arkeneiitomr urorlnim kng / I prorl .tin a /. fur yo. Krrk 4rl 17 be h>t to the year oft l.nkr 4. IA srt at /. them h'rui-ed Action. 23. keep Pant, let him har' i 2x 3.'. nan might been - t at I. fi. a garr i t-i go to hi- friends /{it N. 21. from hondairr into L I Cor. 7. 39. ibr l ' t to marry 8. H. take heed le-t tin- / of >onr- 10. M. why i-myi J'idg. nf another * Cor. 3 17. Spi. of I. i, there i '. liaL t. 4. rame pririly, to py our i. S. I. stand fast In the /. whrrewitu la yr ha\e hern ra led to t IM. fa*3. hrtt,ei rim'ithysrtat/: l-im I. 25 vhoo|...ki-thtol,woi & la thr dost hrrame / Him' all Kjrvpt, 17, Is "i. 105. 31. rame/. In Mil their roasts LICENCE frf2l.4ft. when he had frlrrnPanl L 24. l& till ari-UM-d hare /. to answer I.ICK. Vf/m. n 4. thi- rompanv /. up all I A'in. 21. 19. -hall dog- 'I. thy hlimd I'l 7 '. B. hi- men ie .h / thr ,in-t /a 49. t up 'he dn-t of thy feet .Vic. 7. 17. sh. /. dust like a serpent LICKKIi, KTH. Vum. n. 4. i up all, as ox / fmu AVu. IR 38. i up water in trenrh 21 1% d"it / the hi. od i.f Naboth K. 28 tbr dors tup hi- hl.KMl Ltikr 10. ill. dog. ramr and L sorrl I. II) * Kin. 1 2. ft and horrd a holr In the L LIE iritA. In. 19. 32. and we will / trr'* him n. IS. br shall lie in t .re to niirht SB. 7. ske said, rotne (. irttH mr, 12. tSam. 1.1 II. f j^t 2t !. If a man /. .rt'M a maid LM IV la with whom man .hall i V if any man i in/A hrr at all IS . nott rarnaliy '". ! ighb-.ur's hH!t not / riU mankind 81 Dfiiher >h thou i irt a hrat 9) 12 if a man t m. daugl. .In. law II if a man l-o L n'M mankind IS and If a man L wifA a hraat IH if in.ui /. ,n woman hav. sick, vww. S 13. if man L 'nV> lrr DMS! ri. r.1 man find hrr, an.t /. tr. *S. man foree h^r. and /. triU, her -^.30 bctrulh a wife; and another /. 27R LIE J 9(?m. 11. II. fot4ii . my wife f Kinl I. 13. >h L ail.mghl Ortwisl I.IK. Gen. 47. :. I will A wi. my fathers r.r.W VTI II. let the ground /. , t i|| lirnt. W. Vlt. rurv-i In h.Mik 1. on lii* Jtui,f. hi. VII. all thy WHnta / on me /|IM|| t I AIM. I. a. 1. 1 her / in tliy ho,.in /'< IS7. 4. I < anionir them on lire N& A. likr (lain thut /. in thr )ir*Tf trri 4. 1 1. two /. together huve heal hi \:i 21. tvilil lien-t<< -hail /. thera 14. la kinits of nation* /. in vlory SI. -.11. thy on / .il h'-nd of -tr-rti I. HIM. 2. -'I yoiiiijr nd old i. ir Hind Kxek. ' 4. /. also upon thy .eft tide a /. again mi thy riirlii -ule 9. thou -h. /. mi thy tle :fi) day* 31. la L in mid-it f 'nm irr-unrised 32. '.'I. they i iliicir.-nincis.-d, ). --7. they nil. n..t/. with ihe mitrhtf 34. 14. Rhull they /. in a uh. I ri-r II. 10. / d. none make th.-e Hlr^id 14. !. i-o man /. d. a. d n-rth not JO. 1 1. sh. L d. wi. him in the dust vl. 2fi they ii. /. rf nlike m du-t V7. 19. the rich man oh. /. doirn Pi 2i i me t d. in ftrren pastures /'ror. .1 24. L rf. thy -lrep he swrrt ^3. 34 tli.it /. d. in the imdt of sea m. 14 3" i. they iih. / down in safety 17. >. he for n.x-k whirh -hall / i 27. 10. Bhall the ralf 'erd Mini /. >->it I!). 1 1. hate nriuhhour, and / ir. '<**. 8. 4. sh. / iw ir MUiinist Ilieritjr Jiulg U. rti /. in IT. in the field 21. 211. /. in tr. in the ineynrds I Sam. _'.'. H. niv nrrv. !i: /.'in ir. 13. /'. 10. 9. lie /. m >e. .r.-r.-lly s H lion >. a fir In. they /. in .r. lor my -mil Prof. 7. li. he /. in tr .it er. rornei li 6. word* of wirked are to /. in ir 23 5S. stir aln /. ir ( ir. a for a (;,r. none shall pA Hag. I. 4. Htid thi- hon-e i mute I. IKS', or I.AIS. Cm. Sfi. in. have i w.th thy wife a t\ II. de-trov w.nnan that I X 1.1 now should I have /. -ti,l Pi. 6R la ve have /. among the pot! I.IKRS m.r,/if. Jnth. 8. 14. wi-t not there wrre t Jtidg 9 2S. men i.t Shei-h -t / m. 16. 12, i in w. abiding in chamber LW . 20 35. the 1. iu w. came fortn 57. the * in u>. hasted and rushed LIEST. Gen. 28. 1 the land whereon thcvu /. Deut. 6. 1 when thmi I. down, II.I9. Josh. 7. 11. wherefore /. on thy face? Proo. 3. 21. L down sh. not be afraid LIETH. Gen. 4. 7. not well, sin /. at the door 49. 25. blessings nf deepth. I. under Lev. 14. 47. that i in house sh. \vasli 15. 4. hed whereon he /. is unclean 20. tiling she /. nn is unclean, 26. 24. lied whereon he {. be uuel. 33. Judg. 16. 5. 8ee where his strength / Jolt 40. 21. he /. uii'ler the shady tree Ps. 41. R he I. he shall rise no more 88. 7. thy wrath I hard nn me JtfjrAfi.23. daiiL'h. /. at point of death Jtom. 12. 18. as much as A in you 1 John 5. 19. world /. in wickedness LIETH, as \vilh a woman. Erod. 22. 19. whoso L with heast it. 19. 20. /. carnally wt. bond.maid 20. 11. man I with his father's wife 13. with mankind as /. wi. woman Deut. 27. 20. tliHt I. with father's wife 21. I heast |[ 22. sister || 23. mother J/i'c. 7. 5. thy m.Hith from her th. i LIEUTENANT, S. Ezra 8. 36. king 's commissions to I. E*th. .'I. 12. Ha. Vommaiidi-d kind's /. 8. 9. Mordecai had commanded to/. 9. 3. rulers and I helped the Jews LIFE. Gen. 1. 20. moving creature hath /. 2. 7. God breathed th" breath of /. 9. tree of /. in the garden, 3. 22. 3. 24. keep the way of the tree of /. 6. 17. destroy all wherein is I. 7. 22. 9. 4. flesh with tne /. shall ye not eat, Lev. 17. 14 5. of man will 1 rqnirf I. of man 18. 10. return word, to time of I 42. 15. by the I of Pharaoh, 16. [14. 4i. ft O. did send me to preserve /. 47. 9. n.,t at.taiiied f" the years of I. F..n,d. 21. 23. give /. for /. Deut. 19 21. Ler 17. 1 1. /. of flesh is in th. blood IH. 18. besides the other in I. time Dent. 12. 2:i. blood is the/, not eat /. 20. IS), tree of the field is man's I. 24. fi. taketh a man's 1. ti< pledire 30. 15. see, 1 have set before thee, thi- .lay, I. 19. Jer. 21. 8. 32. 47. not Tain thinir, her. your /. Jnxh. 2.14. answered, "iir I. for your* 1 Sum. 25.29. bound up in bundle of /. t S' wi. 15. 21. whether in death or/. 1 JKin. 3. II. not asked for thyself long / 2 Chrnn. I. II. 2 Kin. 4. 16. time of /. embrace. 17. Ezra 6. 10. may pray for /. of king J-'.M. s. II. the Jews to stand for /. Jul, 3. 20. why /. given to hitter soul? 10. 12. thoii hast irrupted me /. 24. 22. he riseth. r.o man sure of/. 33. 4. breath of Alirig. (fiven me /. 36. 6. he preservetb not /. of wicked 14. their /. is among the unclean PxK.1. 16. li. wilt shew me path of /. 21. 4. asked /. of tliee, thou gavest 30. f>. in his favour is /. 34. 12. wh. man is he th. desireth /. ? 36. 9. with thee is the fountain of /. 61. 6. thou will prolong the king's /. 63. 3. loving-kindness is better th. / fl. 9. bios O. wholieldeth soul in /. 78 5/t. gave their /.over to pestilence 91. IH. wi. l..ng /. wil. I satisfy him 133. 3. blessing, even / for ever Fror. I. H*. \vhi.-h takcth way /. 2. 19. take they hold of paths of/. X 2. long / aid P.-IU-C sh. they add LIP Ptve. 3. 18. she is a tree of j. to them 22. so shall they be /. to thy soul 4. 22. are /. to those that find them 23. out of heart are the issues ol /. 5. 6. lest thou ponder the path of/. 6. 23. reproofs are the way of /. 8. 35. whoso findeth me tiiideth /. 10. II. mouth of rig hte. is well of /. 11. 30. fruit of riglite. is a tree of /. 12. 10. righteous regard /. of heast 28. in way of righteousnes is L 13. 8. ransom of man's /. are riches 12. desire cometh, it is a tree of /. 14. law of wine is a fountain of /. 14. 27. fear of L. is a fountain of/. 30. a sound heart is the /. of flesh 15. 4. whole-ome tongue is tree of/. 24. way of /. is above to the wise 31. hea'reth leproofof /. abideth 1". I.*), in king's countenance is /. 18. 21. death /. in power of tongue 21. 21. followeth mercy, findeth /. 22. 4 by humi'ity are riches and /. Keel. 7. 12. wisdom giyeth/. to them ha. 38. 1. in all these things is the/. 20. sing songs all the d,.ys of our /. 57 10. hast found the /. of thy hand j'er.S 3. death he chosen rather th. /. 21. X. I set before you the wavof /. Lam. 2. 19 lift up thy hands for /. Kzek. 13. 22. not return by prnmis. /. 33. 15. wiikcd walk in statutes of/. Juniih I. 14. not perish for man's /. Mill. 2. 5 covenant with him of /. Mat. >. 2H. dead h. sought child's/. 6. 25. take no thought for your /. Luke\-i. 22. [MarkS. 43. 18. 8. enter into /. halt or maimed, 9. better to enter into /. with one eye, Mark 9. 45. 19. 17. if wilt enter into /. keep com. \lark3. 4. is it lawful to save /. or to kill ? Luke 6. 9. Luke 1. 75. holiness all days of our I. 12. !5. /. consisteth not in abuud. 23. /. more than meat, the body In. I. 4. in him was/, and/, was light 3. 3fi. helieveth not Son, not gee /. 5. 26. HS Father hath /. in himself, so hath he givni to the Son /. 29. done good, to resurrection of /. 40. will riot come tome that might have /. 10. 10. [bread of/. 4X 6. 33. gi\eth/. unto world || 35. I am 51. which 1 will give for the /. S3. his blond, ye have no /. in you 63. the words 1 speak to you, lire /. 8. 12. but shall have the ik'lit of /. II. 25. 1 am the re-urrection and /. 20.31. belicv. ye might have /. [14.6. Aits 2. 28 known to me ways of/. 17. 2ft. seeing he giveth to all /. '2~. 22. sh. he no loss of any man's/. Rom 5. 17. shall reign in /. by one 18. on all men to justification of /. 6 4 wesh.i. waU in newness of/. 8. 2 the ^pirit of /. in Christ Jesus 6. to he piritu>illy minded is /. 10. Spirit i-/. bee. of righteousness II. 15. what he, but / from the dead 1 Cor. 'I. 22 cr / in de:.th, all yours 14. 7. things without /. giving sound 2 Cor. I. 8. we despaired even of/. 2. 16. to the other the savour of /. 3. 6 letter killeth, Spirit giv. th I. 4. 10. /. of Jesus he manifested 12. death worketh in us, /. in you 6. 4. mortality swallowed up of'/. (iitl. 2. '.'0. /. wh. 1 now live in the fl. 3 21. which could have given /. F.i>h. 4 18 alienated fr. the /. of O. I'hil. I. vO. whether by /. or death 2. 16. holding forth word of t Col. 3. 3. your /is hid wi. Cli. in G. 279 LIP Col. 3. 4. when Ch. rf. 21. 30. give for ransom of A. /. Judir.9 17. my fai her advent ur. A. /. Ifi. 30. more than h. he slew in h. I. I Sum. 19. 5. put A. /. in his hand 1 Kin. 20. 39. thy life be for Mi I. 42. 2 Kin. 10. 24 his 1. be f.r life of him Job 2.4. man hath will he give for A./. 6. he is in thy hand, hut save A. /. 33. 18. and his /. trnm perishing 20. A./.ahhorreth ||J2. A./, to destro. 28. and his I. shall see tlie light Prov. 7. 23. knoweth not for it is A. /. 13. 3. keepeth mouth, keepeth A. /. Eccl. 7.15. wicked man prolong. A./. Lilt. 15. 4. A. /. sh. he grievous to him JKT. 21. 9. A. /. to him for prey, 38.2. Kxek. 3 18. to warn, to save 'his /. 7. 13. nor strengthen in iniq. of A /. 32. 10. trembl.-, every man for hisL Mat. 10. 39. ho that findeth A. /. sli,,l| lose it he that lo-eth A. /. sh. find it, 16 25. MttrkS. :i5. Luke 9. 24. | 17. 33. John 12. SA. 20. 28. to give his /. a rans< m for many, Mark 10. 4o. Luke 14. 26. and hate not A. own /. John 10. II. good Shepherd ?iv. A /. 15. 13. man lay down A. /. for friends Acts 8. 33. A. /. is taken fr. th* earth VO. 10. yourselves, his I is in him Rnm. 5. 10. we sh. be saved by his I. i'hil. 2. 30. pot regarding Aw UoAnS. 16. love (, he laid doW See i'AVs. A/V I.IKE. Gen. 19. 19. mercy in saving my I. 27. 4fi. I am weary of mn I. 32 30. seen f. and tut/ I. is preserved 48. IS. God Which fed me a'l n, I. Judg. 12. 3. I put JHI/ I. in my h.VmU 1 Sum. 18. 18. what is // /. or fa. 's? 20. I. that he seeketh iit'i I. 't 22. 23. th. seekeih >n>/ 1. seeketh thy 2S. 9. Invest- thou a snare for my 1.1 21. I put nn/ I. in my hand 2 .Vm. I. 9. ii'iif I i- vet whole in mo 16. 11. my son sceketh m;/ /. 1 Kin. 19. 4. now, take nwav m /. 2 A'l'n. 1. 13. let mil 1. h,' preciin,-, It F.nth. 7. 3. let my I. he given me Jnb fi. II. that Isho. prolong inn I. 7. 7. O retiember iv I is hut wind 16. eoui chooM-ih il-th thHU my L LIF /r* *V i yet 1 would d*.pW Htjr t la I. my otl i* wrry <>( my A 14. da 2 p.it m / in my hand f I in rnrlh ill mn I S (rend* Ci 6. merry l> ><> ! . 9. M i iU khxxly me* thr L.*d i .irriuth l /. 4. U h.i~- of L. H J\ t,f my /I M. la m /. i. .prot M itk irrirf Hi lit. M^-k lt.-r my /. !% 4*. ft. prayer l.i n,. (...) of my i M I. prrrrvr mv I. from eurmy m. 3. in i I dr.etl. niirli t I 13- 37. Uy down my A for thy *ak M. nr i .Hint 1 MV i dear r*u LIFE. ft 17. U mrn li. portion in t L ftt & It i. d ii m*n in t t Arti L . .peak all w>.id* of Mi< t 1 Cr. fl. 3 thiii(.th*t prrtain Int. L 4. of thin*. prruiiin.g t" Mu i IV 10 if in t /. only He hr hope 1 J.4* 4. II. and t L w in hi* Sou T* LIFE. Gen. 19. IT. rr:.pf> for Oyt, look not Kzvl I. 19. m. .l.-ail v-|i (ought ( X)M& A 6A / L ohall IMII in doubt Jvlg. IS r>. m.d thou I.MT My I. KttJt 4. I \ be -h. be a reitnrer of t t I .bat. 19. 1 1. vr not / I to-night *l H4. a* My I. n much t hy t Sam. 4 & head f no-my -.ught t L I AIM I. IV thou mayrit save My L 10 SI. peradventure he wil|ave<. L W. demising. /. / for hi* life, 42. ^. |iX L reorvmrth t L fr. drutrur. /rne. 4. 10. y. r of t. L many. 9. II. U keep her, f.ir ihr U My L 9. II. yean of My I. be Inrreaird /M. 4.1 I will t give people for t. L Jrr. 4. 3X loer, they will teek t L II. XI. of the men that aerk My L . 2-V | 3H. Id 9. II 1 1 for a prey to the*. 45. i /.. HI. . in 1 1. reo-lv good thine* J-U II m lair down 1. i for my sake r LIFE. f JCi. H. I. aon hr restored ta L i. fro*. 10. IB of righteu tendrth to L I IV riicht...i.r,, trnrteth fo t Ift a few of L-.rd trndrth fo i W< 7. 14. Mrrow way leadeth to I JU*M *. S4. but > pa.>*rd from death f t I J../.I. X 14. JTm 7. la command ordained to L LIFT. 17 the ark waa I op adore i up thr lad. and hold him i. Plur. ih. t up thiur head. 10 il > -nil i I . t iiphKronntrnanre J\L "* fc'"lf a a youim l,,. n OnrfL T7. i aoi i up n iron tool a kc I up bU spear rm.t SOD, t A'.a ft Jl I up fare to window 1. 4. A up thy pryrr for the rrm. trra 9. A. I Mn.d t / up my fare -W 111 II yrt will I not / up h*ad thnn A up thy f.irr. . ML nil f 1 up .iht LIF Pi. 7. . In thlnr anirrr, /. up thyself 14. 7. L up your h-a.K y (otr. 9. y5.l.toth.-eUmyoul.ftl4. | 143.*. rt t hear roic* when I /. up liMiidf 9. feed them and i tlirin upi..r rirr 41. hath L up his hwl uttniii.t me, J,,hn i:i. is 74. 3. i np fe*t to perpetual t nation, Mie. 4. 3. 10. IV M if stafl should L up itael/ M. (hall i up taff a^ain.t thee 15. 2. L up bannrr upon mountain S3. 10. now will I L up my*elf ML 19. Lord thall L up a standard (&. la L up standard for the people Jrr. 7. 1C nor L prayer forth. II. 14. 41. 14. L up a >hout afraint thee l.am. 3. 41. let us L up our hearts Eirk. 8. a Spirit I. me up, 1 1. I. M. H. shall i up buckler nga. thee ZrrA. I. VI. no man did L up head Vut li. 1 1. will hr not / out on Sah ? Mark I. 31. look by hand, and /. her l.ukt 13 II. in no HIM- /. up h.-r^rlf t\. -f< 1. up heads, your reil. inption Jam. 4. 10. and he shall L you up Sre ETKS. LIFT hand or hands. Cm. 14. W. I hare i up mine A. to L. lievt. 32. 40. 1 t up my A. and say Ptai 10. li t up thine A. forget not sftJ. i. L up my hand* toward oracle 63. 4. 1 i up my Aand< in thv name 119. 48. my A. I / up torommand. 134. 2. L up handi in the sanrtiiary /o. 49. 28. t up mine A. to (ientiles l.am. i 19. /. up huttiii towards him llrb. \i. 12. L up A. that hang down LIFT one*. Job St. 34. canst L up e. to clouds ? /". 24. 14. ihall L up voice, sh. sing 4ft 9. L up thy r. with strength 42. X he shall not cry nor /. up r. 11. wllderneM and ritirs /. up r. 5i a thy watchmen shall /. up r. 54 I. i up thy toict like a trumpet Kxtk. 21. at i up r. with shoutinr LirfEI). Gem. 40. 20. I. up head of the butler l.er. 9. tt. Aaron /. up hand towards A'UM. JO. II. L up hand, smote r.x-k Deut a 14. heart i up thou forp.-t 17. SO. heart not L boe brethren 1 Sam. tt. IB. L up roire mid wept 30. 4. David and people / up voice, s. a 32. 9 Ham. 20. 21. L np hand aga kin*; 28. 49. thou hast L me up on hiph A'l'n. 1 1. )j& Jerolioain /. np hand a^Ainst king, -fl. 2 Kin. U. in. heart huth /. tbee np I Chr. 14. *. kingdom wa< / on hivh t Chr. 17. C. /. up in ways of Lnrd IB. Id heart / up to arMrur. 3i 2i J"A 31. 21. i up hand aga. fatherless SB. or t up myself when e\ il Pi 24. 4 not /. up soul unto vanity 27. & now nhall my head he / up 30. I. thnu hast / me up, 102 la 3 8. that hate thre have L up head 03. 3. I'Midi have I np their vice 1-W. 8fi. L up his hand against them Pratt. SO. 13. their eyelid* are I up /. *. lit on every one that it L up f I sitting on throne digit and /. up V II. when thy bund ii /. up they Jrr. M. 8 judgment I. up In *kies **. I. 19. creatures t up fr. earth 280 LIG F:rk. 3. 14. so the Spirit I me Dp 10. Id / up th< ir wings 19. | 1 1. **. et-d of J.in.h. \ M land for \\lnrh I /. up mine hand to gite them, 4.'. | 47. 14. 28. 2. |.rriiUr till e In art is /. up, :> n. | :,i. ia Dan. 5. 20. heart !. up and hardened a. I. up th\ -elf j.i-aiiiMt thr Lord 7. 4 tir.-t beast was /. up fr. enitlt Mia, 5. i'. liHi.d /. up on advcrsarirf Hub. 2. 4. soul /. np is not uprmlit 3. 10. deep /. up Ins hainK on Inidi Zech. 5. 7. was 1. up a talent of lead 9. 16. be aa Ktonri> of a crown, /. up 14. 10. shall be L up and inliubited Mark ft '/7. but Jour. / Inm up Lulu 6. 'M. L upeyrsun hisdiM-iplet U. 00. I up hands aud hlrtxeii them J' hi. 3. 14. 11- Mii-f- . up serpi nt a 28. when ye have /. up Son ol in;in 12. 32. I, if I be /. up. will dr:t\v all .'il. Son of in. in must lie /. up Arti 4. *4. /. up their voiie to God 14. 1 1. /. voirr- in peerh of Lyraonia I Tim. a 6. i up with pride "he tall Rev. IU. 5. uiigel /. np hand to heavco LIFT Kit. Ptal. 3. 3. the /. np of mine head LIFTUT. Job 30. 22. th /. me up to the wind Pi. U. l.X I n.e from gutr of ,le.,tli la 48. L above tliosr ri>e a;i. me Prof. 2. 3. L up voice fur uudifnt.iiid LiriETH. 1 Sam. 2. 7. bring. l'>w, and /. up, S 2 Chr. 25. 19. heart i up to lio..>t Pi. 107. 2*. wind which I. up wave 113. 7. he L needy out of dunghill 147. 6. the Lord I up the inc. k /"/. Its. 3. -> i- when he /. up rn-ign .VA. 3. a luir-eiMin /. up swoid I.IFIING. I Chr. 15. 16. i up voice with joy -V./i. a 6. amen, with /. np hands Pi. Ml. 2. /. upnf my hands as even Pror.30. X. foolish!}- in /L up thy-i-lf ha. 9. la mount like I. up of Mnnke 33. 3. L up of thyself uations are 1 Tim. 2. a pray, / up holy hands Llovrf. Gen. 44. 3. ROOD as morning was /. Pi. 13!'. II. even the night shall l,ei .Vir. 2. 1. morning t they pracli-c it Zech. 14. 7. evrninc time it h. be t LIGHT. Xum. 21. 5. soul loatheth /. hreml Deut. 27. 16. cursed setteth /. by lth. Judg. 9. 4. hired vain and I. persons 2 S,im. 2. 18. Asahel w;,s /. of i,,..t Estk. 21 7. aet L by falh. and moth. Zeph. a 4. prophet;- L and ir.'iirhrr. .Vuf. 1 1. 30, yoke is easy, dm den is L 22. A. of it and went their wn\s 2 Cor. 4. 17. A affliction workt-tli for I.U-lll thing. \ Sam. 16. 2a emeth it a /. Wmaf 1 A'in. 20. 10. t (. shadow po down In. 49. 6. L t. th. hnuldest be eerv LIOH1. Gen. 1. a God said, let there de L 4. O. saw A ||5. 0. called/, dny Ifl. thr lesser L to rule the night Era*. 10. va Is. had/, in dwelling* 14. 20 the pillsir gave /. l,y niglit Kum. 4. 16. piTta.nrth oil for the L 2 Sum. 21. 17. qiien. h not /. of Urae 23. 4. he shall he as /. of morning 1 A'in. 7. 4 /. was againot L &. II. 36. David my ix-rvant may ha. / \,/i. >t the/. 25. 3. upn whom doth not .-. arise 'i 28. 11. thing hid bring, th he to /. 33. 28. and his life shall see the 30. enlightened with /. of living So". 30. he spreadeth his /. upon it 32. with clouds he covereth /. 37. 15. caused/, of his cloud to shine 21. men see not bright /. in cloud 38. 15. from wick-d /. is withholden 19. where is way where /. dwelleth? 24. by what way is the /. parted ? Ps. 4. 6. lift up / of thy countenance 27. 1. Lord is my /. and salvation 37. 6. bring forth righteousness as /. 38. 10. for /. of mine eyes, it is gone 49. 19. they shall never see the /. 74. I6.'thou prepared the /. and sun 78. 14. all the night with a /. of fire 97. II. /. is sown for the righteous lOi. 2. who coverest thyself with /. 118. 27. L. who hath showed us /. 119. 105. lamp, and a /. to my paths 130. entrance of thy words give. /. 139. 12. darkness and/, alike to thee Prop. 4. 18. path of just as shining/. 6. 23. commandment lamp, law is/. 13. it. I. of righteous rejoiceth 15. 30. /. of eyes njoiceth heart Eccl. 1 1. 7. /. is sweet and pleasant 12. 2. sun or the /. he not darkened Is*. 5. 20. darkness for /. /. darkness 30. the /. is darkened in heavens 8. 20. because there is no / in them 9. 2. great /. on them hath /. shined 10. 17. /. of Israel shall be for a fire 13. 10. the moon shall not cause her /. to shine, Mat. 24. 29. Mark 13.24. 30. 26. /. of moon as /. of sun, /. of sun as the /. of seven days 51. 4. judgment rest for /. to people 59.9. wait for/, but behold obscurity 60. 19. L. be to thee everlasting /. Jer. 4. 23. beheld heavens, had no /. 25. 10. taKe from them /. of candle 31. 35. L. giveth sun for /. by day, and moon and stars for / by 'night Dan. 2. 22. the /. dwelleth with him Hnx. 6. .i. judgments as /. goeth forth Mic. 7 9. Lord hrng me forth to /. Hah. 3. 4. his brightness was as /. 1 1. at /. of thine arrows they went Ztjih. 3. 5. morning bringjudgm. to/. Zech. 14. 6. in that day/ not be clear Mat. 4. 16. sat in death, /. sprung u 5. 14. ye /. of world || 15. it giveth /. 16. let your /. so shine before men 6. 22. the /. of the body is the eye, Luke II. 34, 36. 17. 2. his raiment white as the I. Luke 2. 32. /. to lighten the fientiles R 16. enter in may see the /. 11.33. 16. 8. are \vis-T than children of/. John 1. 4. and life was the /. of men 7. came to bear witness of th. /. 8. LIG John 12. 4fi. am come a /. into worlr Acts'). 3. there shined about him a/ 12. 7. a /. shined in the prison 13. 47. to be a /. to the Gentiles 16. 29. culled fora /. and sprang in 22. 6. there shone a gri'at /. round 9. they with me saw indeed the/. 26. 13. at mid.d.iy 1 saw in w;iy a / 23. /. to pen. and to the Gentiles Rom. 2. 19. /. of them are in darknes la 12. put on the armour of/. 1 Cor. 4. 5. hring to /. hidden things 2 Cor. 4. 4 lest /. of gospel shine 6. command. /. to shine out of dark II. 14. transformed into angel of/. Eph. 6. 8. are /. walk as children of I 13. all things made manifest by / whatsoever dotli manifest is / Col. 1. 12. inheritance of saints in /. 1 Thes. 5. 5. are all children of the/ 1 Tim. 6. 16. dwelling in /. no man 2 Tim. I. 10. who brought life to /. 1 Pet. 2. 9. called you to marvellous / 2 Pet. 1. 19. a /. shining in dark place 1 John I. 5. G. is I , in him no dark. Rev. 18.23. /. of candle shine no more 21. 11. /. like a stone most precion 23. and the Lamb is the /. thereof 22. 5. they need not /. of the sun See COUNTENANCE, DARKNESS. Give. LIGHT. Gen. 1.15. let them bt> In g. /. on earth Ejrnd. 13. 21 . pillar of fire to gire I. 2 Kin. 8. 19. he promised togirehitr a /. 2 Chron. 21. 7 Neh. 9. 12. to g. them /. in the way Psal. 105. 39. fire to g. I in night Isa. 13. 10. stars of heaven not g. I. 42. 6. g-. for a /. to Gentiles, 49. fi. 60. 19. nor shall moon g. I. to tliee, Es-ek. 32. 7. [Luke 1 1. 36. Mat. 5. 15. it g. I. to all in the house, 2 Cor. 4. 6. g 1. of knowledge of G. Eph. 5. 14. Christ shall e-ive thee /. In the LIGHT. Ps. 56. 12. may walk in I. of living Isa. 2. 5. let us walk in the 1. of L. 50. 1 1. walk in the I. of your fire John 12. 36. have light, believe in I. I John 1. 7. walk in t. as he is in /. 2. 9. he that saith he is in the /. 10. loveth brother, abideth in /. Rev. 21. 24. nations shall walk i /. Thy LIGHT. Ps. 36. 9. in thy I. shall we see light 4a a send out thy I. and thy truth Isa. 58. & then shall /. /. break forth 10. then shall t I. rise in obscurity 60. 1. arise, shine, for thy I. is come 3. Gentiles shall come to thy /. 19. the sun shall be no more thy I. 20. L. shall he thy everlasting i LIGHT, ED. Erod. 25. 37. shall /. the lamps, 40. 4. Pa. 18. 28. for thou wilt /. my candle Mut. 5. 15 nor do men /. a candle Luke 8. 16. he hath /. candle, II. 33 15. 8. doth not /. a candle and sweep Rev. 7. 16. nor shall sun /. on them LIGHT. Ruth 2. a to /. on part of Boaz' field 2 Sam. 17. 12. will /. on him as dew . LIGHTED. 9. true /. which lighteth every man I Gen. 24. 64. saw Isaac she /. off camel 3. 19 that/, is come into the world 'Josh. 15. la and she /. off her ass, 20. every one dot-th evil hateth I 21. that doeth truth coineth to /. 5. 35. was a burning and shining I 8. 12. I am /. of the world, he that fidloweth mesh, have /. of life, 9.5. 1. 9. because he seeth the /. 10. hecnu>e there is no /. in him 18. 35. a little while is /. with you 36. while ye have /. believe in L Judg. 1. 14. Jitdg. 4. 15. Sisera I. off his chariot 1 Si'im. 25. 23. Abigail L off the ass 2 Kin. 6. 21. Naaman /. from chariot LIGHTED. Gen. 28. 11. Jacob / on certain place LIGHTED, ETH. Deut. 19. 5. slipped and /. on neighh. Isa. 9. 8. word to Jacob it I on Isr. 881 LIK LIOHTEIJ. 2 Sam. 6. 9. L. will /. my darknem Ezra 9 8. our God may 1. our eyea Psal. 13. a /. mine eyes, lest I sleep Luke 2. 32. a liaht to /. the Gentiln Kev. 21. 23. the glory of God did /. il LIGHTEN. I Sam. 6. 5. he will /. his hand Jonah I. 5. cast wares into sea to i LIGHTER. I Kin. 12. 4. make thou our yoke i. 9. 10. 2 Chron. 10. 10. Ps. 62. 9. are altogether /. th. vanity LIGHTEST, ETH E.rod. 30. 8. Aaron /. lamps at even Ntim. 8. 2 when thou /. the lamps John 1. 9. true light wh. /. every mae LIGHTING. Liu. 30. 30. L. show /. down of arm Mut. 3. 16. like a dove, and /. on him LIGHTLY. Gen. 26. 10. might /. ha. lien wi. wife ha. 9. 1. first he / afflicted the land Jfr. 4. 24. and all the hills moved t Mark 9. 39. can /. speak evil of me See KsTKEMEn. LIGHTENED, ETH. Paul. 34 5. looked to him and were I 77. 18. the lightnings /. the world Pro*. 29. 13. Lord /. both their eyes Luke 17. 24. lightning L out one part Rev. 18. I. earth was /. wi. his glory See ENLIGHTENED. LIGH1ENED. Acts 27. 18. next day they /. ship, Sa LIGHTNESS. Jer. 3. 9. thro' /. of her whoredoms 23. 32. cause people to err by their /. 2 Cor. 1. 17. minded, did I use /.? LIGHTNING. 2 Sam. 22. 1ft. sent/, and discomfited Job 28. 26 made way for /. of thunder 37. 3. directeth /. to ends of earth 38. 25. who divided a way for thei Ps 144. 6. cast forth /. scatter them Exfk. 1. 14. ran as appearance of i. Dan. 10. 6. face as appearance of L Zech. 9. 14. his arrow go fotth as L Mat. 24. 27. as I. Cometh out of the east, Luke 17. 24. 28. 3. his countenance was as L Luke 10. 18. as /. fall from heaven LIGHTNINGS. F.jrod. 19. 10. thunders, /. and cloud 20. 13. all the people saw the L Inb 38. 35. send /. that they may go ? Ps. 18. 14. /. and discomfited them 77. 18. /. lighted the world, 97. 4. 135. 7. he maketh /. for the rain Jer. 10. 13. maketh /. wi. rain, 51. 16 AV/A. 2. 4. chariots shall run like i Hen. 4. 5. out of throne proceeded I. 8. 5. were thunderingsand /. 11. 19. 16. 18. /. and a great earthquake LIGHTS. jen. 1. 14. let there be/, in firrrarn. 16. God made two great i Kin. 6 4. windows of narrow I. Psal. 136. 7. made great /. for mercy Exek. 32. 8. bright/, will I make dark Luke 12. 35. loins girded, /. burning Acts 20. 8. many /. in upper chamber "hit. 2. 15. ye shine as /. in world Jam. 1. 17. down from Father oft LI GN- ALOES. Num. 24. ft trees of /. Lord planted LIGURE. Erod. 28. 19. third row a /. 39. 12. LIKE. Exod. 15. 11. who 1st unto theef Dent. 33. 29. 1 Ktn. 8. 2a 8 Chr, 6. 14. Pial.3b. 10. | 71. 19. Isa. 57. 20. wicked /. troubled sea 64. G. iniquities /. wind have take* I.IK 1J I aUmbhro to slaughter / the-p .UM> nl Ju.U'i .' I., heathen 31.* 1*,. :i .,. of . HM. 4. V. tball h* / people. / pri. A 7 Ihev / men h . troMre KJ/ 1 . . : .in ..f lie.!e,. .rd->erd, J*r, 4. :il / ..;. IX 151. 44. i a ir-M.nre.i4J / a merchant , . . . h t& t. fc4e b i t rrtin. km* i IV we are ram irf i p.<*innB JbA. . 17. tobe ma-le / hi- brethren ul m.t IP /. t<> the SMI of I. & thI wavereth it I a wave A K I mum heh..ldu* hi* face A 17 K.ias a .itM-el l.i/. BMaMM I ft* I. I. ohiained / pre-l"U faith I jJkn I. t. appear we *h. b him JUr. I 13. L li.e S-.n "f roim, 14. II Jta47.ll. iui . wi enchantment* l4att <1 in i a*. did their fathers 50. 31. in i . did thi- wenthalto Atti I. II. com* in t as a* hateaeeo L'KK-Mtsv/ei AMI li 5. 6. a-rait you t.. he .. y*i/ t i be I m | *a o man L.m. MM* ciu jW. S. la there MA I thr L our O. ft 14. Drut 33. 2A. i Sam. 7. i-.'. I CArvn. 17 *X I 1. A n. I cry of land ..f Egypt I S./m, ia .'4 none/. S*i.: amp I Am. 3. lit. there wat * /. Solom 31. *4. but th.-rv wmt n. L to Ahab t ATM. IK. V there w.ia. /. Hezpkiab /"ol & a among I he god* . i to thee, Jtr hi H, 7. /** W. 9. am O. there Is n. L me Jer. > 7. that day to great. . L it n t t. A 7. mail L not to take her, S. I Car. 4. *'>ni !/. (i.Kl? l*m & 11 what .h. I i to the* ? N( 7 M. I will {.him to a man II. 18. wki>ta L this rnprationf Lkt1. SI. Mav* 4. *X wl.rount 1.1KKSKD. r * & who amo -on- be i to L.? Jfr. & i 1 1 tk* daocbtrr of Zi.m A/t 7 A >h. be <. to a foolih man II M. bra.e* li t ia V3 I &. |. I.IKKSKss. O. I. M akr a after oar i M 5 9 Adam bet a win in hi* nwn L JLrW. A. 4. not Bake t of antlhinr Anrf. 4. 16 Ue i of male or frm.ir 17. 18. a. <4. | 4. & rt 17. 14 k* awake with thy i / I. IL WhaU (MiiyareUibimr JCrr* I * i .rflmu hi H rret^r / i at ibe (lory W the Lord ib. i o/ the hand* of man ^/. i II ru^iMMiolofmen 4.4L A. y fluted I. t * bit d-th, we (ball > m t of recurrertioa fc 1 n. aeodlHc So In i W e^h ^al . I WM nw4e m the i W men LIKETH. >. (3 l& dwell where It t him . Ute L ju, U chndrn *f U. LIN LI KINO. JM. 38. 4 young one ace good In i Dan. I. Ill why see fai-e. wor-e i LIKEWISE. ft. 4k In / briiti-h per-on perish I hall / de-tr..v thee Errl 1. illbya /. ha-tcursert others .V./C 3O S. .tbout the *ixth hour, did /. tl. 36. and they .:id unto the i L Luke ft 31. do ye al<> to them L 13. 3 ve shall all /. (wri-h, ,. tl. 10. i al*o the cup alter *upper Joknb. Ift theaeaUodo. ththeSon/ i Cnr. 7. 3. tthe wife lothe husfund //-A. i 11 he himself L took part I Pet. 4. I. arm yourselves i Jwie a these filthy dreamers Rrv. 8. 12. day shone not. Hud night /. LILY. Cant . 1. I the I of the valley V. as t among thorns, so my love //M. 14. ft. Urael aba I crow us the/ LILIES. Cant . 1& beloved feed. am. /. t>. 3. 4. .1 like two roes among the L i 13 hit lip* like/, dropping myrrh 7. 2. thy belly like wheat set wi. / Vat & *a consider the L how they grow, Luke 12. 27. LILY.ir.rA. 1 A'i. 7. 19. chapiter* were nf /... "t on top of pillar* was t.icork LIME. /an. Sa 12. peo. be a. bnrninrs of/ Amoii I. bone* o' king of Edomto/. LIMIT, EI>TETH. 7R 41. / Holy One ..f Israel Ksrk. 4'i 12. f thereof .hall he holy I!, b. 4. 7. again, he i. a certain day LINE.* ? A'i'n. 21.13 over Jeru. /. of Sainurii. .tub 3a 5. stretched the t on earth 1 ft. hi. ft /. fallen in pleasant pl..c. s l'i 4 their/. lone thro' the earth Tit. 5*1. divided an inheritance by L Im. '. 10. f..r I mu-t be upon /. la 17. judgment also will I Uy t-. / 'U. II. stretch on it /. of cnfuion Am-* 7. 17. thy land he divided hy / Z c*. I. ia i be stretched on Jem. 1 Cor. 10.1ft bout in another man'*/. UNEASE Luke i 4 he wa of the / of David LINGERED. ETH. Urn. HI. In Lot t. the men laid hold 43. 10. except /. we had returned 2 Pet 2. a judgment ofa long time/: LINEN. id 8X. 42. make them /. breeches Ltf. '. 10. put on /. farinei.t. 16. 4. 1 .Sam. it 18. mioiitered wi. L ephod ftf.ia slew 8.S that did wear/, ephod 2 Sam. ft 14. Dav. nirded wi. i ephod ' "M. ia 28. Solomon had t yarn brought, 2 CHron. I. 1& Jer. la I. get thee a /. tirdle Mai 77. 59. he wrapped it in a clean /. cloth, J'Jkn in. 40. Mark 14. 51. I rloth about h.. body Sit he kaft I doth an.l led naked Lulu U. IS. Peter beheld /. clothe* laid h them*elv. s. John 0. 6. Jote Mi 6. John aaw the /. clothe* LINEN. Lrsx 19. IB. nor shall a garment mingled of /.and woollen come upon thee, Deui 22. II. I CAe. l.i tt Dav. hud on ephod of /. Mark 14. 4ft wrapped in/ Lu.t3.S3. At*. IV . seven angels clothed in I. See PINE. L1M EL. S. ji It 82. auike / and tw fXMtl LID I A'i'n. fi. 31. i ami posts a fifth par; .Imvib I. Miiitr /., |>it^ nmr /wj -. 9 !-r.ip| lu\ ilowii as a I l)x,t :ci. *}. <;...! o..||.-tli as H i Judg. 14. & t'iMi.-d t.. ^pp rariase of 7. bee* and honey in r*rr*e of I \Sarn 17. 34. came *i and look lamb J Sam. 17. 10. heart as heart of B /. U3. VW. slew a /. ill the loiust f pit, I Chron. 1 1. 22. 1 A'i'n. la 24. a/, met hin> bythr wjy nnd |PW him, /. alao *lood by *0. 36. L shall t>l H y th.-pi n L found h in mid ulew him Job 4, 10. the r<>rini( ..I ,'. vou-e of /. I". 16 them hunt.'-t me a* a fiercp /. VS. a nor th.- fi.Tre /. pxsspd h) it 3a 39. wilt tli. .n limit prpy for/. Pi. ",. t. lest hp tpar my soul like /. 10. 9 h. liPth inwait^Tretlyasa/. 17. \t. likp H /. rp.'rfy of hia prey M l.'L they gap' d on me as a i SI. U. thou -hull trPhd on the L frof. 19. Vi kiniiN uryth iafc /. fear of a kiiifi i* HS roar, of /. i"2. 13. aith, there is H /. in the way 26. 13. I in way, a L in the -treet 2*. I. the righteous are l>oid a* a t. 30 30. a L -tronvest ainoiif beat* ccL 9. 4. liv.doK hetterthu. d. ad /. /h. be like /. 1 1. 7. I *h. eat straw like ox, 66. ^5. 21. a he cried, H / my lrd :r.. 9. no /. there, nor ravenous 38. la a- a /. -o will IIP l.r. ak bones Jfr. 2. 30. devoured prophets like/. 4. 7. the /. i- dime from hix thicket 5. 6. a i not of foreot sh. slay them I-', a my h^ritajte in to me MB a L A. 38. forsaken his covert as the /. 49. I a hp -h. comp up .ike /. SO. 44. I.nm 3. 10. he was to me as a L h'.r,k. I 10 fare ..f H /. on right ide III. 44. the third was the fare of i f. '2b. a conopirncy like a roaring i Dan. 7. 4. fir-t like a L liad win^s II i. V 14. I will he to Ephraitna i II. 10. he ahull roar like H 13.7. he to them as/. || a will devour Joel I. fi. teeth of a /., cheek-teeth .hum a 4. wi I /., war h^th no prey? 8. L roared, who will not fear ? li. ihep. taketh out of mouth of i Mir. 5. 8. rnniMUtof Jac. h. he at/. Salt 2. li L tear in pieces for wheL 2 Tim. 4.17. delivered out n outh of/ fft 5. a devil as M i alketi. about Arr. 4. 7. the first beast was like a i 5. 6. the /. of the tril.e .1 Ju.iiih 10. a loud voice d~ a '. n.areth 13. i. hii mouth as mot th of a L .SeeRtAB. LION. /lie 2 Sam. 93. 20. slew two I.J. men of M.. b, I CArtm. 11. tL Old LloS. Ita. 30. fi. whem-e rome the . /. f AuA. !i 1 1. even the o. /. walked Young LION, /a. II. fi. the calf HI..I v. /. lie dow 31. 4. like as the young i roaring Exek 19. 3. it became a VMMff /. ft. 32. '. art like a v t. >< t'he naliona 41. 19. face of >i. I. towards the tre< LIOSKS.S, K.v F.xfk. 19. -L what i* thy mother? a t .VoA. 2. 12. lion itranaled for his L LIOVS tSam. I.2a S*nl and Jon. stronger i. 1 AM. 10. 19. two /. st>nd beside tk stay*, k CArmt. a 14 LIP JCm. 17. 25. L. sent I. among them I Chron. 12. 8. faopB like fares of A fial. 2 21. save me from L mouth 35. 17. rettrue my darling from I. 57. 4. my -oul is among I. I lie Cunt. 4. 8 top of Ainaim, fr. A dens I$a. 15. 9. A upon him that escape!! Jer. 50. 17. L driven Israel away 51. 38. shall roar together like I. Ezek. 19 2. shi- lay d wn among I. Dan. 6. 27 Daniel from power of I. Xiifi. 2. II. where is dwelling of A? Zt'ph. 3. 3. her princes are rearing A Heli. 11. 33. faith stopped mouths of A Her. 9. 8. teeth an the teeth of A 17. heads of horses as heads of A See DKM. LION'S whelp, whelps. Gen. 49. 9. Judah is A w. from prey Drut 33 22. Dan is a A whelp Job 4. II. A 1/1. are scattered abroad 28. 8. A whelps have not trodden it Jer. 51. 38. shall yell as A whelps Young LIONS. /W. 34. 10. the #. A suffer hunger 58. 6. hreak out great teeth afy. A 104. 21. y. I. roar after tluir prey Jer. 2. 15' they. A roared upon him Ezek. 19. 2. nourished aiming^. A 38. 13 all the y. A shall say to thee Zec/i. 11. 3. voice of roaring of . A LIP. Lev. 13. 45. put, a covering on his A PtaL 22. 7. they shoot out the A Prow. 12. 19. A of truth established LIPS. Exorf. 6. 12. of uncircumcised A 30. I Sam. I. 13. only her A moved PS. 12. 2. fluttering A do they speak 4. A are own, who is lord over us ? 17. I. goeth not out of feigned I. 31. 18. let lying A be put to silence 59. 7. behold, swords are in their A 12. words oftheir A be taken 63 5. mouth praise thee wi joyful A 120. 2. deliver my soul fr. lying A 140. 3. poison is under their A 9. let mischief of own A cover them Prov. 4. 24. perverse A put fr. thee 6. 3. A of a strange woman drop 7. 21. flattering of A she forced him 10. 13. in A of him that hath underst. 21. A of the riffhteous feed many 32. A of righteous know what is J2. 22. lying A abomination to Lord 14. 3. A of wise shall preserve them 7. not in dim the A of knowledge 23. talk of A tendeth to penury 15. 7. A of wise disperse knowledge 16. 13. righteous A delight ot kins^ 31 sweetness of A increaseth learn. 1 ,'. 4. wicked giveth heed to false A 7. less do lying A become a prince 18. 6. fool's A enter into contention 20. 15. A of know ledge a re ajewel 24. 2. and their A talk of mischief 2fi. 23. burning A like a pot-herd Keel. 10. 12. A of fool swallow himself Cunt. 7. 9 causing A ol those a-lep ISH. 6. 5. a man of unclean A I dwell in midst of people of unclean / 25. 11 Itaiamering A will bespeak 29. 13. people with A do honour me 67 19. I create the fruit of the A 59. 3. y"iir I. have spoken lies Ezek. 36. 3. taken up in A oi talkers HIM. 14 2. render calves of our A Mic. 3. 7. they shall cover their/. Hat. >. 7. priest's A keep knwwledife Hat. 15. 8. that hononreth me witli thf- 1 - / Mark 7. 6. Rum. 3. 13. poison is under their A 1 Cor. 14. 21. otliT A I sp-ak to tins Utb. 13. 15 fr ii v A giving thanks LIT Hit LIPS. Jof> 2. 10. did not Job sin with his I 1 1. 5. God open his 1. against th 23. 12. back from command, of A I Ps. 21. 2. \\ithhitlden request of A I 106. 33. spake unadvisedly wi. A. A l'r>r. lo. 19. refraineth AM A is wise 12. 13. snared by transgres. of A. A Ifi. 27. in At* A is as a burning fire 30. Ai* /. he hringeth evil to pass 17. 2R shutteth A. A as a man of 18. 7. Aw A are the snare of his sou 19. 1. he that is perverse in AM A 20. 19. him that fluttereth with A. A 22. 1 1. for grace of Aw A the king 24 26. kiss A. A gives right answer Cant. ft. 13. his I. like lilies dropping Isa. 1 1. 4. I>r* - Hth of I he slay wicked 30. 27. AM / are full of indignation Mul. 2. 6. iniquity not found in A, A 1 Pet. 3. ! j. his I. speak no guile My LIPS. Ps. 16. 4. up their names into my A 40. 9. not refrained my 1. O Lord 51. 15. O Lord, open thou my A 8. 21. he fill thy A with rejoicing 15. 6. t. own /. testify against thee Ps. 17. 4. word of t. A I have kept 34.. 13. keep A A fr. speaking guile 45. 2. grace is poured into thy I. Prov. 5. 2. t. I. may keep knowledge 22. 18. they shall be fitted in thy A 23. 16. when thy I speak riht 24. 28. deceive not with thy A 27. 2. praise thee, and not t. own L 7awt 4. 3. thy A are like scarlet 1 1. thy A drop as the honey. corah Aw. fi 7. lo, this hath touched % I. Ezek. 24. 17. cover not thy A LIQUOR, S. E.rod. 22. 29. offer the first of thy A ">tm. 6. 3. nordrink any A of grapes 'int. 7. 2. goblet, wh. wanteth not A LISTED. [MarA-9. 13. Mat. 17. 12. done to him whatsoev. A LISTEN. . 49. 1. A O isles, unto me LI8TETH. John 3. 8. wind bloweth where it A /unies 3. 4. whithersoever governor A L1TTKRS. r sa. 66. 20. bring your brethren in A LITTLE. VCTI. 30. 30. it was but A thou hndst L :.i-urt. 12. t. household too A for lamb 16. 18. that gathered A ha<1 no la. k, 2 Cor. 8. 15. [/)<><. 7. 22. 23. 30. by A and A 1 drive them out, Dent. 28. 38. and gather but A in /wA.22. 17. is iniquity of IVor too/.? .S<;r. 15. 17. A in thine own sight Kin. 12. 10. my A finger thicker than, 2 Citron. 10. 10. 17.12 A oil in cruse I 13. make/ cake 18 41 A cloud like a man's hand 20. 27. Nr. pitched like two A flocks ' Kin. 5. 2. broiiL'ht caplive A maid ">/ !). 8. (five us a A reviving \VA. 9. 32. let not trouble s-em A /<;'/ 1 12 my ear received a A thereof 2fi. 14. how A a portion heard of him /'!,'. 2. 12. wrath is kind.ed but a/. LIT Pi. 8. 5. made him a A lower than the ai'gels, Htb. 2. 7. 37 Ifi. A that a righteous man hath C5. 12. /. hills rejoin- on every side 68. 27. A Benjamin, wi. their ruier "Ci. 3. the A hills by righteousness 114 4. A hills skipped like lambs, 6. Prof. 6. 10. a A sleep, A slumber, a A folding, 24. 33. 10. 20. heart of wicked is A worth 15. Ifi. better is A with fear of Lord 16. 8. better is A wi. righteousness 30. 24. four things are A on earth Ecel. 5. 12. whether eat A or much 9. 14. a I. city and few men in it 10. I. A folly him is in reputation Cant. 8. 8. we have a A sister Isa. 26.20. hide thyself for A moment 28. 10. here a A and there a A 13. 40. 15. taketh up isles as a A thing H. 8. in a A wrath 1 hid my face Ezek. II. 16. to them a A sanctuary 16. 47. as if that were very A hing Dan. 7. 8. up another A horn, 8. 9. 1 1. 34. be holpen with a A help Hint. 8. 10. sorrow a A for burden A nun t>. 1 1. smite/, house with clefts Mic. a. 2. though A among thousands Hag. I. 6. sown much, bring in A 9 ye looked for much, it came to/. Zerh. I. 15. was hut a A displeased Mat. 14. 31. O thou of A faith 15. 34. said seven, and a few A ti-lies 26. 39. he went a A further, Mark 1. 19. j 14. 35. Mark 5. 23. my A dauehter lieth l.uke 7. 47. to whom A is forgiven 12.3'J. fear not A flock || 19 3. / of stat !9. 17 been faithful in a very A .lulm 6. 7. every one mny take a A Acts 5. 34. apostles forth H A space 28. 2. showed us no A kindness 1 Cor. 5. 6. a A leaven leaveneth the lump, Gal. 5. 9. 2 Cor. 11. 1. bear with me A Ifi. that I may boast myself a A 1 Titri. 4. 8. bodily exerc. proflteth A 5. 2.S. use A wine for stomach's s.ike Heb. 2. 9. made a A lower th. angels Jam. 3. 5. tongue is a A member 4. 14. vapour appcareth fora A time Rev. 3. 8. thou hast a A strength 6. 1 1. should rest for a A seaon 20. 3. he must he loosed a /- season See BOOK, CH^MBKRS, CHILD, CBILDRKN. LITTLE one, or ones. Gen. 19. 20. Lot said, it is a A one 44. 20. have a A o. brother is dead Ej-od. 10. 10. go and your A o. 24. Jush. 8. 35. before women and A o i Chr. 20. 13. before Loid and A o a 8. 21. seek right way for I o "s. 137. 9. dasheth A o. ngamst stone i (.fa. 60. 22. A o. become a thousand t.erh. 13. 7. turn my hand on A ones Mat. 10. 4?. dnnk to one of these A o 18. 6. who should offend one of these A ones, Mark 9. 42. 10. despise not one of these A onf* 14. one of these / o. should perloli I.nke 17. 2. offend one of these A o. LITTLE irhile. Jnh 24. 24. are exalted tor a/, irhih ' J t. 37. 1,0 yet a A ?/. ,tnd the wii ked W 10 25. A . indignation ceage <;:(. IS. have possessed it but a A w. ler 51. 33. a A '. harvest sh. come 7*. I. 4. yet a ,'. it: 1 will avenge Hug. 2 ti. "H A . I will shake heav tn'-'n 7. 33. /. w. 1 am wi. yon, 13. .IX 12. 35. a A r. is the IJL-ht'with you 14. 19. A tr. world seeth me no m;'" l(i. Hi. /. tr. ye shall see me, 17. 19, TIV JMajlA ! a .- wMtr; wertMinottell Jfct\ Ml 37. t v. ao.1 h t hut th. cum* JM. 1 &. having / rmU In bit band I l\ r Cm. t. tt. tree ..I Me and /. f-r rt er IB. Mi riM-npr, anil my tul "l-all i Ml?. hrh.pr-) fort her. thou.h / 07. 40 y thr .word bnll thiiu I SI. 3.' PHdr.tthygd., 1-1 4* ia lk>* do. ai.d A fur I 'rar jW. 10. no man re mr and A tw. la 5. k .hall / in thrn.. I an, thr I -rtiO II.IS.JI XMM tt. a Iwwkeih <>n -rrpci't -b / who.l. wbrtiG. dorlhthi.- I>mf 4. III. f-*r ar "II day. ' XI rrr be*r. a* lbiu hjwt.aiid l.t a i I-T r. wnrd of L doth HIM / IV . trr t.. orr "f tbrw ritim mid I U, C. Irt H. uKrn A and nul dtr JM II. 14 nun dir. sh ho / *ain t 11 7 dowiikrd A hr.-mr olrt J JW tt 2*. your brrt /. fr rtrr 48. P. iilll t mild not off rocrnptioii KX 4 will I blew thrr whilr I /. I M. hrrt hnll / that rrk Cod Kli.br *ball A || 1 18. 17. rmt dir. / 1 If 144. undrrtndiiig. mid I sh. I. \'\ Irt ul /. it hall pri-r ther I4A 2. while I L Will I praisr Lord /*. 4. 4. krrp ID; com. and L 7. 2. ft ft. tunakr foolish and / l& f.. b- that hatrtb (rift* (hall A JTvt (V 3 t ta.ay rrar,6. | II 8 ft 9. A jflly wl wifrthfulovrtt /M. *r, 19 de*d mrn h. t togrthri 3K IA l.rd. by thar thing* mrn 55. I. brar. and y.-ir .onl shall L Jrr. Ml JO. ohry, and thy Mini h. I. Ijtm. 4. to. under tbodow r ih. /. E*rlt. 3. 81. hr thall Mireli L la 9. IT | 31 IS, 15, IB 16. a when i hoti wmt in (.)> -d / I*. 19. krpt my ttatiitr* shall L VI. i *>. n, v.v M. wW-hrd man dortb. shall br / r 31 turn yourwlvr* and Anil. 12 la sm "ii (in. bw h'i. wr if 19 dnthalwh. t.luwfulhr iball/ 37 1. sonnf man. rnlbre bonrs/.? 47. & evriy thing livrtlmnd morel h hall L rvrry thli>|r >-hall / Hm. C. hfilln>tivru>w.-hall / ^NU V 4 >rrk rt-r, and vr (hall / K. /MM* 4. 1 brttrr In dir 'ran t.. /. 4 Jfok t 4. Jo.t thall A Ky h> faith, AIOT. I. 17. ['-"*'< 4. Vat 4. 4. man not /. hv hr>-ari alnnr, S II .nd .br Iball / Mar* :,. VS. Ltfetr Itt A thi do. ar-d th.,n h ia 3*. MM o. -f dd, all / unto him !* i Vft. brpr br that rat. rib mr. r*rli hr h|l / hy r. r II.Mi tbo'br wrrc drad, yn >h'hr/ 14. 19 brrauM- I /. yr .hall / bw> Jtrit 17 (N. in him wr /. and mnvr It tt. it it nut At that br hi.uid L H*m K 1. I any lnfr th>Trin ? r hrllrvr wr thall / with him a It drhtntt not In {. aftrr flmh 3 if yr I .rtrr flr.h. vr nhall If Ibrn* Spirit av.rtify Ktidy. y la & darth thrr llni.r >hall L by tbm.. G/. . It It. la i prurraMy Ih all mrn 14 a wbrtkrr wr I r I to I ord wbrthrr wr 1 or dir, wr rr I..' t Or. 9. 13 i of >hinv "I trmplr 14 prrx-h |ri~prl .l.o /. i.f fo>pr I Cw. 4. II / arr d.livrrrd t.. d^alh Md ktliala, L a* rbattrord LIV ? Cor. 7 S. to die and L with von IS 4. A with him by power of <;..n jal. . 14. thr Jrniilrt to A as JrW 19 tht I might A unto <" Imtli, Hrt>. 10. 38. V itt! it wr A In the -pint, let lit I'ltil I. -! forme to/ is ( hrist ft. if I A in the fleh, this is the I Tkri. 3. a wr A if stnnd liisi in L 5. 10. died that wr should A I. him t Tim. III. we th. a--o A with him 3 II all A godly suffer prrseriition Tit i! I* that wr should A hrrly //r*. I*. 9. to Fathrr of spirits and A IX IS. willing to I. hvnetly Jam 4. 15. II Lord will we shall A 1 ptt. 2. 24. wr / to riithtentiMie 4 1. no longer sh.-uld A in thr flesh A A according to < od in Spirit 2 Pet. 2. A to those that A ungodly la rtraprd from them A in error 1 JtJtn 4. 9. th. wr might A thro' him Ret. 13. 14. bra-t hud wound did A Srr For KTBB. At I I.IVK. S'um. 14. 81. o. / A earth l.e fillrd, 98. Jot 27. 6. to long at 1 A rW 104. 33. | MA 2. /M. 49. ia at t I. saith thr Lord. Jrr. n. 24. F.xek. 5. II. | 14. 10. 18, !0. | IA 4R | 17. IP. 111. I la 3. i 20, 3. :a | sa n, 27. JM. 8. 35 6, II. Zrph. 2. 9. AMH. 14. II. Jrr. 46. ia at I A aaith the king , might, or maytti LIVE. I. do to them, ye m. A 5. 33. | a I. | 30. 6. IA 42. flee, to one cf these ritirs in. A IA !U what is just follow, that m. A SO ia that thon and thy seed m. A Pi. 119. 17. bountifully, that I m. A 77. anerrie* mme to me. that I m. A I IA uphold mr, th.it 1 m. I. Jrr. 36. 7. that ye may I. many days F.tek. 37. 9. on slain, that thry m. I. Aunt 5. 14. srek good, that yr m. A t'.uk. A 3. mmtrtt A long on earth Kot I.IVK. Fj-f-d. 19. la tourli mountain not L iJitit. a 3. man doth n. A by hrrad only. Mat 4. 4. l.ilkr 4 4 2 Kin. 10. 19. want ng he shall n. A I. thon shall not A I*a. 2R 1. ./o67. 16. I would not I. always Pi 55 2.1 wirsed n A hnlf their days Itn. 26. 14. arr dead, they shall n. A fzrk. 13. 19. souls that should n. I ia ia thall he live r hr shall n.L Y.rrk. 13 3. say to him, thou th. n. I. Art*'. 19. to the end they might ax A 2A. 24. ought n. to A any longer '-'H 4. vrngeanrr cuffereth not to A 2 Cor. 5. 15. should n. A to themselvet LIVED. Cm. 25. 6. from Isaac, while he A .Vi.ni. 14 38. Joshua and Caleb A (til 11 9. beheld srrprnt of brss hr A r>n,t. A. 2A heard voice of O. and A 2 &'ui. \0. (I if Absalom had A fi (9. IR while he/, he blessed SOD) r*r't. 37. 10. into them, and they A Art* tt. I. I ha. / In good conscience Cot i. 7. sometime, wh. ye A in them Jam. 5. 5 A in pleasure on earth Arr. ia 7. she hath A deliriously, 9. W. 4. /. with ChriM || 5. A Dot again LIVELY. F.nt |. 19. Hi brew women are A f'taL Sa IV. hat my enemies are A Aett 7. . who received A oraclrt Pet 1. 3. gotten ut sga to A hope 884 LIV Pel. 5. 5. ye. as A stones, ; Irafl* LIVER. trod. S9. 13. the IMI.I nt'ove thr /. tt. Ler. 3. 4. 10, |.\ | 4. 9. I 7. 4. | 8. I'"', ?5. | !'. .0. 19. VIT " ---3. ilart strike through A .am. 2. II. A poured upon the rant :telc. 21. 21. hr looked in the L See CAI L. 1.IVJ-.N Ernd. I. 14. they made their A bittet !i,'h. 2. 13. deliver our A from death 7rf#. 5 I*, p- ople jeoparded their A i Sam. I. 23. werr lovely in their A 23. 17. that went in jeopardy of their i I Cfir.m II. IW. Pror. I. 19. lurk privily for own J. Jr. 19. 7. which seek their A 4fi. iA :. seek their A shall straiten them /.am. 5. 9. gat bread with peril 01 I. Dan. 1. 12. A prolonged for a Benson / tiAre !'. 56. come to destroy n,. n's A Artt \f>. 26. men have hazarded A /7. 10. voyage be with damage of A I John. 3. ia lay down A for l.t.th. Rev. 12. II. they loved not their A LIV KM'. (!nl. i 14. thou a Jew A after manner Kec. 3. 1. that thou /. and art deiid L1VETH. Gen. 9. 3. every thing that A he meat Drut. 5. 24. God talk wi. man. I r /. 1 Sam. 1. VS. to L. as long a he A SO. 31. as son of Je>se A on ground 2 .Sam. 2. 27. a God A unless thou 22. 47. the Lord A Messed he n thr L. 1. if ye have 1 Sam. 14. 39. for ai the L. I though it be in Jonathan my son, 45. 19. 6. i 20. 21. | 25. 2. I 26 10, IA | 2R 10. | 29. A 25 rm 4.9. | 12.6. | 14. U.I AVn.1.29 SO. S. 01 L. I there is hut a *tep 5. 34. R. of Urn< I A which kept mr 9 Sam. 15. 21. at L. I and as my lord 1 Kin. 2. 24. a* the Lord I. 2 Kin f>. SO. S CAr. IS '.a Jer. 38 16. 17. 1. at L. Ood of Israel A IR 15. IS. at ike Lord thy Hod A 1R 10. 2 Am. 3. 14. at I., of hosts A 6. JA Aithvuvl I.IVETH. I Sam. I. *A at I. I. I urn the woman 17. Vi. Al.ner said, at t t. A O kioff 2*. 26. oi . A set ing Lord hath LO I &M*. 11. 11. uf t. i. I 1 will not do LIVING. Gen. \. 28. dominion over L thing !2. 7. and irmri dentine a soul 3. 20. she was mother of all /. 6. 19 mid every I thing of all flesh 7 4. ev. /. substance will I destroy 8. 1. Nuali and every A thing fcfr. II. 10. any /. tiling in the water \um. 16 4K. stood hetw. dead and I. I A'm. 3 2-2. the /. is my son, 23. 25. divid.- the I. child into two ,/oA 12. 10. in his hand every/, thing 28. 13. nor found in land of the /. 21. it is hid from eyes of all /. 30. '23. the house appointed for all /. 33. 30. enlightened with light of I. Pi. 27. 13. goodness of L. in land of /. 52. 5. root thee out of the land of /. 56. 13. walk in the liyht of the I. 68. 9. shall take them away, both /. 59. 28. blotted out of book of the I. 116. 9. walk before L. in land of /. 142. 5. art my portion in land of /. 143. 2. in thy sight no man /. be jus. 145. 16. satisfies! every I. thing Eccl. 4. '2. more than I. wh. are alive 15. I considered all /. which walk 6. a knoxveth to walk before the /. 7. 2. the /. will lay it to his heart 9. 4. that is joined to all the I. 5. the /. know that they shall die Cant 4. 15. a well of I, water Isa. 4. 3. written arnon^ I. in Jerus. 5. 19. seek to their (iod for the /. 38. 11. not see L. in land of the /. 19. the /. the f. he shall praise thee 5,'J. 8. cut off out of the land of /. Jer. 2. 13. forsaken /. waters, 17. 13. 11. 19. cut him off from land oft Lam. 3. 39. wheref. doth I. complain Ezek. 26. 20. sh. set glory in land of I. 32. 23. caused terror in the land of the I. 24, 25, 2vas nut 4. 7. 1. I come || 132. fi. I. we henrd 52. 7. /. the man that made not God 7:i 2li. /. they th. are afar sh. perish 2. 9 for I. tliineeiiemies sh. perish Vant. 2. II. I. the winter is past ha. 25. 9. /. this is our G. we waited Jer. 4. 23. /. it was without form 25. and /. there was no man Hap. I. 9. and /. it came to little Vat 24 23. /. here is Christ, I. there <2il. i 1 am with you always If'-* 13. 4(1 /. we turu to Gentiles LOD Heb. 10. 7. t I rome to do thy will, 9. LOADEN. Isa. 46 1. carriages were heavy I. LOADETH. Pi. 68. 9. daily I. us with benefits LOAF. Erod. 29.23. one I. of bread, one cake I Chr. 16. 3 Dav. dealt toev. one a/. Mark. 14. neither had more th. 1 /. LOAN. 1 Sam. 2. 2(i. /. which is lent to the L. LOATH, Sre LOTHE. LOAVES. Ler. 23. 17. two I. of two tenth deals I Stun. 25. 18. Abigail took 200 /. 1 Kin. 14. 3. take with thee ten /. 2 Kin. 4. 42. brought man of (i. 20 I. Mat. 14. !7. we have here but live I. U. and he took the five I. Murk 6. 38. Luke 9. 13. [>//* 6. 3R | 8.5. 15. 34. how many /. have ye ? 36. he took the seven I. and the fishes, Mark 8. 6. 16. 9. nor remember five I. of 5000 10. nor the seven 1. of the 401)0 Mark fi. 44 that e;.t of /. were 5000 52. they considered not mirac. of I. Luke 1 1. 5. say, friend, lend me 3 /. Jufin 6. 9. lad here hath five barley L 11. Jesus tonk /. and distributed 13. fragments of five barley /. 20. because ye did eat uf the /. Set- BREAD. LOCK. Cant. 5. 5. myrrh on handles of the i. LOCK. S. Num. 6. 5. let /. of the hair grow Judg. 16. 13. weavest the seven I. Neh. 3. 3. set up doors, and I. there, of, 6, 13, 14, 15. Cant. 4. 1. dovea eyes within thy /. 5. 2. my /. are filled with drops II. his I. are bushy, and black 6. 7. are thy temples within thy I. /(. 47. 2. unoover thy/, make i>are Ezek. 8 a he took me by /. of head 44. 20. nor suffer I. to grow long See iUus. LOCUST. Lev. 11. 22. /. after his kind, bald /. Pi. 78. 46. gave their labour to the L 109.23 Iain tossed up and down as/. Joel 1. 4. hath /. eaten, which L left 2.25 restore the years /. hath eaten LOCUSTS. Ejrod. 10. 4. to.morroiv I will bring L Deut. 28. 38. the !. .-.hall consume it Pa. 105. 34. he spake, and I. came Pron. 30. 27. the L have no king Itn. 33. 4. running to and fro of L Nan. 3. 15. make thy self many as / Mat. 3. 4. his meat was /. and wild honey, Mark I. 6. Rev. 9. 3. there came out of smoke /. 7. shapes of/, were like to horses LODGE. Isa. 1. 8. daughter of /ion left as a i. LODGE. Gen. 24.23. is there room for us to/.? A'w. 22. 8. /. here this nifht Josh. 4. 3. the place where ye sh. /. Judg. 19. 9. /. here, that thy heart AVA. 4. 22. let every one /. in Jeru. la 21. why /. ye about the wall? Jnli-l\. 1. naked /. without clothing 31. 32. stranger did not L in street Cant. 7. II. let us /. in the villages Isa. 21. 13. forest in Arabia sh. ye/. 05. 4. and /. in monuments Jer. 4. 14. how long vain thoughts /. Zi'ftti. 2. 14. beasts shall /. in lintels Mat. 13. 3->. so that Mid- / in the branches thereof Mark 4. 3i Luke la ID. 285 LOI Actt 21. 16. with whom we should t LODGED. Gen. 32 13. Jacob I. there that night 21. himself/, th. night in company ,/u../i. 2. 1. an harlot's house, and /. 4. S. carried them, where they i Judg. 19 4 eat and drtt.k, L there I A'jn. 19. 9. came into a cave and t I (In: 9. 27. /. round house of God AWi. 13. 20. merch. I., without Jeru, Isa. I. 21. righteousness /. in it Mat. 21. 17. went to Bethany and L Arts 10. IH. whether Simon I. there 28. 7. who /. us 3 days courteously 1 Tim. 5. 10. if she have I. strangers LONGEST. Ruth. 1. 16. where th. /. I will lodge LODGETH. A<:ts 10. 6. /. wi. one Simon a tanner LODGING, S. Josh 4. 3. and leave them in the /. 2 Kin. 19. 23. enter /. of his borders /.wi. 10. -29. taken up their I. at Gcba Acts 28. 23. came many to him into /. P/iilew. 22. withal prepare me a L LOFT, TV. I Kin. 17. 19. carried him into a /. Ps. 131. 1. not haughty, nor eyes Pron. 30. 13. L how /. are their eyes Int. >. II. /. looks be humbled, 5. 15. '26. 5. the L city he layi-tli low 57. 7. on I. mountain hast set bed 15. thus saith the high and /. one Act! 20. 9. Eutychus fell fr. third i LOFTILY. Ps. 73. 8. are corrupt, they speak I. LOFTINESS. I*a. 2. 17. /. of man sh. be bowed Jer. 48. 29. the pride of Moab, his /. LOG. Lev. 14. 10. priest sh. take a /. oil, LOINS. [12. 24. Gen. 35. 11. kings come out of thy/. 37. 34. Jacob put sackcloth on his/. 46. 26. the souls which came out of Ins /. h'.nid. 1. 5 Exod. 12. 11. sh. eat it, wi. /. girded 28. 42. breeches reach from the L Deut. 33. II. smite thro' /. of them 1 kin. 2. 5. blood in girdle about /. 5. 19. son shall come forth of thy /. 2 Chr. 6. 9. [2 Chr. 10. 10. 12. 10. thicker than my father's t 20. 31. pray, put sackcloth on our L 2 Kin. I. 8. girt wi. girdle of leather about his /. Mat 3. 4. Mark 1. R 4. 29. gird up thy i 9. 1. Job 38. a | 40. 7. Jer. 1. 17 Job 31. 20. if his / ha. notble>sed m 40. la lo. his strength is in his /. Pi. 38 7. my I are filled wi. discass 66 II. laidest affliction upon our /. 69. 23. make th. /. continually shake Isa. 5. 27. neither girdle of /. loos, d 1 1. 5. righteousness girdle of his /. 20. 2. loose the sackcloth fr. thy /. 21. 3. are my /. tilled with pain 32. II. gird sackcloth upon your /. Jer. 13. 1. a linen girdle put on I. 30. 6. see ev. man with hands on /. 48. 37. upon the /. shall be xaVkrloth Exek. 1. 27. fr. appearance of his L 8. 2. from his /. downward, fire 21. 6. sigh wi. tlie breaking of thy t 23. 15. with girdles upon their L 44. 18. sh. have linen breeches oil/. 47 4. the waters were to the L Dan 5. 6. joints of /. were loosed 10. 5. /. were girded with fine gold Amos H. 10. bring sackcloth on your A A'/i. 2. I. make thy /. strong '(i. and much pain is in all I Luke 12. :tt. let your / be ifirded Acts 2. 30. of his"/, he would raise C. tC II h.r.n* ywvtirlrt about 7 4. rra ii.il ..i / .,r Abraham k yet In t T hit f-lhrr I AM I. IX whrrrf (ird 1 of mind l.i r*4 IH 13. trumpet touiwteth i 19. Ml II thai thy d. mnv be t VMM. * IM. when thr rl> ii-l tarried I D*l. I. . y dwelt i enouffb. 4 1 lu A oveTt.ke him. the way t I )* V when ihry make a/ hl*t I AM. S. 1 1. n.H a-ke4 i CAr I. 1 1. I ( Ar l. S f..r i lon lrel ft :! A >vi / life will I t>.fy him torty year. / I nrv-d *M my ul hthi dwelt w i. him VJU & pl..er m.le i IB- furrnwi to K lh.r that hae Un i dead f-or 3. i. I Ufr .h they udd M thee 7 IH. ro4 mn U *>!.H thu .-p'iitv i L lam V f. w.mien eat child. pan 1 1 Errk 17. 3. ii rreat em|r>e i wuiffed. 44 JT1 n>tr uo'-r lurks In row L D-t*. I'l I. the linte appointed WH/ AM 1.1 Ii not .lay / ill the pUce Mat. II. II. repented I a*o In aek 23. 14. and for pretence mnke L prater*. Vr* 1140. /.*r^X47. Jfer* It 38. who fo in L rlolbin*. l.ukrtO. 4A. Id i. rlotbed ID a/ white irarment l.nkr II 7. tho' he bear I wl them 23. 8 tn ee him of a I seaimn j|<-< >. 9 a* Paul wa*(, preaching I Cor It 14 If man hive I. hair l.V woman have/, hair, it UK lory j>A- A3 th.ui mare*t live/ on earth I Tim. a lit if I tarry /. that Ihou Jam. 5i 7. biubundnuut ha. t patience .< LOST. OJ. Aer 88. 34. . i a/ t live II& t ra'l upon him ,11 1 at I live f*-L ti. U .at L ai they, a broad Vjt S. 15. u bridegroom in with thrm, AfVt 2 19 . * ). S. oi '. hu-hind 3al I I h r .1. / ii he i. .. , hild I f,t. \ 1 d.iurht. r 1 f ,n|| > Pci L 11 IM / o> I am in taheroa. XMCOITN DT. H..I-R. Jnfg 3. ?H rh iri-'t to I. in ro'tilnc I r*' 31 fe hun- I hrrn o / t. with you ' plr,^M. . . . . > frt. 2.3 jildm. of / f. II. a/ -. till break of day LONO. Job \ II. L for death, hut mmeth not a irrant me thine that I /. for h,-m. I. II. for I / to nee MHI 1 4 prayer which /. after you PluL I. a vreatlv I /. after you all LOS (JED. t S'im la 30. David i to go forth O. 15. David i and said. (> that one, I CAron. II. r. Pial 110. 40. It after thy precepU 131. I / for thr commandments 174. I have L for thy salvation PkU 2. -K. for he /. after you all I 1. dearly beloTed and I lot LOKOKJMT. lem. 31. 30. th. / after father's house C0NGEB. F.jcod. 9. fS. and ye shall stay no L I wig. -i. 14. could not any /. stand .' Kin. a 33. should I wait for L. Lt Jolt II. ft measure is L than earth Irr 44. fL the Lord could no/, hear l.tikr IK. 2. mayp-t be no /. steward A'tt 18*0. they desired him to tarry/, *V V4. be ouirht not to live any I. Horn 6. 2. sin. h >w live any L therein I Thft. a 1. we could no L forbear. 5. I /' / 4. -I. no /. live ret of his time Arc. 10. ft there should he time no /. LOMOETfi fin. 34. R my ton / for your daiiffh. Unit. I*. 80 thy soul /. to eat flesh Pi. fia I. flrnh /. for thre in dry land M. i. my soul I. f..r courts of Laird LONGINO. l)r*t. ?& 32. eye, sh fail / for them P'. 107. 9. be satisfieth the /. soul 119. ML soul hreaketh for / it hath Exod. 34. 6. l^.rd tiod /..] Vt/m 14. 18 Ptal 8ft 15. Prt 3. S Jrr. 13. 15 me not awny in thv /.-*. Rm. . i drpiet rlrhes of h|< /..*. 9 ti. endured with much I .rnjf.-r. i Car. 6. R hy L-iuffer. l.y kindness Cinl. V 02. fruit of spirit is love, /. j. r'.jiH 4. V. with L.itiffrr. forhi aiuiir C/. I. II. ttrenvthened to all /./ S II. aselect of find, meekneftfi, /..*. 1 Tim. I. Ift Christ miifht show /.. 2 Tim 3 in.kiwn my faith. /..* t f with all /. j and do.irine I Prt. a 8>l. i.J. of '. waited indnyi. -' Prt. 3. 15 /.-. of Lord is salvation LOOK. S. Pi. IK. 87. thon hrinif down hiffh /. mi. 5. an hluh ( ! will not nfler Pror. 6. 17 Lord hateth a pr..iid /. -'I. 4. hih /. and proud henrt is sin hit 8. II lofty /. of man huinh!ed HI I*, punish irlory of hi high I f.trk. 4 fi. nor diim'ayed at L 3. ft Da*. 7. 20. t more >tout than hisfel . LOOK. .(,/. ]J. 3 that / out at windiiws Cunt. 4. a L from top of Amana /. a 21. rursr king, and /. upward 17. 7. shall a man L to his maker fi. 4. /. away from me, I will u i op 31. I they /.'not to holy One ..I la. r.' I A /. ye blind, that ye M>H\ - 45. 22. /. unto me. and be ye sav.-d 51. I to n>rk whenre arr hewn 5fl. 1 1. they all / to their own I v .Vt. 1 1. we I. for jiiiliriiii-itl, hut IM.C r >; 2. but to thi- man ill I / .Irr. 13 16. and while %e /. for lipht :n Iv. tnk>- and /. well to him in. 4. and 1 will I well to thee 46. 5. miirhty flrd, and /. nut hark 47. a father* not /. hark to children //-. 3 I. who /. tn other ffuria Innah ~i. 4. / toward holy temple .Vic. 7. 7. therefore I / to the Lord \,,ti. 2. 8. bin none shall 1 hark Mai. II. 3. or do we /. for anoih-r f LuJcr- Mnrk S. 2>5. and made him /. up l.nki- SI. 2& thiiiK- b>-Kiu, thru /. up luhn 7. 5i. Hint / for out of (; u ,ii< , t< (' 6. 3. i ye out --even mm M :.') qui-gtion of vtordM. t > ! it 1 Cor. a la 8tedfatly /. to th.- rn.1 4. l& we /. at thiiiirs'wliirh un- .- -n Phil. H. VO. we / for the Savi,,i fM. 9. a to them th, t h. he i.p;i.-..r ! /'/. I. 12. migels desire' to.' into 2 Pet. a IT wr /. for n-w h.Mi.-ns 14. si-eiii|f yi- /. for OIK h thine- ^ ,7r,/;iS ' In ynnr-clven, weln~p not Rer. 3. 3. no man iil.lr to /. therron 4. to read the hook nor i thereon LOOK i/.nrn. Dnit. V>. l.V / ,1. frou holyhahita. /V 80. 14. /. d anil v,it tli'i- > nn- *"). II. rifrhteoiig /. d (T. hean-n i. f>3. l.V /. rf-.rrn fr..m hravi-n /.n. 3. SO. till L. /. rf. and behold LOOK , or t//>'.n. t. I?. II. art a fair woman to /. nit ;>4 1. Rehekah fair to ' nn. F.j-od. a fi. Moses nfr.iid to / ,> (J. 4.t Mo-.es did /. upm ..II \v,,rk l.rr. 13. a priest /. f/p-/n the iilairuP Vt" 40. 12. i u. every one that i proud Pi. K. 17. bones stare a-.. I / n i r !>.V 1ft A H. mine ffl'u-tion and i>;nri .Tj. 17. how |..n-< /. right ,.( 23. ;>1. / not on wine when it i- i. d Cimt. 1. fi. /. not nn me, I am 1-Jnrk ft. la return, that we may/. .-. thet In. V 90. if one / up n the land H. 2. they shall /. i//n the earth 3a M. I. 'ijxni Zion, the city >.f 51. 6. / upon the earth heneath Mir 4. II let our eye / >//,.,>. /ion S/. methey pienea J.nfffO 3S ma-ti-r. /. 'ifm'i my ^-.n ./"An 4. : lift ey-8. and /. u : l'<. 37 / ./. him thi-y !:ae plerr-ei Jet* a 4. ivt and j. Mid, L u. oi, ;a LOO prtil. 2. 4. I not on hi* own things Itev. 4. 3. WHS tu I. upon like a jasper LOOK Hi). Gen. 6. 12. (J...1 /. on tli.- earth 19. 28. his wife /. back from behind 2(i. 8. I. cut t a window, and saw Erod. 2. 12. /. this way and th. way 1. 31. L ou their afflict. O. ft. 28. mother/, out at window 6. 14 the Lord I. upon him 1 Sum. 6. 19. they had I. into the ark J. .SVi. 6. IF.. Michal /. thro' window 22. 42. A hut there was none to save 1 Kin. 18. 43 servant went up and /. Z Ktn. 2. 24. Elisha turn, back and /. i). 3D. Jezef.el /. out at a wind"W 14. II. /. one another in the face Pi. 14 2 L. /. if any did understand 34. 5. /. to him, an. I were lightened 53. 2 G. / down on children of men Kli .9. he /. down fr. his sanctuary 109. iid. when th. /. th. shaked head's t'fj.v. - 6. because sun hath I. on me Tiro. f>. 2. /. it sh hrinif forth grapes 7. 1. for judgment, behold o|>i>res 22. 11. ye have not /. to the maker Jer. 8. 15. we / for peace, 14. 1!). .*<*. 10 II. whither the head /. 21. 21. consulted, lie I. in the liver Hag. 1. 9. /. for much, came to little MarkK. 41. he I. up to heaven 8. 24. he I and said, I see men as 7-ttA:* 1. 25. i on me, to take away 2. 38. to all that /. for redemption 10. 32. a Levite . ame and /. on him 22. 61. Lord turned, /. upon Peter Jf/in 13. 22. di-ciples /. one on Knot. Arts I. 10. /. stedfastly to heaven JS. fi. after they L a great while Heb.\\.\Q. I. for city wh. hath found. 1 John I. 1. which we have I. upon / LOOKED. Jfif> 30. 26. T /. for goo I, evil came Ps. 69. 20. / /. for some to take pity 142. 4. 7 I. on my right hand P n>r. 7. fi. / 1. thr'iugh my rasement 24. 32. / 1. on it, and received instr. Ercl. 2. II. 1 1. on works my hands ln. 5.4. 77. itsho. hrinir forth grapes (>3. 5. 7/. there was none to help Actn-fi. 13. same hour / /. upon him Hen. 4. 1. 7 I. and 1 behold a door was opened, 6. S. | 14. 1, 14. | 15. 5. LOOKE-T. Job 13. 27. /. narrowly to my paths Hob. 1. 13. 1. on tliem deal treacher. LOOKETH. Num. 21. 8. when he /. on it, sh. live 20. toward Jeshimon. 23. 28. Sam. 16. 7. I. on outw. appearance Job 7. 2. an hireling /. for reward 28. 24. he /. to the ends of the earth 33. 27. he /. on men, and if -tny say fs. 3:i. 13. the Lord L from heaven 14. he /. on inhabi. of the world 104. 32. L onearth.andittrembleth Prno. 31. 27. /. well to her household Cunt. 6. 10. who is she that I. forth Ltn. 2S. 4. when he that /. upon it Mat. b .28. who /. on woman 'to lust 24. 50. lord sh. come when he I. not for him, Luke 12. 40. Jam. 1. 25. whoso /. into perfect law LOOKING. 1 Chr. 15. 29. Michael I out window a. 38. 14. nrne eyes fail with /. Mat. H. 19. /. up to heaven, AM. 9.16. Mark 7. 34. and /. up to heaven 15. 40. there were also women I. I like 6. 10. I. round about them all V. 62. I. back, fit for kingdom of O. LOR Luke 21. 26. heirts failing for/. afUr Art* 6. 15. /. st-dl'astly on him 23. 21. I. for a promise from thee Tit. 2. 13. /. for that blessed hope Heb. 10. 27. fearful /. for of judgment 12. 2. I. unto Jesus the author 15. /. diligently, lest any fail 2 Pet. 3. 12 I. tor the coming of G. Jude 21. I for mercy of our L. Jesus LOOKlNG-^/uw, . E.rod. 38. 8. laver and loot of l..g. Job 37. 18. spread out sky as a l,-g. LOOPS. E.rod. 26. 4. shall make /. of blue, 5. 36. II. he made/, of blue on curtain LOOSK. Gen. 49. 21 Naphtali is a hind let /. l.en. 14. 7. let the living bird /. ./..A ('. 9. he would let /. his hand 30. II. they have let /. the bridle Dun. 3. 25. lo 1 see four men /. LOOSE, Verb. Josh. 5. 15. /. thy shoe fr off thy foot Jot, 38. 31. canst thou /. the bands Ps. 102. 20. /. th. appointed to death Ixn. -X). 2. /. sackcloth from thy loins 45. I. I will /. the loins of kings 52f2. O Jem. /. thyself from bands 58. 6. to /. the bands of wickedness Jrr. 40. 4. behold, I /. thee this day .Mat. 16. 19. wh.ye /. on earth, I*. 18. 21.2. /. and bring them tome, Mark II. 2, 4. Luke 19. 30. Luke 19. 31. why-do ye /. him? 33. Julia 1 1. 44. /. him and let him go Actt 13. 25. I am not worthy to I. 24. 26. money given, th. he might/. Rev. 5. 2. who is worthy to /. seals 5 prevailed to /. the seven seals 9. 14. /. four angels wh. are bound LOOSED. Deut. 25. 10 him th. hath his shoe /. , /oft 30. II. because he hath /. mytord 39. 5. who hath /. bands of wild ass? Ps. 105. 20. the king sent and /. him 116. 16. thou hast / my hands Eccl. 12. 6. or ever silver cord he /. ha" 5. 27. nor nirdle of loins he L 51. 14. hasteneth that he may be /. Dan. b. 6. joints of his l>iiris were /. Mnt. 16. 19. he /. in heaven, 18. 18. 18. 27. with compassion, and /. him Murk 7. 35. the string of his tongue was /. Luke I. 64. Luke 13.12. woman art /. fr. infirmity 16. ought not daughter to be /. Arts 2 24 having/, pains of death 13. 13. when Paul and company I. 16. 26. every one's bands were I 22. 30. he /.'him from his bands 27. 21. and have not /. from Crete Rom. 7. 2. husband he dead, she is I I Cor. 7. 27. art thou /. from wife? Ren. 9. 15. the four angels were L 20. 3. after that he must be I 7. LOOSETH. Jo/: 12. 1R he /. the bond of kings Ps. 146. 7. the Lord /. the prisoners LOOSING. Mark 11. 5. what do you I the colt? Luke 19. 33. as they were ', the colt Actt 16. 11. therefore /. from Troas LOP. Isa. 10. 33. the L. shall /. the bough LOKI), :;. Gfit. 18. 14. is anything too hard for L. 28. 21. then shall the L. be my God Ej-od. 5. 2. who is the L. I sho.ohey? 9. 89. know how that the earth is the L.' P*. 24. I 1 Cor. 10. 26. la 12. the male* Shall be the L.'a 32. 2a who is on the Vs side Lev, 16. 8. Aaron sin < ast one lot t..r the L. 2j. 4. | 27. 2. 287 Xttm. 14. 1 . that thou L. srt ecJ 18. 6. are g.ven as a gift for the I -'3.26. all the L. speaketh. must I do Deut. 4. 35. know that the L. he is&. 39. I Kin. IS. JD. 5. 5. I stood between the L. and you 17. and L. of lords a great (io.'l 29. 2. have seen all that the L. did 32. 6. do ye thus requite the L. 33. 29. O people, saved by the L. Jush. 2. 12. swear unto me' by the I 1 Sum. i4. 21. Judg. 1. 19. the L. was with Judith 2 10. generation whi. Knew not L. 6. 13. it L. be with us, why is tliisf II. 31. meet me, sh. surely be L. '*. Ruth I. 17. L. do so to me, ami more, I Sam. -X). 13. 1 Sam. 2. 2. there ig none holy as L. a la it is the L. let him do what seemeth good, John 21. 7. 19. the L. was with him, 18. 12, li 2 Kin. 18. 7. 1 Chron. *. 68. L to whwi shall *r go It M who b he. L that I Might 13. IS. yr rail me wiastrr and L. * L. who is itrjl XU X-V ha area L. ta X, Ukrn thr L out of srpulrhr. VI. IX -sk him, knowing it was L AiUl*. rrifiOrd t~.th L. and (hr & said whaart thou L.F X& 15. la 4. afraid, and said, what to It L> 14. Prlrr id, not >, L 1 1. a K Jrtui Ibn.t. hr is L of all tX. 10, I said, what shall 1 do. LP AMM. M Hi Ihr saw* L mrrr all 14. a might b- L. of dradand living I Cur. 1 i. Bat rru< i6ed L. of glory 3. 5. rvrn a* L gavr to rvrry raaa 4. 4. hr that Judcrlh mr Is the L. 1ft rorar, if thr L will, Jam. 4. 15. t 13 but for L. | 7. IU not I. but L 15 47. srrnd man to L. fr. bravrn 1 1' i. a to br prrarot with tbr L II. 17. I sprak it not aftrr the U KfJk 4. 5. onr L onr faith, one hap. 5 29. rvrn as thr L. thr rhurrh /AWL 1 1 1. ninfnia Jra. Chrtot to L. 4 V mode br known. L. to at band I TV* 4 17. a wrrvrr be with L I Tim. & IV king of king.. L of lords t Tim. 3. 1 1. out of M|| L delivered JUk & a began to br spokrn by L. a II. know L. for all .hall know Jam. i. Ii, Ihr L shall ratoe *irk up 1 /rt II day is wi. L . thousand J*4* . Michael said, L rrbukr thrr Mn. 11. 15. brromr kingdoms of L. 17. 14. for hr is L. of lords, 19. 16. mfmytlmlLOmO. I Sam. f. *&. it a m*n sin ag. Mr L IX. 13. sin o. L in erasing lo piay Prav XI. W. nor roiuiM-l ago. Otr L /M. 1 a Ihr ir doing, are a f a. the L 31 C lo utlrr rrror agninti the L Jrr. 4R. V nullified inuiM-lf a. L 4X. />. & X3. liftrd upthysrlfa. Mr L Hot. &. 7. dralt trrrhrrou.ly a. L A'dA. I & what do yr imagine a L? Is* UVKIM. AIIOIIITI D, APPRABKO. Bthretiu LORD. Ge>. IR XX. Abraham .IIMM! A. t L. ffml IA. 9. say o.me nmr A. Mr L 3X lay it up A. t LI Sam. la XS. B 17. thrrr limr* In yrar appear . L. 94. 4. DftU. IS. IA. 1 Sam. I . 17. XI. ardrr lamps t Mr L 40. 25. ft. IX. Aaron hrr their numrs A. L. L~. 4. C. spoaiir .ven time* Mrw ttr L 17. | 14. 16 X7 ft t ramr a llr- out from A. Mr L la < and thr v dird 4. L Xum. a. 4. Xum. 5 IK. and *< brr i. L l. 30, 10 9. hr rvmrmhTrd *. L your O. IS 4 and hang thrm up Mart t li 17. 5. MMM Krnught raur A. Mr L Dfut 9. !a and I fell down A Mr L IX. la must rut thrm A. L. thy O la 7. hi. brethren .land thrrr A. L IA 17. rontrotrrsy, h. stand A L Jmtf. la r>. krfon t U to your way I Sos. XI. 7. thai da) dei-in.-d A. L (MS. U. a hMsfrd &*> U felil ft. L. LOR S Kin. IB. 14 Hnrkiah oprrnd it be fantlu L /* 37. 14 /.BA II , L. roinrlh tojudKc. H8. . |nu. IS. Irt b.- i. t L. roniiiMMily lid. U. walk A. L. in land ol IIVIIIK Prof. li. II. hrll and diitrur. b. L. / 23 IH for thrm tbHt dwrll A. L. Vic. S.6. hrrrwilhh. I n.mr 6. L.P ZrcA. t. II hr.ilrnt, H fl^h b. t. L. Mill. 3. 14. w*lked inonriifiilly A. L V 7>M. X. 11 chariiiiiu ih-m /.. thr I. i/'rf. i 11. iiuriiiii)cari imation A. L. Set BLia*. BLBMKII. CALLKD, (AST Oui, CHoteM, ( HOOSE, CIIMMANU. BU, FBAB, Ki AKHI. Hi joitE. From the LORD. Grit. 4. I. I hiivr r't<-n a man/ L. III. 24. ire/ Mr L out of li,-neii i\. 5" thr llnnf prixfrdrth f. t. L. .VMM II. 31. wrnt forth wind I/: L 16. : thrrr mmr out a 6rr A (. L 40. thrrr i. wiHlh (onr out'/ t. L. I &TM. Id U. rvil spirit/ L 19. U. t& IX. slerp/ t L Hllrn on them I Ai. i li. it wa hin/r-m ttf L 33. shall hr prarr fur rvrr/ <. L. />. 34. 5. shall rrcrivr blnsiiifr/ L. I09.20.rrarnn>rl/ L. 40. X7. why aayrit.jny way liid/ L. Jer. 7. I. word that ramp to Jrre. mih/n>. Ike L. II. I | la I. I SI. I. j Xfi. I. | X7. 1. | SX 1 | 32. 1. |31 I, 8, lit | .V>. I. |3& 1. |4tt I. 17.5.rurr7. 17. U thrrr any word/ Mr L? 49. 14. 1 har lirard n rumour/ L Lfm.t.9. prophet* find no vision/ L 3. 18. my strrnirth ii prri*hed/ L Kxek. II. IS. Mid, get ye far/ L L. 33. 30 hexr wh. word rnineth/ L. Hm. I. a whoredom, departing/ L. Olxid. I. have heard a rumour/ L. Mir. I. IX. but rvil ramr down/ L. V 7. rrmnant nhall he Hdew/ L ZrrA.14.13. tumult/ L. among them /.'iA-r I. 4Vi. thing! t. Id h.T/ Me L 3 Cor. & 6. wr arr ahtrnt from t, L. See ftiYB, OITCN. LORI) wt C.rn 24. 27. blew, br L G. of A bra. F.f. 34. ft L. (i. merciful and erari. Jnih. 2X. W. the L Corf of gods XI 2. the L. Cud of lirarl. Jude. 4. . 1 Som. X. SO. I A'ld. I. 30. I Ckr. i.l iV | 24. 19 I Sam. 6. m able to stand hrfo L. G. i S,,m. 7. la who am I, O L God 1 Kin. i. U. whe. ix L. G. of Klijah? F.zelc. 3ft X3. Um the L with L C 39. 5. I har p..ken it, Kalth the L G.d, X3. . | X6. 14. I V. 10. flan. 9. 3. I M>t my frr unto L. O. //a 12. S. rvrn L G. i hi* memorial Ami* X 7. L Cod ill do nothing 8. thr L God hath fpoken. who //ijA. a 19. the L G. it my strength I frt. 3. I.S .anrtify L G. in hert Ret. 4. a holy, boly, L. G. Almighty. II. 17. | In. 7. IS. a Mrong is L. G. who jndgrth IR 8. L God omnipotent reigneth 21. fi th- L Gorf and the I.Hmh X2. 5. the L. Corf giveth thrm light Srr AH, KAIIII . 1 .01(1) AM Hod. Sum. S3 21. L kit God is with him 1 Hum. K.6. David enro.irag.-d him. rlf in the L. hu God Ml LOR I Kin i $. house t<- name of L. h. t, 11.4 heart not p. r (p.t i. 1. G. 15.3 IA. 4 did the 1, G g>vn him lamp -.' A'i. !>. i. riKht in >i)iht i.l L G. -> CAr. I. I. lh.- L A li ;.* i. him It II. Asn i-rit-d unto the L hit G 31. XH wrought right neloie L G. E:ra1. 6. MI .-..rd. to hand ..I L G Mic. S. 4. in the name nl L. hi* God LORI) mv (.,,'t. I Kin. S. 4 L. my Orf j( IVt ' n ""' rt>(> t & build house until ii:nn, <>l L. my G. 7MA.XX. 19. beside^. ! tar of L. n. G v9. X4. 17. I., ii. G. brought ua out of Kg. 1 ^'ui.7.a crai..- not lorry to L.O. G. /. XO. 7. rrineinlier n.uni- nt L. o. G. 911. 17. beauty of L. o. G. he on us 99. >. exa t yr the L our God. 9. a O L. our G. llion lorgaveot them 9 for the L. our ('(.. walk in name ol L our G. Acti'i 39. a- many aa L. o. G. -h. rail Ac. 19.1. honour anil power to L. G. I. old) Meir God. X A'i'n. 17. 9. not rig lit aga.L. t. G. 1.9. kepr not rnimiiand of L. t. G. Luke 1. 16. many nil. turn to L. G. LORI) thu (.'-'/. rorf,802. lamtheL./. G. rV 81.10. Deu/. 4. X4. L. t. G. irnn*umingnre :il. the L. / G. is a mernful Gud 7. 9. the L. My God, hi- i- (iod 8. 5. no L. Mv G. rhaat roeth 4hr 12. 31. -luilt not do go to L MV God 2R 58. this fearful name, th.- Il t G. .A.A. I. 9. the L Mv C. i with tlieti 2 .Sam. 14.7. L t. G. will be wi. thee 24 X3. the L. tba God arn-pt ther /to. 43. 3. I am the I. MV C. the holr Ji-r. 4X. 2. pray for to the L t G. Vir. 7. 10. said, where is the L t G.F Mat 1 7. thou shalt not t.-mut the L Mv God. l.uke 4. IX, LORD vr Gorf. Lev. 19. 2. I thr L. V"'" G. m liofy flrut 10. 17. L. v- C- '" <;odof gods /4. 10. L oj li. is king of glory 4(i 7. L i,fho*t* \* itl< U8, II. 4a 8. seen in the city of L. nfhottt ha. a a holy, holy, holy is L o/A. 8. 13. faiirtify the L. I h. himself 47. 4. L. ../ A. is hib name, t.s 2. | 51. 15. |54. 5. Jer. 10. IK. | 3L V>. |3X la ! 50. 34. | 51. 19. Jer. 4ft ia name i* L "/ h. 4R 15. A. X. la in it not of thr L nt h-,iti ZecA. 2. 9. L. <.fh. -entn.e, ll.'| 4. 9. Set .SaiMMr I.OBD. i the LOUD. Lee. 19. 2. for 7 t L your fiod, am holy, W. Xfi. | l. a Num. 14. 35. / thr 1. have -aid it, I will do it, F.fk. '21. 17 /!. 27. 3. / thr L do keep it, I will 45. 7. / Me L. do all thew thiagt LOR Ita. 45. 8. I the L. have created it 19. / Md L. speak righteousness 60. 22. / 1. L. will hasten it in time Jer. 17. 10. It. L. search the heart-, 14.9. / 1 L. have deceived prophet 34. 24. / the L. will be their God lam tin LORD. Gpn. 15.7. /am t L. th. brought thee Erod. 6. 2. / am t. L. 6. 8, 29. | 12. 12. Lev. ia 5,6,21. Afo. 3.13. /fa. 43. II, 15. 20. 2. /am t L. thy 0. who brought Lev. 22.32. I amt. L. wh. hallow you Isa. 42. 8. lam t. L. th is my name 44. 5 one shall say, I am the Lord's Jfr. 9. 24. he knoweth that lam t. L. 32. 27. lam t. L. the God of all flesh Mai. 3. 6. fur / am t. L. I change not See KNOW. LORI) Jesus, tee JESUS. In the LORD. Gen. 15. 6. he believed in the L. I Sum. 2. 1. my heart rejoiceth int. L. Pi. 4. 5. and put your trusti the L. 11. 1. in the L. put I my trust, 26.1. | 31. 6. |7a 2a 31. 24. all ye that hope in the L. 32. 1 1. be triad in the L. and rejoice 34. 2. my soul shall boast in the L. 35. 9. my soul sh. be joyful in t. L. 37. 4. delight also thyself in tt L Iia. 58. 14. 7. rest in the L. and wait patiently 56. 10. int. L. will I praise his word 64, 10. the righteous shall he glad in the L. 104. 31. Pro*, a 5. trust in t. L. wi. all heart Ita, 26. 4. in the L. Jehovah is ever. 45. 24. in t L. have I righteousness 25. in t. L. seed of Isr. be justified Zrph. 3..'J. she tru.-ted not in Vie L. Wcfc 9. \'l. and many believed in t. L. 14. a abode speaking boldly in t. L .Rom. 16. 2. th. ye receive her in t L. 8. greet An plias, my beli.v. in t. L. 12. who laboured much in the L. l.'l salute Kufus, chosen in the L. 22. f ertius salute you in the L. 1 Cor. 1. 31. glorieth, tot him glory in tte L. 2 Cor. 10. 17. 4. 17. faithful in L. || 7.22. call, in L. 7. 39. to be marri-'d, only in the L. 9. 1. are tint ye my work in t. L.? 2. seal of apostleship art- ye in L. 11. 11. nor woman without man iV.L. 15. 58. labour is not in vain in t. L. Eph. 2. 21. to an holy temple in t. L. 4. 17. therefore, testify in the L 5. 8. now are ye light in the L. 6. 1. obey your parents in the L. 10. my brethren, be -trong in /. L. 21. Tyc. a faithful ministering L. Phil. 1. 14. brethren in t. L. waxinu 2. 29. receive him therefore in t. L. 4. 1. stand fast in the L. 1 Thti. 3. 8. 2. be of the same mind in the L. 10. but I rejoiced in tne L.greatly Cut. 3-ia submit to husbands in t. L. 4.7.Tychicus fellow-servant inf. L. 17. ministry thou received in t. L. 1 The*. 5. 12. know th. over you in L. 8 The*. 3.4 we have confidence i;i L. Phile. 16. both in the flesh and in< L. 20. yea, let me have joy of tliee i t. L. refresh my bowels in t. L. Rev. 14. 13. blessed are dead in t L. See REJOICE, TRUST. LOUD is. Gun. 28. IH. the L. it in this place Ej-od. 9. *7. the L. it rk'htemis. I wicked, 2 Chr. 12. fi. 15. 2. the L. it my strength and smiir 3. L. it man of wr, L. is his name Xuin. 14. 'J. the L. it Hi. UK, lear uol LOR Num. 14,ia the L. if long-suffering, of great, Nah. 1. 3. 42. for the L. ii not among you 1 Kin. 8. 60. know that the L. if G. 2 Chr. 13. 10. for us, the L. if our O. 15. 2. L. it wi. you while ye for hint Pt 10. 16. the L. is king for ever 34. ft. O taste and see the L. it good 89.18. the L. it our defence and king !<2. IS. shew that the L. it upright 93. 1. the L. if clothed wi. strength 94. 22. the L. i. my defence and rock 95. 3. the L. is a great God, 96. 4. | 99. 2. I 135. 5. 100. 5. the L. if good, 34. a I 135. 3. | 145. 9. Jer. 33 11. Lam. 3. 25. A"uA. 1.7. [HI. 4. | 145. 8. 103. 8. L. it merciful and gracious, 113. 4 L. is high above all nations 118. 6. the L. it on my si>le, not fear 121. 5. L. i.v keeper, L. if thy shade 125. 2. the L. it round about his peo. 129. 4. the L. if righteous, 145. 17. Lam. 1. 18. Dan. 9. 14. 145. 18. the L. it nigh to all th. call Prov. 15. 29. L. if far from wicked Isn. 30. 18. L. if a God of judgment Jer. 10. 10. the L. if the true God 17. 7. trusteth in L. who. hope L. it 20. II. L. if with me as terrible one Lam. 3. 24. the L. if my portion t.zek. 48. 35. name of city, L. if there Amos 5. 8. the L. if his name, 9. 6. Zeph. 3. 5. the just L. i* in midst, 15. Luke 24. 34. the L. if risen indeed 2 Cor. 3. 17. now the L. if that spirit Phil. 4. 5. known, the L. if at hand Heb. 13. 6. the L. if my helper 1 Pet. 2. 3. tasted the L. it gracious See MADE. A/y LORD. Gen. 19. 18. Lot said, not so my L. Judg. 6. 13. O my L. if L. be wi. us 15. O mi/Is, shall 1 save Israel Pt. 16. 2. 'said to L. thou art my L. 35. 23. stir up thyself my God, and my L. Jnhn 20. 28. 110. 1. the L. said to mv L. Mat. 22. 44. Mark 12. 36. Luke 20. 42. Acti 2. 34. Ixa. 21. 8. my L. Island on the tower Dan. 10. 17. can serv. of my L. talk'/ Zech. 1. 9. O my L. what are theae? 4. 4. | 6'. 4. || 4. 5 no my L. la Mat. 24. 48. my L. delayeth bis com- ing, Luke 12. 45. Luke 14. a mother of mt/L. sho. come John 20. 13. have taken away my L. Phil. as. knowledge of Ch. Je. my L. LORD. Exnd. 15. 11. who is like thee, L.? 2 Sam. 23. 17. be it far from thee L. 1 CA/-.I7. 20 OL.th. isnonelikethee Pt. 6. 3. hut thou. L. how long 8. 1. L. our L. how excellent 22. 19. be not far fr. me, L. 35.22. 1 15. 1. not unto us, L. not to us Rev. 6. 10. how Ion?, L. holy and Of the LORD. 2 Kin. 6.33. behold, this evil is oft. L. Pror. 20. '24 man's goings are oft. L. 21. 31. day of battle, safety is oft. L Act*'i\. 14. saying, will ojfL.be done I Cor. II. 23. I have received oft. L. Jutn. 5. II. have seen the end oft. L. Sec AM.KR, ANGKL. COMMANDMENT. CON(. KKGATION, Coi'NSKL, DAY, Fvi-s, KACH.FKAR. FKAST.OLOR'V, HAND. House, KNOWI.H>GK,LAW. Mime of the LOUD. (Sen. \->. R Abra called on n. oft.I,. Jri 25. I-aac called on the n. iift.L Ejrud, 20. 7. sh:ilt not take nu'm* < f the L. in vain, Dtut. 5. )/ LOR Exod. 31 19. will procKm n oft. 34. 5. L. proclaimed tlit -i. t,ft L. Lev. 24. 11. blasphemed n. o/i.L. Ili. Deut. la 5. minister in n. oft. L. 7. 22. prophet speaketh in n. of t L. 2a 10. ait railed by the n. of the L. 32. 3. I will publish the n. of the L. Josh. 9 9.servants come of n, oft. L. 1 Sam. 17. 45. come to thee in ". of I, 20. 42. sworn both of us in n. nft.L* 2 Sam. 6.2, name is called by . <,_/ L. 1 Ain. 22. 16. that whkh is true in n. oft. L. 2 Chr. 18. 15. Job 1. 21. blessed be the n. of t. L. Ptal. 11.3. 2 Pf. 20.7. will remember the n. oft. I. 102. 15. heathen sh. leai n. o/V//f L. 21. to declare the n. c/t.L. in Zion 113. 1. praise the n. of the L. 135. 1. | 148.5, 13. Joel*. 26. 1 16. 4. then called I on n. oftlie L. 26. he that cometh in n. of tL<- L. 122. 4. give thanks to the n. oft. L. 124 a our help is in the n. oft. L. 129.8. say, we bless you in n. oft. L. Prov. 18. 10. n. oft. L. strong tower Iia. 18. 7. to the place of n. ofthe L, 24. 15. glorify the name of the L. 30. 27. n. ofthe L. cometh from far 56. 6. and to love the n. ofthe L. 59. 19. so sh. they fear n. of the L. Jer. 3. 17. nations gathered to n o/L, Mic. 4. 5. we will walk in n. oft. L. i. 4. feed in majesty of n. oftlie L. Zeph. 3.12. they sh. trust in n. o/tL. Mat. 21. 9. that cometh in the 'name oft. L. *3. 39. Mar* II. y, 10. Luke 13. 35. | 19.38. John 12.13. ActtS. 29. spake boldly in n. /t L. 10. 48. to be baptized in n. ofthe L. 19. 13. rail over them the n.*o/ t. L. 21. 13. am ready to die for n. oft. L. See CAI L, OFFERINGS. Servant, sen-ants of ttie LORD. Deut 34. 5. Moses the f. ofthe L. Join. 1. 1. death of Moses the f. o/L. 13. which Moses the terr. oft. L. commanded, 9. 31, 33. | 1 1. 12. | 22. 2. 5. 2 Ain la 12. 15. which Moses* oft L. gaveyou, 12. 6. | 13. "a | la 7. 12-J. 4 24. 29. Joshua son of Nun, the ser. oft. L.Jurlg. 2.8. f> o/L. 135.1. Pt. Iia I. praise the L. praise, O yg 134. 1. bless ye the L.O ye f. o- t. L. Isa. 42. 19. blind or deaf as tht L. t. "4 17. heritage of the t. ofthe L. 2 Tim. 2. 24. t. o/L. must not strive Sight of the LOIU). Gen. 38. 7. Er was wicked in /. o/L. Lev. 10. 19. been accepted in *. o/'L. l)>itt. 6. 18. do good in t. o/L. 12. 2a 12. 25. do what is right inf. oft. L. 21. it. 2 A'in. 12. 2. | 14. 3. | 15, 3, 24. | 18 3. | 22. 2. 2 Chron. 20. 32. | 24. 2. | 25. 2. | 26i 4. I 27. 2. | 29. 2. | 34. 2. 1 ,Sr/m. 12. 17. wicked, ye have done in i. o/L. I A'in. 21.25. 2A'i?.21.6. 2 A'in. a 18. a light thing in *-. ;'/. 1. 16. 2. did not u hat \vas ruht in t ofthe L. 2 I'hron. 28. 1. Pf. 116. 15. precious in f. ofthe L .Vii/. 2. 17. doeth evil, ood in f. o/L. /.iM-e 1. 15. be great in the f. < ft. U 2 Cor. 8. 21. not only in the-f. 'oft. L. Jam. 4. 10. humble in the f. oft L. See KVIL. Spirit of the LORD. Jnrfir. 3. 10. S of L. came on Othniel (i. 3t. .V. of the' L. came on tiide.m 11. 29. S. 'off. 7, came on Jeplithrvh 13. 25. the' S. oft. L. began to move Samso-i, H. 6, 1*rt I Ckr. 36 6 l> ttiah went int t o/L. Jer. 7 4. the I /(** L. are these C*v* . I A t d.W of t o/ L 25 men with their harks toward t o/L. ;/.. f 15. before .tone laid in t pt L ZA. rv U. shall build t ./L. II 15. II crow ii fr memorial inf. -/L. /.** I. ! /h went lino t o/t L. rMevo/Mr LOKI). !.. I. r /L U upon the water* 101 A henrkeoed not to P. o/t L. /M & H I heard r. o/W L. saving A-tt 7. 31 e. o/(. L came to MMH ' ../tte LOKI). Gen. ia lt bou-.-h.iid keep w y L. Pt IIW. I. ble.edthey walk v o/L. /r. 10. . ihe w. o/L. is strength /. 40. 1 prepare ve the m o/ f. L. Mat 3 4 .War* I. 3. /.. 3. 4. Jer. J. 1 they know not IP. o/t L Jo** I. 1 make -trmirht IP. nfthe L '-- instruct in . o/L. py v >o/IAe LOKI). f ism fll . for I have kept the tp. n/tVL. Pal. la 21. 1 f*p. 17. a was lifted op in IP o/L. Pt laa 5. (ball -MI* in the sr. of L // I*. U. for the ,r o/L. are fik'ht Act* U lu cea tn perv. w. o/t L. fTnnto/Oe LOKI). Jfcai.f. la ran'not o beyond ir o/L. J*r.rf 5. .V tn show yuu 'i-^ofthe L. S O, 34. the v. o/t Li tried, /W K 30. I A MS II I. came man by IP. of L t rried In-t altar in IP. n/L. 17. *l IP. o/L m my mouth truth 1 A'ia. in. Hi. earth uotbinc of ir o/L. **/. Jl 4. for ih- IP. / L i- riht V w "fL we-e hr*vrn mad wor4i--m-. r ,/L trle.1 bin *. 1 * a*d 'b- .r nfM- L from JeruWeia, Vic. 4. 1 Jrr. t. II. * ye the irurrf n/fAe L XMM *. lY. wander tu >eek IP. of L. /. e/L endureth for ever M*r. II &. .P. of t L are pure w.ird Jf *. 4. Barocn write all IP. o/L. Id 10. h* ,rem Zion Hie ,r. .,/ L ah.. IIM. mi/ in r .rketh Ihe IP. "tl/ie L. ! o**. 24 31 had k- t>. . 7. h id een ll (f real / _ Pt. . 5. regard nut k-reat ir. O/U 4. a come, h-honl tire-t tp. ../ L 77. II. I will rememb.-r their. o/L W7 ^4, thee see the w. of tltt L. III. . theinr*i-/Me L are t n*t lia 17. nd d l.ir- ihe ic. / W? U W ruth f Ike LORD. Vua*. 1 1. 33 v. u) the L. wan kindled >mt 11.17. IP. y l kindled ai(4. you A'in. . 13. f-r r. at is tlie ir. of fV L 2 C'Aroii. 34. 21 Ckr. 14 12 w. /L. turned fr. hm 0. a ST. of the L wii- upon Judiih 32. VM IP o/L. cam.- not 1111 tiiem 36. Ift until IP. f the L. urue />* lOli 44). wa* ir. uftht L kindled 'a. . 19. thr..' ir. o/X land darken. IS. 11 earth remove in w. or the L. Jer. 50. 13 bei-au-e of wrath' of t. L. *'--*- 7 19. mild not deliver them in day of w. of the L Zrph. I. Id. Saiththe l.OKD. VIMS. 24. 13. wh^ttbe L. * that wll A'i*. W. 14. L. * that will I speak fief Livr., SAVED. LOKI) joined wth *rc*r. Chr. ia 10 heart rejnii-e that *. L. ftl IO&. 3. tl'ail. 105. 4 II. fee* the L and hi* Mrencth 22. 19. set yuur heart to *. the L. i Chron. II. Ifi. 2 Ckr. II II prepa. nut heart to t. L 14. 4. rwmioxnded Jud. to *. the L. IV 13 whosoever would not *. L. 2H. a Jeh.-haph set himself to*. L. 4. cities of Judith, th. came tu*. L. A'irri. (V 21. Were come to . the L. fail a. 26. prai-ethe L. that *. him 34. ia that the L shall not w.,n Pro. VS. 5 th. *. L under-tai.d thii.r 7*0. a. ia neither do they *. the L 31. I. Hoi. 7. If 51. I. hearken, ye that teek the L. 55. ft t. L. M hi e he may be found Jer. 50. 4. shall po and* the L. (iod //..* 3. 5 shall return and *. the L. i. K. sh. go with herds to * the L. 1012. fur it i- time to ieek the L. Amni 5. f>. *. the L. and ye shall II* 2 2. . tin- L. meek of earth Zerk. 8 21. let us iroand ter* the L. 22. many pe..p e come and . the L. Mai. a I. L. wh. ye*, snudenlr come Act* 15. 17. remdue mlirht ,. the L. 17. 27. they -hould the I, if haply LOKI) joined with ent End. 7. l& L of the Hebrews *. me Jer 28 9. L. hath truly tent him IS. Hananiah. L hath not i. the* Aet*9. 17. L Jens *. me tu thee 12. II. know the L hath *. angel Serve the I.OKD. Kmd. m 7. that they may t the L. 21 25. ye shall srnv r I. your (id l>eut 10. 12 tu srrre the L thy God Ms* 24 14. fear and ye the U 15. seem evil unto you to i the L. ref.,re will we . L VI 24. I Sos. 12. 20. i. L. wi. al! your heart flaw, is. a again, then I will *. L. J.OTJ r*r. 30 . and t. L. your (i. .1 . 1 rt. romtn. Ji.dnh to... I. 31. :A *,M. 2 II . I. wi. fear, and r> j..ic4 r>0 2. ssrrf the !. with liuiu-- |i-' -''J. kingdoms iralhered t.n 1 /. 3. 24. for ye rrrc the L. Christ .S-(r SHKWk , bMIIK. LOKL) joined with tpukfH '.j-od. 19. a all L. hath r. will we do :i4.32. in coiiiiiiandiiieiit ail L. had *. >"ua*. in. 2'J. the L hath spoken pood 12. 2. hath L. indeed *. l.y M .-, T i.ih. 21 46. 'ailed not whL L. had i .\am. 25. :*l L. done uud he h itli $. Sato, a IH. do it, fur the L. htith i. 7. 29. i outiiiu.-, for thuu L. ha-i .. 1C la a MKII which th. L.hath fil 50. I. the L. hath *. and culled '/-. 23. 35 what hath the U *. 3<~. 48 -. deotiuyed, a- the L. hath *. r.:i-k 22. 2X when the L hath not f. _ii 5. fur I have . it. >aith the 1 . 28 10. | :S). 5 !ni".t 3. 8 the L. God halh /-*. /i Wot 1. 22. which was*, of L. 2. l.i. Mark Ifi. I", alter L. had * tu thi-m Irtt 9. 27. seen L. aud that he hit'! . Heii. 2. a first lieijan lu lie . hy tin- L. LORD as applied to man. 7m. I a 12. I am old, L being old also 27. 2H. be L over thy brethren 37. 1 have made him thy '. 32. 4. thus shall ye speak tu my /. 18. it ia a pren. sent tu my I. K-au 4.' 10. nay my I but to huy fwid 30. man who it 1. of the land, 33. 45. 8. made me /. ul all his hon-e U. liod made me I of all Kuypt Sum. 12. 1 1. my L I beseech th.-e the Lord commanded my/, Jutig. 4. 18 turn in my /., turn in IH 2fi. woman fell where her /. \va Kuth 2. 13. favour inthy m(ht, my r". 1 Sam. l.2ri. O my /. a* thy soul lireth 2r>. 17. it is my voice, my !. O kui< 2 5am. 14. 17 HU is my /. the king I'i turn troiiiouidit/ hath t.|..,ki-o I A.'in. I. .'i7. Lord I.e.-n with my L t Kin. 5. a wouiit find my I. e- 6. 26. sityinir, help, m> L O kmp 7. 2. /. mi wh. hand kii.n leaned, 17 8. .V my /. O kum, this i the womar /'.ot 12. 4. who i- /. over us r Jer -a. 18. sayinK, ah /. M. 5. 37. 20. hoar now, I pray Ihee, my / .'18 9. my L the kiup, thc-e men Dan. 2. 10. no L asked such things 4. 24. is come upon my /. the kini? Mat. 10. 24. nor is servant above i ::> enough that -ervant hen- his ( 18. 26. i have patience with me 31. told their /. all that WH- done 24. 4& my L delaycth hi- i-.m mi?, Liike 12. 45. Luke 12. 3fi. like men wait forlN-ir L 16. a L taketh away stewardship 5. called/, debtor- to him. ami -aid, how much owe>t tlmu tu n y l.t John 15.15. knoweth not wh i d.K-th 20. servant not greater than h.s L Act* Vi 2ft nothing tu write to mj- t Gal 4. 1. from servant, tl'.i". ..( .1 I I' el. a a Abraham, rall.ng him /. LORDS Gen. 19. 2. behold now my L turn in \I.OT. 21. 2S. consumed /. of hiuh pla. Iteut. 10. 17. 1s Lord of L I Tnn i>. 15. Her. 17. 14. Jttde. Ifi. 5. I of Philistine- came up I 30 and the house leil upon (lie /. 1 I Sam S. X leathered /. of I'hili*. II. ' 7. 7. I of Philistines went a. Esra 8. 25. offerinirs which /. nfl. i li.i. Hi. a /. of heathen broken i . . ts LOT /. 2fi. 13. other /. have dominion Jer. 2. 31 say my people, we are I. Dan. 5. 1. (Vast tn thousand of his A 23. thon and thy /. ha. drunk wine 6. 17. sealed with signet of /. Mark 6. 21. Herod made supper to /. 1 Cor. 8. 5. gods many, and I. many 1 Pet. b. 3. neither* -ing I. over G.'s LUKDS UP. Mark 10. 42. th. rule over Gent, ex. vim' /. LuAe 22. 25. LOSE, ETH. ,7o6 31. 39. the owners /. their life Pror>. 23. 8. and I. thy swi et words JSerL 3. 6. a litre to get. a time to I. Mat. 10. 39. hr that rindeth his life shall /. it, Hi. 25. A/r* 8. 35. Luki'9. 24. 39. he that /. his life for my sake 42. no wise /. reward. Mark 9. 41. 16. 26. and /. his own oul, Mark 8. 36. l.uke 9. 25. Lu&e 15. 4. if he /. one sheep 8. ten pieces of silver, if she L one 17. 3.3. who shall I. his life preserve Juhn (\ 39. I :-hou.d /. nothing 12. 25. that loveth his life shall L it S JohnS. look that we !. none LOSS. Erod. 21. 19. he sh. pay for/, of time Actt'i.1. 21. gained tin* harm and /. 22. shall be no I. of .my man's Iff.- 1 Cor. 3. 15. burned, he sh. suffer /. PM. 3. 7. those I counted /. lor Ch. & I count all things but/, for t'hr. for whom I suffered the /. of all LOST, Pattirely. jcod. 22. 9. for any manner of I. thing. Dent. 22. 3. Lev. 6. 3. or found th. which was I. 4. restore I. tiling which he found Num. 6. 12 days tliat were sh. be /. 1 Kitm. 9. 3 asses of Kish were I. 20. asses that were /. are found Pt. II!). 17(1 gone astray like/, sheep Jer. 50. fi. my peo. hath been/, sheep zek. 19. 5. saw th. her hope was /. 34. 4. nor sought th. whii h \v.m /. 16. I will seek that which waa /. 37. II. they say, our hope is /. Hat. 10. 6. go rather to the /. sheep !"). 24. 1 am not sent but to I. sheep 18. 11. Son is come to save what was /. Luke 19. 10. Luke 15. 4. go after that which is /. 6. I found my sheep which is I. 24. son was/. || 32. brother was /. Jn. 6. 12. up fragments, nothing he I 17. 12. none is/, but son ol perdition 2 Cor. 4. 3. gospel hid to them th. /. LOST, Actively. Deut 22. a of thy brother's he hath/. 1 Kin. 20. 25. army like that thoti /. /i.49 20. after tliou liast /. the other 21. seeing I have /. my children Mat. 5. 13. if salt /. savour, Mark 9. SO. Luke 14. 34. Luke 15. 9. I found the piece wh. 1 /. John 18. 9. gavest me, I have/, none LOT. l.er. 16. 8. one /. for the Lord, 9. 10. KUIH. 26. 55. land shall be .divided by /. Erfk. 48. 29. S3. 54. he shall divide th- land hy / 3G. 2. .Wj. 13 fi. Kzrk. 17. 22. 3V 13 the land ye *h. inherit by /. Dettf. 32. 9. Jacob is 1. <>( inheritance Jsh. If. I the /. t tri'.e of Judiih II). ). .' of Joseph || 17. I. M.li, ;,,..,!, 17. 14 t.iou liast sfiven me hut on.- / 13. II. tbe I ot tribe of IJeniainin 19. I second .'. came forth to Mm- 01. 10. the third f. (Mine fur Xebnlon 17. ''jurth I. came out to Iss.tclm LOV Josh. 19. 24. fifth /. to tribe of Asher 32. and the sixth /. to Naphtali 40. the 7th /. came for tribe ot Dan 21. 4. /. for families of Kohathites, 1 Chron. 6. 54 Judg. 1. 3. come up with me into my /. to tu'ht against Canaanites 20 9. we will go up by /. against it I 5am. 14. 41. God, give a perfect L 1 Chr. 16. la Canaan, the }. of your inheritance, Ps. 105 II. 24. 5. to thee they were divid. hy i /'.//. 16. ft. thou inaintainest my /. 125. 3 sh. not rest on I. of righteous Pror. 1. 14. cast in thy /. among us 16. 33. the /. is cast into tin- lap 18. 18. /. cans, th contentions cease /./. 17. 14 the /. of them th. run us 34. 17. he hath ca-t the /. for them 57. fi. smooth stones ot stream thy /. Jer. 13. 25 this* is thy /. Irom me Ezek. 24. fi. let no /. fall upon it Dan. 12. la sh. stand in thy /. at end Mic. 2. 5. none th. sh. cast cord by /. Luke I. 9. hin /. was to burn incense Acts 1. 26. the /. fell on Matthias 8. 21. thou hast n. /. in this matter 13. 19. he divided their land by /. LOTS. I Sam. 14. 42. cast/, between me and 1 Chr. 24. 31. cast /. against brethren Mat. 37. 35. parted varments, cast- ing I Murk 15. 24. Acts 1. 2& they gave forth their L See ('AST. LOTHE, 01 LOATHE. Ejeod. 7. 18. Egypt shall /. t- drink uli 7. 16. I /. it. 1 would not live Ezek. 6. 9. sh. /. themselves for evils 20. 43. /. yourselves in own sight 36. 31. / yourselves for iniquities LOTH ED, or LOATH KD. Jer. 14. lit. hast thy soul /. Zion* Zech. 11.8. my soul /. them LOTHETH, or LOATHETH. Num. 21. 5. soul /. this light bread Prim 27. 7. full soul /. honey-comb Ezi'k. 16. 45. /. husband and children LOTHING, or LOATHING. Ezek. 16. 5. cast out to /. of person LOTH SOME, or LOATHSOME. Num. 11. 21). till it be /. to you Job 7. 5. my skin is broken and t Ps. 38. 7. loins filled wi. a /. disease Pror. 13. 5. a wicked man is /. LOUD. Ps. 33. 3. play skilfully wi. a /. noise 99. 4. make a /. noise and rejoice 150. 5. prais- him on /. cymbals LOUD, joined with voice. Gen. 39. 14. I cried with a /. mice Ej-od. 19. Ifi. v. of trumpet exceed. /. Deut. 27. 14. Levites speak wi. /. e. 2 Sum. 15. 23. country wept wi. /. p. 1 fin. a 55. he blessed with air. Prav. 27. 14. blesseth friend wi. /. t>. Erek. 8. 18. they cry with a /. voice 9. 1. he cried with a /. mice Luke 1. 42. she spake out wi. a /. c. a 2a unclean spirits cried with a /. mire, Arts 8. 7. 17. 15. and with a /. r. glorified God 23. 23. were instant with /. mice* Arts 14. 10. said with a /. r stand 26. 24. Festus said with a /. . Paul Her. j. 2. angel proclaiming wi. /. r. 12. many angels saying wi. a /. r 9. 13. angel saying with a /. rnir?, Woe. woe, 14. 7, SI, I;V 12. 10. I heard a /. 7;. in heaven l.OUHKR. r'jrorf. 19. 19. trumpet waxed /. and/. I.0\ K. 2 Viiwj. 1. 26. passing /. of women. 201 LOV 2 'Jam. 13. 15. hatred ijreatri IIP.II L Pror. 5. 19. be ravished with 5er i 7. 18. let us take our till of /. 10. 12. up strifes, / covereth sins 15. 17. a dinner of herbs when- / it 17. 9. covereth transgres. seeketh i 27. 5. rebuke better than secret L Eccl. 9. 1. no man knoweth /. 6. their L and hatred is perished Cant 2. 4. and his banner was /. 5. comfort me, I am sick ot I . S, 3. 10. the midst being paved wi. /. 7. 6. how pleasant, O /. tor delicti! H. (i. /. ib strong as death, jeaionsv 7. many waters cannot quench / Jer. 2. 2. the/, of thy espousals 33. why trimmest way to seek LI 31. 3. loved thee wi. everlasting .'. Ezek. 16. a thy time WHS time of /. :':'. 1). corrupt in her inordinate t. 17. Babyl. came to her to bed of k 33. 31. wi. mo in b they shew inn h /. Dan. i. 9. brought Dan. to tender /. //(/,?. 3. 1. according to the /. of Lord 11. 4. I drew them with bands of I. Mat 24. 12. /. of many sh. wax cold ..'..// 13. 35. if have /. one to anotl.tr 15. 13. creator /. hath no man 17. ;fi. .'. wherewith thou loved me Rom. 8. 35. separate fr. /. of Christ? 12. 9. let/, he without dissimulation 10. he atfectioned wi. brotherly /. 13. 10. /. worketh no ill, /. is fulfil. 15. SO. I beseech you for/, of Spirit 2 Cor. 2. 4. that you may know tne/. 8. confirm your /. toward him 5. 14. /. of Christ constraineth us 6 ti. Holy Ghost, by / unfeigned t. 8. prove the sincerity of ytmr I. 24. show the proof of your L 13. II. God of/, shall be with yon i iiil. 5. /. 13. by /. serve one another 2V. but the fruit of the Spirit in L Kfjh. 1. 1ft. after I heard of your /. a. 19. to know the /. of Christ fi. 23. and I with faith from God Phil. I. y. that your /. may abound 17. but the other of/, doth preacit 2. I. if t.iere he any comfort .f /. 2. like-minded, having the san.e .' Col. 1. 4. /. which ye have to san.ra 8. declared to us your /. in Spirit 1 Thes.1.3. r. membering labour of / 4. 9. as touching brotherly /. 5. H. on breast-plate of faith antl ,'. 2 The*. 2. 10. received not /. of frii'h 1 Tim. 1.14. abundant wi. fith ::i..; / 6. 10. /; of money is root of ?ll ciii 11. ft>l. righteousness, /. pati m < 2 Tim. 1. 7. not spirit of fear, hut /. Philem. 9. for i sake I beseech thro Heb. 6. 10. your work and labour or I. 10. 24. untt> /. nd to itood wot Ls 13. 1. let brotherly /. continue 1 Pet. 1. 22. unfeigned .".of brethren 1 Jnhn 2. 15. /. ol Father is not in him 3. 1. behold what /. the Father hth 4. 7. love one another. L is of Gtxl 8. Cod is L || 10. In rein it, _ 16. known the /. 0. hath to us 17 herein is our L made perfei t 1R there is no fear in /. perfect i 2 JoAnfi. this ie th. /. we walk .)1t-t JndeZ. peace and /. he multiplied Rev 2 4. thou bast left thy first /. LOVE of Cad I.iiltf 11. 42. pass judip. and 7. ':/'' . Mi>< 5. 42. ye have noi /. fG. be i. yon nil i Tlx't. 3. ft. direct hi-:trl t" /. / ti Tit. 3. 4. kiiidue&s uuii /. o/G. i. .V I .r,Jl i V. V in hiu. verily i /. ofd. I IT hereby perceive we I iifti. ,-, tiow dwellelh /. ofG in him ? . it. m.iinrested /. of G. towards Us r> :i i liu is the L -fa that we keep little 21. ke.-p vourelve ia i of(i. Hii LOVE. 1 1- 'it. 7. 7. L. .hd not set *. L on you /'.. 'I. 14. he hath set k. L upon me l.u. 63. ft lu k. I. and in his pity he redeemed them 7,--ph 3. 17. he will rest in hit I J>kn \\ 10. kept com, abide in A. i W wi. 5. a O. commended k L to us I Jukn 4. 14 lui L is perfected in ua In LOVE. I Kiit. II 2. Solv i 4. I. 5. 2. an lil . MI is mil I am. daughters 7. nor awake my L 3 5 | a 4. III. rise up my i my fair one, 13. 4. 7. my i there i< no spot in thee 5. 2. open to m-- /. my dove r. 4. iieaiitiful, O my i as Tirzah Jokn 15. 9. continue ye in my L 10. y.- shall abide in my i I Cor. 16. 24. mv i be with you all r/iy LOVE. Cunt. I. It/, better than wine, 4.10. I. remember t L more than wine 4. In. how fair is tty I. ray sifter I'bil-m 5 hearing off. /. and faith 7 j'-y and coiisnlation in Iht/ i Her. i 4. thou h ist left thy first L HIVE. Fe.6. Lea. 19. K thou halt L thy neigh- hour a- thyself. 34. Mat. 19. 19. | . .. Mark 31. n-ut. 6. 5. thou .hall /. the Lord thy ),M\ with all thy heart, 10. 12. | II. I, IM.22. | 19.9. | 30. 6. * S faithful G. keepetli covenant with them th. /him. Wan.9 4. 13 he will I thee, hie** thee, and in. |.v d--liirht in father's tot them Ifl. i therefore the stranger 13. a to know whether ye i the L. 3-) II. I i ommnnd thee to i the L. 2O '.:..iu myet t the Lord /A. rt. V take heed to i L. 23. II. luitf 5. SI. themth. /. him he a* un 1 WIN. 18 22. km?'* nervants /. thee i Chr 19. 2 houldet thou I them? V'/A I. V mercv for th>-m th. /. him P. 4. . how lot.g will ye I vanity t 5 Ii. tlirm th /. thy namehejnvfu. '< 1 I '!/ tbeeO Umystrength 3i. . O L the l^>rd. all ye saints 41 ''i uch /. thy -alvatu.ii, 70 4. they th. / his name eh. dwell 97 I'l e thM / the L h ite evil MM 131 do to thie th /thv mime 16!>. peac ha. they who / thy Uw LOV Pt. JJi fi. th.-v pro-p^r that t the? 115 30. L. prefefr. then, tli. / i.in. /V./r I. 2*. >f simple, will ye/, si,, . V <>. i wisdom, -he shall keep thee a :. the\ Hint hate ii e, / death 9. & rebuke wise man h>- will i thee !: ia kmtfs / him iip.-i.kflh nirlit 18 21. th.-y th L it I*, rut the fruit A'rri 3 a a tune to i rt time tn hale Cant. I. 3. do the virgins L thee 4. mote than nine, npnrhti thee /jnjrsinmiirkeu,20 46. JoAn 14. 1. I i him manifest myself 23, if a man /. me. Father i him 15. I-/, that ye /. one another, 17. 19. the w..r:d would i his own Rum. a & for good to them th. / G. 13 S. anything, b:it to i one Knottier 9. thou halt I thy neighbour as thyself, Gal. 5. 14. Jam. 2. a 1 Cor. 2. 9. O. for thi-m that i him a a if any man L G. same known Kph. 5. 25 husbands i your wive* a* Ch. loved rhurrh, 28 33. Coil 19. 6. 24. grace he wi. them th. i our L. 1 The*. 4. 9. taught tn /. on.- another i Tim. 4. s. them tb. i his appearing Tit. '2. 1. young women to /. husbands 3 15 greet them that /. us in faith Jam. I. 12. to them thai /. him. 2. 5. I Prt. I. a whom not teen, ye L 22. L one another i. pure heart 2. 17. honour men, /. brotherhood 3. ft. as/ brethren !| 10. he that/, life 1 Jnhn 2. IV /. not the world a II. heard from the heirinnini* th. we should i one another, 4. 7, II. 2 ./..An 5. 14. Hie, bemuse we i the brethren 33. i. one another, an he gave us 4. 12. If we/ one another, (i. dwell. 19. /. him, berauie he fir*r loveil us $0 how ran he /. G. hath not*eenf 21. loveth G. I. hi- brother also 5. 2. we / the children of God / LOVE. Krnrl. 21.. V shall say, Ii my mnnter Ji'fff. 16. 15 canst thou say. //. thee i Xtim. I a 4. II. Tamar my brother I 1 il. 116. I. // L. hecau.e he beard 119 97. O how / I. thy law I IS hut thy law do //. 163 119 therefore,// thv t.-tinonie* 127. / /. thv command- a' nve gold 1*9. con-ider how / /. thy precepts 167 thy testimonies / /. exreed. Pr,. 8 17. /. /. the., that /. me Jnhn 14. 31. know th. / / the Father 21. 15. I. kn. vest //. thee. 18. 17. 2 Cor. 12. 15. tno' the more / /. you LOV I ./..An 4. 20. if < man my. / /. G4 -' .'..A/i 1. I I. in the truth, 3 ./<-A I Her. 3. 19. n< niiinv H* 1 L I rebukt LOVK me. Gi-n. 29. 3*. my husband will /. me Ljtud -JO. 6. shewing mercy to thei l!i. 19. they whom I / are tunic. Pi. 47. 4. exrellenry of Ja.-ob he /. 7a 68. mount of Zi.m which IK- /. 109. 17. he /. cur-ing, so let it rome Jer. 8 2. ho-t of heaven th.-y ' 14. 10. thus hate lh.>e .'. 2fl. if ye I me, ye would rejoice IV 9. as Father i me, ... I /.' you 16. 27. Father loveth you, y ( - '/. in* 17. 23. hwit i them, a* thoo / rue V8. love wherewith thoiiha-t /. me Rnm. 8. 37. conquerors thro' him/. 2 Cor. 12. 15. love you, the le-s I >,r I G'll. 2. 20 who L me. gave hiinsei, F.fjh. 2. 4. l.-v. wherewith he / j V '.'. a ( hri-t Uo hnth /. u 2.S even a. Chri-t I. the church 2 Thf 2. 16. O. our Fa hath /. us 2 Tim. 4. 10 Denial /. Ini* world //''. I. \>. thou ha-t /. nghteiiiiMietl 2 Pft 1. I.V Balaam /. the 1 John 4. 10. not that we L God LOV 1 John A. 11. if God go I as 1W. love him, been, he first I. us R?e. 1. 5. tn him th. us and washed 12. 11. /. not their lives to death / hare LOVED. Ptal. 2A 8. / hare I. hy house 119. 47. commands 'thich Ik I. 49. Jin. 43. 4. / hare I thee, therefore Jer. 2. 25. / hare I. straneers 31. a / A. /. with everlasting love Hal. 1. 2. / hare 1. you, yet ye say John 13. 34. as / have I. you, 15. 12. 15. 9. Father /. me so / hare I. you Rom. 9. la Jarob / have I. hut Ksau Bev. 3.9. make them know I h,L thee LOVEDST. Jia 57. 8. thou 1. their hed where John 17. 24. /. ir.e before fouinliition LOVELY, [their lives ISam 1 23 Saul and Jonathan / in Cant 5 16. he is altogether I Ezek. 33. 32. art to them as /. song Phii 4. 8. whatsoever things are L LOVER. 1 Kin. 5. I. Hiram was /. of David Ps 88. 18. /. and friend hast put far Tit. 1. 8. /. of hospitality. /. of men LOVERS. Pjal. 38. 11. mr /. and friends stand Jer. 3. 1. played harlot \vi. many /. 4. 30. thy /. will despise thee 22. 20 for all thy I. are destroyed 22. thy /. shall go into captivity 30. 14. all thy I. have forgotten thee Linn. I.2.HII her /. none to comfort 19. rallO'i for I. they deceived me Exek. 16. Xi. givest gilts to all thv/. 36. nakedness discovered \vi. thy L 23. 22. raise up thy I. against thee Bo*. 2. 5. go after /. |] 7. follow her /. 10. discover lewdness in sight of I. 12. rewards my I. have given me 8. 9. Ephraim hath hired L S Tim. 3. 2. men be/, of own selves 4. L of pleasures more th. L of O. LOVES. Prov. 7. 18. solace ourselves with I. Cant. 1. 12. there I give thee ray I. LOVEST. Judg 14. Ifi hate me, and I. me not 2 Sam. 19. 6. thou /. thine enemies Psat. 45. 7. thou L righteousness 52. 3. thou /. evil more than good 4. thou /. all devouring words Eccl. 9. 9. live with wife thou /. John II. a he whom thou / is sick 21. 15. sou of Jonas, /. th. me? 1 6. 17. LOVETH. Gen. 44 20. and hi* father I. him Deut. 10. 18. Lord I. the stranger Ptal. II. 5. and him that I. violence 7. Lord /. righteousness, 33. 5. 34. 12. what man that /. many days? 37. 28. the Lord judgment, 99. 4. 87. 2. the Lord !. gates of Zion 119. 140. word is pure, thy serv. L 146. 8. the Lord /. the righteous Pron. 3. 12. whom L. I. he correcteth 12. I. /. instruction, /. knowledge 13. 24. that /. him, chasteneth him 15. 9. L him followeth after righte. 12. scorner/. not one th. reprovoth 17. 17. a friend /. at all tirrjes 19. /. transgression that /. strife 19. 8. getteth wisdom I. own soul 21 17. he that /. wine and oil 22. II. he that 1. puren"" ji heart 29. 3. 1. wisdom rejoiceth father feel. 5. 10. th. I silver, th. /. ahund. Cant. 1. 7. O thou whom my soul /. a 2. I will seek him my soul /. 3. -I. Jta. 1. 23. every one /. g fts and Mat 10. 37. that /. fathe- or mother Luke 7. 5. fur he /. our nation LOW Lnket. 47. little Is forgiven, 7. little John 3. 35. the Father /. Son, 5. 20. 12. 25. that I. his life shall lose it 14. 21. hath cotntiiai.il. he it is I. me, he that /. me he lovfrd of Father 24. I. me not, keepeth not sayings 16. 27. the Father himself/, you Rom. 13. a that L another hath, ftilf. Eith. b. 28. that /. his wife /. himself Heb. 12. 6. whom L. L he chasteneth I John 2. 10. he that /. his brother 3. 10 he that/ not his brother 14. /. not hroL al>id. th in, 4. 8, 20. 4. 7. every one that /. is born of O. 21. he who/. God, /. his brother 5. 1. that /. him that begat, i him that is begotten Rev. 22. 15. /. and maketh a lie LOVINii. Prov. 5. 19 let her he as the /. hind 22. I. /. favour rather than silver Ita. 5fi. in. sleeping. /. to slumber See KINDNESS, KINDNESSES. LOW. Deut. 28. 43. shalt come down very/ 1 Sam. 2 7. the Lord bringeth /. 2 Chr. 26. 10. cattle in /. country 28 IS. invaded cities of /. country Jolt 5. 1 1. set on hiuh those that be I. 40 12. look on proud bring him /. Ps. 49. 2. high and /. rich and poor 62. 9. men of /. decree are vanity I3fi. 2;{. remembered us in /. estate Pron. 29. 23. man's pride bring him /. Ecrl. 10. 6. the rich sit in /. place ha. 25. 12. high walls shall he lay /. 26. 5. the lolly city he layeth it /. 29. 4. thy speech /. out of" the dust 3-2. 19. city shall be /. in a /. place Lam. 3. . r >5. name out of/, dungeon Es-ek. 17 6. spread, vine of /. statute 24 know I have exalted /. tree 21. 2C. exalt him that is . 26. 20. set thee in /. pan., of earth Luke 1. 48. he regarded /. estate 52. he exalted them of/, degree Rom. 12. 16. to men of;, estate Jam. 1. 9. brother of/, degree rejoice 10. but rich in that he is made L Sre BR-IUOHT. LOWER. Lett. 13. 20. rising be insight/, than .VcA. 4. 13. set in /. placrg the people Pit. 9. 5. thou hast made him L than the angels. Heft. 2. 7, 9. 63. 9. go into / parts of the earth Pron. 25. 7. / in presence of prince Isa. 22. 9. gathered waters of/, pool 44 23. shout ye /. parts of earth Eph. 4. 9. descended into /. parts LOWESi. Dent 32. 22. shall burn to the /. hell 1 Kin. 12, 31. made priests of L of people, 13. 3a 2 Kin. 17. 3V. Pa. 86 13. delivered soul from /. hell 88. 6. thou hast laid me in the /. pit Luke 14. 9. liei:in to take /. room 10. go and sit down in the L room LOWETH, INfJ. 1 Sam. 6. 12 kine went along I 15. 14. what meaneth /. of oxen ? J,,b 6. 5. /. the ox over his fodder t LOWLY. Pial. 138. 6. yet hath he re*pi-ct to L Prov. a 34 but he giveth grace to /. II. 2. shame, hut with /. is wisdom 16 i!) be of humble spirit with I Zerh. 9. 9 /. and riding on an ass Mat. II. 29. for I HI meek and L LOWLINKSS. Eph. 4. 2. walk wi. / and meek nest Phil 2 3. but in / of mind, esteem LOWRINO. Mat. 16. 3. for the -ky is red and L 293 LYA i. JCRE. 1 Sam. S. 3. Sam. M.IIS til-nrdj., I Inn. 3. 3. l>ilio|i not greedy I . , Tit. I. 7. bishop ,,, lt given lo filth* i II. teaching thugs not f.utUhj L I Pet. 5. 2. ti.,ek hot for tilthy L LVJKKVSAI'M. Rev. a IB. then heotuw; thou art t 1 *J M Y. '> Kin. 20. 7. ake i of figs, /o. 38. 21 I 1 am, 9. V. .f the same I. imp ve-.l II. 16. first fruit holy the /. is h,,| v 1 Cor. !,. & a little leaven ii-aven*;rt the whole /. (j a l. 5. t . 7. old leaven, that ye be a new I LUNA I 1C. Mat. 4. 24. those were L he healed 17. 15. have mercy on my bon, he ii 1 LURK. Prop. 1. II. come, let iis /. privily 18. they /. privily for own lives LURKING. 1 Sam. 2:1 23. knowledge of I. place* /'/. 10 8. in the /. places of villages 17. 12. young lion /. in secret places LUST. E.roa. 15. 9. my /. shall he satisfied Pi. 78. 18. asking meat for their i 30. not estra :ged from their /. 81. 12. up to their own hearts' L Rom. 1. 27. burned in their /. one 7. 7. had not known /. exi ept law ill. 5. 16. shall not fulfil L of flesh ''tin. 1. 14. when drawn of disown IS. when /. hath conceived i Pet. 1. 4 corrup. in world thro'/. 2. 10 after flesh in / . of iincleamiesi I John 2. 16. /. of fle-h. /. of the eye 17. passcth away, and I. thereof LUST, Verb. f'ror. 6. 25. i not after her beauty Mat. 5. 28. looketh on woman to'i I Cor. 10. 6. not/, aft. T evil things Jam. 4. 2. ye /. and have not LUSTED, El H. Sum. II. 34. buried people that /. Deut. 12. 15. what thy .soul /. after, 20. 21. | 1 1. <'. Pf. 106. 14. hut they L exceedingly I Cor. 10. ft not lust as they al>.. f. Gal. 5. 17. flesh /. against the Spirit Jam. 4. 5. spirit in us /. to envy nir. 18. 14. fruits thy soul /. after LUSTING. Sum. 1 1. 4. mixed multitude f. 11 a /. LUSTS. Murk 4. 19 I. of things choke woi .1 Jnhn a 44. I. of father ye will d" limn. 6. 12 should obey in L thereof l:t. II. no provision, to fulfil /. Gul. 5. 24. have crucified He-,h wi. / Kph. 2. a conversations in I. of ftV-.li 4. 22. corrupt accord, to fat-It full I Tim. 6. 9. foolish and- hurtful /. .' Tim. 2. 22. flee youthful L 4. a after own /. they heap teacher* Tit. 2. 12. that denying worldly /. .1 a serving divers /.and pleaiue lam. 4 I. not hence, even of ynir / t 3 ye may consume it on your /. Pet. 1. 14. HCCOI ding to former i 2. II. you abxtain from fleshly /. 4. 2. no longer live to /. of men I Pet 2. IH. allure through/, of fl. sh Judf 16. complainers, Wftlic. after /. 18. walk after their uugodly t. LUSTY. Judg. a 29. slew 10,000 men, all t LY AH, or LI AH. Job 24. 25. who will make rM a tt Prov. 17. 4. i giv. thear to Mttffht) l!. 22. a poor man better tfimi a I :i. fi. reprove, and iho-t I..- Jer. 15. la wilt thou bft-' iu- I.' LIE **' 1 It. Is K /. and the fa'.hrr of it \ , I kn . him not. 1 *h. be/. );, ti, 3. 4. God true, and ev. man a /. 1 ,/IL n 1 10. sii in n, we make him/. V. 4. kerp th not iim in i- a. who if a /. but he that deni.-th I. Id. believrth not <.. u.ade him L LIAKS. l)rtit 33. 76. enemi. found /. to thee Ptal. I IB. II. in haste, all men are L In. 44. 25. ftustrauth token* of I J< r 50. 36 a I word I* upon the L 1 Tim. I. in. law is n a.t. for /. J'l 1. 18. the (retian* are always /. i-.rr. V. 2. and hast found them /. 21. 8. all / lave their part in lake 1 ^ K, ,-r I.IK, /.rr. 6. 2. If M soul t to his neighh. 19. 11. -t.al n. -r /. one to at other >'". V3 U>. B>an. that lie thou Id L : .Sett. 15 29. Mren. of In. will not /. 2 Am. 4. Ifi. do not /. to handmaid J*/. 6. iL ti is . vi.ient to you If I /. 94. A. shmild I /. against my rieht J'ml 89. 35. I will not i to David Prtir. 14.5. faiUiul witne*s w III not /. /w. (O. K my people, that will not /. Mir. 2. II. w ..Iking tri falsehood do/ Hal, 2. a it shal Ppeak and not / jlett 5. 3. hath Satan filled heart to /.! Horn, a 1. I say truth In Christ, I i not, I Tim. 8 7. 2 Cor. II. 31. Lord knoweth I / not Gal. I. VU I wrote, behold 1 /. not C'l .1 9. /. not one to another Tit. I. 2. life, God that cannot /. pr- n i-Ml. Ueb. ft 18. Jam. 3. 14. I. not against the truth I Jolt* t. 6. we /. and do not truth tier. 3. 9. they are Jew H, but do L I.IKO, rTH. J.rr. 6. 3. lost, mid /. conn rning It I Am. 13. IR but he /. unto him Ft. 78 36. /. unto him with tongue* Itu r,1. II been afraid, thou hast L Act* 5. 4. thou hast not /. unto men LIE, fi'il-ttnntire. Pi. Si. 9. n en of hiuh degree are a/. I IP. H9. proud forged a /. ag. n e /jo. 44. VO is not a /. in right hand ? Jrr 27. 10. prophesy a /. to you t( remove MIU from land, 14, 15, 1C SS. 15. makes! people 1 trust in a/ 29. 81. caused you to trust in a /. **. VI. 29. they divine t. / to th Mir I. 14. shall be a/, to kings y.-rh 10. 2. diviner* have seen a L John R 44. sp. aketh /. he s pe;.k.-th o Horn. I V5 el.ai (red truth into a i 3.7 abon i d.-. ihro'my /. tohi*gktr< B THn. t. II they -hoiild Leliev. ai I J.Jit. V VI no / i- of the truth 27. you of all things, and is no L Krr 21. V7 whatsoever n ak.-tl a i . 15. whoso. ! v. th and maketh / I IKS. /Wr. 16. 10. thou hast told me /. IS Jnh\\. a /. n ake men hold peace 1 13, 4. re are fornert of i ft.1 4CL 4 such a- turn ald> to /. A8. 3 wick.d KO B-tmy, speak t 81 4 deliifl t in I ctir-e inward y I"'. 7 tell, tl ' i nt tarry In my sigh Pr-. i ft. 19 hate* w itnets sp. nk. th It i a false win e will utt. r /. 8.' oWeii/u! w-itneM speaketh / 19 sfwakelh /. shall not es. ape '.'. He tlmt -peaketh / shall p. ri-l 89 8. it a rnl. r hearken l. / 90 Irefi-vetroo n e vanity and /M . l"> prophet that teacheth / 8 6. we hate ttifde /. our r. fni" I (wrep away the refuse of L LY1 a. M). 3. your lips have spoken I. 4. tm-t in vanity, and speak {. r ! 3 I end like their Low for /. 5. taught their tongue to -peak L 14. 14. prophet* piophe. / J3. v6.2ft 6. Hi. our lathers ha inherited /. 10. 6 hat prophesied / vanity .3. 14. commit adultery, walk in t cause people to i rr L\ their /. 4R 30. his / shall not MI efrert it :>k 13. 8. spokei vanity, seen L !i ii| on prophet* that divine L r.' with /. ye n ad. righteous sad 2V. *8 divining /. unto them . li. >he wearied herself with i MTU. M. *7. speak /. at one tihl.- It*. 7. a make princes glad with L IX they hate spoken/, against me 10. 13 ye have eaten trnit of /. 11. 18. Fphraim coinpa*. about wi.t 12. 1. hi- m. reas. th /. and desol '.n, n V. 4. their /. i au -i d them to err tnir. 6. 12. inhabitants have spoken /. A. & I. wo to cit > , it i* full of L tub. V. 18. and a t. acher of L f.ifh. a I/. Israel shall not -p-ak /. /'(//. 13. a speak, st /. in name of I* 'Jim. 4.8. - p. a k . i g /. i n h } pocrisy LYING. 'ml. 31. 6. 1 have h. ted them that regard /. tanities 18. let the /. Up* ke put to silence 5V. a Invest /. rail i r than tightens y. 12. cursing aid / they speak 10!'. 2. have spoke i. w iih /. tongue II!'. 29. remove from me way of /. let I hate and ohhor /. but'thjr k-0. S. deliver my soul from /. lip* "rr/r fi. 17. proud look, a /. tongue 10. la hide hatred wi. /. dps Is fool IV. 19. / tongue is but for a moment 82. /. lips ah. munition to the Id. 13. 5. a rivhteout man hat. th / IT 7. do /. lips bf come a prince VI. fi. treasure* ht / tongue vanity 2. 2R. L tongue hateth those afflict ' 30 9. rebellion* peo. /. ihndrer 32. 7. wirked devices, wi. / words .'.9. IS. In /. against the 1 ord ler. 7. 4. trust ye not in /. words H. behold ye trust In /. words .'.' 83. *p< ken /. words in my na l-.frk. 13. 6. vanity and /. divni: lion I / to my people that hear lies i. V. 9. ye Lave prepared / wordi Hta. 4. V Ly sueariny, / and killing oA2. R observe L vanities forsake I'ph 4. v5. put. away /. speak trntl .- Thft. 2. 9. wbo-e ri.ming is with t LV1KO rtit'ft'r 1 A in 82. 2V I will l.e a /. t. in the mouth of hi* pr. pheU, 2 (hr. 18.81 2a Lord hath put a t. tpirit in pn phet.. 2 Chron. 18. 22. IV ING. Cm 34. 7. / with Jacob's danghte .Vi.i// 31. 17. hath known man by L 18 all have not knout, man by Jialg. 81. 12 31. 35. women not known n an by i' 1), lit 28. VS. man found /. wi. worria LYING. F.rml. 9H. 5. a of him hateth thee I'ml ITS'. 3. n y path and /. down Im. 56. 10. /. down, h.vii.g to slnn he / ukr v. 12. bal e / in a manger, IB. .//.An 13. 85. then /. on .leus' hreas ^U 5. he saw the linen clothes /. 7. napkii. not /. with linen clothes. LVING in trait. .hitig. Ifi. y. there were men I in tr I utt,. :. 10. to me as a L. at / in n /IrttW. I!' LelelneLy' ' tr of Jew 2S> 16. kinsmen heard of their Lnitr 284 MAD M MAO. Detit. Sfl. 34. b. m. fn fight oft tt4 .v/m. 21.13. l)av. leaned him-elf M, Atn. !'. II. this m. t. II. w to thre ( 'i. ll. S. they 'i. arew, again.-t me irr/. 2. V. laugi ter it is m. of mirth 7.7. oppression maketh w i-e man m. '. 44 25. that maki-tli diviners in. 'rr. 25. It) tliall be moved and tie m. v!*. 86. man is m. put him In prison 50. 38. th. y are fn upon theii idol* 61. 7. therefore the n ti.-ns are m. 'l-,t. 9. 7. the spiritual man is M. 7. Ai/ HI. 20. In hath devil and is m. Irli IV. 15. suid to lil.oda. th. art m. <(>. II. lieing exceed. HI. iu:>i. them V4 n urh I. arnii g make thee in. 25. I am not n. n ..-i no) le Festui Cur. 14. V:i. "ill not .-ay ye are tii.i M A Dt, n.eant of l,u. I. in likeness of G. tl,. he him, 9. 6. fi. 6. L. n pen ted he L;.d u, n i.n. 7. /Ail.sianie /A. tn. MA UK //../. (ien. 24. 4(1 If. h. kal n,. h and let ig, 13. in. Manoah's wile n,. h. im.4.4.Mrpt>ibir th'- nurse fi/.A. 111). 60 1 m. h. and delayed not Ice 19. 6. Zuccheiis tr, h and cam* Set IBRAFL, SIN. KNOWN, Luke 8. 17. secret shall not he m. m. /An 1.31. hut that bn-li.. he m. m. 3. 21. that hi- deeds in iy Le m. m. 9 a works of O. -hinil.i I..' in. m. K'im 10. '-'0 1 was m tn. to them Ifi. 2fi. hut n..w is m m to nations I Cur. 3. IS. man 1 - w..rk h. he m m, II. 19. they approve I itiav he m . m. 14, V5. the se.-retsn hi art // in, V Or. 4. in. Je. should be m. m. II. 1 1. C. we have been throughly in. m. rfih 5. ia an approved are tn. tn. ( /./. I. 2fi. but is n, n,. to his saints V Tim. I. 10. now ,/,. n , \.\ ( hrist /// 9. R holiest was not '}i t fn. m. I ,/oAV. 19. that they might befn. m. ittr. Ift. 4. thy indgrn. nt> are tn. m. MADS )-r Lust and hath m. r i thon hi.st a, r .... riant I Hi. 1-jfl. forth. \ lo v. n/ r. ihy law Rom 4. 14. law L. I , . >, faith M. , I. S. all things .-r. n hy him without Inn i.i.t 1.1-yihi'ngM. in the World ua- n, Ly hiia 14. th. \\or.t *).- .. fl.'Kh 5. ( hew/, w I i... ?| 14 art in. whnlt- h.3a yetli. he<. i't-e|;9.3nn.l Uno MAI MA DECT. Jonak 4, 10. neither m. it prow tied. 2. 7. m. him IOWIT than angels M A 1) man, men. 1 Sum. 21. 15. have I ni/ed of m. men Pror.. 26. 18. m. m. rasteth firebrands Jer. 48. 2. O m m. sivord&h. pursue MAi)NESS. !). MAGISTKATE, S. Judg. 18. 7. was no in. in the land Ezra 7. 25. Ezra set m. and judges Luke 12. 1 1. they brim; yon to w. 5*. when tlion goest to the m. Arts 16. 20. Paul and Silas to the in. 22. m. commanded to heat them 35. the m. sent the Serjeants, 35. 12. did m himself against me 69. 30. will m. him with thauksgiv. ha. 10. 15. saw m. itself against him? 42. 21. he will m. the law and make Exek. 38. 23. thus will I m. myself Dan. 8. 25. m. himself in his heart 11. 3ft. the king shall m. himsrlf Zi-rh. 12. 7. "t m. themse. aga. Judah Luke 1. 46. my soul doth m. the L. y/c/i 10. 46. speak wi. tongues, m. G. TZr/m, II. 13. an apostle, I m. office MAGNIFIED. Gen. 19. 19. thou hast m thy mercy 2 Nm. 7. 2(i. and let thy name be m. 1 Chr. 17. 24. [2 Chr. 1. I. 1 Chr. 29. 2.i. the Lord m. Solomon, Ptul. 35. >. let the Lord be m 40. 16. say continually, L. be in. 70.4. 13M. 2. thou hast m. thy word .7er.48.2fl. he m. himself, 42. Dan 8.11. Lam. I. 9. enemy hath m. himself Zeph. -2. 8. m xgainst their border Mill. I. "L L. will he m. from Israel Jrts :>. 13. but the people in. them 19. 17. name of the L. Je.sus wa- m. Phil. \. 20. Clirist he in. in ray body MAID. Oen. 16.2. I prny thee go in tomym. 'j. behold, thy m. is in thy hand 90. H licliM.d. my m. Bilhah, go in *i'ti X. 5. ;he srilt hervj. to fetch it 8. in. went and culled the mother Jl 2(1. if a man sirite ism. wi. rod ft. li if man entice lotbvtrulh. MAJ T>et. 52. 14. I found her not am. 17. 2 Kin. 5. 2. brought, captive little m. Est/i. 2. 7. m was fair and beautiful J<>/> 31. 1. why sho. I think on a m.? Pror. 30. 19. way of a man with am. Isa, 24. 2. be as with m. wi. mistre s Jer. 2 32, c;in m forget ornaments? 51. 22. will break young man and m. Amos 2. 7. man and fa. go to satnem. Mat, fl. 24. give place, m. is nut dead 26. 71. another m. saw him, Mark 14. 69. Luke'iZ. 56. Luke 8. 54. railed, saying, m. arise MAIDS. Esth. 2. 9. he preferred her and m. Job 19. 15. my m. count me stranger Lam 5. 11. they ravished m. in cities Exek. 9. 6. slay both in. and children .VdA. 2. 7. her m. -hall lead her Zt'ch, 9. 17. cheerful, new wine m. MAlOLoMU Lev. 12. 5. if .-he hear am,.c. unclean MAIDEN. Gen. 30. 18. given m. to Tty husband Jndg. 19. 24. here my daughtv a m. 20Ar 3fi. 17. compassion on young m. I'*. 123. 2. eyes of m. to her mistress Luke 8. 51. father and mother of m. MAIDENS. E.rinl. 2. ft. m. walked along by river Ruth 2. 8. abide here fast by my m. 22. it is good thou go out with m. \ Satn. 9. 1 1. m. going to draw water E*th. 4. 1ft. I and my m. will fast Job 41. 5. wilt hind him fW thy m. ? P.*. 78 63. m. not given to marriage 148. 12. young menandm. praise 1,. Pror. 9. 3. she hath sent forth her in. 31. 15. she giveth a port. on to in. Ei-cl. 2. 7. I got me servants and >. Kxe . 44. 22. take m. of seed of Isr. Luke 12. 45. servant begin to beat in. M A I D.xernmt Ej-oii. 11. 5. even first-born of m.-. 20. 10. thy m.-sernint shall do no Work, Deut. .X 14. 17. not covet neighbour's m.-serr. 21. 7. man sell daughter to he in...v. 27. if he smite out m ..'* tooth De<. 5. 14. that thy m..i. may rest 21. neither desire neighbour's m.-s 15. 17. to thy w.-.v. thou do likewise ./i/rf- 9. 19 Ah 'melrrli son of m.-t. Job 31. 13. if I did despise my m .1. Jer. 34. 9. maii-ser. and m.-i. go, 10. M A I D-terrant* Gen. 20. 17. Ahim.'s wife and m.-i. 31. 33. Laban entered 2 m.-/. tents Deiit. 12 12. rejoice, ye and m..i. 1 S(/m. 8. IG. he shall take yourm,.*. 2 Sir;. 6. 22. of the m... sh. I he had 2 Kin. 5. 26. i> Mine to receivem,-* ? MAJESTY. I Chr. <*>. II. thine, O Lord, is m. 25. bestowed on him such royal m. Estfi. 1. 4. shewed honour of his m. J<,/, 37. 22. with God is terrilile m. 40. 10. deck thy-elt now with m. PS. 21 5. honour and ro ha-t thou A). 4. vice of the Lord J full of m. Vi. 3. glory and m. || 4. in m. ride 93. I. the Lord i- clothed with m. 96. 6. honour midw. are before him 104. I. thou art clothed with m. I4.. 5 I will speak of hon. of thy m. 12. glorious m. of his kingdom ln >. 10 for glory f his m. 19. 21. vM. 1 1. sh. sing for the m. of thf L. 2R. 10. not I id them, of the L. Ezek. 7. '-0. ornament, he set in m. UtiH. 4..'!". built tor honour of my m. 36. excellent m. WHS :'drted to me ft 18. I-, gave Net'UctiiidniTr.ar m. Vic 5. I- fced '" "' " f Il im < ; of ^ MAK Jfeh. I. 3. on ri,.ht hand of w. & 1. tftt. I. 16. eye.wltnessebof his Jude 25. to <;,*i l.e Blory and M. MAIL 1 i'am. 17.5. urnied wl. coat of m, 38. MAIMED. /.rr. 82. 22. blind or m. sh. not offel Mat. 15. 30. with those that wm- M 18. a better enter life m. Mark 'J. 43. LuAe 14. la make^ta least, call in. 21. bring in hither the pmir andm MAIN. Acts 27 40. they hoised up m .sail M VlN'l A IN. 1 Kin. 8. 45. tl n bear mid m. their cause, 4!(, .W. -i. Chr. 6. :(5. :f9. 1 Chr. 26. 27. t" m. hou-e ,,f the L. Job i3. Ifl. I will m. mine nun ways Pi. 140. 12. L. will in. the ;,ffi ct. d Tit 3. 8. becarelnl t";. good w..rkf 14. let ours learn to m. good work* MAINTAINED, EST. P*al 9. 4. f..r thou hast m. my right 16. 5. L. is my portion, m. my lot MAINTENANCE. Ezra 4. 14. we have m. fr. the king Pron. 27. 27. th- >/;. for tliy mai end MAKE. Gen. \. 26. m. man || >. m. will m. him a 6. a tree desired to m. one >n>e 12. 2. 1 Will TO thee a great nation, 21. 18. | 46. 3. Efd. 3-2. 10. 2 .Sam. 7. II. willm. thee an house Ps. 39. 4. L. m. me to know mine end !-0. 15. m. us gld according todays /.v(j. 46. S. to whom wih ye in. equal Xrfh. 12. 2. I wi I IK. J. rusa. H cup Mai. 2. IS. did not be m. oi.e ? Vy. .M A K E hatfe. Doit. 32. 3ft. th. i "me on them m. A. .- rA/ 1 . 35. 21. U.7 (Vint a 14. m. hastf, my beloved Jia. 28. 16. believeth shall not in. h. 4!<. 17. thy children shall m. hattf Jer 9. 18. m. A. anil-take up wa.hng AA. 2. 5. m. A. to the wall theiwf ArttK. 18 . A. <"it of Ji rusalc m See KNOWN. MAKE miinifttt. 1 Cor. 4. 5. m m .onn-i Is of henrt Eph f>. 13. what, doth m. m. is liirht Cal. 4. 4. 1 mav m. it TO. I ought See Mi M i">. No, IB. MAKE re.iidti. Pi. II. 8". they TO. r. th- ir arrow 21. 12. wh. shall m. r. thine arrowt Exek. 7. 14. blown trumpet to m. r. M,irk 14 ,S. m. r for n-, ;.i,tr22.l2 A,A-e I. 17. m. r a people prepared 17. 8. rather -av, m. r. whciewith MAKE >/ < rf 2 Sam. 15. II. m -,,,^ to depart 7t 5. 19. let hir; in. .v 'and hasten MAKI ;,,tr. I er. 26. 31. 1 W II in > our cities W. /.. 42 Ift. I H i" "' """ l| /;(-*-. 5. 14. I win n, .' n,-Mlero r. 2V. 10. I wiMm liuil -I Kg. f. 30. 1* MAKKIt.ot M\! L 17. ii"'i" i 1 "" ''" ''is M r MAL /* S!. 18. my M will toon take me 34. Id Mh.re i lio.l my A/.:- :i 3, acribe righti-oii'ii. tn my .'/. Ft. 95. ti It-t kneel i.ef-re I.. our .V. / J rnr. 14 :il. poor, repniartieth hi-. .V 17. V morketh poor, reprnacheth .V 82 V. rlih Hiid poor, I- is rn. of all f*f I. .11. and the m. ( it a- -j. .rk 17 7. th. daysb man look to hit. V. ST.'. 1 1. ye have nut looked r<> the m 4ft. 9. woe to him striveth with .V 16. oh fit to > fuiiiin m. of idols 51. II foigette.* graven imnire th^t the m. hnth it raven:- //< V I), in. builder and m. is God KAKBT. Ita. 45. 9. shall the clay My to him that rashioneth it, what m. thou ? JoAn M. Si hom m. thou thyself? 10. S3. being a man m. thyself Gud MAKKTH. Drttt. 39. 18. oath which the I.nrd m. I Stim. 2. & L. killeth and m. alive 7. the Lord m. pixir and m. rich TM. 44. 84. I am I. flint m. all things ActiU.U. Jesus Christ m. thee VMM 1 Cor. 4. 7. who ra. thee to differ ? lC;r.->.-2 who is he th. m. me glad ? Sfi: 21. 27 nor what m. a lie, 2*. 15. MAKETH Haste, fror. 28. 20. that in. A. to be rich MAKING. Ps. 19. 7. the testimony nf the L. is sure, m. wise simple Krd. 12. 12. ofm. books th. is no end MarkT. 13 m. \vrd of G. noneeffeit John 5. ia m. himself equal with G. 2 Cor. 8. 10. poor, yet m. many rich />/>. I. 16. thanks for you. m. men. tion of you, I Thft. 1. 2. P hile. 4. Phil. i. 4. prayer fur ynu, m. request Jnde 22. have compassion, m. differ. MAKING. Erek. 27. 16. the wares of thy m. 18. MALE. Gen. 17. 23. every m. circumcised, 3i. 15.22,24. \_Luke-i. 2a j-"S Rom. I.V9 with unrighteousness, m. 1 Pet 2, 16. liberty for a Moke nf m MALIGNITY. Rom. 1. 29. full of envv, murder, m. MALLOWS. Job 30. 4. who cut up m. by bushes MAN. Gen. I. 80. God said, let us make m. in our imuge, 27. | 9. 6. 2. 7. L. Q. formed TO of the dust IS. IK not good m. should he alone 5. both naked, m. mid hii wife 3. 22. the m. is become HI one of us 6. 3. Spirit sh. not strive with m. 19. 8. I have two daughters which have not known rn. A'wm 31. 35. ?4. 65. what m is this th. walketh ? Deut. 4. 32. since day O. created m. 5. 24. G.>d doth talk with m. S. 3. m. doth not live by bread only, but hy every Word, Mat. 4. 4. Luke 4. 4. 20. 19. the tree of the field is m. life Joth. 7. 14. sh. rome m. by m. 17 1H. Judg. a 21. as m. is, so his strength a la wine che. reth God and m. 16. 7. I shall be weak and as an. other m. II, 17. 1 5am. 9. fi. m. nf G. honourable m. 1*. 7. the .L. teeth not as m. seeth 2 Sam 12. 7. N. said, thnu art the m. Id 7. rome out, thou bloody m. a 2 Kin. 9. II. ye know the m. 2 Clir. 19. 6. for ye judge not for m. Job 4. 17. sh. m. be more just th. G.f 7. 17. what is m. th. thou shouldest magnify him ? IS. 14. P*. 8. 4. | 144. a Heb. 2. 9. 2. how sho. m. he just with G. f 10. 4. or aeest thou as m. seeth ? 5. are thy days as dys of m. F 11. 12. vain m. would he wise 15. 7. art thou first m. th. was bnrnP 14. what Ism. th. he sho. be clean? 25. fi. how much li-ssm. th is worm 32. ia G. thrasteth down, not m. :. 12. that G. is greater than m. Pt. 56. 1 1. not afraid wh m. can do 78. -2\ m. did eat angels' food 80. 17. thy hand he on the m. 104. 23. m. goeth forth to his work 1 in. 6. I will not fear wli. m. can do Pron 20. 24. m. goings are of the L. />en 2 Cor. 4. IB. though .* outward m. perish, inward m. i renewed iinl. I. I not of men, neither hy -n. II. gospel 1 preached not after . Eph. 2. 15. make of twain one new m. :i. 16. by hia Spirit In the Inner m. 4. 24. that ye h.ive put nn new m. Co!. 3. 10. put on i.ew r.\ renewed I Then. 4. 8. derpiseth not m. hut O. 1 Tim. 2. 5. one Mediator between G. and men, the m. ( bri-t Je>n 1 Pet. a 4. hidden m. of the heart A MAN. (Srn. 4. 23. for I have slain a m. 19. 31. not am to come in unto .is 41. 38. a m. in whom Spirit of (i. is 49. 6. in their anger they slew a m. Sam. ia 14. L. h:i. sought him a m. 14. 'M. let us not leave a m. of thm 16. 17. provide me a m. th. can pMy 17. 8. choose you a m. for you 10. give me am. that we may fit In 25. 17. a m. cannot speak to him 30. 17. and there escaped not a m 2 .Sam. 3. 34. as a m. Mirth before 20, 1. there happened to be n m. 1 A'l'n 2. 2. and shew thyself a m. 4. not fail a m on the throne, H.25. 20. 39. behold, a m. turned aside 2 Kin. 10, 21. there was not a m. left 1 Chr. 22. 9 who sh. he a m. of rest 2 Chr. 6. Ifi. not fail thee a m. 7. 18. .NVA. R. 11. sho. suih i m. as I flee Job 2 4. all a m hath give for life a 83. why is light given to a m. 4. 17. sh. a m. he more pure th. M.? 9. 32. he is not a m. as I am 12. 14. behold, he shntteth up a m. 14. 14. if a m. die, sh. he live ai/ainf 16. 21. O that one might plead for a m. wi. G. as a m. pleadeth 22. 2. can a m. he profitable to O. ? 34. 29. whether aita. nation or a m. y>. a thy wickedness may hurt 'im 37. 20. if n m. speak hesh. beswull. 3a a gird thy loins like a m. Id 7. Pi. 3a 14. 1 was as a m henrethnnt 55. 13. it was thou a m. mine equal 8R 4. as am. th. hath no strength 105. 17. he sent a m. before them 147. 10. not pleasure in legs of a m. Pro*. 3. 30. strive not with a m. 14. 12. seemeth right to a m. Ifi. 25. 16. 2. all ways of a m. are clean in 7. when a m.'i ways please the L. 27. 21. so is a m. to his jirm-e' 2a 12. wicked rise a m i- hidden 23. he that rebuketh a m. sh. tinri 29. 20. seest thou a m. th. is hm-ty? EccL a M. G. glveth to a m. good' 4. 4. a m. is envied of his neighbour 6. 8. a m, whom O. ha. given riche 12. who can tell a m. u hat *h. he ? 10. 14, a m. cannot t>-ll wh. shall he Cant a 7. if a m. would give all his ha. 6. 5. I am o m. of unclean )ip 13. 12. I will make a m. more prrr. 17. 7. at that day shall a m. look to VR. 20. than am. ran stretch himself 29. 21. that make a m an offender 32. 2. a m. shall he a hiding, piace 47. 3. I will not meet thee &3 a m. .VI 3. he Is a m. of sorrows 58. 5. day for a m, to afiiict soul ? Jer. i. 29. rot a m dwell therein 5. I. seek '.f ye can find a m. 15. 10. hast borne me a m of strlfo 18. 20. sh. a m. make gods himself? 22. 30. a m. that thall not prosper MAN fer. 23. 9. like a m, wine hath over 30. & whether a m. doth travail ? 31. 2'i a woman sh. compass a m. 33. 17. David sh. never want a m, 18. nor shall priests want a m. 35. 19. Jona<1ab shall not want a 50. 4i In array like a m. to battle t,m. 3. . Mai. ? 17. as a m. spareth his son Mat. 8 9. I am a w. under author. ity, Luke 7. 8. 10. 35. some to seta m. at variance 12. 12 is a m. better than sheep ? 15.1 1. put of the iii-uith defileth a m. 19. 3. is it I lu-tu' for a m. to put away his wilt-? Mark 10. 2. 22. 24. If a m die, having no child. 26. 18. go into the city, to such a m. Mark 14. 13. LuJcett. 10. ufa 1. 34. seeing I know not a m. 5. 8. for I am a sinful m. O Lord John 1. 6. there was a m. sent fr. O. 30. a m. who is preferred hef. me 3. 3 except a m. be horn again, 5. 4. how can a m. he born when old? 27. a m. can receive nothing 4. 29. come, see a m which told me 7. 23. angry, because I made a m. 8. 40. a m. th.it hath told you truth 9. II. a m. railed Jesus made clay K3. how can a m. do such miracles? 10. 33. being am. m ikest thyself (i. 14. 2.'L if a m love me, he will keep 16. 21. for jo; that a m. is burn tc'.t 2. 22. Jesus, a m. approv. of O. 10. 26. I myself am also a m. 13. 22. Dav. a m. after mine heart 41. though a m. declare it to you 16. 9. the'e stood a m. of Macerto. 21. 39. I am a m. who am a Jew Bon*. 2. 21. preach, am. sh. not st.-al 22. am. sho. not commit adultery 3. 5. I speak as a in. \\ 7 1. dominion 1 Cor. 9. 8. say I these things as a m. 11. 7. a m. ought not to cover head 28. but let a m. examine himself 13. II. whe'i a m. I put away child. 2 Cor. 2. 6 sufficient to such a m. 8. 12. according to that a m. hath 12. 2. I knew a in. in Christ, 3. 4. it is not lawful for a 7/1. to utter Gal. 2. 16. a m. not justified by works 6. 1. if a m. be overtaken in a fault 3. if a m. think himself something Phil. 2. 8. fournl in fashion as a m. 1 Tim. 1 8. if a m. use it lawfully 3. I. if a m. de.-ire office of bishop 5. if a m. knuw not how to rule S Tim. 2. 5. if n a*, strive fd on the in. o/G. 18. 8. 2. did after the saying of m. o/G. 7. m. o/G. come || 1 1. in o/G. wept 8. and go meet the m. nfGod la 19. m. o/G. was wroth wi. hiai 2a 16. to the word which m. o/G. 17. it is the sepulchre of m. o/G. Chr. 2a 14. concerning Moses the m. of G. 2 Chr. 30. 16. Erra at. 2 CAron. a 14. David the m. /G<.rf. AVA. 1 2. '24, 36. 25. 7. came a m. o/G to Amaziah 9. the m. o/G. answered, the Lord Jer. 35. 4. son of Igdaliah a m. o/G. Tim. 6. II. O m. o/G. flee these Tim. 3. 17. thatt*. o/G. be perfect .S'ee Goon. Mighty MAV. 'tafg-. 6. 12. L. is with thee, m. m. II. 1. now Jephthah was a m. m. tuth 2. I. Naomi had kinsman m M Sam. 9. 1. Ki&h a Benjamite, m. in 16. la David m.m. and mnn of war, 2 Sam. 17. la Kin. 1 1. 28. Jeroboam was a m. m. Kin. 5. 1 . Naaman was alo nm.ru Chr. 12. 4. Ismaiah a m. m. amo. 30 Chr. 17. 17. Eliadam.m. of valour 28. 7. Zichri, a m. m. of Kphraim *ob 22. 8 as m. m. he had the eartk 3 t. 3a 16. m.m. not deliv. by strength- 52. I. why boast In mischief, m. M "a 6:>. the L. itwaked like a m. m. 127. 4. as arrows in hand of m. m. ta a 2. U doth take away m. m. V 15. the m. m. shall be humhlrd 31. 8. fall wi. sword, not of m. . 42. i:i L. Khali go forth a* a m m. er. 9. 2a nor let the m. M glory M. 9. thou shouldeU I.e *. 46. ft m. m ecape|| 12. stumbled Zrph. 1. 14 m. m shall cry Mt!"Hy /.rih. 9.13. made as sword of a mw lit. 7. Kphraim shall be like a m. m M \N * MAV. t>fn. 31. SO. MO m. i with ill it. 44. without theen/i m. lift hind fjrmt Ifi. 19. let no m. leave of it til! M. let no m. K" ""t 'f In- r'< * 22. 10. or driven awaj no - se f ing 3M. rt. no m. shall see jie ard lire 34. 3. no m. shall com? up wi. the.- Hum. 5. 19. if no m. ha. l..ln wi. the.- VruL 7. 24 . no m, ahle tn stand , 1 1 V5. 34. 6. n M. kn weth his sepiilrhrc Jos*. 88. 9. no m. h . m that there is no m. Zn-h. I. 21. no m. did lift his head 7. II. that nn m. pasted through Mat. R. 24. no m. ran serve two ma*. ter, I.uke IB. la 8. 4. tell MO m. 1& 20. Mark '. ;. Lukeb. 14. 1 9. 21. 8. *X Jesiu rbariri th.-m, s.iying. see that MO m. know it, Mark S. 43. | 7. 24. | 8. 311. | 9. 9. H 77. no m. knoweth the Son hut the Father, Luke 10. 84 17. ft. they saw no m. save Jr-ns K. 4(1 MO m. was able to answer 9. rail MO m. father on the earth M. 36. that day and hour know MO m. Mark 11 32. [Luke la *9. ifor* 10 v. MO m. (hat left house, 11.14 MO m. eat fruit of th.-e !'.' H we know thou rare, for irons. Lu a 14. violeii. tuna m. || 10.4. salute John I. la no m. hath e, n <,.*i. I John 4. IV .> 22 for the Father Judith no m. ' It no m. ran mine to me, 6ft. T 30. 10 m. Uid haiidx on. 44. I 8 20. H. II Mm. L. U is. I judge no m. 1. 1 night rorreth no m. run work 10. 18. no m. taketh it from me -& nn m. is able to plnrk th. out J3. 28. ***. at thr table knew why M, & no .. cowetli to Fa. but by me MAN Adi I. 17. that they speak to no m. 5. 19. durt m. m. join himself _':< opened, we found no m within 9. 7. hearing voire, welng no m. H. ID. 10. IK> w. slinll >et on thff Aom. 13. 8. owe no m. any tiling 14. 7. and no m. dielh to himsrlf 1 Cor. I. 1 1 things of (,'. know. MOOT. 15. h him-ell ii> judged of no m. 3. 11 other fouiidii. ran no m. lay la let no m. de, five hin^ell. 21. 10. 21. U't no m. fek hi- own 2 Cor. 5. Iff. know no m. after flesh 7. V. wronged n m. mrrupted num. GaL 3. II. no m i" justified l>y lau EpJl.b-fi. let nom. de.-eive.2rW 2.3. A no m. ever hated his own flesh 9 rim, 4. Ifi. first Hiiower no m. stood Til. a 2. to speak evil of no tn. He6. .'i 4. n m. taketh this honour 12. 14. without whl. no m. h. see L. .fnm. 3. a tout in- ran no m tame /f^r. 2. 17. a name no m knoiveth a 7. kliutteth, and no m. op.-n.-tli S.nom.ran shut it |; II tHkecrwn 5. 3. no m. won able to open hook, 4. 13. 17. that no m. might buy or -el! 14 3. no m. rould learn that *ong 15. 8. no tn. able to enter temple IS. 12. a name written, nom. knew Of MAN. 2 Nom. 7. 19. is this manner nf in. t Prnr. 30. 19. way nfm. with maid EC i 19. 13 this in wh..le duty of m. RfS. la la it i the number o/a m. 21. 17. according to rne4*ure o/a m. Sre OLD. One MAN. Gen. 49. 11. we re all o. M.sons, la .Vum. 14. 16. if thou kill peop. an o m. 31. 49. there larketh not o. m. of u- Ji ill. va 10. o. m. sh. rhase ttionuiid Judg. 20. 1. rongre. gathered as o. m. 8. all the people nrose as one m. 2 Sam. 19. 14 even as heart of o. m A^IT/. 7. ?s. o. m. among a thousand /i. 4. I. 7 women txke hold of ,. m Ji'fin II. M. o. m. die for peo. IS. 14. Horn. A. 12. by o. m. in enter, world IS. which U hv one m. Jet us 17. by o. m. offence death reigned 19. an by one m. d'mol>edienre 14. 5. one m. estcemeth one day 1 Tim. & 9. having been wife of o. m. See Pool, RK H, RICHTEUUS. Son of MAN. .Vwm. 23. 19. nor *. nfm. ho. repent ./"' '.5. 6 . o/m v>hii-h is a worm fiat, a 4. and the i. ,/ m. that thou viMtett him, Heh. 2. R 80. 17. and < o/m. th. madest -trng 144. 3. or i. nf'm. th. tnakeut arroiint U6. 3 put not your tru-t int. nfm. Ita. 51. 12. ! not afraid of . o/m. 66. 2. blessed is f. > Hiid i-ight* 13. 37 aowHfc Ki>d seed i- S. ,1 m 41. S. > for S. o/m. 9. 22. the S. (^ m. mn'st suffer, ifi. 56. S. o/m. is not mine to destroy 11. :-0. so shall theS. o/m be, 17 24. 12. a him shall the S. / m. coiifr*a 17. 22. desire to see day of S. o/m. la 8. when the Son o/m. rnineth 19. 10. S o/m. i.sron.e to save lost 21. ;. worthy to ctxnd be f. S. of m, 22, 48. betrayi-*t S .,/m. wi. a k'iss? JtJin I. 51. desreiidinv on Son o/m. 3. la even the S. i/m in neaven 14. even so must S. nfm. he lifted 6. 27. bx'cau-e be in the Son of in. (I 27. S. o/m shall vive unto you 63. except >e eat flesh ol S. o/m. f>2. if ye shall ree S. o/m. as<-eiid & 28. when ye have lilt up S. nfm. 12. V3. S. o/m. should '>e glnHBH 34. the S. of m must t.e lilted up, wliois this S i,/m. 13. 31. nnw Is the S o/m. glorified Actt. 7. 66. see S. o/m. ou ri^ht hand See S..K 77Wf MAN. /.en. 17. 9. f. SB. be r-ut off from pnn. SO. 3. I will rt niy fe.ce againnt th. tn. 5. Krrk. 14 H. \tiM. 9. la not off,-r. t m sh. bear I), nt. 17. 5. M-.ne f. m. till hi- die, I] 22. Is takr t. -n. and chastise him 25. 9. so shall it be done to that m. 29 20 jealousy mnoke against t. m. Jotk. 22. 20. t m. p>rinh. not alone: Pi. 37. 37. the end ol t m. 15 peai e 87. 5 this and t m. w with t M.: -..f, II. he that ton,) elh Ihii in F.rnd. 10. 7 how hint' t. m be snare? /Jeu/,22. Ifi. I ga*em> d-ogh. to r m. Jurig . 19.2:1 (. n.. is rome to my hon 24. to t. m. do n. t ... viie a thing 1 Sam. I. a t m. wen' yearly to n.,r. 10 27. said, h"W >b. f. m. save n- ? 17. 25. Iwve you seen '.. m. come up? 25 -'.'i. let not my lord regard /. m. \ Kin 0. 7 t. m'se.-K-th misi hief 3v>. and said, keep .'An m. 2 A'in. 5. 7. /. m. rend* t" recover .VrA 1. 11. n en y in sight of tHii m. r.'tf> '.' . t. m. Mord. WHXed(tre*te? Job I. 3. t. m w;i i;riMte born there, 5 I MAN' rf -T 2. hut to t. m. will I look './ !. 3d. write yt 1 t. rn. childless :.-. 1 1. th" m. is worthy to die, 16. IK 4. '. m seekcth not welfare of !i, in A. |H. r m. understand vi>ion /..(.i/i I. 14. nut perish for t in. life WiV 6. 5. t . shall he the peace Vii/ S. 9. I say to t m. go, he goeth ;:(. 54. whence had tlii* man this wisdom ? .V/.jrAr R. a. 27. 47. said, t . ralleth for Kliag 'Murk 14. 71. I kn'.w not thin m. 15. 39. M. wi. was the Sou of (Jod r .nke 14. 9 tc thee, give t. m. place 2-i. 56. tilt* m was also with dim ;M 4. I B ill no fault in (hit m 14. IS. cried out, sayinsr, away wi. (. m. Johitl. 27. howheit, we know t. m. 4li. never man spake like Mum. 15. 17. art on o( t m. disciples ? 40. not tlii.t n. hut Harabbas If 12 if th.iu let thin m go, art not 21. vl .uiii what shall M/.v m. do ? //< v 3. IV. hud made< m. to walk, 16. 4. Ill by liim cloth (. rn. stand whole 8 10. t. m is great power of God 13. 23. of MM ra. God rai-ed Jesus 38 thro' t. m is preached to you Heb. 7. 24. liut t. m. ne sacrifice See U.N EIISTANOINO. M A N of mir. E.rnd. 15. 3. the Lord is a m. nfimr Jfifi. 17. I. Machir was a m. o/ipar ! flam. 16. I*. David a m. of'trar, 2 Sam. 17. 8 I Chron. -28. 3. 17. 33. Ooliatli m. of re. from youth Ifa. 3. i. Lord take away m. of war 42. 13. stir up jealousy like m. ofw. Wicked M A N. Dfut. 25. 2 ;r. m. worthy to he he-it Job 15. id. IP. in. travaileth wi. pain 'JO. 2R portion of IP. m. fr. O. 27. 13. P.. 10. fi. set thou a IP. w. over him JVor. 6. 12. a IP. m. walketh with - 9. 7. rehnkcth IP. m. getteth a I. lot 11. 7 when a iricked m. dieth 13. 5. a IP. m. 'outhsomeandcometh 17. 23 >r. in. taketh gift out of bosom 21. 29. iricked m. hardeneth liis 7. 32. David's unrle a IP. TO JoA 15.2. IP. m. utter vain knowledge? 17. 10. I cannot tiud one w. m. 31 34. let a w. m. hearken to me Prop. I. B. n IP. m. hear and increase 9. 8. rebuke IP. m. he will lovethee 9. ffive instruction to trite m. 14. Irt. IP. m. fe.areth, and ilenarteth 16. 14. a IP. m. pacify wrath of king 17. 10. reproof entereth into a ir. m. 21. "it a wife m. scaleth the city Vfi 12. see-t m. it: in own conceit ? 89 9. if w. m. contendeth wi foolish II. hut n iri.ii'm. keepeth it in tnel. 2. 14. IP. m. eye* are in head IV how dieth IP. m.'i as the fool 10. whether he he n: m. or fool ? 7. 7. oppression maketh IP. m. mud 6. I. who is as IP. m. who knoweth 5 a 'rite m. heart disoerneth time !7. thontrh nit m think to know 9. '5. was fou;)J in it a poor w. m. 14 t. v. M heart at right hand MAN F.rrl. 10.12. words of a TP. m grnrioti. ter. 9. 12. w. m. th. may understand ' '.'3. let not w. m glory in wisdom Mat. -. 24. I will liken him to a tr. m. I Crr. ft. 5. not a IP. m. amnn;.'st you Jam. 3. 13. who is a IP. TO., endued MAN, joined with u-uman. Gf-n. 3. 12. the >n. said, the woman 20. 3. di-ad m. for IP. is man's wife F.xvd. 36. 6. let no m. nor IP. work Ler. 15. >8 ir. with whom m. sh. lie 33. hath an issue of the m. and tr. 20. 27. m. or IP. hath familiar spirit A'um. 6 2. m. or p. separate themg. 31. 17. kill ir rii'in that hath known m. Judg. SI. II Deut. 17. 5. briiijf m. or jr. stone them 22. 5. IP. not wear that pertaineth to m. nor m put on IP.'* garment 22. m. found lying with IP. both m. that lay with the tp. and the tp. 1 Sam. 15. 3. hut slay l/oth m. and IP. 27. !. left neither m. nor tp. alive 1 Ch\ . Ifi. 3 de;:lt to m and IP. a loaf 2 Cfu : 15. 13. not seek L. . or ir. die Jer. i4. 7. cut off m. IP. and child 51. 22. break in pieces m. and w. I Cor. 1 1. a head of the IP. is the m 7. the IP. is the glory of the m. 8 m. is not of IP. but IP. of the m. 1 1. nor is m. without IP. in the L. 12 as tp. is of m. so is m. hy the p. 1 T:m. 5. 16 ny m. ortp. ha. widows Young MAN. Gen. 4. 23. slain TJ. m. to my hurt 18. 7. Ahraham'gave it toa^. m. 41. 12 there was with us a y. m. Num. 1 1. 27. ran v. m. and told Moses Deut. 3'2. 25. destroy y m. and virgin Judg. 17. 12. y. m. became his priest 1 Sam. 9. 2. Saul was a choice y. m. 17. 5S. whose son art thou, y.'m.t 30. 13. said, I am y. m. of Eifypt 2 Sam. I. 5. said tii y m. th. told, la 14. 21. bring y. m. Abs:ilom aeain 18 5. deal gently with the u. m. A is the v- m. Absalom safe ? 32. 3'i. enemies of lord l.easthaty. m. I Kin. II. 28. Solomon seeing if. m. 2 Kin. 6. 17. L. opened eyes of y. in. 9. 4. so the v n. went to Ramoth 1 Chr. 12 28! and Zadok, a t/anng m. 2 Chr. 36 17. no romp 'Sion ony. m. Pa. 1 19. 9. shall y. m. demise way ? Prof. 1. 4. to y m. knowledge and 7. 7. a v. OT. void of understandinc t-p/. II. 9. rejoice, O u. m. in youth /.wi. 02. fi. as v. m. marrieth virifin Jer. 51. 22. break the / m. and maid Vr. 1J. t it | 3 m . he la cxrrpte* I Cor. 2. 14. nakei, m. the savour jf '/'/'., > Hi. w,,rk~ .,1 the flenh H re ifh I'htl. 1. 13. bonds in Christ are m. Col. 4. 4 that I may make it m. 2 Thet. I. 5. a m. token of nghtenai I Tim. 3. 16 G(Mi was m in the flesh 5. /& good works of some are m. > Tim 3. 9. b.Kly be m. to all men Ilt'l, 4. ia no creature that is not M. I I' ft. I. 20. was m. in these tunes 1 John a ID. children of Uod are m. Se.e MADE. MANIFESTATION. Rom. 8. 19. for m. of HOIK of Rod 1 Cor. 12. 7. m. of Sp. given to man 2 C'or. 4. 2. TO. of truth commending MANIFESTED. Murk 4. 22. not. hid wh. sh. not he m, Juhii >. II. and TO, lortli his iili.ry 17. 6. 1 have m. thy name unto men Rum. 3. 21. righteousness of 0. is m. Tit. 1. a in due time m. hi> word 1 Jnfin I. 2 lite m. we have seen it 3. .1. was m. to take away our sins S.forthis purpose was Son of O. m. 4. 9. in this was m. the love of God MANIFESTLY 2 Cor. 3. 3. TO. declared to be epistle MANIFOLD. Hen. 9. 19. in m. mercies forsook, not 27. TO. mercies gavest th. navioiirs /if//. Ili4. 24. how TO. are thy work* Amu* 5. 12. 1 know your m. transgr. Luke 18. 30. n..t reteive m. more Kph. 3. 10. known m. wisdom of O. I Pet I fi. thro' m. temptations 4. 10. stewards of TO, grace of God MANKIND. Lev. 18. 22. shall not lie with m. -'0. 13. man lie with m. as woman .lr,!< 12. 10. in hand is breath of m. I Tim. 1.10. law for them defile m. Jam. a 7. hath been tamed of M. MANNA. E.rnd. 16. 15 they said. It is m. 3V Israel did eat TO. forty yean A"i/m. II. o. nothing besides this m. 1 the m. was as coriander-seed 9. dew fell on camp. m. Ml on it Deut. 8. 3. and fed thee with m. 16. AVi. 9. 80. Pnl 7a 24. .tofh. 5. 12. m. i-eased, had no more .John 6. 31. our fathers did eat m. 49. .SK. not :IR your fathers did ent m, Heb. 9. 4. the golden pot that h..d m. Ken. 1. 17. give te. eat of hidden TO. MANNER. Gen. 25. 23. two m. of peo. separated Erod. I. 14. bitter in all TO. ..f service 12. 16. no m. of w. rk done in them 22. 9. TO. of trespass, in. A'iri. I. 7. what manner of man 1 II U stood hy pi IUr, MB them wm 17 2l. for nil m of measure *. 1. 13. ww king's w. Awards a MAN ft. 107. Ill ahhorreth all m. of meat Cant. " 13. li M. i)f pleasant friiiu In 5. 17. Limbs ferd after their m. Jrr. ti VI. this hath been thy m. 7> in 6. 2a no m. uf hart was found M it. t. 21 NU. all m sickness, III. I. & II. ray all in. uf evil against you & 87. whit m. of man it tin-., that the winds and e obey him ': Mark (41. tdbt* 12. 31. Mil m. nf tin loritiven to men Jlttrk 13. I. (we what MI of "tonea LuA> I. 19. what M. of Mlntation 00. what M. of child shall this be? 7. 3k kini what m. uf woman (In- ft. .IS. ye know not what m. of spirit 81 17. what m. of communication- 1 ; John 19. 40. at m. of Jew* it to hurv Act* 17. i 1' mi, no hi* wi WHS, went 211. IS. ye know what m. I ha. been *.'. 3. t m.'ht accord, to perfe. , 85. 16. it i not the m. ol Kum.in.t 36. 4. my m. of I if.- from my youth 8 C-r. 7. 9. ina.le mrry after godly m. I Th'*. I. ft. yr know what m. of en. n 9. what m of entiTin* in w- had 1 Tim 3 10. known my m. of life //e4. 10. V5 a.>are !_' in. of fruit* .{fier*, MANSKH. C-n la II. wi. Sanh a. m. of worn. 19. 31. dune to us . t m. of earth Judg. I a 7. a. t /w. of the Zidonians Jta. 10. M. a/lrr the m. of Kirypt, 2ft . if the ox .hull pu*h a m. *em Drut. 12. l& eat, thou and thy m. t IB. II. rejoice, tho 31. 13. if I did despise my m t. Jcr. 34. 9. 1-t hi. m ,. KO free-, la MANSIONS. John 14. 2, in Fa ' house many m. MAN *i.,,, fr .i. yum. 3ft. 6. six ritiw for m..ilayer If. that the m.. tin ITT die not 1 Tim. I. 9. law w*s made for m.i. MANTI.l J*dg. 4. 18. Jnel cov. Sinera with m 1 Sam. 28. 14. and covered wl. a M I Kin. 19. 13. Elijah wrapped in m la lij*h cat hia m. upon l.li.h . MAN 8 Kin. 9. . Elijah took m. and smote l.'l F.lislm took Kigali's m. 14. E.rruiJ.3. I heard this. I rent my m. 5. '"A I. 2U. Job arose and rent his m. 2. IS. they rent every one hi* wi. ft. 1 1 l. 29.' confusion, as with a to. /ML 3. 22, I will take away the m. MANY. Gen. 17. 4. thou shall he a rather of m. nations, 5. K"tn. 4. 17, la 37 3. a coat of in. colours, -'.') 3* Ej-orf. T.I.2I. they vale, aii.lm perish A'i ia la whether be few or in 2ft 5ft possets, divided between m. 't'.. a from them that have m. ritie- Drut. 15. & and thou shall lend to m, nation*, '28. 12. 31. 17. m. evilssh. befall them. 21. I .Sum. U. '">. I,, to save by m. or few 1 A,'III. 4. 2(1 Jud.ih and Ur. were m 7. 47. bee. they were exceeding m. 2 Chr. 14. II. nothing to help wi. in \eh. 7. 2. he feared God above m. la 8ft among in. nations no king "tds m. and lorda m. 10. A. with m Ond was not p-eased 17. we being m. are one bread 33 profit of m. that they be saved II 30. for this cause m. are weak 12.14. body not one member, but m. 2 Cor I. 1 1 thanks be given by m. >. 10. as poor, yet making m. rich Ual. I. 14. and profited above m. a Ift aaith not and to seeds, as of m. I'M a ia m walk of whom I told lleb. 2. 10 in hrmg. m. ions to glory 7. 2a they truly were m. priest* 9. 2& Christ once hear sins of m. 300 MAN Hek. 11. 19. sprang f one so ir itn I Jam. 3. I. my brethren, be nul m. After MANY. Ejrod. 2a 2. .-peak in a < ause to de. chiie ifttr m. At MANYni. V. a 1. in m. at had not known 2 Sum. 2. 23. at TO. a* came to plhi e H Clir. 29. 31. at m. at of free heart Mat. 22.9. at m at ye find hid to mar. Mark 6. 56. am. at touched him Luke II. 18. give e 17. 9. wither without m. p to pl-irk 32. 9. I will vex the hearts of m ft. 10. I will make m people amazed : 9. thou and m. p. with thee. IS. .Vic. 4. 3. he shall judife amo. m. ;i. l.'l thou -bait heat ill piei-es m. p 5. 7. remn. of Jacob in midst rn. p. Zrrh. a 22. m. p. come and seek U Ken. 10. 11. must pr-'phesybef. in. p MANY UiiHgi. .M 93. 14. m. such t. are with him EcrL 6. II m. t th. inrreane vanity /. 4A 20. seeing m. t. but ohservest M>il. ia 3. he snake m. t. in parables Ift 21. and suffer m. t of the elder* and chief priests, Mark *. 3L |9. 12. /.u*r9 22. | 17 ^5. 25. 81. make thee ruler over m t.iS. 27. 19. I have suffered wi I. thit day Murk r,. 20. he did m. /. and heard Liike 10. 41. art troubled about m t. John 8. 2ft I harem t. HI> ay, Iri. 12. 21. 25 m. other t. which Jesus did Actt 2(1. 9. that 1 ought to do m. t Hal 1 4. nfiVred no m. /. in vain ? Hfb. 5. 1 1. we have m. t. to say ./(/m. 3. 2. for in >n. <. we offend ail 2 John 12. having m. f/>m? to w rite to you, 3 Joan 1:1 MANY a time. t. I Kin. ??. IP. how m. t. 1 adjure therf /".. 7H. 38. m. n t turned he his aniier 129. I. m. a. t. they afflirte i me, 2. Neh.9. SS. m t. ilidst thou de'iver them, PtaL lOti. i:i Scr W v i K. K-I. MANY i/eiirt. l.H>. 55. M. if there be m.y. behiml Ezra ft. II. house huilded in. / .V. A. 0. r m. v didst thou forbear ffrrt. ft. a if iTmaii live m. yean 1 1. a if a man live m. v. n.l relolr* /m. !U. 10. wi. days and v. troubled Esek. 3S. 17. whirh prophesied in y MAR lerh *t. a weep as I don* these m. y. l.uke 12. 19. goods laid up f->r m y. 15. VS. these M. y. do I serve thee" ^reen m. y. jndee 17. after m. y. I rainetobriigalms Hum. 15. 23. a desire m. y. to come MAR. Z-uw 19. 27. nor m. corners of heard Ruth 4. fi. lest 1 m. own inheritnre ] Sum. 6. ft. mire that m, the land 8 Kin. 3. 19. m. good piece of land ./oA an. 13. they m. my path, they Jer. 13. ? thus I m. pride of Judah MARKED. /ML 52. U. his visage was so m. Jer. 13. 7. girdle m. || 13. 4. vessel m. A'lA. 2 2. and ra. vine.hranches Mark 2. 22. and the dottles will be m. MARAN.ATHA. 1 Cor. 16. 22. let him he anathema m. MARBLE. 1 CAr. 29.2. prepared m. in abundance ErtA 1. 6. silver rings, pillar* of m. Cottt. 5.15. his lens areas pillars of m. Km. 18. 12. vessels of m. no man buy. MARCH. Ft. 68. 7. didst m. thro* wilderness Jer. 46. 22. they shall m. with army Joel 2. 7. shall m. every one his ways ///<. 1 6. m. thro' breadth of land 3. 12. thou didst m. thniUL'li land MARCHED. ST. EJ id. 14.10. Egyptians m. after them Judg. 5 4. thou m earth trembled MARK. Subttantive. Gen. 4. 15. Lord set am. upon Cain 1 5am. 20. 20. as thougir 1 shot at m. M< 7. 20. why set me a* a m airai n-t thee? 16. 12. Lam. 3. 12 Erek. 9. 4. set a at. on men th. sigh Mtt 3. 14. press toward m for prizt /Ze*. 13. 16. caused all to receive a m 17. none buy. save he that had m. 14.9. any man receive m. in forehead 11. whosoever receiveth his m. 15. 2. over image, and over his m. 16. 2. gore on them had m. of beast 19. 20. deceived them th. received in. i-0. 4. uurbism. they lived WL Christ MARK, Verb. Ruth 3. 4. thou shall m. the place 1 Kin. 20. 7. m. how this man seek. 22. m. and see what thou dest Job 18. 2. m and we will --peak 21. 5. m me and be astonished 3:i. 31. m. well, O Job, heark. to me Ptal. 37. 37. m. the perfect man 48. 13. m well her bulwarks 56. fi. they m. my steps, when they 130. 3. if thou sh'ouldest m iniquit Ezrfc. 44. 5. m. the entering of house 7Z'"n. 16. 17. m. th. who cause divisi, Phil. 3. 17. m them who walk so MARKED. 1 Sam. \. 12. Kli m. h.-r mouth Juh 22. 15. hast thou m old way ? 24. 16. they Ind m. in the d:iy time Jer. 2. 2-2. iniquity is HI. before me 23 IS m. his word and heard it Luke 14 7. TO. how they those rooms MARK s. Lev. 19. 28 not print any m. "n you Gal 5. 17 hear in body m. of Lord MARKKSI, EPH. /o 10. 14. if I sin, then thou m. 33. 1 1. stocks, he m. all my paths Ita. 44. 13. m. it ut with compass MARKET, S fxfk. 07. 13 traded in m. 17, 19, 25 Mat. II. 16. children sitting in HI. V". ). oth-rs strtiidine idle in them 23. 7. love gre.-t int.'* m the m Luke 1 1. 43. | ->0 4H "Stark 7. 4. when they come from in MAR Mark 12. 3a love salutations In m. Luke 7. 32. child, sitting in m place /"An 5. 2. a no.. I hv the sheep m. Acts Hi. 19 drew them into m. place 17. 17. he disputed in the m. daily MARRIAGE. Ejrod. 21. 10. duty ol m. shall he not /'. 78 C3. nirtiileng not given to m Mat. 22. 2. a king made m. for son 4. things ready, come unto the m. 9. all ye find, hid to the m. 30. in the resurrection not gi\en in m. Mark 12. 25. Luke VO. 35. 24. 38. given in m. until da\ that .N. 25 10. ready went with him torn. l.nke 17. 27. were iriveu in m. 20. 34. liiiin 2. 1. a m. in Cana of Galilee 1 Cor. 7. 38. give, In r in m. doth well Hi',. 13. 4. HI. is honourable in all AVr 19. 7. m. of the Lamb is come 9. blessed called torn. sup. of Lamb MARRIAGES. Gen. 34. 9. and make ye in. with us Deut. 7.3. neither shall thou make m. Joth. 23. 12. if ye make >. wi. them MARRY. Gen. 38. 8. go to broth wife, m. her .Vum. 96. 6. only to family of their father's tribe shall they m. Deut. 25. 5. wife of dead shall not m. Isa. 62. 5. so shall thy sons in. thee Mat. 5. 32. m. her that is divorced commit adultery, 19. 9 Mar.10.11. 19. 10. he so, it is not gi-od to m. 22. 24. his brother shall m. his wife 30. neither m. nor are given in marriage, Mark 12. 25 Lit. 20.35. 1 Cor. 7. 9. cannot contain let them m. better to in th: n to burn 36. he sinneth not, let them m. 1 7Yni. 4. a forbidding to m. and 5. II. to wax wanton, they will m. 14. younger women m. hear child MARRIED. Gen. 19. 14. to them th. m. daughters Exod. 21. 3. if m. wife go nut wi. him Lei: 22. 12. if m. to a stranger Xi.-in. 12. 1. Kthiop. whom lie had m. 36. 3. if m. to sons of other tribes Deut 22. 22 lying with woman m. I Chr. 2. 21. m. when 60 years old Neh. 13. 2a HI wives of Ashdod /Von. 30. 23. odious when she i- m. Itn. 54. 1. more of desolate than m. 62. 4. thy land shall he HI. Jer. 3. 14. turn, for I am m to you M,ii 2. II. m. daiiuh. of strnge' irod Mat 22. 25. thefirst when he had m. Murk 6 17. for he had m. her 10. 12. m. another commt adultery Luke 14. 20. m. a wife, cannot come 17. 27. they drank, they m. wives Rom. 7. a husband liveth she he m. I Cor. 7. 10. to the m. I command 3.'). but he that is m caret h for 34. she th;it is m rareth for things 39. to be m. to whom she will MARRIETH. Itn. 62. 5. as younv man m. virirn Mat. 19. 9 m her is put away, doth commit adulterv, l.nkr 16. 18. MARRYING .\>A. ia 27. evil in m. strange wives Mat. 24. 3a m. eivine in marriage MARINERS. Ezek. 27. a inhabit of Zidon thv m. 9. whips of the s>-a with their m. 27. thy ra. f-H into mid-t of ea- 29. HJ. come down from their -hip* Jonah I. 5. then the m. ere afraid MARISi F.S. Ezek. 47. 11. miry pl^i-es and m. MARROW. . 24. bum- m, listened with m. 301 MAS ft. fa. 5. soul Bti>fi..d as with m. Prae. 3. a health and m to hones l'der fjoinUi uudM. MART. Ita. 23. 3. and she i- a m. of nations MARTYR, & ActtlZ 20. blood of thy m. Stephen Her. 2. la AntipiiK was fxiihlul m. 17. 6. drunken nith tiloodol m. MARVEL, s. Erod. 34. 10. . such as ha. m.tbeen i C'ur. 11. 14. no m. Satan transfurm MARVEL. F.crl. 5. 8. m. not HI the matter Murk 5. 20. and all men did m. Juhnb. 20. work-, that ye may m. 2M. HI. not at this, hour it conmig 7. 21. done one work, and y m .Irts :i. 12. Israel, why m yeutthiir Gul. I. 6. I m. that ye are sosiHin I Jnhn 3. 13. m. not if world Imie ymi Ret. 17. 7. when-fore dirtst thou '../ MARVELLED. Gfn. 43. 33. men ;//. one at anotln-r FsiiL 48. 5. saw it, and so they m. Mat. 8 10. Jesus heard it. he m. 27. but the men m. saving I', a they in. and g.oritied God, 3a 22. 22. tliey m. at him, M,ir>. 12. 17. Luke 20. 26. 27. 14. governor m. Mark 15. 5, 44. Mark 6. fi. m. because of unbelief l.nke I. 21. m. he tarried so lung 63. name is John, and they m. all 2. 33. Joseph and his mother m. 7. !l. when Ji-sus heard, he m. at him John 4. 27. m. he talked wi. woman 7. In. JewsM. how Inowrth this Acti 2. 7. m. are not these Galileans? 4. la m. and took know I. of them MARVELLOUS. Job 5. 9. who doeth m. thine* 10. 16. thou showest thyself m. Ptal 17. 7. show m. loving. kindntM 31 21. showed ii'e his m. kinitne** ~a 12. m. things did he in si;ht of m. tr. 139. 14. great and m. are thy ir. Her. 15. .\ Ita. 89. 14. I proceed to do m. wurk MARVELLOUSLY. ? CAr. 2. 15. he was m. helped Jnh 37. 5. thundeteth m. with voice Hob. \. 5. behold, regard, wonder** MASONS. 2 Sam. 5. 11. Hiram sent to David m. 1 Chrn. \ l. I. 2 A'in. 12. 12. gave money to IN and hewers of stone, 22. 6. f.rrtt :i 7. 1 CAr. 22. 2. he set m to h.-w st.mrj 2 lAr. 24. 12. hired m torepsirhoo. MA-T. S. Pn-r. 23 34. lieth i>n the top of m. /.t house \veut <>ut to them 1 Nii *."> 17. determined ncaiii-r M f\ IS. ynu have not k.-pt your ML S VIM 7. your M. Saul i dead I Aw. 2*. 17. ti.f U HiJ, these have no m. 2 CAro/i. IH 16 i Km fi. 5. ulai M. it was borrowed 22. cot mul drink, and go to th IfX i. wing your m. SOIM with you B. take the head* cl your in .01.. 19 6. thus ay to m S..MS, 1m. 37. I Ckr. 16. 27. C'hcnuniHh, m. of song /.i 24. 2. an with !. so with M DOM. I. 3 the king -p..ke to the m. 4. ft O Be:te. m of magicians, 5. 1 1 MvL I. . If I be M. wh. i- rny fear? i. It. the Lonl will cut off the in. Hat. a. 19. m. I will follow thee 9. II. why eateth your m. tri. pnhll 10. 25. if they Imve . ailed m Heel*. 12.38. M. we tvould see >i|rn fr . t hee I7.il. dot'i not your m. pay tribute? 82. l& m. we know th..t thou r t true. Mark 12. 14. M. a one is your m een Chr. 10. Ml 18. m. faith, n.y time is at hand 85. Jii.la- -.ml, M i- it I ? 49. tMilm. and kissed. Murk 14 4.V ttarkb 3ft. why tnnii.let th-,ii ;/j :- 9. 5. m. it' is good for u to t>e here. /,*>) 33 [7,u*r la 22. 10. 17. g-od m. what shall I .In? 1.1 3.V ye know not when m. I'ometli Luke 7 40. . say n || a 24. perish a 49. d Kight.-r dead, trouble not m 13. 2ft. when m of the house is riseu JoJut 3. ID. nrt thou a m. of Israel? II 2& in. is rome and call, for thee 13. Ill ye call me m and ye say well 14. If I your m. washed your fe*t Act* 27. II. centurion helieved m. Eph. 6. 9. m. m in heaven. C-L I I. Hit MASTER <> 24. U. hand miller thigh of h. m. SO. i Joseph iv. i- in house of A. m. Erod 21. 4. if A. m giTen him wife fl-*4 to ma m. Ab. 27 4i,48, 1 4, 35.44,4!) 51,65. 89 . my m. w.-tieth not wli.it is tr A 21. 5. if serv. say. I lo.e mv. m. I S / i4. fi. fJ. forl.id 1 do V. m v w 9>. 13. my M. l.-ft in.- I 1 frli sirk S Kilt. 5. IS. My M *th into lioii.e SO. MV m. hith spared Nauman ft. 15. alaii, my . now shall we do? 10. 9. 1 cunspir/d against nty m yj. hath my m. sent me t" thy mat. r f /M. .% 12. JM. 36. S. give pledge* to iwy n. MAT Thti M ASTER. Gen. 84. 51. her .e /. m. son's wife 1 vim 29 10. ri.e early with / m. 2 SUM '.I 9. I give t m. all that Sail 12. H. gave I. m. house, t m. wiv.- !. 3. wher.- is (Ay /"- sou ? 2 Kin. _>. 3. 1. will tuk.-away t. m. ft. :'. 7. thou .halt .nut house of t. m. H. -.'7. m y niii-ter ..-lit me to thym. MA TER-AinWrr. I Cor. a 10. as wise m../.. I have laid .MASTERS. Erod 21. 4. children shall he her m. Pi. I2a 2. eyes f s. TV. look to m. /V,r. 2ft. 13 he relre-heth nul of m Aima 4 I. say t th. m let us drink /.y i. 9. fill m. houses wi. vilei *'/. ft 24. no man can serve two m. l.uke 16. ia 23. 10. neither he ye call.-ii m ,t<-tt in. Ifi hrough m. rnu. h gain Eph. 6. ft. serv.iiits be obedient t them that are your m Cot. a 22. Tit 2. 9. I Pet i la 9. and ye. m. do the same thing, unto them. Col. 4. I. I Tint, ft. I. count their m. worthy 2. heliev. m. let them n.it 'lespise ./j;/i.3. 1. he not mauy m knowing MASTERY IES. Ejmi. 32 ia them tha> shout for m. Dan A 24. li'.ns had the m. of them I Cor 9. 25. that striveth for the m i Tim. 2. ft. if a man strive fur m. M ATE lia. 34. 1ft. e?ery vulture wi. her.m. 16. oone shall wa t her tn. MAI It IX. Erod. 13. 13. to L. all th. open m.15. 34. 19. all that openeth m is mine .Yum. 3. 12. iaitedd of the fir-t-Sorn that >.p"i the m. ia 15. every thing th. open m thin. MATTER "n. 24. 9. sware concerning that m 3(1 15. is it small m. thou ha. taken Exod 1& 16. hare m. th. con e to me 22. every great m they shall bring 26. every small m. judged tin in-.- 23. 7. keep thee far from a false m. \itrn. 16. 49. died about m. of K.irah 2ft. 18. beguiled you in m of Peor 31. 16. commit trespass In m. of He. Veut. 17. & if there arise m. too hard Ruth 3. ia know how m. will fall S.tm. Itt 16. of the m. ..f kingdom 20. 23 m. thou nnd I ha spoken of ! Sam. 1. 4. how yvent the m. t 18 13. there is no m. hi. I from kin? 20. ia ended the m || 2l. m not so Kin. R. 59. as the m si all require Chr. 2\ 32. every m. p.-rtain. to f!. 27 I. officers h la 28. seeing the root of the m. 32. ia I will answer, 1 am full of m "'. 4ft. I. my heart inditing good IH. '"1. 5. em-ourai/e theins. in evil m. Prnv. II. la spirit i nncealeth them. Ifi. that hnndleth a m. wisely 17. 9 repeateth m *eparat. friends la 1.1 answer, -th m before h. arefi 25. 2. honour of kings to search m Eo:l 10. . -";. slayeth neighlH>ur so i* t in. I .v.;m :t<). i*. h.-ark.-n to you in .'.;. 2 .S'(/m. I!) 42. he \e angry for t. -it.\ Ezra 5. ft. answer roncerning t in. 1C. t. fAw . (,eloli^eth to thee 9. p. o|.|.- tremliling berauiie of t. M E*th. \l. 'K. -een coiicerniiig Ihu m. Dan I. 14. Mflzar consented in t.in. a IS. not careful tnai.sxver in t m. ActtR,1\ m-ither part nor lot in/, in. 17 32. will lie..r thee again ol /. t I Cor. 7. II. yourselves clear I lit n. MAT I EKS. Esorl 24. 14. it any have m. lei him 1 Sum. IR IS. th;.t is prudent in m. 2 .Sum 1 1. 19. nmile end -f teilinir m. 15 3. see thy in. are good and right l!. *>. .p.'akcst anv moreofttiy m ? !Chr 19. II. Amariah over you in >. .\VA. II. 24. nil in. concerning people Ktth a 4. Mor.l.-cai'. m wou!d stand 9. 31. the m. of the fasting., 32. Jiif> 33. 13. jiiveth not account of IH. Pi. 35. 20. deceitful m against th. m 131. I. nor exercise myself in m. Dint. I. 20. in m. of wis om he lour.d 7. I and told the .urn of the m //. 23.23. omitted the weightier m. Art, IX. 15. he no indite of cuch m. 19. 39. anything conrern. oilier in. 2.V 20 th.Te he judift-d of th.-s.- m. I Cor. f.. _'. to judt'c the Rii.allest in. 1 Pet. 4. 15. a roi.y.hodvin meu'sas. M *T'IOfK,'S. 1 Sam. 13. 2ii. sharpen axe and m. 21. yet they had a ri'e t..r the m. 2 Chr. S4. fi. did J.-siah with their m. lia. 7. 25. on hills h.- digged with m. M A L! I. Pruv. 2ft. 19. false witness, is a m. M A \V Deut. la 3. to priest 2 checks and m. MKA DOW, S. r*. Emd 18. 26. m ye hy thi servie* f t 6. 80. what m. tmttev Jiah. 4. 6. what m. tliene stone^:- 21. Ita. \ IS. what m. ye that ye heat tflc. 17. 12. what these tinny* m.t IR 2. what m. v>- that u -e pu r-rb< .V.- t.i w.-ep HIIJ 2 Cor. 8 ::i. I m. not that other me* MEAN, Ae l,r..iu-hl down 31. 8. sword i>ot ot n,. inaii-l.-v.-ur M E A N /.wr. Luke 12. 1. ft t. gatl.fted rrult lud ME A ME AN *". 1 Kin IS. 4'>. m. . ln-> 'en Mark John 4. 31. fa. r. hisdis 'iples prayed Rum. 2. 15. thoughts m. ir. accusing MEANS. jrod. 34. 7. will by no m. clear the guilty, Num. 14. la Judg. 5 22. broken by m. of prune. 16. 5. by what m, we may prevail 2 Sair. 14. 14. yet doth he devise m. 1 Kin. 20. 39. if by any m. be missing Jer. 5. 31- the priests bear rule l>y m Mai. I. 9. this hath been by yourm. Mat. 5. 26. thou by mi m. < nine nut Luke 6. 18. sought m. ti> bring him 1ft 19. nothing by any m. hurt yim John 9. 21. by what m. he now seeth Acti 4. 9. by what m. he is whole 18. 21. I must by all m. keep feast Horn. I. 10. any m. 1 might journey 1 Cor. a 9. lest by any m. this liberty i>. -J-2. I iniirlit by all m. save some 27. lest by any m. when 1 preached 2 Cor. 1. II. by m. of many, thanks 11. 3. lest by any m, as the serpent Gul. 2. 2. lest by any m. I shit, run 1 Thet. 3. 5. lest by some m. tempter 2 Thes. 2.3. no man deceive by any m. 3. 16. giv peai e always by all m. Heb. 0. l.'i. by m. of death are calltd MEANEST, ETH. Gen. 33. a what m. thou by this ? Z)eu<. !9. !i4. what m. this anger ? 1 Sum 4 6. what m. this shout? 14. 15. 14. what m. this bleat of sheep? 2 Sam. 16. 12. what m. thonhy these? Extk. 37. 18. /.to. 10. 7. howbeit he m. not so Jonah 1.6. what m thou, O .-deeper? Mat. 9. 13. go ye learn what that TO 12. 7. if ye had known what this m. Arts '2. 12. savin*, what m. this ? MEANING. Dnrn. 8. 15. Dan. had sought fir m. 1 Cor. 14. 11. if I know not the m. MEANING, ./f cfr 27. 2. m. to sail by roasts of Asia MEANT. Gen. SO. 20. but God wi.it nnto goed Luke 15. 26. asked what these m. IK 36. pass bv, asked what it m. MEASURE. Exod.lft.1. rurt-iiiiM sh. have one m.8. Zev. 19.35. do no unriKhteousn. in m. Dmt. 25. 15. H just m. sh. thou have 1 A'ifi. 6.25. cubits one m. || 7.37. bases 2 Am 7. I. a m. i/f fine flour, 16. la J the m of Ch. ME A Eph. 4 13. to the m. of the stature 16. working in m. of every part /. he . the breadth of the building. 6,8, 9, 11, 13, 24. 41. 5. he m. the wall j| 13. m. house 15. hem. the length of building 4V. 16. he m. east with a meas. reed 17. m. north || 18. south || 19. west Hot. 1. 10. as sand of sea cannot be m. Hub. a 6. he stood and m. the earth Rev. 21. 16. he m. city || 17. m. wall MEASURES. Gen, 18. 6. three m. of fine meal Deut. 25. 14. shall not have divers m. 1 A'tn. 4. 22. Solomon's provision for one day was thirty m. of flour, and sixty m. of meal 5. II. Solomon gave Hiram twenty thousand m. of wheat, and 20 m. of pure oil. 2 Chr. 2. 10. la 32. us would contain 2 m. of seed 1 Chr. 2a 29. for all manner of m. */ m. 74. 14. gavest him to be m. t.. p.-op 78. la temptnd God by MskihK m. 25. he sent them m. t.. the full 30. while their in. WHS in i,,,,,,ti,, 104. 21. young lion* eek m f r . <}. 27. thou maye&t give them th,-tr m. 107. 18. their soul tthhorreth all m. 111. 5. given m. to them that l.'..r 145. 15. givest them r* in KeH-,,n I'rur. 6. a the ant provideth her at. 30. 22. a fool when he is filled wi. i*. 25. they prepare th m in suminrt 31. 15. giveth in. to her household ha. 6^.8. no more give m. toeiieinnt Lam. 1. II. given pl.-as. things (urn 19. elders died while th sought m. Ezek. 4. 10. thy m. sh. be by weight 16. 19. my m. which I gave thee 29. 5. I have given thee for m. to beasts, 34. 5, M. 34. 10. they may not he m. for them 47 12. grow tree* for m. fruit for in. Dan. I. a not defile himself with m. 4. 12. and in it was m. for all, vl. 1 1. 26. th. feed of m. sh. destroy him Hot. 1 1. 4 and I laid m. unto them Joel I. 16. J8 not the in. cut off? Hub 1.16. portion is fat, m. plenteouj 1 17. the fields shall yield no m. Hag. 2. 12. if one do touch any m. Mai. 3. 10. that there maybe tn. Mat. a 4. and his m. was locusts 6. 25. ia not the life more than , f Luke 12. 23. 9. 10. as Jesus sat at M. in the house, 2G. 7. Mark 2. IS. | 14. 3. j 16. 14. l.uke 24. 30. 10. 10. workman it worthy of his at. 15. 37. they took up of the broken m. Mark . S. [Luke 12. *i 24. 45. liive them m. in due -rn- mi, 25. 35. I hungered, ye gave Die m. 42. I hungered, ye gave me no tu. Luke a 1 1. he th. hath m. let him do 8. 55. he commanded to give her m. 14. In. worship ia presenreof tin ,n that sit at HI. 17. 7. will say, sit down to m. 82. 27. greater, he th. sitteth at m. 24. 41. he kaid, have ye here any m.? John 21. 5. Jhn 4. a diociples gone to buy m. 32. I have m. to eat ye know rmt 34. my m. i* to do thi will ol him 6. 27. labour not for the m. which perisheth, hut for th. m. Inch endnreth to everlasting life 55. for ray flesh is m. indeed .1<-t*'i 46. eat their m. wi. t-ladr.eM 9. 19. when he had received in. 27.33. P. sought them to t.ike m 3t. Rom. \*.\?>. if thy brother be grirv,.,! with thy m. destroy not bun wi. thy m. for whom Ch. di. d 17. kingdom of G. not m und Jr'nk 20, for m. destroy not work c.f <4. I Cor. 3. 2. fed wl milk, not wl. m. a 8. m. rommetideth us not to it Hi l. 13 if m. make my brother nff'-nd 10 3. did eat the same spiritual >. Col. 2. !. let no manjudre yon into. Hfb. 5. 12. need milk, ""t -IT-HII - 14. strong m. helongeth In them 12. 16. for m. sold Ins hirtli-r^hl Stt Foww. W \~..\T of rri*g, E.md. 29. 41. ROcordiiiK to thi- m. Lcr. 2. 1. any offer a in. . 1. '-,7, 14> MEE Ltt. 6. 11 this ie lw of m. o. 7. 37. Hum. 4. 16. tu Kit-mar daily m off, 14. 6. for m. offer, two tenth deal of fl..ur, *R V, I* Jo**. 22. 2a altar to <>ffi>r m. 'Jrring Juda. 13. 19. took * kid with M. o/T 1 Chr. 21. 23. wneat for th. M. uffrr. In. 57. (i. hiut tlmu ottered a m. "/Trr. .*:* V 4*. 13. there they lay m. ../fer. 44. 89. they ahull rat the m. offering 46. i. m. o. be MI ephah for a nun 7. >. o. an ephah fur a bullock, II Joel I. 9. the m. offering is rut off 13. the M. off-nng is withholden 2. IV even a m. off nag; to uur God MEAT ifferingt. Joth. 22. 79. build an altar for M. o. 1 A'iiL & 54. Solomon offered in. o. Em 7. 17. buy lamtw with m offer. Jfeh. 13. V where they laid m. vffer. Jer. 33. 18. not want roan kindle . o. Errk, 45. 17. prince's port give m o. yiwofS. 82. though ye offer m. offer. MEATS. /roe. 23. 6. neither desire dainty m Act* 15. 89. Bin tain from m offered I Cor. a la m. for hrlly, belly form. I Tim. 4. 3. t4i abstain from m. //r6. 9. 10. which stood only in m. 13. 9. established with grace, not m. MBDOLR .D*uf. 8. 5. m. not th. of mount Seir 19. m Dot wi. children of Arnmori S A'la. 14. 10. why m. to thy hurt If 8 CAron. 5(5. 19. Pror. 90. 19. w. not wi. him th. flat. 24. 21. m not them given to change MBODLBD, ETH. Pro. 17. 14. rontention hefo. it be m. 80. 17. m. strife not belong, to him MEDDLING. i Chr. 36. 81. forbear fr. m. with G. Pror. 20. a but every fool will be m. MEDIATOR. Gat. 3 19. by angels in hand of m. 8il. a m. is not a m. of one 1 Tim. 2 5. is but one m. Jesus Hrt>. & 6. m. of a better covenant 9. 15. he is HI. of the new testament 18, 84. Jen. in. nf the new covenant MKDIC1NE, S. Prnr. 17. 82. doeth good like a m. Jrr. 30. la Ihitu hast no healinir m. 4i. II. la vain thou use many m. **. 47. 18. the leaf shall be for m. MEDITATE. Gen. 84. 83. Isaac went out to m. Joth. I. a M therein day and night ft. I. 8. in law doth m. day and night 63. 6. m. on thee in night watches 77. 18. I will m. also of all thy work 119. 15. I M. in thy precepts, 78. ta servant did M. in thy s'atutes 48 but I will m. In thy statutes 14R that I might m in thy word 14.1 5 1 m. An all thy work* /jo. 3a l& thine heart h. m. terror lu'tt 21. 14 settle it not to m before 1 Tim. 4. 15. m. upon these things MKIHTATIOX. PiaL 8. I. gi v> ear, consider my m 19. 14. let vf of heart he acceptable 49. a M. of heart sh. be of under- 1. 104. 34. IT y m of him thai I be sweet 119. 97. I love thy law, it is my m. 99. for thy testimonies aie my M. MKKK. ffum. 18. 3. man MOM* was very m PI. 88. 8ft m. sh. eat and he satisfied V>. 0. M. will be guide in jiiditmtnt 37. II. the M. shall inherit th> earth 7*>. 9. O. arose to save all m. o\ earth 147 (V the Lord lifteth up the m. 149. i beautify m. with *a.v*tiuu MEE I<*. 11. 4. equity, for the m. ofearth f.>. 19. the m. shall increase th. j 61. I. preach good tidu.gi to the tu Ann* 8. 7. turn aide the w: f of M '/.eph. 8. 3. seek Lord, ye m. of eartl .Wat 8. 5. bleed are th m. II. 29. foi I am m. and lowly 81. 3. thy king comelh to thee m. I Pet. 3. 4. ornament of a m. spirit MEEKNESS. Pi. 45. 4. because of truth and m. Zrpk. 2. 3. seek m. ye shall he hid I l'nr. 4. 81. ah. I come in spirit of m.'t 8 Cor. 10. I. beseech by m. of ( hn.t tint. 5 83. fruit of the Spirit is m. 6. I restore in the spirit of m. K/ih. 4. 8. walk wi. In whites* and m. Cut. 3. 18. put on M. long-suffering I Tim. 6. II. faith, love, patience, n 8 'inn. 8, 8-V in m. instructing llio-e 7Yt a 2. Knowing all m. to all men ./ I. 81. receive with m. the word 3 13. show works wi. m. of wisdom I Pet. a 15. reason of hope with m. MEET. Gen. i- 18. make an help m. for him 80. not found help m. for Adam E.rod. 8. 26. it is not m. so to do Di-iit. a IN. all that are in. for war JHI!K. 5 30. m. for the necks of them Jo>>34. 31. it is in. to he said to God Prnr. 1 1. 84. wlthholdeth more th. m. Jer. 86. 14. do with me as seemeth m. 27. 5 earth to whom it seemed til Exek. 15. 4. is it m. for any work .'. much less Khali it be m. for work Mat. 4. 8. fruits in. for repentance la. 26. not m. to take children's bread, Mark 7. 27 Art* 86. 80. works in. for repentiuu e ii'im. I. 87. recompence wh. a- m. 1 Cor. 15. not m. to be called apostle 16. 4. if it be ;ii Unit I go also nl. 1. 18. mad'' us m. to be partakers 8 The*. I. a to thank God. as it is 7/1 //r-6. tt. 7. herbs m. for them by whom 2 Pet I. la think m. to stir you up MEET. Gen. 94. 65. man wnlketh to m. us f 38. (i. Esaucometh to m. thee, 33. 4 4fi. 89. Joseph went up to in. Israel Ejrod. 4. 14 Aaron rometh to m. thei- 87. go into wilderness torn. Moses 18. 7. Mines went to m. fa.-in-law 19. 17. brought peo. to m with U. 85. 28. there I will m. with thee. 89. 48, 43. | 30. 0, 36. A'um. 17. 4. \nm. 2a 15. while I m. 1.. yonder />n. 8. 16. lest pursuers in. too 9. II. take victuals, go to m them Judg. II. 31. out of doors to m. me 34. his daughter came to m him I .Sum. 10. a shall m. thee 3 men ft. shall m. company of prophets I ft. 6. the women came to m. Saul 85. 32. Lord sent thee t-> m. me 8 Sam. fi. 20. Michal came to m. Da. I Jf in. 2. 9. Shimei rame down t in. H IR. Ohadiah went to m. Ahb 21. 18. arise, go down to m. Ahab 8 X'in. I. a go up to m. msengers 7. what man rame up to m. vu t 2. 15. sons of pro. came to m. Klisha 4. 86. run. I pray thee. to m her 89. Mm. any man, saint, him not 8 8. and go, m the mnn nf God 9 so Haiael went 'o m. him 9. 17. tak>- horseman, send to m. th. If eh. ft 2. let us m. together, la Jo* 5. 14 m. ilarknessin day-time 39. 21. iroeth on to m. armed men Pnir. 7. 15 came I forth f" m. thee '.'. 18. hear rohli. of whelps m man 12. 2. the rich and poor m. together 304 MEM Prop. SS. 13. the poor and deccitfu n. an in. [".t-lli,-; Ita. 7. 3. go forth to m. Alias, thou U. '.i. hell is inovf ert nil. M. 47. a 1 u ill not m. tl>er as a man /rr.51.31. one post run to m. another Amu\. 12. pr>paie to in. thy (iod /n written tfuf. -S. !<9. o-ie ..( m .ho perish, :!'. /IOM. fi. 13. i.fither your in. instrum. 7. 5. sins did >'-ork in our m. jja see another law in m. warring 12. 4. we have many in. in one l...riy 5. are every on. in one nf anotlirt ; Cor. 6. 15. youi (todies areiri. vi C. MEN I Cor. M 12. tho body hath many IB. 18. bat now hath God set the m. 20. but now are they manym. 26. all the in. suffer with it 27. ye are the body of Ch. and in. Eph. 4. 25. we are TO. one of another 5. 30. we are m. of his bixly Cut. a 5. mortify yourm. on earth Jain. 3. 6. so is tongue one of our tn. 4. 1. your lusts that warinyourin. MHMOK1AL. ' Ejcod. 3. 15. in. unto all generaticns 17. 14. write this for a in. in a hook 28. 12. for Atones of in. to Israel 29. for a in. before the Lord, 39. 7. 30. 16. the money may be for a TO. Lev. 2a 24. a in. of blowing trum. pets. A'uin. 10. 10. 24. 7. frankincense on bread for in. Hum. 5. 15. it is an offering of m. 18. the offering of in. in her hands 16. 40. hrascn i ensers a in. to Israel 31 54. took old of captains for TO. Jnsk. 4. 7. these stones sh. be for m. Xrh. 2. 20. have no portion nor TO. Etth. 9. 28. nor the in. of them perish PS. 9. 6. their TO. perished wi. them 135. la in. through, all generation KOI. 12. 5 L. of hosts ; L. is his TO. Zech. 6. 1 4. the crowns be for a TO. Mat. 26. 13. thU be told for a m. of her, Mark 14. 9. Jet* 10. 4. prayers come up for a TO. MEMORY Pt. 100. 15. he may cut off TO. f them 145. 7. utter the in. of thy goodness Prim. 10. 7. TO. ol the just is blessed Eccl. 9. 5. the m. of them is forgotten lid. 26. 1 1. made their TO. to perish 1 Cor. 15. 2. keep in m. wh. I preach MEN. Gen. 4.26. then began m. to call on L. 6. 1. when TO. began to multiply 18. 2. and In, three TO. stood by him 19. 4 m. of the city, m. of Sodom 32. 28. hast power with G. and TO. 34. 21. these TO. are peaceable 42. II. are trje TO. 31. ||43. 16. bring 46. 32. TO. are shepherds, their trade Exod. I. 17. saved TO. children, 18. 10. II. eo ye th. are m. serve the L. 34. 23. thrice in year in. children Xnm. 13. 32. peo. m. of great stature 16. 14. put out the eyes of these m.? 29. if these m. die the death of all Deut. 1. 35. not one of these TO. shall see good land 33.fi. letR. live, let not his in.be few Jwiff. 6. 27. he feared in. of the city 9. 54. that in. say not of me 1 Sam. 2. 2fi. in favour wi. L. and TO. ! Sam. 3. 39. these in. sons of Zeru. '0. 12. piny the TO. for our people 19. 2a hut d"ad m. before the kintr 23. a th. ruleth over in. must bejust 20. slew two lion.like TO. of Moab, I CAfv.it. II. 22. 1 Chr. 6. la will G. dwell with m.? Pi. 9. 20. know them*, to be hot TO. 17. 14. from in. which are thy hand 82. 7. hut ye shall die like TO. Isa. 7. Ki. a small thing ti> weary TO. ? 31. 3. now the Egyptians are, TO. JB. 16. O L. by these things TO. live 43. 4. there, will I give TO. for thee 4f. a rememlinr, shew yonrselv. 1/1. Jl/'e. 7. 6. man's enemie- are TO. Hab. I. 14. makeit TO. as the fi-hes Zrcn. a 8. they are TO. wondered at *frf. 7. 12. whatsoever ye would th. t m. should do to you. do ye even so to them. Luke fi. 31. 10 J2. shall ci nfesa me before TO. Luke 12. H. MEN Mat. 13. 25. m. slept, enemy came 16. 13. whom do in. bay that I am Mark a 27 Mark 8. 24. I see TO. as trees walkin 10. 27. Jesus .saith, with m. it i impossible, Luke IH. 2" Luke 2. 14. good will toward m. 5. 10. henceforth thou sh. calih .. 12. 4a to whom m. have commute 18. II. 1 am not as other m. are AcU 2. 13. thefce m. are full of wine 5. 4. thnu hast not lied unto m. 29. ought to obey G. rather th. I 10. 19. behold three m. seek thee 14. 15. we are m. of like passions 24. 16. void of offence to G. and TO. Rom. I. 27. and in. with TO. working 1 Cor. 4. 9. spectacle to ang. and TO. 14 2. for he speaketh not to TO. 21. with TO. of other tongues 2 Cor. a II not th. other TO. he easo< Epfi. 6. 7. as to the Lord and not t m. Col. 3. 23. I The*. 2.4 we speak not as pleas, m Heb. 6. 16. for m. verily swear 7. a here TO. that die receive tithe 9. 27. it is appoin. torn, once to di 12. 23. spirits of just TO. made perf Jam. 3. 9. therewith curse we m. 1 Pet. 4. 6. judged according to m. 2 Pet. 1. 21. but holy TO. of G. spak Her. 9. 4. only those TO. which have 21. 3. tabernacle of G. is with m. All MEM. P*. 89. 47. hast made all TO. in vain 116.11. I said in haste, a. TO. are liar Ecc'. 7. 2. f.,r that is the end of a, m Zech. 8. 10. I set a. TO. aga. neighbou Luke 6. 26. woe wh. a. TO. speak wel Jnhn 5. 23. a. TO sho honour the Son 12. 32. I will draw all TO. unto me Rom. 5. 12. death passed upon all tn 18. judgment oaine on all m. ti condemnation, the free gil came on all in. to justificatioi 12. 17. honest in the sight of all m 18 li\e peacahly with all m I Cor. 7. 7. I would all m. were as I 9. 19. for H>o- 1 be free from all TO. 15. 19. we are of all m. most miser i Cor. 3. 2. knoivn and read of allm. Gal. 6. 10. let us do good to all m. 1 Thet. 2. 15. and contrary to all m. 5. I.S. follow which is good to a. m 2 Thfs. a 2. for all m. have not faith 1 Tim. 2 1. giving thanks for all m. 4. who will have all TO. to be saved 4. 10. trust in G., Saviour of all m. 2 Tim. 2. i4. but he gentle to all m. 4. 16 no man stood, allm. forsook Tit. 2. 1 1. grace of G. fippear. to a. in. Heb. 12. 14. follow peace with nV in Jam. I. 5. ask or G th. givethufl m. I I'et. 2. 17. honour all m love the 3 J Jm 12 Dem. good report of a. m. See BRETHREN, CHIEF, CHOSEN, EVIL, GRKAT. In MKV. 1 Cor. 3. 21. let no man glory in TO. See ISRAEL. JUOAH. Like MKN. [rnr.lfl.13. I Sim. 4. 9 quit yourselves L m. I Ptal. S2. 7. but ye shall die like m. Hot. 6. 7. they I. m. transg. covenant Luke 12. 36. / TO. that wait for L. Mifhty MKN. Gen. 6. 4. m. rn. which were of old tnsh. I. 14. TO. TO. of valour sh. paM 8. 3. Joshua chose out 30,000 m. m. Sam. 2. 4. hows of m. in. broken ' Sam. 16 fi in m. on his right hand 17. H his m. that they may he m. >:i . thce be thf names of m in. i Sam. 2a 16. m. -n. brake hot, 17. MEN 1 Kin. 1. 8. TO. m n.,t wi. Adontlah 10. in. TO. and S.,|.,m. he ralled.ml 2 Atn 15. 20. exact. TO m. .,! wealth upon her m. m. 51. 30. m. TO. of Babylon forborne 56. her m. m. are taken, her bowg 57. make drunk captain* and HI. m. Lam. I. 15. I ord hath trodden m. m. K*tk. 39. 20. at my table with m. m. linn. 3. 20. commanded m. i. to hind o. Itt la trust ill thy migA/w TO. Joel2. 7. they shall run like in. m. :< 9. prepare war, wake the in. TO. Of>ad. 9. thy TO. m. O Temnn, shall Xah. 2. a the shield of his mighty m. Zech. 10. 5. they shall be as m. m. /foe. 6. 15. m. m. hide themselves 19. la ye may eat the fle*h of m. M. See CHILDREN. Son* of MKN. P*. 4. 2. O ye *. ofm. how long. 58.1. 31. 19. trust in thee before t. of m. 33. la Lord heholdeth the . G. M K \.*i-rrauti. ien. 12. 16. A brain barf m..ierranti 20. 14. Ablmelech irave m -nrrai*ti 'JO. 43. Jacob had m.-i. and camel*, ij-jr D-d. J^r. 52. 7. br. 3K. 4. weaken hands ol m. "/. M. 32. m. "f 'rar are nBrik'h'- d 4ft 26. m. / sh. i.c cut ort..'i
  • . \h..7. .li.l not - in -i/lit of 1. 18. 3. H.-iekiah did r. 2 l'A/iwi.v9.8. *J. i Jo-i.,ri did r. 8 fAron. i*. /. I ( Ar. 1:1 4 thing :H -/T. perverted that wh. iru r full 7s. 37 heart n> not r. wi. him Jar. 17. In. wh came out of lip* IF. r. RIGHT. t/. IT. HAND. KKJH V forlk. Jtr. 49. S.sh.he driven every man r./ KM; m ire// PM). 19). 14 my soul knnweth r. tr. RI'iHTKOUS. Se* thf rigniJScaliiiit /JusT. Grn.7. 1. theehn. I -een r. before me 18.^3 wilt th. detn>y r. \vi. wi.-k ': 84, if there be Si) r wilt thon ? 8H 25. that be far from thee to . slay r. 80. 4. I,, wilt thou -lay a r. nation Ml & Jud. -aid. the inure r than I Efnd -2V. 7. Innocent ami r -day not Aunt. 1. 10. I. t me die death of r. ><*/ 4. 8. nation hath judgm. so r. 85. I. and they shall justify the r. 8 CAron a 23. Jtufc. 5. II. r arts of L. I Sam. 12.7. 1 .Van. 84. 17. thon more r. than I 2 .S.;wi 4. II. wirked slain r. person I A'ia. 2 32. feil nn two men more r. & .t.' justifying the r. to give him IJCiM. in.!*. J.-hu said to people, her. Ezra 9. IS, L. (}. of Is. r. .\>A 9. . ,/oA 4 7. where were the r. nit olt? 9. 16. thu* I were r would not an-. 10. IS. If I tie r. yet not lilt up head IS. 14. what i* man. that he be r.P 17. U. r. al.io shall hld <>n his way 88. 3. i it pleas, to A I. th-u art r.'t 19. r. see it, are triad. Hi. Hrj. 42. 23. 7. there r. might di-pute w i him 38. I. he was r. in his own ryes 34. 5. Job hath said. I am r. U 35.7. if tliiMi he r. [AV :t4. IS. Sfi.7. he withdratvelh not eyes fr. r. 40. S. condemn roe that thou lie r. ? rV I .">. nor sinner- in rongregm of r i; Lord knoweth the way of the r. 5.1 '., thou wilt hlex* r. with favour 7. 9. r ft. trieth hearts and reins II. r. God is anirrv with wirked TI. 3. what ran r. Ho ?;|S.U trieth r. 14. S. ('. is in iren>Tation of the r. 19. 9 judgments of I. re true and T. 119. 7, 6-2, l(Vi. IfiO, 164. 31. IH. lips speak against the r. 38. 1 1 be glad in I, rejoire ye r. 33.1. rejoice in Lord, () ye r. 91. 11 34. 17. r. cry. and L. h^xreth them ly. many are the afflictions of r. VI. that hate r. shall he des.dat- 36 27. glad tht f.inmr my r. rause 37. 17. hut Lord upholdeth the r. ^1 but the r. showetli merry 25. yet hare 1 not seen r. fi;raken 31). Itloillh ot T. -peaketh Wl-dolll ft4. wii ked wati-heth r t<,Uy him 3W. salvation of the r. is of Lord 52. ft r. also shall w. fenr, hinirh .VS. *i never suffer r to he moved 58.10 r. -ej..ire, he neeth venueain^e II. there is a reward for the r. T>( in r. shall he triad in the Lord ns.,1 let r. he plad, let thi-m rejoire hem nut be written wi. r. RIG P* 72. 7. in his days shall r. flounsh 94. 21. gather against soul ol the r 118. 4. L. full "f compas r lltx 5. R. r. be ill everl.isi. reniemhrance 1M. 15. rejoicing intai.ernac.es of r. ill irate, into which r. -hail enter T9.IOH. will keen thy r. judgments I:f7. r. art thou, <) Lord, Jer.18.1. I3S. thy te-tnnonies are r. 125. a rod of wi. ked shall not rest on T. le-t r. put forth their hand- 140. 13. r. give thanks t.. tin n .in. 141. 5. let r. -mite, it he ktndiii-s I J-' 7. r. shall compa me about 145. 17. Lor i i* /-. in all hi- Ways 146 8. Lord loveth r. preserveth Pr r. >. 7. he layeth up wis. f->r r V '. thou maye-t k>-e|i p.iths of r. In a I., will not sulf.-r r. to tarnish Hi. lahoiir of r t. ndeth to lile 81. the nps of the r. feed many I*. <1e-ire of r. shall be granted 85. r. in an ever aatinit foundation 88. hope of the r. sli.ill h.-gla.Jnes- Sl. r shall n.-rer he removed . 38. lips of r know what is accept. II. ft. r is delivered out of trouble 10. well with r city lej.-iceth 81. -eed of r. Khali he delivered 8a desire of the r. is only good 88, r. nhall flourish as n branch 3! r. -h. he recompencrd in .-arth U'. a root of r. shall not be moved it. the thoughts of the r are right 7. but house ..f the r. shall stand 1-2. root of the r. yieldeth fruit 8ft. r. is more excellent than neigh. 13. 9. the light of the r. r.joiceth VI. to the r. gixxl shall he repaid 85. r. ealeth to -ati.-fying of soul 14. 9. among the r. there is favour 'M the r. hath hope in his death 15.6. in house f r. is much treasure 111. way of the r. is made plain VS. heart of r. -tudieth to answer fj but he heareth the prayer of r. 15. 5. not g.~Mi to overthrow the r. Hi. r. runneth into it, and i safe 81. ia wirk shall he ran m for r. 8ft the r. girelh and -pareth not 31 24. father of r. greatly rejoice 84.15. lay not wait an dwelling ol r. 84. he -ailh to wicked, thou art r 88. I. Wlr. flee, hut r. hold as a lion in. rauseth r. to go astray sh fall 8*. when wirk. p.-rish, r. incre-e 29. 2. r. In authority people rejoice 6. hut the r. doth -ing and rejoice 7. T. con-id.-reth muse ..f the piMit Ifi. hut the r. shall see their fall Keel, a 17 G. judge r and wii ked 7. 16. b* not r. over-miich. n.-lrh.-i 9. I. r. and wise are in hand ol (i. 8. one erent to the r. and wicked /a.:J. 10. say tor. it hew. II wi. him 24. IK. We heard songs, lory to r. 86. 8. open ye, that r. may enter In 41. 2d. who declared. Wf sav. he is r 5a II. r. Servant -hall justify many 57. I. r. perUheth, r. taken fr. evil Oft. 21. people alto shall be all r. Jer. 18. I. r. art thou. O L. I plead 8U. 18, O L. of hosts, that triest r. Ezek. 13.28. with lies ye made r. sad 81. a I will cut off r. and wicked, 4 It when I say to r. he shall lire Amatl. ft they sold the r. for silver Hub. I. 4 "iclied r..inpa-.- about r. 13. wiok~d deroureth him more r. MuL 3. IS. di-cern hetween r and Mat '.'. ia not come to .-all the r. hut siim.-rs. >/.*_ 1343. then -ii. r -Line lorth a -IT ..utwardU appear r. to men aw RIG .Vat 8S.4rX r. ih. o into eternal ;. /.U l.ft they were Loth r. hel..t.> > i. Is. (). tru-te.l they were r. despi-.-d i.lin ~.'H judire not hy appear l.ul r 17. >;> O r Path. worMn.it kn.,c /l,im. J.f>. revel, of r. judgment ..I (i. .1 I" there id none r. no not one S. I'J. ohcd. of one, muny made r. .'Tim. 4. 8. r. Ju.life -hall Kive me ,'lrh. !1.4. ohtnineil vtitin-iishe vvasf /' f :t I'J. eye- of Lord are ov.-r / 4. ia if r. scan-el v be saved, hcr i /'.-/. i H. Lot vexed hi- r M.-I! J"A;i i. VS. if ye know thnt he i.s r 3.7. doetli riithteou.s. is r. as he i- c li. hi- i-'.Mk- em, hrother's r. AVc. Iti 5. he.iid angels say. thi n r 7. () L. triu- and r. are th'v ju.lt in. -'i 1 1. he th t i- r. let hiu. be r. s..ll -. I.'-KII it. RIOHTBUUS man, or mm. 'nil. :n. Ml little r m. hathi- iK-trer l'r.,r. 10. II. inontl, ,.f / m. isae|l la S. a r. mi in hateth IviiiK vfl li.r. m. wisely consider, th hou- ?VJfl a r. m failing helore wii k.-J A I . wh.-n r. in rejoice, i< iil.ny / 41. rf. who raised r. ' from . ..-t >c*.3.5>0. wh. r /i il..|hliir: 2:1 45 r. m they shall juniie tliem .Vut 10 41. that' rereiveth a r. man in name of r. wi. receive r. HI.'I 17. r. //! desired to see thiiu.'! Lukt 147. certainly tins was a /.;. .V 7. for a r. m-in will one .lie I Tim. I. 9. law is made for arm. T m. dwellinv among them RKiHTEOf Si.V Dfut. 1. Ifi. hear causes, and judge r. Pror :|. 9. [WV. HX /N Dent 6. 85 it shall he our r. if we VI. 13. shall he r. to thee twfnrr L a'J 111. they shall offer sacrifice- ..f r. Job 29. 14. I put >m r. it clothed me 36. a 1 will ancrihe r to my Maker Pml. 4. 5. offer the sacrifices of r. It. 7. riirhtenu* L. loveth r. :<3 5. IS. Jf. worketh r. never he moved V3 a he leadeth me in path- of r. -'I. 5. r. from liod of his caUatioii 40 H. I preached r. in cons: relation 45 4. hHiise of trill h, ineekn. -. r. 7. th..u lovest r. hate-t. Hrl,. I. a IS. 10. riifht land. O < i-lulii.fr. M. 19. plea-cd with crinre* .-f r. VJ. 3. l\ iiut, rather than -peak r. "S. I. ye vpeak r. O convrecaiioii 7V. V he .hall judire people with r. 3. minintHin- brinif peace, Inll.s r. 85. I", r. and peace kin. each other 13. r. HH before him, set us in vraj 9i.lijudBmeiiti.hall return unto r W |:l he judge world with r. US. 9. . '.' -halt thou understand r. . .rablc riches, r with me iO. I lead in the way of r in nud-t 10. 8. r di livereth from death. 1 1.4 ll.5.r. of perfect nh. ilin-ct In- way ' iipnulit .hall deliver them N t" him lh.it -ov.et*. r. ' U. mi r. teudrth t !''<-, -> li Hi-l RIG ^rpr. 12. 17. speak, truth, showeth r. IS. in the way of r. is life, in path I.'!. 6. r. keepeth that is upright 14. 31. r. eXHlteth a nation, sin U 15. 9 ho loveth that Mnwvth r. 16. 8. better is a little with r. than 12. the throne is established by r. 31. glory, if found in the way of r. 21. 21. fnlloweth r. findeth life, r. .eccf. 3. 16. place of r iniq. was there Isa. 1. 21. r. lodged in it, now murd. 26 city of r. || if?, converts with r. 5. 23. take nway r of the righteous 10. 22. consumption overfl with r. 11. 4. with r. shall he judge poor 5. and r. he the girdle of his loins lt>. 5. judgment, nnd hasting r. 26. 9. inhabit, of world will learn r. 10. showed, he will not learn r. 28. 17. r. will I Iny to the plummet 32. 16. r shall remain in fruitful 17. work of r. peace of r. quietness 3:1 5. the Lord filled Zion with r. 45. 8. skies pour r. let r. spring up 19. I the Lord speak r. I declare 24. in the Lord have I r. 46. 12. ye that are far from r. 51. I. follow r. fl 7. ye that know r. 54. 17. their r. in of me, saith the L. 58. 2. seek me as a nation Mint djd r. 59. 17. he put on r. as breast-plate 60. 17. officers peace, exactors r. 61. 3. might he railed trees f r. 10. he covered me with robe of r. 11. Lord will cause r, and praise 62. I. until the r. thereof go forth 64. 5. that rejoireth and worketh r. Jer. 9. 24. I Lord which exercise r. 22. 3. execute ye judgment and r 23. 6. name, the Lord our r. 33. 16. 33.15. branch of r. to execute r. 51. 10. Lord brought foith our r. Ezek. 14. 14. deliver souls by r. 20. 18. 20. r. of the righteous sh.ill be 33. 12. r. of righteous sh. notdeliv. Jlan. 4. 27. break off thy sins by r. 9. 7. O Lord r. belongeth to thee 24. bring in everlasting r. and to 12. 3. they that turn many to r. Hoi. 10. 12. till he come and rain r. Amot 5. 7. who will leave off r. in 24. let r. run down as a stream 6. 12. ye have turned fruit of r. to A/ir. 6. 5. may know the r. of Lord Zeph. 2. 3. ye meek of earth seek r. A// 4. 2. to you shall Sun of r. arise Mat. 3. 15. it becometh us to fulfil r. 5. 6. that hunger and thirst after r. 20. exrept r. exceed r. of Scribes 21. 32 John came in the way f r. I.uke I. 75. in r. before him all days John 16.8. reprove world of sin and r. Actt 10. 35. he that worketh r. is 13. 10. thou enemy of nil r. wtlt th.? 24. 25. In- reasoned of r. andjiid/m. Rom. I. 17. therein is the r. of God 2. 26. uncircnmcis. keep r. of law 3. 5. unrighteous commend r. of G. 21. the r. of (.oil without the law 22. even the r. of liod which is 4. 6. to wliom God iinputetli r. II. seal of the r. of the faith, that r. might be imputed to them 13. promise was through r. of fnilh 5. 17. which receiv gift of r. shall 18. so by r. of one the free gilt 21. grace reiirn through r. to eter. 6. 13. instruments of r. to Cod 16. sin to death, obedience unto r. J8. ye heca f- the servants of r. IP. yield members servants to r. 80. were serv. of sin, free from r. 8. 4. thsit r. of law iniuht be fulfilled JO. the spirit is life because of r. RIG fl"m.S). 3a have attained to r. even r. 31. Israel followed after r. hath not attained to the law of r. 10. 3. establish their owu r. have not submitted to the r. of God 5. MOM--, dettirihelh ther. of law 6. the r. which is of faith speaketb 10. with heart maf believeth to r. 14. 17. ot G. not meat and drink, r. Cor. I. 30. of Gi.d who is made r. 15. 34. awake to r. and sin not, for <> Cor. 3. 9. much moreministra. of r 5. 21. might be made r. of G. in him 6. 7. the armour of r. on right hand 14. what fellowship hath r. wilh 9. 10. Increase the fruits of your r. 11. 15. transformed a- ministers ot r. ial. 2. 21. if r. . U. fruit of Spirit is r. and truth 6. 14. having the breastplate of r. I'hii. I. II. filled with the fruits of r. 3. 6. touc-lii ii:; r. which is in law 9. the r. which is of God by faith 1 Tim. 6. 1 1. follow after r. 2 Tim.2.22. Tim. 4. 8. is laid up a crown of r. Tit. 3. 5. not bv works of r. we done lleb. I. 8 a sceptre of r. is sceptre 5. \'f. is unskilful in the word of r. 7. 2. by interpretation king of r. II 7. became heir of r. by faith 33. subdued kingdoms, wrtiirht r. 12. 11. yieldeth peaceable fruit of r. Jam. 1. 20. man worketh nut r. of G. 3. IM. fruit of r. is sown in peace 1 Pet. 2. 24. dead to sin sh. live tor. 2 Pet. 1. I. faith through the r. of G. 2. 5. saved Noe a preacher of r. 21. better not have known way of r. 3. 13. new earth, where, dwelleth r. 1 John 2. 29. that doeth r. horn of G. 3. 7. he that doeth r. is righteous 10 whoso doth not r. is not of O. Rcr. 19. 8. line linen is r. of saints For RIGHTEOUSNESS. Gen. 15. 6. A brain believ. L. counted to him/ r. Ps. 106. 31. Horn. 4.3. Ptal. 143 1 1./ thy r. sake bring Isa. 5. 7. he linked/ r. but behold Mat. 5. 10. which are persecut-'d/r. Horn. 4. ft. faith counted/ r. tf/.3.6. 9. was reckoned to Abraham/ r. 22 imputed t" him/ r. Jam. 2. 23 10. 4. Christ is the end of law/ r. 1 Pet 3. 14 if ve suffer/ r sake Hi* RIGHTEOUSNESS. 1 Sam. '2 r every hit r. 1 A'in. fi. 32. ace. to hi* r. 2 Ch. r,. 23. Joh 33. 26. he will render man AM r Psal. 7. 17 praise L. accor. to hit r. >>. 31. they shall declare A> r. to 50. 6. the heavens declare fiitr. 97.H. 98. 2. hi* r. be hath openly shewed lO.'t. 17. hisr. to children's children 111. a hisr. endur. Inr ever.l 12.3,!). e.ccL 7. 15. ju-t man perish in K> r. Ixa 42. 21. I. pleased for hit r. sake .-,9 Ifi an.l his r. sustained him Ezek. 3. VO. when rK'ht. man doth turn from AM r. IS 24, 2fi 18. 22. in his r. that he hath <:< ne 33. 12. not able to live for Ai'- ;. in 13. if he tru-t AM mvnr. and com. mil iniquity, AM r. not reinem Afi'r. 7. 9. and I stinll behold Ai* r. \l,it. 6. 33 seek king of G. and An r. Rom. 3 2.'-. to declare hi* r. for, 26. 2 Cor. 9. S. given to poor AM r. for / RIGH'I Kdl'SM.SS I.fr. 19. 15 in r. .-hall th"ii judge 1 AIM 3 p-ak in r. mighty to save Jer. 4. 2. swear, the Ld. liveth in r Hot. 2. 19. I will betroth thee i/, ,. 10. 12. sow in r. reap in mercy Zech. a 8. I will he their (?<><) < r. Mitt. 3. 3 may offer an offering i-i r. ./ciV 17. 31. he will judge wnriil i r. Hum. !). as. he will cut itshurt in r. Eph. 4. 24. after God is crvateii i/, r m. 3. 16. scripture for Instrnc-. i.r. /in: 19. II. and in r he dtli judre A/v !MGHTE()l>'- (rn. :*i. 33 so >v r. Riiswerfr me /JfM<. 9. 4. for iy r. L. brought me 2 A'i/;. 22. 21. L. rewarded me arc. tnmyr. 25. Ptal. 18 w. -.'*. /'> 6. 29. ret in n again, my r. in in it 27. ii. my r. 1 hld fast, n'ot let it no '.V<. 2. sanlst, MII/ r. more than (io.i'i /'/. 4. I. wbeii I call O G. of my r. 7. 8. judge me, O L accor. to mv r. ha. 41. in. uphold with hand tun r. 46. la I bring nm r ||5I. 5. mi/ r ii 51. 6. mn r. shall not be aho.Uhed 8. hut mil r. shall be for ever 5fi I. coirie, my r. t<> he revealed Phil. 3. 9. not having mine own r. Thv RIGHTEOUSNESS. Deut 9.5. for thi/r. or uprightne, 6. JobS. fi. habitation of <. r pro-per. 35. K. and MV r. may pmtlt son of /'W. ft. 8. lead me, O L ill thy r. 31. I. deliver me in My r. 71. 2. 35. 24. judge me, O L". HCC. l-t/n/r. 28. tongue sh. spek of thv > 3(i. 6. ttv r. is like great mountaini 10. coiitinue Mi/ r. to the upi ighl 37. 6. he shall hrinif forth thu r. a* 40. 10. I have not hid My r. within SI. 14. my tongue nhall sing of tHu r 69. 27. let them not come into thii r. 71. 15. my mouth shall shew thii r. Id I will make mention of tlm r. 19. th>/r. O God, is v?ry high 72. i. givefAi/r. unto thekr 8a 12. thv r. 'be known in hind -.f 8fl. !. infAwr. shall they he exulted 119. 40. quicken t r. || 1*3. for t. r 1 12. fAv r. is an everlastinu right. Ma I. answer me, and in thy r. II for thv r. take bring mv "tit 145. 7. inl they shall sin* of Mv r ha. 4H. IN. thv r- been us waves ul st 57. 12. 1 will declare thv r. nd th> 5K. 8. thy r. shall go b. fore tln-e H2. 2. the Gentiles shall ee tint r. Dan. 9. 16. O L. aecotdinuT to Mi/ r. RKJHTROU8NBSSES. //. fi4. fi. our r. are at an filthy mrl t'..-ek :<3. 13. his r. h not he rein, in Dan. 9. IR not f..r our r. but lor thy KH.H I 1 V (int. 27. 3fl is not he r. n.iroed Jm-" 1 .' l.nkr ~ 4:isnid, thou hast / 20. 21 we know th..ii tem 2 Tim 'i. 15. r. dividinv word ol tint IMG.'UR. ,;,* I. IXmndeN eMe l.rr. 2ft. 4:i. not rule with > RING .:;,. 41. 42. Phurnoh t-H.k off I. A;.W. v<; 21 c.ini-ie.i i- "i"- < I /n/. 4 14. hU hand* are ai jfold r. ldf. therr r. were full of eyes round Ceu. SP. 35. hc.ffonta thMt were r.-. SI & r.-* ahail he thy hire, 10, 12. Rl.NSKD. I.T. 6. 28 pot he both scoured and r. J5. II. and hath nut r. his hand* 12. every ve>sel of wood sh. be r. RIOT, Sutitantirt. Tit. I. & children not arriivd of r. 1 /'ft 4. 4. that you run Dot to r. RIOT. ING. Rum. 13. 13 walk not in r. drunken. 1 t'ft. 2. 13. count it pleasure to r. RIO COtS. Proo. 83. ill be not among- r. Piters 28. 7. he that n a companion of r. .Luke 15. 13. wa>ted with r. living RIP, PKD. C /Tin. 8. 18. r. up women with child 15. 14. women with child he r. up Hot. 1.1. Ifi. women wt. child be r. up <4>ttoj I. 13. have r. up the women RIPK. Gen. 40. 10. brought forth r. grapes , v .i..'/. 22. ). to > ffer thy r. fruits Jium. 13. 0. time ol first r. grapes is. 13. whatsoever is first r. in land Jer. 24. 8. good fi.-s, like riir that are rst r. //. 23. when they'shall r. 25. l.uke II. 1. I cannot r and itivc ./.,* 5. 8 J. saith, r. take up thy bed 1 1. -O. J. nith, thy brother -hi I r. A'-tt 10 13. came a voie. r. Peier . ririt that should r from dead l,nm. IS. I?, he that "hull r. to reiun I tv 16. 15. it dead r. uut, 15 W.2-'. 18, 1 7%. 4 16 dead in Christ shall r. UMBsm E-rod 8. 8a r. up before Phar. 9. 13. .VMI/I. 10. 33. r. up L. let enemies be ii 24. the people shall r. up tit lion DruJ. 19. 15. one witness not r. up 8a 7. L. < ause enemies that r. up 31. Ifi. this people will r. up, and go .NVA. 8. la let u r. up and build Job 2. II. woe unto them that r. up 14. 88. 1 will r. up against them 88. 81. L. shall r. up as in Perazim Jer. 47. 8. waters r. p out of north 51. I. them that r. up against me Atnnt a 14. fall, and never r. up again Obad. I. let us r. up against Kdom Zrph. 3. a until the day that I r. up Zech. 14. 13. r. up against neighbour .Mat li. 41. men of Nineveh shall r. up, Luke II. 3:.'. [*< i|. 31. 42. queen of th" xouth shall r. up, Marie 3. 86. Satan r. upaga. him, .-If Luke 5. 83. easier to bay, r. up walk Acts 3. 6. in the name of Jesus r. up R1.SEN. Num. 32. 14. r. up in father*' stead I Sam. 85. 29. man r. to pursue thee 1 A'in. a 80. 1 am r. up in room of David. 2 Chron. 6. 10. Pial. 20. a hut we are r. and Ktand 54. 3. strangers are r. against me 86. 14. O G. proud are r. xgalnot me ha. 60. I. the glory of the Lord is r. .Vie. 8. a of late my people is r. up Med /i 41. 25. from r. of* thai', he cal. 45 6. may know from r. of the fun .',9. 9. fear his glory from r. ..f tur. Mai 1. II. from r. nt n my name Mart 16. 8. to vepulrhre at r. of tun RISING. Jo6 16. a my leanness r. in roe 24. 5. as wild ases n<> forth, r. Pror. 27. 14. hle-.d t.y the r. jW. I 22. every -on rast intor. 8. 5. daughter of Phar. came tn r. 4. 9. water of r. f-hall become blood a 3. the r. shall bring forth froun Deut. 8. 84. journey, pas* over the r. Juth. 13. 9. the city in the mid-t of the r. 2 Sam. 84. 5. Judg. 5. 21. r. Kishou that ancient r. 2 Sam. 17. 13. draw Unit city into r. 1 A'in. 4. 81. Solo, reigned from r. Ezra 4. 10. rest on this side the r. a 15. I gathered them tor. runnetk Job 40. 23. behold he drinketh up r. Pt. 36. 8. make them drink of the r. 46. 4. a r. the stream-. .h. make glad 65. 9. thou enriche.-t it with r. of (. 78. a have dominion from the r. 80. II. sent out her branches unto r. 105. 41. waters ran in places like r. Ita. a 7. hringeth upon them the r. 1 1. 15. shake hi- hand over the r. 19. 5. and the r. nhall he wasted 8a 10. pars thro' thy land as a r. 4a 18. then had thy peace been air. 6ft. 18. extend peace to her like a r. Jer. 2. la drink the waters of the r. 17. a spreadeth out her root* >>y r. IMI*. 8. la let tear* run down liker. Eztk. 29. 3. said, my r. is my own.9. 47. 5. It was r. that 1 could not pasi Amot 6. 14. the r. of the wilderness .Vic. 7. 12. come from fortress to r. Zech. 9. 10. his dominion from the r. 10. II. deep, of the r. -hall dry up Mark I. 5. baptized in the r Jordan Aett Ifi. 13. on sabbath we went liy r. Her. 22. I. he shewed me a pure r. Stf BANK.BaivK. Kn^oND.l HtBAB, El'PIIR *TE. HIVr.ltS. Erod. 7. 19. thine hand on the r 8 5. Let. II. 9. whatsoever hath tins in r. Dent. 10. 7. a land of r. of waters .' A'in. 5. 18. are not r. of l)ninacu* 19. 24. 1 have ririe.l up nil the r. Jot> 80. 17. shall not see r. <>f honey 8a 10. cutteth out r. HniniiK roi M 29. 6. rock poured me out r. of oil Pt. I. 3. like a tree planted l-y Ihe r. 74. 15 thou dried- 1 up mighty r. 78. 16. canted water* to run like r. 89. 85 .-i hi- riifht bund -n the r. 107. 33 tnrneth r ii-.to wilder rn-< 119.l3fi. r of Wiit.-r- rundown e\ej 177. I. by r. of I'uhylon we w. , t Pror. 5 16. r. of w it. i- u> -T. . t- -1 I MI th. hand of tl,. I . F.rrl I 7. all r. run n -o t.. Cant. 5. 12. ab e}e- ol Joe ; i>y r. ROA lia. 19t 2. whose land r. spoiled, 7. 19. 6. they shall turn r. far away 30. 25. on every high hill r streams 32. 2. a man be as r. in a dry place SI 21. L. be to us place of broad r 37.25 diied all r. ol besieged p a es 41. 18. I will open r. in high place 42. 15. I will make the r. islands 43. 2. passest thro' r. not overflow 19. I will make r. in the desert,20 44. 27. deep he dry, I will dry up r 5<). 2. 1 make r. a wilderness Jer. 31.9. 1 cause them to walk by r 46. 7. waters are moved a* the r. 8 I,nm. 3. 48. eye runneth r. of water, Ezek.6 3. thus saith L. to hills arid r 29. 4. cause fish of thy r. to .stick to 10. I am against thee, against r. 30. 12. I will make r. dry. sell land 31 4. deep set him up with her r. 12. his houghs are hroken hy r. 32. 2. thou earnest forth with thy r 14. cause their r. to run like oil 34. 13. feed them on mount, hy r. 35. 8. in r. shall fall that are slain 36. 6. say to hills, to r. and valleys 47. 9. whithersoever r. shall come Joel 1. 20. r. of waters are drie.i up a 18. r. of Jud. shall flow wl. water: A/ic. 6.7. pleased with 10.001) r of oil JS'uA. 1. 4. rehuketh sea. drieth up r 2. (5. gates of the r. --\\A\\ he opened Hub. 3. 8. was L. displeased aga. r. ': 9. thou didst cleave earth with r. John 7. 38. out of belly shall flow r. Ret. 3 10. star fell on third part of r. ROA1). 15am. 27. 1C. hare ye made r. to-day ROAR. \Chr. 16. 32. let sea r./>.96.11. | 98.7. Psul. 40. 3. not fear, tho' waters r. 74.4.enemiesr. in thy congregations 10V. 21. young lions r. after prey latt. 5. 29. they shall r. like lions, :>. 12. 13. L. sh. r. prevail ag. enemies 59. II. we r. all like hears, mouin 'er. ft. 22. they r. yet not pass over 25. 30. Lord shall r. from on high 31.35. divideth sea, when waves r. 60 41 their voice shall r. like sea 51. 38. shall r. together like lions 55. her waves r. like irreat waters Hoi. 11. 10. r. like a lion, when her. Joel 3. 16. the Lord shall r. out ol Zion, Amot I. 2. [taken no prey? Amn*'.l. 4, will a lion r. if he hath KOAKKO. Judg. 14. 5. lion r. against Samson Isa. 51. 15. divided sea, wh. waves r. Jer. 2. 15. young lions r. upon him Amot 3. 8. lin r. who will not fear? ROAKETH. Job 37. 4. after a v^ice r. thundereth Jer. 6. 23. tneir voice r. like thesea Rev. 10. 3. angel cried, a a lion r. R O A K I N O, Snb*t;. 13. IS. such r. were virgins King* 22. 30. put thou on thy r. 2-rtt. 2fi Ifi. princes lay away th. r. ..;MV VI). 46. Scribes walk in lonir r Kri'.ti. II. white r. were (riven them 7. 9. Lamb, clothed with white r. 13. what nrr-yd in whiter. ? 14. ROt K K.rod. 17.6 1 ' ill stand hef. thee on r. 33. 21 U said, thou stand upon a r. Vio/i. i'0.8. sp.-iik to r tief. their eye- II. Mo-es with rod smote r twice 24. 21. thou putte-t thy nest iu a r. 401 ROC Deal, a li. Brought water out of r. 32. 4 he is r. his w. rk is perfect {> I'Rhtly estetmed r. of nahunoo 18 r. hi'gnt thef th. rt uninindfoi 30. except the r. hud -old them 31. their r. is not as our r. 37. where r. whom they trusted F ./urf. 6. 21. ttre of r. c.>ii>uined flesh 7. 25. -slew Oreli on the r. Or. b IS.8. Samson dwelt in top ofr Ktara 20. 45.Bei.j. tiirn.-d to r. of Kimm..n 1 Sam. 2. 2. neither any r. like our li 14. 4. sharp r. on one side, sharp r. 2 Sam. 22. 2. he said. Lord is my r. /mm IS. 2. | 92. 15. a O. of my r. in whom I wi 1 tru-t 32. and who is a r. save our (.od ? Pialm is. 31. 47.blessed be my r. exalted he i...,| ofr. of salvation i'tul lt(. 4. 2 Sam. 23. 3. God ol Is smd, r. of Is. 1 Chr. II. |5. captains went to r to 2 Chr. 25. 12. cast down fr. top of r. tieh. 9.15. water out ofr. for their thirst, Ptal 78. 16. | 105. 41. Job 14. 18. r. is removed out of plarcj IN. 4. sh. r. be removed out of place? 19. 24. were graven in r. for ever 24 8. embrace r for want of shelter M.'.l. putteth forth his hand upon r. 29. 6. r. poured out rivers of oil S). I. wild go;,ts ofr. bring forth ? 28. she dwelleth on r. on crag ofr. Paul. 27. ft. he shall set me on r. 40.1 2H. 1. unto thee 1 cry, O L. my r. 31. 2. he tlinu my strong r. for an 3. thou art myr. and fortres-,71.1 42.9. my r. why ha-t thou forgot. ? 61. 2. lend me to r. higher than I 62.2. G. is n.y r. 6. || 7. r. of strength 7M. 20. he smote r. waters gn-h. d 89. 26. r. ol salva. ||94.22.r.of refug 95. I. joyfUi noise to r. of salvation 114.8. turned r. into standing wator Cant. 2. 14. dove, art in cleit- ot r. Ita. 2. 10. entr r. hide thee in dust 8. 14. a r. of . Hence to hoth hollMK 10. 2fi. slaughter at the r. of Orch 17. 10. not mindlnl of r of -trenirt h 22. 16. haliitHtion (or himsell in a r. 32. 2. man he as shadow of great r. 42. 11. let the inhabitants ot r. .ing 48.21 caused waters to flow out of r. 51.1. look to r. whence ye are hewa Jer. 5. a made faces harder than a r. 18. 14. snow which cometh trom r. 21. la I am against ther. inhKh. ofr. 23 29. hammer that hreaketh the r. 48. 28. dwell in the r. like the dovo 4!i. 16. thou dwellest in clefts ofr. Ezek. *4. 7. >he set it upon ti p of r. M. I set her blond upon top of r. 26. 4. make her like top of a r. 14. m'<*t> 12. shall horse* run upon r.? KW. '<. thoo ilwelle-t in riefis of r. Mat. 7. 24. man hnilt house upon r. |ii. Is. 11(1011 thi- r. I hnild church 87.60, new tomh which he had hewn out i the T. Mark 15. 46. r ,u. 8.. some fell on r.|| I3.they "n r. 'iuin. 9 33. I lav In Sion MiimMnig Stone, r. of offence. I t'rt. It . Cor. 10. 4. drunk of th. spiritual r. !(()( K^ \nm. 23. 9. from top of r. I see him <;m. l:U ; . peo. hut Ihemiwlte, in r. Kiiigi 19. II .trong wind 'reiV r. b v?8 III. cutteth mi-r- among r. ;1 fi. dwell in ( nv. *oi earth. In r. W 7M 15 he clave r In wlldertH^* 104 18. r. are M r.'fiii.-'- for ' V,,r. :> 'Jfl mke ihelr hoii-e. In r. -tlHll Ifo into ll-le. .,' 7. IU. they hll r-st iu bole* tf K ROR /M. 5,7. V Rlayinif children unler r. Jitr. 4. 29. whole city rliinhmi the r 16. 11 hunt them out ol holes .if r. 51. 2-Y 1 will mil thee (ri.in the r. Nuk. \. A the r. are thrown down Wat 27. 51. eiirtli quake, and r. rent l<-ti 27. *9. lest they -.ho. fallen on r. fr. 6. Hi. saiii to the r. full on ua ROD. Rfod. I. 4. it bet nine n r. in his hand 20. Moses took r of (}..d, 17 9. 7. !l -ay to Aaron, take thy r. 19. 20. lifted III) the r. and nm.ite.U 10 21. 20. if a mmi smite serv. with r. f.fr. 27. 32. wli.tt-. i p.issnth under r .Yum. 17. -I write m.in'- name on r. 8. r. of Aaron budded, Heb 9. 4. Ifri. 1 !. wilh his r. he smote the rock 1 S,im U. -/7. Jonathan put end of r. t SV;m. 7. U. I will chasten with r. Jofta 34. let him take his r away 21. P. neither i th.- r. of 1. .smite Ju.isfe of U. with r. 6. 9. hear the r. and who appointed it 7. U. feed thv people with thy r. 1 ('.-r. V 21. shall 1 come with a r.? Rn. 2. 27. rule with r. of iron, 1 9. 15. 12. V rule nations with a r. of iron RODE. Gen. 24 61. Reheka and damsels r. Judg. 10 4. he had thirty sons that r. I Sum 25. 20. Abigail r. on ass, 42. 30. 17. save 400 which r. on ramels t Ham. 22. 1 1. he r. on i cheruh, and did fly, Pa/ 18. 10. 1 Kin 13. 13. ol.l prophet r. on K-H 2 A"i'. 9 Ifi. Jehu r. in a chariot V5. when I nd thou r together tfeh. 2. 12 Have Ivast that I r. upon Eitk. ft U. the p.isN that r. on mules HDDS. Gen. 30. 37. Jacoli took r. of poplar Kxod. 1. 12 Aarun'a rod swallowed np their r. >TiCTl. 17. 6 princes *ave him 12 r. *cA. 19. II sh- hud trng r. for 12. her strong r. were hr.iken t Cor. 1 1. 25. thrice was beaten wi. r. ROF.. S. I Chr. 12, 8. as swift as r. on mount /Vor. 5 19. a hind and plea-ant r. 6. a. deliver thvs.-lf as r. fr hunter Canf. 2. 7. 1 charge you hy the r. a5. 0. my beloved is like a r. or a 17. be thr u like r or hart, 8. 4. ROO ha. 11 14. shall he a the chased r. .W Yol'Mi. HVW HOE. 2 Saw. 2. IS. Antihel was as a tri'/d r. ROK.HU( K, S. Dent. 12. 15. y may eat of the r. 2'.'. | U. 5. | Is. 2*. I Kin. 4. 2a he-ides harts and r. ROLL, ;>r*. Grit. 29. 8. cannot, till they r. away JoiA. 10. 18. Jiwhna saiil, r. stones 1 .Sam. 14. 33. r. a cn-at stm.e unto Jer. 51. 25. I will r. thee down from A/r. I. 10. Aphrah.r. thyself in iln-i Mark 16. 3. who sh. r. us away stone ROLL, Suhxttintire. Ezra R. 1. search was made in the r. 2. was foun I at Achmetha a r. ha. 8. 1. take thee a if real r. and Jer. 36. 2. take thee a r. of a book 23. till all the r was consumed 29. saith L. thuu haxt burnt this r. Ezek. 2. 9. hand was sent, and lo, a r 3. 1. eat this r. || 2. he cnnseil me eat 'Lech. 5. I. and behold, a flying r. 2. HOLLKD. Gen. 29. 3. they r. stone from well Jotn. 5. 9. I have r. away reproach Job 30. U. they r. themselves on me hn. 9 5. and varment* r. in hlood 34. 4. heavens r. together, Rrt.6. 1 4. Mitt. 27. HU. he r. a itreat stone to the door of xepulrhre, Mark 15. 4& 28. 2. nnpel came and r. back stone Murk Ifi. 4. the stone was r. away l.uke 24. 2. found the stone r. away ROLLER. :<>&. 30. 21. to put a r. to bind It ROI.I.ETH. /'fur. 2& 27. he that r. a stone it will ROLLINO. Ita. 17. 13. nation- (lee like r. thing ROOK, S. Gen. 19. R came under shadow ofr. li-'ut. *! 8. make a battlenvnt forr. .InJi. 2. R. she ht ought them to the r. Jttdg. IB. 27. mi the r. were 3000 men 2 S-n/ fc 11.2. Dav. walked on the r. IK. 24. watchman went up to the r. .ler. Itt 13. on \vhoe r. they, 32 V9 Etelc. 40. 13. measured vale from r. Mat. s. 8. not worthy thou shuuldeHt come under my r. /.uAre 7. 6. Mnrlci. 4 they uncovrr.-il the r. ROOK with moMfA. Job 2!1. 10. tonif'ie cleared lo r. of m. rV 137. . long, cleave t.i r of my , Cant. ~. 9. r. of thy m. like best wine I. urn 4. 4. cleaveth to r. uf his m. Esek. 3. 26. tonrue cleave to r. of m. ROOM. Gen. 24 23. is r. m lather's house ? 25. have straw, and r. to lodire in 31. I have prepared r. f.>r camels 26. 22. Lord hath made r for us I ATin 2. 35 kirur put Henaiah in Joan's r. put Zad In r. of Ahin. S. 5. son whom I will set in thy r. 8. 20. I am risen in the r. of David, 2 Cfiron. fi. 10. 19. Ifi. Elishaohalt thou anoint in r. Vt. 31. a hast set my feet In larne r SO. 9. thou prepared-! r. hefore it l'rnr 'R If., a man's i-i't maketh r. Mul. :i 10. shall not her enough Mark 2. 2. was no r. to receive them 14. 15. will shew you a Urge upper r. LukeM. 12. l.uke X 7. because there was no r. 12, 17. I have nn r to bestow my 14. 8. sit not down in highest r. 10. and sit down in the lowest r. 9~l. It is done, and yet there is r. Acti I. 13. went up to an upper r. 402 ROS .<<-Ar24. 27. Festuscame in Felix' r I Cur. 14. 16. he that occup.eth tlir r 1(00 MS. Gen. R. 14. r. shall thou make in nrfc I Kin. 2. 14. out of Rphraim was a r. 2 A'I'/I 111. :0. Jndah -hall take /-. Jot 5. 3. I have -een foolish lak. r. 14. 8. though the r. thereof ;,x 1&. 2R s, ruu the r. of the mailer 2P. 19. my r. spreaav. hath prevailed 22. Ifi. I am the r. of Da\ id ROOT. 1 Kin. 14. 15 he shall r. np Israel .A.'. 31. 12. would r all miue enemies frnl. 52. A. and r. thee out of land Jer. \. 10. I have set thee to r. out Hat. la 2. lent ye r up the wheat KOOTKD. Deut. 29. 28. the Lord r. them out Job 18. 14. ci.ntid.-nce shall be /. out 31. 8. let my iflspring be r. out Prm. 2. 22. transjrrei.sois shall he r. 'f.t'l>h. 2. 4. Kkri.n shall her. up Mat 15. l:l. Father not plant r. up Kftfi. 3. 17. ye heinif r. andKroniiiled Cut. 2. 7. r. ami Mult up in him ROOIS. 2 CAr. 7. SO. pluck them up by the r. Job M 17. his r. are wrapped about la 16. his r. shall he dried np 28. 9 overturneth mountain- t>y r. 30. 4. who cut juniper r. for meat /M. II. 1. branch sh. grow nut ol r. Jer. 17 8. spreadelh out her r by Kxek 17. 7. this vine did bend her r. Dan. 4. 15. the stump of hi r V3.2S. 7. R horns plucked np by the r. lln, U. 5. he Khali ca-t forth hi- r. Anua 2. 9. I destroyed his r. from Mark II. 20. flg.tree dried from r. Jude 12. treen, plucked up hy tl e r. ROI'KS Jnrff;. IB 11. bind me with neu-r IS. 2 .NV/m. 17. 13 Ir hring r. tothiit iity 1 A'l'n *0 31. put r. on lieaHn, Ifi. /K, VrA. Gi. 4. 8 Cain r. np against Ahel 32. 21. sun r. upon him as In- p; -v.-d Efod. 10. 23. nor r any from y.i. ROW Brxf. 12. 30. Pharoah r. up in night 3.T 10. and all the people r. up Hiid Xum la. 7.Phiiielms r. up from the J)eiit. 3A 2. the Lord r. up from Seir J.A. 3. Ifi. waters stood and r. up Jf*/te 6 -21 r. up fire out of the rocks 1 A'iri. 2. 19. kiln; r. up to meet her /'M/ U4. a. mi our side men r. up Cunt. 5. 5. I r. up to open to my he. Lam 3. 6>. the lips of those that r. Dun. a 27. I r. up did king's Imsin. Zeph. 3. 1. r. ?arly and c omitted '.Av 5 28. r up, and followed him 16. 31. not he persuaded tho' one r. 22. 45. when hi- r. Irorn prayer Acts 5. 3fi hef. these Hays r. Thcudaa JO. 41. drink with him aftiT he r. Rntn. 14. 9. Christ hoth died and r. 1 Cur 10. 7 eat, and r. up to play 15. 4. he wa? buried and r. atrain 2 Co/-. 5. 15. him who died and r. 1 Thet. 1 14. Jesus di"d and r. again See MORNING. ROT. \m. fi. 21. L. make thigh r. 22. 27. /V(iw. 10. 7. name of wicked slpili r. Istt. 40. 20 chooKeth a tree will notr. BOTTEN. Job 13. 28. and he. as a r. thing 41. 27. heesteemeth brass as r. wood Jpr. 39. 12. put these r. raifs under Juel 1. 17. seed N r. under their clods ROTTENNESS. Pror. 12. 4. maketh ashamed, is as r. 14. 30. envy is the r. of the bones Ixn. 5. 24. so their root shall lie as r. lint. 5. 12. he to house of Judah as r. Huh. 3. 6. when I heard r. entered ROVERS. 1 Chr. 12. 21. helped Dav. against r. ROUGH. Dfut. 21. 4. bring heifer to r. valley Iso. 27. a he sta>eth his r. wind 40. 4. r. places shall he made plain Jer. 51. 27. come as r. caterpillars Zech. 13. 4. neither wear r. garment Luke 3. 5. r. ways be made smooth BOUGH LY. Gen. 42. 7. Joseph spake r. 30. 1 Sum. 20. 10. father answer theer.? 1 Kin. 12. 13. the king answered the people r. 2 Chr. 10. 13 Prov. 18. 23. the rich answered r. ROUND. Lev. 19. 27. ye "hall not r. corners ROUND. Erod. 16. 14. there lay a r. thin? 1 Kan. 7.35. r. compass || 10. 19. throne ixi 3. 18. L. take away their r. tire; Z/u 19. 43. enemies compass thee r ROUNDuAout Hum. 16. 34 all Isr. r. a. them fled Jo.ifi. 6. 3. ye shall go r. a. the city Job 77. 12. turned r. a. by counm-l- Pt. 3. 6. and set against me r a6ou 48. 12. walk about Zion, go r.a her 59. 6. and go r aAou* the city, 14 88 17 they came r. ahout me daily Rflm. 15. 19. T. about to Illyricum See CAMP. ROUSE. Gfn. 49. 9. lion who shall r. him up ROW, S. Erod. "28. 17. four r. of stones, 39. 10 Ler. 24.6. cakes, six on u r. on tai.U 1 Kin. fi. 3fi. inner court with tb-> r 7.2. fourr. of pillars || M. fifteen in r. 12. the great court with three r. 2 Chron. 4. 3. two r. of oxen cnst Cnnt. 1. 10. comely with r. of j.'wel Ezek. 46. 23. hoiline places under r ROWED, INK. 'onaA 1. 13. men r. ha-d to bring it Hoik & 4& he sa-.v them toiling inr. RUL John 6. 19. had r. 25 or 30 furlongs ROWERS. Izek. 27. 26. r. bro 1 thee into waters ROYAL. en. 49. 20. A-her yield r. dainties Join. 10. 2. Giheon Ha "lie of r. cities .Sum. 27. 5. for why should I dwell in the r. city : i Sum. 12. 26. Joah took the r. city A' in. 10. 13. S4il. nave of r. bounty -' A' in. II. 1. AthaliHh destroyed all the sel r. 2 Chr. 22. 10. Chr. 29. 25. on Solomon r majesty Esth. I. 7. they gave them r. wine II. to bring Vofchti with crown r. 2. 16. Esther taken i. to hou,e r. 17. 5. I. Ksther put on her r. apparel 6. 8. let r. appun-l be drought, and the crown r. 8. 15. Mordecai went in r. upparel ha. 62. 3. r. dindein in han.l of iiod /Jan. 6. 7. to establish a r. statute Actt 12. 21. Herod in r. apparel, sat Jam. 2. 8. if ye fulfil the / ),,w I Pet. 2. 9. ye are a r. priesthood RUBBING. Luke d. 1. r. them in their handi HUBlilSH. Neh. 4. 2. revive stones out of the r. 10. decayed and there is mu< h r. RUBY, RUBIES. Job 28. 18. price ot -visdom is above r. Prov. a 1 1. [than r. Prov. 3. 15. wisdom is more precious 20. 15. gold, and a multitude of r. 31. 10. for her price is far above r. Lam. 4. 7. Nuza. more ruddy than r. RUDDEH./jnrfj. Actt 27. 40. and loosed the r.-laixli RUDDY. 1 Sam. 16. 12. David was r. 17. 42. Cant. 5. 10. my beloved white audr. Lam. 1 7. her Saiar. were more r. RUDE. 2 Cor. 11. 6. thouirh I be r. in speech RUDIMENTS. Col. 2. 8. lest any poil you after r. 20. if dead with Christ from the r. RUE. Luke 11. 42. mint, and r. and herbs RUIN. 2 Chron. 28. 23. they were r. of him Puil. 89. 40. brought his holds to r. Prov. 24. 22. who knoweth the r.? 2ft 28. flattering mouth worketh r. l*a, 3. fi. let r. be under thy hand 23. 13. the land of Chaldean* to r. 25. 2. made of H defenced city, a r. Ezek. 18. 30. iniquity not he your r. 27. 27. company fall in day of thy r. 31. 13. on hi r. shall fowls remain Lu 6. 49. r. of that houie was great RUINS. Ezek. 21. 15. r. muy be multiplied Amoi 9. 11. In .lay will 1 r*ie his r y of (be *. 15. enlarged aciordinv '< ..or ' (.'lli. 6. III. KHlb H.-roldllll to HIM - /'Ai/. a Hi. let ut walk l,y n,, r. Hub. la 7. tint have r ,,ver you N. obey them tlmt hi>ve the r. Set BAIK. BKAB. RULE. Gen. 1. 16. greater Imht to r. day and le>er linht to r n.^ht 3. 16. thy h.i8l.ud h. r. over tW 4. 7. hi desire, th. hait r. ove! lu.n Ler. 25. 43. Dot r. ith vigour Judg. 8. W. r. thou or. r n-. 23. 1 Will hot r. ovel y.. u . i.or hall my ,.,i, r Pi. 110. 2. r. in midst of th. eneii n-i 136. 8. sun to r. by day. for m. n 7 Pror. 8. 16. prinre r. and inn IH, fita. 3. 4. babes shall r. nver them 12. as for my pro. women / .,v.-r 14. 2. shall r. over their oppressor* 19. 4. a fierce king sh. r. over them 28. 14. r. thin people in Jenis.il. -m 32. 1. princes shall r. in judgment 40. IU and his arm tball r. ti r Inio 41. 2. made the righteous man r. 52. 5 they that r. irake them howl Ezek. 19. 14. hath DO strong rod tor. 20. 33. with 'ur> will 1 r. over you 29. la no mine r. over the nations Daw. 4. 26. known that hem. II. 3. mighty kings th.it shall r. Joel't. 17. heathen bo. r. over them Zech. 6. 13. sit and r. uii his throne Mat. 2 a a goveinor that shall r. Mark 10. 4?. who are MI counted to r. Col. :>. 15. let peace of It. r. in henrts 1 Tint. 3. 5 know out h .w tor. hoe 5. 17. elders that r. well, woithy Rev. 2. 27. r. with a rod of iron, U RULED. [.S. | 19 14 Gen. 24. 2. his eldest servant thut r. 41. 40. at thy word my people he r. I A'm. 5. 16. 3000 r. over the prupl* Krra 4. 20 which r. over roiintries Pi. 106. 41. they that hated thru, r. Ita. 14. 6. be that r. nations in mi r er Lam. 5. 8. servants have r. over u Exek. 34. 4. with cruelty have >H r. Uan. 5. 21. till hf knew that dud r. RULER. Gen. 41. 43. Pharaoh made Joseph r. 45. a /'jut lUV il. fjorf. 22. ! thou shall not rurse r. iVujw. la 2. every one a r. am. them 1 Sam. 25. 30. appointed thee r. nv.-r my people Isr. 2 SUM. C. 3tl. | 7.8. 1 Chr. 11.2. | 17.7. 2 Sam. 7. 8- I took thee from f.,]l.i. ing heep to be r. I Chi. 17 T. 1 A'. 1. 35. 1 appointed Solomon r 1 Chr. 5. 2. Judah came the chief r. 9. 11. Aariahr. of house of I, 9 Chron. 31. II 2 CAr. 7. 11. not fail a man to be r. Pi.fi8.VJ. little Benjamin wi. their r. 105. 20. even the r. of the people Prof. V3. 1. sittest to eat with a r. 2S. IS. o is wicked r. over po.,r 29. 12. if a r. hrarken to lies [ v. many seek r. favour.hut Jin'r fnri I tt 4. if *he spirit of the r. ri. ft error proreedi th from the r 1 It'i. .1 R our r. || 7. nmke roe not r. l I. send ye the lamh to thr r. /. IR there mine a .rtin r. 24. 45. whom his Lord hulh mi r. /.uA/ u i I 25. 81. 1 wltt mak.- tbr. ot*. A RUM H r. of synago. answered J . . when r. of feast ta*te.l * I. N'icodemus, a r. of the Jew* Y'v 7 ?7 who ma ! th.-e r.f 3fi. 3\ same did < MM) send t be a r. i* 17. (ireeks beat Smthenes th>- r -halt mil peak evil of the r. RULERS. (if a. 47. ft make them r. over rattle /;.-.*. 1H. f thons r. of hun.srt M 31. Moses railed r. ofrongreira ZV'rf 1.13 1 will make them r. over I .V'int. 8. 19. David's ons were r. 1 A'in. 9. s?2. were r. of hit chariots 8 Am. II 4. Jehniiida set r. over, 19. 1 CAr. 27. 31. these were r. of sub*. t C'Ar. 35. 8 r of the houe of God F.sra 9. 2. hand of r. chief in this \r A t. 16. r. were behind the house 12. 40. and half of the r. with me I* II. then conten1.-*< -a. 35 and r. also derided him v! jJO. priests and r. delivered him Ji'lin 7. 2ft, do the r. know Christ ? 4*. hare any r. believed on him ? IV. 44 the chief r. believed on him Act* 3. 17. ye did it, as also did r. 4 ?'V r. gathered against the Lord 1.1 15. r of synagogue Kent to P. 14. .'> assault of J-ws. with their r. 1'i 19. damsel's masters drew to" r 17. a they troubled the peo. and r. R',m. 13. 3. r. not a terror to good Eiili. 6. 14 agii >str. of darkness RUI.KST. 8 rAr. 90. 8. r. thou over kingdoms I'ul. SO. 9. thou r. the raging of sea RULETH. 8 Sum. 2i 1 that r. over men must fi.il. W. 13 know that G. r. in Jar. 6*5. 7. he r. by hi* power for ever lid \'< and his kingdom r. overall fr-r 1A TO. that r. hit spirit is better ?!. 7. rich r. over the poor, and the ErrL 8. 9. one man r. over another 9. 17. than him that r. among fools Dan. 4 17. the Most High r. 2.->. 32. tin* II. \i Judih yet r with God 7?om. I i. & he that r. with diligence 1 Tim. 3. 4. one that r. his house RULING. t Srtin. 28. S be just. r. in fear of O Jrr. 22.30 and r miy mure in Judah 1 Tim. 3. 18. r. their rhild. and house* RUMHI.INO. ./-. 47. a t r of hi. wheels, fathers RUMOUR, S. 2 A'tV 19. 7. he shH hearr. /M.S7.7. ./-r. 49. 14. I have heard r. from L. 51. 4. le-t ye fear for r. In land a r. shall come o ie year, another a r. :<*. 7 2ft. r. nhall he upon r. ! we heard a r from the L. M'tt.-fl.K. hear of wars and r nf wars Murk 13. 7. of wars and r. of wars Luhll r. before hi- 20. 36. r. find out now the arrows 2 Sam IS. l!. let me now r. !fi 1 . Sal haver, thro'troop, /'j.lSsS. i A' in. 4. ii that I may r. to man V VO I will r. after Naaman f*r. Ifi. 9. eyes of L. r. to and fro Pttil. 19. 5. as strong man to r. rare 5*. 7. waters, which r. continually 5H. 4. they r. and prepare HMMMH 7v 16. he raused wHter> to r. down 104. 10. spritnrs which r. among lulU 118 34 I will r. way of thy com. 138. rivers of waters r. down mine Prm. 1. 16. fret r. to evil, /**. 59. 7. ' I. 7. all the rivem r. to the sea C'int I. 4. we will r. after thee Jin 40. 31. xhnll r. and not be weary ">5. 5. nations shall r to thee Jer. !>. I. r. ye to and fro thro.fttreet* 9. 18. eyes may r. down with tears 14 5. if thou hat r. with footmen la 17. eyes r. down wi. tears, 14.17. 49. i lament. And r. to and fro 19. I will make him r HWiiy,V). 51 31. one post r. to meet another Lnm. 4 18. let te^rs r. down like Ezrk. -24. 16. neither sh. thy tears r. :t ' 14. cause river, to r. like oil Dun 14 4. many shall r. to and fro Joel 1. 7. they shall r. like mighty 9. shall r. in city, shall r. on wall AIHOI 5. 21. let judgment r. dowiiHs 6. 14 shall horses r. upon the rock? a II shall r. to an I fro to eek L Hub "I. 2. he may r. that remleth it ling. I. 9. and ye r. every m^n to Zerh. 4. 10. eyes of L. r. to and fro Hat S. R did r. to bring disciples 1 Cor. 9. i!4. which r. in a race r. nil. so r. that ye ni.iy obtain 2A I therefore so r. not uncertainly Gal. 2. 4, I should r. or had r. in 5. 7. ye did r. well, who did hinder Phil. 2. II. I have not r. in vain //'.. 12. I. let us r with patience 1 /><. 4. 4. that ye r not to excess RUNNEST. Prov. 4. 14 when thou r. thou shalt RUXNKTH Job 15. 26. he r. upon him, even on Id 14. he r. upon me like a giant PiaL 23. 5 anoint, head.enp r. over 147. 15. his word r. very swiftly I'r-.r IH. 10. the righteous r. into it l.nm. \. IB. eyes r. down water.3.48 JoAn m 4. she r. and mineth to Sim Aom. 9. Id will-th. nor ol him that r. RUNNING. Lee. 14.4. killed over r. water. 0.50. 15. 4 man bath a r. issue, M. 4. Atom. 19. 17. person take r. water t Sam. 18 94. a man r. alone, 2ft. 27. r. of foremost is like r. of Ahi. !J Ifin. 5. 21 NaMman aw him r. 2 CAr. 23. 14 Alh.ilMh heard peo. r. Pror.ft. IS. and >. watetsontof well ft. IS. feet he swift in r. to mischief fta. 33. 4. a* r to and fro of lm-iits Kffk. 31. 4. with her rivers r. al>out Mark 9 V\ Jen (iiheiik Acti 19. . they r. with one accord RUSHKS. /to. 33. 7. dravons IMV shall be r. RUSHING. Itn. 17. 12. woe to multitude and r. of nations, r like r. of wMert Jer. 47. 3. Ht r. of rhariois fathers E*ek. a 12. 1 heard a great r. 13. .Irfr. 2. 4 sound .1 - of r. mighty wind RUST. Mat. 6. 19. moth and T. mrrupt, 20. Jam. 5, 3. r. of them shall be wituaaf SABAOTH. /fom. 9. 29. except L. of t. haa .eft Juwi. 5. 4. into ears of the L. of *. SABBATH. Ejrod. 16. 23. to-morrow is the holy . 25 to-day it a . to the Lord 20. 10. seventh day is $. of the Lord, 31. is. | 36. 4 tea. 23. a />/. 5. 14. 31. 14. ye khall keep the i. 16. Lev. 16.31. shall be *. of rest, 3, 38, 23. II. after t. priest shall wave it 16. after seventh r. shall ye nainb. V4. fir.Ht of month shall ye have *. 34 from even to even your t. 39 first day a /. on the eighth a i. 2V 4 then shall land keep a t. 4, 6. Sum. 2a 10 the burnt. offering oft. t A'in. 4. Kl neither new moon nor*. 16. IH. covert for t. turned Abac ICAr.9.3*. prep i-hew.bread every i. 2 Chr. :f* 1\. desolati-she kept the /. \,A. 9 14. madest known thy holyt. 10. 31. we would not buy on tl.e t la 15. treadinir wine. presses on i. 16. men of 'lyre Mild on the t. 21. came they no more on the I. IM. 56. 2. blessed man that keep 1.6. > la turn foot from i. call i. delight ftfi. 2a from one i. to another a:l Ezfk. 46. I. on I. it shall be opened Anna a S. when will the t he tronef Mat. 2R I. in end of j. came Mary M.irk 2. 27. t. for man, nut man fnr t. 'Us. the Son of man is Lord of the/. l.nk* fi. 5. Ifi. I. when t. was past M. M;i|.-i1a. l.ukr (i. I. on the second *. after first 13. 15. doth not exrh on t. loose * 2a 54. preparation, the t. drt- w on JiAn 5. IS. he not only had brok. n i AcU la 42. preached t.i them next t. 16. I3.0H1 wewentont of the city 18. 4. he reasoned in syna. rvry *. See I)*V. DAY*. SABBATHS. Efod. 31. 13. my i. ye shall keep Art 19 3, 30. *\. 4 Lev. 23. 15. seven*, shall In- 1 omptrto 25. 8. thou shalt number sevi-n j 26. 34, then shall land enjoy . :ij, A. 10. 33 Ifa. 1. 13. nr w moon- and I. I cannot '.ft 4. the iMiniii hi> that keep my I. l.am 1. 7. adversaries did mm-k ate < au-ed . to be forgotten in Kzt-k. iO )v(. I gav.- my i to be ni.'n 13 and my i. they polluted. 16. ?4 h i-t pr<-faiieh. do s. and oblat 34. a L. hath a *. in Uozrah and Id 57. 7. thith. wentest thou to offer . Jer. 33. II. that bring *. .if praise IS. nor want man to do *. continu 4i'.. IM. O. hath a *. in north countr) Exek. 39. 17. gather to my *. great ... 19. drink bio .d till drunk, of my 44. II. they shall slay . for peopli 4H. 24. ministers boil *. of pi-ople Z>an. 8.1 (.daily*, taken, 9.27 | 1 1. SI. 12. hut given him against daily *. 12. 11. daily *. shall be taken away llo.t. 3. 4. Is. shall abide without a .. 0. 6. I desired mercy, and i.ot * .WA 9. U. | I*. 7. /f'/io* 4. 5. offer a *. of thanksgiving Jomih 1. 16. men ottered a * t.. Lord Zeyh, I. 7. L. hath prepared a*. 8 Mat. 1. 8. if ye offer i.lir.d for *. is it Mark 9. 49 every *. shall he s.,|t,-d Luke 2. 24. offer a . accoi d. to law Acti 7.41. in those .lays off. . to jdo 14 13. would have done *. wi. peopli Horn. 12. 1. present your liod.es a ... I Cor. 8.4. offVred in * idols, I0.l9,i3. Eph. 5. 2. a . to G. for sweet savour Phil. 2. 17. offered >.n *. of your faith 4. 18. a *. acci'p. well-plea^ng to G. Heb. 7. 27. daily as those to offer *. 9. 26. put away sin by *. ot himself 10.5. *. and off. thou wouidett not,9. 12. he had otf.-red one ... for sins 26. remaineth no more *. for sins 11. 4. Abel offered more e\c. 11,-nt 13. 15. let us offer the .v. >.f praise See BUKNT, HtA< K.UFFLBINO. SACRIFICE, Verb. Efod. 3. 18. let us go, *. t L. 5. 3, 8. | 8. 27. | 10. 25. || S. 2i. go ye, . 8.26. *. abomination^of Egyptian* ? 13.15. I*, to L. that openeth matrix 20. 24. thou shall .. burnt-offeringa Deut. 15. 21. blemish, not . it, 17. I. 1 Sum. I. 3. Elkanah went up to *. 15. 15. people spared best to *. to L. 16. 2. say. 1 am come to *. to L. 5i 2 Kin. 14. 4. as yet the people did *. 2 Chron. 33. 17. 17. 35. nor shall . to other gods nor 2 Chr. 1 1. 16. came to Jer. to . to L Ezra 4. 2. sei-k your O. and do *. lit AVA.4.2. will they *. ? will they end? Pial. 54. 6. 1 will freely . to th e 107.22. *. sacrifices of thanksgiving E?ek 39. 17. gather to my *. 1 do *. Hiis. 4. 13. they *. on tops of mount. 14. th.-y *. with harlots, therefore a 13. they *. but L. accepteth not 12. II. they *. bullocks in Gilgal 11 2. let men that *. kiss the calves J.mah 2. 9. 1 will *. with thanksgiv. Hub. I. 16. they*, unto their net Zech. 14 21. they that . shall seethe 1 Cor. 10. 20. Ge.itilcs . they *. to SACRIFICED. [devils. E.rod. 32. a made calf, *. thereunto Deut. 32. 17. . to devils, not to God Josh. 8. 31. they * thereon pence.off. Juiie 2. 5. they *. there unto Lord \Sarn. 11.15 people went to Gil. to*. i &im. 6. 13. I>H. *. ox. andfatlmifK 1 A'in. 3. 2. only the people ,. in tin- high places, 3. * Kin. 12. 3. | 15 4, 35. | 16. 4. 2 Chr. 28. 4. 1 1. a strange wives, . to th.'ir ods 2 Km. 17. 3i lowest pnesU which*. I Chr. 21^28. L. answered, then he .1. tChr. 5. 6. asemb. bef. ark, . sheep 405 l.y Hr .tr SAD f Wi Ahnz * to ** '* r> > m *i iJ. Itx Managed i on a Inr ?**" Kr-ve., ,,| Ui. in II,. t Ptat. IU6.3J. thryj. ...iistod.-.. .. :. Ukrjr j. to the id,.' Hoi. II. 2. they ,. i,' liaaoin! Mu.'.t*' 1 Cor. 5. 7. C. our Passover i, , i.., ,., tier. 2. 14. eat thing.) , \,, ,d,l-, 5-11. S A C U IK , i h 1 T. Deut. I&4. Hrsh th. * r. mum all n (lit SACHIFIi Gen. 46. 1. Is. at heer-eh, I E.i-oii. H>. >. thou muel IK 12. .letl.ro t,,,,k ... I., Lee. 10.13. of*, ot Lord o 17. 7. h. 1,0 more ,,tl r Hum, '--5. '. railed penp. to t ot K...I, . K . 2. *, observe >.. ,.tt. r in sM-ratnj iJful 12. f>. thither bring your j. "I:", shall i.fl.-r *. ot MfiiiiiMin..n,.. .loth. 13.14. . of L. their inheritanrv 2J. iH. altar not for . but witii -."j. I si. ti. 15. sai rintvd . to tle L..rd 15. 22. baih L. as great tielight in t. 1 Chr.mt.Xt. san ,ti.-e. 3. let plai e where he off. . In. they may utter *. to O. ol hear. -NVA. 12. 43. that -i Arnold. 4. bring your *, rv.mor $ 5. 25. have ye offered unto nif i.': Mark 12. 3.'!. love U U mor than .. /.u. 13.1. bhHid Pilate minj(le,l .\ i. .. Acts 7. 42. ye offered *. loriy > M* i 1 C,r. ID. 1H eat. partner*. .fa. tar Heb. 5. I. may off.-r gifts, f. lor -n,> 8 3. high priest ordained to onVr .. 9. 9. were offered both gifts an.l . 23. heavenly things with better *. 10.3. in those *. U aremen brain e II. offering same * that nev.-r ran I3.lli with such*. (1. is well |.|H.IM-| Pet 2. 5. |>ri,thood to otter up *. See IH'HMT. SACR1FU KI'H. Erod. 22. 20. he that i. to any god KccL 9. 2. that . to him that $. n..t Itn. B5. 3. people that . in Harden (ifi 3. he that *. a bmb as If he rut Vol. 1. 14. and . a corrupt thing SACRIFICING. A'in. a 5. Is. were wi. hi'n . jhc-^ 12 32 * to the calve* he had ma. i SACRILEGE. /?om.2.22. idols, do-t thou commit . SAD. Gen. 40. 6. Jos. looked, they were ^ .S',im. 1.IH. counteiiaiice i," Kin. V\. 5. why is thy spir ' VVA. 2.2. why i thy ronnteiwnee f A. 1.1 22. with lies ye have in heart of rmhteous *. wlol have not made . 5.M Vft 1 16. benotfa. count-nance >'!>+ 10 1i he ivast. Ml that sayinx Ltt*? H. 17. H yf iv^lk, and are i. SAUDI, K l.rr id 9. what i he ridelh upoo 8ADDLK, S .SIT w 19 2(1. I wit: t. me an ass I A< la l:i Mid, .. inr the an. 87. BAOIlLEtX (ieii 22. S. Ahra. rose and t. hi.i as* .Vm _'.'. Jl. K.laxm i his ut J'l'lf 19. 10. with Levite tWii aicei A I .v.iMt in. I. met Dav with as*ea f 17 .-X Ahithophel r his AM 1 Ati 2. 40. Shim i . mid went IS la MI they t him the ass, 23,27. t Hi*. 4. 24. the woman t. an tat SADDCCKKS. )/?. 3. 7. whei. he s ; ,w the rntne IH. I th- i mine tempting Jeans C. hewn re .it the leaven of F. II, 12. 82 23. the same day came the t 34. h.- had put the t t silence A<-(t 4 I. th.- priest^ and the i. came > 17 / laid h.in.1- mi the apostles KJ. K. P. perceived tine part Weret H. t. say, there is nn ft surre.-ti.iu SADLY. Gen. 40. 7. whv h."k ye to*, to-day- SADSKSS. Erri 7. 3. by . ut countenance AFB I V.TIH. IV. II. and ye dwelled . I! Van. 18. sW. I. Ah.amm if 32. JA -Ji. 9. their house* t. from fear P* 119. 117. hold me up. t shall bet. /Vo IS. 10 righteous r-in in. are i. 29 25. wh... triMtrtlt in L. be t. /'L S. 29. i arty the prey away * E-'k. 34. 27. hHll i.e >. in their land l.nkf 15 27. h.- had received him i. Mrtt-O. 24. may hrinir him t to Felix .H. 44. they e-eaped nil t to land PUl. 3. I to writ.-, fur you It it *. SAFK<.UARD. I Ham. 22. -a. hut thon shall be int. SAFKLV. Putt. 78. 5.1 he led th.-m on . Prite. I. 3a whoso hearkeneth tome hull dwell . 3?S. then ahull thon walk In way : ia I will make them lie <. l-rh. 14 M. Jerusalem sha'l he i. M'irk 14. 44. and le id him away i. Act* 16. Jfl the j.iilor to keep them t. See DWKI.L. ^>'< a 2*i. was not in i. nor hud I rest 5. 4. his i hildren lire far from t. II that those n. ay he exulted to i. II IK. thon halt take thy rest in *. - J '.''I it he iriven him to he In /' 12. 5. I will set him in . fr. him :i ( 17. an hor-.- 1- vain thine f- r i. I'ror. II. 14. in <-iiiin-llnii*. **.'!. 'I. .11 hor now Amnf erout S. Ml. ISO. .d afar off SAINT. P* inB 16. they envied Aar. the . Dan. R la I heard oi.e . opeakinr, another . said to that i which /'Ait 4\ .. Mr- in thy hand I Sam. 2. 9 keep the feet of his *. i CAr./n. 6 41. let thy t. rej..ire Jo', b !. which of j. wilt thou turn? IV 15. he putteth no trust In his *. ft. 16. a hut to i that are In earth 30. 4. slug to the L. O >e t. of his 31. V3. O love the Lord, all ye hist. 34. 9 fear the Lord, ye his *. 37. V8 the L. (orsHketh not his f. >l 5 gather my . together to me .ii. 9. for it ii Kii.xi before thy i. 79 *. (l-h o< thy . to the heat %9. 5. iaitlifulii<-s in cnnirr.-KH of . 17. H. is feared in as-emhly off. 97. 10. he preservt'th ~iii!s of hi* *. 116. 15. pre.|un to L. in death oft. I3 &. and lei thy t -h.nit for Joy '.n. her r li'l -h. nit H!. .11.1 lor joy 145 1C. mid i. shal hless thee US. 14. exaiteth prai*e of all his t. 149. I. pnf his t. Dan. 7. K h take kinuduni, -fttf. -M. mime horn made wur with . 25 wear out the t. of Most Hiirh Hra II. \->. Judah is faithful with f. Zee*. 14. 5. H -hall come and ,,ll i. Mat. fi. M b.nlie^ of*. th*t lept Aeti9. 13. eril he hath dune to thy . 3 I'eter came down aUo to the i 41. when he had called the fi 10. many of the i. did I shut up Rnm. I. 7. beloved of (i. called tot. H. -J7. inaketh interrefslon for the t. Ii 13 distrihutinir lone-e-lt) oft. IV 25 ffo to Jeru. to minister to i. 26. a r.i itrihntiou lor the poor t. 31. vervice may be accepted oft: 16. -i. receive her a- becnmeth t. 15 salnte all the , //,,, 13 V 4 1 Cor. I. V. sanctifled, railed to he t. R. K. do ye not kn.nv that the t. hall judce the world? 14. 33. an In all tlie churches oft. In. I. cnncerninr collection fur t. 15. addn te.1 to the ministry ..ft. 2 C..r. I. I. with all the i In Achaia 8. t. take on us nilniIering tn i. 9. I. touching the inini-terinr tor 12. not only .iipplieth Want ..ft 13 13 ail t .al.ite you. I'M! 4. s. f>* I. I. to the > at Kpheaus 15 1 heard of your lo\e to all t. l". ulory of hi- inheritance in t. 2. 19. ye are fellow.citirens with i. 3 H who am le than leat of a 1 1. 18. be ahle to i-omprehend with t. 4. K. for the pe'fei tin* of the $. f<. 3 n.'.'/!. 5 10. have washed the t. feet r/tilrm. 3. |..ve th.ni ha-t t<. all I. 7. bowels of the t. are refreshed Hfb 6. 10. ye have mininter.'.! t.i /. Jttde a faith mire .lelivered to the I. 14. L. comelh with IO.OUO of lust. Rer. !>. 8 the prayers of t. 8. 3, 4. II. 18. shouldeiit Kive r-w.ird to . la 7 to make w-.ir with the t. 10. the patienre and faith of the i. 14. 12. here is the path-lire of tlie. 15. .'. just are thy Kays, Knur of /. 16. (I they shed the blood of the t. 17. 6. drunken with Mood ol the t. 18. 34. In her waa hlood of the t. 19. & linen in tiyhleouMieM oft. 20. 9. com pasted the ramp uf the f SA1TH. See JRBI s. l..>ao, &c. SAKE. Gen. 8.21. not cnr-e gru. fi>r man's . I .'. 10. entreated At.ram for her t. la 29. I will not do it for forty's t. 31. not for twenty's i. || 32. ten's i. 30. II. will slay' me for my wife's t, 2.. 24. multiply thy need tor Ab.'s. 39. 5. blessed the Kiryutian' house Tor Joseph'* *. End. 18. a to Evpt for Nrael's *. 21. 2 free for eye's 1. 1| 27. tooth's .V;,m. 1 1. s!9. enviesl thou lor my t.f .'.\ II. he was (ealoiu for my t. I.vness' t 4.1. It for your t. sent t.i Kal.yliin 2V out transgression- for own t. 45. 4. fr Ja.oh's t. I have cailed W 9. for my name's i will I defer II. even lor mine own *. will I do ft*. I. for Zion' t. Jerusalem's t. ftl 17. return for thy servant" t. ff>. 5. cast you out for my name's A Jer 14. 7. dn tliou it for name's I. 21. do not abh'ir us fur name's t. Erek. 20. H but I wrought lor my name's ,. 14. 2-.'. 44. | 3fi. 2i Dan. 9. 17. shine on, lor the L.'s I. 19. d-fer not for thine own t. O G .1 .nnh I I-.', for my t. this tecr.|-est It Hie. a !2. Zionf-.r )ourt. he plowed Ht 5. II. evil againit yoiif.ir inyt 22. hated for my name's t. 24. 9 Mark 13 la /.uAe 21. 17 10. 39. he that loseth life for n.y I Dud it, -.6.2J. A/urA-n.35. L.9.)M SAL Vat H. 13. Herod had bound John for Herodiaa' s. MarkG 17. JJ 12. eunuchs Tot kingdom hea. >*. 2 .left lands for mv*. shall receive Imnlred Md, Mtfr.KJ.U9.Lu.l8.i9 Mnrk 4. 17. persecution for word's s. l.tike 6. 22. Past out for S, of man's i. Jtihn 12. 9. pt'o. came not for Jes.'s*. I:!. 38. lay down thy life for my 'f 14. II. else believe me for work's*. 15. 91. do to you for my name's s. A ts 9. 16. sulfur for my name's * 2(5. 7. hope's*. I am Hocused of Jews Horn. 1 23. wrltteo for his *. alone II. -28. they are enemies for your t. 15. 30. for I,. 1 * *. strive in prayers 1 C-tr. 4. 10. we are f.mls for Ch.'s*. !>. 23. this I do for the gospel's i. 2 Cor. 4. 5. your servants for Js. ' t. II delivered to death for Jesus' s. 12.10. pleas, in di-tresses,fi>rC.'s s Kpli. 4. 32. 6. for C.'s *. forijaveyou J'Ml I. '29. given to suffer for his s. Col. 1.24. for his body's t. the c ;urch 3. 6. things' s. writ h of G. rotneth 1 Thes. I. ft. men \ve were for your s. 5. 13. esteem them tor th. work's*. Philem. 9. yet for love's s. I beseech '. Pet. 2. 13. submit to every ordi- nance of man for Lord's*. 1 John?. 12. toriiiven for name's*. . 2 John 1. for truth's *. that dwelleth 3,/o/m7 for his name's*, went forth Rev. 2. 3. for name's . hast laboured Thif S\KE. Gen. 3. 17. cursed is ground for t. *. 12. 13. may he well with me for t. s. 30. 27. L. hath blessed me for thy .? P(f. 44. 22. for*. . killed, /Zom.8.3';. 69.7. for t. *. I have borne n>pr>>Hrh ha. 54. 15. ag. thee, shall fsll for t. t. Jer. 15.15. for t. *. I suffered rebuke John 13. 37. lay do,, life for % *. SAK.ua, Gtn '",. 26. spare place for their *. ,.,-,-. 20. 45. for their *. remem. cove Dent. 1. 37. Lord was anirry with ir. f.Tyour *. 3. 26. | 4. 21. Jiisfg. 21. 22. lavonrable for our i. Rii k I. 13. pneveth me for ymir*. 1 Chr. 1. 41. he reproved kiotfs for th.'ir*. Pxalm 105. 14. fait. 7. 7. for their return on high IO-i.32. went ill wi. Mos. for their jr. ha *!.). 8. so will I do for servant's *. Kxek. 36. 22. not for your *. O Is. 32. Dun. 2. 30. for' their *. niMM known Murk 6. 26 for their *. which sat John 11.15. glad lor your s. not there 12. 30. this vol.-e came for your . 17. 19 for their . 1 sanctify myself Horn 11. 28. beloved for father's . 1 Car. 9. 10. or saith he it for our .? 2 Cor. 4. 15. nil things are for your K 9. yet tor your t he became poc 1 Tln-ii. 'A. 9. we Joy for yo-ir *. bet. ft. 2 Tun 2. 10. endure all for elect's*. SALE. Ler. 2.V 27. let him count years of *. 50. price of*, according to years Dent. 18. 9. tha which cometh of*. SALT. OV. 19. 26. Lot's wifp became*. l.er.-i.\-\. wi. all thy offerings offer * !)>'<( * 23 whole land thereof is i. />.'./) '56'. d'ildrenof J.hadcityof* J:."lg. 9.45. city, and sowed It wi'h * S.nn. 8. I'}. Syrians in valley of*. 2A'ij. 2.20 !! cruse, put*, then-it 2>. went t.. spring, cast * in then .?. Amaliah l-w in valley of' \r. 000. I Chr. 1H. 12. 2 Chr. 25 II Erci tv ft have need "f, wheat, *. T 8S. . with it precri. how muc SAL Jnb Id unsavoury eaten without i.? Jer. 17. 6. inhal.it pliices in a*, land E*t>k 43.24. prirs.t ca-t . upon them 47. 1 1. mnrishes shall he giv.-n to . . . ortb shall i.e as *. pits ,'i 13. ye are*, of earth, if the*. Mark 9.49. sacrifice be salted with *. 60. A. is ifo.ul, but if*, have lust his saltness, have .. m yourselvc- Luke U. M4. *. i- irood. but if*, have Col. 4.6. let speech he seasoned wi. *. Jutn. 3.12. can yield wat. and fresh See Covi NANT. SALT sen. Gen. 14. a Vale ot Siddim, wh. is*. *. Sum 34. 12. iroiniis out be at . *ett Dent 3. 17. to . sea under Ashdoth Jush. 3. 16. waters (Mine toward *. . 12. 3. sea of plain, to *. * 15. 2. 5 | SALTED. C 18 l9 Ezek. 16. 4. thon wa-t not *. at all Mat. 5 13. wher.-with shall it be *.? Mark 9.49 .-\ery shall he s. with fin every sacrifice he . with salt SALTNKSS. Mark 9. 50. if salt have lost his t. SALVATION. Exod. 14 13. and see .the *. of the Lord, 2 Chron. 20. 17. Dent. 32. 15. esteemed rock of his *. 1 S af. 116. 13. I Will take cup of*, and call 118. 15. voice of *. in tabernacle of 119. 155. . is far from the wicked 132 16 I clothe her priests with *. 144.10. he that uiveth * unto kings I4!> 4 he Will beautify meek with*. ha. 12. 3 draw water out wells of*. 25.9. will he iflad and rejoice in hisr 26 1 . will God appoint for walls 33.2. be OIK r in time of trouble 6 knowledge, and strength of *. 45 8 earth open, let them bring . 17 Is be saved with everlasting*. 4fi. 13. place*. inZion.fof 1-ra 49. 8. in a day of *. I helped thre. 52 7 feet of him that pnhlisheth . 10 ends of earth shall see*, of G. 59 'll. we look for*. I- far from us 16. therefore his arm brought *. 17. put on helmet of*. n Ills head 60. 18. call thv walls*, gates prnlse l 10. cMhed me wi. garments, .f. 8AL lab. 3. 13. wentest lor t of tliy fMVK even ft>r*. with thine aiiointrd Zerh. . H. Kinit, Just, rtnd Imvinv . l.nke I.G1). raised op horn of f..r cm 77. to i(ie knowledge ot * tn peo. a 6. all flesh shall tee i of <.,! I!) !). J. said, . is conic to thi.- bonne John 4. 22. worship, . is nf ihe Jewe Arts 4. 12. neither is *. in ntiy other 13 2*3. to you is word ol this* sent 47 be for . to ends of the enith 16. 17. these men show us HJ of*. 28. 28. *. of I,IM| i. s.-iit to ItHiitileS Rum. I. 16 gospel power of (, to *. 10. 10. confession is made to i. 11. 1 1. fall, *. is cotne t.. ()e, tile. 13.11. *. nearer than wh we belier. i Cor. \. 6. comforted, i> for your *. 6. 2. in day of . 1 succoured theej now accepted time, now day of r. 7. 10. sorrow worketh repent, to *. Kph. 1. 13. ye heard gospel of vonr f. fi. 17. take helmet of * word iit Sp. Phil. 1.28. to you evident token of . 2. 12. work nut your with few 1 Thei. 5. 8. for an helmet hope of* 9. appointed tia to obtain *. by L. 1 Thi't. 2.13. N. h^th ch'> ; .en you to* 2 Tim. 2. 10. they mv obtain *. in C. 3 15. script. ble to make wise to *. Tit. 2. 1 1. grace of O. ih. krin|nfthft Heb. I. 14 them who be heir's ,,f *. 2.3. escape, if We neglei i BO great*. 10. make Captain of their * perfect 5. . hec;, me the Author or *. to all 6. 9. and things that a. company i. 9. 28. shall appear without sin to*. 1 Pet. 15. kept throuifh faith unto*. 9. end of your faith * of your -onls 10. of wh.*. prophets have inquired 2 Pet. 3. 15. long-snfferine of I- U*. .hide 3. to write t you nf common*. Her. 7. 10. to our G. || 19.1. *. to U 12. 10. now is come .. and strength My SALVATION. Ernd. 15.2. L. my um, become m.*. 2 Sam. W. 3. my shield, horn rtmf f. 47. and exalted he the rock of mf *. Piulm 18. 48. 23. 5. this is all m. all my desire Jnb 13. ia he also shall m\.\. in thn>. how shall "/.!" 5 andhlsl,.r%is^eatinrt* sis^ssBSi 1 : llatt. 3. a "'plv that 1 vowed... of U didt ride on chariot* of 407 BAM ft. 9. 13. O. hear roe \n truth of t. t. 49. let My i. set me up nn high 71.15. mouth si. ill shew forth t. household ..f Oneslp. Tit 3. 15. all that are wi. me, . thee P/iilrm. 23. there . thee Kp .phras H->>. 13. 24. f. them that have the rule over yon, they of Italy >. 9 John 14. our friends t thee SALUTED. J<"i?. la 15. the Danites /. Mlcah 1 Sam. 17. 23. David /. his brethren 30. 21. Dar. came to people, i. them Af'f*9. IV peo. running to J. t him Luke 1. 40. Mary entered, t. Eliab Act* 18. 22. Paul, when he /. church 21. 7. we came and f. the brethren 19. when Paul had /. James SALUTETH. Knm. 16. 83. and Kra-tn, . yon Col. 4. 10. my fellow.prisoner, . you 12. a servant of Christ, . you 1 Pft. 5. la church at Baby. t. you SAMARITAN. Luke 10. 33. hut a certain S. came 17 ic. giving him thank-, was A ft. John a. 8. art a 5. and hast a devil SAMARITANS. t Kin. 17. .'.) high pla< es S. had made Mat 10. 5 into citv of S. enter not Luke9. 5*. entered into village of S. JoA4.9.Jews have no dealings wi. S. 39 manvofS. of that city believed 40. the S. besought him to tarry Act* a 25. preached in villages of S. SAME. Judr 7. 4. r. shall gn, /. shall not go PiaL 102. 27. but thou art the ,. 1 1.1 a to going down of i. Mill. 1 1. Artt 24. 20. or let these *. here say fleb. I. 12. thou art the i thy years 8. 14. he likewise took part of i. La 8. Jesus Ch. t. yesterday, to-day .Set DAT, Hut; a. SAN SAXCT1FI CATION. I Tor. l.:t. who ol <>. is made tout*. 1 Tor*. 4. 3 Will of ight in heart, to i. 30. 17. every one not clean to . /. a ia i. the L. of hosts him-elf tf). 23. they shall t. H. O. of Jacob 66. 17. that i. themselves in gnrdens Kzek. 3fi. v.l I will i. my real name 7!. 2a I the Lord do i. Israel 3a 23. I magnify myself, i. myself 44 19. t. peo. with garments, 46.20. Joel 1. 14. i. ye n fast, 2. IV 2. 16. *. the congregation, assemble John 17. 17. t. them thro' thy truth 19. and for their sake* I i. myself Eph. 5 26. *. and cleanse the church I TA. 5. 2a rery G. of peace i. you Heb. I a 12. that he might t. people 1 Pet. a 15. but i. the Lord God SANCTIFIED. dim. 2. a O. blessed 7th day and t. it F.jrnd 1ft 14. Moses f. the people *l. 43. the tabernacle shall be i. Ler. a 10. i. the tabernacle, and all 15. t. the altar || 30. i. Aaron and 10. 3. I will be f. in them that come 27. l\ If he that *. it will redeem 19. and if he that i. the field will Num. 7. 1. . tabernacle instruments a 17. 1 1. the first-born of Israel Deut. 38. 51. because ye i. me not I Sam. 7. I. and i. Eleatar his son 16. 5. he i. Jesse and his sons 21. 5. though it were i. this day 1 Chr. 15. 14. priests and Levites i. 2 Chr. 5. II. all the priests were t. 7. 16. now I have t. this house, 20. 29. 15. fathered and t. theimelvet 17. i. house of the L. in eight days 19. all the vessels have we i. 30. a priests had not . themselves 15. Levites ashamed, i. themselves 17. many in congregation not . 31. ia set office they i. themselves \'H. a 1 built and t the sheep gate 12. 47. *. holy things to the Levites .tub 1. 5. Job i. sons and daughters /H /. Jutte 1. to them that re t. by dod SANCTIFIKTH. Mat. 23. 17. temple that t. the gold > 19. or the altar that t. the gilt ? //f/>. 2. II. both he that i. and they 9. ia if blood of bulls t to pwifylng SANCTUAHY. Erod. 15. 17. plant them in the t. 25. 8. and let them make me a i. 30. la give every one after the /. 36 I. all manner of work for i. .'!, 4. 3a 24. shekels after the shekels of the i. 25, 2fi. l.rr. 5. IS. | 27. 3, 85. Knm. a 47, 50. | 7. 13, 19, 25, 31, 37. | IK. 16. Lev. 4. 6. sprinkle blood before the . 10. 4. carry brethren from before /. 12. 4. nor come Into the i. till her 16. 33. make atonement for holy .. 19. 30. ye shall reverence my t. 'X .2. 21. 12. neither shall he go out ot tht (. nor prfane the .. of his (i Xum. a -& keeping (harite of the t 4. 12. wherewith minister in the t 10. 21. sefforward, bearing the >. la 1. sh. bear the iniquity ol the /. 3. not come niu'li vessels of the r. 5. ye shall keep charue of the >. 19. 20. he lihth denied i. of the I.r.rd Jush. 24. 26. set up a stone by the t 1 Chr. 9. 29. oversee inslrum. ol *. 82. 19. build ye the t. of the Lord 24. 5. divided for the governors of i. 28 10. to build an house for the .r. 2 Chr. vO. 8. built thee a t. therein 26. la go out of the t. for thou 1,,-ibt <9. 21. for a sin off-Ting for the t. 30. a yield to L. enter into his r. \'.>. according to purification of it. 36. 17. king of Bab. slew men vi i. Neh. 10. 39. where are vessels of . Pi. 20. 2. L. send thee help fr. the . 6a 2. as I have seen thee in the i 6M. 24. seen thy goings in the i 73. 17. till I went into the i. of O. 74. 3. enemy done wickedly in t. 7. they have cast fire Mcfthy .t. 77. la thy way, O 96. 6. strength and beauty in h t 102. 19. looked from height of In. ,. 114.2. Julah hist Isr. his .loin:rn..n 134. 2. lift up your hands in the t. 150. I. praKe the L. praise O in . Im. 8. 14. L. of hosts, fih. be for n *. 16. 12. he h. come to his t. to prny 4a 28. I have profaned princes of t. 60. 13. beautify the place of rr.y ... 63. 18. our adversaries trodden $. Jer. 17 12. from beginning is our*. Lam 1. 10. heathen entered her . 2. 7. the Lord hath abhorred his *. SO. shall prophet be slain in th ... 4. I. stones of the i. arc' poured out Ezek. 5. II. tho-i hast defiled my *. 11. 16. will he to them as a little t. 23. 3a defiled my t in the name ilny 42. 20. between t. and profane placo SAR i. every g..ing forth of*. 27. in day he garth iato .>-. 4.i. 3. be the (. and most holy place 47. 12. their waters issued out of *. 48. 8. I. shall be in midst of it, I0,il. Dun. 8. 1 1. place of his t. cast down 13. give i. to be trodden underfoot 14 Mien shall the f. be cleansed 9. IT. cause fare to shine ou thy j. 26. people shall destroy city and i. 11. :tl. shall pollute*, of strength Zf//A. 3. 4. her priests polluted the i. Ueli. 8. 2. a minister of i. tabernacle I. 1. first covenant had a worldly t. i. tabernacle which is called the*. 13.11. whose blood is brought into *. SANCTUARIES. Ltr 21.23. that lie profane not ray *. 26. 31. 1 bring your t. to desolation Jer. 51.51. strangers are come into *. Ezek. $. 18. denied i. by iniquities Ainos 7. 9. t. of Isr. sh. be laid waste SAND. Gen. 2->. 17. multiply seed as *. 32.12. 41 49. Joseph gathered corn as *. E.t"d. 2. 12. hid the Egyptian in *. DetU.33. 19. suck of treasures hid in *. Jtjth. II. 4. went much people as t. Judg. 7. 12. their camels were as *. 1 Sam. 135 Phil. gathered to fight as*. Sain. 17. 1 1. all Is. be gathered as t. lA'i'/i. 4. 20. J. and Is. are many, as*. 2. G gave Sol. larije. of heartas*. Jobd. a it would be heavier than*. 29. IS. I shall multiply my days as *. Psal. 78.27 feathered fowls like as*. 139. 18. more in number than the .y. Pro.27.3. stone is heavy,*, weighty /'/. 10.22. tin)' thy people Is. be as*. 48. 19. thy seed also had been as *. Jer. 5. 22. placed *. for bound of sea 15.8. widows are increased above *. 33. 22. t. of sea cannot be measured Hot. 1. 10. Israel shall be as the *. of the sea, Rom. 9. 27. llab. 1. 9. they gather captivity as *. .'>*,if. 7. 26. man built his house on *. fltb. 11.12. sprang of one many as t. Rey. 13. 1. I stood upon the*, of sea SO. a number of whom is as the *. SANDALS. Markd. 9. but be shod with *. put Actt 12. 8. gird thyself, bind thy *. SANG. Exod. 15. 1. then *. Moses this song Aunt. 21. 17. Israel *. spring O well Judg. 5. I. then t. Deborah and Bar. \Stiin. 29. 5. not D. of whom they*.? 2 C/ir. 29. 28. the singers*, trumpet 30. they *. praises with gladness If eh. 12. 42. the singers *. aloud Job 38. 7. morning stars *. together Psal. 106. 12. helieved words*, praise Actt 16. 25. Paul and Silas *. praises SANK. Xxnd. 15. b. they *. into the bottom 10. they *. as lead in mighty waters SAP Pi. 104. 16. trees of L. are full of*. SAPPHIRE. Exod. 24. 10. paved work of t. stone 28. la the second row a *. 39. II. Job 28. Iti. cannot he valued with *. Lam. 4. 7. their polishing was of*. Ezek. 1. 26. throne, appearance of* 10. 1. over them as it were a*. 2a 13. *. and emerald thy covering Ret: 21. 19. foundation of wall was*. SAPPHIRES. Job 2R ft. stones of it are place of*. Cant. 5. 14 ivory, overlaid with *. Ita. 54. II. lay thy foundations wL * SAKD1NE. Ra 4. 9. to : juk >ipuo like *. stone SAT SARD US. Efod. 2& 17. first row be a *. 39. 10. fc>eA.28.13. *. and diamond thy coyer. Rev. 21.20. sixth foundation was* SARDONYX. Rev. 21. 20. tilth foundation was B *. SAT. Gen. 31. 34. Rachel sat upon images Exod. 12. 29. Pluir. that *. on throne 18. 13. Moses*, to judge the people Judg. 20. 26. wept, and i. before L. I Sam. 1. 9. Eli *. by post of temple 4. 13. Eli *. by wayside, watching 1 Kin. 16. II. soon as he i. on throne 21.13. children of Belial *. before S. 22. 10. two kings*, each on throne 2 Kin. 6. 32. Elisha *. in his house 1 Chr. 17. 1. as David *. in his house Job 29. 25. I chose way, and *. chief I'sul. 26. 4. not *. with vain persons Jer. 3. 2. ways hast thou *. for them 15. 17. 1 *. not in assem. of mockers 36. 22. king *. in the winter-house Ezek. 3. 15. I *. where they *. 8.1. *. in my house, elders *. before 20. 1. came to inquire of L. and *. Dan. 2. 49. Daniel t. in gate of king Mat. 4. 16. people who*, in darkness 14. 9. for them which *. with him. Mark 6. 26. 26. 55. I *. daily with you teaching 58. Pet *. with servants to see end Mark 16. 19. *. on right hand of God Luke 7. 15. he that was dead *. up 10. 39. Mary *. at Jesus' feet 19. 30. a foil whereon never man *. John 4.6. Jesus wearied, sat on well Acts a 10.*. for alms at beautiful gate Rev. 4. 3. he that *. on throne was 14 14 one *. like the Son of man 19. 11. *. upon him called Faithful 19. war with him that *. on burse SAT down. Exod. 32. 6. people t. dotrn to eat Deut. 33. a they *. duii-n at thy feet Ezra 9.3. clucked hair,*, rf. astoniert 10. 16. i. down to examine matter -VeA.1.4. I *. d. mourned certain days Ruth. 3.15. king and Ham. *. d. drink Job 2. 8. Job *. d. among the ashes Ptal. 137. 1. we *. d. yea, we wept Cant. 2. a I * down under shadow Mat. 9. 10. many sinners came, *. rf. 26. 20. and he *. dmrn with the twelve, Lu/t. 1. a *. d. right hand of G. 10.12 SATAN. I Chr. 21. I. . provoked David to Job \. 6. *. came among them, 2. I. 12. *. went from presence of Lord Ptal. 109. 6. let *. stand at his hand lech. 3. I. *. standing at right hand 2. L. eaid to i. L. rebuke thee.O* Mat 4. 10. J. saith, get thee hence* 12 26 if *. cast out *. how shall his, Mark 3. 23, 28. Luke II 18 16. 2a get thee behind me, t. Murk 8. 33. Luke 4. a Mark i. 15. *. taketh away the word Luk* 10, 18. beheld *. ta lightning ial6. . hath bound eighteen year* 22 3. then entered *. into Judas Is. 31. Simon, *. desired to have you John la 21. after sp,* entered him Actt 5. 3. why hath *. filled th. heart 26.18. turn them ir. power >f*. to 1 Thfi. & IK. TOinr, l.ut i. hindered 277ic.2.'J. coming after working .,< * 1 Tim. 1. ri. whom I dehvere.i to *. 5. 15. some already turned altrr Rev. i 9. not Jews, but iynag of . la Satan's seat where i. dwnlletli 24. have not known depth* of ,. 3. 9. make them of synagogue ..i , 12. 9. dragon wasraat out, exiled . 20. 2. laid hold on drmgon, wh. is*. 7. *. shall be lonwd nut ol prison SATIATK, KD. Jrr. 31.14. *. soul of prints wl. fntn. 25. I have *. weary soul, replenith. 46. 10. sword shall be . with blood SATISFACTION. .Vum. 3'). 31. no . for life of murder. 32. uo *. for him tied for refuge SATISFY. Joi 3a 27. *. deso. and waste ground Ptal 90. 14. O *. us early wi. mercy 91. la with lonir life will 1 i. him 132.15 I will *. her poor with bread Pro*. 5. 19. let her breast *. thee & 30. steal to *. soul when hungry ha. 58. 10. thou *. the afflicted >al 11. L. shall cuide and *. thy tout Ezek. 7. 19. shall not*, their souls Mark S. 4 man *. these with bread SATISFIED. Ezod 15.9. my lust he i. upon them ter.26.26. ye shall eat, and not be i. Deut. 14. 29. fatherless eat and he *. 33. 23. O Naphtali, . with f..vour ./'('> 19.22. why are ye not i. wi. flenh ? 27. 14. offspring n..t be *. with bread 31. 31. of his flesh ! we cannot be *. l'ial.\~. 15. he *. with thy liki-ness 22. 26. meek shall eat and he *. 36. a they shall be *. with fatness 37. 19. days of famine they sh. be*. 59. 15. let them grudge if not*. 63. 5. my soul he*, with marrow 85. 4. *. with goodoes* of thy house 81. 16. honey out of rock I *. thee 104. la earth is*, with truitofthy 105.40. i. them with bread of heaven l'r,,r. 12.1 1. that tilleth land sh he * 14. a man he *. with good hy fruit 14. 14. a good man be*. IT. hiinHf 18. 20. a man's belly be*, with fruit 19. 23. he thi.t hath it shall abide . 20. la open eyes, and thou sh. !> i. 30. 15. three things that are never *. Eccl 1. a eye is not *. with seeing 48. neither in his eye *. with richet 5. 10. loveth silver shall not be *. 7*0. J). 20. eat and not be i. Mic. 6.14 44. 16. he roasteth roast, and Is *. .'.3. 1 1. see of travail of soul, be i. 66. II. be * with breasts of consola. Jer. 31. 14. people be *. wi. goodness 50. 10. all that spoil Chalde* he i. 19. soul be *. on mount Ephraim Artm.5.6. given hand to Kgy.tobe*. Krrk. lti.28. thou couldent not be*.<9. Amnt 4. a drink water, were not i. Hab. 2.5. he Is as death, cannot be*. SATISFIETH. r>T Ptal 103,5. mouth wl. good thmcs 107.9. he *. longing soul, mid lilleth 145. 16. and thou t. every thing Ita 55 2 labour for tht wh. *. not SATISFY! Prov. 13.25 right, eateth tr>*. >f sn Col. 2. 23. honour to the *. of flh S ATT KM'. Ptal 9 4. thou t. in tl rone Indgtr Ezek. 21.41. thou . ujon UU-I| r SAfYK S /M.1L I owls dwell, i. >. 45.7. O. sent me to*, your lives 7;nt ^> 4. the Lord (roeth to* you in.) there was none In t. her 28 2'. mud no man shall t. thee Judg. fi. 14. go in, thou h. i I.rael la. whtrewith shall I i. I.rael . 31 plend l.>r Haul!- willy.-, him* 91 it thou J Israel hy mini- hand 37. I knmv th:.t thou wilt i l-r-l 1 Sum. if. Ifv that he may * my people 10. *4. r. / the kiiifr '? Sam Iff K. 2 A In- life Job > 6. in thine hand, hut*, his life 30. 20 not . that which he d--.ir.-d 22. 29. he shall *. the humble person 40. 14. thine rijfht hand ran I. thee Pi. 20. !i. . 1.. let thr kin* hear us 15. 9. i. thy people. Jrr. 31 7. 37. 40. he >hall i. them, they trust 41. 3. neither did their arm t. them 60. 6. i. with thy right hand, 108. 6. 69. 3\ G. will t. Zion. huild Jndah 72. 4. he shall . children of needy 1:1 he shall t souls of the needy 76. 9. when O. anise to i. the meek 86. 2. O my Rod, /. thy servant 16. /. the son of thine' handmaid lOil.31.*. him fr. those that condemn 1 la 2.Y . I beseech then. O Lord 115. IP. hear their rry, and t. them Prnr. -M. 22 wait on L. hesh. t. thee lit. 35. 4. your Gud will t. yon 45. 110. pray unto apod th. innnot *. *i 7. he raniiut answer, nor i htm 47. l"i. wander, none shall * thee 41'. 25. saith L. I will*, thy children SO. 1. LordS hand is not shortened, that it rannot i. Kl 1. in righteousness, mighty to*. Jrr. 2. a ariae. il they ran i. thee 1 1. 12. ii"' *. them at all in trouble 14. 9. a miirhty man that rannot i. 15. 20. for I am with th.-e to*, thee, saith L. 30. 14. | 4*. II. 146.27. 90. la O Israel, I will ,. thee *a 6. flee, i. your lives, he like the t.-c*. a IR warn wirked, t. his life 31. t> therefore will 1 ,. my ork 36. 29. will i. you || 37. SO *. them Hot. 1. 7. hut I will i. them t>y the L. and will nut i them hy sword !3 10. is there any that may t. thee* tiii'j. I. 2. rry to thee, and wilt not . Z l>h. a 17. he will . he will rejoire 19 1 will i. her that halteth Z"->>. R 7. i. my pen. from the ea*t he 1- their God shall*, them in. 6. 1 will i. the house nf J.weph !>. 7. the L. shall tents of Judah Vat. 1. 81. Jesus, -hall t. his people 'fi. 2-Y whosoever will i. his life, Mark 8. 3V /.*< P. 24. | 17. 33 J& II. Son of man r..me to . that whirh was lost. J.. {*. not M d-troy, hut to I. tfl 35 . ilm.ell, if he be Christ :t7 i th.-ll I! 3> if Ch. i. thyself ./oAn 1247 Irainenotto juilire, In* .irtif. 40, I. yoiirelve Iroin ftenera r, 43. ri-iiturh.il. illinif to*. Pan' Mom. II. 14. if I mi.-ht i s..,,, ,,. Hi...n, I Cor. 9. Si I Cor. 1. 21. pr.'Hrhiii|f to . them 7. IA shall i hii-hiind. i. thy wife I Tim. I. 15 t hi. r.nne to t. inM..r- 4 Hi. in d-.iiii: thii ithalt > thy-elf HF'' 5. 7. to him lh.t w,i- al>le to ,. 7. 3?5. he I* ahle nl-o to *. them Jam. 1. 21. t- ahle to*, your souls 2. 14. not work-., ran I'aith *. him? 4. 12. who in aide to t. and de.tr. .\ 5. l.i. ptiiyer uf faith h. *. Ih.- aii-'k VO shall i. A son] from d> ath Juiie 1 and i.tln-r- r. with (car See ALIVE. SAVK me. 9 Kin. Id 7. *. me out of hnnd of kinr fiai. a 7. arise, O l>.irdj /. me O f.. 6. 4. *. me for thy mercies' sake, 31. IB. | 109 2ft 7 I. i. me(n>m them thnt p.-rji-riiir 31. 2. for hou-e of defence to*. nu> 44. fi nor shall my swurd *. me M. I. *. me, O God. hy 'hy name S-V 16. and the Lord shall *. me 57. 3. si-nd from heaven and * me M. 2. and . me from bloody men 6y. I *. me, for water* are co^i.e 71. 2. incline thine ear, and i. me a tiven commandment to *. me 1 19. 94. *. mr, I sought thy prerrpts 1*6. I rried unto thee. .' mr 138. 7. thy rlirht hand -.hah i. me I'n. 38. 20. the L. wan ready to *. me Jer. 17. 14. O I- . me, ai.d'l shall .V/*. ia3l. Mut II. 27. nor knnweth any the Father, i. Son [Mark 9. a 17. a sow no man. *. Jenus only, l.ukf IS 19. none is rood, * one. G. John C. 46. seen Father, *. he of God BAVBD, Gen. 47. 85. thou hat *. onr lives Esnd. 1. 17. . the men rhildren, 18. Sum. 22. 33. slain thee, *. her alive 31. 15. have ye *. the women alive? Judg. 7 2. mine own hand ha.*, me R. 19. If he had i. them alive 1 Sum v7. II. l>nvid i. neither man 2 .">. 10. and t. him-elf there Sett. . 27. (rave-t avioiirs, who t. Pi. 33. Ifi. no kinir is hy iniiltitude 44. 7. thou ha-t . u from enemies llx . I. Them for his rame' sake 10. . from htm that hated them /M. 43, 12. and have *. and aht.vrd 410 SAV /*o. 45. 22. b *. ,,11 ends nf the nrtk Jer 4. 14. wash thy It. art mayeot be, .miner .-i.di it, we me nut Mat I'J. vf5. wh.. tb.-n can be .' .Mark 10 -JH. I. like IX. 2ft 24. 22. there .h..ii!.i no rt. -h be i. A/or* IU. 20. r/.*rV3 : 27. 42. he j. other-, ,V,r*'I.S. 31 l.ttke |. 71. he . Irom our enemies 7. 50. th) taith hi.tl, *. thi-e. Is. 42, M. I.', lest llu-y heli.-ve KIM! be *. 13 23. L ar.- there lew that he .T .! fit, 3. 17. IL.it the World inivht He < 5. 3^1. the-.- I sa\ , that ye inifrht he*. .Mi 2. 47. 1. a.l.lf.i .in h as ,h... he 4. 12. no other name whereby he* la 30. sirs, wh..t Miu-t I do to be*.? 27. 31. except nhiiie ii. ship, not he I Horn, a 24. we ure t. hy hope I". I. for Israel, that they may be i. I Cor. 1. IN. to us who are t. of (iod .'.. 5. th.it the spirit may be *. 10. 33. of many, that they may be *. l\ 2. by which al-o >e are *. 'I Cur. i IS. sweet -avour in them I. h'jih. -I. 5. hy irr:ire ye are nirvd. a I Thei. 2. IH. (Jentil that they bet. i Tfirt. 2. 10 love .,f truth, '.hey he*. I Tun. 2. 4. will hsiv.- all men to he *. 7VI. 3. 5. nn ordniK to mercy he *. us 1 Pet 3. 20. wh. rein H snub were *. 4. 18. If the nuhl.-oiii M-xrrely be *. 2 Pet. 2. 5. hut /. Noah. 8tii person Rev. 21. 24. nations i. u xlk in light fiorfor iorrfSAVKl). E.rod. 14. X 1 . /.. l-r. 1 Sam. 14. 23. Heut.3S.i9. who is like th.-e. i. hy /..? I .Vm. 10. 19. rejerted (/'. who*, you t Kin. 14. i". /.. *. th. in h\ Jerohoam 1 C*r. 1 1 14. /.. * them hy deliver. 2 Cftr. 32. 22 thus L. i. Henekiah Pi 34. 6. /.. *. him out of tronl les 107. la L. i. them out of ditrese ha. 63. 9. anirrl *. them in his love > Tim. I. 9. God who hath *. us Juiif 5. the /,. ha v nit *. the people Shall or ,ha 1 1* S A V K D. Sum. la 9. ye *. he i. (rum enemies 2 Sam. 22 4. I ihall tie *. from mine enemi.-s. Pi. 18. 3. [7. IH Judah .. Ar *. 3,'t. Ifi. 3ft. 7. Jacob's trotil.le, but he*, bet. Mat 10. 22. that endiireth to end . be i. 24. 13. Mark la l.\ .*for* 16. 16. h.- that heli.-v.-th . 4. J/.An in. R by me he ihiill l,ei. Actl-i.*}. whosiM-ver shall rail on the Lord, *. he i. Horn. 10. 13. 11. 14. thou aud thy him-. .. Ar *. IV II. through ifr.ce we ihutt he I. 16. 31. believe on I.. J. and i. he I. Rnm. ft. 9. we ihall he i. from wrath III we ihall he i. by his life M. 27. l*f. a sand, remnant i. be t. 10 9. believe tt. raised him, *. be *. II. 26. so all |.ra.-l thnll he t. I C"T. a 15. hut he himse!f Keh. 4. 23. *. that every one put oft 7W. 20. 6. *. strength if rijrht hand Si8. a i s. strength of his anoiired 67. 2. *. hcallli among til nation* Eccl. ft. 11. i. the beholding of them Amos 9. S. *. I will not destroy Jacob Mat, 5. 32. I. for cause of fornication L\ike\. 27 none cleansed,*. Nanman Hfb. 10. 39. believe to *. of the soul 11.7. Nonh prepared an ark to .v. of Rev 2. 17. * he tliat receiveth it SAVIOUK. 2 Sam. 2i 3. my refuse, my >. 2 Am. la 5. the L. gave Israel a *. f.. 106 21. thi y format God their* /MI I!). 20. In- shall send them a . ia 3. I am the H. (). of Isr. thy t. 1 1. I am L. le>ide me there is nit*. 4ft. 15. hidest thyself, O God, the s z\. a just G. and a *. there is none f>0. 16. sh. know I the L. am thy *. 63. 8. roy people, go he was their* Jer. 14. a the t. of Israel in trouble Jlu.t. 13. 4. there, is no*, beside me Luke I. 47. spirit rejoiced in G. my* V. 11. born in the city of David a s. John 4. 42. this is Chr. t. of the world Acts 5. 31. him God exalted to he * 13. '23. Oiid raised to Israel a *. Je; Eph. 5. *3. Chr. is the . of the hod> J'/iit 3. 20. whence we lookforthei 1 Tim. I. I. commandm. of G. our * 2. 3. acceptable in sieht of G. our* 4. 10. trust in G. who is*, of men S Tim. I. 10. by appearing of our t. Til. I. 3. an onlinu to God our *. 4. peace from L. Jesus Chr. our * 2. 10 adorn doctrine of God our *. 13. glorious appcarinir of our *. 3.4. after kindness of G. *. appeare< 6. shed on us through Chr. our *. 8 Pet. I. 1. righteousness of G. our* II. kini'dom of our Lord and *. 2. 20. knowledge of our I., and*. J 3. '? the npostleg of the Lord and * la prow in knowledL'e of our *. C \Johnl. U Father sent Son to he * Jude 25. to the only wise G. our *. SAVIOURS. Keh. 9. 27. thou gaes.t them i. Obad. 21. *. shall lome up on Zion SAVOUR. Erod 5. 21. made our *. beahhorre< J.er. 26. 31. not . of sweet odour Ecrl. 10. I. ointment send stinking * Cnrtt. I. 3. *. of thy good ointment Ji,,l >. 20. his stink and his ill *. Mat, ft. 13. if the salt has lost his * Luke 14. 34 8 Cor 2. 14. maketh manifest the *. 1C. i. of (iealh unto death, *. of lif Street SAVOUR. Gen. 8. 21 the Lord smelled t. I. i'jod. 29. 18. it is *. *. Lef I. 9, 13 17. I 2. 9. | 3. 5. | 8. 21. Kum IS. 14. | 18. 17 I 28. a 25. for a *. an offering to the L 41. Lef. 2. 12. (3. 16. | 4. 31. I 6. 1.1, SI. | 8. 2K. | 17. 6. | 23. 13 A';n. 15. 7, 24. | 28. 5?, 6, 13 27. | -X. 2. 6, 8. Erek. I A 19. LCI: 23. 18. of n nreet *. unt the L Kum. 28. 24. | 29. 13, :'fi \rini. l.\ 3. make *. *. unto the L 28. 13. offerine of a *. *. f.'the Lord Kxefc. 6 13. where they did "ffer *-* 2fi. 28. MI.T" they made their*. *. M. I will accept you ivi. your*.* I Cur. 2. 15. for we are to G. a *. . EpA. 8. J. h sacrifice to (ii.d lor i *!// BllU'liilU' SAW .Vim* SAVOURS. >rn 6. 10. sacrifices of *. . to God SAVOUHK.ST. Vat. 16. 23. thou *. not (he thmiv that he of God, Mark a 33 SAVOURY. Ten. 27. 4. mke me . meat, 7, 14. 31. Esau hud mxde *. incut SAW. 'Sen. 6. 2. sons of G. t. daughters of 9. 23 they *. not || 22.4. Abraham >. 26. ?8. we . the !>. Was wilh thee E.rorf. 2. 12. he . there wat no man 10.23. they*, not one another 3 day: 24. 10. they *. the God of Israel, II \?. 21. * one another in the face .NVA. 6. Iri. when they *. these things Jl> tO. 9. the eye which *. him _!>. 8 the young men *. me, and hit 1 1. when the eye *. me, it gare Pt. 114. 3. sea *. it, and fled, Jonlai Cant. 3. 3. *. ye him my soul loveti Ezfk. 8. 10 so I went in, ,,nd *. Hag. 5>. 3. wlm amoog you *. house Mat. 2. 9. the star which they *. I-'. 22. ami dtimh both spake and * 17. S. tliey *. mi man, save JCMIS WrtrA: a 23. asked him, it he *. anvh Luke 8. 34. they *. what was done 47. when the woman i. that she 9. 22. were awake, they *. his glor 'i. 24. even so, hut him they *. nn .luhn 8. 56. Abraham *. my day 12.41 E*aias, when he*, his glory 19. 35. he that *. it, hare record .Mt !*. 8. eyes opened, he $. no man 12 3. and he *. it pleased the Jeu SA \V joined with Lord or God. di'ii. I. 4. G. *. the light it wasgoot 10. G. called dry land earth, <> * it WHS good, 12, 18, 21, 25, 31 Erod. .'). 4. /-. *. that he turned aside ' A 'in. 14. 26. L. i. affliction of Isr. ' Chr. 12. 7. the L. i. they humbled Inn. 5!) 15. L. *. it, it displeased him 16. /,. .. that there was no man Jonah 3. 10. God . their works 1 SAW. Gen 41. 19. such as / never*, in Eg 44. 28. and /*. him not since ,/f/rfff. 12 3. /*. he delivered me no I S.im. 28. 13 / gods ascending 1 A'm. 22. 19. / * the Lord on hi throne, 2 Chr. la ia Inh 31. 21. when / *. my help in gal I'ruv. ?4. 32. It. and considered it Ecrl 1. 24. this /*. from hand of G 8. 10. /*. the wicked buried Ezfk. Ifi. 50. them away as 7 *. ano< Hot. 9. 10. / *. your ath"rs as first. 13. Kphraitn, as / *. Tyrus John I. 32. f '. the Spirit desc.'ndin 48. under the fig.tr.e. It. thee //cfcVH. 13. / . * light from heavei i, nl. I. 19. "ther apostles *. / none 2. 14. when It. that they walked /.Yr. 1. 17. when / 1 him, I fell at SAW, S. 2 Sam. 12. 81. he put Ammonltt under t. I Cfiron. 20 3 ha. 10. 15. shall . magnify ag. him SAWKH, N. I A'i'n. 9. c..ily -tones .i. stave Heb. II 37. they "ere *. aiunJer SAWEST (.'cri. -(>. 10. i. Ihoii dune this thing 411 SATf Ham. 10. R. * It and <1,,,, it, 2H. la be not afraid, lor what I. i Sam. 18. ||. J,,ab >id, th.-u * hiu 7>un. 2.34. thou i. till a t..ne, U SAY. en. 34. 11. what ye sh. t. tome, IS. 37. 20. j. Mime Leant devoured him 41. 16. what Khali Wei t.. my I . ra A'/. 22. 19. know what the I., will . l>mt. 31. 17. they will*, in that dav Joh 22. 28. when they should * '-trig. 7. 1 1. shall hear wl.Mt they *. Ham. 21. 4. what you shall t. that 1 AIM. I. 36. the L. G. ,,t my |,, r d , 2. 17. for he will not t. Hi. e .:. J>ra 9. 10. O O. what .hall we ..? Jo69. 12. who will . t.. him. what dost thniif / 37. 19. teach us what we Khali . 7*a. 44. .V one sh. *. I am the I ord't :>H. 9. and he shall *. here I hm ./rr. 14. 17. therefore th.,n -I,;. It .. V3. 7. *. no more the Lr<1 hveth 3!i. 12. even as he shall >. unto thee 42. 20. according to nil L. shell > Ezek. 13. 7. ye *. the Lord ..aith iv Mil- a II. i. is not L. xmong us P 7.,-,-h. II. 5. them, they *. I Hm rich Mat. a 9. think not In ... in y..iir selves, Luke 3 8 13. 51. understood! 1 they *. >ea, L. 16. 15. but whom *. ye that I am I Mark a 29. Lute 9. 20 21. 3. *. ought to you, ye shall *. 1C.. *. to him, heart si what lln-se jr.? ifi. but if we shall*, ol men. M,uk II. 32. l.ittr ill I'. 23. a works, for tht y >. and do i.ot Murk 1. 44. see thou i. nothing to John 8. 26. man\ things to *. 16. 12. 54. whom ye *. that he is >mir G. /M.v21. 23. this that we *. lit the 2a IK something to *. unto Ihee 6. 22. none but what Moses did t. 1 Thei. 4 15. this we t to yon by I* Hfb. S. 11 we have man) tlnu-s ii.. Jam. 4. 15. for that ye ought to *. See Ri i.'s. SAY, Iit.pmiti ely. Prof. 30. 9. and *. who is the Lord f Int. 43. 9. or hear, and *. it is truth Zech. 1. 3. *. unto them, turn ye Mat. 21. 3. *. the Lord hath n-d of them, .Mft II 3. Lvkel. 1. *. in a word, my srrvut 7 SAY. A\rW. a 13. what shall 7* to them ? 4. 23. 7 * unto Ihee, I. t niv -> i o 6. 29. speak all that 7 < un'o thee, Ksi-li. 44 5. ,//rf^. 7. 4. /*. this shall go w tth tL. e 7.va. 38. 15. what shall I i't h<- hath Erek 2. 8. hear what 7 *. ui7^A. 4. 17. i'J. 2. 4. Cal. \. i>. before. MI . / now again Heti. 11. 32. what shall i n\urv *.t /SAY tint; vit f Kin. 8. 18. did 7 not' n y. go not? A/. all thai thou i unl . n c 1 A';. 18. II. and now th-u f '4. AVA. fi. 8. no such tlnnf H'"" .//. 22 la Hi. how .l.ilh li koonf /'rc. 24 12. if I h. .u . L. hIJ 7>u. 40. V7. wh . lh..u, O Jto* 45. a Hut*, u U."" "."l ' SCA Hat. Tl 11. J. .nd unto him. thoa .Wfir. 15. 2. /.u 23. a y.^n !* OT John I. 22. what . ili..u of thyself? SAYlNli. [>u/. I. 23. the /. pleaded me well { S.on. 19 8. the displea.-d Saul 2 .Sam. 17. 4. the . plea-ed Absalom I*, shall we dn after his i. ? if not 24. 19. Dav. accord, to *. of O.went 1 A't't. 2. 38. Shim.'i laid, . is gind Iz. 15. might perform his t. by Ahij 13. 4. Jerob. heard . of man of i',o,i IS. 2. according to the >. of the I, 2 A'iur IU 17. [2 King* i. 22 K 14. according U. the i. of Elijah, 8 Km. -V 14. aceor. to*. of man, a i. Eith. I. 21. the i. pleased the kin? i'> 49. 4. I will open dark / on harp J'ina/i 4 2. this m v *. *h. in country M'tt l\i* were offended fter thi- *. 19. 11 all men cannot receive this*. A/.jr* 7. 2J. for this . go thy way 6. U. kept that f. with themselves 32. b-it they understood not that t. L uke 2. 50. | 9. 45. 10.82. be Wat sad at that t. an I went Luke \. 29. she was troubled at his * j. I*, they made kauwn abroad i. .45. they fear,-d to ask him of th. *. 18. 31. this i was hid from them JvAa-1.37. herein I. true, ooe so wet h :5J. many believed for i. of worn 4.' 6. 60. tin's is hard . who ran hear r 7.36. what manner of*, th. hesaidP 8. 5i. I say, if a man keep my f. 5i. 5.V I know him and keep hit i. 1 .' 38. the . of K-aias he fulfilled 1 Y-fll. kept my th. will keep yours la9. . ofJes. muht be fulfilled. 3-'. I'.'. H. Pilate heard * he WHS afraid SI. A went i abroad among tireth. Jet* 6. 5. i. pleased the multitude !;. 36. keeper told this *. to Paul /. 13. 9. comprehended in this i. 1 Cor. 15. 54. b brought to pa^s *. 1 TIM. 1. 15. thin is a faithful *. 4. 9. 2 rim. 2. ii. r< 3. a 3. 1. thin U a true t. if a man desire SAYINU, Participle. Mat. SB. 4/4. prayed third time*. same AcU 26. 22. *. none other things than SAYINGS. yum. U.fc Mos. told those t. to peo. 2 ( Ar. la 22. Ahijah's . are written 33. 19. written among . of the seers JVil 7H.il will utter dark i. of old Fr**ol 7. 24 and whoso heareth these . 26. Luke 6. 47. X.uAr I. 65. all the>e *. noised abroad i. 51. mother kept the-e. in heart 9. +4. let these *. sink into your ear- John U.aVlnveth not, keepeth not j. Act* 14. 18. with *. scarce restrained 19. 28. hearii r were full of wrath Hum a 4. raightest he justified In . W. A. these *. are faithful and true 7. bles.ed that keept-th . of book 10. seal not *. of prophecy of book SCAB. Let. 13. 2. have in skin of flesh a *. & it in hut a t. || 7. if the *. spread 14.51V this is the law fora*. Dfut. 28.27. L. will umite thee wi. *. 1*0. a 17. L. will smite thee with a*. SCABBARD Jer. 47. 4 put up th\.-if into thy*. SCABBED. Ler.M.VQ. scurry or not approach 22. -O. or *. be shall not offer to U SCAFFOLD. I CAr. 6 1J. Sol. had made braten t. SCA SCALES. Lrr. U. 9. th hare *. eat, Deut.\\S 10 no i not eat, !, Dent. 14. 10 7oA 41. l-x hia / .ire hi pride, sliut 1.' weighed mountains in i Eiek. . 4. IMII->- fish to Mick to *. Act, 9.l8.frll fr. e\e- a it had been * BCALETH. Prut. 21. 22. a wi-e man *. the city SCALL. I rr. 13 30. it is a dry r a leprosy 31. plague of*, not deeper tliHn'tne kin. ~hut him up that hath* 33 33. shared, hut * sh. he not shave 14. M. law of all leprony and *. SCALP. PtaL 68. 21. O. hall wound hairy *. SCANT. A/ic. 6. 10. . measure is abominable SCAPE.OOA F. Ste GOAT. SCARCE. Gen. ft. 30. Jac. . gone from father /irt* 14. la sayings *. restrained peo. SCARCELY. Rnm. 5. 7. * for riirht. man one die I Pet. 4. 18. if righteous *. be saved SCAKCENKSS. Devi, a 9. Shalt eat bread without *. SCARES!. Job 7. 14. thou *. me with dreams SCARLET. 'en. 3%. 28. bound a *. thread, 30. Ejcod. 25. 4. blue, and purple, and *. 2A I. 31, 3R. | 27. 1H. | . 5, , 8.15. | 35. 6, 23, 25. | 38 18,21 Xum. 4. a spread on them cloth of*. Jink, 'i la bind *. thread in window .' Sam. I. 24. S. who clothed you in*. f'r.,r. 31. 21. household Hothed wi *. L 4. a lips are like a thread of*. ''. I. 18. though your tins be as *. '.am. 45. that were brouirbt up in*. ')nn 5. 7. be clothed with *. 16. 29. . .'. 3. the valiant men ure In *. V'i/. 27.2S. they put on Jes. a *. robe 1rf>. 9. 19. took water, and *. wool Ren. 17. 3. a woman sit on *. beast la 12. no man bnyeth merch. of*. Ift great city that was clothed wi.*. SCATTER. ten. II. 9. thenre did Lord *. them 49. 7. diride in Jac. *. them in !sr. [.T.26 33. I will *. you amo. heathen Vum. 16. 37. take censers, and *. Ore 3eut'4. 27. Lord shall . you amonir heathen, 2H.64. J*r.9.l6. Kz.&. 15 32. 26. I would . them into comers A'I'H. 14 l.i * them beyond river NVA. I. a If ye transjrress, I will * ftal. 59.11. . by thy po i-er. O Lord 6a 30. *. people that deliirht in war 10A. 27. lifted up hand to *. them 144. 6. cast lightning, and *. them >

    . j Deut 30. 3. whither L. hath i. thee 1 Sam. II. II. the Ammonite* w*fe la a tin- people were i. fro>n S iui 2 Sam. IS. S. battle *. over country 22 15. sent out arrows, and *. them, /*. ia u. [.' chrm. ia :& 1 A'int,'.' 22. 17. and I saw all Israel . 2 Kingi 25. 5. his army were *. from him, ler b>. 8. VfA. a a certain people *. abroad .''' 4. 11. stout lions' whelps nre *. 18 15. brimstone be . on hinhal it* /'/' H 11. *. UK among heathen, (> I 5a5. G. *. bones of him th. encamp 68. 14. when Almighty* kings in it 89. 10. thou hast *. tlnrir enemies 92. 9. workers of iniquity -hall I.e 141.7. bones are* at graves' mou'h ha. ia 2. go ye to a nation t. pe. !,-( 7. present be brought of people j. 33.3. lifting thyself, nations weie i. Jer. 3. 13 hast t. ways to strangers 10. 21. and all their flock shall be f. 2:1 2. ye have *. my flo. ks, away 30. 11. end of nations whither 1 1. th* 31. 10. he that I. Ix. will gather him 40. 15 that Jews should be *. and 50. 17. Israel is a *. sheep, driven EreJc. 6.8. wh, ye be . thro' country 11. 16. tho* I *. them, he sanctuary 17. 21. they that remain shall ne *.' 29. 1.1 Egyptian* gathered whither*. 34. 5. flork *. because no shepherd 6. my flock was *. on face of earth 12. th. have been *. in cloudy days 21. pushed disease till have *. them 36.19. 1 *. them among the heathen 46. ia that my ptpiple be not *. Joel 3. 2. plead for peo. whom they*. S'lh. 3. 18. people is *. on mountains HaA. 3.6 everlasting mountains *. ZecA. 1.19. horns vrh. they have *. 21. 7. 14. I *. them with whirlwind I3.7.smite shepherd, the sheep be *. Mat. 2f>.3l. Mark 14. 27. A/af.9.36 *. a; sheep having no sh.'p. I.ukr I. 51. i. proud in imagination Ji,hn 11. 52. gather children were*. '16. 32. hour cometh ye shall be *. let* 5. 36. obeyed Theuda* were i. 8. 1. were*, thro* regions of Jii'tva 4. were*, went preaching, 11 lit. Jam. I. 1. twelve tribes that are *. 1 Pet. 1. I. strangers *. thro' Pontus SCATTERETH. JoH 37. 1 1 the thick cloud he 3a 24 which . east- wind on earth PtaL 147. 16. he*, the hoar-frost /V.,r. II. 24. that *. yet inrreasnth 2. a king *. away evil with eyes 2ft a wise king the wicked' fin. 2*. I. L. /. inhat.itants of earth Mat. 12. 30. he that eathereth not with me, *. abroad, l.ukr 1 1 v.'i, Jnha 10. 12. wolf catcheth, *. sheep SCATTERING. Im. 30.30. L. shall -how anger wi. * SCENT. M 14. 9. thro' j. of water it will hud Jer. 48. ll.*his *. is not changed 'to*. 14. 7. *. thereof a wine of Leb. SCEPTRE. ten. 49. 10. *. not depart from Jadah \'im 24 17 i. shall rise out of Is. f:. SCIENCE. Dan. 1. 4. in wisdom, understand, i. 1 Tim. 6. 80. avoiding babblings of i. SCOFF. Hob. 1. 10. they shall .*. at the kings SCOFFERS. 2 Pet. 3. 3. in last d:iys it. walking SCORCH, ED. Mat. 13. 6. they were /. Mark 4. 6. Ren. 16. 8. power was given to t. 9. men were /. with great heat SCORN, Verb. Job 16. 20. my friends s. me, mine SCORN. Esth, 3. 6. *. to lay hands on Mordecai Ps. 44. 13. thou makegt us a /. 79. 4. Hal>. 1. 10. the princes shall be a s. See LA ('<.(! [.!>. SCORN ER. Pros. 9. 7. that reproveth a t. getteth R reprove not a*, lest he hate thee 13. 1. but a t. heareth not rebuke 14. 6. s. seeketh wisdom, findeth not 15. 12. s. loveth not that reproveth 19. 2ft. smite t. and the simple will 21. 11. when f. is punished, simple 24. /. is his name, dealcth in wruth 22. 10. cast out s. and contention 24. 9. the i. is abomination to men /.-a. 29. 20. the t. is consumed, and SCORNERS. Proa. 1. 22. how long will t. delight 3. 34. surely he scorneth the /. but 13. 2C. judgments are prepared fur /. Hut. 7. 5. he stretched hands with s. SCOKNKST, ETH. Job 39. 7. he /. multitude of the pity 18. she t. the horse and his rider Prnv. 3. 34. surely he t. the scorner 9. 12. if/, thou alonp shalt hear it 19. 28. ungodly witness /.judgment Ezek. 16. 31. harlot, in that thou *. SCORNFUL. Pt. 1. 1. nor sittetu in seat of the *. Prm: 29. 8. >. bring city into snare ha. 28. 14. hear w..rd of the L. ye *. SCORNING. Job 34. 7. who drinks t. like water? f*.123. 4. filled wi. i. of those at ease Prov. 1. 22. and scorners delight in *. SCORPION. Luke 11. 12. will he offer him a /.? fiet). 9. 5. their torment was as of t. SCORPIONS. Dent. 8. 15. thro. wil 3. | 10. 4. l.nkf 2'.'. .'f- r v 1 srnt y'ii without *. 3. let him take his punse and /. SEA SCRIPTURE. Mark 12. HI. have yi . , r ,. u ^ fhi , t 14. ,. was ultilled whirb aith fS*>*l.tMdjyUUlUl fulfilled Juhn /. ). they believed the / ;*, hl4th , "'" ' ''". < " cometh f U. .15. aiid the /. cannot be broken 15. .ii. another i saith, they ,huH Acti 1. 16. this /. mut needs have S. J* the place ol i. which he read 3a. Philip began at the same i nut &OM. 4. a wh. aithi. \\.y.UnH :i !). 17. the/ saith. In. 11.17', Oaf. J. 8. the / f.ireseeimi thai (;,( 22. hut the /. hath con.luded all 2 Tim. 3. 16. /. is by inspiration of O. /m. 1.2 afore by prophets in holy -. 15. 4. thro' comfort of *. have hopa 16. 2G. and by the /. made known 1 Cor. 15. 3. Christ died accord, to /. 4. Christ rose according to the /. 2 Tim. a 15. from child hast known/. 2 Pft. a 16. as they do also other /. SCROLL. Isn. 34. 4. heavens ih. b rolled ai/. Hev. 6. \t. heaven departed as a*. SCUM. Ezek. 24. 6. woe to t!ie pot whose /. 11. that the /. may be coiiHitncil 12. her /. went out, her /. in fire SCURVY. LIT. 21. 20. none sh. appear that i< *. 22. 22. the *. or scabbed ah. not offer SEA. 1 JCin. 7. 2a a molten t. 2 Chr. 4. 2. 39. set *. on riL'ht side of house 2 Kin. 16. 17. Ahaztook down the >. 2ft. 13. the /. did Chaldert break, Ifi. 2CAr. 4. ft the /. for priests to w H^I Jer. 27. 19. saith L. the pillars and*. SEA. Erod. 14. 1ft. stretrh hand over* 27. 21. Lord caused the /. to uo haek, made the /. eitt. 30. 13. nor is it beyond /. M. 24. 7. he brought I. upon them I A'm. 10. -f>. king had at *. a navy 18 43 go up. look toward the i. 1 Kin. 14 26. he restored con-t to <. 1 Chr. 16. 32. let the t. roar. Pint 9ft 1 1 | s. 7. 2 Chr. 20. 2. multitude air. beyond /. .V, A. !'. II. thou didst ,iiviile. went through the* JoA2fi It /W. 71. 13 | 7R 13. Jtr. 31. 3ft. Jnb^. 12. am 1 a?||3R K. or .hut*? 1 1. 9. measure U broader than the *. 14. II. B the water" fail from i 28. 14. the /. saith, it i not with m 41. 31 he maketh the /. like * pot ,; he turned I to dry MM ive dominioii fn-m ,,verl..'lllieilllleirel.,-lll!rt 104. 25. so if this gn-nt 4 SEA P *L ItT 23. go down to *. 'n ih'p- 114. 3 lh i. ,.,w .1 , .> U th.i . i Prop, a . he gave 1. 1 * i,i- i ,-re. /ra II 9. Mater- c'.veri Hub. -I. H Id 9. bi mil-lie* are stretched uvei i 111 5. waters -hull fill from the 23. 2. iii'-rciiauti in ill. pi->ovi'i 4 lie ashamed, the i hath p.>k.-i> II tie Htielriied his hand ver t 84. 14 they -|M!| 'TV aloud (nun * 4.' 10. sing tn I. ye lliHt it" In t. l. > lrv up hen. and mak. 4i. Hi.- i i* rome up upon H.ihyl.ii Lam. 2. II thy i.reurh is . re..t like . F.rrk. 2v 3. the t caii*eth his wave- U'ln 7. 3. xrent I.ea-t- rame lrm i <4wif a!2. shall wan.ler f nun . I... J<-ifih I II. d.i. that i iii..v hecalin> Hie. 7. 12. h- -hall ...inetr.. . to* N'.M. I. 4. he rel.ukelti the t and Hot. 3. a wrath ;w.un-t iliat .lid-t 1 j. th.iu 'li'l-l w .ilk through Hie , War. -i. ' Ishakeheav .earth, ai.d * Zeck.9. 10 his d .minion from * to* in 1 1. he ihall p.i-s thr. .ugh Ih- Mat. & 2A. be arose Hiid rel.uked * 27. and* obey him, .War* 4. :>. 41 33. l.i lor ye i ; i..np.t~s /. and laud Luke 21. lib. the*, and ware* marine Acti'fl. 40. riiinmit. t hem-elves t" 28. 4. though he h.ith e-c..ped the . 1 Cor. 10. I. lather* pas-e.l through / Rev. 4 6. before throne was a *. .if 7. 2. was (riven to hint enrth and *. la 6. who created . thing* therein 14. 7. worship him that made the t. 15. 2. I saw * 4. f g:*sit, mingled in. I a and the i. Rare up the dead 21. I. and there was 110 mure . By the SEA. Erixi. 14. 9. them enrampinir AV the*. *. 17. II. Israel as sand by Out. \ Kin. 5. 9. I will convey them by At t. 2 Ckrom. t. 16. Tta. 18. 2. land >endrth amt.axsa.6y i. Jer 46. la as Cartnel A v the i. m in. Murk \. \. multitude wait >>v the*. Rm. la 17. many as trade by the t. See COAST, (!i AT In and intfi thr SKA. Erod. 15. I. hor-e and rider in. tt> 4. Pharaoh's h..-t he mt into the*. FtaL 77. 19. thy way in the i. thy 99 25. I will set hi- hand in the I. KrrL I. 7. all riven run into thr I tn. 43. 16. U, m.iketh way in the t E*ek. W. 17. rity wtrong in thr* la islw that are in fAei shall be 47. 8. waters BO int., Ihr -ni which brought f..rth into 'he *. Jonah I. 4. a mighty tempest in the t. l and ra->t me into thr i 15. Zffh. 9. 4 -mite her p.iwer in. tht t 10 II. shall smite waTex into the I. Hat. H 24. roe * tempest in the*. 13. 47. king iom t hexveii is like a net rant into the i. [II. *X 81. ?l. be thou rust into the i Murk Hark 9. 4<. were raM into I l.u 17.5?. y.i^r* 17. 6. be tin. n planted in t>ir i l. 7. Pet rat him.elf intthe*. 3a st out wheat inln thr i 41 they nut themslve- into the *. * Cor. 1 1. -X. in peril- in the t. Jam. 3. 7. beat. and Ihrnt'* in thr i fr*. 5. 13. every rrenture in thr t. ID 3. every tiring soul died in the $ SEA Of the SKA. Urn. 1. 2& li dominion over the Ash of thr t. VH. /'. 9. Z fear , .-liter..! into -prill*, ,'it Me , P*.33 ~. he KBtlirreth water- ',,ftfi r , 'a*i I hriiiK peo. from depth- uft i 9P. 9. tho.i rule-t th.- rgii. nfthe* Sit. 4. U mightier than WaVe-o/d i:<9.9.dtvell ii: uttermost parts oft.i. hn. 5. 31). lik<- tlie roaruiK of thr t. 9. 1. m.rt her l.y t..e way ofthft. m.rt.l,r. he as sand nft. i. Hoi. I I" V3. t even strength oft. *rRotn<:*~. 51. 10 hath mad.- the depths ufihei. CiO. 5. ahundanre of the t. shall he '3 1 1. brought them up out ofthe*. ./er. 5. . nd for the Ixmnd n] thr i S3. . neither aud #>. Ifi prince- o/<. / shall .-ome i7. 3. T\ru. lit the entry ofthft. 9. the ships n/Mc > were in thee 38 VO. the fishes .,/Mr i si. ohake //<. 4. 1 8he- of thr i. sh. be taken Amu* 5. 8. ralleth waters nt'thriV <. 3. hid from sight in bottom .ft* Mir. ~. 111. r'Mii intdepth-o/<.. Hnk I. 14 men a the fi,he> <./&<. 7,ruh. I. 3 1 will ronsiimi' fishe- of >. .Vfiit 4. 15 by wy . Lam. i. 3. even the t.-m. draw out See Ktn, SALT, SAND. SKA.A//re. Cm. 22. 17. thy need as sand on *.-*. Erod. ia 30. Kgypii. dead upon *..*. Jiah. 1 1 4. nune a< land upon i.-i. JuHif.!> 17. \sherrontiimed on *.-*. \ S'im. 13.5 Philistin. snnd on . j I A'in 4. 29. heart a sand on t.-i. Jrr. 47. 7. a charge against the t -i. Het. II. 12. many. a< sand by *.-t. SEA-tide. Drvt. I. 7. tur i ye, and iro by ._. .lniie~. K. Midixn. lay a sand by ... 2Cnr. 8. I". Sulomnn went totlie>... Mat 13. I Jesin -at t>y the t..riite Mark t. 13. he went again by the i -t. 4. I. he began to teach hv the *.-*. Act* 10. 6. Simon, whose house is by SF.AS. [f.w 3V. Gm. I. 10. gather, of waters called t. ti. and fill the waters in the *. Drat. Si 19. suck of abundance of . h N. fi th.ui h nt ni-,.d.' th.' i. mid 111 IS. rich all that had ships in L i.\ 1'iaL a 8 paiMth thro' paths of r. 414 SEA rial. 24. 2. he founded it upon the i Mllletll the llISe III the -t the f. prai-e him, and 135. A what U pleased, riid he in i In. 17. I-', a noi:.i- like noise of the* Jrr. 15. -.widows are a'...ve sand of . /.>rA - . '^7 4. horder- are in mid.-t >.f *. V5 iiiadeiilorioii. in mnl-t of the . VK. in the mid-t of the f *7 34 2R i in seat of C, in midst of the f. a are -lain in the miil-t of the . Dan 1 1. 45. tuber, of palace betw. . ./.,n./n i. 3. i-a-t me into midst ol i. Acti .'7. 41. piar.- where two t met SEAL. I A'iV2l. H. Jeie. sealed wi. AlinbV I ./o'. 38. 14. turned a- rlay to the .. 41. 15. si-ales are shut with ados. . (Vint. 8 6. as t. on heart, ax*, on aim John 3. 33. set t.. ln-< that G. istr.ti! K't'i. I. II. i in HIM at. of right. OIK. I Cor. 9. 2. the*, of mine apostle. hip 2 Tim. V. 19. bavin* this >. the I.or.l AVr 6. 3. the er. i || 5. the third j. 7. tlie fourth t. || R the filth i. 12. when he opened the sixth i. 7. '-'. havinv the i ol the living (i.1 a I. when he opened the seventh t. 9. 4. hurt those that have not t. of iO.3. shut bin? op, set a r upon hi-n SEALS. /fee.. 5. 1. 1 saw i.o..k sealed with 7*. 5. 1 .ion ol Juda prevailed ti. loo-i- *. 9. thou art worthy to open tlie <. ti. 1. the Lamh opened une ol the t. SKAL. Srh. 9. 38. princes and priest* J. 10. 1. l.'n. 8. 16. /. law ..III..TIK my disciples ./cr.31 44. subscribe evidences,*, the in l)'in 9. v4. 70 weeks to t up vision li. 4. O Dan. shut up w..rn* t. hook /Zee. 10, 4. *. those thin^7thunden '.'. 10. *. not sayiDiT- of prophecy EALETX /Jru/ 3J 34. is not this *. among ? I A'in. 21. (t. letters werej. wi. AliaH's K*th 3. 12. i. with king's ring, 8. a 7A 14. 17. transgression in a h.ii; Cant. 4. 12. my spouse is fountain t. /wi. 29. 11. \inion an words of book . ^cr. 32. 10. I subscribed and i. i-vi.t. /Jan. fi. 17. the king t. it wilh Mvm-t IV. 9. word- are i lotted up, and t. John A. 27. him hath (i. the Father*. Mom, 15. 28. when I have i. to them '. C r. I. -fl. who hath i. and given f^*. I 11 ye were*, with I inly Sp. 4. 30. wher.-hy ye are j. to day Rn. 5. I. abMik t. with seven eal* 7. 3. hurt not earth, till '. servant! 4. I heard the number of them t. 5. of Judah were t. 12.1100, fi, 7, 8. SKA LEST, KTH. l^. and lake them Zeph. 1.12. I "'ill i. Jeru. wi. randies Mut. 2. a s. dilU'en. lor young child Jnhn 5. 39. t. scriptures, they t- stily 7. 52. f. out of (iul iiriseth no prop. SEARCHED. Gen. 31. 34. Lahau -v. found not, 35. Num. 13. 21. went up. and t. hind 32 brought evil report of land, n. 14. 34. after number of i!:iys s. land Deut. 1. 24. came to Kchcul. and*. \\ Job 5. '27. we t. it, know it for good 28. 27. he prepared it, and t. it out 29. 16. cause I knew nut 1 x. it out 32. 1 1. whilst ye s. out what to say 3a 26. numr.er of his years be *. out Putl. 139. 1. O Lord, thou hast . m Jer. 31.37. foundations ol earth s. out 46.->3. forest, though it cannot be. s. 0/iarl. 6. how things of Esau s. out Acts 17.11. Hereaiis t. the scripture; 1 Pet. 1. 10. prophets *. diligently SEARCHES!'. ETH. 1 Chr. 28. 9. the Lord*, all hearts Job 10 6. that thou s. after my sin 28. 3. and he . out all perfection 3 1 .). 8. he s. alter every green thing Pror. 2. 4. if thou v. as fir treasure 18. 17. neiirht'Our cometh, all< * * h' m 28.11. poor th hath uuderstan. f. ou Tf'im. 8. 27. that .v. kiiowsmind of Sp 1 Cor. 1. 10. the Spirit s. all things Keo. 2. 23. 1 am he -i hich jr. reins SEARCHING, S. Num. 1325 returned from t. of Ian Juda.f>. 15. for division* of Reuben 7oA II. 7. canst thou hy *. find . wi. hot iron SEASON. Gen. 40. 4. th. continued a t. in war J?.rorf. 13. 10. keep ordinance in his* Deut. 16.6. . thou earnest out of Kg 2a 12. give rain unto thy land in Josh. 24. 7. 'iweltiri wilderu. long 2 Kin. 4. 16. this . embrace a son 1 Chr. 21. 29. aitar at that *. in ttib. 8 CAr. 15. a for *. been without (iot / h in *. Psal. 1. 3. brineth Iruit in his t. 22. 2. I i-ry in the r'ght* tfolsilen /ror.15.23. word inf. how good is it Eccl. 3 1. to every thing there is a * Jxa. 50.4. know to speak a word in* Jer. 5. 24. former and latter rain in 3320. not be day and uitfht in their* Du. 7. 12. lives' prolonged for a *. fit. 2. P. take rny wine in * there- .Vnrk 12. 2. at t. he sent to hu-liam j \Ju 1. 20. words fulfilled in tlmir SEC nX- 4. angel went down at a . 115. willing for a *. to rejoice in his \rtt 13. II. not seeiiiK the sun for . 19 22. himself stayed in Asia a *. '24. 2-V a convenient .'. I will call Cor. 7. 8. sorry, though hut for a *. Tim. 4. '2. instant ill .t and out of .. 'hilem. 15. therefore departed a *. 'M. I !. 25. pleasures of sin lor a . Pet. I. 6. tliough for a t. if need he Ren. 6. 1 1. should rest yet a little *. 20. a after that he loosed a little *. See APPOINTKD, DOB. SEASONS. en. 1. 14. liahts he for signs, and *. Erorf 19 22. judiie people at all * 26. .ci'. 23. 4. feasts proclaim in their* '.{//. 16. 7 reins instruct in night*. 104. 19 he appointeth moon for *. ^un. 2.21 chnu'th times and the*. Mnt. 21. 41. render fruits in their*. Act* I. 7. not lor you to know the*. 1 1.17. heifiive us rain and fruitful*. 20. 18. 1 have he en with you t all *. The*. 5.1. s3. 3. O that I mieht come to 29. 7. I prepared my * in the street 1'xal. 1.1. sltteth rn jr. of thescornfn Prof. 9. 14. woman sitteth on *. city Erek. 8. a *. of image of jealousy 28. 2. I sit on the *. of (}. in midst Amos 6 3. cause *. of violence con. \lnt. 23. 2. 1'hnrisee* sit in Mines'* Reo. 2. la rtwellest where Stitan'g * See JinxiMi-NT. MERCV. SKATED. Deut. 33. 21. the lawgiver was he *. SEATS. Af<.21. 12. *. of them that sold doves Mark II. 15. [ V'trk 12. 39 ?a 6, love chief*, in iyniurgnes LtJce I. 52 put miifhty from their 11. 4a ye love uppermost * 20. 40 flee. 4. 4. four and-twenty . "M"" the . twenty-four eMers 11. 16. elders sat t.efore liod on *. SECOND Erod. 26. 4. the cr.nplimr of the . 5, 10 | 3fi. II, !->. 17 28 18. the jr row he emerald 39. 1 1 I.er. 5. 10. offer . for Imrnt.ofl. ring .Vfim. 2. 1^. set forth in the *. rank 2 Kin 9 19. he sent*, on horiehai k I Chr. 15 IS. brethren of* decree Errl 4. 8. one alone, there i* not a * 15. *. child stand up in his stew Ezek 10. 14. *. face WHS fwce of inai Dun. 7. 5. beast, a *. like to a bear Mitt 21. 30. came to said likewise fi 26. and likewise the had her M,irk 12. 21. I.ttkein. 3< Luke 19. IS. the*, came sayinn. l.or Jnhii \ 54. thin*, mirncle J.-ns .lul Arts \->. HI the were pa-t . ward I c.ir. IV -17. . man L. from heave iit6. 10.U. away first, may uUbli*h 415 SEC *rt. a 1. this . epntle 1 writ* rnn Iff. 2. II. not hurt of . deMth, fti ft, ). 14. hell, thi.ii* death, 21. 8. Hre DAY, MONTH. SK( ONI) time. rn 4ri II). We had return.-d i titnt .er. la 5H. it he n-he.l the / t,,,. f finrn. 2C.H. 1 wil, not .initethee, / Kin. 18 3V do it * t. they d.d .t t. Kin. 10. fi. Jehu wrote I. tier H *. t .'/. II. II. L. set hii hMiid the i. / ler. \. la word "t Die l.or.l i a ine in me a * time, saying, 13. 3. I 3.1 I. Itrtmh a I. word came to Junnli , t V.it 2!. 42. he went . t iinrt , \luik 1 4. 72. the . (. the cock crew John a 4. he enter . t. into womh 21. 16. Jesus saith to Peter . timt Act* 10.15. voice spake to Peter*, t 1 Cor. 13. 2. if I were present tint Heb. 9. 28. he shall appear *. Itme SECOND yenr en. 47. 18. tl>ey came the *. year In Joseph and said, .Vi/m l.t. VHFM. 9. I. first month of*. 4. 4. may ihoot in * at per lect 1 3! i. 15. hid when I was mrf. 4. 9. I know no * Kouhlelh thee .!"' " Prr 27. 5. rel like heller tr< U. to iiidirmeiitev. Cant. 2. 1 4. thou ait in*. phu* /i. M. 17 L. will di-cover - p*rts 4A a give ttiee ri. be- of i \ Jer. 2. 34. not found -y la I7 -".i shall 2i 24. any ll* niuiIl m . P * SEE ler. 43. in. I have uncovered . place* Lam. -1 10. to me as lion in i. plarei Exek. 7.22. tney p-pt /. /.uX8 17. Lu- 11 33. putteth candle in /. place 8BCBET& 7oA II. 6. show thee s. nf wikdom Ptol. 44. 21 he knowelh . of he,.rt /fWi. II. la tale-bearer revealeth i. Sll. iO. a* Ule.Hearer, reveal.-lh t. DOM. 2. 2. (i-xi Mitt reveAleth /. 29. that revealelh inak known 47. jour DeuL \. 3A. save Caleb, he sh. >. land a 25. I pray thee, let me /. the land K. M. eyes which th-u shall /. 7. flS, thou ha t i. it no more again 29. 1 L hath not given eyes to /. Ji 20. /. what their end will be 30. . now. I, even I. am he 52. thou shalt /. 'ana before thee 34. 1 I have caused thee to i. it .1'ah. 22. III. huilt a great altar to /. I \m l.j.:t'>. Sam. came no more to/. 10. 3. what 1 /. that I will tell ther 'i Sum. ia5. when father cometh to /. 14. 32. let me /. the king's face 1 Kin. 12. Ifi. aw /. to thine own house, David, 2 CAron. 10. 16. 22. 25. /. in that day, 2 Ckr. I a 21 2 Kin. 2. 10. /. when I am taken 6. 17. L. open his eyesth. he may/. 20. open the eye* that they may /. 7. 2 <-halt/. it with thine eyes, 10. 13. let us send and /. || II go and /. ID. 16. ana /. my zeal for the Lord 19. l& open. Lord, thine eyes, and /. /. 37. 17. 23. 17. what title is that that 1 1. 2 Chr. 25. 17 let us /. one another Job 7. 7. mine eye no more /. good a eye that hath seen me . no more 9.25. days flee away, they/, no? >hamed 30. 20. thine eyes -h. /. thy teachers 'M. .') the eyes of th in th it /. 33. 17. thine eyes shall -. th.- king 4i. 20. that they may /. and know 48. B./. all this ( 49. 7. kings shall/. 52. a for th-y shall /. eye to eye 15. been tld tin in Khali they /. 52. 2. when we .-li.i.l /. him, there 416 SEE Itn. XI. 10. he sh. /. his eed, nr l : r (in. 5. th'iu >h. i. an. I flow togelb-r fll. il. all that/, them acknowledge lil. !. behold, i. we beseech, we are Jer. 1. 1 1. 1 /. a rod || I'i i. teething (*ot i. 10. i. it there he surh a thing 19. and >. that it is an evil thing 23. /. thy way in the valley a 2. /. win re thou hast n t bera 5. I. /. now and know, and eek 6. 16. t;uul ye in the ways and /. 7. 12 ({(> and .. what 1 did I it 51. 61. and shall /. and shall read Extk. 39. 21. all the heathen shall i. Dan. 3. 25. lo. I /. four men loo.e JoellLy& your young men shall i visions. Act* 2. 17. Amu* 6. 2. pa-" ye to C'alneh and /. Mic. 7. 10. mine eii-ni) shall /. it Hull. 2. I. /. what he will say lo me Zrca. 5.2. answi-red, I /. flying roll 5. lift your eyes i. what i* this 9. 5. Aahkelon .hall /. it, and fear ID. 7. yea, their children i-hall /. it Mai. I. 5. and your eyes shaM /. Mat. 5. . pure in heart, shall /. O. a 4. /. thou tell no man, show thy. self, U.30. Mark I. 44. Act* 23.22. 11. 4. tell John things ye hear and/. 12. .'iS. we ivuuld /. a sign from then la 14. and seeing ye shall /. .VUA/V 4. 12. Actt 2a -ffi. 15. lest at any time they chonld . with their .-yes, Acti 28. 27. 16. blessed are your eyes, they /. 17. to /. those things which ye /. 15. 31. when they saw the blind to /. Luke 1. 22. Id 2a till th. /. Son of man coming 22. II. king came in to /. the gue**f 24. 6. war., /. ye he not troubled 27. 4. t. Uiou to that H 24. /. ye to it 2a K. come i. the place where L. lay 10. into (ialilee, thife shall /. me Mark 5. 14. out to /. what was done 32. /. her that had done this thing 6.38. go and /. || 8.24. /. men as tree* Luke 2. 15. go to iiethlehem and /. a 6 all flt-

  • -j.iii-ed to/, my day 0. 15. and do /. || V5. blind, now I /. 3a I came into this world, that they wh. my face Unm. 14. 23. surely they shall 'not a. 23 13. utmost part, and shall not t. 1 Sam. 3. 2. Eli could nott. 4. 15. 2 Sam. 3. 13. no<*. my face, except 14. 2i. let not Absalom i. my face 1 Kin. 14. 4. Ahijah could not t. 2 Kin. 3. 17. no/*, wind.norsh. ye*. 2'1. 20. thine eyes shall nott. evil 7o69. 11. goeth by me, I s. him not 20. 17. no/*, rivers of honey and 23. 9. hideth that I cannot t. him 31. 3-2. which I t. not teach thou tne 33. 14. sayest, thou shall not s. him 37. 21. men *. not the bright light P.tal. 58. 8. pass away, not*, the sun 74. 8. we *. not our signs, there is 89. 48. liveth, and shall not s. death 94. 7. they say, the Lord shall not t. 9. that formed eye, shall he nott.? 115. 5. eyes, hut they*, not, 135. 16. la. 26. II. hand is lifted up, will n.t. 33. 19. thou shall not >. a fierce peo. 38. 1 1. I shall not s. the Lord 44. 9. they t. not, that they be asha. 18. shut eyes, that thny cannot s. Jer. 5. 21. eyes, and*. not,Ezek. 12. 12. \'i. 4. he shall not s. our last end 14. 13. ye shall nott. the sword 17. 6. shall nut t. when good cometh 8. shall not s. when heat roineth 23. '24. hide, that I shall not *. him? Exek. 12. 6. thou *. nut ground, 1 13. shall he not t. it, though he die Dun. 5. 23. gods of gold, which t. not Zi'/ih. 3. 15. thou shall not >. evil Mitt. 13. 13. seeing, i. not, hear not 23. 39. ye shall not s. me, Lu. 13.35. 24. 2. t. ye not all these things ? Murk 8. 18. having eyes, t ye not ? LwAre 2. 26. not f. death, hef. seen C. 8. 10. seeing, they might itot . and 17. *2.desire to s. and ye shall not s. John 3. 3. he cannot*, kingdom of G. 3fi. shall no/*. lif>, wrath abideth 9 39. that they who *. not might *. 12. 40. that they should not t. with (6. 16. and ve shall not t. tne, 17.19. IK. 26. did ( nut i. thee in garden 't Jets 22. 1 1. I could not . for glory Rum. 11. 8. that they should nt t. 10. be darkened that may not s. 1 Cor. 16. 7 for I will not t. you now Heb. 2. 8. we . not yet all things put II. 5. that he should wit . death 1 Pet. 1. 8. though now ye *. him not t Pet. \. 9. blind, and cannot t. afar We SEK. Psal. 36. 9. in thy light shall we i. Murk 15.32. thal?re may s. John 6.30. Juhn !'. 41. we t. your sin remaineth 1 Cor. 13. 12. we *. through a glass 1 Thets. 3. |o. praying we mieht *. 1 Juhn 3. 2. for we shall *. him as he Ye SEK, or SEK ye. Efott.M.lS.ye shall . them no more Hi. 7. i/e shall *. glory of the Lord Jonh. 3.3. when ye s. ark of covenant l.S'/mJO. 24. *. yti him L. ha. chosen ? C'H/. 6. 13. what will ye t. in Shula. Jut. P. n. ,r. w indeed, hut perceive 4?. 18. look ye Mind, that ye may * W. 14. when \ ye s. your hearts shall ./rr. '2 31. O sieneration, *. ye word 41 IS. 7/e srall *. this place no mor< *j. 13. 23 >e bli. t. no mure vauity SEE k. 14. 22. ye shall *. their way iJan i. 8. ye*, thing is gone from Mut. 13. II many have desired to see those things ye t. Luke 10. 23. 24. 33. when ye shall *. these things Murk 13. 29. l.uke-i\. 31. 26. 64. hereafter shall ye *. Son of man, Mark 14. 62. 27. 24. innoc.,*. ye to it, Mark 15.36 2a 7. ill Gal. shall ye *. Mark li. 7. John 14. 19. hut ye*. || 16.10. yet. me 16. 16. a little ye shall . me, 17, 19. Actt 2. 33. which ye now . and hear 25. 24. ye *. this man, about whom 1 Pet. 1. 8. tb' now ye *. him not, yet SEED Gen. 1. 11. herbs yielding t. 12, 29. 47. 19. give us *. || 23. lo, here is t. 24. four parts shall be own for *. Lea. 19. 19. not sow with mingled *. 26. 16. ye shall sow your *. in vain 27. 16. estimation shall be ace. to *. 30. tithe of x. of land is the Lord's Num. 20. 5. it is no place of *. or tigs Drat. 1 1. 10. Egypt, where sowedst *. 28. 38. shall carry much *. into field \Sam.B. 15. king will take tenth of*. \ Kin. 18. 32. contain 2 measures of*. Ps. 126. 6. goeth bearing precious /. Krrl. 11.6. in morning sow thy *. 7*0.5. 10. *. of homer sh. yield ephah 17. II. make thy * lo 3ourish 55. 10. Ihat it may give . to sower Jer. 35 7. sow *. nor plant vineyard Exek. 17. 5. he took of *. of the land Joel 1. 17. *. is rotten under clods Amos 9. 13. overtake that f .ii..|. 6. IS holy *. shall be th.- ubMnre 14. 20. the . of evil-doer- ^h. tirv. r 45. 19. I said imt nntu ,. of Jacob 25. in L. all . of Israel be juMined 57. 3. *. of the adulterer and whore 4. transgression, a *. of falsehood 61. 9. their *. shall be among (ient. 65. 9. I will bring a *. out of Jarob 23. are . of the blesurd of the L. Jer. 2. 21. 1 planted Ihee a right * 7. 15. I will cast out the . of Kphr. 31. 27. with *. of m.tn nod . of beaut 36. then *. of Israel also shall rent* 37. 1 cast off all *. of Israel, 33. 35. 33. 22. will 1 multiply *. of Darid Exi'k. 20. 5. I lifted hand to *. of Ja. 43. 19. give to be of the *. of Zadok Dan. 2. 43. sh mingle with *. of men 9. I. Darius of the *. of the Medes Mai. 2. 15. he miirht seek a godly *. Murk 12. 20. dying left no *. 21, 22. John 7. 43. Christ cometh of *. of D. Arts 13. 23. of man's *. G. raised Jea. Hum. 1. 3. made of *. of D. 27Vi.2.8. 4. 16. the promise might hi> to his t. 9. a chil. of promise counted for . 29. except Lord had left us H *. Gal. 3. 19. it was added, till *. com* Rev. 12. 17. war with remnant of*. See ABRAHAM. JWt SEED. Gen. 17. 19. cove. wi. Isaac and A *. 4S. 19. his t. shall become nations Lep.20.2. any of hit t. to Moloch, 3,4V 21. 15. nor profane Ai* . among peo. Num. 14. 24. Calen and hit t. shall 24. 7. hi* t. shall be in mnuy water* Juxtt. 24. 3. I multiplied At* .. and 2 5am. 4. a aveiiired of Saul and A.*. ffeh. 9. 8. a covenant to vive it hut. Estfi. 10. ^ speaking penre to his i. Psal 25. 13. his t. shall inherit earth 37. 25. nor seen hiss, begging bread 26. mercifu., and Ai* *. is blessed 89. 29. his t. 1 imke to endure, 36. 112. 2. hits, shall he mighty upon fsa. 53. 10. Ai**. ahull prolong days Jer. 22.2S. why cast out, he mid kill. 30. no man of Ai* *. shall prosper XI 26. not take of Ai* . to be rulert 49. 10. Esau, his s. is spoiled Actt 7. 5. give it to him and At* . Thy SKED. Gen. 3. 15. enmity bet. *Aw. and her 12. 7. to thy t. will 1 five this land, 13. 15.| 15. ia | 17.8. |S*,7. I 2fi.3. | *a 4, 13. | 35. 12. | 4ai Exod. 3i I. Dent. 34. 4. 13. 16. I will make (Ay *. as du*t, I'd in 15. & so shall thy t. he, Hum 4. la 13. that thi s. heastranuer in land 17. 12. not of thy t. stall he rircum. 21.12. in Isaac* *. called,//**. 1 1.19. l:t Ishm. a nation, liec. he is thy t. 21. 17. t. '. ' oss. gate of rnrn ia in thy i. H nations of earth be hleised, 2 I I 2H. 14. Act* 3. 25. 2fi 24. multiply thui. for Abrwham-i :. 12. 1 will make thy*. atbeand 4R 1 1 (Jod hath showH m* thy *. /,,.. IS 21. not of I. P" through Deut. 3a 46. curi-es for a sin on t *. 30. 19. that thou andfAv* way M I Kant. 20. 42. L. het. my ^ee.l I and/ t. >Snm 7. 12. I sel up thy* Khr.l^l J,,/,i>.V> shall know trutM 4. thus, will I Hhl'-h t.^ 7*0. 43. 5. 1 brintf Mv 'f 111 M / 44 3 1 pnur my Spirit on thy t. 4s. la My . (mi I''ii .1. the sand M. a fAv .hall inherit Gentile. ay. SI. Spirit nut depart out of the mouth ul thti t. nor (. need'* . .Jrr. l 10. My irom land, 46. /7. Gui a 16. t>- tJkv t which U Christ Ymir SKKI). A> *t 32. 13. tin. laud I five toy. t. Ler. 22. \ whosoever ..f v- * goeth /to. 66. 22. so t>. *. Hii'l n.nne remain fm. & 22. *.-< and harvest h. not SKEDS, liaL 3. 16. Myeth nut i as of many SKK.)S. l)?ut. 22. 9. nt -' with divers t. J/af 13. 4. some*. fell by way iide 32. which is lemt off. Mark i. 31. M- K1SN. Erod. 4. II. maketh i. or the blind ? SEEING. Pert. Erod. 28. In. driven away, no man . A'um 34. 8a *. him nol, cast it ua I King* I. 48, mine -ye even t. it /r./c. 80. U. U maketh the . eye /.'-ati tied with f. /ML VI. 3. diKtn.iyed at the t. of it 3a IS. iliutleth In- eye. from . evil 48. 80. . many things, hut thou I/at 13. 13. becau.e they *. see not 14. f. ye shiill see and shall not perceive, Mark t. I*, .rfrfi iR 86\ John 9. T. and wa-hed an I came /. Arts 13.11. not f. the MIII foraseason 8 /Vt i. 8. iu f. and hearing, vexed SEEK. ju 37. 16. said, I *. my brethren 43 18. that he may t. occasion DeuL 4. 89. *. him with all thy heart i Sam 9. 3. said to Saul, go t. asse* 83. 15. Saul come to i. hi. lile, y.*> | 24. V!. | 8. 2. 26. 2fi. they th t f. evil to my Lord S9. risen to pursue and t. thy soul 27. I. Siiul skall despair to f. me 1 A.' in. 8. 40. Shimei went to f. serv. 18. la lord hath not sent to t. tliee IV. in. the* f. my life to take it, 14. t A't'n. 2. 16. f<>. and f. thy matter 6. 19. brinir ye to man whom ye f. 1 Chr. 2a a f . commandment* of I.. a if thou f. him, he will he found, 8 CAron. 15. 8. CAr. 19. a prepared heart to *. G. 30. 19. prrpareth his heart to f. G. 31. VI. to i. bn i, IM|. he did it with 3t 3. Josiah beg.ni to f after God Kirn 4 f. we f. your God an ye do 7. 10. prepared hi heart to t. law & 81. to f. him right way f..r us 8i G. is on them for good th. t. him >VA. 8. la to f. the welfare of Israel Tut 5. 8. I would f. unto (MM! 7. 21. .halt f. me in the morning R 5. if thou would-l f. unto God 80. la children -li. *. to please poor T*. 4. 9. vanity, and *. after letting . 10. Dot fomaken them th f. thee It). IV i out hid wii kedneo* till thou 14. 2. were any that aid t. (i. 53. 84. 6. generation of them th. f. him 27. 4. I de*ired. that will I f. after 8. f. my fare, thy face. L. will I *. 34. 14. f peace, I Pet. a II. av 4. pal to sltame that t. my soul 3x. 18. that f. my life. th. f . my hurt 40. 14. that f. after my soul, 7 i 1 S4. 3. oppressors . after my >ul Ji3. I. art y G. early will I . thee !>. thoe that f. my oul go into . ft. let not tho.e'that i. thee be :* your heart -hall live that *. G. TO. 4. let those that t. tliev n-joire SEE AY71. 13. with di.honour*. my hurt 81. brought unto shame*, my hurt 83. ia that they m..y i thy name 1(14. 21. young liiis f. meat from G. 1(8. 10. let his children *. th. bread 119. 8. f. him with th. whole heart 45. at liberty, lor I t. thy precept* 170. as a sheep, *. thy servant 128. 9. of God, I will t. thy g.xid Prof. \. 8R f. me, butsh. not rind me a 17. and those that f. me early 3. 3i. awake, I will i. It yet again 29. 10. hate upright, just f. hi* soul 26. many t. the ruler's favour Sect. 1. II I gave my heart to . out 7. 85. mine heart to f. out wisdom a 17. though n man labour to *. it Cant 3. 8. will*, him my soul loveth fi. I. that we may t. him with thee Ita. I. 17 learn to <1o well, f. jinlgui. 8.19. hould not a people*, unto G.'r II. 10. Jes.c, to it shall Gentiles i 8fi. a. within me will I t. thee early 34. IS. f. ye out of hook of the L. 41. 18. thou shalt t. them, and not 17 when the needy f. water 45. 19. not to J.n-ob, t. ye me in vain 50. 8. yet they f. me daily, and Jer. 8. 24. that t. her, in her month 4. 30. thy lovers will t. thy life II. 21. men of Anathoth i. thy life I!*. 7. them tliatt. their lives. 81. 7. 9. that f. their lives .hall straiten 88. *.V them that t. thy life, 38. 16. 29. 7. f. the peace of the city 13 ye shall f. me, and find me 34. 80. them that / their life. 81. 44. 30. give Pharaoh to them that f. 41. vft Kffyptians to thoae that *. 49. :<7. dismayed before them that*. I.nm 1. II. peo. sigh, they . bread Ezek. 7. xi. they shall t. peace there 2f>. then shall they f. a vision 34. II. my sheep, and t them out 18. so will I f. out my sheep 16. I will f. that whirh was lost Dmn. 9. 3 unto God, to *. by prayer II: n. 2. 7. he shall i. them, not find Amnt 5. 4. saith the Lord, t. me 14. f. good and not evil, may live a li to f. the word of the Lord \uA. a 7. whence sh. 1 *. comfort.? 1 1. be hid. thou shall t. strength Zfph. 8. a f. ye the Lord, ye meek Zeck. 1 1. Iff. a shepherd shall not f. IV. U. in that dav I will i to destroy Mai. 8. 7 they should t the law 15. that he might i. a godl, seed Mat 6. 3'i. these things do Gent. 33. f. ye first the kingdom of God. LuJee\f. 31. r/,u*e go tn.'ir way Actt Itt l behold, three men* th. e 81. Peter said, I am he wKom ye * Itum. 2. 7. to tin-in who *. fol glory 410 SEE Rom. I. S. I am alone, th. / in; VK I Cur. 10. 81. let no man i. In. .'.a ("/ I. 10. do 1 . to pltMe men I'hil 8. ?l. for all/ their own ihinirt Co/, a I. J. tho-e things th areahov* Hff>. II. 14. that they *. a country 13. 14. have no rity. but we i. o.'ie Her. 9. fi. in those dav men i. drtk Ser FACK, LMm, \-,< SKKK. or MiKK n.,r A'um. I '>. 3:>. i HO< after your heart /Jruf. 83. 6. thou shall n-t i. th. ir peace, rru . I i. Huth \ 1. shall Ifioc* rest for thee? /. 10. 4. wicked will n. t. after (.. 119. IU. wicked t. n. thy statutes Jrr. : 14. lovers, they t. thee n.,t 45. 5. eek. treat thing!)? ' them n. x/m/>*5.S but*, n. Beth. el, nor i-nlev 'lerh. II. IR. atthepherd .hall >,..(,. l.ukf li. 8S. w. what ye shall eat John 5. :-.(). iH'caii.e I *. n mine own 8. 50. I *. not mine own glory 1 Cor. 7.87. *. n to I.e loo.eil, i.n. wife 8 Cur. 12. 14. for I * not yours SKEKKVI. Gen. 37. l.'i. man asked, what *. thou? J'tiig 4. 88. show tiiee man thou *. 2 Sum. 17. 3. the man thou *. is a, if 811. 19. thou * to dr.tr. iy a m..ih.-r I Km. 11. 28. t. to go to thy country Jer. 46. 5. *. thou treat things f JiJin 4. '!'.. man >uid, what *. thou J 80. 15. saith, woman whom*, thou? BEKKbTH. I Sam. 19. 8. Saiii i. to kill thee 8(1. I. my sin, that he t. my life ? 88. 83. he Uutt . my life. *. thy life 84. 9. saying, David thy hur. Joh 39. 8(1. from thence she . prey /' .77 38. Wiitcheth, *. to slay him Prae. 11.87. * pood procureth fa. volir, hut he that *. II) i-i h ef 14 R. srorner i. wi..,om hut hmi.-th la 1. separated himself, / u :->1om I.V the ear of wi^e *. knowledge r?cc 7. 28. which yet my noul *. Jer. 5. I. any that >. the truth 30. 17. Zion. u horn no man *. after I.am. a &. L good tonoiil th i. him Krrlt. ?4. 18. a shepher.l $. out fork Vat 7. 8. that *. h mirth, /.. 11. 10. IH. l-i and . thntuone astray John 4. 23. Father *. such to worrhip 7. 4. and *. to he known openly IS. f. In. own glory ; i. his glory 8. W. th. Is one that . and ju.ijr.-tb Rom. a II. none that *. after ('. II. 7. Israel not obtained that hi- 1. I Cor. la 5. charity *. not her na SEEK IN i. Mat. 12. 43. t. rest, and findeth none, Luke II. 41 Marks. 11. *. a sign from heaven I.itkr 'i. 45. they turn, d hack *. him II. 54 f. to catch something o-j*. .-4 ia 7. behold. I c..me* fruit John 6. 84. to Capernaum, *. for J^. .ii-t' ia II went t. .onie to lead hint 1 Tor. 10. XI not j. mine own piotii I /*cf. 5. a t. whom he may devour BEEN. den. 27. 18. I shall * as a deceiver Deut. 15. IS not hard, when thoa 8V 3. then thv brother sho. *. vile .Intfi. V4. IV if it I. eiil in. to you .\>A. '.i 3'i. let not trouble t. "little Y i nth! before the king I I'ur. 18. -'.' thoe members vtlncb t //ri. 4. I. lest any of von elm. t. Jam. I. 86. if any . to be religious See Goon SKEMKIX Gen, 19. 14. he j. iu unt- tliat rnofHed SF.E Sfu. 29. 20. i. to him hut a few days Jer. 27. 5. earth unto whom it *. meet Luke 24. 1 1. their words *. idle tales (ial. 2. 6. these who *. somewhat .SEEMETH. \itrn. 16. 9. *. it but a small thing f Proa. 14 12. way which*. right,16.25 18. 17. fir--t in his own cause . just Errk 34. IH. ,?. it a small thing Luke 8. 18. taKen what he *. to have 1 Cur. 3. 18. if *. to be wise, let him See Goon. SEEMLY. Prov. 19. 10. delight is not*, for fool 26. 1. so honour is not *. for a fool SEEN. Xnm. 14. ?2. which have . my glory 27. 13. when thou hast*, it, thou Dent. 1.26. we have *. sons of Anak. 31. *. how L. bare thee as a man 3. 21. eyes hav i. all L. hath done 4.9. thou forget things eyes have s. 5. 24. *. that G. doth talk with man 117. your eyes have jr. acts of L. 21. 7. Hhed, nor have our eyes *. it 3.'t. 9. who said, I have not s. him J'uh. 24.7. *. what I have done in Eg. Judg. 2.7. elders who *. great woiks 13 22. die, because we have *. God 18.9. we have . land, it is very g..od 1 Sam. 23. 22. who hath .v. him tnere 24. 10. this day thine eyes have jr. 2 Sum. la 21. tell king thou hast *. 1 Am. 10. 7. 1 came, mine eyes *. 13. 12. *. what way man of G. went 20. 13. .1. all this great multitude '; 2 Kin. ->n 15. what have they *. y a | in house have they *. Isa. 39 4 23. 2i/. --lew Jos when he had*, him Ezra 3. 12. had*, first house, wept Lxth. 9. 26. that they had *. coucer.:. Juli 7. 8. eye hath *. me, see no more a 18. place say, 1 have not *. thee 10. 18. die. i, and Ho eye had *. me 13. I. mine eye hath *. all this 80.7. have *. him say, where is he V P*al. 10. 14. thou hast* it, for thou 35. 21. eye *. it ||22. thou hast *. it 48. 8. so have we t. city of Lord 68 24. they have *. thy goings. O G. Prov. 25 7. prince thine eyes have*. Eccl. 4. 3. not *. evil work that is 6. A. not ,v. the sun nor known any 6. I live, yet hath he *. no god Jia. R 5. mine eyes have *. the Lord 6k 4. nor eye *. what he prepared ()>;. a who hath *. such things ? Jer. 1. 12. said L. thou hast well *. a 6. *. what b.icksl. Is. hath done 'I 12. 3 thou hast *. me, tried heart I.nin. 2. 14 prophets have *. vain things, have *. false burdens 16 enemies say, we have *. it 3. 59. O L. thou hast *. my wrong Ezek. 8. 12. hast *. what ancients do l;>. hast thou *. this 17. | 47. 6. IX 7. have ye not *. avail) vision Mat. 13. 17. prophets desired to see those things, not *. them.Lu, 10.-4. 21.32. when ye had *. it, repent, not Mark 9. I. they have . kinu'd. of G. 9. tell no man what they had s. 16. 14. believed not wh. had*, him Luke 1. 22. th.it he had *. a vision 2. 20. praising G. for things had . 26. death, before he had .. L.'s C. 5. 26. we have*, strange things 9. 36. told things which they had *. 19. 37. mighty works they had *. 84. 23. they had * a vision of angels 37. supposed they had*, a spirit Jnh I. IS. no man hath *. G. at an> time, I John 4. 12. j. 1 1. we testify that we have *. SEE John3. 32. wh:it he hath i. and heard 4. 45 Galileans had t. all he did 5 37. not at any time jr. his shape (i. 40. not that any man *. Father a 57. and hast thou *. Abraham ? !). 8. neighbours which had*, him 37. thou h:i-t *. it is he that talketh II. 4.i. had i. what J. did, believed 14. 9. hath *. me hath * the Father 15. 24. have *. and hated both me >0. 18. she had *. L. || -<5. have *. L. 3/0. because thou hast* believed Arts 4. 20. speak things we have * 9 27 declared how he had *. the L. 10. 17. vision he had *. should mean 1 1. 23. when he bait *. grace of God Iti. 10. after he had *. vision he went 40. *. brethren, comforted them 1 Cor. 2. 9. eye hath not . nor ear 9. I. have 1 not *. Jeans I', our L. ? I'hil. \. 9. things ye heard and *. do Cul. 2.1. many as have not *. myf;ice 1 T'.m. 6. 16. whom no man hath *. \Jnhn 1.1. that we have .. with eyes 3. We have s. declare we unto you 3. 6. whoso, sinneth.hath not*. him 4. 14. we have *. and do testify 20. brother, whom he hath . how can he love G. he hath not .v.y 3 John 1 1. doeth evil, hath not *. G. Rev. 1. 19. write things thou hast*. 22. 8. heard and *. I fell down Have /SEEN. Gen. 7. 1. thee hare I s righteous 1 Chr. 29. 17. now h. It. people offer Keel. 8. 9. all this h. 1 1. and applied Jer. 46.5. wherefore A. / *. dismayed Zech. 9. 8. now h. It. wi. miue eyes /AnwSEEN. Gen. 32. 30. / A. *. . what I did to Egypt. 20. 22! ye h. t. that I talked i. yon Deut.>.-i. ye h. t. all L. ttt*fcMfta Judg. 9. 44 whatyeAaiv* me do 1 Sum. 17. 25. A. ye . this man come Jnb 27. 12. all ye yourselves A . it Lukf. 7. 22. tell John what ye hare * John 6. 36. ye h. t. and believe not aaa ye do tbttyeh. t. with Fthei 14. 7. ye know him, and A. . him Acts l.i 1. Jes. come an y.h. t. him n Jam. 5.11. vehanei. end of the Lord SEEN, Puairtly. Gen. 22. 14. mount of L. shall be t. E.rod. 33. 23. my face ihall not be t. :U .'{. let any man he i. thro' minint Sum. 14. U. thou. L. t. face to far.- Jivtg. 19.30. no such deed done nor* J .Sum. 17. 17. they might not he . /HI. tii>.2. glory shall be *. upon th.'e Zi-rh 9. 14. L. shall be . over them Mat. 9. 33. it was never so*, in Isr '>'.\. . r ). works thev do to be *. of men Mark 16. 1 1. he had been *. of her 419 SF.E Acti 1. 3. *. -jf them fc.rty dy,!Ttl Horn. l.iO. invisible tniux* i , & 21. hope that it / U not h<.|..- 1 Car. 15. 5. he win ,. ,,f Cephas 6. he wan . ol abov VIQ brethren 7. *. of Ja.i e- 1| H. he *. .. ,,i ,n,. > Cor. 4. la WP lixik not at thiniM . neb. II. 1. evidence ,,f thing* ma*. 3. thing* which are i. nut minir 7. Nuah warned ..f G. thing* nut*. 13. having *. th.-in w^re persimdeu I Pet. 1. 8. having not *. ye love SKER. See the Signirication of PKOPHKT 1 Sam. 9. 9. let us go tn *. a prc(,h.-t, was heliire.time ralb-d a *. 11. it i. here ? H IN. where *. Imutu 19. Samuel answered, 1 am the *. 2 Sam. !.'>. 27. Hid. art tbnu a *.? 24.11. word came to Gad, Davi.i's*. 1 I Vi/-.!i. _'_>. Samuel the *. did nr n u.,r.) 26. 2R Samuel the * had dedir.itrd 29. 29. acts of UHV. written in I i.i.k of Sam. *. and in book c.f (,;.d. *. 2 Chr. 9 i9 in visions of Iddo. the *. 12.15. Rehoh. in book of Iddi'.the* K 7. HiuiHiii the * ame to Ana 10. then Asa was wroth with the i 19. 2. Jehu son of * wt nt to meet 29. 25. o.mniandinent of (.ad. the . 30. words nf David and Asttph, *. 35.15. command, of Jerinth m. the *. Anna 7. 12. O thou '. Bee away SEERS. 2 A' in. 17. 13. against U and J by*. 2 Chr. 33. IS. words of*, that spake 19. written among the sayings ol *. Isa. 29. 10. the *. hath he covered 30. 10. who say to the *. see not Mic. 3. 7. then shall t. be Ashamed SKEST. Gen, 16. 13. spake, thou God *. me 31.43. I. ah. s.iid, all thou *. is n.ni* Ejcod.\0.2S. that day thou *. my f ..-. Dent. 12.13. every place that thou . Judg. 9. 3fi. *. shadow of mountains 1 A. 21. 29. *. how Ahah hunitil. 'h Joh 10.4. eyes, t. lliou as man i'eth? Ita. 5ft a we fasted, thou *. not 7. when thou . naked, cover him Jer. 1. II. the word came to Jerc. miah, what* thou? 13. | IM. :\. Amil. 4 | t.2.ZcA.4.2. | 5.2. 7. 17. t. thou not what they can do 32. 24. come to pas, behold th. *. it Ezek. R fi. *. thou what they do ? 40. 4. declare all thou *. to Urael Dun. 1.13. as thou*, deal wi. servant l.ukf 7.44. Simon . thou this worn. * J A'rn. 2. 19 city pleiumnt, as lord . Joh 23. 10. his -ye . precious thini,- 24, he . under the whole hea.-u 34. 21. eyes on n.an, he *. 1 thinij* 42. -V but now mine eye I. thee I'sal. 37. 13. be *. his day i coralnj 49. 10. he . that wise men die r :,;-l. S. I f> day nor ninht *. sleep /.. 2H. . that lo,.ked upon it. . it 29. 15. who . us VH 17.10. none . m# Kirk t 12. the Lord *. in n-' 12. 27. vision he >. l for rax la 14. son tl.at *. h'n fHther'- U,,t 64. Vat i. who.f ' J,,hn I. ---!' next Jay John ' ., n ),nt wh.it he* the Ktber M vho * Son, and ttelieveth 9.21. what lui-wrt ht . wk knu Ml SRL >* 12. 4o. f. mi> *. him that wnt me 14. 17. localise it him nut, n..r I'i a while, world *. me no inure R m. 8. 84 what a roan i. why hope tl'ur 18.6. above what he . me tob- l-A>Ai 3. 17. and . l.rother bar* need 16.23 to.day *. that ye will i O. 19. shall not i. a kid in hit m<>. ther's milk. 34.26. Drut 14 .21 29. 31. . KU flesh in the holy place I Kiit. 4. 3S. f. pottage (or loni of Kxek. 84.5 let then, i. hone* therein ZrcA. 14. 21. mine and *. therein SEETHING. I Sam, i la came while flesh wa . JoA 41. 'JO. irooke a* out or a . pot yr. I. la what eest thou * *. pt !>KIZK, ED. JjA. 8. 7. rise up and . upon rity JuA 3.6. night, let darknea* *. upon it /W. M. 15. let death i. upn tl.em /er. 4y 4. Damascus, fear f. an her A/at. 21. 30. kill him. *. inheritance SELAH. **oi 3. 2. no help for him in God. *. 4 L heard out of hi* holy hill. i. a thy blessing in upon people, t. 3i5 forgii vent iniquity of my sin,*. See Pialm 4. 8, i. | 7. i I 8. 16, 80. \ 80, a I 81. 2. I 24 6. 10. | 38. 4. 7. | 33. A, II. | it. a | 46. 3,7, II. | 47. 4. | 4a. | 43. 13, 15. | 60. 6. | 62. 3 5. | 54. a I U. 7. 10. | 57 3. fi. | 59. 5. 13 60. 4. | 61. 4. | 62. 4.a i 66. 4. 7. 15. | 97. 1,4 ! 68. 7. 19, 31 | 75 A | 76.3,9. | 77. 3, , 15. | 81.7 | 8V. 2. | 83 a I 81 4. 8. | 85. 2. | 87. 3,a | 837,10. i 89.4.37. 45, 4a | 140. 3.5.8. | Ui.fi. //i.3.3.y.l3. My -SELF. Gen. a 10. I was afraid, and hid m t. ft. 16. ly my t. have I sworn. In. 45. 8a Jer. 22. 5. | 49. 13 John 7. I.', whether I speak of my t. aa I am not come of mi/ 1. he Beat Pful 2. 24. I al-o mn t ahall come Own SEJ.F. f.rixi. Si. la swarest by thine o f. J.An 5. 30. I can of o. $ do nothing 17. 5 glorify me with thine own *. 1 Cor. 4. a I judge not mine own i. J'/alem. ly. owest me even thine o *. 1 /'ft 2.24. who hi* o. t. bare our tin* S>ELF-*o. Mat. 3. 13. servant healed t .t. hour I (or. 12. II. worketh one *..*. Spirit i for. 5. 5. wrought us for t.-t. tiling 7. 11. .-*. thing ye non-owed after Ser Sam* DAI. Tky SELF. Cm. 13. 9. separate t *. I pray tbee 14. f I. give person*, take good* t. t. Si V. keep that thou hast unto t. t. Bj'ud. la a refuse to humhle thy t.Y 28. take heed to th* t. see my fare DO more. 3$. I*. f)eut. 4. 9. I 18.13, 19,30 1 Sam. 19. 8. 18. 82. "hull it be easier for thai. K-fh 4 la think nt with M// *'. thou /a 49. IK tiiuu do. it well to My. J,-Hn 1.22. whai uyest thou f t.'i.f 18 34. sayeM thu this of thy t. t Rom. 14. tt hast faith ? have to t i. sKJ.F..ri//. >>. 49. 6. it. t diirred down wall Sec t KT, HIDC. sF.I.F..n///. A' I. 7. a bishop must not be ... * /Vr. 8:10. presumpt are they, *..-. lUunaelitM SEN Ejrod. 81. 7. if a man t. hi* daughter 8 35. i. live ox, and divide money -'-.'. I. if a man steal ox, kill, or i. it Lfr V5 14. if thou '. to lie ghtiour 89. if a man . a dwelling -house 4?.if brother i. himx'lf to atranger DruL 8. 8. >halt t. meat for money 14. 81. i. that which dieth to ali.-n 21. I4.shi.lt not*, her for money Jtvig. 4. 9. /. Sisera into hand of a I A7 81. 85 AhHb did i. himself to t Kin. 4. 7. go, i. oil, pay thy debt lfe&. 5. R wlii ye i. your brethrrn J 10. 31. victuals on sabbath day to t Prov. 8a 8a buy truth, and t. it n. t F.rek.y>.\-> t. land into hand of wir 4>t. 14. shall Dot . nrKt-frniUnriand JoelS. 8. anil 1 will . yuur >ne and daughters, * th.-m to Sabearitt Amai 8.5. gone, that we may t. corn & yea, and i refuse of the wheat ZecA. 1 1. 5 tli.-it . tli. say, I am ricl> .Vat. 19. 81. go and t. that lia.t. and come and follow me, Mark 10 81. I.uk.- 18 3a | la 88. 85.9. go ye to them that i. and buy LvJte 28. .Vi t. garment, buy gword Jam. 4 13 we will buy and i. Ret. la 17. no IIIHII might buy or i. SELLER. S. /"/. 24. 2. with buyer, ao with . Exek. 7. 18. rvjoice, nor / mourn la r. Khali not return to that -old AVA. ia va (. lodged without Jerus Act* 16. 14. Lydia ai of purple SELLEST. ETH. Exod. 81. 16. he that ntealeth a man and i. him, Deut. 84. 7 AuM 4. a Naomi . part of the land /'*/. 44. 18. t. th. people for nought Prur. II. 86. hli'ssinii on him t. corn 31. 24. maketh One linen, and i. it \riA.3 4. . nations thro 1 whoredoms -W///. I a 44. he i all. huyeth field SELVEDGE. fj-od.26.4. from in coupling.36.1 1. 0r SELVES, /lui 100. a he made us, not we a. i. Own SELVES. Actt 8&30. of your o. * shall men rise 8 Cor. a 5. first gave their o. t. to L. la 5. prove your o. *. know oot o. 8 Tim. a 2. men lovers of their a. j. 1. 88. deceiving your own . Srt AgHKUBLK, EO. SENATE. . called i. of Israel together SENATORS. PtaL 105.88. and leach his . wisdom SEND. Gn 24.7. O. shall t. aneel before,40. 18. . me good speed this day 54. *. meawayunto my ma-ter,5fi. 4a 4. if thou wilt t. our brother 45. 5. O. did i. me to preserve lite Ejrod. 4. 13. f. by him thou w ilt . 78.*. children of Israel out of land 18. 33. might t. them out in haste 3a 18. let know whom thou wilt i. Lev. 16. 81. i. him away by n fit man Xtim. 1 3.8. * thou men to search land 31.4. every tribe t. thousand Ui war l>'iil. I. 88. men b.-fore to search 19. 18. elders f. letch him thence 8a 80. L. shall . upon thee cursing 4*i enemies 1. shall f. agHin>tthee .twin la a man of 1). thou did-t i su, 5 11. i. awayark of (iod.68 6. 9. ye t. away ark, f. it not < mpty 9. 86. up, that 1 may t. thee a HV 1 1. 3. that we may . messengers Id II. said to Jee, i. fetch I);n id 19. Saiilvaid. i. nu> Daviilthv -on 25. K5. MW uot iri-n thou didst I. SEN 2 Sam. II. fi. . me t'riah (he flitttl* 14 :. that I may* tliet- tokin^ |."i. 3fi. ye shall . me every thing 17. .'K5. now therefore t quickly I A'l'n. 80. 9 thou didat t l..r -errant -A in .'. 16 shall n.it t. \\ 17. he said * C. la that I may I. an J feUh him 7. 13. let us t. |19. 17. i. meet Jehu I.S 37. L. began tu *. atiainst Judah I CAr. 13. 2. abroad unto brethrm 8 I'fir 6. /7. hear, *. rain upon lund 88. 16. Ahaz did i. to king of Assy. 3V. 9. Sennacherib did*, to Hezeki K*ru o. 17. kinu t. his pleasure to us .\VA. 8. a. wouhie-t i. me to Judah G. it pleai-ed the king to t. me a 10. and*, portion* unto them, 1*. Juli 81. 11. they . forth little ones ?< :C) can.-! thou <. lightnings ? /W 43 3. t. out thy light anil truth 57. 3. he shall i. from heaven, and save fr<.m reproach; (i. sb. t. (*. 33. he doth . out hia voice 110.8. . rod of strength out of Zi-n 118. 25. O I-fird, *. now prosperity 144. 7. J. thine hand from above Prm. 28.81. an-w. truth to them th.. Ita. 6. 8. whom Khali I t'i \ said, *. 10. 16. L. shall t. amonir fat ones 16. I. (. ye lamb to ruler of the land 19. 80. he shall f. them a Saviour 38. 80. that i. the feet of ox and as 57. 9. didst *. thy messengers far off Jer. I. 7. go to nil that I shall t. thee 2. 10. . to Kedar || 9 17. i. women 89.31. *. to all them of the captivity 48, 5. the Lord shall /. thee to us 6. obey L. U> xvtioin we *. thee Mat. 9. 38 pray ye the Lord will i. forth labinirers, l.ukr Id. 8. 10. 34. think not I come to i peace 1341. SOD of man shall t. his angeio, 24. 31. Marie 13. 87. 15. 23. . her away, -he iricth aftt* 81. a he will i. them, Mark II. i Mark 3. It. might i. to preach, a 7. 5. 10. would not t. them away out 18. saying, t. us into the swine Luke 16. 24. t. Laza. || 87. t. to house John 14. 86. Father will i. in name 17. 8. believed that thou didst t. me Actt a 80. he shall *. Jesus Christ 7. 35. same did .i. / the promise of Father .liih>i IH. 2n. whom /*. receiveth me rd /]. sent me. even no i. I you 71. kept till / f. to ( -sar 26. 17. (into whom nmv / *. thee /ciflSRVD. Ceo. 87. 4i ( a *. and fetch Uxe SEN Oen. 37. 13 come, and I will s. thee Krod a 10. I w.i. to Phar. ^c<*7.34. Lm. 26. 22. I w. t. wild beasts among 1 Sam. 9. 16. I wills, man of Benja. 16. 1. I ifitt i. thee to Jesse the 80. 13. / *'# * show it thee, and *. 1 Kin. 18. 1. I wills, rain upon earth JO. 6. / w. *. ray servants unto thee 34. / will i. ttiee away with cove. Isa. 66. 19. / trill s. those that escape Jer. 43. 10. / will . Nebuchadnezzar 51. 2. I w. t. unto Babylon fanners Ezek. 5. 16. I will t. famine, 17. | 14. 13. Amos 8. 11. 7. a I trill t. mine anger upon thee JfnZ.2.2./. *. curse || 4.5. /w.*. Elijah 3. 1. / wiff *. mv messenger, and he Mat. 15. 32. I will not *. them away Luke II. 49. I trills, them prophet* 20. 13. Iii-ills. my beloved son John 15. 26. Comforter / trill*. 16. 7 v^eftr 22. 21. / will s. thee fur henre 1 Cor 16. 3. you approve, / will *. See FIRE. SENDEST. Z>et 15. 13. when *. him out free, 18 Jonfi. 1. 16. whithersoever thou . u 2 Am. 1. 6. thou *. to Bnal-zebub Job 14. 20. changest his countenanc and s. him awa Psal. 104. 30. thou . thy Spirit, the SENDETH. Job 12. 15. he *. them out, they over Psal. 14.7. 15. he *. forth his com. 18 MarkM. 1. he*, two disciple*, 14.13 Luke 14. 32. *. and desireth peace Acts '13. 26. C. Lvsias to Felix . SENDING. 2 Sam. 13. 16. evil in *. me away is 2 Chr. 36. 15. his *. messengers, Jer. 7. 25. | 25. 4. | 26. 5. | 29. 19. [ 35. 15. | 44. 4. E'th. 9. 19. and of*, portions, 22. Psal. 78. 49. by s. evil angels among Isa. 7. 25. the *. forth of lesser cattle Rom. 8. 3. God *. his Son in likeness SENSES. Heb. 5. 14. have their *. exercised to SENSUAL. Jam. 3. 15. wisd. earthly, *. devilish Jv.de 19. these be ,. having not Spir. SENT. Bin. 38. 25. Tamar *. to her father. 41. 14. Pharaoh*, and called Joseph 42. 4. Benjamin Jacob s. not with 45. 8 not you that s. me hither 50 16. they .v. a messenger unto Jos. E.rod. 3. 14. 1 A M hath *. me to you 5 22. why is it thou hast . me ? ,V'/m.l3 lanames of men M. *. 14.3C. }>. 10. king of Moab hath *. to me Josh.\\.n. 40 years old when M.. me Judg. 20. 6. Is. her through Israel 1 Nam. ;U. 9. *. into land of Philist. 2 Sam. 24. 13. answer him that . me 1 Kin. 18. 10. my lord hath not t. to 21. 11. elders did as Jezebel s. them I Kin. I. 6. return unto king that . f>. 10. king of Israel *. to the place 19. 4. his master *. to reproach God 22. 15 tell that*, you, 18.2CAr.34.23. Ezra 4. 1 1. copy of the letter they *. AVA. 6. 4. they ,t unto me four times Ittt. 48. 16. Oodand his Spirit.', me Jer. 14. 3. nobles have . little ones 23. 21. I have not *. these prophets 37. 7. say unto the king that . you Fzek. 23. 40. ye have *. for men to Dan. 3. 28. who had . his anirel and Hi. . 13. Ephraim *. t<> king Jareb Zech. 7. 2. they . unto house of O. Hat. 21. I. then*. Jes. two disciples 'fi. 19. Pilate's wife . unto him Ivke 7. 20. John Bap. *. us to thee SEN undO.l. Jesus*, them two and two 14. 17. he *. his servant at supper >3. 11 and *. him again to Pilate nhn 1. 22. answer to them that . us 4. 34. to do will of him that . Die 5. 23. honoureth not Fa. who *. me 24. believeth him that*, me, 12.44. 30. him who *. me, 6, X, 39, 40. 33. ye *. unto John, and he bare 36. I bare witness the Father hath *. me. 37. | 6. 57. 18. 16, 18. fi. 44. except the Father which . me 7. 16. not mine, hut his that *. me la th.it seeketh his glory th. *. him 32. Pharisees and priests*, officers 9. 4. work the works of him th. *.me 10. 36. of him whom Father hath * 11. 42. may believe thou hast*. me 12. 45. seeth me, seeth him th. *. me 49. Father who*, me gave me com. 14. 24. not mine, Father's who*, me 15. 21. they know not him th. *. me 16. 5. 1 go my way to him th.*. me 17. 3. to know Jesus whom thou *. 18. . me into the world, so I . 21. world may believe thou *. me 23. world may know thim . me 25. these have kin.wn thou *. me 20. 21. as my Father hath *. me Acts 5. 21. *. to the prison to have 15. 27. we have *. Jrdas and Silas 19. 31. Paul's friends *. unto him 2 Cor. fi. 18. *. with him brother, 22. Phil. 4. 16. in Thessalonica ye *. 1 John 4. 14. testify the Father *.Son SENTamny. Gen. 12. 20. Pharaoh *. a. Abraham 21. 14. Abr. *. Ishmael and Hag. a. 25 6. Ah. . Keturah's children a. 26. 27. ye hate me and have . me a. V9. as we have *. thee a. in peace 28. 6 Isaac blessed Jac. and . him a. 45. 24. he *. his brethren atray Deut. 24. 4. *. her away, nut take her 1 Sam. 10.25. Samuel*, the people o. 19 17. why hast *. a. my enemy ? 2 Sam. 3. 21. David *. Abner atray 24. why is it thou hast *. him a.? 1 Chr. 12. 19. Philistines*. David a. Luke 8. 38. but Jesus *. him atray Acts 13. a on them, they *. them a. God SENT. Gen. 45. 7. God t. me before yon Ej-od. 3. 13. G. of your fathers*, me 15. the God of Jacob hath *. me Neh 6 12. that God had not . him Jer 43. I. the Lord their God*, him 2 God hath not *. to thee to say John 3, 17. G. *. not Son to condemn 34. he whom Gorfhath*. speaketh Acts 10. 36. G. . to children of Isr. Ga7 4 4 G. *. Son made of woman 6 ' G. *. forth the Spirit of his Son 1 John 4. 9. G. *. his only begot. Son Rev. 22. 6. G. *. his angel to show He SEN T. Gen. 45. 23. he i. after this manner 46 28. he I. Judah unto Joseph Efod. 18. 2. after he had *. her back Judg. 11.28. Ammon hearkened not to words he i. [1 Chron. l!>. ">. 2 Sam. 10. 5. he t. to meet them, 14 29. when he i again, he would 22 17. he t. from above, P*. 18. 1 Kin. 20. 7. he *. to me f.T my wives 2 Chr. 25. 15 he *. unto Amaziah P,. 105. 17. he i. a man before them 107. 20. he i. his word and healed Isa. 61. 1. he t. me to hind up tr broken-hearted, Luke 4. IB. Jer 29 2a he i. unto us In Bab) Ion 42' 21 for he hnth *. me unto you lam 1 13. he . fire Into my hones lech. 2. a hath he i. me to nations till SEN V,r 71. 3f. if nin he i. otfipf 'ft*. 37. labt of all /,. i. unt t. fit hfl . . Mm, Hoi v John 5. 38. for whom he halh *. hut. (i. '.9 thi.t believe on him Ar bull > 7. 2ft. he that f. me Is true, < 25). but 1 know him, he Imlh *. uwl K. 29. nnd he that . me is with mr 42. neither curnr lm\rlf, hn. m Acti'M. 26. wh. refnre he i. lor 1'mil / SKNT. Gen. 38. 5. / have . to tell mjr lord Ejrod. 3. 12. a token / have * tlir* Num. 32. 8. your father* when / i. Joth. 24. 5. /*. Muses aNi,, .Vir I.. 4. Judy. fi. 14. Inr. have m>t / *. the. ? 2 A'm. 5. 6. /. NKHIHHII rny ocrtiint 17. 13 the law which 1 1. to ym IM. 43. 14. for your sake / have *. 55. 11. it sh. prosper wheri-tu / It Jer. 7. 25. / f. unto jrim all my *<-r- v ants, 16. 6. \ 3A. 16. | II 4. 14. 14. 1 >. them uot, 15. | M. 21,3?. | 27. 15. | l. 'J. 89. 31. /*. him not, he (MM ) Exek. 3. 6. surely had 1 1. thee Dan. 10. II. O Dan. to thee am / 1 . Joel 2. 29. my ff^eat armjr which / /. Zech. 9. 11. /*. forth thy pritonrra Mai. 2. 4. ye know I hare *. thin Luke 4. 43 for therefore am Ji. Jnhn 17. la /*. them into the world Act* 10. 20. nothing, / hate *. tlirin 1 Cor. 4. 17. for this have / *. ymi 2 Cor. 12. 17. did 1 make a gain of you by any whom 1 i.J 18. and with him /.. a brother Eph. 6. 22. whom 1 1. for *ame pur- pose. Col 4. a [carefully Phil. 2. 2a It. him then-lore mor I Thei. a 5. / *. to know your faith Phile. 12, whom / have *. again See LORD. SENT/nrtA. Mat. la 5. these twelve Jesus *. f. 22. 3. and *./ his servant* to mil Mark 6. 17. Hen-d *./nd laid l-old ActiS. 30. the brethren *. him/urM 1 1. 22. they *. forth Barnabas SKNT .' i ,<*. 15. 7. firth 'thjr wrath ftm. 'Sw 17 hither thou i. ni I .-.iff 5. H. consider! d things thou * SES O S. />r"iiH. 5. 14 hard *. f-'Uiid in Daniel s S3. a ktiik' undi rstaiidinif dark *. l.iikt a S4. Pilate gave ,. that it .1 .'. l\ 19. my* is, that trouble not t Cur. I 9. we had th.- * of d. ath SEPARATE. Urn. IX Abfam said. *. thyself * >. V>. Jacob did * the lamlis I.T, 15. 31 shall ye *. chi dren of Ir. ft S. Aaron and sons that they i. .Yum. fi. S when man or w..maii *. 3. the Natante shall hiin-elf halt I. IjVMtfi from l-raei . from this conirr iratloo /'-( III. i. -halt . three cities, 7. -.TV. Si. Lord h*ll t. him Unto evil I Kin. X, 51 . them tube inheritance znt 10, II. f. y .urwlves fr people / r 37. 14 Jeremiah went to . him. .V./f. S-V 3*. *. them as a shepherd /.i/Arri. 'A. ble**ed when men*, you Act* 13 2. . me B ,rnai.as and Saul H m. H. 35. who h. . m tr. Christ? 3v. nothing he able tii . us fr. O. Jtfit 19. they who *. themselves SEPA (ATE. ('fit. 49. 26. him that was *. from his i.retliren, /VuA .'O. 16 ./ cA. 16. ft the *. cities ol KphrHim l-'.rrk. 41. 14 binl'iiny before . place 13 he men- lire i house rfnd* pUce 4S. 1. i-hainh. r a .-it. *. place, 10, 13 S ("r. 6. 17. from am .n/ them, he . //. . 7. Sti und-liled. i. from sinners SEPARATED. C,'-n. 13. II. th n Ahrain und Lot i. V5 S3. two manner of people be *. Emd. Sa 16. so he *. Irom people Lit SO. 21 I am the L who have i. S-V I have from you a,s unclean .YKW. Ift 9. "d of |,r. hath *. y.. u D.-itt. 10. 8. L- . the tribe of l.evi M.'. 8. when he SHIM of Adam t Chr. IS. S. (iadites*. unto David sa la Aar>>n was . that he should t'.-r.i IV. 21. such a- had . themselves K s4. 1 *. twelve chief, of priests P. I. pr-e-ts and l.evite have not *. 10. *. be f fr.tm coiiKreifation 1R all of them hy names were*. \V4. 4. 19. and we are . up nt and * themselves A'1< 19. ft Paul * the di-npiei /... I I. P.iu ' . t" the rosp^lof O. CaL \. 'i <*"d wh.i. me from my 8. IS. Pet. r withdrew nnd . hinis. 8KPARATKTH. Ynm. 6 5. tulnll.d in which he*. 1'i-nr. Ifi. !& a hi-perer friends 17 9. repeateth a matter friends r.;> I 14. 7. stran.-r which *. him*. SKI' AH VTION. trr I*. I the *. for her infirmity ft unclean two week-. a in her *. 15 S<1. bed she lie'h np..n in her . .M he tn her a. the bed ttf her t. Yttws. & t. days oft. sh. eat nothing SER XUM. fi. R. days of*, ii ht.lv onto I. IS. ' rcause ins >. was deli e.| 18. S .z..nte -have head of his * Hi..! take the hair of his I. fll. off.-rioB for t. after law of i. - lies he kept for water of i. Ill aler..f* n.t -prink led, *0. 21. he that -.prinkleth water of j shall WHsh his clothes, that toiirheth water of i. he uiirlean 31. S3. piir.ti.-.i with the Water ol i Kzrk. U. -:d h id a wall to make a t. SEP AH ATI MA Zfch 7 3. I werp in filth month, t. SKPL'LCHKR. Gen 83 A. none withhold theehl- * D/itt. 34 R. no IIIHII k no\veth of his t. Jurlg 8. 3S. buried in his father'* i. I Sam 10. 4 to n en '> Karhel'sj. '2 Sam. S 3-'. Asuliel in his lather's t 4. I.'. IshtHH-heth Mined in Ahn. i. 17. 3. Ahithophel in of father 1. 14. bones of Saul in i. of Kish 1 Kin 1.1 VS. ran-ase n.it romr to t. 31. bury me in*, where, man of (t. S King* 9 sa AhHSiah in the*. 13. H, rast the man into . of Klisha VI. SA Amon wa- buried in his i S:l 17. it is the . ..f the man of G. 30. Juiiah hnried in his own t. i Chr. 35 S4 [om. 3. 13 I'.'.tt 5. U. th ir throat is an open > fin. H. 16. hewed out ai. here, as he that hetveth out a / on hirh Mat S7 GU rolled tonr to door oft. fi4. that the t. he made sure, ffi. S8. I. the other Mary came to nee * Mark 15. 41 and laid him in a> and rolli-il a stone to the door of the t. /.n*e S3 53. X.-f. (3. 29. 16. t. rame to t. at riMiiif or nun 3. who sh roll stone fr door of t.F S. entering . || S. they fled from A LuJce 21 ftV women aUo U-held t. S4. I. in morninir they ivtine to i. 2. they lound the stmie lolled from the f. John SO I. !). returned from t. || 12. Peter ran 24 women were early at the f. John I!'. 4i. in irarden there was a t. 4S for the i. was niirh at hand 8tt I. rometh Mary hen dark tof. 2. taken away the I. out of the >. a that rti-fipie rame tn the . 1, N. fi. rometh Peter, went into the f. II. Mary stood at the i. weeping Act* t 29. *. is with n unto this day 7. 16. J.trol. laid in the i Ahrahani UPULCHRRS. fifn. 2a fl in the rhon-e of our*. 2 Kin. S3 Ifi Jnsiah spied the t. and tiHik the hones out of the i. 2 Chr. 81. vO Jehor. not hurled in . S4.S.V J'-ash not || 8 -'7 Ahainot*. *S. 31 Heieliiah hnried in the *. .NVA ^. 3. the place of my father's t. 5. send me to rity of father'" i 3 ifi repaired to place over.aira. i. Mai -e\ 27 ve are like to whited i. f.t Kei ause ye varnish the t. Luke II. 47 i. 'of the prophet*, 8. SF.RAPHIM -. Int. fV 8. above it utmid the t. each fi. one of the t having a live coal SEROF.ANIS. AH* 16. S5 ent the saylnf 3& f. told the-e word to mar 1st SKKPENT Grn. 3. I. the*. Wa moreuhtle 13. th* woman said, th- t. benll. ed me. S Cnr. 1 1 3. t9. 17 Dun shall he a . by the WBV Efd. 4. 3. ra-t nn Kronnd, and the rod became nt. 7.9, 10, IS. SER .Yum. 81. 8. I., said, make the? V"M > made a i. of brass S Kin IH. 4. Hi sek. drake hrasen *. 1 I. llainl loriloil cri'iikeii I /' 58 4. their poi-on like pois. of t. I4>L a sharpened ti.nt'ii. - like * i I'r.i . -/a 3i-. at !ast it luteth like :. . 3i) 19 the Way ol a t. upon a lock EecL 10. 8. wbo-ol,reaketh anhedvc i .-hull hit'- him II. i bite without enchMiitmeiit /*a. 14. S!l. out nf i. r..ot rume iiick. atrice ; fruit he a.- fiery flyiiifr * S7. I. the 1.. h punish 1. 1 -rooked i 30. fi. come ip-r and fiery flyini; i. f. S5. and dust shall < the i. meut Jer 46. 2*. the v..i. e nh iro l.ke a *. Amnt 5. 19. wall, and H . kite him A/I.- 7. 17. shall It- k the iln-t like a f. Mat. 7. 10. will he ftivr Inin a < ? ri/A-r II II. ./<^n 3. 14 as Moses lifted up thr t. Rrr. IS. H. old . called deil. SO. 2. 14. ntmrished from face of the i. 15. the t. cu-t "lit t liis mouth SERPRNTa Ernti. 7. 12. their rod-,th. became i. Num. 'll. K. I., sen' i. iiiiioiif: them 7. pray to I. that he tnke away . Orut 8. I&. wherein were fiery *. 3S. S4. send (HIIMIII ol i. upon them Jrr. 8. 17. I will send *. amonv you Mat 10. Ifi. be then-lure w i-i- a'- t. a XI ye i. how can ye e>, i.pr ;- A/.;/* IK IH. they shall take up t. l.uke 10 19. power to tread on t. I Cor. 10 9 and were destroyed of j. Jam. a 7 beasts and . is tan ed A', r 9. 19. their tail* were like to , SKI IV. VST. Gen, 9. S.V Canaan, a t. of servants .'I 3t. he said, 1 am Abraham's i. 49. 15. l-Hcliiii rowed and bee. n i. Knot. '.'I. 5. if t' e . plainly say Went 4.15. remember thou wast a I. S3. 15. limn shall n .t d. liver the *. I Sam. V. 13 the priest's* came, 15. 9. S7. hid the i p .< on before ut 25. 41. let thy hatnlniaid be a *. 29. 3. is not DTd the i. of -aul ? :*). 13. I am *. to an Amaltkite i S.im (* -t. i. naii.nl Xiha. 19. 17. Ifi. I. Zibathe*. of Mephibo^h.-th 18 S!. when Joa'. -cut the kinir's*. 1 Kin. II. '#>. Jt-rolioum SolumonN *. IS. 7. If thu wilt I..- a > to |.-r. .(.! \rh S. 10. Tobiahf. Amo heaid.l'J. Job 3. 19. and the is there tree 7. S. a. a . earnestly dcsin-th 41. 4. wilt take la-vi'alh..n flir a i.t Pi. 105. 17. Joseph, was cold for a t. fr0 lord of .hall come, Z.u. 12. 4fi 5:5. 21. well done, thou good ;md faithlnl *. 2:1 iuAe 19. 17 SS. wick, nn-l slothful *. Lu 19 >> :iO cast unprofitable* intoilarkn 2(1 51. Pet struck . of h'gh priest, Murk 14. 47. JoAn 18. 10. Murk 12. 2. s.-nt to husbandmen a *. l.nke 12 47. th.it knew L.'s will 14. VI. so that t. showed his lord 17. 7. which haviujf a i plowing 9. doth thank thit *.? I trow not JO. 10. at. the season he sent a *. 11. John 8. 34. rninmitt. sin, is t. <>f sin 35 th i. aliidi-th Cot in house for 13. 16. the t. is not greater, 15. 20. 15 !.'>. the*, knoweth not what Ion. li'iin I. 1. Paul a* of Jesus Christ 14 t. who jndijest another man's .? I a 1. Phehe, a jr. of the church 1 Cur. 7. 21. -irt railed beiii* a *.? 22. being a it. is the L,. 's free, man !) 19. I made myself :i i. unto all Gal. 1. 10. 1 sho.ild n-t he i. of Chr 4. I child ditf'reth not hin from .. 7. thou art no more a .. lint a son I'fiir. '2. 7 he to..k the form of a . C;l 4. 12. Kpaphr i.. a .?. of Christ 2 Tim. -I '24 . of I. mn. not a< a .T. hut ahove a .. /.'cA .!. 5 Moa.'s was faithful as a .t. 2 Pet. 1. 1. Peter, a*, of Jes. Christ Ju. .SERVANT, and SERVANTS of God. f.Vn. .V). 17. forgive * ofG. of f.ther 1 Chr 6. 49 Moses the jr o/G. corn. 2 iTAr. 24 . Moses the . nf G. said AVA. 10. 29. by Mo*.--, the .t of Gd D'rn 6 20. O Daniel . ./living Gnrf !). II. in law .if Moses the *. nfGnd Tit. I.!. Paul, a* o/ Gorf, an itpostle .//i/i 1. I. James a . ofG. and of L. 1 /'rf 2. II liberty, hut as ;i .. ofG. Rer. 7. 3 we seal -d "he .. nfnur (;. 15 a song of Mos"s the *.' of God See HIIIKD. Hit SKKVANT. G'n 9. 28. C if smite eye nf A *. that it per Jiah. 5 14 what sa^h my L. to h ..?.? Si. 24. Ood commanded A. s. Moses ./'f/V. 7. II. CJid. went wi. Phur. A .. 19 3. Levlte went.hHVinif A. n.with 1 Srim. 19. 4. let not kin? -in n. A. s. i>'. 15 let not kinir impute to A. t. 25 39. L. hath kept A. . from evil 2!I I** why doth my lord pursue A '.'i 1!) let my lord hear words of A. t. 2 Sum fl. II. my lord command. A. t. It V2 king fulfilled request nf 4. I. 24 2i. is my lord cotne to A. *. ? 1 Kin 1. 51 that will riot slay A. r. R. 5r>. promised hy hand of Mo. A. .. 511 maintain ra ise of h. s. Israel 14. IS. *pake h v A. *. Ahijah, 15. 2>l. IP. 3. Klij.ih left A. s at Beer-sheha 2 A'J'H. 9. 36 word .he spake hy A. t. 14 25 word he spikehyA. Jonah 17.3. H >shea became A *. and irave 21 1. Jehoiakim liecamp A. / threu 1 Chr. lf>. 13 O v.-seed of Israel A. . I Chr. J*. 10. spni;.- aKiiinst A. *. H.'i. AV 4 S?. let ev.Tv one with h. . 1's.il. 3j. 27 I., hath pleas:ire of A .t. IO.V (5. O ye seed f>. an herita re unto Isniel A . /Vot. i'J. 21. dflri'.ely hrinv -MiA. . SE'i '">. 44. ?fi. ronfirmeth word of A, *. K X th,- L. red.-emed A, . Jacob 49. 5. from the womb to >..*. Job 31 13. if I despise cause ol m..s Jer. 34. 9. let his m .*. u<> free, 10. My SERVANT. Gen. 26 24. multiply seed for my i. 44. 10. it is found he sh be my i. 17 A'wm. 12. 7. my I. Mo~es is not so 14. 24. but my *. Caleb had another ./o.A. I. 2. Moses my t. is dead 1 Stun. 22 ft my son stirred up my i. 27. 12. he shull be my * for ever 'i Sam. 19. 26 Oking, my. deceived 2 Kin 5. 6. have sent Naaman my i 21. 8. accord, to law my t. Motes .lob 1. 8. considere ' mys. Job? 2. 3. 19. 16. I called my he vave menu 4,'. 7. not spoken light, as myi. Job R en to my *. Job, he shall pray 7*720. a like as my*. Isaiah hath 22 20. I will call my jr. Kliakim 41. 8. Israel, art mif *. fear not, 9. 42. 1. behold my. whom I uphold 19. who is blind but my t. I sent? 43 10. ye are witnesses and my *. 44. I. O Jac. my s \\ 2. feur imt'my *. 21. those, for thou art my t. 49.' a 45. 4. for Jacob my *. sake, and Isr. 4: '.'I. it liirht th n sh'.uldest I.e my i. 52. 13 behold my s. deal prudently R5 8. so will I An for my t sake Jer. 25. 9. Nebuchadnezzar my t. 2/ G. | 4i 10. 30. 10. O my t. Jacob, 45. 27. 28. Ere/V.V8.25.have piven my *. J.,37.25 //(. sh. he healed, /..7.R 9. and to my f. do this, Luke 7. R 12. 18. my. whom I hare chosen John 12. 26 there hall aiso miy . be Thy SERVANT. Gen. 18. 3. pass, I pray, from (hv *. 19 19. M// found ura-e, AVA 2. 5 32. 10. the mercies showed to thy t. 18. say, they he th>i *. Jacob's !n 't child. Ood hath given thy*. 44. 31. grey h.-iirs ol t t. our father E.md. 4. 10. hast spoken unto thy i. I IT. 2ft 6. for thee, and for thy*. \nm II. II. wherefore hast afflic. f Dent a 24. show thy *. thy ifrvatnes,, 15. 17. he shall he thy* for ver Judf. 7. 10. go down w!. Pburah t.n l.SVim. a9. speak, L. t hearelh.10 20. 7. thus, Wv sh" 11 hilVH peace 22. 15. thy*, knew nothing of this 2.1. II. O I- 1 beseech thee tell /. 28. 2. shalt know what /. *. can do >.SViB.7.l9. hast poken of t * house 20 thou, I-ord (lo I, knowest thy . 39 to bless the house of thu *. 13. .15. ca-ne, a- thy .*. said, so it is 15. 21. even there will thu .' be 24 10. take awav iniquity of thu > I Kin. 1. 2ri even me, t. s and 7adok tin- ;i-ie-t. ""I th;i i. Si.loiiioii 1 Kin. n R r, iiinmiditnfthri*.* '> Kive fAv. an MM.I, -rslanj. ne.rt - . 40. a< M,/ , WK, i,,,, y ,,,. alld ^ Kin. 4, 1. thy . my hluhtnd ded, thou knowest M V . did lrr L. e J"; l )Hrd "" %* i" lhi thnv 25. fJehaii said, t , w,,,t 1,0 mil v ?-' 3 :";t-a'lo 1(f ||la7. !./ , * fh . l-ll pro.per. I pray t her, t , l'l!. 19. II. hy the:,. <.,: B ' rllrd 27. 9. put not (. j. ,,way in t :.,i>-r 31 Ifx face to shine upon thif * IV. 17. hide not thv fa.-., fn.m thy t Wi 2. O Hod, save t . that triMtrth \r,. the thy str.-nifth to thif i. hi,,) Hit. 39. made void covenant oi M. 110. l. kill me, then will we be v..ur. 25. 10 many t. break away from 41. wash feet of the ... of my lord 2 Sum. 8. 2. MoHh. became David's*. 6. Syrians becam*- jr. to David 14. they of Kdom bee. David's * 9. in. Ziba had 15 sons and 20 *. 11. II. the*, of the L. are encamp. 1 A'iu. 2. 39. two jr. of Shimri ran i Kin. 21. 23. . nf Arnon con-pired ICAr. 21. a are they not my lord's i. 2 Chr. 8. 9. of Israel Sol. made no /. Wi. 20. Babylon, wh they were /. Ezra 5. II. ive are the i. of the i,,.,l VcA ,">. 15. the;r. hHre rule over pen. 9. 3fi. we are . thi day, i. in Iwid .li'h I. 15. slain i. with fie .word. 17. f"it. I2a 2. eye. ..( ,. |,.,,k to rnast. Krrl. 2. 7. I 7'.t me . and had i horn 10. 7. I hlive seen*, on horses, ami princes walking a* (. tin. M. 2. Is! del p'.ssess them for i. Iff. .'(4. II. caused the . they bad t.nm 5. H. f. have ruled over us Dtin S 2fi ye. of th- M. Hi|fh O. W/2. 29. upon i ill I pour Spirit Zerh 2. !) th. y >hall be a spoil to . .Wu*i 2-?. la kine s.od to . bin.l him 2\ 19. the |..rd f these jr. rometh \f,,rtc 14 6'>. th.' ,. d d strike J, .us l.iikf 12. 37. hleed are Miose . :L 17. 10. are iiiippifitable*. have do,^ .Inhn 15. 15. I call yon not r. for -,-r. Jrts IR. 17. these men re I. of Ood Hum fi. It), yield yourselves *. to obey 17. that ve were the t. of sin K ye became >. of rii;hteoiisneM 111. yielded your members t \>< * ri 2. *. of sin, ye Were free fr. riht 22. free from sin become jr. to O. I d,r. 7 2a be ....t ve the . of men _' Cur. ^. .') onrseUex your*, for Jet F.ut. ft .V . be obedient to master Cl 3. 22. Tit. 2. 9 I Pet. . 18 . eye.ervire. but *. of Christ Phil I. I. Paul and Tim .. of Chri.l Cnl 4 I. ive yi>nr .t. what iJn-t I Tim. I. a- '-nanv *. rr MMfff 1 Prt. 2. 11. liberty, but a ol i.od 2 Pet 2. I!' ttHMtiM Iv H nrr i. ii cor. Her. 7.3. we hav. -eled *. o Ood Ser HmD //,, KI(VAVTS. }>. .in l'h..r..b r..se. <*. -' r,d., and*. SIR 7>iit. 32. 3fi L. shall reppnt for Ail *. 43 he will avenge l.lo.i.l .f/iM. I S.-tm. . IV h-t, give to Kit t. 15. 19.1. Saul spake to A. i. to kill D.iv 82. 8. all A i. standing about him S Ai. A. 13 A. i. came near, spake 1 CAr. l!. a V . romp to search t 2 CAr 3V. 16 \. t. spake ag..inat L. AVA. i *). A. t. will arise and huild Job 4. 18. he put no trust in Au *. I's'il. 69. 36 seed of A. t. inherit it 135. 14. repent himself concein. hi. Pr<*. 29 12. lies, all A. . are wicked /*a. 86. 8. love name of U to he A i. 65. IS. L. rail A. i hy another name 66 14. L. be known toward Au t. Jer. 22. 4 on horses, he and Hit t. 36. 31. punish him, his seed, AM .t. /'.- A. 1C' 17 it prince five gift to A. i. flan. 3. 28. deliver A. t. that trusted Mat 18.23 king take account of A.* kl. 34. he sent A. i. to husbandmen Like 19. la he railed AM ten i. Ramfi. 16. A, . ye are whom ye obey ACT. 1.1. A. . things mactcniM^S.d 19. 2. hath avenged blood of hit t. 5. prii-e G. ye A. . that fear him 22. 3. and hit t. shall serve him See 1. nun, MAID, Mi:S. % SERVANTS. r,r. 25.42. m. f. whom \ brought, V>. 1 Siim. 21. i. appointed mv a place 1 A'i'. A. (>. mil s. shall be with thy servants, 2 CAron. 8. 8. S?. 19. let mv*. go wi. thy servants S Kin. 9.7. avenge the hlood of mi/ 1. .V '.. 4. 23. nor mv f. put oft clothe* 5.10. 1 and mv mlirht exact money 16. my i. were gathered to work 13. 19. some of my t. set I at gates Inn R5. 9. my t. shall dwell there 13. mil t. shall eat || 14. my t. sing Jer. 1. ",Y 1 sent to you mv . 44. 4 J..A IS. 36. then would mv . fight .rfcfci is. on m. i. I will pour Spirit See. i. 20. prophetess to seduce m.t. See PaopHETs. Thy SKRVANTS. Gen. 44. Hi. G. found iniquity oft t. 47. 3. My *. are shepherds both we 50. 18. said, behold, we be thy t. Ef'i'i. !>. 15. dealest thus with t. i.t 1 1. 8. these (Av *. bow down them*. 3i. 13. remember Abraham, and la. rael /Av * 0. with rigour a 12. ye shall i. O. upon mountain 4. 23. let my son go, lie may t. me 7. 16. let my people go, that they may*, roe, 8.1,20. | 9.1,13. | 10 a 14. 12. let us alone, that we *. Egjr. 80. 5. not bow down to them, no. i them, Unit 5. 9. 81. 6. and he shall *. him fi>r ever Lee. 25.40. . thee to year of Jubilee .Vu/n. 4. 24. family of (iershon. to *. 8. 25. age of fifty, shall t. no more 18 81. to Levi, for service they t. Dent, aia thou shalt fear the Lord and i. him, 10. 12, 20. | II. 13. | 13. 4. Josh. 22. 5. | 24. 14,15. 1 Sam. 7. 3. | 12. 14,20.21 1ft. 12. brother be sold, t. six years 28. 48. shalt thou t. thine enemies Jiittt. 24. 15. choose whom ye will . Judg. 9. 38. Aliim. that we .. him ? 1 ,V//m 10. 7. do as oicasion shall t. 11.1. make covenant, and we will i. 12. 10. deliver us, and we t. thee 17. :i. ye be our servants, and>. us 2 Sam. 16. 19. whom should I i. ? should 1 not i.r [/'*. 18. 43. 22.44. people I knew not sh. t. me, J A.'in. m IS. but Jehu shall .<. Baal 25. 24. dwell in the land and *. the king of Babylon, Jer. 27. 11, 12, 17. | 88. 14. i 40. a ICAr. 88.9. f. him with perfect heart 2 CAr. 29.11. L. ha. chosen you to t. M. 33. Josiah made all to . Lord J'ifi 21.15. Almighty that we . In in? 36. II. if they obey, and t. him 39. 9. unicorn be milling to t. thee? 1'tal. 22. 3U. a seed xhall . him 72. 11. kingo, ah nations sh. him 97. 7- confounded that . Images 101. 6. perfect way, he shall .. roe /. 14 3. bondage wast made to i. 19.23. Egyptians . with Assyrians 41. 2:1. 1 have not caused thee to . 24. made me to .. with thy sins 56. ft. join themselves to L. to i. him fit). 12. nation not t. thee sh. perUh ./IT. 5. 19. sx> shall ye t. strangers 17. 4. will cause thee to /. enemies 25. II. nations t. king of Babylon 14. many nations . themsel. 27 7. 87. 6. beasts hare I given to /. him 9. prophets say, ye shall not i. 14. 30. 8. strangers no more . themsel. 34. 9. none should t. himself of, 10. 40. 10. behold, I will *. Chaldeans Ezek. 20. 32. families to . wood 39. go, t. ye every one his idols 40. all of them in land shall t. me 89. 18. his army t. against Tyrus 48. IR fiMKl to them that *. the city 19. that i. city shall t. of all tribes Dan. 3. 17. G. whom we . to deliver 28. not t. any, except their own G. 7. 27. dominions r. and obey him Zi-pa. a 9. L. to i. him with consent Mni. a 14 said. It is In vain to*. O. Miit. 4. 10. him only t. Lute 4. 8 6 24. no man ran i. two roasters. ye rannott. (>. and M. /.M. 1 13 /.'/. I. 74. we delivered mill lit *. him 10. 40. Muter left me to . alone 12. 37. he will come forth . them 15. 29. these many years I . the* SER J.i.'.Vp 17. 8. gird thyself and I. tn 22. 2(1 i* chief, as he that doth i Jnhn 12. 26. if any in .n ,. me, let -iV/j ti.2. leave word of (iod i. t.iiili i 7. 7. come, and*, me in this place >7. 23. theanvel of (iod u horn I *. Hm. I. 9. (. my witness, whom It 6. ti. that We should not t. sin 7. (I should i. in newness of spirit 25. with mind I . the law ot i.-.J 9. 18. said, elder shall t. young* r 1C. 18. they that are such not L. Gal. 5. 13. by love t. one another Col. a 24. reward, ye /. Lord Christ I '/"Act. I. ft turned fr. Idols to i. (i. -' Tim. I. 3. I thank (iod, whom 1 i. //'.V 8. 5. . to example of heavenly 9. 14. purge fr. dead works to t. (i, 12. 28 we may I. (iod acceptably laiO. right to eat wh. t. tubernm-le li'-i: 7. 15. they t. him in his tempi* 22. a and hit servants shall linn SEKVKU, joined with gods. Ejcod. V3. 24. thou shalt not i. their rod*. Den/, fi. 14. | 28. 1 4. JwA. 2a 7. 2 X'ing-* 17. 35. Jer. 25. 6. | 35. 15. 33. if thou *. their g. It be a snare Dent. 4. 2R theie ye shall *. r. the work, 28. 36, 64, Jer. 16. 11 7.4. th. they may*, other g. 31. vi). 13. 2. go after, and >. other #. 6. la 29.18. turneth from O. i. other /r. ./".thvr gods, ;rt. i6. Joth. 23 l& Jo*A.24.2. fathers t. other gods, l.i. 31. lit. *. the Lord all the days nf Joshua, Jwig. 2. 7. [10. 6, 10. Jwi/f. 8.11. Isr. *. Hnalim, 12. | 37. I 3.ti. daughters to sons,*, their godi 14. Israel*. Eglon, eighteen yean 8. 1. why hast thou*. us thus '' 10. la forsaken me, *. other god* Hi. they put away their gods, and *. the Lord, I Sum 7. 4. 2 Sam. 10. 19. the Syrians *. Israel 16 19. I . in thy father's presence 1 Kin. 4 .2 1. presents, and t. Solomon 9. 9. they . other gods, 2 CAr7.22. 2 Kin. !0.'l8. Jehu said. Ah. . Haul 21. a Manasseh *. the ho*t >( hen. Ten, 2 CAron. 33. a 21. Amon . Idol*. 2 CAmn. 3a 22. 2 CAmw. 24. H. princes of J. . idols V.-A ! 35. they have not *. thee 1'ial. 106. 36. and they *. their idols 137. 8 rewardeth as thou hast*. \ii Ecrl. 5. 9. king himself is . hy fle|4 Jer. *>. 19. ye have *. strange god* 16. II. walked nfter gods. *. them 34. 14. hath t. 6 years, let him go Krrk 29. 1 S. fur e> ice he hath t. 20 34. 1. out of hand of those that . Hot. 12.12. IK. i. for wife, kept sheep /.i/Ar 2.37. Anna*. O. in the tempi* John 12. 2. made supper, Martha *. Art* 13. 36. David had . trenerafoq /f"m I. 25. worshipped, *. critiire Phil 2. 22. he . with me in gotpel SI HVKDST. D;ut 28. 47. thou *. uot the Lord SET SERVEST, E'H. X.im. 3 36. under Merari all that i. Dan. 6. 16. O. tliou s. will deliver 20. is 3od tliou t. able to deliver ? Vol. 3. 17. xpareth son that i. him IS. him that i. (>. and him th. not in/t '-;.'. 27. sitteth at meat, or he that t.1 \ am as one that i. Rom. H. 18. in these thing** Chnsi 1 Cor. 14. 22. prophery t. not him that helieveth not Goi 3. 19. wherefore then t. law ? SERVICE. Gen. 29. 27. . that thoii .shall serve Erod. 1. 14. in all s. in field; their t. 12. 26. what meam you by this t. * 3fi 5. bring more than enough for t. A'KTO. 3. 7. tribe of Levi to do i. 8. L 19. Aaron appoint them to i. i4. the t. of GerahoniU-s, 27. -2& 30. . of the sons of Merari, 33. 43. a 11. Levites may execute *. of L. 25. fr. 50 years cease, nailing- on t. 16. 9. small thintf to bring you to j. 18. 4. Levites he joined for all t. 1 Kin. 12. 4. make grievous *. lighter 1 Chr. 6. 31. whom Dav. set over *. 9. 13. able men for work of*. 26. 8. 28. 13 Levites for work of the *. 21. priests shall he with thee for*. 29. 5. who consecrate his t. to L.? 7. gave for s of house of O. silver 2 Chr. 8. 14. roursrs of priests to *. 12.8. know my r. and *.of kingdoms 31. 2. every man according to his *. 35. 2. encouraged them to i of L. 10. o i. of L. was prepared, 16. Errafi. 18. in courses for t. of G.7.19. Ptal. 104. 14. herb to grow t. of man Jer.22. 13. that uscth neighbour':)/. Erek. 29. 18. caused army to serve*. 44. 14. keepers of house for the , John 16. 2. killeth, think doth O. i. Rom. 9. 4. whom pertaineth t. of (i. 12. I. which is your reasonable *. 15. 31. my . be accepted of saints 2 Cor. 9. 12. administration of this*. 1 1. 8. taking waives to do you s. GrU. 4. 8. did i to them are no gnds Eph. 6.7. good. will doing*, to Lord Phil. 2. 17. offered upon t. of faith 30. In supply your lack of*. 1 Tim. & 2. do *. because beloved Heb. 9.1. had ordinances of divine t. 6. priests accomplishing t. of God 9. make him that did t. perfect Rev. 2. 19. I know thy works and /. .Bond-SERVICE. 1 Kin. 9. 21. Sol. levy tribute of b..t. Kve.SKRVICE. Eph. 6. 6. not e..i. as men-pleaseri SERVILE. Z.cc. 23. 7. ye shall do no . work, 9, 21, 25. 35. 3fi. Num. 28. 18, 25, 26. I 29. I, 12, 35. SEKVINQ. Deut. 15. la hired servant In . thee Luke 10. 40. Mar. cumbered about *. Actt 20. 19. *. Lord with humility 26. 7. twelve tribes . O. day and Rom. 12. II. fervent in spirit, *. L. Fit. 3. a sometimes foolish, . lusts SERVITOR. 2 Kin, 4.43. i. said, sh. I set this bef. SERVITUDE, [ion men 'i J Chr. 10. 4. grievous *. of thy father lam. 1. i Judah gone because of*. SET. Gen. 4. 15. Lord *. mark upon Cain 9. 13. I *. my how in cloud a token 41. 33. let r*har. *. him over Eirypt 43. 9. if I bring not and *. him bef. 48. 20. Jar. *. Ephr. before Manass. 7. 23. nor *. hia heart to thil SET Etna. 19. 12. . bounds |1 26.35. . table 21. I. judgment* *. before them 40. 4. * in order things to be *. in Lev. 24. a every saiib. *. it in order -Vum. 2. 9. camp of Ju. first . forth 8. 13. *. the Levites before Aaron 27. 16. let L. . a mail over congre. Deut. I. a I have . land hef. you,2l. 4. a law which I *. before you, 44. 7. 7. 1. did not *. hit love on you 11. 26. I *. bef. you blr.ss. and curs* 14. 24. choose to *. name, Neh. I. 9. 17. 14. gay, I will *. a king over me 28. I. L. thy G. will *. thee on high 30. 15.1 . before you life, deuth.19. 32. 46. *. hearts to words I testify Josh. it. 25. he . a statute in Shrrh Jurir. 6. 18. . my present bef. thee 7. 19. they hart hut uewly . Wiitcli 1 Sam. t. 8. raiseth poor, to *. him amo. princes, *. world on them 10. 19. ye said, nay, *. king over u.- 12. l.'i. L. hath *. a king over you 2 Sum. 19. 28. i. thy servant at table 1 Kin. 2. 15. Is. *. their faces on me 5. 5. I will *. on throne shall build 21. 9. *. Naboth high among peo. 12. 2 Kin. 4.4. *. aside that which is full 20. 1. . thin* house in order,./*.3& 1. 1 Chr. 1<>. 1. *. ark in mi.f-t 01 tent 2-2. 19. *. your heart to seek Lord 2CAr. 11.16. .. their hearts to seek L 20. 3. and *. himself to seek Lord 24. 13. *. hou.se of G. in his state \i-Ji. _'. 6. king, and I s. him a time 9. 37. increase to kings . over us 13 II. gathered, *. them in place Job 6. 4. terrors of G. i. against me 7. 17. shouMeit jr. heart upon him SO. why *. me a mark against thee? 9. 19. who *. me a time to plead ? 30. 13. they *. forward my calamit) 33. 5. t. thy words in order bef. me PsaL 2. 2. kings of earth . themsel 6. yet have I *. kin? on holy hill 3. 6. not afraid if 10,000 *. themsel. 4. 3. L. *. apart him that is godly 16. 8. I *. Lord always before me 31. 8. hast *. my feet in large room 40. 2. and *. my feet upon a rock 50. 21. I *. them before their eyes 54. 3. liavenot *. God before them 62, 10. riches, . not your hearts on 73. la didst *. th. in slippery places 78. 7. might . their hope in God 8 generation *. not heart aright 85. 13. i. us in the way of his steps 88. 14. violent meu have not *. thee 91. 14. he hath *. his love upon me, therefore I *. him on high 101. a *. no wicked thing bef. eyes 104. 9. . bound they may not pass 109. 6. *. a wicked man over him lia a he may . him with princes 118. 5. and *. me in a large place 141. a . a watch before my month Prov. 1. 25. ye *. at nought counsel 23. 5. *. thine eyes on that is not t Eccl. all.*, world in th-ir heart 7. 14. O. . one agaln&t the other 12.9. *. in order many proverbs Ita. 7. 6. * a king in the midst of it 14. 1. L. . them in their own land 19.2. I will*. Egyptian* ng. Egypt. 22.7. *. themselves in array Ht gate 42 4. have *. judgment in the earth 44. 7. shall . it in order for me ? 46. 7. carry, and *. him in hi place 66. 19. 1 will *. a sign among them Jer 1. 10. I *. thee over the nation* 6. 27. I have . thee for a tower 7. 12. place where I . my name 9 13 forsaken law I . before them SI a I *. before you way of life SET Jer. 24. 6. . eyes 01 them f.,r ron^ 26. 4. walk in law 1 ,. l.efoie <.- net on hivh Zech. 5. 11. be*, on her own base H. 10. *. ev. man against neighbour Mat. 10.35. rome to *. man at vnria, 25. 33. i. the heep on right hand Luke 4. la to *. at liberty hruim-d 10. 34. and *. him on his od U true Act*'. 5. so mui h as to *. foot on 13. 9. then Paul *. his eyes on him I a 10. no man *. on thee to hurt Km. 14. IU. . at nought brother ? 1 Cor. 4. 9. G. *. forth apootles last 6. 4. *. to judge least esteemed 12. 2a O. hath t. sme in church Kph. 1.20. he *. him at right haml Heft. 2.7. *. him over work of hands Her, a 8. *. before thee open door .SET up. Gen. 28. 18. Jacob took stone, and *. it up, 2i I 31. 45. J 35. I*. Lev. 26.1. nor *. up image of utonn .Vum 10. 21. and ..ther did . it up 1 i'owj. 15.11. repenteth 1 *. up >aul 2 finm. 3.10. to f. up throne of I)H. 7. 12. 1 will i. up seed after thee 1 Kin. 15. 4. to . up son niter him 2 A'in. 17. 10. they *. th. up imae 2 Chr. 25. 14. Ama. . them up ifiwlt Ezra 2. 6a offer, to *. up G.'s house 4. 12. Jews have *. up walls, 13, 16. 5. II. build house king of Is *. up *. 6.1.1 had not . up the Anon Job 5. 11. to . up thosr that be low !:. 12. and * me up f'-r hi mark P$aL 27 5. and A me up upon riK-k 69. 29. let thy wlvntion *. ire *p R<1. 42. . up right hand of adFr. Prm. a 23. I was . up eve- '..tin Jer. II. la . up altars to th. thing Ezelc. 14. 3. men *. up their idols Ml. 4. the deep *. him up on hinrh Dan. 2. 44. God shall up a kinrt 5. 19. whom he would he *. up and Hot. a 4. they have * tip kinc. Mil Hal. 3. 15. work wicked re. up Actt 6. la and . up fale witnee 15. 16. build the ruins, and . it up SET, fiutirf. Gen. S4.SS. there was . m I "t bef..r Efod. 32. M. they nre . -n niirh C 1 Sam. la 30 his name w _ *y 26. 24. thy life WM mnrh i 1 Ain. SET t A'rw. '2. k money every man . at I C'jr. |y 10. Jimh saw battle wax t c'Ar. o. I i I am un throne uf I) '.1'. 3V house uf L. wa J. in order 31. 15. in their *. office tn give thei ^'>3&I6. what shoul.i be 1. on tM /'rot Id 8. privily . against |>ooi 141. & let my prayer be *. forth EecL a 1 1. tli".- heart i i. to do evil 10. & folly '. . in great diiriuty /jo. a 24. and ill-tend of well *. hair ./. a 83. r in arniy. Joe/ 8. \ :,*. 18 .8 Z)iin. 7. In. jndmneiit was t. books Hat 5. 14. a city <. nn H hill cannot 87. 19 he was '. on judgment-seat J/ar/t I. Si. when un th. brought a 12. thin**, and he . at n.Miifh 7.KA--8. 34 this chilil is .. for the la! 7. & I am a roitn i under autrmnu 10. 8. rat surh a> are . before you j4c. fi. 18. lay hold on hope . before 8. I. who is /. on riirht hiind. 12 2. 1.' 1. let run the rare*, before u 2. for joy that was . before him 13. 23 brother Mm. i* t at liberty Jutlrl. cities are*, forth forexampit Jim. 3. -it. am . down with P.ither 4. 2. a throne was i. in heaven, on. SET Aiv- ^rt* 18. 81. on a . day Herod array See FACE, FAOFS, FKAHTS. SETfiW. Cm. 17. 81. Sarah Khali bear at *. t. E rod. 9. 5. Lord appointed a i. time Jub 14. 13. Wouldest appoint H. tim> Pi.il. lUi 13. i t. to favour is come SK1TEK. Ai-U 17. 1R a furt h of strange gods SETTEST. Deut. 23. 80 thou . hand to. 2a8,80. J"4 7. 11 that *. a watch over me f .rW. 41. I*. thou i me before face SKTTETH. 7>ut 84. 15. pmir. i. his heart on it 27. Ifi. Turned th .t i ugiK by father 5am. sfct 34. . me on hiirh places, P taint I a 33. Jot 88. 3. he t. an end to darkness Fritl 36, 4. he . himself in H way 64. 6. by strength t- fat mountains 75. 7. put. down one, t. up another 107. 41. i. poor on Inch fr. iiffl i-tion Jer 5. Ofi. w.8I. II. * it in your hearts, hut 1 /W & 10. Cod strengthen, f. you BgTTLED. I Kin. a in. built a t. place for thee t Kin. H. 1!. he t. hi* ountenanre pi./ I i}- 9. thv word i i. in heav. /ror. H iintin wt-re . Ar. 4ii t-ase, b baXh . ou leri SEV 7.t;ih. \. 18. that are . on their lees Cei I. *a in faith, grounded and . M VKN. Ge. 46. 25. Bilhah, all souls Were i Kjuit 8. 16 prie-t of M. h.d *. dau l.rr. 83. 15 /. sabhaths shall be com 85. a number f. sabbath* of years Sum. *a I. build here *. altars, an< prepare *. oxen and t. rams, 29 Deut 7.1. /.nations great, and iniuhl l'i 9. i. weeks thou (halt nuinl.er 88. 7. L caii.se enemies flee t. way 85 shall flee /. ways before them Juth. 6 4. *. priests bearing i. trum pets, 6, 8, la la 8. remained of Israel trit.es 1 Sum. 2 5. the barren hath horn/. la 10. Jesse made /. of his ana 2 SUM. 81. 9. they fell all /. together K.-in 7. 14. kini; and his /. counsel.. Etth. 1. 14. the t. princes which saw Jn>i 5. 19. in / troubli-s no evil shall f'ror. 9. I wisdom hatli hewn / pil. 8>i- V.V there .-.re /. abominations Ecrl. II. 8. portion to /. also to eight /I. 4 I. . women take hold of one II. Ij L. shall smite in /. streams Ezek. 39. 18. /. m .. thi he burying Dam. 9. 85. Mess -h, h. be ... weeks W'C. 5. 5. against him/, shepherds J.ech. 3. 9. upon one stone /. eyes Mark 12. 88. and *. had her. 23 Luke 80. 31, :'iff>-red rA ,/.rain i Chr. >. 21. they hrot. *. A . /. rains ./- A 48. K take \on nou- *. A., /. rams k 4->. 8.1. a burnt. oO'ering, . i. SKVKV.FOLO. (e. 4. 15 vengeance h. he taken . I. if Cain shall he avenged /. La. Iliech seventy and . PT/ 79. 18. render *. into th bosom I'r-ir ft 31 found he shall renti.re *. Ita. 30.2fi. light of the nun shall be*. See LAMBS LAMPS. SEVEN mew. I Sam. 81. 6. let /. men of his sons he Prur. 86. fR than /. m. that can ren. 58. 85. look -. m that were near .-f< ( 6. 3 "k out /. m. of hone SliVh.N f/inn. C;^n. 33 3 Jiicoh howeii tief. Es. *. t Lee. 4. '>. pnest sh.i;l sprinkle of th* hiood 1. 1. 17. i a it. i 14. ;. i 16. 14, 19. Xnm. l. 4. 14 16 iprinklF oil ui. fingers *./.87 51. dip in blood, sprinkle house .. 5. a shall number t. neven yean 26. ia punish J. t. mule, 81, 84, iS. /'tu/. Ill) I'.l. i f. a day do I praiM fror. '.'4. Iri a just ITIHII fall- th < < D,in. 4. Ifi. let . t. pas*. 23. >?5, .ti Mat. 18. VI. -hall I foigive > till / <. Luke 17. 1 if Lmther trerpast i. f. a day. ami . {. a . Gen. 29. IS verve t. v for Rachel 80. Jacob served i. y. lor Kacbel 27. shalt serve me i. other y- 30. 41. i(J. the seven irnod kine are i t/. the seven (food i-r are . 'y. 89. come . v. of plenty, 34. 47, 48 53. the f. v. of uleiiteousui-u were SKVKN S (Jen. 7. 2. clean beast -)i.,lt take by i. SEVKMKES. Gen. 37. 8. Joseph lieuiir t. years old Jer. 3*. 4.Jerem. fiiih. d . ahekell SEVEN 1KKM H. Gen. 7. II. n i day the fountains a 4. ark rested on the*, day in the SEVENTH Exod. 81. 8. in . he shall go out free 31. 1%. but the i is s.ihhath of re. t Let. 83. 16. morrow aftei i. sabbath See DAV. SEVENTH mnnth. Gen, a 4. ark rested in t. m. on the Lev. 16. 89. ID t. m. afflict your sou's, vCi -il. | 85. . .Vum. 89. I. in *. m. holy convoc. 12. 1 Kin. a 8. Israel tustmbled Ht /. m. //' 8. I. in i. m. the word raine Zech. a 19. the fast ol the ,. m. shall SEVENTH V r,ir. Ej-od. 2a II. *. y. thou sh let it rest / t elder* tirlf. 9. 56. slayinv hi.s t. brethren -' Ai'n 10. 1. Ahuh had /. sons in. fi. lia 83. IV Tyre sh. be lorvotten *. 17. after end of f yearn, the Lord Jer 85. 11. serve liabylon . years Erek. a II. stood bef.'them i. men Dan. 9. 84. . weeks ar<- determined f.rrn. 7. 5. even thoee . years did ye Wo/ la 88. times, but until ItasM \.uke 10. I. Lord appointed other t. 17. the i. returned amin with joy SEVKH. EH. f.rnd. 8. 88. I will . in that day th 9. 4.L. shall j. bet wr-en cattle . i.. . Kin. 15. 5. Ar.-.r'ah dvlt In *. h..use, -I Chran. 26. 21. V f 'hr. 31. 19. sons f Aaron in*, eity ^V ;. 25. 15. nr< ording to*, ability 1 Cor l-J. 11. ti> every man . as hi- fler. 21. 21. every .. fate wasol pearl SEVERITY. Horn. 11. 22. behold thegoodo. and . SEW. E'-cl 3. 7. a time to rend, a time to . fc'it*. 13 IS. wo to .vnmen *. pillo. SKWKl), EST, KTH. tifii. 3. 7. they *. fig-leaves together J"l> II. 17. thou t. up mine iniquity lii 15. 1 have*, sackcloth upon my Murk i 2' no man >. new cloth on SHADE. /'. 'it. 5. the L. is thy*, upon right SHADOW. Grn. 19. 8. rotne under *. of my roof Ju'lif. 9. 15. put your truit in my t. '.M. thou see*t the *. of mountains 2 Kin 20. 9 shall the *. go forward? 10 light thinii for . to go down I CAr. 29. IS. days are as a . JobH.9. fell 7. 2. as a servant desireth the t. \ 4. _'. he fli-etli also aa a i, and con. 17. 7. all my members i* r <" RS a * 40. 22. trees cover him with their*. Paul. 17S. hiile me under s. of winy* 31). 7. trust under *. of winirs, 57. I. fi:t. 7. in . of wrngs will 1 rejoice 80. '10. hills were "covered with I. of !)l. I. a>>i>le under*, of Almu'hty l''2. 1 1. my day* are like a *. that If)!). '23. I am tfoue like a *. when it 144, 4. days -ire an a *. EcH. 8. la Krrl. (5. 12 lite he xpendeth as a I Cunt. 1. 3. I sat under *. wi. d.-li^ht Isn. 4. fi. tabernacle for a *. in day l(i. 3. make thy s. as the night iA. 4. thou hast been a . from heat 5. bring heat with .. of a cloud 30. 2. and trust in the . of Kitypt 3. ami the trust ill t. of Egypt 3~2. 2. as *. of a irreat rock in w-ary ,'. 8. I will bring again .. of degrees 4!). -1. in*, of hand he hid me, 5i. lii. .'cr. 48. 46. stood under*, of Heshhoii l.tirn. 4 20. under lits . we shall live Ez,'k. 17. 23 in* thereof shall they 31. G. under his dwelt all nations 12. people are gone ilown from *. Dun. 4. 12. the beasts had*, under it ILiS. 4. 13. heciiii-e * thereof is good 14 7 dwell under his *. shall return Jmiiih 4. 5. booth and sat under in . (i. that it mi'jht he . over his head Murk 4.32. fowls may lodge under*. at-tx a. 15. that*, of Pet. miahtover. C"t. 2. 17. are a . of things to come //"6. 8. 5. >''ho serve unto .. of heav. 10. I. law having a r. of good things uiu. 1. 17. wi. whom no*, ot turning fife DF.ATH. SHADOWS. Cunt. 2. 17. break, *. fl.-e awav, 4. fi. Jcr. Pi 4. for *. of the i-vening are SHADOWING. fin. 18. I. wo t.. land . with wings />.' 31.3. was a cedar with *. liroad ll< !>. 9. 5. chernh. of glory *. mercy. SHADY J<-f, -v 1 21. helielh under the-* trees 22. the *. trees rover him with SHAFT. Ej-orf. 25. 31. his.?, and branches, his howls, :i7. 17. .Vn 8. 4. Isu. 49. 2, he iiMd" me a polished . SH \KK Jii. 4. and *. mine head at you P*al. 46. .'{. though the mountains t. in. 23. make loins roiitinuaily to 72. 16. fruit shall s. like Le anon I*a. '2. 19. he ariseth to . .artli, 21. 10. 15. as if the rod should *. itself 32. h- shall i. hand against mount 11. 15. the Lord shall s. his hand 13. 2. exalt the voice, . the hand 13. I will *. heavens, Joel 3. 16. Hag. 2. fi, 21. 24. lafonndations of the earth do *. 33. 9. Bashan and Carmel ... off 52,2. *. thyself from the dust, OJer. Jer. 2a 9. broken, all my bones *. Ezek. 26. 10 u alls sha.l *. at noise 15 shall not the isles * at sound ? 27. 28. suburbs shall *. at sound of 31. 16. I made nations *. at sound 3H. 20. men shall *. at my presence Dun. 4. 14. *. off his leaves, scatter AmnxQ. I. that the pojts may . Huff. 2. 7. I will *. all nations 7.ech. 2. 9. I will * my hand on them Mat. 10. 14.*. off dust ol your fe.-t, A/r/t6 II. LuJceV. 5 ?a 4. for fear tne keepers did *. Luke 6. 48. beat house, could not *. Heh. 12. 26. I *. not the earth only SHAKKD. I'sal. 109. 35. looked >n me, *. heads SHAKEN. [.en 26. 36. sound of a*, leaf shall 1 Kin. 14. 15. a< a reed is * In waiter 2 Kin. 19. 21. daughter of Jerusalem hath *. hea.l at thee, /*u.:n.22. Neh. 5. la even thus be he t. out Job 16. 12. by neck, . me to pieces 3S. I a wicked might he *. out of it Psal. 18 7. found;!, of hills were *. .V/i. 2. 3. fir-trees shall be terr hly *. 3 12. if*, they fall into the mouth Mat 11. 7. a reed *. with ihe wind Lnke 7. 24. 24. 29. powers of heaven shall be *. Mark 13. v5. Lnkf>\. 26 Luke 6. 38. good measure, pressed, *. Arts 4. 31. when prayed, place wm *. 16. 26. foundations of prison were* 2 Thrs.1. 2 2. be not soon *. in mind Heb. 12. 27. remov things that are*. cannot be *. may remain Rett. 6. la fig-tree when *. of wind SHAKETH Job 9. 6. . the earth out of her place Ptal. 29. a voice of L. . wilderness 60. 2. heal breaches, for it is . lia. 10. IS. saw magnify aga. that*? 19. 16 hand of Lord he * over it 3a 15. he *. his hand from holding SHAKING. J h 41. 29 latigh.'th at . of a spear AW. 44. 14. the . of h-nd among I mi. 17. 6. as* of olive-tree. 24 !a 19. Id because of the . of the hand :<0 32. in battles of*, shall he fight Kzek. 37. 7. behold a . bones came JS !9. there shall he a great *. In Is SH AMHLKS. I Cor. 10. M. whato. is sold in . eat S H A M E F.rod. 3-i. 25 made naked unto their*. luifg 18. 7. none to put them t" . 1 Sam. 20 34. his father had done . ' Sam. 13. 13. shall I cunse to go ? 2 C/n: 3i 21. returned with of fa 8. 22. hate thee be i lothed wi i. P^il. 4. 2 how long turn glory to*.? T' 4 put them to . that s.ek my 26. let them be clothed With * and 40 14. let th m be put to I. 83. I 15. desolate for a reward of th ir . J 44 7 tli..u hast put them to t. 53. 5. I \). uat ral fl !_! Pt ' tu SHA f*. +4. 15. i. of fare covered me. 00. J !' I!) known my reproach nd $. .'( turn, d h ..-.. nwar.l ,,t ,, I 24. l.-t them be hrmivht unto *. i 16. fill iheir fuc.-i. with j {) |. N9. 4S. ha-t I-.IV.T, d him with i IU!. i. adver>arie, , |..th1 with *. " lor.l |,,.i n..tt.. i. |:ti IH. eneniira will | riothe wl . l'r,,r 3. .% f >hall If thr pmmotio* !i. 7 that r^|iro,.tli M.,rn.-r, K^t. i. In 5 sh-rps, i, a -on thnt raii^th . II. 2 prnle cmnetli, then nuneth t. I.'. Hi. a prudent IIIHII ruVHreth 13. 5. is l.tath^omi- and inine-h to*. 18. *. shall he to him that r-!n..-th 14 SS. wrath is af. him th. cnuteth . 17. 2 rule over a 9011 that rans, th f . la ia Hii..wereth hef. hereih, in . IU. 2'i. mother, is a son rauseth t. 2< 8 neighbour hath put tin-.- In f 10. h.' tli.it In-ar.-th it put th-p In*. 29. 15 child left hri.iKs mother t.. . hn. VO. 4. uncovered, ti*. of i^gypt 22, 18 rhariots shall he the *. * ci.n-nmed 'i|h*. 2a 40. a pi-rpelual .. not foruottm 46. II th.- nations heard of ihy t. 48. 39. Monh turned back With i. 51. 5). . hath covered our faces Errk. 'i la *. shall be on ail farn 16. 52. hear thine own i. for sins, 54. 63. ntver open mouth because of*. 32. 24 yt-thave they born their*. 24. 30. hear their . with them that go 31. 29. nor hear the i of henlhen :i 6. ye have bor ne t. of heathen 7. they shall bear their *. 44. la 15. hear in thee f. of the heathf n 39. 2fi after hey have borne their*. Dun. 12. 2 many awake, some to . Hot. 4. 7. change their glory into *. 18 her ru crs with *. do love !). 10. separated themselves unto j. 10. (I Ephraim shall r^n-ivp *. Isr Ob'id. 10. for vioh-ure I. hM cover .Wtr.l.ll pass away, havlnu*. naked 2. a prophey, th^y shall not take *. 7 10. *. shall' rover her which -aid S-ih 3 5. 1 wilUh.nvklnu.ioin. thy*. Hah. y. 10. thou h-t consulted t. 16. thou rt tilled with*, for glory Zrph. a 5. the unjust knoweth no i. \\>. where they have he^n put to . l.uke 14. 9. begin with *. to Uke .. a 12. a t pk of thing* 'hil. 3 19. wh.w |flry i th.-ir t. Heb. 8. ft *nd put him M nn .'pen i \' -2 endured cros, despisios the* Jutte ia foaming out H'eir own i Her. 3. 18 that . of thjf iMkedn^i Ift 15. naked, and they see In- . SHAMC.. KD. Kl H 2 S,,m I!) 5. thou haM * the fr* / Mark 4 4. they --nt him away t h'.m iled, Luke 20. II I Tlut 8. 4 and were . entreated 8HA.MKI.KS>I.V Sam. ft. 20. fellows * uncovereth SHAPE, S. Luke 3. 'fi. deacende i in bodily *. }nhn 5. 37. hi* voice, nor seen his Hrr. 'J. 7. *. of locmtn like horses SHAPES. Pi. 51. & behold, I was . in iniquity SHAKE. I Sow. 13. 80. nharpen ev. mau his *. SHAHP. Erixl. 4. 45. Zipporah took a*, stonr Joth. 5. 2. make thee*. knives 1 .Sam. 14 4. bet. pastures a *. rock J0A4I. 30. *. st >nes are under him, he spreadeth . pointed things Pni 45. 5. arrjw *. in the heart 57. 4 speara, their tongue *. w Prop. 5. 4. *. as a two-edged sword 85. 18. man bears false itne.,i U . lin. ft. 2H. coine, whose arrows are * 4:i. 2. made my mouth like *. sword A'-ti 15. 39. the contention wai so Her I. 16. out of lin mouth went a *. two-edged sword, 19. 15. 14. 14 in his hand a *. sickle, 17. 18. angel cried to him hail . sickle SHARPEN, ED, ETH. 1 Sum. 13. 20. to i. ev. man hit *har> 21. had a file for axes, to *. goad* PuiL 140. 3. they *. their tongues I' TIT. 27. 17. iron *. iron, to man *. Job 16. 9. mine enemy *. his eye* Exek. 81. 9. a swirrd is *. 10, 11. SHARPER. .V/-. 7. 4 upright* than thorn-hedge lleb. 4. 14 word of G. *. than sword SHARPLY. Judg. 8, I. did chide with Gideon *. Tit 1. 13. rebuke them *. that they SHARPNESa & Cor. 13. 10. present I should use*. SHAVE. Lev. 13. 33. but scall shall he not *. 14. 8. unclean persons shall*, hair 81. 5. nor *. corner of their heard A'um. 6. 9. then he shall *. his head 18. Naxarites shall *. head of his 8. 7. let them *. flesh, wash clothes Deut. 21. 12. captive sh. *. her bead Judg. 16. 19. caused him to *. locks Jta. 7. 20. Lord shall *. with a ralor Exrk. 44. 20. neither *. their headi Acti 21. 24. that they *. their heads SHAVED. Gen. 51. 14. Jos. *. changed raiment 8 Stm. 10. 4. and . off half their beards, I Chron. 19. 4. Jot \. 20. Job rent mantle, *. head SHAVEN. Judg. 16. 17. if I *. strength will go 2t hair began to grow after *. Jer. 41. 5. fourscore men beards*. 1 Or. 11.5 all one as if she were*. 6. if it be a shame to be *. let her SHEAF. Gen. 37. 7. my *. arose, and stood Let. 23. II. wave *. before Lord, 12. Heui. 24. 19. forgot *. not fetch it Ji>>' -U. 10. take away *. fr. hungry Ztek. 146. governor, like torch in'* SHEAVES Gtn. 37. 7. binding *. in the field Ruth 2. 7. let me glean among *. 15. VA. 13.15. on sabbath bringing in *. ". \tfi. '). come bringing . wi. him. IW. 7. be that bindeta *. his bosom SHE /fm.x?. 13. pressed, ascnrt full of . .V., . 4.12. L. shall gather them an i SHE AH, I.N(i. <>!. 31. l. I.Hban went to . sheep :>i. 13. Jn.lah goeth to i. his sheep /^r,r 15 19. nor*. Hrstlmgot nheep 1 ,N>I>/I. *.S 4 Naha! *. nheep in Car. 4. David henrd Nal>al did*, sheep M IK ARK U. .>. lien. 38 12. Juilah went to sheep .. 1 .S./m '25. I. ht-.inl that thon hn>t*. 1 1. take flesh I killed lor my . 2 .Sam. l:i. 23. Ab. had i. in HHH! I'l. /ML 53. 7. sheep before /. is dumb Aftt . 34 like lamb dumb before*. SHKARINi.-uOl'SK. 8 Kin. 10. !4 brethren of Ahaziah SHEATH, [at *-*- 14. 1 Sam. 17. .M. Dav. word out ot *. 2 .v.iw 20. 8. sword fastened in /. 1 i'tir 21. 27. angel put sword in *. E*ek. 21. a draw sword out of *4,.i. 30. cans- it to r rt u en into his *. ? Jokn It*. II. put up thy sword into*. SHED. 2 .Sam. 20. 10. Joab *. Ama. 'a bowels .Wilt v!fL 2H. is*, for renn -.11011 of sins Acti 4 33. he hath *. forth this Horn. 4. 5. love of <;. s. in our hearts Tit 3. 6. which he i. on u thro* J. C. See HL.M.II. SHEDDER. ze/V. la 10. beget MIII a *. of blood SHEUDETH, ISO. Gen. 0. 6. whoso i. mini's blood Kxek. 22. 3. city *. blood in midst llfb. 9. 22. without *. of blood is no SHE-GUATS, See GOAT*. SHEEP. Gun. 4. 4 Abel was a keeper of & 29. a Rachel cometh with the *. ft Ejcod. 9. 3. hand of L. is upon the *. ail. 24. ahalt DAcritice thereon thy *. 22. 10 give to neighbour*, to keep Lev. I. 10. if his onVruiK be of *. 22. 19. ye nhall offer a male of *. 81. 87. 2fi. sanctify the fir>tling of a *. A T um. I8.l7.firtling of*, not redeem Deut. 7. 13. bless the flocks of thy *. 18. 3. due from them that offer . 4 22. 1. not see brother's *. go nstray 2S. 4. hl.-ssed be the flocks of thy *. Jonh. a 21. destroyed at Jericho t. Judg. 6. 4. Midianites left neither *. 1 Sum. 8. 17. king take tenth of*. 14. 34 bring every man ox and i. I.V a slay *. |1 9. Saul spread the *. 14. what meaneth bleating of *. 16. II. behold, youngest keepeth*. 17. IS. David returned to feed *. 20. rose *rly, left *. with keeper 27. 9. David took away * the oxen 2 .Saw. 7. 8. took from following *. 24. 17. bat these *. what have they done? I Chron. 21. 17. 1 Kin. 4. 23. Sol.'s provioion 100*. a 63. Sol. offered *. 2( hr.b. 6. | 7.5. 2 A' in. 6. 86. is it time to receive**.? I Chr. .V 81. took fr. Hxga. 2*1,000 *. Ch r . 14. 15. Asa carried fr.Eth. *. 15. II. they offered of spoil 7000*. IK. 4 Ahah killed *. for Jehowphkt 30. 24. Hezekiah did give 7(00 *. 31. (i. brought tithes of oxen and i. fh. 5. IS. Nehemiah one i>x,six *. Job I. IR. fire fallen, and burnt up*. 31.20. if not warmed wi fleece of j. 42. 14 be had 14,000 *. fiom cumels 'fal. 8. 7. thou hnst given him all i. 44. II. given us like*, for meat 49. 14. like *. are laid in the grave 74. 1. why anger smoke aga. thy *.? 78. 52. made people to forth like*. 9& 7. we are *. of his hand, 100. 3. 438 SHE Psnl. 119. 176. astray like a !rt . 144 13. our *. bring forth thouinufe Jin. 1. 21. man shall nouiiiii to . 22.13. joy and gladne-M, killing of . 53. . 24. sent but t lost *. o! Israel 18. 14 man have 100 *. one b. ,... 13. he rrjouetli more of th.il . Luke I J. 4, . 25. XI. Khali tot *. on nnht hand Jnttii i U in temple tlm-e that Mild *. 15. drove out oi temple, and the*. 10. 4 entereih door nhepherd of A 3. . h.'r voice, 27. || 4. t. follow 7. said Jesns, 1 am door of the *. 11. Shepherd gitelh lile lr lii.i * 12. an hireling le.iveth the i. I.I. 14. I know .< I! It;, other *. 1 have 15. 1 lay down my life for the j. '2(i. ye are not of my *. us I said 21.16. saith to ivter, feed my .>. 17. Htb. 13. 20. Lord J. Shepherd of . Her. li. 13. none buy<-tli *. horses At SHKKP. jVum.27. 17.o* *. winch havenoshep. 1 kin. 22. 17. Israel at t. that have no shepherd, '2 Chron. K 16. Pull. 44.22. we are counted an. for the Idiighter, Hum. x. 3. Iia. 13. 14. at *. that no man taki-th 53 7. a* a . before shearers dumb .Vic. 412. put together as I. of Ho/. Mat. U. 36. scattered at t. having no shepherd. Mark ft 34. 10. 16. send at t. midst of wolves Acti 8. 32. led HI a *. to slaughter 1 I'tt. 2. 23. Wrreo**. going astray SHEEP-COTE, S. 1 Sam. 84. 3. Saul came to *. after I). 2 jam. 7. 8. tin.k thee fr. *. I CA. 17.7. SHEEP-FOLD, S. .Vum. 32. 1G. we will build *. cattle Judg. t>. 16. why abodest among i.f Ptal. 7a 70. David, took him from *. John 10. 1. that entereth not *. by Nea. 3. I. KlMshih built the i.-gat 32. going up of corner to the -g. 14 39. they went on the i..gutt SHEKP.mar^t John 5.2. at Jerusalem by i.-in* -kef SHEEP.nuutor. 2 A'in. 3. 4. Mesha was (. t.. matter See SHKARKRH. SHEEP.-rAin*. Heb. 11. 37. they wandered in . .. SH K ET. Acti 10. 11. descending as a *. 11. 5. SHEETS. J'ida. 14, 12. 1 will give you 30 *. SHEKEL. jnd. 30. la a *. after the *. of the anrtuary, anda *. is twenty gerahs. .Sum. 3 47. Erek. 4A. 12. 15. poor not give less than half .. Sam. 9. 8. I have fourth part of* i Kin. ~. I. mea-i. of flour for*. 16. In. A. HI. 3'2. charged wi. third of a*. Amot 8. 5. ephh -mall, and*, greal BHEKEL& Gen. 83. 15. land is worth 400*. 14. Ejtod. 21. 34 give her master 30 1. SHE Lto. & 15. the estimation tiy i. 27. 3, 4, 5, 6," 7, la f)nU. 22.29. sire damsel's fata. M) *. Josh. 7. 2t. taw spoils, V*eu . for me SHEPHERD. Gen. 46.34. . is abomination to Egy. 4:i 24. thence is . stone of Israel I .sum. 17. 40. put stones into t. hag /'./;. 23. 1. the L. is my *. I shall 80. I. give ear, O*. of Israel, thou cci 12 II. words given fr. a became prey bee. there was no*. 12. s. seeketh out Hock am. sheep 23. 1 will set up one s. over them, Dav. feed them, and be s. 37 24. Amo 3. 12. as *. takes out mouth of Zi'ch. 10. 2. troubled, because no *. 11. 15. instruments of a foolish t. 16. 1 will raise upa s. in land ' 17. wo to idle jr. th. leaveth (look 13.7. awake. O sword, against my*. Jutiit 10. 12. he th. is hireling, not *. 14. I am L-ood *. know my sheep 16. shall be one fold, and one t. Hi'/'. 13. '20. L. J..s. great *. of sheep i /W.2.25. now returned unto the*. 5. 4. when the chief *. shall appear See SHEFP. SHEPHERDS. Gn.46. 32. the men are *. || 47. 3 thy serv. are *. also our father; /;.rr..-f. -2. 17. *. came, drove th. away 11*. Eg. delivered out of hand of*. 1 .Vcim. 25. 7. now thy *. with u i'unt. \ 8 feed kids beside *. tents 1m. la 20. nor *. make folds there 31.1. multi. of t. culled against hin. y;. 11. . that cannot understand Jer. fi. a the I. shall come unto het 2M. 4. I xvill set up . over them 25. 3t. howl, ye 1. 1| 35. *. no way ti 3fi. a voice of*, and an howling 33. 12. cities be an habitation of *. 50. 6. *. caused them to go astray Ezek. 34. 2. prophesy against *. n U. should not * feed flocks : a nor did my t. search for flock but the * fed themselve 10. 1 am against the*, neither shal *. feed themselves any more Amot 1. 2. habitations of . mourn Wi>. 5. 5. raise against him seven *. _V./A. 3. 18. thy *. slumber, O,king Zfjih. 2. ft coasts be cottages for *. Zti-li. 10. 3. anger kindled against . 1 1. 3. a voice of the howling of *. 5. and their own * pity them m 8. tlire.- *. I cut off in one month Luke 2. 8. were in same country * ing (io SHERD. S. Ja. 30. 14. there h. not be found a SHF. zek. 23. 34. thou halt break the *. SHERIFFS >an. 3. 2. Nel.u>-)n. Sum. 21. & no bread but i -bread A'I'/I. 7. 48. table whereon *,-b. WHS CAr. 23. '.'9. service for thff..irrK a 3(1 J rri'Mt tbnnf, li h.,lh rtoue Jt'/in a. -Jio 14. receive of mine, and . It, 15 "5. 1 h. you plainly of the K. ii-t* I. '2\. L.r.l >. whether of thm> 7. :i com* into Und I .hull *. thee 12. 17. go . ttiew tliniK. to J^mrs ia 17. who *. us wny of Htlvatn.ii 26. 23. should *. liL-h't to the peopl* Rom. 'i. I i. *. work of law written '.'. 17. that 1 niight*. my power 22. if (iod, willing to * hU wrmlh Cor. II. 26. ye of him J' /in I. 2. i. unto you eternal life Rev. 1. 1. angel to *. servants, *i 6. /0(8HEW. en. 12. 1. a land that / rnV/. thee Exod. 33. 19. / mil i. mercy on whom / irili i. mercy Judg. i 22. / tr. *. thee the man Sam. 16. a / tr. * what th. shal* do 20. ia do evil, th. n 1 w. i. it thee Kin. 18 15. /tr. surely *. my>el/ i Ktn. 7. 12. / r. *. you what Syriani Job 15. 17. / u>. . thee that which ft. 5<). 23 / tr. i. salvat of 91. 1C. Jer. 18. 17. / will s. them the hack 3a a / triW *. thee mighty things 42. 12. / irt'tf *. merriet uoto you i/n. II. 2. / tr. *. thee the truth Joel 2. 30. /tritf*. wonder- iu hea, ven. Act* Z. 19. .Vtc. 7. 15. / I.' i I'har. what he U about :. furasmiirh as fi Imth tliee 4t. II. O hath >. me HUH thy seed /./. 24. 12. mind .'f /.. might he j. \ j -i\. the /.. .iiir dV i. iii hi-, if lot y :U I. /. i. him the land of (iilead Juilir 13. ft. nur would he have 1. y Kin. 8. 10. /.. hath J. me, he ah. die 13 (he /.. /. me then -halt he kin/ Errti 9. s. n rare /. trmn A. nur G. Pil. ff>. a tin HI hait * thy people 71. #1. th.ui ha-t. me great tr .ul.les 111.'!, he i. the power of his Korku II*. 47. G. the L. who/, us light /JO. 26. 10. let liivouf Ke i. to wicked 4'U2. /. when there no strange i; 48. a I / them, t did them suddenly V hefore it came to pax* I /. thee JT 3& 21 word the A. hath t. me zr*. 1 1. 25. things the /.. hath /. me Ji 7. I. the /,. j. roe, 4. 7. | a 1. Mic. A. 8. he hath /. th.-e. O man / '. W I. .sa heard L. had .t merry Artt 3. IH thi 'K.I whim Gml hud /. 10. VI (;. raiked him and .t. him A./HI. I. l!i. f..r (/" hath /. it t . them 1 Pet. I. 14. our /.. Jesus hath t. me SHEWEDST, KM .YrA, 9. 10. and /. signs upon 1'hnr. ./.A II. IH. tin. ii t. me their doing* 32. la thou r loving. kindnrs,, to Jnhn a. la what u-n /. thou ? 6. SO. SHE WET H. OVn. 41. 88. O. is about to do, he i. A'um 1 3. whatso. he/, roe, I will ./../, 36. 9. he * them their work and ftoi 19. V. night uiiloniuht/. know. IK 5. good man/. fHVoiir, lendeth 147. Id. he /. hia word unto Jacob ./'ror. 12. 17. speaks truth, /. right J-'i 41. '/t> none tliat /. your words .V.i/ 4. t. mid /. him all kingdom* John 5. 20. Father /. S,,n all things BHEWINa Efod. 20. 6. and /. merry unto thous. an. Is. /><'<<. 5. in Dan. !t 12. / of hard sentences in D J.ukr*. 1. 1. glad ti.lirus of kinirdoin 2 Thru 2. 4. .m O. /. himself that h. Tit. * 7. in nil thing* /. a pattern HKWINfi. /.nA-r 1. 80. in deserts till his/, to Is. BHIELIX lifn. 15. I. 1 am thy /. and reward Dntt :. 29. the l..',rd. the/, of help ./;irf-. A. R /. or spear among 40,000 I S.fm. 17 7. one hearing a /. 41. I .Sam I. -i\. there the t. of inivhty /. of Saul a* tho' n.it anointed 22 * he ii my /. I'HI!. 3. a | --8 7. ! IIU. 114 I I IV. v 36 firm roe the /. of salvation Pint. I a 35 I Kin. 10. 17 3 poun I of gold to I / i Kin. 10 SL shall not <-onie with im. :n. M. ' CAr. IV> a Ca.lites rould hanille , it ..f J.idnh thathnret nnd |..-r 34. NaphUli wi. / and B(ir, j SHI 9 TAr. 75. 5. men that niuU handle t Juti :i(. '>3. penr Mii.i /. ra'tleth w.. P*al 5. I A wiitn.inpns. him as , , 3i >. l.ord is our /. 51*. II ! St ' .'i5. Vt. take liolil of the/ Knit hnrkli- '>': :i hrake arrows of t.ow, the *. t II. l.or-l U.i I is KIIII an-l / wi;, 'H 4. his truth shall he thy / an.l II V 9. he ii their help and /. 10. II /V-e. 30. 5. /. In them that trust IUM hit *l. \ ariM-. ye primvii, anoint W. R quiver, Kir unrovered the jr J-. V>. 3. ord-r hurkler and /.draw M. mine forth, that handV the /. Krk. V.'l 24 aifH. ttiee limkler mill / -7 H). they halite.) /. nnd heln et.ll .VA. -i. 3 t. of miithty i Hind., red A>A. fi. 16. above all taking i. of laith SHIKI.DS. - Sum. 8. 7. David took /. of void I Chrnn. IR 7. 1 Kin. 10. 17. Solomon made 3) /. of heaten gold. 2 Chr. 9. Ifl 14. 26. Sliishiik took awav nil /. ol gold Solo, made, 2 CAr. Iv. }l. 87. Reh. made in their <pears .'('. 5. H.zek. made darts and /. 27. .NVA. 4 li. half held s,,,.i,rs and /. /'r,j/. 47. 9. /. of earth belong to i ,od Jer. 51. 1 1. bright arrows, gather /. Exek. 3*. 4. with hurkleri and /. ft. 39. 9. ahull burn /. and weapons Mill. -AKIN. Set PSALM rii. SHILOH. Gen. 49. 10. nor sreptre depart till /. BRINK Sum. fi. 25. L. made his fare /. upon Jab 3. 4. neither let light /. on it 10 3. thou tihoilldegt /. on rounsel 11. 17. thou shalt/ forth, thou hh*lt la 5. spark of his fire shall not /. 22. 18. light shall / upon thy ways 36. 32. he i ommnndeth it not to /. 37. IS. caused hunt of his rloud to/. 41. 3V. maketh path to /. after him i'tnl \\\. 16. make thy fare /. upon t>7. I. cause his fare to /. upon us, 80. 3, 7, 19 WI. 1. dwellest Between rhepihim/. 104 15 oil to make his fare to /. I Id. I. 'IV m'd hath *. in our hearts SH INK/I'M. ./..A 85. S. to the mm n. and it /. not I'tnl l:S>. \'l. tlie nijrht . UK the day ftut. 4. Ib. shininv a li^ht that t. 400 SHO V.jf 24 -n Lghtning /. U. the \r*t '..An I. 5 the I gilt t. in darkness ' /vf I !!i a livhi tliat /. in a dar' I .Inhii -'. N. the true ligbt now /. /i. r I. Ifx ci'iinti-naiire as the sun* BHININfl. '! Sam. 2a 4. grans spiinglng by /. Priir. 4. IS. the jiixt is as the /. '^h\ ./..ri. the /. ol a ciindle ifivet \ Inhn ~i. 35. .1 hurninir and a >. liitht Act 2& 13. ahove brightness i.f sun /. SHIP. Prar. 30. 1!(. the way of /. in the s. ., Ifi ::t '.'I. no gallant . shall p.i-- J-ni't'i I. a Jonah found a i goinu to V,it 4. 21. in a . with Zeheilee a 24. the/, was covered wi. wai ; 14. 24. the /. wa< tossed, >/r*4 >7. Murk I. 19. Ill the./, ineiidinv nets 4. 3H. in the hinder part of j asleeji H. 14 had in the/. Imt '< laf .Inhn r,. 21. Imnieiliately the ... wus .'I 6. rast net on riifhtsnte of the/. Ictt 20. 38. iircompanii'd h. sailing over unto I'lu-m. i.-i 27. 2 entering at i Cor. II. 25. stoned, thrice snfr'ere.l i I Tim. 1. 19. ciiiirerning luith made HHITTAH.frM. //a. 41. 19 I will plant the I..(TM BHITTIM.nwet Eiod. 25. In. make ark nf ..ir. .'H. I. DC*/. 10. i [4. 15, 28 ( :. fi. la stave* of ..w. 2H. | 27. f. ' ?7. 2:1 make a table ot /..wwrf, :<7. 'n. 2. 15. for tahernarle of / . : ' . n 32. pillars of /.ir,,rf. 37 | :W. .. 3S. 24. with whom was lound /.->r. SH1VKHS. /?r. 2. 27. vens. of potter brok. to t. SHOCK, S. Jude. '5. 5 Samson burnt the t. a'lj ^u6 5. 20. like us .- ol euro c.iun-tU SHO SHOD. ? Chr. 20. 15 took captives s. them .-*. lV>. 10 i . thee with badger .U.ir* 6. 9 be . with sandals, put 't'i>h 6. 15. *. with prepar. of gospel SriOK. Dftit. 25 9. brother's wife loose*. 10. *> 5 thy . is not waxen old upon fnsfi 5 IS put* from off thy foot ,turt4. 7. man plucked ott bis- - ' 60 8 over Kdom cast*. I 'va 20. 2. put oil thy*, from thy toot w 1 1 1 1 K .latchet. rom thread to i -I r.j-od 9. I P"t off thy *. Ar. 12. 1 .eatit, wth* o i your feet Dfitt 33 25 *. h. be iron anil bras J:,,h '9. 5. old * and clouted. 1:1 1 Kin. 2. 5. put blood in * on feet Cant 7 1. how beautiful feet wi. *.: JM j 27 nor iatchet of *. be broke- ek. 24. IT. put on*, on feet, 23. Am. 2. 6. they sold the poor for . H fi. may buy needy for pair of*. Mat. 3. U. *. am not worthy to be ,r 10 10. carry neither *. Luke 10 4 Mark \. 7. latchet of whose*. Luk a 16. Acts U. Luke 15 22. ring on hand, *. on feet 22 35 I sent you without purse, SHONE. Erod. 24. 39. wist not that face*. 30 skin of his face *. afraid, 3... 2 X,n. 3. 22. rose early, the sun * Lake 2. 9. glory of the L. .. round ictx 22. 6. i. fr. heaven great light 'Rev. 8. 12. dav . not for third part 2 Sam. 6. 6. hold, for oxen *. ark 22. 8. and the eart ^ffy* , A. 5.13. I*, my lp. soO. /.n 11 tretclied. *. kin/dom Act* 13 M' * -ff -lust ..f their feet ^S 5 he i. off beast into the tire Heb 1-2. 2(>. whose voice *. the earth SHOOT, KTH. Erod 3*i. 33 made middle bar to* 1 'flam. 40. *0. I .11 * three arrow 2Si II ''0 knew ye not would s.? 2 Kin. 13. 17. ElUha aid. *. he shot 19. 32. but he shall not * an arrow there, ha. 37. .13 1 Chr. 5. 18 men able to *. wi. bow 2 Chr. 26. 15. engines t.. *. arrow- .M 8. 16. branch *. in his earn..,, />/ II 2 may privily*, at upriirht "2. 7. they . out lip/shake head 58 7 he bendeth how to *. arrows &4 a to * arrows, hitter words 7 f} shall*, at them with arrow 144. 6. *. out arrows destroy th-m ha. 27. a in meas. when it *. forth Jer. 50. 14, ye th. bend bow,*, at her Ertk. 31. 1* "or*, among boug"s Vi 8. ye shall *. your branches Mark t. 32. mustard seed *. on 18 hnvinir . head in Tench. 1 Cur. 1 1. u. worn if not covered, be i. SHOUT. Sum. 11. 2:t. is L '- hand waxen*.? .lob 17. 12. hjrlit*. because of dark. 2' i. 5 truiinpluiiK ol wi.-ked is . Mtu/. 89. 47. reinemb. hilw . time is Ui,m. :i. ia sinned, come t. ol lor> y -^S a* Wurk I., iniike on earth I Car. 1. M. brethren, the time i i. I Thci. 2. 17 taken fr. you at linn Ken. 12. 12. knoweth he hath*, time 17. 10. ye must continue a*, space See COME, CUT. SHORTENED. Pi. 89. 45. days of youth ha. thou * 10^. 2:. weakened strength, *. day; Prao. 10. 27. years of wu-k. sh. be * ha. 50. 2. is my hand . at all that i 59. I. behold, LoiJ's hand is not* .Wu. 24. 22. except th. days shoul he *. Mark II 20 SHORTER. /a, 28. 20. be.t . than a man strt-tc SHORTLY. Erek. 7. a now I t. pour out fury 1 for. 4. 19. I will come to you - PhiL 2. 19. trust to send Tnnoth. . 1 trust I myself shall come*. ei 13 2:t. if he'come . 1 see you :t John 14. I tru>t 1 shall . see the {tea. 1. 1. must . come to pass, 22. SHOT. Gen. 49. 23. the archers *. at him E.rod. 19. 13. be stoned, or . thro \'uin 21. 30. we have *. at them ' .V tin. 1 1. 24. shooters *. from wal >K.in. I'l 17. Eli.sha said, shoot, he > On: 33. 23 arch-rs . at Josiah Psal. 18. 14. *. out lightniii&s and ler. 9. 8. tonirue is an arrow *. ou zek 17. fi. became a vine, * fort 31. 10. t. up his top amontf bough SHOT, Sithttaiitivf Gen. 21. 16. Hairar sat dow.i bow SHOVEL. ltd 30 24. been winnowed with . SHOVELS Ejcod. 27. a shall make pans and *. :B. a he made the pots and the *. Sum. 4. 14. put on purple cloth .. 1 Kin. 7. 40. Hiram made lavers 4i. 2 Ctiran. +. II, lfi 2 Kin. 25. 14. .. He took. Jer. .V2. 18 sno en. '( 14, fiw.,. .<.-,*" v Hi^tit sHOt I..-. '.rod. TO a. t.ike of rmn -ii;l,t .f. 7. 32 r. I give u " SHOULDKK 14. .. He took. J SHOULOEB. Gen. 21. H. pnttlnit bread on H 24. 15 Keb. with pit. her on *. 4o. 49 li Issach. t.owed bin*, to bear Esod. 2*7. ephod have t*-* ;* >. 27. sanctify*, of heave-offeri..* take it on my Gen. 9. j:i Uid itiument- up. u < Txod. IV. :W trough* bound upon . Vtii. 7. 9. M Hi of Kohath (M-MT on 1 ;*/. 3a 12. shall dwell l*tween.. udg. IH. 3. hamson t.,k hr Sam. !l. ~t. from*. upwiirU, 17. 6. hitd a target between hU r CAr. :<5 3. nut i-e m burden upon t. in. 11. U. sh.th fly i>n. ut Ptnli-t. 14. 25. hurden depart Irnni their j. 30 6. carry ricly upon . of < 4!). 22. dau|rh. hi- carried on their f. Ezek. 12. fi. ixht, b. ar it on thy . Vat 23. 4. bind burden* on meu'i*. SHOUT, Subitantire. \um. -O. 81. t. of kin* among them Juih. 6. 5. siionud without t. -ft. I .Sum. 4. 6. what meai.eth (Treat*. > Ckr. la 15 men "f Ju i. grave a t. Ezra .t la could not discern the*. /W. 47. 5. (J. is ffone up with a *. Jer. 25. 30. the Lord limit piir a *. 51. 14. sh. lift a i. auniust Babylon .-J,-^ 12. 22. people ttave a f. saying I Thei. 4. 16. L. descend with i. SHOUT, El H. Exod. 32. 18. not voice of them th. i ,/wA. 6. 5. hear trumpet, people i. 10. nt i. till Md *. then sh. ye *. Ptal. 47. I. . to f /ion 42. II. let them i. fr..m mountain 44 23. t. ye lower purl- "f earth .Aw 31. 7. *. aiiionif rhief of n tu.ru 50. 15. Baby, sium-d,*. against her l.a,n. a 8. when I .. he gliuttetU Z^A. 3. 14. *. O Urnel. be gUd ZecA 9 !*. / O d^UKhter of Jeruna. SHOUTED. . 32. 17. an they* he said, noil* Lev. 9. 24. fireooii>iini.'d, they t. Josh, ft 20. peo. wh.-n priet blexr Judg 15. 14. Phil. t. a(tim>t SHmt joing, and i. for battle 2 CAr. la 15. Jud. i O. s.DOte J^ro. Erra a 11. they prnUed L. they . 11- r servant i"'^kev of David will Hay on* they bear him upon the*. _ M 7 1 hare it on my *. ' l . prince shall hear iip<>n hu *. 24 4 gather pieces, thigh and *. *r _ r ,. _r.j ,., their . 18 rra . . . 12 manv -f people t. aloud, 13. ' See Jo*. SHOUT1NO, 8. 2Sa.'6. I5.nd brm.ht up ark with f. I lAr. 51. they i tower to them ] Sam. S3. 7. he is t. in. hy entering I'M! 89. 15. let not the pit . mouth JKI. & 111 i. their eyes lest they are 82, 22. on shoulder, open and nnne hall *. he shall t. none open 44. 18. he Imth *. their eyes, they 45. I. and gates ithall not be t. 52. 15. king-* shall t. their mouths W). II. thy irate* shall not he t. day flfi. 9. shall I t. womb, s.,ith r A-. 3. VI. go * thys. within lions. 44. 2. God hath entered, it h be i. 46. I. the pate shall be i. six days 12. going forth, one shall i. irate Dan. 6. 22. (>. hath . lions' mouths ./f rfr 5. 2a the prison found we . A/. 21. 2i fates sh not be /. by day See DOOR. UfOTtm Lev. 1.1 It. priest shall not i. him i/;/ 14. :ta the priest shall . up house Drut II. 17. and he t. up heaven 32. 30. the Lord had * them up 96. seeth there is none . up nor left 1 Sam. 1 5. L. i. up Hannah's wom>> (i. the Lord had i. up her womb 6.10. and i. up their calves at home 1 Kin. 8. 35. *hen heaven is i. up, CAron. 6. 2ft | 7. la 14. 10, from Jeroboam him that i . up, 21. 21. 2 Kin. 9 8 3 A'I'H 14. 2fi. there wa not any . up 17. 4. the king of Assyria /. h m np t Chr. 28. 24. Ahai t up doors. 29.7 A. 6 10. house of Shema.wam. up Job 3. 10. because it * not up my 1 1. 10. and *. up. who rax hinder t 38. a or who hath *. up the sea ? PtaL 31. R bust not /. me t/p into 77. 9. hath he t. up tender mercies? 8S. R I am i. up, and [ cannot come /a. 24. 10, every ho'jse in /. up, no 88. they shall be up in prison Jer. 1.1 19. .it IPS ... south sh. he i. up 32. . pr.-phet was i. up by Zede. 33. I. while he wa *. up, 39. 15 36. 5. I m t. up. I cannot go to the Don. a 2R IT. thou up the vi-ion \:> 4. O Daniel, . tip the words >//. 2a IS. ye j. up kinifd. of heav. J.iikr a 10. he i. up John in prison 4. 25. heaven was I. up three year? 4ft* 2(1 10. many dirl \ i up in pris Kut. 3 2a i. up to faith that should Her. 20. a t. i,p the devil, set a teal Mil 1 TKI H. ./^ II. H. he t. up a man, there can J roe. 17. 29. that JT. Ilia li|" i- H IIIHII It*. 83. 15. and t. eyes from seeing SIC Lam. 8. 8 when I cry bet. oat pray. I John a 17. t. up bowels of compos. Av. 3. 7. no man and . no man i >p Jotfi. 2. & about time of*, the gate SHUTTLE, Job 7 6. swifter than a weaver's . SICK Cm. 4a I. behold thy father is t. Lev. 15. 33. that is *. of her flowers 1 Sam. IU. 14. sent, she said, he is /. 30 la her. three days ago I fell i. i Sam. 12. 15. L. struck child, was i. 13. 2. Amnon was vexed, he fell . 5. Jonadab said make thyself*. i . Amnon lay down made himself t. 1 A'in. 14. I. the son of Jerobo. fell* 5. cometh to ask for son. he is . 17. 17. the son of the woman fell t. 2 Kin. i. 2. Ahaziah fell down, want. 9. 7. Benhadad king of Syria was / 9. Juram son of A hah, because he was t. 2 Citron. 22. fi. 13. 14. Elisha was fallen i. he died SO. 1. was Hetekiah i. unto death, 9 CAr.32. 24. /M. 38. I. A. 2. 2. why sad, thon art not i ? Ptal. 35. 13. when they were *. my I'rnr 13. 12 hope deferred maketh i. 23. 35. stricken me. and I was not *. Cunt. 5. 8. tell him I am /. of love hi 1. 5. whole head . heart faint :u -.'4. inhabitant not say, I am i. SH. 9. Hezekiah had been /. and Jr-r. 14. 18. that are . with famine Ezelc. 34. 4. nor healed that was t. 16. strengthen that \vhii h was i. fltu. 7. 5. princes made him . with .Vic. & la 1 make thee JT. in smiting Mai. 1. a offer the /. is it not evil ? Mat. 4. 24. brought to him *. people 8 16. healed all that were t. 14. 14. 9. 12. need not phy-ician hut they that are i. Mark 2. 17. Lu. 5. 31 10. a heal the *. cleanse the lepera, Lulsr 9. S. | 10. 9. 25. 3d I was t. and ye visited me Mar . 6. 5. laid hands on a fen t. folk 56. laid i. in the streets, ArhS. 15. lf>. la lay hands on the t. and they Luke 7. i centurion's servant was jr. 10. servant wh"le that had been t. Jnhn 4. 46. a nobleman's son was s 11. I. Luxarusof Bethany wan j. 2. 3. Lord, he whom tliou lovest u t. Act* 9. 37. Oorras was t. and dii d 19. 12. brought the t. handkerchiefs 20. a the father of I'uhliui lay t. Phil. 2. 26. ye heard he had been i. 2 Tim. 4. 20'.Tn>. I leltat Miletnm *. Jam. !>. 14. any /. let him call elders See I'M - v SICKLY. 1 Cor. 11. 30. for tfcis cause many $. SICKNKSS Emd. 8a 25. 1 will take t. away Ler. 80. IR. if lie with woman hav. $ Deut. 7 15. L will take from thee. JS. 61. every >. not written in law 1 Kin. a 37. whatsoever . tliere be. 2 Citron. & <#. 17. 17. his *. wa so sore, there was 2 A'in. 13. It. KlUha waa ick of t. 2 Chr. 21. 15. thou hlt have great t. \9. bowels fell out by renson of i I'i'il. 41. 3. th. wilt make his bed in jr. F.r.cL 5. 17. sorrow and wrath with . I$a. 3s. 9. (lezek. recovered of his t. II wi. pining i. from day to night Hot. .V 13. when Ephraim saw his*. M'tt. 4. 2a Jes went healing all *. !' '-") Je>us went about lie.-iling i. 10. I. power to heal t. Mark 3. 15. Jtihn 11. 4. this < i- not uuto death 482 SID SICKS! BSEfl Ofut *a l. sore *. of long clitl,.-i '."(. 2i when they see the >. L. lai.i .V/ut B. 17. saying, hmm.-lt Imte our - UCKLK. Deut 1ft 9. beginn. to put .<. t.n-.ii , 2,'i. ^6. not move *. unto neiirhlHtur. Jet. M. 16. cut ofl that tmmtleth t. Joel 3. la put ye in i barteist i rip- Mark 4. 29 immedi. he putteth in i. Her. 14. 14. und in his hand sharp .. 15. thrust in thy *. 16, 18, 19. SIDE. Gen. 6. 16. door of the ark in the . EJ-O. 12. 7. strike blo.Ml on i. po~i,,v;_> 17. 12. stayed Moses' hands, one on one *. the other on othrt i. 32. 26. who it on the Lord's i. let '21. put every man his sword hy t. Ler. I. 15. hl*od wrung at . of ult^r Xum. 22. 24. wall on tins and that .. :. 19. not inherit yonder i. Jor i.m Deut. 4. 32. ask from one . heaven 31. 26. put bonk of law in . of ark 1 Sam. 4. IS. fell hj the i. of gate 20. 25. and Abner sat by Saul's t. 2 Sam. -'. Ifi. thrust sword into hii. 13 34. king's tons rame by hill i in. la Shimei went on the hill's i. 2 A'in. 9. 3'i. who is on my JT. who f 1 Chr. 12. 18. David, and on thy /. 2 Chr. 1 1. 12. Judati and He, ja. on i. Job Ih. 12. destruction ready at his j. I'M!. 91. 7. thousand shall fall at s I IH. 6. the Lord in on my t. I win 124. I. if it had not been L. on JT. 2 I. Si). Eiek. 16. 33 may come to thee 0:1 r.t. IU. a nation* set xga him on e. i. 23. 82. I bring them air. thee on e I. 37. 21. I will gather them on e. t. 2 Cor. 4. a are troubled on e. t. 1. 5. Farther SIDE. Mark 10. 1. Jmu* ram.- by/. Jord, See LEFT. On thii SIDE. Joth. 8. 33. Is. and jn.lje* sto'd o. 1. 1. 1 Sam. 13. 2fi. Saul went <,n Ihi* i. Ezra 4. 16. have no portion on thii I. Ezek. I. 23. had two wing, on t t. 40. 39. were two tab: ex OH thit t. Z>(in.l2.&. there stood two, one n. /. *. 0"Mfr SIDK. J.'lh. 24. 9. your fathers dwelt o. o. I .sV/rn 14. 40. I anil Jonath. o. o. I (Jl.,id. 11. day thun Ktoudeot o. o. . JoAn 6. 25. found him o. o. t. of sea XtyUSIDB. Erefc. 4. A. lie avain on thy riffht i. 47. I. from under r. *. of K" See SKA, Souni, WAY, WKBT. .-IDKS. 1 Sam. ?4. 1 David in i. of care SIG 1 Kin. 4. 84. Sol. had peace on all ... fiat. 48. 2. Zion on t. of the uorth lin. 14. la I will sit on .t. of north Id. brought down to t, of the pit Jei: 6. 22. nation raised fr. *. of earth 49. 32. bring calamity from all t. Erek. 1. 17. went on four *. 10. II. 4s 1. these are his t. east and west Amos '!. 10. say to him by *. of house Jonah I, 5. J. gone down tot. of ship SIEGE. Deut 'IQ. 19. cut to employ them in *. 23. 53. shall eat thy children in *. 2 ('/iron. 32. 10. that ye abide in ,. ? ha. 29. a I will lay t. against thee Jer. 19. 9. eat flesh of friend in i. Exek. 4. 2. lay . against it, afort,3. Mir: 5. I. he hath laid t. against us Kah. 3. 14 draw thee waters for * Zech. \'i. 2. cup of trembling in i. SIEVE. fia. 30. 28. sift nations with the t. AHUM 9. 9. like as coin aifted in a*. SIFT. Iia. 30. 28. t. nation with the sieve Amot 9. 9. I will s. Israel as corn is Luke 22. 31. Satan desired to s. you SIGH. ha. 24. 7. all merry. hearted do *. Lam. 1. 4. priests .\\ 11. her peop. t. Ezek. 9. 4. forehead of men that*. 21. 6. *. with breaking of thy loins SIGHED, KST, ETH. Exod. 2. 23. Is. i. by reason of bond. Lam. 1. 8. she t. turneth backwards Exek. 21. 7. say, whereof* thou ? Mark 7. 34. looking to heaven, he*. S. 12. t. deeply in his spirit, saitli SIGHING. Job 3. 24. my *. cometh before I eat i'tal. 12. 5. *. of needy will I arise 31. 10. life spent wi. grief, years t. 7S). 11. let*, of the prisoner come l*n. 21. 2. *. thereof I made to cease 35. 10. sorrow and *. sh. flee away Jt-r. 45. 3. I fainted in my*, no rest SIGHS. Lam. 1. 22. my .. many, heart faint SIGHT. Gen. 2. 9. every tree pleasant to *. Ejrod. 3. 3. turn and see this (Treat jr. 24. 17. *. of glory of Lord like tire Lev. 13. 4. in *. nofdeeper than skin 14. 37. if plairiif in *. lower th. wall Xnm. 13. 33. in their*, as grasshopp. 27. 19. Hive him charge in their*. Deut. 2a .'14. mad for *. of eyes, . 10. amo. heathen in our *. Errl. 6 9. better *. of eyes th. wan. Itn. 5. 21. prudent in their own r. II. 3. not judge after *. of his eyes JT. 51. 24. evil in Zion in your*. Frk >$. 3. remove by day in th. *. -'ii. 9. in whose *. I made known 14. in whose *. I brought out, 22. 4.'t. II. show forms, write in their *. Dun. 4. II.*. thereof to end of, 20. Mat. 11. 5. the blind receive their *. 20. 34 7,t,#97. 21. I.t,ke4. 18. preach *. t* the blind 2.'i. 48. came t" * smote th. breasts 24. 31. he vanished out of their *. Jnlin 9. 11. wanned and I received* es great in the *. of serf. 19. 1 1. L. come down in the i. of Lev. 20. 17. cut off in the t. of peop. 26. 45. out of Eg. in /. *. of heathen ,Vuw. 25. 6. woman I'M the ,. of Mos. 33. 3. went in the I. of Egyptians Deut. 31, 7. Mos. said, in the *. <.f Is. J ii.\/i. 10. 12. said, in the s. of Israel 1 Chr. i8. 8. in t. t. of Israel keep 29. 25. magnified Sol. in the t. of Is. 2 Chr. 32 23. Hez. magnifi. in 1. 1. of Ksra 9. 9. mercy in the i. of kings A'eA. 1. 11. mercy in the s. of man /'*. 78, 12. things did he in*, nf fath. nyi. 30. child, of Ju. done evil in tnyi. 15. I. cast them out of mil I. ia 10. if it do evil in M that it .14. 15. and had done right in my *. Seek. 10. 2. he went in my ,. to fill Amot 9. 3. hid from mil t. 'in Ihe sen Mark 10. 51. Lord, that I might re. celve mv ' Luke 18. 41. Gen. 19. 19. hath found gmce Int . 21. 12. let it not he griev in thy i. 33. 10 J.icoh *iid. if I have found grace in t. *. 7. 2!'. f.ri,,l. .'1.1 13 1C. | 34. 9. Judg. 6. 17. 403 SIG 1 Sam. IS 17. little In thine own A 2 Sam. 7. 9. off ruemie* out of tt, v t. 19. this yet a MI. nil thin* \,-. it,,/,. 4. 27. 1 hate found grace in (/, i Am. I. 13. life prec oun in 20. 3. done good in f ,. /,. Piaf. 5. S. foolish not ttund iu t/, v i 9. li. letheithen be judged in t *. 61. 4. I tinned, dour evil in thy t. 76. 7. who may stand in tfn/ 1 )' 143. 2. in thy ,. no n in justified Ita, 2fi. 17. so have we been iu t *. Jer. 18. 23. blot out sin fn.m thy * Jonah 2 4. I am cast out nf thu i Mat. 11. 26. o It Brrmed giMxi in thy i. l.ttkt In .[_ Luke 15. 21. sinned *g. heav u, / ,, 18. 42. Jesus said, receive thy t. Actt9. 17. mightest receive thy i 22. la brother Saul, receive Uu . See FAV.PI R, FIKD. MGHTS. Luken. 11. fearful ,. shall there b SIGN Exod. 4. & first *. believe Utter *. 8. 23. to-morrow shall this *. be 31. 13. a *. between me and you, 17. Krek. 20. 12, JO, A'uwi. 16. 38. they shall be a *. to In. Dritt. 6. 8. hind for*, on hand. 1 1. Is. 13. I. arise a prophet, giveth a *. 28. 46. be <>n thee lor *. and wonder Jiifh. 4. 6. this be a *. among yon Judg 6. 17. show me *. thou t!kest 20. 38. *. between Israel and lieri 1 Sam. 2. 34. this shall be *. to thee, 2 Xing, 19. ia 14. 10. this (hall be a *. unto 01 1 A'in. la a *. Lord hath spnkcu 2 A'in. 20. a what shall be the . 9. this*, ^hall they have of the Lord. 7*0. 37. 30. | 38. 7, 22. 2 Chr. 32. 24. and he gave him a *. /HI. 7. II. ask thee a *. of the Lord 14. L. himself shall give you a *. 19. 20. it shall be for a *. to Lord 20. a Isaiah walked bare.f. f.-r a*. 55. la name, for an everlasting . 66. 19. I will set a *. among them Je-r. 6. 1. set up *. in Beth.bai ccreiu 44. 29. this be a ,. to you, l.u 2.1i Krek. 4. a this he *. to house of la 12. 6. I set thee for * *. to 1-r. II 14. M. make him a *. and a provrrb 24. 24. E/.ek is a *. || 27. thou I.e * :i9. 15. thou shall net up a t by it Mat. 12 38. Muster, we would sea a*. 16. I. Mark*. II. Lu. 11.16. 39. an evil generation terkrth after a t. no *. be givi n, hut *. of Jonas, 16. 4. Mark S. 12. Luke II. 29.30. 24. 3. what the *. of thy coining T 30. then i. 18. wh. *. showest th ? 6.30. Irt, 2S. 11. whose *. wa ( ast. r Horn. 4. II. received*, of rirrnirci. dr. I. 22. for Jews require *. U. 23. wherefore tonguet ure /. Itrr. 15. 1. I aaw another *. iu hear. 81 ON. Dan. 6. 8. eMhll-h decree, and *. BIONEO Dan. 6. 9. Darius ,. the writing, 10, BIO1 en. 1. 14 let th. m he for . nde, j-rf 4. 9. if they will nut believe * 17 with tin- rol thou sliult Au .. 7 3 I will muJtil'l* " 10. *. mayest te I tl'V - Auwi. 14. 11. for all the t. hure4 L" STL CMt 4 .U. t.. take nation hy .. 2fi H. *. *t Li.r.l li..w-d , ,, KI/M.I. .NVA !i Id. /'< 7. 19 grfnt t. lhi.it- (>-.-- -aw, * .1 3 I!, in nil .. I.. -en't him t.i ,J.i 1 Sum l'\ ' wlit-n the4- ,. are come . aii-l all tl * i-ame |.. p 1-1 /V//. 74 4 lh.-y set up .-n-igii!, fur*. we -e- not ..ur *. th--re n mi slui.-,| hi-. among them /. 8. IS. 1 A nut d>:i>Hved at tlie i. 3.' so lt-t s.-t a. i.l womler- In K. /J'M>d t.. -how i. 3 how i.T-...t hli - y II..M- mighty fv 27. he w..rk. th i. in heaven :ui /.nd staff. 95 Ejrod. 23. II. HKC engraving* of .1 A 2l,3ri i 14. It, 30. 30. fi onyx-tones graven a. *_ J ; -.'I. 19. Hel. 9. 9. H. Oht * that the way SILBXCB. }-A 4. 16 an imafe hefitreme, wuf. i".l 21 mm rave ear. and kept f W. 31. l let Ivinj Up* h<-|ini t /. .tl 1 I wa- riiimh with >. 1 he!d *)\ 17. my (mil almn-t dwelt in i. 115. 17. neither any that vointo t. ;n. 15. I. M.i:ih hro' to . Kir to /. Jrr. A 14. our C,,u\ h:ith put n to t. Lam. 3 1W. ittet'. al-ne. kerp -th *. Am 8 .1. sh. < wt tiem f..rth with *. Mat. H. 51. he p>if Sad-m tii f. Jrt* 21. 40. there WH ma-lc vreat I. Vi -2 he -pake in Hel.. they kept*. 1 Tim, 2 II. let w..m :i n lear'n in*. 12. nor to usurp ""' t*r in t. I Pft. -i. 15. may put to i. irn ranee fin 8. I. there wa< i in heaven Se Krr.r. KEPT. SILK ST. I San 8. 9. the wicked shall h* I. ffil f! 2. I rrv in mir'it, am not . 8R I. U- not t" me, if thou he j. 0. l ling praiM to thei-, uot be i. SIL "*ni 31. |7 let the wic. he*, in grave .' / V7 Y Ml th"U * .ill.l get Ihee Irr 8. 14 dcfem-ed ciiiex. .et ti-he*. /.~ch. 2. 1? I**. Oall n.-h. before L. SILK "me. 3V 22. her .-lothing 1 1- and Krtk. 16. la 1 covered tl.ee witli *. la thy raiin.-nt :.-. *. and t.r.nd. Km. 18. 12. no man luiyeth her *. SILLY. J<>b 5. 8. and envy -.layeth the * one " i 7. II Kphraim i- like a *. dove 2 Tim. a 6 who lead captive*, wiun. SILVER Gen. 2a 15. land worth 400shek. of ,. '->>ur . and the 25. 4. take away dross from the *. EccL 5. 10. he that loveth. shall not be satisfied with *. Cant. 8 9. will build a palace of *. I to. I. 22. thy *. is become droas 30. 22. shall defile thy images of*. 48. 10. I refined thee, not with * 60. 17. for iron I will bring * and Jrr. 6. 30. reprohate * shall men call 10.9. (.spread Into plates Is brought 32. 9. I weighed him 17 shekel- of *. Exek. 22. IH. they are the dross of *. 20. as they gather *. brass, and iron 22. as *. is melted in the furnace 87 1* with t. Tarnhish traded in li'ii. 2. 32. breast and arms were *. Hnt. 9. 6. pleasant places for *. la 8. th mnde molten images of* Amnt i. R they sold righteous for *. 8. 6. that we may buy the pour fur *. 4M SIN 7./.A. I. II howl, all that bes-i Zri-h 9. 3 'I \ru- heaped *. H- ,li:i. 13 'i I ii: r.-tiu.- th.-m as - r- 1 Mai .') :) a.s reti.er ,,nd purifier of t Sre FILI i TS, i5iii.n, I'IKI FH. M V| KI.1MJS /M. 7. 23 thousand vine-, at thoui. j SII.VKK n Ifi. -.4 i ..lu'lit hill for -2 / nft -' A'IH j "). N'M;IIII;III took ten / i.^". 23. boil d two t. 'fa. in two l.ag 15 lit Mena n ive Pul 1000 t of*. I Chr. l!l fl ll.diun "-ent 1(T /. ..'"* .'-.' 14. a Ih ii-;, i,. I thouiMiid I ,,fi. 29 4. mid '. thoiHHiid /. o/refin.-d . J Chr. 25. 6. hired men for IIM/ > i. 27. 5. Ammon iruve J..th. 1011 t ,:f i. 3. :i i-ondemr.ed land in JnO t .."/*. Ezra 7. 22. I derre^ it to |0n a '26. I weighed to h..lld ^0 t (ft. Kith 3 9 I w,|| pay IO.<10 /. oft. Vfutli of Sll.VKK. i 7 W, . r 'v.eigh.-d .-400ihek. i Sum . 10 Joram I n.uiht e. of. I A'n. 10. 25 man his pn->ent. r '*. i A'IM 12. !'(. were not mailer j> t. 1 Chr. Ifl. 10. all niiiitn.-r of r n/. r,,\A and lira-s, 2 Cfir. 24/14. Ezra 1.6 . -trei.gthened wi. r 1,1 '* II. 5 14 f. ./gold and of the home S -.-(> Iw.-iul.ed*. r. hn-.dn-d talent* Dan. 5. '2. to I. ring uolden and i. r. II. 8. carry their precious B. oft. SILVER. Urn. 44. 8. put my *. cup in sack's frnp. 2fi 23. pot-herd covered wi. . Errl U. fi. .ir ever t. rord V.e I....- d Mat 27. 6 rhi.-f prie-N took *. pier. Act* 19. 24. Detnetr. maoe*. shriuet See \\'.t*\ L- i'l't More. MMILITOOK .\'m. 12. R the i ol the Lord shall DfUt. 4 I' . mire, hut w no* IS, 16. 2 Chr. 4. a under it was i. of oxen ftai IOC 20. changed glory int.. *. 144. 12 -I * po.i.slied alter *. of a Dun. 10. Ifi. ,:.de after*, of fi. SIM1LM TDKS. Hot. 12. 10. I have used * by minis. MMPI.K. Ptal. 19. 7. Lord inaketh w ; se the . I Ifi. 6. the Lord pre-erveth tlie . ll.'l. 130. gjveth unnorf landing to *. Ptm I t to give -uhtilty to* ?2 h..w lonjr, ye * ones, will ye 32. turning away of i. shall slay 7. 7. amoiiif *. ones a young n,;in 8. 5. O ye t. understand wisdom 9. 4. whoso is *. let him turn in, l'< 13. a fo. li-h wornxn is *. anl kuo 14. 15. t. believeth every word, >.ut 18. t. Inherit follvfl l!. 2.S.*. heware 81. II. punihed, the i nude wi.e 22. 3. t. pass on are punished. 21 I?. Ezrk. 45. *) sh do f,.r him that i i. Rom. 16 IS. fair -peerhes de.elve . 19. wise ttf"od. conrcrniiigevil SIMIM.ICI TY. 2 Sam. 15 II they went in their .. Prnv. \. 22 him long will vr lor.f 2 Cor 1. IV. in * had conversation II. a corrupted from*, in Christ RIM C,en 4 7 not w.-li. *. lieth at door Erod. 34 f.-rgivmir iniquity. ..r 6 when mnn or woman . 12. I.. I beseech, lay not *. upiin us 19. 9 it is a purification for . 17. 27 3. <>ur father died in his own .. Dent. 15. 9. cry to L. it hi- *. 24. )5 19. 15. witness slmll nut rise for s. 21. 22. il a niiin have committe d * 22. 26 in damsel n . or tli) death 23. 21. and il would he i. in thee 2-1. .6. ever man shall he put to death for hi-, own s. 'i Kiny H. fi. 2 Cftron 25. 4. 1 Sati 15. 2a rebellion as t. of witch. 1 Kin. a 34. forgive s. of thy people 36. forgive the*, of thy servants, 2 Cftron. 6. 25, 27. 12. 30. th.s thing bi-xme a t 13. 34. t Kin. 12. 16. *. moiie/ WHS priest's Juh 20. II. his hones are full of i. Ps. 32. I. blessed whose s. covered 6'. 6. in s. did mother conceive me 59. 1'2. for *. ot th month he taken 109. 7. let his prayer heroine . 14. let not .1. of mother be lilotted Pror. 10. 16. wicked te-.deth to*. 19. in w.'rds there waiiteth not*. 14. 9. fouls in.ike a mock at I. 34. *. is a reproach to any people 21 4. plowing of the wicked is t. 24. 9. thoijj-hl of foolishness is t. Isa. 5. 18 wo to them who draw *. 30. I. that they may adil * to jr. 31. 7. idolH your hands made for . 53. iO. make soul an offering for .v. 12. he hare .T. of many, and made Je-r. 17. 1. * of Ju. written with pen 3. 1 will j-i ve high place for *. 51. 5. their hind WHS till, d with t. Lam. 4. fi. punishment of . of Sod. Hni. 4. 3. they eat np *. of people 10. 8. i. of Israel shall he de-tr-yed 12. 8, no iniquity in me th. were* Amnt 3. 14 swear hy *. of Samaria tlic. 1. 13. beginning of i. to Zion r! 7. fruit of body for *. of my smi! tech. 13. 1. a fountain opened foi .. Vat. 12.31 all* shall he fonrivcn fohn I. 29. tak. th away *. of world K 7. that is without >. ainons? yon 34. whoso commit. *. servant of*. 9. 41. if blind, should hav no* 15. 22. not ci.me, they had notf.24 18.8. Comforter will reprove of . 19. II. delivered me hath greater * Act* 7. 60. lay not . to their charge Rom. 3. 9. Jews and Kent, under *. 20. hy th. law is knowledge of jr. 4. 7. blessed whose .. is covered 5. 12. entered world, death t,y t 13. till the law *. was in the world 20, where . abounded, grace 21. that as *. reigned unto death 8. I. shall we continue in .. ? 2. sh. we that are dead to *. live ? 7. he that is dean is freed from * 10. that he died. In- died to . once 11. reckon yourselves dead to*. 12. let not *. reign in your bodies 13. nor yield your members to i. 14. i. shall not have dominion 16. servants ye are, whether of . 17. f. thanked, ye were serv. of*. 15. being ma'.le free from *. 22. SO when ye were s. rvants of*. 2.1 for the wages of* ide..fh 7. 7. is law .? tt. forbid, known . 8. *. takinir oeca-ion wrought in me; without law t. is dead 9. rommandmen' came *. revived II. *. hy commandment slew me 17. hut . lh.it dwellet'i in me. ., 1 Or. 6. 18. every a man doeth i 15 56. the sting of death is *. an.. the strength of*, is the law 2 Cor. 6 21. made him he *. for u Gal. 2. 17. Christ the minister of*.. 3 22. script, ronrluded ail under * 2 Thei. 2. 3. man of .. he revealed Heh. 3. 13. be hardened through I. 4. 15. tempted, yet without *. 9. 26 he appeared to put away *. 28. appear without . to salvatioi 10. 6. in sac nticesfor * n.. pleasure 8. ottering (,,r *. th. wonldest no 18. remission, no offering for *. 11. -Zf>. enj..y the pleasures of . 12. 1. lay aside*, tliat doth beset us 4. not resisted, striving against i 13. II. bodies of heasts fr*. burn Jam. I. 15 it hringelh forth *. AIM *. when finished, hrintrcth death 2. 9. if have respert to pers. ye*. 4. 17. doeth not good, to him it is* 1 Pet. 2. 22. who d d no . nor guile 4. I. suffered in flesh, ceased tr. * 2 Pet. 2. 14. eyes cannot cease fr. 1 Ji,hn 1. 7. C. cleanseth from all . 8. say we have no *. we deceive 3. 4. whoso committeth *. trans. gresseth ; *. is trangression 5. manifested, and in him is no* 8. thatcommitleth s. is <>f thedevi 9. whosoever is born of (,..d dot! not commit *. 5. 16. *. wh. is not to death, *. unt 17. all unrighteousness is *. an. there is a .. not unto death See KKAR. GmiSIN. Gen. 20. 9. brought on me great t E.rod. 32. 21. brought . . on them 30. Mo*, said, ye sinned aj. .. 31 I Sum 2. 17. *. of young n.en gren 1 Kin. 17. 21. Jero. m.wle th. slug, i Hi* SIN. Lev. 4. a bring for his *. n bullock 23. if A. *. come to knowledge, 28 5. 6. bring trespass offering for h. i I Kin. 15 26. N .dab walked in h t :U. Baa^ha walked in w A' in/.'* 2 1. Iri. l-eside hit . where. 17. ai is of Maiiasseh, and hi- *. >. Chr :i.". 19. all A. *. befo. humbled .lad 34. 37. addeth rebellion to his /'i. 27. !'. fruit to t.ike away his i. Kre.k. 3. 20. shall die in AM*. 18. 24. .'(3 14. if he turn from h. i. do right I fni. IM 12. In. mi. I up, hit i. is hid tfi'c a 8. full to declare to Is. Hit*. A/I/ SIN. ('>>/ 31. 36 what is mi/*, that thou K.rnd. 10. 17 forgive my * th s once I Hunt. 15. 25. I pray, pardon mi/ x. 20 I. what mv ' Before Ihy father 1 Kin. 17. 18. tocall m. *. to rememh. Jh 6 thon sean-hest after my i. 13. 23. make me to know my*. 14. I'!, do -i thon not watch mi/*. 35. .3. if I be clean-ed from uni *. Pi. 32. 5. I acknowledged mill and thon forgavc-i my s. 'V>. a nor rest bermi-e of v <. 18 iniquity, 1 be sorry for >mi i. W 51. -'. clean-e me from mi/ . ,'i. my *. hef. me || M .8. not for m. . P ran. '& 9. say. I am pure fr. my *. Dan. &. iO. I was confessing my *. fife OFFI KIM. i. 31. . pardon iniq. and m/r Jer. 16. 10. what . '. we con -i it'.eil SIN Thm MV. Gen. IS. 20. l,e, , -n. 17. foigjv- I. i. * c*r /, , | tJ-<"i 31. 3{. if thou forgive t ,,, -(4. when 1 iit. I Hill ,.,i / . * urn. .',. 7. they hll cooler Deiit 9. r,. stnM.orm,.,,, ,,..r I . 1 AM. 8. 35. if (hey turn tr..n . 2 Chr -VA. 4. 5. let not thrir ,. l,e h Pi 85. 2. thi.u rur-t covered //,. r .. /*. 19 they d. dare t * . a, - 18. -'3. neither blot mil their" 31. 34. remember their i imn..,rr 36. a that I may forgive /*>. Juhn 15. 22. hve no rloak for / *. Thy SIN. 2 Sam. 12. la l.i hath pot awy I. ,. Ita. 6. 7. taken away, t *. it pu'r K , d your SIN. .rod. 32. 30. atonement for your t .Viii/i. 3^. 23. y. *. will find you . nt lieut. 9. 21. I took your i. the ralf 7oAn 9. 41. therefore y. . remained) SIN, r'erb. Gen. 39. 9. do this, and *. aga. (>.? 42. 22. do not *. against th* child Exiid. 20. 20. fear, that you *. not 23 iTi. lest make thee *. against me Let. 4. 2. if soul *. thro' ignorance 3 if priest *. || 13. if congregat *. /7. if people*, thro' ignorance 5. 1. if a soul *. and he*r swearing 6. i. if a soul *. lie unto neighbour Num. 16. 22. one*, wroth wilhaJI ? Dritt 20. IK. should you * aga. L. 24 4. shall not cause land t.< *. I Sam. 2. 25 if one roan *. axaii -t another; . against the l.,.r 1^ 23. Gixl forbid, 1 should M. in 14. 33. the people *. against I."rd> 3i. ar.d *. not in rating i. hk.d 19. 4. let not king *. aga. servant !i. why >. aga. innocent blood t 1 Am. a 46. if they shall *. against thee, 2 Ckrnn. 6. 3& 2 A in 21. 11. Man. made Judah i. 2 Chr. 6. 22. it man *. agxinl neigh. Nek. 6. 13 atraiil. and do so. ami . la 2^!. did not S-ilomon *. by ii..-.e Jok'.tt. 10. did not Job *. wi. his lip* 5. 24. vi<>it hatiitation, and Dot /. 10. 14. .f I *. thou markrst me 31. 30. neither suffered mouth lo . P.il. 4. 4. stand in awe, and *. m>t 39. 1. take heed I /. nut wL toncne 119. II. 1 might not*, again*! the* f'.rrl 5. fi month canne (1eh to . Ifr. :tl. 3"'. do this to cause Jn. f . Krek. a 21. right. . not, doth nix <. Hut. 8. 1 1. Ephraim hath made altr to*, altar* to him i . 13. 2. now they . more and more Mat H 21. L. how oft brother .' John 5. 14. >. no more, lest worse S II. neither do I rond. *. no n ... M. 2. who did t. man or parent* v Hnm 6. 15 *. hera. not under la ? I Car. f\ 12. *. ag. brethren . *g. ". 15 34. awake to righteounn. i .4 .';*A. 4. 26. he ye angry and *. ii"t Tim. 5. 80. them that * re hnke 2& If we *. wilfully after ' ./..An 2. .. I write unto you i 1 .t ve ; not. and if an> !'. cannot . hcraii t l!r I V Jmig. 9. 16. if > have doD . 19 S.N Phil. \ '-3. the oneprearh Ch, not*. SIM KK1 1 V. ,f..A. 24. 14. serve ih.- Lord in i. and I i ./r. i H. wl. unleavened bread of/. I" Cr. I. l->. in godly f. we have hud 2 17. as of i. in the siht of God H. s. and to prove the . of your lore t-i.:f>. fi. 24. them that love L J. in L 7W. 2. 7. iu doctrine show, gravity, . SINEW. Gen K. SL Israel eat not of the i. touched Jnctih in r th. shrank .'to. 18. 4. thy neck is mi iron t. SINKU s .*o& 10. II. fenced with bone* and t. St. 17. bones are pierced, t take no I '. 17. the i. of his atone* are wrap. Ezrk. 37. 6. I will lay i. upon you t*. the i and the Ae.ih came upon SINKUU ym. 32. 14 rien increase of /. men /*i I. 4. ah *. nation, people laden AM M. R rye* of L. are on . king. Mark 8. 3s. ashamed in /. generation y.Xc 5. 8. for I HOT u i. roan, U Ld V! 7. delivered into hands f i. men A'nm. 7. 13. sin heroine exceeding t a 3. send. Son in likeness of /. flesh SING. Euroi 15. 21. t. to the Lord, I CAr. 1ft 23. PtaL SO. 4. | 95. 1. | 9ft 1. 2. | 98 I. I 147. 7. | 149. I. It, i. 12. 5. >. 18. noi^e ..f them that , I hear \i. .. 21. 17. sprinir up, O well, . ye I .VM. 21. II. did they not /. one to 1 Clir. Id R . unto him, >. psalms :<3. the trees of the wood i. out 2 C'Af . 20. 22. they heiraR to /. and y.t. 30. Mete, commanded Lev. to/. ./.'> iU. 13. I caused widow's heart/. fiat. >(. 13. no will we /. and praise .1't. 2. praise the Lord, /. to him :<. /. to him a new song, //a. 42. 10. .si. l&t.orthyriplitMaNMM, 145.7. ''). 13. valleys shout, they also /. (' . '.' /. forth honour of his name 4. the earth . to the*, they shall /. r>7. 4. let the nation* he glad and /. (H 3>. t. to God. ye kiiitfdotns 7 1. 22. M thee will I /. with. 98. 5. HI. I. /. aloud unto O. our strength I'M. I ;f. fowls/ among the branches !>. 2. /. tn him. . psalms unto hitn l:-;7. 3. /. u one of the songs of Zion 4. how shall we /. Lord's *ong in 'r I Ha 5. they haU /. in way* of Ld. 1 f.i. .'i. let i. aloud upon their heds Priir. 29 ft the righteous /. and rej l*a M. 15. after 70 years ah. Tyre /. 2* U. they shall/, tor majesty of L. VK HI. MM* ye that dwell ill dust XT a. in that day /. ye to her, vine, ii. ft then shall tonsue of dumb .. 3*. -tn. we will /. my son** all days 4.'. II. let inhabitant* of the ro<-k'/. 44. 23. /. O ye heav.-iin.fov L. 49 13. >.'. a with the vo ce shall they /. barren, th didst not hear ..']. 14. my servants shall /. for j iy //r. :tl. 7. / with if lad 'em for Jacob 12 thry shall / in height of /ion - Ul that i- 'herein shall /. hips of Tarshish did ti<1. IS. she sh. /. in days of youth Kfpk. 'i. 14. their mire sh. i in win. :< U. i daiiKhtrr of Z. ZrcA. 1. In. /am. 5. 13 i- any merry '; let him /. * 16. 3. they /. song of Moses and lift'/ SING. Bro* li 1. I trill i. to the Lord. J'/rf^. .S. :f JW !3 fi. rW &r. 7. i* axed, U Ood. / wiU t. BIN r/. 57. 9. / in'///, to thce among na 50 16. I trill i. of thy power, W. I. 17 unto tliee O my strength IT.// 101. I. / . /. of mercy and judgm. 104, 33 / trill t. to the L. as I, HI* a* 144. 9. / IT. /. M new funifr unto tliee fia. 5. 1. now ir. / /. to well. beloved Horn 15. 9. for this can-.- trill 1 1. 1 Cor. 14 15. / trill t. with the spirit, I trill i. with understanding See HaAinE. PRAIHBH. SINGED. Dan. 3. 27. nor was an hair of head / SINliKK. I CAr. K. 33. Heman a /. son of Joel llfb. 3. 19. torhief /. on inatruinenU SINGERS. I Km. 10. IK made psalteries for / t CAron. a 11. I CAr. 9. 33. these are the /. 15. IB. 15. 19. so /. were appointed to anund /7. Lev. and the /. had fine linen J CAr. 5. 13. trumpeters mid /. were /i t\. J'hoshaphat appointed /. 23. 13. peo. r. joi, ed also /. . a :i5. I- 1 ), the /. the sous of Asapb Ezra 4 41. /. rh-ldren of Asaph. 128. 70. the /. dwelt *ii cities, tfeh. 7. 73. 7. 7. some /. went up to Jerusalem Ifeh. 7. I. and the /. were appointed 10. 29. the /. clave to their brethren 1 1. 22. /. were over busin. of house 23. portion for the /. 12. 47. | 13. 5. 12. 2H. son of/ giitherel themsel. 29. the /. builded them villages 42. t. sang || 4-V /. kept ward of G. 46 in days of David, there were/. 13 10. for Levites and / were fled /'.//. IN. 25. /. went before, players 87. 7. as well t. a players be there E*ek. 40. 44. chambers' of /. in court A/fn- SINGERS, Woim-w-SINli- KK . F.rrL 2. a I (rat mm-t. and tromen-i. KlNGBTH. PriiV. 25. 20. so is he that /. songs to SINGING. I Sam 18. 6 women came out of In. /. 1 Chr. R :)2. they ininixtered with /. 13 8. Da. and Israel played with i. 2 CAr. 23. 1. offer hurnt-off. with /. 30. 21. /. wi. loud instruments to L. .VcA 12 27. kept dedication with /. I'tnl. 100. 2. before presence with /. ls*V 2. was our tongue filled with / Cant 'i. I.', time of the /. of birds is ha. 14. 7. they break forth into /. 1C. 10 In vineyards shall he no/. 35. 2. it shall blossom wi. joy and /. 44. 23. break into /. ye mountain! 4*. 20. flee from Chaldeans with /. 49. 1.1 () earth, break forth into/. 51. II. redeemed shall come with/. 54. I. break forth into /. () barren 5'-> l~t. mountains shall break into/. 7.i-ph. 3 17. will jny over thee wi. /. Kuh 5. 19 /. in vour heart, Col. 3. 16 SlNGINO-WOTi'. SINGlNG.t/v/mcn. 2 Sam. 19. 35 can I hear i..m. /..to 2 CAr. 35 25 the t..m pake of Jos. F.rnt 2. S5. 200 t -mfn, 2fK) t.-tromen S'fi 7. 67. had 24.S/..m. and /..to. SINGLK. Mat. ft 82. if eye /. whole body full of light. Luke 11. 31. SINGLENKSS. Adi 1. 4C. eat meat with /. of heart fnA. 6. 5. in /. of heart, Col 1 22. SINGt'LAR. Ltr. 27 i when man sh. make /. TOW SINK. f'tal. 6S. 2. I /. in deep miro where .'rfr. 51. 61. Babylon /. and not rie Mil. 14. 30. begii.niu? to/, he cried SIN J.ukf 5 7. ^o IVit they began tot a. 44 let SHVIIII.-> ... into Tour ear* 'SINVKU. Krod 9. 34. riiartioh /. yet nior 32. 3O. yr have /. a great sin, 31. 33. whosoever hath /. him will t Lrr 4 3. for sin he hath /. a bullock 2V. ruler /. *3 || 28. one of peo. /. 5. .*>. confess he hath /. In that thing ft 4. because he hath /. sh. restole A'um. 12. II. lay not sin wherein We/. 32 23. ye have /. Hgain-t the lord Dfut. 9. Ift behold ye have /. UK 1^ IB. your iins which yr /. in doing Joth. 7. 1 1. Isr. hath /. and trausgr. Judff. II. 27. I have not /. aga. then 1 Sam. l. 13, l!. IK. R what have I /. that thou 2 A'in. 17 7. Israel had/, airain-t L. 21. 17. sin th. Munaaseh /. is writter .\>A. U. 29. but /. against thy judgui. Jof> I. 5. Job said, my sons hate /. 22. in this Job /. not, nor charccd 8. 4. if children have/. againM him 24. 19. so doth grave wh..- liav<- /. Ptal. 7a 17. they /. yej more, Si ha. 4a 27. thy first father hath /. Jrr. 2 Sfi. thou sayest, I have not / 4O. 3. because ye have /. ami, 44. ^3. 50. 14. Babylon hath /. against 1. I nm. I. 8. Jerus. hath grievously .1. 5. 7. our fathers have / and are not Ezek. la 24 sin he hath /. in them VR Ifi violence, and thou hast /. 37. 23. dwelling places where, th. /. Hot. 4. 7. as they iniveased they /. 10 9. thou hast / from .1 y aid, /A, * JL IVt hJ. H>. 15. irf h i. do what seemeth good 1 Sam. 7. 6. fa-ted and said, we h. i. 1 Ai'i s. 7. tre h. /. done per* einely 2 CAr. ft. 37. iivA /. have done amiss .NVA. I. (1 confews the sin tre h. t. Ptal. lOft (>. ire h. * with our father! ha. 42. *4. I. Huainst wnom tre 'i. t 64 j. thou art wroth, fur rt A. /. SIN fer. 3. 25. lie down in shame, . i. 8. 14. given us gall, fur ire hurt ,t 14. -20. acknowledge wick, ire A. t Dur 4. ft. w. h. i. committed iniqui 15. O L. we Hare s. done Wickedl SINNER. Prop. 11. 31. more wicked and the 13. 6. wickedness overthroweth t 22. wealth of*, is laid up for jns I Cfl. 2. as. to the i. he piveth trava 7. 2S. the r shall lie taken hy her 8. 12. tho'f. do evil an loo tiim'-s 9. . 80 is .. and he that swetireth 18. one *. de.stroyeth much good ha. fia. 20. *. being 100 years old f.u. 7. 37. woman in city wh.iwae 15 7. joy in heaven over one $. 18. 13. God be merciful to me a *. 19. 7. gone to he guest wi. man a John 9. 16. how can . do miracles ? 24. give G. praise, this man is a * 25. whether he he a . I know no. Rum. 3. 7. why yet judged as a . ? Jam. 5. 20. converteth *. save a soi 1 Pet. 4. 18. where uni/odly i. appe SINNERS. Gen. 13. 13. men of Sodom were i. 1 Sam. 15. 18. utterly destroy thei PiaL I. I. staudeth not in way of t. 5. nor *. iu rongrega. of righteou 25. 8. therefore will he teach *. wa 26 9. gather Mot my soul with *. 51. 13. i. shall he converted to the 104. i)5. let the *. he consumed out Prov. I. 10. if s. entice, consent no J3. 21. eril pursueth t, to righteou 23. 17. let not thine heart envy *. ha. 1. 28. destrurt. of*, he togetlie 13. 9. destroy the t thereof nut of i 33. 14. the . in Zion are afraid Amos 9. 10. all *. shall die hy sword Mat. 9. 10. many t sat at meat wit Jesus Mark 2. 15. [Lu.5.32 13. call righteous, but*. Mar. 2.17 11. 19. a friend of publicans and* Luke 7. 34 Luke ft. 32. *. love those love thm 33. what thanks ha. ye?*. do same 34. . lend to *. to receive again 13. 2, suppose that these were *. 4 If). I. publicans and *. to hear him John 9. 31. know O. heareth not *. linm. 5. 8. while we were*. Ch. die< Gul. 2. 15. Jews, not . of Gentiles 17. if we ourselves are fouud *. I Tim. 1. !). the law is made for *. 15. Christ Jesua came to save *. Jam. 4. 8. hands, ye *. purify heart; Judr 15. speeches . have spoken SIN NEST. Jub 35. 6. if thon *. what doest thou SINNETH. .VM//I. 15. 28. soul that*, ignorantly At. law for him that*, thro'ignor. limit. 11). 15. wit. not rise in sin he*. I Kin. H. 46. is no man that *. not. 2 Chron. ft 36. cci 7. 20. I'rnv. 8. 36. he that *. wrongeth soul 14. 21. that despiseth neighbour *. 19. 2. he that haoteth with f-et *. 20. 2. whoso provoketh a king *. E-ek. 14 13. when land *. I stretch 18. 4. soul that*, it shall die, 20. .'vi. 12. for righteousness in dAy he *. 1 Cm: 6. 18. fornic.itor *. aga. body 7. .m let him do what he will * not Tit 3 1 1. such is subverted and *. 1 John 3. 6. whoso. ahideth in him *. not, whoso. *. hath not seen him 8. for devil *. from the beginning 5. 18. whoso, is born of God *. not SINNING. Oen 80. 3. I withheld thee from *. /.ec. 6. 2 that m i does, *. therein SIN SINS. 1 Kin. 14. 1& give Is. up became o 15. a Ahijam walked in of Reh 30. smote Nadab bee. of*, of Jer 16. 13. . of Baajha, and . of Elal 31. light thing to walk in*, of Ji 2 Am. a 3. Jehor. cleaved to*, of 10. 29. from . of Jeroboam Jeli 13. 6. Is. departed not Ir. *. of Jer 17. 22. Is. walked in *. of Jeroboam 24 a remove Judah for *. of Man 2fAr. 28. 10. are there not wi. you* *. I. 6. confess the *. of Israel Job la 23. how many are my . ? Pi. 19. 13. keep thy servant from 25. 7. remember not * of my you Prop. 5. 22. holden with cords of* 10. 12. strifes, love eovereth all * 28. 13. that eovereth *. not prosp /*. 40. 2. received double for her 43. 24. made me to serve wi. thy 25. blot out, not remember thy 44. 22. blotted out as a cloud thy Jer. 15. 13. will I give to spoil for 30. 14. because thy *. increased L 50. 20. *. of Judah sought, not foun Lain. 3 39. lor punishment of his * 4. 13. * of her propUets and pries 22. Edoin, he will discover thy * Ei-ek !6. 51. Sama. committed thy 52. bear thine own shame for *. la 14. son that seeth his father's 21. if the wicked turn from his * 23. 49. ye shaX bear * of your ido 33. 16. none of his *. be mentiouei Dan. 9. 24. 70 weeks make end of A/i'c. I. 5. for*, of house of Israel i 'i. 13. making deso. because of thy Mat. 26. 2a shed for remission of * I. like 24. 47. remission of *. preach.' JohnS. 34. wast altogether born in* 20. 23. *. ye remit, whose * retain Actt 22. 16. wash away thy*, calliuj Rom. 7. 5. *. did work in members EpH. 3. 1. who were dead in *. 5. ~"oL 2. II. putting off the body of*. Tim. 5. 22. partakers of men's *. 24. some men's *. open beforeham 'leb. 2. 17. recontilia. for*, of people 5. I. offer tfifts and sacrifices for *. 7. 27. for his own *. then for pep 9. 28. Ch. offered to hear*, of many 10. 4. blood of goats take away *. 12. had offered one sacrifice for *. 'urn 5. 20. and hide multitude of*. I'et. 2. 24. dead to *. live to right a 18. Christ once suffered for . 4. 8. charity cover multitude of*. Pet. 1.9. he was purged from his *. John 2. 2. for the *. of whole world Rev. 18. 4. be not partakers of her*. 5. her *. have reached unto haven See FOBOIVE, FORGIVEN. %S1NS. 'tal 51. 9. hide thy face from m>/ *. 5. ft. O G. my i. are not hid fr. thee sa. 38. 17. c8t my i. behind back Our SINS. Sow. 12. 19. added to o. *. this evil Chron. 28. 1.1 intend to add too. *. !eh. 9. 37. kings over us bee. of o. . *. 79. 9. purge away our i. for thy a o. *. in light of countenance 03. 10. not dealt according to o. i. a. 59. 12. our i. testify against u* zek. 33. 10. ifo . be on us, we pine an. 9. 16. bee. of o. . peop. become Cor. 15. a that Ch. died for our al. I. 4. who gave himself for o. *. eb. I. a had himself purged our *. "ft. 2. 24 his own self bare our *. John 1. 9. if we confess our *. . 5. manifested to take away our*. en. 1. 5. washed us from our . 407 III Thrir S1\S /... MM tr,,, !rrr ,, lon |B (Mr t i A?n V^/""" Um " d '" Hl I A'" 14. ,,r. ked wit), \>A u P : o r" k " ""> -ner > <,' T 'u r "'' '""'< '' !' 5a I .hmv houm- ,rf Jo,b / * Jrr. 14 a,,,i, ,.,.,. KK '^ :.'"" '} . .. .mr, the' . ' l.uke\. 77. salva. by remiM,,ii., ( t torn 1 1 . 27. shall take away ferf, * I Th,,. V. IB. to filloprtnr, . ,1 .* dch.H. !>. I wilih.. m.mfult"/ , IU. 17. thrir i. rt-meintirr DO more Your MN>. I.er. 16. 30. mny K clean from u , 2ti. 18. pnni.h you for your ..24 2 Dtvt. !. is. nor drink, beraue. l fv * Vo*A.24. 19. G.will not forgive / fc /JO. I. 18. tho 1 your t. be HA n-Brlrt 5. 2. and ynur i. have hid hU fur* Jer. 5. 25. your i. withholds *.,< Ezek. 21. 24. in doings y. t. appear Amoi 5. 12. know v . tra'nsgri-s. Had John H. 21. seek me, die in v. i. 24. ActiZ. 19. repent, that your*, may I Cor. 15. 17. raised, ye are iti v. i. Col. i la you being dead in tpur *. 1 John 2. 12. your i. ref..iTeii yo SIR, a 6rn. 43. 20. *. we eame to buy food Mat. 21. 30. 1 go i. and went not John 4. II. *. thou hast nothing to 49. saith, *. come ere my child d 5. 7 *. 1 have man to pot me in 12. 21. saying, *. we would see Jrs. Act* 7. H. i. ye are brethren, why IK. .tO. *. what mast I do to he ,H"V. 27. 25. wheref. *. be of good cheer Rev. 7. 14. said to him *. tb. kn.mrst SIRS' A. ME. 'to. 44. 5. *. himself hy name of lr. SIR NAME. Vat. 10. 3. Lebbens, *. was Thdri r<* 10. 5. Simon, * is IVt 32. | )l l\ 12. II. John, *. Wat Murk, 25. 1 lA 37. SIRNAMRI). to. 45. 4. *. th. c, tho' not kiiivnm lark a 1ft Siinwii he . . Jd- 17. he *. thorn Boanerge*, thnnrtrr cti I. 2:1 Kanakas, who wu i. JUA. 4. 36. by pxtle was *. BvnabH* SISTER. en. 24. fiO. thou nrt on? *. mot'n-r 34. 13. had defiled Dinah th.' 31. deal with eur *. us an hn.-tnt ? j-'id. 2. 4. hi* *. stood afar off to v. ,\ n. la 9. thou shall not unn.t.-r 1 1. she is thy .|| 13. * wife to i .-r 20. 17. if a man tnke *. ee nakvdii 1. a for his *. a virgin, be .! urn. ft 7. Nat. not di-Hled fm I... * 'tit. 27. 22. cursed that lieth, i i udf. 1ft. 2. younger*, fairer th. -hr > S'orn. I a I. Ah*, had fair *. Tiun.r 22. he had forced hi t Tin . ant. v !. a little *. hath no t.reH-ti a 7. treiirherous *. Judith m\\ it . *. feared not H 10. *. not tnn.-rf 'i l& lament, saying, ah. iiy . xek. Ift 4\ thou nrt i. of sister* 4fl. elder *. Samaria, >ounK'r " 48. Sodom thy _ool done * th.M 2. II. another hath humhleH to- IL 3. 4. Aholah elder Ahnlihiih la my mind was alienated frwt. *, 31. thou walked in way of t ' drink of thy . tn\> rferp. .ft 4. Z.V *. that hth no husband .lehk at \1. M. irie It brother, i xi*4 la . sh bed a *. J'jAw II. i. & BIT /-' t&.H stood by cross mother 's i il-ti 23. Id Paul's *. sun heard of H-m. 16. I. Ph A have wenotpi.w- r tolend at.? ('"/ 4. 10. Marcus ( wn to Barnabas ..', 2 IS. if ahri.thernr*. IK- naked X .1.4* 13 the , h Idren ..f thv elect*. SIVM H.f'a-fW. " H ilk 1. 14. thv ..fii.kn/-U gone hack J/> SLSTKR Or*. 12. 13. MV. thou art my . l:l. why -aid-t thnu, she i'. mv *? 10 2.8, 12. | 2fi 7, 9 :( R I have r.-tled With my i. : nn. IS A. let myi I iim:ir i-o'me. fi 0. -aid, h. Irl iniu thy peace, n,t/ i. ' '.~i 14 --nd to worm, in. ait my*. I'fir. 7. 4 Ihuu art mil i nnd call {nit 4. 9. ravi-hed my heart, My j 10. ho\v fair U thy |..ve, my *. 5 I. am cnine into my uarden my t. open to me. mti i. my love JJ\tik 3 'ft 8 .me mv hro'her, my t l.ula !0. 44. d..-t thou not rate *.; SISI'KltS. /<>*. 2. 13. wr> .r Te wi'l save my * .! '< I. i they calli-d for three i to rat 4i II. then . Mtnelii brethren and*. KreJs. 16. 44. thou art Muter of th y *. .SI. thou hast justified thy *. 42. HI ashamed when thoil ni-eive*. //. '.'. I. 'ay unto yur*. Ituhamah ./ 12. (. in rate -peak amtnst me IIO I. said.* thou at my ritfht hand 119 83. prince* Nino did i. and speak 1*7, 2. it is vain for y..u to t. up late Keel. 10. A and rn-h *. in low place /'r 3 2fi. desolate. *. on the ground Ifi. 4. * upon the throne in truth 30. 7. their -trencth i- to t. .till 42. 7. bring- them that * in darkness 47. I. . in d.int, (. on Krnunit, S3. 2. 5. i. thou sile.it, (> d.iiiirhter 14. not he a fir. t'i i. efore it Jer & 14. why do we * -till r 13. ia I will (ill them that t on ia say untu kinr. down. ST.. IS. 3ft. 30. mine tn on throne ..f David of Z-nn nn emu Ktrk. 2R IT h * up.. , the ground .'S 2. hast -aid, t *. In -e.it of (Jod !M. 31. * h.-to'e the*. ;.- mv people 44. 3. prince h t. in it to ext h'ead linn. 7. 26 hut th- jniJicmenl -hail * J'-l S. II . t- j-d.-e th- heathen Mir. 4. 4. *. eery man iind r his vine 7."-h 3 a thou and thy f.-iKxvs th t . 13. * and ni'e upon hi- throne V./L8. II. many shall with A bra -oils t. one on thv Hrht hand f.\. hat tn i. nn mv right hand, .tf.irfr M 37. 40. 21 4. Pharl-ees i. in >|..-es' seat . s. ye here, M*r\ 14. 12. SIX 7,iJt-e 9. 14. i by fifties in acompnny 12. 37. and make them to i. down 13. .1*. shall i. in kiOKdnms of God 14. K. * not down i . hi^lie-t room 17 7. ifo. and t. down to meat .1 fin fi. Ill Jesus -aid, make men * Act* 2. 30. Christ to *. on his throne H. 31. come up and *. with him I Cor. a 10. to s-e thee *. at meat ./.rm. 2. 3 *. thou here in (rood place H>r. 3 il. w-ith me ia mt throne Is. 7. for she -aith, I *. a queen SIT I EST. Ej-oH. IH. 14. why *. thou thyself? Deut li 7. talk of them when thou* Pt>il 50. 20. thou i. and speakest I'ror 22. I. *. to eat with a rult-r Jer. 22. 2. hear, th t. on the throne Acts 23. a *. thou to iud ; Lori) *. king- 47. 8. fiod *. nn throne of holiness SW. I. L. *. between 'he cheriil.iiu /'< r. !. 14 for -he *. at the door 8 kin* *. In throve of jud^menl l>a. 2R. fi to him that *. in Judgment 4il 22. it is he that *. on the heaven* 'rr. 29. Ifi. aith of the king th .t *. I nnt. '.i. 'J8 he *. and keepethsileno /.A I. II. hehold. the earth *. still Mat. 23 2-2. sweareth hv him that . l.ukr 14. 28. . nut down first, 31. 22. n. he that *. at meat, i not he th.it * at meat ? I Cor. 14.30 if anything he revealed lo'a .other that *. hy Cnl. 3. I. Christ *. on right hand of (i. I The*. 2. 4. (i. *. in temple of (iod AVr. S. la power to him that $ fi 15. from the lace of him that *. 7. 10. salvation t... iur (iod which*. S ITT I NO. 1 A'l'n. 10. 5. * <>f servant-. 2 Ch 9 4. 13 14 man nf G. on the'riitht hand of <}.id. .Wfir*l4. 2. 27. 3K. and *. down, watched him \lnrkb 15 him that WHS possessed*. Ifi 5. they saw a yoiin/ man f. '.uk' 2 4'i. * in nnd-t of doctors 8 ai. and found him .. clothed I'./in 2. 14. the chanvers of money * \. I. 2. !. hioine where they were *. let. 4. 4. I -a* twenty-four elders*. Chr. 9. 18. st -y on ei.ch i-ide * -p. SITUATE. rrk. 27 3. that a>1 * at entry nf sea Vt t. r. broad 8 foundation.- were r frreat r Z). 17 SIX >A^/. XrA. 5. l. prepared daily*, choice*. v I \ inrif Cen. 30. 20. wi h me. I hne boi n /. i 1 Chr. a 38 an. I A /el had f. . 9. 44 six rtii/v* ^ror. a 16. . <. d..ih the Lord bate SIX timn. 2 A'l'n. 13. 111. hHv,. smitten S or . t. SIX tr,,ul-l.i Job ft. 19 shah deliver ili.-e io I. t SI X truti r pot*. John i 8. were set tin re i. water-p. SIX tringt. Ita. 0. 2. i-rnphm f, e... h had i. tr. WfT. 4. 8. four t>eaM- had each I. M SIX vran. Efcxi. 21. 2. . v. o'hall -e've, seventh |To free, l)n,t la \>. Jer. M. 14. SIXTH I.rr. VS. 71. my M ss on y.n*. year Esra fi IS. hoiiv finished m y. ar Kirk 4. II rt.-ink uater, t. palt of :) 2. leave tint the t. p;,it ol the* >/. II..IIT Her. 21. 20. i fnnii.iation wa sard i us SIXIY Om. 5. IS. MalmlHleel lived * years 21. Knoi-h tueii . five vi-a.- nail /.rr. 27. ?. e-tlmxtion from 'Jn to t. Mat 13. 8. hroiii'lil forth . fold. 28. SIXK [.Wr*4. 8, V* / 3fi. 9. ciirtnin Were one *. If. I A'i'n 7 37. I aaes one in. a-ure nad f. I Chr. va 29. rtll manner off. David SKILL. I Am. 5. fi t. to he* limher.2rA 2.. ^ Chr 2. 7 man that ran i. to crave 34. 12. all that could t. of IIIIIMC. SKILL. F.rct. 9. II. nor favour to men oft Dan. I. 17. (i. rave them J. in wiwL a. 22, come to rive thee i. underst sKII.FUL. Chr. S. 18. on of Keiih. i. in xva,r 15. 'A lntrncted, U-ranie he wg. 'M. -tl. he with th. very * man I Chr. 2 M. nent a ninniitV mini, /. k. t\. 31. fixe you into hand of*. l)'in I 4. children t. In ail wi-.lom 4mm b Ifi such .. nf tamentatioa SKILFULLY. N> --S "*itl. 3.1 3 ine a new miir, play . 78 72. (fuided the t.y f i.f his hand 8KIN Errxt. K. 27 It i his raiment for A 2>' 14. l.ullntk'. fle h. , l.er. 4. II. 34. 2 wi-t not I hut -hone. DO. Si. '.fr. 7 R prieiit that ..ff.Teth have I. la 2. have in jr. a n-inir like plaifue CI 4 I. ieht -p.it. white in tl.e . II. an old lepr.i-y in . nf hl ttesh M. he h. rend it nut of mrm. or 4 15. 17. everv t. whereon i" need Sum l!. 5, hum heifer, her . fl.-dh /^ 2. 4 i. for i nil a u an hath givn 7 5 my * hroken, and InatMome 10. II rlolhrd n e M ith I. an Ifi. 15. eed itark.-l th on i d.-tiied l 13. it -hali devour -tretujthofi IW '.fi I nne cleat i-tli to mr i. and lam eM-Rped with* ot mvte.-th 26. after my t. worms destroy l-xi SLA W> 30 30.1.1s lack.l-ones are burnt il 7. ranst thouflll his w'\. irons? P ai. \02. 5. my hunes cleaves to .*. Jer. 13. 2a can Ethiopian chainfe*'? l.nm. 3. 4. flesh and . hi* made old 4. H. their*, rleaveth to their bones 5. 10. our *. WHS black like HM oven tzftfr. 37. 6. I will cover you wi. . 8. Hit: 3. 2. pluck off their *. and flesh 3. and flay their . from oft'them Mark I. (i Juhn had a tfirdle of *. SKIN'S. Gen. 3. 21. the Lord mad- coats of s, 21. 16. she put *. of goats unhands Ej-orf. 3 1. 23 s of rams, badger*' *. Lett. 13. 59. the law of plague of s. 16. 7. burn in fire their s. anr?ttt 22. 30. not uncover father's i. Ruth 3. 9. spread s. over handmaid 1 .Sam. 15 27 he laid hold on the s. 24. 4. Dav. rut off*, of Saul's robe 1 1 see i. of thy robe in my hand Ezek. 16. 8. I spread my *. o'v r thee Hag. 2. 12. if "in- h. r holy 11 -li in a. ami with .v tourh bread Zech. 8. 23. 10 in-u sh. take hold of \. SKIRTS. P*. 133. 2. went down to . of irarin. Jcr. 2. 34. in . is fou..d tht- blood of 13. 22. are i. discovered ? NaA. 3. 5. /.am. I. S. her filthmess is in her .v. Erek. 5. 3. bind a few hairs in thy s. SKULL. Juiig. 9. 53. millstone to break his s. 2 Kin. 9. 35. no more of Je. than . Mat. 27. 33. Oolirotha, pi re of a*. Mark 15. 22. Juhn 19. 17. SKY. >*. 33.96 rldwth in excellency on *. Jot 3*. 18. hast thoit spre id out t ? Mat. Ifi. 2. fair weather, t. is red, 3. ZMI? 12. 56. ye ran discern fare of .1. Hvt>. II. 12. many a the s>tars of*. SKIKS. 2 Sam. 22. 12. cloud* of*. Pita. 18. II. ftt/A 77 17. *. sent out found Is. Id. 8. let*, pour down righteous. Jcr. 51. 9. her Judgment lifted to*. SLACK. Dent. 7. 10. hi> will be * to him that Josh. IH. 3. how lonir are ye *. to po /'; r. 10. 4. poor deal. 'th wi. *. hand y.rpfi. 3. l(i. Xicin, let not hands he *. 2 yvt. 3. 9. L. not . ronrern. prom. SLACK, Kl>. Dent. -23. 21. wli. vow th shalt not *. Jmh. 10 6. *. ni>t hand from servants 2 km. 4. 24. *. not riding for me Hab. \. 4. law*, judgment never go SLACKNESS 2 Pet. 3. 9. as some men count *. SLAIN, actire. Gen 4. 23. . a n an to my wounding A'm. II. Ifi. hath * them in wilder. 22. .'13. surely now I had . thee Dent 21. 1. not known who h'ath *. Jtirlif 9 18. liave .t. -ims upon stone 15. "I ti. bone ..fan ass . 1000 men I fi. Jews have*. 500 men Job I. 15 Sahcans have * MTVIS. 17. I'riir. 7.26. stronir men been *. by her I.'n i 4. 20. hast destroyed and *. pfo. J'-r. Hi. 5. bodies of men * in anper 41. 4. be hail *. Gedaliah, 9, Id, IK. l.am. 2. 21 hast . ih. in IIIL-.T, 3 4'i. Ksek. l(i. 21. thoii ha>t . my rhildr. 2*. :RI. had ,f. tbeir children to Idols Him. 6 5. *. them by words of month Amoi 4. 10. young men have I *. Acts 2. 2M. by wirked hands have*. 7. 52. *. them that showed ruining 23. 14. eat nothinif till wr have*. I*. Gen. 34. 27. sons ot Jac. came on *. Lev. 2. 14. Israelite that was *. Zunri Di-ut. 21. 1. If one he found *. In land 28. 31. thine ox *. before thine ey, - J her daughters in field h. be 23. 8. di<- derfihs ol thrrn that ate * 30. 1 1. they shall fill land with the * 31. 18. shnlt lie with them*. 32. 29. 32 *) fall in the midst of the 25. 21 they lie . by sword, 22, 23, 24 35. H. fill bis mountains with . men 37. 9. O breath, breathe on these Dan 2. 13. th. wise men should be*. 5 30 in that night Helshut was 1 1 26. and many 12. ye Kthiopimm shall be *. I.ukrti. 2-2. Son of man must he .. ,4<-t.i 5 36. I heudit and no many 7 4-' have ye off. T t" me .t . bea-t-'r Euh'-l. 10 by .r...-. Saving enmity SLA IM. U. 37. itnn.-d, were*. l>-r * 13 AiilipMs who r . a fl, st. M>,1 l.dinb, us hud heeii !. thon WH.I ... |j I.'. Laml. , H & 6. 9. souls of them that were l. SI.ANDKH, S. um. 14. y\. i.v t.rtnitii.K a*, on Und fil 31. 13. I have henrd . of IIMDV /V,,r 10. ia th .t nttereth i. is f.,,,'1 Jer. 6. 28. revoltera. w,,ikn.g with* 9. 4. every neiphhou- lk vntb . SLA SUE UK n, KST, Kl H 2 Sam. 19. *T lie hht '<, t. thy MrrMt fml 50. 211. th..u *. m-ther', son 101. A. who- o* neiuhb. hiu> rut at) SLANDEKKKs. I Tim. 3. II. wives bevmte, not*. SLANDEROCSLT. Hum. 3. a not rather, as *. reported SLANU. 1 Sum. 17. 49. Uav. took stone and * 8I.AVK, S. Jer. 2. 14. servant? ahnme.born*.} Rev. la 13. bnyeih HM rrbandisc of *. 8LAUMHTBK 1 Sum 14 14. first *. Jonathan rr.|* 3n. had th. re not been greater *. 17.57. I), retiiined from*, ol I'hifi*. 2 Sum. 17. 9. is i. amon^ people who !',if. 41 22. counted MS cheep for *. /Von. 7. 22. aftei her, as an o* to *. ha. 10. 26. according to t. of Midian 14. 21. pn pare *. f..r his rhilnrcn 27.7. McconiiiiK to. ,.f them slain 34. 2. destroyed, (I bv.-red th. to*. ft".. 7. broiiKht'as lamb tot. Jer 11.19 65 12 and ye shall how d..wn to *. Jer. 7. 32. Ti.p. but valley ..|. 19.8. 12. ;i like she -p for . prepare for *. 25. 34. dnys of* are ncnimplished 4N. Ift. yoliiiK men are gone fu *. 50. 27. let them (jo down to the *. M. 4M. brill* down likr lamh' t" *. Ezek. 9. 2. every man a *, weapon 21. 10. sharpened t-- make s..re *. 28. sword is rt i awn, for*, fun.i-hrd 2fi. 15. when *. is m.>de in m dst of Hut. 5. 2. revol'er.-. ptofouBd to . Ohiid. 9. mount Ksaii be cut fft.y *. Zech. II. 4. saith L. leed fl..ck of *. 7. 1 will feed ft". K ol i. p..or floi k Actl R 32. he WHS led B a sl.eep to*. !). I. Saul yet bre.,thin.' out / Hi,*. her* Ifl 15 hrinir him thai I niay '. I 20. M. if in me n iqu ty m. 2V. 17 kin* said. tnniMnrt . .' Sum I !. SHU! said, iOnd nd *. I A'in I 51 swear h.- "ill n..t IK 12. cannot find hee. be .h rr,. 20 26 MS siM.|lllepHrt.d,!l'. * the* . 20 26 , f,,,, ^ , , 10 i g ,(t .-i. "lit t Ihem. .'l n SLE I Kin 17. 30. O.ni sent linns they . 8 Cr. 83. U. . he r nut li ho U M- ... 1. A'M. 4. II. we will .. th n, can-e Johti. *J3. if i-coiirge *. suddenly, lie 13. I:V th-i' hi- *. me yet will l' trust /W- 34. XI. evil Khali i. wicked 19. II. i them not. le*t my people 04. 6. tlit>y i. widow mid utranirer 109. Hi he miirhi .. broken in heart 139. 19. th V 3. a dry land * her \vi. thirst t). Irl forth, yet will I i. the fruit .fo-i-n S 3. I will i. Mil prinres thereof U. I. I trill *. the l...t of them with 4. common I sword, it sh. t thorn Z*cA 1 1. 5. whone posspusors t. them Luke IV 9. joinc they shall and 19. *". bring hither, and*, them To SLAY. Gen. la i!5. fur from thee to t. right 2-.'. ID. Abraham stretched hand to*. 37. 18. they conspired to t. him Kxod. 8. li. Phar. sought tn i. MOB. 81. H. if come on iieiulih >nr to *. Drut 9. -A brought out tn *. them ir7. 8j. that Uketh reward to t inim. 1 *. 5. 10 l.ronjjlit th.'Hrk to . us 19. 5. why then -in, to t. David y II. Saul went to watch and i. him 2 5am. 3 37. not of km* to t. Ahner 1. 8. Saul sought A< . them in his 1 Kin. 17. 18. art come tot. my son ? IK 9. delivered me to Ahab lot. me 2 CAr. 20. 2:). utterly to. and destroy AVA. 6. 10. tot. thee, In night to t. ftal. 37. 14. to /. such a be uprieht 32. watcheth riirhteoiiv, seek, to t. Jer. 15. 4. appoint sword to t. dogs 18. 83. knowel their counsel to *. Ezrk. 13. 19. to t. souli that should ./oAii 5. Ifi. Jews, sought to i. him Act* 5. 33. took counsel tof. apostles 9. VS. they went about to /. him Rer. 9. 19. prepared to i. third part SLAYER. Hunt. 35. II. cities of refuge that t. flrtit 4. 42. | 19. 3, 4. )oth, 80. 3 2a after death of high-priest*. sh. return, Jotk. 80. 6. Oeut. 19. 6. lest avenger pursue i. toth. "in. .1. shall not deliver the i. up SI. 13. Hebron city of refuge for *. 81. Shechem||87. Uolana ref. fort. 38. Kedesh in Galilee for the t. 38. Ramoth in Gilead ref. for i. Extk. 81.11. sword to be ff iren to . SLAYETH. Cen. 4. 15. L said, whnso.t. Cain Unt 88. 2ft neighbour, and f. him JMI 2. wrath killeth, and envy i Eztk. 88. 9. before him that *. thee, I am O. f In hand of him that i. SLAY I. SO. Joth. a 24. Isr. made end off. 10. 20 Jofiie. 9. 50. G. rendered wick. In /. 1 A'in. 17. 80. evil on widow by i. son IM 57. 5. i. children in the valleys EztJc. 'J. a while they were i. them SLEEP. Grit. 8. 81. G. canned a t. on Adam 15. 18 a deep i. fell on Ahram *i iO .'nob awakt d out ul big i. SLE Gen. 31. 40. i departed (t. mine eyes Judg. In 14. Sam. awaked out off. *0 I .Sam. 86. 18. a deep . from (>od 01 Job 4. 13. when deep*, fallelh, 33. 15. 14. 12. nor raiwd out of tbelr . Pial. 13. 3. lent I f. the i of death 76. 5. stout-hearted slept their i. a chariot and horse are cast into* 78. 65. Lord awakened as out of/. 90. 5. them away, they are as a i. 187. 2. he giveth to his beloved /. 138. 4. I will not give *. to eyes Pr. WHS sweet to me SI. 3D may sleep a perpetual t. 57. Dan. 8. I. and his brake from him 6L l& passed night hisi. went from If). 1 was in deep f. on face, la 9. . 1. as man wakened out of t. Mnt. 1. *4. Jo-, being raised from t. /.Ac!l. 28 they were heavy with i. Jofin II. 11. may awake him out of t. 13. had spoken of taking rest in *. Artt 16. 27. keeper awaking out oft. vii. 9. Kuty cli n. being fallen into . /i-.f/i 13. II . time to awake out of i. SLKKP, Verb. Gen, 28. II. Jacob lay down to t. Kfod. 82. 87. wherein shall he t.t Drnt. 24. 18. not *. with his pledge :il. 16. >. with fathers, 8 Sum. 7. 18. Jttrtif. 16. 19. made him . on her knees I .Sum. 3. 3. Samuel laid down to . I A'in. I. 81. lord the king shall t. Kitli. H. 1. on night could not king t. Job 7. 81. DOW shall 1 i. in the dust I' I'll. 4. 8. I will lay me down and* 181. 4. thai) neither slumber nor t. Proe. 4. 16. they i. not except have 6. 9. how long wilt thou s. U slug.* 10. folding of hands t.i I. 84. 33. Keel 5. 18. /. of labouring man ie aweet, ahun. of rich not suffer*. Cant. .5. 8. I I. but my heart waketh 5 37. none shall slumber nor 61. 39. may *. perpet sleep, 57. Kxelc. 34. 85. they shall f. In woods Dan. 12. a many that *. In the dost Mat. 86. 45. t. on now, .War* 14. 41. Murk 4. 87. should i. and seed pring Luke ti. 46. why r ye? rise and pray lokn 11. 18. L. if he /. he sh. do well 1 <'/>r II. 30. for this cause many /. 15. 51. we shall not all i. we shall he I Then. 4. 14. who., in Jes. will G. 5. 6. let us not i. as do others, hut 7. for they that t. t. In the night 10. that whether we wake or I. SLEEPER. Jonah 1. 6. what meanest thou, O t. SLEEPEST. fiat. 44. 83. awake, why *. thou O L. I'ror. A. 88. when thou /". it shall keep Murk 14. 37. Simon t. thou ? conldst Epk. 5. 14. awake, thou that . and SLKEPETH. I A" in. l& 87. said, peradventnrehei: Proe. 10. S. he that i. In harvest It Hot. 7. 6. their baker f. all night Mat 9. 24. maid Is not dead but . Hark A. : Luke 8. 5i Jnhn 11. II. our friend Lararus . SLEEPING. 1 Sam. M. 7. Saul lay i. with, trench 56. 10. blind, /. loving slumber 440 SLE Mark 13. 36. lest conn, g flnd yon . 14. 37. cometh ana tindeth them . Xc< 18. a Peter was *. between tut SI.KKiHI'. Kph. 4. 14. curi ried by the t. nf inec SLEPT. Gen. 8. 21. Adam i. || 41. 5. Phar. . -' .Sum 1 1. 9. Uriah ... at door of the I A'in. a ^). while thine handmaid . 19. 6. as he lay and /. an angel Job 3. 13 have been quiet and have c. ftal. .'i 5. 1 laid me down and*. .Mat 13. 8V whi e men . his enemy 85. 5. bridegroom tarried, they i. 27. 52. bodies of salnU uh, . arusl 88. 13. disciples stole while we I. 1 Cor. 15. 80. nrsl-friiit of that j. See FAT HE as. SLEW. Gen. 34. 25. . males || 26. /. Hamor 49. 6. in their anger they t a man A'.rorf. 8. 18. Monet r the 'Egyptian ia 15. I. *. all nrxt-bnrnin K|t>pt .Vum. 31. 7. they i male* of Mm. an 8. i. kings of Mid. Balaam they . Jutiff. I. 4. they . in Heiek lil.OOO 3. 89. they *. of Moah 10,000 men 31. Mmmgar / of 1'hili^t. (KX) men 7. 85. they *. Ureb and Zeeb two H. 5. Ahimel. i. brethren 70 person! 14. 19. Samson *. thirty men of As. 15. 15. jaw-bone Samson . 1000 men H-. 30. dead which he . at death I .s'drn. 14. 31. brought his ox aud i. 17. 36. thy servant /. both the lion 19. 5. life 'in hand and*. Philistine 22. 18. Doeg f. 85 persons that 89. 5. they sang, Saul f. thousand! 8 .Sam. 4. 18. David *. them and cut & 5. David . of Syrians 22,000 me* 81. 1. because he t. the Gibeonitcs 83. 80. he *. two lion. like men ol Moab, he $. a lion, 1 Chr. 1 1. 28. 1 JCin. ia lit. Jeze. t. prophet* of U 40. and Elijah f. prophets of Haul 8 A'in. 9. SI. peace, who i master? 10. '.'. I / him, but who t. these '( 11. ia people/. Mattan priest of B. 14. & children het. not, 8 Chr. 5. 4. 7. he f. of Edom in, I CAr. la 12. 17. 85. L. sent lions which . some 83. 80. Jusiah t. all the priests of I Car. 7. 81. men of Gath in land i. 8 CAr. 81. 4. Jehoram /. his brethren AVA. 9. 86. they *. thy prophets . 16 Jews J. of taw 75.000 /'*,//. 78. 31. God .. fattest of them 34. when he t. them, then they 105. 89. into blood, and i. their fish I3.V 10. I. great H l.% 18. f. king* ha. 66. 3. an ox as if he t. a man Jer. 80. 17. because he / me not 41. a Ishmael i. all the Jews that a and .-. them not among brethren Lam. 8. 4. and i. all that were p >. Dun. 3 88. fire i. the men that took 5. 19. whom he would he t. he kept Mat. 8. ia Herod sent, i. children 82. 6. took his servants and*, then) i'<. 3V whom yei between temple /.ijA-p 13. 4. tower mSiloam fell and*. Act* 5. 30. Jes. whom i. and hanged 10. 39. Jesus whom they i. and ban. torn. 7. II. the commandment i. in* John a 18. Cain whin, his brother SLEW AIM. 'Sen. 4. 8. Cain rose HK. Abel and h, 3H. 7. Er was wicked the L. t. htm Judg. 9. I >4. say not, a woman . Aim 18. 6. they took and 4. A. at pa*!>agcs Sam. 17. 3V I caught him and >. h, 8 Sam. 1. 10. I stood upon and i. him 4. 7. smote Ish.bosheth and i. Ann 1*. 15. compassed Absalom .* SLO ' 1 Kin. 11 24. lion met and*, h. 20. 36. 2 /m. 10. 9. I conspired :tnd *. Aim 15. 10. >ha!lurn conspired and *. A. ] Chr. 10. 14. therefore *. lie him 't CHr. ti. II. Athaliah t. Mm not 24. 25. his own servants i. him on 3-2. 21. thai c;ime of his bowels j. 4. 33. 24. his servant* *. A. in house Jer. 41. 2. Islunael x. h. whom kin? Mat. 21 39 ea-t out of vine, tinil *. A. Actt -H. 20. kept raim. of th. that . A. SLEWEST. I Sum. il. S. sword of Goliath th. i. SLIDE, ETH. Drat. 3i >5. foot shall*, in due time .P.vv/ 2. for mor. i'j-orf. 2. 3. she daubed ark with i. SLlME-ptt*. Gen. 14. 10. Siddim was full of t..j>itt. SLING, Verb Jung. 20. 16. ev. one could *. stones I Siim. 25. 29. them shall he t. out Jar. \i. 18. . out inhabitants atonce SLINK, S. 1 Sum. 17. 40. Dav id had .. in hand 50. David prevailed with a . 25. 2. sliiiif enemies as out of a . S CAr. SW. 14. Uz/.iah prepared *. Prou. 26. 8. that hindeth stone in a t. SL1NGERS. 2 Kin. 3. 25. .-. went about it, smote SLING-STONES. Job 41. 29. *. an- turned into stubble SLIP, PETH. Deiit. 19. 5. head *. from the helve 2 Sam. 2i 37. and my feet shall not*. Psalm 18. 36. Job 12. fl. he that is ready to >. feet Psal. 17. 5. that my footsteps *. not 38. 16. when foot t. they magnify 94. 18. my foot *. mercy held me up Heb. 2. 1. lest we should let them *. SLIPPEKY. Pial. 35. 6. let their way be dark, *. 73. 18. th. didst set thorn in i. places Jer. 23. 12. their way be to them . SLIPS. Isa. 17. 10. tbou shall set it with I. SLIPT. 1 Sam. 19. 10. D. t. out of S.'g prM. Pial. 73. 2. my steps had well nigh *. SLOTHFUL. JuAg. 18. 9. be not s. to possess land /'/or. 12. 24, *. shall be under tribute 27. t. roasteth not he took hunting 15. 19. the way of*, is as a hedge In !(. *. is brother to great waster HI. -.H. hideth hand in bos. 20. 15. 21 2.Y the d'-sire of jr. killetli him 2 13- *. with, there- is alion, 26. la 24. 30. went by fieM of*, vineyard M'lt. 25 26. thou wirkcd and *. serv. Ham. 12. II. not*, in business Hel> 6 12. ye he not *. hut followers SLOTHFULNKSS. Prnn. IP. 15. * caaleth into deep sleep Eccl. 10. 18. by *. building decayeth SLOW. Krod. 4. 10. i. of speech, of*, tongue Neh. 9. 17. but thou art G. J. to anger Prut: 14. 29. is . to wrath, "f great Luke 24. 25. O fools, and t. of heart Tit. 1 2. Cretians liars, I. bellies lam. 19. *. to speak, t. to wrath Stt Attack. SMI SLOWLY. Act) 27. 7. we had sail, d *. many days SLUGGARD. Prut'. 6. 6. go to the ant. thou t. 9. how long wilt thou sleep, O i. 10. 26. smoke to eyes, so t. to them 13. 4. soul of*, desireth, Intth noth 20.4. . will not plow, theiefore beg 26. 16. *. wiser in conceit th. 7 men SLUICES. ha. 19. 10. that make *. and ponds SLU M B E R. Subftantire. Ptal. 132. 4. not give *. to eye.lids Proti. 6. 4. eyes, nor *. to eye.lids 10. yet a little sleep, littlv *. 24.33. Rom. II. 8 God hatli civen them . SLUMBER, ED, ETH. Pi. 121. 3. that keepeth will not *. 4. /. 5. 87. none shall *. nor .sleep .VI 10. watchmen lying, lo\ing to*. A'uA. 3. 18. thy shepherds . O king Mat. 25. 5. bridegroom tarried they *. 2 Pet. 2.3. their damnation t. not SLUMBER INGS. Job 33. 15. G. speaketh in *. on bed SMALL. (!tn. 30. 15. is it a * matter that thou A'.iW. 16. 14. * thing, *. as hoar-frost Num. 16. 13. is it a *. thing thou hast 2 Sam. 7. 19. a *. thing in thy tight, O Lord, 1 Chron. 17. 17. 22. 4a beat th. *. as dust, Pi. 18. 42. 1 A'l'n. 19. 12. after fire, etill*. voice It. 1. 13. is it *. thing to weary men? (>0. 22. a *. one sh. become a nation Jer. 30. 19. and they shall not be *. 4!). 15. make thee *. among heathen A mm 7. ". Jacob arise f for he is *. 5. Obad. 2. made thee*. among henth. ZecA. 4. 10. despised day of*, things? See CHEAT. SMALLEST. 1 Sam. 9. 21. Benjamite, of*, tribes ? SMART. Prov. 11. 15. surety for strnng. sh. *. SMELL. Gen. 27. 27. Is. smelled *. of raiment *. of my son is as *. of a field Cant. 2. 13. trie tender grape give *. 4. 10. *. of ointment better th. spicM 1 1. i. of garment like *. of Leban. 7. 8. the *. of thy noee like apples ha. 3. 24. instead ofawvpt *. stink Dan. 3. 27. nor . of fire passed on H i. 14. B. his t. s Lebanon Phil. 4. ia sent an odour of sweet*. SMELL, Verb. Exod. 30. sa make like to that to *. Lev. 26. 31. I will not . your odours Dent. 4. 28. which neither see nor *. Psa. 45. 8. thy garment* . of myrrh 115. a nosi-s have they, they *. not AmoiS. 21. not. in your assemblies SMELLED, ETH. Gen. 8. 21. Lord *. a sweet savoir 27. 27. Isaac *. raiment, blessed him Job 39. 25. he *. the battle afar off SMELLING. Cant. 5. 5. fingers with *. myrrh. 13. Ech 5. 'i. sacrifice tn (i. for *. tavour SMELLING. 1 Cor. 12. 17. hearing, where were*.? SMITE. Gen. 32. a to one company, and *. it Etod. 7. 17. 1 will *. up'"' " 12. 23. not suffer destroyer to*, vou 17. 6. thou shall *. rock in Horeb 21. IK if men strive, one *. another 26. if a man *. eye of his servant yum. 22. 6 prevail, that we . them 24. 17. 60-ptre out of I*r. *. Mi >}' 17 vex Midianitea, and *. them 35! 16 if he*, him with instrument IS. if he *. him with hand- weapon 441 SMI Drut. T. t thou thiilt *. Canaanlrta 13. 15. ihalt turely t. inhnbiuuu 20. la thou >halt . every i Judf.6. \& thou >halt*. M, *l. 31. then i. 1 will *. U)er, mid Uk 1-1. 11. Saul said. I Hl , , i). iv ,,| 20.33. Saul ,-a.t javelin ul !.,, 23. i 1'hilutioM t <.o, , i 2a a theref. let me *. him tu ewru 2 5am. 2. 22. why should 1 *. the* 13. 2& when 1 My,*. Amon, ki'l 15. 14. le'.t lie > Hl> with iwntd 17. 2. and 1 will *. the kiog only 18 II. said, why not . him there ? 1 A'rn. 20. 35. in word o( the i 2 A'irt. 3. 19. shall *. ev. fenced i ,i y (i. 21. sh. I *. them ? shall I . them ? !). 7. thou shall *. IIOIIM- of A hat, 27. Jehu (.aid, *. him in the rhrit 13. 17. h. *. Syrians, ti i ., IS. he said to king *. upon Kruni.d /'*. 121. 6. sun sh. not tliee by day 141. 5. let righteous *. It be kindiio* Pror. l&. 25. *. a sco'ner, and sin p r l*a. 10. 24. he shall *. thee with n.d 49. 10. neither heat nor sun *. them 5a 4. ye fat to r. with n-t of wi< k. Jer. IS. 18. let us *. him wi. tongue 43. 11. shall *. land of Egypt, 4a 13. Exek. o. 2. part of hair, and *. about 6, 11. *. with hand, stamp wi. fnot 21. 12. son of man, *. on thy thigh 14. prophesy, . hands together Jnu9. I. he said, *. lintel ot door .Mir. 5. I. they shall *. judite ol I r. A'oA. 2. 10. the knees *. together 7.i ch. 10. II and *. the wave* in sea 11. & deliver men, they sh. *. ian.i Mat. 5. 39. whoso i-h. .. thee on chrrk 24. 49. begin to*, his fellow eivi-. Luke 22. 49. L. sh we *. wi. sword t Actt ^3. 2. commanded to*. Paul 2 Cor. 1 1. 20. if a man *. you on face Kff. II. 6. witnentes have pow. tu. SMITE, referred ta God, ejcpreulf or implicitly. Gen. 8. 21. nor will I *. any more Etod. 3. 20. stretch hand, and Br. 9. 15. that I may *. thee and people 12. 12. ! will *. first-born in Egypt Xum. 14. 2. *. them with pestilence Deut. iS. 35. L. shall *. thee in kne, i 33. 11.*. thro' loiiif of th. that ris.- I Sam. 26. 10. D. said, L. shall . him 26n.21. 14. wi. plague will U *. lia. II. 4. *. earth wi. rod of luouili 15. ih. *. Egypt in ~ Btreams,19.)t2. Jer. 21. 6. I will *. inhahiU. of city Exek. 21. 17. I will *. hand* tog- ther 3J. 15. I*, th. thatdwell in i:H>t 39. 3. I will *. thy bow out of Imnd Amoi 1 15. I will*, vvinter-house a II. L. will *. thf great hou '/.ech. 9. 4. L. will i. her Dow. in sea 12. 4. I will*, every hor>e and rider 13.7. awake, O (.word, *. ihepherd, Mat. '.><) 31. .Wiiri 14. 12. plague wherewith I- *. la .Writ 4. A lest I . earth with acun* A. r ID. 15. with it should *. nation* SMI I KHS. /*o. 50. C. I eave nvy back to the *. BMITE8T, ETH. Exod. i la wherrfn. *. thy feliow t 21. 12. i. man so he die, put torfrath 15 . fBlher<>rinolrHf|'utto<1ri'l> Dtut. *5. II. wife todeliver Iio.ta.i4 out of hand of him that . MB 7. 34. cmrwd that . hit M%WMi U 8 SMO IWW 12 by understanding he f. In !'. l.'i. pro turn not to I im that / Lam. \ MO cheek to him tliat * inn - y. know that I am L. that*. Lttke . 29. that *. thee on one cheek IvJut 18. 23. well, whv . thou me * H MIT ft I &IM. 13. la no ... found in Israel In. 44. 12 *. with tongs workctli in SI If, I created th bloweth coal.- Art* l! 24. I)em. trni", h i'.T* J rim. 4. 14. Alexander, copper t. SMI US. t A'iit. 24, Nehurhadnenar carried away * in. Jer 24 I Jer. 29. 2. *. were departed Irom Jer. IftltTfNG. jRrrxt 2 II. Egyptian *. an Hebrew 1 A'm 20 37 MI in t. wounded him % AVr 3.24 went forward *. Moan. Hie. fi. 13. I will make thee sick in *. SMITTKN jKrwi. 7 25. after the L had t. river _>. 2 if thief he found, and he *. A"m. 14. 42. iro nut up that ye be nt > /VK/. I 4-.' 1*. Si. wherefore ha-t thou . ass XI 4 buried first.bi.rn Lord had *. Dfil 28. 7. L. cause enemies tohei 25. L. cause thee be *. hef. eneini Jrff 20 36. were i. || :<9 they are 1 S.im. 4. 2 Is . hef. I'hili-tMies. 10. 3. why hath I.. . us before Phili-.y 6, 19. Inmeilted because I.. < many 90. I. Amalek bad t Ziklag, burnt t Sum, 2. 31. had . f Abner's men II. 15 retire ye, that he mav he *. Kin 8. 33 when people of Is. he*. II. 15. after he had *. every male I Kin. 2. 14. when he had *.' waters ? 23. kings hare t. one another 4. 10 thou ha-t * Ed. 2 CAr. 25. 19. CAr. 20. 22. Moahand Seirwere*. R) 16 wbv shouldest thou be *. f ift. 20. hemme the U hath . him Jnh Id HI thev have *. me on cheek Pii 3 7. thou hat t. mine enemies 69. 26 persecute him thou hast *. IOV. 4. ray heart is and withered 143. 3 he hatn . my life to ground I tii. V *V the U hath . his people 24 12. gate is*, with destruction f3. 7. hath he *. him. as smote those VI 4 esteem him stricken, * of O J.-r 2. 30. in vain have I *. children I I IH. whv hast thou*. n, and there F.zrk 22. 13. I have t. my hand at 3'l '.'I one came, saying, city is t. H't. ft. I. he hath *. and will hind up . Iff. Kphraim is *. their root dried Jtmm 4 9. *. you, yet hu. not return Ai-tfOS 3. commanded me to be t. ttm. 8 12. third part of sun wad *. SMOKE dm. 19. 28. . of country went up :i*. /.'.m. out of hi- nostrils, I'tnl 1*1 K. /oft 41 X out of his nostrils gneth ?-r' .77 2I wicked eon-nine i-,t-, jr. 5S I as *. Is driven away, so drive IT.' 3 my days are cnn-uined lik.- *. I li 83. I am beroroe like bott I- in lr.,r. in 2ft as * to eyei,, sodngral Cunt :i fi. Cometh like pillars rf t f'i. 4. 5 on her assemblies hy day 6 4. the house was filled with * > 1* mount like lifting up of* II 'II. shall come from the north 9* 10 >. thereof shall go up for ever >l fi heavens shiill vanish like . b. V these are as *. In my i.o-e SMO hi'. 13. 3. he an >. out of i iiimnry W/2. ' and flrc and pillars of*. \oA. 1 1.1 bum her cl.nriots in*. ictil. Ill and tire, and vapour of*. Krr. N. 4. '. of incense MM end.-. I lip 9 2. arose at. out of bottomless pit 3. came out of *. |ncu-ts on earth I* out of mo, it i, issued fir- and *. Is third part of in-ii killed by * it II. i. ol they torment .i-rcndeth IV !v the teinp'c wit- filled w Ith l-i ' I .iiient for her when th. see i If when th. taw*, of her burning 1!). 3. and h, r *. ro-e up for ever SMOKE. Ttmt. 29. 20. ung'-r of the U shall *. Pi. 74. I. ( O. why thine anger .! in4. 32. toucbeth lulls, and they .. 144. 4. ton. h mountains, they sh. . SMOKINfi. ('fn. 15. 17. behold, a . furnace CfW 2O. K p.oplesaw mountain* /-.; .7. 4 tail- of th *e * firebrands 42. 3.*. flax not quench, Mat. I*. 20. SMOOTH. KR. (ii-n 27. II. Ksait hairy, lam* man I'!, put skins of kid < n . of neck 1 Sam. 17 40. Dav ch*i S -tones /'* V) >!. > ord were . than butter /"rtir. 5. * her m-mlli is *. than oil 'al : v she*. Sisera. *. off hi- head 7 13. came and *. it that it fell 2n. 35. U . enj:imin before Israel Vnifi 4. . i;od- that * Kgyptians A 9 it Is not his hand that *. us 17 4!( David t. Phili-t. in forehead >\ :tS Lord * Xabal that he died 2 S/fiw. 14. 7. him that his brother 2A'in 2.S. FTij . waters || !4. Klisha*. fi IR and he them with blindness 15. \ I.. >. king, that he wasa leper lit :V>. the angel of the Lord . IRS.OOn, In 37. 3fi '.' T*r. 14. 12. Ixwd . the Ethiopians NVA. 13 25. and . certain of them Pt. 7*. 31 * down chos-n of Israel V: he . en mies in hinder parts Cntit 5 7. the watchmen, thev jr me Ita 10. vft no more stay on him th. . 14 6. " ho . people i persecuted ). then Pa-bur Jeremiah Ml. I'l after 1 win ni-trni ted I '. J)nn. _' 31. which i. the image, 35. h r, Rel-har.rar's knees i. . 3 '-7 | 4. ft [I CAr. 13. 1 ll 7. f!id i. Aim there lor hii enor, A'in 20. 37. *. A. he wounded him .' Aiw. l!l. 37. his sons . h. ha. 37 .'(8. Ita /:. 7. Miiote th.we th t * Aiw. ? ;i7. 17. lor his covctousuer.* I *. Aim J'T. :f!. l.V wroth with Jer. and . A. Mat. '.'ft. (T7 i. Arm n:th their han.ls 27. 30. *. Aim on the head, Mark 15. 19. I.uJtr 22. rW. JAn IS. 3. - 18. g. a net, h.- walketh on u *. 10. the *. is laid for him in a trr.p /'*. W. 22. let their table become :i v. unto them, K->m. II. .'. !H. 3. deliver thee from * of low ler 1 1. 36 idols, which were i. to th wn I Ml. I in. wicked have laid*, for me 121. 7 our Mini I- CM aped as a bird out of*, of fowler ; *. i- broken 140. 5. proud have hid a *. for me HI. 9. keep me from the*, laid 142. 3 they privily laid *. for mr Pratt. ',. 2'l. as a bird ha-teth to r IH. 7. a fool's lips are * of his soul 20. 85. *. tn man who devour, th 22 25. and t'et a * to thy soul 29 6. trans((re-sion of evil n an i" . R scornful men bring aritv into t 25. the fear of man hriniieth a -.. Krrl. 9. 12 as birds caiit-ht in the i. r d. R. 14. for a *. to the inhabitant.! 24. 17. pit, and the*, are upon thee, 18. Jer. 4R 43. tl. 29 21. a . for him that repmvetli Jer 50. 24. I have laid a . for ther l.am. 3. 47. and R *. Is come np.,ii n-. F.xrk. 12. 13. be taken in my*. 17 2H. H'tt. 5. I. because ye have been a *. P. 8 hut the prophet is *. of fowler Amnt 3. 5. can a bird fall in a *. where no gin Is ? sh. one take up an' Ice 21. 35. as a *. sh it come on all 1 Cnr. 7 35 not that 1 may ,-at a t. 1 Tim. 3 7. lest he fall in *. nf d.-vil li 'i he rich, fall into a * and lu-t i Tim. 2. Vft may re, over out of* SNAKE!). Df'it. 7. 2V not take idols, lest . 12. 30 take heed that thou bi i it > I't. 9. 16 wicked .r n work f handi /'ror. . 2. are with word.. I?. 13. frri 9. 12. so are the -.ons of men *. /HI . IV many shall fall and he i. vN 13 they mil/lit fall, and he jr 42.22, they are all of them . ill hole* BVARMk .7oA. ?3. 13. he . and traps unfovmi 2 Sam 22. 6. . of death pr, vented me. Pin/ IH. 5. Jab?t. 10 *. are round about thee 10. '.'1. R-henioth's nose pierceth *. /' II :. .,11 wi.-ked he strati rain t . I-.' t|. .....J; .,- | if,, |.. v .,.- C4. i. CKiuiiiuut of layi. if *. privi'-. soc Tw 13. M. depart i. of death, 11.27 W. ft. thorns ami .. are in the way tVi'i. 7. 'M. woman whose heart in V Jer. !,. &. wait as In- that -etteth s la 22. for they hid a. for my feet -SNATCH. 7.i. 9. 20. he shall i. on right hHnd 8VOKTINO. ftr. 8. 16. thf i. of horses was heard SNOUT. y eon. 11. 22. as .1 jewel in swine'a > SNOW. E.rnd. 4. 6. hand WHS lepruus ax t. >'"i. 12. 10 Miriam hecame a- . H .S./;n. 23. an. slew lion In time of i. V Kin. ft. -Si. Sehafci went white as . J:t. (i. 16. and wherein the >. is hid . 30 it I wash iny-ell in j water **. 19. hear coniii'meth t. waters 37. fi. saith to . hi- thou on earth 3*. 22. entered into treasures of*. /'A. 51. 7. Hiid I h. he whiter than *. 6s. 14. it was white as *. in Salmon 117 16. he ifiveth s. like w.r.l 148 8. fire, hail, .. and vapour /'rr ?5. 13 as cold at *. in harvest 2ii. I. as t. in summer, > hotuiur 31. ->\. sin- is not afraid of the jr. /* 10. JT. from heaven retnrneth not Jer. \S. 14. will a man ler.ve the * 't Lttm t. 7 her N'a/.ar purer th, in Dun 7. 9. garment was white as t. M,tt. M. a raiment as . Murk 9. 3. llir. 1. 14. and his hairs white as *. SNOWY. 1 CAr. II. 22. he slew a lion in . day SNUFFED. Jcr. 14. fi. wild asses i. up the. wind Mi/. I. 13. ye have * at it, saith L. *S.iW. ?5. 33- *..rf. he of gold. 37. 23. N';. 4. 9. and .-over hU t..di*hf* SNUFFERS. Ejrnd. 37. 23. he made his . of pure (fold, I A'in. 7. 50 >. Chr 4. 22. 2 Kings 12. 13 *. made of monry y;> 14. i. took they away, Jtr. 52. 18. sNUFFETH. Jer. 2. 24. a wild as- that i. up wind Sot SO. ./ot 9. 35. but it is not so with me M:it. 20 26 it .hall n. t.e to am. yon ./..An 14. 2. if it were n-,t so, I Would Acts 10, 14. Peter said, n. in, L. 1 1 8. Jiiin. 3. 10. these things ought n. to SOBER. 8 Cur. 5. 13. whether we he i. it ii 1 Tlfs. 5. 6. let us watch and he jr. S It u> who are .if the day he *. 1 Tim. :i 2. hish.ip must be* Tit. I. 8. 1 1. deacons' wives must be .. Tit. 2. i that aifed men be *. grave 4. teach t:.e ynuin/ women to he t 1 I'd. I. 13 L'ir.l loins of mind, be .t 4. 7. be ye jr. watch unto prayer 5 8. be t. be vigilant, hecauss your SOBERLY. n "in 12. 13. think JT. accord, to faith Tit. 2. li teaching we should live*. SOBEK.mtWerf. Tit. 2. 6. erh voting men to be i.-m. Soft KRV ESS. .dctjr 26. 25 sp-ak forth words '. SOBRIETY. 1 Tin 2. & adorn themselves with*. !.". continue in holiness with . SOCKKT. Ernii. 3S. 27. 100 I lents, talent for SOCKETS. Kfod. if.. l!>. mke forty *. of ! ' er 21. I :V\ M. 2fi. two jr. ; *l, 1 3rt. -^4. <;. [:*;. 30. ' K. nd ttpir . of silver, sixteen * ?OJ Frrvf 2fl n ra-t5. of ra 3fi 38. 27. 10. .'0 *. he of hra*H. :JM n, || Ii west side pillars, i tei , 38 12. 14. h niginiis tin one -uie, jr. three IH pil *is sh he four, their* four 17. hooks of silver and t. r.r,i , is 35 II pilhirs. i. of the t k b-r 4 31,32. if. 5. 15. as pillars o * ot void SOI). Gen. 25. 2'. Jaroh . nottaire, Esau 2 tAr. 35. 13. holy ..trerin/s *. they SOIJDKN iwf. 12. '.). raw, nor wit" water Lev. f>. 28. earthen vessel wherein is *. be broken, if*, in hrasen pot .Vum. 6 IM priest sh. take* should. I Sam. 2. 15 not have ,t. fle,li of thee Lain. 4. 10 women have jr. children SOUERINA ha. 41. 7 read> for .. he fastened SOFT. Job 23. \r\ (ii,<\ iniketh my heart*. 41. 3. will he speak . words If P*al. fi5. 10. thou makest it . with I'rnr. 15. I. a *. answer turn, wrath 2 -. I"), a r. tongue hreaketh hone Mat. U.S. man cloth. -. s'raniier- that *. of them Judg. 17. 8. l.evite went to*, where Rnih, I. I. El melech went to* n. M. 1 A'm. 17. 20. widow with whom I *. 2 A'in. 8. I. *. whereso. thou canst *. Paul 121!. 5. Wo is me, I . m Mes. ch IM. 23 7. her feet h. carry her to* 52. 4. my people went to Eg. to . Jer. 42. 15. into Kirypt, and go t" *. there, 17. I 44. 12, 14, 2*. 22. ye sh. die in phice whith. ye i. Lam'l. 15 they shall no more t. Errk: 20 38. bring from where th. * 47. 2-'. to you mid strmrerh who *. Acti 7. 6. seed should I. in a stnuure SOJOURNED. Gen. 20. I. Abraham * in O< rar 21. 34. and f. in I'lnlistine', land 32. 4. I . with Lnbaii, and t..\e.l :tt 27. where Abraham : *'"* Jiidg. 17. 7 i Lev. * in Betli!eh>m 111 if, all old man . in (iibeah 2 Kin. a 2. she *. in land of I'hili.t Psai 105 23. Jar. *. io Und of Ham Heo. II. !. hy faith h *. in the land SOJOURN EH Sen. 23. 4. I am I *. with you irhe Ler. ti. 10. *. of Driest sha t e.,t 85 35. . fallen in decay thou (halt 4411 SOL ' thy brother nh he M t 47. i. wax rich. i.r..ri,,-r .ell to* -\'/ 3.V IV.ixcm. ,rel,,. l,,rt. / ill. 91. \t. stmnrrr t M my f, t h. ^- . > our | K (hen NUJUUKNBTM. fcjrw* :; . w.,mHiih..rrow,rffh ) ,t.. 12. 411. I.IIK IHW to stranyer th,t . /...-; I. 4. remuineth v> here he jj. ?*. 14. 7. every on- that . in lit. SOJOURNING. F.rod 12. 40. the *. of l r 4: yemr Judg. 9 I. a Lrr. t. on mount J-Jth. I r,t I. 17. pass tm.e oft. in frar SOAKED. /< 34. 7. land shall be . with Hood SOLACE. Pror. 7. 18. inn-, let UK*, onrrrlvei SOLD, Actively, Fa-*ir,! v . Gen. v5. :<3. EMII * his hirthriyht 31. 15. our lather hath * n-, il'evou. 37 2R they *. J^-eph to Nlimaelitei 3T\ Muliaiiitesi. him into Kirypt 41. -VI Joseph *. corn to Egyptian (2. 'i. he it WHS that . to the people 45. 4 I am Jowph whom ye *. into 47. 20. the Egyptian* *. cer> mao a. the priedt:, *. not their |H< d K.i-nd. :'<;. 3 then sh..ll he br i for in: 25 V2. .and shall not t.e* fur :i. house that was *. shall ifo out 4'J. hrethreii sh. not be i. > bond 27. V& no devoted thimi shall be *. Drut 15. 12. if fhy brother t . :ti. 30. except their HIM k >. (hem .litr/K. ~i. 14. he i. them into en. nun 10. 7. *. them into the hand- of Hhil. I .Sum. U !'. he*, them int.. hitnd of 1 Am. 21. VO. thou hast i thy-e I t,, 2 Ain. & 25. ass's head *. tor HII pi.v. 7. I. a measure of 8ne flour be * fora eh. kel, Irt. 17. 17. Ur. *. themselves to do evil .NVA. 5. 8. our brethren who weic *. l.'i 15. day wherein they * victual* Hi hrouiiht itiid *. on the nnhi atb KM. 7. 4 we i.re ,. I and people I'tnl. 105. 17. Jo. WHS i. lor w rvaut IM. 50. I. which IR it to whom 1 i. you t have ye . yourtelve* 2 3 )e . yurs*l vr for noiinht Jer. 34. 14. let o who hath l>e-n I.nm. 5. 4. our WIMM! is *. unto n> t'.xrk. 7. l.'i M-ller ii"t return that ./.-/ a a they have . girl l-r n>' 6 children of Ju.lah Imve ye . 7. out ol place whither ye . them .-fwiojr 2. ft. they *. rinhtfoui lor -lU. .Mat. 10. 29 not tw.i .parr..-- IM. 4 the.rp--' 4. 37. Jows havimr land t. ' 5 I. Ananias* II" r j"***? 4 .liter it a. "Hit not m lhli Rom. 7 14. 1 ato curi.al, . un* ui SOM f*r. tn 95. whatso. U* in shamb. //**. 12. 1'i. for ouv ti\..rsel . birth.r. SOLDIER. ./..An 10 23. parts, to every i. ft part Jrt* III. 7. rMrileliil* railed a* tllHt *H IK. MinVr.-d Paul todwell \rlih . 2 Tim i ;< IMI lur-ii-. -i ;.....! *. ,>f (_'. 4. ivho hiitli rhoMMi dim t be a i. SOLDIERS. 2 Chr. 25. 13 tl- . fell upon cities Erru S. -a. I H-.II mind t.i r.q.iire,. lui IS 4. armed i. ..f >!.!. sh. rry ..'. 6. Peter Was sleeping between 8. 18. vr*s ii. small stir nm-.iiir the t. 21. 3>. that he Was h.irne of the i. S3 1 make ready 2fl. to go toC. 27. 31 Paul -aid to the i. ex. ept .T.'. thu the t. rut off the ropes 42. the i. counsel war. to kill pr:-. SOLE. Gen. a 9. dove found no rest for i. Dent, 2R 35 with bot.-h from t. of 46. not set i. of fixit upon ground 65. neither shall i. of thy font re>t Jiah. I. 3. plai-e j. of f...it sh.ill tread 8 Sum. 1 4. 2S. from . of foot to crown Job '1. 7. Satan Mnote Job fmm I. of /.'i I. a from .t. of foot to head there zek. \. 7. *. of feet li..e i. of acalf's See FEFT. SOLEMN. .YNW. 10. 10. in your *. days ye ghnll /'.ai 91. 3. niii? praise with t. sound Isa. I. 13. Iniquity, even the i. meet. l.'im. 2. 21. hast railed as in a i. day Hot. 9. 5. what will ye do tn *. day ? Se ASSEMBLY, FKAST, FKASTS. SOI.KMNITY. IES. 7)j<. 3-2 10. :n the *. of the year Jui. 30. 29 as when a holy t. is kept M:{. vO. upon Ziou, the rity of nur * Ksrk. 45 17. burnt ..IT. riu'gs in . of Mi II. in the i. meal offering shall SOLEMNLY. Gen. 43. 3. the man did i. protest . 1 .Suj*. 8. 9. yet protest *. to them SOLITARY. 7cA 3. 7. let that niifiit be i. let no 3d. 3. (or famine they were *. FnL B8. 6. O. settrth t. in families 107. 4. they wan.iered in a *. way Ita. 35. I. wilderness and*, place sh. Lorn I. I. how doth city fit that Mar. 1. 35. J^sns departed to t. place SOLITARILY. J/ic. 7. 14. feed people which dwell*. SOME HO DY. J.itkr a 46. Je< u said, i. touched j>ctt 5. 36. Thenilas boasting to be *. SOMETHING. Mark 5 4.1 that i. should be (riven Luke II. 51. mid eekinc to catrh * John 13. 29. he should give f to poor Jrtt3 5 expecting to receive i of S3. 15. would inquire*, m-irc perf. IS. this young man hath to say GaL 6. 3. nmn ti.ink hiins, If to be*. M>ME I I.MES. Kph. 8. 13. ye who were afar off Co/ 17. in whirh ye walked*, when HOME WHAT. Lfr. 4. ti when a ruler hath done . I A'in < 14. he said. I have *. to say k A'irt. 5. 20. I will run and take *. SON /.u*e7. 40. I hare . to say unto thee. AcU ~f.i 10 inqu.re *. more perfectly 5 /ii tliat I M.iiflu havej to write R;m. 15 21. if tirst I he i. nlle.i w i'.h ^ Cor .V IV. may hare * to answer h<> I sh.'.ol'l b>ia>t i. more of ('ml :'. Ii. th'.se who -e.-fflfJ to I* *. 7/fA. 8. 3. thin man have >. ^ oit.-r .'. t- _'. 4. I have *. against Hire SON. Grn. 17. 16. I will ive thee a *. of S,rah. 19. j la 10, 14. 21. 2. Surah hare Abraham a *. 7. -'4. 3ft my master's wile bare a*. 51. lei her In- thy master's *. wife v$i. 33. he hath given mi- thi*. alo .'JO. 'I t horn a *. 10 l|. what is come to * of Ki,h J I . 18. I have seen a *. of Jesse 17. 55. whose t. y || 58 whose *. art 20. 27. wheref Cometh not*, of J. ? 31. for long as *. of Jesse llveth 2i 7. will t. of Jesse give fields? 9. I saw *. of Jesoe coming to Nob 12. h>-ar, now, thoji *. of Ahitub 25. 10. who is the *. of Jes*e r || 17. be Ii such a i. of Belial 2 Sam. \. 13. I am *. of a stranger 9. 9. given *. nil that pertained to S 10 2. show kindness to *. .if Nnhasl 16. 3. and where i- thy master 'N ? 18. 12. put forth hand rfif king's * 18. I have no *. to keep my name 211. because the king'-, i. i- dead 1 Kin. 3. ft thou hast L'iveii him a *. V 7. hath given David a wisr *. 12. 1C. no inheritHixe jn. cifJes.se, 2 Chrnn. 10. 16. 14. 9. rometh to ask of thee for *. 22. 2C. carry him to Joash, kingS *. Chron. la 24. 2 Kin. I. 17. because he hail no *. 4 Id season th. thalt embrace a * 2R did I desire a *. ;| 37. tm>k her *. a J$. eive *. to eat him, she hid *. .TV. this > of a mtirderrr hath sent 8. 1 whose *. he re*t'>ri'd '" '"* II. I. sw * was dead, 2 Chr 22. 10 4. Jehi.iada showed them king's f. I Chr. 12. 18. side, thou *. of Jew 22. 9. behold, a *. shall he born to V Chr. 21. 17. was never a*, left Mm 23. 3. behold, king's*, shall reign Job 18. 19. neith. have *. nor ncp ew Pial. 2. 12. kiss *. lest he be anirry Ti I. righteousnes; unto kinif 1 - *. OK. 16. save the*, of thy hsnd.maid U. 22, nor *. of wlckedo. afflict him 4.4 SON Pi. lia 1C. I am i. of thine hnnd-CL froti. 3. 12. *. in wh. he de!ihteth 4. 3. I w.is my father's *. lielnved I 10. 1. wise *. mnkethnlHdfHth. I5.2U j. trail. eri-tli is wise j. slei-prtli in harv. i. cnus. than. e, 17..'. | I'J.'A 13. 1. a wise *. heureth iiiDtrurtioo 17. 25. foolish *. is a ri. f to father 111. 1.1. loolixli . lalamityof lather JS. 7. l.o-o ki'c.p.-th law. in >, *. 31. 2. *. of womb, *. of my lows .' A'nV. 5. 14 I'egetteth a *. netting in 10. 17. when king is the *. of in. I. lei Ita. 7. !4. tiriiiuconreive and (.ear*. '.'. G. child born, unto u *. 1 1 UM MI 14. 1 2. O Luciler. *. of the morning 22. I will cut off from liabylun >. I!). II. I am i. ul u i-.-, i ut kmici 49. 15. compa-siii u. of womb y>. Z. neither *. of stranger peak Jrr. (I 2ii. in>.urniiiir, as f.ir mi > .. 3'i. VI. should not have a . to reiga Ktek. 14. 20. deliver iiei. . nor dang. la 4. soul of*, is mine, soul that 14. a *. that -relli his lather's sins 19. why doth not *. bear ii.iqutty 20. *. not bear iniquity of lath, r 44. 25. for *. or daughter they may //u*. 13. 13. he is an unwise i. for he Amotl. U. nor wa I a |>r< pliet's *. 8. 10. it as mnurniiig of an only j. .We. 7. a *. dislioii'iureth the father Mul. I. 6. *. honoiir.-t!i his father Mat. I. 21. sh. bring f.Tth *. /..I.?I. 9. 2, *. be of KO...I .-beer, Mark 2. 5. 10. 37. he that loveth *. or daughter 11. 27. kii'.wcth *. hut Father, nor the Father save *. Luke 10. 24 13. 55. the carpenter's *. Mark a 3. Luke 4. 24, 16. 16 thou art Christ, the . of (J. 81. 28. *. go work in my vineyard 22 42. of Christ f whose *. is he? Mark 12. (i. having one *. beloved la 32. that hour knnweth not the*. 14 61. ( hrist, *. of th.' bL-s-ed? l.uli, 1. la Klisnheth shall bear a *. 32. be called the . of the Highest 3. 2a Jesus *. o' Joseph, *. of H. Ii 7. 12. carried, only *. of his mother 10. ft If*, of peace be there, yo'ir 11. 1 1. if a *. ask bread of any of you 12. 5.1 father divided against the *. 15. la the younger *. gathered all 16. 25. *. rememler, in thy lifetime Ml. 9. forasmuch an he is i. ol Ahra, ./'.An I. 18. only *. in bosom of Fata. 3 :& the Father L.veth the *. 5 20. 3'i. believeth on *. believeth not *. 5. 19. *. ran d<. nothing of himsi If 21. the >. quickeneth whom he will 2'J. c. mmitl.-d all jndgrient to t. 23 men should honour *. he that hononreth not * honour, not K. 86. given to *. to have life in liitnj. 6 40. every one who aeeth the . 42. is not this JeMii *. of Ji;t pk f 8. 3.x *. abideth ||. 19. is this t. r 3fi. if the *. shall make you free 9. 20. we know that this is our *. 14. la Father may he glorified in*. 17. 12. none lost hut i. of perdition Acti*. 36. Rurnatias, j. of con-olntion 23. 6. I'harisee, thei. of a I'harisee la Paul's sitter's *. heard of their Rom. 9. 9. Snrali shall have a . 1 for. 15. 2."* then *. bin self subject li'il 4. 7. no more servant, but a . /'Ait 2. 22. as a *. he served ingorpel Col. 4. 10. Marcus sister's*, to Kara. 2 Thu. 2 3 man of sin i. of perdition I Tim. I 18 i-i.inmit to thee i. Tim. Heb. I 5. snd he shall be to me a*. K to*, he saith, thy throne beret SON Kce. 3. 6. Christas a*, over his own i. a tho- he were a *. yet learned 7. 26. word of the oath niaketh . 1 1. 24. refused to he called i. 4if Ph. 12. G. scourifeth every * he reeeiv. 1 John'Z. 22. antichrist ci. 'iii F. ami* 23 whoS4ever denieth the *. the same hath not the Father 24. continue in *. and in Father i. 14. Father sent s. to he Saviour 5. 12. he that hath the *. hath life B JoAn a L. Jesus Chr. *. ( .f Father 9. hath both the Father and the *. See DAVID. SON -/ God. Dan. 3. 25. the fo irth is like *. o/G. M it 8. 29. Je. tlx.u . ofG. Lu. 8. 28. 14. XJ. of a truth thou art . o/G. 26. fi:i. whether he Chr. the *. if G. 87. 43. for he said, 1 am the *. /G. 5t. this was *. ofG. Mark 15. 3D. A'ark all. thou art . j/ G.John 1.49 Luke 1. 35. shall be called * /G. a 38. *. of Adam, was the *. o/G. /. 41. crying, thou art Christ the *. o/G. John 6. 69. | 11.27. 22. 70. art thou then the *. o/G.? John I. 34 record, this is the *. o/G. 3. 18. in the only begotten *. o/G. 5. 25. shall hear V4>ice of the s.'ofG. 9. 35. dost thou believe on *. o/G.? 10. 36. bee. I said, I am the *. o/G. 1 1. 4. that the *. o/G. might be glo. 19. 7. he made himself the *. o/G. 20. 31 believe Jes. is C. the *. o/G. Acts S. 37. Jesus Christ is the*. o/G. H. 20. Christ, that he is the*. o/G Rom. 1. 4 declared to be the . o/G. 2 Cor. I. 19. for the *. o/G. was not Gal. 2. 20. I live by faith of*. o/G. Eph. 4 13. of faith, know, of* o/G. Heb. 4. 14. high priest, J. the*. ofG. G. 6. crucify to themselves *. o/G. 7. 3. hut made like to the *. o/G. 10. 29. trodden under foot *. o/G. JoAi 3. 8. for this purpose s. ofG. 4. 1ft. shall confess Jesus is*. o/G. 6. 5. believeth Je*us is the *. o/G. 1(1. he that believeth on *. o/G. la believe on the name of*. ofG. 20. we know that . o/G. ia come Ret: 2. ia write, saith the . ofG. His SON. Gen. 22. 13. burnt oft. instead of A. *. 25. II. Abraham, God blessed A. *. 37. 34. Jacob mourned for At* *. Ej-od. 32. 29. every man up4.ii A. *. Lei: 21. 2. hut for A. *. he may be A'um, 20. 26. put on Eleazar A. *. 28. Deut. I. 31. as a man doth bear A. *. 7. a thy daughter not give to A. *. H. 5. as a man chasteneth h. i. so 18. 10. not any maketb A. *. to pass 2 Sam. 16. 19. serve in preg. of A. < 1 Kin. 1 1 36. and to A. *. will I give S Kin, 3. 27. Moah took A. eldest *. 16. 3. Ahaz made A. *. ti> pass thro' 21. 6. Manasseh made A. *. to pass 2.3. 10. mi man might make h. t. pass 2 Chr. 24. 22. Joash the king slew A. *. Prov. 13. 24. spareth rod, hateth A. *. 29. 21. shall have him he4-ome A. *. 30. 4. what is A. *. name, if thou P Jer 27. 7. serve A. . and A son's *. Mul. 3. 17. as a man spareth h. t. Hut. '21. 37. last of all he sent A. . 2-'. 2. who made a marriage for A.*. 45. how is he then Ai> *.? Mark 12. 37. l.'tke 20. 44. John 3. 16. he gave A. only hegot *. 17. (ii>d sent n<;t V *. to condemn Art* 3. 13. God hath if lorified A. *. J. '."i. (in/1 having raised up A. *. Jes. Son. 1. 9. I serve iu gospel of A. *. SON flom. 8 3. God sending A. own . in 32. he that spared not A. own /. Gal. 1. 16 it pleaded (J. to reveal A. t 4. 4 Hod sent forth A. *. made of a I Theu. I. 10. to wait for A. *. from Heb. \. 2. G. ha. spoken to us by A. . Jam. 2. 21. had offered Isaac A. i I John I 3. fellow, iswith F. and A.*. 7. blood ( .f Je. Chr. A. *. clealiseth .'!. 23. we believe on name <( f A. s. J. 5. 9 which he hath testified of A. *. 10. believ. mil re4-. (i. g- i( ve of A. . 11. eternal life, this lift- is in A. . 20. we are iu him, even A. *. Je^us SON.iii-iW. Gen. 19. 12. hast thou any s.-in-taw? Judg. 15. 6. Sams', ii the *..IN./UIC .if 19. 5. damsel's father said Itn.-in.I 1 Sum. 18. 18. 1 should lie *..iti.l 23 22. 14. faithful as king's t ..in.lair ? 2 AI'N. 8. 27. Jelinram was t.-in-ltiu- Neh. (i. 18. Tobiah was i.-in.law to 13. 28. was t..in.lhey, 43. 18. am I, who art thou, my*.? 21. whether thou he my very i. 24 37. what shall I do now. my*.? 37. 33. and said, it is my t. coat 35. will to into the grave to my * 42. 38. he said, mi/ *. shall not go 4-i. 28. Joseph my *. is yet alive E.fod. 4. 22. Israel is my t. even my Judg. 8. 23. neither shall my *. rule 1 Sam. 3. 6. I called not my t. lie 4. 16. what is there done, my .? 10. 2. what shall I d-i for my *.? 24. 16 thy voice, my*. Dav.r26. 17. 26. 21. sinned, return, my*. David 2 Sura 7. 14. father, he shall be my*. 13. 25. nay, my *. let us not all go 14. 16'. destroy me and my . 4>ut of 16. II. behold my*. wh4> came forth 18. 3a king said, O my*. Absalom, m > t. my i. Absalom, 19. 4. 1 A' in 3. 20. timk my . from, 22. 23. 17. 11. dress it for me and my *. 2 Kin. 0. 29. we boiled my *. and eat 14. 9. daughter to my*. 2 CAr. 25. ia 1 Chr. 17. HI. he shall be my*. 22. 10. 22. II. now, my*. L. will be with 28. 6. I have chosen him to be my i. 29. 1. Solomon my t. whom '. hath Pial. 2. 7. thou art my *. Act* 13 :a tieb. I. 5. | S. 5. Prov. ft. 3. do this now, my *. and 23. 26. my t. give me thine heart 24. 21. my*, fear thou the Lord 27. 1 1. my *. be wise and make my 31. 2. what, ny/t. and whit, the son Jer. 31. 20. is Ephraim my dear i.? Hot. II. 9 I called my* Mat. 2. 15. Mat. a 17. this is my beloved 17. 5. .\tnrlc9. 17. I have 'brought my . Luke 9. 38. Master, look upon mv 15. 24. for this my*, was dead and 1 Tim. \. 2. to Timothy my own . in 2 Tim. 2. I. my *. be strong in grace Tit. I. 4. to Titus mine rwn *. after Philem. 10. 1 beseech thre for my . HIT. 21. 7. his r,,>d. he shall be my/. TAySON. Gen. 22. 2. take My *. thine only . 21. 5. must 1 needs bring (Ay *. f HI. 32. know whether it I* 1. 1 co,t 48 2. behold, thy I. Joseph Cometh F.j- lir ''-i '"< My *.' that he *. 'I* rule over u, thou. My anit Siim. If.. l!l. SH nrt nir l) a ,j t h,t .. M JL! Miv " | i f *""A V . J. t>. the dead is t. i. || 23. mid thv , 5. 5. My*, whom I wi,| >et un..if II. || rend it out of bund of My* 17. ia make for Miee HIM! for thu 19. give me My ,. \\ . M i. liveth 2 AIM. 4. 36. he jaid, take up MV 6. 28. give (Ay*, thnt e inny et,29 16. 7. I am ihy servant and thy fret, 19. IH. chasten My i while 29. 17. corri'ct My . and lie ,|M|! Luke 9. 41. Jesus said, I. ring My *. 15. 19. no more worthy to he (.'. 21. 30 as soon as thi (Ay*. w*> mm* John 4. 50. Way, thy i. hveth, 51, 53. 17. 1. glorify My*, that My*, nmy 19. 26. Baith, woman, behold My i SON of .Van. Extkiel above ninety times. SONG. Ejcod. 15. 1. then sang Mimes this . untu the Lord, A'm 21. 17. 2. the Lord is my strength and *. Pint 118. 14. Art. 12.1 Deut 31 19. write this . that this *. 21. thi- *. sh testify against them 22. Mos. s therefore wrote thin *. 30 Moses spake words of *. 31 44. Judg. ft. 12. awake, Deborah, utter*. i Hum. 22. 1. David spake words of *. 1 Chr. 6. 31. David set over serv. of*. 15. 22. chief of Lev. was for a *. 87. 25. 6. under their father for *. in 2 Chr. 29. 27. *. of the Lord began Juli 30. 9. I am their*. I am by. word Piat. 28. 7. with my *. will I praise 33. a sing: H new *. /*. i. .9. speak, iu psalms spirit.* SOS Cat. 3. 16. in hymns, and spiritual * s()Ns tit*. 9. 19. are the three * of Noah 1(1 I. and to them were *. born 2a II. in presence ot *. of my pro 27.29. iet thv mother's* b..w down 4 5. *. of Israel rame to buy rorn II. We are all one man's * 3.' 4ft 5. the *. of Israel r uned Jo..'. l.er 2H. 29. shall ea^He-h of your *. Xum. 27. a our father died, had n.. * 'M :(. married to *. of other tribe* J)fut. 3i a separated the *. of A.Um liuiif a 19. even the*, of my mother 3 i. Oid-m had 70. l| 10. 4. Jair had 12. 14. Ahdon had 40 * 30 nephe 19 22 rertain *. of Bel. he-et house Ruth \. II are there any more .? 1 Sum. 1.8. am not I hett.-r tliaii 10* 2 12. *. of Kli w. re * of Belial 8. II. take your*, and appoint them t s'.im. i. ia three* ofZ.-ruuh there a : men *. nf Zerui.ih he (*> hard 9. II. M. phi eat as one of king's * la 30 Absalom hath slain king's *. Ifi. 10. what tod... .. of Zeru.? 19.22. -'.-l.lt of Belial shall I.e as thorns 1 Kin. 20. 35 the .. of he prophets 21. 10. set two men, *. of Belial I Kin. Ill 8. heads . f the king's *. I Ckr. 21. -."'i Oman and his four *. 2a 4. among the *. of my fathers S Ckr 23 a Lord said of*, of David "4. 25. the blood of the*, of Jehoida Eith. 9. 10 ten* of Hainan slew they 13. Hainan's ten* be hanged, ](. Ft. SB. ft who among *. of mighty ? 144. 12. that our*, may be as plaats I*a. 51. ia none to guide heramo. *. 56. f> *. of stranger that join I,..rd RO. 10. *. nf the stranger build walls 14. tae i. of them th. affl rted thee J. r. ft 21. and t. shall fall upon them la 14 even fathers and *. together 29. ft t.eget *. take wives for your*. 35. ft drink no wine, ye, nor > our / 49. I. hath Israel no*? no heir? J.'im. 4. 2. prerious *. of Zion Exek. 5. 10. fathers eat . f father* 20. 31. your *. pass through the fire 2a 37. rallied *. past* thro' the fire Hoi. I. 10. y are . of the livinf O. Aim%. II. I raised up of your* Mai. 3. a he shall purify *. of Levt Mark a 17. Boanerges *. nf thunder Luke II. 19. your . rant them oat ? 1 Cor. 4. 14. but as my Moved *. GnL 4. \ rewive the adoption of*. ft because ye are *. f5od hath sent Htb. 2. 10. bringing many *. to glory 1 1. 21. Jaroh Mewed *. of Joseph 12, 7. O. dealeth with you w with*. See AARON, DAUCIHTEB. SOSSo/'Gorf. Oen. \ 2. i. r./Gorf saw daughters Jod I. ft . o/G. rame to present. 2. I. 39. 7. when *. o/G. shouted for jov Kin, \ In. ye are*, o/the living Gad J'lhn 1 12 power to twrome*. tj G. Knm a 14 spirit of God, are* /G l!t the manifestation of*. ,,f G,nt Phil 2. i.V be harmless, the *. of G. 1 Join a I. we be railed the * o/G. 2. beloved, now are we *. of God /ttSONS. Gen. 9. I. O. M,..-.) Noah and A *. ,. J5. gave them into hands of A. *. H i. did unto him as he corn Kfid. la 5. Jethro rame with AM* V(l I. take Aa and A *. to mmi-t.T l.rr. fi 22 prieot of A. *. is un'.i'it.-d II-H! IS 5 I.. rhosei 'ii.i> an t ',i. . V. It when he m.-.kelh A * inherit Judg. 9. 1& bare tlaiu i. *. 70 person* soo Jmtr 17. 1 1. l.eife was as one of hi. I Sam. 2 22. Kli heard all AM * di.l i when Id made A * judges 3. Aif *. walked not in his way* Ifi I. provided a king among flit i. 3fl & gtiee'l. v.-ry i an for hit * i S;m. 21. ft l-t 7 ..f A. * b,. deliver 1 Kin 13. II A * nine and toh! him li A. *. seen what way nuin f I 21 2> In A. *. d.ty will I ITU g .-i 1 2 Kin. 19. 37. Au *. smote him witi ^word, /. 37. 3a 2 CAron. II 14. Jerob.iain an.l Au 21. 7. to give light t him, and A. * 17. rarried away AM *. save th. yi>unre.t f hi* *. 3K. 80. were nervants to him :uid A t Kzra H. 10. life of the king aw A *. and A. . tons Ezek 4x If! fiveaglfttoany of A. * Dan. II. 10. A. > shall bestirred up Sff M>N. Gen. 48. 9. Jose, said, they are my t. I .Sam. 2. 24. mi *. f..r it i no good I.'. 2. Sam. said, my *. are with you I CAr. 28 5. of all tmi *. rhosen Solo lo'i I. 5. it may be my*, hare sinned /u. 4V II. to rome ronrermn|f my . I Cor. 4. 14. but as my beloved *. Sef SEVE\. Exod. 12. 24. thee and t * .Vm IX s. 2V. 29. tirst.t.orn oi t. *. shall give 34 vO. first-lMirnoft . h..|r -.-de. in /.'r 10. It. thy due, and thti .. due .Vum. la I. t . sh. hear the iniquity 1 1. I have given them to tfi>/*- Drtit 4. 9. tearh t. *. and t * -..us 1 .S'.im. 2. 251. and h.>ii>nir.-si Ihii *. k. 5. (. *. walk not in thy ways 2X. 19. tn.miirrow t. *. be with me 2 Sam. 9 10. /. t. -h. till land for him 2 Kin. 20. 18. thy i. shall he eiinnrh< in Babylon, hi. .t9 7. ftii. 49. 8. and they shall hring t. *. 51. 20. t. I. hare fainted, at streets HO. 4. thy*, shall rome from far, !i ./cr. 4& 46. thy *. are taken raptiv.-s ZecA. 9. 13. t *. O Zion, against *. is. Two sos- Gen. 10. 85 to F.ber (. i. 1 CAr. I. 19. 34. 25. t of*, of Jarob slew mH\-t 41. 50. to Joseph were born tin, *. 4fc :fl. slay my t *. if I hring him 44. 27. know my wife hare me t *. 4s'. I. he took with him his l,rn i. F.jnd. la a Zipporah an > her t>rn t. l.rr I'i I. death of fir., *. of Aar-.n R'tth I. 1. t . Mahlon and Chi i. 2 1 Sam. 2. 31 rome upon thy tirn I 4. 4. the tint t. of Kli were there 2 .Sam. 14. 6. thv handmaid had t i. 15. 3ft they had with them f>r *. 81 a king took the t. i. of Ki7|iah Mil. 20. 21. grant that the.e my t *. 21. 28. a man had t. * l.uke I.V II. 2ft 37. Peter and tim * ot Zehedre Arli 1. 23). in Midian, he begat t,n,*. Got 4. 22. that Abraham had tirn i. soos. Krnd. ?. '& ye are rome so *. to-day? Dent. 4. 26. v shall *. utterly perish J>,f. 32 22. Maker *. take me a av FY 90. 10 for it is . rut off, we fiy 106. la they * for .-at his works Tit. 1.7. not" s. If. wilM. not*, angry SOONER ///.. la 19. Ke restored to you the *. <. 1. II. the -mi is no . ri u 44(5 SOR SOOTHSAYER, 8. Jn*A. ia 22. Halaam w>n of Heor t Jit. 2. ft people, because they are . Dan. -J. 27. the set-ret rannot* show j 7 the kinit rrieit aloud to hrtngf 11. whom king mail.- master of . Vir. ti. 12. and -hah hav- o moro I SO()rHsAV,S(i .4c<* 1ft Ift mHstera murh gain by t SOP ./oAn 13 26 to whom I sli. give a * 27 after the j. Natau entered, :-r>. noAi*. Jer 2. 22. wa-h and rake tnnrh *. >/.i/. a 2. for he is like fuller's t. SOItCKHKH KM //. 57 3 draw hith.-r. sou- .. Ai-!.< l:t 'i r.vt.iini a f , s,- ( ,r.i|.li t S. i.lyniii. tve ... withstood then, SO.'U'KKKK.S. Ej'txi 7 II. railed is.- men .MI.) .. ./r-r. -/7. St. heark-n not to your * Dun. 2. 2. Neh. .-oiniiialid.-'.! lo.ii x. Mai 3 5 be u wit:i.,, against the HIT. vl. S. shall h..ve |nrt .11 I .ke 2i 15. for with. .in are noir* and *. * m KiiV. .left 8 9. whi Kelor.-.lime u.sed *. SOKCi H!K-v /*!. 47. 9. -h. .in n iheelorthv 12. -tai.d with niultitij.i.- ActtH. II. long tnnel>ewitrhe.l w.. * /(" St. I. neither repented of II. .-,,*. l& 23. by . were imti.ni> derei\e nt. fi >>. Lord .showed signs *. on Judg. 10 '.I. Kr.iel was*. di-lreed 14. 17. l.er:ul-e six lay jl upon lllIQ i..i.-.-s, and went *. I .Sam. I. HI lliiiin.ili prayed, wept*, j 7. his hand is *. on UK, and on 14. J2. * waraif.liiist the Phili.-tinei .Sam. 13. :t'>. king and serv. wept *. 1 Kin 17 17. si.-sn. ~,,*. no br. a'h 2 Kin. i. II. king.,f Syria*, tr-ubled vli. 3. H.-/.-ki.,h wej't* /*rt. 3K. a 2 CAr. 21. Ift. Jehoram died of * di*. 2H 19. Aha/ trHiisL'r..s,.-d i. ana. L. Ezra 10. I. the people wept very t. .NVA 13 8. it grieved me. therefota ( my soul is *. vexed, O U :& 2 thine hand presseth me *. U. ia tho' thon hast *. broken us 55. 4. my heart is *. paini-d within IM. 13 thon hast thrust *. at i.-.e I"i -/7. I. ith *. an 1 great sword "I. '.i. K.- not wroth very*. O Lord 12 wilt thou aflli-t us very i.t t.'im. 1 2. she weepeth >. in ni^-ht F.xrk. 14 21. my four . judgm.-nta Dun. ft It the king wag* displease* Milt 21. 15. they were i di(Jrased Var* 9. .'6. fpint i-ri.'d, rent him *. Acti 2tt 37. wept t. and kissed i'anl See AFRAID. soKB. Grn. 34. 25. day, wh.-n th-y were * Jutb 18. naketh i and hindeHi up SORE. l.rr. la 42. if a white reddish *. 2 CAr 6. 29. know his own *. grief AV 3S. II. friend' stand aloof from | 77. 2 my . ran in the ninht, and Her. Ifi. 2. th.-re Ml a urii ouj & SO I*a 1. A. bruises and piitrityinir . Luke 16. 20. La/arm full M iL SOR Ret. 16. 11 blasphemed beca jg of j. SORELY. tia, 93. 5. . pained at report jf Tyre SORER. Hi'b. 10. 29. how much s. punishment SORROW. Gen. 3. 16. greatly multiply thy *. in them shalt bring forth children . in i. shall th. cut of it nil days 42. 38. hairs wi. *. to grave. 44.29,31. Erorf. Mi. 14. t. take hold of inhabit. Leo. 26. !6. terror cause *. of heart Dent. & Co. L. shall itive .f. f mini: Chr. 4. R t>?ciuise I bare him wi. s. Vr/i, t. 2. nothing else but \. of heart KM. 9. 22. mouth turned fr. s. tojny Jab 3. 10. hid not *. from mine eyes 6. 10 I would harden myself in t. 17. *i. mine eye dim by reason of*. 4). 22. *. is turned into joy bef. him Pt*l. 13.2. having jr. in my heart 3S 17. my f. is continually befo. me 39. 2. helii peace, and my t. stirred 55. 10. and *. are in the midst of it 90. 10. their strength labour and .v 107. 39. are brought low through *. 1 Ifi. 3. I found trouble and jr. then Pi. n>. 10. 10. th;,t wiiikcth causeth jr. 22. L. maketh rich, he addeth no jr. 15. 13. by jr. of heart spirit is broken 17. 21. th. begettcth fool, doeth to *. 2a 29. who hath wo F who hath t. Eccl. I. 18. knowledge, increaseth jr. 5. 17. he hath much t. and wrath 7. 3. t. is better than laughter 1 1. 10. remove .v. from thy heart Ita. a. 30. one look to land, behold s. 14. a L. shall give thee resttrom .t. 17. II. heap in day of desperate jr. 29. 2. distress Ariel, there shall be s. 35. 10. i. and sighing shall flee away 50. II. have, ye shall li>> down in .v. 51. II. i. and mourning flee away 65. 14. fing, but he shall cry for jr. Jer. 18. 18. comfort myself against*. 20. 18. womh, to see labour and *. ? iO. 15. why criest th. ? s. incurable 31. 13. make them rejoice fr. their *. 45. a L. hath added grief to my t. 48. 23. there is . on the sea, cannot Lam. 1. 12 benny*, like unto my jr. IS. behold *. || 3. 65. give them *. Erek. 23. 33. filled wi. drunk, and jr. Luke 22. 4i. found th sleeping for . John 16. 6. s. hath filled your hearts in. but your JT. sh. be turned to joy 21. woman when in travail hath*. 22. and ye now therefore have jr. Hum. 9. 2. that I have*, in my heart S Cor. 2. 3. I should have s. fr. them 7. swallowed up with overmuch*. 7. 10. godly jr. worketh repentance, but jr. of worM worketh death Phil. 2. 27. lest 1 have t. upon *. lien. 18. 7. *. give her, and see no t. vl. 4. be no more death, neither*. SORROW. Verb. Jer. 31. 12. they sh. not*, any more 51 . 29. the land shall tremble and *. lfr>* 8. 10. they shall *. for burden 1 Thei. 4. 13. . not as others no hope SORROWS. Erod. 3. 7. cry, for I know their *. 2 Sam. 22. 6 t. of hell compassed me about, />,/. ia 4, 5. | 116. 3. Jf>b 9. 28. I am rfl>aid of*, not hold 21 17. fl. distributed *. in anger 39. 3. bow themse ves, < ast out *. J'sal. 16. 4. . sh. be multiplied thi.t '.U. 10. many *. shall be to wicked 'V7 2. rise up, to i-at bread of*. J-'.ccl. 2. 23. his day- . his travail iiiief /"i. 13. H. and *. taKe hold of them :>3 a a man of jr. Hrquaiuted with SOU Ita. 53. 4. borne grief and carried J'-r. la 21. ah. not *. take as woman 49. 24. . taken her aa a woman in Dan. 10. Hi. by visi. MSJ. are turned Has. 13. 13. *. of travailing won, an Milt. 24. 8. beginning of*. Alar 13. 8 I Tim. 6. 10. pierced with many * SORROWED, ETH. 1 Sam. 10. a. lo, thy father *. for you 2 Cur. 7. 9. I rejoice ye *. tn repent II. that ye*, alter godly sort SORROWFUL. 1 Sam. 1. 15. woman of a . spirit JobK. 7. refused, are as my *. meat AW. C9. >f). I Min poor and t let /"/or. 14. 13. in laughter heart is *. Jt-r. 31. 25. I replenished ev.*. soul Zrph. 3. 18. gather them that are t. Zi't-h. 9. 5. Gaza see it, and be Very*. Mat. 19. 22. saying, he went away*. Luke la 23, 24. [A/or* 14. 19. 26. 22. and they were exceeding *. 37. began to be . and very heavy 38. soul exceeding . Mark 14. 34. John 1(1, 20. ye shall be*, but sorrow 2 for. 6. 10. *. yet always rejoicing Phil. 2. 28. and I may he the leas*. SORROWING. Luke 2. 48. fath. and 1 sought thee*. Act* 20. 38. *. they see face no more SO R'R Y. 1 Sam. 22. 8. none of you that is *. A>A. H. 10. holy to U neith. be ye . P*al. :. 18 1 will he*, for my sin I.tn. 51. 19. who shall he *. lor thee A/at. 14. 9. king was*. Mark fi ili. 17. 23. and they Were exceeding *. 2 Cor. 2. 2. if 1 make you *. same is a. 7. 8. you *. same epistle made y u*. 9. rejoice not ye were *. for ye *. SORT. Gen. 6. 19 two of every*, in ark, 20. I Chr. 24. fi. divided one *. with ami. 29. 14. able to offer after this *. E'.-ro. 4. H. wrote to Artax. f. this*. .VcA. a 4. sent four times after this*. Ezek. 23. 42. men of the common *. I). the Lord ,\YA. 12. V7- tliev *. the I elites out I'sth. H. 2. hand "ii kuch ton. huit sou Ptal 34. 4 I . L. h. heard m-. 77 t 111.2.*. out of nil UiMt but. . I 111. II'. with whole heart I 94 save ... | hare*, thy prc. . ptt EccL 7. 29. they *. II, MI) ,,,,.,,,,.. 12. 9. preacher *. out many broverl* Ita. 6-/ /. desireth 23. 20. according to desire of fiy t. 2-V 29. man is ri*en to pursue I t \ Kin II. '.(J. reign aicordinr thy* P*aL 121. 7. I. shall preserve (A// . /roc. 8. lo. know, is pleasant to t . 3. 22. shall be life to t. t. and grace. I A 18. let not t. *. spare for his rry. 22. 25. and get a snare to Ihv '. 84 12. he that keepeth f t. doth 14. koowledireof wn>dom heti>. '26 the s. that came into Egypt 2,. .sns of Joseph in Egypt were two . all the J. of the house of Jacob were 70 jr. Exud. \. 5. L' fid. 12. 4. a lamh according to *. :(0. 15. make an alouement for your i. 16. Len. 17. II. TVum. 31. 50. l.er. IS. 29. even jr. th. commit them 20. 2"). not make your s. abominable K>im. 16. 38. sinners aga their own . 30. y. wherewth have hound their*. Jiah. 23. 14. ye know in all your *. 1 .Sam. 25. 29. . of enemies ah. sling TV 72. 13. "h:ill save jr. of the needy 97 10. tie prcserveth *. of his saints Fniv. II. 30. that winneth i. is wise- 14. 2'/. a true witness delivereth *. JW. 57. I'i. spirit should tail, and 3. Jer. 2. 34. iu thy skirts is Mood of i. 6. 16 rest for your i. Mjt. 11. 29. 2r>. IS/ procure evil against our . 44. 7. why commit evil aira. your*.? Lain. 1. 19. th. sought meat to their*. Ezek. 1. 19. shall not satisfy their . 13. 18. hunt . hunt . of my peo. 20. Ill slay the t. that should not die 14. 14. should deliver their own . 18. 4. . are mine ||22. 25. devoured*. Actt 2. 41. added to them 300<) *. 7. 14. Jacob ,ni(1 his kindred 75*. 14. 22. confirming . of the disciple- 15 24. troubled you, subverting- *. 27. 37. were iu all in the ship 276 * 1 Then. 2. 8. imparted our *. to you Heb. 13. 7. they watch for your * Jam. I. 21. word able to save your* 1 Vet. I. 22. ye have purified your *. 3. 20. that is, eight *. were aaved 4. 19. commit keeping of*, to him Rev. 6. 9. I saw the *. of them slain 18. 13. no mar: buyeth *. of men 20. 4. I saw the * of them beheaded See AFFLICT. SOUND, Subsbmtive. E.md. ?R 35. his t. shall be heard l.er. 26. 36. the . of a shaken leaf Josh. f>. 5. hear *. of the trumpet, 20. 2 Sain. 5. 2*. *. of going I" the tops of mulberry-trees, 1 Chr. 14. 15 1 Kin. I. 40 earth rent with the I. 14. fi. Ahijah heard *. of her feet ! x. 41. is a *. of abundance of rain 2 Kin. 6.32. is not*, of master's feet] 1 Chr. 16. 42. with trumpets make*. 2 Chr. 5. 13. make one . to he heard ,\V/i. 4. 20. in what place ye h' ar *. Jnb IS. 21. dreadful t. in his ears 21. 12. rejoice at the s. of the organ 37. 2. *. tl.at goetH out of his mouth XI. 24. nor believeth he it is the *. f.t. 47 5. U gone up with*, of trum. 77. 17. out water, skies sent out a*. 89. 15. people that know joyful *. 9'J. 3. sinif upon harp wi. solemn . I.') i. Z. prai-e him wi. *. of trumpet F.rcl. li 4. . of the grinding i low Jrf. 4. 1 ). hast heard . of trumpet 6. 17. hearken to *. of the trumpet? 42 14. where we shall hear no . Jer. 50. 22. *. of La! tk- is in the Irm.l 51. ;"t. a *. of a cry from Habylon Kxek. 10. 5. *. of cherubim's wings -'li. 13. *. oi thy liHrus be no more 15. oh. nit the isles shake at the*.? 27. 28. suburbs sli. shake at t. ol cry .U. 16. I made nations to shake nt *. 33. 5. he heard the>. of the trumpet Dan. 3. 5. ye heitr tile jr. 7, 10, I:.. Anm.fi. 2. Moab sha I die with *. Mat. 24. 31. send angels wi. great *. John 3. a nearest*, but canst not tell Acts 2. 2. there came *. from heaven Horn. 10. la *. went into all earth \Cur 14.7. things without life giv.*.& Heb. 12. 19. not come to*, of trumpet Rev. I. 15. as the *. ot many waters 9. 9. *. of th. wings as * of chariots SOUND, Adjective. Pi. 119. 80. let my hearth?., instat. I'rnv. 2. 7. he layctb up *. wisdom 8 14. compel is mine and*, wisdom 14. 30. a *. heart is life of the flesh Luke 15. 27. received him safe and *. 1 Tim. I. 10. contrary to*, doctrine 2 Tim. 1. 7. O. hath given us . mind 13. hold fast the form of*, words 4. 3. th. will not endure*, doctrine Tit. I. 9. may he able by *. doctrine 13. that they may be *. in ttie faith 2. 1. things which become *. doctrine 2. that the aged men he *. in faith 8. *. speech cannot he condemned SOUND, Verb. ffttm. 10. 7. you sh. not . an alarm 1 Chr. 15. 19. were appointed to *. /.M. 16. II. my bowels sh.*. for Moab Jer. 48. 36. my heart sh. *. for Monb Joel2. 1. t. an alarm in holy mount Mat. 6. 2. do not *. trumpet before I Cor. 15. 52. for the trumpet shall*. Rev. 8. 6. prepared themselves to *. 10. 7. seventh angel shall begin to*. SOUNDED. E.rnri. 19. 19. the trumpet . long I Sum. 20. 12. when 1 have *. father Nfh. 4. 18. he that . the trumpet Luke I. 41. salutation *. in my ears 1 Thet. I. 8. from you *. word of L. Rev 8. 7. the first angel . and there 8. second*. || 10. third || 12. fourth 9. 1 fifth *. || 13. sixth || 1 1. 15. seventh SOUNDED. Actt 27. 2& *. and found 20 fathoms SOUNDETH. Exod. 19. 13. when trumpet *. long SOUND1NO. 2 Chr. 5 12. with them 120 priests *. 13. 12. his priests with *. trumpets 7v. 63. 15. where is thy zeal and *.? Kxek, 7. 7. not the *. of mountains 1 Cor 13. 1 not charity, as *. bra** SOUNDNESS. Pt. 38. 3. there is no *. in my flesh,7. /o. I. 6. is no *. in It, hut wound* Actt 3. 1&. given him this perfect*. SOUNDS. 1 Cor. 14. 7. give a distinction in . SOUR. Iia. 1R 5. when *. grape is ripening Jer. 31. 29. the fathers hare eaten > t. grape. A',-. A IS. 2. 30 everv man that eateth *. grape Hot. 4. la th.-ir drink is * they hart SOUTH. Gen 12.9. Ahr. journeyed toward* .< IS. I. Ahr. went into . || 3 went fr "8 14. spr-'d abroad toimrth and IvwM. 13. 29. Amalekites dwell in *. Deut y>. 23 pops thoii west and* I ,SVwi. '20. 41. David arose out of * 1 Kin. 7. 25. three locking toward the *. 2 Chrnn. 4. 4 Job 9. 9. maketh chambers of the *, 440 sow ''>>> 33. 2. stretch wings toward , cometh not fr. cant nor* 89 li. north and i thou created l"7. 3. gathered from north and . cci I. 6. wind giM-th toward tliv . 1 1. a il iti.. tree falieth t.. wi.ru *. n. :i'>. (i. burden of hra-ts of the *. 4.'t li. nay to the *. kerp not back Irr. 13. 19. cities of i. h. be shut up :'..' 44. buy ti. Ids in cities ol the i. :U. 13. in cities of i. >h. flocks putt Vzc/V. 21. 4. sword ana. all from *. to 4 i. 2. s the fiame <>l a rlt, on j. Dun. II. 5. and the king of the *. Dim. 19. they of*, sh. ponsms mount 20. captivity sh. pos- cities of i. '.'i-li. 1 7. when men inhabited the j. 14 4. mountain remove toward *. Int. IV. 4V. queen of the i. shall ris .li/ie la 2!l. . nrne Ir. *. to -it dowu ict* 8. il>. arise, and go toward *. .Vr. 21. 13. on the i. the gates SOUTH.*. ni,'r. \tirn. 31. a i../>. the ..utmost coast Juth. 15. 2. the i..bt,rder of Judah SOL' 1 \\.,unntry. Gen. 20 1. Abraham sojourned *.-& 24. 62. for 1-a.ic dw.dt in the *..<*. SOUTH, land. Joth. 15. 19. given n.e i..l. Judg. 1.1&, .Yum. 34. 3. .t.y. from Zun by coast . 18. IS. ... Ir. .no ..f Kirjatb. SOUTH. AMMA, I Sum. 30. 27 wind, were in t..R. t-'.rud. 26. 18. 20 boards on *.-. 36 23. \iiin. 2. 10. on t.-i. shall he standard Kjek. 48. 16. *..*. 4500 measures, 33. Gen. la 14. t. Shid to Ah. look /..us. \um. la 17. get ye up this way I..U3. 8OUTHWwi Actt 21. 12. lying towards the $..te. soi;i ii.t/i;, rcilberr n..r r-i F 19. 21. reapent Ihou didt ui4 1. 'U. SPA SOWKI), EST. fruw, 2ft 1*. 1-. i in nod am year ,.*. II II wtfie thmi t. ihy seed A ./. 9. 45 Aniinelech i. Shecheni It * IS. 24 seed i| 8V i. tares, 39. SOW V.-v> w . M) u \ hsut. 21. 4. valley neith eared nor*. i.L 9 le-t fruit of eed >. de defiled U J. .''i. Keneration ee land Dot >. JiJtf. 6. a Nra--l had Midta. came f*a.W II light i* . f-.r righte-.us /w. 19. 7. thiii*i. by brook wither 40. 84. planted, yea, .-hull not be *. 61. II. causeth things . tn spring Jcr J. 2 af i*r me in a land not li la they hae. whrat, thorns Exrk. X. 9. ye h.nl de tilled and i. Ho*. 8. 7. i. wind, reap whirlwind \rA. I. 14. no more <>( thy name*. W(f. I. 6. r. murh. and linn* little Hat. la IR catcheth away that wag *. Mark 4. 15. SB. 84. reaping where th. ht mitt. Mar. 4. lt' which i on stony ground 18. . am. thorn- i 80. i in K round 81. when i. is le- than all seeds I Cor. a. II. f to you -pintual things )5. 41. i. in roiTUp.ll 4a . iudishon. 44. ft itt. a natural body, raised I Cor H. 10. multiply your seed i. Jam. 3. 18. righteousness t. in peace SOWKR. In. 55. 10. it may give seed to the . /er. SO. 16. cut oft t. from Hal. \ Ion AfAe -f2. US. about the. of one liour Art* 5 34 put apotitle* forth little . 13. -\. judge* nbout t. of 450 yars 19. 8. pake Loldly the * of 3 months 10 continued liy *. o< two years 34. with voice about . of i hours W. 31. by i of 3 yearn I cemed not Rtr. 8. 81. I rve h.ri. to repent x I. silence about ol half an hour 14. 20. Mood hy < of lull furl..n. 17. 10. be must continue a -liort . SPAKK. (Jen. 89. 9. while he t. Rachel came Drill. I 43 I *. ye would not hear 28. (H. I.. brin thee by whereof I i. I .Sum. !. 13 Hannah i in her heart ! Kin !l. li and tlm^ t he to him V i'tir IS 10 one >. after thil miinn. .'^V I!' they i. avaint fJ of Jeru-w. >'<^k. 13. S4. half in speech of A.h. 13, at duivii, :iuue t. a, Wurii SPA Job 19. 18. I arose, they . af ainst me . ?i. alter my words they *. not 3-'. Ifi they i. not, hut stood still f'-tl, TS. 19. yea, they aK nmt - II. 14. 81. 4ik they perceived he i. ..f them Luke I. 55. as he * to our fathers 50. understood not i-ayinjf he t. 24. fi. remember how he i. to you 3*i. u they thus t. Jeniis stood in John I. 15. this was he of whom I . 7. 13. no man i. openly of him fear 46. said, never man t. like this man & 87. they understood not th. he t. 10. 6 what thing* they Were he * 41. thiiifrs John t. ol this man true 18. 3-*. saying fulfilled he t. 18. 9. 3*. 13. 28. looked, doiiM, of tvhom he i. -'4. who it should he of whom he*. Actt \t. 45. Jews i. ag. thing- spokeu 88. 9. heard not voice of him that*. 86. 84. as he t. for himself, Festus I Cor. la II. when child i. ax a child 14. 5. 1 would ye t. with tongues Hek. 18. 85. refused dim t on earth 8 Pet. I. 81. men >P A K K, implicitly. I .SVim. 9. 17. man wh. I . to thee of 88 !7. L. hath done to him an he t I AVn. 6. 12. Kord I t. unto David > I'hron, el 4. who fulfilled that he t. Fiat 33. 9. he . and it XVH* idme Im. K5. 12. I . ye did not hear.fie. 4. Jrr. ~. 13. I *. to you, ri.sinif npearly ft. I . not to fathers, I hnn.ght ' 14. 14. I sent them not, neither .. 31. 80. since I t. atf. him I reinemb Ezek 1. 88. I heard one that*. 8. 8. Luke 84. 41. these are the words 1 1. Hub. 4. 4. he i. in a certain place on SPAKKST. Judf. 13. 1 1. the man t. to woman .N>A 9. 13. i. with them from heaven Jer. 48. 87. since tl.ou i. skippedst SPAN. Erod. 88. 16. t. length, breadth,39.9 I Sam. 17. 4. Gol.N height, li cub. a*. ha. 40. 12. who meted heav. with*. ? /.am. '.'. JO. worn eat children! long Ezek, 4a la border of altar be a t. SPANNED. Ita. 48. la my right hand t. heavens SPARK. Gen. IR 84. not t. place for 50. rih Dent. 13. a shhlt not *. nor conceal 8> 80. I. will not . him, ang<-r of I S'/m 15. 3. destroy Amal.-k, f. not .NVA. la 88. *. me a< cord, to mercy Ju>> fl. 10. let him not . I hne not 20. la tho'he*. and forsake it not 87.88. G. shall cast upon him, nut i. 30. 10. they t. not to >pit in my fare Pad. 3R 13 O t. that I may recover 7V. la he shall t. poor and needy Prof, fi :(4. not i. in day of Vfneean. 19. la let not Roul * for hi- crying Iia. 9. 19. no man shall t. brother l.'l la their eye sh. not *. . hi drcli .m 1 4. shall break it, he shall not . A. Z. t. IniKtlien corde, sUfiigtlirn 460 STE Ita. 5a 1. *. not, lit voice like f-nn, JfT. la 14. I will iiut J. Kitk. .4. 14 2l. 7. not . them || 5ii. 14 > no ui ni 51. 3 .'. ye not tn-r young mm Ezek. 5. II. I willdiroinish the.-, nor mine eye *. 7. 4, 'J. \ a 18. | U !. 9. 5. let not your eye* . n. iih ply Joel-i 17 nay. . thy people. () Lord ./He trouble, I j. you 8 Cor. I. 83. tin. you I came not to 13. 2. if Icome again, I will not t. Sl'ARr.D. 1 N>rm 15. 9. .Saul and peop *. Acig 84. 10. kill thee, hut mine ey s t. 2 .Sam. 18. 4. t to take of his rWk 81. 7. the king i. Mephibosheth 2 kin. fi. 80. master hath /. Naaman I'tal. 78. 5a he*, not soul fr. death Erelc, 20. 17. mine eyes /. th> in in n< Horn a ,'ia. he that t. not his Son II. 81. if G. i. not natural brain her 8 Pet. 8. 4. if G. t. not angel. i 1 5. and i. not old orld, saved No SPAKKTH, ING. Pror. 13. 84 that . rod, hateth - n 17. 87. hath knowledge i. hi- W">.l| i\. #>. righteous givrth, and i. i l Mai. a IT. them a< a man his KOII Actt 80. 29. w.iUet. enter, not*, flock SPAUlNiLY. 2 Cor. 9. 6. he who -owelh *. renc i. SPARK. Job la 5. i. of his fire thall not shine Ita. I. 31. maker ol it shall be a ;. t. SPARKS. Job 6. 7. to trouble as /. fly up wnnl 41. 19. burning lamp., t. of fin- Ita, 50. II. compai yourselves wi *. SPARKI.KD. Exek. 1. 7. . like the cokmr of dr;.,s SPA K BOW. Ptal. K4. a t. hath found an home 1 1 18. 7. 1 am a- H i upon home top SPARROWS. Mat. 10. *>. two j. sold for farthingf 31 more value than i. l.nlf \* 7. Luke 18. 6. 5 t. told for 8 farthings f SPAT. John 9. 6. spoken, he i. on ground M'KAK. Gen. IH. 87. taken on ineto*. to G 31. 24. 50. we cannot bad or good Ml. v4. take heed thou . not in .lac. 44. 16. what say r what shall we . Exod. 4. 14 1 know th hecan t. uelt /.' 42. where I will meet yon toi. :M. 35. iinti. he went in to t. \vi. I.. .Vfirn. 18. a not afraid to . ag. MOM-I word I . that thou shalf j. .'.J. 18. must I not /. which the Lord Dent, la 19. words wh. i. in in> name .'d. who presume to t in my n: me 8 Sam. 19 10. why . >e not a'word I kin, 18.7. . good word*. 2 fh. 10.7. 82. 84. spirit from me to *. t the,-, 8 Chr,m. - Jnb%. 2, how long t. these things ? II. 5. oh that (v w..nhi > aga the* la 7. wiil ye . wickedly lor f world SPEAK, Imprratirehf Erod. 20. 19. * th..u, we will hear Dent. 3. 26. I,, said, jr. no more to 5. 27. t. to us that L. sh. jr. to thee 1 Sum. 3. 9. *. L. servant heareth, 10. 2 Saw. 17. fi. his gay. il not jr. thou 1 A' i /i. 22. 13. jr. that which is good, 2 Chron. 18. 12. .E*tt. 4. 14. to-morrow*, to the king Job 13. 22. let me /. and answer me 33. 32. i. for 1 desire to justify thee 34. 33. therefore s. what thou kno. /Prop. 23. 9. . not in ears of a fool ha 8. 10. jr. word, it shall not stand 30. lit. who gay, jr. to us smo< th 41. 1. come near, then let them . JIT. 1. 17. t to them that 1 command Dim. 10. 19 I said, let my lord i. 'lech. 8. 16. . the truth, Eph. 4. 25. Murk 13. 11. given in that hour,*. Acts 18. 9. hut t. ho d not thy peace 1 Cur. 14. 28. let him .v. to himself 29. let prophets jr. two or three Jam. 2. 12. so . ye and do, as they /SPEAK. Efod. IP. 9. peo. may hear when It. Dent. II. 2. I x. not with your rhil. 1 "Xin. 22. 14. L. saith, that will /jr. JW R 35. then would Is. and not 18. a surely / would s. to Almigh. 16. 4. /* a'fio could *. as ve do 37. 20. shall it l.c told him thnt /*.? .a/. 45. I. Is. of things that I have I'H). 7. wh( n 7 s. they re for \v.ir J 15. no more, they left off*. ha. 58. la nor . thine own words <;,. 21. while (hey .ire yet .. 1 Jtr. 7. la early, and 25. a I 34. 14. SPE Dan. ft 13. I heard one Mint * u> I Act* 14. a they H>.IH, j. buliilv ,n 8 Cor. la a pr....i of Chrut, ,,. .... .Sr. KKD. SPKAKIM; S. Mat 6.7. they l,r heard form u, hi. tph. 4. 31. let .-vi, . In- put u.t. 1 Pet. 2. 1. laying aside all evil i. M'KAH. Joth. a la stretch out thy . JuHg. 5. a at. seen MTK.MK ; 1 .Vm. la 2V. *. with any hut u:ih 17.7. staff of *. like weaver's brant, 2 Sum. 21. lit I CH,. -^d 5 45. rome.it with a word ai.il k . 21. 8. is th. not un.l.-r thy !,,,. I , 26. 7. Saul's*, stuck at holMrr II. 1C. now see wl.ere the kit | 2 Sam. \. ft. Saul leaned upmi Im . 2. 2a Ahner with *. smote .X 2a 7. with iron and staff of M >. a he lifted up jis *. again-' la he lifted up his *. aiiHn 1 Chruu. II. II. ; v. j 46. 9. breaketh how xnd cuttril. . Jtr. K. 2a they lay hold on !,,, ai.il * Y 1 1. 1. the whole earth wa of on>- <, f.i i.i/. 4. 10. M. said, I am slonr of . Drttt. ~f2. 14. give occasions of i. *),. 2. my *. shall distil KS dew 2 Sum. 14 20. fetch Hhoiit form of *. I'.i I I. the i. ! Ur. is mme In kinf I A'l'n. 3. 10. Solomon v . ple-.-l I . AYA. 13 24. ihild. i-p-ke hull n. l lull 12. 20. he reinovetli . of trn.iv la 17. hear my *. un i d.-cl.- 21.2. P*. 17 R /*" - a 24. VS. who make* n. llung -rtli my *. ilr..|i|M-ii up- !>>r" x. , .-aiinnt niil.-r "Mir . /'!/ 19. 2. day ni'lo rt -" !'". in >. 3. there i* !,- /Vr. 7 21 fniri -,. - 17. 7. exc-:ii-nt . I n"u ' u Ml SPF. Ciwif 4. a lips like carlet,. comely /let. 29. 4. thy *. shall be low out of Ihfduit; thy* shall ivlii-p. r M I'.), de.-p. r *. than thou perreit-e Jrr :. 23. shall use this *. in Judah >:.-<<. '.21. voice of *.a noise of ho-t 3 .V sent to a people of .triinge *. 6. ll'ih. a I O Li I have heard thy *. Mil. 26 7a thy * hewraveth thee Hark"). 32. an impediment in his *. 14 7(1. and thy *. agreeth thereto John H. 43. why not undent my *.? Arts 14. 11. saying, in * of Lycaonia 20 7. continued hi *. till midnight ) Cor. 2. 1. not with excellency of*. 4. *. was not with entii ing words 4. 19. know, not the*, but the power ~ Cur 3 12. ue great plainneu of*. 7. 4. great my boldness of *. toward 10. 10. weak, his * is contemptible 11. 6. rude in *. not in knowledge CnA 4. & let *. be always with grace Tit. 2. 8. found cannot becondem. SPEECHES. .VHM. 12. a will -peak not in dark *. J"fi 6. 26. * of one that is desperate I.V 3. with * he can do no good f 3-!. 14. neither will 1 answer with*. H',m. 16. la by fair*, deceive hearts Jade 15. convince them of hard *. SPEECHLESS. Mat. 29. 12. garment, and he was f. Luke- I. 22. Zacharias remained i. Arts 9. 7. men with him stood i. SPEED. Gen 21 12. O Lord, lend me good f. Kzra 6. 12. let it be done with *. Ita. 5. 26. they shall come with *. Aft* 17. I.V come to him with all *. 2 Jnhn 10. receive not, nor bid G . 1 1. that Mddeth him G. *. is parta. See MAKE, MADE. SPEEDV. Zrph. I. la shall make a *. riddance SPEEDILY. t Sum. 17. IK. not in plains, *. para Exrn 6. 1.1 king sent, so they did *. ". 17. mayestbuy* with this money 21. Ezra shall require, it be done*. 26. let judgment he executed *. Pt. 31 2. how thine ear ; deliver . ff>. 17. in trouble, hear me f. 143 7. 79 8. let thy mercies t. prevent us li". '. in day when I call, answer *. F.rrl. 8. 1 1. sentence not executed . Ita 5R a health sh. spring forth *. lech. 8. 21. let us go *. and pray SPEND. ftrnt. 32. J3. I will *. mine arrows Jnh 21. 13. they t. their day* in wealth 36 II.* their days In prosperity F* HO. 9. we . our years as a tale Ita 55. why . money for that f Adi 20. Iff. would not *. time in Ada S Cor. 12. IS I will very gladly *. SPENDKST, F.TH. Prnf. 21. 20. a foolinh man *. it up a with harlots, . subfance F.ert f. 12. which he *. as a fh*dow I nice 10. 35 w hat.oever thou *. more SPENT. fJrit. 21. IS And th- water was t. 47. I", not hide how our money is*. Jsr. 26.20. your strength he . in vain Ji'dif. 19. II. by Jehns, day was far *. I \.m ' 7 for the bread is i in our J. ! 7 6. my d*vs are*, without hope I'fil 31 10 niv life is *. with grief Int. 49. 4. I have *. my strength Jrr. 37. 21. the bread in city was . Mark 5. 2& and bad * all that she had. Lukf ft. 43 f Zt and w *n the day was far * Luke 24. 9. SPI ' nkf IV 14. ivhrii prodigal had r. all I'-tt 17. 21. *. their time to tell some Horn. 13 12. the night is fai *. 2 Cor. 12. 15 I will gladly be*. SPEW, *e. 21. whom hi i. made willing Xctm. II. 17. I Will take of *. 25. 26. the *. rested nn th, m and they 29. L. would put hi i. upon them 14. 24. he ban another *. with him 27. 18. JonhuH, a man in whom Is *. Dfut 2. :. the L. G. hardened his* J*ih .V 1. nor wa* there *. In them Jurig. 15. 19 had drunk hts *. came I 'rim. 30. 12. had eaten hi< *. came 1 A'in. 10. 5. no . in her, 2 Chr. ". 4. 21. 5. said, why is thy *. so ud ? 22. 21. there came a *. 2 CAr 18. 2n 2 A'in. 2. 9. douhle portion of* on me 15. . of Elijah doth rest on Eliha 1 CAr 5. 26. I stirred up *. of Pul 12. la *. c me upon Amasai i9. 12. pattern of all be bad by . ~.~ru 1 5. whose*. <;. rai*i>d l.i troop i'r/i. 9. 30. by the *. ID ihy prophet* lob 4. 15 a *. pas-fd I.efort- my far* 15. 13. tliou turiient thy>. avainstO M. :i *. of my uuderttrfiidmg 26. I. and whoe *. cam>- Irom tlit-ef 13. by his*, he garnihed hravent -' 8. there i a *. in mm). in>pira. la *. within me con-tniim-th me 34. 14. if h>- gather to himself his i. '*. 32. 2. in whose*, there is no euile 51. 10. renew a right *. within me 12 and uphold me ththy free*. Tfl 12. he .hull cut oft *. of princes 7a a whose *. not steadfast with Q 101. 3H. thou sendest frth thy t. lO*!. :. so they provoked bin *. 139. 7. whether sh. I go fr. thy *.f I4a 10. *. good, lead me to upright. "ri,r. 14. 29. he that it hasty of*. IS. 4. perverenes is a breach in*. In. IR haughty t. goeth before a faL 32. thnt ruleth *. better than he la 14. *. of a man sustain infirmity 20. 27. *. of a roan is candle of Lord 25. 28. that hath no rule over his *. '.c.-; a 21. the *. of man, *. of beafct 7. 9. be not hasty in *. to he augry 8. a DO power over *. to retain i. 10. 4. if*, of ruler ri>e against the* 11.5. knnwest nilt what is way of*. 12. 7. and the *. sha I return to G. ha. 19. 3. the . of Fgypt ihall fail 29. 10. L. poured on you *. of sleep 24. they that erred in*, shal 1 come 31. 3. their hornes fl.-sh and not *. M-J. 15. till the *. be poured upon ns 34. ifi, his *. it hath gathered tlu-ra 42. 5. giveth *. to them that walk 4a 16. L. G. and his *. hath sent me M. R. forsaken and grieved in *. 57. 16. i. shall fail before me ftl. I. t. of L. O. is on me, Lu. 4. la 3. the garmi nt of praise for the *. Irr. 51. 1 1. L. raied i. of the king ot Exek, I. 12. whither i. was to go. 20. 2. 2. the *. entered into me, a 24. 3. 12. then the i. took me up. 11.2*. 14. tn *. lifred me up, and I went in the heat .f my *. a a I II. 1. la a prophets that follow own i. 21. 7. every *. shall faint, all k>eet Dan. 2. I. Neburha. *. w*s troubled 4. a and in whom is *. of the holy gods, 9 la | .S. M, 14. 5. 12. an excellent t. in Daniel, 6. a .Vic. 2. II. if man in *. andfalseh lie Hag. I. 14. L. stirred *. of Zeruhba. Zech. 7. li sent hi *. hy prophets 12. I. formeth t. of man within hire Mai 2. 15. yet had residue of*. 16. Mat. 4. 1. Jesus led up of* Lu. 4. L 14 2(1 saying it is a *. Mark fi. 49. 22. 4a l)vid in t. call him Lord f 2A. 41. *. Is willing. Murk 14 38. Mark I. 10. *. descending, J,.hn I. 32 I?. *. driveth him into wlldernes* 5. 12. and he signer) deeply in his * 9. VO. *. tare him || 2R. the *. i-ried Lukf I. 17. g before him in the t Hi i. child waxed trnnr in *. 2. 4u 2. 27. he came by i. into thf templi 4. M. Jesus returned in power of *. a 55. her *. came again, she arose 9. .'>5. ye know not what *. ye are 10. 21.' in that hour J rejoiced in i 13. II. woman had a *. of infirmity 24. 37. mipposed thev had een a i. 39. a *. h:ith not fleoh and hones John 1. 33. on whom thou h see *. 3 34. G. siveth not i by measure 4. 2a worship the Father In A 24. G. in a *. mu-t worship in 6. 63. t. quickeneth, they are I an* SPI .foAn 4. 2V O. Is a*, worship him In*. 8. 63. U ifr the *. that qulckeneth ; words I speak, they are *. 7. 39. spake, of jr. |) II. 33. groaned in 13. 21 he was troubled in j. Actt 2. 4. spake as x. gave them utter. 6. 10. were not able to resist the . 8. 29. then the *. said b> Philip, go 10. 19. . said unto Peter, II. 12. 11. 28. Ag*bns signified hy s. there '6. 7. but the *. suffered them not 11. 16. his . was stirred within him 18 5. Paul was pressed in *. 25. and being fervent in the . 20. 22. bound lu the*, to Jerusalem 21. 4. said to Saul through the *. 23. s. Saddiicees say there is no .. 9. b>it if a j. hath spoken to him Ruin. I. 4. Son of G. according to *. 2. 2!'. circumcision is of heart in *. 8. 1. vnilk not ;ifter flesh, but jr. 4. 2. the law of s. of life made me free 5. alter the s. the things of the *. 9. not in fli'.-h but *. if so be that *. 10 .1 is life because of riirhtenu.sn. 11 sh. quick'-n vo'ir bodies by his*. 13. hut if ye through the jr. mortify 16. . heare h witness with our *. 23. ourselvi i Who have fruits of*. 26. *. also hrlpetli our infirmities ; hut the jr. makrth intercession 27. knoweth what is the mind ol *. 1 Cor. '2. 4. in demonstration of*. 10. G. hath revealeii them unto us by *. for *. -earcheth all things 11. the *. of man which is in him 12. not *. of world, hut *. of Ood 5. 3. absent in body, present in t. 5. *. may he saved in day of L. J. 6. 17. .joined to the Lord is of one *. 20. glorify '}. in your body and *. 7. 34. may he holy in body and t. 12. 4. are gifts, hut same *. 8, 9, II. 8. iven by the *. word of wisdom 13. by on *. we are all baptized ; been made to drink into one *. 14. 2. in s. he speaketh mysteries \5. sing with *. || 16. bless with *. 15. 45. Adam was made a quick. *. S Cor. 3. 6. but of the . letter killeth. but the jr. giveth life 8. ministrations of*, be glorious 17. L. is that*, where *. of the U is 4. 13. we having the same*, of faith 7. I. from filthiness of flesh and *. 13. because his *. was refreshed 11. 4.*. which ye have not received 19. 18. walked we not in same t.'i Gal 3. 2. received ye *. by works 3. foolish, having begun in the *.? 5. he thatininistereth to you the *. 14. might receive promise of the*. 4. (i. G. sent forth the *. of his son 5. 5. for we thro' *. wait for hope Ifi. walk in . || ia if ye be led by *. 17. tteah lusteth against the jr. and the JF. against the flesh 2.' . if w live in *. let us walk in *. 6. a soweth to . shall of the*, reap 15. grace of our Lord he with your *. Philem. 25. Eph 2 2. *. that work, in children Is. we have access by one . to F. 22. habitation of G. through the*. 8. 5. revealed to apostles hy the s. 16. strengthened with might hy *. 4. 3. unity of * in bond of peace 4. there is one . as ye are call/pd 23. renewed in the * of your mind 5. 18. be not drunk, hut filled wi. . 6. 17. sword of*, is the word of (J. 18. praying with prayer in the ?Atf. 1 19 supplv of *. of Jes. Chri. 27. 'hat ye sta" ; fait in one *. SP. Phil. 2. 1. any fellowship of the *. 3. 3. which wnr-hip (ind in the j. Cul. I. 8 del-lured your love In the*. 2. 5. yet am I with yon In the r 1 Tlies. 5. 19. quench not i. despise 23. 1 pray (i.your >. soul, . nd body 2 Thfi. 2. 2. neither by *. nor word 8. Lord shall consume with the t. 13. rhi! thro sanrtificHtion of *. 1 Tim. 3. 16. Ood justified in *. seen of 4. 1. now the *. .-p.-uk.'tli expressly 12. be thou nn example in j 2 Tim. 4. 22. L. J. C. be with thy t. Heb. 4. 12. to dividing of soul mid i. 9. 14. who through the eternal t. Jam. 2. 26. body without i. is dead 4. 5. the *. In us lusteth to envy 1 Pet. I. 2. thro' san. tiftcatiou of i. It. in oheyiiiK truth through the j. 3. 4. the ornament of a meek *. 18. in flesh, but qnii krned hy t. 4. 6. live according to (i. in the t. \ John 3. 24. the .' be hath given us 4. I. beloved, believe nut every t. 2. every *. that confesseth Je. Ch. 3. every t. that contesseth not Je. 13. because hath given us of his *. 5. 6. *. beareth witnesi, . is truth 8. witness In earth, .1. water, blood Jutie 19. sensual, not haying the*. Her. 1. 10. 1 was in t. on Ld.'s day 2. 7. hear what i. lailii to churches, 11, 17,29 | 3.6 13, 2i 4. 2. immediately 1 was in the t. II. 1 1. the *. of life from 0. entered 14. 13. blessed are dead, saith the*. 17. 3. he carried me in the . 21. 10. 22. 17. *. and the bride say, cume SPIRIT of adoption. Rom, 8. 15. ve have received *. of a. SPIRIT ofantichriit. \ John 4. 3. this is th. *. of a. ye heard SPIRlTo/ftonrfo^ft Rom. 8. 15. have not received*, ofb. Born of the SPIRIT. John 3. 5. except man be b. of the i. 6. that which is barn oft. is spirit 8. so is every one that \* born oft. Gal. 4. 29. persecuted him 4. after t. Broken SPIRIT. Ps 51. 17. sacrifices of O. are a b. i. Prop. 15. 13. sorrow of heart /. is 4. 17. 22. but a 6. *. drieth the bones See COUTH ITB. SPIRIT of burning. Jsa 4 4. blood of Jeru*. hy i. ofb. SPIKITo/CArwi. Rom 8. 9. if man hare not *. of Chr. 1 Pet \. II. what*, of C. did signify SPIRIT ofcaumfl lia. II. 2. i. ofc. shall rest upon him SPIRIT of dirinrttinn. Actt 16. 16. possessed with *. of dm. Dumb SPIRIT. Mark 9. 17. my son, wlio hath mi. I. 25 thou damn t I charge thee Earneitof the SPIRIT. 2 Cor 1. 22. siven u* e. of tag i . 5. 5. SPIRIT nf error. 1 John 4. 6. know we * of truth nd . .Iff KVIL. Faithful SPIRIT. Prov. 11. 13. he that is nt faithful i. See FAMILIAR. SPIRIT offrar. 2 Tim. 1 7. 0. hath not fiven us I. nff JW SPIRIT. Mark 9. 25. he rebuked the fault Ree 19 2. become hold of every/ . Fruit of tie SPIRIT. Gal. 5. tl. fruit of the t. l love, joy SPI PI. 143 10 thy .. i, f. i,,i m , *, IPIRIT/G*4 n. I. 8. *. o/G. mm. 4 on watT* 41. 38. a man in whom i. of ( Aj-od.31.3. Heialeelwi. , / < . \F/M Ol O . . ' .* . 20. *. o/ G. rame on ineapngrr CAr. IS. 1 . o/G. raine on Axarti.Ii J9 *7. 3. M. if G in my n 33. 4. the i of God hath md- me F^f*. 1 1. 24. in vii.,n hy th' . o/ G Mat. 3 IH. he saw r. o/G. do., 12. 28 fart out devil* by the*. /(, r y - 6. 8. quieted my . in north .V,ir I.'. IH. I will putmw*. n hi l.ttke \. 47. my hHlh r.j.-iceH n, 2a 48. in thy hnd I rommrnd M * Art, 7. 59. Lord Je.o. receive m , Rom. \.9 whom 1 serve with v I CVr V t. WBu gatU .'led SP1 Ct*. H 1 4. m>/ 1. prayeth. l.ut ir.y J* I* they hiivr refreshed my .. I Or. V. IS. I had nn rest in mil . AVir PI KIT. Jfrefe II. l<. pill an.. In you. . 28. ia 31. make :< n.-w li.-art and n. . ArtrwfM./slMHlT. /Join. ?. 6 *e sh.itil.l serve in n. o/. Palirnt SPIHIT. Kcrt 7. S p. in . U h. t. than proud /'c(frf*cSIMHI I /i 1! H I.. h./. I. Id. I n n a w..man of I. *. SIM KM ofTmtk. Jof-u 14. 17 * nft. whom World run. 15 2fi. the i af t. Whir* p-.K-eedeth 1C. i:t when jr o/ ?. N come, he will I Juka 4. 6 hereby k>-ow we . is ((one out ..f a man, /.* 1 1. a*. >f had torn him 3. .'in. the* -iim, hi- hath an . t. 5. '2. met him h man with an u i. & come nut, th..u a. . /.uAre 8 . 7. 2.V whi. <1 nimbler had an u. *. Luke 9. 44 J--n* rehuk--d u. t and S P I R I T of U*4rr,tndtng. tta. II. v. th, jr. or r, hrfll rext upon ' fc'ni. 4. 12. HIM of ir. caused to err 6. 4. for i ofv. (H in 1'in^t of them SPIRIT o/H'iW-im. E.rod. 28. 3 whom I 8il>d wi. o/ir. /.>./ 34. U .1 o-i.it.. ful: .if * nf,i- /" II * . t of rr. shall re- 1 iipmi him Eph. I. 17 tfiat ft. m.v give . /tc. /Prop 18. 14. a rr. . who can bear? SIM n ITS. A'in. Ifi 82. () '4. th- G. of*, 27. Ifi, /' KM. 4. imketh angel* . Heb. 1.7. /Van !. i the U weowcr:iit iin.-lean. .W Xcf S. 16. wrre eed wi. unrlenn t. 8. 7. . rry'.nie. rame nut of many I Cnr. Ij! 10 to mm. diMvrniMir -if J U 3'!. i of pr j.lietH are mihjert to . Tim 4. I. tfivinj heed tonr.liir t. Heb. I. 14. are not all mlniMerinr i. ft 9. he in ntytrtt i. H h. th.-r they ...re //rr. ia I!) I -KM- 3 nnrlean i. like 14 thev are the nfdcriU See Kn. KAVII.UK Srvr.lt. .SPIRITUAL. W 9. 7. a f.iol, the t. man is mad /i>m. I. 1 1. impart to you some /. ift 7. 14 we kti.iw that the law i- . '.*. ft. imrViker< of their i. thinn Cor. a. l.'i r..mpt which Is i. afterward* tlmt whirh is '. CaL 6. 1. ye whirh are . ret..re KfH \. 3 hletme.l U!< With i. t'leinir A I!) sp. nkiiitf t yours, in t. Miiifr* R. IV wr.'-tle afain'-t *. wiikiiliieo (../. 1.9. Oiled witln. untai dlnv a Hi admon. in pHlm^i and i sotim I I'ft. 2. 5. are built up a i. h..i,*e, t>> nil. r > .urrCires SPIRITUALLY. Anm.8. 6. tfi he i. niln.ied is life and I Cor. i. 14. because are*, diarerned Rev. 11. S. whirh I. N mlled Sodom SPIT, TRI). Lrr. 15. R r. on him that is clean Sum. 12. 14. if father h. d i. in fare D'tit. 25. 9. she shall In his fai-e ./..'. 30 10. spare not to t. In my fare Mat. 26. f~. they did t. in his fare *7. 30. and th.'jr t. upon him and Mark 7 33. het. and t-.urhrd tonuue 8. i:l. when he had . mi his eyes 10. .11. they -h:ll >. upon him and 14. 65. britaii to *. on him. 15. 19. I.u. 18. 3'A spitefully entrrated >. nn SPITE. J>M 10. 14. for thou Leholdest i. to SIMTKKl'LLY. Mat. 22. 6. they entreated them f. /.t/*? 18. 32. he shall t.e t. entreated PITTING. /ML 50. 6. 1 hid not mv fare from i. SPITTLE. I Sam. 21. 13 he let i.j. i. fall down ./..'. 7. 19. let alone, till I swallow i. John 9. (I hf made rUy of i. and SCO 1 1., .SuAfton.'ttie f.Vn. 49 27. at niiiht he *h divide . K.rW. l 9. enemy said, I dlide t. .Vum. 31. 9 Isr. took t. of.attle. II. DetU. 2. 3-S the i of .-.Me. we took, a 7. J<*h. H 27. I II. 14. la 16. thou shalt ifHther all the i. 20. 14. *. thou l.alt take, Joih. R. 1 Jtidg. 5. 30. nerk ..f them th. take*. 14 19. amum Klew 30 men took . 1 Sam 14 3il if had eaten freely of i. 32. the people flew upon the /. 15. 19 but didst fly upon the . and 30. Ifi. berxiiw the | of them. 8. II. 9. 10. on i. laid they not their hand Job 20. 17. I plltrked t out of teeth Pi 6R 12. tarried at home divided . 119. 1152. r. j..ire, as one ftndeth i. Pror. 1. 13. *hall fill house* with t Ifi. l!i. than to divide*, with proud 31. II he shall h-ive no need of i. ha. 3. 14 . of the p.Mir U in houses 8. 4. the i. of Samaria tit. be taken SPO ltd. 9. a rpjoire when th? > dlvldeA ID. (i. k'lve him a rharve to take *. XI 4. your i. khall be gathered 2a th. prey of a great t divided 42. -ft. they are for H i. and none 24 who g'ave Jacob for a i.H did VI 12. he khall divide, wi. ~\r,,ng Jer. G. 7. violence ami . i t.eard in 15 13 thy substance will I yivefu 17. ?. I *!!! gire thy -lihBtacre to* 20. a spake, I tried violence and . 30. 16. they that j thee shall be at 4<>. Ihelr cuttle >hll be a * Mi 10 Chaldea shall be a f. saith L. E*ek. t. 21. 1 will give it for A i. I'.V 7 deliver to Ammonite for a / 2(1 5. Tyrus for M i. to nations, 12. "!' I!' N.-l lichtid. take jr. of Egypt 3a 12. 1 will gn up to take a . and 13. art thu cmne to take a t. 45. !i. IsrMcl. reino>e violence and* Dan. II. 24. he 'hall scatter the i 33. they -hull fall hy i. many days \nft. 2. 9.' tiike i. of -i'lv^r. i. of go'l4 Hab. 2. 17. the .. ol beasts h. covet ZcrA. 2. 9. be a JT to their servants 14. I. thy . sh. he divided in midst SPOIL, f>rft. Erod. 3 22. ye nh. i. the Kgypti*ni 1 Sam. 14. 3fi. i. them in til morning 2 .S.;m. ?a In. people returned to *. /'TO/. 44. 10 they who hate us f. for H''. 41. all that pass hy way t. him 109. II. let stranger / his labour Pror. 22. 23. will i. soul of those 24. 15. O man, i. not r. -ting. place Oinf. 2. 15. take foxes that i. vines /.d 11. 14. they shall . them of east 17. 14. portion of them that i. us 33. I. when -hli reHtte to i. thoo Jer. 5. 6. wolf of evening sh. i. them -'ii. 5. I will give Jerusalem to . it 30. Ifi. they that t. thee shall be a t 47. 4. day coineth to Philistine* 49. 8 Kedar, i. men of the east 50. 10. all that., shall be satisned Exek. 14. 15. they .. it so that it he 32. 12. they shall .. pomp of Egypt 39. 10. they sh. .. thotethat spoiled Hot. 10. 2. break altars. images la 15. he shall t. the treasure of all ///'.. 2. 8. remnant of pe sh. . then Ztjih. 1 9. residue of people shall .. Mat. 12. 29. and *. goods f Marks.'/:, lot. 2. 8. beware let ny man i. yoa SPOILED. Gen. 34. 87. sons of Jxcoh .. the city Kjod 12. 3fl they., the Egyptians Dent. 28. 29. shalt he oftprvMtd and t ./r/'/c 2. 14. hand <>f spoiler- that .. 1 >Wm. 14. 48. l-r from them that t. 2 A'l'it. 7. Ifi. Isr. i. tents of Syrians 2 Chr 14. 14. Asa f. cilies of Gerar ,'()' 12 17. leadeth rounsel. away t. 19. leads princes aw..y i. Ptal. 7& \ the stout. hearted are . Pror. -fi. 23. spil soul of those th. < 7*0. 13. l. their house- shall be .. 18. 2. whose land rivers ve i 7. 24. 3 the land shall I.e utterly t. :<3 I. that "poilext, and wast not *. 42. 22. thl> i- a people robbed and* Jer. 2. 14. a servant f why in he *? 4. 13. wo unto us, for we are . 20. whole land i .. my tents are i. 30. when thou art i. what wilt d( ? 9. 19. are we ..I || 10. 20. tabern. i. 21 12. deliver him that Is i. 22. a 2Y 3fi. the I. hath i. their paxtur* 48. I. Nebo Is. || 15. Monh i... -fl). 49. a Ai i || 10 Ks^u, his need i 51. 55. the Lord hath . liahylon Erfk. IR 7. .. none hy violence, Ifi. 12. bath oppressed, luUh .. by. 1 SPO Kxrk. 23. 46. 1 ill eive tli. to bfc * :). 10. they that poil those that * Jl.,s. 10. II. thy fortresses shall be X.'.Kiw.'J. 11. thy palaces slmll he . ft i). strenKtheiietlur. against stron Mic. 'i. 4 ami say, w be utterly //./.'>. 2. S. tli 'U tiait jt. innny natinn 2rA. 2. 8. sent to nations wh. t. yii 1 1. a. howl. because mighty are t 3. glory i. for pride of Jordan is t':il. 2. lt>. having *. principalities S, OILKK. ' *.< 16. 4 from face of*. thn*. ceas z. . *. spoileth. go up. O Elam J*i 6. 26. I. nh. sinlilcnly come on u 16 8. I brought upon them at, 48. S. i. xli.ill mine upon every rit 18 f. of Moab shall >ine on the 31 the i. \s fallen upon thy fruit* 51. 36. because . is mine on Habv SPO II, Kits. Ju(/f 2. 14. he delivered them int hand of*. 2 Kiagi 17. 2< 1 Sn. la 17. .T. out of ramp of Phi U. 15. and the ,v. they also trrmhl Jer. 13. I'.'. *. ca ne upon h\gh place 61. 48. *. sh. oime to her from nort 53. from me slmll *. come to h SPOILKST, KTH Ptal. 35. 10. needy from him that i Ita. 21. 2. spoiler * || Ho*. "1. I. rob. > 3i. I. wo to thee that .f. and thnu Hah. a 16. canker.worm *. and rtiet SPOILING. PiaL 36. 12. good, to *. of ray soul ha. 22. 4. *. of daughter of my peop Jer. 48. 3. voire from Hormiaiin *. H:ib. 1. 3. *. and violence belore me Ileb. 10. 34, joyfully *^ of your good SPO I LS. Jn.'H. 7. 21. saw among *. a garment I Chr. 26. -fl. out of i. did dedicate Jin. 25. II. hrinir down pride with * J.nke II. &.. and divideth hi* *. Ileb. 7. 4. Abraham gave tenth of . SPOKt-lN. Gen. la 19. L. brine what he hath * JVum. 14. 28. as ye have *. MI will I d 21. 7. we have * against I.. anud hud t. Ptal. 62. II. Ood hath *. once, twice tint. 22. 31. that wh. was *. by (iod See LORD. / hare nr hare /SPOKEN. Ger.. 28. IS done wh. I h. t. to thee A.iW W. 13. land I h. . of will give 1 V.if/i. 20. 23. matter which I h. t i 12. 4". foi /A. not . of myself 14 2ft. these A. /. * 15 II. I 16 1 25,33 SPOKEN with prophet.' >< .t. 2. 2a fulfilled which was* hy the pr, v Ae'. 13. 35. | 27. 35. 3. 3. that WHS .t of by the p. K-aias 4. 14. *. by E*.p. (,.17. I 1217. | 21.4. Thou ha.- R "-Ph "rk,-l,.th r., r her HftSM4tt A'ussttttaiftiSa 140. 5 they . a net by the wv.i.i.ln Pror. I. 17. net ,. in ,[g|,t ,.,. | rr /"/. 14. II. worm is *. under thee IB. a that *. nets on water lanim.), 33 tfl they could not*, the .nil Jer. R *. they sh. *. them before sun he hath, orf. 4 16. hesh he thy*, to peop. \um. 1. 14. SPOON. nne *. nf ten shekels all molten I IJ. 13. my net also will 1 *. 17. 20 '". 14. be a place to *. nets upon 6. I. ye have been a net to* gold, 20, 26, 32, 38, 44, 50, 56. 6 s SPOONS. Era*. 25. 29. make me dishes and A'fim 4. 7. put thereon dishes and 7. 8t. silver howls, twelve*. 86. I A'l'n 7. 50. *. were gold, 2 CA. 4. 2S -' A'l'n. 25. 14.*. took he, Jer. 52 18, Id 2 Cftr. 24. 14. rest ofmonev*. made SPORT, Snbitantire. Judg. 16 25. Sam. make *. he made & 27. beheld whil Smson made *. Pror. 10. V3 *. to fool to do mischit 26. 19. and saith. am not I in *. ? SPORT, INO. Gen. 2fi. 8. Isaac was . wi. Reheka Isa. 57. 4. ag. whom y iir-elve- ? 2 Pet. 2. la *. themiH. with deceiv SPOT. Num. 19. 2. bring heifer without *. 28. 3. two Iambi without *. 9. 11 | 29. 17, 2i Drut. 32. 5. *. Is not *. of hisrhildrei 'of, 11. 15. lift up thy f-e without > ant. 4. 7. fair, there is no *. in thee A>A. 5 27. if Inrioiis chinch, i.ot ha. * Tim 6. 14. keep comm. without * Heli. i) 14. offered hiins. without*. Pet. I. 19. us a lamh without *. Pet. a 14. mnyhe found without *. SPOTTED. ten. 30. 32. removing the *. rattle 39. brouirht cattle, spe< kled and /. 'uae 23. hating (rarment *. hy flesh SPOTS 'er. la 2a ran leopard change *. ? Pet. 2. 13. *. they are and hlemlshen ude 12. these are . in your feasts SPOl'SE, S". Cant. 4. 8. come from Leban. my . ft ravished my heart, my sister, *. 10. how fair thy love, my sifter, . 1 1. thy lips, O my *. drop H- honey 12. irarden inclo-ed is my sister, *. >. I. Into my garden, my sister, *. lot. 4. 13. your * commit adultery 1 1. 1 win not piinl-h your * when SPOUTS Sff WTF..iiPoUTa. SHU A NO. 1nrfc 4. 8 fruit that * tip, /.. 8 8. t* I'V 2!>. called for Ilirhf and *. In r'.. 7 ! t evi-leiil I . "lit of Jnda I \->. there r of one many MnUrs \, , S ncM.. 4&S 7. 12. wben thev go, I will *. net 14 6. hi- hranc hf h. *. hit beauty Joel?. 2. as in. inline i upon mount. Mul. 2 3 I will ,. d.ing on your 'm-ei Mat. 21. 8. multitude jr. varments in the way, Mark 1 1 a l.\tk" In : Act* 4. 17. but that it . no further SI'KP.AI) abroad. Hen. 10. 8 ( ntinriitf were*. o//r. v"< 14 th.iii shMlt *. a. ti> vte^t. exit K.rod. v9 I will*, a. hnnds to I. .'(,'), Mii-en t. a. hit hands to Lord I Varn. 30. l. they were >. a. eiirth am. 22. 4M. Mild . *it lnr. I Chn.n m IH .'rrri !). 5. *. o. mv hand* to 1 '. l*i l!i. my root ,. o by water . . 17. 18. hat ihon wi. him > t< fi5. 2. . o hands to a reb.-iiion. ./m I. 10. iidVersary f. o. hi. liar.) xrk. 32. S. I will i. o. net over th. e 8PRKADKST. Kl H. ef. 1.1 S. if priest see that c'' < ir-u/ 32. II. a an eale * her wine* >./. ;i . f. who alone*, out heHven* I'. >i. and he *. his cloud upon it JH. 30. behold he . his li ( hl upon il nrr. 29. ft. flHttereth neifhb. >. net a. 2ft. II abe thtt w.m. i hnn.i 40. 22 that i. the heaven* tent 44 VI. I the 1. that i H.HMd erln rr. 4 31. ilniiirhter f Zln * hxiitl* 7 8 a tree thst . out h. r r.u rrk 27 7. linen tlmi forttn am. I. 17. Ziou*. ortk rvnr fcc,to SPR SPREADING. ft. ft. 35. I have >een (hi- wicked * ExFk. I". f>. and became a t. vine SPREADING, S. Job 36. 29. understand j. of clouds f >&. 2fi. 5. a place for tbe . of nets SPRIO& /. 18. 5 afore harvest cut off the i Ezek. 17. 6. a vine, and shut furtb * SPRING. 9 Kin. -2. 21. he wvnt forth to the . TVon. 25 26. trnuhlpd and corrupt *. Cunt. 4. li my pou*e, is i. hut up A*. i8. 1 1 . riutt l.e like . of water //<*. 13. 15. ais *. nhall become dry SPRINGS. DaU. 4. 48. plain under *, of Pisgah Jo*A la 40 Jk smote country of*. 1 -'- & kings in tbe plaiua and in i. 15. 19. give me * of water, pave upper *. Judg 1 . I. 15. ./oft 38. 16. hast entered into the .? *ri *>7. 7. all my j. are in thee 104. 10. hesendeth*. into the valleys 107. XI turneth water i. into dry 35. turneth dry Around to water*. /i. 35. 7. land become .<. of water 41. la I will make the dry land *. 49. 10. by i. of water iriiide them Jer 51. 36. I will make her t. dry SPHISO. 1 5am. 9. 26. atiul . of day Samuel See I>AV 'prior. SPRING. g*. 17. ft in nil the leaves of her t. SPHISO. tfum, 21. 17. Isr. nang, & up, O well I) fnl. 8. 7. and depths that *. out Judg i9. 25. when day began to *. Jon 5. 6. neither doth trouble i. out 38. 27. bud of the tender herb to i. Pi. 85. 1 1. truth Khali . out of earth 9i. 7. when wicked r. as the grass 7*0. 42. 9. before they ,. forth I tell 43. 19 new thinif, now itsh. *. forth 41. 4. they shall up as amo. grass 44. 8. riirhteoii<.nem *. up together 68. 8. thine health shall , forth 61. II. garden caiiseth things to*. Joel t 22. for the pastures do x. Mark 4. 27. need he know, not bow SPHINGETH. t Kin. 19. 29. rat in second year that which . of KHttie, I'M. 37. 30. 77o. 1C. 4. thus judgment *. up SPRINGING. Pi. 65. 10. thou Hesiedst the*. SPRINGING. Gen. 26. 19. fouinl a well of *. water t Sam. 23 4. a" tender g rass . out /nAn 4. 14. a well of water . up H<*. 18 15. any root /. trouble yon SPRINKLE. Brnd. 9. R let Moses t. the ashes VS t. clean w^ter upon you SPRINKLED, ETH Krnd. 9. 10. i. ashen toward heaven 7. of an heifer*. 11.0. throuzh f.r t h kept i of blood 1*. 24. \re are come to blood of *, STA i Pet . 2. * of the blood of J Ch. SPROI r Job 14. 7. a tree that it will *. again SPRUNG Mat. 4. 16. shad, of death, light*, up la 5. and they *. up, Mark i. 5. 26. but when blade was *. up Luke 8. 6. as -oon a* it was *. up SPUE, ED. Lev. 1ft. 28. that land *. you, 20. 22. 28. as it . out nations that were Jer. 25 27. *. fall, and rise no more lifr. 3. IB. so then I will *. thee out SPEWING. Hob. 2. 16. *. shall he on thy glory SPUN. Extxt. 35. 25. that whick they had *. SI'UNGE. Mat. 27. 48. one of them took a *. Mark 15. 36. John 19. 29. SPY. Num. 13. la Moa. sent to *. land, 17. 21. 31. Moses sent to *. out Jaazer Jmh 2. I. sent two men to*, fi. V:(,25 Judf. l& 2. Danltes sent to*. !4, 17 2 Sam. 10 a David sent servant* t< * out the city, 1 Chr. IR 3 2 Kintri R. la go and *. where he is Gal. 2. 4. who cam.- in privily to . SPIED. ExtifL 2. II. he*. Kgyptian smiting 2 A'in. 9. 17. a watchman *. company 13. 21. behold, they*, a hand of men 23. 16. he *. M>pul< hres that were See ESPY, ESPIED. SPIES. Gen. 42. 3. Jos. *airl, ye are *. 14, 16. :t4. then shall I know ye are no *. Num. 21 I. Israel came by way of*. Joth. 6. 23. younr men that were *. 1 Sam. V<. 4. David sent out *. 2 Sam. 15. la Abtalom sent .. thro' Luke 20. 20. they sent forth *. Heb. 11. 31. Rahab had received t. SQUARE. Kin. 1. 5. doors and posts were *. Ezek. 45. 2. *. round about, 50 cubits S,e Foua.S(iABB. SQUARED. Ezek. 41. 21. pots of temple were*. SQUARES. ?***-. 43. 16. square in four t. thereof STABILITY. f*a. 3a 6 knowledge *. of thy times STABLE. SubtbmtiTe. Ettk 25. 5. I will make Kabbah a *. STABLE. Chr. 16. 30. world also shall be t. S ESTABLISH. KD, ETH. STACKS. ?roi 22. 6. . of corn he consumed STACTE. Exod. 30. 34. take to thee *. onycha STAFF. Jrn. 32. 10. with my *. I passed over 38. 18. give me thy signet and *. 25. Ssod. 12 II. with *. in your hand 21. 19. and walk abroad on his *. Vu?^. I a 23. between two on A . 22. 27. Balaam smote ass with *. tnrif. 6. 21. angel put forth end of *. Sam. 17. 7. * of his spear waa like a weaver's beam, 2 Sam. 21. 19. 40. David took his t. in his hand Sam. 3 29. one that leaneth on a*. Ci 7. fenced with the . of a spear 21. he went down to him with a t. I Chrnn. 11. 2a A'in. 4. 89. take my . lay my on 31. Gehaci laid *. on face of'child 18. 21. thou trustest on . 7*n. 36. 6. '. 2a 4. thy rod and . comfort me n. a I. L. will takefr. Judahthe.. 9. 4. bast broken . of his shoulder 4M STA 7*0 10. 5. and the *. in thu. haul t> la. or as if the *. should lift it,.. -It 24. and lift up his *. against th.-e 14. 5. L. hath broken *. of wick. J 28. 27. fitches are Lenten out i. a*. 30. 32. where grounded * shall pa*t Jer. 48. 17. how is strong *. broken *. 29. 6. have been a *. to Israel Hot. 4. 12. their*. declarth to them Zech. 8. 4. every man with hi-. *. II. 10. and I took my*, even beauty 14. then I cut asunder my other* Mark 6. a take nothinr, save u *. Htt. II. 21. leaning on top of his *. See BRBAO. STAGGER. [/. io:.27. Job 12. 25. to*, like a drunken o-.an, 7*0. 29 9. they *. hut not wi strong STAGGERED, ETH. 7*0. 19. 14. as a drunken man *. Horn. 4. 20. *. not at promise of God MAIN. Job a 5. and shadow of death * it 7*0. 23. 9. L. purposed to*, the pride 63.a sprinkled, I will*, my raimeut STA I US. 1 A'in. 6. 8. went up with winding . i Kin y. la under him on t- p of*. AVA. 9. 4. then stood on *. Jeshna Cant 2. 14. ill secret places of the *. Ezek. 4a I?. *. look towards the east Act* 21 40. Paul stood on the *. STAKES. I *. f..r tlieir life Job 8. 15. lean on house, it sh. not x. 19. 2S. sh. x. Ht latter day on earth Pial. 38. II. my kinsmen t. afar off 45. 9. on right hand did s. queeH 7R 13. he made waters to s. as heap 109. 6. let .Satan jr. at his right hand 3!. he sh. s. Ht rig-lit hand of poor l!W 2. our feet *. within thy gates 130. 3. mark iniquities U L. win. j. ' Pror. 19. 21. roun.sel of Lord shall i. 25. 6. x. not in place of great men Eccl. 8. 3. x. nut iu an evil thinir /a. 7. 7. saith L. it Mull not .t. 8. 10. 14. 24. as 1 purposed, so itshall .t 40. 8 word ..four G. sh. t. forever 4ft. 10. counsel shall s. 1 di> pleasuri 61. 5. strangers x. and feed Hocks 7e-r. 6. 16. x. ye in the ways and see 44. 28. know \vhoe word shall *. 46. 21. did not .. licca. day came 01 Erek. 17. 14. keeping cove, might .. Jinn 2. 44. kingdom shall s. for ever 1 1. 6. king of the north shall not Mir. 5. 4. *. and feed in strength A'rtA. '2. 8. t. (.shall they cry, none Mai. 3.2 who*, when he appeareth Mark II. 25. when ye t. praying Act* 1. 11. why x. ga/.ing to heaven ? 5 20. go, x. and speak in temple to 26. 6. now 1 x. and judged fur hope Rom. 14. 4. fi. is able to make himx. Cor. 1. 24. joy, for hy f..ith ye x. Eph. 6. IX and having done all to x. 1 I'et. 5. 12. grace of O. wherein t. Keu. 3. 20. I x. at the door and knock 6. 17. come, who shall he al.le to s.'t 18. 15. merchants .t. afar off for fear STANDaorom*. Deut. 2*. 11. x a. man bring pledge STAND against. J^ec. IB. 16. nor x. a. hloodof neighb. Jer. 44. 29. my words shall x. a. you STAND. children of Anak ? 19. 17. both men shall i b. the Lord 29. 10. ye x. this day all of you b. L. 1 .Vam. 6. 20. who is ahle to x. b. L. ? 16. 22. let David, I pray, x. 6. me 1 A'i'n. 10. 8. happy nre thy servant* whox. A. thee, 2 Cfiron. 9. 7 2 Cftr. 20.9. we*, b. house in presen Ezra 9. 15. we cannot . before thee Job 41. 10. who is able to x. ft. me ? Ptoc. 22. 29. a man diligent shall .. b. kings, he sh. not b. mean 27. 4. but who is able to t h envy ? 7r. 7. 10. come, x. 6. me in Ih. house 15. 19. if th. return, th. shall .. b. me 35. 19. Jonad. not want man to x. b 49. 19. shepherd *. b. me f 50. 44. Dan. I 5. at the end might f. A. king 8. 4. that no beast might*, b. him II. 16. mine shall x. b. him, he stand Van, 1. 6. who can*. 6. his indigna.? Luke 21. 36. worthy to x. b. the Son Rom. 14. 10. all *. 6. judgment-seat Rev. fl. 12. small and groat x. 6. God STANDiy. trod. 18. H. people x. 0. thee to even 7. . while they t. by shut door I STA I*a. 65. 5. *. by. I am holier th. thou Jer. 48. 19. *. by way, ask, what dime Zech. 3. 7. walk am. these that . bi 4. 14. anointed ones that *. by Lor< John 11. 42. heca. of people wh. *. by STA Jer. 46. 44. say ye, x. / and prepare I Cor. 16. 13. watch ye. x. /. in faith Cal. 5. I. x./ in liberty Christ mad. Phil. I. 27. x./in spirit || 4.1.x. /.in L 1 The*. 3. a we live, if ye ./ in L. 2 TAe*. 2. 15.x./ and hold traditions STAND/ortA. A/arA a 3. saith to man, x. / Lu. 6.8 STAND Aere. Dew<. 5. 31. thee, *. thou here by m 2 .S'aw. IP. 30. turn aside, a< d . A. Mu. iO. 6. why x. ye A. all day idle ? Xck4. 10. doth this man x. A. whole STAND in. Psal. 4. 4. x. in awe, and sin not 5. 5. foolish shall not .. in thy sight 24. 3. who shall x. u< his holy place' 76. 7. who x. i. thy sight wh. angry; 89. 43. not made him to*, in battle 134. I. hy niirht*. in house, 135. 2. Jer. 26 2. x. in court of L.'e house Etek. 13. 5 not gone to *. in battle Dan. 12. 13. *. in lot at end of days Zech. 14. 4. feet s. in that day on Ol Mul. 24. 15. abomin. *. in holy placi Gal. 4. 20. for I * in doubt of you STAND on. Erod. 17. 9. to-morrow I x. on hill 2 A'in. 6. 31. if head of Eli. x. on him Dan. 11. 17. she sh. not x. on his Bide STAND ottt. Ptal. 13. 7. eyes *. out with fatness STANDjwrfrrt. Col. 4. 12. may . p. and complete in STANUrfiY/. Erod. 14. la fear not, x. x. 2CA.20.I4 Num. 9. 8. x. x. I will hear what L. Josh. 3. 8. ye shall t. ttill in Jordan 10. 12. sun *. *. upon Giheon, union 1 Sam. 9. 27. *. thou *. that 1 show 12. 7. x. x. that 1 may reason wi. you 14. 9. we will x. x. in our place and Job 37. 14. x. x. consider wi.rks of ft Jer. 51. 50. escaped sword x. not ttill STAND *<. Psal. 30. 7. made mountains to*. *. STAND there. Num. 11. 16. they may . t. wi. thee Deut. 18. 7. as Levites "ho x. there Jam. 2. 3. say to the p"or, x. thou t. ST AN D together. Iia. 50. a let us t. t- who adversary STAND up. Neh. 9. 5. x. up. and bless L. your G Job 30. 20. 1 x. . thou regardest not 3a 5. set thy words in order, *. up Ptal. 25 8. shield, . up for my help 94. 1ft who will x. up for me ugainst Kci-l. 4. 15. that shall *. tip in stead ha. 27. 9. and images shall not '. up 44. 11. let them x. up, yet they fear 48. ia call tuth. they*, up together 51. 17. awake, x. up, O Jerusalem Dan. 8. 22. 4 kingd. x. up of nations 11. 2. sh. *. up three kings in Persia 3. a mighty king sh . up, rule, 4. 14. many x. up agai. kinir of south 12. 1. that time shall Michael . up ic<* 10. 26. Peter said, x. up, I am STAND upon, Erod. 33. 21. thou shall x. upon rock Deut. 27. 12. sh. x. u. Mount (Jeriz Jo*h. 3. la they fhall x. u;n an heap 2 Sam. I. 9. Saul said, . upon m I Kin. 19. II. i. u. mount before L. *h. *. of Jud. 10. on south-side be x. of Rruhrn 18. on west-side b* . of Kphrx.m 25. on north-side be the . of Dun 10. 14 in first place Went *. of Jud l>n. 49. 22. I will set up x. to people 59. 19. L. shall lift up a *. aga. him 62. 10. go. lift up a*, lor the people Jer. 4. 6. set up *. toward Znm 21. how long see *. hear trumpet 50. 2. set ye up *. in land, SI. 12, *7. STANDARD.oirrr. /ra. 10. 18. as when a * .b. fainteth STANDARDS. Num. 2. 31. Dn go hindmost with . STANDKST. den. ?4. 31. wheref. * thou without? Ejrod. 3 5, place whereon thou *. is holy ground, JuxA. 5. I5i Arti~ :Ci Pial. 10. I. why *. afar off, () I ,,M .- Hum. II. 20. broken, thou x. by faith STANDETH. Deut. 1. 38 Joshua who x. bef. the* 29 15. hut with him tbatx. with in 1'idfi. 16. 26. pillars whereon house x. Pial. 1. I. nor x. in wny of MIHII-M 26. 12. my foot t in an even place .'f.'t. II. counsel of Li>rd . for ever 119. 161. my heart*, ianwrnf u-orj Prop, a 2. wisdom *. in high place* Cant. 2. !>. behold, he *. behind ul| I*n. 3. ia L. *. to plead, *. to judge 46. 7. set him in his place, he x. Dan. 12. I. prince who *. for people /.erh. II. Ifi. nor feed that that*, still /'/An I. ifi, *. one among you, whom Horn. 14. t. to his own master he >. Cor. 7. 37. that* steadfast in heart 8. 13. eat no flesh while world . 10. 12. that thinketh he *. take heed 70o. 10. 11. rver> priest*, daily 'am. ft. 1). judge *. before the door iff. 10. H. migel who x. on the M-% STANDING. Sulutontire. 'tal. 69. 2. sink in mire where no t Vic. 1. II. shall receive of you his * STAND1NL. ef. 26. 1. nor rear ye up a . im?e Sam. 19. 20. Sum. . appointed o\ , r '.'2. 6. servants were *. about him A' in. 22. 19. h~t of hea. 8CA. ia IS 'til. 107. 35. wildern. into*, water /mo* 9. I. I saw Lord . upon altar Mir. 5. la 1 will cut off thy*. imm.'e lech, a I. Satan *. at his right hand (i 5 go forth from *. before I.r Vat. ft 5. love to pray * in syng>i. 20. a he saw others *. idle In mark. .uke I. 11. angel *. on side of ltr iihn 8. 9. and woman *. in mnlt 20. 14. she saw Jesus i. knew nt Ictti. 14. Peter*, np with rlrven 5. 25. men are *. in temple terhin 7. 55. Jes. *. on right bund . 28. 2tt 1 was *. by and coimeiitt.-cj }M. 9. a while tabernacle w)rt. / I'et. 3. 5 earth *. out of th- wnt'-r Rte. 7. 1. four angels *. on the emtfc IK Itt *. off for few of her torniint 19. 17. an angel *. in the iun Sff ("oK. STA STANK. jW 7. il th.- n. 17. tell hones, look and i. STAH. Hum VI. 17. oh. come H t. out of .la Jlmrx 5. 2ft. ye have borne * of y'iir jW for Heb II. IV. so many n of the sk y Jiuie ia raging waves, wandering! Her. 8. 12 third part of . wa* emit IV. 1. upon head a crown of 12 *. dee HEAVRN, SKVKN. STATE. !'"'!. 39. -V man at best t Is vanity .!/< IV. 45. last i. is worse than the flrst, u*e 11. 5. See ESTATE. STATELY. F.tek. M. 41. sattent upon a t. hed S'l A I ION. /*. 22. 19. I will drive thee from . STATURE. yum. '3. 38. saw are men of great *. 1 Vam Ifl. 7. look not on height of t. I Sam. 91. 20. a man of greot *. 1 CAr. II. a | Ml. fi. CnA 7. 7. thy i. is like a palm-tree /ri. 10 S3. high one of *. h. he hewn 4">. It. men of*, shall come over E.-rk. la IK. kerrhiefs on head of*. IT A. it hrcame a vine of low * hi II her*, wnt exalted among 31 3. A-yriiin was cedar of high *. Knl. 6. V7. 'not add one cni-it to hi- > Later 12. V5. lukr V. S?. Jesus increased in *. I'.i :t Znccheu* little of $. climbed F ;'h. i ia mi-B'ore of *. of Chritt STATL'TE. Jrtx/. If "5. he made a and urdin. STA prle*t' office forperp. I /,cr. S. 17. a perpetual t. H.. ;U. I V4 !* \im. 19. l. Num. 7. 11. it shiill he for ;i : .', V!'. ./.*. V4. V.S he *et a * in Shrchem I .Vi/m. 30. .'.> David made it a for Pial. 81. 4. this was a i for l-r.iel ll'iti. fi. 7. coiiMiltcd to extRtilish at. 15. that no < king H-i H Mislieth STA I LI Ks. Kmrl. IR. !fi nmke them know *. if / r 10 II. teach l^-ael a I the . .Vm. :i. la these are the > the L. /V/ 4. ti. which shall he^r these . ' 4 I.. commiided to do these *. Ifi. IV. halt ol.serve anri do these *. 17. 19. IIMV learn to ke<-p these *. 1 Kin. a 3.'walking in the *. of Da, 2 A'lii. 17. 8. walked in i. of hea. 19. 34 neither do they after their *. :fl. the i he wrote, ye sh. oherve V CAr :. R take heed to do the .. .\VA. !l 14. thon coinmaiidest them *. /W l!i. H. . of Lord ate right Kxrk. --0 -if- I gave them that Ml I. -i if wicked walk in *. of life .Wi. . 6. I a lor *. of Omri are kept See Statute firr KVf'B. Hi* SI A'f L'TKS. Kjrnd. 15 ... it thon wilt keep flit t. !),! fi 17 | 10 13 | II. I. Drut. y",. Id thon shall do A ..which V .Sum. W V3. h. *. I did not di part I Kin S. 61. perfect, to walk in A. t. V A in. 17. 15. they rejected Arm. and SCI 3. made a covenant to keep A. *. * CAron 34. 31. Ezra 7. 1 1. Ezra a scribe of Ai- *. to I'* i& ?V. I di.l not nut away AM *. IH5 45. that they might nhse'rve A. *. Jrr. 44. V3 in hU law, nor in Ai *. Ser JIMKIVKNT*. .VV.STATUTKS. firn. 26. 5. Abraham kept mi/ 1. and Lev. 18. 5. keep mi/ . 2;. | lii. l!i. V-'i IR wherefore ye shall do mv jr. V6. M. if walk In nil/ 1. and keep" my 15. and f ye d>-spi>e m>i i. or if 4.'< hec. their MIII| abhorred /(/*. I A'in. 3. 14. if thon wilt keep my . 1 1. 34. heraiine he kept my *. V A'r'n. 17. la keep mv com', and mv*. a CAr. 7. 19. if ye f..rake m v i. Pml. M). K hast thou to declare m. t RM. 31. if they break mi/ > keep not Jrr. 44. 10. neither walked in mv * Errk. 5. 6. hath cliativd >nn i. more 7. ye have not walked in'mv*. II. VO. they may walk in mn s. and I". 19. when noil hath kept 'mil i. 3V V7 cause yon to walk in mill. /.trfi. |. 6. nni '*. did take hold of Thu STA I tTKS I CAr. *) I!', heart t keep Ihii i. I't'iL 119. 12. () Lord. t. a. h me t. *. 2fi. 33, fi4, H, 1V, 135 Ifi I will delight nit-el' in fAy *. V3 thv serrant did meditate in < t 48 and I will meditate in lint t. M. Mv*. have been my songii in 71. that I might learn'Mv *. 80. let my heart he tonn'd in thy t. t-M. yet do I not forget thy *. I IV. I inclined my heart to t/i i. 117. I will have respect fi. thv *. I IS. hat trtHlden that err fr. /. . 155. for the wicked seek not Mi/ . 171. when thon hast taught thy t KTAVr ^ Kind, &. la make *. ofjhittim.wnod VR | 27. fi. | 3fl. ft. | 37. 4. 14. put *. ioto rings, IV | V7. 7 I 37. 5 | 3R 7. 40. VO. he set *. on the ark and put . 46o STI. ym. 4. fi. put In* thereof, 8 II, U vl. IS. nobles digged with th fir*. I Sum 17 13. th. come-t tome wl. j.) 1 ihr I.V I-V Lev. i-Hrried arl wl. / H:i/. :\. 14 did-t .ttike with hit*. /.ih II. 7. I took unto me tw > jr. Mat. 10. 10 two omt-nor* /.t, p. S. 96. 47. Judas, with him a mnltitii It with i. Mark 14. 43 STAY. Lev. la 5, If plague in sight be at *. V Sum. W. 1!. I. was my*, ft 18. IS. l'n. a I I., doth take away the*. 19. la they that are the . of tribe* STAYS 1 A'in. 10. 19. . on either side throne 1 Cftnm. 9. 18 STAY. Gen. 19. 17. neither*, thon In plain Knid. M. S. ye shall jr. no longer .loth. 10. 19. . not, but pursue after Ruth 1 13. would ye*, lor them!" I Sum. 15. Ifi. *. and I will ttll thee VO. 38. make speed, haste. *. not V .Sm.24. 16. *. th hand, I CAr. VI. 15. Job 37. 4 he will not i. them w hen 38. 37. who can . bottle* of heaven l'r;r. VH 17. pit, let no man *. him Cunt. 'i. 5 . me with flagons, I BIT. /'/. 10. VO. shall no more *. or. him V9. 9. *. yourselves and wonder 30. 12. trust, and *. on oppression 31. I. Wo to them th. jr. on horses 4a 2. they i. themselves on O. of It. .vi. lii. trust in L. and *. on his (iod Jrr. 4. ft. *. not for 1 will bring evil VO 9. I was weary, I could not*. Dan. 4. '.if>. none can > his hand Hot. 13. 13. not *. in place of break. STAVKU. Gen. a 10. Noah t seven days, IV. :tv. 4. and I have ... thi re until now Kfoti. 10. 24. let fl..cks and herds he*. 17. IV. Aaron and llur <. up Mo-e- 1 Num. Ifi. 4K plague was * M). | V5. 8. 8 Sum. 24. Vi.'i. Pi. ll. 30. Jiuk. 10. 13. stood still, the moon jr. I Sum. VO. 19. thon hast three d.iyt V4. 7. David*, servants with word* 30. 9. those that were Iplt behind I. i Sum. 17. 17. Jona. *. hy Kn-rngrl .'I. vl. plague maybe*. I CAr. V1.V2, I Kin. W. 3-V king wai *. in rSan-t, 2 CAron. 18. 34. V A'r'n 4. ft not a vessel more, oil *. la la nd In smote tbrii e. and . 15. VO. the king of Assyria *. not .li.b 3H. II. here sh. thy waves be *. I.tii Vfi. :. keep him whose mind is*. l.nm. 4. a overthrown, no hands . Kirk. 3l.l- r i thet-reat water* were*. line I I", heaven is i. earth is jr. l.ukr 4 4V. people came and x. him Acti 19. W. he I mrs, If In Asia STAVK I H. ltd. 27. 8. he . his ri'iiiifc wind in TEA IX Grn. 30.2. Jac-'b said, am Iin G.'s*.. M 33. let MTV Hiit :il. id.- in *. of lad AVorf. /!*. '.in. priest in ... l.rf. Ift 32. .\um 10. 31. be to us in *. of eyes :i . 14. are risen in your father * (. .li'il,. .'>. 7. whom he raised in their . .'W. 16 4 soul wen- in my soul's . :n r,. accord, to thy wish In O.'s . 34. V4. shall set others in their *. t Cor. 6. 20. we priiy you in Ch.'i f Srr Hi M. N i i.. .s'l K.-.D.S. I CAr. 5. 28. they dwelt in their . STKADY. K.I mi. 17. 18. Moses' hands were . M KAL. (tn. 31. 27. wherefore diost *. w*>7 STK titn. 44. 8. how should we r. silver? fcjod. 2(>. 15 th'4. lest his disciples him away Murk 10. 19. do not *. Luke 18. 20. lhn 10. ID. thief cometh hut to '. /<... 'I 21. should not Jr. dust thou .v. y.a'i. 4. 28. him that stole . no more STB ALE R& 1 Tim. 1. I 'i. law made for men.x. STEALEI'H. y..i- d. 21. 16 he that .v. a roan, and ./<./> 27. 20. a tempest t. him away 7-fth. 5. 3. for every one that i. >i BALING. Dent. 21. 7. il a man he found . H. swine ran violently down t. place, .Mark 5. 13. /.u. 8. XI STEM. /Trt. 11. 1. a rod out of the*, of Jesse STEP. 1 Sim. 20. 3. there is but . between ,/:. (i 1 wa-.li.-4 my t. with butter 31. 4 i-ee my ways and count my *. 37. dei-lare 'to MM onmlier of my . Pt. 17 I! comi-a-sed u in our . *7 23. . ot a good man ordered by STI P'al 37. 31. none of his-. i-hail slide 41. 18 nor luivi-our *. d> dined 5'i. 6. mark my *. when they wait 67. fi. have prepared H net for mv -. 71. X. my s had well nigh .lipped 85 13 set us in the way of his .. 119. 133. order my *. ii, thy word Prnti. 4. 12. thy *. not he straitened 5.5. to death, h.-r *. take hold on h.-ll 16. 9. hut the L.ird directeth hi- *. I/HI 26. 6 . of the needy sh. tread it Jer. 10. 23. not in man to direct his*. I. am 4. 18. they hunt our .< we Ere/V.40 -fi. went to it by seven . 2R, 49 he hrou.'ht me hy t. whereby Dun, II. 43. Ethiopian- heat his*. limn. 4. 12. walk in t. f that faith 2 Cor. 12. 18. valk.-d we not in * * Pet. 2. 21. that \e sho. follow his*. Acts 27. 29. cat 4 anchors out of*. STK WAR I). Gen, 15. 2. and the ol my house 43. 19. they came near to the . I A'lii. 16. 9.' drunk in house of his *. Mtil. 20. H. 1.. of vineyard snith to*. l.ukeR. 3. wife of (liiiia, Herod's*. 12. I.', who then is that faithful *. 16. I. curtain rich man who had a *. 2. for thuu mayest be no longer *. R Lord commended the unjust *. Tit. 1. 7. bishop hlamel.-ss * of (iod STEWARDS. I Chr. 28. 1. and David assembled *. I Cor. 4. 1. *. of mysteries ot God 2. it is required in *. that a man 1 Pet. 4. 10. as good *. ot grace of G. STEWARDSHIP. Litke 16. 2. give ai: account of thy i. 3. my lord taketh from me the*. 4. STICK. Job 33. 21. bones not seen, *. out 41 17. scales are joined, they . PaiL 38. 2. thine arrows . fast in me Kzek. '29 4. cause fish to *. to scales STICK ETH. Pror. 18. 24. a friend *. closer than STICK. 2 Kin. 6. 6. cut down a *. and cast it Lnm. 4. 8. skin Is withered like a *. Exek. 37. 16. on-- . another *. 17. STICKS ,Vm. 15. 32. gathered on sabbath I Kin. I;. 10. woman was gather. . 12 behold, I am gMKeriflf two . F.zek. 37. 20. JT. whereon th. u writei-t AcU 28. 3. Paul gath-red bundle of . STIFF. Jer 17. 23. hut made their neck . STIFF.AmrrVrf. Erek 2 4. impudent childr. and i.-h. STIFF nn-k. Dfitt. 31. 27. I know thy *. nrck P$. 75. 5. seak " with * r... ~. 9 this pe. is i.-n. people :. rt art a .-. people, Devi. 5 say to Isr. ye are a *. n. people 34 9. "it is a -n p-ople, l)rt 913. Dent 10 16. he no more i..nrrk"1 i Chr 30. a be not *... as your Inth. 51. t-n v-resi-t Holy i-hovt BTIFPBNBO. > Chr. 36. 13. he hi* neck and hard 4TILU F.rmi. 9. 2 and will hold them . \,,in 14.38 J.-sh and Caleb lived . 2 S.im 14 32 to have been tin-re f. '' kin"' 7 4. and it we it t. here Job* 9. rffM.1 .. retain th integrity? I 13 for now should 1 have lam gO 13 though he keep it . within ,>, i;i <* that he should * live Jtr. a 14. why do we ult*.T assemble STI ffs . 11. unjust . filthy boly * SM Srt MI, >.TIHIO si 11.1. F.rt*. 15. Id shall br . M MOIM .luiiif. 18 . l.nd K--d, nd rr yr . r I Am 19 Ii ,.tter re unmll r,, t ,-m 22. 3. Rninuth i our., and we be jx Pi. 4. 4. cniiimiiiie with hr^rt. r ,. 1 '-'. Illoll linght^-t i the i-liftuy 2:*. .'. leadeth ine he,ide .. ten i. in. I,,- . and know thi I mn (1 7'i. N. the earth feared, HIX! wa> f. 8r<. 1. hold not, and he not i (I (,.4 107. V9. *o that WMI-. there.if .r- .. /*i 23. 2. he *. ye inhabitant* ol ,*\* 30. 7. cried, their strei Ktii i. 41. 14. been *. and refrain.-.) Jer. 47. 6. sword of 1.. rrt mid W * Mark 4. 39. said to sea, peace, be . STIU.KD. .Vum. IS. 30. Caleb *. the people A'eA. a II. the Levites *. the M>opl STILLEST, El H. 1'ial. 65. 7. who . noise of the *eM 89. 9 when wares arise th. *. tafia STI NO. 8 I Cor. 15. M. where is * f 1 5A . of Aec. 9. 10. were *. in their tails STINC;K in Prof. 23. 32. t IM.T il like an adder STINK, S 3\ a up thyself, an i awiike 78 38. he did not * up all his M ruth MI v? j up thy strength, nod rome i"ror. IS. I. grlevmis words >. anger Cant. 2. 7. that ye . not ii|> mv love, :: - . lia. 10. 2R L shall . up a eourge 13. 17. behold, I v. ill t. up Mede 42. la heshnll. upj. alou-y Dan. II. 1. shall *. up agaiiit realia V5. *. up hi- power against king / Tim. l.fi. tho.i up the gift ol li. ' Pft I. 1.1 meet to *. you up, 3. I. SI IR.S. Ita. tt. 2 full of a tumultuou- rit > Art* 12. 1R . among (he soldi, r. 19 2a no small . about that way SI lit KK I). iVrorf. .' l im up, l I *l 1 I S<;. . 8 that my soli hath *. f 2fi I!) U have *. thee up g ... me I Am II U. I. op nn advenarr tft ({.. him np another Hdvetotf 21. 25 whom Je*ehel hi< wtlf .mf I CAr 5. 2ft (;. . npthelr ? Chr. 21. I". I- Mpthr P :A 22. the Lord .. tip tNp**rt C>ru.. ^ ?nt I. I. PiaL 39. . and mv rTw WM a l),,n. II 10 i-iit his -Mm h. be. ngofolllbb. "Pt.i //* I 14 I... -p.r.f'Z' h ' up ' la sa Jew. . P <-' 14,2. unbelieving Jews STO tftt n. V P. his spirit KM *. in him MIIUUM'H Devi. 32 11. as an eagle . her nest ./ror. 10. I-.', hatred . up ->tnfes !SL la wrmthlul man . strife. 29.22, Sfti. 25. he of * proud heart t smle NL 14. !> hell Ir. beneath t. up dead H4. 7 mini* >. up himself to t ! ^e SO. i. he . up people teaching STOCK. l.er. 25. 47. to the *. of stranger's 7eA U. 8. though the i. thereof dip 7o. n> '24 their sh. not take runt 44 l;. -hall 1 fall down to the / JIT i. )J7. saying to a i ihu .irt my 10 8. the j. i a doctrine.. f vanities Art* 13. 'iC. children of j. of Abr.ham /V..I 3. i of the .. of Israel, an Heb. STOCKS. Ji>'> 13. 87. thou puttest my fret lot. 33. 11. heputleth my feet in . Prop 7. 82. as fool lo correction of t. Jer. 3. fi roinmit'ed adultery with < W. -'. Pashur put Jeremiah in j. 3. 89 26 put him in prison mid/ // 4. 18 people -.k counsel at . -Ji-fi In. -J4. made their fret fast in . 0r>ff.STO< K. Nah. a 6 1 will net thee as a <* -t. Heb. 10. 33. ye were made a gar,.*. STOIC* yfe< 17. 18 certain philosophers of t. STOLE. GCTI. 31. 20. Jacob i away unawares 2 .Sum. 15. fit Ab-Mlont. hearts of Is.' Ain. II. 12. Jehnaheba i. Joa-h fr. kingr'ssons, 1 CAr. 28. II. -Vtf/. 23. 13. his disciples t him while A>A. 4. *a let liim that t. steal no STOLEN. Gen. 30. 33. that shall t* counted . 31. 19. Karhel had *. Images, 38. 30. wherefore ha.il i. my pod* f 40. 16. Indeed I was j. away out of Erod. ft. 7. if the stuff he t. out of I*, if it be . from him, he shall Joth. 7 II. they hare . and di-sem. 2 Sum. l'. 41. hare men of Judah /. 81. U. men of Jab. sh had t hone* Prnti. 9. 17. . waters are sweet Otoii 5. would they not have *.t STOMACH. 1 Tim. 5. 23. use wine for . sake STOMACHER. ]"i. 3. -M instead of i. gird, of sack. STONE. Celt II. a they had brirk for * and (*. IS. Jar.it, net up a t. ti. \ 31. Vt. 29. 3. they rolled . fr. well's, 8, 10. '-" 14. Jar. it) get up a pillar of I. '.'. 84. the shepherd, the i. of Lrael iViwf. 4. 25. Zippornh took a sharp i. 15. i. they sank to bottom AS at. Iri. they ahall he still M a f . 18. they took a t. and put it II. 18. if one smite another wi. a i. 88. 10. six on one t. six on other i. Ler. v. I nor set up any imnjreoft A'i.m 35 17. if he unite with at. S3 J'uh. 4. 5. take ey. man of y.-n i. on 15. 6. border went to t. of l!,,h:m la 17. border dent-ended to t of B 84. 87. this J. shall be a witn.-ss Jutilf 9. 5 slew 70 P.TI..IM on i. 18 I Sam. rV 18 . remainetli to this day 7. li Samuel set up a i and called 17. 4". David took f -om hi* bag at. .SO David prevailed with at. SO. 19. nhait remain by the t Kiel i. 37. Nah.'s heart .lie. I, he bee. air I Sam. 17. 13 not one small t. found I A'tV 6. 7 house was built oft. 18. wa* redar, there was no i. ei>a t VIA. 3. 25. on land rant e '. man *. STO 1 f Ar 32. 15. there are hewers of i. I CAr. 8 14. skilful to work in i. Nfh, . 1 1. tli. .u tlirewnat ai a . into J'ttifH. >. brann is molten out oft. 38. 3tt. waters are hid as with a i. 41. 84. his heart i as firm as a f . /W 91. II let thou dash fix>t aira. t. .Vat 4. 6. l.uke 4/11. 1IR82. I. whirh builders refused, is headt. Mat. -Ji. 4-J. Mark 12.10 Pror. 26. 8. as he that bindeth a t. in 87. as he that rolleth a i. it will 27. 3. it i. in heavy, a fool's wrath Jer. 8. 87. to a i. thou ha*t brought 51. 86. shall not take of thee a .. I. urn. 3. 5.1 they cast a t. upon me D'in. >. M4. a f. was rut out of, 45. A. 17. a t was laid n mouth of den //u'.. 8. II. t. shall rry out of wall 111. wo to him that -ui tli t dumb t. lltif 8. 15. bef. t. was laid n;>on a I. Zech. 3. 9 upon one t seven eyes 4. 7. sh. brinif forth head t. thereof 7. 18. made heatts ad adamant i. Mat 7. 9. will he lvet. Lu. II. II. 21. 44. whosoever sh. fall on this t. sh. be broken, Luke. 20. 18. 21 2. not be left one i. upon, Mark 13 8. l.ttke 111. 44. | 81. ft 27. 06. sealing the i ^ettini.' a watch 88. 8. angel came and rolled bark t. Luke 4 3. command thi i. that it 80, 17. . which builder- rejected, ^ctt4. II. I Pet. 8.7. K 41. withdrawn fr. them a < ca*t 2*. 8. found t. rolled away. Mark IK. 4. John 20. I. John 1. 48. Cephas, by int.-rpre. a *. 2. fl. were set six water-pots oft. & 7. sin. let him first cast t. at her 11. 38. was a rave, a >. lay upon it 39. take away t. \\ II. they took t. AH, 17. 89. flodlfad is liket graven Ret. 16. 81. hail fell ev t. weight of la 21. angel took up t. like inillst. Burden*>me S TOXK Zech. 18. 3. I will make Jerus. a 6. i. See JO*KR, Oar AT, HKWEO. Heirn STOSK. K.r-il. 80. 85. not build altir of A. i. 2 Kin. 28, 6. timber and A. i. to re- pair house, 8 CAr. 34. 11. I.rtm. 3. 9. enclosed my way* wi. A. t Kxfk. 40. 48. four tables were ..f A. t. Amnt 5. 1 1. have huilt houses of A. *. Lit. 83. 53. sepu chre w:is /i. in t. l.iriny STONK. 1 Pet. 2. 4. coming as to /. t. chosen Preci-.u* STONE. Prv. 17. 8 a gift is a p i. to him /. 8S. 16. in Zion a p. i. I Pet. 2 f.zfk '-H. 13. ev. n. *. wa thy cover. Arn 17. 4. derk-d with gold and p. t. 21. II. light was like to at. most;;. Ser STITMBLHIO. S'Ti) N E Xjtuirart. 1 A'i. 5. K builders and . -t. did TaMriof STONK r7ri. 24. 12 I (five thee f. o/. 31.18 34. I. hew two t. of t. Deut. 10 I. Deut. 4. II he wrote on t. nf ,. 5.88 . 9. I was up to receive th* t. oft. 10. L delivered to me two /. oft. I A'tn R 9. in ark save two t oft 8 Cor. 3. 3. not in t of -. hut in ftVshly 7ta. 2R 16. I lay in Zion a tried t. White . STONE. Ren. 2. IT. I will rive him a Aife t. STONE, joined with vyv.rf. Krod. 7. 19. in vessels of ?r and t. M. work of men'* hnnd, tr and i. 28 36. K4. | 8. 17. i Kin. la la /to. 37 19. E*-k 80 3i. 460 STO Dan. 5. 4. praised (rods of tr. and < 13 R*r. 9. -'"- worship idols of . .,,..! j. 1 A'iau 1. 9. Adumjah .-.lew she>-p I.? i. of Zoliektit See WALL. STONE, ferb. Ejrorl 8. &. will they not t. US ? 17. 4. they be almost ready to t me Lev. 80. 8. people shall t. him with V7. th.-y shall i. wuurda wi. -tmiei 24. 14. let congrega. i. him. 16, i.t A'um. 14. 10. conff rega. bade t. them I-V IV sh. i. sal.batii. breaker, 3x Deut. 13. 10. i. H itli .tones euticrri 17. 5. i. idolater; j| 21. 21. t lebelli. 82. 21 sh. i. her that playeth whore 24. -.hall i. adulterers with -U.MIIM 1 A'in. 21. 10 car. Nal.oth out, t him Erek. Ill, 40. sh. I thee with ..t.ui.-i 83. 47. the company shall t th.-iu Luke 20. 6. the people will t. us Jnhn 10. 31. Jewa took <.tonea to t 32. for which of works dot. me ? 11. a Jews of late sought to i. thee AcLt 14. ;>. ail a-ault made tot. ti.em STONKD. F.rod 19. 13. he shall he i. or shot 81. 2& ox shall he surely t. M. :c>. Joih. 7. 25. all Israel t. Achan with 1 Kin. 18. 18. all Israel i. Adoram. 8 CAr. 10. la 21. la they*. Naboth, 14, 15. 8 CAr. 24. 21. they t. Zechariah in Mat. 21. 35 husbandmen heat one, t. John 8. 5. Mo*es r. unman such ).< i. Act* 3. 86. lest should have been t. 7. 58. they . Stephen, calling, 59. 14. 19. having t. I'aul, drew him 2 Cor. II. 25. h.-aten, oi.ce was 1 I. Heb. II. 37. thej were t. they wor 12. 80. touch m'ount it shall be t. STONES. On. 31. 46. Jacob said, gather t. Efott. 28. II. engrave the two*. 12. 17. oft. even lour rows oft. 21. the i. sh. be with names of Is. 3) 7. that they be t. for memorial Ler. 14. 4'i. put > in place of thoe . 45. break down house, the i. ol it 21. 20. or hath hi> i. broken, shall Lieut, a 9. a land who->e t. are iron 23. 1. wounded in t. shall not outer 27. 4. *et up these i. in mount Elial 5. build altar oft. || a write on t. J'.tA 4. 6. what mean these *.? 21. 8. tonk twelve t. out of Jordan 8. 32 he wrote on i. a copy of law Judg. 20. 16. slniff t. at hHir.hr,. ulth I .V>im. 17. 40. David chose five i. J Sum In. 6. Shimei nut i. at I), la 1 A''. 5. ta prepared timber and t. 10. 27. king mde ilvtr to he a^ t. 2 CArr.it. I. 15. | 9. V7. 15. fl took away t. of, 2 CAr. Ifi. 6. la 31. Elijah took twelve i. an or. 2 A'in. 3. 111. good piece land with*. ^5 Kir.haraseth left they the t. 1 Chr 12. 2. hurling . and sh.,i.li,.y 2 CAr. 26 14. prep, -lings to cast *. .\>A. 4. 2. will they revive the * 'f Job 5 23. be in league wi. t of ti, IJ a 22. itstrength l". strength ol .f a 17. wrapped, seeth place oft 14. 111. the waters wear the t th.2. 10. gather jr. Jer. 3. 9. committed adultery with i. 43. 10. I will set his throne on th. x. J.am 4. I. s. i>( sanctuary poured out Ezi-k. -X. 12 shall lay thy . in water _'S 14. walked in midst off. of fire Mic. I. 6. pnur down jr. in the valley Ztr'i. 5. 4. consume it wi. y. thereof 9. li. they shall Uo at jj. of a i rown >/jJ. 3. 9. of these jr. to raise up chil. dren, Luke 3. 8. 4 3. command t he made bread Mirk 12. 4. and at him they cast t. I'l I. see what manner of*, here l.uke 19. 40. . would immediat. cry John H. 59. took *. to rast at, 10. 31. 1 I'tt. 2. 5. ye as lively *. art- built See STONE, Verb. Corner. STO \KS. Psal 144. li. daughters be as C..JT. Xre COSTLY STONES of dnrkneu. Job 28. 3. he searcheth out t. o/rf. S TON ES / em p tinea. Jia. 34. II. stretch out upon jr. ofe. Glister in f> STONES. 1 CAr. 29. 2. 1 have prepared g. t. Grarel STONKS. Lam. 3. 16. broken my teeth wi. g. t. See (IicKAT. Heap of STONKS. Jmh. 7. 2*> raised a A. o/. on Achan 8. 29. raise a ft. oft. on king of Ai 2 So/n. 18. 17. laid h, oft. on Absal. Hewed STONES. 1 A"i'/i 5. !7. brought A. *. foundation 7. 9. according to measure of h. . 11. Hi-wn STONES. Isa. 9. 10. kut we will huild with h. t. Marhlt STONKS. 1 Chr. 29. 2. I have prepared m. t. Precious SToNKS. 2 Sam. 12. 30. talent of gold wi. p. t. I kin. 10. 2. queen of S. oame wi.//. .v. II. navy brought p. .t _> Chr. 9 10. 1 CAr 29. 21. I prepared all p. i. 6 with whom p. .v. were found i ('fir. 3. 6. garnished house wi.p. t. 32. 27. he made treasuries for p. t. Etek. 27.22. occupied iii fairs/), t. Dun. 11. 38. a god honour with p t. } Cur. 3. 12. biiilil on this found, p. t. Kev. 18. 12. for n<> man huyeth //. t. 21. 19. foundat. uarnished with p. *. Who/e STONES. Deut. 27. a huild altar of IT. jr. Joth. Wrought STO N ES. [8. 31. 1 Chr. 22 2. net masons tohew . jr. STO NEST, I NO. ] Sam, 30. fi. people spake of t. Dav. Jtfai. 23. 37. t. them sent, Lu.13. 34. STONY. Prat 141. fi. overthrown in . places Ezek. II. 19. I take jr. heart, 36. 26. A/at 13. 5. gome fell on jr. places, 2. Mar* 4. 5, 16. STOO D. Gun. 18.22. Abraham t. before Lord K-iiu. Ifi. 48. jr. hetw. do. id and living J3 ?uA 5. 5. 1 jr. between L. and you J "th. 3. Ifi. waters' jr. and rose up Esth. 9. 1C. other Jew* jr. for lives V*il. 33. S commanded, and it /. fat }' r. 4''. 15 they jr. not because Lord Eztk. I. 21 wh. those jr. these*. 10.17. ''.4. whetl they jr. letdown wim/s Dan. 12. 5. beheld, there jr. other 2 W/. 12. 4fi. and brethren . without A<.-ts Iti. 9. tnere jr. man of Macedon. )/;. 21. Paul t forth ill the luidxt STO STOOD ahof. Gen. 2a 13. the Lord A. a. me .adder 2 CAr. 24. 20. Zechariah J. (I. people /'ill/. 104. li. Mater* jr. (I. llloulltHllli> SIOODa/ur. Jpj-orf. 20. 18 people jr. afar off. 21. /.t .J 17. 12. ten I. pers, w ho < . off flee. 18. 17. many tr..ile i.) seiu. a. utt RTOOtI lirf* r'r. Gen. 19. 27. place where lie i. b. Lord 43. 15. went to Egypt, i li. Joseph Lev. 9. 5. congregation jr. 6. Lord Joth. 20. 9. until he *. A. congregation Jii'/if. 20. 2H. Hhinehas ... A. the ark 1 Am. 12. 6. old men that t. b. Solo- mon, 2 CAr. 10. 6. [2 CAr. 10. 8. 8. young men that JT. More him, 22. 21. spirit i. b. Lord, 2 CAr. !&*!. 2 A' I'M. 10. 4. two kings jr. not i. him f'sui. 106. 23. had not MOHCA t b. him Jfr. 18. 20. 1 *. 6. thee to speak good K:ek. 8. 11. there I. b. them 70 men Dan. I. 19. they $. b. the king, 2. 4 ZecA, 3. 4. spake to those i. 6. him STOOD Ay. /r-n/rf. 1R, la the people /. 6v Mosei Jurf/y. 3. 19. that JT. by went from him 18. 16. men <. by entering of gate 1 bam. I. 26. woman that jr. by thee 1 Am. 13. 1. Jeroboam/, by altar 2 Am. 2. 7. they two* ty'Jord. la Kzi-k 43. 6. mitn jr. by me, and said Dan. 7. 16. near to one that * by Xfi-ft. 3 5. and angel of Lord *. by Mark 14. 47. one th, i.b. drewsw'ord 15. 35. some that jr. by, when they l.ttke 19. 24. he .-aid to them th. i. by Act* i.'i. II. night follow. L. t. b. him 27. 23. there t. by ire angel of God STOOD in. K.rod. 5. 20. M. and A. vrhojr. I. way Num. 12. 5. L. t. in door of tabernx. 1C. 1-7. Dath. and Abirain jr. i door 22. 22. angel of Lord < in way, 24. Jr.sh 3. 17. priest jr. in Jordan, 4. 10 2 Sam. 23. 12. he jr. in mi'ict ground 2 ( Ar. 30. 16. they . in place, 35 10. 34. 31. kingi. in his place, made AeA. 8. 7. the people t. in their place li r. 23. 18. who jr. in counsel of L. O/iad 14. nor jr. in cross.wny to cut LiJCe 24. 3& Jesus jr. in the midst of th, m. John 20. 19, 2fi. Rev. fi. 6. in midt of elders . a lamb STOO Don. ' 1 Saw*. 17. 3. Philistines*, on. moan, tain, Israel jr. on a monntaiu 26. 13. David .T. on top of an hill 1 CAr. 6. 39. Asaph jr. . right hand Hev. 14. 1. a lamb t. on mount Sioii STOOD orer. Deut 31. 15 pillar of cloud jr. o. door Jn\h. 5. Ifl. a man jr. o. against hlrn Esek. 10. 4. glory of L. jr. . threshold Mat. 2. 9. star jr. o. where child was Lu. 4. 39. he t. o. her, rebuked fever STOOD round. Act* 14. 80. as disciples . round him Rev. 7. 11. angels jr. r. about throne STOOD ilitt. Joth. 10. 13. sun . xfi'tV, moon stayed II. 13. for cities th. *. jr. in ctrencth 2 Sam. 2. 21 as many came *. ilill W. 12. when man saw people j. ttill Job 4 Ift spirit . I cd. not discern 32. Ifi. for tliey spake not. but i. Hub. 3. II. sun an-i moon t ilill .Mat. 28. 32. Jeu $. t. railed them Murk 10. 49. Jesus *. I. commanded Ijike 1. 14. they that bare him . . SI 001) thrrt. Frnd 34, A L. descended, and jr. t r.xi'k. .'i 23. behold, ulory of L I. t Mit. 27. *7 onie th. $. t. Mark 11. 5. 461 STO STOOD t,p. Gen, 21 S. Abr. jr. up irombef. drM A.I ,/.*. )7. M.I.. j. up, helped them ". II. 32. people j. up ml i.^hi tAr. '21. 1. s-t..ii j. up aKam.t l.r. 2 C/.r. l:i. 4. Ahijah .. up. i;.; 20 19. Invite- ,. ,,p t.. ,.ri,i.e Lord A-A. 8 A upened I k, |.e.. pi- ,. , !'. 3. they i 1,1, u, ,h, ,, p| : , rPi rrk( J J.64. 15. the hair .,l n.\ tl..,h . tty , S!' "' >'."" 1(r """" hHW "'- >-e.l l u. 30. 28 1 i. u. and .ried m r..nitr. ir. Actt 4. 2C kii.ru o( earth i. .,u Hani. M nun ,,^. w (>>'n. 4i. 17. I . u. l.ui.k o( the i.vrr 1 Sam. 17. M. l)>,di. u I hilirtint 2.Vm. I. 10. MI 1 i. u. Si.ul.siew hue -' Airt. 13. 21. and f. i,i>, hit feet Amos -. 1. L. jr. u. wall ini.de I > line liev. II. 11. two prophet, i. u . Iret STOOD i/i/A. (>n. 45. 1. there i. ir him no man /.t/f. 4. 10. day that thou jr. hefo L. 0/Hid. 11. day thou jr. on other tide STOOL. S. Ej-od. I. 18. when jre we them on i. i Am. 4. 10. set f. r him Led, and jr. M 001'. Jnl, !. 13 proud helpers /. under him /'(-'*. K'. X.'i. mak^iti heart of man JL />r. 4f< 2. the) i. tiiey bow down Murk I. 7. I Kin not worthy to jr. M OPED. Gen. 49. 9. Jiidxh i. down, rniirhed 1 Sum -.'4. 8. l)vid jr. ||28. 14. Saol* 2 Chr. 36. 17. no romp, on him th.it (. John H. fi. Jesus jr. d.iwn, w rote, 8. 20. II. she jr. down, and looked vrooi KJ H, is. ha. 46. I. down, Ni-bojr. their idoh) Luke 24, li jr. do n, saw, J,,f.n VU & srop. 1 Am. 18. 44. that rain jr. thee not 2 Am. 3. 19. f. all well, of water. 881 V CAr. 32. .'i took counsel to jr. waters Pial .1). 3. . way g. th. perecnt 107. 42. iniquity .-hall her in..n'.!i Extk. :)9. 11. . noe of paiseiiceri 2 Cor. II. 10. no man*, me of bmuL 8TOPPKIX Gen. R S. windows of heav. wer f. l.V Philistines hii.l jr. elU, IR /.. 15. 3. flesh be jr. from hi- ^ ( Ar. :<2. 4 ho < all the fountain* 30. He/.ekiah t the water. course AVA. 4. 7. the breaches begjn to bft / J W. 6:i 11 th^.t speaketh lie*, he Jj. Jrr. 51. 3s?. the piiages are i. reed* /, 'i 7. II. lefuted, and <. theirran T 7. 57. thev i tl.eir er, iind rau . 3. 19. every moinn may he. I. I . uhofce moiKl.f IKI. . 11. 33. faith, i. mouths of lions BTOPPBTH JoAS. Ift and iniquity t. her month ftal. 5S. 4. like adder that t hrr.Mf f'nir. 21. 13. whoso jr. hin en at <-ry IMI. 33. IS. . e .1- Ir hearuu- bl.njJ HE. AmoiS. 10. wh.. up Tiolrnre and M( HK. Gen 9 14. Uaac had t. ofeiant 41. 36. that f.H.d -hall be r,.r l.rr. VS. . hall eat of "Id VB la i), nt 2H :> M- md 17 runted hll'>ebik>l I 3V 34. isuot tbis (Md up in f witki STR 1 AIH. 1. 10. gave uf yp'e-a great *. ' Am. vii. '7. f.dlicr- 1. 1.. i ;ip in , |.. 1 Ckr. 29. 10 thii i conieth i.f thine g C/,r II II. he put >. of vii"u.,l- 31 10 tlmt i left is thi- great *. .Vi-A & IS i. ..f all -orl- nt wine wa f*. 144 IS. our Karner- ;,ff.r shut . 7- ; :f i". thv lather- IKI.I up In i. A'uA. . -i u.ere i.- none end of the i. . ). a letev. imp lay by in *. 1 lim i. IV lavinir n*. a good f.mii. i /*t 3. 1. hv word art- kept in i- 1 AVn 9 19. riViV* of < Solomon had 2 CAr S i. t.c which he lniiU,fi- iiV 4. they smote -r. of N.iphtali 17. 12. Jehit-haphat built ...r. in Ju BTOREJUw* Mni '} in. l.nuif tithe. into the (..A. Lttkt 12. *4. I he riven- have noi.-A. s I I > K K.Aoujr*. (ir-n. 41. VI Jowph i.pe.,ed the i..h. Deut. 28. 8. romniHiid Messing "" ' -/ 1 fAr. 27 2.1 orer *.-/ w- JehmiH. 2 CAr 32. 28. Heiekiah made * .A J'-il 31 7. Uyeth up depth in ....A. Jer. SO. 2& open lier i -A. rast her STORK. 7.rr. II. 19. >. not eat, Drut 14 1& T'wii 104. 17. for the i. the fir.treea ./er. 8. (. the i. knoweth her times Zech. 5. 9. they had wings like a i. STORM. Job 81 . I ft. an chuff I hat the i. rnrrieth ft. 21. i. hurleih him out of place /W. .V5. a I haHten my esrapc Ir. *. S3. 15. make them afraid wi. thy t. li 7. -'.' he maketlt the *. M .aim // 4. 6. anil for a covert frmi f. K. 4. thou host been n refuge fr. . 2H. ' which as ile-troyinif t. shall 2ft a thou halt he visited with i. E.-ek. 3ft. !*. thou shall come like a*. iV'/A. I. 3. I. hxth his WHY in the i. Vark 4. 37 there arose A treat *. Luke 8. 23. there rame down a *. of STORMY. Pi 107. 85. arid raiseth the . wind 148. H. t. wind fnlrillin t . his word Ezek. la II. . "ind -hall rend, 13. STOKY. 1 < Ar. 13. 22. art* of Abijah in *. of 34. -/7. in the > of hook of king* STORIES. Go*. 6. la with second and third *. Ittk. 41. Ifi. galleries three i. over 42. a against gallrry in three . 6. .4frMw9. & buildeth his j. iu heaven STOUT. Jol> 4. 11. * lion's u-hrlpt are scatter. *> 10 12. I pufiinh fruit of r heart ~>>n. 7. 20. whose look was more . Mai 3. 13. your word* hae tieen *. SI ()UT-Ar. path* fur feet STR STRAIGHTWAY. 1 .Sum 9. 13. ye -hall < tin. I him -aul fell >. along on earth ft. gi-eth after her t. a- MX /,// 4.2". they* elt nets, Mark 1. 18. VI :< * will -end hem. Murk 1 1. 3. Murk f,. M. and t. they knew him Luke 5. Z9. no man i. desireth new lnl,n 13 :(-'. God shall *. glorify him irli 5. I'l. then fell she down *. at then *. they departed from 2a 30. when told me, \ sent *. to STRAIN. Mut. 23. 24. guides *. at a gnat and STRAIT, S. 1 .Sum. 13. a Is. saw they were in a *. Sum. 24. 14. I am ill a . 2 Chr L'l l:i. ./.,/, 20. 2i his sufficiency sh he in *. :>. 16. would removed thee out of*. Lam I. a overtook her be' ween *. /'Ail I. 2a I am in a *. betwixt two STRAIT. 2 A'in. 6. I. place we dwell i- too *. 7*0. 49. 20. the place is too *. for me Mat. 7. la enter ye in at *. gate 14. berau-e t is irate, Luke 13. 24. STRAITEN. ETH. ./"A 12. 2a he enlarg. nations and *. . 19. 9. that seek live-, -h. *. then STKAITKNEI). Job IS. 7. step* of strength h. he *. 37. 10. breadth i.f the waters is *. i'ror. 4. 12. thy *teps shall riot he t. t:?ek. 42. 6. the building wa*. more .Vic. 2. 7. i spirit of Lord .? these l.uke 12. V) how am I t. till it he ? 2 Cor. 6. 12. not *. in u>,are*. in your STRA1TEST. Act* 2a 5. after most *. sect of relig. STRA1TLY. Gen. 43. 7 man asked *. of our state .Inth. '.. 1. Jericho wa- *. shut up Murk I. 43. he *. charged him and Act* 4. 17. hut let us *. threaten them 5. *8. did not we *. command you f STRAITNESS. Deut. 28. SI. eat rhildr in 55, 57. Job 'M. la plare where there is no *. Jer. 19. 9. eat flh of friend in *. ST R A K K. AttiVJ. 17. they fearing *. sail, ad SI RAKEs! den. 30. 37. Jarob pilled white .. in /.ir. 14. 37. if p'aifiie hewi. hollow*. STRANGE. Cm. 42. 7. Jo-eph made himself*. ./'' 19. a not a-hamed make yours. *. 17. my breath is t. to my wife I'rur. H. H. the way of man is *. I 1'it. 4. 4. they think it *. ye run 12. think it i|..t*. concerning trial, ax though *. thing . /*. 2fi. 21. may brine to pass his *. a. STRANfJK ap/.drrl. Ztph. I. & are rlothed with i. m. Sff ( HII.DHKN. STR A Mi K ,-itiet. Act* 8a 1 1. I perseriited to *. ritiei STKANGK country Htl. II. 9. he fujourned us in a . c. . Heb. 13. 9. he not mrried with *. (i. STHANGHyfr?. Let. 10. 1. Nadab and Abihu offered * J!r f , .Vi/m. 3. 4. | 26. 61. STR A NOK /*. .tnde~. at Sodom, yoinff after *./ 'OD; Kuna. BTRAMOR inrrnte. Exod. 30. 9 ye i-hall ofler no . i STRANGE /////. j-orf. 1 22. a ^ranger iu a *. t 18. 3. 402 SIR Ptal 137. 4. how -ine I,. '? vmg In ActiT. 'i -h'.iild -njoiirn in a . i ST |{ A N li K liriiu'tiilff. Pi. 114. I. !. went (nun i>eo. of*. STRANGE ni ,li,. H . H. to se.l her to a *. n. ST R A N i K fjitiii*fi>n,nt. Job 31. a n i. p. to workerH of iniq. 7*0. 17. 10. th'.ti shalt set it with *. / STRANGE spffck. Ezek. a 5. not sent to Deo. of*. . A si RANG E thing. Ho*, a 12. they ..ere counted a t 1 1'it t 12. a- !ho'i.me*. t. bappi-tt STUANGE (hing*. Luke f>. 'X we have seen * t t".d..) Act* 17. vH thoM hringet .<. t. to e-iri STR ANCJE nniilin. Jer. 8. 19. why provoked With *. t> f SI RANGE rift*. Jer. 2. 21. how turned into a *. STRANGE ,,atfri. 2 A'in. IK 24 1 have drunk *. tr. STHAMir ><-. I A'in. II. 8. likewise did he for * tr. Ezra 10. 2. taken *. v. 10. 14, 17. 44. 1 1. separate yourselves from jr. tr. 18. priest- were found to have . ir . AVA. la 27. to trails, in marry, i. ir. STRANGE mtaan. .I'nlif. II. 2. thoi art MIII ..fa*, tr. 1'rnr. >. la deliver thee from . ir. 5. .'. I ps of t. tr. drop a- honey. cuinn 20. wilt thou he ravished with i >r a 24. keep from flattery of *. tr 7. .V 20. Ifi take pledge for a . tr. i7. 13, 23. 27. and a t. tr is a narrow pit STRANGE women. I A'in. II. I. king loved many *. tr. Print. 22. 14. mouth of*, tr. i- pit 23. 33. thine eyes -hall behold i. in. STRANGE tror*. lit. 2R 21. that he may do hit ... "-. SI 'RANGER. Gtn. 15. la thy seed -hall b a *. in 17. 8. give land wherein thou art i *. 28. 4. I 37. 1 27. bought with'mom y of the r 23. 4. I am a*. Pi. 39. 12. | |l!i. lit. Ejrod. 2. 22. 1 have hewn a *. in iand 12. 19. shall he rut off, whether a * Ler. la 2.'. | 17. li. SUM 43 shall no *. eat thereof, *>. :h. 6. 3a if a *. mooum in the land ye 22. 10. no *. eat the holy thing. 11. 25. neither from a *. hand -hall y 24. Iti. as well *. when l.la|.i..-n,. ih S-.'IL :i''. though lie be a * thon -h.ill 47 if a *. wax rirli hy thee, and A'um. 1. 51. the*, that rotretk nigh sh. he put to death, 3. 10. '{K. l"i. 14. if a *. sojourn and will offer la 40. that no *. offer inren-e l.ei. 18 7. the *. that rometh nigh shall 19 10. to Israel and i. a statute for 3. 15 rities of ref. for . J<,.- Deut. I. la judge riL-hteoii*. hetw. . 10. 18. the I., loveth the* in giving 19 love the . ye were stranger* 14. 21. give that which dieth t.. .. 17 l.'i not set a i. over thee tm n 2a 10. unto a *. thou maycil k-iu* STR />,/. 28. 43. I. shal. iret above thee ). II-*. to enter in covenant \vi. G. 31. 12. gather thy i. thiit he luay Joih. 8 :<3. *. stood t< hear words ./Mrftf-. 19. 12. mt turn to city <>f a * Ruth 2. 10. grace, seeing I am a*.? '.' Siim. I. 13. 1 am the son of a j. 15. 19. tlinii art a . and ail exile 1 Kin. 3. 18. there was no * with us . 4:). do all the*. calleth,2CAr 6. 33 Job 15. 19. mi .. passed among them 111. \f>. my maids fount me for a *. 31. 32. the *. did not lodge in street Ptal. (S. a I am become a i to my 94. 6. they slay the widow and *. 109. II. let the s. spoil his labour Prott 2. 16 to deliver thee from *. 5. 10. thy labours in house of a it. 20. wilt tliou embrace hoaom of*.? 6. 1. if thou hast stricken hand i. .s. 7. '. they may keep thee from t. II. V he that is surety for a *. shall 14. 10. a t. doth not intermeddle 80. 16. that is surety for a *. 27. 13. 2*7. 2. let a*, praise thee, and not Er.cl 6. 2. not power to eat, but a .1. lia. 56. 3. neither let son of .. speak 6. the sons of the. f. that join them. 62. 8. nous off. not drink thy win.. Jer. 14. 8. why he as a *. in tlie 1 unl Ezek. 14. 7. every a. setteth up idols 22. 7. dealt by oppression with*. 29. 44. 9. no*, uncircumcised sh. enter Ohad. 12. in the day he became a .v. Mul. 3. 5. that turn aside i. from his Mat. 25. 35. 1 was a*, took me in, 43 33. when saw we thee a .f 44. Luke 17. 18. not found save this *. 84. 18. art thou only 3. in Jerusa. ? J<>hn 10. 5. .t. will they not follow Acti 7. 29. Moses was a *. in Midian See FATHEKI.RSS. STRANGERS. Gen. 31. 15. are we not counted t.? 36. 7. land wherein were*. Exo. 6. 4. Erod. 22. 21. ye were *. in Kg. 23. 9. Lee. 19. 34. | 25. 23. Deut. 10. 19. Lev. 17. 10. whatsoever of t. that 20. 2. of *. that give seed to Molech 23. 4- 1 ) the childr. of*, shall ye buy J -ih. 8. 35. the t. that were converg. 2 Sam. 22. 4 r >. . shall submit them*. 4'i. * shall fade away, Pt. IX. 44, 45. CAr. 16. 19. ye were *. Pi. 105. 12. 22. 2. Dav. commanded to gather/. -'9. 15. we are t. as were our fath. S Chr 2. 17. Solomon numbered t. '.V\. 25. t. of Is. and Judah rejoiced \eft. 9. 2. seed of Is. separated fr t. 13. 31). cleansed I them from all i. Pn. 54. 3 for *. are risen upaga. me I4d. 9. the Lord preserveth the*. Prof. 5. 10. lest *. he filled wi. wealth 17. let be only thine own, not . Isa, 1. 7. your land t. devour it in 2. 6. they please themselves in I. 5. 17. places of fat ones shall t. eat 14. 1 i. shal! lie joined with them 5. 2. made a palace of*, no city 5. Rhnlt hrinir down the noise of*. 29. 5. multitude of thy *. shall he dO. 10. sons of*, sh. build thy walls ol. 5. and *. *hall feed your flocks Jer. 2. 25. I have loved *. after them 3. 13 hast scattered thy ways to t. 5. 19. so shall ye serve *. in a land 30. a *. shall no more serve thems. 35. 7. live in land where ye he . 51. 51. *. are come into sanctuaries tnm. 5. 2. inherit, is turned *. houses Cffk. 7. 21. I give it into hand of* M. 9. deliver yon into hands of*. 16. 32. wife tak th *. instead of hns. 'A Itt shal t die ieaths by hauda of *. STR Ezefc. 30. 12. make land waste by . 31. 1 2. *. have cut Inn. off, and left 44. 7. brought into my sanctuary*. 47. 22. for HII inheritance to the *. Hoi. 7.9. *. devoured In. strength a 7. the* shall swal>ow it up JoetS. 17. thcr.- shall no* pass thro' Obad. H in the day that *. carried Mut. 17. 25. tribute"? of childr. or * 26. Peter saith, of*. || -41. 7. bury * Jnlm 10. V tii- y know not voice of Acts 2. 10. and *. of Koine, Jews and 13 17 when they dwelt H-i *. in K. Eph. 2. 12. were *. from the coven. 19. therefore ye are no more *. 1 Tim. 5. 10. if she have lodg.-d *. lf-li. II. 13. confessed they were*. 13. 2, not forgetful to entertain . I Pet. 1. I. to t scattered thro' P.m. 2. II. 1 beseech you as t. pilgrims 3 John 5. whatsoever thou dost to*. STRAXGfcl.Y. Deut. 32. 27 let adverar. behave *. KTBAMOLED. X'th. 2.' 12. the lion did tear and *. Acti 15. 20. abstain from .t. 29. I 21.25. STBANOL1NO. Job 7. 15. my soul chooseth *. and STRAW. Gen. 24. 25. we have * and proven. 32. he gave *. and provender for Ej-od. 5. 7. no more give*. 10, 10, 18 1 1. get *. where you can find it Judg. 19. 19. there is *. and provend. 1 Kin. 4. IS. barley, and *. for horses Job 41. 27. esteemeth iron as *. brass lita. 1 1. 7. lion eat *. like ox, 65. 25. 25. 10. Moab shall he trodden as *. STRAWKD. Ej-td. 32. 20. he ground calf, *. it on 2 Chr. 34. 4. he * upon the graves Mat. 21. 8. cut down brunches and*. 25. 24. gather, where hast not *. 26 STREAM. .Vum. 21. 15. what he did at the *. Job 6. 15. as the *. of brooks th. pas* Psal. 124. 4. the*, had gone ov,-r I*i. 27. 12. I. shall beat off to the *. 30. 28. breath as an overflowing *. 33. like a *. of brimstone, kindle it 57. 6. among smooth stones of*, ig 66. 12. glory of Oen. like flowing . Dun. 7. 10 fiery *. issued an>l came Amot 5. 24. righteousn. s miirhty *. Lu. & 48. the *. beat vehemently, 49. STREAMS. Erod. 7. 19. stretch hand on . 8. 5. Ptal. 4fi. 4. *. make glad city of God 78. 16. he brought * out of rork 20. waters gushed, *. overflowed 126. 4. turn ava. our captivity as* Cant 4. 15. living waters, *. Ir Leb. 7**. & I. people gathered into the * .'!. he read therein before the *. ,M 6. !). on horsihark tlip.' II. Joh 18 17. shnll have no name in *. 29. 7- I prepared my -eat i" the i. 31 32. itranner did not Mge in *. Pror 7. a passinif thro- ttK . ner Ita. !!. 2. not heard in*. Mat. 12. 19. 4. ol J. 9. wickedness they committed in I. 4s. 3N. shall be lamentation in ,. of 49. 26. men shall fail in . 5U 30. 51. 4. that ore thruit through in*. Lam. 2. II. sucklinif- swoon 1111. I'i. 21. young and ol t lie in the *. 4. 5. delicately, are detolnte in . 8. Sa/ai ite- are not known in *. 14. wandered as blind men in the *. is. they hunt our Mepn in our *. F.zek. 7. 19. shall nut silver in the*. II. 7. ye have filled *. with slain 26. II. hoofs of horses tread thy . 28. 23. I will send blood into h,-r .. Amotb. 16 wailing in nil*, anil sjr Mir. "!. 10. trodden a* mire ,.f th- . .NViA. 2. 4. chariots shall rare in i 3. 10. dashed in pieces at top of *. 7,<-\- in the *. Ml ft who tread d-iwn eoemiei in *. .Vat. 6. 2. not sound a trumpet in . 5. pray utandinir in corn.-i- Murk li. . ',. laid *ick in >. Artt 5 li. l.uke 10. la > into the *. ,if sme IM 26. thou hunt taught in our i 14. 21. g" into *. mid Innes of city SIKKSMH Urn i. 12. ground shall not yield i. A.'jW. 13. a hy I- liri.utrht. U, I'i .Vi-rn 23. 22. hath . of unicorn, . 8 J,iii,t .V 21. <> my -o,,l. h..f tl 4 >tiiinl>ledrt Kirt Mrtthl >t lor hv i shall n m.ui I HI. he shah gue , unto h - ku. 15 2!l. the I of l-rn. VR 22. eat. that thou mnyei.1 40. til- Ml h.-t i-ll.!. with '. rxil i> 2 Kin. la Itll and . for war * *l* 1U. a ud there u no *. ! ** m | AT. 1*>. *7. nd fladne are In 88. give to the 1-ord glory mid t P*uL -20. I | H6. 7. y- a their sons, ablf nit- n for i. . 18. ill thine h.iinl it IK In give i. Ckr. 13 *0. neith. diil Jtr. recov. * KM. 4 I" ' i if hearers i if burdi'iis ./.* 9. I!', if I speak of t. he it strong I '. 13. with him i* wisdom and i 81. he weaki-iu-th t. of the mighty IS 13 it shall detour j of hi* skin 83 6. but he would put i in me 3l* 2. here*o miiflit their t. profit 36 19 will not esteem force* of*, a 19 hast thou riven the horse*.* 41 88. in hi- neck remaineth i. FiL &. 2. out nf babe* ordained *. vii. fi. with sAvinr *. of right hand 87. I. Lord i- the i of my life 8H. a he is saving i. of hi's mminted 89. II. L. will trite . to hi, people XI 16. mighty is not delivered by i. 30. IS spare, th.it I may recover t. 4'<. I. God is our* a help, 81. I. fc ' 7. Ephraim is i of head, I0a 8. 6a 34. ascribe i. unto God, his *. is 35. God of Israel that giv.-th *. 7:1 26. God i< the *. of my heart 81. I. sinjr aloud unto Gi>! our t. 84. 5. blessed is man whose t. is in T. they f> fromi. to*, every one 90. 10. hy reason of *. he fourscore 93. 1. the Lord is rltl-d with t. &'. 4. the j. of the hills is his also OR. 6. i. and heauty are in hi* sanct. 89. 4. the kind's i. loveth judgment I3a a strengthened*! me with *. 140. 7. O God, the*, of my salvation Prof. 8. 1 4. I have . || lo. 89 U is *. 14. 4. increase is hy the i nf ox 81. ii. a wise man rai>teth down t. 24. 5. roan of knowledge increaa. *. 31. 17. she eird.-th her loius with i. 8-V t and honour are her nothing Ei-el. 9. la wisdom is better than i. 10. 10. if iron he blunt, put more . 17. princes eat for t. not for drnn. Ita 5. 82. men of*, to mingle drink M. 13. hy the i. ,<( my hand I have 83. -4. spoken, even the jr. of the sea 9f>. 4. a i. t* the poor, a *. to needy 2a 4. L. JuMTal is everlasting *. ?8. a for . to them that turn battle 30. a the i. of Pharaoh sh. he shame 3.1 & wisdom sh. he stability and t. 40. 9. O Jerus. lift up vi.i.-e with . 89. have no might, he iocreaselh i. 4.2. 85. he poured on him *. of battle 44. 18. he worketh it wi. i. of arms 4.'.. 84. in L have I righteous, and *. 51. 9. awake, put on t O Lord Jrr. 80 5. I will deliver all j. of city 51. 5.1. tho' he fortify height oft. /.ant. I. a they are gone without . :i k. 30 15. fury on sin, i. of Kgypt la pomp of *. shall cea*e, 33. 88. Dan. 2. 37. hall (rive t. to bt-ait Hit STKKN(JTH. A^j-orf. 14. /7. sew returned to hit i. Ufiit. yi. 17 he is br^inaiiifr ot hit i Judg. & 81. as the man is. vi i A. i 16. 5 see where kit (treat /. lletli y. A. * not known |J 19. h. i. went -.' A'tn. 9. '.'4. Jehu drew ow wi. A. i. I Chr. ia II. seek the tu and AM . /*/ lav 4. Job 18. 7. steps of AM *. -h. ( utrait 12. A. i. shall be hunger.bitten 13 Arst-born of death devour A. i 21. 23. one dieth in Aufull i. bring 37. 6. he saith to preat rain of A. t X>. I), will trust bee. A. /. i f;reat t 81. rejoireth in A. / || 40. ia A. i. i, /'ml Si 17. nur deliver by A. (treat*. b'i. 7. this man made not (1. hit *. 59. 9. because of hit t. will 1 wait C5 a by A. *. settclh fast mount 6H 34. ascribe *. to God, hit i. is In 7a 4. showing to vein-ration At* i. til. delivered Au. into captivity /m. 44. 18. he is hungry. A. *. faileth 6?. 8 L. hath swum by arm of A. *. Kl 1. travellinir in k'rentness of A. *. Dun. II. 8. by At**, shall stir up all Hot. 7. . straii(fr devoured hit t. 12. 3. by A, *. he had power with G. A'rr. 1. 16. citunten as -uii in Aw*. In STRENGTH. Urn. 4V. 84. his bow armor in *. and I Ain. 19. a went in the i. of meat Jb '". 4. and mighty in *. 36. A. /'"// 71. 16. I will fro i7i t e *. of U 103. 20. bleas L. ye that excel in . 147. 10. delightelh not in*, of horse 7*0. 30 i. ;treiifrtl.en in . of Khar. Mir. 5. 4. he shall feed in *. of the L. Actt 9. 22. Saul increased more in *. Mv SIRKNGTH. Gen. 49. 3. "Reuh. be|(iiiDinfr nf any *. f.rod. 15. 8. the Lord is my t. 8 Sam. 88. 33. Ptal. 18. i | 7. | 118 14. IM. \->. 8. Joth. 14. 1 1. a* my t. was, so is my *. J'i'llf. la 17. if I '-e shaven, my *. will Jo* a 1 1. what is m. *. that I should? 18. is my *. of stones '/ Is my flesh Pml. ia \. I love tkee. O L. my 19. 14. O L. my 1. 1| 28. 15. my t. dried 31. 4. the net,' for thu art my *. 10. my t. fails hec. of, 38. 10. | 71. 9. 43. 8. thou :irt the God of m / *. 59. 17. to thee, O my *. will 1 sinf 82. 7. art my *. || 108. ?3. weak. myi. 144. I. blw>sed he L. my t. who Ita. 'ft. 5. let him take bold of my *. 49. 4. 1 have r-pent mv t. for nought 5. glorious, my G. shall be mi, t. Jer. 18. 19. O Lord my i. and fortreks Lam. 1. 14. he made mv t. to fall 3 18. I said m. *. and hope perished Hah. a 19 the Lord God \* mv t. Zrch. 18. 5. he my i in Lord of honts K Cor. 18. 9. my i. 1 ma/le perfect in TAetr STRENGTH. . II. la cities that stood in t t. Ptal. 37. 39. he is their t. in trouble 73. 4. no hands in death, /. *. is tirm 78 51. he smote their t. 10ft. 3a 89. 17. thou art the ulory of thrir t. 90. 10. yet is t. t. labour and sorrow Prov. yO 89 (flory of men is their t. In. 20. 7. I Tied. t. t. is to it still 40. 31. that wait on L. rrm-\v t. t. 41.1 let the people renew their t. F3 6. 1 will bring dit declared t. t. among pexu 00. 8. stir up thy t. and save us Sfi. 1C. give tf.y't. to thy servant liO -I. L. hhal'l si-n.i r. d of t . out /ror. V4. IU. it faint, thy t. is small 31. a Kite not I. *. unto women Ita. 17. 10. not mindful of i ork u( t* 5:1. I. awake, put mi f. *. O /nm ret. IA. wh. rt- i> thy n-al and /Ay*. /<7/iiu 3. II. he >h;ili bniiic down t. t. Mark 18. 30. In.- the Lord with all tliee, only I Am. 20. M. t. th \sfll, mark and A'jrr/i a 28 t. thrir bunds in work AVA. a 9. U (.od.ji my hands Jot 16. 5. i would t you i mouth /'io/. m 8. L. *. ih.-e out of Zion ir7. U. L. sball *. tl>> heart, 31. -^4. 41. 3. Lord will t. him on the bed 88. sa *. which thou ha-t wrought 89. 81. mine arm also ikall *. Into 119. 88 *. niearcoiding to thy word ha. 8V. VI. I will *. him with girdle 30. 2. to *. lhrni-eltf>. in itr^ngth 33. 23. they i-ouid not t. their mast 35. 8. i. weak hands j; l. 10. I will . 54. 8. lengtben ci.r.is, t thy utakes JIT 83. 14. they *. hands of evii-duera Exek 7. 13- nor .-hnll .tiiy j. himself ia 49. neither dm bhi- / hand of 30. V4. 1 will * >.rins . I king of, 25. 34. Ifi. 1 will *. that wlni h was sick Dan. II. I. I stood to roiinrm and . .-tmo* 2. 14. ttrong sh. not >. hie lore* ZrcA. 10. fi. 1 will *. house of Judah 18. 1 will *. them in the Lord LuJie 82. 3i. when converted, *. bre I I'tt. 5. 10. God -tahlish. *. you Ret. a 8. be wxti htul mid i. thinn STRENGTHENED. Gen. 48 8. Israel >. IHII..I-M, and sat Jtuig. 3. 18. the Lord * Eglun aca, 7. II. afterwards :>hall hards be i 1 .SV/m. 8:. 16. Jonathan < I and in (i. 2 .Sum. 8. 7. now let your hand* be*. 1 Chr. II. 10 who*, tluniselvei wi. 2 CAr. I. 1 Nili'inoii a> i. in kingd. II. 17. they *. kingdom of Jurtali 18. I. when Kehob. had himself 84. ia they 'ft house of : . and . it V5. II. Amniiab > him-cl., and led 88. 80. distress* d Abai, hut *. not 32 5. Hetekishi . hiiiiwlf. and built F.rra I. fi that WITH ;il out thi m *. 7. va 1 wns i. as hand of (tod was A'cA. 8. la they *. then hands for Job 4. a thou hast i the weak handj 4. thou hart i tbe f.-ehle knees Ptal. M 7. and i. luiMM-lf in uirked. 147. II hi- hath .<. biun ol thy gate* .s l.rii be i. foiintutiM Krek. 13 fi. ye hands ol wn ked :*4 4. the disi-areil have ye not . Dun in. IS ti. in bed and i. me, ia I F. C. be that hegat her and *. her 18. 1-as.t down u.any, but not te> STR ffo*. 7 15- I have bound and *. arms ^r/;i 19. received meat, S:iul was*. Eth. 3. 16. to be i. with might CW 1. 11 * wi. H " rnight affording i Tim 4. 17. Lord stood und i. me si ' LENGTHEN BUST. ETH. Juh 15. 25. he *. himself against A I. />jr 104. 15. bread wh.*. man's heart 138 3. d i. me with strength Pruv. 31. H. girdeth loins, s. arras En-l 7. 19- wisdom *. the wise /i 44 14. therypress and oak he *. Amos b 9. . spoiled against strong Phil 4 '3. do all thro' C. who t. me STRENGTHENING. Lu 22. 43 appeared an angel s. him A<:ls 18. 23. Paul *. all the disciples STRETCH. E-rod 7. 19. i. out hand on waters 8 5. i. forth hand over streams and 25 20. cherub, shall *. their wings Josh. 8 18. * out the spear to Ai a Kin 21. I*. I will i. over Jerusal. Jo6 1 1. 13. if thou t. out toward tun 39 26 doth tlu- hawk *. her wings P*al 68 31. soon * ht>r hands to G Ita. 28. 20. shorter than a man can* 34 II. i. upon it line of confusion f>4 2 * curtains of thy habitation Jer 10. 20. none to t. f-.rth rny tent Ezek. 30. -25. king of Baby. t. swon .rfmu*6. 4. i. themselves on couche Mat 12. 13. Jesus said, t. thy hand John 21. 18 thmi shall *. forth hand S Or. 10. 14. we t. not beyond meas STRETCHED. 'Jen. 22. 10. Abr. *. hand to slav so 4*. 14. Irsael *. out rinht hand t. rod. 8. 6. Aaron *. out his hand, 17 ! he *. himself on the rhiid 2 A' ing.' 4. 34, 3. ] Chr 21. 16. angel with a sword s Jo!>3S. 5. wh.. hath *. line upon it ? psal. 44. 20. or s. to a strange god 88 9 1 have*, my hands unto the 136. 6. to him that*, out the eartl Prof I. 24. because 1 s. out my ban Isa. 3. 16. walk with i. forth n*k- 5 '25 he*, forth hand against the i . outstiil, 9. 12. 17,21. I 10. 14 26 this is hand that is *. out 27. hand s. who shall turn it back 16. 8. her branches are i. out 23. 11. he *. out his hand over sea 4-> ft . out heavens, 45. 12. | 51. I Jer 6 4. shadows of evening*, ou 10 12 *. out heavens by discreti< 51 15 he t. heaven by under&tan 1 . 9. for I have seen *. in the city 6. inakest us a s. to neighbours 06. 32. angered him at waters of*. rur. 15 18! a wrathful man stirreth *. slow to anger appeas. t. 29. 22. 16. 28. a froward man soweth *. 1 7. I. house full of sacrifices with . 14. beginning of*, one letteth out 19. loveth transgres. that loveth 20. 3. honour for m:m to cease fr. *. 22. 10. cast out scorner, . sh. cae !6 17. he that meddleth with *. 20. no tale-bearer, the *. reaseth 21. so is contentious to kindle *. 28. 25. a proud heart stirreth up *. 30. 33 forcing of wrath bringeth * sa. 58. 4. ye last for *. and ilebate '?/. 15. 10. hast born me a man of* <-'.zek. 47. 19. t.i waters of *. 48. 2a Hub. 1. 3. there are that raise up *. .uke 22. 24. a . among disciples Rom. 13. 13. walk honestly, not in * Cor. a a there i among you . ial 5. 20. works of the flesh are *. Phil. I. 15. *ome preach Chrit of* 2. 3. let nothing be done through * Tim. 6. 4. whereof cometh envy,* 'If!'. 6. 16. an oath is end of all *. lam. 3. 14. hitter envying and *. 16. where *. is, there is confusion STRIFES. Prov. 10. 12. hatred stirreth up , they have *. me, and I was IM. 5. 'l. should y- be *. any more ? 16. 7. they are *.||5a4. esteem him* 5.1 a for transgression was he *. Tit 1.1. Pial 11 2. make ready arrow on P, IV 4 BI l, a 3d' i. '^Wi'si , (,i,n wi. *. Inttrn sotigi to *. loitrum 465 STR //. M'). 3i visit ni, quits with*. ror. 17. 10. hunilrrili. int., * fool 9. 29. . ure pit-pan d for fool* (i. 30. so do i the inward parti 53. 5. with his . we nn- hrale4, I Pet. 2. 24. uk'e 12 47. he hext-n with many t. 48. knew not. beaten with few i. ctt \>'>. 23. laid many t upon tlirm 33. same hour. Hud WHl-d th. ir i. Cor. 6 5. in s. in iii,|,ri*i>hmriils II. 23. in *. above nii-nsurr, prisons 24. ol Jews received I forty*, tare STRIP. 'itni. 20. 26. j. A. in, n of garments Sum. 31. a Philistine* i ame to *. slain. 1 Citron. 10. 8. sa. 32. 11. *. ye, make ye bare, gird >i A. 16. 39. they sh. *.' th. e, V3. 26. tut. 2. a 1 *. her naked, set her a STRIPPED. 'ten. 37. Sa they *. Joseph of coat ,'jorf. 33. 6 Israel *. themselves of Viim. 20. 28. Mosen i. Aaron of gar. Sum. 18. 4. Jonathan *. himself of 19. 24. SrtUl *. off his clothes also 31. 9. I'hilist. *. Nuil of his armour Chr. 20. 2.">. jewels wh. they *. off Job 19. 9. he t. me of glory and ITOWB 22. 6 for thou hast *. ol clothing Vic. 1. a therefo. 1 will go*, naked Mat. 27. 28. they *. Jesus, put on " K/VelO. 30. which *. him of raiment 8TRIPL1N*;. Sam. 17. 56. inquire whose on . to STRIVE. ien. fi. 3. Spirit not always*, with 26. 20. the herdmen of (Jerar did *. Zfod 21. 18. if men *. toeether, one 22. if man . and hurt a won an with child. />rt Vi. II. ')eut. 33. a with whom tlu.n didt *. ludg. 11. 25. did he ever *. a^ainxt la. lob 33. ia why *. against him t "ml. 35. I- plead with him that . "rur. 3. 30. *. not without cause 20. R. go not forth hastily to *. Ita. 41. H. they that i. hall perish 46 9. let potsherd *. with pot-h. rd 'lot. 4. 4. I*' " " 1Bn ' r ' T1 '. tbs | - pie are as they that *. Wat 12. 19- he shall not t. nor any / nice 13. 24. * to enter strait gate Horn. 15. 30. *. with me in prayers Tim. 2. 5. il a man i. for mastenet 14. that they . not about words 24 servant of I.ord inu-t not*. ST RIVED, ETH. Isa 45 9. wo to him that i. wi. Mk. Horn. 15. 2<>. o 1 1. to P rech gpel Cor 9 J5. th. . for mastery i lem. STRIVEN. Phil 21. 27. with mind . for gp rl Co! 1 29. according to worUnf - i Tit a 9 avoid contentiont and*. ' /)i/. 17. 8 hard bewven '"* 1. .\hand fetcbeths.. w.lh 21.5. by w-.rd .h. every ' be tr.p* ^f baud- were made /. Erod. 6 1. with H J. hand shall, 13. 9. Vum 20. 20. Kilo ni rame wi. t. hand 21. 24 b..r<1'T nf Aminiin was *. 2& 7. *. wine poured mil to Lord Deut i 36. ii"t ..ne rily too*, for us Ji,th. 14. II. I am a%*. thin dny as'l 17. 13. Is. were waxen*. Jutig. \. 2a 83. 9. L. driven ureat nittioiis and*. Jiidp. 14. 14. out of * ram<* sweet n la 2& Mtcah mm they were too >. 1 SIM. 14. 52. when Saul saw *. man t Sam. 3. fi. A burr innde himself*. la II. if s\ruu I..- tiMi *. forme, it Ammon if too I CAr. I SI. Is!. 1 A'm 8. 42 h hear of thy *. hand CAr I.. 12. he made the ritie. t. 17. made Kehohoam i. three year* !. 9. eve run t>> show himself * SB. Ifl. Orinli was he was lifted A. 9 .%. they tok * ritie .\i\i\ n /oi H. S. word- he like a *. wind ') 19. If 1 t|>enk of strength, he is* 37. 18. hast spread out sky that is*. Fial. 19. 5. rejoiceth as a *. man 24. S. L. t. and miirhty, L. miirhty 30. 7. made my mountain stand *. 31. 2. he thou my*, rock, and house 35. IO. froni 'iim that i> IIMI t for 38. !M mine enemiei* are lively and * 00. . who hrinir into*, city? 10ft 10. 71. 3. my *. habit*. || 7. my *. refuge 80. 15. branch thou rnadent i. 17. 80. H. who in a t. Lord liki< the.- ? ID. i. if thy hand, and hiirh is thy 13. 12. with a *. hard, Jer. 32. 21. Prm. 7. 26. many *. men have been 11. Id. Worn. retains honour, *. men la 19. harder to he won than *. city V4 5. wie i * it 3f . i5. ants not *. Errl 9. II. the hattie in not to the *. 12. a the i. men shall how them*. Cant, ft H. for lore is *. as death Jta H. 7. I. hriiifreth waters. *. and II. L. spake to me with a. hand 17. 9. hi- *. rities sh. be an forsaken V,. 3. therefore -hall *. glorify tl.ee 2fi. I. he sun?. we have a i rity 9ft. i L. hath a mighty and t. one 40. 10. L will come with a * hand Vi. for that he is *. in power, not 1 12 he shall divide sp.,il with *. fiO. ft. one shall herome a t. nation irr. 21 5. I will fi-'ht with a t. arm 4H. 14. are miirhty *. men f.ir war 4^'. 19. come aca. "habitation of ih<. SO. 34. their Redeemer is t. the L. 44. sh. rme unto habitation of*. fr>-k. a U the hand of the L. was*. *. 17. rity which wast . in the spa 30. 21. t make it t. to hold -word 22. I will break t arm- of rhuraoh 32. l t. shall speak t.. him out of 34. IrV I n ill d- -str-.y the fat and *. Dan. 4. 1 1 tree grew and was . 20. fi. thou. ( kin, art become *. 7. 7. fourth beast terrible, *. exree. 11. 23 he fchall become t. wi. small / I JiAn 2. 14. ye arc *. \vonJ l 1,0.1 tirr 3. 2. 1 saw a *. Hiigei proclaim la 2. he crie.l with a r. voice. Hah. 8. . is the Lord God who judgeth Be STRONfi. Hum. 13. 18. see whether they be i. 2H. the people be t. that dwell in Deut 11.8. krep com. that ye he t. Joth. 17. 18. drive Canaan, tlio* hr t. I Sum. 4. 9. be*, and quit votir-elves t Sam. 16. Kl. hands of all shall Ae *. 1 A'i/i. *.*>< thou *. fehow thyself a I CAr. 2R 10. L. hath caon. thee, hr t. i C'fir. 15. 7. br t. work sh. be rewar. 25 a do it, br i. for the battle Ezra 9. I?, that ye may / *. and eat full. 144. 14. that oxen be t. to lab. /or. 35. 4. them nf fearful heart, be*. Kxfk. fi. 14. ran thy hands be t. in Dan. > 42. the kinird. ah. he partly* 10. 19. peace to thee, be t. yea, be t 11. 5. kiuir of the oiith th .ill ' *. and he shall be . above him 32 people that know O vhtil br i. Hag. -H.be t. O Zeruhhabel. be *. O Joohnn, be *. ye people Zerh. 8. 9 let hands be *. ye tfnt hear 13 fear not, but let your hai.dy '< > I (V,r. I a 13. quit you like men. bet. Kph. R. 10. brethren, bv *. in the L. I Tim. t. 1. my &on, be t. in g race See C'OUIAUI-, DHIKK. STRONfi Ao/rfand Ao/rfi. XUM. 13. 10. whether in tent* or t. h luitff. 6. 2. Isr. made rave and *. A. 1 s./vi ::< 14. David abode in *. A. V?i. David dwelt in *. A. at Kn-vedi 2 .SVi/i. 5. 7. Duvid tiM.k i. h. of Zion 24. 7. and came to the * A. of Tyre 2 A'm. x 12. their i. A. set on fire 2 CAr. II. 11. Re'.oh fortified . A /*/. 89. 40 brouuht hi t A. to r>iin /MI. 23. 1 1. ii.--tr.iy the i A. thereof 31. 9. he shall paw over to his *. A. Jer. 48 IH. np.'iler anal destroy . A. 41. the * hiil'h are -urpri-eil Lam. 2. -i. he hath thrown down *. A. .'i the Lorri destroyed his i. hiMt Dan. II. 24. his device- apiiin-t i h. :: thus shall he iro in most *. A. Mir. 4. 8 the *. A. of the daurh. of 7. \.ne people shall he . *). 4t. feebler \vere Kab.'s J,.c. 's .Vi.jn. 13. Ml. not able, they are i. th. I'tJif U. la what in *. than a lion '( i Sum S I David waxed i. and *. i;>. 14. Ammon Ketnir t. than she I AIM. 20. v3. *. we shall be . 25. ./o/> 17. 9. clean hands sh be *. and*. I' >nl. lo:.. V4. he made them *. than 142. 6. deliver me, they are*, than I STU Jr. 20. 7. thu art *. than I. r.nd l.ukr II. -fi. when a*, than he - .m* I Cur. I. V5. weakness ol i. i- . i ,.,c It). 22. do we prot oke L ) are we ,.? RTRUMGE8T. /Too. 3U i. which i- j umu. t<'a-U rr 6. 3. let f..iindtiou be i laid STROVE. Gen 2fi. 2fi. I.er. they *. wi. him, 2 22. another well, and . not A'j'ci. 2. l:i two in. n of Hebrews M. I.rr. 24. 10. a in-ii of Ur. *. in ri.nip .Vum 20. 13. children of Isr. * wi. L. : i.ithan. uho*. afrainst Moses <; Sum. 14. 6. they two *. together /.'an. 7. 2. the four windx i. upon sea J-Jin. a V2 the Jews i MID. .UK tliein. Act* 7. 26. M. ohowi-d hin. h th s. V3. y. and i. Hiuiiik.' w> find no ei il Sl'liUCK. 1 .Sam. 2. 14. he *. it into the pun o .' .Sn/i. 12. 15. the Lord the child .'O In. JOHI. >. Inn. not .%;nii. ui>d 2 Chr. I. -I -M. the Lord ,. J. r.o.. rt m Vu/. 2V. 51. one of them i a -. -riant /-uAe . C4. they .. J.- JoAn la 21 SI Kl(.l.l.EI). Gra. 25. 22. tht- , hildren t. t.. K ether M riiin.K. EJ-II. S. 12. LMlher *. n. tead of straw 15. 7. wrath ci.npiiined them :..- i. Job 13 25. wilt thou ptir.-ue dry if 21. 18. they are as t. belon- u n..| 41. 28. Mono are turned into*. V9. darts are count.-d n * he Ftnl. ftl 13. ma^e them ax *. h, for* ha. 5. 24. a* fire devoiirrth the >. 33 1 1. roni-eive ch., bring f rth $. 4ha I Ke a i. th>- tir.- >h, Jer. 13. M. I "'ill sc itter them ns *. Jor/2. 5. fliin.e Iliiit de\ourelh the*. Utiti. IH I.. .live., i K-IIII -h. be lor*. .VnA. 1. 10. th.-y -h. be devoured a* .W,i/ 4 4. irk'e.ily Mid proud l-e I. I Cor. a 12. on th foundation, hay, s. STUBBORN. Deut 21. la il a man have a *. OB 20. wy to elders, this ,,ur h,,n i- , Jurfp 2.' Ill ,-Mse.i not liom >. way /'. 78. a not as fntl.ers, a t. UMI.T. Prov. 7. 1 1 -he i- Imid :.nd *. h.-r STUBHORNNESS. Drut. 9. i7. lH.k not to *. of people I Sniii 15. 23. and * in as iniquity BTUCK. I Sam. 2ri 7. hi -pear i in vrmii-il /'//. 119. 31. I have i. unto le-limn. .Mi 27. 41. part of the ship *. fa.-t KTUDH Cant 1. 11. border- ..f (fold wi. *. ol STUDY. Ecrl. 12. 12. much *. is a weariness 1 Thru. 4. 1 1. that ye i. to be quiet J Tim. 2. 15. * to -Low thyu. approT. STUD1KTH. Prov. 15. 28. heart ol r\gt\ to ns. v4 2. lir their heart . de-tnn tinn Ml" IT. Gen. 31. :!7. thou h;i-t searrned my 4 45 20. reirard not your *. Ki.od ..f f.jrod 22. 7. if ir^r: deliver A I.- k.-. a- : 7. the i they h^d a- Mitfirieiit .lath. 7. II they put it aiming their*. I .Sam. I'). -f>. he hath hid a-i ..nu *. 25 1.1 two hundred abode by the , W. V4. his pert be that tarrie'll. l.v *. *vA- 12. a prepare . tor removing 4. brunt forti. thy *. I v dax, T l.uke 17. 31. ,n h<. 0. 15. many ainmn; Hi ID -lia'll ... lull i8 7. err in vi-i m, *. in judgment K- 10. we .1. at mum-liny as niuiht a 13. led th that til. should not *. Jtr. 13 16. hi-fnr- your teet .v. on IH. 15. caused them to .v. in ways 0. II. therefore persecutors Sh.,ll/j. 31. 9. walk in a vva\ \\\,-\ sh. not .v. t(i. li. they shall r. an, I lull toward 5(). >>. most |)|-c.iiil -hall.v ali2. they stumbled at th. r..s. 33. behold, 1 lay in Sinn a >. -stone I Pet. 2. 8. s. of jr." to them th. stum. STUMP. 1 Sam. 6. 4. only i. of Dap. was left Van. 4. 15. leave*, in earth. 23, 26. SUBDUE. Gen. 1. 28. replenish earth, and *. it i Chr. 17. 10. 1 will * thine enemies fsul. 47. 3. he shall*, people under 'sn. 45. 1. to *. nations before him Onn. 7. 24. nd he shall *. 3 kings Mir. 7. 19. he will *. our iniquities erh 9. 15. and *. with slum stones fhil. a 21. he is able to *. all things SUBDUED, ST. Hum, 32. '22 land be . before Lord 29. the land shall be *. before you Deut 20. 20. bulwarks, until be *. lush. 18. I. land was *. before them 1 Sam. 7. 13. the Philistines were >. 2 Sam. 8. 1. I Chr 18. I. | 20. 4. I Sam. 8. II. yoid of nations he *. 22. 40. thou .. under me, /'*. IH. 39. Chr. 22. 18. land is *. before l.oid Keh 6 24. thou*. inhabitants of land Pm. 91. 14. soon have *. enemies I Cw 15. 28. when all be *. unto him Veil II. 3a thro' faith jr. kingdoms SUBDUETH. Pial. 18. 47. it is O. i. people, 144.2. Van. 2. 40. as iron breaks and jj. all SUBJECT. Luke 2. 51. Jesus was i. to them 10. 17. Lord, even devils are *. to as .')). rejoice not -pirit< are v to you 7. it io Lot t. to law ot God SUB Rom. a 20. creature wan t. to vanity la I. let every soul be *. to powers 5 wherefore ye must needs be *. I i'or. 14. 32. spirit, of prophets *. !.">. -M. tln-ri shall Son hm, it he $. t'.fli. 5. 24. as i butch is * to Christ Cut. 'I. -M. are je*. t" ordinance* Tit. 3. I. put in mind to .. to powers //e*. 2. 16. lile-tiine .t. to bondage "/>. o. 17. Klias n jr. to pas-ions I Pet. 2. 18. servants be i. to ma-teis a 22. power- l,einj{ made *. to bun A. 5. all of you t.e .T. one to . notber sUHJKl TED. Rom. a 20. who x. t lie same in hope SUBJECTION. Pi. IU6. 42. eneniii-8 brought into*. Jrr. 34. II. brought them into *. In'. 1 Cur. 9. 27. bring my body into*. 2 for. 9. 13. fflorit, (iod tor your*. (''//. 2. 5. we nave place by . not I YV/n. 2. II. won. an team with al'jr :t. 4. havi g his children in *. w.th Hel>. 2. 5. put in * worlu to come 8. put all things in*, under feet 12. 9. rather be in jr. to the Father 1 Pet. a 1. be in *. to husbands, 5. SUBMIT. (ten. 16. 9. . thy*, under her hands 2 Sam. 22. 45. strangers sh. *. them. Helves to me, Paul. 18. 44. /'*/. 66. 3. enemies shall *. to thee fiR :iO. till every one *. with silver I Or. 16. 16. that ye *. yourselves l-'.ph. 5. 22 . to husbands, Cut. 3. 18 Hfh. 13. 17. *. they watch for -oiiis Jam. 4. 7. *. yourselves theref. to (i. 1 1'et. 2. 13. t. to every ordinance 5. 5. ye younger jr. yoursel. to elder SUMM1TTKD, ING. 1 Chr. 29. 24. sons of David *. to Sol. P*al. 8i. 15. haters of Lord *. to him Horn. 10. 3. not *. to righteousness Kuh. 5. 21. *. yours, one to another SUBORNED Acts 6. 11. then they *. men who SUBSCRIBE, D. hu. 44. 5. another shall *. unto Lord Jer. 32. 10. I *. evidence, sealed it 12. in presence of witnesses that *. 44. men shall *. evidences, and .-eal SUBSTANCE. Gen. 7. 4. 1 will destroy ev. living *. 23. every living *. was destroyed 12. 5. Ahram took *. they gathered 13. ri. their *. wa great, ,-o they 15. 14. they shall come wi. great i. 34. 23. shall not their *. be ours 't 36. 6. Esau took bis cattle niidhis*. Deut. II. 6. swallowed them anil *. 3a !1. bless, L. his*, ac.-ept work Josh. 14. 4. gave l.evites ritie* for*. 1 Chr. 27. 31. these vvrre rulers of*. 28. 1. stewards over all *. of king 2 Ch. 21. 17. they carried away all $. 31. a appointed king's portion f *. 32. 29. i.-ur) inrrei,.. ii ,. 29. a with hrtiM-.sp.iMleth l llr . t""<. . 7. ifami.i, give,, lor ,,,. lia. 6. la >H in ,,Mk l,,.,r . i- ,i, them, so holy seen i., .. tl,.....| Jer. I... ia thy *. give I,, p.,||. 17. i //'. IV. S. Ihave J,,ui,dii,,.,. u , Ol,,,d. la nor laid bHi.d) on Hie,, 4. .V,V. 4. 13. lil|,,.,,.. Me.he.r*. Luke H. a miiiiMer..ii,, l.in, .i^ ir t 15 12. pr.Kii^ul .,,ieil In,,, vtith Heh. 111. 34. ye have n, I !-.,.,. II. I. faith is . ol iinngii iiniie.i tor HUBT1L. (int. 3. I. serpent more i. than in* 2 Sam. la a JonaiUb was a *. n ua Prut. 7. 10. harlot, ai.d*. ot liei.it Mlil ILLY. 1 SOOT. 23. ti. told m*, he dehlrtb /'*. 105. 2J. to deal jr. with servant! .lctt~. 19. dealt*, with nurkindrtd SUBT11.I1 Y. lien. 27. 35. thy brother mme wi. . 2 Am. 10. 19. j.liiidni it in *. that Prur. 1. 4. to give *. to the simple Mat. 26. 4. might take JCMIS by ,. Art* 13. 10. O full of*, and iiiiv l,,..f .' Cor. 11.3 henuilid Kve through A SUBVERT, El). IM. I. inn. a 3f>. to *. a man L. approveth Art$ 15. 24. troubled vou, *. jniulg i liin. i. 14. hut to the ,. ol hearrn Tit. I. II. who i. whole bnuven 3. 11. that is such is i. and Miin*th SCMKBS. I.er. 25. 34. field ol * nay nut he -old A'r/j. :fi>. 3. t. shall be lor their rattle 7. 48 cities shall ye give vv i. their n. Jot/i 14. 4. save cities, with *. 21. i 2 Ain^V.'t. 1 1. took by th.m.er in j. 2 ("Ar^l. 14. Levites lelt their *. zik. i7. i8. *. >lmll shake at sound 48. 15. place for dw el!ing aud for $, Sre Cnu v Sl'Cl KI.1 , JST. Deut. 1?. 'Jy. win n th. i. thrm, IP 1. 25. 6. first-born >. bis t.roihvr drad Si I < KKDKD. Detit. 8. 12. childrei. ot Ksiu*. 22. 21. Aiiiniiuiites *. them, au. ihem teBipd A .--I ( COl'KKR. flow. 16. 2. *he halh been *. of nny SUCH Frorf. S4. Itt . M h. '" >>een dn ]it-r. iO. 6. on i. death ha. no p*ei Si l H ,. .. 6'fji 41. 3a ran we ti . i. i * flutt 4. l.ho, .. , ...... . 'urn a.lita M CH Mi/. >'*A. 6. a no . t. dor. tk.Myeit Sl'( K, .> >.v< r<. Cm. 81. " >rah ' ihildren . I Sim,. I. a Hannah g>e b. . I AM. 3. 21. I rose 1 1. givrrhild*. Lam. 4.3 ea.mon-t. r ie ;V(i<. 24. 1!'. II nilb. le days, W;A 13 >',. 1 ni' bl,-cd ie | . M > K Drill 32. 13. ir.ide I >ri t 33. IK. Uif) haU *. STF . 12. or tne breast I should * f . 16 In^shall t the poison of ai>p ;i ' ."<'! her you if ones *. up I.IO.M! It*. 60. 16. thou shall r milk of (ien. and sh.ilt * brea-t of knit!* (JR. It. that ve may *. and he satis. I'.', then shall ye*, ye sh. he borne ' rib. 23. 34. thou shall even* it out i. father tlm-ie that*. breast* SUCKKI). Cant, a I. that * breasts of mother Luke II. 27. blese.| are paps th..u *. SUCKI\<;. .V' 24 la r fear tronhleth thee l'r,r. a 2i. be not afraid of*, fear I Tkfit. 5. a then destruc. cometh SUDDENLY. A'KM. 6 9. if any man die t. by him I .'. 4 the Lord spake *. unto Moses JoxA. 10. 9. Jos-him came *. II. 7. t Sum. 15. 14. le.t he overtake us i. J"li 5. a hut *. I cursed his hahita. 9. 23. it the scourge by day slay * ]'n! c. Id. let them be ashamed t. 'I. 4. *. do they shout at him and I'rn . 6. 15. he shall be broken *. 24. 24 their calamity shall rise t. 29. I. shall i. he destroyed, and that /."W 9. 12 it falleth *. upon them Zt 29. 5. it shall he at an instttt *. 4f. II. desolatii.n shall come 7 48. a I did them *. and they came Jrr. 6 26. the spoiler shall * come 15. a 1 have canned him t" fall *. 4!). 19. I will *. make him run. 50.44 51. 8. Babylon is*, destroyed, howl //..'. i. 7. shall they not rise up t. Mill. 3. I. the Lrd shall r mine in Murk 13. 36 le*t coming * he find Luke 9. 3U him, and he *. crieth out Ai >< 28. 6 have fallen (town dead *. 1 Tim. 5. 24 lay hands *. on no n.itn SUE. Mat. 5. 40. if any man t. thee at law SUFFER. E.rod. 24 la sh. not * witch to live Lft. 19. 17. and not *. sin upon him 22. Ifi. or t. them to hear iniquity .Vin. 2l.'/i Sihon would not*. Isr. Jink. 10. 19. t. not to enter th. cities Judg. 1. 34. not < them to come d wn 15. I. her father would not r him I Kin. IV 17. that might not *. any f.tlh 3. a not king's profit to*, them Job 9. la not me to take breath 21. a t. me that I may speak after MX 4 *. me a little, and I will show Ptal. 9. la consider trouble I . of 5-Y srt. n*\. *. righteous to he mored A 15. while I terrors, 1 am dis. >'. 33 n ir will I * faithfulness fall 101. 5. a prond heart, will not I t. 1:1. a not *. thy foot to he moved i'rnr. 10 3. L. not r rlghte. famish l. 15. an idle soul shall r hunger 19. a man of wrath h. . puni.hm. Kfl. V 6 . not thy mouth to <-ane . 12. ahund. of rich not *. to sleep I. 41 '.'(I nor i. locks to prow tt it. 3. 15. Jeniu laid, *. it to be ao SUP Mat. 8. 21. *. me to bury, Lu. 9. 59. 16. 21. that he must*, many things 17 14 Mark a 31. | 9. 14 Lu 9. 22. | 17. 25. 17. 17. how long shall I t. you * MarkV 19 Lu, ft 41. [Lu. K |i; 19. 14. *. lifle children, Mark 10. 14 V3 ia neither*, ye them that an- Mark 7. 12. ?< t. him no more to do 1 1 16. Jesus would not *. any man Luke 22. M. *. ye thus tar, he toiii-h 24. 46. it behoved Christ to ttiffrr Act* a ia | >. :.':) Aft* a ia 0. showed t hr. should r 5 41. counted worthy to *. shame 7. 24. seeing one * wrong he defen. 9. 16. he must *. for my name's sake 21. .'S*. *. me to speak to the people Rom. 8. 17. if so he we r with him 1 Cor. 3. I j. if work he burnt, he sh. * 9. 14 used power but*, all things 10. ia (i. will not *. to be tempted 14 26. if one member *. all mem. *. 2 Cor I. 6. name suffer, which we . 11. 20. ye *. it a man bring you into Gill. 6. 12. lent they sho. *. persecu. I'hil \. 2!). given to believe and *. 1 Then. 3. 4. we told you. we sho. *. 2 Thru. I. 5. kingd.of V;. for wh. ye*. 1 Tim. 4 10. we both laboui and *. 2 Tim. I. 12. for which cause I also*. 2. !'. wherein I *. as an evil doer 12. if we *. we shall also leign Heb. II 2V choosing to * affliction 13 22. *. the word of exhortation I Prt. 2. 20. if ye do well, and t. for a 14 if ye*, for righteousness' take I", it is better ye . for well. doing 4. 15. let none *. as a murderer 16. if any man *. at a Christian 19. let them that * according- to Rer 2. 10. those things thou (halt *. II. y. not . dead bodies to be put in SUFFERED. Gen. 20. 6. therefore *. 1 thee not to (l. 7. (iod *. him not to hurt me Drut a a he * thee to hunger ia 14. God bath not r thee so to do Jiitiff. a 28. they *. not a man to pass I finnt. 24. 7. Da'v. *. them not to rise 1 Chr. 16. 21. he *. no man to do them wroinj, Ptalm 105. 14. .l<>f> 31. 30. neither have I *. mouth Ji r. 1'.. IV for thy sake I *. rebuke Mat. 3. l.V suffer it to be so, he * him 24. 43. nor *. hi* house, LukelV. 39. 27. 19. I have *. many things this Mark I. 34 he * not devils, Lu. 4. 41. 5. 19. Jesus *. him not, l.ut said 2fi. *. many things of physicians Luke %. 3'i he*, them to enter swine 51. he *. no man t> go in, save Pet. la 2. because they r such things 21 26 ouch! m-t Christ to havej.P Act* ia ia ahout forty years *. he 14. 16 who *. all nations to walk IA. 7. hut the Spirit *. them not 19. 30. disciples *. him not to enter -si. IA. Paul was *. to dwell by him. 2 Cor. 1. 12. not for his cause that *. it'll a 4. have ye *. things In vain ? I'liil 3. a for whom I *. loss of all I Then*. 4 2. after that we had *. 14. ye have * like things of yi.nr Heh. i ia he haih *. being templed 5. a teamed ohed. by thing'* he *. 7. 2'<. th' y were not . to continue 9. 26. then must he often have * 13. 12. Jesus *. without the (fate I Pet. 2. 21. Christ t. for us. leaving j:< when he r he threatened not 3. ia C. hath once * for sins 4. I. Christ hrth *. for us in the Uetb, be that hath *. iu the flesh 466 . .i. 10. after ye haver awblk . Her. 4 20. bee. th..n .< that \voina* SLFFKKK1 H. /'in/. 66 9. bless (i. win. . not out ll>7. 28. r not rattle ti. di-rrrase Actt 2R 4. vengeance /. him not to I Cur. 13. 4. charity < lony, is kind C.i 27. 7. wind not *. us, we sailed Jam. 5. 10. an example of *. afflict I I'i'l 2. 19. if a nihii endure grief,* Jude 7. an example, r v> ngeance of BUFFERING. Heb. 4 9. for the *. nf death, crown. OFFERINGS, Rom. a ia I recki.n that the *. of S Cor. I. 5. for as the *. of Christ A. enduring the same . winch w* 7. ye are partakers of the ... so of fiil. 3 10. I know fellowship of his*, Ci'l. 1. 24. who now rejoice in my *. Heb. 4 10. captain perfect thro' t. I Pel. I. II. it testified the i. of Chr. 4. 13. as ye are partaket of C.'H *. 5. 1. I am a witness of Uie *. of C. SUFFICE. \um. II. 22. th. herds be slain to *.p llsut. 3. 26. let it *. thee, speak no I K in. 20. 10. if dustol Samurmsh. *. Ezrk. 44. 6. let it *. you of all. 4.,. U. 1 Pet. 4. a for the time past may i. SUFFICED, ETH. Juile. 21. 14. wives, so they *. not /in/A 4 14. she did eat, and Was *. 18. gave her, after she wa- *. John 14. 8. L. show the Fnlh. it *. M SUFFICIENCY. Job 20. 24 in fulinet! of his *. he sh. 2 Cor. 3. 5. but our *. Is of God 9. a *. in all things, ye may abound SUFFICIENT. r'.rud. 36 7 the stufl they had was A Drut. 15. 8 thou shall lend him *. 7. let his hand be i. for nim I'mr. 25. Id eat so nun h honey as*. 40. Ifi. Lebanon is not *. to burn Mat. 6. 34. *. to the day is the evil Lu 14. 2H. whether he have *. to tin. John 6. 7. 200 penny-worth is not . 2 Cur. 4 A. *. to such a man is this Hi. and who i for these things P a 5. not that we ale . of ourselves 14 9. he said, ray grace Is . for thee SUFFICIENTLY. hit. 23. 18. before the Lord to eat L SUIT. S Jung. 17. 10. I will give the a . of 2 Sam. 15. 4. man who hnth any *. Jot II. 19. many shall make .. unto Ita. a 22. changeable *. of apparel SUM. Sulttaiitire. Ejrod. SI. 30. if laid on him a *. of :. 21. this is the*, of th. tabernacle Ai/m. I. 2. take the i of rone re. 2fi. 2. 26. 4. take the *. of the people from 31. 26. t-Jte the '. ->f the prey that 2 .Sum. 24. 9. Juab gave n|> . to king, 1 < hr,, n . SI. 5. i. 4. 7. the *. of money Hainan I'aii 139. 17. great is the t. of them Kzrk. 2a 14 thon sealeit np the t. Dun 7. I. Daniel told . of dream li-t* 7. 16 Abraham bought tor a*. 22 VH. with H great *. obtained I lev. a I. of the things thit is the 4 Sl'M. i Kin. ft. 4. that he may *. the silver SUMMKK. Gen. a 82. *. and w inter, day and I'tal. :n> 4. turned into drought of*. 74 17. thon hast made *. and Prof. 6. a provideth meat in*. 90.25. 10. 5. th. guthereth in *. in wuc to SUN Proe. 26. 1. as mow in t. rain In Int. 2S. 4. as haaty fruit before the*. ier. H. 20. harvest i* past, *. is ended Van. 2. 35. a. :baffof *. thrashing ZfrA. 14. 8. ic. *. and winter sh. it be Mu/. 24. 32. ye know that *. is nigh, \/,ir 13. >. LuAre 21. 30. SUMMKR ch,,ml,er. Judg, 3. 24. lie rovers his feet in t. c. SUMMEK-/nit. J Sim. 16. -I. ..-/ for young men ' ^o* 8. 1. bfhold. ;i Im-kpt of *.-/. 2. 8UMMEK-/rrt*. J Saw. Ifi. 1. brought 100 hun, of i.-/ ha. l(x 9. shouting for .T.-/. id fallen Jer. 40. 10. gather wine and .-/ 12. 481 32. spoiler is fallen on s. -fruit* Mic. 7. ) as when they g.itlu-r '-/ SUP SUP >-7 _ t o _ r Jer. IS. 9. her*, down while yet day 5Urr.RKI.fITT. 31. 3.S. which iriveth the *. fur light 1 am. 1. 21. n.tbn.. ,,i ,, .uphf) *e*. a 16. they wor-hipped the*. SUPKKH I i I - w T i in . .i.- . ,-..!. ,.i i ^1 | H ,,, h , (ll mllT , ),-, fc . 23. Inn.l., thai li.,th any U v I. 15. smite winter.house, *.-A. SUMMRH.yxirfow. Judg.3. 20. Eirlon was sitting in *..p. SUMMER. /*a. 18. 6. fowls .shall . upon them SUMPTUOUSLY. &< 16. 19. the rirh man fared *. SUN. Gen. 15. !7. when th *. went down .>. ;. I will rorer the i. with cloud Joel 2. 10. *. he .tarken.d a 15. >/<. 24. 29. Mark 13. 24. Lu 23. 45 . i. shall he turned to4arknr- /l?nn8. If. I will (aiise i. to go down Jiinah 4. a when t. did arise,*, bent .Vic. 3. 6. . go down over propht-ts .V'iA. a 17. when * ariseth. they flt-e Hab. 3. II. *. and moon stood still Mai 4. 2. to yon *. of riifhteo. ari~e Mat. 5. 45. he mak. th his * to rise 13 43. thensh. riKlit>-oushiin-H.ij. ia 2. his face did shine as the .. /ter 1 la | 10. I. Mark 1. 32. *. set, they brought eick i Luke 4. 40. now wl.en *. was setting 21. 25. there shall le signs in tlie j ct* 2. 20. the t. into darkness, mooi 13. II. not seeinif *. for M'ason Jf\ 13. lu/ht aboe hri)tlitiies at*. 27. 20. neither *. nor stars appeared Cor. 15. 41. there is one iflory of* *\ph. 4. 26. let not *. go down upon am. I. 11. i. is no sooner risen will . . . 19. 23. *. risen when Lot entered 2a II. Ja..-oh tarried, bc.ise t. et 32. 31. as he passed i'enuel, *. rose 37. 9. i. moon, stars, made obeisance Eiod. Id 21. when i. waxed hot it 22. 3- if * be risen, blood be shed Lev. 22. 7. when >. is down, he shall be clean, Deut. 23. II. V;m. 25. 4. hang them against the i. Deut. 4. 19. lest when thou seest t. 17. \i ha'.b worshipped either $. 24. 15. nor shall jr. ifo down upon it 33. 14. prer ions fruits brought by *. Jcah. 1. 4. toward going down t t. 10. 12. *. stand stil' upon (iibenn 13. t. stood still, and moon stayed Jjtdg. 5. 31. that love him be as i. 8. 13. *>id. returned bcfo. *. was up 9. 33. as soon as i. is up, rise early 14. 18. they said, bef. i. went dowi 19. 14. i went down, they were b 1 Sam. II. 9. by i. be hot hare help 2 Sam. 3 35. or ought till t. be down 12. 11. lie with wives in sight of*. 12. I will do this before Isr. and i. 23. 4. light of morn, when *. riseth 1 Kin. 3. 22. and *. shone i.n water S3. 5. them that burn incense to i. 11. burnt chariots of *. with fire Kek. 7. 3. (fates be opened till *. hot Job a 16. hypocrite green before t. 9. 7. coinmandeth . it riseth not 30. 2a I went mourning without* 31. 26. if I beheld t. wheu it shine< P*at. 19. 4. he set a tabernacle for / 58. a pao away that they see not* 72. 5. fear thee as long AS i. endure 17. name continued as long as*. 74. l(>. thou prepared light and i. 84. II. Lord God is a i. and shield 8!. 36i his throne shall endure as* 104. 22. i. ariseth, they Kath. them 121. 6. . shall not smite by day 136. a t-> him that made *. to rule 148. 3. praise ye him, i. and moon Eccl. 1. 5. i. riseth, . goeth lown a 5. moreover, he hath not seen * II. 7. pleasant fur eyes to behold i W. 2. wliile *. or star* be not dark Cant. I. a because . looked on me 6. 10. fiiir as moon, near an the i. fxa. 24. 23. thcr *. shall be a.-.hainc 30. 26. light of moon as *. the ligh t. 10. nor heat nor *. smile them (i ). 19. i. be no cnof liifht by day v<. J. hn.l no morx go down . . . . Ier. 6. 12. *. became as sarkclolh 7. 16. nor shall I. light on them 8. 12. third part of i. was smitten 9. 2. *. and the air were darkened 12. 1. appeared worn. Hothfd wi. * 16. a an jfr I poured out vial on i. 19. 17. 1 saw angel standing on *. 21. 23. city had no need of *. 22. 5. See OOETH, GOING, RISI.NO. Under the SUN. Eecl. 1. 3. what profit under the ? 2. 18. 19, 20, 22. | 5. IK I 9. 9 9. there ia no new thing u. the *. 14. I hare seen all works done u t *. 2. 17. 1 4. 3. | 8. 17. | 9. 3 2. II. there was no profit under t. i 1 16. I saw u. t. i. place of ju.lgmt 4. 7. returned, and I saw vanity u.* 5. ia evil I seen i. t. i. 6. I. | 10. 9 a 12. tell what shall be under t. t. a 9- applied heart to ev. work u. j 15. man bath no better thing . t.i 9. a portion in any thing u. the i. 9 days he hath given thee u. t *. II. I aw u. t. *. race not to swift ia wisdom I have seen u. the i. SUNDER. Ptal. 46 9. cutteth the upenr in I. 107. 14. he break their bands in i 16. he hath cut burs of iron in *. ha 27. 9. rhalk stones I eaten in *. 45 2. I will cut in . bars of iron A'aA. 1. 11 I wi'l burst bonds in *. Luke 12. 46 come and cut him in . SUNDERED. Job 41. 17. stick, th. y cnnnot be . SUNDRY. Heb 1. 1. O. who at *. times spake . Ezra a II. they *. togeth. by conrs /.a. 26. I. th.s song be*, in /<>" Mat. 2a 30. they . hymn,.Vaym 14. a they *. it were a new so SU N K. 1 Sam. 17. 49. stone ,. into forehen 2 Kin. 9. 84. Jehoram . in char.ot PiaL 9. 15- heathen are *. in the pi Jer 3*. 6- down, so Jer. i. in mire 2-> thy feet ar *. in the mire Lam. 2. 9. her gates are * in gronn ^c<*20. 9. Kiityrhus *.^ down with .NIJ 1, r t.1'. Hob 1. t*" 1 " flirw sh *' ' " P ** Luke 17. 8. make ready, I may *. 1 Cor.\ I. <* I.H, mp, when he*. He, 3 2U. 1 will.. w.tUhim, ho 469 Cur. 9 I tr t . tat. 22. 20. wboir i ,m^r and i t .Murk IV. I', lark 15. Vi. i of , r.... ;.. a 'A M'l'l.K*! I i cf*25. 19. qnentjiMK xtt.n. him :.l . ^1 I'KllM Tl lolS r c(* 17. 22. in all thin* . ye r- ^'- . forAr fi. 21. Heitl inaile *. to lord* nArr 14. I'.'. maKett a dinin-t .r -. 16 a rt-rtH n n an nmde m gtrl t. V4. nolle hidden >ha 1 :a-te i-f mjl. 22. 20. likewise rt lM> i-up lti-r i. Inftu 12. 2. there they made Jt MH >. 13. '-. *. endd |; 4. Jr-. n->-th from t. 21. 20. di.s'-iplv leaiv.l on brna-t at J. Cor. IV 20. this i- not to eat !.' . 21. tnketh b fore other his own . Ret. 19. 9 that are culled to the 17. come to the jr of the great Wod >f PI' LA. NT. ElJ. en. 27. 3fi. he Na'h*. me two tim 7rr. 9. 4. every kro'.h. will utterly *. J-'tPPl.E. Exek. 18. 4. neith. w>hei to *. tb* SUPI'LIANIS. Zeph, 3. in. mv *. bh. 'Tinj offering SUPPLICATION. Smm. ia 12. 1 hate not made *. to Ain. a M. repert to *. 2 Chr. 6. Ill 3D. hearken thou to the *. 4.\ 4U to. eyes open to *. of thy servant 54. made end of piajing and . 59. words wherewith 1 ma.le t 9. 3. I heard thy i. Uii'O ht ma4 t Chr. 6 >. what * shall be m.-.rtr- 33. 13. Lord heaid Mai'aMeh'. *. . . Eith. 4. S. J,,b 8. & w i. for hrr peopl iildest make i. to Almig. ,, . . . 9 15. 1 would make my *. to judge Ptal. 6. 9. Lord hlh heard my * 30. a unto K I made my * M 55, I. hide not thyself fmm my *. 119. 170. let my . coroebefor- th'-e Jia. 45. 14. theyhall make*, to thru Jrr 36. 7. they will present thrir *. :r7. 2U. let my *. be wfvpted b.-lori :>a 26 I prri-nted my i. b*fo. king 42. 2. I'-t mil *. he accepted in-lore 9. ye sent me to present ye-nr . Dan. 8 1). men ;.nd Dan. maV . *, 9. 2ft I WHI presenting *. belor- i // * 12. 4. wrpt aid made *. to him Arts I. 14. accord in pmyer nod . A>A. ',. 1& withhll prayer and*. fhiL 4. but in rvrry tbing by f. SUPPLICATIONS ? Chr. fi.21. hearken to *. of ervnt 39. hear thon their prayer and * .M.4I a will leviathan make J. to Ptal. 28. 2 hear voice o( my *. I40.b & he heard my * 31. . I H. Hfi. 6. ntt^nd t" the voice of my *. 130. . he attentive to my . 143. I. Jer .1 -M. w.-rping n.l t. of l :tl.'9 and with*, will I lead t h /;. 9 3 Let my fare t ' 17. hrr prayer of vrvant..^.- 13 we do not present fcrl 23. heirionin* of*. ron>i.d * SUPPLY. ST'R SUPPLY. For*. fW 1. 30. in .1 nvHrdmir to t. lurk 4. 19. O. .hall f. nil your ri.-e.| by ( SUHPLIK:). KTH. I Cor. 1(1 17. whit lurking they*. t (or. . IJ. i.jt ,,nlv f tt \\aiit of II 9. What Iii,-Mii. 'he i>rrthren i K>*. 4. l -hat wh eh every joint j SUPPORT. Afti to 35. yi> iiHKht ti the weak I r*ti. 5. 1 4 SUPPOSE. '*t 13. K. !* not my lord i. th. /.*r 7. 41 I t. th tt hr to whom I ' 51. t. I urn rump to irive peace IT . . v these Halileatis , re .Ma #1. 3V I i the world could n I Cnr. t. 2fi. I >. that this i< rood 8 Cor. II. 5 If ! was nt behind th> I /Vt. S. 12. * faithful brother, * 1 SUPPOSED. Mat. 9). 10. they i. they should lm- .ftr* 6. 19 they . it had t*-en spirn l.ukr 3. 23. Je.us. . -48 5 covenant ordered and t. I Kin. II. 3H I htnld thee a hoi,.e .'' 2 I. '-" and no man is r of lite /'v. III. 7. hi* romm mdmentt are . /'ror fi. 3. and make *. thy fri, nd hn. 33. IR l-read given, water* r 5-'. .1 . mercies ..f Dav. ^rf. 13 34. J hnf, 69. are-jr thuii art Chrftit I 1 '' 30. are we i thoci knnwe.t nil flodi. 15. 29. I am i. th. when 1 com,. SURELY. Krrf. 9. 12. t. it .h h.- well wi. them /f 4-S. 14. *. fi. i in thee and there Mil. id 73. . thiiu art one of them. .VnrA 14 70 Jim 22. 20. salth, I come qiiirklv He, 0.8. SU R K J A' / put tn tfnjtk Gen. -.26 1 1. thi . man, *. be put tn / to rf ir. 20. 9. 82. 19 Ileth with h.-a, H..,tk ) '/*. 21. "). rame nut, br put t,, rl JT. SU. IS. wilt not put me to rf.f SUREfV. fi. -i II P. I will he i for him, shall 44 3i. thv ervnt her. i fir lad W 17. 3. pr* me ia i. with thrv SWA F'tt 110 I >e /. for thy servant /ror. 6 I. If II uu he t. fur thy frien, 1 1. I A he that is i. fur a stranger 17 is hwii i.eth i. in presence of J' 1>S tint i- lor .tranter 27. 13 Heb 7. 22. Je.iis m.ide >. of a better sL'KEl IK- Peof. 22. Vfi he not ..finrm th. are* nr M-REJ-Y. 6m. IS i:t. know ,,fm. thy seed I* 13. shall I of t. hear a" child .' 9. l-eh.-ld, o/a *. she Is thy wif, Jlcfa 12. II. nf.i't. the I. tent angel SL'HETYS III'. /roc. II. 15. he that hateth . I; sure 3t <;. ..verrhwrifed with 1 Tim. fi. 4. when-uf oometh evil . SURNAME. "See SIKNAMK. SURPRISED fia. 33. 14 feartiilueas i. hypocrites .' r. 4a 41 the -Iron* holds are f. 51. 41. h..xv i. ,.rai-i- r earth *! SCSI AlN, ED. Gen. 27. 37 with corn and wine 1 1. 1 Kin. 17 !i. command, a widow to,. \fk 9. 21 forty ,ear. didst them /''/. M, .S. I awaked, the Lord*, me 5Y 22. burden ,.n L. he >h c. thee Pr>.r 18 14. the spirit ol man will. Ifi 59. Ifi hi. t iithteou,. it . him SUSTENANCE k'. ft 4. Midian. left no r fur Isr. -' >/.- 'I si. 3'. Karxillai provided*. \V A DO I. ED. '.am. 2. 22 thiwe I i. hath my enemy -.iff,: 16. 4 not .alt-d, not i. at all SWADDLING. Jnh 39 9 I made darkness a i hand /.K. 2. 7. wrapped him in . clothes, 12. SWALLOW Pi-if. B< 3 the . hath found a n^tt Pmr 2fi 2. a> the by flying, so the /*<. 3x 14. like a cran.- or a t. did I Jer. >'. 7. crane and .. observe time SW ALLOW, ferti. .Vi/m Ifi 31V if eirth open and i. th. 34 lest the earth . us up alt* 2 Sam. 20. l!l why wilt thou i. up 20. tint I should i. up or de-l*-y Mil 19 alone till I * my spittle jo l. shall re.t.-re. and not . It P"((. 21 SI. the Lord sh. . them lip 56 I. () Ood. man would i me up 2 mine enemies would . me up 57. 3 reproaeh of him th. would f. '"si. 15 neither let the deep i. m,- up /Toe. I. 12. lot us . them up alive rvrf. ia 12. Mps -,f f'.M.i , up himself {.ft. 25 1. will . in, death In vi< torv //. S. 7 the stranrers ..hall . it up On". S 4 henr this, ye that* needy <}>,,,d Ifi. an I they .hall . down limiik \. 17. L prepared n fl-h to t. Mnt. 23. 24 sfrniu at enat, t. camel SW ALLOWED. irorf. 7 12. Aaron's rod . th. rods 15. 12. sfretched.t hind, earth * Vm. 16. 32. earth ..peoed and t 2ft 10 Dent II. fi. ? Sam. 17. Id pass, lest kin* he t up 'o* 6. 3. theref. my words are . up .<0 15. he hath t. down riches :I7 20. if .peak, he .hall he up /' ,f 35. 2.V not say, we . him up 17 the fart!' j up Dathan . 3 then they hud i u up quirk " pri, ? and pp.phet are i. I!'. 1st. thev that *. the- up, shall r :>! 'U h>' i me up like ailraemi H li'iiiir out month that he Imth . /.. -J. 2 Lord hathi. up inhabit. 470 S\VF. | ].nm 2 5. he hath t. up I.v heliath^ I'i. th.-y say, w- have /. her up A- * -Ti 3 they have . y..u up on" //., a a lsr.,el is i. up among f-ent I C'.f. I.V 54. death i. f. up in victory 2 l'<.r > - le.t such a ue be *. up 5 4. that mortality mlprht U- t. up rtrr. 12. Ifi the earth up the flood SWALI.o WEI II Job 5. 5. the robber *. tln-ir suh.tanri :*. 24. he i. ((round with fierceness SWAN". Lee. II. 18. i. unclean, Deut. 14. 16 S W A K K. Gen. 21. 31 because they i. both nt 24. 7. the I* (J. ol heaven to me 9. the servant t t,, h m conn-inn. 2fi. 3,'t Jaco said. w. ar to me, he ,. 26. 3. the oath wl.ich 1 i to Ahrain. 31. Abimeleeh an. I Isaac i. to one 31. M Jacob . by the fear of !>aac 4". 31. Joseph . to Jar. I, his latli-r 50 24. (i. will hriu to land ho., to Kxvd. 13. 5 land tb.- Lord t to thy fathers, 11 | :. 1. .Vf/m. It. 16, :) i 3? II. Mew*. I. 8. 35. I fi. I'I, 18, 2:t | 7. IS. | 8. I. | II. 9. 21 | vfi 3. | 28. 11. I 30. 20. | 31. 21, '.'3. I 34. 4. JIM*. 1.6. | ft. 4. | 21. 4-T S'um. 32. 10. U'saniter was kindled, and he I. Dent I .'H. Dent. 2. 14. men wer> wasted, a. L i. 4 21. Lotd f. that t should m>t fit 31. not f .rx>-t the covenant he . 7 I- which he t. to iliy salvation H. 18 his covenant which he > ;i 5. J"-/i. 6. 22. hrin out H.ih.ih as ye c. 9 15. prim-es i. tn the l.iheonit'. s 20. because of iwth we >. to them 14. :ivid shall not Ji 22. David to Saul, and Saul 2 S'fim. 3 35. David .< he would not 19 :'a Da. i. to Shiinoi, I A I Kin. >. 2:1 Sol * to Ad he .ho. d.e i Kin. 25. 24 (Je nii..h J f r > Chr. I.V 14. they t to the Lord F.zrn 10. 5. they i. t,- put away /'-./' SI.V I' I in wrath. Hrk. a It 122. 2. how he f to U and vowed 7ef. ""8 Ifi. kinif t. seiTetly to Jerein. Kxelc. IB 8 I t. and entered coven. a. 12. 7. * hv hi, n that, H,r. Id. 6. rk 6. f.\ Herod < todtmrlitec kr I. 73 oath whi.-h h . t-, Ah. Heb. 3 IN. to whom *. he that they 6. 13 no frreatiT, he . by him-elf 7. 21. Lord t and will not repent See Thfir FTIII:RS. SW \KEsT K.mt{ 3-.'. 13. to -h.,-n thou t hy ,'tiid 1 1. 12 cnrry th, m to land th. . >>'>it 2. 15 H. thou to our fatl.ere Kin I. 17. thou * that So|, mon Pntl 89. 49. kmdne.-e, thou I. to 1) SW \ -M. s Kmrf. R2I. 1 will -. ,,d of flies 22. no of flies sb.,ll t.e in n ( hen 24 thi^e i-ame a i'ti,-von of fliej l"i. that th,- .. ,,f fii,-s mav depart htifr. 1 4. 8. A . f bee- and holier SWEAR. Gf*. 21. 23. Ahlm said to Ahrah. (. 24. and ^brah.ini -aid, 1 will . 2 3 I will make th.-e i. hy the I. 37. my ma.ter made me t. ayinf >.i Tl Jarot, , ,,d, , to me, and he 47 31 Jacob sa>d to .loieph . M>. 5. my lather nnide me . saying End. R S land rnrui-rniiur whi. l l.er. 5. 4. if a MHI! . pronouncing S\VE f.-T 19. 12 ye shall not*, by name f.'mn. 30. "I. il a man .t. to hind soul Jjr'tt. (i. 13. . hy his name, 10. 20. .//(. 2. 12. liiih.th siiitt to spi.-s, ., M. 7. nor cause to . by th.-ir gods Jtiitg. 15. 12. . that ye will not lall 1 Sum. 21!. 17 JuiiHtli. caused 1). tut. 24. 21. .T. tin. ii wilt not rut urt seed .'ill. 15. jr. tlion wilt neither kill me 2 Sam. IK 7. v hy L. if t him go nut 1 A' in. I. 13. ilid-tth. t. Sol. sh. reign .'.I let Solomon * unto me to-day 2. 42. did 1 not make thee .T. hy l,.y a 31. IID until I., iil on him to cau-e him to x. 2 I'fimn. n. 2:i. 2 Chr. 36. 13 Nel.m had. made him . >,'.T. 1 jr. saith Lord, this house 32. 22. (riven them land th. didst s Ho.t. 4. 15. not go to lieth-iiven, nor .v. Amo* 8. 14. that t. hy sin o( Samaria Zy head 23. 16. s. hy temple, s. hy the i>odl 18. whuso shall .v. hy altar, im thing 211. whoso theref. shall .1 hy alt .r 21. J. hy temple || 22. *. hy heaven 26 74. began to ctllse, x. Ww.l4.7t. Jli'li. 6. 13. J. hy no greater, he jr. by Id men verily .. hy the greater Jam. 5. Is!, my Brethren . not SWEARERS. }/:/. 3. 5. a swift witness against*. S \VKAKF.TH. Ler. C. 3. was, lost, and . falsely f*al. 15. 4. that s. to his hurt (i'i. II. every one that s. hy him Eccl. 9. 9. he that s. as he th. feareth Jta. 65. 16. he that . swear Ly God Zt-ch. 5. 3 every one that s. cut off 4. enter into h 'Use of him that t. Mat. 23. 18. whosoever *. hy gift 20. t. by ;iltHr|| 21. * hy temple 22. J. by throne of God, and him SWEARING. Lrn. 5. 1. soul sin, hear voice of*. Jrr. -23. 10. be<\ of s. land inoiirneth Him. \. 2. hy *. lying, and stealing 10. 4. *. falsi ly in making covenant SWEAT. C'fn. 3. 19. in *. of face eat hread /,:i-im Mtc. 6. 15. *. n: * nt not drink wine s WEFT KB. Jndg. 14. 18. what is >. than honey? I'/tal. 19 12. thy word . than honey 1 19. 103. words *. tli an honey to in \ SWEETLY. lnl> 24. 20. worms shall feed *. on him Cant. 7. 0. bi-st wine goeth down *. SWKETNESS. Jnrlsr. 9. 11. should I lorsake my *. ? 14. 14. out of strung came forth *. I'rof. 16. 21. *. ill lips increas. learn 27. 9. so doth A. ufa man's friend Kxek. 3. 3. in mouth as honey for *. SWELL, ED. A'wm. 5. 21. thigh rot, belly to*. 22. 27. her belly shall . thigh shall rot Dent. 8. 4. nor thy foot*. 40 years A'eA. 9. 21. forty vears feet *.not SWELLING, & /'*. 46. 3. tho' mountains shake wl.*. Ita. 30. 13. as a breach *. in a wall Jer. 12 5. how do in *. of Jordan f 49. 19. lion trum i. of Jordan, 50.44. 2 Cor. 12. 20. lesi there de *. tumults 2 Pet 1. 18. speak *. word- of vani Jnde 16. their month speak, j. wr-rd., S\\ KPT. Jung. 5. 21 river of Kishon *. them ,/Vr. 46. 15. why valiant *. away P Mat. 12. 44. tindcth * * Luke II. 25. SWKRVKD. 1 Tim. 1. 6. havlui? *. turned aside SWIFT. Dent. 28. 49 bring nation*. eagle /jr. 12. 8. as . :. ro.-s on mounts ,/..// 9. 2ft ate passed awxy s i sdip- V4. 18. he is *. us waters, heholdcth I'rnr ii. 18. teet. running to inisch. Eccl. 9. 1 1 that the nice is not to *. ha. ia 2. go, >e *. messengers 111. I. behold, L. rideth on *. riOM 30. 16. riile on that pursue he *. fiii. VII drin brethren on * bea-t- Jer 46 fi. let not . flee away, nor Atnm 2. 14. flight shall perish fro. . I ft. . of foot sh. not deliver hlm Mi,-. I. 13. bind chariot to j beast Vni 3 ft. .. witness aga. soro-rer* H,,,H. 3. l- r > f"'t are... to shed dloo.l .hiti; I 19. let ev. man be . to hear 2 />< 2 I shall bring *. destruction .s WIH Kit. .Vm I. 23 were i. than eagles (/i 7 G m> da>* are *. than shuttle 47 swo M II 25 my dy. are .. than pol Jer. 4, 13. |,,. , mr .... , thn eaglVs Um. I. IH. per.rrutor, *. lh. .aylei Hal, I h. |,,.r-.-- i, n. . thunleopurita s VN I h I I . V I'tnl. l7. ;.', hi- w.,1,1 runneth i. H bed,. l,|, tbe> .dull route* Dan. 9. *l. lil,riei . MIL. d to fly *. Joel 3. 4. if je reemt.neiiM* me t. 2 A'in. a R. and the iron did i /'>/ Ii. i,. nujhf m.,kc I my Led to*. //. vft. II. spread forth hands to * fin*. 47. ft risen, wt.-rs to *. In Jrti /? 42. le- any should *. out 43. ciinniiHiirieii ihe\ thai (mild A SW I M>| KM, Kill. ha. ,'.'. II. a Ii.- that t. >uieaiieth i. ek. 32. 6. water l.m.i wherein lh A S V\l N K. /.(?r. 11. 7. I. is unclean, Drut H. ft /'rr. Ii. 22. HS ,< jewel ill a t snout /< ,!>. 4. which tie-h a. d broth ffi. ,'i. odlat. a- il In offered *. bb'Od 17. eatliiL *. fli'sliaml aboininHtkoO Mat. 7. Ii. neith i H-t pearls before *. 8. 30. an h, -d of i. feeding, >/./r* & II. l.uktH. 32. 31. to into herd of *. .VarA 5. II 32. went into *. the herd of*, ran, Mark .V 13 l.,,kr s. ;. /rA 5. 14. they that led the *. fled Luke 15 15 he sent him to feeo *. Hi. tilled !,. h ill. bnskB*. eat SWOLLEN. /4cr* 28. R. looked he should hare *. S\\ ()(,N, i 1) J.nm. 2. II. childnn . in the street 12. when the) .. HS the wounded .--\VOKI). Gen. 3 24. chcrudinn and flaming , 34. 2S. took each man bi> . cmne r.jud. 5 21. to put H i in their hand 3i. 27. put every man his i. hy kid* Ler. 26. fi. i-or . fa through land ift. brinif .. upon v.,n, Air*. 11. I H. 3. i 1 4. 17 i m. a i aa x 33. I wi I rirnw out aj. niter yoo M7. they .-da I tall a- werv del ore *. .\r/m Xl X3. anyelV *. drawn, 31. - without, terrm with. :l '/H. who is . of thy excellency .iiah f>. 13 stood with his', diawn 21. ls(. not with t; ) *. nor thy bw .lurli/. 7. IN t 1. 1 I,. nl < . ideon, 20. H n youth ilr.w not his*, fearrd 9. 54 .Iraw thy *. nt given , in, bread iid a*. '.'.'). l:s. L'ird > on .very man hi r. 31. I. S ill ti'ok a *. and tell u| on il 5. armour-dcMrer f. il II|H-I > Sum. I. 2:'. *. of S.HII! returned not ".'. Hi. thru-t >. into lelio ' Jti said, shall .. ilevonrdir eer f 3. ill not li.il one that falleth on I I. 25 *. devoiireth one .-" 12. In t. sh. nevei d.-pHrt It. nou - s wood devoured IIH r hau. 20. 10. AIIIHSH took no h.-d V3. In. and Ins baud ci...- in I" *. v) 11 in I- BOWW) Wen II drew t. I AiN. 9 '**' ly. 17. (bat K-aplh i. of HM s\vo swo I Chr . 5. 19. men able to hoar * III. 4. Saul took a *. and Ml upon It 5. his armour-bearer fell on the SI. !i an IW.OiKl men that drew *. 12. or three days the *. of the lx>rd 16. the angel having a *. drawn 87. he put up his . ag. into -hef. h 30. he was afraid of . of the RngV. I T*r. 20 9. when*. ofjiHgiD. con: Frra 9. 7. kings are delivered to *. Etth. 9 5. Jews smote enem. wi. . I Hot. 2 18. I will break the how and t. Effk. 7J. 80. appoint a way that *. 2H. the >. the / 19 drawn for th. .1 '. 4. the j shall come upon Kgypt SI. to make it -troiu to h"lt the /. it. I will cause the i t-th at fW. 7. \~i. if turn not will whet *. 17. IS. deliver from wicked, thy *. 37. 14. the wicked have drawn *. I.V their , shall enter their heart 4% 3. gird thy *. on thy thigh 57. 4 and their tongue is a sharp . 64. 3 who whet th. tongue like a . 7H. a brake h- the shield and the *. "h. fit he gave his people to the *. 149. 6. a two.edired i. in their hand Prov. 5 4. her end as a two-edged *. 12. la speaki-th like piercings of*. 25. la that hear, false witneu is a Cant. 3. 8. every man hnth his *. tta. 2. 4. nation not lift *. ag. nation 31. . the*, not of e m>-an man shall 34. 6. the * of L. is filled wi. blood 41. 2. he gave them as dust to his s 49. 8. made mouth like a sharp *. 61. 19. the famine and . are com* 65 12. I will number you to thv *. m. 16. hy hix >. will the L. plead Jet. 2. 30. your*, devoured prophet* 4. 10. the *. rearheth unto the soul 5. 12. neither shall we see *. 14. 13. 6. 2-V the *. of enemy is on ev. side 9. 16. I will send a * after them. 24. 10. | 25. 27. i 2R 17. I 49. 37. 12. 12. the * of the L shall devour 14. 13. proph. say, ye sh. not see *. 15. aay *. and famine shall not he 15. 2. are for the *. to the . 43. II. 3. I will appoint the *. to slay 9. residue will I deliver to th* . 18. 21. poor out their Mood by . 85. 16. they shall he mad bee. of . 89. I will call for a *. Elek. 38. 81. 31. he will give wicked to the *. 31. 8. people left of*, found grace 32. 24. city given because of the *. 34. !7. I p'riM-laim a liberty to the*. 42. Id the . ye feared sh. overtake 44. 28 a small number escape the*. 4T 6. O thou t. of the Lord, how i8. 8. O madmen, the * shall pursue 10. cursed that keepeth back his *. to. 16. for fear of the oppressing *. 35 a*, is on the Chaldeans, saith L. 36. a *. oa liars, a *. on mighty 37. a . on horse-, . on treasures 51. 50 ye that have escaped . go Lam. fi. 9. bread by peril bee. of*. Kzek. 5. 2. I will draw out a*. 18. 17. I will bring j. upon thee, & a 6 8. some that shall escape the *. 7. 15. the *. is without, pestilence II. a ye feared *. 1 will bring a*. 14. 17. if 1 bring a . and say, *. go '.'I. my four sore judgments, the*, tl. 9. lay. a *. a . is sharpened, ! I. 12. terrors, by reason of the on 13. what if*, contemn the rod ? .4. let i. he doubled, the *. of great '5 set th* point of the against t. appoint two ways, thnt t. may IV 6. the *. shall abide on his ntn Amos 9. 4. thence will I command *. .Wi.-. 4. a nation not lift* ag. nalim 6. 14. deliver.-st, will I give to the* \iA. 2. la the f. shall devour lions 3. 3. horseman lifteth up bright *. 15 there the *. shall cut thee off Zerh. 9. 13 made thee as*, of might) 11. 17. the *. shall he upon his arm la 7. awake, O *. ag. my shepherd Mat. 10. 34. not to send peare, but*. 26. 51. drew his *. and strut k serv. Mark 14. 47. John IS. 10. 52. put up again thy . John !K. 1 1 Luke 2 35. a * shall pierce thy soul 82. 36. he th.it hath no *. let him Act* 16. 27. he drew his f. and would Kirn. 8. 35. shall *. separate from C.J 13. 4. he heareth not the *. in vain F.ph. 6. 17. . of spirit which is word Htb. 4. 12. sharper than two.edired *. A'> r I. 16. out of mouth went a *. 2. 12. the sharp*, with two edges 6. 4. was given to him a great *. 19. 15. out of his mouth goeth a *. 81. By the SWORD. Gen. 27. 40. by thy *. thou shalt live Ler. 26. 7. they shall fall by the t. S. 2 Chr. 29. 9. fathers have fallen 6. t t. Job 33. 18. from perishing A/ the t. 36 12. they shall perish by the i. Ptal. 44. 3. got not land b / their *. 78. 64. their priests fell bit the t. Jer. II. 22. young men shall die by thei. 18 21. Lam 2. 21. 14. IZ t will consume them fry the t. I.V by t. and famine shall prophets 16. 4. 'shall be consumed by the t. 44. 12, 18, 27. 19. 7. cause them to fall by the t. 21. 9, abideth, shall die byihet.3S. 2. ' | 42. 17, 22. 27. la why will ye die by the . 39. 36. city sh. he delivered fry the t. Si 4. houses thrown down / the t. 34. 4. Zedekiah, sh. not die by thei. 44. 13. I punished Jerusalem by thei. Etek 86. 6. daughter be state if t *. 1 1. he shall slay thy people by the i. 2a 23. shall be judged in her by t. *. 31. 18. them that be slain by the I 32. 20, 21, 25, 85, 30. | 33. 87. 39. 23. M they fell all by the t. Hot. 1. 7. I will not save them by i. 1mm 7. II. Jeroboam sh. die fty thei. 9. 10. my people shall die by the i. Haf. 2. 22. every one by the i. of his 13. 14 had the wound by a *. See HOOK. FALL. From aWSWOBlX F.xod. la 4. delivered me/r. the i. of Lev. 26. 36. they shall flee as/ a t. Kin. 19. 17. him that escap. / thei. Chr. 36. 20. that escaped fr. the i. 'abb. I.V hesaveth the poor /r. thv i. 39 28. neither turneth he/r the *. '/. 28. 20. deliver my soul/r thet. 144. 10. delivereth David fr. the,. Ita. 21. 15. they fl.-d fr. the drawn *. 31. a hut he .hall Off from the i. Jer. 21. 7. such *s are lelt/r. the I. 46. 16. let ut go/r the opprewinir *. 472 IWO F.fft II \r,. Ml leave a fw i i. 30. 24. I have put my *. in hand. 24. 3.' in. whi-n I shall brandish nn, *. Zrph, 2. I "I. ye sh. be slain by my . H'ith thf SWORD. Gen. 31. 2<> as rapties taken te. tin i. A'.rorf. 5. a lest he fall on u> tr. i',f t. 22 24. and I will kill you te. It,, .. .Vm. 19. 16. who. touch, slain n- t. * 20. 18. lest I come out trtVA thr . 31. R. Balaam they slew tr. the i. Dent. 28. 22. L. sh. smite thee -. / . Joih. 10. II. Isr. slew tr. t. i. I. 'I . II. 10. smote 1 king of Major tr. t . 1 .sVirn. 17. 45. thou romest tr. <; > 47. the Lord sav>*th not tr. *. and 2 .Vim. 2(1. a a girdle tr. a t. fastened 1 Kin. I. 51. not slay serv. ir. tlit- *. 2. a not put thee t'o death tr the I. 19. 1. had slain prophets tr thr t. 2 kin 8 1-'. wilt thou slay tr. the t. 11. 20. they slew Athaliah tr thr f. 2 Chron. 23. 21. 2 Chr. 21. 4. slew brethren tr. thf ,. 36. 17. slew th. young men tr tl.t i. Pi. 42. 10. as tr. a i. in my bones tta. I. 20. sh. be devoured tr. the *. 14. 19. slain, thrust through tr. a i. 22. 2. thy men not slain tr. the i. 27. I. the Lord ir. Austrong *. shrift Jer. 5. 17. impoverish cities tr. the i. 14. 18. behold the si;. in tr. the i. 20. 4. he sh. slay Judah tr. thf t. 27. 8. nation will I punish tr thf I. 29. 18. I will persecute tr. the i. Lam. 4. 9. that he -lain tr. thr *. are Rzrk. 1. 15. in field shall die u thet. 26. a sh. slay daughters tr. the i. 31. 17. to hell wi. them that beslnia tr. thf i. 32. 28. 32. | 3.',. K .Imnt 1. II. did pursue broth, tr. t *. 4. 10. men. have I slain tr. thet. 9. 1. I will slay last of them tr. the *. .Vie. 5. 6. sh. waste Assyria tr. AV t. Mai 26. 52. that taUe the *. shall perish tct'/A the i. Luke 22. 49. shall we smite w. the *.f A'-tt 12 2. Her. killed Jas. tr. thr t. Heb. 11. 37. tempted, slain tr. Mr *. Rrr. 1. 16. I will fight them tr Mr *. 6. 8. and power to kill tr. *. and 13. 10. killeth ir. *. he kill-d -. *. 19. 21. remnant were slain tr. thr t. SWORDS 1 Sam. 13. 19. lest Hebrews make *. i Kin. :i Ufi. tM.k 700 men drew ,. .VeA. 4. la I set the people witli *. rial. 5-V 21. his words were drawn * 5*>. 7. belch out, *. are in their lip< /'r e. 'M. 14 genera, teeth are as i. Cant. M S. they hold * expert in wr Ita. 2. 4. beat their . into ploiiyh. shares, Hie. 4 I. 21. 15 they fled from the . and ir. F.ffk 16 40. thrust throueh with . ya 47. despatch them with th* ir*. 28. 7. strung* r- shall draw their *. .fi. II. they shall draw their t agi. 32. 12. hy the t. of the mighty will I 27. they have laid their *. under Joel 3. 10 heat plough. shares into *. Mat. 26. 47. with Judas great multi. tude with * Ma-It 14. 43, '.uke 22. 38. behold her* ay < *.wo SYN SWORN. Sett. K. 16. hy myself hove I I. wtitli L.Jia. 45. 'a. Jer. 49. 13. I 51. 14 Am,af,. 8. Efod. 13. 19. Joseph had straitly i. y his right hand Jer. 5. 7. *. by them th.it are no gods 44. 26. I have s. hy my great name Ezek. 21. 23. them that have i. oaths Amos 8. 7. Lord hath s. hy Jacob Mic. 7. iO. perform merry th. hast .t Acts '2. 30. knowing G. hath *. oath 7. 17. promise drew nigh jurge you in t. a3. 3. TAB Mat. 23. n. and love chief seati in t Mark 12. 39. l.uke II. 43. I 20. 4d art 13. 9. in i. >e shall be beaten l.uke 4. !.">. he laujht in i. glorified 44. he preached in i. of Galilee 12. II. when they bring you into . 21. 12. delivered yen up to the i. J'thn lei. 2 they shall put you out i. Act* 9. 2. Saul desired letter to . ^0. he preached Chrint in the t. 13. 5. Paul and Hani, preached in i. IS. 21. being read in . ev. sabbath M. 12, neither raising people iu j. TABERNACLE. Ejrtd. 25. 9. make after pattern of t. 27. 3. thou Shalt make court oft. 19. all vessels oft of braes, 3!'. 40. 29. 43. t. be sanctified hy my glory 33. 7. Mos. pitched t. without camp 1 1. Joshua departed not out of t. 36. 8. them that wrought work oft 39. 32 thus was work of t. finished 33. they brought the t. to Mosei 40. 2. set up the t || 9. anoint the t. 17. on tirst day the t. wait reared up, 18. A'um. 7. I. 33. ho reared court roundabout t. 34. glory of Lord tilled the t. X. 36. cloud was takej from over t. Xum. 9. 17. | 10. II. | 12. la 38. the cloud of Lord was on the t. Num. 9 18, 19, 22. Lev. 8. 10. MOM'S anointed t. and all 15. 31. die not when they defile t. 17. 4. bringeth not offering befo. t. 26. 11. I will set my t. among you A'uw. 1. 50. appoint Levites over t. bear t. shall encamp round t. 53. 51. when t. setteth forward, and when the t. is to be pitched 53. Levites dial! keep the charge aft 3. 7,25. | 18. 3 | 31. 30,47. 4. 16. oversight of t. pertain, to E 5. 17. priest shall take of dust of t 7. 3. they brought offering before I 9. 15. on th- day that t. was reared cloud cov. t. tent of testimony 10. 21. Kohathites did set up the C. 11. 24. Mo>es set 70 elders round t, 26. they went not out unto the t. 16. 9. seemeth small to do serv. off 24. eet from about t. of Knrah.,27 !7. 13. whoso cometh near t sh. die Deut 31. 15. appeared in t. in cloud J<,*h, 22. 19. wherein L.'s t. dwelleth 2 Sam. 6. 17. they set ark in midst f. 7. 6. I have walked interitund in t. I Kin. 2. i8 Joab fled to t. of Lord S. 4. Tesels in t. brought, 2 Ch. 5 S. 1 Chr. 6. 48. Levites for servi.-e oft 9. 2a they had oversight of the t. 16. 39. priests before t. of the Lord 17. 5 have gone from one /. toano. 21. VR t. Moses made in wilderness 23. 26. they shall no more carry t. 2 Chr. \. 5. puthrRien altar before I. Job 5. 24. know thy t. sh. he in peace 18 & hunt shall he dark in his (. 14. his confidence he rooted out t. 15. destruction shall dwell in his t. 19 1*. hi* troops encamp round /. 20. 2. go ill ith him th. i* left in t. 29. 4. when serrrt of G. win upon t 31.31 if men of my t. said not, oh 3rt 29 can any underst. noise of /. ': Ptal. 15. I L who shall abide in t.'t 19. 4. in them he set n t. for the sun Ti !> in secret of his t ih. hide me A I will offer in hit t. Bcrifice 61. 4. I will abide in thj f. forever 76. S. in Salem is hit I. 'elliug.pl. 473 TAB Pi. 79. 60. so ht fonn k t ..f - hitot 67. moreover, he refuted /. ..I J.* 132.3. I will not ,-ome int.. II,.- f ; I'rov. 14. II. t. of upnifhi n,,,ui.l, /*. 4. 8. be t for hhntluw lr.,i:i i,, ,,i 1ft 5. he shall tit ...i it in t .,1 i>, . 3a 20. a <. that ih. not be u>k d..*a Jer. 10, 20. my t. ii fpoilrij, , Lam. 2. 4. he slew all pleaaul in ( H. he hath violently taken M I. Erek. 37. V7. my t. >h. he vt ith then 41. 1. which wm th.- bn-dth <.| t Amotf>. % hate borne <. ol M.-wh 9. II. day will 1 r^e up (. of l>. Act* 7. 43. ye took up t of M<. 46. who deoireti to find a t. fur (i. 15. 16. will build again t. of David 2 Cor. 5. I. if house ot t. be diiwi.lv.-d 4. we that are in thii ( do groaii Heb. 8. a. true t. which I. pitched 5. when Moses was to make (. !. t. there was at. made, sanctuary 3. /. which is called holiest of all tx pnexts went always into first (. 8. while as first t. w&i yet standii g 1 1. priest liy greater and perfect <. 21. he sprinkled with blood the t. la 10. no right to eat which er> . C 2 1'ft. I. 13. an long as I am iu tlii.t 14. shortly I must put <>tt my t Her. 13. (i. blaspheme his name and t. 15. 5. behold temple of t. opened .V Ai. 4. 10. let u ! for him I .\VA. 5. 17 weieat my/. \*> > lii. which h.H.I'l be ..t .n < Pnil. 23. i. thou prepare.! t 69 22. let their r. become nhr 7& l. can O furnUh I. lu^ilu^. I TAI 1. ilk*- plants hbmit I on t ni iifiut, 7 :t u V wi.|inii liatli furni-hed h> r t. i- while kin* sittetli nt t. .Y prepare the t. eat. watrh SI R g r-'e I.etore them on I. C4. 1 1. th t p epare r turtliHt irm.p Jlr. 17. I. itisuruifii mi t. of hearts Riek. V3. 41 i-repar. .1 a r bcf... e it 99. itt ye hall be fill, a at m> t 41. 2->. this in t. that is before Lrd 44 1ft. th. y jhall mine in HI to my t l>,,n II 27. they eh. ..peak li.-t m t. Mai. I. 7. r. ..t I i* contemptible I.' ye uny, f. ol .,ord 19 polluted !//. 15. 2" yet d.ics eat the crumb- from their m-ter'- t. Marlt~.'& l. with me 1.11 t. an. ye in. y eat ai.d itriuk at n y / ./o/iit 12 i. I.HI. a-o elli;,' l.t. _' ii" IIIMII lit r. knew w hat intent l{,na. 11. 9. 1. 1 their / l.e a man- 1 Cur. 10. '.'I ye i-niin.it he partakers of Lord'* t. i 4 t nl doil- W.liH, l. Writing TABLE. LuJce I. Kl Zmharias asked fcT tr. t TABLES, Ejrod. 32 15 t. were written on sides Ifi t. Her-- work iit t. in the ark, //r/.. S. 4. I Chr. 2*. ia l>avi(J yave p.. I I l..r t fe CAr. 4. C. Solomon al-o made ten/. /. V'8. 8. all L are full of vomit Effk. 411. 41. N t. whi-r.-on slew ac. 42, four /. wen "f hewn stone Hub. it. >. write vi-ion, plain mi t Mat. 81. VI. he i. ret threw f. nt the money. rhauuers. Mark II. 15 Hark 7. 4. WHshinir <,l cup-, pot-., /. J./A/i i. 16. dn.ve nut, overthrew t Art* (x i leave wnrd nf <;. serve t Cur. a 3. not in t. of >tmie, fleshly r S* STONK. Two. TABLETS, Fro*. 35. 22. th. hmavht r nf fowels ;.tnt thee with t. I .SirM. 10. 5. frmn hiirli pl.icr with t J,' 1 - 17. fi. and aforetime I was USB t. IKI. 5. lit t and wine nre in feast* TAKKETS. J Snm. It. a came to meet Saul wi. t. Jin. -M. R mirth of f. ceaneth. joy Ml 3*. it Khali ho with t. and harps Jr/-. 31. 4. avain he adorned with r. J'jrA-. 28. 13. workmnn-hip of thy t TABERING. A'i/A. 2. 7. Toire nf doves t. on breasts TACHB& trnil. IK. (I. thnn shall make fifty t, II. thnu fhalt make fifty t. ?$. II. -jfi. 13. he made fifty f of>ild. IK. *(. S3. they t.rn., B lit H. t hoard* TAl KI.INc,, S. tre 33. 23 thy I. an- lnoen, rouM Art, //. ID. third day we rast out t TAIL. I. put out hand, take it hy t fj.ut V. 13. mxke he.l. nnt /. 44 Ji,rif. I A. 4. lnxe, and turned t to t 17. hel-m..th mnn-th hit t. ', i. : 14 rut ntf fro. I. heart and I. |. pmpliet t^acheth hen. he i t '" 15. onrk wh. Lead or t. may do frr. VI. 4. hi- I rirew third of itrr* TAI LA J*tg :'j. 4. fi.-rbraud trtw.-.-n t it TAK 7. 4. two /. ni il.i->e fin-brand* U / IUr M-nrp. Mintr- in f. Ib. power in t. th>-ir (. like rrrpeut.- 1 A K K Cm. 13. 9. If thnn r. ii-H hand I will U. il. (iivi- lit- PVIMMI-, t. good* tn 5W.it now thy M>II. tlnne m,i\ MIU 4 M nh.ilt not I. ile to M.II, 37. 31. :. i1ir-c-,-rii wlmt i-- tliim-, r. it :. 23. let In-r t it to her, 1. 7. I will r you t.t e <. M-rve L 17. 5. and thy rnd t in thine bund 20. 7. not t, name 1. vain, Llntt j II. 21. 14 t him from mine ,uur that 23. H. shalt t. no Kilt. Dint, la IU. 34. 9. pardon, 1. us lor inheritance 25. 4a ye .-Lai. t. them l*r children .Num. S. <-. t. I.i vites imm amonit Is. II. 17. I will L of pint mi thee lt> .'(. ye f. too much upon you, 7. Drut. I. 13. t. ye u i-t men, inidersL 4. .'(4. t. him a nation, trom nalinti '.'5. 8. il he say. 1 like not to t. her ..(wA. 10. 4i Ili. ir land did Joshua I 2ti. 4. they shall t. him into the city ''('/if. 14. 15. lulled to *. th. We have? i'.'// --. I . shouldest t. kll .H.edf-r .S.i)// 2. ia then r as soul deaireth 17. tfi and /. thine head Ir.nn thee \'J. 14. >HII stnt lues-enters h>f. 1). 21. 9. il thou wilt / that, t. it, there 25. 1 1. shall I then t. bread and w at. I .s./;. Ii 4. he spared to t his fl.-ck .-- t it, le-t I t. city, it he called pi over, ai.d t. ofl his head I:- ! kniK should t toheart.13.33. Mi Mi ph iMn.helh said, let him t. f.l '. II. 31. sal.l to J. r t. IU p e.-rs U. 3. t. ten loaves || IK 4h. f. you 3.' 1 . 23- prey is divide. I, lame t prry 40. 24 their -lock shall not f. root' 44. 15. he will f thereof, warm him. 'H. rr. 2. 22 t. -nap || 3. 14. ronenfrity 13 21. -hall not sorrow- t. thee as? 15. Ift. if thou t. preciou- from vil. Is -i. tht.y have dtt'Ked pit tot. me 19. I. t. nl ancient- ot the people 25 y. I will (. families of the n.-rth III. I will t. Ir. them voice of mirth 32. 24 they are conn- to city to f. it in-had, km* of I'.ahy -h. t. it 39. 12. t. Jere:nieh. and look to him Ml. |;. f. veiiftrniu-e upon her. 51. Hi. they *h n- t t of tbee (tone 474 TAK Lam. 2. l.X u . at /. to it fo ILL I HI,! t. -tony heart *4. 5. r. (I. nice of Mock, hnrii l...iie :'j. when 1 /. from tin ir -treiutli 33. 2. il p. op e < iiirtn ot their cn.i-l 3ri. 24 I will I. you Irom heathvii 4o. ia ptlln e Hot t. p'-Oplc's inhrr. Don. 7. la Miinls ilu.ll t. kinmloin ! I. Ib. turn to mil--, and sh. t. mai.y Hut. ;-t. 'J. < with >..ii uordi. tin n IJ. they ,,'tJl,, t ju-t, t. liribi 11. U. thence-sh. my li.'.n.i (. them, 3 Junah 4. 3 t. 1 he-eei h thee, my life .tfic. 2. i. covet Held-. T .y iolen-oni,i( chi..l anil ilk ninthi-. 6. 25 r. in. thou^Lt lor your iili- 28. 31, :-4. | IU 19. Mark 13. I. Luke 12. 11, 22, va 15. 2C. it is not n i-i-t In f. children 'i bread, .Mark 7. /: [.UurA: 8. 14. 16. ft th had '.-:...,t.-n to (. hi cad, ia 16. then t with thee one or \\\ o S<. 14. r. that thine is, o thy uny ^4. 17. and let him mi hou.-e.tn| t COM to t. aiiytLing. Mink l:i. 16. 2G. 4. that they miv'ht t. Jesus l.y Rlibtilty, .Wd/-A 14. I. 44. 26. Jesui took (.'read and aid. 1. eat, Mark 14 22 I fur. ll.il. 52. they that t. sword shall perish Mark ti. 8. f nothinir for th. ir jour- ney, l.ukf !). a [/-** ii). ii. 12. 19. hi- brother sh..u;d /. wi!c, 15. 36. whether Klia- come tot. him Au.10. 35. t. care nl hm.|| 2.1" reuse 14. !*. hcjrin with shame tn t. lowest 22. 36. that h:.tli pur-e let him r. it ./A '.'. Ifi. Jea. ald, f. things lien, u ft. 7. that every one may t a littn- 15. they would c.'ine, t. hy lurci- 7. 30. s,.uifht tot. 32 | I0.3M. . 1 1 ' 1C. 17. lay down life, f. it avain. H. Hi 15 he .h. t ol mine and -how t 17. 15. sbonlde-t f. them nut woriC ia 31. t ye him, and judire him IU. 6. saith, t him and rrucily him cts 12. 3 Her. proceeded to t 1'et. 15. 14. to r of them M people tor hi* 37. Kanmb. detent in. d to t. John 3aPaul thought not pood In I l.mi 2ii. 13 there intendini; to t. l'..ui 26. wherefore I /. you to recnrJ 27. 33. hesouirht them to /. meat. 31. I Cor. ft 7. why not rath t. WTOHB 9. y. doth <. d r ( aie for oxen ? 2 Cor. II. ^0. suffer, if man /. of you I Tim. 3. 5. how t. care ot chun ii .' 7'iiB. 4. 1 1. t Mark, and I nine h IL I fti. 2. 20. If ye t. it patien- Hrr. 3. II. that no m,m t thy c-owr. 5. . thou art worthv lot. the I k f>. 4. power to t. peace from earth 22. 17. let him f. water of life Ireeiy T A K K (j*r.r>/. f.Vn. 42. ML ye i,l t Iteiijamin a. F.jod. 2. 9. (. this i hil.i a. and nur- 10 17. may t. orrvru linm mediwtli :Cl 2a I will f. (i. ii ire hand, and /.er. 3. 4 it he f. a I'l, IS. | 4.9. I 7.4 4. SI. t. an-aii all the fat thereof,:!.). \/m. 17. Ill qnilc t. n their murm V Sam. 4. II sh.,11 1 not I you i' 5. r, except thou t. a. the 'blind 24 10. t. a. illiquid of thy servant I A'in. i. 31. t. uiratt innocent MiMid I'.'. 4. enotith, (i Lord, t. n. my lift 10. they-eek my life tot. it a. 14. CO. 6. pleu**iit shall servant t . TAK I Atfc. 20. 24. t. kinsfs a, put raptains F Kin. 2. 3. 1-. win / ./. master, 5 :'.. 32. hath scut t., /. ,t. mine head w 32. I .-wine f. you (i \'t. :JG. 17. 1 Chr. 17. l:i 1 will not t. metcy . J ,/, 7. 21. wliy iliist not /. a. iniquity X4 -J. they Violently t. vj. 4. /. a. tin- dross tioin the silver j. t 2. covet houses, < them a. Ze/A 3. 1 1. 1 will t. a. out of midst 2 /-A. !i. 7. <. blood out of mouth Mil!. 2. 3. one sh. fc you a. with dung A/t 5. 40. t airaif thy coat, let bun Murk 14. 30. Kiitiier, t. a. this cup Luke I. 25. to /. tt. my reproach 17. 31. not come down tut. it mray John 1 1. 39. J. MIS said, t. a. stone fl;. II. 27. when 1 sh. t. a. th sins 1 .in/in 3. 5. manifested to t. a. sins Rev. '22. 19. it any man <. away from Set COUNSKL. TAKE heed. Gen. 31. 24. /. h. thou speak not, 29. Ejfud. 10. 28. t Aevo? to thyself, 34. 12. Deut. 4. 9. | 12. 13, 19, 30. 1 .S/. 19. ->. 1 Tim. 4. 16. 19. 12. /. Atrrf to yourselves, Deut. 2. 4. | 4. IS, 23. | II. 16. JoA. 23. II. Jer. 17. VI. Xnm. 23. 1 2. must 1 not t. ft. to*peak Lent. 27. 9 t. h. and hearken, O Is. Juxlt. 22. 5. t. It. to do cninmandment I Kin, 2. 4. if tliy children t heed to their way, 25. 2 CAr. a 16. 1 Chr. 2H. 10. t. h. for 1-. bath chosen .2 1'Ar. 19. ti. /. A. what yr do, jiidirp 7. let (ear of L. he on you, t. heed 33. 8. so that they t. A. Ezra 1. 22. Ji-li 36. 21. / A regard not iniquity AW. 39. I. 1 will t. A. to my ways J: '-el. 7 21. t. no A to words spoken Ixn. 1. 4. say unto him. t. h be quiet Jfr. 9. 4. /. A. ev. one ol neii.'lihnur ;/./. 4. HI. they lelt off to < A. to L. Mai. >. 15. t. heed to yonr spirit, l. M// (i. I. t. h. d. .not 'alms hef. men 15. III. <. A. th. ye despise not the>e 21. 4. t.h. no man deo-ive,. */("" 13.5. Murk 4. 24. siiid, /. A. what von hear 13. y. t. h. to yonr-elvrs, l.u. 17. 3. | 21. 34. Jrfc Y .'15. 1 20. 28. 23. < A. I foretolit || :Cf t h. watch 7,,-A, 8. 18. i. A. ther-f. IK-W ye I' 1 '"' Jl. :i5. t. h that litfhl be not .iarkn. !2I. 8 said, t. It. ye he not deceived ,!,/.< .'.'. v(i. A Aci-rf v\ hat th..u does! K' in. II, -.'1. A A b>t he ..pure not 1 L-.-r. 3. 10. man /. A how be build. lO. I;, -tati'h'lh /. A. le-t be full iitt'. i. 15. / h. ye he not (n-umed 9i. a. 1^. ' A. i.it lu'*rt of unlfli"I TAK Pet. 1. 19. \\here. ye do wi-ll to t.h TAK.I-; imiii. rt,d. 15. 14. sorrow /. It. of inhabit rut. 32 41. il hand /. A. ol judging ,A./. 27 20 terrois /. A. on him a. .'('). 17. and justice t. Itulit ..n thee 3-. 13 might/. A. on ci.d. ,.f earth ."(/. fi'J 24. let finder /. //. of them I' mi: 2. 19 nor /. A ..I path- .,f ,,fe 5. 5. go down, her st. ps /. h. on hell E cL 7. 18. good that Hi /. A. ol thi. /*. 3. H. whci a man /. A. ofbrother 4 I. seven H-.imen / A. of one mai 27. 5 let him /. A.. of my .Men tl, (>4. 7. stirreth liiniHelf to /. A. of thee -Vic. (i. 14. /. '.. but sbalt not deliver Zech. I. 6. not /. fi. ul your lathers '.- 8. 23. ten men /. A. ot him th. is Jen- Luke 20. -0. might /. A. of lug words T.YKK up. Gen. 41. 34. t. up hilii part of land Josh. 4. 5. /. u/i ever) mail a stone 2 Kin. 2. I. when I., would /. u. Klij. 4. 3'i. /. up thy son || G. 7. /. up inn 9. 25. t. up, and ca.t linn into field I'm/. 16. 4. nor t. up i, .line- into lips 2". 10. then the Lord wi.l t. me up Jer. 9. 10 mountain- /. up weeping 15. /. up walling || 38. ID. /. up Jer. Exrk. 19. I. A up lainen. for princes Ainu* 3. 5. one t. u. snare from eart . 5. I hear word I t. up against you Jonah 1. 12. /. me up and cast me Mat. 9. G. arise, /. up thy bed, Mark 2. 9, 11. Lit. 5.24. John!, 8, Ii, 12 16. 24. t. up cross, and follow me, Mark 6. 34. | 10. 21. Luke 9. 23. 17. 27. /. up li..h that first Cometh TAKBN. Gen. 2. 23. bee. she was t. out of man 12. 15. worn, was /. into I'.'s hoii-e 19. -o 1 might have /. her to wife 14. 14. Ahram heard hrother was t. 18. 27. 1 have /. upon me to speak 20 3. woman thou hast /. is a wile 31. IG. riches G. hath /. from lather A"U;N. 3. 12. /. Levites) 8.H1.1S. | IRO. 5. l:i. neither she be /. with nirinner 31. 19. we ha. /. sum of men f Wai Deut. 20. 7. wife, and hath not /. her 24. I. when a man h.itu t wile Josh. 7. 15. he that is t sh. be burnt 16. and the tribe of Ju.lah was /. 17. Zahdi was /. || 18. Aihan wa / Jttdff. 15. G. because be had /. wile 17. 2. 1 100 shekel.- that were /. from 1 Sam. 4. II. ark was /. 17,19,21 22 7. 14. cities which Philistines had /. 10. 21. Saul t. || 12. 3 ox have 1 t.Y 12. 4. nor /. ought of man's hand 14. 41. Saul nnd Jonathan were/. 42. cast lots, and Jonathan wits / 30. i:i. iiothinu larkinu they hud /. 2 Sam. ]>. 9. hast/, his wife to I.e. Ill 1ft 8. behold, thou art /. in mist hid 23. 6. because they cannot be / I AIM. 16. 18. Ziu.ri saw city wan / J Kin. 2. 10. if thou see rue when /. 18. 10. ninth ye.ir of Hosea .sama. / Etra 9. 2. they have /. of daughter. 10 2. /. stranife wives, 14, 17, Is. \t It. 5. IS. hand /. of tliem bread KM. 2. 15. / KsMier for daunhl.-r J..f, Hi 12. hath/, me by in* neck 24. 24. they are /. out ol the way /'//. 9. 15. in net hid is then I /. Id 2. let them be /. ill tin- devici - 50. Ii let Ih.-m '> / in their priue 119. 111. thv te-tim..nic. bae I / i'rov. 3. 26. I., kvep loot fr. bciiur /. 6.2. thou art/, wi. words f mouth 11. G. tran-Kr. ssor- shall be / 1-rrl. 3. 14 nor an\thinir / Irom it 7. 26. b it sinner hll be /. by her 476 TAK '.:iV /. evil cotltiv. [ ._ K. 15. many l.e t.mke',. M.I hath / e.oi.i-i ..t r\rrf is 44. **. l:i might be hn.k. .'It 2(1. tabernacle u..t he /. down Ji. '.. win. in I | M . i, I, ,,,,t. ,,, .-and '->- * h,- ;,- .,, |d ' ' '' I I. lllls'..ll!'l Wjlh \\ ,le he /. 12. 2. has planted, they i, H . /. root 4. 3. tl.ou aha i aurely he t till day Hat Je 3V. 5. when hey had /. him. brought i'/. I. when he bad /. him, 48. 1. Kil lath. is/. || 7. th. .ln.lt bet 41 Kirioth h 49. 20. hear couns.1 ' i 50. 2. liabylim i- /. ^l. I [ ;. :(li ^ Lam. 4. 20. anointed of Lor.i , /. Exrk. 12. 13. prime of h. I,../ ,,,i,rt 16. 20. thuii hast / (...n> ,,i. 17. 12. and bath /. tbr kin^ th. r, ..( 13. /. of kin-'s seed, / oath ..I t.iro 20. and he shall he /. in my .n.,r,. 18. 17. bath /. ott Ins lian.i fro. pour 19.4. heaid. he w,.s / in then pit, H. 21. 23. remembrance, that th. y br (. Dun. 5 2. which his lather had /. 3. .imus'.l. 4. i'. ye have/, nothing, .V I -n sh. Is. be / that .! Mat. [i. 15. hndegr.M in be /. fr. th. w 2! I ,. kingdom ..f (i. he / Iro. y. -J 1C. ..ne l.e /. Luke l-.:-4. 35, 3t 28. 12. had /. counsel, gave money Murk 4. 25. from him /. that which 'j. 36. when be had /. bun in arm* J.iilc. :>. 5. toiled, have / nothing l\i. 8. if 1 have /. any thmv Irom ./ AH 7. 44. some would Lave / him ./(.-/..- 2. 2:1 ye havet. by wick, hand* K. 33. for his life is /. from eailh a. i7. th:s man was /. of the Jew Hum. 9. 6 word bath /. none , Be. t 1 Thru. 2. 17. /. fi. >on a sh,,rt inj' 2 Thvi. 2. 7. until be be/. ..tit ol w.ijf .' Tin,. 2. iti. who are t. i-aptive by 2 I'rt. i 12. made to be / destroyed Her. II. 17 thou haul /. great p..r 19. 20. beast was /. and with him TAKI.N uiruw. den. 21. 25. Abiin. 'a servant had /. a. l~. :i. he hath L vry my blearing 31. 1. Jacob hath /. a. all that i.oul EjrtlL 14. II. hast /. uuu-ai/ lo die I.i-r. 14. 43. that be hath / . ./ i lh-ut. 2(1. 14. nor / a. ought for m.y 'ff. la 24 ye have/ a. my vd 1 ,S,i/. 21. G. Ill da) when U " in 22. 43. hih places w.-re not/. ,111 ni/, 2 A'in#J 12. 3. | 14. i 2 Chron. 15 17. , vft 33. 2 A'l'n. 2. 9. hefo. I be / a. lr..m thet 'a/I I. 21. L. gave, nnd L. hath /. a. n. 19 hath violently /. ti. nl - 27. 2. who hutht a. myjn.l. 34. 5. (Jmt hath t a my Judgment Jl miiihty b.- / (/. witliMtit han.t rial. 85. 3. thou hst/. u. th) wr.tfc j. is t ,r,i I thine iniquity IB I '* , (i he I- /. U.lll h.. 1,1,1,1 I. Ml. I have/ ,1 >-" Mil- 2. !' ye hae /. .m./* " K ' Y /,,,/! 3. 15 I., bulb / .Mat 13. 12 Irom him ' hath,-. l.nkf III. 42. K'"*t P..H J u iin 11'. 31. tbut the) TAL h,,ul 1 I.,- iav-d wat a ) Cor. 5. -1. .Ion.- this "infill !> t a. TAKKN AM. 1 A'i* 9. 9. have t A. .in other gods ,7oA.'<. ll>. days of affliction ha. / A. /'!/. -10 \-i. i.ii"iitie hare t A. fat 21. 3. panirs have / A. on me TAKKN up. F.rtd. 40 36. rlciii4l wa- t. up from A''iwi U 17. whi-ii cloud watt />. 21. t Sum M. 9 Absalom wa* t u/* ./i?/-. ifl. ft. of them sh. he ;. n;< ciir-i- A--V-A-. 36. a ye are t ;> ui the lips Luke 9. 17. W.M t up of fniKinenti Ait' I 9. he >va- / up. ;\t] a cloud II. Jesus which is t u^from you sB. until iluv lit 1 was t tifi from us 2U R Eulvrhii- fell, wa* up dead TAKKS1-. r. 144. a that Hi t. knowl. .if him V /<. la a nd th. .11 t no knowledge l.ukt 19. 21. f. up thi.ii lavedst not TAKKST hred. 1 CAr. 22. 1C. if t. A to fulBI statutes TAKKTH. EfotL 20. 7. that t hi. name In Tain. DetU. .VII tl. a an eagle t them, beareth 7. U. tri'.e the L. t. shall romi> Job 5. II he t wise in their crafti. nens, I Cor. 3. 19. 9. I? he t away, who rail hinder ? '5 9). and t away understanding fi. 8. what is hope when Ood I ! PtnL 1 18 7. U t. my pnrt with them I l'i. 4. L. t pleasure in his people Prof. I. 10. which t. away lilv of !ri 3-2. better than hv that t city 26 17 like tine that t. a .log hy ears Kcr: I. 3. of hi, lalinnr which he t. i. -1 lii heart t. n.'t r*st in night /'/ 40. 15. he t up i*le as a little . r >l Ift. nor is Ih.Te that t. her hy fffk. Id 3*2. who t. srranifer* instead SI. 4. t not warning || 5. t warning Mat 4 5. devil t. him np Into holy 10. 38. that t not his crn>. and 19. I', t MTvn spirit*, l.ukf 11 26 J/r-r* 4. IS. Satan mitneth, and t. away word. /,&< 8. 12. "> 40. he t father and mother of P. II wheresn. he t. him. he tearetb l.iikf K 30. that t. fronds, ak not !'. SI. xpirit < him, he suddenly Ji.hn 1. 29. l-amh ..f O t away sin 10. m. no man t. it from me, 1 lay 1'V 22 yonrjoy no man t. from you 21. 1 3 Jes. thvn cnmeth, t bread 1 Tor II. 21. ev. one t bef another Hrb. 10. 9. her 1 away the first that TAKKTH AM. 7n6 21. trembling t A. on my fifth /*rni.. 30. 2R spider t A wi. hit lids Itn 56. & that t A. of my covenant TAKING. ? CAr. 19. 7. with O. no t. of gifts Jot 5 3. I hare seea fnoli-h t. root /'fit. 1 19. 9. hy t. heed thi-reto /T. V>. 46. at noise of t. of Babylon lint II. 3. I taught F.phrnim also to (to, t. them hy their arm Mat. ft 27. hy t thought, /.u. 12. 25. /.*< 19. -it. t up I laid not down Inhn 1 1. la he hud spoki-n of t rent : Tor. . IS. <. my leare of them, I 3 Jnhn 7. they went forth t. nothing TALK. s. /*w7i 90. 0. we spend yean Mat E*fk. . ft th. carry t to shed hlnod Lulct V4. 1 1. their w'..rds seemed a* /. TAKE-irorer. ter. 19. IK. iht.lt not o as a ..*. ''rwt. 11.13. t. r.-e. se. rets, *) 19. 1& & word* <.-. arc wouuiU. -A. 2U. TAL /roe. 26. 2ft rhere is no t.-i. strife TALI Ej-. 39. < .f pure gold, 37. J4. 3S /?. sockets < for a .ocket i Sum. I 1 .'. :). wfi^ht f rnnvn n t I A;I. -M >. Mmlt pay a /. of silver i Kin. 5. 22. uire them a t of silver i 33. a triWute of a t'lli-nt of void. X CAro. 3i 3. ZfcA. ,V 7. there wits lifted a t of lead Mat V.Y 2i I wvnt and hid tliy t. A *ke therefore the /. from him Rev. 16. 21. stone al.out weight of t. TALENTS Rfod. 38 ?4. gld of offer. WHS vJ t. 27. of 100 /. of >Mver wcie cast soc. I A'i. Hi '.'I. bought hill t,.r two (. J A' in 5. 5. Naninan took trn t. 2a said, be content, take two t. IS. 19. Menahem gave I'nl 1000 t. 18, 14. appointed to Hesekiah 300/ 23 3a tribute of KKI /. > Chr. 3ft a I CAr 19. 6. Ammonite, sent 1000 t 29. 4. David gave 3000 t of gold to 7. of Bold 5000 <. of silver lO.OOOt i Chr. 25. 9. what do for the 100 t.t 27. 5. rhildr. of Aninion gave 100 t .Vn<. 18. 24. one owed him 10.000 t 25. 15. to one he gave five (. t t. 1 .S>fm. 14. 19. Saul t unto the priest 2 CAr 25. 16. It came to pa-s as he t. Jer. 38 25. if prince* hear 1 have t. Luke 30 t. with him two men 24. ."fie. neart burn while he I. with John 4. 27. marvelled thnt he (. with A,-l, 10 27. as Peter t. with Cornelius 20. II. and t. long till break of day 2ft 31. they t between themselves Ret. 21. 15. he that I. with me had I ALKERS. Krrk. 36. 3. taken up In the lips ol t. Tit. I. 10. there are many vain t T A I. REST. KtH. Judr. fi 17. show me a sign thon t. 1 Am I. 14 while thoo I with kiuf Ptnl. 37.3-) his tongue I. ofjudgm. John 4. 27. why t. thou with bur ? 476 TAR J-hn 9. 37. it is he thnt t. with the* TALKING. Gfn. 17. 22. he left oft t. with him 1 Kin. IS. 27. he is t. or pursuing Eith. 6. II. while they were t. with Exek. 33 30. people are t ug. thee A/at 17. a Moses and Kli..s t with him. Mark D. 4. Ret. 4. 1. voice of a trumpet t. with TALKING. Jnb 29. 9. the princes refrained t. /.;//j. .'>. 4 tiltlini.'.s,, nor foolish t TALL. Unit. 2. 10. t -A- Anakims, 21. | 9. 2. 2 A'in. 19. 23. will cut down ( ceoaf trees, /jft. 37. *4. TALLEK. Deut 1. 29. the people is /. than we TAME, EI>. Mark 5. 4. neither could man t him Jam. a 7. of sea is t. and hath been t 8. but tl.e tongue ran no raun L TANNKK. Art* 9. 43. Petei tarried wi. Sim. at 10. fi. lodged with Simon a t. 32. T*PfcSTBV, Set" ( OVhRI.NliS. TARE. 2 Sam. 13. 31. ti e king t. his mrm. 2 AIM. 2. 24. two she-bears t 4* chiL Murk 9. 20. spirit (. him, l.u. 9. 42. TAKKS. Mat. la 2S. his enemy sowed t. aroo. i- -halt thou t till I 9 Sam. 10. 5. t at Jericho till heard* be grown, I Chrnn 19. 5. 11. 12. t to-day || 15. 28. I will t 1*. 14. Joahsiiid, 1 may not t thus }'j. ~. there will not t one wi. the 2 Kin. 2 2. t here, U sent me, 4, fi. 7. 9. if we t till the morning light 1 14. 10 glory of this, and t. at home Pial. 101 7. a liar not t in my sight ' I'ntr. 23. 30. that t long at the win /ji. 4ft la my salvation shall not t Jer. 14. 8. that turneth tot for ni_ht Hub. 2. 3. though it t. wait for it, for it will n.it t. Mat. 26. 38. t and watch, Mark 14 34. Luke 24. 29. he w.'nt to t wi. them 49. but t ye in city of Jerusalem John 4. 40. besought that he would t, 21. 22. if I will that he t. till I, 2:t Act* 10. 48. they prayed Peter to t 18. 20. they desired Haul to t longer vR 14 were desired to t. 7 days 1 Cor. II. 33 wheref. t one for anoth. Ift 7. I trust to t a while with yoo 8. I will t at Kphens nntil Pen. I Tim a 15. if 1 t. long thou mayi-st //,*. 10. 37. will con e, and not t. TARRIED. Gnt. 24. 54. Abraham's servant t 28. M. Jsco) t. there all night nnd 31. 54. Jiicob and l.shan t all night Atm. IV when cloud i. long, &. TAU Jwif. 3. 25. t. they were ashamed HI. S. they t. til! the nfterniMin liuth >. 7 save that she t a little 1 .Sum. 13. 8. he t. 7 days according t Sam. 15. 17. king t. in p!ac-e f;,r ofl 20. 5. hut he t. longer th.in set tune fW. f,R 12. she thiit t. divided spoil Mat 25. 5. bridegroom t they slept take I. 121. people marvelled he t. V. iM. child Jei-us in Jerusalem /'.// 3. 22. then he <. and haptizel rfr/9. W. 1'et. t many days in Joj IS. 18. Paul t a good' while at Co W. 5. tfoing hefo. <. for us nt Troas 21. 4. finding disciples we <. 7 days In. as .(>. Feetus t. at Jerusalem ten dayt> *7 H3. fourteenth day ye I. fasting 2N. 12, at Syracuse, we <. three days TAKR1KST. KTH. 1 Sain. 30. 24. his part that t. by stufl Jtfac. .'). 7. that < not for a man, nor Acts -fl. 16. and now why t. thou ' TAHKVINCi. PjaZ 40. 17. make no /. O G. 70. 5. TASK, S. f(>d 5. 13. fulfil works, daily t 14. why not fulfilled t. in making 19. not riniiish Imm your daily t. TASK-f/uufer*. Ejcod. 1. 11. Bet over them t.-mnsters 3. 7. cry by reason of their t.-m. 5. 10. t.-m. told th. || la t.-m. hast. TASTE, Sutttatitire. Exod. 10. 31. t. of manna like wafers A^m. 11.9. <. was as r\ of fresh oil Joi> 6. 6. any t in white ol an egg ? .SO. my A discern nei verse things /'fa/. 1 19. I0a sweet thy word to t. Prof. 24. 13. honey. comb sweet to Cant. 2. 3. fruit was sweet to my t. Jtr. 48. 11. his t. remained iu him TASTE. Verb. 1 5am. 14. 43. hut t. R little honey 2 Sam. 3. 35. if I t. bread or ought i! 35. can servant t. what 1 eat ? Jf,!> 1^. II. doth not mouth A meat /W. 34. 8. O <. and see L. is good Jom/4 3. 7. nor flock t. any thing lilnt. 16. *8. some standing here no t. of death, Mark 9. 1. iu. 9. 27. J.. 14. 24. none biddei: {. of supper Jnfin 8. 52. keep saying, nev. t. death Co/. 21. touch not. t. not, handle lli/j 2. 9. should t. death for ev. mau 1 AST ED, E1H. ] S t im. 14. 84. none t. || 29. I t. honey J as far as three t TAUGHT. Dnit 4. 5. I have <. you statutes a I. 22. Moses t. the children of Ir. Jurf^-. 8 16. he <. men of Succoth V A' I'M. 17. 28. t them how to fear L. 2 Clir. fi 27. hast < them good way 17. 9. Levites t. people in Judah 23.13. peo. rcj >iced, t. to sing praise 30. 2-' .hat t knowledge of Lord 36. 3. josiah aiil to Lev. that t. Is. f-'e/i 8. 9. Levitesthat t people said f 'il. 71. 17. th. hast t. me, 119. 102. I lit. 171. th hast t me thy statutes fror. 4. 4. he t. tne also, and said II. If. tliee in way of wi-dmn .'.'!. ; prophecy his mother t. him tcci. 12, 6. be t. peopitf knowledge TEA 'M. 29. 13. fear t. hy precept* of men 4n. K). being coi.nselli.i t. him, 14. M. 13. thy children sh..ll be t. ..f '. 2. 14. /. Bal. to cast stumbling. TAUNT, ING. [hi.ni Jer. 24. 9. 1 deliver them to he a t. Exek. 5. 15. so it be reproach and t. Hub. '2. 6. thes-e take up a t. proverb TAXATION. 2 A'in. 23. 35. exacted of eTWy on* t TAXED. 2 Kin 23. -.'5. Jelioiak-m t the land Luke 2. 1. a decree world sho. be t 3. all w-ent to be /. || 5. Jos. to be t TAXES. ING. Dan. II. 20. stand up a raiser oft Luke 2. 2. /. first trade when Cyren Arts 5. 37. rose up Jud. in days of t TEACH. Exod. 4. 15. I will t. what ye do 35. 34. G. put in his heart that he t Ler. 10. II. may & Israel all statutes 14. 57. to t when unclean and clean Deut. 4. I. heark. t.. judgments I / 10. that they my t. their ihil.irei 14. L. commanded me to t. 6. I. 31. 19. write and f. children of Ir. 33. 10. they sh. t Jacob judgments Judg. 13. ft.' t. us what we shall do 1 .Vim. 12. 23. I will / you uood way 2 Sum. I. 18. hade them t use of bow 2 Chr 17. 7. to t. In cities of Judah Errtt 7. 10. to t. in Israel statutes ./oft 81. 22. shal' any f (i. knowledge 27. II. I will t. you by hand of (;. 32. 7. multitude of year* t. wi-dom 37. 19. t us what we h. say to bun I'm). 2'. S. he will / sinners in way 9. the meek will he guide aul t. 12. him that feareth I- *hll he /. 34. II. I will t. you le^rof the I^.rri 51. 13. I t transgressors thy Way* 90. V!. so t us to number ourdain 105. 22, uid t. his senators 477 TEA fror. 9.9.1. just man. h IB 'a. 2, 1 t us of his wa><. A; 2H. V. whom s . he t. knowledge *-. bis (i. doth in-trii. t mid I. him Jrr. . vo j j, llir f muil | l|pr% W miuif II.M t. no more iieighb . IM i II l.fk. 44. 13. t my people difl L>an. I. 4. who,,, ihey n,,g|,l I. le.fn. MIC. 3. II. priest, thereof t for h.r Ha6. 2. 19. sHitli to .t..|,e. lt .hl. t .Vuf. 5. 19. ( men o(| v lii ( n*tn.us Luke II. I. L. < u- to piny, as J..ha I 12. Holy firMit ( wbkt to -ay Jt,hn '. ,Y f Uei . ,,\ ,.,,. t ih. <. 14. iS. Hoiy (,h-t< 5,,,, ,, u, 1I10 ou 14. |y. by voice 1 might t othrrt 1 Tim I. 3 charge (. no other din-ir. 2. I 't. I suffer not a Woman to t. a 2, a bishop apt to (. ? J'lm v;. 24. 4. II. th.se things command and t 6. 2. these things < and exhort 3. if any t. otherwise, he i- proud 2 Tim. 2. 2. men able to t other. Tit. 2. 4. <. young worn, to be sober Hfti. 5. 12. have need that one t. )n I John 2. 27. need not th. any I yoa cr, 2. 20. th. sufleret Jerelel to L TK.\C H me. Jol> 6. 24. t me, I will hold tongue 34. 32. which 1 see not. (. Ihou MM Pta. /5. 4. t. me pal hs || 5. lead uid t 27. II. t me thy way, U L. Mi. II. 119. 12. t. me thy statutes, *6, 33, 64 (W. l.'4, 135. [judimenu 66. t. mr judgments || |iV t in thy 143. 10. (. w.f to .!' boi-o shall do and t. t. Mark 6. 34. began t. t many things 8 31. to (. Uifin Son f man nrter 1 KA( HKR. I Chr. 25. 8. a- well t. as thescholur Huh. 2. 18. proflteih image, t i.f lies John 3. 2. Ihou art a < cwmeironi (; /ii.m. 2. W. confident thou art a t I Tim. A 7. f. Uelililes, 27'HPll.l TBACHB1 Pml. 119 V.' more undent, than I. Pr,,r. 5 13 i i't obeyed o.ce of m> t It 30. 20. yet sh not t. be reinorrd. hut thine e)r*hll ee Uy t 43 27. thy /. hne lrn-grr**< ' 1. Nt Anti-h wrrecert. t /. . I C.,r. 12 2ft prop. I II . rei,IU . 4. M i , . . 1 Tun I 7 rle.irin)t t" IT ' "' ' 2 Tim 4. S. heup to theswle t w ouiru * i u< |4 Utegl TEA tiff: 5- 12 for time J oujrht to he f 8 ftt. 2. 1. >h. he false <. a ..oug you i i - AI m-.sr PiaL 94. 12. hl.-ssed is man thou t. Mat. 22. Iti t the way. if C intruili Mii'k I.'. 14 /.ii/l- Xft2l VI. til. < Jew- in lors.ke AI Rom. 2. 21. t. another t. n..t thy.-elf ; HIM 11. [/!. IN 31 g Stint. M 3V he f. my hands t war. .W. :!i 1 1. wh.i I. more than ! iM- 36. V--'. (i. .-x.ilt.-th. who f. like him:- Full 94 l<>. th.it f man know ledge 144. I which t my hands, tit war /Vf< 6 13. wick, man f. \vi finders lii 23. h. art of wise f. hi- mouth Jut 9. I.V the prophet I hat t lies 4H. 17. I HI" thy (iod whi.-h f. th> e //. ? il 28 the ina:i that f. all men A..W. 12. 7. he that *. n t.-a. hmir 1 f.ir. x.l.l. wisdom /. hut wh. H. (i. / Hal. >. G. iiiiuiii. .Ur t him th / 1 John 2, 27. a* name anointing t you TEACHING C4r. 15. 3, 1-rael without t. priest Jr. 34. 33. rising early and t them Hat. 4. 23. Je~u- went almiit i.ali. lee, t. !. V /.iM'e IS 10 15. 9. f. for dortrineA the cmmnaiid- ments of men, Mark 7. 7. Sfi. 55. I tat daily t. ill the temple *& .'0. (. them t observe all Ihinir- l.tJcr 23 V t. throughout all Jewry Act*i>. 25. the apostles t. the people IS 3 1. I'aul ami Bar. in Anthn-h f. A... 12. 7. or he that teachetli on t. Col. I. 2*. warning ami t. every man .'1 16 t and admonish, one another 'lit. \. II. 1. things they might not 2. li <. u, denying ungodliness TKAR. Jitdf. 8. 7. then will It jour flesh f*(tl. 7. 2. le-t he t. my MMI! like lion :c>. IV they did t me, rented not ,TII. -2i ron>ider this, 1,-st 1 t. you Jer. li 3. I will appoint d*s to <. IK. 7. nor sh II men / themselves F.zek. 13 20. your pillows I will t //.-i 5. U. I Will (. .in.l u'" ,-IWHV 13. 8 the wil.i beait shall t. them Anna I. 11. his a!!fer did t. perpetu. A.lA. 2. IV. the liu did t. ellOlU'h Xrca, II. !;. shepherd sh. /. .-laws TKAKIHH J>fiil. 33 20. as a lion, and t. arm JA 10. y he t. me in his wrath, who 18. 4. he t himself in hi- anger Hit:, a. 8. as young li"n t. in pieces Muik !. IH. he t him, uAe 9. 39. TKAHS. 8 Kilt. 80. 5. I hare seen t 7i S8 5. .;.,/i in * mine eye ponretli out t. Full 6. R. I water my much with t. :. IV. () I., hold not peace at my I. 4Z S. my t. have I.een my meat 5& 8. put th.ni my t. in thy hottle HO 5. wi. l.red of t. civ t. to .Irink lltl R hast de.iivere.i eyes from / ls!i. 5 ih " in t shall reap in j.iy fcrl. 4. I. hehold the /. of su.-h as. /> r I'i. 9. I will w:iter Idee with J. '2b. H. the Lord will wipe away t J,T !' I. O that mine eyes wire t.l - ,.iir > run down witn t. !:). 17. eyes hil run down with t. li. 17. k't mine eyes run with t. 31. IS. weepinif, thine eyes from t. J.iim. I. 2. her t. are on her rheeks >.. 1 1. mine eyes do fail with t. my is |..t A run down like a river Krfk it. 16 neither ..h-ll thy t. run ./<.'. 2. 13. roeriii(f nitar of 1. wi. t. M.irkU. 14 father ai.i with I. l.ord ilw. ". 3tJL tvtjUU to 7 he offered supplira. with< 12 17. he souvht it carefully with/ Her. 7. 17. . shall wipe away t. VI. 4. I I A ! s. Ita. 9s>. I A they shall lament for t t.*ek. 23. a they t.rui-.ed the t. M.* TBUIOUR. ./ 4. 10. /. of the lions are l.roken la It. wherefore takefl.-h in t: ; 19. ill. I escaped with skill of my t -!). 17. pin. ked 'p.-il out of A of 41. 14. LeviathHii's t. are ti-nible f'al 3. 7. hast l.roken t. of ungodly .17. 4. who. t lire -pears unil nrri.ws >. a break their t. O i. in mouth IVt fi. not fiveii us as prey to t r'ror. 10. 26. as vin.-trar to t M> .|U L .. 30. 14 wliose t. are sword-, jinv./. Cunt. 4. 2. thy r. are liken flork, C. fi. / / 41 I.V make instrument h..v t. Jer. 31. -i. rluldrt-n's /. an- s,-t ..i, edge, Exrk 18 V Lam. a 16. hath broken my t. with Dun 7. 7. fourth heat had iron /. MI Jufl I. 6 the rheek t of a fjre.it lim. Ani'ii 4. (. have viven .-leanness . t t .Wi'c. 3. 5. bite with t. mid cry peace 7.i'rh SI 7. abomination!, from his t Mut. 27. 44. rait the same in hii t. Rev. 9. a their t as the t. of liona See <;>Asn. TELL. <>. 15. 5. t the stars if th.m he able 3V 5. I have sent to t. my Lord 15. 13. t my father of my glory in Hi'iiil. 10. 2. mny. at (. in cars of son Xum 14. 14. they will t. inhabitants 1 .'in in f,. -j. /. us 'wherewith we .li. y S. man of i.od, to t. us our way 17. 5V as liv.-th. () king. I cannotf 2V. V2. I knew he would t. Sun! 27. II. lest they t. on us, saying 2 .Sum. 1. 20. t. it not in Hath, publ. I Am. I. 20. that tlnni should, -t t. 18. 12. when I come and t. Ahab -' AIM. 7. (i. that we may t. the king's 9. 12. said, it is false; t n. now I.V let none escape to BO to t. it in I'M/. 22. 17. 1 may t. my hoiiiM, th.-\ 20. 7. and t. of ihy wondrous work's 4S. 13. that ye may t the ceneration I'ror. 30 4. name, if thon canst <.? EccL ft 12. who can t. what, 10. 14. i 7. who can i. him when it *h. b.- ? 10. 20. that hath wings -h. t. matter ii. 6.9. t. this people || 4R L'O. t this JfT. IV 2, t such as re for death 23. 27. dreams which they t ifi. 32. 3(>. Hi. we will t king of these word- 17 f. us now how th.ni di.lst writ. ><*. 84. 111. not <. us what things ? /Jn 2. 4. () king. / thy servant-.. 7. .h,fl 1. 1 /. your child, let children /. .liinali :i 9. w ho can t. it O. will turn Mat. 8 4 see thoul. 1:0 man. Mur' a in. .m | a 0. : *r s. u. I a 56. ^cfv. 23. 22. 17.9 <. the vision to no man I- l:>. and t him his fault alone 17 if he neglect to hear t cluir -h 21. S f. ye the daughter of Sum 23. 3. t. US When kliall the-e tl.ini's be. Hark 13. 4. 478 TEM Vat. 2& 63. t. us wrethtrthou he t / *e -.'2 *>7 J'.AH In. :-l a-i nnd t that he i- ris.-n M. they w.-n' to t. dis. >/. '. Murk I :tn anon they t him of her 5 I!', t. them how g'reHt things L. II. 33. we cannot /. .Wf VI '.'7. /f.Ap-Jo. 7. l.nkf 1. 22. f John what ye have seen Jului :i M. hut ran-t not t. whence 4. 25. when he is come, he will /. 8 14. ye rnnn.it t whenr>- I come 16. la a little while ? we cannot t. 18. :. or did others /. It of me r Arts 15. 27. who sh. t. tume thing- 17. ->\. either to t. or hear some r.. w 2 Car. 12. V. out ot body I eatii,*i t , tleb. II 3--'. tin e would fail to t. I TKLL mr. (irn. 12 IS. why didst not t. atf t 21. 4nr what hat done Jrt 4. 4 if not redenn it. t me 1 >ni 14. 4. 1 ). SHU! said, /. Hie what 20. 10. David said, who shall I ,,,,-J ' S'tiH I 4 how went matter, t in* ! Ai'n. 22. Ill t. me nothing hnttnrh ^ A'i. 4. 2. what do for thee, t. /< 34. ;U. men of understand /. ine ('tint. I. 7 /. >iif, O thon whom n-y Mut 'il -H. thing, which if you t int l.iiki 7. li*. t. mi- which ot them will lufin 20. 15. t iiif where hast laid him Ait. 2.'!. Hi. what that hast to t. /,c? . 4. 21. t mi-, ye that desire to TELL thee. F.rnd. 14. 12 the word we did *. thct Sum. 23. 3. showeth me, 1 will f /'.,- i>cu/ 17. II. the jiidam. they /. fi,e Jwlg. 14. H5. t.'ld it and sh. 1 1. it th. Knt/i 3. 4. he w ill t. thee what thoii ! Sum. '.I. H. /. tare I hut is in heart 15 16. will / thif what Lord sanl l!. 3 and wluit I see, I will t. thet VI). 1). then would not 1 t it th.. ? 1 Chr. 17. 10. I /. Hire that the lA.rd Jot I. 15 1 escaped to /. t. 16, 17, IH. /.>a. 19. 12. let thy wise men t. Iher Luke 12. 5 . I t. thre sh. not depart Act* 10. fi. t t. what to do, 11. 14. / TKLL /"'<, or TKLL / :/. n. 49. I. that / may f v" whal I'll. 42. R forth, / /. i/nit iif them Mat. 10. 27. whal / t.'vuu in dnrkner* .Vr* II. 21). It v by wh. authority ,*< 4. 85 / /. wo M of a truth, u -.'7. 13. "HI. 1 1 tt'iii'\ know you not 19 JO. //. ?/"f if :he-e hold p.-a-e V2 67. lie MM, if / / W.H. not he ia. A/An 3. 12 believe if /V. i/i,TMif hev 8. 4.1. //. I/mi the 'tnth.' (.'/. 4. 16. 13. 19 now 7 / (,Y;ii befori' it come f\ ~. 1 1. null triith, it i- expedient Cn/. 5 21. ot which / t. ./.- Let. .re I' nil. 3. 18. ot whom / now t. you Tl I.I.I ST. /'i/. 56. A thon t my n-anderinpi TBLLETH. 2 Sum. 7. 11. the Lord t. thee thath 2 A'IW. fi. 12. Klt-hii r Hie king ol Ik. /',;/. 41. fi. when he goeth he / it KH 7. he that /. li.-- sh. not tarry 117 4 het the number of the rUrj I't hm d- ..t him Hint t. th. in John 12. 22. 1'hilip ,-, moth t. Amir. 'I ELLIN 6. Jtvig. 1. 15. fJi.icon heard t. of dream 2 Sinn 11 l-tli for mastery is t TO. 1. a bishop lie t. i| 2. 2. aged t. TEMPER Ez>k. 46. 14 oi to t. with fine a.mr T K M I' K K K I). E rod. 29. 2. unleavened t. with nil 30. 35. a perfume t. together, pure 1 Cor. 2 24. (. hath t. body togeth. TEMPBST. Jo6 9. 17. he breaketh in- with a t. 27. 20. a t. Btealeth him uway in Ptul. II. 6. mi wicked sh. lie rain t a-">. 8. I hasten from storm and t. 53. 15. so persecute them with t Ttti. 28. 2. niie, whi.-h as a t of hail 29. 6. be visited with storm and t. 30. 30. Assyrian he beaten witiia t. 3'J. ". man shall be a rovert from t. 54. ... O afflicted, tos-ed with t. liino* I. 14. with t. in day of whirlw. Jurmh I. 4. wa- a mighty t. in sea 1 .'. for my sake great t. i- come Mat. 8. 24. there arose a t. in sea ^ci 27. 18. exceedingly tossed wi. t 20. no small t. l-iy on u, hope Heft. 12 18. not come to dark, and t 2 /Vt 2. 17. clouds carried with at. TEMPESTUOUS. P.tal. 50. 3. be very t. round him Jonah I. 11. sea wrought and t. 13. Act* 27. 14. amse against it t. wind TEMPLE. 2 Sarn. 22. 7. he did hear my voice nut of his t. Pial. 1H. (i. 1 A,'in. 6. 17. t. before 40 cubits long 2 C/ir. 3^. 7 put vessel- in t. at Hal.. >/ 4 I. they builded t. unto Lord r>. U. took out t. brouaht to t. 6. 5. >Wi. 6. 10. hid in t shut do.-rs oft. /'.vi/. 27.4. beauty of L. inquire in t. 2'). 9. in t. every one speak of glory 48. 9. kindness in midst of thy t. f>a 29. because of thy t. at Jerusa. Jan. 6. I. and his train filled the t. 44. 28. to t thy foundation he laid fi6. ri. a voice from t. a voice of L. Jer. 50. 28. declare vena, off 51. 11. Erek. 41. !. alter, brought me tot. Dun. .i. 2. vessels taken out of t. 3. Jio.t 8. .3. songs of t. he bowlings Ztrh. 8. 9. strong, that t. be built .Vi;/. 3. 1. L. come suddenly to hisf. Mut. 4. 5. set him n a pinnacle oft Lnke 4. 9. i2. G. place is one greater than t. a. Ifi. swear by t. orgoldnf MT.tl. .'i5. whom ye slew bet. t. and altar 24. 1. show buildings of f. /.. 21.5. 26. fil. I am able to destroy t. of G 27. 40. destroyest t. tt&rkl*. 29. 51. vail oft. rent in twain, Mark 15. 33. Loto i. 1 ! 4;) Mark 11. 16. carry vessel through t. 14. "'H. destroy '. made with hands Luke 2. 37. Anna departed not fr. t. John 2. 15. he drove them out -ft. 19. destroy t \\ 21. spake o- t. of 20. 'orty and six year- t. building ActtS. 2. 'laid dailv at gate of t. to ask alms ol them entered t. In. 19. 27. t. of Diana should be despis 21. .SO. to .k Paul, drew him out t. 24. 6. hath g'.ne ai-out to profane t. 25. 8. neither against t. nor Cesar . Cor. 3. Hi. that ye are the t. of G. 17. if any man defile t. of U. h:m O. destroy, t. holy, wh t. ye ve 5. 19. your body is t'of Holy f B. 10. thr-e sit at meat in idl's t. 9. 13. th.-y v. ho minister live oft V a*. 6. 16. lialh t of O. witli idols? TEM Rev. 7. 15 serve day and night in t. II. I rise mid in.M-ure tin. f.of ti. 19. tot (..w.i- opened in beaten 14. 15. another a, gvl ca.i.e out ..ft. 15. 5. t. ol tabernit'fe wa opened a t. was tille.! with -m.ike from 16. 1. I heard a voice out t t. 17. 21. 22. no t. Almighty and Lamli t. See HOLY, LOKD /nor into the TEMPLE. 1 Chr. 6. IJ. priest'., office in Oiet. Ezra 5 15. carry these vessels i. t. t. AV/i. (i. 1 1. go into the t to save life Mut. 12. 5. priests in t. prof me sabb il. 12. went . t. t. to . ast out them that so d i t. .V;/r II. !5./,u.lU.45 14. and lame came to him i t. t. 15. rhiiitren cryiiij i,, t. liosanna 26. 5.i. sat tea< h ii)f in t. t.u. 21. 37. 27. 5. cast down pieces of silver i. t Mark 14. 49. 1 WHS daily teaching i, tlie t. Luke 2V. 53 Luke I. 21. he tarried KO long in t. t 2. 27. he came by the spirit if 1. 1 C). theyfi d him in th? t. fitting 18. 10. t men went in Ike t. to pra\ 24 53. continn..lly in t. ] r.ii~iii k - (i .-Jet* 2. i'i. with one accord in thi-t. 3. 1. I'eterand John went it the t 3. to go i. t. || 5. 20. and -peak in t 5. 25. men are standing in t. teach. 21. 26. Paul entered t. \\ *7 . saw i t 28. brought (ireeks into the t. 29. 24. 12. neither found me in the t. 18. Jews loun.l me piirifi.-.l in t. t '2lj. 21. causes Jews ranght me in t. 2 Tfies. >. 4. he as G. sitteth i. t. of G. Jlt-f. 3. 12. I make a pillar in t. of G. is. 8. no man able to enter into t. t. TEMPLES. Judg. 4.21. .-mote nail into his t '22. 5. ;fj. she had -Ink. n throm-h hist Ctiht. 4. a thy t. like pomegran. a 7. TEMPLES. Hot. 8. 14. forgot Maker, buildeth t ./w/3. 5. into t. my goodly things ^ct*7. W. the Most High dwelleth not in t. mn.le with haii.is, 17. -'* TEMPORAL. i Cor. 4. 18. lor things seen are t. TEMPT. Gen. 22. 1. O. did t. Abraham, said Ej-od. 17. 2. wherefore do ye t. L. ? Deut. 8. 16. ye shall not t. "the Lord ha. 7. 12. not a-k. nor w;ll I t. L. Mill. 3. 15. that /. ';..,! are delivered Mat. 4. 7. shall not t. L. I.'de 4. 12 22. 18. why t. ye me ? .Vo/* 12. 15 LnffeW. 2a Acti(>. 9. ye have agreed to A ^p;rit 15. 10. therefore why t. ye (iod y I Cor. 7. 5. Satan t. you not (or your 10. 9. neither let us I Chrit TEMPTATION. P*. 95. a M in t. in wilder. /W. 3. a Mat. 6. 13. and lead u< not into t Luke II. 4 26. 41. watch and pray that ye enter not intot. .\/u'.ll s. /.t/ Luke 4. 13. when devil ended hi- t. a 13. and in a tim^ ol t. lull uway 1 Cor. 10. 13. no t. taken you. wi. t iinl. 4. 14. my t. in flesh d.s|.i- not 1 7Yi. 6. !l. that he richlall into t. ./.. a HML v:. 18. himself 5iiflVr.-d bein' x t 4. 15. wa-in al pom- 11. 37. i-re sawn asunder, were t. Jam. 1. |.(. say w hen he i- t I itin t. of God, f.ir te t. commiii Deut 4. 13 LIT. 26. Sfi. t. women sh. hake t.re;,d Jnth. 17.5. fellt portionn to I fiulf. 12. I!. Klnii. judged U -0. 10. take t. m> ii ol an hun.li.-d Jtitt'i I. 4. dwelt in MO..I. t. )er 1 Sum. I. 8. better than t. fi>? ? 2 Sinn \'J. 43. we ha. t. part* in kinf A'in. II. 31. t. pier, give t. tlibe.:Cx 14. :<. take t. loaves to Ahijah 2 Kin. 15. 17. Mena. reigned t. yeorr .NVA. 11 1. one of t to dwell at J-r. F.tth. 9. id 1. -ons nl Ham. lew, I-. 1 . 1'ial. 3a 2. instrument of t ll 92.3. | Mi !'. Eccl. 7. 19. more th. t. mighty m. u Kxek. 45. 14. mi homer of f bulbs, t. iinotb. 3. leave / to house 6.9. if t. remain in one h..u Zech a 23 t. men take hold of J. w Mat 25. 1. kinifd. lik. '.nke l.i. < woman having f 17. 17. were there not t 1 1.- III. 13. delivered them t pound- AVr. 12. a a dragon baling / 13. 1 17. 12. the t. horn* are the t , See Ct'HTs. DANS, OM.H THOI -AMI, I llol -ANUlk I I N "en. SI. 7 changed wage* t. t. 41. VMWI. It '.'I' have tempted mr t f NcA. 4 12. Jew rme, said to n- 1. L !<>b !. 3. t. tint*-* ve reprint. Jan. 1. 20 found then t. I- I '1 I S ?jtxi 1& 21. over them nil ;:> b...ds. cuptnin* one / I 1 \ I'M Irn 2fl 22. 1 >l t shulllH- h-lv I , v - illtket i TEN TKND. /Vs II. 5. diligent t. to plenteous. TENDETH. /'roe 11 16. labour n( righteous t II. U M righteousness t t. lile *4 withholdeth, it t. to poverty 14. 21 talk ot the lips t t" penury ly 23. fear of the Lord t. to life TENDER. JI'CTI 18 7. Abraham fetched* calf < < i I.'L L. knoweth children are t iirut -A. "4 n. an that ia ( among .'16 the t. and delicate woman :<-. 2. M (mall rain on the t. herb t XIIM. 21 4. as the <. graas springing >f *''*. W. 19. bee. heart t 2CA.34.V7. I ( .r. -K. 5. Sol. is young and f. ;. I. J A I*. 7. t branch will not cease ..* 27. cause the f. hcrl> to spring / i-or 4. i t and h. loved in -iu lit of 7. 25. the t. grist showeth its.-lf t nit. 2. 13. the vines with t. grape 7 12. tee whether t. irrn|>e app-ar . r. 47. I. no more be railed t. and I '2. he shall grow upa* a t. plant / rri. H. 22. I will crop off a t. one 7J.ni 1.9. O. brought Dariel into t 4. 15. ill earth, in the /. grass, :>a ////. 24. 32. branch is t Mark 13. 23 7. !.*< 1. 78. through t merry of (Jod J-im 5 II. L. U pitiful, of / merry TENDER hearted. 9 ''Ar.13.7. Kebo. was young and f.-A. t.fJi. 4. 32. Ke kind and t..htarUd Sft MKRCII-S. TENDERNESS. Dent 88. 56. set foot on ground for < TENONS. A.r.,k a nail of the t and 5. 24. blessed above women in the t. 7. a he tent re.t of Israel to his /. 90. a w will not any of u- go to t. 1 Sain. 4- 10. Bed ev. man into his t. i Sam. 16. 17. | 19. a 1.1. t. rest of people he vent to t 17. 54. put (inliath'ii armour into t. t Sum. 7. . I walked in a t. I t'A 175. 16 22. tl.ey spread Ahualom a I. on VH L fL retired every man to hit t. t A' in. 7. 8. leper went int<> one r. t'Ar. Ii 1. Ua. pitched a t for ark TER * CAr. 25 92. fled every man to his t /e brought low 29. 5. mult of t ones .h. be as chuff 20. the t one in brought to nought 49. 25. pre> ol t sh b.- delivered 64. 3 when ill. .n didst t. things and Jer. 15. 21. redeem out ol hand of t. II. L. Is as a n.igl.ty t. one Lam. ft. 10. black, because ot /. fam. Ejtek. I. 22. colour of tlie t. ciystal 2. 7. I Will bring the f. of nation^ upon th.-e, 30. II. | 31. 12. 32. 12. 1 will. BUM- to (all *. ..f nan Dan 2. 31. form - f the image was v 7. 7. fouith beast dreadful and t. Joel 2. II. Lord i great and tery i. 31. before the great and t. day of Hat. 1. 7. Chal. leans re / and Zr^A. 2, 11. L. will he /. in, to Moah Htti. 12. 21. so t. wns the sight that IERK1HI.1.NKSS. Ce/. 26. 8. L. brought us with t 1 Chr. 17. 21. to make the.- a name t Jer. 49. 16. thy f hatb deceived thee TERRIBLY. ha. 8. 19. to hl.Bke /. the earth, 21. A'uA. 2. a the fir. tree. .h. be /. sliak. TERRIFT. Job 3. 5. let blackness uf the dy t. it 9. 34. his rod. and let not his fear t 31. 34. did contempt ot families t.! 2 Cor. 10. 9. seem *.s if I would t. you TERRIKIKD. EST. Deut. 20. :i. li-ar not nor be /. bee. ./..', 7. U. thu f. me through vision* l.ukf 21 9. when hear of warn, not t. 24. 37. they were t. i'.nd affrighted PhiL I. 2R in nothing t by advcrs. TER BACK*. 2 CAr. 9. II. made of algum. trees t TtKROK (rVn. 3S. S. the (. of (jod was upon l.er. 28. 16. will appoint over you t Deut. 32. 2S. sword without t with. 34. 12. in the t. which Mos. showed J th. 2. 9. your f. is fallen upon us J"fi 31. 83. destruction fr. (i. was H t. 53. 7 my t. ch not make tbee afraid I'nil 91. -V not afraid for / by night /ra. 10.33. I. will lop hough with t 19. 17. Judah shall be a t to Kgypt 3;i. la thine heart shall meditate t. 54. 14. thou fhalt he far from t. Jer. 17 17. not a t || 20. 4 t to hys. :. 81. brought forth Israel with <. Exek. 26. 17. f ause f. to be on all 21. 1 make thee a /. 27 36. | 28. 19. 32. 8a which caused t. 24, ?5. 26.27 30. with their t. they are ashamed :. 1 have caused my f in the land /fi/m. 13. a rulers are not t to good i Cor. 5. II. knowing the t of the U I /"rt. a 14. be not afraid of their t. TKRKORS. Dfut. 1 94. unsaved to take na by t. Joh ft 4. the *. . I 0. t. take hold on him a wat. 50. 15. I. are turned upon me, they Pml 55. 4 /. of death are fallen on 73. 19. utterly coiiMimrd with/ BH. IS. while 1 suffer f lam distra. Pi. 85 !fi me, thy t. have cut me off 1 Jer. 15. 8. I caused t to fall on city irt/n. 2. 22. hast called my t round t^cfe. 21. 12. t. by reason of sword TESTAMENT. 3lat.-X. 28. thisi.i my blood in new t Mark 14. 24. / it. 22. 20. cup is new t I Cor. 11.25. 2 ('/. 3. 6. made ministers of new t 14. remains vail, in reading old t Urli. 7. 22. made surety of a better t. V. 15. he is mediator of new t for redemption under the first t 16. where a t is, there must death 17 a t. is of force after men dead iO this is i.lood of t God enjoined fj> v II 19. seen iii temple ark of t TESIAI'OK. JS;6. 9. 16. of necessity t.e death of t 17. no strength wliiie the t. liveth TESTIFY. Kitm. 35. 30. one witness not t. Bcut. 8. 19. 1 t that ye shall perish IS). l(i. if a false witness t against SI. 21. song '. aita. them as witnesi 3>. 4ti. set your hearts to words It Ke/i. 9. 34. wherewith thou didst t Jvb 15. t>. thine lips t against thee I'ttil. 50. 7. O Is. I t ag. thee, 81. a IM. :i9. li and our sins t against u Jer. 14. 7. our iniquities t against u Hot .i. 5. pride ot Is. doth t. to face Aims a 13 and t. ill liuuse of Jacob .Vt'c. ( 3. what ha. I done? t ajr. nn Luke 16. 28. send Lazar. that he t John 2. *5 that any should < of mai 3 1 1. t wi- have een || 5. 39. t. ot in 7. 7. beca. I t of it|| 15. 20. t of me ^ct 2. 40. with other words did he In 42. t. it is he was ..rdained of G 20. 24. to t. gospel of grace of God 2fi. ft. know they, if they would t. Gal. 5. 3 I '. to ev. man circumcisi iuA. 4. 17. this I say, arid t. iu L. 1 John 4. 14. 'f e have seen and do Rev. 22. 10. 1 Jesus sent anel to t. 18 1 t to ev TV man tliat hearet TESTIKIED. Emd. 21. 29. it hath been t. toowne l). thy mouth t. ag. thee 2 Aiw. 17. 13 yet L. t against Israe 15. testimonies he t. against then 2 CAron. 24. 19. prophets t agains them. Seh. 9. 2 A T eA. la 15. 1 t. against them, 21. Juhn 4. 39. for saying wh. woman 44. Jes. himself t H prophet, 13.2 4cto 8. 25. when they t. and preac 18. 5. Paul t to Jews that J. wast 23. 1 1. as thou hast t. of me at Jer -.8. 2a to whom he t kingdom of 1 Cor. 15. 1 o. because we ha. t of ( 1 Thet. 4. 6. as we lorw^rned you. 1 Tim. 2. 6. who gave hims. t'> be Ileli. 2. 6. one in a certain place t. 1 Pet. \. II. t. beforehand suffering I J.Jntb 9. witness G. t of his S,, 3 J,,hn 3. t. of truth that is in thee TK>Tlr-lEI>ST. ETH. AVA. 9. 29. t ag. them by Spirit, 30 Hm. 7. Id. pride of Israel t. his fac John 3. 32. what he hath seen, he t 21 24 disciple wh t of these 'thing Hfh. 7. 17. he t thon art priest Jim. 22. 20. hich t these things TESTIFYING. Arlt 20. 21. t both to Jew and Gr Hrl, II. 4. witness, G t. ofhisgi.t J /-"el 5. 12 t. Ibis i Kraceof God TESTIMONY. t :. 1 I. thee. and pru-. Mat. II V.V J.-MIS aid. I f. t: Father. L. of heuven, l.u. Luke 17.29. doth he t. that servant? IN. II. G. \t th.-e, not a- ..th. n.ea John 1 1. 41. Father, 1 I. th. r, that l>iim. 1.8. 1 1 my G. thro 1 J. C 7. 85. I Cor. 1. 4. 1 t my G on your behalf 14. I t. apti/.-rt none i.f yun 14 18. 1 t G I <>pek with tongue* Ph I \. 3. I t G ..n r.-m.-mr.. nr yo, 1 Thfi. 2. 13. lor this .an-.- t. J Thru. 1. 3. we are hound to f God I Tim. I. 12. I t. J C. who enabled 1 Tim. 1. 3. 1 t God whom I serve I'hilcm. 4. I t Go.!, making roenUee See OFFERING. THANKED. 2 Stun. 14. 22. Joah bowed, t. king Actt 28. 15. Paul t O. took courage Horn. ti. 17. G. he t. ye were servta. THANKFUL Ptal. 100.4. be t to him, Col a 15. Horn. 1.21. tli.rified not, norwrret THANKFULNESS. Actt 24. 3. we accept it with all t THANKING. 2 CAr. 5. 13. singers were one t L. THANK-irorfAv. 1 Pet. 2. 19. t.tr. if mmi endure grief THANKS. .\VA. 12. 31. companies that gave t Dan. 6. 10. he prayed, and gav.^ t Mat. 26. 27. he took the cup, and gave t. Luke fi 17. Mark 8. 6. seven loaves and gave t 14. 23. when he had given t he iuke 2. 38. Anna gave t to Lord 22. .9. and gave t and I rake it ,/oAna II. when he had gi\en t he _'3. eat bread, after L. had given t Actt 27. 35. bread, and gave t to O. Rom. 14. a for he giveth G.d t h eateth not, and iriveth God C Cor. 11. 24. had given t. he hmke 14 17 for thou verily eiv>-t t well 15 57 t be to G who Bivelh vict 2 Cor. 1. 11. t may he given to many 2 14 t to G wl.'o cim-.eth triumph a 16.' t to O. who put car- in Tito, !i 15. t t.. G. for unspeakable gift Euh. 5. 20. giving always for nil Thet 3 9. what t. CKII we render Hri. 13. 15. offer praise, giving t ten 4 9 K've t to him on throne See Oi. GIVIWO TIIANHM.IVING. / er. 7. 12. if he offer it for a I. IS, 15. I .'.'. v*. [in prayef A 11. 17. principal to hen!., the t 12. 8. which WHS orf the I. he and 4i. there were ong l prale, t <'*al 2ft 7. piibli-h " ith >oicc.'f t .SO 14. offer unt" G...I t pay vowi fi9 30. I will M agnity him with t 1)5 2. let u-. come Lef hi fare wi. t 100. *. enter into hi. fHte * llh / 107 . let criflce wrinrrt lift IT '.ff-rtotheei,Hrrinre...ft 47 7 sing t" the I ..rd with f i' t ha M.' 3 t. and med wau-h in the Till * Tim. 4. a (i-.d t received wi. t. *. denture tf.....| n re.-eived wi. t. hf.~. li, t Mild |..!.o.|r * OOllMt. Til ASkMil VI S Aink. I*, 'fi keep dedication with t I Lor. . I- -. iud uit ''V many t to > IKt .dr/. 1 th-refore, b.- ye far Ir. /. /<. tii. ^il D.I inr>- ( an infant of yr. 5 6 every >:. that ifoe> t -hall 43. li!. he .h ii. :<> f'.rili from & in Luke 16. *V. th .t v.,,il.l come fr. t J.-An 1-2. .''. where I H m, t khall tnjr 14 3. when- I nut, t ye may lie THKKKAT. Ej-od. 30 li). wa-h tneir feet/. 40. 31. A/a/. 7. li man v there he wh. ruin t. THEREBY. Gen. -24 14. I -h .11 1 know th.ui Jvbikt.S'.. will r;. t Kood wnl come THEREON. tlat. 21. 7. they net him t. Luke 19. 3S. John I .'. 14. ID. and I.Min I nothing /. hut |.-uve>, Mark II. 1:1 Lukr 13. a THERETO. J>il 119. !>. hv taki'.if Heed t acror. THEBKUNTO. 1 Pet. a 9. kin-winy ye are L called THICK. Deii^ 32. li waxen f.it, art erown t Sum. IS. 9. mule went un. t. boughs 1 Kin. 8. 15. he to .k a / c o'.h, Hud AVA. X. 15. fetrh I. ranches of t. trees ./.'. l. r >. ; runneth un the t full. 74. -V lifted up axe. mi /. tree* Ezek. li. 13. slain iri.ier every t oak 19 II. stature wad amonir/. branch. 31. a amonthe/. t.o.i_'h.s. 1:1. 14. Hah. -I. ft lad. th h:m-!f with / clay Z-uA-e II. 29. people .'.urn-red t t"ge. See CUIIJIPS. [>AKKSts. THICKKB. 1 Kin. 12. la ray little triL'er h. be / than, > C/iron. 10. 10. THU'KKI 1 , S. Gen. & 1:1. a ram c.nwht in a t. by 1 Sam la fi Nrai-1 iiid hide in t. in /M. 9. IH wi, ke.lu.-s- sh kindle in A 111. 34 rut down tlie t of the forest Jr. tl 7. liii'i is cmne up from hi* t 29. city shal (lee : , , i , lltll t. THICKS' 2 CSr V , i, in 1-hrcadth Jrr Sri. 21. / >( pillari fo.ir ri-,.',T- Ezrk .11. 9. /. of w i I w. fivecul.it* li HI chamlHT* W.T- in /. of wall THIEF. Er-4 ! i if a / .... |,,iind hreak. 7. Drut *4 7. ntfaliii'.', th.-n (. -li di.- Job <4. 14. th.- murd.-rer is ,K n /. 30. 5 rrl-d nfter th.-in an after a /. {'a'. 50 In. when tli...i catvMt a t. r.irtn^r with t hat.-th wiul i.iin.-d \vliHii t^-wr " 1. t. cometh in. and rohhern /W '2. u. e.-\ti-r .it M in Jow> like a t. THl Zfh. 5 4. shall enter 1. Mat *4. 43. / would c..ine, l.u 12. 2; 55. are ye i-mne as .(fa'n-t a t. ' J.ilm I i. I. the -a n.- I- a t and r-.M.. t I > / oir.eth n .1 hut to ! \'i. 6. because be was a t. and h id 1 Thru. 5. 2. d iy of the Lord .-..met'. ' I'rter 3 in 4. day ohould overta*- -.on a- a / 1 /',/ t. 15. l-t no>e sutf-r . i / Rev. a 3. I will .-,. M. as a t. Hi. 15. Till /M. 1.23. princes are companions of/ Jer. 48. 27. was n >t 1-rae! am .'nr /.: 40. U if/, by ni.'bt, they, f< Mat. 6. 19. wher.-/ hr. a* through ;'l where /. do not lin-ak throuir'i 21. la made it H den ..I / V,,-, n. i: ;.. uncover the t. pa-s over ' / 31. 19. I -m.ite upon my /. Kffk. 21. 12. smite therefore upon /. it 4 trather the / and slum der Rev. 19. 16. he hath on his /. a name THir.Hs. Kind. 28. 42. breeches sh reach to / Cant. 7. I. joint* of/ are like jewels Uan. i 32. belly and / were of brass THIN. Gen, 41. & wren /. ears, 7, 23. 24, 27. Kfod. 39. 3. beat gold into / plates /."-. 13. :n be in it a yellow / hair I Kin 7. 29. additi. made of/ work ha. 17. 4. glory of Jacob be made /. THINK. Gen.H. 23. not take any thiiujth. Is/. /,cr. 10. IV it sh be /. and thy sons. b'um. I* 9, II. 13, 14. IS, 18 I A'l'n 3 2<;. let neitltet be mine nor t 20. 4. O kinif, I am / and all I have I CAr. li |H t are we. David, and 21. VI. I will not take that whi. is/. Pial. 119. 94. t am /. save me. I John 17. a t they were || 9. are /. 10. and ill mine re / and /. mine THING. Gen. 34. 50. t. pro.-eed.-th from the L. 31 7. whi /. ought not. 2 s.;wi 13. II 41. 32. bee. t. is established h, i.,, I <><>* II II. In t wherein the\ dealt 17. /. that thou does- is not it- od 22. !. for any manner of t-t / '.'i-. 4. 13 and the /. be hid fr. eyes is a wi.-k.-d f th.-y shall VviB Ift 30 hut if U make new / li'iit. I 14 the /. thou ha-t spoken 12 .'li what/, -oever I ro'niii md I'l U truth, and lertain. 17. 4. the / follow not, nor rome :^>. 47. it is not a vain / for y .11 ' 24. man do not -.. vile a / Kulh\ la till he have finished the/. I Sam. 3 II I will do a t in Israel 17. what is the /. the |, |, ,- i 7 not been .uch a t heretofore 1 1. 12. and we will show you H / IS 20. told Saul, the r pitted him i JM/. 13. aa U-t not lord Uke t to 4M THI 2&/WI. M la wheref. thought snrht r N. hide not tlie /. >.'>,. .-. of 17 -'M. let / hn.-t -p. .ken i.e ftub. i Cftr 2il : /. was d..ne suddenly K-rn r.. /7 put a /. in ki inr's heart K'tti -J I the / p!ea-ed the king ./.^. a .-.'5. tin /. 1 tenn-d is come iipot (i i. th. (i. would ifrant /. I long for 14. 4 wh.ic.in brfmfrleMlf out of) Tin 3. how hast dec lar.-d / a~ it is ? 4.' 7. not -p.. .en t that in ri/ht, 8. /'./' V. 1 why ima.'ine a vmn /.? 5A 20. (follow the / that f(..od U >!> :tl. nor alter the /. th .t i- i-..i.e Kit. 3. I set no wicked /. I.efor.- evi Prnr. 2-.'. IN it is a pleasant /. if th'ou Arc/ 7. H >.. tt.-r end ..! / th. '.erfin. S IV no t.ett.-r / than to eat a d 117 pleasant / for ey.-s to ..etiold /. 29. lli. shall the /. fr!Hll..,|.;i> ? 21. turn asid.- just f..r / of nought 4 '. IS. taketh i-ie- as a very little (. 4.a 19. I will do a new /. it shall .')">. II. it sh. pro-p. r in /. wh. ret.. 1 i>i. S. who hath heard -uch n /. wh Jer >. in. see if there be such a t. IS 13. Ismel hath .lone a horn .let 31. 2>. lx.nl hath created a new /. 33. 14. I will ask At. hide notii n< 42. 3. O. may sli-iw u- /. we .nav d 4; 17. we w'ill do what/ |. 5. king said, the (. is ^..ne.4 1 1. it is a rare/ the king r. qun -th 5. 15. show iiiterpr.-tiition ot l.n- t ft 12. / is true. ar< ..rdinir to law 10. I. a t. was renvile i to Daniel HIM K 10. I have -.-en a horril.,.- 8. 12. were c.uinted a- a >lr.m.-i- /. .Imnit, |:t. rej. lice in a /. of n.niirht Murk I. -r.. wi.at / is thi-.:- . hat l.uk \->. II. what / ye shall answe* 1'ihn 5. 14. lt a wor-e /. i-oioe to Aft* 17. 21. tell or hear some new t. IT) 17. he hath a certain (. to tell 25. 2(1 I have n certain /. to writ* Horn it. 20 shall /. formed say to him I Cnr. I. 10. I beseech speak KM me /. I Cnr. 5 5. wrought us for sel|.<.unef. Phil 3. Ift let u< mind the sai.i.. t I Pet. 4. W. us some str,inif / hap. 1 Jufin 2. 8. which / is true in him AYr .Acre us i i>. An>, IHI Mi. Gen. 14. 23. I will not take av / IH 14 is unit t. t.i h rd f..r th- L ? .inin.t do lad : 31 Jacohsaid, not L 'ie m-n/t :M. ft neither hath he kept h.ick ,7 t Exixi. 20. 17. nor ami t that i- thy neuidhoi.r's. l).;,t 5. 21. l.i-r I5.fi sittethon/i / whereon, 23. .Vi ( /n ->n. l!l. t'o thro' with, doins; i/ t ti. ."W. have I p.m. r to *a> . if h .th ' n ana such /. 24. 10. when do-t lend brother a. I 31. 13. who have not known anij t. .l::,h L'l I . I. il'ed llt of (/. / Jndi( II V5 Hrt,;n.// better th. li .here no want / 17. we Jl.i JOIIM THI ? Chr. :"i. ?0. si ver not a. t. nrcount. Jiih 33. 32. it I.i. .u ha^t ami t. to MIV J'lXt. I. JO. (/ t. Will-rent It limy I..-" .=>. 2 heart nut h..sty to utter >/ /. 9. ft. dea.i know not ii>n/ t. noi liavi- JIT. 32. 27. is a t. t..o hard lor me 'i as. ft. kins; is iinth.- thiit can .to. < 42. 21. nor . t f.ir wll. lie sent me Dun. 3. ill spt'jk anii t. amiss ai>. (; Mtit IS. l!i. auree touching any t. 21. 17. take any t. out of iiis house, Murk 13. 15. Murk 4. 22. nor r. /. secret, l.u 8.17. 1 1. 13. if In- might (iii'i a. t. thereon Id S. nei said they a. t. to any man Liikf II*. H taken it. t. from :iny man -.2. 35. lacked y. ant/ t.'f nothing /cA/i I. 3. without liim not a. t. made 7. 4 110111:111 doeth ' ask iiny t. ill my name Art* 17. 25. us tliii' he needed "' t ] Or I". I!), that the iilol is an.-. '.. )> Cur. -i. 10. if I forgave a. t. foraave J The*. I 8. need not to sp. ak tmiit. \ Tim I. 10. it there he a. t. contrary liev. 21. 21. enter a. t that detiletl* ivn/ THINH. Gen fi. 17. wery ?. in earth shall die jf.cr. 23. 37. ottV'r e. t. upon liisday S> SWOT. 15. 36. send to mec. t. ye hear See I KHi-'.pi TH, CMKKPING, Evil., (io')i), GRKAT, HOLY, LIGHT, LIV- ING, ONK, SMALL. TkatTHlVQ. Gen. 18. 17. hide frcm Abr. t. t. I do Kjcnd. 9. 6. L. did that t. on morrow Lit. 9 21. charged to tell no man t, t. 12. 2(5. he not abl- to do t t. is lea*t /<<>;. 14. 22. not himself in 1 1 allow. 7V;t- THING. Gen. 19. 21. acecp. th concerning- t. t. 20. 10. that thon hast done this t. 34. 14. we cannot d.. this t. to give 41. 28. t. is '. I hit. spoken to Phar. 44. 7. we should do affording tot t Exud. I. 18. why h..ve ye done t. t. 2. 14. M. said, surely t. t. is known 3. 5. to-morrow I,, s.'i. do/, t. in land 16. 16. thin is the t. which the Lord commanded, 32. | 35. 4. l.er. 8. 5. | 9. 6. | 17. 2. Kum. 30. 1. | 36. fi. D<-ut. 15. IS. | 24. 18,22. 18 14. what is t. t. tli. doest to peo.y '>. \. t. is t. thou shall do to them 33. 17. I will do t. t. th"U ha. sp..ken Ju*h. 'fi. 24. done it lor fear of this t. Judg. 6. 29. said, who hath done t. t. ? fii.leon hath done (hit t. 1 1 37. let this t. be done for me 20 9. this shall lie the t. we will do 21. II. and thii is the /. ye shall do 1 Sum. '24. 6. L. forbid 1 sho. do t. t. 2(i. l(i. t. t. is not good th. linst done 1R L. hath done t. t. unto thee 2 Sam. 11. II. as s.iul liv. I do not/./. 12. 5. man hath done t. t. shall die 6. beeause he did t. I. had no pity 12. but 1 will dot t. before Israel 13 20. brother, regard not thi t. 14. 15. cc.me to speak of 1. 1. to kinc 24. a why doth lord delight ill 4 > i A'I'II. 1. i". is this t. done by king '/ 3. 10. pleased L. Sol. asked t t. II. 12. 2V. return, for (hit t. is from im 13. 34. t. t bet. sin to house of Jer 20 '.). tell king, thitt. I may not do '2 Kin. 5. IS. in /. t. L. pardon serv. 11. 0. tint is the t that ye shall do 2 Chnm 23 4. ;7. 12. L. said, ye shall not d.i t t 1 L/U: II. 19. . :).'. to see her that (loneV. < /.A'e 2. IS. see /Aw /. come to pass 22. *a winch th..t shou.d do thit t. In/in IH. ;i4. say. st this t. of thysell ? 2 Cor. 12. 8 lor thin I. I besought L. Phil. 3. 13. /. /. I do. press toward I'ni-lrati 1 UlNli. /.er. 5. 2. it a soul touch u. t. 7. 21. 7. lit. flesh touched u < not eaten 20. 21. take hi other's wile, it is u. t. Dent. 23. 14 he see n., H. t in thee Jinlg. i:j. 4. eat not any u. t. 7, 14. // 52. II. touch no H. t 2Cur.fi. 17. tit. ti. neaie ali as an u. t. we fade Act) 10. 14. ha. never eaten any t. it. THINGS. Le. 4. 2. sin thro' ignorance rone, t Dent. 4. 9. forget t eyes have seen ' *H. i9. secret /. belong unto Lord 32. 35. t. that conif on them haste 1 Sa?. 12.21. sho ye go after vain t 2 Sam. 24. 12. I offer thee three t. 1 Chron. 21. 10. [15. 18. 1 Jfi'n. 15. 15. Asa brought t 2 Chron. 1 Chi-on. 4 22. thtve are ancient t 2 Chi: 12. 12. in Judiih /. went well Job 12. 22. deep t. out o' daiknesa !.'(. 20. only do not two t. to me 41. 34. hcholdrtii hiyli t. kiiiv over 42. 3. uttered t. t..o wonderful for P."//. 12. 3 that speaketh proud t. 35. II. laid to charue t. I knew not 45. I. 1 speak ot t. I have made tiO. 3. ha! showed thy people hard*. 05. 5. hy Urrible /. wilt th. answer 72. IS. (.od, who dorth wondrous /. 86. !(). great, and doest wondrous t 87. 3. glorioii* t. are spoken of thee 94. 4. how long sh th. utter hard/.? I la (i. himself to behold /. ill heav. 1)9. 18. behold w.jidroiKs t. out law 131. 1. <>I in t. too hiiih for me Pror. 8. 6. speak of excel, t. right t 22. 20. written to thee exci llent I. 23. 3a thine heart utter perrer.se t. 30. 7. two t have 1 required f thee 15. three /. that arc never satisfied IH. three t. be too wonderful 21. for three t. earth is disquieted 24 four /. wh. are little on earth 29. there be three t. which go well Keel. 7. 25. wi-diun and reason of t. Isa. 12. 5. he hath done excellent t. v5. (i. make to people feast of fat /. 41. 23. flion /. to come hereafter 42. 9. /. mine t pass, new /. declare 44. 7. t. that are coinini!, shall come 45. 11. ask me of t. to rcme, confer. 19. 1 d. flare t that are right 48. fi. showed thee new t hidden /. C4 :>. th u didst terrible /. we Jer. 2 8. after /. do not profit, Ifi. 19. 8. ia t. 1 haw given them sh. pass Lam. I. 7. J. remembered plea-ant I. 2. 14. proph. ts have seen fnoluli /. Ezek. II. 5. 1 know t. come in mind Hi. Ki. like t shall not come, nor ./nc/a 5. into temples my ifi.odly t (J/iad. fi. how are t. of KSMI nearcbed Mir 7. 15 show unto him marvel. /. y.n-h 4. 10 despisid day of small I. Mat. fi. 31. thought for / of itself 13. 52. out of trea-. /. new and old 22. 21. render to Cecai /. that are (>~ar', to (J. /. that IN ' '> Mm-/, 12. n. /."A, Luke ft. .'(i. ha. ->> n strHiiget to.dav I'.. Hi. and do not t. nlur . 10. 23. blessed ey<- nh. ! 'S. U7. the t. lrpp,!<. !, icti4. 20. cannot but 32. ought of / : . ,, BI1 20. 22. not knowing (. ,|,. . 24. 13. neither run tlie. pr.. Hum. 2. 1. thitjudfrtt !4. by nature t rontuii e.l in l.uv 8. 5. mind /.of flesh, mind f. 38. nor /. present, n..r t. I- I Cor 12. IB. not hiifh /. U IT r Uo.,e,t 14. 19. follow/, that make for pear* 1 Cor. I. 27. (iod hath chose, of world to niiiloin.d /. r: 2. 9. /. God hath prepared for them 10. Spirit searcl.eth dr. p /. .,' i..^l 11. what man knovteth / of man 12. might k-iiow /. freely givm IM 14. man receireth not /. ot spirit 6. a more t that pertain to life. 4. 10 20. t. which Gentile* s.irritire 14. 37. acknowledge/. I write to 2 Cur. I. 13. write none other/ to 17. or /. 1 purpose, do I purpose 4. 18. look not at t which a-, .i. 10 receive /. done in Iiis body 17. old /. pased, ail /. become n.-w 10. 7. ye look OH /. after outward 13. 1'oa.-t of /. without measure, 1\ 1(5. not boast ill Ht'other man'* t 11. 30. glory of/, wh. . IS. build auaiu /. 1 d. strovcd ;,. 17. cannot do t. thai ye would I fj/l. . / in eiirth.t. un.lVr 21. seek not /. which are Jes. (' ' 3. I. write same /. 1, 19. earthly /. 4. 8. whatsoever /. an- true, hoH.-at 15. hav. received /. sent from \ ..u Cl. I. 'M. t inearth, or /. in i 2. 23 which /. ha show of v a 'I. lor winch/, wrathof (i. rom.-lfl I Thet 2. 14. y.- have suffered like/. I Thet. 3. 4 di. /. wh. we i on.n c.n.i I 7'im. '. 13. sp. i.king /. oiiiiht not J Tim. 2. 2. /. thou ha-t h. ard ..I ire :t. 14. continue in /. th h.i-i Tit '2. 1 1-pe.ik /. wh heroin*- din Ir. ll,b. 2. 1. heed to i we have h.-hrd (i. 9. we are persuml. d Letter /. 11. 1. faith sub-tMiiee of / the evidence of /. not *. >< 3. t. seen not made of / *li. ii|.|..-.>r 12. 2t. speaketh h.-tlei / tlut'i A I .-I /'e/. I. 12 di'i minister / npii-.t > l',t 2. li evil of / tl>. iindri.. i.ot I Juhn 2. 15. i either / in the vor .1 /i'r. 1. U' write / wi.ich Ihoii h:.rt vecn, t. wbirhare, f 2. 14. I ha*e M lew t. i:aiii-i III.--- 4. 1 i.howthee /. must be berenl'. 21. 4. for fonner /. re pa- I PIN.., Dl I'll Ml, DHI. T1BLI, KoKMI-H, 1'HKCIUVt. All 1 H IN den. ft 1 blive I given yu ,,ll t i I i. hath bl. i AVr 35. do ii.vordioir to uUI. t have coininiiHe.l tli- \r/m. 1. .V). !.fvitr ovrru'/ I I), nt. 1. IS com. all I I-J S n. .| d.' .l,,th I. 17. hemkene. Hi'th 4. 7. trimmer, to 1 San. 1 17. liiili- nuy o, u.'i t THI I KM* 10 7. Jonath. -ho wed D. atlt t *am. II iX. J.-ib t..ld Uitrid nil L 14 M. know all t th nv>ney an-wereth IT// t /id. 44. - 1. ih it maketh allt.ft\.-> J.r 10 16 he u former i>f off t 51. 19 44. 18 we w.nted allt and h.ire ***. II. 2A I -pake a//t L howed Z'pk. I. 8 I will lunmime all t. from M.ii 7. I*, a. t ye aid men .h->u d 11.87. a/f t are delivered t" me. .n*r 10 14 [10. 87. | U : 19. 8ft G-d a/I i are p-Minle. Vr* 81. 2.' a// t whUo. ye mk in prayi-r V8 /(! tearhmr th fc observe w all t work for ft. 1 IN. he not freely give u* all t.t 11. 3fi. thru* him and to him area// 1 14. a// t. (ndi-ed are pure, l.tit it ] Car. 1. 10 Spirit wan-net h all t 1. 21. In men. for all t are your* 6 It alit are not expedient. 10 83 5. & one O. the F. of whom are all t on* L. J. C. hy whom area//' 10. -Tl vn * I |>leau> men in n(/ / 11 12 a'1 1 are of God. 8 for .s |a I.V 19. when ,/// 1 .hall he subdued t Car. 4. IS. all t. re for Tour take* 6. 17. are awar, nil t heroine new 5. 10. nothing, yet j>-+*r*m\g all t 7. It we |iake // 1 t,, T .. u i n , rilt |, II 6. mad-- maiiif-^t to you in all t Ef>k.\.W ah>rt<>fether in onen i. ft. fare him to he head over nil t X u. m fjii. who rreated ,,ll I. 5 10 irirln* thanktal fr a///. A 71. miike known nil I. Col 4 0. 1'hil 3 8 I count nil I hut 'o.. for 4 18 and in all t. I am instructed H I .an d<> a'/ f Ihrouih < hr.Kt C'/ I. 17 hel.-re o//t ny him all t. I rAen 5 21. prove all t hold fatt V** t I wub akore otf t that THI Rrr J.. 5. bohld. I make all t new 7 that orerrometh sh inherit nil S0Ktn, Hon. MAW, MICH. fkr.e I HINGS. den. 42 .16 J. nld, t / ore ara. me \um IS. 1.1 all born shall do t t Unit 30 I. when t t are come upoi Jutfi. 8. 1 1. we heard / t our heart! 8 &MS. 29. 17. t t did these Hire roiuhtr men, I Ckrim. II. I! S'k. 13. *& did not Soio. MII hy t t Jo 1 ! S. V. how Ion ir wilt speak t tf 10 ia t t ba*t thou hid in heart XI 89. t t worketh G.-d with man /'i.i/. 15. 5. he that doeth t. t shall 50. 81. t t hast thou done and I Prof, ft 16. t six / doth the I, hate -4. 8X t t. al-o belong to the wise />< II. . for /. t ill G. bring thee Ita. i& Ift O Ix>rd, hy t t. men lire, in / / is the life of my spirit 4-.'. Ifi t t will I do. and not forsake 51. 19 t. two t are come unto thee Jrr. 3. 1. after she liad done all t t V 'J. sh. I not visit for 1 1 f 80 | 9. 9. u. .-4 for in /. / do I delight, saith I. "I --'. wr'ieref rn-iir t t on roe F 14 :'. th-.ii ha-t made all thne t. MO. 15. f. r tl>y .ins hare 1 dne /. t. Ecrk IK :ti ihon d...-t allt t 17. 18 17 \l. i n-'W ye not what t t mean 23. :*) I w li dot t unto thee .'4 !S. wilt not tell what t t are t Dun 12. H what be the end oft /. ? ZcvA. a l. t are the t which ye sh. 17 for allt are t that I hate Vat. 6. 33. all t t shall be added unto you, Luke 18. 31. 13. Aft hath this man t t. Mar/eft 8. la 80. all t t have I kept from my 83. 36. t t sh. come on this genera 84. 2. Jesus said. see. ye not all 1 1 t 3. tell u* when shall <. t be ? Mark 13. 4. Luke 21. 7. 34. till t t be fulfilled, Mark 13 30. l.nke 15 86. a-ked what t t meant '! 24 21. third day .Jure t t. were ;,.An 2. Ifi he .aid. take t t hence la seeing that thou doet t t a 9 Nicole, said, bow can t t he ? 13. 17. if ye know t t happy are ye 15. 81. all /. t. will they do. Ift 3. irt> 7. I. 1 1 MI ? II 14. 15. do yet t? 15. 17. the Lord, who deth all t t 17. 80 would know what t t mean 811. 84. none of thete t more me 8ft 2ft the king knoweth of their t H;m N. 31. what sh. we say to /. t r 14. ia he thai in f t serreth Chr. lam. 3. 10. brethren, t t ought not 8 Pet. I. 10. if ye d" t. t. ye h. never 3. 17. seeine ye know t t. before /.<. 88. 8 in t. t. whu h they allow Pt IO7. 43. who>o u-ill ohK.Tve t. t. 'in. W. 8. all (. t. bath mine hand Mat. ia 17. desired to see t. t which Inlin 8 89. I do < f that please him IfltS. ia hut t t he hath fulfilled 13. 4V (pake airainit t. t. wl i. h 8. Ift of t I. in which I will appear Cot .1 I seek 1 1 which are above /am. 2 16. ^ie not f t which are I'tirlean THINGS. //oi. 9. a they oh. ent u. t. ID Atsyr. Pmrf. 10. 8 tell M>n ir. t I wrought Me t rood trive me .*//. a y. and t not to ay within 5. 17 t not I am come to destroy 6. 7. t. they sh. be henrd for (peak. 9. 4. why t ye evil in your heart* 1(1. 34. t not I come to send peace K 12. how t. ye ': it have hundred 88. 48. what t y of C hritt ? 8fi. (K. .War* 14. 64. 84. 44 hour a* ye r. not, I.,, 12. 40. r .i/A-^ 13. 4. /. ye they were tinners lohn 5. 3"-. ye t ye have eternal life 4V do not / I will mni.e you to 11. 56. what t ye, that he will not? Ifi 8. Mill / th. he doth G. service Irtt la 85. whom t. ye that I i,m 17. 89. not to t that the Godhrad 86. 8. It myself happy, king Acgr. Rom. 18. 3. not to t of hun-elf more than he oniiht ti be less honourable 14. 37. if any t. himself a prophet Cor. 3. A. to t any tiling of ourseL 10. 2 1 1 to be bold against some which t. of u* 7. Christ, .et him t thit again, 11. 11. 16. let no man t. me a fool 12. ft lest any t of me above what ial. ft 3. if a man t himself to he \ph. 3. 80. above all that-^e auk ort "Ai7. 4. 8. if any prai-e, r. ..n these 'am I. 7. let not man t. he "h. rere. 4. 5. do ye t. that the scripture saiLh Pft. 4. 4. wherein the\ t. Grange 18. t it not Ktrange concerning Pet. I. la I t. it meet as long a* THINKKST. Sam. 10. a f. thou David doth ban. our thy father ? I CAron. 19. a lob 35. 8. t. thou thi riifht, that Wot 17. 85. -aid. what t. thou )> W. 17 26. 33. t thou I cannot pray to my l.tt r 10. 36 wh. t. th. wa tieitrhhi.ut Artt 88. W. de-ire to hear what th. t Rom. 8. a t thou ihi, O roan, that THINKKTH. Sam. 18. 27 / running of foremost 'ial. 40. 17. poor, yet I., t on me Vor. 2a 7. for > h. I. in hi heart Cor. 10. 18. lei him that/ he -tand. 13. f>. charity neeketh not, f. noeril 'Alt 1 4. if any f he hath whereof THINKING. 8 Sam. 4 IO. /. to have f>r< ught roo 5. 6. t. David ratinot roine in hither TH1KD Gen. 38. .9. o commanded he the t 8 A'in. I 13. he wnt capt of /. fifty I*a. 19. 84. Isr. sh he t with Kitypt Dm. 2. 3t> another t kitigd. of ** THI Dan. S. 7. he t. rular in king. Ifi, 29. Zech 6. 3. in t chariot Whit. horses .iVuf. 20. 3. went out about t. hour 22. 2ft likewise the <. died, .WrJt 12. 21. Lu e?(>. 31. Luke 20 18. sent f. th. wounded him Actfl. 15. seeing it 1st. hour of day 2:1. 23. be ready at f. hour of night 2 Cor. 12. '2. caught up to t heaven Rev. 4. 7. t. hea>t hud fare as a man ' 5. opened t. seal, heiird t. beast a 10. t. angel sounded, felt a star 11. H. behold, t. wo t-oineth quickly 14. 9. f. angel followed them, Baying 16. 4. t. anxel poured vial on rivers See DAY, MONTH, I'\KT. THI HO time. 1 5am. 3. 8. L. called .Sain IIP! t. time 19. 21. Saul sent messengers t. time 1 A'in. IS. 34. do it t. t. they did it 1. 1. Ezek. 21. 14. 9 word he doubled t. t. Mat. 26.44 and he prayed 'he t. time, Mirk 14. 41. JoAn 21. 14. t. t. Jesus showed hiin-i. 17. gaith <. <. Invest thou me ? Pe. ter grieved, because he said 1. 1. 8 Cor 12. 14. t. t. ready torome.iai. THIRD year. Deut.y,. 12. t. V. \ year of tithing 8 Kin. 19. 29 in t. y. sow and, la 37.30. THIRDLY. 1 Cor. 12. 28. t. teachers, miracles THI US I, SiiMiiTitire. Kind. 17. 3. killusrtiid thil.tr. with*. Deut. 28. 48. shult serve enemies in*. 29. 19. to add drunkenness to t. Juitg. 15. 1H. now 1 shall die for t. 2 Cfiron. 32. 11. persuade to die by t. Xeh. 9. 15. broutfhtest water tor t. 20. Job 24. 11. wine, presses and suffer {. full. ti'J 21. in /. th. gave me vinegar 104. II. wild asses quench their t. r ia. 5. 13. multitude dried up withfc 41. 17. when tongue faileth for t. 50. 2. fish stinketh, and dieth for t. Jer. 2. '25. withhold thy throat fro. t 48. 18. come from my glory, sit in<. Lam. 4. 4. cleaveth to mouth for (. Hoi. 2. 3. naked, and \:\y her with t. AmonS. II. not t. for water, hearing 13. younif men shall faint for t. t Cor. 11. 27. in hunger and t. fasting THIRST, Verb. Isa. 49. 10. shall not hunger, nor t. Mat 5. fi. hnnifer and t. after rinht. John 4. 13. drinketd of this water t 14. drinketh, shall never t. fi. 35. 15. give me this water that 1 f, not 7. 37. if anv t. let him come o me 19. 2S. after this, Jexus saith, I t. Rom. 12. 'ii. if enemy t. give drink 1 Cur. 4. 11. to present hour we t. Rev. 7. Ifi. they. shall not t. any more THIRSTED, ETH. Exnrt. 17. 3. people t. there for water I'/ial. 42. 2. my soul t. lor God, (i3. I. Ita. 48. 21. they t. not [ | Ha fi. 5o. 1. ev. one that t. come to waters THIRSTY. Jwtg. 4. 19. (five me water, I am t. 2 Sam. 17. 29. people is t. in wilder. Pint. fi.3. I. lotiffeth iii t. land, I III 6. 107. 5. huiik'ry and t. soul fainted Prof. 25 21. if enemy t. uivc drink 25. as waters to a t. oul, ao new: 89. 10. the blood-*, hate the upright ha. 21. 14. xvHt. t to him that was t. 29. 8 be as when t. man dre:im>'th 32. fi. cause drink of the t. to fail 85. 7. t. land hero, springs of water 44 3. p.'iir water on him that is t. 5. 13. servants drink, but ye he I. K*ek. 19. 13 she is plan, in t. ground Ho*. 25. 35. I was t. ye gave drink THI ^[ftl. 2S. 37. When SBW we thee f.T 42. I was t and ye gave no drink THIRTEEN. ('en. 17. 25. Iihinael was t. years old AJ. side chambers were /. Zec/i. 11. 12. weighed for my price t. 13. took t. pieces of ail. Mat. 27. 9. Mat. 13. 8. broug. forth some t. told, 2a Mark 4. 8, 20. 2fi. 15. covenanted for t. pieces 27. a Judas brought again t. pieces Luke 3. 2a began to be t. years old John 6. 19. rowed 2* or t. furlongs See DAYS. THIR1Y one. Joth. 18. 24. kinif. J. subdued t. one 1 A'in. 16. 23. in /. andn. year of Asa THIRTY twn. Num. 31. 40. L.'s tribute t. t. pers, THIRTY three. Gen. 46. 15. s ns and daughter* t. t. Lev. 12. 4. blood of purify. L t. days THIRTY four. Gen. 11 16. E*>er lived t. four years THIRTY jtai 2 Chr. 3. 15. made pillars /./ cubits THIRTY its. Jotfi. 7. 5. men of Ai smote 1. 1. of I*. THIRTY term. 2 Sam. 2.1 3!>. Uriah. <. *eren In all THIRTYdMA Deut. 2. 14. over Zered /. e. years John 5. 5. had an infirmity (. e. years THIRTY nine. 2 Chr. 16. 12 Asa in <. n. year discs. Sfff THOI'SA.ND. THISTLE. S. Gen. 1 18. and t. 'hall it hrinif forth 2 A'in. 14. 9. f- was in Lebanon, wild beast tmd t. 2 Chron. v5. IS. Joo3\ 40. let <. ({row instead wheat //*. 10. 8. t. come upon th.-ir altars Mat. 7. 16. do n en gather figs oft.? THITHER. Grn. 19. 22. escape <. till he c.nnp I. Num. 35. 8. that the slayer may flee t II. 15. Dinit. 4. 42. I 19. 3, 4. Joh. 20. 3, 9. Deut. I. 37. snalt not *n In . 3S, :fii. 2 Ain. 2. 8. divided hither and <. 14. Lu. 17. 37. where carcase U, / will the eagles be |f.ithf-ed ynA7. 3t. I m, . cnnnotcome. 1 II. a and oet thoii f IMB 7 THITHERWARD. 7er. 50. 5. to /ion, with their ff . THO THONOS. Acl>n. 25. they t . V.'!. li. sons ! Belial he H I. 2 <'/(/-. 33. 1 1. took Mnnas. among ( PHI!. M. 9 brf. pots leel t. takr them 1 18. 12. are quenched as a fire ( t. 1'rnr. 15. 19. slothful as hedg.- nf t. t'i 5. t. are in way i.f the f tow aid 24. 31. In, it was urnnrnovi-r with t f-.rr.l.' H. HX crackling of f. iniriera (.'A. 6. 2. they /. to dome mischief Kith, a C. he t. scorn to lay hands fi. 6. Haman /. in his heart, whom /'.. band) //. 1 1. 2. t. so shall it come to |M-^ Jrr. IRH. rep.-nt ol the evil I t t" d. 7.,-rh 1. fi. like as Lot dirt h-- 1 S 14. t t' punish || IV I t do well Mat. 3. Ifi 'or them that t. on nmne V'.< I. VO while he f. i. n th. things W//rA- 14. ".'. when he . he wept / wle7. 7. nor f. n v^elf w..rtl > to 12. 17. he < within him" If, wlmt l!l II the\ t. kingdom ol ". Mlipe^r ./..An II. M t he h,i.) i|mkell ..f r .-,1 .1 /. uift "I t'r he |"i 1(1. lit. while I'eter /. on tl"- > I-' il true, hut t hesmv .1 ' I.V ; 1'aiilf not i"""l " '' y, S why he t. n Ih'mg In- r. iM i II U 1 ouifht lo d.' m n\ thn. I Cnr I.T II. achi'rt. I ' - /'Ai/ 2 f-. f. it not rr'.>"-r> ' Hcb. 10. i. p'iii THO THOUfiHTF.S'i. ftti NX 21. Ib.m I. I was as thyself THoO.H 1 Dent 15. 9. be not n t iii thy hi *rt ."( R 5. let my f;itlirr uke f. for . 14. 5 i de-pi.'ed in the t n! him / 2. ttiat no ( .-an he wtthhnlden JW. 4>i I their f. I., their houvs (H. 6 the inward f of every one l.'fi i thou undcrstiinrfcst my t fror. 24. R the ( of fiMiii.-hne ., >--in Aii-,7 10 20 rurse nut kinii In thy t Erek. 38 I", thou shall think evil t Am> 4 13 deciareth to man hi- t J/af 6. V.Y take no t for your life, 31 31. ! 10. 19. .War* la II. Luke li II, 22. 87 which nf you by taking f. run add to ntxtW* F A-H^T 12. 25 88 take t. for raiment ? /,u li 26 yfrtiS.2* if the t. of thy heart may 8 Cor. 10. 5 b r nif ini.i.-nptivity ev.'/. THOUGHTS Gen. 6. 5. innurniaiioii off. nf his Jtcdf. 5 15. for Keuhen were great f. 1 CS&. VS. !' I., understandeth the I 29. 13. keep in ri'afrin.ition of the / Ji ft 4 13. in t from vision* of iiight 17. II. purposes are hroken, my t. 20. 1. my /. raiise me t'i answer Jl 27 I know y.ur t and devices Pxif. 10. 4 (. rnnmic r.e reckoned up 56. 5. nil their t. xre against me fr .'. 5. how (Treat thy works! thy t. 91. II. Lrd kmtwetb the f. of man IR in multitude off. within me 11R 113 I hat- vain t. but thy la* 139. 17 how precious H re thy t. to aa O G..d try me, nnd kuo'w my t. 146. 4. in that v.ry day his ' p.-ri-h Pn,r. 12. ?>. the t of the righteous 15 2tV the f. of \virked are ahomimv IR. a thy t shall . e established 21. V the 1 of t : e diligent tend to /.<; 55 7 let unrighteous f.irHket. 8 my t. are not your t saith I^trd !'. so lire my t. higher than your (. 5" 7 their t are t of iniquity Co 2 people wiilketh alter their t. 18. I know their works and t. JV-r. 4. H. how long -h. vainf. l..dire? fi. IR evil, i-ven the friit of their t. J3. 20. till he have performed t. of W. II. I know the t I think to. w-ird von f. of peace .Do*. 2. 30. mle'ifest know t of heart 4.5. NetMic-hmln. /. 'ot troubled him 19. I), was n-toiii-h. ii, I. tp-iiMed 5. f>. Bi-lskn7.7ai's /. troubled him 10. tnid. let ni.t thy t. tronhlf thee .>/>. *. li they know not t. "f the 1. Mat 9. t J.--U-. knowine th.'ir I. Hid, I.'. jjS. /*< 5 #2. | d R |!L 17 ; II. 17 [.Vfr*7. 21 IV Itl iii ..f heart proceed evil t l.iikf i :t>. tlie f. of m^tiv hiiirt* why dor -r l,.. in lienrnF /iw .'. 15. their / aTii>inir, or . !* i 20. th.-I,,,rdkn.nveth the^ !.' (i di- ..di-. -rnei ofth../ J//IPI. 2. *. are t>er..m- (mlires of evil I ; ROUHAMU f-Vw ta l ifiven l.n>tiier a*, pieri". .Vn. :ll. "f every TT he a r .S, fi. il.nrl.. ..( Hie- are t rii'.it- lirtit. I II I. mk.. you a t titm .< K.-ep.-lll .-..veil t., / cener.l. >i -ft in. J*/$ 9. V.i of he. hern died. :.!.., ot t. ^Hni-"ii >lew H f men, |(J. ^i, hiin.'re.l ..f a /. n ^. ..in .if 1 >o*. IK IJ. -i..irt i>. capL oer a^. THO 2 Sr/m. 19. 17. there were a t. men of 1 Ckr. li 14 frr.-atest wan over a t. Ifi. IS. he romiiiiinded to a f. gener .f cannot ,ni>wer "lie of a t. .in interpreter, on- of a< 4i. 12. Job had H (. yoke ..f oxen. 'ie.a>ge. Ptal 50. 10 rattle on a t. hill- Hre 84. 10 dv in . -urt- i- hel thin H t !*1. 4. a / yearn in tliy >i|;ht .ire >ul 91. 7. a t. -hall fall at !h> si.ie. nn.t Krrl. fi ft thoiifh he live u f. \e,r-. 7. 2H. one in m amoni; a t have I Cant M. II fruit wn> to hruie a (. /.ff 7 23 a / Vllie-.:.t II ^ MilVerlillL'l- 30. 17. or 1 shall tlecat rebuke ol flO 22. a little one sh i.ecoin.- H t Eft-It. 47 a mHii mtii-nreii t <-uhjt< .(m'-xS 3 nty tli.it ent out l.\ nl i Pet. 3. a one day iviih L. in an t yi-ari, .1 t. years a^ one d\ Art). 20. 2. he lionn.l Satan a (. year> 3 deceive no more, till t years I e 4. they reiiMieil with C. a t years 7. when the t years are expired One THOUSAND ttro hundred ti.rt>i. Krr. 1 1. 3. prophet.)- one t. 2fiO days li a should teed hrTMMt 2(iO day- One THOL'SAM) / hundred ninfti/ Dan. 18-11. shall lie one f ) days Owe THOl'SANM) three hundred tl,\r-S O<- THOUSAND *u humlred. Her. 14. 2>i pa.i- of nne t (K> lurlo. 7V THOUSAND. .Vi/m. .V>. a meav on .-ast side tux> t 1 A'in. 7 sfi. sea contained L. t hatli- 2 A'l'n. IR va 1 will deliver thee tin, t. hor-es, l*a. 36 8. .\VA. 7. "'.'. peo. pave /. t. pound* -. IS. l.ol|t rir,,^ s u,e Were TVo THol'SAN!) fir,, hnwtrrd. V.Vi 7 1 .jr,e/ir.,f. .<*> pounds ilv ro 'I MO I'S AND Mm- hnndn-d Dun 8. 14 III ttro t 3'-lday-, -al.it. Tint liundr-d '\ HOU8AND. I Chr. ,-R . rarrieil CHpt-vt- s<00 t. Tirn hiiHiirrit nehtti THOUSAND. 2 Cfir 14 ^. 'ml ..f Xeni .min 280 t. Tin, hundred I ROUSANO THOUSAND. Her. 9 IB. number "f horsemen were '.'00 thniimnd thoiuiind TArwTHof- AND. Krod 32. 28. fell ..f people three t. .hidg. 15. II t t. went to hind Sam. .cere- nt.., n ili. roof i. t. men I \ 4. :ft. S..I. pakef. t. pnnerb- .li,t, I J -iib.tiince Wa-- / <. 4-Hniel ie.1 r ptive f /. Jews Art* 2. 41. were a.rt-d Mrrr /. .-onl- . IK i - \ vn. 1 Sam. 4. -2. s.ew of l-r. h..nt f t i ( hr. 9 V>. Solomon had / t -tnlU Mat. lo. ,')8. thet thiit eal were f. t .\/-/r< x [.V-. Ill 10. .iiioiii' /her /. .i 9. )>. he t..., 1 ., I. ..nt r, Til ol I ."><;> J A' I'M: S THO I CAr. v . . t were.. Hirers and Jo/, 42. li for Job bad , I. , an.ell SffTf-n THOUSAND. I A'in. \y. IS. I ha. leii i i. /<-, w . ||. i 1 CAr 12. '-'.') of Sime..n. >, rrn t '.!' (. I prepared * / talents ot i!v 2 fr. IS II. they . tleied t. t. she. p :,() '.'4. He/.eklKh iiav.-A. /. -lieep Jiil, I. 3 Ills Mll.-t.inre was t shei p *C. II. 13. w.re -Ian, tenrn t ine' /?< THOUSAND, /.fr. 2ri. H hiimlred -h. put ! L>,-ut. 32. M. -ho. 'j pn- f r t..fl.i;htF 33 2. Lord came mill t t .Indr 14. Jti'lg. I. 4. they s:e in Berek t*it t. Z. 25). the* slew of \iob t.i, t. n en 4. in. he Went i.|. with ( t. n.ep, : ',. 7. H. there remained t.. i.idi-on t (, 2 .Vc/i. IS a th..ii an w..rth ' /. .f 1 Ar'/i. 5 14. sent to I.el.ano:, few f. -' A'rw. 14. 7. Amaiiab s e ol K. i. t 2 CAr. 24. II. s ole of eii 12 other A t left .He. rii.i J.idh :ifl a*. Ile7.eki.ihii.,ve 1,-n t. sl.eep A.'jlM. 3. f). 1 i I pa. t. t. talent- f /'/. HI. 7 t. t. -hall 'all at ihy Hl'ht Cant. !>. 10 i- the chi. |. -t anionif t. (. !) ~ HI I t. limes r r. st...,.l lef. Milt IH. 24 which .-wed r t. lalenta 7.r/A/ 14. 31. whether >.ble will, t. t. ! C,,r. 4 I', forth, u.-l. yu have/ /. 14. I!', than t. t. words in ::n nn. ki:own tonr'ie Her. S. II. number WH- t. t times/, t T-er, Ni.pM Maiiai>es, < t 7. (T Simeon. I.. v |-ach. r, t I. 8. of Zahnlori. Joseph, H, 81. Ifi. mea-iire.l'citv / / fnrlonri Fnrt,;-t, THOUSAND. Jol- 42. 12 Job had t..,,rt.-rr I -he.'p >!,/,, I P( I- AND. Sum. 31 4'v th>'lier...i.. -ere /. 4ri Kill hie. n Tli' U?AND. Jude. v :> .!.-" yed ! l-rae| e /. 1 (/,r. IH. I . Ab,-l,-i -vu ., 29. 7. he pave i t ':i r. / talents Tirentti TIM DSA! I A'f'n. ft. 1 1. 'soloiiion irave Hirrm /. t. measures. 2 Chr. 2 10. AVA 7 71 fnth.-r- pave f. f. Hi / nk.- II. 31. him th:.' ' ,, THt ' .Vriw.3 4:t first-b,.rn nisle- er. T-r Tllofs: x I Cor. 1C - Tir-n'v-f-i-r ! !" ' - AND. ' \ M). M). ' men , S D. 1 CAr. I-.'. ::>. expert . Tfiirtu I IK - "A VD .Vxm. ?.] 1 A'in .'j. i.1 th ' \ > \- n- f / n en \w>. 31. i"i. (.-' i woin. Ink. n c..| THR Thirbi.tl, re , T H () CS A \ !\ 9 C*f. 35. 7 s/as.- f .f r t.iiiloeks Thirty.firr THOUSAND. \:im. I. 37. nf Bdijamin w.re <../ < T/iirtv-si.,- THOUSAND. ,Y 31. 3* i ves were <. Htid . f Thirty. term I Ho I' SAND 1 CAr. 12: .14. ..f Nanhtali fc and A i nirty.rigkl THOUSAND. W. . l.ev f.. :) y,rs <..<. <. /oi/v THOUSAND. Jr.tA. 4. 13 / t. prepared for war Ju/,. 7. ge. FI//V I HOU -AND. 1 Sam. 6. 19 l.orrl smote r <. men ' Chr. 5. 21. f llaif;irite-' sheep/ t IV. 33. iifZi-hnlini / < keep rank ^cto 19. 19. price of hooks/ t. pieces Strip THOUSAND. 2 CAr. 12. 3. Shi.-hak mine with i. t. Si.rty.onf 'I HOLLAND Num. 31. 14. ii'ioty was x..o. t as-rs Erral. 69. cave.v.-o f. dr:,msof gold Serenty THOUSAND. 8 Vffm. 24. 15! di.-d of the penple r <. 1 kin. 5. 15. Solomon had \erenty t that bare hordens- vC///'. 2. ^ IK. Sen-nty-tiro THOUS\N'D. Num. 31 33. h.nitv i.i i ves * .<. . Serenly-firr T HOC S AND. #um. 31. & booty was -A ' sheep A..M. SI. 1(5. J.-vv~ sle-v .it foes ../ fc Seventy-fix T H O U S A N DJire hun- dred. A'um.26. 22. nnmhrr-d "f J. t.-t. <.60li #Afy J HO US AN I). 1 A'lii. 5. 15'. Solomon hud right,/ t. hewers, 2 Citron. 2. i,' 18. Eighti/.*eren i'tl < ) t S A N I). 1 CAr. 7. 5 l>s,.. h.ir reckoned e..*. t. THOUSAND THOfSAND. ) Chr. 21. 5. Ihey >f Israel were (. (. 22. 14. I prep, red a t. t. talents* of 2 Chr. 14 9. Ethiopian came vvi. t. t. Tiro hundred I H O U S A X D THOUSAND. Rets. 9. 16. army of hnr.emenfc h. t. t. THOUSANDS. C>' 24. 60. mother of <. of millions jW. la 21. place c.v. ml- r> of A 2.V at). M. shew, merry to t. iJrut 5. 10 3t. 7. keeping- merry f r ?. tortiiv. JVj. 1. Ifi. princes of tribe-, liea..s of t. 10. 4 .W/. 22. It, 21, 30. 10. 36. return, O I, to t. of Israel 31. :-> wer. delivered out of t. of Is. l>rn( I. I ft I mad'' i-iiptai(iS over /. .Ti 17. they :tr.- the /. -i Mana-seh I Sum. H. 12. appoint captains y t. 1. . to me they ha a^rriht-d hut t y 7 sonot J.-s 'make captains ol t.'! 'St. 2:1. .-an-h tlir..iiph'.nt <. of Jud. '.'V. 2 lord- of hih : t. pas-ed i>y <. Xf/w l. 4 p.'opli' eaine nut hy /. /'.-<,/ II!). 72 law h. tier than < (jolil Jcr. 3v. IN. shoive-t lovin(f.kii .to^. Dai. 7 I . t. mil, Nt. 'fed unto him Mf '). 2. tlin' little aimme t of Jud *; 7. wll 1,. In- pl.'asi d 'i. t n<- CAIT/UNS. THHKAD. I.Vn. 14. 23 not take fr t. to latrhet 3 _'S. rmiiiid on hand -c:.riM ^ :' /i*A. 2. IK hind scarlet (.in wind Jl.-if; \f>. 9. (Take with-, as (. of tow 12. he hrke ropes from arms .,- 1 (.,i,l. 4. 3. li|i art like/. i>f scarlet THKHATKN, ED. 4c.' 4 17 let usstrailly t. them, 30. THR 1 Pet. ?. 23. wh. h- Miffered hp r. not THHKATKNIMi. IX-. s. Arts 4. 29. Lord, lehold their t, and it I an! >,-t hrenthing inn Eph. 6. 8. same to them. lurhvitrliig < THKRE. dfii. IS 2. and lo, t min stood hy Efiid. 21. II. dn not these ( unto her Ut-itt. \. 41. MoBea gev,-re,l t cities, 111. 2, :i, 7, 9 17. n. mouth off. witnesses, Ii) 15 2 Sam. 24. 12 I offer thee t. tlniiK-, I CAiwi. 21. 10. Pror. :-0. 15. t. things never ti tied !8. t. tiiinif- too wonderful for me 21. for t things earth i< disquieted -'9 t. thinus which L-O well, four Exek. 14. 14. t. men were in it. Hi.lH Art* 10 19. t. n ill se.-k thee, II. 11. I Cor 13. ia now abid.-th these t. 14. 27. hy two, or at most by t. 29. let prophets speak two "or t. I Tim. 5. 19. before two or t. witne*. Htb. 10. VS. died under 2 or t. win*. 1 John 5. 7. t. bear record in he,,ven. and tl:ese t. agree See DANS THIiEK month*. Gen. 38. 24. about t. in after it was .n,rf. 2. 2. child. :,he hid him t m. 2 .SV. (i. II. ark of L. continued in house of Obed. t % I CA 13. 14 24. 13 wi t tliini fleeT. m. hefor- thine enemie- ? 1 ("Ar. 21. 12 AmoK 4 7. w, re yet t. in. to lo,rve>[ ./ll -pake the space o! t III. 23. Paul al-ode in fire. ce< in. 7/cA. 11. '23. Moses wa- hid <. inmit/is THREE MM* Exnd. 23. 14 / keep a feast to me 17. ?. r\ ii, year all males shall ap- p, ar before Lord Deut Ifi II-. .Vi. v2. VS. hast smitten me t. t.41'2. Kin 17 .-I. stretched on child t. t. 2 Am. 13. & t t. did Joanh he t H. >. Chr. 8. 13. off-ring t. t. in the year Dan. r,. 10. he kneeled r. '. a day 13 Daniel Making his petition 1. 1 Arts 11. 10. this was done t. tinwi THREKvciir*. r/Vn. 15. 0. take heifer t. near* old /., i-. ->.i. 21. bring forth fruit for t. y. Di-nt. 14 V8. end of t. y bring tithe 1 Kin. 2. .?9. end of A i/. S. 's servant 10. V2. once in /. !/,i 1C-. II. within t. v a- of hireling P. 3 a- I.aiah walked barefoot t i/ ./.r IS 34. as nn h, ifer ol /. y "Id r.nn I ".. so nourishing th. i Amos 4. 4. brim; your tithes ft ( y /.uke 4. 25. heav. flint.' v. Jam .S. 17. 13. 7 these >. i,. I com. -rek. lin.t Arts 20. 31. t. y. I C.MS, d not to warn (in/. I. 18 mtcr t n I went to Jeru. Hrsniit t) THRI KKOI.D. Eccl 4. 12 / cord not quickly brok. ^ HKK.K-t oUK. (,Vn. 2ft. VII l-.uic/. when -hr bar. l),'nt '' 4. took irom them t iiti-, JM| ' Vi;m ?. 31. thr.'e bond, .nid t died A,,,. 4 n to hini p- rtnin /. cltie. C, / leiifh. f I. '. ho-i-e f i I- > Kin. 2,'i l!> b.- tool- / men ol pro. I c/.r '-'. 21. H.rron mhrri.d t. old . 7 THR "fir. M -i\. li..|,iii, t.-ok f 3 h. ..-hi .,1 t.-tl,p|e(. . |btU l t. lorn .-I '/"'' :( ' Who- he Hi.' r!,,i,K I Tim. i>. 'j. UI.IOH be taken niHl.-r /. .s.r >,\n THRKhXdKKi/iirfo.1* .\m 31 T H R E i /. '//,'/ t. week, -treetbulll 2ti. sifter t and ' e, k- M. - 4 1 111 /o.7. . will, n : ,,i, rRp 1 HI.KI S (rli'i. '. '^(i. CHIIIf Will '1 Hid .nn. ("i. |... /7. holi-e ot Jaior. Which curae into Kg. t u. /. On/.lO.tt. 50. 3. inonriie.i tor l-r. t a t. <() Ej-od. 15. 27. <. a r. tree, Xum.U.V. ./u//y I. 7 t a. t king-, tiint 9. ,'> he -lew t uiiil t p. r-,.- 12. 14. Unit rode oi, t. and In maet -' ( Ar. 29. 3-'. brought I a. t. bultoc. 3i. 21. to fulfil/, andt. years I'. ul. !(0. Pi day ol ur yrarsl a. I. ZerA. I. 12 indiunxtion t a. t yer .-Jctt 23. z.T. ready /. rrlre. \um. :il. .Hi trii ote I ,,,.ri t l.e,n T H K K r.Si OK 1 : iiniljirtrrn. .Ictl 7. 14. Joseph'- kindred t O*df. THRKSR /-.( 41. IS. thou .!,. t (. iiioiintaliii In- 51. 33. fliu.r it l- tune to t. her Wi'c. 4. la and t. < < di.nghter u Hut. t. 12. didt t. heathen ii> aurr THKhslll 1) hi II Judg. 6. II (.id. on I. wheat hy the /MI. 28. 27. fltches not /. with iii.tr*. .limit I. 3. because they t. <>ilead 1 for. 9. 10 t in hope, he prt..k-r 1 IIKK-HIN,.. l.rr. 26. 5. your t. reach to vlntxr 2 -inn. 24. 22. here lw /. tn>trnment, 1 CAr,--, i Kin 13. 7. made th. like do i Clin.n. 21. xO Oman w* (. wh. t /-,( 21 lo O my t. m, d corn S :/x. he will not ,-\er he t. it 41. 15. in.,ke -h.,rp t ii.-iruinent I KKMI01.D. .Inrff. \ i. u.. I IT--" /riih. I. !> pin K h nil lhat >p on t 1 HRE8HOLDS \,A. 12 2ft. k.-. p nn rd *\ the t E:rk. 4a R ettiUK thre ho' /.'i'H 2. 14. de-ol ,ii..n .I,H|| be L Till! I- \V. 2 Snm. Ifi. l:i Shnn.-i I .tone ut P. Kin !t .T3 tb.-\ ^ J.-rbel do" U ..I.) th r d..wn hii-h plv l/./.A 12 J-.'. .he /. In ,levl f him ::l if I i - -.--nr,!* THR I Kin. 13. 13. lhalt smite c yrln but t. Hat. M 3t. th..u shall deny me r 7:> .Vf kingd. 16. 1 A'tn. 1. 13. Solomon skill nit nn my t. 17, S*. 20, 35. 48. given one to sit on my (. this 2. 4. not fail thee a man on the t. of Israel, ,V '.5. | 9. a. 2 Cftron. 6. Ifi. >r. 33. 17. 19. Solomon sat on t of David, 24. | 8. 20 | 10 9. 1 Chron. 29. 23. J Cknm. 6. 10. 10. 19. king made a . 2 CAr. 9. 17. 2 Kin. !0. Z set him on his father'**. 30. fourth genera, sit onf. 15. 12. 11. 19. Joash st tin f. 2 CAr. 23. 20. >Wl 3. 7. repaired to t. of governor Job 36. 7. with kiiurs are they on t. PtaL 9. 4 thou satest in t. judging II. 4. the Lord's t. is in heaven 45. ft thy t. O God is for ever. Lam. S. 19. ffrh. I. a 47. 8. n. itteth nn t. of his holiness 89. 4. I will build thy f to all gener. 14. justice mid jiidr/in. are of thy fc 94. SO. sh. t of iniquity ha. fellow.? 132. II. fruit of hody will I set on t. 12 children shall sit on t. for ever Pror. 20 S. king that sitteth In t. of _ r *a 6. I. I saw l.ord sitting upon n 9. 7. on f. of Dai id and his kingd. 14 13. I will exalt my f above stars 22. ?a KliHkim sh he for glorious t 47. 1. then> is no t. O daughter of 66. I. the heaven Is my t. Act* 1. 49. Jer. S. 17 call Jerusalem the t. of L. I ML 13 kings that sit on David's t 14. 21. do not rtigrnce t of glory 17. 12. a glorious high t fr begin. 25. Bitting on f. of Daxid 22. 4, 30. 22. 2. that sittest upon the t. 29. 16 Sfi. 30. none to sit on the t. of Dav. 49 38. I will set n.y t. in Elam Erek. I. 2fi. was likeness of t. 10. 1 43. 7. place of my t shall Israel no Hag. 2. 22. I will overthrow the t Mat. .V 34 heaven, it is Ci.'s t 23. 22. 19. 28. Son shall -it in the f. 25. 31. l.uke I. 32. L. shall eive him f. of 1) Heb. 4. Ifi. curne holdly tot of gract 8. I. on riKht hand iif'f. of G. 12. 2. Her 3. 21. him will I ^rant to sit in t 4. 2. a t was set, one sat on the t 3. was a rainbow round nhout t. 5. out of t. proceeded lightnings, were seven lamps oefore t. 6. before ' w*g a sea of irlass. In t. lid ahout t were four beasts 10. bef. him that sat on the t. 7. II. 5. I. in hand of him that snt on t f. in the midst of the r a Lamb' 7. out of hand of him that sat on t IS. glory to him thut sitteth on t. !<. fi. 16. hide from th. sitteth on t I. tt. multitude stood hef. th.- r MX ea> God which siltethon the t THR Ret). 7. 15. they are before t. of God that sitteth on t. sh. dwell 17. the Lamb in in hist off shall 8. 3 golden altar was before the t 14 3 they sung a new song hef. t. 5. without fnult before the t of G. 19. 4. worshipped God thatsnton t. 20. II. I saw a great white ( and 21. .V he that sat on t. said, behold 22. I. a river proceeding out oft 3. the t of God and of the Lamb Hi* THRONE. Erod. 11. 5. that sits on hit t. 12. 29. 2 Sam. 14. 9. king and AM t guiltless 1 A' I'M 1. 37. L. make AM t greater. 47. 'i 19. he bowed, and gat on AM t 33. and on AM t. thall he peace 16. II. as Zimri gat on his t. he slew 22. 10. king of Israel, and Jehosha- phat king of Judah, sat each on AM t. 2 CArim. 18. 9. 19. L. sitting on A. t. 8 CAr. 18. la 2 A'in. 13. 13. Jrrnb. sat upon AM t 25. 2a set AM f. above t. of kings, Jer. 5'-'. 32. Job W. 9 holdeth back face of AM t Ptal. 9. 7. prepared AM t. for judgm. 89. 29. AM t to endure as the days 3fi. AM t. shall endure as the sun 44. thou hst cast AM t to ground 97. 2. judgment habitation of AM t I0a 19. UFprepared MtJ. in heaven Prop. 20. 2a AM t is upholder) by mer. Jer. I. 15. set each AM t at gates of 3a 21. D. not have a son on AM t 43. 10. I will set AM t on th stones Dan. 5. 20. was deposed from AM t. 7. 9. AM t was like the fiery flame J< nah 3. 6. king of Nin. rose fr. A. t. Zeck. 6. la he shall rule upon AM t. and he a priest on AM t Arts 2. 30. raise up C. to sit on AM t. Ren. \. 4. from seven spirits hef. A.t 3. 21. set down with my KB. in h. t 12. 5. child wag caught up to hit I. See ESTABLISH, ESTABLISHED. THRONES. Ptal. 122. . ar sett of judgment Ita 14. 9. raised up from their t. the Ezek. 26. Ifi. princes sh. cottie fr. t Dan. 7. 9. till the t were cast don n Mat. 10. 28. git on 18 t. Luke 22. 30. Col I. Ifi. him, whether they be t Km. 20. 4. I saw t and they gat THRONG, ED, ING. Mark 3. 9. lest they should t him 5. 24. much people t. him. Lit. 8. 42. 31. thou seest multitude t. thee Luke 9. V>. the multitude t thee THROUGH. Rom. II. 36. t him, to him, are all Eph. 4. 6. one G. who is t all, iu all THROUGHLY. Job 6. 2. th. my grief were t weighed Ptal. 51. 2. wash me t from iniquity Jer. 7. 5. if ye t. amend your ways Erek. Ifi. 9. 1 t. washed away bkMid -Vat 3. 12. will t. purge. Luke 3. 17. THROUGHOUT. Mark 14. 9. gospel preached t world Jihn 19. 23 woven from the top t horn. 1. 8. faith is spoken of t. world See Gi NFRATIONS. THROW. Jtifip 2. 2. yesh. t down their altars 6. 25. t. down the altar of Baal -' Kin 9. S3. t. her down, so they Jer. 1. 10. over the nations t down 31. 2a I watched over them, to t. Erek. 16. 39. they sh t down thine Mir. 5. II. I will t. down thy strong Mai. 1. 4 build, but I will t down THROWING. Xum. 35. 17. if he smite wi. t. stone 468 THU THKOWN. .rnrf. IS. 1. horse and rider t. 21. Juig. fi. 32. he hth I down alur > S,,m. '.'O. 21. his head shall be t. to I Km. IU. 10. Isr. hHvef down, U. Jer. 31. 40. It shull not he t. down .SO. 15. fallen, her wiills are I dona Lam. -I. 2. L. hiith t down in wrath 17. h .th t. .low n, hiith not pitied Etek. 29. 5. I will leave thee t. into 38. 20. mountains shall he t. .Iowa Suh. I. 6. the n.cks are t. down by .Uu/.24 2. atone th. nh. not >>e /. ny 10. he sought to t thee frnin the 1. \\ 17. t. the awl through his ear 33. 27. he shall t. out tne en> m> Judg. 3. 21. Khiid 1. dagirer inio hit fi. 3*t. he t. fltece together, and 9. 41. Zehul t. out Gaal and I r. th. 54. young man t. Abim. throiixli 11. 2. and they t. out Jephtha 1 Sam. 11.2, I may t. out your eyeg 31. 4. Saul said, t. tne through, lest unrircumcised t. I (/.r. 10. 4. 2 Sam. 2. 1C. t. sw..rd in his fellow's 18. 14. Joab t three dark thro 1 Ab. .'.M. fi. Belial shall be as tborin t. 1 A'r'n. 2. 27. Solom. t. out Ahiatlinr 2 A' in. 4. 27. Gehari came to t. her 2 Chr. 2fi. 20. they (. Uiziah out fr. PtaL 118. la thou hast t. at me Ita. la 15. every one hh. bef. thro* 14. 19. as raiment of those th. n t Jer. 51. 4. they that are t through E*ett. 16. 40. they shall t. thee thro' 34. 21. have t with side and should. 46. '8. t. them out of possession. Joeli a neither shall onet another Zech. 13. a shall t him through Luke 4. 29. they rose and (. him out 5. a prayed he would t. out a little 10. l&. shall he t. down to hell 13. 28. and you yourselves t. out John 20. 25. t my hand into his, i7. Acttl. 27. th. did wrong t. him awiiy 39. our fathers t. him from them 16. 24. who t. them into inner prison 37. now do they t. us out privily? 27. 39. if it were possible, to t. ship Heb. 12. 20. stoned or I. through Rev. 14. 15. t. in. thy sickle, har.t 16. t. in his sickle on the earth la t iu thy sharp sit kle and path. THRUSTETH. Job 32. 13. G. /. him down, uot mau THUMH, .s. Exod. 29, 20. put it on the t of ri^l.t hand, Lev. a L'3, 24. | 14. 14, 17, 25. 28. Jvdg. I. fi. caught Mm and cut < I) I. 7. seventy k*ng>> Imving t rut .11 TIU MMIM. Erod. 2a 30. put on l.reatplate, the urim and the I Ler. H 8. Deiit. 33. 8. let thy t. arid nrim be fra2,63. priest with urim nd t THUNDI.R [AVA 7 ir; Efixt. 9. 2a the Lord sent t. nd hull Vd. the t. shall cease, nor shall I Sam. 7. 10. L. thundered with t. 12. ',". send t|| 18. the Lord >ent t Jub 26. 14. t of power who under* f 28. 26. way fur light, of t. S& 24 TIL fob 39. 19. clothed nonr /. 16. 2. /. Cometh, whosoever killelh 25. t cometh I sh. no more peuk Actt 1. 21. all fc L. went in and out 7. 17. when /. of promise drew nuh 20. in wh. t. Mi*f* was bni n. ami 17. 21. spent their / in nothing e -e Rom. la II. it ihighttoake 1 Car. 4. !>. jnde nothing belnr.- I 7 5 except with c;n:sent for a t 29. this I say, brethren, /. i short Eph. 5. 16. redeeming t Cul. 4. 5. 1 Thei. 2. 17. taken from you iMrt /. 2 The*, -i. 6. might b* reveal. .1 in / 2 Tim. 4. a t come, will not endute r? / of my depaiture is at hnnd Heb. +. l& grace to help in /. f ne.il ;> I'.' for /. ye ought t> be teacher* 9 9. figure for the /. then prrM-nl j.,,sed till /. of rrfor- II :<2 /. would fail to tell til .him. 4. 14. that tippeareth I Pet. 1. II. what mai 17. PIWH the t of M.ji.urnin m 'r it 4 2 no longer live r." Rrr 1. 3. fc.r /. is at hand. 10. 6. there h,.< - ' ( || m t. ..f d.-.i. -h..iilil bejurfff 12. 12. knowi'th be im'h a I*M 14. she i. i,onri.be.i I. r a /. ai-d An* i I Mr. Jrr 2.V 38. LrVlte. redeem < I.ukf 21. 34. a. t. hrnovifi.Uatg TIM J'\t I. li no mmi seen tt. at *ny t :, >N. 38 87. rame to pnx* in Me f of X'i. In. 23. in Me f .if old age he t Ihr. S8 -a in Ike t. of .li-tr.-n .ti.l belt. 9. S7. in t.'ie ( of trouble thou Pt. 4. 7. in t. t when corn increased 27 .1. in Met of trouhle he sh. hi. I 71. 9. out me nut off in f. t t aiie /*. 33. -' salvation in / I of tr.iuU.- ,/er S. 27 1/1 Me f "I trouble they SS if ave thee in Me f. ol troui.le II. I-J not save th in I. t. of trouble 14. not hear them in f. f. they cry 1H S3. rtenl thin with th.-in in Me (. .Ere*. '/7. 31. in Me t when thoii sh. J/. 4 9. take corn ';. Mr / thereof /.irk 10 I ,.-k rain in the t. of rain >//. !3 30 in Me /. "f harv.-it I will See LAST, LoNii. MANY, OLD, PAST. PKIICRM, .SKT. That TIMK. /ML 4. IB pass from t. t forth. I a 21. ,/M. 16- 13. concerning M. nince /. <. lii. 7. in 1 1. shall the pre-ent he 4.V 21. who hath t..ld it from / 1.1 Hat 4. IT. from t t .lesm beean to in. si. from t. I. began to shoxv Sfi. 16. frum r. {. Ji:>i. sought oppor. v*f MalTIME Dent. 5. 5. I stood between the Ixird and you at tlnit time 0. 19. I., hearkened at t t. 10. 10. S ( Vir. 30. 3 not k.-ep patsover CT< t t 35 17 Israel kept pin-over at t. t. Zi/,h a fi. at t. t will I bring yon Ivi. at f. t. were without Chr. See THIRD. w TIME. 14. at t. t. -end my pUrues 18. to. morrow about /. t, I will >>~MM 23 S3. an ording to t. t it -h AM>. 13. v:j. n.,r xv.-uld at t I. have 1 AViw 0. la about t. t. ye .hall And Smm 17 7. counsel not g-ood t 1 1 I .*m. t. Sft not Ht A t. put to <|.-ath IB. S. to-morrow /. f. SU (i. 2 A'ifM 7. I, K | l(). A A. (8 *>. all r\ A wait not I at Jer. >'". V M- if h..M.-t thy peace at 1. 1 l'"il. a 4 binned b.- L. from t t ! IS !. we will hlen L. from t t IVI. & he will preserve thee fr. t t ha. . fi. *nte.1 new things fr. t < Jrr. 3. 4. wirt thou not fr. /. t. rry ? ><<-^ I. 6. wilt th"i at that. iTKtorei- VI vV annwervd. rn thy ivay fort (L Rom. S. ifl. ,liH-lrH at / /. his riv'ht. 9. ft t t. t. will > come, Sara shall 1 1. 'i. 10 at t. prrwnt /. th.T.- i< H I Cor. I6i ti wa iMit to come at 1. 1 TIM Gen. 77. 36. fiesupy lMte.1 me two / ;.er. 10. 26. y e ,hiUI not ..hverrr t Dei*, la 10. 14. DfHt. 4 48. iila T hut.-. t n..t in/ \>;i*\ Judf. 1.1 A. >.. briran t.. move at (. I will if. ..nit a-> al ..tli.T I VI. :. hean to kil a at other t. 3 s/u/i 3 in L. railed a* at ..th.-r t. *"> ^\ kin? Mt .n M-at Ht ..th.T t. S Hingiit\. & Mn*!>eh <>Wr\ <e t. wa m. prarr F.'tli I 13. men whi.-h knew the t. .'> V4 I r are not hidden fr. Alini. /. 0. . L .1 rvfufro iu /. cf truubie TIT P* 10. 1. why hidetin t of trniih'r 1 SI. IV my <.'nre in thv hand, del'v 44 I. work* thou .li.l^t in / ..f ..| t 77. .V considered y.-ari of .n.-i.-nt / 1-a 33. ft knowledge stability ..! t. 46. 10. from nnri.-nt t thiiiK' n.t Kfi-k \-i. -ft. he prophe~i.-d ..f t (ar Dan. I SI. he rhanjr.'th t. in d ***, 7. i think to rhauee / and laws 9. *. streets h. he i.nilt in trout. / M. 14 in tliim- t shall many ittand IS. 7. for a time, t and, H.'r. \->. II Mnt. I'i 3. ii.itdisr.-rn sit'us of / .! Lnke-n. 24 till th.- f. ot th. (i.-ntil.-. Acti I. 7 not for y-i to know the t 3. 19. / of refri'shini.' shall rome 21. till th.- t of restitution of all II 16. who in t. past -iitter.-d all I". S6. hath determined the t. bef. 30 the /. of lirnoraiire winked Hnm. II. 30. as ye In t. past have not S C'r. 1 1 S4. five t rereived I stripes (;/. I. 5?3 wh. perm-ciited in t. pa..t 4 10. days and m.uitho, t nnd years F./ih I 10. diKpensatiou of fnhi. of t I Thra. 5. 1. of /. ye hat.- no in-e.l I Tim. 4 I. in latter t. some sh.ili A 15. in his t. h>- shall show who is 2 7i'm. 3. I. In last days perilous t. Tit. I 3 in /. manifested hi- word Heb. I.I. O. who at sundry t. spake An TIMKS. Ler. IA S. rome not at all t. within I'M,/ .14. I. I will hies-. L. at all t. f>>. 8. trust In him at all t, ye peop. 1 1". ^0 t thy ju itfinento at all t Pr,,r h. \'J. let brea-l!.tifv -toff t 17. 17. * friend loveth at nil t. See A r PHI NT i n. M > NV, Stvt.n, Tm, THKF.E. T1NOL& I 5am. all. ears of every one sh. t 2 Kif*-2\. \i. Jrr. 19. a T INK LI NO /JHL .'i. 16. mincing and making a t 18. takeaway their t orninei.ts I Cor. 13. 1. 1 am heroine L ryinhal I IN. Sum. 31. 82. (. that may abide fire I.',, 1. 25 I will take away all thy t Erek. fi. la they are brass, mid t, SO. as they irather lead and / into fl. 12. Tiirshish wa merrlmnt in t. TIP. Luke 1C. 24. may dip (. of bia finger See Right KAB. TIKE. ED. > Kin. 9. 30. Jezebel t. her head and K.-rk. S4. 17. biiid the (. of thy head TIBE& /.6. offer a tenth part of / Den/ I.'. 17. not eat the t of corn 14. 23. eat t in the place the l.i.rd SSL at end of three year* bring t i Chr. 31. 5 they brought the t. of all thin*-. 6, IS. Seh la I* \,-A. 10. r. Invites hal1 bring / of M'tt. S3. S3. y.- pay /. f mint, anise III ttk, I'rrb. l),i slMll brinif your /. II. to. IS. made an end nf titliinif the(. \rn. 10. 31. Levitei. mu-ht l.ae t. 15. 44 some wrre appointed fur . 4M TOL .VeA. 1.1 S. aforetime they laid t Imnii 4. t brine y-.iir / Mnl 1 Ift ./. 29. concern oar work and t. 41. 61. (iod n ade me 'orget my t, TOIL. 1.1), INtJ. Mat. A ea they f. not, LiiJIre IS. 27 Murk ft 48. he saw them t in rowing I. tike j. 5. Mas. we have t all night TOKEN. Gen 9. IS. this i, the t. of, 13, 17. f.fiid. a 12. shall he R t. I sent thrc 12. 1.1 the bliMMt si all he for a t. on la IA for a t. upon thine hand \nm. 17. in. k.-pt for a L HUH. rebcli li'th. 2. IS and give me a true t. Ptal. NA 1ft h->w me a t for good M,,rk 14 44. Judas had civ. nth. H t. I'liil. I. S8. an evident r of p, rditn.n 2 TAeM. I. ft n t. of righteous ju.lg. a 17. which is the t in ev. epistle TOKEW9 Oetit. ?? 15 being / of virgin. 17, SO Inf- SI SS). do ye not know their /.: s th.-y al... ;.re afraid nt /. 135 9. who >e'nt / in mid-t of then ... i 44. So. that Irustrateth t. of halt TOLD. f?en. 37 10 he L it to hi? fa'h.-r r, r \'./m S3 SA t not I thee, all that " it 17. 4 it be /. the,-, and behold lurig. R 13 his tnirarli-s fathers t. 13. A neither t he me hi- name S3. nr would hav. / such things 14. S. he ram* up, a... I / hi- f..th.-r fi. t. not father. 9. Ifi I Sam. 14. I IT 17 he t. her all hi- h.-art. |M. A'in. ia II they / to their father F.'lh. H. I. Esther had / what he wm Job 15. 18. whi.-h wise m.-n have t /to, 44. 8. have not I t tlie.- frorr. 45. SI. who hath /. it fr. that tin.e ? fts. I'i. what had not been f. them Jonah I 10 becHii<- he had t. them Mnt <*. 33 they went nnd t. every It. S took tli.- body and t. Jesus Juha ~ 15. ii.ati t Jewr it was Jesta TON jjrii 9 a be /. thee what do, 22. 10. TOLD Aim. Gen. 22. a place of which O. /. h. 9 ) Sa>,i. 3. 13. /. h. 1 will judge house 2A. 3<> she /. A. nothing till morning ? A'lM. 6 II). place man of G. /. /,;;/, JoA37. 20. it he /. Aim that I sp.-ak Mark 5. 33. woman /. Aim all truth TOLD me. 2 Sam. 4. 10. when one /. m. saying; ) Kings 10. 7. the half was not '/. me 2 CArr.fi. 9. 6. 14. 2. t. me I should be king over 2 Kirc. I. 27. hid, and hath not /. me 8. 14. he/. ><; thou should recover John 4. 29. which /. me all things, 39. /ItCi 27 26. shall hi. a it was /. me TOLD you. Ita. 40 21. /. you from beginning ? Hr/6. I. 5. not believe tho' it be /. y. Mit. 24. 25. behold, I t i/ou before 28. 7. ye shall see him, hi, I /. you John 3. 12. it 1 /. you earthly things 8. 40. a man that hath /. yuu truth 9. 2". I have /. you already, 10. 25. 14. 9 not so, I would have / you 29. I have /. you before it came 16. 4. have I / you, that when time come, ye ma.y remember 1 /. y. 18. 8. said, I have /. you I am he Gal. b. zl. 1 have/, yon in time past Ph.il. 3. 19 walk of whom 1 /. y,,u 1 Tliet. 3. 4. we /. y. we shoula suffer 2 The*. 2. 6. I /. y. these things TOLD. 1 Kin. 8. 5. and oxen could not be /. 18. 13 was it not /. rny lord what 2 A.'ifi. 12. II. gave money, being /. Ptal. 90. 9. spend years as a tale /. Van. 8 sJ6. vision which is /. true Luke I. 46. performance of things 2. 18. wondered at thing's /. by TOLERABLE. Mat. 10. IS. be more /. for Sod. and Oo. 11.24. MurkG. II. Lit. 10. 12. 11. 22. more t. for Tyre ajid Sidon, TOLL, [/.wte 10. M. Ezra 4. 13. then will they not pny / 20. /. tribute and custom wa:- paid 7. 24. ah. rmt be lawful to impose /. TOMB. Job 21. 32. and he shall remain In /. Mat. 27. 60. Joseph laid body in t. Mark 6. 29. laid John's corpse in t. TOMBS. Mat. 8. 28. with devils coming out /. Murk j. 2, 3, 5. Luke 8. 27. 23. 29. ye build /. ol the prophets TONGS. .Erori 25. .'iR make /. th< reof of gold AHW. 4. 9 i over /. with doth of blue 1 A'iii. 7. 49. /. of gold 2 Ctir. 4 21. JKI. ft G. coal he had taken with /. 44. 1-i. smith with /. worketh coals TO NO UK. K.rnd. II. 7. not a dog move his /. Jtafi. 10. 21. none moved '. ag. Israel Jmlif. 7 3. Inpp.'lh of wt IT with/. Jo/* 5. v;l. be bid tmm scourge of/. l.Y o. thou choosest /. of the crafty 2U Is;, hide wickedness under his/. Hi. the \iper's /. shall slay him 29. 10 /. cleaved to rool of n outh I' fill. 5. 9. the\ flatter with tlieir /. J . 7. under his /. is mischief and I 4 .'. 3. cut off/ speak, [mud limits 4. with our / will we prevail 15. 3 he ba< kbiteth not w ith bis / 3V. 1:1 keep /. from evil. I Pel. 3. 10. 37. 30. his . talketh of judgment 50. lir. and thy /. trampth deceit 5v;. 2. thy /. d.-viaeth mischief like 87 4. aivl their '.. is a sliiup MW.-rd B*. a who wl-et their /. like sword TON I. 64. 8. make / fall on themwlvw W. '23. t. of Ih> douk IM. y be dipped 73. 9. their /. wulkelh thro 1 enrih 109. 2. spoken ag. rne with lying t, 120. 3. done to tbee. tin n false ( > lift. 2. WMS our /. tiili d ith -mgmg I'ror. ri. 17. hatith proud, lyinn /. v.4. flattery of/, ol si I antic Woman 10. v(). /. nl jnst i- a- doiiv sil\cr 31. the Iroward /. thrill lie cut out 12. 18. the f. ol the ui.se is bialih 19. a lying t is I ut i. r H n nmei.t I.'). 2. /. i.l wise iiMMh knowledge 4. a wholes.. me /. is n tree ol life Id I. answer ot /. is frrn tl e Lord 17. 4. liar giveth ear to nauphty /. 20. perverse /. la l> into mlkcliiff 18. 21. ..eath and hie in power of /. 21. 6. treasure by ly ; ng /. is vnnil) 23. whom keepcth /. keepi-th soiil 25. 16. a soft/, breaketh the bone i3. angry com, ten. a h.r kbit'i.g /. 26 2M. lying/ liateth tbo.se affl.eted 28 23. he that tl Her. Hi with the t. 31. 26. in her t is law of k indues* Cant. 4. II milk are under thy t. Ita. 3. H because their /. is ag Lord 30. 27 his /. is as a devouring fire 32. 4 /. nt stammerer -peak plainly 33. 19. Hot see pr- ople of stamm. t. 36. 6. then bhall ( of dumb sing 41. 17. when their t. fail, for tbint J5. 2.'). unto me every /. shall sw ear 60. 4. L. hath given me/, of learned 64. 17. every /. that shai rise ;'.7. 4. against whom dr* yeorit /.? 69. 3. your /. muttered perverscn. r. 9. 3. they bend their/, like b,,w Jt fi. ha. taught their /. to speak lie.s 8. their /. is as an nrrow shot out 18. 18. let us MI ite him with thp /. 1. am. 4. 4. t ol ruckinit < hild cleav. J ;4. .Iain. 1. 2(i. and bridlilh ni't his t 3 5. s-o the /. is a little muni er (i. /. is tire || H /. can no man t;mie 1 John 3 18. nor love in /. In truth See !M< MIH i, Hi LII. My TON'JUE. 2 Sam. 23. 2.' his word WHS in my t. Eith. 7. 4 it Id, I h..ri held mi, /. Job 6. 30. is tht re iniquity in mi- t. 27. 4. nor shall my t utrer dr'reit 33. 2. my t. hath e'p" 1 * 1 " '" month I sal. tl. IS imit rleaveth to.jawii 35. 28. my t shall speak right cons- ne. 51. 14. | 71. -..4. 3<). 1. heed that 1 -in not ith mi/ 1 3. hot, then spake I with mi, I 46. I. my t if pm of ready writer 6(i 17. God was extolled with f/ f. lilt. I7'A mn I. speak of thy word l:7. ft let mil I. cleave tu mouth I3!l. 4. riot a word in my/ but Ink, 16. i-4. dip finger, ool ;i/ /. Ai-t.i 2. 2>. heart r..i-ir e, my t. glad TONGUE I.,,,. II. l.V destroy I of Kgypt. sen | ()N(.rK, for /.r/>ai."A"-, /""" (,,;, 10. 6. ft cry one alter bis / A;.,r.rf. I. Ht slow ol speech, slow /. hrut. .H. 19. whove ' not nod. '-\ A.-rn 4. 7. 'filer written ir. Vyri n /. /MI KK II. another/ wnl lie -peak /Jn I 4. mil-lit tench / ol - IrJinh. 2. called i, Hebrew / I*, th r/jr I. HI. n,|T,|cr I A.. Id. M;. V H how hear we in ..or own f 1 J*. 14 sa>>H ". Hebr.w / M'ul 491 TOO Rnm. 14. II. eery/ .-..nfe tc O< 1 Cor. 14. 4 lht I|H nk in unknown / *. 1:1 M. in, /? 9. hy / word* ea>v iiii.ler>|oh.ir4 Af '.<. Ki. Wllb / Ih. y llnddeeeit i C r. I. 10. divers kind^ ol /. v& :.o. do all rptMk with r :- d- i-II 13 I. tho' I speak with / ol urn v Wllelher /. they BllKl. Cellll,- 14. 5. 1 woold ye a, I p. k. wiih /. o. il 1 come to you sp.-i king \\ i I. IH. I -.peak will. /. n ..re liar. . I. w ith men ..I ol, er /. I i-p.uk *2. / for R sign || s;3. >|.eak with C. 3!'. I'orl ill not to -pent, M nb f /I'M . 7. U. people II, d / si. o I . I. r.- 1(1. II. propb.sy b. fore I.RI . 11.9. /. mid i.alioni see c.e,..i !.(,. 13. 7. power wai;M.-n I in , 111 10 th>> gi i.w.d ll.eir/ lor pt.in 17. 16. Ih.iu (-Hest are nation-, ( TOOK (irn. 5. 24. En-.cb WR> n-.t, <. t. hirn .Nr.rn. II -^5 L. /. of >p'.it on him I >!. 14 47 MI Sau, / Kiln don, .Sm 7. IS. de| ml, fs I / t: / K,/. is;. !'. / n "nt ot w. n.b. 11. ft is . t.ar /. hold on tl.. m II r. S.. 14 /. FW.el cool... I '. AmMT. 15. l.-.rd / n e a- I ! n, ... Mat. 6. 17 bin sell / on, ii.l V6. 4^ a stranger, ye /. ri . i ..t in Maik 12. vd the fir t / M w lie and 21. sond / her, / 14. 4!'. t.achlrg. and ye t n J,,!,,, Hi. '.-7 / I er |.. I ^ .. n lo u r Art* I. I' . guide In them >< ' J' / kit 2. 7 / ... CW 2. 14. / it out of way, MOWfl I ()( K nv.ni. . ibar l , I I t i ( I tni'iv tbr loi . //, K K /;* 34. 2. M /.iW 4 R when *' ' " ' ' ' i. ,Nr;m Ki. II / ' 2V 17. above A, f i. I A.n. 17. I!. ' J km ^ VI. In I 'I" r. I. II he I I'Miil'-i.-'- H,b X. Ir; > I ' i i OK f.-r-n. fi ). I'.," I "I'- ll II Ifi.-ut ' TOP Jb/d il. 19. nil other thfyt. In battle ^i-Uf. 3. A t t. their dMghtm to be < A'm. 10. 14. /. /. them ativ.. and *. 23. I a I saw Mew t. one way 7)111. ,V -JO. t t. his glory frmn him M'lt. 11. IK. t. t. b"n for a prophet 8* 15. sit t t. thf ranney, anil did as M.irle 12. a /. r. him. and killed htm iuXv 22. 5k t r him, John 19. IS. /Jrti 13. 29. t. r him .town Iro tree TOOK up. .YuM. 83. 7. Ha'.aam t up hi* p:ir il.le. 18 | 24, 3, ID. 7oA. a & the prints /. up tiie ark, 6 12 I King* 8. a 2 Kin. 2. 13. he /. up mantle of Klij. 10. I.V h- t him r//> into tl hariot 4. 2. I. I /. r/p the wine H-id gave Ettk. 3. 12. then the Spirit t me uy/. 1 1. 24 | VI 5. [ >/ur* ft 2U. >/r/. 14. I'.', they t up body ..f John, Mi. 9. many baskets ye t. up, 10. Murk 10. 1(5. he /. them up in arms /.* 2. 2a /. him ;) In his arms Act* 10. 2*i. Peter t him u;j, saying 1 At r. IS. 21. ini:.'hlv aiiL'el /. uu stone TOOKBaT. 7W. 99. 8. tho' tliou t. vengeance jtek. 10. 18. t. thy hroidered garin. TOOL. F.jrod. 30. 25. if lift up thy t. thoir .'(-'. 4 fashioned it with H graving /. /J !. Shalt not lift any iron t. I kin. t>. 7. nor any t. of iron heard TOOTH. F.jcod. 21. 84. shalt give t. for /. /,,r 24. 20, Deut 19. 21. .Wilt 5. 3a 27. if he smite man-servant's t. he shall go free for t lake Proe. 2-i. 19. a broken t. a foot out TOP. Grit. II. 4. tower whose t mayrenrh M. 12. t of ladder readied to heav. 18. Jacob poured oil on t. of stone j-od. 19. '.'0 L. eame1)n t. of Sinai 11. 17. like fire on t. of the mount i s 32. tliere sh. be HII hole in the t :W. 3. overlay r. with irold, 37. 2ft ft'um 14. 40. gut into /. of mountain s?!). VS. Aaron died in t. of mount i:i 9. Irom t of rocks I -ee him !>>->. build altar on t. of rock it. Jl. people iini up to t. of toner l"i 8. Samson dwelt ori t. of KUm 1 Sum. 9. i.i. communed on t of, art. 2 S*> in t. of mount (i II. shout from the t of mount. Lam. 8. 19. faint for huiwr in t of 4. I. stones poured in I of street Ezek. 17. 4. he cropt . ft /. of twiifs 22. crop off the t. of \onnif twnifs M. 7. she net it on the (. of a r.-k a I net her blood on t. of n rock ML 4. make her like f of rook, 14. II. 3. his t, wa> Hm<>. houghs, 10, 14. 491 12. h'iu>- on tiief. of mountains Id chil duhed at t of .treat* TOR .V<<. 24. 17. on honae.f. not romp down, Mark 1:1 I.V Luke 17. 31. 27. 51. Tail rent fr. in t. to hot torn, Mark 15. 3a I.uke 5. 10. they went "H hoii-e.r .A.A/i IS). 2n woven fr. t. throiinhoiit //cr6. II. 21. le.tiniur on f of In* oUiff 6Vf HILL. ropi (7e/j. & 5. ( i>f rnount.ilns were seen 2 Sam. -V 24. when nearest sntuul on t of tiees, 1 Chrn It. 15 2 A'in. 19. 26. ns grass upon house./. /'.// I.H ti. Ii,i. :{7. '^7. Job 24. 24. cut ..H a~ ti.. r ol the ears /.;. i 21. go into <. of ragtfeil rock* 15. a on the t of houses every one 22. I. wholly gone up to hou*.'-f. Jer. 48 .'8. lamentHiion on house. t F.rek. 6. la lin in t of mountiiius Hoi. 4. 13. sacrifice on t. <>' inoiinta. V.ffih. I. 5 worship host on house-/ Mnt. 10 27. preach ye upon house./ Luke 12. a proclaimed on house-/. TOPAZ. F.rod. 2a 17. a imriliu-., n f. 39. 10. Job 29. 19. the / of Klhiopia shall Ezek 2a la the/. WHS thy covering Km. 21. 2(1 bervl, the ninth a t TOP MET. 2 Kin. 83 la Josmh defiled t in val. /*. 30. 33. for / is onlained of old Jer. 7 31. built the high places of /. 32. shall no more he called /. 19. 6. 19. II. they shall bury in /. till there 12. I will even make this city as /. la Jerusalem shall be defiled as /. 14. then came Jer.-rniah from /. TORCH. Zech. 12. 6. make governors like a /. TORCH KS. Sah. 2. 3. chariots shall he with /. 4. the chariots shall Seem like t Jiihn 18. a Judas comet h with /. TORMENT, S. \/. 6. that goeth out shall he t irk. 4. 14 not eatenof that is t 41. 31. priests >>h i I not eat that in /. Hot 6. 1. he hath / and he will heal M'ti. 1. 13. brought that whi wast Mark. 1. 86. uncle ..n spirit ha. t him 462 TO TORTOISE Lev. II. 89. the/.Nhall he unclpan TORTURED. Art* 12. 29. who should have /. km Heb. 11. 36. others were/, nut arceB I OSS, ha. 22. ia he will turn and /. thee Jer. 5. 2*. tin.' the waves t thenixrL TOSSED. P*aL 109. 23. I am / up and down Prr. 21. 6. a v.mity. /. t.. and irn /HI. 51. II. O thou afflicted, r. with Mat. 14 24. fliip was /. with w;n .- Artffi. IS. ex.e.diniilyt with ti-in /.'/A. t 14. children /. to and Iro Jain. 1. & wavereth is like a wave r Job 7. 4. 1 am full ol /. till dawning TOTTERINU. PtaL 62. a ye shall be tu a t fi'M-e ' TOIVH. Gen. a 3. nor sh. ye t it lest ye die .rtVre I I thee not to /. her Efod. 19. 12. that ye (.. not border of 13. -hall not an hand t it. but shall Ler. 5. 2. if a ton! /. unclean thin/ 6. 27. whaUoet. r shall /. the tl.-h 11. 8. earc.ise shall not t Deut. 14. a 31. whosoever doth t. them when 12. 4. he shall /. no hallowed llrng .Vujn. 4. 15. sh. not /. any holy thing 16 2i :. and /. nothing of theirs Jo*h. 9. 19. there!, we may not /. th. Ruth 2. -J. they should not /. thee 2 Sam. 14. 10. he -hall not /. thee la 12. that none /. the young man 23 7. that i-hAll /. them must be 1 Chr. 16. 22. /. not mine nnointed, Cialm 105. 15, Job I. II. but/, all he bath, and he 2. 5. t his bone and his flesh, he 5. 19. in seven shall no evil /. thee ft 7. thut my soul refused to /. Ptnl. 144. 5 t. the mountains, and Ita. 58. II. t. no unclean, .' Cor 6 17 Jer. 12. 14. that/, the inheritance Lain. 4. 14. men could not t. /arm. 15. it is unclean, depart, t. not Hag. 8. 18. if one with skirt t breat 1:1 if one that is un.-.-an / any ". .Wat 9. 31. if I hut t his, Markb. .-i U. 3d that they might t the h.-ni. Murk 4. ^a | R 5ft | 8. 22. .War* 3. 10. press, to /. him. Lu. 6 29. 8. 22. besought him to/, blind maa Luke II. 46. ye /. not the burdens 18 IS. infants, that he would /. th. John 20. 17. Jesus saith, t me not I Cor. 7. I. gooil not to t a woman Col. 2, 21. /. not, taste not, hai.dle Heb. II. 2a first-born, should/, th-m 12. 20. if so much as beast t mount. COUCHED, Grn. 26. 89. as we have not /. thee 38. IS. he /. Jacob's thigh, 32. Ler. 22. fi. soul which hath /. any .Yum 31. 1. whosoever hath / any Juiig. 6. 21. angel of 1.. /. the flesh 1 Sum. 10. 2ft whose hearts O. bail /. 1 A'in. 6. 27. wings of cherubirns /. }'.i. 5. an angel / him, and said. 7. 2 A'in la 21. when the man /. bones Kiih. 5. 2. Ksther / top of sceptre Job 19. 81. the hand of O. hath /. me ha. ft 7. lo, this hath /. thy lips* Jtr. 1 9. the Lord / my mouth, ar.d Dan. & 5. he.gi.at /. not the ground ia bet me, and set me upright, !i. 21. | 10. 10, IK. K A/at 8. 3. and Jesu. t him. Murk I. 41. LuJcth I.'J. IS. he /. her hand the fever left 9. 20. diseased with an issue t. girmeut, Mark 5. 27. Lu. 5. 13. TCW !>it. !). 29. then f. the ir eyes, 20 34 1 1. 3'i. many a.s t. him w.-re mad,- whole, .V,,/* (i. :>(i jVar* 5. 30. t clothes, l.u. . 45, 47. 7. .')3. he spit, ami t. his tongue Luke ?. 14, he came and t. the bier 8. 47. she declared cause she t. him 22. 51. Jesus t. his ear, healed him Arts -ft. 3. next day we <. at Sid. in ?,' 37. whatsoever <. altar lie holy .Ml. 29. that <. them, holy, ier. ft |'a /.< r 7. 111. flesh that/, unclean tiling II. 26. every one that /. h,. unclean 15.5. who.o t. his ht-d, shall wash 1 1 whomsoever he t. hath issue k'. ves-el nt earth lie t. broken 23. if on her lied whe.i he t. it, he unclean, 27. j 2->. 4 t 5. ,\'u. In. 22 A"//;;;. II). II. that t. dead tiody, 13.16. IS./, a lioin- i| 21. t. \vatr-r ol separ. ./1. 4. 10. t. whom ye received com. it The*. 3. 4. confidence in 1,. t. you TO \V. Judg. I ft 9. as a thread of <. broken l*a. I. 31. the strong shall be as t. 43. 17. extinct, an- quenched as t. TO W A K I) or loW AKDS. Z)e<. 28. 54. eye evil t. his brother 5'i shall be evil t. her husband 2 t'Ar. 24 Hi. bee. Jeln-iada had done good in is. t. 't. 4. 4. thy neck like I. of David 7. 4. thy ne.-k i- as a t. of ivory !W 5. !i he bniH f. in mid-t of viny. '.-/ >i. ' I have s,-t tliec for H t. ill. o.s. city built lluui /. ol il.inan. TRA ^ t -A". 29. 10. desolate ir. f. of Sy,.,,.. SI", ti. from /.of Syene bh thev'fa'l Mir. 4. H. O /. ..) no, k. to thee'coii., tlh. 2. I. I will ~et me upon the t />r/i. 14. III. inhabited from t. of H .Vou alter ^ of men 2 7'Aw. 3. . t wh. he received ..f u- I I'rt I. IH. received by r Ir. fatber- TK \ DITKis-^ (in! I. 14. i"|ousof f. of myfathern > The*. 2. 15. hold t. y l.een taught THAI -Fl't K. (,'<. 42. 31. an. I \e -h.ill t. in land THATI-lf K a,,UI,n,tir f . 1 A'/. In l.'l had of .'. of ii,. Litk. 17. 4. carried it into land ol L 49J TRA ftfk. 2S. 5. by t Im.t tl on .i,rre*r* IS. lietil.-d -HII. t l.v i 11.111 !. r.KKv 'a. 23. 8. whose t are honourable TU AIM, I Ai. 10. 2. to Jrr,,.H ,,ith frr*li /. 0, 1. and In. r. ti . Ill . ItrbiW MI wayheibo THA1NK1). ('(n. 14. 14. Aliram Mr.n.J* rrl. TltAITOU, S [.ike ft 16. Iscariot winch wut t ; /'. 3. 4. i -' MH; 'I U A . ' J >/ HI. I .'I drKo,, t. under foo: / < th. under lu..'| TKANt K. Xum. 2t. 4. vision fallmsr into f. Ift Acts ID. 10. he le . uto 1 mid IHM 1 1. 5. and in a /. i uu- a . - 22. 17. pray, in temple I was in a i. TUANQUlLLII-y. Dan. 4. 27. be a lengthening nftliy t "I'll ANSI KliltHI). I Cor. 4. >'<. I hate in fiuiire t. to my i RANSFIUUHED, Mat. IT. 2. /. before them, M,tr >.-> TRANSFORMED, IN(.. /I6OT. 12. 2. he ye t by rrtietrinir . :i. purire out them ilmt t Avi-x 4. 4. come to Iteth.el and I. Mill 15.2 do di.ciple. t tr.oitmn? 3. why do ye /. command, of (;. J Horn. 2. 27. by rircnm, ision / law THAN (.1(1 Dftit. 2ft 13. 1 hate not/ command. Jifi. 7. II. they t. my covenant, 'i. 23. !ft when ye he t o.vtiunt I Sam 14. 33. ye hvef. rdi ..ton* 15. '-t 1 have t. command ot I.or-1 I A'in. 8. M). wherein they h 1 Chr. 2. 7. who t in tlmi'it I 5. 25. they t. ai{. (i. of their l.itl,.-rt 2 Chr ]>. 2. N-cnilse they /. aya. L. 2. 16. I'/ziah t. m;aiiist Hi. 2H. 19. Ab;.7 t I. old IV'i 1 1. priest, and p>-opl>- t. nun h 10 ) have t. tak. n Wine* many that / in n.:- lieCHll.e they hm 43 27 thy te 29. ye all hate / ..-., :i,.t n e 3. 13. ackiiowle,l|(e thou tn-t f. .11 ,H t -ni. i! / .am :t : ' Is Ml ! han. >.i i .. I thjrlmr H"' 7. 13. de. ti iii-ln.- Luk< 15 V.I nor / I tb) i-omniMA, n: -II Hut. X. 4 l*tuc i* t by M TRA I JMn \ 4. roii.inittpth din, t. law S Je*t 17 -'. wi, k.-iln. in t n.vriiHiit IMI M. IS in t u lying avitii.st I. TH vNsnti>lON EjrnA 31. 7. torirmuir / Sum 14. K ./ Y V.'. rt. if it hi- III f availl>t I. 1 .Sum. .'4 II Mi. I* in, f in in > hand I r*r 9 I. rmrrird t.. Babylon i. t In IM S.uii ill. il lor t . ..n m:ti.,l S Chr S9 19. Ahai ra*t any in / Eria i. 1 hrr i.f I of ti.osr carnm 10 f. hr m.. urn. -il bera. <.f II. fit t ]1. ->\. Hi.d why nut p rrtnn my /. 8 4. ha runt them *wa> ti.r thru ' II. _'.'(. tn.,kr me ti, km. iv my t ai.d I (. 17. my t. i* tw-alrd up in M tmjj SI 9. I MIII will. i, nt I I am inni.ri-iit 31. . W.IIIIM i- i,.rnrrfi.|.. without t I'inl 19 13. inn.iirnt I:. >n, tn- t / 3V. I. hlrfc-ed hr wl t i- lo'iiv *i. I. /. ..I wirkril &H th within my 5!' 3 wait tor -mil. not lor my t, 8H. % tht-n will I n-it then L 107. 17. loi.l- i.i-,-. i.i t rr iiHIn t.-d /Vor. IV. la wn ked is -imrnl I y /. 17. 9. Mint n \i ri-th / M'. keth lovr 19. he l.ivrlh /. tliHt I VPlh strifr 19. 1 1. it i- hi- (f li.ry to pas- >.>i-r t 88 y. for / of M I. ml many prn.it- i4. roM-ptli, and sailh, it i- in. t VS. it. in / of HI, evil mull i a narp 16. i.k. rnultiplipit, t. inrr.-a-rtli irti. a furious man abound, th in I. Jta. '.-4- v.ti. t t hrr. of l.p heavy on it .'-.'I. 8. fur / of peop was IIP -tr;i km 57. 4. are >e not rhildipn of /. ; iti. I. ..ml Hhow my peopU their t. 6!>. -A to them ili.il turn from t. Errk. XI I*, deliv. r in day- of hi* A Z>a. N. IS. Hg sai-ri. hy reason off. ',:<. ar-ifi,-f . .111,1 I. of drsnlation 9. V4. srvrnty WHI k HIP to tii.i-h /. Anna 4. 4. at OMffni multiply (. .ViV. I 5 fur /. of Jar.. I is all this; What I" the (.of Jiinih '! 3. ft full of p.nvrr to orrlare t.> J. t. 6. 7. hr-t.t.i.iii for n,y t. and in ? 7. IM. that PISHI th l>y /. of ipmnarit .* :il 3,'i I rovprrd my t a- Adarn 34. ft it thy r. HP miiltiplii-d. what SB. . shi.w.th thrir work rind (. Ptal. S. III. rat them out in iln-ir t 5?5. 7. in of my youth, nor mv t S.' 5 I MI ln,i,fr- n y /. untoLi.rd 99. 8. dphvrr nip fr..m nil my /. 61. I. hVH mpn-y l.lot out all my /. 3. for I ^irkimlr.l^H n y / my >in 6.T. X. - for otir I pnrup ih. away KO. \i. no far hnth hp rptnovpil t' JHI 4.'i y5 hr that I lolt.-th out t att Motti'd M- a tliii-k i lond thy I Ml. I. for y.Mir f. i \nur m. ihrr 4TI i hrwas wi.nndr f. r our '. .'.Si. li. our f. arr multiplrd Irfori- th<*p. for our (. rr with ,,- ^r. V S. h- 'aiiM' thrir / arp many Lam. . -V multitiidr of hrr t L ..: > M. yok.- of my /. i honn.: ^V do to them ti, n,- fur IM /. 14. 11. uof -oJiutrd wi 11,,-irJ TRA Exek. 18 V?. ni t n-thr mrntinned .>i hr turnrth awi.y Iron. Hit h ^ t :ti. ami turn >i.ur-. lrun> )..,,r I '.i\. ni!>tawrf> all your /. wlirirl.y 21. 21. M.at your t. arr diM-ovi-ird 3\ 10. il our I. < upon n-. wi.cl MP :i7. If3. nor itrlilr thrn,>rl\r> with/. :||!l. Kdom 13. ( Am || >. I. M....I. ||t. Jud I, V & 1rapl|| :i. 1 1 MMI f ,.f Uiael S IV. 1 know your r, HI, in, Id I anil A/ir. I. IN f >! l-rai-l I. nnil in th, r (,.,/. 3 I!) law wk hiid. .1 l.n a. .-I /. heb. 9. 1'-. f. r rrdriiption oftlip /. '1 KANM.Kf>>()K. Fr<*- SI. IH. / hp laiisi.m lor iipriu. W. la. hr .'\i-rtlirowi-th woid- i.f /. ;.<. -in. ". milril a t Iron) thr ..nih I. ill. t. IH. huild, I n.aki- n:)-R, if a t. Jam. 2 II. kill, tlu-u art I n-ornr t. 1 KANS(.HK>SORS. f*. 37. 3& t. bp np>troy,.d ti-iii-thpr 51. 13. thru will 1 trnrh f. thy .iy> n!. S. bp not mrrriliil t., wirkpd i /'r./r. i i.'. t !-h..|l t.r rooipil out ,,f 1 1. S. p- rrrspiir- of/, dr-tr. tl,rm (i /. hrtakpti in thru n,u,i;litnir.-s IX V. to f / nhall pat violpiu-p 15. favour, hut wa> ol /. i- hard 2.'<. vH si pinrri a-i th /. ami up mrn vri. 10. (id rpwardrth tool and t /."/ I. ' S dpatrurtion ot /. ti.L-rthrr 4i> P. hriiiK U iiiiain toiniud, > > /. S3. 12. hr wa- iiiin.hpri-d will, tin t and rnartr intprrrs-inn lor /. Dan. a S3. whpn /. rp r, mr to full //. 14. il. Lilt /. (.Mall fall th.-rrin .Wori 15. 2& be waa niiinl i-rnl with /. /.t/Ae S2. 37. Jam. S. 9. TP arp ronvin. of law as t. TRANM.A'l K. I). i Sam. a Id /. kinv.ii. m from Saul ('/. I. 13. ( n> into kini.-ili.iii of Son Heb. II. 5. KiMMh WH- t that hr TRANSLATION. Heb. II. A l-rforp/. IIP hud trstimony ^ KANM'AKKNT. Ret. 21. SI. rtrppt of nty was /. glass 1 K AH.S. Jo>h 93. 13. thpy ch. bp /. HM) tnarpa .lob IH. 10. and a /. in laid for him fuil. fi. s. welfare. In hr, i.in, a /. .li r .i. if, wail, spt a /. ratrh mrn Horn. II. 9. I. I !- i- in-dr snarr, a t. THAVAll.. Cm. 3. 87. tinip of hrr /. bpbold 1'ial. 48. rl pain a woman in /. Jer. a M | l.l. -A. | 2*. va | 49. W. | 50 4:1. .Wi>. 4. !(. IU /ra. S3. 4. I /. not || 53 II. / nf x.iil 54. I that iini-1 not /. uith ihil.l Jer. 4. 31. a oii-p a- of won. an in t. 30. 6. PP whrtl.pr man doth /. li> J': SI. won an in t hi.th M.rron (,',// 4. 19. my rhildrrn, of whom I /. I Thet. 5. 3. lip-trnrti, n rornrth a* /. TRAVAI1.K1). (leu. 35. 16 Kxihrl /. | -J8. 2R Tain./. I >m. 4. l. Pliiurha*' wifp t /j 66.7. brforr i-hr / hrouyht forth a asvmin Zinn /. bronaht Inrth , i: \\ AM.K.-T, K'l H M 15 SO. wi, k. d Mian / w-th pain I'tal. 7. 14. rphold, hr /. wi ii iq, il> ha. W. 8. bp in pain a.- a woman /.' VI. 3. a* prinv ol a wnnian that /. 'rr. 31. a h -r thnt / with i hiid ./> 5. a tili khp who /. broil, l.-rth /i"m. ft VS. wholr rrration /. in pain Hal. 4. 27. break forth. II, ..u that /. 1 RAVAI1.IN.,. Jta. 42. 14. now 1 i iv like worn. in/. 494 TKE //'. 13. 13. surrr An of a /. wmnan /r. lif. V. / in I ntli, and uain.-d TKA . All . ' j, rf. IR a told Jpthn, /. hy way .Ni/-. *0. 14. ki.ow. -t /. ha. l.i|.,ll.t ii/ I. 13. Mirp /. (. k-ni-n to mrn V V3. day- arr M,rr- s, hm /. ttnrt 2tx In sinner hp ^.-lyeth /. to yaiht-r a 10. win / it. hath ivrn i>. mi i, 44. I nil .-nli-ri d all /. rver) u,.!k a than I., .th IIP bauds full with t H. t!. vanity, yra, it is a sore f 5. 14. thiit-p rich, pprish by rvii /. /.,;/// 3. .Y ii.n pa-Mil i. (rail ai il / Aiti ill. !:{. PaUi'm-umpanion in / .' l,.r. H. 111. i In. -.n ol ihurrlipi. t.. / Thet. S. 9. for ye r. 11 emi.rr onr t. t Thet.3. a wrought u ill, / niiilit THAVhl.LKL). KJH Prat. R II. romp a ? i-u*' th. / Sl.-Ti Actil\. IB./ a- far a- I'ln-nice ai.d 1KAVKL1.KK, S V Sam. IS. 4. ran.r a i. I., rrh n.i-n Judg. 5. a /. w.,ikni Ihn,' hy-wa^s "A 3i. 3V. 1 up I it y dooi- n> /. TRA\ KI.1.IM-. ha. SI. 13. lodur, O >. /. ,-on [ni.im (X !. wh.. is thn. I. 'in lil-stl,-i till} Mnt. 25. !* hra,-n i- - a nun. /. TBAVEHSINfl ler.'i. 83. dromedary /. her ways TKK.-U HKIK I > /,;. SI. 2. / di-alrlh tr. ai hrr. VI. Ifi ler. 3. 7. hrr /. sistrr Jnuah -aw it a hrr /. -i-tir Jml. Iran il not, 10. II. ju-titird lirr.-rllnmrptlii.il t. J. 9 S. ihr\ hp an IISM ii hi\ ! t. inm M/A. 3. 4. pn.phi-t- arr livht ahil t. TKfcAt HKKOUM.V. Itirle 9. V.'l ili-ait / with Abinulri-h /MI. 33. I. dralrst t. thpy . ealt in t (. I- - thou wouldrst deal vrry /. Jer. S. SO. a a wilr /. di (.nrtrth 5. II. of Judiih dealt /. Mill. 'I. II. 12. I. why happy that dt>al very /. t 6. tlipy have ilmlt I. uith Ihr'r l.iim I. i hrr Irirnil- ha%r ilralt /. Hot. 5. 7. th. y J, alt /. a^anm! Lord ti. 7. thrrp thpy dpalt /. aiiain-! i, Mai. V. IU. why do wr ..u on all land yr t .'i S!'. Ihou -hair t. on hiph plai-ei I Si/m. ft. 5. noiie /. on ihrrt-ho.u ->f .lottt. II. t Ilinr Wlllp.plr-ns in IS. /. down wii-k. in their p!.ir- I'tnl 7. 5. let him /. down my life 44. 5. ihro' thy ninr wr /. thrill >4) IV /. down our n.nrir-, I'-H. !i 91. 13. thoii shall/. np,.n llu- imn ha. I. IS. required, to /. n.y miirtk? Ill 6. lo /. tin-in ilou n like mirr 14. Sft. on mnui. tains / him tinder 16 in. trraili-r- -I, ' "lit no in V'i. 6. the foot shall / il down f. 3. I ill f. thru: in .-i.K.-r, a Jrr VS. 30. as thi-\ that /. uraprs A in,- tail, none / vi i. si, out II. with l.i.r-.- shall hr / -.. n n-r / ir-ulue with In t M fou/llihr.i-t /. it di-wn Hit III. II. Kp rw. |..veth to /. mrn Mic. I. a L. . I /. onhiKh plai.-H A. 5. wt.rn Assyrian/ onrpahu-er a 15. thou shall /. olivrs, hut i-ot \/. 41. 2ft. sh come as potter*, clay *>:<. 2. garments like him ih * wine //no* 4. LI he that t. on high places Vic. 5. 6. when he *. within border* 8. he both /. down and te.ireth /ten 19. 15. he*, wine-press of wrath TREADING. .VpA 13. 15. some t wine-presses on ;*.<. 7 23. be for *. of leaser cattle fi. 5. day of trouble and t. down A-nos 5. 11. forasmuch as your*, is TREASON. Kin. 16. 20. acts of Zimri and his *. I Mil. II. H. .Tied t. t -i Chr. 23. 13. TREASURE. Gen. 43. 23. God hath given you t. Ei-od. 19. ft. a peculiar t. f.t. 135. 4. ZM**. 28 li L. shall open his good *. 1 Chr 29. 8. to the t. of house of I,. .Kara 2. C.9. after ability to*, of work yeh. 7. 70. Tirshatiia gave to t. KliNl 71. fathers ifave to tin- t. of work P.a/. 17. 14. belly tho;i fillet with t 135. 4 chosen Isr. for his peculiar t. Prmi. 15. 6. in house of righteous is t. lt>. little, than great*, and trouble 21. 2(1. there is a t. to be .lesired Eccl 2. 8. I gathered the t. ol kings 7.i. 33. 6. the tear of the I., is his t. Ezi'k. 22. 25. taken t. and precious //<<. I a 15. spoil *. of pleasant vessels M'lt. 6. 21. where t. is, I.ukc 12. :U. 12. 35. a (.'OIK! man out of good *. an evil man of evil t. I. tike li. 4;">. la 44. kingdom of he iven is like a t. 52. bringeth out of t. new and old 19. 21. thou shall have t. in heaven Hark 10. _>!. l.uke It. 22. Lute 12. 21. so is he that layeth up*. 33. provide t in the heavens Acts S. 27. eunuch, had charge of t. 2 Cor 4. 7. have t. in earthen vessels Jam. 5. 3. huaped *. for tlie last days 1 REASURE-cftw*. E.t-od. I. II. built for Pharaoh f.-c. TREASURE-Aotwe. />ra 5. 17. let search be made in t.-h. 7. >!}. bestow it out of king's t-h. y--h. 10. 33. Lev bring tithe to t.-h. Jjun. 1. 2. brought vessels into t..h. TREASURED, EST. l*a. 23. 18. shall not he t. norlaidup Rom. 2. 5. t. up wrath against dayol TRKASURER, S. .,".-/vj 1. fl. Cyr brought vessels by t. 21. I Artaxer. make de< ree to t, V, /,. 3. 13. I made I. over treasuries in 22. 15. get thee unto 'his*, even Dun. 3. 2. Nebuchad. gathered*. 3 TREASURES. Dent. 32. 34 sealed up among my t. :(:i. 19. shall mick of*, hid in sand Ktn. 7. 51. put dedicated among *. 14. '2fi. Sliishak took awav the t. ';> 18. Asa took gold left in the*. 2 CVj/vm. 16.2. [14. 14. Kin. 12. IS. Je took gold found in *. iii. 8. Aha* to 'k gold that was in t. IS 15. fle/ek. gave silver found in*. *(>. 13. Hereki ..h showed silver and gold in his *. 15. /.wi. 3!< 2, 4. 13. Neb ichaduczzir carried out the / if house of I., and *. ot kiiif's house. 2 CAron. M. IH . CM %. ifi and breth. ere over TRR 1 Chr. T,. 5. over king's*, was Ar.m 2 (.Vir. 8. l.'i. iiinand. iMiirernini( I .\>/i. 12 41. some appointed for the t lull 3. 21. dig oiore ih.ii' lor hi.', t :S. 22. f ol the snow ? * of h H il ? I'ror. >. 4. if -e.irch.-~t us lor lu.l / s 21. 1 will li 1 the t ..I Ih that n. 2. /. ol wi, -k.-dn. profit nothing I. li gettiii^' of *. liy lying tongm- sn 2. 7 neither any end of their t III i:t. sailh, I have roblied tin ii' t 'III. f>. carry t on hunches of c .nnel- 45. 3. I will jive thee* ol .larknes- '/. 10. 13. biiiiL-eth wind out ol In- *. ft i. ir,. [n. a | 20. 5 15. 13. tliy *. I will u'ive to the spoil 41. 8. for we have *. in the field IS. 7 because thou trusted in thv t til. 4. d,iuht r. that trusted in her *. 50. .'!7. a sword is on her *. they sh 51. 13. dwelled on wat.-rs abun. in t <:zek. 2S. 4. got. silver and g"|<| in /. D m II. 4:1. sh. have power over *. Mir. (i. 1C. are yet t. of wickedness > Mat. 2. II. when they had opened /. li. lit lay not up for yourselves t 2.). lay up for yoursel. *. in heaven Cnl. -I ;i. in whom are hid /. of wi.-d. //-/). 11. 2(x greater riches than {, of TREASURY. Jnsh. (i. lit. silver sh. c..me into t. 24. JIT 3S. 11. went into Ionise u. der *. Mat. -il. (. not lawful to put tli. in /. Murk 12. 41. Jesus satagainst *. and beheld peo. cast money into / Luke1\. I. rich casting L'ifts into*. Jo/in 8. 20 words spake Jesus in *. TRKASUHIKS. 1 Chr. !>. 2. I.eviles were over the*. 28. II. gave Sulittn. pattern of *. 12. 2 Chr 32. 27. Heznk. made *. for silv .V // 13 12. broiiuht tithe into the *. K\th 3. i). bring if into the king's * 4. 7. H. promised to pay to king's / full. 135. 7. hringeth wind out of*. TliKA'l'ISH. Act* 1. 1. the former *. have I made 1 KEE. Gen. 1. 29. I have given yon every *. 2. 9. God made ev. *. to grow, the *. of life and *. of knowledge 16 of every t. of the L'lirden thou 2. 17. of*, of knowledge not e,,t, 3. 3. 3. fi. woman -aw the *. was good II. hast thou eaten of the *.? 17 12. the W"in:in gnve me of the t. 22. lest he take also of the * of life V4. t-> keep the way ot the *. ol life 18. 4. rest yourselves under the *. 8 he stood by them under the *. 4(1 19. Phar. shall hang thee on a *. E.rn<( 19 5. fetcheth stroke to lit *. 20. ID. the* of the field is man's tile 21. '23. body shall not remain on *. Jiah. 8. 2i>. take king of Ai fr the *. I Sum. 22. fi Saul abode under a *. 31 ta they buried them under a *. i Kin. 3. 19. and shall fell ev goi>d *. EM 2. 23 they were hanged on a*. .//> 14 7. hope of a*, ifciitdoun 19. 10. hope hath he removed like* 24 20 wi< keiln. h be broken a- / Ptal. I. 3 like a *. planted t>v rhrr I'ror a 18. he U a*. f life to then, II. 30. righteous i as a *. of life [{ 12 desiri ineth, it i* * "I nle 1ft 4 a wholeim- tongue is H *. of En-Mi. 3. if the * fall to the M,,, II, or north; where the t J,n 40 ?0 hechmweth a *. that wi>l || I'l sh. 1 fall down to st. .<-k of*.? iti 3. iicitb.euuu.bsay.lainuJryt TRR f fi flourish 21. 10 unit ...... ,,-th rod, H- erpry ( 31. 8. nor any / in the gHrden ..I . >> tear not the* heari-l!. Mat. 3. 10. ev *. thnt bring, tb i.ot g.K.d trnit, 7 l! /.uU V H. 7. 17 goo.l /. bringeth KO.MI Irui^ corrupt t, evil fruit. I n i; 4.'l 18. good *. cannot In ing evil fruit 12. 3.(. make *. go.nl mid friM *. is known by fruit, /,. r, ^ Luke 17. Ii might *ay to -v. Hinn.e t Arts 5. M. whom ye hanged on R * 10 3!l. Jes. whom they hanged .,-,*. (in/ a 1.1 cursed is th. hangethont. I I'd >. 24. bare sins ill body on /. 1 i will give to cat of the /. 7. I. wind should not blow on any & Ii. 4. not hurt green thing, nor t 22. -2. in the innUt was the r. ol lif 14. may have right t the*, of life See dn *. , Till f >Vn. 3. 8. hid amongt * of garden 2a 17 *. were made nurt t" Ejcod. 10. I ft. l<.custsdideat fruit r,f C I. IT. It), '.'li ha. planted all man. ..' (. 23. 40. take the bough, of good , t. 2f. 4. the *. of th. field shal: | .V;. 24. fi. us *. of lign.kloe- Mhtrh 1.. planted, Hint crdur C DeiU. la -21 not plant grove ..I r 2(1. l!i. shall not d.strov *. " 20. * th. knowest not *. for meat .;<,../<. 10. Vi. Jo- liangeil them on ftt Jiidg. 9. 8. *. went to anoint a king SI. to be promoted .ner t 1 1 l.'f. 10. the * said to the tig-tree r. >gn 12. '. saidtovin. || 14. * to bran Me I Kin. 4 MH. he spake of* fr. ci-dr i Hilt. 3 2ft. they lell.d the ft 1 Chr. 16. 3a then shall ( oi ling, /Wt IK U .\VA. 10. a5. bring hrst.frinis ,.t *. ^7. ,/(^4ll 21. he h. lhnniierihii.lv /'./. 74. .V he lifted HX. on th-. \- t 7S. 47 he destroyed Ih. nyrHinore C KM. 16. * ol the 1. are foil ol -up IO.Y ;vi brake the *. ol U.e.r . I;M :i fnniful *. and . r'n I. 2. ft I planted t. of all ( nut. 2. a n iip|ile-lreemoi.i. I. 14. with all *. of frankii /..i 7 -J. mov.d us ih- *. ot t III. l!i the lest ol the * ol ! 41. 14. be -trengtbeneth am. ng t :..'). 1-2 the /. > the tie ds -hall r\f C.\ 3 he called t ..I ruble. " Jer. H . l...rd-aid. hi w don t ; "ii my fury -ball h.' (...or. d > t Ktrk H. '-'I tb. t "I tiel.l -h know v all the Ibi, - || 5 height w.<- es..ll'd ' !'. Mil the I 47. 7. mny *. on r.l . . . """* lit. dame bath bnint " the *_ i . ,:k . THE 1?. are t. nhose fruit wlthereth Her. 7 a hurt not the /. till ne have a 7. third part f / was bi-nt up *e? PALM. TKc MULE lint 1. f\ nations shall t. heranse 20 3. do j it t. hecHii-e of them / ; i I 10. 3. that /. at rommandinent Job y ft earth, the pill .rs thereof / 2ft. II. the pillars <>f heaven t. and .'./. > 2. th has- mad.- earth to t. 'R I. L. reigneth, let the people t. H4 7. /. e.irth, at presence of I. t'.rrl. 12. 3. keepers of house shall t l-i 5 25. hills did /. their rarra-es )4 Ift the man that made earth t 32. 1 1. f. ye women that are at ease 't i nations may / at thy presence IV'-. .V hear word of L. ye that t. at Jer. 5. 22. will ye not /. at my pres. Itt 10. at his wra'h earth shall / 3a . 1Y tor hi- /. to the L. B ram 2ft 40. confess tin ir/. th trespassed .Vum. ft. 6. when any do /. aga nst L 7. he shall r- coii,p'en-e his / with Ti. if she t ataiii-r her husband I SV/m 2i s!a forgive t. of haii'imaid 1 Chr. 21. 3. he he rame of / to Ur :- 2 Chr. 21. IS. wrath r.nne on .1. for/. 2a 13. ye intend to add to our /. :Q. 19. Manasseh's prayer and /. Ezra 9. 2. rulers been chief in thist 6 our / is grown unto heavens 7. been in great t. to this day, la 10. 10, wives, to increase fc of Israel 18. they offered a ram for their /. F.zek. 17. 20 I will plead for his / IH -J4 in his /. he hath trespas-od Dan. 9. 7. because of /. they trespas. TRKi SI' ASSES F.rra P. 15. are before thee In our t Pt. fS. 21. surh one as goeth on in /. F.rrk. .7'. 2fi they have home th /. Mat 6 14. if ye fort-ire men their / 15. if forgive not /. neither will F. foririve your /. la 35. Mark II. 25. Father may forgive f. ">. neither will F. forgive y.uirt 1 Cor. 5. 19. not imputing their /. Kph. 2. I. who were dead in /. and Cnl. 2. 13. having forgiven you all t See COMMIT, COMMITI in.OrrBRlMO. TBRSPA88.M0MW. 2 A'in. 1& the t.-rn was not brought TRESSPASS. I A'in. R 31. man t against his neighh. 1 Chr. 19. 10. warn that they / not 2a 22, Ahaz did t. yet more against Mat is. li if brother t. tell fault Luke 17. 3. if brother t. rebuke him 4. if he / against thee seven times TRESPASSED I.er. 5. 19 he hath t. against the L. 26 40. if routes* trespass they t. ,Vum. 5. 7. recompensed ag. whom f. Drtit. 3->. SI. because ye /. BgM. me 2 Chr. 2ft la san.-tu for th. hast t 29. 6. our fathers have /. and done 30. 7. not Ifke fathers who /. ag. L. 33. 2a hut Ainon /. more and more Efra 10. 2. we have / aga. our (>od Ezek. 17. 2U hit trespass that he /. 3! I. 2a her. they /. against me, 2ft Dan. !l. 7 their trespass that they L Hoi. & 1. they / atiainst my law TRESPASSING. Len. R 7. anything he hath done in t Ezek. 14. ia the land simieth by t TRIAL. Jnl, 9. 23. will laugh ut f. of innocent Ki,k. 21. 13. it is a t what if sword 2 Cor. a 2. how that in /. of affliction k ll.36.olhershadt of m.x-k ings 1 Pet. 1. 7. th. t. of your faith might ! 4. 12. not strange concerning t, TRIBE. .Vum. 1. 4. man of ev /. 13. 2. | 34. 18. 4. 18. rut not off /. of K-hathites Is. X the t of thy father bring thou 31. 4. of every t a thousand, ft, 6. 3fl ft marry to the family of /. a fl. neither shall inheritance remove trom one /. to another /. Deut. 1. 23. I took twelve, one of a t Joih a 12. | 4. _>, 4 29 18. t. whose heart lurneth ..way Jo'h. 7. 14. t. which the Lord taketh IS. 4 gir* out three men for earh / Jn'ig. 21. 3. be one /. la. km. I Am. II. lagiveone/ to-, , I Ckr. a CL left nf family of that /. 496 TRI Frrtt. 4'i. 23. in what t. thostranj..* Htb 7. 13 he pertarieth t-. annth t M. ..I which/ M.I spake nothinn .Vic ItrrBEN. SIMI UN. and therest. TKIKKx F.jeod. 28. 21. tc.ord. to 12 t. 39. 14. .Vur/: ->4. :> in tents Hnorriing to t. M 54. ai-rording to /. of fathers :4. 13. to give to the nine /. Jotk ia 7. | 14. 2. 15. th- two t and the half ha M- re. reived inheritance, Jmk. 14 a /) ut I. 13. wise men, ,iinoii(f your f. IS. 5 K. a H aciording to oaths of / ./,//. v4. 30. Ih. sh. / of earth i....nrn .-/r/ vft 7 promise our 12 /. hope to .I'ini. 1. I. t" the twelve/, scattered Ret. 7. 4. sealed I44.0HO of all the t .v. ' UK/OL. TRIBULATION. /J./. 4. :-o. when in / if thou tin-n Jinig 10. 14 let then, deliv y.-M to t 9mm. 2H. S4. d. -liver n:e out of all t /((/. 13. 21. when /. arix.-lh. he is 24. 21. then shall be greiii / Hiirh Z 9 ilium-dint. A't'T t Murk 13. 24. John 1(V :3. ye shall have /. hut he .((/. U 22. we mti-t thro'/, enter Knm. .'. !' /. nd anuni-h on ev. sonl '). a knuwiiif / i rki-th paiience 8 35. ^hll /. separate us from t'h.J 12. 12 rej... in hope, patient in /. 2 Cor. I. 4. who r..infnrteth us in t 7. -4. I am eXceedii-i: j.-Mnl in / 1 Thet*. 3. 4. that e should -unVrt 2 Them. I. fi. re. ompeiise / to them /iff. I. . John your companion inf. 2. 9. I know thy works, and / aiid 10. ye shall have /. ten days 2?. i will cast them into great t 7. 14. they winch rame <( great t THI. n.ATIONS. 1 Sam. 10. 111. saved you out of all t Hum 5 .'I. but we (rWl in L aUo Efih a 13. 1 desire >.- faint not at t 2 7*A. I. 4. for your l-ith in all t TBIBUTABY. Lam. 1. I. great, how isshehrromei THIBLTARIKS Dnit. -.'0. 1 1 the people >all be /. Judg. 1.30. CaiiMHiiite. her. /. 33,35. TH1BI I K. Gen. 49. 15. la. her. nervsnt to (. .Vi/OT .SI. Va levy / to the l.ord -,f 37. Lord's /. of the heep wa- ri75 3a L.' f. of I hr beeves wu- 72 :i. Lord's t three n-> re and one 4'i. Id.OOO, the L.'s /. 32 persons I),-nt If.. 10. with a /. of H free-will ./../, If. 10 Canaan under /. 17. la > Sam. 20. 24. A.toiam was oer /. I A'l'n. 4. 6 | 12. IH. -i Chr. ML IH. I A' in. SI 21. on the-.- aid S.-I ,evv /. .' Am 23..'O. I'haraoh p'lt land to t \ i tin n. did S. make pay t 17. II. IMiiiitines brought /. silver 3. then will they not pay /. 20. /. and cutom was paid to th. u. ft a of /. exp.-i,s. . '.. ifivi n to men ..t lawful to impose / l-n \rA. 5. 4 borro. in.-ne\ for kti L-'- /. thliil sh. be nud-r t Mat. 17. -il. duth nut rnaatri pay t* TRO M:i<. IT '25. of wh. do icings take f. ? 22. Pi. is it lawful to give / to. Ce. sar ? Mar. I 2. 14. L. 20. . 19 show me the /. money, th.-y /,i(A-e 2:{. 2 forbidding / to Cesar #.*. ft 9. as . of robbers wait for .W/c. 5. !. (father in t. () dauirh. of / //./i. 3. 16. invad them with lite t TROUBLE. ! Chr 22. 14 in my t I prepared for * l'/ir,i>i I"). 4. when they in t. did turn and sotigt t L. At/i 9. 27. TRO .V, 7. 9. 32. let not all t. seem little lob 3 2f>. neither quiet, >.'t t ,-., 5. fi. ncithei doth f. spnrg ..nt of 7. man is horn to t. ;.s spin Us fly 14. 1. inan is ot lew days, fm : O f t 15. 24. t. shall make Inn, afraid '-'7 !). will G. hear ,ieii t. cometh 30. 25 did not I weep f.,r him in /. .'U. .'9. quietness, who ran make t. '! :<-i. *:t. 1 reserved anainst timenff. Pout. 9. 9. Lord will be a refute inf 13. sid. r my /. which 1 -uUer 10. 1. why hid.-stth..u thyself in ft 22. II. he not far from me, t is ueai 27. 5. in time of t. lie shall hide m.- 31. 7. thou hast i onsidere.i my t. 'J. have mercy, O L. for I am in t. 3'i. 7. th. shall preserve me from t. 37. 39. he is Ktreiivth in time of t. 41. I. L. will deliver him in time off 4fi. I. G. is our refute, a help in /. 54 7. he ha. delivered me out oft 'in. M. pive us help tr >m t. vain is fifi. 14. my mouth hath spoken in t. 6>t. 17. hide not thy tare, I am in t. 73. ft. they are not in r. HS other 78. 33. years did he consume in t. 49. cast on them mil iu'nut ion and t 81. 7. calledst in t. 1 delivered thee 91. 15. 1 will he with him in t. 10V. 2. i, id- not thy face fr. me in / 107. ft they cried to L. in t. 13, 19. 2ti. th. soul is melted berause oft. 2S. they cry to the Lord in their t. 111). 3. pains gat hold, I found t. 119. 143. t. and anguish have taken 134. 7. though 1 walk in midst of /. 14.'. 2. I showed before him my t 143. II. bring my soul out of t 1'ror. II. 8. right, deliv. out t. 12. 13 15. 6 in revenues .,( wicked is t Ift than treasure and t. therewith 25. 19. unfaithful man in / in like /./. 1. 14. new-moons, they ar> H t. S. 22. look to earth and hehoM t. 17. U. behold at ev'-ning tide i. 26. 16. Lord, in t. they visited thee 30. 6. into land of t. carry riches 33. 2. i>e our salvation in time of /. I*!. 7. can he not save him out of r , .V 19. he sh deliver th.-c in i. t I'xnl. '-'j 17 t of hi art are enlarged 22. redeem 1-rael, () (i. out of t M (1. L. .>v-.l him out of his t 17. 71. /!). wh. ha-t showed me nore t. & 3 ear. tor my soul is full of t I'rni: 21. . he k 'epeth soil from t. /. . 1 1. :C> one of them that I. me 2 ('/,/ 32 M. they cried to t. Ihein /';/ M I h..w iniT.-ii-ed Pi t t me? 13. 4. those that t me, rejoice wheu 497 TRO F.zek.Zi. 13. neither . i.otnf nmB I. them, n., r I..H.II ..( i^^.f f Don. 4 I!) |,.| n,, t ,,,! f>. 10. let not thy thoughts I. thee II. 44. tidmirs !,.,( ,.| h ..rih /. him >/.;f. zii. Itt wl.y < ? .V.ir.UY. l.i'ke'. fi. Lord, r not Ihysril, 1 am II. 7. sav, t n e n.it,,l...,r i,,lmt Act* 15. Ill f. not <,,-i,t. n;ii.,dti.<;. Hi. VI th,-,. ,1.. exci-edniKiy t my '. not y..nisri* Hal. I. 7. there he .ome that t yon 5. 12 they w,-n- rut ..ffh.. t. you li. 17. henc. forth let no man t me .' Tin-'. I. r,. tri n t,, tn. t t f. yon We*. 12. 15. lest t.ittcrne.H t von lltoriJLKI). ' (>'cn rM. :>0. ye have f me, to nmk* 41. H. in moM.inir l'h.1 . II. king ( Syria was t />/ 4. 4. people t. them in Inn diof toncheth thee, thou art / 21. 4. why -I ..old not spirit i.c f. ? 2:1. 15. theffore a-i I / at his pre. .M. vl) people sh. be t. ut midnight /AO/. 30. 7. hi e thy fare, I was i 3a ft I am t || 77 4. 1 am tn I I 4I>. .'i. though water-> roar mid he t 4S. 5. kings were t. hasted away 77 3. 1 rememhi-red G. and wan t ir\ afraid, the depths :il>" were <. 83. 17. let I hern be confound and t HI I. 7. muter, '>' thy wrath are we t 10(. 29. Ind.tt'thy fare, they Krefc l'ri,r. 25 2ft is us a t fmiiitainaiid Ita. 32. 10. and year* shall yr I.e /. 1 1. women, he I. ve cureless onrs 57. 0. wicked are like the I wa Jer. 31. 21). my l.oweli. lire /. lor him l.tim. I. Hi i. my howeU are I. It. II. /.-,A 7. ^7 hands ..f people sh. he t 26. la isles that are in neitth. he t 27 35. their kinifs he t in count. 11. D,in. 2. 1. Netoich.N spirit want 1 4. .') vision- of my head t me, 7. 14. 19. a-ti.i.i-h, .i. Ins ili..o.-l ' 5. fi. Belshn/z V thouhtsf. him. W 7. :' my roKitatmim much t me Zee*. 10. '-' /. beiaii-e nonhephn-4 Mai. 1. 3 Herod was f and Jer-j.a. they were t. Murk ' *4 6 not t tl" -t come to pan-, Utxk IJ.1 J..An l.nke I. 1-' /.-c w- t || .* Mry /. 10.41. Martha/ about many thing* ^4. 38. why are /. and why do JiitiH 5. 4. aintel went ami t I 7 no man when water inf. Input II. XL and wit* f Vi lf7. | II 21. Art* 15. 24 line Irom ns h.i / IT s . tb.-vr peii pie mid the ruler* ,M- / on ev. side. 7 5. 2 T/iei. 1 7. to you that lire / r. -t 2. 2. that ye be not / nei I . 1 1 not .iir ,1.1 .,r ter. nor t TROI E*ek.M. 2. ihoii /. wafer, with fert TROUBLER. I Ckr. 5. 7 A char, the / ..f lira*. TROt Ill.rVl. ." III. 1 Sam. Ift. IS. nn evil -pirtl t th* I Aiii. Is. K. ..rl t ihelh.U. I- lohti III there! M., I. l.ii Irarl lhr . m* . le4 iU. that C Ui House, uihrnt WIMI TRU Pron 15. S7. tint \-> greedy of gain/ Pin I. '.. 1 know mi tetTf I. thee .Iur/l ft. 35. why t thon the Master? /.uAf IS. 5. because Ihis v idow /. me Hal 5. 10. h. tlmt I yon shall bear TROUBLING. JoA 3. 1". there wi.kcd cease from / ./oAn 5. 4. stepi-,l in after t of wat--r TKOl Hl.ol S. Dan. 9. 25. wall sh. ! hu.lt in t. times TliorciH. s. fim. 24. 20. emptied pitcher into t. 30. 38. Jacob set rods in watt-run; t Exoti. & 16 tht-y filled t. tn water K. 3. Irngs shall go into kneading-/. 1'.'. 34. their kncadiin:./. Ixiund up TROW. J.tJce 17. 9. tliniik servant ': I t. not 2 Tim. 3. 3. in last days hall be t-4. TRUE. Gen. 42. II. we are /. men. no.spic*,:)!. 19. if ye Ix* t. men let oue nl ynur DetU. 17. 4. if ye he t and, 2*. X) i Sum. 7. 2S. art (J. thy words he /. I Kittgi ID. 6. it wiis a /. report I heard. 2 Chnm. i>. 5. 28. 10. tell me nothing hut that is t. .VcA. 9. la thou gave,! them t. laws /'.// lit. 9. judgments of L. are /. 119. I(KX thy wurd is/ fr. beginning Jw. 42 5. the Lord tie a f. Mitm -*' Dan. 3 14. i- it /. U Shad.arh, do 94. t. U kiriK || <;. 12. the thing is t. 10. I. revealed and the thing was I. A//,22. 16. that th-u art t. .Mark ! -1. 14. l.tike 1C. II. commit to trusts riches ^oAn I. 9. that was the ( light which 4. .'(7. herein is xayi"ir /. one soweth 5. 31. if I witness of myself, n. i2. draw near with a /. heart 1 /'ft. 5. 12. thi- i* the t. grace of O. S I'll. 2. 22. according to I. proverh 1 Mm -2. 8 which tlnntr is /. in him 5. 20. may know him ih t is t. and we are in him th.it is t. 3 Ji'Hn 12 we know our recird i*t. Her. 3. 7. -ailh the holy, he that is t. 14. vi, tli the I,, thlnl and /. witness A la how Inn*. () I.., holy and I.? 15. 3 just and t. lire thy way*, thou Iti. 7. t. are thv jmlum.'-iit<, l!l. 2. 19 !>. these are/ layini-s ot (i.'J-.'fi. II. he ili.it sat wax 'Faithful nnd T. 91. 6. write, f..r the-e ivonls are /. TKCi (,,^ t C*r. IS. 3. lurael halh h.-en without Jrr 10 10. U is the t (loH ft. C,,*t tnhit 17. :l eternal life t.. know / C \ Tfii'i.. I. 9. turned fr. i,l,,!- to ( i; . Job* 5 ** thi- is the t. (itd and TKCLV. >/. 14. 21. a* t as I lire. nith I. /'T/. I l'n lit /. I am thy <-rvant Pr-.r. I'i.tti. th deal /. aft- In. deliirlit tl'i' H. M. /. rh,~ - the S. of (.. ill!-- f\ -i\. leai-he-t way of C,<^ I. .'Aj 4 18 no iMisbitiid, MJdkt tht/u (. TRU THUMP. I Cor. 15. 52. at last / dead shall be 1 Theu. 4. 16. L. shall descend wi. t. T K U M I' K I'. A>orf. 19. Ill voice of /. exceed, loud M. IS. people heard noise of the /. \'um 10. 4. if they blow with one /. Jinla. 7. 16. he put a /. inev. initnV a blow /. in the new moon l*a. IK. a when he hlowcth/. hear ye r.. 13 the grMU /. shall be Mown 58. I. lift up thy voice like a Jer. 4. 5. blow ye the /. in the land (i. I. blow the /. in Tekuah and set 51. 27. hb.w the t. among nations F.rek. 7 14. they have blown the /. 3a 3. if he blow the t and warn. & Hot. 5. & blow ye the /. in Kamah a I. set the / to thy in- nth, he sh. J,,.l-L I. blow the /. inZion. 15. .Intu 3 ii. sh /. he blown, not afraid? Zf/ih. 1. !6. day oft ag. fenced cities Zi-ch. 9. 14. Lord (. -hall blow the/. Her. 1. 10. I hcanl voice as ol t 4. I. U. 14. sixth angel which had the /. See HLI , Sot MI. SOUNDED. '1 KUMPE'I S. f.rr. 2a 24. a mernoi ial of blowing /. Sum. 10. 2. two/, of silv. [>'. 2$).l. 8. sons of Aaron sh. blow with (. 10. blow with /. over burnt. otf-r. 31. K. wi-h /. to blow in his hand Josh. (i. 4. priests shall blow with / 8. prie.-ts bearing seven /. ot rams* Juiiir. 7. 8. two bund, men took /. IK. lil. they blew the /. brake, 20, 22. 2 kin. 9. ia they blew wi. /. saying II. 14. trumpeters blew with / and 1 f/ir. 13. 8. played with cym. and /. 13. 24. the priests did. blow with / before ark of (iod, 16. fi, 42. 2 Chr. 5. 12. | 7. a I 13. 12, i4. 2. Israel brought up ark with /. _' (lir. .1. 13. when they lift voice wi I 29. 27. song of the L. began with /. J,,/,X> 25. horse sayeth amo. /. ha, ha I'M!. 9a 6. with /. make joyful noise Sre Si \ i v TRUMPETERS. -.' Kin II. 14 mid /. stood by king 2 Chr. 5. la th* /. and singers were 2!l. *H. singer* sang, and / sounded Her. 18. 22. voice of /. heard no more TBUCT. Joo a 14. whose /. sh. be a spider's 15. 15. he puiteth no /. in his saints /' 5 [/ 21. so is I'hnr. to all that/, in bin ., 22. we /. in L. i.mr n W, 7. 30, neither let Herek. n-.ake you /. in the Lord, Isn. 36. 15 J'J' 13 15. yet xvill I /. in him 15. 31. let ret him th i- de:-i Ked / a\ M. indem. is be/ him. I *. II. wilt tli . ic >/ hi lin '. him b 4UH TRU P*nL 20 " some /. in chariots nnd 25. 2. I . n thee, 3 . 50. 3. 31. 19. hast wrought fm them t!i. i. 34. VJ. none th.it (. in him .h.ill te 37. a /. in the Lord, 5 | 4n a | H5.9, 10, M. /'.or. :<. 5. ha. 2i. 4 40. he shall save, because they /. 41 >. I wi:l not /. in my IMIW, n..r 4!. ti. th. y that /. in tln-ir wealth 5-.'. a I t in the mercy of (i..d (, 6i. 4. I will /. in covert of thy wings ii ' In. /. not in oppression, hemmc 64. 10. righUnus shall hegli 91. 4. under his winus -halt thr.j /. IIR 8 it is better to /. in the L !> i!9. 42. answer, l--r I /. in thy H. : J 1 -'5. I. tiiat /. in the Lord -ha. I he 144. 2. shield, ami he in whom 1 I. Prof. 31. II. her hn-hand doth / in /JHI 12. 2. 1 will /. and not he atn.id 14. 32. the poor of his pen. -hall /. 30. 2. to / in the shadow of Kt> |-t 12. becau.-e ye /. in i.|.pre-s:on\,iid 31. 1. and / in chariot- l.ecan.-e 42. 17. ashaim-d thai / in in . r >0. 10. let him /. in name of the L. 51. 5. and on mine arm -hail they /. 59. 4. they /. in vaiiit> and -peak Jer. 7. 4. t. ye not in lying w..r..- 8. ye f. in lying woni- that cain.ot 14. called by name, wherein \. r. 9. 4. and / ve not in any htoiher 28. 15. maket people to' /. in. _<> 31, 4i 25. punish Phar. alidad II, a' t. 4!). 11. mid let thy widows /. in n e r'.ti-k. \f>. 15. thoudid-t /. in beaut jr 33. 13. if he /. to Ins own rigl.U. n'. Hot. 10. 13. bee thon didst /. in uy .iwc . li. 1. that / in monntain ol s.t. A/ic. 7. 5. /- >e not in a friend, put AVM. I. 7. L! knoweth them thai /. y,t/,/i 3. Iv they .-h. / in mine i.I L. .Wo/. 12. 21. in hi- i ame shall (iea. tile- /. Hum 1.1. 12. Mark 10.24. for them that / in riches Jolin 5 45. accu> Mo*, in whom \c/. Hum I V V4 1 /. to see yon in in\ 1 ( or. Ki. 7. I / to tarry a while with 2 C'(/r. I. !). honid not / in nnr-e.v. Hi in whom we /. that hetvill \,-t In. 7. if any man /. to himselt that fliil. a 4. if any think, he hath ! ,. 1 Tim. 4. 10. we / in the living << I':. 17. that they /. not in iincerlain 1 John 12. hut I /. to come unto )v, u 3 John 14. 1 /. I sh. shortly see thee TRUS'lM). Di-ut. 32. 37. r. k in whom they f ; Judg II. 20. Sihon /. n, t Is. to |,as k(>. .'! they / to the liers :n wait 2 A'lit. la 5. he /. in the L- rd (,nd I' ail. 13 5. I have /. in thy ii.en v 52. 4. our lather- /. tlie\ hi,v.- / . 8. he /. on the Lord that he u..n!d 26. I. I have /. in L i* 7 | :il 14. 33.21. we have / in hi- holy i>ani 41 9 familiar friend in wl:om I /. 52. 7 /. ill abundance of hi- riclu-t > -f> they /. not in his salvation l',i. 17 in. thi'ii ha-t t in lh\ wir^. JIT. 13. 25 Ihon h;.st t. in rakw-baud IH. 7 th.-n ha-t /. in th\ works 111. 4. diitivhter that /. in her ireas I),in a -'. r;. delitereth that /. in /.t-ljh. a 2. -he / .it in the Lord Mnt. v7. 43 he I. in (iod, let h.m 1. like II. iV. Hrm,,nr wherein lie r. >8. '.) certain u hi. h /. in Ih. i >ve / it h; .1 t-ee-i he thut F)>h. I. 12 gli-ry, whot1rt /. in Chr. 13 in whom ye al-n t. :(! 1 I'd. .'x 0. l.i'.j wun.ru who 1. in O TRU TRUSTKDST. /wt 28 52. walls ,,o,vn wh thim t Jer. 5. 17. thy citie.< whereii. tli.,u / 12. 5. land <>l pe.,ee wherein th.m t TKUSIEST. S Kil. 19 19 what confidence is tin wherein thim / '( /.,. )/; 21. t. on bruised reed. /,. 31! (i 19. 10. G. in lion, tli.iu t. ha. 37 Hi TKUhTKTH. Job 40. S3. he /. tl,,,t lie run draw n, Psal. 21. 7. the kmj A in the L.ml 32. 10. that<. in the I,, merry sluli 34. 8 bles ed i, the in.ni i|i,,t t n him, 84. 12. /'n/r Hi. *0. Jer. 17 7 57. 1. benien iful. my soul f in thei 8fi. 2. s.ive thy servant thaU. in thee 115. 8. so is ev. one that t. I3.Y IS. Prop. II. 28. he Unit <. in his riches 28 2li. he that t his h-art is a fool Jsa. -2C\. .'). peace herause he t ill thee Jer. 17. 5. cursed he man th. /. man Hah. 2. 18. maker of Work t. therein 1 Tim. 5. 5 that is a widow, t in (J TKUsTINft. ftal. 112.7. his heart i- fixed, t in L '1 HUM Y. Job 12. 20. he re;i,i >V Hth sp-.'ech of t. TRUTH. Gen. 24. 27. m.t. left . L. show kindness ntid t. 15. 20. merry and t. he with thee 1 Kin. 17. 24. wor,! of the Lord is / Kin. 20. 19. if t. he in my, /.v. 39. 8. 2 t'Ar. 18. 15. say nothing hut the t 31. 20. Hexek. wroui-ht that was/. "th. 9. 30. letters with words oft. I'liil. 15. 2. that speakcth A in heart 25. 10. paths of L. are merry and t. 31. 5. redeemed me, O L. (iod <>l t 45. 4. ride prosperously because of /. 51. 6. thou desirest t. in the inward 57. a (Jod shall send f,.rth his t. 60. 4. biii.ner he displayed her. of t fil. 7. O prepare inert y and t. which 85. 10. mercy and t are met tngeth 11. t. shall sprint' out of the earth 8fi. IS art plenteous in mercy and / 89. 14. mercy and t. shall git before 91. 4. his t shall he thy shield and 96. 13. he shall judve people with t 98. 3. he hath remembered his t. 100. 5. his t. endureth to ail, 117. 2. 119. 30. I have chosen the way of I 142. and thy law is the t. 151. W fi. th I., is (i. who keepeth t Prow. 3. 3. let not t. forsake thee 8. 7. for nry month shall speak t. 12. 17. he thatspeiks /. showeth 10. the lip off. shall he established 14 22. mercy and t. he to them that 16. 6 by mercy and t. iniqni'y is 20. 28. mercy and /. pre-erve king 22. 21. know the certainty "f words of t. answer the words^it /. 23. 23. buy the t. and sell it not frcl. 12. 10 written were wnrdsof/. Isa. 25. I. counsels are taithf. and t. 26. 2. nation which ke. peth t. may 4'^. 3. bring forth judgment unto t. 43. 9. let them hear, and s-ay, it is /. 59. 4 nor any plearleth lor t. they 14. for /. is fallen in the street 15. yea, t faileth and he th. depart. Jr. 5 I. if there be that seekcth '. 3. O L are not thine eye- upon t ' 7. 28. t. is perished and cut <>tt (mm 9. 3. they are not valiant lor I he t. ft. Kill deceive aid willi ut speak t. TRU Ifr. 33. 6. revealed abundance of t Don. 4. 37. all who-e woiks re , Ti. I asked him t of all this. |ear witnes to t every one that is of the t 3R PiJat,' saith to him what is t Act* 2fi. 25. 1 speak forth words ol / Hum. 1.18. hold*, in iinrisrhteongness 25. who change f. of <;,,d into a lie 2. 2 judgment of G. according to t 8. hut to them that do not obey t 2r. which hast lorm of/ in law 3. 7. if t. of (.ml ha. more ahniinde< St. 1. I say /. in Christ, I lie not 15. 8. minister of ciieiinirision for/ I Ci>r. 5. 8. unleavened bread oft -' Cor. 4. 2. by manifestation of t 7. 14. boasting I made is found a t 1 1. 10. as t, nt Christ is in me none 12. 6. not fool, for 1 will say the t. 13 8. we can do nothing against t Gill. 2.5 /.of gospel might continue 14. they walked not according tot a I. ye should not obey the t. 5 7. 4. 16. enemy because I tell you f. ? Kph. 4. 15. speaking the t. in love 21. tauitht by him as t ivin Jesus 5. 9. fruit of the .'spirit is in all t 6. 14. having your loins girt with/. 2 The.**. 2. 10 received not love oft 12. be damned wh" bclie\e not /. 1.1. to salvation thro' belief of t 1 Tim. 2. 4. come t.. km w ledge ol t. 7. I speak /. in Christ, and lie not 3. I i. the pillar and ground "f t 4. 3. received of them wh. know /. 6. 5. corrupt minds, destitute ol / 2 Tim. 2. 18 roncrri.iinr /. ha erred 25. repent, to acknowledging >-f t. 3. 7. to come lo knowledge ol / 8. Jamhres, so did these resist t 4. 4 turn away their ears from /. Tit. I. I. to acknowledging ol /. 14. commandments that turn fr. / Ifeh. 10. '.'6. received knowledge of t Jnm. 3. 14. and lie not against thet 5 1!). if any of you err from the t Pet. I. 22. purified in obeying t .' I'rt -'. 2 way ol t. evil spoken of I ./../;;/ 1 li we lie, and do not the / S d. reive onrselve-./. i- ||..| in u 2. 4. /. not in b.in || v?7 is /. it no lie 21. not written, because ye know not/, and no lie IH ot thr /. 3 lit we know that we are of t. :>. witness, because >-pirit is /. > Jnhn I. they that have know n / 2. lor /. sake Unit dw-Ueth in us AJiihll U. teslilie.! f t. thttl Ibiu thee TI;Y P , ; . 4 - ',,w hr' : . '- MII a swim , i. i. , 145. 18. L. nigh lo nil ti. v . e ia MI upon ,t , t 11 """" "' ' 11Mj '"" nt . t fi o t, 61. a I w,l , d,r.ct,, rlr 7.irh. 8. 8 I will he ti,,., r in > Inhn 'i. 14. iifa t. that |.ropb. t, 7 4A7 18. that Ihoii >h< ild.-l t~ boo 2 11 doth n. t the r.ir / w . MI/. II. 4. eye li.t- I .bildr I II -i. t. nn .!! irny '. 7 no-It Hint ' ' 7 in I urn a 4n let : tin. II. /',/ 4 IV in. John i. 1. I. |'"U t).Uwr ul U TUR Jter. \ 10. tempta, to . th- on earth TRIED Unit 81. 5. hy Lev. ev. stroke be /. fc ,S :< silver i- t lir,. 19 word 01 the Lord t him 7i 28 16. 1 lay in Zin .. / -l-ne J.r. IV. 3 tli. Hi hast t. .nine heart JMn 12. 10. many he punned Hiid / 7.-'-h. 13. 9. will try them as nold t. Heb. II. 17. AhralMin hen he ./ J'tin. \. 12. when t. receive crown 1 Pet. 1. 7. thouirh it he / with 6re Rrr. 9, 2. h.t {. them which say 10. into prison, that ye m.iy be t 3 IS. buy ( me gold /. in the fire TRIES P, KTH. 1 CAr. 29. 17 I know th.-u t. heart Ji>li 34. a ear t. wor.li as the mouth I'nil. 7 9. riuhteous God t. heart* 1 1. 5 the Lord (. the righteous Pruf 17. 3. Iml l.or 12. L. f hint* that /. righteous 1 /VWM. 2. 4. but God who t hearta TRYING. .Aim. I. 3. t, of faith w.irk. patience TUMHI.KI). Juiig. 7. 13. a cake t. into the host TUMULT 1 Sum. 4. 14. wh the noise of this?. ? 3 ,V.;i. 18. *. I -aw a / but knew 2 AIM I'J. v*. thy (. come into mine ears, /.( 37. v".i. /-// 65. 7. fitflleth / of the people 74. 23 t of those that rise ng. thee 83. 2. lo, thine em-mie. make a t 7 j.i 33. 3. at noise oft people fled Jrr. II. 16. with n.n-e of a great fc Hot. 10. 14. t. ri-e KID. .MI' people .rfml Aum I*. 25 to-morrow t. yon, (ret we wilt not /. to right hand he smote the HK t" /. her 2ft, where WHS no way t" t. riirht lo n.l r ye, take j.Hirney 341 3. then I. will I their captivity 31. 2li then will they t to oth. ffMb ,/..*A. I. 7 I not from it lo r,gh> or to I. It. an lol.owin.' L 28. 1 -20. then h.- will/ and do hurt .1 8 nor any* Into hi. h.oi.e I V.im 14 7 / thee, I ^m with thee '. 17 / nnd Slav pri.-.t. o I. iK il lit. e.Mii t to right or .i.|. let him / to hi. hn.e . Xin. a 3.V t from their in. 2 Chr fi , - X ft U j-o i at ail t Ir. l.l.o*iu({ uin TUR I A'm. 17. a t. eastward, hide thyself *.'. 34 t thin.- hand. 2 CAr. IN 3a > A' i '' IS t. lliei-l.einiid me, 19. 17. 13. t. ye from your evil wayn, Jtr. la S | -M. a XerA. I. 3 4. 1 CAr. IK. !>3 to/, kinifdoin of Saul ! CAr. :. 22. Jo.i would not t. {., Srfi I. R if t Hinl keep roiniiiiini) Krrk A -<) I IS -l\. | XL II. II. l<< .'. I will' t. my hand on the. 13. 14. every mMii /'to hi. people 19 fi. they riMll t. river, for away v2. IS. he will / and to*, tliee 2a 17. she Khali t to her hire 'reiigth tothem th. /. battle :l. 21. when ye t to riithl and left 31. . t ye to him from whom Ur. .vt. vii to them that /. fron. trannir ./. r. _'. ,T> hi. anuer cha I / from m.- 3 7. and I said, t. unto me, 14. 13. l(i. t..-f.ire he /. it into de .th 21. Is. (. Ur. ii me, I shall be turned H 5 hearken, d not t.. t fr wi. k. 51. 16. /. every one to hi* people J.-nn. 'i. i\. t M unto 'h.-e, () Lord Ezrk. a 19. he / not fr. wick. 33. 4 R. Shalt not /. from one side to 7. 2V. my face will 1 t. from them 14. 6. / fr-m your idol*. IR 30. 32. | :n !l. II. H,,*. II . Joel*. U. .)!. !i I will /. unto yon, and ye :Cv I'.', to /. hand on dew.late place* l>-ni U. 13. miirht / from iniquitic. II. IR shall he /. fare unlo the isles 19. he xhall / hie tace toward fort Itf. 3. that / many t<> riirhteousnei* Hi". 5. 4. frame their doing, to t I .'. fi. therefore / thoii to thv Ood Ainot I. 8. /. mine hand aea. Kkton H 10 I will /. I.M-t- into monrniiiv Jnnah a R /. ev. one from evil way '/.fih .') 9 / to peop. pure lanetinre '/.h '.i. IV. '. yon to stronir hold ye >3 7. (. mine hand upon little onen Mnl. 4 fi he .hall /. heart of father;. .*/.//. S. :e. cheek,/, to him the oth. r Luke 1. 17. ti> t. heart, of father, to *l. 13 h. L to you fora testimony .<./ 1,'i. 4 l-.rd i:t !' nor / a. hy me way. 17. V Kin. I. . (To / ng'iin to the king > CAr. 30. 6. / a. to L. || V if ve t Job 34. li mau .hall /. a. into Uiut 500 1TR P*tL 18. 37. nor did I /. a. till tl' 00. I. displeased, () /. thy*, to as a. SO. a /. us a. () Lord of lui-t,, 7, !ft S5. R hut let them u..| I >/. tofolir 11)4. !). they /. not n. t'i cov. r . artf IVfi. 4 t. ii. our c.-ptivity arrtreuml Jrr. Jib. 5. /. ye nenin from evil way 31. x\ t. n. () virgin, /. a. to rities l.iim .'1 J'l. try our way.. / u to I_ 6 t. ,i thnu shalt iee, l:<, Ii. WiV. 7 I !l. he \vi:| / hine compaa. /.rA. 10 U. live with . Inlilr :n,d/ a. V/.i/ 7. (i. lest they /. n and r.-nd /.i<*. Id. (i. il n. .t, ii .h. I t.. y.n n. 17. 4. seven times in a day / tiunin Hal. 4. 9. t Ve a. lo weak elriiienU TL'KN (i.irff / r,^/. 3. a I will /. a. and fee this Dritt. 5. 32. not /. e ill / --irfe J;ih. 23. 6. that ye /' not ,i,ii there, from, I S;n IV 20. 21. .'in/A 4. I ho. BUI h an one, /. tuir/c V >.iw 'J 21 /. u an. i ti.ke arinour i:(. howheit he relu.ed t.. I a-.id IR :iO. kiiiK .aid. t. a. stand here l'i. 411. 4. re.p.-i-et h not sin h a. /. a. 101. 3. I hate work ol them th. / . 125. 5. for uch as /. u. to .-ri-..ked Ita 10. 2 t. n. needy fr judtfinent 2>t. 21. /. a. just loi tMnir of noueht #>. II. out of way, / ./. out of path l.nm. 3. 35 to /. a. rijf M of a mau linnfi. 7. that / a. way of m.ek .V 12. they /. a. poor in the gate Mai. 3. 5 t.n. .'ranger from right T L' K V am,,/. 6'.. ?7. 44. till brother's (ury t a. 4A. illl thy hrother's anger /. n. -Vuiii. 32. l. r >. if ye /. ,1. fr alter him. Dtnt. Si. 17. Jifi. 22. 16. y('A 7.1ft Ii'iil 7. 4. they will /. a. th> son 13. 5. he h:ith .poken to /. yon a. I A'i'ii. II 2. th. nil! /. (i. your heart 1 CAr. 14. 14. KO not. /. a. from them > CAr. 26. fi. Ainaziah did /. atriin 29. In. that wrath n.ay tMray.ME Ptal. lOfi. 23. /ror'24. IR 90. 9. L. wi l pot / muni his face /' 119. 37 /. utriiH ii.ine eyes from 39 t. ii my i. -(.roach which I fear I'n.r. -f.l a hut wis.- men /. a. wiath ('//. 44. 10. makest n. i,, / ,, from 5fi 9. then shall mine ei.ei, \r I /,. /..;.*14. 27. hand ctret. lo- ;, v. Jrr. 4. vK. neither will I /. A Irom it 21. 4. I will/. A. the u.npotia ,,f wai J<) 8 fl e ye, / l*irl>, del! del f> - 4. I will /. thee WA, *.). a /. L. /. not fle'cenrssof his wrath 1 C/ir. 10. 14. t. kingdom unto David 2 Chr. 12. 12. xvrath of L. t. fr. him 20. !0. t. from them destroyed not 29. 6. our fathers have t th. backs Ezra (i. 22. t. the heart of the king .Vf/i 9. 35. neith t. fr. wicked Works fix/A. 9. 1. tli'iugli (. to the contrary Job 16. 1 1. O. t. me into hands of wie. li. 19 whom I loved are t. ag. m 28. 5. it is t. up as it were fire 39 15. terrors are t. upon me, they 31. 7. if my step t. out of the way 33. 14. it is t. as clay to the seal 42. 10. the L. t. the captivity of Job Psal. !). 17. wirked ah. be t. into hell 30. II. thou hast t. my mourning 81. 14. and t. my hand aif. adversar. 105. 25. he t. their heart to hate his 119. 59. 1 t. my feet unto testimonies Keel. 2. 12. 1 t. myself to behold wis. Ian. 21. 4. pleasure he t. into fear 53. 6. we have t. every one to his *'..(. to. he wad t. to be their enemy Jcr. 2. 21. how A into degenerate? 27. they have t. their back to me 3. 10. Ju"d..h hath not t. to me with 12. their houses shall he t. unto 8 6 every one t. to his course V.I 22. they should have /. fr. evil I. 18. I shall be<. || 19. I wast 32. .'ii. they t. unto me the h;ick and 34. 15. were now hud done rii?ht 16. hut ye t. and polluted my name 48. :i9. how hath MoHbt. thee back? l.um. I. 20. mine heart is /. within me 3. 3. surely atraiust me is he t. he 5. 2. our inheritance is t. to strang-crs 21 turn us, O L. an I we .shall be <. Ezek 1.9. th. /. not when, 12. | 10. 1 1. 17. 6. a vine, whose branches t. T)nn 10. 16. my sorrows are t. upon Ho.i 1. 8. Knliraim is a rake not t. II. H. mine heart is t. within me Joel 2. 31. sun shall he t Art, 2. 20. J;/io.s-d. 12. ye hive t. judgment into .ivtnh :t. 10. they t. from their evil if.ib. 2. 16. cup of I..'* hand he t. t.. 7.1-rh. 14 10 land sh. he ^. into plain Murk 5 30. .les. /. about in the press Lukett (51. L. /. looked upon 1'eter John IB. 20. somnvsh. be r injojoy ^,-<.v 7. 42 Pod t. and tfave them up 9. 35. all at Lyddn saw and /. to I*. ,1. SI a t; *at number t. to the 1.. TUR /frfr 15. 19. the Gentiles are t. to f?. I? 6. have/, the world upside down I 7 '.r,. I 9. show how ye t. to "....( Hell. II. 34. < t'i flight the armies of 12. 13. lest lame ue t. out of the way Jam. 3 4. t. with a very small helm 2, fet. 2. 22. the doir is t to his vomit TURNED again. F.xod. 4. 7. it was t. a. as his flesh Jwig 20. 41. Israel t a. Beiijamites 1 .Sum. 15. 31. Samuel t. a. after .Saul 2 Sam. 22. 38. I t. not a. till 1 had Paul. 126. I. I., t. a. captivity of Zion TURNED Kin. 22. 2. Josiah t. n. 20. hath not t. a my prayer 78. 38. many time t he his anger a. Lia. 5. 25. for all this his an^T is not t. a. 9. 12, 17, 21. | in. I. 12. I. anffer is t. a, \\ 50. ft. nor/. 1 a. Jer. 5. 25. your iniquities have/, a. 4fi. 5. have I seen them t. a. back 'i 50. 6. shepherds have t. them o. on Dim. 9. 16. let thy fury h.. t 11. fr .!. Hoi 14. 4. mine an^er is t. a. (r. dim JVrtA 2. 2. the ! hath t a. excellent Ac'* 19. 26. P. hath t. a. n,urh p. o. 2 Ttm. I. 15 thev in Asia be t. a fr. TURNED Anc*. Josh. 8. 20. people fc b. -ip.m pursuers II. 10. Joshua at that time t h. and I Sam. 15. 1 1. Saul Is t A. from folio. ' .9a; 1. 22. bow of Jonath. t. not A 1 Afn. 18. 37 hast t their heflrt A. i-l. 33. not kinjf of Israel, they t. b. 2 AV. I. 5. messeinrers t. A why /. A 2. 24. he /. A. and looked on them 15. 20. king of Assy. t. A. and stay d 1 Chr. 21. 20. Oman t. b. saw snifel Job 34. 27. bee. they t. A from him I'sal. 9. 3. mine enemies are/. A. 35. 4. let them be /. A. that, 70 2, 3. 44. 18. our heart is not . 6. from 78 9. Ephraim /. A. in day of battle 41. they /. A. and tempted (iod,:-7 129. 5. let them he t A. that hat '/. /.i 42. 17. /. A. that trust in images Jer. 4 a aiiKer of the-. I.. i ""t /. A. II. 10. they are/. A. to iniquities of 4(i 21. they are /. A. mid fled away I. am. 1. 13. hehath/. meA : J\ i. .'. kind's hrart ithiihrr- !>'>. M as rt,,,, r / ,,^,,, hl . hii.n.-. 2S. 9. til. f. nway huear fr. I :<0. 30. ahoii /. n.,t .,% i., r i.j t.n-l. I.R the wimU ,,l,,iut unto tl CJ<. I. 7. should I he a- one that t /.. 9. 13. the people f. i,,,i to him 24. I the 1.. t. earth upsidr dnwn 41. 25. that t. wi- II.MI l.a.'kwHid JIT. 14 H. that (. aside to turry lor it lil. 24. DBIDMCIM /. l-rf ( to flu- Lam. I. 8. she siiflieth mid t. barkw. 3. 3. he t. Ins hand a|l me all Hxek. 18. 24. riiditeous t. a I :*3. is 27. when the wicked man f. wy, /(i/uyf 5. 8. /. the shadow of death iir.u TUR SIM; 2 Am. 21. la " ipe Jer. us a dish, t. 2 Chr. 36. 1:1 hardened heart tr. t. I'mr. I. 32. the / away of -imple h. 7.i. 29. 1C. your r of things upside .Wic. 2. 4 /.'away he huth dn.'e.l ^c/* a '.6. to bless you in /. you fr. .Iain. I. 17. wl. whom in no shad, i.t .'. Jiirie 4. /. the giacr of (i. into la,ur. TLHTI.K, 3. Gen, 15. 9. taken /. doreand ayoutif Lcr 5. 7. he -hall brinir two/. dve*, 12. N. | 14. 2*. 30 | ! M. If nut able to bring two < 12. ft he sh.ll brii.(r i/. dove f..r a .V//i. (i. 10. mi Sth dny h. hrinjr .' /. ."sal. 74. Ml. d-lm-r not m,ul ol thy /. (V/n<. 2. I.!, roirc of the t ishe.,rd''m Jer. 8. 7. t and rrmie lirrTe tuiie Luke 2. 24. sacntice, pnlr of /.-doves TUTORS Cul. 4. 2. a child is under t. and FOT. TWAIN. I .Vnm 18. 21. son.m.lw on of/. ' Ai/i. 4 :Ct shut the door on there t //. fi. 2. with /. lie covered hi- fair. witl^ /. h.- covered (eet, itk f. .> r 34. 18 thi-y cut the call in t tzek. 21. 19 both /. shall ro: Mat. 5. 41. ft" a mile, iro with him /. 19. ft. and they / shall he one fl.-sh fi. they lire no more /. >//* l'i 21. 31. whether f t. did will t IMh. 27 21. whether of/, will I r. 51. vail wnn rmt in /. >/,i^ Euh. 2. 15 t.i make In himself ol .'. i \\ i i.rrn. I A'in. 19. 19. oxen, he wl'h tho t Rev. t\. 20. ' foundation waswi.elh. Sff M '1 VVKI.VK. Gen. 14, 4. /. years th. y wrv. 17. 20. /. prince* hill Islm, 35. . the Mills nl J.ic.ih \\ere /. 42 13. thy rvnnt.." 49. . thene nre th. t r.'.r d. 15 *7. Klim, wherr wrre /. 24 4. / pillars ace. to the / tril-- *8 21. be /. preriom toii-~ ,. thou shall buk.- / Dfut I 23. I took t J,h 3 12. tnke yi- r n.'-n onl. I ' 43 take/. -tone. out. .fjor 15. there r... mm. and r er-' I Ain. 7 -A', tli. 44. 2C*r. 4. I.V [2 (Ar 10. 80 /. liiiiin on ' II 311. AhUnhrent irfm in ' II 311. Ah NA 5. 14 T\V1 iftrf. D. 2ard t years, Mark 8. -<5. I.ulcr 8. 43L 10. t. names of t apo. l.uket\ 13. 25. an he sat down with thp f. Mrk 14. 17. I.uketl H. >/irfc 5, 44 age ,.r t yei,rs. /.. R 42. H. 2<1 it is "ue of,'. that d'pp.-th /.n F i 44 when Jesiis w /. years 'v/iH K. 70. have I init rh.weu you t.'; II > lire there ii"t 1. hours in day I for. 14. !i seen ofCephas. then i,f t. Her. 12. 1. nil head iTuwn of /. stars 21. 12. rity hud f ir-ten, n( ir.it. , t II. wall of rity hud f foundation*, in tln'ti: names of /. apostles 21. the f. cute-, were /. p.-nrlj 2v _'. tree burp t manner of fruit* .See Himnm-n, Turn -t>n. TWENTY Cm. 18. SI. be found r. th. re, 1 will not A- lf"\ it fur /. sake 31. 3. t year* I li. bVen wilh, 41 -MJ.I J,.s. (.ir < pieces silver Kriir j'id.-,i I., f .f. year* I CAr. I* S8 ol l"iM-e f .f. raptiilil. 8 CAr. 13. al. A'.i.i..h l.p,,at t..L tons TWKVT V .Wivr. Juite. iaaTtaJiHHl U t.t years TWKNiT./Mtr. t Som. 81. 20. fln*ers and ti>es, t -f. Rcr. 4. 4. about throne were t .fn>,r seat*. 1 - nv I .f elder* silting S. a (../ elders M! P. 16. | 19. 4 OVn. & 14 t..* ,// 16. i it *h. >.e t HS rniirli, -ft. I A.'rri II. 9. hnd appcHred to him t. 8 A'l'n fi. 10. Hve4 M.I| mire n..r / ,\>A 13 30. with .lit Jfin onre nr f JuhJU. H r,<1 ,p..:ik.-th "tn-e, \<-Hl. 40. 5 yna f. hut I will pr..<-.'fd n 4!. In.' I,, iruve Joh f m mm h a II. r have I heard, i>\ver 7.*-e 1. IV. I fat f. in Hie week Jnrff Is!, f. dead, plurkfd up by rooti TWIOS Ezrk. 17. 4 he .r..,,ped ..fftnpoft ri rrnp i iff frum top nf yniinir t TWILU4HT. 1 Sam 30 17. DHV. motp them fr. t 2 Kin 7. 5 Irpcr* r.iH in t to if<> I fled in the t Jo/' 3. 9. let xrs ..f th.-f h,. dnrk 4 l">. i-vP-if ndu''cr~r \vni-rlti furf. t t.i IIIT hoii.e in t. Er.k \t. 6 "hMlt rrry it forth in t T. and brought it forth in thi- 1 12. prim* -hl| Hrr it in the t TWINKI). .W Fit TW INK 1. 1 NO. ">. ^2. rhgnir.-d in t. of on fjr ' fen. V. Ret. h.1 1. 'J 38 47 Tarn. f tW' 4 -'. everv "II. hfHT t. r i. IX V like two rot- 3 that ure (. 7. 3. rs\ TWO. Gen. 4. 19. L*m.i-h took t WVM fi 19. r of evry sort hrin K into ark 7. >. "I h^ot" ll.it < ei.ll li> t. !l. IS. ' II..M..H. .ir in tl'iy womb .T.'. III. now I am become /' hiiiiN A'IT,< <} Id /J--'/r. -.'I I.V if , n,., i, i.aver ive-. . 3n. how t. put in.Oixi t.. Hivht * Jtuh. 14. 3. t tribes, 4 i -.'I. Ift 21. 2>S. with h.-r Miliurl.;,, /. ritips Juiig h. :,(i. i-v. man a ,ian.s. I or t 1 1. ;f<. let me alone t. months that Iff. JW. lie atentii-,1 for lh> t i'\r~ I .V/fn. I. v. t wives, #7. | 30 S, 18. V S /. and /. Jrti I. 4. whether uTttwwf. I-IHBM-II I C-r. G. Hi. r IH- on,- flesh, A/>A .531. II. 27. he by r oral n.o-t b three /'AiV. I. :) in a strait botwlxt t. MTCM. DAYS, KID.NEIS, 1.* > Bs. hn\S. TWO men. f. >. 13. t. m of Hebrew* ntro/* .. II. 2fi r>iimined f. m. iin-m|) ./'.>A. 2. I. he neiit out t. mtn to cpy ! .S>;/i Hi. 5J. find /. m. by -epulrbre ' s -". 12. I. were f. m in one rity I A'III 2. ,'tt. fell on t. m. r (rliteons 81. in. n-l t. mm before Naboth. la M-it. '.I. '. I. blind ,. loll,, weil him l.iik,-.'.i. : talked witb him / men 17. 34. r m. In Led ; ; :!. / m in fi. Id IS. III. t. m. ent op to the temple .Win H. 17. testimony of / m. i-- true ArU . 38. the\ t f rn^n to PettT TWO l.il.l,,. KroH. 31. 18. *e to M!WS f t. :4. I. he ^ /. ..f stun.., /Virf. 10. 1. 4. he hewed t ttil-lei, Drut 10. 1 /V/. 4. l.'l he wrote upon r f. .V . !l. If. L. ilelivend unto me t. f . II. I Kin. a . iiotbinir in ;nk save /. /. of .stop,-, v (7ir<.. S. 10. Ervk. 40. 39. / /. on -ide |, 40. /. t \\ TWO wtv. Gm. II. HI Arpha'x. t. ti. after fl.l V CAr. 21. I!" ..fter r v. Imwels tell ./fr. 28. a ill f. v I'll briiiif ves. II. Amu* 1. I. f. v nefore earthquake A/rf. J. IrV >lew ihildren iron, r >i AH, 19. 10 f. in Asia heard word ;8. M. Paul d\v. It I. v In his hnuv TWO.POLD. .Vat 23. 15.1 ./ n ore < hild of hell u Jf 31. la a H hul IN k u. to yoke 009 UNC UNAOVISKDI.Y PiaL 106. :. spake , with hi* Mm U S A W A H ES. (irn. 31. aO. Jaroh stole away u. aft A'IIM. 3ft II. killi-th any p.-r-. r, u IB. Drat. 4 4a. Jo.A. 20. 3, 8 /'i.r/ :tV N. d.-. triii t i nine on him M /.'.,ked wi. u. t NKr Mr VI M.. Arti 14. a. u. Jew- stiried (ientiles I ( i,r 7 14 ri. luishai.d IB sanctified l'i hut if ii depart, lei bin depart Tit. I. I.V unto u. is nothing pure lirr. it. 8 u hate the r prt in lake I NUKUKK. ./ ra. ol tour u. Mark fi. I'. ni;,rve;I.Mt t , t th iru. !. L-l 1 hehete, he p tbou none . lit. 14. upi muled them wi. their u. linm :t. 3. sh. u. in.,k, In.ili without 4 aO. he staggered not through u. II. SO. her .if u. they Were hi okeB U-.'l if the) al ide not still in u. :i LOW fi tun.ed mercy thro' u. 3a. fi id roncliided them all in u. I Tim. I. l:i. I did it ignorant, y HIM. Ihl, :i I a. in ny an evil heart of n. 111. could not enter bei-a. nf u. 4. G. 4. 1 1. fall after same example of u. I'XHLAMKAIU.K, V. Col. I. itt. to pn-ent you holy, . I Thru*. 2. 10. how u. we behaved 3. la may stahlish your hearts u. L'X( KHTAIN, l.Y. I for. !>. aft run, not as u. so tight I 14. R If trumpet give an u. sound I Tim. l\ 17 mil trust i. . riches I'NTHANt.KAHl.K Heb. 7. a hath an -. ptiesthood UXCIHCfMC l>i:i). d'. n 17 14 'i. man. i hild be rut off .1). 14. rannot give our sister to u. t.jruH fi. IV. who am of w. lips, 30. la 4H no n. pen-i at passover l.ft. IH. aa niiint truil n. 3 years ft 41. if then u. hearts be humble! .li-th '.. 7. i-irriitiici-i-d, th. were u. .liiftg 14. a giM'st to tkp wife of . liall I fall into hands of u. I Viw<. 17 #', who istl is u Ph.'f 3fl. 31. 4. lest tnese 11. come. I Ch 10. 4. i .Sum. I. aO. Jaiight of . triumph /.MI. .'.2. I. no more con e to Ihep . their ear i- u. they cannot 9. '-'5. punish rirnimi ised with M. 2fi. natioi s n. hoii-e of Isr. are . Esi-k a*. I", shall die di ;,th f u. 31. 18. *hnlt lie In midst of r/. 3a. 19, al, 21,25, '2fi. '.-7. '.'S, _-;i, ;tO, 3i 44. 7. strangers n. in he:irt, and u. Arli 7. 51. sliB-nei ked, r,. in heart II '.{. Hum wei.te-t in to men u /.'..wi. 4. :l. faith he had being u 18. I CV.r. 7 18. let him ti'-l U-eome K. t M 1H( I'M( ISIOX. linm. 2. a-V nrriinn is-on is made u. ail if keep MghtciillMiess of laW T, sh^M not n. judge theef .ill justify . through faith 4. U blessed on riminii-i-ion or u. Ill vi hen he vv :,. iii circiiine. or ". '^ i .my man culled in U-7 .'i i in uii,i is. n. thing, u. nothing gospel i.f ii. rommitted to A. 6. fiiiiim. availrth, i,ur u. 6. ij UNC 11. wlio are railed u. hy f,A 2 13 beinirdead in u. of flesh .'>. It. cirCUmrUioQ nor u. but Ch UNCLE. ?.'". 10. I. Uz/.lel, the tt. of Aaron 20. 20 il :i man lie with his . wife i.5. 49. his u. oru, son may redeem 1 5am. 10 14. Saul's u. ald to, 15. 14. 50 Abner, son of Ner. S:HI|'S u \ Chr. V7. 3-2. Jonathan David's K .vMi. a. 7 brought u. daughter, 15. Jer. 32. 7 son of shttllmn thine u. 8. my u. son came until me, 9, 12. Amot 6. 10. a man's . take him up UNCLEAN. Lev. 5. 2. if soul touch any u. thine, carcase of u. rattle, he u. II 2fi. 10. 10. diff. between it, clean, II. 47 11. 4 it is u. 5,6.7,29. Dettt. 14. 10. 24. r.r these ye shall he u. 25, 28, 31,32, 3:i, 39. 40. | 14. V,. i 15. 5,6, 7, 8, 1(1, II, Ifi, 17, IS, 19, 21, 22, 23, 27. | 17 15. | 22. 6. A'uwt. 19 7, 8. 1, 21,22. 12. 2. he u.. -seven da)*, 5. | 15. 25. 45. in wliom plague is, cry ?. K. 14. 40. cast th. into u. plan-, 41 45 57. teach when u. and when clfiu 22 5. whereby he may bt- made it. Sum. 6. 7. shall not make him-Hf Dent. 12. 15. and clean, 22. | 15.22. Jo.th. 'fi !9 if V' ur possession he u. ErrtiS, II. land ye if> to possess istt. Jnt> 30. 14. hypocrites is among u. Ki:cl. 9. 2. one event to clean and u Im. 6. 5. I am a man of u. lips, in midst of a people of u. lipa 3- 1 ). 8. the u. shall not pass over it 52. I. no more con e into the* u. I. am. 4. 15 depart ve, it \ u. depart Efek. 22. 26. between clean an.! u. 44. 23. discern between clean and M. Hia. S. 3. they -Hail eat u. tilings Hut'. 2. 13. on'pK. touch it, -\\. be u 14. that wh. they offer there is u. Luke I. 33. had a spirit of u. devil Arts 10. 28. not call any man u. 11.8 Rom. 14. 14. nothing is u. of itself, thing be it. to him it ia u. 1 Cor. 7. 14. else children were u. 8 Citr. r>. 17 touch not thing /'/)A. 5. 5. no u. pi-r-on haih inherit Hfl,. 9. 1:1 of an heiler sprinkling u. Rev. 18. 2. become a rage of u. bird See BKAST, Spin IT, THING. UNC Li-: AX spirit*. Mat. 10. I. power air. it. .1. Murk fi 7. Murk I. 27 (unman. . ../.. 4 :?;. 3. ll.7t .1 whfii they saw him crieil 5 13. '(. s. went and entered -wine del* '>. Ifi wh. wrre vexed with u. *. 8. 7. ,. j come out of possessed (In: 10. 13. 1 saw 3 . like frogs UNTl.KANNKSS. Len. 5. 3. if he touch the u, of man, whatsoever n. 7. 21. | 22. 5. 7. 20 havinir his K. on him. 22 3. 15. 31. separate Israel from their u. IS. 49. lunir as she i- piitapart lor . A'ttw. 5. 19. hast not irooe aside,to. I!). 1.1. unclean, u. is yet upon him Dt-nt. 23 10 hy reason of it. that 24. I. he hath found some n. in her 2 .S',;t. II. 4 was purified fr her K. 2 Chr. 29 Ifi priest- brnUL'ht out if. /T.mr9 II. filled the land with it Eftk. ."Vi. .7. as K. of removed worn. 3'J 24 accordinirto their . h.ivc I ZwA 13. I. founrain opened (or u. .M>it 23. 27. fill" of hones and all n. K'nn I. 2i. Hod al-o uave fh-n- to u. 6 l<>. yielded members s, rv. to . 2 rr. l'2. 21. not rep. ired of n. Out. 5. I!), winks uf the tle.-h -ii ". UNO Epk, 4. 19. to work u. wi. greediness '". :! all u. let it not once lie named !. 3. 5. mortify fornicati.in, H ai.c 1 T/i,t, _>. 3. exhortation not of u 4. 7. God hath not called us to u, 2 /Vi -2. 10. that Wiilk in lust of a. UNCLE AN NESSES, t.xck. 36. 29. I will nave you from K UNCI.OI HKb. 2 Cor. 8. 4. not that we would be u. UNCOMELY. 1 Cor. 7. 3fi. hehaveth a. tow. virgin 12. 23. ti parts have comeliness UNCONUEMNKD. Acts Ifi. 37. have heaten IM openly u. 22. 25 man that is a Human and u UXCORKUPTNKSS. Tit. 2. 7. in dm tri> e showing u. UNCOVER, Ler. 10. 6. tt. not your heads 18. (i. not . nakedness ot near kin 7. nakedness ol father shall not u 8. not . father's wife || !. sister 10. thy son's dam-liter shall not u. 11. father's wife's daughter not u. !2. not u nak of lather'* sister 13. not u. mother's sifter, <;(>. M). 14. not u. nakedn. ot lather's hn . 15. daughter-in-law [| Ifi. l.roiher's 17. not u a woman and daughter 1H. shall not tt. thy wife's sister 19. not it. worn, put apart, 20. 18. 21. 10. hit-h priest not u. his head Vwm. 5. 18. priest u. woman's head Ruth :). 4. shall go in and u his feet /,*. 47. 2. u. thy locks, u. the thigh UNCOVERED. Gen. 9. 21. Noah WH- u. in his tent l.er. 20. II. . his f.itlvr's nak.dness 17. . sister's || 211. H. his uncle's 18 she hath u fount in of Mood Rntti'\ 7 came softly and H. his feet 2 ,Sm 6. 20. n hin.~.':is vain tehow- !xn. 20. 4. led away with buttocks u. 22. fi. quiver, and Kir u. shield 47. 3. thy nakedness shall he u. ler. 4!' 10 I < his secret places Ezt'k. 4. 7. and thine arm shali he tt. // I- .'" ade me u. Inwrll .VA. ". 3. Led, re those Ihntruuld U . people t,, I CH in.- i.. fi wherein -':*. 5. 1 won |,i .,. hat he .,- t,. ra ( M. 14. thunder ..f pnw-r wh,, , .i. ai.ru miy t, spre,,,i ,,t r w\tf /."/'. 14.2 ifMiiy that ,|i.| i, I!'. 12, who cm, i,,. error, v who 82. 5. not, neither wih thev !I2. ti. neither doth H fool .' tloi '.M H. . ye brntUh Dinlu people 107.43. h. tiloviiurklndne.., ..f L. 119. 27. miike me i, || KX). I u. more than the ncienu l'r,,r 2.5. then . (ear of the l...rd !' tlieiisti ,lt thon ii ri.-htp,, u>llrM 8. 5. O \e simple, n. 14. 8. wi-dom ot prudent to u. way 19. 25. and he will u. knowledge 20. 24 how ran man his wny 28. 5. evil men u not iiidriii*nl, they that se.-k L. u all things 29. 19. Iho' he K will not HI IM. a R hear ye inde d, i.nt /. nut 10. lest they u. with. -M,n 12. 4H. V'8. 9. whom make to n di'dlinef 19. be vexation only to u. report .'i'.' 4 heart of rash u knowledge .'!.'). 19. tongue ihoii canst not n. 41. 20. it. together I., ha. done this 4:1 10. may kiioiv and u. 1 am he U. 18 shot hearts, they cannot u. Mi II. shepherds that cam ol - .li-r 9. 12. who wise that may .? Kftk. 3. fi. woid I him iMimt not M. I)iin. 8. 16. in.ike tlii- muti u vision 17. he said to me, it (I son ol man 9. 13. it. trull, || 23 it rm,tler. 25. 10. 12. thon diil-t >et thy h.-art to u. 14. I am rorm- to inake thee M. 11. 33. they that it -hall instruct 12. in wicked not /. >< ISP shall M. rim. 4. 14. pen doth not H. sh. full It !. he shall it. these thinu- '! Mir. 4. 12. neither n counsel of I. Mat. 13. 13. not, neither rto they H. 14. ami not u. l| )'. 10. h. ar and M. M,nk 7. M I Murk* 17. VI. 15. 17. do not ye yet i, ' H, '.i. 1 1. J4 15. let him'u Murk 1:1 14. Mark 4. 12. hearing they may hear, not n. /i/A. K III .< or it I what thon -a>rt fU-c24. 45 miiilit n the vriptnrr* in/in 8. 43 why not n iny -p. ech 1 /i..n. l'i 21. have not heard -hull n. C..r. 13. 2. tho 1 I u nil myMrries '/,'. II 3. u. world. .re (rallied Pet. 2. 12 edl of thills th. . not I'NDKHSI AMU - I r..A IS. 9. wtmt it thon. hlrhU "<>//. l.'l'i J thon u niN thonghtli Vr 5. 15. neither it. hnt theymy ct'S '' " th " ''..I H on (M)l KSI "ANMI-TH. Chr VS !' I i. i. (Jod n. the WHY there if /'.,;/ I'l 20. mmi in honour, n not H! plain t.. him Ihul M. U fi. kilo W'edlie .,-> lolmlith 'fc 'rr 9. 24 iilorv in thi-. tint he u Mat. I'l 19 henieth word. 11 i ""t Rom 3 II there I- lml.l-ll.l tk C.,r 14. 2 to Ifi. he ii i...- I Mi' I, Kfod. 31. a I h - BIM ! tfttt 4 fi Ihi-lnyoii' KiiHomi.d I Am. J. II h*t Mked it to 4teMN UKD 1 JHm. *. 29. God gave Solomon . I 14 Hiram was ri led with u. | Cl.r 12. 3J. wer-- in.- 1 1 that had . 24 12. L. giv-the wi-lirii ...,.| u. | T*r. 2. 12. . wise con endued wi. u 26. 5. Zech.uiah had u. la visions S-r,i 8. H.. .1. U HIM Klim MI, "i nf a Iffk. 8 2. al. th it r.iuld hear with u. 10 2a fv. one having knn v. and u Jo*> \'t- 3. I ' e u as well i- vii \l. in li-n . h "I .lay- it I !. hath u. 81). In- Uk. U away u ,,r thf asre.t 17. 4. hast In, i in. ir In art frnm u. SO :<. my H criu-eih i-- tn answer 86. 12. hy his u he smltrtli tlmm-l 2a It where is the place of n * vO. 2H tiaid, tn depart from evil is u 32. a th- A'miKtity irneth them u. JM-. 10. hearken tn me, ye men >( u. 16. ir now thoii h.i-t ii. hear this 34. let n.en of u tell me, let a wise Sa 4. th.iu > d.-i-hire if tli. ,11 hast u 36. who hath L ;iveM FI tn th,- h. an S3. 17. neither Imparted to her u. Ftal. 3-i. 9. MS the mule tli. hath no u 47. 7. Kin?, si in; > praxes with n 4!t. 3. meiliuti M h-art shall he FI 119. 34. rive me it. 71. l->5, I 14, IGSI 99. J nave u. l| 130 -.,r,l uivethu 104. thru' thy precepts I get a. 147. 5. great our L. In- . is infinite Prnf. I. i. to perceive words of u. 2. 4 that thnu apply th. heart to u. & if tli, in hite-t up thy mire for u. ft nut of his mocitli i-ometh (i. II. discretion preserve the*, u. sh. 5. & and lean nut to thine own u. 13. happy i* man that if.-tteth u. 1ft by K. he e-tahlish. the heaven- 4. I. attend t<> kn,iw it. || 5 get u. 7. & 1. win, I'W thine ear to my ft 6. 32. rommitt adultery, lai keth u. 7. 4. and rail u. thy kinswoman & 1. di.th not Ft put forth mire? 14. I am || !i. f> it" in way of . 9. 4. a f-ir him that wanteth it. Iti. 10. the knowledge of the holy i* n 10. 13. that hath u. wisdom is found 14. 29. that is -low to wrath in of u. 33. wisdom in l-im that hnth it 15. 14. heart of him fhnt h..th t 34. that henretli reproof i/.-tterh u. in. Id lietter In ifel u. than silver 2i. u. is a well.-prinif of life In 17. 24. wiHilom l.ef In in that hath . IS. 2. a fool hath no .),-,,. -i, t in u. 19. 8. he that k'-pet'i u shall And V5. reprove one that hath u. he wi I SI. Id wander, tli nut ol way of '/. .TO. there is no n. n,,r counsel a/a 83. V3. huy als instruction am) it. 24. 3. by it an hou,e is established 2H. II. poor that hath n. searrhcth l& prince that ant'-tti FI i, an 30. 2. and have not the t/. of H man Eecl 9. II. nor ri.-iies to men of //. Int. II. 2. spirit of n. shail re-t upon 1 make him of nm,-k it. in tear O r /?. II. for it I- a p.-,, pie of mi n. 29. It the H. A/-; 7. IK Vr* 12. 33. to love him witii the u Luke I. 3. having had perfert u. of 2. 47. all were astonished at his u. 24. 45. then opened he their u that Hum I. 31. without u. mveiiHiit.hr I Cr. I. 19. hring to nothing the u. 14.14. -pint prayeth, u is unfruitfu IS. pray with the u. sing with 19 ratii.-r sp> fllied with all spirtual n -'. i lirhes of full h-suriim-e ol u. 'i Tim. y. ~. the Lord ifive thee u. in I .Mm 5 "JO O. hath given us an u. Itff. 13. l. him that hatli u. count '.,.on. .Van ,,f f X ! ) K It S r A \- D I N O. Kn-'i S ia they hroiirht a in. ofu. 1'i-r. I. 5. a in. ofu. shall attain to 10 23. but a m. ,fu. hath wisdom I I Ii a OT. nfu. holdeth hi> p.-ai-e I."'. -I a m. nfu. walketh uprightly 17 -fi A in nfu. is of an excellent 'K. that siiiitteth lip- is a m. ofu. 20. 5. a in. ofu. iv II draw conn's, 1 -">. -'. hi :; in ,,fu the stiite >hall he ;,./> uxiiKitsTA N DIM;. I'ror. 7. "7. a yoiinif man ror'rf o/ a. 10. 13. a rod for him that i- r. nfu. l& 1 1 follow vain persons is r. nfu. \~,. I*, a man r. nfu. -triketh hands y+. 30 vineyard of the man r nfu. ' sT A X 1 L'vDKKsT AXDIXi;, DfF give servant an u. heart 12. lo, I h.ive iriven thee an it Pror. a 5. jr fooU, he of an u. heart D'FFF. I. 4. FI. science || H. 23. u dark E/ih 5. 17. u. what the will of L. is I Tim. \. 7. it neither What they sai UNDKHSI 001). (>n. 42. 23. knew not Joseph ft them ') -ill. 32. 29. were wise, that they u. s>/; 4. fi. they n. ark of Lord was : i.ivid that Saul WHS rome -' Sam. 3. 37. peo. it it was not of I). AVA 8. 12. had u. words that were 13 7. I u. of the evil Kliashih did /' 13 I mine ear heard and u it 12. :i theref. 1 uttered that I tt. not W. 73 17. then u. 1 theit end 81. S. heard language that I tt. not !<*>, 7. our fathers u not thv won ha. 40. 21. have y not i/ fr. foiinda 41 IB nor u. for he shut their eye- V.tn. H 27 Rtoiii-hed. hut none FI. :r .' Dan. it. hy h..oks || 10. I. he u. 12. B 1 heurd, hut I u not, then Vat. 13 51. have \e it the.e 'hinif-f hen FI they how he bade 17 13. they n. th. he -pake of John MarkQ. :\> they FI. not that saying, /.FI 2. M. | !. 4S. John 8. 27 | Ifl fi l.nkf la 3t. they Ft none of these Inhn 12. Iff tliinns u not his ill rip. icUI.'ttt he upp,ed the\ n. (;,( wouid deliver them thev n. not 23. 27 ha'-lr.i . he was a !' 31. :,nd wh.-n I u. he .< as of ( ,li,-i,i '1'im I. -.0. being it hy the tl.m'.-s O.r n II. a child. I tt a. * child 14. U. utu-r by ton,-ue words tube u. 604 UNI t Pet 3. 18. ome thinio hk. <. UNDER! AKK. tin. 38. 14 I am oppressed, u. for in rvm.it TOOK. Eith. 9. 33. the .!. u. tn do at th j UNDO. /a 53 6. the fast f to tt. burden* ieph 3. 19. I v>ill u. all th..t attlict UNDOW& .YF/FH 21. 2!>. t'io ait u O people .//l II. I.Y .lo-lMI* I. ft IKltln lut. 6. .V wo in me, for I am . .l/,i/. T.\. '.'3 U an- other u. /.u. II li UNDRESSED. I.er. 2o. 5. vrapes , f thy vineti. II. I NKOUAL, I.Y. Kxrlc. la 25 are not your wai - 1 tor 0. It. he not u. ioke,i R UNKKIi.Ni'l). 2 Cor. fi. R hy Holy (iho.t, hy lov, . 1 Tim. I. 5. pure heatt, ami f.uih n. 2 7'i'm. I. S. I call to rrmeinhrain Ft I fet. I. 22. thro' Spirit unto F< b.ve UNKAITHH L, I.Y Pml 7a 57. they dealt it like (\th I'rur, 2S. I'.' fonfldenre ill an u inan L'NKUL'I'I ITI. Mat. 13. 22. berometh u. Mark 4. 19 1 C'i>r. 14. 14. ray iinderstanitinp is u. Kp/i. S. II. no fellowship with tin- it Tit. 3. 14. works, that they be not .,. 2 Pet. 1. 8. neither I* harren nor u. UNO1RDEI). Gen. 24. 32. the man u. the rgmels I S(,()I)I.Y. 2 Sum. 22. i floods of u. men mad* me afraid, Ptalm ia 4. 2 Chr. 19. 2. should.-st thoii heip FZ. '"' I" II. R. delivered me to the HI 31. Is is it fit to say, ye are FI.? 1'inl I. 1. walk, not in counsel of tt 4. tt are nut so || .j. u not stand ia ft the way of the FI khall peri-h 3. 7. ha-t broken the teeth of the v. 43. I. plead my cause ag. K. nation 73. 12. the-e are u. who prosper Prof. 16. 27 tt man diirgi th up evil 19. 2a It witness ncorneth jink-in. limn. 4 5 him that justifleth the u. 5. 6. In due time Ch. died for the >t 1 Tim. 1.9. the law is for th. I Pft. 4. IS. where shall FI. appear? -' I'ft. 'J 5. bringing the flood on FI. 6. thiwe who iilter should live FI. 3. 7. judgment and perdition of n. litiif 4. tt men turning grace of <.od 15. convince tt of th,-Tr FI. det-,1, la who \valk after their u. lusts (JNOODLIM Rom. I. \H wr.ith ot (Jolairain-t ft II _<; he shall (urn awav u fr .1.,. Tim. 2. Ifi will increase unto u. Tit. 2. 12. th.de v.Fiy ii ami wml Hy IM101.Y I.er. 10 10. diffcrenre l"-f. holy and u Tim I !l. law was made for !'., Ft > 7"i'i. ri. 2 men nil. hr in,thai-l,fi:l, n. lleb. 10. vO. toiiiit. d I- I of r..v . s DNICORN. Vt/;n 23. 22. ns tren.-th of n -_H H I'll' :l. 9 Will the II s,. r p thce :- 10. ranSt hind H in th furrow . an. I Sirioii like u 92. 10. shall exalt li'A. 3. 5. the . knoweth no sham A/at 5. 45. seiideth rnin unjust and u. } ukq 16. 8. L. commended . stew 10. that is u in least, isu in much 18. 6. hear what the u. judge saith 1 1. I am not as other men are, u. Arts 24.15. resurrection of just and u. 1 Cor. 6. I. dare any go to law lief, u ? I Pet. 3. 18. C. suffered, just for u. 2 u et. 2. 9. reserve u. to day of jud Jiev. 22. 11. that is t<. let be M. still UNJUSTLY. rv/tl 82. 2. how long will ye judge u. .'A.I 86. 10. in land of upright, deal u. UNKNOWN. .lets 17. 23. inscription, to the u. G 1 Cor. 14. 2. speaketh in u. tontrue, li. if 1 pray in u. tongue [4, 13, 27. 19. than 10,000 words in u. tongue 2 ("or. 6. 9. as . and yet well known Gul I. 22. I was u. by face unto the UNLADE. Acts. 21. 3. ship was to u. her burden UNLAWFUL. Art* 10. 28. an u. thing for n man i! Pet. 2. 8. vexed his soul with u. UNLEARNED. Acti 4, 13. perceived they were u. 1 Cor. 14. 16. orcupieth room of u. '23. come in those that are u. 24. 2 Tim. 2. 23. foolish and u. questions 2 Pet. 3. In. they that are u. wrest UNLEAVENED. Ero<). 12. 39. tiiey baked u. cakes of Ler. 2 4. be an u. rake of fine flour 7. 12. offer u. cakes mingled wi. oil 8. 2(5. Muses toi. serv. Rom 3. 12. are altogether bee. u. Tit. 3.9 genealogies, are it. and vnin Philcm. II. which in time past was u. Heb. 13 17. not with jrri.'f. that isu. UNPROFITABLE N ESS. Heb. 7. IS. for the weakness and u. UNPUNISHED. Prce, 11. 21. wicked shall not be u. 10. \ the proud shall nut be u. 17. 5. glad at calami lien, not be u. UNS f'ron. 19 5. false witness not he u 9 fr. 25. 29. utterly . shall not he u .'JO. II. not leave thee altogether u 16. 28. not leave thee wholly u. 49. 12 shall thou go u.'f not go u. UNQUENCHABLE. Mat. a 12. hut burn the chaff will u, tire, Luke 3. 17 UNREASONABLE. Arts 25. 27. it seemeth u. to send pris 2 Then. 3. V. be delivered fr. u. men UNRKBUKAHLE. 1 Tim. 6. 14. keep this command, u UNREPROVABLE. Col. 1. 22. to present you holy u. UNRIGHTEOUS. Krod. 23. I put not hand to be an u Job 27. 7. ri Pet. 2. 14. cease, beguiling n. souls 3 Id. are unlearned and u. wrest UNSTOPPED. Ita 35 7. eurn of the deaf hH b u. Ml UPP D NT A KEN. 2 Cor. 3. 14. renmiiieth roil u dwT JNTKMPI.HKI) Erek. 13 10 wiill, other, d ut of the ir. Mark I. 10. 10. 42. fi-elh cupof IP Mar. 4 10, /.u( 8. {. ship was fil^d with ir L'*. re'.uke.l ir ;| 4S. ir obeyed him !> -H may dip hi- flnirer in ic. / 4i -'. 7. HI! water. pots with IP. v.-ept A man he born of tc. ft. >ecau-e -her.- was much ir. 1. lit. iivitiit ir II. || li. ifive me IT. 4(v mine where he in.nte ir wine .S. :l waiting tor moving of the IP. V angci went dovrtj. troubled tr. 7. 38. out of hi- hel y flow living i-. hepoureth ir into aba-m 1:' .U came th.-re.iut blood and IP. JrU I. ft J .hii hapt with to. II. Ift, 8. 3d hire m .r || (8 we.it u,t,, , r . 10 47 ran any fort-id tp. these he F.pk. b ifl cleanse it wi w*h. ftf. Ilrb. 9. .9. blood of ralvei with w. in .--.' bo.lies washed with pure tp. .Inm. 3. 14 yield *a't tr and fre-h I /'/. I m li 4uls were -aved hv IP. iPet. 17. fie.eare .veils without tr. .1 S. world being overflowed wi. tr. Jn'/i- li clouds they are without tr I JuHtt !>. ft. mine hy >r and hiood S l href witness Spirit, W. blood Rer. li. I'', the serpent ra-t nut tr. IS. 11 Ruiihrate., A. id >r dried up 21. 6 give ol fo intain of ir. of life t:. I. howed me a pure river "I tr. 17. let him lake >e. of life freely S<~ BlTTB, l)H*'V. I)tW. DalM,. W.LL tfo WATKR. Cm. 37. ?4. there ivtu ir. in it jrf 15 tt and found no ir 17 I. VMM *). -i. | 33. U. Deut a :.V I A'in 13. H bread, and drink n IP. t X't'n 3. 9. there wa no IT. for hint /W. fl I. thirsty lau there i, . Jet. 4 13 t.fo4 . 17. and tr. their flocks, IV. \V\T DfUt II. la ir it with thy foot fror II. .'3 water.-tli he tr. himself /w. ia II. -hull be like a ir. garden ler. 31. li. ou! shall be a ir. vardeu I C-.r. .1 -1 I |ih,n;el, Apoll.M w. PtaJL 65. '.i. visitest earth and tr. it 10. thou ir. th>- ridges th-reof 104. 13. he tr. hills from chambers Pr .r. II. io that tr. -h. be watered 10. returneth not, ir. earth I Cor. 3. 7. nor tr any 'liing, 8. WATEitlNfi. fir* 30. 3s. laid r.id in .r. trough J'J> :{7 ll. by ,c. he wearleth clouds Luke 13. 15. you le id hi- a-, to u-. :- W Vi'KH-KHOOKS PmL 44 I h^rt p.nteth after IP..*. WATER.CODRSB, s. i Cfir 32. 3D. -topped upper tp.-c. .lob 38 *ft. who hath divided tr.-r. J h. 44. 4. spnu^s as willows by tr.-c. WATRR. FLOOD. Pi. 69. IS. let not ir.-/ overflow roe WATKR. I'DT. s John 1 6. set there six ir. of stone 7 J--us -aith. fill tr with water 4. i8. wo'tian left tr went to city WATKK-SPOCTS. Pint. 4.'. 7 deep at noi>e of thy IP. W \TKK. SPRINGS. Ptnl. 107. 3:1 he turneth the ir. .ift. he turneth dry ground into IP W A I'KRS Gen. I. 4 moved up..n fare of the tp. fl. divide the IP. from the tr. 7. 9. lettr be gathered i| tp. bring 6. 17. I bring a fl -od ..f tr. on earth 7. 17. the ir increa-ed IS, lJ, i!l, -.'4 *. I ir. decreased. 3, V li 13 IP dried 9. II not >e cut off any more by tp. f.VtW 7 17. -mite tr. || -ft. tr. Mood 8 fi. stretched out hand over tr. U. il I.) .M-t.wind the ir. divided ft. tr a wall,r9||.-8 IT return I A. 19. 15. . tr. wer gathered together 21 could not drink f tr of Mar .h f, tlie encamped there by the to. ,Vt;m '.'I 6. as cedar tree- beside ir. DrtU 10 7. to J.tthath. river, of ir. 3; ftl tre-passe.l at tr of Menhah 3'1 H di.lst -tnve at ir. of Meribah Joth. 3 Ifi tr. wh came down ro-e 4 7. IP of Jordan were cut ofl~ i3. L dried up tr. ot Jordan ft. 1. II 5. and pitched at tr o- Merom Jtiiig. ft 19 kings hy tr. of Me.ii.1dn 7 ^4. and lake the ir. before them J .s.im 5 iii. breach of ir UAr. 1411. \'l. -fi. I n ive taken the ritv of ic. t Kin. 4 8 smote tr. || 14. Klisha il. went forth nut spri g of tp. ft \-i Dama-cu- better ih tr. of Is. i Chr. 3' S t.H.k eoilnsel to -top tr. J,ib 3. H. roarings poured like ir. 5. 10 who sendeth >r upon fields 1 1. Iri. reim-mher thy misery as 10. 14 15. he withholdeth tr they dry 14. II. as the tr tail from the sea 19. the tr. er the -tones, thou fl. I . abundanre of tr co\er..'"t.34. i4- 18. he i- swift as the IP.- thmi 16. S. things formed from under w. 8. he bindeth up tr in thick clouds 10. he compassed tr. witn clouds i7 2v ir 30. 14. came onme as hreakmgof tp. :.7 In. lirenrtth of ir i- straium-d :*. :v> ir. are hid as wiih a -tone >. leadelh me beside still tr. 33. 7. be galhereth ir. ol the sa 618 WAT Ft V\. o tlviui;h the tr. tlivn-i f fM . Hit in melt away *. tc. nil are come in unto my -mil 7:1 10. ir. of a full cup nre wriiik; 77. Hi ir. saw thi-e, O (Jo'l, ir. sa> 7s I.I hf iti:i-lt/- -tiii'lu-Hii lit-np Ifl caii-eil tr to run like river t. he ginote rock that tr irnsK.d, lirt 41 I 114 H. l, I- .1. 81. 7. 1 proved thee at p !( 3.'. I'M H. tc. -to...) above moiinUins I".S '> he turned tr Into I.I .! I0(i. II. tr. covered their enemies I IR I3ti. ri. r- of tr. run down Ii4 4. ir. had overwhelmed us j. protnl tr had KI.II.' m our dual l:*\ ft. stretched earth a>>ove tr. 147. Id win.l to M..W.IIM! tr Mow it-" 4. ye IP above the heavens Pr,ir. ft \f>. drink tr. out ot cj-tern 16. let rirer of tr. be di.-per-i-,l 8 'H. that the tr. rhould not p.i-s 9. 17. -toleii tr. are j-weet, trend -'.') .'5. a> cold tr. to H thir-ly soul 30. 4. who tioii'id tr. in n tfarinent Krrl. II. I. ca't thy bread upon tr. i'nnl 4. IS a well ..f tr and .-treamt tta. 8. 6 people refu.-ed tr of .Shilo. 7. the Lord hrmjr th on t::.-in tr. II. 9. as tr. cover -e is. Ha',. :' 1 1. Ift. fi. tr. of Niinntn -li. be desul.ita 9. tp. of Dimon l.e fill -if blood 17. li. like rushitiK ..f ithty :r. I", ft. ir. shall fail from th- sea I-'. \t ve if^there.t ir. of lower pool .ed that cow he^ide all to. 33. IB. bread he given him, tr. -cure 3.V 6. Ill wilderness tr break forth 40. li. ho hath medsured the tr.f 4a i thro' tp. I will h.- with thee 16. maketh a path in tni.htv tr. 20. 1 (f' Vf ' " i" 'he wildt-rness 48. I. are come out of ir. of Judnh SI. he rati-ed ir. f flow out rocb 51. 10. which dried tr. of the deep ft. 9. as ir. ot Xoah to me. tr. not ."S I. tht thir-teth, com.- ye to te. 57. W. sea, who-e ir. c.i-t up mire .')-i II. a -ptinir, whose ir fail not Jer. 4 13, me fount. tin of living to. K to do, ti. drink tr ol Mhor f 6. 7. as a fountain cateth out tr. 8 14. (Jod hath KIV, n n- tr. of trail 9. I. O that my he;id were tr '. 18. eye. lid- pushed out with tr. 10. 13. mult, of tr in heavns.&I.IC 14. 3. noble* sent little ones to tr. 15. IH. as a liar, and a- tr. that fail 17. 8. as a tree planted hy thetr. 13 forsaken l.or,l. fountain ottr. 18. 14. shall cold tr. be lor-akei. f 4fi. 7. whooe ir. are mm 47. 4 tr. rise up. .lit ..f the north 4*. 34. for ir. of Z'tnrin. he desolate 50 38. a dmuirht is up'-n lo-r tr. I.nm.3. 54. tr flowed ov.'t head Exrk. 19 10 mother like me hvw. 31 4. ir. nv.de hon irre.it. the deep U tree hy tr. enatl themselves 3i 1. troubles! tr. with tliy fe-t 47 I .r iued Ir ler thre.-hold :t hroiiifht me thr.oi.'li ir. the ir. 4. 5 for tr. we-e rie... ir. toswim iu .r.t ia,> ealieth f..i tr < 7. 17. lead them to fount, of tr. 1 1. ;r. becamv wormwood and I. fi. have power over w. to turn ". I. 7. that made fountain of IP. ,ii. 4. nngel poured his vial on w. 5. I heard angel of to. say, thou 7. 15. the te. where whore sits See DEtp, RREAT. In, or into WATEHS. r r*J. Id. 10. (hey sank as lead in tr. 25. a tree when cast into . swpel t.ev. II. 9. eat what hath tins atic rale* in w. 10, 46. Deut. 14. .'), />(/. 4. 18. liken, of fish in tr. 5. H Jfsh. 3. 13. feet of priests rent in IP. .\>A. 9. II. threwest d stone into w. I'sul. 74. 13. heads of dragons in w. I "4. 3. beams of his chambers in v. .Vfif. 8. 32. swine ran, peri.shedin tr. .V.ii A-9. 2-2. cast him into tire, in. u Many WATERS. -Yu;n. 24 7. his seed shall he in m. n 2 Ham. 22. 17. drew me out ot nuinu v. Psal. 18 lrt Pxal. 29. a voice of L. it, upon m. tr si." 4. mightier than noise of m. tr. rH<. 8. 7. m. tp. cannot quench love Isu. 17. 13. like rushing of tunny w. JIT. 51. 13 that dwellest upon m. w Krek. 19. 10. frttit by reason of m. w 43. 2. his voice wa like noise of m. w. Rrv. I. 15. | 14. 2. | 19. 6. .Rev. 17. 1. whore sitteth on m. w. WAVE. Jam. I. & waveretli is like tp. of sea WAVE, Verb. Efod. 29. 24. IP. them for wave.off. Lea. 8. 27. | l 20. Num. 6. 20. afi. sh. w. hrenst "| 27. u'. shoulder. Leu. 7. 30. | 8, 29. | 9 2'. | 10. 15. I.f;: 2S. II. tr. sheaf before L. 12. A';n. 5. 25. IP. the jealousy-offering WAVED. Lev. 14. 21. tnke one lamb to be ic. S? (>FKI. RINO. WAVERETH. Jam. 1. 6. he that tr. in like a wave WAVERING. Hef>. 10. 23. hold faith without w. Jam. I. >. ask in faith, nothing IP. WAVES. Ps. 42. 7. thy w. are gone ovr me, Jonah 2. a . 7. itilUjth the IP. 89. 9. | 11)7. 29. 8-i. 7. thou afflicted me with thy t*. M. 3. voice, floods lift up their ir. 4. L. i- mightier than mighty tr. 10~. 25. wiml< which lifteth up tr. hit. 48. 18 ritfhteou.n. as IP. of sea 51. 15. who-e ir. mured. ./*.31. 35. Jer. 5. 22. tlio' tr. to.s, not prevail 51. 42. Habylon is covered with IP. 55. Kahylon w here her IP. roar Fzrk. 2f> 3. HK sea rauscth his ir. Zfi-h. 10. II. shall smite ir. in sea Mat. S. 24. ship was r overed wi. IP. I I. 24. loused wi h ir. Mark 4. 37. Luxe 21. 2S. sea and the tr. roaring- Att* *7. 41. part wax t.roken with IP. Jurte 13. raging tr. of sea, foaming WAX. P'ttl 22. 14. my heart is like IP. 68. 2. as . melteth, wicked perish '.r,. :,. hills melted like tp. at [ire*. Mi,: I. 4. cleft as w. before the fire \v AX. K.rnd 22. 24. wr.'td ir. hot. 32. 10. 32. II. why doth thy wrath ir. hot 22. let not anger of my lord ir. hot .f. VS. 47. or strung, r fr rirh J Sum. .'(. 2. eyes hei'hn lo tr dim J,if. r,. 17. they IT wnrm they vanish U. 8. 'oot thvreof u: old in earth WAY Pia!. 102. 26. u: old as n garment, Jsa. 50 '.t. | :>|. fi. Hrk l.u /?. 17 4. (HtneMi nl flesh u: lemi 2!). 'J2. neither i>hall Ins face w. pal, ./f ;. 24. our hand* tr. freMe Mut. 24 12. love of many tr. cold LtiJte 12. 33. bags hich not old 1 Tim. 5. II. he|(iiii ti tr. waiitoti 2 Tim. 3. 13. seduivrs Ahull tr. Wnre WAXED. [tr. sore Cen. 26. 13. tr. Kret || 41. 56 tamlne t'.jod. 1. 7. Israel . mighty, '.'(I. Ifi. 21. when sun rr. dot it melted V_ J l!l. Moses' iiniriT tr. d.,t, ana he -Vm. 11. a. is !..' hi.nd ir. short ? Iifuf. a 4. their rniment tr. nut old i'J. S. Xrk. !l. l'l 32. IS. Jpshiirun tr fat nun kicke. Ji'fh. 2a I. Joshua ?/-. old, stricken 1 Sam. 2. 5. 111. had i hi Id. i~ tr feedlt 2 Sum. 3. 1. but David tr. stronger 1 CArn. if !i 21 15. David fought, Hud jr. faint 2 A'in. 4. 34. flesh f child rr. warm 2 Chr. 13. vl. Abijah tr. miffhty 17. 12. Jehosh;iphat tr yreat 24. 15. Jehoiada ir old full of days Eil/t 9. 4. Mordei-ai tp. greater and I'xiil. 32. a silence my buiies tr old .Itr. 49. 24. Damasciis is rr. feeble 50. 43. king of Bab. 's hands tr. Dun. *. 8. the he.oat IP. very great i). little horn tr. exceed, frreat, H>. Mat. 13. 15. this people's heart tr (fi oss, Art* 2a 27 l.nke I. 80. rhild tr. strong, a 40. 13. U). mustard seed tr. great tree Artf 13. 4(1 Paul and Knrn. tr. bold //'.''. II. 34. tr. valiant in hi: lit Rev. 18 3. merchants are ir. rich WAXEN WAXED. Gen. la 12. after I am tr. old, have 19. 13. cry of Sodom was tr. irreat Ler. 25. 25. hro he IP. poor, 35. :). Dent. 31. 20. tr. fat, turn tooth nA- .lush. 17. 13. childr. of Is. tr. stroni? Jer. S. 87. heroine great and tr. rich 28. th. y are IP fat. thc\ .dine Ezek. 16. ?. im-reased and tr. treat WAXKTH, INC. Ptal. 6. 7. mine eye tr. old hec;>nie Heli. a la tr. old. is ready to vanish Phil. I. U. brethren tr. confident by W A Y. Gen. 21. 42. if thou prosper my tr. fod. 13 17. thro'tr. of I'hiliMinej 18. led pe. pic thro'tr. of wildrrn. 21. pillar ..I do id to lend the tr 18. 20. show them their AVA. !*. '9 /'../. 107. 4 .Vt<;n. 21. 4. disconraaed heca. of IT. . 26. there WHS in. tr to turn Dritt. 1 . 22. by what tr. go, ./,/.. a 4. H. 2. reiiicmlier tr. Lord I. d ton 14. 24. if IP. be too long f-r thee 17. 16. return no mi>re that ir. 1!). 3. prepare a tr || fi. tr is lonir 28. 25,. shall ifn out one tr. a. them 31. 29. turn frm ir. I command Josh. 23. 14 I i.m point tr ..f eatth 84. 17. preserved us in tr we went fwtg. 2 19. cea-ed tmt fr. their ir. !l. 25. they ti.bl.ed all came thnt tr. 18. 5. whether tr. he prosperous a Lord \x yi.ur ir wherein jre go Hi. !'. to-morrow net on your tr. ,S./m. 9. a h.- CHII show IK. i.nr tr. 8 give to nmn of Hy tr. thou rnmei-l 619 WAY A'in. 13 10. another ir.i; 12. whiif If.t IN. fi. Alui. went one ir Ol.ndUl. 22. 24. which rr. ci,t -(,iru .. I t 2 Arn. 3. R wl, ft. 19. dopirti-d from dun -.. til\\r T 2 Chr. 6. v7. tHiivhl il I xra a 21. seek of dm, * u. for M Jit 3 j.l to H m.m d'r rr. i. hid 12, 24. wander when* td-re te in. v. IR 28. go tr. whenrr not r. 22. IS. hunt thou marked .,dl rr t 23. 10 he knoweth ir. thiit I Ink* 28. 23. O. Uhd"r-Mi,<1. ir ider.of 38. 19. where i, rr u/dl dwHIrth t rial 1. fi L. knnweti, tr, ,,l right 2. 12. kiss So. lr f , 3B. 4. setteth himself ii, -. , 78. 50. he made n ir. to hi- n 101. 2. behave wis, ly in PHI'. IIH. 27. me under*!, tr. of pr.-rrpn 29. remove from me tr ,.f I) ing 30. I have chosen the rr. of truth 32. 1 will run rr. of thy roiMnind. 3:1 tench in.- ir. of .t;,tnte-, 143. a 104. 1 hHtee\ery false IP. 1*8 139. 24. if there b'e wicked tr in m* US. 9. r. ot the ui, k.d hr turn. Prof.t. 8. hepreserveth rr of sitlnU 12. deliver thee fr. rr. of eil man 4. 19. rr. ol wicked i. . darluie.t !. 23. rr. ol lile, 15 84. Jer. 21 a 7. 8. he wenl their, to her hoiiM 27. her don-, is tde tr. to heil 12. IS. ir. ol fool right in onneypf 2fi. rr. of wicked s.diiceth them 13. 15. rr. of trancre**or i hard 14. 12. ir wli -een.eth tiifht Id . 15. 9. tr. of wirki-d is H*.i>miiitif>n 10. grievous to hin, th. f..rHk tr. Ml. tr ofslotdtol man i 41. hedge I'i. 2! i. lKdeth him into H. iiolgniKl vl. H. n. of n an is >n,wiird mid 30. 19. rr. of an m.-le, ol H erpeat 20. such tr. of adnlfr. frfl. \\. S. kii, ,t not rr of -pint ltd. a 12 to err and destroy tde ir. if,. 1. tr of the in.t i oprii..htiiet 3S. H. mid a ir p-.ill.d n. ( I in r-\ 40. 14 who showed tr. of in r-l 43. 16. I. nmket h * trin sen.. Ml 0. 19. I will make rr. in widlerne 49. II make i rr. 57. 14. pren^n- rr. |! I't; 10 hlif h r. SW. 8. V. of priice they know rot, H-m I 17. Jer. fi. 16. where Is ih. i?in,d v. 10. J. learn I rr of the dr .>bn melf 12. Wrtotd rr of \ii.k.ri pr..p-r T 18. IV paths, in tr it- t mt up If.'. W. v 'I'-nrl, one u > .him n rr. .V) 5 I hi ..1. I. -I 1 .BW tl.-v t.- 1. tw.th ..i.e ir. n ir. of eMt Mill 3 1. h i.rep.re ir Let. Milt. 7 ' 14. iH.rrou III. :. if., in.t LvJtr ft. I 1 '. ' \ " .i j 15. *0 when * tw .Ar< III I H i .r >r I. n, \ l.oi ' Ad, III ! WAY Jlrtt 18. A expound, to him tr. of G. It). K. but sp.-e evil of that ir. IS. arose no small stir about tc. 24, 14, after tr. they mil heresy K'-m 14. 13 to fail in i r..ther' tr. I Cor. 10. 13. make a IT to escape 1 -. 31. show I you a more excel, tr. J The**. 3 II. I. Jesm direct ourtr. //e6. U. 8, the tr. int.. the holiest 10. 20. hi living tr. he consecrated Jam. 2. 2-S. sent them out aiioiher u 8 Pet. 2. 2. tr. of truth evil spoken of 15. have forsaken the right tr and are following tr. of Balaam 21. not known tr. of rightenii.ne Her. 14 12. that tr. of king* Iw prep. Bvthe WAY. Gen 42. 3& if mischief befal Ay /. tr. 4-V 25. nee ye fall not out by the tr. tiutn. 14. 25. by the tr. of Red Sea, 21. 4. lieat I. 2. 40. | 2. I. Dent 6. 7. when walkent by tc. II. ID. 25 la met thee Ay tr. I Sam. 15. 2. ifll 68. L. shall In ing thee ty the tr. Jo*ft. 5. 7. not circumc. them by tr. 1 A'in. 13. 9 n..t turn ag bytht v. 17. 20? <8. the prophet waited Ay their. 2 A~iV 3. 20 came water hy the tr. 19. 28. I will turn (lite back hy the tr. thori earnest, Ita. 37. 29. 34. Ezra 8 31 such as lay in wait I v w. Job 21. VS. not a>ked that if o Ay tr ? fail. 80. 12. they who pass In/ the t* *!i 41. that pa*;. I>H the tr. spoil him /-' 10. a when fo.. Is walk by the w. /-./ 42. 16. bring hliod by the w. 4& 17. li.nl leadeth thee hy the tc. Jer. 2 17. when he led thee Ay Me tc. ft. 25. walk not hy the tc. for sword Ktek. 43. 4. glor> of L, came by tr. 44. a prince sh. enter by tr. 41 2, & 4'i. 9. he that entereth by the tc. of tint. 13. 7. as a leopard Ay tht tr. Mark a 3. fasting, they faint by tr. 27. by Me tr. he aked his disciples 9. 33. "what was it that ye disputed by the tr.} 34. l.nke 84. 32. talked with us Ay M*tr. I Cor. 16. 7. 1 will not see you Ay /. tr. rery WAY. i'fti. 1 19. 101. refrained fr. e. evil w. IO1. I hate enery false tr. 128. /roe. 21. 2. e. tr. 'of man right In hU f.trk. Ifi. 31. huildest place in e. w. Rim. a 2. much e. tr, her. to them PhiL I. 18. e. tr. whether in pretence See KVIL. //i* WAY. Be*. 8. 12. flesh had corrupted Ai* tr. i *. of Ahab 2 CAr. II. 17. three years in the tr of 20. 32. he walked in Me tr. of Asa Ezra 8. 22. (fa. the ei. that thou mayest walk in tr. 4. 1 1. 1 have taught thee in the tr. 14. fo not in them. i>t eril men 8. 'M. I lead in Me tr. of right. -oun 9. 6. (to in Me tr. of undemanding la 17. he N in tht w. of life that 12. 28. in the tr. of righteousness il 13. f>. him that !> upright in Me tr. 16. 31. if it he found in thr tr of 22. 5. thorns and -nare- are in the v. 6. train up a child in /Aetr he sho. 83. l u . guide thy heart in Me tr. Hi 13. slothful siiith a lion in /Aetr. 29. 27. upright in the tr. is ahomina. Ei-cl. 12. 5. fears shall he in the tr. Ita. 8. 11. not walk in the tr. of peo. 2fi. 8. in Me tr. of thv judgments we 57. 17. went on in thr tr. of heart 65. 2. walked in Me tr. not good Jrr.'i. 18. what to do in Me tr. of Eg.? what to do in thr tr. of Assyria? Errlt. 23. 31. walked in t. tr. of sister //' 6. 9. prie-ts murder in Me tr. Mat. V 25. agree whiles art in Metr. 21. 32. John. came in Me tr. of right. Mark II. 8. spread varments in Me ir. others stiewed branches in tteir. .Mat 21. 8. Luke 19 :. Luke 1. 79. guide oar fret in the tr. 12. 58. a thou art in the tr. five AcU'J. 17. Jc. that appeared in tr. 27. he had seen the Lord in the tr. Jude II. have gone in tht u>. of Cain See LORD. A/v W A Y. Gen. 24. ^C the L. proprred my tr. 2 Sam. 22. 33. maketh atv tr. pert, rt, 'Ptalm 18. 32. Jnh 19. 8 fenced my . that 1 cannot Ita. 40. 27. why sayest my tr. >K hid? F.tek. IN. 2S. i^ not my tr." equal ? Ji-lin H. vl. I go mt/ tr. ye h. seek Itr.m \b. 24. tiroiight on my tr. 2 Cor I. In. to he hmnght'on my tr. Me W A V. Efcd. 3i i- tn'tned a>ide nut of the ir. tieut. R 12, 16. Judg. (. 17. 620 WAY De/. 11. ?fl. if ye turn mil -ifOtew 13. ft. thrunt thee i.ttt nftnr'v Ho4 27 IR blind to wander out tit t/ir tf. Job 24. 4 turn the needy tattiif "fir . V4. they are taken out i>1 //', tr 31 7. if my step turned ou/i/ Mew. I'rnr. 21. IT. WHiidereth out of the u> In. Vfl. 7 thro' drink are out of the tr. . 0. II. get you mil of the tr. turn .V7. 14. takestiinibling.bl.rrk n. i.ftc. Mai. 2. 8 are departed t,ut of tht'v. Rom. 3. 12. are all gone out' of the u>. Cr,> 2. 14. took h:ind.wrltiii(r"o. r.^te 2 TAew. 2. 7. till he taken o. nfllien. //eft. 5. 2. rompas. on them o. of tr. 12. 13. lame he turned nut of thr IP. Otm WAY. Prnr. 1. 31. eat Irnit of their o. tr. 'X 24. can man understand hiso. .f ]>/i. .^3 fi. turned every one to o. tr. .V II. they all look to their otrn tr. Kxek. 22. 31. o. tr. ha. I recompensed 3& 17. they deflled lr. by their o. tc. WAY...de. Gen. 38. 21. harlot that was by tr .. t 1 .Snm. 4. 13. Kli >at by -.-. watih. I'm!. 140. .*>. proud spread net hy tr i. Mat. la 4. seeds fell by the c .,. \'J. Mark 4. 4. IS Luke & 5. 12. 20. 30. blind men sitting by tr..*. Mark 10. 4-n take heed to t . a 25. 2 CAron. ft. 14 Jot 6. 18. path- of t. tr. are turned 19. IS. his troops rai-e up/, v. aga. 29. 25. I chose out f. tr. sat chief Ptal 35. 6. let t tr. be dark and slip. 49. la this /. u: is their folly Jer. a 21. they have perrerted /. tr. 6. 27. mayest know and try /. tr. Ezek. 7. 27. 1 will do to them aftrr /. tr. ft. 10. | II. 21. H. 22. ye sh. see /. tr. and dmni;* Xi. 17. as for them /. tr. is not equal 36. 17. t. tr. was hef. me u unclean. 19. according to /. tr. and doim:* Acti 15. 3. brought on / tr. by church V. WFKT. TAi. WAY. Gen. 28. 20. if <.. will keep me in f.tr. F.j-iid. 2. 12. Moses looked /. tr. and Joth. a 20. had no power to flee /. te. 2 A'in. 6. 19 Elisha said, /. is n. t tr. Ita 3tt 21. /. is the tr. walk ye in it Artt 9. 2. if he found any of / tr. 22. 4. 1 persecuted t tr. tint* death Thy WAY. Gen. 24. 40. the I. will prosper /. ir. -t 1.1 I pray, show me / r. .Vwrn. 22. Z-i. because/, tr. if perrere Jn-h. 1. a shall make /. tr. prosper. I A'in. 19. 15. return on /. tr. to n ,1. J'xil. .*>. 8 make /. tr. straight before 27. II. tea.h me /. tr. O I.. 86. 11. 37. 5. commit/, tr. unto the Lord 44. ia neither declined from /. ir. C7. 2. that /. tr may be known upt.a 77. ia t tr. O. O. is in nanrtuarT 19. /. tr. is in the sea, thy path n 119. 37. and quicken me in /. ir. t'rrr. a 2Ti. shall thou walk in / IT. 5. 8. remoe /. tr. far from her lia 57. 10. in the greatnen of /. w. Jer. 2. 23. ee t V. in the valley 33. why trimmest th. /. ir. to seek 3d why gaddest to rhHiige /. tr ? 4. ia /. tr. Imve procured these r'rtk Ifi. 43. I will recoinpetix 1 /. W. //o*. 2. fi. I will hedge up /. w. with Itt la becan-f thou did.t trust /. tr. Mat 11. 10. prepare /. v. hef rIS-e. Mmrkl. WAT WAYS. Gen. 19. 8. early, and go on your w. Dfut. b. 3'.i. walk in tr. L. command. 1 Kin. 22. 4-3. lie walked in w. of Asa 2A'i. 21.21. walked in MI. of Manas. 22. he walked in tr. of David, 2 Chron. 17. 3. | ,'U. 2. 8 CAr 21. 12. walked not in w. of Je. 22. 3. he walked intlie tr. of Ahab 28. 2. walked in jr. of kings of Isr. Job 21. 13. they know not w. of lii^ht 30 12. raise up tc. of destruction 34. 21. his eyes are upon tr. of man 40. 19. Behemoth is chief of w. of G. Psal. 84. 5. in heart are w. of them Proa. I. 19. so w. of ev. one greedy 2. 13. to walk in tc. of darkneis 15.' whose u\ are crooked, froirard 3. 17. wisdom's tr. are tc. f pi. as. 6. 6. her w. are moveable, canst not 21. ic. of man are before eyes of L. 6. 6. go to ant, consider tier tc. and 7. 25. let not heart decline to hertc 14. 12 end thereof w. of death, 16.25. 16. 2. in. of a man clean in his eyes 7 when a man's w. please Lord 17. 23. gift to pervert IP. Ofjudgtnt 31. 27. looketh to tc. of household Eeel. 11. 9. walk in w. of thy heart Isa. 49. 9. feed in tc. and pastures Jer. 2. '23. dromedary traversing tr. 3. 2. inw. hast thou sat as Araliian 6. 16. stand in tc. and see, ask for 7. 3. amend your tc. 5. | 26. la 23. walk in tr I commanded you 12. Ifi. diliaently learn w. of people 18. 11. make tc. and doings good 32. 19. thy eyes open on w. of men Lam. 1. 4. tr. of Zion do mourn a 40. let us search and try our tc. Ezek. 18. 25. are not ts. unequal ? 29. 20. 43. remember your tc. doings 44. not accord, to your wicked w. 21. 19. son of man appoint two tc. 21. stood at head of two tc. to use Hag: I. ft. saitli L. consid your IP. 7. Zech, \. 6. do according to our w. Luke 3. 5. rough tc. be made smooth Acts -2, 28. known t" me w. of life Ami WAYS. Lev. 20. 4. do ami w. hide their eyes Num. 30. 15. if ye any tr. make void 2 Ctir. 32. 13. am/ tr. able to deliver AM Bv. WAYS, Kvn., HIGH. His WAYS. Deut. ft. 6. to walk in h. tr. fear him, 2fi. 17. | 23. 9. | 30. Ifi. 1 Kin. 2. 3. 10. 12. walk in nil A i* ic. love him, 1 1. 22. Josh. 22. 5 1 Kin. 8. 58. 19 9. love L. walk ever in hit tr. 32. 4. hit tc. arc judgmt. Dan. 4. 37. Sam. 8. 3. walked not in his tc. 18. U. D. behaved wisely in hit w Kin. 8. 39. give every man accord- ing to flit w. 2 Chron. 6. 30 Chr. 13. 22. and his ir. are written 27. 6. Jotliam prepared hi* tr. b'efo. 7. h. w. are written in hook, 28. 26. Job 26. 14. these are parts of his tr. 34 II. man find according to hi*w 27. would not consider anyofA. tc. Psal 10. 5. M* tc. always grievous 103. 7. made known his ir to Moses 119. 3. iniquity, they walk in AtVtc. 128. 1. blessed that wnlketh in A.tc. 145. 17. L. is righteous in all haw. Prop. 3 31. choose none of Ail tc. 10. 9. perverteth hi* tr. be known ..4. 2. perverse ill his tr. despi-. K 19 16. th. de-pieth hi* tr. shall di 22. 25. lest thn learn AiVtc. get a 2. 6. he that s perverse in hit tc. 18. perverse in his tc. shall fall Iw. 2. 3. teach as o/ hit ST. A/i'c. 4 2. WAY Jfi. 42. 24. would not walk in A. tr. 45. 1? I will direct fits u: saitli I.. 57. 18. 1 have seen his ir. and will Jf. P. 10. according to Af< ir. 32. 19. ^.reA;. 18. 3. should return fr. An ic. 30. judge Is. accord, to Awtc. 33. HO. as. 9. 8. a snare of fowler in AM tc. 12. 2. punish Jac. according to A. tc. Joel 2. 7. march every one in Aw tc. Hub. 3. 6. Ai,v w. are everlasting Lukt 1. 76. bef. L. to prepare his tr. Horn. 11. 33. At.v w. are past finding Jam. 1. a is unstable in all his w. 11. rich man fade away in hi* to. See LORD. My WAYS. [38. ZecA.3.7. I'ATin. a 14. if th. walk in ty ic. II. Job 31. 4. doth not see inn tr. and Pxul 39. I. 1 will take heed to WD/IC. 81. 13. O that Is. walked in MV m ! 95. 10. not known my tc. Heb. 3. 10. 119. 5. O that my w. were directed 26. 1 have declared my tc. and 59. I thought on my tc. and turned 168. all wit/ ic. are before thee 139. 3. acquainted with all my w. Prop. 8. 32. blessed that keep m>i tr. 23. 26. let thine eyes observe mil tc. l*a, 55. 8. neither your way* mi/ tc. 9. my tc. higher than your ways 58. 2. and delight to know my tc. /.nm. a 9. he hath inclosed my u>. II. he turned aside my tc. and Ezek. 18. 29. are notfnt/ tc. equal P ZecA. 3. 7. if th. wilt walk in my tc. Ma/. 2. 9. have not kept my tc. 1 Cor. 4. 17. remembrance of my tc. Oicn WAYS. Jo6 13. 15. 1 will maintain my o. u>. I'ror. 14. 14. filled with his mm tc. Isa. 58. 13. not doing thine oirn tr. 6'i. 3. they have chosen their o. to. Ezek. 36. 31. remember your o. tc. 32. be ashamed for your otrn tc. Acts 14. 16. nations to walk in o. tr. Their WAYS. 2 CAr. 7. 14. turn from t. wicked tr. Job 24. 23. his eyes are upon their tr. Pxal. 125. 5. as turn to t. crooked -. Prof. 9. 15. who go right on t. tr. Jer. 15. 7. they return not from t. w. 16. 17. mine eyes are upon all /. tc. 18. 15. caused to stumble in their tc. Ezek. 14. 23. when ye see their tr. 16.47. hast not walked after t tr. Hot. 4. 9. punish them for their tr. Rom. 3 16. misery are in their tr. 2 Pet. 2. 2. follow t. pernicious tc. Tht, WAYS. Deut. 28. 29. not prosper in fhv tc. 1 Sum. 8. 5. sons w alk not in tag tr. 2 Chr. 6. 31. fear to walk in Mi/ ic. Job 4. 6. the uprightness of Mv tc. 21. 14. not knowledge of thy tc. 22. S. gain that makest <. tc. pen. ? 28. light shall shine upon M.y Cor. 10. 10. bodily presemv 11. 21. I speak as we had been ic. 2!l. who is not if. and 1 am imt >c 12. 10. when 1 am tc. then strong 13. 3. which to yon. ward i- imt i.-. 4. we are tc. in him. but ehali IMP 9. when we are tc. and ye strong Gal 4 9. turn ye to tc. elen.. 1 The**. 5. 14. support ir. h- paiiei.t WBAK.HANDED. 2 Sam. 17. 2. come while he is Ul WEAKEN. ha. 14. 12. which itid-t ic. nation!" ? WEAKKNKI), K'l H. Ezra 4. 4. people ul I unl " . Judnh \eh. 6. 9. their hands nhvll I Jnt> 12. 21. hetc. strength of >< ft. lll-J.23 he ic. my -tren|:t)' Jer. 38. 4. v. hand of men of wi-.r WKAKK11. 2 Ham 3. I. Saul's bouse ic. anj ir. 1 Prt 3. 7. lionoii. wife at u WKAKM 1 Cor. 1. 25. tc of fiod is tr. 2. .'I. I wa- with yon it IS 43. sown in tc. raised in -. !i. -trength i perle. t in IT. 13. 4. tho' criicitii-d throniih ic. !- iroing before for the ic. II. 34. out of -trnr-Tj \\ 1 \l I H Gen. 34. 29. ions r,f Ja. t.-k thotr w 17. my hand got m.- 18. L, irireth thee power to (let XI Rtith 2. I. kinsman, a man I Sum. y 32. see an pnrmy'ln ill u: > Kin. 15 20. exitrU.I ' CAr 1 11. thou hst not i. 12. I will gi>. "< w. Kith I" a Mor. eek(nf v. Jobi\. 13. upend their 31. 25 if 1 rejoiced becau- P*al 44. 12. do,t nor In 40 R th trtit In ic > 10. and leave their 112 M tp. andr l'r.,r V I'." le-r 10 15. man 1 * ic l hi IS 11. w. gottco by uy *iuii w WE A ir. of sinner is IMd up | Jer. iX II. I am tr. with holding In I ., ir maketh many frin,1 1 9. whom ft. h i K i ven .r fi. v? /..- 14. U. tr. of t!ie heathen -hail A ' I ). 2S. by this rraft we have tr 1 i'r. from milk Hot. I a when she ir l...-nili .ma \\ EAPON. Dritt 23. 13. have a paddle upon tr. XcA. t 17. the other nan I held a tr. Jnb 10 8t he shall fl-e ft. on iron ir. 1m St. 17 no ir formed sh. prosper Efek. 9. 1. with his destroying tr. 2. WEAPONS. Gen. 27. 3. take, I pray, thy w. 1 Sam 21. a neither -word nor tr. 2 Kin, II. a every man with his ir. in hand, II. 2 Chr 83. 7, 10. Jot. 13. 5 Lord rometh and the tr. of hi* indignation, ,/rr .SO 85. Jer 22. 7. prepare, ev. one with tr zfk. 39. 9. set on fire and burn ir I*. Jo/in 18 3. Judas rometh with tr. 2 Cor. 10. 4. ir. of warfare not carnal WEAR. F.i"d. 18. 18. wilt surely tr. away Dm!. 22. 5. woman not ir what per. II. nut tr. garment ot divers sorts 1 X'*. 2, 2X. to tr an ephod before 8* la persons that did tr. an ephod Ji-h It. 19. the waters ir. the -tones Jt'i t 1. eat our bread ir. apparel J>,rn 7 85. tr. out saints of M High iC.-r/j. 13. t. nor ir. a rough garment Hot II. a that ir. soft c'otlnng sire J.ulreQ. 18. day bega'i to tr. away WEARKTH, I NO 1 Sam. 14. 3. L '- priest tr. an ephod Jiilm 19. S. Jesus came ir. purple } Pet. 3. 3 let It not be ir. of gold Jam. 2. 3. him that tr. gay clothing WEAKV. Gen. 27. 4li 3. 17. wicked cease, tr. at rest II. I. my soul is tr. of my li'e Ifi 7. he hath made me tr. di-olatc v.'. 7. not ifiven water to tr. to drink J'"il. (V ft I am tr. with groaning Us 9. confirm thine inh.-nt. when tr. if i 3. I am ir. of my crying ''run. J. II be not if. of L.'s correc. i"> 17 let he be ir. of thee and hate J-i I 14. fea-ts are trouble, I am tr. '. 27. none shall br ir. nor itumble 7. 13. is it a imall thing to ir m.-n, It. 18. When it in Keen Moab is ir. 8H 18. wherewith cause ir. to rest :i . <; ai shadow of rock in tr. land 4 ia (J. fninteth not, neither i ir IV the youths khall faint ..nd he tr 31. that wait on L. -hall not he ir 4! -ft. th. haul >-een tr. of me. () I. 41. I. at a harden to the ir. breast 10 I -peak a vvi.rl to him th. is tr Jit tl. tlirt teek iier will uot te. they ir themselves t commit IS. 6. I am ir. with repenting 80. 9 I was ir. with I. .r>. earing 31. ?5. I hare satiated the tr -oul 51. 58. folk shall l.iS..or and be ir. 61. Bah. sink and th>-y shall he ir. W.i/i 8. 13. people sh. tr. themselves Ltikt IS. 5 by cotinu. .oining she ir. OaL G. 9. let us not he ir. in w. II. d.. .,ig. > Th,,: :t ix. WE UtlEI) Gen. 19. II. they tr. themselv. to find Ita 43 23 .lor have I tr. thee with 84. hast tr me with thine iniquities 47. 13 art tr. in multitude ..f coun. 57. IU. art in vrreatiies- ol way Jer. 4. XI. -mil is ir. l.e. . of inntdi rer* 12. 5. if run aort they ir. thee, if in land of peace they ir. thee F.zek. 84. \-t. -he >r h.-r-ell with lies Ifir. li 3 wherein have I ir. thee MaL 2. 17. ir. Lord, wherein have we ir him ? Jnhn 4. ft Jens being ir sat on well Heb. 18. 3. lest ve l.e tr and faint WKARIETH. ,/oA37. II. he ir the thick cloud EccL 10 15. labour of the f..olish tr. \V K A II I NESS. '. 12. 12. study is a ir. of the flesh MaL I. 13. he said, what a tr. is it! 2 Cor. It. f! in tr and p linf.ilness WEARISOME. Job"!. 3. w. night are appointed me WEASEL. l.er. II. 29. tr. and mtie, unclean WEATHER. Job 37. 22. fair tr. cometh out of north /'r..r. '.'5. -ii. taketh a garm in cold ir Mai. in. 2. fair ir for th" sky is red 3. in morn it will hef.oil tr. to-diw WEAVK. OT. .hutg. 16. 13 if thou tr. seven lock* Ita. l!l. 9. they that tr. net-works 5!. J>. they tr. a .p der's web WEAVER. F.rnd 35. S5. to work the work of ir. 1 Sam. 17. 7. start of fioliath's spear like a tr beam, 8 Sam. _!. 19. ! Chrnn. II. 83. | -'0 5. Jobl. fi. days -wifter than tr. shuttle /jo. 38. 12. 'I have cot off like a ir. WEM, S. Judg. 16. 13. if thou weavest Vven OH ks with the tr. 14. Job 8. 14. trust l he A pider' tr. 1m. 59. S they weave ptder'- tr. 6. tr shall not become garment* \\ KDDINfi. Mill 82. 3. that were l.id. to tr. 8, 10. II. man hart not on a tr. garment I.nke 11. 36. he will return from ir. It. 8. when thou art hidden to a ir. WE DOB Joth. 7. 21. Ar.'ian saw a tr. of gold 81. J.'ihua tiMik Acnan and the tr. liu. 13. 18. more precious than gold. en tr. of Uphir WEDLOCK. F.xek. 16. 3a women th. break tr. WEEDS. Jonah 2. 5. tr were about my head WEKK Gen 20. 87. fulfil her tr. and we will V-. J.ic did no, and fuluMed her ir. Dun !i Ti. for one tr. in midst of tr Mat. V8. 1 first day of the ir. Murk Ifi 2, . l.ukr'U. 1. John -*). I. 19. l.itke 18. 18. I fast twice in the tr .IrU A). 7. ftrt d .yof tr. 1'. preached I Or. 1G. 8. on firt d iy of IT. let \VKKKS. Ltt. 12, * U child ,. uiK-leat twu ir Ml WEI .Vf. W 3fi bring offering after * .Iff .j. -:t rcsertcth ..I hatvet Dun I' _' seventy >/ are determ.n. Hh. after three..-',. re and two .r. 8i 10 2. I Dan w:i- mourning three ir. 3. nor anoint .nvsell till tl.ree ft. Sec KKAST, Si VKN. W K K P. Gen. 23. 2 Ah. rame to mourn and u. 43 30 ^os,.pii ... nght where to ir. .Viiin II. Ml. .Mose- heard people Ml !.'( th- v ir. unto me, sayinu give 1 Sam. II. .S. what niletli peo. th. ir 34 they h id no mr.' p..wer to .r. 2 Sam 1.84 daughters of Is. tr. over I.' i 1 1 thou didst lor the child 2 I'Hr. :tl. /?. rend thyi lothes, and . ' holy, iii.oirn not, nor ir. .//A 87. I*, his wnl., w- shall not tr. 311 .-.) did I not ir lor him that wal XI. into the voice ..I the.n that ir. Ki-cl. '.'.. t. a time t., ir. and n ti:ne to /i<>. 15. 2. gone to lug., places to ir. 8.- 4 I will ir. httt.-rK. lalxmr not 30. 19 thou shall tr. no more SI 7 ambassador- of peace shall >, Jer. 9. I. that I might a day and 13. 17. my soul shall tr. in ,-.-r,'t places, mine eyes shall te. 22. 10. tr. not for the dead, nor Se. moan him, tr. *ore fur him 4a 32. Ovine, I will tr for thee Lain- I. Ifi. for these thing- 1 tr. Ezrk. 24. 16. thou mourn nor tr O. 87. 31. shall ir for thee with bitter. Jurl I. 5. drunkards, ir and howl 8. I", let priots tr between porch Vir. I. 10. declare it not, ir. not Zerh 7 3. should I tr in filth month Murkb OT. why miike this ado and tr. I.iJit fi. 21. blessed are ye that tr. -:> wo to you that lauirh, yesh. tr. 7. 12. L. aid, tr not, 8. .Sjt. Rev. S. . V3. 8. tr. not for me, ir. for youri. Jnhn II. 31. gi.eta unto grave to ir. In. 80. ye sh. tr world sh rejoi.-e Aril 21. 13. what mean you to tr. Rum. 18. IS. tr with them that tr. I Cur. 7. 30. that tr. a< though they Jain. 4 9 afflicted, mourn, and tr. S. I. ye rich men, tr and h ,wl Ren. la II. merchants shall ir. and \VI:KI EST. 1 Sam. 1. 8 Hannah, why tr. tho'i ? 7oAn20. 13. w, man, whyir. th.? 15. WKEI'EI H. 2 Sam. 19. I. behold the king tr. 2 A'in. a 12. Hazat-1 -aid, why tr . P>at. lv?fi. 6. that goeth forth :.nd n Lam. 1. 2. *<" tr sore in the night WEEPINii. A't/m. 2S. fi ir. before door of -r tr. 15. 3<>. went up. ir a- thev went up F.*ra\ 13 not di-cern joy fro-i. ir. II) I. E. prayed and conlesxed, ir. E#. K. 14. women ir. for Tammnz Joel 2. 12. turn with fasting- ami tp. J>//. K. 13. coveting altar wMth ir. Mat 8. 12. there shall be IP. 22 13. I V4 51. | 25. 30. /.uAf 13. *K. /.uA-e 7 38 H woman stood at feet ip. ./An II. 33. when Jesus saw her tr. 20. II. Mary stood without IP. .XcAl 9. 39. w'id"W.s stood hy him tr. Phil. 3. 18 I tnld you ott.-n, now ti: Her. 18. 15 merchant" shall stand IT 19. ship master and sailors, to. WEIGH. 1 Che. -X. 1. crown to 7^. a talent rrn 8. 29 keep until y.- tr. them full. 58. 2. you tr. violence of hand /'of. 21. Hi. 2 SnOT. 14. 2fi. AhsRl. tP. hair of head Ezra 8 25. priests IP. silverand if-lil 26. I tr into their hands silvcr,33. 7oA 6. -2 oh that my (f'ief were if. 2S. la. nor -hall silver he ir. for 31 6. let me he IP. in even balance ha. 40. 12. who hath tp. mountains? J/ r. S2. 9. Jeremiah tr. him money DrtH. 5. 27. thou art IP. in halance ZecA. II. 12. they te. thirty pieces WKH'JHKTH." Job 28. 25. he re. waters hy measure /Von. 16. 2 hut the I.i.rd u>. spirits \V KHiHINO. Kum. 7. 85. i-ai-h IP. || "-6. spoons W. WEIGHT. T>. 4.T 21. ii.imey in sack in full IP. /T-rorf. 30. 31. ol each H likejp. Lev. 19.35 d no unrighteous, in tP. 2fi. ifi. deliver your hread hy JP. Df.ut. 25. 15. tho'u shall have just tr. Jiiiit? 8. 2fi ?r. of trolden ear-rinjfs 2 Sam. 12. 30 . of kind's crown ul. ) A'n. 7. 47. was tr. of brass found out, 2 Kings 25. 1H. 1 Chr. 28 14. he (rave (fold t.y /-. for Job 28. 25. make IP. for the winds Prop. II. I. a just -. is liis delight 16. 11. a just IP. and halance are !.,.' A>e*. 4 HI. thy meat shall he hy w. 16. they shall .at dread hy IP Zfch. 5. S. cust IP. of h-ad .-n mouth 2 Cor. 4. 17 a more exceeding to. Wei. 12. 1. let U.H lay aside every IP. Ken. 16. 21 .-tone of .ail IP. ot talent WEH.HTS. Lev. 19. :tf. just IP. shall ye have Dfut. 25. 13. . Vin." .'I. I iv IP. ivherei>f I.. M" Ul ' 7. >iir UK up, Ow || 18. iliKjftd WEN ? Stim 17. 18. a in.ni that had a IP. 'i3 15. pive me drink of water of IP. of Hethlehem, I Chr II. 17. Is Pll. 84 K. prfsiii|? Baca make it IP I'rnr. f, 15. Witters ot thine own IP. 10 1 1. a riiihti-ou. iiian i- IP. of life Cunt. 4 15. a IP. of waters from I.ei.. John 4. 6. now Jacob'* v. was there 1 1. IP. is deep |l |a. J,,c. frave us IP. 14. chad be in him n IP. of water WELLS, Gen. 2P. 15 IP. Ahi.'s servants <\ipg. 18. 1-anc i!ii.'Kedaif;iin IP. of water E.ftid 15. v'7. where w. re twelve ic. .Vi/n. 20. I", drink of water of IP. Ili-iil 6. II. IP. thou diiryedst not 2 Kill. 3 19. yr sh stop IP. ot water 25. they stopped all IP. of water 2 CAp. 2fi.' 10. IOW.TS and duffed IP. l*H. 12. 3. draw out of tP. of saivat. 2 Pet 2. 17. re IP. without water NVEP ..->. Prov. 16. 22. nn.1ers. is a tr... of life 18. 4. w..s f wisdom as a brook WK1.I,. Aii-etk Gen. 4 7. if thou dost not IP. sin 12. 13. that it u.ay he IP. with me 29. 6. Jai i)l. said, 'is he IP.? he is u>. 10. I i. wl.ei- it sh. he tr. with thee 43. 27 is your father IP. '< is h.- yet firorf 4. 14. 1 know he can speak JP .Yum. 36. ft. sons .if Joseffc said tp. Drut. I. 2.'<. sayinif [.leased me tP. 3. 20. rest to brethren, as IP. as you 4. 40. that it may (io IP. with tliee, 5. Ifi. | 6. 3, 18. | 12. 2S, M | 19 13. | 22.7. KutHH. I. EpA.6.3 5. 29. that itmiirlit be IP. with them 33 that it may he IP. Jer. ~ 23. 15. 16, because he is p. with thee Jniip 14. 3. -he pl.-wseth me tP. 7. 1 Sam. 16 16. and thou shall he ur. 2 Sum. IR 28 and said, all i IP. 1 Atii. 18 24. answered, tr. spoken 2 Alii. 1 26. i- it IP. ith thee ? 5. 21. is all IP. 9. 1 1. || 7. 9. do not tr iCIir. 12. 12. in Jnd. thiiiffs went IP. Pwl 4f 18. tl.ou dost IP. to thysell Kcfl H. 12. IP. with them th. fear li. ha.. 3. 10. it shall he IP. with him Jer. 22. 15. it was IP. with him. 16, 40. 4. and I will look IP. to ihee 42. 6. Ihat it may he IP. with us l-'.ri'k. 33 32. of one thai can play tr Mat. 'A 21. IP. done, thou (f< od and faithful servant, 23. l.n !. 17. tukr.W. 39. Master, thim hast ir said, Johi. 4. 17 1 TYtn. 5. 17. elders that ruletr. he counted worthy See Do, FIIH:RMI. I'I.KASED. \VK1.I-BKI.OVKI). Cant. 1. 13. myrrh is my tr unto me Itii f> I now will I sinif to my IP. M.irk \1. 6. lie -lit hi- IP "on alno ll,,m. Ifi. - 1 ) s.ilnte tr. K^enetus ,t J,.hn ! the '-.d.-r to the tp. (Jliiu* rMyWKLL. Act* 25. 10. a* Ihou r. tr. knowet 2 Tim, 1 18. thou k nowest very IP. WKI.l .nit.'/'. /W 73 2. st.-l.s^lo.i| tr-n. *lipp.-d Lev. 22. 22. hnviiur a IP. or urvy \S KM H iSam 17. 17 a IP 'oirt J"tmthn li,-n 'tt 3 I- w-ilh tnc in wv 1 ir. lt.nl I. :l! bar.- then in w,\ f,,.A '.'4 17. pr.-erve.l In ^ >' - " l,,,ia I 17. Jod-.h tP. with - i >, 10 14 '"it wlnlh.rip yer kin 13 i-' -"' "l'lav IP he > ".' ;. v> ' K". -" '"' "" "" l \nm. 11. H. p-opl.. ir 2 Am. 3 5 ,lu, K rr. IP. ,i .mote It I Ihr. 17 !t tti.-y /.<, tiu hi KIT*. 2 vo. | . hwkrt ('/'(/ i 7. watchm. i, Unit tr Uuf. 4. 23. Jesu. ir. al*,ut trm-lnnr, . 35. Afar* ft. B [31. I Xfl. 2l. -d IP. n.if/r |.ri*tely Jc7 i. 19 chief eapt.iin ir aiidt \Vt.N I Ptat Hit. 7. h..f,,rf hffl,. te,i 13. 81. U IP. A them in cloud 1 Tim, I. IR pn.phe. ie- which ir. U Wl-.VI . 44. 2H one ir. nut Ir.im ine 2.V;/i. 13 9. they IP. ., IP (.!(/ I JoAn 2 l!>. th- y IP "ut fr..m u* Wr'.NT Ihnr II-.IH. .NVA. a 12. p-eople ,/-. t/ieii iniv to r* ZerA. 10. 2. they IP. I. Iran . flo<-k .Wif/. H. 33. fled, and IP (Mr imv 20. 4. you. and they IP. thrir troy 2!L 5 liftht ol i', and IP. Mrr trwjf 22. heard word- they t. vay WKN'I "P lien. 17. 2?. oii..n SV I M KST JnHg. ft. 4. when th..u ir. 01,1 2 5.1m Ifi. 17. why ir. lh ........ t 'th 19. 25. wheref.-re'ir thou i.ot wuli \V r.l*T. den. 21. Ifi. Him tr I; *9. II. mid Jacob tr 12. t. 42. 24. JoM'ph ir. :t. :' , '' V. I '^ IV '. I*. F.fod. 8. C. and t.ebol,'. th. \um II. 14. rl.ildfi. I 14 I ll'-i'l. JuHg. 2 4 | .0 2-1, 2A | 21 ./irf/T. U I" SMII.-..M'- . kl-ed .Unc 1 .sum. I. 7. H.n>iiHh ir I I 4 | ..... pie v-0 41. Jonath T,,. S.SJ l>v. IP. '' W. 2V. ch.W ,He. I o,d .rr.nl- ' i'tr 2 A.nx.R. H ' '* ! I Ktn. iS. \4 J.m.h tr. over F.liha *X a. U.-i.'Nl.Ill M s.ire. / - kini: ..l .ind-ih ir. before me Eznt .'I I'.' nnsi-.-e.-ii first bon-e tr. Ill I. |l.-..ple .-/'. verv sore. I. when I he. id wor.U I ir \ v..i.-e a .1 if. l.'<7 I. hv river- of Itab. Ion we tr Hat 26 :.'). 1'eter ir. M.I- Liik*->-l f-2. (V Hark 5 th them thai ir. Ill |0. M..ry I. .1.1 them H- tney ir. Ztlie 7. :feL We m iirned ye ha. not tr. l!) 41. he beheld cityaiid tr over it J,,li,i 1 1. .T> J.'.ii- U -"> : i Mary tr. Act* 2i I. T. they ir. fell mi I'.'* neck I Cor. 7. 30. weep a- llmu-.-h i,-. n.,t Jfcr. 5. 4. 1 tr. l.caii-e no man was ./.// WKRK. 7*0. 51 3. we hi.l tin it ir. our faces Luke . 41. " it ir. drop* .if bl'Hid Jnhn 7. 10 '.ul IIJT it ir. in secret Art!. 10. I Ins fare a* it ir the sun la 3 one of heads a it IP., iv. Minded 14 3. they -uitj at it tr. a new s..ng 15 2. I saw <;. it ir. a sea of glosg WEST. . Cell. 2S. 14. shall -preaJ abroad to tr. /)-/. :tl 23 P" e-- the ir. ami south 1 A'in. 7. 25. three oxen towards ir. 1 Chr. 9. 24. porters towards east, tp. north and s..uth, 2 Chr. 4. 4 12. 15. to flight toward east and IP. PI. 75. fi promotion not from the IP. IM. 12. as far :n east is from the ir. 107. a gathered th.-m fr. ea.st and ir. In. 11. 14 fly on PhilUt. townrd IP. 43 A. and i-athvr thee from their. 4-V fi. that they may know from uv 49. 12 shall come from north and tc. V). 19. shall fear the Lord from tp. F.tek. 49 I. are. his side- east and tp. J)-in. S s. an he.goat came from IP. lint. II. in. children treml.le fr. IP. 7.. was to great sea F.zek. 45. 7. to the tr. A. a portion for WESTERN. Jlum. 34. ft as for the tp. border, the 14. this was the tr. quarter WEST tidt. F.r,*l. 71. 12. on tc. t SO cub 88. 1Z A Kin. 2. 18. on r. i. standard of Eph. S5. 5. tneaure on IP. *. Lev.' cities Kxek. 48 3 to the tr. i. a portion fr Naphtali, 4. 5, A, 7, 8, 23, 24. WESTWARD. Gf. 13. 14 Ahr. looked east and tr. .Vutn. M '^3 pitch behind taberna. tr. 7)i/. 3. ft. lift up thi''e eye' ir. :i?/t. 48 IK. reoidne sh. be 10,000 to. Dun. 8. 4. I nw the ram pushing tp. \V ! S r ,H,,d. Kind, ln.19. tr tr. took nway locntU WKT. Job *4. 8 they nre tr. with sh.iwera 1*0*. 4. 15 let it he tr with .lew of heaven, W. 2\ : | 5. gl. \VII SiJ> 7. 1? m a e or a IT. tint F.*rk SV. 2 I'har tbon art as a w. *fol I*. 40. Jonas wa a days in WH A ffm. 1. 91 'Jo,' Teste m WHAT. ". 14. when son ask. tr. this? '! 7 ir. are we that te inurro. ag.f 15. they iit not ir. it was '. 5. IP. man is there ' 6, 7, 8. .h,dg. I- J4. ir. have 1 more f tr. U I hit ? tr. aileth thft I WHATSOKVl.lt. Gen. 31. Iti. tr. (i. -;u.l nut., tliee, do .VM. Ti. 17. I will do ir I h.... Deut, \'i. 'Si. ir. I i-otmiiMiid. nW-,ere Judg. 10. lidothou ;r. 1 Sam. 14. 3. ftoL 115. a Gid Imth done tr. he plraed, l.i-S ii. Erct 9. 3. r.V.V. a 14. tr. (J.Ml doelh, it -hall be Mai 5. 37. tr. is more than the-e 7. li IP. ye would men -lion 1. 1 do 17. I2.done ir. they li.t.-U UirA9.ia 20. 4. ic. is riiitit I will tire >mi. ~. John 15. 16. ir. >e ,h.,il ak, 1'i. aa. WHEAT. lien. 30. 14. Reu. I'ounil mandr. in ir. F.rud &. 31 the tr. anil rye H. re in. I 34. ti. first-fruits of tr. ,VKI. la 11 I), tit. 3J 14. wi. fat ..I kniiiex- ol tr. Judg. 6 11. (Jniei.li :lire-he.i IP. 15. I. time of ir. harvi'-t Sa'tion Ruth i if3. glean to md f tr. l.arv. 1 Sam. 6. 13. of Beth -he. re.i|)iiiK ir. Ii. .7. i* it ii.-ltr h;.rve-t to-day ? 2 Sim. 4. G|they woulu lia. tetrlied tr. I A'in. 5. n Solom. KIV.' Hira-n ir. I Chr. ->t. 1 tr for iijeat-oHeriiit' r.xrn 6. 9. hare need nf.tr salt, wine 7. '.'i an hundred measure- of IP. JoA3l.4G. thistleogrow instead of tr. /'a/ 81. Ifi. fed them wi nn.->t of tr. 147 14. filleth thee with finest of tp. Prof. 27. JS. bray a fool among tr. Cunt. 7. 2. belly is like a heap of tp. ./r. li. 13. they hTe sown tp. 23. 28. what is the chaff to the tr.? 31. 12. flow together for tr for wine Ex>'k. fi. 17. Judall traded in tr. Jitfl -2. 24. flo.rs shall be full of tp. Arnold. II. take fr. him burdens oftr. 8. 5. that we may set forth ir. 6. buy poor, and sell refuse of tp \f,,t. 3. 12. gather his tr. Lukr. 3. 17. 13. 25. enemy sowed tares among tr 29. le*t ye root up the tr. wi. them 30 gather the tr. into my barn Luke Id "*. he said 100 meas of tr. 22. 31. th Satan may sift you as tp. J"hn 12 24 except tr. fall to ground Artffi. 3R and cast tr. into the *ea 1 Cor. IS. 37. It may chance of tr. Ker. 6. & measure of ir. for a penny 18. 13. merchandise of tr. is depart. See HARLKV. WHEA I KN. F.rod. 89. 2. wafers make of tr. flour WHBBL. Pial. 83. la O fJ. make them like tr. Prtm. 20. 26. kinp brincreth ir. over Erd. 18. 6. or ir. '(Token at cistern Im. 28. S8. nor break withtr. of cart E-ek. 1. 16. one tr upon the earth 16. w. in the miitst of a tr. la 10. 10. 13. cried to the wheels, O tp. W H K K I. S. Eroi. 14. 2S. took off their chariot tp. Judg. ft. ?8. why tarry tr. ol i-harints Ita. 5. 28. their tr like a whirlwind Jr. Iflt S. he wrought work on ir. 47. 3. and at the rumbling of his tr. F.zek. 1. Ifi. the appearance of the tp. a la at nni-e of tr over-auainst 10. 19. tp. were beside them, II, S2. 23. 24. Bah. come aga. thee with tr. Ji. 10. wal! rhuke *t noie Dan. ^ 9. and histr. a l.nrnine fire .V.A > t. noise of rattling of the ut. \VHI WHKI.l'. S. 2 Snm. 17. 8. as a Lear robhtd jf * i'rur. IT 12. let a I.ear roi.t.ed if w. J nniiri>br>l tc. hll.o. liunt a >he brought up one of her . lint. 1:1 H Ka I.ear here n.-i I ..I tr. A'uA. X. 1 J. lion did tear for Ins tr. : '>,. Wli' Ptal 04. 8. fooi, tr. will ye be>vise> Erct a 7. who ran tell :r. ith be ? WHENCE. Gen. 42. 7. tr. come ye 'i Josh, ft & Juilg. 17. . Mil ah said, tr thou : ID 17. VSum. 1.3 i 1 Am 5. 25. JA I. 7. | 2. 2. J,,,ih I. & I 1 uo tr. not return, 16. ti J'Jin 7. 2S. and ye kno . I .un S. It ye cannot teli ir. I con;.' u:d 9. 29. know not (torn n h,. i,, . WHENSOEVER. .War* 14. 7. ir. ye may do them go id WHERE, lim.U !> L.Hiii, IP. art thou ? [14 10 Kfixl. 2 --II. tr. it he r i Sam. y 4. J6 .;->l. .1 i4 if not, ir. and who i* lie : a-t thou when 1 iiii'l ': Luke 17. 37. ic. L.ird '; K JoAn 7. 1 1. . 18 he ? ft 12. [17. .1. .//An 7. 34. tr. 1 am, 12. 26. J 14 a | WHERE ABOUT. 1 Sam. 21. 2. let nu man know tr. I \\ HKKEAS. 1 Kin. 8. 18. ir. it was in thy heart Erek. la 7. tc. ye say, the L sai:li it WHEREFORE. 2 Sam. 16. 10. who gay, tr. done so? Mat. 20. 50 friend, ir art th. come f W UK UK TO. /Ml. 55. 11. shall prosper to. I sent it WHERE WIT R Judg. 6. 15. tr. shall I save Israel ? 1 Kin. 22. 22. L. sai.|,TP.2 Chr. H -'0. Mic. ft B. ir. com before the Lord I W HUH K WIT HAL. Mat. & 31. or tr. shall we be cloth, .if \N H ET. Deut 32. 41. If I tr. my glit. sword Ptat 7. M he will IP. his sword 61. a who w. tongue like A x\< "i d rcl. 10. 10. and he IP. not the vine WHILE. Pml. 49. la tc. he lived, hv I G:l 4. bless thee ir. I live, Ufi. Jer. 40. 5. tp. ho wa not gone t.a< k A WHILE. Gen. 4K. 29. Joseph wept a gob. 7. none mi&sing all th.- 27. II. will be hi- n.a. Jufi 27. 3. all the ir. breath is in inn Long WHILE. Act* 20. 11. had talked a lonu ir. WHIP. Prnr. 2*5. 3. R tr. for the horse, a nvl A'oA. a 2. noise of a .r. ttie noise of WHIPS. 1 A'fn. 12. II. my father H you with tr. II _> Chr. 10 II, I, WHIRLETR, Erd. 1. 6 wind tr ri.iitinually and WHIRLWIND. 9 Kin. 2. 1 take up Klijah by a tr. , i. Job 37. 9. ont of the south cometh ir. 38. I. L. antw. Job out of tc 40. 6. PiaL 5a 9. take th. away a- in n tn Prur. 10 24. hot. U 3 WHO Prnv 1. 27. destruction cometh as It*. :,. 28. their wheels like a v 17. 13. like a rolling thing before 40. 24. HI. shall take them away 41. 16. the HI. shall scatter them 66. 15. chariots like a w. Jer. 4. I, Jer. 23. 19. a . of L. is gone forth 2-V 32. a tr. great w sh. be raised 30. 23. f shall fall on wicked .-k. I. I. a ir. aw servants w Psitt 41. 7. all that hate me w. Isa. 29. 4. thy speech w. out of dus WHlSPEKE.i.S Prnv. 16. 28. a IP. separateth friend Rom. 1. 29. murd. debate, deceit, tp WHISPERINGS, 2 Cor. 12. 20. lest there be w. WHIT. 1 Sam. 3. 18. Sam. told Eli every John 7. 23. man every w. whole 13. 10. feet, but is clean every jr. 2 Cur. II. 5. tola u\ behind apostle WHITE. Gen. 30. 37. Jacob made JP. appear 49. 12. his teeth be IP. with milk K.rod. 16. 31. likeoiriander-seed. it Ler. 13. 3. hair be turned ir. 4,20,25 Kum. 12. 10. leprous, jr. as snow Jiiritr. 5 10. ye that riile on w. asse 2 kin. 5. 27. went out a leper, IP. "i. Chr. 5. 12. Levites arrayed in IP. xl/i. 8. 15. Mordecai went out in !/ Jot' 6. 6. any taste in jp. of an egg ? PaaL 68. 14. it was IP. as snow in Err/. 9. 8. let thy garments be w. Cunt. 5. 10. my b(-loved is IP. ruddy /'. 1. 18. sins shall be ir. as snow F.xek. 27. 18. Dam. traded in jr. woo Dun. 7. 9. garment was w. as snow II. 35. some fall to make them tp. 12 10. many purified and made w. Jui'l I. 7. branches thereof are IP. Zer/i. 1. 8. hor-es speckled and w. Mitt. 5. 36. make hair IP. or black 17. 2. his raiment was JP. Lu. 9. 29 28. 3 his raiment was IP. as snow, Act* 1. 10. Murk 16. 5 a man clothed in tp. John 4. 35. fields are IP. t" harvest KCK. 1. 14 head and hairs were jr. 2. 17. L'ive him a ir. stone, a name 3 4. they sh. walk with me in w. 5. b* clothed in ir. raiment, 4. 4. I 7. 9, 13. | 1ft. 6. | 19. 8, 14. 18. buy IP. raiment, he clothed 6. 2. and behold, a tr. horse, 19. 11. 7. 14 have made them IP. in blood 14. 14. a w. cloud || 20. II. ir. (hrone WHITK, 1). Mat. 23. 27. scribes like rr. sepulrh. M>i,-k 9. 3. as no fuller can ir. them Acts 23. 3. smite thee, thou u: wall WHITK It. Paul. 51. 7. I shall be tr. than snow l.a/n. 4. 7. Nazarites rr. than milk WHITHBR. 1 finm. 10. It said, r. went ye f 2 Kin. 5. 25. thy servant went now. Uttli. II. 8 went, not knowing IP. Sn- (Jo, OOK-T, <' WHITHERSOEVER. Prf. 17. H. n: it turncth it prosper. ?' turn, kit fVi heart tr. to will WHO V,jf.8. 19. will follow thee jr. thou Ret. 14.4. follow Lmnbta.il/fuetli WHOLE, :> X'im. I. 9. my lile is yet tr iii me xtiir. 15 15. lought withir. .le, re Cur. 12. 17. if ir body were an eye WH^na?*"* Josh. 5. H abode in the caii.p till JP. /<'5. 18. and Ins hand, make rr V'lt 9. 12. they that be ir. need not a physician, .V,(;A'2. 17. /. 5 31 21. I chad be ir. Mark b. iS 12. 13. and his hand .,, n.a.le ir Mur/t 3. 5. l.uki- (>. In. 15. 28. her daughter was made ir. 31. wondered satv maimed tube rr Mark i. 34. faith hath made thee ir Luke 8. 48. | 17. 19. LuHel. 10. found the servant ir. John 5. 6. will thou he made ir.y 14. 7 '23 made a man every whit ir. Acts 4. 9. by what means he is rr. 9. 34. Jesus Christ maketh thee IP WHOLLY. Num. 32. 11. not u: foil,, wed me Ocut. 1. 36. beca Cleh ir. f,,|lowe Lord. Josh. 14 8, il, ] Jer. 46. 28. leave thee IP. unpiinih I Thext. 5. -23 (Jod sail, fily you rr. 1 Tim. 4. 15. give thyself tr. to thei WHOLESOME. Pron. 15. 4. a ir. tongue is tree of lif 1 Tim. 6. 3. consent not to IP. wore WHOM. 1 Kin. 20. 14. A hah said, by tr. ? 22 8 Exra 10. J4. {turn. I. 5. I 5. 2 11 Gal. 6. 14. .S'ee BI-:FORR. WHOMSOEVER. Dan. 4.17. hegiveth to ir. hewill.25 WHORE. [32. | 5. 21 '.ev. 19. 29. not cause her to be a ir 21. 7. not take a wife that i< a ir. Dent. 22. 21. to play rr. in father's 23. 17. there shall be no n* of Nrae 18. not bring hire of a tr. or price 'ii'lu. 19. -'. his concubine played tr ''riir. -23. '27. a jr. is a deep ditch sa. 57. 3. seed of adulterer and p. ler. 3. 3. thou hast a w. forehead ttek. 16 28. thou ba-t played ir. lev. 17. 1. judgment of treat ir. 19.2 15. waters where rr. sittcth, 16. WHORES. trek. 16. 33 they uive gifts to tr. lus. 4. 14. are separated with tr. WHOREDOM. en. 3S. 24. Tamaris wi. child by w. rr. 19. 29. lest the land fall to ir. "r. 3 9. thro" lightness of her tr. 3. 27. seen the lewdness of thy ir. 'zek. 16 o'i. may come for thy 'r. 23. & they poured tlieii ir. n her 17 Babylon, dpfile.i her with ir. 3. 7. n >t defile my holy ii.iinc by ir. 9. let them put their rr. from me us. 4. II. tr imd wine take heart . .'!. O Kpbraim, th cnmu itte-t '/ . 10. there i-lhe ir of rphr.uin WHOREDOMS nm. It : wander an. I bear jr. A'rrr 9. 22 ir. of thy mother Jereh Clir. lit. 13 like rr. ..t I se of Ah. Il polluted land "ith >r rek. 1ft 20. is r a nmall iiiHtter ? 22. in ir. not r.-meinbere.! y-uili .'.'.. multiplied ir '!! contrary from women ii, ir. ( .'i.') bear thy b->. ix. I. 2. take wife and rhihlr. ol ir. . :. let her put ">v \ h.r ir. 4. for they be cl'i p di"n of w. H 4 12. .. ru,rd trwm to rr. / Wl - J M.ro'B Mil WHORKMONI ;^ ; ' ' ;''""' //'",.,'"' <*. 1.1 4. ./-. an.) adoitere,. i,.*l s . '' ! - .. Uk 2-> 15. williont lire ,/ n ,i|.|er.-r WHOIIIN.;. s,, r,o.. . W! T WHORIfiH / r,.r. 6 'jr.. l, v ., , . wom Air*. .'.>. brok,,, withh,, , r hfv . It. 30. Mil in, pen, .11. ,r. .,. VVHOSK S H.*^ WHOSKSOI , r v "'- " (! - ll1 ''-" .,. 13 12. r. hath to him (,. t,f,(i n dill. :>. 10. bear jndifini'i,!, ir. he be ti'i: >. 17. ir. >vil , i, t him inke WHY Jer. t . 13. turn ye, rr. will yi> die f Erek. 18. 31. ifcet. 4R tr. thus ,leait with in /* 14. 15 ir. do ye tl.ete Iliinn 1 WICKED (Sen. l& 23. riii lite., u- with tr? ii. 38 7. Er WHS j,,^ . A.""/ .'3 7. I will not justify the jr. /.'c. so. 17. itisatp. thioif, be cut ofl D,i,t. i ft. 9. not tb nubt in rr heart 17. o. wh.,comniitle.i that ir. thing '23.9. ke< ptheefrom eer\ //- thiiuf 25. I. condemn tr. ! Kitipi 8. 3V. 1 Hum. 2. 9 if. he silent in darkneM 24 13 wicked, proceedeth from if. 2 A'in. 17. 11 l. wrought ir. thing! 2 C/ir. 6 2.1 judite by requiting ir. 7. 14. if my people turn fr>.m tbeir tr. w> - '. | 33. II, IB, 24. 7. Athaliali that rr. woman Sr/i. 9. 35. nor turned from r. wy, Etth. 7. fi. aduTf-ary i- U. 25. IUman' n: doicesh r.-titrn Joli 3 17. tr. reRse from froii'-ling 9. 22 he de-troyeth perfei-i 29. if I he rr. why labour. III. 15. 10. 7. knowest that I am n.,' 21. 7. wherefore dolbe tr. biref 30. jr. reserved today >! e ;ts the ir. '", ! >:ii to n king, thi.ll art tr t k.-n ..ut f it .-. from u. licht is ithh,, in 12 ti e. id ilown rr. in their plc* I'nil 7. 1 1 (iod i angry with ir. !l. 5. thou hs| de-troyed the lr. 16 ir. is Miare., in Work ol hnodt 17. their vhall be turned ml" hell 111. 2. ir. ill pp 3. ir L. .', but t'ir ir bi> soul ht.-th tV upon >/ he sh ..II rain i>imrr>* snle wttrn 17. 9. keep me , T.-M l.'l deliier my -onl fr.-in ! H\ :>. I .Vill lio't it ltll the W 27. V. when ir . ' eal Ml 17. let Ih, .'M. 21. evil si, I-M I I H n , ;;|, wb- [, \VIC P. ! 37. 35. 1 have r- . tc In power 1 1. he shall deliver them from IP 91 I. while the ir in before me 5-*. a u>. are e-tr.uiged irnm womb ill 5. be not merciful to any ir. PM US -I lei ir. p>riih Ht presence of 7" 8. tr e.irth shall writiK them nut in. 7. when tin- ir. spring ** grass Ul. 3 h. ;-.v Inn* shall w triumph ? 13. until pit i.e di.'ged lor the ;r. III. a I will Met MI. ,r. thing before 4. I will not know H ir person 8. I will destroy all the .r ..f land )r. laid a snare for me 1 1 1 .) tliou p. ittest away all the IT. I'M. alvation is far from the to. l.'fti 19. mirely thoii wilt iay their. 24. if there he any rr. way in roe I M 8. further not Im tr. d'evio 141 4. to practise ir work* with 10 let ir. fall intu their own nets 145 v*> all the ir. will h-> d.-itroy 1 17. (i rafcteth >r. down to ground frnr. -I. >> the v. hall lie rut off !>. 22. hi- iniquities shall taketr & IH heart that devineth ir. unagl. 10 30. ir. Khali not inlMl.it earth II. 5. tr. shall fall hy hig wirkednpw 7 when ,i to. man dielli, --xpecta. 8. the >r. rometh in hit Mead 10. when ir. perish th. i (hunting IH. ir. worketh a deceitful work SI. v. shall not he unpuni-hed, 31. li? 2. tc. device., will lie condemn 7. the to. are overthrown, 21. }>. 12. w. desireth the net of evil men 13 ir is snared hy transgression 21. ir. shall he fill-d with mischief 18. 17 a 10. messenger falleth into 14. 17. man of to. devices is hated 19. tr. now at gates of righteous 32, to. in driven away in wickedn. 15. 29. the Lord is far from the tr. 16. 4. even tr. for the day of evil 17. 4. w doer givcth heed to false 16. th. jiistitieth ir. is abomination 18 3 when tr. rometh, then rometh 90. 2fi. a wise kinif scat!, reth tr. 31. 18. 10. shall he ransom for right 27. he htinireth it witli a tr. mind 24. 16 to. shall fall into mischief 19. neither he thmi envious at tr. 25. V take tr. from before Ihe king V>. righteous man falling lieforptr. 8ft K 4 >r. heart is like a potsherd 28. I tr fl ewheti no man pnmneth 4. they that forsake law praise to 11 when tr. rise, -2. || 15. ir. ruler Sft 2. when the ir. heareth rule 7 the tr. regard'th not to know It 1 2. servants are to |] Irt to. multi. E-rl 3. 17 (iod -hall judge the to. . 17. be nut orermurh to. neither R M. I MIW the tc. buried, they 13. it shall not he well with them. 1*1. S. 83 wh. justify to. for reward 1 1. 4. with breath shall he -.lay tit I'i II. I will punish to. for iniquity 3i 7. be deviseih tr. devices M. 9. he made h> grave with the to. 55 7. let the tr. forsake his way '7. 20 the tr are like troubled ea jrr. 2. SI has' taught to. thy -avs '" 29 the tr. are not plucked away \T. 9. heart In deceitful and dep to 2V 31. he will vive tr to the sword F.iek. a IS to warn ir. 19 | 33 *. <). 8 9. behold the tr abominations II I these tnei give tr. counsel ft A have I p rtsure that ir. die r WIC F.ztk. 90 44. n.-it accord, to tr. ways 21 3 cut ..ft from the.- the tr 4. t\ profnii" ir. prince ! Israel 3"! 15. if the ir re.ior.' th.' pl-dge l)'in 12. 10. ir. sha I do wick-dly .Vic. 6. 11. shall I nit the i. pure with ir. balances '/ ffah. I 3. the L. shall not acquit tr. 1 1 there is come a tr. counsellor 15 for the tr shall no nvre pass tin 1 '. I. 4. tr doth compass righteous 13. to. devour- th man more riL'lit. Zi-p/t. I. .1 consume Mocks with ir. !// 3. IS dici-f i) i.ftw. rilit and tc. 4. a shall tread dotvn to. as ashes Mat. I'.' 15 more ir. than himself, so to this 10. trenera. Luke II. ?(x 13 4!). angels shall sever >r. fr. jn-t Ift 4. ir generation seeketh a nign la 3V to. H,-rvant. &. V6. l.ukr \U ?>. Arts 1. -JS. hy tr. hands ha. slain him M. M if it were matter of ir. lewd. 1 Cor. 5. 13 put away that 10 person Cot. I. 21. were ene.iii.-s i-y tr. works 2 Then. >. H. then h. >r. he revealed Ser MAN, MKN Of the WICK HI). Job 8. Yi. p'ace nfir. < nine tonuirht 9. 24. earth M given into hand if IB 10. 3. shine upon counsel <>/ the IP. II 20. hut eye of the ir. shall tail 16. II. turned me into hands oft to. 18. 5 light nfthf tr sh. he put out 21. uch are dwellings of the u>. 20. 5 triun piling of the tr is short J'2. han.l of the >r sh.ill come upon 21. I*!, counsel of them, is far, 22. 18. 17. how oft i candle of the ir put ontr Pnir. 1:1 9. | 24.20. 28 where dwelling, plac.-.s oft. tr.t i24. ft. they gathered vintage nftr. ) 17. I f-rake thr jaws o/M* ir. 36 . pre.serveth not life ( Vie ir 17. fulfilled the judgment ,f the ir. Putt. 7. 9. let wickedn. s nflhe ir. 10. 15. break the arm nf the >r. man 22. l& assembly -f the ir. i,,il..sed 3fi. I. transgression nf the 'r. s- ( ith 1 1. let not hand of the ir. remove 37. 17. arms of the tr sh. he lTken 2H eed nfthe tr. shall be cut off 38. end of the to. shall he cut off 5S 3 heraiise of at 64.2. 71. 4. deliver me nut of hand of the v. 71 V.i. | Ri. 4. | - tr' 92. 1 1. shall heur my desire o/Mr to. 109. 2. mouth nfthfte. is |ieiied III IR de-ire o/ Me ir /'ror '0 2H. 1 19 53. because ,.f the tr th. f rke 81. hands oftht'tr. have robbed m* lift. .1 rod ..y M< tr. fhall not rent 129 4. L. rut asunder n>rdi oft tr. 140. 4 keep me from hands >,f tr. a grant not. () L. desires ,.fthfw. 14A. 9. way nfthf tr he turns npiide Prop. 2. 14. in frowHtdne nfthe tr. a Vi. not afraid of de-ola. of their. 33 curse of L. Is in hon.e'i./( ir. 4. 14 enter n- t in"> path nfthe to. 19 W4y nfthf tr. is as dark MM 10. 3. rasteth away substance ,,ftr. 6. viol, nee rover, month of tr. II. 7. but the name of the tr shall rot IA. fruit nftheve. tendeth t-. -in 80. heart nf their, i- litt'e woith 94. fear ofthf tr shall come upon 27. veil's ' nf the tr h. be tth'Ttened 32. m.iuthi//. tr soeuketh fruvtard i. pun or me tr. man ne cm on 3 heraiise of opprc->ion of the to. 10 wash feet in Mood nfthf tr. 2. hide me from counsel of the tr. \vic Prof. II. II. overthr. by moutl. if*. i\ .-xp- clalii.ii nfthe tr. i- r .'h 12 5. < onnsels of I He ir are ,|, ceil 6. words i.fthev. Hie-t" I, em wait 10. tender n.ercie of tr. nre cruel . way ) tlie ir sednrrth 13 25 Lei y nfthf tr shall want 14. II. house ,/ir. shall I* o. itht 15. 6 r>-\. -lines nfthf tr. is trout,:.- H. sacrifi. . nf w. is iiboinin t>. way i'f thr tr. i- an abi niinaiion 2. tliouifhts i/Mff ir. ar- ah..n In '.'8. month iftr p-nreih nut e\il IS. V not ifiM.'.l to accept p.-r-on / tr 19. -.'. mouth of/tie ir. leviinrelh 21. 4. plowing nflhftr i- sin 7 roh'-er) (,/ t>,r tr sluill .l.stroy 10. soul ofthetr. de.siretli rvr 12. he ronsider.-th house I '// ir. J,,t. 14. 5. I., hath broken wiffo/w. Jer. 5. 2A they ..verp.i-- ! , 12. I. dolh way of the tr pn.-p.-7 - 15 21. deliver out of hand , >r. f.\ 19. whirhvindoi-I.e d .-/ . fj-ffr 13.22. MiengthcM-l hT, 18. 20. BfU.dn.Vs oft/ir ir. -hail' ' e 21. 29. I run; thee upon nec s nt tr. 3a 12. sell land into han.l i>) thr >r. it). II. no pleasure in deaih / t tr, 12. as for the wickedm-s of the tr. Dun 12. 10. noiie/'Me ir. sh' iinr-r. .Vic. ft 10. wickedness in hon-e../ , f . H,i>> a 13. wn.inde.l h.-ad of Me -r. r->A. i. I'i. quench fiery dart- ',. Pt. is. -.1. 24. 17. I have sinne.i and d tr. 1 Kin 21. II. Maniuseh done tr 2 Chr. C. 37. we have d ait ir. \ain>l I-.'. 10. but the wicked shuli iio ir MaL 4. I. that do ,r he :,s -tnlilde WICKEDNESS. Gen. 6. 5. II lit. 8U. and land I.ecome hill of >r. 20. 14. that tl.ere h, r., ir among Deut 9. 4 the ir. of th.t.e nntioii-, 't. 13. II. lr. -h.ill do n,, more ir. 17 '.' if arty thiit hath wrought tr. 2R 'JO hemue of -r ot thy doing* Jting. 9 5fi. . y tr. 13. fi. t. overfloweth the sinner 14. 32. wicked is driven away in tr. 16. 12. abomination to commit w. 21. 12. nverthroweth wicked for tr. -'1 '26. his tr. shall he shown before .'to. 2O Sjiith, I have done no w. Sect. 3. 16. judgment, tr was there 7. 15. wicked prolonireth life in tr. 25. I applied to know ir. ol folly 8. 8. nor tr. deliver those given to Jin. 9 18. for ir. burnetli as a fire .'H. 4. ye smite with the fist of IT. 6 chosen, to loose hands of tr. Jer. '2. 19. own tr. "hall correct thee 4 14. wash thine heart from tr. fi. 7. she rasteth out w. continually ~. J'2. see what I did lor IT. of peop. 5 fi. no man repented of his to. 1 1. "20. we acknowledge, our tr. V3. 14. none doth return fr. hie tr. 33. 5. from city whose w. I hid face 14. 9. have ye forgot tr. of kings? Kx.-k. 3. 19. if he turn not fr. tr. die ."> fi. changed my judgment into tr. 7 11 violence risen into rod of tr. 18 20. tr. of wicked .shall he on him 27. turneth from tr. he committed 31. II. driven him out for his . 3i. 12. day he turneth from tr. 19. //'*. 7. 1. tr. of Sam. WHS discovered !l 15. for tr. of doings drive out 10 13. ploughed ir. reaped iniquity 15. do t i yon because of your to. Jrml 3. 13. overflow for tr. is great Mil- 6. 10. treasures of >r. in house '/.eh. 5. 8. and he said, this is tr. Mu>. 1. 4. rail them the border of to. .'i 15 they that work tr. are get up M'irk 7. 22. out heart procecdeth ir. Luke II. 39. inward partis lull of IT. A'-tt 25. >. man, if any -. in him K"tH. I. 29. being filled with all tr. 1 CUT. 5. 8. leaven of malice and tr.. l-'.jth. 6. 12. aga. w. in high places U'j/in 5. 19. whole world lieth in tr. Their WICKEDN KSS. llrut. 9. 27 look not to tki-ir tr. ."ail. 04. 23. cut them off in (It fir tr. J'rov. 21. 12. overthrows wick, for tr. 'r. 1 16. judgments touching t. tr. win Jer. 14. 16. pour thrir tr. upon them 23. II. in hoiiM- have I found t tr. 44. 3. desolation hec:iueof thrir ir. 5 inclined ear to turn from t tr. Lam. 1. 22. let t. tr come before Hv* 7. '2. I remember all thiir tr. 3. make king glad with their ir. 9. I'', their tr K in (iilKal. there I Jcnnfi 1. *. lor their : is come np Mat. 22. 1. Jesn i.etceived L tr. Thy WKKKDNES.S. 1 Kingi 2. 44. 1.. return th . tr. upon Joti fi. 5. is not thy ic. treat ? 35. 8. thy ir. may hurt a inn as Isa. 47. JO. hast tru-ted in thy tr. Ii-r. 3. 2. polluted land with e taken Hit > number Rev. 18. 7. I i' I.H H n-iee, . am no 0\\S EfOil. 22. 24. >" !- 9"ll '' ' \MF Job ??. 9. hat sent ir. wv '-tnr*f 27. 15. buried in dentil, ir n. p Vlrtye ol fall,. 'ieir ir n ...le i o I .mental. l>n !. 17 neither have m.-rt * 1(1. 2 tr my i e tt.eir pr. v, Jer. 15. a thrir tr ar .-,.-. la 21. let their wives be ir n 49. II. rhild'en, |t tr trust n in- l.'irn. f>. :t our m. .iii, -r lt re * .r Kri-k. 22. 25. bare ma.ie U.K. ' Mat. 23. 14. ye devour tr I Mark 12. 40 / uAr /,*< 1. 25. were many ir it , Icti h. 1. he atise tr. were negu . ltd 9. 39. tr. stood by hut, we|.u * 41. he hail rail, d -ami- HI,.I ir. Cor 7. a I aid to tr. it i> v t il 1 Tim 5. 3. hoi, our tr that ar. t. II. but the vouimer ir. lefll-e Ifi. if any have tr. relieve Iliem lam. I. V." reunion is to visit ir. WIDUWHOOU Gen. 38. l!l. put on garments of n 21. 21. llai-ar took tr. for l-hu Hel 25. 1. Abraham look air. Ketnr h 27. 4R Jacob take tr. ol dan. 38. ft Judah t.ok a tr. for Kr bit 8 go in unto thy brother's ir. Erod. 20. 17. -halt not r..et thy neighbour'!, ir. Dmt 5. vl. 21. 4. master have given him M ir. 10 if he take him another ir. l.er. 18. 8. father's tr. shall tlmn 1-05 uncover, vii II. l)r> 15. son's tr. H 16 brother's i Is. neither take a tr. to h. 20. 14. if a man take air. ai 21 7. priests not t.,ke tr a vvlu.ie 13 high priest take tr. in virgmiiy Sum. 5. 12. it man's ir tin a- 3ri. a heir, to one of family Deut. 13. ft if tr. of thy bosom ent.. zO. 7. betrothed tr. not taken h. r 22. 13. if a man take a ir. hut* her 24. he humbleth t eith our 30. man not take liii ftl 24. 1 taken ir mul find un. I. 5. hath taken a new tr not wnr 85. 5. tr. ut dead not marry -T 9. then th. his broil . II. tr of one draweth near to 28. 3d. hetroth ir. another lie with .'it his e\e be rvit toWHfd tr. .luii" 4 4 l)ebornh. ir. of I.... ir Jael.tr ol Heher.2l | 5 V4 U 3 take * if of uni-irruii It! Sa t's w vrpl brlore him VI. IS thai ^lvcth ir. to 1 Hiit/i 4 5 buy it ol Ruth i/ ' \-/m 12 10 IIHK! taken tr I Ain II. 2 known I. I, conn- in, thou tr of Jet., 1 l Kin 5. 2 Mited on Nam 2 CAr 22. II. r .1 Jelioi'! ' /r.,r. 5 IS rejoice withtr. 6 29. o<-th in to nei^hl IR22.airflmi.il. . ;;i l.t cont, nl 14 a prudent u-. i- from tW I ' . I ,-biMreii ,' 1 th.e ii r. "' r" 1 " Jfi 3. 20 surely * ir 14. 80. I hare married a tc. 17. 32. remember Lot's ir. 1 Cor. . I. should hate fnther^ r. 7. 3 hut-hand render tntr. duehene- rolenre, likewise tr. to husband 4. tr. hath not power over body 10. let not tr. depart from husband 14. tr. is sanctified by the husband Ifi. what knoweot thou. O tr. 1 7. art loosed from tr. >eek not a tr. 34. difference betw. tr. and virgin 39. tr. Is bound as lone n- husband f;h. b. V3. husband is head of the tr. 33. let every one love his tr. and ir. fee she reverence husband 1 Tim. 3. 8. the hiii-hund of one tr. 12. 5. $. the tr. of one n an [Til. I. 6. 1 Pet. 3. 7. giving honour to tr. as Vet. 81. 9. the bride, the Lamb's tr. Hi, W I FK. Cen. 8. 24. a mnn shall cleave to hit tr. Hat. 19. 5. Mark 10. 7. 2$. both naked, the man mid hit tr. K'. 18. thi is hit v. nnd will kill me )!>. Ifi. laid hold oi> hand of hitv. -fv hit tr. looked bark from behind S*. 7. restore the man hit tr. .'4. 67. shi- henime A tr. 1 Sum. 25. 42. S. r >. 21. Isaac entreated I for AM tr. V6. 7. the men asked him of hit w. 11. tonrheth man or him: sh. die S" 9. k.-pt ha. k, Ihon art hit jr. } .nd. 21. 3. AM tr. shall go with him iy. 1'i. shall endow her to be hit tr. J/T 18. 14. >-blt not approach hitir. > inn. 5. 14 if he be j.-alon. of A. tr. 30. :). 16 -taint. /< betw manaiidA.tr. 1 , nt. >> 19. t-he shall be hit tr. 29. 1 5. l-e shall rheer up Ai*ir tbht Ji'ifg. 13. II. ManoahwentafterA.tr -:mson visited A tr. wi. a kid I. 21. rtrh yon . very man liit tr. I '// 31' vv. sme to t-v.-ty mnnA. tr. i -f/ 8. 14. he saw AM tr mother sirk iy. 3. i it lawful lor a Iran to put 4t away AM tr ? Hark 10. 2. MI. if r>-e of a man be &o wi. A fr and left Ainr. to h * brother Mar/i I.'. 111. l.vkr&i. *& I nke 14. 2fi. and hale not Ai jr. 4itx!> 2. Aitr a'fo being privy to it 7. Ai' tr not ki owny wl.ut was JR v. Agnila with AMW. Hrisrilta 94. *4. Felix rame with An t r. Dm. <' /. 7. t. \> t ev. irnn have AM t-. II. I- 1 not husband rut awy A tr. n how he may please An tr Eph 5. za and he th..t l..eth A. e. Unelh him .f 31. jojned to AM tr. I 33. love AM tr. 7. AM fr. mn.'e hertelf rendv s. II. will slay me for wry tr. WIL Cm. 18. bT. mi tr. || Vfl. 7. h* Is m. p. .lurob said, give me my tr. 1 5. I love my tr. ntid rhildr. Jtidg. 15 1. 1 will go' in to my tr. 2 SCIM. *. 14 deliver me my tr. Mirhal 11. 11. shall I go to lie with mn tr. J'.li 19. 17. breath is strange to i; v ir. 31. 10, let n> tr. grind unto another } sik. 24. IR and at even my tr. died Hot. 2. 2. she is not my tr. nor am I Luke I. ia mt/ir. isstnrkenin jears Thy WIFE. Ceil, i 17. hearkened to voice of /. if. 12. 18. why not tell she was thu tr. 19. behold thyv take her. and go 17. 19. thy tr. shall hear a son, la 10. I!' 15. take thyv. and two daiight 26. 9 .f a surety she is thy v. 10. one might have lien with thy tr. F.rod. la 6. rome unto thee and '/. tr. 1), tit 21. II. would. >t ha. her to/, tr. 13. go in to her, she shall he thy tr. 2 Sam. 12. 10. wife of Uriah to be/, tr. ! ml. h-8 3. /. tr. sh. be fruitful vine A*iot 1. 17. thy tr. shall he an harlot I Cor. 1. 16. t tii. n shall save thu tr. To WIFE. Cm. 18. 19. hnvetakenhertometoic. 34. 4. get n e this damsel /< tr. 8. 1 pray, give him her to tr. 18. IT /) 14. takea virgin of peo. /otr. Devi. 22. 16. I giive my di.ught. //, ir. Ji'*h. IS. 16. give Arhsab mydaugh. ter to tr. 17. Jtidg. I. 18, 13. Jtidg 14. 2. get her for me to u>. I >UM. 18. 17. her will 1 give thee /otr. 1 Ain. 2. 17. give me Ahishar to v: 2 Ain. 14. 9. thistle said, give thy driithter, to tr. 2 CAr. VS. IR 2 Chr. 21. 6. had daughter of A totr. Stark 12. 23. the seven had her to tr. W 1 LD. r Lu. SO. 33. ('in. Ifi 12. Ishmael will be tr. man A'.;//. 11.84. olive.lree, tr. by nature Ass. BFAST, ~ Ertd. 14. 3 tr. hath shut them In .Vi'<. 14.2. would (. ue bad died in tr. V9. (arrases sliHll fall in tr. :. 3.1. way to tr. ./<' v4. .S. tr. yieldetb food lor them Ptol. lOfi. 9. led thro' depths as thro' the tr. 13ft 16. ^mo 2. 10. 107 .IV turret), tr. into stand, water (ant. 3. f, n n ell. out of -be tr. K .'. /; 14.17 mnn th. n hde world as tc. ? 35. I. tr. shall be glud toi them 41. 18. I will n ake the tr pool 42. II. let tr. and rities lift th. voire 50. S. at rebuke I IT ke m ers a tr. 51. a he will make her tr like F.den P4 10 ritirx are a tr. /ion i- a re Jer 8. 31. hate I been a tr. unto Is.? 4. 26. lo. the fruitful plart- was a tr. 12. 10. n ad. pleH>i.it portion a tr. 22. 6. W)H make thei- a ir. Hot. 2. 3. .fek. fi. 14. Innd more r>o. than tr. Jorl'2. :i ) hind lli'in a desolate tr. :<. 19. Edom shall hi- a desolate tr. Z>j,fi. 2. i:;. n ^1.. Nineveh like a tr. In th, W 1 1 A't/m. 14. i2. mirarles. w h. 1 did in /. tr. 32. 15. he will )et i-ginii leave them in I/if ir. I- 1,/,. :p ' Deut. 8. 8. L. led thee forty >eais in the tr. 29. & Jotfi 5. ."( 14. 10, 16. who fed th> < 1. 1 v wi. manna? .VpA. 9. 21. did*t sustain thi m in t tr. H. in Hy of ten pta. in /. tr. I'ror. 81. IP. belt", r dwell t the tr. /*o. 38. 16. jiidgmmt sh. dwell in tr. 05. C. in ir il.all whter* break out 6-5 WIL If. 40. a role* of him thntrrleth i t* M,,t. 3. n. .V/A |. 3. /.nJk a 4. John I. 23 41. 1!'. I will nlani in ir the redar 43. IH. I will make w y IH the tr. JfT. 2. 8. thou wenli-^t ;ilfer ire in tf R ? oli that I had rn v. ;< lod^ii:^ 31 2. people fi-uiid (jriice in /Ac ir. r 48. 6. Le like the l.entli in Mr tr. Lam. 4. It), laid wait 101 us in /. r/. /.;.A I!' Ki i ow -In- i- p'.iititrd i. ir -U. 13. Isra. I rebelled :fi iy in the >r. Hot. 9. 10. 1 found Israel in the : 13. 5. 1 did know ttn-e in M* -. in Mut. 3. 1. J< lin piei-i hini in the ". 15 33. whence so n m-h ).red in ir to till n ultitude * Mark S. t I.vke 15 4. leave nil. et\. nine I'M I tr Adit. ,'tO angel arpeured in tr. :>. 2 Cor. 11. i'i. Iren in pi rils in the tr: Mo the Wll.DKHM .->> /. a tit rrun i / tr. V8. sh. let go the i-oHt into tht ir. ---A m 10 1 brought th. m i. /. ir. : ."> I will briii); >ou in/., the tr Hot. 2. 14 1 will h'run! h.r in. Men: Mat. 11. 7 what went ye out in. //.# tr. t" sec 't l.vke ~. v4. Lvkt f). 89. driven of devil into />/ ir. Actt 21. 38. li-ddest in. tr. 4000 n MI /i'r 12. 6. woman fl. d in. the tr. 14. 17. 3. so he carried n e in In the tr. WILE! Xuw 25. la thev vex yon wltti tr. A;. A. t\ II. able to sliii.'d against tr. WII ll.Y. Joth. 9. 4. Gibeoniten did work tr. \\ ILL. Deut. X). 16. for Ri...d tr. of him tlial / J ml L-7. 12 delmr n e not to tr. of 41.2. not deliver to v: of enemies t.-fk. If, i7. deliver, d tl . e to tr. .f Mill. 2. 13. re.-eiv.lh it with good w. Milt. 7. 21. i*oeth tr of Kath. 12. -X). 18. 14. it is rot ir. of y.nr Father 21. 31. whether dd tr of father ? l.ukr 2 14. gi.od tr t.-: id n in 23. 45. deliverf d Je>us to th. ir tr. John 1. 13. rot of the tr ol the I', -h 4. 34 my n . : t is :.. - .. v i.f him 5 30. 1 s'e. k I he tr of my Father f, 3!. this is the falherV tr. 40. Artt 21. 14. tie tr. of ll:e I. be done A; A ft 17. what the v ..f I.i-rd is 11. ". with rood tr doii.ir -er\ire I'hii 1. 15 pomepiehili ( ol g<.. . ;-n e not t/> ir. Will l.j l:<,. F.tra 7. 1*. thrft do a'fti r ir n/yonr G. Murk 3. 35 whw. shall !.. tr. ( ,t (!. Jnl,n 1. 13. not ..) tr. of n KII, I ut ot G Artt 13 Vf. ).. nt-ii'ii'.i. l-y v O J (i. Horn. 1. 10. J>n -)' .i.-i-i i.. > i \ 8. 27. inti rccssioo !-. . it !/ ir. i'j (j. 12. 8. arreplahle at r | 15. 32. I come with j.. by w. n) G. 1 Cor. 1. 1. Paul an ; poslli ) > their. of God. 2 O.r. I I A^'A. 1. 1. Col I. I. 2 7im I. I. 8 Tor. a 5. gave tl .. n M-' by jr. f ,r<;. 6'o/. I. 4. delner fr evil by tr. uf G. F.ph. 6. ft. doing the r/ . Cl 4. 18, complete in the ir. nfG. 1 Thett 4.3. tbi< i- tl.etr f G'.S 18. :. after havi done tr. nfG. I A>/ 2. 15. so i. the tr. ,,f G. that 3 17 it is better it tr. >. 14. shouldest know At* Horn. >. Is. anrf kuowest AM tr-. and 9. 19 for who hath resisted hisw. \ Cur. 1. 37. hath power over At> 7 I(i. \'i. hit w. was not at all to com Kfjfi. I. 5. uood pleasure of hit it: 9. known to us my.-tery of hit w. Col. 1. 9. with knowledge of Aw w. 1 Tim. 2. -M. taken captive at hix tr! H( '). 13. 21. good work to do hi* tt>. I John 5. 14. ask according to AM w Bee. 17. 17. in hearts to fulfil hit w My WILL. Luke 22 42, not my w. but thine Acts 13. 22. who shall fulfil all my i 1 C-.ir. 9. 17. if I do this aga, mu'ic. Own WILL. .Iff. 1. 3. shall offer it of his own u 19. 5. offer it as your o. a'. 22. 19, 29 Dan 11. Hi. do according to his o. u John 5. 30. I seek not mine own jr. 6. .'{8 fr. heaven not to do mine o. w Eph. 1 II. after counsel of his o. w Heb. 2. 4. according to his o. w. Jam. 1. la of hi- o. w. begat he us Th,/ WILL. Piot. 40. a 1 delight to do t. w. O G 14.'*. 10. teach me to do thy w. thou Mat. ft 10. thy w. be done, Lu. II. 2 2li. 42. may not pass thy w. he don Hfb. 10. 7. 1 come to do t. w. O G.9 WILL. Jo!> 13. 13. let come on me what w. J'roe. 91 1. heart whither he w. Dun. 4. 17. giveth it to whomoeve he tc. '25.32. | 5. 21 Mat. 8. 3. and said, I jr. be th. clean Mar k 1.41. Luke 5. 13 20. 15. do what t u. with my own 2(i. 39. not as I tc. Mark 1 4. 3*5. Mar. 14. 7. when, ye tc. may do goo 15. 12. what tr. ye 1 should do y Luke 4. (i. to whomsoever I u: 12. 49. what if. I, if it be kindled ? John 15. 7. ask wh. ye. tr-. it be done 17. 24. I w. tint they be with me 21. 22. if I ir. that he tarry, 23. Horn. 7. 18. to ir. is present with m< Phil. 2. la G. worketh both to tc. 1 Tim. 5. 14. 1 w. the women marry Jam. 4. 15. if Lord w. he sh. do this WILL not. Erek. 20. 3. I w. not be inquired of slmns 7. 8. I if. nut again pass, 8. 2. Mat. 21. 29. lie answered, I w. not John 5. 40. ye ir. not come to me WILLETH. Horn. 9. 16. it is not of him that tc. WILFULLY. lltsh. 10. 26. it we sin tr. aftJr we WILLING. (jen. 24. 5. worn in not w. to follow /.'.corf. 35. 5. wlusoeter ia of a tc. heart, 21, 22, 29. 1 C'ir. 2a 9. serve G. with if. mind ;.!>. ft. who is tr. to consecrate his /'..-//. 110. 3. thy people shall be ir. /'i. I. 19. if tr. sh. eat good of land Mat. 1. 19. not w. to make her a 26. 41. spirit is tc. but flesh is weak Luke 10. 29. he ti. to ju-tify himself 2.'. 42. it' thou be tr. remove cup Julin ">. 35. ye were ir. to rejo Hum. 9. 22. 'if G. w. tosl,ow wi th t Cm: x 8. if. rather to he absent H. 'i they were ir. of themselvei li if there he first a tr. mind 1 Tiuat. z. 8. tr. to have imparted WIN H,'b. fi. 17. fr. to show heiM or prom i ret. 3 U. not tr. any should U.TU WILLINGLY. Ej-od. 2"). 2. of ev. man that gives ic Judg. 5. 2. people tc off'..,,..: I Chr. -29. tllis "' n reward rinlem. 14. not as of necessity, b *! /Vt a 5. they are tr ignorant of WILLOWS Lev. 2a 40. ye sh. take tr. of brook lob 40. -22. ic. of brook compass hii Pal. 137. 2. we hanged harps on /. 15. 7. car. riches to bro..k of tr. 44. 4. they *hall pring up as te. . Exek. 17. 5. and he ,ias set it as a ic WILL.-or.Ai>. Col. 2. 2a show of wisdom in v>..\r. WILT. Judg. 1. 14. what w. thou ? Exth. 5. 3 .Va<. 20.21. Mar. 10.51. Z,u. 18 41 Psal 60. 10. w. not th. O O.? 108. II Mat. 15. 28. be it to thee as thou to. 17. 4. if tltoti w. let us make taber. '26. 39. not as I will, but as tluin ir Mark 14. 36 WIMPLES. Ita. 3. 22. take awav mantles and IT. WIN, NKTH. 2 Chr. 32. 1. he thought to w. them Proa 11. 30. he that ir. souls is wise PhiL 3. 8. that I may w. Christ W1M). Gfn. 8. 1. God made a tr. to pass E.md. 15. 10. didst blow with thy ir. \nm 11. 31. jr. brought quails Iroin 2 Sam. 2'2. 11. he WHS Keen on wing of w. Ptal. la 10. | 104. a 1 Kin. la 45. heaven black with tr. 19. II. strong ir. rent mountains 2 Kin. 3. 17. shall nut see ir. nor rain Joft I. 19. came ic from wilderness 6. 2fi. -peeches which are a.* tr. 7. 7. O remember that my life is ir. 8. 2. words of thy mouth like tr. 21 18. they aremstnbble before ir. 30. 15. terrors pursue my soul us ir. 22. thou liftest me up to the ir. 37. 21 but w. passeth, Ptal. 103. Id "sal. 1. 4. which w. drives away 7a 39. w. that paxseth away and 135. 7. he bringi'tli tr. out of treat. 147. IS. hecailieth bis tr. to blow P-oi: II. ->'J he ^hall inherit if. 25. 14. clouds and if. without rain 23. north if. driveth away r.iin 27. Ifi. whoso hideth her, hidefh tr 30. 4. who gathered if. in hi* fi-tj /.'.v/. I li if goeth Inward Month 5. Ifi. what pr. lit, laboured lor v II. 4. he that nt.-ervctli if not uw 'mil, \ Hi. awake. O north if. come . 2. bea a hidinif- place frmn ir. II. Ifl. if. carr> tliem w;\ 2!l. their molten iinntremin' I*. 64. 6. like if. have taken UK nwny fr. 4. 12. a tr from those plarrt V 13 prophets *hall her 10. 13. if. nut ul hi- t- 22. 22. tr. Khali eat up thy pbitutct Ml WIN I-'- 11 s<-,,tti.r tou-.ird ir ,,i, ut rub !> . 13. t,,. that cre.,teth tbe tr Jonah I. 4. I. ,., k . /'A. 5. 'J. tr. wa. in their wing* '. 11. 7. a reed h*ken with th 11 o. 14. 24. tc. wa* contrary, Mark 9. 4S. t, .K 32. the ir. rratteil, Murk 4 . I /"An a a ir. blow, where it A'-tx -i. -i. .mind as .-f a in.jhty IT. Spk. 4. 14, carru-d ..b.uit n.th e. w. lam. I. 6. like wave rtriren withir. Itrr. fi. la when -he i- -h.-km ..fir. 7. 1. tr. should not blow on earth WINDS. -/'A '2a 25. to make weipht f..r ir. Ksek. 'AT. 9. ri,me from the fi.ur u. Mat. 7. 2S. tr. hlpw.heht h..u- a vfi. rebuked the tr. l.uli< -- i". even the . and sea ,-t-i v him ? M'tr/. ;. 41. /.A#8. 25 'am. a 4. ships driven .-f fierce ir. ./. liabab let spie. tliro' tr. 21. she bound iirnrlet iim- in the tr. ItiJg. 5. 2a mother looked out of ir. ! V "WJ. (i. !(i Mirlial li.nk.d ' 2 A'tn rr -topped Kin. 7. 2. if L. make ir in hev 19. :>-rl. 12. a that lo,.k out ..f tr. dark. 'n.l. -2 9. my In-loved looked t w. />-/ '!. IS. if tr in on high are open :>l. '.'2 1 wil; n .igatet - to their tr. r. '.i. '21 death ii . ou-.e into our tf. 22. 14. that cut!. -Hi him out ir )nii 6. ! ni hU -nter in at ir. like a thiel t>lih. 2. 14. Viiiiv -hM tin* in tr. i/. a 10. if I will not op3 u. of WH 1. Noh n,,ke from Ml tr 14. 18 Melcl.i-c.l.-k brongbt ir. fi II. ita-h.-i hi- t -it i. !.! m tr. 12. hi eye xv- re ted with tr i'/rf. 29. 40. fiMirlb p : 'M. 6 3. separate b .'1 7. l-ai. i. If. I- P..I-- l.'l leave tr. M '.r m n I. 1 1 put ..in 'hl -. IA. 1 IX 2R Altinoi ' him is .m, .- J' 1 - .ili't 1. " .' ** * U A F.'lt.. I 10. heart ol kinirmer !. tr .V . king said t>i K-thet lit ir. 7. 2. 7 7 art-ill* tro-n t'anqn.-t of >r J.? I. l:i drinkinu T in their eld---t l.rother 1 - h.-tse. Id my belly i- as >r. no vent /W 7.S * ir is red full of mixture 7M. t'A -hoiitetli hy reason of IT. I ill. 15 ir. that mak.-lli gl.i-i heart /'r>./-. <. 4 ,h.- It.itii mm led her rr SI I. ir. i< H mocs.T, -tn.iig drink S3. :>i they that tarry long HI //. rtl. look nut <>n ir. when it is red 3.. 6. give ?r. to th. of heaty heart f'.rrt -i 3 to give my-elf to IT. 10. 19. ir. maketh merry, money Cant. I. 2. love IM tt.-r th.ui ir. . 10 .V 1. I have drunk my ir. uithmilk 7 9. r.M.f ol tliy month like he-t ir. / i '. 2i. thy ir niix.-d with Mater ' il. niL'ht till ir infl me them 12. | ipe and >r arc in their f.-ats 22. la entiii* fl.-sh an. I-/. i/Hth.-r.-r tr F.ffk. in 18. Damamv traded in ir. Dan \. 5 king gave .if ir. he drank H. not to dctiv hiuiAell with th.-ir. 5. I. Hel-ha/lar drunk tr. before, 4. 4 he takted ir || -f.l drunk ir. 10. 3. neither rame tr. nor NVi-h H<*. -1. It. takeaway my tr. in sea-nti a I. if flagons ol tr. 14 7. -r.-nt ''i- ir. of Lebanon Jofl I. 5. howl, nil ye drinkrni of IT. Mic. 2. 11 I will prophesy of . II. thre-hed wheat t>y .r..;, 7. '^5. the* view at U-.prru of Zeel. 1 A' fi 27 lie'p th- out of tr..p f 'ta 5. 4 made a >r .firm ih.'tein II. 3. I hare trolden ir -fi. nlon^ fum I. 15 'rodflen Judah tr -p. It -t. 9. '.' T.it'.n -h not f.-e.| then, i/./t 21. 33 Oggfi n tr.;,r B*. 11 S uul it iutv a great ic..jt. WIN Rrr. I*. ?0. fc .p trod, without city |y LV he tiea.lr-th ir..p. of wrath W 1 N Y-prtari. \fh II. IS treading tr .p. on sabb. .lufi 21. II. tread tneir ir .prrurt Jrr 4*. 33 w.ne to fail from tr .p 'tech. 14. 10. upon kiiiK's tr.-pret ei WINKS /fa. 25. ft make a feast of w. on lee* \VIN<;. I Kin. fi. 21. ir. of cherub, 5 cubits other ir. V7 ' Cur. a II, 14 /..( 10. 14 none that moved the ir Kzek. 17. 2a dwell f.,*l of eViry tc. WINDS. E.rori. 19. 4 b;ire yu on eagle's tr. 2f. JO. covering merry-seat with their tr. 'fi 9 I King* 8 7. /./T. I. 17. cleave it with ir thereof l)''tit 32 II eagle spreadeth her w. Ruth 2. 12. under whine tr. thou art 'i Sum rt. II. seen upon ir. of ivind .Ink :w. 13 gav. thou ir. to peacock! 1 Ptal 17 8 hide me under thy w. la 10 fly on tr. of wind, 104. 3 36. 7. put their trust under shadow of thvtr 57 I. | 61 4 | 91. 4. S5. fi () that I had tr. like a d..ve 1-3. 7. In shadow of tr. wi.l I rejoire 18 la yet nh. ye he an >r. of a dove I.'CI. 9. if I tak- tr. of the morning fror. 2a S ri. hes make themsel tr. Arc/. 10 -.-0 which hath tr. shall tell l*a. 6. 4 each one ha.: 8. a stretching out his tr fill land ia I. o to land shadowing wi. ir. 4D. 31. mount up with tr. as eau'es Jrr. 4S. (five tr. to Moah, mav fly 40. lie sh. -prcad his tr. over Mo.ih IS* 2-.'. hesh. spt.-ad tr over Ii.i7.rah F.rek. 1 6. every one h ,d f..itr ir. 9 tr. joined || 10. 14 ir. full of eyes 24. I heard the noise of their' tr. a IS. | 10. 5. 25. 17. 3. a grat eagle with great ir. 7. another great eagle with tr. Dun. 7. 4. like lion, had e.gle- 1 IP. 6. another having on hx< k four tr. Hit*. 4. 19. bound her up in her ir. '/-ch 5 9. wind was in their tr. Mill 4 2 with healing in hi- tr Milt. ->3. M7. as, a hen gathereth her chickens under tr. l.tjcf 13. 34 Rrr. 9. 9. -oundot their tr. a-hnr-es 14 14. to woman were git en two ir. WIMOBf). C,rn. 1. 21. G.l create.) ev. w. fowl Deut 4 17. likeness of any tr. fowl Arc*. 17 3 great eagle, long.tr. U INK, KM, K I II Jnl, 15 12 what do thine eyes tr. at ? Prill SV IU. neither let llu'tn ir. /'nir. fi. l.'l a wicked nvm tr. with la In he that tr caimeth sorrow Act* 17. 30. ignorance <;...! tr. at WINNOWK.n, KJ H. Ruth 3 2. !!. tr. barley to.night I to. 30 24. hath been tr. with shovel WINTER. On. a 22. and tr. shall not cease /*>/ 74. 17 hast made mm and tr. Cnnt. 2 II. f rl", the ir. is past Zrrh. 14. H in mimmer and tr. sh. he wis Tit. 3. 12. I determined It,.;.- t>. w> \V INTKHKU Acti'tt. II. ship which tr. in th- iU \V I P r . 2 Kin. 21. 13 tr. Jerusalem as a dish AVA. l.'l 14 ir not out glMMl rie- .1- lia. 25. 8 Lord will tr. away tear* from all laces, Her. 7. 17. | 21. 4. l.uke". :ix. woiKan did tr. them it6 hairs. 44. John II 2. | 12. 3. John la 5. began t- ir. them ith WIPK1), KTH, IN(J. 2 Kin. 21 l.'l tr. it as a man tt- dish fr'ir. 6. 33. reproach not ir. a" ay 30. 20. he eater h, tr. her mouth WIHI.S. F.rod. 39. 3. cut gold plfctea into \V |s.U)\J. Ejcini. 31.3. I have filled him wi Spirit of <; in tr. fi. | aV :<.i i6. stirred them in tr. 31 : hn.t 4. H for thin is your ir. 2 Sam. 14. '^0. aiTiird. to tr. ol .,nge) 20. 22. woman went t peop m ir. I Kin. a vS. -aw tr. of (J. wa- in hint 4. 29. God gave .Solomon ir :> I-.'. i ihriiii I :!. 30. Solomon's tr. excelled tr. ,.'. Kif>|it. :M. | 7. 14. | 10. 4. '.-3, 24. 2 Cfir. 9. 3, 22, 23. 1 Chr. 2i'. 12. the I^>rd givpthee T. 2 I'hr. I. 10 uive me ir. . II. a-k . Ktra 7. 25. after the tr. ol thy I. .-I Job 4. 21. they die, even withimt -. 14 2. people, tr. xhuil die with >..u 13 !>. and it >hul.l he your ir. I-'.. 8. dst th rcHtrain tr. to lh\s ' 26 a conn-el, him that hath i .. f 28 12. where shall ir. he fonn.i > 20. whence Cometh tr. where 32 7. multitude of years teach w. la ay. we have found out tc. : :. and I shall lea. h thee tr. 3J. :tS. Jnh'- words were wit'.o -r. 3*i ."> (i. n.U'hty in strength and ./>. . an number clouds in V 1 39. 17. God hath deprived her of in. /'/. :)7. TO. month ol righ. -peak ,r. SI. 6. shall mak' me to kno tr. 90. 12. may apply our heart- to '/_ 104. 24. in tr hast thou made works 105. 22. and teach hi* senators ir. I:A S. him th. by tr. made heaven* Prnr. I. 2. know tr. || 7. Hils des TC. vO. tr. crieth, . I. || 2. 2. ear to ta, 1. fi. L. giveth tr || a 21. keep IT. 7. he layeth up tr. for righteous. 10 when tr enterelh into heart a ia happy man that findeth ir. 19. Lord hy tr. foiin :e.l the . ch 4 S. get tr 7. || S. I. attend to n v tr. 7. 4. nay to tr. thn art my -'ster a 5. underst. tr. || 9. I. tr. bml.lfth 12. I tr. dwell with prudence 14. rourisel is mine, and *ound w 10. 23. man of understand, hath >r. 31. mouth of just hrtngeth forth ir 12. a commended accord'ng t ir. 14 fi. M-otncr seeketh tr fin. I. not 8 ir. of prudent i t nnd>T-ti.i:d 3a tr. re-teth in heart of him la 16. better to get ir than gold 17. l in hand of fool to get tr. Milt. 24. 20. pray that your flight he, IM |. man intermedd!. th with ir. n.'.t in tr. Murk i3. ia }'.l H th it getteth ir. loveth -mil John 10. 2*. feant of dedtcali-in in ur. | 21. 30. there i* now. avainst l.or.l 2 7"in. 4. 21. to come hefore tr. *3. 4. rich, ceae from thy ow n w. WIMTBBJbww Irr ?.C>. ti. king at m the tr .hntiir \ Anna 3. IS. I ill mite the tr.-houie WflTTBB, Verb. ta fi. hen'ts shall tr. on them i 27. 14 not corrm. . .lioui tn 9. a fool will d pi.e tr of w. 23. buy ir. || 24 3. thro' ir hon 29. 3 whiuMi lov.-th m. rejoicrth 15 the tod and r proof ie ir 30. 3. I neither learned ir. nr I : 31. 26. openeth her tnoiith w 1 Cur. 16. 8. 1 will a-l.idr, ir. \\i you| / -d. 1. la 1 gave my heart to w. wrs ccl. 1. 16. I have more tr. than all 17. 1 jfave my heart to know u 18. for much ir. is nu:h ^ri**f t. 3. acquaint, mine heart with w. 9. and my w re.c.ained with me 18. 1 turned myself t behold ir 13 tr. excellsfoily ||y|. labour in w. 26. G giv w 1-2. w. eiveth life T. 19. ir. streniftheneth the wise 23. all this 1 have proved by w. 2.V 1 wpplit-d heart t<; seek 'out w. 8. 1. man's ir. maketh face lo. shine 16. 1 applied my heart to know . &. 10. there is no w. in the arave 13. this ir. >;ave I seen under sun 1*. poor man hy ir delivered i ity 10. 1. that is in reputation foi .. 3 his tr faileth him, he is a fool If.i \\ 13. hy my ir. I have done it 29 14. it. of their wise shall perish 33 6. hear ir, of Sol. Luke II. Ml. ! Mtc. . 9. the mmi n/w. shall see thy lt,,, n . II. 33. depth o/the of God WIS Eccl. 9. 16. IP. it bet. th. strength Ihe poor man's ir. u ncspised 18. tr. it hetter ll an weap.-ns of 10. 10. ir. u profitable to direct Jer. 8. 9. lo, they have 'ejected th Word, wh-t tr. u in th. m 49. .. -.. t/. i.o u:ore in Temaii f> Dan. ft. 14. excellent Jr. M found ll Mot II. 19. hut tr. i> justified of h children, Luke 7. 35 .V;-A-fi. 2. what tr. i> (jiven to him Jum. 3. 17. t". from ahi.ve i. pure Her. 13. 18. here i, n; |,.| him that Of WISDOM. Jub II. 6. sliew thee the secrets of i V8 18. price /tr. is above rubies fail, 4!. 3. speak of ir. and Ineditat 111. 10. the tear of the Lord is th beirinninif . justice 4. II. in the way nf M?. have led 10. 21. but fools' die f..r want i/tr 11. 12. he that is void o/tr. despite! 15. 21. to him that is desttute o/tr 33. the fear of the Lord is th slructiiin nftp 18. 4. Bprinpo/ir. as a fl-win^ hrook 24. 14. knowledue of jr. to thy sou Keel. I. IR preat experience r// 28. 12. the sum Mill o/jr. 13. 54. whence hath this man it: 2. tiki' I. 17. turn disobedient to w. 2 40 Jesus filled with jr. 52 increased in t/>. and stature II. 49. also said the tr. of God, will 81. 15. will yive you a mouth anil tr. Acts 6. 3. seven men full of IP. and If), were not ahle to resist the tr. 7. 10. fiod pave Joseph ir. ill the 22. learned in ir. of the Egyptians 1 Cor. I. 17. not with ir. of words 19. destroy the tr of the wise 20. God made foolish the ir. of 1 Cor. 2. 1 of speec h . r <*j 12. 8. hy the .^pirit the word o/tr. Col. 2. 3. are hid all the trea-ure,./ 23. have indeed a shew of tr. Jam. 3. 13. shew with meekness o/v See SPIHIT. Thy WISDOM. 1 Kings 2. fi 'according to thy v. 10. (i. true report I heard ..f thy tr 7. thy if. and prosperity exivedetl 8. happy are these tl at hear th\ ir. 2 Chr. 9. ft. " 21. ill the ir. of God the world by i 2 Chr. 9. fi. thy tr. WHS n> t t..lii me ir. knew not God. it pleased ' Mi'W 26. d. th the haw k tiy hy f/n/ir 22. and Greeks seek alter ir. 24. Christ power of G. and w. nf G. 30. God is made to us ir. and 2. 4. not with words of man's w. 5. not stand in the w of men 6. speak ir. \\ "i. speak the w. of G. 13. which man'- ir. teacheth 3 19. for the w. of this world i 8 Cor. 1. 12. not with fleshly w. Kph. 1. 9. abounded toward nsinir. 3 10. the manifold tr. of God Col. 1. 9. niiifut he filled with all tr. 28 teaching every man in all w. 3. 16. words dwell in yon in all tr. 4. 5. walk in w. toward them that Jam. 1. 5. if any lack w. let him ask 3. \^. this tr. descendeth not from I Pet. 3. 15. according to ir. given ]{ft<. V 12. the I. ami' to receive tr. 7. \~i. iflory, and ir be to our (iod 17. 9. the miud which hath tr. W ISDOM joined witttix. Jot 6. 13. and i jr. driven quite 12. 12. with the ancient it tr. 13. Ifi. 28. !8. HI. >aho. rnhies, fror. H. II. 2M. fear of the Lord tht it v. to Fror. 4. 7. ir. it the piincipal tliinic 10 13. with him that hnth nn. none discreet and tr. . th Ejod. 23. 8. for the pift hlindnh the ir. Dent Hi. lil. Drat 4. fi. this nation is a tr. peeplr 32. -un-et. .A.// 5. 13 tiiketh tr. in ottlHTHftiiievi. !). 4 he is tr. in heart and Klrci.pth II. i2. v.'iin man would he w. thi>' 22. 2. he that is tr. n>y heprofitHMe .'ft!. 9. great men are not always ir. 37. 24. he n-pecteth not anv tht re tr. n( heart 1'tnl i, 10. be tr. now, <> )e kings 19. 7. nmkini! ir. the simple .'e be . f 107. 43. whoso is tr. and will oher. I'ror I f> ir. man ttaln ir. counsel (i undeistand the tr and sayings 3 7. he not tr. in thin, own eyes 3ft. the tr. shall inherit (rlory fi c. i /. H .-a | so, 1. | 27. 11. ;i I-.' I thou shall he tr. for self 10. 1. k v. non maketh n g\M lathtT, Ifi. 2V. ftfl \vis Frnr .10. ft. fat, , ,, ltIIITlrr H u 8 the ir. lerei*.- . omu.a- .'.... r.- J9. he ihMt reirmiirii. in"?' st ''* MI " '" 'he ir. in (, . he th..t wii.nelh , til* I.V hearkei,eth to muim-l ,. ,r 18. the loi.KUe ol Ihe ir. I. h, ,,l||, 14 I* "" """ '"'"''""' iijJWSSSiiK? 14 .1 hpsof the ir pr-rrve ih.m f ""WUo! their. ,. ,,. 3ft. favour ii tow-Hr.i M ir - 16.2 the loi.Rue of the r, 7. lips of IP disperse kMtWlr^gp 12. a scorner will not ,, t,, \\,. , f 24. wayi.f |.flsabo to the IT 31. reproof i.hideih uim.n* n,, v IftJl. th.' tr. inheait.iill,-rtpn..l.n ^.i heart ol tr. leHcheth hi. ii,..,,rh 17. 2. tr. servai t -h rule over -.... 28. a fool when he h. .1,1,11, , ,, p,'. re is r.. in, ted 19. 15. the tr. seeketh k. 19. SrO. I.e tr. in thy iHtt. i end 20. 1. whosoever i> deceived i here. h\ Is I , t IT. 2fi. tp. kine scnttereth 'the wuk.-d 21. II. sin. pie is n aile tr. M hen t tp. is instnicled he recerv km.w VO. oil in the dwelling of the ir 2? 17. hear the word* .! the rr. V3. 15. be ir. my heart shall rejolrc -'4. he)(etleth a ir. son hate j..y 24. ('.. hy ir counsel nmkethy war 23. these things h. I. .UK t,. r 2S. 12. tr. repr rer on n i.bilt . ..r it). 5. answer a fool lent h>- he tr in hi* ; 1?. a man tr. in hi* .. n . ..1,1 .,< 25. 7. whoso keeprth law is tr. -,. !l. ri< h is ir in hi* owi r. ? Mi. 24. he four tl-ii KS ihst are M-. f.rrl 2. 15 why a* I more w. > I'., there is no r. n ini.ranre o* tf 19. wherein 1 *l.oned n >-elf IT 4. 13. heller ir. child than t 6. 8. w hat ha v more than l.-.-l 7 4. heart of v. house ..f n ...in. i if ft. heller to IIPNT nhutei.i i Ifi. neitlur it'hke th\-.llo.r tr. I!', ir. Ktrei.fflhi neth Ihe w. uo.itf 23. I said. I will le ir. fur 9. I. the IP. are in Ihe hand i.l (...J II. 1 taw th. t bread if not I., v 12. 9. preacher wn ir. he taiirht II. words of tr. are as iroaiN ha. ft. 21. wo to them tlmt ar tr. 19. 1) how tav ye, I *m n i.f ir.f 31. 2. yet h. alto u ,r hrinv evil /. r. \ V'-'. they are w In do evil s h h.. do ye y, we nre r IR 18 nor ro.n.*. ! IT|>|I from f ini. 2. 21 (iori Kiteth i- i. 12. 3. they tint he r. shall -i I ft hut the tr. shall onder*iai.4 'lot. 14. 9. >r under*!. ihe>e ti '.nh. 9 ^. tho' 'I >r. n: i '/<;/ 10. Ifi. he ye tr. a> erpenr 11. 25.. he.-Hiise It... ll hiot I i IhuiKi Iron. ir. /i.l 24. 45. who i iHithful ..i.d < 25. 2. fire vlrin v 8e I 4 the tr t... k oil in their t .*# 11 4. who .* lh..l tr. .lev >i V.,j 1 14 1 . V2 profenslnii Ihrma. . II 25.. I. 12. IB. he not r in t.o.r <> 1C. 19. ir t.> thwl tthi.'l. *7 to u : i-li tl>. tocnf. tr. 3 hi a a ir. master-builder 1 lay 1-v l-e ic. let him heroine f /'i. 3. IS. script. able to make tr. Any WISE. LOT>. 19. 17. sli. in a. tr. rebuke neigh. .?.< Mv. \I> v fi iv,rf. *. a speak tn all tr.-tirart.-rl :>\ (i. I put wisdom in ir -heaitfd Vv I'l. every ir..Airtrrf among you 2.V all viMinen ir..hi'. On thin WISE. M-if. I. IS. birth <>f Chr. wan on t c. A-l, 13 34. he said on 1. u>. I will ;/. 4. 4. pak- or 7th .lay ont. tr. WISH ICONMJI. t W;. II 2. J ah (etched a tr. tr. 20. 10. then pried a tr. tr. out of city fruc. It. 1. ev. tr. ir. buildeth home WISELY. F.r->d. I. 10. let it. deal ir. with them 1 Sain. Is. ;, behaved tr II. 15, 30. 2 l'/ir. II. 2.J. liehoboa'ii dealt ir. PMiit '.8. 5. charming never MI w. IH. 9. ahull ir consider of his doing* H"l. i. I will behave myself IT. I'm,: 16. 20. handleth a inaltvr ir 21 12. he ir. cnnsidereth wicked 2v 2tx who walketh ir h be deliv. >.'> '>. II. mak'-th us tr. than fowls f it'll. 119. 98. made me tr. th. enein. 7V-.r. 9. . and he will he yet ur. 2ti. 16. sluggard it) ir. in his conceit >.'-.;. j!S. 3. thoii art ir. than Daniel Lukt I'i. N. in their veneration te. 1 Co*. I. 25. fooii-h. of (i. tr. th. men WISH. Jof> 33. 6. to thy te in find's stead Pial. \0 14. put to -hainetlMt ir. evil 7X 7. inure than heart rouM tr. R'ltn 9. 3. could tc. myself accursed 1! Cor. 13. . we ir. even your perfec. S John 2. 1. I tr. th. mayesl prosper WISHED. Jonah 4. H. and tr. himself to die Act* fl. 2U. rat anchor, tr. fr day WISHING. Job 31. 30. by ir. a curie to his soul WIST. E.rod. \f>. 15 they tr. not what it was Si -J. Miwm tr. not hit lace shone JtiJj. Ifi -.-0 w. not the L. departed y.urk 9. he t. Hot what to My L'lke'i 49. ir. ye nut I must lie ahont mv Katlier'H hii-im^. AHtli 9 ir. it nut true wh. -rftoni> S3. 3- te not be wax the high.prii-t WIK II. f.Vn-y. ^ !. not -.uffer a tr to live DcuA lli. 10. uul be MUlui.g you a ir. WIT WITCHCRAFT 1 Sam. 15. JJ3. rebellion as sin of tr. 2 Chrmi. 3* ti Manavieh used ir. Gal. 5. 20. works of flesh are tr. W . I (HC KAKTS, 2 Kiiigt 9. 22. Jezeliel's ir. are many Mir 5. 12. cut off ir. out thine ban. I .YA. 3. 4. :nistr.sof tr. selietli uati. WITHAL. I Kingi 19. I. tr. Elij. slain prophets Acts 25. 27. not ir. to signify crimes WITHDRAW. 1 Ham. 14. 19. Saul said to priest tr. Jufi 9 13. il <;. will not w. his anger 13 21. ir. thine hand lar from me 33. 17. th.it he iniiy tr. man fr.mi Pror. 25. 17. te. fr. neighbour's house r.rcl 7. la from this ir not thy hand Ita fiO. tt). neither thy moon tr. itself Joel i 10. stur- tr. shining, 3. 15. 2 Theti. 3. 6. tr. from every brother 2'iin. 6. 5. corrupt minds tr. thyself WITH UK AWN. Dftt. la 13 have ir. the inhabitants Cant 5. a my beloved had tr. himself /.am. 2. & he hath not tr. his hand K-fk. 18. 8. tr. his hand from iniquity Hut 5 6 Ld. tr. himself from them Luke 22. 41. was te. a stone's cast WITH OR A WEST, ETH. PtaJ, 74. 1 1. why tr. thy right hand ? lob 36. 7. te. not from the righteous WITHDREW. .\~h 9. 29. te. and would not hear Kzek. 20. 22. I tr. mine hand 'hit 12. 15. Jesus knew tr. him-elf Mark 3. 7. J. tr. fr. thence, /.wtr.V IT.. Gal. 2. 12. when they come, he te. WITHER ftal. I. 3. his leaf also shall not tr. 37. i shall tr. as the green herb /- / 19. 6. reeds and flags shall ir. 7. thing sown by the brook sh. tr. 40. 24. blow upon them, shall IT. ler. 1 2. 4. haw sh herns of ri. 1,1 tr .- zek 17 9. cut off the fruit that it tr. 10. shall it not utterly ir. > it shall Amot 1. 2, the top of Carmel sh. te. WITHERED. 'en. 41. Zi. seven ears tr. and blast I'i 102. 4. my heart is tr. || 1 1. I am tr Ita. 15. 6. the hay is tr away 27. II. boughs are tr be broken off 'MI*. 4. 8. the Nazarite's s..in Is tr. Esek. 19. 12. rods tr. and mnsuii ed ',/ I. 12. tre.-s ol the field are tr. 17. barns broken down, corn ir. tiin.t 4. 7. where it rained not ir. Inimh 4. 7. smote gourd that it te. Vat. 12. Id. man which had his hand tr. .V/trA-3. I, 3. Luke R. 6,8 13. a having no mot, ir. Mark 4. 6. 21. 19 thefig.tree ir. 2>\ Mark 1 1. 21. l.uke 8 6. it ir bee. lacked iroi-ture John 5. 3. tr. folk WHiting mo\. wat. 15. 6. rat forth as a branch and te. WITHBRETH. Job 8. 14 flag ir. before ether hert Pt. 90.fi. in evening i utilnwnaii'1 ir. 129. 6. likegras* tr. h.-f. grow.-th up Iia. 40. 7. grau tr. the flower fad. eth 8 I Pet. 1. 24. Imn. 1. 11 the sun ir. the grass Jude 12 trees tr. without fruit WITHHELD. 1 Gen, 80. G. I tr. thee from kin. ag. me 22. 12. seeing thou hast not tr. inn 3O 2. wiio tr. Ir. th. fruit of womb;' \'eh. 9. 20. tr. not manna fr. mouth li.'i :\\. Ifl. have ir. por from d--ire In I ir. not 111) h.-art fr. joy r, i . WITHHOLD. >r. Mr wpulchre tbain. 13. 13. lie will not u. mi-lr. Hi. AM WIT vhorantr. bitnsclffr speak. /'* 4'i. II. ir. u.'t thy mercies fr. in nl. II. nn^MD.I rhiiic will he ir lr..in /'r./r :t -J7. ir. nut u''"t to wli. due 2:i l:i. tr n .t i.irrectnui trmn . hild A'rr/. II (', i-venniK tr. not thy IMIK? i ir. toot from I-.-IIIK unhd Wl rilHOl.DKN. I Sum. 2,'). '-('i ir th. from revenvini: Iol> rJ. 7. ir. bri-atl from the hungry :. IA. from wi. ked liiti.t I- n: 42. 2. no thought tr. from thee ft. 21. 2. hast lint tr. IMF rquet .<>/. 3. 3. the uliowers have l.e.'i) ir. -mi. have tr tfond tilings Ai.A-. is. ia hath not tr. the pledge / el I. 13. drink nil.-nn; ir. from G. Amot 4. 7 ! have tr. rain from you WITHHOLDETH. Jut, 12. 15. behold he tr the waters, i'rur. 1 1. 24. that ir. n ore than meet .ii. he that ir corn, peiipie^urse 2 Thett. i 6. now ye know what ut. WITHIN. Eccl 9. 14. a little city few men ir. it l.uke II. 7. he from tr. shall aner Wl l II OUT. n. 24. 31. wherefore stand, th tr.f I'ruo. 7. 12. now she ii. tr. || r2. li there is a lion tr. 1 Cor. 5. 13. th. that are tr. (i. jndg. W IT H OUT, joined with tt-Mi,,. I.er. 13. 5. 1 !. it K.irinent hare tr. or tr. Exek. 2. 1U. \\ai wti'ten ir. and ir. Wli Us 1'idg. la 7. bind me with 7 green tr. 8. brought tr. || 9. he t rake the tr. WITHSTAND. \nm 22 32. aiiK'-l went to tr. llalaam 2 Chr. IA 7. Ki-ho. could rot tr. them S ye think to ir. the kingdom of L. 20 6. none is able to tr. thee Eith. 9. 2. no man could ir. the Jews KccL 4. 12. one prevail, two shall w Dun. 1!. 15. hiii people shall not ir. -l' II. 17. that I coul.l ir. (><>d ? Kith. 6. 13. able to ir. in the evil dai WITHSTOOD. 2 Chr. 26. It*, they ir. f//i,ih th. king Dun 10. 13. prince of Persia ir. me Act* 13 8. Klyinan sorcerer ir theai tliul. 2 II. I ir. 1'eler to trie l;u-e 2 7'i't/i. 3. a Jaiiiie-.iiiil Jam ir. Mos. 4. 15. he hath tre.it ;y w. our words \\TJ S Gen. 21. 30. a tr. that I dig. th. well 31. 44. covenant ltuy Deut. 17. fi. | 19. 15 DetU. 31. 19. this song be a tr. 21. 21 i J,,th 22. '/7. niter ir. betw. us ^s :. 4 27. this stone shall be a ir. to us .hull.'. 1 1. 10. L. IT. bi tw n, ./, T. I2..J. . 12. 5. L. tr. HK' yiii tin- day Joh 16. 8. my wrinkli-s ir. auuiiisl me 19. ray ir. in heavn record on hinli 29 II. eye saw me it _';i\.- ir to in.- /'*/ 89. 37. a faithful ir. in heat en /', .1 14. 5. a faithful tr. will not lie 25. a true tr. detivereth xiulu 19 28. ungodly w. srornath judgm. s\. 2^. be nut ir. Hg. th> neighour 0. a ir. to the Lord of host. . en him for ir. to tin- ; / saith tne I. 42. S. L. he f.iithful tr. between n. .'.;<. 1. 2. k-t the L. li. be jr. ag. you WIT ItaL 2. 14. I* be tr. bet thee and wife 3 5. swift . against the sorcerers 24. .4. preached for tn, to nations M-irk 14. 55. sought fnrtr. ag. Jesus f>6. IF. agreed not together, 59. Lukett. 71. wh. need we further w.T Juhn I. 7. came fur a >. to bear u>. 3. II. ye receive not our u: 2fi. whom bearcst jr. same haptli_ 5. 31. if 1 l>ear myself re. not true 32. K-. he witnesseth nfmeistrui 3(i. 1 have greater jr. than John 37. Father hath Imrne tr. of me <4c? I. 22. one ordiiined to be IP. 4. 3a gave "' of resurrection of L 10. 43. all proph tr. whoso believetl 14. 17 he left not himself without tc Si. 15. thoii shall t,e his ,r. to H|| 26. 16 make tlice minister and w. Hum 1. i>. (i. is my jr. I serve in go :'. 15. (-"iisrienre bearing ir !i 1. Tit. I 13. this /r. is true, rebuke Heb. '1. 4. <>od bearing tr. with igi 10. 15. the Holy Ghost is : to us 11. 4. Abel obtained it: righteous Jam. 5. 3 rust shall he w. mt. you 1 Pet. 5. I. 1'et-rjitr of siifter.'ot C 1 Jiiftn 5. 9. it we receive jr. of men 10. heth. believ. hathtr. in himsel 3 John 0. borne jr. of thy charity Rev. !. 5. Jesus C. the faithful w. 3. 14. write th. things sailh truew 0. 4. were beheaded for jr. of Je*u See BARB, HEAR, BEARKTH, FALSE TABERNACLE. WrT NESSES. Kum. 35. 30. inur. put to death by n- Deut. 17. 6. at the mouth of two or three w. shall he be put to drath, II). 15. -2 Cor. 13. I. 7. hands of" tr. ,h. he first on him Josh. 24. 22. Joshua said ye are w. Jiuth 4. i). ye are ir. I have bnught,IO Job 10. 17. thou renew, thy w. ag. me Isa. 8. 2. I took faithful w. to recorc 43. 9. let all nations bring their w. 10. my jr. saith the L. 12 | 44. 8. 44. 9. they are their own w. Jer.3'i.\0. 1 sealed evidence took w. 12 32. 25. buy field, take w. 44. >fa<. 18. 16. mouth of two or three ir. 23. 31. ye be jr. to yourselves that 26 65. wha' need of jr. 't Mark \ 4. Kl Luke 24. 48. ye are w. of these thing Acts 1. X. ye sh. he tr. in Jerusalem 2. 32. Jesus God raised up, whereof we are w.3. 15 f>. 32. his w. of these things, 10. 3SJ. 7. 58. w. laid their clothes at Saul 's ft. 10. 41 unto ir. chosen of God to us 13. 31. are his K>. unto the people 1 Them. 2. 10. ye are w. and . Invention^ WITTINGLY. Gen. 48. 14. Isr. guided his hands tr. WIVES. Gen. 4. 19. Lantech took two IP. 6. 2. took them ir. which they rhos 30. 26. give me my ir. and children 31. 50. if thou take other jr. Sum. 14. ,'i. tr. and children he aprey Deut. 17. 17. nor inulti. tr. to himself 21. 15. if a man have two jr. Jwrfy. 8. 3 IP. AVA. 5. 1. fry of people and their v. ";ft> jr. entered into an o.ith /i.j. 13. in houses, spoiled tr.raiah. ler. 6. 12. /. ir. turned to others, R 10. 14. Hi none to bury f/ ir ir. 18. 21. t. tr. he here'.ived of children 14 !. fori:oMeii the wirked. off. ir. 15. men knew t. tr. burnt incen-e Ezek.H. 22. nor lake for f. ir widow Hun K 24. ivtf. ir. i.ito.leni.f Moim Z,;-h. 12 I-J t.ir. m.niriiap.i't, 13. 14. r'.jih. .') 2-. love .' tr as therr tm.lies 1 Tim. a II. so most t. . ,\c,t the lives of / ir. Kin. xO. 3. gn.d n irinr an-' j. d.-liver in-- thil tr and chililren fAr. 21. M. I.-.rd wil' .mile th ; ir. <-r. 3R 23. hri.:i; thti ir mid children Dun. 5. i3. ll:ti tr h iv.- drunk ttliie V.,,,r W I \ trod. 19. 15 ome not .it n->tir tr. tVdoWl 32. 2. break ear. ring's "I amir tr. Deut. a I!'. '/ r. iv '1 little ones re. main in citi. , ./f.iA. \ 14. 29. II V. v. enlerriiruna.nl with 1.. fek. 4. 14. light for y. tr and hou.- /or 44. 9. forgotten wn -kr-l. uly. IP. 633 Jrr. 4I. WOR x Ln. 19. 31. n.tr Veek after . in. fi. turn aft.-r ir I will rut utf 27. a tr. ahall be put t Deut. 1* 1 Sam.28.3 SHU 2 Ain. 2I.G d-a't with 23. 24. Joaiab |. Ita. a 19. to tr. th. peep ;,i,d tnutl^f 19. a ahall seek to idols and tr. WOR, MM. 21. 29. tP. to Mob, Jrt 4- t\ 1 Sam. 4. 7. it. unto u, R J. 1 6. 4 Pro* 23. S9. hath tr > hath -,rrow 7 cci 4. 10. tr. to him tl 10. Id tr. to thee wh. king i, a chili lia. 3. 9 v. to their soul II. jr. to wirked sh. belli with him 17. 12 tr. to miilti. of tnjitiy | -.i/t 18. I. tr. to the land with v. 2a I. tr. to pride, to driiiiknt.1. 29 I. tr. to Ariel||3a 1 tp.toth thn 30. 1. IP. to the rebellion- r 45. 9. tr. to him s-trlveth wi Maker 10. tr. to him that naith to father Jer. IS. 27. ir. unto thee, () Jeruaa. 22. la tr. to him that 23. I. tr. to pastor* destroy sheep 4a I. tr. to Nebo I Ezek. I*'' tv to the* Ezeic. 2. 10. written mourn, and v. 13. a tr. to foolish prophets Is. tr. to women that - . pillow* 24. 6. IP. to bloody city, Va*. 3. I. 30. 2. howl, ir. worth ihe day 34 2. tr. be to the shepherd* that ./mm 5. 18 IP. to you desire i! HH>I. 2. fi. tr. to hint that mrr-aeth 9. tr. to him that roveteth 12. ir to him that bui'detha town 15. IP. to hill' i. 'n. k Id tr. to him th. raith u ....d nwnlMI Zepn 2. 5. tr. to intW>- a 1. tr. to her that is pollutnl Zrt-A. 11. 17. tr. to the Milt. II. 21. r. to thee to thee Her ia 7. tr. to the wot offen. . Vat 2a la w nnto y. Pharisee*, 14, 15, I.uk,- II. 44. .nto \on, ye blind guli- 98. 24. tr. to'mui by man is betrayed. Murk 1 1. L '.vkf ft 24. tr. Btito yon HM? .. yuii that are lt.il 'i. you when all s|,.-k w 'I 9. 14 one IP pn ' " P"l U ( I K if v. P>. ISO. .V tr. i.meth, R 5 " tr I. in. . i- > III. IP. * hirt| I. mr I nn, \\ni ,..' me. win r "* 'i 24 IA my r ia S. R w. t '*"" *" 11. ir f.'rt' " >Mt: WON! frr. 5 W). ir. ft t tliut mil evil pond *l. IT. In firm ! in own eyi-i W. tr tntlfm tlmt drink win* 10. I. ir. (,, t d'-rrt'f niiriith dfcrpfs W. IS. tr In thf m tlmt seek iiuinsrl SI. I. k S .1. h--r judg.-s fv.-ninif tu. II an- IP 10. Ifi as -h. i-|> in the nnd-t of tr. Luke 10 :i I -fnd you forth urn. tr. Arti'JfU. -R). tr sh. t-ii'cr mining you WOMAN. Cm. 2. 28, ri "t man made he R IP. v3. fin- -h;.ll I*- rallfd tr. sh- wa 1 IS. enmity l-fiwr.-n thif arnl IP. 2*. S peradVHiiturf IT. notronv-, 3M. 44. l.-t sanif hf r. Lord appointed Kfid. VI. '&. hurt R tr. with i-liild /.rr. IR 83. nor tr stand befo. hfast 20 13 li- with uMiikinri att with IP. A'ttKi. 4 1*. ft IP. l.i fore thf 1.. 3a 87. P. I* M rnrsf tummf hf r pn. 85. f>. hrought Midmni-i-h IP. 8. Phitifh.il> ll.rii-t IP. thru' (wily 31. 17. kill f to. hiith known man .Dent 88. U. I to..k IP. ml a mnid ^/.-A V. I. tr. tiH>k ii. fii hid tln-m 6. 88. hrillK nut th. HIT tr. Kalnih yiiffy t. 9. si,,. r ,i i, tn hand of ir. 9. 53. tc. rm-t n.illKti-nc mi Al-imf. lfi-i.' hfrfd, 2 .S'-rm. II. '.'I M. ft*y nut nf mi-. H tp slew him 14. :t iifVf ; IP miinir my pi-oplc } 111 it!, t-nmi- IP in dxwnitii; n( n*y Hulk I. f>. ir. I. ft uf hnr Mins 3. 1 1. kiiov tiinii art M \ in U. HI- tc. 4. M. U inxk.- tin- IP lik.- KMI-MI-I I Sam. l. 15 IP t.r-i.rruwtiil -pirlt 2ft I urn H ir -tin M| i.y !!. hfre 5. iO I. Kivr Ilif.- vi-eil ( thi ir. 83 7. . thai hrtt'i H lamilmr npirit f Sam. I I.y. Unvdsitvir wiishiiiK l.-l 17 put tin. ,,nt, I,,, It dour 17. 19 IP ipr.-ml ,-i.vi-rittir nv. xvrll 80. 2*. tin-i. IP >v.-nt t,, thf pc-iple 1 A' in -I 17 I ^iiul tr diVfll in |IIHI.- |+. .S ffiKii l,.T*f;f to h- ;ui.,th.-r tr. 17. 17 MIL ..fir M s-i k and di-d y Kin. \ S lifn u H A trri-at tr. 6 Vfi thiT'- ITI.-.I i> TP s;,yj||^, help . 5 tluc is ir | :l .14 .,.,". ,-iirs,..l IP S Ckr. 74 7 AlhHliHh thnt wirkfdir Jnh 31 9 if If.Tt il>-rt'ivd hy a tr /at 48. a p ji.H-..r ir. ii.trMvall. 1m I.I | vl. .1 | -,fi 17. Jrr. 4.31 j 6 . | 13.21. | W . ; .10. tl i 31. . | 48. 41. | 4t). 8V, 84. iS-i H frar ?4 k.-- p thf*- (mm pvil tr. 7. 10. II, T- in. t linn M IP kiil'tilf 3. 1.1 H fiii|tii IP. 14 . Uit.i,r..u\ IJ< 4 \irriiuii-. . 11 rrimr. 31. in. 4 1. rvrr WIM- w. buildetli linuir won Prop. 21. 9, bravr;iiif( tr. In lmup, 19. 31. 10. who ran Huti H virtu. HIM/-.:' :M ir tli^it I. ,,r- I. 'h IM- jjrm-i-d .t; ir whuM- li.-nrt i> snarfi) in. tho-i- I IIHM- not founil //. 4.'. U. I i-ty hki- tmYxilinu u- 45 10 t..tr what hart th. kruUffbt? to. IS. ran ir. forvi-t $in-kiii|r i-liiid? M. r,. I., rail i| tliH- +ir. lorvnki-n ./rr. C. 8. drtti|rlilfrf Zi-.n to * ir. Ml 8i. tli'niK. H ir. riitiipMSs man I. am. I. 17 J. r. lf> H n f IIMI iimix jr. Ezeft. Ifi. ;t, wink of i;n w Imrish tr. 23 44. went M- tlif> co In t" a tr. 3. a I. lovt- IP hfliivrd ( i- if, d la I. 'I siirmwH nf a tmvailinif tr. i>hall riiiiif mi him, A/ir 4. <). 10. /r/i. 5. 7. R tr. that ait> In rpl.iKl Mat. 5. VS ivhiiMi l--iik^ti tr. U. iO. a ir. M hi. h WMD di.H-i-d IV yfn>. A/dt-frA. v5 /.uJtr8 43 13. 33. u liii h IP. tiH.k and hid 15. -A. <> tr. ifrca' istln fxith.hf it ; V7. la<-t nf all tin- tr. dini a'-o, A/.//* I -A W. /./ir -A). 3* 86. IP. Mid, hy tn.nhl.- >p thf tr ? 13 that IP. Ii .th il.iT.i--h:i.l l-f I.- lit Murk l' la. il IP. ptil IIWMV lni-hiin.l l.nkf 7. .'6' what n miin-r nf IP. this * 44. Siirnn, BH.-M t'.oti \\\\* IP. v 13 C t .-I n.v t H IP. of SHiiiatiH? :Ri. mmi\ hf Itfvrd lor sHyini; of i/- 8 1 hniuifht ir. ts.k.-n in ndnlt. 4 10. wliHii J.-xugkHW iiotif 1'iittr. 19. 8fi tni.tliiT. IP. i.flild thy son Art* SI. :*. 1 1,1-. IP. Wim full of \v- IOI.K hair, glory (iitl. 4 4. f lit hin Son n.adi- of H ir. I I lift. 5. .'< ronn th a- trMrnil on tr I Tim. "2. 18. I *iinVr ii"t ir tott-ai-h H IP. IXMII i1i-rfiv-d, in trniri Rpr. 8. vfl. Miffft. u: Ji-r. l-f I to tfHrh l-f. I. ppi-t'-d tr i-liithfd with sun K. ir. fl. d || Ifi. .atth hflpfd :hr tr. I", dr .i.-oii M* > n th ifh tr. 17. 3. I -aw H IP Mt mi a '-fast 6. tr druiikfii || 7. mytfry of tr. See Roto, B**. STKANCK. \,,,,,,f \V( M AN. /iK/A 4. 12. r<-d I.. 1'ivfthff ofy. 1C. \\OMA\KIM). Lev. 18. 88. n--t IIP ith mank. as tr. WOMB Grtt. 8S. 83. 2 nations an- In thy tr. .'4. xv'rr twins in hfr tr. :. '/7. 80. 31. Irf-ahV ir. || :. 82. Rarli.N tr. W Jib. hlfM>iii|fof l-r.-asts 'tid of tr. /.'in'/ !.'l '.'. wh:. lif a Nn/.itrit from IP. 7 fliifA I. II. any mori- MUI* in my IP * I Sam. I. V L." hud >hut up h-r tr f. ./ '. M II. whv rti.-d I not from IP t In. 18. why h'rittiirhi mf forth of tr T 84. 80 thf tr. -hall f.-rg.-t him 31. IS. madf l>f>' in ". make Mm f M H. s if it had \n<-i\ out f tr ^i out of wh- -c ir rHinc thf ir.- f rW. 8.' '.'. hr u ho tm.k mi- out of ir. Hi. I WIIK i rt-t upon ihf.- from tr. 5H S wicked HIV .-stratif ed fr. r. 84 NVOM ffal. 71. H. tffii ii|ihoMi>n fr. tr. I in 3. Hilliiiu, Imti) IP. .it m. .mint /'/'IP. .Mi. Ifi tin- l.iirrrn IP. -a\s i ,.t 31. 8. ati'l liiit, th. -. I iny ,c.y Krt-t II. ."> how hiuifii ^.-row in IP. Ixi. 41.-.'. 1-n'd loinn-it tin f In. m the li. 84. | 4!). J. 4*\ 3. xx hirh an- r, rrii-d Ir.iin rr. 48. 8 i ii-d n trat-siirf>Mir Itoin K. 4H I. l.or.l t-HllKtl n,f In. in thf IP. IS. hi.vr i-iunpiis..ioii nn son .if ,p. OTv S). l.rniK to'il nl >hut thf ir.l .!t-r. I. .">. lii-l. lln- n i-Hini-il i-Ut of it ii> 17 In- !.|f in* i.ot from th*- in. IH I.y i-aii.f I I, i- ih out of tp. ? Kzrl,-. 80. M. tlir..' Hn- ih^t op.-u. it Hot SI. II. (jlorj d-i- Ir i-irlh i.iiil II. (rivf MO-HI i< iiii-riirr\ini( IP. 1C :). look hrnthiT !> I HI tllf T. Luke I. Ml. !>lmil ronifiv ii: lli\ tr. 41 thf hal.f li-H|-ftl in hr u- 4-1. 8. 81. bffor<- hf V > HMO. .,; ivid in IP. 83. rv. nialf that opt- n. ' he l.oly SIT I Nl IT, Muli'Fv. WOMB& Gen 20. IR. L. had . losrd no all w. Luke 83. 89. Mrgji-il ir. nt-vti bare WOMKN C/rn. 84. II. time IP pn India* waL Kji-mt. IS. 2O. IP. went alt. r Miriam :V-.. '^.V IP. w:i>f.hi artfd did M"n, ifv. l.rr. 8. 8>;. tfii tr. Mihll l.:ike hr-d A'l/m. 31. IS. have yt- sa\fd IP ^livt-f J: /i. 8 Z\ Josh, rii.d i>,w lit.,n- tr. twig. b. iV Mf.-t.fd nhovi- t;-. l;n-l i\. 14. i-avfd tp. of Jahf .h.(iilrai) I Sam. 8. 2V. Kli III-HHI tii. lay "i. . IS. a'l. thy i>wotd tiiMin- ir. i ; lnMli-s 18. 7. tr. hiiKUfti-d lif .inri'li- r VI S. ir. ha. h.-fii ki-pl fr. us 3 fl^ys :vi -2. Ainalfk. had tiik.-ntr. raptl* 2 Hi i HI I. 86. pa.;,rl t> ! Kin. R 18. rip IP. with hild, IS. IS AVA. 13. 2fi. nullaiidn-li tP r.itikf till E*th. I. 9. nmdf a fi aM for H-r IP. 8. 17. Alias, liivfd hjilher iil.'iVf t<\ M l.'l httlf rhi .ir.-n and IP a II. Jiit 42. IS. nn tP. lair a* .lol.V danpt. rY 4V 9. aninnit thy hlfi> IP. || M. if IP hp troll. Jer. 7 IN. IP. kiifiid Ihi-ir rinnph i. 17. i-all triiiirn. Mid MH inii|.' tr. 80 >ft hfr worn nl L. O > ./. .-* 88 IP. Iff! hf hro'iirlil toklntf 44. 24. Jft.m *Mid t.- i/. In-.ir word Ml. :n. thi-y ~lmll I'fi-otiif IP. rol.l.id 51. 30 turn "I H hy If. an.. H~ ir. Lam. V. vt> shall IP ft i-liildrcn P 4. 10. IP. h>-Vf -iMldfti tl . ir , liildren 5. II t' f> r.i\i-h.-d IP. in /ion Ezi-lc. 8 I4.tr fi-pm t-.r Jarnmul 9 ft. >!> maid-, rl il.li.-n. iinrt IT. 13. iR w. to IP. lh.it *. i.ii'owi Ifi 31 i-ni tr. r\ Irotn .-thi-r IP. :'K. jti'igf ih l r.-ak wi-illocK i3 V too " diiiiu-lri-r- of one 4S. after niaitnt-i t - i'.i.d h.rod 4^ t/- t^llffl-t ni-t I- d..;illiT IfWd Dan II 17 i-ivi- l.in -liinirhtfr nf te. :d Mir -h I i - . i 1 d. "ite of tp. //... !.'t 'fi r with fluid hf npp>d Am -i| |.l IP. wi. i-hild Mir 2. IP "l |i.. p.i yi' i-t out \,ifi 3 13 p. . p -II in .1-1 ;iri- r. ZecA. 5. y. tht-rr came nut twu m. WON ech. 8, 4. old tr sh. dwell in Jerua. 14. 2. houses ri.ed, tp. hf rim-lied JW. 44 il 22. J. made us a.-uonUhed, 24. Xrt* 1. 14. continued in prayer wi. ir. IH 50. Jews stirred up devout to. Iti. 13. we sp--ak to IP. wli. resorted 17. 4. of tp. not n few believed, li Horn. 1. 26. their if. did < hange use 1 Cur. 14. 34. let w. keep silence 35 .shame for IP. to speak in chur. Phil. 4. 3. help ic. whirli laboured 1 Tim. t. 9. w. adorn in modest app. 10. beivtmeth ic. professing gudlin. 11. let w. li-arn with subjection 5. 2. eiltreiit elder w. as niotherg 14. I will thnt youiisf.T w. marry "J 7'i'in. S. 6. captive IP. ladfii wi. sin* Tit. 2. 3. aged IP. behave as bermneth 4. teach younger w. to he sober Hfh. II. 35. ic. received dead raised 1 Pet. a ft. manner holy w. adorned Iltr. 9. 8. they had hair as hair of w. 14. 1 that are not defiled with w. See CHILDMKN, MEN, SINOINO, STHANUH. woo won Gen. 20. 14. Ahimel. gave w.-i. to 32. 5. Jacob had men. servants, u'.-.t. WON. 1 CAr. 26. 27. of spoils o. in battles 7V-r. 18. 19. offended hard, to he if. 1 Pet. 3. I. tr. by eonversa. of wives WONDKR. Deut. 13. 1. give thee a Biirn or tr. 2. and sign ol the tp. come to pass 28. 46. be on thee fur a sign and '. 2 Chr. 32. 31. ent to inquire of w. Pud. 71. 7. I m an a tr. to maoy /.. 20. a walked barefoot for a w. 29. II. do marvellous work and w. . house I am to hnlld ir. Jnl> 42. 3. utt.-red things too IP. for P*. 119. Is?y. thy l.-stim 'iiies are ir. I3!(. 6. knowledge is too ir. forme /Von 30. 18. three thmgs are to., .r. /wi 9. H. lii name sli. lie railed W. L'Y !. thuii hast done w thi.iKS 28. 29. Lord, who is IP in counsel Jrr. 5. 30. a i/'. thing is commit!. d Mat. 21. 15. wh."i Hi. siw w. thini^ Srf WIIRHS. [he did WONDERFULLY. 1 SVnn. 6. 6. when Me wrought w. /'W. 139. 14 for I am IP made I.'iin. I. 9. Jerii-alem came down l>a. 8. 24. he hall de-troy IP. WOVDKR8 ExoiL 3. 20 and smite Kirypt with my ir 7. :t. I II 9. />'. ft &. | 7 19 | &. 8 | 31. II. 4. 21. do'h.'-te ir || II 10. did "% 15. II. fearful in pr..is.-, Mat " fr3. 5. I ir. th. wag none to uph..ld Zrch. a 8. hear. f..r they ale ir. at Luke 2. la all they that heard it IP 4. 22. they all w. at gracious words 24 41. beiieved not for joy. and tr. Art.il. 31. Mos-s tp. || *. 13 Manustr. R<-n. 13. 3. world p. after the beast 17. 6. I w with ureat admiration WOMORKIMfl Gen. 24. 21. tp. at her, held his peace Luke'i\. 12. IVtertr. at that which ActtS. II. people ran together IP. WONDROUS 1 Chr. IR 9. talk of his tr. works. P>. 26. 7. | IOS 2. I 119.27. | I4V5 Job 37 14. consi.ler tr. works f IS behold ir. Ihinirs outoflw Jer 21 2. accord nif to his IP works WONDROUSLY .liiAe 13 19. the angel rt a IP. .loel-i. 26. L. dealt ir. with you WONT. \Vm 22. 30 A* I ir. to do no toth.f 2 -Vifw. 20. 18. they were tr. to -p.-i.k .Murk Id. I. s he wax tr. he tnutfht I.nke -'2. 39. " be wa* tr. to mount WOOD. Grn 22 C. Ahrahaui took ir put it 7 NHHC said h, h..l:l file mid ir. \m. l.'l 211. whether h.- tr or not 31 20. purify thiiufs m .de nf " Dritt. 10 I. make thee un nrk of tr. !) 5, when nun ir""lb into tr. he 2il. II. from the heWiT of thy tr. .to,h 9. VI. 2 1 V7 .' Imh 17 I", mountain is ir. cot 't I ,S,;m. fi 14 th.-> rl " "' r..n 14. -ii th-y ol land .-ame In it tr l.,,Mth. .-ut -o David in tr , s ) tr H...,otr d | pie -.,,,|.Hk on ir. PntL 80. 13. tiiMr ..f i/- 13V i;. wr f. unit il in |lr,,ix ,,/ 141. 7. wlifiioui. ile.,v>-th ir. Pror. - no ir. lire (f.^-tli out 21. MII ir to i- Sett 10 . he that rlr.veth (r .l.:.li Ini 10 l.'i. hit ii.-il iu if no , 30 33. pile th.r.-of ). Hie an 4S. 20. tb.it et ii|. ir ol their oimge 60. 17. for iron .ilver. for ir. J.---.- ^ of w. See OFKI MINI,, > ?f*. 34. 25. li-ep solely in the IT. WO OK. Lev. 13. 4fl. if the plasne be in the war p or tr. 51. 5-', 53, &f>, wotTZ, ,/u/r>. R 37. put fl-i-re ol ir in floor 2 A in. 3. 4 KSI.IHKI rnin- wi!' /'.,!/. 147 Hi. I. Ketn .... /'rOT. 31. la she s^ekellilP. ..II. I HrtX /HI. I. IH in> like rriin*..ii. I.e H- r. SI. 8. Worm xlihll it them like IT. Effk.yi I". wa iiu-ti-lMiit 111 ir 31. 3. eat fat, clolhe you with ir. 44. 17. no tp. H!I. ill .-..in.- upon (Iteio flun. 7. 9. hair hkeir. r Ih iTonelil o- rr. ximiii 4 !. ii"t aiM t" ". I iiiiii""! >" 6 a by ir thni priKv.rteth ' "I III .llt'l ..I '. M !>-. ' 18. 20 pr.-t'h i VI. bow kn.'W the ir - I ', |, v T .... ir ... '-v I- tr r<\ 30 14. )r i inuh the.-. It-m. Id. 9 ,'i.tA ! l' ri-ii-'-in'-er ir. '. II 7. I br-.iu' ' '" I .V.im I ir. ..I --' II. Ili-l !'" 7 7. mid in nil for T>>e I - I 17 fl V5 r. thou bH.t M- lit. in not a tr ..I ' >4 4. Mii'l th I Kilt 30 I'.- IT. VA'm-2 ' '" * 4V ,r ll.nl I ' l """ 1 IH 11. * - >.n..K WOR '.. 8. remember ID. tho com. f.ttk. \. SI. acpiiidiiiif to ir. of M"in 7. . ir. went i. in of kind's mouth Jot. '2. 13 none spake H ir. to Job Pi/. 17. 4. by tr of thy lips I kept 68. II. L IT ,iv ;/-. iii.i-iy published 119. 4!) reineintier tr. to thy aervt. 1S3. eye. lail for ir. of rifMMM*. 139. 4 there i- nut a >r. in tongue Pror. 12 jfj H good ir. maketh glad 13. IS. de-pisi'th ir. he destroyed U 15. simple believeth fiery tr. 15. 3. tr spoke:, in season (food 85. II. ir nily spoken Is like apples Ecd. a 4. where ir. of king, power I*a. 5. 24. de-pis. d ir of Holy One 8. 10 speak tr it -hall not stand 9. i. -t. speak, dimmish not ;t ir. 34. 5. I have pronounced the tp. 37. 17. kin* * .1 any ir. from Lord 41. Id for th- ir spoken unt.i MS E:ek 3. 17. hear ir. at month, 33. 7. IS. 25. the ?r -hall i-.nne to p.-, S8 IT. 1 hnvt -;... ken h. he d-me 13 C. they Kuti.d .MI tinn the ic. Dan. 3. *3. IMV.- C-IH.UI! king's u>. 4. 17. demand t.y ir. of holy ones 31. the ;r in ti.e kin* 1 * mouth JotaA 3 6. tr c.mie to kin* of Nine. Hug. 2- 5. accord to ir 1 covenanted Hut. 8. 8. *pe*k tlie ir. only li 3i whoso spe.,keth 'i tr. ngainst the Son of man, Luke 12. 10, 36. idle ir. men ha.l give account 81. becaus* of the ir. h is offend- ed, Mark 4. 17. 15. 23. Jesus an*, woman not a u>. K Ifi. tr. be established, S Cor. 13. 1. 22. 4ft no man able to answer a tr. 37. 14. Jeu answered never a ic. V* thevrnn to hrin? disciple* tr. jl/arft 4. 14 sower soweth the at. I*. 7S. Peter calleil to mind the to. 16. SO. confirming the tr. with signs Luke 4. 36. amazed, what tr. i- thin '. 7. 7. ay in a tr my servant healed 24. 19. Jesus mighty in tr. and deed John 1. I. in beginning was the W. 14. the W. was iiwie flesh 2. *? 0,-lieved ir. J-sn* *aid, 4. SO. IS. 41 ir. I havespok. sh. judgehim 14. sit the tr. yon hear is not mine 15. 3 clean thro 1 tr. I 'pake to you 80. remember >r. t aid unto you 25. that ir. might be fulfilled 17. SO shall believe :i.e through tr. Art* 10. 36. the tr dom. tr. of knowlcd. 2 l. 1. ."> heard in the tr. ot the truth 3. I'i. tr. nl ('. dwell in you richl) 17 ye do MI ir ordi-ed, do in inline . I. 5. gospi-1 came noli M w. rj. received the ir. in :ifflicti"!i S. l.'l receive it not an tr. of men i Then. !. 2. not l.y Spirit nor l>y tr. l.i. whether by ir or our epistle 17. O. tablish you in ev. giMxi ir. 3. 14. man obey not ir. liy th. epistle 1 Tim. 4. li.exampleolbeliev. in tr. 5. 17. who labour in tr. and din trine 2 Tim i 17 their tr. eat as a canker 4. 2. preach tr. be instant in season Tit. I. 9. holding fast tr. as taught II' f). I. Z. all things by to. of power 2. 2, if tr. spoken by aOKelsstedfaat 4. y. tr. preached did not profit th. 5. 13 unskilful in w. of righteous. 7. 2R but the tr. of the oath IS. 19. entreated tc. sh. not be spoken 13 S2. suffer the tr. of exhortation Jam. I. t\. receive the inurafti-d V>. 'ft. doers of the tr. not hearers only S3. if any be a dearer of the w. 3. 2. if any mnn nffVnd not in tr. 1 Pet. 2. 2. hah.s d. sire milk of tr. 8. to them who stumble ..t the tr. 3. I. if any obey not tr. theyirmy V Pet. I. 19. more Mir.' ir ol prophe. 3. 7. heavens by tr are kept in store I .lonn I. I. hands handled ir. ..I life 3 In. not love in tr. hut in deed s. 7 Father, H'. and Holy < one Her. 3. 10. kept >r. of my patience li 11. overcome by tr. of testimony - ISntn. 9 -27 1 .hew thee the'tr. ofG. 1 A't'/i \L -f>. tr ,.f(i. came to She 1 CHr. 17 a tr. nfG. came to Nathan Pnir. 30. 5. "-vi-ry tr. p/'b'mfi* pure Iia 40 8. ?c. o/h hear tr. ofG. II. 2a they that hear the tr. of a. John 10. 3i. th. gods to wh. tr. ofG. Act* 4. 31. spake a. ofG. wi. hoidn. 6. S. not leave the tr. of God 7. va. ofG. increased in Jer. 12 24 8. 14. Samaria received w. of Cod II. I. Gentiles received IT. of God 13. 7. desired to hear the ir. o/Goti 44. city came to hear the tr. if G. 46. w. of God first spoken to you 19. 20. so mightily ercft tr. of God Rom. 9. 8. not a though tr. of God hath taken none effect 10 17. hearing by the in. of God 1 Cor. 14 36 came tr. ofG. fr. yon? 2 Cor. S. 17. many corrupt tr. rf G. 4. 2. not ha idling ir. i,f G deceit' ill. Eph. & 17. li.'lmet of -"Blva. tr. ofG. Col. 1 25- given to fulfil their ,'.-fl! I THrts. 2 "13. ye received tr of'God I Tim, 4 .V is sanctifi-d by to. ofG. . 1 Tim. S. th.- -r ,.f G is not hound Tit. 2. -'.. the ir i,f(i. he not Ma-'ph. l<-f>. 4. l 4 ^. ir tift!. quick and pow. 6. 5. tasted the good tr. of God 11 3 worlds fr uned t.y ">r r,f God 13. 7. have spoke i to you i/ ! Pet. I. 23. horn again by tr. nfG. \ Pet. a S. by ir. of O. heavens were I Jithit 2. 14. tr.nfG. ahideth in yon Ret. I. 2. bare record of tc. of Go* 9. in ile of Patnios for tr. of God 6. 9. them th. were slain for 10. U. hit name ii called IT. of God 634) WOR 20. 4, were beheaded for te. of Oft -'.- lit ARM. ;//. \\ OHO. .Vti/n. '/7 21 ,1' lut tr. th.'ysh. co out 30. 2. a man vn -i. not break h. in. ! stt. only the L. eatal). h tc. V Sum. y.3. \i li tr w < in my ton^ua 1 A'. i". 4. the I. otd contiiiu- A. w ' perturinedA. tr. 2 CA.fi. 10. 2 Kin. I. Id. no ... in Is. toinq. of A. ta 2 CHr. 10. 15. L. might perform A ta Pi. -V) 4. in <,. wi I I pran.e It. tc la 103. SO. until the voice of Au tr. ' the time that All ir. cuine (.elled not a.ain-t AM tr. li*;. -.'4. believe.l i,ot A tr. butniur, sent A if. ,.n. Ji-r. y<. M A. tr. was in my hear' l.'im. X 17. he hath fulfilled Autr. Joel*. 11. strong th. executeth /.. tc. Mat. a IH. cast out spirits with /.. tr. l.uke 4. 3~f. for Awtr. was wi. power Jiiht, 4. 41. many believed Aunu-ii tr. S. 38. not AM tr. abniing in you Acti-2. 41. they that*! dly rec. A, m Tit I. 3. hath manifested Alt ir. I John 'i. 5. whoso keepeth Au ta Xer LORD. 3/V WOHU. .Vum II. S3. wi tr h. come to pass ie redelleii .iL'-nist m>i ir. 1 Ait. a I* perform m>i ir. willi th. I. diit arcuniing 'o tnii tr. ln. .ii 1 1 so sh,,!l IHU ir that iroetb. r.'i _'. to him that trein. at my ir. Jfr. I \'i. hasten mi/ ir. to perform it 2.1. sa he til. hath m. tr. speak in tr. 29. not m tr n^ a tire saith Lord t 30. aga. prophets that steal in ir. ft. 10. petf. m. uoo.l ir. towards you Mat -2\. :15. my ir. sh. not \MH- a\vay 7oAl 5. -24. he that heareth mi/ ir. 8 'H. continue in in. tr. disci, indeed 37 her. m. ir. hath no place in you 4.'*. because \e cannot hear mi/ tr. Rec. 3. 8. kept m. ir. not deny nam Thit WORIJ. Erod. 14. \-i. is not t. tr. we tell th.? Jo*h. 14. 10. L. spake t tr. to Mosws i Sam. 19. 14. sent tltit ir. to th king I Ail 2. 23 not spo. t tr. ag his lite i Kin. 19. SI. MM is the tr. sp,,ken of him, Iia. Ifi la | S4. 3. | 37. SS. r7ira G. II. wh .soever sh H . ter t. T. 10 5. shoiil.: do accordinv to Me tr. /!. 8. Si). If -peak not accord t.i /. .-. 30. li hecaii-e y- i|.-pse / ler. 5. 14 bee ye speak t. tr. 2:1 .IS. 7. S. proclaim there Mil ir. an.t S.HJ 13. li speak unto them tliii tr. 1 4. 17. therefore say f. ir. to them SS.l. Lord -aid, go and speak f. :. V6. I. l/iit tr. came frnm the I...rd, savint', 27. I ; :M S. | 36. 1. ?fi.7. hearr. ir -Im. . :t I I I. | 5.1. Dan. 10. II wh. he had -p.. ken r r. erA. 4. 6. /. is tr. of I. to Zenihh*, h-t> 'ZI. 2S. gave audience ! ' It .m !l If for MM I- tr of tiromie 'leb 12. S7. t. ir. once iri>re siirniftej Pet. 1. 25. 1. their poached to you Tim Woltl). irn. 30. 34. tn'mht he accord, tor. wi. 41. 40. accord to r. ir p-o. lie rnle4 '.ri-d. 8. 10. he it ai cording to I. tr. Sum. 14. SO. pardoned accor. to f. w Dent. 33. 9. observed t. tr. and otrek A'm. 3. 12. don* accurd. to My w won i Kin. 8. 26. let thy w . be yerlf ed la 36 done all these things Rt < t.. 22. 13. let t. w. speak what is good 2 CAr. 18. 12 fin?. 119. 9. hy taking heed to t. tr. 11. thuw. have I hid in mine heart 16. 1 will nut forget thy w. 17. I may live anil kee'p t. w. 101. 25. quicken aero, to t. tr. 107. 154 28. strenif. ir,e arcor. to t. w. 11G 38 staMUh t. ir. ||42. I trust in t. w. 41. salvation according to mt. 2. 26. Sihon with IP. of peace 28. 14. not go aside from any of w. 29. 9. keep the w. of his covenant, 2 Kin. 23. 3, 24. 2 Chr. 34. 31. 32. 1. hear.Oearth. tr.of my mouth, /'. 54. 2. | 78. I. /Von. 7. 24, 2 Sam. 19. 43. ir. of men were fiercer 1 Kin. 22. 13. behold, w. of prophets declare ifood, 2 Chron. 18. 12. 2 ATtft. ft 13. Ehsha telleth the w. 18. 0. they are vain >r. /. 36. 5. 2 CAr. 29. 30 sing praises with w. of 32. a people rested on IP. ol Hezek. Et. 12. for ir. of iheir lips let them Pron. 1. 6. to understand tr. of wise 4. ft. derline not from ir. of my, 5. 7. & 2. tCi rt toured wi. tr. of mouth WOR Pror. 10. 19. in ir wanteth not sin 12. . tr of wick, are to lie in wait 15. 2li. w. of pure are pleasant v. 18. 4. tr. of mouth are as waters 8. w. of tale-hearer woun.l- 19. 7. he pnrsueth them with -. 27. he cause'h thee to err Irom tr 22. 12. he overthrows ir. of transi; 17. bow ear, hear tr. of the \vi~e 21. make thee know ir. of truth 23. 8. thou shalt lose thy sweet rr. 29. 19. erv. not be corrected by tr EccL 5. 3. voice known by w. 10. 14. lit. 12. the tr. of wise are gracious 12. 10. sought out acceptable tr. 1 1. ir, of wise are as goads, nails /.TO. 29. II. her. as tr. of hook sealoc 37. 4. God will hear tr. of Ral.shak. 59. 13. uttering w. of falsehood Jer. 11. 2. hear tr. of covenant, 'i. 23. 9. because of L. and w. of holm 44. 28. remnant know wh. tr. stand Ezek. 3. 6. w. thou canst not under Dan. 7. 25. speak tr. ag. Most Hiirh 12. 4 shut up ir. || 9. tr. are closed Hoi. 6.5. slain them l.y w. of mouth 14. 2. take with you tr. and turn Zech. 1. 13. answered with good to. 7. 7. should ye not hear the w.t Mat. 26. 44. prayed, saying the same tr. Murk 14. 39. Luke 4. 22. wondered at gnu-ions ir. John 6. 63. jr. 1 speak to you are life 68. thou hast the ir. of eternal life 17. 8. given them w. thou gavestme Act* 2 40. with tr. did he testify 7. 22. Moses was mighty in tr. 1 J. 22. Cornelius warned to hear tr. K. 14. Peter, who sh. tell thee tr. 15. 15. to this agree tr. of prophets 24. certain troubled you with ir. 18. 15. but if it be a que.-tion of ir 20. 35. to remember IP. of L. Jesui 38. sorrowing tor the tr. he spake 2ft 25. but 1 speak forth tr. of truth Rum. 16. 18. by IP. deceive hearts of 1 Cor. I. 17. not wisdom of ir. 'I. 4,13. 14. 9. except ye utter ir. easy 19. rather speak 5 tr. wi. underst. Efih. 5. 6. let no man deceive wi. tr. 1 Tim. 4. 6. nourished in IP. of faith 2 Tim. 2. 14. they strive not about tr. 4. 15. he hath withstood ourir. 2 Pet. 3. 2. be mindful of tr. spoken Rev. 1.3. hear IT. of prophecy, 22. la 22. 19. take from ir. of prophecy All the WORDS. Erod. 4. 28. told Aaron a. t. tr. of L. 24. 3. Mo-.es told people all the ir. Hum. 12. 24. Deut. 9. 10. on tables written a. t. tr 17. 19. keep a. w. || 29. 29. do a. IP. 27. 3. write on stones all I/if tr. 9. 2ft thatconfirmeth w>t all the tr. 28. 58. not observe to do all the IP. 31. 12. observe to do all t. tr. of law 32. 44. Moses spake all t. tr. of long 46. set hearts to a. t/tf tr. 1 testify Ji,sh. 8. 34. he read nil the tr. of law Stim 8. 10. Samuel told nil the w. t Kin. L>a 2. Jo-iah read ,(// thev. of covenant, 'J Chr. 34. 3<>. TVor.8. R. a. ir. >( month re right. b.,;-l. 7. 21. no heed ton 1. tr. spoken Jer. 1 1. R bring n/l t. tr. of co> enant 26. 2. speak nil the tr. I coiiuiMiirt ,10. 2. wiite,//M<-tr. upokrii. 36. 4. Barnch wrote a tr of I.. .'12. 41. I. Jer. had ended till the tr. of I. Acti 5. 20. upenk to people nil the ir. WORDS, ' Num. 24. 4. which hear! tr. n/C. Ifi. I Chr. 25. 5. kinif'n " \nw.o) G. Exrc. 9. 4. tn-mhleth at tr. of God 637 WOR J lia 3. T>4. (J. ~ent <|.K>,k.-ll * 47 that is of (1. Learn h ./ Rev. 17. 17. until /(,. befLift rsj See Ht'in Hit WORDS. Gen. 37. a they hated him for I. w i>ru/. 4. 3d. herd,.st A tr out . fir* /"rfy. II. II. J phthah uttered ' tr S**i '?' '"t "'"" " f A " '" ' 2 CAr. 36. 16. they despised hit ir. Job 22. 22. lay up Au ,r. in th. heart Ji 14. not directed Au tr ap 34. 35. Ait tr. were without wi-doia 37. he multiplieth AIJ ir g. <;,,j Ptal. 55. 21. Au ir. softer n. in mi 10ft 12. then belie.ed they A/. ,r Pror. 17. 27. knowledge par. kii \g 29. 20. a man that i* hasty tn A. ir.f 30. fi. add thou not unto Ai. tr l*a. 31. 2. I., not call bark /,i, >r. Jer. 18. IS. not (live lierd to AM tr. Dan. 9. 12. he hath ronnrmed Au ^wt 7. 10. land not nble to Lei-r ir. .War* 10. 24. were astonished at A. if 12. 13. catch him in A. tr Lit 20. .-ft, u*.? 20 V6. not t.,ke hold of Ait w. 24. a they remembered Alt IB See Loin. My WORDS. -Vt/m. 12. fi. hear mv tr. ./oA 34. I. Deut. 4. 10. m ike tlieni hear mv . II. IS. IHV up my ir. in your h.-^rt 18. la I will put my w. in mnnlli 19. whoso, will not hearken to my tr. I require, Jer. 29. 19. | 35. 13. .VcA. ft 19. they uttere.tm.vir. to him Jnt> 6. 3. my IP. are swallowed up 19. 23. O that mv ir. were unite'.! 29 22. after my ir. they spake n.-t 3a 1. hearken to all my tr 34. IR. 3 my tt>. shall he of iipricl.- Ptal. 5. I. give ear to my ir. O I. 50. 17. easiest mv tr. behind thee 56. 5. every day they wrest my n>. 141. 6 they sh. hear mv ir. - Pror. 1.23. make known m. ir. to yot 2. I if thou wilt receive my tr. 4 4. let thine heart retain my . 20. my son attend to my tr. 7. I. my son keep mu v. lia, 51. 16. I have put my tr. w thy mouth. Jrr 5!l. 21. mytr. which I put m tm.nl h ler. 5. 14! nikke nm tr. in thy inoiith ft 19 have not he..rkem ,i to mi, u\ II. 10. wh. refuted to hear my v IS 2. there cnuse the., t.. h^ar M. to. 19. 15. they might not he;,r MIV tr. 2i 22. caused people to b-ar mym. 25. a ye have not heard mv ir. 13. bring upon that land my M>. 39. 16. bring mv ir. on !>* " ity 44. 29. you may know mu tr. Kze(. 2. 7. speak mu tr. to tb. 3 4.ia II nae of m.v'tr. be pn.lonced Vir. 2. 7. do not mv do f.Mid to /..A I. IV my tc. d'd they not tk W.irA- M. 3a Huhamed of m. tr. of bit* ,-h .ined, l.ulrel . 13. 31. my tr. i . ' M- 't.Ac I. --Uthou brlieve>t ii"t my m. J,,hn 5. 47. how believe my. tr.f I.' 17 if any man h. ar MV >r. and 4. Irt. Deut. 12. 28 hear ;) r. IT Zrrh. A !. ! .Sph. f. >r. 38. 24. let n.. in. in know ..I theie ir. 45 I when he had wril. .' ir SI. 641. 11. ( I when tlniii shaft read t. ir. 7.nA? 24. 44. t are the ir. 1 spake Jhn 9. L^i. < tc. spake his p,,r,-i,ts 10. 21. tAue ar>- nut IT. .if a d.-vil jr.ti _'. Ai men f lump) hear t. ir. in H. while Peter yet -|'..ke t to. 13 *_'. t w. mii;hth.-'preai-h.-il tilth. 2S. 2) sail /. ic Jew* depart, d 1 Then. I IS. rura(. ..ne aim. wi t ir. l?n>. 21. 5. t. tr. are true nud faithful Thy WORDS. Drut. 33. :>. every line -h. rec. of t. tr. Jink. I. is whwMi.nnth- arken inf. >/. J'<-/4'. II. :n. H .l.i ni.t iirr.ird. t.i/. ir. 1:1 14 w let t IT. mine to pass 1 SUM. 1 j -t I have triinsjfrrs L tc. 2* 21. 1 have hearkened t Mi; ir. 8 SUM. 7. HI. fur A tr. -ake hast d..ne vrs. that (iod -.lid M>/ //. l.e true 1 A'in. 1. 14. mine and runtinn t. tr. A. 9. 8. thou hast p. Thinned t. ir. Job 4. 4 t 1C. upheld him that < as I'tal. 119. 57. 1 said I wd. keep I ir. 101 how itweet /. -. to my t..st.- '. l:< |. entrance of t. ir. ifiveth liht 139. enemies have |..rKtten t. ir. Fn,r. VS. H. shall MIS,- MV sweet ir. V he will despite wi-.lo n of /. ir. Keel. 5, 2. be nut rash, let ( ir. he tew Jf /-. 15. In. (. tc. were round, I eat th. Are*. 33. 31. heart, tr doth, not, 32. linn. 10. I*. Daniel t. w. were heard Ual. 12. 37. by t ir thou sh be jus. Vour WORDS, (ira. 42. 16. in prison a. T. he proved 44 10. accord, to v ,r J,h. -I. 21. /J- r I. 34. Lord heard v. ir. 5. 28. .//A 32. II. behold. I waited fory. tc. I ft. 41. 2ft none heareth your tc. Jrr. 4r 4. 24. then ce~eil tle u 1 . 5. a this tr. tfoeth fast on 6. 7. let the tr of house of G. alone --'- -trei.irtheii hand> in tr. of hou>e 10. 13. neither H ir. of I day or .' \rA 3. 5. nol.le. pin not ne< ^ t>. ir. 4. II. slay them, r..ne tr. to i-ra-e 6. M why sh " . r.-a-e wh I leave it Ifi. they p.-rreiv this ir. tvasot G. 7. 70. the father^ pave to the ir. Job I. 10 hast l.le-i-d tr ..f I.H hands 10 3. despise the tr. of thine hands 14. I.V have desire to tr. of thy handn 24. 5. as acse* no they to th.-ir tr. 34. II. for the tr. of a man shall he teniler to him, I I'et. I. 17 19. they are all the ,r of his hand- 3A. 9. herheweth ir and tran-^r.-s. P*. 8. 3. wh. I c-onsi. ir. of thy tinkers !). Ifi. i snare. I in w. of his hands 19 I. firmament shew, th hand> tr. V8. 4. after the ir. i.f their hands 41. I. we heard wliat ir thii didst MX 17 etal.li-h the ,v .f ,,ur hands 9.S 9. fathers prov. d me, saw my w. lOi. :i I hat.' the tr. ..f then, that Klv! s!5. heavens are ir. of thy hands I4C15 I muse nthe ir. of thy hands I'ror. II. la wick woik. deceitf. ir. r.rrL 3. 17. a time for every tr. 5. fi. why-h. (i. destroy tr. of hands? H 9. I applied my heart toevery ir. 14. happen arrord to tr of wir'ked '. 10. there is no tc. in (crave \->. 14. . Assvria the tr. of my hands 2S 1. that he may do his ir. ill. Id shall tc. say him that made it v>:l i-hildren, and the ir. of my hands 3i 17. tr. of righteousnens, peace 45.1 1. concerning the tr of my han.is \'.'. 4 -urely my tr i> with my fiud HO. 81. shall inheri- ir. of my hands fil. a I will dirert th.ii tr. in truth 64. a we ar the ir of t'iy hands 65. . elect enj-.y ir. of their hand- Jer. 32. 19. fret and mighty in tr. 60. 29. recompense her arcordiiiR to ir. l.am. :i B4 Etelc. 15. 3. shall wiMtd do any tr. f 4. is it meet for ir.?||5. meet no tr. Ifi. 30. tr. of an whorish woman II' i 1:1 2. all the tr. of rraftsman 14. 3. say no more to tr. of our hands Wir. 5. '3 no more w.irs. ir. of hnd //;'.. I. 5. will workatr. in yourdays Hag. 2. 14. so is ev. tr. of th. hands \lnrk 6. 5 there do no miffhty tr Jnhn 7. 21. done one tr. and ye marv. 17. 4 finished the tr. thou xavest . tr in the Lord? r'pH. 4 12 rsi'e s'.me f..r ir. of miiil I'M. >. 341. for ir ( ('. wag nigh death Mtf WOR 2 Thai 111. ...,! lulfl! ir 2 17 -tat.lih N n ei.-rypm-dM a Tun 4 . d>. ir ..I an -vaiiKelist ././;/i I 4 I. t p:.tleiii-e h.ive perf. If 25 a doer of (In- tr. ~\, be hles.^4 >IL. W O K K of i;,t, \\ ( 1 1< K S ,,/ Gorf. Kf'itl. 3/. Ifi. tildes \\etetheir of it. ./V. :<7. 14. the u-ondriis tr. of God fail. 4. 9. all declare thftfl, of Q. f*: 5. ciime and see the tr. ufliud ~.t. 7. miirl.t nut iorf. t the ir of G r.rrl 7. li CtMuider the ir ol Girt a 17. I beheld allMi- ir o/Gurf II. 5. thou kn..w.-t not the John 6 28 miirht .,rk the ir. 'e 9 3. that tr. i,fVt,,l l.e manirest Irti 2. II. hear tlu-n -p.-;.k ir. of G Hum. 14. vO. t.-r meat destroying tr See OO..D, I.HI AT [<.f O Hi' WORK [tr. h'imr. Gen. 2. 8 G. ended hn tr. || 3. rested f'j-i'd. 36. 4. every man Iroin I. is it: Drut. 31 4. his tr. is p. r feet Jurig. 19. In. old man came fr. h. tr. I >A. 4. 15. returned e\. man to A. ;r. Jo.'i 7. 2. looketh for rewar.i of A. tr. :, Ni VDLE. Our W(RK. GCT. 5. 29. this nh^ll comfort our t. r/.v WiiKK. Efod. 20. 9. six d.,ys do all thy ie. 23 12. Uent. 5. 13. RW& ?. 18. L. recompense CJhf m. /' 4. hast made me vlad th'o' t nt I'H. 4V 9. or r'tr. In- hath no hand* ? Jrr 31. lf>. t. tr. shall he rewarded Hab.3. 2. revive t. ir in years Y'tir WO UK E.rod. 5. II. not . in flax shall 43. 13. I wit' v>. and who sh. let it Ezek. 33. 'At. ye tr. abomination D. 3. 10. not tr. neither should he eat 12. that with quietness they w. See INIQUITY. WORKER, t Kin. 7. 14. was a tr. in brass WORKERS. i Kin. 23. 24. ir. wi. familiar spirit t Cor. 6. I. as ir. together wifti him II. 13. false apostles, deceitful tr. Phil. 3. 2. dKS, he ware of evil c. Sen IMQUITY. WORKS. E.mri. 5. 13. furil your tr. and tasks A'ttni. IK. 28. sent me t- do these ir. Vent. 2. 7. blessed tliee in w. la IS. /. I Sam. 8. 8. accord, to ir. they done 1 Kin. 13. II told ir. man ..f (J. did 2 Kin. 22. 17. provoked me to anger with w. of their hands, 2 Ch. 34. 'ad MA. 9. 35. nor turned fr. wicked ,e. ftnt. 14. 1. 'i.i. dmie ahominalile w. 17. 4. concerning the ir. of men by 92. 4. triumph in w. of thy hands III. 2. w. ill the Lord are great 7.tr. of haiMs, verity and judgment 133. 8. forsake not w. of th. hands 141. 4. to practise wicked tr. with Pri.ir. 31. 31. let her w. praise her EccL 1.14. I have seen w. done, 2. 1 1. ha. 26. 12. IIM. wrought our ;r. in us Jer. 7. la bee. ye have done these ir. 25. 6. pmvu. me not wi. jr. 7. | 44. 8. 14. recompense them according to tr. of ban-la. Her. 2. 23. Ezek. 6. 6. th. your tr. he aboli bed Dun. 4. 37. him whose tr are truth Mic. 6. 16. if. of house of Ah. kept Mitt. II. 2 John heard ir. of Christ Joan 5. 20. show him greater if. than 36. r. the Father hath given me 7. 3 may see the ir. thou doest 7. I testify ir. thereof are evil 8. 3!). ye would id. IP of Abraham 9. 4. I must tr. the works of him 10. 25. tr. I do in Father's name 32. for \vh. of ir. do ye stone me ? 37. if I do not ir. || X8 believe tr 14. 10. doeth ir. || II. believe lor ir. !.'. ir. th .t I r!, sh. he do, gr.-atiT 15 24. if I had not done the tr. Jrts~. 41. rjoired in if. of hands Vi. 20. do ic. meet for repentance Horn. 3. 27 liy what law 'i of tr ? 4. J. f A hi ah. were jii-tified by ir. 0. O imputeth right without tc. . \i-' us cast , ft'ir. of^laj-Kne'S O*. t. 16. man i not justified by tr. WOR Gdi.rt 2. receiv. ye Sp. by tr. of law? !> iloeth he it I'V if. of the law or 10 as many R* are of tr. of law 5. Ii) ir. of the flesh are manifest K/iA. 8. 9. not i,ftr. lest any boast 5 II. wi. unfruitful ir. of darkness Cnl. 1. 21. PII mies by wicked ir. 1 Then. 5. 13, esteem for ir. sake 2 Tim. I. 9. saved us, not according to our tr. Tit. 3. 5. Tit. \. IR. hut in tr. they deny (iod //',. |. m heavens tr. of thy hand* 2 7. set him over tr. of thy hands 3. 9. your fathers .saw my IT. 4. 3 although tr. were finished 6 I. repentance Iro-n dead tc. 9. 14. purge conscience fr. dead tr. Jam. 2. 14. not tr. can faith ave ? 17. faith without tr. isdead, vO.26. 18. show me thv faith without if. 2. 21. was not > br. justified by tr. ? 22. by ir. was faith mad.- perfect 24. ye see by HI. a man is justified 25. was not , ahahjustifie.i by tr.? 2 Pet. a 10. the tr. therein burnt up I .Inhn 3. 8. might destroy tr. of devil lift: 2. 26. that keepeth tr. to end 9. 20. repented not of tr. of hands 18. 6. donhle, according to her tr. See EVIL, (.0011. WORK of God. Hi* WORKS. 1 5am. 19. 4 hi* tr. to tliee good 2 CAr. 32. 30. He*, prospered in A. tr. Pnal. 33. 4. Aw tr. are done in truth 78. II. forget AM tr. wonders. 106. la 103. 22. bless the Lord, all AMtr. 104. 31. Lord shail rejoice in hit tr. 107. 22. declare AMtr. wi. rejoicing 111. 6. showed peop power ol A. tr. 145. 9. his mercies are over Ai ir. 17. the Lord is holy in all AM ir. Prof. 8. 22. possess, me before A. if 24. 12. render to every man accord. ing to A. ir ? Mat. 16.27. 2 'Am 4. 14. fieri. 3. 2v!. man sh rejoice in AM ir. D'tii. 9. 14. A. 6. 11. according to tnese t. tr. Job 34. 25. therein, he knowelli t. tr. Pail a't 15. he considereth th'ir tr. 106. 35. and they learned their fr. 3!l. thus defiled with their own n: Keel. !t. I. /. tr. are in the hnnd of (i. ha. VJI. 29. 15 their IP. arc in dark 41 :''.!. vanity, their ir. are nothing 39.6. non-over th.-m-el. with t ir Hi. 18. I know*, tf. and thought" .Irnnf H. 7. never forget any ot t tr .liituih :\. 10. O. saw t tr. Hi. turned Mat. 2.a a do not ye after their tr. h t r. Hen 14. la their tr. do follow them 20. 12. judged according tot IT. 13. Thif WORKS. Dent 3. 24 do according to tht/ tr. IS. Hi. Lord h. bless thee in t'.ti if. 2 CAr. o. 37 L. hath broken MM ir. I'xil. 2i i 7 tel' of/ won.1. if MS 4 66. 3. how lerrihle art Ibou m t ,r 7H 2*. t..al I may d elate thv if. 86. 8 nor any if. like onto thv tr. o- '. O Lord, how great are th.nnd t tr i.er'tict ' Pi. 40. \ many are tl.y IPui ,S i slHUMHK his,,. . 107. 8 pia'se Lord f.ir Ini ir ir to children, i.', III. 4. made hit ir. w. feme.. Mat. 7. 22. in thy name . 3 that tribulation ir. pa lenre 13. Ill love tr n>. ill i ... i. 1 C'jr. I i fi it is <-ame e">tmn. WORKIM., I'arti.-if,!'. Ptal. 52. 't. likf rmor, ir d.-.-eit 74 I-', tr. sal* ation in the earth Exek. 4ft. I. (fate shut Mnrk !. 2 I WOIKI N. Sti'-'liinii-f n I ( ,. r n r, p,,et to I Ii. 10 mioth r Ihe ir. ..I , f r>A. I. l. ar, ording I :i 7 gien in ' t. 1C aiiord'llu to .1- in me /hit .i 21 . cording t.-.r | Ins ir wb worfcei -.' 7>. II I" !. r ibe v .w .-Mt.. WO I! KM \N r'.fui .V>. :i'' work ..I tin r. fl Cuiil. 7. I. work ..ta cunno.K . II- II,. llelh.,l, Ml.ngit kelh to hmm "in, .J^r in ( ork >4 >r w,th i' li<" H ,,!<. |c. 'U. r. if orlb> .1 mr WOR t Vm. !* IV a ir. nnt to be i WORKMANSHIP. trod. 31. 3. and in nil manner of ir. 5. | 35 31. 8 A'in. 16. 10. accord. ti tr. thereof Ezek. 28. I .'I ir. of txl.rets prepared Euh. 2. 10. wr are his ir. in C.Jrtit WORKMKM. t Kin. 11 14. they itave that to th< tr. 15 2 fArnn. 3 1. ID. 17 t CAr. 22. 15 ir. with Ihee in ahtiud 85. 1. number ol tr (| 2 fAr 24 13. so the ir wrought fjrra 3. 9. set tlie tc. in house ,,; (,. 7ia. 44. II. the ir. they are ol men AcU ID. 25. with rr. of like ocrupa. WORLD. I Sam. 8. 9. he s,.t the tr. upon them 8 Sam. VI. IK. the foundation- ol the tr. appi-hred, Ptal. 18 15 1 rAr. 16. 30. ir. sh. nut he moved Job 18. IH hesh. be rhated out of tr. 14 13. who hnth dispose. I the V>. 37. 12. muy do on the Cure of ir. Pi. 9. 8. he sh.iM jii.lee the ir. in rii.'hteo,iMies, 96. 13. | 98. 9. 17. U, rtelirer from men of the tr 19.4 word- to end of w. Aom.10.18. 2. 27. ends of v. shall remember 84. I. the earth an. I the tr. is thi Lord's. 98. 7. AoA. 1. 5 S3. 8. inhabitants of tr. stand in awe 49. I. give ear. inhabitants of tc. 50. 12. for the tr. i.i mine 77. la lurht mints lightened tr. 97. 4. 89. II founded tr. and its fulness 90. 8. formed the earth ami the tr. 03. I the tr. also is established :i. 10 u>. al-o shall he established Prnr 8. '.ti nut made dust of the tr. EccL :i II. aUo set ir. in their heart ha. 13. II. I will punish tr. for evil 14. 17. is this he made tr. wiidrrn.:- SI. nor fill fare of tr. wrth ritiet 24. 4. the tr. hinpiii-heth awny 27. 6. Israel sh. fill the tr. wi. fruit 34. I. let the tr. hear, and all that 45. 17. not confounded, IP. with end Mat. 4. s the ,1,-vil .howeth him all kingdoms of the to. l.uke 4. 5. & 14. ye are the light of the tr. la 38. Held is ur.irood seed children 40. MI hHll it be in end of ir. 49. Hi. 20. what profiled, L'HMI tP. l. take* a way * in of tr. 3. 16 (J..d no lored th.- ir.' that he 17. tr. thro' him minht he wired 4. 4J. C. Saviour -fir. I John 4. 14. C :a. bread of fJ. iveth lile to v>. !i\. my flesh. I ifive for life of tr. 7. 4. do thee th. shew thyself to tr 7. IT. cannot li.it,. you, me it hateth 8. IV. iaiJ, I .mi liifht of rr 5. J2. 1. th.- ir. 11 none after him 47. I roine n. .1 1 .Hid*,- not save ir. 14. 17 Spirit, wh ir. , -annul receive li. and the ir .-eih me no more 164. how manifest tby-eif uniou- and not uoto the ir v ST. I five, not as the ir. iriveth. 14. 3>. the ir. may know I \..\ f p n 14. 18 if ir hate yon, I John :\ \-\ 10. were of tr th ir |.n In. own 10. M. but the 10. 3 ..i . :rj-.ire John 1R88. \ leave ic. and pa to Fath. .'U. I have oti-rromc the ir. 17. 5. plory I had before ir. wai a name to men Ravei-t out ol tr. 9. I pray not for tr. but fur them 14. tr. hated them, her. not of tr. 1%. not take thi-m out ( ir. Hi. not of tr. even as 1 am not of tr ill. that the tr. ma\ believe thou hast -tut me, 85. the tc. hath not known me 18. 80 I spnke op. nly t to. '21 25. tr. rould not contain hooks Actt 17. 6. turned tr. upside down !9. 27. Diana, Asia and u-. worshi. V4. 5. a mover of sedition tlin>' tr. Rom. I. 8. faith is spoken of thru' ir. a a for how >hall (i. jud*e thetr.f 19. tp may become iiui'ly hef. O. 4. ia that he ohould be heir of tr. II. I'.', if fall oil ! in hr I idle, of tr. 15. if casting away of them be reconciling of tr. 1 Cor. I. 21. tr by \vi. knew not (t. 8. 7. wisdom (i. ordained beloreip. 12. hjve not received spirit ol tc. 3 28 tr. or life, or death, all >ours 4. 9. We are made a Bp. rt.n le to tr. 13. we arv made a- filth ol v. 5. 10. then mu-t ye RO out of the tp. 6. 8. know that faint* i>h jndnetr.? 7. 33. car.-th for thii.ik'> in their. :<4. 8. 13. eat no flesh wh' tr. >tai.deth II. 3>. not be coiid.'inn.'d with ir * Cor. 5- l!. ( . recotii il tr to l.itn-elf GaL 6. 14. by whom tr. is rriu-ified i Tim. I 9. in Christ before tr. he. Ban. Tit. I a. Heb. 2. 5 in subjection ir. to rome a 5. ta.kted powers ot tr. to com.- II. 3R. ol whom tr. wa-i not worthy Jam. \. -fl. iintpntteil tr..m tlietr. ,'J a tonifite i.< a ic. of ii itjnity 4. 4. friendnh. oftr in enmity wi. G. 2 Pet 2. ) -hall have Ini.uia. 17. II. I nm no m.-re in tHr T. 12. while I mar in ir 1 kept them 18 37 tor thin CR-IIP I in/o the tr. R"in 5 12. sin entered intn thr tr. 13 for until law, sin WHS in the tr i Cor. a 4 an idol is nnthinu in t. ir f>A. i 12. with.. nt (iinl in the >r. CoL I. a to yon a* it is in all the tr I Tim. 1. IS. Christ Jrtii came into tr. to save .iiinrr- 3 Ifi. and believed on in the IT. //-/.. 10 S. hen he roineth intn t tr. 1 l'>t. 5. 9. affliction* th. tire in t. ic. won 1 Jrhn 2. 15. love not tiling i* t m. 4. I. fal^e proph.-t~ K'""' into t'>e ic. 3. evt-n now already is it i/ t (hete. 4. greater than he that i in t w. 9. sent his Son int-, t'tr u-. that we t John 7. inxny .l.ieivrra into t. to. nit WORLD. Mat. 12. 3i not forimeii him in t. rr. ia 22. cares of thi* ir. i hoke the word. Murk 4. IA l.uke la 8. children of thii tr ,ne vo :U. ihildren ol this if. marry ./An s. 2:1. >e are ! thii ir. !t. :i.i. lorjndfin. I r. .me int" t tr. Ii. V5. that i.ateth lif^ in t. ir. sln.ll 31. now is the judgment of ifiij to. la 1. should depart out ol MM ir. 14 30. for prince ..i tlii* tr. i ..m.-th la 1 1. prince of Mu tr. is ju If. d 18. .%. my kingdom is not ..I /. tr. Hum. \i. 2. be m.t c -.iifoi in. ci lo t. tr. I Cor. I. 20. wh. isdi-put. r ..( .'. tr? 2. 6. we >p.ak not wisilom ol / tr. 3. 18. il man seemeth wise in t. tr. 19 wisdom of t. u: fooluslm. U. . 10. not with tornteator- ol /. ir. 7. 31. that us.' t u: as not al .... \ -' Cor. 4. 4 (jod of t tr. blmdeil the Gill. 1 4. deliver us ir. t. pri-enl ta. Fph \. zl. not ..my in thi* .7. briH^htnuthluf mtntJM, 17. .-hri!.- III. that xre rn I in t ir. ' Tim. 4 10 i>i-mas loved (. pre tr. Tit { \i. live f.njly in t. pr,.rn: in l-im 2 5. fi. hath elm-, poor ol t. w. I John .'( 17. 1 hath t tr ifo.id t. 17. as he is, s., ar.- we in l. for the tr shall e;i th. .lob 7. 5. clothed with tr ami dij.t 9. 26. tlmiich tr. destroy ihis hodjr 21. 26 ami ir -hail cover them /> 1 4. II. and the tr. rover th^e Mir. 7. 17. m.ne out of hole, liketr. Acti 12. 23. Henxl aten of tr. WORMWOOD Dent 2!. IH. root -h f t.parelh tr. I'ror. 5. 4. her end i hitler :. -r ler. W. 15. will feed th. with rr v.'j 15 I. urn 3 15. madeiiieilrunki.n v. i ;r 19. my misery, t'e ir. HI d frail .CmoiS."". who tarn judgment tow Her 8. II. name of -t.ir i> called tr. WORKB, Gen. IS. 7. deal tr with thee than th. .' Sum 13 7. u: th. a'l Unit brlelltii. i King* 14. I/ .lu.i..h was put TO the tr. 2 Chrim. 2\ '.'i I Chr. 19 Ifi Syriam put to ir hi i Chr r, 04 if t'hy peo. he put to n :.1 !' M.nia-seh mii.le J.-rll dr. tr. .tui tr. th. thy liith. If, I -.'. Dan. I. 10. why ee (arts tr. iiitiUff WOR Me/ V.'. 1. r >. the last state of thnt man is IP. than first, I,, the II 26 'f.. e ,l last error IP. than the first Jn'/it 5 14. a ir. tliinp oune unto thee \ Cc.r H. 8. if we eat not are we ,p 11. 17. not lor better hut for IP. 2 Tim. 3. 13. seducers shall wax IP J Pet. 2. 20. latter end is tp. with th WOrtSHIP. fien. 22. 5. I and ld w ill po and tc. E.ior/. vi. I. and IP. ye afar off 34. 14. til-Hi shait IP no other God Di-nt. 4. 19. lest tho.i be dri-en to tp 8. 19. if IP. other gods, II. 1 i. j 30. 17. 2G. 10. and IP. before the Lord thv ' God, Pxtl. _>>. 27, 2!. | 8C. 9". 1 Sum. I. 3 this man went up to IP. 15. 25. that I may IP. the Lord, :JO 1 Kin. 12. 3". the people went to IP 2 Kin. 5. IS. IP. in house of Kimin 17. 3f>. L. sh. ye fear, him sh. ye IP la 22. shall IP. before this altar i Jenisa, 2 C/ir. 32. I.'. / xlt . ;)6 7 i Chr. 16. 20. IP. Lord in the heaut of holiness Psitl. 29 2 i (Vi 4 | 96. 9 M,,t, 4. Id. Lid. IP. me John 4. 20. in Jerusalem is. the place where men ougnt lo IP. Murk'.T. 22. ye IP. ye know not wh.it 23. sh. IP. the Fatlu r in spirit, 24. 12. 20. Greeks came to IP. at fe.ist Act*!. 42. gave th. up to IP. host, 43 A 27. eunuch came to Jems, to tr. 17. 23. whom ye iunorantly IP. him la 13. pers" laded men to IP. God 24. II. Paul came to Jeruaa. to IP. 14 so IP. 1 the inn! of my fathers 1 Cr. 14. -if< fallinp, lie will w. Ood Phil. 3. 3. which in. God in spirit Hcf> I. 6. let angels of God IP. him Net', a 9. come aivl IP. bef. thy feet 4. 10 IP. him that liveth for ever P. 2*. they should not IP. devils II. I. and them that IP. therein 13. 8. all on earth sh. IP. beast, II 15. that would not IP. the image 14. 7. IP. him that made heaven 9. if nny man IP. beast ainl image II. who IP. beast, have no rest 15 I. nations come, tr. before him 19. 10. I fell to IP 22. 8. H 22 9. tc. G. WOHSHIHPhD. Gen. 24 2ord Giod. 1 31. Israel w. 1* 27. | 3a 10. WOR . 32. 8. they made n ralf, and . it, Paul. l<. I!,. .J4. a Miis. tP. || J:trlg 7. 15. Hid. IP ;i..,, ,- -, . sKrv.d other K,,d-, if> I king, 9. 9. 17. :t and 2 Kiiiax 21. 21. 2 Chnm 7 Jfi: I. Hi | a 2 | 16. II. | 2S Samu 2 S.r;/i. 12. v. . 1 A'IH. 1 1. 3:i. forsaken me I'i. IP. Ash 51. serv d Ba.l, ic. him, 2.' 53. 2 Knigt 17. 16. they IP host of hea. ven, 21/3. 2 Citron SJ 3. I Chr. 29. 20. conprepa. bowed, ami IP. L. 2 CA 7. 3. | 29. .'8, 29 30. Nek. a fi. all people IP. Lord 9 3 Joh I. 20. Jot, tr. || /::rk 8. 16. IP sun Dm. 2. 46. king IP. || 3. 7. IP. image Mat. 2 11. wise men fell. tp. Christ a 2. leper IP. him || 9. la a ruler IP. 14. 33. ihat were in ship IP. him 15. 25. woman of Canaan IP. him 15. 2f>. servant Tell, and IP. his lord 2a 9. held him by feet, and IP. him 17. disciples IP. him, j.uke 24. 52. Mark 5. (?. ran out ol tombs, w. him IV 19. spit on him, bowing, w. him John 4. M. our fathers tp. in in-mnt. 9. 38. man heli.-ved, and IP. him Arts 10. 25. Cornelius IP. Peter 16. 14. Lydia IP. G. || la 7. Justusw. 17. 25. neither is IP. with hands Rom. 1. 25. tp. creature more than 2 Thesv. 2 4. exalteth above all w. Heb. II. 21. Jac. IP. || her. 7. 1 1. tr. G Ken. 5. 14. 24 elders IP. ! I. 16. | 19. 4 13. 4. they tp. dragon, th. IP. beast 16. 2. a sore fell mi them tp. image 19. 20. deceived that w. his image 20. 4. souls that had not IP. beast WORSHIPPER, S. 2 Km. 10. 19. destroy IP. of Baal 21. all tp. of Baal came, none left 23. none but the IP. of Baal only John 4. 23. IP. shall worship in gpiri 9. 31. if anv man be a tc. of God Acts 19. 3"). kphesus is a IP. of Diana Heli. 10. 2. because tr. once purged WORSHIl'PETH. ' AWi. 9. fi. host of heaven IP. thee />A 4 1. th. jewaikic ol v..cat. tl,. VI- Ik ir. M ilionriT ij IP. ,,( |, *. of whom vt-ii I.I UMH n.it ir Jam. '2. 7. h.a-ph.-me that .c. i, H i.ie} H'-r. 3. 4. walk in wh.te, tl, 4. II. art tc to ic.-cive ((lory, 5. 12. 5 2. who is IP. to i. pen Hi,- l'.H.k 4. no man f-iund ic. to --i.e t*4M>k 9. tlu.u art IP. to take hiH>k open 16. li. to Hrink, tor they Mr e IP. WORTH IKS. -VoA. 2. 5. he shall recount his tn. WORTHILY Ruth 4. H. do thou IP. in Ephratak WOT, TKTH. Gen. 21. 26. I tp. nut who done this 39. a IP. not what is with me in 44. IS. IP. ye not I can divine Ejfod. 32. I. we v. not what is b come of him, 23 .Ictt 7. 40 .Vuiii. 22. 6. I IP. he wh. thou Ji'th 2. 5. wheth. men went I tp. not Act* 3. I". I IP. thro' ignoi. ye riid it Rom. 11. 2. w. ye not what found, -uch a> ye Kit. 'nth. IS. 18. an-1 - hit !' |.-r nit IV is. why i :m i.'. th> ./ 14 I lot. 5 n Jud IT. CUUul WRA hare laid a rr. under thee Jkh I. . hi-r ir. i* inrtirnhle Ht9. M i hi- 'r. n.. hauled. 18. 14. WOUNDS 9 An*, ft >. kiiifr Joiain went tn he hH.-il.Ml c.l th.- '/-. . 15. VCA. . ,r IK a t.il.-. heater MS ir. 2T>. 28. 83. 8!i. who hath tr. will, nut i;,n,.. ' 27. G. faitliful are the tr. of H friend 7*1. I. '. H" -onll'luess III It, I'llt ir. frr. (V 7 before mi 4 i- grief ;md >r. :) 17. 1 will lit-al tl t thy ir. ZrtA, 13. (1 are these ir. in tliy Imndo? Luke 10. 31 S.ini.irit.iii (>uiid up ir. WOUND. 7>ifr. and I heal 7'W (Si VI. < -Lull ir dig . ii.-inio 110. fi. v. heads nv. many countries 1 Cor. & IV. ye ir. tli.-ir conscience \VOl Nl>. JoAn IP. 40. they ir body of Jesus Jcti b. li. yoniMr men if-.'np Ananias WOUNDED. l)r>tt. XV I. hi' th.it j- ir. in atones 1 Sum. 17. jV. ir. of the I'lnlistineg t Sam. 88. VSL I have ir. mine eiie. mies, /'/. 18 3H. 1 JKir. 80. 37. in smiting In- ir. him 85?. 34. for I mil w.2 ' Ar 18. 33. 2 CAr. .'15 5!3. f..r I int. stun- ir. JA VI. 12. soul nf the ir crieth out /'in/ 4. 7. -mill. -lily ah. they In- ir. K>. 8>. grief nl those tliou had ir. IOC. 8V my heart is ir ivithin me frw. 1. \ft' she cast duwn many IP. 18. 14. a ir. spirit who ran hear? Cant 5 7. fniind me. they tr. me lia. 51. !l. art nut it that ir. dragon? Si 5. he \va* ir. fip our transgress. Jrr. 30. 14 1 ir. the* with wound 37. ID. tin-re remained but ir. men 51 S8. throui/h land tr. -Lull groan J.uni 8. IV. tln-v swooned as IT. *elf. 8ft IV when the ir. rry UN. a tr. he judged in the midst 80. V4. with gro.inii.gs of air. man Joflt. R fall on -word, not he ir. Zrc-A. 13. fi. rr. in house f my friends .War* li 4. they ir. him in tiie heart, /.!<* VO. li. 7.tAr 10. 30 among thieves, tr. him Act! iy. Hi fled out hoti-e naked, tr. Art. 13. 3 Ins. hciiils n- it were IT. WOUNDKDST. K1H. Jnf, i. IH. he ir. h.Hi.l- make whole //.'-. 3. in tL. .11 ,r head ol wicked WOUXUIXH. Crn. 4. 23. slain a man to my c. \V II A 1'. 7*1. . 80. he ran tr. himself in It Hit. ~ 3. rewiir.i. -o ih.-v tr. it up WHAIM'KI), r WllAPT. <><. 3H 14 Jaiuar tr. her.c.fand 1 SUM. vl. !>. word li ir. .n a cloth 1 Af. l!. 13. Klij.,h w. his fa.-e J A' IN V. 8 inaiille, ir. it tl(etl,er 4A d 17. riMtt, are r. nbout the heap 4 17. inew- ,,| k t,,n,.> w. together yCrA. VI. 15. swonl is ir. for -lauifh. J-,imh * 5 weeiN ir. ahoiit m\ lic.id M,it. ;. Ml. J .-..ph ir. hiKly in In .MI, .V.irA IS. r. rrurl .rr. Ill fi I.Tt ". mine ii|>n people K'IIH. I .S3. nit ir he 1111 muftt. l. ,s. I' . I'!, t'u-r. 4 i tr. umif .ml rr-nii |_ Ten/, y 7. pruvu':U>l 1- tu WRA Drat. 89. ?8. oted them out In ir. K. fi. wen it not I feared ir. of en Jiat, '.I 'JO. I) e, lest ir. he upon us ti VO IT. fe on all the ron^regiL V .VHIN. II. 20. if kinif's ir. ari-e ! AIM. v3. '.'ti I,, turned not from tr. I Chr f,. V4. because there f. II IT. I l/ir. I!). V. theref..re is ir. on tliee HI and MI tr mine upon you 84. 18. ir rame n Jud. for tre-ps VS. l.'i. there is nerre ir. ({. Israel V!>. 10. his ir may turn away fr us :JV '.'\ ther. f tliere was ir. on him Kirn 5. IV. had provoked (iod to v. ~. V3. why -houlil be tr. nf. realm? AVA. 13. li bring more ir noon \^r f-.titi. I. l. thus ansr too much tr. ^ i. when ir. ol king wa* :< 5. hoed not, Hainan full of 7. 10. then wii* kiiiK'i tr. pacified Jol- 5. V for tr. kilieth foolish man !'. V!'. for tr. brii gs punishments VI. Vii. diink of ir. of the Almighty 3li l.'t. hyporrites in heart heap ir. IH. because then- is tr. heware /'r/. 37. 8. forsake ir. || 55. 3. tr. hate 7<>. III. V. of man IshaJ piaise tl.ee I3H 7. stretch hand ay. ir. ol em in. /'/or. M. V3. expect, of wicked is ir. 12. Mi fool's tr presently known 14. VS. Klow to ir. of treat nmliTst. I'.. I. soft aii-ncr turneih away ir. lii. 14. ir. of king a.i messeiiiiers of l!i Iv. kiiiR'- ir. a* roaring of lion l!>. man of ir. sutler piiiiishment 21. 14. reward in bosom p.icirieth ir. V4 scorner, who d>-Hleth in tr. '.T 3. (.Mil's tr heavier th.ui both 4. tr. in cruel, anger is outrageoiu Jf.t. K Lut wiwi men turn away tr. :>. :<3 forcnitf of ir hiiiiKeth strife Krrl. 5. 17. much tr. with sirkness Ixi. la !. day of L. Cometh with tr. 14. G. who smote the people in ir. .4 H. in a little .;. I hid my fare Jrr. VI. .*>. light against you in tr. 'Si. 37. driven them in great tr. 44. a provoke me to tr. with idols f.xek. 7. IV. tr. in on multitudes .VnA. I. 8. reserveth ir for enemies tltth. 3. V. ill ir. remember mercy '/.i-lih. I. 18 gold not deliver in >r. /.< i-f>. 7. IV. a lire t tr. from the Lord 8. 14. fathers provoked me to ir. Mat. 3. *. flee from the ir. to rome, Luke 3. 7. l.tikf 4. 3H filled with tr. Atti lit. V8. VI. V3. there sli be ir. on this peop. Horn. V. 5. treasures! up tr. nirainst 8. tu them that obey unriifhteo.tr. 4. IS. becHii-e the Uvv worketh ir. 5. 9. be saved from tr. through him U. 8V. vessels of ir. fitted todestrur. li. I!), but lather give place to tr. 13. 4. iiiiiiisii-r of O. to execute tr. 5. ye be siiLj.-it. nut only for tr. (>'i. 16 hide us from tr. of l.ainh li. I'.', devil come, havini; iir.-Ht tr. 14. K. made nation- drink ol if 1-.:L l),,,,..t \\ It A I II Jut, VO. Vb. Dew iiw:i) 1:1 ti. uj his ir Mil WRA JoAtt. 30. wirked brought to il. i 10. 5. strike kings in rfni, '*. fror. 11.4 riches pri-hl not wit.,, te Zrfth. I. 15. that dy is a linii t ' ir. Horn. V. 5. treasures! ir. u it. ut tr. ttrr. 6. I", treat rinti "I tr. in ci n,e WUAl Ho/ O.rf. 8 CAr. -28. II. tr. r>J (iudtt upon >oii Krni 10. 14 till tr .-/(.'. be turn, d ful. IH 31. tr o/(i. came on th,-rc Jnf.ii 3. :tf> tr. of ii abideth on him Hum. 1. 1& tr. of G. is revealed frm rfi/i. 5. 0. ir. of U. roineth. Col. :i Her. 14. Id. drink wine of tr. ._< < i li). cast into \vme.press of tr. >./ (/ 15. I. for them I- tilled up tr. fit ( i,t 7. seven vials full of the tr .' >> 16. I. pour vials of tr. ofli. oneai th 19. 15. tread, wine.pre-- of tr. ol (i Hit \VKA1 H. Urut. 2. 83. L. overthrew in Ai. tr 1 >m. VH 18. exei ut. //;. ir on .Ma V At'. V3. til. L. turned not Ir. A. ir V CAr. . 10 hiitr may turr,. :>. S. Ezra 8. vV. Ai.t tr. i- ^tain-t them r.W/i. 7. 7 from b.,l,qni t in /,> n: Jill, Hi SI. he tearetL me in hi, tr. VO. i3. cast fury of hit IT on him /'*"/. V. 5. speak to tl . m it. At ir. vl. !. swallow them up in Ac ir. .> !i. take them away ill liii >r. IK. 3H. rtid not stir up all In* ir. 4!l. ca-t on them fierceness of A. It. IINi. V.'i. Moses stood to Mini In, ir. 1'rnr. 14. 35. hit v. against him U at 24. 18. lest L. turn AM tr. fj.-r him I'll. l(i. fi. Moab's pride and AM ir. Jer. 7. *9. 1- forsaken gener of A. t*. 10. 10. at AM ir. earth shall lren,LI ente-t thy tr. 3V. 11. why doth tint tr wax hot? IV. turn from thy ir. aim rtp.-nt Job 14. 13. secret until / . L. ,, ,-t 40 II cast abroad rage ..f th >< Fi'lL 38. I. rebuke me not in il.n it 7J. 6. fttnr out tkii ir. on hehtliru H.'I. :( thou ha-t taken away tlry tr. 88. 7. thy tr lieth hard on me ' Ifi. thy fierce ir. goeth over me ow lone/, ir. burn like fire* 90. 7. by thti tr. are we troubled R da>* are pa--ed away ill thn tr. II. accor. to thy fear, o is tl-n tr. 108 l'i. ,ec. of jn.lii/nation Hinl / ir Jrr. ! -il to turn tl,ti ir. from il, in Hill: :\ H w- llni ir againiit tl,. -.4 Her. il. Is tin/ tr. i* i.e, tin . t' U JlA'l lin I 1'ml. (M. V4. Ut IT. Hi.gir Ukr I o.il WRl Proe. 15. 18. a tr. man stirreth strife WRATHS. 9 Cor. 12. 20. eiiv'yings to. strifes WREATH. S. 1 Kin 7. 17. to for the chapiters 2 Chr. 4. 12. two w. to cover 2 pum la 41*) pon egianates mi two to. 2 rows of (iiimeuranates on ir WREATHED, EN. Efod. 28. 14. iwo ihains at ends of to. wmk, -22. 24, 25 | 39. 15, 17, 18 2 A! in 2.'i. 17. pillar of tr. work he Lam. I. 14. my transgressions are to. WREST. Ej-od. 2a 2. many, to to. judgment 6. nut tr. judgment of thy poor Dfttt. 16. 19. shaft not to judgment Ptal. 56. 5. ev. day th. to. my words 2 Pet. a IS. that are unstable to. WRESTLE. Evh. 6. 12. we iv. not against flesh WRESTLED. Gen. 30. 8 have I to. with sister 32. 24. there to. a man with him 25. thigh out of joint as he to. WRESTLINGS. Gen. 30. 8. with ;o. have 1 wrestled WRETCHED. Rom. 7. 24. O to. man that I am Rev. 3. 17. knowest not thou art to. WRETCHEDNESS. Xu/n. 11. 15. let me not see my to. WRING, ED. Lev. \. 15. priest to. ott" head, 5. 8. Judg. 6. 38. Gideon w. dew of fleece Ptal. 75. 8. wicked sh. w. them out WRINGING. Prov. 30. 33. to. of nose bring, blooo WRINKLE, S. Job 16. 8. thou hast tilled me with Euh. 5. 27. not having spot or to. WRITE. I Deut. 10. -1 Efod. 34. I. I will to on these tables, 27. L. said to Mos. w. th. words Kum. \1. 2. to. every man's name a to. Aaron's name on rod of Levi Deut. 6. 9. to. them on posts of thy house, II. 20. 24. 1. let him to. her a bill voroement, .3. Mark 10. 4. 27. 3. to. the words of this law, 8. 31. 19. to. ye this song for you 2 Chr. 26. 22. acts of Uzri. did Isa. to. Ezra 5. 10. to. the names of men >'eA. 9. 38. sure covenant and tr. it Eith. 8. 8. to. ye also for the Jews Prov. a 3. to. on table of heart, 7 Isa. 8. 1. to. in great roll with a per 10. I. to. grie vousness prescribed 19. that a child may tr. them 30. 8. to. it before them in a table Jer. 22. 31). tr. ye this man childless 30. 2. to. the words I have spoken, 36. 2, 17, 28 31. 33. to. in their hearts, Heb 8. 10. Erek. 24. 2. tr. the name of the day 37. 16. to. for Jndah and Israel 43. It. to. it in their sight Hab. 2. 2. to. the vision on tableg Luke 1. 3. it seemed good to to. thee 16. 6. to. fiftv |! to. fourscore John I. 45. Moses and proph. did to, 19. 21. to. not, king of the Jews Acts 15. 20. tr. that they abstain from 25. 26. no certain th. to to my lord 1 Cor. 4. U. I ir. not to shame you 14. 37. things I to. are cmnmancim 2 Cor. I. 13. we to. none other thing 2. 9. I. to. that I miirht know tf. I. it is superfluous to ir. to you la 2. I tr. to them wh. ha\esinnec 10. I tr. these things being absen Gal. 1. 20. the things I ir. unto you P.W. 3. I. to . the same things WRl \VRI 1 Thest. 4. 9. not that 1 to. 5. 1. E'th. 3 11 name of Alias. < It k 2 Thru, a 17 is the token ; so I to. Tim. 3. 14. these n: 1 unto thee -'I not ir. with ruch'te.'.M He/,. 10 hi. in minds will 1 tr. them III.'. IS. i,, r general!. .n t 2 Pet a 1. 1 tr. unto you, 1 John 2. 1. 14:1. si. to ( .\. i-iit.. th. John 1. 4. these th. tr. we to you Pror. 22. -.11. |,..\.. n,. t 2. 7. I t/ 1 . mi new cMininanilment t'.rrl. \'t. In. w!, [ir t 8 anew commandment 1 u-. you Jrr. 17. 13 de|mrt Ir. r 12. 1 ir. to you, litti children, 13. :>. -At. tr kincol i',.,t.\l.,n si.. <-.m 13. 1 tr. to >ou, lathers Ezek. 2. III. r..H ir within ami nii't. ! John 12. many tl. to tr. unto you la 9. ir. in writ -I hniis J-i.uu 3 John 1.1 not With ink and pen tr. Dan. \ 24 the wrilinu w.,. Jurfea it was needful to to. to you Rev. \. 11. what seest to. in book, 19. .y 12. angel of church in I'ergara. to. Luke 4. 17. the place w h it waa w. IS. angel ol chnn It in Thyatirato. 10. 20. your names are tr. u. a I angel of church in Sanlis tr. 18. 3l. things to. he aecutnp *l. ft. 7. angel of church in 1'hiladel. tr. John '2. 17. remembered it wa Ml 14, angel o! church in Laodicca tr. 10. 34. is it not tr. in 511111- .<* 12. 1 will to. on him my nevi name ill. 31. tr. that ye might believe 10. 4. about to to. a voice said to. not 21. 25. if should he tr. every .me 14. 13. U'. Messed are dead die in 1.. Acts 13 29. fulfilled all that w . IS). 9. to. blessed are called to sup. 21 2'.. touching Geiiti we hare <. 21. 5. to. th. words true and faithf. Knm. 2. 15 the work of the law IT. See BOOK. 4. 2,'t. not ir. for his sake alone WRITER Cor. 10. II. tr. for our admonition Judg. 5. 14. that handle pen of to. 2 Cor. 3 2. our epitle to. in lieartt /'.Mt*. 45. 1. tongue is pen of ready to. 3 to. not with ink, hut Spmt Mf ii. Eztk. 9. 2. a man with a ir. ink horn 7. ministra. of death 10. in stone* by his side, a f'hilrm. in. 1 Paul have IT. WHITEST, ETH. Heb. 12. 2a church of first.bi.rii if Job la 26. thou tr. lutt.-r th. au. me Ret. 1. 3 things wh. are tr. therein Psal. 87. 6. L. sh. count wh. lie tr up '-'. 17. in the -tone a new nnme to. Ezek. 37. 20. sticks whereon thou w. 13. 8. whose names are not ir WHITING. 14. 1. Father's name to. inlrehea. upon bead wai to Mystery l!. 1.'. a name tr. on hi* tli'ub, 16. Deut. 10. 4. wrote accor. to first ir. 21 12. nanns tr. on the gktet 31. 24. wh. Mos. made end of to. law 1, W KITTEN. 1 Chr. 28. 19. L. made me nnders. 10. Joih. 1. 8. do all that it to. therein 2 Chr. 2. 11. Huram answered in to. 2 Kin. 22. ia wh. if ir. ronrerning OS 21. 12. a to. from Elij. to Jeb.ir m Eith. a a if to. in the king'- 35. 4. prepare arror. to to ol I);ml Iia. 4. a that is tr. amimv the ktuif 36. 22. Cyrui put the proclamation in to. Krra \. \. Jer. 17. 1. sin of Judah if to. Dan. 9. 11. curse that if tr. in law Ezra 4. 7. 10. of letter in Syrian long. Luke 10. 26 what if to in the Uw f EM. 1. 22. sent letters arriir. to to. 20. 17. what in this that ii ir t whereof, a 12. | 8. 9 | 9. 27. 22. 37. if to. must be armmplithrd a 14. copy of to. published to all John 15. 25 he fulfilled that . 4. 8. Morde. gave Hatachcopy of to. 8. 8. the to. in the king's name 1 Cor. 4. 6. to think a' ..ye u at if n: V. 10. for our sake* thi< if tr. Isa. 38. 9. the to. of Heicklah when 15. 54. he brought to p.i.i that if w. Erek. la 9. not in u: ol house of la. 7if WHITM-A Dun. 5. 7. whoso shall read this to. Joih. 8. 31. M it if ir. in the law ..f 8. they could not lead the >r. Mm , 1 A.'in 2. a 2 Chr. tt K 15. that they should read this to. 16. if thou canst read the to. 1 25. 4. | 31. 3 \ X> 12. K.-r :{. 8.4.16. 18. .NVA. 8. li| H) :u. 17. I will read the to. to the king 24. this is tr. ihat was writt.-n z.V 6. 8. establish decree, ami sign tr. 9. Darius signed to. and decree 10. Daniel km w the to. was signed Mat. 5. 31. let him give her a to of divorcement, 19 7. :tn Dan. 9. 13. Ptal. 40. 7. it it tr. of me. Heft. 10. 7. />,!. Itt. P if i* tr. before me M,,t 1. 5. thus if il to l.tikr 4. 4. 1 1 10. of whom if if tr. l.ukr ~ 2li. *4 it ii tr of him, la | 14. 21. [.in. John 19. 19 t". was Jesus of Nazar. Hmtf. WRITING. Ml if i.r. W.trA U >/;*!. 12. i' i to. of ti Col t. 14 blotting ftand-tr. of ordin. WHI 1 INH-taMft /.nAe 2. 2:1 if ii ir in law 1.1 Horn II. H. HC. ordmg Luke 1. 63. Zacha ake.l lor to.-fui. \\ III 1 l.MiV 1 Cnr. 1 31 12. 19. fr if i. tr M II < .lohni. 47. if >c believe not hii to. VVU11 1 EN. IS. :v pleased not him-eH. it > \ Cor IS 4S if i. to flrt man AdMI Efod. 31. 18. to. with the nneer of 1 /Vf 1 I'V il 1 A,ire. or h,irr / W H H Tit N 1 Kin 21. 11. elders did as it * ,- / >>., .r MI 1 Chr 4. 41. tr. by name smote tent* John 19. 22. whl ' * A (i R sent lett.-r wherein Wat. 10. 96. til* **' 1 *' Herr . II AAI .P t lh 11 P*t " Luke *** **> *>* Wifc' wh*rt * MM WHO M 12. 16. these thing* w. IT. of hlir AuM. 15. 4. Whatsoever thiUgS to. IT. See Rout. WRONG. Cm. 16. 5. my ir. tie upon the* fj-od. a la t<> him that did the it JJeuL 19. 16. to testily what li ir. ./urfjf. 1 1. 27. c to war against me 1 CAr. li 17. no tc. in ray hands 16. 1. he MinWeu un mail t.> do them tc. fiat. 105. 14. M. 1. 16. not dun* ic. to kin* only Jot 19. 7. I rry nut of tc. not heard Jer. 22. :i do no tr. do uo violence 13. him tliHt huildeth chambers to. I Jim. a 59 thou hiit teen my tr. Hub, \. 4. IT. judgment proceedeth Mil. 20 la Iriei.d, I do th.-e no ir Act* 7. 4. set-ing one of th. Buffer tr. *< why do ye 10. one to another ': 27. be that did his neighbour w 18 14. a matter of ir or l.-wdness '') 10 Paul said, hare 1 done no ir. 1 Cor. 6. 7. why do ye not take tc. a nay, ye do ic. dcfmini hretliren 2 Cor. 7. li his muse that done ir VI. la. hurd.-nM.iiie. forgive this tc. CoL 3.25. doth rr. revive for IT. WRONCJKO, KTH. Prop. a 36. siirnelh tc his own soul 2 Cor. 7 2. we have ir. no man Ptatem. IS if he h:th tr thee WRONGFULLY. Joi 21. 27. devices ye tr. imagine /"ju/. 35. 19. let not enem. tr. rejoire 3*. 19. that hate me >r. multiplied ft' 4 heniK mine enemies tc. 119. 86. they persecute me ir. Exeli. 22. 29. oppi eased stranger tf. 1 />(. 2. IK. grief, suffering w. WROTE. >*ul was very tc. 20. 7. SU. 4. prince* of Phil. ir. with him 2.S.H/.. :t 8 Abiier ic. || 1:1.21. Day. tc. 2 A' I'M 5. II. l>ut Naaman was ir. ia 19. man ol O. was tc. with him 2 CAr. Hi 10. Asa ir. || 26. 19. t'z*. tr. AVA. 4. I. Sanbaliat was ic. and took Kith. 1. li. therefore the king wan tc. i 21 Binthaii and Teresh ic. PtuL 89 38. been tc. with anointed IMI. 2a 21. ic. HS in valley of (.il.ec.n 47. 6. 1 was tc. with my people 54. 9. I would not he tc. with thee 57. Hi. nor will I be always to. 17. for iniquity of covet. WHS 1 tc. 64. 5. thoii art tc we have Binned 9. be not . very sore, O Lord Jer. 37. 15. the princes were tc. with Lam. 5. 22. thou an very tc. ana. us Mut. 2. 16, Herod was exceeding ic. 18. 34. his Lord was ir and f~. 7. and the king waa v.-rytc. Her. 12. 17. the dragon was tc. WROUGHT. Cm. 34. 7. Shechem tr. folly in Isr. Ejrod. 10. 2. what things I tr. in Eg. 36. I. then tr. Bezal. el and Aholi. 4. wl-e men tr work, H. | 39. 6. \n!H. 23. 23. what hath (iod u: t Deut. 17. 2. hath tr. wickedness 22. 21. hath tr. folly in Uriel, .loth. 7. 13 Judg. 20. 10 31. IS. for evils they shall have ir. Itulfi 2. 19. bhowed with wh. she ur. 1 .Sum. (v 0. L. had ir. wonderfully 11. la hath tr. salvation in Is. 19.5. 14. 45. Jonathan hath tc. with liod 2 Sum. 23. 10. L. tc. great victory, 12. 1 A'tn. 5. 16. ov. people that tc. <>. *3. 2 A'iw. 17. II. Is. ST. wick. .V f /i y. Is. 21. & MuwMeh tc. much wicked. nes, 2 Chron. 33. 6. 2 CAr. 24. 12. hire.1 -m-h a- tr. iron la workmen tr. work, 34. In, 13. .VrA. 4. 16. my servants tr. in work 17. ev.one with hands ir. in uork Jnh 12. a hand of Lord hath tr. thi- 36. 2a who ray, thou lm:-t ir. iniq.? P*al 31 19. hast tr. for th.-m that fi8. 2a Ptretigthen that thou ha-t tc. TH. 4a had tr. his signs in Egypt Ecel. 2. 11. works my hand* had tr. /(/. 26. 12. thou hast tr. works in us la we ha. not tc. any deliverance 41. 4. who hath tc. and done it? Jer. 18. 3 he ic. a work on wheels Erek, 20. 9. and I tc. for my name's fake. 14, 22, 44. 29. 20. because they ic. for me Dun 4. 2. wonders th. Cod hath tc. JntinH I. II lien ir. tempe-Tiion*, 13. 7.r))k 2. .'i who tc hi- judgment Mul. v*>. 12. have ir. hut one hour in. 10. ^he hath tc. a (rood work on me, .Mark 14. 6. AH* 15. 12. wonder* Hod tr. 21. 19. 18 a *ho.le with Aquilaand tr. AOWI. 15. 18. Chr. hath not tr. by me 2 Cor. 5 .\ tr. us ft r same thing, G. (i,il 2 8 th tr. .-ft, ctuilly in Peter l-.ptl. I. 20. which he ir. in Christ Jnm. 2. -ft. how f.,ith ir. wi. works? 1 fft 4. 3 to have tr will of Oent. 2 John a lose nt thinirs we have tc. WROUGHT. Num. 31. SI. took ot them rr. jewels Dent. 21. 3 heiler hath not been tr. \'tL fi. Ifi. thi work vsf tr.-.f (ind /W. 4A. la her clothinif ol tr. ifold 13U. 15. iu secret, curiuuslv ir. 544 YEA F.rrl t. 17. work tc und.-r the nti JnfinS. 21. inaiiife.-t th. are tc. in O Acti 5. 12. wonders >/ nmo. eopie \VKOL'(,H'I K>r. Ruth 2. ly. .-ai,l to her, where jr. th.i> WIU N>. 7.er. 1. 15. hlood .h. l^e ic. out, A. 9. fi. 73. 10. waters of cup ir. to them lia. 51. 17. hast tr. out dregs of cup YAKS. 1 A'in. 10. 28. .Solomon had linen y. nut of Evypt, 2 (.hi on. I. 16. YCK.or rather ICE. Jot fi. 16. blacki-h >>> reaiton of y. 3R 29. out ol li..-,. rtoii.h came if. fml. U7. 17. he msletli lotth hla'y. TEA. Mat. 5. 37. converoa. he y. Jam 5. 12. 2 Ci-r. I. 17. fhould b>- y. y. and nay 18. iinr w.rd tow. you WHS not >/. 19. for the Son of (iud was not y. 0. promises of (.oil in him are y. TEAR, Gen 17. 21 Sarah sh. bear next if. Exod. 12. 2. be first month of the ?/. 21 14. keep fea-,1 in t/. /.rr. 23. 41. 29. not drive them out in one t/. Lrr. \*. 34. make atoiiem. once ay. 25. A. y. of rest || 20. within a n. Sum. 9 22. if y that cloud tarried 14. 3t. foraj/. h. ye I. rar iniquities Jfth. 5. 12. eat fruit of Can. that y. Judg. 10. 8. that.v. Am. vex y. io .ictt 11. 2fi. whole y. they a-i-rniMed 2 Cor. a 10. to be fnruard ay ai(o 9. 2. Achaia was leady a t/. ago Hfb. 9. 7. prjent went in onre H v. ?5. 10. 3. remembrance of sins every i/. Jam. 4. 13. continue there ay buy Rer. P. IS preparei) fm n.onth, a u. \E.\Kafter VKAK H Sam. 21. I. lan.'ine 'i \.-.ir-y. a. I/. YKAK t-v YftAR." />/. 14. 22 tithe iixTea-e of thy seed field hrinyeth forth v >'/ y 15 20. eat before I he Lord i/ '>/ it. 1 Sam. I. 7. a he did o >/. t-ii i/. "he 1 A'in. 10. 25. they l.roinfi.t :i rate t/. l,il i/iiiT. 2 Chrnn. 9. 24. 2 A't'n I". 4. a-.' h- h;..| .Inn,- 1/ t.i/ i/. .V. A. 10. 31. W..IM! 4,nVrinir \, I,,, ,, lleb. 10. 1. wh. tl.,-v H-red /. /. y. H / VI All/ F.rnd. IS. |f> ot.l i, HIM e from v to t* I .Sum. 2 I!'. ' r..,, ; .t,i ,.,,;,. f r ' /. ^. ^amue' went ftom v /" n. ' \i Chr. 24. 5 repait h,.|i-e Ir n I,, y. 1 H.i.1 \c v ti'ii let th.n- Zrrh. U IT,, iro ff t/ In tl In W >nm. .coNi) THIRI>, Stvt.yiM. Tf EARLY. Lev. 25. S3. at,, servant shall he be Jiuig. 11. 4n. wenty. to lament 21. 19. a feast of L. in Shiloh y. 2. ] Stun. \. 3. El. wenty. to worship SI. went to offer y. sacrifice, !i. 19. ?0 6. a y. sacrifice for the family Eith. 9. 21. keep the 15th of same u. YEARS. Gen. 1 14. for seasons, days, and y. 25. 7. days of they, of Abraham 8 Abraham died fill! of y. 47. 9. evil have y. of my life been E.r'id. 34. 22. feast at the y. end Ler. 25. 15. according My 16,50,52 27. 18. according toy. that remain Deut. 32. 7. y. of many generations Josh, ia 1. Joshua wasstricken iny. 1 Sam. 29. a David been with th. y. 1 Ain. 1. 1. David was stricken iny. 17. 1. not dew be nor rain these y. 2 Chr. 14. 6. Asa had no war in th.y. Job 10. 5. are thy y. as man's days 15. 20. num. ofy. hidden to oppres. 16. 22. when a lew y. are come 32. 7. multitude ofy. teach wisdom 36. II. spend their y. in pleasure 26. nor can his y. be searched out Pi. 31. 10 myy. spent with sighing 61. 6 prolong" y. as many general!. 77.5 they o(" ancient times I?, the y. of the right hand 78. 33. their y. did he consume 90. 4. a thousand y. in thy sight arc as as yest'eniay, 2 Pet. 3. 9. 9. spend oury. as a tale th. is told 10. oury. threescore y. and ten 15. y. wherein we have seen evil 102. 24. y. throughout all general. 27. thy y. shall have no end Prov. 4. 10. y. of life he many, 9. 11. 8. 9. lest thou eive y. unto cruel 10. 27. >/. of wicked sh. be shortened Keel. 12. I. nory. draw riigh lia. 21. 16. accor. toy. of hireling 38. 10. I am deprived of my y. 15. I shall go softly all my y. Ezek. 4. 5. on thee y. of th. iniquity 22. 4. thou art come into thy y. 38. 8. latter y. thou come into land 'Jan. 9. 2. I understood number ofy. 11. 6. end ofy. they join together 8- more y. than kinir of the north la king of north come after cer. y. Joel*. 2. they, ot many generations 25 restore y. locust hath eaten Hah. 3. 2. thy w.rk in midst ofy. Mai. a 4. offerings as in former y. Luke 1. 7. both were strick. iny. ia 6" 15 '-'0. thou earnest huty. S AIM. y. 26. seen^. Wood of Naboth YOK ofi 8. 9. we arc ofy. know nothing 'tut. SO. 4 a thousand y. l>ut any. ohn 4. 52. v the fever left him Acts 7. 28. (till me as the Egyptian y. ieb. 13. 8. the same /. and lor ever YESTERNIGHT. en. 19. 34. I lay y. with my father 31. 29. G.-J of your father spake y. 42. affliction, and relinked thee v. YIELD. en. *. 12, earth not y. her strength 49. 20. shkll y. royal dainties lev. 19. 25. y. to you the increase 26. 4. land shall y. her iiicrea.-e 20. your land noty her increase Chr. 30. 8. y. youiselves to the L. Pi. O. 6. landy. her increase, 85. 12. 107. J7. may y. fruits i>f increase 'roe. 7. 21. fair speech caused hiray. 'o. 5. 10. ten acres shall y. one haih 'lot. 8. 7. the bud shall y. no meal Jnel-i. 22. fig-tree y. strength Hub. 3. 17. altho' fields y. no meat . do not thou y. unto them Rum 6. 13. y yourselves to God 16. that to whom ye y. yourselves i9. V- members to righteousnea! Jum.'Z. 12. tir ' YOU Exek. 30. IS. when I break y. of tf. YOKED. 1 Cor. ft, 14. he IK. t unequally u. YOKE.KKI.I.OW. Phil 4. 3. I entreat thee, true v . row Gen. 22. V 1 i.H tl.r u,l will go y. Num. 16 37. nutter th..n thr fire*, 23. I.V stand her... 1 meet 1 1 Mat. 17. 20 imy. remove t v Plac* YD i 2 Chr. 20. 15. battle nt v hut (;d* 2 Cor. 12. 14. 1 eek not u but you TQt (1,-n. 31. 3a she-fowls n ..t c.t th. y. 3a 13. flocks w th v. lire with m F.j-od. 23. vfi. nothing rnut their . I.er. 22. 2H. not kill it nnd v ..nrnB* Drttt. -a. fi. not tketh, ,tm wilhit 7. let the darn RO niiH UUr they. 28. MX not shew l.imur to the y. 32. II. M the nude over her I I'lir. 22. \ Solo, inv Mir. is v . 29. L 2 Chr. 13 7. when Reho wiuy. .'II. .'I. Jusiah, while lie wutvetK Puil. 78. 71. ewes great with v .1 where she may lay her y. '. no fount, y. salt Wider /". 4(1. II. those HM! re with v. YIELDKD. [and fre.h ! .>er. 31. 12. together for v l Hock . 49. 33. Jacoh y. up the ghost Kztk. 17. 4. cropp ly. tu i<, vri 7 u;. 17. 8. rod of Aaron y. almonds j Mark 7. 2-i. v- ''.aunt unclean spiri Don. 3. 28. y. their bodies that they ! John 21. 18. y. thou irdt lfc| .Vf. 27. 50. Jesus v up the ghost an. Horn. 6. 19. ve havei/ v.iur members YIELDBTR. Neh. 9. 37. v- '"crease to the kings Job 24. 5. w'iloerness v food for th. Heb. 12. 11. y. fruit of righteousiiesB YIELDING. Gen. 1. 11. foith herb y. seed, 12. 29. given you every tree y. feed EccL 10. 4.y. pacific! ii great offences See FRUIT. YORK. Gen. 27. 40. break thisy. Jer. 30. K. YOUM. ; Itn. 30. 6. cany n.-I.e. on y otttt 24. y m*rt\t. eat i lean |.rovrud*r Juhn\'2. 14. when he found my. tui Ser MULLOCK. Yd I M. f.,,il,,rkt. Num. 28. II. offer two ,/. f.ul. 19. 27. ErruH 9. give what th nerd.tr. *. Yd I'M; r.i//. 7,cr. 9. 2. take v. c. fr sin oftWiaf l Mil l> ( MILIiMEN. VUUNi Leal 26. l"a I have broken the hands 7w. 7. vl. in>m sli.,1 i ..... nh y 'bought five v. "t '\eii Act* 15. 10 put V on di.ciple. 1 k Gnl 5 I be not 'entangled withy. inftL^ S j a --i- Jer. 27. 2. make bond- nnd y. 83. 13. 28. 13. "' broken v. of wood 646 M,t SI. 15. W. tortle.il-ve and jr. p. /.. U. f. hrii,^ i, ;,. lur .m.offef. Yd I S(.;,. A '^.*. J>r. I. 14 i.rmg In. -If. ring * p. 6. 7. he sh.li l.nng two ff '>", Xum -' 11. If IH'I H'''e tobmif tnujr. ^ Yltt'N'i r./ivm. /ot 147. W. !> i.'jr r. Mil s font 4..'. n-..7.J Y)l ' I A'in. 1 !.!. MM Jil>. 71. 12 w-" '" i 1 way glbr to^rlitur f. YOU YOUNG uniform, /'at 29 ti Mini Sinnii like ay. A YOU SO troman. Kutfti \i. 1.. gnetheeof thisy. YOU NO irowwm. TV. 3. 4. nmv teach v- "". to he sob*" Vol'Ni.KK Grn. 9. 24. knew \vhaty. ton dour 19.31. fint-horn said ('.. they. 31. 38 th v bare a son Heii-amtni 25. 23 elder -erve y Aum. 9. 12. 89 la I will e rve 7 year* far y. 2fi. it must not be so, to (rive y. 43. 29. i thi y-ury. brother <( 48. 14. Is laid riifht hand i>n they. 19, y. brother he greater than he Anfe I- 13- J. brother t...,k it 3. 9. 15. 2. is nt hr v -i-ter fairer ? 1 Sam. 14. 49. Saul's y. daughter 1 Chr. 44. 31. against y brethren Job 30. 1. that .rry thai: I, have Ezek. 16. 4fi. thy y. Muter is Sodom /,* 14. 12. y said, give mi- portion la y. gathered all. t.,k j .iirney 22. Si8. greatest, let him br a y. I Tim. 5 I. intreat y as brethren 2. the y women as sinters, with II. the'y widows refuse, lor when 14. I will that y. women marry 1 Pet. i. 5. yey. uhinit to the elder YOUNGEST. Gen. 42. 13. y. is wi. our father, 38. 15. except your y. brother romp, 20, 34. | 44 23, 26. 43. 33. y. according tu his youth 44. ?. cap in sacks mouth of they. Joth. 6. 26. in hi* y. son *et up ir-ite's, 1 A.'in. I fi. 31 Judg. 9. ft. Jotham, y. son, WHS left 1 Sam. 16. II. there remains yet y. 17. 14. David wasy the eldest t Ckr *l. I/, none left save they. Si I. made Ahaz. hisy. son king YOUTH. Gen. 8 4). ima^nn. evil from hisy. 45 ^? f i"jn:*-t Kcr' >ns y. 44 84. frow oar jr evia Mil oow YOU 3. 13. in father'* house a \um. SO. 3 n iHtlu-r'n houii.- in >/. l> Judg 8. 2a the v. drew not a > ore 1 Sam 17. 33. he nmn of war Ir y 42. was a y of fair .-ountenance 66. Mid, Whone son is this >/ 't 2 5am. (ft 7. evil hefell th> e from y. I Kin. 18. 12. I fenr Lord from y. Job 13. v-6. possess iniquities "f in y v JO. II. bone* are full of Bins or hisy. 29. 4. us I "a in dy> of mjry. 30. 18. on my riifiii hand ri>e'y. 31. 18 from y he HTHII hinuirhl up at S. he shall return to days of y. 3(1. U. hyporrites die iny. and /a/. 3ft 7. rememher not sins of y. 71. 5. thou art my trust from myy. 17. thou hast taught me Ir myy. 8M. 15. and ready to die Iroin myy. 8H. 46. days of hisy. thou shortened 103. 6. thy y. renewed like eagle's I III a thou hnst the dew of thy y. 127. 4. so are the children of thy y. 129. 1. have afflicted me from royy. 144. 12. a- plants (frown up iny. frur. 2. 17. forsuketh ifiiiite of y. 5. la rejoice with wife .if thy y. Kcrl II. 9. rejoice, (I man, in thy y. 10. childhood and y. rfre vanity 12. I. remember thy Creator iny. ltd. 47. 14. hast laboured I mm if. 15. thy men-hantH Ir. y. wander 54. 4. Shalt forget -haine of thy y. r >. Lord calleil tliee as wife of y. Jer. 2. 2. 1 remember kindness (if y. 3 4. thou art the guide of my y. 24. labour of our father froniy. 2.'.. our fathers from y tinned 22. 21. been thy manm r from thyy. 31. 19. I did hear reproach of rnyy. 32. .%. only done evil from their y. 4ft II. Mo'ah been at ease from y. Lam. 3. 27. he bear the yoke in hisy. Erek. 4. 14. not polluted from my V 16. 22 not remember, days of y/43. 60. remember my covenant in y. 23. 3 tfominitted whureduios my. ZEA Exrle. ?a R. in t/. thy lay witi k*r l!i. call to rt-in, nii.rii.r. i., -j| Hot. 1 l.'i MIII; a* in day ot IKT y. lorl I. 8 an viruill lor hijxliand ol'i/. Zrch. 1.1. 5. to keep rattle fr. myy. Mill. 2. 14. nni- t/. Mat. 19. VO lhe.- have I k> pt from my v. Murk 10. VO. l.nkf IS. n. ActitR. 4. manner of life from irt) v. 1 Tim. 4. 12. let no man despi>e tliv YOUTHS. [ y. Pror. 7. 7. among y. a young man Jut. 40. 30. even the y. iihall faint YOUTHFUL X Tim. 2. 22. flee alsoy. lusta, but ZEAL, 2 flam. 21. 9. to (lay them In his r. 2 Kin. 10. 16. see my z. for the Lord 19. 31. *. of the Lord shall .1.. tin-. /m. :n :(i'. PtaL 69. 9. the . of thy house h_th. eaten roe up, John 2. 17. 119. 139 my *. hath consumed me 'to. 9. 7. r. of L. will perform tl i. 69. 17. he was clad wi. z. as a clonk 63. 16. u h. i- thy r. and *tn nvt h t '.zfk. 5. 13 I have spoken it in x. Rom. 10. 2. they have a r. of God ( ./r. 7. II. what *.- || 9. 2. your r. "fiil. a 6. concerning r. persecuting CoL 4. 13. hath a great r for you ZKALOUS. Vum. 25. II. he was r. for niy sake 13. he was z. for hia God, made Acti'll. 20. they are all r. of the laiv 2^. ;i. and Paul WAST, towant- i.. . , GaL I 14. for. 14. IS. arer. of ppirituol giiu "it. 9. 14. people, jr. of good M i-r *- *r. a 19. be s. theref and repent ZKALOlsLY. in 1 - 4. 17. they * affect you, not la it b food te b . CONCORDANCE TO THE PROPER NAMES OF THE HOLY SCRIPTURES. A13I A A ROM. Luke 1. 5. wife of daughters of A. 4-ts 7. 40. sayinif to A. make ifods Htb. 5. 4. called of (;od, as WHS A. 7. II. not railed after urder of A 9. 4. A. net that budded. p>7 17 A A RON IT KS. ] Chrnn. 1 2. -fl. i ABADDON llc>: 9. II ABAGTHA. Kith. I. 10. ABANA. 2 A'itf.t5. 12. .-BBA. See KAniiiii. ABDA. I A'lV*. 6. tfeA. II. 17. ABDI. 2 C/j/-. 29. 12. /lira 10 26 ABO I EL. I t'Aron. S. 15 ABOON. .7wrftf.l-i.13. 2CAr.34. 20. Alii: -NKfJO. Dan. 1. 7 J 2. 49. | 3. 23. ABEL, perxim, or place. 1 .SVim. ti. 18 stone of A. they >et ark 2 Sum. 20. 18. ask counsel at A. A/./<. -a. 35 blood of A. Luke II. 51. We/). II. 4. by faith A. uttered sa.-ri. la. i4. better things t'l bio..d .. A ABEL.BETH.MAACHA. 1 Kingi 15. vO. 2 A'i'wt'v 15. ><( A BE L. M A I M 2 CA/wt. 16. 4. AHKL-.MKHOL.AH. Juag. 7 22. I A'lHc--' 19. 16. ABEL.M1ZKAIM. Gen. 50. 11. A HI. AH. 1 Sam. 8. 2. Samuel's see. son was A. 1 Chr. 2. 24. A. Hezrou'g wife 7. 8. son of Berber, A. aiO. son of Rehoh WH A. Mat.l.T. ABI-ALBON. 2 .SViw. 23. 31. ABIAFHAR. 1 Sam. 2s!. 20. A. escaped and fled 23. 6. when A. son ot Ahimelerh 9. Oavid said to A. brii'if?, 30 7. 2 Sam. 8. 17 Zndo* and A. were the pri-sts, 20. 25. | Kingt*. 4. 1 A'i'nk kinjf. for him and A. 27 so SoloiDon thrust out A. Mark 2.26. house of <;. in days of A. ABIB. K.rntt. 13. 4 ye came oat in A. 34. 18. 3. 15. feast of unleavened bread in month A. 34. IB Deut. 1C. 1. AB1DAH. Knm. 1. 11. A. S'-n of l.ideoni, 8. 22. 7. 60. A. of Benjamin ottered, 65. ABIKZERl Josh. 17. 2. a lot for rhildren of A. Jude. a 34. and A. was gathered 8. 2. better than the vintage of A. 2 Sam. 23. 27. A. one of David's men AliI.EZIUTK. Judg 6. II Alii (.All,. 1 Sam.Xi.3. niuneol Nahal's wife A. 27. a Oavid dwelt at Oath with Ahin. and A. 30. 5 2 Sum. 2. 2. 1 Chnm. 2. 16. sisters Zcrniah and A A HI II All.. 2 Chrnn. II. IS. Hehoboam took A. t^A.2.15. Ksther daughter of A 2U. A HI II T. E.rorf. & 23. Aaron's suns Viclaband ABR A. 2R 1. Ler. 10. 1. \w. 3. i I 2fi IW. I CAr. 6. 3. | 24. I. 24 I. come up A || !). th n A. went up A'UWJ. a 4. A. died bel. Lord, Xd 61 AlllJ.AH, Alii JAM. 1 Kings 14 I. A. sun l jHrn. fell sirk 31. A. son of Redo, reijned, Ij. 1,7. 1 Chron. 24. 10. eolith lot came to A 2 Chr. 29. I. Hez. mother's name A' AB1MELBCH. , Gen. 20. 2. A. kinv of Gerar sent 21. i2 A. and Piili I spake to Abr. 2(1 1. Isaac wenl unto A. 16. A. said unto Isia.-, gi> from us Jtiiig. 8 31. Gideon's con. bare bun A. 2 Sam. II. 21. smote A. son of Jer. 1 CArtm.18. 16 Z. and A. the prieata ABINADAB. 1 Sum. 7. I. ark into the house of A. 16.8. Jesse called A. made him pas^ 2 Sam. ii. a xet ark and brought It out of house of A. I Chr 13. 7. 1 Kiiiffx 4. II. A. had Sol. Oaiiuhter ABINOAM. See BARAK. ABlltAM. Hum. la I. Dathan and A. 26. 9. IV. Moses scut t call Dath.nndA. Dent 1 1. a he did to Dathan and A. 1 Kingt la 34. he laid toiinda. in A. Pi. 106. 17. covered company nf A. AB1SHAO. 1 Kingt I. 15. | 2. 1M. ABttiHAI. 1 Sam 26. 6. A. said, I will go down 2 Sum. 2. 18. there were three sons, Joah, A. and Asahel, ICAr. 2.ia 2a 18. A. was chief. I Chr. II. VO. 1 Chr. 18. 12. A. slew of Kdomites AB1UD. Mat. 1. 13. ABNKR. 1 Sam. 14. 51. Ner father of A. 17. :'i.'). Saul snid to A. whooe son r 26 7. but A. ami the people lay 14. Dav cried answer tbou not A. 2 .Sam. 2 14. A. said, let your men 3.25. A.theonnf Ner, 30. 32, 33, 37. 4. I. Sam'- son heaM A. wudmd 12.huried Uh-hoshe h in A.nepul. 1 Kingil. 5 what Joah did to A 1 Chr 2li va all that A. dedicated 27. 21. Jaxiiiel son of A. ruler of B. ABRAHAM *\\\\ f-ithfi. Gen. vri. a the oath to A. \ti\ father 24. Cid of A. th)/f*rr. .- 32. 9. (). nff. A. and ,. a r ao II. 10. slop me in th. 1 Thf>. I. 7. en.ample. to all in .1 8. the word >,,uiii).-il nut imiT in V. A( H All L'.N I C.-r. IK. '7. AC'HAN, or ACHAR. JoA. 7. Id. I * 2U I Cknm. 4 7. AC HIM V.,f. 1. II Al HIM! 1 Sam 21. 10. Darid fc-d to A. fT i. 12. David was n.r.- afraid uf A. 87. & A. ar him Ziklajr W :' in the rei> trurd .> I Kingt 2. 40. went tu (i(h to A. ACHMEIHA. frat.i .M HOH. JoM. 7. M valley of A. to tat* 4m T Ita. fi.\ 10. val. of A. place for herds //.... 2. 15. A. for a d-or ,.i h,,p, ACHSA. Jot*. 15. K J*4g. I. IX JoM. II. 1. >ent to the kin* of A. it ,.| A. <>ne, 19. IN \i il/IB. ./...A. 19 -Jit. A/M-. I. It ADAM. Cn. 2. 20. A. fare limned to all 5. 2. and called their name A. Drul 32. a . paraled the *** V J<^ 31. I'l n,j traiffr*MlM aa \. Jfcml 14. d. , Cor. 15 . f-.r . lu A nil di 45 fint mnn A ll.rUtt A. 1 Tim. 2 l.i i. i-rme4 14. and A. w*> n,,| << Jvdf 14 1 !,- i, th.- et> nth lr"Wi A* Ih. A*} ol A n (..> 9. la. K fi if * A. ADDI. /wkr&& \I)V| Ml I'.rn II ' fclnnl *, < A, AMI fr i: V shall I make thee M A. ADOVI.BKZKK. Jiidg.l.!,. ADOMJAH. V S,,m. i 4 A. son of Hnfgith I AIMS* 1.5 then A exalted hirai. i i.orf s:,ve km< A. 5>l, 51. 2 VI Ift Abiahaif be iriren to A. f Clir. 17 t* sent Lev. to teach, A. XV 4. 10. 16. the people sealed, A. A.iONIKAM. Ezra* .1:1 AVA.7.18 AUKAMMhLKCH. I King* 17. 31 burnt children to A Ib 37 A. and Shareter, Ita. 37.38 AUKAMYTMUM. .Ycfr 27. 2. A 1) HI A. ,*cfr27 27. ADULLA.M. 1 Sant 241 thcae A.I Clir. II. li S .SV/M. 23 la came to Dand to A. Mi'- I. 15 he tha>. 24. 7. shall he higher than A 1 Sum. l.i. i). the people spared A. 3-'i Samuel hewed A. in pieces. A<;.\i;m-:. Sre HAMAM. AGAlt. Cml. 4. 24, 25. AORII'PA. Jlrfi 25. 13. A. and Bernice came A*. A. said, I would also hear 2-i. 7. which linpe'n sake, king A. ifif A. (aid. alnio.st thou persuades! AGUR I'ror. 30. I. A H A li. 1 King! 1C. 30. 3a | 18. ft. 9, 42, 46. | 20. la I 21. 4, 21, 26. 29. | 22. 211. * Kingt i i. | a is. i a. 7, s. 25 i 10. n. 1 21. 3, ia t CAr. 21. ia whored, of home of A. Jer >. 21. s.tith the Lord of A. 22. the Lord make thee like A. tlic. G. 16. works of the house of A. AHASUKKUS. Erra *. 6. in the reign "f A. wrnt* Efl/i. I. I. tnis is A. which reiuned Z'J'i. 9. I. year of Darius, son of A. AHAVAH. Exn, s 15. 21, 31. AHAZ. J Kin ft IR. 2. A. WHS twenty years I CAr. 8 35. Micali, Pithou, A. !. 41. 8 Ckr. W. l!( Judah ,ow, hec. of A. ./. I. 1. the vision in dav of A Ho*. I. I. .i/ie. I. 1. 7 a go forth >o meet A. 10, A H AZI A H. [2 King* 8. 24. 1 AI/H/.- 22 441 A. reiynr-d in his, i Kingt I. 2. A. fell through a latti ce 8. '.'.>. A. king of Judah, wr-ntdown !: 13 we are the brethren of A. I i'lir 2il. a. Jed ~li did join with A tf-i 1 the Je.tructiou of A. was ol Alii AH. I fi'iMi. 14. 1. IH. I I A'lFi/.. AHIJAa [4 a 1 Kimri II. 2!l. | li i;> | 14. 2, 4, H. 15. 27. Baasha, ton uf A con-pire i I CAre. 2.2*. -HI* or Jeralunerl, A AH IK AM. [CAr 34. 20 t King* 22. 1 2. Jo,iah com. A. 2 i.Y 22. Ueduiuh the on of A. ruler Jer. 2li. 24. the hod of A. wa with 40. U. (Jed i;ia!i, the >.ui of A. Sri- tit: *l.i\H. A HIM A AZ I Sam. 14. 50. the daughter of A. ( \./'. 17. 17. Jonathan anj A. ls .'7 M like t.ie ruiiiinur ..f A 1 A :'*;.'* I IV A was in X ( phtali I i 'irt.it. d. H. an i Zadok begat A. A HIM \\ \ -i \3 T! \ ws of the children Jti'lf I. 10. Juda'i slew A. I Ckrtn. SI. 17 an I the pt,rter, A. MIIMKI.KCH. Vnm. 21. I A. wxs alraid at the tt Hi lite vtu of Jeuc cuiniug to A. A MM I $'m. IP. thou shall surely die, 21 i f. David Mid to A. who will t 2Vi.8.l7 Za.lokand A. I CAr.l&l6. I Cliri'ii. 24. 3. A of t IL- sons ol, a 3 AHINOA.M 1 .V.it U. 5U. | 2i4a AH IO. 2 Sum. il 3. I CAr. 13. 7. AHISAMACH. Ej-oH. 35. 34. AMI I IIOl'IIKI.. i .SVi/. 15. 1 2. Absalom sent for A. 1H. 15. came to Jeru-al. and A. wit -.' '. the counsel ol A. was as if a 17. 7 the counsel of A. is not Ki. 13. a hetweei Uetluel and A iia/i. 7. 4. before th. nen ol A. 8. 1. go up to A. I n.2. treat.T than A r ;r,i 2. 2k the men ol Beth.el am A. AVA. 7. 32 '- r (!) a howl, O Hes.hl.on, for A A1A1 H //. 10. 28. AJALOV. J./.A. 10. 12. ALEX AN DEE. Mark 15. 21. Simon the lather of A Irt* 4. 0. Annas, Caiaphas. A. I!). :ta they tln-w A. out of the '/'KM I. M. Hyiii.-neuj and A. .' Tim. 4 14 A. the coppersmith ALEXANDRIA, ASS. tr!*6. 9 ol the Libertines Mini A. IX. 24. iiam.-d Apollo,, horn at A. 27. 6. centurion found a ship of A ALPHEUS. Mat. 10. 3. Jamt-s, the son of A. .Mark 3. 18. l.uJce . 15. Act* I. 13 Mark 2. 1 1. saw Lett the son of A AMALKK. Gen. 3Ti I2.'rimna bare to Eliphaz A. h.j-'id. 17. 8 thru came A. and fought 14 out the remembrance of A. Ifi. Vum. 24. 2 ' A b-jat N..hs .%/,/-u U. I. the :i'..niuii.,tion ol A. ANNUM. 2 &M. a 2. David's first-born wa A. |:, .', '.(i, 2^. I Chr. 3. I. AMOS [2 CAr 1825. 1 AVn. ti. 2ii. carry him tick to A 2 A'in. 21. iH A r.-TLMied. ^a 2 Clir. .'13. 22 A. sacrificed to im:if;ec AVA 7. Ml out of capti. child, of A. Mat. I. 10 Manases Kegat A. AMOKITE, S. Gfn. 15. Ifi. iniquities cf A. not full JH 22. I tiM.k fr. A. with m> vvor llrut. 20. 17. utterly destniy the A. Wi. 10. 12. w-li. L. delivered up A. Juilt;. II. ->S. L. dlM^o^s..s^ed the A. .V/M. 7. 14 peace het. l-r. and A. .' .Si/<. 21. 2 Giheonites were of A. /' -. A'. Hi 3. father an A. mother AMOS, ,,r AMOX. .' Kin. I'.l .'. Naiah the -on of A. 20. J<). I 2 Cl,r. -ffi. 22. |32. 20, 3-.'. /../ I. I j 2. I. | 13. I. | 20. 2 I 37. 2. 21 | .'W. I. ./>..n, of Hani, Maadi, A. AN AH, i,i. 3(124. AN \K V/(/i 13. VS. clnMren of A. there.33. '.)fitt. !). 2. befo. II hildr.'n ..f A. t lu/H. 15. 14. 3 sons of A. -ludg. 1. 2tt ANAKI.MS n,mt. 2. If) people tall as A. 9. i loth II. 22. n .fie of the A. were 14. li. Arh WH.S grt-at anioni; A. ANAMUELKCH. 2 AIM 17. 3L A N A \ I A S. icti A. A. A. ht-anng fell down !<. 12. in a vision A .-01111111;, 22. 12. 23. 2. A coiiimamlfd to smite 24. I. A. deiwiMi'lf.l with the eldg*f \N AIHOIH. /nA. 21. IS. A. with her suburbs A'in. -i :'>'. to A to th. own fields CVjr. 7. 8. sons of Kecher A. and VcA 10. l:i A. >ealed the covenant /mit. tliesvriansln A. A HOLLO MA .icM7. i. A POL LOS. 'rtt 18. 24. A. came to Kphesut ( ' .r. I. 12. I -in. of A a 4. | a i 3 6. I have planted, A. watejed 4 li in a flu u re trannferrert to A. 'it. 3. la biing /etiis and A. ASA. APOT,L\ON. Rev. S. 11 APIMUFOHUM. Act,-& 15. AQUILA. Actt 18. 2, 26. K-nn 16. 3. I Cor. 16.19 AR. Uum, 21. 2& DM/*. 2. 9. /jo. 15. 1. AKAB1A. 1 Kin. 10. 15. Solo, had kings of A. Isn. 21. 13. tin- burden tipun A. Jer. 25. 24. the cup in klnsja of A. Gal. 1. 17. I went into A. and, 4. 26. ARABIAN, S. 8 Chr 17. 1 1. the A. brought Jehos. 26. 7. i. helped L'z/.iali ag. the A. l>a 13 20. nor sh. A. pitch tent tly Jer. 3. 2: as A. in the wilderness dels 2. II. Cretes and A. we hear ARAM. Gen. 10. 22 sons of Shem, Lnd, A. A T K;. 23. 7. Balak brought me Ir. A. Mat 1. 3. Esrom brgat A. 4. Luke 3. 33. Aminadnh waasonofA. S- PAOAS. ARARAT, lien. 8. 4. Jer. 57. 27. A R A U N A H -2 Sum. 24. IS. 23. A II 13 A. Jtah. 14. 1ft | 21. II. A R C H E L A U S. Mat. 2. -22. A RC H I P P U S. Col. 4 17. 1'hilem.Z. AKCTORUS. .7069. 9. | 38 32. AREOPAGITE, Acts 17. 34. AREOPAGUS. Acts 17. 19. A RET AS. si Cor. II. 32. [13. AH GOB. Deut. 3 4, 13, 14. I Kin 4. ABIGU *r 8 16. I sent for Eliezerand A. ha. 29. 1. woe to A the city, 2, 7. ARIMATHEA. Mat. 27. 57. Joseph of A. who was Mar, 15. 43. Lit. 23. 51. Jo 19. 38. ARIOCH. GP. 14. 1. in the days of A. king Dan. 2. 25. A. brought Dan. before AUISTARCHUS. Acts 19. 29 c:\titflit Gains and A. 20. 4. A. accompanied Paul 27 2. one A. a Macedonian, being Col. 4. 10. A. fellow-pris Phil. 24. ARISTOKUI.US. Rom. 16 10. ARMAGEDDON, lien 16. 16. ARMENIA. 2 A'H.19. 37. 7/O.37.38. ARNON. Jfiim. 21. 14. in brooks of A. 22. 36. Deut. 2. 24 pass over the river of A. Jnrfa.ll.2fi.il welt by the coasts of A. /a.'. 6 2. Moahnhallbeatfordsof A. Jer. 48. 20. tell ye it in A. that Moab AROER. Num. 32. 34. children of Gad built A. Isa. 17 2. citii-s of A. are forsaken Jer. 48. 19. () inhabitant of A. stand AKPAI), ARPHA1). 2 Kinqa 1H. 34. gods of A. ha. 36. 19. 19. 13. is the kin* nf A.? ha. 37. la /fa. 10. 9. is not Hamath as A. P Jer. 49. 23. is confounded, and A. ARPHAXAU. Gen. 10. 22. son of Shem, A. II. 10. Luke 3. 36 who was the son of A. AHTAXERXKS. Ezrai. 7. | R 14. | 7. 1, 11,21. tfeh. 2. I. in 20th year of A. wine 5. 14. from 201 h to 3>d year of A. ARTEMAS. Tit. 3. 12. ASA. 1 Ki. 15. H. A. did riirht,2 Chr. 14.2. 14, 18. || 2 Chr. 15. 17. | 16. 2. 1 Chr. 9. 16. Berechiah, the son of A. 2 Chr. 14. 11. A cued to the Lord ASAHEL. 9 Sam. 2. 18, 21. 32. I Chr. 2. 16. a 27. Abix-r died for blood of A. 83 24. A. was one of, I Chr. 1 1. 26. AS A I AH. \ CAron. 4 36. Jl>ulmiah and A. ATH 1 Chr. 6. 30. sons of Mernrl, A. 5 2 CAron. 34. 20. kinif J.,siah sent A A8APH, 2 Kingi 18. 18. Joiib the on of A. the recorder, 37. || /M. 3ft 3, 22 1 Chr. 6. 39. A. son of, 9. 15. | 15. 7 16.7. delivered flr-t this psalm toA. 2i. 1. of the sons of A. 2. | 2'i. I 2 Chr. S. 12. | 20. 14. | 2. 13. I 35. 15. Ezra 2. 41. I & 10. Neh. 7. 44. | II. 17,22. I 12.35 ASENATH. Gen.4l 45.50. | 46. 20. ASH DUD. 1 Sam. 5. 1. hrniiKht the ark to A. fi. 2 CAr.26.6. wall of A. cities about A. fieh. 13. va in "rle.1 w ive* ,,f A. 24. Amo* I. 8. | 3. 9 Zepfi. 2. 4. Zech. 9. 6. Tribe /ASHEK. A'uw. 1. 41. of the MA? of A. 41.500. 2. 27. the 10, II. ATHA1.IAH. 2 Kingt 8. 26. Ahai. mother wan A. 11. 1 A. destroyed 2 CAr. 22. 10. 2. hid Joash from A. 9U 1 Chr 8 ''6. of Ben. Shehariah ft A. 2 CAr. 24. 7. the sons of A. Tl. M. Ezra 8 7. Jeshalah son of A. ATHENIANS. Acti 17. 21. ATHKNS. Act> IMS. brought Paul to A. 16, a 541) BAB . . A1T.M.I A AV! Etek.W. 17. men .,f A tall i. v ..-r I Hut. 10. a hiifh plac^, nf A. Ai*-4 ..i Al Luke 2. 1. a d^.-rre trom (>.r A. Act, 2ft. VI. I'wul apfM-ale,} I.. A. 2. i7. I. to Jiilni-. n ..... lnrn.il A/AIIIAH. I Kin. 4. . A ..i.enf.x.l '.prlrmi, . -; A in. 14. < l. Jijdnli mHrt^ A km< I CAr. 2 . A. *< of r : AC/I S.7. A iHiiwdprnplr nndrrkliin^ Dan I. 6 of Jurtwh w, l^mrl. .1 V. 2. 17. I), mild.- thin* known to A. AZEKAH. Joth. Itt U. Jer. M. Z B BAAL. A'nw. 22. 41. {4. hmh plares nf B. i/V 2. 13. NrioM sn v.-i 11. H nd 6. 25. throw down ibe altar of It. ST. 1 A.' in. Hi. 31. Abab worvklMHl kten la 21. if U. he G.HI, follow linn 19. la left 7000 in [>r.-l. h. U* not hou-ed to B. Ron. II. 4. 2 A'r'n. 10. 19. mrrlnre to do 11. la brake d..wn the hi.tue of U. 17. 16. host of beaten. r>.-.l /; 21. a MHiiHSseh reared n/tar. for I). 23. 4. bring all the ve-.-e,-. for H. Jer. 2. 8. prophet* propertied hj B. 7. 9. incense to 1! ? II. 13, 17 12. 16. taught people to ar f-y H. 19. 5. built high pliue.if U. to) utit 2:i 13. they propnesied in // . RET, ftrr. tti lit. n. i nine in renremhranc* 171 B. the mother nf ImrloU Is. 10. alaa. -la.. IhHt rily B. 1. .SVe lUt'uHntB. BAR'VLUX ! A XS .>,*. 28. 15, 1". HXHVLONISH Jot*. 7. 21. BACA. **' BAHORIM. 8 Sam 3. Ifi. went i.eiii ,,l her to R. IR. 5. when David .-api.e to R. 17. Ift. they came tun house in B. 19. 16. Bei.tamiie ..( B. 1 Kim. 2.8 BAJ1TH. /M. 15. i he is if. 'lie up to B. BALAAM. KuM.2*. 5,9, It. 25, 3I.M | 23. 4.30 | 2*. 2, :, 25 | SI. H. 18. Dfttt.nt.thfy hired B. 5 | AVA.D.& J/i> & 5. reii.eir.i.er what B. king Her -'. U h.- Uiifht B toc*t BAM AH &>*. a. 29. B \KAHM AS. Wa. 27. .War 15. | Lv O. Jo. la BAR At HI AS Watt. O. 35. BARAK. A4r-t *. i ' 1. 1* "** " '* B A H.JESUS. ^rfc!3. B .K-J>S A. V,rf/ IS. 17. B. \UNABAS. Mtti 4. 3K. I 1 1. . i-, M | It. IS. I 13. I,*,. | U. 14 | 15 2,12, 37. I Cor. 9 & iir t only and R. have we Co/ 2 I. I wnt up with B. , 13. Ct 4. 10. Man-it*, -i-l. r% son to B. H.AKSABAS Act* I. 2* I J6. K. BAKTHOLOMKVV. Mt 10 :< .Vr : 18 /..ft. lt.*rfl. B A K I I M K C S Mar* 10 46. BA'>*i. repaired J*r. 32, 12. ' * >, 2o. j 43. 3. | 45 I. BAR2ILLAL t Sum. I" -'7 | I!) 3V, 39. i 21. a BA>HAN Num. 81. :B | Si 33. I /lent 1. 4. | i I. 3. II. | * 47. Jntk. 13. IS. Ptttmtt. I*, mr.ii.ff hull* of B. *.15 H.HII hiuh lull. IV why le H p.. / 33 y. It. unit CHrme, -h.ike off ,/r-r. rJ. tn lilt up thy roiri* in B. SO 19. shall teed mi Cartm-l and B. Errk : IH ^iil ..f th..mfHtlin(f.,f B Am t I. t. tht. w-r.1, yc kiiu- of B MIC 7. 14. let them le.-il In B. a< In XiiA.I. 4. B lHii.fiii.lird, C'lirmel and B ASH t. MATH. Gen. . 34 ' if B *?. 1 RATH-SHKBA. f >ui h H Mm of B j-5. WL L tbf i< aiuwerrd UK mD uf B. BET 2 Sam. IR. 7. rome nut, th. man of P XI. I hup t h there a roan of B. S.i " ..n- <-f R thitll he a* tlinrii- I A'i'nir< i'l. H 1 "-t t-.i wniinl B. IS l! Ctinm. i:i 7 Jeroh. i-hildren . B. t Cur. 6. ..=> hath Chrl.t with B. f BSLSHAXZAR. Den. 5. fi. i 7 1.18 I. BELTKSHAZZAR. Dan 1.7. | *. !* | 4. a I 5. li I la I. IJKS A I AH. 2. Sam 2S. ii. I CA. 1 1. 44. Ez<* 11. 1. BEN. A MM I. Gen. 19 38. BKN.HADAO. I Kin. IS Ifl. | *i. * A'e. 6. 84. | a T. BKXJAMI IK ./rf- a I.S Ehud a H. t .Sam. 9. I. I Sam 9. Vl and tid, am not I a B.? t Sam 16. II. hi-iiei a B. If*. If, I King! 2. 8. -i Sam *). 1. ,!*, i 6. HKNJ.AMITKS J^. l. !;. ..f the pl..o- were B. *> 35 de-tn.yed of It. 25.100. I Sai. . 7 S".,ul, hear now, ye B. I CAroN. ifi. \t wan AM.-ter o'f B. BEN OX I. Orn. 35. la BKOK. Gen. 3n. 32. \ m. 3. | M. a I 31.8. Dent. i 4. ./..** 13. t>. | 24. 9. BERACHAH. I Chron. It 1 -2 Chron. ->0. 2ft, HEKKA. .1ct> 17 10, 13. I 20. 4. BKUITH Judg. a BERXICE. Jrb 2S 13, 1 J 26. 30. BKSoR I Sam. 30 . BETH ABA KA. J.Jin 1. 2& BETH A\V Mutt VI. 17 went Into B. S6. . Wrtr.ll.l*. | 14.3 /.. 19 29.Jo.l2. I. /.Xe ?4 50 led i.ut MX far an to B. lu/iii II I. named I.HZurut of B. HKTH- A\ JoiA 7. 2 Ai, whi.-h i. healde B. I Sum 14. -a. h ttle pawed o. to B. Hot. 4. 15. n..r ^o ye up to B. S. 8 iry li.nd t B. niter thee 10 5 henill^e of the mlVeK i.f B. BETH-UIBI.ATHAIM. 7rr.4&28. Kl H.KL. Urn. 28 lit. i ailed the place B. 35. 15. Ml. 13 I am (*. I of B. 3?> I. ro up t- B ri || . rame to B. Am^i 3. 14. I will vlit altiirs of B. 4 I. i-omt- to B and trmi! inniirht, (V 7. \:\ prophemy not HIIV more Ht B. BKTH.K1.ITK I King* 16. 34. BETH; K. cnt. 2. 17. BKTHESDA. John 5. i liKTH.KZK L Mic. I. II. BE1 H.IJAMl'l. Jrr. 4S. 83. B ET H. H A i C E R K M. Jrr. 6. I. BKTH-HORON. Jn*h. 10. I I. rfi.inif down to R. 2t -O. Ke Leviie. B. I Chr. B. 68 I Sum i:t H. company turned to B. I Kin. 9 17. S<>| huiit R. 2 Cftr. 8. 5. I CAr. 7 V4 >hernh huilt B. BKTH-LEHKM. ?<;<. 23. I thewellof B. If A, 1 1.17. Mnt 2 I Jeo.i- h..rn in B. ft. lA KKTH-LKHKM.KI'HKArAH. .Vi.- .S _' ihoiiah thn *>e little BKTH.I.KHF.M-JfDAH. Jttdg. 17 7. ; i<) I. IN H'lth I. I. BKTM-I.KHKMI I K. 1 S.ifi. IR. I. J. -se the B. 18. | '7.58. 2 vim 21. 19 B. -lew Noiiath'i br. BKI H.HKJH. Df'it 3. -f>. the valley f(iiif( to U ./-Aw I 44 )'hihp was ..I H. li. 21. BETH.XHAN I .s< 3!. IU BKTM.SHi;.MKsU urf^. 1. 33. || I .Sum (i. U. 12, 19. BEIHUEL. Gen. 28. 2i. 23 | v4. 24. | 2R 8 BEL'LAH hit. fit. V BKSALEEL. ExwL 31. 8. [36 I I 3^. 22. BKZKK Judf. I. 4. slew in B H'.noo aim, 8. I f>'im. II. a Israel in B. .'VlO.unt RICHRI. 8 Sam. vO. I, i, fi, 22. BIDKAR. 2 A'iW 9. -.s. BIOTHAN. .-d to po into B. I Pet. I. 1. tlimiiKh'Atia and B. BLAVrUS. AH- '. BOANEHfiKS Marks. 17. BOAZ. 1 Kin. 7. 21. u/A 2. I. 19. | a 2. | 4. I HOC HIM. Jurtg. 2. I. an anuei rnme up to B. S. BUZHAll I'haill.er.iinede^..|ati..ii.-.'2. /fmoi I. 12 devour the palare* ul K. .Vic. 2. 12. put an the nheep of B. BUL. I Ai s fi. 38. BUZ. Gen. 22. 2i. Milrah harp to Nnhor B I CAr. 5. 14 of Jahd.., the son of B Jer. 'A. 23. and B. to drink the cup BUZ I. Ezfk. I M. BtZITE. Jo6 3X2,0. CABUI. I Kingi 9. IS. ( A I API! AS. .Vat 2ft. a ^oAir 1 1. 49 . | 18 14, 28. CAIN. Gen. 4. 2. 5, 15, 25 .loth 15. 57. Heh. \i. 4. excellent -..rritii-e thnnC. I J'/>n3. 12 not a- ( . who -a of Jude II. have (rone in the way of C. CAIMAN. Luke 3. X. wh. wa the BOB of C 37. CALEB. .Vm. la ft, 30 I M >4, :ff I 31. lit. Joth. 14. l.'i Jhua L'HV C Hehmn l.i 14. C. drove .hs -I Anai., Hi I Sam. v5 a Xahal n of l,,,u-r nf C'. CALEH. I Sam M. 14. C A LEB-E PH R A I A H I CA.2.24 ( ALSl M Gen. 10 10. Babel and C in the ! mil Amo'K. t. pau ye onto C frum CALNO. /. Id '.i. CALVARY. I.u^f2133. CAMON. Jud, l ASA. JiJtnl.]. there Mr!,Hrria(Tf in C.ll. 4 4fi. > Je.u. nun. ..k'Hln into C. 22. 1 J homa HIM! N.itliiiniel of C. ( AS A A N Celt 9. 18. *!, 2.J I I 15. | 28 I. K.-'-d. I A 15- the niliKi.ilanUof C .^/rftf.a 1 I 4 2, -.:. .i. 19. /'.,!/ lOfl 38 to Ihe idnlnof C. 1.15 II. n'note xl. kinvdomsnt C. ^..r I!*. 18 ^peak UnKUaKe of I 1 . XepA i. ?. O C I ,i.! .ietroytlir .Vat 15. 22. a womuu of C. cried 10 CHE LaarfofCANAAN. Gwi. 12. 5. forth toiro into land off. CANAAN1TK, S. Ci-n. 12. 6. | 15 21. | 24. 3. | 34. 30. Ej-iii 23. 28. out the C. 33. It. | 34. II. A'fji/i. 21 . 3. delivered up C". AW/. 9. 2* V/. 10. 4. Simon the C. Marks. 18. CAS A AN1TKSS. I Chroii. 2.3. CAN I) ACE. Ai-l*& 27. CAPERNAUM. Mat. 4. 13 | A ft. I 11.23. | 17.21. J.j/tn 2. 12. | 4. 4ft | (i 17. 24, 69. CAPHTOR Jer. 47. 4. spoil the country of C. Amai9. 7. the Philistines from C. CAPPADOC A. ,1ct*2. 9. the dwellers in C \YP hear Pet. 1. I. HIP stntiurers through C. CAHCHEMISH. 2 Clir. 35. 20. came to Unlit Hirst. C. f*n 10. . is not Ciilno as C > fer. 46.2. thf river Euphrates in C. C A KM EL. I Sam. 2ft. 2. possessions in C. 7, 40. Cant. 7. 5. head upon thep is like C. ha. 3.i. 2. the excellency of C. ami ler. +(>. 18. iind as C. by tin 1 eea, so Am>,i 1.2. ton of C.eh. witiier.il 3. A/ie. 7. 14. dwell in the midst of C. CARMELITE. 1 Sam. 30. 5. Hie C. 2 .Si. 2. 2. | 3. 3. 2 Si/;. 23. 35 C. one of David's CAR I' U.S. 2 TVw. 4. IS. CEDKON Mt i, 18. I. CKNCHKEA. Adi la la shorn hia head in C. Rom. 16. 1. aberrant of church at C. CEPHAS. Jnhn 1. 43. tliou -halt be called C. 1 Cor. 1 !_'. | 3. 22. | I). 5. I 15. 6. Cut. 2. 0. Jame.H. C. and John, who CE>AK. Mat. 22. 17. trihnte to C. or not ? jtfur* 12. 14. l.itkr'K. 21. 22. Ltikel. I. went out a decree from C. Joint 19 12 not C.'s friend j ae. I'. Acts 17 7. decrees of C. 2ft. 8, 1 1. 21. I'/til. 4. 22. rhiefly they that are of C. CESAKEA. Mitt. 1ft 13. mine into roasts of C. MjrkS. 27. out into the town* of C. Act* 8. 40. | SI. 30. I 10. 24. | 25. 4. CHALCOL. 1 Kin. 4. 3 1 . Sol. was wiser than C. 1 C*r.2.6. sons of X.-tnli, Neman, C. CtiALDEA. Jfr. 50. in. C. slmll he a spoil, saith 51. 24. to inhabitants of C. 35. E?ck. 16. 29 thy fornication to C. 23. l<>. incsseni; rs t,. them into C. CHALDEAN. Kzrit 5.12. ave them into hand of C. Dan. 2. 10. such tilings at any C. CHALDEANS. Jnb 1. 17. C. made ut three hands 7.< -J.'J. 13. C. the Assyrian founded Dan. I. 4. | 2. 2. | 3. H. f 4.7. | 5.7, II. Hah. 1. fi. l, I raise up the C. Act* 7. 4. out o( tlie land of the C. CH ALDEKS. 2 Kin. 24. 2. of the C. 25. 4, 10, 2ft 2 Chr. *i. 17 tin-in the km* of the C. Jia. 13. 19. Hahylon the heauty of C. CH A K AN Act*!. 2,4. CHKRAR. rek. \ 1. 3. | :< 15. 2:1 | 10. 15.11 CHEW AIM MS Zfph. I. 4. CHKMOSH. tfntK. 21 Mi. niid.iiip, () people of '. Jur/i?. 1 1. 21 posses* what C. tfiveth ? 1 A i,/. 11.7,3.1 .li-r. IS. 7, 1:), Hi CHEN AM AH. 1 CHr I.'.. '.'V. r Hiief of I.PVitP*. 'fl. CIH-REIHIMS. Esek. -'J- '' DAM CHERETIliTES. Sam. :ia 14. inviis i, the C. i Sam. 8 IS the C. 20. 23. IC/i. IS. 17. Zf/ilt. 2. .">. "< unto nation of the C. (II 1.1(1 III. I Kitiifi \'.\ CHI I. .MA I). ErrC.tf.9. CIII.MHAM. J Sam. 11. 37. C. let him RO, 39, 4a "IT. 41. 17. dwelt ill h.ihitatiou of C. CHIOS. .(. C YUEN IL'S I. tike i. 2, CYRUS. 2 CAron. 3fi. ft. in the first year of C A'.-r/i I 7 | 3 7. | 4. 3 | 5 13. /./. 44. 2S. that saith of C. he. 45. I />/w. I 21. to th.- first year of C. (i. 2N. Dan. prosp. red In rel)fn of ( la I. In the "hird year of C. thinif D DABBASHETH. Jntk. IB. II. [)ARER ATH. Jtah. in. 12. ICAr., fi 72. DAI' OS /.rfir IR.23 I Sum .5 2.-I.7. I a. 10. 10 DA LM AH A 2 rw. 4. 10. DA MA HIS. itrh 17 34. DAMAHCDfl C,rn 15. 2 my teid Klirfernf D 2 Kic>\ 12. I'harp.rr.v. ..f D /,, 7 *. |M -I ' "' " 17; Eark.f,. IH. /<'" I 3 I 3-l'~ I * *>. I .tr-,r. d |.-tlrr \r, O. 10, 111, .'.'. ;; | .... ,;. iu DAN,,, ,,-.... t. :n. ii Jit'tg. 5. ir wl.> .:..| II r.-iiiain* DAN ^e. 14. II. iiiir-n,. i 1 1,, -in unto |). />if. 31.1. M.xe.all 1.1!. HI| uulo D. DAMH. F.fi-k. It. 14. U ). >....,),, D. *. .1 > I) Mr. U . i D.M F.ra 4. 5 , b. .V | r; I, is. Dun. \ 31. | ii '.i, j.\ i Zrrfi. 7. I. in fourili \r;ir ..f D. tllf DATIIAN. .w ,\.,, 4 llanii >,f DAVID. 1 Sam. 2*).lli Lordrrdnrem A. /"l) 2 Vi//. 3. R not into /,//.,/ I 1.22. fell lit /, ,,/ 1 1. I tA,. 2aK ' 21. iinuif ../ DAVID /^. 7. 2. it was told /,.,- ,,f D. 13. 22. 22. key of /.. / I). I nil lay ufl ^. rA. 12. 7. Rlory ol A. ? I). H, HI, Ii la I. fount, lipi'iii-ii I.. />, Lnkf I. 27. J..s.'|ih, ol /<. .,( 1 > 2. 4. of the A..HW and lineai;.. o/ D. DAVID joined withX/. Jet. 3d. U. srrve Lord ami D th. k. //.'.t. 3. .V se. H l.onl and D. th.-ir A. .V./M.ii ..'Kat D.the*., Hlid D th,-*. Aitt la 22. rnlM-d up D to hr th. *. Srri-ant DAVID. JIT. Xi. V\. hr..k.-n with D. m\ . 22. A^A 34. 23. ewn M > *. I), -hull .'i7. 24 D fciim l.tikr \. ffi.ralVi.lii.il in hiiseoff. D. Ai-tt 4, 25 by the mouth of thy f. D. DEHOHAH. den. 35. & hut I) di.-t). WAS hurled Jitiig. 4. 4. and I). Jiirlvd Irrad ft. f. D. m.,thrr in I- rael. 12, 14. DKl Al'dLIS .V>i/. 4. 25. follow..) him from D. .V.irA4.20. to puh:i'h in D 7 31. DKl) \\. (if >i. 10. 7. si f It.oimah, D. I C/irw. I !> Nh.-!.... I). :t2 Jer. >:> 23. I ina.le D t.. drink A>r*.25 13. f D Ml l.v ..rd.27.2a DEhAMM l-i DELIL-\H. Jmlg. 16.4, It Dr V Co/ 4. 14. /'*-' < 10. DK>i K'l I. Arti\V. 24. I). Hsilv. r.niitli,3Jo 11 1)1 \ Acti 19. 24. ihrin.. f..r IV 7, DIUON.KAD .V. 31 44,44 DIDVMt > J,,/,H\\ Ifi Th ,-..ll.-d D. 20.24. | II. 1, 1)1 MO N DINAH f.Vw. 30.21 DIONYSlUM DIOI KKi'HI-^ I .'"'"< DIM u i >'< ji 7 i /-.- \\ n 1)011 Jrf I ' - I II. DOK< AN Arl.V ' Dot H \\ Urn H 17 V Ki * DKU^ILLA Jrt> ll 24. Ill V| Ml (Jen. 2i ' ' /- * ll DUKA. !> I. E . u i 1. 1* nrvL H " - W. ri Kill j,-..E.r BLA EBEN-EZER. 1 Sam. 4. 1. and pitched hesirle K. 5. I. brought the lirk from h. 7 I'.'. EI5EK. O>. 10. t\, 2ft \uj. ^ 24. K L>. ./..<* li. 34, BOSH. Gen. 8. li. man into garden of E. ha. 51. 3. her wilderness like E. .re/t. *\ 13. | 31. . 91. wa called E 3fi. I. F.j-ixi 15. 15 dukes ,.l K. amazed Pu/ fill 8. nver E cast sh..e. liH p. Ita. 63. 1. this th.it roinetli lrm K . jtm*-i I. h-nesof kiiur of E. !. I;.'. Oftarf. R destroy is.- me i "Ut of E. EDOMITK It,,.!. 23. 7. ET.LAH 2 Sum. 3. 5. EOLAIM. /.a. 15. 8. BOLON. JiiHg. 3. 14. 17. EGYPT Gew. 15. la from the mer of E. to t Kin. 18. 21. thou trustest .in E 24. /Jd. 19 16. E. like unto women, 24. Xah. 3. 9. Ethiopia and E. w-re her Hfb. II. 27. by faith he fi.rso.ik E. A-r. 1|. s is r..lled Sodom and E. /n and in/o EOYPT. Gt. V). 4. go down with the* in. E. Exod. 10. > thinun I wrouyht in E Is!. 30. cry in E. |) 14 II. graves in E A T ura II. IN. it \v;,s well with us in E. (4. :(. for us to return into K. 4. 5(0. 15. and we have dwelt in E. a Drat. I. 30. did for y..u , E. 4 34. Joth. 9. 9. heard all that he did in E. It* 151. 1. Lord shall roine into E. Jrr. 2ft 21. fled and Went into E. 41. 17 yur fares to git info K 42. 15. 4.'. 19. said. g ye not into E. 43. 2. /..jurfo/EOYPT. Go*. 41. 19, 29, 41, 54. ' 4ft. la I 47. 6. //f-A 8. 9. lead nut of the land of E Jude 5. saved people out of la. o/E Ou/ of EGYPT. Gen. 13. I. Abraham o< o/E. 47. 30 carry me ont of E. Fr,l. 3. II. | }. 39. | 13 9. !. A'um. II. 20. mine we forth ou/of E 22. II. i* a people come on/ o/ E. J'vtf. *. I. I mad.- y..u go oU o/E //. y,. ' 14. 9. E. pursued after, ID, 13, 25. 19. 4. leen what I did to the E. Si 14 wherefore should the E. Hun. 14. 13. MOS.-B said, then the E. ttl. I.V ami E. vexed us aod our In IB- 2. 1 will set the E 4, 21, V3. Art, a. 38. art not thou that E. f KHUIX Jtvff 3. 15. i*.-d up E. Ifi, 23, SB. 1 CAr. 7. 10. s..n< of Hilhnm, E. 8. 6. KKROS I V,/m. 5. 10. pus*, as rk eanM> to B. f An^ I. . the irod of R 3. 6, 18. Amu I. 8. mine hand against the E '/.fill. 2 4. and E shall he ronled up 7.cch. 9. 5. E. rery virrowful. 7. KKKONI , Jotk, 13 3. the land l the B. not * Sum. 5. in. ark came t<> Esron. E. KI.AH Gn. 3K 41 due E I Kine< 4 N. &IM. 17. - ) the valley of E. RL1 1 Ham. 21. 9. (ioliath in valey of E. 1 AiV "' - E. --n ot BMHM 2 Ki. 15. 30. sun "IE 17. I. | la I, ft I C*. 4. 15. son of Caleb. E. 0. 8. ELAU. Gen. 10. 22. the children "f Slirm, E II. I. C'hedorlaomer kinii of E. Jta. 11. 11. recover people from E. 21. 2. go up, O E. || -fi U E bare th' Jer. 25. 25. kings ot K 4!< .<. /><*. :. 24. there is E. and nil hw Dan. 8. 2. in the province of K EL A. M IT KS. Ezra 4. 9 E T"te letter, Aft* 2, 9 EI.ATH. ' A'in-i 11. 22 | Hi. 6. KI.-BKTHEL Gen 3.-. t. ELD A I). Num. II. 20, 27. ELEALEH. .Vuin. 32.37 li. 15.4 | IJ.9Vcr.4a34 ELK AX AH. Ejtntt R. 2\ | vR I. A'um 3 'Z | 26. 60. I CAn.n. 6. a | 24. I Krra - : l.er. 10 Ki. Mo-es wa*. angry with E .V><(. :i 4 E. rT'iuislered in |m.'-ts :u. 17. E. and Joshua shal' .liv de Joik 17. 4. came near hef. E 24. ,'Q. I Sam. 7. 1. they sanctifi.-d E to .\VA. 12 42. Shemaiah and E. were Mnt. \. 15. Eliud begat E and E EL-ELOHE-/JIW/. Gen. 3a 20. ELHANAN. 2Sam.2l.19. | 23 24. I CA. 1 1.26. | 20.5. KLI. 1 .Sam. 1. 2.V brought the child to E. 2 12. 27. I 3 5.6.8. 12, 14. | 4. 14. 1 King* 2. 27. spake concerning E. ELI, ELI, lama tabarhthani. Mat. 27. 46. cried, E. E. Mar. 15. 34 ELIAB. A'ttm. 1. a | 2. 7. | 21. 2ft j 10. 16. 16. I. sons of E. 12. j 26. 8, 9. D?ul. II. 6. what he did to cons of E. I Sam. 17. 28. E. heard, I CA 2. 13. 1 CAron. 6. 27 E. the son of \.ihath 15. la E. porter, 20. || 16. 5. E with 2 CAr. 11. 18. took daughter of E. ELI ADA. 2 Sam, 5. 16. I CA. a 8. 2 CA. 17. 17. ELI A KIM. 2 Kin. 18. IH. out to Kah-shakeh E. 23. 34. made E. son, 2 CAron. 36. 4. lit. 22. 2tt I 36a | 37. 2. Mat. I. 13. AMud begat E. and E. ELIAM. 2 Sam. II. 3. | 23. 34. KLIASHIB. Ezra \Q. 6. the son of E 24. 27, 36. AVA. a I. | 12. 10, 23. I la 4, 7. 2& ELIEZER. Gtn. 15. 2. steward of house is E. E fad. 18. 4. name of Mo.e-' . !i. N Hainan stood at door of E. i. 20. E. vaiil, op.Mi the eyes, 31. 8. 4. th'ML'i that E. hath done, .'., 14. 13. 14. E. was fallen sick, 16, 17. vl. Liike 4. '.'7. many lepiT- in days of E. ELIhUAH. E?ek. 27. 7. E1.ISHAMA. .vm. 1. 10. 1 2. ia 1 7. 48, sa 1 10. 24 _' Sam 5 16. E. David'- yon 1 CAr. 2. 41. | an, 8 . ; 7. 2R | 14. 7. 2 CAr. 17. 8 he neiit with thwn E Jer 36. 12. even E. the Bcrihe, 41. I. EL1SHEHA Efod. & 2a ELISHUA. 2 Sam. 5. 15 E. David's wms. I CA.14.5. EL1UI). Mat. 1. 14, 1ft. EI.KANAH. Etnd. fi. 24. Korah, As-ir, and E. I Sum. I. 1. name \va E. 21. | 2. II. 1 CAr. 6. 2a son of E. 27. 34, 3ft. 12. 6. E. the K'.rhile, 9. l& 15. 23. E. wn^ door-keeper for ark 2 CAr. 28. 7 E. was next to the kinr KI. Ml ) DAM. I.t,ke3. 28. BLNATHAK Kingt 24. 8. the d..uirhter of E. Ezra a Ifi. I sent for E. and Jarib Jer. 26. 22. sent E. into, 36. 12, 25. ELON. Gen. 26. 34. daughter of E. 36. 2. 40. 14. the sons of Zehulun, E. Judg. 12. II. E. Ju.leeu l^-ael, 12 ELUL. \eA.6. 15. ELY MAS. Acti 13. a EMI M.S. Gen. 14. 5 smote the E. Dftit. Z. 10- EM MAC'S. 7.nA-24. la EMM OR. AcU't. 16. y S.DOR. JoA.17.1 1. E. and her lowm,/Vft3 10. Sam. 2H ~. wornnn at E. hath spirit EN'EAS. Arli\>. 31. BN.Eiil.AI.M. AJ -fk. 47. 10. EN.flBDL tnth. 1ft. f>2. wildernef. of Judah. E vim. 2:i 2"J. David dwelt at E '-I I t Chr. 20. 2. Jehoshaphat are in E. EN oca 1m. 4. 17. bare E. ||5. 18. begat E. .V 22. E. walked with fio.1, and (iod ' .iikf '!. '<". Mathioala was son l I-:. 'A-6. II. ft. hy faith E. waxtrir Jude li. E Mso prophesied of th. pe EN ON. Jo/in |. i'i. EN OS. Gi"i. 4. 26. called h s son's name K. l.uke 3. 38. Cainan was the son ol E> EN.ROHEL. 2 Sam. 17. 17. Ahimaa/. stayed hy F, 1 A'i. 1. 9. sheep an. I nxeii by E, EPAPHRA8. Col. 1. 7. M ye learned of E. our 4. 12. E sal'uteth you. Philem. $3. BPAPHROOI I US. /'AiV. 1 25. send t you C. i l& ETH EPENRTUS. Rom. IS. 5. EPHAH. 3en. 25. 4. I Ch. I. :. | 2. 4fl, 47. EPH KS-l> A M M I M. I Sam. 17. 1. EPHESIANS. Act* 19. za BPHESUS. ^ef> 18. 19. Pnul cam.- to B. 21. 1 Cor. 15. 32 fought witlib.M!.ts at E. 2 TVm. 1. 18 ministered to roe at E. (lev. I. II. send to E ||2. 1. angel at E. E P H P H A T H A. Mark'. 34. EPH R AIM, a place. iSant. 13.23. sheep-shearer* beside E. JChr 13.19 Ahijah took E. and towns John 11. 54. went into <-ity railed E. Mount EPHRA1M. Josh. 17. 15. if mnjint E. he too Judg. ">. 24. throujr li mount E. 17. 1,8. I Sam. 1. 1. of m. E. '2 Sam. 20 21. 9. 4. Saul passed through mount E. SKin. 5. 22. two men come, from m. E. ,/er. 31. 6. watchman upon mount E. EPH R A I M, a person or people. Gen.4 1. 52. Joseph'* second son waE. 48. 14. right hand on E. head, 20. JVum. 1. 10. the prince of E. 7. 4a 2. 18. shall be the standard of E. Deut. 33. 17. are ten thousands of E. Judg. 5. 14. out of E. waa a root Ptal. 80. 2. before E. stir up strength 7*0.7.5,8,9,17. ! 9.9,21 ; 11.13. | 28.1. Jer. 7. 15. cast out whole seed of E. Ezt>k. 37. 16. stick of K. 19. | 48. 5. Hosea 5. 3, 5, 9, 13, 14. | 6.10. \ 7. 1,8. a 9. E. hired lovers, || 1 1. E. to sin 9.3, 8. | 10. 6, 11. | 11. 3,9,12. 14. 8. E. say, what to do with idols ? jfech. 9. 10. out off chariot from E. EPHRAIM it. Ptal 60. 7. Jer. 31. 9, 20 Ho. 4. 17. EPHRAIM with tribe. Pial. 79. 67. chose not tribe o/E. EPHRA1M1TE, S. Judg. 12. 5, 8. EPHiiATAH. KM*. 11 do thou worthily in E. 1 Chr. 2. SO. Hur, first-born of E. 4. 4. Psal. 132. 6. lo, we heard of it at E. Mic. 5. 2. Beth-lehera E. tho' little EPHRATH. Sen. 35. 16, 19. | 48. 7. 1 Chr. 2. 1ft EPH RATH ITE.S. Ruth 1. 2. 1 Sum. 1. 1. 1 A'in. 11. 28. EPH RON. ten. 23. 8, 16. I 25. 9. ' 49. 30 | 50. 11 EPICUREANS. Act* 17. ia 0. 10. 51. 63. midst of E. Rev. 9. 14. | 16. 12. EUTYCHUS. ActtW. 9. EZEKIEL. Exek. 24.24. EZEL. 1 Sam. 20. 19. EZRA, a 7. 25. 1 10.1. NeA.aZ.B. | 12.1,36. F FELIX. ^c&23. |24|2t FESTUS. Acts 24. | 25. | 26. FORTUNAJ US. 1 Cor. 16. 17. G OAAL. Judg. 9. 41. GABBATHA. John 19. li GABRIEL. Dan. 8. 16 1 . 21. Luke I. It, 26. GAD. Gen. 30. 11. she called his name G. 35 26. sons of Zilpah, (J. and Asher 46. Id sons G. .Vt _' the M-a of O. M a I r tfarfc I. ;,*. /?. n. GAI H 1 Snm. 5. a let ark be carried to O. 2 Sam. 1. 20. tell it not in G. pnhl -h 21. 22. born to giant in ti.\t / uhurb..irAnm. Kin. 15.22. Ata built <;.2(" ha 10. 29. taken up UMf ing at < Zeeh. 14. la hll be - pla n from O. GEBAL. Pial. 83 7. F.zrk. fi. y GEBIM. 7*o. 1C. 31. DALIAN. ? A'n. 25. 24. (i. ware. Jrr 40 . CAr. 2.S. 3. G. and Zeri, /..-' JfT. 38 1. G. son of Puhur heurd 41. 2. Uhmael imote G. with >..-< Zrt>A. 1. 1. "" "f Cimhi, son of O. GEHAZI. 2 Kingii. 1*,27.| 4.2l.2i|a4. GEMAR1AH. Jer. 29. 3 J J*, (JESNKSAUKI, ETH. Mat 14 34 to land of G. / t. - ERA. Jwig 3. !5 VSam. 14 .V GERAH-- trod 30. 13. Lev. 27. 4, Xi. *T. GERAR. dm 20 1. | >. & (;EH;K (.KK1ZIM. Itrut. 11. 29. blemiiiigon mount <. .a ." over-again^t mount of <> . children of O had. TT a t tk * o( Pfclo*lM, G. J S/im. 13 37 fled and went to O IS 8. thy ervt Towed a T ' ( - Mat, J8.86 place rullec lilAH. " "' "-** **iviiti5 l 4iL* jtiaf. i.i i > ' .. ... i:^:i e "-.- ha. la 29. afraid, . f s" WW5SWA GRE GIBEON. /*V 10. 12 sun, stand itill upon C, I Sam. a 30. had slain Atahel at G. I Cur. 8. 29. lit O. dwelt father, 9. 35. .'I a, MI the valley of G. (J1BKO SITES. 2 .Sum. 21. 1,9. GIDEON. JWr . II, 24, 34. | 7. 1.14. 18-1 8 21. 11,6. 11.3-'. time wd fail tit tell of O. (ill)KONI. Huut I. \\.\-L & | 7. 60,65. GIHON. Cm. 2. 13. name of the river li G. !*.* I 33 Lnug Solomon to G. 33,45. (ill.HOA I Jrm. 31.1.8 *w. 21. 14 ICA.IO |,S. I tan. I. ill O. let tberr be nu dew OILF.AO. .'. "in X. 1. O. WHS place for rattle, 40 r-.i/. W. 7. O. it mine. Manas. IOS.8. <'.i/. 4. 1. hair a> Routs from G. 6. 5. I--. f>. J>i Is there no halm in 0. t fi. a tfcou art O ||4. II. go int.. O. Hi t R. O. is the city nf them that . i 11. is there iniquity in O. ? QILEAOITK, S. J^. 14 4, 5. 2 Sam. 17. 27. OILGAI* Joifi. 4. 10. people encamped in O. Jmig. 4 I. an anifel came (mm G. 1 Sam. 7. l& Samuel went to O. A mat 4. 4. at O. multiply transgrei. MIC. a A. him fn.in Shittim t.. (J GILONI I'E. * Sam. 15 I*. | 23. 31 GIKGASHITE, S. lien. 10. Ifi h*gat th.- (i. I CAr. I. 14. 15 21. and the land of G. AVA. 9. a J. .A. :i 10. he will drive out the I). O1TTITK. a .Sum. ft 10. | 15 19. GOB. 1 Sam. 21. 18. QOO. ICAr. 5.4. reJfc3a t. 3.IB.I8. | 39. II. Her. M. a G. and Maog, to gather GOLGOTHA. Hat. 27. 3a Hark IV 22. Jo* 19. 17. OOL1ATH. 1 A-'im. 17.4, G of Gath wrent out, 23. U\ H. the sword of G. is h.-re X&CM. a 1. 19. brother of G. ICA.20.S. <;OMKR. f.Vn. 10. i Japheth. (J. I CAr. I. 5. t'.jtk. ja G. G. and nil his bunds H"t. I. 3. he took G. the daughter GOMORRAH. C-n. 13.10. | 14.11. | 18.20. | 19.24.28. J>fnt. 29. 23. Iia. I. 9 | 13. 19. Jer. 23. 14. | 49. 18 | M). 40. Am 4 II. R.-m. 9. 29. 2 /><* 2. 6. Jrf 7. 3-2. 32. vine is of the field* of G. -V.it 10.15 tolerable for G. .Vur.fi.li. OOSHEN. Gi 45.10. dw. in G 46.34. | 47.4,0,27 j-. a 22. I A ?. Jo-A. 10. 41. | 1 1. 19 GOZ A V. ii'i.176. | 18.11. I 19.12. Jjo.37.12. OR EC I A. ;>an. 8. 21. | ID. 20. | II. 8. ORKC1AN8. J*-\ 3. & Judah have ye sold to G. sfrfj & 1. arote a murmuring of G. GREECE, Z'r'i. 9. IS. againKt thy sons, O Q. ,i<-U a) 2. Pan! rame to G. and BHBEK. Knw. I. iii. to Jew first, and alto to G. 10. 12. n.i dif. between Jew and G. (.a/. 2. 3 bunif a G 3. 2& Col 3. II. GRK Jokn 14 80. certain O. came to wor *'!* 14 1. | 17 4V, 12. | 1H 4. IT. I'l in theJ^4 O. h^mrrt, 17. W -I. testify in* ti J-v and It. ,t t; into the teinplt turn. i. It I mil a lUbtor Uitli to HEB 1 Cor. }. 22. the (. aeek after, 23,24. GUR. 2 KingtV. 27. H HACHILAH. 1 Sam. 23. l!i. David hid in H. ?fi. 1. HAliADK/KK, HADAKKZER. 2 &IOT 8. 3..S.7. S, SI, in, 12. 1 Cfir. K3 BAOAORIMMON. /,. | 14. II. V9. 3. wlixt do thi-r H h. re ? .lrt\fi. I. iiitirtnimiii! at.Min.st the tl. -MW-. 11 2-J. they M or Israelites r /Alia 5. of l!ei.i ..MUM, an Het.. ol M. HEBREW 7-H*?2a 38. writ!.-., in H. John 19. 20 ,/oAn5i 2. iall.-d in th^ H It*. 13, 17, j*rf2l. 40. Pain fpiike in H. W. 4 HIT. &. 1 1. in H A !.,.). I. .n, l. 1& HEBBEW man. Deut. 15 li. it i.rot.,er. an H. m. 2. 7. rail a nure of th.- H trnmcn t Drut. 15. 12. it any H. tr,,,,,,in he sold HBBREWES& J. r :. p. REBRON.itW OCTI. 23. 2. J-arah diert in H. 35 fi. Jtuk. 14. 15 | 20. 7 JM-/^. I. 10. 37. 14. Jacob cent Joseph out of II. A'tim. 13 -a. H. built before /...ai, 2 5ar;t. 2. 11. David WH* kinu in II. 5. 5. I Kin 2. II I C/,r. 29. 27 H KB HON. perton. Jrorf.fi. 18. of Kohath, H. A'xm. 3 IB. I CAr. 1 42, 43. | fi. 2, IK. | 15 . | 23. 12, la | 24. iCt HEUE. xtA. 2. a HKLAM. 2 Sam. 10. l. HKLBON. r.rr*. 27. 18. M hi. DA I X-.A. 6. 10. I 1 KM. Luke A -^3. HKI.KAI 'ii-HAZzuniM. - N./;. i |i^ pl.u-e was railed H. HBMAN. 1 A'in. 4. 31 S..I was wier thon If. 1 (.hr. 2.8 | R 33 | 15 17. l. | IC\ 48, 2 CAr 5 1.'. | 29. 14 | 3-V li - J5e.-A.ri 14. HKPHXI-HAH. Kin. 21. I Mana S ,eh's mother. H. />. Horn. Hi. 1 4 -a. ite Herimu. Hermit HEK.MOGKNSS. * Tim. I. 15- HKH..I .N Pial. S9. 14 H. >hail rejoice in thy I.i3 3 dew of H. that rieTendini t Cant. 4 S. look from the |..p nl il. HKRMONITES. PtaL 42. 4 HBROD. Mat. 4 14 not ret.irn to H. I ft, 16. 14 3. for H. had laid h-.ld, i. Mark s 15. f l.-ren of M. r,. n, 21. /.iAed l,y Jol a HBROOION. H m. 16. II. HESHBON. .Vr/. 21. 28. afire gone mit of H. 3tt Cunt. 7. 4x eye li5. 4 H. rhali rry, ./rr 4n i Ifi. a fur field <>f H. Uni/m-h. O ; in H. they derised evil, 4i HETH Urn 1 ' 1'. i '. 7 O I". I CAr. 1. in K I \ II. /-/// KZKKI AS 2 >.!/.. 1(1 IL. 11. rC')jllf,l I.. Ill9 -i. lU IDU 1 Kt. IS. 15. H. gave all silver. 22, 31 19. . H. heard it, 15. ; 2./. 9. 16. HILKIAH. 1 Kin. 18. 18. Eliakimsonof H. 22. 12. Irn 22. 20. son of H. VChr. 34. 20,22. HINNOM. J..-A. 15. 8/horder t.y valley of H. 2AV. 2:i 10. Tnpliet, in valley . f H. 2 CAr 28. 3. incense in valley of H. 33. 6 children t" pass thro' hre in H. Jer. 19. 2. the valley cif the son nf H. 32. 35. high places in valley of H. HIRAM. 2 Sam. 5. 11. H. kin* of, 1 Chr. 14. 1. 1 Kn. 5. I. H. sent his servants, 8. 7. 13. Solomon sent and fetched H. H1TTITB Gen. 25. 9. in field of Ephrnn the H. 49 30. hotiHlit of Ephroii H. 50. 13. K.r<,rl. 23. 2H, out the H 33. 2. | 34.1 1. VS H. 1 Kingt 19. 8. Dent. \. 6. spake to us in H. 4. !5. Psal. 106. 19. they made a calf in H. Mul. 4. 4. commanded Moses in H. HOR-HAGIDGAD, Num 33. 32. HORM AH. ,Vum 14 45. discomfited to H. 21. 3. HORON A I M. .Iff. 48. 3, 5, 34. HOSHEA. Dent. 32. 44. and H. spake to people a Kin. 15. 30. H made, 17 1,3. | 18 10. 1 Car. 27. 20. ruler of Ephraim, H. HUR. Krad. 17. 10. H. went up. 12. | 24 U 1 Chr. 2. 19. which hare H. 20, 50. HUSH A I. 2 Sam. 15. SI H to meet David, 17. 5. HUZZAB. NH/I. 2. 7. HYMKNKUS. 1 Tim. 1. 20. whom is H. 2 Tim. 2. 17 IBHAR. . . 15. 1 Chr. 3. 6. | 14. 5. 10HABOD. 1 Sm 4. 21. | U. a 1CONIUM. icl* 13. 51. Barnabas came unto I. 14 1. in I. went into syn.gouue fi Tim 3. 11. affliction, came at I. IOOO. 8 Car 9. 29 I. the seer, 12 .15 | 13. 22 F.rrab. I. 1. prophesied, ZrcA. I 1,7 .\VA. 12. 4. 1. with priests went up IDOMEA. (to. i| *, sword shall co'nc on I. '' 't^ick. :3 la- nit I. shall be, '>. J. ISR l/rfc3.a inultitudefollowedfrom I. ILLY 1(11 I M 'turn. 15. 19. round about unto I. ISAAC. ioi. 17. 19. call his name I. 21. 3,21. 21. 10. heil with my son, even I. 22. 2. take thine only son 1. .. 24. 4. take a wife for I. 14. 25. 5. all he had unto 1. 9, 11.20, -X. Vfi. I. 1. went to Abimelech king ol i!H. I. I called Jacob, blessed him 31. 42. the fear ol I. had been with 35 27. Jacob came to 1. _>!. 4n. \f, d of 1. 15, 16. | 4 5. JA. Zeph. 3. 14 hout (> I. hr r'nd >od .SB .Vm. 25. 14 the I. that ., !! 2 \m 17 /. ih.- ...I, ,.| IthrM. in L John \ 47. b-h , , | ISRAEI.IT1MI /. /4 10. | II. I. . II. 9. in tabernacles with L 17. by faith Abraham offered up 1. liO. I. blessed Jacob, Jam. 2. 21. ISAIAH or ESAI AS. 2 Kin. 19. 2. Eliakirn to I. /.to. 37. 2. 20. 1. I. came to him, /. 38. I. >(hr. 26. 22. acts did I. write, 32. 32. I xn. 20 3. my servant I. hath wa'.kert Me name, 1 kin. 18. 31. ISRAEL. E.rod 32. 4. these be thy (rods I .Ym. 24. 5. thy tabernacle* I D,-u( 4 I hearken. 1.27.9. 6. I. hear. I. 6. 3. 4. | 9. I. | 20. 3. /',/ 50 7. /> 44. 1. I H 12 33. ). h;i|ip> thon, I. ** 12. 29. i Sam 20 I every man to hi teiiU, () I I Kin. 12 I'i * CAr. 10 16. I Kin. I'.'. 2S b.bold thy odg. /'W 115 '.'. <> I. tru-t thon.n I.ord /, M vT. why -peake.t thoii 4-1. 1 I. tear not. 22 ./rr tri. l| 44. 21. rememb.T thev O\ 4 for 4 I wilt return, U I. /' ' ' I >>;.* 134 01 .thyproph.-lsarel.t //, i, ,. r ,.j,,,,.e,,..t. 1-fcrW hke th. hi-l , . ,. V .-il' a f ). 23 Leah's -.in, I 4'i. 13. ICAr.7.1. 49. 14. 1. is a lining am, cnuchinf I Kin. 4. 17. Jeh.ish M n olficer in I. 1 Chr. !_>. 40. that Were mnli to 1. Jli. 5. I. peventli ".HI n| < i ,.,!.f,|,, m 2 Chi. :V1 la of I. had not cleaned A'if*. 4 -ft. the bolder of *, Tribe i.f\^\c HAH. .Ywffl. I. 2W. I.Ullll -efe,l 2. 5 next Jiiilab -ball i>r Ir 31. -.f> prince of tb^ Jiah. 19. '.'3. inberitance ..I f.-. 21. li IHIIII i.-s ,,( !h.. Asher. Her.-!. 7. "ft ml w.-r. ITALIAN'. .^c^lO. I. I I \ .Jctt IH. 2. c rtnin J- w come from I. 27. I. that We sh-njld >MI! into I. lieb. 13. 24. they .,t 1 - .. n- you . \l A R. K.roii. 6. 23. Abihu and I. I Chr. fi i \IIJH. 4 2K. charife under hand of I. 1 C'Ar 24 3. Aliim.-l h of ,o,,, ,if I. Ezra a 2. of 'he -mis , P f I. l) H niel MHIKI. Keh. 11.7. I son of Je-aiah, /V.3IU. ITU RE A /.. a II. JAI1AL. (.. 4. 20. JAIU'I.K Gen. 32. 21 l>- '2. 2. JABESH 1 Sam. II. 5 Sniil of men of J .11 12. 2 A.'l. 15 10. the,. .n or .1 . .hide " I \,mi 1 1. 1. N I H J. ' .S.(m -\ 4 men ol .' JA11KZ. I . JAHIS ./,', 11. I. when J kn.g-f HMOT -.f . Pl<3. 83. !. do tiitbnm :.. Hi'' JACHIN, I Kin. 7. 21. rurhl hi>'< .1 \ Grn. 25. 26. he v^ called J. fT Jurf^. 4. 17 fled t.. the lent "f J > i JAM 3fi. J i J \IH Y ' !... I J. JKH J A 1 K L'S. Hark 5. 91 J. ruler of, I.,,ke. 41. JA.MBRES -i 7Vm.3La JAMBS. ifaf. 4 21. J. itnil J..hn, .Var* ]. 19 10 2 J. son of Zebedee, Mar/t.t 17 a J son -f, U'irk 3. Is. /Jcfo I 13. Act' 12. * Hi-rod killed J. with swd. t Cor. IS. 7. after that was >een of J. Gal. I. I!), save J. the Lord's brother it 12. certain mine from J. ilid eat.H. JANS' A. /.,Mra 24. JANVKS 2 Tim. 3. 8. JAPHBTH. Gen 5. >. J. son of Noah.ftlO. | 7.13. 9. 23. Shein and J. thall enlarge J I CAr. 1. 4. JAR EH. Hn,. f,. 13. | 10.6. JAHEI). llfti. 5. 15. Lute 3 37. JASHER. JoA. 10 It. iSam. I. 1R JASON. Actt 17. 5. house of J. Rom. 16. 21. JAVAN. Ocn. 1 1. 9L son? of Japheth, J 1 CAr. I..V /'i fVi 19. tho.e th.it e-cM|M' to J. Kzek. 27. 13. J. and Tubul thy, 19. JAZEK. Sum. 32. 1. J. for rattle, 3. Ita. IR.9. JBBUSITK Gen. 10. la Canaan begat the J. Krnd. 3:). 2. I will drive out J. 34. II. 2 .Sam. 24. 16. I". I Cfir. I. 14. | 81,15. JEBUSITES. A'um. la 29. J. dwell in mountains Juth. 15. 63. J. dwell with children Judg. I. 21. drive J that inhabited JECONIAH. I Chr. a 16, 17. Jer. 24. 1. I 27. 20. JBDIDIAH. 2, Sam. 12.25. JEDUTHUN. 1 CAT. 16. 41, 42. | 25. 6. 2 Chr. 29. II JEOAR-SAHADUTHA. Gen. 31. 47. Lahan railed the heap J. JEHOAHAZ, called AHAZIAH. S! A'tn. 10. 35. J. nun of Jehu reigned 13. I. J. son of Jehu began to reign 23. 30. people took J. 2 Chr. 21. 17. JEHOASH, or JOASH. JA'i'n. 11.21. J. seven yean old when U 20. slew J. In house Millo. 13. 10. JEHOIACHIN. 2 Kin. 24. a J. IB years old when he 25. T,. did lift head of J. Jer. 52. 31. JEHUIADA. 2 Sam. 8. la | 20. 23. I CAr. 1 1 . 22, 24. 1 Kin. 4. 4. son of J. was over host 2 Kin. II. 17. 2 CAr. 83. 16. | 24.2,25. Jer. 89. 26. thee priest instead of J. JEHOIAKIM. i Kin. 23. 34. name to J. 2 Chr. 3ft 4. Jer. 3ft. 2a roll which J. hath burnt 52. 2. did what waa eril an J. had JKHONADAB. 8 Kin. 10, 15. JEHORAM. ! A'i. 22. SO. J.son of Jehneb. 2A'i.8.l. i fAr. 21. 9. J. itmote the Edomites 22. 5. went with J. arainut Hazael JEHOSHAPHAT. J Sam. 8. 16. J. was recorder. 80. 24. 1 Kin. 4. 3, 17. | 15. 24. 1 Chr. la 15 2 CAr. 17.3. Lord was with J. I&9.28. Joel 3. 2. down to the valley of J 12. JEHOSHUA. A'uiM la 16. Oshea J. I Chr. 7 27. JEHOVAH. Erod. 6. 3 by J. was 1 not known FtaL S3. I a whoe name alone Is J. Ita 12. 2. the Lord J. limy strength 26. 4. in the Lord J. isever.aning JBHOVAH-JIREH. Gen. 22. 14. JEHOVAH.Nlssl. F.rod. 17. 15 ;SHOVAH-SHALOM. Judg 6.*4. JEHU. . fin. 19. 18. J. son of Kinubi shalt JEW J Kin. 9. 8. look there J. 13. M, 24. HI II J. slew |l ri-m.iincil, 18,31 Hot 1. 4. bio.Ml o! J. /reel on J. JEPHTHAH. Judi;. II I. J. 'as n.ighty.3, 11.40. 12. 7. J. judged Israel nix yi-ar^ Heh II. 32. wonlil Tail to tell of J. JEPHL'NNKH Sum. 13. ft I JERAHMKEL. 1 Chr. 8. 9, 33 I 24. 29. Jer 36 26. JER KM I AH. * Kin. 8a 31. I 24. la Jer 52. 1. 2 Chr. 35. 25. J. lamented for Josiah Jer. I. 1. words of J. ... ,t Hilkiah 51. 64. thus far are the ords of J. Mat. 2. 17. was spoken hy J. 27. 9. 16. 14. others say thoti art J. or one JERICHO. Joth. 2. I. go view J || 6. 1. J. shut up 6 26. cursed man that Miildeth J. I Kin. 16 34. d.iys did Hie! build J Luke 10. 30. went down to J. and fell Htb. II. 30. hy faith walls of J. fell JEROBOAM. 1 Kin. II. 2a J. mighty man of valour 4U. Solomon sought to kill J. and 13. I. J. stood by altar, 14. 1, 6, 30. 2 Xing* 10. 31. | 13. 6, 13 | 14. 24. Amtal. II. Anna saith, J. shall die JEROBOAM, joined with Kebat. 1 Kin. II. 26. | 12. 15. | 16. 3, 26, 31 | 21. 22. | 22. 52. 2 A'in. a 3 9. 9. | 10. 29. | la 2. 11. i 14.24. 15. 9, 18. 24, 28. 2 Chr. 10. 15. JERUBBAAL. Judg. & 32. | 7. I. | 8. 29, 35. | 9. 8. 5, 16, 2a I Sum. 12. II. JERUBBRSHETH. 2Snw.ll.2l. JERUSALEM, HIEHUSALEM. Joth. 18. 28. which is J. Judg. 19. 10. JERUSALEM. PmL 116. 19. in midst of thee, J. 122. 2. stand within thy (rates, J. 137. 5 If I forget O J 147. 12. Ita 40. 9. J. that hringet good 51. 17. stand np, J \\ 52.2.arise, J. 52. I. put on thy garments, J. Jer. 4. 14. O J. wah thy heart from 6. 8. be thon imtriirted, J. li-t 7. 29. cut off thine hxir, O J. and 1.1 87. J. wilt not be made clean 15. 5. have pity upon thee, O J. t Mai. 2a 37. J. J thon, I.ukr 13. 34. JESHUA Ezra-'. 2. ] a 2. JESHURL'N. Deul. 32. 15. J. waxed fat, 33. 5, 26 In 44. 2. fear not. thou J. whom I JKSSE. Ruth 4. 17. Obed. fa. of J. Mat. I. 5 1 5am. 16. I. to J. the Beth.lehemite 9. sanctified J. and his sons, IS, 19 SO. 31. as long as the son f J liveth 22. 7. son of J. give youfielHi? M,9. 85. 10. who is David'? son of J. 1 2 Sam. 80. I. son of J. I Km. 12. la I Chr. 12. la son of J. 2 Chr. 10. !. /MS. II. 1. rod out of the stem of J. 10. shall be a root of J. linm. 15 18 Actt 13. 22 found David son of J. JESUIT ES. .Vw. 2a 44. JESUS. .Vat I. 21. thon shall call hia name J JESUS, (orJothua. Afttl. 45. brought in with J. into Heb. 4. 8. if J. had given them rest JESUS. Coi 4. II. JE1 HRO, ended Rruel. Krnd. a I. kept flock of J. his father 4. 18. Moses returned to J. his la I. when J. heard of, 5, 6, 9, 12. JEW. F.ith. a 4. told them that he was a J. Rom. 1. ia to J. nr-t. also, '.' <>, 10. 2 17. h J. and r st in law JON Rom. 2. 2*. he i.t not a J. 29. Ai>u- ..ft/ir JEWS. Mat. 2. '). he th*i i \M,rn K. of the f, t 27. II. art thou A' of the J. 1 Mark 15 2. Luke i a Juhn IK 33. 29.hail.A ,,fth<.J Mar .|.'i.iaji.l!l.a 37. munition, thu is A'. ittiieJ. Mar. 15 l Lu. 2:t :(8 J;' !>i \'J Mark l.V !> to you A <>ft>.( i '". M.'M 12. him whom you call A nfthej. Lu/cf 2a .17. if thou l,e A' of the i. Ji,tiu 1. -.'I. he ..n.i, 1 am A. ufthe J JKWKSS. Art, |(i. 1. | 24. 24. JEWISH. Tit. I. 14. JEW KY. Van. 5. !3. JEZEBEL 1 A'rn. la 31. took to wife J. la 4. 21. 11. did as J. had sent, 15. i:i, 25 2 Kin. . 7. at the haini ot J. 10, 36. Ri-r. 2. 20. suflereat that woniui. J. J i:Z R EEL, name of plare & p.TMin. i. Suit,. 2. . Ahab went to J. *1 1. 21. 23. eat Jeiebel by J. 2 Ai. ! 10. 2 A>n. H 2!). went to J. 2 Chr. 22. G. In. 6. come to me to J. to-morn w Hut. 1.4. avenge t.lo.xl of J. on houna 5. break bow in valley of J. II. 2. 22. wine, and oil shall her J. JOAB. 2 Sam. 8. 18. of Zeruiah, J. 22, ?l. 3. 29. of Abncr ie>t on J. M. |(i, 20. 11. 7. demanded how J. did. II, II. 14. .'1. J. p'lt words in mouth, l!i, :, VO. 9. J. killed Amaaa, 17. 1 A IB. 1. 7. Adoni.iah confer, with J 2. iH. J. fled to tabernacle of Lord 1 Chr. 4. 14. | II. 6. | 18. 15. | 27 :t4. Ezra 2. 6. of c hildren of J. Seh. 7. II. JOAH. 2 Kin. 18. IS J. son of Asaph, /j.i.3t;a I Chr. a 21. J. son of Zinimah JOANNA. Luke 3 27. I 8. a JOAMI Jung, a II. to J. Abi.ezrite, 7. 14. 1 Am. 22. 2a hiu k to J. king's -oo 2 Alii. 11. 2. stole J. 2 Chr. Ja 25. JOB. Gen. 4a 13. sons of Isaachar J. and Job I. I. a man \vhe name was J. 1-'. 17. J died, being old and full of F.zek. 14. 14. though Daniel and J. 20. Jam. 5. 11. he..rd of patience of J. JOEL. 1 Sam. a 8. Samuel's fir. come over J. M,it. 12. 39, 41. | 16. 4 Lu. II. '29, 30. John 21. 15 Sim. .11 son ot J. 1C, 17. JONATHAN. .'urfg 1 . 18. 30 J. and his sons were . i'awi 13 2. men were with J. 22. 2(1. IS. the Lord dn so t. J. 16, 37. 1 Sum I. 4 Saul and J. lire dead, 26. 4. 4. J. had a son was lame, 9. :i Jer. 40. 8. J. came to Gedaliah to M. JOPPA. 2 Cfir. 2. 16. by Be K to J. Erra 3. 7. Jojiuh I 3. Jonah went down to J. ActsQ. 36. at J. a disciple mined 10. 5. send to J. cull for Simon, 32. 11.5. 1 was in the city of J praying JO K A M, called J EHO H A M. g Kin. 8. 16. J of A hah, '2 Sam '2. 10. 9. U. Jehu.conjpired against J. JORDAN. Gen. 13. 11. Lot chose all plain of J. Jot/>. 3. 15. J. nverflitweth his hanks 4. 3. f welve stones out of midst of J. 8 Kin. 5. 10. saying, wash in J seven Psal. 114. 3 J. was driven hark, 5 Jfr. 12. 5 how do in swelling of J. ? Zech. II. 3. the pride of J. Is spoiled Hat 3 6 of him in J. Mark 1. 5, 9, Our JORDAN. Gen. 32. 10. wi h staff 1 passed o. J. >'m. 112. 5. bring us not nr-er J. Deut. 3. 27. not go o. J. 4. 21. | 31. 2. 9. 1. to pass orer J. this day. 1 1. 31. Jash. 1. '2. go ftrpr J. and all this, II 4. 2'- 1 Israel came o. 3. on dry hind JOR1M, JOSE. LuAeS. 29. J.OSEPH. G/n. 30. 21. si'*" called his name J. 37.5 J. dreamed a dream y.l. 5. Egyptian's house for J. sake 40. 9. butler told his dream to J. 4". -22. J. is a fruitful bough, -26. 50. 7 J went up to bury his fnthei Dent 33 13. of J. blessed he his land 1 Chr. 5. 2. but the birth-right was J Psal. HO. I. thatleadest J. like a 8oi-k 105 17 J. who was nold for a serv. Erek. 37. 16. for J stick of Ephraim 47 13. J. shall have two portions 48 3-' one (fate of J. one pate of B Hs!> 11 21. Jacob blessed sons of J. 22 JOSEPH, husband of Mary. Hat 1. 1. 12- II Luktt.i. \ 3. '23. | 4 22. John 1. 45. j 6 42 JOSEPH, the name of divers men Xum. !3. "! f '8* 1 so " " f J ' J/a< '27. 57. J. of Arimathea. 59. Mar KAD 't),h. 1. 1. wnrd came in day* of J. tat. I. la Am. .11 begnt J. II. JO'l H A.M. fupakeconcerniui.'J.-25 5. 37. after this man rose up J. 9. II. inquire in the house of J. for 15. 22. J. sur named Harsaba*, 27. JUDAS Itrari'.t. Mat 10. 4. J. / who betrayed, Mark 3. 19. Luke 6. Ifi. J..An 6. 71. | 13. 2 26.14. J.I. tochief priests, A/or.14.10 Luke ft. 3. entered Satan intoj. /. John 13. 26. he gave the sop to J. /. JUDHA. Ezra 5. (*. went into province of J. Mat '24 Mi. them which he in J. flee .\I,,,k 13 14. Luke It. 21 lohn 4. 3. left J departed to Galilee 7 3 and go into J. again, II 7. Acts I. 8. in all J ye h. he wltn. -e 2 14. ye men of J. be this known Rom. 15.31. that do not believe in J Then 2 14. churche-. which m J. JUPITER irt* 14. 12. they called Parnabai, J 19 35. which fell d"wn from J. JUSTUS. Arti I. 2*. who was urnamed J. IM 7 entered man'i h..u*e, named J CoL 4. II. Jesu whu it called J. K Gen 14 7. to Knmlhpt which 1 K wi . |3V.towi|.l.-r . of Purantok ut 1 46. o ve abode in K. Wl LA. al. 2!i . *hketh wiMerneM ot K. KADKMI.KAK urn. 32. K wh I >-i,i thru, from K. Ueut 9. -O. Jnthoa 14 X oth. 10. 41. JIM.'- frmii K to <>** KEDAK. Jen. 25. la ..l 1-hm.o-l. K. ICA. I.Vft 'till. 1-211. a. that I d *ell u. tentaiif K. nut. I. 5. but comely a ten' in. 21. l. iilory (,l K. shai: tall, 17. 42. II. vilhiges that K d..th inhcl.it tiO. 7. flockn of K. khnll be K*th. r. d 2. 10. we nnd end t.> K. and fS. concermiiK K. thu raitii the :. 27. 21 prin.-. ..I K. occupied KK11.AH Jo*h. 15. 44. K. and Achxih, citirt'.l s,/m. -2:t I. PhiliMinei tight g K Ve/i.3. 17. ru'er of hull l art..t r KEN! C.en. 15. 19 thy seed have 1 riven K. YIII. 24. 21. Balaam lked on K. .S./m. 15. ti. Saul -aid to K. d. put 27. 10. road agniiiit south of tke H. KKRIOTH. Jer. 48. 24,41. Anna 1 -2. KETLKAH. >n.25. 1,4. I ChroiL I. 32.S3L KIR 2 A'in. 16. 9. the people captive to K. lia. IV I. K. of .Moat, in laid waite 7. brought An'yriaiii fr. K. KIK.HARAM i u ' A'in. 3. -25. in K. left they stone* lia. 16.7 Inundations ol it. .bally* KIRIAl HAI.M in 14. 5 smote K. in Shaveh K. Jer. 48. I. K. i, . unfounded and, !A KIKJA'l ll-ARBA. ien. 21 2. Sarah died in K. Jn "I K. KI1T1M. Gen. 10. 4. I CAr. I. 7. KliHAI H ien. 46. 11. Exid. &. !. \un. sai in. i i (hi i.tt,*\. 1 Chr. 15 :.. ot the ,... KOHATlil tfttm 4. 34. J<*A 21. 4. * CAr. M. II KliK Ml Gen. 36 . Aholibamah hare K Ifl. Er a 21. onof linar, K \.l, L JS'uw. Ifl. A cen.eri., K and, 9. Di>ih.tntr..vein .on.p ol K 27. 3 (Miller not in company K. I ( Ar. I. H5, the on- pernhed in |ainMjrtn I. A I Gen 1 Rebrl ah hud a ' 30, HI Jacob f. SA 4. I have -*.nrned witk L au4 .7,iA 10 3.' 2 AIM l l! m 14 Met .11 '.: ,-red U r. Mic I. U '' I.AlH 14 1 x," LTD LAMBCEL Cn 4 H. Meth u.ii.. I hcjrat L. Metlni>elahbe,c|f. named L. I. V. Mary who** brother L. 12. 2. L. was one that sat at table. 17. LEAH. (>>. 29. IS. daughter was L 30 1ft Jiui/it. II. L<>rd in ike woman likeL. LEBANON Judg. 3. 3 Hivifs dwelt in mount L. l/Ci.5.l4.ten thousand u mouth to L. i Am 19. -a. sides nf L. /< 37. 24. J'-'il. 29. & L. tike a young unirorii '..' I'l. the fruit -l-.al'l -hake like L. i n,l. 4. H. L. my sp..ii8.-, II. 15. 7. 4. thv no>e i- ;. tower of L. In. 10. 34. L. sh ill full. 33. 9. at. 17. I. turned into a fruitful field 3-Y 1 glory of L. he given unto It BO. 13 irl.iry of L. !-h. come in thee Jer. 18. 14. leave the mow of L. * 2.' 6. thou art tlie head of L. to me E*fk. 31. 16. I caused L. to mourn lloi. 14 5. forth his roots a. I.. 6. 7. J^oA. 1. 4. flower of J lantftiinheth Hah. 2. 17. violence of L. sh. rover Zerh. 10 10. them into land of L 11. 1. open thy doors, O L. that fire LEBBEUS. Mat. [0. a LEGION. )larkb 9. my name is L. Luke 8. 30. LEGION'S. Mat 26. ft! LEMUEL, frop. 31. I 4. LHV1. Gen. 29.34. rail 'd L. Ef ft.16. JVum.3. 17. -V'/m. 16. 7. upon you, ye sons at L. A>ru*. 10. a L. hath no part with hi, 1 Kin. 12. 31 priests were not of L. 1 Chr. 21. ft hut L. counted he not PtaL 135. 20. bleu L. O house of L. J-xek. 40. 4fi among the cons nf L. l,fh. IX la of the house of L. apart Mai '2. 4. covenant be with L. a Mark 2 14. L. the son of Alpheua l.ukfA. 11. Matthal the AOII of L. 29. 5. 27. a puhlirau named L. kitting Hei>. 7. 9. L. p;v-d tithes in Abr. 7ViV/LEVl. ftum. I. 49. not number the t. o/f.. Deut. 10. 8. separated the tribe o/L. \ CAr. 2a 14 were nam.-d of t. ofl~ Her. 7. 7. t o/L were sealed 12,000. LIBNAH. yum. S3. 20. pitched in L. 21. JOM/I. l.i. 29. panned to L. 21. ia JA'lV S 22. L revolted, 2fAr 21.10 LIBYA Ezek. 30 5 Artt 2. 10 LIBYAN'S ./,r 4i 9. />. 11. 43. LO-AM.MI. //,. i.u. I. UK. 2 TYw. ! 5. LO.R U H A M A H. Hot. \. & LOT. (7rn. II. 27. Haran beat L. 31. 13. 5. L. had florks, 7, 1 1 | 14. 12. .. vit m rfate of Sodom 1036 Pfd rfl a h..lp II the children of L Luke 17. 3*. remember L. wife 2 t'el. 2. 7. deliver jiut L. exed P ktlrm. V4. Ll'UKER. l*a. 14. I.!. LlH'it'S A.-ti la I. Rom. Ifi. 2. l.UKK Co/. 4. I4.-2 Tim 4. I I.UZ. 6>. '^. 19 | 4H.1 Ju^ J.*l L\CAONIA. /Irti 14.8. l.YODA Art* ft 32, 35, 3& i.VDIA. /.>. MACEDONIA Act* 16. 9. come into M. and help us Horn. 15. Ml hath pleased them .l M. 2 Cor. 8 1. (jrare of r;. chnrrhf. of M. 9. 2. I l.oatt of oii to th.-m of M. 1 Then. 4. \0. br> thren that are in M. MAC HIR Gen. 50. 23. Aum. . S9. | 27. I. | 32. . | 36. I. ./*. 1 7. I. J*dg. 5. 14. MACHPEI.AH. Gen. 23. 9, 17. 19 | 25. 9. \ 50. la MAGOALA. M,U. li 39. MAGO(;. Cm. Itt 2. I Chr. I. 5. Ezek. 38. 2. /i-r. 20. a rather <>ov and -\1 battle MAHANA1M. Gen. 32. 2 Jacob call, d the plare M 1 A'i/i 2. H. me when I went to M. MAHEH-SHALAL-HA.SH.HAZ. ha. 8. I. write in r.ll ronrer ninu M MAHLON. Ruth i 2. i 4 9. MALCHAM. Zf/jk. I. .5. MALCHL'S. Join K KJ. MAMMON. Mat 6. 24. God and M Luke 16. 13. Lu. 16.9. friends oi M. of uni ight. 1 1. >1 A M K E. (.'vi 13 la Abrmm dwelt in M. 14. 13. 14. vt. E*hrol, M. let their portion 23. 17. h.-f,,re M 19. | 40 30. | ad 13. MAN A EN. Actt la I. MANASSEH. Gen. 41. M. called the hrst.horn M. 4*. 5 twosiin^ M. and Ephraim, 20. 2 Kin *> 21. M. reiffne I, -' fA.3.'.33. 21. 9. M. seduced them to do evil 24. 3. sins of M. thin rame upon J. >(.hr 33. II. took M. amour thorns ia M. knew that Lord was BIIIOIIK whiim er,. \l. M. 61. Murk IS. 40 J,,hu 19. 25. 28. I. rame M. M. to see. ,''. Mark la 1. M. M. bniiiitht spurn, Luke .' I I .). John 2tt 18. M. M. told the diM-ipies M ASS AH. Efod. 17. 7. the place M Dfut :O. ^. MATT AN. 2A'i. II. IH. 2 fA. --'.-J ; MATTATHI AS. /.>/Ava ^5 MATTHEW. Mat !i. !i M\. Mhl.l HISKOKK. f^n. 14. 18. M l.rouKht forth t.n-w /'i III). 4. order of M //r*. 5. 10. /> 7. I M. prn-Kt of God, 10 21. MEM I'll IS. //.. 9. & MEN A II I M. 2 A'iii. 15. 14, Hi. MKNE. /J.in'5. 25. MEI'HIKOSHETH. 2 S./m 4 4. hi^ name was M 9. 10. 21. ~. I'll! the kijiK spared M. MERAB. I Sam. 14. 19. i la !i MEEABL Gen. 46. 11. i>orf. a 16. Sum. 3. 17. I t -hrou. & 1. 16 | Z'l 6. Vum. 4. 42. iiuinbered of M. 1 '. 17. Joth. VI. '.. to M. 40. 1 CAr t*. 3^. 1 am atf. chiel prmre of M. .NiK OPOTAMlA. Gen. 24. 10. Eliezer went to M. A ti'l '.I. thc.iwellers in M. we bear MBTHEG.AMMAH. x .v.v/i. S. I. METHUKELAH. Gen. 5. 27. day of VI were 969 yean M f All /uAf.17.1. mnunt Ki'luniin called M. Jer. 2ti. 18. M. pr-phe-ied, Mic. I. U Mil A I AH. 1 A'in. 2i 8. V4. 2 i Ar 19. 8. 23, 25. MICHAI \H. 2 fAr. 17. 7. J.-lio,lMpliat sent M te .\>A. li 3.V 'i'n f M. to (five thai.kt MICHAEL. Oaii. 10 IS M. chief prince, 81. | 14 L vet M contending with dev. 7. M. foiiKhtaffafMt dragon MICHAL. I Sam M. 49 Saul's yr. daughter it MO A. I Sam. 19. IT M took an Image and a l:l ex.-ept Hr-t lirinif M. 8. 16. M. looked through, ICA.15.29. MI HAS. Exnei. 2. 15. dwelt in the land of M. Ji.dg. 6. I. delivered them tn M. 2. ltd. 9. 4. broken yoke, as in day of M 10. 2r. lo. 1. tho' M. stood before me M'll, 4. 4. remember the law of M Mat. 17. 3. behold there appeared M and Klias, Murk 9. 4 l.uke'.l i. I!). 7. why did M. then command '( 23. 2. Pharisees sit in M. seat Mark 10 3. what did M. eo < maud '< 12. I!) M wrote, if a, /.ufe 20. 2S. /.ty M. Acts 15.21. M. hath in every city them 2 Cor. 3. 13 not as M. who put, IV 2 Tim. 3. 8 s Jannes withstood M Hel>. II. 23. by faith M. wa hid three 12. 21. M. said, I fear and quake Jude9. he disputed about body of M Rev. 15. 3. they sing the song of M MYRA. Actn'fl. 5. MYS1A. ActilG. 7. a N NAAMAN. 2 Kin. 5. 1. N. was a leper, 11, 20, '27. Luke 1. 27. none cleansed, snvin^ N. NAASHON. or NAHsiiON'. Num. 1. 7. prince was N. 2 3. | ID. 14. 7. 12. he thatolFered first day was N. Ruth 4. 20. Amininadah be*t N. I CAr-n. 2. 10, II. M,,t 1.4. Luke 3. 32. Salmon was on of N. NASAL. I Sam. ?5. 3. man wan M. 4, 25, 3X, 39. 27.3. Abiifail N. wife. .S0.5. 2.SV/W 2 2. NAHOIH. 1 Kin. 21. 1. N. bad vineyard, 7, 19 2 A'in. 9. 21. in portion of N. '25, 2ft NADAR. Efod. 6. 2X of Aaron, N Lex. 10 I >4 1. come up, N. nnd Abihu. II. Sum. 3 4 N. died he| Lord, 28. 81. 1 Kin. 14. 20. N. reigned, 15 25. NAIi. 5. 14 -on of David, N. 7. 8. 7 17. MI did N. peak. 12. 1.VS. I Kin. I. 10. hut N culled n. 4. 'i -ion of N. wa over the nfnerri 1 Chr. 211. 2. written in b...,k ( N. 2 CAr. 9 29. acts of Sol. in h F.rra 8. Hi I sent from AhaVM for N 7.,-i-h. 12. 12. family of house of N. Luke 3. 31. Mattathn, the son of N NATHANAEI.. John I. 4V Philip findelh N. 21.2. VAl M /.'/A NAZAKKNK. W.7/. i. 23. NAZAHKXES. Act, 24 V S'A/AKKIH Mat. I 23 dwelt in a ci'v railed V. 21. II. is J- "is < S. Murk I. 24.1 10. 47. /.life 4. 34 Mark 14 *T7. wast with Jesu. Ai.fe 1. 2;. (ial.riel w;w .ent to N JuAnl.45 Jeu^ Actil. 22. | 4 ID. (61 Adt3. fi i" name of Je- I0.:how (iod annul'. 26. 9 contrary to name ot J NEAI'Ol.ls. ,1,'f Ifi. ||. NEBAIOTH Gen. 25. 13. Ishmael. N. I CAr. 1 ML Ita. 60. 7. rams of N. shall miumn r a .Vum. 32. a N. i a land for rattle 49 up unto mount v - \eh. 7 33. of the other S ri!- Ita. 15. 2. Mot. .hall howl . Vi. I. N. t,in. 2 I. N dreamed, t 37. 3 1 V n of Bld 4. 2H. all thin mine iip..n ku .h (i.l IfH'e S kioff*Mi HI /AH-AD V N ,; jp^ . : .. J.-ruvn. N left of the pMTMf lk II- Ml Mi. Fern'l \.H I I the wor.l- 1 I. 47 I M lir-H i ' ' '.* 7 30. Xw*. 1. a I. Ue MM f ! OBA ffum 2. ft. N the *un nf Zoar shall he rapuin, 7. IK, xa | 10. 13. 1 r/.-. X. I*. N. fourth ni of Jese I . N. mid AnMHi Mew with Jt 6. the M.II of N. the scribe, on* ; 4. KoiiR of Obed-en of N. 41. t lhinael vm of N slew, 15. > Or. 9. 8, first inhabitant* the N. t.-r r> 43. N. went with Zernhhabel 53 ali th.. N WITT 392, .VcA. 7. MJ. 7. 7 "Miie of N. went to Jerual. 24. 8. 17. Iddo and brethren the S. 80. \>/L 3. 86. N. dwelt in Ophel, ll.il. 10. Sa X. separated from the people 1 1. 21 Ziha mid ( the Jew* 7. SO. N. rame to Jesiin, 19. 39. NICOLA ITANS flm. 2 6, 15. Nicul'ol.is. r,t.:\ it Ml.Kli ,irt* 13. I. NIMROO. Gen. 10. a Cuh fc*Kt N. ICA. 1. 10. Uic. 5. & land ot Amvria and N. NI VKVKH. Cm. 10. II. Ash. r huilded N. Jonah I. 2. rn to N. 3 -', a | 4. 11. A. .-A. 1. I. the burden of N. 2. a a 7. N. is a-te, who will bemoan ? Zefift. 2. 13. make N. a uemilatinn Afot 12. 41. men ..f N. Luke 1 1. 32. NIXEVll'KS. I.uxell.30. NISAN. A 2. 1 In the month N. i*Md reineml>ered N. mil, 6, 20. 9. 81 N. awoke from hi, wine. v9. 7.< M. 9. thb i* H the waters of N. >.*t*. 14. It N. Daniel. Job, 20. -Wj/ 84. 37. in days of N. 7,u* 17. 86. Ueb. II. 7. by faith N. beinir warned 1 PtL a 80. Gd waited in day* of N. 8 Pet 2, 5. old world, but saved N. NOAH. Xu.Ma. I 87.1. I 36.11. Joth. 17.3. NOB. 1 Sam. 81. I. David rame to N to 28.9. son of Jesnermniiifr to N.I 1,1?) 7.u. 10. 38. yet shnl he remain at N NOPH. Jia. 19. 13. prim en of N. are deceived Jrr 8. 10 the . hil,lr.-n of N. have 4C I *. puMi.h ID S.||I9. N. nhall teli. 30 la iniafesreaseout N. 16. NYMPH AS. M.4. 15. o OBADIAH. ] Kim. '& 3. Ahah railed O. i, 7, K F.-r., a 9. O son of Jehiel went up A-A. 10 V O. serf I ed|| 1 4 25 O. was 1 vUiuaofO. lhuiitli tue PAM OHKl). M 4 17. they railed hi) name O. 81. loMkciraiO lfA.8.18. i/utl.5 II 47. O. one of I)avid'aliitiitiiieii 2 CAr. 23. I. noil of O. into covenant Lu.3.Si. Jeie, whi< h vvaisunof O. OBCD.EDOM. 25am. A 10. r.irried the ark into the hou.-eof O. II, 18. 1 CAr. 13. 13, It. | 15 8A. CAr. 15. 18. O. a porter, 21,84. ODKD. 8 CAr. 15. 1. on Aiariah son nf O. 28. 9. prophet was there, railed O. ()<;. fut. 31. 4. to them as he did to O. ./'!. 8. 10 heard what yon di I to O. 1 A'm 4. I!), wax in the rountry of O. OLYMPAS. Horn. 16. 15. O M R 1 1 A'in 16. 16. made O. king, 81,85,30. 8 Kin. 8. 26. daiikhter of 0. 8CA. 88. 8. Jtfic. 6. 16. statute* of O. are kept ON. Gtn. 41. 4*. .Vujn. 16. I. ONAN. Gen. 3. 4. railed his name O. 9. 4& 18. of Judah. Er, O A'um.2& 10. ON ESI M US. Co/. 4 9. O a faithful brother I'luletn. 10. 1 he*e>-rh for my son O. ONESIPKOHUS. 8 Tim. I. 1ft. mrrry ti houeof O. 4. 19. salute the household of O. OPHKL 8 CAr. 87. 3. built on the wall of O. .\VA. a 86. Nethinims in O. -<7. I II. 1. OPHIU. Gen. 10. 89. J. he(rt O. 1 CAr I. 8i I A'in. 9. 8a rame to O. 8 CAr. a 18. 10. II. brought f rum O. s;reat plenty 28. 4a made ships go to O. for gold I CAr. >. 4. 3(100 talent- of (fold of O. Jot 82. 84. shall lay up the pold of O. >S. IR not valued with gold of O. I'tal. 45. 9. the que~n in ifolii of O. 7i. la 18. preri than wedge of O. ORKB. .hide. 7. 85 of Midian, Zeeb, 0. 8. & 1'ial. SI 1 1. their nobles like O. ha. 10. 26. of Midian at fork of O. OKION. Job 9 9. who iimketh O. Amot b. 8. 3a 31. thou lse the bands of O. 1 OEM AN. I CAr. 21. 15 fi.x.r of O. 18. 2a 80. O. turned bark, ar.d saw angf I 85. David grave to O. 000 shekels ORPAH. Ruth \. 4. n:Tne of one O. other Ruth 14. O. kissed Naomi, but Ruth OTHSIKL. J<>s, or 1C. 81. alutati..n of me I'. Col. 4 IA. 1 Tfii-*. 8. IH even I P. 8 THn. a 17. Philem. 9. *urh a one as P. the ajtej 8 Pet. a L'XHS our beloved P. wrote PAULUS. Act* la 7. with the deputy Sereins P PKKAH. 8 King* 15. 26. P. ronspircrt airainM 15. 30. a ronplrary Hjf.iinst P. 2 CAroit. 88. . P. itlew in Judah />ii 7. I. Rezir. amt P went tonaidi PKKAHI AH. 8 Kingi 15. 22. VJ. PEL ATI AH. 1 Chrnn. 3 81. ROD of Hanaiiiah P. .VcA 10. 82. Kftk. II. 1 a PC NIK I., lien. 38. 30. PKNl rL. (7m. 32. 31. a* Jaroh passed over P. Judg. a a Gideon went op to P. 1 Kinfi 18 85 went and built P. I'HOR. .Vum. 2a 2a | 8ft l(t Joth. K. 17. PEKOA. Acti ia ia | 14. *V PERU AMOS. /Jrr. I. II. | 2. 19. PEK1ZZITE. Gen. la 7. j--rf :ia 'i. Jeth. . 1. I'hHU/ITKS. Gen 15 20. Efvd. :>. 8. 17. | 8a 23. Judg. I. 4, 5. | S. 5. 8 CAr. &. 1. Ezra 9. I. PERSIA. 2 CAron. 36. JO, reien of kinajd. of P. Kilk. I 3. t" power ..f P. 14, 18. ire*. 27. 10 P. and l.ud. Sa *. Dan. H. 20. | 10. 13. M. | 11.8. PER SIS. Rom. \& 12, PK'l Kit. Mat. 14. 29. when P. was com* Ifi. la I say to thee that thou artP. 23 ald to P. jfet thee. Mar. a 33. 17. I. hr taketh P. James and Ji'hn 86. :{7. Mark 5 :(7. | 9. 8, | 14. 33. Lu. *. M. | 9 8* Acti 1. 15. in those days P. stood np 12 a tu take P. also, fi. 7, 13, 19. Gal. 1. 18. went t P .'. 7, 8, 14. Sinvm PK1KH. Mat. 4. 18. Jiniu* -aw .SIM. railed P. 10. -'. the fir-t Sim. who in railed P. Mark a Id Sim. he surnamed P. l.nkt 6. 1 4. Sim. ivhmn he iiH.ned P ^An8l. I.' J-'su -Hith to Sim. P Act* 10. 5 rail lur une.Stw/n, whas* iuruani.- i- P. 38. I II. ia I'll A I. EC. Lukf 3. 35. Uaau was U> fonol P. PHL PHARAOH. G*l 12. 17. the Lord plagued P. 40. ?. P. was wroth niMin*t, 13, !4. 41. I. P. dreamed. 4, 7, 16, 3+, 55. iVorf. 5. 2. P. said, who is the Lord? 14. -1 will be -onoured upon P. 17. ) A.f'/tfJ 3. I. reade affinity with P. 7. 8. Solomon made an house for P. Art* \ 13 kindred known to P. 21. Ram. 9. 17 for scripture saith to P. Het>. 1 1. 24. to he railed the g .n of P. VHAUAOH-Hou/mj. 44. 3i) will (five P.-Hnphra into PHARAOH-JVscAo. g Hi. 23. 2!. P.-AVA-. went 33-35. Jer. 46. 2. word ramp agai. P..A'ec. PHAKKZ. Gen. 38. 29. his name was called P. 4<>. 12. song of Judah, P. 1 Chr. 2. 4. M'it. 1. 3. l.uke a 33. and the sons of P. were. Num. 26. 20,21. Ru. 4.18 1 CA.2.5. | 9.4. Ku(h 4. 12. lie like the house of P. PHARPAR. S A' in. 5. 12. Ahana and P. better PHEBE. liar,.. 1C I I commend unto you P. PHENICE. Arts. 11. 19. travelled as far US P. 15. a Paul and liar passed thro' P. 21. 2. find, ehip sailing over to P. 27. 12. they iniirht attain to P. PHILADELPHIA. Rcc I. II. write and se:id it to P. 3. 7. angel of the church in P. PHILIP. Mat. 10. 3. P. and Barthol. Mark 3. 18. Luke 6. 14. Act* I. 13. 14, a for his brother P. wife, Mark 6. 17. Luke a 19 Luke a 1. his brother P t.'trarch J.,kn 1. 4:t. Jesus findeth P. 44, 45. VI. 21. the same came to P. 22. 14. 9. hast tiiou not known me, P.? Acts 6. 5. P. the deacon, || 8. 29. a 5. P. preached. 6, 12, 13, 30, 39. 21. 8. we entered into house of P. PHILIPPI. Act* 16. 12. Neapolis we came to P. 20. 6. we sailed away from P. and 1 Theu. U. 2. shamefully entr. at P. PHILISTIA. Psalm 60. 8. P. triumph thou 87. 4. Behold P. and Tyre, thU 108.9. over P will I triumph PHILIST1M. Gen. 10 14. came P. 1 ('/iron. 1. li PHILISTINE. 1 Sam 17. 8. am not 1 a P. 32, 43, 49. 21. 9. sword of Goliath the P. thou 22 10. the nword of Goliath the P. PHILISTINES Gen. 21. 34 Abraham in the P. land Ptahn 83. 7. the P. with the Jsn. 2 6. soothsayers like the P. !. 12 before, and the P. behind II 14. fly on the shoulders of tlie P. Z then stood up P. PHLRQON. JiiM. Iti. 14. ^ut Asyucriliw, P KAM PHRYG1A. Act* 18. 6. had gone throughout P. 18. 23. went over all country of P. PHURAH. Judg. 7. 11. he went down with P. PI I. ATE. V/at 27. 2. they delivered him to Pontius P. Mark 15. 1. Vnr. 15 5. o that P. marvelled, 44. Lit. 3. I. Pontius P. being governor s-a 12. same day P. and Herod John 18. 33. P. entered judjm. hall 19 8. when P. heard that, 12, 19,38. Arts 3. 13. him in presence of P. 1 Tim. 6. 13. before P. witnessed a PISGAH. A'um. 2a 14. Balaam to the top of P. Deut. 3. 27. up into top of P. 34. 1. 4. 29. under the springs of P. P1SIUIA. Act' 13. 14. rame to Antinrh in P. 14. 24. had pai-sed throughout P. PONTU.s. Actt 2. i | 18. 2. 1 Pet. 1. 1. PORCH'S. Actt 24. 27. P Festns came into POT1PHAR. Gen. 37. 36. sold Joseph to P. 39. 1. POTI-PHERAH. Gen. 41. 45. the daughter of P. 50. PUBLIUS. Actt 28. 8. the father of P. lay sick PUD ENS. 2 rim. 4. 21. greeteth thee and P. PUL. 2 Kingt 15. 19. P. king of Assyria I Chr. 5. 26. stirred up spirit of P. ha. 66. 19. th.we that escape to P. PUTEOLI. Actt 28. 13. we came next day to P. Q QUARTUS. Rom. la 2a Q. a brother, aaluteth R KABBAH, or RABBATH. Dent. 3. 1 1. is it not in H. of children .' Sum. II. 1. all Israel besieged R. 17. '/7. shobl of R. brought beds 1 CAron. 20. I. Joah smote R. and .Icr. 49. 2. alarm to he hoard in R. 3. Ezek. 21. 20. sword may come to R. 25. 5 I will make II. a stable for Amot 1. 14. a flre in the wall of R. RAB.SHAKKH. 2 Ki. 18. 17. Acsyria-ient R. /*. Sfi 8. :n. told him words of H. It. 3A 22. 19 4 hear woid. of R. lia. 97. 4. RACHEL. Gen. ?9. 12. Jacob told R. that he 30. I. H. bare no children, R 2,22. 2. anger was kindled ng;tinst R. 22. 31. ID. R. had stolen image*, 94. 3.1 HI R. died, 24. | 4ft 22. | 4*. 7. Ruth 4. 1 1. make the woman like H. 1 Xnwi. 10 2 men hv R. sepulchre Jer. 31. 15. R weeping, Wot 2. 18. RAOAU. Luke 3. 35. SHI-IH-II. the son of R. It A H A H, ptrton, vlart Joih. 2. I into house ..( It x 17.85. fialm 87. 4. 1 make mention of R. K!) 10 thou hast broken H. in /,. 51. 9. not it that hath cut H. Milt I. 5 Salmon heiiat Boa* of R //urlf>- 4 - 5 Deborah dwelt b-lw. H. X'im. I Hi. hi. hmi.i- in R -i II. 7. 17. WHS to R. 15 34. | Iff. 13. rtiel nut. . H. l!l. IS camp to Siuniiel to K 25. I. buried in hi- hon.p itt R. 1 A'i. I.V 17 built H. 2 CAr.,n. lf\ 1. 2 A'i'i. a?!), wound, ut H.2CAr. 2Z .\VA. II. 33. children ol B dw. at H, hit 10.29. R. is Hlryid. (.ibmh of Jer. 31. 15. heard In R Hat, 1 18. Krt-k. 27. -f>. the mere-haul' of R. Hoi. 5. 8. blow ypthe trumpet in R, RAMOiH.lill.KAl). Di-vt. 4. 4a Jo.A. *0. a | 21. aa 1 Kingi 4 13. Gcl.er ..ffi.-er in R. y>. :t. that R i.i .nir., i, . : 2 Arm,'* 8. 28. against Haiael In R. :. I. t.ike box of oil, go to R. 14. 2 C/tron. la 3, II, 1 4. | 22. 5. HAPHA, and RAPHU. .Vwi 13. 9. Benjamin, Palll son of R, 1 CAron. a 37 It K.l.-a-a, Airl HKHI.KAH. Gen. 22. 23 Bethuel begat R. 24. 15. R. came out, 51, 59, 80, 67. _-.'> >. R. l...d JHC.. 26. 7. should kill me for R. 35. 27. 42. words ol Esau were told R. i!>. 12. that he was R. son, 35. & ii). 31. they buried Isaac and K. Rum. 9. IU but w hen R. conceived l(l:i HAH. 2 Kingt 10. 15 Jehouadab son of R. j i'hrnn. 2. 5.X lather of house of H. Jer. 35. ti. Jonaddb the son of U. RECHAtiU ^ Jfr. 35. 2. K- to the house of the R. UrlloliOAM. 1 A'inffj II. 4:t It on of Sol. 14.81. 12. 6. K. consulted m.n. 17, 21, 21. 14 30. was wnr between R. 15. 6. 2 (Aron. 9. 31. | 10. , 17. | II. 1. II. 17. they mde R. Hrong.2l.2ll la 7. Bgaiii.t H. when R wai RRHO0OTH. Grn. 10. II. builded Nineveh mid R. Isaac called the well H. ;ti,.37. Saul of R. reined, I 0.1.4* Rr:lH M Errai I R. came with, AVA. 1* & 4. a R. the Chancellor, 17, 21 .\VA. a 17. R tbe on of lUni UX 25. H of chiet of the people MA 1. 1 AH. IM 7. 4. niiK.-r o( .'!! ol H. S, tt 8 6 rejoice in Reiin nd R. too BBMPHAM. Actt 1. 43 th.- slur ..f your Oo4 R. HFl'llM.M. 2 Sam. 5. 18. in Hey of R. . I I fArn. U. 15. I 14. A Jta. 17. 5.gatherethersinval. olR. Itr.l'H \!MS Gen. 14 !> MI. ..t.- I! in Aihteroth the lindof R REPHIDIM Ef 17. I pmhed In It. Sum.33. 14 H and fontiht with lr. I in R. 19.2, departed from H .Vu.38.:*. HKl Gf*. Vt. *f. and called his name It ri II K went in tb.- U went I l> '"> l>lna| ^a Min."f I^-.h. l; 46. 9. - I I- 1 I ' '" ' K v *}; ... .- A-.iio of tb m r .a ii lo i* 7 30 pn """iBl 7. 1 mount Khal torilMe. R. 33. 0. lit K. live, and Iff not <- Jo*. 15 e. B.ihan. win of H. K 17 ft. 13 Israel sent t'i children nf R. Ju.lv. 5. 15. for division, of K. 16. Etek. 48. 6. a p..rt...n f..r R. 31. 7VAe o/ HKfKKS A'w*. I. 5. f the trite of R Eliiur 13. 4. <>f th.- tribe of R >li imiiina 3*. U. thf trilir nj i(. have received Jotk. *) 8. 36 I Ckfom. A 63. 78 Kec. 7. 5. lr o/K. .-re -aled 1 2.000 RMJBB.NITBH, Xum. 26. 7. are thf families of R. Jf 3 12, 16 | 29. a Jot. 12. 6 I 13. 8. Jith. I. U Joshua >pake to K. 22 King* 10. 31 Ha/ael smote the K RKZ1N. S Ki. 15 37. R. the km. 15.5. /. 7. I. It!. 6. R. recovered Elath to, 9. t'.zra. -I. 48 children of K. AVA. 7. SO. ;-.i 7. 4. the fierce anifer of K. 8. R ft. as this people rejoice in R. ft II. act up the adver-aries .if R. KHBOIUH. Act* 1&. 13. set comp.iM came to R. RHBMA. Luke a 27. who WHS the son of R. RHODA. Act* 12. 13. to hearken named R. RHOI1KS. Jeff 21. 1. we came unto R. RIMMOS Jotk. 15. 34 Ain, and R. ritieo of Jwtif. *0, 4i the rock R 47. | VI. !1 8 Sum. 4, 2. Reehab. ,.ns of H. 5, R A'in. 5 18. ifot-th into house of H 1 Cftr. 4. 32. villages of .Simeon R. fi. 77. was fiven to Merari, R. y.ec/i. 14. 10. turned AS a ulain to U_ RIZI'AH 2 Sam. 3. 7. concubine name wa* R. 21. a delivered two win* of K. 10. RDM \V Attill 25 that is H H. 26, 27, 29. <& 27. uudervto.nl that he WHS a R. ROMANS. John. II. 49. the R. shall cnme and Arli lr. 21. observe, being K. -V, 38. ja 17. prisoner into hands of R, ROME. A't'-l. 10. Ktranget* of R. we do 18. 2. all Jew* to depart from R. l!. 21. there, I mut also see R. V.1. II. thou hear wit ness also at R. VS. l wh.-n we raine to H. Paul It -m. I. 7. to Hll that he In R. 15. t Tim. 1. 17. when he wax In R. be RUFUs M'ttk 15 21. father of Alex, and R. llam. Id la salute H. chosen in the RUHA.MAH. Ho*. 2. 1. nay to your sister*. R. RUTH. JitttA I. 4. niime of other wa* R. 14. 4 5. th.ni iini.t buy it lo of R. la A/at 1. 5. BOM begat Obed of H. SABEAVS J-A \. 15. the S. fell on the nxen 7.;. 4:. 14. merchandise ,.f the S. Kiek. '23 48. commoi^nort were S. Joel 3. a (hall sell them to the S. 8ALATHIBU \Chr. a 17 S. the son of, Mai 1. 12. lAtke a 27. whirh was the son of S. SALKM Gen. 14. 18. Melcluxedek king of s. f,.i/. 76. 2. in S al-o In- tabernacle Ho. ' I. Melchiredec king of S, 2. SAI.MON MH. 4. 20, 21. 1 CA. }. 11. tlat. 1. 4 S. SAU /. fx . 14. white HS snow In S. t 3 3i whirh ^< ttie .-,011 of S. S \ 1. MON'c;. Acl< 'f,. 7. Crete, over against S. SALUMK. M.irA 15 40. | 1& I. > \.M.\R1A. I King* I". -I <> reiKiied in S. 22. 51 Amos 3. 12. taken that dwell in S. Act* I. a to me in Jndea and in S. SAM Aid I AN, S. Mat. 10. 5. into any city of the S. Luke 52. into a village of the S 10. 33. but n certain S. . ame where 17. 16. gave thanks, and Mas a S. John 4. H. no dealings with S. 39. a 48. that thou art a S. and h*>t BAM8OK. ,/nrft'. 13. 24 l.is n,nn S. IfiL 29. Heb. II. 32. would fail to tell of S. SAMUEL 1 5am. I 2i (. son, an.i railed him S. 1 la S. mini-tered before, 21. 3 15. and S feared to ahow Eli 10. 1. S. t...,k a vial of oil, 15, 25. IS. II. it grieved a and he, -7, 33. Hi. la S. tn k the horn ..I ..i and 19. IK David fle.l anil came to X. 28 II. to woman, brinir me up S. 2 I'Aron 35. 18. like that from .S. i/m 99. & S. amonir them that Jer. 15 I. thoiiuh Mine* and S. Actt 3 2t. the prophet* from S. l.'l 20. 450 years till S the prophet //..'.. II. :i-J .,,, |,| fail to tell of S. .SASBALI.AT. Xfh. 2. 10. when S heard of it, 19. 4. I when V hear, I we buiided he (i 2. S. and fie-ihem s.-nt to nit , 14. 12. for Tot.iah and S. had hired 13. 28. Joi.ida nan Mon.in.law to S. SAPHIR. .Vir 1. II. thou inhabitant of S. SAPPHIRA. Artib. 1. Ananias, with S. his wife SARAH. Gen. 17. 15 not s.,rai, but S. shall H <(. where i- 8. II, 12, 13, It. .'0. 2. Auraham *aid of S. she in 14. Ahiir.Hlerh restored S. .'I. I. the I,rd did unto S. M he .'!i 2 S died in Kirjath-aiha, 19. 24. (T7. hroUi/ht her into S. tent 25. 10. Abr. huried and S 49. 31. Sum. 26. 46. daughter of Asher S. /'. M. 2. look to S that I, are you Horn. 4. I!', the deadnes* of N. xvomh 'i \' will roniH, 8 shall have a son Hfb. II. II. thro- faith 8. received 1 Pet. 3. 6. as S. obeyed Abraham SARAl. Gen. II. 29. Ahram's wife was 8. SAHDIS. Her. 1 . 1 1 . write, and send it to S a 1. to the anvel in S. write, 4. K A REFT A. Luke 4. 26. 8. a city of, 1 Ai.i. 17. 9. A RON. Act* 9. 35. all at S. -aw him S A HUGH. Luke 3. 35. whirh was the SOD of S. Gen. 3ft S7. 8. of Reh.'both, 3a 1 Sum. Jl. 2. whose name wa S. 14.51. 17 when Samuel naw 8. la 10. 1 1. is 8. also among, 12. | 19. 24. 21. II. 8. hth slur, hi> th'Mi-nuds Jta. 10. ~Ai. Ciibe.,h ..f S. is lied MM SHA Act* 7. SR. man's feet name - *. 8 1. ami 8 was consenting t.., \. 9. 4. 8 S. why perse. 22. 7. t 11. and inquire for one railed S. 17. S. the Lord hath sent, 22. 11 22. but S in. Teased in strength -t. laying " ait was knoun m S V>. when S wa-, coinr to Jeru>a! 11. 25 went t THrixiii to seek S. 30. by hand' of Barnabas and S. 13. 1. prophets brought up with SL 2. separate me Barnabas an.) S. 7. called fr Barnabas and S. 9. 8. set hi* eyes on him, and said 21. O. gve unt them S. son ot ( ii SI EVA. Act*. 19. 14. seven MIIIS of one S. A SCYTHIAN Col. 3. 11. U neither barbarian, S. SKBA. Gen. 10. 7. the sons of Cush, S. aiil PiaL 72. 10. kings of Sheba and S. Isa. 4a 3. 1 gave Ethiopia and S. SKIR. Gen. 3i 3. to the land of 8. the 33. 14. I come to my Lord to S 3d 20 sons of a 21. 1 Chnm. I. \ Sum. 24 18 8. shall be a pos>e^,,, r Deut I. 44. destroyed you in 8. 33. 2. Sinai and rose up from 8 Judf. 5. 4. thou wentest out of 8 2 Cfron. 20. 23 ..f inhabitants ,,| S. 25. II. smote of children of S. 14. the gods of the children of S. ha. 21. II. call.-th to me out ol S. Kzek. 25. a because Muab and S. MuuntSt.111. Gen. 14. 6. H..rite B in their moti S. 36. a dwelt Es.,u in tnuunl ~ Deut. 2. I. we romua.-. nu,unt S. 5. mount S to E-iiu, ./,.../. ,4 4. 1 Chr. 4. 42. -iOO went lo muuiil > 2 Car. 20. 10. m. S. wh th. ,,u,.,,,l 12. aml.usliine ts auain-t in<> S. 2.'l. s'.o.Ki up ayain-t tumult S. Eftk. '). 2. ln> face aaainsl mn S. 3. say to it, behold, O mon-u S 7. thus will 1 make ttuiunt S. intk SKLKUClA. Act* 13. 4. they departed unto S. HRMGi Luke 3. 26 Mattatlna* the son of S. SENS Al MKR1B. 2 Ki. 18. 13. S. came up, hf >J>. 14. Hm.lali the uroDhete.ss, the will- of S -' Chr,,,, :n. -li 1 Chron. 2. 40. nt Judah, -S || 4 as 6. li. e/t 3. 12. next repaired S. Jer. 22. II. saitli Lord touching S. 32. 7. Haiiameei the son uf S. SHA1.MANKS.KK. 2 Kings 17. 3. S mine ai/amst, SHAMGAR Judg a 31. alter him was S. the 5. tx in the days of S. high. ways SHAMMAH. Gen. 36. 13. Keuel, S. 17. ICAr. 1. 37. 1 Sam. 16. 9. S. the son nf Jesse, 17. 13. 1 Utr. '. I:!. 2 Sam. 23. 11. after him XVHS S :>3. 25. S the Harodite, || I Chr. 7. 37. SH A MM UAH. Kum. 13. 4. to spy tlie luml, S. son * .V. 5. 11 S. son of Da. IC/i. 14. 4. At/*. 11. 17. Alida, sun of S. dwelt SH Ar'HAN. 2 AVwg-s 22. 3. king Josiah sent S. the sci ibe, 2 Chron. 34-. a 8. gave book to 8. 2 C/iron. 34. I.V 12. the king commanded Aliikani the sun of S and S. the scribe 25. 22. son of S. Jer. 39. 14. | 40. 11. Jer. 26. 24. the hand of son nf S. 2'.l. 3. sent hy Elasah son of S. 3o. 10. of Gemari ill son of S. Ezek. 8. II. Jaazaniah son of S. SHAJ'HAT. yum. 13. 5. Simeon, S. to spy land 1 A'. 19. 16. an. lint Elisha, sm o( S. 2 A7. 6. 31. head of Klisha.M.n of S. 1 Chr. 3. 22 Sht-maiah. Neariah, S. 5. 12. of the Oadites, S. in Bashan 27. 29. valleys was S. son of Adlai SHAREZEK. 2 Ki. 19. 37. S. his son, ha. 37. 38. SHARON. 1 C/irnn. 5. 1C. in all siiburhs of S. 27. 29. over herds that fed in S. Cunt. 2. I. the rose of S. the lily of IMI. 33. 9. S. is like a wilderness 35. 2. of Carinel and S. given thee 65. 10. 8. shall he a fold of flue kg SHEAK-JASHUB. /(.. 7. 3. tu meet Aha/., tliou and S. SHEHA, SHKBAH. Gi-n. 10. 7. son of Rai'inali S. 28. 25. 3. Jokshan begat S. \C'/ir. 1.32. 2ti. 3.'). Isaac railed the well S. Jo.v/j. 19. 2. had in th. inheritance S. 1 Kings l n - ' w hen queen ot S. heard of Solomon, 2 Ch. 9. I. 1 Chnm. 1. 9. son of Raainah S 22. .1. 13. of the children of (iad, S. Jib a 19. the coinpanies of S. I'talm "<>. I". ki> gt of 8. and Sel.a 15. e VPII of gold of S. hn. CO. ti Jer. 6. 20 purpose is incense fr 8.? Ez-'fC. 27. 22 merchants of S i:i. 38. la "5. Shall say. *rt tliou come 8HEBNA. V Kinti 1H 1*. rame ti> Rahnhskeh ' S the scribe, 37. / '<). 2. Wit S. to Isaiah, /.. :f7. 2. /*j. 22. 15. ffi. to this treasiuer, S. SHK.l IIKM. '/n. 33. 1R Ja<-olii-Hinetoacity of S. in. the hand '.f Hmir 8. father M. i 8. lay with Uiuah U sti. lrw SHI Grn. 35. 4. under an oak by 8 37. 12. feed th. father's Hock in S. It. Jo>,-(.h cam. Ir. llehron to S. Sum. 2li. 31. of S. the family of the ./o..A. 17. 2. lot for the, hi .Ireinif s. ^0. 7. S. in mount Kphriuin, a city, 21. 21. I Cfirun l\ 1,7 24. 1. all the tribes of 1 ra.-i to S. :!.' ot Joseph buried they in S. Judg. 8 31 Gideon's cou< uhine in S. !) I son of Jerubbaul went to S. 7. hearken to me, ye men of S. 20 fir.- mine out from men of S. 28. who is S. || 3.. come to S. 41. that th. should i.ot dwell ir S 57 e\ il of men ot S. did (i. rent cr 1 A'id. 12. 1. went to S. 2 L/ir. 10. 1. ij Ji rohoam built S in mount I Chnm. "!. 11*. Shemi.la, Ahiaii, 8. Pialm 00. 6. 1 will divide S. 108. 7. Jer. 41. 5. there \.me ivrtaiu fr. 8. SHELAH. Gen. 3S. 5. Jurinh's son S. || 11. till S. 2r>. 1 gave her nut to S. my son 4(>. 12. Judah, Kr, Onan, and S Num. M 20. I Chr. 2. 3. I 4. 21. I Ch. I. 18. betfat 8. and S. Eber, 24. SHELEMIAH. 1 Chron. 26. 14. lot eastw. fell to a Ezra 10. 39. S. and Nathan had .Vr/i 13. 13. 1 made S. treasurer Jer. 36. 14. S son of fu.shl, 26. SHELUMltL. Sum. 1. 6. S. son of Zurishaddai, 2. 12. | 7. 06. I la 19. SHEM. Gen. 5. 32. Noah begiit S. & 10. I 10. I. 1 Chnin. I. 4. 9. 23. S. took a garment and went 26. blessed be the Lurd (;..,i ,,t ,s. 27. shall dwell in the tents of S. 10. 21. the children of S. 22. 31. I 11. 10. 1 Chron. 1. 17. Luke 3. 36 which was the nun of S. SH EM A I AH. 1 Kingt 12. 22. word of the Lord rame to 8. 2 Chr. 11.2. I 12. 7. I Chron 4. 37. Shimri the son of a 5. 4. of Reuben, S. the son v f Joel 9. 14. of the Levitcs, R 16. j 15. 8, J I. I 24. a | 26. 4, 6, 7. 2 Chr. IT. k | 2e of S. 10 8. S. a prie-tHealc.l, li. .-j.|, 42. 11. 15. of I.evitea, S 12. fi. If. 35, 3ft Jer. 26. 20. Uryah the son nt S. wlm 29. 21. S the Nehelamlte, 31. 32. 3ti. 12. Uelaiah son of 8. a prince SHKMINUH. 1 Chron. 15.21. wnh brpou theS, SHI NIK Dt'itt 3. 9. the A monies call 8. Cant. 4. H. look from the top of 9. MIKI'H ATI AH. i Sam. a 4. 8. uu of David, I Chron. 3. 3. I Chr. 9. 8. Me-bnllani vm 12. 5. 8. the Hurupbite cam" lo 27. Ui rulr.r .l Sm'eointe-. aR l-'tra 2. 4. chihl of S :G2, Srh. 7. 9. Jer 38 1. 8 hear.i Ibe wordiof SHh.Ml.u H Jer. 25. Sfi. the ^"'H "< S- hH 51. 41. how is S t.ik.-nl how It MHESHBAZZAB. Kzra 1 * he nunib.Ti d them to 8 II. all these did S ITIIK uii lion 5 14. delivered t.. S n hom lie l.a.i Id 8 lid the fo.i. Haiion (.(the SlIIIH'dl I I II Judf. 12. & ay n 8, and be laid SHC BHIOIONOVH Hob. a 1. pia>er o| pruphrt ^J B. Mill. (, II Juih. la 1. ansemblrii InRrthrr * n. hen- cn-t ;..- i,,r \..u || . l.an.-.l Iron. |.r.i.-l u Jud/(. IK. :,,. 19 IK a tenst ,.| 21. if the .1;. . ; s.i,. i. :i ,.i,i up i. IUU.-I t,, Iliill-eot I...- 2. 14. so did the prints m 8. |. ill 3. _'! l.oi.J ,.|i[,. ,,r..l aK..-.i, n s 4. 3. the ark of the I 12. a nmn can.i- to S. with 14. 3. Ahituh, Lor.r* prii-. 1 1 A in. 2. V7. ((st. li. .. 14. 2. et th. e tu 8 to Abij^h the ^ Jerohoam's ile . I'l 7S. 6(X forsook talirrnar.. Jer. 7. 12. my place which w i 14 this house as I kuved 26. 6. 1 make thil hou.-e i. 41. 5. there can.e t with .'{9. two ot the fMHnN .,1 8. rn 4. la 8. the son ot Klah, i.ttiier m 1 Chr. 3. l'i. S. son .,( l'.d;-h,S. 4. M'shina, 11 inii.-i, / ..cnr. S. 27. S had HXIi'en MIIIS mini *ix a 17. 8. ton .1 i.-. I.' , ..\ 7, 29. 23.9.SOIL- - 17. tehtiitnli. 27. 27. over ineyarO Mas S. tto 2 Ch. 29. 14 Hcii'Mii. Jelnel. HH.I 8. 31. 12. . Ezra 10 23. S. taken -tranKe if. Ktth. 2. 5. son of Ji-. Xei'h. 12. 13. the tnuly of S. thall BHIMbHAL Ezra 4. . S. the scrihr wrote, 8. 17. king win .. Ml IN AH. lien. 10. 10 lulneh in Ihr Und nf 8. 1 I. 2. loiind H p ..in in lai <' 14. I. days of AiiTitphel k. . /vu. 11 II. rci over n-n i.mit i Dun. I. 2 he mined into i: Zech. 5. II. h..ue in Uu.l , S 1 1 I - 1 Kin. 14. 2V X kii'K ' fc*>P' " lUfailist Jeru-iilnn, . ( kr. I. i t Chr. 12. 5. plherrd b*M-mi - 1 I, li \ 7. not poured out "H Jen.. 9. S. I-' SHI I I IM >-vw. . I. Urael Hbn.tr In 8. " Jofi 3. i Sll! All Cm. K * hr' Uhl...li. 8 I f*. 1 '...nXbtiT l .. . Mr i ..> . wh) Uot tbwHMh AbtetaKBi SIM t Cl2* 4. 12 mil thi* S. 36. g S. SHUSHAN. y-b. I. I. as I was in S. the palace Kith. 2. a maidens gathered to 8. 3. IS. hut the city 9 was perplexed I. 16. gather all the Jews in 8. and a 15. the city of S rejoiced *nd '.' II. number slain in 8. was 15. Jews slew in S. three hundred SIDON. Cen. 10. 15. Canaan begat 8. his 19. border of Canaauites was fr. 8. Judr. 18. 28. Laish was far from S. Jfall.8l.bMdaMbl fyreandS 82. tolerable for 8. /. 10. 13, 1 4. 15. 81. Ji-sus departed into the coasts of Tyre and 8. .War. 7. 24. Mark 3. 8. they ahnut Tyre and 8 came, Luke 6. 17. 7. 31. from coasts of Tyre and 8. J.kjte 4 26. t- 8nrept, a city of 8. Ac'i 12. -ft. displeased \vi. them of 8. 27. 3. next day we touched at 8. S1HON. Sum. 21. 83. S. would not suffer Israel to past, Judg. II. in. 27. let the city of 8. be built and* VH fl;ime gone out from city of S. 34 as th. didit to 8. Deut a 2, & Dfut. 8. 30. S. king of Heshbon 31. I have begun to give 8. and 32. 8. cam.- out, M. 7. Jwig 1 1. 20. 31. 4. do to them an be did to S. -'..>. 9. 10. all that he did to S. kiiiL Jmig. II. 81. God delivered 8. into Hfk. 9. 22. possessed the land of S. Jrr. 4S.45 fl.une come fr midst of 8. SI HON. king of the Amnritet. A'uw. 21. 81. messengers to 8. W. >/" .*. Deut. '2. 26. ./ Jesus said, thou art S the -ion 6. 71. Judas *on of S. 12. 4. | la 2,:' 21. IS. S. son of Jo. Invest? 16, 17. Acttto. 9. a man 8. who hefore time 13. then S. himself believed also 9. 43. Peter tarried many days at Joppa with one S. 10. 6. 17, 32 See PETER. SIN. r. 16. I. came to wilderneos of 8. 17. 1. journeyed fr. 8. A'um. 33. 12. Ezrk. 'M. 15. pour my fury upon 8. 16. 8. shdll have great pain SINAI. Deut. 3a 2. the Lord came from S. Jiulg. 5. 5. melted, eren that 8. Pi. 68. 8. 8. WB moved at presence 17. the Lord is among th. an in S. See Moi'KT. BIRJON. I)- t. 3. 9 which Sidonians call 8. I'talm 29. & 1-el.aimn and 8. like a SISERA. Jwig. 4. 2 captain of host wa S. 17. 8. fled away on Im feet, 28. 5. 80. the flam ('ought against S. 8(1 ond with hammer die smote 8. 28 the mother of 8. looked out 1 Sum 12. 9. suld into hand of 8. Ezra 2. 53. the children ..f 8. Neth. iniins went up, A. 7. 55. 1'ial. 8a 9. do unto them aa to 8. si VAV. Kith, a 9. thin: month, month of 8. SMYRNA. Rev. I. II. tend to the church in 8. 2. 8. to anppl of church in 8. write SO. 2 Kitigt 17. 4. Kent messengers to 8. SODOM. Gen. lain, before Lord destroyed 8. 13. th>- men of 8. were wicked 14. II. they took all the good* of 8. 12. they took Lot who dwelt in 8. 17. the king of 8. went out to ia 20. because cry of 8. is great .'. if I find in 8 fifty righteous '9. 24 I-ord rained upon 8. fire Deut 81). 23. like overthrow of g. 1m. 13. 19. Jrr. 49. la | 5u. 40. MM SOL rut. 32. 32. their vine of Tine at S xi I. I<. we should have been at S KI. hear the Lord, ye rulers of S. :<. H shall de< lure their in as 8. Jer. 8a 14. re all unto me a> a Lam. 4. C punishment of sin of S. Ktrk. 1R 4i sister is 8. 48, 4, S5. sa when I bring captivity nf S. Atnott. II. yon, ns (iod overthrew 8 Zffih. 2. . surely Moat> shall he as 8. M 5. comely, us the curtains of 8. 3 7. behold, his bed which is 3. 11. behold king 8. II 8. 12. 8. must & II. 8. had a vineyard at Baal.. Jer 52. 20. sea S. made was carried Mat. \. 6. D.v. begat 8.|| 7. 8. I.egat a 29. 8. In nil his tflory, Lu. 12. 27. 12. 42. a greater than 8. Lu. 11.31. JoAn 10.23.' Jesus walked in S. porch Aeti 3- II. ran t them to 8. porch 5. IX with one accord in 8. porch SOKEK. Jj/i? 16. 4. a woman in valley of S. SJSIPATER. flom. 16. 21. Jason and S. my kins. SOS1HENKS. /let* 18. 17. the Greeks took 8. and 1 Cor 1. 1. Ha" 1 alld 9. to church SPAIN. .Ri>m. 15. 24. whensu. I journey to 8. 28. 1 will come by you into S. 8TACHYS. Ron. 16. 9 salute Urbane and S. STEPHANAS. I Cor. \. 16. 1 bapt. household of S. 16. 15. house of S the first-fruits 17 I am glad of the coming of 8. STEPHEN. ActtG. ft. they cli.ise S. a man full, 8. 7. 59. they stoned S. calling on 8. 2. devout men carried 8. to his 11. 19. abroad on persecu. about S 22. 20 blood of thy martyr 8. shed 8UCCOTH. Gen. 33. 17. J-tc >b journeyed to S then-fore it is called S ST. 12. 37. journ. fr. Barneses to S 13 20. journey fr. S. Sum. 33. 5, 6 Joth. la 27. (Jad had in valley 8. Judg. 8. 5. Gideou said to men of S 8. Penuel answered as men of 8. 16. with them he taught men of S 1 Kin. 7. 46. clay-ground hetweer 8. and Zarthan, 2 Ch. 4. 17 ftaL 60. 6. mete valley of 8. 108. 7 SUCCOTH-BENOTH. 8 Kinei 17. '#>. men of Bab. made 8 SUSANNA. Luke* 3 Joanna and S. ministere SYRIA. Judg. 10. 6. Israel served gods of S 2 Satn. 8. 6. Dav. put garrisons in 8 I Chron. 18. 15. 8. while 1 abode at Gesliur in 8 1 i 10. 29. kings of 8. did th. bnn II. 25. Ke/.on reigned over 8. ( 19. 15. Ha/.ael king of 8. t AJ. 1J. . 22 I. without war between 3. an 2 A'in. 5. I. deliverance given to S & 23. the bands of A came no mor 1. 5. no man in the cajnp of 8. 8. 13. that thoo shall he king of S 13. 7. fr the king of 8. destroyed li. arrow of deliverance Jrom 8 19. thon shall smite 8. but thric 16.6. king of S .recov. ElathtoS. I Chr. 18. 10. thou Mialt puN 8. S4. 23. the host ot 8. came agains 88. 3. gods of kings of 8. help l*i. 7. 2 saying. 8. in confederate 8. for head of 8. is Damascus gtek. 16. 57. of the daughters of 8 27. 16. 8. was thy merchant M th Ho*. 12. 12. fled into country of Amta I. 5. 8. shall go into cnptivit Mat. 4. 24. went throughout all 8. LuJce'2. 2. Cyrenius governor of 8 Act* 15. 23. to the brethren in 8. 41. he went through 8. and 18. & sailed to 8 21. a Gal. 1. SI SYR! AC. DM*. 2, 4. spake to the king in 8. TAR SYRIAN. en. 25. 20. dmehter of Bethuel S. Labun the S. 28. . | 31 . fl 6. the 8. became David's servant*, I Chr. 18 5, fi. 13. returned fr. smiting of the 8. 0. fi. the Ammonites hired the S 11. if S. be to strong, 1 I A. 19. 12. 19. the 8. feared to help children of Ainmon, 1 Chrvn. 19. It 1 Kin. 20. 20. the 8. fled and Israel J7. flocks, but 8. tilled country i9. Israel slew of the 8. 100,000 fi. 1 1. these shall thou push the S Kin. 5. r ,h.( f T. 14 fl. p*s MM t4. '1 h..wl, ye 10. thy land, O .ln k htT of T '> !' tin- o,,i., ,>f T. ibal wait fil Kti. 19. thi.ne tliat escui er. 10. &. stiver n hr..ui(i,t lr,.m T. >*. /7. 12. T. iu tby mrrrhini 25. ships of T did tii.g ..I ther 3M. IS the mer. h lit* of 1 . -.hull lunah 1 .1 f"-- up to < untn I 4. 2. I Bed hffurp unto T. for 1 TAU Aeti9. ll.lna-iireforoneSaololl. .VJ the brethren sent him to I . 1 1. 25. Barnabas drpartrd tu T. t 21. 39. who am a Jrw of T. . 9. TABTAB. 1 Kingi 17. 31 . mx( 1'. 4. 5. Asher the father of T. had 2 t'Aron. 11. 6. built Kum and T. 20. 20, into the llderne o/ T. Jer. 6. 1. blow the trumpet In T. Amot 1. 1. amonir hen1u.-n of T. TE.M A. en. 25. Ik h*lar, T. I CTr. I. 3d o6 6. 19. troop* of T. looked for 7*0. 21. 14. the inhahiunu ..f T. Jer 24. ^a 1 mad.- T. to driuk tk KAN. Gen. 3ft II. M>II of EDpiiai, T. 15. duke T. duke. 4*. I I'nr. 1. ."A Jrr. 49. 7. in wisdom no morr m 'J.I 20. hath purposed agam-t I. E*ek. ti>. 11 make denlte f r.n T. Amta I. 12. *" end are upon T. 0!.ad.9. thy mighty men, t) I Hob. 3. a Ood came (r-ru 1 JKKAH. Gen. II. 84. begat T. I Chr.* MA 26. T. begat A bt im. /7. Jotk. tt. i 31 T. took Abram hi* son, and TKKAPHIM Jiirlr 17. i. mad* in rftmt aMl T. I a 14, lo the.e boitt^. , Hot. X 4. many darn wlthc.. '1 KKI It > o*. 10. tt. 1 T. who wrote thi TERTUl 1 Act$ J4. I. certain orator named F. 4 T. began loarctm l*ol * THKBBZ. Judg. 9. 50. went Abiraek-ch to T . to write to the*. T. . I treatise he d.O F. 1 Ml SJ >rt. 17 I. at T. wa a 7"**"* ' .. MM Ari.Ufrhu.ofT. /Ai'. 4. 16. in T. ye wilt r,..4.n.i ; a at ia a T. a.~ " J. la. /.* 1 1*> ^**' ' foAnll Ift T '<. let U. f" ' %ftl T wa. nt "H 88. T. wR . Ura J" Trn JM 10. S7. to T. reach Hither finger fcl. y toifcth-T Simon 1'eU* and T THY \ I il*. SK 14 to his sh.-nrers In T. JuJg. 14. I Sii.nson went to T. saw TlMolHKUS .frfr 16. 1. certain disi-iple named T. Ham. Irt. 21 T. my work.fcllow 1 Cor. 1(1 10. If T. come, see that he 8 (V.r. I. I. and Timothy our brother !<. who wa> preached een by T. Phil, 2 IR tnut in Lord to send T. I Then. S. 2. we sent T. to comfort I Tim. I. 2. to I. my win, 2 TVm. I.!!. e6. 13. 23. brother T. et Ht liberty TIKSHATHA. Krr2. 63. T. said, they, AVA. 7. 65. A". A. 7. "a the T. gave gold to the 10. I. sealed w. re Nehpiniah the T. TIltZAH. Xttm. 26. 33. Mod T. daughters of Zeloph.-l.fd, :l II. Joth. 17. a 27. 1. HoaUh, and M.-lcah and T. Joik. 12, 24. Joslui.1 smote king of T. 1 A'lV U. 17. Jeroboam ' wife to T. IV "I. BaHiha reiei ed in T. 33. 16. 8. Kl;,h reigned in T. || 15. Zimri 17. Omri besejg-d T. || 23. reigned B Kiit. 15. I, 60. children of '1 . not show \,-A. 2. 10. '1 . heaid. 111. | 4. 7. | 6. I. ia they came to T. II. loosing fr. T || -^ 5. fi.r us at T. ? Cr. 2 12. When I cam* to T. to i! Tim 4. 13 th.- cloak I Inft ht T. i -HYPHEN A. TKYI'H<)> \. VOM. 1C. 12. Hhite T and T. who I I HAL. (7r.l0.2. Japheih..rv*n.T. 1 C*. 1.5 lit (Vi 1:1. Hi..,.- tliat escape to I. r.f* -r,. 13 Jav in, T. thy merchants M.-.I....-II. T :unl ftin!t:tnde *-. j ..i Mnhet-h and T. 3. | 31*. 1. rz TYCHtCUSL Arttlto. 4. T. arroni|>nied Paul /./i ;. -Jl. T. .hall make known to o>. 4 7. linll T. dwlare unto you Tim. 4 12. and T. sent to KplieMi* Tit. 3. 12. whe:i 1 end T. unto thre TYKANNUS. AH* 19. 9. disputinir in school of T. TYKK. to*k. 19. . roast turneth to city T. 2 Sum. S4. 7. t>r. 25. 2i> made kinir of V. drmK . <",. U. put forth his hand to the mk 8. Lord had made breach u (<.,. ! 1 kin. '-'I. I". Mined in garden .l I 2G. Anmn 1 .; IC/irf<. 29. Miihli, f. CAr. 8. 7. removed them, ',. Etrn . 49. children of U. A'rA. ,. 51. UZZIAH, ralteit AZAIUAH O/IAS. 1 Kin. 15. 13. reign in .Tilth yearof . S4. JotlMm did ai In. lather U. CAr. o. 24. a ton of Kohntb, U. 11. 44. U. the Axhterathite, valiant 27 25. <-er (torehons.-s I (' 2 CAr. 26. 1. all people made U. king & the Ammonites gave Kilt- ! I . IR pertaineth not t'.thee, t . to 21 U. a leper to dny of hi. death Ezra 10. 21. U.son .'( Harm, had A'rA. II. 4. dwelt Atliaiah .on of U. Ita 1.1. days of U. /fat.l.l. Amot I.I. 6. I. in the year king U. died, I -,.:v Zecli. 14. A. earthquake in days of U. Mat. 1. a Jorum begat Orion. 9. Oziat begat Jotham UZZIKL. Rjriut. 6. IS sons of Kohath, Irhar, U. A'ttw. 3. 19. I CAr. (ij.ia | '.'3 1 2. 22. the sons of U. l.er 10. 4. Xum. a3a I CAr. 15.10. | 23 '0. | 24. .4. I C/. vO U. prophesied aga'nst 21. L'. fled Into Kgypt ( Z Gen. 10. 23 cbildrem of Aram ; t' ..i PMian; U 1 Clir. I. 42. ICAr.1.17. Shem; l.ud, Aram, auo U 566 V VASHTL Ktth. 1. 9. V. the quren made nfea*t 12. queen V. reliifcd to come t HI V. come no moie before king 2. 17. made her queen instead of V. ZACCHEUS. Litter 19. 5. Z. h:n.te nnd come down ZACHARIAH, ZK( HARIAH. 2 Kin. 14. . Z. reigned. I-V 8, II. 18 2. Abi dauglitor ..f Z 2 Cfir. 29. I. 1 CAr. 5. 7. of Heiihemtef. Jeiel, Z. 9.21.Z. of Letites, 15 18, 24. | yi. 2 37. Oeder, Ahio, Z and Mickloth lao. to Asaph Z .||24.25. Isshlnh.Z. 2a II. Z. the fourth M.II of Ilo<-;,h 26. 14. Z. son of Shelemiah, wi-c 27. 21. ruler was Iddo the on of Z. 2 CAr. 17. 7. Jeh.xhaplmt wnt to /. 20. 14. . iMke II. 51. t.ttlcf I. 5 Z a prie-t of th^ emir-.- 13. far u-t. / ! Vi railed him V.. ZAI>OK. 17. Z aii4*l.iit.ele.-l-. : s !5. '. Z carried th urk ui '4 ZED * Sam. 15. 35. hast not with thee Z. f vl). 25. Z. and Abiathar, I Kin. 4. 4. 1 Kin. I. 8. but Z. wait nut with, 2f>. 45. Z. and Nathan have anointed 2. 3.x Z. the priest, I CAr. 2X 22. 4. 2. Azarixhson f Z. the priest Kin. 16. 33. daughter of Z. 2CA. 27.1. I CAr. G. 8. Aliitult begat Z. 12. 53. li. 28. Z. a young man, mighty man 24 3. hotliZ. sons of El. and Ahim. 27. 17. of Aaronitfs Z WHS CHptain < CAr. 31. 10. priest of house of Z. -rr 7. 2. don of Shallum, son of Z AVA. 3. 4. Z repaired. 29. | 10 21. II 11. the s"ii of Z. Meshullam 13. 13. I made Z. scribe treasurer E*ek. 40. 46. sons of Z 43.19. | 4J.I5 48-11. priests sanctified of sons of Z. 2ALMUNNA. Judg. 8.5. pursuing afterZeha and Z. 6. the hands of Zeha and Z. in, 15. 21. (iidcon slew Zeba and Z. Psut. 83. II. princes as Zeba and Z. ZAUAH. G:n. 38. 30. non WHS called Z. 46. 12. 1 CAr. 2. 4. Pharez and Z. A/a. '. a 6. the sons of Z. Zimri.uud Ethao ZAREPHA 1 H. 1 Kin. 17. 9. get thee to Z. 10. Mud.M. of Israel shall possess to Z. ZKilAll. See ZALMUNNA. ZKBEOBB. Mat. 4. 21. in a ship with Z. father 10 2. James and John the sons of Z. 26. 37. Mark I. 19. | 3. 17. | 10. 35. t*e 5. 10. John 21. 2. 20. 'X). mother of Z. children, 27. 56. Marie I. 20. their father 2. in ship ZEBUlM. Gen. 14. 1 king of Z. De<. 29. 23. 1 .S./m. 13. 18. the valley of Z. to the XcA. II. 34. of Benlamin dwelt at Z. ///*. II. 8. how shall Isetthee as Z. ? ZKBUL. Jittig. 9. 28. Jeruhbaal. Z. his officer 41. Z. thrust out Baal and brethren ZEBULUN. lien. 30. 20 Leah railed his name Z. 35. 23. Reuben, Simeon, Judah, Z. 4(i. 14. sons of Z. .Num. 1.30. I 26. 26. 49 13. Z shall dwell at the haven A' ni. I. ". of Z. 2. 7. | 7. 24. I 10. Id Jlfiit. 27. 13. curse; Reuben. Gad, Z. H;J !8 of Z. he said, rejoice Z. in Josh. 19. 10. third lot came up for Z. Jr/rf/f 1.30. Z. drive out inhabitants 4. 10. Barak railed Z. and Naphtali ft. 14, out of Z. that handle the pen IK. Z. and Naphtrtli j.-oparded fi. :<5. he sent messengers to Z. and )_'. 12. Kloii t.uried in country of Z. /'.;/. 08. 27. the princes of Z. and In 'I I. lightly afflicted laud of Z. / zek. 48. 26. Z. a portion, 33. Mat 4 13. in the borders of Z. and I j land of Z. and Nephthalim Triheof ZKBUL UN. y,im. 1. 31. numbered of tribe of Z '2. 7. then t. of Z. Kliab capt. 10. Ifi IS 10 of t. of Z. Oaddiel tn spy the 34. *V prince of t ofZ to divide J,*h. 21.7. out of . '/Z 34. 1 CA. 6. 7 Her. 7.8. ot trilf'ifZ- sealed 12000 ZKDKKIAH. 1 Ain.22. II. Z made, 2 CAr. 18. 10 24 Z. i-mote Mic-aiah, 2 CA. 18. 23. 8 Kr.i. 24. 17 chnged name to Z. 2.Y 7. son* of Z. Jer. 39. 6,7. I ..2.11 ) Clir. 3 IV son of Joiah, Z. 16. C/ir. 36. 10. he made Z. his br kin /cr. 21. 7. deliver Z. and his people &. ->-f. the Lord make thee like Z 3s 7. shall not escape from the i J. shall U-..U Z. to Babylon, tht-r ZID Jer, 39. fl army overtook Z. 83. 9. ZELGPHBflAD. Vi/m. 20. 33. Z no sons, J. 18. took Z. Jer 32. 24. I CAr. 6. 3fi. Z i>( s'.n* of Kohathltes JIT. 21. I. when ZrdrklahtMtt Z. ti 2!t '.'5. letters in thy name to Z. 29. Z. read this letter in the ears 37. 3. Z. the son ot Miixseiuh piic-i p/)A. 1. I. the word cairn- to Z. tbe Zech. (5. 10 house ol Josiah son of Z 14. shall he to Hen ii,.. .,, ,,f Z. Z K R A H. See //. ZAUAH. Gen. 36 13. Keuel. Z. I CAr I 37,44. 33. Johab the son of Z. reigned Sum. 2fi. la .f Z. the family of, -M. Joth. 7. 1. son of Ztibdi, son of Z. 22 20. son of Z. comn.it a trespass 1 CAr. 4. 24. sons of Simeon were 7.. 6. 21. T.. son of Iddo || 41. son of Z. 9. 6. of the son* of Z. J.-u. I dwelt in 2 CAr. 14. 9. Z. the Ethiopian nine .Vt/i. II. 24. I'ethahinh of child, ol Z. ZI.RESH. Eth. 5. 10. called tor Z. his wife ZERUBBAKKL. I CAr. 3. lit the son of Pe.lalah, Z. Etra'2. 2. came up with Z. AVA. 12. 1. a 2. Z. son of Khealtiel, 8. | 5. 2. AVA. Ii 47. day* of Z portions day* of jj gave g. 1. I. word 01 the l.ord'to Z. 12. then Z. obered the voice of 14. the Lord stirred up spirit of Z. 2 4. vet now he strong, O Z. 21. ZecA. 4. 6. word of the Lord unto Z. 7. before Z. st*'t become a plain 9 the hands ot i. have laid the ZKHVlAH. 2 Sam. 2. 18. tt'rv >. us of Z. there 3 39. sons of 'L. * too hard f-.r me a 16. Joab son of Z. I CAr la 15. 16. 10. What have I to do with you, ye sons of Z t 19. *_ CAr. 2. 16. who.e sisters were Z. ZIBA. Sam. 9. 2. art thou Z. I'll 10. Z. ha la 4. Z. thine ate all that pertain 19 29 thou and Z divide the land Z1BKON. Gen. 36. 2. A nh daughter of Z. 14. 24 these are the children of Z. CAr. I. 40. fed asses ol Z. 29. ZIDON. Cm. 49. 13. border shall be to Z. WA 1!. 8. chased them to great Z 19. 28. Kanah, even unto reat X ;rfg. 10. 6. and served *! of Z la 2a because it wnsfar from i. A'in. 17. 9. which belongeth to Z Ezra 3. 7 drink unto them of 2 lia l 2 merrhU. of Z. replenish 4 O Z. the sea hath spoken 12. O thou virgin, daughter of Z Jer 25. 22. kings of Z. shall drink 27 3. bonds and yokes to king of 47 4. Tyre nd Z. erery helper En*. 27! a the inhabitants of Z. 28 21. set thy face agalnit Z. ' >> behold 1 am against thee O with me, O Tyre and Z , Z-?cA. 9. 2. Trrns and Z. though Ju4g. 10. 12 the Z mid Amalekl Is - i-.irel.-**. nfter mi.iin.-r -.1 7 I A'i II. I Sol l.-ved women \ 3' 3d. / '>'' ' (""' sv.d .hde2 Hill 2 , IS. Z. reljnert 1 day* li, I Utah 2 Ain. 'J 31. did 2. peace, who? 1 C/ir. 2. 6. the son* ..t / r h Z ind H. 3T,. Z. the M.II of Jeh..dM.. Jer. 25. 25. 1 made kingM,! 'I. ,ini.\ Z1S. A'Krn. la 21. from wildernes- vO. I. came to deert of Z. 31 36. 27. 14. In desert of Z. Drut 32. 5! ZION. 2 5am. 5. 7. David t.x.k strong I,, .14 of /. I CAr. II. 5. I A. in. a I. which i. Z. 2 CAr .V J. PmL 2. 6. king on int b.-K hill of Z K I*, walk about X Hiid gi. round 51. la thy Koo.t iilen-iire n;ito Z. Kt. 35. for Ood will save Z nd 87 2. the Lord lovelh gates of Z. 5 be -iiid of / thi* mid that Biao 97. 8. Z. heard and was glad, Ju.Uh 102. 13. arise and hat- I'i. when Lonl shxll I. mid np Z I2a 1. Lord firned i-Mptiritv i Z. 129. 5. be turned Im- k thut litV. 13. the Lrd I.Mlb choen Z. h !:'.:! a a- il. on moniitalnx of Z. l.'l". I. when we rememb.-reO Z. 3 sing ii- one ..I tbe ...HIT* of Z. I Mi 10. the Lorn *l .,n reign, U Z. U7. 12. praise thy f)... 14. 2. let children ol 2 be joyful I >n. I. 27. 2. shall i<- led.-rm. .1 with 2. 6 Shollt, tholl inbaLilHIlt 'f Z I ;t.' Unit Lord hath f..uiide Z. 3a 5 hath tilled 7,. with Jn.l. k on 2 ||3.V 10 .'ire to 2 II *. |..r . .i.lr...r\ -I Z 40 9. O Z. bruige.t gix^ lidinct 41. . shall >y t.. 2 brliold them 4-.I. 14 Z said,' I -rrt bhlh forwiken 51. 8. for th. I II. shall con- ' 2 lfi.y in to / tlo.ii rtmy f'f0 52. 1. pot on thv -lr. ni 7 m:h onto t. ih> a when Lord *hH hring i.(iii> fc. 50. 2tt Kedremrr shMll 60.14. Z "f the H.-l> 64. 10. Z. ! wilderne-- 66. a . M.n us 2 tra%i;..i nniyMll 4. net up the *todrd r U 19 1-i.tb tb\ 30. 17. Z. whitm " m* 31. R and let u* "p I Iv con- and "ii* '" h * M> 5. they hH 51 35. >-bHll lb. /.,im. I. 4 ih- 17 Z prr ' 4 1. '< n f Z M JW 2. O. k I IJ*. * led Z. ? . MM| bnJ no Jmo* 1 2. the Lord will n/ar from Z. A/r. 3. 10. they build Z. with blood 4. 2. for law shall go forth of Z. II. nay, li-t our eye look upon Z. Ice*. 1. 14. I ra jealous for Z with 17. Lord shall yet comfort Z. 2. 7. deliver thyself, O Z. 8. I ft. 3 the Lord, I am returned to Z. u. 13. have raised up thy sons, O Z. Set DAUGHTKB, lUuuHTEid. In Z10N. PM/. 9. 11. sing praise.* to Lord who dwelleth in Z. 76. 2. Jcxr? a SI. 65. I. praise for tln-f , O God. in Z. 84. 7. everyone in Z. appeareth 99. 8. Lord Is great in Z. he is high 102. 21. declare name of Lord in Z. Ita. 4. a that is left in Z. shall be 10. 24. O my people dwelled in Z. 28. Id behold I lay in Z. for a fonn. dattitn. a tried stone, I Pet. 2. 8. 30. 19. for people shall dwell in Z. 31. 9. the Lord, whose Bre is in Z. S8. 14. the sinnTs in Z. are afraid 46. 13. I will place salvation in Z. 01 a unto them that mourn in Z. /cr. a 19. ts not the Lord in Z. ? *0. IS. to declare in Z. vengeance 51. 10. let u declare in Z. the work ?l. evil that they have done in Z. tarn. 8. 6. sabbaths forgotten i Z 4. II. Lord hath kindled fire in Z. &. II. they ravished women in Z. foet 2. I. blow ye the trumpet in Z. & 17. ro God dwelling M & ZOA Amo>t>. 1. them that are at ease in Z. A' HI. 9. 33. in Z. a ntumniing stone A/ounf ZIOX. 2 A' in. 19. 31. a remnant, they that escape out of m. Z. ha. :fi. 3-i. Ptal. 48. 2. joy of the earth is m. Z. 1 1. in. Z. rejoice || 7a r : & TO. Z. he 74. 2. this m. Z. wherein thou hast \\:j 1. as m Z. cannot be removed Ita. 4. 5. dwelling-place of m Z. a & 18. which dwelleth in m. Z. 18. 7. 10. I-. performed work upon m. Z. 24. 23 the Lord shall reign in m. Z. 19. & fight againit m. Z. 31. 4. JoffL 'Si. in i. Z. deliver. Obad. 17. fMfirf. 21. shall come up on m. Z. .Mir. 4. 7. reign over them in m Z. //f 4. 12. 82. ye are come unto m Z. /ten. 14. 1. lo. Lamb stood on m. Z. Oido/ZION. P7t 14. 7. were come out of Z. 53. & 20 2. strengthen thee o. o/Z. 1 10. a I**. 5. shallbless thee o o/Z. 131. a 135. 21. bleated be the Lord o. nf Z. ha. 2. a for on/ o/Z. shall go forth Jer.9. 19. wailing in heard out of Z. Juet 3. 16. Lord shall ror out ,,/Z. Aom. 11. 26. come out of Z. deliverer Z1HPOKAU. Erod. 2. 21. Jethro gave Moses Z. 4. 25. Z. took a ttharit stoiic, 18. 2. ZOAtf Xum. 11 22. seven years before Z. 12. thioffi did he iu Z. 43. 568 zuz 7<1. 19. 11. princes of Z. fnoln, '3. 30. 4. for his princes were at Z Ere*. 30. 14. I will set fire in Z. ,os ZOAR. Gi. 14. 2. of Bela, which is Z. 8. 19. 22. name of city wai called /. Drill, .'it. 3. city of palm-tree* t" X. Ita. 15.5. fuiritites shall tic.- unto /. Jer. 48. M. uttered their voice Ir. /. ZOHAH. 1 Sum. U. 47. agninbt the kings of Z. 2 5am. 8. a David smote kmv "I Z. 1 Kin. 11. 24. 1 CAr. Is .(,>>. 23. 36. Igal son nf Nathan ot /. 1 A'in. 11. 23 fled from king ot Z. ZOPHAK. Jobl. 11. Z. Naamathite, 11.1. | 429. ZOHAH. Josh. 19.41. Inheritance of Dun, Z. Jwig. 13. 2. a certain man of Z 25. Samson betw. Z. and Ehtaol lii.31. Samson betw. Z. and i:-lit.n la 2. the Uanites sent from / to 8. came unto their brethren to 7, 3 CAr. 1 1. 10. Rehoboam built Z. ZOKOBAHKL. Mat. \. 12. Salathiel begat Z. IS. Luke a 27. Rhea was the sou ,,t Z ZUK. \nm. 25. 15. daughter of Z. slam 31. 8. Z. a prince (lain, Joth. la : J l 1 CAr. a 30. Z. 8on of Giheon, !i. M ZUZ I. MS. Gn. 14 5. kiufi unote Z. in Hum MD A 000 052 267 2
  • w?r thy M.CJ/ MEN Mutt. n. 27. thy m ..fir. shall fall M*. 1 climb wall like m. o/trur 3 9. le* all the m . t tr. .Iraw near l.ukf f.l 1 . H.T...I .< tli Ins m. o/tr. MKN, joined with wicked. Gen. 13. 1.1 m ol Sod. mi w.-re tr. Hum. 16. 86. depart fr tents ..f ir. m. 8 Sam. 3. 34. man falleth bi-fo -. m. 4. II. more hen ic. m. have slain Job 8i 15. old way ir. in. ha. trodden 31 8. wbich waiketh with tr. m. 2fi. hestriketh Idem as irickrd m. 36. because of answer* for IT. m. ferL a. 14 w. m. to wh. it happrneth Jer. 5.S*. among my pen. found tr. w. I/a/. 24 41. miseraMy destroy ir. m. 1 THet 3. 8 be delivered from tr. m. '. MKN. rrV.r. 7. M. Gen. 41. a Pharaoh called for tr. m. Exod. 36. 4. tr. m wrought the work Utnt 1. 13. take y wit' m. and Jot 15. 18. which ic. m. have told 31 8, hear my words, U ye inix- m. Ft. 4ft 10. he eth that tr m. die Pror. 10. 14. tr. m. lay up know ledge 13. *V waiketh with ir. M. lie Ue 2S. a but ir in. turn away wrath EeeL 9. 17. words of ir. m. are heard In. 19. 18. where are thy trite m. 29. 14 wisdom of ir. m shall perish 41 85. that tu met h ir m. backward Jer a 9. the tritr m are ushamel la 7. all the tr. m. of the nations 61. 57. will nntke drunken her tr. m. Esek. 27. M. thy tr. m. O Tyrua 9. and the tc. m. were vhy ralkert Dun. 8. 18. to destroy nil the tr. in, 4. a decree to hrintr in all the tr. m. Obad. a destroy tr. m. out of Edo:n Mat. 8. I. can e ir. m. from the east 1 Cor. I. 86 not many tr. m , not 10. IV I spexk a- to'tr. m. judge ye MEN, joined with tromen. Dent. 2. 34. we utterly destroyed the m. and tromer, Jotn. a 2A Judg. 9. 49 died about 1000 m. and tr. 16. 27. house was full of m and w. t Sam. 6. 19. dealt to the tr. as m. jtritb. 14. added to L. both m. and to. 8. a Saul, hnlinir m. and ironu-n 18. were baptised, both m. and IT. 9. 8, m. or tr. bring them hound 22. 1 into prison both m. and tr. MM, Women, and Children. See (.'ILOttX. Ye MKN. M> 34. 10. hearken, in- m. of under*. Atlt I. ll.yem. of Gall ||2.I4. of Judea 5. 35. ye m. of Ur. || 17. sCJ. of A then* IS. 15! ye m. and brethren, if ye 19. 35. yt m. >( Kphe.m, what man Ynuag MKN. Gen. II 84. which y. m. have eaten Emd. 24.5 y. in. which offered burnt. Joih. fi. rT. the y. m. that were -pic- Jitdr. 14. 10 so n.ed the y. m to do Ruth 1 I'), thou followed*! not y m ] .*. 1 17. sin of y. m very great S. IB. will take your goodliest y. m. SI. 4. if the y m kept from women 83. a ak y.' m they will show thee 85. thine handmaid saw not y. in 90 17. 400 y. m. wh. rode on camel: S Sam. 2. 14 let y m. arise and play la 38. suppoae'they slain ally, m Ifl 15. ten y in. bare Joah's armour ] A't'n. U.x Reho consulted wi. y. m. II tpake after c..unel of yr,u-i m. i (hr. 10 8, 4. 80. 14. by y m. of the princes I A'in. 5. it two y m. of prophet* 8. 18. theii y m. wilt thou (lay Jot I. 19. fell on y m. they are dead 0. & y. m. aa* me, uid Uieuuc MER Pi. 7A C3. flre ron sinned their y. m. I4& l praise I., i/ in. .mo naid.Mii. .y. ptary of j '" tr.-iiKth '!.!<. 17. L. nojo\ in their v. m. la IK. bow< di pi.-i-es ya. 4. neither do f nourish up n. m. 31. a hi- y. M. rhall be .IIM-..H nt. .1 4U. %. and ihe v ' "h. utterly full cr. 6. II. fury on a-emhly of y. m. 9. XI. rut offtf m. from the -tr.'rt .. II. tt. y. m. .hall die by the *uord 15. a hriMiuht HITH. motlier of y. m. la 81. let y. m. be vluin hy Mword 31. 13. both y m and old rejoice 4M. IVrh'n-eiiy m. (one ti>9lMiif(hter 49. -X. y m. f\t\\ fell in hei >tr.-,-t> 50. 30. therefore v. in f.i I in streets 51. 3. >pre imi v m. destroy utterly Lam. I. 15. Hss.-ini.ly !. < m>l m 18. irirnis Hud u. m. intoraptivity 8 -'1. y m and old he on ground ft. 13. they took the y. m. to irrind 14. y. m. reaped from their n u-n- Ezek -'.') a all deiorahle y. m. I si. sH Jifll. )!a your y. m. nhall ^ee visions, ^rt* S>. 17. f mo* 8 1 1. your ir. m. for Naxarites 4. lit y. "> -lain with the .- onl 8. 13. your y. m. faint for thirnt rrA 9 17. corn make y. m. cheerful M.irk 14. 51. y. a* laid'hold ...: him Art* 5. fi jr. m. arose, wound him up Tit. -I. R.y. m. exhort to he ttoher i I write t you, . m. 14. MKN I). 1NO. " 2 CAr. 84. 12. brra to rn. Imn. of I,. 34. 10. gave workmen to m. house Mot 4. 21. with Zi-bedee in their t*, Mark I. 19. trri [(W.3.W. . 6.6. not i. ey.-. service as IW..D. Tim. 1. 10. law is made for m../. MESSri'UOUS. fta. 30. 88. cast away as a m. cloth I am. \. 17. J.-nisa. is as m. woman Ezek. la 3. come near to in. woman MENTION, Crn. 40. 14. m. of me unto Pharaoh Exod. 23. 13. make no m. of othnr gods, Jo*h. 8a 7. Sam. 4. 18. made in. of ark of God t. 71. la make m. of thy righteou*. 87 1 I will make m. of Kuban l"t. 18. 4. m. th. his name Is exalted 19. 17. maketh m thereof be afraid 26. la we will makem. of thy name 4R I. make m. of the God of Israel 49. I. he maile m. of my name fi2. fi. ye that make m. of the Lord Jer. 4. Ifi. make ye m. ti> nations 80. 9. 1 will not make m. of him Amnt a 10. may not m name of L. n. I. 9. m. you always in my prayers. F.pfi. I. 16. I Thet I. 2. Philrm. 4. m. of thee in my prayers llrb. 11.28. m. of departing of Israel MKS1ION I"i 63. 7. m. loving.kindnesse* of L. Jer. 83. 36. burden of I. m. no mure MENTIONEU I Chr. 4. 3H. these in were princes 1 Chr. 80. 34. Jehu m in h. of kings Errk. ia 56. sister Sodom was not m. la 82 his tran.ifre--ions not be m. 24 his righteousness sh. not be m. 33. 1C. none of his sir* shall be m. MERCHANDISE. Dettt. 21. 14. *h. not make m. of her 24. 7. brethren, maketh m. of him Prat, a 14. m. better than m. of fold 31. ia perceiveth her m. is good I'll 23. IS her m. shall be holiness 46. 11 m. of Ethiopia cume tu thee 806 MER Etfk. 8f>. 18. make a ptey of thy H* ;.; !*. .hips in thee to IN mpy thy m l*i main i-les were m. of li.mcU Sa la multitude of m have n id Mnt. -fl. 5 01. e to (arm, aooth I., m. John'L Ifi. I'ath.'.s hou-e bouse..) m. et 2. a words mate rn. ol you '. la II. no ruai. biiyeth their m- MERCHANT, (ien. 23. 16 current money with m. 37. S!8. passed by Mniiaiiites vi..me A'in 10. IS. b.-sid.-s ln-had.il in.-iu Pror. 31. 14. -lie is like the in -hip* and delivi reth g idl.-R to tin- in. font. 3. ft perfumed powders ..I ri. Jia. 2a II. ronin an.l arain..t n, .it tfk 87. a ait a m. ( \> o. for isli-s 12. Tarskish WHS thv m. by r< a-.ui lasynall iaI)amaM : n>.|i .Ml D.da* //of. 18. 7. a m. balance- of il.-i eit Zejjh. I. 11. m. pi-op e are cut doivi. Mat. 13. 45 I ke a m -man becking MEKChANIS. 1 Ajn. 10. 15. of trartic ..I spire in. the king's m received linen yarn, 2 Chrnn. I. Id .V,A 3. 38. poldsinitlis and the m. 13. 80. m. lodged without Ji-ni-al.ru Ji'f, 41. a shall part him an. one in.? '..i 23. 8. m of Ztdon replenished a the city, wb...-e m. are princes 47. 15. even thy in. shall wander Ezek 17. 4. set 'it in u city o| m. 27. 13 Jnvati, Tnbal, Meshedi, m. IS. Dcdai.il 17 Jud. and Is. thy wj. 81. in the&.- \vefe ih.-y thy i. 82. rn. of Slieba and Ituamah, 23. 36. the m. shall hiss at thee 3a la anil tlie in. of Tar-dish .Vun. 3. 16. inultiplnd m. above star* Air. 18. 3 m. of earth waxen ncli 1 1. m. of the earth weep ovisr her 83. thy M. were great men of eartb MKKC'Y. Gen. 24. 87. destitute master of m. 4.'t 14. and God give y,.u tu. before Efod. 34. 7. keeping m. for thou. sands, Dun. 9. 1 Num. 14. 19. the Lord is of ,. real in. Pmi. iua n. i m. a Drut. 7 9. keep, covenant and in. li 2 i'am. 7. IS. m. not d. part fr. him, 1 Chrun. 17. la I'utl ML 21 15. 20. m. and truth be with thee I A'i'. fi. 23. keepest loti-natit mid m. with servants, \th- I. 5 | A. 1. II. htmm. in sight ol n.an Jot 37. 13. for correction 01 for m. /'*. 21. 7. through m of Mo-t High 23. a goodness :.n.i tu follow me 25. 10. all paths of th.- I. or. I are m 38 10. m. shall con puss him about 33.13. on them ibat hope h his m. S2. a I trust in iln in. of God 57. 3. shall send lorih m. and truth M*. 10. G. of tn sh pre%.-nt ire, .1. 61 7. () pr'-pxr- m. ami truth 62. 12. also unto tli.-e beloiigeth -n. 6a 80. hath not turne.1 in from me 77. a is his m. < lean gone for ever ': B.V In m. ana truth it>ct together HH. 5. U plenteous nun 1ft | lOti. a 89. 2. m. shall t.. built up for r It m Hii,1 truth tilt I.. In thy i.,.-e 8a my m. u ill I keep for Imn 9a 3. renen.ber. d m. toward l-rn. 1UO. 5. U i. good, hi* m. i* evtrla**. MER ft. 101. 1. will singw. and judgment 103 17. m of the L. is everlasting 109. li let none extend m. to In in 130. 7. with the Lord there is m. 147. II. pleas-re in those hope m. Pror. 3. 3. let not m. forsake thee 14. 21. he that h;ith m. on the poor 2-2. m. and truth shall he to them 31. he that honoureth 6. hath m. 16. 6. hy m. iniquity is purged 20. 28. m. and truth preserve the kiritf, and his throne is up. holden hy m. Iia. IK. 5. 21. 21. follow, after m. tirideth life It i. 49. 10. he that hath m. on them 54. 10. th L. that hath m. on thee 60. 10. in my favour had m. on thee Jer. 6. 23. are cruel, and have no m. Bus. 4. 1. tln-jv is no m in the land 6. 6 1 desired m. and not sacrifice 10 12. reap in m. || 12. 6. keep m. 14. 3. in thee the fatherless find. m. Jonah 2. 8. they forsake th. own m. Hie. 6. 8. to do ;iMIy, and love in. 7. 18. because lie deligliteth in m. 20. wilt perform m. to Abraham Hub. 3 2. L. in wrath remember m. Mat. 5. 7. men iful, shall obtain m. 23. 2a omitted judgment and m. Luke I 50. m. on them that fear him 54. Isr in remembrance of his m. 72. to perform the m. promised 78. remission thro* tender m. of 0. Rom. 9. 23. his glory on vessels ofiw. 11 30. obtained m. thro' unbelief 31. that through your m. they also may obtain in. 15.9. Oentiles might elorifyG. for m. 1 Cor. 7. as. obtained m. to he faith. 2 Cor. 4. 1. as we have received in. (Sal. 6. 16. peace and m. on Israel Ef h. 2. 4. God who is rich in m. P ifl. 2. 27. hut f the L. Tit. 3. 5. accord inif torn, he saved us //<*. 4. 16. that we may obtain m. 10. 28. despised law died withn m. Jam. 2. 13. he shall have judgment without m. that shewed no m. m. rejoiceth against judgment 3. 17. wisdom from above full of m. 5. II. L. is pitiful and of tender m. 1 Pet. I. 3. according to abundant m. 2. 10. had not obtained m hut now have obtained in. Jude 2. m. to you, pence, and love 21. looking for the m. of L. Jesus Have MERCY. Ptal. 4 1. hurr m. upon me, 6. 2. | 9. 13. | 25. Ifi. | 27. 7. | 30. 10. I 31. 9. | 51. I. | 86. Hi. 103.13. A. m. onZioiiH 123.2. on us.3. Pror. 28. 13. for*aketh sins sh. h. m. Iia. 9. 17. neither A. m. on fatherless 14 I. for Lord will A. m. on Jacob 27. ll.th. made them will not A. m. 30. 18. exalted, that he may A. m. 49. 13. (i. will A m. on afflicted 64 8. with kindness will I A. m. ifi. 7. return, and he will A. m. Jer. 13. II. nor A. m but destroy.21.7. 80. 18. 1 will A. in. on his dwelling 31. 20. I will surely A. m. on h:m, 3a*>. Ezek. 39. '.>. Hnt. 1.7 | 2.-J3. 42. 12. that In- may A. m. o you Hot. 1. 6. no more A. in. on Isr. 'i I. ZecA.1.12. how loiur wiltth. not A .1. li 6. for 1 have m upon .1-111 MER Mat. 9. la I will A. m. not sarri. 127. 27. thou son of David, A. m. on me, 15. 22. |20. 30, 31. Mark 10. 47, 4a Luke 18. 38, 39. Luke 16. 24. Abraham, A. m. on me 17. la Jesus Master, A. m. on us Rom. 9. 15. 1 will have m. on whom 1 will harem. 18. II. 32. that he might A. m. on all MERCY, join- d with thew, ihewed, sheweth, xheiring. G.n. 39. 21. L was with Joseph, and *. him m. [Drut. 5. 10. Exod. 20. 6. theiring m. to thousands, 33. 19. 1 *. m. "u whom I will i. m. Deut. 7. 2. no covenant, nor t. m. Judg. I. 24. and we will i. thee m. 2 .S;/i. 22. 51. s. m. to his anointed, Ptal. 18. 50. 1 Kin. 3. 6. Solomon said, thou hast t. to thy servant David, my father, great m. 2 CAr. 1. a 2 CAr. 6. 1 1 jr. m. to thy servants Ps. 37. 21. but the righteous *. m. 85. 7. *. us tliy m. O L. and wraii 109. 16. he remembered not to*, m. /./. 47 C. thou didst *. them no m. Jer. 50. 42. cruel, and wi 1 not i. m, Don. 4. 27. (Teak off thy sins, *. m. Zech. 7. 9. execute judgment, *. m. Luke I. 58. the L. s. gn-at m. on her 10 37. he that shnred m. on hint Rr>m. 9. Ifi. but of God that /. m. Jam. 2. la judgment without m. that hath s. no m. Thy M E RCY. (irn. 19. 19. thou hast magnified t. m. Ejcnd. 15. 13. in t. m. led forth pro. iVuw. 14. 19. to greatness oft m. -Ve/i. 13. 22. spare me accor. to t. m. 1'saL 5. 7. in multitude of tliy m. 6. 4. return, O Lord, save me for thii m. sake, 31. 16. 13.5. I have trusted in t.m. my heart 25. 7. arcurd. to t. m. remember me 31. 7. 1 will rejoice in th>i m. > 33. 22. let t. m. U L. be upon us 36. 5. t. m. O L. is in the heavens 44. 2'i. redeem us, for t. m. sake 57. 10. t. m. is great to the heavens 59. 16. I will sing aloud of thy m. 09. 13. in multi. of thy m hear me 85. 7. shew us t m. || 86. 13. great is 90. 14. O satisfy us with thy m. 94. 18. thy m. O Lord, held me up I0a 4. t. m. is great above heavens 109. 21. because thy m. is good 26. save me accordine tn thy m. 1 15. I. for thy m. and truth's sake 119. 64, earth, O L. is full of thym. 124. deal wi. servant accord, to t.m. 138. 8. thy m. endnreth for ever 143. 12. oft m. cut off mine enemies MERCIES. Gen. 32. 10. not worthy of thy m. 2 Sam. 24. 14. for hi* m. are great, I Chron. 21. 13. 2 CAr. 6. 42. remember m. of David Neh. 9. 19. in m for-ook them not 27. according to thy m. thou gave 31. thy m didst not consume them P. 51. 1. thy m. blot out transgres. 69. IS. In multitude of thy m. hear Ifi. according to thy tender m. 89. 1. I will sing "f the m. of the L 106. 7. they remembered not thy *n. 45. he repented according to hi* m. 1 19. 41. let thy m also come to me Jta. 54. 7. wi. m. will I gather thee 55 3. even the sure m. of David, Actt 13. 34. 63. 15. where in thym. toward, mey JIT. 16. 5. I hav.- t;.k.-ii aw iiy my m. 4--> in and I will shew m. uutoyou U07 MER Lam. 3. 22. UisofL.Vm. e arc not 32. con ;p . 8 ,,, according t,, ,*. Dan. 2. 18 , c.,i,.-ern,nu tin. .., ret 9. 9. to the L. our (iod (.HMIIV n, 1 . tech. 1. 16. I urn returned with m. Ku-n. 12. I. 1 beseech vnu (>v n, ..i i 2 Cer. 1. a the Fathef ,,f m. ",,d (, ' . Tender MKRCIES. Pi. 25. 6. remen.ber thy t. m 51 1 40. 11. withhold not thy ten. la 25. 1 A'iN. 20. 31. kings of Isr. m kings 2 Chr. 30. 9. L. H. grai ious and m. Neh. 9. 17. G. ready to pard. and m. Ps. 26. II. redeem me, and be m. to me, 41. 4, 10. I 50. 1. I 57. 1. I 86. a | 1 19. 58, 132. 37. 26. the righteous is ever m. 59. 5. be not m. to tiny wicked 67. I. God he m to us, and dies', ni 10.'!. S. the Lord is m. and grHciima 1 17 2. for his m. kindness is iin-nt 119. 76. m. kindnet>g lor my comfort I'rt.i: II. 17. the m. man dovth po-*l Iia. 57. I. m. men are taken away Jer. a 12. I am m. saith the Lord Joel 2. !3. he is gracious and in. Jonah 4. 2. 1 knew thou art a m. O Mat. 5. 7. the m. shall obtain mercy Lukf6. 36. be m. as your faih. i M. la 13. God be m. to me a sini.n Heb. 2. 17. might he a m. High-prii-i-t 12. I will he m. to their uiiruhl See GUD. Erod. 25. 1". make a m..i. of gold 22. I will commune with the* from above mi. between tliu cherubims,iet.l6.2.A T um 26. 34. put OT. j. on the ark, 40. 20 Lev. 16. 13, incense my cover m... MERRY. Gen. 4a 34. they drank and were in. Judg. 9. 27. trode grapes, made m. If. 25. their hearts were m. th. ...,id 19. 6. aii'l let thine heart be m. Ruth 3. 7. when Bom heart WHS m. I Sum. 25. 36. NahuIN heart wxs m. i Sum. 13. 2a when Amnon is M. 1 Kin. 4. 20. Judith and Isr. were m. 21. 7. eat, and let thine heart be iu. 2 CAr. 7. 10. sent the peo. away M. Kith. 1. 10. the heart of kir^- a~ >. Pror. 15. la m. heart make, cheerful 15 m. heart hath continual feait 17. 22. a m. heart doeth eood cri a 15. better to eat and he m. 9. 7. drink thy wine with am. l.t-art 10 I!). li>r buuhter, wincinHkctl M. /.. '->4. 7. all the m. hearted do th JT. WI 1!. voice of them th. imiki-M. 31. 4 .lances of them that mle m. / i,kf 12. 19. take .--e. eat Htid (. w. 15. 2M. ent and he m. '.'4 II'!' I " ItM 32. it was meet we should *h MET Jam. S. la is any m.) sing ptalms A.r. 11. 10. ih. rejoUe and make > HFBKILT. j*A. 5. 14. R" in m. with the king MESSAGE. ./i///*. 3. VO. I have m. Ir. O. to tbee 1 AMI. 80. IV Henhhilad heard thism. / r.,r. i6. ft tlmt sendeth m. r.y foul J/.iif I. 13. spnke Hacgxl in I. > m / .Jr 19. II rfewM cut . utter him I .'*** 1.5m we have heard, 3. II. MESSEMiKR. Cm 5. 1C. sent a m. to Jmeph 1 Aii. 19.2, Jesebel sent m. to Elijah 22. 13. the M. went to mil Miraiah. 8 Chrtm. 18. 18. S JFii & S2. ere the M. rame to him 9. l& the m. came to them, hat Jo// I. 14. there came a m. t" Job 33. 8a if there bf m. interpreter Pror 13. IT m. falleth Intn IIMK hi. f 17. 1 1. cruel m. ah. bf sent aga. him V5. 13. Imlhlul m. to them send hiin I-a. 48. 19 M> my M. that I M-nt ? Jrr. .SI 31. one m run to meet ano. Kti-k. 83. 40. tn whom a m. was sent //i/tr I. 13 Haggai, the Lord's m. >/?. 8. 7 he i m of the I, of hosts & I. I will .end m of the covenant, Mat II. Id Hark I. 2. Lukfl.fl. * O*. 12. 7. m. of Satan, to buffet P *ii 8. 85 my corr.pi.nion, your m. MESSENGERS. Cm. 38. 3. Jiu-oh sent m. to Etna >'i/s. 88. f>. Balk sent m. to Balaam Ji*h ft 17. Ruhab hid thr m. V>. 1 Ham. 19. 11. Saul sent m. to Darid, U. IS. 20, 21. SS. 14. David ent m. to salute our t .Sam. 8. 5. sent m. to Jabeh vii a 12 sent M. to David on hie behalf & II. Hiram sent m to Dttvid, I (hrvn. 14. 1 11. 4. David sent m. to Rathsheba IV. ft. Joah cent m. to David t Kin. I. 3. meet the m. of Ahaziah 17. 4. H"hea had sent m. to So IH. 83. hy m. th. ha-t reproached L. 1 Chr. 19. 8. m. to row fort Hmmn 8 Ihr. 3ft 15. L sent th. m hy his M I'-, they in.fked the m. ol Oid Prof. Ift. 14 wrath of king an m. of lii 14. 3 '. oneanswenn. nf imtion P 18. 8. go ye n> lit m. to * nation 37. 14. letter from m mid rend it 44. 86. peiformeth counsel <( m. S7 9. di.l-t send thy m afar off JeT. 87. a send hy hand of the m. Ezrk. 23 Ift sent into Chaldea 30. R M. fi-rlh fn.m me in ships Jiak. I IS. voice of m no more heard Luke 7. 24. m. of John uere (tone 9 51. and ent m. before his fare t Of. 8 ya T' m. of the churches Jam. t V.V Rahul, had received m. MESS, or MESSES. Cm. 4.1 '14. sent m. to them. Ben. jamin's M. five times so mm I > Sam. 1 1. ft I'ris-h tn. from king MRMIAH. f)am. P. 9$. from the con maridmenf to huiM Jerusalem, unto the .V the Prinre h<:i be seven weeki 9ft after om, 10. 10. prophet.- m. Saul A'in. 13. 84. WHS gone, a lion m. him i. h5. 10. mercy and truth m, toge. I'n-r. 7. 10. there m. him a woman w 5. 19. and a bear m. him Mat H. 28. M. him two with devils Murk 1 1. 4. place where two ways tn. l.uke 9. 37. much people m. him. John 12. la 17 12 m him ten men were lepers r nn 1 1. 80 Martha m. him 30. Met* 10. 85. Cornelius tn him and '.. 41. a place where two seas m. 'leb. 7. 1. in. Ahrnham returning METE, D. F.rod. 16. la m. it with an homer / . (. ft m. valley of Suctoth. 108. 7. Ita la 2. go to a nation m. oi.t, 7. 40. 12. tn. out heaven with a span .Wat 7.8. measure \em be measured to yon. Mark 4. 24. Luke 6. 38. ME'IE-YAHD. I -if. 19. 3A. no nnrii'lit. (iiisiies In tn. MHK. I Sam, ft 4. five golden m according 5. shall make images of yuur m. MID.DAY. 1 A'in. 18 89. when in. was past \eh x. 3. read from morning to m. Jctt 26. la at m. I saw in way a light MIDDLE. Juifg. Ift 2H. hold of two m. pillars I Am. a 64. the king did hallow in. court. 8 Cnron, 7. 7. J A'in. 20. 4. Isaiah gone to m court Jrr. 39. 3. princes sat in the tn. gate Epa, i 14. broken down the tn. wall MIDDLEMOST. . Ezelc. 48. 5. timber than the m. 6. MIDNIGHT. d. 1 1. 4. m. I will go Into Egypt 89. at tn, the 1. smote first-born 't/rfp. Ift a Samson Uy till m. Htith ?. 8. at m. the n an was afraid I A in. .1 20. she arose at m. and i, -l, 34. VO. people he trouMed at m. I ml. 1 10. fU. at m. I will give thanks Mnt 85 fi. nt m. there was a cry WrAr 13. 3.V sh. come at even or m. I ukf II. 5. shall go to him at m Act* 1ft 25. and at m. Paul prayed 80. 7. Paul continued speech till m. M I DST. Erod. 14. Ift shall go on dry ground through m. of sea, A'utn. 33. a Keh. 9. II. I' ml 136. 14. D'-iit IS 5. put evil away from m. -' i'hr. 32. 4. tail thro' m. of land Cunt 3 10 the m. paved with love // SH. 9.. from tn. of Ihee the yoke Jrr. 30. 81 proceed from m. of them Etrlc. 9. 4 go through m. of city 14. a cut him oft Ir m. of people. 9. 15. 4. m. burnt, is >t meet for work ? >. 16. filled tn. of Ihee u i. violence la bring forth tire from tn. of thee l-ini 3 :C, came forth of in. of fire I tike 4. 3U. passing thro' tn. of t Lew li.hr, 7. 14. about the tn. of the feast R Ml. going thro' the m. of them I'tr. a 13. flving thro' m. of heaven J* tar MIDST. (i,ti. 2. 9. tree of life it. thr m. 3. 3. '5. 10 Ahram divided them in t. m. End. a 82. 1 Kin I . in t. tn. of earth 14. Vfl. dry land in tn of ea. 15. 19. *' ( . 3. 1 will not go up in m. of thee A'f/m. 8. I". tl ernacle it. it,, of run p !> S. and the city shall le in them. Erek 4R IV 1'itit. 11.3. acts he did in m. of Egy. Ki 14. f). walkeih it, m. of can. p JuA. a 17. fll ni i m of Jordan, 4. !0. SU8 MIG Jnth. 1. 21. hid in the m. of my tent 8 Sam. 18. 14. alive it. the m. of <*k 1 Am. ft 80. were in m. I Samaria I'hr. IS*. 4. cut garment* in tiie m. AYA 4. II. till we cotre in the m. I'r. .. 14. melted in m. of hotels 82. in the m. of the congregation Will I praise thee. 11, k V. IX 40. 5. God is in the m. of her ICV. 84. take not aw ay in tn. of dais Ho. 8. rule thou in m. ot enemies I. *. 7. th..' I walk in m ot trout. IH I'rin: 4. 81. keep them in tn. of heart .'.. 14 all evil in m of congregation 8. tO. in m. of paths of judgment 14. 3a wh. is in 1. tn. of fool.- i.- tolly 23. 34. lieth down in the tn. of tea 1m. 6. 5. I dwell in m. of a people 7. 6. set a king in the tn. of it 18. 6. great is the Holy One in tht m ot thee, Hot. II. 9. 19. 84. a blessing in thr m of land Irr. 14. 9. Lord, art in the tn. of us 17. II. leave them in tn ol his days I urn 4. 13. Mood of just in tn. ot !.. done in the m. of my house 43. 7. I Will dwell in Me tn of 1-r. 9. Dan. 3. 25. walking in in. of the file Ji.rl 'L 47 I am in the in. of Israel Mir. ft 14. ca-tii.g down sli. I..- i m. S'lh. a 13. in tn. of thee are 1f. n,et> Hal,. 3. 2. in the tn. of the yei.r. Zevh. 3. 5. Lord is in the tn. thereof I2. leave in the m. a poor people IV the Lord is in m. of thee, 17. Zech. 8. 5. the glory in the IH. of her 10. I will dwell in m. ot thee, II. a 3. dwell in tn. of Jerusalem, & Mat. 10. 16. as sheep in in. of wolves 14. 84. ship was in the tn. of the sea, Nark ft 47. [Murk !>. :>. 18. 8. set a li' tie child in m. of them, 80. there am I in the m of them I.uke sa 45. temple was rent tti m. 84. 36. Jetus himself stood in th, m, John 811. ly, S*. John 19 18. and Jesus it, th-'tn Her. 4. 6. in tn. of throne four Leasts 5. 6. in m. of throne a Lamb, 7. 17. /;,/.. the M 1 DS 1 . Erod. 84. IH Moses went into the tn. 3a 5. I will come into m of thee r*. ffS. ft infc m. wh. reof they ar Jer. 81. 4. assemble th. intum. of city 51. fiS cast it in/o m. of the river f-xek 5. 4. cast them i/<. tn. of fire 88, 19. gather you infc m. of Jeru. Out of tlit MIDST. Fr. a 4. railed o. oj tn. of hush. 4. 16. Dfitt. 4. li. Loni .pake ,,ut ij m. of fire, 15, 33, .'n 't^. ia cometh aiittifm. of pit 68. II. depart, go out i~,t tn. of her, Jrr. Ml. 6. | 51. ft, 48 Ezrlc. 11. 7 yon forth . ,,/ m. of it 49. 4. I ring thee out i.f tn ot rivers ?2. 81. speak to him <,t ,./ tn of hell Ztph. 3. 1 1. aw \ (/t// i -I i',i. of thee MIDVX || | . \ 1-s Crn. 35. I", in. -aid ill to Rachel :-8 88. n. hound on hand a thread Efod. 1. 16. when ye do the i.ffiee of a m. 17, 19, it', 81. MIGHT, SuUtatilire. Cm. 4fl. 3. Re art fitst.lorn, rry m. At/in. 14. 13. up this i.enp e in lh\ m. lln,t. X. 84. do nccordiiiL' to thy M. fi. A. love thy f.od with all thy m. 8. 17. m. of miut band gut wealth MIG Deui. 28. 32. be no m. in thine hand Jit'/'i. 3. 31. son gocth forth In his m. 8. 14. go in thy m. \\ 16. 30. howed S Sa:n. 6. 14. Dav. danced wi. all m. it Kin. 23 25. Jos. turned to L. wi. m. z4. 16. king brought cap. men -it m. 1 Chr. 12. 8. men of m. ram.- to l)av. 29. 2. I prepared the house with . 12. in Ihine hand is p.-wer and m. 2 Chron. 20. fi. 2 CAr. 20. 12. we have no m. aga. this *iA. 10 2. Aha-. of my power Vic. 3 8. full of judgment iind TO. 7. 16. nations confounded at th. m. Zrrh. 4. fi. not by m. nor by power Kph. I. 21. far above i. 5. a nation, m. and populous Jiirlg. 5. 1:1 have dominion nver m. 2'1. came not to help of L. aua m. 1 Sam. 4. 8. out of hand of m. gods 2 Sum. I. 10. how are m. fallen I 25. 21. shield of the m. is cast away 2 A(>.. 24. 15. m. of the land captive 1 Chr. 1. 10. Nim.ro. || 12. 38. Zadok 8 Chr. 26. 1.1 army made war wi. m. 27. 6. so .loth. IIM became m. E*ra 4. 20. been ro. king over Jem. 7 28. mercy to rae hefo. m. princes He/i. 3. 16. Neh. repaired to the m. !). II. threwest stone in m. waters Job?>. 15. he saveth poor fr. them. 6. 23. redeem me from hand of TO.? 9. 4. wise iti heart, m. In strength 12. 19. and he overthroweth the m. 21 weakeneth strength of the m. 21. 7. wherefore are wicked m.? 1?4. 22. he draweth m. wi. his pnwer 34. 20. the m. shall be taken away 35. 9. cry out by reason of arm of ro. 4, 85. raiseth himself, m. are afraid Pi 24. 8. 1*. strong and m. in battle 29 I. give to the L O ye m. glory 45 3. gird thy sword, O most m. 59. 3. ro. are gathered against me fW. 33. send out his voice, m. voice 14. 15. thou driedst up ro. rivers 82. 1. G. in congregation nf the m. *K> 6. who amoni! si IK m like to L.? 13 thou \ ist a ro. inn strong is lit. 1 har Aid h!| U|. n one m. MTG Pi. 93. 4. L. mightier than m. wavos 1.8. iiitirht make TO. power known I!'-'. '-'. his seed sliiill he m. on earth 135.10. smote nations, slew m.kiogs Pror. 16. 32. that is slow to anger better than ro. 18. 18. lot parteth between the ro. 23. II th.-lr Redeemer is >. Iia. 3. 25. thy m. sh. fall in the war 5. 22. woe to them that are m 11. 15. wi. m. wind shake his hand 22. 17. carry thee away wi. ro. capt. 49. 24. shall prey be taken from m .? 63. I. in righteousness, m. to save Jer. 5 15. a ro. and ancient nation 32. 19. great in counsel m. in work 33. .3. I will shew thee;/.. things Ezek. 17. 13. he hath taken m. of land 32. 12. sW'.rds f m. ma^e thee (all 21. strong among m. shall speak 27. not lie with TO. that are fallen 38. 15 shalt come with a m. army 39. 18. ye shall eat the flesh of TO. Dan. 4. 3. how ro. are his wonders! 8. 24. his power shall he ro. II. 3. a m. king shall stand up Amnfi. 14. neither shall m. deliver Hi. courageous amo. m. shall flee 5. 12. your ro. sins j[ 24. ro. stream Jonah. 1. 4. there uas a m. tempest Zech. 11. 2. lu.wl. the m. are spoiled >/(/<. 1 1. 20. most of TO. works done 21. if the 7/1 works which were, 23. .3. 54. wh. hath this man m. works? 53. he did not many 771. works there, .Mark 6. 5. 14. 2. this is John theBaptist, there- fore 77. works do "hew forth themselves in him, Murk ft. 14. Mark 6. 2. ro. works are hy hi* hand Luke 1.49. m. hath done great things 52. he hath put down the 771. 9. 43. amazed it m power of God 19. 37. praised G for m, works 24. 19. was a pn-phet ro. in deed Avti 7. 22. Moses was TTJ. in words 18. 24. Apollos was m. in scriptures rtum. 15. 19. obe'tient thro' ro. signs 1 Cor. 1. 26. not many ro., not noble 27. chosen weak, to confound m. 2 Cor. 10. 4. our warfare ro. thro' G. 13. 3. is not weak, hut m. in you Gal. 2. 8. the same was 77*. in me Eph. 1. 19. to working of m. power 2 Tfiei. I. 7. Jesus wi. his m. ansels Kf f. fi. 13. when shaken of 771. wind 10. 1. I saw another m. angel, Is. 21. 18. 10. m. city || 19. 6. m. thiinderings See ACTS, (Jon, HAND, MAN. MEN. MIGHTY one. Gen. 10. 8. Nim. began to be a ro. o laa. 1. 24. therefore saith the Lord, Lord of hosts, the TTJ. o. of Isr. 30. 29. | 49. 2. | SO. IB. 10. 34. Lebanon sh. fall by a m. o. 28. 2. L. hath a 771. and strong one Jer. 20. 1 1. L. Vs with me as a m. o. Ezek. 31. II. delivered him to ro. & MHJHTYm. Jndg. 5. 22. broken by their m. one* Int. 13. 3. I have called my ro. mtn Jer. 46. 5. their m. one* are beaten JoelZ. II. thither cause OT. o. to come MIGHTIKR. Gen. 28. 16. for thou art ro. than we Erod. 1. 9. children of IST. ro. th. we Num. 14. 12. a greater nation hud m than they, Dent. 4. :. | 7. I. |. l,14.| 11.23. Pi. 93. 4. L. Is m. than many water* Errl. 6. 10 neither contei-d with m Mat. 3. H. I i'ptize with water, hut he that roineth after me in m. | than I, Mark I. 7. Luke 3. 10. 300 MIN MIOHTIHL 1 C/.r. II. 12. Kleiai waioneof 3-m 19. these things ..id the !!, 24. Benaiah hd H name umu.it m MIGHTILY. Dettt. 6. 3. that ye may inrrra^e n. J-MlK- 4. 3. JabiiiM oppressed Inruel 14. 6. Spirituf the L. came ni. IS. 14. Jtr. 25. 30. the L r like a great ro. stmi > MINCING. Ita. a m walking and ro. astheygv MIND. SuM'intirt Gen. 26. 35. a grief of m. to isanc Ler. 24. 12. ro. of I- shewed then Drr~ 3(1. I. rail th'ni to m. nmo ixtions 1 Chr. 28. S). serve with a willm* "' AVA. 4. 6. the peo had:, m. t..work Jut, 23. 13. one m. whom" I"'" run I I'*. 31. 12. H.I a dead limn out of /'ror.21.27. l.riiiaeth it wi i'-k. d I/K 29. II n ( ol ulfereth n'l I'i- > /in. .'< a whose tn. i->^^l;^.l . '>e ViN ftn A. .. MftVi * *. O tranv'. '* .7. forifc*.' J.M ' mil come tn m. rf>r 1. ia lUe A *, l. n t i-..inet ( i m M I. and ihi...- it .i.it into hit m /)' V *0. . \. hkrdened in pride M. thrMtUli hU m change M*r+ V 15. siu ,i< in hi, rirht m /.tttr 8 .'ii. 1 4. 71 p. called to m w..rj- of Jes. J.nAVIl. .9. neither heof dutir-tful m. Art, 17. ,|. with all readme-* .if m. 2". 19. .-.rimr L. wi humility of IN. /!">" I. * fe n P to "probate m ?. 25. wit m I .T^ law of < Joil 8. 7. rnriu m enmity a*aln.t Hod 27. knoWi . i wht it m. ..f Spirit II 3t. wh-i .mih kn.-wn M .-f t, !-' Id -HOI* M. nni* t"rrd another 14. & fully pw.uaded in hi- own m. 15. 6. may wi.it one M. (rlnrify Hod 1 Cor. I. 10. b-j. lined in tlif -.iin 8. II known . of I., to in-.trn.-t him f we hn. < tin- m. .if ( hri-t t Cor. 7. 7. ferte.,l rn. toward- me R I)!, if a willing *.. It i accepted 13. II. brethren, \-f of one m. Phil I. 27. | 2. 4 ip&. * a delres f v# (leh and m. 4. 17. Geiitilpo walk it, vanity f m. f*U -I. .1 in luwhiie*.if in. let each 5. let thin m. be in you which wa> *. g be of t'.e ame m. In the Lord Col i 18 pnir-d up by hi, t- ehly m. 3. li huruMenes* of M meekness 8 r*. 2. 2. nut -o.m shaken In m. S Tim. I. 7. fiven npirit of ..und m. Til I I* m M..d conscience defiled 3 I. put tin-in in :*. to he nuljert //r/, 9 10 put my law* into their m. 1 Pet. 3. R he y- a'l of one m. 4.1. armyour-t like.vNe vvi. .tame m 5. 2. fllthy mrre, bu of a reach m See. 17.0. them. wh>h hath H i~d.,m 13. thi-M- hue one m. and shall Ser ALII NATHI. Mine,* mv MINT). fi'um. 1R. 28 done them of m. own m. 24 13 d IT..O-I or bxd of m. own M. I Sam. > H5 that which i in my m. 1 CAr. 7. in m,i m. t. build ho.i.e ./rr IS. I. a*y m. could not he triward l'i 5. neither came it t<> m m. .V. 35. Ltm. 3 41 this I reral t" my m Rom. 7.43. WH.rintr ira law ofw. m. Tha MIND. 1 Sam. 9. 20 et not f m. on aes Jo6 34 tt. nhi.ald it be arrt.rdinc to tt m he will recump.-ne it f rr*. 3H K> thine* rome into t. m. Dan. i. V9 thmiirhu mme intnf m. Wat W .T7.lotethel,ihv fJodwith M Uiu m Mark li S'V tuAe 10. /7. Plii/rm. 14. wnhont v m n-H. 1 do Jour MIND, fnothinc Gf 23. 8L tf v ml .hiald bury Jcr. M .V) Jeru<. c.mi.1. into (/. m. Stfk II 5 thlnf. mme into y ML -. of neenemlein W . 1 Tff I 13 loi,,, ,,f v m . be Miner MIV>. IVrA. /{ in. R t. m thlniM of the flesh I? in. m nt hu'h thmrt. but PM 3. IA let it-, m the name thin* iS. many who m enrthly thinn MIS .EH Xth \. \n ne wa >tedfaitly m. t fir 14. 4 w t- m to repair ho.ie frril 13 *. .if their own free will U u. 1.19 . to put her away priTily IflN Rom. & 6. to be carnally m. Is death to he s|iiritu..l!y m. is life II. 80. be not hurh.a*. hut fear IS. S (trant you to l>e like M. 2 Cor. I. IS I wan m. to . ome 17. was thus . did Iii-e hirhtnr Gat 5. 10. Mill l-e no otherie m Phil. -2. 2. th..t ye l.e like m ha\inir Vtl no man like m. who will c.ire 3. IS as many a- be perf. he thus m if ye he other wi. em fi. will reve. I Thei S 14. comfort th.- feeble m 1 Tim. fi. 17. that ri. h be at hltfh.m 2 Tim. 3. 4. men I* heady, hivh.m Tit 2. 6. meu exhort to he Mil.er m Jam. I. 8 double. m. man i* un.t ii I. 4. 8. purify v..n r hearts yed.iUl.le-m MINDFUL. 1 CAr 16. IS. he ye m. of covenant .\VA. 9. 17. our father, . re not m. Pi. 8, 4. What is iaan, that thou art m of him t Heh. 2. 6. III. 5. ever he m of his covenant 115. 12. Lord hath been m of u. /i. 17. 10. not been m. of the r< k 2 Tim. I. 4. beintf m. of thy tears Heb. II. IS been m of that country 2 Pet 3. 2. he m of words spoken MINDS. Ig. 19. 30. consider, .peak your m. 2 .St Act* 14 2 made their m ,-vfl affected 28. 6. they changed th.ir m. ami -aid he was a fnt 2 Cor. 3. 14. hut their m. tverehlin.l 4. 4. iod of thi world hath blind, m 11. 3. so your m. ho be corrupted Phil. 4. 7. peace of O keep your m 1 Ttm. 6. i. men of eortupt m. 2 Tim a . Heh. 10. 16 In. m. will I write them 12. a wearied and faint in your m. 2 frl. 3. I. I stir up your pure m. HINDI NO. ArttW. ia Paul m himself to ro MINE. Gen. 31. 4a all that thou sent Is m. 48. 5. m. as Reiii.en and Sime. he m Efott 19. S. for all the e ,rth i. m. Pml. SO. 12. Pt 60. 7. Oi'ead m. Manas, m. 108. H. F .rrk "a * they were m \\ S .he was 29 9. river m |; V> 10 coiintrie* m /far. *. 8. silver is m. and old i- m A/a?. 3. 17. th -y m t*a. 19. !4. L. m. perverse spirit Jer. 2S. 20. cup to all m people, 24. 50. 37 swcrd on mil the m people I. nke 13 I. blood Pilate had m. Rev. 8 7. hail an>l fire m. wi. blood M1NISH, KD. i/f. 5. 19 not m oiirht of task P'al. IU7. 3S* "' they are m. 'Vorf. 24. la Mo*e. and his m Joshua Join. I. 1. 1 pake to Joshua, Motto' 310 MIN Mat SO. 26. let him b yoor A/ir* 10. 43 Luke 4. 20. ave hook pain to a*. Arti ia S. had also John to 'heir m. 26. 16. innke Ihee a < an. I a witnest !im 13. 4. i- m of God to tl.ee, & IA. 8. Christ va* at of < in-um. i-i.m 16. be m. of Je.u, to the (ientiles Go/ 2. 17. is I'hri.t the m of MI. ? AjA a 7. whereof I u-an m;.de a n Coi I. 23. vS [CW. 4. 7 6. 21. Tychicus, a faithful m. f L. Cot. I. 7. Kpaphran, a falthf-ll a*. I Thru. 3 2. brother and f. of Ood I 7*>'m. 4 6. he a VIHMJ m it'. Christ Htb. 8 2. a m. of the .anctuary MISISTKH. fc'xorf. 28. I. that he may m. to mt in the priet'c olli.-e, a 4, 41. I 2!'. I. 44. (30. 3X I 31. 10. f 35. la I :'. 41. |40. 13. IS. 35. it hhall b> upon AuTon to m. ill 44. .an.-tify Aaron t-- m to me l.i r. 7. 35 he presented them to m. \i/m. R 26. m with their brethren Deut. 10.8 tribe ol Levl torn. t.. bin 21. 5. l-o-i li.ith chin-en them to m. I .Vhe rose and m onto them, r.tiArif H. a s. to him of uh.tanc /-ted in. 34. hsve m to m> iiece>iitiei Cor. :i 3 ett|e .if ( hr. m. hy lit /uV * "'i. he that a-i to my wantt ~iJ 2 I'.i hminir noiirinlimi nt a*. 7"im I !< innny Ihinif. m unto mt "AiVem. 13 thy t'ead h -nuirht ha. M. 'lei, fi. 10. M hate m to the nainU Pet \. II. entrance hem. to yon MINISTr Kr.TH. 2 Cor. 9. 10 m eed to the sower iaJ. 3. 6. that m to you the Spirit CAr V 2R charite of the as. ve F.trk. 44. II. h-.ne, m. to the honw Vltt. 27. . follow Vd let. W. to i. MIR K,m. 12.7 wait on m. || 15. 6. m. go*p i! Ccr. a i. :in I tak i us the in. 9. '.. fol as touching m. to the saints Jl'-t>. 1. 14. are they not m. spirits 10. 11. every priest standeth m. MINISTERS. 1 Kin. 10. 5. the attendance of h,s m. 2 Chron. 9. 4. Esra 7. 24. not lawful, toll on m. 8. 17. they should bring unto us n Px. 103. 21. m. that do Iris pleasure 104. 4. who maketh his m. a flam, ing fire, Heb. 1. 7 Isa 61. 6. men sh. call you m. of G Jot 33. 21. then may also my cove. n, nit he broken with David my servant, and with my in. fTa-it. 45. 4. holy portion for the TO. lofl.\ 9. L.'s m. mourn || 13. howl 2. '.1 m. weep between the porch Luke 1. 2. from beginning were m. Rom. la 6. m. attending rontirnially 1 Cor. 3. 5. m, hy whom ye believed 4. 1. so account of us as of the m. Cor. 3. 6. who made us able m. 6.4. approving ourselves as m. of fi. 11. 15. it is no great thing, if his m. also he transformed as the m. of righteousness 28. are they m. of Christ? I am MIN!STRAi ION. Luke I. 23. days ol m. were ended Acts 6. I. widows neglected in the wi. ? Cor. 3. 7. if m. of death wag glori. H the TO. of Spirit he glorious ? 9 9. 13. by the expeiiment of this m MI N 1ST UY. ff'im. 4. 12. take instruments of TO. 8 CAr 7. 6. David praised by th TO. //'. 12. 10. used s.militudes by tn. Act* \. 17. he had obtained pait of in. '35. that he may take part of TO. 6.4. but vp will give ourselves to TO. 12. 25. when they fulfilled their m. 50. 24. finish my course, and TO. 21. 19. things G. wrought hy his TO. A"TO. 12. 7. of TO. let us wait on our 1 Cor. 16. 15. addicted to m. of saiut.- 2 Cor. 4. 1. geeintf we have this TO. 5. IS. given us m. "f reconciliation 6. 3. that the m he not blamed E}.li, 4. 12. work of m for edifying Co/. 4. 17. take heed to the m. 1 Tim. 1 12. putting me into the m. t Tim. 4.5. make full proof of thy TO. 1 1. is profitable tit me for the in. Heb. 8. 6. obtained a more excel, m. 9. 21. he sprinkled the vessels of in. MINSTREL, S. 2 A'm. 3. 15. hut now bring me a TO. Mat. 9. 23. when JCMM saw the m. MINT. Mnt 23. 23. ye p;. 8. Stephen did great in am. peo. H. 6. hearing and seeini: the m. 13. wondered, beholding the m. 15. 12. vv hat m. God had wrought 19. II. O wrought special m. byl'ii 1 Cor. 12. 10. to the working of'm. 28. thirdly, teachers; after that m. *9. are all workers of m ? Gal. 3. 5. he that workcth m. doeth Hef>. 2. 4. O. hearing witness wi. m Rev. 13. 14. deceiveth by means of m Ifi. H. spirits of devil's working m 19. 20. false prophet th. wrought m MIRE. 2 Sam. 22. 43. I did stamp them as in. of street, and spread them abroad, ha. 10. C. A/ic. 7. 10. Job 9. II. can rush grow witho. m.' 30. HI. he hath cast me into the m 41. 30. spreadeth things on the m. Pi. 9. 2. 1 sink in deep m. where 14. deliver me out of the m. Ixa. 57 20. whose waters cast up TO Jer. 38. 6. in dungeon i o wat. butwi 22. thy feet are sunk in the m. Zech. 9.'a fine gold as m. of streets 10. 5. tread their enemies in the m 2 Pet. 2. 22, sow wallowing in them. M1KY. Pi. 40. 2. brought me out of m. flay Erek. 47. II. m. places not behealec Dan. -^.41. iron mixed wi. m. clay, 43. MIRTH. Gen. 31. 27. sent thee away with m Nek. 8. 12. the peo. went to make m. Pit 137. 3. that wasted us desired m Pron 14. 13. end of TO. is heaviness Eccl. 2. I. 1 will prove thee with m. 2. I said of m. what doeth it? 7. 4. heart of fools is jn house of m. 8. 15. then I commended m. Isa. vM. 8. m. of tabrets, joy of harp M. the m. of the land i- gone Jer. 7. HI. 1 will cause to cease the voice of m. from Judah, 16. 9. | 25. 10 Hot. 2. II. Ezek. 21. 10. sho. we then makern.? MISCARRYING. fins. 9 14. eive them a m. womb MISCHIEF. Gen. 42. 4. lest some m. befall him .';s. if m. belli II him hy way, 44. 29. F.jrod. 21. 22 and yet no m. follow 32. 12 for m. did he brine them out 2'!. knowest people that are on m. I Sam. 23. 9. that Saul practised m. > finm. 16. 8 tfiou nit taken i" thy m. 1 Kin. II. 25. the m. that Hadad dio 20. 7. seehiiW this man seeketh m. 2 Kin 7. 9. soire m. will befall us \eh. C\ 2. they thought to d. me m. *M.8.3. Esth. soiiuht to put away m lab 1ft. 35. conceive m. and vanity Pi. 7. 14. m. hroiiL-ht forth falsehood 16. his m. *h. return on his head 10. 7. under his tongue is m. 14. thou hd.old.~T m. and spite 26. 10. in whose hands Is m. 28 3. but m. t In their heart* 3fi. 4. wii ke.i deviseth m. on his bed 5?. I. why t-oastest thyself In m 't M. 10. m and sorrow in mld..t of it 62. 3. how long will ye imagine m '< 94. 20. which frameth m. by a law lift. l.Vi. draw niirh that follow m. 140.9. let m. of i>"'ii lip- cover them Prof. 4 16. except they ha. d"iie m. 6. 14 hertcvi-cth m. c'nntii ually |g f HH t swift in riinninif to m. 1U. 23. it is sp-'rt t" a foul to do m. 311 Pror .11.27 th. seek ct I. m. ifsh. (O** Ii. '.'I. Wicked he ti led With M. 3. 17. wicked nieisen fallethuir 17. 20. perverse tongue fall. In* 24. 2 their heart -tudieth m. Ifi. wicked sh. tall inti, m *a 14, Ita. 47. II. m. shall tall up.. n thee M. 4. trust in vanity, conceive m. t.zek. 7. 26. m ihall come up<>u m. II. 2. these are men that devi-e m. Dan. II. 27. kings' hearts to do . Hot 7. 15. yet do they Imagine m. Act* 13. 10. O In I ,,t all m. thouchll Ml Si HIKIS. Deut. 32. 23. 1 will heap m. on the* ft. 52. 2. thy tongue deviseth m. 140. 2. imagine m. in their heart MISCHIEVOUS, Pi. 21. M. th. imagined a m. device 38. 12. seek my hurl, speak TO. thingi Prov. 24. 8. shall be called m. per.,c i'.ccl 19. 13. the end of his talk is m, A/i'c. 7. 3. man nttereth his m. de*ir Ml.-EKAIiLE, l.V. Job 1G. 2. Job said, m. comforter* Mat. 21. 41. . destroy wicked mem I Cor. l.V 19. we are of all m.mt m. Rev. a 17. km, west not thou art . MISK1JV, IES. Juiig. 10. Id. his soul grieved for m. Job 3. 20. why ia light given to him that is in m.> II. Ifi thou shall foreel thy m. Pntr. .'(I. 7. reinem. his m no more /-.VvV. 8. 6. the m. >( a man is great /.HOT. I. 7. Jernsaltm in days of m. 3.19. reinem. mine affliction and tn. Rum 3. lf>. m. are in their ways Jam. 5. 1. howl tor your m. MISS. [and not m. Ig. 20. 16. sling at an hair.breadth I .VII/H. 20. 6 if thy father at all m. MISSBU, ING. Sum. 20. 18. thou shall he m. 25. 15. neither m. any ihinv as long 7. neither wai there oiiitht M,. 21. nothing was m of all that per. I A' in. 20. 39. hy any means he be M. 'MIST. Gen. i. 6. there wrnt a m. fr. earth Act* 13. II. there fell on him a m. Pet. 2. 17. m. .f darknew reserved MIS Hi I- SS. fn. 16. 4. Sarah her m. despised 8. flee ir my m. Sarhi||9 return to Am. 17. 17. sun of the m. fell si, k .' A/H. .>. 1 said to her m. would G. /'* 123. 2 as eyes of a maiden to * I'ror. 30. 23. that is heir to her ML 'a. 24. 2. as with maid s with tn. VnA. 3. 4. the m. 'f witchcrafts MISUSED, CAr. 36. 16. H ev m. hl pruphcti MI'I'K S. Mark 12. 42. a certain poor widow threw in two m. Ln!se1\. 2. Luke 12.59. till thou hast paid Urt m. Ml;RK. f:tl> *H -:rd. 28. 4. they sh make a m. i.. | 29. f.. put the MI. upon his head /..T. a 9. put holy i row n on the M 16.4. with linen in sh he he liirc4 Lech. 3. 5. let a fair m on his head MIXED Ej-od. 12. 38. a m miilti. went op Vi/iw. II. 4 . miihi. fell H lii-iiii(r V.A i:i.3. nejwrhledlr. M inn /'rr. 23. 3d that go to seek m win* /jn. I. 22. thy WHO- rn with wntrr I 'an. 2. 41 th.'ii awe*t the !r..n m. //w. 7. S. Fphraim m amo |.'e..pl //*. 4.2. not Leinij . with lailh MIX I I'llr- '. 75. 8. there is eup full of MOL John 19. 39. then- came also Niro. demus, and brought a M. 01 myrrh mid aloes Rev. U. 10. poured oat without n. MOCK. Ft 3V. 14. B. fools make a ML at sin MOCK. Gen. 39. U. brought Heb. to m, ns,l~. Job 13. 9. mocketh, dn ye 50 m. him SI. a. after I have spoken, m. on Prop. I. M m. wh. your fear Cometh Jer. 38. 19. Mnd they m. me Lam. I. 7. did m at her sabbaths F.zrk 28. 5. -hall m. the* who nrt Mitt. 20. IP. deiivertoGen. torn, him Marie la 34. m him and scourge him Luke 14 . beh-.M, begin to m. him MOCKED. Grn. 19. 14. a.< one (lint m to cons Am. 22. 29. because thou hast m. m* Jbdr. IB. 10. m me, told lies, 13. I ft. I A'in. la 27. at noon. Elijah m. them t Kin. * 13. little rhildren m. ElUha V Cfir. 30. 10. laugh, tn scorn and m. 3ft IB m. the messengers of (;od .\VA 4. I. Sanhallat m. the Jen-s ./o* 18. 4. M one m, of hit neighbour >//. -1. 16. Herod -aw that he was m. 87. 29. they bowed the knee and m. 31. Mark 15. 20. Luke 18. 32. m. spitefully entreated 82. r>3. men that held Je*u* m. him 23 1 1 Herod m. || 36. soldiers m. Aft* 17. 32. of resurrection, some m. Gal. 6. 7. not deceived, (i. Is not m. MOCKEK, S. Job 17. 2. are there not m. wi. me ? Ptal. 35. 16. liypociiticalm in feasts Pr. 20. I. wine i- a m., >trn.- drink /m. VH 22. be not m. lent band* be JT. IS 17. oat not In R8!>emhly of m. Judf la sh. he us. in the latter times MOCKEST, ETH. Job 11. 3. when tho'iix shall no man 13. 9 as one m. another, do ye so 39. it. m. at fear, and uot affrighted Fran. 17. 5 m. poor reproacti. Mutter 30. 17. eye that m. at his father Jer. 20. 7. a derision, ev. one m. me MOCKING. Gen. 21. 9. saw son of Hagar m. Mat. 7 41. priests m. Mark 14. 31. Act* 2- 13. others m. said, these men MOCKING, & F.zrk. 22. 4. made thee a m. to all //c6. U. 3 had trial or cruel m. MODERATION. Phil. 4. 5 let your m. be known MODERATELY. >?/ 2. 23. g iven y,.u former rain m. MODEST. Tim. 2. 9. adorn In m. apparel HOE. fief Mo. MOIST. Num. 9. 3. nor h. he eat m. g rapes MOISTENED. Job 81. 24. bones m with marrow MOISTURE. Pi 32. 4. my m. turned to drought Luke 8. 6. because it lacked m. MOLE. Lee. II. 30. snail and m. are unclean MOLKS, .W BATS. MOLLIFIED. /M. 1. & nor m. with ointment HOLTIM. Brad. 81 4. after he had made a m. calf. 8 Deut. 9. 12. 10. .\>A 9 IN. 34. 17 make no m rod*, J.er 19. 4. 1 Kin 1. Ift tworhapitrrsof m. bras* S3. a m. iwa || 30. undersetters m. John. 2. bra*' i< m. out of t,,ne 37. IB. sky as a m. looking-glass CM*. 84 II. aithiu be m. iu it WON .Vic. I. 4. the mountnins shall be m See ImtuR. MOMENT. F.r. 33 5 Into mid-t of thee in a m ffum. 16. 81. may rontime th. in a m Job 7. 18. shiMildesitry him ever) m. 20. 5. Joy of hypocrite hut f.>r a m. 81. 13 and in :i m. go down to grave 34. M. in a m. shall they die Pi. 30. 5. his anger endnreth but a m. 73. 19. into desolation as in H m. Prov. 18. 19. lying tongue but for a m. /*a. ift 80. hide as it were for a m. 27. 3. I will water it every m. 47. 9. two things shall rome in a m. 51. 7. for n small m. have I forsaken & I hid my fare fr. thee for a m. Jfr. 4. 80. and my curtains in a m. I. am. 4. 6. Sodmn overthrown in a m. Etfk. 2ft Id tremble every m.32. 10. Luke 4. 5. kingdoms of world In a m. 1 Cor. 15. 52. all be changed in a m. 2 Cor. 4. 17. which is but for a m. MONEY. Gen. 23. 9. as mnch m. as It is worth 13. I will give thee m for field 31. !.*>. hath quite devoured our m. 42. 85. to re-tore every man's m. 27. espied his m.\\M.m. restored 4.1 12. take double m. in hand, 15. 44. 1. every man's m. in sack's mouth 47. 14. gathered all m. In Egypt 15. m. faileth R 18 our m. is spent Efod. 21. U. go out free without m 21. he is his m. |> 35. divide the m 30. there he laid on him a sum of m. 22. 7. man deliver m. to neighbour 25. lend m. to any of my people 30. 16. take atonement m. of I-rael Lev. 25. 37. not givt him m. on usury, Deut 23. 19 Yum. 3. 48. Moses took redemp. m. Dent. 8. 6. meat and water for m. 28. 14. 2.Y turn into m. || 80. bestow m. 21. U. not sell her at all for M. Juitg 5. 19. they took no gain of m. Id 18. lords brought m. to Delilah 17. 4 restored them, to his mother I Kin. 21. 2. glre worth of it in m ! Kin. 5 2R. is it a time to rereivem.? 18. i. all the m. of dedicated things 12. 7. now receive no more m. 8. 10. they saw there was murh m. in the chest, 2 Chr. 24. 1 1. 16 and sin m. was not brought 1ft 20. exacted the m. of Israel 93 34. Jehoiakim gave m. to Phar. f'rrn 3. 7. gave m. al-o to masons 7. 17. buy speedily with thi* m. XrA. 5. 4. borrowed m. for the king 10. my servant* exact of rhrm m. Eith. 4. 7 sum of m Ham. promised Job 31. 39. eaten fruits without m. 42. 1 1. every man also gave him m. Pi 15. 5. potteth not out m. to usury Prtp. 7. 20. taken bag i>f m. wi. him EccL 7. 12. wixdum and m a Defence 10. 19. but m. answers all things ha. 52. 3. be redeemed without m. 55. I. he that hath no m. come, buy 2. wherefore spend ye m fur that Jer. 32. 9. welched m. 17. shekels, 10. 44. men shall buy fields for m. I.iim 5. 4. drunken our water form. Mir. 3. II. the prophets divine for m Mat 17. 24. received tribute m. came 27. thou sbalt find a piece of m. ?2. 19. h'W me the tribute m. 25. l& earth, and hid his lord's m 27. m. to exchangers, Luke Ifl. 23. 9*. 12. gave large m tooldier. I.V Mark 6. 8. they took ni m. In their pure, Lukf :t 12. 41. people cart m. into trea-ury MON Mark 14. 11. and promise* to giv him m. Luke "it. ft. Adi 4. 37. brought m and laid it at a la Simon offered them m. 20. Peter said, m, perish wi. the* 24. 28. h<>ped m. should been given 1 Tim. 6. 10. love of m. root of all evil See BOUUHT. MONEY-CHANGERS. .Vat 21. 12. Jesus overthrew tablet of m. -changer*, Mark II. 15. Jnhn 2. 14. found in temple m.-cAr sabb. Ps. 81. 3. blow trumpet in the n. m. Isa. 66. 23. fr. one n. m. to another Ezek. 46. 1. in n. m. it sh. be opened fi. in n.m. offer a yountr bullock Amos 8. 5. when will n. m. be gone ? Col. 2. 16. no man judge you in re. spei t of the new m. Keic MOONS. 1 Chr. 23. 31. to offer burnt sacrifices in the n. m. -I Chr 2. 4. | 31 3. ErraZ.r-,. AW*. 10.3:). ErekM.3. Ita. \. 13. itcir in. and salihaths 14. n. m. and feasts my soul hateth Ezek. 45. 17. drink offerings in n. m. Hoi. 2. 11. cause h' r n. tn. to cea-e MORE. Exod. 1. 12. the m. they nfflicted them, the m. they grew . 16. 17 gathered some tn. some less 30. 15 the rich shall nt give m. Sam. 3. 17. G. do so to thee and m. Pi. 19. 10. m. to he desire,! th. gold 71. 14. I will praise thee m. and m. Vat. la 16. take with thee I or 2 m. Jnhn'A. 15. lovest thou rnem. ? tieb. 12. 2ft. yet ooce tn. I shake, 2V. See Apt'N ANTLV. Ami MOHK. 3tn. 8. 12. dove returned not a. m. 1. will not curse ground a. m. (t. 1 1. 17.5. nor name a.m. he called Abram S5. 10. n >r a m. be called Jacob Rjcoi. 8 IS. uutdealdereitfullya. m. MOR Erod. 11. 8. nor a cry belike it a. m Joth. 7. 12. neither be with nil . m. Ezek. 5. 9. I will not do a. m. the like Ho*. 14.8. what have 1 a. m. wi. idols Lu.2i.16. I will not eat a. m. thereo No MOHE. Esth. 2. 14. she came no m. tn king Job 7. 8. see me no m. ||9. come up 10. he Khali return no m. to house Rev. 21. 1. no tn. sea || 4. death || 22. 3 Much MORK. [curses Ej-nd. 36. 5. the people bring m. m. Mat. fi. 30. sh. he not m. m. Holhe i Luke 7. 26. m. m. than a prophet Rum. 5. 9. m. 771. being now justifie< 10. much m. being reconciled 17. m. m. they that receive grace 20. where sin abound, grace tn. m 2 Cor. 3. II. m. tn. which remaineth MOREOVER. Psal. 19. 11. m. by them ser. warned Isa. 39. 8. m. there ohall he peace Heb. 1 1. 36. m. of bonds and impriso MORNING. Gen. 19. 15. when the m. arose 24. r>4. Abraham rose up in the m, 26. 31. they rose betimes in the m. 29. 25. in thew?. behold it was Leah 40. 6. Joseph came into them in m 49. 27. in the m. he sh. devour prey Erod. 7. 15. get thee to Phara. in m 10. 13. in m. east wind hro. locusts 14.27. sea returned to strength in m 16. 7. in m. ye sh. see glory of the L. 8. *h. give you in the m. bread. 12. 13. in the m. the dew lay round .29. 39. one lamb thou -li.-tlt offer in the m. Kutn. 28. 4. 34. 2. be ready in the m. and come 25. nor shall passover he left to m. Lev. fi. 9. burning all tiit>ht to the m. Xinn. 9. 21. cloud was taken up in m. Deut. 28. 67. in m. wld.G. it were eve. Jung. 6. 31. put to death whilst m. 16. 2. in the tn. when it is day 19. 27. ruse in m. and opened doors 20. 19. children of Israel rose in m. 2 Sam. 23. 4. and he shall be as the light of the m. when the sun riseth, even a m. witho. clouds 24. 11. when David was up in the m. \ Kin. 3. 21. when 1 corisid. it in m. 18. 26. called on Baal fr. m. t" noon }feh. 4. 21. some laboured from m. 8. 3. he read from m. until mid-day Job 7. 21. thou shall ceek me in m. 11. 17. shine forth, and be as them. 24. 17. m. to them as shad, of death 38. 12. hast thou commanded them. 41. 18. his eyes like eyelids of m. Pt. 5. 3. my voice shall thou hear in them. <> L. in the m. will I direct my prayer to thee 30. 5. hut joy cnrneth in them. 49. 14. dominion over them in m. 59. 16. I will sing thy mercy in m. 88. la in the m. shall my prayer 90. 5. in them, they are like grass 6. in the m. it flourisheth up 119. 147. I prevented downline of m. 130. fi. than they thai watch for m. 139. 9. if I lake the wintfs of the tn 143. 8. thy loving-kindness in m. EccL Id. l(i. and princes eat in them. 1 1. a in the m. sow thy seed CVrn<.6.IO. who is she lookelh likem. ha. 14. 12. how art thou fallen, O Lucifer, son of the m.? 17. 14. before the m. he is not 21. 12. watchman said, m. cometh 28. 19. m. by m. shall it lia^s over .'.0. 4. he wakeneth m. by m. 58. H. thy light break forth as m. Je-r. 5, 8. were as fed horse? in m. 313 MOR Jfr. SO. 16. hear the cry io the m. . 12. execute judgment in the M Ezek. 1. 7. the m. in corr,e on th, . 10. the m is guue fo.th. the r..d I/. 8. Ill the m. came word of the I 24. l& I spake to the people in thr m. t even my wife died, I -lid in them UK I writ citn.niMndr I 3.1 22. until it came to n,e in the >,. Hoi. 6. 3. U**ntaf forth is*, the , 4. your iroodnes* is as a m. rl..u,l 7. (>. in the m. it burneth a a tire 10. 15. in a TO. shall km^ (. ,. ut ,, Joel*. 2. as m. spread on mounting Amos*. 13 that mwketh the d^rk 6. a turneth shad, of death into m. Jonah 1. 7. God prepared a w ,, r ,n when the m. rose Mtc. 2. 1. when the tn. is light Mat 16. 3. in the m. it will be foul 27. 1. when m. was come, Ihe ebier Mark 1 1. 20. in the m. aa th. panned 13. 35. at cork. crowing, or in m Earlv in the M O R M N fi. Gen. 19. 27. Abraham gat up e. ft m. 21. 14 | 2s).a 2a 18. Jacob rose up early in t. m. 31. .">). Laban rose rarfy in the tn. &1W.8.20. L. said, rise e. in m 9. 13. 24. 4. Moses rose early in m. 34. 4. Josh. 3. 1. Joshua ro.se early im thi m. 6. 12. | 7. l& | & 10. Judg. 6. 28. men of city rose e nun. I Sam. I. 19. they rose up er/p in t. m. 29. 11.2 Kin. 3. 22. | IU. 35. 2 Chr. 20. 20. Iw. 37. 36. 1S.12. ham. rater, in m || 17.20. D^v 29. 10. when fore rise curly in L m. Job 1. ft. Job ro-e-up i-iir/ii'iu liif m. Prm. 27. 14. hi~ friend, ris. e in. m. Isa.fi. 1 1. w-,e to them In. rise e. in m. :(7. 30. arose e. in m. were all dmd I 1 a >i H. 19. Darius rose r. in tin tn. Mat. 20. 1. who went nir/if in then. Mark 16. 2. early in the m. ramr tn sepulchre, Luke 24. I. [Jn. a 2. f.uke'i\. 38. people fame e. in t. m Actt i. 21. entered temple t. in t m. See Kyi Nine. Erery MORNINP,. Erod. 16. 21. gathered manna t. m. 30. 7. shall burn sweet incense e. 1 1 Lev. 6 12. priest burn wi od t. m I Chr. 9. 27. e. tn. pertain to porter* 2 Chr. 13. 11. burn to the l.d. .. m. Jobl. 18. shouldest visit him r. m. Pt. 73. 14. I have been chasten, e. M. \ia. 33. 2. O L. be thou our arm r. M. lam. 3. 23. L.'s merries new e. m. l ~fi'k. 46. 13. prepare a larnh r. tn. Amos 4. 4. bring your sacrifices < m. Zeph. 3. 5. e. tn. doth bring ju.igmrut Until the MORN I Mi. Efod. 12 10 let nothing of It re. main u. t. m. Ifi. 19. | -.>:t 1R | 89. 34. Ltr. 7. 15. Sum. 9. I-' 16. 20. some of them left it . t . 23. lay up for you until the m. '.en. 19. 13. wages not abide u. t. m. lent. 16. 4 nor any flesh rein. u. M. Judg. 19. 25. they abused her u. m. Kuth .1 I a dawn M. m || M. she Iy Sum. 3. IA. and Samuel lay u. t. m 19. 2. take heed to thyself u. t. m. Ain 10. a beads of kings u. t. m. 'ror.l. 1R lake our fill of love V. m Isa. 3a 13. I reckoned until Iht n,. MOKNlMJ/u'/'f .Sam. 14 3ti spi-il theni until m. L 25 *.'. all th pertnin to him J m. I 36. Ahiuailtold n,.tbirur ti' .s.irn. 17. W. pn-sedJMr.li.n hy m. I 2 Kin. 7. 9. if we tarry until w. Jig % St* CLOOO. MOR UORVIVO Mr hi 38. 7. when M '. ang tog -ili'-r RT. 8. ?9. I will gtv- him the in. * Jl 14 I Je-Mi- am the bright in i. MOHNIVC wur>A EjW. U. *4 in m ir. L. -.u.it.. M... 1 S JTO. II. II. iiii.l.lle ( htt-t in TO. IT. MORROW. *xml 8 23. ti m. shall this sign he 0. S. to m. the I. *h. do this thine fi L. did thing, nn m. cattle oi.-d Ifi. 21 to m, is rest nf holy !.al>hnth 19. in. ;im-t:f . th. m to day and m. 31. 5 to m. is a feast to the Lord l on TO. remainder eat. 19. A 88. 30. leave none nf it tilt the m. n. !S. ye Khali muni from the TO. .Vu*. II. 18 sanctify yourelvesaga. to M. ye shall rat. .''"A. 7. la Ifi IR thev'and Aaron to HI. bef. L. 4. in m. congregation innrnnir -d Jerk 3. 5. to m L. will do Bonders .S I.', in/tiint reused on the m. tl. 18. t< M. wr-ith with cotigrega. J>uif lit 9. Ni m get <^trly on way m -A for tn m. I will deliver them I "-Vim. 11.9. to TO. hy time sun hot 80. 6 to m is the new moon, l& tH. 19. to m -lult th'.u and I A'IM 0. fl. send erv. to thee to m. 8 ACin. G. 28. we will eat my win to m. a 15 nn he took a thick cloth 8 Chr. 80. Irt. to m. go V* down. 17. l-'.'th 5. H. do to m. a-, king hath said I -' to m am I invited to her Prnr. 3. VS to m. I wiM rive, when 27. I . boH-t not thyself to m. I'll. 88. 13. let us eat, for to m. we die, 1 Cnr. 15. 3*. W 12. and toTO.h;.ll beanthiiday //M 3. .1 gnaw not hones till to m. .Vut 6. 3a tu M. is cant into the oven, l.ulce 18. 28 31. take no thought for the m for the M. sh. take thought for its,' If Lukf 13. 3?. cures to day, and to m. :U I mut wulk to day and to m. ,X<-fr 20. 7 Haul ready to d-part on m. V\ -H. to m thou -halt hear him Jam. 4. '3 to day or to m. we will go 14. ye know what shall be on m. MORSKL. On- IR 5. will fetch a m. nf hread Ji"lu. 1(1. V romf.irt heart wi m. of *' 3. (*. m. hat eaten h. vomit up //rA. li 16. E-HU for m. Mild f.irth. See BREAD. [right MORSKLS. />*. U7. 17. casteth forth Joe like m. MORTAL. Jo* 4. 17. m man more just th. G. f /Join. fl. 1?. in ri-ign in v<>ur m. body S II. quicken m. h nlie< hy Spirit I Cnr. I.V 5.'!. m. on immortality. 54V. t Cur. 4. 1 1. Je . . -/ I U. >-rve in m. and brick J.>r It. 48. take m. and plaster houiw 45. break down m. nf the hu-e I*-- 41. '.'5 upon princen a opon m. /.>!*. !.'l 10 i.thers dxuhed it with -in'einpered m II, 14, 15. | W. 2a \i/A. 3. 14 clay, apd tread the m. MORTAR. Num. II. *. or .eat it in a m. frot. 27. it. shuuldeUbrar luol In . MOT MORTfJ \<;Kt) XrJL 6. 3 we h>iv.. m ur landi MOKTIKV. Rnm. S 13. if ye m. d^d^ of liody Cot 3. 5. m. your mirnher* on earth MOST. Proe. 90. (I m men proclaim iroodn. Lukf 7. 42 which will loe him m t 4:1. he t" whom h* forgave m Art* -Xi. 38. sorrowing m of nil for I Cor. 14 27. two, or at m. hy three MO IK Mat. 7. 3. m. In brother'* eye, not beam in thy nwn f l.tJct-H. 41. 4 let me pull m out of thine eye 5. then thou e clearly to cast m. nut of brother's eye, Luke ft. 4i MOTH. .Ink 4. 19. are crushed before the m /?. IS he huildeth his house m a tn. t'tal. 3: i. II. beauty comume liken*. /m. M). 9. m. h. et them up, SI 8 Ht. A. !>. I be to Ephraim MS a m. .Vd/ i>. 19. where m. and root corrupt . tO. where neither m. nor rn-t nir. nipt, l.uke \i 33. MOTH.RATRN. Jnh 13. ?R MS garment that is m .e. Jam. 5. 8. your gar- ents are m..e. MOTHRR. Grn. 3. M. she w m. of all living 17. 16. she -hull be a M. of nations ?4. 60. m of thousand- of milliones Jwlg. -V 7. IVrxirah arose a m. in Is :' m of Si.era looked out .it wind. RnlH I. 8 return each to m. house i Sam. 17. ?~ tn Zeruiah, J.Mh'< , 30. la to de-troy a m. in l-ntel 1 Kin. 1 19. a seat for the kim;'. m. 3. 27. child, she is the m. thereof 2 Km 24 15. carried away kinir' m f* lia 9. be a joyful M. of rhildr.-n fmp. 30. II. gencrNlioii not hle him to/,, m I Qir. 4 <) A. m i-:ii rd name Janet - Chr. >. :t A m w.t- hi- <-.iiiii.-lloi /' 3'>. 14. as on,- n irn. lor Alt m. In*'. II not in of . m hi. .tied out Ml. 8. child thHt i* wened of A. m. Prof. 10 I. 'ii i- heMvineas nf A. m. I.V 'JO. fooli.th man deHpiseth AM m. fa. 15. left hringeth A. m. to sham* II I. prophecy hit m. taught him r>rf S. I.V rame forth of A. m. womb . crowned him l*n. firl 13. whom A. m. comlorteth M>it I. IH. when h m was e-pmis. . I .'I take young chi d and A. m M. lit 4r). AM m. atood wi'hout. Murk 1 31. I.iJcr a 19. 13. 55. U not A. m. culled Mary ? 7.u*d.l5. Holyf.l.o-i fr A. m. womb 6a A. m. RHi.l', hr *h. I.e cHlled John 2. M. hut A. m k.-pt these ayings 7. 12. the on y "ii of A m. a widow 15. aud he delivered him to AM m. lohn 3 4. second time into A TO. womb 19 ib. A. m. -t-iHl hy cross of JeMiS .f? when Je-us Haw Ai'jt m JrU3 8 lame fr A. m womb, 14. a {{fin. 16. 13. ialufi. ttii'ns and A. m. MOTHKR-m.W. Dent. 87. ia curwd lieth wi. m.-in.l Unlit 1. 14. Orpah kn-.-d rn.-in.law i. 13. Ruth dwelt with m .in. hue 3 17. go not empty to m -in-lmr Vi- 7. l>. d.iughter.in-latv against m..iit-///ir. ./,;{ 10 as Lu. li. 53. A/y MOTHKR. Grn. 80. 1^. i- not daughter nf my tn. Jtvig. S. 19. ev.-n the sons of my m. I 1 ' 17. Naxiirite from mi/ m womb I A.'m. 8. id. to her. >.sk on, my tn. Jof> I. 21. nke't out of tnti m womb a 10. ithiit notdo.-rol rni/m womb 17. 14. said to worm, thou art mum, 31. 18. guided her fr mu m. womb full. f!. 9. when on my m. hreat8 10. art my '-"d from my m. hel'y 51 " in -in j'l ma tn ronreive mo fS a an alien t<- nn/ m children 71. 6. took me out ( mu m bowelt l.'fl 13. covered mr in inn m. womb I'rnr. 4. \ beloved in fight of my m. Cant I. n mil TO. children angry 3. 4. brought him to my TO. hoiine a I. sucked the brert-t* of my m. 2 bring thee into mil m IIOII-P tm. 4!). 1. from the howt-ls of my m, Jer. 15 10. woe is Hie. mv "- SO. U. let not the day wherein mi m. hare me he hleitiied 17. mv m. miirht been my grave M.it. I?. IK Je-ii- s^.id. who is my m. Mark 3. 3:1 [ tlurk :l 3 j. 4P. behold my m and brethren, I.itkr a 21. my m Hiidmv brethren dill. 1. 15 "epatated fr mum. womb TAv MOTH KR. (ifn. 27. 59. and let tlm in snn bow 37. 10. sh 1 and t m how to the* l.rr 18 7. naked".'- of Ihv m. l dt Writ/. 13.6. on of Mv TO. entice tl, I \/m he rhildle8 20. :l coiiliiKion off m. nakedneM _' A' in M 88 whot.-doms of /4i/ m. Pi. Vi. 80. land.-re-t t own on /rnr I. a the law of Ihn TO 6 80. f\. 8#. and despi-c not Ihii m. fnnt. R .V Mv m .r. mght thee forth .Ifr. fi -If,. *nd My m. that hre the* /;*.*. Ifi. a fath. Amorite.r. TO. Hit. 45. thou art Mv m d^iurhter I!'. 8. ay, ht i v m ?a lioneM 10. My in is like av'nein thyblnod Ho*. 4. 5. and 1 will t istroy thy m. MOV /,:( 12. 47. one snid to him, rehold tfiy m. and thy brethren. Murk 3. 32. Luke ' 20. ,/oAn l!l. ^7. 2 Tim. I. o. fuitli, whi. dweitin t. m. MOTH BUS. Vw. 4JI. 2.'). queens he thy nursing w. /cr. It). 3. -Kith tlie I., concerning m. Lam. 2. 1 2. they gay to their >. where is corn and wine a. nil was poured to their m. bosom 5. 3. fatherless, our m. as widows Mark HI 30. hundred-fold, sisters, m. 1 Tim. 1. 9. IKW is for murder, of m J. 2. entreat the elder women AS m. MOTIONS. [icm. 7. 5. the m 'if sins did work MOVE. Ejfid. \ I. 7. nut a do? m. his tongue Lfr. 11. 10. of all that m. in waters /In//. 23. 2ft. not m. a sickle in porn 'M. '.'I. I will m. tin-Hi to jt;tloiisy Judg. 13 2?>. Spi. of L. ht'u-.in to m. 2 .S'dff-.. 7 10. may dwell and m. no more, 2 Kin. 21. 8. 2 A'i'n 23. 18. let no in a a m. bones .! r 10. 4. fa- 1 en it tlmt it in not JV/ir. 7. 17. they sh. in. out their holes Mat. 23. 4. th"y will not m. them Act* 17. 28. live, in. have our being 20. 24. none of the.*, things m. me HOVEABLE. Prop. 5. 6. her way are m. canst MOVED. Gen. \. 2. Sp. of (i. m, on waters 7. '21. all flesh died 'hat m. on earth Dent. 32. 21. they m. me to jealousy Josh. 10. 21. none mT his tongue 15. 18. that she m him to ask of father a field, ./jtrf^. I. 1 4. Ruth 1. 19 city was m about them 1 v;m. 1. 13. spake, only her lips m. 2 Sum. 18. 33. the king was much m. 22. 8. the foundations of heaven m 24. I. he m. David against them ' CAr. Ifi. 30. fear before him, the world shall he stable, tlmt it be not m. Paul 93. I. | (i 10. 17. 9. an. I shall be m. no more 2 CAr. 18. 31. O. m. them to depart Ezrti t. IS. they have m. sedition EM. 5 !. M..rdec ii m. not for him Job 37 I. at this my heart is m. 11.23 >y cannot be m. [6 | 62. 2, 6. Ps. 1C. 6. I shall not he m. Ifi. 8. | 30. 13. 4. thoot to be m. Prur. 12. 3. ri.'hteouashallnot hem. Cant b. 4 mv howels m. for hi-n /..ir 6. 4. the po-ts of the door m. 7. 2. his heart was m. as trees are m. 10. 14. there was none m. the winif 14. 9. hell fr. heneath is m. for thee 19. I. the . they shall drink, and be m. 4*1 7. whose water- in. as rivers, 8. 49 21. the earth is m. at the noise S) 4fi. at taking of BHbyl. earth m l)nn. 8. 7. he ws m. with choler 11. 11. king uf the south shall be m. MOU Mat. 9. 3fi. he was m. with compa- Mon on them, 14. 14. I IK. f Murk 1. 41. I '1. 34. 20. 24. were m. with indignation ^\. 10. all the city was i. -aying Murk 15. II. i-llief priests m. p'eopli .-Jrh 2. V5. that I shouM n.it be m. 17. S. but the Jews in. w ith envy 21 30. the ( ity was m and pen. ran '?. 1. 23. he not m. Horn the go-pel 1 1'hei. 3.3. til. no man h,- in. by tlies.c //eft. II. 7. Noah, m. with fe.i'r 12. 28. a kingdom whi. cannot bf 2 Pet. \. 21. iis in. by the Holy|ow m. ot sedition MOVING. (jtn. 1.20. waters bring forth m. crea. 9. 3. every m thinu sd>all he meat Pror. Ifi. 20. m hi- lips, evil to pass MOVING, StiMHiitire Job II 5. in of my lips, as>uagx grief John 5. a waiting for m. of water MOULDY. -,'oA. 9. 5. provision dry and m. 12. MOUNT. ING. Joh 20. 6. excellency m. to heavens 3!1 27. doth eagle m. at thy comm.? Pi. 107. 2fi. they m up to heaven la. 9. 18. m. HS liftincr up of smoke 15. 5. by m. up nf I. ninth they iro 40. 31. they shall m. up with wings Jer. M. 53. thoturh Ka'dyon sho. m. Ezek. 10. ia cherubirns lift t<> m. 19. MOUNT. Gen. 31. 51. Jac, offered sacri. on m. .iv/rf. 18. ft. heenca'iiped nt m. of G. 19. 12. whoso toiicheth the m. 14. Mooes went down frn the m. 3->. 15. | 3t. 2!. IT. thick cloud upon the m. 24. 15. 18. |. Sinai wa altoget. on smoke 23. set bounds about the m. 24. Ifi. iflory of L. upon m. Sinai 17. devouring tire on the top of m. 31. IK. the L. ir.ive Mo. on m. Sinai 32. 19. Mo. brake them b-neath m. 34 2. and come up to m Sinai 3 nor let man be seen thro' the m. .V(m. 10. 33. they departed ft. the in. 20. 28. Aaron died in m. Hor DeiU. I. 6. . 13. these shall stand on m. Ehal 33. ?. L. sinned forth fr. m. I'aran Jitflif. 4. fi draw t7. 13. worship in holy m. at Jitru. 29. 3. sirne against thee with a m. Jer. 6. 6. hew ye down trees, and cast a m. against Jerusalem, Kick. 42 | 21. . | 2'i H. Dan. 11. 16. king of i.orth cat up m. Ol"id. 8. destroy unders. out HI. K-IIII 21 satiours sh. come to judg,- m. 316 MOU Art*!. 30. in wilderne-s 111 m siimi house eit ..Idi-hcd. .Vic. 4 I. [ /,c 4 . a let ui go 1 1 the m. ol thr I ord. 3IX 17. left n beacon on top ol m. VS. when one goeth wi. pipe to M. 4tt 4. e>ery m. and hHI sh be mad low. MOT: Jrr. 16. 11 hunt them from eve ry . 17. S O m> m in thr heid. I w : II 88, 1& m. of the hoiisea hiph pvres of the forest, .V:<- :( Is;. JO A. people g ion ft. mi m. tn li II 51.25. l> ii.-ir. \niir w s^'th l..-rd. I will mskf thi-e i hnrni m l.nit. 5. 18. be< am.' of m t Ziou rrk. It. 2'1 if lory .if I . sto.k1 23 IB. rust the.- nut nf m. of 43 VI. law of ho.ise on top of m. Dan. i 35. the -.ton.- became u r.-nt m I"). tlt tnrh m. Wcr. 6. U. ev. m and island reroored 8. 8. a irreat m. burning with fire High MOUNTAIN. lia. 13. 2. lift up banner upon A. m 30. 25. ih. he upon er. A. HI. rivers 40 9. ft thee up into the high m. 57. 7. on h. m ha.it thou set tny bed Jrr 3. 6. gone np upon every A. m. Errk 17. J2. I will plant it .in H h. m. 40. 8. and set me on a v.-ry A, m. Mat. 4 a the devil taketh him up into an exreedinii h m t.u 4. 5. 17. I. Jesus tnketh Pt-ter, Jump*, and Jnhn into an h. m. Mark 9. 2. Ret. 21.10. rarrifrt me in Spi. to A. m. See HOLV. In the. or in thu MOUNTAIN. Gen. 19. 'M. l.ot went and dwelt tn m. /..-.,.' 15. 17. plant them tn Me m XriM. 13. 17. said, (ro up info Ih-- m. Drut. 31. 49. got thee up in Mi* m }'i. 4><. I. !. praised in m. of holin. - lia. :'r> C i Mi* m. Lord make f.-asi 7. destroy in t. m. la-e of covering 10 in MM m. hand of Lord rest F.*rk. 17. 2.1 in Me m. of lar. 1 will Aava 4. I. arn in Me m. of Samaria ri. I. woe to them trust in m. of Sa JoAn 4. 1*0 fathers wor-hip. in t m. 21. neither in t m. nor Jerusalem MOUNTAINS. dm. "7 SO. and the m. were covered 8. 4. and the ark re- ted upon the m. ."). tenth month tops nf m. seen A'im 3a 4M. departed from the tn. Drut. \-L 8. destroy placet on liiird m. Jnih. II. 81. cut off Anakim* fr. m. Juitg 5. 5 m melted from before L. 1 1 fi. may C" up and down on m. 8 .!. I 21 M. of Oilhoa, let no d.-w 1 A'tn. 19. U. a troiifr wind rent m 1 CAr. 18. a swift as roe* on the m. I CAr. IK. in. Israel scattered on m. J-ih 9. 5. whk-h removeth the m. I* 9. oierturneth m. by thermit* 4C 20. the m. hrinir him forth food PI V\ . thy rifihteons. like irr eat m. 4fi. 2. though the m. he rairied .1 though m. shake with 'Wiping f5 fi his -trem/th setteth fat m 75?. 3. w. hrlni pence to the people 7. 4 more ffloriuii* than m. of prey 13. 14. flames ett.-th the m. on fir.' J. i. before m. were brought forth MOU PtaL 104 fi. waters stood above m. 8. up by the m down t.y valleys 114. 4. m.,kipt'.l l'k>- rn - I -'5. ^. a<4i round nboot J.TII.I|..IH l:O. 3. as riew tht dex-ended on m. 144 5. touch m. they sl.nl! smoke inaketh irrH*- thou -li:i!t thresh the m. 48. 15. will mHkeWRHtr tn. and hills 44 23. i ,!.. -ineimr, y m 49. 13 49. II. I will make nil my til. a way 5vi. 7. how beautiful on the tn. are the f.-et, .VoA. I. 15. 54. 10. for the *i. shall di-pnrt 55. 12. m. shall break forth before fil. I tn. flow di.wn at presence, 3. 65. 7. hxve I. urn.-.! inrriise on tn. Jrr. 4, *4. tieh.-ld m and th. trembled 9. 10. fnr in u ill I take up weeping 13. 16 yourfert -tuiuhleondnikM. 17 !.. from HI hrinifinir oflVrinim 31. 5. plant vines on m. of Samaria 4 controversy ffak. I. 5. them quake at h m 3. 18. people scattered on the m. Huh. 3. fi. eVHrlHsiiiic tn scattered 10. m. RAW thee, and trembled Hue. I. 1 1. for a drought on the tn. 7.rrh f>. I. rhariots hetw. m. f hrait M'il I. 3. and laid hix m. waste Mat ta 18. and eoeth into the m. 24. in. let them In Jn.lea flee tn m I Cor. IS. 8. that I could remove m. Ken. 18. 20. the m. were not found 17. 9. the seven heads are seven m Inthr MOUNTAINS. KrfxL S2. 12. to slay them in Otr m. .Vwtn. 33. 47. pitched in m. of Aharim Drvt. 8. 37. camet not to cities in m. Jnih, 10 . kings that .1 well in ' m Jwig. 6. 8. Israel made dens in I. tn I A'in. 5. 15 an.OOO bewem in the m t Ckr. 21. 1 1. high plarrt in the m. It MOU Jtfi. 13 4. node of multitn>V in t. at Murk'} x niKht and ilny he wan in :x He6. II. : they wundered ntiiie m Ofthr Mi If NT A INS. Gen. B. 5. t..p nf the m Were seen 22. 2. offer him mi one -./ Me tr; Xnm. 23. 7. m.- out ..f m. 'of the P.- '. Drill. ;)-'. 2'.'. tire Iniinilatiom i,J n. Xi. 15. chief thin-K./C ancient in. Jwig. 9. 25. wait for him in top/. 1 in. 3ti. people d.-wn frm top i,f th> m. si-ebt shadow nj the m. as it HI. n I Kin. 19 'i I am come upto l.eiuht of thf tn. ha T, ; I. Job 2*. 8. wet ith showers tft. 11. ,'C* a range of thf m. is his p'asturt' /' 50. 1 1. I know all fowls n/ t m. 72 16. handful of corn on top ofn. Pror. 27. 25. hrrhs itft. m. gatlirn- 1 fin. 2. 2. shall be established in tp of the m. Mir. 4. I. 42. 11. shout from the ti.p of th,- in. Jrr. 3. 23. from multitude .//"'A, m. 3J. 44. itn.-sf in cities iif thr m. Sa ia in citi.-s ,,f the m. sli. H... KS Errk. 6 I.'L slain in the tops oft. m. 7. 7. Ui<- soiindini; again oj t Ho*. 4. ia sBcrilire on topi ,,f thr m. ./ 4. :L' n. water wi*h i.loixl even /.. /. in. :tfi. I. prophesy to t. m. of Israel, ti. Ho*. 10 a shall s;iy tot. m ct> r m Murk 13. 14. that he in J. dr.. fl..- to the m l.uke 21. 81. f^""- R - l6 - 7.uAe 23. 30. t.. .u v to t. m. fall on us, MOURN. Urn. 83. 8. Ar-ra. rme to tn, Sarah 1 Sam. 16. 1. how Inn? m. f..r Nui! t 2 Sum. a 31. and m, hefore Abner I Kin. 13. 29. old prophet <- me In m 14. 13. nil Isn.cl >hr. all the tril.es of earth m. l.tJce A 25. that la>iirh. for ye sh. m. Jam. 4. 9. afflicted, tn. and weep MOU r J .cob, 10. Exod. .'{.'). 4. and when the people heHrd these evi; tidings, tin-; m. Sum. 14. 3i). .Vt;ra. 20. 29. rungreg. m. for Aaron I Sain. 15. 35. Samuel m. fur Saul J .SWm. I. 12. m. for Saul and JmiHth II. M. Patli.shetm m. for Uriah 13. 27. l)nv. m. for his son Absalom 14. -'. as one that li.nl m. tor dead . Kin. 13. 30. they m. over man of G 14. IS. l-r tn. for Jeroboam's son I t'Ar. 7. 22. Ephraim their father m 1 i'ltr. 35. '24. all Judah m. for Josiah Ezra 10. G. he m. for transgression .\VA. I. 4. I sat and m. certain days /rA. 7. 5. when ye TO. and fasted Mat. II. 17 sayintf, we have m. until you, and ye have uot lament. ed, Luke 7. 32. War A: Ifi. 10. as they m. and wept 1 Cor. 5. 2. and have not rather TO. MOUKNEK. S. 2 Sam. 14. 2. feign thyself tn be urn. Jjti 29. 25. as one that comforteth in. Ecc.L 12. ft. m. go about the streets Jsa. 57. 18. restore comforts to his m Hus. 9. 4. Hafritir.fS shall be to them as bread of TO. MOtJRWETR 8 5am. 19. 1. the kirn; m. for Absalom /'.t. :''). 14. I hoivrd as one that n 8H i). mine eye . hy affliction ha. 24. 4. north in. and fadeth, 33 9. 7. new wine m,, the vine languish. >/r. 12. 1 1. vineyard being desol. m. 14. -2. Judah m and gates languish 23.10. because of swearing land m. Joel I. 10. land m. for corn is wasted Zeeh. 12. 10. as out- that m. first-born MOURNFULLY. Mat. 3. 14. that we have walked in. MOURNING. Gen '11. 41. days of tn. are at hand 50. 10. he made in. for his father 11. the Canaanites saw them, this is a grievous m. Deut. 0(5. 14. I have not eaten in tn. 34. i. days of m. for Mo. were ended I Sam. II. 27. when the m \v.\- p;ist 19. 2. the victory was turned to m. Kst/i. 4. 3. there was m. amo. Jews 9. 22. was turned to them from m. Jab 3. 8 xvbo ready to raise their m. 30. 31. my h.irp also is turned torn. Ps. 30. II. turned my m. to dancing Ecrl. 7. 2. better go to house of in. 4. heart of wise is in house of m Lta. 22. 12. that day L. did call to m. 51. II. sorrow and m. sh. flee away 60. 20. days of thy tn. sh. He ended 61. 3. to give them oil of joy fur in. Jer. 6. 26. tn. as for an only son 16. 5. enter not into the house of m. 31. 13. I will turn their tn. into jov lam. 2. 5. the daughter of Judah m. 5. 1.5. cur dan. e is turned into m. Kxi'k. 2.10. lamentations, m. and woe /t. Kee. la. a iu out day death a id .-. MOU MOURNING. Gen. 37. 35. go down to ther&ve m 2 Sun I'tal. 38. 6. I (to m. all day long 42. 9. why go I m. because of op pressicm of enemy? 43. :.' Jer. 9. 17. and. all for the m. vvomci 16 7. m. to comfort them lor dead Ezek. 7. 16. all m. for their iiiiquitie l>u>i. 10. 2. Daniel was m. 3 weeks ML 1. 8. 1 will make a tn. as owls MOUSE. Lev. 1 1. 29. weasel and m. be unclean Jsa, 66. 17. eatinir ahnmina. and m. MOUTH. Gen. 8. 11. in her tn. was olive leaf i4. 57. damsel, inquire at her m. 29. 2. great stone was on well's m 3. they rolled stone fr. well's m.K 42. 27. hid money was in Ins sack' tn 43 \-i, 21 Ej-od. 4. 11. who made m;in'8 m.? 16. he sh. be to tln-e instead of tn Num. 12, 8. with him speak m. to in 16. 30. earth open her tn. and swal 23. 5. L. put a word in Balaam's?/! 35. 3a whoso kills any person sbai be put to death hy the m. > witnesses, Deut. 17. ft | 19. IS Josh. 10. la roll great stones to tbe tn. of the cave, 27 22. open m. of rave, and bring on 1 Sam. I. 12. Eli marked her tn 2 Sam. 14. 3 Joab put words in TO. 19 17. 19. a covering "Vcr well's m. 1 A'in. 19. 18. every tn. not kissed 22. 13. the words of the prophets declare good to the king witli one tn. 2. 16. iniquity stonpcth her in. 12. II. doth not m. taste meat ? 34 3 32. 5. there was no answer in the in. P. 8. 2. out of tn. of bab. s strength 22. 21. save me (rom the lion's in. 3-2. 9. m. must be held with brittle 37. 30. tn. ofriirbte. speak, wisdom 38. 14. in whose m. are no reproof.* 63. 1 1. but ///. that speaketh lies 69. 15. let not the pit shut her TO. 107. 42. all iniquity shall stop her tn. 109. 2. in. of wicked, tn. of deceitful 126. 2. our m filled with laughter 141.7. hones scattered at trave's tn. 144. 8. whose in speak, vanity, II. fror. 4. 24. put away a froward m. 5. 3. her >/i. is smoother than oil 6. 12. a wicked man walketh with froward m. 10. :{-.'. 8. 13. and the froward in. do I hate 10. 6. violence cover. TO. f wick. 1 1. 1 4. m of foolish near de-trmtion 31. TO. of the just hringeth wisdom 11. II. rity overth. by m. of wirked 12. 6. m. of upright deliver them 14. a in m. of foolish iu rod of pride 15. 2. TO. of fool* pour, f .ilishneHS 14 in. of (o-.ls feedeth on foolishn. 28. TO. of wicked poureth out rvil la 4. words of a man's tn are drep 7. a fool's m. ! his destruction 19. 2a M of wicked di-voiircth iniq. 2i. 14. M. ot a -trange woman deep 2fi. 7. parable in the m. of fooln, 9. 28. a flatterinir m. worketh ruin 3U. 20. she eatetb and wine, her in. 317 MOU /To-ilO.12. words of R wiw m , n ^ m ?, 9 ' '*- dl>v '""- Isr^lwi. openi, 17. and every m. ip^akrth folly W. 4 ii k -a whom roakevr wirtem.J y>!>. 21. my Spi. n..t depart out ol <^ W. 32. 4. >l,a|| speak !*. ,., m . 'J .. 4. Baru.-h wrote fr.,,,, . ,,f . ... Jt>r ' l "'h, S7. 32. (45. i. 44. 17. Umig goeth forth out of * K no more named in , , ,., LOM, 3. 38. out of m. of Mot Hi^h Ejxrk. t\. 22. to. .pen tn. iiulHunhter i!'. 21 will give Ihee ope,,,,,* of . Da,i. 4.JI. word was in the kin*'c ,. 6. 17. >tone laid on . of tbe den 7. 5. it had three ribs on m til it a a i. speaking great thing*. 5 Hut. 2. 17. names uf Haal. nut her in. AinotS. 12. as shep. taketh outof M .VA. 3. 12. fall into the m of ,'Hter Zecft 5. 8. weight of lead on the m. Mat. 4. 4. proceedi-th out of tn. of <,. 12.34 nf thehea:t the m.peaketh IS. II. what goeti iu m. oefi.e. not la Ifi. that in the -I. oft wo or three witnesses e ery word may be established, 2 Cor. 13. 1. 21. 16. out m. of babe* hast praise l.uke I. 70. spake hy m. ol pn.phr ts 21. 15. 1 will give you a m. and * is. Actt 1. 16. (he Holy Ghost spake hy M. of David. 4. 2.V '^1. 3. la G. shewed hy m. of prophet*, 15.27. tell you the same things by m. 23. 2. commanded to smite on the m. Rom. 3. 14. whose tn. is full of curs. li>. that every m may be stopped 10. 10. >vilh in. confession Is made 15. 6. ye may with .mem. glorify (. 1 Cor. 9 9. nt muzzle m. of the ox 2 Tim. 4. 17. delivered out m. of lion Inm. 3 10. out of m. proceed, bless. lift: 13.5. M >n spcakiiitf Muspheinies 16. 13. spirit* out of m. ol dragon Hit MOUTH. Ej-od. 4. IS. and put words in kit m. and I will be withAunn. Vu/n. 2J. 16. O. put a word in A m. Di-ut. 18. 18 1 will put words in A. m. .Sum. 14. 26. put his hnnd to A. M. 27. 17. .'55. and delivered it out of />. i. 2 Sam. 18. 2S. there i< tidiiurn in A.m. 22.9. and fire out of A. m devoured, PiaL 18. a [2 CAr. fV 4 Kin. 8. 15. spake with A. m. to I )av. kin. 4. 34. lie put hit m. (Mi Aii m. CAr. 16. 12. thejndirmenUuf A. . M 15. 30. hy breath of h. m. kUII no 20. 12. wickedness he sweet in A. in. 13 tho'he keep it still within A. M. 23. 22. receive the law from Aw m. 2:i. 12. I esteemed words of hi* m. 37. 2. the sound geth out of A. M. 4<). 83. draw up Jordan Into hit m. 41. 19. out of A. tn. go burn, lnir.pi 21. and a Same goeth >.nt of Aum> tai 10. 7. A. tn. is full of. liming 33. 6. them made hy breath of A. ML 36. a words of A. m. are iniquity :w 13. dumb man openeth nt A. m. 65. 21. words of A m. smoother In'). 5 remem. jii.lginents of A. m. ror. 2. . out of A. m. kn.-wlediie II 9. A. TO. destroyeth nettrhl-onr 12. 14. with irood by fruit of hi- > 13 2. eat (rood liv tlie fruit .if Aw . 3. keepeth Hit m. keepeth hu lite 15.2:1. man hath joy hy nw. of A M. Iti. Hi. A. r;. trnnsre.ethiiol JnUg. 23. heart of wise tetw-heth *M . 2t>. f r hit m. crmetb it ,'f bun Dd A m. calleth for.tn.kei V>0. he iili~tie.l with fruit "f *- . 19.21. wOJuotbriiiji ;; MOU Pn* -?0. 17 A m filled with irrav.-l 21. 23. keepeth A. ML k.-. p. th iu.ul Erri A 7. UbiHir nf n an is fur A i Id. 13 wonUof A. m '- f m. J-. . R. -j>'-ak. nesj-eubly nit .. A, m. M for rereivr the word of Au m, 36. 17. writ- all these word* .it A m 51. 44 bruiif nut f A m tli ii which l.aut :l .". pntleth torn. HI oust * 4. tontfiiM rleaveth umMtf I A. m. Z"-A. M. 7 take I.I. i.i.t out .il Au HI M>il. 2. H. law ul truth was in hum. 7. the) -l.onl.1 se.-k the law at A. ;. iuA\ hit m. 6.45.alniiidanciif h>-artA. M. speak. 1 1. M. i atrli mime what out of Aw M. S-J. 71. buy. heard ..f Air own m. Join 19. i9 sp'tiiKeandpiit it to A. M. 8 The*, t. S consume wi. -pi. of A. m. 1 Pet. t. 22. neither fin..- lit la* m. Jift: 1. 16. out ni Aii m. went a sharp MI-..M. 19. 15, 21. 12. 15. rant out <>f hit m water la 2. Au m. w,i- -i5 m.'Uth of li.m See L"D. A/V MOUTH Gen. 45 I.' my m. speaketh tn yon .Vum 22. 38 pntteth in my ; 2-1. 12 Z)e/. .12. I. hear the words f mil m. 1 Sam, 2. 1. my m. i* enlarged over Jut' II. I will not refrain mum. 9. 20. m. own m sh. leiiu'i me Ifi. 5. strengthen you \ ith mi/ m. 19. 1H. entreated erv>ii.t wi.'wj. m. 23. 4. fi I m m with arguments 31. 27. m'l in. hath kis-e.l my hand 30. neither -.nff-r.-d my m to nin 33. 2. tonene h th tipiiken in mil m. 40. 4. I lay my hand upon mt> m. "i. 17. 3 m>i m. shall not transgress 19. 14. let > or-l- of in m. he accept. 34. I. praie runtinuHlly in roym. 39. I. keep my m. with a hrii le 40. 3. he put n new > nir in mv tn. 49. a tv m. si**! I sp-ak of wi-doin 61. 15. my m. iew fnrtli thy praise Si. /. (five ,-ar to wrds of iny M. 83 j m; m. s'lail prai-e thee *. 14. mu m. hath spoken when * 17. I cried to him with my m. 71. & let iv "i he filled wr prame IV my m. iihew f.irth nirhteona. 7* 1. incline ear* to wor-Lof my m. V. I will open mil in 'i. a parable 99 I. with mv m. wil. I make known 1(19. 30. prai- th I,..rd with mv m 119. 41 word ..I truth out of my m. 103. sweeter than honey to my m, 108. free-will offering if mu m 137.6. t.mgne. -leave to nmf of m.s. 141. 3 set a watch before mu m. 14-V 81. MV m h. Apeak praise. if L. F ror. 4 5. frnm words of mvm. 5. 7. 7. 24 attend to the w.rdi "f my m a 7. f..r mv m. shall speak truth 9. word* of m M. m riffhteoiigneta Jta. K. ",. he laid the roiil on my m. 30. 2. and hav not asked at mv m. 3 10. my m. it hath n.mnviiideij 4.i 2a word ii> gone out of m v m. 4^. a things '..rth nut of m,/ m 4-' iniide m//m like Omrp <.wnrd fi\ II. so word th f.*th out mu m Jer. i.9 I>ord tonrhrd m > IV 19 thou khalt he as my m. 3ti 6. thou haxt ritten Irntn mt/m Eii-k 3 3 wn in MV m. like h-.i.py 17. hear the w.rd t wy m- SI 7. 4k 14. abominable flesh uto my m. MOU nan. !0 3. llnsh nor wine in my m. Hot. 6. ft. -I..UI th. by word- of my m Vitt. IS. '<6 "P--II mv ' "i par.ilil^- ^fti II. 8. any tun.'- ent.-r.-d my m, I.V 7. (ientileaby m. m. / m. lmi.ll> Itr-c. 2. II. tiilhi with - wnr.i ul my 3. 16. I nili p'ie thee out of my m 10. 10. biN.k n m m -xve.'t n> Ii. n.-\ MOUTH \vilhwt 6'nr. 4. 1 1. earth nfK-nea h.-r m. tn .Yum Ifi. 3*. e:.ith o. h.-r m. and WMllowe.l them. &. \Q.L>eut 11 6 i>. '^9. Lord o tlie . ol the an* ln./f i I. 35. o. my m. to I .on). 36. ./'..', a I. o. Joh In- m. and . nr-.-.l ). 23. aod they o. th.ir in. xvirt,, P*ii 35 zl. 3.1 8. be I i>M now I have o my m. /'ifi not hi m. Exek. d i. I ". my m. and he r.nied U. 27. thy m. be o. to him. 3.'l fi Unn, 10. 16. I o. my m. mid -pake V/u/. S.i h*o. hi-m mid taught them 17. 1(7. when thou hai>t u. his m. Luke I. B4 his m wan o Immediately .Jrw H 3& dumb, i". he o. rn>t hi- m. :0 I'hilip o. m g 10. 34. I'.-t. r o. m. _' Cur. C. 1 1. our m. i. ;,'/. to \.,u Her. IV. 16. earth npetted her m. l.'i. 6. he a. In- in. in blawphemy MOUTH with opeM. /". 38. 13. as ilumb man n. not bin m. /'ror. 24. 7. ffHil o. not his m. in K.it. 31. 26. she o. her m with widmn Thrir Mt)tl TH. .Iwig. 7. ft. pnttinif .heir hand tof m .NVA. 9. 'JO. not tl- / manna from t. m Jub 5. 15. saveth the poor from t. in. 16. 10. have vaped upon me wl. t. m. 29. 9. [if i i.i-. laid hand on L in III. t"iigue cleaved to roof of t. m. Pi. 5. 9. i n.. faithfnlne-- in f. m. 17. 10. with/, m. they .peak proudly 58. a break teeth. O (i. in tfieir m 5SI. 7. they belrh out with tlttir HI. 12. sin uf t. m and word- o' lips 62. 4. bless with t. m. rur-e inwardly 73. 9. set t m. Bfain^t the heiiveiu 7R 36. did Batter him with f. m. U:. A. prai-e. of find be in t. m. Ita. 29. 13. p-ople draw near wi. t m. Jer. 7. 2H. truth rut i.fftn.n. t. m, 12. 2. thou art near in their m I. am. 8. 16. Piieinie" opened their m. Ezfk. 33. 31. wi t m. they nhew love 34. 1(1. deliver my flrk fr.it. /. m. 1/ir. n. 12. tongue dereittnl in t m. hall lay th.-ir hand on t. m Zeph. a 13 dereiifnl tongue in t. m. '/.rrh. .'4. 12. tonvaeroniimein t m. Mnt. \s 8. dr.,weth niirh with /. m. Jude l t. M. cpeaketh ureiit words Her. ? ^. powiT i in f. tn. and taili 1 1. $. I J proi-wdeth out of f. m. 14. 5. in t m H found no guile Th; MOUTH. F.r.J 4. 12. I will be wi h t m 15. la 9. Lord's law may be in tint m. 3. 13. of . ther (rods out ..f Mr/ m. /> 2a 23. hact promised with f . m. 30. 14. word ik ni( 88. keep th< t. "tuimny ..f //.i/ >/. I3S. 4. they hear thr wordno't / . /'n/r. 6. 2. Biiared with word-, oft /*. 27. 2. prai-e tln-e, not t. own u. 31. a open t m fur th>- dumb 9. op-n /. in. judfr.' right, inisly ErcL ft. 2. be n.it rash with thy > fi. suffer not t m. i ans.- tie-h loxip Cunt 7. 9. roi.f ol t. tn. hk. wine /ML 51. Hi. 1 have put my words in MV ' Jer I. 9. .'/). 21. which I put in tlty m. not Jer. 5. 14. make wotdn in <. r/.. fire *&. 2. & op. it t. m. and eat that a Vfl. tonpue rleave to r.-of of /. M. /7. 1 will open t. m. and thouslialt Ifi. :V,. not mentioned by My m. Wo*. 8. I. set the trumpet ' M m. .Vir. 7. 5. keep doors of t. tn tr her / i'A. iU. 22. ..utof t. own M. I judpa A'm. 10. 9. ronfwi wi. thy m. J.--ua HIT. 10. 9. he in f. m fWeet us hone* lMf MOL'TH. .Vm. 32 24. prM-. ede.l nut of y. . 1 >.;; 2. 3. lome nut of >/> ur >. />A 21. 5. and lay your haiidou >/. m Ksek. 35. 13. wi. y. m ye ha. r.na-ted Jiw/ I. S. win.- is 'ut off from y . 29. no corrupt rnnimiiinciu tion out "f i/..ur m. CW. 3. 8. MOU I US /)eut 31. 19. mint;, put it in their m, 21. forgotten i-ut of m. of i.eed Pi. 2V. la ifped on me wi their m. 78. 30. meat wa* >>-t i" their tn. I IS. 5. have m pek not, l:(5. 16. 135. 17. neither is any breath in m. /ML 52. 15. kin*- nhnt m. at him Jer. 44. 25. have spnKen wi. your PJ Lam. 3. 4i. enemies opened their m. It, in. a 22 God hath shut linns' m. .Wc. 3. 5. pnttPth not into their m. Tit. I. II. whose m. mast W stopped J/e6. II. 3a stopped the w< ol 111,1111 Jtim. :i 3. we pnr Mt- in horse's v >. 9. 17. out of m. issued tire, 18. MOW Bit Pi. 129. 7. tx. filleth not his hand MOWINGS. Anua 1. 1. growth Rfter king's m. MOWN. Pi. 72. ft like rain upon the m. rta^l MUCH. Luke M 48. for to whom m. inr/ircn of him shall m be rrquin d MDFFLER& Ita. 3. 19. I will t;.Ke away the r. MULBKBRY-/nM. t Sam 5. *3. mme upon them nvef ti)raint the m..tre**, I CAr 14. 14 24. thou heare.st the -ound in th tops of the m.trrei, I Chr. 14.15. MULE. 2 .Sam. 13. 29. evi-ry man upon in. IK !>. Abnalom r.'d.- upon m. I A'in. I 3.S. to ride on my n. 38 44. ft \! i). he not as the liori-e or fT. Zech. 14. 15. piavne of horse, of m. M JI.KS. Ccn. 3C. 24. fouua HI. In wildrrs, -a* MUL ] kin. 10. 25. brought m. a rate year by year, 2 C/iron. 9: '-'4. 15. ft find grass* to s.ive the m. alive t K. : .n. 5 17. given toservant two in. 1 C/.r. 12. 40. bread on carne.s and in. Ezra 2. lift m. were 245, AV/j. 7. (is. *M. s. 10. he sent letters hy m. 14. Ja. (id. 20. bring your brethren on in. MULTIPLY. lien. I. 22. be fruitful and m. 28. | 8. 17. | 9 7. | 35. II. (5.1. when men began to m. on earth 16. 10. 1 will m. Hoar's seed, 17.20. 17. 2. >. thee exceedingly, 18. ^. 22. 17. in multiplying 1 will m. thy seed, 26. 4,24 //rA. 6. 14. 28. 3. 0. Almighty hlessand m. th.-e jnrf. 1. 10. deal wisely. lest they m. ~. .1. I will m. my siuns in Kuvpt 23. 29. lest the beast <( the Jiel.l m 32. 13. to whom thou saidst, I will m. your seed, Ler. 26. 9 Dcut. 7. 13. | 13. 17. | 28. 63. | 'M. 5. Dent. 17. 115. kin); sh. not in horses 17. neither shall he in. wives 1 Chr. 4. 27. neither did family m. Job 29. 18. I shall in. my days as sand Jrr. 30. 19. I will m. them, they shall a~. 22. so will I m. seed of David i>Ar. la 7. I have paused thee to m. Jt'i. 10. 1 will m. men || 11. m. man 30. I will in. the fruit "' the tree 37. 26. and I will place and m. them .4 inns 4. 4. at Gilgal m. transurussion & C'or. 9. 10. and in. your seed sown MULTIPLIED. Gen. 47. 27. Israel grew and m. ex- eee.linifiy, Ejrnd. 1. 7. 20. Efod. 1. 12. afflicted in. and grew II. 9. that my wonders m;iy lie m. Veut. I. 10. U your G. hatli in you 8. 13. gold it in. all thou hast is in. II. 21 thiit your ilays lie m. in land Josh. 24. 3. I m his seed, gave Isaac ^oi 27. 14. rhil.iren be m. ("T sword 35. 6. if thy transgressions he in. ? Ps. 16. 4. their sorrows shall he m. 38. 19. they that hate m:- are m. 107. 38. hlesseth them, they are m. Pruv. 9. 1 1. hy me thy days sh. he in. 29. 16. when wicked are in. trans. gression inrreaseth Ita. 9. 3. thou hast m. the nation 59. 12. for our transgressions are m. Ji r. 3. 16. when ye he m. they shall .?t:k. ft. 7. ye in. mure than nations 11. 6. ye m. your alxin in this city 16. 25. ha.-t m. whoredoms, 23. 19. 29. m. fornications || 51. m. ahoinin. 21. 15. heart may faint, ruins in. 31. 5. boujrhs i. || 3ft. 13. in. words Dan. 4. 1. peace he m. to you, 6. 2">. I I' tt. \. 2. 2 I'et. I. 2. Julie 2. tfo*. 2. 8. not know I in. her silver 12. 10. I have in. visions, and used "N'aA 3. 16. tnou hast in. merchants ,-lcti S. 1. numher of disciples m. 7. 7. 17 people grew and in. in Egyp' 9. 31. walking in fear of I ,. were in. 12. 24. the word of f5. grew and in. MULTIPLIEDST. tfeh. 9. 23. their children also n. MULTIHLIETH. Job 9. 17. he m. my wounds without 34. 37. he in. his woidsai/ainst fiod 35.16. m. "ords without knowledge MULTIPLYING Gen. 22. 17. in m. I will multiply. MULTITUDE. [#c.tS.ll Gin. 1 J .0. it shall not lie nunihereil f..r m. 32. 12. I Kin 3. M 13. 3. O. Almighty make tliee a in. 30. 30. it is now inoreiis -d unt" a ;/;. 4.H. 4. I will muki of theea/. I(U.. MUL | Ei-od. 12. 38. a mixed m. went up V3. 2 sh. not follow a in to ,to evi .V'fin II. 4. the mixed m fell Instin Deal. 1. 10 behold, ye are this day as the stars for m. 10. 22. I 28 62. Heb. 11. 12. Josh. II. 4. as sand on sea. shore for m. Judg. 7. 12. I Sam 13. 5 2 .Soi/i. 17. II. I King* I. 20. 1 Sum. 14. l(i. the m. melted away 2 /> n ies I'm. 30. I will praise am. tun the m. Pron. 10. 19. in the in. of words 11. 14. in in. ot counsellors, 24. 6. 14 js. in in. of peo. king's honour Ift. 22. in of counsellors established 20. Ift. is L'"K1, and a in. of rubies Eccl. ft. 3 for a dream cometh thro the m. of business, a fool's voice is known I y in. of words 7. in m. of dreams divers vanities ha. 1. II. to what purple is the m. of sacrifices 5. 13. their m. dried up with thirst 14 m. nnd pomp descend into hell 17. 12. woe to in. ol many people 29. 8. in. of nations that fi. lit Zion 31. 4. when m. of shepherds is aga. 47. 12. st-ind now with the m. 9. 13. wearied In m. of thy counsel! 6d. 6. m. of camels shall cover fhee 63. 7 to OT. of his loving. kindnesses Jer. 10. 13. is a in. of waters, 51. l(v 12. 6. they called a in. after thee 30. 14. wouiuted for m nf Iniquity 46. 25. behold, I will punish the ,. [.am. I. 5. for m. of transgression* .'i. 32. Hccordin to m. of rnerrieg Ezek. 7 12. wrath is on all the in. 1 1. 13. vision touching the whole m 14. 4. according to m. >( hi.- idol T,. 12. l>y the in. of riches, 18. 33. Ifi hy the in, of the wares, l& 31. 18. Pharaoh and all his in 32. I'l. 32. 24. Klain and in. || &. Tuhal anil :(red the ;/,. 10 32. compassion on in. Markti. 2. 319 mm . Bvst the m. thrnnaicf thee, l.uke 4i l.tiice 2. 13. there WM wi. H niiel H n. H. I. gathered nn innumerMble m 22. . betriy him in Hl^ence ol u^ 17. while he yet -pake, behold a fu. 23. I. whole n. of them Hr John 5. 13. m. heiiiK in that plar^ 21. 6. not al.le for the m of &.,,,, Acts 4. 32. the m. that believed .-r 0. 5. the saying ple.ised whole m Ul 22. the m. rose up against lh.-m 21. 22. the ;ii. must come together Jam. ft. 20. shall save a oul Iroir. death, and shall hide a m. ol , m I Pet. 4. 8. charity cover m. of aim See (fs EAT. MULTITUDES. Ezek. 32. 20. draw her and all her m. Jw/ 3. 14. in. .in in valley of ilei i-iun Mat. 9. 33. and the m. marvelled 3a when he saw m. he WHS moved 21. 9. them, cried, saying, Mosanmt Actt ft. 14. m both of men and women 13. 4ft. Jesus BHW the m were filled Ret. 17. 1ft. the waters are m. See filUAT. MUNITION. S. ha. 29.7. fight against her ai.d .*: in. '.13. 16. his defence sh. hem. of TIM k( A'u/i. 2, 1. keep m. watch the way HUBOEK. Pi. 10. 8. in secret doth m. innocent 94. C. sliiy widow, mid m. fthcrlcs Jer. 7. !' in. and commit adultery ? Hut. (i. 9. so (irie.-ts m. in the way MUItDEK, S. Mat. 15. 19. out of the heart proceed m. J/U/-A 7 21. 19. IH. Jes. said, thou sli.ilt .1.. no //,. Murk 15. 7. Harahbas, committed m. Lufee'23. IS>. lor in. cast in prison, >. Rom. I. 29 full of envy, m. debate (ml. ft. 21. the ft. sh areetivyimr, m. Rev. 9. 21. nor repented of their OT. MURDERER. .Yum. 35. 16. if he smite him he U a in. the in. shall surely be put to death, 17, 18, 21. 19. revenger of hlo.nl ilay vt. 21. 30. m. shall be put to death 31. take nojatisfac. for life of am. -' A' !'n. A. 32. see how this gun of a M. lb *4. 14. m. rising with the liuht Hot. 9. la Kph. briiiK children ton. liihn H. 44. a in. from the beginning Acts 3. 14. a w. to he granted t" >oo 8. I. no doubt this man is a m. I'i't. 4. 15. let none Hiitf.-r mum. I Jvkn 3 1">. whoso hate'h brth is a in. ye know that no M, hath eternal life ahiJ. in him MUKI>Elth.KS. Kin 14. a child, of m he ulcw not ha. 1. 21. lodged in it but now m. ler. 4. 31. wearied, became of . Mat. 22. 7. he sent and detro\eil MI Actt 7. 52. ye have been now the 21. 38. and 4'HMi men that w. r.- in I 7'i'in I. !'. law made for m. of (nth A 1 , r. 21. 8 i sh. have piirt in lute 22, 15. without are whorein. and m .Ml 'KM UK. Ernd. 16. 7. that ye tn. tgt'ntt u F L. heareth your mnrmiir ulnck yeiH. ,Vnm .Vuw 14. 3fi. made c..nxr.-i!:iti.'ii n. IH. II. what is AHron, thHt yew.? 17. ft. whereby they m mrli'-' 'on/i a 43 in. not ui >"" 1 C,.r. 10. in. neither m. M>ni* Ml KMl HKI) IS. 24. the people m. Kgnlnit MYR 1*5. ?. the whole oonirregaK n of IMF. m. against Moses f d Aaron. Snm. 14. 2. | HI 41. .Vvm. 14. 2S. X) years old, wh. hn. m Deut. 1. J?7. and ye m in our teuta Jotft.9. 18. mnirre m. aga:na. la 4. I.n'd m hoot of battle MUTTER. ED. Jia. 8. 19. wii^rHs that peep and m. 59. 3. tongue hath m. perversenes- MUTUAU Horn. 1. 12. comforted h v rn. faith NUZZLE. Drut 25 4 ni>tm ox when treadeth out COM . I Ci-r. V. n . 1 Tim. 5. 18 MYKUH. Oak 37. K. Miring balm and m. NAK Gen. 43. 11. cmrry man a pre. m. lints Efod. 30. 23. of pure m. 500 shekel* A'jr/A. 2. 12. six months wi. ..il of rn. ft. 45. a smell of m aloes and IH.-M;, Proa. 7. 17. perfumed my bed wi. in CnnL 1. l:i bundle of rn. I- my belov a 6. perfumed wi. m. mid frankinc 4. 6. get to mountain of in. ai'd aloes 14. rn. and aloes with chief spires 5. I. gathered my rn. with my spire 6. my hands dropped with m. 13. dropping sweet smelling m. Mat. 2. 1 1 . presented gold and rn. Murk IV 23. wine mingled with m. John 19. 39. hri.turht a mixture of rn. MYRTLE. AVA. a 15. go forth and fetch m. I*a. 41. 19. plant in wilderness the m. 65. 13. instead of brier come up m. MYRTI.E.TRKES. Ztch. I. a hesto.id among m. 10. 11. MYSTERY. Mark 4. II. to you given to know m. B'-m. II. 85. that ye be Ivnor. of m 16. 25. affording to revelation of m. \ Cor. 2. 7. speak wisdom of (i. in m. 15. M. 1 shew you a m. we sh. not F.fth. I. 9. made known to us the m. a a he made known to me the m 4. knowledge in the m. of Christ 9. make All see fellowship of m. A. 32. this is a great m. 1 speak of & 19. m*y open my mouth boldly, to make known the m. of the gospel, Co/. 1. 26,27. | 4. a Cnt. 2. 2. acknowledgment of them. 2 The*. 2. 7. the m. of iniq. doth work I 7"irn. a 9. holdinif m. of faith pure 16. great is the m. of godliness Rn. I. 20. the m. of the seven stars 10 7. the m. of G. sho. be finished 17. 5. m. Babvlon || 7. m. of woman MYSTERIES. Mat la II. it is given to yon to know the m. of the kingdom, to them not given. l.uAeft. 10. 1 Cor. 4. I. stewards of the m. nf G. 13. 2. and th' 1 understand all m. 14. 2. in the Spirit he speaketh m. N NAIL. Judg. 4. 82. Jael took a n. of tent, and smote the n. 22. the n. was in his temples 5. 28. the put her hand to the n Ezra 9. 9. give us a n. in holy plare JW 22. 2a a n. in a sure plare, 2A. Zech. 10. 4. out of him came the n. NAILS. Dftit. 21. 12. shave head, pare her*. I Cfir. 22. 3. iron In abundance for . '> Chr. a 9. weight of n. 5ft shekels !-r,l. r>. II. n. fa-tened hy masters /ML 41. 7. he fastened his irl. I with n Jer. 10. 4. lint. 4. 3a hl n. like bird's claws 7. 19. beast, whose n. were of bras* Jnkn'iO 2.Y put floser into print of M. NAILIHn Coi 2. 14. he n. it to his rrosa N A K K n. Cen. 2. 25. were n. and not ahamed 3 7. 'hey ki'ew they were n 10.11. Exod. :. 25. Mfes saw people were n. f'T Aaron h id m:ide them n. I Sam. 19. V4. Viul lay d..wn n. '.' iltr. 2<. 15 with 'p"il clothod n. 19. \h.,7 rraHe Jodah n. Job 1. 21. n came I out of wnrrh, and n. shall I return th'ther 22. ft stripped w. of their clf.thinif i4 7. raue u. to l< rige without, lu 090 NAM Jnft 28. 6. h>-ll Is n beforf Dim Kcrl. 5. 15. n. shall he return, to go />-/. 68. 7. when thou -ce-t the . / <;rn. 4. '.'I. thou shnlt n...ke thyself n. Ezek. la 7. if lie . ..ver. ,1 the'/,. !;. II i 2. a Ivst 1 strip her n. and et Ami 2. 16. tiee away n. in that duy Mir. I. 8. 1 will no -'IM|.|I. d and . II. pass away, hav. ihy shiure n. Huh 'A. V hi.w s M.mie quite n. Mai '26. 36. wns n. ami ye . |..the-J rn i8 when w we thee n.t 44. Mark 14. 51. rloth ni out his n. bod/ .")-<;. and fled from them n. J..An 21 7. Heter was n. and cast Act* 19. 16. fled mn of that house a. I Cor. 4. II. to this hour we are a. > Cur. 5. a we shall nt be found Ili'b. 4. 13. hut all things are n to Jam. i 15. if brother or sister he n. Rev. i 17. poor, and blind, and . 16. 15. garmenU. lest hi walk n. 17. 16. make her desolat- and n. See KRF. NAKKDNESS. Gen. 9. 88. Ham saw n. of fnth. 23. 42. 9. to see the n. of the land, I/. F.id. 20. V6 thy n. not discovered I. IT. 18 6. none'-hiill uncover th. n. 7. the a. of father or mother, S. 11, 15. | 211. II. 9. n, of sister || 10 of ^on's dnugh. 11. K. of father's wife's daughter 12. not uncover n of fath.'s sistel 13. n. of mother's si-ter, 20. 19. 14. not uncover n. of fath. brother 16. ft. of daughter-in-law Ifi. n. of thy brother's wife 17. n. of a woman and daughter 19. n. if woman put apart, 20. 18. 80. 17. see sister's n. shi- we his n. 20. hath uncovered his uncle's n. 21. hth unc-'Verert Brother's n. 11, iit 28. 4*. serve thine enemi. in n. 1 Sam ?0. :*> con'nsionot moth. 'a*. /jo. 47. a thy fi. shall he uncovt red /.am. 1. a they have seen her n. Erek. Ifi. 8. I covered Ihy n. yea 36. thy n. discovered, 2a 18. 18. 37. will di-nner thy n to them 22. 10. discovered their father's n. 23. 10. discovered her n slew her flu*. 2. 9. wool and fl.ix to i'oer n. \ah 3. 5. shew the nations thy n. Huh. 2. 15. maye-t lo. k on their n, Rom a 35. shall n separate us f 2 Cor. II. 27. in cold and n. Ret. 3. la shame of n. not appear NAMi: Gen. 2. 19. that w** n thereof 5. 2. and c.ille.i their n Adam 1 1. 4. us a n. leM we he eatlered 4H 6. railed after n. of brethren Krixt. 31 14. I. wh'-se n is Jealous I.er IS. 21 neither profane the n. of thy C.od, 19. 12 | !l n I 22 2,32. \i;m I" 2. wilte every man's x V7. 4. why chnold >i. of our father ftrut 7. V4. destroy n. under heaven H. 14. blot out n. ir. in der heaven 28. 14. bring un an e> il n on her )9. he broiicht up evil n. on virgin 25. 6. succeed in n. >f hi>> broth, r 7. raise his brother a j, in Israel 26. IP. high in n and in hum. .r 5* 5* fear thi.. iilorious^nd >at n. J'jA 23. 7. nor make mer.t'on it < Ruth 4. 5. riiis-- up n. of deau. 10. 17. her neighbourt eave it a n. 2 Sam. f>. 2. ea Lit l,y n of I...rd 7. 9. I made thee irrent n. lite . of ?r. ;it men in ear'h. I Cfir. 17. a 2a tfud redeemed to make Mm a n. 1 lA/u*. 17. IL NAM 8 Sam 8. 13. Uav. gat him a n. when 14. 7. not leave to my hushand a n. "3. IS. Abishai ha.i n. union'/ three 22. these tliintt-i did Beuaiah, and had the n. among three mighty men, 1 Chron. 11. 20, 24. 1 ATiH. I. 47. G. make the n. of Solo. man better than thy n. and his throne greater t^xn thy throne 14. 21. Lord did chose to put hm n. there, 2 CAron. 12. 13. :S. 24. call ye on n. of your Rods, 25. 21. 8. Jezebel wrote in Allah's n. 2 Kin. '4. fi. not hint out n, of Isr. Ezra 2 6). and was called after their n. Keh. 7. 63. .V I. prophesied in n. of f). of Israel -VeA. 9. 10. so didst thou (jet thee a n. FifA. 8. 8 write for Jews in kiiig'gn. /'<'> 18. 17. he shall have no n. Puil. 9. 5. put out their n. for ever 20. 1. the n of the God of Jacob 5. inn. of God set up our banners 44. 20. if we forgot n. of our God 69. 30. I will praise the n. of God 83. 4. the n. of Israel he no more 18. whose n. alone is JKHOVAK 99. 3. let them praise thy great n. 109. 13. let their n. be blotted out 113. a the L.*s n. is to be praised _?roti. 10. 7. n. of the wicked sh. rot '9. 10. >. of L is A strong tower 12. I. a good n. rather than riches W. 9. lest I take n. of God in vain I'ccl. 7. 1. good n. better than oint. ha. 14. 23. cut off fr. Babylon then. 55. 13. it shall be 10 the L. for a n. 5ft 5. give a n. an everlasting n. 57.15. n. i- holy ||62.2. called by new 63. 12. make himself everlasting n. 14. to make thyself a glorious n. 65. 15. ye shall leave your n. for a curse to my chosen, and call his servants hy another n. Ofi. 32. your seed arid n. remain Jcr. 13. 1 1. mteht be for a n. 33. 9. 32. 20. which hast made thee a n. at Hi. the n. she shall be called 46. 18. as I live saith the King, whose n. is the Lord of hosts, 48. 15. j 51. 57. Ezek. 20. 29. the n. is called Bamah 24. 2. son of man, write n. of day 48. 35. the n. of the city shall be Dim. 2. 20. blessed he the n. of God 4. 8. according to the n. of my God Ho*. 2. 17. no more remember, by n. Amo* 5. 27. whose n. is G. of hosts tlic. 4. 5. for all people walk every one in the n. of his god, we will walk in the n. of our G. /eph. I. 4. 1 will cut off n. of Chem. 3.20. I will make you a n. and praise Zeeft. 6. 12. man whose n. is BRANCH JJit. iO. 41. receiveth prophet in the n. of a prophet, a riyhteous man in n. of a righteous man 42. a cup of water in n. of disciple 28. 19. baptizing them in n. of Fa. Ltt/ce 1.61. none of kindred call, by n. (U. wrote, saying, his n. is John (>. 22. shall east out your n. as evil John I. 6. fr. G. whose n. was John 3. 18. not believed in n. of the only 5. +3. I am come in my Father's n. 10. 25. that I do in my Puttier's n. Mi 2. 38. haptired in n of L. Jesus 3. a in n. of Jeius Christ rise up 4. 7. by what n have ye done this? '.2. none other n. under heaven 17. speak to no man in this n. 18. 30. wonders done by . of Jesus 5 28. should not teach in this n. 41 8. 12. concerning the n. of Jesus NAM ActsQ. 21. destroy, them called on n. 27. preached boldly in n. of Jesus 15. 26. hazarded lives for n. of Jes. 16. IS in the n. of Jesus come out 19. ft. were baptized in . of Jesus 26. 9. to do contrary to n. of Jesus Rom, 2. 24. n. of God is blasphemed I (or. 1. 13. baptized in n. i.f Paul? 5. 4. in the n. of L. Jes. Eph. 5. 'M <>. II. justified in the n. of L. Jesus Eph. 1. 21. above ev. n. th. is named Phil. 2. 9 given him nn. above ev. n. 10. at n. of Jesus ev. knee sh. how Col. 3. 17. do all in the n. of L. Jes. I Tim. 6. 1. n. of G. bt> not hlasph. i Tim. 2. 19. the n. of Christ, depart Heb. 1. 4. obtained a more pxcel. n. Jam. 2. 7. do not they blaspheme that worthy ?>.'/ \ Pet. 4. 14. reproached for n. of Ch. I John 3.23. believe on n. of Son, 5. 13. HIT. 2. 17. a n. no man knoweth 3. 1. thou hst a n. that thou livest 12. I will write on him n. of God 13. 1. on his heads n. of blasphemy 14. 1. Father's n. in their foreheads 16. 9. men blasphemed the n. of G. 17. 5. on her forehead was n n. 19. 12. a n. written no man knew 16. on his thigh a n. written See CALL ID. By NAME, nrbythe NAME. Ero'd. 6. 3. I appeared by t. n. of G. 33. 12. said. I know thee />/ n. 17. Num. 4. 32. by n. ye shall reckon Josh. 21. 9. these cities menti. by n. I Chr. 4. 41. these written by n. came 12. 31. which were expressed bu n. 16. 41. 2 Chr. 2a 15. | 31.' 19. Eth. 1. 14. except were called by n. ha. 44. 5. shall call himself Aw the n of Jacob, and surname himself by the n. of Israel, 4K 1. 45. 3. 1 the Lord call thee by thy n. John 10. 3. he cal.'eth his sheep byn. Acts 4. 10. by then of Jesus this man ! Cur. 1. 10. 1 beseech you hyn. ofL. 3Jnl4.8alute thee, creel friends byn. See EXPRESSED. Hi* NAMK. Enid, a 13. shall Ray. what is h. n.f Prov. 30. 4. [5. 8. | 9. fi. 15. 3. the L. is h. n. Jer. 32. 2. Anuu 20. 7. not guiltless that tHketh his n. in vain, Dtut. 5. II. 28. 21. with A. n. sh. they be, 39.14. Deut. 6. 14. and shall swear hy A. n. 10. 8. to bless in hit n. to this day, I Chron. 2a 13 12. 5. the L. your G. shall choose to put h. n there, 21. 1 A'I'M. 14. 21. 2 Chr. 12. 13. 11. sh. cause A. n. to dwell there 14. 23. choose to place A n. there, 16. 6, II. | 26 '2. 24. L. shall choose to set A.n. there 25. fi. A. n. be not put out of Israel 10. kit n. shall be railed in Israel 29. 20. the Lord shall blot out A. n. Juiig. la 6. neither told he me A. >-. Rnth 4. 14. A. n. he fmoos in Israel 1 Sam. 12. 22. for hi* n. sake, Pi. 23. 8. | lOft tt. t John 2. 12. '\John 7. 18. 30. so th. A. n. was much set by 25. 25. as A. n. is. Nah H l is A. n. 1 Chr. Ifi. 8. Bive thanks to the LnM, call upon A.n make known his deeds, Pi. I0.\ I. Ita. 12. 4. 29. live the glory due to AM n. l> . 2!<. 2. I Hfi. H Ezra !. 12. God caused A. n. dwell /'* 3V. 3 let n* exalt A. n. tifi. i. 41. ft. shall he die and A. n. perish 't 68 4 rideth on havens by A. n.J AH 321 NAM P*. 69. 36. th. love A n. dwell th-roli 72. 1 1. A. n ninth endure for evei 19. anil hlt-sai-d be A Klorioui . 76. I. hit n. is yreat in l-.rn.-l Si. 2. sing unto L. lilc-B A. n. 100, 4 !. fi. SHinuel that call on Au n. 111. ft holy and rev.Teiied ik AM n. 135. a pries to A. n. it is p|. tokiit 148. 13. praise A. n. f.,rA % |,, ue H'l. 3. prai*,,. A. in the .an.-e l'r,,r. 21. 24. haughty wo: tier i- A. n. Eccl. 6. 4. A. H. mveieil with dnrk. Ita. 7. 14. shul. tall A. n. lin">amic , Mat. I. 23. 9. 6. A. n. sh. be called, Wonderful 12. 4. mention th. A. n. i- exalted 47. 4. the Lord of hosts i* A. n. the Holy One of Israel, 4H. 2. I 51. 15. | 54.5. Jer. 10. Hi. |31. 35. | 3i. la | 50 34 | 51. IS. 48. 19. A. n. sh. not have been cut off J? r. 11.19 A. n. no mure remembered 20. 9 not speak any more in An n. *3 6. this is A. n. he shall be . ailed Aino* 4. la L. God of hosts in hi* n. /(//. 10. 12. up mid down in A. n. 14. 9. bhall be one L. and hit n. on* Mat. 3. 16. them th. thmght on A. . Mut. 1. 23. shalt call hn . Jesus, Lttke \. 31. | 2. 21. 12. 21. in A. n. shall Gentiles trust Mark 6. 14. A. n. was spread abroad Luke I. 13. thou sh. (all A. n Joka 24. 47. remi-sion of sins in h. n. John I. 12. them th. believe on A. n. 2. 2.1 many believed in Au n. 5. -4.'). if another come in /i. own n. 20. 31. ye mm lit have life thro' A, n. Acts 3. 16. A. n. thro* faith in A. n. 5. 41. worthy to suffer for hi* >i. 10. 43. thro' A. n. remission of sin* 15. 14. take out a people fur hi$ n. Rom. 1. 5. amo. all nations for Awn. Heb. 6. 10. love ye shewed tow. A. n. 13. 15. praise, giving thanks to A. n, Rev. a 5. not blot out A. n. but will confess Au n. 6. 8. A. n. th. sat on him was Death .'a 6. against 6. to blaspheme A. n. 17. <>r the number of Au n. 15. 8. 14. II. who receiveth mark of A. n. 22. 4. A, n. sh be in ih. ir forehead! See HOLY. Lmx Mil SAME. Gen. 32. 29. why sk after mv n.? 48. 16. let my n. be named on them t'j-orf. 3. 15. and this is my n. forever 9. lei that myn. may be de lred 20. 24. where 1 record my n. I will 23 21. provoke not, mv n. is in him Leu. 19. 12. sh. not IWMM by mv 30. a Molecb, tn j.rolane my holy n. A'um. 6. 27. put m>/ . on Israel Drvt. 18. 19. >h. speak in my n. 80. Jwig. 13. 18. why axkest after myn.t 1 .SV,; 24. 21. ilt mi' de--troy ny n, 2 Sam. 7. la he shall build HII house for MV n. I A'in. 5. 5. | B. 18, 19. 1 CAr./H. '.'2. !0 12. 28. the city be culled after mv- 18. 18. I have no mm to keep my n. 1 Kin. 8. ia tlmt i-iv might h therein, M. I I i. 36. 2 A'iV 21.4, 7. 2 CAr<.n. & 5, & 1 7. Ifi. | 33. 4, 7. 9.7.hon*r I hiillowed for mv n.r**->- 1 Chr. 22. a iioll.nildhim-etoaM'li. 2 Chr. li. 8. to build bonne for mv . 7. 20. house 1 have sarict for mvm. Seh. 1. 9. 1 have . In. sen I" "I m >. there, Jrr 7. I* Pi. 89. 24 In mv n. h horn be ex*. 91. 14. because he hmh km'"" mv**. ha. 29 23. they shH vctil V % Pa NAM %*.4I % fr. ris. of un mil on myn. ij. N. I mn thi> I.oril, that is mi/ n 481 9. for ma n. *aUe I defer anger II. BOW should my -i he polluted ? 411. I li.if li In- in-ill.- mention ..f mi/ n 52. A >/ it. c. day in Maxpheined f. ir.y pc pic shall know my n. 6)1 A. rat yon nut for mv n. cake JIT. 14. 14. they prnpnevy In-in my n. 15 | 23. 2-V If, 81 they nha!l know my w. it I. 23 f,. they think '' .-an-e peo. fur. (ret mv n. as. fathers forgot mv . *7. )&. they prophesy a lie in my n. 29. 9. VI. 23. 84 Ml ye turned and polluted m>iH. 44. 20. sworn hy mv great n. my n. n in> >re named [I4W.41 Err*. 20. 9 hut I wrought for my n. 3Ti. 23 I will oaiH lily my great n trek. la 9. rail mi mv n. I will hear Ual. I A. O prie-t that mil n. 11. my n sha h.' ir- eat amonir 'Jen. Inev plare iiii-t-n-e offered my it It. mi it dremllnl am-.iuf heal'heu I 2. to give if 'in y until m / n. 5. and was iifraid l>efore my n. 4. X. yoii that fear mi/ it the' dun X'cJ/ 10. 2i ye sha lie hated f..r myn. take, 4. 9. Mar. 13. 13. Lw.vl. 17. 18. 5. rertirt* a rbild in my n. Murk 9. 37. Luke 9. 48. 80. two or three (fathered in my n. 19.2!.forsak n hou-esf. r my H -ake 24. 5. many -hall come in myn. and derei ve many. Mark 13. ft. Lu. 2l.a Murk j. 9. saying, my n. is Legion 9. 39. no man du inir irlp in mv . 41. five w it.T to drink in my n. 16 17. in mv " sha <""t out devils Z.M. 21. 12. hef. ruiers for my n. sake ,/oAn I4.l3.what. ye ask in my n. will 1 d... 14. I I5.IR. i 16 i3.V4.ai K. Comforter he will send in myn. 15.21. thee thing:, .in/or myn. -.ike Act* 9. 15. rhixen vet. to hear mv n. lii- he mutt -nff'T for mv n. sake I.VI7. Rent on whom myn. is rolled Rnm. 9. 17. that mv " be derlared 1 Cor. I. 15. 1 baptized in mini* own n. f.,r >. a for my n sake laboured 13. hold. ta>t man. ham not denied 3. 8. and ha-t n.-t denied my n. See.Cn.LHt. rAyNAME. [great Gen. 19. i. blew thee, mnke My n 175 <.n. Ahram, hut l.n.he Abraham 33. 27. Mid to him. what is Mr/ n.? 29. Juiig. 13. 17. 29. My it. he no more Jacoh, hut "Israel. 3V 10 I King* la 31. Ernd. 5 23. to I'har. to -peak in t. n Joth. 7. 9. what in i hi- lioiie Kek. I. II. erant- who fear Myn, 3. 5. hle*-ed he fAv g'nirioiu n Ft. 5. 11. that lute t'ij n. be joyful NAM P*. 9. 1 how eirell. !< t n. in earth. 9 9. 10. they that knnw t n. trn.l tk - W. !4 I will de.-laref n //eA. '.'. I*. X5. II. fr(. n Rake pardon i iqnity 31.3. fort n sake lead me midgui. 44. 5. thro, t n trea'l them under 45 17. I will make t. n. t-e remem. 44. 10. arror. to ( n. so id prai-e .VJ. <). wait on t. n .! M. I. >ave me by 61. 5. heritage of those fear t n. f,.T 4. I ill lift my hand- in t n. 74 7. defiled dweHng.plare of .' n 10. iih i. enemy hla. t. a. for ever? la fiHilith peop. bla-pliemed t n 21. let poor und needy prai-e r ri 75. I. that (.n. i< near vr..ik- ill cliire 79. 6. not railed on L u. Jer. 10. i.v 9. help us, U <. for irlnry of t. n. and purge our >in for I n. sake HO. la and e will rail upon t. n. 83. IA that they may i-k t. n.U L. 9R 9. all uationx g|. rily t n li. 11. unite my heart to fear t n. SB IS. Hermnn sh. rejoire in t.n. 16. IM. VI. do for me, () L. for t. n sake 115. I. not to n, hut tot n. iilory 119. U. I remembered t M. In night 132. usest to do to tlione love /. n. 135 13. t n. O L. ei.dureth for ev. 138. Z prai-e t n. for lot.. kindness thou magnified word above /. n. 139. <0. enemies take f. in vain )40.i:i. righteon-give thank, totn. I4'2. 7. out of prison, I praise t n. 143. II. quirken me for t. n. sake 14V 1. I will b!e* t n for ever, 2. <. I will praise (.n. for ev. /to.%5.1. Cant. I a My n. is as ointment /M. 26 8 demre of our soul to t n. 13. we will make mention of t n. Kl Ifi O U t n. is from i-verla-ting M. 2. make/, n knoxrn to aclveroar. 7. there i none i-ullrlh on t M. Jrr. 10. 6. t. n. is great in might 11. 16. Lord railed t n. olive-tree 14. 7. do thnn it for t. n. sake 21. do not abhor u* for t n. sake 29. 85. sent letters in t n. to Jerus. I.tm.3. 55. railed on t n. out of dun. I) in. 9. ' . prophets -pake in t n. .V/ir. (V 9. man of wisdom set- t n. .\'re of t. n. he sown Mat. 1. R have we despised t n.? .Vuf. 6. 9. halloM ed he t n /. 1 1 V. 7. 22. in t n. have we ra-t out dev. Mark 5. 9. he anked, what is t. n '( Lukefi.:n. [Luke 9 49. 9.38. casting out devfU in My n In. 10 17. devil* suhjert thro* t n. Jnhn 12. 2R. Father, glorify t n. 17. A. have manifest, t n. to men,-. fi. 1 1. Fnth. keep thro" Mine own n.12. Art* 9 14. bind all that rail nn t. n. K'im. IS. 9. ronfe, and King to r n. Ren. II. la reward them th Year t n- 15 4. Who rA. 1 .Vans. 16. a anoint to me him I n. 26 8. bring him up whom I sha. n. Iia.e-i 2. whl mouth of U shall n, SAMKI), KTH. (ins.83.16. Abra. weighed ilver hen. 27 :fi is he not rightly n. Jan.h ? 4"? Ift let my nurne he n. on them V Kin. 17. 34. rhil ot Jar. he n. Isr. EccL (I 10. what hath heen, in n. /. II. they rail lands after own n. 147. 4. star* he rail, hy n. ha .40 .'.tx H>a. 2. 17. take away n. of Haalim 7.rch. 13. 2. cut of) the n. of idols Lu. la 20. your n. written in hear. Ar i I. 15 nuinl.er i.f n. were !*<> la 15. if it he que. of n. look to it /'AiV. 4.a whose n are in book of life /u-r. 3. 4. hast a few n. in Surdis 13. a whose n not written, 17. & 17. a woman lull of n of Masphem) 21. 12. n. written, n. of li 1 Irihrs 14. in them the n. of 12 apostle* N A I* KIN. l.ukr 19. 90. pound I have kept In n. ./-.An II. 44. his fc e hound with an. 2a 7. n. that -as Mhoiit bis Lead NAKROVN. [*j Sum. 22. 2fi. angel of L. stood m i. Joth. 17. 15. if Kpbraim be too n. I AIM fi. 4. made windows of ri. light /'TOT. 23. 27. Mranue woman is n. pit IIH. 49. 19. land of dr-lmrt ion too n. Mat. 1. 14. n. i- way leadeta to lile NARHOVs Kl). ER. 1 Kin. 6. 6. in the wall made n. re?t IM. 28. 20. n. than he ran wrap him. NAIIROWLY. [self Jot 13. 27. l>Hike-t n to all my palha 1m. 14. 16. shall n. l. II. a n. king" sha. ri.me of thrr F.fod. 9. 24. in Kit. sinre it herame n. 19. M shall be an holy n. I Pet. 2. 9 2i 8 to Hell her to a strange n. 3a la ronsider this n. is thy peop. Lev. Ifi. 2o nor n. commit ahonima. in 23. not walk in manner* M n. Xum. 14. 12 I will make of thee a great it. Deul. 9. 14. Drut. 4. 34. hath God a*a>ed to take a n. from mi. 1st of another /. 28 3a fruit of land shall n. eat uf 3fi. L. bring thee and k : :ig to a u. 49 L. bring n g thee from far 50. a n. of fierre rouiitenani-e not 32. 28 area n. void of counsel 2 Sam. 7. 2i what n. like thy people? I fAron. 17. 21. 1 A'm. 18 10. there Is no n. I. luth nut sent to seek thee took oath of n. 2 Kin. 17. 29 ev. n. made godi of OKQ 1 ( fir. 16. 20. they went fp m n. to n. 2 CAr. 15. fi. n. wa destroyed of n. 32. 15. no god of any n. was able Job 34. 29. done against a n. or man I'l. 33. 12. blessed i* n. whose C.is L. 4.1 I. Of), plead avainst ungodly n. 83 4. let u- rut off from being a M. 105. 13 went from one n. toanoth. Ktfi. 5. rejoi.-e In idadness of thy . 147. 2ft not dealt -o with any m. /'ror. 14.34.righteou5iirwiexiiiteth M NAT bo. 1. 4. sinful n. laden with inJqn. i'. 4. n. shall not lift sword against n. A/tr. 4 3. P. b. thriti hast multiplied the *. 1 tnc* nut and trodden d"wn,7. Sfi. 2. open that right n. may enter 1ft. thou increased n. O L. the n. 49. 7. saith L. to him n. al hnrreth b5. 5. shiilt cull n. thuti kriowest nut 08. 2. geek me as a . that did rinlit. fX>. 12. n. not serve thee sh. perish 22. sniall our become a strong re. fi5. I. an. not culled hy my name 86. H. or shall . he born at once? Jer 2. 1 1. hath a n. changed gods ? & 9. my soul be avenged on swell a n. 29. | 9. 9. 15. 1 will briti? a n. on you from afar O house of Israel, it is H mighty n. it is an ancient n. 1 29. H n. that obeyeth not the L. li 17. 1 will utterly destroy that n. 18 7. comerninir n. pluck it up, 9. 8, thatn. ag. whom I pronounce I 25. 12. punish n. for iniquity, 27. 8. 3.'. evil shall go fi.rth from n. to n. 31. 36. then Isr. cease being n. 33. 24 49. 31. yet you up to the wealthy n. 3fi.no n.uhirh. Klam sha. not come 50. 3. out of north voineth n. against Lorn. 4 17. we have watched for a n. Ezek.1. 3. send thee to Isr. rebel!, n. 37. 22. I will make them mien. Dan. 8. 22. four king, up out of n. 12. 1. trouble, nev. was since was n. Jni'l I. 6. H it. is come upon my land Atnnsfi. 14. I will raise aga. you an. Mir. 4. 7. 1 will make her strong re. Hab. I. 6. Cliald. bitter and hasty n. Ztph. 2. 1. (rather together, O n. 5. wo to the n. of the Cher-thites Hae. 2. 14. this peo. and n. hef. me Mil. 3. 9. ti.is n. have robbed rue Mat. 21. 43. kmgd. of G. given to n. 24. 7. n. shall rise against n. Mark 13. a l.uke-2\. 10. Luke 1. 5. he loveth our n. built us John II. 48. Rom. shall take our n. 50. one man die, the n. perish not 51. prophesied, Jen. die for th.it n 52. not for that n. only, hut that 18. 25. thine own n. hath delivered Acts 2. 5. devout men out of ev. n. 7. 7. n to whom they he in bondage 10. 22. good report amo. n. of Jew* 28 iinlaw to con e tooneof auo.n. 3ft. in ev. n. he that feareth him 24. 2. worthy deeds done to this n 10. thou hast been judge to this n. 26. 4. life WHS at first amo. own n. 28. 19. I had ought to nrcuse my n. Ctil. 1. 14. profited nbo equals in n. Phil. 2. 15 in midst of a perverse n. Rer>. 5. 9. redeemed us out of ev. n. 14. 6. gospel to preach to every n. Pee FOOLISH. NATIONS. Gen. 10. 32. by these were n. divide'' 14. 1, Tidal king of re. trade war, 9. 17. 4. shall be a father of many n. f>. K,,m. 4. 17, 18. [48 19. 6. I will make n. of thee, 35. II. | 13. Sarah -hall he H mother nf n. 15. 23. L said, two re. in thy womb 27 29. let re. bow down to thce Rjfod. 34. 24. I will cast out t"'e n. before thee, and en'arge ,mr- ders, nmt. 4. 3H. | 7. 22. | 8. 20. < W 18. 24. the ;i. are defiled US M it spued tt the n. NAT .VI/OT. 23. 9. not be reckoned amo. n 24. 8 l.-rael shall eat up th. . 20. Amiilek WHS the first of the n. Deut. 2. 25. I will put tear 1.11 the 4. 27. Lord shall scatter you uniung the n. .Vt ... .. 8 7. 1. Lord hath cast out many n: 9. 1. n. greater than thyself, 1 !. 2.1 12. 29. whe:i . sha. cut off. I!). I. 15. fi. shall Jemi to many n. 28. 12. *8. I. L. will set thee above all n. 32. 8. Most Hi*h divided to the n. 43. rejoice, O ye re. with I. is peop. Ju. 3. raiisemany n. come ag. Ihec 5. it shall become a *j"il to the n 28.7. behold, theteiorr, I will bring stranvers upon thee, the ter. ribie ot the n 30. ll| 31 18. 29. 12. scatter Egypt, amo. n. >. 23. 15. shall li" more rule over the n. I 16 1 made n. shi.ke at sound 323 NAT F.zr. 3? 2. tl.mi art like Don nf the !h .dHUK..t..n.,,f,,. l,,,,,eni her. IS .tt. 10. thes,. . . si,.,,, |, p ,. .>. l.'l. land h-t ber. aved v S7. 2V. they sha. I.e no j .re to n. 3a a tiriHighl l..rth nut if . l 23. I will he Inown it. e\mi..f . :i. 27 sanctifi.d :n-ii[ltni m.i,' n. Hot. 8. 10. have hit. d Kmniiif thi H. . 17. shall be wanderers HCIH.I.V %. .1'iel 3. 2. they scattered airi.i K n. Amis a I. wo to then, .chief .if n. .Vic. 4. 2. many n. >h. y. In us f n 3. he sh. rebuke stiong n. H lar off !!. many n gathered againM ih.e 7. \l>. the n. -ha see, be . o|,f,,m ). ,j A'oA. a 4. sellethn. thr..' whi.redi.mi 5. I will show n. thy nakedm^* Hub. I. 17. shall not spare t May . 2. 8. thot- hast po led many n. 3. fi. he djove asm der the n. Zfph. 3. 6. 1 have cut off the n. 8. mydeteimiiiHtion is lotatlier . Zfc/i. 2. II. many n. he joined to L. 8. 22. stronr n. tome to seek thr I. 23 hold oar of all annuaiim of n. Luke 12. 30. these do . seek after 21. 25 upon eartb be distress of n. Acti 11 19. he destr. 7 re. in ( hanaaa AVc. 2. 26. him 1 give power over * 10. II thou mn-t pri'ph. before*. 11. 9. n. sha. see dead bodies 3 day* 18. the n were angry, thj wrath 13. 7. power given him over all n. 16. 19. and the cities of the n. lell 17. 15. waters are n. and tongues 20. 3. sh, uld deceive re. no mure 21. v4. n. u h are saved t-hxll walk 26. shall bring hoi. our of n. to it 2. 2. leaves were fi.r healing of a. Srr GMET. All NATIONS. Dent. 4. 19. L. hath divide) to cJ7 n. 28. 37. become by-word amonj: min. I Hin. 4. 'i:,,n. I. f>. obed. to fa'thnmo. .'/. Id. ifi. made knoiitou f"i "h*. (,,;/. 3. . in Iheesh. ,,tl >,.*, Hev. 1. 9. multitude 9f > MC4 NAT Jte. 12. 5. to rule all n. with a rod 14. 8 she made all n. drink. 18. 3 15. 4. all n. shHil come and wor-hip Id. *3. by thy tore, all n. deceived Mllhe NATIONS. Gen. l& la all L n. of the earth be bleaed, -A ia | l 4. />-ui. 14. 1 above all t n. on earth 17. 14. act a king over me at ail t n. I Sam. 8. 5. *'-. '.-. bring them against t *. 2- 14. I | u \ -ike of iron on t *, NATIVE. 7er. U 10. no mure see n. country NATIVITY. On. 11.28. Haran died in land of n. K'lth > 1 1. thou hast left land of n. .\rr. 4fi. Ifi. let as go tn lnd of our n. Exrk. 16. 3 thy n. is of land of Can. *. thy n. in the day th. want horn 81. 30 will . the king is n. <>f kin Job 4\. Ifi one is so n. another I'l. 22. II. trouble isn. || 75.1. name is II!). I.'. I. thu art n O I.or.l l*a. 45. 21. tell ye, and bring them *. *>5. & call upon L. ivhile he i* K. 57. 19. pi are be to him thai t- . Exek. 22. 5. those th. be n. mock thro Ol-ad. 15 the d.iy of L. i- n Zfh.\.\ t. Mat. 24. 33. it is n, f yen at ilieilix.rs See CAME, COMK. UHAW, UKKK. NEARKK. Ruth a 12. is a kniMimn n. than I Hum. ia II. our salvation n. than NECESSARY. Job 2a 12. hia word* mure than n. Act* 13. 4ft n. the wor.l he spoken 15. 28. no burden than th. n. tilings 28. 10. laded us with things n. 1 Cor. 12. 22. the member, which seem feeble are it. 2 Cor. 9. 5. I thought it n. to i-xlmrt PhiL 2. 25. I supposed it n. to send Tit. 3. 14. goint uorks for n. u-es Heb. 9.23. n. pattern, sho. be purified NEC ESS I I V Luke 83 17. of n. he must release ft'im. 12. 13. dUtrU.iit. ton of s.iints 1 Cor. 7. 37. having no n. and hath 9. Ifi. for n. is laid upon me, woe is 2 Cor. 9.7. give not grudging, or of n, Phil. 4. 16. once and ait.iin to my n. Philfm. 14. not be as it Mere of n. Heb. 7. 12. there is of n. a change 8. 3. it is of n. this man hiiv.- .-.oin*. 9. 16. there must of n. be the death NECEMITstt Act* 20.34. hands ministered to my n. 2 Cor. & 4. as ministers of G. in n. 12. 10. 1 take pleasure in n. in per. NECK. Gen. 87. 16. skins on smooth, f IMS n. 40 break the yoke from off thy n. 33. 4. Esau fell on his n. and kissed 41. 42. Pharaoh put a gold chain about Joseph's ii. Ezek. 16.11. Dan. 6. 7, Ifi, 29. 45. 14. Joseph fell on Benjamin's n 4'i. 8. he fell on Jacob's n h. u .,! 49. a thy hand be on n. of em-tries Erod. iai3. if not.hre.ik his n. :',4 .'0. Ltr. 5. & wring ofl' his heart from H, Deut 81. 4. strike ..If the li.-.f.-i - * 28. 4R put a yoke of iron on thy n. 1 Sum. 4 18. his n. brake, HI,.! ,1 , ,1 2 Chr. 3ft. ia Zed. k. >tiflen.-.i his . .VrA. y. ya. they hardened th. ir >.. Job 15. 2M. on him, <-\< n on hi- n. Ifi. 12. he hath token me by the n. 39. 19. clothed his n. with tl.iuxler? 41. 22. in his n. remaineth str.>< K th PM. 7S V sp.-ak not with a stirt n. Pror. I. 9. sh. be chains nhut thy n. a a hind them ah-.ut thy n. t'\. vl. 82. sh. he life and grm-e to t1.> . Cant. 1. 10. thy n. is comely wi. gold 4.4. thyn. Is like the tow . r of Dav. 8. th..u hw-t ravished m> heart with one chain of thy a. T. 4. thy n. is a towei of ivory Ita 8 S. sh. reach even to the n. Ii). 27. kis yoke he taki-n fr. thy n. ..uh to the n.i.i-t of the N. 4R 4. thy is HII iron sinew !>i. 2. loute thj,clf froiu banJs of . NEE /*. flfl. 3. as if he rut off n dog's n. Jer. 17. 23. they made their n. stiflf 27.2. yokes, and put them on thy n. 8. put. n. under yoke of king, II. V&. 10 took yoke fr. Jerern. n. 12. 14. I put a yoke on n. of nations 30. 8. I will break his yoke fr. off n. Lam. I. 14. my transg. are on my 71. Hot. 10. II. I passed over on her n. Sab. 3. 13. the foundation to the . Mat. 18. 6. it were better thiit a mill, stone were hanged about his n. Mark 9. 42. Luke 17. 2. Lfttce 13. 20. his father fell on his n. Actt 15. 10. yoke on n. of disciples 20. 37. fell on Haul's n. kissed htm See HAR EN. NECKS. Josh. 10. 24. feet on j. of these kings Jiuig. 5. 30. n. of them th. take spoil 8. 21. ornaments on camels' n. 26. 2 Snm. 32. 41. given me n. of ene- mies, Psal 18. 10. Neh. 3. 5. put not n. to the work Jta. 3. 16. walk wi. stretched.forth n. Jer. 27. 12. bring your n. under yoke Lam. 5. 5. our n. under persecution Ezek. 21. 29. bring thee on n. of slain .V/t'c. 2. 3. ye sh. not remove your n. Rom. 16. 4. Ittld down their own n. NECROMANCER. Deut. 18. 11. not be among you a j. NEED. Deut. 15. 8. 1nd sufficient for his n. 1 Snm. 21. 15. have I n. of madmen 2 Chr. 2. 16. wood as much as shall n. 20. 17. shall not n. to light in buttle Ezra G. 9. let what they n. be given Prox. 31. 11. sh. have no n. of spoil Hat. 3. 14. I have n. to be baptized 8. 8. for your father knoweth what things ye have n. of before ye ask him, 32. Luke 12. 30. 9. 12 they thut be whole n. not a physician, but they that are sick. Mark 2. 17. Luke 5. 31. 14. 16. they n. not depart, give to 21. 3. the L. hath n. of them, and he will send them, Mark 11. 3. Luke 19. 31, 34. 2C. 65. the high priest said, what further n. have we of witnesses? Mark 14. 63. Luke 22. 71. Mark 2. 25. Dav. did wh. he had . Luke 9. 11. healed them that had n. 15. 7. .just persons n. no repentance John II). 29. buy things we have re of Acts 2. 45. HS every man had n. 4. 35. Rom. 16. 2. assist her in what she 77. 1 Cor. 7. 3fi. if n. so require, let him 12. 21. not say, I have no n. of thee 24. our comely parts have no n. t C->r. 3. 1. or n. we epistles of com.? Phil. 4. 12. I know how to suffer n. 19. my O. shall supply all your n. 1 Thes. 1. 8. so that we n. not speak 4. 9. of brotherly love n. not write 5. 1. of the times ye have no n. Ueb. 4. 16. grace to help in time of n 6. 12. n. one teach you, such as have n. of milk 7. 11. what n. that another priest 10. 36. for ye have n. of patience 1 Pet. 1. 6. if n. be, ye are in heavi. 1 Jn. 2. 27. n. not any man teach you 3. 17. and see his brother have n. flee. 3. 17 and I have n. of nothing 21. 23. city no n. of sun or moon 22. 5. they n. no candle, nor light NEEDED. John 2. 25. he n. not any sho. testify Acts 17. 25. as tho' he n. any thing NEEDEST, KTII." tri 33. 15. Jacob said, what n. it NEG iv? 1 1. 8. give him as many as Tie n. John 13. 10. n. not save to wash feet 16. 30. and n. not that any man ask Eph. 4. 28. have to give him that n. 1 Tim. 2. 15. workman n. not to he Heb.T. 27. who n. not offer sacrifice NEEDFUL. F.xrn 7. 20. n. for house of thy Ood Luke 10. 42. but one thing is n. Jets 15. 5. n. to circumcise them Phil. 1. 24. abide in flesh is more n. Jam. 2. 16. things n. for the body JudeS. it was n. for me to write you NEEDLE. Mat. 19. 24. it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a n. Mark 10. 25. Luke I a 25. NEEDLE-ww*. Exod. 26. 3ft thou shall make an hanging wrought with n..u. 27. 1C. 1 36. 37. fsa 18. 28. 39. make girdle of n.-w. 39. 29. Judg. 5. 30. of nivers colours of n.-w. Ps. 45. 14. brought raiment of n.-ic. NEEDS. Gen. 17. 13. must n. be circumcised 19. 9. this fellow will n. be a judge 24. 5. must I n. bring thy son again? 2 Sam. 14. 14. for we must n, die Jer. 10. 5. must n. be born, because Mat 18. 7. n. be that offences come Murk 13. 7. such things must n. be Luke 14. 18. I must n. go and see John 4. 4. must n. go thro* Samaria Acts 17. 3. Ch. must n. have suffered 21. 22. the multitude must n. come linm. 13. 5. ye must n. be subject 1 Cur. 5. 10. then must ye n. go oat 2 Cor. 1 1. 30. if 1 must n. glory NEEDY. Deut. 15. 11. open thy hand to then. 24. 14. servant that is poor and n. Job 24. 4. they turn n. out of way 14. murderer killcth poor and n. Ps. 9. 18. n. not alway be forgotten 12. 5. for the sighing of n. will arise 35. 10. deliver, poor and n. 72. 4, 13. 37. 14. bent bow to cast down the n. 40. 17. I am poor and n. 70. 5. 72. 12. he shall deliver the n. 82. 4. 13. he shall spare the poor and n. 74. 21. poor and n. praise thy name 82. a justice to the afflicted and n. 4. deliver poor and n. fr. wicked 86. 1. for I am poor and n. 109. 22. 109. 16. persecuted the poor and n 113. 7. he Hfteth n, out of dunghill Pror. 30. 14. devour n. fr. aino men 31. 9. plead the ranee of poor and n. 20. reacheth forth her hands to n. ha. 10. 2 to turn aside n. fr. judgn . 14. 30. the n. sh. lie down in safety 25. 4. been a strength to the n. 26. 6. steps of n. sh. tread it down 32. 7. even \vhen the n. speaketh 41. 17. when poor and n. seek water Jer. 5. 2ft right of n. do they not jud. 22. 16. judged cause of poor and n. Ezek. l(i. 49. strenothen hands of n. 18. 12. he oppressed the poor and n. 22. 29. people vexed the poor and n. Aini-.s 4. 1. kine of Bashan, crush n. 8. 4. O ye that swallow up the n, 6. buy the n. for a pair of shoes NEESED, or SNEEZED. 2 Kin. 4. 35. the child n. seven times NEESINOS. Job 41 18. by hi* n. light doth shine NEOI.EIT. Mat. 18. 17. and If he shall n. to hear them, tell It to the church, but if he n. to hear the church I Tim 4. II n. not the gift in thee I Heb. 2. 3. how ewnpe, if n. salva.? 826 NEI XEOLECTED. ..VO. Acts 6. 1. widow, n. i,i riiinn.,1 Minit Cut. *. 23. n. the l,o,| y, M ., t u, ,,... NEGLIGENT. j T'? 9 ; " '"" "" t " '" r lh ' f ret. 1. 12. not be n. to put \, n , NEIOHBOCK. KM* a 2-2. woman hor. f n. \ I 2 1 Sam 15. -_'H. hath given it to m, ' Pror. 'A. 10. better i a n. th. i >,-*; Jer. 6. 21. n. and friends shall i.en-h 9. 20. and teach every one I,.T ., Luke 10. :t6. n. to him ainu. thieves NEIGHBOUR Xferffrv. Jer. 49. :a as in the overthrow , t Sotlom and Gomorrah and tl i n. (ities thereof, 50. 40. Hit NEIGHBOUR. Exod. 12. 4. him and A. n. take larn> 22. 8. put his hand to A *. giimis.) i. 14. hor. ought of A. n. and it hurt 32. 27. go slay every man A. n. Lev. 21). 10. he that committcthadnl- tery with A. n.'s wift, ihall l put to death, Dtut. ?*. 24. 24.19. if a man muse l.lemif h in A.n. Deut 4. 42. kill A. n. unawares, 111. 4, 15. 2. creditor that lendHh I../.M ;.. 19. I V. if any hate A. n. and lie wait 22. 26. a man riaeth against AM n. 27. 24. cursed be he th. urniteth A. u. Ruth 4. 7. off his shoe, gave to A n. 1 A in. 8. 31. if roan trespass HITH I, .it. 2 Chr. 6. 22. if a man sin against A n. Job 12. 4. 1 am as one mock, d of A. n. 16. 2). as a man pleadeth for A. n. Ps. 12. 2. epeak vanity each wi. A. n. 15. 3. nor doeth evil to his n. 101. 5. whoso sland.T.th Ai* n. Prnr. & 29. thatgnrth to V n.'*w-tri 19. 4. the poor is separated fr. A. n. 21. 10. Au n. flndeth no favour 25. la hear false witness ga. A. N. 26. 19. the man that diroveth A. . 29. 5. that flattereth A. n. spreadeili Errl. 4. 4. a man is envied of A. n. 'so. 3. 5. oppressed every one hv A.n. 19. 2. fight every one against hit n. 41. 6 they helped every one Ai* n. Jer. 5. a neiuhed i.ftc r Ai> n '* \\ iff 7. ft. judgment lietw. man and A. n. 9. 4. take ye heed .-very one of A. a. 5. they will deceive eve. on.' A IL Rspeak peaceably to A.n.wi. mouth 22. a say every man to A. w. v:i. W 15. useth A n. service witbo. w:ige 2aS7 dreams tell every or .-to A ". 30. steal my word. ev. oru- (r. A. n. 31. 34* teach no more every man Aii it /irA. a II. 34. 15. proclaim, liberty to 4. n 17. Krek. ia6. neither drfi. A. n. vife.li. II. and hath defiled his 'i wife, W. II. | X'i 1 Hab. 9. 15. that ffiveth his a driak Zfrh a 10. call t v. man A. nndrf a 10. I set men, ev. one aga. 4. . 16. speak ev. man truth to Art n. 17. let mine imagine evil g. A. ft. Murk 12. 3.'). to lotr A. . s l.irnwlf Arts 7. 27. he that did A. . wrmr Horn. l:l 10. w.irketh no evil to*. . 15. 2. let every one please his . f.ph. 4. 2-V speak tr-.th lib Aw . .Vv KE1OHBOOII Jnb 31. 9. 1 laid w*it at m,i n ' *" Luke 10, 28. sui'l " Jr '- " '"' " "^ *' NET Tv SKUiHBOPR. thou -halt not hoarfaUe wit. us. (Ay it. l)r,lt nt.l d-frainl Ihtin. Ii in K* 111*01131 1. sha. ju-lxrMv n. IR. iMir -t (mi *a. MiN-d .if Mi/ n. 17. Omit In any M'i-e rrhukr fAv*. K tin. ii ha I li.vi- fAv n . th\ -.- f 2). >,f 5 -I. nt d Mr.- ihi/n.'t wif.- l!i. 14 mi r.-move fAvn. land.niaik 1 X.IM vR I; ant tn fAtf n. i-o i 1 ' dei~ nut evil mrin-t thtin. 84. V8 IN- mil \vitri.--v ..ir^iu-i ttv- Vi. 9. delate thy i Him- ltd Aw n IV. withdraw fn.ii Ir th>i n hmn-H Mut 6. v-3. ih'iu ihHlt |..ve C4 n l!>. 18. | fi. X>. Mark IV. 31. Luitr 10. 27. M 13 9. (tal. 6. U. Juiw. * 8 NKICJH HOURS. /otA, 9. Id heard they were thetr n. Knt/i 4 17. wti. hi-r it. *ve it a name 2 A'i'n 4. 3. borrow vi-s.el* ..I thy n. /'"al. vH. 3. !-p- k peace to thfir it. 81. II I w;w reprom h arnonif my n. 44 13 inakcst o reprinted to our n. "iV. 4. we are berctine reproach 'n It. IV. render to our n. seven-fo.d R >. a iimkc-t ii- a -trifc to our n. W. 41 lie in reproach to hun. ./.-r 1-1 14. -Kith L again, all evil n. /.'re. ii. Ii irnined .if n. by extortion l.tilcr I. M>. her it h'-Hrd how Lord 14. IK. make -npp.-r. ,-all nut rich n. l.'i V In- culled t.wether hi. n . JoAn 9. a n wlxi had wen him blind NEIQHRD. Jer. 6. 8. ev. one n ..fter neieh. wife NKIOHING, & ["iie Jrr. R Ifi. treini.led lit n. of strong 13 V7. I hav.- .een ; dulteri.- and n. NHPHKW. S. Job 18. 19. neither havc-on nor It. Jtu/f IV. 14 AM. liHii 'ion, 3Hn Ira. 14. rt. I will flit (f -. 4" 16. tho'make n. a* hiph Hseturle Wid. 4 tho >.! thy n. anmtiir *ti- Halt. J. 9. that liem iy rt n. on hiidi Nr-STS. P.I04 17. where i,,rd make their n t zrk 31. f>. al fowl* made their n Mai. & <0. bird, of the >.lr have n NKT. [7.11.9. fR /4 la i 1% iit .nto i. n* own feel 19. n. * i in|i..ed me with his n /' 9. Ii In n they hid. I* foot tiiken 75 I6.ih nlii. k my feet out ol M 4. I.V 7. hid f.H me their n. In a pit a let hi* n he hid ratrh htm-eif S7 fi thry pr.par.-il m for mvitleps fv II thoii 'Ton -hti-t tiointon. I 5i they -pread n hy wxy.'ide Fr-ir. I 17 in vain the n i "iTend ic. lit wi'k d.-irelhn of evil men ."' .\ man Hint flM- reth xprvad n. Kni 9 IV tthe. ure txken in evil*. 1 1,1 '[ 'ft n H \vild hull in a it. 'xim. 1. 13. pread n. fur mjr fret NEW yn. will I spread, 17.20. 19. R uationi. sh spread ri. over him 3V. a I wil. spread my n. over tli.-e Hot i* I. .e ha\e been n on T.ihor 7. I J. I will spread my n. on the.n v/r, 7 v. hunt his brother with an. Hull. I. l.S. catch them in their n. Hi. th.-y at nfiee t.. their n. and 17. shall they i-mptv their n t Mut. 4 18. rant n. into sea. Vur.l.lft 13 47 kmifd. ol he.iV. i- like n cast l.'ik- 5 S. I will let down the . (> nuiltitiideot tithes, and n. brake Julm Vl. ri. cast n. on riirht side of sh II. drew the n to land, yet WHS not the it. broken NETS. I Kin fit. 17. n. ..f ch- rker.work P*. 141. 10. wicked fall intoonnn. KecL 7. 2K. woman whie heart it n fin I'l.S. they that spread n laiiguish Ezrk vR. 5 *preadu>fr ut n. in s- H I4.sh.he place to -pread n.O i,47. 1(H Vat. 4 21. lie saw Jamev and John mendinir their n. and he called them, Mark I. 19 LuJcr S. 2. A/r/F* I. IR forsook n. followed him {.tike 5. 4. let down n. (or M draught K ETHER. Ej-od. 19. 17. they S|IMH| at n. part It'iit V4. 6 no man take n. mill sto. ave her upper and n ^prinl!S Jiidg. I. 16. .In'' 41. V4. h.-..rt huid wt n. nnll.rto. /.r/ A- 31. 14. deliv. to death n. piirtt l>; romforted in ri. part* of eaith 18. hro. down to n. pmrts of earth 3Z. ia i-a-t down t n part- of earth -'4. Elain vooe dou-. to n. par. of f. NKTHKKMOST. I Kin. 6 C. n. rhnnih. S rubit* broad NETTLE* Jub 30. 7 under *. they wrre irath. /'rr/r. 24. 31. n. had covered the fre Int. '<. ia n. and hram. in fortn-M- //o<. !'. fi. n pos.>ens pleaSHlit pliirf* /<-uA. . M..ah -ha. he hreedinv . NKT.WdHK, S. [38. 4. K.rtvt. f). 4. make (rraleof n. ollirnu I A'm. 7. 18. tuo row* roiiud n. 4V. 41. two a lip-in the rhi-piier* 4V. 400 poineif riiiiiile* lor two n. In. 19 . weave , I.e r.-nfoiinded Jrr. 5V Vi wit'i n. on the rhapileni V3. pi- meern nates on n. were 100 NKVKR. A/nf. 9. 33. it w:i n. MI keen In I*r. V7. It. aiiBWere.1 him to n. * word NKW Efod. I. R aro^e H n. kinir over Kg I rr. 08. Itt liri K '""h "I'l. hl '' "' " .\nm. 16. 30. 1.. make a n.-w HIMIK 1 tnil. *. 5. man limit n. hoiiwe, 2V. 8 :l .'i when taken n n. wife, nut g- :<-.' 17. IHITIO. to devil*, to n. pods ./xA 9. 13. l>otllrn of win.- were n. Juiig. ft R the> rhiwe It. tod* I Nun ft. 7. make a n. curt, and take V .Viiiit. 6. 3. et the ark on a n. rart I CAroit. la 7. VI. Iti. hein(rirdi^l with n. nword I A'm. I I.2H. J.-roh. rlad wi. n gar. 30. li-h Si. Ifl. ready to 'mr-t lik. n. hot. /'*. Xi 3. ninir t)> him a n. u>nt,9R. I. | 9RI. | 144.9. | 149.1 /ra.4 10. 40 3. Imth pot a. tnng in my mouth t.rrl. I 9. i no n. thinii under sun 10. whereof may he -aid, thio i n.? Cant. 7. 13 plea fruits, n. and old t-i 4V. 9 it. thinff* I derlnre, 44. ft 43 19 I wil! do a a. thin*, make a V. V. ha'-t h railed by a . name '4.17 create n heav. n. earth, ft\M. Jer. i. 10. n. (ate of L. hue, 36.10. M NIG Jer. 31. 21 L hath rrratrd . tilM Lam.3 23. L. mi-rriesare n e*. morn r r /t. 1 1. 19. a it. .-pin! in you, W. 18 31. mnl"' it. heart and n. ipirit 47 IV. tree hrinif forth n. fruit Mat H. lf> i M man pntteth a pi, and hoth arp pro. served. ./ -inn; a n. soup, 14. 3. 21. I. I saw n. heav. and n. earth 6. hehold, 1 n ak- all things n. See CI-TI-NANT, WINK. NVA. 10. 39. hrinir otli-rinc of n. w. la 5. prep, thamh u heren. ir. Ial4 M hronifht tithe of n. ir. to treat, Pr-iv. a 10. premte hurst with n. (rood n. from afar N 1 u i Y. nmt. 3-?. 17 m ri. t>. irod n. rameop Jitrig. 7. 19. they had n. wt watch N K \V N KSS. Rnm. ft 4. we h. walk in n. of life 7. G. we nhould -.-rve in n. of ipirit NEXT Gen. 17. 2 1 . Sar. hear a t et time %. ire. F.r>-av -mote t-- eve of H. day r.rl in. 3 Mon1.-c.ii wa- n to Ahxa. Mat. V7 6V. the n. ilay that fi.lli.wp4 Murk I. 3M. let uv gn into n. town JiJin I. 29. n. day J.ihti -ee. Je* com. Arts 4. S. put them n h--ld to rt. day la 4V. w , .rds he presx hed n. *h. 44. NUiH Lev. SI. 1. a virgin that u n. to hl NIG Jfum. 24. 17. beliuM him, tint n. sta.- i)eiu. 4. 7. whu hath G. so n. them'/ i'. 2. if broth.-r te nut n. unto thee 30. 14. word is n. to the.-. Rom. 10. 8 ftOM.lt.tawhcr ap|.roach.son.?2l 1 Kin. 8. 59. let my words he a. t<> L. I'* 34. 18. L. is n. them of hrok. lie.irt *5. 9. Siilva. n. them that fear him ] I.",. 18. the L. Is it. to nil that call Jm-l 2. 1. day of tin- L. is n. at hand M'tt. 24. 32. ye know that gammer is . Luke 21. HO. Mirfc 13 29. know that it is n. even l.uke'tt. 20. know that desola. is n. 31. know that kingdom of O. Is n John fi. 4. and the passover WHS n^ 1 1. 55 the Jews' passover was n. Eph. 2. 13. made n. by blood of Chr. 17. prearhed to them that were n. Phil. >. 27. .sick, n. unto d 'ath, 30. Hcb. 2. 6. is reju'ted, n. to cursing- See CAMK, DRAW. N10HT. (ren. 1. 5. the darkness he railed n. 14. lights, to divide day from n. 16. made lesser lieht to rule the n l<). 2. tarry all n. Num. 22. 19. Jtttig I!) 6, 9. [.'4. 35 33. nmde him drink wine that n 21. 54. tarried all n. 28. 11. | 31. 54. | 3-?. 13, 21. 30 15. he sha. lie with thee to n. 16. 4(i. 2. O. spake to Isr. in vis. of n. 49. 27. at n he shml ilivi ,e -poll Ej>i. 12. 8. eat Hie flesh in that n. 42. is a n. to he ohr-erved to Lord 14. 20. came not near other all n. LPT. 6. 9. hurninir n the altar all n. I!) !3 wages not ahi. with thee all n. Num. 14. 1. the pe>ipl wept that n. 2-i H. he said, lodife here this n. 19. />uMfi.l.nol -Rv.hread remain all 21. 23. holy not rema. all n. on tree .Indg. 6. 40. and (',. A dl I so that n. 19. 25. and abu-rd her all the n. RutU I. 12. if I have an hush, to re. 1 Sam. 15. II. Sam rried to L. alln. 19. 1 1. if thon save not thy life to /;. 28. 25. Saul went away that n. S Sinn, 't. 29. AhtitT walked all n. Si. .Ioh and hi- men went all n. 12. 16. David lay all n. on earth 17. 1. I will pursue aft. Dav. thisn, Hi. lodg-e not this n in the plain 1 Kin. 19. 35 that n. tne angel smoU 2 Chr. I. 7. that it. did O. ap. to Sol. EM. fi. I. that n. cii. not kin* sleej Job 3. 3. let n. pi-rish in wh. it was 7. let that n he solitary 4 13. tbe vi-lons of the n. 7. 4. when shall tbe n. he trone? 29. !9. dew l-ty all n. on my branch 3fi. 20 desir- not n. people rut off P*. fi. fi. all n. make I my bed swim 19 2. n. unto n. sheweth knowled HO 5. weeping may endure for a it. ?x. I V. he led them all n with lieht >-'. 2. shew forth fait 'fulness ev. n lOt. 20. thou makest darkn. it is n 13!). II. eVHii the n. shall he light Prtn. 7. 9. passing in the dark n. 31. 15. he Hri*''th while ii is yet n Cant. 1.13. lie all n. hetw. my breasts 5. 2. ray locks with drops of the n Ixi.fi. 1 1. ront n until n. till wine infl. 16. 3. make thy shadow as thf n Zl. 4. n. of plea-tire turned into fear 11. watcl man, wh.il of the n.f >2. morning eometh. alg the n. ?9. 7. shall he as n dream of the n. Jer 14. 8 tiirneth aside for H n. Dart. 2. l<>. srret revealed in n. Tl 6 TO in tl.at n. was IMshaxf. slaii 6. ia king passed the n. fasting NIO Hoi. 7. n their bsiker sleepth all n. Joel I. 13. lie all n. in sackcloth 1in*,i$. H. maketli day ilurk with n. Ion. 4. 10. came up in n. punish, inn. A/ic. 3 fi. n. sha. he to yon, be dark V lt2B. 31. then Jesus saith to them, all ye shall he offended because of me this n. Murk 14. 27. 34. this n. finii shalt .leny me Luktf>. 5. t ti'ed all n. taken nothing 6 12. he coi.tinued all n. in prayer 12. 20. this n. thy smn be required 17. 34. that n. two sh. be in one bed John 9. 4. n. eometh, no man work 13. 30. he went out, ami it was n. 21. 3. that n they caught nothing Arts 12. fi. same n. Pet. was sle. ping ">. 33. took them same hour of n. 2.1 11. it. following L. stood by him 27. 23. stood hy me this n. angel R"m. 13. 12. n. is spent, day at hand I Cur. II. 23. same n. he was betray. I Then*. 5. 5. we are not of the n. Rev. 21. 25. sh. he no n. there, 22. 5. .Bi/NIOHT. [byn On. 20. 3.T.. esme to Ahim.lnare.tm 3134 came to Lab. in dream byn. 39. wh -ther stolen hy day or bit n. 40.drouirht consnm. me, frost bun. Ej-od. 12.31. called Mos.and Aar.Ayn. 13. 21. Lord went before them by n. in A pillar of fire, 22. | 11 20. | 40. 38 Neh. 9. 12. Num. 9. Ifi. appearance of fire by n. 21. cloud taken up hy day or //'/ n. Dent. 1. 33. in Hre byn. to shew way 23. 10. uncleanness chanceth hi/ n. 1 Sum. 14. 3fi. go after Philist by n. 28. 8. Saul came to woman by n. 2 Sum. 21. 10 nor the beasts by n. 1 King* 3. 5. Lord appeared to Solo- mon by n 2 Chrirn, 7. 12. 2 Kin. '). 14. came Aw n. compared 25. 4. men of war fled by n. Jer. 52.7. Psul. 91. 5. shall not be af laid hy n. 121. 6. nor moon smite thee by n. 134. 1. by n. stand in house of Lord 136 9. moon rule hi/ n. Jer 31. 35. Pror. 31. 18. candle go not out Ay n. Cant. 3. I. byn 1 sought him whom Ian. 4 5. the shining of a fire by n. Jer. fi. 5. let us go b . n. destroy pal. 39. 4. w.'iit forth out of city by n. 49. 9. if thieves by n will destroy Dun. 7 2. I saw in my vision by n. Obad. 5. if thieves came to thee. |f robb-Ts by n Mat. 2. 14. took child and oth. byn. 27. f4. lest his disciples come by n. an. I steal, 28. 13. Litke 2. 8. keep, watch ov. flock hy n. John 3. 2. N'icodemus came to Jesns by n 19. 39. Act* 5. 9. angel by n. opened prison 9. 25. took Paul by n. let him down ft* IS* NIGHT. I Kin. 3. 19 worn child died in I. n. .VVA.2.12 I arose in An || 15 1 went up 4. 22 in thf n. they may tfuard us fi 10. in thf n will they ..lay Ihee Job 5 Uvrope in noon-dav as in t. n 24. 14 in t. n. murderer Is a thief 87. 20. tempeed not fi I call t" remem. my song if. n. 90. 4. 1000 years are as watch in /. n. 105 39. afire to eive light in t n. 217 NOB Pi. 119. 55. remem. thy n-.... .. r:,-rl 2. 2:1 takelh 1.0? re,t in i. _ I ant. 3. H. ,,,<) i,,.,.. ,,| ear rut* lua. \\ \. in t . M )M b Is laid wwU 2 !.. my soul de-lreo th-r in t n. M -hall have n Ming as in t n. 51). 10. stum, le at niMHi.rt. MS in t n. ler. 36. 30 shall I.e rii-'. ,,nt in t n. l.am. I. 2. -he weepetli siTe in t n. 2. 19. arise, cry out in thr n. Hi*. 4. 5. prophet -hnll fall in t n. John II. 10. IIIHII wiilk in t n. -turn, Acts 16. 9 vision appealed to Paul I'M then. IS. 9. [ Pet. 3 la 1 Thit. :,. 2. ilay com. Rs thief in t n. ". sleep in t. n. are drunk MI ( n. NIOHI'9. n^n.7.4.cause it rain 40 days, 40n.l2, J"h 7. 3. wearisome n. appointed me In*. 21. 8. lam set in ward whole n, See DAYS. NIGtlT.Auirft. Lev. 11. 16. owl and n.-A. ye shall not eat, DeiU. 14. 15. Pi. (53. fi. I meditate n thee In n.-ic. 119. I4S. prevent n.-tr. to meditate M.NK. [in length Dettt. 3. 11. Os's Led -lead n. rnbiti AVA. 11. 1. t parts dwell in oth. ciu Luke 17. 17. but where are the n.F See Hl'NiiRKD. NINHTKKN. [. me 2.9am,2.30.th.'re IHI kedof Dav.srrr. NINK'l KKNI H 2 A'in. ?5 R. in the n. y.-ar of Nfbo- rhadnezzar the hmise of th Lord wa. I'liint. Jer. 5i li NIMKTT. Gen. 5. 9. Eno* lived n. years, hegnt 17. 17. sh.S.ir that ISH ye. old.beurF NINK'l Y.SIX Ezra 8. X. itffeied for Iw. m-f. rami NINKTY.KH.HT. 1 Sam. 4 l.i. Eli was n-e. year* old N I N KTY. N I N K. Gen. 17. I. Ahram WHS n.-n. ye. old 24 wasn.n. ye l<1 when clrcum. .WiiMS. 12. do'h he not leave then .. anth. fi. 9. one of kini(V n. princei JfT. 2. 21. I planted thee 11 n vme Luke 19. 12. n. man went to fur mini 7/;n 4. 4fi. n. miinwh-i. on 49 n. mansaith.iomeerech'IddiB Art* 17. 1 1. Bercam more n. th>m Th. V4. :i we Bci-ept it, n. Felix, 26 2S I Cor. I. 2. not OIBIIV n. are cal'ed NOBLRfl /v.rorf. 81 II. on n o Nrnel IM n .Vr/m. 21. 18. the n. ( P-" dirged it Jiiiig. 5 13 d.miini. n o-r f - 1 Ain 21. S J,. 7( .|,,|.el,tletlemtlia 2 Chr. 21 20. JehoiadH tm> t..' NO. Jfe*. i 1A. nor had I told it to the n 1 6 . n. not pot their ne< ki tn work 4. 7. I rebtiki-d 'he n and rulers 6. 17. the n of Juilah sent letters 7. 5 O. put In mine heart tn gut. n IU2!. they clave to brethren, th. n. 13. 17. I contended wi. n. of Judah Job f.i. 10. the n held their peace ft. 83. II. make their n. like Oreb M9 a hind it. with letters nf iron Frof. & 16. prinres rule, n judges Krtl. 10. 17. when king in sun of H. Jta. \:t. 2. go into the gates of the n. 34. l-i. they shall rail n to kingdom 43. II. and brought down all th. it Jer. 14. 3. the n. sent th. little ones 27. 20. NebuchA. carried raptive n. 3i. 81. their n h*l< uf themselves 89. 6. the kin* slew ill n. of Jndah Jnnak 1 7. decree en king and his n. Hah. >. 18. thy n. sh. dwell in dust NOISU Xfod.W. 18. heard n. of the trumpet fct 17. there is a n. of war in ramp 18. the ft. of them th.it sing I hear Jruh. 6. 10. not shout nor make any n. JuHg. 5. 1 1. deliveted fr. n. of arrhers I Sum 4. 6. what meaneth the n ? 14. 1 AM I. 41. wherefore is this M.T 4V this is the n. th. ye have heard 1 A'l'u. 7. 6. n. of char, n. of horses II. 13. Athaliah heard n of guard, 2 CAron. 2a I* I Ar.Ukfl&MktMiJt) wi. palteries Irra 3. 13. not discern the n. of joy from the n. of weeping .'of> *l 29. understand n. of tabern. 33. n. thereof sheweth roncerning 37. '2. hear attentive, n. of his voice Pi. 33. a pixy skilfully with loud n. 42. 7. calieth at n. of water.spouts 6V i I mourn and make a n. .. fi. they make a n. like a dog, 14. fi.V 7. who stilleth the n. of the seas 66. I. make a joyful n. t> God, all ye lands 81. 1. | 85. 1, 2. | 94 4. 6, | 100. I. 93. 4. L. mightier than n. of waters Jut. 9. 5. every battle U wi. ronfu. n. la 4. the n <>f a multitude in the mountains, a tumultuous n uf the kingdoms of nations U. II. the n of thy viola is down 17. IX a n. like the n. of the seas ?! 8. n. of them that rejoice endeth In. he who fleeth fr. the n of tear 8V Si shult bring n. of strangers 89. & visited of the I. with great n. 81. 4, nor abase hints, forn. of them S3. 3. at it. i'f the tumult people fled 66. 6. a voice of n. from the city fer. 4. 19. my heart make. n. in me 2. the city shall flee for the n. 10. *>. the n. of the bruit Is come 11. 16. nof great tumult he kindled 2V 31. a n. sh. come to ends of earth 46 17. I'ha. king of Egypt is but*. 47. 3. at n. of stamping of horses 40. 21. the earth is moved at the n. of their fal', at the cry the *. WM heard in the Red tea 50. 4fl at n. of taking of Babylon 51. U. n. of their voice is uttered Lam. 2. 7. made it. in house of Lord Kick. I. 'H. when they went, I heard the . of their wing*, like the it. of great waters. 4& I & 13. the a. uf wheel. n. of rushing 19. 7. land was desolate by the n. 86 10. thy walls sh. shak* at the n. It I will came n. of song* to cense 17.7. as I prophesied, tlien- ivn- . /. Jotl t. S. like the n. of rhar n. of tire 4mu 5. 83. Take fr. me n. f -,.n-- NOR \flr. 9. 1*. they sh. make a great it. .V.i.V 3. 2. n. of a whip, it. of wheels '/, ;ih. I. 10. . of a cry fr. fish. gate Ztrli. 9. 15. sh. drink and ranke a n. .Vat. 9. '.'3. caw people making a n. 2 Pel. 3. 10 heavens pass away wl. n. Rev. & I. I heard the n. of thunder NOISED. Jotfi. 27. Joshua, his fame was n. Mnk a. I. n. he was In the house Luke I. 05. these sayings n. at.rond Acti 2, 6. when this was n. abroad NOISOME. Pi. 91. S. deliver thee fr. n. pestilence E.-fk. 14. .'I end sword and n beast Her. 16. -J. fell a n. and grievous sore There tra* NONE. .Vm. 81. 35. t IT. it. left him alive 2 Soot. -a. 42. they looked, but t. tr. n. to save. Ft. 18.41. Pi. 13% 16. when yet t. ir.n, of them NOON. Cirn. 43. 16. men sh. dine wi. me at n. '25. present aga. Joseph came at n. Judg. 19.8. they tarried until after n. 'J Sum. 4. 5. who lay on a bed at n. 1 AIM. la *fi. called on Ban! until n. 27. at n. El>jh mocked them 20. 16 and they went out at n. 2 A'r'n.4. 20 he sat on her knees till n t'tol. :.;>. 17. at n. will I pray Cant. \. 7. niiikest flock to rest at IL Jer. 6. 4. arise, and let us go up at n. .{mo* fl. 9 cause sun to go down at*. Act* &. 6. about n. t hi re shone light NOON-rfny. Dcat. 88 29. thuu sh. grope at n..d. Jolt .V 14. they grope In the n..day II. 17. thine age he clearer th. n.-rf. /'-. 37. R. bring forth judg. as n..d. 91. B. destruction that wast at n. rf. Iia. 16. .1 as night, in midst of n.-ii. 58. 10. thy darkness sh. he hs n-.d. 59. 10. we stumble at n -rf. as night ler. I.'.. 8. I have a spoiler at n.-day Zeph. 2. 4. drive out Ashod at n..d. NOOIUIsk Jer. iO. 16. hear the -houting at n.-t NORTH. Gen. 28. 14. thou sh. spread to the n. 1 A"i. 7. 25. three oxen looking to. wa/d it. a CHr. 4. 4. I Chr. 9. 84. porters were toward n. Job aa. 7. he stretcheth out the n. 37. 9. and cold cometh out of the n. fi f iir weather cometh out of n. Ptal. 48. 2. on sides of n. the city 89. 12. n. and south, thou created Krrl. I. 6. wind turneth about to n. 1 1. 3. If the tree fall toward the n. ha. 14. ia I will sit in sides of th. n. 43. ft. I will <> to the n. give up Jer. I. la pot's fare is toward the n. 14. out of the n. an evil break forth, 4..6.J . 20. 15. families of kingdoms nf the is. a 12 proclaim th-'e words tow. n. 18. sh. come together out of the n. K. I. for evil :< ppear eth out of the . 23 a whlrh led lr. out of n. 31. & 25. 9. take all the families of the n. Vfi. all the kings of n. far and near 4fi. ft. they shall fall toward the n. 10. the L. hath a sarriflce in then. 24. delivered to the peo. of the . 47. 2. waters rise up out of the n. Si 3. out of the n. rometli a natloa F.iek. I. 4. a whirlw. came out of . K 5. 1 lifted mine eyes towa the n. 20. 47. all faces from smith to n. 21. 4. all fle>h fr-m south to n. .T2. rn. priiii-e i then, all of them 411. 41. prospect toward the n. 4d tl. II. ..nert....r '..- : . r dtheit.414, tm NOS Erfk. 48. 1. and building toward it 4. doors n. || II. chamber!) n. 13. 46. 19. holy chambers .ooked to. n. 48. la this holy nhiHti.in toward * Dan. II. A. come to the king of the n 8. more years than king of the ' II. fit-lit with the king of the ti. l.'i. for the king of n. .shall return l.V king of n. cast up a mount, In 44. tidings of n. shall trouble him Zeph. 2. 13. stretch his hand aga. H. Zeck. 6. fi. blnck hor-ej go into the n. 8. have quieted my spirit in the n. 14. 4. mountain oh. remove tow. n. Rev. 21. 13. and on n. were 3 gates Fromttie NORTH. P*. 107. a gathered from .t ZecH 2. 6. flee/rom the land of /. n. l.'tke 13. 29 loine/. n. and sit don o NORTH border. Num. 34. 7. this -h. be your n. b. 9. NORTH quarter. Joih. 15. 5. JudahV border in n. g. NORTH tide. Ernd. 86. 20. tabernacle on the n. i :<5. thou shall put table on n. tidt .Vm. 2. 25. camp of Dan on the H s. Ju'ly. 21. 19. a feast on n. /. Ki-tli.ei 'i Kin, Hi. 14. braten altar on n. *. Ezek. 42. 17. he measured the n. i. 48. 30. goinirs out of city on the . /. NORTHERN. Jer. 15. 12. break n. iron, and steel Joel 2. 20. I will remove the n. army NORI HVVAKO. Gen. 13. 14. and lotik n. and east, ward, Deut. 3. 27 Erod. 40. 22. tabernHcle it. without Lev. I. II. kill it on side of altar n. Dent. 2. 3. ye mountain, turn you n. I Sum. 14. 5. front of one rock a- n. 1 Chr. 26. 14. Zecharias' lot came n. 17. n. were four Levitrs a-day NOSE. Ler. 81. 1R a fl.it n. shall not offer 2 A'in. 19. 28. put my hook in thy n. /M. 37.' M. Job 40. 84. his n. pierreth through 41. 2. canst thou put hook in hi- n t Prof. 30. 3a the wringing of the n. Cant. 7. 4. thy n. is as tower of I.eh. 8. the smell of thy n. like apples 7*0. 65. 5. these are asmoke in my n E*ck & 17. put the branch to th. n. 23. 25. sh. take away thy n. and ears NOSKS. Pi. 1 IS.6. it. have they, hut smell net Ezek. 39. II. stop n. of passengers NOSE-jweit. Iia. a 21. In that day the Lord will takeaway their tinkling orna- ments, the rings and n..jeu-eU NOSTRILS. On. 2. 7. fl. breathed into man's n. 7. 88. in whose n. was breath of life rnrf. 15.8. wl. Mast of thy n. watcrc \um. II. 2ft ent till it come out n. 2 Sam. ?2. '.'. u ent a smoke "f his n. P*al. IR & [ Ptat. 1815 . the blast rf the bn-atli of his n. Job 4. II. hreatl. if lii^ n , ..n-nmed <;7 .f tin- Spirit ..f f:od is in my n. 3. 20. the gloiy of his n. i terrili'* 1 1 20. out of Ins it. goftlisnioki. NOT Fs. S. 22. whose breatl is in Man. Lam. 4. 20. breath of n. was ta .en ^os 4 10. stink of rumps unto re. NOTABLE Z)n. 8. 5. the goat hud a n. hnrn 3. for it cam* n | four n. onea Mat. 27. 1C). had then a n. prisoner .defa 2. 20. before n. day of L. come 4. 16. a n. miracle hath been done NOTE, E -.). Isn. SO. 8. write it, . it in a book Dan. 10. 'Jl. n. in scripture of truth 2 Thes. 3. 14. re, that man, and have NOTE. Rom. 16. 7 ire of n. among apostles NOTHING. Gen. 11. f .. n. will he restrained !9. 8. only unto these men do n. E.n,d. 12. 10. let n. of it remain !6. 18. fathered much, had n. over, 2 Cor. 8. 15. 22. 3. have n. then he shall lie sold Dent. 22. 2(i. damsel thou shall do . Judg. 14. (5. and hail n. in his hand 2 S(f>. 24. 24. which doth cost men. 1 t>i. 8. 9. there was re. i:i the ark 11. 22. he answered /?, Luke 'H. 35. J.j6 (i. 18. they 1*0 to . and perish 21 for now ye are n. ye see 8. 9. but of yesterday, and know n 24. 25. make' my speech n worth 26. 7. h:- hansrelh the earth uponn. 34.. 9. it profit'-th a man n. that )ie should delight himself with God Pa. 17. :i. iried me and shall find n. 39. 5. mine a. is i> n. to you? Eze*. 13. 3. prophets that ha. seen n Dun. 4. 35. inhabitants of earth as i Anns 3. 4. lion cry if taken re.? 5. taken up snare, and taken n. 7. surely Lord God will do re. <7rtr. 2. 3. in comparison of it fls n.' Mitt 17. 20. re. shall he impossible t you, Luke 1. 37 26. 62. answerest thou n.? 27. 12. be answered n. Mark 14. 60 fil. | 15. 3, 4, 5 19 ha. re. to do with that .just ma Tilark 5. 26. and wa* re. bettered 0. 9. forth by n. but by prayer J uke 5. 5. have, toiled all night an taken n. John 21. 2 7. 42 they had re. to pay 10. 10. n sh. by any means hnrtyo 11.6. I have re. to set before him 23. 41. this man hath dune n. amis Jo/in 3. 27. man can receive re. 5. 19 Son ran do re. of himself, 30. 6. 12. gather, that n. be lost 3!) siven me, I should lose n. <;3. the hVsh profiteth u. -.. ->. 5 without me ye can tin n. 6. >:! tliiit day ye shall ask me // 24. have ye asked n. in my name S. ill, in secret have I said it. rl. in. '20, t-o, doubting n. 11. 12. 9. :16. be quiet, and do n. rashly 20. 20. kept back re. was profitable 23. 14. eatn. until \ve ha. slam J'aul 27. 33. fa.sting, having taken . Cor. 1. 19. tiring to n. understand. I 4. I know n by myself 5. judge re. before the time 8. 2. he knoweth re. yet as he oii'.'ht 9. 16. preach, I have n. to glory of 13. 2. and have no charity, I am n 2 Cor. 12. II 3. not charity, it profiteth me re. C. 35. lend, Imping/ re. again D //i7 4 6. be careful /or n. but by In NOTH'lNG. irt* 17. 21. Athen. spent time in n. > Cor. 12. II m n. am I behind Phil 1. 20. in n. I shall he ashamed 28 ire n, terrified by adversaries Is NOTHING. Num. 11.6. is n. besides this manna /*. 7. 14. M re. else save sword of 1 Sam. 27. 1. there t> re. better than I Km. 18. 43. and said, there it n. I Kin. 20. 15. thersfs re. among mj treasure, Int. 39. 4 1 Chr. 14. 11. fs n. with ihee to help Veti. 2, 2. this i.i re. else hut sorrow Esth. 6. 3. there if n. done for him P.v. 19. 6. there ix n, fr. heat thereo Prw. 9. 8. there in re. trowaro or Eccl 2. 24. f n. better for man, 3. 22. 5 14. and there j> . in his bund Jer. 32. 17. > re. too hard for thee Milt. 10. 20. there i*n. that shall n be revealed, Mark 4 22. lMC 12. 2 23. IH. swear by temple, ittt n 18 whoso sh. swear by altar, it inn \f/tr/c1. 15. there M . from withou John 3. 51. myself, my honour u n. Rum. 14 14. that there is n. uncleai 1 Cor. 7. lf. circumcision i . n. 8. 4. an idol . re. in the world (ial 6 3 >. he deceiveth himself Tit 1 IS. that are denied M . pur Of" NOTHING. I,a. 41. 24. behold, y- are of*. 1 Ttien. 4. 12. ye may have lack of n Rev 3. 17 increased, have need o/re. NOTWlTHSTANniNG. Luke 10. II. n. be sure of this that M re. in this rejoice not I Tim ">. IS- re. she shall be saved NOUGHT, ffe NAUOIIT. NOVICE. rs \i u i* 1.1 . . Gen & H. will I . thee, 50. 41. lut 7 "'I. man shall . young cow >:. 4 nor do I n. up young men 41 It he planteth an ash, and Ih rain doth n. M'M KOURI&HJ i H. 17. I .S'l/w. 1-2. :< Mint. I, i- ! , a I. i. . and l.ruiiuti' . sue ;,. her H C. . in his l.itber 1 - i il. 1'barxohN ilaiiflitt i ! '. in. waijj. b> tin- Is. 7'ii. 4. (i. n. up in \v<.: . inivi- n. \oiir !,. I ien. 12. 1 1. n tor a ti:i'. NOUKISUl.il. ... luth 4. lo sliall hen. i>| tin , ,'H. 1. 2. with re. of iiriiiies, 18. 22. 3. 22. number of males from a month old, is, 34, 40, 43. 48. odd re. of them to be redeemed 14. 29. n. from twenty years old 15. 12. according to n. tin-pan-, dn to every one accord, to their n. 23. 1ft who can count n. ot 1 31. 36. half of 'heir portion w Dent. 4. 27. n. among heath, n, 2& 02. 7. 7. more in . than any people 25. 2. to be beaten by a certain . 3i. . according to the n. of Urarl /o.vA. 4. 5. a stone according to re. a Judg. 6. b. camels without i, 7. 6. re. that lapped were 3ml men 1 Sam. 6. 4. n. ol lords of I'ln! 18. . of cities of the Philip i Sam. 2. 15 and went over b. n. . 2. may know n. of the p.-opie 9. gave up -nm of re. of people I Kin ia 31. 12 stones ai 2. Hi. uold iin.l silver there ia uo. 23. 3. their n. by their polls V. 7. the H. that were instn 27. 23. David took not n. of them ' C/ir 12 .'<. people were without n. 2I>. 12. n. of chief of the fathers :*i -4. 71. of priests sanctifie.1 them. >7-d 1. 9. this is 71. of the e 2. 2. the n. ..f the people -f Israel :i. 4. daily burnU.'ff.Tii.- (i. 17. according to the H. of tribel a 34. by n. and by weight H Job I. 5. according tore, of them ul 1 6. not come into - f rnonth* 5 9 things wilhout n. 9. 10. 14 5. re. of months are with 15.20. n of years hidden to. s>.i a is there any n. of hi- arnuei 31. 37. declare to him n. of my step' .Hi. -I. mighty men without n. 3ii. 2& n. "f Ins years ! ';W 21. the n. of thy Pi 105. 12. were but a few men in 4. terpillars, and without I3U. ia more in 71. than In* - ' 147. 4. he teHcth n. < Cunt. (i. H. an.l virgii.- ha. 21. 1". rr-idi i 40. 2ft hrlngeth o'.t 'In c,Y 11. drink.;! H. ii. of citic M'M /re. 44.28. small n that escape twotd Z.. \. 5 3. (halt take* few Inn. ///in. y. 2. 1 understood n. of years AIM. 1. K n. of Israel (hull bea the (and. Rom. 9. Jnt I. 6. utinn come up without n. >'oA. 3. 3. there li great n. of rarcaaes V.uAe A. a JudHi. beinn of the n. JcA* 6. 1C. the men at down, in n. .WOO, ^rt 4. 4 . were 120 5. 36. to Theudasan. of men joined ti. I. n. of dim ip was multiplied, 7. 1 1.21. a great n. belirv.-dand turm-d Ifi. i rhurrhr* were increa-ed in n. t Tor. 10. IS. not makeouraelT. of n. \ Tim. 5. 9. let m>t wdow he in n. Ace. 5. II. n. wa 10,000 tunei 10,000 7. 4. t heard the n. of them which V Id n. of the army of horsemen 13. 17 n. of hi* name H 18. rount . 18. it in n. of a man, hia n. in 6H6 15. S. had victory over n. of beast 80. 8. n. of Jr >c it an sand of the ra NUMBER, >rA. Ci'rt 13. 16. If* man ran n. thr dint I.V i tell start, if able to aj. thro) /. r IV 13. n. 7 dayi for cleansing V> sbe -hall rt. to hiTM-lf 7 days n. 16. after 7th sab *ha it. SO . no and n. peop. i I Chr. 21. t. I A'in. 20. 25. n. thee nn army like I I'hr. 21. I. provok-d I)r. ton. Ur. fl. 24. Jimb began to n. finished not V6 38. 87. who ran n. the clouds f 39 2. canst thou n. the month* f /'. 90. 12- <> teach in to n. our day* J-,i fio. li will I n you tn Ihesword tier. 7.9. multitude nn man could it. NUMBERS. ) Chr. 12. 23 these are n. of bands 8 Chr. 17. 14. these are n. of them ft. 71. 15. I know not the n. thereof NUMBERED. Gen. 13. 16. th.-n thall thy teed be n. I a 10. not ben. for multitude, 3i 12. fj-ail. 38. 25 n. of coi.LTe^ation, 2S. Aum. I. 21. those that were n. of them. XI. 44. 46 | 2. 4, 13, 16, 19, 21, 23, 26.28,30. 47. the Levitet were not n. 1. 33. 5. 9. were n. in the camp of Judah 16. were n. in the camp of Keui>eii 24 n of Ephrairo H 31. n. of Dan 3. W. and Mo-e n. them, 4*. 3P. n. of the I-entes were 23,flOO 4 34. n. soni of the Kohathitcs. 37. .'. were n. of (iershonitev 41. 42. were *. of Mint of Merari, 45 7. 1. prince* oer them that were n It. rV wilderness, all that were n. V'. 51. these were n. of chil. of Itr. J, // it 10. Jhua n. the people . 15. 4. SKU! n. peop. In Telslm t .<. Is. I. David K. the people vi 10. heart tmote him after he n. I Ai 3. ft people that cannot be fc. i. h*p aud oxen that could no be n. 2 fAmn. !S 6 JO. 15. n. prince* of the province* 27. Israel were n like two flocki t Kin. a 6. Jrf -.ram n. all Israel 1 C"A- VI. 17. cor>man. peop. the n &$ I.itet wre n. fr. 3 y.ra,27 % CAr. *. 17. Sol jmun n. all itraiif er OAT .' Chi. A 5. n. them fr. 20 year* ol F. Jii I. 8. Cyus n. th<- vessel- to 1'* I 40. 5. are more than ran be n. y.r i. I. 15. wantn.K cannot I r n Ita VI. 10. ye have n. the houses 53. 12. he was n with transgre^orv \ifirlt | A vcj Jfr. 33 J2. hot of heav. cannot he n, Dnn. 5. 26. i.od hath n. tny Uinsd H,'> I. 10. sand of ea, caunol be n .Wat 10. 'JO. hairs of your l.ea.1 are all n. Luke li 7 Act* 1. 17. for he was n with as 6. Matthia* ws> n with II apo*. Nt'MHEREST. [tlei Eiod. DO. \~i. shall v'Ve every mnn i ransom, when thon n that then he no pi., true when thou n. _ Job 14. 16. for now thou n. mys'tepi Gen. 41. 4!i. Kirn until he left n. 2 Chr. 2. 17. after n. w herewith bar NUKSE. Cm. *. 50. sent away Rehek. and n. 3-r P. Del.orah, Hebekah'n n. died j--^ 2. 7. >hall 1 call to th-e a n.r ftu/A 4. 16. Nvotni heran,- n. 2 .S'i/i. 4. 4. . took him or and fled 2 Kingi II. 2. they hid him Mint hi, n. 2 CAr. 22. 1 1 I The*. 2. 7. * n. cht-rmh. hercbildr. NUHSK, KD. F.xod. 2. 7. that lie may n. the child 9. take thit lnld mid n. it, and the Woman took the child and n. it Ita. 60. 4. daurht. thall be n. at th\ NL'KSINtt. [,ide Snm. II. 12. carry them as n. father 49. 23. ktncii be n. father-, and queen* thy n. mother* NUKTURE. F.ph. A. 4. brine them up in n of L. NUTS. Grn. 43. II. pretent, n. and almondt Cant. 6. 11. down into garden ol n. o OAK. Gen. 35. 4. Jaroh In I |rod tinder o. H. nurse was buried under an o. Jnih. 24. 26 set it up under an o. Jung. & II. Biirel of L. sat under o. J Sam IK. 9. mule went under an o. 10. Alnalom hanged in an o. 14. Man alive in midot <>f the o. 1 A' in. 13. 14. found man of O. und. o. I Chr. 10. 12. ruirie.t l.one* under 0. Ita 1. 30. he at o whose l-af fadeth 6. la a* teil tree, or o. whose sub. 44. 14. rrpre-K and n. to nmke a god Ezek. 6. 13. idol, under rvery o. OAKS. Ita. 1. 29. *hall he aohamed of the o. 2. la dav of the Lord on all the o. F.trk. 27.6. of o. have they made oars Hot. 4. 13 *urn incee*e under o. Autoi 2. V. Amorite wa strong as o. Zeck. II. 2. bowl, O ye o. of Ba.haii OAK, S. Ita. 3a 21. thall go no galley with o. Ltek. 27. 6. of oaks of Rath, raaiie o. 29. all that handle the o. shall cry OATH. Grn. 24. 8 (halt be clear fr. my a. 41. 26. 3. 1 will perform the o. which 1 (wear to Abraham. Devi 7. & fiat. 105. 9. Jer. II. & 98. let there be ati o. betwixt us 50. 25. JIM. tiMik o. of rhildr. of Itr. End. t-t. II. o. of L. be between nt / ft. 5. 4. man pronounce with an n. .Vuin 5. IU. priest rharge her y o. SI. L. make thee pn o. anio. peop. 330 QBE A"nm. 30. 2. If a man swear an o. '.1 ]:> every liiii>,iii|( o to affltct oui 1), ut !rl. I.'. hi*o. whii-h I. maketk 14. )ou only do I n,, K,- this o Jo,H 2. 17. be"Hamel.-5 of thine o. ! VO. wrath le on n decau e of* Ju). 2 aa he that fean-th an o r.frk 16. 59. ha-M despii>ed 0. I7.IH.I9. '7. la and hath taken an o. of him 111 king, whose o. he detained l)'in . II. and o. written in la\v Zrck. 8.17. love no tal-ei. this I hate Wat 14k 7. promised with o. to giv 9. for the o. -ak,-, Mark K. 2f>. '.('.. 72. denied with o. I do not know I.uJtf I. 73. the o. which he an- A. tfi. 3tt Rod hath sworn with an o. '23. 21. bound th< melve with an c. Htli. 6. 16. an o. 'or confirmation 17. find confirmed it I > an o. 7. 20. as not without on o. he, 21. 28. the . w ich was tince the law Jam. 5. li iwear not by earth, nor O\THS. [others Kttk. 21. 23. them tli..t h.ive >worn o. Hub. a 9. naked, according to o .Vut 5. 33. perform to Lord thine o. OBEDIENCE. Rom. }. &. for o. to faith among all V 19. by a. of one niany lie made 6. 16 or of o unto riKhteoiikiie>t 16. 19. your o. i* come abroad unto '.ft m.'de known for o. to faith I Cor. 14. 34. women to be under o. Cor. 7- IV remrmbercth p. of all III. 5. every thought to of Christ f>. alldi(obed. hen ,.. it fulfilled I'hile. 21. ha ing confidenre in thy A. Heb. 5. 8. learned o. by thing- Miff I I' ft. 1. tsanctifi.-atlon of Spit to . OHEDIr M. F.jroit. 24. 7. l^ird hath said, be t. .Vi,m 27. 20, that Ivraei may be o. l)rut. 4. 38. U and he o to his voic 20. perish bee. ye Hould not Leo. .' Sum. 22. 45. strangers rball be o. Prnc. 2V 12. Wise reprover on o. rar h,i \. 19. If o. ye -li et good f land 4V. 24. m ith. were they o. to bis law Aclt 6 7. priests were o to thr tail.'i H;m. 15. 18 make fient o. hy word .' for. 2. 9. know whether ye be sx. 6. 5. (ervants be o. to yonr mnter. Tit. 'I. 9. Chri.t h. . -ame o to death 2. 4. wives, be o to husbands t I. 14. be as o. children OBEY. Hen. 27 8. my son. o. rr.y voice.1343. fod. 5 2. who it I., that I o him t it/ V DOW if ye will o. my voice /.I. II. . his \oire n 22. if indeed 0. Dnti II. 27. a blessing if y.- o. Lord la 4. o. his voice. 27. 10. | 30. 2, 8, I .Sam. 12. 14 30. fO. thnu mayest o hi voice l:,ih v( It. LorilS voice will we o. .Sam. a 19. pen. refuted to o. Sam. 15. *2. to o. is better than it- nfi < 9. 17. and refi led to n. neither f>. 11. if they o. and serve him ft. 18. 44. J. II. 14. children of Am. o. them ,Ier. 7. 23. o. my voice, II. 4, 7 -'(>. 13. amend your ways, and t. the voice of the Lord your God, 3a 20. Zei-h. 6 15. 35. 14. ReelMbltes o. their father's 42. 6. we will o. the voice of the I,. our God, that it may he well with us when we o. the Lord lion. 7. 27. all shall serve and o. him .Vat. 8. 27. what manner of man i* this, that even winds and sea o. him f Mark 4. 41. Lu. 8. 25. Work I. 27 even unclean spi. o. him Luke 17 6. piurked tip, it sh. o. you Acts f>. 29. o. Ood rather than tnf u :te. G. hath given to them th;it o. .V _./.>. 2. 8. them thato. unrighteous. 6. \'t. that ye: sho. o. it in the lusts 15. XL..W ye not, to whom ye yield yourselves servants to o. his servants ye are to whom ye o. Kf>h. 6. 1. o. your parents. Cot 3. 20. Cr//. 3. 22. servants, o. your masters TVt 3. I. put them In mind too. mag. Nef>. ft. 9. salvation to all thato. him 13. 17. o. them that have the rule Jum. 3. 3. put hits in horses' moirhs that they may o. Not OBEY, OBEY not. ' Dettt. 11. 28. a curse, if ye \\\\\noto. the commandments of the L. your God, 28. 2. I S.im. 12. 15. Job 3(5. 12. JCT-. 12. 17. | 18. 1(1. 21. 18. will n. o. voice of his father 1 Sam. 15. 19. wheref. didst thon n.o* Jer. 42. 13. we will n. . the Lord Dun. 911. they might n. o. thy voice Art* 7. 39. our father* would not o. Knm. 2 8. arid do not . the truth GiiL 3. 1. who bewitched you, that you should nut of 5. 7. 8 The*. I. 8. veiifr. nn them that o. n. 3. 14. If any in mi o. n. our word y man 4. 17. what shall end he of them th 1 I'et. 3. I. y in m ff an man o. n. the word OBEYED [o. n. tros.? Gen. 13. 18. heca. thou hast o. 2fl. 5. '-S.7. Jacob o. his father and mother Josh. 22. 2. have o. my voice in all . Snm. 15. 20. I hare n. voice of U 24. I feared peo. and o. their voice 28. 21. thine handmaid n. thy voice . Chr. 29. 23. all Israel o. Solomon 2 Chr. II. 4 they o. words of the L Jfr. 34. 10. they o. and let them en ">. 8. we o. the voice of Jnnadah. 10. 18. ye o. the com. of your father Din, 9. 10. neither have weo. the I, Hug- I. 12. people o. thw voice of L. Jfi* 5. 36. many an o. Theudan, 37. Knm. 6. 17. o. from heart th. doctrine I'hil. 2. 12. ye o. not in my presence tlff>. II. 8. by faith Abraham o. 1 I'et. 3.6. Sarah o. Ahniham AM OBEYED. Josh. 5. 8. were consumed, they o. n. Jnrlif. 2. 2. have n. o. my voice, 8. 10. 1 Kin. ->fi. 36. hnst n. o. voice of L. 2 Kin. la 12. they o. n. voice of L. Pror. 5. 13. n. . voice of teachers Jer. 3. 13. ye have n. o. my voire, saith the Lord, 25. I 42. 21. | 4M. t, 7 | 44. 23. 9. 13. they have not o. my voice, 11. 8. | 17. 23. | 32. 2i | 40. 3. Dan. 9. 10. 14. ZepA 3. 2. she o. nrt the voice fit* 10. 16. hut they have rmt all o. the gospel OBS OBEYKDST, ETH. 1 flam. 28. 18. thou o. not voice of L. ha. M 10. Who o, voice of servant ? ./cr. 7. 28. a nation th. o. not the L. 11.3. cursed he the man that o. not 22. 21. that thou o. not my voice OBEYING, [.lid nut ./rfp ?. 17. their father*, o. hut they I fiint. 15. 22. as in n. the voice of I.. 1 Pet. 1. 22. purified souls in o. truth OBEISANCE. Grn. 37. 7. your sheaves made o. 9. the sun, moon, and eleven ita made o to me 43. 28. and they made o. to Joseph Ejrod. IS. 7. Moses did o. to father 2 Sam. I. 2. Aimtlekite did . to Dav. 14. 4. the woman of Tekoah did . 15. 5. when any man came to do n. \Kin. I.IK. Balh.sh.ehR did o. to Dav. iCiir. 24. 17. princes of Judah made o. OBJECT. Act* 24. 19. n. if they had aught aga. OBLATION. Lev. 2. 4. o. of a meat-offer. 5, 7, 13. 12. as for o. of first- fruits, offer 3. I. if his o. he n sacrifice of peace 22. la offer his o. for all his vows Num. Is. 9. eve. o. of theirs he holy 31. 50. we have hrougnt nn o. for L. ha. 19. 21. Egyptians sh. do o. to L. 40. 20. impoverished he h;ith no o. fifi. 3. offereth an o. as swine's flesh Jer. 14. 12. when they offer an o. Ezek. 41. 30. eve. n. shall he priest'* 45. I. when ye divide land, offer o. 13. this is the o. ye h:i!l otter, 4S. 9, 21). 21. 16 give thi*o. for prince in Israel Dun. 2. 46. should offer an o. to Dan. 9.21. time of u. || -/7. cause o. to cease OBLATIONS. Lfr. 7. .38. commanded Isr. tooffero I Chr. 31. 14. distribute o. of the L. I'n. 1. 13. hrtnif me no more vain o. Ezek. }. 40. require first-fruits of . OBSCURE Prov. 20. 20. his lamp put in o. dark. OBSCURII Y. ha. 29. 18. eyes of blind see out of o. 5R 10. then shall thy lirht rise in o. A9. 9. wait for liffht, hut hehold o. OBSERVATION. Luke 17. 20. kingdom' of O. eometh OBSERVE, [notwi.o. Erod. 12. 17. ye shall <*. the iest of unleavened bread, for I hro. nrmies out of Er.24. Dent 16. 1. 31. 17. o. *abhath|| 34. 2V. o. feast 34. II. o. that which 1 command theethis day. Deal. 12.28. I M.S. Lfr. 19. 26. nor enchantm. o. time* 37. ye sh. o. all mv *t*tnt'-s, -i Chr. 7. 17. Neh. 1. 5. P*al. 105. 45. Erek. 37. 24. .V'\vallow o. E?rk. 20. 18. neither n. judgments Hm. l:i 17. as a leop. will I o. them Jnnah 1 8. thxt o. lying vanities .tfrtt. V8. 20. teaching them to a. ftl) Aett Irt 21. i-iist.im not lawful fo. 21. 25. Ih. Oentiles n. no such thing Gal 4. 10. ye n. days and months I Tim, 5. 21. then o these thinga See. Do. OBSERVED. On. 37. II. hix father n the laying Krod. li. 42 it i^ =1 nisht to he o. 331 occ .Vum. 15 22. not a. commandments Dent. 33. 9. f,, r 1.,-vi o thy word '^ Sum. II. IK. when Jour, o ihe i it* 2 Kin, 21. 6. Mf.naM>eh .,, the tiniva, 2 tArnn XV , II"*. U. & I heard him, and v . bun .Wnr* 6. 20. Herod feared and o him 10. 20. all these I . from my youth OISSKKVKH, S Dent 18. 10. there slmll not he an o 14. these nations henrkenrd to o. OKSEKVKST. ETH. Ercl II. 4. he thai . the wind .ta. 42. !W. serin* things hut o not OBS'MNATR. Deut. 2. 3tt L O. made his heart o. ha. 48. 4. I knew that thou i-.rt u OBTAIN. Grn. 1(1 2. may be I may o. children Pran. 8. 35. and o. favour of the U /. 35. 10. they shall o. joy, 51. 1 1. Don. II. 21 he shall o. th- kiiiy.iotn /-.!/*< 20. 35. worthy too. Ih. world f{<-m. II. 31. thro' mercy o. mercy I Cirr. 9. 24. s<> run, thnt ye may o. 25. do it to o. a corruptible crown 1 Thru. 5. 9. but to o. salvation by L. 2 Tim. 2. 10. o. salvation in Chr Je. Heh. 4. 16. that we o.ay . mercy 1 1. 35. might o a better resurrect Jam. 4. 2. ye kill and cannot o. OBTAINED. .VVA. 13. 6. I a. leave of the kin*; Esth.Z.S. Esth. o. kindness || 17. -heo. Hot. 1. 23. her th had not n. mercy Act* I. 17. had o. part of ministry 21 28. wi. a great sum o. I freedom Jfi. 22. hnviii^ . the help of fiod 'ft. 13. supposing they o. th. purpose. Rom. II. 7. what then ? Urael hatS not n. what he seeketh for, but the election hath o. it 30. ye n. mercy thro' th. unbelief I Cor. 7. 25. as one th. Imth . mercy Eph. I. II. we haven. HII inheritance 1 Tim, \. 13. I o. mercy, because I did it ivnornntly, K Heb. I. 4. o. a more excellent name fi. 15. endured, he . the promises 8. (i he n. a more excel mini-try 9 12. having o. eternal redemption 1 1. 2. the elders o. good report, 39. 4. Abel o. witness he was Mirhte. . who o. promises, stop mouths 1 Pet. 2. 10. which had noto. mercy, hut now have o. 2 Pet. 1. I. that o. like precious faith SteFAtnum. OUT A INI N A 2 TAcJ. 2. 14. o. the irlory of our L. OCCASION. ii-n. 43. I* he may seek o. aea. us 'wig, 9. 33. mayest do as th halt find o I Sum. in. 7 14. 4. Samson somrht o. IM. I'hilis. / Sum. 12. 14. given o. to enemies to Eira 7.VO. tholl xh. have... to bestow ler. 2. 24. in her o. who can turn t Ezek. 18. 3. sh. nth.i\en any more Dan. ft 4. souirht to find o. and could find none . IV lorn 7. 8. o. by commandment, II. 14. 13. put note, to fell In his way i Cor. 5. 12. we give you ... to glory rt K 1 -peak hv n. of forwardness II. 12. that I may cut off a. fn m thein which 'lenire . Gal. 5 13. use nt liberty for an . I Tim. 5. 14. younger if ire none I John*. 10. none n. of itumbliim ()C( ASIONKD in. 22. 22. I have o death of ! OCCASION* Oeu<. 28. 14. o. of speech aya. her. II. OFF JU33 10. be fin.Vih o nfrainst roe CK I I 1 A , Got. 46. 33. hu.l my, wh:,- .:. a J*M*|. . lor work .ft/dff If. II. r>|>.>- th r.eer wen- o. Ett-k. 27. la Syria o. || 19. Jiivan a 21. Arabia o. || ii. Mi. ha o. in liii.- ] Tor. 14. Itv o. room nf un learned l/e6. 13. 9. iTofite.i it .1,. th, t ha. o OCCVPIKBS. --* 27. V7. .. f men randise fall O( CCHRKM 1 A'tn. & 4. adver>ry nor eril o. At/m. a 4R o. run, 1. to he redi-emrd ODIOUS. 1 Clir. 19. fi. Hindi- th.-m-elv. s o. Prut. SO. 23. lor an <>. wons.n whei ODOLR, S. Let. 2a 31. DOI smelt sav. of eet e. SU'Ar. 16. 1 1. laid in hed of sueet o. i>M. 2. 12. nil of myrrh and -v ... t (.. Jtr. 34. A. sl.all they hum o. ii r I li Z)aft. . 46. offer meet o. to Dai:ie ./oAn 13. S. filled with o. of ointment Phil 4. 18. an o. of a sw. et sn t-ll Her. 5. R urn) golden vials full of o. 18. la no roan hnyeth their o. OFFt'NCE. 1 Sam. 25. HI. tin- shall he no o. I*u. R 14 o. to hnth h- uses.,f Israel Hut. 5. 15. th nrki.owleiiye their i.. .J/4/f. 16. '.>3 Satan, thou art <,. to me 18. 7. wo to iiiiiii hy w horn o. rometh Arti 24 la a < oiisi-ienre void of o. .ftoi/i 5. 15. not a* o. so ii free (jiff, for thro' o. of 01. e main (lead, IR 17. it I.) 01 < nn.ii'- <,. de'ath reign. 80. that the i,. n.inht i.U-m.d 9. 3a Mumbling -| ( ,i: ( .. rock of o. 14. 20. that ni;,n who eate;h with o. 1 Cor. 10. 32. give nni.e o. in any thing. 2 C,,r. a 3. 2 Cor. It. 7. have I rommitted an o. Go/. 5. II. then is o. of l-ross ceased Phil 1. 10. without o. till day of C h. I Ptt. 2. & o. to then, whirl, stumble OFFENCES. fret 10. 4. yielding par:fleth ereato jtfut 18. 7 woe to the world he. aum of o for it miixt needs be that e. come. Luke 17. 1. Rom. 4. 2.S. waf delivered for our o. S. IB. the free gift i* of many o. 16. 17. mark thi in which cause o. (rKKND. J"b 34. 31. I will not . any more Pi. 73. 15. I should n. . p. geneCBteM 1 1!>. 165. law. nothing shall i,. thi-ni Jrr. 8. ?. thiit rt. vour bin, shall o 50. 7 adversaries -Hid, we o not //m 4. 15. harlot, let i.ot Judah o. Bah I. |l. heFball pns- ov.rj.nd o. A/or. 5. Z9. if thy ripht eye o thee 30. if thy hand <>. th.-'e, r8. 8, 9 MnrA P. 13, , 47. M. 41. h. gather M ihii.f - tht o. ?. S7. lent vrr ^^.olllrt , . them 18. 6. whOfo o. one .,f ih, >,. >f nr /t P. 4 V / vke 17. 2. Jc*n K. 61. henaid, rtoih thi- o. you? I C'T. 8. la n.ake brother o. lest he o. Jfftw. 8. 10. yet ',. in on. point 3. 2. in munv t| e o. all 1 N I'ED. Cm. JO. 9. and what hare I o. tnee? Jtr. 37. la OFF Gen in. 1. hn:l. r Mid laker b<1 .' Ate. la 14. I hne o retnr Fn.r. 1 I it l n I | I i mm u. in liaa Hut. 11. a bless, d. is he wl-.. shal . not he t, I , 13. 21. when persecution by mid hy lie is ... Mark 4 17 57. they w en- . in him. Mart a .') I ft. 12. rimriM-vae. alter th. beard '.4 10. thi o shall many he o. i(\3l o. heiaiiseol me tins night 33. thouvh all men shall he o. yet will I i. ever he o. Mart 14. 29 ..'<-// 1\ 1. th.il ye flu u!d not be o. .1-1. ..*> fc. n r afaimt ( a-sar ha I o ;. 21. wl.t-r. hy brother is o. t Cor. 11. rf is u. at d I hum not? . 21. make ram. o. for a word Art* V5. 1). if 1 he n o. or have OFFER, Ejrod. va. 59. to ... t! . first fruits *3. la shall not . ft. r him d, M. 85 29. 3!). in. e lamb ... n the n ornins the other lit even, il A'um. i& 4,8. 30. 9. o. no strange inn i se ther.-n /.'r. 1. a o. n.ii i without blemish, 3. G. | 22. 19, 20. 13. with offering- ih. i. sha. o. salt 3. I if he (i. a pea, i -, fii-rii g, o. il Without hi. rni-b, I | !' 2. | 19.6. 12. goat he rbell o leiore Lord ft. R o. for cin.i-flerliig first, !. 7. a 14. mns of Aaron., before L 22 | 14. 19. | 15. 15. 30. AM* fi. 1 1. 7. 3. shall o. of it all the fat thereof 12. o. it for thai k*glvii,g, yg. 29. 3R o. their oblation- to the Lord 17. 7. no n ore o. Mirrltiiesto ii.-vil> P. to the door to o. it to the Lord 1!'. fi .aten the fame day ye o. it vl. a bread of th. ir (iod'th. y doc il. hath I Umish, riot n ire to o. .Vt'ffi. 7. 11. they u. their < fl. rii g H. II. Aaron o. the I.evit.s, la 1ft. !' 7. kept buck, that we may not o 15. 7. u. thitd part of an hii. <>t uin. IS. shall o. an beave.i fleiii k ', I'- ll!. 40 no stranger come to i,. inren. VS. 24. y* shall o. dail\ the meat L-ul. 12. 14. L, fhallcbiM.se. there e. -. :t. prie-tv due fr. n; th that o. 'J. 15. shall o. wicrih.e- of rithte. ouM.es.. Ptai 4. 5 -Jtiitg. 3. 18. marfe an ei.d to . present i. 21. went up to o. to Lord :. V.-. with her bust iii:al. Ifi. 4. of blood i'l I not . to tl ee burnt sarrl. 72. lu. kinvs if sheha hall o. gifts lia 17. a sairiBce of thanksgiving /7. 57. 7. wentest up to n. sai rifire .'. r. 1 1. 12. eodi to whom fb. . 31. when ye n. your gifts 44. 7. when ye o. my bread I.V thev fbiill n. lo'ii e the fat 45. 1. ye thall r. an oblation to the I.o.d, l.'l 4R 9. Dan. 1. 45. c. an >!:,, ; ,,i, t.. Pii.icl OFF HfJ. 9. .. i it:re . t H in I Hag. a. 14. lhe> ... there is ui.el. no Mul. I. 7. \e ,.. (.oiliitu! ht, ad 8. o. it now to ill) totcifor a 3. <.. to tl e Loid HI, oft. t il. iheli ronie und . a 4. o. gift MI.SIS ,. n :, M,nk\. 41 / I like r,. ?.1 ,!:.. k, o. alfo !l . 1 1. I:.', will lie o. him n K(.I ( Utl. 5. I. u. both (lift- . 3 oi.pbt for himself to n. :. 7 ' Mcdeth not t. R 3. hifih piiest orda n. d to <,. tl _ n i.u lune MIII i whin . 2.V he shou d .. I. in eil oliei' 13 15. by him let n- :-. I y J,s. ( . r. n. , I e si, ., i, d . iSwEi'HM OMIMM.S. DFFKFRD. . 4''. I. ' rt. eii r) n 1 , . < 15. slew jioat, n. it f..i 10. I. Nuilab i i.rt Al.'hu n. eiun c tire, Ifi. 1. >.,., ; .J. | :i. ( i. Kum. 7. 2. o. lor the .led,. -at' H il. Aaron w. tl,im us an . ft. lii.g 12. 40. Bali.k o. ox. n HI d il V, 4, 14. : ./' rff. 5. 2. willingly o. Il . n !3. IR trok a kid und . it on i; r. . r I KIWI. I. 4. tin e Ihnl Klkxnab < - &IM. (i 17. o. pei ... It.-rii u- . 1 All:. K C2. Soio. and ISJKI-! Ji ii I i.ir ready to I e o. Utl 5. 7. when he hud o. up r 7. 27. onre, when he o. up r r 9. 7. Hood, hn h he . (,,r t 9. o. eifts|| 14. .. I n 28. Cniist o. to bear sin- oi r 11. 4 by faith Ah. I . to (,,,d 17. Abia. when tiie.1, o in Jew. 2.21. An fnstiCed M h. < M I 1.! iH. 7.er. 6. 26. pri. st that n. it for gin 7. 1R irrputid t-> him that o. it 21. . he o. the bread of thy Pi. 60. 23. praise i. lorifii-lh n .- 66. 3. he that n. ohlatiun . ( i i I i:iN(,. Gen. 4 3. Cain hrouchto. unto 1.. 4. L. had r.fi.ert to Ah. I . - Sfod. 25. y. 1 rin! me o. of ev. man 30. la hull sheki 1 b o of Lord OFF r,.rnd. 30. 15. P. to L. make atonement /.!'. 1. '2. brii.tr your o. f the c.ittle 14. o. He of fowls || 2. I. tin,- flour ;. 1 1. no nvat o. be made wi. leaven 3. 2. lay his hand on head of o. 8. (>. 'JO. this is o. of Aaron ami sons 7. Hj. if 3. f>e vow, or voluntary o. VMwi.5. is.o.f jealousy, o.of inemori. 7. 10 prince* offered o. before iiltar S. I. aha. off.-r Levitt's for an 3 21. 9 13. of L. in appointed season \( l.'i. Mos. said, respect not their o. i ,S'<>. 2. ':!). where!, kirk at mine .'; ;i. :4. shall not h purged with o. 2(>. Is), if the L. luive stirred thee up air in;', let liim accept an o. 1 Kin. 18 29. prophesied till o. of evening sacrifice [/"*. 96. 8. I Ctu: 16. .9. brinir an o. and come, .VV/i. 10. 39. Isr. slia. brin^r o. of corn (Vf. 4.H.23. not caused thee serve tvi.o. 53 10. sha't make hi.- soul o. for sin 6'i 20. hriag; your brethren for an o. H>,-A-. 'JO. 28. provocation of their o. Z' ph. 3. "10. daughter brinif my o. Mi/I. 1. 10. nor accept o lit your hand 13. brought o. should 1 accept this? 2. 13. regardeth not n. any more 3.3. offer to L. .an n. in rijrliteoimn. Ri,m. 15. 16. o. of (,ent. be acceptable Kr.h. 5. 2. an o. to God for us Heb. 10. 5. 0. thou wonldest not, S. 10. throuah <). of the body of Jesus 14. hy one . he bath perfected 18. there is no more o. for sin See llURNT, P'llNK. KllEE. I Ifiire OFFKH I S"J. Vmd 29. 27. sanctify the Awr? o. (.f,-. 7. 14. out of oblation for an A. o. \tirn. 15. 19. ye sha. otter up A. n. iO. SI. of first dough ive h. o. to L. 1*. 24 tithes they "ff.-r as an h. o. V8. srive the Lord's h. o. to Anron 31. 29. g-'ve it to Eleazurfor an h. o. 41. tribute 'h. was the Lord'- h. o. See MADE, MARK, FIRK, BURNT Offering. Peace OFFERING. Ler. 3. I. be sacrifice of p. o. 3, 6, 9. Sin OFFERING, E.rnd. 29 14. the flesh of bullock shalt thou burn, it i a sin n. Le-: 4 -. one kid of coats for . o 22. ?S. | IS. 24. | 28. 15. | 29. f> ? Clir. 29 21. 'n o. made for ,Israel r>n S. 35. .,ff 12 hp.gots for . o. /' /' 40. fi. /' . 'j. l:e shall fcive it '" day of i. o. OFF Lev. 14. 12. take one he-lamb for t a 21.24.25. Num. 6. 12. Sara. 6. 3. in any wise return t. o. 4. what shall be t e t. 0.1 8. 17. Exrk. 40. :). tables to slay ?. o. I'J.l.'i. 14. '/!!. at r o ai;d every dedicated 4f>. 20. ivhere priests shall boil t o. Viire. ()FFEIUN(J. E.rod. -X. 21. wine them tor ,t ir. o. Jfi. /..'R. 7. 30. | 8. 27, 29. | 9. 21. | 10. 15. | 14. 12, 24. | 23. 20 Num. li. 20. 27. Hanrtify the breast of irare o. 7,(T. 23. 15. brotiirlit sheaf of . . Wuod (>FFKl!IX(i. AVA. 10. :i4. cast lots for the ?roorf o. 13. 31. for '. o. at times appointed ' OFF 1 Sam. 7. 10. as Sam. was o. burnt off J C/ir. S. 13. o. affording to c omma. 29. 29. made an end ,.{ <,. the km/ 30. 22. eat seven days, o. peace oft. 35. 14. sous of Aaron were busied o. Ez^aT. 16. priests o. willingly for ler II. 17. provoke me n. to Knal L:L 23.36. coming and ,,. him vinegar Hull. 10. 11. every priest o. sacrifices OFFERINGS. Lev. 1. 10. if his o. be of the flo.-ks 2. !3. with all thy o. :halt offer salt 1 Sum. 2. 29. make tat wi. chief of o. i /ii. 1 21. let there be no fields of o. 2 Cltr 31. 12. pe.ip. brought in then. 35. 8. pave priests for passover, o si. 13. other holy a. so i they in pots AVA. 10.37. brini; first fruits'o'f o. 12.44 Ps. 20. 3. Lord remember all thy o. ler. 41. 5. o. and imvnse in hand3 Erek. 20. 40. there will I require o. //(/v S. 13. they sacrifice flesh for o. hnn.i ft. 25. have ye off. me o. 40 years? Mai. 3. 4. o. of Judith bp pleasant 8. wherein have we robbed thee 't in tithes and o. Luke2\. 4. of abundance fast in too. Acts 24. 17 came tobrincralms ando. See Bi'RNi, DRINK, FREE. Made hi FIRK. fffliwr OFFERINGS. Num. 18. 8. K' v<> " charge of fieare o. Deut. 12 6 thither ye sh. bririt'A. o. OFFKRI NOS of the Lord. 1 Sam 2. 17. men abhorred o. o/ i. See MR AT. Pem-e OFFERINGS Efod. 24. 5. sacrificed /j. o. of oxen 29. 28. an heave offer! tig of the p. o. 32. 6. people hronuhlp. o. and sat Lev. 4. 26. shall burn as fat of p. c. .31, 35. | 6. 12 7. II law of sacrifice of p o. 13.37. 17. 5. offer them for p. n. to L. 23. 19. Num. 6. 14. Iamb forp. o. \\ 17 a ram 7. 17. for sacrifice of p. o. to oxen, five lambs of the first year, 23, 29, 35, 41. | 29. 39. 10 10. blow over sacrifice of p. o. Jnsh 8 31 Joshua sacrificed p. o. . 23. if offer p. o. let L. require it Judf. 20 26. all Isr. offered p. o. 21.4. 1 Sam. 10. 8. I will offer p. o II. 15. 2 Sam. 6. 17. David offered p. n. 21. 25. I Chr. 21. 26 1 Kin. 3. 15. Solo, offered p. o. 8. 63. 9. 25. thrice n-yer Solo. offered p.o. 2 Chr 31 2. appointed priest* forp o. S3 Ifi. Mana-ieh ottered ji . on Prm. 7. 14 I have/i o. with me />cA-.4.M5 p.n.tonmkerecoi'cili. 17. 16 2. priest prepare bin fi. n mid !> ptince ptci are voluntary p. o. Amnsb. 22. not r'srard ;-. ". of fat sin OFFERINGS AW/. 10. 33. *'" " '" make atonement Tloi Cir . _ 3.'!. 1G. the Mltar. an.) acriftccdiT' V">. Cll--l.lt i Ifi n- OFFEH Hoi. 9.4. r.oi off,., tr ,,. pleHsinir to O. : ICK n. 41. 13. me be r.-.t,,re,l to o <>d. I. Ifi. wh'.n ye ,.,. of nu'lwife 1 Chr. 6. 32. they w.i te.l on their o. II . David dii'l orrt: in in set o 2 CAr 24. 1 1. chest IT... to kiiuf'sa :(!. 18. in their rt . they s.inrlifed N-h. 13. 13. iheiro. wns to distribute T . 109. K. let another take his o. '(. 41. 13. shall not tlou. of prient /{cm. II. la I am apostle tiles, I maxnify my o. 12. 4. all inemhiTs have not same o. ! Tim. 3. I . if a man desire o. of huh. III. let them im-o. of -lemon. Ill Heh. 7. 5. receive o. of prtenthood 1'rietr.i OFFICE. Ej-od. 2R 1. that he may ir inistrr t'i me in the p. o. 3. 4, 41. | i!). I, 44. | 30. 30. | 35. 19. i 4'l. Ill, I.V Ler. 7. 35. | 16. :-J. NUM. :l 3 29. 9. p. n. shall be theirs for statute* 31. 10. miiiMer in the;,/- :'.). 41. .Yr'iis keeper, o. /Jf((A 10. 'i. ElcH7ar mil, ist. \i-.pr. n. 1 CAr. 6. 10 Azariah executed pr. o. 2 CAr. II 14. rant them off from p. o. ' 1 8. Zacharias executed p. o. OFFICES. 1 Snm. 2. 3fi. put me into prleit'ao. 1 CAr. 24.3. tlistrih. priests , c->r.to o. 2 ' 'lir. 7.6. priest* waited on their ft AW/. 13. 14. wipe iiot (rood deeds for o. OFFICBR. Gen. 37. 36. P,tiphr o. of Pha. JO. U ./w/;'. 9. -*. is i. ot Z.-bul hig o.t 1 Kin. 4. 5. Zabmi wiis prn.eipal ft lii. Gehi-r was the only o. In 'and 22. 9 Ahah called an o. and -aid 2 A'l'n 8 6. kiiiirappi>inted o. to re. 25. 19. Nebiiz.iniuaii took o. of ity Mat. 5. 25. deliver thee too. and o. ca.-t into |Tion, Luke 12. bS. OKFH KKS. Gen. 10. 2 Pliar wroth with two o. 41. 34 let Thar, appoint o. ov. land Efod 5. 15. o. of Isr. cried to 1'h^r. I!), the <,. ilid -ee they were in fvU .\itrn. II. 16. gather unt" me then. DnU Doit. 1. 15. made them o. mno trihet 16. 18. jml'.-es and aishalt thon make 20. 5 o. shall i-pmk to people. 8. I Sam. H Ifi. vinejarris(fiv.- to hif spk< IB. 3. Judas hnvinir ieceied . 12. o. took .1. k J< - Icti 5. ' "' OFF-S Lam. 8. 45. hat made u f M a I Cor. 4. la o. f all things to th day Jok 5. 25. thy o. as gra-a of the earth SI. a o. is estab. before tr.eir eye. 27. 1 4. o. not be sati.-fied wi. bread 31. a yea, let my o. i.e root, d out Ifi 22 '.'4. -h;ill hang on him, the o. 44. 3. pour my blessing on thine o. 48. 19. o. of thy how. h like gruvel 61. 9. their o. h. be known am peo. 6V 1 se-d of the blessed, and o. Actt 17. vs. for we are I|M> his o. 29. Jift. 22 Ifi. I am the 0. of David OFT f Kmgi 4. a as o. as he passed by >f ;/ii U.whydoweaodPhiir.fasto ? 17. 15. my MIII is vexed, for o. tun. s he falleth into the fire, and o. into the w;it.-r. Mark 9. 22. 18 81. bow o. -h my brother -in ? >/ir/lr 7. 3. exrept th. wash ... eat nut 1 Cor. 1 1. 25 do ye as o. as ye drink 1 C/r. II. 23. in prUons, in deaths o OFTKN, KR. fror. 29. I. he th. being o. reproved Afoi 3. Ifi th. feared the L. -pake o Marie 5. 4. been o. bound wi. fetter- iu. 5 .Ti. whydodix. of Johnfasto.f Jrt 24. 26. Felix sent for him o. 1 Cor. 1 1. 26. as o. as ye eat this bread i Cr. II. '.'ft journeying* . in perils 27. 1 have been in watching* o. 1 Tim 5. 2a u-e wine for o. infirroi Hra 9. V5. nor yet offer himself n V6. then he must o. have suffered .Her. II. fi. smite earth o. as th. will OFTENTIMKS. Jo* 3a 29. these things work. O. o. Errl. 7. 22. o. thine heart knuweth Luke 8 2!). for o. it had raught him John la 2. Jesii* o. resorted thither Hin. I. la o. I purp. to come to you 2 Cor. a 22. have o. proved diligent Hfb. 10. II. o. of), the same sacrifice- OIL. Gen. 23. 18. Jacob poured o. on the top of it,:i6 14. ri4 |3. 37. rorf. 2ft. fi. take o. for the light, 3V sf.i 2. rakes tempered with n. 40. 30. 2-->. make it for holy ointment irr. 2 1. and shall pour o. upon it, C. 4. rake- of fine flour mingled with o. 5. | 14. 10,21. |2a 13 .Vum . 15. | 7. 13, 19. 2ft, 31,37. 43. 4)9, 5\ 61. 67. 73, 79. | a a I 28 13. | V9. 3. 9. 14. [it.fi VI. 15. thy meat offering, put o. upon 16. priest shall burn part of the n. sV II. he sh. put noo. upon it, A'um 5 15. [. 4. | 14. 10. 7. 10. meat offering mingled with i, IS. shall offer rakes nnnvled with o. .N'im. & 15. 14. 16. priest dip right finger in o. 17. rest of the o. in his hand. ia2ft ysMsj. 1 1. a as the taste of fresh o. *a 12. n. lor bollock, o. for one ram Deut. aa 40 shalt not an-int thyself withe 2. Sow. 14. 2. .Wir.fi. 15. 13 mad- him sue'- o. out of rork 33 24. let Asher dip his fiM.t in o. I Sim. 10. I. Samuel took a vial of o. Ifi. I. fill tV horn wi. o. and go, 13. . A'in. I. 39 Zadok look horn of o. 5. II. Solomon gire Hiram twenty measure* of o. [IB. 17.12. , incriie|| 14. nor cruse of o. I A'in 4. 2. nothing in house save o. 6. the o. stayed || 7. go sell the o. 9. I. take thu box of o. to Ram. 3 6 and he poured the o. on hi* head 1 t'hr 27. ?a over the cellar- of o. F.tra 3. 7. and o. to them of Zi.m Ktth. 2. 12. 6 mouths wi. o. of myrrh OIN /. 584. U. makeo. within th. wa!N 9l n. poured me out nvrr- "i. J!3. 5. thou anoint, my h. ad ivi. o. 55. 21 words were -.niter than o 104. 15 o. to make his far.- to "-h'-e 109. 18 rome like o. into hi bn 141. 5. b a kindness, an exre>le. o. Pro*. 5. 3. her mouth -.mouther til. o. 21. VJX 0. in dwelling of the wise Int 61. 3. IMVH o. of joy for mourn. Jfr. 41. 8. we have treasure^- of ,. Exrk. Ift 13. thou di.l.t eat o. 19. la hust set mine o. and inren-i* V7. 17. Judah traded in hone> and o. 3~i. 14 raue rivers to run like p. 45. 14. the ordinance of o. bath of o. 24. an hin of o. for an ephuh Hon. 2 5. my lovers that itive me o. 12. I. and o. iararried into Ku>pt A/iV. 6. 7. wilt the L. he |>leaed with 10,0110 rivers of o.? Zrch. 4. 12. empty the irolden o. out .Writ 2.V a the foolikh took no o. 4. wise look n. || S. give us youro. Luke 7. 41 head wi. o. didst not ano. Id 6. . and o. 11. 14. thou mayeat vather tr. and o. 12. 17. not eat the tithe of thy trine and o. U. 73 [-' CAr. SI 5 la 4. the first-fruits of trine and o. 2R 51. not leave thre either IT. oro. 1 CHr. 9. 29. to oversee the w. and o. 12. 40. were nigh l>rouvlit tr. HI. do. 2 Chr. i 10. 20,000 baths tr. and o. 15. II. II. Rehoboan put in o. and to. 3228 Hex store-homes for ir.ando. Krra fi 9 uive rr. and o. acrording 7. -.'V .*l baths of >r. 100 baths of o. A>A ft II. restore tr and o. ye exact 10. 37. hrinn first-fruits of tr. and o. TO ofivrinir of corn, new tr. and a. 13. 5 tithes of corn, ir and o. 12. /'ror. 21. 17. that loveth tr. and o. Ji-r. 31. 12. sh. flow to L. for IT. and o. 40. 10. gather ye tr. fruit* and o. Hag I. 1 1. a drought on tr. and o. 2. 12. tr. or o. shall it be holy ? I.nke 10. 34. pouring in o. and trio* Rev. fi. fi. see thou hurt not tr. ando. la 13. DO man huvetti th. tr. and o. OILED. [Let. a 96. Eiod. 29. 83. one c^ke of o. bread, OIL^/tre. Erod. 71. 20. o..o beaten for light 30. 24. take thou of o -o. an hill ".rr. 24. 2. bring unto thee pureo..o. 'Jeut. 8. a the land of o..olirr and honey, 2 Kingi la 32. OIL-rrre. /a. 41. 19. plant in wilder, the o.-t. OINTMENT. Erod. 30. V>. make oil of holy o. 2 A'in. 20. 13. Hexekiah shewed them prerious o la. 39. 2. I fAr. 9. 30. the priest made the a. ./Ml. 31. maketh the ea boil like o. rW. 133. 8. it is likr the prerious o. frov.fl.S.a. and perfu rejoice heart 16. o. of his right hand hewrayeth ErrL 7. I. giMhl name better than o. 9. a and let thy head lark no a. 10 I. dead flies rause o. to stink Cant. I. 3. thy name is as o. poured Ita. I. 6. bound, nor mollified wi. o. y?. 9. thou wentest t kinp with n Mil. 2& 7. box of prerious n. .VurA 14. 8, l.vke 7. 37. [John \~t. 5 9. this o. might been sold for mm h, 18. the hath poured o. on my body M OLD Mark 14.4. why was this v. uteofo.l l.uke~. 3". an.. in. hi- teet wi. o. 4ok pound of o. aini anointed the feet of Je. Ir il- was filled wi. odour of the a, OINTMKN1S. Cmt. I. 3. because of thy good n. 4. 10. the smell of thine o. U hettM Ar< fi. 6. anoint thenis. wi. rhief o. Luke 23. 56. prepared spires aud o. Are. la 13. no roan buyeth their a OKK, *OAK- OLD. lien. 17. 12. he that is eight days o. 17. a child boro to him that is an hundred years n. 10. 4. men of the city rou>pus-.eih the h"U*e, o. and young Devi a 4. thy raiment waxed i.ot o. 29. 5. A. 9 i I. 28. 50. not regard the person uf . Jotk. 5. II. they did eat 0. corn, 12. 9 4. took o. sacks || .S. o. shoes on, 13. 13. I. Jos. was o. in yean, 23. I, 2. 14. 7. forty years o. was t Ruth I. 12. am too o. to hare a hush, I Sum. i 22. DOW Kli was very a. I A'in. 1. I. now king David was o. 15. I Ckrun. 23. I. 11.4. when Solo. as o. ivea turn. 13. II. dwelt o. prnphet in H.-th -I 'i Kingi 2. 14. and her liashand is o. f.ith. 3. la dext. Jews, o. and yi>un)f Job'2\. 7. wherefore do the wicked live, become o. 3^. 6. 1 am young, ye are very o. I' ml 3-t. M. my hones waxed o. :<7. 25. I have been young, now o. 71. IK DOW when 1 HM . O God /"/or. 22. fi. when o. will not depart 23. 10. lemovd not o. land. mark 22. i1e-(n-.' not thy mother hen a. Errl. 4. 13. a wise c'hild than o. king Tant. 7. 13 pleasant fruits new mid o. lot. 15. 5. an heifer of three yt-ar* o. Jtr. 4R 34. 20. 4. captive*, young and o. naked ftO. 9. they hhllwax n. as gannent :>\ 12. build o. wa-te place., (H. 4. 65. 20. the child shall die 100 yean o. hut the sinner being 100 years o. shall be wrrursed Jer. 6. 16. see and ask for o. paths 3a II. took o. clouts, o rags, 12. 51. 22. I will break young and o. I. am. 2. 21. young and o. lie ground 3. 4. my flesh and skin he made n. Erek. 9. fi. slay utterly p. and young 23. 43. her that was o. in adulterii-s 2ft. 15. vengeance todeMrot for a. 36. II. I -vill settle your .'estat-s .Vic. 6. ft, hall I rome before him with culves of a year a Mat. 2. Ifi. H. rod slew chil. 2 yrs. a. 9. 16. oo man putteth new cloth to an o. garment 17. neithcrdo men put new vt in* in o. hot. Mar. 2. 81. 22. Lit. 5. 36, .U la 52. hriiiiteth treasarr new an J . l.ukr I 42. Jes. 12 years o. went to A. : he saith, the o. wine is !>vtt*r 9. a one of the o. prophets is men /oAn 3. 4 ran man h<- born when n.f 8. 57. thou art not yet JO years o.? 21. la when thou shalt be o. Actt 4 22. man was abTe 40 years o. 21. 16. brou. Mnas'.b an o. disciple 1 Car. 5. 7. purge out the a leaven 8. keep the f.-t-t, not wi. o. leavrn 2 Cor a 14. reading of 0. Testament A. 17 o. thincK are pat away 1 Tim. 4. 7. refuse o. wives' fnhla 5. 9. not taken under 60 years * OLD HA. 8. 13. he hath made the first o. what waxeth o. Is rev? t" vanish S Pet. 1. 9. purged from his o. sins '>. 5. if 12. 46 o/o were chief of sinir. Job 20. 4. knowest thou not this o/o. V*. 25. 6. tender mercies ha. been o/o. 44. 1. work thou didst in times o/o. 6P. 33. heRtens which were o/o. 74. 2. which hast purchased o/o. 12. for God is my king o/o. 77. 5. I considered the days o/o. 11. will remem. thy wonders o/o. 75. 2. I will utter dark sayings o/o 93. 2. thy throne is established o/o 102. 25. o/o hast laid foundation 119. 52. remembered judgments o/o 152. test'.monies 1 have known o/o 143. 6. I remember the days of o Ita. 63. 1 1 Prof. 8. 22. before his works o/o. /.va. 25. 1. thy counsels o/o. are 30. 3a for Tophet is ordained o/o. 46. 9. remember former thing* o/o 51 9. awake as in generations o/o 57. II. h ive not I held peace o/o.? 63. 9. carried them all the days o/o Jer. 28. 8 before me and thee <f . ordained OLD MM* X)eut. 2. 20. giants dwelt there in o. t. Jn.ih. 24. 2. dwelt on other side in o. t. 2 Sam. 20. 18. wont to speak in o. t. Ezra 4. 15. moved sedition of o. t. Jer. 1. 20. for of o. t. I have broken A'refc. 26. 20. down with peo. of o t. Mut. 5. 21. said by them of o t. 27, 33. ' ' I.V 21. Moses of o. t. hath in . , r t. 3. 5. in o. <. women adorned 2 /"ef. 1. 21. came not in o. t by man See \\ AX. OLDu-av. Job 02. 15. the o. tr. wn. wicked men OLDNESS. Rom. 7. C. not serve in o. of letter OLIVE. Gen. 8. 11. in mouth was an o. leaf Dent. 28. 40 thine o. cast her fruit AVA. 8. 15. and fetch o. branches Jnl> IS. 33. cast off his flower a o. /**. 128. 3. thy children like o. plants Hab. 3. 17. although labour of o. fail Zcc/i. 4. 12. be these twoo. branches Jam. 3. 12. ik'-tree bear o. berries ? See OIL. OLIVES. Judg. 15. 5. burnt vineyards and o A/ic-. 6. 15. shall tread the o. but See MOUNT. OLIVBT. 2 Sam. 15. 30. by ascent to mount 0. Acts L 12. from the mount called 0. OLIVE- free. ifiU. 24. 20. thou beatest thine o.-t ufig. 9. 8. they said to the o.-tr /. 42. 14 drktroy and drvniimt i. 66. a or stull imtiiiiilic l-.irn .-' . f Jer. 10. IS. ulinK out inhMbit. m r la 27. clean, when shall it o b. 16. 21. 1 will this n. cauir thi-in Hag. 2. 6. o. ills H little whilr, I will shake earth and sea, Hel>. !_' .'>. l.ukttt la thev cried all a- n, Rmn. G. 10. he dl.-d unto sin o. 7. 9. 1 WHS alive without the Uw o. 1 Cor. 15. 6. seen of SOU bretl. Rev. 19. 6. the Lord ttod o. reigneth ONCE. Gen. 18. 32 1 will pek but this o Esod. 10. 17. forgive on y this . 30. 10. Aaron make atonement o incense e. a- year, Lev. 1>. J Heb. 9. 1, 12. J ,h.t>. 3. go round city* 11,14. Jurfe 6 39. 1 will speak but this c 2 Ain. 6. 10. he faved hirnsi \f not "\VA 13. 20. hi4 G/. I. 23. preach faith he n destroy. Eph 5. 3. let it not be o. named Phil. 4. 16. ye sent o. and aitnin to I Tttff. 2. 18. would have ci.me n. Heb. 7. 27. (or this he did o. when 11. v6 but now o. in end of w -nrld 27. it u appointed to men o. t die 2a . offered to bear sins, 10. \i\ 10. 2. the worshippers o. imriieit 12. 27. yet o. more, signifieth the 1 Pet. 3 18. Chr. suffer* d o. fur t>ini 29. o. long-suffering of Godwcited Jitdr :<,. run tend lor faith o. deli \eleu 5. though ye o. knew this ONE. Gen. 2. 24. and they shall be o. fle-h, Mat. 19. 5. Mark 10. 8. I Cor. c. 27. 38. hast thou but o. tleM-inv :- 42. 13. Is with father, o. is n.it, :u. 44. 28. iid the o went out from c e rorf. II. I. vet will hrinir . pl)to 2. 46. in o. house shall it be ej.ii n 49 o law to him Is hom-l'orii ;, d stranger. Lev 24.22. A'm. 15. l. ! 33 29 not drive them out in o. y .r um. 16. 15. taken o. as from tb. in fi 8 of the tribe shall he wife to o. eut. 4. 42. that fleeing to o of these cities I!'. >. 1 !. 32. 30. should o. rhae a thou.nd f urfe- 9. 2. better that o. rein over 21. 8. wh*t o. is there of the tribes SOOT, la 21. son-in-law ino. of twain Sam 7. 2i what o. nation like pro.! 9. 7. will not tarry o. with thec Kin. 1. 4a given me o. to sit on oo 9. a nwer him o. of thousand 21 23. o. dieth in hisfull stienpth S3. 13. he iso mind, who turn him ? 3a 2a interpreter o. among th. us. Pi 49. 16. not afraid when o. is rich 89 19. help on o. that is mighty Eccl, i 20. all BO Into o. place, ii fi. 4 9. two are better than o. beuim* 11. how can o. be warm ah ne 12. if o. prerail against him 7 27. counting o. by o. to flna out Cunt. 6. 9. my undented U> but .. i 2a IS. accord, to days of o. Kim 27 12. ye thall he gRthere.l o. by o. 30. 17. o. thousand i-hall flee at the 34. 16. BO o. of these shall full 41 25. raised up o. from the m>rth 44. 5. a. shall sy, 1 am the I ...r.ri 45 24.0. ay, in L. haf e I rlpht, ... Wn. 7. la behold alike Son .tmoi 4. 8. cities wandered N o . . .iy 6 . remain ten men in o. h""" Zech a S. on o nt'-ne be se . 14 9. be o. Lord, and his name * Mai l\ 15. did he not make *'^"'* Mat. 5. 1R o. Jot or o. tittle; 17. 4. three ti.bernarle.. .' O .f,, r M.r..aiid o ,V,,rA M .V /i-A/ft 31 1& 16. the Ukewitbthreaef tw ONL 17. none good hut o. Mark III. I*. Ll-A. . HI ve did It li.it t.. u lit lea-t ,- II I '! Lit. 7. 8 I *-iy too. t", ami It 30. if o. Went Iroin the dead, 31. 17 *-'. In ee o. uf tir /../'.it lo. :i. I HI id my Father .c o. as we are, HI. i. .. o failh.n. 1. o. t 'apti-m || 'i. /-. (i. 1 ./,'. .'i 7 thr.-f u || S, axree in o. .... ii, AN iHtk, MAN, Goo. An ONK. G?n. 3. 22. behold, man is fi/. i 35. no/ o. rity too stroim ! .Vim. 13. :IO. is no/ o. of them left //(/. 3. Id. is null)* righteous, no/ 0. >" MHjH I Y. ONE, in reference to tther. dm. 13. II. .eparaled, o. from oMcr E.roti 14. #i. o. (aine nut ne.ir other 17. Ii. stayed hands o side, and u/A. Dent 4. 32. fr. o. -ide of heav. toott. 13. 7 fr o. einl 17. are contrary. M \.i,tl t ,r Kef. 17. 10. o. U. oth. is not yet mine ."?< Pn.FI.K. Tfirrr in ONE '>/ 4. H M. i o. ,.lon... not rcond Murk Ii. 32. f. iio ( ;. 1 rim. 2.5. ./urn. O X K of them. f2. 18. >vxf. U. 28 rmairied not o. c/tt Mat. 2fi. 7i. surely th.m art o. ///A. Mark 14. fifl, 70. Jo/in G. 7. e. o. o/Y may take a little ONfcM/r. -' thi. is o. f. therefore I SUM .V/i/. 21. 24 I will a-k you o. /*!. M4w&a|90 3. ft H -J .Vrt 10. 21. n. MIH^ thou liwk...t, l.'Jif 10 41 hut o. (King i nee.lfu! rrie.l, r. me.il.3*. PtiiL a 13. ' nt thig o ttiW 1 do tTMt, IR then ron eth tr. o. and S^ Urei are the i-hil'ircn of -. t /uAn i. 13. hare ovrrro'i,. r. o. 14. :i I-', not as Cain, who w* of ?r. o. 5. 18. and HI. a t'mrheth him not 0X1. Y 1 o. to thei men do noth. 'ike now thri -r not with''!' 8 Kin. 19. IS thou B rt t.'..- l.onl, eTen tl. *.*. done ne. nation, or man i,. \. im. ther o have 1 sinned ..i-it. 6. V. ebe U o. ouc of Diuther OPE I. tiler',. 12. dend mnn, o. son of mot. . ... child Ajtu, .V .'i. and not o. so, II. S. (. not u. they, l.ut oiir-elves J6. 27. to God o wise, he glory. 1 7Y.7:. I. 17. JudeSJ. 1 Cor. 7. 39. n. in the Lord * TYas. 4. 8 not to me o. but to all See BKGUTTKN. O X I O N -x. A'UM. 11. 5. we remem. o. and mrl OX WARD. [went Exod. 40. 36. cloud taken up, Israel OXYCHA. Ej-od. 30. 34. take theerpirea, o. and ONYX. y.j-od. 2R XR fourth row an o. 89. Job 28. Ifi. wi. .loin not valued wi. o. Ezek. 28. 13. theo. was thy covering OPEX. Attire. Gen. I. 20. fow I may fly in o. firms .>. 14. I'amar tat in o. place l>y way \IIHI. 19. 15. er. o. Tewel ia unclean *l. 3. man viho^e e>e< re o 4 I A. I Sum. 3. 1. woid of I, no o. \i-ion I A' in. (I 18. ir itar r.irv.-d with 0. flowers, sfl'. :>i, 8. 29. thine eye* he o. towards this Lou-e, .VJ. i CAr. fi 20. 40. j 7. 15. AVA. I. 6. let thine eyes he o ear 6. 5. SanMlat i. o. I. tier sent -erv Jnh 34. 5. B8 wicke.l nien in u. ~ifli /'>-//. 5. 9. their throat i, .in ceptil rhre, Horn. 3. 13 :U. 15. his ears are o to their rry Pror. 13. Ifi. timl layeth o. his folly /7. 5. o. rebuke het. than necret loi-i hit. 9. 12. dev ur !-r. with <, moutl. i. 11. thv Kates sh. heo.continually 7- r. 5. Ifi quiver is an i-fpnlrhre" 3 A II. doth what wa -aled and o. 19 thine ry& o. on wy of men E?rk. jn. i many IMII..-S in o. valley /J<;. e>. 1(1. win.lotv- o. in chamber -NV/i. 3. 13. Rates ol liird he wide o. .If/in I. SI. >e hall scr heaven o. .^'Y* Irt. 27. prison .!n..r- . drew PWO. If. .'!S la lit o. there are deputies 2 Cor. 3 IX we, wi. o. face h. holding fi. II. our month i- o. to you, our ! Tim. 5. ^4. some men's sin- .ire <,. Il'-f.. 6 6. they put him to o shame I Pet. 3. 12. ears are o to pra\er- Rer. 3. 8. set before thee an 6. door 10. a. hud in his hand a hnok o. a &e KM to, FIF.LM. OPEX, r.rl.. Exod. 31. :<3. if a man shall o. a pit .Vum.rXIA. innti-adof surh ago. womh 1U 3'l.if earth o.mouth, and swallow Dent. I.V K. thou sl,.,lt o. hMiid, 11. -0. II. make answer of peaiv and e. M II L. -h. o. to thee his treasure i Kin. 9. 3. then o. door, and flee 13. 17. o the window eastward Job II. 5. oh that f!. would ./. hislip 3i 2T1. I will n. my lip- and answer av Ifi. doth Job o. mouth in vain I ! 14. who can o. doors of Ins face? /'. 49. 4. o. ray dark savine on harp : nil) o. mouth in parable SI. 10. o. tfty mouth and ' will fill it I IR 10. o. to me (fates ..f righteous. /V.-.r. 31. 8. o. thy month for dumb 9. o. thy mouth, judiri 1 rii'l tenu-ly Cant. 5 2. n. to me, my si-ter, my 5. I rose op to o. to my beloved 1"i. 5H. 24 o. none phut, s'lur ~l&. 1. o. (T'.tei, ri(rrrteou.< nui 84 d.nli he o. clods of u - 41. IR I willo river- in hit- 4^. 7. o. blind e>e. Ijriuir out pris. 336 OPE ' 7 a. 4.V 1. to o before him the j H. let earth ". t.r ini; '! t!. > \Jer. 13. 19. citiiH be -I.u; MI . her -ture.lii.il..-., .-.,-t hi r .> in. .11!., n:.,l i-at 8,'fl. when 1 speuk I il r. thy moil . n'onndeii and net /,. in.ni 21. fi. to o. mouth in the -laiuliK j i'.\ V. 1 w ill 0. Ride of Mobtr. cit.es .Y7. lii. 1 Will .,. \olir ((lave-, CHII-, 4fi. Ii eshc.Uo. gate toward i a-t I. o. thy d.n.rs. 1) l^hunmi Mai. 3. 10. it 1 will not hi-->en -Vi/. 13. :i5. u. my mouth in parabiej n.V II. 1-ord, ii. t i us. Z.Ar 13. 15 l.ukr I' .'i when knorketh may n. Acti ,K.\\. J'aul tta about tno.Vintt. A>A. fi. 19. pray, that I may o in. HI. CoL 4. a i. would o. iloor ill ut'.-r. A>. 5. si. who is worthy to o. lM,ok5 >re I \i s. [3, 4, :>.9 OPENED. fiVn. 7. II. wii.ili.ii.of hear, were o. i!. 31. the Ijini o. 1^ ahV woroh 30. 22. (iinl o. Uachel's mh 41. 56. JiiM'ph u. all stoiehouses 4-'. '/;. r.|,e o h.shack, 43. J(l. | 44. 1 1 >orf. 5!. (i w h. n sin <, i.rk.sawcliiid A'u. 1C. 32. ealtll . inoiith, swal. lowed up K.'tah, I'l. IIKi. 17. JuAg. 3. -. 27. her lord o. d.-or-, went out i Kin. '.I. 10. Klisha u. door ai.d tied 15. la they o. nut to him, he emote 2 <'Ar. 2. a Herekiah . dm.rs of .\>/i. 7. 3. let not patcgof Jeru. I n. H. -">. Kira o. hook, whru he u p-o. I:* 11'. pates Uot he o. till after -a',. Jt'/' III. .'<-'. u. my doors to travi Her 3s. 17 have (jaie.s of death been o.? Pml. 4(1. fi. mine ears h:t t! on ... ilin' he o. doors of heaven I" >. l. he o. n,ck, waters rushed 1'niit. "i. fi. 1 (/. to my beloved, but Ita. 14. 17. o. not ho'use of prisoners IS. s. time that thine ear wan Dot o. .")'. 5. Lord (iod hath o. mine ear Jrr. M \1. to thee have 1 o. ca-i.e .Vi. Vo. Lord hath o. his armoury Ezek I. 1. heav. were o. Mat :t 16. .VQ ID. II. Peter Haw heaven o. and ves. 12. 10. iron gateo. || 14. o. > 14. 27. how he o. do,.r to Gentiles Ifi. 14. l.ydia, whose heart Lord* 2fi. the prison. door, were o. 1 Cor. 16 9. a great lour mid effee. tiinl is o. unto me, 2 Cur. :' Ii. Hfb. 4. 13. nil tliin_'. are/, to him fl?. 4. 1. a door wa> o. in heavi n G. I. I saw when I. Mint. o. ore -ei\: 3. o. -econrt || 5. third i 7 fiurth hl| 12. fixth R. i he o. tl.p b..ttn: 19. II. I 8.w heaven o. and I.. I,,, Id white Ii. r w -:i- ... 20. li. boki .-,. hook of Ufi > -, M'IOTH. OPP OPENKST. i-r 10V 28. thoii o. thy hand, filled lt,\ 16. tliuii ./. ruin.- hand OPBNBTH. iroii. 13 2. sanctify to me wlvit. o. 12. thiin shalt set apart all tint n. the matrix, 15. | 3V 19. Num 3. I.'. | 18. 15. Luke -2. 2:i. Job 21. 19. the rich man n. his eyes 3:i. H>. heo. pars of men, and seal-th S'i. 10. he it. their ear to discipline Ift. he t their ears in oppression Pv. :m. 1? dumb man o. not mnuth /'/or. I.). ?. lie that o. wide his lips 24 7. he >. not his month in irate 31. 2H. she o mnuth with wisdom /. A3 1 so he o. not his month Ezek. 20 26. all that o. the womb ,/o/in 10. 3. to him the porter />. Hev. 3.'. he that o. and no man shut. tetti, shntteth and uo man 0. OPENING. Ixa. 41. 20. o. ears, hut heareth not Act* 17. 3. ii and alleging Christ OPENING, S. ) C/iro>, . 27. o. of house of God lnl> 12. 14. shuttetll. there be no o. frov. I. 21. in the o. of the gates H. G. tin- o. of ray lips shall lie right Jan. 61. 1. proclaim o. of the prison E*ek. 29. 21. give thee o. of mouth OPENLY. Gen. 39. 21. where harlotth. waso.? t' \>H. >. righteousness he o. shewed tint. I). 4. Fa. reward thee o. 6. 18. '//* 8. 32. he sp;ike that saying o. yo/m 7. 4. lie seeketh to he known <>. 10. went he to loast, not o. secret 13. :io man spake of him o. for fear 1 1. 5V Jesus walked no mure o. la 20. Je:s. said, 1 spake n. to world Arts III 40. G. raised up, shew. himo. Ifi. 37. they have beaten us o. Cut. 2. 15 he made a shew of them o OPERATION, S. /.>(/?. 28. 5 they regard not o. of hi- Lin. 5. 12 nor consid. o. of his hands 1 C''ir. 12. (i. theie are diversity of o. Cut. 2. 12. risen thro' o. of faith of G OPINION, S. 1 Kin. 18.21. how long halt hot 2o.? Job 32. 6. 'lurst not shew yon mine o. 10. 1 also will sliew mine o. 17. OPPORTUNITY. Mat. 2(5. 10. he sought o. to betray him, J.ukr 22. <;. G'/A fi. 10 as we have o. do (fond Phil. 4. 10. careful, but ye lacked o. Hub. 11. 16. h id a. t" have returned OPPOSE, EIX strt* 18. 6. o. thems. and blasphemed 2 7Vm. 2. 25. instructing those that OPPOSKST, ETH. Ji'Ii 30. 21. wi. strong hand o. thyself 2 r'ws.v. 2. 4 i,. and exalN-th himself OPPOSITION':;. 1 7Y;n. 6. 20. avoiding n. ot science OPP MESS. E.rnii. 3. 9. the Egyptians o. them 2'2. 21. neither . a stranger, 23. 9. I.i-r. 25. H sh. not 'i iiii.>ai.>-rr, CV. /)c . '23. 1>>. SUM it not (/. servant 24. 14. shall not n. an hired servant J'i'/tf. 10. 12. the MoahitcM did u. yon Jut, \() ,!. is -t ifond tlioiidihou. o '/ Ft. 10 13 man of earth no more o. 17. (I. hide me fr. wicked that n. me 1 If). 1-2 >. let not the proud o. me ft-nn. >. '-2. nor n. tlie .ifflicted /,./ V.I <,. feed tliem t'i .it ". thee Jftr. 7. 'i. if ve . tiiii the stranger .'to. 20. I will punish .il 1 thato. them Erek. 4-1 X princes shall no more Hat 12. 7. a merchant, loveth to o. OPP GRD Am, V ) kine of Ra-lmn a. the poorl ZrrA. 9 S. no o shall p: ,., t roorf, .//c. 2.2. they o. a man and ln house 10. 4. .-.it oi him n evei, Zeea. 7. 10. o not widow nor father), oi'p:;i.> 3. "). witness against those th n. ttnit. 2. 6. do not rich men o. you ? OPPRESSED. Dent. 28. 29. thou shall he onlyo. 33. .Inilg >. is. hy reason of them th. o. 4. 3. Jahin o. Israel || 10. 8. Plnlist . 6. 9. I delivered you out of the hand of the Egyptians, and of all that o. you, I Sum. 10 la 1 Sam. 12. 3. whom have I o.? 4. th. hast not defrauded nr o. us 2 Kin. 13. 4. Assyria n. || 22. king of >Cln: Ifi. 10. As to 8' nne of the pe... Jii/i '20. 19. o. and tnrsaken fhe poor 3i. 9. they make the n. to crv Ps. 9 9. Lord be a refuge for the o. 10.18. judge theo. 103 6. | 146. 7. 74. 21. let not o. return ashamed 106. 42. their enemies o. them Ei-cl. 4. I. tears i f such as were o. Iia. 1. 17. seek judgment, relieve o. 3. 5. the people sh be o. every one 23. 12. O thou, o. virgin, daua'hter 3S. 14, O L. I am o. undert for me 52. 4. Assy. o. them without cause 53. 7. he was o. and afflicted 58. 6. the fast? to let the o. ero free Jer. iO. 3:i. Israel and Judah were o. Exek. 18. 7. hath not o. any, 16. 12. he hath o. || Ift. he cruelly o. i2. 29. they o. stranger wrongfully Ho*. 5. II. Enhraim is o. and broken Amos 3. 9. behold the o in the mid.,t Acts 7. 24. Moses avenged him o. 10. 38. Jesus healed all that wereo. OPPRESSETH. Num. 10. 9. go to waraga. him th. o. Psnl. 56. 1. he fighting daily o. me Prov. 14. 31. he that o. poor, 22. 1(1 28. 3. a poor man that o. the poor OPPRESSING. Jer. 46. 16. let us j?o from o. sword 50. 16. for fear of the o. sword Zeph. 3. 1. woe to the o. city OPPRESSION. K.rod. 3. 9. o. wherewith Egyptians Dent. 26. 7. the L. looked on our o. 2 Kin. 13. 4 L. saw the o. of Israel Jub 36. 15. openc-th their ears in o. Ps. 12. 5. for o. of poor will I arise 42. 9. o. of the enemy, 4 1 '. 2. | 55. 3. 44. 2V forgettesto^ro. ||62.IOtrust 73. 8. speak wickedly concerning". ' 07.39 they are brought low thro' >. 17. thine eyes and heart for o. Ezek. 22. 7. dealt by o. wi stranger 29. people of the land have u-ed o, 46. 18. shall not take inlo-rit by o. OPPRESSION* Jnh 1 n . S. hy the multitude of 0. Ki-rl. 4. I. 1 considered the n. done Ixa. 33. 15. despiseth the gain of o. OPPRESSOR. Ji,b 3. 18. th. hear not voice of the o. 15 20. niiinher of years hidden ton. P, 72. 4. shall break in pice /'/or. 3 31. envy not n choose none 28. 16. wanteth un lersfiinding is o. Ixn 0. 4. liiint broken rod of bis . 14 4 say how hath 'h- ". ceased I 51 13 Irist (eared the fury of the . Jer 21. 12. deliver him out of the band ol the 25. 38. because of fierceness of o. 3JJ7 Job IT. 13. this is u.e li.ritiu.-e off. P*. .H. 3. and o. seek alter nn 119. 121. leave me not M A'cc/. 1. I. side l*. .'). 12. first principles of u. ot G. 1 Pet. 4. II. speak as the o. of God ORATION. Aits 12. 21. Herod made o. to them OR A TOR. Inn. 3. 3. from Judah the eloquent o. Artt'U.1. certain n. named 1 ertulliu ORCHARD. S. Cant 4. 13. an o. of pomegranates Ei-d. 2. 5. I made me gardens and o. OH I) A I N. I Chr. 9. 22. Sam. did o. in tb. office 17 9. I will o. a place for ray people /./. 26. li L. th. will o. peace lor lit I Cor. 7. 17. so n. I in all churches Tit. 1. 5. thou shouldest o elders OKDAINKD. Ntim. 28. 6. an offer ng that was o. 1 Kin. 12. 32. Jerobo. o. a feast, :. 2 Kin, 23. 5. put down idol, priests o. 2 Chi: II. If.. Jeroboam . pr :'.<. '27. the instruments o. bv David Eith. S. 27. Jews . feast of Purim Ps. 7. 13. 0. arrows ag.i. persecutor! 8. 2. out of mouth of babes n. stien. 3. the moon and stars thou lia.st u. 81. 5. o. in Joseph for a testimony 132. 17. I have n. a lamp for mine hn. 30. 33. Tophet is o. of old Jer. 1. 5. I u tiiee to be H prophet Dun. U. 24. king n. to destroy n en llih. 1. 12. O U thou haste, them Murk 3. 14. Jes. o. 12 to be wi. bun Jo/in 15 Hi I a. ye -ho. bring fruit Arts 1 '22. o. to he witness with us 10. 42. i>. of G. to be judge of quirk 13. 4s. many as wereo. to eter. life 14. J.I when they n. them elders l(i. 4. decrees '*ere n. of apo.-tles 17. 31. judge bv th it man hehntb.6. Rom. 7. 10. commandment o. to life 13. I. powers that he, are o of God I Cur. 2 7. hidden :sdoin Hod > 9. IV L. u. th. thev wlmh preach C nl :\. 19. the law was . by angels Kph. 2. 10. which G. hath before . 1. e\cry high pi ie-t i* o. R3. 9. 'i. when these thing* were o. Judf 4. old o. to this . ondeiunatioD ORDER. 2 Kin. 23 4. com. priests "f second & I Chr. 0. 32. waited HI rdimrtn*. IV I. thought him not liter the due a 03 31. ii. commanded them I 25. 2. a.-cordinn to th /.'; ID. i-.'. H land ..f dark, without* />,. ||i). | a p Mek-hL -. ,1.17.111. I Cur. 1C, I I h.e given-. ' ioyiiK lind ' ^texdfM'OMI lit*. 7. H not en led 4er.ol AM Q ORD In ORDER. <7sn n. 9. Abraham laid >nd in o Ktod. 40 4. t.h.,,i -halt -. t in o. the thing- tliatire to he -et in n. Ler. I. 7, 8. 12. I 6. 12. | 24 8. S3. and he et hre^d in o. upon It t Sum. 17 23. put his home in o. I Kin IR. 33. K'Jah put wood in o. fl Kin. 20. 1. set thine hnii-e tn o. ha. 38. I. I r*r 13 II. shew bread set in o. 29. 35. service of house of I., in o. Jnb 33. ft. set words in o. bef.ire me Pi. SO. 21. them wo. hefo. thine eyes EcrJ. 12. 9. the preacher set in o. ha. 44. 7. and et it in o. before me ? Ezelc. 41. 6. chambers were 3t( in o. l.ukt \. 1. hand to set forth in o. 3. 8. served before God in his o. Actt IS. 23. country of I'hrygiarno. I Cor. II. 34. the rest will I set in o. IS. 23, every man shall rise in his o. Tit. I. 5. I left thee to set in o. the ORDER. Ernd. 27. 21. Aaron o. It, l*v. 24. 3, 4 Jndg. 13. li how sh. we o. rhild f I Kin. 20. 14 who shall n. the battle 1 .lob 23. 4. o. my cause before him 37. 19. for we cannot o. our speech Pi. 119. 133. o. my steps in thy word Ita. 9. 7. upon his kingdom too. It Jer. 4'i. 3. o. ye hurkler and shield ORDERED. ETH. Jiutp. ft 26. build altar In o. place 8 .Sum. 83 5 covenant o. and sure Jol> 13. 18 I have o. my cause, I PI. 37. 23. steps of a good man are o. SO. 23. who o. conversation aright ORDER1NGS. 1 Cftr. 2*. IS thee were their o. ORDERLY. Act*2\. 24. walkest o. keepest law ORDINANCE. Erjd. 12. 14. feast of pa*over for an o forever. 24. l!l. | 13. 10. IS. 26. made a statute and an n. Hum. 9. 14. according to o. nf pass, over, 8 CAr. 35. la 10. 8. be to you for an o. for erer 18. 8. and to thy song by an n. for ever, 1 Chr. 2, 4. 19. 2. o of Lord commanded, 31. 21. Jnth. 24. 25. set them o. in Shechem 1 Sam. 30. 25. made it an o. for ever 2 TAr. 35. 2V made them o. in Israel F.xrn 3. 10. after the o. of David Int. 21. S. the law, changed the o. IS. 2. forsook not o. ot their God Ezflr 46 14 offerini' by perpetual o. Mill. 3. 14. what profit th. we kept o.t Rom. la 2. power resists o. of God I t'et. 8, 13. suMnit tn ev. o. of man ORDINANCES. Erod. la 80. shalt teach them o. Jrr. 18 3. neither walk in their o. 4. ye shall ke. p mine o. 30. | 28. 9. 2 CAr. 33. 8. F.rek. II. 80. | 41 II. I Cor. II. 1 V*m. 9. 12. to o. of the passover, 14. t Kin. 17. 37. 9. he wrote for you f/. I 8. oommandments and o. of L. Eph. 4 I.V cominwn. contained in o. Col. f. 14, out hand, writing of A HO. ar ye subject to o.f OVR ffen. 9. 1. had o. of divine service 10. In carnal impo-ed on then ORDINARY. F.Xfk. 16. 27. diminished o. food ORGAN, S. Grn. 4. tl. nf such us handle the o. Jo* 21. 12. rejoice at sound of the o. 30. 31. my o. turned into voice of Ptal ISO. 4. praise him with the o. ORNAMENT. Prop. I. 9. o. of grace to thy head 4 9. give to head aa o. of grace 25. 12. as an o. of fine gold, so it a Ita. 30. 82. dfflleo. < f molten images 19 18 clothe thee as with an o. Efek. 7. 20. the Leaiity . f his o. ~et. 3. 4. o. of meek quiet spirit ORNAMENTS. Ernd. 31. 4. no man put on him o. 5. put off thy o. from thee, ft idt(. 8. 81. o. were on camels' neck 2 .Sam. I. 24. *aul, who puto. on yo Ita. a la tinkling o. nhout feet 61. 10. decketh him-ell with o. Jer. 2. 32, can a Maid forget her e. 4. 30. deckest thee with o of gold Ezek. IR 7. art come to excellent o. I), decked thee with o. put 23. 40. thou d-,-kedst thyself wi. o. ORPHANS. Lam 5. 3. ar>- o. our mother* wido. OSHRKY. OSSIFR.AGE. Lew. II. 13. eagle, otp. and oxiif. not -at. Deut. 14. 18. OSTRICH. KS .7639. 13. wing* and feathers to o.? I. am. 4. 3. like o. in the wilderness OTHER. Gen. 28 17. none n. hut house ot G. Judg. 13. 10. man came to me o. dy Hi 17. weak, and he like nnyo. man 20. go out. as at o. times before 1 Kam. 3. 10. L. called as at o times 20. 25. Saul sat on seat as tit o. tunes 21. 9. there is no o. save that here Mat. 18. 13. restored whole a, Mark 3. i Luke ft 10. Mark 7. 4. many o. things there be, 8. 32. and there is none o. but he Luke 14. 32. o. Is yet a great way off IR. 1 1. that I am not as o. men John 15. 24. works none o. man did 21 25. there are many o. things Act* 4 12. neither is salva. in any o 8. 34. himself, or of mine o. man r See Gon, iion*. ONE SIDE. OTHERS. Mnt 5. 47. what do * more than o.? Mark 15. 31. caved o. himself he cannot, Luke 23 IV I'hil 1. 4. also on the things of o. 1 Thet.t. ft nor vet of o sought we OTHERWISE. 2 Chr 30. IS. they eat passover o. Pi. 3a 16. o. should rejoice over me Rom. 1 1. 6. o. grace i no more grace ; o. work i< no more work Gal. 5. 10. will be none o. minded Phil. 3. 15. any thing you he o. mind. I Tim. ft 3. if any man teach o. OUCHES. Ernd. 28. II In o. of gold, 39. 6. la la and thou shalt make o of gHd 14. fasten chains to the o 3!). 18 25. thou (halt fasten In the two o. OVEN. Lev. 2. 4. off. ring haken In o. 7. 9. 11. Xi. whether it he o. or ranges 2ft 26. hake your bread In one o. Ptal. SI. 9. make them as a fiery o. Lam. 5. 10. skin was black like an o. Hot. 7. 4. as an o. heated by baker ft mud* ready heart like an o. 1. tlaL 4. 1. day that .shall burn as an o. ass OTF .'for. 6. 30. is rant into t. T.u. .?. 13. OVENS trad. 8. 3. frogs come In'.o thine OVKR. Xm. 27. 1C. set man o. cnngrezat : .oo Cun<. 2. II. winter p*st, rain it o. OVKR . liim C'fnt. ft 5 away eyes, they ha. n. m Jer. 23. 9. man whom wine hath o. l.ttkr II. 22. a stronger shall o. him ./ An Ift 33. I have o. the world Rum. 3. 4. o. when thou art judged 12. '21. be not o. of evil, l.nt o evil I ./-An 2. 13. have o. wirked one. 14. 4. 4. are of O. and have o. them Rrr. 1 1. 7. heaf hall o. witnese la 7. war with saint*, and o. tlieia 17. 14. and I.arnh hall n. them OVKIU'OMKTH. 1 John V 4. born of Go I o. wor d, victory a. world, even faith. 5 Her. 2. 7. n. will I give tree of life 11. he that o. ihall not he hurt 17. him that o. will I give to rat 2fl. to him thato. will I L'ire power 3 5 he that o. shall he clothed 12. him that o. will I rnak* pillar 21. him that o. will I grant tn . certainlv -nine, o. ?fi rld o with water OVERFLOWINO. Job 78. 11. hebindeth flm.ds from . 3S. 2S. water.coumef'iro of wntei* Ita. 28. 2 flimil of mighty waters a. IS. when the o scourge pass, IS. 30. 21. his breath as an n. stream Jer. 47. 2. north shal. e an n. fl.ir.i F.rek IS. 1 1. he an o ?l ower, l.'l 3a 28. rain o. rain and rmilstoiiM llab. 3. 10. the A nf th water OVKRF1.0.VN. 1 Chr. 12. li. Jordan when it U* ). OVE fW 22. Ifl. whose foundation was o. Van. II. X2. wi. HoiMl -h. they be o. OVERLAY [v-4. | 30.S. 25. 1. shall v. urk with gold, 7. 2 o. t ie .iltar with brass, 38. 2. OVERLAID. '26. 32. pil'ars o. u ith gold 38. 6. he o. staves of shittim.wood . A in. 3. 19 dieil, because l:e o. it E Chr. 4. 9 he o. the doors wi. brass Cant. 5. 14. belly is as bright ivory o. Ste GOLD. OVERLAYING. Exod. 38. 1 .. the o. of chapiters, 19. OVERLIVED. Joth. 24. 31. dn ys of elders th. o. Josh. OVERMUCH. Ercl 1. 16. rig Menus o. || 17. be noto. 8 Cor. 2. 7. swallowed wi. o. sorrow OVERPASS. Jrr. 5. 2a thev o. deeds of wicked OVERPAST. Pi. 57. 1. refuge until ralamit he o. 1m. 26. 90. hide until indigna. be o. OVERPLUS. Lev. 25 27. let him restore the o. OVERRAN, RUNNING. J Sam. la 23. Ahimaaz o. Cushi XoA. 1. 8. an o. flood will he make OVERSEE. 1 Chr. 9. 29 appointed to o. vessels CAron. 2. 2. 3,600 ti. o. them OVERSEER. Gen. 39. 4. madee. over his house, 5. A<*. H. 9. Jo. I th. u || 14. Zahdiel o. 22. o. of Levites || li.42. Jezrah. o. Prov. 6. 7. the ant having no o. OVKRSEEHS. Gen. 41. 34. let Pharaoh appoint o. 8 Chr. 1. 18. Solomon set 3.KOO o. 31. 13. o. under han.i of Cononiah 34. 12. o. of all that wrought, l:i. 17. delivered money into I and of o. Acti'A). 2H. Holy Ghost made youo. OVERSHADOW, ED. I/at. 17. 5. a hrigl.t cloud o. them, Mark 9. 7. Luke 9. 34. Luke 1. 35. power of H ig best o. thee Act* 5. 15. shadow of Peter o. them OVERSIGHT. Gen. 43. 12. peradvent. it was an o. Aum.a32. o. of them th. keep charge 4. 16. the o. of all the tabernacle 8 Kin. 12. 1 1. them that had the o. of house of L. 22. 5, 9. v Chr. 34. 10. 1 CAr. 9. 23. had the o. of the gates Veh. II. IP had the o. of business la 4. the o. of the house of God 1 Pet. 5.2. taking o. not by constraint OVERSPREAD, ING. Gen. 9. 19. of them the earth was o. Dan, 9. 27. for theo. of abominations OVERTAKE. Gen. 44. 4. when thou dost o. them F.jud. 15. 9. I will pursue, I will o. D<-ut. 19. 6. b-st avenger o. the slayer itB. 2. blessings sh. come and o. thee 15. these curses shall o. thee, 45. Jvsfi. S. 5. for ye shall o. them 1 Sum. 30. 8. thou sh. surely o. them 2 Sam. 15. 14. lest Absalom o. us /*o. 59 9. neither doth justice o. us Jer. 42. 16. sword ye feareo n. o 1 . you Hot. 2. 7. she shall not o. her lovers 10. 9. the battle did not o. them Amni 9. 10. the evil shall not n. us la the plowman sh. o. the reaper 1 Thti. 5. 4. should ii. you as a thief OVERTAKEN, ETH. I CAr. 21. 12. flVe till sword >. thee Pi. In. 37. pursued enemies j. them Hal. 6. I. if n man be >. in a .'ault OVERTHREW. V* 19 25. God o. these citiss. 29. ore ?r*t. 14. 27. L. o. Egyp. Pi 136. 15. 'Jfut. 29. 23. which L. o. in his anger 'in. 13. rM as when G. o. Sodom and Gomorrah, . Irr. 50. 40. Avim \ II. Jer. 20. 16 man he as cities ' he L. o. .Wu/. 21. 12. Jesus o. tables of money, changers, Mark II. 15. Jn.2. 15. OVERTHROW. Gen. 19. 21. 1 will not o. this city Kjod. 23 24. thou shall o. th. gods Drut. ly. 3. ye shall o. their altars .' Sin. 10. .'i Dav. sent to spy and o. II. 25. make thy battle strong, o. it 1 CAr. 19. a Dav. sent to o. llieland Pt. 106. 26. to o. them in wildt-rness 27. to o. their seed among nation* 140. 4. hare purpos. too my goings 11. evil hunt v n. cut man to o. him Prov. la 5. not good to o. rivhtenus Hag. 2. 22. 1 will o. the throne ol kingdoms, I w ill o. the chariots Act* 5. 39. if it be of G. ye cannot o. 2 Tim. 3. IS. and o the faith of some OVERTHROW Gen. 19. 29. G. sent Lot out of the o. Deut. 29. 23. as iu the o. of Sodom, Jer. 49. 18. 2 Pet. 2. 6. condemned rities with o. OVERTHROWETH. Job 12. 19. leadeth princes, o mighty Pror. 13. 6. wickedness o. the sinner 21. 12. G. i. wicked lor wi.keduess 22 12. he o words of transgressor 29. 4. he th. tereiveth vitts o. land OVERTHROWN. Ernd. 15. 7. tia.t o. them th. rose up Judg. 9. 40. and many were o. 2 Sam. 17. 9. when some of them he o. 2 CAr. 14. 13 the Ethiopians were o. Job 19. 6. know that G. bath o. me /'.'. 141. 6. when ttuir judges are o. Prov. 11. 11. city is o. by the wicked )v(.7. wicked o. || 14. II. house of wic. Isa. I. 7. your land is desolate as o. Jer. la 2i let them be o. befo. thee Lam. 4. 6. Sod. was o. as in moment Dan. II. 41. many countries sh. be o. Atnot 1. 11. I have o. some of you Jonah a 4. 40 days Nineveh sh reo. 1 Cor. 10. 5. they were o. in wildern. OVERTOOK. Gen. 31. 23. they o. Jacob in mount 25. Lahan o. Jacob U 44. 6. steward Judg. 18. 22. Micah o. chil* of Dan 20. 42. battle o. men of Benjamin 2 Am. 25. 5. the army of Chaldeeso. Zedekiah, Jer. 39. 5. | 52. & Lam. 1. 3. all her persecutors o. her OVERTURN. Job 12. 15. send waters, theyo. ealth Ezek. 21. 27 I will o.. o., o. it OVERTURNETH, ED. Judg. 7 13. the tent fell and o. It Job9. 5. which o. the mountains 28. 9. he o. mountains by the roots 34. 25. know* th works and o. them OVERWHELM, ED. Job 6. 27. yea, ye o. fatherless Pial. 5V 5. and horror hath o. me 61. 2. when my heart is o. lead me 77. a my spirit wao. 142.3. | 143.4. 78. 53. but the seao. their en. mies 124. 4- then the waters had o. us OVERWISR. EccL 7. Ifl. nor make thyself o. OUGHT; tet OWED. OUGHT. [4.2,27. Gen, 20. 9. o. not be done, 31. 7. Lee. 2 Sam. 13 12. no -uib thing o. tube I TAr. 12. 3->. know what Kr. o. todo Mat. 23. 23. these o. ye to have done I.ukr II. 42. ActtH. 19. who* to have been here Sum. a 5* what to pray for M we I (KT Tim. 5. la speak, thincn tj iri PM Tit. I. 11. krarhtaf tkiM tb Jam. a 10. these ihmvs o. n.,i t.. M 4. 15 fi.r that ye . to >y, ,1 th. L. i Pet. 3. II what persons*, yetot^ 1 John 8. we tl.erpfi.rr ., In re. rite OUGHT, S,tl*u,tn e ten. 3). H. he knew not o. he had 47. U there is not . left, but .nr Kf<.d. 12 4. not miry forth o. Betk l.ee. II. i5 whih-obeHrrthu. mrrita* 19. 6. if o. ren.ain nntn third day 2. r ,. 14. il thou sellest o. or buy. .1 , Xum. I.V 24. if o. be ronimitiei! I 30. 6. or uttered o. nut of her IIM Deut. 4. 2. sh. not add or dimi:,i.h ,,. 2ti. 14. neither have I Ukeno. ii. n t mourning, nor given t. J lr ,!,4 A. .A. 21. 4.V there lull, d not i of all . It *t/i I. 17. if o. hut death part Ihee 1 Sam. M. 4. nor hai-t r! -- taken .,. 5. ye have not found n. tii my I m,j 25. 7. neither was there o. mif-ing :'. 2a brother hath o. aga. the* -I. a if any man ray o. to you Mark*. 12. suffer him tin more 4oo. a 23. and ai-ked him if he saw o. II. ;5. forgive, it ye have u. against JoAn 4. 3a they said, hath any man brought him o. to , at t Arti 4.32. neither said u. was hi own 24. 19. if they had o. against me 08. 19. had o. t. 27. ". tn put my money to Adi 10. f.. tell thee what thou u do I Tim. 3. 15 how thru i, to bel nv OURjwe Iii>iHi H, Fiim ,! , .u 01 RS. Gen. 31. 16. G. hath taken that : . 34. 23. shall not every beast be ? Mark 12. 7. and the inheritance .-lull beo. /.H*vn. 14. 1 Cor. 1. S. Jems, k.ith their* nd . 2 Cor. 1. 14. ye are o. in day of the I. OUTCAST, S. [/a. Srt.a TV 147. V. he gatheretk o. of lr .!, ha. II. II he sh. assemftleo. of Ur. 16. 3. hide the o. H 4. let my o dwell :-7. 13. o. in land nf Egypt w.-r.bip Jer. 30. 17. brca. they railed th. e 49. 36. the o. of Klmn shall uot cosn OUTER, Erelc, Wi 81. brought me to o. court Mat. a 12. be cast into o. daikner*. 22. 13 | S5. Stt OUT-GOINfiS. Joth. 17. 9. o. of it were at Sf a, 19-Sa 18. and the o. It shall be thine la 19. o. of the border at the muth 19. 14. o. thereof are in the valley 82. a. of border at the Jordan, . .1. Pi. 65. a thou makest a of moru:i g OUTLANDISH. Keh. 13. 26. o. won en rausetCelam, OUTI.IV1 1) Judg. 2. 7. the elder* Hut*. Jo-liu* OUTRAOEOIS. Pro. n. A. wrnth Is f ral, anger *_ OUTRUN. .'oAn 0. 4. other diri & MS out with an o. iirni .) t 1:1 >on \vith an n. arm 17. 5- mud- th*- H.,ith hy mj o. arm O'JTWAKU. I WM. II 7. looketh on o. appear. /i. 89. f'-r the o busin.~s ,\ i II. l'. Le\itefor. t'ii-ints V. 11.1'iian come to o court ,a 17. brought into u. <-..nrt ll.it. 83 87. h appear beautiful o. /i...n. 2. 8.S. which i* / in th.- ;l.-h t Cor. 4 Ifi tho'ouro man p.-n-h 1 I 7. things after o. appearance ? I fet. 3. 3. not that d.. ruing or I W.AKiiLV. lint Kl 28. ye o. appear righte.in" KUM. 8. 28. nut ^ Jew which is one o. our*. KXT. .V./ri 6. 33. ran alo.it, and o. them own Bi*. 13. 8. o. no m.in any thing OWED. tl-rt. IK 24. oneo. him 10,000 talents vft, one whirh 0. him an 100 pence l.'Jte 1. 41. the one .,. 6110 pence OWEST, ETH. U'tt IS. 28. pav me that thou o. Luke 16. .V h-w much o. thou 7. ?liilem. 18 thee, or o. thee c.iiirht I >. thou o. t.i me even thine own OWL. Lv. II. I A. o. and .-uckow unclean, Deut. It IS, Ifi. [3*. II, l.'i. 17. the little a. and cormorant, Ita. P.. 108. 6. I am like an o. of desert OWLS. Jo'i 30 29. 1 am a companion too. l> i. la vl. and o. shall dwell there, 34. I a Jer. Ml 39 43. 20. dragons ami 9. hunour me U(c. 1.8 make a mourning as the o. OWN. 1 0*r. 88. 14. o. have we given thee Ifi. we prepared, is all thine o. iV.i/ 20. |.V do what I will with o.? /."A-<" Ifi. U. you that which is o.t J'Jm I. II. ram** to hiso. n. received l:t. I. havinir loved hiso. tliat were 15 111 world would love hi* o. Art* 5. I. wan it not in th. o. power t I Or. ft. Ill ye are not Tour o. 10. 24. U t IIH man seek his o. bat M. I av, n.*t thine o. hut others 13. 5. charity seeketh not her o. Pkil. 8. XI. all neek their o thirig 1 Tim. 5. a anyprotide notforhiso. SM COUNSEL. Ciu-HTar, Even. HF.AKT, H..USE, LII>. PF.OPLE. SKI.F, SKLVM. SOUL, WAV. WAYS. WILL. OWNER. Erod. 81. 88. o. of * shall he quit :d I* there to n II riche. kept f..r to ttl> ir hurt l.iJai 19. XJ. o. r ..r >h.-ej. mine /.rr. 7. ~i'.\. at ii" fat .if o.r or sheep \wm. 7. 3. for each of princes an /J<-/. A. 14. Of do DO work on -ahh 1 1 4 i.r, sheep, mid |fat may eat '.hJ. I. not *ee brother '* of go >tra> 10 not plniiKh with or MM : 25. 4. not mnr/.le ojr trendeth out corn, I Cor. !> 9 I Tim. 5. 18 J"th. 6. 81. they deotroyij- Pn. flH. 31 plen-e U hettt-T than or lOfi. 20. (lory into similitude of or fr,>r. 1. -f>. ;\- Hiioriioeth to Mliiuith. 14 4 increa.e hy stn nifth of the r 15. 17. Ketter than ;i ^tHlled Of It't I .1 the or knoweth his owner II. 7. lion shall eat straw like or r. 80. send forth the feet of the oj- . 3 killeth 0.1- a if he *lew mar. Jer. II. 19. was like a lamb or an or Kzfk. 1. 10. four had face of an or Luke 13. IS. each loose nronsabha. 14. 5. an or or RK<< fallen into a pit war ox Deut. 14. 5. the in'W or ye may eat OXEV. Gen. 12. 16. Ahr im had o. and nsen '\->. "i Jar. said, I have o. and ase 54. 88. sons of J. took Shechem's Erad. 9. 3. hand of Lord is upon o. 82. I. sh. ret.>r.- five o. fr one ox -Vviii. 7. 3. princes hrourht 18 ,>. i-2. I'l Bal -k offered o. and sheep V3 I. prepar.' me here seven o. D>*iit. 14 8'V hi-fow th money foro. I fiim.\ 1. 7. he wed ykeof o. in pieces 14. 14. whirh yoke of o might plow 3?. took hecp and o. and -lew th. 15 9. \n.ie and the het of the o. It what irani'th lowinir of o.? IS p;ir d iie^t of sheep and o, 97 9. !)avid toov away the o. ^w. ft hold of it. for ... shook it I't. David R:icriBced n. arid fatlinifs 84. 1\. hon(f':t thres'iinjf.fliM.raii.io. I Kin. \ Ad.inijah-ilew ./ 19. 85 4 8^. daily proviMon, 10 fat o. 7. ,-j one sea, 12 o under it, 44. 2 Chr. 4. 4, 15. 8. 61 Sol. offered a rifice to I,*.rd 2i.nOOn. I8ll,mn .heep, 2 Chr. 7.5. I' 1 . I 1 '. F.lislm was plowing wi. o. 80. Elisha left o. ran after Elijah 11 took \rikeofn. and -lew them 8 fCfn. 5 ?. is it a time t.. receive ,..'/ '. Chr. 15 M. .iff.-r.Mt of s ..oil 700 o. H '.. Ahah killed -h.-epand o. V9. 33. conse-Taled thinirs 600 o. 31 fl they hrouaht in tith.-. of o. 3.V. 8. for na~over three humlred o. .1'A 1.3 his siihstanc" WHM 500 o. 14. o. plowing, and -* feeding 48. 18. L. cave him I' (Ml yoke of o. Pt 8. 7. to have dominion over o. Hi. 14. tli.it our ... may h.' strong /'/r. 14 4. where n /., 7 --'. 13 J J<* 51.^3 Ihr,- .>. hn,l,audm. undo. PAL f^an. 4. 8.">. nrike tliee en'. ;ran6 Mf* :i.'. :u ):,. ai. Amta fi. 12. one plow tliere wi. o.? )l,it. .'-'. 4 in> d and (athiiL's ^i|M /.uAe 14. 19. bought five yoke ,,f o. Juhti 8. 14. those in tem|i Ill a Acti 14. H. priest of Juti. t.rniiuht o. I Cr 9 9. frith O. take care for o.r OYL, we OIL. PACES. 8 SOOT, ft 13 when gone six p. h PACIFY. KI), BTIL Kith. 7. 10. theu wa.s kinif'n wrathp. /'ror. 16. 14. a wise ni.ni /;. wrath 81. II. a gift in M cr.'t //. anger rr/. 10 4. yielling t. K real orfencef Krrk. l(j Kl when I am a. toward PADDLE. Deut. 83. PI li.iv.- ;.. ..n thv weapoii PA 1 U, tee a fter PAY. IMS Job 14. 28. fl.'sh on him sh. h* p. 15.20. wi. >;,.,! tr.iv..il.*in -lth p. XI 19. he Is rha-t. e,i Ml-.. : ,. p. ^. 25. 18. look on iniiu' iiillii . and p. 48. (>. p. Hi a woman in travail. Itn. la 8. | 8fi. 17. /a. 21. a are my loins tilled -ilhp. 2A 18. witli child. We Im. been ill p. 66. 7. before her ;/. can e, she was Jer. 6. 84. u. as o! woman in tr:tvaij, a. a, 12. la put themselves top. hut IS. 18. why is ii'V /'. peipetual 30. 83. with //. ..n the lu-ad ..f wick, SI. H. Bal .ylon. take halm for her p. Ezek. 30. 4 greiir |.iu in Kthiupia, a 16. Sin shall have great p. Mil- 4 10. p. and lahour to bring \i/A. 'J. 10. inucli p is in all loins Rnm. 8. 22. creation travaileth in p. Her.. 1C. I'', gnawed toi,fne lor p. 21. 4. nor shall there lie any taoivp Set PAM.S. PAINED. PtaL 55. 4. n.y lie..rt is sore p. 1*0. 8a 5. they shall I.e -orely p. ./^/-. 4. I'J. I arn ;< at my very heart Joel 4. 6. peoni -lia I he inin-hp. Rev. 12. 8. aanl p. to I.e ,U-livered PA 1 N ^ I Smm. 4. 19 her p. came upon her Pi. I Ifi. a u. of hell gut hold HI mo Acttt. 24. havintr loo-, d p. of deatl Ree. Ifi. II. hlaDhened. teca. of p. PAINFUU S Ptal. 73. Ifi. it was t..p. for roe t ('.r. II. 87. Hii.l u. in ;itchiDt PA1KTTD 8 Kin. 9. 30 Jezehe! p. her face 14. and/; with lermilioQ Kzek. 8S 40. thou n. thy eye* PAINTIXO. Jer. 4. 30. thou rentet face with p PAIR l.nkfZ 84. offer p ..f turtle d.ivi-s /Jrt- ft 5. ap of l..,l.i... es in hand PALACE. I Kin. Ifl- 18. Zirnri t.urnt k '.rig's p S .both h.'ld viliey:-.M b\ /(. 8 A'i.i. l.'i -'.'. .'mite iV'.;,ial. ii. /. 80. 18. eunuch- ill ;.. i.f king of \:t I Chr. 8!l. I. the/, i- not !.. 19 perfe.-t h.-art to l.iiil.l ! ATrr-i 4 II niaintena'i.-e from thef i a-. I WH- in Shu-hail ih-^ ller n| p i-har.',' < r .l.-riii. I'., in Min-han I'M-/.. . 14. M.en in t' > p. . :it r int i - after toiihtudc of a p. PAL C'ii:t. >. 9. hniM mi her a p. of silver i, hast made p ot ftrauyeiis Dan. 1. -1. I was flourishing in my p. (i. IS. king we:it lit p. passed nii:lit 11. 45. he'.-h. plant p. between Reag /'.linn I. 3. yi' shall c*-t tln'in Into/). A ; //// >. 6. gates opened p dissolved Mat. 26. 58. Peter followed JHSIIS to hiu-h priest's p. Murk 14. 54. Lnke 11. 21. a strong iiiiin keep.-ttip. P/iif. 1. 13. bond* are nuiniiest in p. PALACES. S CAr. 36. 19. and burnt all the p. Ps. 45.8. smell in yrrh, out of ivory p. 4*. 3. (i. is known in p. for refuse 13. mark huliy-irks con.sidi r h. r p. 7*. 69. huilt sanctuary like high p. 12 1 -'. 7. prosperity within thy p. j'ror. 30. 2. spider is in kinir'sp. Ita. 13. 22. dragons sha. rry ill thyp. 3'J. 14. the p. shall lie forsaken IU. 15. thorns sli. come up in her p. JIT. (i 5 arise, let us destroy her p. '). 21. death is entered into our p. 17. 27. fire shall devour p. of Jeru. 49.27. it sh. consume p. of Bi-nhadad Lain. 2. 5. he hiith swallowed her p. i:~i'k. 19. 7. knew their desolate p.' V5. 4. they shall set their p. in thee tlmoiS. 9. publish in p. at Aslutod. in p. of Egypt 10 who store up rohhery in their p. II. p. he spoiled || 6. R. hate his p. .Vic 1 . 5. 5. when he sh. tread in our/). fief DF.VOUK. PALE, NESS. Itci. 29. 22. neithersiiall face wax p. J,T. 30. fl all faces turned into p. '. 6 8. looked, behold a p. horse PALM. >r.!4.15. pon- intop of left hand 26. )n!in 18. 22. struck Jesus with the p. PALM. BRAN CHICS. \>A 8 IS. go to mount and fetch p. PALMER. WORM. JI.P/ 1. 4. what p. lelt. locust eaten y. 25. restore years p. hath eaten Amos\. 9. fig-trees, the p. devoured PALMS. 1 Srim. ft. 4 p of hands were cut of <> Kin. 9. :tf. they found skull and p ls.-n.-i:>. 10. graven thee on p. of hands Z>>. 07. others smote h:m with p. of their hands, A/wrA: 14. 05 Ber 7 9 w'-ite robes, p. in hands PALM-TRKE. Jurig. 4. 5. dwelt under p. of Dehor J'x. 92. 12. righteous flourish likep C/if. 7. 7. thy stature i> like to a p x I said, I will go up to the p. ,/rc. 10. 5. they are upright as thep AV(*. 41. 19. face of man toward p. ./.-/ 1. 12. p. and apple-tr. withere PALM-'i REES. E.rod. 15. 27. Elim, where were 70 p L'>r-, 23. 40. shall take branches ofp V,-itf. 3t. :i. L. showed him city "I p J it'll; I 16. went out of city ofp. :< i:l Mo.ib possessed city of p. 1 Kin. P. 29. carved wi. figures ofp :w :>:-> | 7. Mi. '-' I'hr. 3.5. *-. 40. If g chr. & 15. hio them to city ofp John 12. 13. pen. took branches ofp PA LSY, I KS. Mat 4.24.had the p. he healed them fi. 2. Mark 2. 3. l.iihe'a. 18 8. 6. Rerv. lieth at home -ick f p 9. 2. Jesus said to sick of p. son, th sin.-- be lonrven, Mark :' Wark2. '" Tesns snith to silk of ; arise, J.iike 5^ ^ rfot. 7. manv taken with;., and 9. 83. 'Ineas, vho was ick ot p. PA :i PAN. en. 2. 5 meat otlerm^ haken in p. 21. in a p. it sh. i.e tnaile with oil 9. all dressed in p. sha. be pi i.-^t V Nam. 2. 14. servant stuck it into p. Num. 13. 9. Tamar took p. poured zek. 4. a take unto thee an iron p. PANS. .rod 27. 3. make p. to receive ashes 'urn. II. 8. they baked muntia in p. (///. 9. 31. tliiiurs made in p. 23. 29. Chr. 3ft. 13. holy offer, sod they inp. PAMJS. worn, crieth nut in her p. er. 22. 23. gracious when p. < omt 18. 41. as heart of worn, in p. 49. 22. 50. 43. and p. as of a worn. A/it-. 4. 9. PANNAIJ. 'zek. 27. 17. Jud. traded in market.p. PANT, ED, ETH. '. 38. 10. my heart p. strength fail. 42. 1. as hartp. sop. my soul, O (. 119. 31. 1 opened my mouth and p. ta. 21. 4. at the vision my heart p. tmus 2. 7. that p after the dust PAPER. m. 19. 7. thep. reeds shall wither John 12. 1 would not write with p. PAPS. '.zek. 2a 21. for the p. of thy youth .uke 1 1. 27. blessed are p. thouMic k. S3, 29. blessed are p. nev. gave suck Rev. I. 13. girt p. with golden girdle PAH ABLE. Sum. 23. 7. Balaam took up p. and said, Balak, 24. 3, 15, 20, 21,23. r o*27. 1. Job continued his p. 29. I. 'V. 49. 4. I will incline ear to a p. 8. 2. mouth, in a p. will T utter roji. 26. 7. so p. in mouth of t,-ol, 9. Jzek. 17. 2. speak a p. to Israel 24. 3. utter a p. to rebellious house Mir. 2. 4. take up a p. against you Hah 2. fi. al! these take up p. ag. you Mat. 13. 18. hear yep. ot the sower 24. another p. put he forth, 31,3.1 121.33. [Afar* 4. 34. 34. without a p. spake he not, 24. 32. learn a p. of the fig-tree, Mark 13. 28. LA-21.29. Mark 4. 10. asked him of p. 7. 17. Luke 8. 9. 12 12. spoken p. ng. thcm,/.M.!:0.19. Lukeb. 36. he spake a p. to them 6. 39. | 8. 4. | 12. 16. | 13. fi. | 14. 9 | 2L S9. John 10. 6. 1241 L.8pakestthon thiep. touaf 1 PARABLES. Krek. 20. 49. doth he not speak p.? Mat. 13. 3. he spake many things t them in p. 13. 34. | 22. 1. Mark * a 23. | 4. 2, 13, 33. | 12. 1. Mark 4 13. how will ye know all p.? Luke 8. \0.p. seeing Blight not see PARADISE. Luke 23. 43 to-day be with me in p Cor. 12. 4. was caught up intop. Fzek 23. 20. she doted upon theirp PARCEL. Gen. 33. 19- J 1 " 1 " 11 t"" 1 ? 111 B P . .* field. Jo**. 24. :i2. ./ 9 p. Olll il.: .S-i/;<. _i., A.'. fi. 18. Lord. p. On -4 4. which Luiii would m.! p. C/ir. 30 IS. good L. fi ctei , VcA 9. 17. against theirp A/eirA- 1:1 liV Luke 2. 27. p. hrouuht in child Jc*. 8. 56. her p. were astonished, but 18. 29. is no man that hath left p. 21. 16. ye shall be betray, d by p. 'ofm 9. 2. who rinl sin, man or y/ y 22. these wopis spake p 23. [3.2. f, 7//. 1. 30. disobedi. nt top. 2 Tim. Cor 12. 14. chil. not lay up for p. EpA. 6. I. childr. obey p. t"/. Tim. 5. 4. learn to requite their p. Heb. 11. 23. Moces WHS hid of bis p. PARl.OUH. s. 'udg. 3. 20. Kglon was sitting inp. 23. Ehud shut the doors of the/. Saw. 9 22. Sam. bri.u^lit then Clir. 2K 11. l'v. (!>.ve Sol. pattern PAliT. [fp. Erod. 19. 17. at nether p. of mountain Lev. 2. m p. of beaten corn. p. of oil \um. 1S.20. neith. have p. ami..tl.rni, Deut.10.9. | 12. 12. I 14. 27, 2ft | 18. 1. Josh. It. 4. | ia 7. 1 am thyp. and inherit. In ur. 22. 41. see utmost p. of pe.p Imh. -.'2. 25. >e have no p in I.. /ii/M 2. a hap to light on p. of field 3. ia perform to thee p. of Hin-m. Sum. '23. 30. our p. sh. he to deliver 30. '.'4 as his p. is that go. to l-altl* ' f-um. 20. I we have nop. in Dav. ' A.n. 18. 2a if able on thy p. t set rid.rs, />" Chr. 12. 29. greatest p. kept boio-e Chr. S9. 16- priest? went to n.ner >. \Wi. I. 9. <"st out to uttermost p. ft. 1 1 restore hundredth p of iiieoey Jnf> 32. 17. I " ill answer my p. 7W. 5. 9. inward p. is wicke.d-e 51. fi. in hidden p. know wUdom 118. 7. Lord takes myp.wlh Hid* frov. 8. 26. nr high.-st p. >'" 31. rejoir. in habitable p -f 17 2 p. of inheiitanre ini'o brcth, I,n. 7 ia hiss for fly in utmost p. '4 10. from utmost p. hi Brd 44 16. he bnrii.thp. in file. l!l Kzek. 45. 17. ptinre's p. to K.VC oner. Dan. 2. 33. feet p. iron p. < toy, 4>-*- 5. 5 Ring saw p. of the hand, 24. 11.31 arms shall stand on ' Am<* 7. 4. it devoured deep.eat "r \ ./r*4. 3. .,sinhi....ler,. - ' .'I 9. 40. not at-ainst us, ' " ^J. iT.24.'as'lih\7i..gl.gMeli.Jb shining toother;-, i"''- r Mn IM.X " !is ';^"; v "';'; i ;;;^ .* f l!i. 2:1 , f i m ' b ?"{^|y.'nr itnlrtt *X u...,', B v ti.kei/.. TAR t -b * .\ Ananias kept p. of prlre.3. iv r with .!.-, p. wi. apostle, lii .*..;. ii. knew not * ' eref th.came 23. * the one p. W.-Te Sadduceea '.' 12. mure p. advised to depart 1 Cw Ii *4 honour t.. that p. I.Y fi. greater p remain to this day 1(1 17. what wa larking on vnurp tCor. fi. IS. wh. f. heliev.wi. (nfidel? Tit. 2. 8. th.it h- of the contrary p. }!.' 2 14. bin-sell took p. of same I Prt 4 14. -in their p he n -vil tpoke'i of. on yourp glonfle.l /Trr. 20 6. ). io the first resurrect .'I. * all '.farsvh. hxvep. in the lake 22. 19. Rod shall take away his p. In PART. KIM K. ?S blin lne-inp. to Israel 1 Cur 13. 9. we know in p. and we prophesy in p. to. that in p. shall he done away 11 t know in p. hut then shall i ff Cr. 1.14. ye acknowledged us in p. 2. 5. it hath no' irri ved me but fop Third PART. 2 Kin. 1 1. 5 .1 (. p. enter on sabbath 8 C*r. 23. 4. at p. of you be porters tirk. 10. 3i charne ourselves wl. (p Krek. S. 2. burn with fire a third p a third ft -mite about it, a f. p. scatter in the wind, 12. tn\. 13 H. t p. shall be I. ft therein 'i I wilt brinir the t p. thro' fire /Irr. S. 7 <. p. of the trees waK burnt 8. /. p. of the sea became blood !'. t p of rrea'ures died.tp *hlp II. tp of waters her. wormwood 12. 1 p. of the .MM m ...n. and star. 9. 15. prepared to ..lay t. p. of men Ii 4. his t..ii d'-w /. p of the stars Fourth PAHT. I V/im. 9. ft I have/ p. of a shekel 1 Kin. M S3 post- ..f olive-tree f. p. t Am. fi. 25. f. p. rah of doves' ''un.- ArA. 9. a read one/. p. another/ p sJer. fi 8. power was viven over /p Fifth PART. 'Jen. 41. 34. take up/ p. of the land 47 ->4. giv the/ p. to Pharaoh. 2'j. Lr. 5. 11 and .hall add the/ftA p thereto, 6. 5. | 22, 14. I . la, 19, 27 31. Sum. S. 7. Trnth PART. Zr . i" the low p. of earth PAR Etrk. 31.14. to nether p. of earth, IS l& comforted in the i ether p. of e.,rth, 32. IH, 24. 37. II. we are rut off for 0111 p. ;v 15. pUce out of north p. M. 2. Mat. 12. 42. j-he came from utter. mo-t p. /.i. meat offering Au/A 1. 17. if oilxht hut death p. me 1 Nam. 30. 24. they ah lip. alike 2 .Sam. 1 4. 6 th. w'a* none to p. them Job 41. 6 shall they p. him -moni; the merchants V Fiat. 22. 18. they p. my varments PARTKD. Gen. 2. 10. rivi-r/>. into four heads 2 A' in 2. II. chariot p. both asunder 14. the water, p hither and thither Jnf, 38. 24. by what way is lifht p.f Jofl 3. 2. -tattered, and p. my land .tfotrf 35 tliev u his garment". A/ar. IS. 24. Luke 23. 34. J-hn la 24. l.iifcr 24. Al. he blessed them, wu p. Vet* 2. 45. p. them to all men PARTEIH. Ler. I!, a what p. hoof, /)?. 14. fi. Prm. 1& It*, lot p. between miuhty PA HTAKER. Pi. 50. 18. been p with adulterer* I Cor 9.10. he jho. be p. of hi hope *3. that I he p. thereof with you 10. 30. If I by grace he p. why am I evil spoken of * I Tim. 5. S2, p. of other nien' .in. .' Tim. I. a be thoup. of affliction. 2. fi. liii-handim.il l>ep. of the fruit. I Prt. 5 t am also a p. of the glory J JoAn II. biddetli <;.,d .peed ip. PAR! AKERS. Vfaf. 23 3d. not been t. ID blood Horn. IS. 27. if Gentiles have been p. of their spiritual things 1 Cor. 9. (a are p. with the altar 10. 17. we are all p of that l.read 18. are not th-y which eat p.? 21. cannot r.cp. of the !..' table 2 Cor. 1. 7. a* you are p. of sufferings p4. a 6. p. of his promise In ( hr 5 7. he not ye theieforep w j. them Pk.il. I 7. ye all are p. of my rrare OJ. I. 12. to hep of inheritance I Tim. fi. 2. they are p. of benefit Heh. 2.14. child, p. of flesh and blood 3. I. p. of the heavenly callinif U. for we are made p. of Christ fi. 4 mad>- p. of the Holy Ghoul 12. a chastisement, whef.-. all are p. 10 that we hep. of his holiness 1 PH. 4. ia p. of (brat's sufferings 2 f'-t I. 4. be p. of the divine nature Ret. 18. 4. that ye l.e not p. of hi PAHTAKKM. Rom. .1. 17. and wi. them p. of root PAKT1AI.. ITT Mai. 8. 9. but have been p. in law I rim. V 81. doing nothing by p. Jam. 2. 4. are ye not p. in yoursel.f 1 17 without p. and hypocrisy /ron 29. 4. who.o i, p. with thief X Cor. & 2:1 Titus, he is my p. Fhilrm. 17. if count me a p. rerelv* LjJcr S. 7. they be-kined tu their p. 10. James aii'l John who were p. PAKI HIDi.K. I Sam. VrX VO. as when one hunt a p. Jrr. 17. II. ap. -itteth on eggl PASSAGES. Sum. -X. 21. K.i.iin r.-iii.ed Imaela J,ah. fi. II. an nltar Hik and alevr him at p. I Sam. 13 *3. PliiiU. Went out to D. 14. 4. between p. Were sharp rocks IfO. 10. V*. they are irnne over thep. Jer. tt. JO. lift thy voire, i-ry from p. 51. 32 shew Habylonp. are stopped I' ASS. Gen. IS. & after that ye shall p. on 41. 3*. G. will >hortly hrinv it to p. Erod. 33.19. I will make my goo. I. p. Xum. 87. 7. Inh.-rit of father to D. 8 Join. I. 14. ye sh. p. before brethren I .S'am. IA, In. J.-..e made 7 tons p. .Vra. if. 14 no plare for beast to p. .lol> A. IS. as a Htream they p. away II. 16. remeinh. it as Waters that p. 34. 'M. people be troubled, p. away Prof. 16. :*). hr hringeth evil lit p. ii. 3. and the simple p. on, 27. 12. ha. 30. 32. ur.Hind.-il .t.ift shall p. :t\ t\. no ifiillmit .hip fhall p. 37. 26. now have I i.roiiirht it top. Jer. R 13. thine* I have frivi-n sh. p. 15. 14. make thee p. with enemies 33. l.'l fl.H-k> "hall p. unuer hand* 51 43. nor doth any MUI of man p. Etrk. 20. 37. I will cause you top. :ti. l!< uhom do-t tb.p. in heautyf .Imta R. 2. p. ye unto t alneh and se A/I'. I. II. p ye away, inhabitant of >. 13. th.kinu nhKllp. befm.- them ZepA. 2. 2. decree >-Ting forth, day p. Zrftt. a 4. have caused i iqnitytop. .\tt S. 18 heaven Hinierth shall p. 26. 39. Father, let thi- cup p. from me. Murk 14 35. Luke Ifl 86. whirh would p. fr. hen. e nor ran they p. to n- frm you 19. 4. see him, he wn* to p th. way I Cur. 7. 36. il she p. Bower of age 9 Pet.3. 10. the heavens ah. p. away PAS. '/. Erod. 33.22. rover thee while I p. *f Pi. V). 12. al< thev th p. A V the way "' 41. all that p >>v y o clap their hand* F.fk. 5. 14. In * ght -f all thtttp. by 37. 2 ca'ioed me to p Aw them i mo* 7. 8. I will notp />;/ t,.eni, 8. 2. >/i>. 2. a garment, of them th. p. 4jr Mat. 8. 28. that no man might p. Ay /tUr ia MR hiarinw multitude^, ojf Srr ('AMI . COMB. Kti PASS. \m. m 17. will n p thro' fit Ids ia Fdo.i *aid, 1)1011 h n. p. by HI JoA 1 1. 5 hu bound* he ranu-t p. 19. 8 ferrtd my way, I cannot p P*. I4S. fi. a .le. ree which i-hall n. f I'rnr K 2. watnrn vliould nnl p. Jrr S. 22. n decree that it cannot p. Mat 2i 31. thi. generation slix'.'"* p. nway, Mjrk 13. 3.ih. 22. 19. ttv-n p. o. into the land Judf. 3. 2a suffered not a man top. o. 1 Sam. 14. 8. will p. o. to these men 2 Sam. 17. 16. hut speedily p. over Ps. 104. 9. that they may not p. iirer J'rnti. 19. II. top. o. a transgression Itti. 23 6. p. oner to Tarshish, howl al. 9. p. orer to his stremg-hold 35. 8 unclean shall not p. orer 51. 10. away for ransomed top. o. Jet , 5. 22. yet can they not p. u. it Rxek. 47. 5. river I could nut p. o. /)<. 4. 16. seven times p. o. him, 2ft. 40. king of the north shall p. orer WriA. 1. 11. Change, he shall p orvr Luke 11. 42. and p. orer Judgment ^en. 30. 32. p. t thv flock to day F.jcod. 12. 12. p. t Egypt this night Lev. 18. 21. not any of thy seed p. t fire, Deut. 18. 10. 2 Km. 17, 17. yum. 20. 17. let us p. t. thy country 21 21 sihon would not suffer Ur. top. t. Judg. II. 20. J)Mt ?. 4 P. < the coasts "f Edom as. only 1 will p. t on my feet Jo*k. 1. 11. p. t. host and command 2 Sow. 12. 31. them p. t. brick kiln 1 A'in. 1. fi. divided land to p. t. it 2 Ain. 16. 3. top. t. the fire 21. 6. | 23. 10. 2 Chr. 33 6. Jer. 32 35. E?e&. 20. 26, 31. Pt. 78. 13. caused to p. <. sea, 136.14. Z.KI. 8. 8. he shall p. through Judah 23. 10. p. t. thy land as a river 34. 10. none shall p. t. it for ever Jer. 9. 10. S" that n.me can p. ttro' ;.. 3. 44. prayers should not p. t. 4. i\. cup also shall p. t. to thee Rxek. 14. I ft. eioUome beasts p. / land, no man p. t for beast. 29. II. | 33. 2a 35). 15. passengers that p. t. land D. 13. 25. p. At/ and saw the lion 9 II. Lordp Ay || It) Klijah p. by A'in. 4. 8. as he'p. by lie turned ill \ :iO. the king p. by 'on the wall jh 28. 8. nor hath fierce lion p. Ay it 'i. 48. 4. the kings p by together tek. Ifi. 6. 1 p. by mid saw thee, 8. 36. 31. in sight o! all that p. by lab. 3. 10. overflow, of waters p. by Int. 20. 30. heard that Jesus p. by lurk 6. 4a would have p. by them uke. 10. 31. p. by on otoer side, 32. ohii 8. 59. midst of them, so p. by cts 17. 23. as 1 p. by and beheld PASSED own en. 31. 21. and p. orer the river K. 10. with staff 1 p. o. this Jordan ~. jcud. 12. 27. p. o. houses of Israel oth. .1. 17. all p. o on dry ground 4. 10. people hasted and p. o. 1 1. the ark of the Lord p. orer Sam. 14. 23. battle p. o. to Bethaven Sam. 15. 23. king and people p. o. in. 40. 27. judgment p. o. from God Ezek. 47. 5. river could not hep. o. Hoi. 10. 1 1. p. o. upon her fair neck mah 2. 3. billows and waves p. o. PASSED through. Gen. 12. 6. Ahram p t. Mie land to Vum. 14. 7. land which we p. thro' Chr. 30. 10. posts p. t country Vic. 2 la they p. through the gate Zffh 7. 14. that no man j>. through Actt 12. 10. and p. ttrowg-A one stree Cor. 10. I. our fathers p. t. the sea Heb II. 29 they p. t. the Hed sea PAS8ED8T. f 12. 1. why p. thou over to flgh PASSENGERS. Prot) 9 15. she standeih to call p. Ezek 39 II. will give og val. ofp 14 bury with p. those that remain 15. When p. see a man'8 bone PASSES'!'. Lieut. 30. la on land whither thou p 2 Sam. 15.33. if p. on, thou shall h I A'in. 2. 37. day them p. over brook Isa 43. 2. when p through waters PASSE1H. Erod. 30. 13. every one that p. 1*. 33. 22. while my glory p. hy tonh a II. Lore! p. over before you Kin * 9 m .n oY O. whl. h p. hy u '|2. 4. money of every one that p. JobS. II. hep. on also, but I 14. 20. against Mm. and I"" P 37. 21. wicdp. and cle:.nseth thi f*'i 8. whatever p. thro' the sea 7& 39. are a inl that p. away 103. 16 f,.rtbr windp. over it 144 4. as a shadow I hat p. away /Tor. 10. 2ft. * whirl* md p so is vrt 17 he that ,, by and meddleth >Yr/ I 4 one generation p way Jer "2 O. no niaf /' Ihri-ugh, U 343 PAS rr. la n,. v. one that p. nhall, ID.*, .'*>*. 3. r >. 7. frnin ii him that p. not /'". 13. 3. as early dew that p. swaf lir. 7. IH. (J. that p. by tmnsgres. i'l>h. 2. 15. every our ihat p. by bf i. . streets w:ite. that none p. by erA. 9. 8. beranse of him that p. by .uke la 37. t..ld him th. Jeun p. kf Cor. 7. 31. fashion of this world p. away, I John 2. 17. i'pA. 3.19. love of ( .whi. p. knowU'd. J /til. 4. 7. peace nf i,.p. iiUiliTttMnd. PASSING. Sam.l.26.lovetnni^ p. lure of worn. '.'. H4. 6. p. thro' valley make a Weil "rot. 7. a p. thro' street neKr corner >a. 31. 6. p. over, preserve Jeruta. ',ztk. 39. 14. p. thro' land to bury ^uke 4. 30. he p. thro' midst uf then Actt 5. 15. shadow of Peter p. by I'AS10N. Actt 1. 3. shewed himself alive aft** PASSIONS. [p. Acti U. 15. we also are mm of Ukr p. tarn. b. 17. Ellas wa subject t like PASSOVER. [p. Exod, 12. II. it is Lord's p. ye shall eat, 27. Lev. 23. 5. Am. 2& 16. 43. this is the ordinance of the p. \um. 9. 5. kept p. atevru, Joih. 5.101 1f<. Ifi. 2. sacrifi.-ep. to Lord, 6. A'in. 23 22. t.ot hohlen such a p. CAr.SO.lS.killeiip. inser. month.35i. \,\\.Ezr.r,.W. A/r.l4 l2.Lu.22-7. la eat p. otherwise than written 35. 1. J,,*iahkeptp. 17.19. *r.ai9. la they roasted p. with fire accor. Erek. 45. 21. sh*ll have p. of 7 day* Mat 26. 17. where wjlt that we eat p.1 A/r. 14. 12. /.u. 22. 8,11. Lukf 22. 5. I have desired to eat p. 7oAn 2. 13 Jews' p. w.u- at hand, 1 1.59. 23. when he was In Jerusul. at p. 1 1. 55. many went to Jem. before p. 12. I. Jesus came six days before p. ia *a but that they might eat p. 39. should relea-e to you one at p 19 14. it was the preparation of p. Cr. 5 7. Christ our p i- sa.Ti.-eeth 1 hints p finding on, 14. la keep me, until wrath be p. 17 II. my days an' p. my purpose 29 . O that I were as in months p Keel. 3. 15. requir.'th that which is f Mat 14. 15. the time i now p -n Mark IB. 1. when suhb w.is p > Luke 9. 3. voice p. Je" '"" - 1 ""* / r(l4.l6.tlmesp.sufferedBlliitioi Horn. II. 30. in limes p n-t **\w 33. his ways ar^ p Boding 'J 2 Cor. ft. 17. old thing, p. aws/, new li,il. I. 13. cemversBt "n in tin 5. 21. as I told you In tin'' ' p Eph. 2. 2. In timep ye WalkeO I t l! being p feelimi hnf I'hilrm. II. in tin" l> """''' ^i-Lrart?S. PAT PAT .Von- wttainlh Jirr. 2. . f.. t 1.' in /. a< uiirap 29 . wind -h. .1 .-ai up tliy p 13. I. woe ti i>. tli.it de-troy -beep 2. against p. thai Led my'sheep EfJt. 4 II. gave -"'". p. nnil tewh- PASTURE. [ers fi'-n. 47. 4. thy -erv.u.t- have mi p. 1 TAr. 4. y.>. they went to seek p. 4<). they found fat p and iro.id 41. theiv wit* . Kir their fl.x-ks - range of moun i Bins i- hi- p. P*. ~\. I. anger smoke ag. -heep of p. Tit. K sheep ..f thy /i give thanks .c .ire pmple "f limp. HiO. a Ittt. M. 14. j 'V f asses, p *. 34. 1*. ye trend down your p. 4 \ 15. one lamb n>>t of flm-k ot fat p. Joel \. 19 fire hath devoured p. 20. 8. 22. p. of the wilderness d. -pririg PATE. [own p. fi. 7. 16. dealing -ha. come down on PATH. dim. 4fl. 17. Dan he un adder in p. JVum. fi. 24. angel of L stood in p. Joi 28. 7. p. which no fowl knoweth 30. 13. mar my p set forward rala. 41. 32. he rnnketh a p to shine' Pint. Ifi. II. show me the p. of life -.-7. II. way. lead me in a plain p. 77. 19. tvayinsea p in great water* HP. 35. make me to go inp. of thy lift, thv word is a light to myp. 13. 3. thu rompa-fe-t my p. 14i 3. then thou k newest my p. Pr-ir. I. 15. r.-frain f.ot fr. their p. 2. (I. shall understand ev. food p. 4. 14. enter not hit" p. of wicked IS. f. of just it as shining 1 iff lit ?H poii'ler the p. of thy feet, and 6. 1 Ic-it thou ponder the p of life 7. thou d"t weigh p. ofjiut 3f>. II. out of wy, turn out of p. 41 14. fanirlit hinl ill p. of ju.lirinent 4.\ 16. makethp In iniirhty watiT Ji+tt. 8. walk, everv otie In his p. PA I H. WAY. Pr.<>. 12. 38. in p thnreofisnodeatli I* A i Job fl 1. p of way ;-eth thn.'p nl 17. 4 kept me from p of destroyer 5. hold my ffoinir in p.tl'at itp imt JJt 3. lendeth me in p. . 10. let them ,'i in me Uir. i T p. incline unto th- ither luke holil ol fi. o| !i(e 0. keep the p. of the riffl ti mi- irert fi. |j 17. In r p. n 4. 11. I havi- led tlieeiu rk'ht p. 7. V'). g<> not itMri.y in her p . utandetli in plni-es of p. HI I lead in tliep. ol judgment Ita. 2. a we walk in Inn p. .Vic 4. 2. :i 12. they destroy way >( thy p. 4^. !;. lead tliem In p. not kni.wn 5H. li be railed, thr restorer of p. 6!'. 7. detru-tion are in their p. 8 they have made them rrooked p. Jer. 6. 16. Mand in w:iy, ask for old p. IN. 15. Inrn ancient p. to walk in p. I.am. :i U. lie made niy p. rrooked //(.-. 2 ft. wall, 'he ghall not find p Mat. 3 a tnuke hi&p. straixhl. .Vur I a I.nfff.1.4. Heb. \2. 13. makestraiffhtp.for feet PATIKNCE. Mat. l& 86. Lord, have p. with me, and 1 will pay thee nil, 29. Luke 8. 15. hrliiB forth fruit with p. 21. 19. in p posses* ye yi.ur itouls Rom. [>. 3. trihulation work, th p. 4. p. ejcperit-nre, experience nope 8. 2-V then do we ith p. wait for it 15. 4. we thro' p. mijrhi hare hope ft. O. of p. grant 7011 be hke.n.ind. 2 Cor. 6. 4. ministers of God in p 12. 12. siirns werenmn. you in all p. Co/. I. 11. strengthened to all p. 1 The*. I. 3. remem. your p. in Jes. 2 The*. I. 4. flory in you for your p 1 Tim. ft. II. follow after love, p. 2 Tim. 3. 1(1. thou hast known my p. TVt 2. 2. aged I* sound in faith, p. Hrb. fi. 12. thro* p. inherit promiiteg IU. 3rl ye have need of p. that alter 12. 1. let us run with p. rarehef. us Jam. 1.3. tryingof fiiith xvorketh p. 4. let p. have her perfect work 5. 7. husbandman hath long p. for 10. an exam, of p. || 1 1. p. of Job 2 Pet. \ . fi. add to temperance p. to p. fftf. I. 9. roirpanii.il inp. of Jesus 2.'2. I know thy p. 19. ft a hast p. 3. 10. thou hast kept word of my p. 13. 10. here isp of ssints, 14. 12. PATIENT. Ercl. 7.8 p.in spirit better than proud Ram. 2. 7. p. rontinuanre in well. do K 12. in hope. p. in trihulation I T/if*. ft. 14. hep. towatd .ill men J The*. 3. 6. p. waiting for Christ 1 Tim. 3. 3. not greedy of lurre, but p. 2 Tim 2. 4. [al^fi p. Jam. 5. 7. he p. brethren || St. be. ye PATIKN'U.Y. Ft. 37. 7. rest in the I,, and wait p. 40. I. I waited p. for the Lord, and Art* 2ft 3. I he-errh tlx'r bear mr p. i. ft. 15. after he had p. end urea I Pet. 2. 20. if ye behull-tted t ike it p. if ye do well ami suffer, take it p. PATRIARCH, S. Acttl. 29. freely s|>eak of p. Darid 7. 8. Jaroh hrg'at the twelve p. !l. p. sold Joeph into Kgypt Heti. 7. 4. to whom p. Abraham paid PATRIMONY. [tithes Deut. 18. ft that rometh of sale of p. PATTKRN. & fjwf. 25. 9. p. of all the instrument* 40. make them after their p. VK the;/ of Hlt;.r of Lord Kin. Ifi. 10. Aha sent p. of H tar .K:iveJ>ol.p. U,' ' 84. S'.-'3. was nei-.- ,^r\ I'm PAVK1). i in. HIM. r M 9 feet p. work (mi/, a la mniM li.-inr p. with love PAVEMENT. J Kin. H'. 17. put -en onp. of gtont< .1. ,iii Urn. I bowed upon . /..///. I. ii 1 ,is wt ie on a p of rea 17. ere i hainberii and a /> 18 p. I y side of nates was !. er a 42. a. over against p. a^ valleiy John IU. 13. 1 i ate w.t in place caii. J I'AVII.ION, S. [ -,. t Sam. 22. IU. he muue narkn p f,i/. IN. II. [p. 16. I Kin. 2ii. 12. Hmha.iad drmkiiiL- in /'.-/. '-7. 5. h.- shall bide me inp. 31. *0. keep th.-in . ciet!) in a />. v/cr. 43. 10. NeburliHdn. spread kfa p. PAW, s. 7.T. II. 27. poeth on p. are unrl. :m l.s'uwj. 17.37. d. liv me nut of p. of linn I'AWKIH Jo63S. 21. the b..r-ep. in the Talley PAY Ejod. 21. 19. he sb. p. for loss of time :tti he si. .ill surely p ox for ox *2. 7 if thief be found, p. double, P. .Vu/. id. li. if 1 drink 1 will p. for it ]),-nt -a. >\. shall not alark to p i .sv/rn. IS. 7. let me go and p. my vow 1 A'i'n. iO. :. thou sba.tp. a talent 2 AIM. 4. :i7. -ell oil, and p. thy debt 2 Ctir. S. a them .lid S,.|. make to p. A'--iv/ 4. la then will they not p. toll A tt. 3. f/. I will p. 10,0011 talei.t*. J 7. Jub 22. 27. and sfmlt ;,. thy vows ftal. 22. 2-V 1 will /.. un vows before then., o;. ia i i in u. la 50. H. p. thy vow- to ^lost Ilirfh 7fi. II. vow, an, i p. to the I I'm: I". 17. given, will hep. a#ai( 22. 27. if hast iioth. top. why take Keel. a. 4. il.'fer not to p. it, //. th.it 5 not tow. than vow and not p. Jonoh 2. 9. I will p. that I v..wed .Vu/ 17. 24. doth not ma-, p. tribute? 18. 2o. had not to p he forgave him, Luke 7. 42. [thnii owe-t 2& I will p. thee all [I 28. p. that 30. cast into pri-on, till hep. de t ,'U. till hep. all that was due to him 2a 23. yep tithe of mint, anise Rom. 13. r,. for this ruse p tri! 'ite PAYKI), c.r PAID, BTH. .'.>; \. W. toll and fustorn p. them /' 37. 21. wirke.l borrow rth, p. not 1'rur. 7. II. this day l.ave I p V.MS Jniiu/, 1. a s.. he p. thereof. ,nd . t .\I,it. :> '.";. not roil) ..... it till hr.*t :.. uttermost farthiiiL', I.u '. lift. 7. 9. 1-evi p. ti!be- in A PAYMENT. .Wrf. 18. 25. all so: !, p to be ma^f n..-'. 3/or*t. 30. he ~a .) f. sea, p. bettil! PKACK. G.4I.Io.(:.eiv,- Pliar. answer ofp i\. 1 will five p. in land '.. Lord give tl . e p. ! five him rty rmrnantof f, DeiU. 2. 26. sent to Sihon with ^ 20. 10. rome nigh city, pi'x-la'.m /. II. if it make t! ..... a'n-wer ol p. \2. 23. ft. tbi-u -h..lt not seek their p. ! -hall have p. though wxlk . IT. p. hetw. .lii 1 in ai:. 1 I Sam'.n.p belw I-r..nd Amoritu 20. 7. is well, servant >b:il! have j>. 1. come tbou, there i* p. to tlu J PEA > Kin. 9. 33. on throne shall be p. 4. 24. Solomon had p. on all sides 5. 12. p. betw. Hiram and Solomon 20. 18. come for p. take them alfve * Kin. 9. 17 say. U it p. Jehu ? 18. 19. what hast thou to do wi.p.T 22. 2i what p. so long as witchcrafts? S' had Zimri p. who slew mast.? 2f. 9. is it not good, if p. be in my days > Ita, 39. 8. 1 f A-. 22. 9. I will give p. to Israel I CAr 15. 5. those times th. was nop. Srra L 17. rest beyond the river, p. 5.7. ttlto Darius, p. || 7. 1 2. unto Ezra 9. 12. nor seek their p. or wealth Erth.9. 30. Mordecai sent words of p. 10. 3. Mordeiai speaking p. to all Job 5. 23. beasts of field sh. be at p. it. Si. acquaint thyself, and be at p. 85. 2. he maketh p. in high places ft. 7. 4. evil to him that was at p. 2a a which speak p. to neighhnurs 29. ILL. will bless his peo. with p. 34, 14. do good, seek p. and pur. sue it, 1 Pet. 3. II. 35. JO. they speak not p. but devise 37. 11. delight in abundance of p. 37. the end of the upright man is p. 55. 20. put against such as be at p. 72. a the mountains shall bring p. 7. in p. so long as moon endureth 85. 8. he will speak p. to his people 10. righteousness and p. kissed 119. 165. great p. have they which 120. 6. dwelt with him th. hateth p 7. I am for p. but they are for war 122. 6. prny for the p. of Jerusalem 125 5. butp. shall be upon Israel 128. 6. thou sh seep, upon Israel 147. 14. he maketh p. in thv borders Prov. 3. 17. pleasantness, and paths p. 12. 20. tothecounsellors of p. is joy 16. 7. he maketh enemies to he at p. EecL 3. 8. a time of war, a time of p. Ita. 9. 6. Prince of p. || 7. increase p. 26. 12. L. thou wilt ordain p. for us 27. 5. he make p. with me, and he shall make p 32. 17. righteousness shall be p. 33. 7. ambassadors of p. shall weep 38. 17. for p. I had great bitterness 45. 7. make p. and create evil 48. 18. then had thy p. been as river 22. there is no p. to wicked, 57. 21 52. 7. the feet of htm that publish- eth p. ffah. 1. 15 53. 5. chastisement of our p. on him 54. 10. nor covenant of p. be remo. ia great sh. hep. of thy children 55. 12. go with joy, led forth wi. p 57. 2. enter into p. rest in beds 19. fruit of the lips, p. p. to him 59. a the way of p. they knew not Rom. a 17 50. 17. I will make thine officers p 36. 12. I will extend p. to her Jer. 4. 10. ye shall have p. whereas 5. 14. p. p. when there Is no p. 8. 1 1 8. 15. for p. hut no good came, 1 4. 19 12. 5. if in land of p. they wearied 12. sword devour, no flesh have p. 14. la I will give you assured p. 'r ia 10. p. and there was nop. Ifi. 34. 2S. make a covenant of p .17. 2 Dan. a 75. by p. he sh. destroy m OW. 7. ni'ii at p. deceived thve PEA We. 3. 5. bite with teeth and cry p. 5. 5. this roan sh. be p. when Aityr. tag. 2. 9. in this place I 'ill give'p. ',ech. fi. 13. counsel of p. betw. them 8. 10. nor was there any p. to him 16. execute judgment and p. 19. therefore love the truth and p. 9. 10. he sh. speak p. to the heathen Int. 2. 5. my covenant of life and p. nt 10. 13. worthy, let yourp. come 34. think not 1 uin come to send p. lurk 9. 50. have p. one wi. another .U. 1. 79.guide our feet to way of p. 2. 14. on earth p. good will toward 10. 6. if son of p. there yourp. rest 12. 51. that 1 am come to fin- p.? 19. 38. p. in heaven, glory in highest 42. things that belong to thy p. 'ohn 14. 27. p. I leave you, p 1 give 16. 33. th. in me you might have p. Acti 10. 36. preaching p. by Jesus Rom. U 7. p. from God the Father, 1 Cr. 1. a -i Cor. 1. 2. Gal 1.3. Eph. 1. 2. Phil. 1. 2. 2. 10 p. to ev. man worketh good 5. I. justified, we have p. with God 8. 6. to be spiritually minded is p. 10. 15. them th. preach gospel of p. 14. 17. for the kingdom of ( Jod isp. 19. follow things that make for p. 15. ia fill you with all joy and p. Cor. 7. 15, O. hath called us top. 14. 3.'). author of p. as in churches jdl. 5. 22. Spirit IK love, joy, p. Eph. 2. 14. he is our p. H 15. making p. 17. Christ came and preached p. 4. 3. unity of Spirit in hond of p. 6. 15. wl. preparation of gospel of p. Phil. 4. 7. p. of O. passeth undent. Col. 1. 1. grace ana p. from God our Father, I Then. 1. 1. 2 Thai 1. 2. 1 Tim. I. 2. 2 Tim. 1. 2. Til. 1. 4. Philem 3. 2 John 3. 3. 15. let p. of O. rule in your hearts 1 The*. !>. a when they shall say p. 13. and be at p. among yourselves 2 The*, a 16. now L. of p. give you p. i Tim. 2. 22. follow p. with all men Heb. 12. 14. Heb. 1. 2. king of Salem, is klnu n(p 1 1. 31. Kalian received spies In p. Jam. 3. la in p. of them th. make p.? Rev. 1. 4. p. from him that is, was 6 4 power given to him to take p. PEACE be. Jndg. 6. 2a the L. said. p. be to thee I Sam. 25. 6. p. be to thee to house 1 Chr. 12. 18. p. be to thee. p. be to Pi. 122. 7. p. be within thy walls a I will now say.p. be within thee Dan. 4. 1. p. be multiplied to you, 6. 25. 1 Pel. I. 2. 2 Pet. I. 2. Jude 2 10. 19. p. be to thee, be strong Lukx 10. 5. say, p. be to this house 24. 36. and he saith unto them, p. be to you, John 20. 19, 21, 26. Gal. 6. 16. p. be on them, and mercy Eph. 6. 2a p. be to brethren, love 1 Pet. 5. 14. p. be with all in Christ 3 John 14. p be to thee. our friend* ftorfo/ PEACE. Rom. 15. 3a the G. of p. he wi. you 16. 20. the O. o c p. sh. bruise Satan 2 Cor. 13. 11. the God of p. shall b Tvlth y..u, Phil. 4 9 I The*. 5. 23. G. of p. anctify you Heb. la 20 G. of p. make you perl. See HELD. U..MI. / PEACE. Gen. 2fi. 29. we ent thee away in p 2a 'Jl. I come to father's house inp Jiirli!. II. 31. when I return in p. >_ \,im 15. 27. return to the city in ; |v of p \va come MX IV Im-t^.l to Jr-rii-. tin- day uf p. . Cor. 16 8. t -rry Hi Ki !-eu until I . frit. 14. 2a Uik .f n.titendeth to . Lu*r t\. 4. she of her p cast in all PfcSNY. Hat. 'in.-}. agreed wi. lahourernfor p V. they rereiied >. man a p. 1.1 VV. 19. they brought unto linn n p Afirrfc 12. 15 brine in* a p. 7-u. '20. v4 Jfrr. 6 & m-a t. II . I will rive p for thy life 8. bring forth blind p have eye* 6 Sap. that protoketh me ! ; . Jrrima. rejoicing, her p a joy Jtf. fl. 22. p. rometh fr. north. H) 41. 4S. 12. Moah dentroyed fr. being p. tttm. I. 7. p. fell into hand of enemy *. 4. (I shall he likep like prie**l were not p /<*r. A. 9. relee i.eJ u out of rv. p. X/ PKOPLE. F rod. 19 5. a treasure hbove all p Drut. 7 6. It. | !0. l&. P*. **. vi. Dr-ut 7. 7. ye were fewest of all p I A in J .14 ranie of all p tn hear S.I 8.4 <.,/p know thy nnine.vCAr . ff.tt. y. '.'. fear of them fell on.i//p ^i ;. :i d rlare WiMider Brno, all p Ft. 117 I pruiie I., all e p for In. kin n^r IIH U. ,.. l.x II. / to all p. a feast 5fi. 7 house of prayer lor all p /.in. I. II. otfherp seek bread I&. hear, //p behold. A/ic. I. & /Jn 5 IR .tf p feared before him 7. 14 till p and n ilion* erve him Mir. 4. 5. nil p. walk, earli in name ZrpA. 3. VU. you prame ainonir nil p. y,itA V. 10. t'irtiiur* of joy too// p. 31. prepared )>efore fx.-e of all p. ^/I(A CI'OJM.K. j-xt ia 14. a// the p. stand hv thee 19. a a. ( p. an-wer: together ,V(4. 1 11. L. roinedown in siifhtof a. t p l.fr. 10.3 hef. u.l a. I will he glorified Xum.ll.^9 a( 1. 's p were proplietr Oifut 13. & the hand of a. t p. i" 7. ^7. IS. a. (. p. shall nay, ;.men. In, 17, 18, 19, Vfl, jp ludg. 20 S. a. t p. aroe as one man 1 &UR.IO.yi.none like linn Hin ,i t p II. 4. a. t. p. w-pt i| 12. IS feared 30. A. s'jul of d t p wax grieved 2 .Sans. 8. VS. a. <. p. stood, pur-neii 17. 3. bring bark a t p unto the.- 19. 9. a. t p. were at strife thr>.' Is. 21). 'A woman went t<> a t. p. in 1 A'in. 8 VI separate them fr. a. t. p. HO that a t p. of earth may know 2 Am 23. 3. u (. p. stood to covenant I (V.r. 16. 30. and a. t p naid, amen i Ckr. 7. 4. (i. f p offered sarrifires /VJKJ 7. 25. which may judge a. t p. AVA. 8. 5. in sight of a. t. p. for he was ab/rn 3. 7. when a. t p heard >uiid 7.n-h. II. 10 break rov. with allt p. It 12. Uf L. will smite a// Mr p. Vu/ ill. made you hae 21. 7. stirred up n't t p. laid hands Amvmgthe PKOPi.E. I.fr. I V 29. be rut off from amn. t. p. r'.rek. 2fl. IR. all that know thee u. p. Dan. II. 33. they th. under*, a t p Jnfl-i. 17. l'ould they ay amo t p. Zfcn. 0. 9. I %'ill now them a t. p. .Inhn 7. 41 was a division am the p Ai-tt 3. V3 he destroyed from a. t. p 4. 17. it spread no further amo t p. 14. 4 Hurnah. and Paul ran a. t. p. f. 70 ?. in awemhlv of p. of Oorf V.V.im. 14 13 Mii-h thing aga.p ofG. I'*. 47 9. even p. n/ nf Abraham lift. 4. a I emwnetli a rest tup. o/ U. Md PKO suffer affliction wl ^. o/f?. l^rf 2.10. not ape., tutnowp c/.7. \rr liaKAT. Hw PKOPI.E. Cm. 17. 14. li. be nit ..fl frnra Aa p Sfiiti. 30 :fl. 38. | il. '4 /.r 7. 20, 21, 26. 27. | 17. 4, 9 | 19 8. I V3 V9. .Vum R 13. | I.V SO. 49. 16. l>an shall judge An p. 33. r.t-od. 18 I. for Mo and Ur. hit f. Lev. I T . 10. 1 will rut him ff frnat among AM p vi). M, a | ffl. M Ou<. 26. IS I., avoin-lie.1 thee h. r 32. 9. fur the Lr. '-'3. 25. Ci. of lr. given ret to Au;i. 2 Chr 2. II. the 1^ hath loved hi* p. 31. 10. the Lord hath M.-sed Aup. 32. 14 who could deliver A p.? I .. 3H IS. he had companion on AM p. Ifi. wrath of L. rose against AM p. 23. who of all A. p. go, ro I. f. .'"'' la 19. not have son among A. p. P*. 14. 7. bark captivity .>f A p. .'.a 6. 29. II. the U will give strength to Aup. the Lord u-ill bless Aup. with peai-e, nH 35. 50. 4. rail, that he may judge Aup. 73. 10, therefore A p. return hither 78. 20. ran be provide Heh for A. p t 62. he (rave A. p. ovei to the su-ord 71. brought him to teed Jacob A. p. A5. & he will npeak peace t.. Aup. 94. 14. the L. will not mat off A p. 100. a we are A p || in.Y 43. bro'ight lt& V4. heinrreaoed Aup. greatly 2o. turned their heart to hntr A. p. 1 1 1. & he >-hewed AM p the p.. er !*. he sent redemption to AM p. 113. B. net him wi. prtnres ol Aup. 116. 14. now in preenreof all Aup. 1 25. 2. M> i the L. riind Hhont A. p. I3G. ia who led A /,. through wild. I*a. 3. 14. with the an< ients of hi, p. 7. 2. moved, and the heart of hit p. 14. 12. pH>r of A p :h frut in him 25. a rebuke of A p -hall h.-t.,k.- 30. 2H L. hindetb up t.rea, h ..f A p 49. la O. hath coinf..rt. d A. p 52. 9 M. . thy O. pie .d. th . nu-e of A p. 5f?. :i L. hath eprted me fr. A. p. a II. rem.-mherert Mow- and A. p. ./ir. 27. 12. and -erve him jnd AM 3. .V). !6. h return every one to A. 'p. F.zek. la 18 did not iro. d a-no. A. p. -.'. II. he and A. p >hall he hronght .l.el-i. 18 U bej^l and pity A p I'.l. I. will answer and say to A. p. :<. Ifi. I. Will he the hope of Au p. Zrrk. 9. Ifi I. >:l. :< and they shall be Ait p. i HUL, ISBAEL, MANY, UtCI, PEO PEOPLK of the land. Of*. 23. 7. Ahra. knwd top of I. 12. E.fid. ft ft. the n. of the L are riiHiiy /.IT. an. 2. p. o/. 2 I. [2 fAr 33. j"5 X?. 24. p oft. I. mad*- Josiah kiuif, 23, 30. p o/< ( t'.ok Jehoahaz his son, 2 CAr. 3ft I. [>r. 52. li S:">. 3. there was nn dread for D. &//. I rtr. ft. 2ft. after ^rods of p. eft I. Ksrti 10 2 stransre wives of p ,,ft I. II. separate from the p. ofttte I. AYA 10. :). notffivedKiiah. top. ofl. 31 if the p. of fie l,md bring ware EvM. R. 17 ma'nyp. oft. I, her. Jews fr 34. lit. nil p. oft. 1. vvhi.-h passed Ktek. 7. 27. <;/ A /. sh. I.e troubled 22. 29. p. fthel used oppression 33 '1. if p. of I. take mm for watch. !B. 13. ttu-p. off. f. shall bury th.-m 4.V If! p nft. I. shall irive.il/latidn 't'.. the prince prepared for p. ofl 4fi. H p. /7 1. shall worship at door SI. p. ../ ' sh. come in solemn feasts Dun. i> fv prophets spake top. oft I. II ra. 2. 4 be strong, all ye p. oft. I. Kffh. 7.5. speak to all the p. of the L Mw-h PRoPLE. \nm. 90. -in. Edom came with m. p. Jmh. II. 4. they went with much p. if Clir. 3i. 4 irathere. m p. of the Jews knew Art*5. 37. drew away m. p after him 1!. 24. m. p. was added unto the L. IS. 10. for I have m. p. in this city 19. 2fi. Paul hath turned away m. p. Rev. 19. !. I heard a voire of mttchp. My PEOPLE. Gen. 93. II. in the presence of mvp. 41. 40. to thy won) shall ail my p. 49. 29 I am to be (fathered to mvp. Ej-od. 3. 7. I have seen affliction of my p. Act* 7. 34 5. 1. thus sith I- fJ.'let my p. (fo. 7. Irt. I a 1,20. ! 9. I, 13. | 10. 3. 8. 22. land in which mil p. are, 23 9. 17. exaltest thyself asai nst my p 27. L. righteous! I and my p. wick. 12. 31. iret you forth fr. amo my p. Zl. 25. if thou lend money to my p. I.fr. 26. 12. and ye shall he. my p. Jer 11. 4. | 30. 22. f>nm. '4. 14. hehold 1 o unto mvp. Juriff. 12. 2. I and m>/p. were at strife 1 1. 3. never a won, an amo. my p.? Rnth I. Ifi thy people shall he mvp. 3. II. Hll the city nf mvp. dothki.iiw ! Sirm 9 Ifi to hie captain overmv p. .Sim. 3 18 by D.iv. will I save mvp. 7. H he a rii>erovT my p. 2CAr fi. ;>. King* 22. 4. tm/ p. HS thy people 2 Km. a 7. 2 fhnm, IS. 3. CAr. 17. fi. I romman. to feed my p. ix 2. David said, hear me, mti />, :".). \ J. who am I, and what mvp . y 8 0/ir. 1. II. thou may. judire mvp. fi. .S. -iuce day I brought forth mt/p. ~ It. il m p. humble th-mselves E*f/i. 7. M. let mvp. he (riven me 4. I and mil p. to be destroyed Pf mvp. I will speak, 81. & 5.'. II. slay not. lest mvp. forpet 6S 2'A 1 vi-ill i.rinir m'/p fr. lia-lmn 78. I. pive eat, O nui p. to my law >i. II. raw p would not luarken M H 8Ul>dui-th mv p. under me PEO Isa. 1. 3. mvp. doth not consider 3. 12 mvp children are oppressor: 15. What mean ye th. ye beat mvp.' 10. 2. take rijfht from poor of nn/ f 24. O mvp. that dwellest in Xiiiu 111 25. blessed be Euypt, invp 32. 18. mvp. sh. dwel'l in peaceable 40. I comfort ye, mvp saith (Jod 4'1. 2'l. g ve .Iriiik to m p. iny.-hofn 47. S 1 was wroth with HI it p. 51. Hi. say to Zn.n, thou art mvp. 52. 4. mvp. went down int" lisnpt 5. my p. i* taken away for nought (>. mvp. shall know my name 58. I. "shew mvp th. transgression ftt 8. surelN they are mvp. rhildrei 65 10. Sharon a "fold for my p. 19. rejoice in Jerusa. jov in mvp. 22. for HS the days ol a tree, are the days of mvp Jer. 2. 13. m.p. have rotnniitteti evils 31. why say my p. we ate lord., f 32. my p. have forgotten me, 18. 15 4. 22. my p. i foolish, not known me ft. ifi alining mi/p. are wicked men 31. mvp love, what will ye do ? 7 23. i"iliey my voice, and he mv P. 8. 7 mvp. know not judtftn. of L 9. 2. that 1 tnijfht leave mvp. and g* 12. 16. di igently learn \vn'yuf my p. 15. 7. destroy mvp they return not 23. 2. against pastors that feed my p. 22. if they had rnued mvp. to hear 27. who think localise my p. forget 24. 7. they shali he my p.' Ml. I, :. |:. 3R Ezek II. 20. j 36. 88. I 37. 2:1, 27. Zfch. a a 29. 32. nor good I will do for my p. 31. 14. and my p. shall he satisfied 33. 24. thus they have despi-ed m.p. 50. ri. wyp. hath been lost sheep 51. 45. mil p. go ye out of midst of her, Rev. 18. 4. trek. 13. 9. not in assembly of my p. 19. ye pollute we amour my p. hy lyinu to mvp. SI. deliver mvp. out of hand. 23. 14. S. cut him off fr. midst of my p. II. but that they may be my p. 21. I-', the sword sh. be upon my p. 34. 30. even house of Ur. are mv p. 37. 12. O m. p.I will open graves, 13. 35. Ifi. thou shall come against mvp. 4fi. 18. that mvp. he not scattered Hot. I. 9 said 0. ye are not my p. '0. 2. 23 to them which were not mvp. 4. 6. my p. are destroyed for lack 8. the'y ent up the sin of my p. R 1 1. returned captivity nf mvp. Joel >. 2fi. mvp. never be aslum. 27. 3. 2. will plead with them for mvp 3. they have cast lots for mvp. /fmojtR'lO. sinner of mvp shall die Ohdd. 13. not entered irate of mvp. A/c. I. 9. he ! come to pate of mv p 2. 8 of late myp. is risen us enemy !). the women of mv p. V <*t out 3 3. who alo eat the fle>h of my p. 5. prophets that make my p. err 6. 3. O mil p. what have I done f ft. Ifi. ye shall hear reproach ot mv p. Z'-ph. 2. 8 they reproached mv p ZfcH. 2. II. many nations *h h-mi/p H. 7. 1 will save mil p from th.- . at 13. 9. it il my p and they (hall say Rom. 9. 2V rll them mv p. whi. h were ii"t mv p. 2fi. It wan said, ye are not mv p. 2 Cor. 6. !. b* J they h. be my p. See DACUHT i R. Of the PKOPLE. Gen. 25. 23. manner nfp. be separi*. 49. 10. to him h fp.thering of p. he A'lim. i. 4. take sum oft. p. from HI 347 PEO \J<"h. 4. i take twelve men ; I >'/" !l. V. hmhertliai, a.,y V< F 1 1.2. none nt t p tasted f...',rt f Id. A 26. 15. came ,,, ,,ft.p. de lro"v k.nr ? Am. la 7. nor ,1,'d he leave ,,'f t. aT A.rr,,:|. 3. ,,ft. v . ,,f,| ,,, ^ Ar/j. 5. I. tlieie was R ^reat n v or"* 7 7a.NM^t* dwelt in c.li,.', Pi. 72. 4. he in. jmlce poor ofUtm 8. 19. I have exalted one out o/iS: /i. 51. t. my J,,d B . for a l,ht o] t. p. H3. :J. and o/t p. there u none J"/i'i7. 31. u any /t p. believed him 1 1. 42. because oft. p. that -tand hv .let* 4. 21. punish, because of the u Hrb. 9. 7. himself, and errors u ft p Rev. II. 9. they nfp. e .1,-ad buUiel Scr KAHS, F.Lhms. On PEOPLE. Gen. 2ft. 23. OIK p. shun tx itrnncer J4. Ki. dwell wi. you. and bee ., n 22. t dwell with u., to be one p. Otrn PEOPLK E.rod. ft. 16. the fault in in thine o p 1 C'ir. 17. 21. G. went to redeem o p. 2 TAr. 25. 15. could not deliver o. p. AW. 4\ 10. forifet also thy ./-np. 7H. 5?. but made his o. p to yo forth /i'/. l:l 14. eve maii turn tip his o p Jer. 46. 16. let us eo aifain to our o. p. The PR' .PI.E. Gen. II. 0. L. said, b- hold 1. p. is on* .ni V 4. why let t. p. from work f 5. t. p. of the land now are many 12. 27Fand the p. bowed the hea.l U. 31. t p. feared U and believed 15. 14. t. p. shall hear and be afraid 1*>. t. p. pass over which thou ha-.t 24. the. p. murmured, saviuu, what III 30. /. p re-teH on tevrnth day 17. I. there Was no witter d.r the p. 2. Me p. did chide with Moe*. Num. 20. 3. [the p. may drink 6. ihall come water nut of it, that 18. 19. he thou for t p. ftod.winl lil.9. that /. p. may hear >vh. I >peak 17. Moges hroiig'bt forth the p. 20. la when the p. saw it af.ir, 21. 24. 8. Moses sprinkled it <>n Mr p. Lev. 9. 7. make an atonem. nt f'ir thyself Mtidt. p. [!. IV 15. the tin offerin? for thr p. IR I \i/m. II. 2. thtp cried to M.isei 13. la and see the p. that dwelleth It.l.rtrp. weptH39 t. p. mourned 21. 5 the p. |.ake agnin-t i;...| 23. 9. h>, the p. xhnll dwell alone 24. the p sh. rise up as airreat linn Dent. 4. 10. L. (Rid, ther me thr p. IR 3 be the priest's due from th p. 33. 3. he loved thep. \\ 17 po-h the p. 19. they shall call 1. p. to rnoiii.ti.ni Imh. 4. 10. and the p hunted o\er .>. t. p. shouleil || 24 VH t p depart lurff 7. 2. f. p. th. are with thee, 4. ^am. *. IS. prie-fs rustiKii wi f. /. 4. 4. t p. tent to Shiioh to brine "' k a 19 t. p. refuse,! t.. obey Si.min-1 14. 4-S. <. p said, sh. Jnna'han die? o ( p. rescued Joimth.m 15. I ft. t. f. spartd hri.t of lhehri-p 21. the p. took of the |n.il oxen 30 R for / p. spake ..f tnnliur him 2 Sum. I. 4. t u. are II. d from l.nltl- 15 12. /. p inerea-eil with .Ab-.ii--"i 1 Kin I. 4" II.' p [>ipe.l Hh pip" 22. thr v that f..M..., ed ()">rl preta.led Sfnin-l fie p II .it follow, d lihm. ...n . (ilnula 2 Kin. i 41 pour out for Mr p. 43 ylve .Ar p that they o,sy eat || i; rv. nant bet* knur nod f. f |8 3fi b..t M. p. held their peftrr 22. 13. iuqiilre of th L for tWp PEO I flkr. I? 3. . 7. in thine anger cait down t p. 67. a let the p praise thee. O O. ft HH. 15. blessed is the p. that know 9.V 7. and we are t p. of his pasture ML la he shall judire t. p. wi. truth IK 9. he sh. judge' the p. wi. equity 99. I. L. reigneth, let t p. tremble I OS. I. make known deeds amo. tp. Prof. II. 14. no counsel is, t p. fall 29. 2. t p. rejoiced, the p. mourn la where it no vision, t p. perish lia. 9. 2. t p. th. walked in darkness la t p. turoeth not to him smiteth 14. 2. and the p. shall take them 21 2. be wL t p. so with tfre priest 30. 19. (oTthep. (hall dwell in Zion 33. 24. t p be forgiveo th. iniquity 34. -V my sword shall come on L p. 40. 7. i. p. is grans, graai witbereth 51. 7. t p. in whose heart is my law 63 6. 1 will tread t. p. in mine anger 18. t p. of thy holiness posesed it Jer. 31.2. t p. left of sword found fr. 9f 4. Jeremiah went among the p. 39 14. so he dwelt among the p. 40. 5. go back and dwell wi. t p. S. M. 5a tt 7. I will cut then off from ite p. *>. 20 will bring thee down wi. tp. 3.1 31. come to thee as t p comeih 36. 20. these are the p. of the Lord 39. 4. thou shalt fall, and the p. 42. 14. approach those things fur t p. 44. 19. shall not sanctify the p. Dan. 9. 26. the m. of the prince II. 3 the p that know their Ood II < 4. 14. p. tli. doth not undent 10. 5. for the p. thereof shall mourn 10. t p. sh. be gathered aga. them Jifl 2. 6. the p. shall be much pained ./mot 3. 6. shall the p. not be afraid ? Jtaah. 3 V t p. of Nineveh bell O. Hub. 2. ia t p. sh. labour In the fire. the p. shtll weary themselves 7.rph. t. Id magnifi-d agm t.p. of L. Har. I. 12. and t. p. did fear the U Mil. I. 4. the p. against whom Lord .Wut 4. l-t p. In darkness saw light 21. 2& we fear them. .Wo/* II. 32. l.i Jce 1. 21. t p. waited for ZarharL 3. IV u the p. were in expectation 4. 42. /. p. sought || 5 I. t p presHl 6 \O. thf p. gladly received him 9. la whom say t p. that I am P 20. IU. feared t p. (U || '23 5. otirreth V3. 14. maii, one that p-rverteth tp. Johm 7. 12. but he deceiveth the p. 1 1. W. mail >h. die for t p. is. 14. 4ett V 13. hut th'}> m.iKinfied them ft 6. I. p. with one acriyd gave heed at 1'a. had don 14. II. ( p saw wha 1&. pwrsuaded /. //. .toned i' ,u! PEC Art*16. 17. delivering thee from tp. Hfd. 5. a as fur /A/- p. so liimt 7. :7. 7. II. under it the p rereived law 13. I.', that he ii'Uht anrlify ttep. . the I. hnvhiir .saved the p. 7'A.. PKOPLK. 1 will give r p favour 4 22. why ha*t evil entreated t pi 17.4 cried, what hall I do lHl.pt 18. la wear away, thnu and thii p. :. 9. seen t p. || VI. what did < p. 3i. 31 f. p. have ginned a (treat sin S3. 12. thnu sayest, tiring up Mi p. Sum. II. II. burden of nil i p on inp 14. I am not ahle to bear nil thin p 14. II. how long will t p provok- ? 15. if ttiou ill. kill t p a- one man 16. not aMe to briiif( tp. Into land 19. pardon t. p. thou liat forg. t. p. .'-'. & I pray thee, rur-e thit p 17. 24. 14. /. i> shall do to thy people Dnti 5.2H, I have heard voireof t p. 9. 13. nay Inn. I have seen Mi* p. 27. look not to KtuhhorneM of t. p. 31. 7. for thou rtin-t g with thii p 16. t. p will go whoring after god* 'urf#. 2. 20. thit p have transgressed 9. 2i*. would t<> O. /. p. were under 38. is not t the p. thou despii-ed ? 2 Sam. 16. IM. whom L. and t. p. choose kingi 12. 6. that I may answer (. p. 9. 2 CAron, 10. 6, 9. 27. if L p. do sacrifice at Jerusalem 14. 2. th. I should In- king over t. p. IS 37. O L. that MM p. may know t Kin. a 18. smite t p. wl. blindness 2 Chr. I. In. and rome in before t p. Xeh. S. 19 mil I have done for thii p. Jta. 6. 9. go and tell thit p. hear ye 10. make the heart of thii p. fat, Mat. 13. 15. Act* *& 2, 87. 9. 18. leaden of f. p. pause t hi in err '23. la t p. was not till Asy. found. 88. 14. trornful men that rule t. p. 29. 13, t p. draw near me wi. mouth 14 a marvellous work nmo. t. p. 4a 21. t p. hare I formed for myself Jer. 4. 10. thnu hait dereired thit p. 5. 14. ray wordi fire, and t. p. wood & 19. I will bring evil on thu p. 21. stumbling-blocks before t p. 7. 16. therefore pray n.it thou for thit p. II. 14. | 14. II. H. 5. why ia thit p. slidden hark ? 13. 10. t eril p. who re! use to hear I ".. 1. my mind could not he tow. tp 16. 5. taken away my pearv fr. i p. 19. II. even MI will I br.-ak thii p. 83. 32. they shall not profit thii p. rt. 15. makeat t. p to trust in a lie '29. 32. a mnn to dwell among t. p. 'C2. 41 brought great evii upon t. p. 33. 24. not what t. p. have spokrn 35. 16. bat /. p have not hearkened 36. 7. anger pronounced again, t. p. 37. 18. what hare I off.-n.led thii p J .Wie. J, II. be sh, be prophet of t p. Hag. 2, 14. so is /A/p. before me Zech, & ft. in eyes of remnaut of t p. 1 1. I will not I* to t p. as former 12. rause remnant "f t p possess Mat. 15. & t p. draw eth nigh mouth Mark 7. ft. /. p. honour, me with lips Luke 9. 13. we ibn buy meat for tp. 21. 23. there sh he wrath upon I. p Juhn 7. 4. t p. knonreth riot the law Acit IS. 17. n. oft p .-hone our fata. I Cor. 14. 21. I will sp.-ak to thu p. Th<, PKOPLE. End !> 23. iifitheY delivered Viv p. I.Y !; till ttvp. pass over. O Lord 23. 2a nor shall curse ruler of tfi'j p. Art* 23. a. 23. II. that poor f fAyp. niut- eat 34* PEG > .Vum. 5. 21. make thee a cur-r j rath among thy p. [DruT 32. jo. /7. ia -h. be gathered t-i t p. 31. -j. llfiii.i>. J2. t p. corrupted themt- Ivet -ti. said, O Lord, destroy not ;.. 29. yet are they thy p. and inli.-n. tanre, fieh. I h) Ruth !. 10. return wi. thee to Vii/ /,. IH. thy p :>hall be my people .' Sam. 7. -'a aud what nation is liks ttvp.f I CAr. 17 1. before f. p. which thou redeem. d>l I A,' in. 3. 8. oervant is in mid-t of '/>. a 44. if thy p. go out to battle 50. forgive thy p. that have sinned, 8 Chrun & 31. Ti. 51. they bet p. || 2ft 4^. t p. for hi, 22. 4 my people as t p. my hor-ei as thy horses, 2 Kin. :l. 7. I Chr. 21. 17. not thy hand he on 7. /). 2"J. 18. in thoughts of heart ol (. p. f*. a a thy blessing is upon thy p. .'H. 9. save (Ay p. and bless thine in. heriUnre, Jer. 3!. 7. H. 12. thoa tehest t p. for nought '.0. 3 hrf-t ,lii'\y. d t p. hard things tO. 4. anijrv Hgaiust prayer of/ p.? MS. 3. rrafly counsel airaLn,t /Ay p. 9.V 2. forgiven the iniquity of if. p. (5 thai thii p mayrpjuice in the" !4. 5. they break in piei-es t p O L. 106 4. favour that thou bearest /. p. 110. 3. thy p. shall be willing in day to. i 6. thou hast forsaken thy p 7. 17 L. -h. briiiK on tbee and t p. 14. '20. destroyed thy land and /. p. fiO. 21. thy p. shall be all righteous Kl 14. lead /. p. || 64. 9. we are / o. Jer. H. 2. thou and t p. th. cuter i'n '/7. la why will ye die, thou ani) thy p. hy sword r Ezek. 3. 1 1 get to t p. and -peak 13. 17. aga. the dughters of thy p. 2ft 1 1. he sh. -lay t D. by the wrd 3.'l 2. speak to children of tp. 12. 17. yet the children of th'/ p say 30 children oft D. still are talkinf 37. ia children of thy p. h. >penk Dan. 9. 16. t p. become a reproach 19. and t p. are called by nam*. 12. I. standeth for children ul lh>ip. at that time t p. .-h. be dHivr.-d Hot. 4. 4. thy p. ns they that strive 10. 14. a tumult arise amour My p. Jofll. 17. spare /Avp. O Lord Vic. 7. 14. feed tAvp. wirh 'hy rod Sah. 3. la /. p. in the mid,t of th.-e 18. t. p. is scattered on mountain Hob. 3 la forth for salvation of t f. To or unto the PEOPLE Kind. 4. 16. sh he spokesman tot p. IU.IO. gofotp. || 12 set bounds tt, p. Deal. -20. 2. pru-st shall p-ak /u /.p. S. ofBren shall peak to thf p. & Judg. 8. 5. loaves of hread to thf p. Ruth 2. II. to t. p. thou knowe.t not 1 Sam. ?*. 7. AMshal came to the p. 2 Sam. 24 a L. thy Hod add t,. I. p 1 A' in 12. 15. kitiir hearke. not la. %. 2 A'm 4. 4V. irive tm to Mr p. afar off Hal>. 3. 10. rnmeth tot p. will invade Zf-jit . 3. 9. turn to t p. a pure lantru. Mat 12. 46. while ye talked to ?. p 4r<* 5. 20 speak in temple to tf p. 10. 2. which gave alms to tfo>p. 42 commnoufl us to preach to <. p. !** 31. seen in' witnesses to . there lack five of the fifty .3). p. forty || 30. thirty || 31. twenty o'i speak this once, p. ten sha. he t4. 5. p. woman not be willing, 39. 27. 12. my father p. will feel me 21. 31. p. take by force thy diiught. 'it. '20. p. he will accept of me li>. 4. U-st p. mischief befall him 43. 12. carry, p. it was an oversight 44. 34. lest p. evil come on myfuth SO. 15 Joseph will p. hate us, and Ejntd. 13. 17. lest p. people repent 3'2. 2''. p I shall make atonement A'I/WI. 2-2. fi. p. I shall prevail, 11. 23. 3. p. L. will come to meet me 27. p. it please G. thou curse them JHX/I. 9. 7. p. ye dwell among us 1 s;. 6. S.p. he will lighten hand 9. fi. p. he can show us our way 1 Ai. 18. 5. p. we may find grass 27. p. he sleepeth. must be awak. 20. 31. king, p. he will save thy |ife 2 Kin. 2. !6. p. Spirit hath cast him Jer. 20. 10. hull. p. he will he enticed Hum. 5. 7. p. for good man some die 2 Tim. 2. 25. p. G. give them repen. PERCEIVE. [tam-e Dent. 29. * nt given you heart to p. Jush. 22. 31. we p. L. is among us 1 S./wj. 12. 17. may p. your wickedness 2 S-nn. 19. 6. I p. if Absal. had lived 2 Kin. 4. 9. I p. this is an holy man ./('/- 9 1 1. p. him not || 23. 8. c;umot p. Pruf. I. 2. p. words of understanding /IP;/. 3. 22. p. there is nothing better Int. fi. 9. see ye indeed, but p. not 3:{. 19. deeper speech than canst p. Mut. 13. 14. ye shall see, and shall not p. Mark 4. 12. Actt 2R 26. Mark 7. 18. do ye not p. whatsoever 8. 17. p. ye not, neith. understand ? J.iike 8. 4 . I p. virtue is out of me Jn/iH 4. 19. 1 p. thou art a prophet 1'2. 19. p. ye. how prevail nothing! 1 Arts H. 23. p. thou art in gall of bitt. 10. 34. p. O. is no respecter of pers. 17. 22. I p. ye are too superstitious 2 CV/r. 7. 8. I p. epis. made you sorry 1 John 3. 16. hereby p. we fove of (). PERCEIVED. Qrn. 19. 33. p. not when she lay, 3fl. 1 Sam. 28. 14. Saul p. it WHS Samuel 9 A'awi. 5. 12. Dav. p. L. established him king over Isr. 1 ('fir. It. 2. 1 Lin. 22. 33. when captains p.it was not king, 2 Chr IK 32. />> 6 15. 1 p. G. had not sent him lf> j tl.'n work was wrought of (i. 13. iC r. portion of Lev. not given I"* M. fh ha.tp. breadth of earth V feel. 1. 17. I p. this also is vexation ;'. 1 4-. I p. i.ne event happ-neth all , T M. *>4. 4. cur p. wluit 3. preparix! PEH /<-. 2.T 18. \vh.. hath f. hi-, word .'. *7. left off (or mutter WHS not p Mut. 21. 45. p. he -p;ike, /.. VO. 19. V2. 18. but Jes. p. their wirkedness A/rA- 2. 8 Jesus p. they reasoned Luke I. '22. p. he had seen vision .">. *2. when Jesus p. their thought M. 45. saying was hid, thev p. it not 20. 2M. lui' hep ih.'ir cr>iftiite J-//I7J6.I5. Jes p. woii.niake hint king A<:U\. 13. p. they were unlearned v3. 6. Paul p part were Pharisees GV. 2. Tim. 3. 17. man of God nuiy be p. Heli. 2. 10. make Captain of salvn. p. 5. p. hflng made p. became Author 7. 19. for Taw n tide nothing p. Mil 9. 9. not make him dul service p. II. H greater and f ore p. tiibi tra. 10. I. Ui nui-i n i.ke miners p. PF.K Hfh. li. 40. without IK not mud* * lv. 23. i-piriti. of jnt men made n. iaj-1. (i. make j on p. in e. go.fi Jam. 1.4. let patience have lr ft woik, that ye, ,,,, y he 17. every p gilt i, from at.o 8i hjokrlk int.. p. uw f lir.erty > '^r y J*'" rk " f "h mdep 3. 2. if offend not, >anic i ; ; imn I Pet. 5. 10. after suffered, rnVke p. 1 J,,hn 4. 17. herein i> love mde p 1R but p. love CRtteth out feiir he that fenreth i- not p. in ),,ve Sri- I!FT. /* PKKFrXT. Dntt. 32. 4. his Work it p. hii u, 2 Sam. 22 31. bis, WHJ- r.p. /',. Ih 3,1 Job 36 4. h< that up in know. .17 Ifi Pt. 19. 7. law of L. if p. converting Isn. IH. 5. harvest when bud it p 42. 19. who is blind as he thiit up. Mat. 5. 48 as Father in heaven u p. Luke 6. 40. ev. one thnt up. shall l.r I. Cor. 13. 10. when that whi. it p. it PERFECTED. [IWM 2 Chr. & 16. so house of God wa p. 24. 13. and work waap. by them E xek. 27. 4. builders have p. benuly Mut.-\. 16. habvs thou hast p. praise / uke 13. 32. third flay I shall hep. Heb. 10. 14. by one offering he half) p. I .In/in 2 5. in him in love < f (; d p. 4. 12. love oneanother, his love p. PRRFrTTIXC:. I Crtr. 7. 1. p. holiness in fear of fi ApA. 4. 12. for p. of the saint*, f-ir PERFECTION. Joi 11.7. canst find Almivhty top f 15. 29. nor sh. he prolong p. thereof 28. a dark, he srarchethmit ill p. /''- 50 2. out of Zion, p. of beauty 1 19. 96. I have seen i, end of p. /'/. 47. 9. come upon thee in their p. l.mn. '>. 15 city men call p. of heaul jr Luke 8. 14. and bring no fruit top. V Cor. 13. 9. we wish, even ymir p. Heb. 6. 1. principle*, let us go on to p. 7. II. if p. were by I.evilicsl tiriest. PERFECTLY, NKSS. Jer. 23. 20. Utter days conside* it p. Miit. 14. 36. touched made p. whole Actt la 2fi. expounded way of G.p. 23. l5. : iiqnireKomethinc morep. 2U. I Cnr. I. 10. be p. joined together Cil. S 14. charity in the rood of p. I 7'/i<*. 5. 2. know p. that dxy of L. PERFEtT. rrrb. Pi. 138.8. I. willp. whi. concerneth PERFORM A NCE. J.uke I. 45. sha. be p. of those thiniri 'i Cor. R 11. f> out of that \e hare PPRFORM. OCTJ.26. 3. I will p oHth I wre to Abraham, Dmt. <). . 7.r<. 1. ??. rf. 18. 19. not able tu top 23. 23 gone out of irn lip* "lu.lt p V5. 7. not p. duty of hub ' broth. /i'fqueit I Am. 6. 12. then 1 willp. m> *. d J Kin. 2a 3. to p. the word. ..f tb i rovenant. 24. 2 C*> 3. 31. *. 4. 8. it please king top. requrrt Jolt 5. 12. hands cannot p entrrprit* I' Ml. 21. II H device not nMe to f. 61. a tlmt 1 nmy dully p " 119. 106. have sworn. 1 i" 112. in. lined licnrt to; >t '"it- /,. 9 7 i.-al of Lord II p Ihl. I!'. 21. |'iiy K "w to I r-d nrd p U Jc/-. 1. 12. for 1 will btttrn to > it FBI Jrr 1 1 . 5. p mUi will. I have wnr n 9R. ft 1. p word thuii ha.t proph _N 10 I wilt p. my good word, :u 14 4t 25, ye will surely p. your vow- JF .-<*. 12 25. say word. nd will ir ilic. 1. 20 wilt p. truth to Ja<-ol, AW I. 15. keep fearts, p. thy vow M it 5. XI p. to Lord thine oaths It-iit. 4. 21. promised, able aUo t < p 7 is. how top that wlii.-h it good 2 Cr. 8. II. nowp the doing of it Ptol \. ft p. it until dav of Jet, Ch. PKRFORMr:L>. 1 .V.im I'. II. SHU! hath not p. com. !.'< I haven commandment of I, * Si il. Up all that king com. / Kin. S. *i. Lord hath p hi word. 2 Ch'on. ft U). .WA 9. a IVA. 1. IS. Vaihti not p. command. V ft to half of kingdom he p. 7. 8. "*. fii I. unto thee shall vow he p. Jut. 10. 12. when lord hath p wntk ./.T. 23. SO. till p. thoughts, 30. *4. 34. IK. not p. words of covenant 35. U. word* of Jonadub are p. Id 51. 99. ev purpose of L. shall hep rr* .TT U h.ivingp it saith I-ord l.itke I. 20 till da)' these thing- be p. 2.39, when th<>y had p. all thing". Rom. 15. 28. when I have i, .ll thi* PERF .RMKTH. INT.. ..VUMIL 15. 3. an nfferinfr in p. vow. 8. AVA 5. 13 miin p. not thin promise Jab 23. 14. hep thin? appointed .P*. 57. 2. cry to G. that p. all thing* In. 44. 2ft p. counsel of messengers PERFUME, S. F.r<>d 30. 35. shall make it a p. 37. J'r r. ft. 9. :uid p rejoice the heart Ji'i, '~. U. thuii didst increase thy p. PEKFUMEI). Prnr.1. 17. 1 hare p. hed wi. mvrrh Cunt. 3. 6. who is this cometh p.? PERHAPS. Philem. 15. p. lie departed forieason PERU.. S. 7 am. 5. 9. we get our bread with p. Horn. 8 35. sh;.llp separate us? S for. II. 2fi p.of waters, of robbers, PERILOUS [ land p. not thro' famine A>orf. 19. 21. and many of them p. Sum. 17 12. we die, we p. we all p. 2$ 20. latter end be that p. for ev. /.Mi/. II. 17. lest yep. quickly from 26. 5. ready top. was my father 2a 20. until thou p. qiiickly, <. j'.tfi. 23. ia /**> S. 31. let enemies p. () Lord I ..n m. 2fi. 10. into hattle and pi EtOt a l:l cau.e top. all Jews, 7. 4. 4. 16. if I p. lp ,|8. II. p. all power !l. 1ft. nor ineiniiriMt p. fr. their seed JnH 3. 3. let the day p I was born * . hy the MaJt "f Ood they p. SO. they p for ever, without any ft 18. path* ro to nothing and p. 29. 13. Mesing of him ready to p. 31. 19 HIIVD for wnt of clothing /".* 14 le*t he h.- angry, yep. fr.way .'. 18. expe.-utioii of poor not p. 49. 10. fo..l and brutish person p. 12. man in like beast* that p. M. l 2. wax melt let wicked p. l 17. RH. 16. thi y p at the rehnke of thy I V, 4. very day hi* thoughts p. I'r.,r. II. 10. when wicked p. . aa 29. 18. there is no rioion, people p 31. ft. fire drink to him ready tn p f.ccl 5 14. Lilt thH- richer p. hy evil 14. niHl their memorv t p VI. IX cumc which were ready to p. Jrr. IS la the law shall not f. r,. 10 dr e you out, an.l yep. 15 Hi. I.V remnant in Jutl^h MnMsJjl Erfk. 2\ 7. I wi.. iMue thee to p. /j.rri i>. !. that Daniel .hnulil not p ,/onoA I. S. on us tht wep nnt,:< - of Ah. i p. Job a 13. the hypocrite's hope j. p. ia 17. his remh >. p. 20. 7. [36 12. 34. 15 all flesh ihall p together fntl I. ft way of the ungodly t. p. .{7.20. wicked i. p. ||2. 9. enemie-p. 73. /7. they th are far fr. thee i p. 102. M they . p. but thou endure 112. 10. the desire of wicked Motf p. i"rK. 10.28 expec.ofwicki-d,p. 11.7. 19 9. he that speaketh lie- thall p. 21. 28 a false witnexi thall p I to. 29. 14 wisdom of wise men t. p. 41. II. they th. strive wl. tliee /. p. 60. 12. kingdom not serve thee p. Jer. 4. 9. the heart of the king i. p. o. 21. the neighbour and friend >. p. 10. II. the gods thiiU p. 15. |5I. 18. 4a 8 valley also i. p. d t 1 e plain Ezek. 7. 2fi. law *. p. from the priest Amnf I. a remnant ol I'hili-ti i. p. 2. 14. therefore the flight *h,ill p. 3. 15. the house* of ivory thallp Zrrh. 9. A. the ulng . p. from n asleep in C. are p. '<+. II .31. the harlot Rahithp. not fat. 3. 6. overflowed wi water p. 36U rai ./ui-II.p. il gtirusayiDf I ( ..'v PtKlMHkTH. ./'. 4. 1 1. old lion p. f.>r Uck of prr, AVer 11.7. h..pe of m Jult n en y. Ent 7. 15. there \ a jut mn th. f IKI 57. I. righteoiiup mid ro n m >/rr. 9. 12. land p and is burnt up / hn ''.27. labour not f-r meat *h. p Vnm I. II grace ol fashion of it p. I /Yt I. 7. more precious th. gold p. PERISH I NO. Job 33. 18. hi> life from p. by sword PKRJURKf). I Tim. I. 10. law for liarta. p rs ..ffice he tor p. :. keep yabhatli frp. covi-iMiit 7.rr. a 17. a p. Ma'nte not ti-CHt tat 24. 9. he Aaron' hy a p. utatute -'.) :4. for it i theii ;) p,.i-.x,,.n Sum. IS. 21. ap statute, th. uprink. I'-i. 9. ft destructions come to p >-nd 74 3. lift up thy feet top. d. .-.U 78 6R. he put them to ap. reproach Jrr. ft. 22. hy s p. di-rree, it r-iiiiu.t a 5 shorten back hyp backsluli.^-? 15. 18. why ia my pain p. and my wound incurat le f la 16. land desolate, and p. hi.-i-n 23. 40. bring upon yon ap. Kh.-ime 25. 9. ninke them p. devolution.*. 12. 49. 13 cities then-of hep. wmti-i. 50. 5. join the L. ill a p. covenant M. 39. may lcep a p. sleep, 57. Ezrk. S5 5 thou hu-t had a p hatre p. 2 CHr. 1. IS. Amoi 1.11. hi anger flicl tear p. PERPLEX E1>. Etth. 3. 15. the city Shushan was a Jorl I. 18. the herds ..f cattle an p. /.u..7.Herod BB-II. ||?).4 they were 2 Cor. 4. a are p. hut not mdeiiair PERPLEXITY. /ia. 28. ft. firr it is a day of p. by L. Vic. 7. 4. n-.w -.hall he 'their p. Lit. 81. 25. d >tn-- of nntiona. wl. a PEKSKl I'l K. Job 19. 22. why do ye p me as f!od 2a why p. him, seeing root in me Pi 7. 1. save me from them that p. 5. let the eneniv p. ny M>II| 10. S. wicked in his pride doth p. 31. 15 deliver me fr. them that p. 3.V a stop the way aga. them lh. p ft let the anpel of the L. p. them fW. ft th.-y p. him fhou hast -nntl 71. 1 1. p. and take him, none ric'.iier 8.1 15. so p him with thy tempest 119. M. judgment on them tlWp. S6. they p. me wrongfnMy, ht lp Jrr. 17. 18. I.e confounded th. p Me 29. l 1 v ill p. them ith swc.r- 1 /.c/. Z. 6cx p and dmtroy them Mat. 5. 11. hle-ed are yc, when men shall revile yon, and f yoj 44. pray for them wl!, hp y\\ itt 23. when they p. you iu oi.c cit) F'ER Hi. 23. 31. p. them from city t.i city jA&r 1 1. 49. some they sh. p. 21. 12. Jirfin 5. 16. ami <1id the Jews p. Jesus IS. 20. they will also p. you Rom. 12. 14. bless them which p. you PERSECUTED. /)<. 30. 7. curses on them th.p. thee Ps. 109. 10. hi'i-atise hep. the poor 119. 161. princes p me witho. cause H.'i. .'). the enemy hath p. my soul /A.I. 14-. 6. rul'-tli nations in anger p. J am. 3. 43. with anger, and p. us .VVA. 9. II. their p. thou threwest P*. 7. 13. ordaineth arrows against p. 119. 157. maoyp. || 142. 6. deliver fr. Jer. 15. 15. revenge me of my p. 20. II. therefore my p. sh. stumble Lam. 1. 3. all her p. overtook her 4. 19. our p. are swifter th. eagles 1 Tim. 1. 13. who was before a p. PERSEVERANCE. Eph. 6. 18. and watching with slip. PERSON. Lev, 19 15. nr honour p. of mighty -Vu/n. 35. 30. one witness shall not testify against any p Dntt. 15. 22. unclean and clean p. eat 27. 25. reward to slay an innocent p. 28. 50. shall not regard the p. of old 1 Sam. 16. IK. David a comely p. 25 35. and have accepted thy p. 2 Sam. 4. II. have slain a righteoup. 14. 14. nei. doth (SVe RKSPKCT. PERSUADE. 1 Kingt K. 20. who shall p. Allah 21. I will p. him || 22. thou shall p. 2 Chron 32 1 1. doth not Hezekiahp. Is. 36. 18. beware, lest Hezek.p. ynu Mat 28 14. we will p. him, and 2 Cor. 5. 1 1. terrors of 1.. we p. men Gal. I. 10. do I now p. men ? PERSUADED. 2 Chr. 18. 2. Ahahp. Jehoshaphat Prnv. 25. 15. forbearing is a prince p. Mat. 27. 20. the priests p. the mult. Luke If). 31. will not hep. if one 20. 6. he p. John was a prophet Actt 13. 43. p them to continue in 14. 19. whop, the people, ami hav. 18. 4. Paul p. the Jews and i;reek 19. 26. this Paul hath p. much peo. 21. It. wht n he would not he p. 26. 26. I amp. none of these things Rbm. 4. 21. being p that what he hath 8. 38. 1 amp. that nothing tun sep. 14. 5. let every man be fully p. 14. I know anil am p. there it 15. 14. I my*elf also am p. of you 2 Tim. \. 5. and I am p. ti*at in thee 12. I amp. that he is able to keep Heb.6.9. arep better things of you II. la having seen afar i-ff, Wrre fj. PERSUADETM. ESI'. 2 Kingt 18.32. whm Heii-kiahp. you .tctl 18. la Paul p. men 10 worship 26. 28. almost thou p. me to be PERSUADING. Actt 19. 8. p. things concerning the 2a 23. . them concerning Jeaus PERSUASION. Gal. 5. 8. this p. comet h not of him PERTAIN. Lev. 7. 20. peace-offer! ngnp to the L I Saw. 25. 22. leave ail that p to him Rom. 15. 17. things which p. to God 1 Cor. 6. a things p. to th* lite 2 Pet. I. a "I' thing* thutp. to life PKRTAINKD. ,Vm. 31. 43. the half that p. to the Judy 6. It. under oak thalp. to Jon>h I sm 25. 21. of all that u. to NalMi i Ham. 2. 15 vj,i, h p. to bll.bwbeth 6 12. G. blrsied all thatp.to Ubed. MJ e Snm.n. 9. (fivenall that p t<,srJ 'R4. thine re all tlmt p. l.. M-pli. 1 Am 7 4K Sol. n,;,,!,. vrWh llMl , 2 Kin. n. 7. H|| Hint p. to kiiit- i.i f. 1 rAr...!. 27. opening ev. nil M , . n, 2 Chron. 12. 4. h. took the eitie. b.A 34. aa Jonlah t. ok anavaltom D J'KHl AISKTH. Lev. 14. 32. get that wh. p to clt-.i-t. .Vm. 4. Ifi i.ffi.-e of t:\vtti.p II,, . ,| Dent. 22. S. women not wear lu.t a. 2 Chnm. 2'. 18. it p. not to I Rom. U. 4. towhomp.thei.d..uli.. l i Heb. 7. la he p. to another tribe PERTAINING. I Chron. Vfi. 32. rulers p. to Go.1 Actt I. 3. things p to kingiiom ,,i (,. 1 Cor. 6. 4 jinigt. of things p. to lif Heb. 2. 17. H. Prit-ktin thin,,, p t o 0, .'). t. ordained in things p. to t....i 9. 9. not perfect M.I p. to coiiscienca PERVERSE. Xm. 22. 32. thy way is p. before m Dent. 32. 5. they are a p. generation I Sum. 20. 30. thou son of p. woman Job. 6. 30. cannot discern p. things t '.>. 20. my mouth shall prove mep. I'rui . 4. 24. and p. Ii ps put from the* 8. a nothing frowardorp. in them 12. a he of a p. heart shall be ,U-p. 14. 2. he that is p. despiseth him 17. 2Uth;.t hath A p. tongue la'l.-ih 19. I than he that is p. in his lip-. 23. 33. heart shall utter p. things 2a 6 than he that isp in his wayi 18. he that is p. in h. ways shall fall Ita. 19. 14. the 1.. mingled ap. spirit Mat. 17. 17. O p. generation l.n. y.4l. Arts 20. 30. mm a ri-e speaking p. 1'liil. 2. 15. l.|,imele., in H p. natiou 1 Tim. 6. 5. p. dispiitirnii of men of PERVERSE!. V. 2 Sam. 19. 19. what servant did p. I Kingt a 47. have sin. and done p. ft. Ill 78. they dealt p. with me PERVERSE NESS. .VriF/i. 23. 21. nvithcr se- n p. in Israel I'rui: '1. 3. but p. of trans, shall il^s. l.'i. 4. lutp. therein as a breach in Ita. 30. 12. ye trust in p. and Uy VJ. a your tongues muttered p. Exek. 9. 9. and the rity is full ol p. PERVERT. Deut. 10. 19. a gift doth p. the word* 24. 17. thou shall not p. judgment Job. 8.3. doth (.oil p. judgment or 34. 12. nor will the Al. p judgment rVor. 17. 2a to p ways of judnnient 31. 5. and p. the judgment of riy Mir. 3. 9. hear this, ye that p. equity tctt la 10. wilt not reuse top. rivht e have D. the words of <.od PERVLHTETH. Fruit. 23. 8. the gift p. the righteous Dfiit. V7. l!>. cursed be he th! p. /nir. |n. he that p. his wa; ha:i f> 19. 3. foolishness of a man; Luke 2a 14. this man that p. pen pit PEHVI 111 I Mi. Krrl. 5. H. the violent p. of jniigment l.uke 2a 2. this fellow p. th' nation l'K-1 II. H M K. Erod. 5 3. let he fall on us with. f H. 15. lii..t I inay smite thee with l l.rr. 25 2fi. 1 will wild the p. K .\uvi.l4.l2. 1 will Miiit. them wiihp. /Vu/,28.21. L. uliah mak.-p. clrat- 2 iam. 24, JJ. three dyk> lC*.i'l.li PHY J :<. 21. 1\ the Loid ent ap. no on lira*). I CAr. ft 14. I Ki'iigiS 37 ii there be fnininr, p locust, 2 CAr. fi. '.'8 | 7. 13. | 20. 9. Pi. 78. V. gave their life over to p 91. 3 deliver thee from noisome p. G. nor p. tliMt walketh ill Haiku /Vr. 14. Ii I Will nuiiume them hy p ** in. | 17. 8. VI. fi inhabitants shall die by p. <). ahidrth in city die hy p 3& 2. 27. 13. why will ye die by the p.P *>.s pr . Bettor ol: 1 Mill leave a few (ruin p. 14. Ill if 1 send a p. into that land 2R 23. I will wild her n. and hlood 33. 27. he in raves shall die of p. :* 22. I will plettcl against him wi. p. XNMU 4. 10. I have dent Nino, yon p. Mut. 3. 5. hefore him went p. ana PESTILENCES. [21. II. Mat. 24. 7. and there nhall br p. J.u. PESTILENT. ' Act* 24. 9. found this man up. fellow PESTLE Prop. 27. 22. hrny a (mil with a p. PETITION, S. I Sam. I. 17. God grant thee thy p. I A I'M. 2. 16. ask one p. deny me not '.'i'. I desire one small p. of thee .<*. 5 ft what is thy p.f 7. 2. | 9. 12. N. if it please king to grant my p. 7 3. let my life he given at my p. rW VO. S. the Lord fulfil all thy p. Dtfn.H7.WwMo. ask p. of any (rod, I i. .:<. iiKik. th p. three times a day 1 Jnkn 5. 15. we have p. we deein d PHARISEE. M'it. 23. 36. them blind p. cleanse /' II. 37. p. hesonght him to dine I v 10. went to pray, one a p. other A< ti 23. '. 1 am a p. the ion of a p. & X. after strictest sect I lived ap I'M. 3. S. a touching the law a p. PHARISEES. .Vdf. 5. 20. exceed righteousn. of p. R 14. w hy do p. fast oft? Mar. 2. 18. Dl. p. raid, he casteth out devib 15 12. know, thoup. were offended 10. 6. beware of the leaven of the p. II. .Vur*8 IV Luke 12 I. IV. 31 p. also came to him, tempt ing 23 2. scribes and p. lit in Mos. seat 13. wo toirrihes Hiidp. 14 l\ 23, 25, 27. 29. Lu*e II. 42, 43, 44. Luke 5. 30. the p. murmured, 15. 2. 11. 7. scribes and p. watched him I. in. p rejected counsel of Cod II. 39. p. make clean ouUide of cap 16. 14. p who were covetous heard John I. 24. were sent were of the p. 3. I. a man of the p. named Nicode. 7. 32. p. sent officers to take him 48 have any p. believed on him ? 11. 47. then p. gathered a council a7. p. had giTen a commandment A. U.A>aioughtmit 1.. t.ut p. Job la 4. ye are all p. of no value Mart - 1 ). ifi. luffer mauy things of p. PICK. [/.u.8. 43. frotr. 30. 17. raven* shall p. it out PICTURES. Viim. 33. 52. shall destroy all theirp Prop. V>. II. like Hpplesof gold in p. Ita. i IR day of i on pleasant p. PIECE. (!. IX. 10. laiii one p aga. another A'um. 10.2 two trumpet* of whole p. 1 .Sum. 2.3(1 -h. crouch to him tor p. 2 Sam. 6. 19. to every one a good p. of fle>h, I CAron. 16. a 23. 1 1. p. of ground lull of lenities _' A" in. 3. 19. mar giMid p. of lnd,25. .NVA. 3. 11. Haabua repaired other p. '"' 41. 24. as hard asp. of millstone 4V. 1 1. every man gave p. of money Prim. fi. 26. brought to a p. of bread ;& 21. for p. bread mun transgreis Cant. 4. 3. temple>ip. of pomeg. ft 7. Jrr. 37. 21. give him daily p bread Exek. 24. 4. every go. dp. the thigh ti. bring it out p. hy p. let no lot Amta 3. 12. mouth ot lion p. of ear 4. 7. one p. was rained on, and p. Mat. 9. 16. no man putteth p. of new cloth to old, Mar. 2, 21. J.u. ft. 3. 17. 27. thou shalt find a p. of money /.*<> 14. IR I bought a p. of ground 15. ". lose one p. doth light s c. untie 24. 42. gave him a p. of broiled tub Y I K( 1 S Gen. 15. 17. lamp passed between p. 20. IR. given brother 1000 p of silv 33. 19. bought for imp Jotk. 24. 32. :n. 28. *ol.i Jo..'pb for 20 p. of silver .'3 Joseph is rent in p. 44. VK. 45. 2V. gave to Benjamin thirty p. Eji-od. 22. la if it be torn in p. Ming Lev. 2. fi. prt meat uttering in p. 9 13. presented burnt offer, with p. .hirip. y. 4. gave A him 7" p. of silver 16. 5 we give thee 1 100 p. of silver IR 29. divided comnbine into 12 p. I SUM. II. 7. Saul hewed oxen in p. I''. 3a Samuel hewed Agag in p. 1 A' in. II. 30. Ahij rent garm. in p. 19. II. wind brake in p. the nx-ks 2 Am. 2. 12. Elisl a rent clothes in p. 5 5. Naaman took rWOOp. of void fi. 25. ass's head sold lor eighty p. 18. 4. brake in p. the hrasen serpent 2 CAr. 23. 17. and brake the image* in p. 31. I.J 34. 4. .WiV. I. 7. Jot Id 12. he hath shaken me in p. 40. 18. his hones are asp. of brass I't 7. 2. rending in p. none deliver 5H, DA>HI.|>. P1EH( K. Xtim. 24. 8. *h. p them with arrows 2 Am. 18. 21. it will K o into his hxnd andp it, Ini 3(i n. Luke 2. 35. a sword si., p. thro' M.U! PIEHCKD. Jitdg. 5. SR hud p. thro' his temple* Jut 30 17. my hones arr p. in me P*. 22. 16. p. my han.ln *nd my fp.-t ZrcH. 1.'. 10. lh,'> shall look on me whom they have p. J,.hn ) J7. John \'.> 34. oi.* of soldier* p. side I Tim. 6. 10. p. them*, with sorrows. Rev. 1. 7. they also uhii h p. him PIERCETH, INC JoA 40. 24. Behemoth's nose p. thro' lia. 27. I. L. shall punish p. serpent Art. 4. 12. wont of (i quick p. to the PIERCINGS, Pror.l2.1S. sp* aketh likep. of sword HBtT. 1 Tim. ft. 4. let them learn to shew p. PIGEON, Yof.-so. PILE. 7*n. .10. 33. p. of it is fire and wond Lstk. 24. 9. iniike jt. for fire great I'll. CK1M AGE. Gen. 47. 9 days of my p. 130 yenrs, not attained to years of thur p. Ejrod. r> 4. K' V1 them land of th. p. /'. 119. 54. song* in h<.use of inyp. PILOHIMS. Heb. 11. 13. were strangers andp, 1 1'it. 2, 11. asp. ahstHin from luati PILLAR. Gen. 19. 26. and U-rine a p. of slt 2a la Jac. set it for p. 22. I 35. I*. 31 13. w here thou anninted-t the p. 51. behold this p. || 52. p. witness 35 20. Jacob set p. on nac.'s grave Kri'd. 33. U. clooily p. descended, 10. Ji-rif:. R 6. Ahim. kiiiK hy nUiu of p. 20. 40. flume arose with p. of smok* 2 Sam, 18. la Atxialom reared up a p. call* d the p. [the left p. 1 Kin. 7. 21. Solo, set up tl>e rightp. J Aiii. 11. 14. the king stood hy ap. vn 3. !? CAr. 23. 13. Nek. 9. 18. leddest them hy cloudy p. Pi. 99. 7. spake to them in cloudy p. li. 19. 19. and a p. at the border Ji-r. }. la I have made thee iron p. 52. 21. one p. was eighteen cubits I Tim. a 15. p. and ground of trutu Rev. a 12. overcometh, I make a p. Ser ( mi n. KIBE. PILLARS. F.roi. 24. 4 M. bn.lt altar and 12 p. Vd 32. hang the vil upon four p. 27.10. twenty p. thercuf bras* hooka of (hep. II. | 38. 10. 11, 12. 17. Ifi. p. four || 38. 17. socket* for p. Jurfg. 16. VS. Samson between thep I Scm. 2 R p. of earth ore the L.'s 1 Am. 7. l.">. he cast two p. of brass 10. 12. king made of almug.treenp. 8 Aus. la 16. Hesekiah cut ofl gold from the p. 25. la the Chaldr e* brake in nieces p. Ifl. Jer. 52. 17. 'JO. EiUi. 1. 6. farteiit-U to rings andp. Job 9. ft. and the p. tumble, 26. 11. I'ml 75. 3. I bear up thvj. nf it Prov. 9. 1. hath hewn he Cant. a 6. rometh like a p. of smoke 10. made p. thereof of silver [fold ft. 15. iegs are as p. of raarhle set mi Joel -1. 30. I wilt shew p. of smoke Gal. 2. 9. John and Cephas to he p. Rev. 10. 1. his feet were aa p. of fire PILLED. Gen. 30. 37. Jar. p. white strakes, 38, PILLOW, S. Gen. 28. 11. Jacob put stones for p. 19. Jacob took the stone that he had put for his p. 1 Sam. 19. 13. a p. of goats' hair, 16. Ezek. 13. 18 wuet" women tli. sewp. 20. behold, I am against your p. Murk 4. 38. Jesus was asleep on a p. PILOTS. fzek. 27. 8. wise men were thy p. 28. shake at the sound of thy p. PINE, ETH, INO. Lev. 26. 39. they that are left of you shall p. away, in iniquities of tli. fathers shall they p. away Tta. 38. 12. cut me off wi. p. sickness Lam. 4. 9. these p. away, stricken Ezek. 24. 23. p. away fur iniquities 33. 10. sins on us, and we p. away Mark 9. 18. gnasheth teeth, p. away PINE. A T A. 8. 15. fetch olive andp. branches PINE-free. /<'. 4.]. 19. I will plant p..t 'and box 60. 13. p.-t. and box. tree sh. come PIN. Juiie. 16. 14. Delilah fast with a p. Ezek. 15. 3. take p. of the vine-tree? PINNACLE. Mat. 4. 5. and he setteth him on a p. of the temple, Luke 4. 9. PINS. Exod. 27. 19. make all the p. of the tabernacle, 3S. 18. | 38. 80, 31. (39.40. [Merari.p. 4. 32. Hum. 3. 37. under the custody of PIPE, S. 1 .s'am. 10. 5. company of proph. wi. p. 1 ATin. 1. 40. the people piped wi. p. lid. 5. 12. the p. are in their feasts 30. 29. as when one goeth with a p. Jer. 4S. 36. heart shall sound like p. Ezek. 28. 13. workmanship of thy p. Zech. 4. 2. seven p. to seven lamps 12. which through the golden p. 1 Cor. It. 7. whether p. or harp PIPED. 1 A"i. 1. 40. people p. with pipeg Hat. II. 17. saying, we have p. unto you, Luke 7. 32. [what is p ? ' Cor. 14. 7. how shall it be known PIPERS. Rev. 18. 22. voice of p. heard no more PISS. [/JOT. 36. 12. I Kin. 18. 37. drink own p. wi. you, PISSETH. See WALL. PIT, S. den. 14. 10. Siddim full of slime p. 37. 20. cast him into some p. 24. Krod. 21. 34. owner of p. trvikegood l.ef. II. 3fi. a p. wherein U wattT Num. Ifi. 30. go down into the p. 33. ! Sam. 13. fi. the Nraelites hide in p. I Sam. 17. 9. he is now hid in somep. 18. 17. cast Absalom in a great p. 23. 20. Benaiah (lew n lion in a p. 1 Chrnn. II. 22 S Kin. 10. 14. Jfhn slew them at p. Joh 17. Ifi. go down to bars of the p. SB 18 keepeth ha<-k soul fr. p. 30. 33. 24. deliver him frmn the />. 28. Pi. R. 15. heathen stiiik ir, t.i tl"- //. %& 1. :; ke them t>at gojito the p. PIT Pial. 30. a I should not go down to p. 9. wJiM-tirofit in my blo.Hl, when \ I go down to the p t 35. 7. hid for toe their net in ap.r 40. 2. hrought|ine out of horrible p. 55. 23. bring tlmln to p. of destruc. 69. 15. let not y\vp shut her mouth 88. 4 counted wl. them th. go top. 6. thou laid me in the lowest p. 1 19. 85. the proud digged p. for me 140. 10. lei them be cast intodeepp. Ha 7. hkti them that g u down into V_x^X'- I- l* Prop. 92. 14. mouth of wortl. deep p. 23. 27. stranve woman is narrow p. 28. 10. fall himself into his own p. 17. he shall flee to the p. let no Int. 14. 15. brought to sides of the p. 19. th. go down to stones of the p. 24. 17. p. and the snare are on thee la he that Cometh out of midst of the p. Jer. 48. 43, 44. 22. as prisoners are gathered in p. 30. 14. water withal out of the p. 38. 17. for thou hst delivered it from the p. of corruption la th. go down top. cannot hope 51. 14. he shoul'l not die in the p. Jer. 2. 6. L. led us thro* a land of p. 14. 3. came to p foui.d no water 41. 7. cast them into midst of p. 9. the p. which Asa made for fear Lam. 4.20. anointed of L. taken inp. E:>>k. 19. 4. he was taken in p. 8. 26. 20. that descend into the p. 2a a | 31. 14, 16, | 32. ia 24, 85, 29, 30. 32. 23. graves set in the sides of p. Zffih. 2. 9. of nettles and salt p. tech. 9. I), sent prisoners out of p. Mat. 12. 11. if it fall intoap. on the 'sabbath, Luke 14.5. See BOTTOMLESS, Die, DIGGED. PITCH. Gen. 6. 14. pitch it within with p. Ejcod. 2. 3. sne daubed it with p. Ita. 34. 9. streams sh. be turned top. and the land become burning p. PITCH. Num. 1. 52. Israel sh. p. by his camp 53. Lev. shall p. round tabernacle 2. 2. ev. man uh.p. by his standard Deut. I. 33. search out place top. in Jnsh. 4. 20. Joshua did p. 12 stones /. la 20. neither sh. the Arabian p. Jer. 6. 3. shepherds sh. p. their tent* PITCHED: Gen. 12. 8. Ahram p. his tent, and 13. 12. Lot p. his tetit toward Sodom 26. 17. Isaac p. in al. of Gerar, 25. 31. 25. Jacob p. his tent in mount Labanp. In ft i lead 3a ia Jacob p. his tent before the E.fnd. 17. 1. Israel p. in Rephidim 19. 2. and had /). in the wilderness 33. 7. Moses took taher. and p. it Num. 1. 51. when the tahernac. is p. 2. 34. so they p. by their standards 12. 16. the pea p. in the wilderness 21. 10. and Israel p. in Ohoth 1 1. and p. in Ije.abarim, in the 33. 5. and Israel p. in Surcoth fl. and p. in Etham, which U in the Jnxh. 8. 11. the urn hush p. on north 2 Sam. 17. 26. Israel and Absalom p. 2 Kingi. 25. I. Ncruii hadneitar p. against it Jer. . r >2. 4. 1 Chr. 15. 1. Dav. prepared plare for Hrk.and p. tent, Ifi. I. 2 Chr. \. 4, Heb. a 2. of taherincle which L. p. PITCH Kit, S. Cn-n. 24 14. let down p. I pray thee l.i. Hehekiih mine with her p. 45. Jtidii. 7. Ifi. empty p. and lamps in p. IU. they bofcrp, that were m, 20. 360 PLA EccL \l 6. or the p. be broken it "** * eatwmed a* enh.-n p Mark 14. 13. * man l>rnrng a p. PITY. Luktf*. 1C. - J . ut. . Deut 7. 16. thine eye h. have u.i p. I Sam 12, 6. brrause he hnd no p Job. 6. 14. to the afflicted p. should 19. 21 have p. on me, p. on me, O fia. 69. 2(J. looked for .nie to u Prov. 19. 17. that hath p. ou thew^r Ita. 13. K they shall hare u.. u ,, n 63. 9. in his p. he redeemed th^.n Jer. 15. 5. who shall have p. on thee f 21. 7. he shall not Mmr.-, unr hae u. Ezek. 6. 11. nor will 1 haw /, I 8. la | !i. HL 9. 5. eye spare, neither have > u 36. 21. but I had p. for mine h..ly Amos I. 11. Edom did rat ..ff.ill '// Jonah 4. 10. tlmu ha>t hadp on the Mat. 18. 33. as I had p. on tl.ee ' Deut. 13. a nor shall thine eye p. him, la 13, 21. 25. 12. hand, thine eye shall not p. Prov. 2H. 8. for him that will p. poor Jer. la 14. I will not p. nor spare .// 2. ia then the Lord will p. his Z'C/i. II. 5. their heph. p. them not 6. tor I will no more u. inhauiuula P1T1KI), BTH. Psa. 106. 46. he made them to be p. 10a Ml as a father p. his children so th L. p. them that fear him l.am. 2. 2. L. rmth not p. 17.21. | 3.43. Ezek. 16. 5. none eye p. thee, to do 24. 21. 1 will profane what Tour PITIFUL. [sonlp Lam. 4. 10. hands of p. women have Jam. 5. II. that the Lord is V.TJ p. I Pet. 3. a love as brethren, be p. PLACE. ' Gen. la 14. Lord said, look from p. 18. 24. destroy, and not spare the p. 20. la the kindness show at ev. pi 22. 4. third day Abraham saw I he p. 30. 25. that 1 may go to my own p. Ejcod. a 5. p. where thou stamle-t is holy, J"*k. 5. 16. la 23. go to their p. in peace 23. 20. to bring thee into the p. l.er. I. Ifi. shall cant it by the p. of .Vum. IU. 14. in the first p. went out Deut. II. 24. every p. whereon your feet tread, shall he yours, JuJj. 1.3. 12.5. p. the U nil. choose,!*. | |i>. 16. 21. if the p. be too fur from, U. 24. Judg. 1 1. 19. pass thy IHII.I to my p. 20. .til men of Israel gave p. t.. Ruth a 4. mark the p. here he lirth 1 Satn. '20. 25. and David's p. was, tf. 2 Sam. 2. 23. and died in th- itainep. 15. 21. in what p. my lord the king 17. 9. hid In *nme pit, or other p. la 18. it Is called Ahsalom'up. 1 Kin. 8. 2tt. eyes be open toMi.nl p. 2 Kin. 5. 1 1. strike hand over the /,. fi. I. p. where we dwell i im> tr*it 1 Chr. 21. 25. David uave tor the p. 2 t'Ar.30.16. the priests stood in then p. 34. I'i 35. 15. sons of Asaph.in their p. Nen. 2. 3. p. of my father's sepuli hr 14. there was no p. (or h-.i-t under 13. II. I art singer* in their p. E*th 2. 9. Esther and maids best p. 4. 14. deliverance from another p. Job 6. 17. i-oiumm.d nit ..I tr.eirp. . 6. shake thee^rtn out ..f her p. Ifi. ia let my cry have no;. 2H. 12. wbere i thep of under.. ft 23. Hiid he knoeihthi.p. lhT. / 3rV l peo|>le re rill .'fin Iheir /\ as.ly.darkni'^, wbere up llureoll Jnl U> 1? tr.'n.l tli.' wick, in their p. S. the p. where thine him. :' my fin it .tandeth in mi even p. th. art mjr .j.hngp. HH. I! 4. 33. U Iromthep of hi- ha' nation 10*. Ift. the p. thereof .hull kmnv -p uf my ii-ct '''!. I. and where t< thf p. of my re^t '< Jrr.l. Ii fo tn my p HI Shilnh 3)! 17. IX glorious thr.me is the p. of IN 14. waters mini* from another p. 111. II. till there be imp. to l.iiry tfk. fi. 13. their i>l ain he on the p. 43. 7. p. of my t roue shall Israel /J.n a. 35. thnt no p. WHI found for *. II. thep of hi* sanctuary was //. .V 15 I will return to my p. .lima S 3. sh he dead hodie* inev.p. X*ih. 3 17. tlieirp. is nut known Zrch. 10. 10 and p. shall nut he found I.'. 6. inhabited again in hero. 14.10 Mul. I. 1 1. incense be ottered in ev.p. Mat. tfi 6. see the p. where the I, lay, .VrA- Hi. Kv Hark R 10. in what p. soever ye l.Hke 4. 17. he found the p. where it 10. I. sent two and two unto ev. p. 32. when he w. - at thr p. poiwej U. 9. and nay, give thin roan p. JoAn 4. 20. Jerusalem is the p. of 8. :i~. my word hath no p. in you J I. 6. abode two days in the same p. 4R Knmang shall take .1 way our p. IX. i Judas wli. betrayed, knew p. ,fc/ a. I. with one accord in one p. 4. 31 prayed the p. was shaken 7. 33. thep. whereon tlmu standest 4U. or what is the p. of my re-t 8. 3*. thep. f Scripture which he Rum. \t lit. rather givep to wrath 15. it having no more p. In these . Cor. I. 2. that in every p. rail mi J. 11. W. come together Into ie p. U. a rhurch he come into one p. t Cor. 2. 1 4 hi* k nowlcdge in every p. Oaf. i 5. to whom gave p. by S'lbjec. Eph. 4. 5?7. neither give p. to the i Thf*. I. 8. In every p. your faith Het> 5 fi. as he alth also in aim. p. H. 7. no p. should have h>-en sought I.'. 17 he found no p. of repentame Jam. 3. II. at name p. sweet Water Her. It. 8. nor was there p. round 0. II. for them was found no p. A PLACK. rixt 21. 13. I will appoint the* up 33 if I. behold there ii u p Sy me yum. 3. I. the place Wai op. for l>fut. -13. 12. th.iu Shalt have a p. J.i.A. 21). 4. give him a p. in the city t where in nn want i turn. 15- Ii Saul set him up a p. '.". 5. let them give me a p. in some I Sirm 7. 10 I will appoint a p. for .' Km a l. 1 et there a p. for rk f A'in. 6. 2. let u< make a p where & In nurh and urh up shall he t). beware thou p i. not m h up. I CAr. IS. I. David prepared n p. for i CAr n. . I have built a p. for thy ;..', *a I. there is.;;/ for fold F'/. 132. V unt'l I Bud nut ,ip for /".IT 14. 1 hiii children have a p f*/. 4 fl shnll he for us of refuge 3-J. 21. (he L. will bete nap of PLA /. 34. 14. find for herself dp. nf rest :>ri. 5. and witliin iiiy w ills a p inn! IV>. la Arhor a p. for the h.-rd.. to f.xtk. *S 5. a p. lur spread, net*. 14 Z--pJt. i I-V become a p. for IK-H-IS M.I'. ->~ 31 that is, a p. of a skull John 14. ^ I KO to prepare p 3. ." 17. went into ,i p cuiled A. p. 31. 55. Lahan returned to Ai>p. Efod. 10. 23. neither rose lr..in A. p. 16. i9. abide every man in Aii p. none go out nf /tin p. Num. 2. 17. in i. p. by th. standard* Deut 81. 18. bring him to rate of A. p. Ruth 4. 10. he nut cut 9 fr>m AM p. 1 S.jm. 3. i F.li as la 3. they tet Dagnn in A p. again s?3. -!\. Lord rnmeth out of A. p. 4fi. 7. they set him in tjV p. from All p. sha'l he not remove Jrr. 4. 7. he is (rone from AM p. fi 3. they feed every nne from A. p frrfe 1 l. the (flory . I. a the I. ,-. ineth out of >,. p. ZepA, -i. II. worship ev. one fr. A. p. -A. 6. Ii. he sh. rtw out of A p. .W'rf fi. 5i put thy (word Into A. p. eti 1. V5 he might im to A own p. Set HOLT, .Watt HOLT. Intlu- PL ACK. CTI. 50. 19. I am in Me p. of Ood AVnrf. 15 17. pi lilt them in thrp. ln>>i 4. 9 Job. set 12 stones in I p I A'in. VI. 19 in thrp where dog. t CAr a I. in p. David bad prepared f'rnr. 5 6. stand not in p of ar-at Keel. II. 3. inf. p where tree fulleth Hi PLA Jrr. 13 h. die in r S. .1. , 41 Tt r irA 17. 1C. in <. p. where id,, k , g //>. 13. l:i O'.l stay lung iri Mr . Jo/in hi. 41. in L p. where rruofird O/tA PLACE. lien. 2& 'J7. men of the p a-krd him, lest men of the p. kill -! yj. I.aban gathered n.e.i ../'/. ;.. .U. XI. called name ol the p Pemel ^ .S'n (i. 8. name of p. Peri't-uz*. Kj-od. la a L broHkht you fr. t. p. .Vum. iO S. bring us unto t. evil p. Drut 1. 31. find hre thee ti'.l \e came to Mi. p. u. 7. | ll.'.i. Jurf/f. la a what m.ikrst thou in I ]i t 1 A'in. a Vfl. hearken toward f. p 30. 3V 2 CAr. a l *l. JJG. 40. | 7. 15. 2 A'in. la -^5. without L again-t/;i. i CAr. 7. It. cho-en /Aii p. to mvtelf . ia ^1 t the p. ol him know, not Jir. 7. a shed not inim. hliMi i in / p. 20. my fury sh. be poured on t p. 14, la I will yive yon peace in t p. 16. i neither sons nor dang, in /. p. 9. cau-e to reane out of /. p. voira 19. 3. I will bring evil upon /AM p. I-' thus il| I do to Mil p. 40. i n. 'it. restore them to MM p. 3i37. tx. :t bring lo(. p. H|| the vessels, ft. v^.i. 10. i aiming you to return to /. p. 33. 10. again he heard in t p. joy 42. la ye -luill see Miip no mre 44. a>. I will punish you in MM p. '.!-'. O 1. tli. u li:i t pok ag:i I p. 7.i ph I. 4. cut of) remnant from / p. //./if. i !). in /. o. will I give p. -ace W'I I2.fi. in /AVp one grenl-r /.ttt* 16. 5*. lest they rnine intn /. f. ArtiK. it. Jesus sh d.-s'rov //in p. 7. 7. they shall serve me in tHii p. i\. 1!S teacheth avainil law iu /. pi //ri. 4. 5. ami in Mil p. aai tlir p. Jer. 7. 14 . 41. they ran in the dry p. 110. G. he Fhall fill the p. with dead Prnr. A. 2. she standeth in the p. Cant. 2. 14. that art in the secret p. /M. 3->. la dwell in quiet resting p. 40 4. straight, and rough p. plain 45. 2. will make crooked p. strait:!) Jer. 4. 12. wind fr. those p. sh. come 8. 3. in all p. whether driven, 29.14 17. 26. come from p ahout Jerusa. 24. 9. a taunt and a curse in all p. 32. 44. witnesses in p. ahout Jerns 40 12 Jewi returned out of all p. 45. 5. thy life for a prey in all p. l.am. 2. & he hath destroyed his p. Ezrk. 34. 12. deliver them out of p. *!. I will make p. round ray hill 47. 1 1. hut m ry p. sh. not he healex Antot 4. 6. want of bread in your p Z'-ch. 3. 7. J will give thee p. to wal Mat 12. 4a he walketh through dr p. Luke 11. 24 13. 5. gome fell on stony p. 20. Act* i4. 3 we accept it in all p. Kp>>. I. a blessed us in heavenly p. 20. at ritfht hand in heavenly p. 2. 6 nit together in heavenly p. 3. 10. to powers in heavenly p. 1'hil. I. 13. bonds manifest in all p. flee. 6. 14. island mov. out their p. See DF.soi.Arn, HOLY. High PLACES. Ler. 2ft 30. I will destroy your A. p Kum. 21. 89 consumed lords of A. p 33. ffl. pluck d"Wii all their h. p. Cteut. 32. 13. mnde him ride on A p 33. 29. shall tred n their high p. Juiitf. >. 18. jeoparded lives in h. p. I Sam. 13. fi. people hide in Ai^A p 8 Sam. I. 19. Israel sh.in high p. 25. thou wast slam in thy A'A'A p 82. 34. and setteth me on my A. ; P*al. 1H, 3. 1 Kin. 3. 2. people sacrificed in A. ; 2 Kin. 17. 32. 2 Chr. 3.'l I ft and burnt incense in h. p. 22. 4 JA'iit. 12.3. I 1.4. | 17.1 US. 31. Jerobo. made house of A. p PL.\ A'in. 12. 3? Beth.el priests of h. p 3. 2. shall otfe. priests of the A. p. 32. he cried against houses of A. p 33. Jeroboam made of the people priests ,,f the A. p. 2 A'in. IT. 3'J 5.14. A. p. were not removed, WH:t. 2 Kin. 1 2. a | 14. 4. | 15. 4. .'1J A'in. 17. z9. (rods In houses of A. p ia 4 Hezekiah rem..ved A. p. 22. 1 8. defiled A. p. and brake A p. 13 2 CAr. 31. I. | 32. 12. I /HI. 3fi. 7. 20. he slew all the priests of A. p. CAr. 11. 15. ordain, priests tor A. p. 14. 3. Asa t.x.k away the A. p. 5. 15. 17. A. p. not taken away. 20. 3a 17. ft Jehoshaphat took awy A. p ^l.ll.Jehor. mad.' A. p. || 29.25. Ahaz 34. 3 purge Jerusalem from A. p. ob. 25. 2. he muketh peace in A. p. 't. 78. 58. provoked him with A. p. 'roe. 8. 2. standeth on top .if A. p. 9. 14. sitteth on a seat in the A. p. ta. 15. 2. he is gone up to the A. p. 41. 18. I will open rivers in high p. 49. 9. their pastures sh. he in A. p. 5a 14. cause thee to ride on high p. le*. a "2. lift up thine eyes to A. p. 21. a voice heard on A. p. weeping 4 11. dry wind in A. p. of wildern. 7. 29. take up a lamentation in A. p 12. 12. spoilers come on all the A. p. 14. 6. wild asses did stand in A. p. 17. a I will give thy A. p. for sin 'X. 18. mountain shall beome as A. n. of the forest, Mic. a H 48. 35. him th t offereth in A. p. Ezek. 6. 3. I will destroy your A. p. 16. l& deckedst A. p. divers colours S9. they sh. break down thy A. p. 36 2. the ancient high p. are ours Hot. 10. a A. p. of Aven destroyed Amot 4. ia and treadeth upon the A. p. of the earth, Mic 1. 3 7. 9. A. p. ol Isaac shall he desolate Mic. 1. 5. what are A. p. of Jndah ? Hub. a 19. make me to walk on A. p i'pA. 6. 12. spiritual wicked, in A. p See BIIII.T. j,te PLACES. Iia. 5. 17. irattep. of fat ones shall .'.I. 3. the L. will comfort her w. p. 52. 9. sing, ye w. p. of Jerusalem 58. 12. they sh. h-iild the old v. p. Ptal. 89. 23 p. them that hate him Erod. 11. I. bring one p. on 1'haraoh 12. 13. thep shall not he on you !.! 3.a hair in p. turned white, I / 5.ifp spread not in skin, 6. | 14.4a 3ft if a man or woman hath a p priest see p.31,32,50,51.55 I 14.37 44 leprous man, p. is in his head 50. and shut up it that hath thep 5a if p be departed from them H 35. there is as it were a p. m Hum. 8. 19. be no p. among Urael II SI. L. smote people with a p. 16. 4. wrath is out, p. it begun. 4 48. the p. was stayed, 50. 1 Deut. A . *'" * ^"."^l Ja*h. 22. . ... 17. although there was p. 1 Sam. 6. 4. n 1 A-in.tJ.38. know ev. man p. of h. 2 CAr. 21. 14. with a p. will I. Mtnte Poll 91. I", nor any p "" 106. V9. the p. brake in upon thn r. judgment, so the j w. rtnyrf Z-A 14. 12. hep. U w.l "*.' .WrA 5. 29. she was ^healed | ,,Mh p. 34 go in pence nd he whole of p. Rev I6.2l.0''wphemedthp.ofhll 3M PI. A I I \.t'EU. ten. 12. n ti- Lord p. Pharaoh t'.jcod. 32. 35. the Lord p. the |>e..plt ' h 24. 5. and I p. Kgypt ce..r.i.i^ CAr. 21. 17. 'h-t they b.uld hep. Pi. 73. 5. nor are p. like other m.-n 14. all the day have I beru t,. PLAGUES. Sen. 12. 17. L. plagued Phar. wi. p. t'.fud 9. 14. I will send B'I my n. Lev. 26. 21. bring 7 times more ,.. ')eut. 28. 59. the L will make thy p. .Sum 4. a gods smote Kgy. oitii j, Irr 19.8 t.ecBusenfp 49.17. > j>. 13. 'It. la 14. 1 will be thy p. O grave \lurk 3 10. touch as many as bad p. l.u. 7. 21. he cur.-d many of their p Her. 9. 20. rest not killed by thr,.- p. II. ft power to smite earth with p. 16. 9. O. hNth power over 'her..- p. 18. 4. that ye leceive not of l>er p. 8. therefore shall her p. come >n 22. 18. God shall add to him thrp See SFVKK. PLAIN. Gen. 25. 27. Jacob wa* a p. man 1'ial. -/I. 1 1. and lead me in a p. pall Prop. 8. 9. they are p. to him tl.at 15. 19. the way of righteous is p. I*a. 28. 25. when he made p. the fan 40. 4. and rough places made ;,. Jer. 4a 21. judgment c/ime on ihep. Huh. 2. 2. make it p. upon tables Mark 7. 35. loose.!, and he spake p. PLAIN. Gsn.ll. 2. p. In the landof Shinar 13. 10. Lot beheld all thep. ol, 1 1. 12. Lot dwelled iniit.e. of the p. 19. 17. nor *tay thou in al. the /.-. 25. he oveithr.-w cities in the p. Jaih. 11. 16. Joih to..k valley and p. Jwig. 9. 6. made Abim. kine 1 Sam. 10. a come to the p. of I l..-r 2 Sam. 2. 29. Abner walked thr.. p. 15. va 1 will tarry in thep. till ia 21 and Ahimaaz ran by th p. 1 Kin 7. 46. in p. of Jordan di.l k .. f Q0.2a fight against them intl.ep 2.x 2 A'in. 25. 4 kinif went to. p. Jer Ml. Xeh. 3. 22. after him priests of th. p. Jer. 17. 26. shall come from the p. 21. 13. aifainst thee, O rock of p. 4a a p. shall be detroyed. a tl,e Ezek. a 2V. go forth in th.- p vJ a 4. the vision that 1 saw in llo- p. PLAINS Gen. 18. I. the L. appeared in th p. Sum. 22 I. Israel pitched in p. 3<. (A 2R 63. numbered lrarl in the p. 31. 12. spoil t" the camp in the p. 36 13 1-ord commanded in tlx p. Deut. 34. 1. Moses went from tbe p 1 SUM. 17. 16. lode not in thep of 2 Am. 2.V 5. Chaldees overt.~k hun in the p. Jer. 39. V 1 CAr. 27. 28. over trees in the !.. u. * Chr. 9. 27. made cedars in l.wrr p. 26. 10. L'liiah had cattle in the>k PLAINLY. Kfod. 21. 5. if the .erv.nt p. say /> at. S7. a writ- this law very p. I Sum.2.27 p. appear to house uf f:.(l. 10. 18. he told us p that the '< Ezra 1 l& inter hth been p t Iia. 32. 4. stammerer shall i-peK p. Jnhn 10. 24. if thou be C. tell u* f> II 14, Jesus said to them p M 16. 25. I .h*llshow you p. of il V9. now speakest Ihou p. and lleb 11. 14. such thirws declare p, PLAtSNKSS 8 Cor.l 12. we usr prestp- of si PLAISIKK. Ita. 38. 21. lay U (or * on >oM PLA PLA1STKB. ED. L<~. it, 42. ..ml shall p. the house 4!. the plague lutth not spread ultiT house WHS f. Vrut. v?7. 2. and p. them with p. 4 />n*. 5. 5. wrote mi the p. uf palace PLAI I IMJ. 1 /'. t a 3. let if not be p. of hair PLANES. /ft. 44. 13. ntleth th- image with p. PL \NET I ATi. a 5. burnt inc. use to sun.p. PLANKS. 1 A'l'it. 6. IS. covered floor with p. Ezek. 41. 26. were thirk p. on fore *6. side uf huuse, and thirk p. PLANT. Subttanttre. lien. 2, 5. imd made every p. of the* A, 14. M. hrniK forth like the p. /to. 6, 7. men ol Judah hi* plea*, p. I". II. (halt make thy p. grow .VI 2. (hall grow as a tender p. Jer. 2. it I. turned into deiteneratcp. /.>*. 34. v*. raise for them a p. of Mat. 15. 13. every p. ray Father PLANTS. I (fir. 4. 2a that dwell among p. y-.'/i 128. 3. thy hildren like p. 144. Is;, that our ton* may be aa p. CiinL 4. 13. thy p. M an orchard /<. 16. a h;ivi- broken down p. I;, la (halt thou plant pleasant p\ Jer. 48. 32. thy* p. are gone over tea Lttk. 31. 4. river-- run. about blip. PLANT. t.i-d IS. 17. p. them in mount of L>,:.t 1C,. 21. tlmu *halt not p. a 3d. 311. thou (halt p. a vineyard. 39. % Sum. 7. 10. I will p I CAr 17. 9. J A,I. 19. 29. p. vineyards, Ita. 37.30. ^W. 107. 37. ow the fields, and p. V.j 17.10 thou ihalt p. pleasant 41. 19. I will p. in the wilderness 6l. IS. that I may p. heavens, and 66. 21. they shall p. vineyards, eat ft. they shall nut p. and another Jer. I. IU. s. t thee to build and lop. K !l. a kingdom, to build top. Si. . I will p and not pluck. 4v>. la 'M, A. p. gardens, and eat the fruit 41. ."). shall p. vines on the mount. - -. 1 watrh them to build and p. M. 41. I will p. them ill this land 36. 7. nor shall you s..w, nor p. L:rk.\1.1t.\ will p. it on a high, 23. 2V i they >halfp. vineyards, and 3. 3fi. Lord huild and p. that Dan. II. 46- he shall p. tahernarlei Jmoj 9. 14. they shallp. vineyards I A. 1 will p. them upon their land Zepk. I. 13 they .hall p. vineyards PLANTATION. Kztk. 17. 7. WHtef it by furrows of p. PLANTED. Gen. 2. ! (tod p. a pardon eastward 9. *0. Noah p vine. || 21. 3a A bra. p. \um. M. (V trees which L. hath p. ^o4. 24. 13. of olive.yards yep. n,.t f"il. 1. 3. like a tree p. by, Jrr. 17. a 80. M. rant out hexthrn, and p. the W. 13. those that iw p in tne house '.'4. 9. p. the ear -hall he not hear ? lul Id cedars winch lie hath p. Erci 2. 4. I p. me vine. ||6. I p.trecs 3. 2. pluck up that hi. h is p. /. 6 t. amlc. itwth th<- rh.ilrest 10 24 yea. they -hall not Sep. Jrr. 2. 21. yet I hud p thee H noble II. 17. Ixird of h- *"" ' prosper ! k lu. p, by tb* a r, lue WM PLE Hot. 9. 13. Ephraim is p. in a plar* A mot 6. II. ye hare p. vineyards .V.iM6. la heavenly father not p. MatX\.3M. man p. Mar. I2.I./.U.2K9. LuAr 17. ti. and Ve thou p. lu sea 2H. they sold, they p. they builded fi'.m. 6 S we have been p. together I Cor. 3. 6. have u. A polios walervi' PLANTtDbf, ETH. DeuL 6. II. tiees whirli thou p. not /'i. Irt. Ifi. that he shall p. with 17. now a man that ran p. well 2 Sam. 2. 14. young men arise andp. 6. 21. therefore will I p. before L. 10. 12. ami let us p. the men for Job 40. 20. where beasts of field p. 41 6. wilt thou p. with him s with fiaL 33. 3.u. skillully with a loud ilM. ift. whom tlmu made to p Ita. II. 8. nuckiug child shallp. on t.tek. 33. 32. and ran D. v.i II on an PLAIED. Judg. 19. 2. his concubine p. whore 1 .Sam. 16. 23. Dav.p 18. In. | 19. 9. 2A. 21. I have p. the fool, and have 2 .SOOT 6. a. all Isrxel p. I Chr. 13. a 2 A in. 3. l'i. wtien the minstrel p. Exek. 16.28. p.whore with Assyrians See HARLOT. PLAYfcH. S. Sam. 16. 16. who in a cunning p. I'taL 6& 2\ the p. on instruments "7. 7. as well the singers as p. on PLAVETH. ING. Sam. Ifi. 18. Jes>e, t mining in p. ( Ar. 16 29. Dav. dancing arid p. fta. 68. 26. amuns; thi m damsel* pi t'.-cA. 23. 44. as lo a woman that p. Zeck. a 6. boy* and iirl p. in the PLKA. 17. a bard between p. and p. PLEAD. Ju/r> 0. 31. will ye p. for Baal ? ub\ 19. shall et me a time top. 13. 19. who i* be that will p. with Ifi. 21. O that one might f. fora 19. . if he will p. agHiiifcl me my ML ft. will he p apaii.-t me power l-i I. 17 judKnient, p for widow a la Lord sUnd up tn p. and 43. t\ let u* p. loiri-ther, decUre '.'-i. 16. by fire will the Lord p. PLE Jrr. J. 9. I will >.-t p. with yon. Jr. if. wherefore Will ye p. with maf I-J 1. righteous, when 1 p. with 11. 3! Lord will p. with all fietb Exek. 17. 20. and I willu. with Mm 3'i. and will Ip. witi you, face to .>. 22. I will p. againtt him with Hut. 1 2, p. with your mother, p. Joel 3. 2. and I will p. with them Alic. 6. 2. and the Lord will p. wit* See CAUHB. PLEADED, ETH. 1 Sam. 2A. :*. Messed be L. that p. Job Ifi. 81. a* a man p. lor I i.- neigh. ha. 61. 22. saith thy (iod that p. 69. 4. justice, nor any p. lor truth /.am. 3. ,sa U Lord thou last p. A'jtrA. 20. 3C. like an I p. with father I PLEADI.Ni.. Job la 6. hearken to the p. of my PLEASANT Gen, 2. ft every tree prow that i* r 3. 6. was p. to the eyes, and a tree 49. 15 lsarhar saw that it was p. 2 Sam. I. 23. Saul and Jon. were ]> Ji very p. ha--t thou beeu to me 1 A'in. jtO. 6. whatever is p. they 2 AIM. 2. 19. situation of city is p PtaL 16. f>. lines f-llen in p. place* 106. 24. they depied the p. land I3a 1. how p. for brethren to d~, I .'(6. 3. sing praises, for it is p. 147. '. Pror. 2. 10. knowledge is p. to thy .'). 19. the loving hind andp. roe 9. 17. bread eaten in secret i!p. iA. 26. words of the pure are p. Id. 24 p. word* are as honey. comb --.' ia for it iap. if thou krep . I 4. chambers filled with all p. Ercl. II. 7. p. it ia for the eyes to Cant. I. 16. thou art fair, yea p. 4 16, come and eat hisp. fruits 7. fi. how fair and p. art thou, O la at our gates are all p. fruits h p. men ? 1 The*. 8. 16. ,t.fy p. nut G.,,1, are 4. I. ought to walk and to p. God 8 7Y. 2. 4. that ye may p. him who Tit. 2. 9. and top. them well in all Hat>. 11. 6. without faith impo*. p. G. PLEASK1). Gen. 28. 8. dauiih. of Canaan p. not I. 15. 16. it p. Pharaoh well and his Hum. 24. I. Balaam saw it p. Lord Judg. 13. 23. if the Lord were p. to 14. 7. and she p. Samson well 1 Sam. 12. 22. it p. Lord to make you 18. 26\ it p. David to he the king's 1 Sain. 3. 36. what the king did p. \ ). l. IS. do g..o.| in jroo.l p. to Zinn 102. 14. thy serv iot ,.,k.-;j In her 103. 21. bl -.- L. ye that .to his p. t<>5 22. bind his princes at his p. 111. 2. sought out of all that hv\ep. 147. 10. In- taketb not p. in the legs 11. the Lordtaketh p. in them 149. 4. for the Lord takcth p. in his Prof. 31. 17. he that lovelh p. shall EccL 2. 1. enjoy p. || 5 4 no p. in fools l 1. say, I have no p. in them I xn. 21. 4. night of my p. he turned 41 28. Cyrus shall perform my p. HI. 10. stand, I will do all my p 48. 14. he will dohisp. on Hahylon 53. 10. and p. of the Lord shall 58. 3. in day of your fast ye find p. l.'Uriiin doing thy p. not finding p Jer. 2. 24. snuffeth wind at her p. 34. 16. set at liberty at their p. to 48. 38. like a vessel wherein U no p. Ezek.\6. 37. whom thou hast tak.p. 18. 2a have I any p. that wicked should die, 32. | .33 II. ///aZ 1. 10. I have no p. iu you.saith Luke 12. 32. Father's good p. to Act* 24. 27. Felix to 'lo the Jews a p 25. 9. Festus to do the Jews a p. Rom. I. 32. but have p. in them that 2 Cor. 12. 10. then-fore I take p. in Eph. 1. 5. according to the goodp.9. Phil. 2. 13. both to will and do his p. 2 Thes. I. II. fulfil the good p. of his 2. 12. hut had p. in niirighteousne.-a 1 Tim. 5. 6. that Uveth in p. is dead Heb. 10. 6. in sac. thou hadstnop. n. 38. my soul .shall have no p. in 12. 10. chastened us after own p. Jam. 5. 5. ye have lived in p. on 2 I'et. 2. 13. as they Hint count it p. Rev. 4. 11. for thy p. they are and PLEASURES. Job 36. 11. spend their years in p. Piat. 16. 11. at thy right hand are p. 36. a drink of the river of thy p. l*a. 47. 8. thou that artglven to p. Luke 8. 14. are choked with the p. 2 Tim. 3. 4. li.vers of p. more than Tit. 3. a serving divers lusts and p. Heb. II. 25. enjoy the p. of sin fora PLEDGE. Gen. 3a 17. wilt thou give me a p. ? 18. what p.? || 20. sent to receivep. Ej-od. 22. 2. tlmu take raiment top. Deut. 24. 6. no man take millstone to p. for he taketh a man's life to p. 12. thou >hlt not sle-p with p. 13. 17. not take widow's raimenttop. 1 Sam. 17. la fare, take their p. JTo623. 6. taken p. from thy brother 24. a take the widow's ox for a p. 9. and they take a p. of the pour Prav. 20. 16. take a p. of him for a strange woman, 27. 13. E*ek. 1& 7. to dvbtor his p. J2. 16. 31 15. if wicked restore the p. he Amoi 2. 8. on clothes laid top. by PLEDGES. 2 Kin. la 23. giv.-p. to, Iia. 36. 8 PLEIADES. Job 9. 9. wh. maketh Orion and P. 38. 31. bind the influences of P. t PLENTE /Ua Gen. 41. 34. fifth part in the p. year Deut. 28. ILL. make thee p. 30. 9. 2 (7/r. 1. 15. Solomon made gold p. Pial 86. 5. art p. in merry, 15. 10a a Lord is merciful, and p. in 130 7 with him is p. redemption IJHI.'X. 23. bread hall he fat and p. Hub I. I''. I" '-'t, and their nrent p. \tal y 3". the haivi- s ttrulT lJ>. 2a7 PLU PLKNTEoUSKBsa ("n. 41. ;,:i. ..,.!, y,., ir , r \tn-\ Prm. 21. 5. i.f the di!ig,-nt tii4 ; n.KVlY. Gen. 27. 28. (,,,,i K ire thee .. of 41. 2ft p. Jufi 22. 25. shalt hatep. of illver 37. 23. In power, and p of Justin Prot. a 10. burns he filled with p 28. 10. he that tillrth -.hall have Jer. 44 17. then had we p. of victim's Joel 2. 26. shall eat in p. and praiso PLENTIFUL PiaL 69. 9. th.-u didst send a p. rain IKI. 16. 10. joy is taken out ol th.- p. Jer. 2 7. and I brought you to a p. 48. 3a gladness in uken fr.im p. PLENTIFULLY. Job 26. a how hast p. declared thing Paul. 31. 2a p. rewardeth the proud Luke 12. 16. ground brought forth p. PL01TK1H. Pial 37. 12. wicked p. against jost PLOUGH. Luke 9. 62. having put hand to p. PLOW. Deut. 22. 10. shall not p. with an ex i Pial. 14. 14. a yoke oxen might p. Job 4. a the) that p. iniquity rrap Pros. 20. 4. sluggard v ill not p. ha. 2a 24. doth the plowman p. Hoi. 10. II. Judrfh shall p. Jam* AmoiK. 12. will one p. there with 1 Cor. 9. 10. he plu wet h should p. in PLOVVE ., ETH. Juilg. 14. 18. if ye had n. t p. with Pial. 129. a the plmversp. on back Jer 26. 1R Ziou shall I..- p .Vic. 3 li Hoi. 10. 13. ye havep. wickedness I Cor. 9. 10. that o. sh. plow In bope PLOWING. I Kin. 19. 19. Kliiha, who was p Job I 14. the oxen were p. and the Luke 17. 7. yon having a servant p. PLOWlN r G. Prof. 21. 4. and th- p. of the wicked PLOWMAN, MEN. /.id. 28. '.'1. doth the p. plow all dny til. 5. sons of alien shall he y.nr p. Jer. 14. 4. thep. were ashamed AmoiU. 13. thep. shall overtake tb PLOW. SHARKS. tin. 2. 4. h8t swotds in'op..Vr.4A Joel a 10. beat your p into sword* PLUtX l.re. 1. 16. shall p. away his crop \iiin. :a 52. ami p. down their high Dent 2.'l 25. thou mayest p th.- e irs .' CAr. 7. 20. then will i p. them up ,/* 24. i. tkey p. the father!**!. In. in PtaL 25. 15. he shall p. my leet out 52. 5. and p. thee out of thy place 74. 1 1. thy right hand, p. it out o/ 80, 12. they which pass by p. her Eccl. a 2. and a time to p. up Jer. 12 14. p. the house of Jndah 17. I will utterly p. up and dtwtxi y la 7. a kingdom, top. It op 22. 24. yet would I p. thre thence 4. & will plant, and not p. 4V. 10 31. 28. watched over them top. u 45. 4. which I planted 1 will p. up Erek. 17. !>. people, to p. up by rmx 21 34. thou shalt p. <>B thlnr ..n A/ic. 3. 2. who p. off the skin from 5. 14. I will p. np thy grovrs ,.,it .Vat 5.29. if right ry.-elr.lth.rp Hunt. IK V 12. 1. began to p. corn, .Wf* /.,< n 10. 2. nor hH y f Ihrm 9. u in..n i Hl-lf l.. /.. tbm ta POL PLUCK KD. dm. I I). wa an olive leaf p. off fcji*t. 1 ?. mid hf p hi- hand out f /)>(/. VS. fvi yr iliHJI he />. from land I 7. a man p oil h:s i-h.ic If .Sam. 23, 21. p. the ..pear out . and p. off their Mr ,1l, M. 17. p KfNin out of i.i- teeth ha. 50. !>. th- m that p. off the hair Jrr ft 2. IVM k.-d are not p. away 12. 16 afl.-r I liar.- p. them out 31 40. it -h n t he p. r thrown r.'.-.A-. IH. 1 2. -hf wa- p up in fury Oun 7. 4. t beheld till winirs were p. K three of rhe flrsl horns p. up II. 4. hi killed' in shall Hep. up rfij 4. II. H.I M Are.hrand b. nut 2-rA. a 2, i nut thi/>. out of fire? Mark ft. 4. chain- p a-under hy him f.u K. I. his disciples p. ear* nf corn 17. fi. he tho-i p. up hy the root Gill t 15. have p out your own eye* ^i^e li. twice d.-ad, p. up by ruoU PlUrKKTH ' Pron. 14. I. the fiMiimh p. it down PLUMB4&M .Iwo* 7. 7. the Lord .stood on a wall made by a p.. I. wi. p..i In hmul 8. A .no i, What eeit thou and I id a p..'. I will fftp-L ID Isr. I'LUMMET. 8 Kin. 81. 13. stretch over Jerut. p. /t. vs. 17. I v ri.'h;e.. it-ness top. Zrcii. 4. IU h..ll -ee the p. in hand PI.UVQK .' ' 9. 31. ih. tliou p me in the ditch PoKI'S. Ji-tt 17. 28. an certain of your own p. poivr. >'UM. 31.7. p. nut fur you mount Hnr POINT,* t ;!. i.v 32. I HID itt the p. to die >.'/. ;>. IS. in I p. as he came, o go Jrr. 17.1. written tiith p. of diamond M nk h. n daiitf liter at p. of dentil J-hn 4. 47. he at the p. of death /(YV 4. 15. but Wat in all p. tempted Jxrn. & 10. offei-d MI ..ne p. U fTUllty HOISTED. J-'- 41. 30. sprea.leth sharp p. thimr- POISOM. Jifit. 38. 94. with the p. of serpents :u. their wiiie i- n. of druiron* Ji. . (i 4. p. dn..k-th up my npirit 20 if, he shall .,11 k p of a-ps /*. Ml 4. their p i like p. of erp. 1411 a adder* p i- under th ir lip R ** 3. la p ' ap under th. lip- Jam. 3. 0. tonf ue i- eril, full of p. POLE. AIM. * I % net on a f. \\ 9. M. put it POLIO. Dan. 8 A hn p. cmie rraftto pro. hn p. cmie rr J'oI.ISHKI). ! 144. 17 p rter limili. of palace fin. 4M. it. he hmh made me p. hft Can. 10. H. iii f-et like to u. bra* POI.I-iHINO. /.am. 4. 7. their p wa oi Bpphire t'OI.U -. Num. I. 2. every male hy their p IS. 0. - I CAroii. ^3 3. ?4. S 47. Uke A .hekel. , p.ecr hy th. p. POLL. KI>. 1 Sum M.Y*>p hed,t yenr'n nH u. *. 44. l> (hey -h p their he.,,1. >/n. I 16. an.ip rhee for children t-lM.l.l IK '< : 'V. iiei'h-Tp hot* thing* y,. :i( - r>hll re n.,t p 'he land 7. '. in Hie Imil-e lo p it , 7. :l. p. injr Mx-rct ftoxf, 2i POO A'vrA-. 13. 19. will yep. my people MX 31. yep. yoiir-rlv- with youi ,d..l-, '.'3 :n. | 36. IS 3J>. p. mv holy name no more, ,'t). 7. K -rk. 44. 7. in my aaiirtuwv POLLUTED. Erorf SO. 25 lift tool, thou hast p. it ? A.'in. '.'3. la J.i-i,,h p. tl.e Hltar P*. 106. 38 1-nd p. with r.|iK>d ha 47.6. Ihnvep mine inherllHiici- 4* II. how -ho.ii.l my name hep Jrr. V. <:<. ranst th. say, I am lint p.? 3. I. hll not land he reth p f -2 31. 16. ye turned .nd p my n cine Lam. 2. 2. he hxthp. the ktnird'Hii 4. 14 theyp thrnmelves wl. l.lood F.zfk. 4. 14. my soul hath not h.-en p It. II. nor he p. wl. trnii-ffrea-iont in. 6. I ww thee p. in own Mood, 2.'. 20. 9. that It ahnuld not he p. 14. ?*. 13. RHhhth> greatly p. In, >!, 24. V6. I p. them in their own ui'is 30. are ye p. after your fatiiert f 23. 17. ihe WB"p. wl. Khyloiitaii Hoi. 6. A. (Jllea.1 in n ritv that in p. 9. 4. all that -.,! thereof ha I hep. Amni 7. 17. thou sit. die ill n p. land Vic. . Itt not re*t. I.P.MII-,. it is p. Zrph. 3 I. >e to her that in p. 4. her priet- have p &'irfiiHry MaL I.?, y-ifffredp hrea p ,//ot .S. A there 19 at Jeiu-alem H p. 7. I have no man to put me into JL JAn U. 7. Wu-h in p. of iMluain. 1 1. POOLS. E.nxi. 7. 19. utretch thy hand on 9. /'*/. 84. R ran, nl.o til -lh the -. /.''c/. -^. 6. I made me . of water /';. 14. Vfj. 1 will make t lor thep. 44. 15. 1 will dry u|.p. and herb* poJk F..rod. 82. II. th. t , ,,f thy people ea 30. 15. the p. shall not ie leM l.T 14.21. it he h.. p. aiidiHiinotiret IK IU. shall leave them for thep. 15. iilialt not rerpeci |>er-nn ofp. 5>5. ^5. if thy brother ! p. :5, :. 4' Drut. 15. 4. save when lh>-re he imp. II. lor thep. -liMll nev.-r ceanc out Hull. 3 10. not \ oiinv men, p or ru h I .V.;m 2. 7. L. makctll p. and rich 8. he raiseth up the p. ft. ll.'i 7. ! Sam. \tt. 1. i. lie licit, the other p. L' Aiii 25. 12. . Hpia.i. ol pnaril left p. Jer 39 Hi. | 40. 7 | 52. IS, HJ. ./oi i. 15. he aaveth p. fr the >*rd Ifi. p. h.ithhu|i-, iniquity stoppeth 2.i III. children >n k to ph-a-e p. 19. heiau-e he |i(in---ed thep. 24. 4 p. ofearti. hid.- theiiMelvei 9 and they take H pledge of thep. 14. murderer killeth p. and needy . 12. h.-rau.e I dehv red thep. 3U. 25. my soul i-ri-tcd toi thrp f 31. Id if I withheld p from denire 19. if I have eeen p. without c.>vrr 34. 19. nor reiranl. rich mure than p. -'a they cau-e the cry ol p. tori. me 3*5. l\ deliver, p. in attic. I't. 72.12. Pi. 9.18 expertat'Oiinfp. not peri-h 10. 2 wicked in pride persecute p. 8. his eyes are -ct aitalust the p. 9. hi- In tli in wait to cut. h the p. 10. that p. o'av (all i.y-tri.nir one* 14. p. ct.mmitt.-lli bim-elf to theo !2. 5 for the oppre%-ion of thep. !*. 6. ye horned !'" roiinsel ofp. 35. 10 deliverer! thep. from him 37. 14. bent th how tn cant <|..wn p. 4). 17. but I am p. 69 29. | 7(1. j. I 86 I. | 109. *>. 41. I. blessed he that coimid'Teth p 49. 2. 1..W and hiuh. rich and p 'is. 10. prepared itoodne-s for the p. HS). :<2. L. hearelhp. and denpi-eth 72. 4. heshalljiidir>-p. of the people l.aipare iliep. || Si 3 ef.-inf thep. 74. 21. let thep. pr..i e thy name Hi 4. deliver Hie p. and needy 107 41. iet ett.-th hep i.n high I0a 31. n'and at rii.'ht hurnl of p l.'tt. 15. will atif> her p wi. hre;td I Mi. 12. maintain the riithtof thep. Prnr. 10. 4 he hecorn-th p dealeth 15. dentruction of //. i- th poverty 13. 7 niakelh him-e.fp liath rich> 8. but thep hear>ih not rehnke 23 mnrh food is in irl.,(!e of thep. 14. 20. p. U haled even of neiuhr.iuir 21. hlh merev on p happy i he 31. oppresvth p reproach. \Iak-T 17 5 iii.M-keth f, reproach Muker IR -a thep ii.elh entreatie- 19 4 p i i.ar.iten horn nciirhb. 7. brethren of thep. debate him 21. la 'opDeth er at cry ol the p. 22 2 the rid- nod /, m et together 1. th- rich ruleth over thep. l. he that oppren-erh the p. Vk. 8. for him that will pity the L. II thep. that >. ,1 1. n. .l.-rrtai d.n* 15. tn l wicke.i t-iii r over p. p^-'. 30. 7. oxpaid*reth cause of Ike p. li POO Proe U. king faithfully judg. p. 50. 9. ktt 1 be p. and steal, mm uke it. teeth as swords, to devour p. 31. . nd plfiid the cause of thf/;. Ecc/. 4. 14. Ins ki.iKiiom, liec.jinethp. j. HL seest tile oppression of the p. 4 8. what n h tii.-p. ihut k.ioweth lo. 3. 14. 'he spoil ,f tlic p. id in l.'i. ye gr'nd tin- face- nf the p. ? Itt 2. takr til riht from the p. 30. to L.,ish, U fj. Anatlioth 11. 4. with rn-lit. -hail !ie judge p. 14. 311. the first-born o( tli,- p. shall 32. thep of Ilia people :>hall trust Jli. 0. the feet of the p. -halt tread . 19. even p. HIM., M.T ini-ii shall 51. 1. to destiny the p. with lyinif 41. 17. when thep. mid needy M-ek 1 7. that thou bun..' th.- p, that Jtr. 2. 34. Mood tit the p. innocents 5. 4. I said, surely these are p. 2U 13. delivered the s >u, ofthe p. 22. 16. he judued the cause of the p. Ezek. 1(5. VJ. strengthen hund ol p. 18 12. hath oppressed p. and needy 17. taken otf his hand Iroin the p.' 82. 29. they h,ive vexed tin- p. Aiitot '2. 6. they gold the p. for shoes 7. dUHt on the head of the p. 4. 1. which oppress the p. and crush 5. II. your treading is on the p. 12. they turn a^ide the p. in gate 8. 4. make p. of the land to tail 6. that we may buy p. for silver Huh. 3 14. rejoicing to devour the p. ZfpA. a 12. th,' p. shall trust in L. ZecA. 7. 10 oppress not the p. II. 7. 1 will fee.l even you, Op. 1 1. the p. of the fl.i.-k waited on me Hut. 5. 3. blessed tire the p. in spirit II. .S. the p. have i.'0-nel preached 26. II. for ye hae th,' p. always with you, M,irk\l. 7. ./. 12. 1 p. /. had nothing fW. 34. 6. fun p i cried, and the IOSI. 16 persecute. t p. and needy ;. />vr. 19. 22. iin.l ap m is better 21. 17. liv.'tli pleasure., hall be p m. a8. 3 a p. TO. tliilt ..p!ire-eth the 29. 13. the p. and deceitful m. meet Err/ !). IS. foun.l in it ap wi-c m 9. Iftp. mtm't wi-dom is despised Jt>te POOR. I fr W '&, 1-ave them to the p. tit>i > >>. se dinii ifift-< '.: \r> : w ,s a father t the p Si. 6 be givetb ri b 'ht ^ the p. FOR Pttjl. 112. 0. given to the p. 2Cor.9.9. I'ror. -fi . ifiveth his bread t the p. S!8. 'ft, he mat (t'velh in the p. -hall :il. m. stretcbeth her hand tu the p. lua. vf.i. 4 been a strengtb to the p. i>'in. 4. -fl. shewing mercy tu trie p Mill \'J. *|. give tuthep. Mar. I0.il. Luke 4. In. to preach ta Hie p. 1. *i. l>. 8. half of goods I give to the p. John 13. 2*. (five Mtniethm* fc. th p. 1 Cor. la 3. my noods t, le- d (A#p. Jam. 2. a and say l patl. p. i C/tr. &). 7. shut the doors of the p. Kxt-k. 8 16. between the p. and alur Joel >. 17. priests weep between p. Mat 26 71. wan gone out into the p. .VfA: It (. into the p. the o>ck John 10. 23. J. walked in Soiom. p. .i/c<3. II. together into So, onion', p. 5. 12. with one accord in Solom. p. POKCHKS. Kxek. 41. IS. with the temple and p. John 5. 2. Bcthesda, having ovep POUTER, S. 2 Sum. IR 26. watchman called top. t Kin 7. IU lepers < .tiled t.. the p. I Ckr a 17. the p. were ShHllum 2;i. 5. lour thousand were p. i Chr. 8. 14. the p. by their course! :(.'). 15. and the p. waited at ev. gate Ezra ~. 7. p. and Nethiniina went \r/ 7. 73 the Levites and p dwelt Murk M. :U. conimanded the p. ft ./* 10. 3 to him tbe p. uueiieth PORTION. Gen. 1 4. 21 let them take their p. 31. 14. is there yet any p. fur us? 4H. 22. given theep. above brethren Lei-. 6. 17. have iven them it for p Sum. 31. 47. Moses took on p. "f 51' /><'r what p. of (4. it tr. above t j PiaL II. S this shall he the p. of l 5. the L. is the p. of mine Inher. | 17 14. men who have p. in thi- life B3. 10. th'-v shall be a p. 'or loXes 73 . Hod is my p. f-r ever lift 57 th.m art my p. t L. 141 5. POS Prov. 31. 1 J. giveth a p. to I ,. *<'<. 2. 10. and thi. whs my p ol aC | l. shall he Irave it tor hu p. 3. 22. |.,r that i, bis p. 5. 1& , V. '-. l!. O.Ml xivcn pow.r to t.ke f. V). h. nor lore they any more p. I II. 2. give p. to even. and *l-o Int. 17. 14. ,ni u the p of them that VI. 12. I Will divide him ap with ;>7. 6. stones ..t ti.e stream u thy p. r Oi. 7. they shall rejoo-e m the,// Jer 10 Ifithep of Jan.h i., 51. U 12. 10. they h\e trodden my p made my p. a detolnte wlitkriies* 13. _'). this is the p. ol thy measures .'.2. 31. every day a p. until d. alh /..;. 3. -I*, the Lord i- my p. s. nh t.rek. 4-'>. I. -hll ..tier an h..ly p. 4. Dan I. a with p. ol king's 'meat 4. 15. let hi* p. be with beasts, 23. 11. 2ti. feed ol thep. .( hi-, meat .Vic. 2. 4 he chanued p. ol my people 7/(l4 I. 16. by them thnrp. tr lal 2 (hall have like p. J. 'he Ilia. 9. 6. lor silver, nettles -hall . AmtaV. 12. that they may p. Kd-.m (l/md. 17. the ho'ise of Ji.coh shall ;.. 19. sh;.ll p. K-a.i, .md H.-n.i ;> l< Hah. I. 6 Chaldeans top thai IK XepA 2. 9 remnant shall p Ihem 2-A. n. 12. 1 will caiis^ remnt In i. /.A<- 18 12. t give tithe cf all I ;.. 21 IM. in patience p your >oul I Thet. 4. 4. know h'-w t"p Tesiel POS-SKSS, with fcnirf. /.. 20. 24. 1 Hive you///nrfop > at -vi Dent a ia | 5. si. i i; " Num. 14. 24 tbv seed shall p it, ( Kill bring them into thi /-t/.rf Dent I & go in. and p the l.,,,,i.\ I. |6 IH. j a I I i, 13. | I"- !> | II. 31. | JfJL I. II. 4. 4. land wblther ye go to p it, I i. *| R. *t |(V'I. | 7. I. | II. l<* II.CI I '/a 20. 9. 4. L broiiKhi me top. t' R gives not thi. /Hint t-p '"r Ilif II. 8 betroiHf. and the *iw 2S '.'I ion-lime.) .ilf I t-.M'.ttop. in.p:nrk^lofl the Mb. o J,A. X3. .J. y. lull f I 1 *"!' '< l ' POS AtA. ?4 8. thtt ye mizht p. thi-lr i liKif. IS. '<. to enter tup. the tinrf I CAr. A ye may p. this gn.rf L Erra 9 II. TC go tu f. an unclean / ,\>A. 9. 15. that they -hnuld p. the /. /M. 14. t. Ur. h. p. them in I of I. 67. 13. pulteth tru-t in me h. p. t 61. 7. lo their f. -h. they f. double /rr. 90. 3. return to land and p it r*. 33. A ahull yep the (,mrf*2fl. Ann* 2. 10. I brought you t<> p. /ottV POSSKSSEI). Num. 21. S4. Israel p. Sihon's hind Dntt. 30. 5. to land thy father* pi Jotk. 1. 43 p. It and cittelt. . 9. 13. I. remaineth much land t<> be p. 21. 43. p. it and dwelt therein, 2i a Judg 3. 13. Eirlon king of Mo p. city 11. VI. Ur p. land of Amorites. 2i 8 AIM. 17. 24. men of Ava p. Snmar a /". 138. I.I. fur thou hast p. my reins Pnn . a 28. Lold p. me io beginning /jo. R3. 18. people f holiness hath p. Jer. Si. IA. vineyards all. be p fain S3. and they rarae in and p. it Dm*. 7. 2-1 that Mint* p. the klngd. Luke 8 36. he that was p. was rored ./fi-fc 4. 3V. nne said that aught he p. 16. in. a damsel p. with a spirit 1 Cor. 7. JO. buy aa tho* they p. not See DEVI La. POSSE8SEST, ETH, ISO. Drui. 26. I. rnrnnt Into land and p. Hum. 3d 8. every daughter that p. Luke li 15. a man's life consists not In things which hep. I Cor. 6. 10. nothing, yet p. all things POSSESSION. Git. 17. & I will ifive land of Can. aan fur eTef lasting p. 4& 4. M. 11 \i*ur had p. of flocks, herds 4V. II. fare them p. in land of Euy. Lew. 14, 34. wh. I rive to you for p. >. 25. if brother sold -nine of his p. 33. the Levites' p. shall go out 45. strangers shall be your p. 46. XI. 16. if man sanctify some of his p. 24. return to whom p. did belong >*nm. 34. 18. Bdom be p. Seirbeap. 27. 4. give us a p. among brethren 12. 5. land given lo thy serv. for p. 23. this land shall be your p. 85. >. give to the Levites their p. a 28. the slayer sh. return to his p. Deut. 2, 5. mount Seir to Esau for p. 9. I hnve given At to Lot for p. 19. 12. a* Israel did in land of bis p. II. 6. earth swallowed all in th p. 32. 49. whirh I gave Israel for p. /ojA. 12. 6. Mes gave it for a p. 2V. t. get ye unto land of your p. 19. if your p. lie urn-lean, take p. 1 Kin. VI. 15. take p. of the vineyard I!), hast thou killed, and taken p.f 8 CAr. ."). 1 1. to cast us out of thy p. A. 1 1. :i Judah dwelt ev. one in p. I't. 2. 8. uttermost parts for thy p. 41. 3. gt not land in p. by sword itf 35. may dwell and have it in p. 83 12. take the houses of G. In p. Pr:*. 9*. in upright have good in p. Jta. 14. 23. I will make it a p. for /.'--' i 1 1. I j. is thi> land given In p 3\ 4. I will deliver thee for p. 3R. 1 pf en high places are oars in p. 44. 2R giie then) no;. In Isr. I ain 4/1 18. inheritance nut of his own p. Arlt b. I. Anan. with Spp. told ap 7. 5. would give It to him fnr a p. 46. with Jesus into p. of Gentiles >A, I. 14. till redemption of the p. POSSESSION! frfi. 34. 10. and get you p. therein C. S7. ail J Iscarl bad f. therein POT -View. 32. 30. they shall hnve p. Jotk. 24 4. get to the land of your p. I Sum. 25. 2. whose p. were in Car. 1 Cftr. 9. V. inhabitants dwelt in p. 2 CAr. II. 14. the Levites left th. p. 32. 29. Hetek. provided p. offlocks Eeel. 2. 7. I had great p. uf great Ofxtd. 17. Jamb shall pmses* Uieirp. Mat 19. 22. he had p Mar* 10 21 Xcf 2. 4A. sold p. and parted them 25. 7. same quarters were p. of Pub. POSSESSOR, s. Cm. 14. 19. moot high G. p heav.22. ZecA. II. 5. whose p. slay them 34. many as were p. of lands POSSIBLE. Mat. 19. Pfi. with G. all thing* are p. Mar* 10. 27 [.War* I a 22. 24. 24. if p. shall dereive the elert, 26. 39. il p. let this rup pa fmtn me, WnrA 14. 35. Mark 9. 23. all things are p. to him 14 36. all things p. to thee. Lu 18 V7. Actt 2. 24. not p. he should be holden 20. Ift. if o. at Jern-a. day of Pent Rom. 12. la if it be p. live peareably GaU. IS. ifp ye would have pluc, tied. 10. 4. not p. the blood of bulls POST, & 2 CAr. 30. & p. went with letters, /A. 3. is, is. | a in. ff/ p. I A'tn. 7. 5. doors and p. were square Prof, a 34. waiting at p. of my doors /ML 6. 4. the p. of the door moved V7. & behind the p. thou set up thy F.zfk. 4U. 10. the p. had one measure 43. 8. setting of their p. by my p. Amot 9. 1. that the p. may shake See D >D. Siifc- POSTS. 12. 7. strike blood on 2 t.-p.22. I A' in. 6. 31. i p. were a fifth part POSTERITY. Clen. 45. 7. preserve von a p. In earth \w. 9. 10. if any of your p. be unrl. 1 Ain. la 3. take the p. of Baasha 21. 21. take away the p. of Ahab I't. 49. 13. p. approve their sayings 10P. 13. let his p. be rut off and Mot Don. II. 4. not be divide.) to hi- p. Amot 4. 2. your p. with fish.hooks POT. F.rod. Id 33. take a p. put manna Judg. 6. la (Jid.-on put broth in a p. 2 A't'n 4. 2. not any thing, save a p. 38. on great p. || 4H death in the p. Job 41. 20. as o>it of a seething p. 31. maketh deep to hoil like H p. I't'it. 17 3. fining p. for iilver,27.2l. Jer. 1. 13. I see a seething p. <& 24. 3. thus snith L set on a p. fi woe to p. ivIioM- nrum i therein Mir 3. 3. chop in pieces, as for the p. Zerh. 14. 21. every p. lu Jerusalem Ueb. 9. 4. the golden p. with manna Hater- POT, S. John 2. 6. there was set six tr.-p. 4. 2& the woman then left her te.-p. POTS. F.rnd. 38. 3. Beialeel made the p. I.ft. 1 1. 35. be oven, or rnnges for p. 1 A' in. 7. 45. p. and shovels of liraas, 2 CAron. 4. 16. 2 CM. 411. Huram made the p. I PtaL 58. 9. before your p. ran feel 360 POW f. 68. 13. ye have lien among the p 81. ft, hands delivered from the p. Jer. y>. 5. before Kechah. p. of wins Mark 7. 4. waohinv of cupsand/. & See FLUSH. POTENTATE. I Tim. fi. 15. the blessed and only P. POTS UK HI), S. Jot 2. a took a p to scrape himself Pi. 22. 15. strength dried up like a p. Pror. 'J6. 23. are like a p covered 45. . let p. strive with the p. Gen. 25. 29. Jacob Mid p. and Esa; 30. feed me wi. p. || 34. Jacob pa t 2 Kin. 4. 38. seethe p. for turns. 4<> " T. 2. 12. if one tourh bread or p POTTER. S, 1 CAr. 4. 23. these were the p. Pi. 2. 9. dash In pieces like p. >(>--) /a. 3U. 14. as breaking of a p. ve ei , ' Jer. 19. II. Rrr. 2. -7. ,/r. la 2. go down to the p. hou-e 19. I. and get a p. earthen bottle Lam. 4. 2. work of hands uf the p. lech. II. 13. L. said cast it unto f. Mat, 27. 10. gave them for p. field See CI.Y. POVERTY. Gen, 45. 11. all thou hast come top Pror. 6. I l.p. come as armed. 24. 34. 10. 15. destruction of poor !> th. p. 11. 24. withholdeth. hut tend t-p 13. la p. he to him that refuseth 20.13. love not sleep, lest come to p. 23. 21. drunk, and glut come to p. 28. 19. vain persons, shall have p. 22. connidereth not p. shall come 30. a give roe neither p. nor riches 31. 7. let him drink and forget his p. 2 Cor. 8. 2. their deep p. abounded 9. that yethro'hisp. might he rick Rev. 2. 9. I know thy works and p. POUND, S. 1 A'in. 10. 17. three p. of gold went Erra 2. 69. treasure 5000 p. of silver AeA, 7. 71. treasure 2200 p. of silver 72. the rest gave 2000 p. of silver Luke 19. 13. and delivered to his servants ten p. 16, 18, V4. Jnhn 12. 3. Mary took p. of ointment 19. 39. and of aloes about 100 p. POURTRAY. El). F.ffk. 4. I. p. upon it city Jerusalem a 10. all the idols of Israel p. 23. 14. images of Chaldeans p. POWDER. S. Erod. 32. 20. Mooes burnt calf top, Deut. 2a 24. L. make rain of land p 2 A'in. 23. ft stamped the grove to p. 15. and he stamped the altar to ;.. 2 CAnm. .It 7. Cant. 3. 6. perfumed with nil the p. Mat. 21. 44. it will grind him to a POWER. [J.u.20. II Urn. 32. 28. as a prince bust tbou a. 49. 3. the dignity, excellency of p. Lev 26. 19. I will hreak your p. Sum. 22 38 have I p. to say any ? Deut. 4. 37. brought thee i'th h'inp a 18. it is he that giveth thee p. 32. 36. when he eeth their p. gone V .Sum 2V. 23. G. is my strength andp. V Ain. 19. 26. inhabitants of small p. I CAr. 20. 1. J..ah led forth the p. 29. II. thine i.tthep. and the glory, Mat. 6. 13. [^ CAr. 20.6. 12. In thine hand is p. and might, S CAr. 25. a God hath p. to help 32. 9. siege, and all his p. with bin Erra 4. 23. made them cea*i by p. H. 22. his p. against all that fnroaks AVA. 5 5. nor is it in our p. in redeem Lith. 1. a made feast top. of Persia POW Jfjif 1 3. 11. cause to perish p. of peo 9. I. th* Jews hoped to have p. Job 5. 20 redeem in war from the p. 24. 22. he draweth mighty with p. 26. 2. helped himthat is without p.V 12. he divided the sea with his p. 14. his p who can understand? 36. 22. God exalteth by his p. 41. 12. I will not conceal his p. Ps. 22. 20. my darling from p. of dog 49. 15 redeem my soul fr. p. of grave fi>. II. p belongetli unto find 65. 6. setteth last mountains wi.p. 66. 7. h" ru.eth hy his p. for ever (>8. 35. he giveth p. to his people 78. 26. hy p. he brought south wind !)'). 1 1. who knowethp of th. anger? 106. S. his mighty p. to be known 1 1 1. (i. shewed peo. p. of his works 1^0. I. praise in firmament of his p. Ercl. 4. 1. side of oppressors wasp. 5. 19. and hath given him p. to eat K. 2. God giveth him not p. to eat H. 2. word of a king is, there is p. 8. no man hath p. over the spirit /.vrt. 37. 27. inhabitants of small p. 4il. *!). he giveth p. to the faint 43. 17. bringetli forth army and p. 47. H. not deliver from p. of fl:. 6. in their p. to shed blood MO. fi. pride of her p. sh. come down l>an. 2. 37. Goii hath given theep. (i. 27. delivered Dan. fr. p. of lions 8. 6. in fury of his p. || 22. not in p. 24. h-sp. sh. he mighty, not hyp. 11.6. sh. not retain p. of his arm 25. sh. stir up his p. and courage 43. hare p. over treasures of gold 12. 7. scatter p. of the holy people tlt/t. 12. 3. hy strength had p. wi. G. 4. yea, he had p. over the angel 13. 14. ransoen them fr. p. of grave Mic. 2. 1. it is in the p. of their hand 3. 8. I am full ofp. by the Spirit Httb. 1.11. imputing his p. to his god 2. 9. delivered from the n. of evil 3. 4. there was the hiding of his p. lech. 4. 6. nor by my p. hut my Sp. 9. 4. the L. will smite her p. in sea Mat. 9. 6. Son of man hath ij. to for- give sins, Mark 2. 10. Lu. 5. 24. 8. who had given such p. to men 10. 1. p. against unclean spirits, I.uke'J. 1. ri.uke 21. 27. 24. 30. coming in the clouds with p. 26. 34. sitting on the right hand ofp. Murk 14. 62. 96. 18. all p. is given me in heaven Mark 3. 15. have p. to heal sickness 9. I. kingdom of Gd come with p l.nke 1. 35 p. of Highest overshadow 4. 6. devil said, all this p. will I give 32. for his word was with p. [thee 3ri. with p. he commandeth spirits 5. 17. the p. of the L. was present 10. 19. I five you p. to tread on ser. pents, and over p. of enemy 12. 5. fear him that hath p. to cast 20. 20. deliver him to p. of governor 22. 53. this is the p. of darkness 24. 4W. until ye he endued with p. Jnhti 1. 12, to them gave hep. ' 10. 18. I have p. to lay it down, and p. to take it up 17. 2. given him p. over all fl.'sh 19. 10. p. to crucify, p. to release tct* I. 7. Father hath put in own/. 8. shall receive p. after Holy fill. 1. 12. a.s by our own p. or holiness 4. 7. by what p. have ye done this? 5. 4. was it not in thine own p.? 6. 8. Stephen full of faith and p. *. 19 saying, give me also this p. POW Art* 10. 38 anointed Jesus with p. 26. 18. turn them fr. the p. of Satan Rom. 1. 4. to be the Son of G. wi. p 20 his eternal p. and Godhead 9. 21. hath not potter p. over clay? 13. 2. whosoever resisteth the p. 3 wilt thou not be afraid of the p ? 15. 13. thro 1 p. of the Holy Ghost 19. hy the p. of the Spirit of God Ifi. 25. now (o him th*t is ofp. 1 Cor. 2. 4. in demonstration ofthep. 4. 19. not know speech, but the n. 5. 4. with the p. of our L. Je. Chr. 6. 12. not be brou. under p. of any 14. will raise us up by his own p. 7. 4. wife and husband have not p 9.4. h:;ve we not p. to eat and drink} 5. have we not p. to lead a wife 'f 12. if others be partakers of this p. over you, we have not used p. 11. 10. woman ouirht to have p. 15. 24. put down authority and p. 2 Cor. 4. 7. excellency ofp. be of G. 8. 3. top. yea, and bevond their p. 12. 9. that the p. of Christ may rest 13. 10. according top. (}. given me Eph. 1. 19. exceeding greatness of his p. working of his mightvp. 21. above principal, p. and might 2. 2. according to prince ofp. of air 3. 7. by the effectual work, of his p. 20. according to p. that worketh Phil, a 10. know the p. of resurrec. Col I. 1 1. according to his gloriousp. 13. delivered us fr. p. of darkness 2. 10. head of all principality and p. 2 Thes I. 9. punish, fr. gloiy of his p. 11. fulfil the work of faith with p. 2. 9. working of Satan with all p. 3 9. not because we have not p. 1 Tim f>. 16 whom be honour and p 2 Tim. 1.7. G. hath given spirit ofp. 3. 5. having godliness, denying p. Heh. 1. 3. all things by word of his p. 2. 14. might destroy him that had p. 7. Ifi. after the p. of an endless life 2 Pet. I. 3. divine t>. given all things 16. made known t'le p. of our L Jude 25. to our Sa. be glory and p. Rev. 2. 26. will give p. over nations 4. 11. art worthy to receive p. 5. 12. 5. la honour, and p. he to him 6. 4. p. was given to him that sat R p. given them over fourth part 7. 12. p. and might he given to God 9. 3. to them was given p. as scorp. 10. and their p. was to hurt men 19. for their p. is in their mouth 1 1. 3. give p. to my two witnesses 6. p. to shut heaven. p. over waters 12. 10. now is p. of his Christ come 13. 2. the dragon gave him p. 4. 5. p. was given him to continue, 7. 12. he exerciseth p. of first beast 15. p. to give life |j 14. ia p. over fire 15. 8. temple filled wi. smoke fr. p. 16. 8 p. given him to scorch men 9. blasphemed God who hath p. 17. 12. receive p. as kings one fionr 13. shall give their p. and strength 19 1. glory, honour, and p. to L. POWER of God. Mat. 22. 29. not knowing the sctlp- tures nor p. of G. Mark 12. 24. Luke 9. 43. all amazed at p. of G>,d '>>. (i9. Son sit on right ofp. of G. Artt 8. 10. this man is great p. of G. Rnm. \. Ifi. the gospel is the p. nfG. 1 Cur. I. 18. are saved, it is p. of U. 2t. Christ the p. nfG. and wisdom 2. '). faith not Maud but hy n. nfG. 2 Cor. 6. 7. word of truth, by p. ofG. 13. 4. yet he liveth hy the p. ofOoA we shall lire wlth'him by p.o/G. 981 POU 2 Tim. I. S. according tothep. of 9 I Pet. \. 5. by p. nfa. through faitb W I.HKAT. In POWK.K -ItUwn ofmyh.nd rilihth!in. ,,. ,,f tc,i|.r u r. 40. 21,. that he i, strong , ' AA. 1. :t. L. ,|, IW to BMu,-r, gr in n Luke I. 17. go b-fore him in\\'"?' 4. 14. Jesus returned in//, of Spirit I Cor. 4. 20. not in word, but in p 15. 41 sown in wrak. rhi.ied in n Eph. 6. 10. be strong in l.,,,d and p. 1 Thes. I. 5. rame in word and i/ ; , 2 Pet. 2. II. iUiL-U are greater nf .Vv I'OWKR. Gfn. 31. a with all ;m/p. I nerved /'.rod 9. Hi. to shew in thee mi/ p. Dent. 8. 17. tnyp got me this wealth Dan. 4. 30. Dabylon huilt by mt, p Rnm. 9. 17. that' I might shew ,,,',,. I Cor. 9. 18. that I abuse not My a No POWKK. Erod. 21. R he shall have no p. Lev, 26. 37. shall have no p to stand 1 Sum. 30. 4. peo. had . p. to weep 2 Chr. 14. II. help them have wop ?2. 9. house of Ahftziah h,id n,, p. Isn. 50. 2. or have 1 imp. to deliver* Dan. 3. 27. on bodies tire had no p. 8. 7. there was no p. in the ram John 19. 1 1. have no p. against me Rom. 13. I. there is op but of God Rev. 20. 6. second death hath op Thy POWER. Deut. 9. 29. hn>iightt out by t. p.' .lob I. 12. all that h hth is in t. p. Ps. 21. 13. we sing, and praise thu p. 59. 1 1. scatter by t. p. " 16. sing of t p. R3. 2. to see thy p. and thy glory (Vi. 5. through greatness of Mi/ p. 71. 18. /. p. to ev.-ry one is to ronft 79. 1 1. according to greatn. of t. p. 110. 3. peo. he willing in day of t. n. II.-'. II. and they sh:.ll talkofMup. .VuA. 2. I. fortify thy p. mightily POWERFUL. Pi. 29. 4. the voice of the Lord is p 1 Cor. 10. 10. for his letters sue p. lleb. 4. 12. word of G. is quick, p. POWER& Mat. 24. 29. the p .if heaven shall ho shaken, Mark 13.25. /.A<"JI.2a I.iike 12. 11. when brought before p. Rom. 8. 38. nor p. can separate fr. (i 13. I. p. that be are ordained -if (i. Eph 3. 10. top. in heavenly places (i. 12. against principalities and f. Col. I. 16. p. were created by him 2. IS. having spoiled p. made shew Tit. 3 I. in mind to be subject to p. Heb. 6. ft. tasted the u of the world Pet. a 22. is on right hand of G. p. POUR. Erod. 4. 9. p. water on the dry land 29. 7. p. anointing oil on his li-.id 12. p. blood of bullock be.ide \>,i altHr, /..T. 4. 7, IS. -J\ :). .'U. '.ft. 2. 1. p. oil on ineKt.i.ftVr. H. 15 p. it into palm of hMi 41. they shall /- out the dni 17. 13. he sh. p. out bl.Mid thereof VMWI. 24. 7. he shall p. water out Dent. 12. Ill p. blood out, *. | l\a 1 Kin. H. 3.1 /) water on >nrritire 2 A' in. 4. 4. p. oil into thoe veurl* II p. out lor the people, may eat 1,1 .'(>>. 27. p. rain accord, to VKJH ur /'. 42. 4. when I p. out my v.ir. 62. 8. p. out your heart I efort ti T R POD Ptal fS. 84. p. out thine Indignation Tft ft p. out thy wrath on heathen Pror. I. 23. I >vill p. out ray spirit, 7o.4l.3 Jof/SU-8,29 AcU'L 17,10. /to. 44. 3. I nil) p. w.. their wickedness la 81. p. out their hl.M.d by -word 41 17. t.ip. out drink "Her. ia.IK.VJL l.nm >. 19. p. nut heart like water Exeic. 7. H. now will I p. nut fury, 14 I'-. | 80 8, 13, 81. | % 15. 21. 31. p. i. ut indignation, '/.p't.:t.l St. & bet on p. I. 6. I will p. down the stones Z-r* \->. 10. I will p. on house of I). .V.i.' 3. 10. if 1 will unt p. out a blex. Krr. 10. I. p out the vials of wrath POURED. Cm. 24. 18. Jacob p oil on the stone 35. ll Jin nli ^ a drink ottering on Kxiid. 9. :O. rnm was not p. on earth Lev. 4. I2.wh. ashes p. heh. be burnt (i I-.'. Mosenp. oil on Aaron'* head VI. I '.i. on wh.we head oil wap. f>'iim. -ft. 7. p. to L. for drink offering Dent. 12. 27. sacrifices shall hep. out I .Vof/i. I. 15. 1 havep. out my soul 7. f. water, p. it out before Lord 10. I. Snmuelp. oil on Saul's head S .S-.///I. *: 16. David would n..t drink, hut p. it, 1 C/iron. 11. IS 1 A'tn. 13. 3. rent, and ashes p out A. 2 Kin. 3. II. p. waL on hands of Klij. ^L. 5. vessels trt her, and ahep. out 1R. a Ahazp. his drink offering' I Chr. 12. 7. wrath not p. out on Jer. 34. 21. great it wrath of L. p. on us 25. therefore wrath Khali be p. out Job 3. 24. my roaring* are p. out JO. in thou p. me out aa milk z!'. i>. rock p. me out rivers of oil 30. 16. and now my soul is p. out /'-.;/. -.'-.'. 14. I am p. out like water 4\ .' grace Is p. into thy lip- 77. 17. rloud p. out water, skies 112 2. I p. out my complaint before CnJ I. 3. name is as ointment p. J*n. 2fi. lr>. p. nut a prayer, when 2y. I a Lord hath p. on you sleep 3i 15. till the Spirit be p. out on us 42. ?S. he hath p. on him the fury .V3. 12. hath p. out his soul to death ft7. 6. hast p. out a drink offering Jrr. 7. 20. my fury shall be p. out lit. 1.1 havep. out offerings. 32. 29. 42. 13. a* fury, so shall it be p. out 44. fi. and mine anger wasp forth I!', when we p. drink offering* Lam. i 4. hep fury like fire, 4. 1 1. II. my liver is p. || Ii their soul p. 4. I. the -'.ines of sanctuary p out trrlc. Ifi. 3rl thy filthiness wa* p. 80. 88. . out their drink off-ringn .n with fury p. out will 1 rule, 34. 8i 24 I the Lord p. out my fury 31. therefore, I p. my indignation Sa ft. they p. their whoredom on 24. 7. she p. it not on the ground 36 IS. wherefore I p. out my fury 39. 29. I p. out my Spirit on 1-rael Dan. 9- II. therefore cure I* pun 11- 27. that shall be p. on desolate Mir. I. 4. as water* p. down a steep >'uA. I. 6. fury ip. out like fire ZrpH. I. 17 their ......d sh. he p out Mat 2(V7. p. ointment on h'< head, I? ././rA- 14 .-'. ^*n 2. IS and hep. out the mne\ 4cf la 45. oa Orutilr* wa.-p gift PR A ffT. I*. 10. wine of wrath of O. p. 16 i p. nut hi* vial, 3, 4, 8, 10, 12. >OUB8O8T, El'H. Job 12. 21. hep. contempt on princes l't. 8 Pet. 2. 14. exercised with covet p PRACTICE. POT/. 1 41. 4. not top wicked works l"i .!'. ii. the vile shall fi hypo< risy Dun. s. 24. a king sh. K. Deut. 10. 21. he is thy p. and thy G. 26. lit. to make thee high in p. Judg. 5. .'i I will sing p. to the Lord God of Israel, A. 7. 17. | 9. J2. | 57. 7. I til. a | 104. XI I rir. Iti. :ix we may lory in thy p. t Chr. 3. !3. such taught to sing p. AW. 9. 5. who l< ex.ilted above p \t. 46. days of !>av. were SOUKS of p. f'ul. St. 14. I may (hew all thy p. -'. JfA. my p. shall be of thi-e 30. 12. my glory may sinvp. to thee XI. I. for p. is comely for uprivlit 34. I. his p. fhall be in my inu>h 35. 28. tongue slmll >p.-ak f thy p. 40. 3. een p. to O. || 42.4. voice of p. 48. 10. HO is thy p. to ends ol earth 5U 23. whoso onWeth p. glorifl, th 51. IV my inoiitn -.hall -hew thv p. ftt. I. p. waiteth for tliee. () liod (Vi. i. and make \>i p. glotiou* 8. make >ice of hinp. be heard 71. B my p. "h. be rontinu of thee 8, my mouth be fi led with thy p. 7. la will hew thyp.|i!t.MiiKp 100. 4. enter In- courts with p. 102, 81. declare hi p. in Jeru-alem lOrl 2. who ran shew all hi- p. ? 12. they onng p. || 47. triumph in p. KM. I. I will sin*, and givep with 1e p. to sprinu forth 62. 7. make Jeru-alem p. in .-arth Jer. 13 II. they mivht be tome H p 17 14 ave me O I. tliou art my p <>6. brinifiiiL' *;irrih.'e ot p. 33. II. 33. 9 chail h to me a j..y. . p. 4>. -i. shall be no more p. of Moal- 51.41. how wp. of earth i-urpr ,-,! y I n>:. :i M. er(li wa* lull ot his p. /./V 3. Ml. U'-t them )>. HI). I l^rne v<>. make you ap amooir \\ pe-p .Vat 21. 16. thou ha*t p.rltcdp. PR A /.'/. 1R 41 when i In r taw it, rate > John 9 5?4. Rive (;..,. the p. iln* nun I2.43.lovedp.of met n ore than s) U. Rum. v. -''. nlio-e p. in nt of mca 13. 3. thou shall hate p. of same 1 Cor. 4. 5. every man have p. of G - 18 Whose p is ill gospr'i . firede.*tin>-ted top. of ijl'.ry !n these things Hel>. i. u. in cliiir.-h ill I oinii p. 13. lo. l.-t n- offVi HacnHce < f p. 1 /'. /. I. 7. faith might lie foumt top. 2. 14. ami i..r /- "t tliem tln.td.. well 4. II. to whom be p. for ever P H A I .S !:, Frr*. r/n.40. 8. he vrliom brethren shallp. i.er. IS). ;;4. Iruit holy to p. Lord 1 i/jr VO. 13. p thy iclori.ois name 2 Uir 8 14. l..-vite*top. bel. prie.ti vr. 21. should p. beauty of holin.-*^ .'(I I 1 , an. I p. in Btes of tents of L. /'//. 21. la M> will w.- sing and u. fi. 2a ye t.iat fear Lord p. h in : ". 9. shall the dn*t p. thee \ VL. \ I -hall yet p. him, II. | 43 .i. 44. H. ir> ';. we hoat, and p nainn 45. 17 .nerefore shall p.-op. p thei; 49. 18. men D thee. wh Iwnt well (. :i lip., sli~p thee || .S month -h. ; Ii7.:'. let penp. p. the.- 1| 5. all |-op.^ ft). 34. let heaven and earth p. lint 71. 14. 1 will yet p. thee more and 74. 81. let poor and needy p. name 7M. 10. wrath of man shall p. thee s- 10. >h. dead an-e and p. th.-e? Sy.S.the heavens sh. p. thy wondi-rs !'. 3. let thr rn p. thy Kreat name 107. Si p. him in assembly of eldera 113. I. p. him. O ,-e. vts. of L. 135. I 1 15. 17. de.i-i p. not the Lord 1 19. 164. -even times B day I p. the* IT-"i. let my soul live, anil it sh. p. 13*. 2. I w.'ll u. thy name f..r thy 4. kim of the earth sh .11 p. thee 142. 7. bring out of prison thut I p. H.\ 4. oii ifenera. *h p. thy <-rks 10 thy work* -hail p. thee. O L. 147. ix'p. L. Jerusa. p. (i. O Zi.-n Ua I. p. ye I. p. him in the hriuhti 2. p. him, his ancds, p. him, hn-t 3. p.hiin, -mi and u n. p ye star* 4 p. him ye heaven of heaven* 149. 3. It t them /; name in ilance 150. I. p. Ii. in fMiirtuary, p. bun in 8. p. him for Ins a.-t*, p. him I." a p. With trump ;' I. p with I imi.rei 5. p. him on the >.iiin.linu cynibali frr/r. 27. i. !et another man //. the- & 4. forsake thelawp the wicked 3.. 31. let her own works p. In-r ltd. 3. IR. the grave cannot p. thee 19. the living he shall p. thee .ler. 31. 7. p. ye anI say, O L. savt l)HH /p the*, O B '2. !. / i/i.'/ p tli.-e lor e*er 51. 6. / trill p. thy name. O Ix>r* 56. 4. in (i. uiV I f . ho ward, ! PRA Pa. (S\ 30. I trill p. the name of God 71. 22 / trill p. thee witli psaltery 88. 12 / mil p. thee, O L my f5. the L. for his mercy Ezra 3. 10. with cymbals to/), t L. /s. 22 26. sh. p. <. /.. that seek him 3:i. 1. r. t. L. with harp, sing unto 10-> IS. people created shall p. t. L 104. a 1 ), p. ye L. 106. I, 43. | 111. I. I 112. 'I. | 113 !, 9. | 115. 18. I 116. 19. I 117. 2. | 135. 1. | 146. 1, 10. | 147. 20. | 148. I. 14. | 149. 1, 9. | 150. 1,6. Jrr. 20. 13. J07. 8. Oh that men would p. the Lord, 15, 21, 31. 109. 31. I will greatly p. the Lord 119.19. I will p. L. || 135. 3. p. L. good HG. 2. while 1 live will I p. the L. 147. 1. p. tie the Lord for it is good 12. p. 1. 7.. O Jerusalem, praise do not ceae tof 23 *[p OwwrMrirtt! < "'"" > '" ir 25. brethren, p. for u, 2 rA. a 1. 2 fAti. 1. 11. we p. ilways for yon 1 Tim. 2. 8. I will that men p. eer 2 r.w. 4 16. I p. G. it be not laid t'i Jam. 5. 13. is any nfflicted? let hfto p. 14. and let th. m p. over him 16. confess your faults, and p . John 5. 16. I do not say he halp. P R A Y El >, Gen. 20. 17. Abraham p. G. healed A urn. II. 2. Mo. ;, fir. waquncli* i 21. 7. and Moeenp. for the j>e,.|.|,., Driit, 9 26. Deut. 9. 20. 1 p. for Aaron -nm, tune 1 Sam I. 10. Hannah p. to the L vl *7. f.ir this child I p. )] K6. Sum' u j 2 A'in, 4. 3a Klisha p. L. a 17. la 19. 15. Hezekiahp. before L. 20. 2. 2 CAr. 30. IS. | .'ft!. 24. 2CAr. 32. 20. Isaiah p. || 33.13. Manu. Job 42. 10. captivity when Job n. ler. 32. 16. Jeremiah p. unto the u Dun. 6.10. Dan. p. 3 times a day, :>.\. Jonah 2. 1. then Jonh p to L". 4 2 Mat. 26. 39. J. PUS fell and p 42 '44' Mar* 14. 35, 39. iuAf 2v 41. Mark I. 35. to a solitary place and p. Lukeb. 3. Jesus p. him' he \ronh! Hi. withdrew into wiidern. and p. 9. 29. as he p. his < ounten. altered 15. II. the PhariM-e Mn.| an. 1 ,, 2V. 32. I p. that thy faith fail not 44. in agony hep. more earnestly Joint 4. 31. hi" disciples p. him .Irtx I. 24. the disciples p. and said 4. 31. when they had p. the ul ue 8. 15. Peter and John p. for Iliem 9.40. Peterp. || 10 2. C..nieliiu.p. 30 10. IH. then they p. him to tarry la 3. they had fasted and p. 14 2a 16. 9. p. him, sayinir, ci'iin- t M,n. 25. at mi.nnglit Paul and Silas p. 20. 3d. Paul kneeled down and p. 21. 5. we kneeled on shore and p. 22. 17. while I p. in the temple 28 8. to whom Paul entered and p Jam. 5 17. hlia" p. if might not rain PRAYKH. [la 2 Sam. 7. 87. to pray thin p. to thee 1 A'in. 8. *K respect p. of thy >crant 4 \ hear thou in heaven their p. 4V. 2 Chr. G. 3V 54 Sol. made end of praying this p. 2 Kin 9. 4. p for remnant, /. : 4 2 Chr. 7. 15. cart be at tent to the p. 30. 27. their p. r-amet. his dwelling ,-i.i. K MaiiH.-oeh'sp. how (io.i, |y. A'en. I. 6. Hi. .n it'.a>e.-t bear the p. 4. 9. neverthel. ss'we made our jx. .In 1 ' 15 4. yea thou rectrainest p 2'.'. 27. th] shall irake thy p. I., him i'tal. 65. 2. O thon that hearet p. 72. 15. p. shall he made for him HII 4. how lofighenouryaKHiixtpr 102.17. he will regard p. < destitute lll'.l. 4. hut 1 give in \-elf iinlop. 7. and let hi- p. become sin I'r r. l.'i. x. p of upright lii delichi 29 he hearcth the p. of riKhleoui 2R 9. Insp shall l.e ahominat: .n 'HI. v6. !. poured out ap wlrnthv "ii. 7. I will make them j.'..: MI my h .-" /;,/,, !i. -.{ MI f,,.-e to I.. t...-kl,y^ 17. O G. hear p. of tliy wrtnul PRA IM 3. 1. M p. of HabRk. the proph Mat 17. 21. not i.ut l.ut by p. and fasting. Mark 9. vi. 7.uAi> I. 13. Zarhanas, thy p. heard ^-fj 3. 1. intu temple lit hnur of p. 6. 4. we will tfive ourselves tup. 10. 31. Cornelim. thy p. is heard 12. 5. p. was made without ceasing l(Via where p. was wont be madt 1 Cot 7.5. may give yourselves top 2 Cot I. II. al-ii heipunt i.y p. for us it. II hy their p. fur yon, which Eph. 6. 18. praying with all p. and PhiL I. 4. in ev. p. ol mine for you ly.lurn to my situation through p. 4. '.. l>yp. let requests be known 1 Tim. 4. 5. for it is sanrtified by p. J.-.HI. '>. 15. the p. of faith shall save I'i. p. ufa righteous mnn availeth 1 Pet. 4. 7. be sober, natch unto p. .w HKARD. In PRAYER. .Yt'i. II. 17. Maltaniah began In p. Z)(/n. 9. 21. 1 was speaking in p. Mul. 21. 22. whatever ye ask IH^. Luket'i. 12. continued all night in p. Acts I. 14. they continued in p. Rom. 12. 12. continuing instant in p. t'oA 41 2. continue iwp. aud watch My PR A YE K. Jub IB. 17. also my p. is pure I'taL 4. I. have tnercy.hear my p. 17. I. | :. 12. f 54. 2. 5. 3. in morning will I direct my p. (i. 9. tlie Lonl will receive my p. 35. 13. my p. returned to my hoMom 42. a iyp. to the God of my life M. I. give ear unto my p. O God 61. 1. attend to my p. 64. I. | 84. 8. I ML ft I 102. 1. 1 ua l. DC. 19. attended Invoice of my p. JO. God hath not turned my p. Hi 13. mil p. is to thee in a time {M. 2. let my p. c.-me before thee. IH. in morn. s.h. my p. preventthee 141. 2. 1ft ii'i/ p. be set before thee 5. wi.vp. shall he in their calamities J.'tm. :l y. he shutteth out my p. J;n-ih -1. 7. OT//P. came in to thee Ao. 10. 1. ma p. to G. for Israel is PRAYERS. Pital. 72. 20. p. of David are ended I'H. \. 15. when ye make many p. Mat. 2S. 14. for pretence mak. long p. Mar* 12. 40. Lu*e 20. 47. 7-uAre 2. 37. Anna continued in p. 5. 33. disciples of John make p.? Actfl. 42. ill breaking bread, and p. 10. 4. thy p. ire come up before G. Rum. I. !. I make mention of you in my p. Eph. 1. IS. 1 7"A. 1. 2. 2 rim. I. a PAiYrm. 4 15. 30. strive with me in your p. Cut. 4 1>. Kpnphras labouring in p. 1 Tim. -l. I. I exhort that p. b made 5. 5. widow indeed continueth in p. PkfltM.tt.Vhro. your p. I sh.be given Htt>. 5 7. when he had offered up p. I Pet. a 7. that your p. tie not hind. It. his ear is open to their p. Rev. 5 8 which are p. of the sainU b. a "Her it with p. of sainU 4. PRAYEST. Nut. 6. 5. when thou p he not as 6 PRAYETH. ING. 1 Sam. 1. 12. as Hannah continued p 1 Kin. H. 88. hearken t- prayer wh. thy servant p. 2 Ctir. 6. 19, 20. 7ta. 44. 17 he worsMppeth it, and p. Dan. a II. these found Daniel p. 9 20. while I WAS speaking, and p. Hark II. 25. when ye stand p. for? Luke I. 10. people were p without 3. 21. and J. p, the beaten opened PRE Luke9. 18. as he was alone p. 1 1. I. as he was /,. in H certain place Act* 9. ll. behold hep|| 11.5. 1 was p. 12. 12. many were tovetln r p. 1 Cor. II. 4. every man p with his It. II. my spintp. but my undent 2 Cor. a 4. p. us to receive th- gift Eph. a IX. p. always in the Spirit Col. I. a p. for you || 4. 3. p. for us 1 Tfift. a 10. night and day p. to -,.,. Jude 20. but ye p. in the H. Ghost PREACH. Srh. a 7. appointed prophets top. //. HI. I. L. hath anointed me top. J'liiah 3. 2. p. to it preaching I bid Miit. 4. 17. from that J. began top. I- '. 27. what ye hear, that p. upon II. I. he departed thence top. Mark 1. 4. John did p. th,- bapiimri a 14. send them lorthtop. Lu.9. 2. Luke 4. It*, top deliverance, In. 9. 60. go and p. the kingdom of God Act* 5. 42. they ceased not to p. J. C. 10. 42. he commanded us to p. 15. 21. In every city tlirn th. p. h'ii: 16. a forbidden by H. (.host top. 17. 3. J. whom 1 p. to )ou is Christ Rum 10. 8. word of faith wh. wep. 15. how shall theyp except sent ? 1 Cor. |. *3. wep. Christ crucified 9. ia though 1 p. the gospel, I have nothing to glory, woe if 1 p. not 15. 1 1. so we p. and so ye believed 2 Cor. 4. 5. wep. not ourselves Cat. 2. 2. tlie gospel winch I p. 5. II. brethren, if I yet p. circumci. Eph. 3. a I should p. among Gentiles Phil I. 15. some indeed p. Christ 16. the one p. Christ ol contention O>1. 1. 28. whom we p. warning every 2 Tim. 4. 2. p. the word, be instant PREACHED. Ptal. 40. 9. I have p. righteouxnesa Mat. II. 5. poor have the goepelp. Mark I. 7. John p. saying, there 39. hep. in their synagogues 2 2. hep. the word to them 6. 12. they p. th. mm should repent 16. 20. they went and p. ev. where Luke 3. 18. many other things p. he la la the kingdom of God i- p. 24. 47. remission of sin should be p. Act* 3. 20. J. C. who before was p 4. 2. p. through J. the resurrection a 5. p. C. to Samaria || 35. p. Jesus 25. p. the word of I. p. the gospel " Philip p. in all cities till he 9. 20. Saul p. Christ in synagogues K). :f7. the baptism which John p. 13. 5. theyp. the word of God 24. when John had first p. before 38. is p. to you forgiveness of sins 4-'. that these words might be p. 15. 30. let us visit where we havcp. 17. 13. the word of (i. wasp, of Paul 18. hep. Jesus and th. resurrection 20. 7. Paul p. ready to depart 1 Cor. 9. -J7. lest when I p. to others IS. 2. ye keep in memory what 1 p. 12. if C. hep. that he rose fr. dead 2 Cor. \. 19. J who was p. aino. yon 1 1. 4. Jesus whom we have not p. Gal \. 8. other gospel th we have p. Eph. 2. 17. came and p. peace to you PHU. I. la Christ isp. nd 1 rejoice Cnl. I. '23. wasp to every creature I Tim. 3. 16. p. unto the Gentiles llfh. 4. 2. the word p. did not profit . they to whom it was first p. I Pet. a IS', he /< to .piritf in prison fifr i.. M-H. PRKACHEE. EceL 1. 1. words of p. son of David 12. I the p. a> king over Israfl at>4 PRE F.rrl. 12. 9. beCHUsep. wan wise 12. 10. the p. sunn lit to tind wordl Rom. 10. 14. how i,.-ar without ap.* I 'Jim. 2. 7. ordained a p. V 7V m. 1. 1 1. tl'rt. -'. 5. N>nili,p. of riuhteonsnees PKEACHEsf, Kill. ING. Jonah a 2. preach to it the p. I bid M:it. .1. I. came John p. Luke 3. 3. 12. 41. repented at the p. of Jona*, Luke il. 3J. Luke a I. p. and shewing tidings of &. '',. through towns p. the ^o,|>..| ActtB. 4. they went everywhere p. 12. p. concerning kiii|(doni ol (i. 10. 3(1. p. pence by Jesus Chrit 11.19. p the word to none hut Jews In. la by Jesus, \\ hoin Paul p. 20. 9. as Paul was long p. Kntyrhiui 25. among whom 1 have gum- p. 28. 31. p. the kingdom of God Hum. 2. 2l.p a man should not steal 16. 26. according to the p. ol Jons 1 Cor. \. ia p. of cro-8 is loolMmes*. 21. by foolishness of p. to nave 2. 4. my p. was not with enticing 15. 14. If C. be not risen, our p. v, in 2 Cor. 10. 14. come to you p. fin-pel 1 1. 4. that Cometh p. another Jesui (in!. 2a he p. the laith he destroyed 2 Tim. 4. 17. by p. might b known Tit. I. & manifested his word tluo. p. PKEChPT. S. \ffi 9. 14. coinmaiidedst them p. I'ml, 119. 4. comm. us to keep thy;-. J.'i. 1 will meditate in thy;/. 7s! 27. make me to understand thy p. 40. 1 have longed after thy p. 45. seek thyp ||H7. forsook not p. 5a liecane I kept thyp. IOD. U.S. tl. I will keep thy p. (H 134. 83. Iwill never foriiet thy p. 94. aave me, I have sought thy p 104. thioiigli thyp. I get ui.ili-rs't. ll'i. yet I erred not from thyp. 128. therefore 1 esteem all thy p. 141. yet iio not I forcet thy p. 159. consider how I love tliy p. 173. help me, I have chosen thyp. /fa. 28. 10. p. be upon p. p. on ;<. I J. -'. 13. fear is taught by p. ol men Jer. 35. la ye kept all joimdal.'s p. Dan. 9. 5. rebelleil, depart Ir. thy p. Mark 10. 5. he wrote you this p". Ueb. 9. 19. Moxes had Rpol-.en ev. p. PREClOOa Gen. 24. Sa to It.'s mother p things Dent. :a la for the p. tliinvs ol (lea. 14. for p. fruits brought forth 15. for the p. things of the lulls 1''-. for p. things ot the c.ii-rli 1 .Saw. a I. word of the 1. was p. 26. 21. my soul was p. in thine eyet 2 Kilt. I. I.T. let my life be p. 14. 20. ia Hetekiuh shewed them p. thinifs, lt. 1. ia we shall find p. -nb-tance a 15 wisdom is more p. thai, rubies fi. 26. lulteress will hunt for p. life 12. 27. -nl'stam e of n dilig. man isp. 20. !.">. llp>< of knowledlie ap. jeivei 24. 4. rhambets ti.led witbp riches EcclT.\. gooiiname better th. p.omt. Ita. 1J. 12 a aian more p. than gold PRE /sa 28. 16. I lay in Zionap. corner- stone. 1 Pet. 2. 6. 43. 4. thou wa,<'. p. in my bight J-r. 15. 19. take the-//, from the vile .'0. 5. I will deliver the p. things L(tm. 4. 2. the p. sons of Zion Eztk. 22. 25. have taken p. tilings 27. 20. was merchant in p. clothes Dan. II. 8. carry away their p. ves. 43. h:tve powe'r over all ft. things Jam. 5. 7. waiteth for tile p. fruit Pet 1. 7. much more p. than (fold 19. but with the p. blood of Christ 2. 4. tstone chosen of God, and p. 7. to you which helieve he is p. 2 Pet. I. 1. obtained like p. faith 4. exceeding great and/;, prornis's Her. 18. 12. uo man buyeth p. vessel 21. II. h-T light was like a stone p. PREDESTINATE, ED. Horn 8.29. did foreknow, he did p. 'JO. whom he didp then, he cnlled Lfik. 1. 5. having p. us to adoption 11. being p. according to purpose PRE-EMINENCE. Errl. 3. 19. man hath no p. above Col. I. 18. that he might have the p. 3 John 9. Diotrephes who loveth tn huve the p. PREFER, ED, ING. Exl/t. 2. 9. he p. her and her maidens Ps. \'.n. Pi if I p. not Jem. above joy Dun. 6. 3. Dan. wasp, above pn-si. Jo/in I. 15. Cometh after me is p. 27. 30. who is p. before me, was befo. Rom. 12. 1C. in honour p. nneaiioth. 1 Tim 5 21. without p. one before PKE-M EDIT ATE. Mark 13. II. neither p. whatsoever PREPARATION, S. 1 C!ir. 22. 5. I will make p. for it Pn,i: 16. 1. p. of the heart of man ,\uA. 2. 3. with torches in day of p. Hal. 27. 02. the next day that follow- ed the day of p. Mark 15. 42 /,. art 54. John 19. 14. 31, 42. Eph. 6. 15. feet shod wi. p of gospel PREPARE. E.rnii. 15. 2. I will p. him a habita. Xum. 15. 5. for a drink. offering p. 12. HI cording to number ye sh. p. 23. I. Halaarn said.p me 7 oxen 29. build altars, p. seven bullock Dent. 19. 3. thou shaltp. thee a waj Jux/t. 1. II. p. you victuals to pass a 2. 2(i. let us p. to build an altar 1 K. 3. p. theestnff forremoving J5. (!. I will p. thee to blood I". 7. p. for thyself, thou and all 5. 17. the prince sli. p. sin.oflVrine 24. sh. p. a meat ottering, 4'i 7. II. f fi. 15. p. the lamb and meat offer. rfa9. p. war || Amos4.\2.f>. to meet tic. 3. 5. they p. war against him Ittt. 11. 10. shall p. way before thee 26. 17. where wilt thou that we p. Murk 14. 12. /.<*<- 22. 8,9. tike a 4. p. ye way of the L. 7. 27. olin 14. 2. 1 go to p. place for you. 3. Cor. 14. 8. who bhall p. to battle ? P/iilem. 22. but p. me also a lodging PREPARED. 'en. 24. 31. 1 p. the bouse and room .'.corf. 12. 39. neither p. any victual 23. 20. bring thee to place 1 have p. \'um. 23. 4. 1 have p. seven altars Sam. 15. I. Absalom p. chariots A't'. li 19. the oracle he p. in house Chr. 15. 1. Dav. p. a place for ark of God, 3, 12. 2 Chr. 1.4. | 3. 1. 22. 3. David p. iron in abundance 5. Dav. p. abund. before, 14. | 29.2. Chr. 8. 16. work of Solomon wasp 12. 14. Rehohoam p. not his heart 19. 3. Jelioshaphdtp. hi* heart to G. 20. 3a people had not p. their heart 26. 14. Uzziah p. shields and spears 27. 6. J"tham p his ways before L. 29. 19. vessels Ahazca^t away wep 3(i. rejoiced G. had p. the people 31. 11. p. chambers in house of L. 35. 20. svhen Josiah had p. temple ''.s-ra 7. 10. Ezra had p. his heart VeA. 5. 18. that which was p. for me 8. 10. them for whom nothinir isp. Zsth. 5. 4. to the banquet that I have p. 12. | ft 14. [7. 10. 6. 4. hang Mordecai on gallows p Job 28. 27. he p. it, and searched it 29. 7. when 1 p. my seat in street s. 7. 13. he />. instruments of death 9. 7. he hat!, p. his throne forjudg 57. 6. thev p. a net for my steps 68. 10. th-.n hast p. goi.d. for poor 74. 16. thou hast p the light and sun 103. 19. the L. hath p. his throne /Von. 8. 27. when hep. the heavens 19. 29. judgments arep. for scornerg 21. 31. horse p. aga. day of battle ha. 30. a 1 ?. Tophot, for king it isp 61. 4. neither eye seen what hep. Exek. 2a 41. and a table p. before it 28. la workmanship of pipes was p 38. 7. be thou p. and prepare thysel Dan. 2.9. for ye have p. lying words Hot. 2. 8. her silver and gold theyp 6. a his going forth p. as morning Jonah 1. 17. the L. p. a great fish 4. 6. God p. a gourd || 7. p. a worm 8. God p. a vehement east wind \ah 2. 5. and the defence shall be p ^eph. 1. 7. the L. hnthp. a sacrifice Mat. 20. 23. it shr-ll he given to then for whom it isp. Mark 10. 40 2 4 tell them I have p. mydinne- 25. 34. kingdom p. || 41. into fire p. Mark 14. IS. a large uppfr room p. Luke I. 17. a people p. for the Lor 2 31 p. before face of all people 12. 47. knew his L.'s will, hut p. no 23 56. they p. spices, and re-t. 21 I Knm. 9. 23. vessels of mercv afore p 1 Cor. 2. 9. things God p. for them 2 Tim. 2. 21. p. to every good work Ileb. 10 5. a body hast thou p. me 11.7. Noah p. an ark to the savin It; for he bath p. for them a city KIT. 8. fi. seven anirelsp. to sound ;i 7 locusts like hor-c*p. rnrbttl 'l5. which were ;,. for au hour 365 PRE 'cr. 11 6. the woman h:ith place jfc Hi. 12. the kmginf eal may bp. 41. a. the holy city ' as a bride PBKFARBUST. *tal 80. !). it,., n u . r.NMi, I efore It PREPAHtfcT, Kill. urn. 15. a when thou p. a bulimic (7/r. :i(). 19. p. his heart to seek li. 'nt 15. 25. their belly p. i. 2a A. thou p. a table before ro (to. 9. thou p. them corn for it 147. a whop, rain for the earth P HBP A RIM n. sVA. 13. 7. p. him a chamber in rourti Pet. a -M. Noiih, while ark was u PRESBYTERY. Tim. 4 14. Using on bands of thru. PRESCRIBED. IS I. 12. Satan went fr. p. ol U 2.7. 23. 15, I am troubled at his p Pt. 9. a they shall perish t thy p. Ifi. II. in thy p. fulness of joy , 17. 2. sentence come from thy p. 31. 20. hide them in secret of thy p. 51. 1 1. cast me not away fr. thy p. 68. 2. let wicked pn i-h ;it p. ill . ActtTL I!', refreshing coinf IT 5. 41. departed fr p. ofW ">'""il 1 Cr \. 29. no flesh - 2 Cor. 10. I. v^ h.. i" ? "' l '"- """ 10. but his bodily / I- "' l1 Pl.il 2 IV. not as in inv p only 17. taken from jroa u p- PRE vTV* 1. 9 destruction fr. p. of U Jttde 24 present you faultless bef. p IH 1/1^ IMU.> Gm. 16. I.', dwrel iw <. p. of brethren 23. II. in I 'if /i nt mv pe..ple I ^iif 2Y la Ishmael died in f. p. ofhreth .SVm Id I >l. sho I uot-ervc inr. p. I Kin. * 22. Siiliiinitn stood i/i the p. I Chr. 2* 31. ras'. lot* itp. .if Dav P*. 23. 5. a table tit L p. of enemies I Hi. 14. int. p of all his people. IS. Pror. 17. la surety i < p. .,f friend '.'.') >;. put not forth thyself in t. p. JT. >*. I. Haiiauiah spake in thf p. Luke I l!t. thnt staii. I in t. p. ol (. 14. 10 ha'e worship in t. p. of them 15 10. joy i,, thf p. of angel* of (i. Jd AT. 1 1. HI. inp. olaiigeN, mp. of La. I'K KSKST, teMraMM On. 31 l:t he took a p lor Esau, is. -'I so went th'-p. over In-fur.- him S3. 10. receive my p. at my hand 4( II. l-r. laid, carry thf man a p. -''i brought him the p. in ham! JHI/H. a 16. Isniel ent H p. to Kir Ion 6. I 1 *, depart not till 1 bring my//. 1 Vim 9.7. there i- not p. for the man 30. '.'! a p. of the spoil ol enemies 1 Kin 9. Pi. for up. to iiU daughter 10. *5. bro. ev. man hip. 2CAr.9.24. 15 19. I have ent thee a p. nf silver 2 A.' in a 8. the king said, take a p. 17. 4. Ill-ought no p. (o king of Assy. 15. 31. agreement by ap lui. 3o. 16. 20. 14 sent a p. to Her ha. 39 I. /.to. IX. 7. a p. hrought to the Lord F.iek. ft. 15. brought ap. horna of Hut. 10. a for a p. to king J .reb PRESENT, Participle. 1 Sum. 13. IS. S.iul nnmh. people p. 2 .Sam. 20. 4. and be thou here p. I Kin. sX 27. Israel. numbered all p. 1 f/ir. '.29. 17. have teen thy peop. p 2 Cfr. 30. JM. Israel p. nt Jerusalem 31. :t>. ranted Hi! p to stand to it. Ezra a 25. and all Nrael p. offered K'tk. 4. ia rather all the Jews p. P*at. \f>. I. <;<>d lap. help iu trmil.le Luke 5. 17. power of the L. WHS p. l.'l. I. there were p. at that season 13 30. receive more in thUp. life Ji-fin 14. 2?.. I hare spoken, b.-ing p Artt 10. 33. are we all p i.ef.ir. 6 oil 21. la all the elders were p. 3>iwi. 7. 181 to HI I is p. with me 21. do good, evil is p. with me a IH. the sufferings ofthip. time 38. nor tbii.g.p. are a! It- to -epar. 11. 5. even at this p. time there it I Cur. 3 22. thiML'sp. or to come 4. 1 1. even to this p. hour we thirst 5.3. hut p. in spirit, as tho* I werep. 7. 26 this is good lor the p. di-tn 15. f! greater part remain tothisp. > Car 5. a willing to hep. with L. 9. tiiat whethi-r p or absent '.0. 2. I may not he bold when p. II. !l. when I wasp with yon 13. 2. if I were p. the second time 10. 1 write, lent being p. sharpne Cat I. 4. deliver u- Ir. H.i-y/. world 4. la and not only h-n I am p. 20. 1 desire to hep with you V Tim. 4. IH having loved p. world Tit 2. H li%e gonly in Ihi- p world W^ U 9 t 'h.i-u ing f..r Ihep I Pei I. 12. estal.kjjlied iu >. truth PRE PHKSKNT. K.I). Cm. 2fv. 411. Jos. p. himsell to fathe IT -J h.'p. S hr. -threu to I'rmroah Kjorf. 34. L'. .indp thyself there Lev. 2. H. when it is p. to the priest 9. 12. Aaron's i..nsp. the Mo..d.li II. II. the prt shall p the man 16. IU. the scape-goat shall he p. 27. & before priest shall p. himself A'uin. 3. 'i. and p. the tribe of I. vi I>i-iit. 31. 14. p. yours, before taber, .lo>H. 24. I. p. thems-'lves before (i. Jwig. 6. 19. (tideon hroughtandp.it 20. 2. tribes of Israel p. themselves I Sum. .0. 19. p. yoursel. before L. 17. In. ..,!. the Philist p. himself Jub I. fi. tons of (>. mine top them*. 2. 1. Satan mine to p. himself frr. 3K. 1. will p. their supplication 3& 2fi. I p. supplicut'on before king 42. 9. ye sent to p. your supplira. Ezek. -M. 2a they p. the provoi-atioi Dan 9. IS we do not p. our suppli Mat. 2. II. theyp to him gifts l.uke 'I. 22. brought him top. to L. ArtiV. 41. railed saints, p. her alive /turn. \'J. I. that yep. your bodies - Cor. 4. 14. ruisehy Jedus,an Christ F.ph. 5 27. he miglit p. it to him.sell C.//. l.jjitop. yon holy unhlameable 28. thai ye may p. ev man perfect Jude 24. to him that it able to p. you PKKSENTING. Dan. 9. 20. p. my nuppli. before L. PKK.SENTLY. I Sum. S. la not fail to burn fat p. Pmr. 12. 16. fool's wrath p. known Mat. 21. 19. p. the fig.tree withered 26 53. p. give more than 12 legion* I'hil. 2. 23. him I hope to send p. PRBSENT& I Sam. 10. 27. brought him no p. 1 Kin. 4. 21. they hrought p. and 2 Kin. 17. a Hos. gave Shalman. p. I'tiil. r.S. 29. kmir.s -lnl, hrinii p. 72. 10. and the Isles sha. ' bnnirp. 7>. II. let all bring p. to him that .Vic. I. 14. give p. to Mnr>- .">. send me hef->re yon top. life 7. i. sent me to p. you a posterity I), nt a 24. that he might p. ui alive /'I. 7. prepare truth which mjjr p, fit. I. hear me, p. my life from fear 7!l. 1 1. p. thou those that are to die Sa .'. p. my soul, for 1 am holy 1^1.7. L. p. thee, he sh. p. thy tool 8 the Lord shallp. thy going out 140. 1. O L. p. me fr. v ili-nt man, 4 fr,,r. >. 1 1. ais4 retion shall p. thee 4. fj. forsake h.T not. she sh. p. thee 14. 3. lip* of the wi-e .shall p. them 20. 2H. merry and truth u. the king 22. 12. eyes of L. p. kn >-|fdge ha. 31 5 he will p. J.-r ns.ili in Hi. S. 1 will p. thee, snd give thee >rr. 49. II. thy child. 1 will p. alive l.uke 17 33 los,- In, hie, -hall p. it i Tim. 4. IH. 1. will p. to his king. PRESERVED. KTH. ('". 3>. 30 seen G. and my life lap. '.*. 24 17 ami p. us in trie way I V,iin 30. 5?a Lor, I who h:,th p. n S./M. e. 6. I. p. Dav. I Ch - Jut, 10. Ij. vi-it. tioti ;,. my pirit 21t. 2. iu the days n li.-u (ind p. me 8M PRE 7 Pial. i'J. l:t. keep servant Ir p. slut > Pet. 2. Id p. are they, self-willed PRE>f.Ml'l I ' I'M.V. Kjod. 21. H. if a man come p. ,-n h'n VUIA. 15. 30. the soul that iWrh nught p /yrw/ 17. 12. Drill. I. 4.1 and went u. up into hill 17. 13. shall hear, and do IM more p. IS. 22. prophet hath -poken it p. PBBTKNCB. Mat 23. 14. and lor ap make lon^ prayers, M see by what means we p. 9. by strength |h. nomanp. 17. 9. if I p against him, then ye L-ri-:,t thiiius and still p. Kin. _>-.' 22. and ;,. al-o, J Ck. la 2i 2 t 'A/-. 14. II. O Lord let iiot mnp. F.'tli. <'>. 13. sh .It not p. H/..:.i-t i.irn . 24 they *ha. 1 p. agan.tt him PRE .foil 8. 9. robber shall p. against him Pt. . 19 arise, O 1,. It- 1 not man p. 12. 4 with our tongue will we p. 65. 3. iniquities/), against me >/. 4. !i if OHM p. against him lui. 7. I. hut could not p. against it )'j. I-'. Moah shall come, hut not p. VI. 13. heshall u. against enemies 47. 12. stand, if so he thou mayest p Jer. 1. 19. tliey shall not p. against thee. saith the L. 15. 20. | 20. !l. 5. 22. waves to,s. can they not;;. '20. 10. anil we shall p. against him Dim. 11. 7. deal against li'iii tint', p. Mut. 16. 18. ati-s of hell shall not p 27. 24. Pilate saw he rould p. until. Jo/in 12. \'J. perceive ye how ye p. I'll K VAILED. Pen. 7. 18. waters p. ami increa. 19. 24. the waters p. oil earth 150 days 30. 8. I have wre.it led and p. 32. 25. when he saw he p. not aga. 28. power wi. G. and men, hast p. 47. 20. her, the famine p. over them 4. AVA. 4. 4. give i hem for a p. in land XstA. a I a *poU of them for p. S. 11. PR1 F.xth. 9. 15. on p. laid not hand, 16. Job 4. II. lion perish. Inr hick of p. 9. 26. as eagle that hasteth to the p. 24. 5. as wild asses rising for p. .'iS. 39. wilt thou hunt p. for lion I 39. 29. from thence she seeketh p. Pi. 17. 12. like a lion greedy of p. "H 4. more exc-el. than mount, of p. 10,. 21. youn_r linns roar after th. p. 124. 6. who hath not given us for p. Prof. 23. 28. .-he lieth in wait as forp. /. 5. 29. roar mid lay hold of the p. 10. 2. that widows may he their p. 6. take p. of an hypocritical nation 31. 4. as young lt>.n roaring on p. 33. 23. then is thep. of a great spoil 4;'. 22. fnr a p. and none de.ivereth 49. 24. sh. p. lie taken from mighty? Ml. 15. fr. evil maketh himself a p. Jer. 21. 9. his life shall he to him for ap. 3a 2. | 39. la | 46. 5. 30. 16. and all that p. on thee will 1 give for ap. Ezrk 7. 21. give to strangers f. >r n p. 19. 3. young lion, learned to catch p. 22. 27. princes like wolves raven p. 26. 12. sh. make a p. ol merchandise -!). ll 1 . he shall take her spoil and p. 34. 8. because my flock I.ecame a p. 22. my tti-k sh. no more be a p. 28. 3fi. 4. to the cities that became ap. .'is. 12. I will go take spoil and p. 13. Dan. II. ?4. scatter among them p. Amos 3. 4. will lion r- ar hath nop.p Nan. 2. 12. lion filled his holes wi. p. 13. I will rut off thy p. from earth 3 I. bloody city, p. departeth not Zcp/i. 3. 8. till day I rise up to thep. PKICE, S. Lev. 25. Ifi. according to years in. crease p. to few. diminish p. 50. 52. sh.ill give him again the p. Dent. 23. 1R not bring p of a doif 2 Sam. 24. 24 I will buy it of thee at a p. I Chr. 21 22, 24. ,7'/'23. (3. nun kimwetli not the p. 15. 18. p. of wisdom is above rubies Ps'tl. 4t. 12. not increase wealth hyp. Prov. 17. 16. why p. in hand of fool ? 27. 26. goa's are the p. of the tield 31. I IX for her />. is far above rubies Int. 45. 13. shall let go not for p. 55. 1. buy wine anil milk wit bout p. Jer. 15. 13. give to spoil without p. Zerh. II. 12. give me my p. w. it-bed 13. a goodly p. that 1 was prized at M of great p. PBICKBU, 1NO. Psal. 73. 21. I wasp, in my reins Ezrk. '.'8. 24. be no more a p. briar Acts 2. 37. they were p. in th. heart P KiCKS. ,V?;n. 33. 35. those th. remain be p. Act* 9. 6. It in hard to kick UK a the 1'lf IDE. [p -n U 7, 3:1 17. th. h- may hide p. fr. man 35. I A cry heeauseof p. ol evil men 41. 15. his scales are hi* p. shut up 31. he is king overall children of p. Pt. 10.2. wicked in p. dolh persecute 4. through p. of his countenance 31. -M. hide them from t >e p. <( man 36. II. let not Hi- f""t i;f /i come WI. 12. let them he taken ill their p 71 6. therefore p. roiiipasaetli them PRI P>*r. 8. 13. p. Ihale|| II.?. p. 13. 1" only !>'//. c ., . th ( -..Mention 14. a in iiioi*h<.ri....liKh ,. r ,,,l ,,f 16. 18. p. g.M-tli l.rlnre ri,.. lr ,, (T ,,, ll i9. 23. a man's p. h. liring hm. low ha. 9. 9. ) in the // ..! ti.oir herti la 6. we have heard ..( ;/ ..f M,.i.(, his haughtiness ,\pj,r 23. 9. purposed to siuin L ..f nl..rr VA. II. he shall \,r\n'j ,!,. i, their p. 28. 1. woe to the <-r..rn ..f p a Jer. 13. 9. 1 will mar the p. i.t Jnd.,h 17. my soul sb.ill weep f..r vur //. 49. 16 p. of thy heart deceived tl.rv Ezek. 7. 10. rod blonv<>me<1,/>. hud.irj la 49. iniquity of thy si-t.-i s..il. ;^ 56. Sod. not mentioned in dny of p. 30.6. p. of her power sh come down Dan. 4. 37. those that walk in p. 5.20. when mind was harden, d in p. Hot. 5. 5 p. of Israel testify, 7. 10. nfinii.3. p of thy heart derrived Idea Zt-ph. 2. 10. this shall they have f.irp. 3. 1 1. take them away th rcjnicciiip. Ztch 9. 6. cut off p. ot 1'hihstine* 10. II. p. of Assyria drought down 11. 3. for thep. of Jordan is spoiled Murk"!. 22. out of heart proceed, p. I Tint. 3. 6. being lifted up wit I, p 1 Julm 2. 16. p. of life, not of rather PRIKST. r//rA. 7. 1. Gen. 14. 18. p. of the most high fii>d, Exud. 2. 16. p of Midianliad7Jaugh. Lee. 1. 9. thep. shall burn it nil on the altar, 13 17. | 2 i, 9, 16. I ail. Hi. | 4.10. | 31. 3V |7.5,3I. 4. 6. the />. shall dip his ringer, 17. 0. p. shall make an ntonemeut for them, 26. | 5 6. | 6. 7. | 12. a I 15. 15,30. | I&30. | I!'. >. 7. 8 p. shall have skin of ottering 13. 3. p. sh. look on plague in skin, 5, 6, 17, iO. 21,25,*;, 27, 30,31.32. 14. 16. p. dip his nglit ti.iger in oil 21.9. it daughter of a p. profane 22. II. if p. buy any >oul wi. money 23. 1 1. p. shall Whve it b. f.,re the I.. 27. 8. thep. shall value him, accor. .Yum. 5.8. tre-pa-s recompensed In p. 30. p. execute on her all this law 35. 32. not dnell till death ..f high p. Dtut. '2a 2. thep. hli iipproa.-li Jtulg. 17. 5. one of ons, became p. la seeing I bare I.evite to my p. IX. 4. Mil-all hired me, I am his p. 1 Sum. 2. 14 all th"^>. took liim-eir 2a did I choose him to he my p.t 35. I will raise me up it faithful p. 14. 36. then said the ft. draw to (i. Jl. 4 the/;, answered, no bread 6. thep. gave him h illowed breaj 1 Kin. 2. :'7. Abiathar from beiinrp. 2 Chr 1.1 9. the same may be f . 15. a Israel without H teaching p. Ezra'i.Kl. there t....d up /; .NVA 7 'i'. Pi. 110. 4. a p. f..r ever alter order of Melchi*. IM. -V f>. I 7. 17.il. Ita. a 8. I took witnesses t'ruhp 24. 2. M wilhpfople. so with the;. 28. 7. the p and the prophet crr.-.l Jer. 6. 13. to the p. every on.-denlelh falsely. H H>. [tlu-y know not It. is prophet and p. ir i to a lanj IH l>. law shall not pe/i.-h fr.im R. j:i II prophet mid p Mie profi.ll* .'13. when a p. nhall -k th.-- 2!". 2ii. I., made tlieep. insleMd of l.nm. 2. 6. despised the king mid f 20. h. the p mi. I |if P.-.-A-. 7. i'5. li.whnll peri-h Ir tbep. 4V -Jl. nor -hall "> > dni.l. 31 p shall not e.it n\ thin- toiB //... 4 I. as Ibev Ih.-it >ine Ith Jl ti UlOll bllMll lC UU p. 10 Ul PRI Hot. *. 9. shall be like people like p. Aauu 7. 10. the /). of Bethei unit Zech. a 13. he shall he p. on throne M-ll. V. 7. p. lip- should keep know. J/ut. 8. 4. ({ii, show tnyself to tin- /i. .War* 1. 44. /.u* 5. 14. uAre 1. 5. a certain p. Zecharias 10. 31. came down a certain p. < abide in ritjr of refuge till death of A. p. JuiA. 0). a 8 Kin. Ii 10. iniich iimney in chest, A. p. put it in hai!-, -J i'Ar. 24. II. Znh. 3. I. Josh. the A. p. R | & II. A/at 28. a palace of A. p. Lu.ti.M- 57. led bun to Caiaphas, the A. p. JoAn la 24. 65. A. p. rent his clothes, Mar. 1163. M'irkV. 2a days of Abiathar, A. p. J.'iin II. 4!. Caiauha*, Ap. 51. | IS. 13. 18. l-'i. disciple. is known to h. p. Acttl. 6. were of the kindred of A. p. '.'. I. Saul went to the nigh p. Sfti. 5. also the high p. doth witness 23 4. revilest thou God's high p. f y/ . -'. 17. might be a faithful A. p. 3. I. consider Apostle High p. of 4. 14. we have great A. p in heaven I5.a A. p. which cannot be touched 6. I. A. p taken from among men 5. C. glorified not himself to be A, p. 10. called a A. p. after Mel. 6. i!U. 7. 26. Mich an A. p. became us 6. I. we have such an A. p. on throne 3. every A. p. is ordained to offer 9. 7. into second, went A. p. alone 1 1. C. come an A. p. of good things 2J. as the A. p. entereth holy place .i). 21. having an A. p. over house 13. II. brought into sauct. by A. p. See OKFICB. PRIESTS. Gen. 47. 12. I. in'' ot ;;.i-oii~ht he not -ii. except the land of the p. only Ejrod. 19. 6. he to me a kingdom of p. l.tr. I. II. p. sh. sprinkle blood 3. 2. n. 10. a suj.inrner of the p. not eat 23. 20. holy to the Lord lor the p. Dent. 18. 3. this shall he the p. due j-tli. 3. 17. the p. that bare the ark i 4. the p. hare seven trumpets, 13. Jiuig. 18 30. lie ami his sons were p. I Sam. 5. 5. nor the p. of Dagon 6. i. Philistines called for the p. 22. 17. turn and slay the p. of Lord i- turn thou, and fall on the p. I A' I'M. 8. :(. and p took up the ark I-/. 31. Jeroboam made p. 13 33. 13. 2. on thee Khali he otter the p. * Kin. 10. II. Jehu slew Allah's p. 19. call me all Hani's p. let none It. 6. p. had not rep ijreil breaches t i. he put down idolatrou* p. t C'hr. 4. a the sea was for the p. 5. 12. 12 'p Hounding trumpets 14. p. could not minister for cloud ft. 41. let p. be clothed with salva. 8. 14. appointed coumes of the /,. la 9. hate >e not catt out p. of L. ? 12 p. with trumpet* In cry alarm 23 6. none came to h of L save p. *6. I'.i. Uzziah was wroth with p. Kf. 34. but tin 1 p. were too lew SO. 3. p. had not ranrtited themel. t-4. i. Jueiah burnt the bones of p. PRI 2CAr. 35. 8 gare it to the /> fr offer. E.-ra (i. Is get the p. in divisions 20. p killed the p.otsoter lor u. 9 7. our p. liee:i delivered to kings .\VA. 2. Iti IHT had 1 told it top. :i iW. after him repaired the p. 9. 3.'. trouble that hath come on p. 34. we nor our p. kept thy law Ptal. 7a 64. their p. fell by sword '.'' 6. Moses and Aaron among p. 132. 9. let thy p. be clothed with 16. clothe her p. with salvation Int. 37. -'. he hent elders of p. 61. 6. be naiin d the p. of the Lord Jer. I. 18. attains t the p. thereof 8. & p. said not, where is the L. ? 6. p. ashamed || 4. 9. p. astonished 6. 31. p. bare rule by their means H. I. bonea of the p. "they rhall bring 13. 13. fill the p. with drunkenness 31. II. satiate souls of p. with fat. 33. 32. provoke to anger, their p. 48. 7. into captivity withp 49. 3. /./IB. 1. 4. her p. sigh, her virgins 19. my p. gave up the ghoot 4. 13. iniquities of her p. >hed blood 10. they respected not the p. Ezek. 22. 26. herp violated my law 40. 45. this chamber is for the p. I/it. A. 1. hear this, O p. hearken <>. 9. company of p. murder in way Joel I. 9. the p. mourn, 13. | 2. 17. .Vie. 3. II. the p. teach for hire Z'ph. I. 4. cut off names of the p. 3. 4. her D. polluted the sanctuary Hng, 2. IL as the p. concerning law Mul. 1. 6. to you. Up tliatdeapise 2. I. () yi. tins command, is for you Mat. 12. 4. lawful only for p. to eat 5. p. profane the Sabbath, Mark 2. i& Luke & 4. Mark 2. '^6. is not lawful hut for p. 1. nke 17. 14. shew yourselves to p. Act* 4. I. the p. came upon them fi. 7. a company of p. were obedient Heb.T.1\. p were made without oath 2i many p. not suffered to contin. & 4. seeing there arep. that offer 9 6. p. went into first taherniu le Her. 1. a made us p. to God, 5. 10. 20. a shall be p. of Gen-e ul the ^. l'i. forbearing i* p persuaded 29. la p. that Witntrth understand. Cant. -., I. beMUtiliil thy feet, O>, /. 9 6. called the f. of peace Jer. 51. 5S1. Seraiah was a quiet p. *. 7. -'7. the p. i-huil U clothed 12. 10. court rneth p. in Jeru-iiltm 12. and p. shall hear on sliouldrr 21. 25. thou profane, wicked p. of la. 2a 2. say to the p. of 1 yrtii 30. 13. be no more a p. of Egypt 34. 24. my servant David, a p. 37. 25. l)av. sha : l be tlieirp :ortver 3& 2. the p. ot Me-lierh, 3. ISI I. 44. 3. gate for p. the p. *ha.l Ml in if 45. 17. it shall be the p. part to K ive 46. 2. the p. nhall i-nter by pr. h 4. the ottering that the p.'ihall offer 12. when p. prepares an ottcrint' Id if the p. give a ttilt to any sou* 18. p. sh. not take people's inheri 43. 2 1. residue shall he for the p. Dan. I. 7. to whom p. gave names 8. he requested of p of the cnnnrlo 9. Daniel in favour with the p. a II. magnified himself even top. 25. shall stand up against the p. 9. 25. build unto Me~i.,h the I'. 26. people of the p. that shall coma 10. 13. the p. of Persia withttood 20. p. of Persia, p of Orecia come 21. none holdeth, bur Michael, p. 11. 18. but a p. for his own behalf 23. also the p. of the covenant 12. I. Michat I Maud up, the great p. Hot. 3. 4. li. shall abide without ;< ;/. A/ir. 7. 3. the p. and judge ask rew. Mut. S. 34. lie ra-teih out devils by p. of devils, 12. 24. Mark 3. 22. John 12. 31. Hi. -p. of this world shall 14. 30. for the p. of world cometli la II. the;/ of tin* world isjudired Act* 1 15. and killed the /'. of life ''. 31. him God exalted to be a P. Epk. 2. 2. according to the p. of air Her. 1. 5. Jrsus C. the /'. of kings PU1NC KS. Gen. 12. 15. the p. also of Pharaoh 17. 20. p. shall Uhmael heifet, '.'5. 16. Xum.'.'J await. Ior2p.|| lO.p.offered la 2. rose up 2 op ||2l.iap.digged 22. a and p. abode with Italaam !">. Balak sent p mure linnourable Jin/1. 9. 15. p. of fongreg.itii'ii K :ira la 21. Moses smote with p of Mid. 22. 14. Plnn. ten p. sent to Keuben Judg. 5. 3. kings, give ear, () yep. 15. p. i if Isxachar were with lit-b. 7. 2.5. two p. of the Midianites I .Srtiw. '.'. a poor, to set them amir. p. 2T. 4. the p. of Philict. were wrotll I A'in. 20. 14. by young mrn of p. 1 C/ir 4 39. these p. in families 2*. 21. p. will he at thy < oinniand 2 CAr. 2a 14. men left spoil before p. 30. 12. do the commandments of p 35. a his p. gave willingly to pe... 3ri. 18. treasures of h>s p. to Baby. Ezra 7. 2a before king's mightyp. 'J. 2. hand oi p hnth been i Inei 10. 8. accotdii B 'o iinin-el of the p. AVA, 9. 34. neither have p. kept IKK Eflh. I. 3. a fe.-M to all hi- p v. IS a 9. of one of th- king 1 * noble p. Jot>3. 15. bad been t rest with p. 12. 19. leadeth p. awnv spoiled 21. he puiireth rontempt un p. 89. 9. the p. r. framed talking 34. la say to ;/. \e are nngoilly ? 19. him that H.-c.-pteth not the p. Puil. 45. 1'J. uiiikep. in all the eartli PRI P >ople are gathered 68. 27. p. of Zebulun, p. of Naph. 31. p. shall 01. me o-it of Eyypt 7(i. 12. he sh. rut off the spirit of p. '--' 7. and fall like one of the p. id.i. 22. bind his p. at his plea-ure 107. 40. he poureth contempt on p. 1 13. 8. set him with p. ev n with p. IIS, !). trust in L. than ronfid. in p. ' I'.i. '2:1. p. also did speak against me l'il. p persecuted me without cause 14ft 3. put not your trust in p. 148. 11. p and fudges of the earth Prot.S 15. p. decree just. || 16. p. rule 17. 20. it is not good to strike p. 1R 10. much le.is a servant to rule p. rf. -2. many are the p. thereof 31. 4. it is iiot f,ir p. to drink strong tor/. 1(1. 7. }\ walking as servants 1'i. when thy p. eat in the morning 17. blessed art thoii, when p. eat tit. I 23. thy p. are rebellions 3. 4. I will give children to their p. 14. L. enter into judgment withp. 10.8. are not my p. altogether kinus? 19. II. p. of Zoan.p. of Noah, 13. 8)1. 5. arise, yep. anoint the shield 23 8. Tyre, wlms'e merchants are p. 30. 4. his p. were at Z.an, ambassa. 31. 9. his p. shall be afraid of ensign 32. 1. and p. shall rule in judgment 31. 12. ail her p. sha-l be nothing 40. 23. that bringeth p. to nothing 41. 25. and he shall come upon p. 4-'i. 28. I profaned p. of sanctuary 49. 7. p. sha 1 ! worship because of L. Vr. I. IS. hrasen walls aga. the p. . 26. their kings and p. ashamed 4. 9. heart of p. shall he astonished 8. I. shall hring out the bones of p 17. 25. p. sitting on throne of Davic 26 Hi. i hey/ said, this man is not 3. one of his p. shall be strong Unit. 7. 3. they make p. glad with lief o. the p. have made him sirk 16. their p. shall fall by the gwon 8. 4. they made p. and I knew it no 10. shall sorrow for the king of p 9. 15. all their p. are revolters 13. 10. thou saidst, five king and p Amn* 1.15. into captivity, he and p. Mir. 3. I. hear, p. of house of Isr. 9 Hal'. 1. 10. thf p. shall be a scorn 7.eph. 1. 8. I will punish the p. 8. 3. p. within her are roaring lion Mat. 20. 25. p. of Gentiles exercise J Cor. 2. rt. nor Hie wisdom of the p & none of p. of this world knew All the PIUNCES. 3 Kin. 24. 14. carried away nil thf p J C.hr. 29. 24. a. p tnl.:niMVd thems Chr. *4. 23. anddeaUoyl all the p PRI 'nth. 1. 16. done wrong to all the p. I. s.-t his seat above till the p. 's 83. 1 1. all their p. as Zebali and er. 36. 21. read it in ears of all t. p. Ifek. 2ft Ifi. all t p. of the sea came mus 2. 3. will slay all t. p. thereof See IMRAKL. PRINCES of Judlmt in p. 1 I'et. 3. 19. preached to spirits in i/ Rev. 2. 10. devil sh. csUome intop. 20. 7. Satan i>h. be !oied out In- ; .>(- ;ATE. PRISON Jkww Jniig. 1ft 21 Sams, did yrindinp..A. 2 CAr. 1ft 10. Aa put Hana. fnp./;. I*a. 4i 7. in darkness ontof thep.-A. PRISONER. Ps. 79. 11. let sighing i.t the p. come 102. 20. to bear vroHIiing of the p Mat. 27. 15. release to the prop, a p. Avts23. 18. Paulp called me to him '-';">. 27. unreasonable to send p. 18. 27. yet was I delivered p. t.pfi. 3. 1. 1 I'aul the p. of Je*u, 4. I. I'hilem. I. >.i. 2 Tim. 1. 8. be not a.-hamed of his p. See FKLI.OW. PRISONERS. Gen. 39. 20. when- the king's p. were Xum. 21. I. took some of Israel p. Job 3. 18. there the p. rest together Pi. 6S. 33. L. de-[>iseth not lnp. 146. 7. the Lord [onset h tlie p. Isu. 10. 4 how down under the p. 14. 17. that opened not house ..| p. 20. 4. Assyria sh. lead Egyptian.^ p. 24. 22. he gathered together 42. 7. hring out p. from the prison 4!. 9. thou m> est tmy to p. KO forth I. am. 3. 34. crush under f. et the p. Itch. R II. I have sent forth thy p. 12. turn to strong hold, p. of l.opi? Act* 16 25. praises, the p. beard them 27. supposing the p. had been fled 27. I. delivered Paul and other p. 42. soldiers' use! WHS to kill p. PRI8ON& I.nke "A. 12. deli\cnng you intop. Actt 22. 4. deliv. in p. men and worn 2 Cor. 11. 23. in p. more Wequent PRIVATE, LY. Mat. 24. 3 disciple* came to Ch. p. Mark 6. 32. Jt'sus went into it ship p. Luke 9. 10. fli 3. 9. 2R John and Andrew ask lump. Lit. 10. 23. turned t his disciples p. Jcr>23. lit. "ith Paul'klnmanp. Cal. 2. 2. p. t" them ol reputation 2 Pet. 1. 20. of any p. interpretation PRIVILY. ,/ttrfr 9. 31. he sent messenger* p. 1 .Vow. 24. 4. Dav. cut Saul's skirt p. Pi. 10, R his eyes p. set Hgain-t j r 1 1. 2. may p. shoot at the iiprisht 31 4. pull me. nit of net lai'l p. I42.t lij. 5. I'oinmune of laying i.re p. 101. 5. whnno p. slandern ncis'l.b"r /'n.r. I. II. lurk p. Mr Pic HIM.- i.t la they lurk p. for i heir own nr.- .Vat 1. li. Joseph wa minde. I. 7. jti Irfiii. uuil diirnity -h. p. Mat. 15. It. p. .nit nf iiiiiiitli derile ls. heart p murder. Mark". 21. pA 4. ;y mi mrriipt coinmiinica. p. 2 riwi. 3. '.'. tiii-y -h.i I p. nu further PKoChKDKD. .Viww, !>'(. 1'i. wh.itev.-r p. out of lip* .//W II. 3fi. do that win. h ;,. nut .//A 3ft, I. Elihu also p. ami said I. uke 4. "H vrai-iou* words which n. J->> 8. 4i lor I p. furth from Gtnf Ai-U I ?. :t he p. tn take Peter also lite. l:<- ;l. sword p nut of mouth PROCEEDKTH, ISO. <. 24. .>i. thinirp. from the Lord .VMM. 30. 2. according to ..II that*. D-ui a 3. by every wnrd that p. out of mouth of God. Mat. 4. 4. 1 Sam. 24. 13. wick. -.In. p. fr. wicked fi-ci 10. 5 error which p. fr. ruler l.-iui. 3. 38. out of Most Hitfhp. not HI/I. I. 4. wrong judgment p. Jnlm 15. iti. Spir. of truth p fr. Path. .'in., a 10. out of same mouth p. II. 5 are p. out of their mouth Rec. fi. I. wut.-r of life p from God PROCESS. Ctn. 4 T in p s 1 .'. in p. of time shuah died K.r,,,i. 2. 1 in p. of time ktog of Eg. Judg. II. 4 in p. rhildren of Ammnn 2 i /./-. 21. |U. i n p. Jehoram's howels PROCLAMATION. E.rnd. 32.5. Aaron made p. and said I A'tn. 15. W. kiuif Aa made a p. >. 3ft went a p. throughout h..st J(V/r. 24. . Joash made a p. through .Vv 22. Cyrus made p. ?rn I I. Ezra 10. 7. K/.ra made p. thro' Judah JJait. 5. 29. Helshazzar made p. PROCLAIM. F.rixi 33. 19. I will p. name of Lord l.ff. -O. -I. fea*t of L. sh. p. 4. 81. 37. 2.>. 10. }i. liberty||/.>rM/20 10. p.peate Jiui*. 7. .'I to p. iu ears of the people I A; in. 21. H . p a faHt, set Nahiim, thus nhall /*rn. 20. fi. men p. own (fondness I*a. 61. I. he n-iit rue tn p. liberty -'. t.i p. the acceptable year of L. Jrr. 3. 12. p tliexewords.ll.fi. | 19.8. 7. 1. itan.l in vHteof U and p. there 31. a made a covenant top. liberty 17. I p. a liberty for you to -word J,.'l a y. p. this amonir tlit* Oentilrt Arn-a L &. ai J p. the free nffiTiniti PBOCLAlMgQ ni'i 54 5 and p. name of Lord & .v; 'i they caii*ed it to be p. I Kin. t\. li. they p. a fant, set ^ A'/; 10. aO. noleinn >. Jeho-hnphat p. a faat ^.--/.; 821 I p. a l.i-t at Ahara KttA. fi. 1 1 Hainan p before him (to. <\>. II. I- hath p. thy "elvutjon l*r. 3u. 9 they ^. a fast befui e Lord I'ixO J 'nuA 3. .V. p. a f.ist, put on snckrloth 7. r;iuvd it to be p. thro' S'nie. . i. /.uAf l-i. :i nhall hep on house tops PROCLAlMBTU. IN(.. Prnn. li -->3 heart ol liMilnp. limlish. ./rr. .14. 15. p. iil>erly every man, 17. /fr. .x v. I -aw a ktmiiif augelp. PKOCUKK. Kl), Kl H. ."/-.. r. II '.'7 eketh KiHMlp. favour Ifr. >. 17. hast thou not p. thisthys. 4. ia thy doing-" p. these th'iiirs M. 19. thus miiiht we p. great eril .'13. U.forall po-teritr I p. toil rkttuucE /7. 41. SI. p y.uri-auiie, saith Lord 1'KOKANK. /.rr. 21. 7. not take wife thatisp 14. If i V3. II. proph. and prii-sts are p. Kirk. *!. '.'.i and thoup prim-ei.fi. tfl Id cast thee p. out of mount 4.'. ill -.nu tiiary and the p. place 4 .v!:t difference h. tween holy and p. 4. 15. shall be a p. plate for city I Tim I U. the law is inude for p. 4 7. relu-ep and old wives 1 fable* (i. tfl. avoid p. l.iil.linif., 2 7Vn. i. 16. //fi. 12. iti. lest there he any p. per. PKOFAME. I.er. 18. 81. neither shall thniip (). 19. li I 20. 3. | 21. . | <2. si. 32. 5!l. 1^. he -li ,11 not p. -mi. tnarv, '.-a IV nor shall he p. his seed among 22. 9. die. if Ih. y p. my ordinanre 15. they shall not p holy thing* \rh. 13. 17. evil do, and p.' Sabbath KjH'k. i3. 39. rameto aiw tuary tojfc ^4. 21. I will p. my 5am tuary Ainnfi. 7. to D my holy name Mat. I'.'. 5 pnetsm templep. Snhh. Act* 21 & vi.iie about top. temple PROFANED. t.fr. 19. & hep. hallowed thines I'tal. 89. 39. thou hast p. his crown 1*0. 4:1 28. I have p. the princes of F.zek. . R thou p. my Sab. i 3a VA. p. ray holy thin?*, I am p. 25. 1 my oanctnarv when it wasp. 3fi. 20. they p. my holy name v!l. my name Israel had p. >>.. 23. Mai. I. 12. hut ye have p. it, ye say 2. II. J ul ill hath p. holiness of L. PHOFANF.NKSS. Jer. 23. IV prophets of Jprnsa. is p. PROFANETH, I NO. T.fr. 21. i). she p. her father, she A.VA. !3. I a bring wrath by p. Sab. .V/ol 2. 10. bv p. covenant of fathers P&OFKSS. Dent. 'X. 3. \ p. this day tn the Lord .V.i/. 7. Kl will I p. I never knew you Tit. 1. If. they p. they know God PROK>>SEI). ING. Rnm. I. 22. p themselves to be wise '. I'r.r. J). la glorify O. for your p. I TV/*. 2. 10. becometh women p. fi. 12. haft p. a rood profession 21. some p. have erretl cone, faith PROFESSION. \ Tim. R. 12. protested a good p. //"'.. a I. the high |.ri.-t >>f ourp. V. 14. let n- hold f.st onrp. 10. 28. PROFIT, Suf.ib,nttre. Gfn 25. 32. what p. shall bitth.rigrht :i". 2ft. what p. ifwe slay brother ? *M. a a it i not lor the king'* p. /"* 2I.1.V what p. if we prny to him t 30. 2. whi-reto -treiiKth p. me ? 3.Y 1 and what p. if I be cleansed Pill. 'X). !). what p. is in my blood t Prnr. 14 23. in all labour there is p. Keel. 1. 3. uhatp. huth a man of nil hi- lai.our? 3. }. I 5. li. 2.11. mid there was no/i. ny'jsiin 5. J. ttiup of th.' i-arlli U lor all 3VU PRO !',r[ 7. 1 1. hy wi-di.ni there k p. t IM. 30. 5. any help nor f. hat shims Jer. .'i. II*. tlmik's when-ill Is Hop. ./.'. 3. 14. what p. that we kept /.'I//M. 3. I. what p. of t ircumcision t 1 C..r. 7 . - ti. 1 speak for ymr own JK I". 3a not seeking mine own p. 2 Tim. '-'. 14. lib. -lit word* t< no p. //<&. 12. 10. he i-hsistfiieth us for A PRCK1T, y.-rl. I Sam. 12. 21. things wh cannot p. JoA 35. a thy riiihteonsncss imiy p. fror. !0. 2. v\it kedness ;,. BatblOf 1 1. 4. riches p. not in day of wrath Jtn. :). a people that could nut p. C. 44. !i. delectable things shall notp 47. 12. -o Le th.ui si. alt l.i- able top. .')7. 12. works, .-hall not /,. thee Jer. 2. a after things that tin not p. II. i hanueufortliat wh. doth notp. 7. a lying words that cannot p. 12. 13. pin to pain, but -hall not p. -'I. :(.'. they shall uot p. this people Maik H. :;. what p. if he gain world I Cur. 12. 7. every man to p. withal 14. ft tongues, what shall I p. you* tint. 5.2. Christ shall p. you nothing Heli. 4. 2. word p rear bed did not p. ./inn. 2. 14. what doth it p. brethren 16. give not things nei-drd,n hat i/. ? PROFITABLE. Job 22. 2. can a man be p. to God ? Ecci. 10. 10. wisdom is p. to direct l*ii. 44. 10. image is p. for nothing 1 Jer. 13. 7. girc.le wasp, for nothing 1 Mul. . r >. 29. p th. members perish, 30. ActfM. 20. I kept nothing p. to you 1 Tim. 4. a godliness is p. to all 2 Tun. 3. 16. I he script me is p. 4 1 1. Mark is p. to me for ministry Tit. a 8. those things are p. tn nen I'/iilt-iM. II. but now p. to :hee PROFITED. ETH. ./<.'- 33. i7. I have sinned, it p. not 34. 9. it p. nothing to delight in G. //>/' 2. 18. what p. the vraven imaire Mat. 15. 5. it is a gift whatev. / thou iMuMile.-t be//. .M.irk 7. 11. 16. 26. what is a man p. il he gain ./'/. / ft (i.'i. quickeiit-tb. flesh p. noth. Rom. V. 2 i. circumcision p. if thou I Cor.iaa not charity, it p. nothing O'o/. I. 14. I p. in the Jew' religion I Tim. 4. a bodily exercise p little //r6. 13. 9. not/;, them that occupied PROFITING. I Tim. 4 l-x that thv p may appear PROFOUND. Hot. 5. 2. thi- revolurs are p. PROGENITORS. Gen. 49 2ft above Messing* of mv t. PROUXO.STICATORS. ' /jo. 47. 13. let monthly p. stand up PROLONG, F.D. Deut. 4. 2ft notp. )ourdays, 30. |g. 4J. keep statutes, that thou may. est p. day? on earth, 5. Irt, 33. | ft 2. | 11.9. I 17. VO. I 22.7. 32. 47 thing, ye shall p ymir <1a>s Job 6. II. end, that 1 should p life'* 15. 29. wicked sh. not ;; ;> rl. ctii.ii /'ii Kl. 6. thou will // king'- lile frm. 2a 2. hy knowledge shall be p. 1ft he that hateth cnvet. shall y. Erd. 8. 12. a sinner's days be p. \et ia neither shall wicked f,. hit day) Ita. 13. 22 her days shall not hep. 53. 10. his seed, he shall p. his days Ezrk. 12 2.'. thod;iy are p. and 2\ to pass, it shall be no more p. 2R iMine of my nurds be p. more Dan. 7. 12. tht-r'e live* "-rep. (or PROI.OSGKJU. | Pror. 10. 27. fc-ar of the L. p. da 71 PRO PROMISE. 14. 34. knmv my breach of p. 1 Km 8. 5T>. tint tailed of good p. 8 t%r. I. !. let p to Duviil he estab. ATe/.. ft. li fin according to this p. 13. performeth not p. accord, top. fV/J. 77. S. doth his/), fail evermore? 105. 42. he vii.pin!.fivd hi, holy }>. Lwt 24. 4!'. I -end/;, of my Father Acti I. 4. wait for p. r.f the Father 1. 33. received p. i.f the Holy Ghost 39 the p. is tn you and children 7. 17. the time of the p. drew nigh 1:1 23. his p. hath raisfd a Saviour 3i. p. made to fatlu-rg G. fulfilled 23 21. looking lor -A p. from thee 23 ft. hope of the p. made of (i. 7. 7?i 4. 13. p. that lie shall he heir of 14. the p. is made of none effect 1(5. thep. might he sure to seed 20. he staggered not at thep. 9. 8. children of p. counted for seed 9. this is word of p. I will come Gal. 3. 14. receive/*, of the Spirit 17. should make p. of none effect 18. it is no more of p. hut (iod yave it to Abraham by p. 19. to whom thep. WHS made 22. that the p. by faith of Jesus C. 29. ye are heirs according to/*. 4. 23. he of tree woman WHS hy p. 28. we, as Isaac, are children of p. Eph. 1. 13. with Holy Spirit of p. 2. !2. strangers fr. covenants of p. 3. (i. partakers of his p. in Christ 'i. 2. first commandment with p. 1 Tim. 4. 8. bavins.' thep. of the life 2 Tim. 1. 1. acd.rding top. of life Heb. 4. I. fear, lest a p. being left 6. 13. God made p. to Abraham 15. after he endured he obtained p. 17. G. willing' to shew to heirs of p. 9. 13. p. of eternal life, 10. 3ti. 11. 9. sojourned in the land of p. heirs with him of the same p. 30. these all received not thep. 2 Pet. 3. 4. where is p. of his coming 9. L. not slack concerning- his/*. 13 according to his p. we look T John 2. 25. tins is the p. he hath PKOMISE. Verb. 2 Pet. 2. 19. while th-vp. liberty PROMISE I). E.rod. 12. 25. give according as lie/*. AHWI. 14. 40. go to place the L. p. Deut. 1. II. L. hlesiashep thee, 15.6. ri. 3. increase as the Lord p. thee 10. 9. L. is his inheritance as he p. 12.20. L. enlarge border, as hep. 19. 8. give thee the land he/>. 27.3. 26. 18. to he his people as hep. Jush. 23. 5. possess their l.ind as L. p. 2 Sam. 7. 28 p. goodness to servant 1 Kin. 2. 24. made me house he p. 5. 12. L. gave Sol. wisdom as hep. 8. 20. I sit on throne of Is. as L. p. 5*5. given rest to people as hep. 9. 5. as I p. to David, tliy father 2 Kin. 8. 19. p. to give llght,9CA.l.7. 1 C/n: 17. '.'0. thou ha>t p. goodness 2 Chr. 6. III. set on throne as L. p. Nell 9. 23. concerning whii h thou p. Jer. '.&. 42. bring a 1 L'or.d I p. 33. 14. Mat. 14. 7. Herod p. with oath to Murk H. II. i;laii, p. tc. give money Luke 1.72. mercy p. to our fathers 22. fi. hep to betray him to them .tttttl. 5. hep. to giv'e it to him t'or fiuiK. I. 2. gospel which he had p. 4 21. what hep. he was able to fit. 1.2. p. before the world began fish. 10. 23. he i> faithful that p. P. 11. him faithful that had p. 12. 26. now he hath p. saying, once PRO Lint. 1. 1-2. L. p. to them loe, 2. 5. 1 John 2. 25. hath p. \\* eternal lile PlfOMISKDST. 1 Kin. 8. 24. Day ill that thou p. 25. iVe/j. 9.15. p. they houid go to laud riiOMISi.S. Rfm. 9. 4. to whom pertain thep. 15. 8. to confirm the p made to the 2 Cor. \. 20. .ill p. of God in him ar 7. I. having therefore these p. Gnl. 3. Hi. to Abraham were p. made 21. is law against thep. ot Cod ? Heb. fi. \-i. through faith inherit p. 7. 6. Melch. Idessed him that had p 8. 6. established uf mi better p. 11. 13. died, not ha i\\ g reieivedp. 17. be that received p. offered son 33. who through faitli obtained p 2 Pet. \. 4. given to in precious p. PROMISING. Exek. 13. 22. wicked way hyp. life PROMO i K, Kl) .V?*/n. i2. 17 p. thee tohonoiir,24.11. 37. am I not able top. thee to .hiils;. 9. 9. go to be p. over, II. 13. RttK.fi. II wherein king had p bin Pror. 4. 8. exalt her, bh.- shall p thee Dan. 3. 30. the king p. Shadrach PROMOTION. Psai. 75. fi. p. C'.meth not from east Pror. a 35. shame he thep. uffo.ds PRONOUNCET 7.cc. 5. 4. man shall p. with an oath 59. this is the law, to p. it clean or Jndg. 12. fi. not frame top. it tight PRONOUNCED. AWi. 6. 12. hut hep. this prophecy Jer. II. 17. the Lord hath p. evil 16. 10. p. this great evil against us ? 19. 15. i 35. 17. | 40. 2. 26. 13. L. will repent of evil he p. 19. L. repented of the evil hep. 34. 5. for I have p. the word, saith 36. 7. L. hath ;>. against this people PRONOUNCING. Lev. 5. 4. if a soul sware, p. to do PROOF. S. Act* 1. 3. himself alive hy many p. 2 Cor. 2. 9. might know the p. of you R 24. shew to them the p. of love 13. 3. since ye seek a p. of Christ Phil. 2. 22. ye know thep. of him 2 Tim. 4. 5. make p. of thy ministry PROPER. I Chr. 29. 3. haye mine own p. good Arts I. 19. in p. touitiie, Aceldama I Cor. 7 7. ev. man hath p. gift of G. Heh. 1 1. 23. saw be was n p. child PROPHANK. See PHH.PANB. PROPHECY. VChr. 9. 29. Sol.'s :icts in p. of Ahijah 15. 8. when Asa heard p. of Oded Sell. 6. 12. he pronounced this/*. Pmr. 30. I. p. man spake to Ithiel 31. I. p. that his mother taught him Mut. 13. 14. fulfilled thep. of iv^ias I Cor. 12. 10. anot her p. by Spirit 13. 2. though I have the gift of p. 1 Ti)n. 4. 14. gift given thee by p. 2 Pft. I. 19. a more sure word of p. 20. no p. of scripture i of private 21. p. came not by will of man Ren. \. 3. blessed they that bear p. 1 1. fi. rain not in days of their p. li). 10. testimony of J is spirit of p. 22. 7. blessed that keepeth this f. 10. seal not the -avmi:- of thep. 19. if any ma', take irmn this p. PROPHBCIE& t Or. 13. H. whether p. they cease 1 Tim. I. K accor.tn.tf top. before pHoi-UKsv. r.ri,. Snm. 11.27. Kldad and Mediiddop 1 kin. 22. 8. he doth nut p. good 371 PRO I /Vm.?2.1S. not;* ood.2/-.iai7 I Chr. t.V I. should /,. will, b.rp, '<>. f>. n.'t r.iilil.p. deceiu Jer. 5 31. the prophetip. falsely |l. 21. p. not in the I,H,,,..,,I the U 14 14. pr-phetsp. li,.s. t.,eyp. f B | 4 16. people to whom they ). 23. 16. hei.rkeu imt t.. |,r.'.p. tl..,ip, 25. p. lies in my name, -ji, 3i i y- 10. 11. 1A. K 1*1. !.,,,,; 25. 30. p. Hgalnst ii.hhbit. of mrth 2ri. 12. Lord sent me top. iiiM.nt Erel a t p. 13. 2. p. against prophets (bnt p 17 2(1. 4ri. p. against the Inrc-t ol -onili *\. 2. p. against Ur. || 9. Jerusalem 14. -M.II i.f man p. and Mi.ite l,iu,d 28 p. concerning Aniin'-nitc-.-.'&.g 2R al. son of man p. against Zidur. 1. 2. p. against Phara.di. king Eg. 3>\ 2. p. atainut Kirypt and say 35. 2. p. against mount Iwir, 34. 2. p. against shepherds of Is. 3o. ti. p. com eroing land of Uracl 37. 4. p. on these honeg || Si. p. H iud 38. 2. p. gaint (iog, 14 | 39. 1. Jwl'2. 28. sons shall p. Aitt'i. 17, K Amni'l. 12. saying p. not, .Mir. 2. G. 3.8. L.hath spoken, who can but p.? 7.12. there eat bread, and p. tlirre 7. 13. but p. not any at Keth.el 15. L. said, go. p. to my people It, IrX p. not against h.nj-e ,,i |-,,;ic .Vic. 2. II. I will />. to thee ol wine Zech. la 3. when any shall p. then Mat. 15. 7. well did Ksaia p. nl JOQ 2ti. tiS. p. unto us. thou Christ, Mark 14. fi5. l.uk~?l. til .-Ii7s 21. 9. had virgins whii h did p. limn, li.fi. whether p. letusp. to I Cor. 13. 9. part, and we p. in part 14. 1. rather yep. || :fi). covet top. 24. if all p. | SI. we may all p. An?. 10. II. thou must p. I. .'lore II. a witnesses Khali p. ]2*AI days PHOPHKSIKD. .VIK/J. II. 25. they p. did not cease 1 Sai/i 10. 10. Spirit of G. ciune on Saul, i.ridhedidp. 1 1. | 18. 10. | I'J 23.J4, I Kin. 18. 29. they p. until evening 22. 10. prophets p. 12. 2 Ckr. In. !i. 1 Chr. 2o. 2. the sons of Asaph p 2 Chr. 20. 37. Kliezer p. against Jeh. -mi5. 1. Zechnriahp to the Jew* Jer. 2. 8. the prophets p. by Baal 20. I. Pashur heard th.it Jrem. p. 23. 13. the prophets of Samaria p. 21. I have not poken ( yet they a. 26. 9. why hst thoop. in nai >t K Mic.ih p in days of lle/.eki.iii _'ii. I rijah p. || 2 1 *. 'H. p. again-t 29. 31. Shemaiah hath p. t<> yu*l : 37. 19. where prophets \\hiehp ? Erek. II. 13. when I p. I'clatiahdied '.fl. 7. I p. as 1 wasn.mmand. 1 p. 10. 38. 17. who/i. I would bring tl.ee 7,fh. 13. 4. prop. iisliMined when p. Mat. 7. 22. Lord, have we n.'t p. 1 1. 13. the prophets p. until John Murk 7. 6. well hath Ks.ua /i >< > I.nku I. 'J. his father Zeclmrmh p. J,,hn \.. 51. CniapU- p that Jeus Acti 19. 6. -pake with t..oi,-iies nudjh 1 Cor. 14. 5. 1 would rather yep. Jude 14. Knoch it. of tli.Jr thing* VROPHI MKTH. 2 Chr. IS 7. he neterp. icnxltom* Jer. 2a ! prphet which;'. -' lc K:ck. 12. 27. he f>. I nines mroff '/.irh. la a thrust him hen he p. I Cr. II. 5. thiitp ;thh,-a,lur,-oT. Ik 3. he Ihatp. .poukcth uuto na PRO I Cor. 11. 1. !.* thatp edifieth church i. greater he that ii than he tli.it PROPHESYING I Sam. 10 13 h .d made n cud of p It*. SO. saw company of prophets p. Am 'I. I) tliey prospered thru' p. I for. II. 4. p. bavin* head covered 14. ti. except I speak tu you hy p. fi. hut p serv-th nut for them 1 Tftfi. 5. A). despise nut p. prove all PROPHET. F.rmi. 7. I. and Aaro-i shall he thy p. I .V./m. 2.'. .V the p. (Jad said to Out. 1 Ai/.. I. .'I.' r.ill flit- N'Hth.in the p. 11. i!. AhiJHh the p. r.iund J-rohc.. 13 II. dwelt an uld p. in Itct hel.'j j 9. p. took up carcase of man of fi an. I the old p came to bury him IS :i i:i j.ih the p raine and mid AV. 5 'l would <>. my lord withp. l:l if the p h.ril hid do some great fi. 12. Eliih the p. telieth what n K with bones f p. that came 8 Chr. Ii 6. came Shemaiah the p. I). -l>. written in the story of 'hep, 1 "i -. when A -a heard proph. of p 21. 12. a writiiuf from hlijali the p. S2. -in. p. Isaiah prayed to heaven 3.Y IS. fr..m days of Samuel the p. :<.!.' humMed not himself hefore p. /..-r.i 6. It prophesying of Hag. p. /'>. 71. 9. there is imp among you I*n. 3. -2. the I. doth away the p. It. 16. the p. that teacheth lies 28 7. p. erred thro* strong drink Jer. 6. 13. frump. U> priests. K. 10. 18 IS. nor shall word perish fr. p. 83. II. both p. and priest* are pn.fa x* the p. that hath a drea/n .ft him 2H. fi, the p. Jeremiah said, amen 9. p. which prophesjetli of peace, wcir.l of p. rome t pa*sp known 1 7. Hananiali p. died the name year 37. S. nor servants hearken top. Lam. 1. SO. -Ii ill p. be slain in sane.? Ezrk. 7. -!*" then leek a vision of p. U. 4. cometh to p. I will answer him 9. if the p. be deceived, I have deceived that p. 10. punishment nfp sh he even as Hot. 4. ;>. the p. (.half fall with thee 9. 7. the p. is a f>x>l || & p. is a snare AIIVI*'. 14. I wa* no p. nor p. son '/.'i-H. 13. ft. I am no p. an hii-bandm. A/. I will send Klijah the p. tint. I. -f>. which was spoken l.y the p. liiaiah. 2. l.x I 3. a | 4. U. | & 17. | 21. 4 Luke 3 4. John\. 23 | 12. 38. Act* sa 2S. S. ft. for thus it is written hy the p. 17 wan sp .keo by Jeremy p. 27.9 12. 39. but the tin of the p Joiias. l.ukr II. 29. rS7. :16. la 35 w.is spoken by the p l)nvid, 81. II. llns is Jesus p. of Nazareth 1 i:>. tpokeii of l.y Daniel the p. Murk 13. 14. /.i** I. 71 thoii child be cHlled p of 4 17 delivered the hook of p. E-aia Si. no p. is accepted in his country 7. 48. not a irreater p than John John 7. 411 of a truth thi. is the p. 6-'. f.ir "lit of t..re wife, 'orhcit'. //nf I. 'I I if lli.-re riep. or \ !5. I will rxise a p from nmonir breUtrn, 18. yldU J. <2. i 17. 37. PRO JViif. 34 in. aroe not a p in Israel .r./f. f!. 8 Lord sent a p. to children i ej.t.iMishedlohefjp. 9. 9. he now called a p. c.illed iteer 1 Ai. 13. la I ..MI ii // an th< u art N. . I only remain a p. of the I. *l. 7. is there nut here a p of the Lord ? i Ain. 3. 1 1. 2 Chr. IS.6 2 A'l'n. ft. 8. know there is up. in 1-r i i'lir. VJ. 16. U sent up to Ama/.iah f*. \>. a fi of tiie Lord was there Jer. I. ft. I ordained thee op. [i7 *i. 5!fi. mad and rnaketh himself u Efffc. 2. 5 p. aiiiunK them, 3.'J. 33 14.7. cometh to a p. t" inquire ahout Hui. 12. 13. by f p. L. l.roimht l>r:3.23.sniil which will not hear tp. PHOI NETS Num. II. 89. all L.V people were p. I Sum. III. 5. meet a company of p. \-i. is Saul am on ir the p.? 19. 24. 28. 6. L. answered him not hy n. IS. 1 Ain. 18. 4. Ohadiah hid 100 p. by ftO la slew p. || 19. p. i.f Baal 4V>U>h! 40. take p. of Hnal, let n-ine esu-ape 19. 10. Israel have slain thy p with sword, 14. AVA. 9. iG. 22. 22. I will b a lyliiK spirit in p. i Chnrn IS. Si. 3 AVn. 3. 13. p. of father, p. of mother i C/ir. M. 20. believ^ p. ye sh. prosper V4. 19. cent p. || 3fl. Iti mi-nsed his p. ;iru 5. with them were p. of i. AWi. fi. 7. hast appointed p. to preach 'J. 30. testified"! by thy Sp. in thy p. 32. trouble that Jut li come on p. Ita. 29. 10. p. and eer* he covered 30. 1C. p. prophecy not, .tmofi. 12. Jet. 9. 8. and p. prophesied by Baal 30. your swurd devoured your p. 4. 9. p. wonder ||6. l.'l p. bec'o. wind 6.31. p prophesy falwly, and prievts 8 I. hriiia out t'he hone, of the p. 13. 13. I w! VT>. p. of deceit of their own "heart 30. 1 am against /> tU.it ttt-al. 31. PRO Jer. ?d 1 1. then spake p. this man h t~. <>. he.irk.-n not to your p. 1C. IH. he p. and wor ' nf I. with then Sa 8. p that have been before me x'.i. I. letter Jeremiah sent to the p. a let not yourp deceive you 16. the Lord li.ilh raided us upp. .'. 3-i. they and their p. provoke me Ti. II) win-re are now yourp. I.um. >. !i her p. tin.l MtvUm) fr. L 14. thy p. have seen vatn Unties 4. 13. sins ..f her;,, that shed UM| r.zek. la -i pr..ph.-sy iitfint the p. athussath L intofiKili.hp. 4. U Israel, thy p are like fnxes 'J. my hiiinl shall be np..ii the p. SS.S6. there i- acouspiiacy "I herp. '.'H. p. daubed them wi'h n or'ar flu*, ft. 6. I have In-wed them by p. 15. 10. spoken by p. and nuiltip ie.l Aniot'i. II. ratoro up nf y-.urs..i,sp Mi'-. 3. fi. sun rhall go iiown over p. 11. :md the p. divine I. .r money '/.'ph. 3. 4. hi t p are light persons '/.rcli. I. b. p. do they lue for ever? 7. 7. the L. hath cri.-d by former p. 12. L. sent in bis Sp. by former p. 13. 2. I will cause the p. to pass out 4. the p. shall be ashamed, eai h of Mat. 6 IS. persecuted p *< fi S3. 17. think not I come to destroy p. 7. IS. for this is the law and the p. 13. 17. many p. have desired to see, Luke !0. S4. 8S. 40. on thee hang the law and f. >:\ 31. children of them killed p. 34. I send unt" yon p. Luke II. 49. 37. O Jerusa. thou that kille--tp. Murk 1. S. as it is written in the p. Litkf la 31. | 24. S6. John 6. 4ft. Luke 1. 711. he spake hyp. -J Pet 3. S. Ifi. Ift law and p. were until John S9. said, they have MO. and p. ''I. S4. Sft. slow to believe wh. p. spoken John I. 4-V him of whom p. did write a 52. Abraham and p. are dead. .VI. Artt 3. 18. shewed by mouth of p. Si. 1 1. 27. p. came from Jerusalem la 1. in rlniri h at Antioch certain p. I.V reading of the !aw and the p. 16. 32. Judas and Sila heine p. 54. 14. believing all written in p. S. ti. none other things than p say 27. Agrippa, believest thou the p.? Rim. I. S. promised afore hy his p. 3. -I wittiesKcd hy the l; let p. speak Eph. 2. 20. on the foundation of p. 3. S as it is now revealed to hi- p. 4. II. he gave some p. and tem-hers I Tha. 2,16 killed the L and their p. Jlrb. I. 1. spake to fathers by the p Jam. 6. 10. takep u ho h:y his *. t. p. 21. 10. L. spake hy his i. t. p. 24. 2. Ezra 9. II. commanded hy . the p. Jer. 7. 25. sent you my iere. the p. 25. 4. | 29. 19. | 35. 15. Erek. 38. 17. in old times hy *. t. p. Dun. 9. 6. neither hearkened to *. p. 10. laws set before us by his *. /. p. Amn* 3. 7. re vealeth secret to >. t. p. Zenh. 1. 0. I commanded my *. t. p. Ing3'22. 14. went to Huldah an. 2 CAron. 34, 22. . 6. 14. think on the p. Noadiah /.. 8. 3. I went top. she conceived l.ukv 2. 36. there was one Anna up. lien. 2. 20. Je/ehel called herself a p. PROPITIATION 1 . limn. 3. 25. whom G. set to be a p. \ John 2. 2. the p. for our sins, 4. 10. PROPORTION. I Kin 7. 36. t Uiep. of every one Ji-fj 41 12. not conceal his comely p. Him 12. ft according top. of faith PROSELYTE, S. Slat. 23. 15. sea and land to make p. Act* 2. Id Jews mid p. we hear ft V chi.se Nicholas a p. of Antioch 13. 43.Jew and religious p.folluw. P. PROSPECT. Ezelf 40. 41. p. was to the. south 46. f. to north ]' 42. 15 p.ln past, 43. 4. PROSPER. Sen. 21. 40. God (.end angel, p. thee 1* if now thou <"o p. my way PRO Gen. 3P. 3. I,, made Joseph to p. 23. A';n. 14. 41. traiiagros, but not p. Deut. 28 29. shall not p. in thy ways 29. 9. that ye may p. in all ye do, Jo>ih. I. 7. I A'jj(i, r > 2. 3. 1 A'm. 22. 12. go to Ramoth.gilead andp 15. 2 Chr. 18. II, 14. 1 CAr. 22. 11. my son, the L. p. thee 13. shall p. if thou takest heed 2 Chr 13. li tight not, ye sh. notp 20 20. believe prophets, so sh. yep. 24.20. why transifre's, ye cannot p.? 26. 5. the L. God made him top ~WA. 1. II. p. I pray thee, thy serv. 2. 20. God of heaven, he will p. us Job 12. 6. tabernacles of robber- p. Pn. I. .1 whatsoever he doeth sh. p. 73. 12. the nn,'odlyp in the world 122. ft they shall p thai love thee Prov. 28 13 covereth his sins not p. Keel. 1 1. 6. knowesl not whether p. I'n. 53. 10. pleasure of L. p. in hands ">4. 17. no weapon aea. theesliallp. 55. 11. it shall p. in the thing I sent Jer. 2. 37. thou shall ii"tp. in them 5. 23. theyp. || 10. 21. notp. 20. II. 12. I. dotii the way of wicked p ? 22. 30. a man that shall nut p. in Ms days, no man of bis seed -hall p. 23. 5. a kill!; sh ill reign andp. 32. b. tho* ye fijjht, ye shall notp. Lam. I. '>. adversaries, eneinic* p. Eze/c. Ifi. 13. and thou didst p. 17. 9. thus saith L. shall it p.? 10. 15. shall hep.? shall he escape ? Dan. 8. 24. he shall destroy and/). 25. lie shall cau*e craft top. 11. 27. speak lies, but sh. notp. 36. 3 John 2. I wish that thou ma vest p. PROSPERED, ETH. Gen. 24. 56. seeing the L.p. my way Judg. 4. 24, hand of Isr. p. aga. Jabin 2 Sam. 1 1. 7. demanded how war p. 2 Kin. 18. 7. HeZekiah p. 2 Chr. 31. 21. |32. 30. [7. Asa p. 1 Chr. 29. 23. Solomon^. || 2 Chr. 14. Erra 5. 8. this work p. in their hands 6. 14. p. thro* prophesying of Hag. Job's}. 4. hardened aga. him andp.? Pf. 37. 7. fret not bee. of him that p. Prov. 17. 8. whither, it, tnrneth it p. Dan 6.28. Dan. p. in reign of Darius 8. 12. cast down truth, and it p. I Cor. 16. 2. as Ood hath p. him 3 John 2. in health, even as soul p. PROSPERITY. Deut. 23. ft th. shall not seek their p. I Sam. 25. ft say to him liveth in p. 1 Kin. 10. 7. thy wisdom and p. Job 15. 21. in p. destroyer shall come 36. 1 1. tthall spend their days in p. Ps. 30. 6. in my p. I said. I sh. never 35. 27. L. hath pleasure in p. -f ser. 73. 3. I saw the p of the wicked IIS. 25. O L I beseech thee, send p. 122. 7. peace within walls, p. in pal. I'rnr. 1. 32. p. of fools destroy them EccL 7. 14. in the day ofp. he joyful Jer. 22. 21. 1 spake to thee in thy p. 33. 9. all thep. that 1 procure to it Lam3.\~. far from peace, Ifonratp. 'lei-h I. 17. cities tbro'p. be tprMM 7 7 Jems, was inhabited and in p. PROSPEROUS, LY. Gen 24. 21. LA made his journey p 39 2. L. was with Joseph, a p. man Josh. 1. 8. thou make thy way p. Jurig. 18 5. the way wegoi-h. he p. 2 Clir. 1. 1 1. Solomon p. effected all P*al. 45. 4. in thy majesty ride p. Job 8. ft habitation of rlflDteoran. p /.vf. 48. 15. h shall make his way /> Znh. 8. 12. for the seed shall be /(. Rom. I. 10. 1 might have p. journey 373 PRO i t.. Lev. 19. 2!. .! not i> thv your PROTEST, Kl) IM~, Gen. 43. 3. the man did solemnly^ I Sam. a !). p. MileimilY unto them I AIM. 2. 4i. and I p. unto ihee Jer. 11. 7. I p, to y.nir I.,I|I.T> 7. an.l p. saying, oh,-y my vic Zech. 3. li. the aiiiiel of the 1^ rok 15. 25. L. will destroy hoose of p. I'i. 5. p. in heart alioinination t.. U 19. than to divide spoil with the p. 21. 4 high look aod a p. heart i> -iu 24. p. s-corner is his name, who deals in p. wr.ti ilf F.ccl. 7 8. better than p. in i-pirit ho. 2. 12. day of L. on every one p. 13. 1 1. cause arrogancy of p. to IVH 16. 6. we heard ofp. wrath of M inh Jer. 13. 15 be not p. L. hath sp..Lfa 43. 2. all p. men answered Jerrm. 48. 29. pride of Moab, exceed ML' p. 50 "!). hath been p. |j 31. O most p. 32. most p. shall stumi.le imd fall Hah. 2. 5. he is a p. man, neither .\l. unrighteous p. boasiri* 1 Tim. ft4. heisp. knowinif nothing 2 Tim. 3. 2. lovers of themsflv..., ^ Jam. 4. 6. O. resistelh p. 1 Pet. 5. 5. PROUDLY. Erod. ia ll.p he wa< above tlu-fl I ^nm. '1. 3. talk no more BO p. .\VA. !>. 10. that they dealt p. 16, >. r.. 17. 10. with mouth they peak pi 31. 18. sptwk grievous thing* p. ha 3. 5. child ah. behave hin>>. \f p Ot,d. \r<. 4. T may p. them, Drti.&lft 20. 20. for (iod i- c.nne top. you Drut. 8. 2. hun.ble thee. and o. then :. a holy one, whom tbon di<\-t p. Jiirlf. 2. 22. th..t I may p. Ur .11.*. 6. I*, let me p. thee but thl* ontv I Kin 10 1. came to p. M.tCtrJLl /,,'. '.i. 20. it shall p me perverse /' Vli -'. examine me, O L. p me Keel -'. 1. 1 willp thee with mirth Dnn. I. 12. p. thyeri>nt:.. I 'erll V// a 10. p. me now herewith !,!,(, It. 19. and 1 g- to/, them .I,.},,, li. 6. thi- he -n;.I top. Lien _ Aetf!\. l:i neither c.m I lie) pi. Horn, li 2. p- wluit ' tb t If"* 1 " PRO I Ctr. 8. ?. top. ainceritv of lore IS. Sip. your nwii M-IV.-S, know ye Ujl i 4. let every man p. hiswiirk 1 The*. 6. 21. p nil thing*, hold fa>t PROVED. Grii.4il.V > h. be /> by life of Pha- lli, that your words may he p. .ra*. 5. 10. p. what is a,-repUUe to L. PROVENDER. Gen. 24. 25. we liavi- straw imd p. .').'. nmn gave -tr.iw ndp. to cam. 42. 27. opened sack to give ass p. 43. 4. man pave their asses p. Ji/'/i.'. l'i. l:i there is straw and p. 21. fin. 30. m a-se. all. ill cat clean p. PROVERB. Deuf. 28. 37. mill ye Khali be a p. I.SVojc. 1(1. I.'. p. i- Saul among pr<-ph. 24 13. aa -aith p. of tlie ancients I Am. r. l.fi. to understand a. and //. 14. 4. p. against kiiur ill Hnhylon Jfr. 24. 9. in he a p. and a rune Ezek I- 2.'l I will make p. cease, nn mure use p. in Israel, 18. 2,3. 14 8. I will make him a -i.'ii and p. lit 1 !. 2. (i. take up H p. ag.iin-t him Luke ^. V.'i. /. physician heal thyself .Ai/. 9. p. neither gold nor silver Luke 12. 33. p. tiaifs wh. wax not old Art* 23.24. p. them beasts to set P. on A;m 12 17. p. thin>.-s honest ill the 1 Tint. 5. 8. it any p. not for house PROVIDED. Dtttt. 33. 21. he p. first part himself I Vim. \fi. I. I have p. me a kiiiff H Sam. I!). 32. p. king of sustenance I All. 4 1. /i virtual* for king, fl. full. 6V 9. rorn, when Ihou hast p. t.ulf 12. -Ji thin(f thou hast p ? lleb. II. 4ii (i. h^vnurp. het. tilings THOVIDKM H ArtfU. V. rt tothi* nation hyp. I'KOVIDKIH. I\(J. Jnk38. 41. whp. for the raven food /'rr. ti. S iiinl/i meat in suinnier I Cor. R 21 p. tor hiin.-nt thingl PROVINCE. S. . Kin, 00 14. ? riie, of p I.S, 17, 19. trrj 4. !.S this rity is hurtful top. 6. 2. fuuuJ in the//, of tht Mud i- 1 PRO K:ra 7. IP. pntcl thou mnst find in p. .\VA. II. 3. these are rhief of the fj >-M. I. I. Ahasuerns rei(fiied 127 p. Iti done wronv to people in p *2. 2. .".. let kintr appoint oHirers in p. 3. 8. people scattered in all the p 4. II. all people of kmif> p. know 9. 4. Mordemi's tame went thro' p. 2H. these days should he kept it) p. /. *. 8. I |tkrrad treasure of p. 5. 8. if thou seest opprension in a p. l.nm. I.I. she was prlnrevainoiiK //. Ezfk. 19. 8. afrain>t IIIMI trom the p. Dan. i. 48. made Dan. ruler over p. 3. .'tO. promoted Mhrfdrnrh in the p. & 8. Miiishan, in the p. of Elam II. M. enter fattest places ol the p. Act* */3, 34. he asked of what p. he as. I. when Fe-tus was come to p. PROVISION. Gen. 42. 25. to give them p. for way 45. 21. Joseph irave them p. for way Jutk. % 5. bread of their p. was dry' 12. bread e took hot for our p. 1 Kin. 4. 7. In his month made p. n. Solomon's p. was 30 measure* 2 ATin. ft 23. he prepared great p. ICAr. 29. 19. for the which \ made p. PtaL 132. 15. I will Mess her p. linn. I. 5. kinv appointed daily p. ll'im. 13. 14. make nt p. for flesh PROVOCATION. 1 Kin. 15. 30. Jer. made Isr. sin hyp. 21. 22. for the/), wherwith Al.ah 2 A'I'H. -':<. 2i L because of p. Manasseh .NVA. 9. 18. had wroupht great p. 2B. Job 17. 2. eye contiii'ie in their p. ? f*t 95. 8. hanlen not your hearts as inp. I),/. 3. 8, 15. Jpr. 32 31. this city hath been a p. Ezek. 10. 2R there they presented p. PKOVOKE. Kfod. 23. 21. obey, and p. him not .Yum. 14. II. how iotiit this people p.? tieut 31. vO. if yep and break my Job 12. ft that p. .od are secure ' Pml 78. +0. how irfl did they p. him IKI. 3. -. dointx ainst Lord top. Jer. 7. 19. do they p. me to miirer V 44. 8. in that yep. me to wrath Luke II. -^3. ln-iian to nrire and p. horn. 10. 19. I will p. to jealousy hy II. II for to p. them to j.-alonsy, 14. I Cor. 10. 22. do we p. I . to jealousy! 1 Kith. fi.4. p. not your i hild. to wrath //<'-. 3. 16. when they heard, did p. 10. 24. p. to love and good works PROVOKED. Num. 14.23. nor shall any that p. l'i. 30. these men li^vep. the Lord tieut. 9. 8. in Horeh ve p. the l.nrd 'fi. at 1'aherahand Massah yep. L. I Sam. I. fi. adversaries p. her sore 7. so she p her. therefore she wept 1 A' in. 14. 22. Jtidahp. to jealousy 2 Kin. 23. 2ft Manasseh had p. him I l/ir. 21. I. Satan p. David to num. Ezra 5. 12. our fathers had p. God P*at, 7& 5ft tempted and p. (iod Id6. 7. hut p. him at the sea, even 2!'. they p. him with inventions 3:1 they p. the spirit of Moses, 4'l. 7.ifh. 8. 14. when your fathers /,. tm 1 Cr. i:i 5. charity is not easily p. 2 Cor. 9. 2. your teal p ery many I'KOVOKKDST. KTH. Dnit. 9. 7. forget not how thou p. I,. I'rur. 20. 2. win-sop him to nnjfer Ita. KS. H. people that p. mctoant'er Kzek. 8. 3. imaife which p. jealoti-j Srr AN<;K. PKOVuKI NR. Deut. 32. \'.i, hei-nii.- o( p. his n | I kin. 14. la. made t'fon^.p. Lord PUB lA'i'n ir.7. against HnaMia r f. Kit Pml 7S 17. hyp. the Mos High It On!. 5. 2fv. vainglory, p. one anotlin PHUUBNCE. 2 Cfir 2. 12. son endued with p. A*r'- < rownt-d with know e.lpr 15. 5. he that regardeth reprool i> //. 1(1. :'l. the wise shall he culled p. In, 15. heart of p.getteth knowledge 19. 14. ap. wife is from the Li-rd 22. 3, a p. man foreseetli evil,?7 12. Ita. 3. 2. take avva> p dinl anrient 5.21. woe top. in their own sight 10. 13. I have done it, for I Bin p. 29. 14. understanding of p men Jer. 49 7. U counsel perished fr. p. ? Ho*. 14. 9. who is p. and he sha'l '/ Auuab. 13. the p. shall keep silence Mat. 11.25. hid thege things Iroin the wise and p. Luke iO. 21. Act* 13. 7. Serjfin< I'.-.ulu-, a p. man I Cor. 1. 19. understanding ot the p. PHUDKSTLY. Iia. fii 13. my servant shall deal p. PRUNK, KI). Lev. 25. 3. six years shall thon p. 4. seventh year not sow field norp. IKL 5. ft it shall not hep. nor digged PBUNINO. Ita. 2. 4. heat spears into p. hookw IS. s. cut off sprigs with p. hooks .loetS. 10. beat p. hooks into spears 3/i'c. 4. 3. beat s pe;irs into p. hooks I'SALM. 1 Chr. 1ft 7. David delivered this p. Ptaltrt 81.2. take a ;.. ./'S 5. voice of p. Art* 13 33. as written in second p. 35. he sait li in another/;, thon si, alt 1 Cor. U. 2ft eery one hath ap. ? PSALMIST. 2 Sam. 23. 1. I)v. sweet p. of Uratl PSALMS. I Chr. 1ft 9. ship p. to him, Pi. 105.2. Pint. Ofi. 2. make joy fnl noise wit lip. Luke -10. 42. Dav. sliith in 1 ..... k olp. 24. 44. which were written in p. ..VA> I 20. it is written in book of p. /lih. 5. 19. speak, to yourselves in p. I'ul. :i. l(>. amnoni-hing other in p. Jam. 5. 13. Is any merrv P sing p. PSALTERY. I .Sam. 10. 15. meet prophets with ap. Ptal 33. 2. Ring with the p. 14 i. R 57. 8. awake p. and hnrii, lot. 2. 71. 22. 1 will praise viilhp !>2. 3. 81. 2. bring hither harp ith the p. 15". 3. praise him with the p. harp Dan. 3. 5. hear sound of/:. 7. 10, li PSALTERIES, .>-; I vaunts. PU HI. 1C AN, S. Mat. 5. 4(1 do not even p. name ? 47. !). 10. many p. tat "ith him, ,V. 11. why eati-th your master with . p. ,VA 2. 10. /.i,^,. 5. 30. 10. 3. Thomas, an,! Matthew the p 11. l!l. a friend olp. /.//Ac 7. 34. IS. 17. li-t him l>e a- heathen and p. 21 .'!!. p. go into kingdom of (iod 3?. // and harlots believed on hill Luke M. 12. < nine p. In b- baptized 5 27. he saw a p. IIMMK -d I.evi 7 V!>. p iuMiti. .1 (). to ing baptizK) I.S I. then drew near to him the pi Ib. 10. the me pharisi-e, oth ir p Lttki .8.1':. G.I thank thee, not as p. J3. p. stajding afar oft, siiid 19. 2. Za:rheiis chief among the p. PUBLIC, LY. Vat, \ 19. make her a p. example Acts 18. 28. he p. convinced the Jews 20. 20. but have t* until you p. PUBLISH. Deut. 32. 3. 1 will^p. name of the L. 1 Sam. 31. 9 p. it in house of idols 8 Sain. I. 20. p. it not in Askelon Xeh. 8. 15. p. that they hring pine Pi. 2fi. 7. many p. with the voice Jer. 4. 5. p in J.-rusa. || 16. p. against 5. 20. de.-lare 'his, p. it in Judah 31. 7 p. ye and say, O L. save peo. 46. 14 p. in Migdol.p. in Soph 50. i p. and conceal not, Bah.taken Amos 3. 9. p. in palaces of Ashdod 4. 5. proclaim and p free offerings Mark 1. 45. he began to p. it, a. 20. PUBLISHED. Etth. 1.'20. decree p thro' empire, 22. 3. 14. Ham an's decree wasp. 8. 13. /'.. f>8. II. great company that p. it Jnnnh 1 7. he caused it to hep. Murk 7. 36. more a great deal th. p. it 13. 10. the gospel must rirst hep. l.nke a 39. p thro' the whole city Arts 10. 37. that word which wasp. 13. 49. word of the Lord wasp. PUBLISHETH. ' Iia. 52. 7. that p. peac.', p. salvation Jer. 4. 15. voice p affliction fr. mount AWt. 1. 15. feet of him that p. peace PUFFED up. 1 Cor. 4. 6. no one of you hep. up IS. some are p. up, as though 1 lt>. not speech nt them are p. up 5. 2. ye are p. up snd notmuurued 13. 4 charity is not p. up. Co/. 2. 18. vai'ily p tip by his mind PUFFETH at, up. fa. 10. 5. his enemies, he p. at them 12. 5. safety fr. him that p. at him 1 Cor. 8. 1. knowledge p. up charity PULL, ED. 5rn. 8. 9. Noah p. the dove to him 19. 10. the men p. Lot into house A'in. 13. 4. Jrroho. could not p. it rru 6. 11. let tiniher hep. down ,'t. 31. 4. p. me out of net they laid lut. 22. 19. fr. thy state p. thee down Jir. I. 10. set the.- top. down, IS. 7 12.3. p. them like sheep for slaiii.'ht. 24.6. Iwillhtiild, notp. down, 42.10. J.nni. 3. II. p me in pieces, desolate JCrefc. 17. 9. shall he not p. uproots ': Amos 9. 15. shall no more hep. tip Mir. 2. 8. p. off rohe with garments Zerli. 7. II. they p. away shoulder M'lt. 7. 4. p. out mote out of thine eye, Luke 6. 42. I.ulce 12. 18. I will p. downmyharne M. 5. not p. him out n i>aMatli ? Acts 23. 10. let Paul should been p. PULLING. 2 Cirr. 10. 4. iniehty to the p. down Judt 21 with fear, p. out of the fire PULPIT. If eh. 8. 4 Ezra stood upon a p. PULSE. t Sam. 17. 28. heans and parched p. Dan. 1.12. let them give p. to eat, 16. PUNISH. Lev. 26. 18. p. you seven times, 24. Prcn. 17. 26. top. just is not good Jta. 10. 12. p. stout heart of the kin? la II. I will p. world for their evil 24. 21. the Lord sh.ill p. the host 8fl. 21 L. cometh to p. inhabitants 27. I. L. witli strong sword sh. p. Jer. 9. Vi. p. them are circutmised 1L 2) 1 will p. men of Anathoth PUR Jrr. 1121. what say when heshall p ? 21. 14. p. according to your doings 23.34. p. man || 25. 12. p. king. 50. la 27. 8. p. nation || 29. 32 p Shemaiah 30. 20. I will p. all th. oppress them 36. 31. t will p. Jchoiaknn and seed 44. 13. p. them in Eg. as I p. Jem. 29. a siirn that I will p. you in this 46. 25. I willp the innlti'ude 51. 44. I will p. Bel in Babylon Ho*. 4. 9. will p. them for their ways 14. I will notp. your daughters 12. 2. p. Jac.ili accord, to his ways Amia 3. 2. I will p. you for your iiiiq. Zeph. I. 8. in day I willp. princes 9. 1 will p. all tkuM that leap !2. I will p. men that are settled Zech. 8. 14. as 1 thought top. when Acts 4. 21. how they inivrht p. them PUNISHED. E.rr.d, 21. 90. lieshall surely hep. 22. 21. not be p. for he is his'money Ezra 9. II p. less than iniq. deserved Job 31. M. it is iniquity to t,e p. 28. Pror. 21. 11. when scorner is p. 1'i. a simple pass and are p. 27. 12. Jer. 44 11 as I have p. Jerusalem 5(). 18. will punish as I have p. king Zeph. 3. 7. not cut off, how. 1 p. them Z"h. 10. 3. the shepherds, I p. goats Arts 22. 5, hring them bound to he p. 26. II. I p. them in ev. synagogue 2 T/ies. 1. 9. hep. with destruction 2 Pet. 2. 9. day of judgment to be p. PUNISHMENT. Gen. 4. 13. p. greater than I ran bear Let. 26. 41. accept p. of iniquity. 41 1 Sum. 28. 10. no p. sh. happen thee JoA3l. 3. a strange D. to workers of Pror. 19. 19. man of wrath -ufferp. I. am. 3 39. a man for p. of his sins 4. 6. p. of my people is greater thin the p. of Sodom 92. p. of thine iniq. is accomplished Ezek. 14. 10. hear p. of their iniquity, the p. of prophets as p. of him Amos I. .1 I will not turn away the p. thereof, 6, 9, 11,13. | 8.l,4,fi. Zerfi. 14. 19. this sh. be p. of Egypt Mat. 25. 46. go into everlasting p. 2 Cor. 2. 6. to such a man is this p. Heli. 10. 29. of how much sorer p. I Pet. 2. 14. sent for p. of evil doers PUNISHMENTS. Jnb 19. 99. bringvthp. of the sword Pt. 149. 7. execute p. upon people PUR. E*th. 3. 7. they cast p. that is, the lot 9. 24. for Hainan had ca-t p. 26. Purim. after the name of p. Sre PURIM. PURCHASE, SuManti're. Gen. 49. 32. p "f field mid cuve Jer. 32. II. I took evidence of the p. 12. 1 gave evidence of the p. 14,16. PURCHASE ED. Gen. 25. 10. Abra. p. of sons of Heth F.r"d. 15. 16. over which thouhastp. L-*. 25. 31 If a man p. of Levites Rnth 4. 10. Kuth I p. to he my wife Pt 71. 2. conereirntion thoii hast p. 7H. 54. which his right hand hud p Acts I. IS. this m;m p. a field R 90. gift of O. may hep hy money 90 2S he hath p. with his own Mood Eph. I. 14. redemption of p. pnssvs. 1 Tim. a 13. -fiVe of deacon well. p. PURE. E.rod. 97. ?0. brim- p "". /-". 91. ?. '} a p. cand'e^tick. X< 37. /.. il tin in wert ft. mid opriKht II. 4. Hum snj.1, n ,y ,,,., tunr no. IH. 17. uju,iic.., ;, ,, r .. Y . r |. p 25. 5. Mart lire nut p. in 1,1* sight Pi. 12. 6. Wiirds nf the l;.r,\ r, n. 19. 8. commmidinrnt of the L. u p. II!'. I4 /, fn.r. 15. ;. words. .f p. trr^rwwH 20. 9. who ran say, lump. Ir. 11. whethei his ..rk I,.. /,. 21. 8. as for thr p. his work is rirl.t 30. 6. every w.,r.i of t. 12. a (>en>-ratiii p HI own 'eye* Dan '.'.i. hair of his hi hd like p. w: Ma: ;. 11. shall 1 i on nt I bein p f /'/,'; 3.!). turn to peoplep Uiitiiig Mul. I. II. in ev. p ace x /, oltrrn.g Act* 20. vK. I urn /. Ir. l.liuxi of in, n ISnm. 14. 20. all things in.li-e.1 are /'Ai/. 4. 8. wht..eer thing* arep. 1 Tim. 3 9 faith in a p roiiresin-< tlioii -imlt p. I'n. I. i.Y p. away thy dross and tin Erek. 20. 3a 1 will p. Irom *nm. you 43 -2K seven days shall they p. Dun. II 35. some of them p. them .V(j/. 3. 3. f. them as gold and -i\vrf Mat. 1 12. he will tlioronchlvp. liif fl.mr, /.iiA-e.l. 17. ./(An 15. 2. hranrh Hint l-eareth. he p. 1 for. 5. 7. p. out the old leaden 2 Tim. 2. 21. if a nmnp. him-rlf Hcb. 9. 14. p. y.'iir i-..i.-cii in e PURORD. 1 Sam. 1 14. Eli'.hon-.,' !-h. nott-ep. 2 Chr. :\\. *. when he hadp the lai.d Prnr. Ifi. 6. hy mercy inquity i p. Iia. 4. 4. p. the bliH.d of J.Tiisiilein >' 7. iniquity taken away, sin i< p. 22. 14. thi iniquity shall not IH> p. V7. 9. bv thi-. iniquity .'f .'ac..' he f, Ezek. 'A 13. beinn-e 1 have p thee, ai.d thou wt not p. Ileb. \. 1 when he had p. our mis 9. 82. almost all things ;.r-' hy law/* 10. 2. because worshipper* or.cei 2 Pet I. 9. bnth f..rL"-'ten he Mp. PUROINO. .VarJt? 10. the nnumlit, p. meat* PURIFICATION, \i/m. IH !l kr|it. it i /> for ln 17. shpi of burnt heifrrp for in 2 CAr. ML I!' t.. B. if the sun.-ti ary AVA 12. 4-V p. y H'it-iin ol brcakiiiifs tti.;.. I- i Hi 17. p. themselves in garden r.,-,A- 43. -A. seven day* p. thealUr Mul. :i. i he shall p. sun* of Levi A//./* II. 5->. went tn Jeru-a em lop. ,-irts 21. 24. take Hint//, thyself /'if M. 14. and /). a peculiar people ././;. 4. P. p. your hearts, ye double pnaiPiBD, ETU. f>r. S. l'>. and p. the Hllnr, and .Yum. & 21. Levites were p. jr.&!0. l!l. 1:1 touch dead t-dy, and //. nut J .Yi/Mt. II. 4. Balhsheba wasp, frueii /'/l sepal atiuu PURIKIEK. A/U/.3. :\. he shall -it at a p. of silver PUBIFYINO. l.n: 12. 4. sh. continue in hlo. 7. sprinkle water of p. on 1 ('./. .:<. Vs. office in p. holy things A'iM. 'J. I!, Hunk's tor p of womeu ././ i. A. manner of p. of the Jews 3 2.V then arose question about p. lleli. 9. 13. sanctitieth to p. of tiesli PUKIFYINO. Act* 15. 9. p. their hearts by faith 21. -"< ami the next day p. himself PC HIM. Kith. 0. 26. called these days P. vs. days of /' should not fail,29.31. 3i decree of Esther cotitirmed P. PURITY. 1 Tim. 4, 12. example in faith, in p. ii. i'. rebuke the younger with all p. PURLOINING. TVt 3. 10. not p. hut showing fidelity PURPLE. Erad .'.">. 4. this is the offering, p. 30. 3. pold rut to work in the p. .V"M. I. 13. take ashes, and spread p. Jiti/v. 8. 21V. p. raiment on the kmtfs 8 Cmr. 2. 7. send a man to work p. 14. 3. J4. made the vail of blue, and p. Kith. I. (i. fastened with cords of//. s ;:>. Mordecai went wither, of p. J'ror. Ml. '."J her clothing is silk, p. Cunt. 3 IU. he made covering of p. 7. 5. the hair of thine head like p. Jer. 10. 9. and p. is their clothing trek. 'fl. 7. p. whicn covered thee l. Svria occupied fairs with p. Murk is. 17. clothed him with p. id. they took ott the p. from him Luke 16. 19. a rich man clothed Inp. John 19. 2. soldiers put on htm p. 5. then came Jesus, wearing p. Act* in 14. Lydia, a seller of p. A'- r. 17. 4. vi. HI, ,ii ... nrrayedinp. la 12. buyeih merchandise of p. !'- tint (jreHt i it v, clothed in p. PURPOSE. Ruth 2. 1& fall han :f nls of p. for her J-.ifi 45. counsellor* to irn-t rate p. .Y.7i S. 4. II pulpit made for the p. Job 33.17. withdraw man from hi-p 1'ntr. -XI. la every p. is e>tMi~hed AV/V. :l I. time to e>ery p. 17. | 8. fi. Jt'i I. II. to wh. p. your sicnlices ? 14. 2ft this in the p 'that it purposed Jit. 1. Egtpt'mna nhll help to no p J,r. 4U. 30. N-r.ii.-had .ctvelap 1 2!i. veryp. of 1,. he performed Qua. C. 17. that p. be not changed PUR .23. that with/?, of heart they *7. 13. suppoMiiit ot. tained their p. 4M centiiri.nl kept them from p. flam X. 18 cullrd according top. U. II. that the p. nt (iod stand 17. for this // I raised thee up A'p/i. I. II. iicfordintf top. of him .". II. according to eternal fi. in C. 6. 2Z I sent for same p. CM 4. 8. 2 7"im. 1. 9. railed us according top .1 10. tli" u hast fully known my p. I Jo/tn'J. 8. for this p. the Son of bod PURPOSES. Job 17. II. days p. to l.ui.d house to L. 2 t'Ar. 2R 10. p. to keep under Judah 32. 2. Sennacheribp. to tljjht Jems. /'*.//. 17.3. p. month tli not transgress 140. 4. who have p. to overthrow Ita. 14.24. I have p. so shall it stand W. the purpose p. upon the earth 27. Lord hath p. who disannul it f 23. 0. the I., hath p. to stain pride 46. II. I have p. it, and will do it Jer. 4. 28. 1 p. it, and will not repent 2ft. 3. repent me of evil which i p. 3ft. 3. will hear all evil which I p. 49. 20. his pnrp. .s.s that hep. 50. 45. Lam. 2. 8. the L. p. to destroy wall linn. I. S. Dan. p. not to defile him. Act* 19. 21. Paul p. to go to Jer lisa. 20. 3. Paul p. to return thro. Mace, ifom. 1. 13. oftentimes I p. to come 2for.l.47. do 1 p. according to flesh? Eph. 1. 9. his will which he hath p. 3. II. purpow which hep. in C. J. PUHPOSETH, ISO. Gen. 27. 42. Esau p. to kill thee 2 Cor. 9. 7. ev. man aa he p. in heart PUKSK, S. Prov. I. 14. lot, let us have one p. Mat. 10 9. silver nor brass in your p. Mark fi. . take no ir.miey in their p. Luke 10. 4. carry neither'p. i or scrip 22. 35. when I sent you without p. 36. he that hiith a p. let him take PURSUE. Gen. 35. 5. they did not p. sons of J. Ej-od. 15. 9. enemy said, I will p. Deui. III. 6. lest avenger p. Jo>h.'Mb. 10. 19. st.iy not, but p. alter enemies 1 Sum. 25. 2!l. a man is risen top. 30. ft. shall I p. :- he answered, p. 2 Sam 17. 1 . arise and p. after David 20. 6. servants, p. after Sheha, 7. i4. 13. thou flee while enemies p. ? Job la 25. wilt thou p. dry stuM.le ? 30. 15. terrors p. my soul as wind PtaL 34. 14. s>ek peace, and p. It Ita. 30. 1C. they that p. you be swift Jer. 48. 2. madmen, -.word shall p. t'.zek. 35. fi. and blood shall p. thee llm. & 3. l-r:iel, en. my shall p. him ./..;/ I. II. F.doin did p. his brother .YuA. 1. 8. darkness p. his enemies PURSUED. Gen. U. 14. Ahram p. to Dan, 15. .'II. 23 and Laban p. Jacob, 3H. Ej-od. 14. . PhHraoh p. lsre:, 9.83. Deut. II. 4. JA. 24. a /'//. I. 6 p after Adoni.hi zek 7. stf. Gideon p Midian. 25 | R 12. 1 Sam. 7. 11. Israel p. PhilUt. 17. ;>J. 2 Stun. 2. 19. Asahelp. after Ahner 22. 38. I p. enemie, P*al. It I A'i'ii. 20 2(1. Syrians fl.-d, Israel p. i Km. 25. 5. army ..f I haldees p. the king. Jer. : S. | 52. R 2f/ir. l. la Asa p. Kthiopians to (,. Ita. 41. 3. hep. them, and putKd nt PUT Lam. 4. 19. they p. us on mountain* PURsLEH, S. Joth. Q. Ifi. mount, lest p. meet you 8. XO. people turned upon tliep. a;/L I. 6. are (tone heloie the p. PURSUKTH. IS(f. Ler. W. 17. ye shall dee when lion* p. !?i. they shrill fall when none p. i7. Jurf^-. 8. 4. (iid. 3Wi men, faint, >etp. I .S'(/m 23.28. Saul returned friim p. ^ .Sum 3. 22. Joah came from p. troop 18. Irt. people returned from p. Ir. I A'in. 18. 27. your god p. on journey Prur. II. 19. he that p. evil, p. death 13. 21. evil p. sinners, to the riidit. 19. 7. he p. them with words, yet iS. I. wicked flee u hen no man ;.. PURTENANCE. Exod.\1. y.roast with fire legs and r PUSH. Ejrod. 21. 29. if ox were to p. 36. Dent. 33. 17. with them he khall p. I Kin. 22. II. with these shalt thou p. the Syrians, 2 Chr. IS. In. Job 30. 12. they p. away my feet Ptnl. 44. 5. thro' thee we p. enemies Dan. II. 40. shall the kin.' p. at him PU.SHKI), 1N(.. Erek. 34. 21. p. diseased with hon.s Dan. 8. 4. I saw ram p. westward PUT. Gen. 2. a there God p. the man, l.V 3. IS. 1 will p. enmity between thee 27. 15. p. them upon Jacob her MIX 29.3. p. stone anain on well'- mouth 30. 42. feeble, hep. not the rods 32. 16. p. space between drove and 39. 4. all hep. into Joseph 'r- haiYi 40. IS. should p. me into dnngeua 42. 17. hep. altogether in wrd 46. 4 Joseph p. hand on thine eyes 48. 18. p. right hand upon his lie t4 Ej-nd. 3. 22. ye shall p. them on tnuw. 4. 6. L. said, p. thy hand in l>som 15. speak, p words in his mouth 8. 5(3. I will p. division hetweeti rny IS. 26. I will p. none of disea.es on 22. 5 p. beast in another man's fit-Id II. an oath he hath not p. hishacd 23.1. p. not thine hand with wicked 2!).24. shall p. all in hands of Aaron 33. S. now p. otf thy ornamext.- Ler. 8. 27. hep. all on Aaron's Imnri* 26. 8. p. lO.OIKHo flight, Deut.'.tt y>. .V;n 6 '/7. fth. p. my name <-n l-r.,el 1 1. 17. spirit on th^e, p. on them 29. L. would p. his Spirit on them 23. S. L. p. word in I'alaam's mouth Deut 10. 2. Shalt p. them in the aik S. I p the tables on the ark I made 12. 5. place he shall p. his name,2!. 7. rejolie in all yep. your hand to 18. 18. p. my words in his month Jitriff. II Ii I p. my life In my hands I Si/i/i. 2. 3G. p. me in priest's office * 14. 2fi. no man p. hand to his month 17. 39. and David p. them ott him 19. 5. he did p. his life in his hand 28. 21. I p. my life in my ban 1 1 A' I'M. 9. 3. to p. my name there, II. M. | U. 21. 12. 29. other calves p. he in Dan IH. 2TI on wood. p. no fire under 82. 27. king, p. this fellow In prism 2 A'in. 4. 34. p. mouth upon mouth II. 12 they p. the crown on him 13. 1(5. p. hand on how, hep. hand 21. 7. in Jems, will In. my name, 2 Chr. 6. 20. | 12. la | .'3. 7. ICAr. 11.19. p. their lives in jeopardy 13. IA I.ecame hep hand to ark I Chr. 6. II. in house 1 u the ark zr 7. 27. p. things In king's heor* JMk, 2. 12. what Ci/dp. inm> hsH.'t PUT tffl. 3. 5. nobles r. not necks to work 4. 23. tliat ever}- one p. them off 6. 14. Tub. won. I p. me in fear, 19. Job 4. 18. he p. no trnst in his serv. 13. U. 1 p. my lire in mine hand ? . 19. 13. p. my ' rethrew far from me 2a 6. he would p strength in me 41. 2. caiistp, ho k nitu his nose ? P*. 4. 7. h;>st p. gladness in my heart 8. 6. thou has? p. a I things under his feet, 1 Cor. 15. 25, 27. Eph 1. 22. Heb. 2 8. 9. 20. p. in fear, O L. that nations 31. 19. let lying- lips be p. to silence 40. 3. hep. a new song in my mouth I V. let them be p. to shame that wisli me evil, 44. 7. I 55. 5. 44. 9. but thou hast p. us to shame 78. 66. p. them to perpetual repro. 83. 18. lover and friend p. from tne US. 8. trust L. than p. conti. in man 9. trust L. than p. confi. in princes 119. 31. O L. p. me not to shame Prov. 25. 8. neijrhb. p. thee to shame 10. he heareth it p. thee to shame Ecfl. 10. 10. inustp. to more strength Cant. 5. 3. I have p. offmy coat, how shall I p. it mi ? Ita. 5. 20. that p. darkness for light 10. 13. I have p. down inhabitants 42. 1. I have p. my Spirit upon him, Mat. 12. 18. 47. II. shall not be able top. it off 51. 16. p. words in mouth, Jer. 1. 9. 23. p. into hand that afflict thee 53. 10. he hath p. him to grief 59. 21. the words I p. in thy mouth 63. 11. where is he that p. his Holy Spirit within him ? Jer. 3. 19. how shall I p thee among 8. 14. Lord our O. p. us to silence 12. 13. they p. themselves to pain 31. 33. p. my law in inward parts 32. 40. will p. my fear in th. hearts Erek. 8. 17. p. branch to their nose 11. 19. 1 will p. a new spirit within you, 3d. 26, 27. j 37. 14. 16. 14. comeliness 1 had p. upon thee 29. 4. p. hooks in thy jaws, 38. 4. 30. 13. p. a tear in the land of Kgypt 37. 6. p. breath in you, ye shall live Dan. ). 19 and whom hep. down Mic. 2. 12. 1 will p. them together 7. 5. p. not confidence in a guide Zepk. 3. 19. have been p. to shame Mut, 5. 15. candle p. under a bushel 19. 6. no man p. asunder,.V. p. all his enemies under his feet 2 Cor. 8. 16. G. p. same care in Titus Eph. 4. 22. p. off olra 10. 3. a covenant to p. a. wives 19. gave hands to p. a. their wives Pi. 18. 2-2. I did not p. a. his statutes 27. 9. p. not thy servant a. in anger Prott. 4. 24. p. o. a froward mouth Isa. fiQ. 1. whom I have p. airay Jer. 3. 1. If a man p. many his wife 8. p. a. given her a bill of divorce Ezek. 44. 22. nor priest take herp. a. Has. 2. *. let her p. a. whoredoms Amos 6. 3. ye that^j. far a. evil day Mttt. 1. 19. Jos. minded to p. her a. Mark 10. 2. is it lawful to p. i\ir t. in princes Proc. 30. 5. that p. iheir t. in him Jrr. 39. la thou hast p. thy /. iu in I Thet. 2. 4, p. iu t. with the ifo-pel fte6. 2. 13. 1 will p. my frujf in IIHII PUT, Partiriplf. Lev. \\.3S. if any water he p on seed 15. 19. shall be p. apart seven rtyy. IK. 19. not ai long ai she is p. apart 1 /fin. 22. 10. kinusp. on thpir n.lin 2 A'in. 14. 12. Judnh wax p. towur>e 1 Chr. 19. 16. Syrians p. t wor>e, li. 2 TAr. 2. 14. every device ohMll br v . R 24. if Israel be p. to the u 25. 22. Julah wasp. t<> th.- Pi. 35. 4. them hep lorhame, srt. I'.. 71. 1. let me never be p. to ronfuj. Prnr. 85. 7. them shou. lie p. lo>r Eccl a 14. nothing CHII be p. to it Ita. 54. 4. shall not be p. to shntne Jer. 50. 42. every one p. in array ZcpA. a 19. have been /<. t" -h.inc Mat. 9. 16. for that p. in to fill it up War* 1. 14. John wasp, in priaoii ./An 13. & devil p. Into heart of Ju. Heb. 2. 8. nothing not p. under him Km. \\. 9. not bodies b,-p. in grm-* i-f r i KS r. Dftit. 12. 18. p. thine hand-t", l.Vin. 2 A r in 18. 14. that thou p. mi me P/rtA 119. 119. th. up. w:iy wicktd PUTT K I H Krnd. 30. 31 p. any .>n R 8trnrle 3'1 II. hep. my feet in the it Pi. IS. 5. he that p. not bin money 7.') 7. H . /' dciwn oneiini) .-ttrtb op - .', tint /> hi :nr.t m U u hop. hi- trn-l /r. , r >7 13. /' trust in mr poU! /./j;n :i 2! L /'. hi< iiioulh in the di-l .Vi,-. .1 .-) u. n..t into th-ir it... nth. \/,,^ '.i I'i /> "' 1W rl " lh - ' ' ' l.iikf M. l. m.mn|>. Hi;kt rw.^ IK. 18. whosop. a T 1>- *> QTE John 10 i. h> p. forth his own iheep purriMo. Ijrr. 16 21. p them upon the head Jttitf. 7. 5 /. their hand to mouth /JU. &a t. p forth of the lin.er, and M.I/. 4 16. God hateth p. away .ictiy. 14 Ananias p his hand, 17. l. 33. Alex. Jews p. him forward Rum. 15. l.'i some fn.rt, as p in mind ///i.4.- ; 5. /> away lying, speak tru' h . off the body of -in- 1 Tim. 1. 12. f me into the mini-try t Tim. I '. gift by p. on my hamls \ftt. 3. 21. not o. awav tilth of He** I'tl KIKVIS'U. /**. 1. & wouods, bruise*, f. aon Q QUAILS. fr-'d If). 13 that at even /. ramenp A'IWM. 1 1. 31. a wind fr. L. brought y St. the people Blood, gathered 9. Pil. I'Jo. 4*1. asked, he brought 9. QUAKE, ED. End 111. IM the mount 9. greatly 1 >./<. 14. 15. trembled, the earth 9. J-fl i. 10. earth shall 9. before t.iem X'lA. I. '.. the mountains 9. at hint .V ;/. 27. .HI. earth 9. the rocks rent lltt>. 12. 21. Moses -aid, I fear and 9. QUAKING. Ksfk. 12. Is. .-at thy bread with 9. Dan. IU. 7. but great 9. fell ou them QUANTIFY. IM. 24 24. hang Vessels of small 9 QUARHKL. Leo. 26. 25. a sword shall avenge 9. V A'l'w. 5. 7. *ee how he -ecketii a y. Mink (i. 19. Her. h.id 9. against John tW. 3. 1:1. if any h IVP y. against any QUARRIES. Juilf. 3. 19. Ehud turned from the 9. 20. Ehud escaped beyond the 9. y A.U-EK. "G merchant* wander to y. .Vx 11. every one for giin from 9. .V //A I. 45. rame to him fr. every 9. See .vurrH. QUARTERS. E.rod. 13. 7. uo leaven seen in thy 9. Drill. -ft 14 make fringes on four 9. 1 Cfir. 9. 24 in lour 9. were Dorters Jtr 411. 36. winds Iroin 4 9. of heaven Arh 9. 32. Peter passed thro* all 9. Iti :i. Jews whirh were in those 9. 2K. 7. in name 9. were possessions Ser. 20. a nations in four 9. of earth QUATERNIONS. Jet* 14 4. delivered Peter to four 9. QUEEN. I Kin la I. 9. of Sheba heard of the fame of Solomon, 2 Cknm. 9. 1. 4. when 9. saw Solomon's wisdom 10. spires 9. of Sheha gave to Sol. l:i Sul. gave 9 of Sheba all her desire, 2 CArcm. 9. 9, 14 II. 19. gave Madad the sister of 9 15. 13. Ara removed Maachah from being y 2 Chron, Ift. 16. t A." ii in. 13. go, salute children ofy Nek. 4 (i t e ki ig aaid, 9. fitting by iitr I. 9. Vashtl the 9. made feast' 11. bring the 9. | 14 they, refu-ed IS. wh.it shall we do tor. Vashti ': 111 the y hath not done wrong 17. deed of a. shall rome abroad 8 4. let maiden that pleaeth be 9 17 made hither 7 instead of Vashti 4. 4. 9. grieved 'I ft. 3. what wilt y t. 14 /. let no man to the k tuquet *. S. what U thy petition, . k.. t Ql'l Etth. 7.7. H.iman made request to a will he force III.- y b.-|..r.- me 8. I. h.iu-p ol Uaman to r.-th-r y 9. 31. Mordei-ni .uid Ksther t.ie y ftnl 45. S. tbp y. in ir..ld ..f Uphir ler. 13. IS say to knu- an. I y humhli 44. 17. burn incense to y ..I h. a\ V5. vowed to burn inr.Mi.-e to ^ D'i'i 5 10. y. came to hanquet-h..ii-e Mat. 14 4-'. 9. ol ..inth ,1,., i ri.se , in judgmpiit. /.Kir II. :ii Artt* 27. Candai-e, o. of Kt ....i n- Her. 18 7. I sity and am no widow QUSKN& Cant. R. a 'here are llire-seore 9 9 /u. 49. 23. their 9 our -nn: ii.oti.en QUENCH. 2 Sam 14. 7. they .shall 9 my coal ?l. 17. that lh.. n y not light" of l-r. fail. 104. II. the wil i a-sp- y thirst Cant. H. 7. waters cannot y love l*n. I. Ml. both burn, none y them 42. 3, (I ix -k .11 he not y. A/nt 14 ;0 Jer. 4. 4. fury burn, none 9 it, 21.14 Atuatb.6 none to 9 it in Beth.e) pV 6. IK. able to y darts of wicked 1 ffiet. ft. IM. 9. not the Spirit QUENCHED. Num. 1 1. 4 fire was 9. * C/ir. 34. 25 2 A'm. 24 17. wrath -lull not he 9 /'"/i 118. 14 they are y. as th..rn, />. 34. 10 not be 9 niitht nor day 43. 17. extinct, the\ arp y. as tow 6. 24. nor .hall their firn he 9. Jrr. 7. 20 fury sha.l not he 9. 17. 87. Ezfk. 2U 47. flame shall not be 9 4*. Murk II. 4:i fire never sh:i!l be y. 45. 44. where the fire is not y. 46. 4S. He*. II. 34. y the violence of fire QUESTION, Su/utantiee. Mat 24 3ft. lawyer asked linn 89. Murk II. 29. I ask one y. answer me 14 34. and no man durst auk him any 9. Luke 20. 40. Ji. neither a-H hi n more y. Luke 4 46. hearing and nuking y. /fr/j 23. VS. accu-ed or y. of ti.eirlaw 25. 19. had certain 9 av:iiu-t him 20 doubted of siirh manner of y. 26. 3. I kno.v thee to he expert in 9. 1 rim. I. 4 minister y tham flifying 6. 4. doting about y and strife* 2 Tim 2. 23. unlearned y. Tit. 3. 9. QUICK. Lev. 13 10 and there he y raw flesh 24. the 9. fl.-sti that burneth have .V'/m Hi 3(1. th-y ir-idown y into pit /'/- y me ai-coroing, 107. IM. 119. 37. 9. me in tl; way 40. 9. me in thy ngniPUiDntss si 7 me alter thy kindness, 159. 14!'. y. me a.-ioidliix lii juditment 13 ll.y me, O L lor nao.e's -ak /.'..i/i. K. i I. -hall y niort.il bodies QUIi KKNKl) fiaj. ll!l 311. thy wor-l hath 9. me 93. with preiept- tboii hast y. me I Cur. 15. :it; ih.oi -..WP-I in not 9 /-/<.'i 4 I you he y. who Were dead 5 7. us t-.nether with C Coi. 4 13. I r'rl. :i. IS dp.iili in fl --h, y. by .Sp QUII KKNhl H. 7An 5. 21. Father y. Ib..in, Sun y Iv ({ Sp. y. H..-I, pr.. tit. Hi iiothn.g Hum 4. 17 lieiieteil, (i. ho y d.-.,! 1 I Inn (i 13 I. ...I, who y a. I things Qtlv KhM N(i I Cor. 15 4.H. li-t A l;i ..made y. spirit QU'll Kl.V O>n 18.fi. make re.nl. y. 3 measures 27. 20. how 1,.,-t ih,.,, |. ,,in.l it -.. y jorf :. a have turned y. out ..f the way, /->o y to iiiiirregHtiioi '-/ 9 I'.'. !.. n y || 1 1. 17. p.-n... y. rS. VO. [ iKh y. bee. .use . f j.'iiu - Jmh. 4 A pursue y. overtake lh in III 6. rome up to n- y I save in 23. 16. ye shall perish y off the .MM. I 1 .Sam. 2(1 19. thou -n.,lt *., down y 2 .,n i la they went both them ..way y. 81. arlM-, pass y. over the wat.-r 2 A'in. I. 11. kiiu said, rome I|OH n y. Kii:l 4.14 tbreefoiit rord not y br.,k Mut. 2. 25. agree with adversary y 7. go y. teli disciple- he is risen they departed y \tnrk 11 a Luke 16 6. sit down y write filty M*tll. M.iry .r..-p y came to J. 13. 27. said J. th'atlliou d..e>t do y. Actl 14 7 s.iyiui.', ane up y Petisr 22. la get thee y. ..lit of Jerusalem Rer. 2. 5. repent, else I rome y Iti. a II. behold. 1 entile y. J>. 7 \->. II. 14. behold, third woe com. th y. 24 20. I r.-me y even so rome L.J. QUICKSANDS. Acton. 17. they should fall into y. QUIET. Jiufr.16.2. Pbinst. laid wait werey. II 7. alter the /id .1 iaiis. y. s-rnre >. A'in. II. 20. city was y 2tA 23. 21. 1 Chr. 4. 4H. land ..- wide and 9. 2 CAr. 14. I. in hi- days land ivay. 5 the kingdom wa- y. 211. :tn Job 3 13. now -honld I ha.- been y. 26. neither was I y. trouble ram.. 21. 23. one di.-th, beinif at ease, y. Pml. 3ft. 20. devise lira. list y in lad I 17 :). irlad, beeaiis they he y I'r-if. I. 33 wbo-o b ark.Mi. th he y <*/. 9. 17. words of wi-e heard in y ha, 1. 4. take heed, and he 9. fear 14. 7. the earth i- at rest, and y. 32. la my people shall dwell in 9. 33. 2. 9. I will t'ive ? . to Israel Jr/i JC VO. shall nut feel q. in h,.|ly 34. 2<>. 9 wl ..... an make trouble ? Prur. 17 1. better dry IIHHM-; and o cc/. 1. (i Letter is handful with y. If a, 30. 15. ill q I.e your strength 32. 17. righteous. g. and assurance Artx 24. a. by thee we enjoy great o 2 r/iM. a 12. ..... xhort that with g QUI r. t.iW. 21. 19. that smote him heo 2H JtoA. 2. 20. we VMM i.e o. of til. oath QUIT. 1 Sam. 4. 9. 9. like men, ICor. la S3 QUITE. Gen. 31. 15. 9 devoured our money E.rod. 2:!. 24. 7 break down imaues A'Mtt. 17. 10. y. take away murmur. 3:1 52. 7. pliuk down high places 2 Sam. 3. 24. Aimer away, is q. gone Joh fi. 13. is wisdom q. from me ? Hab. 3. 9. thy LOW made q. naked QUIVER. Gen. 27. 3. take thy q. and t!iy how JodSH. 2.T 9 ratlleth against him JW 1^7 5 'he man that .hath q. ful I*u. 22. 6. Elaen hare q. wi. chariots 49. 2. polished shaft in his q. Jer. 5. 1'i. q. i;< as an open sepulchre Lam. 3. 13. arrows of o. enter reins QUIVERED. Kab. a 16. my lips g. at the voire R RABBI. 31 it. 23. 7. to he called of men, r. r 8. be not ye called r. for one is John I. 38. R. where dwpllest tliou? 49. /{. thou art the Son of God a 2. R we know thou art teacher 26. It. he that was with thee 6. 25. R. when earnest thou hither H \BBONt. [saith, R. John 20.16. Mary turned herself ami RACA. Mat. 5. 22. say r. shall be in danger RACK. Pn. 19. 5. a strong- man to run a r. Efcl. 9. II. the r. is not to the swift i Cor. 9, i>4. they which run in a r. Heb. 12. I. run with patience the r. RAFTERS. [of fir Cant. 1.17. the beams of cedar and r. RAtiE, ti, Su/Mtaiitim. 2 Kin, 5. 12. Naaman turned in a r. I!). 27. I know thy r. Ia. 37. 28. 2 CVr. Ifi. 10. Asa in a r. with seer 28. 9. and ye have slain them in a r. Joh 311.24. swalloweth ground with r. 40. II. cast abroad r. of thy wrath P*. 7. 6. lift up thyself because of r. Prun. C. 34. jealousy is r. of a man Dan. 3. 13. Nehur. commanded in r. Hot. 7. 16. fall for r. of their tongue RAGE, Verb. P*. 2. 1. why heathen r.? Art* 4. 25. /V. 29. 9. whether he r. or laugh ./er. 46. i). come up. r. ye chariots A r uA. 2. 4 ch riots shall r. in streets RAGKI), KTH. ***. 4G. 6. heathen r. kingds. moved Proa 14. 10. fool r. and is confident R AGO BO. Ina. 2. 31. gv. Into tops of r. rocks RAGING. P . 89. 9. thou rulest r. of the M> RAI /Vor. 90. 1. mocker, strong dr. k r Jminh I. 15. sea ceased from her r Lu** 8. 24. rebuked r. of the a!er Jude la r. waves of the sea foaming RAGS. Pror. 23.21. shall clothe man with r Ixa. f4. 6. righteous, are as filthy r Jer. 39. II. Ebedmel. took rotten r 12. put r. under thine arm holes KAIL, KI). 1 Sam. 25. 14. Nabal r. on David's 2 CAr. 32. 17. Sen. wrote letters tor Murk 15. 29. that passed r. .n Jesn Lu. 23. 29. one 4if the malefactors r HAILER. 1 Cor. 5. 11. keep not company wi. r RAILING. 2 Pet. 2. 11. angel* bring not r. acu Jude 9. durst not brimr r. acrusatioi HAILING. . I Tim. 6. 4 whereof cometh strife, r 1 Pet. 3. 9. not rendering r. for r RAIMENT Gen. 24. *a serv. irave r . to Ri-bekal 27. 15. Rehekah took goodly r. - J 7. Isaac smelted his r. and hlessc 28. 20. if L. give me r. to put on 41. 14. Joseph shaved, changed r. 4o. 22. iravf- each man changes of r E.i;>ri. ?,. 22. borrow of Eg. r. 12. 35. 21 10. her/-, shall he not diminish 22. 9. any trespass for sheep, for r. 26. if thou take neighbour's r. 27. I.e r,. 1 1. 32. nn. -lean beasts fall on r. \iirn. 31. 20. purify all yourr. Dent. S. 4. thy r. waxed not old 10.18. L. loveth stranver, giv. himr 21. 13. put r. of captivity from her 2-.'. 3. lost r. restore, ail'lost thing 24. 13. that he may sleep in his r. 17. thou shall take a widow's r. Jnsh. 22. 8. return with much r. niig. 3. 16. Ehud :i dagger under r. 8. 26 purpl.- r. that was on kings Ruth 3. a and put thy r on thee 1 Sum. 2n. 8. Sun! di*guis. put on r. 2 Kin. 5 5. Naam. took chanties of r 2 Chr. 9. 24. to Solomon, gold, and r Esth. ! 4. sentr. toclothe Mordecai loh 27 16. tho' he prepare r. us clay l'. 45. 14. he brought to king in r. Int. 14. 19. cast out HS the r. ol slain 63. :t. and I will ,-t.iin all my r Ezek. 16. 13. thyr. ws of flue linen Zt-rh. 3. 4. I will clothe ihee with r. Mat. a 4. John had r. of camel's haii 6. 25. and the body more than r. J.uke 12. 23. 28. why take ye thought lor r.? 1 1. 8. clothed In soft r. l.nke 7. '.'S. 17. 2. his r. white as light. Murk it. 3. /. tike . 29. 27. 31. put his own r. on him 28. a his r. was a* white an xnow Lu. '0. 30. thiev. H stripped him of r. 23. 34. they parted his r. ami . 3. 5. same be cloth in white r. IS buy white r. that thou mayeat 4. 4. 1 saw 24 elders in white r. RAIN. Gen. 7. 12. the r. wac upon earth H. 2. r. from heaven wan restrained ;j-rf. !>. 3:1 the r. WHS not poured 34. Pharaoh naw the r. cease. I .er. V6. 4. I will eive you r. in due ceasoii. DM* II. 14. I VK 12 Deut, ll.il drinketh of r. of heaven \"i. shut heavi-n that there be no r. \ Km. a 35. 2 CAr. ti. U& Til U79 RAI /?'"'. ?R. it. L. (.hll make r St -i. ''ydo,.tnne.,hall,lro p j U r. '* 14 17. c,,l, ., L. t,, send r. 23. 4. by dear Chining fter r. I AIM. 8. 3B. then hear tboi, H nd fit ' 14 tilNUy IhHtthe Lord end r.' !S. I. I will send r. upon the.. rth 41. is a sound of al.nndaiire of r. 2 Kin. 3. 17. not ee Ha4, Jrw r Ezra Id. 9. trembling for the great t 13 and it is a time of much r Jul 5. 10. giveth r. upon the earth i8. 2fi. hen he mde a d. cree for r 'J9. 23. waited for me a.. for the r 3<>. 27. clouds (Mrur down r accord 37. p. to small r. ar.ci to great r 3S. 28. hath r. a father ? who hnth /'*. 68. 9. O O. didst send plenti. r. 72. 6. he shall come .town like r. 81 6. the r. also hll.-th the |...ni, 105. 32. he gave them hail for r. 135. 7. he niiiketh lightnings for r. 147. a L. preparethr. for the ert4 /'roc. 25. 14. like clouds without r. 23. the north wind ririveth away r. V6. I. as snow in summer, and r. ia 28. a oppresseth poor is like a r. EccL II. 3. if the clouds be full of r. 12. 2. nor clouds return after the r. Cunt 2. 11. the r. is over and rone ii. 4. fi. a covert from storm and r. 5. 6. command clouds th. rain no r. 30. 23. then shall he give the r. 44. II. an ash, r. doth nourish it 55. 10. as r. cometh from heaven Irr. 5. 24. let ns tear L. th. gheth r. 10. la maketh lightnings wT r.51.16. 14. 4. ground i hapt, there was nor. 22. are there any vanities of Gen. tiles can canst- r.P c xek. I. 28. as how in c mid in the r. 3R. 22. I will r. an overfloning r. '/.. 6. 3. he shall make us as the r. Jr/2. 23. cause t me down r. iii/oi 4. 7. I have withhnlden the r. /-ill 14. 17. upon them sh. he no r. 18 go not up, that have n.. r. Mat. :>. 4". he sendeth r. on the just 7 25. and the r. descended, 27. C' 14. 17. did good, and gave us r. - i. 2. because of the present r. /. 6. 7. earth drinketh in the r. Jam. 5. 18. and th heaven gave r. .SVr l.AITt.R. RAIN, I'erh. Gen. 2. 5. I. hi.d not ( aii.oed it t. r. 7 4. cause to r. 40 days and 4nniRhti '.rod. 9 18. t-morrw cause it to-. Hi 4. I will r. 1-r. ail Iron, heaven ob 20 23. n. sh. r. his torv on him 38. 26. i-aiice it to r. on the earth 't. II. 6. on wickid he sh. r. snmn .'ii. 5. I', that they ;. no rain on it '.xrk. 38. 22. I Will r. over How. tain {in. 10. 12. come and r. right, en-. miw 4. 7. I raiied it to r. on i ity . 17. Klias j.r.i. it mivht i "I r. ief. 11. 6. r. not in days of priphe hrita KAIM P. im. 19 24. I> f upon S >d mul <.ix ,J| t '-.// 7- 24. had T. down inxnna, If7. :*e*. ti. 4. art the l.n.t not r. U|MW 4. 7. one pie< e KB r upon .unf 17. C9. it r lire (rum hern am. 6 7 It r. wt for vmrs 6 mok HA! RAINY Prae. 7. 15.dropping in a r. day RAISE. Gtn. 3S. S. find r. up seed to brother K.rod. 2a I. shall tint r. false report }>' ut. la I \ L. thy Oiid r. up .. pro. phet. I a Actt 3 22. | 7. 37. 25. 7. refu?elh to r. up to brother Jtuk. 8. 29. r. thereon a heap stones Ruth 4 ft. tor up name of dead, ID. 1 .si. 2. 3.Y I will r. faithful priest 2 .SVi/H. 12. II. I r evil a*aiu-t thee 17 ciders went tor. him from earth ) Kin. 14. 14. L. shall r. king in I 9 r. I f/ir. 17. II. I wi:l r. up thy seed JoA 3. . ready tit r. up mounting 19. I,'. hislroops r. up against tnee .1'). 12. they r. ways of destruction Ptal. 41. 10. L. bp merciful, r. me Int. I.V 5. they r. cry of destruction 2!). a I will r. furl- against thee 44. 26. I will r. up decayed places 49. ft. servant t r. tribes of Jacob 68.12. r. foundation)) of generations 'I. 4. nlia.l r. up former deflations Jer. ii .'>. will r. to David a branch Si. 9. r. against Rahylon assembly 3i. none r. him|| ft). I. r. dest. wind Esek. 2a 22. will r. lovers ag. thee 34. 29. will r. up plant of renown fl'it. 6. V. in third day he will r. up Joet:i 7. r. them whither ye driven Anna a. 'i virgin of Is. none tor. (vl 1. 1 will r. a nation against you '.'. II. I will r. tabernacle of David .Vie. 5.5. r. against him 7 shepherd* Hull. }. 3. then- are that r. up strife (i. I will r. up Chaldeans, nation XrrA. II. 1C. will r. ihepherd in land jVot 3.!). r. children to Abra.Lu.3.8 22. 24. r. up seed to his brother, Mark 12. 19. Lute 20. 28. J>tn-2. 19. in three days I will r. it n. 39. r. it at last day, 39. 40, 44, 54. .)/- '.'. :). he r. C. to sit on throne 20. a why incredible God r. dead f 1 Cor. 6. 14. shall r. up us by power 2 Cor. 4. 14. shall r. up us by Jesus He/: 11.19. account. O. able to r. him Jam. 5. 15. the L. shall raise him up RAISED. [Rom. 9.17. Erorf. 9. 16. I r. thee to^hew pnwer Josh. 5. 7. children he r. up in stead ~.26.they r. over him heap of stones Jwig. 2.16. the Lord r. up judges, 18. a . L. r. a deliverer to l-rael, is. 2 .SVr/n. 23. 1. man who was r. high 1 AV/i. ft. 13. Sol. r. a levy of Is. 8.15. Ezra \. 5. nil whose spirit Ood r. Job 14. 12. nor r. out of their sleep Cant. 8. 5. I r. thee under apple-tree Jut. 14. 9. It r. up kings of nations 2:i 13. Assyrians r. palaces of Chal. 41. 2. who r. righteous man of east 25. 1 r. up one from the north 4-V 13. I r. him up in righteousness Jer. r,. 22. great nation r. from earth 29. 15. I. r. prophets in Babylon "1 41. kings rhall be r. from earth 51. II. L. r. spirit of king* of Med. Dan. 7. 5. a bear r. up on our side Aiivit 2. II. I r. up on< for prophets /-(A. 2. la r. out of holy habit. . tion !'. i:i when I r. thy sons, O Ziou Mat II. 5. dead :ire r. up, Lu. 7. 22. Id 21. r. again 17. 2a Lukr 9. 22. Lukf I. (19. r. up horn of salvation 20 .'f7. dead are r. Moses shewed ^o4n li. I. I.ar.aru whom lie r !> 17. 4cttt. 24. whom A. 1. 90. RAM gel r. Peter|]iai2.r. Dav. 13. 2a God r. Israel a Saviour Jes. Horn. 4. 24. believe on him that r. J. 25. r. again for our justification 6 4. C. was r. from dead by Father 9. C. r. from dead, dieth no more 7. 4. to him who is r. from dead a II. if Spirit of him that r Je-us I Cor. 15. 15. r. up C. whom he r. not 1C. if the dead rise not, C. is not r. 17. if C. be not r. your faith i< vain 35. men say, how are the dead r. ' 42. sown in corrupt r. in in. liehekuh r. to well to ,!.., 2!'. 12. Hachel r. aid told tier father 13. l.aliaii r. to meet J.icoh and 33. 4. Esau r. and emliraceil Imn A.I-.../ 9. 23. firer. along the ir round Sum. II. 27. r. man and told Mo^es 16. 47. Aaron r. into conuieti.itioii Joth. 7. 2i. ine>seiisjer r to A. stent Juiig. 7 21. In.-t ol Miilmii r. fled la 10. Maiioah's wife r. and Chewed. I Sam. a 5. Samuel r. to Eli, .-aid 10. r.i. tht-y r. and fetched Saul 17.22. Dav. r. and sainted brethren 51. David r. stood upon Philistine 211. M/i. a< lad r. he shot an arrow 2S.;in. IR 23. Ahimaaz r. by plain I A" in. -J. 3! I. sert. of >himei r. away la 35 the water r. about the alur 45. Elij ill r. before Ahab to Jei. 19. 20. Elisha r alter Elijah 22. Sfi. blood r. in midst ol < hariot Pial.Ti. 2. my sore r. in the nulit 105. 41. the waters r. in dry placet ia*i. 'J. ointment r. down on heard Jer. 23. 21. 1 have not sent, they r. Erek. I. 14. the living creatures r. 47. 2. there r. out water on idc i)n. a fi. the iro.it r. to the nun .Vi/f. 8. 32. the herd of swine r. intt the sea. Murk 5. 13. LukeS. 33. Mark 6. 33. and r. afoot thither /.i/*c IV 20. tiithtT r. fell on neck 19. 4. Zaccheus r. and climbed tree John 20. 4. so they r. both together Acts 3. II. the people r. unto them 7. 57. they r. upon Stephen with a :'n. Philip r. to the rhari.it and 12. 14. knew Peter's voice she r. 14. 14. Paul and Barnaiias r. in 21. 30. the people r. and took Paul :d 7. seven thin enrs devoured r. ears .Vm. 2. Ifi. set forth in the second r 24. shall go forward in the third r I C/ir. 12. m. of Zeb> 50,000 keep r 38. men that keep r. curce to Met. RANKS. 1 A''n. 7. 4. light against three r. 5. Joe/ 2. 7. they shall break their r. .VurA- '>. 40. sat down in r. by hund. It AN SO. M, SnMtiritire. Brorf.21.30. be shall give for r. of lifg JO 12. k'ive ev. man r. for his soul JoA 33. -J4. deliver from pit, I found r. 36. ia ereat r. cannot deliver thee Ptal. 4!'. 7. nor ran they give G. a r. AVr 3.Y he will not regard any r. 13. H r. of man's life are his riches 21. 18. wicked be r. for rixhteous ha. 43. a I eave Hgvpt for thy r. M^st. v'i. ^s. even as Son of man cv life a r. for many, Mark 10. 45. REA ! TYw.2.6. who ?ave hims. r for all RANSOM. Hw. 13. 14. I will r. there fr. grave RANSOMED. /..- 35. 10. r. of the L. sl.all return 51. 10. made the sea a wav for the r ,/er 31. 11. L. r.-d.-emed Jac. and r. RARE Dan. 2. 11. r. thing kins requireth RASE. Pt. 13" 7 r. it, r. it to foundation HASH, LY. Eccl 5. 2. be n< ir. with thy mouth Acts 19. 36. be quiet, do nothing r. RATE. roff Ifx 4. people gather certain r. 1 Kin. 10. -25. brought mules at a r. 2 Chn,n. p. -H 2 Kin. 25. 30. daily r. for every .lay 2 CAr. 8. 13. even after a certain r. BATHER. Jnth. 22. 21. if we have not r. done 2 A'm. 5. IX r. when he saith tnthee Mitt. 25. 9. (fo ye r. to them that sell Murk 25. 26. but r. grew worse Rom. 8. 34. yea, r. that is risen afrain 1 Cor. 7. 21. be made free, n~e it r. Gal. 4 9 or r. known of God Ueb. 13. 19. I hesee< h you r. do this RATTLETH. Jtb 39. 23. the quiver r. against him RATTLING. Jvah, 3. 2. noise of the r. of wheels RAVEN'. S. Gen. 8. 7. Noah sent forth a r. 7-er. 11. 15. r. unclean, Dent. 14. H. 1 A'in. 17. 4. rommari. r. to feed thee fi. arui the r. brought Elijah breac Job 33. 41. who provideth the r food, ftal 147. 9 Pror. 30. 17. r. of valley shall pick it Cunt. 5. II. locks bushy, hlack as /.?. 34. 11. the r. shall dwell in it Luke 12. 24. consider r. neither sow RAVENING. P.t. 33. 13. gaped upon me as r. lion fret 22. 2"). like a roaring lion r. 27. her princes are like wolves r. Mat. ~. 15. but they are r. wolves RAVENING. Luke II. 39. inward part is full of r RAVENOUS. 7j. 3">. 9. nur any r. beast shall go 4'1. 11. callini; a r. bird from east Ezek. 39. 4 give thee to the r. bird RAVIN, Verb. Gen. 49. 27. Benjamin r. as a wolf RAVIN. .V./A. 2. 12. lion filled his dens wi. r. RAVISHED. Cunt. 4. 9. thoci hast r. my heart Int. l.'i. IR. wives of Babylon sh. be r l.nm 5 II. r. the women in Zion Zecfi 14 2. women in Jerusa. be r. RAVISHED. Prnri. 5. 19. be thou r. with her lov 20. why be r. wi. strange woman R A V\ . Efftd. 12. 9. eat not it r. but sodden I tv 13. 10. if then- be quick r. flesh 15. priest see r. flesh, r. flVsli nnc 1 Sum. 2. 15. not sodden flesh, but r RAZOR. .YuM. fi. 5. ttier.' shall no r. come up. >n his head. .fmlg. 13. ">. | 1C 17. I <'<. 7. VI. I/-h.,iv.' with a r. hired *?*. 5. I. tak- Ihee a burner's r. REACH. Rt. 11. 4. tower tn.iy r. to heaven \jcod. 2<< 4'.'. breerlici r. to thighs /./-r. 20. 5. thr.'sinni: /-.to vintage Afuw 34. 1! border -ill. . to the e REA 20. 6. tho* his head r. unto clouds 'tn. 8. a he shall r even to the neck 30. 2R breath ph.r. to midst of neck ler. 4S 32. thy plants r. to the sea /.erh. 14. 5. mountains sh r . to Azal 7o/n 20. 27. r. hither thy finger, an. I r thy hand 2 Cor. 10. 13 measure to r unto you REACHED. 'en. 28. 12. ladder's top r to heaven -!n!h 2. 14. he- r. her parched corn /.>n. 4. 1 1. height r. to heaven, 20. 2 Cor. 10. 14. tho' we r. not to you Her. 18. 5. Babylon's > 2. 2. that he may run that r it Mat 'U. I"), whoso r. let him under, stand, .V.r 13. 14. Her 1. 3. bleed i he that r. RE \IMSG. WA S. R. caii-ed t" understand the r. .Jt-.'i 13. 13. alter the r. of the law REA ( Cor. 3. 14. Til untaken an-a; la 1 Tun. \. l:i give mteniliiiii-* iit r. HE A DIM, Jtr. 36. 8. r. in the I..H.K or th L. 51. 63. when hv t made anruiof r HEMIIM v. Xrff 17. II. received llif word w| r. * Cor. 8. 1 1. as there m r. to wilt 10. & a r. to revenge disobedient* READY. E.rod. 17. 4. the peo. r. to nlone me 19. II. r. against the thlr.l .1 . :*4. 2. r. in the m.. ruing, and come .Yu;n 32. 17. we will go r. armed Deut. -Jii. 5. a Syrian r. to periah 2 .SV;n. 15. 15. thy servants are r. 18. 2*. why run, hast no tidings r ? /Czra 7. 6. Ezra was R r. scribe in Unr .\VA. 9. 17. thou art a fi. r. to pardon Eith a 14. they should he r a la Job 3 & r. to raise their monrnit.g 15. 2a day of darkness isr. at bxnd 24. prevail as a king r. to battle 28. in houses r. to become heapi 18. 12. destruction be r. at his ude 29. 13. blessing of him r. to periiti Piat. 38. 17. for I am r. to halt 4\ I. my tongue pen of a r. writer si. 5. I., art good, and r. toforgiv* 88. 15. and r. lo die from my yiiui I'mr. 24. II. deli, those r. lo be slain 31. 6. strong drink to him r. lo per. EccL 5. 1. r. lo hear than give SHCI j. ha. 27. 13. come who were r. toper. 30. la iniquity as breach r. to tall 32.4. tongue of stammer, r toypenk 38. 20. the Lord was r. to save IT e 51. 13. as if he were r. to destroy Dan. 3. 15. now if ye he r. to worship Mat. ->.'. 4. fallings killed, all are r. 8. then sailh he, the wedding \ r. I.nkf\\. 17. [12. 40. 24. 44 therefore be re also r. I.ult4 25. iO. they that, were r. went in Mark 14. St. spirit is r. flenh is weak Luke 7. 2. servant sick, and r. to di 22. 8a L. I am r. to go ith the.- ./u-W. 6. your time ti lwy r. ylctf 21. Kl 1 am r. not to be bound 23. 21. are r looking for a pnmnM Rom. I. 15. I am r. to preach gos| U -l 2 Cor. 8. 19. declaralion ol r. n\inu 9 2. Arhaia was r. a year ago 3. Ihal, as I said, ye might be r. 5 that the same might he r 12.14. the third time 1 am r. to rm 1 Tim. fi IR ye he r. to di.-trihnte 2 Tim. 4. 6. I am now r. to he ottered Tit. a I. he r. lo every good work //*. 8. 13. old. i r. to anih away 1 Pet I. 5. r. to be revealed tact lime 3. 15. he r. alwy< to (rive a 4. 5. give account to him that i< r 5. 2. not for lucre, bill of a r. mind rtcr. a -i. the things Ihal are r. to. lie 12. 4. woman was r to be delivers 1 Sre MAIIK. MA IK. KKAI.M 2 CAr. 80. l. the r. of Jehovph Ezra 7. la they of my r. who K .i 23. why be wrath ngatnt the r Dan I 20. better than nil in lii~ r li. a king thmiL-hl to.etl.ir. er r. of ( hal.t II. 2. Btirup aliagainut r. c, RE A r r'.- l.fr. 19. 9. "hen ye r. ba.. 25. 5. groweth of itelf ohall n-t r. ...il neither ..w i-.r r. r?>rrt 2. !' let i .s .i. *. 12. >et y-""' !U. -jy. in' the H> r.l ""* and r. /ri. 37. 30. yA 4. a Wi. ow RE A Job M. . they r. every n. f hi. porn /'. I2fi. -V that *ow in tears r. in joy ^rwr. 2i.H. soiveth iniquity r. vanity Krrl. 1 1 . regard-th cloud* sh. not r Jf I-.M3. sown wheat, t.rt r thorn- // M 7. >own wind, r. whirlwind in. \i sow ill righteous, r. in merry .Wi>. <. I"', thou -halt sow, but not r. Milt *5.2. the fowls of the air r not I r. wli-re I sowed not />* I. 3H to r. whereon n-> labour 1 Cur if 1 1. if we r. carnal things 2 (''. 26. 16. seven men ran render r. / 7. 25. I applied to search t he r Dan. 4. 36. at time my r. returned Art* a 2. it is not r. we leave word 18. 14. O Jews, r. I should bear I Pet. 3. 15. iisketh you a r. of hope B-i REASON. Ctn. 41. 31. plenty not known Ay r. r' i-ii I 2. 23. l.. sijheil Ay r. bondage 3. 7. cry J_y r of their task, master* Sum 'J. In. unclean Ay f. dead body IR 8. thing* given Ayr. of anoint. /><<. 5. 5. a/raid Ay r. .if the fire 1 Kin. 14. 4. Mi ij i'h's eyes Ay r. age 2 t'Ar. .',. 14. not mini-ter A. r. clouds 40. I), not afraid Ayr. of multitude Job 17. 7. eye dim Ay r. of sorrow 3i. 2a Ay r. of highness not endure 37. 19. ord>-r speech by r. of darkn. 41 25. Ay r. of breakings they purify P*tl 78 65. man slioutetli Ayr. wine 90. 10, ifA/r of strength he 4 si-ore In. 49. 19. to narrow Ay r. of inhah. 19.10. hr .niches ty r. of water* 111. given Ay r. of traimgres. I cried AV r. of affliction J. An \i 1 1. Ay r. many believed in J. H<'in. 8.9O. Ay r. of him who subject Hi* 5. 3. *w r. hereof offer for sins 7 2't. priest, not rontin. Ay r. death 8 /*. 1 2. '-yr. f him truth evilsp. REASON, Verb. \ Sum. II. 7 that I may r. with you Joh9. 14. choose words to r. wi. yon 13 a speak and desire to r. with 'i l.'x.t .bould he r with unproi.ta.lki 1 /?. I. I*, now, let us r. together Mat. IR. ft. Jesus said, why r. among yourselves, .W.ir/t 2 R | R 17. ,.2. what ye in youi hearts ? REASON A BLE. RKB REASONED. .Wot IR 7. they r. union* themselves 21. 15 Hark*. IK. | il 31. l.u. 2a..dwi'ii r. 24. l'i. while they r. J . drew near /icfr 17 2. three Sai.bath* Paul r. I* 4. l.e r. in synagogue every sab. l!. Pun r. with Jews at Ephesus 24. 25. as he r. of riuhteonsiir.. .ni.l REASON! .\r;. J^ la 3 hear my r. and hearken l.nkf % 4'V arose a r. among them Act* 28 29. Jews departed, and had r. REASONING. Viirk 2. R. .'scribes r. in theii heart* 12. 28. having heard them r. togeth. REASONS. Job 32. 1 1. and gave ear to your r. Ita. 41.21. bring r. -aith king ol Jar RRBBi. .Vim. 14. 9. only r not against Lotd ./ th. I. IS. who'-oever r. -hall die 22. Ifi ye huilded altar ye might r 19. r. not against I., r. not agt. us 29. 'J. forbid we r. against Lord I Sum. 12. 14. if ye or.ey and not r. 15. if ye will nut obey Lord, butr. .NVA. 2. 19. will ye r. again -t king >> ii. thou and the Jews think to r. I" 1 ' 't t aught r. *J.S8. REBELLIOUS DfUi 9 7. ye r. against L 24. | 31.97. 21. 18 have a tuhiMirn and r. son I .5-iwj. 20 31 son of the r. woman -1 4 12. building ther city. 15. P*iil. rH 7. let not r exalt th. 'inset fi8. 6 the r. dwell in a dry land 18 for the r. || 7S. 8. r. generation /*!. 1.2a thy prince* r. companions 31. I. w.. to r. children, saith Lord 9. a r people i| VI. V I WAS not r (.5. 2. have spread bands to a r -p o . cj, your r. service! Jur. 4. 17. h hath hecn r. saila L. REB Vr. '. 21. thi" people h. ti a r. hnrt A'JcX. .'. 3. send thee to a r. nation 5. they are a r. house. C. 7. | 3. !>, *i, -r, | . 2, a & he not r. like that r hmi-e 12. 2. dwellest in midst of r. honw 17. I,', .say to r. house, know, 44. & 24. 3, utter pat able In the r. huu KKKKI.S. Stim. 17 10. Aaron's TIH) token njf. r. -0 in. M. and Aaron said, hear, r. Kxek. <*>. :. I will purge out llif. HKliUKK, Suf,if,,Hti,e Di-ut. 2H. 20. 1.. shall s.-nil on thee r 2 A' in. 19. a this is day of r. /*. 37. t PsaL iat5 at thy r. blast ...' n.-striU 7K. 6. at thy r. horite i a-t into -;,-. p HO. i >i perish at r. ol ' cinintenam , 104. 7. at thy r. they U>-d away I' fur !3. I. a -i uriiiT heareth nut r. H. hut the pour heareth not r. fl. 5. open r. better th. secret love Ki-rl. 7. 5. better to hear r. { wise /.i i.'i.s. the r. "f hi pe<>. take au-ay 30.17. thousand flee at the r of one at the r. ..f five shall > e Bee 50. 2. at thy r. I dry up the sea 51. v?0. thy sons lie full of r. of God rW. IS. to'render his r. w. 4. 2. r. with loiiir-vnflerinir 7*tV. I. 13. wherefore r. sharply 2. 15 Judeti. Michael, said, the L f th Kev. a 19. a- n am a- I love I r REBUKED. Oat. 31. 42. G. hath teen and r. the* 37. IU. hi- thtber r bun. ami sai.l K'-fl. 5. 7. I r. the nobles and rulers fmt. 9. 5 ha-t r. the heathen, haa 1W. !l h. r Ited .sea, it wa.s dry 119. 21. thou bast r. the proud A/at 8. 2fi. he r the wimt nnd the sea. Mark 4. 3>. l(i. discovered at r of L. REBUKIN(J, P,trti,-i/,le. Luke 4. 41. he r them, suffered not RECALL. Lam. 3. 21. this I /. t.. mind, I hope RECEIPT, Mill. 9. 9 Matthew sitting at the r. of custom, Murk 2. 14. Luke 5 27 RECEIVE, Deut. 33. 3. every one r. thy words I Si'm 10. 4. thou r. of their hand, Joh 2. 10. we r. good at hand of (i. J> 27.13. they , hall r. of the Almighty Psal. 6. 9. the L. will r. my prayer 24.5. he shall r. blessing from Lord 49. 15. (}. redeem soul, he sh. r. me 73. 24. afterward r. me to glory 75. 2. when I r. congreira. 1 judge Prof. 2. 1. if thou wilt r. my words 10. 8. the wise will r commandments lsn.yi.fi. should I r. comfort in these Ktek. 16.61. a-hamed whenr. sisters Uan 2. 6. ye shall r. of me gifts and Mir. I. II. he shall r. of you standing Zfjjh, 3. 7. thou wilt r. instruction Mat. 10. 41. r. a prophet's reward 11. .). the blind r. their sight, lami 14. if ye r. it, this is Eliastocome 19. 1 1. all men cannot r. this saying 201 7. whatsoever is right, that r. 21. 22. ye a.sk, believing 1 , ye shall r 34. that tliey might r. fruits of it Mark 4. 16. r. the word with glad, ness. Luke 8. 13. 20. such as hear the word, and r, it 10. 51. Lord, that 1 might r. my sijfht, Luke 18. il. 11. 24. when ye pray, believe ye r. Luke 10.8, what city ye enter, they r. IK 9. r. into everlasting habitations 23. 41. we r. reward of our deeds Jnhn 5. 43. in own name, him ye r. 44. can ye believe, who r. honour 7. lit), they that believe r. Holy fJh 14. 3. 1 will come again, and r. you 1(1 14. he shall r of mine, and sh,- w 24. ask and ye shall r. joy he fu Acts I. 8. but ye shall r. power 2. ,'W. ye shall r. gift of Holy Olvst 9. 15. pray they might r. Holy Gh. 19. on whom I lay hands may r. 9. 12. that he m'urht r his sight v 17. Jesus sent m., thou r. thy sight 10. 43. helieveth, r remiss, of sins 2fi. 18. may . forgiveness of sins Rum. 5. IV r. abundance of grace Ifi. 2. that )P r. her in the Lord 1 Cnr. 3. 8. e'vcry man r. his reward 14. if his work abide, her reward 4. 7. if thou didst r it, why glory '( 1 Cor. 5. 10. every one r. things done 6. 17. touch not the unclean thing, and I will r. you 8. 4. prayinor, we would r. the gilt 11. 4. or if ye r. another spirit Gal 3. 14. might r. promise of Spirit Eph f>. 8. same shall he r. of Lord Col.'.i. 2k ye sh ill r. reward of inher 25. he shall r. for the wrong done Phi/em. 15. shouldst r. htm for ever Heh. 7. 8. here men that di-r. tithes 9. 15. called might r promise, 10. W Jam. I. 7. man think he r. any thinir 3. 1. shall r. greater condemnation 5.7. until he r. early and latter rain 1 Pft. 5. 4. ye shall r. crown of glory \Jnhn 3. 22. whatsoever we ask we r. 5. 9. if wer. witness of men, God is tr Juhn 8. that we r. a full reward r?>. 14 9. if any man r. his mark 17. 12. r. power as kings one hour RKC RECEIVE, ImpfmtMy. C,rn. 33. 10. r. present lit my hand Jul, 22 t>. r. the law from h,s mouth 1'rnr. 4 10. hear, and r. my sayings li'r y. -M. let your ears r. the words Exek. 3. 10. r.'allmy words in heart //".t. 14 2. say, T. us graciously Mnt 19. 12. that is able, let him r. it J-'iii VO 22. he saith, r. Holy (.ho-t Act* 7. 59. Lord Je,us, r. my spirit Hum. 14. I. him we.,k ill faith r. ye 1\7. r. one another as C. received .'Cor. 7.2. r. us, we wronged no mac II. \(\ yet as a fool r. me, I boast Phil. i.A r. him in L. with irladn. s- (V. 4 ID. Mari-us, if he ne, r. him I'hilem 12. r. him that is mine own 17. f- lion count me partner, r. him RECEIVE. Xegatirely. 2 Kin. 5. Ifi Klisha said, I r. none Jub y. I u.shall we r. good, not r evil ? .ler. 35.1:). will ye not r. instruction E^ek :J6. 30. ye sh .11 r. no more fain. Mark 10. 15 whosoever shall not /. kingdom of O. aschiM, Lit. ia 17. Luke 9. 5:t. tliey did not r. him 10. 10. and they r. yoi. not. go into H 30. who shall not r. manifold John 3. II. ye r. not our witness 27. a man can T. nothing, except 5. 41. I T. not honour fiom men 4.'t. come in F.'s name, ye r. me not 14. 17. Spirit whom world cannot r. Arts 22.18. they will not r. testimony 1 Cor.4.7.what iiast thou, didst not r.t 2 Cr. fi. 1. r. not grace of (i. in vain Jam. 4. 3. ye ask and r. not. ye ask 2 John 10. r. him not into house 3 John 10. neither doth he r. brethr. RECEIVE, Infinitireh, (let. 4 11. earth opened mouth jnr. Diitt. 9. 9. go;ie up to r. the tables 1 Kin. 8. fi4. brazen nltar was ton little to r burnt offer. 2 C/ir. 7.7. 2 Kin. 5. 2f>. time to r. money, to r. 12.8. priest to r. no more money Pror. 1. 3. to r. instruc. of wisdom Jer. 5. 3. they refused to r. correct. Mul. 3. 10. not room enough to r. it Mnt. 19. 12. able to r. it, let him r it Mark 2. 2. was no room to r. them Luke fi. 34. of whom ye hope to r. Arts 18. *7. exhor. disciples in T. him 20. 35. more blessed to give than r. 3 John 8. we ought to r. such Wer. 4. II. thou worthy to r. glory 5 12. worthy is Lamb to r. power 13 16. causeth to r. mark In hand RECEIVED. Gen. 26.12. Isaac r. an hundred.fold E.rnd. 32. 4. Aaron r. at their hand VHOT, 12 14. let Miriam her. Ill 23. 20. I r. commandment to hle ln*h. !3 8 (iadites r. Inheritance 1 Sam 12. 3. of whose hand have I r. 2 Kin. 19. 14. Hezekiah r. the letter, /.,; Ti. 14. [r. them Chron. 12. 18. thine ar.' we j David lob 4. 12. mine ear r nttle thereof !/. fia 18. hast T. gilts for men f'ror. 21. 32. 1 looked, and r. instr'i ls. Zarrkrw r. him joytull* 14 retiirne,!, havii, K r. kmgJom J'.A'i 1 II. .-aine t ..... , o 12. as u.any as r him h 16 out ,,l iui, H,. r. griu-e lor S ret .t .il. he that hath r. te.(i,,, , iy 4 4.Y when , ,,ine, (Ja.ileansr hi (. -'I. th.y willingly r him in ihip . II. went, wasbrd, an.l I r. si^ht IS. Phari^ees aske.i how r. eight 10. 18. coniuiHiid. r ol on Kmn.er 17 K. uiven thy words, th?y r. thttn 18.3. Judas II.IVIIIL' r. Land of men /Id. I. 9. a clou. I r. him out of night 2. :!. havinir r. of Father proim-e 41. they ill. r. word were ti:iplii4 7. 53. n tin have r. law by angels 9. 14. Samaria r. word ol d 10. 47. which have r. Holy e r the Holy (.ho-t 20. 24. ministry which I r. ..f Lord 21. 17. the brethren r. Us gladly 2.' 5. from whom I r. letters to 2ft 7. Puhhus r. in. || 30. Hnnl r. all 21. neither r. letters out of Judea Rom. I. ft. by whom we r. ifrace 5. II. by whom wer atonement 8. 15. ye have not r. spirit of bond, 14. .'(. him that eatetli, (iod r. him 15. 7. rec. one another us I', r. us 1 Cor. 2. 12. wer. not ppiiit of world 4. 7. glory, as if tl-.ou hadst not r. II. 2.t 1 r. of the Lord that which I'.. I. which ye r. \\ 3. win. h I r. 2 Cor. 4. I. as we r. merry, faint not II. 4. spirit which ye have not r. Gal. 1. U. another gospel than ye r. 12. I r. it not of man, neither wai 3. 2. r. ye Spirit by works of law t 4. M. but r. me *< an angel of God I'hil. 4.9 things ye have r. an.l seen Col. 2. & as ye r. C. so walk in bun 4. 10. whom ye r. comni.indment 17. take heed to the ministry ye r. I V'.". i. G. h.iv. r. word in affliction J. 13. when ye r. the word, ye r. 4. I. as ye r. of us how to walk The*, i. 10. they r. not the truth I Tim. 3. Ifi. believed, r. into gtory 4. 3. mean (lod created to h, r. 4. rreatnrf good, if r.wllh thank*. Hffi. 7. II under it people r. law 10. v>ti If sin after e r. knowledge 11.3.1 died, not havinir r. proinitef 17. he r. promises off. re.l .. 19. whence he r. him in a tiKori- '.V* wom.-n r. dead 'aired to tile 39. these obthlned a VO.H! r.-joit thro 1 laith, r not the promiM 1 1'rt. 4. 10. every one hath r. rift 2 l'i-t i. 17. for h^ r. from <' honour 2 Jnhn 4. we have r. a i .-in lift: 2. 27. power, a. 1 r ol Father 3. 3 ri-nieinber how Ih.-u hn( f. l!l VD thai had r murk of > 20 4.hd not r. m irk reigned wi.C. RRCEIVR08T l.u 1C.2V in li'e-ti "- r. ifo.id !!( IVER Isa. 33. IS. M-r.he ? rh-re I* the r. f RECKIVSTH Jurf,'. 19. 18 no man r. me REC .7 ' 35. 7. what r. he of thine hand ? / ror. 21 II. when wise r. knowledge 2-J. 4 be that r. gift, overthrowc-th ,'T 7.'-'H thisis iMtion r. not rn' re. t .Vu/. !. 13. or r. iiffer. with uood.wi.l Mat. 7. 8. every one tti.it aketli r. Luke 11. 10. 10. 40. he that r. yon, r. me, and he that r. me r. him tin! -..-nt me. Jiilin l:i. 21). [hghte.M,, I,,.,., 41. he that r. prophet, th.it r. u 11 20. hcareth the word, anon r. it 18 A. one such little child, r. me Ma.'k'J. 37. r. n >t in.-, hut him that sent m.-, Ll kt 9. 4S. / nief is. v. this man r. -timers /Ai 9. 3?. no man r. his testimony 12. 4a hr that r. n.it my words I Cor. 9. 24- run nil, on.- r tin- prize //6. 6. 7. earth r. blessing from (Jod 7. 9. Lev! who r. tithes, paid tithes lief. 2. 17. knoweth, saving lie r. it 11. II. whosoever r. mark of uame RKCB1VETH not. 1 C'f. 2. 14. r. nor the things at God 3 JuAn 9. but Diotrephes r. ui not MCEIVlMfl. V Kin. V 20. in not r. at his hands Art* 17. 15. r. a rommandm. to Silas U-m. 11.15. what shall r. of them be? l''iil. 4. 15. concerning giving and r. Hrb. 12.23. wheref. we r. a kingdom 1 Pet. \. 9. r. the end of your faith RECKON, ETH. tf. 25. 50. he shall r. with him 27. la the priest shall r. to him, 23. \ ';/(. 4. :e. hy name r. instruments >.'r- A-. 44. 2(1 shall r. to him 7 days ./<* la 24 when he began to r. 25. 19. lord of thme servants r. Horn 6. II. r. yourselves to be dead a la 1 r. suffering* of present time RECKONED. A'um. 23. 9. the people shall not be r. 2 Sum. 4. 2. lieeroth r. to Benjamin 2 A'I'H. 12. 15. they r. not with men 1 CAr. 5. I. not be r. by birth-right 7. genealogy of gen. rations was r. 17. these were r. hy L'enea'ogies, 7.5,7. ! 9. 1, 22. 2 Chrin 31. 19. Ezra 2. 62. | 8 a AVA. 7. 5, 64. /*. 40. 5. thy thoughts cannot he r. /. / ;iS. 13. I r. till morning, as lion Luke 22. 37. r. amongst transgress. Jinn. 4. 4. reward is not r. of grace 9. r. to Ahr. || la how was it r.? RECKONING 2 A'in. 22. 7. there was no r. made 1 :'/. belong, vengeance and r. ./"/ l.'i 31. vanity shall he hU r. I'rnr. VI. 14. r. shall be rendered >. 4. even G. will come wi. ar. i i. rpay r. to hi* enemies iVi. 6. voice of L. that rendereth r. Jrr. 51. 6. he will render to her a r. I. inn. :i 64 render to them a r. O L. V/<. f> 7. the day* of r. are come */><' 3. 4 will ye render me a r.? 7. 1 will return r. on your head J.uke II. 10. and n r. be made thee lii.m I 27. receiving r. of their error II. 9. let tkeir tal.le he made r. 2 Or. fi. 13 now for a r. in the same llrh 2. 2. transgression received ar IH.35. which hath great r. of reward U. 26. f'>r he had respect to the r. KK( OMPENCES. If*. 31 P. it is a year of r. for Zion Jr. il 56. L. fi. of r. shall requite REC RECOMPENSE, JrrA. Xnm. i 7. lie shall r. his in-pass a if he have no kiiisiimu t r. KiUh -i. 12. the l.or.i r. tl.y -ork -' i>-iiii. ID. :>. why stio. kinu' r. me? Jid Coi I. 20. to r. all things to himself RECONCILED. Mat .*>. 24. first be r. to thy brother /{?... 5. 10. when enemies r. to God 1 Cor. 7. II. let her lie r. to husband 2 Cor. 5 la who hath r. us to himself 20. in Christ's stead, he ye r. to G. Cot 1. 21. were enemies, yet he r. RECONCILIATION. Ler. B. 15. to make a r. upon it .' CAr 29. 24. made r. with th. Mood Kxek. 45. 15. to make r. for them, 17. Dan. 9. 24. to make r. fiT iniquity 2 Cor. 5. la given u- ministry of r. 19. committed to us the w..rd of r. Heb. 2. 17. r. for the sin- of people RECONCILING Lrr. 16. 2ft when he made end off. Rom. II. 15 if casting away be r. 2 Cor. 5. 19. G. in Ch. r. the world RECORD. F.rnd. 20. 24. where I r. my name tt'-ut. 30. la I rail heaven and earth to r. 31. 28. 1 CAr. 1ft 4. appointed Levites to r. lia a 2. took faithful witne-ses tor. AcU 'JO. 2a 1 Uke yon to r this day RECORD, Sitbitiintire. Ezra 6. 2. nd therein was r. written ./"'. 10. 19. behold, my r. is on high John I. K. an.l this Is the r. of John 32. John bare r. saying, I saw, 34. a la thou barest r. of thyself, thy r. is not true, 14. 12. 17. the people with him, hare r. 19 35. he that saw hare r. his r. true Rom. 10. 2. I t^re r. they have zeal i Cr. I. *a I rail God for a r. u. 3. to their power I hare r. (;.;/ 4. l.V 1 brar you r. if it had been Phil. I. a God is my r. how greatly Coi 4. la 1 hear him r. he hath leal I John f>. 7. there are ,'i that hear r. 10. r. (;.,.! ga\e of his Sun, II. 3 JoAn 12. we bare r. our r. U true M RED fler. 1. S. who bate r. of \Vord of C It El. OR DEI). A>A. 12. 22. 1 .. vit,- were r. chief RECuKDKIt. 2 Sam a l(i. J.-h.i-haphat was r J> 24. I Kin. 4 a 1 CAr. ia 15. 2 Kin 18. IS. and Jouli the son ' Asaph r. Ita. W. :i, At 2 CAr. 34. a Joah son ol J.mhaz r. RE( OliDS. /^?n/ 4. 15. seiin-h Ke made in r. A..ii. :tU. H. shait \\ Itboat tail r. all 2 Num. a 3. he went to r. his holder i Kin. I. 2. inquire whether I sh. r. 5. 3. the prophet would r. him II. strike his hand, and r. leper 8. a shall 1 r. of this disease} 1). 2 CAr. 13. 20. nor did Jeroboam r. 14. la they could lint r. themselves fnd. 3'J. ia tha< I m;,y r. slrengtli Int. II. II. r. remnant of his peopie 3a 16. so r. me and make me live 21. tor a plaster, and he shall r. Ho.'. 2. !). mid 1 will r. my wool Mark 16. la hands on sick, they r. ^ 7'i'j. 2. 26. they nm\ r. themselves RECOVERED. 1 5am. 30. I*, r. all Ainal. took, 19. 22. not give aught f spoil we r. 2 Kin. la 25. and r. cities of Israel 14. 2a he wsrred, and r. Damascus 16. ft H. zin king <>f ,-yria r. Elath 20. 7. la.d it on the boil, and he r. 1*0. 38. 9. Hezek. sick, and r. 3!). I. Jer. a 22. why is not my people r.F 41. 16. Johanan took people he r. RECOVERING. Luke 4. la r. of sight to the blind BECOUNT. .Y.iA. 2. 5. he shall r. his worthies RED. lien. 25. 25. first came out r. all over 30. feed me with that r. pottage 4!. 12. his eyes sh. he r with wine Ejcod. 24. 5 nuns' skins dyed r. 26. 14. | 35.7. | 36. 19. |39. 34. 35. 23. wi. whom wa- found r. *kiua Sum. I'J. 2. hi ing thee a r. heifer 2 Kin. a 22. Moahites saw water r. iM I. 6. on a pavement of r., blue Pt. 75. 8. wine is ;. lull of mixture frov. 23. 31. look not on wine wh.r. I*a. 1. 18. though your fins be r. 27. '2. sing, a vineyard of r. wine 'j.'i.v?. wheref. art thon r. in npparel? .VuA. 2. a shield of mighty men IB r. Zech. I. a 1 saw a man on a r. hor^u '!. L'. in first chariot were r. horses A/at 16. 2. fair weather, sky is r. a Rev. a 4. another horse that was r. 12. a a great r. dragon, seven heads HKD *j. Exoii. 10. 19. cast locusts into r. tea ia la God led them hy the r. .. 15. 4. captains are drowned in r. *. 22. Moses brought Israel from r. . 23. 31. will set thy b.mnds fromr. . .VHJ/I. 14. 25. get into u ililt-r. hy r. ft 21. 14. what did he in th.- r. jrca ? Deut. I. 40. take journey by the r. . II. 4. he made r. . overflow them JiwA. 2. 10. the L. dried up the r. i. 4 2* MS U your G. did to the r. . j>pf. pursued after to r. *. AVA. 9. JT. fcrdest their cry hy r. . />j. 106. 7. provoked him at the r. . 9. he rebuked r. ji. it :i dried np 22. done terrih'e things by the r. . 136. 13. him who divided the r. tea 15. overthrew Pharaoh in ther J. Jer. 48. 21. tioise was heard in r. JL RED Act* 73.6. sh* wed wonders In the r. . Ueb. 11. 29. by f.,iili passed the r. *. REDDISH. l*r. la 19. asp. ,t somewhat r. 24,43. .2. a white r. sure, it is a leprosy 49. if the plaij in- be r. in garment 14 37. if plague he with strakes, r. REDEEM. t.xcxi. 6. fi. I will r. you with arm 13. 13. firstling of ass .shall r. 34.20 l.i. li-st-born of my child, r. 34. 20. /,<'). '-'">. 'la. if any of hia kin r. it 32. the rities may the Levites r. 4y. or any of kin may r. him 87. 15. his house will r. it, 19,20,31. Xuin. 19. 15. first-born shall thou r. 17 firstling of a goat shalt nol r. Ruth 4. 4. r. it, if "'it, 1 will r it 6. I cannot r. it for myself, r. thou SUHI. 7. 23. what nation is like Ur. J. went to r. ? 1 L'/irtm. 17. 21. f?eh. 5. 5. nor is itin our power tor. Jab S. 21. in famine he shall r. thee 6. 23. to r. me from hand of mighty Pi. 25. 22. r. Isr. O G. out of troubles 26. 11. r. me and be merciful to me 44. 26. r. us for thy mercies' sake 49. 7. none of them can r. his broth. 15. G. will r. my soul fr. the grave f>9. 18. draw nigh to my soul, r. it 72. 14. sh. r. their soul fromdereit 130. 8. r. Israel from all iniquities Isa. 50. 2. is my hand shortened that it cannot r. ? Jer. 15. 21. I will r. thee. out of hand Ho*. 13. 14. I willr. them fr. d-ath Mic. 4. 10. L. sh. r. thee from Baby. Gal. 4. 5. r. them were under law Tit 2. 14 he might r. us fr. iniquity REDEEMS:). Gen. 48. 16. the angel which r. me Ejrod. 15. 13. people whom thou r 21. 8. then shall he let her he r. Lev. 19. 2 ). with a bondmaid not r. 25. 30. if A house in a rity be not r. 48. brother sold may be r. again M. if he he not r. then go out in 27. 20. if sold field, it .-.hall not be r. 27. an unclean beast, not r. be sold 28. no devoted thing shall be r. 29. 33. tithe and change sh. not bp r. \nm. 3. 4fi. those r. more th. Levites Deut. 7. 8. L. hath r. you from kins' of Egypt, 15. 15. | 24. 18. 9. 26. thy people thou ha^t r. 13. 5. the L. r. you out of bondage 21. 8. merciful to Isr thou hast r. t Sam. 4. 9. the L. hath r. my soul, 1 A' i ff I. 29. 1 Chr. 17 21. whom thou r. out of Egypt, AVA. I. 10. />*. 77. 15. AVA. 5. 8. we have r. the Jews y*. 31. 5. thou hast r. me O Lord G. 71. 23. my soul rejoice thou hast r. 74. 2. thine inheritance thou lia-tr. 106. 10. be r. them from tbeeni-my 107. 2. let the r. of the Lord sa? so 136. 24 hath r. us from our energies Is/I. 1. 27. Zion I.e r. with ; i.lement ?!>. 22. saith the L. who r. Abraham 35. !>. hut the r shall walk there 43 1. fear not, I have r. thee 44. 22. r-tiirn to me, I have r. thee 2a I., r. Jacob. 4S. 30. Jer. 31. II. 51. 11. the T. ol the I,, shall return 62. 3. ye ~hah be r. without money 9. r. jeru-a. || 62. IS. holy peop. r. fa. 4. my r is come || 9 he r. them l.iim .VS. O I,, thou hast r. my life H 13. Ch. r. us from the cnrse 1 Tef. 1. 18. not r. with corruptible Hen. 5. 9. thou hast r. us to God 14. 3. but the I44.0UO which were r. 4. these were r. from among men REDBBMBD8T. 2 Sujjj. 7. 23. r. to thee from Egypt REDEEMER. Joi 19. 25. 1 know that my R. liveth P*. 19. 14. O L. my strength aud R. 78. 35. the high Ood was their R. Proe. 23. 11. their R. is mighty /a. 41. 14. thy R. Holy One, 54. 5. 43. 14. saith L your R. the H. One 44. o. saith L. Ins II. the L of ho-t.s 24. saith thy .4H.I7. | 49.7. | .'.4.8. 47. 4. as for our H. the L. of hosts 49. 26. I the Lord am thy R. 60. 16 59. 20. the It. shall come to Zion (3. 16. thou, art our Father, our R. Jer. 50. 34. their R. is strong, the L. REDEEM ETH. Ps. 34. 2-2. L. r. souls of his servants 103. 4. who r. life from destruction REDEEMING. Ruth 4. 7. manner in Isr. concern, r. Eph. 5. 1(5. r. time, because the days are evil, Col. 4. 5. REDEMPTION'. Lev. 25. 24. and ye shall grant a r. 51. lie shall give price of his r. 52. A"JJI. 3. 49. Moses took the r. money Ps. 49. 8. r. of their soul is precious 1 1 1. 9. he sent r. to his people 130. 7. with L. there is plenteous r. Jer. 32. 7. the runt of r. is thine, 8. uke '2. 33. them that hulked for r. 21. 2a look up, yourr. draweth niiih Rom. 3. 24. justified thro' r. in Chr. 8. 23. for adoption, r. of our body 1 Car. 1. 30. Christ is made to us r. y>A. 1. 7. in whom we have r. thro' his blood, Col I. 14. 14. until r. of purchased possession 4. 30. are sealed unto the day of r. Heli. 9. 12. obtained eternal r. for us 15. for the r. of the transgressions REDNESS. Pros. 23. 29. who hath r. of eyes? REDOUND. 2 Cor. 4. 15. grace r. to glory of G. REED. I A'iJt. 14. 15. L. shall smite Isr. aar. 2 A'l'jj. 18. VI. thou trnstest upon the staff of hr uised r. 1m. 38. 6. Isa. 42. 3. a bruised r. shall he not bieak, Mat. 12. 20. Ezek. 29. 6. been staff of a r. to Isr. 40. 3. a man with a measuring r. Mat 11.7. what went ye to see? a r. shaken, Luke 7. 24. 27. 29. put a r. in bis right hand 30. smote him with a r. Mar 15.19. 48. put spunge on a r. Mark 15. 3fi. Rev. 11. I. there was given me a r. 21 15. golden r. to measure city, 16. REBD& Job 40. 21. lieth in the corert of r. Isn. 19. 6. r. and flags sh. wither, 7. :t:>. 7. in habitation of dragons her. /, / 51. .T2. the r. they have burnt Ezek. 42. 1(5 he measured east cid>, five hundred r. 17, Is, in. 45. 1. shall be the length of 25,000 r. HEEL. Pt. 107. 27. r to and fro, and stngger // 24. 20. earth shall r. to and fro REFINE. Zecft. 13. 9 I will r. them as silver REPINED. I Chr. 2. 18. fr the altar r. gold 2!t 4. 7000 talents of r. silver 7t. refine them. MiilvcrU*. UKHNKK. Mai. a 2. for I,,. ., i,ke r.'i r he shall it a r. a. .1 uurin>r //fi. 9. 10. on 'hen, until time of r. REFORMED. Lev. 26. 23. ami il y r will not be r REFRAIN Gen. 45. 1. Jiwph could not r. him*. Job 7. 11. 1 will ,,,,t r. my muutb /Von. I. 15. r. thy foot fr their path Keel, a 5 a time to r. Ir. rml.rHi nn; /*a. 48. 9. and for my prais* 1 will r til. ]_'. wilt thou r. thyself, O Li? ./er. 31. l(i. r. voice from wet-pin* ^c/i 5. 3S. I say, r. fr..in tliesr men 1 Pet. 3. 10. r. hi* tongue from evil REFRAINED. Geja. 43. 31 and Joseph r. himwlf Etlh. 5. 10. Hainan r. him-elf Job 29 9. the priuivs r. talking Pial. 40. 9. I have not r. my lips lift 101. 1 have r. my feet fr. eril /(. 42. 14. been still, and r. myself Jer. 14. 10. they hate m t r. th. feet REFRAINE1 II. Prar. 10. I!), that r. hi, lips is W\t REKKESH. I Kin. 13.7. come home and r. tbyelf Artt-r,. 3. Jul. snrJeied Pa. to r. him. f AlV. 20. r. my howela in (he Lord REFRESHED, ETH. ExoA. 23. 12. the stranger maybe r. 31.17. seventh day rested and was r. 1 Sam. 16. 23 MI Saul wan r. and we3 2 Xuj/i. 16. 14. David and people r. Job 32. 20. will speak 1 1. at 1 may be r. Pror. 25 la he r. soul of his master* Rom. 15. 32. I may with you he r. 1 Cor. 16. 18. r. my spirit and yours s> Cor. 7. la Titus) his spiiit was r. 2 TVjjj. 1. If! f..r be often r. me Phil. 7. bowels of saints r. by thee REFRESHING. Isa. 28.12. r. yet they would not hear Act* 3. 19. when times of r. ah. com* HI I I .VKJJI. 35. la six c'itie> have for r. IS. i>f,f. Xi 27. the eternal O. is thy r. ,/<>.A. 20. 3. r. from avenger of blood 2 SI/HI. 22. 3. my high tower a.)d r. Pi. 9. P. L. will" he a r. for oppressed 14. 6. because the Lord is bis r. 4fi. I. G. is r. 7. II. || 48.3. 4. la hiyli 'hills r for wild goat* 142.4. r failed ire || 5 thou art my r. /'nir. 14.2';. children have place of r. y.4.6 a place of r. ||5>5.4. to needy r. 28. 15. for we have made lies our r. 17. hail shall sweep away r. of lies Jer. 16. 19. O L. m> r. in hfljii tion Ueb. 6. la who have Hed for r. Kl I USB. I Sum. 15. 9. every thinir that war /.njjj. 3 t'i tbou ha-f made us ai r. AHIHI&. 6. may eil the r. of wheat ^rorf. 4. 2a if tb'-u r. to let them (TO, t. in.3. Imwloiiff r. to humble thyself? ye to \ri-\- in i mminind.? ! her till her utterly r. to|fir 3 whetherthoii r. r ehoOiO lO. be wi-e, and r it !!: 21 7 bi-.-au-e t'ie\ r t ,!..J'id|riT>. 25. alothlnl, hi- bi.i.d- r. MlHboilf /*0. I. 2a If ye r i-l::.H I c .l-vollfed 7. 16. he aiu'y know to r. eU, :fll 8 REG Jt r 8. Jl r to return |{ (V r. to know \'\ ID. tins i" o r In lie. ir my word 25. VS. it I hey r. to lake the cup XI. if thou r. logo lorih XcfJ 2 \ll. I- . It.-mler. I r. nt to di< ) TVm. 4. 7. but r. |.r..l.un- I 5. II. but the yoiiniier widows r. Hub IX.2.Y r. n. .1 lum that speuketh REFUSED. Gm 37. 35 Jar. r. ti be romforted S. R Jo-.r. In lie wi. master's wife 4S Ml. Jaron r. to remove hand \iiwi. 20. a I. K.I. mi r. Israel passage 1 .V turn aside 13. 9. she poured, A union r. to cat 1 A'i. '.W. Ai. man r. to smite him 81. IS. rineyard he r. to give thee 1 Kin. 5. 16. NHHIIIHII urged, he r. fJfh. 9, 17. our father* r. to obey Eith. I. IX. queen Va-hii r. to come Job ft. 7. thinga that my HOII! r. fnL 77. X. soul r t.i he romforted 78. 10. they r. to walk in hi* law 67 he r. tabernacle of Joseph US. 2X stone which th: builiers r. Pror. 1. 24. 1 have ral ed. anil ye r. Int. S4. 6. thuu wast r. ailh thy <;. Jr. 5. 3. they r. to lereive correct. II. 10. father r. to h-ar my words 31. I.Y Rachel r. to he comforted 50. 33 took them r. to let them go Erfk. 5. 6. they r. my judgment* Hoi. II. 5. because tliey r. to return Zeck. 7. H. i ut they r. to hearken Viet* 7.35. MOD. whom they r. saying I Tim 4. 4. and nothing t > te r. .?/.'' II. 24. Mo,, r. to be railed son JX.X5.wbo r. him th. spake on earth REFU8EDST. Jcr. a 3. thou r. to he ashamed REKUSETH. Ernd. 7. 14. Pharaoh r. to let peop Hum. X2. la L. r. to give me leave L)fut. X5. 7. brother r. to raise name Vrop. 10. 17. he that r. reproof erreth 13. 18. -.name to him that r. in-.mii-. 15. 3*. that r. instruction despieth 7*1. Mi people r. water* of Shiloah Jer. 15. 18. wound r. lobe healed REGARD. Eccl. a 8. in r. ol the oath of God .*i.7* S. 11. and to him they had r. REGARD. Verb. Gen. 4S. 80. r. not your stuff, for trod. 5. 9. let th. not r. tain words J.T 19. 31. r. nt familiar spirit! Unit za -M). not r. person of aged 1 .Vim. XV 25. r. not man of Belial X S.i. 13.20. r. not, he in thy hroth. 8 A'm. a II. that I r. Jeho-h'aphat JA 3. 4. let not G. r it from above :r.. 13. nor will the Almighty r. it 3ft. VI. take heed. r. not iniquity rW XM 5. they r. not works of L. 31. ft hated that r. l\ing vanities i la if I r. iniquity in my heart W4. 7. neither shall (i. of Jacob r. It ll. 17 will r. prayer of dc-titute frnf 5. X. t'lou inayes' r. discretion n. 3-V he will not r. any rai.Mtm 1m 5. 12. they r. not work of Lord 13 17. Mede* who wiiln.it r. silver J.nm. 4. Id L. will no more r. them linn. II. .T r. O.i.l, nor r. any Bod Am'ii^'fl. nor r tlie peace offerings //|A. I. A r. wonder marvellous y >//. 1. will he r. your person- ? l.nke\b. 4. fear not G"d ui r. man fluw. 14. II. the I. he riolh not r. it REMAPPED txwt 9. XI. r. uot the wuid of Lord REJ 1 Kin. la 09. no voice, nor any r. I CAr. 17. 17. thou h:i-t r me as of /in. a 12. U kinii.have not r thi-e y.uAe I. 4>(. he r. hi- hand.mai.l li. X. feared not (i neither r. man //t. 8. a I r. them not, saith Lord 2 Sam. ID. 6. ihou r. not princ''S nor .'"'. 30.XU. I stand up, thou r. me not Mat. XX. 16. thou r. not the per.-on- ot men, M-irk I*. 14. REGARDETH. Deiit. 10. 17. mighty, r. not persons J"t> 34. 19. nor r. rich more th. poor 39. 7. neither r. crying of driver I'rur. 12.10. righteous r. life of beast 13. 18. thai r. reproof hi- honoured IV 5. he that r. reproof is prudent 89. 7. wiiked r. not cause of poor Ki-cl. 5. 8. higher than the highest r. II. 4. he that r. clouds .-h not reap Ita. 3a a de-pised cities, r. no man Dan. 6 la Daniel r. not thee, king Mul. i l.<. r. not ottering any more Hum. 14. 6. he that r. day, r. it to L. REGARDING. Jolt 4. XO. perish without any r. it I'ttit. 2. 3o. not r. life to supply lark REGENERATION. Mat. 19.28. which fo lowed me in r. Tit. a 5. saved us by washing ol r. REGION. Dent 3. 4. all the r. of Argob, la 1 A'in. 4. 24 and Solomon had domi. nion over all the r. Mat 3. 5. went to him r. round Jor. 4. Ifi. them which sat in r. of death Mark 1.24. his fame spread through. out r. of Gal. Luke 4 14. | 7.17. ft Si ran thro' that whole r. round Act* 13 49. word of L. pub. thro' r. 14 ti they fled to r. round about 16. 6. gone thro' the r. of Galatia REGIONS. Actt a I. scattered tliro' r. of Judea 2 Cor. 10. Iri. preach in r. beyond II. ID. stop me in r. of Achaia iiai I. XI. I came into r. of Syria REGISTER. Ezra 2. 68. these sought r. AVA.7.64. .\VA. 7. S. I found a r. of genealogy REHEARSE. D. .--.irf. 17. 14. r. it in ears of Joshua Judg. 5. II. r. righteous acts of L. I .Sum. 8. XI. he r. in earl nf the L. 17. 31. r. David's words hef. Saul Act* II. 4. Peter r. the matter from 14. 27. r. all that G. done wi. them REJECT, ETH. Hoi. 4. 6. I will r. thee, he no priest Mark 6. Xfi. oath's sake would not r. 7. 9. ye r. the commandment of G. John IX. 48. he that r. me receiveth not my Words Tit 3.10. after econd admonition r. REJECTED. 1 Sam. 8. 7. they have not r. thee but they have r. me 10. 19. ye have this day r. your (j. 15. X3. thou ha-t r. word of Lord he also r. th. e fr. being kin*, *>> 16. I. seeing 1 r. himfr. beiiur king 2 A'in. 17. IS they r. his statute! JO Lorn r. all the seed of 1-rae! lia, S3. 3. he is despised, r. of men Ji-r. 2. 37. l.ord r thy coi.fi lence fi. 19 r. my law || :). Lord r. them 7. 29. L. hath r. the general. on of a 9. they have r. word of the I,ord 14. 19. hast thon utter y r. J-nUh '; l.'iin 5 2X. thou ha-t ut'lerly r u, //u*. 4. 6. thou hast r. knowledge Ml RE A/at 81. 42. stone which hniMers T Mark li !0. /.wtr XU. 17 .V/tirA a 31. and he shall r.e r. ol th elder-, Luke 9. XX. Liikt'. .'ill. lawyers /. ioun~el ol (i. 17. X5. first he r. ol tin- Kent-ration (ral. 4. 14. tempta. in tl.-h y.- r. Uot Heb. 6. H. that heart th thorns is r. IX. 17. have inherited ble&a. waar. RBIHH I Kin. B. I. Snlomon's r. fiver Israe. 1 Chr. 4. :tl. cilie.s to ihe r. of David X& 30 DHVI.IV acts with r. written 2 Chr. 36. 20. till r. of kiogd. I', rsia a 1. year of the r. of Tibvriu* HUGS. Verb. Urn. 37. H, shall thou r. over ni * E*ud. 15. IN. the Lord shall r. for ever, 1'ial. I4. 10, /.pp. 2fi.l7. they that hate sh. r. over Deut. 15. 6. shall r. OVIT many nati. lurfg. 9. 2. thiil -evenly r. over you H. snid, r. th.iu .,ver u*. 10, IX, 14. I.SVtm. K.9. km.' fiat -.hall r. over 1 1. 9. 17. thiil same r. over my people 11. 1-2. said, shall Saul r over u, 12. IX. but a king shall r. over us 2.SVfin. 3 21. thou tnayest r overall lA'i'n. 1.11. heard that Adonijah r. ? 1. 13. .Nil. shall r. alter me. 17. 30. 2. 15. set faces on me, I -houldr. Ifi. 15. Zimri r. 7 day.- in '1 iriah 2 CAr. I. 8. made me r. in hi ,-tead 2.'l. :i. said, th. king's son shall r. .lob 34. 30. that the hypocrite r. not fror. a 15. liy me kiiiys r. prince* Keel. 4. 14. out prison he cometli t* r. lia. 24 23 L. ol hosts shall r. in /ioc 32. I. king shall r. in righteousneM J?r. XX. IS. shall thou r. Iwcause thoo 2a S. a king shall r. and prosper 3-1.21. D. should not have son to r. Mir. 4. 7 L. -h: II r. oier th. in Zion Mat. 2. 22. heard Archelau did r. Luke I. 3'i. he shall r. over Jacob 19. 14. will not have this man to r. 27. enemies woiiid not I shon d r. Rom. S. 17. shall r. in life by Jes. C. 21. even MI iniifht grace r. by J.C. (i. 12. let not MII r in your bodies 15. 12. shall rise to r. over Gentile! 2 Tim. X. li if we stifler, we shall r. Rep. ft. 10. and we -h. ill r. on earth II. 15. he -hall r. for ever and ever 80. 6. -hall r. w th him IUOO years XXA th*y shall r. for ever and ever Sn- KMJAN. HKIGNr.D. Gen. 3fi. 31. the kioits that r. in the land of Edom, I Cliriai. I. 4a I Sam. 13. I. Sxul r one year, he r. fi.}. l-h.bo.heth r. t-o yer 5. 4. David r. 4'l yenr- over .ludah 5. David r. -e\' n year- in Hebron, :a in .leru iilem. 1 A'l/i/,'.. X.ll. 1 CArrin 3 4. ] '^i X". in. I. HHIIIIM r in -lead. I Ch. 19. 1. I A'in. 4 Xi. and Solomon r. o er all the kingdom., 1 1. 42 I C/irun. 5*1. 2S. 2 ( hrnn !l -'ti, 30. . I. Aha-neru- r from India Iff. -ti. II. Shallinn r instead of Jo. /(>/! 5. 1 deMllir.fr. Adamt'i .Mos. 17. h> one rn..n - - <. Hence death r. 21. that us sin r. to deal h, race r. CIT t. H. ye r. asking- without ut Itrr. 11.17. taken (.real powerand r. X'i. 4. r. with C. a ihoii-and years Hi KiN M 1 Otr. 29. 12. thou r. over all, and 'lEUiM.'l II. ."mm. 12. 14. kmi; that r. over yon 2 S'im. 15 10. Abs.iloiu r. in Hrr/rud I Ain. 1. Is. twhold Aduuijab r. RE.I 1 Cfcr. 16. 3' the L. r. Pml Ofi. 10. I 97. I. | 99. I. r*al. 47. 8 O r. over the heathen ;)3. I. I.. '. he U clothed wi. majesty Pror. 30. 22. H servant when he r. /*. 52. 7. saith nntu Zion. thy C,. r. Urn. 17. 18. r. over kmifs of earth J<>. fi. the Lord God niniiiputent r. RKIGNINU. 1 Sam. 16. 1. 1 rejected him from r. RKINS. /oA 1ft 13 he cleaveth my r. asunder 19. v~. though my r. he consumed Pt. 7. 9. God trieth the heart and r lti.7. my r. al-o instruct me in niifht 2fi. 2. O I. try my?-, and my heart 73 21. thus was I pricked in my r. 139. 13. thou hast possessed n.y r, Prin: f.i. l<>. ye;i, my r. shall rejoice ha. 11.5. faithfulness girdle ol his r. .Irr. II. 20. O L. that tricst the r. 12. '2. thiiu art far from their r. 17.10. 1 try thy >. |! 20. 12. seest ther. 7.;n. 3. 13. arrow to enter in my r. Ktri\ 2. 23. he who seiirchrth the r. REJOICE. Dent. 12. 7. ye shall r. in all, U. 26. 16. 14. thiiu shall r. in thy feast 15. G. shall hless ther, thou sh. r. 23. Lord will r. over you, 30. 9. 32. 43. r. O nations, with his people 33. 18. he said, r. Zetnilun, in going ./!/#. 9. 19. r. ye in Ahimelerh 1 Stun 2. 1. her. I r. iii thy salvation 19 i. thou sawest it. and didst r. 1 CAr Ifi. 10. let the heart .if them r that seek the L. Vial. 105. 3. 32. let the fields -. and all therein 2 Chr6. (i. there did we r. 68. 3. let righteous r exceedingly r. \.r. h.-fore him||7l 2.'l mylipssh. r. 85. ft. revive us, that thy peo. may r. S'i. 4. r. the soul of thy servant 89. 12. Tabor and Hermon shall r. Ifi. in thy name shall they r. 42. tin. u hast made enemies to r. 06.11. let heavens/-. || 12 the trees r. 9.. I. let the earth r. isles he (find ,H. 4 make noise, /. and sing praise 101. 31. the L. shall r. ill his works V'' ; . .'i that I may r in the gladness Jl)7. ii. riyhteous shall see it and r. !<*>. '.N. be ashamed, let servant r. II!). 162. I r. at thy words, as one I I! I. 2. let Israel r. in him th. made ?/!. 2. 14. who r. to it, i evil \ 18 r. wich the wife of my youth m lo. if be wise, my heart thall r. RKJ Pror. ?3. 10. yea, my reins shall r. 24. the father of righteous shall r. 25. and she tliat t.are thee shall r. 24. 17. r. not when enemy falleth 28. 12. when righteous men do r. i9. 2. righteous in authority, peo.r. 6. the lixhteons doth sing and r. 31. 25. she shall r. in time to romp Eeei 3. 12. a man to r. and do good 2'.'. than that a man should r. 5. HI. 4. 16. that come afler shall not r. 11. 8. a man live many years, and r. 9. r. O young man, in thy youth //. 8. fi. r. in ftczin and Hem".', son 9. 3. as men r. whenth. d vide spoil 13. 3. them that r. in my highness 14. *9. r. not thou, xvhule hnlestina 23. 12. thou shall no more r. O vir. 24. 8. noise of them that r. endeth 2!). 19. poor ainoii" men shall r. 35. 1. drsertsh. r ||2. blossom andr. fil. 7. f..r confusion they shall r. 65. 13. behold, my servants -hall r. 19. I will r. in Jerusalem, and joy 66. III. r. with Jerusalem, be glad 14. when ye see this, your heart r. Jrr. 31. 13. then shall the virgin r. 32.41. will r. over them, to do good 51. 39. that they may r, and sleep Lam. 2. 17. caused thine enemy to r. Ezek. 7. 12. let not the buyer r. .'J5. 15. r. at inheritance of Israel Hon. 9. 1. r. not, O Israel, for joy Amos fi. 13. ye which r. in nought -V/t'c. 7. 8. r. not auainst me, O enemy Zcph. 3. II. take away them that r. 17. the Lord will r. over thee Zech 2. 10. sing and r. O daughter 9. 9. r. greatly, O daughter of Zion 10. 7. nd their heart shall r. Luke 1. 14. many sh. r. at his birth 6. 23. r. ye in that day, and leap 10. 20. in this r. not, rather r. W.i. 15. 6. r. with .ne, for I have found 19. 37. the disciples began to r. John 4. 36. and he th. reapeth may r. 5. 35. were willing for a season to r. 14. 28. if ye loved me, ye would r. Ifi. 20. weep, hut the world shall r. 22. see you, and your heart sh. r. Acts 2. 26. therefore did my heart r. Horn. 5. 2. r. in hope of glory of G. 12. 15. r. with them that do r. 15. 10. he saith. r. ye Gentiles 1 Cor. 7. 30. r. as tho' they rejo. not 12. 26. all the members r. with it 2 Cor 2. 3. of whom I ought to r. 1. 9. I r. not that ye were sorry 16. I r. I have coiifiilenre in yon Gal. 4. 27. r. barren that bearest not Phil. 1. la I do r. yea, and will r. 2. 16 I may r in the day of ( hrist 17. yea, I joy and r. with yon all 18. for the same cause do ye r. 28. when see him again, ye may r. 3. 3. we worship fi. and r. in C. J. Col. 1. 24 r. in my snrterings for you I The*. 5. 16 r. evermore, pray Jam. 1.9. let brother of low decree r. 4. Ifi. now ye r. in your boastings I Pet. I. 6. wherein ye greatly r. 8. ye r. with j-y unspeakable 4. 13. r. in as much as ye are partak. /frr 11.10. they that dw'ell on earth r. 12. 12. therefore r. ye heavens 18. 20. r. over her, thou heaven See G\ A I). REJO1CK brfnre the Lord. T.rr. 23. 40. r. A./"/-' I. L. >e>en days Drt. 12. 12 r. /./ ' /- \our ....! 18. and thou si, alt r. '../'"< W* ' thv Ood, Hi. II j 27. 7. REJOICE in thf I -rrf. Pt. 33. I. r. in /-. righteoui, 07. 13. REJ /w. 41. 16 r in /.. K l,.r in H. On* 61. 10. I will greath , , Mr l.H .'ft*, -a. chi.nii-ii ,.f Xi..n. r ./, L. tl>ih M. Id. y. t I Mill r. in tl,r I ,,,d ffA. 10. 7. heart Mia. I r \n th, /.. P/nl. a I. my hreltirm, r i If,* /. 4. 4. r. in Imhrn I .Sum. II. 15 Saul and men i.i |r. r. 1 Am. I. 40. people r. i-o eanh rent 2 A'I'H. II. 14. the pei.pie r. and l.lrw 1 Chr. 29. 9. people r. hlid David r. 2 C/IA 15 15. all Judah r. HI tliei.ath 24. 10. all prinres and ill people r. 29. 36. He/f kiah r. and nil people 30. -.'5. strangers of Isr. Hint Jud. r. AVA. 12.41 and r. the wi\. and the rhiiilren r. J?*M. & 15. the rity of Shushan r. Job 31. v5. if I r. because my wealth i9. if I r. at the destruction ,.| hi ID Pi. 35. 15. ill mine d\er>ity they r. !i7 8. and the daughters of Judith r. 119. 14. 1 have r. in w ay of thy tot. A'cr/. 2. 10. my heart r. in my labour .ler. IS. 17. I r not in the aa'-embly 50, II. ye r. O destroyers of mine I'.zek. 2.\ 6. Ammon r. against Isr. Has. 10. 5. priests that r. h. mourn O'.,;r/. 12. nor shouldest thou have r. .Mitt. 2. 10 saw star, they r. wi. joy Luke I. 47. my spirit hath r. in Gd 10. 21. in that hour Jesus r. in -pint 13. 17. the people r. for the thing* John 8. 56. your father Abraham r. Art* 7. 41. r. in works of their handi 15. 31. they r. for the consolatinn Ifi. 34. the jailer r. believing in God 1 ('//-. 7. 30. as though they r. not 2 Tor. 7. 7. told us, so I r. the more /'Ai7. 4. 10. I r. in the Lord greatly 2 J(,Aw 4. I r. great IT. 3 .luhn 3. REJUICBTU. I Sum. 2. (.Hannah said, my heart r .'.'. :-.9. 21. horse r. ill his strength It. Iri. 9. heart is glad, my glory r. 19. 5. which r. as strong man 28. 7. therefore my heart greatly r. /'rur. 11.10. well wi righteous, rity r. 13. 9. the lignt of the righteous r. 15. 30. light of the eyes r the heart 29. 3. whoso loveth visd. ni r. lot. :>. 14. he that r. shall descend (>'-'. .V as bridegroom r. over bride (4. 5. thon meetest him that r. zfk. 35. 14. when whole earth r. Vd/. IH. I:', he r. more of that sheep John 3. 29. friend ot bridegroom r. I (or. IS. fi. r not in iniq r. in truth 2. la merry r. aga. judgment REJOICMT. Jer. II. 15. doent evil, then thon r. REJOICING. 1 Kin. 1. 45. come up from thence r 2 Chr. 23. la hnrnt.offerines withr. '// H. 21. till he fill Ihy lips with r. Pi. 19. 8 statnt. s rii>ht. r the heart I l.\ with r. nhall they >< brought 107. 22. derlmr hn ork- w ith r. I IR 15. voice of r. it in tahernacl* ll!i 111. they are r. of my h. iirt !.. shall come Hi'sin Hh '. - :l. r. alwayi before hi-ii 31. r. in habitable' part ol enrth - I create Jrriiwilrro r. Jrr. IS. 16. thy word w n to me r. // t" devour /,!,*. 2. IV thi I- r. iit> lht M>< l.nkf 15. 6. layeth it on - rd.-r. . .^. /<''. 41. r. counted w.-rtliv ti ! & 3U. euuuch neiil on hli wj n KEM Jt-m 12. 12. r. in Imp?, pntient in 1 fur. IS. 31. I protest by ymir r. g <'r. 1. 12. our r is testimony of J4. wenre your r. us ye are ours 1 |o. KM sorrowful, yet always r. I -hal. he haver, in liinuelf fhil. I. iffi. y..ur r. he inure al.und. 1 Tfift. SJ. 19. what our crown of r ? Heb. 3. C. the r of hop.- firm t,i end Jam. \. Iii. ho i -t in.--, sin h r. is evil RKI.KASK. l)rut. I ">. I. end ol 7 ye:ir- make a r. 9. the year ot r. \ at hand 31. 10. ...|, ninitv of year ofr. feast Ktlk. 2. 18 lo-ina>le a r. to provinces KKI.KASK, rV* /><<. I.V i rre.n(..r that lendeth r. i/u/. 27. li. governor wan wont to r. prisoner, /.. -.'i. 17. JoAn 18 X). 17. whom will \e 1 r. unto you? VI. Mark I.V !l. ./..An IN. 3!). Mark I.'.. K. moved peojil.-. should rather r. BarablM-., Luke 23. 18. iuAr- .-rnti. I mil chastise and r. him 20. Pilate willing to r. J.-siis spake Jo/Ut 19. 10. I have power to r. 12. HELKASKI). Mat. 27. 26. then r. he Barahbas to them, Marie I.V I.V /.uAv 23. 25. >/orA- 15. 6. at feat he r. prisoner UKI.V, IK1). CAr. 13. IS. because they r. on L. Id 7. r. on Syria, hast nut r. on L. 8. because tliou did-t r. ou the L. KKLIKF. Adi 11. 29. determined to send r. to KKI.IKVB. Let. 25. 35. if brother poor, r. him Jta. 1. 17. and r. the oppressed i,on I6.choseii that your Iruit should r. 1!>. 31. bo lies should not r. on i TOSS I Cor. 15. 6. of whom greater part r. I The*. 4.15. we r till coining of L. 17. we which are alive and r. llf'i. 12. 27 th. cannot be shiken r. 1 JoAn 2. 24. that ye have heard r. l!--i: 3. 2. strengthen things wh. r. REMAINDER. A'rorf. 29. 34. thou shall hum the r. Lee. ft, 16. the r. shall Aaron eat 7. 17. r. on third day shall he burnt 2 .Sam. 14. 7. leave neither name, r. I'tnt. 7(110. r. of wrath shall restrain REMAINED. Gtn. 7. 23. Noah only r. alive 14,10. they that r. lit" d to mountain Ejrnd. 14.28 there r. not one chariot Sum. 1 1. 26. there r. men in camp to. 28. he should r. in city of refuge 3 Is}, inherit, r. in house of father /Jen/. 3. II. king of Ra-hau r. giants Joili. 10. 20. ret r entered cities 1 1. 22. in A&hdod there r. Anakims la 2, there r. of Israel seven tribe: Judg. 7. 3. there r. with (Jid. 10,000 1 Ham. 11. 11. they wh. r. scattered 2 AIM in. II. Jehu slew all that r. 17. 25. 22. people r. set Cted. over them I CAr. 13 14. ark r. in family of Oh. En-l. 2. 9. my wUdom r. with me Jer. 37. 10. there r. wounded men 21. he r. in court of prison, 3S. in. 41. 10. Ishinael carried capt. that ,- I-. II. hi- taste r. in him, his -rent 51. 30. mighty men r. in their holds Lam i22. day of L.'s anger none r. Dan. 10. a r. no strength in me. 17. 13. I r. there with kiiurs of Persia \lnt. II. 2:1 done in Sod. it would r. 14. 20. took up fragments that r. Utfefi 17. ,/oAS. 13. A.i/A? 1. 22. beckoned, r. speechless ,.<;. J. IM. wh. -tone r. to this day Ifi. II. Jesse said, there r. yonnife-t ./..' I'.i. 4. my error r. with my-eli 41. 22. in his neck r. strength /..i 4 I. he that r. in Jer. called holy .Irr. .'{H. 2. he that r. in city shall .li'e Errk. K. 12. he that r Iw-ieged die Htir. 2. 5. no my Sp. r. amoiii? Ihem Xr7i. 9. 7. he that r. shall he for -e. therefore your sin r 1 Cr. 7. 2fl. it r. they th liave w ive- . II. that wh. r. is glorious '.> '.'. hi- rtL'liteoii-ne-s r. fur ever '. it r. -..me inu-t enter in 9. there r n rest for people of Ciod M RfeM //. 6,10.2*;. there r. nonarrifice for si 1 JO/IH 3.9. not -la, :or -eed r. in lilm REMAINING. Sum. 9. 22. cloud r on tnhernacle DruA 3.a till i.one wa- lelt r. to Of luih. la :Ci and he left i.one r. 37. 39 40. ; II. 8. 2 Sam. 81. 5. destroy, fr. r. in coasts -> A'l'n in. || Jehu left Ahah none r. 1 Utr. 9. :O. wh.. r. in chamber- Iree .'..' IR. 19 nor Hiiyr. in hisdyvelling (''r! la shall lint I.e any r. of Kgau Juhn 1. 33. on whom shall Bee .^p. r. RKMBl'Y. 2 C/ir. 36 Ifi. wrath arose, was nor. /r./r. 6. 15. sh. he broken without r. srt>. 1. be de-tro\ed. and without r. RK.Mr.MHr.R. 6Vn. 40. 23. did not I. tiller r. Joseph Efod. 13. 3 Mo-i s saiii to people r. 20. a r. sabbath tiay to keep holy \M/i 11 5. vie r. ti.-h mt in I ir>T' 15. :. r. all conimandinents of L. l)eut. 5. 15. r. thou wast a servant in the land of t*ypt, Ij. 15. | 16. 12. I *4. is, vs;. 7. la r. what Lord did to Pharaoh IH. r. L. giveth pow. to vet Wealth 9. 7. r. thon provokedst I., thy C.od l'. 't. r. day came-t out of KBJ pt 24. 9. r. what Lord did to Miriam 25. 17. r. what Amalek did to Ihee 32. 7. r. days of old, consider >ear Jii-h. 1.13. r. wor.l which Mos. .0111. Jurf/f. 9.2. r. I am your hone. Hesh 1 "!,.'. 25. 31. A hi if", said, r. handin. 2 .S'.im. 14. II. let the king r. Lord 2A'in.9.2.V r. when I rode after A hub iO.3. r. I walked before thee,/ 383. I CAr. 16. 12. r. hi* works. I'l. 105. 4. i I fir. (i. 4s;. r. the mercies ..f David .VeA. I. 8. r. word thou com. .Muse* 4. 14. r. L. which i- great andterri. 13. 29. r. them that defiled prie-th. Job 4". r. who perished, being ii:no. 7. 7. O r. my life is wind, eye .-hall 10. 9. r. thou hast made me a- day II 16. and r. it a- w.itcr* that pass 36. 24. r. thou iiKiiMiily his work 41. a lay hand upon him, r. battle /'//. 20. 3. r. thy ottering*, accept 7. we will r. the name ol the Lord 22. 27. ends of world r. turn to L. 25. 6. r. thy merries, they are of old 7. r. not sins of my youth, r. me 74.2. r. congregat. thou purchased la r. this, the enemy reproached V2. r how foolish man reproached 79. 8. O r. not former innjuitiei 89. 47. r. how short my time is 51. r. L. reproach of thy servants 103. 18. those that r. his command. 119. 49. r. word unto thy servant 132. 1. L. r. l)..y. and his aftlictioni 137. 7. r. O I., children of Kdom f'r,,r :>l. 7 drink, r. nn-ery no more ! .-shall not r. daytrfhU life 1 1. 8. let him r. d:i>- i ilarTne-a 12. I. r. Cr.-ator in days ol youth Cnnl 1.4. wer. love more than wine /*<;. 43.18. r. not former thint!- s;.) for own -ake I will not /. - n- 41. 21. r. thee, O J.i. -oli. and Uravl 4fi. a r. thi-, shew your-elves n .-n 47 7. neither did-t /. latter end of it S t.4. not r. reproaci. of wiilotvliod 64 5 meete-t tho-e that r. thee !l neither r. iniquity for ever Jrr. 3. IS. neither shal'l Ih.-y r. it 14. 10. he will now r. their iniquity il. r break not thy covenant 17. 2 their cliii.lren'r. their nltari 1 sTi.urt to -peak good 31. M. I du caruealiy r. him stiE REM Jor. 44. 21. did nnttlie Lordr. them? 51. 50. ye that have escaped, r. L. Lam. b. I. r. O L. what is come on us Ezetc. Id. 61. then shall r. thy ways 20. 43. | 36. 3!. 21 27. so that thriu shall not r. Eg. 77r. a 13. now will he r. their inij. 9. U. therefore he will r. iniquity Mic. 6.5 r. now what Balak consult Hub. a 2. O L. in wrath r. mercy Mai. 4. 4. r. the law of Mfa ' A/at. 16. 9. neither r. the five "oaves, Mar't 8. 18. /.. 25. r. that thou in thy lifetime 17. 32. r. Lot's wile || 24.6. r. h .w he John 15. --'0. r. the word thai I said Hi. 4. the time shall roine, ye may r. A*:ls 20. 31. r. t:mt hy three years 35. r. the words of the Ld. Jesus Gal. 2. 10. that we shoul.i r. the poor >A. 2. 11. r. that being in time pat Cul. 4. 18. r. my bonds, grace wi. you 1 Then. -2. 9. ye r. hrethr. onr labour 2 Thes. 2. b. r. ye not that 1 1..1.1 yon? 2 Tim 2. 8. r. that J. C. was raised Jleb. !3. 3. r. them that are in bonds 7. r. them which have the rule Jinie 17. r. the words spoken of Jes. Rev. 2.5. r. fr. whence thou art fallen 3. 3. r. how thuii hast received 7 REMEMBER. Gen. 41. Si. 7 do r. my faults this day \Sarn. 15. 2. 7 r. that which Amalek i>l 21. 6. even when 7 r. lam afraid /* 44. 4. when I r. these. 1 pour 63. 6. when 7 r. thee upon my bed 137. 6. if 7 do not r. thee, let my U3. 5. 7 r. thp days of old, 1 muse Jer. 2. 2. 7 r. thee, the kindness Hot. 7. 2. consider not that I r. all 7?ci REMEMBER. Gen. 9. 15. / w. r. my covenant, 16. Ler.26. 4-'. 7 ;r. r. cuvnant wi. Ahr. 45 7 w. for their sakesr. covenant Pa/. 42. (i. therefore u-i// 7r. thee 77. 10. hut / ,rill r. the years of, 11. Jer. 31. 34. and / iri/t r. their sin no rr.nre, Heb. 8. 12. | 10.17. Ezek. 16. 60. 7 trill r. my covenant 3 John 10. 7 /// r. deeds he doeth R E M E M 15 E a me. Judg. 16. 23. r. me, that 1 may be at 1 Sam. 1.11. look on handmaid r. me AVA. 13. 14. r. me, O God, 22. 31. Job 14. 13. appoint me, and r. me P*. 25. 7. r. ;eu. 25. 19. blot out r. of Amalek 32. 26. maKe the r. of them cease 8 Sum. 18. 18. no son to keep my r. 1 Kin. 17. 18. art thou come to call my sin to r.? Job 18. 17. his r. perish from earth Pxnl. 6. 5. for in death there is no r. 30. 4. thanks at r. of holiness, 97. 1 2. 34. Ifi. to cut off the r. of them 38. 1. psalm of Dav. brin* tor. 70.1. 77. 6. 1 call to r. my song in night S3. 4. that Israel be no more in r. 102. 12. thy r. unto all venerations 112. 6. the righteous shall be in r. Eccl I. 1 1. is no r. of former things 2. 10. there is no r. of the wise fto 26.8. desire of our soul r. of thee 42. 28. put mo is r. let us plead REM J?a. 57. a behind doors set up thy r. Lam. ;i. 20. my soul hath them in r. Ezek. 21. 23. rail to r. the iniquity 24. because that ye are come to r. 23. 19. to r. days of her youth, 21. 29. 16. bringeth their iniquity to r Mai. 3. 16. a book of r. was written Mar* 1 1. 21. Peter calling to r. saith Luke I. 54. he hath ho'.pen Ir. in r. 22. 19. saying, this do in r. of me, I C,,r. II. 21 John 14. 26. l.ring things to your r. /*<* 10. 31. thine alms are had in r. 1 Cor. 4. 17. shall bring you into r. 1. 25. this do ye, as oft ns ye drink it, in r. of me Phil. 1. 3. I thank O. upon every r. 1 TAe**. 3. (i. that ye have good r. 1 Tim. 4. 6. if thou put brethren in r. 2 Tim. I. a that I haver, of thee 5 when 1 call to r. unfeigned faith 6. wherefore 1 put thee in r. 2. 14. of these things put them in r. Heb. 10. 3. there is a r. of sins 32. but call to r. the former days 2 Pet. 1. 12. put always in r. Jutie 5. 13. to stir you up, putting you in r. 15. have these things always in r. 3. 1. stir up pure minds by way of r. Hep. 16. 19. great Babylon came in r. REMEMBRANCES. Job 13. 12. your r. are like to ashes REMEMBERED. Gen. 8.1. G. r. Noah || I9.i9. Abraham 30. 22. (J. r. Rachel || 49. 2 Joseph r. A'.n.a. 2. 24. G. r. his covenant, 6. ft. A'wn. 10. 9. ye shall he r. before L. Jurfg. 8. 34. children f Isr. r. not L. 1 Sam. \. 19. the Lord r. Hannah Esth. 9. 28. days of 1'iirim sho. be r. Job 24. 20. sinner shall be no more r. f. 45 17. I will make thy name be r. 77. 3. I r. God and was troubled 78. 35. they r. G. was their Saviour 39. he r. that they were but flesh 42. they r. not his hand, when 98. 3. he r. his mercy toward house 105. 8. hath r. his covenant for ever 42. for he r. his holy promise 106. 7. they r. not the multitude 45. he r. fur them his covenant 109. 14. iniquity of his fathers be r. 16. that he r. not to shew mercy 111. 4. his wonderful works to her. 119. 52. I r. thy judgments of old 55. I have r. thy name, O Lord 136. 23. who r. us in our low estate 137. I. we wept, when we r. Zion Ercl. 9. 15. yet no man r. poor man Isa. 23. 16. that thou mayest be r. 57. II. thou hast not r. me 6a 11. then he r. the days of old 65. 17. former heavens >h. not de r Jer. 11. 19. name may be no more r. Lam. 1. 7. Jerusalem r. in the days 2. I. r. not his footstool in anger Erek. a 20. his righteousness Kh..ll not he r. 33. 13 Ifi. 22. not r. days of thy youth, 4.1 21. 24. made your iniquity to he r. 25. 10, Ammonites may not be r. Ilia. 2. 17. no more he r. Zerh. ia 2. Amoi I. 9. and r. not the covenant Jnnah-i.T. soul fainted, I r. the Lord Mut. 26. 75. Peter r. the word* of Jetius. l.uke M. 6!. T.u. 24. & they r. his words and told John 2. 17. disciples r. it wa written 22. when he was risen, they r. 12. 16 when J was glorified they r. Ai-t* II. Ifi then r. I word of the I. fiee IA f> God hath r. her. iniquity RRM KM BEHEST, El H. Pi. 9. U niakeih inquisition, be r. M8 REM p> - * * 'ike "lain whom thna r. 103. 14. he r. we are but du.t l.am. I. y. her. not tin l.,i ,M M | i i . i3 ' tlu ' rer - th "t th) l.r..in.r Win 16. *1. ..her. noinorrao,:,;,.! 2 Cor. 7. I.',. whil,t he r. ..b.-dleu.-. K KM KM UK HIM;. Lam. a IS), r. mine ntHu-tiun and I The*. 1. a r. your work of faith REMISSION .W. S). 22. without shedd. blood DO r. 10. 18. where r. is, there ia uoodrr REMIT, TED. John 20. 23. whose sins ye r ther REMNANT. [are/ Ler. 2. 3. the r. of meat offering 5 la r. shall be pne>t\ a-i nil. -ring It. 18 the r. ol oil in priests hand Dfut. 2S. .,4. ev.l ,.ye toward the r. J*A. 23. 12. if ye Heave to the r. -' .V./wi. 21. 2. Gibmiiitc- r. of Amor. 1 A"i. 14. 10. I will take away ther. 2 A'i. 19. 4. lilt up tby prayer for the r. 7.t,i. :)7. 4. [/*. 37. 31. 30. the r. escaped Khali tike root, 31. out of Jerusalem shall gof.irib a r ha. :f7. 3.'. 21. 14. forsa. r. of mire ii.heritaure 25. II. r. did Netuiz.ir.diiaii nirry i Lfir. 30. C. return to the r. of you A>r 3. R the r. of their brethren 9. 8. grace fnnu 1.. to lea^e n H r. 14. so that th. re ~li(,u!.l be M r. \f/i. I. 3 the r. left of the captivity A//> i'. 1 . VII. r. of them fire continued I to. I. >'. unless 1.. left ir i so.a:i r. 11. II. to reciiv- r r. of hi people !ti. there sh. be an highway for r. It. 22. cut i, ft from Baoylon the r. 30. kill thy root, he *h. slay thy r. 15. 9. 1 will briii(i lions on the r. Hi. 14. the r. shall be very small 17. 3. kingdom shall cease from r. 4>i 3. hearken r. of house of l-r^el Jer. d. 'J. the> fh.ll glean r. of Isruel II. 21 there shall be no r. nf th.-.n 15. 11. it shall be well with thv r 23. 3. 1 will gather r. of n-y fWk 25. 20. the r. of Afhdod did drink 31. 7. O L. save thy people, r. of I< 40. II. the king of Babylon lelt M r. 15. Jrws scattered, r. of Ju. p.-ri-'i 41. 16. Joh.i. took r. of p,..,,,; 42. 15. hear the I* ye r. of Jndali 19. O ye r. of Judah, go ye ii"t 44. 12. t will take the r. of Jurtah 28. r. sh. know whose words tan4 47. 4. Lord will spoil r. of country Ezek. 5. 10. the whole r. will * att. r 6. a yet will I leave a r. that V 1 1. li L. wilt thou make rii.l .'I r ' \ I. >'!.. behold, therein shall be * r. 2i Ji thy r. shall fall by the..rd 25. 15. d->stroy the r. of ei>-f.>..-t '.i-l 2. :<". r. Who* the L. hn" itll Ami.i\. a r. of Phili-tinessh. peri-h 5. 15. *. will he gracious to the r 9. 12. that they may POUR*** th' r. .Vi'r. 2. 12. 1 will ntki ' 4 7. will make her that hiiltrd. r 5. a r. of brethren ret irn t . 7. r. of Jacob. In mid.t ..f I 7. l& transgress, of r. of heritmt* e r ,f p.-..ple obeyed Lor.'l \\ Lord slirr- d up spirit nf the r. Zf-k. fllv if marvell in eyes of r. Ii. I will cau-e r. u( pen. In p,.s>e-- Hut. ft. . tin- r. took lilt *ervant Aom.U. ;7. K.-ias rrieth. r. be saved I!. 5. at [iff -rut time there is r Jin- 1 1 13. the r. were aff.ighted I .' 17 '1r.iiri.ii went lit war w ith r I'.i. HI. the r. .-re slam wtthsw.ird RKMOVE. (ifr. 48 17. father', hand to r. It .N **. :*i 7. inheritance . f Israel r 9 />>. r. nut the mnd. mark*. 23.10. 3<). 8. r frm inr vanity and UPS Krcl. 1 1. 10 r. mirrow (rom l.nM-t Ita. 13 1.1 earth r out of In r place 4fi ?. from hi* place Khali he not r. Jrr. 4. I. leliirn, thou .halt not r. 27. HI pi.iph.--y lie, to r. fr..m land 5(1. .'t they -hali r. they shall depart M. r. ..tit* of the mid-t of Hah vjoii Err*. Ii 3 r. hy day. thou shall r. t.'i !t ( ) princes, r. violence mid Hut 5 HI. like tn.Mii that r. hound J, ',!. .'". ! will r. northern army 3. fi. ye iniffht r tln-m from i.ordei ,V;r /:! from wh. shall not r nei ks 2-A. 3 H. I will r. iniquity .if land 14 4 mountain r toward north Mat. 17. 211 say. r. hence, shall I.e r. I.iik' Xt. 42. if willing r. this cup 1 Cnr. 13. 2. K.I that I could r m-un. Arc. 5. else I will r candlestick REMOVED. G'r. 8. 13 Noah r. c vering of ark 47 21. Jo-eph r. people to cities Efod. 14. I!' anirel of Uod r and 2il 18. p.-ople -aw Hand r. alur off VI. U they r. and pitched. I a. I 3CJ. 7,9, 10, II, 14, 16, If. Dfnt. *. .'.>. he r. into all kingdoms ./<>'( .1 I. they r. from shitt m I *"/m. 'i 3. why hi- hand is not r. ; vT, her. from heuu qu-eli, 2 CA.I-M6. 14. the high pliice< were not r 2 Kiigt 15. 4, a&. V / in. 17. 18 the Lord r. Israel out of hi- night, 21 | *3. 27. Vfi nation* wh. thou r. know not If * Hez.kiah r. the high places X < Hr. .>> IV. -hry r. humf-offi-rings Jn 14 is 10. k i. r . out of place is | -:i.,u r.wk he r. out of place ? ii..pe hath r. ht-r like a tree .V ,; would he hHVe r. out of trait full 4A X. not f ar tho' e*tth he r. r hi- li..ulder from hnrdi-u lilt Ii >. f^r he r tr.tn*jrre*aioQ I'll .> eartli, it should not her. .(- 7,tn hn-h cannot he r. fhl. OIIB never t-e r. ' till I., have r men nway 1C l;i I Inv.' r ...iit-d of p.-ope SI Ml ime.Mh it r. Uir inMitiUuU REN JM. 22. 85. the r ire place shall he r. .rtli -h. 30. 32. r. from fi.icks speckled /. 4A 21. I am a captive r. to and l-'iek. 12. 3. prepare stuff for r. 4. //ft/. 12, 27. signiivinif r. of things KB NO. Ei-oii. 39. 23. epliod should not r. /re. 111. r,. neither r. your cl.-thes 1356. priest r. platrue out garment 1 Kin. 1 1. II. 1 will r. kingdom, I. '.31 13. I will not r away kingdom,^!. 2 Chr. 34. 27. .:i 1st r. cl th.-s. Weep " rt 3. 7. a time to r. time to sew /i.r>4. 1. oh, thou Would-t r. heavens K,*rk. 13. I!, stormy wind r. it, 13 7. hreak and r. hll their shoulder Hnl. Cl >. I will r. . ail! of th. heart Joei'i 13. r. your heart, not garmt. f. 7. 6. lest they turn and r. you n 19. -M. not r. it, hut cast lots RENDER. Sum. 18. 9. ev. offering they r. holy "cut 32. 41. 1 will r. \enveance to 43. r vengeance to adversaries Jitiig. 9..S7. evil of men of Shec. .25 Rr.m. 13. 7. r. to all their dues 1C r7.:i husband r. to wife benero. I Tfift. 3. 9. what thanks can we r. 5. 15. ee that none r. evil for evil RENDERED. 1'irlf. 9 y>. T. KIM, IN(i. Fuit.Cf' ]$ r- toman acc.ird.to work In. Cfi. 6. voi.-i- of L. r. r.-cmpeuce 1 /W. 3. 9 not r evil for evil ItKNDKM. 1M,. /*ai 7. 2. tear soul, r. it in pieces Jer. 4.30. thu r I...-.- with Uiiintiua RENEW, 1 Sam. II. 14. go in (ill. r kingdom /'<,'. 51. 10. r. a right s(>. within n> /M. 40. 31. wait on L. r. strength 41. I. let peop.e r. their strength l.ntn. fi.vl. turn u, I) 1.. r. onrdayt Heb. 6.6. if th. fall, r. to r. [..-ntai.ce RENKVVK1), EST. 2 f*r. 15.8 A.h r. altar ' the Lord Jo6 10. 17. r. nittiesM-s ajiam-t me 'JO 20. my IM.W via- ;. in my hand /'*<;/. 103. 5. youth is r like eagle'i 104. 30. tin. 11 r. the face of the earth v(V/r. 4.IR. inward man r. daybydaj* f'./'/i. 4. .'.'( lie r. ill spirit of ii in,l- I'o/. 3.10. man wh. is r. in know ledge RENEWING. //< m. 12. 2. trannfnnned hy r. mind 7Y/.3.5. he Paved us hy r. of Holy G. RENUUNCED. 2 Cor. 4. 2. have r hidden things of RENOWN. Gen. fi. 4. giants , I old, men of r. .Yum. lfi.2. famous in cong. nun o.' r. Ezrk. Ifi. 14. thy r went forth from !5. played-t harlot because of thyr. 34. *'J. raise for them a plant of r. 39. 13. shall be to them r. saith L. Dan. 9. l.'l. votten thee r. as this day RK NO WN'KI). .Vm. I. Hi. these r of congregation //. H. iO, seed of evil-doers nev. r. Kxek. 23. 23. captains, lords, and r. 2li. 17. r. city wh. vv.,< strong in sea HKNT, SuMontt,;-. Ita, 3. 24. instead of girdle be a r. Mat. 9. 16. and the r. i- madi worse, Murk 2. 21. Luke 5. 36. then new maketh a r. RENT. I'Hrttn/j/r. Gen. 37. 33. Joseph i- r. in pieces 7'.*A. 9.4. wine bottles, old and r 11 x.SV/wi. 1532. Hn-liiii with his ,nt r. I A.' in. 13.3. altir be r ,.:>. altar wasr. fT^/.f !'. 5. hi.Tu.g . ti'\ gutment Mat. 27. 51. vail of temple WHS r. in twain, Murk \\ 3*. Lu. 23. 45. ITH*S. UKST. /VrA. Jurf^. 14. B. .Samson r lion s he r. 1 ,Sn. 15. 'i~. Saul r. Samuel's man. _*. the L. haTh r. kingdom. VW. 17. J S'/m. 13. 19. Tamar r her garment 1 Kin. I. 4C earth / with the s..|ind II. 30. Ahi.jah r. .'er-.l.o '* garment lit II. MroiiK wind r mountains 2 A'm 17. 21. he r. Israel ftom Dar. KfraS. 3. when I h.:r.1 I r. garmt ./-//, I. 20. Job arose, ai.d r. mantle 2 I.'. Job's friend- r ev.one mant e 16. a cloud is not r under them Jer :(fi. 24. nor r. their garments /.r-A :o. 16. Sin ha\e pa!n, Nor. .!/<;/ J7. 51. vail was r. an 1 rocki r. .I/art If. i(> spirit rriec., and r. him REPAIR Pmr. 13 21. to lithteojn good be r. REPAIR. 2 A' in. 12. \ l.-t priests r. breaches of the home of (iol. W. 5,6. C/m.n. 21. 4. | 34. 8, la 7. why r. ye not th* h-use '! 2V.,ft 2 TAr 24 5. uather money to r hous 12. carpenters to r. house of Lord '.ra 9. i. (jie reviving to r. boo* RRP 61. 4 'hey shall r. waste cities REPAIRED. Jade;. 21. 2a Kenjrtinin r. cities 1 Kin. 11. 27. Solomon r. breaches la 30 Kigali r. the altar of the L. 2 KIK. 12. t>. the riests had not r. 14. and r the hou-e of the Lord 1 Clir. 11. 8 Joali r. resl of the city V C/ir. 29. 3. Hezekiah r. the doors 32. .";. Hi-zekiah r. Millo in the city 33. IS. M.tnasseh . altar of the L. AVA, 3. 4. iK-xt to them r. 5, 7, 8, 10, 12, 19. [23, 24. 6. and after him r. 17, 18, 20, 2:2, RKI'AIRER, ING. 2 Chran. 24. 27. the r. of the house ha. 58. Ii. llioii shall b called the. r. REPAY. Deut. 7. 10. will r. him to his fare Job 21. 31. who shall r. him what he hath done ? [I should r. him ' 41. 11. who hath prevented me, that ./!. 59. 18. according to their deeds >. fury, t islands r. recom pence Luke 10. 35. rome attain, I will r. K'im. 12. 19. I will r. sailh the Lord 1'nilein. Ii). I Hani have written it, HEPAYKTH. [1 willv. it Lent. 7. 10. r. them that hate him REPEATETH. Prov. 17. 9. hut he that r. a matter REPEN T. Erod. 13. 17. lest peradve. people r. 32. 12. turn from thy wrath, and r. Num. 23. 19. neither son of man, r. Dent. 32. 36. L. /. f'-r his servants 1 Sum. 15 29. Strength of Isr. not r. \ Kin. 8. 47. if they r. in the laud Job 42. 6. and r. in dust and ashes f'f. 90. 13. let it r. time concerning 110. 4. Lord hath sworn, and will not r. Hel>. 7. 21. 135. 14. he will r. himself concern. Jfr. 4. 28. I purposed it, will not r. 18. 8. nation turn, r. of evil, 26. 13. 10. then I will r. of the good 2fi. 3. that 1 may r. || 4>. 10. for I r. K*ek. 14. 6. r. and turn yours. 18. 30. 24. 14. neither spare, neither will r. Juel2. 14. if he will return and r. Jonah 3. 9. [saying r. 4. 17. JV/<. 3. 2. John the Haptist preached. Mark I. 15. r. ye, and heliex e gospel 6. 12. preached that men should r. LrtAe 13. 3. except y r. sh. perish,. 1 ). Hi. 30. if one went from dead will r. 17. 3. if thy hrother r. forgive, 4. Acts 2. 38. r. ami be baptized every 3. 19. r. yetheref and lie converted 8. 22. r. of this thy wickedness 17. 30. coininaiiileth all men to r. 2fi. 'JO. they should r. turn to God 2 Cor. 7. 8. I do not r. tho' 1 did r. Her. 2. 5. and r. except thou r. 16. r. or else I will come unto thee 21. 1 (rave her space to r. of her 3. 3. how thou hast received, and r. 19. be zealous therefore and r. BEPENTANCE. tfot. 13. 14 r. shall he hid from eyes Hat. 3. 8. fruits meet for r. Luke38. 11. I indeed baptize you unto r. 9. 13. to call sinners to r. Mark 2. 17. Luke*. 32. Mark 1. 4. John did preach baptism of r. Luke .1 3.^-fr 13.24. | 19. 4. Luke 15. 7. ninety-nine need no r. 24. 47. that r. and remission of sins jlt-.ti ft. 31. G. exalted for to (five r. II. 18. G. also to (ient. granted r. 20. 21. testifying to the Greeks r. 26. 20. turn t'o G . works meet for r. BOOT. 2. 4 pood, of G. leadeth to r. 11. . gifU of Hod are without r. HEP 2 Cor. 7. 0. ' rejoice ye sorrow to r. 10. godly sorrow worketh r. 2 TYwi. 2. !5. if God will gtvethem r //t'6. 6. 1. laying again the foun. of r. fi. to renew them auain to r. 12. 17. he found no place of r. 2 I'et. 3. 9. any perish, all come tor. REPENTED. Gen. G. 6. it r. the Lord he made man Efod. 32. 14 L r of the evil, 2 .Vim. 24. 16. 1 CAr. 21. 15. Je/-. 26. 19. Judg. 2. 18. it r. L. because of their 21. 6. the children of Is. r. 15. 1 Sam. 15. MT>. L. r. he made Saul k. Ps. lOfi. 45. L. r. accord, to mercies Jer. 8. 6. no man r. him of his wick. 20. 16. cities L. overthrew, r. not 31. 19. after 1 was turned, I r. Amot 7. 3. the Lord r for this, 6. Joniih a 10. God r. of the evil Zech, 8 14. punish you, and I r. not ' Mat. 11. 20. cities bee they r. not j 21. would have r J.uke 10. la 12. 41. mm of Nineveh r. at preach, in? of Jonas, Luke II. 32. 21. 29. afterward he r. and went 32. ye, when ye had seen it r. not 27. 3. Judas r. himself, hro't silver 2 Cur 7. 10. repent mice not to be r. 1 2. 21. many that have not r. of the Rev 2. 21. to repent, and she r. not 9. 20. were not killed, yet r. not 16. 9. blasphemed God, r. not, 11. REP EN i EST, ETH. Gen. 6. 7. for it r. me I made them I Sam. 15. II. it r. me 1 set up Saul Juna/i 4. 2.gracious Hod r. of evil Joel '2. la slow to aimer, nd r. him Luke 15. 7. joy over one sinner r. 10. REPENTING, S. Jer. 15. 6. I am weary with r. Has. 11. 8. kindled together, r. are REPETITIONS. Mat. 6. 7. use not vain r. as heathen REPLENISH, ED. Gen. 1. 28. multiply and r. earth.9. 1. ha. 2. 6. because they be r. fr east 23. 2. merchants of /iiion have r. Jer. 31. 25. and 1 have r. every fj-i-A-. 26. 2. I shall he r. is laid waste 27. 25. thou wast r. and made glori. REP LI EST. Rom. 9. 20. thou that r. against G.? REPORT. Gen. 37. 2. Joseph brought their r. Erod. 23. I. shall not rai-e a false r. \uro. la 32. brought up evil r. 14. 37. men that bring up evil r. Deut. 2. VS. nations shall hear r. of I Sum. 2. 24. it is no good /. I hear 1 A'I'W. 10. fi. it was a true r. 2 ( hr. "./>. AVA. 6. 13. have matter for an eul r. Pror. 15. 30 a good r. rnaketh fat Ita. va 5. at the r. con, ernin* Egypt, so at the r t I v re 28. 19. vexation only to under, r. 5a 1. who hath believed our r.t John \-i. 38. Rom. 10. 16 ,/cr. 50. 43. Babylon heard the r. Acts C. 3. seven men nf honest r. 10. 22. Cornelius was of good r. 22. 12. Ananias having a (food r. 2 Cor. 6. 8. by evil r. and good r. /'*!/. 4. 8. what, things of good r. I 'Jim. 3. 7. bishop must have good r. //cA. 11. 2. elders obtained a food r. 39. these having oht ined :i go.d r. 3 JoAn 12. Pemetriu hnlh a good r. REPORT, fi-rh. Jer. ?0. 10. r. cay they, we will r. it I Or. 14. *.'>. he ill /-. that (J. is in REPORTED. Jteh. 6. fi. it i r. among heathen 7. iUill it be r, lo king inTOidi U91 RF.P XVA. 6. 19. r. hi. (iiMir) deeds befnr* bith. 1. 17. dri.pi.tf th ir hiisi.Hiidit when it siia.l be r. ?f*. 9. 11. the man ha.l i, Khorn r. Mut. is. ];,. thiv-av,,^. i..i,.,i..,i,ivr. Mi 4. 23. r. ull the i bid pn.-atSMld I'.. > I nnc.lhen. M, well r. /('.m .'i H a. we l,e hUmiiTously r. ! ('/. 5. 1. r. there is forincHtiiin I 7iw. V !(). wi-ll r. |nr L-OIM! Korki 1 ><(. 1. IV. miniFter thirii< now - KKPBUACH. Jo*A. 5. 9. I rolle.l awrt) r. nf Kryol 1 Ham. 17. 2i. taketh wy t| lr r \efi. I. 3 rein mint are in amir, midr 4. 4. and turn tht-ir r. ii|i.,n hr,td V !'. because of the r. i.| hutthrii /''( r. 21. '. *. concerning r. of .\minonitei 36. 15. nor shall thou hear r. of th< 30. ye shall receive no more r. of Dan. 11. 18. muse r. to rea..e, hi- r. Hon. 12. 14. his r. -ha I the L. retirrn Jncl 2. 17. given-it thi'ie heritage r .Vic. ft la ye shall hear r. of | pie Zffjfi. 2. 8. I heard the r. of IVli.nb 3. la the r. of it wa a burden 2 Cur. 1 1. 21. I speak concerning r. I Tim. 3. 7. must have a good report l.-si fall into r. 4. in. we both labour HM! sutler r. //r/.. II. 26. esteeming r. of ChrM la la without the i hinp bearing r. A REPROACH. Gm. 34. 14. do thi-, th.,t were a r. I Ww. II. 2. mid la> it fur n r. upon AYA 2. 17. that be no more n r. I't. 15. 3. not up n r. ag neitbl our i*J. fi u r. of ine-i, and n- -; 31 II. I war anmriK enemies 39. S. mnke me not the ;. of I... :-h 44. 13. thou makes! ii- our 7H. 4. become a r. to neighbours 8!<. 41. he is a r. to his neigh! our* !0!>. :'5. 1 became al'o (i r lo them l'r,,r 14. 34. sin is a r to any |.. 10. wnrd f L. is to them. i r. .Jii. <. the wotd ill I . s iriinleif r ;\. !i. deliver lr hurt to I . I*. | 4-.> IS. Ml -, I.' 40. 13. Boirah nba I become it r. A'.-f A. .'>. 14. 1 "ill nialie Ihee a r. 15. JeriiKwIem sh. he./ r. nd tannl 22. 4. 1 tniide a r. unto the hi-nthm />,;. !). Uv thy |.e". lire I i '. me ./ r. .I,,,/ '2 .1!). ill'lioH'"r. make) oil ur .Vv hi 1'liOAt H. Grn MO V3. God h..lh lakin mHT. I ,S;w, '.-.') N" pi. ..il-' r-,n-e,.| mr. .!,>/, I'.: .'> if |'l. ail ii k -iiinst n>f "' ZO. a 1 Imvr limiil ihrck iJ s^y * REP Ptal 0>. 10 1 wept, ...nt was mv r. I!), thou hast known my r. and IIP; 1IU. 3i. turn .iw.iy ;ny r! vvh. I fei Luke 1. '^S. away mv ;. among inei REPROACH. Ruth 2. 15. let h'-r glean, r. her not 2 A' in. I!' t. lioin king of Assyria sent to r. ?h. 6. 13. matter they might r. me Jo* 27. a he.irt not r' \ .ng as I live ''-til. 4'J. 10. mine enemies r. me 71 111. how long adv.Ts iry r. me f lo.'. & mine enemies r. me all day LtikfVi. 22. men / yon r..r my sake RKPROACHBD. t Kin. lil.22. whom th. r.? Ita. 37. 2a 23. messenger hast r. ha. 37. 24. Job 19. 3. ten times have ye r. me Ptal 55. 12. was not enemy that r. 69. 9. they that r. thee are fallen upon me, II- in. lo. 3. 74. 18. remember the enemy hath r. 79. 12. wherewith they r. thee.o L. 8M. 51. wherewith thine enemies r. have r. f.iotsteps of anointed Zeph. 2.'. whereby they r. p-ople 10. because they r. and mxgninYd 1 Pet. 4. 14. if r for C. happy are ye KEPRO ACMES. 7Va 6!>. 9. and the r. of them lhal reproached Ihee, Knm. IS. 3. 7a. 43. 28. 1 have given Israel to r. 2 Cor. 12. I a pleasure in r. C.'ssake Het. 10. 33. made gazingstock by r. REPROACHESI, ETH yum. |."i. 30. doeth presumplii. r. L. ftal. 44. 16. voice of him that r. 74.22. remember foolish man r. thee 119. 42. lo answer him lhat r. me, Prot. 27. 11. [Maker, 17. V Pro*. 14. 31. oppreseth poor r. his Luke 11. 45. Master, thnii r. us also REPROACHFULLY. Jnb la 10. smitten ml on cheek r. 1 Tim.j. 14. none nccasion to speak r. REPROBATE, . r *T. R 30. r. sWvr, men call rtem ^?om. I. 28. G. gave them to r. mind '2 Tim. 3. 8. men r. concerning f.iith JVC 1. la being toev. good work r. REPROBATES. 2 Cor. 13. 5. C. is in yoq, except r. a ye shall know that we are not r. 7. do that which is honest, tho'r. REPROOF. Jo620. 11. they are astonished at r. Pratt. 1.23. turn you at my r. 25. none of my r.|| 30. despised r. 6. 12. and my heart despised r. 10. 17. he that refuseth r. erreth 12. I. he lhal hateth r. is brutish la IS. he thai regardeth r. hehon. 15. 5. that regardeth r. I* prudent 10. he that hateth r. shall die 31. heareth r. of life, among wise 3.'. he lhat heareth r. get. tinders. 17. lit. a r. entereth more inlo wise y>. IV Ihe rod and r. give wisdom 2 Tim. 3 16. scripture profit for r. RKPROOES. Ptal. 38. 14. In whose mouth no r. I'rur. a 23. r. of instruction are life REPROVE. S Kin. 19. 4. r. the words of Rab. shakeh, Ita. 37. 4. Jnb a 85. doth your arguing r. ? 2(j. do ye imagine to r. words and 13. 10. he will r. if ye exieptpers. 22. 4. will he r. for fear of thee ? ft.. 50. a I will not r. for burnt-off. 21. I will r. Ihee, and set in order 141. 5. let him r. me, it shall he oil Pr-Tt. 9 8. r. not scorner, hate thee t ti >-. tiie th. hath underataudiiig REQ Pror. 30.a lest he r. thee, found liar /.>/. II. 3. neither r. hearing of cars 4. r. With equity for meek of earth 37. \. will r. wonls which L. heard JIT. '-'. IS*. backsliding shall r. thee //>. 4. 4. let no man r. another yAn la 8. hf will r. the world of sin /.'/.//. 5. II. IMI fellowship, rather r. 2 Tini. 4. 2. r. rebuke, exhort, with REPROVED. Gen. 20. 16. thus she wasr. ||2I. 25. Abraham r. Ahimelech I CAron. 16. 21. yen,, he r. kings for their sake*, Ft. I0.>. 14. Pror. 29. 1. often r. hardeneth neck Jer.'iS.'fl. why hast thou not r. Jer HA. 2. I. what answer, when r. ? /.i<*. 9. 7. he r. scorner gctt shame !.=>. 12. scorner lovelh not one tli. r. Ita. 29. 21. lay snare for him that r. REPROVER. Proe. 25 12. so is a wise r. upon Erek. 3. 26. shall not he to them a r. REPUTATION. Err!. 10. 1. him in r. for wisdom ./r/> 5.34. (idinalicl in r. among peo. Hal. 2. 2. privately to them of r. t'fiil. 2. 7. hut made himself of no r. 29. receive him. hold such in r. REPUTED. Job 18. 3. are r. vile in your gicrht ? 'i. 4. 35. inhabitant* r. as nothing REQUEST. S. Jtutg. 8. 24 Gideon said, I desire ar. Sam. 14. 15. king shall perform r 22. kinghalh fulfilled r. ofservt. Ezra 7.6. king granted him all his r. .\VA. 2.4. for what dost thou make r. Kith. 4. S. to king to make r. before 6. 3. what is thy r. qiit-en Esther t 6. | 7 2. | 9. 12. 7. 3. life (riven me, my peo. at my r. 7. Human stood up to r. for life Job 6. 8. O thai 1 might have my r.? 'm/. 21. 2. not withholdenr. oflips |(H\ !S. gave their r. sent leanness /{nm.1.10. r. for prosperous journey f'fiil. I. 4. in every prayer making r. 4. 6. let yonrr. be known to God REQUESTED. J'tiJg. H. 2(i. weight of ear-rings her. ! A'in. \9 4. Elijah r. he might die 1 Clir. 4. 10. G. granted Jahczher. Dan. 1 8. he r. of prince of eunuchs 2. 49. Dan. r. ..f king, he sent Shad. REQUIRE. Gen. 9. 5. your blood I r. of ev. beast 31. 39. of my hand didst thou r. it 4:1 9. of my hand shall thou r. him Deut. 10. 12. what doth U r.?.Wic.fi.8. 13. 19. whoso not hearken, I will r. 23. 21. Lord will surely r. it of thee J 22. behold, hia blood ! r. Ejod. l'2 3(i lent things as they r -' .SV///J. !*. 2>. he /'. they set bread 1 C/ir. 16. 37. as every day's work r. 2 Chron. 8. 14. as thw duty of everv day r. Ezra ;i. I .NVA. 5. 18. r. not I breiul of governor Etth. 2. 15. she r. nothing but what Ptal. 40.6. sin.ofTir. hastthnu not r 137. a they that wasted r. mirth /Vr. 30. 7,'two things hate I r. of Ita. 1. 12. who r. this at your hand Luke 11. 50. be r. of this genera. 51. 12. 20. this night thy xonl r. of thee 48. much given, of him he much r. 19. 23. I might have r. mine own 23. 24. gave sentence should be as r. 1 Cor. 4. -'. r. of stewards be faithfu. HEQUIRKST, KIM, lS'.i. liulh :l. 11. I will do all th.,t thou r. Eccl. a 15. God r. that which i- past l)(in 2. 11. it is a rare thing king r. Luke 2a 2a r. he might he crucified UKQUITK. Gen. 50.15. Joseph will r . us the evil l),-nt. .T2. I!, do ye thus r. the Lord ? -' .SVrm.2.6. 1 will r. you this kindness 16. 12. L. will r. me good for HIM 2 Kin. 9. 2(5. I will r. thee in plat /W. 10. 14. beholdest to r. wi. hand 41. 10. raise me, th.it I may r. them Jer 51.5(1 (J. of rpfompences shall r. 1 7"/'w. 5. 4. learn to r. their parent! REQUITED, ING. furf^-. 1. 7. as I done, so God r. me I .SV/m.25 21. he r. me evil fur pod 2CAr. 6. 2,1 judge "frvantsby r. wic. REKKWARI). iVum. 10. 25. standard of Dan wasr. Josh, a 9. r. came after the ark, 13. 1 Sam. 29.2. Dav. and men passed r. Ita. 52. 12. G. of Is. will be your r. 58.8. glory of Lord shall be" thy r. RESCUE, ETH. Deut. 28. 31. shall have none to r. /'*. 35. 17. r. my soul fr. destructions Dan. fi 27. he delivereth an. I r. Hot. 5. 14. I take, none shall r. him RESCUED. 1 Sam. 14.45. the people r. Jonathan 30. 18. and Darid r. his two wives Acts 23. 27. rame I with army aud r. RESEMBLANCE. lech. 5.6. thislheirr. thru' all earth RES EMI! I.E. ED. Jiutp, 8. 18. each r. children of kinff Luke 13. la shall r. kiu^dom of O. RE8ERVB. Jer.3. 5. will he r. ant-er for ever ? 50.20. I will pardon them whom 1 r. 2 Pet. 2. 9. r. unj-mt to day of judtf. RESERVED. Gen. 27.3(1 hast thou not r. Messing A'HHI. 18 9. the most holy things r. itrle. 2i. 22. we r. not each hi- wild mSk. 2. 18. gave mother that sher. 2 Aum. 8. 4. hut r. for one hundred chariots, 1 CAron. 18 4. Job 21. 30. wicked r. for destrm lion :-R. 23. I r. ngninsl time of trouble Arts 25. 21. Paul appealed to he r. '.;n. I!. 4. I h*ve r. 70/K) men I Pet. \. 4. inheritanre r. in heaven /"rf. ?. 4. delivered to he r. to .Hid*. 17. mist of darkness is r. for ever a 7. heavens and earth r. unto fira Jvdffi angels be hath r. in chtiiin 13. to whom is r. blackness of dark. RESBRVKTH. Jer. 5. 24. r to as weeks of harvest .VnA. 1.2. Lord r. wrath for enemie* RESIDUE. Efod. 10. 5. locusts instil eat ite r RES RES .20. r. of Israel weroin cities ) T)?nt. 1. 17. ah. not r. persons 16. 19 ' hn. 28. 5. L. diadem to r of people 38. 10. I am deprived of r. of years 44 17. an. I the r. he maketh a god Jer. 8. 3. chosen, by all the r. of 15. 9. the r. 1 deliver to the sword 29. 1. Jeremiah sent tor. of elders 39. 3. with r. of princes of Babylon 41. 10 Ishmael carried captivether. Ezek. 9. a destroy the r. of Israel ? 23 25. thy r. sh^ll be devoured 34. 18 ye must tread r. of pastures 36. 3. a possession of r. to heathen 4. derision to ther. of the heathen 5. have I spoken ag. r. of heathen 48. l. ther. in length ag. oblation 21. the r. shall be for the prince Dan. 7. 7. stamped r. with feet, 19. Zeph. 2. 9. the r. of people shall spoi. Hug. 2. 2. speak to Joshua and the r. Zech. 8. II. 1 will not be to the r. as > Sam. 14. 14 neither doth (i r. any ha. 17. 8. nr shall r. that which hi> RESPECTED. ETH. Job 37. 24. he r. not wise of heart Psal. 40. 4. Messed is the man that r. Lam. 4. 16. they r. not per. of priest EESPECTEK. Act* 10. 34, God is no r. of persons RESPITE. Exod, ft. 15. Pharaoh saw there was r. ISum. 11.3. elders said, give 7 days' r. REST, Subttantive. Gen. 40. 15. Issach. saw r. was rood Exod. 16. 23. to-morrow r. of sabbath 31. 15. seventh is sabbath of r. 35. 2. Lev. 16. 31. | 23. 3, 32. | 25.4. 33. 14. and I will give thee reit Lev. 25. 5. it is a year of r. to land Deul. 3. 20. L. have given r. JtwA.l.ia 12. 9. ye are not yet pome to the r. 14. 2. the r. of the people shall not ' 25. I!), thy God hath given thee r. 28. 65. neither shall sole of foot r. Josh. 1. 15. L. hath given brethren r. 14. 15. land had r. from war, Judg. 3. 11. | 5.31. 21. 44. the Lord gave them r. 22. 4. G. given r.\\ 23. i. L. given r. Judg. 3. 30. land had r. eighty yearn Mai. 2. 15. had the r. of the Spirit Mark 16. 13. went ami told it to r. Act* 15. 17. that r. rniifht ,-eek the L. RESIST. Zech. 3. 1. Satan at right hand to r. Mat. 5. 39. I say, that yer. not evil Luke 21. 15. adversar. not able to r. Artt 6. 10. were not able tor. Spirit 7. 51. ye do always r. Holy Ghost Rum. 13. 2. r. shall receive dainna. t Tim. 3. 8. these also r. the truth Turn. 4. 7. r. devil and he will flee 5. fi. ye killed .just, doth not r. you 1 Pet. 5. 9. whom r. stea<1fa-t in faith RES 1ST Ell, ETH. Rom. 9. 19. who hath r. his will ? 13. 2. whoso r. the power, r. ordi. nanre of God Heb. 12. 4. ye have not r. unto blood Jam. 4. 6. God r. proud. 1 /*<. 5. 5. RESOLVED. 7,uA-e 16. 4. I nm r. what to do RESORT. Keh. 4. 20. r. ye thither to us Psal. 71. 3. whereunto I may r. Mtifk. 10. I. and the pi-o. r. to him Jo/m 18. 20. whither Jews always r. RESORTED. 2 CAr. 11. 13. priests and Levitesr. Miirk'i. 13. multitude r. to him Jo/m 10. 41. and many r. to him 18. 2. Jesus ofttimes r. thither Act* 16. 13. spake to women who r. RESPECT. Gen. 4. 4. the Lord had r. to Abel Ej-od. 2. 22. Cod looked and had r. Lev. 26. 9. I will have r. unto you 1 Kin. 8. 28. have thou r. to prayer of thy servant, 2 Chr. 6. 19. 2 Kin. 13. 23. the L. had r. to them 2 Chr. 19. 7. nor r. of persons with God, Rnm. -i. II. A>A.6.9.Co/a2:>. PW. 74. 20. have r. unto covenant j!9. 6. 1 have r. to thy commands 15. 1 will have r. unto thy ways 117. 1 will have r. to thy statutes 138. 6. yet hath he r. to the lowly fro*. 24. 23. n it good to haver, of persons in judgment, 28. 21. Ita. 17. 7. shall haver, to Holy One 22 11. nor had r. to him that fash. 2 Cor. 3. 10. had no glory in thrs r. PhiL 4. 1 1. that I speak in r. of want Col. 2. 16. let none judge in r. of an Heb. 11. -26. Moses had r. to recomp. Jam. 2. I. not faith wi. r. of per-oris 3 ye have r. to him that weareth 3 y 9. if 9. if ye have r. to persons, ye com. 1 Pet. \. 17. who without r. of per. RESPECT, Vrrb. Lev. 19. 15. thou shalt not r. person ffM. 16. 15. Slusci said, r. not thou Ruth I. 9. L. grant you may find r. 3. 18. the man will not be in r. till 2 Sam. 7. 1. L. had given him r. 1 Kin. 5. 4. | 8. 5. 2 CAr. 14. 0, 7. 1 CAr. 6. 31. after that the ark had r. 22. 9. a man of r. I will give him r. 23. 25. God hath given r. to people 28. 2. I had to build a house of r. 2 CAr. 15. 15. L. gave them r. about 20. 30. G. gave him r. round about AVA. 9. 28. after they had r. did evil Eith. 9. 16 Jews had r. from enem. Job 3. 13. have slept, had been atr. 17. and there the weary be at r. 26. not in safety, neither had I r. 11. la shalt take thy r. in safety 17. 16. our r. together is in dust Pnal. 38. a neither is there any r. 55. 6. then would I fly and be at r. 94. 13. thou mayest give him r. 116. 7. return to thy r. O my soul 132. 8. arise, O Lord, into thy r. 14. this is my r. for ever, ! dwell Prof. 29. 17. correct son, he give r. Eccl. 2. 23. his heart taketh not r. 6. 5. this hath more r. than other 7*0. 11. 10. Gentiles seek, r. be glor 14. 3. the Lord shall give thee r. 7. the earth is at r. Zech. I. II. 18. 4. the L. said, I will take my r. 28. 12. this is r. wherewith weary r. 30. 15. retur. and r. shall ye besav. 31. 14. find for herself a place of r. 66. 1. where is the place of my r? Jer. 6. 16. ye shall find r. for nonU 30. 10. Jacob xhall be in r. 46. 27. Exek. 38. 1 1. go to them that are at r. Dan. 4. 4. I Nebuchad. was at r. in Mic. 2. 10. depart, this is not your r. Zech. 9. 1. Damascus shall be the r. Mat. 11. 2a come unto me, I give r. 29. ye shall find r. to your souls 12. 43. seek r. find, none, Lu. 11.34. V6. 45. take your r. Mark 14, 41. John 11. la he had spoken of tak. r Acts 1.49. wha' in the place of my r.f 9. 31 then had the churches r. 2 Thet. I. 7. whoaretroub. r. with its \Hef>.3. II. shall not enter into r. la 4. 1. prom, left us of entering intor. a whirh believed do enter into r. a for if Jesus had given them r. 9. there remainethr. to peo. of O. 11. labour therefore to euUr r. See No. 393 _ . * * > /m/wcf u*. Eiod. 28. 10. turn-* of r. on to.w 4 X U "V S 1 ' * tht> r - " f thtMn * " Deut. a la the r. of (iilexd cave r ' f. 7. 6. the r. bowed to drink in. 4. 7. live and children of the r. /i !!' ?' J "* b rt 'P >irei1 r. of citjr w i* ?*'* r " f money flen. 6. I. r of enem. heard I huilt 1 1. 1. r. of the people also cant lots Esth. 9. 12. what done In r. of prov f Pial. _ 17. 14. leave r. to their babe*' Ita. 10. 19. the r. of tiees he few Dan. 2. 18. D. sh. not perish with - Zrch. 11.9. the r. eat flesh of another Luke 12. 26. why take thought for r f 24. 9. told the eleven and all the r Act* 2. 37. said to Pet and r. of HUN. 27. 41. the r. escaped all safe to land I Cor. 7. 12. to the r. speak I, not L II. 34. the r. will I set in order 1 Pet. 4. 2. not live r. of his tune Hep. 2. 24. and to the r. in Thyatirn 20. 5. r. of the dead lived nut ugaic See ACTS. REST, f'CT-4. . Gen. la 4. wash feet, r. under tree Ejrod. 5. 5. make them r. fr. burdens 2a II. in the seventh year let it r. 12. on seventh day shalt r. 3*. 21. 34. 21. and in harvest thou shalt r. I.er. 26. :. it did not r. in sal-baths Deut. 5 14. maid. servant r. as thou Joth. 3. la the feet of priests sbal' r 2 Sam. a 29. let itr. on head of Jo H h 21. 10. the birds r. on them by dny 2 AIM. 2. 15. sp. of Elijah r. on kli-li? 2 CAr. 14. 11. we reit on thee Job a la the prisoners r. together 14. 6. he may r. till he accomplish Ptal 16. 9. flesh r. in lmpe,/ scarrli out a r. place I I'Hr. 6. 41. U L. lulu ill) r. place Pror. 84 15. spoil n.it bit r. place IUL. 31. la my pen. ilwHl in r. plat-mi Jr. 50. a forgotten their r. place luxi i if i ION. .r ( .rf. 2_> 3. ihn. make full r. 5,6. Jv>. JohfO. IR according to suhst. r. IIP .rfct* a 21. unti. the tunes of r. of all RESTORE, Gen. 20. 7. now r. the man his wife 4a l:t I'har. will r. thee thy plwe 48. 25. to r. every 111*11'-. money EjroH. ft I. r five oxt- ii for an ox 4. theft be found, he h. r. double Ler. r >. 5 he shall r. it in principal 24. 81. killeth a beast, he shall r. it 8-V27 r. -iverplus to whom he sold it Hum. 35. /5, congregation SB. r. him .Deui. 2V. 8. tniiifc's strayed r. again Judg. II. 13. therefore r. those lands 17. 3. I will r. it unto thee, I Stun. li. 3. I A' in#r _'(>. 34 t Sam. 9. 7. r. thee all land i>( Saul IV. (V he shall r. the Ixmb fourfold Ifi. 3. to-day house of Israel r. ID* i Kin. H. 6. r. all th.it was hers AVA.5.II. r. I pray you ||li we will r. ././A vrf! 10. his timid* r. their goods ia which he laboured for. shall r. Pi. 51. I*, r. to me joy f salvation /'r. r. 6 31. he shall r. sevenfold Jin. I. > I wMI r. thy judges 'i 8i tvi spoil, a'ld none saith r. 40. 6. to r. the preserved of Israel !. 1H. I will r. romfort> unto him Jer. 87. 8i will r. them to tl it pUce 3' i. 17. r. health to the.-, heal th.-e F.si-k. 'Si 15. if the wicked r. pk-djre Dun. 9. 25. command to r. Jerusalem Jit-l-i. 25. I will r. you the years Mat 17. II. Eliax shall r all things l.'tke 19. S I r him fourfold .rfcfi 1. 6. U wilt thou r. kingdom? GuL 6. 1. r. such an <>ne in met k ness RESTORED. Grn SO. 14. Al'imelei h r. Sarah 40. SI. r. hutler to his hutlership 41. 13. me he r. to mine office 4->. 28. money is r. and in my sack l>rnt. 28. 31. thine as* shall not he r. Jiwfr. 17. a r. the 1 !00 shekels, 4. 1 Sam. 7. 14. the cities taken were r. 1 A'i'n. 13. 6. the king's hand was r. 2 A'in. a I. whose son he r. to life, .'> 14 28 r. EUth to Jiidah.v'CAr.^.i; t Chr. 8. 2. the cities Huram ha.t r. C'.TU A. 5. the %-ese|.< brought he r. I'vif. (S. 4 I r. that whi.-h I t....k IT-scAr. IS. 7. r. to debtor his pledge li by violence, hath not r. pledge Hat. 18. n. was r. whole like a the other, Mark a .V /,*/ fi 10. M'HS- . -25. sight r. he saw clearly //rA II 19. that 1 may be r. sooner RESTORER. Ruth 4. 15. shall be to thee a r. of life J*a. A. 18. -hall be called r. of paths RESTORETH. Ft. n. a he r. my uml, leadeth me Murk 9. li Elian cnmeth first and r. RESTRAIN'. .'/, 15 . and dot thou r widom >*Kji 76. Id. the wrath nhalt thuu r. RESTRAINED. Gen. S. 2. rain from heaven mw r. IL d. uutbiug will be r. frvo. them RET Gca IR S. L. r. me from bearing Kj">l. :*i. l>. pe... were r. fr.hriiiging I SCIM. a 13. Kli' sou, vile. r. not /o. 63. 15. thy men ie- townid m are they r > Ezek. 31. 15. I r. the fl -odo thereof Acti 14. ia -ay ings -earn r. people IIKSTRAINEST. Job 15. 4. thou r. prayer before God RESTRAINT. I Sam. 14. 0. there is no r. to the L. BESTS 1 A'lWi R R he mad.- narrowed r. RESURRECTION. V/<.<. 28.84. Sibidiicees, \vhosay there is no r. Mark 18. 18. /M> 8a 8. I Cor. 15. 18. 28. in r. who-e wife shall she be ? Mur* li 2a Luke 20. 33 30. in r. the\ neither marry. 31. 87. 53. came out of graven after r. Luke 14. 14. he reiornpensed at r. 20.^7. deny any r. || 36. children of r. JiJmb. 8!l. done good to the r. ol life, done evil, to ther. of damnation 11 .'. J. said.lam ther. and the life Act* I. 28. witness with us of hi*r. 2. 31. David spake of r. of Christ 4. 8. they preai lied through Jes r. 33. witm-is of r. of the Lord Jesus 17. IS. he prt ached JeMlx and ther. 32. when they heard of the r. 93. 6. of the hope and r. I am called 24. 15. there shall I.e a r. of the dea>1 21. I cried, touching r of the dead Rom. I. 4 by the r from the dead R 5. we shall he in likeness of his r. 1 Cor 15. la but if there he no r. 21. by m.in came r. || 42. so is r. Phil, a 10. know the power of his r. 1 1. if 1 might attain to r of dea.l 2 Tim. 2. 18. that r. is past already Hek. R 8. of r. frort. the dead, and II. 35. they might obtain a better r. 1 f,t 1.3. hy r. of Jesus from dead 3. 81. save us, hy r. of Jesus Christ Her. 20. 5. this is the fir-t r. 6. blessed is he hath part in first r. RETAIN Jnfi i . dost thou still r. integrity P /'ri/r. 4. 4. thine heart r. my word) II. 16 strong men r. riches Errl 8. 8. no man hath power to r Dun. ll.fi. -he shall not r power ,A.An 80. 83. whose -.. ver sins ye r. Rom. I. 2a did not li e t r. God RETAIN Ef>. Jurfif. 7. a Gideon / those 300 men 19. 4. the damsel's father r. him Dan ia H. and 1 r. no strength, 16 J'>An 80. 8a sins retain, they are r. ( Philem. ia wh..m I would have r. RETAINETH. /"rnr. X 10. happy every one r. her II. IR agraciou woman r. honour Mic. 7. Id. he r. not anrfer for ever RETIRE 2 Sam. II. IS. set him in battle, and r. Jrr. *. R set up standard, r. stay not RETIRED. Jtuig. 80. 39. when men of Israel r. 2 .Sam. Jfl. 28. they r. (rom the city RETURN. SuMantirr (int. 14. 17. to meet Ahram after r. Sam. 7 17 Sarn.'sr. was to Ramah A'm. 80. . at r. of the year the king of SvriH will come, 8R RETURN. Cm. 3. IS. dun' thou art, t" dust r. 16. 9. r. t<> thy mi-tress and submit IR !0. I will certainly r t.. thee, 14. 31. a r. to l.nd of thy kindred. 13. w .ti. the L. which ssid-t t.' me, r. Ejrod. 4. 18. let n e r. to brethren,)". EM RET F.jrnd. IS. 17. people repent, r. tn f t Ler. :>\ I0.r. toposaeuiM. l3.-.>:,-,-. 41. be shall r. iintiiliis own famil) r.. 84. the tiel.l shall r i,nto him Stint 10. 3R r. L. to many of Israel 14. 4. let Us make H rapt .in, and r. L-li. 5. the I out said, r. unto Halak 35. 88. after d.-ath of priest, slayer shall r. Jotk. 811. QL Ocu/. a 90. then shall ye r. every man to dispossession, J*h. l.li 17. Ifi nor caute people r. to Kgypt 80. 5. and r. to his h..n e, ft, 7, H. 3U. 3. the Lord thy (....I will r. a thou (halt r n>l obey the Lord Joiti. f> a r. with inueh riches Judg. 1. 3. who. in afraid, let him r. II. :il. when I r. from the rhildn n Ruth I. ft that she might r. fr. Moab a go r. th her moth. r' hou-e 15. r. thou after thy si ter.in.lnw 1 .Sum. R a hut in any wi-e r. him 9. 5. Saul mid, roine let us r. 86. 81. then said Saul, I sinned, r. 8!l. 4. said, make this fellow r. 7 2 Sam. 8. 2R how long ere thou bid the people r. ? a Ifi then said Ahner to him. go.r. Mi. 5. till beards he grown, then r. I Chrnn. 111. 5. 15. 19. $nn\ thou also with us ? r. 80 I go u hither I may, r. thon 84. ia and see what answer I sh r. 1 A'f'n. V. :t*. L. shall r. h * blood, 7-3. 44. Lord shall r. thy wirkedmss <4. 4H. r. to thee with all tlieir heart 18. 84. r. every man to hi house 86. now ha I kingdom r. to David 19. 15. r. on thy Way to wildern. m 82. 17. r. every man to hi- hmi-e in peace, * CAr. !l. 4. | la 16. 88, Micaiah sr.id, if thou r. at all n peace, 2 t'/tr. 18. '/7. 2 A'in. IH. 14. I offended, r. from me I'.'. 7. king of Assyria shall r. to his own l.ind, 3X Ita. 37. 7. :. 8a 10. let the shadow r. backward 2 Chr. R 24. r. and confess thy name lit. 9 may r. answer to this people 18. 8fl fellow in prison until I r. .TO. 6. r. ti you || 9. if ye r unto him .V.A -.'.R king ..id, when wilt th.r.f 4. 18. whence ye shall r. to us E>th. S 85. device ol Haman .ho. r /A I. 81. naked shall I r. thither R 89. r. yen, r. again, my righteoi 7. 10. (hall r. no more to his house 15. 28. he helieveth not he shall r. 17. 10. hut an for ye all, do ye r. 88. 8a if thou r. to the Almighty 33 85. shall r. to the days of youth 3R 10, that they r. fron, Iniquity Pi. R 4. r. O Lord, deliver my -on! 10. let mine enemies r. nshamed 7. 7. for their sake* therefore r. 1C. mischief r. upon hi own head Ml. ft r. at evening || 14. let them r. 73. 10 therefore hi- people r. hither 74. 21. let not oppressed r. ashamed 80. 14. r. we beseech thee, O God HO. 8. wyest, r. ye children of men in r. O Lord ? how long and let 94. 15. judgment r. to rightecii-n. - IO4 W they die, and r. to th. dust llfi. 7. r. to thy rest. O my soul Pror. 8 19. none that go unto her r. Jti. X7. thatrolleth a stone, it willr. cctl.7. river* come, thither they r. 5. 15. naked sh r. to go as he came 18. 2. nor clouds r. after the rain 7. dust shall r. to the earth, and spirit r. to Hat Cant. fi. 13. r. r. O Shulamlte, r. r. 7*a. 6. 13. vet in it a tenth shall r RET l4. 18. nor l"t him in field r. back 1 tike 8. 39. r. to thine own house Act* 15. 16. rffti-r 1 will r. and build 15. 21. I will r. to you. it God will To KKTUKN'. yum. 14. 3. not .better tor. to Egypt J)rut 17 16. cau*e pen. to r. to Egy. Hnth I 16. not to leave thee, or to 'r 1 Sum. 'At. II. David rose early to r. f Chr. 10.6. wh. counsel give ye to r.9. A A. it. 17. r^ptaiu to r. to bondage Ji-r. 5. 3. they have refused to r. S. 5. Hoi. II. ft. 2-2. 27. land they desire tit r. 44. 14. W 10. In causing you to r. to this place, 30. a | 3i. 44. | 3a 7, II, s!6. | :. 22. I 42. Ii 34. 11. caused the servants tor. 16. >rA-.2l.30. 1 cause it to r. to sheath 47. 6. caused me to r. to the river Hex. 1 1. 5. because they refused tar l./tkf 19 12 receive kingd and tor. Art* 13. 31. no more to r. to corrupt. -"1.3. pilip.'sed tor. thro' Macedou. RETURN A-., or / M<> i.md. 1 Sn;. 7. 3. if ye r. K. . L. wi. heart Jxu. IS). 22. they shall r. utita t. l.rrrd 5V 7. let him r. n. /.. have merry Jljn. (5. I. let iis r. unto the Lord, he 7. 10 they do not r. unto the Lord 14. 1. O 1-. r. . t. L. th. bast fallen Not KKTUKN. Xitra 32. IN. \ve will n. r. to house 1 Sum. |.Y 2fi. Sam. said, I will not r. t fin in. li.23. go, he shall tint r. I" me 1 A'm. Kv Ifi I may n r with thee Jnh |0.il. whence, I shall no/ r. l.22. a* 4. go fort Ii. and r. nut unto them Ita 4.V!. word is gone out, sh. n. r. to. 11. it shall n. r. to me. void, but RFT Jer. 8 4- he turn a\vny, and tint r. I ft. 7. destroy, Mnce they r n. lr..n V'2. II. he shall tint r. any morr, i7 ja-JO. Hiiger uf L. shall ' r. :v>. il A>*. 7 n. lor seller shiill not r. l:. ii. should n r. fr. wn k.-d n;y 21. ft. sword shall not r. into sh, mi :i). !). thy cities shall n. r. and ye 4li.9.he shall mif r. by way hi- rMM //(,.t 7.10. they do nf r. to' the l.i.n 1 1. 5. be Khali n,t cmptv 3. l(i. said Abner, return, and her. fXW. bav. r. to hless his household 16. a L. r. oil thee bb.od of him r 19. 15. kini! r. and came to Jordan 23 10. people r. after him to spoil 1 Kin. la 10. r. not by way became 33. after this Jero. r. no: from evil 2Kt.4.3~>. Elishar. and walked 2 Chr. 25. 10. they r. home in anger 32. 21. Seunacli. r. with shame lac AVA. 9. 28. when they r. and cried /'.in/. :f>. 13. prayer r. into my boson. 7*. 34. they r. and inquired after (i. /m. 38. 8. so the sun r. ti-n degrees Jer. 3. 7. turn to me, but she r. not 14. 3 they r. with vessels empty 40. 12. all the Jews r. out of place Exek. I. 14 living creatures ran, r. 8. 17. r. to provoke metnancer 47. 7. when I r. In, bank of river Dan. 4. 34. mine understanding r.36. Hot 6 II. I r. captivity of people Amot 4. 6. yet have ye not r. to me, 8, 9, 10, II. Zerh. I. fl. they r. and said, as l.ord 18. 1 am r t Jerusa. with mercies 7. !4. no man passed thro' nor r. 8 3. I am r. to Zion, and will dwell Mat. 21. 18. morn, as he r. Into city .Murk 14 40. he r found them asleep /.* 2.20. sh pherds r glorifylngO. 4. 14. Jesua r. In power of Spirit a 37. went into ship, and r hack 17. 18 that r. to give glnry to O..d 19. 15 r. having received kingdom 2.1 4H. people -mute breasts, and r. 24.9. r from sepulchre and told all 5'. worshipped and r. to Jerusa. Acts 9. 1ft. apostle* r to Jerusalem 13. 13. and John r. to Jerusalem 21. 6. took ship, and they r. home Out. I 17. Ir. again unto DMMMTW Hrli II. 15. iijportnnitv to have r I Pet. 2. 25. r. to shepherd of souls RETURNETH. P*al I4 4. breath goeth, r to earth Prof. 2fi. II. as dog r son fool . Keel I. G. wind r. accord, lorin uit- l.m y>. 10. rain r. not thithfr, hut E.'fk. 35 7. him that r. 1 will cut off Zech, . 8. enramp bw of him th r. RETL'KNISG l,a. 80. 15. in r. rest h. yebesarcd M RKV *-7 10 r. f..n,,rt sprvant whnH u ' .'5 ^ Wa " r - vhtf RKVK.M. .lob W. 27. heaven .hull r. iniquity I'-r. 3' li. r . th *hiini|iire . I pear* l)*nt //. i2.l4. wa-. r. in mine er h v U i.'i I. from Chlllln. it \ r. to tin-in 40. ft. glory of the Lord shnll he r A3. 1. to whom is the arm ..f the L.ird r. y John IJ. Ml I. rivhteousness is near to Im r. .Vr. 11. 20. unto thee I r. MIV r.,iiM! 0.2. 19. then was e.-ret r. to Dan. 10. I. a thing was r. to I):miel -Wot 10. 2P. there is nothing n.Vi-red that shall not he r. /.nAr li. i. 11. 25. r. them to bale*. Lulu- ln.il. 16. 17. flesh and blood hatli not r. it Lukei. i6. r. to .Sum mi i.y H..ly. ,'i 1 ' thoughts of many h-Wls lie r. 17. 30 day when S,.n of in ,n H r rti.m. I. 17. therein riuhteo. .If. r. !8. wrath of (i. is r. fioin heaven 8. 18. glnry which shall he r in 111 I for i. 10.' <>s(ict i '/"Ac* 1.7. when Lord J. st.all be r. i. 3. and that man of .-in he r. ft. that he might he r in his time 8. wick, one r. whom L. ci>n*um I I'et. 1. 5. ready to be r. In last tlice 12. unto whom It was r. that nut to 4. 13. when his glory shall he r. 5. 1. partaker of gl.ry thutsh. be r. REVKALKK. Dan. 2. 47. h are r. 1 Pel. 4. 3. ye walked in lu.u, r. REVENGE. KD, Kl H. Irr 20. la we (ball take f n hl f*.2.VI2. Edomr. blmself on ih. 15. the Philistine- bun- iteult '> r. \ah. I. 2. the Lord r :b. l.-r.l r i('.nage r. Prur H. |;l. my r. i< hetti-r than *ilv. Ita. 23. 3. harvet of river is her r. REVENUES. fror. 15. ft in r. of wicked l trouble IK 8. a little i* better than great r. Jfr. 12.13, hll be anhnn-ie.1 of yourr. KKVKHKM K 7^p. 19. :)). r !.anrlu I inn L. 2fi. 2. K*lh. .'I 2. king'* servants r. Hainan Mat. 21. 37. they will i. my mm, Mmrt 12. A /,** *). la /TpA. 5. 33 wire tint '< i;. 22. **y, bring me or give a r. 7,2. hireling l.ioketn fur r. nt'wnrk /';/. 15 .">. nor taketh r ag. imiorent 19. I!, keeping ul Ih.-tii n if real r. 40. I.'i let them he desolate for a r. 58. 1 1. there is n r. lor the ri/hteou* 70. 3. let them he turned hm-k fur r 111. H. shall see the r. nf H irked 91. -'. render a r. t.. the proud I0!. 20. let this he r. of adversaries 127. 3. fruit uf the womb ii his r. fror. II. IS. righleoutness a sure r. 21. 14. H r. in bosom strong wrath i. II. Ih'-n there ahull he a r. vii. shall he no r. to the evil man rrl 4. 9. they hate n good r. for 9. 5. neither hav they any morer. l>. II. 45. 13. go my captives, not for r. ./cr. 40. .V captain gave Jeremiah r. Ks-fk. In. 34. Kin'-t r. no r. is given H1. 2. IS. no man beguile yon of r. 3. 24, ye hall receive r. of inherit 1 TYm. 5 la labourer is worthy of r. //rd r. thee pood 2 Sow. 1 39. L. shall r. doer of evil 2 Ckr. 2U II. I *y, how they r. at Ptal 54. \ he sh-ll r. evil to enem. Prof. 25. 22. and the L. -hall r. thee //of. 4. 9. and I will r. them their Mat. R. 4. F.ther shall r. thee, 6. 18. 16. 27. he shall r. every man accor. 2 Tim. 4. 14. Ixird r. him according Rev. 18. 6. r. her, even as she rew. HEWABDEI). Gm. 44. 4. wherefore have ye r. evil 1 Kara. 24. 17. thou r. good. I r evil 2 Saw. 22. 21. L. r. me ai-cor. P. IR20. 2 Ckr. 15. 7. your work shall he r. />ner un. Mil r. 4.6. Rerhahaii.i Baanah smote IMH. hiwheth iiinlnr the fifth r. 20. 10. Joah smote Ama. un. .VI, r. Dan. 7.5. beaut had three r. in mouth RIBBAND, Xum. 15. 38. onirtnireof borders a r. HUM. Gen. 13. 2. Abram wag r. In cattle 14. 23. lest say, I have made Alir. r. Bxvd. 30. 15. r. -hall not uive more . not men poor or r. 1 &V/m. 2. 7. L. makt-th piHir and r. i Sam. 12. I. two men in r*y, oner. ^06 15. ift he shall not be r. m-ither 31. 19. n-.r ri-vardelh the r. more Ptal. 45. 12. the r. shall entreat fav. 4i). 4 hear thi*. hoth r. and poor 16. lie not afraid when one Is r. Pror. 10. 4. hand of diliiient mak. r. 22. blessing of Lord, it maketh r. 13 7. there M th.it maketh hims r. 14. 20. the r. h..th many friends 18. 23. the r. nn.w ereth roughly 21. 17. that lov wine and oil not r 22. 2. r. and poor meet together 7. the r. ruleth over the poor IA that giveth to r. shall com* to 23 4. laho>jr not to he r. cease 28. d perverse, though he he r. iO. he maketh ha-te to he r. 22. Ercl 5. 12. ahun. of r. will not suffer 10. 6. and the r. sit in low place 20. curse not the r. in thy hed.ch. ha. .>:. 9. and with r. in his death Jer. ft. 27. are irn-at and waxen r. Hit*. 12. a Ephraim 'aid, I am r. 7,prh. 11.5 hUsed he LTfor 1 am r. Mark 12. 41. many that were r. mt uA to, ye r. >. weep and Howl Hfv. r\ 15. and r. in. hid themselves RICH Kit. Da* 11. 2. the fourth shall be far r. RICHES. Gen. 31 16 the r. God hath taken 3*5.7. r. more than they might dwell Josh. 22. 8. return with much r. t Sam. 17. 2S. enrich with irreat r. > Kings 3. 11. neither hast asked r. 2 C/tr, r. J TAr 17 5. had r. and honour, 18.1. 5iO. 35. they found r. wi. dead bodies 32. 27. Hezelciiih had exceeding r. Estfi. I. 4. shewed r. of his kingdom 5. II. Hainan told them o! his r. Jof 20. 15. he swallowed down r. 3fi. 19. will he esteem thy r. ? no PS. 37. !. hetter than r. of wi.-ki-d 39. 6. he neapeth up r. knnweth not 49. 6. boast themselves in their r. 52. 7. truste.f in ahundaiire of his r. 62. 10. if r. inrrease, set not In-art 73. 12. ung<>diy prosper, increase r. 104. 24 O L. the earth is full of r. 112. 3. wealth and,r. be in his house 119. U. r.joired as much as in all r. fro: Z. Ifi. and in her left hand r. 8. 18. r. and honour are with me 11. 4. r. prorlt net in day of wrath 16. woman honour, strong men r. 28. he that Irusteth in r. shall fall 13. 7. himself poor, hath irreat r. 8. ransom of a man s life are his r. 14. 24. crown of the wise is their r. I!'. 14. r. are inheritance of fathers 22. I. good name rather than r. 4. hy the fear of the Lord are r. Ifi. oppresseth poor to increase r. 23. 5. forr. make themselves wings 24. 4. chambers he fille I with all r. 27. 24. for r. are not for ever S'). 8. give neither poverty nor r. Eccl. 4. 8. nor his eye satined wi. r. 6. 13. even r kept for the owners 19. eve. man whom G. given r. 6.2. 9. 1 1. nor yet r. to men of nnderst. Jut. 8 4. r. of Damascus taken away 1C. 14 my hand found a a nest r. 3(!. 6. carry their r on young asses 4-5. .'(. I wi I tiive thee hidden r. Cl. 6. ye shall eat r. of the Gentiles Jf.r. 9.23 let not rich man glury in r. 17. 1 1. he th. getteth r. not hy riifht 48.36 r. he hath gotten are perished Exi-k. 26. 12. make a spoil of thy r. 28. 4. w : .th understanding gotten r. 5. by thy traffic hast increased r. U.tn. 1 1 2'. thro' liis r. sh. stir up nil 24 scatter among prey, spoil and r. 'A then shall he return wilh r. U/it. 13. 22. deeeitfulne-is of r. chokf word, Mark -1. 19. I.itke 8. 14. lf 23. inj.lce known r. of liis glory II. li tl the fall of them be the * RIF fJom. 11. 33. O the r. of wisdom of G. 2 Cy. a 2. to r. of their liberality Ep/i. 1.7. redemption affording tor. H. r. nf glory of his inheritance 2. 7. shew excredmg r. of his (trace 3. a I sho prearh unsearchable r. Ifi. grant you arcor.iing to the r. 7Vi7. 4. 19. in cording to r. in jjlury Col. \. *7. wliHt the r. of the lory I Tim. 6. 17. inir trust in nm ert.iin r. Ih'b. II. 2>. reproach of C. greater r. .him. 5. 2. your r. (ire corrupted /to-. 5. 12. worthy La. to receive r. 18. 17. so great r. come to nought RICHLY. CU a 16. let word of Christ dwell r. 1 Tim. 6. 17. living G. who uiveth r. aiu. Gen. 37. 22. that he might r. him out A'j'orf. 6. 6. r. you out of bondage Lev. 26. 6. r. evil beasts mil of land Pn. 8->. 4. r. them out of wicked 144. 7. r. me, and deliver me. 11. RIDUANCK CM 22. 22. tli. HI shall not make r. Zeiih. 1. 18. he shall make speedy r. HIDDEN. A T uw. 22. 30. ass, which thouhastr.? RIDDLB. Judg. 14. 12. Samson said, I will now put forth a r. to you, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17. 18, 19. Ezek. 17. 2. put lorth a r. and speak RIDE. Gen. 41. 43. made him r. in chariot Dent 31. 13. he made him r. on high Judg. 5. 10. ye tlnitr. on white asses 2 SUM. Hi. 2. king's household tor.on 19. 26. saddle an ass that I may r. \ Kin, I. 33. cause Solo, to r. 38. It. 2 Kin. 10. 16. so they made him to r. Mi 30. 22. thon causest men to r. /'.s. 14. 1 will cause thee to r. Jer. 6. 23. they r. on horses, 50. 42. 1 lux. 10. II. will make Rphraim to r. 14. 3. we will not ;-. upon horses Huh. 3 8. didst r. upon thine horses Hag. 2. 22. overthrow those that r. RIDER. (if n. 49. 17. so that his r. -hiill fall Ejfod. 15. 1. horse nnd r. thrown, 21. Job 39. 18 she scorneth horse and r. Jer. 51. 21. r. break in pieces rhariot Zech. 12. 4. binite hisr. with madness RIDERS. 2 Kin. 18. 23. if thou he able to iet r. on them, Ita. 36. 8. Efth. a 10. he sent letters by r. Hug. 2. 22. horses and r. comedown Zech. 10. 5. r. shall he confounded KIDETH. Dfitt. 32. 26. who r. upon heaven Kith. 6 8. horse that king r. upon I'sal. 68. 4. extol liim that r 33. /.i. 19. I. the I,, r. on a swift cloud Amot 2. IS. neither shall he that r. RIDING. 2 Kin. 4. 24. slack not thy r. for me ,/f-r 17. 2ft. kinif* shall enter r. 22.4. Exek. 23. 6. horsemen r. horse*, 12. 33. all of them r. upon hordes 3S. 15. thou and many people r. Zee/I. I. 8. a man r. on a red hor* !) 1). thy king .'ometh unto thee r. UIIHJFS Pi 65. 10 thou waterest r. thereof RlK. or HVK. E.rod. 9. 32. wheat and r. not umitten />,/ is 2i barley and r. in th. place RIFLED. Zech. 14. 2. house" r. worn, wished 397 RIG RIGHT, Suht, ittin. (.ten. 18. vs. || Hl . ,,,, t i all the CMMI, ,:., r.f Hulk 4. p. redeem thou my 2 Si/i/i. III. u ,. he als re , .N.-/-. 9. ,'t!. for ihoi, 1,,,-t d.,, Joft 34. ft should 1 lie Hmiiimt my r. 17. ftball he that huteth / |foiei,i 36. 6. but hegixeth r. loth.- ,,. r /. 9. 4. ihou hast toaluUlord in) r 17. I. hear r. O L att.-nd to my cr 140. 12. L will maintain r. ot poor l'rn. 16.8. great revenue- ith.mt r !:i. the, li.v,- Inn: ihat uprakrth r. l'n. 10. 2. to take away r. tr poor 32. 7. destroy when needy pcak. r. Jer. 5. 28. r. of needy do not judge 17. II. getteth riches, and not l.y r. 3i. 7. r. of redemption is thine, a Lnin. 3. 35. to turn abide r. of a man Ezek. 21. 27. he come whose r. it i .inn,' :,. 12. turn poor from their r. )lnl. 3. 5 turn stranger from his r. He/i. li 10. they have no r. to eat RIGHT. Adjectire. Gen. 24. 48. L. who led me in r. way Deut. 32. 4. G. of truth, just and r. 1 Sam. 12. 23. 1 will teach you r. way 2 Sum. 15. a thy matter good and r. t Kingi 10. 15. is thy heart r. as my? Ezra 8. 21. to seek of him a r. way AVA. !). 13. thougavest /-.judgment* Job 6 2.V how forcible are r. wnU7 34. 23. not lay on man more than r. 35. 2. thinkest thou this tube r.jr Pi. 19. 8. statutes of the Lord are r. 45. 6. sceptre of thy king. r. sceptre 51. 10. O G. renew a r. spirit in me 107. 7. he led them forth hy r. way 119. ',5. judgments r. || l.-aprecepts I'rt,r. 4. II. have led thee in r. path* a 6. opening of my lips shall be r. 9. r to them that find knowledge 12. 5. thoughts of rik'htcoui. are r. 14. 12. way which seemeth r. 16. 25. 20. II. whether his work be r. 24. 2fi. lips that givelh a r. answer Eccl. 4, 4. I considered eve. r. work Ixn. 30. 10. proph. ii"t to u- r thing* V>. 19. L. declare things that are r. ./.;. 2. 21. I had planted thee r. seed 23. 10. and their force is not r. 34. 15. and had done r. in my sight Hot. 14. 9. ways of the Lord nrr r. AIIUU 3. 10. they know not to do r Mark 5. 15. clothed, and in hi* r. mind, Luk* A. 3& .!(< 4. 19. whether r. in *iht of O. 8. 21. heart is not r. in siitht of O. 13. 10. not cease to pervert r. wnyi Bee. 22. 14. have r. to the tree of life It RIGHT. F.xod 15. 2fi. and do that which it r. I A'in. 11. 38. [12. 25. | 21. R ),,it. H 18. thou shall do Utat it r. 12. S. doeth what it r. in own ej-r* I An/. II :. walked to do that u r. .' A.IM 10 :V). that it r. in my eye .1,1 42. 7. have not poken tint u r.a /'f. 3a 4. the word of the I ord u r. Prof. 14 15. way of fool i. r m ..>r 21. ?. way of man it r. in hi ^yr* a f.r the pure, hi- wort Ere*, la 5. but if a roan do that M r. I!), it r. nd kept "'V sUt"t-, 21, T.. I Si 14, A/nt 30. 4. whals. it r I ii . 7.u*e It 57. and why judge >.- n..t what " r F Eph. R 1. obey parenfMii l-thuwr Judg. 17.6. eery " ' ' d' I tr t wh'** tow r. In own p, / RIG I JTfe. IS. II. A -a did r. 9 fAr. 14. t. *:. l:l Jehos, di.l r. v CAf 80. 3v. I A'fii 18. i J.-h- ash did i- V C* 4 /. 14 3. Miiaiiali