Great Britain. Parliament, 36 of Commons. Cownittee Secre;' . port... to enquire into t India Company UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES REPORT FROM THE COMMITTEE OF SECRECY . HOUSE OF COMMONS, Aflembleel at Weftminfter, in the Sixth Seflicn O the Thirteenth Parliament of GREAT BRITAIN, TO INQUIRE INTO THE STATE OF T II R EAST INDIA COMPANY. O V D O N : PRINTED FOK T. EVANS, AT No. 54, IN PATENOSTE-ROW' M. DCC.LXXIII. [Price THREE SHILLINGS and SIXPENCE.] R E P O R T Asc R FROM THE 1773 COMMITTEE OF SECRECY APPOINTED TO ENQUIRE INTO THE s. T A T E OF THE EAST INDIA COMPANY. UJ The Committee of Secrecy appointed to enquire into the State of the Eall India Company, and for that Purpofe to infpect the Books and Ac- counts of the faid Company ; and to report to the Honfe what they find material therein, in refpect to the Debts, Credits and Effects of o the Company, as alfo to the Management and prefent Situation of the Company's Affairs, to r gcther \vich their Obfcrvations thereupon. H AVING finimed thfir inquiries into the fpecial matters referred to them, by the in- ftruction of the houle, of the 3Oth day of No- vember, proceeded in the next place, in purfu- ance of the order of the houfe, to flate the debts, credits, and effects of the laid company ; and as thcle are difperfed in different parts of the world, they thought it would contribute to a more clear and perfect knowledge of the company's affairs, if they diftinguimed fuch of their debts, credits, and effects, as are in England, from fuch as are ow abroad, at their prefidencies in India, in China, at Saint Helena, and floating on the fea. B And 354790 And your committee thought it right, in ftating the debts, credit.*, and effects, of the company in England, to begin by dating an account of the cafn in the company's treafury, on thejjfft day of December, 1772, being the day on which they_entered on this "inquiry, and of iuch fums as iKe company exj eft to avail themfclves of, from the produce of their prefent fale, and of all other fums which they will be entitled to receive, before the id day ot March 1773, being the day on which their next fale will probably begin ; and to (late, per centra, on the debit fide of the account, all demands upon the company in England al- ready due, and fuch others as will become due be- fore the faid 2d day of March, of which day your commictec have made choice for the final period to this firft part or' their fiate of the Com- pany's affairs in England, as the Company will then have received ihe principal payments for goods fold in their prefent fale. And this firft ac- count may therefore be properly confidered as the Cam account of the faid Company. And in the next place, your committee have ftated the remainder of the Company's effects 2nd credits in England, and, per contra^ all other debts of the Company, which will not become due tBl after the faid 2d day of March_i23- And your committee having thus finimed a ftate of the Company's debts, credits, and effects, in England, they proceeded to ftate a like ac- count' of the debts, credits, and effects, of the Company abroad, at their prefidencies in India, in China, at Saint Helens, and floating en the fcv ..^-.i! And r s i And your committee find, that on the fa'rd firfb day of December 1772, the United Company of Merchants of England trading to the Eaft-Indies, had - * * Cafh in their treafury 149,169, 15 9 And that the following fums are now due, or will become due, to the faid Company, before the f faid ad day of March j viz. From the Board of Ordnance for Salt Petre 4,500 For one quarter's intereft, due the 5th of January 1773, From the public on ,. 4,200,000 3i>5O " For expences on the expedition to the Manilha 28,365 15 8 For goods already fold in the prefent fale, difcount deducted, and deduc- ing 6,oo allowed (per eftimate) for private trade in former fales - 1,090,065 For remainder of goods to be put up at the prefent fale, payment on which will be due before the faid 2d of March 1773 285,885 -- For Your committee find that the Company claim- ed, for their expenccs on this expedition, by a me- morial prefented to the CommilTioncrs of his Ma- jefty's Treafury, the loth of February i 7 68, the fum of .168,243 95 2d. But the Commif- floners of the Treafury determined by their mi- nute of the i5th of June, 1770, that the Com- pany were entitled only to the expences incurred antecedent to the furrender of the Ifland of Ma- nilha to the Company's fervants, on the 2d of November 1762 : In confequence whereof, an ac- count of fuch expences was delivered by the Com- pany to the Treafury, on the i9th of October 1770, amounting to the faid fum of .28,365 15* 8J, and by an act nth of George III, the fame is directed to be paid to the laid Company, but hath net been yet received by them. The I 7 ] For other goods to b fold, being Bengal, Coaft, and Surat piece goods, damaged drugs nankeen, cloth and china ware, difcount dedu&ed 54?925 To profit arifingto the company from the private trade imported and fold at their fales, per eftimate ( - 25,000 1,669,410, ii 5 And your committee find, that the debts of the faid united company of merchants of' England trading to the Eaft Indies, which are due on the faid ift day of December, 1772, or which will become due before the faid zd day of March 1773,- are as followeth; viz. To his Majefty for cuftems on un- rated goods, due the 1. s. d. 5th of Aug 1772 203,619 7 7 Intereft thereon from the 5th of Auguft to the i ft of December, at 6 per Cent, per Ann. - 3,916 3 9 27535 ii 4 To his majefty, for fecond moiety for cuftoms on {hips arrived in feafon 1771, which will be payable before and on the 20th of February, 1773 - '5>5I5> l6 - To his majefty, for firft moiety on feveral fhips arrived in 1772, which will be payable before the faid 2d day of March 1 773, per eftimate - - 50,063 18 - To his majefty, for unrated cuftoms on September fales 1771, which will be payable on the 27th of January 1 773, per eftimate - - 214,359 - - To his majefty, for indemnity on tea, payable the 5th of July 1772, purfuant to an at 12 Geo. Hi. cap. 7. H7 ? 3M- * 4 Intereft I 7 The profit arifing from private trade falling al- moft entirely in the September fale, credit is here given for the year's profit on fuch trade. Your committee find that the Company have obtained from the Commiffioners of the Treafury, three fucccfllve warrants of refpite for this fum; as appears by the papers, hereunto annexed, A. B.C. E * 3 Ihtcrcfl from the faid 5th of July to the ift of December 1772, at 12 per cent, per annum - 5,708 4 3 _ . - 123,022 $ 7 To his majefty more for indemnity on tea, for the year ended the 5th day of July 1772, payableon nthofO&o- ber 1772, purfuant to an acl 7 Geo. IIF. cap. 50. 84,842 8 8 Intereft on ditto front the faid lithofOa. to the (aid ift of De- cember 1772, at 12 percent, per annum 1,394 13 5 86,237 2 I To his majefty for half a year's pay- ment, purfuant to an a<5t 9 Geo. III. cap. 24, which became due on the ift of February 1772, and was payable on the 29th of September follow- ing 200,000 O Tntereft thereupon, from the faid 29th day of September to" the ill of December 1772, at 15 per cent. per ann. 5*095 *7 16 To the Bank of En-land for a loan " already due ,- 400,000 o o Intereft on ditto from the r yth of Septem- ber to the faid jft of December, 1772, at 4 per cent, per annum, 3>243 16 9 To the Bank more for a loan which will be due on the 6th of December 1772- - 100,000 o o Intereft on the fame from the 6th of Oc- tober, to the faid ift f December 1772 - 602 14 g ~ 100^02 *4 g To I 8 ] Your C 9 J To the Bank of England, for in- tereit from the 6th of Auguft 1772 to the (aid ift of December following on 100,000!.- borrowed on bond, at 4 per cent, per annum, as per agree- ment with the Bank -r- 1,271 4 To bills of exchange, payable before the ad of March 1773, intereft in- cluded 3>i27 i 7 To ditto paft due, and not prefented for payment, intereft included - 8,241 To freight and demorrage to the ift of December 1772, with intereft then due on the feveral balances, at 4 per cent, per annum 276,307 15 6 To ditto that will become due on or before the 2d day of March 1773 - 1151849 5 - t 9 ] Your committee find that the Eaft-India Com- pany have been accuftomed to borrow thefe loans of the Bank, from 2 months to 2 months; and Mr Tookey, the deputy accomptanr of the Eaft- India company, informed your committee, that, as far as his knowledge goes, thefe loans have hi- therto been difcharged out of the produce of the fales that were making at the time of borrowing the fame. No part of the prefent loan was dif- charged in this manner, though the directors of the Bank have frequently foliated the payment thereof : Befides thefe loans, the company bor- rowed of the Bank 100,000 on bond, on the 6th day of Auguft 1772, which your committee intend to ftate as part of the bond debt of the laid . company : But as the company by agreement pay on this debt the fame intereft they pay on their pthtrr loans to the Bank, your committee have thought it right to ftate the intereft on the fame fpecially, in this part of the account, Your committee find by Mr Richard Cole, freight accomptant to the laid company, that they hrive not paid any freight on their ihips arrived in fcafon 1772, except wages : And that there are balances due on 28 fhips that arrived jn 1771, to the amount of from .2000 to ^.5000 each fhip. If the company do not pay their balances at the end of 12 months after the mips are cleared, fuch balances run at 4 per cent, per annum intereft, And Mr Cole informed your committee, chat there have been inftances when the company have been more backward in thefe payments j but in general it has not been the cafe. Your To wages and firft advances to be paid to Tfhipsexpected, viz. the Godfrey, V' 21,966 17 - 22,486 4 IT I 1,830 i gj- 5,891 6,783 j - 12,631 10,900 29,000 o >,840. { 8,015 - -j For filver for exportation - - 4.0,000 For indemnity on teas, to be paid the buyers before the 2d of March 1773* for i fh. per lib. Excife on teas taken out for home eonfumption, and for drawbacks on teas taken out for ex- poitation, according to agreement made with the buyers, per eitimate - 30,000* For charges bif merchandize to the 2d cf ^arch 1 77,2, per eftimate - 30,000 2,183,835 12 5 Which r 10 ] Your committee having been allured that thefc 3 (hips are expected to arrive in this feafon, they thought it right to (late in this account /iich pay. ments as will probably be made on account of the faid (hips, before the 20 of March 1773 an< ^ tnc 7 will credit the company with their cargoes under the article of goods in warehoufc in England on the faid 2d of March 1773. f As all thefe arrears are already due, and muft j be paid, if demanded, your committee thought \ it right to (late them in this part of the account, 1 though fome of them 'are of old (landing, and may L probably never be demanded. Your committee find that the company have, for the mod part, regularly paid their debrs un- der thefc two articles, and are not now more . than ufual in arrear. Your Which firft fum of 1,669,410 its 5^ being the amount of cafh in the company's f-eafnry on the ift day of December 1772, and of fuch fums as the company will be intttled to receive, before the 2d day of March 1773, being deducted from the fum of ,-2,183,835 125 $d which is the amount of the debts of the laid company, which are due on the faid ift day of December, or which will become due before the faid ad day of March 1773 , your committee find that the ba- lance againft the company on the laid ad day of March, for debts that will then be due, is the fum of .514,425 is. Your committee think it right to obferve, that in the above account they have calculated the in- tereft on the feveral debrs of the company, bearing intereft to the ift day of December 1772, being the day from which the above account commences, except on bills of exchange, on each of which they have calculated the intereft to the day on which fuch bill becomes payable : The intereft on the other debts will continue till fuch time as the debt, on which it is payable, is difcharged. As it was impodible for your committee to afcenain when the company will difcharge every particular debt, the intereft could not be otherwiie calculated : But your committee think it right to obferve, that the debts of the company, bearing intereft on the faid ift day of December 1772, an the different ' rates of 3, 4, 6, 12, and \^ per cent, amount to no lefs a fum than 2,093,978 zs $d as appears by the account hereunto annexed, befidcs what they owe to their annuitants and bondholders, which will be ftated hereafter. Your committee proceeded in the next place to. ftate the remainder of the company's effects and credits in England, and luch of their debts as will not become due til! after the 2d day of March And ! - B Your t ) And they find that there is due from the public to the company, in confe- quence of feveral fums advanced by them, purfuant to the a<5h g and 10 W. III. 6 Queen Anne, and 17 Geo. II. 4,200,000 And that the value of their goods in their warehoufes in England, which will remain unfold on the 2d March 1773, by {hips already arrived ; dif- count, cuftoms, and commifllon to fupra cargoes thereon deducted : is per eftimate 2,860,544 And that the value of the cargoes in the 3 (hips, Godfrey, Colebroke, and Pigot, expected to arrive before the faid 2d of March 1773, difcount and cuftoms thereon deducted, is per efti- mate ... 220,450 And that the value of bullion then re- maining in the company's treafury, and paid for, is - 353 *7 9 And that the value of the company's houfe and warehoufes is - 224,919 And that the value of the /hips and veflels belonging to the company, with their ftores, is - - I7>735 ^ & And Your committee find that nearly three- fourths of the value of the goods remaining in the warehoufes is tea, being in wt. 16,811,39116. which is fuppofcd to be almoit fuffieient for three years confumption. The remainder of the goods in the warchoufc, are piece goods and raw fiik from Bengal, falt- petre, &c. which latter articles will be put up iti the next year's fales. Mr Tookey, the deputy accomptant, informed your committee, that in this eftimate is included only the price of the lands and houfes bought, and of the buildings erected , and that no annual repairs are included therein : The repairs of the houfe being carried to the account of charges ge- neral ; and the repairs of the warehoufes to the account of charges of merchandize. And the company's furveyor informed your committee, that on the neareft calculation he can make on the company's freehold buildings and grounds in Lon- don, including the Eaft India Houfe, the value ot them is 228,000, and th;it whilft the trade of the company cxiih, and they can riil their ware- houfes, he apprehends they are worth that fiuu at jo per ant. Your committee find, by tkc examination of Mr Oliver, the matter attendant of the company'.* &ips, that the value of the (hips, veflcls, &c. as ftated in his account, is according 10 the prime coft ; f .3 ) And that the company claim, as due from France, for the fubfiftence and charges of French prtlbners during the laftwar, as per account delivered to Mr fecretary Cohway, the i6th of November 1765 -:%/: - 260,687 $ 5 7,784,689 12 10 Your.comrnhtee find in the annual account of the Company, a claim on the public for hotpkal cxpences for his Majefty's troops oft the coalt of Coromsndel, in the iaft war ; aft account of which was delivered to the Commiffioners of the Treafury the i2thofjune 17/0; but it appears by a mi- nute of the Treafury Board of the 29th day of January 1771, that Colonel Menfon having then been examined on the fubje<5t of the faid account, informed the Board, that it was always underftood by himfclf, and others commanding his Majefty's troops ferving in India, that the extraordinary ex- pences of the faid troops, including the charge of hofpitals, were to be paid by the Company ; and that the faid hofpitals were under the management of the officers of the Company, and his Majetty's officers were not permitted to interfere in any wile therein. And that the Board of Treafury, in confidera- tion of what was alledgcd by Colonel Monlbn, determined that they did not think themfdves juf- tified in proceeding to the further liquidation of this account, until the Company Inould have laid before the Board the authorities on which they founded this demand on the public; and it does not appear to your committee that any further proceeding has been had thereon. And your committee find, that befides the balance due by the company on the id of March 1773, ^ or debts be- come due before the faid 2d day of March, being the fum of' - - 5145425 coft ; but that the real value to the company be eftirmted at onethird kfs, at which valu c your committee have ftated them on the other fide. It appears to your committee that this matter is now under confnieration ; bat that the Court of France have not yet engaged to pay any part of this fum. Your The company are further indebted, To the perfons who fubfcribeH their bonds in purfuance of an aft, patted 23 Geo. II. for annuities, now bearing an intereft at the rate of 3 per cent. per annum 2,992,440 5 And to the holders of their bonds 25998,124 ic And that they are indebted to his ma* jefty, for half a year's payment on 400,000 per annum, purfuant to an aft, 9 Geo. III. cap. 24. which be- came due on the ift of Auguft 1772, and will be payable on the 2501 of 1773 . - Your committee find that the Company pay in- tcreft afzer the rate of 3 per cent, per annum, on . 2,895,107. i os. of this fum. And that for . 100,000. lent by the Bank on bond, they pay the like intereft as on their other loans from the Bank ; and that the remaining Turn, being . 3,017 bears no intereft, as the holders of the bonds f<*r that fum never brought them in ^o be marked, pur- fuant to the orders of the General Courts for the reduction of intereft. Your committee obferve that fo much of this fum as becomes due in refpect of the time inter- vening between the 5th of July and the ift of Auguft, is fubject to an alteration according to the rule laid down by an Act pafied in the pth year of his prclent Majefty, which provides that if the faid Company fnall for and during any time or times within the term of 5 years, to be computed from the i ft day of February 1769, reduce the dividends upon their flock, then and in every fuch cafe, there fhall, for and during the time or times refpectively of every fuch reduction or reductions, be deducted from the faid fum of . 400,000, a fum or fums equal to the amount of each and every fuch reduction ; and if at any time or times within the faid term of 5 years the faid Company (hall reduce the dividends upon their ftock to or under the Rate of . 6 per centum per annum, then in every fuch cafe during the re- fpective continuance of every fuch reduction, the laid company (hall be, and are thereby, difcharged from the payment of the faid fum of . 400,000 or fuch part thereof as would have become due to the public during the continuance of fuch re- duction. This f '$ ) And for cuftcms for goods fold before the id day of March 1773, but not payable till afterwards ; viz. for the fecond moiety per Ponfborne, Afia, and Speke, from Bengal - S7>3 9 b For fecond moiety perDutton, and firft and fecond per Hampfhire, from Bom- bay - - 1,268 18 2 For firft and fecond moiety, per Lord North, and Lord Holland, from Fort St. George - - SWS T 5 9 Fer fecond moiety on 15 China (hips, and firft and fecond on 5 China fhips - 2,299 16 4 For unrated cuftoms on March fales 1772, payable the i8th of Auguft 1773 - 182,823 For ditto on September fale 1772, pay- able in January 1774 - - 184,594 To 15 per cent, cuftoms on September fale 1772, payable the i8th of March 1773 - 112,489 To the bank of England, on account 3 ?^ of bullion bought of them ; -. . ^ 200,000 Tc Bills of Exchange already accepted, and which will become due after the 2cl of March 1773, and before the 2d of March 1774, intereft included 686,150 8 r J"or bills of exchange already accepted, and which will become due from the 2d of March 1774, to t ' ie 2 ^ of March . 1775, interett included 411*528 9 6 For bills of exchange already accepted, which wiil become due in the re- mainder of the year : I775, intereft included 2,583 3 i For This debt bears an intercft at 4 per cent, per annum, payable the ipth of October and i9th of April, in every year, and is the Remainder of a debt of . 736,250, contracted in the years 1756 and 1757, f r bullion then bought of the Bank, which by fubfequent payments has been reduced to the prefent fum. Your committee find by the evidence of Mr. Tookey and Mr. Holt, that thefe include bills from China as well as from India. The general rule from June 1769 has been to draw at 365 days after fight: the Company give their fervants per- miffion to draw bills to a certain amount ; fome of the bills" payable in 1773, are a P art f tnat P er ~ miffion : all the bills from Bengal which were accepted in 1771, were drawn contrary to orders with refpeft to imereft, and part of them with refpecl to exchange j they were neverthelefs accepted on the terms on which they were drawn. Thofe from Bombay were drawn contrary to orders with r it ) For fundry payments in the department of the committee of (hipping for ex- ports, including recruits, for the re- mainder of the prefent feafon *77*5 ~~ For fuudry payments in the department of the committee of buying, for the remainder of the feafon - 101,673 -- For freight and demorage on (hips al- ready arrived, payable after the ad of March 1773 - - 159,343 -- ror freight and demorage on the mips expected to arrive; viz. Godfrey, Colebrooke, and Pigot, payable after the id of March 1773, per eftimate - 18,000 Forcommiffion to fupra cargoes, which will be owing the 20 of March 1773, f r g 0( i s fold before that day, but not payable till afterwards 24,283 To cafli to be paid to the buyers of tea, in lieu of the i (h. per lib. excife on teas for home confumption, and of the drawback on fuch as (hall be exported, purfuant to agreement be- tween the Eaft India Company and the buyers, for tea fold from March fale 1767, to the September falc 1771, both inclufive, and remain- ing in the warehoufe upon the 2d of March 1773, per eftimate 133,000 To their alms-houfes at Poplar, due the ift of December 1772, and on which is allowed 4 per cent, per an- num interelt - - 8,313 16 9,219,114 12 6 And the fum of . 7,784,689. 12 s. lod. being the value of the Company's efie&s and credits in England, after the 2 d day of March 1773, being deducted from the fum of . 9,219,114. 12 s. 6d. which confifts of the balance due by the Company on the faid 2d day of March 1773, for debts be- come due before and on that day, and of the amount of their debts which will not become due till after the faid 2d day of March ; your commit- tee find, That the balance againlt the Company, with with refpeft to intereft, and part with refpeft to exchange: the terms of part of thefe bills were altered, with refpeft to intereft, withconfcnt of the holders. i '7 ) reJ(pet-tp. their debts, credits, and effects, ii* d, is the furn of .1*434,424. 19;, $3K> . 993,045 . Cafh at Canton in China, taken the ^th of March 1772; viz. filver that , will be in the treafury there, when the bohea unpack'd, the fouchcmgs and congous which are to be re- ceived, fhall be paid for, and all balances paid and received, tales 120,534, at 6s. 8d. 40^78 Cafli at Saint Helena, taken the 3oth September 1771 8,852 Arod that the value of the goods at Ben- gal, taken 3ift March 1772, is . Goods for Europe 109,813 Goods for fale 128,960 238,773 - And that the value of their goods at Fort Saint George, taken 20th March 1772, is . Goods for Europe 132,184 Goods for fale 9349 . This account is the laft that has been rec-ewed. Your committee find by the evidence of Mr. Hoole, auditor of the India accounts, that tfac goods for Europe are goods of the country actually in their warehoufes, and valued according to what they cod there : and that the goods for faie Are European goods, fuch as broad cloth, copper, and lead -, and are valued at the prime coft jn Europe, with 10 per cent, advance on the invoice, accord- ing to cuftom, and were actually in tneir ware- houfes when the laft fhips came away. Mr. Hoole gave the fame evidence with refpect to thefe goods, as with rdpect to thole at fitnga). The And that the value of their goods at Bombay, taken the i;th of March 1772 is /. Goods for Europe 262,988 Goods for fale 81,44.2 34443 And that the Value of their Goods at Bencoolen, taken 31 of January 1771, is, G>ods for Europe 8,394 And that the value of their goods in China, taken the 7th of March 1772, is, tales 325,164, at 6s. 8d. each 108,388 And that there is owing to the Eaft India Company at their feveral prefidencies, as follows ; viz. At Bengal and Subordi- . nates 31 March 1772 836,283 From which deducting for bad debts, accord- ing to the obfervati- ons on the other fide 24,710 The remainder is .- At The laft account of quick ftock from Bombay, makes the value of the goods from Europe to amount to . 2.95,429. but your committee find from the evidence of Mr. Hoolc, that the Cargo of the Godfrey, expected foon to arrive, eftimated at .32,441. is included in this quick ftock ; your committee have therefore deducted it from the above fum, and ftated ic as on the other fide. Mr. Hole gave the fame evidence in every re- fpect with regard to the goods at Bombay, as he did with regard to thofe at Bengal and Fort Saint George -, and added, that the reafon of the quan- tity of goods at Bombay being fo much larger than / at the other prefidencies, is, that this account in- \f eludes the company's goods in Perfia, and at Su- rat, which are very confiderable. Mr. Hoole gave the fame evidence with refpect to the goods at Bencoolen, as he did with refpect 'to thofe at Bengal and Fort Saint George. Your Committee find, by the evidence of Mr. Hoole, that this debt confifts of advances made for inveftments to the agents, factors, and country merchants, and of money owing to the company for goods fold, to the amount or. 433,1 15. Thefe in general are real advances and debts, and not of long ftancling. Mr '9 At Fort St. George 20th of March, [ '9 ] Mr. Hfoole thinks that at Patna and Coffimbtf- zar there may be about . 20,000 of old and doubt- ful debts. Another part of this debt, to the amount of . I05j98o. confifts of balances due from the company's officers, fuch as the cuftom mafter, who collects the company's cuftoms, the collector of their land revenues, exclufive of the dewanny, and the company's fteward : and he efteems this to be a good debt. Another part of this debt, to the amount of .272,478. confifts of balances due" from the renters of the dewanny, in the feveral <3iftricts of the province of Bengal : this balance is ftruck the 3oth of April 177!? and is the balance of the year ended on that day. Mn Hoole informed your Committee, that the compa- ny's fervants had propofed to the court of directors to write offfixteen Lack and 83,876 of Sicca Ru- pees, being the balance of the preceding year, and which he has therefore not included in this account: and he fuppofes that the company's fervants in Ben- gal ftill confider this arrear of .272,478. as a debt to be recovered. In the account delivered to your Committee there was an article of .19,744. which appears td your Committee, by the evidence of Mr. Hoole, to confift of fums advanced to contractors and workmen for works and buildings, which will ba difcharged by the performance of their contracts^ and fhould not therefore be confidered as a debt : and alfo another fum of .4,966. which confiils of debts from feveral people, and the fame having not varied for feveral years, mud be confidered as bad debts ; your Committee hath therefore not al- lowed them in this account. Your Committee find, by the evidence of Mn Hoole, that this debt confifts of advances made for inveftments, and for money owing for goods fold to the amount of .64,942. that this debt is ct>n- C tinuallv [ 20 At Bombay i yth March 1772 289,792 o o From which, deduct- ing for a bad debt, according to the ob- fervations on the o- ther fide 1*665 The remainder will be . - 288^127 o o An t *o ] tinually fluctuating, but he efleems it a good debt : and that another part of this debt, being .20, 8 20 is owing by the chief of Mafulipatam, for bills in his hands, given by the company's farmers and renters for the revenues ; and Mr. Hoole thinks this a good debt: and that another part of this debt, being -13,590. is due by the company's cuftom mafter for the balance of fea cuftom s ; and he thinks this a good debt : and that another part of . . this debt, being .580,609. confifts of a balance *** due from Mahomed Ally Cawn, Nabob of Arcot, part of which fum, being . 180,609. is the balance of his account for general charges defrayed for him, and is good, being part of a debt which he regularly liquidates ; the^ remainder of the faid fum of .580,609. being ten lack of Pagodas, or . 400,000. is a fum carried to his account by the company here towardsthe expence of the war with Heydar Ally. And your Committee find by a let- ter from the faid Nabob Mahomed Ally Cawn, to trie court of directors, dated the 2oth March 1^72, that he engages to discharge this debt, as appears by the letter hereunto annexed. The remainder of this debt, being .199,266. confifts of balances clue from the renters and farmers of lands and farms at Fort St. George, and fubordinates, which balances are not of long ftanding, and the prefent arrear is kfs than formerly. Your Committee find, by the evidence of Mnr Hoole, that part of this debt, to the amount of .111,961. confifts of advances for inveftments, and of money owing to the company for goods fold, and that it is not a debt of long ftanding : and that another part of the laid debt, amounting to . 134,998. confifts of money due from the I managers of the Bank at Bombay, which Bank is ** chiefly under the direction of the governor and C 2 council Fur the cargoes of 25 Ihips ferrt, and to be fent out in this feafon, valued at prime coil here, bullion and eve- ry thing included 494,597 o Q For imprefts to owners of fhips ; viz. For 5 Imps in 1770 - 6,237 10 o 26 fhips in 1771 - 32,435 o o 25 fhips in 1772 - 31,187 10 o 69,860 o o For Madeira wines fent out in 1771, and paid for 13,173 For i -3d of wine to be taken in 1772, ditto 3,743 o o , 16,916 o 9 And not included in their account of quick flock at Bombay. And it appears, by the evidence of Mr. Hoole, that none or the fhips of the feafon 1771, were ar- rived when the faid accounts came away and that in general even' fhip which arrives in England from India, brings with her (according to orders from the court of directors) an account of the quick Hock of the company, as it flood at the time of her departure from India, in the fettlement from whence ihe comes, exclusive of the cargoe flie has on board ; and that the lafl mips which arrived, brought fuch account from each refpeclive prefi- dency, but that the cargoe of the Colebrooke, tho* not yet arrived, is not included in the quick flock at Bengal, as me was laden, when the Clive, the Ihip that brought the account, came away; her cargoe is therefore flated as of a Ihip a&ually ar- rived, and in the warehoufe here. C 4 Mr. C ] Fur tlie cargoes of 25 fhips ferrt, and to be fent out in this feafon, valued at prime coft here, bullion and eve- ry thing included 494,597 o Q For imprefts to owners of fhips ; viz. For 5 mips in 1770 - 6,237 10 o 26 fhips in 1771 - 32,435 o o 25 fhips in 1772 - 31,187 10 o 69,860 o o For Madeira wines fent out in 1771, and paid for 13,173 9 For i~3d of wine to be taken in 1772, ditto 3,743 o o 16,916 o 9 And [ * ] not included in their account of quick flock at Bombay. And it appears, by the evidence of Mr. Hoole, that none or the fhips of the feafon 1771, were ar- rived when the faid accounts came away and that in general every {hip which arrives in England from India, brings with her (according to orders from the court of dire&ors) an account of the quick flock of the company, as it flood at the time of her departure from India, in the fettlement from whence fhe comes, exclufive of the cargoe fhe has on board ; and that the lafl fhips which arrived, brought fuch account from each refpective prefi- dency, but that the cargoe of the Colebrooke, tho* not yet arrived, is not included in the quick flock at Bengal, as (he was laden, when the Clive, the Ihip that brought the account, came away; her cargoe is therefore flated as of a Ihip actually ar- r ived, and in the warehoufe here. Mr. [ *3 3 And your Committee find that the Company's dead ftock abroad, at their prefidencies in China, at St. Helena, and floating on the fea, is as followeth ; viz. The value of their ftores at Bengal, taken 31 March, 1772, is, Civil ftores 84,681 O O Military ditto 192,726 O O - .... *..'. 277>47 9 And that the value of their ftores at Fort St. George, taken the 2Oth of March, 1772, is Civil ftores 42,527 O Q Solitary ftores 224,439 o o . 266,966 o o And, Mr. Hoole having informed your Committee that thefe ftores in general are not defigned for fale, they have thought it right to ftate them as part of the dead flock of the company abroad : and by the fame evidence your Committee find that the civil ftores at Bengal confifts of naval ftores, fuch as cordage, pitch, tar, and canvas, ftationary for the factory, and European goods for the ufe of the factory ; and that what is here charg- ed is an eftimate of what was actually there on the jift of March 1772, and is a very perfect valua- tion according to the European prices and that the military ftores at Bengal confift of mufquets, and all other ftores of a military nature, actually in magazine there, exclufive of thofe out in fervice. He thinks that neither the value of guns on the ramparts, nor any other ordnance, is included in this account and that, all in general are valued according to the European prices. Mr. Hoole gave the fame evidence with ref- pect to thefe ftores as he did with refpect to thofe at Bengal, except that the guns on the ramparts are included in this account. Mr. C *4 f And that the value of their ftores at Bombay, taken the ryth of March, 1772, is, . j. d. Civil ftores 55,110 o o Military ditto 78,515 o o ; And that the value of their ftores at Bencoolen, taken the 31 ft January, 1771, is, . s. d. Civil ftores 42,432 o O Military ditto 7j?84 o o 50,216 o o And that the value of their ftores at St. Helena, taken the 3oth Septem- ber, 1771, is . f. d. ';;.:. Civil ftores 20,293 o o Military ftorc J 7,265 o o 37,8 o o And that the value of their ftiips and Veflels in India, is, . s. d. At Bengal 65,637 o o Fort St. George 28,654 o o Bombay 745831 o o Bencoolen 12,363 o o 181,485* O And that the value of their elephants, horfes, camsls, and cattle, in In- dia, is, . s. d. At Bengal 38,719 o O Fort St. George *7>492 o o Bombay 1,098 o o Ecncoolen 252 o o 57,561 o o And Mr. Hoole again gaye the fame evidence with tefpedt to the ftores at Bombay and Bencoolen, as he did with refpedt to thofe at Bengal ; and he is certain that the guns on the ramparts are not in- cluded in the value of the military ftores of thefe prefidencies. Mr. Hoole gave the fame evidence with refpeft to thefe ftores, as he did with refpedt to thofe at Bengal, except that the guns on the ramparts are included. Mr. And that the value of the plate, houfe- hold furniture, &c. of the company in India, is, . s. d. At Bengal 14,869 o o Fort St. George 9> OT 9 Bombay ' 1 5>37 Bencoolen : i>2i9 o o _ f .; 405*44 O O And that the value of the Company's Plantations, is, . . s. d. At Bombay 29,058 o o St. Helena, including lands and cattle - 11,166 o o 40,224 o o And that the value of the Company's Slaves, is, . s. d. At Bombay 196 o o it, Hdv^a- - -, yy-ft. 4,595 o o , !8, 9 88 o o 6,7Q7,2QQ 10 6 And Your Committee find, by the evidence of Mr, Hoole, that the company's veflels in India are va- lued according to the prime coft there, and that at Fort St. George, not only the value of the prime coft of the veflels is included, but alib of all the ftores that have been fupplied to them, which has fometimes made the value of a veflel amount to double the prime coft of her building. That the value of the elephants, horfes, camels, and cattle, is the prime coft of them there. That the value of the plate, houlhold furniture, and neceflaries, is what the company's fcrvantspaid for them there. , . And that the value of the plantations and flave* is an eftimate. And Mr. Hoole being aiked, whether he could not give a more perfect valuation of thefe effects ; he anfwered, that they had no other return made but thefe accounts. Your [ 26 ] And your Committee find, that the. debts of the Company abroad at their prelidencies in China, and at St. Helena, are as followeth ; viz. Debts owing by the Company at Ben- gal 1,754,506 Debts owing by the Company at Fort St. Georg* 48^64 Debts owing by the Company at Bom- ba y ' 213,418 o o Debts [ ,6 ] Your Committee find, by the evidence of Mr. Hoole, that part of the faid debt, being .1,138,515, is due on bond, and bears an intereft after the rate ) of 8 per cent, per annum And that another part of this debt, being .130,453. is a fund eftablifti- V ed for the fupport of decayed and difabled officers and foldicrs, for which fum no intereft is paid in Bengal, but in confederation thereof, and by agree, ment made between the company and the Right Hon. Lord Clive, the company pay in England .9,172. 135. 4^. per annum And that another / A S part of this debt, being .459,005. is owing to the Mogul, the Nabob, and to his minifters in part of their tribute and ftipends ; and was due the loth of November 1771 And that another part of this debt, being .17,607. confifts of fums, being the eftates of deceafed perfons and other depofits in truft, paid into the company's treafury, by order of the mayor's court at Calcutta And the remain- der, being .8, 926. confifts. of feveral fmall debts owing by the company. Your Committee find, by the evidence of Mr. Hoole, that part of this debt, being .29,918. is money borrowed on bond, bearing intereft at the rate of 8 per cent, per annum And that another part of this debt, being . 8,480. is a depofit of / the French jefuits, and bears an intereft at the rate V of 6 per cent, per annum And that the remaining fum of jf .9,766. are debts due to fuudry perfons, bearing no intereft. Your Committee find, by the evidence of Mr. Hoole, that part of this debt, being ^.88,438. is / money borrowed on bond, part whereof bears an / intereft at ..9, per cent, per annum, and part at N .10 per cent, per annum And that another part of the laid debt, being ,.110,978. is money due to. Debts owing by the Company at Ben- coolen 16,218 o b 2,032,306 o o Which fum of ^.2,032,306. being the amount of the debts of the company abroad, being de- ducted from the fum of jf .6, 397,299. los. 6d. being the value of the company's credits and ef- fects abroad, at their prefidencies, in China, at St. Helena, and floating on the fea Your Committee find, That the balance in favour of the company abroad, will be ^.4,3 64,993. IOJ * *>d. Balance againft the company on the . s. d. i ft account, being their cafh ac- count, made up to the ad day of March 1773 5*4*425 * Balance againft the company on the ad account, being an account of their debts, including the balance againft them on their cafh account, and of their effefts and credits in England, after the ad day of March 1773 . 1,434,424 '9 8 Balance in favour of the company on the 3d account, being an account f their debts, credits, and efFedls abroad, at their pretidencies, in China, at St. Helena, and float- ing on the fea 4,364,993 10 6 Your t the bank at Bombay, and bears no intereft And that another part of this debt, being .5,319, is a fum confifting of the effects of deceafed per- fons, and depofits in truft, paid into the compa- ny's treafury, by order of the mayor's court at Bombay; and the remaining fum of .8,683. con- fifts of fmall debts due to fundry perfons. Your Committee find, by the evidence of Mr. Hoole, that this fum is due to fundry perfons for goods. Your Committee have not included in the above account, any valuation of the fortifications and buildings of the company abroad. They are far from thinking that the fame ought not to be con- fidered as of great ufe and value to the company in carrying on their commerce, and protecting their feveral fettlements; but they can by no means a- gree in opinion with the Court of Directors, who, by their minutes of the 27th of April 1/69, or- dered, " That the amount of the fortifications, 8cc. " mould again be added to the annual fettlement, " to be made up in June 1 769." And your Com- mittee find, that fuch amount was added to the faid account, made up in June 1769, and has been added in all the annual accounts made up fince that period ; and that in the lafl annual account made up on the ift of July 1772, there is included, in confequence of fuch. order of the Court of Direc- tors, under the article of factory at Bengal, the Him of 191 lack and 54,558 current rupees, which, at 25. $d. each, amount to the fum of .2, 154,888. which fum, by a memorandum at the foot of the faid account, is ftated to be the amount of what had been then expended for fortifications, build- ings, &c. at Bengal. Your Committee having no rule by which they can form any judgment of the real value of this part of the company's effects, can only flate to the Houfe what they find in the company's books and accounts concerning them : And it appears to your Committee, that in all the annual accompts from the year 1732, which is the firfl year in which any annual fux was made up, the fum of .400,000. has been charged under the head of dead ftock, which appears to your Committee to be for the dead (lock abroad only, as there is another article charged in every fuch annual account for Eaft India houfe, C '9 ] houfe and warehoufes, to the amount of from .25,000 to ..40,000. Your Committee find that in the annual account 1765, ^.300,000 was deducted from the quick Itock account of Fort William. And that in the annual account 1766, the faid film of ^.300,000, together with j. 3 0,000 more, xvas deducted from the quick ftock account of Fort William. And that in the annual account 1767, the fame fum of ^.330,000 was deducted from the quick ftock account of Fort William. And that in the annual account 1768, the fum of .860,065, which includes the faid fum of jf. 3 30,000 above mentioned, was deducted from the quick ftock account of Fort William. And your Committee find, that in the general letter of the court of directors, dated the 1 6th of March 1768, to the prefident and council of Ben- gal; the directors ordered, that the dead ftock, confifting of forts, buildings, and works, and their appurtenances, fhould have no place/in the quick ftock. And your Committee find, that in the annual account of 1769, the amount of fortifications, &c, was again added under the head of factory at Ben- gal, by order of the court of directors, in the manner before mentioned : and that the court of directors have continued to add the faid amount, and all additional charges for fortifications, build- ings, &c. in all their annual accounts made up fince that period. Your Committee have annexed the account which was laid before them relative to the above matters. D 2 And And your Committee find by an account delivered to them, and which is hereunto annexed, that the company have expend- ed in fortifications, buildings, &c. at Bengal, from May 1757 - 2,313,849 And at Fort St. George, from May 1761 596,747 And at Bombay from Auguil 1760 760,551 And at Bencoolen, from July 1761 29,277 And at St. Helena, from O&eber 1761 28,128 Your Committee having now, in purfuanceof the order of the houfe, reported a ftate of the debts, cre- dits, and effects, of the faid company in England and abroad ; they are proceeding, purluant to another part of the faid order, to enquire into the fituation of the company's affairs ; and in the firft place, with refpedt to the profits which the company de- rive from their commerce, or from the territorial acquifitions lately obtained in the Eaft Indies ; an examination of which is neceflary, in order to form a competent judgment of the ftate of the company's affairs. They have already made fome progrefs in this enquiry ; and they will report from time to time, what they find material on this im- portant fubjecl:. r 31 i A. To the Right Honourable the Lords Commiflloner* of his Majefty's Treafury. The Memorial of the Court of Directors of the United Company of Merchants of Eng- land, trading to the Eaft-Indies, Humbly Sheweth, 1 H A T the prompt payment for the goods fold by the faid Company in their fale which com- menced the loth of March laft, having of una- voidable neceffity been deferred to a late day, the Company are thereby deprived of the receipt of a feafonable and fufficient fupply of money to dif- charge the unrated cuftoms which became due to the crown the 5th of this inftant Auguft amounting co about the fum of ..203,619. ys. yd., Your Memorialifts therefore moft humbly pray your Lordfhips will be favourably pleafed to extend the time for payment of the faid .203,619. ys. yd. for two months from the laid 5th of Auguft. Signed by order of the faid Court of Directors. Eaft-India Houfe, theythof Auguft, iyy2. P. Michell, Secretary. After our hearty commendations. Having con- fidered the annexed Memorial pf the Court of Directors C 3* ] Directors of the United Company of Merchants trading to the Eaft-Indies, praying a refpite of pay- ment of two hundred and three thoufand fix hun- dred and nineteen pounds, feven millings, and feven pence, or thereabouts, which was due for duties on teas on the 5th of Auguft inflant, thefe are to authorize and require you to caufe procefs to be flayed againft the faid Company for the faid duties, until the ift day of O&ober 1772, upon their paying intereft at the rate of fix per cent, for the monies fo retained, according to an acl: of the 4th year of Queen Anne, Chap. 6. And for fo doing this lhall be your Warrant. Whitehall Treaiury Chambers, the 1 3th day of Auguft 1772. To our very loving Friends, theCom- mifiioners of his Majefty's Cuftoms, andthe Commiffio- ners of his Maje- fty's excife, and to all other perfons whom it may con;- cern. North. J. Dyfon. C. Townihend, Eaft-India Company. Payment of duties on their teas to be_refpited for two months from 5th [ 33 ] B. To the Right honourable the Lords Commiffioners of his Majefty's Treaiury, The Memorial of the Court of Directors of the United Company of Merchants of Eng- land, trading to the Eaft-lndies, Sheweth, A H A T your Lord mips were pleafed on your Memorialifts application, dated the yth of Auguft laft, to prolong until the ift of October next, the payment of the fum of .203.619. 75. yd. which became due to the crown the 5th of the fame month of Auguft, for the Cuftoms on unrated goods fold in their fale which commenced the loth of March laft. That your Memorialifts not having received any aid of cafh. from the goods fold in their prefent September fale, occafioned by the general fcarcity of money ; and that the fale of your Memorialifts Bengal piece goods being unavoidably poftponed until the enfuing month of November, they are deprived of the means of providing a fupply for the difcharge of the faid fum of ^.203,619. 75. yd. on the i ft of October next. Your Memorialifts therefore humbly befeech your Lordfhips will be favourably pleafed to extend the term for payment of the faid fum of j. 203, 6 1 9. 75. 7d. for two months from the faid ift of October next. Signed by order of the faid Court of Directors. Eaft-India Houfe, the 24th September 1772. P. Michell, Secretary. After [ 34 ] After our hearty commendations. Having con- fidered the annexed Memorial of the Court of Di- redtors of the United Company of Merchants, trading to the Eaft-Indies, praying a refpite of payment of two hundred and three thoufand fix hundred and nineteen pounds, feven millings, and feven pence, or thereabouts, which was due for Cuftoms on unrated goods upon the 5th day of Augufl laft, thefe are to authorize and require you to caufe procefs to be flayed againft the faid Company for the faid duties, for the fpace of two months, to be computed from the ift day of October next, upon their paying intereft after the rate of .6 per cent, for the monies fo retained, according to an adt of the 4th year of the reign of Queen Anne, Chap. 6. And for fo doing this ihall be your Warrant. Whitehall Treafury Chambers, the 3oth Sept. 1772. To our very loving North. Friends the Com- C. Jenkinfon. miffioners of his J. Dyfon. Majefty's Cuftoms. Baft-India Company. Payment of duties on un- rated goods to be refpited for two months from i O&ober 1772, ..r-wi,; f*~~A t 35 ] c. To the Right honourable the Lords Commiffioner* of his Majefty's Treafury. The Memorial of the Court of Directors of the United Company of Merchants of Eng- land trading to the Eaft-Indies, Sheweth, J. H A T your Lordmips were favourably pleafed on your Mernorialifls application, dated the yth Auguft laft, to prolong until the ift of October laft, the payment of the fum 0^.203,619. 75. yd. which became due to the crown the 5th of the faid month of Auguft, for the Cuftoms on unrated goods fold in their fale which commenced the loth of March laft ; and that your Lordlhips were alfo further pleafed to grant further refpite of the pay- ment of the faid fum of ^.203,619. 73. yd. until the i ft day of December next. That the fale of your Memorialifts Bengal piece goods not being yet finimed, your Memorialifts arc ftill difabled from providing a fufficiency of calh for the payment of the faid fum of ^.203,619. 73. yd. on the faid ift day of December next. Your Memorialifts therefore humbly requeft your Lordfhips will be pleafed to extend the term for payment of the faid fum of ^.203,619. 75. 7d. for two months from the ift day of December next. Signed by order of the faid Court of Directors. Eaft-India Houfe, the 24th of Nov. 1772. P. Michell, Secretary. After [ 36 ] After our hearty commendations. Having con- fidered the annexed Memorial of the Court of Directors of the United Company of Merchants trading to the Eaft-Indies, praying a refpite of payment of two hundred and three thoufand fix hundred and nineteen pounds, feven ihillings, and feven pence, or thereabouts, which was due for Cuftoms on unrated goods, upon the 5th of Auguft laft, thefe are to authorize and require you to caufe procefs to be flayed againfl the faid Company, for the faid duties, till Wednefday the 901 day of December next, upon their paying intereft at the rate of jT .6. per cent, for the monies fo retained, according to an adt of the 4th year of the reign of Queen Anne, Chap. 6. And for fo doing this mail be your Warrant. Whitehall Treafury Chambers, the 3Oth day of November 1772. To our very loving C. Jenkinfon. Friends, the Com- J. Dyfon. miffioners of his C. Townfhend. Majefty's Guftoms. Eaft-India Company. Payment of duties on unrated goods to be refpited till 9th Decem- ber 1772. PQ a ^ s c ^ C *rj C5 ^ tg 3 C 37] c oooooog ^iasisssss nn OOOO^-OOO O O O O f^OO O SO 88S8 O O cS PJ i!! I'll CO r> ON CO '<* u--iV4-i Q OOOOOOO<+5 CCCCCGCfi 00000000 csfiflccga 354790 E. Extract of the Letter from the Nabob of Arcot to the Court of Directors, dated the zoth March, 1772. Jlrf VERY demand hitherto made on me by your Governor and Council, I have fully paid, though I could not prevail on them to give me my accounts till very lately, and even thofe are wrote in fuch a manner, that neither I nor any of my people can well underftand them : However, from the begin- ning of my tranfa&ions to the end of October, 1771, there is not a daum due from me to the Company. The Governor and Council, in December, 1769, thought proper to charge to my account ten lacks of pagodas, as my mare of the expence of the My- fore war ; they have frequently mentioned in their letters to me, that I acknowledged this as a juft debt, and promifed to pay it ; and I underftand from your letters, that they had been at great pains to write in the fame manner to England : In the Myfore war I expended large fums, as I maintained the whole army, paid the expence of the troops, as well thofe employed in the war, as in the de- fence of the Carnatick at the time : By what ma- nagement then could the extraordinary expences amount to fuch a fum ? This is the fenie I have al- ways had of the agreement I entered into with the Governor and Council in 1768, that I was to be put in poffeffion of the conquered country, out of the revenues of which the whole expence of the war was to have been paid. The event of the war is well known, and in every one article the Gover- nor and Council failed on their part, even in fuch as I efteemed eflential to my honour, as well as to my [ 39 ] my intereft, and that of my country.. I defire you to confider this matter well, and am certain, that you will then fee this matter in the light I do ; and I appeal to yourfelves, whether you think it proba- ble I ever could be brought voluntarily to acknow- ledge this demand as a juft debt in fuch eircum- ftances. I have nothing fo much at heart as endeavouring by every means to make my friendmip with the Company ftronger and ftronger ; and therefore, in my laft letter by the fhip Lord North, I told you, that the next fhip mould bring you accounts of my friendmip, that you might fet your minds at eafe. What is money to me without your friendmip ? or what fum can equal the value I have for you ? Therefore, fince you have been told, that I would v pay you ten lacks of pagodas, I now tell you, that, out of pure friendlhip, and merely as the refult of my own free will and choice, I will, in time of peace and tranquility, pay to my friends the Eaft- India Company ten lacks of pagodas : I afk no- thing in return but your friendmip, which I doubt not but you will readily grant. F ANNUAL ACCOUNT, 1765. Fort William Quick Stock, dated the 26th No- vember, 1764. It is the opinion of the Committee of Accounts, That there be deducted from the balance of the above quick flock account, for the reafons men- tioned in the engineers letters from Bengal of the 26th [ 40 ] i6th November and ift December, 1764, both received per Devonlhire the i^th June, 1765, 300,000 ANNUAL ACCOUNT, 1766. Fort William Quick Stock, dated the i ith March, 1765, and received per Bute the i5th January, 1766. It is the opinion of the Chairman and Deputy Chairman, That there mould be deducted from the balance of the above quick flock account, for the reafons mentioned in the engineers letters from Ben- gal, dated the 26th November and ift December, 1764, both received per Devonshire the I5th June, 17 6 3 330,000 ANNUAL ACCOUNT, 1767. Fort William Quick Stock, dated the 28th No- vember, 1766, and received per Cruttenden the 1 9th June, 1/67. Ordered by the Committee of Accounts, That the fame amount as was deducted from the balance of the lad year's quick ftock account, be for the fame reafons deducted from the above quick ftock ac- count 330,000 The Committee are alfo of opinion, That the fum of 251,297 1. being the remaining charge for fortifications and buildings in the above quick ftock account, mould likewife be deducted ; a memo- randum of which ftands at the foot of the annual account, but the fame was not deducted. A N- ANNUAL ACCOUNT, 1768. Fort William Quick Stock, dated the loth De- cember, 1767, and received per Norfolk the 1 2th June, 1768. Ordered by the Committee of Accounts, That all the charges for buildings, &c. (as per account received from the Auditor) be deducted from the balance of the above quick flock account, amount- ing to 860,065 ANNUAL ACCOUNT, 1769. Fort William Quick Stock, dated the 1 8th No- vember, 1768, and received per Verelft the i8th May, 1769. By order of Court, the 27th April, 1769, the fum of 853,920 1. part of what was deducted from the lafl year's balance of quick flock, is added to the above quick flock account, not being included therein 853,920 ANNUAL ACCOUNT, 1770. Fort William Quick Stock, dated the 23d Novem- ber, 1769, and received per Hampfhire the 1 7th. April, 1770. Per order of Court, the 27th April, 1769, the fum of 853,920 1. part of what was deducted from the quick flock, in the annual account of 1768, is added to the above quick flock ac- count, not being included therein - 853,920 Brought [ 4* ] Brought forward 853,920 Ordered by the Committee of Accounts, That what was expended on fortifica- tions, &c. fmce making up trie an- nual account in 1769, be allb added to the above quick ftock account (as per account received from Mr. Hoole) is - -- 85,880 ANNUAL ACCOUNT, The fum of 853,920!. having been de- ducted for fortifications, buildings, &c. from the Bengal quick ftock, in the annual account of June, 1768, and being omitted in the above quick ftock, is here added to the prefent ba- lance, per order of Court, the 2,7th April, 1769 - -- - 853,920 The 28th June, 1770, the Committee of Accounts ordered, That the in- creafed amount on the expence of fortifications and buildings, which appeared by the accounts received from Bengal, fince making up the annual ftatement in June, 1769, Ihould be alfo added to this account, as per minute received from the Au- ditor - 85,880 The 25th June, 1771, the Committee of Accounts ordered, That the in- creafed amount on the expence of for- tifications and buildings, which ap- peared by the accounts received from Bengal, fince making up the annual ftatement in June, 1770, Ihould be alfo added to this account, as per minute received from the Auditor 430,880 1,370,680 C 43 ] ANNUAL ACCOUNT, 1772. The fum of ^.853,920. having been deducted for fortifications, buildings, &c. from the Bengal quick flock, in the annual account -of June 1768, and being omitted in the above quick (lock, is here added to the prcfent balance, per order of Court the 27th . April 1769, 853,920 The 2Sth June 1770, the committee of accounts ordered, that the increafed amount on the expence of fortifica- tions and buildings, which appeared by the accounts received from Ben- fal, fince making up the annual atement in June 1769, fhould be alfo added to this account, as per minute received from the Auditor. 1 85,880 The 25th June 1771, the committee of accounts ordered, . that the increafed amount on the expence of fortifica- tions and buildings, which appeared by the accounts received from Ben- gal, fince making up the annual ilatement in June 1770, Ihould be alfo added to this account, as per minute received from the Auditor. 430,880 The 3oth June 1772, the committee of accounts ordered, that the increafed amount on the expence of fortifica- tions and buildings, which appeared by the accounts received from Ben- gal, fince making up the annual ilatement in June 1771, Ciould be alfo added to this account, as per minute received from the Auditor. 7 84,208 . 2,154,888 R. Tookey, Deputy Accompt. - E Amount ^2. ^ ^ o "^* ONO\ 4- oo to IH r P , 10 ? "- CO : HSg.tatiS'srH^is ON "to OO so * s ^J ONsO O ON ON OO CO-^J O Oa 1-1 ON . CO4^4^OoOOOo4 i -O'-'^Ji")i-i ONOO I s ? 3 O t? iO to to OO-> OCOO 10 <^> 5 P H 4^ 4- i- - OO C"-OO 4^OO 5 "s 00 CC On v Oi CN4>- 1-1 On M 1 3 C W. CO "o D r: 2 s 4*. co ON oc- On ^J ocOn to ON co O On * 3 O W 3 s? OS ON ' " On * O ' * ** e c l< to to Oo NO SP to fa O to 3 M 3 P 0^ CN CN * CN * * V* g ^TO OO oo E?> FT 1 NO NO ^01 -t Oi On tO hH l-l . V, H- ti W NO tO ON -a co O V> J _ 5 00 oo On ON4^ 4^ J5> .fx *CO 0^ ^I tO^) O OO o- oo to to Oo Oo, to ^ t-i On ON o ~> o CO OC4^ 4^ Oo Oi O04>. On jt>_ 2 NO NO 0^ 10 ^ON C04^ O 4* ON CO "cO^J O tn ON * On >-i ^J 0042. ^J Ln 4^ O - ^J O ~ C>Oo ! h CO ^3 OOol WNOO^vOO^--'" * ' * *** I'G 10 4*. OoO4>-4 : ' M CCCN>- S ^J ! 4- JO fO sOOoNO MOn OOo O OCOo -.... ? ob On On CO - OO OO 10 K) <~> ^t 004^ o\ to O OOnOn4^Oo <-> O04^ On CO ^D CC CN cc -! 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