UBRARY iJMIV ERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PAVIS JC^ STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES DIVISION OF RESOURCES PLANNING 'Y OF CAUFORNM BRARY DAVIS )PY 2 BULLETIN NO. 89 LOWER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY WATER QUALITY INVESTIGATION EDMUND G. BROWN Governor HARVEY O. BANKS Director of Water Resources DECEMBER 1960 Ur;iV^R01T» >..r CALL Davis PIB IG 1961 LIBRARY ■o 0) O "5 C E _2 o 01 -c c o o -D ;^ E S o ~ E :£ o Q 0) O c o 31 O 0) -c STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES DI\ISION OF RESOURCES PLANNING BULLETIN NO. 89 LOWER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY WATER QUALITY INVESTIGATION EDMUND G. BROWN Governor DECEMBER 1960 HARVEY O. BANKS Director of Water Resources LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS TABLE OP CONTMTS Page FRONTISPIECE LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL xli ACKNOWLEDGMENT xlii ORGANIZATION, DEPARTr^ENT OF WATER RESOURCES xlv ORGANIZATION, CALIFORNIA WATER COMMISSION XV ORGANIZATION, COOPERATING AGENCIES XVl CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION 1 Authorization for Investigation 1 Area of Investigation 4 Drainage Basins 4 Climate 6 Geology 7 Soils 8 Present Development 9 Related Investigations and Reports 13 Statement of Problem l4 Scope of Investigation and Report l6 Field Investigation 17 Laboratory Work l8 Location Numbering System l8 CHAPTER II. WATER SUPPLY 21 Precipitation 21 Runoff 22 Stream Gaging Stations and Records 23 i TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) Page Runoff Charactei-'lstics 24 Quantity of Runoff 26 Imported and Exported Water 27 Delta-Mendota Canal 28 Fresno Slough 31 Stanislaus River Diversion 31 Iletch Hetchy Aqt;educt 32 Friant-Kern Canal 33 Ground Water Hydrology 33 Ground Water Geology » 35 Free Ground V/ater Zone 35 Confined Ground Water Zone 37 Saline Zone 38 Ground Water Levels o 38 Ground Water Storage Capacity 39 Movement of Ground Water 40 Subsurface Inflow and Outflov; 4l Areas of High VJater Table 42 CHAPTER III. WATER UTILIZATION 45 Water Supply Development 45 Present Development 45 Future Development 46 The California Water Plan 50 Other Project Plans 51 V/ater Service Agencies 52 Land Use 57 ii TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) Page Beneficial Use of Water 59 Consumptive Use of Water 60 Agricultural Use 50 Domestic and Municipal Use 63 Industrial Use 63 Hydroelectric Power Generation » 65 Pish and Wildlife Uses 65 Recreational Use 66 Flood Control 66 Accretions 67 Location of Accretions 68 Quantity of Accretions 69 CHAPTER IV. WATER QUALITY . 79 Water Quality Criteria 79 Surface Water 82 East Side Streams 83 Stanislaus River 84 Tuolumne River 84 Merced River o 88 Chowchilla and Fresno Rivers 88 Minor East Side Streams Above the Valley Floor. 88 West Side Streams Above the Valley Floor 89 Corral Hollow Creek 89 Del Puerto Creek 90 Orestlmba Creek 90 Garzas Creek 90 ill TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) Page Qulnto Creek 90 Romero Creek 90 San Luis Creek 91 Los Banos Creek 91 Little Panoche Creek 92 Panoche Creek 92 Imported Surface Waters 92 Fresno Slough 93 Delta-Mendota Canal 93 Panoche Drain 95 Valley Floor Tributaries 9^ Tributaries of the Stanislaus, Tuolumne, and Merced Rivers 97 San Joaquin River- Dos Palos to Fremont Ford , . 98 San Joaquin River-Fremont Ford to Newman. . . . 101 San Joaquin River-Newman to Grayson 101 San Joaquin River-Grayson to Hetch Hetchy Crossing 107 San Joaquin River-Hetch Hetchy Crossing to Vernalls Ill San Joaquin Rlver-Vernalls to Mossdale Bridge . 112 Minor Streams in the Mendota Pool Service Area. 112 San Joaquin River Il4 At Friant Il8 At Mendota Il8 At Fremont Ford 119 Near Newman (Hills Ferry Bridge) 120 IV TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) Page Near Grayson 120 At Maze Road Bridge 120 Near Vernal is (Durham Ferry Bridge) 121 At Mossdale 121 Diverted V/aters 122 Patterson Water District Intake 123 West Stanislaus Irrigation District Intake. . . 124 El Solyo Water District Intake 130 Banta-Carbona Irrigation District Intake. . . . 131 Ground Water 13^ East Side-North of Stanislaus River 136 East Side-Stanislaus River to Tuolumne River .... 136 East Side-Tuolumne River to Merced River 136 East Side-Merced River to Chowchilla River 137 East Slde-Chowchilla River to San Joaquin River. . . 138 West Slde-Banta-Carbona Area 138 West Side-West Stanislaus and El Solyo Water District Area 138 West Side-Patterson Area 139 West Side-Orestiraba Creek to the Delta-Mendota Canal 139 West Side-South of Delta-Mendota Canal l4l Sewage and Industrial Wastes l4l CHAPTER V. QUALITY PROBLEMS, EFFECTS, AND CONTROL . l45 Deep-Seated Brines l45 Runoff From West Side Streams 14-7 Drainage Facilities l48 V TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) Page Return Waters 153 Agricultural Chemicals 156 Sewage and Industrial V/astes 157 Effect of Quality of Water on Soils and Crop Response . . I58 Field Investigation 158 Laboratory Studies 159 Conclusions Derived from the Laboratory Studies. . . 161 Remedial Measures I62 CHAPTER VI. FUTURE WATER QUALITY CONDITIONS .... 16? Salt Balance Considerations ... l67 Critical Period 168 Nev/ Projects I68 Existing Projects I69 Imported Return V/ater 170 Methodology , 170 Patterson Reach 172 V/est Stanislaus Reach 172 El Solyo Reach 173 Banta-Carbona Reach 173 Predicted Future Water Quality 17^ CHAPTER VII. SUmmRY, CONCLUSIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS 177 Summary 177 V/ater Supply 177 V/ater Utilization 179 vi TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) Page Water Quality 179 Quality Problems, Effects, and Control l8l Future Water Quality Conditions I85 Conclusions I86 Recommendations I89 TABLES Table No. 1 Areas of Drainage Basins, Lower San Joaquin Valley Area 5 2 Population of Principal Comraunitles in and Adjacent to the Lov/er San Joaquin Valley Area 11 3 Population of Principal Urban Centers in and Adjacent to Lower San Joaquin Valley Area 12 4 Mean, Maximum, and Minimum Seasonal Precipi- tation at Selected Stations in the Lov/er San Joaquin Valley Area 22 5 Estimated Mean Seasonal Natural Runoff from Watersheds Tributary to Lower San Joaquin Valley 2? 6 Seasonal Importation of V/ater to Lov;er San Joaquin Valley area 29 7 Seasonal Exportation of Water from Lower San Joaquin Valley Area 30 8 Major Existing and Proposed V/ater Conserva- tion Developments in the Lov/er San Joaquin Valley Area 4? 9 Water Service Agencies in the Lov/er San Joaquin Valley Area 53 10 Areas of Irrigated Lands in the Lov;er San Joaquin Valley Area 59 vxi TABLES (continued) Table No. Page 11 Annual Gross Diversion of Surface Water Supplies for Irrigation Use in the Lower San Joaquin Valley for Period 1930-58 62 12 Location of Surface Accretions to the San Joaquin River and its Principal Tributaries 70 13 Accretions to Flow in Lower San Joaquin River and Principal Tributaries for Period July 1 to September 30 75 14 Mineral Quality of Waters in Principal East Side Tributaries of the San Joaquin River. 85 15 Average Mineral Quality of Water in West Side Streams Above the Valley Floor in the Lov;er San Joaquin Valley 91 16 Mineral Quality of V/ater Imported to the Lower San Joaquin Valley by the Delta- Mendota Canal 9^ 17 Mineral Quality of Water in Salt Slough and Bear Creek, Lower San Joaquin Valley . 99 18 Mineral Quality of Principal Valley Floor Streams Tributary to the San Joaquin River Between Newman and Grayson 103 19 Average Mineral Quality Minor Valley Floor Streams Tributary to San Joaquin River Betv;een Newman and Grayson IO6 20 Mineral Quality of Principal Valley Floor Streams Tributary to San Joaquin River Between Grayson and Hetch Hetchy Crossing for the Period 1955-1959 108 21 Average Mineral Quality of Minor Streams Tributary to San Joaquin River Betiveen Grayson and Hetch Hetchy Crossing from the West for the Period 1955-1959 109 22 Average Mineral Quality of Valley Floor Streams Tributary to San Joaquin River Betv/een Hetch Hetchy Crossing and Vernalis for the Period 1955-1959 113 vlil TABLES (continued) Table No. Page 23 Mineral Quality of V/ater In the San Joaquin River at Selected Stations .... II6 24 Mineral Quality of V/ater in the San Joaquin River at the Patterson Water District Intake Prior to 1955 124 25 Mineral Quality of Water Diverted by Patterson V/ater District from the San Joaquin River During the 1955-1959 Period. 125 26 Mineral Quality of Water Diverted by V/est Stanislaus Irrigation District from the San Joaquin River During the 1955-1959 Period 128 27 Mineral Quality of V/ater Diverted by Banta-Carbona Irrigation District from the San Joaquin River for the 1955-1959 Period 132 28 Average Mineral Quality of Ground V/ater in the V/est Side Area from Orestimba Creek to the Delta-Mendota Canal, Lower San Joaquin Valley . . , l40 29 Municipal V/aste Disposal Methods in the Lower San Joaquin Valley Area l43 30 Comparison of Constituents in V/ater from Selected 1/ells and Adjacent Streams in the V/est Side Area of the Lov/er San Joaquin Valley l49 31 Estimated Monthly Mean Values of Future Mineral Quality of V/ater in San Joaquin River at Selected Locations for Assumed Eight-Year Drought Period 175 Figure No . FIGURES 1 Average Diversions in Area Between Mlllerton Lake and Mossdale, 1930-1950 64 2 Average Diversions in Area Between Mlllerton Lake and Mossdale, 1951-1958 64 3 Average Diversions from San Joaquin River Between Fremont Ford and Mossdale, 1951-1958 64 ix PL/VTES Plate IIo, 1 Area of Investigation and Location of Major V/ater Conservation V/orlcs (3 sheets) 2 Lines of Equal Mean Precipitation for 30 Year Period, 1897-19^7 3 Location of Stream Gaging Stations, Sampling Points, and Surface Accretion Outlets (2 sheets) 4 Recorded Seasonal Runoff of the San Joaquin River, Near Friant, Near Dos Palos, and Near Vernalis 1929-1958 5 Lines of Equal Elevation of Ground V/ater, Spring 1952 6 Diagrammetric Sketch of Present Water Supply and Utilization 7 Chronological. Development of V7ater Resources in the San Joaquin River Basin 8 Principal Organized Water Service Agencies 9 General Distribution of Stream Flow and Water Quality in the San Joaquin River System, July 1955 10 General Distribution of Stream Plow and Water Quality in the San Joaquin River System, April 195^' 11 Variation in Quality of Water in the San Joaquin River at Vernalis, Fremont Ford, and Biola, 1955-1959 12 Variation in Quality of Water in the San Joaquin River, Mendota to Mossdale, 1955-1959 13 Quality of Water at Patterson Water District Intake During Irrigation Season 1955-1959 14 Quality of V/ater at West Stanislaus Irrigation District Intake During Irrigation Season 1955-1959 15 Quality of Water at Banta-Carbona Irrigation District Intake During Irrigation Season 1955-1959 16 Quality of Ground Waters X APPENDIXES Pace A. AgreementG A-1 "3. BiblioGraphjr B-1 C. V/ater Quality In Relation to Soils and Crop Production^ Lower San Joaquin Valley C-1 xl EDMUND G. BROWN HARVEY O. BANKS ADDRESS RKPLY TO DIRCCTOH P. O. BOX SSB SACRAMENTO; tItON STREET HI CXORT B-471 STATE OF CALIFORNIA Btpnvtimnt of Mat? r Ipanurr^a SACRAMENTO December 9, I96O Honorable Edmund G. Brown, Governor, and Members of the Legislature of the State of California Chairman, Board of Directors of the Banta-Carbona Irrigation District, West Stanislaus Irrigation District, Patterson Water District, and El Solyo Water District Gentlemen: I have the honor to transmit herewith Bulletin No. 89, of the State Department of Water Resources, entitled "Lower San Joaquin Valley Water Quality Investigation". The investigation was financed cooperatively by the Banta-Carbona Irrigation District, West Stanislaus Irrigation District, Patterson Water District, El Solyo Water District, and the State of California, as authorized by Section 229 of the Water Code. This bulletin summarizes data regarding the past and present quality of the waters in the Lower San Joaquin Valley, and includes an evaluation of the factors influencing water quality. A discussion of the existing water quality problem, associated hydrologic problems, and an estimate of the probable future quality of water in the lower San Joaquin River are presented. It has been concluded that the future quality of the water available in the river will be essentially similar to that existing at present, provided the master drainage system for the San Joaquin Valley, as authorized under the State Water Re- sources Development System, is put into operation at an early date. The information presented in the bulletin should serve as a guide to the cooperating agencies, as well as other users of water from the lower San Joaquin River, in appraising the present and future adequacy of their supply. The information will also be of value in planning the further development of the water resources of the San Joaquin River and its tributaries. Very truly yours , Very truly yours,, ^ HARVEY/ 0. BANKS Director xll ACKNOV/LEDGMENT Valuable assistance and data used in the report and in the conduct of this investigation were Turnlshed by the follov;ing agencies: United States Bureau of Reclamation^ Region 2 (Fresno, Sacramento^ and Tracy offices) United States Geological Survey;, Ground Water Branch and Quality of V/ater Branch United States Soil Conservation Service California Department of Natural Resources, Division of Mines California State Reclamation Board Central Valley Regional Pollution Control Board (No. 5) University of California at Davis, Department of Irrigation Central California Irrigation District City and County of San Francisco, Public Utilities Commission, Hetch Hetchy V/ater Supply Dos Palos Drainage District Gustlne Drainage District Madera County Madera Irrigation District Merced County Merced Irrigation District Modesto Irrigation District Oakdale Irrigation District San Joaquin County South San Joaquin Irrigation District Stanislaus County Stevinson Water District Turlock Irrigation District Information and assistance furnished by the foregoing agencies is deeply appreciated. xiix ORGANIZATION DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES Harvey 0. Banks Director of V7ater Resources Ralph M. Brody Deputy Director of V/ater Resources James F. V/right Deputy Director of Water Resources William L. Berry Chief Engineer, Division of Resources Planning Irvin M. Ingerson Chief j Engineering Services Branch •0- The activity under which this report v;as prepared Is di"rected hy Meyer Kramsky Principal Hydraulic Engineer This investigation v/as conducted and report prepared by Edwin A. Ritchie Assistant Hydraulic Engineer Assisted by Delbert D. McNealy Senior Hydraulic Engineer Tom E. Meredith Assistant Civil Engineer Koso Nodohara Engineering Aide II Geologic studies and report v/ere prepared under supervision of Raymond C. Rlchter Supervising Engineering Geologist Robert T. Bean Supervising Engineering Geologist Philip J. Lorens Senior Engineering Geologist by Donald P. Scott Associate Engineering Geologist • 0-- Portcr A. Tov/ner Chief Counsel Paul L. Barnes Chief, Division of Administration Isabel C. Nessler Coordinator of Reports XIV ORGANIZATION CALIFORNIA WATER COMTaSSION JAMES K. CARR, Chairman, Sacramento WILLIAM H. JENNINGS, Vice Chairman, La Mesa JOHN W. BRYANT, Riverside JOHN P. BUNKER, Gustine IR.f^ J. CHRISMAN, Visalia GEORGE C. FLEHARTY, Redding JOHN J. KING, Petaluma KENNETH Q. VOLK, Los Angeles MARION R. WALKER, Ventura 0--- GEORGE B. GLEASON Chief Engineer WILLIAM M. CARAH Executive Secretary XV ORGANIZATION BANTA-CARBONA IRRIGATION DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS ANGEL MILANI, President FRANK MARTI RICHARD ALCOCK EDGAR R. THOMING MERILL F. WEST .__0 J. ALLAN HALL, Superintendent ELVERA DRAPERj Secretary and Treasurer xvl ORGANIZATION WEST STANISLAUS IRRIGATION DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS V/. V;. COX, President RALPH H. ZACHARIAS EMERALD HALSETH DEV/EY SUTHERLAND WALTER HECTOR V;. F. V/OOLLEY, Manager and Engineer LAV/RENCE D. HARRISON, Secretary xvii ORGANIZATION PATTERSON WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS LESTOR GUSTAFSON, President JOHN F. NUNES, Sr. JAMES MAMFFEY, Jr. JUSTIN A. TRIANA DOMINGOS PARINHA RAY KLOPING, Secretary and Manager LEORA FINK, Treasurer xvlli ORGANIZATION EL SOLYO WATER DISTRICT ■0- BOARD OF DIRECTORS THOMAS C. DAILY, Jr., President HERMAN E. CHUNN EVO COELHO ADRIAN NETO A. M. BRONZAN, Manager ■0- MARY NOBLITT, Secretary and Treasurer XIX CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION The ever increasing demands upon the water supplies available to the Lower San Joaquin Valley has required continued development of the water resources of the entire San Joaquin River drainage basin. Coincident with this development, there has been an increase in the mineral content of water available for diversion from the lower San Joaquin River, especially during periods of low flow. Concern has been aroused regarding the continued suitability of the San Joaquin River as a source of water supply for irrigation use. Authorization for Investigation As a result of widespread concern regarding the present and future quality of their water supply, the Board of Directors of the Banta-Carbona Irrigation District, following a meeting held on March 25j 1955^ requested the State Division (now Department) of Water Resources to conduct an investigation of the quality of water in the San Joaquin River. On April 25^ 1955^ the Board of Directors of the West Stanislaus Irrigation District; and on April 26, 1955, the Boards of Directors of the Banta- Carbona Irrigation District and Patterson Water Company (now Patterson Water District), adopted resolutions requesting the then State Water Resources Board to undertake an investigation of the quality of water in the San Joaquin River. As a result of these requests, the State Engineer recommended, and the State Water Resources Board, on May 13, 1955, -1- approved, an Investigation of water quality in the lower reaches of the San Joaquin River. On June 28, 1955. a cooperative agree- ment was consummated among and between the State Water Resources Board; the Banta-Carbona Irrigation District, acting for itself and the West Stanislaus Irrigation District, Patterson Water Company, such other agencies and individuals diverting water from the San Joaquin River as may contribute financially; and the Department of Public Works. This agreement provided that the Department of Public Works, acting through the State Engineer, with the cooperation, financial and otherwise, of the interested local agencies, would make the necessary investigation and prepare a report incorporating the results of the study. Generally, the. program of investigation provided for (l) a complete review of reports of prior investigations of the water resources of the San Joaquin River and contributory water- sheds; (2) a compilation and evaluation of data now (1955) avail- able and preparation of an interim report evaluating the follov;ing as v/ell as may be possible with such data; (3) determination of effects of quality of waters in lov;er reaches of San Joaquin River on lands and crops served therefrom; (4) evaluation of quality of v\raters in lower reaches of San Joaquin River as existing and in the future as they may be affected by present and proposed water development projects on, and utilization of, v;aters from the San Joaquin River and its tributaries; (5) determination of effect on quality of return water in lov/er reaches of San Joaquin River of -2- further economic development in San Joaquin Valley; and (6) prep- aration of a final i-eport evaluating the foret^;;oing items using data to be obtained in the course of the investigation in addition to that now (1955) available. It vjas contemplated that the investigation v;ould require five years to complete^, principally because of the necessity of securing sufficient continuing field measurements and laboratory analyses of v;ater samples to enable the proper interpretation of data and the formulation of sound conclusions. An interim report regarding the investigation 'vvas issued in October 195^^ v/ith a final report to be prepared as soon as possible after the conclu- sion of the field collection of data. The program of field collection of data v/as concluded on December 31 j 1959. The agreement between the cooperating agencies provided that the State of California^ on the one hand, and the combined signatory districts and other agencies, on the other hand, would contribute annually one-half of the cost of investigation. The estimated cost to complete the Investigation was $90,600, and the annual cost to be borne by each party is set forth in the following tabulation. Estimated share of cost to State of Participating Fiscal year California agencies Total 1955-56 $ 12,500 $ 12,500 $ 25,000 1956-57 7,600 7,600 15,200 1957-58 7,600 7,600 15,200 1958-59 7,600 7,600 15,200 1959-60 10,000 10,000 20, 000 TOTALS $ 45,300 $ 45,300 $ 90,600 Due to Increased costs encountered during the period of investigation^ funds appropriated to the Department of V7ater Resources for work authorized by Section 229 of the Water Code were used to supplement the funds provided under the contractual agreement. In addition^ valuable data contributing to the successful completion of this work were made available as a result of other concurrent investigations and statutory programs of the department. A copy of the basic agreement^ and of subsidiary agreements between participating agencies , is Included as Appendix A of this report. Subsequent to the consummation of the agreement, the El Solyo Ranch Company (now El Solyo Water District) joined the aforementioned districts as a participant in accordance v/ith the procedure outlined in the agreement. The term "cooperating districts" J as used in this report, includes the El Solyo Water District. Area of Investigation The area of investigation is generally rectangular, extending westerly from the crest of the Sierra Nevada to the crest of the Coast Ranges, and southerly from the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta to near Mendota on the San Joaquin River. The entire area is approximately 120 miles long and 100 miles wide, with the valley floor portion being about 100 miles long and 50 miles wide, as shown on Plate 1. Drainage Basins The area of investigation is traversed by several major San Joaquin Valley streams. In order, from south to north, these are the San Joaquin, Fresno, Chowchilla, Merced, Tuolumne, and -4- Stanislaus Rivers. Table 1 lists the various drainage basins together with their areas divided in accordance with topography. TABLE 1 AREAS OF DRAINAGE BASINS, LOWER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY AREA (in square miles) Stream or stream group basin : Mountain and ; foothills; Drainage areas Valley : Total San Joaquin River above Friant Dam Fresno River above gage near Daulton Chowchilla River above gage at Buchanan Dam site Merced River above gage at Exchequer Tuolumne River above gage near La Grange Stanislaus River above gage near Knights Ferry Minor streams above valley floor (east side) from San Joaquin River drainage to Stanislaus River drainage Total area above valley floor (east side) tributary to San Joaquin River Total area above valley floor (west side) tributary to San Joaquin River Valley floor area tributary to San Joaquin River Total area tributary to San Joaquin River 1,633 266 4 1,633 270 238 1,035 238 1,035 1,5^0 1,540 983 983 1,053 56 1,109 6,748 60 6,808 1,245 65 1,310 3,674 3,674 7,993 3,799 11,792 Elevations of peaks in the tributary drainage area range up to 10,000 feet above sea level with a few as high as 13,000 feet. Multipurpose water conservation projects have been con- structed in most of the east side drainage basins. The topography, even in the foothills, is quite rough and rugged; consequently, extensive cultivated valleys are not generally found in these basins and existing projects are located near the valley floor. In contrast to the east side basins, no conservation works for impoundment of rxonoff have been built in the west side -5- foothill area tributary to the San Joaquin River. This area en- compasses the eastern slopes of the Coast Ranges^ v/here the total precipitation is comparatively minor in amount. Precipitation in this area generally does not produce substantial stream flov/, since it is absorbed by the dry^ non-vegetative and often porous soils. Elevations in this portion of the tributary drainage area range from about 5OO to 4^000 feet, with one peak over 5^000 feet in elevation. The valley floor area extends from the south bank of the San Joaquin River on the east, and from the Panoche Creek drainage system on the west, northward to the drainage divide north of the Stanislaus River, and is bounded by the Coast Range foot- hills on the west and the Sierra Nevada on the east. Elevations range from near sea level at the north end to about 250 feet at the south end. A portion of the valley floor south of the present San Joaquin River aralnage formerly drained to the Delta. An outlet to the San Joaquin River is still maintained through Fresno Slough Bypass (also known as James Bypass). This channel carries flow only at times of excessive runoff in the Kings River Basin. Climate The climate of the northern San Joaquin Valley area ranges from the warm two-season climate of the Central Valley to the cold four- season climate of the rugged Sierra Nevada. In the valley, about 90 percent of the seasonal rainfall occurs from November to April, inclusive, while the summers are hot and dry. Mean seasonal rainfall on the east side varies from l4 Inches at Stockton to 9-5 inches at Fresno, and on the west side from 9.5 Inches at Tracy to 6.5 inches at Mendota. Rainfall -6- on the Coast Ranges generally is greater than on the valley floor, averaging about 20 Inches in the higher elevations, and decreasing both in elevation and in a southerly direction. The effect of elevation can be seen in comparing the seasonal rainfall at Idria, elevation 3^000 feet, of 15 inches; and that at Mercy Hot Springs at elevation 1,200 feet, only 8 inches. Snowfall is light in the Coast Ranges, even at the higher elevations. The evaporation is high, both on the valley floor and on the western hills and mountains. In the upper basins of the Sierra Nevada, summers are mild and short, and the winters cold and long. There is heavy snow at higher elevations, changing to rain at lower elevations. Precipitation varies from 28 inches at Melones and 29 inches at Mariposa, at lower elevations to 38 inches at Strawberry Dam, 35 inches at Yosemite, and 30 inches at Huntington Lake, in the higher elevations. Although precipitation is heavier in the upper basins, the precipitation season is comparable to that in the valley, with about 90 percent falling in the months of November to April, inclusive. Geology The area of investigation includes portions of the Sierra Nevada, Coast Ranges, and Great Valley geomorphic provinces. A great diversification in age, structure, and composition is found in the geologic formations of the area. The geologic units range in age from pre-Cretaceous to Recent and include rocks of sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous -7- origin. Rocks of the Sierra Nevada are, for the most part, the nonwater-bearlng crystalline rocks that comprise the Slerran bathollth and associated remnants of older metamorphlcs. Over- lying these units are small areas of Tertiary sediments and fairly widespread volcanic capplngs on the higher ridges In the north- eastern part of the area, Jurassic and Cretaceous sandstone and shale are dominant In the Coast Ranges. However, the Franciscan formation of Jurassic- Cretaceous age also Includes intrusions of greenstone, diabase, and serpentine. Planking the Jurassic and Cretaceous formations Is a series of Tertiary and Pleistocene sediments which form a narrow band of outcrops for almost the entire length of the west side of the San Joaquin Valley and underlie Its western portion. The upper Tertiary and Quaternary sediments of the San Joaquin Valley contain fresh water to a depth, in some places, of approximately 2,000 feet. The Corcoran clay member of the Tulare formation, a widespread dlatomaceous lacustrine deposit of late Pliocene or Pleistocene age, forms an impermeable body which confines the lower water-bearing zone in most of the area of in- vestigation. Hydrologlcally, this clay Is one of the most important features of the area as it divides the upper water-bearing zone from the lower zone, allows significant differences in water quality to develop, and prevents direct percolation of applied water to the lower water-bearing zone over most of the valley. Much of the San Joaquin Valley is underlain at depth by formations containing saline, connate waters. Soils Soils of the San Joaquin Valley vary in their chemical and physical properties in accordance with differences in parent -8- I material, drainage^, and degree of development. The soils of the area have been divided into three permeability groups on the basis of the land forms on v/hich they occurj their extent of development, and their parent material. These groups are: 1. Soils which occur on young alluvial fans and along the basin rim and are permeable to moderately permeable; 2. soils on the old alluvial fans which are moderately to poorly permeable; and 3. soils that have developed on basin deposits v;hich are poorly permeable to nearly impermeable. Present Development Part of the great Central Valley of California, the Lower San Joaquin Valley area has developed into one of the major agricultural areas of the State. The adjacent Sierra Nevada mountains have a considerable recreational value, a factor which brings tourists to and through the valley and contributes to the commercial economy of the area. The several large and many small communities distributed throiaghout the valley are centers of commercial development. The larger cities are found on the east side of the valley and the smaller on the west side. On the east side, from north to south, the principal communities are Oakdale, Modesto, Turlock, Merced, Chowchilla, and Madera; and on the west side, Tracy, Patterson, Newman, Gustine, and Los Banos, In addition, there are many smaller communities throughout the area. Stockton is adjacent to the area of investigation on the north and Fresno on the south. These two cities are the largest cities in the San Joaquin Valley. -9- Table 2 lists population of the principal cities and tovms In the Lov;er San Joaquin Valley area, including the adjacent cities of Stockton and Fresno. Continued agricultural expansion and its accompanying industrial growth has resulted in substantial increases in population since 19^0. Suburban growth has been phenomenal since 1940 in most cities of the area. Suburbs of the City of Modesto quadrupled in population in the years between 19^0 and 1950. Table 3 lists the populations of principal urban centers in the region for 1940 and 1950j showing total population both within city limits and in metropolitan areas. Irrigated agriculture is the chief economic activity throughout the valley area, while allied industries make up the bulk of the remaining enterprises. Leading crops are alfalfa, grapes, tomatoes, cotton, beans, sugar beets, deciduous fruits, and nuts. Olives, vegetables, and melons are also grown. The production of alfalfa and pasturage is principally practiced as an adjunct to the livestock industry which includes the raising of both beef and dairy cattle. Poultry production, especially the raising of turkeys, is significant. The dominant industrial activity is found in food pro- cessing, including the packing, canning, and freezing of fruits, vegetables, meats, and dairy and poultry products. Other indus- tries in the area include wine making, and the manufacture of farm equipment, concrete pipe, fertilizer and agricultural chemicals, animal feeds, sheet metal products, and fibre boxes and containers. As an example of Industrial expansion in recent years, payrolls for industry in Stanislaus County increased 154 percent, and in Merced County 110 percent, during the period 1947 to 1956. -10- TABLE 2 POPULATION OF PRINCIPAL COMMUNITIES IN AND ADJACENT TO THE LOWER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY AREA : County : Population Community : 1940 : 1950 : 1960* N East Side Atwater Merced 1,235 2,856 7,259 Chowchilla Madera 1.957 3,893 4,486 Fresno Fresno 60,685 91,669 133,929 Madera Madera 6,457 10,497 10,497 Merced Merced 10,135 15,278 19,998 Modesto Stanislaus 16,379 17,389 36,099 Oakdale Stanislaus 2,592 4,064 4,943 Riverbank Stanislaus 1,130 2,662 2,789 Stockton San Joaquin 54,714 70,853 85,452 Turlock Stanislaus 4,839 West Side 6,235 9,056 Gustlne Merced 1,355 1,984 2,276 Los Banos Merced 2,214 3,868 5,163 Newman Stanislaus 1,214 1,815 2,127 Patterson Stanislaus 1,109 1,343 2,229 Tracy San Joaquin 4,056 8,410 11,175 * Preliminary figures from U. S. Bureau of the Census Two major railroads, several major highways and excellent county road systems serve the valley area. The main line of the Atchinson, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railroad lies in the east side of the valley, while the Southern Pacific Railroad operates lines on both the east and west sides of the valley. In addition to the main lines, the Southern Pacific operates several smaller branches -11- TABLE 3 POPULATION OF PRINCIPAL URBAN CENTERS IN AND ADJACENT TO LOWER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY AREA Tg^T" Tg5^ City Within city limits: Metropolitan area Within city limits Metropolitan area Fresno Merced Modesto Stockton 60,700 10,100 16, 400 54,700 82,800 13,400 22,100 68,900 91,700 15,300 17,400 70,800 130,600 23,400 42,400 112,800 and other smaller rail lines also serve portions of the area. The most important highway is United States Route 99, traversing the east side of the valley. This highway is the primary inland route in California, extending throughout the length of the State. State Route 33, an excellent two-lane highway, serves the west side. Numerous highways cross the valley at various points, con- necting the cities of the east side with those west of the San Joaquin River, The most important of these are United States Highway 50, providing access to the San Francisco Bay area, and State Route 152, the Pacheco Pass Highway, which leads to the Monterey Bay and Salinas Valley areas. In the upper basins, cities and towns are smaller and fevrer in number. Sonora and Mariposa are the largest communities In the upper area. The most important industries are lumbering, mining, and recreation. Irrigated agriculture, principally pas- ture, is of modest proportions. There are large resources of timber and minerals, not all of which have been exploited. Lum- bering is the largest industry, utilizing various species of fir, pine, and cedar. Mining is quite extensive, including the -12- production of such resources as llmej stone, and a variety of other minerals. Gold mining, formerly important, now constitutes only a minor portion of the total mineral production. The mining of pumice for use in cement is of particular importance in Madera County, v/here the annual production is the greatest of any county in the State. Agriculture is principally based on the use of abundant pasture and range land for livestock. Recreational opportunities in the area are extensive and a source of appreciable income to commercial enterprises. Camping, fishing, hiking, hunting, winter sports, and sightseeing attract thousands of visitors. Areas of leading interest are Yosemite National Park and the Mother Lode Country. These areas are served by excellent highways. About one million persons visit Yosemite National Park each year, and many thousands visit the scenes of the gold mining days. Related Investigations and Reports Prior investigations and reports reviewed in connection with this investigation are listed in Appendix B, in alphabetical order by author. In addition, the documents are numbered so that convenient reference may be made in the text. For example, the interim report on this investigation is listed as item 21. The Department of V/ater Resources is presently conduct- ing the San Joaquin Valley Drainage Investigation. This investi- gation includes the area which is particularly the subject of this report, as well as the remainder of the San Joaquin Valley. The objective of this latter study, scheduled for completion in June 1963, is to define the present and potential drainage problems -13- in the valley and to propose a feasible means of coping with them. Two other programs of the department are related to this investigation. These are monitoring programs concerned with the collection and evaluation of data regarding the quality of surface and ground waters of the State. The surface v/ater quality monitoring program involves collection of data on the quality of surface waters in major streams in California and publication of monthly and annual reports. Twenty key locations on streams in the area of investigation are included in this program. The ground water quality monitoring constitutes a parallel program and relevant data are collected, evaluated, and published annually. Information gathered in connection with these and other programs of investigation has been utilized in this investigation where applicable. Statement of the Problem In recent years, there has been a noticeable increase in the mineral content of waters available for diversion from the do\TOStream reach of the San Joaquin River, betv/een Fremont Ford and Mossdale. A substantial portion of waters available for diversion from this section of the river during the irrigation season are return flows from upstream Irrigation use. Water users have become concerned regarding possible increases in the salinity of waters from lower reaches of the San Joaquin River stemming from the continuing upstream development of the water resources tributary to the area. -14- A companion source of concern stems from the physical consequences of the application of poor quality waters to irriga- ted crops resulting in an accumulation of salts in the soil. Con- tinued increase in salinization of soils can bring eventual destruction to the productivity of agricultural lands. The sever- ity of the problem is dependent not only on the quality of the applied water, but also on the type of soil, soil drainage, and irrigation practices, such as provisions for leaching. Adequate corrective measures must be employed in order to preserve the crop-producing characteristics of the agricultural lands and counteract the destructive effects of salinization. Spring flood flows from the watersheds of the east side streams during the early months of the irrigation season afford a source of good quality water which can be used to flush the salts accumulated in the soil during prior Irrigation seasons. Increased upstream conservation of flood waters will reduce the magnitude of the spring flows, and this reduction, if great enough, could tend to accelerate the development of adverse salinity conditions. In addition to their influence on the salinity of the soil, poor quality applied waters can have detrimental effects on crops. These effects result not only from the overall salt con- r centration in the water, but often are aggravated by the concen- tration of particular constituents. At times, it is difficult to ^ determine whether the water alone, or the effect of the water on the soil, is the cause of trouble. -15- Scope of Investigation and Report The objective of the Lower San Joaquin Valley Water Quality Investigation Is to determine the factors affecting the quality of waters In the San Joaquin River, from the mouth of the Merced River to the Delta, and to suggest possible solutions to problems encountered, particularly with respect to quality as related to agricultural use of water. As provided In the agreement, the objective for the first year of the Investigation was to compile and evaluate data available previous to 1955^ and to Initiate a comprehensive field program for the collection of information needed to evaluate various factors Influencing the quality of v^ater in the lower reaches of the San Joaquin River. Historical data such as mineral analyses of surface, ground, and return waters, well logs, and stream flow were collected from many private and public agencies. Prom these data, an interim report was prepared in 1956. During the three Intervening years (1956-59) ^ a field program. Including sampling of surface, ground, and return waters, inspection and measurement of return waters, and collection of data from other agencies, was continued. A study of the effect of water quality on soils and crop response was made. Study and analysis of all data collected was a continuing function through- out the period of investigation. Summaries of available data collected during this in- vestigation are Included in this report. Comprehensive tabulations of all data collected are available for reference in the files of the department. -16- \ Field Investigation A varied program of data collection was beg\xn in July 1955j and was continued until October 31 ^ 1959j approximately the close of the Irrigation season. In addition to the routine samp- ling of surface, ground, and return waters, special effort was made to obtain information on certain Important factors affecting water quality at specific locations. The need for detailed Information on the quality of water diverted by the cooperating agencies was apparent. Conse- quently, these waters were sampled at the point of diversion with a greater frequency than called for by the routine monitoring programs. Samples were taken dally in 1955 and 1956, and weekly in 1957j 1958, and 1959. In addition, sallnometers were placed in operation at the Intake of each cooperating district to obtain a continuous record of the salt content in the water supply. A detailed program of measurement of quantity of return flow, and Identification as to source, was undertaken in 195^. This Included inspection of return flow channels tributary to the San Joaquin River and other streams, and measurement and sampling of flows in those channels carrying significant quantities of return flow. In order to provide additional information on the varia- tion in quality of the San Joaquin River, imported v;aters, and return waters, the United States Geological Survey operated three daily sampling stations under cooperative agreement with the depart- ment. The locations of these stations were selected to supplement other continuing sampling stations. -17- A cooperative agreement was entered j.nto with the Depart- ment of Irrigation, University of California at Davis, to make a study of the effect of the quality of water diverted from the lower reaches of the San Joaquin River on irrigated soils, as well as the resultant effect on crops. Laboratory Work Mineral analyses of water samples collected for this investigation were made by laboratories of the Quality of Water Branch, United States Geological Survey and the Department of Water Resources, Both laboratories are located in the Sacramento metropolitan area. Analyses of soil samples were made at the laboratory of the Department of Irrigation, University of California at Davis, Soil-water- crop response studies also were made on the Davis campus. Location Numbering System The numbering system used in the investigation for the location of wells, sampling stations, and land features utilizes the township, range, and section subdivisions of the federal land survey. The same system is used in all ground water investigations made by the United States Geological Survey in California and by the Department of Water Resources. In assigning numerical desig- nations, each section of land is divided into 40-acre plots lettered in accordance with the following diagram. -18- i D C B A E F G H M L K J N P R Wells, or other features, are numbered vjithin each of the 16 lettered plots of each section, according to the order in which they are located. For example, a well having the number 4S/8E-29A1, MDB&M, would be in Township 4 South, Range 8 East, Section 29, and would be the first well located in plot A. Like- wise, other features, such as stream sampling points or stream gaging stations can be located with a fair degree of accuracy. For example, a statement that Panoche Creek v/as sampled southwest of Mendota viould be further defined by use of the number 15S/12E-16n, MDB&M, which would place it in a specific reach of the stream lying in the 40-acre subdivision lettered N, in Township 15 South, Range 12 East, Section 16. In this report, all location and well numbers are referenced to the Mount Diablo Base and Meredian, therefore, no supplementary designation to the basic number is necessary. For reports covering large areas, such as the entire state, a final letter is added to the number in order to define the appropriate base and meredian. -19- CHAPTER II. WATER SUPPLY The water supplies available for use in the Lower San Joaquin Valley area are derived from numerous sources. Informa- tion and data concerning precipitation and runoff is presented in considerable detail in State Water Resources Board Bulletin No. 1^ "Water Resources of California", 1951 (35). Much of the following discussion of water supply is general in scope; however, selected data which would clarify or help to define the water problems in the L6wer San Joaquin Valley are presented herein. Particular attention has been given to stream runoff, probably one of the most significant factors related to this investigation. Precipitation Precipitation in the area varies from a seasonal average of about 10 inches on the valley floor to a maximum of around 70 inches in the higher elevations of the Sierra Nevada. After depositing some precipitation on the western slope of the Coast Ranges, storms generally move easterly across the valley, with the quantity of precipitation remaining fairly constant. Precipitation again increases with ascending elevations on the western slopes of the Sierra Nevada. Within the area, there are 56 precipitation stations having records of ten years or longer. Table 4 lists selected stations in the Lower San Joaquin Valley area, with the maximum and minimum seasonal precipitation of record and the computed or recorded seasonal mean. It is evident that there is a considerable variation of precipitation from season to season. -21- TABLE 4 MEAN, MAXIMUM, AND MINIMUM SEASONAL PRECIPITATION AT SELECTED STATIONS IN THE LOWER SAN JOA.OUIN VALLEY AREA :Eleva- : Period iMean for per- : Maximum and Station : tion. : of :iod 1897-1947, : minimum precipitation :in feet : record : in inches : Season : Inches depth Firebaugh 175 187-^-74 1946-47 8.45 1885-86 1875-77 18.24 2.24 Fresno 287 1878-79 1946-47 9.4l 1940-41 1933-34 17.03 4.43 Idria 2,650 1918-19 1946-47 15.64 1940-41 1919-20 35.74 6.46 Merced 170 1872-73 1946-47 11.68 1883-84 1876-77 22.08 3.20 Newman 91 1889-90 1946-47 10.02 1889-90 1923-24 23.67 4.16 Sonora 1,830 1887-88 1946-47 32.00 1889-90 1923-24 67.39 13.67 Stockton 15 1867-68 1946-47 14.10 1906-07 1923-24 22.49 6.81 Yo Semite 3,985 1904-05 1946-47 33.97 1937-38 1923-24 58.64 14.77 Plate 2 shows the geographical distribution of mean seasonal precipitation in the area, for the period 1897-1947, by- means of isohyets representing the depth of precipitation in inches. Runoff Major streams tributary to the Lower San Joaquin Valley are, from north to south, the Stanislaus, Tuolumne, Merced, and San Joaquin Rivers, These four rivers contribute the major portion of the surface inflow to the valley, and have a combined estimated mean seasonal natural runoff of 5,953,000 acre-feet. Between -22- 1923 and 19h"J , conservation works were constructed on these streams to provide 1,570^000 acre-feet of storage and regulation of water to meet requirements of the presently developed area. Minor streams on the east side of the valley are the Fresno and Chow- chilla Rivers and Bear, Mariposa, and Owens Creeks. Panoche, Little Panoche, Los Banos, San Luis, Orestlmba, and Del Puerto Creeks comprise the minor streams on the west side. Numerous other small foothill channels carry water only during Intense storms. Runoff from all streams in the Lower San Joaquin Valley is tributary to the San Joaquin River, which flows northerly to the Sacramento- San Joaquin Delta. Stream Gaging Stations and Records Flow records for streams in the Lower San Joaquin Valley are numerous and many cover long periods of time. Stream gaging stations in the valley are maintained and operated by the follow- ing agencies: United States Department Merced Irrigation District of the Army, Corps of Engineers Modesto Irrigation District United States Department Oakdale Irrigation District of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, South San Joaquin Irrigation and Geological Survey District California Department of Turlock Irrigation District Water Resources City and Co\anty of San Central California Irrlga- Francisco tlon District (formerly San Joaquin Canal Company) Many of these stations are jointly maintained by two or more agencies. The locations of stream gaging stations are shown on Plate 3. -23- Runoff Characteristics Surface runoff from any watershed may be considered under one of the two general classifications — either "natural flow" or "impaired flow". The term "natural flow" refers to the flow of a stream as it would be if unaltered by upstream diversion, storage, import, export, or change in upstream consumptive use caused by development. The term "impaired flow" refers to the actual flow of a stream at any given stage of upstream development and, in the case of past flows, constitutes the historical record. Regulation and development of the runoff in the Lower San Joaquin Valley streams during the last fifty years, together with substantial imports and exports of water, have greatly altered the regimen of the natural outflow from the valley. Flows in the major tributary streams generally are regulated to a considerable extent and releases from reservoirs are controlled to such a degree that little or no natural flow appears in the lower reaches of stream channels during the summer months. The many diversions of water from the San Joaquin River and its tributaries have re- duced summer flows to the extent that during the late summer months many dlverters are forced to build small diversion dams across the main channel of the lower San Joaquin River in order to direct the available water supplies to their pumping plants. The pattern of runoff in minor streams and on the valley floor somewhat parallels the distribution of rainfall throughout the year. However, at the higher elevations, watershed areas tributary to the major streams experience a delay in immediate runoff due to the accumulated snow pack in the Sierra Nevada. As a result of this delay, the major portion of the seasonal runoff -24- occurs during the snowmelt period in the late spring and early summer months. The wide seasonal variations in runoff of the San Joaquin River are exemplified by the records of flow at three key stations on the river. These stations, near Friant, Dos Palos, and Vernalis, are, respectively, at the edge of the Sierra Nevada foothills; at a point of minimum flow midway between the foothills and the Delta; and adjacent to the Delta, just upstream from the influence of tidal action. Recorded seasonal (October 1 - September 30) runoff at these stations is shown graphically on Plate 4. Since completion of Frlant Dam in 19^7^ stream flovi near Frlant has been substantially controlled, so that the regimen of flow has little relation to that occurring in the years preceding construction. Considerable regulation of the stream was effected between 19^4 and 194-7^ during construction of the dam; consequently flow as it existed prior to this stage of impairment, ended in 1943. The regulation accomplished by Frlant Dam has resulted in the reduction of the wide variations in flow previously experienced at this station. Peak flows are reduced in volume and lesser flows almost completely conserved so that the amount of water passing the dam during the winter and spring periods is considerably reduced. The Dos Palos gaging station, located approximately midway between the Mendota Pool and the confluence of the San Joaquin and Merced Rivers, is of particular significance in the study of stream flow in the San Joaquin River. In almost every year, a portion of the river between the Dos Palos gaging station -25- 1 and Fremont Ford Bridge, 56 miles dovmstream, is dry for many months. This condition has been prevalent for many years and is a result of the diversion of the entire flow of the river between Mendota Pool and the Dos Palos gaging station. The last point of diver- sion, just above the Dos Palos station, is frequently referred to as the Temple Slough diversion. The coordinated operation of the Delta-Mendota Canal (importing water to the area) and Friant Reservoir, coupled with the magnitude of diversions to areas served from the Mendota Pool, will undoubtedly continue to affect flow in the river to the extent that only a minimum amount of water will pass the Dos Palos gaging station. In addition to the effect of diversions above Dos Palos, historical records provide evidence that even while flows passed the Dos Palos station, the channel at Santa Rita Bridge eight miles do;^mstream from the gaging station was frequently observed to be dry. Records obtained from the gaging station on the San Joaquin River near Vernalis (known locally as Durham Ferry Bridge) are considered to represent the surface outflow from the San Joaquin Valley, as that valley is delineated in this report. Runoff at this station is affected by flow in all tributaries and by all up- stream diversions and return flows. Consequently, seasonal runoff near Vernalis is quite variable, and for the 29-year period, 1929-58* ranged from 677,000 acre-feet in 1930-31, to 10,837,000 acre-feet in 1937-38. Quantity of Runoff Estimated values of mean seasonal natural runoff of streams in the area for the 53-year mean period 1894-19^7 are shown in Table 5 (35). -26- TABLE 5 ESTIMATED MEAN SEASONAL NATURAL RUNOFF FROM WATERSHEDS TRIBUTARY TO LOWER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY Runoff, in acre-feet Stream Drainage area, in square miles San Joaquin River above Frlant Dam Fresno River near Daulton Chowchllla River at Buchanan Dam site Merced River at Exchequer Tuolumne River near La Grange Stanislaus River near Knights Ferry East side minor streams above valley floor West side minor streams above valley floor TOTAL MEAN SEASONAL NATURAL RUNOFF 1,633 1,816,000 270 103,000 238 91,300 1,035 1,027,000 1,540 1,900,000 898 1,210,000 180,000 58,500 6,385,800 Records of Inflow to, and outflow from, the Lower San Joaquin Valley are published In United States Geological Survey Water Supply Papers and In reports of the Department of Water Resources. All major sources of Inflow to the valley floor are measured, together with the flow of the San Joaquin River near Vemalls, the latter constituting the en'cire outflow from the valley. Imported and Exported Water Imports of water to, and exports from, the area of in- vestigation, though few In number, have considerable bearing on the regimen of the San Joaquin River and its tributaries. There is one import and one natural inflow to the area of investigation. -27- The Import Is from the Sacramento Rlver^ via the Delta-Mendota Canal J and the natural Inflow is the overflow from the Kings River via Fresno Slough (James Bypass). For the purpose of consistency in discussion, this latter flow is also considered to be an importation of water since the quantity has no ascertainable rela- tionship to runoff of the Kings River. There are four major exports of water from the area: Stanislaus River water via the North Main Canal to the Oakdale and South San Joaquin Irrigation Districts; Tuolumne River water via the Hetch Hetchy Aqueduct to the City of San Francisco; San Joaquin River water via Friant-Kern Canal to the Tulare Lake basin in the southern San Joaquin Valley; and water from the Mendota Pool, via Fresno Slough, to the area adjacent to that slough. Each water transfer is discussed separately in the following para- graphs except for the inflow to, and export from, the Lower San Joaquin Valley, via Fresno Slough, which are discussed together. Table 6 lists imports of water to the Lower San Joaquin Valley area for the runoff seasons (October 1 - September 30) since the season of 1944-45. Table 7 lists exports from the area for the same period. Delta-Mendota Canal The importation of water diverted from the Sacramento- San Joaquin Delta through the Delta-Mendota Canal, is a part of the overall operation of the Central Valley Project, constructed by the United States Bureau of Reclamation. Water, principally from the Sacramento River, enters the Delta Cross Channel, then passes through natural channels to the southern edge of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta where it is lifted almost 200 feet -28- TABLE 6 SEASONAL IMPORTATION OF WATER TO LOWER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY AREA (in acre-feet) • Season^/ : Delt a-Mendota Canals : at Tracy : Fresno Slough : Total 1944-45 264,200 264,200 1945_46 93,600 ■ 93,600 1946-4? 26,600 26,600 1947_48 2,600 2,600 1948-49 400 400 1949-50 2,000 2,000 1950-51 163.700^ 71,900 235,600 1951-52 166,900 436,500 603,400 1952-53 787,500 3,900 791,400 1953-54 1 ,004,200 1,004,200 1954-55 1 ,130,500 1,130,500 1955-56 725,900 93,400 819,300 1956-57 1 ,181,500 1,181,500 1957-58 _ 663,300 ^12,800 876,100 Seasonal average 808, 500 86,300 895,000 a/ Period October 1 - September 30 b/ Started June 11, 1951 Into the Delta-Mendota Canal at the Tracy pumping plant near Bethany. The v;ater is then conveyed southerly about II8 miles to the Mendota Pool on the San Joaquin River. Throughout the length of the canal there are many water service diversions, four v/aste- ways, and many inlets intercepting return and storm waters from -29- TABLE 7 SEASONAL EXPORTATION OF WATER FROM LOWER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY AREA (in acre-feet) Season^: Oakdale-South San Joaquin Diversion : Hetch : Hetchy : Aqueduct : Frlant- : : Kern : : Canal : Fresno : Slough : Total 1944-45 353,400 54,800 19,300 427,500 1945-46 293.900 57,500 44,000 395,400 1946-47 284,800 69,500 49,400 403,700 1947-48 278,600 69,100 42,600 390,300 1948-49 292,700 68, 500 45,100^ 67,300 473,600 1949-50 357,400 62,500 195,400 41,100 656,400 1950-51 310,900 69,500^ 368,200 4i,8oo 790,400 1951-52 349,200 69,500^ 462,000 26,000 906,700 1952-53 361,800 90,800^ 740,600 69,200 1,262,400 1953-54 317,100 102,100 811,300 72,900 1,303,400 1954-55 312,000 116,300 804,700 55,100 1,288,100 1955-56 346,400 98, 500 1,322,200 61,600 1,828,700 1956-57 314,000 112,100 990,400 68,400 1,484,900 1957-58 397,900 90,700 1,144,900 54,200 1,687,700 Seasonal average 326,400 80,800 760, 000 50,900 1,220,000 a/ Period October 1 - September 30; except Hetch :ietchy Aqueduct, for which the period July 1 - June 30 is used b/ Estimated c/ Started July 19, 1949 local areas. The canal capacity at the pumping plant is 4,600 second- feet, decreasing to 3,200 second- feet at the point of dis- charge to the Mendota Pool, Operation of the canal was begun in June 1951. -30- Fresno Slough Fresno Slough, or James Bypass, serves the dual purpose of providing a relief channel for excess runoff from the Kings River and also provides a conveyance channel for Irrigation water diverted southerly from the Mendota Pool. In the first instance, water is imported to the investigation area; in the latter, water is exported from the area. Seasonal runoff entering Fresno Slough from the Kings River has always been subject to great variation in quantity and, since 19^4, has varied from no flow in 1953-5^^ 1954-55, and 1956-57 to 436,500 acre-feet in 1951-52. The fre- quency of inflow via Fresno Slough is expected to be reduced con- siderably through operation of Pine Plat Dam for flood control on the Kings River. This dam, completed in 1954, has a storage capacity of 1,000,000 acre-feet. During the irrigation season, flow in Fresno Slough moves in the reverse direction, i.e., from the San Joaquin River at the Mendota Pool to the various points of diversion along the slough. The average seasonal diversion from Fresno Slough for the period 1944-58 was 50,900 acre-feet. Stanislaus River Diversion The boundary for this investigation is such that the South San Joaquin Irrigation District and the portion of the Oakdale Irrigation District lying north of the Stanislaus River are outside the area of investigation. Consequently, water diverted from the Stanislaus River for use in these outlying areas is considered an export. The average seasonal export, for the 1944-58 period, has been 326,400 acre-feet. -31- Hetch Hetchy Aqueduct A source of water supply for the City of San Francisco and adjacent peninsular communities is provided by the Hetch Hetchy system, diverting water from the Tuolumne River and its tributaries. The Hetch Hetchy system is the result of planning initiated as early as l882. The present syst'em consists of three impounding reservoirs, powerplants, regulatory reservoirs, tunnels, and the 103-mile Hetch Hetchy Aqueduct. V/ater is diverted at Moccasin Reservoir into the aqueduct which consists of a tunnel through the Sierra Nevada foothills, a double pipeline across the San Joaquin Valley, a tunnel through the Coast Ranges, and pipe- lines to its terminus. Crystal Springs Reservoir, on the San Francisco Peninsula, After many years of planning, construction, and solution of legal problems, diversion to the aqueduct began on October l8, 1934. The average seasonal diversion for the 19^4-58 period has been about 80,800 acre- feet and, since demands have increased with a rapidly growing population, the seasonal diversion has increased in recent years and the system expanded in accordance with original plans. The present capacity of the aqueduct across the valley floor is 163,000,000 gallons per day or about 183,000 acre-feet per year. The capacity of the present Coast Range tunnel portion of the aqueduct is 200,000,000 gallons per day or about 224,000 acre-feet per year. Ultimately, it is planned that the Hetch Hetchy system will provide a firm ''upply of 400,000,000 gallons per day or about 448,000 acre-feet per year to the coastal area. This will require additional storage and a parallel aqueduct. Including a second Coast Range tunnel . -32- Frlant-Kern Canal The Frlant-Kern Canal diverts water to the south of the area of Investigation from Millerton Lake, the reservoir formed by Priant Dam, on the San Joaquin River. The facilities are operated by the U. S. Bureau of Reclamation as part of the Central Valley Project. The operation of this reservoir, Friant-Kern Canal, and Madera Canal, which diverts north into the area of investigation, required construction of the Delta-Mendota Canal and importation of Sacramento River v/ater to replace San Joaquin water exported from the area. Under the Exchange Contract of July 27, 1937^ diverters betv/een Mendota and Newman were entitled to imported water equivalent in quantity and quality to that which they would have diverted from the San Joaquin River under former conditions. This contract has been superseded by the Amended Exchange Contract of March 17, 1956, providing that the annual substitute supply of water will be 855,000 acre-feet, except during critical dry years, and that the quality of such water, as determined by total dissolved solids, will not exceed the following weighted mean values: Total dissolved solids Time interval ( in ppm) Daily 800 Monthly 600 Annually 450 Five years 400 Ground Water Hydrology Three distinct bodies of ground water underlie most of the northern portion of the San Joaquin Valley. From the surface downward, these are: (l) a body of unconfined and semi- confined water found in alluvial deposits of Recent and Pleistocene age; -33- these deposits overlie the Corcoran clay member^ a v/idespread dlatomaceous lacustrine deposit of late Pliocene or Pleistocene agsj (2) a body of confined ground water, lying below the Corcoran clay member In alluvial and lake deposits of Pleistocene and late Pliocene age; since the Corcoran clay member Is not found along the eastern margin of the valley, the vjater-bearlng deposits in this area are a continuation of those described in (l) above; and (3) a zone of saline connate v;ater found in the predominantly marine formations of middle Pliocene and earlier age which underlie the confined ground water body. The term "free ground v;ater", as used in this report, refers to a body of ground water not overlain by impervious materials, and in which the movement of water is under the influ- ence of gravity and controlled by the hydraulic gradient. "Con- fined ground water" refers to a body of ground vrater overlain by relatively impervious material, movement of water to regions of discharge being controlled by the difference in head between the area of recharge and area of discharge. In areas of free ground water, the storage capacity available in the ground water basin provides the regulatory storage required to reduce the magnitude of fluctuations in available water supplies, and change in the quantity of ground water in storage is indicated by changes in ground water levels. A free ground water body may also constitute an area of recharge for a confined ground v;ater zone as well as providing a certain amount of regulatory storage for such recharge. o 4- Ground VJater Geology Ground water occurring in the northern portion of San Joaquin Valley was divided, for the purpose of discussion In this report, into three zones, selected on ohe basis of v/ater quality, hydrologic characteristics of the included aquifers, and location. These are the free ground water zone, pressure or con- fined ground water zone, and saline v;ater zone. Each of these zones includes a number of individual aquifers and basins. Free Ground V/ater Zone . The free ground water zone occurs throughout the entir'e San Joaquin Valley and usually over- lies the pressure zone, from v;hich it is separated by the Corcoran clay member. The free ground water is contained in unconsolidated deposits of gravel, sand, silt, and clay, of Quaternary age, deposited in river channels, alluvial fans, flood plains, and lake beds (lacustrine deposits). The river channel deposits consist of discontinuous, lenticular, and commonly elongated bodies of sand and gravel, sand, and silt. The alluvial fan deposits usually compr*lse poorly-sorted gravel, sand, and silt in discontinuous lenticular bodies. In flood plain deposits, silt and clay are the predominant llthologlc types; sediments are discontinuous, although some beds occur in sheet-like bodies. The lacustrine sediments are well-sorted silts and clays v;hich were deposited in ancient lakes and swamps; Included in this group are well- sorted sands deposited in still water near the mouths of streams which fed the lakes. In general, the more permeable materials are found in the eastern portion of the valley, grading westerly into finer- grained lacustrine and flood plain deposits in the axial trough -35- of the valley. The fan deposits of the western margin have been deposited by streams which drain small areas of relatively low rainfall. However, these streams are subject to occasional flood flows which cause deposition of poorly-sorted silt, fine sand, clay, and locally, considerable gravel. The total thickness of the continental sediments, which includes both free and confined ground water zones, is variable throughout the San Joaquin Valley due to the differential down- warping of the valley floor which occurred periodically during the deposition of sediments. Generally, the portion of the continental sediments which contain fresh water varies from less than 1,000 feet in thickness in portions of the northerly and easterly segments to at least 3^500 feet in the southwesterly portion of the area of investigation. The source of fresh ground water in the San Joaquin Valley is from precipitation in the form of rain on the valley floor and foothills and is snow in the higher elevations. Replen- ishment of the free ground water body may occur either by deep penetration of rainfall, by percolation from streams or stream underflow into the valley at its margins, or by deep percolation from irrigation ditches and from irrigation water applied in excess of plant requirements. Deep percolation of rainfall occurs only when there is no soil moisture deficiency in the upper soil horizons. The average precipitation over most of the valley floor is in the order of 12 inches per season or less. This quantity is the approximate lower limit of precipitation below which occurs little or no deep percolation of rainfall. Thus, deep percolation of rainfall is likely to be a major source of ground water recharge -36- only in the northeastern sector of the valley where the seasonal precipitation Is greater in amount or, in other portions of the valley during occasional years of high rainfall. Percolation from streams which flow across the valley is appreciable in quantity and it is probable that much of this v/ater reaches the main body of ground water in storage. Except during high flood periods, flows in v\rest side streams seldom reach the channel of the San Joaquin River. Rivers on the east side of the valley contribute many thousands of acre-feet per year to ground water. This is evidenced by comparison of flow measurements on the valley floor with those made as the streams enter the valley. Confined Ground Water Zone . The confined ground water zone beneath the Corcoran clay member forms an essentially con- tinuous ground water reservoir throughout much of the San Joaquin Valley. A large portion of the eastern part of the valley, especially in the areas underlain by the alluvial fans of the major rivers, is outside the area influenced by the Corcoran clay member and, consequently, water under pressure is not present in such locations. Since the confined and unconfined ground water zones blend imperceptibly into one essentially unconfined zone at the edge of such areas, the actual margin of the pressure zone is difficult to locate. Recharge to the confined zone is chiefly from the un- confined and semiconfined ground water bodies along the valley margins in the areas not underlain by the Corcoran clay member. It is possible that some minor part of the recharge is gained by extremely slow percolation of water through the Corcoran clay from the overlying unconfined and semiconfined zones. -37- Saline Zone . In marine sediments underlying the con- fined zone, a body of connate water of poor quality containing high concentrations of various salts, of which sodium chloride is the most abundant. Is found. These waters viere entrapped in the marine sediments at the time of deposition. Excessive drawdown in fresh xvater zones tends, in many instances, to Induce upwaM or lateral intrusion of these saline waters into fresh ground water bodies. Ground Water Levels Periodic measurements of ground water levels in the Lower San Joaquin Valley area are made by many agencies and are compiled and published by the United States Bureau of Reclamation, United States Geological Survey, and the Department of Water Resources. The most recent comprehensive publication on ground viater levels in the area is a report by the United States Geolog- ical Survey, entitled "Ground Water Conditions and Storage Capacity in the San Joaquin Valley, California", 1957 (76). As a part of the Geological Survey investigation, field measurements of ground water levels over the area included in the Lower San Joaquin Valley Investigation were made in 1952 and these data have been made available to the Department of Water Resources. Ground water levels in the spring of 1952, based upon the data collected by the Geological Survey, are depicted on Plate 5. Ground water levels in the unconfined zone are generally high, with depths to water varying from 5 to 50 feet. In areas served by surface water, free ground water levels generally are higher than in areas of ground water pumpage. In addition to the data mentioned above, other studies of ground water hydrology in the -38- area, dealing v;lth various subareas or specific problems, have been of assistance in this investigation. Ground V/ater Storage Capacity The term "specific yield", as used in connection with ground v;ater, refers to the ratio of the quantity of v/ater a given volume of a saturated soil v;ill yield by gravity to its ovm volume, and is commonly expressed as a percentage. Estimated ground v/ater storage capacity is the product of the specific yield and the volume of material, contained in the depth intervals considered, in a specific area. Ground water storage capacities, as computed for the storage units underlying the San Joaquin Valley, were taken from the report (76) previously cited. For those units not lying wholly v/ithin the area of investigation, ground water storage capacity was apportioned on the basis of surface area within and without the investigation area. In estimating the total ground water storage capacity, an area of about 6OO square miles, mostly in the valley trough, and subject to overflow from the San Joaquin River and its tributaries, v/as excluded. These lands have soils with very low permeabilities, excessive accumulations of harmful salts, and are subject to periodic flooding. The estimated ground water storage capacity of the basins lying within the area of investigation is about 7^300,000 acre-feet for the depth zone from 10 to 50 feet below the surface; 9,000,000 acre-feet from 50 to 100 feet; 16,000,000 acre-feet from 100 to 200 feet; and approximately 32,000,000 acre-feet for the total depth between 10 and 200 feet. -39- Movement of Ground Water Lines of equal elevation on the surface of the free ground water body In the San Joaquin Valley for the spring of 1952 Indicate that the ground water gradient generally slopes away from the valley margins toward the central trough. The hy- draulic gradient on the east side of the valley ranges from 5 to as much as 18 feet per mile^, and in any given direction, exhibits a fairly regular pattern. A number of ground water mounds have been formed in the free ground water zones along the west side of the valley under- lying organized irrigation districts. The occurrence of these mounds is attributable to the large amount of applied irrigation water derived from surface sources. There is very little draft on ground water in this area by large irrigation wells and the probable low transmlsslbillty of soils and underlying sediments Inhibits rapid dissipation of accumulated ground water mounds. A small ground water mound also exists south of Riverbank on the east side of the valley. Several depressions in the free ground water surface have developed as a result of heavy irrigation pump- ing. These are found principally northwest of Madera in the vicinity of Ash and Berenda Slough on the east side of the valley; and in the area between Mendota and Tranquility, west of Fresno Slough and south of the San Joaquin River, Percolation, or seepage, of water into the free ground water zone is subject to wide variations because of seasonal and cyclical fluctuations in the flow of the San Joaquin River and its tributaries. Plate 5, consequently, does not reflect conditions which might occur in a drier and more nearly normal year in the -40- areas immediately adjacent to major streams. The lines shovm thereon Indicate that the San Joaquin River was contributing appreciable amounts to the ground v;ater in storage. Generally, measurements at the San Joaquin River gaging stations show that the flows are augmented by rising ground water in the reach between Dos Palos and Vernalls. It is not possible, with available data, to estimate the portion of the accretions in this reach due to seepage from ground water. It is probable, however, especially in years of low stream flow, that considerable quantities of water seep into the San Joaquin River from the upper ground water zone. Movement of ground water In the confined zone is more difficult to analyze because of the lack of adequate data covering any area other than the western margin of the valley. In general, however. It is thought that the gradient in the confined zone is such as to cause movement from areas of recharge on the east side into areas of heavy pumpage along the western margin, at least In the southwestern portion of the area of Investigation. Further studies of the movement of ground water by the Department of Water Resources and other agencies indicate that Plate 5 generally depicts the normal aspect of ground water slope and movement, with the exception that ground water generally con- tributes to flow in the San Joaquin River downstream from Dos Palos. Subsurface Inflow and Outflovf The southern boundary of the area of investigation has been established along the crest of the existing ground water divide underlying the San Joaquin River. The boiindary extends westerly through the center of the pumping depression in the con- fined ground water zone on the west side of the San Joaquin Valley. -41- It Is apparent from a study of ground water levels in the area that In the spring of 1952, there was little or no subsurface Inflov; or outflow across the southern boundary. The northern boundary Is not so well defined, and v/hlle there apparently is an unknown quantity of subsurface outflow into the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta from the ncupthwestern part of the area, the magnitude of this outflow is probably not great because of the relatively flat gradient of the ground water mound across which the boundary was established. The easterly segment of the northern boundary has been established along the crest of a ground water ridge north of the Stanislaus River and there apparently was no subsurface outflow or inflow across this portion in the spring of 1952. Areas of High Water Table High water table conditions prevail over considerable portions of the northern San Joaquin Valley. These areas are largely confined to the central trough of the valley and to the areas where surface water supplies most of the irrigation demands. In the spring of 1952, the water table was within 10 feet of the ground surface over an area of about 1,200 square miles. In the area around Merced, the \\fater table has been within one foot of the surface on several occasions in the past and has not been lower than eight feet from the surface within the last 25 years. Drainage wells have been used in an effort to main- tain the water table below the root zone of the crops. In addi- tion, other areas, principally around Turlock and Modesto, have had similar difficulties with high water table conditions in the past. However, in these areas, drainage wells have been installed -42- and are now maintaining the water table at an average depth of seven feet. High water table conditions in the areas discussed above are mainly attributable to unfavorable drainage characteris- tics of the alluvial flood plain deposit and basin soils and subsoils . Between United States Highway 33 and the San Joaquin River, in an area of a few square miles lying east of Patterson, ground water occurs within five feet of the surface. Several con- ditions apparently contribute to the problem in this area. Appli- cation of Irrigation water from surface sources, along with seep- age of water from canals and lateral distribution systems, are primary sources of excessive ground water infiltration. Addi- tional water is derived through the natural movement of ground water into the area from the southwest. The high water table condition occurs in an area underlain by recent alluvial fan deposits, bounded on the east near the San Joaquin River by less permeable, older alluvial fan and basin deposits. Movement of ground water from the high water table area toward the San Joaquin River is consequently restricted and has resulted in the rising water levels near Patterson. Another contributing factor is that the pumpage in the high water table area is limited to minor domestic uses and, consequently, no effective drainage from it is accomplished by withdrawals. A large high water table area, with some swamps and marshes, occurs in the vicinity of Gustine, Los Banos, and Dos Palos. High water table conditions in this area are maintained by excessive amounts of applied surface water and canal seepage, accompanied by lower permeabilities in the soils and substrata. -43- A detailed report on high water table as It occurs In the entire San Joaquin Valley has been published by the University of California (78). The particular problems of the above-mentioned areas are discussed in detail in that report. In addition^ several reports on high v/ater table conditions in various subareas are available (2) (30) (43) (53) (6o). -44- CHAPTER III. WATER UTILIZATION The term "water utilization" is used in a broad sense to Include any employment of water by nature or man, either consump- tive or nonconsumptive, as well as those Irrecoverable losses of water Incidental to such employment, and is synonymous v/ith the term "water use". A schematic representation of the means by which the present supply and utilization of water in the Lower 3an Joaquin Valley area occurs is shovm on Plate 6. Water Supply Development Development of streams for irrigation in the Lower San Joaquin Valley began in the iSyO's and has progressed steadily since that time. Construction of major water conservation and storage works for Irrigation, municipal, power, and flood control purposes did not begin until after 1920. Progress of construction was rapid and, by 1930, a major dam had been erected on each of the three principal tributaries to the San Joaquin River. Since that date, additional works have been completed on the San Joaquin River and tributary streams. Further development is contemplated. Chronological development of the surface water resources in the San Joaquin River Basin, in 20-year periods since i860, is depicted schematically on Plate J , and works presently being considered for possible future construction are also shown. Present Development Existing conservation vrarks in the Lower San Joaquin Valley, shown on Plate 1, are ov^med and operated by municipalities, -45- Irrigation districts, the federal government^ and private utility companies. Many of these works are operated independently but all of them, either directly or indirectly, tend to regulate and control the flow in the San Joaquin River. General information on all major works (over 10,000 acre-feet of storage capacity) is presented in Table 8. Since the initiation of this investigation in July 1955^ three additional projects have been completed and placed in opera- tion. These are the Cherry Valley (1956), the Trl-Dam (1957), and the Mammoth Pool (1960) Projects. The Cherry Valley Project is owned and operated by the City of San Francisco for municipal supply, flood control, and power purposes, as a part of the city's Hetch Hetchy water supply system. It is located on Cherry Creek, a tributary of the Tuolumne River. The Tri-Dam Project Includes Tulloch, Donnells, and Beardsley Dams on the Stanislaus River, owned and operated by the Oakdale and South San Joaquin Irrigation Districts, for irrigation and power purposes. The Mammoth Pool Project is owned and operated by the Southern California Edison Company, a privately financed public electric utility. The project is an integral part of the company's hydroelectric power generating complex on the San Joaquin River, Future Development Although water conservation works exist on all principal streams in the Lower San Joaquin Valley, the resources of these streams are not yet completely developed. This is emphasized by -46- TABLE 8 MAJOR EXISTING AND PROPOSED WATER CONSERVATION DEVELOPMENTS IN THE LOV/ER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY AREA Name of dam Location, MDB&M Type of dam Use Year : Storage of : capacity, com- : in ; pi et ion ; acre- feet Melones Nev7 Melons s Main Straw- berry Relief Tulloch Donnells Beardsley Woodward Stanislaus River Basin 1N/13E-11 Arch 1N/13E-11 Irrigation, 1926 112,500 Power Flood Con- (Pro- 2,400,000 trol, Irri- posed) gation. Power 4n/i8e-15 Rockfill Power 5N/20E-13 Rockfill Power 1S/12E-1 Gravity 6N/18E-35 Arch 4N/17E-14 Earth lS/lOE-9 Hydraulj fill 1916 18,600 Power 1910 15,100 Irrigation, Power 1957 68,400 Irrigation, Power 1957 64,500 Irrigation, Power 1957 97,500 Irrigation 1918 35,000 Don Pedro Tuolumne River Basin 2S/14E-35 Gravity- Irrigation, 1923 289,000 curved Power New Don Pedro 2S/i4e-35 Flood Con- (Pro- 1,950,000 trol, Irri- posed) gation. Power Owen 3S/13E-31 Earth Irrigation 1915 49,000 Dallas- Warner 3S/12E-20 Earth Irrigation 1911 27,000 Lake Eleanor 1N/19E-3 Multiple Municipal, I918 27,800 Arch Power -47- TABLE 8 MAJOR EXISTING AND PROPOSED WATER CONSERVATION DEVELOPMENTS IN THE LOWER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY AREA (continued) Year : Storage Name of Location, Type of of : capacity. dam MDB&M dam : Use com- : m • pi et Ion: acre- feet Tuolumne River Basin (continued) Hetch Hetchy 1N/20E-16 Gravity- Municipal, curved Power Cherry Valley 1N/17E-5 Earth- Municipal, rock Flood Con- trol, Power 1923 360,000 1956 268,000 Merced River Basin Exchequer 4s/l5E-l3 Gravity- Irrigation, 1926 289. 000 curved Power, Flood Control New Exchequer 4s/l5E-13 Bagby 4s/l7E-6 Snelling 5S/15E-7 Irrigation, (Pro- 1,000,000 Power, Flood posed) Control Irrigation, (Pro- 415,000 Power, Flood posed) Control Irrigation, (Pro- 190,000 Power, Flood posed) Control Mariposa Mariposa Creek Basin 7S/17E-30 Earth Flood Con- 1948 15,000 trol Friant Shaver Lake Thomas A, Edison San Joaquin River Basin 11S/21E-5 Gravity- Flood Con- straight trol. Irri- gation 9S/24E-13 Gravity- Power curved 6S/27E-25 Earth Domestic, Power 1947 520,000 1927 135,300 1954 125,000 -48- TABLE 8 MAJOR DEVELOPMENTS EXISTING AND PROPOSED WATER CONSERVATION IN THE LOWER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY AREA (continued) Year : Storage Name of . Location, Type of Use of icapacir^. dam r^DB&M dam : com- : in . pi etion: acre- feet San Joaquin River Basin (continued) Huntington Lake Florence Lake Crane Valley Storage (Bass Lake) Big Creek #7 Mammoth Pool Buchanan 8S/25E-14 Gravity- curved Power 1917 88,800 7S/27E-36 Multiple Arch Power 1926 64,400 7S/22E-25 Earth- rock Power 1910 45,400 9S/23E-15 Gravity- straight Power 1951 35,000 7S/24E-14 Earth- fill Power i960 123,000 Chowchilla Rive r Basin 8S/18E-22 Irrigation, (Pro- Flood Con- posed) trol 150,000 Fresno River Basin Hidden Windy Gap 9S/19E-34 7S/20E-2 Irrigation, (Pro- 75,000 Flood Con- posed) trol Irrigation, (Pro- 32,000 Flood Con- posed) trol San Luis San Luis Creek Basin IOS/8E-15 Irrigation (Pro- 2,100,000 and Domes- posed) tic regula- tory storage -49- the occurrence of severe floods, such as those of December 1955^ and April 1958; by years of water deficiency such as occurred in 1947 and 1959; by the observable uncontrolled discharge of water to San Francisco Bay during the winter and spring months; and by the existing need for augmented water supplies in local areas. Consequently, a continuous program of planning for further development has been carried on by federal, state, and local agencies. The California Water Plan . A comprehensive plan for development of the waters of the State, designated The California Water Plan (23), has been prepared by the Department of Water Resources. This plan has been adopted by the Legislature as a master plan to guide all agencies concerned in the future develop- ment of the water resources of California. The plan envisions the statewide transfer of surplus waters from areas of surplus to areas of deficiency. The principal features of The California Water Plan pertinent to the Lower San Joaquin Valley area include: 1. Major water conservation works on tributaries of the San Joaquin River; 2. Importation of surplus waters via the Delta-Mendota Canal, the San Joaquin Valley-Southern California Aqueduct, and the East Side Canal; 3. San Luis Reservoir to store and regulate imported waters from areas of surplus; and 4. The San Joaquin Valley Master Drainage Conduit. Details of these features, as shown in Bulletin No. 3, "The California Water Plan", 1957 (23) are subject to change as neces- sary or desirable, as a result of further intensive planning -50- effort. Generalized locations of The California Water Plan features in the Lov/er San Joaquin Valley are shown diagrammatical ly on Plate 7. Other Projects Plans . There are plans for further devel- opments on the Merced and Tuolumne Rivers under active considera- tionj and proposed projects on the Stanislaus, Chowchilla, and Fresno Rivers. The contemplated developments are shown on Plates 1 and 7, and information relative to them is presented in Table 8. On the Merced River, a project consisting of three dams and associated works is planned for early implementation by the Merced Irrigation District. This project would stabilize presently available water supplies, develop additional power, and provide additional flood protection for the lower reaches of the Merced and San Joaquin Rivers, On the Tuolumne River, construction of the New Don Pedro Dam is being planned jointly by the Modesto and Turlock Irrigation Districts. V/ater supply, power, and flood control benefits would be derived from the project. Construction of New Melones Dam on the Stanislaus River is under consideration as a joint project by the United States Corps of Engineers and Bureau of Reclamation. This project would provide additional flood protection for the lower reaches of the Stanislaus and San Joaquin Rivers, as well as additional irrigation and power benefits. On the Chowchilla and Fresno Rivers the United States Corps of Engineers is planning the projected Buchanan and Hidden Dams, respectively. These developments would be multipurpose proj- ects, although their principal benefit would be flood control. -51- The United States Bureau of Reclamation is currently studying the possible benefits which could be derived from a pro- posed East Side Canal j primarily diverting water to the south from the American River and the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. It is expected that a feasibility report on this project will be avail- able by July 1961. Water Service Agencies Water for irrigation in the Lower San Joaquin Valley prior to 1950 v/as supplied principally from surface water diversion by water service agencies. The increase in the irrigated area since 1950 has apparently been made possible by development of ground water supplies on an individual basis. A total of about Ij 200, 000 acres is served by these agencies. The geographical areas Included in the principal water service agencies are shown on Plate 8, Additional Information on agencies organized as irrigation districts may be found in reports on the operations of irrigation and water storage districts in California, issued periodically by the Department of Water Resources (13) (26), Water for mimiclpal and industrial use in the area is furnished by numerous water service agencies obtaining their water supply principally from ground water. The agencies supplying irrigation water have been divided into four groups according to their principal source of supply. Table 9 lists the agencies in each group, together with their location and service areas. Water service agencies in the East Side group obtain water from the Stanislaus, Tuolumne, Merced, and Upper San Joaquin Rivers by means of storage in upstream reservoirs, supplemented by -52- TABLE 9 WATER SERVICE AGENCIES IN THE LOWER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY AREA ;Service area, ; In acres Agency Location (at or near) East Side Group Chowchilla Water District El Nldo Irrigation District Gravelly Ford Water Association Madera Irrigation District Merced Irrigation District Modesto Irrigation District Oakdale Irrigation District South San Joaquin Irrigation District Turlock Irrigation District Waterford Irrigation District Chov/chilla El Nldo Madera Madera Merced Modesto Oakdale Manteca Turlock Waterford 62,574 7,295 2,500 88,688 145,348 70,038 56,918 63,842 163,735 6,700 San Joaquin River Group V/est Side of River Banta-Carbona Irrigation District Blewltt Mutual V/ater Company El Solyo Water Company Patterson Water District Twin Oaks Irrigation Company V/est Stanislaus Irrigation District White Lake Mutual V/ater Company Reclamation District l602 Carbona 15,919 Vernal is 1,064 Vernal is 4,277 Patterson 14,100 Patterson 2,400 Westley 22,429 V/estley 2,258 Patterson 1,495 -53- TABLE 9 WATER SERVICE AGENCIES IN THE LOWER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY AREA (continued) : Location : Service area^ Agency :(at or near): In acres San Joaquin River Group (continued) East Side of River East Side Canal and Irrigation Company Stevlnson 5^935 Stevlnson Water District Stevlnson 20,000 Reclamation District l604 Patterson 3,9CiO Reclamation District 2031 Vernalls 3^000 Reclamation District 2063 Crows Landing 1,752 Reclamation District 2064 Manteca 3.000 Reclamation District 2075 Ripon 2,773 Mendota Pool Group Central California Irrigation District Los Banos 132,436 Columbia Canal Company Flrebaugh l6, 56O Dos Palos Drainage District Dos Palos 9,552^ Firebaugh Canal Company Firebaugh 23,675 Grasslands Water District Los Banos 47,084 Gustine Drainage District Gustlne 20,32lV San Luis Canal Company Los Banos 42,979 Delta-Mendota Canal Group Broadview Water District Davis Water District Del Puerto Water District Eagle Field Water District South Dos Palos 1,789 Mendota 9,661 Newman 2,249 Patterson 3,650 -54- TABLE 9 WATER SERVICE AGENCIES IN THE LO\rER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY AREA (continued) "1 Location :Servlce area, :(at or near): In acres Agency Delta-Mendota Canal Group Foothill Water District Hospital Water District Kern Canyon Water District Mercy Springs Water District Mustang Water District Ora Loma Water District Orestimba Water District Pacheco Water District Panoche Water District Plainview Water District Quinto Water District Romero Water District Salado Water District San Luis Water District Sunflower Water District Widren Water User's Association (continued) Newman 1,965 Westley 7,862 Westley 2,934 Dos Palos 2,652 Gustine 3,671 South Dos Palos 1,131 Crows Landing 5,135 South Dos Palos 999 Dos Palos 38,240 Tracy 5,419 Gustine 2,173 Volta 1,354 Patterson 2,860 Los Banos 51,325 Crows Landing 2,871 Firebaugh 1,363 a/ Drainage area -55- direct pumped diversions from these streams and from wells In the Irrigated areas. Agencies In the San Joaquin River group obtain water pri- marily by pumping directly from the San Joaquin River do;\nistream from Fremont Ford Bridge and from the three main tributaries near their confluence v/ith the San Joaquin River. The group is sub- divided into those agencies west of the San Joaquin River and those east of the river. Included in this group are the four agencies cooperating in this investigation. In the years following completion of the San Joaquin and Kings River Canal (1872)^ temporary brush dams were erected across the San Joaquin River channel near Mendota, during the irri- gation season, to back up the v/aters in the river channel so that they could be diverted into the canal . Eventually, a permanent diversion structure was erected, causing water to back up into the channels of the San Joaquin River and Fresno Slough. With the passage of time, the shallow reservoir came to be kno;\m as the "Mendota Pool". Agencies obtaining water supply principally from the operation of this artificial lake are referred to herein as the Mendota Pool group. The group consists almost wholly of the Affiliated Canal Companies, so identified because they were the primary participants involved in the exchange of water in the San Joaquin River for water supplied by the Delta-Mendota Canal. These agencies are the Central California Irrigation District (formerly the area served by the San Joaquin Canal Company), the San Luis Canal Company, the Flrebaugh Canal Company, and the Columbia Canal Company. -56- Between 1930 and 19^0, two drainage districts in the _ vicinity of Dos Palos and Gustine were formed to serve areas affected by high ground water. Their boundaries coincide v/ith certain portions of the present Central California Irrigation District, formed in 195^. Water from wells operated by these districts is spilled into the canal system of the Central Cali- fot'nia Irrigation District or is discharged to minor tributaries of the San Joaquin River. Agencies of the Delta-Mendota Canal Group were organized primarily for the purpose of utilizing the canal as their main source of supply. Water is supplied to these agencies by diver- sion from the canal or via the facilities of other agencies in the Mendota Pool group. Should the proposed San Luis Project be con- structed, two of the water districts listed, Panoche and San Luis, will be able to obtain additional water from that source. Land Use Irrigated agriculture constitutes the largest and most Important use of land within the Lower San Joaquin Valley. At present, over 1,000,000 acres are devoted to alfalfa, cotton, hay and grain, truck crops, vineyards, pasture, orchards, and rice. In State Water Resources Board Bulletin No. 2, "Water Utilization and Requirements of California", 1955 (36), it is estimated that within the area of investigation, the total ultimate irrigated acreage on the valley floor will be about 1,700,000 acres, with urban and suburban areas utilizing about 25,000 acres. Data regarding the growth of irrigated agriculture in the area is presented to provide a means of evaluating significant changes in irrigated land use. Detailed studies of trends and -57- variations In land use are beyond the scope of this investigation. These data have been obtained from surveys of irrigated lands made by the Department of Water Resources in 19^8-50 and during 1957 and 1958. Results of these surveys are listed in Table 10, divided into data pertaining to lands west and east of the San Joaquin River and separated by principal crop classes. Although a portion of the service areas of the Oakdale and the South San Joaquin Irrigation Districts is outside the area covered by this investigation, no deduction for this irrigated acreage was made for Table 10. Comparison of the results of these surveys, conducted approximately ten years apart, shows that the area irrigated on the west side, in 1957^ was about 110,000 acres greater than in 1948-50; and on the east side, in 1958, was about 130,000 acres greater than in 19^8. The increase in irrigated acreage on the west side can be attributed to the completion of the Delta-Mendota Canal in 1951 and further development of ground water. Growth on the east side is a result of increased ground water development and of a firmer water supply provided by water conservation works placed in service during the intervening period. With a rapidly growing population, the demand for agri- cultural products increases; which, in turn, brings about conver- sion of agriculture from the practice of dry farming to the more profitable production of irrigated crops. Thus, the overall growth within the area of investigation probably can be attributed to the rising economy of the state and nation. Further examination of the data indicates that on the west side, the area irrigated in 1957 was about 38 percent greater -58- TABLE 10 AREAS OP IRRIGATED LANDS IN THE LOV/ER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY AREA (in acres) :West side of valley:East side of valley Crop : Year : Year : 1940-50 : 1957 : 1948 : l^^B Alfalfa 102,000 115.000 125,000 116,000 Pasture 19.500 64,600 217,000 280,000 Orchard 6,900 15.800 76,300 119.000 Vineyard 200 76,000 72,000 Truck crops 25.400 38,500 26,700 36,000 Rice 9.600 15.400 7.700 11,400 Cotton 30,000 43.200 79. 500 58,600 Hay and grain 68,100 50, 500 86,700 22,000 Miscellaneous field crops 31,100 59.000 33.700 146,000 TOTALS 292,800 402,000 728,600 861,000 than in 1948-50, with one-third of the increase occurring on lands served by the Delta-Mendota Canal group of water service agencies; one-third on lands served by the Mendota Pool group; and one- third on individually served lands not included within the area of organ- ized agencies. East of the San Joaquin River, most of the increase appears to have taken place in Merced and Madera Counties on lands outside the areas served by organized agencies. Beneficial Use of Water The major use of viater within the Lower San Joaquin Valley area is for irrigation. Surface water is the main source of supply. Municipalities utilize ground water almost exclusively as their source of supply. The relatively small amounts of water used by industry are supplied largely by municipalities. -59- Consumptive Use of Water The term, consumptive use of water, refers to water con- sumed by vegetative growth In transpiration and building of plant tissue, and to water evaporated from adjacent soil, from water surfaces, and from foliage. It also refers to water similarly con- sumed and evaporated by urban and nonvegetatlve types of land use. Estimates of the consumptive use of water In the Lower San Joaquin Valley are presented In Bulletin No. 2 (36). Supple- mental consumptive use studies are presently under way. In Bulletin No. 2 (36), the mean seasonal consumptive use of water on Irrigated lands In the area was estimated to be about 3;. 000, 000 acre-feet. The total can be divided Into that portion derived from applied water, 2,000,000 acre- feet; and that from precipita- tion, slightly less than 1,000,000 acre-feet. The mean seasonal consumptive use of applied water on farm lots, urban and suburban lands, and unclassified land areas was estimated at 12,000, 15jOOO, and 25,300 acre- feet, respectively. Agricultural Use Surface water Is available to satisfy the requirements of most of the agricultural lands In the area, with ground water used as a supplemental supply. In certain locations, however, ground water Is the only available source of Irrigation water. In those areas imderlaln by high ground water tables, much of the water pumped for control of the water Is subsequently mixed with the available surface supply. Water users on the east side of the valley generally are assured of a reliable supply of water of excellent mineral quality; those served from the Mendota Pool are usually assured of a -60- reliable supply^ although of variable mineral quality; while those served from the San Joaquin River have^ at times, a variable supply of water of doubtful quality for agricultural use. Data on the quantity of surface water diverted by indi- viduals and districts, from the various streams or stream reaches, are published in other reports of the Department of Water Resources (12). Accordingly, only the total overall diversions of surface water for agriculture and the details of certain specific diver- sions are presented in this report. Table 11 lists the gross diversion of surface water for irrigation in the Lower San Joaquin Valley area for the calendar years 1930 to 1958. Waters exported from the area, particularly diversions via the Priant-Kern Canal and Fresno Slough and minor diversions from the San Joaquin River, between Priant Dam and Mendota Dam, have been excluded. To enable comparison of irrigated areas, as given in Table 10, with the gross diversion of surface water for irrigation, water exported via the Oakdale-South San Joaquin diversion is included in the total diversion. Diversion from surface water supplies for irrigation increased from 2,500,000 acre-feet, in 1930, to 3,500,000 acre-feet in 1958. Diversions have been in excess of 3^000,000 acre-feet annually since 19^9. This is an overall increase, not confined to any particular sub- basin or source of supply, although a substantial portion of the increase can be attributed to development of features of the Cen- tral Valley Project, i.e., Priant Reservoir and the Delta-Mendota and Madera Canals. Distribution of the total diversion between sources of supply is depicted in Figures 1 and 2. Figure 1 shows the average -61- TABLE 11 ANNUAL GROSS DIA/ERSION OF SURFACE WATER SUPPLIES FOR IRRIGATION USE IN THE LOWER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY FOR THE PERIOD 1930-58 (In thousands of acre-feet) Calendar : Total : Calendar Total year : diversion : year : diversion 1930 2.530 1945 3,230 1931 1,590 1946 3,250 1932 3,000 1947 2,860 1933 2,590 1948 2,840 1934 2,160 1949 3,070 1935 2,570 1950 3,170 1936 2,590 1951 3,170 1937 2,550 1952 3,310 1938 2,640 1953 3,500 1939 2,550 1954 3,480 19^0 2,750 1955 3,390 1941 2,650 1956 3,750 1942 2,830 1957 3,610 1943 2,840 1958 3,440 1944 2,980 distribution of diversions occurring between the location of the present Friant Dam and Mossdale for the period from 1930-50. Figure 2 represents the average distribution for the 1951-58 period and shows the effect of the importation of water through the Delta- Mendota Canal commencing in 1951. As can be seen, diversions from the Tuolumne River and the Mendota Pool constitute 60 percent of the total diversion effected prior to 195O and about 51 percent after that date. The difference, however, is more apparent than real, since the average total diversion prior to 1951 was about 2,730,000 acre-feet, and after that date was about 3,460,000 acre- feet. For the years pre- ceding the importation of water via the Delta- Mendota Canal, the -62- Upper San Joaquin River (Mendota Pool and the Madera Diversion) and the three principal tributaries supplied 9^ percent of the water diverted. The average distribution of diversions from the San Joaquin River between Fremont Ford and Mossdale, according to using agency, for the years 1951-58 is shown by Figure 3. This figure is, consequently, an expansion of the quantity (about 7 percent of the total diversions) shown in Figure 2 for the section of the San Joaquin River between these two stations. Domestic and Municipal Use Ground water in the area affords a supply of relatively good quality water for domestic and municipal uses without the necessity for expensive treatment. In addition to the use in municipalities, ground water is the source of water for domestic use outside urban areas. Dos Palos and Los Banos are the major exceptions to the exclusive use of ground v/ater for municipal purposes. Dos Palos obtains most of its required water supply from the San Joaquin River at Mendota Pool via facilities of the Central California Irrigation District. Los Banos secures somewhat less than one- half of the quantity of water needed for municipal demand from the same source. Both cities pump from ground water to supplement the surface diversions. Industrial Use Industrial water uses mainly occur within municipal water service areas. Although some of the major Industrial estab- lishments operate their ovm wells, the majority obtain water from -63- SAN JOAQUIN RIVER MADERA DIVERSION AVERAGE DIVERSIONS IN AREA BETWEEN MILLERTON LAKE AND MOSSDALE 1930-1950 FIGURE I AVERAGE DIVERSIONS IN AREA BETWEEN MILLERTON LAKE AND MOSSDALE 1951 - 1958 FIGURE 2 OTHER-VERNALIS TO MOSSDALE AVERAGE DIVERSION FROM SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BETWEEN FREMONT FORD AND MOSSDALE 1951- 1958 FIGURE 3 NOTE= OPERATION OF THE DELTA - MANDOTA CANAL BEGAN IN 1951. 64 established v;ater service agencies. The bulk of the required water Is used In the food processing Industry. Hydroelectric Pov/er Generation The use of water for the generation of power Is confined to streams on the east side of the valley. The present capacity Is In eiccess of 800,000 kllov/atts Installed In 25 hydroelectric powerplants on the Stanislaus, Tuolumne,. Merced, and San Joaquin Rivers. From consideration of the plans proposed In Bulletin No. 3 (23) J it Is estimated that an additional 600,000-kllowatt capacity can be developed by further regulation In these streams. Fish and VJlldllfe Uses The use of v/ater for the preservation and propagation of fish and wildlife Is of special Importance amon;^ the employments of V7ater for recreational purposes. The availability of water for this use in the Lower San Joaquin Valley area Is affected by the operation of the numerous reservoirs controlling the water resources of the region. Stream fishing on the valley floor, consequently, generally is limited in extent. Hov/ever, an excellent fishery is found in the mountain portions of the tributary drainage area and many of the existing reservoirs are stocked v;lth catchables by the California Department of Fish and Game. Hunting of vTildfov;l is of prime significance on the valley floor as the investigation area lies athv;art the major Pacific Flyivay route. At the close of the Irrigation season, large acreages of the grasslands are flooded to provide nesting places for waterfowl flying to the south. The Los Banos Waterfowl and Management Area, operated by the Department of Fish and Game, and hunting areas owned by private clubs, occupy thousands of acres on the valley floor. -65- Much of this activity is centered in the grasslands area of Merced County, which, for many years, has led the counties in California in number of ducks bagged and contains almost 300 private and commercial duck clubs. Soils in the grasslands area are generally saline-alkaline in composition and therefore are limited to raising of salt tolerant grasses used as forage for cattle. For the present, the grasslands appear to have more value as hunting lands than as cropped agricultural lands. Recreational Use Recreational uses of water in the Lower San Joaquin Valley area, in addition to fish and hunting, include swimming, boating, and the aesthetic benefits derived from the protection of areas of natural beauty and through the development of conser- vation works. The area of investigation contains Yo Semite National Park and eight state parks; one of which is undeveloped. Over 1,000,000 persons visit Yosemite National Park each year. In 1957j slightly less than 1,000,000 persons used the facilities provided in the seven developed state parks, representing a 50 percent in- crease over the attendance registered in 195^ • Flood Control The control of floods is a major problem in the Lower San Joaquin Valley. At present, each of the existing major water conservation facilities is operated to provide a measure of flood protection for downstream areas; however, additional facilities are needed for adequate protection against disaster. Within the area of investigation, there are four dams built for the primary purpose of control of flood v/aters. These -66- dams, and associated reservoirs, are Bear, Burns, Owens, and Mari- posa, located on streams of the same name. For purposes of refer- ence, these streams are often designated the Merced Stream Group. There are tvra San Joaquin River flood control projects now under construction. One of these consists of the construction of a complete levee system for the San Joaquin River, from the mouth of the Merced River south to Gravelly Ford Canal. This levee system is being built by the Department of Water Resources for the State Reclamation Board. The project consists of levees along the San Joaquin River, three bypass channels, and a retention basin near the mouth of the Fresno River. The second project, being built by the United States Corps of Engineers, is the con- struction of a levee system on the San Joaquin River, from the mouth of the Merced River north to Mossdale Bridge, Accretions Accretions to stream flow in the San Joaquin River channel originate in five ways, which for simplicity are referred to as sources. These sources are: spillage, drainage, effluent ground water, ground water pumped for water table control, and sewage and industrial wastes. Many of the individual return flov/ channels carry waters stemming from a combination of these sources. The proportions of these combinations are constantly varying, making it impossible to determine exactly how much water from each source is contained in a drainage channel at a particular time. Most of the tributary channels with wide fluctuations in contributions from the various sources enter the San Joaquin River from the east. As a result of development of lands within a productive agricultural basin, accretions generally increase as the quantities -67- of applied water Increase. Such flows may be either beneficial or detrimental J as illustrated by conditions in the lower San Joaquin River. Due to an increase in concentration of mineral constituents caused by consumptive usej leaching, and other factors, accretions tend to degrade the better quality waters v;ith which they are mixed. On the other hand accretions, in which mineral concentrations are not excessive, supplement the flows available to meet the demands of downstream users. Existing stream channels, sloughs, drains, and canals are utilized for the disposal of return water. Some return water is disposed of directly to the main streams, but reuse of such water from drainage channels before it reaches a stream is common. During summer and fall months, and in other months during dry years, stream flow in the San Joaquin River below Fre- mont Ford is largely return flow, as are flows in the downstream reaches of the principal tributaries. This condition is not a recent development but has existed for many years. Location of Accretions The drainage system of the Lower San Joaquin Valley is extensive and complex; consequently, no attempt has been made to provide a detailed description in this report. Of significance to users of waters of the lower San Joaquin River are the location of, and flows derived from, tributary channels debouching to the river. The quantity of such accretions is discussed subsequently. During the course of the investigation, about 70 channels tributary to the San Joaquin River between Mossdale and Santa Rita Bridge, and 30 channels tributary to the Merced, Tuolumne, and -68- r Stanislaus Rivers were observed and Inspected. Further study was made of the more significant drainage channels. Table 12 lists the tributary surface accretions found, and the location and type of outlet. The location of outlets tributary to the San Joaquin River are shoivn on Plate 3, as are many of those tributary to the Merced, Tuolumne, and Stanislaus Rivers, A few of the channels listed in Table 12 carry local runoff during the winter months, and some of the channels are utilized for the collection and disposal of seepage waters, which generally occur during high stages of flow in the lower reaches of the rivers. Where the use of pumps is noted, the drainage channels usually receive seepage waters, since the majority of lands subject to seepage lie belotv the elevation of high water stages in the adjacent stream channels. Quantity of Accretions Accreting water is present in the San Joaquin River and its principal tributaries throughout the year. Obviously, during v/inter months when runoff due to rainfall dilutes or obliterates the identity of such v/aters, and when minor amounts of surface water are diverted for irrigation, the quantity is much smaller, of little import, and difficult to measure. Of most interest to this Investigation, however, are the flows which occur during the irrigation season, roughly from March through October. During the spring months, runoff due to rainfall and snowmelt is present in predominant amounts and, consequently, accretion quantities are a small proportion of the total flow. In dry years, such as 1959^ or in the early spring months of years when runoff due to rainfall -69- TABLE 12 LOCATION OF SURFACE ACCRETIONS TO THE SAN JOAQUIN RIVER AND ITS PRINCIPAL TRIBUTARIES :Reference: Location Name : number^ : of : Plate 3 : outlet .: Type Banks/: of . :outletV 2S/6E-10R R 2S/bE-23B R 2S/6E-16D L 2S/6e-i6l L 2S/6E-22B 2S/6E-22H 2S/6E-27F 2s/6e-34r 2S/6E-35A 3S/6E-1D R R L L R R San Joaquin River - Mossdale Bridge to Durham Ferry Bridge Walthall Slough (tributary to 1 2S/6E-10R R G V/etherbee Lake) South San Joaquin Irrigation 2 2S/bE-23B R G District Lateral , No. 11 (to Wetherbee Lake)^ Paradise Mutual Water Co, Drain (tributary to Paradise Cut) Dethlefson Drain Pump (tributary to Paradise Cut) Drain Pump 5 2S/6E-22B R P Drain Pump 6 2S/6E-22H R P Drain Pump 7 2S/6E-27F L P Kasson Drain Pump 8 2S/6e-34r L P Drain Pump 9 2S/6E-35A R P Drain Pump 10 3S/6E-1D R P San Joaquin River - Durham Ferry Bridge to Hetch Hetchy Crossing West Stanislaus Irrigation District Drain Drain Pump Blewltt Drain West Stanislaus Irrigation District - El Solyo Drain El Solyo Drain San Joaquin River - Hetch Hetchy Crossing to Grayson El Solyo Drain l6 3S/7E-32J L M Hospital Creek (tributary to 17 4s/7E-4l L G Burkhardt Drain) Burkhardt Drain l8 4s/7E-4g L G Sarmento Drain Pumps 19 4s/7E-4j L P Modesto Irrigation District 20 3S/7E-34L R G Lateral No. 4 (extended) West Stanislaus Irrigation 21 4s/7E-14e L G District DrainS^ Field Drain 22 4S/7E-13R R G Field Drain 23 4S/7E-23H L G West Stanislaus Irrigation 24 4S/7E-23N L G District DrainS/ West Stanislaus Irrigation 25 4s/7E-26d L G District DrainS/ -70- 11 3S/6e-24j L G 12 13 14 3S/6e-24j 3S/7E-29N 3S/7E-29N L L L P G G 15 3S/7E-29N L M TABLE 12 LOCATION OP SURFACE ACCRETIONS TO THE SAN JOAQUIN RIVER AND ITS PRINCIPAL TRIBUTARIES (continued) Name iReference: Location ; number, : of ; Plate 3 : outlet : Type BankS/: of . :outlet2/ San Joaquin River - Hetch Hetchy Crossing to Grayson (continued) Wesley Wasteway^ West Stanislaus Irrigation iln§/ 26 27 District Dra: 4S/7E-26K 4S/7E-26J L L G G San Joaquin River - Grayson to Nevnnan (Hills Ferry Bridge) Turlock Irrigation District 28 4S/7E-25G R G Lateral No. 2 West Stanislaus Irrigation 29 4S/8E-30K L G District Drain Turlock Irrigation District 30 4S/8E-32F R G Westport Drain Del Puerto Creek 31 4S/8E-32N L G Chase Ranch Drain Pump 32 4S/8E-32R R M Patterson Water District 33 5S/8E-5F L G Lateral A Salado Creek 34 5S/8e-i6b L G Patterson Sewage Outfall 35 5S/8e-i6h L G Patterson Water District 36 5S/8E-15M L G Tile Drains Lake Ramona 37 5S/8E-22R L G Levee Drain 38 5S/8E-24N R G Turlock Irrigation District 39 5S/8E-25R R G Lateral No, 5 Patterson Water District 40 6S/8E-1Q L G Lateral G Patterson Water District Drain 41 6S/8E-1R L G Vivian Slough 42 6S/9E-8D R M Orestlmba Creek 43 6S/9E-8Q L G Field Drain 44 6S/9E-17E L G Unnamed Drain 45 6S/9E-17K L G Field Drain 46 6S/9E-21D L G Turlock Irrigation District 47 6S/9E-21B R G Lateral Nos. 6-7 Unnamed Drain 48 6S/9E-28M L G San Joaquin River - Newman to Fremont Ford Bridge Newman Wasteway 49 7S/9E-10L L G Unnamed Drain 50 7S/9E-11R R G Los Banos Creek 51 7S/9E-26G L G Mud Slough 52 7S/9E-26G L G -71- TABLE 12 LOCATION OF SURFACE ACCRETIONS TO THE SAN JOAQUIN RIVER AND ITS PRINCIPAL TRIBUTARIES (continued) ;Reference: Location : number, : of : Plate 3 : outlet Name /: Type Banks/: of :outletV San Joaquin River - Fremont Ford Bridge to Santa Rita Bridge Stevlnson Water District Spill 53 Salt Slough 54 Unnamed Drain 55 Bear Creek 56 Mariposa Slough 57 Unnamed Canal 58 Field Drain 59 Field Drain 60 San Luis Canal Co. Spill 61 Unnamed Drain 62 Unnamed Drain 63 Unnamed Drain 64 Unnamed Drain 65 Riverside Canal Spill 66 Unnamed Spill 67 7S/10E-20P R G 7S/10E-29L L G 7S/10E-26G R G 7S/10E-36L R G 8S/11E-34D R G 9S/11E-4J L G 9S/11E-10P L G 9S/11E-14F L G 9S/11E-13E L G 9S/12E-18N L G 9S/12E-18K L G 9S/12E-16M L G 9S/12E-25M R G 9S/13E-31B L G 10S/13E-16C L G Stanislaus River - Mouth to Gaging Station Faith Ranch Drain Faith Ranch Drain 68 69 3S/7E-19J 3S/7E-17Q L L M M Stanislaus River - above Gaging Station Bret Harte Drain Modesto Irrigation District Lateral Nos.-6-8 South San Joaquin Irrigation District Spill South San Joaquin Irrigation District Spill Modesto Irrigation District Main Canal South San Joaquin Irrigation District Escalon Spill 70 71 3S/7E-4Q 3S/7E-1E R L G G 72 2S/7E-35H R G 73 2S/8E-20Q R G 74 2S/8E-28F L G 75 2S/9E-17J R G Tuolumne River - Mouth to Tuolumne City Drain Pumps 76 4s/7E-llJ L Unnamed Drain 77 4s/7E-2H R Modesto Irrigation District 78 4S/7E-1K R Lateral No. 5 P G G -72- TABLE 12 LOCATION OP SURFACE ACCRETIONS TO THE SAN JOAQUIN RIVER AND ITS PRINCIPAL TRIBUTARIES (continued) :Reference: Location ; number, : of ; Plate 3 : outlet Name /: Type Banl^ : of , :outlet°/ Tuolumne River - Above Tuolumne City Modesto Irrigation District 79 4S/8E-7G R G Spill Turlock Irrigation District 80 4s/8e-i4c L G Lateral No. 1 Modesto Sewage Outfall 81 4S/9E-7D R G Dry Creek 82 3S/9E-33K R G Modesto Irrigation District Spill 83 4S/9E-3A R G Gas Well 84 4S/9E-2C L G Gas Well §^ 4S/9E-2G L G Gas Well 86 4S/9E-2J L G Beard Tract Sewage 87 4S/9E-1C R G Turlock Irrigation District 88 4S/10E-6N L G Spill Waterford Irrigation District 89 3S/11E-32J R G Spill Gas Well 90 3S/11E-34D R G Gas Well 91 3S/11E-34C R G Turlock Irrigation District 92 3S/11E-35D L G Hickman Spill Merced River - Mouth to Stevinson Stevinson Water District Spill 93 7S/9E-2M Merced River - Above Stevinson Turlock Irrigation District Stevinson Lateral Turlock Irrigation District Highllne Canal Spill Merced Irrigation District Livingston Spill 94 6S/9E-36G R G 95 6S/11E-30C R G 96 6s/11E-i4k L G a/ L - Left bank, R - Right bank (facing downstream) ^ Type of outlet: G - Gravity, P - Pump, M - Combination gravity and pump _c/ Alignment change has made this channel tributary to Walthall Slough d/ Tributary to old channel of San Joaquin River -73- or snowmelt is deficient in quantity, the quantity of drainage water during the early part of the irrigation season is important. The period of primary concern^ in addition to the above- mentioned dry yeai" flows ;, is during the summer months of July, August, and September, ;-;hen natural runoff is ordinarily at a minimum and diversions, particularly for agricultural use, are substantial . The fact that flow in the low er rea ches o f the Sa n Joaquin River and its tributaries during summer months co nsists largely of return water has been aclcnowl edged for many years. The first measurements to determine the quantities of accretion were made under the direction of Consulting Engineer Thomas H. Means during the years 191^ to 1919. Between 1920 and 192?:. pred- ecessor agencies of the Department of Water Resources made similar measurements along the course of the San Joaquin River and its tributaries. In 1928, eight gaging stations were established on these streams and, in conjunction with existing stations of other agencies, greatly facilitated the detei^mination of the quantity of accretions during the summer months. These gaging stations, plus others later found to be desirable, v/ere eventtially placed in con- tinuous operation. Accretions to the San Joaquin River and its tributaries, irrespective of source, for summer months during the years 195^ through 1958, are listed in Table 13. All accretions occurring downstream from the lowermost gaging station established on each of the three principal tributaries are included in the quantities of accretion given for the respective reaches of the San Joaquin River. Because of the effect of tidal action on stream flow in the reach betx^reen Vernalis and Mossdale Bridge, dovmstream -74- TABLE 13 ACCRETIONS TO FLOW IN LOWER SAN JOAQUIN RIVER AND PRINCIPAL TRIBUTARIES FOR PERIOD JULY 1 TO SEPTEMBER 30 (in cubic feet per second) Reach Length of; reach^ : In miles: Average accretion: 1934 ; 1955 : 1956 ; 1957 : 1958 San Joaquin River Near Dos Palos to Fremont Ford Fremont Ford to Near Newman Near Nevnnan to Near Grayson Near Grayson to Hetch Hetchy Crossing Hetch Hetchy Crossing to Near Vernalis Merced River Below Snei;|Ling to Near Stevinson Tuolumne River La Grange to Tuolumne City Stanislaus River Orange Blossom Bridge to Near Mouth 56 132 129 227 169 394 7 28 13 22 32 90 29 229 233 408 284 569 11 164 106 301 228 303 6 38 63 160 80 125 37 47 45 202 180 352 222 294 251 382 297 183 166 262 248 337 538 395 from Vernalis, derivation of accretions to this reach is impractical Surface flows tributary to this reach were measured during the irrigation season (March through October) in 1955 and 1956 to facilitate other studies of the Sacramento River and the Delta currently being made by the Department of Water Resources. The measured summer flovfs were 3^780 acre-feet in 1955^ and 3^930 in 1956. -75- In a previous paragraph^ it has been pointed out that there frequently are other periods than the summer months of July, August, and September, when accretions are of importance. From the standpoint of users of water from the lower San Joaquin River and its tributaries, these periods would be the spring months of March, April, May, and June. The quantity of accretions available during these months is particularly important in drought years, or in drj.' iTionths of other years. At such times, runoff due to precipi- tation and snowmelt is generally significantly deficient. In- spection of records of stream flow in the San Joaquin River near Newman, Grayson, and Vernalis indicates spring periods in the past v/hen such conditions occurred. Upstream from the junction with the Tuolumne River, accretions in the spring months are generally of Importance in practically all years due to diminished main stream flows stemming from the operation of conservation storage. This condition has occurred somewhat regularly since 19^7 as well as in known drought years prior to that date. However, in 1952, 1956, and 1958j years of abnormal runoff, spill from the upstream storage works combined with local runoff, provided ample quantities of main stream flow for dilution of local drainage. Tuolumne and Stanislaus Rivers often provide ample quantities of water for beneficial uses In the portion of the area downstream from Grayson, even in years when the water supply in the region between Grayson and Dos Palos Is deficient in quantity. The establishment of additional stream gaging stations, providing the more complete geographical coverage of the area, has resulted In the conclusion that between 19^5 and 1958, low flow -76- conditions in the entire stream system existed only during five years; 194?. 1948, 1953. 1955, and 1957. Prior to 19^5, the knov/n drought years were 1930, 1931, 1933, 1934, and 1939. -77- CHAPTER IV. WATER QUALITY The mineral quality of surface and ground waters In the Lower San Joaquin Valley area varies considerably from place to place and time to time, but generally is suitable for most beneficial uses. However, poor quality ground waters occur in certain areas and surface water quality is degraded at times when natural runoff is less than required for dilution of return waters containing higher concentrations of salts. Water Quality Criteria In all activities dealing with measurement and observa- tion of physical data, there must be a yardstick or standard by which the observer, planner, and user can judge or classify the information gathered. With regard to water quality, the problem becomes one of determining whether or not the water is suitable for the anticipated use. This investigation is concerned primarily with the use of water for irrigation. Criteria for the mineral quality of irrigation water have been developed at the University of California at Davis and at the Regional Salinity Laboratory of the United States Department of Agriculture. Because of diverse climatological conditions and the variation in crops and soils in California, only general limits of quality for irrigation waters, as given in the follow- ing tabulation, can be suggested. -79- QUALITATIVE CLASSIFICATION OF IRRIGATION WATERS Class 3 Injurious to unsatisfactory Chemical properties Class 1 excellent to good Class 2 good to Injurious Specific electrical Less than 1000 1000 conductance, in micromhos at 25°C - 3000 More than 3000 Total dissolved solidSj in ppm Chlorides, in ppm Sodium, in percent of Less than 60 60 base constituents Less than 700 700 - 2000 More than 2000 Less than 175 175 - 350 More than 350 75 More than 75 Boron, In ppm Less than 0.5 0.5 - 2.0 More than 2.0 These criteria are subject to limitations in actual practice. In many instances a water may be wholly unsuitable for irrigation under certain conditions of use, and yet be satisfactory under other circumstances . Additional physical factors such as soil permeability, drainage, temperature, humidity, rainfall, and other similar conditions can alter materially the response of a crop to a particular quality of water. Specific electrical conductance (denoted in Tables l4-27 as ECxlO") is a chemical property of a given water providing an approximate measure of the quantity of total dissolved solids (TDS) in solutions containing mineral matter. This determination is simple and inexpensive and the measured values of electrical con- ductance are a very useful index to the classification of water supplies. Throughout the investigational area, total dissolved solids, expressed in parts per million, usually range from 55 to 70 percent of the "conductivity" (as it is often referred to) expressed in micromhos. -80- Chlorides (Cl) are considered to be among the most troublesome anions found in irrigation water supplies. At certain levels of concentration, chlorides are toxic to most plants and therefore are an important consideration in classifying waters for use in irrigation. The determination of the quantity of chlorides contained in a water supply is relatively simple and accurate in modern laboratory practice. P For many years, leading agricultural experts have used the measure known as "percent sodium" (fj Na) to identify waters which might induce the undesirable characteristics associated with alkali soils. V/hen irrigation water containing an overabundance of sodium ions is applied to soils containing exchangeable calcium and magnesium ions, these ions tend to be replaced by the sodium. Continued application of such water could cause the soil to be impaired in both tilth and permeability. The effects indicated by the percent sodium, the percentage relationship of the sodium con- centration to the total cation concentration, are generally minor until the percentage rises considerably above 50 percent. Boron (b) is found in almost all waters used for irriga- tion in this area. While minute traces of boron are essential for plant growth, many plants are very sensitive to boron and even small concentrations, barely in excess of the tolerance level, may produce plant injury. Plants vary in their sensitivity to boron, and in classifying waters according to their boron content, the tolerance of the crop to v^hich the water is to be applied should be considered. General objectives of the collection of v/ater quality data during this investigation were: (l) the determination of -81- quality of surface Inflow to^ and outflov/ from, the Lower San Joaquin Valley; (2) determination of the effect of the quality of water on lands served; and (3) the evaluation of factors affecting water quality. To these ends, discussion of the mineral quality of water supplies In the area is presented under three headings covering surface water, ground water, and sewage and industrial wastes. Tabular data on water quality, as given herein^ are gener- ally arithmetical average values for the location considered. Detailed data concerning the quality of water supplies in this area are available in the files of the department. Other records of surface water analyses may be found in reports by the Department of Water Resources (12) (22) (25) and the United States Bureau of Reclamation (62). Surface Water Monthly records of v;ater quality of streams in the valley floor portion of the investigation area are available for most streams since 1938. Occasional analyses were made prior to that time. The quality of water entering the valley floor from the mountain drainage area has been, since 1951 ^ measured monthly on the major streams, except for the Stanislaus River, on which sam- pling began in 1956. Data for minor streams has been obtained at Irregular intervals for many years. The locations of water quality sampling points used in the investigation are shown on Plate 3. To assist in visualizing the variation in quality and stream flow in the San Joaquin River channel, schematic drawings of these conditions are presented as Plates 9 and 10. The quality of water is shown on the plates in tv;o forms: (l) as total dis- solved solids in parts per million, defined by the width of the -82- color bandj and (2) as total tonnage of salts at significant points. These plates are pictorial in nature and only relative quantitative values are shov/n. Exact values and mathematical equalities at or between particular points cannot be attained through scaling since quantities of return water and minor diver- sions could not be shown^ although their aggregate effect is evident . These schematic drawings are included in this report to illustrate quality conditions under two general types of flow as they have occurred in recent years, that is, conditions during a summer month in a relatively dry year, and conditions during a spring month in an above-normal year. The months selected for the purposes of illustration were July 1955 and April 1956. For purposes of discussion, the quality of surface xvaters has been separated into six categories: east side streams, west side streams above the valley floor, imported surface waters, valley floor tributaries, the main stream of the San Joaquin River, and vjaters diverted for use in the cooperating districts. East Side Streams Waters of streams on the east side of the valley are a calcium bicarbonate type, with low total solids and boron concen- trations. There has been little Industrial or agricultural water utilization in the upper watersheds to alter the mineral quality of water in these streams at the points where they enter the valley floor. As the streams cross the valley floor, the waters are degraded by return flows to a greater or lesser degree. A summary of the average quality of water in these streams, together -83- with the maximum and minimum observed mineral content, is presented in Table l4 for three time periods. These periods include, respec- tively^ all available records prior to 1951 (generally the 1938- 1950 period), 1951 through 195^, and 1955 through 1959. These periods were selected for several reasons: (l) prior to 1951 there was no systematic collection of records of quality of inflow, as well as outflow, to and from the valley floor; (2) the period 1951-5^ represents the years of adjustment to the present status of water conservation development; and (3) the period 1955-59? the years covered by the investigation, represents present conditions of water supply and use. Stanislaus River . Records of the quality of Stanislaus River Inflow to the valley floor are available since June 1956. These, plus occasional samples taken prior to that time, shov/ the water to be of excellent quality. Quality of water in the Stanislaus River at the mouth is slightly degraded due to return waters. The average quality at the mouth during the period 1951 through 195^ was slightly better than that of the period 19^6-50 while the average for the period 1955-59 was poorer than for either of the preceding periods. Although the flow of the Stanislaus River at the mouth during the summer consists essentially of return water, the quality lies v;lthln Class 1. Winter floods and spring snowmelt flows shov/ little degradation in crossing the valley. Tuolumne River . Inflow to the valley floor has been sampled once a month since 1951. There is no substantial differ- ence in average quality of water for the periods before and after the close of 195^. Samples collected throughout I906 by the -84- c ^00 oot-o OJ1>-0 t~o OJVO cno rH OrH OJ 000 •H PP • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I-H 000 000 000 000 000 •H vo ro^ c\Lr\o OJCO CO OJ i>-o U iH • ■ • cH • • C7N0O • o^ nH t-- V.O OCVI OJ CVI Lr\ P-, G^ • • i-i W rovD VD^ LP> t-rH 0Ot--0J 1 rP CO CX5 int- ■^ cr\-:^ OJ^ rH OMr-Ln ^ f-OJ LPl r, Q mb-cvi t-'. rH OJ Lr\ L'A «j Eh iH G^ Cl4 iH • • • • V.0 cvi o^^- LPiO i>- COON^ Ln LTvOJ OD^ 00 rH-^ ro»^ iH t-OOI^- I>-=J- OJ H OJ OJ f ^ OJ w •\ • • X t-'. § MD i^O o-)CO covo b-^ •H m 000 rH 000 OJ rH • • • • • • • • • • • •H • • 000 000 000 000 00 g CO CVI 000 ic\Qir\ rHOJ W fn H •OJ 'r-\ \r~oo • • & H —J -:d- rH r-i ^ Ln H p: U^ a < K C\ • • CO B "il , — : ii CI P > 1 p CO CnO LA mb-o oooco rH rH LTv M cq H i-H !h •Q ro OJ OJ OJ 000000 ^CO OJ E-i H K L-^ rt Eh rH O) OJ LP> < r:: a\ P-. ?^ E-i r=; H Ph H pi 1-1 LTkrH rH^CO vo 0-=}- rHOJ LA O P O' H CO CD LT* ^ LHrH OCO li^ COVO OJ H < W ,-! 01 r-\ ^CO r-\ >H 0:3 O k t Eh "^ •• •••• H &H c 1-^ CO S rH < < < •H n 1 1 1 rHOOO D W CO iH 1 1 1 • • • C-' I-! 1 1 i 000 v^ W tH •H • • ^:i < s LPi g < P-. Eh C^ OOt—fO OJ OJ i-H f-i 1-! • rH • t-vo • w r--. t- HOO s t^ a M M -P ■ • t^ rv^ c^ ^ S •H PL, CO Q Eh ino OJ OJ OJ ro rH OJ 01 OJ 00 OJ U^ P-, 'Vd 1 1 1 vDvo ir\ T-\ 1 1 1 OJ rH LTv ,, 1 1 1 rot^ ^ s >» B rt •p a > 5=: Ph Q •H Q c •H a K Q > u Ph •H •H U p ^ ^ a 3 s s -p s e CD g S g s s •H cr S E -p rt fcj p :3 3 co P 3 a, to P P P MP 2 jx; ta p P CO t-H rH ai c S ctf s s c cd S H rH Cd E H x: 0! s E CO iH Ph -H -H S in -ri -H p C !^ -r^ -r^ Ph -H -H T3 Ph -H -H •H 13 >< C X c p X C P X C X X c c Eh > Cd -H Ph > n5 -H rH Q > nJ -H Eh > CO -H W > OJ -H cfl < s; s cd < S S < ss r-i O P H H K W >H CO J Eh S w H Eh H < i-:i COD E-i < CO r^ 1^ \-i\-\M g; (X K Pm Eh pq O pq o o O rH W w -p u PL, n o O H m o vo o w o •H ■P cti JJ CO (D r' •H -P C o o Sh > •H K O o in O O OJ o O CM O OOO o O ooo • • • • • • • • • o o o o o o ooo vooo o ,-100 o o in iH O^ CM 1^ iHOD LOi VD CACO i>-o en rH OO c^CM in rH CVICO OO C\J ro Lnooi>- roco LTA OOb- OOVX) CM LPvOOt- rH OO LPiH O O OOO • • • OOO rH CMOD rH I^~0 OOnH-rt M OJ OJVO LA CM 00 OOVO O OOO • • • OOO CM l>- • O CM OOCM ^^ CM ■H OO 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 O W c •H > CD g s a) to r^ p -p a C s CO ^ •H •H w c u > «5 •H a ■=i: S (^ 0) S 0) > •H C3 O O o 0) -p •H CO P kJ o -p < •H ■ > cS < S U > O to Ph G O ■P rH QJ S OJ C3 S P !h -H (U in > CO cd< SS •H •H -86- United States Geological Survey, Indicate that total dissolved solids averaged 7^ parts per million, three times the average con- centration since 1951. No apparent reason for this discrepancy- can be ascertained. Records of quality at the mouth of the Tuolumne River are available since 1938. Though the quality at the foothill line is better than that of the Stanislaus and Merced Rivers, this difference is reversed at the mouth of the Tuolumne River. In comparing the averages presented in Table l4 for the three streams at their mouths it is noted that, for each period, the total dis- solved solids concentration in the v/aters of the Tuolumne River is about twice that of the others. The average chloride concentration at the mouth of the Tuolumne River is over three times the average concentration in the Merced River for the period prior to 1951 and between 1951-5^^ and over five times the average for the period 1955-59. As com- pared to the Stanislaus River, the chloride concentration is ten times the average prior to 1951 and fifteen times the average since 1951. From Table l4 it is also noted that the average concen- trations of total dissolved solids at the mouth Increase in each successive time period. An exception to this general condition is the average boron concentration, v;hich is quite small and well within acceptable limits. Comparison of quality records secured at an intermediate station located near VJaterford, above most of the developed area for the periods 1951-54 and 1955-59, indicates that the quality of water during the latter period is slightly Improved over that -87- of the former. The conclusion resulting from this condition is that the continuing decrease in quality is occurring downstream from V/aterford. Since 1953^ waters at the mouth have been more frequently in Class 2 during the irrigation months. Merced River . Quality of v;ater records for inflow to the valley floor from the Merced River have been collected once a month since 1951. Little change is noted in the averages for the periods before and after December 195^j and the quality has been excellent at all times. Records of quality at the mouth of the Merced River are available since 193^. Comparison of the values presented in Table l4 indicate that the quality improved during the 1951-195^ periodj but subsequent increases in concentration have resulted in a slightly poorer average quality of water. However, waters of Merced River remain in Class 1 for irrigation. Chowchilla and Fresno Rivers . Continuous records of quality in these streams have been obtained monthly since January 1958^ at points above the valley floor. Only flood flows from these streams reach the San Joaquin River and, in the late summer months of many years, significant flow is absent in the upper reaches of the streams. During the irrigation season, portions of the reaches in the valley floor serve as conveyance channels for waters supplied from the Madera Canal. This water is either diverted for use or percolates to ground water and no flow exists in the lower reaches adjacent to the San Joaquin River. The quality of waters in both streams is generally within the limits of Class 1. Minor East Side Streams Above the Valley Floor . There are only a few analyses available of waters from minor east side -88- streams. These streams are Bear, Owens, Burns, Mariposa, and Little Dry Creeks. Single samples shov; the first four to be calcium-magnesium bicarbonate waters with total dissolved solids less than 310 parts per million, low chlorides, and almost no boron. A sample from Little Dry Creek near Friant, taken in March 1958^ shov\red it to be a bicarbonate water v/ith about equal con- centration of the calcium, magnesium, and sodium ions. Total dissolved solids v;ere 204 parts per million and boron 0.l4 parts per million. Flov/ in these streams is dependent almost entirely on rainfall . I West Side Streams Above the Valley Floor The quality of water on the west side of the Lov;er San Joaquin Valley varies from stream to stream and with stream stage. I The west side streams are generally intermittent and natural flov/s occur only during the rainy months. No continuous records of quality exist, but sufficient analyses are available to indicate the prevailing quality in all but the smallest streams. Table 15 lists these streams, together with average values for the principal constituents indicative of water quality. Variations of the quality of water in these streams are discussed in the following paragraphs. Corral Hollow Creek . This stream is Intermittent and flows reach the San Joaquin River only during extremely high flood stages. The significant quality characteristic is the high boron content (3.2 parts per million). Because of the boron content, the average quality of water in this stream lies in Class 3 for agricultural use. A sample collected in February 1957 indicated a boron content of 7-2 parts per million. » k -89- Del Puerto Creek . Del Puerto Creek is one of the few v;est side streams with a channel actually extending from the foot- hills to the San Joaquin River. Natural flov/ beyond the foothills usually ceases before the irrigation season. The quality of native water in Del Puerto Creek is Class 2, because of its boron content (l.O parts per million). During the summer months, flow in the reach between the crossing with the Delta-Mendota Canal and the creek mouth is entirely comprised of irrigation return v/ater. Orestimba Creek . This is the largest of the west side streams and the only one in which natural flow is continuously gaged. The water is mainly calcium- magnesium bicarbonate in type. During high stages, the quality is such that the waters are Class 1 for agricultural use. Higher concentrations of total dissolved solids and boron reduce the quality to Class 2 at times of low flov;. Summer flow between the foothills and the mouth, east of Crows Landing, is comprised of irrigation return water. Garzas Creek . Only five analyses of water from Garzas Creek are available. The water of this stream is mainly calcium- magnesium bicarbonate in type and is in Class 1 for irrigation use. Quinto Creek . Waters of Quinto Creek have about an equal balance of calcium, magnesium, and sodium. Bicarbonates are the predominant anions v;ith an approximate balance between sulfates and chlorides. During flood stages, the quality is Class 1, but as the flov/ decreases the quality frequently is lov;ered as far as Class 3 because of higher concentrations of boron. Romero Creek . Analyses of the few available samples of the waters of Romero Creek at the foothill line indicate that they are Class 2 in quality at lov/ creek stages. Analyses of a sample -90- TABLE 15 AVERAGE MINERAL CUALITY OF V/ATER IN WEST SIDE STREAMS ABOVE THE VALLEY FLOOR IN THE LOWER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY ; j'i- EC , 10^ : Pa: rts p er mill ion / : ,/- — — ■— Stream : : TDS : Cl : B : SO4V : Na Corral Hollov/ Creek 1 .245 822 93 3.2 289 44 Del Puerto Creek 975 613 31 1.0 156 2ll Orestimba Creek 581 364 19 0.56 101 23 Garzas Creek 569 349 26 0.34 82 23 Quinto Creek 896 548 89 1.64 86 33 San Luis Creek 495 293 48 0.28 38 36 Los Banos Creek 489 330 41 0.57 46 32 Little Panoche Creek 3 ,155 1.850 779 9.0 245 58 Panoche Creek 4 ,216 3.320 240 5.0 1.890 44 a/ Sulfate taken at the headv/aters indicated a chloride concentration of 355 parts per million and a boron concentration of 3.4 parts per million V7hich would place these waters in Class 3. San Luis Creek . Mineral analyses of the v/aters show the quality to be in Class 1. The water has about an equal balance of calcium^ macnesiumj and sodium^ v/ith bicarbonate as the predominant anion and chlorides and sulfates approximately balanced. The total dissolved solid concentrations are moderate, chlorides lov\r, and boron less than 0.5 part per million. Los Banos Creek. Waters in Los Banos Creek are generally within the limits of Class 1. Calcium, magnesium, and sodium are approximately equal in concentration with bicarbonate the predom- inant anion. Total dissolved solids concentrations are moderate, -91- chlorides are lowj and boron generally is less than 1.0 part per million, except under conditions of very low flov;, when boron con- centrations as high as 2.2 parts per million have been reported. Little Panoche Creek . Waters of this creek are poor and generally unfit for irrigation use at lov; flov/s. Analyses of the waters when flow is about 10 second-feet indicate that the quality improves as the discharge Increases. Records secured during 1930, and since 1952, show that total dissolved solids, chlorides, and boron generally are excessive in amount. Maximum concentrations have been 3^820, 1,770, and 17 parts per million, respectively. Percent sodium and sulfate concentrations are also high. Panoche Creek . Records secured during 1930, and since 1952, indicate that this water generally is unfit for irrigation use at low flows and lies in Class 2 at flows of five second-feet or more. Maximum recorded concentrations are: total dissolved solids, 7^320 parts per million; chlorides, 720 parts per million; and boron, 13 parts per million. Sulfate is the dominating anion and sodium the predominant cation. The sulfate concentration has been reported as high as 4,050 parts per million. Imported Surface Waters As stated in Chapter II, there are two major imports of water to the area of investigation. One of these is water entering; the area via Fresno Slough, and the other is water brought into the area via the Delta-Mendota Canal. A minor import enters the area from the south through Panoche Drain. -92- Fresno Slough . No analyses of v;ater entering the area through Fresno Slough are available. Hov/ever, only extreme floods bring viater into Fresno Slough and since this flood water stems from the Kings River, which contains excellent quality water at flood stagesj it can be assumed that the quality of waters imported via Fresno Slough approximates that of the Kings River. Flows occurring since 19^^!- in Fresno Slough are listed in Table 6 of Chapter II. Delta-Mendota Canal . As described in Chapter II of this report, the greater portion of water in this canal is used to replace San Joaquin River water which formerly supplied diversions made from the Mendota Pool. A smaller portion of the v;ater is delivered to users along the length of canal. Because of the significance of this canal as a source of v;ater supply, a quality sampling station was established at the head of the canal, adjacent to the Tracy Pumping Plant, on July 1, 1955^ and operated daily until October 31:, 1959. In addition, the quality of v;ater diverted to the canal was sampled monthly at the intake to Tracy Pumping Plant and at the terminus since July 1952. Table l6 lists average, maximum, and minimum quality values for these locations both before and after December 195^. From the data in Table l6, it appears that quality differences betv/een the mean values for each of the periods shovm are small. However, about six times the number of analyses are available for the latter period than for the earlier period and a greater weight should be given to the 1955-59 values. Most of the maximum values listed are from samples taken during v/inter months when no regular diversion from the Sacramento-San Joaquin -93- TABLE 16 MINERAL QUALITY OF WATER IMPORTED TO THE LOV/ER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY BY THE DELTA-MENDOTA CANAL : July 1952 - December 195^: 1955-1959 Station : EC ^: Parts per million:?^ : EC ^: Parts per million :^S :x 10°: TDS : CI : B . :Na :x 10^: TDS : CI : B :Na Near Tracy Average Maximum Minimum Near Mendota Average Maximum Minimum 548 284 878 459 223 100 688 325 1,630 452 207 150 89 0.20 50 522 300 153 0.52 60 1,110 643 24 0.01 39 132 81 94 0.26 51 6o4 343 165 0.71 62 1,220 654 22 0.00 38 62 l44 85 0.22 48 258 1.10 67 16 0.00 37 89 0.18 50 245 0.82 67 2 0.00 30 Delta is taking place. The 1952-54 maximum values near Tracy are from waters in the intake channel connecting the Delta with the pumping plant. Maximum values, except for boron, for the period 1955-59j at the head of the canal near Tracy, occurred during the summer of 1959 when diversions were substantial. The maximum value for boron was obtained in January 1958, near Tracy, and in February 1955^ near Mendota. The quality of water at the terminus of the canal, near Mendota, appears to be degraded slightly as compared to that at the point of diversion. The addition of irrigation return voters to the canal, increased concentrations resulting from evaporation from the 113-niile length of water surface, and probable effluent ground water seepage in unllned canal sections may account for the increase in mineral concentration in discharge to the Mendota -94- I I Pool. This increase is substantiated by continuous records of mean daily total dissolved solids available for both the head and the terminus of the canal . Ouallty of water at both stations generally has been within the limits of Class 1 during the irrigation season; however, during the 1959 season the quality fell to Class 2 for portions of July, August, and September. During the fall and winter months, the quality has generally been within either Class 1 or 2. The percent sodium as measured at each station has been, with few exceptions, below 60. Again, the exceptions occurred in the summer of 1959 and during the fall and winter months. A detailed graphical presentation of the daily variation in quality at the head and terminus of the Delta-Mendota Canal, since June 1951j ^3.y be found in "Reports of Operations, Division of Irrigation and Power", Region 2, United States Bureau of Recla- mation (62). These graphs, compiled from sallnometer records, depict the total dissolved solid concentrations. Panoche Drain . The Delta-Mendota Canal, and the Main and Outside canals of the Central California Irrigation District, have served as barriers to drainage of return waters from areas to the south. In 1958, an outlet from the Panoche area, generally called the "Panoche Drain", into the upper (southern) grasslands area, was completed. Waters draining from the Panoche area are highly concen- trated from a quality standpoint and are unusable for beneficial purposes. Samples of the water in Panoche Drain have been taken with increasing frequency since March 1957; average and maximum values of the principal chemical properties of the water are listed below: -95- Average Maximum value value Specific ponductancej EC X 10^ 4,683 8,110 Total dissolved solids, ppm 3.615 6,367 Chlorides, ppm 926 1.979 Boron, ppm 8.3 12.8 Sulfates, ppm 1,268 2,058 Percent sodium 62 65 There are a few analyses of other drainage waters in the Panoche area available. These analyses indicate that most of the drainage waters in this area are of similar poor quality. For the purposes of this investigation, these waters are considered as "imported" waters, since they di-ain into the investi- gation area. Only a small quantity of water is involved and, con- sidering the complex and flat drainage system, the great distance which the water must travel, and the high rate of evaporation prev- alent in the area, it is doubtful that this drainage water reaches the San Joaquin River in identifiable form. Valley Floor Tributaries Accretions or flow to the major streams from valley floor drainage occur at many points. The channels containing runoff and return flows are primarily those listed in Table 12 (Chapter III). The locations of the stream channels are shown on Plate 3- Records of the quality of these waters prior to 1955. are, for the most part, fragmentary, since most analyses were made as the situation required. Records up to and including the fall of 1959, are available in the files of the department. The locations of points sampled are shoi^m on Plate 3. -96- Most analyses are for samples of v/aters entering the lower San Joaquin River directly. Outside the area served by waters diverted from the Mendota Pool, only a few samples of waters tribu- tary to other streams on the valley floor have been taken. The primary reason for the paucity of data Is that there has been little concern about these waters other than their Influence on the quality of water In the San Joaquin River belov/ Dos Palos. Accordingly, discussion of the quality of valley tributary flows is confined, for the most part, to flows entering the main channel of the San Joaquin River and to drainage from the area south of Los Banos and west of Mendota. Since the quality of these waters is more sig- nificant with regard to the major stream, or stream reach, to v;hich they are tributary, rather than on an individual basis, they are discussed in this manner in the following paragraphs. Tributaries of the Stanislaus, Tuolumne, and Merced Rivers. Plows tributary to the three principal streams, with the exception of flows in three drainage channels entering the Tuolumne River have not been sampled or analyzed for quality characteristics. Drainage waters entering these three streams below the lov/ermost gaging station have, for purposes of computation, been included in reaches of the San Joaquin River, Of the three flows tributary to the Tuolumne River above the gaging station at Tuolumne City, for v/hich analyses are avail- able, one is classed as sewage and is discussed in the final section of this chapter. The second is Dry Creek, a tributary entering at the City of Modesto. Available analyses of Dry Creek shov; the waters to be of good quality. -97- The third flov/ consists of saline waters spilled to the Tuolumne River from gas v/ells in the vicinity of Modesto and Waterford. These waters have been discharged to the Tuolumne River for more than ten years. A number of samples have been taken of these waters since 1955j and all analyses shov/ them to be in Class 3. For the most part^ these flows are unsuitable for irrigation use because of excessive chloride concentrations, ranging from 484 to 10,400 parts per million. Discussion of the effect of these discharges on the Tuolumne River is contained in the following chapter. San Joaquin River-Dos Palos to Fremont Ford o Continuous records of the quality of the largest streams tributary to this reach. Salt Slough and Bear Creek, are available since 194?. Table 17 lists average, maximum, and minimum values for selected constituents of these streams for the periods 1948-1950, 1951-1954, and 1955-1959. Included in the figures are analyses of winter flows which can consist of drainage, effluent ground water, runoff, or a mixture from all three sources. From inspection of Table 17, it can be noted that the average quality of water in Salt Slough is generally Class 2. The quality varies throughout the year in a rather definite pattern. During the spring and summer months, quality generally ranges from Class 1 to Class 2; while in the fall and winter months, when there is no flood runoff, the quality is usually Class 2, but occasionally deteriorates to Class 3. Since the channel drains a large saline and alkaline area (the "Grasslands"), which has a high water table, the quality of water naturally reflects the Influence of salts leached from these lands. -98- S ^ Hi^ W>H K W W W CclvJ Eh O h^ < < fin W S I>- o pq H iH D !>< QO" W B S< ^q H < O FQ J ^^ < < K Eh ^,o S o^-a: O CO ^q^J • MD O O rH H • • X rH a> c c 03 r: o o PQ ra o !h CO - o o C^ o CM in CM r-i ro o O CO o •=i- 1 1 o CM 1 1 1 CM o rH CTv CP> OO rH ^ -=f o in CO o t- VD r-f r^ CM KJ •H < s s si: o •H > P CO Sh a c (D a) < S OO CO B i •H •H -99- When irrigation of agricultural lands in the Central California Irrigation District and San Luis Canal Company service areas takes place, a considerable volume of drainage water flows into Salt Slough and dilutes the existing effluent ground water. Additionally, in the fall, when these lands are flooded for use as nesting areas for v;ildfowl, water used to flood the land washes the surface salts into the slough. There appears to be no great difference in average quality between the periods 19^8-1950^ and 195I-I954, although data for the latter period indicates a slight improvement in quality. The quality for the period 1955-1959^ however, definitely is poorer than during the preceding periods, although there is no immediately apparent reason for the decrease in quality. The quality of the waters in Bear Creek at its mouth is somewhat better than those from Salt Slough and generally falls in Class 1 throughout the period of record, viith little change in quality during the twelve-year span. Flows stem mainly from the Merced Irrigation District, and consist of drainage derived from Merced River waters applied for irrigation. Consequently,, the average quality is quite good. The occasional high values sho;\ni in Table 17 do not originate in waters from the district service area. Like Salt Slough, the channel of Bear Creek, after leaving the Merced area, passes through a saline-alkaline area and, at times of low flow, carries drainage and effluent ground v/aters from these lands. This generally occurs in the late summer and fall. A third stream tributary to this reach is the Stevinson Water District Spill. V/ater in this drain has been sampled -100- regularly during the irrigation season since 1955. Data are not available, however, for the remainder of the year as no flow is carried In the channel. The quality of water in this drain, while degraded in comparison to its source, the Merced River, is quite good. Average irrigation season water quality values are specific conductance, 210 micromhos; total dis- solved solids, l45 parts per million; chlorides, 6 parts per million; and boron, 0.06 part per million. Data on the quality of flows in other and smaller channels are meager. However, it is doubtful that water from those drains upstream from Bear Creek reaches the San Joaquin River below Fremont Ford in significant or measurable quantities. San Joaquin River- Fremont Ford to Newman . The only significant tributary channel in this reach is the Newman Wasteway of the Delta-Mendota Canal. The major portion of the flow discharged from the wasteway is effluent ground water, with high concentrations of sulfate and boron, characteristic of shallow west side ground waters. Maximum concentrations found were sulfate, 556 parts per million and boron, 1.5 parts per million. Average quality of the waters is specific con- ductance, 1,700 micromhos; total dissolved solids, 1,100 parts per million; chlorides. l80 parts per million; and boron, 1.0 part per million. San Joaquin River-Newman to Grayson . Tributary waters in this reach have been sampled and analyzed since 1933, but with greater regularity since 19^5- The number of analyses available are sufficient to evaluate long terra trends in quality, although -101- occasional periods occurred when samples v^ere not collected. The quality of water In the principal tributary streams is listed in Table l8. Table 19 presents data on v/ater quality in the minor tributaries. Waters spilled from the Turlock Irrigation District laterals account for between 30 and 50 percent of the flow entering this reach. This water stems from return flows from surface diversions, ground water pumpage for drainage control and, in the case of Lateral 5, sewage from the City of Turlock. The quantity from each source varies considerably in magnitude. Consequently, the quality of water at the mouths of the Turlock Laterals is subject to large variations with time. To account for this varia- tion, daily sampling stations were established on two of these canals at various times during the investigation. The first station was at the Turlock Lateral 6 and 7 Drain, and v/as operated between July 1, 1955^ and November 17, 1956. A second station was established at the mouth of Turlock Lateral 5 for the period March 1, 1959^ to October 31:, 1959. In addition, samples were taken from each tributary canal during the irrigation season throughout the period of investigation. Irrespective of the frequency of sampling, the general quality characteristics of these waters are the same as for other tributary channels in which flow occurs beyond the irrigation season, i.e., the best quality of v;ater occurs in the spring, and the poorest quality occurs in the late fall and v/inter. V/ith the exception of the period from 1951 to 195^ ^or Lateral 2, the water in the Turlock Canals has been sampled since 1933. Again, vjith exception of Lateral 2, there has been -102- c o i>-o O o^o o CO O O CMO O CM.;}- O •H pq iH^ O o cno O CM O rHOOO 00-=}- rH i-H • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •H ,, O rHO ooo OOO OOO OOO S O 0-CJ f-VO o vo ovo O OJ^ LPvOJ t- 0^ !^ rH 0M>- UPi aM>-:t VOOO OJ OOCTNrH ooco^ in (D O OJ iH CMVO rH o^ a nH • • CO O t^OJ OJ OCO rH inoo 0^rH C7^ VO O CM Ln p CO OCX) o O OJVO OOO-^ ^-OJ CTN ovo CO LP\ fH Q ^ ONOJ ^VO H OO^ H HOO h-rH in o> CO Eh •\ rH Pn iH "vo" ^ ovo LPvO OJ CO^ CM OOCJNOO ^ O CM o cnvo^ cnjiit o VO^^ CM OJ OJ O CM O O rH vovo oo vo o C^O LAD— Ln OJ LTVrH CMVO CO w •s •\ •N »\ X rH rH rH CM c CO^ rH ^VO H o o o o OOO 1 1 1 CO •H pq • • • • e • 1 1 1 g rH o o o ooo s •g cr\o t:-- ^ O CM t--0 (J\ Eh OD^VO rH cncn ^ oovo W LPi 0) rH H rH f O CM LA K K C^ ft 8^ iH •• 1 CO o^^-vo VDCO^ CO O CM v-:i H S •-^ -p CO 0>rHVO rH OVO O^ CM fe cr: O ir\ U Q cvi mc\J OO^ ,H t>-moo CO (T\ a tn •\ >HS >H rH (L, H • • • • VO ooo cno o VO O O ^^ CO 1>-^ LAO I>- >o P w 0) •% •* •^ CO >-D s X t3 H rH W iH ^:i < •H < S c CO ^ Ph < S o cvj Lni^ rH ir\lC\ ,H O LA ^A H CO < •H pq ■p rHCVJ O iH^ O ,H CM O 1 1 1 1 1 1 FQ o S iH CO • • • • • • • • • 1 1 1 1 1 1 < s w :3 T-i rH CO ooo OOO OOO Eh H ffi M LPi •H • • W K Eh S CTN £ CL, iH ^ o cu vo O en 00 ^-H LOiO OJ OJ o Lr\ o s U rH o^^ CTNLnOJ vo CA^ t>-co ^ OJ oo feEH W O Q) O rHOJ oo CM CM cr\ O W t>lK Eh -P ft ?H CO CM O O h-O O o ooo OJ O^ vo ovo &H< W o ■p CO LPkrH Cr\ vo OOLPi vovo 00 CO [>-V0 CO O C7N H Eh cq •H u Q ^oo^IH C>OCO rH OO^ OJ CM D- VO rH rH iJ D !^ a Eh •» < m CU CL, CM 5,^-* .. .. ©"p:: vo oo o o OOO ooo LOiO O Eh o -P ^-o o I>-rHCO OOOO-:;!- VO O O 1 1 1 k:i O iH o vo [>-0O tr-rooj vo [^^ LOiLAOJ 1 1 1 g W •H •\ •^ *\ X u rH rH rH w -p s CO <— ^ H •H t^ ., — » s \, Q C O o oo O? '^ •H ^-^ c *— X •^ rH d -P T) CTn •H CO H CO S S rH CO S S M CO £ S iH CO 6 £ rH CO -H O > CO -H -P > CO -H CD > CO -H c U -H -H o ■P< s s -P < s s o < S S •P < s s CO 0) X c rH CO CO CD CO •H > CO 'H U 1-q 1-q IS ^A > -103- 00 <: c o ■H pq rH i-\ •H • • S 5h rH 0> (D O in a (j\ • • H w 1 •p CO LPl ?H Q UA 05 Eh CT\ PL. H • • •• UD O U rH W X C O •H pq nH fH •H • • S fn H ^ CD o -Pi ft cr^ • • i-H CO 1 p w rH fn p -Pv k5 &H cy> CL, H • • • • VD O O iH W .. ^. c o •H pq rH H rH ■H • • LTl S CTN H !h H O O a ■P CO • ■ u p CO o u Q •H a EH !h cu PM • • •• VO o O iH W • • • • • • H-^ o C -Ci -H d C-P ct5 nj oj id o o o iH -iH LPl •H W P X 5h O 03 •H +J CO U i S bog 03 S iH -H -H X d > 03 -H o o o a^^-o^ • • • rH OJ O ^ inoj ^ rHV£> lAt—OJ rH O O 00 rH CO ^ O-cJ- ■N -^ •* OJ rOrH o o o moj LPl 00 VO rH •\ •N •\ rOLACM -p — > o O •H no ?H ^ P m H •H P c G fn 03 r: ■P o CO IS c H c 05 o !h CO Q u p H p H 03 H Pu 6 S MP 3 05 S S ?H -H -H X c > 05 "H 0>0D O OJ t--o • • • o o o V£) O OJ CO rOOJ HOT CO LP, CM mLP\i>- CTlrH b- l>-MD OJ I I I I I I J:t OO OOrH OJ rH OO ^ O O O OOLO ^ t-rH ino o t>-0 CJ^ m ^1 o o -p u l-\ p B hO 3 03 S U nH X > 05 cC SS m -p 05 rH 05 OJ rH 03 Eh CO CO •H CO •p c 03 •H -i c -d p 03 o •H -d C •H c o •H -P 05 O o > •104- essentially no change in quality of water throughout the 27-year period 1933-1959. Records of Lateral 2 for the period 1955-1959 Indicate a quality of i;ater which is better than that which existed before 1951. The quality of v/ater in the four canals draining to the river has been in Class 1 during the irrigation season. Occasionally, in the late fall, the quality of water has fallen as lov/ as Class 2. VJater in Vivian Slough has been sampled since 19^8, with no significant change in quality being noted over the years. This v/ater is typical of the return flow emanating from the saline- alkaline lands west of the Turlock Irrigation District. As a result of contact v/ith these soils, the quality of water in Vivian Slough is, on the average, in Class 2 and occasionally in Class 3. The waters are characterized by higher concentrations of total salts and chlorides than other similar return flows. The Turlock Garden Drain originates in the same saline- alkaline land as Vivian Slough and v\fas sampled frequently betvjeen 1943 and 1951. During this period, the average quality of v;ater fell in Class 3 because of high chloride content (420 parts per million). The drain was sampled twice in 1956, at which time specific conductances were found to be 2,470 and 1,940 micromhos; and the chloride concentration v;as 034 and 47!? parts per million, respectively. West of the river, the quality of tributary flows ranges from Class 1 to Class 3. The largest tributary, Del Puerto Creek, v;as sampled frequently between 1945 and 1951 ^ and regularly ft between I956 and 1959. The average quality of water at the mouth -105- TABLE 19 AVERAGE MINERAL QUALITY OF MINOR VALLEY FLOOR STREAMS TRIBUTARY TO SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BETWEEN NEWMAN AND GRAYSON Channel and , location^/ : Period of : record '.ECxlO^:' Parts TDS per raillion : CI : B East Side Levee Drain (38) 1942-51 993 688 153 — Turlock Garden Drain (32) 1943-51 West Side 1,771 1,313 421 Unnamed Drain (45) Patterson Water District Drain (4o) Patterson Water District Drain (4l) Lake Ratnona (37) VJest Stanislaus Irrigation District Drain (29) 1956 846 100 1945-51 1956-57 1958-59 1 ,538 834 931 980 551 189 116 131 0.36 1958-59 746 — 88 0.48 1948-50 1951-53 1956 2 1 ,236 ,545 1,360 1,228 175 211 215 0.57 1956 1,152 171 a/ Location indicated by number in parenthesis (see Table 12 and Plate 3) periods indicated that the vrater occasionally deteriorated to Class 2. Valley floor flov; in Orestimba Creek during the irriga- tion season was intermittent before 1957 and consisted mainly of spill from the Main Canal of the Central California Irrigation District. Since 1957, irrigation return vrater has flowed continu- ously in this channel as the result of the development of better drainage facilities for tributary lands. The quality of water in Orestimba Creek at its mouth is in Class 1. -106- In January 1957^ the Patterson Water District completed construction of a tile drain system to alleviate high water table conditions in a portion of the district. Flov/ from the channel to v/hich the tile system discharges has been sampled since March 1957. These waters^ as would be expected, are highly concentrated and are in Class 3 because of chloride content. Although percent sodium is less than 50, sulfates range from 449 to 1,290 parts per million. The high sulfate concentration is indicative of the soil through which the water passes. Occasionally, the water is diluted by other surface drainage and, at those times, becomes Class 2 water. V/hile the salt concentration in this v;ater is excessive, the flovj only approximates 60 acre-feet per month, considerably less than one percent of the total flov; in the San Joaquin River. The quality of other minor return flows in this reach, as listed In Table 19^ Is generally in Class 1, or ranges between Class 1 and Class 2 for agricultural water supplies. Water flowing from an older tile drain in the Patterson V/ater District is usually in Class 3. However, dilution v/ith other waters occurs prior to reaching the San Joaquin River through Lake Ramona. San Joaquin River-Grayson to Hetch Hetchy Crossing . With certain exceptions, the quality of tributary flows entering this reach falls in Class 1 or in the lower range for Class 2. Records before 1955 are sparse and almost all of these are 30-year- old analyses of samples of drainage v/aters from the El Solyo Ranch. Table 20 presents data on the quality of v/ater in the principal channels tributary to this reach and Table 21 lists the average quality in minor streams. -107- TABLE 20 MINERAL QUALITY OF PRINCIPAL VALLEY FLOOR STREAMS TRIBUTARY TO SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BETVJEEN GRAYSON AND IIETCII IIETCHY CROSSING FOR THE PERIOD 1951;- 1959 Channel and , locatioiiS/ ECxlO^ Parts per million TDS CI East Side Modesto Irrigation District Lateral 3 (78) Average MaximuiTi Minimum 305 775 48 193 42 0.07 434 125 0.17 38 1 0.00 West Side West ley Wasteway (26) Average Maximum Minimum Sarmento Drain (l9) Average Maximum Minimum 839 1,370 275 1.962 3,880 1,000 508 783 258 1,120 1,720 750 134 255 36 294 580 73 0.30 0.55 0.00 1.28 2.20 0.20 Burkhardt Drain (18) Average Maximum Minimum 983 1,600 429 Hospital Creek (tributary to Burkhardt Drain) Average Maximum Minimum 658 1,200 235 572 74 408 585 759 496 149 239 48 92 184 31 0.77 1.60 0.00 0.56 1.20 0.00 a/ IjO cation indicated by number in parenthesis (see Table 12 and Plate 3) •108- TABLE 21 AVEMGE MINEPxAL ^UALITY OF MINOR STREAMS TRIBUTARY TO SAII JOAG.UIH RIVER BETV/EEIJ GR7\YS0N AND HETCII HETCHY CROSSIITO FROM THE WEST FOR THE PERIOD 1953-1959 Channel and location^ Period of record ;ECxlO o , P ::. rt s p 1' ni 1 lion TDg : CI B West Stanislaus Irrigation District Drain (27) West Stanislaus Irrigation District Drain (25) V/est Stanislaus Irrigation District Drain (24) IVest Stanislaus Irrigation District Drain (21) El Solyo Drain (lb) 1956-59 1.070 1956 1,144 1956 1,091 1956 1,181 1956-57 1,135 159 0.38 171 169 149 182 a/ iiocation indicated by number in parenthesis (see Table 12 and Plate 3) The most significant tributary channel from the east is Modesto Irrigation District Lateral 5. As v/as tiie case v;ith the Turloclc laterals, the quality of v/ater in this canal is constantly varying. This variation in concentration is dependent on the number of v;ells, used to control the water table, spilling to the lateral at a particular time; v;hich of the wells are spilling; and the quantity of v;ater diverted above the mouth. The initial quality of the water in the lateral, supplied by Tuolumne River water diverted at La Grange is, of course, excellent. As in the case of the Turlock laterals, a dally station was established at the mouth of the Lateral 5 to determine the significance of the variation in quality. The station was in operation from March 26 to October 10, 1957, and between April 16 -109- and September 20, 1958. The quality of water remained In Class 1 at all times. At the close of the irrigation season, the canal is emptied. While the canal spills to the Tuolumne River about two miles above its confluence with the San Joaquin River, it is tributary within the reach defined by the gaging stations near Grayson and at Hetch Hetchy Crossing on the San Joaquin River, and Tuolumne City on the Tuolumne River. Return flow in the Westley Wasteway of the Delta- Mendota Canal, as well as that in the four West Stanislaus Irrigation District drains listed in Table 21, discharges into the old channel of the San Joaquin River near Grayson. This channel is connected with the present river channel (Laird Slough) only during flood stages. Consequently, it is doubtful that water from this group of streams reaches the San Joaquin River through surface channels. The quality of waters in this channel is in Class 1 and occasionally in Class 2. Waters of the four West Stanislaus drains are in Class 2. Sarmento Drain serves an area in which the soil is saline-alkaline in character. Drainage from the area is pooled in a sump, permitting some concentrations of minerals by evaporation before the water is pumped into an old river channel. The average quality of the drainage water is Class 2 and occasionally falls as low as Class 3- The average quality of water in Burkhardt Drain, the largest return flow tributary from the west, is in Class 1. Occa- sionally, the quality deteriorates to Class 2, primarily resulting -110- i'pom [ground i/ator pumped for control oi' the v/ater table in the area linvnedlately to the south and v/est of the drain. The ground vmter, pumped continuously x'rom live drainage v/ells. Is tindiluted by setter Cxuality v/ater during the nonli-^rication season unless stona runorr is present. Durkhardt Drain, above its conTluence v/lth Hospital Creek, './as sampled five times in the period 1920-30 and v/eekly during the ■ summer months of 1956-5o. On the basis of cliloride and sulfate determinations for both periods, it appears that the present quality is poorer taan tiiat in the former period. Hospital Creek v/as sampled during the same periods, ;\nd also in 1949. On tlie basis oi' concentrations of chlorides and sulfates, there appears to liave been no noticeable change in v/ater quality. The average quality is in Class 1. The quality of v/ater in tiie El oolyo Ranch Drain, listed in Table 21, is in Class 2. The point selected for sampling during this investigation, in 1956 and 1957;, is dov/nstream from tv/o tributaries v/hich "/ere sampled in 1928-30. On the basis of the chlorides and -sulfates in tiie samples talcen in each period, it appears that the present quality of v/ater is better than that -'ormerly e.vpei'ienced . Chloride content in some of the earlier ■./ater samples, the highest being 1,225 parts per million, reduced the v/ater to a Class 3 supply. San Joaquiii River-Hetch Hotchy Crossing to Veinialis . The quantity of accretion.s entering this reach is quite small in comparison vil'ch that eatei''ing the t./o previous reac.ies Oj.' tno 3an Joaquin and, consequently, has little effect on tlie quality of .•ater in the river. The average quality ox the fev/ existing -111- drains v/hich spill to the San Joaquin River in this ".''each is pre- sented in Table 22. Excepting the most northerly V/est Stanislaus Irrigation District Drain, in v/hich the quality oT i/ater is Class 2, the quality In general, is in Class 1. There are no available records of v;ater quality prior to 1955. San Joaquin River-Vernalls to Mossdale Bridge . As in the previous reach, there are no records prior to 1955 oi'' the v/ater quality of tributary streams entering the reach. A fev; samples of surface vmters tributary to the reach i/ere taken betv/een 1955 and 1959. On the east side, the average quality characteris- tics were determined to be specific conductance, 570 mTcromhos; and chlorides, 40 parts per" million, placing these water's in Class 1. On the west side, there is an average specific conductance of 1,300 mlcromhos and chlorides, 250 parts per" million. All of the v/estern and most of the eastern drainage in this reach is collected in sumps and pumped through levees to the river. The v;est side drainage water's are of poorer quality than the v/astes from the east side. The main reason for this is that the source of water on the west side, a mixture of San Joaquin River v/ater and ground v/ater, contains several times the salt con- centration of the east side supply from the Stanislaus River. Some of the drainage water on the west side was in Class 3, vjhile the average quality of v/ater v;as Class 2. Minor Streams in the Mendota Pool Service Area . There are numerous analyses of retui-'n water from the area generally lying betv;een the Delta-Mendota Canal and Los Banos, supplied by the Mendota Pool. Some of the return v;aters find their v/ay to Salt Slough. Most, however, drain to, and mix v;ith, the service area -112- TABLE 22 AVERAGE MIMERAL QUALITY OP VALLEY I'^LOOR STREAMS TRIBUTARY TO SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BET'./EEN HETCH HETCMY CROSSING AND VERNALIS FOR THE PERIOD 1935-1959 Period of record Channel and . location^/ ECxlO o P:-.i'tG per inllllon TDS CI Faith Ranch Drain (68) Faith Ranch Drain (69) V/est Stanislaus IrrlR;ation District Drain (l4) Blev/itt Drain (13) East Side 1955-59 480 1956-59 919 VJest Side 1956-59 787 1956-59 735 V/est Stanislaus Irrigation District Drain (11) 1956-59 I.085 J26 19 123 110 158 0.4l » a/ Location indicated by number in parentiaesis (see Table 12 and Plate 3) supply system and are used again in diluted form. The sampling points are scattered over the area and, except at three locations, available records are sparse. Quality of v;ater varies greatly but most drainage waters are in Class 1 or 2. A few contain high con- centrations of sulfates. h Water draining to the head of the Firebaugh Wastevvay of the Delta-Mendota Canal, sampled regularly in 1959, had the follow- ing average quality values: specific conductance, 1,500 micromhos; total dissolved solids, 9OO parts per million; chlorides, I50 parts per million; and boron, 1.3 parts per million. The quality was Class 2. -113- The quality of v/ater in the Hcln Ranch Drain at the Flrebauch V/astevjay, also sampled in 1959^ was in Class 2. Averase values v/ere: specific conductanccj 600 microralios; total dissolved solidSj 3^1-0 parts per million;, and chloride, 90 parts per million. Boron averaged 0.3 part per million and percent sodium averaged Gb . The higher sodium percentage places the water in Class 2. Many analyses are available x'or a channel kno\7ri locally as the Old Main Drain, at its intersection V7ith Camp 13 Slough (location number 11S/11E-27P) . Water from the Old Main Dr^ain usually is mixed vjith v/ater in the Main Canal, to which it is paral- lel, of the Central California Irrigation District. The average quality of v;ater in the drain is Class 2. Average quality values are total dissolved solids, 1,400 parts per million; chlorides 240 parts per million; and boron 1.6 parts per million. Percent sodium averages 63 and sulfates average 530 parts per million. Occasionally, chloride and boron concentrations have been suffi- ciently high to place v;ater in Class 3. Hovjever, the total concen- tration is reduced considerably through dilution v;ith a large volume of Class 1 v/ater from the Main Canal. The quality of the resultant mixture remains in Class 1. San Joaquin River Since the San Joaquin River is influenced by all other v;aters in the valley, including imported and return waters (Plate 9), the quality of i;ater is discussed v;ith reference to the prin- cipal points of sampling. These points are the terminii of river reaches about which the general discussion in this report is centered. -114- Table 23 lists average, maximum, and minimum values for quality at the principal points along the San Joaquin River between Friant Dam and Mossdale Bridge for the three periods used previously in this chapter. Average and extreme values compiled from existing data are sometimes misleading and this is demonstrated in Table 23. The average and maximum values listed for the Nei\mian station (Hills Ferry Bridge) during the period 1955-1959 are higher than those at Grayson, the next dovmstream station. However, this is true only because the quality during the nonirrigation season, especially during very dry years, overbalances the better quality values ob- tained from samples taken during the Irrigation season. The significant fact here is that the quality of v/ater at Newman during the irrigation season is better than at Grayson. This can be substantiated by examining values obtained during 1959, the year vihen all of the maximum values occurred. For the months January, February, October, November, and December, the quality at Newman was the poorer of the tv/o . Betv;een March and September, the quality at Grayson was poorest. The quality at Newman is dependent on the volume of good quality diluting water entering the San Joaquin River immediately above that station. Plate 11 is a graphic comparison of the variation in total dissolved solids at three key points on the San Joaquin River for the period from July 1, 1955^ through October 31, 1959- These points are Biola, Fremont Ford, and Vernalls. Quality at these points essentially represents the quality of the San Joaquin River (l) prior to mixture with imported waters, (2) at the point of maximum concentration, and (3) at the point of discharge to the -115- CO O H W EH K< Eh Eh CO ^ MQ W Pi Eh W O Eh W < J ro :5: W CO CO r-r r-H W O EH yA < m » < Eh fr; Eh H W ^ > < H DC^ c: ^ '^ H gs w <: s o H >-o »r-< f^ t-z^ e— < i^ Q iH Oh Eh • • •• VO o O rH w X (^ H« o •H n rH iH •H ,• ^ T— ! J^ H CA (y O r-H a 1 53 CO m -)-i CO CA u rC5 rH CM EH VO o O tH fxq \'' ri d o •H -P cd -p CO O H O LHO O rH^ O H O O ^- VO o oao o noroO 0^1 o o OOCO O o mo OJ^ o • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • OOO OOO O rHO O rH O OOO OOO OJ liAO • • • ro ;.- o LlA L^ tH VO cn OJ OJ OVO rooo OJ OO rH H O 0- a^Lf^vo CM-H^Oi .H^ OJ O CM ^CO H iH OJ OM-OO rH CAH H OJ 0^-^ OJ r-l OJ OO aJ-:T OJ O i>- OJ OJVO VO OO O OOOJ OJ rH f^ Lno^ Lf>o a^ OOOJ CO ro iH ^ OJ ir\ ■^ t-OJ 0>0 LPy H roro ^ O \r\ o ro o^ o OJ-:H- H OOO OVO o O rH iH ^ O ro OOVO rH 0^\0 H rH o in o o^ i:^0OrH I I I I I I c oj OJ S H fcO P " a J? u -H > a c3 H LA OJ VO^ o O OOO O G\0 H OJ O OJvO O rorooj 1 1 1 LPiCO CU OJ L-O rH o o OJCO o • • • • • • • • • 1 1 1 • • • • • • OOO OOO OOO OOO OOO 2.8 11.0 0.0 OJ OO • rH O o o ro OArH rH LO H O O OJ OJ rH H OO ir-invo O 'S\ r-l OJ OOVO ir\ O^i- H OJ HO OJ OOOJ OJ H O LPiCO OCO H rH OO t-o^ CTNO ■:- LTMA iH o^oo3 ^ OVO ir\oOr-i •v iH ^ O r-l OOHVO Lr\o> VO H o H !iO>- .^VO O rOH LPlO OJ OJ 03 CO H CO O 00 HCO O O H CD OOO O^ LHO OJ OJ OCO Lf^O ^ o ^- H o c^ CO in TOO N- rH rH C> VO rH OJ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CO OJ o H^ o OJ 0>H rH OJ o 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 o o o o*c> o* -^-^ OJ • • • OOVO O ^ i>-l>- • • • OOLOO OOO^ OJ 1-- HVO rOO^ CO O OO -^ OJVO o ^- rH OJ CM O OJ OJ >-UOO> OOC—rH ^ C^H -:d- O 0> 00^ -rt VD O H lAb-'n ooa^ a>H o a>ovo OOO ^ OVO C^^ OJ OJ t- I I I iH 1 I I I I I VO O OO VO C^OD VO OO U o o 13 a, 3 3 OJ o IZ > < -p < a 9 o < 0) E; fcO P OJ X > < s i H r; CCi-H U U 0} H H •H 05 £ QJ OJ O nj S tD In • Td 0) In H > cd fn < s s: CJ cq i •H C CU -H o ,>3 CD S cd fcO P fn 03 S C5 !h -H 0) X Ph > cti Cd < S OJ O OVO a^vo 00 ^O ■d •H pq ■ci o fcO P QJ cd S N f^ -H Fl QJ f^^ £; > rj -lib- -a c •H -P C o o K E-i W s o H H fr; < Eh CO ^ Q W Ph Eh o o >H J H < 1=) CO Eh K M 1:3 < o < CO c o •H cq rH r-H •H . • s o^ LPv fn r-^ C^ O t-H 1 P. LA W ■• m ■P CO o^ u Q 1 — i CL, ^ "vd" o O .H w X '6 o •H fQ <-H l-H •H • • £ ^ LA S^ ^ OA G) o r-J ft 1 [.0 LA -P CO CA fn p i-H (1< Eh 'vo" o O rH W I..I '"' c o ■H m r-i rH •H .. s M LA fn -1 CTn (U o I ft 1 CO m ■p CO c^ ^ Q t-i Eh • • ~ •• VO o O rH w •" X c o •H -P CO -P CO i>-0 o r-\ lAO 00 o o rH^ O • • • • • • O O O ooo O OCO O CA rH OJ OJ cvj c^ rHOJ CM O OJ rHVO r>") ^V£> VO OV£) covo cr» lAOJ 00 O LA ^ lAro VO rH rH rH <-{ V£)CX3 rH rH roo t>-VO r-i rH^ O • • • • • • o o o OOO GOOD O t-O^OJ rH • o rH roo O^CO rH OJ rH OOLA 0OV£) LAVOCO on LA LA mvD t^rHOJ N-C^iCS^ -^ On I t I I I I VO O LA [^CO f~-o on 0^o^LA OJCO I I I I B Q •H to CO c > S B H ?H CQ 5-0 2 c6 B i= >s fn -H -H ?H O X C f^ > CO -H CO 0) < S S rH I I I I I I r-i O^ VO I>- O ONCO ^ cncrt OJ LA I I I r-: CO 0) S ■d hO ? to CO E o -P < CO :3 B •H r; •H :? "s" -117- Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. At each of these locations, the United States Geological Survey has maintained a dally water quality sampling station. The station at Blola, thirty miles below Frlant and midway between Frlant and Mendota, was oper'ated between October 195^ and September 1958. The station at Fremont Ford ivas operated for this Investigation from July 1, 1955j. to October 31;. 1959- The station near Vernalls commenced operation In March 1951 ^ and will be Indefinitely continued. In the Irrigation seasons occurring during this investl- gation, the San Joaquin River was sampled a number of times on a "profile" basis. This consisted of talcing samples at principal points on the river, over a short period of time, proceeding in a downstream direction in order to observe the variation in quality v;lth location. The periods of measurement e::tended from one to three days, depending on the length of stream selected foi"" samp- ling. At tlie same time, principal conti^lbutlng waters were sampled. The specific conductances obtained in five of these profile samplings, one foi^ each year in the period 1955-1959^ are presented graphically on Plate 12. At Frlant . Available records since 1938 show trie quality of v/aters In the San Joaquin River at the point of Inflow to the valley floor has been e::cel].ent. TJo significant changes have taken place over the years; however. It is noted that the greatest concentration of salts occurred in the period 1951-195^. At Mendota . A marked difference is apparent in the quality of v/ater at Mendota before and after December 1950 • Sub- stitution of Delta-Mendota Canal v;ater for San Joaquin River v/ater, which began in 1951^ accounts for this change in quality. -118- Thus, the data pi-lor to 1951 is for C^.n Joaquin River v/ater, while the date, for- the later periods represonts a mixture Oi" viatevz, dominated £o:c the most part by Imported water. An increase in mineral concentration Tor the period 1955-59 o/ex' the precedins period is noted and prooaoly is duo to the greater proportion of Delta-Mendota Canal './ater. Durinr e::treme flood stages tiie Delta- Ilendota Ganal is not in operation, and the quality at Mendota is, thercJfore, that oi tiie San Joaquin River. At Fremont Ford . Since all summer flov/s of the San Joaquin River are diverted oet".7een ilendota and Temple Slouv^h, flous at Fremont Ford during this time consist entirely of return uaters. At this point, v;ater's of the San Joaquin River contain the hlj^hest concentrations of salts to be found anjc/hcre throu[_:;hout its length. During the period 1933-50, the quality of v;ater v;as generally Class 1, althoui;;h at times it beca.ae Class 2 or 3. Since 1950, the avera^'e qualitv has oeen that of Class 2 and often as lov/ as Class 3. Occasionally the quality has lov/ered to the point o.? the ".vater being unusable. During flood stages, the quality is usually in Glass 1 and is represented by the minimum values listed in Table 23. The maximum daily value of specific conductance at this station, since July 1955^ v/as 7,730 micromlios and the percent sodium frequently has been betvrcen 60 and 52. Since this station is located at v;hat is essentially the head of the lower San Joaquin River, it is of considerable impor- tance. Because of this, a daily sampling station v;as established here for the period of investigation. The v;ater passing this station is now being sampled monthly as a part of the statev/lde surface water monitoring program and installation of a sallnometer Is planned for the near future. -119- Near Nevmmn (Hills Ferry Bridge) . An improvement in the average quality of the San Joaquin River Is noted at this point as a result of dilution by Merced River xvater, particularly during the summer months (see Plate 9). The total salt concentration of the Merced River is about one-fourth that of the San Joaquin River. Although the improvement of quality at this section as compared to Fremont Ford is apparent throughout the period of record^ an in- crease in average concentration occurred after 1950. The quality generally falls in Class 1 during the irrigation season but often is Class 2 during the remaining months of the year. Near Grayson . As noted in an earlier paragraph, the quality at this point during the irrigation season is poorer than at Newman, although the average values shoxm in Table 23 do not make this apparent. Some degradation in the average quality has occurred since 1950. V/hile the average quality lies in Class 1, it often falls to Class 2 during summer months. The percent sodium at this station since 1950 remained v;ithin tolerable limits, less than 60, vilth but one exception; a value of 6l percent was measured in February 1959. ' At Maze Road Bridge . Analyses used to arrive at average quality values for this station include those for samples taken at the El Solyo V/ater District Intake and the gaging station at Hetch Hetchy Crossing, both located within a half-mile of the Maze Road Bridge. A further improvement in quality of v;ater in the San Joaquir River occurs here as a result of dilution by v;aters of the Tuolumne River. The total salt concentration of the Tuolumne River at its mouth ranges from one-half to two-thirds that of the San Joaquin River at this point. A comparison of the quality values listed -120- I I I for the three periods In Table 23 indicates that continued degra- dation has occurred in the river at this station though the degree of increase is smaller betv;een the tv/o later periods. Near Vernalis (Durham Ferry Bridge) . Since the station near Vernalis marks the point of outflow from the San Joaquin Valley, it is of considerable Importance. Continuous records are available since 193o and the United States Geological Survey has maintained a daily sampling station here since March 1951 • Inflov/ of Stanislaus River water of excellent quality results in a decrease in total salt concentration as the concen- tration in the Stanislaus River in the summer is about one-third of the average for the San Joaquin River near Vernalis. Snov/melt runoff, generally occurring at the beginning of the irrigation season, results in a substantial quality improvement in San Joaquin River v;aters at this point as v/ell as at all other points below Fremont Ford, during the spring of each year. V/iiile the average quality near Vernalis is in Class 1, summer flows occasionally have been in Class 2. During 1959> however, the quality of water v;as almost continuously in Class 2 from May through September. Since 1950, the percent sodium always has been below 60. At Mossdale . The station at this point is Influenced by tidal action and stream flow is not measured. Ilov/ever, the flo\7 Is basically dependent on the San Joaquin River, and the quality of water is of significance to vmter users between Hossdale and Vernalis . As is the case v;lth the upstream stations, averages for the three periods indicate that tiie quality of water at this -121- station has deteriorated over the years. It is interesting to note that the maxitnura values for the period 1955-59 are less than those measured near Vernalis. During the years 1906 and 1908, samples were taken regularly at this point by the United Stated Geological Survey. Values of total dissolved solids at that time were as follov/s: Total Dissolved Solids, in Parts Per Million Average Maximum Minimum 1906 161 358 60 1908 205 4l6 52 These values are less than those obtained since 1938, indicating a long- continued trend toward higher concentrations, probably due to expanded agricultural use. Diverted Waters Of primary interest to v/ater users in the lower reaches of the San Joaquin River is the quality of the viater supplies V7hich they divert for irrigation. The principal diverters are the agencies cooperating in this investigation v;ho, together, use about 75 percent of the total diversion from the San Joaquin River betv;een Fremont Ford and Mossdale Bridge. A number of samples were taken at or near the points of diversion before 1955^ however, no regular sampling program had been undertaken prior to this study to evaluate specifically the quality of diverted ;vater supplies . During the irrigation season of each year of the investi- gation, a systematic examination of the quality of water diverted by the cooperators v;a3 made covering the portion of the season when quality was of greatest concern. The frequency and type of -122- sampling was governed by hydrologlc conditions and the type of data required. Discussion of the quality of v;ater diverted at each intake, particularly since 195^j is presented in the follov;lng sections. It Is noted that each district, v;lth the exception of the El Solyo Water District, receives supplemental water supplies from the Delta-Mendota Canal. The quality of imported water supplies in that service facility v;as presented earlier in this report under the heading "imported 17ater" . Patterson Water District Intake . The Intake is situated on the left (west) bank of the San Joaquin River at the old Patterson Bridge, about 20 miles belov/ the mouth of the Merced River. Flow and quality of the San Joaquin River at this point is considerably influenced by the Merced River, as well as by return v/aters entering above the intake. Because this location is readily accessible, a considerable number of water samples have been collected at this point in earlier years. Analyses of v/ater samples are available since 1938, excepting during 19^6 and 19^7. Table 24 lists quality values for the periods prior to 1955. As at other points on the San Joaquin River, the average concentration for the period 1951-5^ was higher than for the period before 1951. The maximum values of total dissolved solids, and of chlorides, occurred in February 1948 at a time when the district was not diverting v/ater supplies from the river. The quality of water diverted by the Patterson Water District since 1955 is presented in Table 25. The first portion of the table lists values obtained from regular sampling at the head end of the main canal, while the second portion lists values -123- 362 1,100 66 524 890 105 91 330 7 120 240 10 55 60 52 52 60 38 TABLE 24 MINERAL QVAL.1TY OF VJATER IN THE SAN JOAG'.UIN 'iHTEW AT THE PATTERSON WATER DISTRICT INTAKE PRIOR TO 1955 Constituent or Prior to 1951 _ ; 1951 •;195'-'- characteristic : Average : Mazciraum; Minimum: Average :Ma:clmum: Minlmutfi Specific conduct- ance, as ECxl06 --- — — - 778 1,400 95 Total dissolved solids, in ppm Chlorides, in ppm Percent sodium recorded by the salinometer located at the same point. These data show that the diverted water v;as in Class 1 and occasionally Class 2 in 1956, 1957, and 1958; and was in Class 2 in 1955 and 1959. On August 3, 1959, the quality fell to Class 3 'when a chloride content of 353 parts per million i\ras measured. Samples for which other constituents were analyzed during the investigation shov/ boron generally to be less than O.5 part per million, excepting during 1959 when boron attained a value of 0.6 part per million. Percent sodium ranged betv/een 52 and 59j the maximum occurring in 1959. Specific conductance values obtained through sampling for the years 1955-59 are presented graphically on Plate 13. West Stanislaus Irrigation District Intake . The pumping station is two miles west of the San Joaquin River and is connected with the river by an intake channel excavated in 1929- This channel is located about one-half mile above the mouth of the Tuolumne River and flow at the intake may be affected by the Tuolumne River discharge under certain river stage conditions. -124- CTN LPl Lr»H cvi H O -P fn -P ft ft 0) < CO X) OJ o • >5-p -p a o ^ o s o CO cr; p:: Eh h < [r; CO p-i TJ S Q ^ >^ H O o m t3 H o O'er; Q< W PC W O Ph Eh "-3 bO cr: cTv r^ W S lTn •H X 0^ r-H LP\ H CO rH 9* CV) Q 1 s W L^ CO w p:; :=: LA CO l-q W Eh o^ pq E-^^'-' VH < < s o Eh sow d:; tr; >i fefeEH ?H o $3 EH O s >HO S s Eh H M p ho:: cr: CO ^J Eh D < CO Q P H • OQ < ^cr: gg tl5< ss o on o • >5-P -P cC ft CO ■O -:d- H o • >5-P -P fe: o s\ o CO • o -P fcO-P ft C3 0) ei; CO Im O O -H -P -P CQ C -H (1) Jh C3 CU -P -P •H O -p cd CO ^ o x: o o no O -^ CX5 rH ^ OJ f- (X) CM on cx) OO lA OJ OJ on iH -=1- O •^ Lt\ UN O CO CO o o o Cil w U5 0) o c ca ■p o r) c o o o •H <^ •H O (U ft CO no o VD i-H OJ VO 0- iH r-^ OJ on o^ rH rH LA o o o> LA rH ON ^- O OJ 1>- CTN CM oo 1 1 OJ •^ OJ 1 1 O LA h- 1 1 0) bO OJ in > < B i •H cd i •H c s p. p. c •H to 0) •H O i-H o cd > < i •H c •H -125- O CO '-^ ^'X,-a H w 3 t3 EH H C fn < K -H O P4 -P O s c >^ H O cr; pq t=) o O'--- u p<^ c LA H CO CM •H CVJ P rH WO^ «5 w K K Ln CO h^ W Eh 0^ m Eh rH >. < < S I tH Eh 5s O LH x; K LOi ■p Ph Ph o> c O rH O Eh s >< O W Eh H K 0) H p::; EH M 1-^ Eh crj < CO O fH ^ HS CD c3C^\-\ > K < a'X,'^ ^^^ • w < m K=^ -^ H w -N C -P T3 O -^ rH Cd -P cd O • CO rH C -p •H 31 o o CO S U^ 1 Q C a o^ Eh -H Dh r— 1 CVI rH •H a r 1 o o w - C -P -« O rH ttj -P CTJ O CO rH C » o GO S Ln CO Q C Ph c^ Eh -H a ^ 1 VD O rH (H 6 w .. .. •H K5 CO TJ P 'd O c rH CIJ ~P :d- CO cd O CO rH C • pi-. •H -P o •N 0- o CO S u^ oca o\ 1 Eh -H a rH "Co" o rH o • -P o o , : Salt : : load, :E : in tons : £) CO £ in I Q C ft o^ Eh -H ft r — 1 OJ rH 1^ O rH o H x: -p c o t^ «£• U^ rH \0 1 1 0") CO CO 1 1 CO CVI CM 1 1 CM LP; In 680 lA VO CO rH CM 1 G^ 1 rH 1 rH LA OJ ^ CM CM C\J I-- rH H CO CO CJ^ CA G\ CO CO o -^ CM OA f~- o CO 00 ro CO OJ H •H (D U >5 C ft nJ P o o CM CO fO en -^ C7^ in vo tn o CO rH CO CO LA CO o VO >5 1^ CO to UD oo 01 CM h- UN ro LA 00 oo ro LA ^ vo V.0 PO vo rH rH VO o^ vo CO ro CM CO rH CO u a CD -P ft (D CO LA CO ro VO vo CA LA CM K^ LA t-- ^ CTN O rH ^ ^ ^ ^- CO LH VO VO O CM CO i>- r- u O o o in Cm -a fn P O CO nj -P cd Q K2 -p •H rH •H cd •H rH U P Cm -P ,Q P O IH O u •xi CO o u P ft o CO U en (-1 P-. ^ O -P O c:J 1 S: >5 rH tM P O -P O "H e 4J CO U 'd CO u ft O O Q -126- Samples have been taken at both the junction of the canal and rlvePj and at the first pumping station, and there appears to be no significant difference In quality between the two points. Records are available since 19^1-8, with the exception of most of 1953 and all of 1954. For the period 1948-50, average quality characteristics were total dissolved solids, 600 parts per million; and chloride concentration, I50 parts per million. Maximum values of 1,120 parts per million for total dissolved solids and 270 parts per million of chlorides occux-^red in January 1950. For the period from January 1951 to January 1953 j sampling v;as irregular, except for chloride determinations, average quality of v/ater values vjere specific conductance, 530 micromhos; total dissolved solids, 460 parts per million: and chlorides, 100 parts per million. An indication of the quality of water in the San Joaquin River, available to the West Stanislaus Irrigation District for the years prior to 1955, ^ay be obtained by referring to the discussion of the quality at Grayson and at Maze Road as previously given in this chapter. These stations are located 5.4 miles above, and 6.0 miles below the intake, respectively. The quality of v/ater diverted by V/est Stanislaus Irriga- tion District from the San Joaquin River during the period of investigation is presented in Table 26. Data are- tabulated in the same manner as for the Patterson district. The quality of water was generally in Class 1 and occasionally in Class 2 in 1956, 1957 ;> and 1958, and was In Class 2 in 1955 and 1959- As at Patterson, a high chloride content of 366 parts per million, on August 3, 1959j placed the vzater in Class 3. -127- m U o o 0) K C •H iH g^ 03 W ';h o >5 u c3 3 CO H -=f r) rH C^i n in o o -p OA ^1 -P D rH 03 0) S CO ^- OJ X) 13 in O • cr\ l>3-P -P rH 03 a S cu CO u'A OJ 0- T) LP\ O • cr\ >5-P -P H cd P S QJ CO ^ vO r-{ LA O ' 5-P -P rH o3 o s o O [>- CO in LH • o • CA tO-P -P r-{ ? a <; cu CO U o O -H -P 4J W G -H fn ? 0) -P -P •H O -P Ki 03 U C cd o s: o o oo o o VD VO m CO o> V£) OJ vr> OJ CM VO CO OJ CO rH r-i o vo O^ V£) -Ct ro in c^ o h- OJ vo o rH r^ rH in o OD -::f (M -=f CT\ ^ 00 OJ CO CVI b~ o rH r-\ rH OJ MO o ro ■=f ^ ro OJ cr\ O C\J r-i OJ en OJ o 00 1 VX) O 1 •^ o^ 1 vo o r-i X o w m oi fn •H •H o X C CD G •H > a •H TU > 03 •H Ch < g; •H < ^ S •H Ph O O CU rH a r; CO -128 O CO D < ■J r-:: CO w H> S H'-^ C2 < cc;'^ -d Eh O !^ CO S P o H C o Eh ^ -H OJ COG'-P p^ H < C S O O ?H t-l) o H ^ 4^ m :s (U CO w H S G^ J a oir\ >5 w KC^ H < K Eh rH <-■ Eh W 1 ^3 Eh Eh lPi C < o m o rs HG^ S cc; f-H Eh Eh o O CO W to H t:; nj >< Q Eh ?H Eh O H S C3 > J O iz; < <: H H rs Eh c:; G''< :3 • O Q cq J H ^g H vO cj -P o o I m t>- 00 -i t-3 CO rH rt -P a o CO iH c •H CO Eh -H p. p 'd o iH KJ -P kj o CO rH C •H CO £ Q C P. Eh -H G, O O E':i o o w CO P ti O 1-1 cd -;J CO o CO i-H C •H CO Q C p. o r-f < J CJ W CO P TJ o rH CTJ -P c} O :0 iH C •H CO p P< P. O o ■p c o s r-i CO ro ■-H O OJ ^ en ro OJ r-l rH cr\ CO m CO ON OJ o OJ VO r-\ cv] r-- in r-- a-\ u\ rH rH cn if\ ■=t ir\ ro O OJ rH o vo cn LP> CO ro OJ vo a^ I>- V£) fO CM — J ^ CO LTl rH CY-| Lr> r-\ rH ro CV 1 — 1 1^- OJ [ — o vo 0-) OJ CO rH CO CO VO o rH rH cn ^ j:j- ^ *» ro — J oo 1 — ' o OJ o cn cu —J OJ OJ o o CO CO CO o vo C7\ o CO CO CO vo ^ t- o C7N ro o 00 OJ 00 1 — 1 oo o r^ rH o '.n a u^ \r\ LO \S\ u^ OJ cn O ^- CT> LTv CO in CO •p CO o -i r-\ CO . P •p n f-i >:, c rH bO ft -p P. cn 3 P P (U o < s l-t) l-D < CO o -129 All the quality values listed in the first portion of the table exceed those pertinent to the Patterson Water District, with the exception of values for 1959:. although it may be noted that the 1959 differences are small and generally less than 5 percent. This further substantiates the conclusion that during the irrigation season, the quality of waters of the San Joaquin River in the vicinity of Grayson is poorer than at Newman. Since 1954, the boron content in these waters has been less than O.5 part per million except in 1959^ when it reached 0.6 part per million; and percent sodium has been less than 56. Plate l4 shows graphically the variation in specific conductance during the years 1955 through 1959. El Solyo Water District Intake . The intake is situated on the left (west) bank of the San Joaquin River a short distance upstream from Maze Road Bridge and about one-fourth mile below the gaging station at Hetch Hetchy Crossing. Routine sampling stations have been maintained at the intake, bridge, and gaging station by the department and other agencies since 1938. Because of the proximity of these three points and since the available data is abundant, no samples of water diverted at the intake were taken specifically for this investigation. The results of sampling at the Maze Road Bridge were discussed in the previous section. As previously stated, continued degradation has occurred in the quality of water in the river at Ma2e Road. This degrada- tion is further substantiated by comparison of the data gathered since 1938 with a series of samples collected monthly at the intake during the period July 1931 - August 1932 by the United States Department of Agriculture (58). Values obtained during that period -130- of time are tabulated below. It is noted that the average and maximum values listed are less than any of those listed in Table 23 for the Maze Road Bridge station. Average Maximum Minimum Specific conductance ECxl06 455 786 113 Chlorides, ppm 72 138 11 Boron, ppm 0.13 0.23 0.03 The quality of water available for diversion at the El Solyo Water District intake during the irrigation season was in Class 1 during 1956, 1957, and 1958, and in Class 2 during 1955 and 1959. Banta-Carbona Irrigation District Intake . The pumping station for this diversion is one mile west of the San Joaquin River and is connected with the river by a channel dredged in 1925- The entrance to the channel is 11 miles below the mouth of the Stanislaus River and midway between Durham Ferry Bridge, the site of the gaging station near Vernalis, and Mossdale Bridge. At this location, flow in the San Joaquin River is affected by tidal action with a daily fluctuation in water stage of as much as three feet. As is the case at West Stanislaus, samples have been taken at both the entrance of the channel and at the first pumping station. Again, there appears to be no significant difference in quality of water at the two points. Previously, samples were taken at the entrance of the channel from 19^8 through 1952. For this period, the total dissolved solids averaged 3^0 parts per million and chloride content averaged 80 parts per million. A maximum of 210 parts per million chlorides was obtained in February 19^8, The quality of water at the intake, since 195^j Is presented in Table 27. In similarity to that at the Patterson -131- < S O K g^ < H o cr; < S Eh H ra S ^ -O < O" Ih CQ < o OP o >H ^^0 (D pq H K Sfr; cxc w bO W CO P-. C B •H [t; w a^ iH I>- pq Win a CM > EhCTn s H rH k5 w OS 1 CO ^ O LA p:; (r^LA ■^ ea; W P^O> o &H Eh rH < Eh >. :so|iq U H X, crt pc, K Eh P OEh s CO K P3 >H H O CO Eh Q P^ H »^S • 3-P -P rH CO O s o N- I>- ■n LA o • a> >3-P -P rH cc o s o JD rH LPl o • O^ >5-P -P rH ca o s o PO o LA rH LA • o ON b04J • rH P -P < o o fH O O -H -P +i M C -H 0) fn 3 (D -P -P •H O -P cC ra ?M c a o x: ■j> o a^ o CJ CXD VO LA rH ^ o fO :-i CY^ r-i VO CO CM ^ rH -=:t LA 1>- ^ o CO o^ o t>- ^ ^ [^ rH r-{ 0^ ^ OJ o t- (y\ ro LA (M CO r-\ rH CM CO CM rH o OJ rH 00 ^ CY") cr\ !>- LA CM o LA C^ VO CT\ o> CM CO D O rH X O 1 1 0) o c cd -p o P s xi Qa C CD e s a 0) ^ 6 O faO p p bO P P o ca s s 1 cd S u •H •H Sh •H •H o ^ a (D cd •H r! > CO •H i;h < s s •H < s. s •H Ph o o rH ft X! CO o -132- ^' m n X) U o o -p c •H H c o o PQ 0\ OS ■P O O m •P T3 O H S -P ti o CO H fl CO _ e •H ca. X) UN On (X O -P C CO I lA 0\ P^ lA OS ■P 8 I O ■P x) c? rt o ^ CO r-t rt E^i. sO o (< o |COH_3 ■P T) O iH nj -p d o CO H d pea Os -O ■P O o •p a V to •H (X so O O so m •> c -P t3 Q H c« -p c4 O to H C I so '^ a •« •• •< I Os C^ H CSJ CSJ CSJ Os so CvJ CM "55 Os CM oo so ■LTN •Lf\ CSl so CSJ CN sO ^- \A Os OS CSJ Os Os ■LfN CJs O CO H CSJ «\ H oo oo CM SO o ■LA 8 •> r-i OO CM CSI lA O CM ^ 3: OO H Os CM s en H H •lA H J- H so oo CM SO CM sO sO rH oo CM \A CN CSJ the average total dissolved solids were in the neighborhood of 1,000 parts per million. There was no apparent change in the average for chlorides and boron between early and recent periods. East Side-Merced River to Chowchilla River The quality of ground water in this area is classed as excellent to good, except for that yielded by a few wells adjacent to the San Joaquin River. The average quality characteristics are 300 parts per million total dissolved solids; 60 parts per million chlorides; and 0.2 part per million boron. Since there were few analyses in the years preceding 1955:. no comparison of water quality for recent and prior years can be made. -137- East Slde-Chowchllla River to San Joaquin River The quality of ground water In this area Is excellent to good, with the exception of that from some wells adjacent to the San Joaquin River. The average quality characteristics are 280 parts per million total dissolved solids; 40 parts per million chlorides J and 0.1 part per million boron. No changes in quality over the years before and since 1955 have been noted. West Slde-Banta-Carbona Area Except for wells adjacent to the foothills of the Coast Range, the quality of ground water in this area Is generally in Class 2 for irrigation use. Water from the foothill wells generally contains concentrations of boron gi*eater than the limits given for Class 2 water supplies. The quality of water since 1955 has been somewhat poorer than in previous years. Average quality values are: 83O parts per million total dissolved solids; 170 parts per million chlorides; and 1.0 part per million boron. West Side-West Stanislaus and El Solyo Water District Area The quality of ground water In this area, essentially the service area of the West Stanislaus Irrigation District and the El Solyo Water District is, with few exceptions. Class 2. The small number of analyses available for the years prior to 1955 provides little basis for comparison with those made since; how- ever. It appears that no significant changes in quality have taken place. The average quality values are: 770 parts per million total dissolved solids; I60 parts per million chlorides; and 0.9 part per million boron. -138- West Side-Patterson Area Most of the wells in the Patterson Water District service area are shallow wells. A few wells over 200 feet In depth are used for municipal , Industrial ^ and Irrigation purposes. The shallow waters generally fall in Class 3 for Irrigation uses and average 1,900 parts per million total dissolved solids; 400 parts per million chlorides; and 1.3 parts per million boron. Waters from the deep wells are in Class 2 and average 1,000 parts per million total dissolved solids; 90 parts per million chlorides; and 0.7 part per million boron. Sulfates also are excessive and average 450 parts per million for deeper wells and 650 parts per million for the shallow wells. Analyses of ground waters in the area before 1955 are few in number. Comparison of these with samples taken since 1955^ however, reveals no significant differ- ences in quality. West Slde-Orestlmba Creek to the Delta-Mendota Canal The quality of ground water in this area varies consider- ably from place to place. For this reason, the area has been divided into six subareas from north to south and average qualities computed for each. Table 28 lists the average quality of ground water in these areas. Certain quality characteristics in four of the areas are discussed in the following paragraphs. In the Salt Slough-Los Banos Creek subarea, available analyses of shallow ground waters indicate that they are very poor in quality. Shallow water analyses, however, v;ere not Included in the analyses used to compute the average quality values presented in Table 28, as there appears to be a complete differential between -139- TABLE 28 AVERAGE MINERAL QUALITY OF GROUND WATER IN THE WEST SIDE AREA FROM ORESTIMBA CREEK TO THE DELTA- rffi^JDOTA CANAL, LOWER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY • Parts per million ^ 1 : io Subarea : TDS ; : CI B : SOiil/ : Na Crows Landing- Newman Area 877 78 0.50 283 35 Gustlne Area 533 55 0.45 101 41 Salt Slough-Los Banos Creek Area 1,268 425 2.4 457 78 Los Banos Area 498 97 0.38 85 49 Dos Palos Area 801 355 0.33 79 55 Flrebaugh Area 368 91 0.15 53 67 1/ Sulfates shallow and deep ground water in this area. Average values for the shallow waters are: chlorides, 1,600 parts per million; boron 4.3 parts per million; sulfates 1,600 parts per million; and percent sodium 77. The Firebaugh subarea comprises a narrow band of land V adjacent to the San Joaquin River, extending from the vicinity of Dos Palos south to Mendota Dam. Ground water in this strip of land Is much less mineralized than in the other subareas listed, hovjever, its high percent sodium value places it in Class 2 for irrigation uses. In the Gustine subarea the average concentration of total dissolved solids subsequent to 195^ is about 100 parts per million greater than that existing between 1937 and 195^5 and in the Dos Palos subarea a similar increase amounts to about 200 -l40- parts per million. The Increase, hov/ever, has not effected a change in the classification of the v/aters for agricultural use. These are, for the Gustine subarea. Class 1; and for the Dos Palos subarea. Class 3. It is noted that relatively small changes occurred in chloride, sulfate, and boron concentrations. VJost Side-South of Delta-Mendota Canal The portion of the west side area included in this investigation is a small part of the larger Mendota-Huron area (75), v;here depths to ground v;ater are great and the available ground water is being mined from storage. The water is of poor quality, with average concentrations of 1,700 parts per million total dissolved solids; 350 parts per million chlorides, and 1.9 parts per million boron. Sulfate concentrations are also high and average 730 parts per million. Percent sodium averages 67 percent and often exceeds 75 percent. The quality of viater in recent years is slightly poorer than that pumped in the years prior to this investigation. In spite of the general poor quality, ground v;ater in this area has been found usable for a limited number of salt tolerant crops because of existing favorable soil and drainage conditions. Sev/age and Industrial V/astes The most conuaon method of disposal of domestic and industrial v/astes in the area of investigation is by ponding the effluent, resulting in evaporation to the atmosphere and percola- tion to ground v/ater. Some disposal systems are Icnown to dis- charge the effluent after primary treatment into the main streams through tributary drains. Other systems dispose of v/astes to main -l4l- streams only during flood periods and operate percolation ponds for the remainder of the year. The wastes are not highly mineral- ized and available analyses Indicate that they average less than 500 parts per million of total dissolved solids. During the canning season^ however. Industrial wastes sometimes Increase the total dissolved solid content to 1,200 parts per million. Municipal sewage disposal methods for the various communities in the area of investigation are listed in Table 29. These facilities presently serve a population of about 150,000. From the standpoint of users of surface vmter in the lov;er reaches of the San Joaquin River, only two disposal system effluents which discharge directly into the stream system are significant. The first of these is the waste disposed by the City of Turlock to Lateral No. 5 of the Turlock Irrigation District. The quality of water in Lateral No. 5, even after receiving this dis- charge, is in Class 1, as previously discussed, and no apparent adverse problem is presented. The second waste discharge is that spilled to the Tuolumne River by the City of Modesto. Analyses of the summer effluent since 1955 shov; the quality to fall principally in Class 1, and occasionally Class 2, for irrigation use. However, it is not believed to significantly lov/er the quality of v/ater supplies available to dovmstream users. -l42- TABLE 29 MUNICIPAL WASTE DISPOSAL METHODS IN THE LOWER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY AREA City Method or point of waste disposal Atwater Ceres Chowchllla Dos Palos Plrebaugh Gustine Livingston Los Banos Madera Mendota Merced Modesto Newman Oakdale Patterson Rlpon Riverbank Tracy Turlock Irrigation Percolation ponds, overflow to Gllstrap Lake Disposal upon grassland Percolation ponds Land disposal Overland to San Joaquin River Percolation ponds Ponding, overflow to San Joaquin River Disposal upon grassland Percolation ponds Ponding, overflow to minor streams Ponding, overflow to Tuolumne River Indirect discharge to San Joaquin River Percolation ponds Ponding; discharged to San Joaquin River during floods Land spreading and lagoons Disposal upon land Ponding Lateral Drain No. 5 oH Turlock Irrigation District thence to San Joaquin River -143- I CHAPTER V. QUALITY PROBLEMS, EFFECTS, AND COOTROL The quality of both surface and ground waters In the area of investigation varies widely from place to place and from time to time. In some Instances, the native waters are of poor quality; in others, there has been a progressive deterioration in quality resulting from cultural development and v;ater utilization. In areas where the quality has, or probably may, become unsuitable for general or specific uses, a water quality problem exists. The primary objective of the current investigation was to determine whether the quality of waters available in the lov/er San Joaquin River is, or V7ill be, a problem to using agencies and individuals. To satisfy this objective, a number of lesser objectives must be attained. These are identification of sources and causes of degradation, identification of associated problems, and determination of the effects of degradation of v;ater supplies with reference to proposed uses. A discussion of water quality and associated problems, together with an outline of possible remedial measures is presented in this chapter. Deep-Seated Brines Geologic exploration has indicated that a major part of the San Joaquin Valley is underlain at varying depths by saline waters. It is believed that, in many cases, these v;aters will migrate into fresh v;ater deposits by reason of underlying gas pressure, excessive pumpage from fresh water zones, and movement due to hydraulic pressure. The present depth to the surface of these waters increases from north to south, and is between 400 and -l45- 500 feet below the surface near Modesto, Increasing to 1,000 feet or greater between Madera and Mendota (76). In water pumped from a number of v/ells in the Modesto area and the Turlock Irrigation District area, a trend of increas- ing chloride content has been noted over the period of record. For the period 1939 to 1951^ chlorides at one v;ell, oxmed by the City of Modesto, increased from 179 to 381 parts per million; at another the increase was from 104 to 248 parts per million. Samples from five vjells in the Turlock Irrigation District, for which five or more years of consecutive record since 1950 are available, have consistently contained high concentrations of chlorides. These wells are 200 to 300 feet deep and chloride concentrations ranged between 162 and 762 parts per million. In a report on water quality in eastern Stanislaus and Merced Counties (40), it was shown that the chloride content in ground water from depths of 15O feet to the top of the Mehrten formation (at a depth of about 7OO feet in the vicinity of Modesto and Turlock) is over 200 parts per million west of Modesto and over 100 parts per million west of Turlock. It was also shown that the chloride content of ground water progressively increases in a southwesterly direction, generally parallel to the San Joaquin River. In the area near Waterford, samples from wells 300 to 1,000 feet deep show chlorides ranging from 330 to 2,070 parts per million. These waters are calcium- sodium chloride waters and the percent sodium ranges from 50 to 60. The quality indicated by these samples is identical in chemical composition to the water pumped from the Modesto-Waterford gas wells in the same area. The depths of these latter range up to 2,000 feet and the chloride -146- I content ranges between 480 and 10,400 parts per million. Comparison of samples taken from nine gas wells and eight water wells indicates that the concentrations increase with depth. In contrast, chlorides in wells of similar depth located immediately north of this area* in the service area of the Oakdale Irrigation District, are quite low. p A third region in which evidence of brines is apparent is the area west of Firebaugh and Mendota. In examining samples from wells 800 to 2,000 feet deep, a wide range in values for various constituents v/as found. Hov/ever, only a small number of wells produced v^ater of a quality v;hich would fall in the lower concentration ranges. Ranges for principal constituents are listed below: Total dissolved solids 790-5,740 ppm Chlorides 6l-l,840 ppm Sulfates 261-2,690 ppm Boron 0.5- 11 PPfti Percent sodium 38- 89 The average quality of ground water in this area, including that from a few wells shallower than 8OO feet in depth, is discussed in Chapter IV of this report. As there stated, this area is a portion of the larger Mendota-Huron area, where the mining of ground water probably accounts for the intrusion of the deep- seated brines into usable ground water zone (75). Runoff From West Side Streams The quality of water in west side streams varies from stream to stream and from time to time, the concentration of dissolved solids generally increasing as the flow decreases. -147- Waters of Panoche Creek and its tributaries are high in sulfates, probably dissolved from gypsum deposits. The waters of most of the other streams are high in bicarbonates . In Little Panoche Creek and other streams, chlorides are high, probably because of water flowing from saline springs. Nearly all of the v/est side waters are high in boron content, especially those of Corral Hollow, Quinto, Little Panoche, and Panoche Creeks. Though fev/ samples v/ere taken prior to 1951 ^ it has been recognized for some time that the quality of water in the v;est side streams is generally poor. None of these v^aters are impounded, and because of the sporadic flow, only small amounts are diverted directly for use. The streams discharge into the San Joaquin River only at times of high flow, when the concentrations in the streams themselves are least, and the dilution capacity of the river is large. The significant problem resulting from the poor quality water in the west side streams is its effect on the underlying ground water. Information on ground watei" quality, summarized in Table 30, indicates that the water is markedly similar to that of the surface streams. Drainage Facilities While the quality of water used in irrigation may in itself be a problem, other problems can result in conjunction with the use of such waters. Generally these problems are both physical and chemical in nature. A primary problem in the Lower San Joaquin Valley is drainage as related to the use of the land. •148- TABLE 30 COMPARISON OF CONSTITUENTS IN V/ATER FROM SELECTED V/ELLS AND ADJACENT STREAr^ IN THE \-rEST SIDE AREA OF THE LOV/ER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY Well number: Date sampled •.Depth, : in : feet : Primary anion : in : ground water : Adjacent : influencing : stream : Primary : anion in : stream 13S/14E-7N1 8/15/51 825 Sulfate Fanoche Sulfate 12S/11E-25Q1 8/14/51 1,050 Chloride- sulfate Little Panoche Chloride 10S/10E-28D1 7/5/57 250 Bicarbonate Los Banos Bicarbonate 9S/9E-17B1 V9/56 100 Bicarbonate San Luis Bicarbonate 9S/9E-5B1 8/4/58 102 Bicarbonate Quinto Bicarbonate 8s/9e-i6ei 8/4/58 105 Bicarbonate- sulfate Garzas Sulfate 6s/9E-i8fi 7/4/57 620 Bicarbonate- sulfate Orestimba Bicarbonate 5S/7E-15E1 7/21/47 Bicarbonate- sulfate Del Puerto Bicarbonate 3S/5E-17A1 7/21/53 168 Bicarbonate- sulfate Corral Hollov; Bicarbonate- sulfate Historically^ the introduction of irrigated agriculture in an area always has created a need for the natural or artificial removal of water not used consumptively. A portion of the uncon- sumed water usually drains on the surface, v;hile the remainder passes through the soil to the water table. The removal of surface water is primarily a mechanical problem, but the disposal of infiltrating water is more complex. If the water table is but a short distance below the ground surface, or if the soil does not readily permit the passage of water and the volume of applied water is considerable, a high ground water table develops. The -l49- resultant effect Is frequently twofold; crops are either destroyed or the productivity of the land is retarded by the shallow water and by salt accumulation in the root zone of the soil. These effects are commonly referred to as "drowning" and "salt-burn". In portions of the presently irrigated area in the Lower San Joaquin Valley, the occurrence of high ground water conditions followed the introduction of surface irrigation. In some areas, drainage water has been removed effectively, while in others the lack of adequate drainage remains a current problem. Only a small quantity of minerals are utilized by plants in promoting growth. Consequently, unconsumed v\rater will contain higher mineral concentrations than the v;ater applied in the practice of irrigation. It follows that removal of unconsumed water by drainage systems will likewise remove a considerable portion of the dissolved minerals. One means of controlling the elevation of the water table in an area of existing or threatened high ground water is through the use of open or tile drains. This results in an outflow of v;ater which otherv;ise v/ould be con- sumed and evaporated in v\fet areas and, by so doing, reduces the accumulation of salts in the soil. The installation and pumping of drainage v/ells also may be utilized to conti^ol the water table elevation. In some areas drainage districts are formed to provide facilities of this type and in other ar^eas the xvater supply agency provides the means of disposal for unconsumed v/ater. In the Turlock, Modesto, and Merced Irrigation Districts, viater is pumped from drainage wrells into the district canals during the irrigation season and re-used. -150- The Dos Palos and Gustine Drainage Districts similarly dispose of pumped water into the canal system of the Central California Irrigation District. In the Patterson Water District^ v;ells and tile drains are used although the wells apparently have not been as effective as desired. In a few instances, the district drilled wells Interconnecting the upper and lower aquifers. In these wells, the upper zone poor quality v;aters are able to drain into lower water-bearing zones. These wells are in the process of abandon- ment after sealing. In the Banta-Carbona and West Stanislaus Irrigation Districts, the use of v;ells to control the v;ater table Is necessary only in minor problem areas. The absence of a vjidespread high water table problem in these two districts is probably due to the large number of irrigation v/ells in and adjacent to the area. These v;ells, as may be expected, are effective in maintaining the vjater table at an acceptable elevation. In all of the above- mentioned districts, v/ells and tile drains were installed to supplement previously constructed, or natural, surface drainage channels . In areas v/lthout the benefit of adequate natural or artificial drainage facilities, lands tend to become saline- alkaline in nature. This is the case with certain lands adjacent to the San Joaquin River between Turner Island Bridge and the Stanislaus River. These lands constitute a natural source of quality degradation in the San Joaquin River because of the dis- charge of poor quality v;ater. According to available earlier studies, these lands have alv/ays been saline-alkaline, and have -151- been underlain by poor quality ground water. In the "Tenth Annual Report of the State Mineralogist" ^ published in 189O (32), saline water and the saline-alkaline lands in this area v;ere described. This is substantiated by data, including mineral analyses of ground viaters in the area, gathered in 1906 by the United States Geological Survey (52). Historically, these lands probably extended over a larger area of the valley floor. Through reclamation, the areal extent of the poorer lands has been reduced until, at present, they are contained in tvro fairly definite units. The largest of these units is adjacent to the San Joaquin River betv/een Turner Island Bridge and Hills Ferry Bridge. West of the river, the lands are termed the "grasslands" and their extent generally conforms to the boundaries of the Grasslands Water District (Plate 8). On the east side, the lands extend from one-half to five miles from the river. As stated previously in this report, lands in this unit, because of their saline-alkaline nature, are at present limited in their suitability for agricul- tural use; however, they are valued as nesting areas for waterfowl. A high water table underlies the area and the quality of the shallow ground v/ater is very poor. This saline-alkaline area is drained chiefly by Salt Slough on the west, and Bear Creek on the east. The high salt content of v;aters in Salt Slough and Bear Creek, in the absence of rainfall during the nonirrigation months, indicates the effect of these lands on the quality of water. The other unit of saline-alkaline land, tvro to five miles in width, lies east of the San Joaquin River and parallel to it, from the mouth of the Stanislaus River to Hills Ferry Bridge. A large portion of the land in this unit is devoted to irrigated -152- pasture, and other crops are being Introduced, Despite this development, the quality of drainage and effluent ground waters emitting from the ai-ea is poor. This is typified by the quality of waters in Vivian Slough and the Turlock Garden Drain, the principal return flow channels. The average quality of ground water in the area is Class 3. Return Waters One of the principal factors affecting the quality of waters in streams of the Lower San Joaquin Valley has been, and will continue to be, return water from agricultural areas. The Importance of these waters Is emphasized by the fact that avail- able water in the lower reaches of the rivers draining the area during the last half of the irrigation season is primarily return water from upstream lands. Each time crops are Irrigated, water Is consumed and evaporated but little, if any, of the salt content is removed. Fertilizers Increase the salt content of the water, as do the soluable minerals in many of the soils. With repeated use, the accumulation of salts may be such as to render ground water and the effluent seepage unsuitable for further use. To avoid this, the combined outflow of ground water and surface drainage must be sufficient to carry out of the area a quantity of salts equal to that brought in, plus any additives within the area, without the concentration of salts rendering the water unfit for downstream use. Although the entire demand for water may be supplied from -153- surface sources, similar problems arise when drainage water is re-used before it enters a stream. A significant alteration in land use, in turn, will result in a change in the quality, as well as the volume, of return water. However, to bring about a measurable difference, such a change would necessarily be of considerable magnitude. Whether a change of this degree has occurred in the Lower San Joaquin Valley in recent years is not apparent, though a sub- stantial increase in the area irrigated has occurred. A 25 per- cent increase in irrigated acreage over an approximate 10-year span (1948-50 to 1957-58) is shown in Table 10. The volume of summer accretions from return waters for the same period does not show a similar increase but fluctuates according to climatic conditions and available water supplies. At the same time, an increase in salt concentration is evident at key points on the San Joaquin River (Table 23). Further reclamation of the saline-alkaline areas, described earlier, would affect the quality of the water in the San Joaquin River through addition of salts removed from the soil by leaching, and would increase the quantity of return water through the introduction of more adequate drainage racilities. After areawide reclamation and leaching of saline soils has been accomplished, it may be anticipated that the average quality of return flows would be improved. Although, in the general case, return waters contribute to the degradation of streamflow, in the Lower San Joaquin Valley, some return flows actually tend to improve the quality of the _154_ water supplies otherwise available. This Is especially true during the latter part of the Irrigation season. At that time, surface return flows from the east side agricultural area, with the exception of those waters draining from saline-alkaline areas, are derived from abundant supplies of good water. Consequently, the mixture of such flows with drainage and ground waters of poorer quality tends, if anything, to upgrade the available late season water supplies. Conversely, west side return waters are derived from surface water supplies with salt concentrations generally in the range of Class 1 or 2, and ground waters principally in Class 2 and occasionally in Class 3. The salinity of these waters is increased two or more times by use, and invariably results in the discharge of highly concentrated return waters. The importation of return waters from outside the in- vestigation area, as results from the operation of Panoche Drain, poses serious water quality problems. As pointed out in the previous chapter, the quality of return water from areas south of the Delta-Mendota Canal, so far as is known, is very poor. Further increase in the area irrigated in this vicinity will ultimately create a problem of disposal of such return waters. Such waters. If they enter the San Joaquin River, can become a significant source of degradation. Recognizing this problem, the Department of Water Resources, in June 1957j commenced a comprehensive investigation of the drainage problem in the San Joaquin Valley with the objective of formulating a detailed master drainage plan for the entire valley. Preliminary findings resulting from this Investigation are discussed subsequently in this chapter. -155- Agricultural Chemicals The use of fertilizers and insecticides In agricultural operations, for the purpose of promoting crop production, has continued to Increase In California. A portion of the minerals contained In these additions eventually enters surface and ground water supplies as a result of solution In water applied to agri- cultural lands. No studies have been made to determine the types and quantities of chemical constituents entering the State's waters from fertilizers and Insecticides. Consequently, the degrading effects of salts from fertilizers and Insecticides are uncertain; however, the presence of salts probably deriving from these additives Is noted In many water analyses, and Is Indicated In determinations for the various compo\ands of nitrogen and phosphorus. Estimates of the use of fertilizing materials In the various counties of California were made In 195^ by the United States Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. To date, this remains the only available detailed compilation of this type. It was found that the counties of Madera, Merced, and Stanislaus, as a group, used about seven percent of the total tonnage of commercial fertilizers used In California In 195^. This quantity amounted to about 54,000 tons. Other Important soil additives, such as gypsum, were not Included In the above estimate. Since the statewide sale of commercial fertilizers has Increased six- fold In the last 20 years and agricultural minerals (primarily gypsum) twenty-fold In the same period. It Is reasonable to expect that a proportionate Increase In use has occurred In the area of Investigation. -156- Sewage and Industrial Wastes Waste waters derived from the domestic, commercial, and Industrial uses of water are also sources of degradation. As discussed earlier In this report, there are only three such wastes significantly affecting waters of the Lower San Joaquin Valley. These are sewage from the City of Turlock which enters the San Joaquin River via Turlock Lateral No. 5, sewage from the City of Modesto discharged to the Tuolumne River, and waste water from eight natural gas wells adjacent to the Tuolumne River above Modesto. This latter waste is the more significant of the three in its effect on water quality. The wastes discharged from the gas wells are unsuitable for all ordinary consumptive uses and directly increase the salt concentration in the river downstream from the point of discharge. The wastes have a high concentration of chlorides, and records of chloride concentrations at Don Pedro Dam and at the Hlckman- Waterford Bridge indicate that the tonnage of chlorides contributed by these wells is comparable in magnitude to the increase in such tonnage between the two stations. The chlorides discharged from these wells represents an Increment of 28 parts per million in the average flow of the Tuolumne River at Modesto. In a report on water quality of eastern Stanislaus and Merced Counties (4o), it was similarly concluded that the gas wells discussed above directly contributed to the increase in chloride concentration found in the Tuolumne River below Waterford. -157- Effect of Quality of Water on Soils and Crop Response One of the objectives of this Investigation has been to determine the effect of the quality of applied Irrigation water on soils of the area and on crops produced. This objective was limited to water diverted from the San Joaquin River by the cooperating districts for use on typical soils native to their service areas. To accomplish this objective an agreement was made with the Department of Irrigation, University of California at Davis, to study water quality In relation to soil and crop production. The work done by the university Is siimmarlzed briefly In this section. A detailed report of field examinations and laboratory studies is contained in Appendix C. Field Investigation During the four years between 1955 and 1958^ soil samples were taken at 67 sites in the Banta-Carbona, West Stanis- laus, and Patterson service areas and adjacent lands. Many of the samples were taken in cooperation with the Agricultural Extension Service of the University of California in San Joaquin and Stanislaus Counties. Sites selected included unirrlgated lands, representative irrigated fields, and lands reportedly pre- senting problems stemming from salt accumulation. The selection of unirrlgated lands provided a means for comparison between those salts native to the soils and the salt concentration in the soil after the land had been Irrigated. About half the samples were taken in the Patterson Water District service area, where the problems of salt accumulation, high water table, and restricted soil drainage appear to be more widespread. A few samples were -158- taken south of the Patterson area around Crow's Landing, and the remaining samples came from the Banta-Carbona and West Stanislaus areas. Physical and chemical analyses of the soil samples were made in the laboratory for each foot of depth of soil at the point of sampling. The information sought determined the type of analyses to which the soil samples were subjected. Considerable variation in salt accumulation, even in groups of soil samples from similar land classes, is to be expected since many diverse factors govern conditions at each site. This is t]7ue, regardless of the care used in selection of the site loca- tions. These factors include soil type, condition of the soil, past and present irrigation history, methods of cultivation, etc. However, sufficient field data were obtained so that the basic causes of salt accumulation in the soils of the area, and the rela- tionship between applied water, the soil, and crop production could be evaluated. Data gathered in the field, including a discussion of conditions at each site, are presented according to individual sample location in Appendix C. These sites are shown on Plate 3. Laboratory Studies Under field conditions, the status of salt accumulation in the soil can be altered through leaching resulting from excessive precipitation and changes in irrigation practice, such as the application of substantial supplies of water for this purpose. Successful leaching permits the use of a lesser quality water, since salt accumulation is prevented or reduced thereby. As changes in climate and irrigation practice influence the accumulation of salt under existing conditions, studies of the process and effect of salt accumulation in soils of the area and of the effect of -159- leaching were made under laboratory conditions where the principal factors could be controlled. The laboratory studies consisted of the application of waters of various qualities to test cylinders filled with soils native to the investigation area. In a number of cylinders, leaching was permitted, while in others the process of irrigation continued until the crop wilted as a result of salinity in the soil. The soils selected for study were Sorrento loam and Ambrose clay, typical of the soils in the service areas of the cooperating districts. A total of 42 six-foot test cylinders were prepared for laboratory use and experimentation. In addition to the use of Sorrento and Ambrose soils for these tests, Pleasanton gravelly clay loam was used in auxiliary studies of leaching. The Pleasanton soils were placed in cylinders three feet in length, Pour test waters, each more concentrated than the other, prepared by the addition of various combinations of chemicals, were used to irrigate the test cylinders . The quality of the least concentrated water represented the quality of San Joaquin River water prior to 1950; the next highest concentrated water approached the present quality of water of San Joaquin River; and the two most concentrated waters represented further degrees of degradation, projected from present analyses and trends in occur- rence of types of salt. Sunflowers were raised in the test cylinders. This crop was selected because it is deep rooted and deficiencies in both quantity and quality of water supplies may be readily detected by observation of the foliage. -160- The various test procedures and results of the laboratory studies are presented In detail In Appendix C, Conclusions Derived from the Laboratory Studies Following are the conclusions obtained from the studies: "1. The application of San Joaquin River water, even though considered of good quality before 1950, over a period of nxany years on certain soils, together with past irriga- tion practice, has resulted in increasing soil salinity to such an extent that it Is harmful to salt-sensitive plants. "2. Factors responsible for accumulation of soil salines are: a. The mean seasonal precipitation is too low to properly leach the soil. b. The type of soil, especially fine -textured soil of low permeability, may retard the infil- tration of water through the soil thus curtailing the process of leaching. c. Over-efficient use of Irrigation water where less than 30 Inches is applied per season. The raising of perennial crops, such as orchards and alfalfa. Induces efficient use of water. With few exceptions, lands on which annual crops were grown showed little accumulation. d. High water tables. In such cases, evaporation and transpiration concentrate salt in the soil . "3. The concentration and type of salt in the irriga- tion water will influence the soil properties and the accumulated salines. a. Chloride is not the predominating ion, but its accumulation in the soil indj.cateF a need for leaching. b. Future deterioration of irrigation water, with increasing concentrations of sodium will disperse the soil, reduce infiltration, and cause injury to salt-sensitive plants. c. Accumulation of the bicarbonate ion will result in increased exchangeable sodium. This can occur when waters of the type found in the San Joaquin River at present and in the past are used. -I6l- "4. Present and past quality of water diverted from the San Joaquin River is not responsible for existing low Infiltration rates; these are due to poor soil structure or compact, high volume-weight, soils. This Is Important In leaching for when Infiltration rates are low leaching can be difficult. "5. In most of the area, soils are relatively free of accumulated salts and little advantage would be gained from the application of more water. However, additional water should be applied for leaching In fields where salts have accumulated. " Remedial Measures Since the quality of waters available In the lower San Joaquin River Is such that special care may be required In accom- plishing agricultural operations, users are concerned about possible measures to maintain or improve the quality of the water which they divert. While there is need for collective efforts to improve existing conditions,- it is the Individual irrigator who is affected most directly by the quality problems. In many instances, problems resulting from the complex relationship between water, soil, and Irrigation practices are confined to relatively small areas. Solutions to these problems are beyond the scope of this investigation. However, individual farmers should keep Informed of the quality characteristics of their water supply and of soil conditions, and apply corrective measures when necessary. Such measures include changes in irrigation practices as well as, or in addition to, the use of chemical and mechanical aids to crop cultivation and production. An additional, or alternative, step which might be taken by the farm operator is the selection of -162- crops which can produce satisfactory yields under adverse salinity conditions. The solution of Individual problems generally requires the advice of qualified personnel j such as soil conservation specialists or local farm advisors. Beyond the individual farm, the collection and disposal of surface and subsurface drainage generally becomes the responsi- bility of agencies organized for this purpose. The need for additional drainage facilities is evidenced by high water table conditions in many areas of the Lower San Joaquin Valley, and by the apparent Inadequacy of existing facilities in certain areas. Correction of these drainage problems will assist in the removal of the salts which have accumulated in the soil over the course of time. Both Individuals and water service agencies in the area have long recognized, and particularly so during recent years, that positive action for Improvement of drainage conditions is required at an early date in order to maintain the agricultural production of this region. Of particular interest in this regard is a plan prepared by the Soil Conservation Service for drainage of the "grasslands" and tributary areas (6o). This area lies entirely west of the San Joaquin River and Salt Slough* and extends from the mouth of Salt Slough to near the boundary between Townships 13 and l4 South, MDB&M, roughly eight miles south of the Del'ta-Mendota Canal. The plan would provide drainage facilities serving approximately 119,000 acres. Briefly, it is proposed to drain the higher (southern) areas and transfer the effluent to lower areas \ihere it could be used on pasture lands and for the maintaince of wild fowl nesting areas. It is further proposed that drainage -163- waters in excess of these requirements be retained In surface storage for later release to the San Joaquin River during the winter flood period or discharged Into a San Joaquin Valley master drain. A part of The California Water Plan for the San Joaquin Valley is a drainage facility, designated in Bulletin No. 3 as the San Joaquin Valley Waste Conduit. The Inclusion of the drain In the plan followed from recognition that provision of drainage Is vital to the continuity of agricultural productivity In the valley. Subsequent to publication of Bulletin No. 3 in 1957^ hearings concerned with the drainage problems in the valley were held by the Joint Committee on Water Problems of the California Legislature. As a result of the recommendations of this committee, the Department of Water Resources, in 1957j initiated the San Joaquin Valley Drainage Investigation. This investigation, programmed to be completed over a six- year period, had two broad objectives: (l) formulation of a comprehensive master drainage plan for the entire San Joaquin Valley, and (2) Intensive study of areas in present urgent need of drainage, including evaluation of the problem, design of needed facilities, and other studies necessary to determine the feasi- bility of construction of the proposed works. Two solutions to the problem appear to be available. Insofar as collection and conveyance of poor quality drainage water from the San Joaquin Valley is concerned. Each solution would affect the quality of water available in the Lower San Joaquin River. These possible solutions are: (l) abandonment -164- of the San Joaquin River channel for conveyance of usable water supplies in favor of its use as a drainage channel, and (2) con- struction of a separate channel to convey poor quality waters to a locality where discharge to saline waters of the San Francisco Bay system might be accomplished. The first solution would necessitate provision of an alternate source of water supply for present diverters. The most likely sources of such substitute water supplies would be either the Delta-Mendota Canal or the proposed San Joaquin Valley- Southern California Aqueduct of the State Water Facilities. The cooperating districts divert about three-fourths of the total water diverted from the San Joaquin River below Fremont Ford. The remaining one-fourth is diverted and used by smaller agencies and individuals. It would appear that extension of the service areas of the larger agencies to provide water to meet require- ments of the minority group of water users would be feasible of accomplishment. A distinct advantage would be that the quality of the substitute water supply, as evidenced by the present quality of water in the Delta-Mendota Canal, would be better on the average than that now diverted from the San Joaquin River, The second solution, providing for the disposal by removal from the area of both local poor quality drainage waters and saline effluent ground waters, could enhance the quality of water now available in the San Joaquin River by permitting only better quality return flows to enter the river. Thus, selective disposal of return water could effect an improvement in the future quality of water in the San Joaquin River. However, the -165- use of substitute sources of water as a supplemental supply might be needed in conjunction with the operation of a separate waste channel . -166- CHAPTER VI. FUTURE WATER QUALITY CONDITIONS One of the primary objectives of this Investigation was evaluation of the effect of future water resources develop- ment on the quality of waters available for beneficial use in the lower reaches of the San Joaquin River. To accomplish this, a salt-routing study of the San Joaquin River was made. A salt- routing study is a mathematical procedure used to estimate and forecast salt concentrations anticipated to occur under various conditions of watershed development, and to determine the salt balance condition resulting from the predicted conditions. The relationship between the input and output of salts, contained in the water supplied to and discharged from a given service area may be favorable or unfavorable, depending on circumstances peculiar to the area or body of water under con- sideration. This relationship is termed "salt balance". It is axiomatic that, to achieve a favorable salt balance, the quantity of salt leaving an area must be equal to or greater than the quantity of salt which enters. The reverse condition is termed an unfavorable salt balance because it results in the accumulation of salt in the area. Salt Balance Considerations In developing pJLans for conducting the salt-routing study, the objectives and scope of the investigation, as well as -167- the availability of data, were taken into consideration. In addition, certain assumptions were necessary. The principal assumptions used in making this study are discussed in the follow- ing paragraphs. Critical Period It has been found that the critical period for mainten- ance of water quality coincides with the period of minimum flow, since maximum mineral concentrations will occur during such periods. Therefore, in order to forecast the most critical quality conditions that might occur in the lower reaches of the San Joaquin River, runoff and flows measured during the historical drought period from 1927 to 193^ were assumed to recur in the future . New Projects New water conservation projects were assumed to be in existence on the Stanislaus, Tuolumne, and Merced Rivers and to be of sufficient capacity to accomplish nearly full control of the flow. The new projects assumed to be in operation were New Melones Dam on the Stanislaus River, as proposed by the United States Corps of Engineers; New Don Pedro Dam on the Tuolumne River, as proposed by the Turlock and Modesto Irrigation Districts; and the Merced River Development Project, as proposed by the Merced Irrigation District. Plans for proposed projects are generally subject to extensive revision, and often entirely new projects are conceived. -168- thus voiding older plans. Consequently, It Is emphasized that assumed operating schedules used In making the salt-routing study are such as to approximate future developments of a forseeable magnitude. It Is evident that additional studies could be made Incorporating a completely different visualization of the future physical development. An example of this would be the Inclusion of the recently proposed East Side Canal, presently being studied by the United States Bureau of Reclamation. An extension of the Central Valley Project, the plan envisions the transfer of surplus waters from the Delta, and from Nimbus Reservoir on the American River, southerly along the east side of the San Joaquin Valley. The plan Includes a dam and reservoir at the site of the New Melones development on the Stanislaus River, with a storage capacity about double that of the facilities proposed by the United States Corps of Engineers. The Inclusion of this development, and consequent exclusion of other developments con- sidered would, of course, change the computed result of the salt- routing study made for this Investigation. Existing Projects It was assumed that existing projects would continue to function under established operation criteria. These projects Include Frlant Dam and Reservoir on the San Joaquin River, and the Delta-Mendota Canal. They are governed by operation criteria of the Central Valley Project, Including the Exchange Agreement, described in Chapter II of this report. -169- Imported Return Water An important aspect of future development considered involves the disposal of drainage from the area south of the Delta- Mendota Canal. For purposes of this study^ it v;as assumed that such water would be intercepted before reaching the San Joaquin River and transported to the north without mixture with the water supplies of the area of investigation. Methodology While the entire stream system of the San Joaquin River basin was considered in making the salt-routing study for this investigation, mathematical computations were confined to the portion of the San Joaquin River between the Dos Palos gaging station and the Vernalis gaging station, and to the valley reaches of the three principal tributaries. Reasons for limiting com- putations to this expanse of the stream system were: (1) Examination of stream flow records at Dos Palos and the diversion and operation criteria affecting stream flow at this point Indicates that the natural flow of the San Joaquin River would be totally depleted at Dos Palos during the period assumed for the study. Therefore, all water supplies available below this point would consist of tributary Inflow and drainage and return flow and, consequently, quality considerations become of primary importance. (2) With regard to the principal tributaries, relatively insignificant changes in quality take place as flow proceeds from their sources to the foothill reservoirs, so that consideration of quality above the reservoirs was lonnecessary. -170- The period of study covered the eight-year critical drought which occurred between 192? and 1934, since this period Imposed the most stringent limiting conditions Xor both supply and quality. To facilitate computations, the San Joaquin River \-jas divided into four reaches. These reaches were established so as to terminate each reach at or near the diversion point of each of the four cooperating agencies. A salt-routing equation was developed for each reach, as well as for the principal tributaries, taking into account the various factors of inflow and outflow affecting flov/ and quality in the reach. Each equation v/as solved and the results transferred to the adjoining downstream reach where the process was repeated. Factors considered Included such sources of inflow as minor tributaries, valley floor tributaries (runoff, drainage, spillage, etc.), unmeasured runoff from precipi- tation, effluent ground water, and outflows such as seepage losses, diversions, and channel evaporation. Values of flow in lesser streams were obtained from existing records or were estimated using standard methods of hydrologic correlation. Existing records provided the necessary precipitation and evaporation data. Minor correlation studies were made to estimate the less tangible, but important, quanti- ties of effluent ground water and seepage losses. Since lands irrigated by direct diversion from the lower portions of the San Joaquin River and the valley sections of the three principal tributaries are essentially fully developed, the quantities of water diverted to them were assumed to be equal to recent rates of diversion. -171- Quality values were obtained principally through corre- lation of existing flow and quality records, and occasionally by calculation of probable chemical composition. In a few instances Involving minor flov;Sj reasonable values for quality had to be assumed. Each of the four stream reaches used for the study, and individual factors considered to affect each reach are discussed in the following paragraphs . Patterson Reach This reach of the river extends from the Dos Palos gaging station to the Patterson Water District diversion. Principal sources of surface inflow include the Merced River, Salt Slough, Turlock Lateral 5^ and Turlock Lateral 6 and 7* The Fresno and Chowchilla Rivers are tributary to this reach, but examination of stream flow records indicated that flow from these streams would reach the San Joaquin River in only two months of the eight-year period. A separate salt-routing study was made for the Merced River, based on the assumed operation of the Merced River Develop- ment Project, and the results incorporated into the computation for the reach. Calculations for the reach were considered to be indicative of the quality of water available to the Patterson Water District. West Stanislaus Reach This reach extends from the Patterson Water District diversion to just below the confluence of the Tuolumne and San Joaquin Rivers. The Tuolumne River is the principal inflow to this reach. In addition, there is also a number of small surface -172- return flows ^ as viell as effluent ground water. The primary purpose of the study in this reach v;as the determination of quality of water at the West Stanislaus Irrigation District diversion, just upstream from the mouth of the Tuolumne River. These quality values were computed by correlation with quality data calculated for the Grayson gaging station. El Solyo Reach This reach is relatively short, extending from belov^; the confluence of the Tuolumne and San Joaquin Rivers to the El Solyo Water District diversion, a distance of about 10 miles. The largest sources of inflow are Burkhardt Drain and effluent ground water. Calculations for the reach resulted in the estimated quality of water in the San Joaquin River available to the El Solyo Water District at the point of diversion. Banta-Carbona Reach This reach extends from the El Solyo Water District diversion to the San Joaquin River gaging station near Vernalis. The most influential factor in the reach is the inflow from the Stanislaus River, as other inflows and outflows are quite small . As stated in Chapter IV, an excellent correlation exists between the quality of water in the San Joaquin River at Vernalis and at the Banta-Carbona Irrigation District point of diversion. Consequently, the future quality at the Banta-Carbona Irrigation District intake was derived from qualities calculated for the Vernalis station. -173- Predicted Future Water Quality It Is emphasized that the results of the study presented herein are based on presently available data. Because of errors Inherent In prognosticating future conditions they are subject to considerable revision, and are only Indicative of probable future water quality. For these reasons, detailed numerical values obtained from the study are not Included In this report. Instead, the probable range In quality, at the Intakes of the cooperating districts and at Vernalls, are presented In Table 31' This table presents monthly mean values derived for an eight-year drought period, and the values should not be construed as In- stantaneous or dally mean values for water quality at these locations. Comparison of Table 3I with Tables 23 through 27 of Chapter IV results In the following conclusions regarding salt balance: 1. The future quality of water available In the San Joaquin River, under the assumed conditions, would be similar to that existing at present. 2. The average future quality of water at each of the five locations would place the available supplies in Class 1 for agricultural use. Although the maximum values of total dissolved solids and chlorides, as listed In Table 3I, are in Class 2 for Irriga- tion water, the unfavorable aspects of this condition are not serious as the length of time during the Irrigation season when the quality would be poorer than Class 1 would be of short duration. -17^- W pq < EH ^A W w WG? o •H Qa DO -P fn ca (X H H P S •H c •H s m 0) • • 13 H B ?H P O B iH ■H x: X o 03 s bO a u 0) > < •• •• B P B Kl •H 73 c •H •H -1 s O CO •• t3 £ 3 > e H •H O X CO CO CO S •H ■d •• H CD n3 to P cti o U Eh > < • • • • C o •H 4J rt O o ^ o o o o o m o CM o ITS O O o 00 o CVJ o o o o o c^ VO en 00 (J\ CM OJ OJ rH t-i o OJ rH o o> o o o o o o o en ■=j- CO 00 o\ ^ ir\ LA o o O o o in CM ^- f-\ CT) -=1- LA ^ ^ ^ •p C o 1 o •H cd C ■P •H u bO O o -P •p •H -H •H CO CO ^1 CO fn fcO •H U U -P •H Q H (D CO u c > •H u o ^ CO -H o H -H 0) 1^ P CO -P CO fn CO ^ r3 iH -P (U C rs CO o -P o > •H •!-{ rt ^ -H c c u U Q o c CO -P c CO CO CQ O P CO iH <8 o ■H O -P U -H CO -H •H iH 1 o (1) CO Q CO CO CO -H P !^ -p ^ c -P fn P CO C 0) o l-H > CO CO PL. t\ IS -H W •H > CQ-H Q •P Q P ■P -P P p -P < < » P •H • • • • O 0) p P (0 o 0) ft P c Q) CO CO » X o o CO Q) CO CO U rH O rH C C C P CO •H O ■H O •H ra > +» iH rH O lA O 0^ C CO rH C3 (U >» >» •^ P P CO 2 •H •H x; >j O O P i^ TJ a OJ ca •H CO ft ft * 3 to ^ rt cd c o o o O CO ft •H ^^2 S 0) o tiO bO CO ft t-i ca ca > rH u u tt p o o o CO J3 •in p p iQ-d -p CO CO 0) fH >>>» j3 ■d XI •P • • 3 J-. u P CO 2J (U fn to g > > x: u 3 •H •H t^ C CO 09 « (r: o to •H OJ OQ 3 3 •px: P cO-P 0) rt o U rH rH 3 0-0 ^ CO rH •-»ft 1 CTJ •H O • CO -P P • 3 • 0) POE-t- LA s > CO CTi » p C ft 1 P O P O > x: c t« CO rH 5h C +> o -o StJ o o ca > CO O c e SO >> •H ca T) Tia c u Q 3 a 3 O ^ P P fn -H 4-> CO CO ■o 03 rH CO •H 0) > rH * u c C Ou C -H ^ a o O O « S • 0) rH •H C -H U)P a 0) +> o p 'dvo cd -H a s ctf Q CO • C 3 CO U fn O rH -H -d 5 S U CO fi ca ft ft «H fn O (U Z0250S OOO 3 iH ca • • • • > rH CM on ^ -175- In general, late Irrigation season flows below the mouth of the Tuolumne River are expected to be in the lower ranges of Class 2 agricultural supplies, and thus, not too detrimental for the proposed beneficial uses. Upstream from the Tuolumne River the quality should be somewhat poorer, but is expected to be within the range of Class 2 supplies, although tending toward the upper limits for such waters. In summary, it was concluded that additional water con- servation projects on streams tributary to the Lower San Joaquin Valley probably will not materially alter the quality of water available in the lower reaches of the river under the assumed conditions. -176- CHAPTER VII. SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS Summary Continued development of v;ater resources throughout the San Joaquin River drainage basin has brought about a high degree of water utilization In the Lower San Joaquin Valley area, especially during the latter part of the Irrigation season. Coin- cident with this development, there has been an Increase In the mineral content of water available for diversion from the lower San Joaquin River, especially during low flow periods. Concern regarding the maintenance of usable quality of such waters prompted the R^nta-Carbona and West Stanislaus Irri- gation Districts and the Patterson Water Company to enter into an agreement with the State Water Resources Board for a study of factors affecting the quality of their available water supplies. The purpose of the investigation was the study of factors affect- ing the quantity and quality of water in the San Joaquin River, from the mouth of the Merced River to the Delta, and to suggest possible solutions to water quality problems. The area covered by this investigation lies between the divides of the Sierra Nevada and the Coast Ranges, and Includes the San Joaquin River drainage on the south and the Stanislaus River drainage on the north. Water Supply Seasonal precipitation in the area varies .from about 10 Inches on the valley floor to a maximum of around 70 Inches per year, principally in the form of snow, on the higher elevations of the Sierra Nevada. -177- Major streams are the Stanislaus, Tuolumne, Merced, and San Joaquin Rivers. These four streams contribute the bulk of surface inflow to the valley and have an estimated mean natural runoff of 5,953^000 acre-feet per season. Regulation and develop- ment of these rivers has greatly altered the regimen of natural Inflow to the valley. The major portion of the flow in the major streams generally is stored, except during periods of extreme flood stage, and releases from the reservoirs are controlled so that little natural flow occurs at the mouth of the east side streams during summer months. The water resources available In the San Joaquin River have been utilized to such a degree that, even prior to the construction of Frlant Dam, a portion of the San Joaquin River channel below the gaging station near Dos Palos was dry from August through November in practically all years. Water is imported to this area through the Delta- Mendota Canal and Fresno Slough. There are four existing exports of water: Hetch Hetchy Aqueduct, Friant-Kern Canal, North Main Canal of the Oakdale and South San Joaquin Irrigation Districts, and diversions via Fresno Slough. These, imports and exports of water have altered the regimen of flow in streams in the valley. Three distinct zones of bodies of groiond water underlie the area of investigation. They are. In order of occurrence from the surface downward, the free ground water zone, the confined ground water zone, and the saline zone. Estimated ground water storage capacity for the total depth between 10 and 200 feet is about 32,000,000 acre-feet. High water table conditions prevail over considerable portions of the central trough of the valley and in areas where surface water supplies most of the irrigation demand . -178- Water Utilization Development Of streams In the Lower San Joaquin Valley for Irrigation, power, and flood control purposes has progressed steadily since the 1920' s. Further development of water resources is contemplated. The major use of water is for irrigation. Requirements are met, mainly by diversion from surface water, by water service agencies serving about 1,200,000 acres. The gross diver- sion of surface water for irrigation uses increased from about 2,500,000 acre-feet in 1930 to about 3.500,000 acre-feet in 1958. Municipalities within the area utilize ground water almost exclu- sively as a source of supply. Relatively small amounts of v/ater, derived largely from municipal sources, are used by Industry. During summer and fall months, and in other months during dry years, stream flow in the San Joaquin River below Dos Pales is largely return flow, as are flows in the downstream reaches of the principal tributaries. This condition is not a recent development but has existed for many years. Water Quality Monthly records of water quality for the larger streams are available since 1938. Waters of east side streams are a cal- cium bicarbonate type with low total solids and boron concentra- tions, whereas waters of west side streams display great varia- tions in water quality and the total dissolved solids content ranges from low to very high. The quality of water in the Stanislaus, Tuolumne, and Merced Rivers as they enter the valley floor is excellent j but as they cross the valley floor degradation by return waters occurs -179- Little change is noted In the average quality of water at the mouth of the Stanislaus and Merced Rivers for the period of record. On the other hand, the salt concentration at the mouth of the Tuolumne River has increased significantly. The quality of water in valley floor streams tributary to the San Joaquin River varies from excellent to very poor, or even unusable, for agricultural purposes. With certain limited exceptions, east side waters are of considerably better quality than west side waters. The quality of water imported through the Delta-Mendota Canal is, with few exceptions. Class 1 during the irrigation season. The quality of water which could be made available through this facility during winter months is variable. Since the San Joaquin River is Influenced by all other sources of water in the investigation area. Including imported and return waters, there is considerable variation in the quality of its waters downstream from the point where the river enters the valley floor. The quality of water in the San Joaquin River is degraded by return flows and is poorest at Fremont Ford. As flow proceeds further downstream, the overall salt concentration decreases due to dilution from better quality tributary east side waters . However, during the irrigation season a second increase in mineral concentration is noted at Grayson. The quality of water diverted from the San Joaquin River by the cooperating districts fell in Class 1 in 1956, 1957. and 1958. and in Class 2 in 1955 and 1959- -180- Ground v;aters on the east side of San Joaquin Valley are generally of good quality. Exceptions, however, occur In certain sniall areas adjacent to the San Joaquin River and in v/ater from deep wells near the Tuolumne River above Modesto. Ground water v/est of the San Joaquin River varies greatly in quality. Quality Problems, Effects, and Control The quality of both surface and ground waters in the area of investigation varies widely from place to place and from time to time. In some instances, the water is naturally of poor quality; in others, there has been a progressive deterioration In quality resulting from cultural development. In areas where the quality has, or probably may, become unsuitable for general or specific uses, a water quality problem exists. Degradation of the quality of water in the Lower San Joaquin Valley may be attributed to both natural sources and cultural development. There is a large body of saline water of marine origin underlying the entire San Joaquin Valley ground water basin. This body of water is foimd at a depth of 400 to 500 feet near Modesto, and 1,000 feet or greater between Madera and Mendota. Intrusion of the saline v/ater into usable ground waters is apparent in the Modesto-Turlock-Waterford area and in the area west of Pirebaugh and Mendota. Analyses of water from deep wells in these areas show high chlorides and high percent sodium. The possibility of increased intrusion from saline waters in these areas, or of intrusion in other areas, is dependent upon the magnitude and location of ground water development. -181- Although the quality of water used for irrigation may constitute a problem, other problems can result in conjunction with the irrigation of land. Drainage is such a problem in the Lower San Joaquin Valley. Historically, the introduction of irri- gated agriculture in an area creates a need for the natural or artificial removal of water not used consumptively. The lack of effective subsurface drainage frequently has a twofold effect; crops are either destroyed, or the productivity of the land is retarded by the shallow water table and by salt accumulation in the root zone of the soil. In portions of the presently Irrigated area of the Lower San Joaquin Valley, the occurrence of high ground water conditions followed the introduction of surface irrigation. In some areas, drainage has prevented the accumula- tion of salts in the upper soil horizons, while in others the lack of adequate drainage remains a current problem. In areas without the benefit of adequate natural or artificial drainage facilities, lands have become saline-alkaline in nature. These areas constitute a probable source of degrada- tion because of the poor quality of drainage water discharged. The effect of such lands on water quality may be judged from laboratory analyses of ground waters and return waters derived from the two such areas which lie adjacent to the San Joaquin River. One of the principal factors affecting the quality of water in streams of the Lower San Joaquin Valley has been, and will continue to be, return waters. The Importance of these waters is emphasized by the fact that available vrater in the lower reaches of the river during the latter part of the irrigation season is primarily return water. -182- Return water Is generally of lesser quality than natural flow as a result of Its use In irrigation. A significant altera- tion in land use will, in turn, result in a change in the quality as well as the return flows. Whether significant changes in return flows have occurred in the Lower San Joaquin Valley in recent years is not apparent, although a substantial increase in the area irrigated is evident. At the same time, an increase in salt concentration has been found at key points on the San Joaquin River. While return waters from lands irrigated on the west side of the San Joaquin Valley contribute to the degradation of streams in the Lower San Joaquin Valley, a paradox exists in that some return flows from lands irrigated on the east side of the valley actually tend to Improve the quality of the receiving waters. This results from the fact that the original supply to east side lands is abundant and of such good quality that the quality of the drainage water is better than that of the receiv- ing water. Conversely, west side return waters are derived from water supplies with salt concentrations ranging from Class 1 or 2 for surface vzaters to Class 2 and occasionally Class 3 for ground waters. The use and reuse of these waters in certain areas generally result in return waters with high mineral con- centrations . Waste waters derived from the domestic, commercial, and industrial uses of water are also sources of degradation. Of the wastes which significantly affect waters of the Lower San Joaquin Valley, those stemming from natural gas wells adjacent to the Tuolumne River above Modesto are the more degrading. -183- To determine the effect of the quality of irrigation water on soils and crops of the area, the Department of Irriga- tion of the University of California at Davis made a study of water quality In relation to soil and crop prx5ductlon. Field Investigations In the area of the cooperating districts were made to determine the presence and quantity of salts in soils of the area. Laboratory studies were made to determine the process and effect of salt accumulation in the soils of the area under varying conditions of water supply and quality. Many of the problems associated with the quality of water used in agriculture are confined to small areas, or even individual farms, and are generally associated with soil and drainage conditions. These problems are best solved through individual effort supplemented by specialized advice. There are, however, large areas of valley floor lands in which the problem of drainage and disposal of return flows is predominant. Organized governmental agencies, federal, state, and local, are in the best position to deal effectively with this type of problem. Current efforts in this regard are being made by the Soil Conservation Service In planning for the drainage of about 120,000 acres in the southerly portion of the investigation area, and by the Department of Water Resources which is studying plans for a San Joaquin Valley master drain. There appear to be two principal means of removing drainage and return waters from the San Joaquin Valley. These, broadly, are (l) the use of the San Joaquin River channel as a -184- conveyance conduit, and (2) the construction of a separate drain- age facility to deliver poor quality water to a point of discharge to tidewater. With either alternative method of disposal, how- ever, a supplemental or substitute supply of good quality water may be required to maintain and expand the agricultural economy of the area. Such supplies could be made available from either the Delta-Mendota Canal or the state-constructed and -operated San Joaquin Valley-Southern California Aqueduct. Future Water Quality Conditions One of the primary objectives of this investigation was evaluation of the effects of future water resources develop- ment, on streams tributary to the area, on the quality of waters in the lower reaches of the San Joaquin River. To accomplish this, a salt routing study of the San Joaquin River was made. In making this study it was assumed that (l) the historical drought period from 1927 to 193^ would recur; (2) New Melones Dam on the Stanislaus River with a storage capacity of 1.2 million acre-feet. New Don Pedro Dam on the Tuolumne River with a storage capacity of 1.8 million acre-feet, and the Merced River Development Project consisting of three reservoirs with a combined storage capacity of 1.6 million acre-feet, would be in existence; (3) existing projects would continue to function under presently established operation criteria; (4) imported drainage water would be conveyed through the area via the master drainage system for the San Joaquin Valley as authorized under the State Water Resources Development System. The effect of the East Side Division of the Central Valley Project, as proposed by the United States Bureau of Reclamation, was not considered. -185- The operation studies used in the current investigation were those made for New Melones Dam by the United States Corps of Engineers, in 1953^ for New Don Pedro Dam by the Department of Water Resources in 195^^ and for the Merced River Development Project by the Merced Irrigation District in January 1959- The San Joaquin River was divided into four reaches, each terminating at or near the intakes of the cooperating districts . The various factors affecting flow and quality of water in the San Joaquin River and the three principal tributaries were evaluated and parameters leading directly to the determination of results were considered. It was found that the future quality of water avail- able at the intakes of the four cooperating districts probably would not vary greatly from that existing at present. Conclusions 1. Water is Imported to the area of investigation through the Delta-Mendota Canal and Fresno Slough while the principal exports are effected by the Frlant-Kern Canal and the Oakdale-South San Joaquin Irrigation District diversion on the Stanislaus River. The total export of water, excluding natural outflow, has exceeded the import in recent years, often by a ratio of as much as two to one. 2. In almost every year, a portion of the San Joaquin River channel between the Dos Palos gaging station and Fremont Ford Bridge, 56 miles downstream, is dry during the months of August through November. This condition is not of recent origin, but has been prevalent for many years. -186- 3. Waters in the Stanislaus and Merced Rivers at their confluence with the San Joaquin River are of excellent quality during both summer and winter months, and tend to Improve the quality of water in the San Joaquin River. The salt content of water of the Tuolumne River at its confluence with the San Joaquin River, although less than that in the San Joaquin River, is twice that of either the Stanislaus or Merced Rivers. 4. The quality of waters in west side streams above the valley floor varies seasonally, and during periods of low flov; the waters are generally unsuitable for irrigation uses. 5. The highest concentrations of salts in the waters of the San Joaquin River are found in the vicinity of Fremont Ford Bridge. The salinity from Fremont Ford to Mossdale is decreased by dilution with waters from the Merced, Tuolumne, and Stanislaus Rivers and by the relatively high quality return flows in this reach. 6. The average quality of waters in the San Joaquin / River at all points below Mendota has undergone a continuous ^ deterioration since December 1950. ~' 7. Return waters from the area west of the San Joaquin River are generally of a poorer quality than return waters from the east side areas. 8. Increased use of ground water from the zone beneath the Corcoran clay member has resulted in the pumping of waters which contain saline connate water from wells in several local areas . 9. Poor quality ground water on the west side of the San Joaquin River results from recharge of the aquifers by highly mineralized west side streams. -187- 10. While the quality of water of the Tuolumne River at, and for some distance below, Waterford remains In Class 1 for Irrigation, its mineral content is increased by saline waste waters discharged to the river from gas and artesian wells east of Modesto. 11. The irrigation application of San Joaquin River water over a period of many years on certain soils, together with the effects of past irrigation practice, has resulted in increas- ing soil salinity to such an extent that it is now harmful to salt-sensitive plants. 12. Factors responsible for accumulation of soil salines in the area are: (a) the low mean seasonal precipitation is insufficient to properly leach the upper soil layers, (b) the type of soil, especially fine-textured soil of low permeability may retard the percolation of water through the soil thus cur- tailing the process of leaching, (c) excessively stringent economy in the application of irrigation water, and (d) high water tables. 13. Results of a salt routing study indicate that, under the assumed conditions additional water conservation proj- ects on streams of the Lower San Joaquin Valley probably will not alter materially the average quality of water in the lower reacnes of the river, in comparison to the present -quality con- ditions. The assumed conditions were: (a) the historical drought period from 1927 to 193^ would recur; (b) New Melones Dam on the Stanislaus River with a storage capacity of 1.2 million acre-feet. New Don Pedro Dam on the Tuolumne River with a storage capacity of 1.8 million acre-feet, and the Merced -188- River Development Project consisting of three reservoirs with a combined storage capacity of 1.6 million acre-feet, would be in existence; (c) existing projects would continue to function under presently established operation criteria; and (d) imported drainage water would be conveyed through the area via the master drainage system for the San Joaquin Valley as authorized under the State Water Resources Development System, Recommendations 1. Continued surveillance of the quality of water in the lower reaches of the San Joaquin River and of the status of salt accumulation in the soil should be maintained by both con- cerned individuals and water service agencies in the area. 2. Drainage districts or similar agencies empowered to plan, construct, and operate facilities for the drainage of high water table lands or for the disposal of return waters, should be organized by local governmental bodies and by respon- sible agricultural interests in the area. 3. Responsible agriculturists representing irrigated or Irrigable areas not presently contained within the boundaries of an organized water service agency competent to contract for Imported supplies of good quality water should give considera- tion to the advisability of organizing such additional agencies as may be required for such purpose. -189- APPENDIX A AGREEMENTS A-1 APPENDIX A AGREEr.ffiNTS CONTENTS Page Agreement betv;een the State Water Resources Board, The Banta-Carbona Irrigation District, acting for Itself and The West Stanislaus Irrigation District;, The Patterson Water Company, et al, and the Department of Public Works A- 3 Agreement between Banta-Carbona Irri'"':ation District, West Stanislaus Irrigation District, and Patterson Water Company A- 10 A-2 AGREEMEMT BETV/EEN THE STATE WATER RESOURCES BOARD, THE BANTA-CARBONA IRRIGATION DISTRICT, ACTING FOR ITSELF AND THE WEST STANISLAUS IRRIGATION DISTRICT, THE PATTERSON WATER COMPANY, ET AL, AND THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS THIS AGREEMENT, executed In qulntupllcate, entered into as of June 28, 1955j. by and between the State Water Resources Board, hereinafter referred to as the "Board", the Banta-Carbona Irrigation District, hereinafter referred to as the "District", acting for itself and the V/est Stanislaus Irrigation District, the Patterson Water Company, and such other agencies and indi- viduals diverting water from the San Joaquin River as may con- tribute financially, and the Department of Public Works, State of California, acting through the agency of the State Engineer, hereinafter referred to as the "State Engineer". WITNESSETH WHEREAS, by the State Water Resources Act of 1945, as amended, the Board is authorized to conduct investigations of the water resources of the State, formulate plans for the control, conservation, protection, and utilization of such v/ater resources, including solutions for the v/ater problems of each portion of the State as deemed expedient and economically feasible, and may render reports thereon; and VfHEREAS, by said act, and by Chapter 1552, Statutes of 19^9^ the State Engineer is authorized to cooperate with any county, city, state agency, or public district on flood control and other v/ater problems including problems of v;ater quality, and when requested by any thereof may enter into a cooperative agreement to expend money on behalf of any thereof to accomplish the purposes of said acts; and A-3 WHEREAS, the District has requested the Board and the State Engineer to enter into a cooperative agreement to conduct a comprehensive investigation of all factors that are icnovm or believed to influence quantity and quality of return flow in the lower reaches of the San Joaquin River, and to prepare a report of such investigations v^ith recommendations as to possible solu- tion of the problems involved; and ^-■raEREAS, the Board on May 13^ 1955. adopted a report from the State Engineer stating a need for such investigation in the lower reaches of the San Joaquin River, such investigation to extend over a period of five years at a total cost of Ninety Thousand Six Hundred Dollars ($90,600). NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and of the several promises to be performed by each as hereinafter set forth, the Board, the District, and the State Engineer do hereby mutually agree as follows: ARTICLE I - WORK TO BE PERFORMED: The work to be performed under this agreement shall consist of (l) a complete review of reports of prior investiga- tions of the water resources of the San Joaquin River and con- tributory watershed; (2) a compilation and evaluation of data nov; available and preparation of an interim report evaluating the following as well as may be possible V7ith such data; (3) deter- mination of effects of quality of waters in lower reaches of San Joaquin River on lands and crops served therefrom; (4) eval- uation of quality of waters in lower reaches of San Joaquin River at present and in the future as they may be affected by A-4 present and proposed water development projects on, and utiliza- tion of, waters from the San Joaquin River and its tributaries; (5) determination of effect on quality of return water in lower reaches of San Joaquin River of further economic development in San Joaquin Valley; and (6) preparation of a final report evaluat- ing the foregoing items using data to be obtained in the course of the investigation in addition to that now available. The Board by this agreement authorizes and directs the State Engineer to cooperate by conducting said investigation and preparing said report and by otherwise advising and assisting in formulating solutions to the water problems of the District. During the progress of said investigation, all maps, plans, information, data, and records pertaining thereto which are in the possession of any party hereto, shall be made fully available to any other party hereto for the due and proper accomplishments of the objectives hereof. The work to be done under this agreement shall be dili- gently prosecuted with the objective of completing the interim repo.rt by June 30, 1956, or as nearly thereafter as possible, and to completing the investigation and report thereon by June 30, i960, or as nearly thereafter as possible. ARTICLE II - FUNDS: On execution of this agreement, the District shall transmit the sum of Twelve Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($12,500) to the State Engineer for deposit, subject to the approval of the Director of Finance, into the Water Resources Revolving Fund in the State Treasury, for expenditure by the State Engineer in performance of the work provided for in this agreement. A- 5 Execution of this agreement shall also be contingent upon approval by the Director of Finance of the transfer, prior to June 30, 1955, of the sum of Seven Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($7,500) from funds appropriated to the Board by Item 259 of the Budget Act of 195^^ and the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000) from funds appropriated to- the State Division of Water Resources by Item 24? of the Budget Act of 1954, to the said Water Resources Revolving Fund for expenditure by the State Engineer In performance of work provided for in this agreement. It is understood by and between the parties hereto the sum of Twenty Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000) to be made available as hereinbefore provided is adequate to perform that portion of the above specified work during the first year of said five-year investigation. It is further understood that the District will make a further sum of Seven Thousand Six Hundred Dollars ($7,600) available at the commencement of each of the second, the third, and the fourth years of said investigation which will be subject to a matching or contribution in an equal sum by the Board to defray expenses incurred during the second, third, and fourth years thereof, and will make a further sum of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000) available at the commencement of the fifth year of said investigation which will be subject to a matching or contribution in an equal sum by the Board for the completion of said investigation and report, contingent upon availability of District and Board funds for such purposes. It is understood by and between the parties hereto that the sum of Ninety Thousand Six Hundred Dollars ($90,600) to be made available as hereinbefore provided, is adequate for laboratory A-6 charges, salaries and expenses of engineers and geologists engaged directly In the Investigation. The State Engineer In accordance with statutory responsibilities under Section 229 of the Water Code, will contribute to the Investigation to the extent of furnishing supervision, clerical and drafting services, and printing the reports. Notwithstanding anything contained in this agreement contrary hereto or in conflict herewith, this agreement is made contingent upon the funds being deposited in or transferred to the Water Resources Revolving Fund as provided herein for expendi- ture by the State Engineer in performance of the work provided for in this agreement. In the event any of the funds are not trans- ferred to the Water Resources Revolving Fund by the Director of Finance as provided for herein, this agreement shall terminate and the unexpended balance of any funds deposited by the District shall be returned, provided that neither the Board nor the State Engineer shall be obligated to the District for any portion of the funds already expended. The Board and the State Engineer shall under no circum- stances be obligated to expend for or on account of the work pro- vided for under this agreement any amount in excess of the funds made available hereunder. A statement of expenditures for each fiscal year begin- ning July 1 and ending June 30 shall be furnished the Dlstrj ct by the State Engineer as soon as practicable after the close of the fiscal year. Upon completion and final payment for the work provided for in this agreement, the State Engineer shall furnish to the Board and to the District a statement of all expenditures made under this agreement. One-half of the total amount of all said A-7 expenditures shall be deducted from the sum advanced from funds appropriated to the Board and one-half of the total amount of all said expenditures shall be deducted from the sum advanced by the District and any balance which may remain shall be returned to the Board and to the District in equal amounts. Notwithstanding anything herein contained to the con- trary, this agreement may be terminated and the provisions of this agreement may be altered, changed, or amended, by mutual consent of the parties hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereunto have executed this agreement as of the date first herein written. A-8 Approved as to Form and Procedure BANTA-CAREONA IRRIGATION DISTRICT Rutherford, Jacobs, Cavalero 5: Dietrich E B y /s/ Philip Cavalero A Attorney L B y /s/ A. R. Leh'man Chairman, Board of Directors Approved as to Form and Procedure /s/ El-vera Draper Secretary, Board of Directors /s/ Henry Holslnger Attorney for Division of Water Resources STATE V/ATER RESOURCES BOARD B y /s/ Clair A. Hill Chairman APPROVED AS TO FUNDS STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS /s/ E. R. Higglns Comptroller FRANK B. DURKEE Director of Public Works Approved as to Form and Procedure B y /s/ A. H. Henderson A. H. Henderson Deputy Director of Public V/orks ^__,__^.^___ J^^e 30, 1955 Attorney, Department of Public Works APPROVED BY DEPARTI^NT OF FINANCE; /s/ A. D. Edmonston A. D. Edmonston State Engineer :S.H.Y. :L.F.H. : : Form tBudget : Value:Descript DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE APPROVED Jul 25 1955 ;JOHN M. PEIRCE, Director :By /s/ Louis J. Heinzer Administrative Adviser A-9 THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into as of June 20;, 1955. by and between BANTA-CARBONA IRRIGATION DISTRICT, a state agency of the State of California, hereinafter referred to as "Banta-Carbona", WEST STANISLAUS IRRIGATION DISTRICT, a state agency of the State of California, hereinafter referred to as "West Stanislaus", and PATTERSON WATER COMPANY, a mutual v;ater company, hereinafter referred to as "Patterson", W-I-T-N-E-S-S-E-S T-H-A-T : WHEREAS, Banta-Carbona, West Stanislaus, and Patterson mutually desire that a comprehensive investigation be made of all factors that are known or believed to influence quantity or quality of return flov; in the lower reaches of the San Joaquin River and that a report of such investigation v\rith recommenda- tions as to possible solution of the problems Involved, if any, be prepared; and WHEREAS, there are existing state agencies of the State of California that have qualified personnel and facilities to undertake such a study and investigation; and WHEREAS, said agencies of the State of California have been contacted and the desired study and investigation can be made pursuant to the terms of that certain Agreement attached hereto, marked Exhibit "A", and by this reference thereto incor- porated herein as though fully set forth herein, which said Agreement shall hereinafter be referred to as the "Survey Agree- ment"; and A-10 WHEREAS, pursuant to said Survey Agreement, the state agencies of the State of California Involved require that Banta- Carbona, therein referred to as "District", act as the con- tracting agency for all of the parties herein; and 1«/HEREAS, Banta-Carbona, West Stanislaus, and Patterson wish to proceed as In said Survey Agreement set forth and wish to have a written agreement among themselves relative to their respective responsibilities, contributions, and benefits in this regard; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 1. Banta-Carbona, as the contracting agency repre- senting Banta-Carbona, V/est Stanislaus, and Patterson, is hereby authorized and directed by Banta-Carbona, West Stanislaus, and Patterson to execute, for and on behalf of each of the parties hereto, said Survey Agreement, and each of the parties hereto agrees to be bound by the terms of said Survey Agreement and to indemnify and hold harmless Banta-Carbona from any liability or responsibility other than its appropriate proportionate liability and responsibility herein set forth. 2. It is agreed that all cash contributions to be made by Banta-Carbona, V/est Stanislaus, and Patterson for the purpose of paying for their respective portion of the amount to be paid for the v/ork to be done pursuant to said Survey Agreement shall be shared among them or a per acreage basis, and that for all purposes of this agreement, the acreage of each of the three contracting parties shall be the following: Banta-Carbona 15^680 acres V/est Stanislaus 21,695 acres Patterson l4,088 acres Total 51,453 acres A-11 From the foregoing, it is agreed that each of the con- tracting parties hereto shall pay and be responsible for the following percentage, respectively, of any payment to be made, to wit: Banta-Carbona 30.47 percent West Stanislaus 42.16 percent Patterson 27.37 percent 3. The contracting parties hereto expect that other landholders and agencies, both public and private, similarly situated will join the cooperative effort contemplated hereby, and in this regard it is agreed that such other participants as may join this cooperative effort at a later date ;vlll be asked to contribute on a per acreage basis in an equitable manner. To the extent that the contributions of any additional partici- pants will serve to meet the obligations of the contracting parties hereto Incurred by the execution of the Survey Agreement, the amount required to be contributed by the parties hereto shall be reduced on a prorata basis. 4. The contribution of each of the parties hereto, and of any additional participant who may join this enterprise at a later date, shall be deposited in a special fund in the American Trust Company bank at Tracy, California. Said fund shall be known and designated as the "San Joaquin River Water Quality Survey Fund". Checks drawn upon said fund shall bear three (3) signatures, to wit, that of the respective Secretary of each of the contracting parties hereto. 5. Upon the completion of the prupose contemplated by this agreement, or upon any earlier agreed termination thereof, any unexpended funds remaining on deposit in the account of the A-12 contracting parties shall be returned to the contracting parties and to any other participants v/ho may have advanced funds sub- sequent hereto in the proportion that the amount of each particu- lar participant's contribution bears to the total contribution made for the entire enterprise. 6. This agreement contemplates the highest good faith between the parties hereto ^ and each of the parties hereto pledges itself to exert its best effort to the end that the objectives of this agreement may be finally accomplished. IN WITNESS 1^^HERE0F, each of the part ies, hereto, by and through its officers thereunto duly authorized, has executed this Agreement, in triplicate, as of the day and year first hereinabove v/rltten. S BANTA CARBONA IRRIGATION DISTRICT E A B y /s/ A. R. Lehman L B y/s/ Elvera Draper Secretary S WEST STANISLAUS IRRIGATION E DISTRICT A L B y /s/ W. W. Cox B y/s/ Lav/rence D. Harrison, Secretary S PATTERSON WATER COMPANY E A B y /s/ Lestor K. Gustafson, Pres. L B y /s/ Leora Fink, Sec. A-13 t t APPENDIX B BIBLIOGRAPHY I I B-1 APPENDIX B BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Banta-Carbona Irrigation District. "Annual Report of the Banta-Carbona Irrigation District". 19^4 through 1958 (15 volumes) . 2. Brovmscombe, Ralph H. "Report and Recommendations on Ground Water and Land Drainage^ Los Banos Soil Conser- vation District". United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service. January 1950. '3. Bryan, E. N. "Report on Investigation of Possible Sources of Water Supply for West Stanislaus Irrigation District". May 1921. 4. California State Department of Agriculture Bureau of Chemistry. "Use of Fertilizing Materials on a County Basis". Announcement No. FM-281. March 26, 1956. 5. . "Fertilizing Materials" special Publication No. 274. 1958. 6. California State Department of Engineering. "Biennial Report 1907-1908". 7. . "irrigation Districts in California I887-1915", Bulletin 2. 1916. 8. . "Proposed Banta-Carbona Irrigation District". Letter Report. November 1920. 9. California State Department of Finance, Printing Division. "California Blue Book". Editions of 1954 and 1958. 10. California State Department of Public Works, Division of Water Rights. "Hydrographic Investigation of San Joaquin River". Bulletin No . 1 . May 1923. 11. California State Department of Public Works, Division of Engineering and Irrigation. "irrigation Requirements of California Lands". Bulletin No. 6, Appendix "b" . 1923. 12. California State Department of Public Works, Division of Water Resources. "Reports of Sacramento-San Joaquin Water Supervision", for the years 1924 through 1955* (27 volumes) . 13. . "Irrigation Districts in California". Bulletin No. 21-21P. 1929-1950. (17 volumes). 14. . "San Joaquin River Basin". Bulletin 29. 1931. B-2 15. . "Quality of Substitute Water - San Joaquin Valley", Volumes 1, 2, 3, and 4 of four volumes^ unpublished data. 1937 and 1938. 16. . "investigation of San Joaquin River near Turlock and Turlock Irrigation District Lateral No. 5 Drain". Mimeo- graphed report. June 1952. 17. . "A Pollution Study of San Joaquin River between the Merced and Tuolumne Rivers". Mimeographed report. June 1952. 18. . "Report on Water Conditions and Adequacy of Supply on a 6,678-Acre Tract Located on San Luis Island Pro- posed for a Waterfowl Management Area to be Acquired by the State of California". December 1952. 19. , "Sacramento River and Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta -- Trial Water Distribution, 1955". January 1956. 20. California State Department of Water Resources. "Quantity and Quality of Waters Applied to and Drained from the Delta Lowlands". (Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta) Report No. 4. July 1956. 21. California Department of Water Resources, Division of Resources Planning. "interim Report - Lov;er San Joaquin Valley Water Quality Investigation". October 1956. 22. . "Quality of Surface Waters in California 1951-1954". Water Quality Investigations Report No. 15. November 1956. 23. . "The California Water Plan". Bulletin No. 3. May 1957. 24. _ . "Report on Modesto-Waterford Gas Wells". Mimeographed Letter Report. October 15:. 1957. 25. . "Quality of Surface Waters in California, 1955-56". Bulletin No. 65. December 1957. 26. . "irrigation and Water Storage Districts in California, for 1951-1955". Bulletin No. 21. January 1958. 27. California State Department of Water Resources, Division of Design and Construction. "Supplement to July 1954 Report on Control of Floods Lov;er San Joaquin River and Tribu- taries, Friant Dam to Merced River". February 1958. 28. California State Department of Water Resources, Division of Resources Planning and United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation. ''1957 Joint Hydrology Study - Sacramento River and Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta". July 1958. 29. California State Department of Water Resources, Division of Resources Planning. "Surface Water Flow for 1956". Bulletins 23-56. January 1959. B-3 30. . "Ground Water Conditions In Central and Northern California, 1957-58". Bulletin No. 77-58. October 1959. 31. . "Surface Water Flow for 1957". Bulletin No. 23-57. February I96O. 32. California State Mining Bureau. "Tenth Annual Report of the State Minerologist" . 1890 33. California State Water Project Authority. "Reports on Acquisition of and Plans of Exchange for Waters of the San Joaquin River". August 1936 through June 1939. (18 volumes) . 34. . "Feasibility of State Ownership and Operation of the Central Valley Project of California". March 1952. 35. California State V/ater Resources Board. "V/ater Resources of California". Bulletin 1. 1951. 36. . "Water Utilization and Requirements of California". Bulletin 2, June 1955 (2 volumes). 37. California State Water Rights Board. "Decision Number D-935 on San Joaquin River" adopted June 2., 1959. 38. City and County of San Francisco, Public Utilities Commis- sion. "Annual Report". 193^-35 through 1957-58 (24 volumes) . 39. . "San Francisco Water and Power". June 19^9. 40. Davis, Stanley N. and Hall, Francis R. "V/ater Quality of Eastern Stanislaus and Northern Merced Counties". School of Mineral Sciences, Stanford University. 1959. 41 . Galloway, J. D. "Report on Merced Irrigation District". February-August 1920. 42. Harrington, W. D. and Means, Thomas H. "Report to the Board of Directors of Banta-Carbona Irrigation District Upon the Cost of Completing Irrigation System". August 1925. 43. Horton, C. R. "Stevlnson Area Drainage Problem". Univer- sity of California, Agricultural Extension Service. Mimeographed report. 1952. 44. Huber, W. L. "Memorandum to State Department of Public Works on West Stanislaus Irrigation District". April 1927. 45. Kingman, Dean S. "City of Dos Palos, Municipal Water Works - Engineering Report". August 1957. B-4 46. Llppencott, J. B. "Adequacy and Quality of the Proposed Substantial Water Supply for the Mendota Canal". January 1938. 47. Llppencott, J. B. and Kerr, S. A. "Quality of Water to be Supplied to Mendota Can?ls Under Proposed Exchange Agree- ment". November 22, 1937. 48. McCray, F. P. "Banta-Carbona Irrigation District Engineers Report". July 1921. 49. McSwaln, Kenneth R. "The Eastern Merced County Water Plan". September 1957. 50. Means, Thomas H. "Report on Enlargement of Irrigation System, Banta-Carbona Irrigation District, San Joaquin County, California". July 1926. 51. , "Report on the Salinity In the San Joaquin River". 1941 and 1947 (2 reports). 52. Mendenhall, W. C, Dole, R. B. and Stable, Herman. "Ground Water In the San Joaquin Valley, California". United States Department of the Interior, Geological Survey Water Supply Paper 398. 1916. 53. Merced Irrigation District. "Financial Statement of Secretary and Annual Report of Chief Engineer". 1954, 1955, and 1958. 54. Modesto Irrigation District. "The Modesto Irrigation District". August 1956. 55. Stanislaus County Planning Department. "A water Need Study for Stanislaus County - For the Year 2050". 1957. 56. Tudor - Goodenough Engineers. "Feasibility Report on Merced River Development for Merced Irrigation District". September 1958. 57. United States Department of Agriculture, Office of Experi- ment Stations. "Annual Report of Irrigation and Drainage Investigations for 1904". Bulletin 158. 1905. 58. United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Plant Industry. "Boron in Soil and Irrigation Waters and Its Effect on Plants, With Particular Reference to the San Joaquin Valley of California". Bulletin 448. February 1935. 59. United States Department of Agriculture, United States Salinity Laboratory Staff. "Diagnosis and Improvement of Saline and Alkali Soils". Agriculture Handbook No. 60. February 1954. B-5 60. United States Department of Agriculture ;, Soil Conservation Service. "The Firebaugh-Los Bancs Drainage Survey, Merced and Fresno Counties". February I96O. 61. United States Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers. "Review Report for Flood Control on Chowchilla River Basin, California" (draft). April 196O. 62. United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Recla- mation Region 2, Operations and Maintenance Division. "Report of Operations". (Central Valley Project) Monthly report of each year 19^5 through 1959. 63. United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Recla- mation. "Water Supply Study, Madera Irrigation District". Mimeographed report. April 19^8. 64. . "Ground Water Investigations of Central Valley". Mimeographed report Central Valley Project. June 1950. 65. United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Recla- mation. Region 2, Delta District. "Progress Report on Ground Water Investigations and Related Hydrologlc Data". June 1952. 66. United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Recla- mation. Region 2, Tracy Operations Field Branch. "Central Valley Project Factual Report on Salinity and Stream Flow Measurements Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers and Delta Area". 1952 and 1953. 67. United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Recla- mation. Region 2, Fresno Operations Office. "Panoche Water District - Factual Report". June 195^. 68. United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Recla- mation. "Panoche Water District - Water Supply, Chapter IV, Central Valley Project". December 195^. 69. United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Recla- mation. Region 2, Fresno Operations Field Branch. "San Luis Water District - Factual Report". December 1956. 70. United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Recla- mation. Region 2, Tracy Operations Field Branch. "1955 Water Supply". June 1957. 71. United States Department of the Interior, Geological Survey, Ground Water Branch. "Preliminary Report on the Ground Waters of San Joaquin Valley, California". Water Supply Paper 222. 1908. 72. United States Department of the Interior, Geological Survey. "Some Stream Waters of the Western United States". Water Supply Paper 27^. 19II • B-6 73. . "Surface Water Supply of the United States - Pacific Slope Basins in California". V/ater Supply Papers 631^ 651. 671, 691, 706, 721, 736, 751. 766, 791, 811, 831, 861, 881, 901, 931, 961, 981, 1011, 104l, 1061, 1091, 1121, 1151, 1181, 1215, 1245, and 1285 for the years 1926 through 1953. 74. . "Chemical Analyses and Descriptions for V/ells in the Mendota-Iiuron Area". June 195^. 75. United States Department of the Interior, Geological Survey, Ground V/ater Branch. "Ground V/ater Conditions in the Mendota-Huron Area, Fresno and Kings Counties, California" Water Supply Paper 136O-G. 1957- 76. . "Ground Water Conditions and Storage Capacity in the San Joaquin Valley, California". VJater Supply Paper 1469. 1959. 1 77. University of California, Water Resources Center, Pro- ceedings of Conference on Quality of Water for Irrigation - Davis, California. January 21-22, 1958". Contribution No. 14. 1958. 78. . "Drainage Problems in the San Joaquin Valley". 1958. 79. Van Winkle, Walton and Eaton, F. M. "The Quality of Surface Waters in California". United States Department of the Interior, Geological Survey Water Supply Paper 237. 1910. 80. West Stanislaus Irrigation District. "Financial Statement and Annual Report". 1956 through 1958. (3 volumes). 81. Whiting, Randolph V., Reporter. "Reports of Cases Determined in the Supreme Court of the State of California March 1, 1939j through June 3, 1939". California Reports second series volume 13 Whiting, 1939. B-7 APPENDIX C WATER QUALITY IN RELATION TO SOIL AND CROP PRODUCTION LOWER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY By L. D. Doneen Professor of Irrigation University of California, Davis Assisted by Ann Quek Senior Laboratory Technician Kenneth Tanji Senior Laboratory Technician C-1 APPENDIX C WATER QUALITY IN RELATION TO SOIL AND CROP PRODUCTION LOWER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY TABLE OF CONTENTS Pa^e ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS C-3 Introduction C-4 Field Investigations C-5 Soluble Salts of the Soil C-6 Exchangeable Cations (Base Exchange) of the Soil C-9 Laboratory Studies C-12 Salt Accumulation in Six-Foot Soil Colioinns , C-13 Water Used and Treatments C-I3 Original Soil C-15 Results With Sorrento Loam Soil C-18 Results With Ambrose Clay (Adobe) C-28 Salt Acciimulation and Leaching Studies C-31 Soil Properties and Proposed Treatments C-31 Results of Leaching Trails '0-33 A Weeping Procedure for the Study of Salt Accumulation and Its Effects on Cation Exchange C- 38 Summary C- U5 Conclusions C- 52 Figures - C- 5U Basic Data C- 78 C-2 ACKIIOWLEDGEMENTS The extensive field investigations discussed in this report v/ere made possible by the cooperation of the Agricultural Extension Service of the Univer- sity of California in San Joaquin and Stanislaus Counties, and the Extension Irrigation and Drainage Engineer at Davis. These agencies provided assistance in locating areas, diagnosing salt conditions, and collecting many of the soil samples reported in this study. Special recornition is due to the Water Resources Center of the Univer- sity of California in providing funds for the large number of analyses made at the conclusion of the experiments. These analyses were not contemplated in the beginning, but they added materially to the results obtained and assisted in formulating the final conclusions. c-3 WATER QUALITY IN RELATION TO SOIL AND CROP PRODUCTION LOWER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY Introduction Research on water quality in relation to soil and crop production in the lower San Joaquin Valley was initiated by an agreement between the Department of Water Resources and the University of California January 30, 1956. The statement of the problem and other general information concerning this area of investigation is given in the report on the "Lower San Joaquin Valley Water Quality Investigation", Department of Water Resources, State of California, to which this is an appendix. The area considered in the studies discussed in this appendix is bounded on the north by U. S, Highway 50; on the east by the San Joaquin River; on the south by Orestimba Creek, and on the west by the Delta-Mendota Canal, and consists essentially of the service areas of the Banta-Carbona Irrigation District, West Stanislaus Irrigation District, and Patterson Water District. At the beginning of the investigation it was agreed to determine the level of soil salinity by conventional chemical methods, at a series of locations. This was to be done at the initiation and at the end of the project, thereby determining the effects on the soil and crop production for quality of waters now being used. As money was made available during the period of investigation, additional information was to be secured on salt injury to crops, the effect of salinity on soil structure, and the relationship of irrigation practice to salt balance in the soil profile penetrated by plant roots. C^ Field Investigations Soil samples were taken from various locations in the three irriga- tion districts for salinity analysis. Detailed analytical results are reported by site number in the basic data, bound at the end of this report, A total of 67 sites were sampled. The soil sampling sites, or locations, were concentrated in areas where there was evidence of salt injury to cix)ps. This was most pronounced in the Patterson Water District, and may be due in part to the fact that land in this district has been irrigated longer than in the other districts. After a preliminary suJTvey of the area and tentative locations had been selected, the Department of Water Resources collected soil samples for analyses late in the fall of 1955. The 14 sampling sites, the soil type, and the crop grown are given in the basic data portion of this report. In each irrigation district, one dry land, or unirrigated area, was sampled. These are identified as sites 3^ 8, and 12 for West Stanislaus, Banta-Carbona, and Patterson Districts, respectively, A number of irrigated fields reason- ably close to the dry-land area were sampled in one-foot intervals to a depth of five feet. This allowed a comparison between the natural salt occurring in the unirrigated soil and the salt concentration after the land has been irrigated for a period of years. To help characterize the soil, the moisture equivalent was deter- mined for each sample (the moisture equivalent is a laboratory measure for the field capacity, or the water-holding capacity of well drained soil). The soils sampled were from two soil series — Sorrento clay loam and Ambrose clay. C-5 Sorrento clay loam is a grayish-brown surface soil free from lime to a depth of about two feet. From two to more than six feet, the subsoil is brown to light brown and contains lime in both the disseminated and mycelial forms. Normally, there is no evidence of profile development. Organic matter is consistently low and this soil group is usually free from injurious concentrations of salts, Ambrose clay is dark brown in the surface soil, noncalcareous, and contains slight to moderate quantities of organic matter. The soil, when dry, has a blocky structure and forms hard clods. At a depth of 15 to 30 inches, it grades into a brownish-gray calcareous subsoil. This layer becomes some- what lighter with depth, and grades into the yellowish-brown of the deeper subsoil at 30 to 60 inches. The heavy texture and the dense subsoil offer considerable resistance to penetration of roots and water. Besides the lime in the subsoil, some gypsum may appear. Normally this soil is free from the accumulation of hannful soluble salts, but some exceptions have been noted. Soluble Salts of the Soil"^ . The soluble salts of the soil were determined in the saturation extract for each site and depth. The overall soluble salt concentration was estimated by electrical conductivity. The anions — bicarbonate, chloride, and sulfate, and the cations — calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium, are reported in railli equivalents per liter (Meq./L.) of the saturated extract. * Soil analyses for the soluble salts usually include the CO3, HCO3, CI, SO, , Ca, Mg, K, and Na in the saturation extract of the soil paste. The saturated paste is made by adding sufficient water to a dry soil to saturate it and by stirring to bring it to a pasty consistency. Some of the solu- tion from the soil paste is removed by suction and this solution is termed C-6 the "saturation extract". This is the most recent technique evolved for the estimation of soil salinity and has been sugp:ested by the U. S. Salinity Laboratory as a method for estimating sodium percentage (of the cation ex- change}. Electrical conductivity in millimhos/cm (EC x ICy) is a standard measure- ment of the electrical conductivity for salt solutions. Conductivity in millimhos (EC x ICk) may be converted to conductivity in micromhos (EC x 10") by multiplying the figures given by 1000, The measurement is an excellent and rapid method for obtaining an estimate of the total salt content of the saturation extract, but does not give the individual salts or ions that may predominate, important in judging the effects of salinity on soil structure and plant growth. Consequently, detailed analyses were made for the cations and anions listed above. Salinity of a soil is estimated by the electrical conductivity of the saturation extract (EC x 103). The salinity by this method has been corre- lated with plant growth as follows: EC X 103 Crop Response all crops thrive yields of many crops restricted only tolerant crops yield satisfactorily only a few very tolerant crops yield satisfactorily Recent developments indicate salt concentrations somewhat below four millimhos may be injurious to sensitive plants, as the almond and apricot. Sodium percentage {% Na) is the proportion of this element to the total cations when the analysis is expressed in millioquivalents per liter. This relationship is indicated by the following formula: Na X 100 - 4 4 - 8 8 - 16 16+ Ca + Mg + K + Na Sites 1, 2, and 4 in the West Stanislaus Irrigation District indi- cated some accumulation of salts when compared with the unirrigated land at Site 3. Apricot and almond trees at Sites 1 and 2 showed injury from salt. At Sites 1 and 2, chloride and sulfate ions were of about equal concentration, with the exception of the 4-5-foot depth at Site 2, where sulfate was high. The presence of high sulfates, coupled with the high calcium content and the common ion effect, indicates a saturated gypsum solution with additional gypsum probably present in the soil. The salinity, however, resulted from C-7 sodium sulfate and chloride. Low soil salinity was measured at Site k. In general, sodium was the cation in highest concentration, it being more than 50 percent of the total cations, excepting in the surface foot of soil. However, the sodium percentage in the saturation extract is not considered sufficiently high to cause a deterioration of soil structure. Samples from the unirrigated area in the Banta-Carbona Irrigation District, Site 8, had the highest salinity in the subsoil when compared to adjacent Sites 5^ 6, and 7« The subsoil at Site 8 contained gypsum. Accord- ing to the soil survey of the Tracy area, salinity is usually not found in this soil except under high water table conditions. However, the adjacent Sites 5> 6, and 7 have been irrigated for many years, and probably the salts had been leached from the surface five feet of soil prior to the date the survey was made. The lowest salt content in this group of Ambrose clays is at Site "J, farmed to annual crops — this year, beans. Growing of annual crops usually provides leaching of the soil because of irrigation prior to planting the crop, and frequent irrigations when the plants are small. As with the previous soil, the percent sodium of the satiiration extracts from the Ambrose clays are probably not sufficiently high to cause deterioration of the soil structure. Sites 9 through l4 in the Patterson Water District are of the Sorrento series of loam to clay loam. The lowest salt content was found in the unirrigated soil at Site 12. All the irrigated soils showed an appreciable increase in salt in the areas planted to orchards. Sites 10, 13, and lU. Of all the 1^ fields sampled throughout the study area. Site 13 had the highest concentration of salt with some gypsum present in the lower depths and with a high accumulation of chlorides. The percent sodium of the saturated extract from the Patterson area is not considered sufficiently high C-8 to cause deterioration of soil structure. Exchangeable Cations (Base Exchange) of the Soil* . This determination was made for all 70 soil samples collected from the first 1^4- sites; included determination of the cation exchange capacity of the soil and the individual cations of calcium, magnesiiom, potassium, and sodium. The ex- changeable cations were detennined by the commonly used ammonium acetate method . Most of the soil samples contained lime as indicated by the high calcium content, which is often larger than the cation -exchange capacity. Consequently, the total cations extracted in the cation exchange determination included the lime brought into solution and the soluble salts of the saturation * Cations absorbed on the soil may be replaced by an equivalent amount of ions from the soil solution. However, the ions of the cation exchange are not soluble and do not influence the total concentration of the soil solution. But, because of the stoichlometrical relationship between the cation exchange and the soil solution, its character may be different than that of the irrigation water. Also, the salts of an irrigation water ajid their accumulation in the soil solution will influence the kind of cations in the exchange. The cation exchange properties of a soil are sometimes termed the "exchange complex" and consist for the most part of various clay minerals and orgajiic matter. Cation -exchange capacity is the exchangeable cations a soil can retain and is usually expressed in milliequivalents per 100 grams of soil. Solutions capable of displacing exchangeable cations from soils dissolve most of the soluble salts and significant amounts of calcium and magnesium carbonate. As alkaline soils have from a trace to large amounts of lime or dolomite (calcium-magnesium carbonate) the summation of the cations in the extracting solution is larger than the cation- exchange capacity. Percent sodium is calculated on the cation -exchange capacity after subtracting the amount of soluble sodium in the saturated extract. c-9 extract . The principal exceptions are the surface foot in the nonirrigated soils, Sites 3; 8^ and 12. Apparently, precipitation has been sufficient to leach most of the lime from this depth. In the irrigated soils, some lime may have been deposited from the irrigation water, for example, in the surface foot of Site 1 and 2, where the calcium content is higher than the cation - exchange capacity. The percent sodium (corrected for the soluble sodium) on the cation exchange is not especially high for any of the soil samples. Under field conditions and type of irrigation water used in the past, probably no dispersal of the soil or deterioration of its structure has taken place. After the soil samples were collected and analyzed, field studies of some of the problem areas were initiated. This work was conducted with the cooperation of the district managers and the farm advisors for the particular coimty. It soon became evident that lands within the districts, in general, used a minimum of irrigation water for good production. This was evident partic- ularly from water deliveries and irrigation practice for tree crops. Because of this practice, soils in many orchards were not leached below the depth of rooting for the trees, and salts tended to accumulate. This was evident at Sites 1, 2, 6, 10, 13, and ik. Because of the leaf bum from salts, partic- ularly with almonds and apricots, the University and Farm Advisors office has advised applying extra water to leach the soil. Many growers started this program and within the year some reported an improvement in the appearance of their trees. Consequently, analysis of the soil now and after several years, even with a poorer quality water being used, would show a decrease in salts. Therefore, after consultation with the Department of Water Resources, it was decided, in the summer of 1956, to study salt accumulation, and to a limited C-10 extent, leaching requirements in lysimeter-type tanks or columns where the irrigation water could be controlled. In addition, the survey of the salt status of soils throughout the area was to continue as time and opportunity afforded. The field investigations for 1956, 1957, and 1958 were made in cooperation with the Farm Advisors of the counties located within the area under study. Dr. 0. Lilleland of the Department of Pomology has data showing salts below the five -foot depth may contribute to the injury of deciduous fruit trees. Accordingly, soils were sampled to a depth of nine feet for most of the locations. The 53 sampling locations, soil series, and crops grown are listed in the basic data portion of this report as Sites 15 to 67, inclusive. The initial samples taken in 1956 indicated sodium of the exchange complex was not sufficiently high to cause dispersion of the soil or influence infiltration rates. Therefore, the cation exchange was not determined for these samples. They were analyzed only for the cations of the saturation extract. In localities where salinity occurs, the anions usually are a mixture of chloride and sulfate, with the latter often predominating. Accordingly, high concentrations of the chloride ion are frequeny.y associated with salinity. To be certain that chloride was not the predominating ion, samples from seven locations. Sites 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 66, and 67 were analyzed for chloride. Samples from Sites 66 and 67 were very high in soluble salines, and with only a few exceptions, the chloride ranged from a fifth to a half of the total salt concentration with sodium as the predominant ion. Therefore, to permit the processing of more samples in the laboratory, the major portion of the field investigation was limited to estimating salinity by electrical conductance and making analyses of the cations in the saturated extract. C-11 The apricot orchard at location l8 had evidence of salt injury the previous season (1955) and larger quantities of water were applied during the summer of 1956 with the new growth appearing healthy when the orchard was sampled in the fall. Following this excess application of water, considerable salinity remained in the subsoil below the 5 -foot depth. Site 27, in the same orchard as Site l8, but not at the same place, was sampled in 1957 • Again, in 1957; a^n excess quantity of irrigation water was applied to leach the salts. Results indicated a lower salt concentration in the subsoil. A comparison of salinity in the soil profile for the two years is shown on Figure LA. Site 28, sampled in 1957, is in the same orchard as Site 15, which was sampled in the previous year and where a number of trees had died. In the intervening period, excess irrigation water had been applied which resulted in a decrease in the salt content of the soil profile, as shown in Figure IB. At the time the samples were taken, in the fall of 1957, no apparent change in the appearance of the trees was noted. A tile drain has been installed in this area which should lower the water table and allow leaching of the salts. Laboratory Studies In previous studies on salt accumulation, its precipitation, and base exchange reaction for various qualities of water, it was found that growing plants in tall cylindrical columns of soil has certain advantages in obtaining basic information. The principal advantage is the large quantity of water used by the plaxits in relation to the limited area of soil and the ability to utilize sufficient depth to approach field conditions in regard to salt movement and distribution. In the greenhouse, with cylinders of soil four to six inches in diameter and three to four feet in depth, the use of water C-12 for annual crops will average four to six times the amount utilized under field conditions. Salt Accumulation in Six-foot Cylinders Two soils were selected for this study: Sorrento loam, as typical of the area, and a fine-text\ired soil -- Ambrose clay (adobe). Detailed descriptions of these soils are given in the soil survey covering this area*. The Sorrento loam was collected from the railroad right of way and was probably never irrigated. The Ambrose clay was from a farmer's field where field and truck crops have been grown. These soils were collected by one- foot increments to a depth of 6 feet; 97.6 pounds of dry soil were packed in cylinders six inches in diameter and six feet four inches high, according to their original depth. The cylinders were too tall for the greenhouse, so they were placed out of doors in a trench. To extend the growing season, the cylinders were covered with clear plastic in the early spring eind again in the late fall of I958. A total of 21 cylinders for each soil were used. Water Used and Treatments . Four types of water were used in these studies. Water "A" was approximately the concentration and percent sodium of the San Joaquin River water during the forties. Water "B" was approx- imately the concentration of some of the water used at the present time, while "C" and "D" waters had proportionally higher salt concentrations. Anal- yses of these waters are given in Table 1. * Soil Survey: The Tracy Area of California Series I938 No. 5, 19'<-3. The Newman Area of California Series 1938 No. 11, 19^. C-13 TABLE 1 Analyses of waters used in 6-foot cylinder experiment. \ Cond. • ECxl03 • Mi lli equivalents per liter Water HCO^ Anions : S0|, : CI Cations : i' Ca : Mg : Na Total : Na A O.kk 1.5 O.k 2.5 1.0 1.1 2.2 h.3 51 B 0.96 2.9 l.k k.9 2.5 1.7 U.8 9.0 53 C 1.95 3.5 2.1 12.5 3.5 2.5 12.0 18.0 67 D 2.89 3.5 3.1 20.5 3.5 3.5 20.0 27.0 74 The irrigation treatments for Sorrento loam and Ambrose clay were as follows; Water "A" was used to irrigate three soil cylinders and the salts were allowed to accumulate in the soil profile. This was considered to be the check or control treatment . Water "B" was used to irrigate six soil cylinders . In three of these cylinders, the salts were allowed to accumulate. In the remaining three cylinders, the salts were removed by leaching . Water "C" — the number of cylinders and the treatments used were the same as for Water "B" . Water "D" -- the number of cylinders and the treatments used were the same as for Water "B" . The soils were transported to Davis and packed in the cylinders during the summer of 1956. Field sunflowers were planted on the first day of August after initial wetting of the soil. This crop was used because of its deep rooting habit (under field conditions sunflowers will root to 7-8 feet) and the ease of determining Leaf Wilt, when the readily available water has been utilized. The Irrigation schedule was determined by the drooping or wilting of the leaves, which indicated that the soil was at the permanent wilting percentage. Sufficient water was then added to bring the C-l4 soil to field capacity. By this irrigation procedure, no leaching occurred until the accumulation of soluble salines in the soil solution reached an osmotic concentration sufficiently high to cause wilting of the plEints before the permanent wilting percentage was reached. The Sorrento loam cylinders were covered during the winter of 1956-57 to prevent wetting of the soil by rain, but in the winter of 195T-58> the cylinders were not covered and the dry soil was wet by rainfall. From November to the end of February, the precipitation was 17.^ inches which may have caused some leaching of the soil. The Sorrento loam cylinders were cropped six times during the experiment: one crop was grown in the fall of 1956; two crops were grown in 1957; and with the aid of plastic covering in the early spring and late fall, three crops were grown in 1958* The Ambrose clay (adobe) was packed into the cylinders at a volume weight of 1.3^ which resulted in exceedingly low infiltration rates. Therefore, these cylinders were dismantled during the winter of 1956-57> repacked at a lower volume weight, and the first crop was planted in the spring of 1957* The Ambrose clay cylinders were cropped five times, starting in the spring of 1957 • Original Soil . The moisture equivalent and the permanent wilting percentage for the Sorrento loam and the Ambrose clay are given in Table 2. C-15 TABLE 2 Moisture equivalent (ME) and permanent wilting percentage (P.W.P.) for soils used in 6-foot cylinder experiment. Depth Ft . 0-1 '• 1-2 '• 2-3 : 3-^ : 1+-5 : 5-6 ; Ave M.E. P.W.P. i> 23.7 11.5 23.7 12.0 Sorrento 23.3 11.6 Loam 21.7 10.9 20.2 9.5 18.0 8.1+ 21.8 10.6 Ratio Available moisture 2.06 11.2 1.97 11.7 2.01 11.7 1.99 10.8 2.16 10.7 2.1k 9.6 2.06 11.2 M.E. P.W.P. Ratio Available moisture ^ 33.1 17.1 Ambrose Clay (Adobe) 31.4 29.9 27.5 15.1 II+.5 12.2 25.1 12.8 27.5 12.1 29.1 li+.l 1.87 2.08 2.06 2.25 1.96 2.27 2.07 15. 1| 16.3 15.4 15.3 12.3 15.1+ 15.0 According to these measurements, the soils had a very uniform profile, except for a slightly lighter phase in the 5 -6 -foot depth interval of the Sorrento loam and in the 4-5 -foot depth interval of the Ambrose clay. The salinity of the original soils is given in Table 3- C-16 TABLE 3 Analyses of the saturation extract of the original soil by depth for 6 -foot cylinder experiment. Depth Feet ECxlO- Anions Milliequivalents per liter Cations :HC03: CI : SQl; : NQ-^ : Ca Mg K Na : Total I0 Na Sorrento Loam 0-1 0.6 3.2 0.7 1.1 0.5 3.6 1.8 0.1 0.7 6.2 11 1-2 0.5 2.3 1.0 1.2 0.2 2.7 1.3 0.1 1.1 5.2 21 2-3 Q.k 2.U 0.6 1.1 0.2 2.0 1.0 0.1 0.9 3.9 2U 3-J+ o.k 2.3 0.7 0.7 0.3 1.6 0.8 0.1 2.0 h.^ 1+4 U-5 O.k 2.6 0.7 0.8 0.3 1.6 0.6 0.1 2.5 k.Q 52 5-6 Q.k 2.6 0.6 0.6 0.2 1.1 0.i+ 0.1 2.8 h.h Gh Ambrose Clay (Adobe)* 0-1 1.6 1+.6 3.8 7.3 1.6 6.5 3.8 0.1+ 7.7 18.1+ 1+1 2-3 1.8 2.6 5.2 10.8 1.1+ 8.5 k.e 0.2 7.9 21.2 37 ^-h 1.7 2.1; 5.0 9.h 1.9 7.0 3.5 0.2 8.6 19.3 1+1+ h-5 1.1+ 2.7 3.6 7.3 1.1 ^.5 1.8 0.2 9.3 15.8 59 *Not sufficient soil for sjialyses of the 1-2 and 5-6-foot depths. The soluble salts were low in the Sorrento loam. In the Ambrose clay, where irrigation water has been applied, there is some evidence of salt accumulation, but the percent sodium is relatively low. The exchangeable cations for these soils are given in Table 1+, C-17 TABLE k Cation exchange in mi Hi equivalents per 100 grams of the original soil for the 6-foot cylinder experiment. Depth : Cation : Cations in mi Hi equivalents : ^* Feet : Exch.Cap.: Ca : Mg : K : Na : Total : Na Sorrento Loam 0-1 22.9 19.8 7.2 o.h 0.2 27.6 1 1-2 20.8 30.9 6.1 0.3 0.3 37.6 1 2-3 19.3 30.6 6.5 0.3 0.3 37.7 1 3-h 17.7 2i+.5 6.5 0.3 0.5 31.8 3 1+-5 15-9 25.3 5.2 0.3 0.5 31.3 2 5-6 1U.3 21.2 k.i 0.2 0.6 26.1 k Ambrose Clay i/ 0-1 32.1 20.9 11.0 l.k 1.3 3U.6 3 2-3 29.2 28.5 10. 7 0.6 1.2 4l.O 3 3-h 25.2 2i^.6 9.0 0.5 1.2 35.3 3 4-5 20.1 23. *+ 6.0 0.5 l.k 31.3 5 * Corrected for the soluble sodium of the saturated extract . 1/ Not sufficient soil for analyses of the 1-2 and 5-6-foot depths. The Sorrento loam had only one percent exchangeable sodium in the surface three feet and two to four percent in the subsoil; whereas^ Ambrose clay had three percent except in the U -5 -foot depth. Results with Sorrento Loam Soil . The original soil was packed into the cylinders at a voliime weight of 1.3. As the experiment progressed, some settling of the soil in the cylinders was observed, and by the end of the experiment, a volume weight of l.^J-l was measured. With the increase in volume weight, a decrease in infiltration rate was noted. This decrease in infiltration does not appear to be associated with any particular water. However, this general observation need not riile out the influence of certain ions. C-18 At the end of the second crop in June 1957^ Ql.h inches in depth of irrigation water had been applied to the soil columns. At this time, three cylinders for each irrigation water -- "B", "C", and "D" were progressively leached by their respective waters until the concentration of the effluent was approximately k millimhos. The concentration of the effluent and the amount of water required, by depth in inches, to remove the accumulated salines is shown on Figure 2. Approximately k inches of leachate for "B", 8 inches for "C", and 13 inches for "D", were required to reduce the salinity of the effluent to k millimhos. With the itrigation schedule employed, where most of the available water in the 6-foot column is used before replenishment, each irrigation constitutes a leaching process in the upper portion of the soil column and a deposition or increased concentration of salines in the lower part of the column. (Evidence of this process will be given later in the report). Consequently, the quantity of water necessary for salt removal is that re- quired to leach the acciomulated salts from the lower portion of the soil column. Figure 3 shows the accumulative removal of salts in milliequlvalents* * The milliequivalents of salt are estimated from the electrical conduc- tivity of the leachate. For dilute solutions of mixed salts below 2 millimhos, and in the range of many irrigation waters, the relationship of ECxlQJ to milliequivalents is usually accepted as 1 to 10. However, this relation may be influenced by the predominancy of certain ions. Between 2 and ^4- millimhos, the relationship still holds unless the solutions are high in magnesium or calcium sulfate. With increasing concentration above k millimhos, a proportionally larger discrepancy is noted between the conductivity and the total milliequivalents per liter. For example: 10 millimhos at ratio of 1 to 10 may represent about 83 percent of the total salts; 20, 77 percent; and kO, 70 percent. (Taken from the U.S.D.A. Handbook No. 60, page 12, conductivity of the saturation extract). C-19 by increments of effluent from cylinders irrigated with Waters B , C , and "D" . The study of salt balance by conductivity measurement is limited due to the discrepancy between conductance and total concentration at higher salt levels J and the probability that a portion of the calcium bicarbonate may precipitate as carbonate with increased concentration of the soil solution. With these considerations^ the quantity of irrigation water added and the ajnount leached are given in Table 5^ and the salt balance for the three waters in Table 6. Of the Ql.h inches of water applied, for the first two crops, the additional amount used for leaching was 8, 11, and 17 percent for "B", "C", and "D", respectively. Of the total salts added, the amount recovered on the leachate was 46, 6k, and 82 percent for "B", "C", and "D", respectively. The low recovery of salt in treatment "B" may be due to the high percentage of bicarbonates in this water (the bicarbonates for the Waters "A", "B", "C", and "D", are 35, 32, 19, and 13 percent of the total anions. Table l), and the large proportion of salt from this low-salinity water remaining in the soil. Although the effluent was reduced to approximately 2 millimhos, the leaching water contained less than one, and the original soil less than one -half millimho. In the case of "D" Water, with a concen- tration of nearly 3 millimhos and the final leachate of about h millimhos, a salt balance is being approached if consideration is given to the discrepancy in the relationship between conductivity measurements and total milliequi- valents at liigher concentrations. The results with Water "C" fall between "B" and "D" and the salt balance is influenced by the combinations of factors listed for waters "B" and "D". C-20 TABLE 5 Inches depth of irrigation water applied and effluent recovered by leaching (BL, CL, and DL) for Waters "A", "B" , "C", and "D" . Crop Treatment BL CL D DL Crop 1 57.7 57.7 57.7 57.7 57.7 57.7 57.7 Crop 2 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 Crop 3 5^.0 5'^.0 69.0 3h.O 72.3 ^k.o 78.8 Less leachate -6.7 -9.1 -13.8 Total 135. i^ 135.^ 1^3.7 135.^ lkh.6 135. i+ ikS.k TABLE 6 Salt balance for irrigation vaters BL^ CL, and DL, as estimated from ECxl03 of 1 to 10 ratio for milliequivalents salt. Crop ; A : B : ; : BL : . C ; : : CL : D : DL Crop 1 Crop 2 115 hi 2i+l 99 2i+l 99 i48l 198 k8l 198 722 297 722 297 Sum Less leachate Salt remaining Crop 3 162 107 3^ 225 3^+0 -158 182 288 679 450 679 -i^35 2kk 603 1019 675 1019 -832 187 985 Total 269 565 U70 1129 81^7 l69h 1172 During the I958 season, the spring crops received 27.5^ the summer 63.6, and the fall 38.9 inches of irrigation water for a total of 13O inches. At the end of the experiment, three cylinders for treatments B, C, and D were dismantled for determination of salt distribution and concentration in the soil profile, and the other three were leached with their respective irrigation waters for salt removal. In the case of treatment A, one cylinder was dis- mantled for salt distribution and the other two were leached. C-21 The average salt distribution for the three cylinders by foot depths and for the four irrigation waters is given in Figure k. Saturation extracts from these soil profiles were analyzed for cations and the results are given in milliequivalents per liter rather than electrical conductivity, which may be approximated by dividing the milliequivalents by 10. The first foot of soil had a concentration in the saturation extract approximately equal to the irrigation water applied. For the "A" and "B" Waters, this was the condition at the second foot but the "C" and "D" Waters showed some increase in concen- tration -- then, the concentration increased with depth, except at the bottom (5 -6 -foot depth)'. This probably resulted from the low infiltration rate of some of the cylinders and the high rate of transpiration, or water removal, during the summer months. Consequently, it is doubtful if many of these irrigations penetrated to the bottom of the cylinder. (During this period irrigation water was applied at an average of four -day intervals). For the "D" Water, the salt concentration is proportionally higher in the lower depth •3 of soil than for the other waters, and the ECxlO is between 8.5 to 9 '5 which is sufficiently salty to prevent the extraction of water to the permanent wilting percentage before wilting of the plant occurs. Consequently, this excess water is displaced into the subsoil when sufficient irrigation water is added to bring the entire mass up to field capacity, even though it may not penetrate more than k-'^ feet. This relationship was indicated when the cylinders were dismantled. The last crop was allowed to permanently wilt before it was removed. The cylinders were stored several months before dis- mantling and no doubt some evaporation took place at the surface of the soil and from the bottom foot where a drainage hole was open to the air. Upon dismantling, moisture samples were taken from each foot of soil and the C-22 results are given in Table 'J. For the Sorrento loam soil, the columns irrigated -irith "A" and "B" Waters were at or below the original permanent wilting percentage due to the prolonged wilting of the plants, but with "C" Water the soil moisture was slightly above the wilting percentage in the lower 3 feet, and for Water "D" the moisture was appreciably higher at all depths, being particularly so in the lower k feet. TABLE 7 Soil moisture in percent dry weight soil after permanently wilting the last crop of sunflowers, Irrig. Depth, feet water -1 1 -2 : 2-3 : 3- .h : h -? 5-6 Sorrento Loam A 10 .0 11 .0 10.0 9 .3 8 .1 T.3 B 10 .6 11 .1 9.T 9 .h 8 .9 T.5 C 11 .5 12 .3 12.2 12 .3 11 .1 10.4 D 12 .h 13 .8 14.8 15 .0 12 .7 13.5 PWP* 11 .5 12 .0 11.6 Ambrose 10 Clay .9 9 .5 Q.k A IT .1 15 .5 ih.^ 12 .0 12 .T 13.2 B 16 .5 l6.8 I5.h 13.9 12 .T 13.5 C 16 .9 IT .8 16.9 16 .h li+.8 1I+.6 D 18 • 5 19 .0 18.5 19 .h 20 .6 22.7 PWP* IT .T 15 .1 ih.5 12 .2 12 .8 12.1 ^Permanent wilting percentage of the original soil. The percent sodium of the total cations in the saturated extract, by depth of coliomn, is given in Figure k- for each irrigation water used. The sodium percentage is highest in the surface 2 feet where the salinity is the lowest, and decreases to a relatively low level in the last 2 feet as the C-23 total concentration of the salts increases. This in±Lcates the base exchange of the surface soil is being increased with sodium at the expense of calciiom and magnesium, which are being leached to the lower depths of the column and accumulating as a part of the salines. The original sirrface 2 feet of soil (Table 3); contained 1-2 percent sodium in the saturated extract, but this has increased to 65 -80 percent, after adding 211 inches of irrigation water containing from 51 to 7^ percent sodium. The 17.^ inch rainfall during the winter of 1957-58 undoubtedly removed most of the accumulated salines in the soil columns. The salts added during the irrigation season of 1958 and the total accounted for by analyses of the saturation extract are given in Table 8. Only in cylinders irrigated with Water "A" can all the salts be accounted for in the saturation extract. At the higher salt levels of soil treatments B, C^ and D, all of the salts present, apparently, were not dissolved in the solution of the saturated soil. TABLE 8 Mi Hi equivalents salts added in the irrigation water and recovered in the saturation extract for 1958. : Treatment s : A : B : C : D Meq. salts added in irrig. water 258 5U0 IO80 1620 Meq. salt recovered in sat. ext. 265 k63 862 1395 Meq. salt in the leachate 273 572 997 15^6 The effluent from one cylinder, per irrigation water of those leached for removal of salts, was analyzed by aliquots. The depth of C-2U water required in inches to reduce the effluent to k millimhos or less is given in Figure 5. The relation of millimhos to milliequivalents per liter is given in Figure 6. To reduce the effluent to h millimhos concentration required about 5 inches of water for cylinder A, 9 inches for cylinder B, 13 inches for cylinder C, and 23 inches for cylinder D. More water was re- quired than in the first leaching of these cylinders as illustrated in Figure 2. The columns had a higher salinity because 130 inches of irrigation water were added between the winter rains and before leaching started; while , with the first leaching, only 81 inches of water were applied. With this increased salinity, the soil column was being salinized at a higher depth in the column. Figure k, than for the first leaching when, undoubtedly, most of the salts were in the bottom two feet of the column. The milliequivalents of salt removed in the leachate are given in Table 9. Slightly more salt was recovered in the effluent from A and B than was added after leaching by the winter rainfall; but for C and D, slightly less was recovered. For practical purposes, most of the salt was removed by leaching with the quantities of water given in Figure 5. C-25 TABLE 9 Salt analyses of composite leachates from 6 -foot cylinders of Sorrento loajn irrigated with Water "A", "B", "C", and "D" . Irrig. water ; A ; B [ C ; D Leachate ECxlO^ 6.1 6.5 10.3 11-5 Meq./L /o Meq./L i Meq./L fo Meq./L CO:, 1.2 J+.9 0.7 3-2 0.8 2.3 0.2 1.3 HCOo 2.6 2.1 3-2 2.k CI 67. T 86.9 73.9 8U.3 ii4-3.il 8U.1 164.5 81.2 SOj^ 6.J+ 8.2 10.9 12. i+ 23.1 13.5 35.5 17.5 Ca 3.i+.0 i+i+.5 i+O.O hG.h 81.2 kQ.h 72.5 35-5 Mg 19.4 25.4 26.0 30.2 i+7.7 28.4 Ul.l 20.1 K 0.3 O.k 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.2 Na 22.6 29.6 20.1 23.3 38.7 23-0 90.2 kh.2 TOTAL 76.3 86.2 167.9 204.1 The analyses, as percent of total cations and anions for each successive increment of leachate, is diagrammed in Figures 'J , 8, ^, and 10, for accumulation of salt from Waters "A", "B", "C", and "D", respectively. Also given is the total concentration of salts in mi Hi equivalents per liter for each increment of leachate . All of the figures show the first several aliquots of effluent contained less thaji 20 percent sodi\im, while the ir- rigation waters contained 57 to 7U percent. This indicates sodium is re- placing calcium and magnesium. As leaching progresses and the high salinity of the effluent is reduced, the percent sodium increases to approximately that of the irrigation water, with the exception of B, Figixre 8, where the percent sodium is considerably lower. Chloride is the principal anion involved dxixing the early stages of leaching with only traces of sulfate and bicarbonate.. C-26 As leaching continues, there is a gradual drop in chloride percentage ajid by the end of the leaching period, a smaller percent occurred than in the irrigation water. With the decrease in chloride, a corresponding increase in sulfate and bicarbonate occurs. When the concentration of the effluent is reduced to about 100 mi lli equivalents, or less, a rapid increase in percentage bicarbonate occurs and at this concentration the first appearance of carbonate is noted. In general, the carbonate increases as the concentration of the effluent decreases until it may equal 20 to 25 percent of the bicarbonate ions. The large amount of carbonate and bicarbonate in the effluent near the end of the leaching period indicates the percolating water has absorbed additional carbon dioxide. The effluent is unstable, as equi- librium with the atmosphere is obtained, resulting in precipitation of calcium carbonate. This increased concentration of carbonate -bicarbonate probably indicates some removal of sodium from the cation exchange. The remaining cylinders of soil were leached until the effluent was reduced to k millimhos or less and all the aliquots composited for analyses. Table 9. The analyses of the effluent from leaching compared with the original irrigation water revealed some marked changes in percentage compo- sition. The bicarbonates ranging from 33 percent in Water "A" to 13 in Water "D" have been reduced to h.9 and 1.3 percent, respectively, while the percentage of chlorides ranging in the irrigation waters from 5U to 7^ percent have increased from 81 to 8? percent, with the largest percent increase being in the high bicarbonate waters, "A" and "B". The sulfates show only minor changes, probably within experimental error. The percent sodium of the original water ranged from 57 to 7^4- percent, while in the effluent the per- centage rajiged from 23 to hk. Evaluation of these results indicate the C-27 bicarbonate ion is precipitating in the soil with a large amount of the sodium being retained on the cation exchange. Results with Ambrose Clay (Adobe ) . The original soil was packed to a volume weight of about l.l3, but after settling from wetting and drying during the experiment, the volume weight had increased to 1.31 3J^d- this was sufficient to greatly reduce infiltration rates. After repacking 90 pounds of air-dry soil into the cylinders, the first crops were grown in 1957 • This soil was not leached during the summer of 1957 as only one crop had been grown on it at this time. At the end of the 1957 growing season, the soil had settled and it was necessary to add axi additional 2.5 pounds of soil to each cylinder. This soil grew two crops in 1957 and three in 1958' Some leaching of the salt probably occurred during the winter of 1957-58- This soil has an extremely low infiltration rate and towards the end of the ex- periment, the irrigation water remained on the soil surface 75 "to 80 percent of the time between irrigations. The leaching at the end of the experiment was started in February 1959 and water was ponded more or less continuously for seven months, and by this time most of the effluents from the soil columns were in the range of ^-5 millimhos for the "C" and "D" Waters. Essentially the same type of data was collected at the end of the experiment as with the Sorrento loam soil, with the exception that individual aliquot analyses were not made during the leaching period. The accumulation of salts in the profile column, as measured in mi lli equivalents of the saturation extract, is given in Figure 11. The salts are somewhat higher in the Ambrose clay than in the Sorrento loam although only 112 inches of water were applied in 1958 as compared to 130 inches for the Sorrento soil. The winter rain probably did not effectively leach this C-28 soil; also a small amount of salinity was present in the original soil, Table 3- Sodium percentage of the extract shows less variation for the individual waters than for the Sorrento columns (Figure k) , but the same trend is noted^ that is, the highest percent sodium occurs in the surface two feet of soil with a decrease in percentage with depth except at the six-foot depth. After permanently wilting the sunflower plants and upon dis- mantling the cylinders, the soil moisture was determined by foot depths (Table 7). The soil columns irrigated with Water "D" had a moisture con- tent 10 percent above the permanent wilting percentage of the original soil in the four- to six-foot depths. This would indicate the possibility of some slow drainage from the bottom of the cylinder. However, this is not definite due to the low infiltration rate and the rapid use of water by the plants. The analyses of the effluent, Table 10, would support this thesis due to the slight increase in salt of D effluent over C. C-29 TABLE 10 Salt analyses of composite leachates from 6-foot cylinders of Ambrose clay irrigated with Water "A", "B", "C", and "D". Irrig. water A B C D Leachate ECxlo3 k.l 9.8 17.7 19.7 Meq./L fo Meq./L % Meq./L i Meq./L ^ CO3 HCO 3 CI SOi^ Meq./L It 0.9 i+.l 2U.2 16.7 10.8 52.7 36.4 0.3 2.5 70. U 32.2 2.6 66.8 30.5 1.7 156.5 37.0 0.9 80.2 18.9 1.8 161.9 39.8 0.9 79.5 19.5 Ca Mg K Na 11 It It It 12.5 9.7 0.3 24.1 26.8 20.8 0.6 51.7 34.4 26.0 0.9 kk.2 32.6 24.6 0.8 1+1.9 62.5 51.5 1.7 69.5 33.7 27.8 0.9 37.5 86.0 1+9.0 1.2 72.0 41.3 23.5 0.6 34.6 Total II 46.6 105.5 185.2 208.2 The accumulative effluent by depth in inches to bring its concen- tration to approximately 4 millimhos is given in Figure 12. More salines were undoubtedly present in these columns than in the Sorrento loam, but less water was required to remove them. This may be a function of the hydraulic conductivity rate for the leaching of salts. With the exception of the cylinders irrigated with Water "A", a large percent of the salines were leached with the first 8-10 inches of water passing through the column. This is considerably less than required for a single displacement of the soil solution. The analyses of the composite leachate from representative soil coliimns and the ion percentages are given in Table 10. The decrease in percent bicarbonate when compared to the irrigation water is similar to the results obtained with Sorrento loam soil. In this case, the chloride is only slightly C-30 hicher than the corresponding water, but the percentage sulfate ion shows a marked increase, particularly for the high bicarbonate waters of "A" and "B" . The increase in sulfate is probably from traces of g^^'psum v/hich i.iay occur in this soil. The percent sodium in the effluent fron "A" is similar to the irrigation v/ater, but in comparing the other treatments a decreasing percentaige is shovm, particularly for "C" and "D" . The small amount of gypsum is probably responsible for the low sodium adsorption on the cation exchange for V/ater "A". However, with increasing amounts of sodium in Waters "B", "G", and "D", the cation exchange is enriched with this ion as the bicarbonates are precipitated. Salt Accumulation and Leaching Studies After initiating the field investigation and the experiment for the accumulation of salts in the six-foot soil columns, it became evident that additional information was needed concerning the leaching requirements for the four waters used in the above experiment . Although tall cylinders of soil had been used in the study for salt accumulation, precipitation, and exchangeable cations, no leaching requirements had been determined. Therefore, it was decided to investigate the use of the four v/aters listed in Table 1 with regard to leaching requirements. Soil Properties and Proposed Treatments . The soil selected was classified as Pleasanton gravelly clay loam. Surface soil only was used in this experiment and the a.iall amount of gravel present was removed by sieving. The soil is considered som.ewhat plastic when wet and bakes on the surface when dry. In the field, it tends to pack readily and a plow sole is easily formed. C-31 The coil is non-saline with the follovri.ng cation exchange properties: Milliequivalents per 100 grai'ns soil : Percent lla* Exch. Cap. Ca i-lg K lla Total 18.9 9«8 12.7 0.7 0.'+ 23.6 1.2 * Corrected for soluble sodiurn. This soil had a low sodiuiii percentage. The moisture equivalent was 20.3 percent. Dry soil was collected in the fall of I956; sieved and packed in 6 by i|-2-inch cylinders to a depth of 3c inches. This required 53.5 pounds of air-dry soil and the volume v;eight after packing was approxiiriately 1.3. The soil settled while growing the first crop and three additional pounds v/ere added to each cylinder. The original plan v;as to leach a definite percentage of the irriga- tion water through the soil columns. For example, with vtater "D", 10, 20, 30, and 50 percent of the total applied was to be leached with every second irrigation, and with additional coluirins this same percentage was to be leached with every fifth irrigation. The leaching regimes were in duplicate, in- cluding the nonleached check, for a total of l3 soil colu.mis. With the lower salt waters of "A", "B", and "C", the leaching treatments were decreased proportionally to their concentration. Therefore, the nuinber of soil coluiiins for Waters "A", "E", "C", and "D" were h, 6, 1^+, and l3, respectively, for a total of k2. The experiment was conducted in the greenhouse. While growing the first crop, it became evident that the treatments could not be maintained and the original objectives v/ere unattainable. As the C-32 irrigation schedule* proceeded, the infiltration rates decreased and becarae erratic. In some extreme cases, a 5-inch irrigation remained on the soil surface for 36 to ^0 hours, and internal drainage of the soil required additional tine. V/ith the frequency of irrigation at an average of every three days, the plants used half of the applied v/ater before the last of it had penetrated below the soil surface. In other cylinders, all the water penetrated the soil within five or six hours. However, the rate of infil- tration vras not consistent frorr. one irrigation to the next. After somewhat more than half of the water for the first crop had been applied, the leaching regime v;as inaugurated. From the start, it was impossible to maintain leaching requirements. Soil columns having very slov? infiltration rates were given a double irrigation -- that is, the second irrigation followed the first as soon as the water had disappeared from the soil surface. This procedure did not always produce leaching. Throughout the second half of the grovrth period of the first crop and during the second crop, an endeavor was made to maintain the leaching schedule, but without success. However, considerable information and valuable data were obtained. Results of Leaching Trials . In 1957; two crops of sunflowers were grown. After adding 99 inches of irrigation water to the soil columns, leaching was started. The amount of effluent and its concentration for this first leaching is given in Table 11. Only a small amount of leachate was * The irrigation schedule was the same as in the previous experiment, i.e., when the plants showed signs of wilting, sufficient water was added to bring the entire soil mass from the permanent wilting percentage to field capacity. C-33 obtained, but this initial effluent was very high in salts, EC x 10 of 38.5 to Ul.l, regardless of the -./aters used. Effluents from eight of the cylinders were selected for chemical analyses, Table 12. TAjILE 11 Average inches of effluent and its concentration in millimlaos after adding 99 inches of irrigation water to the soil columns of Pleasanton clay loam. Irrigation IIo. cylinders water leached B C D 11 16 Leachate , inches 0.33 I.1I+ 2.16 ECxlO f+0.6 33.5 41.1 3 TABLE 12 Analyses of initial effluent from soil columns after adding 99 inches of irrigation water. Cylinder Leachate inches JeCxIO^ Mi Hi equivalent per liter : ^ no. An ions : Cat ions : Na :HC03: Cl : Ca : ;-ig iV : i:a : Total : B7 .69 32 .2 6 .5 225.1 138.0 301.9 1.8 28 .3 469 .9 6.0 B9 .10 k6 .8 8 .1 284.0 240.0 459.8 2.8 41 .9 744 .6 5.6 Cl^l .59 U2 .9 .0 363.9 180.0 383.8 1.0 35 .0 600 .5 5.9 C18 1 .86 39 .6 8 .1 351.8 168.0 349.9 1.0 33 .7 552 .6 6.1 C2U 1 .9h 36 .8 7 .6 316.1 150.0 329.9 1.4 33 .7 515 .0 6.5 D29 1 .38 41 .2 14 .1 445.6 162.0 349.9 0.7 61 .9 574 .5 10.8 D39 2 .37 41 .2 10 .8 4i^.4 174.0 383.8 0.7 46 .6 605 .2 7.7 Dill 3 .33 39 .0 11 .9 403.9 156.0 349.9 0.7 49 .1 555 .7 8.8 As noted previously, the initial solutions are very high in calcium and magnesium with 10 percent or less as sodium. The high concentration of the divalent ions may be, in part, the result of leaching the soluble material native to the original soil. Most alkaline soils have soluble salts in a concentration of about one millimho or less, and where sodium is low, as in this soil, these C-34 are mainly calcium and magnesium. These native soluble salts are carried to the bottom of the cylinder in the initial wetting of the soil and constitute a part of the first effluent collected. According to the data presented in Table 12^ the average electrical conductance measures 69 percent of the sjialyzed salt s . The plants in the non -leached columns irrigated with "C and "D" Water, used less water toward the end of the first cropping period when com- pared to the leached columns. These non -leached columns of soil were removed from the experiment and one for each water was leached for the removal of salts and the other dismantled and analyzed for salt distribution in the soil profile. The results are given in Figure 13 "A" and "B" . To reduce the concentration to h and 5 millimhos, in colui-nns Cll and D25, respectively, 10^- and I3 inches of effluent were collected (Figure 13 "A"). However, the high concentration of salt, above 10 millimhos, was removed with h inches of leachate for Cll, and 6 inches for D25, which is 3-3 sLnd 5-5 percent of the total irrigation water added to the columns. According to the conductance measurements, using the ratio of 1 to 10 for milliequivalents, 68 and 82 percent of the salts added in irrigation water were recovered in the effluent for Cll and D25, respectively. This would in- dicate most of the accumulated salts had been removed, even though the leachate was giving a reading of U to 5 millimhos. The salt concentration according to the saturation extract is rela- tively low in the top half of the soil columns irrigated with Waters "C" and "D", but high in the lower part. Figure 13 "B" . The top 18 inches of the C12 column has a concentration of the saturated soil nearly equal to that of the irrigation water, while D26 for the same depth is approximately twice that of C-35 the irrigation water, nevertheless, each irrigation is a leaching process for the top portion of the soil column while building up a high accumulation of salines in the lov^er part. Of the 983 mi Hi equivalents of salt applied in the irrigation water to soil column C12; 676 mi Hi equivalents can be accounted for by conductance (1 to 10 ratio); or 68 percent. A total of 1,320 mi Hi equivalents of salt were added to cylinder D26 and 1,084 milliequivalents or 82 percent were recorded by conductance. At the end of the second crop, the salt removed by leaching and its distribution in the columns was evaluated. For each \rater, the cylinders were grouped according to the amount of leaching obtained. For determination of the saturation extract, a core from the center of the soil column, 3/^ inch in diameter by six -inch increments, was taken to the bottom of each cylinder. These samples were used to determine the salt distribution within the soil column and the results are shown on Figure ik. The soil was wet to field capacity before sampling and represents the salt condition in the profile following an irrigation. Regardless of the water used or the amount of leach- ing, the salt concentration of the saturation extract in the top half of the soil column is approximately the same, or less, than the concentration of the irrigation water. The accumulation of salt in the bottom of the cylinders is proportional to the amount of leaching . Table 13 gives the amount of water and salt applied to the soil columns, the percent of the water leached through these columns, its salt content, and the quantity of salt remaining in the soil. Data for salt re- covered from the leachate and the saturation extract are estimated from the electrical conductivity measurements. At high conductivity measurements, the C-36 estimation of salt is usually 25 to 30 percent low, and it is in this range that most of the leaching occurred. Consequently, the salts recovered in the leachates are considerably higher than indicated in Table 13 • From the data presented in this table and Figure ik, it would appear that if 9 percent of the applied Water "D" passed through the soil column, a relatively low salt balance would be maintained in the soil. For Water "C", the highest average leaching percentage was 2.8 percent j however, this is too low, as salt accumulated to 8 millimhos in the lower part of the column. Probably 5-6 percent of the irrigation water should be leached to maintain a salt level below k millimhos. For Waters "A" and "B", 1.0 and 1.^+ percent, respectively, leached through the columns prevented a high accumulation of salts in the subsoil. c-37 TABLE 13 Salts added in the irrigation water to Pleasanton clay loam and recovered in the leachate and saturation extract. Water No. of cyl. Irrigation water applied Salt : "^ Inch : meg. : leached Salts recovered :Salt : Total Leachate: ext . : meq.* Salts in leachate e Salts recovered 95 65 80 60 62 76 75 72 76 8k * Calculated from the electrical .conductivity (ECxlO-') using a ratio of 1 to 10. A A 2 2 181 188 361 375 None 1.1 129 343 117 3^3 2k6 52 B B 1 2 175 189 628 786 0.7 l,k 206 280 298 193 30k h73 hi kk C C 3 5 183 185 1525 15^1 1.0 2.8 279 80i+ 660 362 939 1160 30 69 D D D D 2 6 5 3 186 nh 181+ 190 2323 2185 2295 2385 1.3 3.2 5.2 9.2 1120 1052 127^^ 1636 628 513 1+63 355 17^ 1565 1737 1991 6k 61 73 82 A Weeping Procedure for the Study of Salt Accumulation and its Effect on Cation Exchange . The studies listed above show that when suffi- cient irrigation water is added to wet the entire soil, the top portion of the column is relatively low in salt while the lower part accumulates it to a high concentration. As this concentration increases so does the osmotic C-38 pressure oi the soil solution vhich decreases the availability of water to plants* causing them to vfilt at a soil moisture content higher than the permanent -./ilting percentage of the non-saline soil. Then, if the full complei.ient ol' irri^jation water is added, i.e., the quantity required to bring the soil moisture fro.a the periiianent •.Jilting percentage to the field capacity, excess or grcvitational water will form in the bottom and slowly drain from the cylinders. This slow drainage from the bottom of the cylinders, resulting from the high osmotic pressure of the soil solution and a full complement of irrigation ^Jater, has been termed "weeping" . By the end of the second crop gro^m on Pleasanton clay loam, so..ie of the cylinders irrigated \.d.th "C" and "D" Waters, having lov/ infiltration rates, \/ere in the process of \/eeping. Therefore, the decision was made to change the experiment from one of controlled leaching ('./hich was not accomplished) to one of adding the full complement of irrigation water at each wilting of the plants and allow weeping from the cylinders to proceed at v/ill. The cssuinption is made that sufficient leaching will taJ^e place in the top portion of the soil column to maintain plant grovrth. Tlie third crop was groim during the vanter of 1957-58 when transpi- ration vfas low and only 15-l3 inches of v;ater used. T\-jo additional crops v/ere * The saturation extract of 10 millimhos has an osmotic pressure of about k ati;iospheres and at 15 atmospheres, the accepted wilting percentage for plants, the concentration is about 35 i^llimhos. A saturation extract of h millii:ihos, which may produce salt injury to sensitive plants, has an osmotic pressure of about 1.^ atmospheres (Talcen from the U.S.D.A. HaJidbook No. 60, page 15, osmotic pressure of the saturation extract). These measurements are made on the extract from a saturated paste, but the Pleasanton clay loam soil at field capacity is approximately half of the saturation percentage. Therefore, the osmotic values given above would be doubled at the field capacity and increased considerably more as the plants remove the moisture and concentrate the salts. C-39 Sroirn during the cumner of 1958 and the cylinders were allovred to weep. At the end of the experiment , the cylinders irrigated i/ith each water were divided into two groups; one for the study of bhe removal of salts by leaching, and the other group was dismantled for deteri.dnation of salt in the soil profile, and cation exchange . Figure I5 shows the e::eii;plary curves ob.aiiied for the relationship of effluent concentration and accui.iulative inches of Icachate. For the waters of higher concentration, "C" and "D", the initial part of the curve is flat, Indicating, under the weeping technique for salt rcifioval, the accumulation occurs at a greater depth of soil, but at a lower concentration than those intermittently leached, as in Figures 2, 5; and 12. Although Figure "5 was draim as idealistic composite curves, considerable variation occuri'c between individual soil columns for any one water (with respect to the concentration of the effluent and the total r lount of salts i-emoved by leaching). This relationship is indicated in Figures 16, 17, and lo when the accumulative salt in i.dlliequivalents per leaching aliquot is related to the accuj.iulated volujTie of Icachate . The individual leaching aliquots for each soil colurmn were composited and analyzed. The average results of these analyses for each irrigation '>.ter are given in Table 1^. C-i)-0 TABLE ll+ Average analyses for co;.'.posite leachate of individual cylinders of Pleasanton clay loam. :ECxlO-^: Milliequivalents per liter 1 Wat.r:i:o. /U":ioii:; : Cat ion 3 : ^; :c:-l. CO^: 3- HCO^: CI : t30,| : V.Oy Ca : Mg : X : iJa : Total: Ka A 2 ^.9 B k U.i C 6 6.1 D 8 6.7 l.U 10. i^ 27.7 8.2 0.9 6.9 21.8 8.2 1.2 5.9 ^3.2 9.5 1.2 6.1 5^1-. 1 10.7 9.4 8.i+ 17.5 0.9 30.8 57.6 53 7.^ 6.9 11.7 ^.j 26.9 i+6.0 59 7.^+ 6.9 9.7 0.6 if9.7 67.1 71 k.9 6.2 7.9 0.9 62.0 77.0 3i The percent sodimn of the leachates is as high or higher than the correspQ- ''.g irrigation water. This may indicate an equilibriuEi has been establishes betvreen the accui.iulating salines, as controlled by weeping, and the cation exchange of the soil. However, this may be questioned, as rel- atively large amounts of carbonate and bicarbonate occur in the effluent v;hen the concentration of salt decreases, Figures J, 8, 9} ^xid 10. This indicates lime is being brought into solution, of which calcium v;ill replace the sodium of the cation exchange, thus enriching the effluent i/ith sodium. The average salt concentration, by depth, for these weeping soil colui.ins is given in Figure I9. The accumulation of salt is more or less in proportion to the concentration of the irrigation water. Of course, this should be reflected in the top part of the soil colur.in v^here leaching occurs with each irrigation. In the lower portion of the column, apparently the lower salt v/aters, particularly "A", have not had sufficient time to accvunulate a high salinity. This is also indicated by a small amount of v/eeping from these cylinders. The extreme deviations from the mean salt concentration for C-Ul the individual soil colwnns irrif^ated \ath "B", "C";, and "D" Waters are given in Figures 20^ 21, and 22, respectively. These deviations do not mean that a p..rticular soil column had a lover or hi^jher salt content at all depths, but it illustrates the extremes at any one depth of concentration. A complete analysis vas made of the saturation extract for each soil column by depth. Of most interest was the concenti'ation of sodium and chloride which was averaged by depth and plotted in Eij^are 23. The amo'mt of chloride is less than sodium for each water and at any particular depth. Chloride is easily leached and was moving readily out of the cylinder with the weeping effluent, while sodiuii: has a tendency to accuj.iulate to a higher concentration in the soil, i/ith the exception of the surface 6 inches, where both are nearly the same . The percent sodium of the total cations in the satui-ation extract is given in Figure 2h, There is an increased percentage sodium irith depth, as would be expected from the concentration values sho^.-m on Figxire 19. The difference in percent sodiun of the extract is influenced as much by the total salt concentration of the irrigation water as by its sodium percentage . The results given, in Figures 23 and 2^, suggest an increase in sodium of the cation exchange. A soil coluimi irrigated with each v/ater was selected and the percent sodium of the exchange vas determined. Figure 25. When compared with 1.2 percent sodium in the original soil, all the waters used resulted in a marked increase in sodium. In general, this increase is proportional to the total salt concentration and percent sodium of the original water. A marked increase in exchangeable sodiLun, with depth, is closely related to the accumulation of salinity in the soil profile, Figure 19. For Waters "A","B", and "C", the increase of exchangeable sodium from C-^2 top to bottom of the soil column is about three times, while for Water "D" it is about twice. This increase with depth is probably due to two factors: (l) The increased concentration of the soil solution results in additional sodium on the exchange; (2) upon concentration of the irrigation water as the soil solution, the bicarbonates precipitate with calcium producing a higher percentage of sodium in solution, which in turn increases the sodium of the exchange complex. This is probably the principal reaction in in- creasing the exchangeable sodium with the low sodium percentage Waters "A" and "B". The salt balance for the entire experiment on Pleasanton clay loam is given in Table 15- TABLE 15 The salt balance at the end of the experiment for Pleasanton clay loam. Water : Inches : Inches : Percent : Meq. : Salt : Percent* : irrig . : leached : leached : applied : sat . ext . : leached A 302 3.7 1.2 601 122 79.7 B 280 13.0 J+.6 1166 171 85.3 C 28U 20.5 7.2 2U22 255 89.5 D 276 25.8 9.^ 3^59 326 90.6 * Estimated from total salts added in the irrigation water minus those remaining in the soil at the end of the experiment, as determined by analyses of the saturation extract. The percent water and salts leached may be influenced to some extent by controlled leaching during the first part of the experiment, particularly for the low salt Waters "A" and "B" . For the higher salt Waters "C" and "D", the evidence indicates a balance has been established between the salts added in the irrigation water and the salts removed by C-^3 weeping from the cylinders. For the last crop, the concentration of the weeping effluent v;as between 5 '5 ^^^ 8«0 millimhos, regardless of the irri- gation -i/ater. This is a lower concentration than previously reported for leaching after a period of salt accumulation, and probably represents about as concentrated a solution as will be tolerated by a moderately salt- tolerant plant. However, in the absence of drainage, or leaching, a successive niomber of irrigations can build up a .ligh salt concentration in the subsoil, Figures 5 a^^d. 12. After severe wilting of the plants at the end of the experiment, the soil moisture in columns irrigated with "C" and "D" Waters averaged as follows : Depth of soil, inches Or6 6-12 12-l8 l8-2i+ 2^4-30 30-36 Percent soil moisture U.9 8.2 9.9 12.7 13-9 15-0 The cylinders remained in the warm greenhouse several months before removal for analyses. Consequently, considerable evaporation took place from the soil surface. However, at the 12-l8-inch depth, and below, the moisture is at, or considerably above, the permanent wilting percentage, and at the lowest depth half of the moisture remains in the range between the field capacity and permanent wilting percentage after severe wilting of the plants. The average volume weight at the end of the experiment was 1.53* This is extremely high for a clay loam soil and is the principal factor con- tributing to low and erratic infiltration rates. Although the growing of plants in tall cylinders of small diameter is limited to a few soils, experience indicates high volume weights are usually obtained after several crops. These voliime weights are considerably higher than foxind in the field. However, in our experience, few have reached the volume weight attained in the experiments with Ambrose clay and Pleasanton clay loam soils. C~kk Summary 1. San Joaquin River v/aters, before 1950; were considered of good quality with the salt concentration usually ranging between 300 and UOO parts per million, and a sodium constituting about 50 percent or less of the cations during the irrigation season. Yet these waters, applied over a period of years on certain soils, and used with a high degree of irrigation efficiency, have increased soil salinity sufficiently to be harmful to salt sensitive plants. Some of the factors responsible for the accumulation of soil salines in this area are: A. The mean seasonal precipitation is approximately 10 inches. Most of the rainfall is distributed over a six-month period and is not suffi- cient to leach the soil to a depth below the rooting depth of many plaints. Measurements show that under a similar rainfall pattern it requires, on an average, about l6 inches of precipitation to wet a clay loam soil to a depth of six feet. The customary practice is to allow the soil to enter the winter, or rainy season, dry to the rooting depth of plants. This is good economy both for water and in farm practice, but it does not assist in the leaching of salts below the rooting zone of the deeper rooted plants, such as alfalfa, sugar beets, tomatoes, trees, etc. B. Soil type may be a factor in the accumulation of salines. An example is the Ambrose clay (adobe) and related fine -textured soils. These soils usually have a high water-holding capacity and large quantities of irri- gation water are required to penetrate into the subsoil. But probably of most importance are the low infiltration rates, which require good irrigation management to effectively leach these soils. Under some conditions, it may C-U5 be necessary to leach during the \d.nter months, when water can be ponded on the land for long periods of time. Stratified soils, or soils \-n.th clay lenses, or tight, fine -textured subsoil, can be a problem in salt removal due to low permeability. Occasionally these subsoils are so tight they essentially prevent percola- tion; and when excess water is applied, a perched water table develops, which either "drowns" the crops, or prevents leaching of the soil. This, in turn, accumulates salts in the capillary fringe above the water table and eventually stunts or kills the crop. This condition has been found in one locality; others may develop, particularly in the basin soils near the trough of the valley. Some of these areas already have a high water table and are salty. This high -water -table condition results in part from the restriction of lat- eral migration of ground water by tight or impermeable subsoils. C. Efficient use of water may cause the accumulation of salines in the subsoil, i.e., when only sufficient irrigation water is applied to meet the demand of evapotranspiration, without supplemental amounts for leaching. Some evidence of this was found in the deep rooted deciduous trees of the area. The water was usually applied in three to four irrigations for a total of 16-22 inches. These irrigations wet the soil to a depth of ^J- to 7 feet. Consequently, the surface 3 or 4 feet are relatively free of salts, due to the leaching with each irrigation, but the accumulation of salt takes place at or near the depth of wetting, 4 to 7 feet. As the roots permeate the soil to 10 feet or more, this deposition of salt is within the root system of the trees. Most of the salt injury in the area has been to almonds and apricots — two salt sensitive plants. As these plants are also very sensitive to sodium, injury usually occurs before the salt concentration reaches k millimhos. C-k6 often around 2 or less, if the sodium in the soil solution is high in rela- tion to calcium and magnesium. The 100 per cent irrigation efficiency is commendable for water economy where sufficient rainfall occurs to occasionally leach the soil, but in this low rainfall area some excess water should be added for leaching. For the low salt waters, the amount of leaching need not be large or necess- arily repeated every year, as some of the orchards were under this irrigation practice for years before salt injury was noted. The accumulation of salts from efficient use of water has been limited to deep rooted perennial crops such as orchards and alfalfa. The annual field and truck crops showed little or no salt accumiilation, with the exception of the very fine-textured soils. This is due, no doubt, to the in- creased irrigation frequency for these crops, particularly as a preirrigation, or "irrigating the crop up" and additional irrigations while the crop is small with a low consumptive use. D. High water tables are recognized as areas of salt accumulation. High concentration of salts occurs in soils from the water surface through the height of the capillary movement. This accumulation is caused by surface evaporation, or the loss of water through transpiration. It has been established that salt problems may occur in areas where the water table was developed originally from very low salinity waters. How this happens is open to question, possibly by the movement of salts from the deeper subsoil, the movement of salts laterally through the soil from an irrigated area at a higher elevation, or probably the decomposition of the young alkaline soil under moist con- ditions and high temperatures with the liberation of soluble minerals. In any case, these areas will require drainage followed by leaching. The study. C-1+7 as originally designed, did not include consideration of the problem of salt accumulation and its removal under high water table conditions. 2. The concentration and type of salts in the irrigation water will influence the soil properties ajid the accumulated salines. A. The chloride content of the water used in the area has been one-half or less of the total anions. This ion is considered a good measure of salinity because it does not react with the soil and is easily leached. Assumption was made that with increasing concentration of the river water, by return and drainage water^ the chloride content would increase, because it is soluble with all the cations of the soil, at the expense of the bicarbonate and sulfate. B. Considerable emphasis was placed on the sodium ion in this study because its role is not as simple as that of chloride. Even mth the low salt water of approximately 50 percent sodiiim, when salines are allowed to accumulate in the soil, some increase in sodium percentage of the base exchange occurs, as illustrated by the saline soil samples in the "Field Investigation" and the experimental "Salt Accumulation and Leaching Studies". However, if the salts of this water are not allowed to accumulate to a high degree of salinity, the sodium of the cation exchange should remain relatively low and the water would be satisfactory for an indefinite period of use. As the concentration and sodium percentage of the water increase, sodium will be found in increasing amounts of the exchange, as in the case of Waters "C" and "D" used in the uoil column experiments. Two factors are involved: (a) as the sodium percentage of the water approaches 60 and higher, increasing amounts of sodium will displace the divalent cations of the C-1+8 I exchange, even though accumulation does not occur; (b) as these waters are concentrated, a proportionally larger percent of the exchange will be sodium, as illustrated in the soil column experiments. Some increase in concentra- tion always occurs under normal irrigation practice. For example, if most of the available water is used between irrigations, the water or soil solution will approximately double in concentration. This usually occurs a number of times during the growing season. The soil solution, even with some leaching, usually has a concentration three to eight times that of the irrigation water. To prevent this moderate amount of accumulation would require large amounts of water for leaching -- at least the equivalent to the quantity used in evapotranspiration, or more. The author's opinion: Growing of salt-sensitive plants, as the almond, is not in the realm of practicability with high sodium -high salt waters, C. The bicarbonate ion may play an important role in some irri- gation waters, but with the high salt waters, "C" and "D", this would be minor due to the relatively small amount in relation to the total salts. However, in the lower salt waters, such as the San Joaquin River, represented by Waters "A" and "B", the bicarbonate constitutes about a third of the anions. If the salts of these waters are allowed to accumulate to a relatively high salinity, the bicarbonates precipitate in the soil as lime, thus removing the divalent ions from solution, which decreases the salinity of the soil solution, out increases the percent sodium. This probably accounts for the small percentage increase in exchangeable sodii^m found in the "Field Investigation" ajid the "soil Column Experiments". However, the amount of calcium and magnesium of the irrigation waters is greater than the bicarbonate, and with a small amount of leaching, the salinity will be maintained at a sufficiently low level to C-i+9 prevent this reaction from playing an important role in exchangeable sodium. 3. Leaching the soil is important when the irrigation vater contains salts and rainfall is low. Where infiltration rates are low, as is generally the case in the area under investigation, leaching can be difficult. A. The irrigation waters often are blamed for these low infil- tration rates. There is no indication that present or past waters diverted frou the San Joaquin River have been responsible for these low rates. If the water should deteriorate in quality, having a higher salt and sodium content, it is questionable .whether it would reduce the permeability of the soil. It is known that as the total salt of the water increases, a larger percent of sodium can be tolerated without reducing infiltration rates. B. In general, the low infiltration rates are due to poor soil structure or compacted, high volume -weight soils. Much of the compaction occurs from the surface to 18 inches deep, as a result of tillage operations and the use of heavy farm equipment. These soils are easily compacted when tilled in a moist to wet condition. This study, and other investigations in the area, indicate some of these dense, high volume -weight properties are native to the soil and not necessarily man-made. Experimental work indicates some of the soils are weakly aggregated; therefore, the structure is easily destroyed and compaction results. At the present time, there is no evidence to indicate the irrigation water used has been related to this problem. k. In most of the area, the soil is relatively free from accumu- lated salts and no advantage would be obtained in applying more water, but many disadvantages may occur. Throughout the area are a number of orchards showing salt or sodium bum, while others are menaced by the salt level in the root zone of the trees. These fields should have additional water applied C-50 for leaching. The data obtained for leaching requirements in the soil colujTins should not be applied literally to field conditions, as these were small, uniformly -packed columns and leaching was much more efficient than would be obtained under field conditions. Therefore, the data obtained should be used only as a guide for leaching requirements. C-51 Conclusions 1. The application of San Joaquin River water, even though considered of good quality before 1950; over a period of many years on certain soils, together with past irrigation practice has resulted in increasing soil salinity to such an extent that it is harmful to salt sensitive plants . 2. Factors responsible for accumulation of soil salines are: A. The mean seasonal precipitation is too low to properly leach the soil. B. The type of soil, especially fine-textured soil of low permeability, may retard the infiltration of water through the soil thus curtailing the process of leaching. C. Over-efficient use of irrigation water where less than 30 inches is applied per season. The raising of perennial crops, such as orchards and alfalfa, induces efficient use of water. With few exceptions, lands on which annual crops were grown showed little accumulation. D. High water tables. In such cases, evaporation and transpira- tion concentrates salts in the soil. 3. The concentration and type of salt in the irrigation water will influence the soil properties and the accumulated salines. A. Chloride is not the predominating ion, but its accumulation in the soil indicates a need for leaching. B. Future deterioration of irrigation water, with increasing concentrations of sodium will disperse the soil, reduce infiltration, and cause injury to salt-sensitive plants. C-52 C. Accumulation of the bicarbonate ion will result in increased exchangeable sodium. This can occur when waters of the type found in the San Joaquin River at present and in the past are used. k. Present and past quality of water diverted from the San Joaquin River is not responsible for existing low infiltration rates; these are due to poor soil structure or compact, high volume-weight, soils. This is important in leaching for when infiltration rates are low, leaching can be difficult. 5. In most of the area, soils are relatively free of accumulated salts and little advantsige would be gained from the application of more water. However, additional water should be applied for leaching in fields where salts have accumulated. C-53 FIGURES C-3k Loc. 15 EC X 10 o£ the saturation extract. Figure 1 A comparison of the salinity in the soil profile. A - for 1956, Loc. 18 and 1957, Loc. 27 B - for 1956, Loc. 15 and 1957, Loc, 28 C-55 i u u (01 X a) soxpnTTTTW Cr C-56 800 - ■p H d CO 4h O m +j c H $ •H 4) 2 4 6 8 10 Accumulative leachate, in inches depth. 12 Figure 3 Accumulative salt removal of leaching 6- foot cylinders irrigated with water B, C and D *(see text for eitimation of salt). * from conductivity C-5T o o o IH «r» ja r» ^ i ^ Ti ^ 1 ia « «i w S S s u K « Kl s. • m CM 5" O •^ vi s p«r eeot sod •d with wate m u r> 4J 15 t4 1-1 «b M -3-^ • « i-i O. n O a 4J CS O u d „ m d O § « •-* 9 •a 5i > •H T* d o g. 8*^ • T* • •r4 ::Jfc •-I a iH £ « CO « O T^ d «t u o u o d M O 3) o m Q lO O lO m fx ^ CM u-> r«. sj- CO f% C^ 1-1 jaajX ^^^ s3U9X»A.-jnbajxiTH C-59 400 - 10 15 20 Mllllahos (K X 10^) 25 30 Figure 6 Goncantratlon of l«aeluit« from Sorrento loam In mllliequlvalenCs per liter as related to electrical conductivity in millimhos. c-6o I u •« 5 ^ S o U -> « o d K^ ■.^ r^ • ft >o M u ■« i g" tl • • » X ♦i >• C0 »< Ua << r-l • • •> •-4 W « ^ « fl d 9 o jd u d o •H t> u 1 9 O 4i O d u « d u « • o 51 o H CO St O m H 9U073B3 3Ua3 J9j SUOftlV 3US3 J3j I c-6l A 00 10 a o •rl a 4 o u l-l • M O (0 •U C fl o r^ 41 -H bS o M CO O >« O o ez: M »< « esj •o en vO a •H • .-• -* ►»o u CO 4J r< O St O r-t t^ vA^* lO _ o in M -t >w ir» « -a V ja T^ u u « tA at 4J ■ CO 5h w M f-« e u o . >4-l M I ON 11 « o M U ^U 0) V ,-t U ^-\ « o lit •o .d 4-i r^ O lU u-i CM CM en vt •3335 UT q3d3a «n vO P. IN ja u u X •a 3 u 4 ca 9 o O oa d « u u 91 U » 1-1 •s 4 00 1£ 4 O CO u , d ^ ■-» 4 « •H O O" 41 r-« U « u 3 60 b C-65 r-< « > u u u s i § « n •»-» « CO ^ M 01 as 00 4) O «i M « Ck. » ^ Jd » » « ee 44 H a u ti u 4J 3 a 3 e 1-1 M CVI M 3) (-01 X 'O'a) soMniTIITH c-66 .1 o d o u •^ «l ss a M « u u -w g» O T3 •I : 4J « «• : M il « > o CO d eg O 41 U S 3 •H J3 (U O CU •»< « d « u »4 0) d o 8 S ^ « u c o o <4-l « «l M r « on H 1-1 •5W13»»I JO 01 X Da C-67 u a M ji u 12 18 24- 30- No. Cyl. 2 2 Leaching None 2 Inches 34 Leaching 1.25 inches 2.75 inches Or 12- M I 24- 30- Le aching 1.9 inches 5.25 inches 4 — k — k — ' « I ' u i ' l No. Cyl . Leaching 2 2.5 inches 6 5.6 " 5 9.5 " 3 -«-._» 17.5 " i I i io IC X 10^ of saturated extract. Figure lU Salt distribution in the soil profile for 4 irrigation waters (A, B, C and D) and various leaching regines. C-68 CM 00 M u d 3 C4 O « ja 4J » O CD « h fH • u m t ^» « «i i * u «g n o k w • u fH « m « ■I 4) 4 .a 4i r-l ijS " at a ^'•^ 9 d i-H 4J O O 4 tr\ JO CM 00 es •3»q3»»1 JO 01 « OT C-69 e4 M » 00 14 U ^8 « u a « ^c4 I •it o o u • u u d Si u ja U 14 U u u gi4 m m 3 o u « 8 »4 ;^*baM '3l'« aA'j5»x™'''33fY C-70 CM it s «i u u M > 00 ja -H vO Pi ■o « o 0) > 4) u o u 1 1 CM o «a 00 XI (U o (0 10 « > |4 u u g o a « « > •H 3 3 r^ o o en o o o "baw '31^9 aAi3BxnninoDV I C-Tl u « u at » •o • « >x 4J U 1-1 1-1 u U u u • 1-t 9 M •o u gq d Ck. p o « £ u •a ^ •-H I-l jd O <« u u u d t4 •H I-l U •w u « o o 0) (U •H .-t 4J 4J >» i-H ua 1-1 § I-l OS ^ « 0) u > q o 4J -j^ S .-1 « > 1-1 1-1 4J 3 CM 00 CM o CO saqoui 'q^*^ u (U M ja -.-1 4J n ts S t4 a ' 3 Q (0 r-l U O Ti o en fh o d l-l (0 iH 0) t4 O 4J ■4-1 O T-l O 00 « i-t 03 d M ).| o o • 01 T-l <«-l '^ P. u td 4J CO o CO M O l-i CM 4J u o jd •H 0-0 4-1 T W -H rr « u ? (U 00 cd •H a) H Td O .-( V4 3 0) r-l i-t a u u > (d Id ■< ca 00 vO o« CO C4 o CO «o a\ 0) CO aaiqoui 'q^daa C-T3 o o o CM P. i-H a) > 3 w 01 01 u o •-I o td 00 r-t •H 14-1 O O (0 ::l S 0) 0) 00 4J OJ u u 4 « BUS 5 w <4-l 0) C! -d 4J O Oj 0) bO 0) je! 4J OS C! ^ ■H 3 o iH ro •M o i-l u A (0 r-( u T-l U-l 0) > tH 3 fi •O T3 o D* o (U (U iH 0) T-l 4J 4J T^ 4J td Bl I-( nt »-i oo 1-1 •H 3 -H •!-( > U U s 0) td M Q to -H vO tM 00 CM O OJ 0) 00 saqou-p *q:}daa C-T^ r- Sodlum 0) u c Q r Chloride Milliequlvalent per liter Figure 23 Concentration of sodium and chloride in saturation extract by depth of cylinder Irrigated with 4 waters, A, B, C and D. C-75 r 6 - 12 - J I fi* 18 24 30 36 \ \ ' \ \ \ \ V - \ \ \ \ \ ^ *\ \ \ \ '\ \ \ 1 / V \ » ^ \ \ .' V \ » / V \ 1 V \ \ \ \ \ \ \ - Irrlg. Water A \ B \ C \ D 7 I ^ ^- k \ ^ '■ \ \ ^ ^- \ / ^ \ ^ / \ \\ 1 1 1 1 — 1 40 50 60 70 Per cent sodium 80 90 Figure 2k Per cent sodium of the saturation extract by depth of cylinder, irrigated with ▲, B, C and D waters having 51, 53, 67 and 74 per cent sodium respectively. C-76 t- 6 - 12 - s A 18 24 - 30 - 36 \\ \ \ \\ \ \\ • \ \\ \ \ \ ^ \ ^ \ > \ \ \ \ \ . \ > '^ ^ \ \ \ 1 \ V \ \ \ \ \ ^ \ \ \ \ 1 \ ^ ^ \ ^ \ \ ^ \ V \ \ \ \ \ ^ -Irrig. Water A\ B \ C\ d\ \ \ V N 1 1 1 1 1 10 15 20 Per cent sodium of the cation exchange* 25 Figure 23 Per cent exchangeable sodium of the soil by depth of cylinder, Irrigated with waters A, B, C and D having 51, 53, 67 and 74 per cent sodium respectively. * Corrected for soluble sodium of the saturation extract. C-77 BASIC DATA C-78 ANALYSES OF SOIL SAMPLES District: West Stanislaus Irrigation Site No. 1 Location Number: tUS, r6e. Sec. V^I> Tear Sampled: 1955 Soil: Sorrento loam Crop: Apricots Moisture equivalents (M. E. ) Depth, feet 0-1 1-2 2-3 3-la I4-5 M. E. 13.1 iy.7 7.0 5.1 h.& Electrical Conductivity in Millimhos (EC x 10^) and analyses of soil saturation extract Milli equivalents per liter ^P*^ \ ECxlO^ feet Anions H(X)3 : CI ; SOh : Ca Mg Cations 1 Na Total % Na 0-1 y.8 2.2 l»i.l 11.5 10.9 h.o O.k 12. U i7.7 U5 1-2 3.1 1.6 1U.8 li^.5 10.9 3.7 0.1 16.2 30.9 52 2-3 2.6 1.6 11-7 ly.U 8.5 2.1 O.k lU.y ii5.7 55 3-li y.5 1.5 11.3 11.7 8.0 2.5 0.1 13.8 ifU.5 56 h-5 ■^.3 1.6 10.7 1-^.8 8.0 3-7 o.k 13-1 25.1 52 Cation Exchange Capacity in Milliequivalents per 100 grams of soil Depth, feet Cation Ebcchange Capacity Cations in Milliequivalents Ca Mg K Na UStST % Na 0-1 9.k 16.9 2.9 0.2 0.9 21.0 6 1-2 10.1 36.0 3.7 0.2 1.5 kl.k 11 2-3 6.6 21.9 2.k 0.1 1.0 25. u 10 3-U k.5 11.5 1.5 0.1 0.5 13.6 5 li-5 k.l 10.8 1.5 0.1 0.5 13.0 6 Remarks: Moisture equivalents indicate a sandy type of Boll with the 3-'+ and U-5 foot depth containing 20 and 25 per cent rocks respectively. Salinity of this irrigated soil has increased when compared to nearby dry lemd site 3. Also increased is the per cent sodium of the cation exchange. The trees showed some injury from salt. C-79 ANALYSES OF SOIL SAMPLES District: y^gt Stanislaus Irrigation Site No. y Location Nmber: tUs, r6e, Sec. a* Tear San^led: 1955 Soil: Sorrento clay loam Crop Almonds Moisture equivalents (H. E. ) Depth, feet 0-1 1-2 2-3 3-U h'S M. E. ■^^.8 ^^l.6 ii^.S 8.9 13.3 Electrical Conductivity in Millimhos (EC x 10^) and analyses of soil saturation extract Depth, : ECxlO^ Milli equivalents per liter .' _* Mo feet : H003 : CI • SOL : Ca : Mg : If : Na : Total ", Na 0-1 y.i i^.T 10.0 6.6 7,0 2.9 0.4 11.1 ai.k 52 1-2 y.7 1.9 li^.8 9.9 9-0 2.7 O.k ii^.6 ■d6.6 55 2-3 2.0 1.9 7.1 11.6 6,0 1.7 0.1 iy.8 yo.6 6y 3-U 2.7 1.9 6.3 19.6 7.0 2.7 0.1 18.0 i^.8 65 h-S 5.8 1.6 16.9 57-9 20.0 9.2 0.3 kj.o 76. U 61 Cation Exchange Capacity in Milliequivalents per 100 grams of soil Depth, feet Cation Exchange Capacity Cations in Milliequivalents Ca VtSu. K Na Total 0-1 13.0 1-2 15.0 2-3 10.0 3-I1 6.5 la-5 Q.h Remarks: 19.6 ^.9 0.6 1.3 y6.i+ if3.U 3.8 0.3 1.7 29.3 18. U y.9 o.y 1.1 yif.7 8.9 1.9 0.1 1.0 li^.O 19.6 2.7 o.y 2.3 ■dh.Q % Na 6 7 8 10 lif The 3, h and 5 foot depth contained yU, ^5, and 10 per cent rock respectively. The salinity has Increased in this irrigated soil particularly In the 5 foot depth when compared to nearby dry land site 3. Also, Increased is the per cent sodium of the cation exchange. Sulfate and calcium are sufficiently high to Indicate the presence of gypsum in the 5 foot depth. The trees showed some injury from salt . C.80 ANALTSES OF SOIL SAKPLES District: West Stanislaus Irrigation Site No. 3 Location Number: t^+S, R7E, Sec. 20E Tear Sanpled: 1955 Soil: Sorrento clay loam Crop • Dry land Moisture equivalents (M. E.) Depth, feet 0-1 1-2 2-3 3-l4 US M. E. ^7.3 yy.3 22,5 2.15 20.5 Electrical Conductivity in Millimhos (EC x 10^) and analyses of soil saturation extract Depth, feet : ECxlO^ Milli equivalents per liter : % ; Na Anions • • Cations : HC03 : CI : SOh : Ca : M^ : K : Na : Total 0-1 O.U 2.6 0.6 0.8 2.1 0.9 0.1 0.9 U.O 23 1-2 0.3 2.2 0.3 1.0 1.1 0.5 0.1 1.8 3.5 53 2-3 O.U 2.U 0.3 0.8 0.7 0.3 0.1 2.6 3.6 71 3-U o.k 3.0 0.3 0.8 0.6 0.2 0.1 3.3 k.l 79 1 0.6 3.2 0.6 1.3 1.1 0.2 0.1 3.7 5.1 73 Cation Exchange Capacity in Milliequivalents per 100 grams of soil Depth, feet Cation Exchange edacity Cations in Milliequivalents Ca Mg K Na Total Remarks: Dry land or unlrrlgated. Very low salinity and sodium on the cation exchange, % Na 0-1 28.1 21.5 6.6 O.U 0.3 28.7 1 1-2 20.8 i+0.0 1.6 O.k 0.6 U8.8 'd 2-3 19.8 39.3 6.6 0.3 1.3 U7.5 6 3-U 18.9 18.7 6.U 0.3 1.8 27.2 9 li-5 17.2 26.6 5.2 0.3 1.8 33.9 9 C-81 ANALTSES OF SOIL SIMPLES District: West Stanislaus Irrigation Location Nuaber: Tl^S, F7E, Sec. iJOP Soil: Sorrento clay loam Hoistiire equiralents (M. E. ) Site No. j^ Tear Sanpled: ig^^ Crop; Beans D^th, feet M. E. 0-1 19.6 1-2 19.2 2-3 19.5 Depth, feet 0-1 1-2 2-3 li-5 22. i? Electrical Conductivity in Millimhos (EC x lo3) and analyses of soil saturation extract Anions Milliequivalents per liter CI "SST Ca ils. Cations Na l.k 0.9 0,8 0.9 1.0 2.1 3.9 2.1 1.6 1.6 h.7 2.5 3.1 3.7 h.5 6.6 2.9 2.3 3.i^ 3.3 h.5 2.5 2.5 2.8 3.0 1.3 0.7 0.8 1.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 6.k k.i 5.0 5.1 Total ! ^ 13A 9.3 7.5 8.7 9A 1^7 58 55 57 5^^ Depth, feet 0-1 1-2 2-3 3-ii Cation Exchange Capacity in Milliequivalents per 100 grams of soil Cation Exchange Capacity Ca Cations in Milliequivalents ; — E — ; ^ 17. y 16.9 15.1 17.8 17.7 li?.7 iy.7 38.5 U1.6 51^.7 6.k 6. if k.6 5.8 7.3 Remarks: lov soil salinity. O.lf 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.J+ "ST 1.0 1.0 0.9 1.1 1.2 Total % Na 20.5 k 20.2 k kh.k 5 U8.9 5 63.6 5 0-82 ANALYSES OF SOIL SAMPLES District: Btinta-Carbona Irrigation Site No. 5 Location Nvnnber: T3S, R5E, Sec. 22 Year Sampled: 1955 Soil: Ambrose clay Crop: Alfalfa Moisture equivalents (M. E.) Depth, feet 0-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 M. E. 31-2 31.1 3^-7 1+3.4 29.8 Electrical Conductivity in Milllmhos (Ec x 10^) and analyses of soil saturation extract Cation Exchange Capacity In Milliequlvalents per 100 grams of soil ECxl03 Mill! equivalents per liter Depth, : : Anions : Cations ": i feet : : HCO, ; CI : SOk : Ca Mfi : K : Na : Total : Na 0-1 1.1 3.5 5.9 1.9 3.5 1.6 0.1 6.0 11.2 54 1-2 2.1 2.5 11.4 6.7 5.2 2.7 0.2 12.6 20.7 61 2-3 2.0 2.2 9.8 6.4 3.0 1.3 0.1 l4.0 18.4 76 3-4 1.6 2.6 6.8 5.3 2.0 0.6 0.1 12.0 l4.7 82 4-5 3.0 2.0 12.2 15.1 5.0 1.8 0.1 22.3 29.2 76 Cation Depth, : Exchange Capacity Cations in Ml lliequivalents : % feet : : Ca : Mg : K : Na : Total : Na 0-1 28.5 20.0 11.5 0.9 1.8 34.2 5 1-2 29.2 23.1 12.2 0.6 3.2 39.2 8 2-3 28.2 40.9 10.6 0.6 4.6 56.7 13 3-4 26.7 33.9 9.2 0.7 4.3 48.2 13 4-5 24.7 28.9 8.9 0.7 4.7 43.2 14 Remarks : A slight amount of salt occurs in the profile particularly in the 5-foot depth. The cation exchange contains an appreciable sunount of sodium in the lover 3 feet of the soil profile. The salts present are not harmful to the crop - alfalfa, as this is a salt tolerant plant. C-83 ANALTSES OF SOIL SAMPLES District! Banta-Carbona Irrigation Site No. 6 Location NuBber: T3S, R5E, Sec. -^i Tear Sor^jled: 1955 Soil: Ambrose clay Cixjp: Almonds Moisture equivalents (H. E. ) Depth, feet 0-1 1-2 2-3 3-U i4-5 M. E. i^8.l+ 30.5 31.y i^.6 30.5 Electrical Conductivity in Millimhos (EC x 10^) and analyses of soil saturation extract « 3 • • Milli equivalents per Uter • Depth, Anions • * Cations ' Na feet : HOO3 : CI : SOL : Ca : Mg : K : Na : Total • 0-1 1.7 \.\ 7.9 7A 5.0 3.6 0.3 7.9 16.7 ^1 1-2 1.9 •^'l 7.9 8A 3.5 1.7 0.1 13.3 18.6 72 2-3 3.6 1.6 18.9 15.6 8.0 3.2 0.1 yiv.7 36.1 69 3-I4 U.6 0.6 i?9.6 15.5 11-9 U.O o.u ^9.5 U5.7 6U U-5 U.8 \.•^ 3Ji.O 1U.3 iy.5 \.'d 0.6 30. y '+7.5 63 Cation Exchange Capacity in Milliequivalents per 100 grass of soil Depth, • CaUon feet ' Exchange I Capacity Ca Cations in Milliequivalents \ !Ia T Jig. K "Tsisr Na 0-1 28.1 1-2 29.6 2-3 28.3 3-U 23.6 U-5 2U.I Renarks: 19.3 11.0 1.1 1.8 33.1 37.0 11.8 0.6 U.l 53.2 U5.U 9.6 0.6 1^.5 60.0 27.1+ 7.8 0.7 3.9 39.7 22.7 7.8 0.9 U.3 35.7 1 3 3 10 10 Orchard showed salt bum of the leaves. Salt accumulation in the subsoil is in the saline range. As indicated by the high chloride con- centration leaching of the soil has not been accomplished in this orchard. C-81* ANALTSES OF SOIL SAMPLES District: Banta-Carbona Irrigation Site No. 7 Location Niaiber! t3S, R5E, Sec. idkD Tear Sampled: 1955 Soil: Ambrose clay Crop: Beans Moistxire equivalents (H. E. ) Depth, feet 0-1 1-2 2-3 >U I4-5 M. E. 32.2 31. U 29.0 32.1 38.1 Electrical Conductivity in Millimhos (EC x 10^) and analyses of soil satiiration extract Milli equivalents per liter Depth, feet ECxlO- Anions HOO3 CI M! Ca J^ Cations T— Na Total % Na 0-1 1.1 •d.d 1.2 6.9 3.5 1.8 0.2 1^.8 10.3 i+6 1-2 1.2 1.8 1.7 7.0 3.7 2.3 0.1 5.U 11.5 U7 2-3 1.2 1.5 1.6 7.7 3.7 1.7 0.1 5.3 10.8 U9 3-1* 0.9 1.7 l.u 6.0 2.6 0.9 0.1 5.1 8.8 58 U-5 0.8 'd.h 0.8 1^.8 l.u 0.5 0.1 6.0 8.0 75 Cation Exchange Capacity in Millieqiiivalenta per 100 grams of soil Depth, feet Cation Exchange Capacity 0-1 31.7 1-2 30.6 2-3 27.3 3-U 28.0 I4-5 i-7.8 Remarks: Ca Cations in Milliequivalents ; — t — ; J<£_ Na TSra" 23.8 11.9 1.2 1.6 38.5 21.2 11.0 0.7 1.5 3*^.5 36.3 9-9 0.6 1.6 1^8. U 25.2 9.2 0.7 1.9 37.0 28. 1^ 8.1^ 0.8 2.8 i^O.5 % Na 5 6 9 For this soil series the salt is of a relatively low level. Irrigation management and the production of annual crops have probably been responsible for this condition. C-85 ANALI5ES OF SOIL SAMPLES District: Banta-Carbona Irrigation Site No. 8 Location Niaaberi T3S, R5E, Sec. iUr Tear Sampled: 1955 S^XXi Ambrose clay Crop: Dry land Moisture equivalents (M. E. ) Depth, feet 0-1 1-2 2-3 3-li 1-5 M. E. i?8.9 ii9.0 ii3.3 i^Ji.i y6.9 Electrical Conductivity in Millimhos (EC x 10^) and analyses of soil saturation extract Depth, feet » 3 : ECxlO^ • • Milliequivalents per UUr • Anions ■ Cations ' Ito : HOO3 : CI : SOL Ca : Mg : K : Na : Total • 0-1 0.8 y.i 3.6 1.3 1.9 1.1 0.1 3.8 6.9 55 1-2 l.a 1.5 8.U 3.0 a. 5 1.1 0.1 8.3 lif.O 69 2-3 i^.5 1.3 ly.-^ 11. u 5.0 y.o 0.-^ 17.7 yU.9 71 3-1* 5.6 1.1 11^.5 k3.-e yy.o 9. if 0.1 ^9-5 60.8 U8 Ii-5 6.1 1.3 1U.8 50.8 ^5.0 10.9 0.1 30.8 66.8 k6 Cation Exchange Capacity in Milliequivalents per 100 grans of soil Depth, feet Cation Exchange Capacity Cations in Milliequivalents Ca Mg K Na T^sr % Na 0-1 30.3 19.6 11.5 1.1 1.5 33.8 k 1-2 y^i.h ■cik.5 11.0 0.7 3.U 39.6 9 2-3 •^k.3 30.7 8.1^ 0.5 h.k l^U.i Ik 3-li 19.9 yi.5 6.2 0.5 k.5 3^.7 16 U-5 i?3.l 35.9 7.3 0.6 h.3 U8.1 ly Resaarks! Dry land, or unlrrlgated with increasing salinity vith depth. The analyses of calcium and sulfate indicate the presence of gypsum. According to the soil survey, salinity usually is not found in this soil except tmder high watertable conditions. Most Ambrose soil series in this area have been under irrigation for many years and salts could have been leached from the upper 5 feet before the survey was made. However, this unlrrigated area may be typical of the salt concentration in the native Ambrose clay soil. C.^6 ANALYSES OF SOIL SAMPLES District: Patterson Water Site No. 9 Location Number: T5S, R8E, Sec. 7M Tear Sai»ipled: ig^^ Soil: Sorrento clay loam Crop: Alfalfa Moisture eq\iivalents (M. E. ) Depth, feet 0-1 1-2 2-3 3-1 i4-5 M. E. 23A 23.'^ yi.9 ^3.1 2h.k Electrical Conductivity in Millimhos (EC x 10^) and analyses of soil satiiration extract Cation Ebcchange Capacity in Milliequiyalents per 100 grams of soil Depth, feet : ECxlO^ Milliequlva lents per liter : % \ Na Anions • • Cations : HOO3 : CI : SOU : Ca : Mg : K : Na : Total 0-1 l.k 2.k 6.6 3.9 3.0 i^.3 o.y 7.5 iy.9 58 1-2 1.6 1-3 10.0 3.8 3.5 3.U 0.1 8.1 15.1 5U 2-3 1.1 y.5 6.0 y.7 3.0 y.3 0.1 5.8 11.3 5i^ >a 1.3 y.U 5.9 ^^.5 y.7 ^.9 0.1 7.1 iy.8 55 li-5 1.3 y.5 6.6 U.y d.d ■i.^ 0.1 8.1 13.3 61 Depth, feet Cation Exchange Capacity 0-1 yo.6 1-2 yo.6 2-3 18.3 3-U 17.1 I4-5 17.6 Remarks: cr Cations in MilliequiTalents ; — t — \ — Ri — r Jlfi- Total 13.1 8.9 0.5 1.5 -d\.\ 13.1 8.9 O.U 1.5 5^3.9 iM.8 8.9 0.3 \.'d 31. y 33.6 9.9 0.3 l.U U5.1 33.9 13A 0.3 1.9 U9.6 % Na 6 5 5 6 9 Some accimiulatlon of salts when compared to the non-irrigated site Yd. For alfalfa or field crops this accumulation would not be considered harmful. C-87 ANALTSES OF SOIL SAMPLES District: Patterson Water Site No. 10 Location NisBbor: t6s, r8e, Sec. kE Tear Sampled: 1955 Soil: Sorrento clay loam Crop : Almonds Moisture equivalents (M. E. ) Depth, feet 0-1 1-2 2-3 3-1 h'S M. E. 19-9 19.6 18.9 18.5 19.5 Electrical Conductivity in Millimhos (EC x 10^) and analyses of soil saturation extract Cation Exchange Capacity in Milliequivalents per 100 grass of soil Depth, feet : ECrlO-^ Milliequiva lents per liter : % ; Na Anions • • Cations : HCO3 : CI : SOL : Ca : Mg : K : Na : Total 0-1 1.3 i?.6 6.1 1^.0 3.i? y.6 o.y 6.7 lif.7 5k 1-2 1.1 0.6 5.9 U.O i^.5 1.7 0.1 6. if 10.6 59 2-3 1.3 0.8 7.1 ^.3 3.0 •^.l 0.1 7.1 ly.y 58 y-h 1.8 0.3 11.1^ k.k 3.7 i^.7 0.1 9.6 16.1 60 I4-5 i^.3 0.3 16.5 k.6 5.0 -d.9 o.if 13.3 yi.3 6y Depth, feet 0-1 1-2 2-3 3-I4 Cation Exchange Capacity Ca Cations in Milliequivalents ! R I Si T Mg Total 18.5 17.8 17.5 16. U 15.9 lif.O 7.1 o.k 1.1 ifO.7 11.6 7.5 0.3 1.3 ifO.7 11.6 7.5 O.a 1.5 ifO.S 10.8 7.1 o.y 1.7 19.9 10.8 6.5 o.y if. if 19.8 % Na 5 6 7 8 11 Remarks: Some acciimulatlon of salts has taken place, noticeable In the k and 5- foot depth as Indicated by the high chloride content. At this level it is questionable whether sufficient salts are present to injure almond tress. 0-88 ANALTSES OF SOIL SIMPLES Diatrict: Patterson Water Site No. 11 Location Nuaber: T5S, P7E, Sec. lifG Tear Sampled: 1955 Soil: Sorrento loam (or mocho fine sandy loam) Crop: Beans Moistiire equivalents (H. E. ) Depth, feet 0-1 1-2 2-3 >U US M. E. 18-8 18.6 yo.6 20.6 19.1 Electrical Conductivity in Millimhos (EC x 10^) and analyses of soil saturation extract Depth, : ECxlO^ MUliequiva lents per liter : % ; Na Anions • • Cations feet : HCO3 : CI : SOh : Ca : Mg : K : Na : Total 0-1 0.8 1.6 3.5 2.7 1.8 1.1 O.d h.7 7.9 60 1-2 O.P 1.8 3.8 3.1 1.9 l.d 0.^ 5.3 8.6 61 2-3 0.9 2.1 3.5 2.6 d.O 1.1 0.1 5.0 Q.-d 60 3-1 0.8 y.3 2.8 •^.3 1.5 0.9 0.1 k.6 7.3 66 I4-5 1.0 1.6 k.l k.l ■^.l 1.9 0.1 5.6 9.7 57 Cation Exchange Capacity in Milliequivalents per 100 grass of soil Depth, : Cation Cations in Milliequivalents % feet : Exchange : Capacity Na : Ca : Mg • • K : Na : Total : 0-1 1U.6 10.8 5.6 0.6 0.9 17.9 5 1-2 lU.5 10. U 5.9 O.U 1.0 17.8 6 2-3 15.1 y8.9 7.5 0.3 1.1 37.9 6 3-ii 1'^.5 28.9 8.1 0.3 1.1 38. U 6 1-5 lU.y ■^3.k 8.9 0.2 1.0 33.5 6 Remarks: The salts are relatively low, Indicating some leaching has taken place In the production of annual cixjps. C-89 ANALYSES OF SOIL SAMPLES District: Patterson Water Site No. ii» Location NTsaber: T5S, r8e, Sec. 30G Tear Sampled: 3^555 Soil: Sorrento clay loam Crop: Diy land Moisture equivalents (M. E. ) Depth, feet 0-1 1-2 2-3 3-li h'S M. E. '^h.6 23.k 2U.8 21+.2 22.7 Electrical Conductivity in Millimhos (EC x 10^) and analyses of soil saturation extract Depth, feet ECxlO' Anions Milli equivalents per liter Cations HCO3 ; CI ; SOU ; Ca Mg Na Total % Na 0-1 0.3 1.2 0.3 1.8 \.h 1.5 0.1 o.u 3A 12 1-2 0.3 1.3 0.2 1.5 1.5 0.8 -- 0.8 3.1 if5 2-3 0.3 1.3 0.1 1.7 1.3 0.7 MM 1.1 3.1 35 3-I1 0.3 1.5 0.1 1.3 0.9 O.U __ 1.6 3.0 55 I4-5 O.k 2.U 0.2 1.1 0.8 0.5 — 2.3 3.7 63 Cation Exchange Capacity in Milliequivalents per 100 grams of soil Depth, • Cation feet • Exchange ; Capacity 0-1 ^6.3 1-2 ^^e.h 2-3 ^5.3 3-U ^3.1 U-5 20.2 Remarks: Ca Cations in Milliequivalents \ Na : _M£. K Tscr 18.1 10.6 0.5 0.2 se9.U 21.5 9.9 0.5 0.3 3^.3 y^.3 9.9 o.k 0.5 33.1 ■>-f.h 9.6 o.k 0.7 38.0 36.3 9.2 o.k 0.9 U6.9 % Na 1 1 2 3 h Dry land, or unirrlgated with a very low salt content of the soil profile and a low percent sodiiom on the exchange complex. C-90 AHALYSES OF SOIL SAMPLES District: Patterson Water Site No. 13 Location Number T5S, R8E, Sec. 33D Year Sampled : 1955 Soil: SoiT«nto clay loeun Crop: Apr 1 cot t i Moisture equivalents (M. E. ) Depth, feet 0-1 I'H y-3 : -k ^-5 M. E. i?3.9 s^3.7 ■dk.6 i?5 .8 ^3.8 Electi-ical Conductivity in Mllllmhos (EC x 103) and analyses of soil saturation extract ECxl03 Milliequivalents per lite r Depth, Anions Cations i feet : : HCO3 ; ci soil Ca : Mg : K : Na : Total: Na 0-1 1.0 1.3 1^.3 i^.9 3.0 1.9 0.1 5.5 10.5 5i^ 1-2 1.6 1.3 7.8 7.0 k.5 2.7 0.1 8.9 16.1 55 2-3 5.8 0.6 38.8 23. iJ 2U.0 lkf.5 O.k i^5.7 6-^.6 ki 3-h 6.6 0.9 39.3 35.5 30.0 16. if O.h 29.1 15.6 38 h.5 7.0 1.0 33.8 51.0 30.0 yo.o O.k 35.5 85.8 ki Cation Exchange Capacity in Milliequivalents per 100 grams of soil Cation Depth, : Exchange Capacity Cations in Milliequivalents feet : : Ca : Mg : K Na : Total : Na 0-1 23.7 16.5 8.1 0.6 1.3 26.5 k 1-2 23.6 17.3 8.9 O.U 1-9 28.5 6 2-3 2U.6 19.6 9.6 O.k 3.5 33.1 9 3'k 2U.2 25.6 10.3 0.5 3.9 ^+0.3 10 h-5 21.2 31.9 9-9 O.k k.3 k6.6 13 Remarks : A high concentration of salt has accumulated in the 3-5 foot depths. Leaching has not taken place in this orchard as indicated by the chloride content and the presence of gypsum in the subsoil. The orchaixi is extremely poor with burning and death of many leaves and death of the young wood. C-91 ANALYSES OF SOIL SAMPLES District: Patterson Water Site No. Ik Location Number: T5S, r8E, Sec. 3^0 Year Sampled: 1955 Soil: Sorrento clay loam Crop Apricots Moisture equivalents (M. E.) Depth, feet 0-1 1-^ i;-3 3-k 1^-5 M. E. '^6.6 y6.3 H5.0 ^5.1 yrf.o Electrical Conductivity in Millimhos (EC x 103) and analyses of soil saturation extract ECxl03 Milliequivalent 8 per liter Depth, Anions : Cations : i> feet : : HCO3 : CI : SOi, : Ca : Mg : K : Na Total : Na 0-1 a.o t;.9 5.5 11.9 8.0 3.1 0.5 8.6 yo.y k3 1-2 1.1 1.7 3-9 5.6 3.8 1.9 0.1 5.5 11.3 k8 y-3 1.5 1.9 3.7 11.0 6.k 3.5 0.1 6.3 .16.3 39 3-k y.8 1.1^ 3.5 ^7.0 11.5 6.k 0.1 lil.O 3^.0 1^1^ k-5 3.1 1.3 6.1 ■<^.l 11.7 6.9 0.1 15.9 31^.6 k6 Cation Exchange Capacity in Milliequivalents per 100 grams of soil Cation Depth, Exchange Capacity Cations in Ml lliequivalents : i feet : Ca : Mg : K : Na • Total : Na 0-1 y6.y '^3.k 7.1 1.3 1.9 33.7 5 1-y ae.k yo.o 8.1 0.6 1.5 30. if 5 y-3 i?5.3 yi.5 8.1 0.5 1.3 31. U k 3-U 5^3.6 36.0 8.1 0.5 y.3 U6.9 7 U.5 i?5.5 30.7 9.y 0.5 y.9 i^3.5 8 Remarks : Some acciimulation of salines throughout the soil profile has occurred, notable on the U and 5-foot depths, when compared to the non-irrigated site la. If the salts continue to accumulate they will adversely effect the orchard. C-92 ANALYSES OF SOIL SAMPLES District : Patterson Water Location Number: T5S, R8E, 28n* Soil: Sorrento clay loam Site No. 15 Year Sampled: I956 Crop: Apricots Electrical Conductivity in Millimhos (EC x 10^) and analyses of soil saturation extract : ECxlO^ Mi lli equivalents per liter Depth, Anion : Cations : I0 feet CI Ca Mg K Na Total : Na 0-1 1.0 3.6 3.2 1.6 0.1 5.'+ 10.3 52 1-2 6.3 6.8 19.0 19.2 ko.k 78.6 51 2-3 7.5 13.7 23.0 25.3 50.3 98.6 51 J>-h 8.9 29. h 26.0 31.6 70.8 128.4 55 h-5 8.8 32.5 26.0 31.6 57.8 115. i+ 50 5-6 7.2 2i+.8 19.0 22.5 i+7.9 Q9.k 53 6^ 7.1 30. i+ 17.0 19.2 k6.3 8 3. a 56 7-8 6.6 31.1 18.0 17.5 U1.5 77.0 54 8-9 6.0 26.9 17.0 17.5 36.5 69.0 53 9-10 5.3 21.7 16.5 15.8 31.7 64.0 h9 Remarks : Very high salinity in the soil profile with sodium constituting 50 percent or more of the total cations. Analyses indicate the presence of gypsum in the 3-to 5-foot depth. The water table is estimated to be approximately 4 to 5 feet from the surface. The trees had died in this area, probably from salt injury due to the poor subsoil drainage. * Location determined by projection of section lines. C-93 ANALYSES OF SOIL SAMPLES District: Patterson Water Location Number: T5S, R8E, Sec. 28L* Soil: Sorrento clay loam Site No. 16 Year Sampled: 1956 Crop: Virgin Electrical Conductivity in Mlllimhos (EC x 10 ) and analyses of soil saturation extract : ECxlO^ Mi Hi equivalents per liter Depths Anion J Cations : ^ feet : CI Ca Mg K Na Total : Na 0-1 1.6 3.8 5.2 1+.6 1.3 5.^ 16.5 33 1-2 0.9 2.0 2.1+ 2.2 0.2 3.9 8.7 45 2-3 1.0 2.8 2.5 2.2 O.U 4.8 9.9 hS> 3-^ 0.6 1.8 1.2 1.1 0.2 l.k 5.9 58 U-5 0.7 1.8 2.0 1.7 0.3 3.6 7.6 hi 5-6 0.8 2.k 1.9 1.7 0.3 3.5 l^h hi 6-7 0.7 2.0 1.7 2.0 0.2 3.0 6.9 1+3 7-8 1.1 h.e 3.2 3.1 0.3 3.9 10.5 37 8-9 3.1 13.3 5.7 9.8 0.1+ 16.2 32.1 50 Remarks : Unirrigated native soil. Low in salts except in the 9- foot depth, * Location determined by projection of section lines, C-9I+ ANALYSES OF SOIL SAMPLES District: Patterson Water Location Number: T5Sj r8E, Sec. 3LF Soil: Sorrento clay- Site No. 17 Year Sampled: I956 Crop: Walnuts Electrical Conductivity in Millimhos (EC x 10 ) and analyses of soil saturation extract : ECxlO^ Milli( equivalents per liter Depth, Anion ; Cations : ^ feet CI Ca Mg K Ila Total : Ila 0-1 0.6 1.7 1.5 1.1 0.1 3.1^ 6.1 56 1-2 0.6 2.2 1.2 0.6 3.5 5.3 ee 2-3 0.7 2.5 1.9 0.8 0.1 3.5 6.3 55 3-h 0.8 2.7 2.k 1.1 ^.5 8.0 56 k-3 0.9 3A 2.h 1.2 1+.8 8.i^ 57 5-6 1.0 k.2 2.5 1.1 0.1 6.2 9.9 63 6-7 1.1 5.3 2.2 1.1 0.1 7.0 10.4 67 7-8 1.2 e.k 2.2 1.0 0.1 1.^ 10.7 69 8-9 1.2 5.5 2.2 1.0 0.1 8.3 11.6 71 Remarks: Soil profile low in salts, indicating sufficient water has been applied to prevent the accumulation of salines. C-95 MALYSES OF SOIL SAMPLES District: Patterson Water Location Niamber: T5S, r8e. Sec. 32E Soil: Sorrento clay loeun Site No. 18 Year Sampled: 1956 Crop: Apricots Electrical Conductivity in Millimhos (EC x 10 ) and analyses of soil saturation extract : ECxlO^ Milliequivalent s per liter : Depth, : Anion : Cations : 1^ feet : CI Ca Mg K Na Total : Na 0-1 1.5 4.8 6.0 3.0 1.3 5.3 15.6 3k 1-2 1.1 2.6 3.7 1.6 0,k 5.6 11.3 k9 2-3 0.9 1.6 2.6 1.1 0.1 k.Q 8.6 56 3-4 1.2 1.2 3.8 l.lf 0.1 7.1 12. U 57 ^r5 2.0 1.3 7.J+ 3.3 0.1 10.5 21.3 U9 5-6 3A 7.2 16.5 8.3 0.1 14.8 39.7 37 6-7 l+.l 15.1 20.0 10.8 0.1 16.5 hl.k 35 7-8 5.6 2U.O 31.0 16.7 19.7 Gl.k 29 8-9 l.h 58.9 28.0 16.2 35.6 19 'Q 45 Remarks: High concentration of salts in the subsoil. This orchard had considerable evidence of salt injury the previous season and larger quantities of water were applied during the summer. The aewGgrowth this year appeared healthy when the orchard was sampled in the fall. Following this excess application of water considerable salinity remained in the subsoil below the 5 -foot depth. C-96 MALYSES OF SOIL SAMPLES District: Patterson Water Location Number: T6s, R8E, Sec. 5A Soil: Sorrento clay loam Site No. 19 Year Sampled: 1956 Crop : Alfalfa Electrical Conductivity in Millimhos (EC x 10 ) and analyses of soil saturation extract : ECxlQ-^ I'lilliequivalents per liter Depth, Anion : Cations 1> feet : CI Ca Mg K IJa Total : Na 0-1 1.0 2.5 2.7 2.0 0.1 k.O 8.8 ^5 1-2 Too dry for sampling 2-3 tt II II II 3-h 2.7 11.8 8.5 5.0 1U.8 28.3 52 h-5 1.7 6.5 5.0 2.2 9.9 17.1 58 5-6 2.5 17.2 7.2 5.1 0.1 11.6 2I+.O k8 6-7 1.2 3.6 k.O 1.1 6.6 11.7 56 7-8 2.7 15.3 12.5 5.0 ii+.3 31.8 h5 8-9 3.0 20.8 9.2 6.6 0.2 13.5 29.5 k6 Remarks: Some accumulation of salt in the ^- to 9 -foot depth, but not in sufficient amounts to affect the growth or yield of alfalfa -- a salt tolerant plant. The soil very dry to the depth of sampling and the lack of soil moisture was reflected in vegetative growth. C-97 ANALTSES OF SOIL SAMPLES District; West Stanislaus Irrigation Location Mmber: T5S, R7E, Sec. 25 Soil: Sorrento clay loam Site No. 20 Tear Sai^pled: 1956 Crop : Almonds Electrical ConductlTlty In M1111jk)ios (ECxLO^) and aoaalyses of soil saturation extract • Cations In : ^ -• Na Depth, feet : ECxLO^ • • Mllliequlvalents per liter : Ca : Mg : K : Na ! Total 0-1 1.2 2.2 1.5 0.1 7.9 11.7 67 1-2 3.0 7.5 7.5 0.1 17.7 32.8 51+ 2-3 5.2 16.5 22.5 0.2 20.6 59.8 31+ 3-^ h,9 16.0 29.0 0.2 11.7 58.9 20 k-3 3.5 13.5 20. i+ 0.2 5.6 39.7 Ik 5-6 3.5 12.5 19.7 5.6 37.8 15 6-7 3.3 10.5 17.5 0.2 7.3 35.5 20 7-8 3.2 10.0 15.9 0.1 7.9 33.9 23 8-9 3.3 10.2 15.^^ 0.2 8.4 3^.2 2U Remarks : The soil has a salt concentration of 3 millimhos in the 2 foot and 5.2 and I+.9 millimhos in the 3 and k foot respectively. Below this depth the soil contains about 3.^ millimhos. The orchard showed severe salt or sodium injury for the Texas variety (the Texas variety is sensitive to sodium burn). In general, the irrigation practice has been to add only sufficient water to wet the soil 3 to U feet in depth. The highest percent sodium occurs in the surface 2 feet of soil, but no doubt the trees obtain most of their moisture from this area due to the shallow penetration of irrigation water. C-98 ANALTSES OF SOIL SAMPLES District: West Stanislaus Irrigation Location Number: T5S, R7E, Sec. 36 Soil: Sorrento clay loam Site No. 21 Tear Sanpled: 1956 Crop: Apricots Electrical Conductivity in MillijHhoa (ECxlO^) and afnalyses of soil saturation extract Cations in Mllliequlvalents per liter Depth, feet ECxlO- Ca _M&. Na Total % Na 0-1 3.2 1-2 0.7 2-3 0.9 3-4 1.0 h-5 0.9 5-6 0.8 6-7 0.8 7-8 0.7 8-9 0.8 10.2 15.9 2.k 1.0 2.7 1.6 2.5 1.7 2.k 1.7 1.7 1.1+ 1.6 1.2 1.7 1.2 2.1 1.3 0.2 8.1 0.3 2.9 0.1 h.l 5.0 k.Q ^.1 4.3 3.9 0.1 k.k k.k 23 6.6 hk 9.1 52 9.2 5** 8.9 5h 7.8 60 7.1 60 6.8 57 7.9 56 Remarks : No salt accvunulation is evident in the soil profile. Some salt was found in the surface foot, probably due to surface evaporation. The trees were dying in this area --a low part of the orchard where ample leaching has occurred, and death of the trees was due to causes other than salts. The rest of the orchard appeared healthy. C-^9 ANALYSES OF SOIL SAMPLES Site No. 22 Tear Saq>led: 1956 Crop: Apricots Electrical Conchictlvlty In Millinhos (ECzlO-') and analjBes of soil saturation extract District: West Stanislaus Irrigation Location Nimber: T5S, R7E, Sec. 25 Soil: Sorrento clay loam Cations in Milli equivalents per liter T«t' = ^=^°^ Ca Mg Na fotal % Na 0-1 0.9 2.0 l.h 0.1 k.l 8.2 57 1-2 0.8 2.5 1.2 0.2 3.5 7.'+ hi 2-3 1.5 U.2 1.9 0.1 8.5 li^.7 58 Z-h 3.6 15.0 10.2 0.2 17.7 i^3.l hi U-5 3.3 13.0 10. 1| 0.1 11. u 3^.9 33 5-6 ^^.9 21.0 19.7 0.1 10.2 51.0 20 6-7 1.2 k.2 3.5 0.1 k.l 11.9 3*^ 7-8 1.0 2.6 2.3 0.1 3.5 8.5 i+l Remarks : The surface 3 feet of soil is free of salts, but the next 3 feet have an accumulation ranging from 3«3 to ^.9 millimhos. The last 2 feet show little or no salt deposits. The trees are relatively healthy with a fair amount of new growth being produced during the past year. It is apparent that the water from each irrigation penetrated only to a depth of 3 to 6 feet thus leaching the surface 3 feet and depositing salts in the next 3 feet of soil. If the present practice of irrigation without leaching the subsoil is continued, this orchard will be eventually in serious trouble from salt injury and may be approaching that condition now, as a general healthy appearance of the trees can be deceiving. C-100 ANALYSES OF SOIL SAMPLES District: Patterson Water Location Nusiber: Soil: — Site Mo. 23 Tear Soipled: Crop: Weeds 1956 Electrical CoadnctiTity in Nillishos (ECxlO^) and analyses of soil saturation extract 0-1 0.6 2.6 1.2 0.2 1.5 5.5 27 1-2 0.9 2.5 1.2 0.1 ^^•3 8.1 53 2-3 1.2 3.7 2.1 0.1 5.5 u.k k8 3-h 1.8 6.5 k.6 0.1 7.5 18.7 iK) k.3 3.6 15.7 12.0 o.k lu.l i+2.2 33 5-6 3.8 13.5 10.8 0.2 16.2 ^40.7 iK) 6-7 3.6 9.5 7.7 0.2 17.0 3h.k U9 7-fi 3.3 8.0 5.9 0.2 17.0 31.1 55 Remarks: Salt accumulation in the subsoil -- 5 to 8 feet. This area has not been irrigated in recent years. Whether this build-up in concentration of salt is from earlier irrigations or due to the subbing of water from a canal a short distance away is difficult to determine. At the present time weeds are allowed to grow in this area. C-101 ANALYSES OF SOIL SAMPLES District: West Stanislaus Irrigation Location Nxsaber: TkS, R7E, Sec. 30 Soil: Sorrento clay loam Site No. 2k Tear Stapled: 1956 Crop: Apricots Electrical ConchictlTlty in Millijihos (ECxlO-') and analyses of soil saturation extract Depth, feet ECxlO^ Ca Cations in Millieq\iiYalent3 per liter Mg Na TStiT % Na 0-1 1.0 1-2 1.2 2-3 1.2 3-h 2.8 k-3 3.7 5-6 1^.0 6-7 3.3 7-8 1.9 Remarks : 3.6 2.5 k.O 1.9 3.0 1.7 10.6 9.0 15.2 14.5 i6.0 15.0 21.7 10.8 7.2 5.^^ 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 k.3 6.2 7.1 13.6 11.1 9.8 7.9 5.1 10.7 1+2 12.2 51 11.9 60 33.3 Ul i^l.O 27 1^1 .0 2k 31.6 25 17.9 28 Low salts in the surface 3 feet and higher concentration of salts in k to 7-foot depth, (a discussion of this condition is given in Site 22). A decline in vigor of the trees was noted in 1955 and this year (1956) the irrigation schedule was changed from 2 or 3 to 1+ or 5 applications per season, which probably moved some of the salts downward. C-102 ANALYSES OF SOIL SAMPLES District: Patterson Water Location Ninber: T5S, r8E, Sec. l6 Soil: Rincon clay Site No. 25 Tear Soapled: 1936 Crop: Field crops Electrical Conductivity In MllllBihos (ECxlO-^) and analyses of soil saturation extract Depth, feet Ca Cations In Mini equivalents per liter _Mfi_ Na T3^5r ■ ' Na 0-1 lA i+.o 2.2 0.1 8.1 ik.k 56 1-2 1.8 U.O 2.7 0.2 10.6 17.5 60 2-3 2.3 6.2 3.5 0.1 13.2 23.0 57 3-^ 3.1 7.0 3.9 0.1 18.9 29.9 63 U-5 2.3 i+.5 2.2 0.1 Ik.^ 21.3 68 Remarks : Some accmnulation of salines is evident even with good drainage below 5 feet where coarse gravel was encountered. This soil type is noted for its low permeability. C-103 ANALYSES OF SOIL SAMPLES District: Patterson Water Location Nxniber: -- Soil: — Site No. 26 Tear Sampled: 1956 Crop: Apricots Electrical Conductivity in Millimhos (ECxlO-^) and analyses of soil saturation extract ^J' ; ECX103 Cations in Milli equivalents per liter : ^ .* Na : Ca : Mg • • K : Na : Total 0-1 1.7 6.2 3.5 0.2 6.1 16.0 38 1-2 1.9 5.5 2.2 0.1 10.9 18.7 58 2-3 1.6 6.2 3.3 0.2 5.5 15.2 36 3-h 2.0 5.0 2.1 0.1 11.1 18.3 61 it-5 3.0 11.7 6.2 0.2 12.9 31.0 k2 Remarks: Some accumulation of salt in the surface h feet with increasing concentration in the 5 -foot depth. The trees were dead or dying but the salt concentration was probably not sufficiently high to kill them. The sampling was limited to 5 feet; whether or not the salts of the subsoil killed these trees is problematic. C-IOU ANALYSES OF SOIL SAMPLES District: Patterson Water Location Nuaber: T5S, r8e, Sec. 32E Soil: Sorrento clay loam Site Mo. 27 Tear Saipled: 1957 Crop: Apricots Electrical CoaductlTltj in Millljihos (ECzlO'') and analyBes of soil saturation eoctract Depth, feet ECxLO^ Ca Cations in Hillieqiiivalents per liter fig K Na Total % Na 0-1 2.2 8.0 5.0 2.6 6.6 22.1 30 1-2 2.7 12.0 7.6 O.k 9.6 29.6 32 2-3 3.0 9.6 6.6 0.3 10.2 26.7 38 Z-h 2.9 11.7 6.0 0.2 10. U 28.3 37 U-5 2.6 10.7 5.6 0.2 10.1^ 26.9 38 5-6 2.1 7.7 h.G 0.2 9.6 22.2 kZ 6-7 2.2 7.0 h.6 0.2 11.2 23.0 1+9 7^ 2.6 9.7 5.9 0.2 12.6 28.5 kk 8-9 h.i 20.9 U.2 O.k ±k.2 ^9.7 26 Remarks : This is the same orchard as reported at Site I8, in 1956, but not at the same place. This year, 1957, an excess quantity of irrigation water was applied to leach the salts. The results show a salt concentration in the subsoil. A comparison for the two years is given in Figure lA. The higher salt content in the surface k feet in 1957 is probably due to the different places of sampling for the two years. In 1955, the Farm Advisor found the soil contained a higher concentration of salts in the subsoil and a test for salt removal was conducted by applying excess irrigation water during the 1956 and 1957 season.* In summary, the 1955 results showed the corcentration of salt for the 7, 8 and 9 -foot depth of soil to be ^.1, 5.8 and 7.5 millimhos, respectively. After leaching, the salt content is below 3 mlllimos except for the k.l in the 8-9 foot depth. "Apricot Irrigation Studies", Clyde E. Houston and Jewell L. Meyers, California Agr. 12:9:6, 1958 C-105 ANALTSES OF SOIL SAMPLES District: Patterson Water Location Nuaber: T5S, R8E, Sec. 28N* Soil: Sorrento clay loam Site No. 28 Tear Sa^>led: 1957 Crop: Apricots Electrical Conductivity in Mlllljihos (ECxlO^) and analyBes of soil saturation oxtract 0-1 1.9 5.7 1+.2 0.2 9.^+ 19.5 1+8 1-2 2.1+ 6.5 5.8 0.2 13.1 25.7 51 2-3 h.l 19.9 17.7 O.k 21+.6 26.7 39 3-k 5.1 11.0 11.7 0.9 32.6 56.2 58 1.-5 6.0 21.0 21.5 0.5 33.5 76.5 1+1+ 5-6 6.6 23.9 2U.3 0.9 1+3.6 92.6 U7 6-7 k.6 8.6 9.6 0.1+ 31.i^ 50.1 63 7-8 i+.l 6.9 7.9 0.1+ 30.0 1+5.3 66 8-9 3.2 5.2 5.7 0.1+ 22.6 3^.0 66 Remarks : This is the same orchard as reported at Site 15 in 1956, where a considerable number of trees died. In the meantime excess irrigation water has been applied to this orchard which resulted in a decrease in the salt content of the soil profile, Figure IB. At the time the samples were taken in the fall of 1957, no apparent change in the appearance of the trees was jaoted. A tile drain has been installed in this area which should lower the water table and allow leaching of the salt. * Location determined by projection of section lines. C-106 ANALYSES OF SOIL SAMPLES Site Mo. 29 Tear Sampled: 1957 Crop: Young Orchard Electrical Condtictlvlty In Mlllljthoa (ECxlO"') and analTses of soil satTiratlon extract District: West Stanislaus Irrigation Location Nuaber: T5S, R7E, Sec. 2l+R Soil: Sorrento fine sandy loam * Cations In • % ' Na Depth, feet ; ECxlO^ • • Mlllieqiiivalents per liter : Ca : Mg • • K : Na Total 0-1 3.0 10.7 9.7 1.0 9.1 30.6 30 1-2 2.8 10.7 8.8 1.2 10.0 30.7 32 2-3 1.9 5.0 k.6 0.6 7.8 18.0 ^3 3-U 2.1 6.0 5.8 0.3 10.1 22.2 '+5 U-5 2.k k.d 1+.8 0.2 9.7 19.5 50 5-6 2.k 3.7 k.k 0.2 15.2 23.5 6k 6-7 2.0 2.0 2.9 0.2 1I+.8 19.9 Ih 7-8 2.1 2.0 3.3 0.2 15.5 21.0 Ih 8-9 1.8 1.7 3.1 0.2 12.9 18.0 72 Remark £ • I Some accumulation of salts has occurred in this profile, planting the young orchard the area had been in field crops. Before C-107 ANALYSES OF SOIL SAMPLES District: Patterson Water Location Niaaber: T5S, R7E, Sec. 13L Soil: Sorrento loam Site No. 30 Tear Sampled: 1957 Crop: Apricots Electrical ConchictlTltj in Mllllmhos (ECxlO^) and analTses of soil saturation extract Depth, feet ECxLO- Ca Cations In Millieqiilvalents per liter _Mt K UI Total % Na 0-1 1.2 2.6 3.1 0.3 6.1 12.1 50 1-2 1.1 2.5 2.9 0.3 5.8 11.5 51 2-3 1.8 l+.O 3.6 0.2 9.6 17.^ 55 3-i^ 1.6 3.7 3.3 0.2 8.0 15.3 52 U-5 2.6 5.5 7.5 0.2 12.3 25.6 1+8 5-6 3.3 5.5 11.2 O.U 11. h 3i^.5 50 6-7 3.6 6.2 17.2 O.k 16.3 1+0.2 1+1 7-8 2.8 i^.6 l.3.h O.ll 11.8 30.2 39 8-9 2.1 k.Q 11.2 0.1^ e.h 22.0 29 Remarks : Salt accvuniilation below k feet. The orchard is 15 years old and considered healthy at present. It is apparent that additional water should be applied for leaching to remove and prevent the accumulation of salts in the subsoil. By estimation, the farmer applied about 30 inches of irrigation water a year. C-108 ANALYSES OF SOIL SAMPLES District: Patterson Water Location Number: T5S, R8E, Sec. 33B* Soil: Sorrento clay loam Site No. 31 Tear Saapled: 1957 Crop: Alfalfa Electrical Conductivity in Millimhos (ECxlO^) and analyses of soil saturation extract Depth, feet ECxlO- Ca Cations in Milliequivalents per liter Mg K Na TH^iT % Na 0-1 1.6 1-2 1.6 2-3 7.0 3-1+ 11.5 l4-5 7.7 5-6 i^.3 6-7 3.3 7-8 2.6 8-9 2.2 ^.1 3.6 3.5 2.1 23-9 15.0 Ul.2 31.1^ 26.7 19.6 8.6 6.8 8.0 6.3 5.7 4.6 5.2 3.8 0.1+ 8.4 17.1 49 0.2 10.6 16.4 65 0.9 33.0 72.8 ^^5 1.3 58.3 132.3 44 0.9 46.3 93.4 50 0.4 23.1 39.0 59 0.2 20.7 35.3 59 0.2 16.6 27.2 61 0.2 12.0 21.3 56 Remarks : A high salt concentration at or just above a water table between 4 and 5 feet. The alfalfa is growing poorly, which no doubt is due to the 7 to 11.5 millimhos salt concentration in the zone of root activity. * Location determined by projection of section lines. C-109 ANALYSES OF SOIL SAMPLES District: Central California Irrigation Location Niatber: t6s, r8E, Sec. 23J* Soil: Sorrento loam Site Mo. 32 Tear Smpled: 1957 Crop: Walnuts Electrical ConductiTity in Milliahos (ECxlO-') and analyses of soil saturation extract Cations in Milli equivalents per liter Depth, feet ECxLO^ Ca _Mg_ TT a "TSlEZr % Na 0-1 1.0 Z.h 2.9 0.3 3.5 10.1 35 1-2 0.8 2.7 1.7 0.1 3.2 7.9 1+1 2-3 0.9 2.8 1.5 0.2 3.7 9.2 !+0 3-4 0.8 2.7 1.7 0.1 3.0 l.h 1+0 h-5 0.7 2.8 1.8 0.1 2.1 6.9 31 5-6 0.8 3.0 2.0 0.1 1.7 6.7 25 6-7 0.7 3.2 2.1 0.1 1.5 7.0 22 7-8 0.7 2.6 1.9 0.1 1.2 5.8 21 8-9 0.7 3.1 2.1 0.1 1.3 6.6 20 Remarks: Low salt level in the soil profile. Considerable burning of \h.e leaves occurred late in the season. Additional soil samples by the Farm Advisor indicated this is not a salt problem. It was evident from the grower's irrigation practice, ample water was being applied to leach the salts. * Location determined by projection of section lines. C-110 AHALTSE3 OF SOIL SAMPLES District: Banta-Carbona Irrigation Location Ihaiber: T3S, R5E, Sec. 13Q Soil: Ambrose clay Site No. 33 Tear Saapled: 1957 Crop: Almonds Electz^cal CondnctiTitj in Hillljitos (ECxLO-') and malTses of soil saturation extract Cations in MilliequiTalents per liter Mg I k : tta " Depth, feet ECxLO^ Ca Total % Na 0-1 1.6 5.5 l+.l 0.4 5.6 15.6 36 1-2 1.8 3.^ 3.7 0.2 10.3 19.6 53 2-3 2.3 3.5 2.7 0.2 16.6 23.1 72 3-'^ 2.2 2.5 1.7 0.6 17.0 21.8 78 h-5 2.6 k.O 1.5 O.U 19.7 25.7 77 5-6 2.1 3.0 1.1 O.U 11^.6 19.2 76 Remarks : Some salt acciomulation in the soil profile with a large amount of sodium. This almond orchard is 20 years old and sodiiim bum of the leaves first showed in l^k&. This was confirmed by leaf axialyses in 1951 by Dr. Lilleland. Since then larger applications of irrigation water have been applied and the severity of the leaf bum has declined. The soil analyses indicate the total salt concentration is not particularly high, averaging slightly more than 2 millimhos but the sodium, 72 to 78 percent, is relatively high in the subsoil when compared to the other sites. C-111 AHALTSE3 OP SOIL SAMPLES District: Banta-Carbona Irrigation Location Nuiber: T3S, r6e, Sec. 9 NW^ SoUt Rincon clay loam and Rincon clay Site No. 3*+ to hi inclusive Tear Sampled: 1957 Crop: Field crops Electrical ConductlTltj In MllllAhos (ECxlO-^) and oaalysee of soil saturation extract Depth, feet : ECxlO^ • • : • « Cations In Mllll equivalents per liter : Ca : Mr I K : Ma ! Toial — na • • Site No. 3h 0-1 2.1 8.0 6.2 o.k 6.3 21.0 30 1-2 0.7 2.1 1.7 0.1 3.3 7.2 h5 2-3 0.7 1.7 1.5 0.1 3.h 6.6 51 3-h 0.9 2.k 2.3 0.1 1+.2 9.0 ^+7 k-3 0.9 2.7 2.1 0.1 3.9 8.9 1+1+ 5-6 0.7 1.8 1.6 0.1 2.5 6.0 1+1 6-7 0.9 2.2 2.1 0.1 3-3 7.7 h3 7-8 0.7 1.8 1.6 0.1 3.1 6.6 1+7 8-9 0.7 1.9 1.8 0.1 3.2 7.0 1+6 9-10 0.8 2.0 1.9 Site No. 35 0.1 3.i+ 7.1+ 1+6 0-1 0.8 1.6 2.0 0.1 i+.o 7.6 52 1-2 0.9 1.6 2.3 0.1 i^.5 8.5 53 2-3 1.1 2.3 3.5 0.1 5.i+ 11.3 hS 3-h 0.8 1.5 2.1+ 0.1 i+.2 8.2 51 1^-5 0.9 1.7 2.7 0.1 1+.2 8.7 h3 5-6 0.9 1.8 2.8 0.1 U.3 9.1 1+8 6-7 1.0 2.0 3.0 0.1 h.3 9.6 1+7 7-8 0.9 1.8 2.3 Site No. 36 0.1 k.2 8.1+ 50 0-1 3.0 8.2 10.7 0.5 10.1 29.6 3^^ 1-2 1.9 5.0 5.1 0.2 7.6 18.0 1+2 2-3 3.8 12.8 11.7 0.2 12.8 37. U 3^ 3-h 9.6 ^4-0. 7 33.3 0.1+ 28.3 102.7 27 1^-5 6.k 26. U 19.6 22.1 68.1 32 5-6 3.6 13.7 10.7 0.2 10.5 35.1 30 6-7 3.6 13.7 11.6 0.2 9.8 35.2 28 7-8 3.9 17.9 15.7 0.2 10.7 1+1+.5 21+ 8-9 3.3 lii.l 8.8 0.2 12.9 36.1 36 C-112 ANALYSES OF SOIL SAMPLES District: Banta-Carbona Irrigation Location N»ber: T3S , R6e, Sec. 9 NW^ Soil; Rincon clay loam and Rincon clay Site No. 3^+ to 1+1 inclusive (continued) Tear Sampled: 1957 Crop: Field crops Electrical Ckxiducti-ritj in Hillljihos (ECxlO-^) and analjBes of soil saturation extract T\ X W I • • Cations in : ^ * N« Depth, fttttt : ECtIO^ • • • • Milliequlvalents per liter X w w : Ca : Mg • • K : Na ! Total IV O Site No. 37 0-1 1.6 3.9 5.0 0.1 7.2 l6.2 1+1+ 1-2 1.2 1.7 2.8 0.1 6.8 11.3 60 2-3 1.1 1.2 1.9 0.1 7.0 10.1 69 3-^ 1.3 2.0 2.3 0.1 7.6 12.1 63 ^^-5 1.6 U.2 3.1+ 0.2 7.5 15.3 1+9 5-6 1.6 '^.3 3.7 0.2 6.7 1I+.9 1+5 6-7 1.7 i^.3 k.O 0.2 7.1 15.5 k5 1-Q 1.7 1+.8 k.6 0.2 7.0 15.7 1+1+ 8-9 3.9 26.1 li+.9 Site No. 38 0.5 7.9 1+9.1+ 16 0-1 2.k 5.5 6.5 0.2 10.8 23.0 1+7 1-2 3.2 9.6 9.0 0.1+ 12.6 31.6 1+0 2-3 2.2 ^.3 6.1 0.1 10.5 21.0 50 3-h 1.8 3.5 1+.8 0.9 8.7 17.1 51 h-3 1.9 k.2 5.3 0.2 8.7 18.3 1+7 5-6 2.3 5.0 6.7 0.2 10.3 22.2 1+6 6-7 1.6 3.5 i+.i 0.2 7.3 15.0 ka 7-8 1.9 '+.3 k.6 0.2 8.0 17.2 1+7 8^9 2.1 5.U 5.3 0.2 8.6 19.5 1+1+ 9-10 1.6 9.3 7.6 Site No. 39 0.1+ 12.1+ 29.8 1+2 0-1 ^^.3 5.7 6.2 0.2 29.9 1+1.9 71 1-2 h.l 1+.2 h.9 0.2 25.6 3I+.9 73 2-3 2.2 1.8 1.7 0.2 15.8 19.5 81 3-k 1.1+ 0.9 0.8 0.2 12.1 ii+.i 86 h-3 1.1 0.9 0.5 0.1 9.2 10.7 86 5-6 1.3 0.9 0.6 0.1 10.0 11.6 86 6-7 l.i+ 1.0 0.8 0.1 10.7 12.6 85 7-8 l.i+ 1.0 0.7 10.1+ 12.1 86 8-9 l.k 1.1 0.7 0.1 10.7 12.6 85 c-113 ANALYSES OF SOIL SAMPLES Site No. 31+ to kl inclusive (continued) Tear Sampled: 1957 District: Banta-Carbona Irrigation Location NiHnber: T3 3, r6e, Sec. 9 NW^ Soil: Rincon clay loam and Rincon clay Crop: Field crops Electrical Condiicti-rity in Millimhoa (ECxlO^) and analyses of soil saturation extract (jati COS in • % ' Na Depth, feet : ECxLO^ Milliequivalents per liter : Ca : Mg • • K : Na : foial Site No. ko 0-1 1.0 2.3 2.3 0.1 h.k 9.2 k8 1-2 1.2 2.7 2.7 0.1 6.5 12.0 54 2-3 1.5 2.1 2.7 0.2 8.9 13.9 6k 5-h 2.6 3.9 5.1 0.12 18.4 27.6 67 1+-5 3.^ 5.2 6.8 O.k 24.9 37.3 67 5-6 3.2 5.0 5.8 O.k 22.8 34.1 67 6-7 2.9 k.l k.6 Site No. 0.2 1+1 20.3 29.2 69 0-1 2.0 l+.l 5.1 0.1 9.7 19.0 51 1-2 2.3 U.6 5.0 0.2 13.9 23.6 59 2-3 2.0 3.5 3.9 0.2 12.1 19.8 61 3-h 1.8 5.0 k.2 O.k 7.7 17.3 kk ii-5 3.0 1U.9 9.9 O.k 8.8 34.0 26 5-6 ^.5 28.6 16.7 o.k 8.1 53.7 15 6-7 h.k 29.^ n,^ 0.2 8.1 55.1 15 7-8 3.h 18.5 10.4 0.7 9.8 39.3 25 8-9 2.7 5.7 3.5 0.1 5.7 15.0 38 Remarks: (See following page) C-llU Site No. 3k to i+l, inclusive (continued) Remarks; The eight sites, 3*+ to i+1, illustrate the variability of soil salinity. These samples were taken in conjunction with a water table investigation by the Agricultural Extension Service, and were obtained on the same quarter section of land, where the water table at the first site for the irrigation section was below 10 and at approximately 7 feet for the latter sites, respectively. The first two sites showed no increase in salts, but No. 36 had a salt concentration of 3 millimhos or above, with the exception of the 2-foot depth, and the highest salinity, 9 '6 millimhos, was at the 4-foot depth. Site No. 37 was on the south edge and approximately mid-point of the quarter while No. 8 was in the southeast corner; the water table during the irrigation season was approximately 6 and 10 feet, respectively. Only a slight increase in salt was noted for Site 37^ hut it was fairly uniform for the entire depth of the profile except at the 9 -foot depth. In the southeast corner. No. 38 showed some accumulation of salt with an average concentration for the profile of 2.1 millimhos. Sajnples from three sites, 39> ^0, and kl, were taken from east to west through the center of the quarter. In this area, the water table for the irrigation season was about 6 feet from the surface. All three sites showed a build-up in salinity. At Site No. 39> this occurred in the surface 3 feet, while for the other two locations the highest concentration was found in the subsoil. However, Site No. kl had a salinity of 2 or more millimhos in the surface 3 feet. The first five sites, 3^ through 38, were on the edge of the field and there is some question as to the amount and adequacy of irrigation water. Site 3^ was at the high point in the field, and it is questionable whether this spot was ever irrigated, therefore it may be considered as the check, where no salt has accumulated. Since Rincon soils are low in permeability, farming this area to field crops has not prevented some accumulation of salts as indicated at Sites 39> ^K) and Ul. C-115 AHALT3ES OP SOIL SAMPLES District: Banta-Carbona Irrigation Location Noaber: t33,r6e. Sec. 9 NW-^ Soil: Rincon clay loam and Rincon clay- Site No. ^+2 Tear Smpled: 1957 Crop: Field crops Electrical CoadnctlTltj In MlUlahos (ECzlO^) and analyses of soil saturation extract 0-1 1.0 2.2 2.5 0.1 h.9 9.7 51 1-2 2.3 1^.6 5.3 0.1 12.8 22.8 56 2-3 5.1 15.2 15.3 2k.k 55.0 hh 3-k k,2 13.7 11.1 0.5 ll.h 42.7 k\ h-5 2.k 8.0 k.d 0.2 10.1 73.2 kk 5-6 2.2 8.3 h.l 0.2 8.5 21.7 39 Remarks: Accumulation of salts below the surface foot soil has occurred. The yield of sugar beets appeared about average and they can tolerate this salt concentration if sufficient irrigation water is applied. C-116 ANALYSES OF SOIL SAMPLES District: Patterson Water Site No. kZ to 6l and adjacent lands^ In cooperation with the Stemislaus Coxinty Farm Advisor a general survey was made for salts in field crop soils. Exceptions were at Sites 5*+ sxid. 56 where the respective crops were rice and alfalfa. Electrical conductivity in Millimhos (EC x 10-^) for the saturated extracts of soil according to location and depth are listed below: Site Location Soil series Depth feet ECxlO' 1^3 kk 1*5 U6 hi k8 h9 50 T5S, r8E, Sec 20P Sorrento clay loam T5S, r8E, Sec 29P Sorrento clay loam T5S, r8e, Sec 29K Sorrento clay loam T5S, r8e, Sec 20F Sorrento clay loam T5S, r8E, Sec 3kF Rincon clay T5S, r8E, Sec 6d Sorrento loam T5S, r8e. Sec 3i4K Rincon clay T6S, r8E, Sec 8d Sorrento clay loam 0-1.5 0.8 1.5-6.5 1.6 0-1 1.0 1-1.5 1.1 0-2.5 1.0 2.5-^.0 1.0 1+-6 1.5 0-2.5 0.7 2.5-^.2 0.8 i^.5-6.5 0.7 0-3 3.3 3-6 7.3 6-Q 1.3 8-10 1.1 0-2 0.8 2-k 0.9 k-6 0.9 6-8 0.8 8-10 0.8 0-2 k.d 2-k k.o k-6 3.8 6-8 5.2 8-10 2.2 0-2 0.8 2-k 0.9 U-6 0.8 6-8 0.7 8-10 0.7 C-llT Site No. 1+3 to 6l (continued) • • • • Depth • : ECxlO^ Site : Location : Soil series : feet 51 t6s, r8E, Sec 29D Sorrento loam 0r2 2-k k-6 6-8 8-10 l.k 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.8 52 t6s, r8e, Sec 19A Ambrose clay (adobe) 0-2 2-k k-6 6-Q 8-10 1.5 1.7 l,k 3.5 2.9 53 b T5S, R8E, Sec 3kN Sorrento clay loam 0-2 2-k k-6 6-8 8-10 1.3 1.9 1.5 1.3 1.2 5k b T5S, R8E, Sec 35E b Rincon clay 0-2 2-k k-6 6-8 8-10 1.1 1.6 1.6 1.9 2.9 55 t6s, r8e, Sec iUe Sorrento clay loam 0-2 2-k k-6 6-8 8-10 I'k 1.8 1.7 2.6 56 b t6s, R9E, Sec 7E Sorrento fine -sandy 0-2 0.8 lOBjn 2-k k.6 6-8 8-10 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.6 57 t6S, R9E, Sec 7G^ Orestimba clay loam 0-2 2-k k-6 6-8 8-10 10.0 7.5 2.1^ 3.9 k,l 58 T6S, r8E, Sec 33R Sorrento clay loam 0-2 2-k k-6 6-8 8-10 0.6 0.6 1.0 1.9 1.3 C-118 Site No. k3 to 6l (continued) : ! : Depth : 3 Site : Location : Soil series : feet ECxlO 59 T6S, R9E, Sec 32G^ Sorrento fine sandy 0-2 0.6 losim 2-k k-6 6-Q 8-10 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 60 t6S, R9E, Sec b 20C Orestimba clay 0-2 5.7 loam 2-k k-6 6-8 8-10 8.1 0.7 5.9 k.6 b 61 t6s, R9E, Sec 20A Merced clay loam 0-2 2-k k-6 6-8 8-10 3.3 3.3 k,0 3.3 3.8 Remarks : The salts are low except at Sites U?, k9, 57, 60 and 6l, which are areas having a high water table and poor drainage. In general, these soils are heavy with a low permeability. Site 52 is not in a high water table area, but due to its plastic nature and low permeability some salts have accumulated in the subsoil. a. Adjacent lands are south of Patterson Water District in the vicinity of Crow's Landing and lie within the following organized districts: Central California Irrigation District (55-57 and 59 -6l); Orestimba Water District (58); Salado Water District (50); and Sunflower Water District (51,52). b. Location determined by projection of section lines. C-119 ANALYSES OF SOIL SAMPLES District: Patterson Water Location Hiaaber: T5S, R8e, Sec. 31 Soil: Sorrento loam Site No. 62 Tear Sa^)led: 1958 Crop: Apricots and Walnuts Electrical Conchictlvlty In NllliJihos (ECxlO-^) and analTses of soil saturation extract Remarks : Salts in the soil profile are low. The' apricot orchard is interplanted with young walnuts. : • Cations In -' Na Depth, feet : ECxlO^ • • • • Mllli equivalents per liter : Ca : Mg : K t Na : Total 0-1 0.5 3.5 1.8 0.2 l.k 6.9 20 1-2 0.9 h.2 2.5 0.1 3.5 10.3 3*^ 2-3 1.0 k.O 2.2 5.6 11.8 k8 3-h 1.2 3.7 1.7 5.8 11.3 52 U-5 0.8 3.0 1.5 U.8 9.2 52 5-6 0.7 3.0 1.3 i^.3 8.6 50 6-7 0.7 2.0 1.0 5.3 8.2 6k 7-8 0.8 1.6 1.3 0.1 6.9 9.9 70 8-9 1.2 3.2 1.8 8.5 13.6 62 C-120 AHALTSES OP SOIL SAMPLES District: Patterson Water Location Nx»ber: ^^g^ p8E, Sec. 31 Soil; Sorrento loam Sit« lo. 63 Tear SMpledi 1938 Crop: Apricots and walnuts Electrical Ckxiductivitj in Nillljthos (ECzlO^) and aaaljBes of soil saturation extract Depth, fa«t : EOtIO^ • • • • « • GatioBS in Milliequiralents per liter :«J : Ca : M« : & : Ha : Total : 0-1 0.6 ■d.l 1.3 •d.\ 6.i? i\ 1-y 0.5 ^.5 1.0 3.y 6.7 us y-3 0.6 d.d 1.0 U.6 7.8 59 3-'* 0.5 d.-^ 1.0 \X 7.7 57 1^-5 1.0 l.-d 1.5 5.1 9.8 y^ 5-6 0.5 i^.5 \.d U.i 7.9 5^ 6-7 0.7 y.7 1.5 U.U 8.6 51 T-8 0.6 i^.5 l.if 3.6 7A U9 8-9 0.9 3.ii 1.7 U.8 9.7 U9 Remarks ; Salts in the soil profile are low. The apricot orchard is Interplaiited with young walnuts, C-liei ANALYSES OF SOIL SAMPLES District: Patterson Water Location Number: T58, R7E, Sec. IJdA* Soil: Sorrento loam Site No. 51^ Tear Sampled: ^058 Crop: Apricots Electrical Conductivity in Millijnhos (ECxlO^) and analyses of soil saturation extract Cations in Millieqtiivalents per liter Depth, feet ECxlO^ Ca Mg K Na Total Na 0-1 1.0 3.7 i^.9 0.3 hX 11. I^ 39 \-d. 0.8 2.2 1.7 0.1 5.1 9.1 5U 2-3 0.7 2.5 1.6 5.3 9M 56 Z-^ 0.9 ■^.'d 1.8 6.0 10.1 59 ^-5 1.0 3.5 2.3 7.0 12.8 5»^ 5-6 0.8 3.0 1.6 6.1 10.7 57 6-7 1.0 1.7 1.2 0.1 8.5 11.6 73 7-8 i.y 1.7 1.5 10. i^ 13.6 76 8-9 1.5 2.2 y.5 0.1 12.0 16.8 71 9-10 1.5 2.2 y.3 12.3 16.8 73 Remarks : The soil profile Is low in salts. *Location determined, by projection of section lines. C-122 ANALTSES OP SOIL SAMPLES District: Patterson Water LocaUon llMber: T5S, r8e, Sec. 15* Soil: Dinuba fine sand Site No. 65 Tear Satpled: 1958 Crop: Alfalfa Electrical ConductlTltx in Nilliahos (ECzlO-^) and analyBes of soil saturation extract Remarks : The soil profile is low in salts. Depth, : EOtIO^ : • • • • Cations in MilliequlTalents per liter : ^ : Ca : M« : K • • IJa I Toial 0-1 1.2 3.2 3.8 6.k U.5 kk 1-2 0.7 1.5 1.2 k.k 7.2 62 2-3 0.8 2.2 1.7 0.1 k,2 8.2 52 3-h 1.2 k.2 3.3 k,6 12.2 38 U-5 1.3 h.3 5.0 0.1 k,h lU.O 31 5-6 0.9 2.0 3.9 0.1 3.6 9.5 38 6-7 0.8 2.0 1.2 0.1 3.1 8.3 37 7-8 0.7 2.0 2.7 3.0 7.7 39 8-9 0.8 1.6 2.2 0.2 3.5 7.5 hi 9-10 0.9 1.7 2.7 0:2 k.l 8.6 k& * Location determined by projection of section lines. C-123 ANALYSES OF SOIL SAMPLES District: Patterson Water Location Number: T5S, r8e, Sec. 21F* Soil: Sorrento clay loam Site No.: 66 Year Sampled: Crop: Field Crops Electrical Conductivity in Millimhos (EC x 103) and analyses of soil saturation extract : ECxlO^ Milliequivalents per liter Depth, : Anions : Cations ^ feet : HCO : CI SOj^ : Ca : Mg K : Na Total: Na 0-1 1.0 2.6 3.7 2.0 2.5 1.0 0.1 5.6 9.2 60 1-2 1.5 k.O 3.^^ 7.0 1.4 0.7 0.2 12.0 11^.2 84 2-3 5.1 2.3 9.3 i+2.0 9.2 6.7 0.5 U1.8 58.1 72 3-h 11. i^ 1.7 i+5.9 99.5 23.0 18.7 1.1 107.6 150.5 71 h-5 12.9 1.7 78.6 89.2 25.2 20.8 1.1 126.1 173.3 73 5-6 10.7 1.1 5^.9 88.1^ 32.5 20.0 1.1 96.7 150.4 64 6-7 10.5 1.7 5*+.^ 85.8 30.0 18.7 1.1 93.9 143.8 65 Remarks : The subsoil is very high in salines. This site is close to the trough of the valley and accumulation, no doubt, is due to poor drainage. The analyses indicate the presence of gypsum below the 4 -foot depth. * Location determined by projection of section lines. C-124 ANALYSES OF SOIL SAMPLES District: Patterson Water Location Number: T5S, r8E, Sec. 22* Soil: Rincon clay Site No. 67 Year Sampled: 1958 Crop: Alfalfa Electrical Conductivity in Millimhos (EC x 10-^) and Einalyses of soil saturation extract : ECxlO^ Milliequivalent s per liter Depth, : Anions Cations : H> feet : HCO : CI : SO^ Ca : Mg : K : Na : Total : Na 0-1 1.1 6.8 2.1 1.2 1.8 1.9 0.1 5.7 9.6 60 1-2 1.0 5.7 l.k 3.6 1.1 1.2 0.1 l.h 10.0 75 2-3 1.1 k.6 0.8 5.7 0.9 0.8 0.1 Q.k 10.3 82 3-^ 6.0 2.0 3.^ 78.9 19. i+ 33.6 35.6 88.6 ko h-3 7.2 1.3 11.8 87.9 25.0 1+1.6 0.5 i+6.5 113.6 kl 5-6 8.7 l.k 19.6 109.8 25.0 ^k.i 0.5 60.3 139.9 k3 6-7 11.7 1.1 30.7 101.2 27.5 72.9 83.7 18U.I k5 1-S 12.5 1.7 U0.8 15i+.i+ 27.5 87.5 91.3 206.3 kk 8-9 13.2 1.7 i+i+.8 II48.I+ 25.2 90.8 91.3 207. *+ kh 9-10 12.5 1.7 36.1 li+7.6 27.5 81.7 91.3 200 5 ^5 Remarks : High salinity in the soil profile below the l+-foot depth. This site is close to the trough of the valley and is probably due to poor drainage. The analyses indicate the presence of gypsum below 5 feet. The alfalfa is not healthy and spots in the field show leaf burn, salts are sufficiently high below 3 feet to cause this condition. The * Location determined by projection of section lines. C-125 1 i PLATE I PLATE I To U3. .CONj r«A 'A^ '^^ *« ■oo Al AM£ S'^s iSTA ^'/. Da Co' Co ^^ ^'n„ '% .113 ="»; "s-o ■'V^/ .a ■\i fvyv: .;> Sf> %;'» .(x: /".^^ 2- "''a \fh,. Jri AfZ c ^""/ w^ ^cf.~ .0, CO/ :^- ki^ o •"«// "«y* ^r"-- '^^i^ v^;^ .^v V % \c> ,(?* -)0^ ^h lf\ lk°^ "■ ;^ 0^ ^ '^ \^ 0, 1) V^i- t .v; r^n fU-' :^,,^-.Vg. *.^- -^x F^/o /A^i ^^C'lC: m -^^ '«( [r^.3 .i?/^ .< 5V ^f^r JA if- £^ ilfs l^S/ Tabl^ V' ^/7>(- '^^ V^o\ '«/<» 'p; ^ '\ •** ^ >^^ */'. "•^oX .% ■i o\ Qc^ // i^l '-PA Z' yNC SrnTION (3 ilfliAU SAMRLINO S'&IION O RCrvRN fl.011* lAMKINO STATION "*@ suRrace accRETioo outlet STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES DIVISION OF HeSOURCES PLANNING LOWER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY WATER QUALITY INVESTIGATION LOCATION OF STREAM GAGING STATIONS SAMPLING POINTS AND SURFACE ACCRETION OUTLETS I960 ft I Sheet 2 of 2 Sheets PLATE 3 note: analyses of wateh samples at stations shown hereon abe available in the files of the department of water resources. LEGEND y GAGING STATION © STREAM SAMPLING STATION O RETURN FLOW SAMPLING STATION ^ \§6) SURFACE ACCRETION OUTLET '^ SOIL SAMPLING SITES (APPENDIX C] STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES DIVISION OF RESOURCES PLANNING LOWER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY WATER QUALITY INVESTIGATION LOCATION OF STREAM GAGING STATIONS SAMPLING POINTS AND SURFACE ACCRETION OUTLETS I960 SCALE OF MILES I » I Sh««l 2 of 2 Sheets PLATE 3 note: analyses of water samples at stations shown hereon are available in the files of the department of water resources. LEGEND y GAGING STATION © STREAM SAMPLING STATION O RETURN FLOW SAMPLING STATION ^ ^6) SURFACE ACCRETION OUTLET 1^ SOIL SAMPLING SITES (APPENDIX CI STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES DIVISION OF RESOURCES PLANNING LOWER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY WATER QUALITY INVESTIGATION LOCATION OF STREAM GAGING STATIONS SAMPLING POINTS AND SURFACE ACCRETION OUTLETS I960 SCALE OF MILES SM4I 2 of Z SMatt PU&TE ! PLATE 4 1 1 1 1 ! NEAR VERNALIS 1,1,1 1 — ' 1 ^_ - — -45 1949-50 1954-55 1959-60 STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES DIVISION OF RESOURCES PLANNING LOWER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY WATER QUALITY INVESTIGATION EASONAL RUNOFF OF THE SAN JOAOUIN RIVER IT, NEAR DOS PALOS AND NEAR VERNALIS 1929 -1958 PLATE 4 1 I ' 1 I NEAR VERNALIS 1 i i . 1 1 [ — J-45 1954-55 1959-60 f STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES DIVISION OF RESOURCES PLANNING LOWER SflN JOAQUIN VALLEY WATER QUALITY INVESTIGATION EASONAL RUNOFF OF THE SAN JOAOUIN RIVER JT, NEAR DOS PALOS AND NEAR VERNALIS 1929 -1958 T ■' I 1 1 1 ' NEAR 1 1 -RIANT 1 2 1 1 ; — — 1 — ^ _ 10 -^ 1 NEAR ' 1 1 VERNALIS — 1 — i — 1 — 1 9 Q M 7 li- liJ cr " c — Z o -1 -I 2 — n, 4 Z 3 — 1 2 — . ^ ie; R 1 1 DOS PAU DS *- Ul Ui -J u. 1 N A 3 R VAI ECO .AB ^ 1' 1 Ji4 HR 939 J -19: 3UG -19< i S5 H to STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES DIVISION OF RESOURCES PLANNING LOWER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY WATER QUALITY IMVESTIGATION RECORDED SEASONAL RUNOFF OF THE SAN JOAOUIN RIVER NEAR FRIANT, NEAR DOS PALOS AND NEAR VERNALIS 1929 -1958 /s^ PLATE 5 PLATE 5 LEGEND _eO— FREE GROUND WATER ELEVATION 40- CONFINED GROUND WATER ELEVATION Broken or dosried where conlour O^ r^ PLATE 6 LEGEND CX] SERVICE AREAS SURFACE SUPPLY ■e?"' RETURN FLOWS (f^ GROUMO WATER STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES DIVISION OF RESOURCES PLANNING LOWER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY WATER QUALITY INVESTIGATION DIAGRAMMATIC SKETCH OF WATER SUPPLY AND UTILIZATION I960 PLATE 6 "^S^IlTT^ilf'n ■ LEGEND [x: SERVICE AREAS SURFACE SUPPLY •<^ RETURN FLOWS Ui^ GROUMO WATER STATE OF CALirORNPA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES DIVISION OF RESOURCES PLANNING LOWER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY WATER QUALITY INVESTIGATION DIAGRAMMATIC SKETCH OF WATER SUPPLY AND UTILIZATION I960 SURMCE SUPPIT .^ RETURN FLOWS fleas (f^ GBOUMO WATER STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES DIVISION OF RESOURCES PLANNING LOWER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY WATER QUALITY INVESTIGATION DIAGRAMMATIC SKETCH WATER SUPPLY AND UTILIZATION I960 r\ PLATE 7 ft > END M ;d in operation during pcrioo 'eration prior to period ice area or irrigated area STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES DIVISION OF RESOURCES PLANNING LOWER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY WATER QUALITY INVESTIGATION chronologicaITdevelopment of surface water resources in the san joaquin river basin I960 NOT TO SCALE PLATE 7 i » » END H :d in operation during period >eration prior to period ice area or irrigated area STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES DIVISION OF RESOURCES PLANNING LOWER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY WATER QUALITY INVESTIGATION chronologicaiTdevelopment of surface water resources in the san joaquin river basin I960 NOT TO SCALE \ {^ ] \\ • \ 1 Formers Canol / I / J s, 1876 / / / / ■ / J • / /-/-^ y""^ Miller a Lu> ^ 1672 Cofiol 1880 X / ) \ \^ \ \ Modeslo mTurlocK IfngaV" DistricfsiLoGron 10931 k Oiwersion }) )■ • -^ 1900 South Son JooqumS OoK) Irrigation Districts Divei 1914 Bofila-Corbonolrrigotion /West Stomslous (rngolioo District Diversion 1929 Dislricl Oiversioo Heteh Hctchy flqueduci Omefsion r ^\ ''San Luis Reservoir DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOUPCES LOWER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY WATER QUALITY l^ VE STIGATION CHflONOLOGICAL^DEVELOPMENT OF SURFACE WATER RESOURCES IN THE SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASIN I960 r% t^ » . STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES DIVISION OF RESOURCES PLANNING LOWER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY WATER QUALITY INVESTIGATION L 1 / Vj PRINCIPAL ORGANIZED WATER AGENCIES ( ' I960 STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES DIVISION OF RESOURCES PLANNING LOWER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY WATER QUALITY INVESTIGATION GENERAL DISTRIBUTION OF STREAMFLOW AND WATER QUALITY IN THE SAN JOAQUIN RIVER SYSTEM JULY 1955 MALE Of MILES * STOCKTON STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES DIVISION OF RESOURCES PLANNING LOWER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY WATER QUALITY INVESTIGATION GENERAL DISTRIBuTlON OF STREAMFLOW AND WATER QUALITY IN THE SAN JOAQUIN RIVER SYSTEM JULY 1955 SCALE OF UILES PLATE 10 STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES DIVISION OF RESOURCES PLANNING LOWER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY WATER QUALITY INVESTIGATION GENERAL DISTRIBUTION OF STREAMFLOW AND WATER QUALITY IN THE SAN JOAQUIN RIVER SYSTEM APRIL 1956 SCALE OF MILES PLATE 10 STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES DIVISION OF RESOURCES PLANNING LOWER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY WATER QUALITY INVESTIGATION GENERAL DISTRIBUTION OF STREAMFLOW AND WATER QUALITY IN THE SAN JOAQUIN RIVER SYSTEM APRIL 1956 SCALC OF MILCS PLATE 10 »LATE 11 / \ y \^v/ ^ A / ^J\ / \/ V \ 1 1 / _ __^ \ 1 .-I .-^v ^^ / \ V \ r' \ // -^ »*" -^^ \ /\ / '' V ' ^v — " \ ! APR MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES DIVISION OF RESOURCES PLANNING LOWER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY WATER QUALITY INVESTIGATION VARIATION IN QUALITY OF WATER IN THE SAN JAOQUIN RIVER AT VERNALIS, FREMONT FORD AND BIO 1955-1959 LA 'LATE II / \ y 'V^T V A / ■^j. / v/ V \ / \ / n/_ _ --V \ 1 -I /\ ^^ / / > V / //'"^ f*^ •^~. \ 1 /\ / '' V ' ^^ " "' \ 1 APR MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES DIVISION OF RESOURCES PLANNING LOWER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY WATER QUALITY INVESTIGATION VARIATION IN QUALITY OF WATER IN THE SAN JAOQUIN RIVER AT VERNALIS, FREMONT FORD AND BIO 1955-1959 LA 10,000 8,000 1 -^ A/ ^ A ^ / \ A. 800 / \/ \ k / k / . /\ V ^^ i — h — r / \ A / \ "N 1 1 / — ■'' ""•> — — -—'' ^--. / \ 1 \^1 V^ 1/,. V^ \ A / -^^-- 400 /' / \ / ' / ^-' \ \ / '\i ■~1 y ^ \ A A /^ / / 1 ''\ ^ ' /' ' / 1 s \ / 1 \ 1/ \ / /I / 1 1 1 ■W / / / \ •> 1 f \ '' \l / 200 1 / V 1/ \, / "1 / 1 / ; / / \ \ ^ / / / 1 1 1 1 \ \ \ / / \V \ \ / ]/ 1 il ^^ A // // \ \ \ \ \ \ J 1 1 1 1 \ \ ; / / VERNALl •> (1 ■^y' ^ V , , \/ 80 i ■^ / j' 1 ""* ^ /V/ .k ' / \ /n ! A " \ 7-t^ -L.--" \ y x'"^* ^ ■ M / \ \ 7" /\ ■< \ — \, . /" ---..- f^ \ / \ A / \ /■^. ' \ 1 "^ BIOLA ~x,., /\,.-- 40 V \_ y" ^ \ I 1 - -, ^ "" \ / \ ._./ V f- - — V — /'J 20 to JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL 1955 1956 1957 FRE MONT -ORC - V A r ■- — \ A 1 / / A \ / \ r^ \ J' '^^-^ ^ A / / / I \ / \ ^j1 / ^ / V \ / \/ \ / 1 / ^y _ \ A J / 1 , V \ 1 '4 ./^. .-^ ( M'-. / \ \ ^ — ^_ |f A 1 — ^ \ J y \ // -^ \ /\ \ M 1^ / / h A ^ __ — — ■^A ^ ^^ / 1' V / \ - \ \ i \ ^ \ / \ 1 / / / / N N 1 •^ 1 1 1 \ \ 1 1 1 1 V \ — y V i 'A 1 / y / / / / > / / / 1 'y / \ \ 1 1 t VERNAL .IS / \ \ |v N \ / / 1 1 1 1 \i / \ ( ■^ 1/ __._„_^ V ■ ''' M \- ^. \ ^ / ^ ,\/ '\ \ , / \ \ K y J \/ \ / \ / A 1 \ \, A / \ .^ v \ / /'\. 1 \ ■' r— -^ _ \ / V V" ^1 \j — 1»- — MAR APR MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC STATE Of CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES DIVISION OF RESOURCES PLANNING LOWER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY WATER QUALITY INVESTIGATION MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB "957 1958 VARIATION IN QUALITY OF WATER IN THE SAN JAOQUIN RIVER AT VERNALIS, FREMONT FORD AND BIOLA 1955-1959 PLATE 12 u c a a c fl c a < 2 < z cr UJ > 1 i 1600 1400 • • ^••••.. ^ — — 1200 1000 — •••.. •♦. MO 144 148 52 — > ,^ ■' ^._ ::ll -^ -^ ~-- ■ — :.tr^ r^- -- — _ _^.> ^^ ^ ^ / irrrr ZOO \' £ S.A.C OF c*U.O»Nr* 1 s i LOWER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY ~8~ C 1 VARIATION IN QUALITY OF WAT IN THE SAN JOAQUIN RIVER, 20 £4 26 32 52 56 MENDOTA TO MOSSDALE. 1955 -1959 Ch PLATE 13 — - 1 1 1 1 ! ''■ 1 \ / '■ \ / ; / V ; ; n : :i n \\ '•i J V I • '•■ : '• '■ h i\-\ V "t V' if iii ^ i i\ '1' t / \ 1 'i ■-P \ P 1} \ \ \ / '\\ / \ ' V \ / V , LEGEND 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 SEPTEMBER STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES DIVISION OF RESOURCES PLANNING LOWER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY WATER QUALITY INVESTIGATION QUALITY OF WATER AT PATTERSON WATER DISTRICT INTAKE, DURING IRRIGATION SEASON 1955 - 1959 PLATE 13 1 - 1 i 1 / , 1 \ / ' I 1 \/ 1 V / -1 ? / / n • :: : i! f: « ; •: V :"' \ 1 1-- f, S ^i ii i/' ii t / \ 1 ii \^ l\ [r-^ \ if / ^;\ — ^ / \ / V \ / V LEGEND 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 SEPTEMBER OCTOBER STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES DIVISION OF RESOURCES PLANNING LOWER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY WATER QUALITY INVESTIGATION QUALITY OF WATER AT PATTERSON WATER DISTRICT INTAKE. DURING IRRIGATION SEASON 1955 - 1959 1600 1400 10 1200 o 1000 u z < o =) Q z o BOO o ll. *J a t« 500 400 200 LEGEND 1 I \ I \ f L \ k \ A « ' V / 1 / h A / I \ / \ f v / \f , / h \l\ 1 / \ h ' V V v '• 1 J 1 V 1 \ \ A 1 1 A \ \ W 1 1 ::i r \ l\ \ 1 1 1 i I i. ii 11 -i ; 1; / ^ \ I 1 1 . / fi/^ ^If n •; -■ :: / \ \' i ,.^ A. A. -1 / ^^' ::f(: 1958 1957 1956 \ 1 N J \ SI /i ;V ■: ii:. \' f s:' \^ V \ ¥ \ / ; \/. H^ (fi; ■ ii! i/ 11 / \ j i 'f ^ -I ti !' 7^.1 li I (< ;j V 1 \ STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES DIVISION OF RESOURCES PLANNING LOWER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY WATER QUALITY INVESTIGATION QUALITY OF WATER AT PATTERSON WATER DISTRICT INTAKE, DURING IRRIGATION SEASON 1 ' V I ^ t '^■1 CM ^' \ ^ 1 ! / / 1 / v\ 1' ! \ s/V J 1 i 1 ■ / / ^\ 1 1 f / / / V i 1 V \ \ ( ■\ 1 / I / \. 1 * 1 / '^ ii / ( 1 ( 1 n M \ ./ 1', 1 ,' 1 ' fii \ / r ' / 'sL ^•^ i^"- U- 1 1 1' \ ', > '^V 4 APRIL MftY JUNE JULY August SEPTEMBER OCTOBER 1955 - 1959 PLATE 14 - - ■ __ f / 1 4- 1 i^^~^ M ^ / / > 1 1 s, » ,•: : *•: • v»» ; \ • I ; I I •• 1 •.*■• F 1 ^ 1 \ V 1 ^' H s. ./ y ,,-.,-.y / / / / / \ / \ / V Y / i i 1 1 LEGEND —^ 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 SEPTEMBER OCTOBER STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES DIVISION OF RESOURCES PLANNING LOWER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY WATER QUALITY INVESTIGATION QUALITY OF WATER AT WEST STANISLAUS IRRIGATION DISTRICT INTAKE, DURING IRRIGATION SEASON 1955 - 1959 PLATE 14 LEGEND 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 SEPTEMBER OCTOBER STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES DIVISION OF RESOURCES PLANNING LOWER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY WATER QUALITY INVESTIGATION QUALITY OF WATER AT WEST STANISLAUS IRRIGATION DISTRICT INTAKE, DURING IRRIGATION SEASON 1955 - 1959 leoo 1600 1400 10 1200 o u 1000 o z < o z o 300 u ll- 0. t" 600 400 200 T LEGEND j\ / I, A / V \ 1 / \ / / J i 1 /I 1 \ ^ / i s / % / \ r \/ V ;\ ;; \ " // \ 1 tn .h / / \ ' U' ? -. : 1 \ l\ .*•- '• •.; \ 1 1 1 j; : '• : A \ / / \ it : 1 : I : \ i ^ \ J /\ y /% '.*■■ 1 , • 1 ■J \ ^^ , % .^-, -P \ , 1 1959 ,958 1957 1956 / f 1 1 w I » ' ir y'^ y \ / ' / 11 1 \ f /-'-^y / / I / / \ 1 \ / \ / STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES DIVISION OF RESOURCES PLANNING LOWER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY WATER QUALITY INVESTIGATION QUALITY OF WATER AT WEST STANISLAUS IRRIGATION DISTRICT INTAKE, DURING IRRIGATION SEASON \ i / / ; \ \ .■ J \ / ( V 1 / 1 ; / 1 \ \ / / 1 -- \ 1 1 ; \ \ 1 i \ \ U 1 1 1 1 / - -- . — 1 / If ( (1 1 ^' /'\l 1 I \ 1 1 'Ki ■ 1 K ' i 1 ' 1 I ^ ^h^ \ 1 iv"^ 'V APRIL MAY JUNE JULV AUGUST s FPTEMB ER DCTOBE ^ 1955 - 1959 PLATE IS 1 A \ 1 / i 1 -«^ J / ' \ \ : ' ■'!?. ^ r. ' I '•■ :••■' "'•' V "H / / / \ r / V \ \ V .y V , /\ I V V V \ LEGEND 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 SEPTEMBER OCTOBER STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES DIVISION OF RESOURCES PLANNING LOWER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY WATER QUALITY INVESTIGATION QUALITY OF WATER AT BANTA-CARBONA IRRIGATION DISTRICT INTAKE, DURING IRRIGATION SEASON 1955 - 1959 PLATE 19 A / 1 / / i 1 -«^ J / 1 1 \ \ • • : ■':?. i -. "• r. • \ "^ V • / / / / V \ \ V \ \ V . y \ , /\ l V V V 's 1^ LEGEND 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 SEPTEMBER STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES DIVISION OF RESOURCES PLANNING LOWER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY WATER QUALITY INVESTIGATION QUALITY OF WATER AT BANTA-CARBONA IRRIGATION DISTRICT INTAKE, DURING IRRIGATION SEASON 1955 - 1959 1600 1400 «> 1200 O U LJ 1000 UJ u z < t- o Q Z o 600 o b. (J UJ Q. W 600 400 200 LEGEND A r r 1 / h s. A / 1 \ \ J V \ A / > /\, J i/^ \, / / \ / \ ', \ / \ ^ r^ / ./ i i *• /I -/ \ i \ y f ', \ •: V ••■' '. • / \ / V fs ii\ ■"'■: \ K V I95B 1957 1956 / \ A h ^ \ ;• 'J ■ : '"■' 'y\ ' / \ 1/ \ i V -■ \ / '' \ Y \ \ r \ 1 1 STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES DIVISION OF RESOURCES PLANNING LOWER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY WATER QUALITY INVESTIGATION QUALITY OF WATER AT SANTA -CARBONA IRRIGATION DISTRICT INTAKE, DURING IRRIGATION SEASON / \ 1 1 / ~^^ -"~i \ \ I V \ \ ! 1 1/ /I " A A \ \ A \ I /" /' V''"' V .■^ \ J /\ r" J / 1/ x V \ 1 , 1 V \ / fi ,j ; 1 1 1 i '• 1 i 1 1 1 1 \ 1 1 ( ^■^ \ / 1 / I 1 M \'\ \ ! " 1 1 1 1 V ■v , ,' \ \ \ V ■ '' > h X> v^^i \ -\-' ."N V"' 'ly J - ^-y APRIL MfiY JUNE JULt AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER 1955 - 1959 PLATE 16 PLATE 16 / / "X I / ^ v/- //«=' H , //\f// v#^ X. ,^ A^>W • X >w%V/ ^-£/ ■fytyC C v^ if°>^w Ji ^C" // W^^JS^r^Y fwv ^/2^x>^ if# "«o!*^^^^-^ "T^ / •a'^-ii^ /-^y ^^^ /^//A^^ >// i^f^ ^r^ /\<$>^ V'X /^^/re^" JQ>4 C, / ly^ ,_y 1 \?c\3C!!^vrtL'%-i' L/i ><\/E^^^^y^ T-^^r" -^M /^ /x >r ^ v!/ ^ ^^^N/f w QUALITATIVE CLASSIFICATION OF IRRIGATION WATERS "TT PLATE IS CHEMICAL PROPEpriES CLASS I EXCELLENT TO GOOD CLASS 2 GOOD TO INJURIOUS CLASS 3 INJURIOUS TO UNSATISFACTORY TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS IN PPM CONDUCTANCE, IN MICROMHOB AT 29'C CHLORIDES IN PPM SODIUM IN PER CENT OF BASE CONSTITUENTS BORON IN PPM LESS THAN 700 LESS THAN 1000 LESS THAN 175 LESS THAN 60 LESS THAN 0.5 1000 - 3000 175 - 350 60 - 79 0.3 - 2.0 MORE THAN 2000 MORE THAN 3000 MORE THAN 350 MORE THAN 75 MORE THAN 2.0 \^ > '\.yV V — ^ 1/ /^\» M/ k / f 'U \/. ( „^J y^ .s i^> rf /^/ (^'J^ J^ y. J cr ^ V 7 ^^ ^ 'r r , II X.. iC /* >. •^ LEGEND I CLASS I CLASS 2 CLASS 3 NOTE ««*,r *o "Ob'A iKowr^ gLalHOIi.* clOlA-tlealKW STATE OF CALIFORNIA , DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES jj' DIVISION OF RESOURCES PLANNING LOWER SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY WATER QUALITY INVESTIGATION GENERALIZED QUALITY OF GROUND WATERS I960 SCALE OF MILES .^^ S A/ Ps THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THI LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW m 12 »< BOOKS REQUESTED BY ANOTHER BORROWER ARE SUBJECT TO IMMEDIATE RECALL >• «B 11 LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. DAVIS http;//www.lib.ucdavis.edu/access/circweb/patron.html Automaled Phone Renewal (24-hour): 752-1132 D4613(5/97)M PHYSK SCIENC. UBRARY LIBRARY taUVEESITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS 240513