THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA RIVERSIDE -E& "9/o/// THE BIBLIOGRAPHER'S MANUAL OF American History CONTAINING An Account of all State, Territory, Town and County Histories Relating to the United States of North America, with Verbatim Copies of their Titles, and useful Bibliographical Notes, together with the Prices at which they have been Sold for the last forty years AND WITH An Exhaustive Iudex by Titles, aud an Index by States ; the whole forming an Invaluable Reference for the use of the Librarian, the Historian, the Collector, and the Bookseller. COMPILED BY THOMAS LINDSLEY BRADFORD, M.D. Author of The Homoeopathic Bibliography, Life of Hahnemann, Ac, &c. Edited and Revised By STAN. V. HENKELS VOL, I. A. to E. Nos. 1 to 1600 PHILADELPHIA : STAN. V. HENKELS & CO. 1907 press or MAURICE H. POWER i-lllO SANSOM STREET PHILADELPHIA THIS BOOK IS DEDICATED TO THE ERUDITE COLLECTORS, THE TRAINED LIBRARIANS, AND THE AFFABLE BOOKSELLERS OF THE UNITED STATES " In the division of life, there is time present, past and to come, what we do is short, what we shall do is doubtful, but what we have done is certain and out of the power of fortune." — Seneca. INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. In a conversation, some ten or twelve years ago, had with the Author of this valuable compilation I mentioned the necessity of such a work as we now have before us. Having employed my time for the last forty years in cataloguing and preparing libraries for sale at auction, I had long felt the want of a work of general reference on the State, Town and County histories of our country. Their number had increased rapidly, and their importance had become so great, that I felt the want of a receptacle to store away the information of their rarity and peculiar importance that had been gathered by the various Bibliographers for the last two cen- turies — a receptacle where one could go and find information in reference to any history that might come into his hands. My argument was conclusive, and to-day we have the most valuable Bibliography that has ever been placed before the American public. For the Librarian it forms a most useful guide to the value as well as the importance of the history. To the collector it shows what books can be had. To the bookseller it gives a knowledge of their value, and to the historian it shows just what books can be had in reference to the history of any State, County, Town or Territory. Dr. Bradford is a deep student, and has entered on this field fully equipped with the importance of the subject, as well as being aware of the immense labour necessary to compile a work which could be relied on. For ten or twelve years he has laboured on the book, with the enthusiasm that only a Bibliophile knows, until he has reached its completion, being satisfied that the result will confer a boon on all those interested in the study and collecting of American History. The edition is of strictly one thousand copies, printed from type on paper made especially for the book, and the type has been distributed. VI INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. The publishers appreciate the generous manner in which the literary public has responded to the circular by subscribing for the work. I was selected to pass a final judgment upon, or rather, to revise and edit the work. It is due to the Author for me to say, that his work was done so thoroughly, so clearly, that the part which I thought stupendous, dwindled down to a plain reading of the proof, with very slight additions, by Stan. V. Henkels. PREFACE. This book is designed to be as complete a list as possible of the titles of the books and pamphlets that have been published upon American State, County and Township history. It includes the titles of the books, pamphlets and reprints that have been published previous to January first, 1904. Except in a very few important instances no books published after that date are listed. Books upon early territorial history and exploration have been included when containing information of historical importance : Thus, titles, are given of some books upon New England, the Northwest, the Middle States and the South. When possible, the title given is verbatim. A * at the end of the title signifies that the book has been examined and its title and pagination verified. The title usually given is the inner one, upon the title page proper, except in some instances of the older books having several titles, when each one is given. Following the title may be found such items of bibliographical interest as have been thought worthy of note. The prices for which each book has been sold are then given, with a description of its condition. Where no binding is mentioned, the original is to be understood ; the price given, unless the edition is specified, is that for the original edition, the price of later editions following. The price is for the whole work and not for each volume separately. The auction lists examined include the important ones since i860, and in some cases embrace earlier sales. Where the name of the owner is to be found on the auction catalogue, it is given ; where the sale is anonymous the auctioneer's name alone is mentioned. The compiler is fully aware that like all bibliographies this has •errors of omission and commission, but thev do not result from VU1 PREFACE. carelessness. This compilation represents ten years of careful and painstaking work. That most valuable series of books for the student of American bibliography — Sabin's " Dictionary of Books relating to America " — has been carefully searched for titles. The lists of Asher, Ludewig, Roorbach, Kelly, Stevens, Field, Muller, Hildeburn, Green, the American catalogue, the catalogues of libraries, the auction cata- logues, the volumes of Prices Current, booksellers' lists, and the State bibliographies and the journels devoted to book reviews have been collated, page by page. In some cases it has been difficult to determine the titles to include and those to be excluded. But where doubt existed often the title has been admitted, leaving it for the future bibliographer to more carefully decide, for a pamphlet that is common now may, in fifty years, become very scarce, and they all deserve some record. It has been the aim to include as many as possible of the titles of the pamphlets, of historical sermons, of local events, the pamph- lets of but a few pages, that are so easily lost from sight, and yet many of which contain local history of real value. As a rule, church history has been omitted, unless also especi- ally devoted to town history. Books entirely devoted to genealogy and biography are not included unless in cases in which they are supplemental to town history. Guide books are not included, unless containing items of historical value, or in certain cases noteworthy from age or scarcity. State gazetteers have been included, because most of them contain historical items not to be found in works of more presumption. The titles and in some cases the various editions are numbered from one consecutively to the last volume, and these numbers will be used in the index. The title at the top of the page is the name of the last author upon the page. The final volume will consist of two indexes. One of short titles arranged alphabetically by authors, under the names of the states. The other of titles alphabetically arranged under subjects, localities, names of towns, &c, and reference in these indexes is in all casus to the number of the book in the author-title. PREFACE. IX That some titles in this book are lacking in the name of their publisher is due to the fact that in most of the catalogues of auction sales and library catalogues, no publisher name is given. This is to be deplored, for the name of the publisher of a book is as much a part of its history as that of the author, and the catalogue that omits the name of the publisher in so much lacks the finish of the ideal bibliography. The compiler desires to thank the librarian of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania for the freedom extended in the use of its valuable and extensive historical library in the matter of verifying titles for this work. It is to be hoped that to the librarian, the collector and the book seller, this book may become of some value, and it is also the wish of the compiler that it may be used as a basis from which some day another fellow who likes to hunt titles may make a more complete and perfect index to American territorial, state, town and county history. | For in these days of trained librarians and scholarly collectors it is the special bibliography that is of value. T. L. Bradford. Philadelphia, April 6, 1907. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF AMERICAN HISTORY i. ABBOT, ABIEL. History of Andover, from its Settlement to 1829. Andover: Flagg & Gould, 1829. 121110, pp. 204. Sold: Terry, 1889, 1.12; Murphy, 1884, 1.10; Deane, 1898, 3.50; Blanchard, 1898, 3.00; Woodward, 1869, 1.00, 1.25; Olcott, 1901, bds, 3.00; Rice, 1870, cl, unct, 2.13; Brinley, 1879, unct, 2.00; Roche, 1867, cl, unct, 1.00; Bushnell, 1883, 1.38; Cable, 1882, cl, unct, 3.25; Manson, 1899, cl, unct, 7.75; Child, 1882, 2.37; Thornton, 1878, 1.45; Cable, 1883. bds, unct, 1.00; J. G. Smith, 1883, bds, 1.25; Guild, 1887. 1.25; Clogston, 1875, 1. 10. 2. ABBOTT, HERMAN (DR.). History of Belfast, Maine, to 1825. With an introduction and notes by Joseph William- son. Belfast, 1900. 4to, paper, pp. 18. Edition 75 copies. 3. ABBOTT, JACOB. New England and her Institutions. By One of her Sons. Boston, 1835. i2mo, pp. 271. Re- printed, London : Seeley, 1835. 8vo, pp. vi, 393. American History. Illustrated with Numerous Maps and Engravings. Vol. IV. Northern Colonies. New York: Sheldon & Co., 1862. i6mo, pp. xi, (1), 288. Illustrated.* Devoted to the story of the Pilgrims, told in a form for youthful: reading. ABBOTT, JOHN STEVENS CABOT. The History of Maine, from the earliest Discovery of the Region by the Northmen until the present Time ; including" a Narrative of the Voyages and Explorations of the early Adventurers, the Manners and Customs of the Indian Tribes, the hard- ACKELIUS. ships of the First Settlers, the Conflicts with the Savages, and the gradual Advancement of the State to its Present State of Opulence, Culture and Refinement. Boston : R. B.Russell. Portland: John Russell, 1875. 8vo, pp. 556. Sold: Manson, 1899, 2.37; Cable, 1883, 87 cts ; Cable, 1882, 2.27; Boardman, 1883, 1.25; Libbie, 1902, worn, 50 cts; Guild, 1887, 3.50; Libbie, 1900, shp, bdg poor, 10.80; Lib- bie, 1904, 3.85. . The History of the State of Ohio; from the Dis- covery of the Great Valley to the Present Time ; including Narratives of Early Explorations ; the Struggles between France and England for the Possession of the Valley ; the Wars with the Indians ; Organization of the State ; the Adventures of the Early Emigrants; Life in the Solitudes of the Wilderness ; Biographical Sketches of all the Gov- ernors of Ohio, and of many others of her most Illustrious Sons; and most of the Important Events attending the Birth, Growth and Maturity of a State now truly Imperial in Population, Wealth and Power. With Numerous Illus- trations. Detroit : Northwestern Publishing Co., 1875. 8vo, pp. xiv, 876. 35 portraits. "Contains 35 lithographic portraits and 27 woodcut illustrations printed in the text. The book was published by subscription. It is a compilation from all available sources. The title gives a full list of the contents. Thomson. Sold: Guild, 1887, 5.00. 7. ABBOTT, W. SCOTT. The History of Darke County, Ohio, Past and Present. Containing a History of the County, its Cities, Towns, etc. ; General and Local Statis- tics ; Portraits of Early Settlers and Prominent Men, an Outline History of Ohio and the Northwest Territory. Chicago : W. H. Beers & Co., 1880. Roy 8vo, pp. 900. Il- lustrated. 8. ACRELIUS, ISRAEL. Acrelius, Beskrifning | Om De | Swenska | Forsamlingars | Forna och Narwarande | Til- stand, I uti I Det sa kallade Nya Swerige, | Sedan | Nya Nederland, | men nu for tiden | Pensylvanien, samt na- stliggande Orter wid Alf- | wen De la Ware, | Wast- Yersey och New- | Castle County uti Norra America; | Utgifwen | Af | Israel Acrelius, | For detta Probst ofwer de Swenska Forsamlingar i America och Kvrkoherde | uti ACRELIUS. 3 Christiana, men nu Probst och Kyrkohcrde uti Fcllings- bro. | Stockholm, | Tryckt bos Harberg & Hesselberg, | 1759. 4to.* Title: Dedication, 2 1. Preface, 2 1. Contents, 5 I. Text, 533 PP- Errata on verso of p. 533. 410. "The Swedish Colony and Mission on the Delaware, planted i" 1638, under Oxenstiern, wrested by Stuyvesant of Manhattan and annexed to New Netherland in 1655, and swallowed up by the Eng lisll in 1664, together witli the other Dutch possessions in \merica, never really abandoned or forgotten by the parent State till 1791. when it became permanently provided for and prelected as part of the great republic of the United States. The best history of it is this by Acrelius, born in 171.J, died 1800, who wrote first hand, hav- ing been provost over its three churches and rector of the old Swed- ish Church at Wilmington for seven years, 1749-1756. Besides his own collections and experience, he seems to have used judiciously all previous authors who had written or touched on the same subject, such as De Vries, Vander Donck, Rudman's MSS, Swedburg's Dis- sertation and America Illuminate, Campanius, Hesselius, Bjork, &c." Stevens. "This important work is hardly less rare than that of Campanius, especially when in good condition. It has. besides, the merit of being much more extensive and of reproducing a large number of documents partly unpublished. The author stayed a long time in America, as Provost to the Swedish Congregation, and in his leisure hours he collected the materials for his history. Among his sources we find the Archives of New York, an unpublished manuscript (evi- dently very valuable") of A. Rudman, who was Superintendent at Wicacoa in 1697, and who collected all relating to the early history of the Swedish colonies in America, further the Royal Archives at Stockholm, and besides the Swedish historians, Campanius (of wdiom he speaks in high terms), Swedborg, Biorck, &c, also the early English works on Virginia of J. Smith and others. He even cites more than once. Van der Donck, manifesting thus uncommonly ex- tensive reading.'' "It must be regretted that down to this day no complete trans- lation of this work has been published. Its real historical value cer- tainly would procure a place to a translation in many a library to which the original edition is unattainable for its extreme rarity. Some parts of it have been translated in the N. Y. Histor. Coll., Vol. I, 2d Ser." F. Muller. Sold: Rogers, 1896, 30.00; Libbie, 1895, 20.00; Bangs, 1895, original bds, 21.00; Ives, morocco extra, 20.00; Barlow, morocco extra, 1890, 53.00: Murphy, hlf slip, 17.00; Brin- ley, 1880, 80.00; Henkels, 1896, hi bd, Ternaux's arms on side, 19.00; Bangs, 1897, hlf elf, 18.00: Murphy. 1884, hlf slip, gilt back, 17.00; Stevens, 1886, London, red mo extra, 21.25; Bangs, 1895, bds, 21.00; Henkels, 1901. hlf bd, tall copy. 28.00; Weeks, 1902, levt mo, git, by Pratt, 39.00; H. Peirce. 1903. hlf bd, 24.00; Betts, 1901, hlf slip, 20.00; Anderson. 1903. elf. by Zaehnsdorf, 28.00; Henkels, 1898, ADAMS. hlf bd, 16.00; Henkels, hlf bd, 19.00; O'Callaghan, 1882, hit elf. 42.00; Lenox, 1895, bds, 21.00; Burger, 1895, elf, 20.00; Bangs, 1897, 18.00; Hurst, 1904. orig. bds, 15.00; French & Chubbuck, 1904, hlf elf, in case, 30.00; Penny- packer, 1906, 30.00. . A History of New Sweden ; or the Settlements on the River Delaware. By Israel Acrelius, Provost of the Swedish Churches in America, and Rector of the Old Swedes' Church, Wilmington, Del. Translated from the Swedish, with an Introduction and Notes, by William M. Reynolds. D. D., Member of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, etc. Published under the joint auspices of the Hist. Societies of Pennsylvania and Delaware. Phila- delphia : Publication Fund of the Hist. Society of Penn- sylvania, 1S74. 50 prelim, pp. Text, Index, etc., pp. 17-468. Portrait of Acrelius, plate of Swedes' Church, Wicaco, and map of New Sweden by Lindstrom.* This is also Vol. XI of the Memoirs of Hist. Soc. Penna. Sold: Murphy, 1884, 4.00; Murphy. 1884. shts, folded, 5.00: Weeks, 1902, bds. unct, 10.00; Cooke, 1883, levt. mo. git, unct, 13.00; Cresson, 1902, 2.10. 10. ADAMS, AMOS. A Concise Historical View of the Diffi- culties, Hardships and Perils which attended the Planting and Progressive Improvements of New England. With a particular account of its long and Destructive Wars. Expensive Expeditions, etc. With reflections, principally moral and religious. In two discourses, preached at Rox- bury on the general fast, April 6, 1769. By Amos Adams. A. M., Pastor of the first church in Roxbury. Boston : Kneeland & Adams, 1769. 8vo, pp. 66. + Same, Boston, printed. London, reprinted for Edward and Charles Dillv. 1770. 8vo, title i 1, pp. 68. For account of, see Mass. Hist. Coll., V 28, p. 280; M. R. 4-. V- 156. . "Dr. Eliot complains that in the abridged 1770 reprint the evan- ical sentiments were much curtailed by the London publisher." Brinley. Sold: 1769 ed., Rice. 1870, elf, by Bedford, 9.00; Brinley, 1878, 5.00; Guild, 1887, title and 2 leaves imperf't, 62 cts. ; Guild, 1887, hlf mo, 1.12; 1770 ed., Brinley, 1878, hlf mo, 3.00; Manson, 1899, 2.00. ADAMS. 5 ii. ADAMS, ANDREW N. A History of the Town of Fair- haven, Vermont. In three parts. Fairhaven: Leonard & Phelps, Prs, 1870. 121110, pp. 516. Sold: Manson, 1899, 1.50; Cable, 1882, 2.25; M. D. Gilnian, 1884, 2.25 ; Guild, 1887, 3.75 ; Clogston, 1875, hlf turk, unct, 3.12. 12. ADAMS, CHARLES FRANCIS. Massachusetts, its His- torians and its History. Boston : Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1893. 121110, pp. no. Mr. Adams claims that the Slate for a long time ignored re- ligious freedom. 13. . Three Episodes of Massachusetts History. The Settlement of Boston Bay, The Antinomian Controversy, A Study of Church and Town Government. 2 vols. Bos- ton : Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1892. i2mo, pp. 7-531 ; 531- 1067. Maps. Sold: H. Peirce, 1903, 1.40. 14. . Proceedings at 250th Anniversary of the permanent Settlement of Weymouth, Mass., July 4, 1874. With an Historical Address by Charles Francis Adams, Jr. Bos- ton, 1874. 8vo, pp. 107. Sold: Balcom, 1901, 37 cts. ; Manson, 1899, 2.50; Cable, 1882, 45 cts. ; Deane, 1898, 38 cts. 15. . History of Braintree, Mass., 1639 to 1708; the North Precinct of Braintree, 1708 to 1792; and the Town of Ouincy. from 1792 to 1889. Cambridge: Houghton, Mif- flin & Co., 1891. Svo. Edition of 50. Sold: Deane, 1898, presentation copy from author, 13.50. 16. . The Centennial Milestone. An Address in Com- memoration of the 100th Anniversary of the Incorpora- tion of Quincy, Mass., July 4, 1892. Cambridge, 1892. Svo. Plate. Sold: Whitmore, 1902, 20 cts.; Balcom, 1901, 37 cts. 17. ADAMS, EMMA H. .To and Fro in Southern California. with Sketches of Arizona and Xew Mexico. Cincinnati. 1887. I21HO, pp. 288. ) ADAM-. 18. ADAMS, FRANCIS COLBURN. Siege of Washington. Written expressly for Little People. 26 Illus. by A. W. Waud. New York: Dick & Fitzgerald (1867). Sq. l6mo, pp. 139. 8 Plates. 19. ADAMS, HANNAH. A Summary History of New Eng- land, from the first Settlement at Plymouth to the Accept- ance of the Federal Constitution. Comprehending a Gen- eral Sketch of the American War. Dedham : Printed for the Author, 1799. 8vo, pp. 513. "Very scarce. Hannah Adams was one of the first American ladies who devoted their lives to literature. She was very deaf, a great rappee snuff taker and very fond of strong tea." Sotheran. Sold: Bangs, Merwin, 1865, .50; Brevoort, 1890, shp, 2.00; Henkels, 1896, old elf, 4.50; Bangs, 1898, orig. bds, unct, 12.50; Deane, 1898, hlf mo, 4.75; Menzies, hlf mo, portrait inserted, 1875, 6.25 ; Bushnell. 1883, 50 cts. ; Cable, 1883, 1.75; Barlow, 1890, 3.00; Manson, 1899, elf, portr. and signature of writer inserted, also map of N. Eng., 4.50 ; J. G. Smith, 1883, hlf shp, 4.00 ; Boardman, 1883, shp, 1.00; M. D. Gilman, 1884, 1.10; Bourquin, 1894, 2.10; Cooke, 1883, 2.25 ; Brinley, 1878, old elf, 3.25 ; Libbie, 1902, 5.10; Guild, 1887, hlf mo, lib. stamp, 1.50; Clogston, 1875. 1.50. 20. . Abridgment of the History of New England, for the Use of Young Persons. Boston: Plomans & West. 1805. 121110, pp. 4, 185. Sold: Olcott, 1901, shp, worn .20; Cable, 1882, bds, unct, 37 cts. 21.. . An Abridgment of the History of New England for the Use of Young Persons; now Introduced into the Prin- cipal Schools in this Town. Second Edition. Copy Right Secured. Boston : Belcher & Armstrong, 1807. l2mo, pp. vi. 188.* Sold: Woodward, 7869. 10 cts.; B-rinley. 1878, hlf bd, 50 cts. 22. ADAMS, HENRY K. A Centennial History of St. Albans, Vt. Organized July 28, 1788. By Henry K. Adams. St. Albans: Wallace Printing Co., 1889. 121110. pp. 140. 23. ADAMS, JOSIAH. Account of Concord Fight, April 19, 1775. 1850. pp. 24. ADAMS. 7 24. . Address at Acton, July 21, 1835, the first Centennial Anniversary of that Town; with an appendix and map of the Concord Fight. Boston, 1835. 8vo, pp. 54. Map and Plate. Sold: Cable, 1882, 2.13 ; Cable, 1883, 35 cts. ; Guild, 1887, bds, unct, 75 cts. 25. ADAMS, J. S. Florida; Its Climate, Soil and Productions. With Sketches of its History. Jacksonville, 1869. 8vo. Sold: Bourquin, 1894, 20 cts. 26. ADAMS, NATHANIEL. Annals of Portsmouth, compris- ing a period of Two Hundred Years from the First Settle- ment of the Town. With Biographical Sketches of a few of the most Respectable Inhabitants. Portsmouth : Pub- lished by the Author, 1825. 8vo, pp. v, 400.* Sold: Poillon. 1895, 4.50; Coburn, 1895, 3.50; Jillson, 1896, 3.25; Bangs, 1896, 3.00; Libbie, 1897, hlf shp, 5.00; Murphy, 1884, sewed, uncut, 6.00; Chase & Dale, 1897, hlf mor, gilt, uncut, 3.25; Deane, 1898, mor, 4.00; Rice, 1870, bds, unct, 4.25; Libbie, 1904. shp, 4.00; Man- son, 1904, bds, unct, 8.00; Libbie, 1904, shp, 3.00; Wood- ward, 1869, 2.50; Brinley, 1879, 2.75; Brinley, 1893, 4.50; Roche. 1867, bds, unct, 1.50; Waterbury, 1895, bds, unct, 4.25; Bushnell, 1883, 3.25; Cable, 1882. bds, unct, 4.37; Child, 1S82, bds, unct, 4.12; Cable, 1883, hlf shp, 4.50; Thornton. 1878, bds. unct, 2.25; H. Peirce, 1903, orig. bds, paper label, 4.40; M. D. Gilman, 1884, 3.50; Bangs, 1895, 4.25; Leonard, 1875, 4.25; Balcom, 1901, extra illus., 9.00; Shurtleff, 1875, 3.00; Harold Peirce, 1903, a. 1. s. of author inserted, hlf shp, 2.75 ; Cooke, 1883, 4.25 ; Parker, 1859, 1.25: Clogston, 1875, hlf shp, 4.00; Guild, 1887, hlf mo, git, unct, 4.00; Libbie, 1901, bds, 4.12; Libbie, 1901, shp, 3.75; Libbie, 1902, bds, unct, 3.50; Huntington, 1905, shp, 4-25- 27. ADAMS, THOMAS. Historical Sketch of Boston. Boston, 1861-78. 2 vols. i2mo. Sold: Cable, 1882, 1.75. 28. ADAMS, W. L. Oregon as It Is. Its Present and Future. By a Resident for Twenty-five Years. Being a Reply to » ALBACH. Inquirers. Portland, Ore. : Bulletin Steam Print, 1873. 8 vo, pp. 63. Paper.* 29. AFRICA, J. SIMPSON. History of Huntingdon and Blair Counties, Pennsylvania. Illustrated. Philadelphia, Louis H. Everts, 1883. 4T.0, pp. 6 (4), 500, 261.* The counties are paged independently. Sold: Proud, 1903, 7.50; Henkels, 1905, hlf rus, 4.00. 30. AGGE, ANNE ASHBY; BROOKS, MARY MASON. Marblehead Sketches. Boston : Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1885. 4to. A series of sketches of buildings and scenes in Marblehead, Mass. 31. AGNEW, DANIEL. A History of the Region of Penn- sylvania, North of the Ohio and West of the Allegheny River, of the Indian Purchases, and of the Running of the Southern, Northern and Western Boundaries; also, an Account of the Division of the Territory for Public Pur- poses, and of the Lands, Laws, Titles, Settlements, Con- troversies and Litigation within this Region. Philadel- phia: Kay & Bro., 1887. 8vo, pp. 7, 246.* Devoted to Settlements and Land Titles. 32. . Fort Mcintosh and Its Times. Pittsburg, 1893. 8vo, pp. 40. 33. AIKIN, SOLOMON. Fast Sermon delivered at Dracut, Mass., May n, 1811. Haverhill, 1811. 8vo. Sold: Cable, 1882, paper, unct, 37 cts. 34. ALABAMA. History of Jefferson County and Birmingham, Ala. Teeple & Smith, Publ'rs, 1887. 4to, pp. 595. 35. ALBACH, JAMES R. Annals of the West, embracing a Concise Account of Principal Events which have occurred in the Western States and Territories from the Discovery of the Mississippi Valley to the Year Eighteen Hundred and Fifty. Compiled from the most authentic sources. St. Louis, 1852. 8vo, pp. 818. + The same, Pittsburgh, 1858. ALDRICH, 9 Sold: 1852 ed., Field, 1875, shp, 3.00; Guild, 1887, shp, 2.50; 1858 ed., Clogston, 1875, shp, 3.00; Proud, 1903, 2.00; Henkels, cl, 1905, 3.00. 36. ALBEE, B. H. Short History of Chester, Vt. With an Historical Address at the Chester Baptist Church by Tl. B. Tilden. Springfield, 1890. 8vo, pp. 18. 37. ALBEE, JOHN. New Castle, Historic and Ficturesque. Boston : Cupples, Upham & Co., 1884. Illustrated by Ab- bott F. Graves. 121110, pp. viii, 155. Sold: Balcom, 1901, 50 cts. ; Manson, 1899, 40 cts. 38. ALBERT, GEORGE DALLAS. History of the County of Westmoreland, Penna., with Biographical Sketches of many of its Pioneers and Prominent Men. Philadelphia, 1882. 4to, pp. 727. Sold: Henkels, 1906, cl, 5.25. 39. ALDEN, JOHN. History of Westfield, Mass. A Sermon, January 28, 185 1. Springfield, Mass.. 1851. 8vo, pp. 20. Sold: Manson, 1899, 1.75. 40. ALDEN, LUCIUS. Historical Discourse at Newcastle, N. H., November 25, 1849. Portsmouth: C. B. BrewMer, 1849. 8vo. Sold: Manson, 1899, 2.25. 41. ALDERMAN, MRS. L. A. Identification of the Society of the Cincinnati with the Settlement of the Northwest Ter- ritory. Marietta: 1888. 8vo, pp. 26. 42. ALDRICH, GEORGE. Walpole, N. H. As it Was and as it Is, containing the Complete Civil History of the Town from 1749 to 1879, together with a History of all the Church Organizations, also a History of 150 Families who settled in Town previous to 1820, with Biographical Sketches of a large number of prominent citizens. Clare- mont : 1880. 8vo. Portraits. Sold: Balcom, 1901. 4.00; Olcott, 1901, cl, 3.50; Manson, 1899, 4.25; Cable. 1882, 3.37: Cable. 1883, 2.00: Guild, 1887, 5.00; Conland, 1904, cl, 4.15. IO ALEXANDER. 43. ALDRICH, LEWIS CASS. History of Clearfield County, Pennsylvania, with Illustrations and Biographical Sketches of its Prominent Men and Pioneers. Syracuse, N. Y. : D. Mason & Co., 1887. 4to, pp. 731.* Contains 33 portraits on steel. 44. . History of Franklin and Grand Isle Counties, Ver- mont. With Biographical Sketches of the Prominent Men and Pioneers. Syracuse : Mason & Co., 1891. Roy. 8vo, pp. 821. Illustrated. 45. . History of Bennington County, Vermont. Syra- cuse: Mason & Co., 1889. Roy. 8vo. 46. ALDRICH, LEWIS C; HOLMES, FRANK R. History Windsor County, Vt. ; with Illustrations and Biographical Sketches of some of its Prominent Men and Pioneers. Edited by Lewis C. Aldrich and Frank R. Holmes. Syra- cuse : Mason & Co., 1891. Roy. 8vo. Portraits. Sold: Balcom, 1901, 5.00. 47. . History of Fulton and Henry Counties, Ohio. Syr- acuse : Mason & Co., 1887. Roy. 8vo. 48. . History of Erie County, Ohio; with Illustrations and Biographical Sketches of some of its Prominent Men and Pioneers. Syracuse : Mason & Co., 1889. 4to, pp. 653. 49. ALDRICH, THOMAS BAILEY. An Old Town by the Sea. Boston : Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1893. 121110, pp, 5, 128. History of Portsmouth, X. H. History, topography and anec- dotes of eccentric characters. 50. ALER, F. VERNON. History of Martinsburg and Berk- ley County, West Virginia, from the Origin of the In- dians, embracing their Settlements, Wars and Depreda- tions, to the First White Settlements, &c, to the Present, llagerstown, Md. : 1888. 8vo, pp. 452. 51. ALEXANDER, JOHN BREVARD. The History of Meck- lenburg County from 1740 to 1900. Charlotte, N. C. : J. Brevard Alexander, 1902. 121110, pp. 5. 431. Portraits, map. ALLEN. I I 52. ALEXANDER, SIR WILLIAM. The | Mapp and | De- scription of I New England; | Together with | A Dis course of Plantation, and | Colonies: | Also, | A Relation of the nature of the Climate, | and how it agrees with our owne Country | England. | How nccre it lyes to New- found-land, Virginia, | Noua Francia, Canada, and other Parts of I the West-Indies. | Written by | Sr. William Alexander, | Knight. | London, | Printed for Nathaniel Butter. J An. Dom. 1630. | Sin. 410, Title, 1 1, pp. 47, and Map. 53. ALLEN, A. J. (MISS). Ten Years in Oregon. Travels and Adventures of Dr. E. White and Lady West of the RocW Mountains; with Incidents of Two Sea Voyages via Sandwich Islands around Cape Horn ; containing also a Brief History of the Missions and Settlement of the Country — Origin of the Provisional Government — Num- ber and Customs of the Indians — Incidents witnessed while traveling and residing in the Territory — Description of the Soil, Production and Climate of the Country. Com- piled by Miss A. J. Allen. Ithaca, N. Y. ; Mack, Andrus & Co., Prs., 1848. 8vo, pp. 16, 430.* 54. ALLEN, D. H. July 4th, 1761, an Historical Discourse in Commemoration of the 100th Anniversary of the Charter of Lebanon, N. H., delivered July 4th, 1861. Boston: J. E. Farwell & Co., 1862. 8vo, pp. 100. Paper. * Sold: Balcom, 1901, 1.00; Olcott, 1901, .50; Manson, 1899, 25 cts. ; Guild, 1887, 87 cts. 55. ALLEN, ETHAN (REV.). Who were the Early Settlers of Maryland? A Paper read before the Maryland His- torical Society October 5th, 1865. Baltimore: 1866. 8vo. pp. 18. Sold: Barlow, 1890. presentation copy from author, 1.50; Henkels, 1901, 30 cts. 56. . Maryland Toleration ; or Sketches of the Early 1 Iis- tory of Maryland, to the Year 1650. Baltimore: James S. Waters, 1855. 8vo, pp. 64.* Sold: Bourquin, 1894, 40 cts. ; Hoffmann, 1877, 65 cts. : Hen- kels, 1902, 60 cts. ; Guild. 1887, 85 cts. 12 ALLEN. 57. ALLEN, ETHAN. A Brief Narrative of the Proceedings of the Government of New York, relative to their obtain- ing the Jurisdiction of that large District of Land to the Westward from Connecticut River, which, antecedent thereto, had been Patented by his Majesty's Governor and Council of the Government of New Hampshire, and also of the monopolizing conduct of the Government of New York, in their subsequently patenting part of the same Lands, and opposing the Grantees and settlers under New Hampshire, together with arguments demon- strating that the property of these Lands was conveyed from the Crown to the New Hampshire Grantees by virtue of their respective Charters. Hartford : Printed by Eben Watson, near the Great Bridge, 1774. Title, pp. 3-183. Appendix, pp. 4-21 1. Sold: Henkels, 1898, 64.00. 58. ALLEN, FRANCIS OLCOTT. History of Enfield, Conn. Compiled from all the Public Records of the Town known to exist, covering from the beginning to 1850. In three vols. Lancaster, Pa.: Wickersham Printing Co., 1901. 8vo. 59. ALLEN, HENRY T. Report of an Expedition to the Cop- per, Tanana and Koyukuk Rivers in the Territory of Alaska, in the Year 1885, for the Purpose of obtaining all Information which will be Valuable and Important, especially to the Military Branch of the Government. Made under the Direction of General Nelson A. Miles, Commanding the Dept. of the Columbia. Washington: Govt. Print, 1887. 8vo, pp. 172. Illustrated. 5 Large Maps.* 60. ALLEN, IRA. The Natural and Political History of the State of Vermont, one of the United States of America. To which is added, An Appendix, containing Answers to Sundry Queries addressed to the Author. By Ira Allen, Esq., Major-General of the Militia in the State of Ver- mont. London : Printed by J. W. Myers for W. West, 1798. 8vo, pp. vii, 300. Map. Sold: Libbie, 1895, 6.00; Deane, 1898, bds, uncut, 10.25; Rice, 1870, hlf mor, uncut, git, 5.50; Menzies, 1876, hlf ALLEN. 13 mor, uncut, 9.50; Guild, 1887, 5.25; Dawson, 1890, bds, uncut, 8.25; Fisher, 1866, 3.00; Woodward, 1869, elf, 1.75; Brinley, 1879, bds, unct, 8.00; Bushnell, 1883, hlf mor, portrait and autograph letter of author inserted, 3.75; Hangs. Merwin, 1865, 7.00; Manson, 1899, 19.00; Cable, 1882, bds, unct, 4.50; Child, 1882, 2.37; M. D. Gilman, 1884, 1.00; Bourquin, 1894, rare map inserted, 2.25; Field, 1875, bds, title clipped, 4.25; Clogston, 1875, hlf elf, 3.25; Guild, 1887, hlf mor, git, 5.25; Libbie, 1901, shp, extra ill, 10.50; Clogston, 1899, hlf mor, portr. and map inserted, 13.00; Richmond, 1899, shp, lacks map, 3.25; Anderson, 1905, hlf elf, 7.75; Conland, 1904, hlf mor, 15.00. 61. ALLEN, JAMES LANE. The Blue Grass Region of Ken- tucky, and other Kentucky Articles. New York: Harper Bros., 1892. 121H0, pp. 5, 322. Illustrated. 62. ALLEN, JOS. (REV.). Topographical and Historical Sketches of the Town of Northborough, with the early history of Marlborough, in the Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts, furnished for the Worcester Magazine. By Rev. Joseph Allen, Pastor of the Church in Northborough, and member of the Worcester County Historical Society. Worcester: Published by W. Lincoln and C. C. Baldwin. Chas. Griffin. Printer. 1826. 8vo. pp. (2), 3-66. Sold: Rice. 1870, elf, git, by Bedford, 6.50. 63. . History of Northborough, Mass.. in various Publi- cations and Discourses. With a full Index of Names and Places and all Important Events. Worcester: 1880. 64. ALLEN, MYRON O. The History of Wenham, Civil and Ecclesiastical, from its Settlement in 1639 to i860. Bos- ton: Bazin & Chandler, i860. 121110, pp. 220. Sold: Murphy, 1884, 1.20; Olcott, 1901, 2.25; Bushnell. 1883, hlf mo, git, extra illus, 2.62; Cable, 1882, 1.63; Manson, 1899, extra illus, 13 plates, 4.50; Cable, 1883, 1.00; J. G. Smith, 1883. 1.87; Hoffman, 1877, 1.00; Deane, 1808. 2.25; Clogston, 1875, 1. 00: Guild, 1887, 2.00. 65. ALLEN, STEPHEN T. Address at the Centennial Cele- bration of the Incorporation of Merrimack, X. H.. April 14 ALLEN. 3, 1846. Boston: Dickinson & Co., 1846. 8vo. History, Statistics, Genealogy. Sold: Balcom, 1901, 2.00; Woodward, 1869, 2.00; Cable, 1882, 2.75; Manson, 1899, 1.00. 66. ALLEN, THOMAS (REV.). An Historical Sketch of the County of Berkshire and Town of Pittsfield. Written in May, 1808. Boston : Belcher & Armstrong, 1808. 8vo, pp. 14. Sold: Manson, 1899, hlf mo, unct, 5.00. 67. ALLEN, WILKES. History of Chelmsford, from its Origin in 1653 to the Year 1820. Together with an Historical Sketch of the Church and Biographical Notices of the Four First Pastors. To which is added a Memoir of the Pawtucket Tribe of Indians. Haverhill: 1820. 8vo, pp. 192. Sold: Murphy, 1884, 6.50: Deane, 1898, 8.00; Brinley, 1879. bds, uncut, 12.00; Brinley, hlf mo, uncut, 11.00; Guild. 1887, bds, uncut, stained, 5.75 ; Coburn, 1888, hlf mo, unct, 6.50; Balcom, 1901, 12.00; Woodward, 1869, unct. 6.50; Brinley, 1893, 6.25; Knapp, 1905, orig. bds. unct, 10.50; Libbie, 1905, bds, unct, 5.50; Libbie, 1904, hlf mo, unct, 3.50 ; Manson, 1899, hlf, mo, git, unct, extra illus, 8.50; Cable, 1882, bds, unct, 11.75; J- G. Smith, 1883, bds, unct, 11.00; Field, 1875, bds, unct, 4.25; Guild, 1887, bds, unct, 5.75; Clogston, 1875, bds, unct. 4.00; Libbie, 1900, bds, unct. 7.75 ; Libbie, 1902, bds, unct, 10.25 ; Libbie, 1902, bds, unct, 8.25; Bartlett, 1903, bds, unct, 11.00. 68. ALLEN, WILLIAM. The History of Norridgewock, Maine. Comprising the Memorials of the Aboriginal In- habitants and Jesuit Missionaries, Hardships of the Pio- neers, Biographical Notices of the Early Settlers, and Ecclesiastical Sketches. Norridgewock : E. J. Peet, 1849. 121110, pp. 252. Plates.* Sold: Murphy, 1884, 3.00; Woodward, 1869, 1.38; Cable, 1882, 2.00; Brinley, 1879, 3.50; Cable, 1883, 1.25 ; Bushnell, 1883, extra illus, 1.88; Manson, 1899, 2.00; Thornton, 1878, 2.50; Child. 1S82. 1.37: Field, 1875, hlf mo, by Bradstreet, 3.75; Clogston, 1875, 1.62; Libbie, 1902, hlf mo, 4.00. ALLINSON. 15 69. . History of the Town of Industry, Me. Skow- hegan : M. Littlefield, Ptr, 1854. 121110, pp. 44.* 70. . History of Industry, Me., From its First Settlement in 1791. Second Edition. Improved and Enlarged. Skowhegan : Smith & Emery, 1869. 8vo, pp. 48. Paper.* Sold: Manson, 1899, 2.00; Cable, 1882, 1.12; S. L. Boardman, 1883, autograph letter of author, 50 cts. 71. . Address delivered at Northampton, Mass., October 29, 1854, in Commemoration of the Close of the Second Century Since the Settlement of the Town. Northamp- ton : 1855. 8vo, pp. 56. Sold: Manson, 1899, 20 cts. 72. ALLEN, WILLIAM B. A History of Kentucky, embrac- ing Gleanings, Reminiscences, Antiquities, Natural Curi- osities, Statistics and Biographical Sketches of Pioneers, Soldiers, Jurists, Lawyers, Statesmen, Divines, Me- chanics, Farmers, Merchants and Other Leading Men. Portrait. Louisville, Ky., 1872. 8vo. Sold: Barlow, 1890, unct, 3.00; Cable, 1883, 3.00; Guild, 1887, 3.25. 73. ALLEN, W. C. North Carolina History Stories. Rich- mond, Va. : B. F. Johnson Publ. Co., 1901. i6mo. Prof. Allen is superintendent of the Waynesville Schools. 74. ALLEN, WILLIAM W. Texas in 1840: or the Emigrants' Guide to the New Republic. New York: 1840. i2mo. Colored view of City of Austin. Sold: Bourquin, 1894, 1.40. 75. ALLEN, W. W.; AVERY, R. B. California Gold Book. First Nugget ; its Discovery and Discoverers and Some of the Results Proceeding Therefrom (account of the dis- covery of gold in 1848-49). Chicago: Donohue, Henne- berry & Co., 1893. i2mo, pp. 439. 76. ALLINSON, E. P.; PENROSE, BOIES. Philadelphia, 1681-1887. A History of Municipal Development. Balti- more : 1888. 8vo, pp. 444. -f- Phila. : 1887. 1 6 ALSOP. 77. ALLISON, REV. CHARLES ELMER. The History of Yonkers, from the Earliest Times to the Present, in- cluding an elaborate Description of the Aborigines, a Narrative of its Discovery and Early Settlement by the Dutch and other Europeans ; a Record of Events within its Borders during the Philipse Period of more than One Hundred Years ; its Stirring Scenes as a Part of the famous "Neutral Ground of the Revolution" ; its Farms and Farmers ; its Hamlets ; its growing Village on the Napperhan, and its Development to the Busy City of To- Day ; together with an Historical Account of its Schools, Churches, Societies, Industries, Banks, Newspapers, &c. &c. ; finely Illustrated with Views of the Public Build- ings, Private Residences, Manufactories, and with Por- traits of many of its Citizens. Issued under the Auspices of the Yonkers Board of Trade. New York : W. B. Ketcham. 1896. 4to. pp (7), 454.* This valuable work was published at $10. Sold: Henkels, 1900, 1.50; Proud, 1903, 1.00; Bangs, 1901, mo, git, 3.50; Morris, 1899, mo, git, 3.00; Bangs, 1900, mo, git, 3.10. 78. ALLISON, JOHN. Dropped Stitches in Tennessee His- tory. Nashville, Tenn. : Hunter & Webburn, 1898. 8vo, pp. 160. Illustrated. 79. ALSOP, GEORGE. A | Character | of the Province of | Maryland, | wherein is Described in four distinct | Parta (viz.) ] I. The Scituation, and Plenty of the Province. | II. The Laws, Customs, and natural Demea- | nour of the Inhabitant. | III. The worst and best Usage of a Mary- \ Land Servant, opened in view. | IV. The Traffique and vendable Commodities | of the Countrey. | Also | A small Treatise on the Wilde and | Naked Indians (or Susque- hanokes) | of Mary-Land, their Customs, Man- | ners, Absurdities, & Religion. | Together with a Collection of Histo- I rical Letters. | By George Alsop. | London : Printed by T. J. for Peter Dring. | at the sign of the Sun in the Poultry: 1666. | sm. 8vo. 10 p. 1. pp. 118. Portrait and map.* "One of the rarest of books. Dr. Bliss' copy sold for £4 10s. The author was a native of Maryland." Sabin. ALSOP. 17 Sold: Murphy, 1884, red 1110, extra, git, 360.00; Barlow, 1890, red mo, extra, inside lining of mo, git, 410.00. 80. . A Character of the Province of Maryland, described in four distinct parts; also, a small Treatise on the Wild and Naked Indians (or Susquehanokes) of Maryland, Their Customs, Manners, Absurdities and Religion. London, 1666. A new edition, with an Introduction and Copious Historical Notes, by John Gilmary Shea. New York : William Gowans, 1869. 4to, pp. 125. Portrait, map. Gowans' Bibliothcca Americana No. 5. Contains a catalogue of books for sale by Win, Gowans, pp. 40. Sold: 1869 ed, Murphy, 1884, 3.00; Cable, 1883, pap. unct. 1. 12; Dunbar. 1892, 1.37; Menzies. 1876, large pap, unct. 6.13; Field, 1875, cl, unct, 2.75. 81. . A Character of the Province of Maryland. By George Alsop. Reprinted from the original edition of 1666. With Introduction and Notes by Newton D. Mere- ness, Ph.D., Acting Professor of History and Economics in the College of Charleston, Author of "Maryland as a Proprietary Province." Cleveland: The Burrows Bros., 1902. 8vo. pp. 113.* Coll: "Alsop"s Maryland; verso: Of this edition 250 copies have been printed, and the type distributed. This is No. — ; Plate of Geo. Alsop from the Original Edition. 1666 ; Title : Introduction, 10 pp. ; Half title, Alsop's Mary- land, London : Peter Dring, 1666. Title-page portrait (frontispiece) and map reprinted from a copy of the origi- nal edition in the John Carter Brown Library, Providence, R. I. Text reprinted from the "Lenox copy," in the Lenox Library, New York City. Facsimile of original title, 1 1.; Dedication to Lord Baltimore, 2 pp.; Dedication to Merchant Adventurers, 2 pp. ; Preface to Reader, 2 pp. ; Poem, "The Author to His Book," 3 pp. ; Poems by Wm. Bogherst, to H. W. and Will Barber, 3 pp. ; Facsimile plate of Maryland, text, 55 pp. ; Letters of author, 26 pp. This is No. 4 of the Burrows Bros. (B. B.) reprints. 82. ALLSOP, ROBERT. California and its Gold Mines. Be- ing a Series of Recent Communications from the Mining 1 8 AMMIDOWN. Districts upon the Condition and Future Prospects of Quartz Mining, with an Account of the Richer Deposits, and Incidental Notices of the Climate, Scenery and Mode of Life in California. London : Groombridge, 1853. 8vo, pp. 149. 83. ALVORD, J. W. Historical Address Delivered in the First Congregational Church in Stamford, Conn., at the Celebration of the Second Centennial Anniversary of the First Settlement of the Town. By Rev. J. W. Alvord, December 22, 1841. New York: S. Davenport, 1842. 8vo, pp. 40. Paper.* Sold: Woodward. 1869, 50 cts; Roche, 1867, 30 cts ; Henkels, 1900, 1. 10; Field, 1875, 25 cts. 84. AMES, ELLIS. History of the Redman Farm, So-called, and of the Title Thereof, Situate in Canton, Norfolk County, Mass. Boston : 1870. 8vo, pp. t,2. Sold: J. G. Smith, 1883, 10 cts. 85. AMES, MARY CLEMMER. Ten Years in Washington. Life and Scenes in the National Capitol as a Woman Sees Them. Full-page illustrations. Steel-plate portrait of the author. Published by subscription only. Hartford, Conn. : A. D. Worthington & Co., Queen City Publ. Co. Cincinnati: Excelsior Publ. Co. St. Louis: Lloyd & Co. Chicago: 1875. 8vo, pp. 587. Illustrated.* 86. AMMIDOWN, HOLMES. Historical Collections. By Holmes Ammidown, Merchant. Yol. I. The Reformation in France. Vol. II. The History of Seven Towns — Ox- ford, Dudley, Webster, Sturbridge, Charlton, Southbridge and Woodstock. New York: 1874. Two vols., 8vo. Sold: Child, 1882, 2 vols, unct, 5.25 ; J. G. Smith, 1883, 7.50. 87. . History of Seven Towns, Six of Which Are in the County of Worcester, Mass. 2d edition. New York: Charles L. Woodward & Co., 1877. 8vo, 2 vols. This is Vol. II. of Historical Collections, Vol. I. being Reformation in France. Sold: Cable, 1882, 1877 ed, 2 vols, cl. unct, git, 6.00. ANDREWS. I 9 88. ANDERSON, ALEXANDER DWIGHT. Greater Wash- ington. The Nation's City viewed from the .Material Standpoint. Washington, D. C. : Hartman & Cadick, 1897. 4to, pp. 75. Twenty maps, diagrams and views. 89. ANDERSON, CHARLES. Texas Before and On the Eve of the Rebellion. Cincinnati: 1884. 121110, pp. 51. 90. ANDERSON, GEORGE B. Landmarks of Rensselaer County, N. Y. A History of its Cities, Towns, Villages, Institutions, etc. Syracuse : 1897. Roy. 8vo, pp. 1 194. Portraits. Early Settlements. The Five Nations. The Revolution.- Bench and Bar. Over 400 pp. Family Histories. 91. ANDERSON, JOSEPH. The Town and City of Water- bury, from the Aboriginal Period to 1895. 3 vols. New Haven : 1896. Roy 8vo, pp. 898, 568, 819. Illustrated. Particularly complete in Family Records. 92. ANDRADE, GEN. JUAN JOSE. Documentos que pub- lica sobre la Evacuacion de la ciudad de San Antonio de Bejar del Departamento de Tejas a sus compatriots. Monterey : 1836. 4to, pp. 24. Official report of the dismantling of the Alamo, the evacuation of San Antonio, the retreat of the Mexican garrison out of Texas. 93. ANDREAS, A. T. History of Chicago, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time. In 3 vols., vol. I ending with the year 1857. Chicago: The A. T. Andreas Co., 1884. 4to. pp. 650. Illustrations and maps. Published at 45.00. Sold: Bangs, 1899, hlf mo, 4.13; Anderson. 1905, mor, 3.30; Anderson, 1903, mo, extra git, 5.40. 94. . History of Cook County, Illinois, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time. Complete in one volume. Chicago: A. T. Andreas, 1884. 4to, pp. 888. Illustrated. 95. ANDREWS, ALFRED. Genealogy and Ecclesiastical His- tory of New Britain, Conn., to which is added an Appen- dix with Explanatory Notes. Chicago: 1867. 8vo.. Por- trait. Sold: Guild. 1887, 5.00: Clogston, 1875, 2.25. 20 ANDREWS. 96. ANDREWS, C. C. Minnesota and Dacotah : in Letters de- scriptive of a Tour through the Northwest, in the Au- tumn of 1856, with Information relative to Public Lands and a Table of Statistics. Washington: Robert Farnham, 1857. 121110, pp. 14, 215.* Sold: Waterbury, 1895, 62 cts ; Cable. 1882, 87 cts ; Henkels, 1900, 10 cts; Cooke, 1883, 1.10; Deane, 1898, 62 cts; Guild, 1887, 37 cts. 97. . History of St. Paul, Minn., with Illustrations and Biographical Sketches of Some of its Prominent Men and Pioneers. Syracuse : 1890. Roy 8vo. Portraits. Sold: Proud, 1903, 2.00. 98. ANDREWS, C. M. The River Towns of Connecticut: a Study of Wethersfield, Hartford and Windsor. Balti- more : X. Murray, Agent, Johns Hopkins University, 1889. 8vo, pp. 126. Johns Hopkins Universitj studies, X< s. 7, 8 and 9. 7th series. 99. ANDREWS, ISRAEL WARD. Washington County and the Early Settlement of Ohio, Being the Centennial His- torical Address Before the Citizens of Washington Count} - , Marietta, Ohio, July 4, 1878. Cincinnati: Peter G. Thomson, 1877. 8vo, pp. 8^.* Sold: Dunbar, 1892, 45 cts; Bourquin, 1894, 30 cts; Guild. 1887, 55 cts. 100. ANDREWS, WILLIAM LORING. The Bradford Map. The City of New York at the Time of the Granting of the Montgomerie Charter. A description thereof compiled by William L. Andrews. To accompany a Facsimile of an actual Survey made by James Lyne and printed by Will- iam Bradford in 1731. New York: De Vinne Press, 1893. 8vo, pp. 115. Illustrated by artotypes and wood cuts.* Sold: Anderson, 1902, cl, unct, 52.50; Anderson, 1902, cl, unct, 40.00; Marquand, 1903, cl, unct. 50.00; Anderson, 1903, cl, unct, 47.50; De Forest, 1004, cl, 22.50; Anderson. 1905, cl, 24.00; Anderson, 1903, cl, 20.00; 1904. cl, git. unct, 43.00. ARCHDALE. 2 1 ioi. . New Amsterdam, New Orange, New York. \ Chronologically arranged Account of Engraved Views of the City from the first Picture published in 1651 until the Year 1800. New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1897. 8vo. pp. xxiii, 142. Illustrated with Photo-engravings and Photogravures on Copper.* Edition of 170 copies on hand-made paper. Sold: Hurst, 1904, cl, 43.00; Merwin-Clayton, 1905, cl, 52.00; .Merwin-Clayton, 1905, Japan paper, 84.00; Anderson, 1903, cl. unct, 100.00; Goodwin, 1903, cl, unct, 82.50; Anderson, 1904, cl, unct, 51.00; French and Chubbuck, 1904, cl. unct, 60.00: Weeks, 1902, git, unct, 70.00; Ander- son, 1902, cl, unct, 125.00: Anderson. 1903, cl. unct/ioo.00 ; Peirce, 1903, one of two copies entirely untrimmed, cl, unci, 160.00; Appleton, 1903, cl, unct, 115.00. 102. ANTHONY, ELLIOTT. Story of the Empire State. Chi- cago : 1891. 8vo. pp. 247. 103. ANTRIM, JOSHUA. The History of Champaign and Lo- gan Counties from Their First Settlement. Bellefontaine, O. : Press Printing Co., 1872. 121110, pp. 460. Photograph. "The photographic frontispiece contains sixteen portraits of the Pioneers of Logan and Champaign Counties. The work was written under authority of the West Pioneer Association." Thomson. 104. ARBER, EDWARD. Story of the Pilgrim Fathers, 1606- 1623, as told by Themselves, their Friends and their Enemies. Edited from Original Texts. London: 1897. 121110, pp. 644. Portrait and map. Contains the Bradford MSS., Voyage to America, Mourtz Rela- tions, Good News from New England, etc., etc. 105. ARCHDALE, JOHN. A New | Description | of that] Fer- tile and Pleasant Province | of Carolina : | With a | Brief Account I of its | Discovery, Settling, | and the [ Govern- ment J Thereof to this Time. | With several Remarkable Passages of Divine | Providence during my Time. | By John Archdale : Late | Governour of the same. | London : j Printed for John Wyat. at the Rose in St. Paul's | Church-Yard. 1707. | 4to. Half Title, Title, "To the Courteous Readers," 2 I : Text, pp. 32. Reprinted in Charleston, S. C, by A. B. Miller, in 1S22. 8vo, 22 ARKANSAS. pp. 33, followed by notices of the Early History of South Carolina, pp. 14. Also included in Carroll's Collections of South Carolina. New- York. 1836. Vol. 11. 83-120. See Rich. Sold: 1707 ed, Barlow, 1890, hlf mo, a few leaves cut into text. 35.00; 1822 ed, Brinley, 1880, with Notices of Hist, of N. Carolina, I vol, 2.75; Betts, 1901, 4.25; Barlow, 1890, 7.00. 106. ARCHER, G. W. The Dismemberment of Maryland, A Maryland Manor. By James Grant Wilson. Baltimore: 1890. 8vo. 107. ARIZONA. Biographical Record of Arizona, Commemorat- ing the Achievements of Citizens Who Have Contributed to the Progress of Arizona and the Development of its Resources. Illustrated by many full-page Portraits. Chi- cago : 1901. 4to, pp. 1034. 108. . Memorials and Affidavits Showing Outrages per- petrated by the Apache Indians in Arizona Territory for the Years 1869 and 1870. San Francisco: 1871. 8vo. List of names. 109. . The Territory of Arizona. A Brief History and Summary of its Acquisition, Organization, Mineral and other Resources, Indian Tribes, etc. Tucson: 1874. Svo. pp. 38. no. . Tucson City Directory for 1899. With Sketch of Tucson City of To-Day . Tucson: 1899. 8vo. in. ARKANSAS. Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Northeast Arkansas, comprising Greene, Clay, Fulton, Craighead, Randolph, Poynset, Independence and Ixard Counties. Chicago : 1889. 4to, pp. 981. 112. . Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Southern Arkansas, with Brief History of Each of the Counties and Portraits and Biographical Sketches. Chicago: 1890. 4to, pp. 1080. 113. . Historical Memoirs of Western Arkansas. Com- prising a Condensed History of (lie Stale and History and ARMSTRONG. 23 Biographies of Yell, Polk, Johnson, Logan, Scott, Pope and Montgomery Counties. Chicago: 1891. 4to, pp. 497. Portraits. 114. ARMOR, WILLIAM C. Lives of the Governors of Penn- sylvania, with Incidental History of the State from 1609 to 1872. Philadelphia: 1872. 8vo. Portraits. 115. ARMSTRONG, A. N. Oregon, Comprising a Brief History and Full Description of the Territories of Oregon and Washington, and of the Indian Tribes of the Pacific Slope. Interspersed with Incidents of Travel and Adventure. Chicago: 1857. i2tno, pp. 147. Sold: Cable, 1882, 1.12. 116. ARMSTRONG, EDWARD. The History and Location of Fort Nassau upon the Delaware. A paper read before the New Jersey Historical Society, January 20, 1853. Newark, N. J.: 1853. 8vo, pp. 21. 117. ARMSTRONG, GEORGE D. The Summer of the Pesti- lence : a History of the Ravages of the Yellow Fever in Norfolk, Va., A. D. 1855. By George D. Armstrong, D. D., pastor of the Presbyterian Church in Norfolk. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1856. i2mo, pp. 192. Second edition, Philadelphia, 1856. i2mo, pp. 192. 118. ARMSTRONG, MOSES K. Early History of Dakota Ter- ritory. Yankton, Dak.: 1866. 8vo, pp. 70. 119. . The Early Empire Builders of the Great West. Compiled and Enlarged from the Author's Early History of Dakota Territory, in 1866. St. Paul, Minn.: E. W. Porter, 1901. 8vo, pp. 10, 456. Portrait. Illustrations. Photogravures from pencil drawings.* 120. ARMSTRONG, W. G. The Life and Adventures of Cap- tain John Smith : comprising an Account of His Travels in Europe, Asia, Africa and America. Also, the Early History of Virginia and New England ; including Sketches of Pocahontas, Powhatan, Opechancanough, and other distinguished Characters. Principally compiled from his own Works. By W. C. Armstrong. New York : H. Day- 24 ARNOLD. ton. Indianapolis, Ind. : Dayton & Asher, 1859. i2mo, pp. 264. Portrait of Smith.* 121. ARNOLD, ISAAC N. William B. Ogden and the Early Days of Chicago. Chicago : Fergus Printing Co., 1882. i2mo, pp. 72. Fergus Series, No. 17. Read before the Chicago Hist. Society Tuesday, December 20, 1881. 122. ARNOLD, SAMUEL GREENE. History of the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, 1636-1790. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1859-60. 8vo, pp. xii, 574, 592. Two volumes. + The Same, 1874. Two volumes.* Sold: Bangs, 1894, 4.20, 4.50; Libbie, 1895, 4.00; Knicker- bocker, 1905, presentation copy to Rev. W. R. Williams, cl, 4.50; Bell, 1895, 9.00; Rogers, 1896, 5.00; Williams, 1896, 3.75; Deane, 1898, 5.50; Carruth, 1898, 4.50; Rice, 1870, hlf elf, 6.00; Livermore, 1894, 4.50; Manson, 1899, 6.00; Cable, 1882, 5.00; Henkels, 1903, cl, 3.80; J. G. Smith, 1883, 9 extra plates, 5.50; A. G. Greene, 1869, 4.50; Mac- kay, 1900, 5.00; Cooley, 1902, cl, a 1 s of author inserted, 6.00. Edition 1874: Thornton. 1878, 3.75: Guild, 1887, 12.00. 123. . History of the State of Rhode Island and Provi- dence Plantations. Vol. I. 1636-1790. Fourth edition. Providence, R. I. : Preston & Rounds, 1894. Vol. II., from the Settlement of the State, 1636, to the Adoption of the Federal Constitution, 1790. Vol. II. 1701-1790. Two volumes, 8vo, pp. 80; 12,574; 4, 600. + 1899.* 124. . Progress of Providence, a Centennial Address, July 4, 1876. Providence, R. I.: 1876. 125. . An Historical Sketch of Middletown, R. I., from the Year 1743 to the Year 1876. Newport: 1S76. 8vo. Sold: Barlow, 1800, 1.00: Manson, 1899. 1.37. 126. ARNOLD, SETH SHALER. A Sermon preached at Al- stead, on the first Sabbath in January, 1826. With His- torical Sketches of the Town. By Seth S. Arnold, Pastor of the First Congregational Church and Society, it being ten years since his ordination. Alstead, X. H. : Published ASH. ?5 by Newton & Tufts, 1826. 8vo, pp. 48. Continuation of an appendix embracing Historical Sketches of the Town of Alstead from 1826 to 1836. Keene, N. H. : Published by 1!. Cooke, 1836. 8vo, pp. 12. Paper covers. One volume. The appendix was also issued separately.* Sold: Manson, 1899, contains rare appendix, 12.50; Clogston, 1899, pap, 9.50; Balcom, 1901, 8.00; 1826 ed, .Manson, 1899, 3.00; Cable, 1882, 5.00; Guild, 1887, 1.50; Woodward. 1869, 3.25. 127. ARTHUR, TIMOTHY SHAW. The History of Virginia from its Earliest Settlement to the Present Time. By T. S. Arthur and W. H. Carpenter. Philadelphia: Lippin- cott, Grambo & Co., 1852. 121110, pp. 332.* 128. . The History of New York from its Earliest Settle- ment to the Present Time. By T. S. Arthur and W. H. Carpenter. Philadelphia: Lippincott, Grambo & Co., 1853. i6mo, pp. 336. Engraved title, State coat of arms. Frontispiece of Hendrick Hudson.* 129. . The History of Georgia from its Earliest Settle- ment to the Present Time. By T. S. Arthur and W. H. Carpenter. Philadelphia: Lippincott, Grfmbo & Co., 1853. 121110, pp. 331. Portrait and engraved title. Stereo- typed, and editions have been issued in 1869, etc. Portrait of General Oglethorpe.* Sold: Bourquin, 1894. 10 cts. 130. . The History of Kentucky from its Earliest Settle- ment to the Present Time. By T. S. Arthur and W. H. Carpenter. Philadelphia : Lippincott, Grambo & Co., 1853. i2mo. pp. 316. Portrait and engraved title. Por- trait of Daniel Boone. Title with engraved State coat of arms.* 131. ASBURY, HENRY. Reminiscences of Ouincy. 111., contain- ing Historical Events, Anecdotes, Matters concerning Old Settlers and Old Times, &c. Frontispiece. Ouincy: 1882. 8vo, pp. 224. 132. ASH, JOHN. The | Present State of Affairs | in Carolina. I By John Ash, Gent. | Sent by several of the Inhabitants of that Colony, to ] deliver their Representation thereof 26 ASH. to, | and seek Redress from the Lords Proprietors of that Prov- | ince : Together with an Account of his Reception, | by the Honourable the Lord Granville, their Palatine. | President, or Chief of the Proprietors. (London: 1706.) 4to, hlf title and pp, 29-67 of appendix to "The Case of the Protestant Dissenters in Carolina." London: 1706. 133. A(SH), T(HOMAS). Carolina; | Or A | Description | Of the Present State of that | Country, | and | The Natural Excellencies thereof: viz. The | Healthfulness of the Air, Pleasantness of the Place, | Advantage and Usefulness of those Rich Comrao- | dities there plentifully abounding, which much | encrease and flourish by the Industry of the Plan- I ters that daily enlarge that Colony. | Published by T. A. Gent. | Clerk on Board His Majesties Ship the Rich- mond, which was | sent out in the Year 1680, with par- ticular Instructions to | enquire into the State of that Country, by His Majesties | Special Command, and Re- turn'd this Present Year, 1682. | London, | Printed for W. C. and to be sold by Mrs. Grover I in Pelican Court in Little Britain, 1682. 4to, pp. (2), 40.* Reprinted in Carroll Collection, 2. pp. 59-84. Sold: Deane, 1898, 4to, vellum, 80.00; Rice, 1870, elf extra, 15.00; Menzies, 1875, mo, by Bedford, 46.00; Barlow, 1890, elf, 77.50; Ives, 1891, 50.00; Hazlett, 1893, mo, extra, £8 10; Simon, 1893, hlf mo, £8; Brayton Ives, 1891, hlf elf, extra, git, by Bedford, 60.00; Rice, 1870. polished elf, by Bedford, 15.00; Brinley, 1880, 10.00; Roche, 1867, elf, by Bedford, 47.50; Barlow, 1890, elf, tall copy, 77.50; Barlow, 1890, mo, extra, git. by Pratt, water stained (a waif from the Bodleian and British museum), 27.50; same sale, hlf mo. 29.00; French and Chubbuck. mor, 90.00. 134. . Travels in America, performed in 1806, for the pur- pose of exploring the Rivers Allegheny. Monongahela. Ohio, and Mississippi, and ascertaining the Produce and Condition of their banks and Vicinity. In three volumes. London : Printed for Richard Phillips, 1808. 3 vols., i8mo. Vol. 1. Contents, pp. vi ; Text, pp. 328. Vol. 2, pp. 292; Contents, ii. Vol. 3. pp. 310; Contents, pp. ii. "Am ther edition in 1 ne volume was published in London in !o8, ' into, pp. 366. There remains no doubt that Ashe was a liter- ary imposter, the first to discover that a book abusing the people of the t T . S. would be profitable by its popularity. During his sojourn Ill ATKINS. 27 .. America he passed himself off as a Frenchman under the nan D'Arville. Ashe's ohvinti etii 11s and libels destroyed the credibility of his descriptions; for instance, he speaks of the Great Miami as being perennial, from having its fountains in Lake Erie and flowing out of that lake, lie also represents a bear, which he has shot as he descended the Ohio, stopping the wound with herbs, and he imagines the animal making an indignant speech on the occasion. The only part of the book that is ni I made up of ridiculous follies and false- hoods is taken verbatim et literatim from the Navigator." Thomson. Also: Newburyport, t8o8, i Vol., i2tno. Sold: Brinley, 1881, 1808, 1 v, ed, 1.25; Anderson, 1904, old, elf, 9.05. 135. ASHMEAD, HENRY GRAHAM. History of Delaware County, Pennsylvania. Portraits and illustrations. Phil- adelphia : 1884. 4to, pp. 764 (4). Sold: Henkels, 1900, hlf russia, 6.00. 136. . Historical Sketch of Chester on Delaware. With Map and Illustrations. Also, A full account of the work of the General Committee of the Pennsylvania Bi-Cen- tennial Association of Chester ; Names of Members of Same and of Sub-Committees ; List of Subscribers to the Fund ; Commemorative Exercises of the Society of Friends, Chester, First Day, 10th Month, 22D, 1882; Bi- Centennial Celebration. Oct. 23D, 1882; Unveiling of Me- morial Stone, Nov. 9th, 1882. And a List of Industries. By William Shaler Johnson. Published under the Au- spices of the Historical Committee, Chester, Pa. : Repub- lican Steam Print, 1883. Roy. 8vo, pp. vi, 336.* Sold: Henkels, 1900, 3.00; Proud, 1903, 2.50; Balcom, 190 1, 2.50 ; Pennypacker, 1906, 2.25. 137. ATHERTON, WILLIAM. Narrative of the Suffering and Defeat of the Northwestern Army, under General Win- chester ; Massacre of the Prisoners ; Sixteen months' Im- prisonment of the Writer and others with the Indians and British. Frankfort, Ky. : Printed for the Author by A. G. Hodges, 1842. i6mo, pp. 152. Sold: Fisher, 1866. 1.25; Woodward, 1869, hlf mo. 2.10; Field, 1875, bds, 5.75. 138. ATKINS, THOMAS. History of Middlefield and Long Hill. Conn. Hartford : 1883. 121110. Sold: Manson, 1899, 2.75. 25 ATWATER. 139. ATKINSON, GEORGE W. History of Kenawha County, from its organization in 1789 until the Present Time. Embracing Accounts of Early Settlements and Thrilling Adventures with the Indians, derived from History and Aged Citizens. Also Biographical Sketches of a large number of the Early Settlers of the Great Kanawha Valley. Illustrated by numerous Engravings, &c. Charleston, W. Ya. : 1876. 8vo, pp. 338. Only 300 copies published, for subscribers. Sold: Bourquin, 1894, 1.30. 140. ATKINSON, GEORGE W.; GIBBENS, ALVARO, F. Prominent Men of West Virginia. Biographical Sketches of Representative Men, the Growth and Advancement of the State ; its Advantages, Resources, and Development. Wheeling: 1890. 8vo, pp. 1022. Illustrated. 141. ATKINSON, JOSEPH. The History of Newark, New Jersey, being a Narrative of its Rise and Progress. From the Settlement in May, 1666, by Emigrants from Con- necticut to the Present Time. 'Including a Sketch of the Press of Newark from 1791 to 1878. Beautifully Illus- trated from Drawings by Thomas Moran and other dis- tinguished American Artists. Newark, N. J.: Wm. B. Guild, 1878. Roy. 8vo, pp. xiv, (1), 334.* Sold: Dunbar, 1892, 1.62; Weeks, 1902, hlf mo, 2.50. 142. ATWATER, CALEB. The Writings of, consisting of A Description of Antiquities discovered in the Western Country, maps, and Remarks made on a Tour to Prairie du Chien. then to Washington City. Published by the Author. Columbus: Scott & Wright, 1833. 8vo, pp. 408. Description of Antiquities was issued separately in 1833. Sold: Brinley, 1881, 1.50. 143. . Mysteries of AVashington City, during several Months of the Session of the 28th Congress. By a Citizen of Ohio (anon.). Washington : 1844. i6mo, pp. 218. 144. . Remarks made on a Tour to Prairie du Chien ; thence to Washington City in 1829. Columbus, O. : Printed by Jenkins & Grover, 1831. i6mo, pp. vii, 296. ATWATER. 29 This book was also issued with the following title: The Indians of the Northwest, their Manners, Custom , etc., etc., or Remarks made on a Tour to Prairie dti Chien and thence to Washington City in 1N20. By Caleb Atwater, Commissioner employed by the United States, i" negotiate with the Indians of the Upper Mississippi, for the purchase of the Mineral Country. Columbus, 1 I : Isaac N. Whit- inn, 1831. i2mo, pp. vii, 206. Thomson says: Then' is no difference whatever in the two above works, except that in a few copies of the latter, the more elaborate second title was pasted in the unsold copies of the former. The first 28 pp. of the work relate mainly to Ohio. It contains a vocabulary of the Sioux language. It was republished in "Writings of Caleb Atwater." Columbus: Scott & Wright. 1833. Sabin gives the imprint, with parts of each title, as Isaac N. Whiting. Sold: Bangs & Co., 1873, 1.50; Murphy, 1884, .75; Dunbar, 1892, 1.20; Chittenden, 1894, 1. 12; Cable, 1882. 1.37; Hen- kels, 1898, bds. 1. 10: Fisher, 1866. 1.50; Cable, 1883,' 1850 eil., 87 cts. ; Smith, 1867, 2.63; Boon, 1870, 2.13; Field. 1875, 4.25; Fames, 1905, slip, 3.00. 145. . A History of the State of Ohio, Natural and Civil. First Edition, Cincinnati : Glezen & Shepard, 1838. 8vo t pp. 403. Second Edition, 1838. 8vo, pp. 407. Third Edi- tion, Cincinnati, 1858. 8vo. The first edition contains list of subscribers which is omitted in the 2d edition; that, however, contains some additional historical matter. See North Amer. Review, 53, p. 320. The first edition was stereotyped. "Some copies have Second Edition on the title with same imprint, 8vo, pp. 407. The matter is the same as the first editions except the additional four pages at end. The book was severely criticized in all quarters ; the Hesperian says, that 'as a literary production it is deplorably deficient.' The author makes the assertion in the Preface that this is the first history of Ohio, which is erroneous, 'Chae's Sketch of the History of Ohio' having been published five years previously." Thomson. Sold: Corner, 1866, 2.00; Smith, 1867, 2.50; Field, 1875, 5.75; Boon, 1870, 2.50; Wynne, 1875, 4.00; Hubbard, 1868, 3.20; Polock, 1895, 4.25; Murphy, 1838 ed., 1884, 1.75; Clog- ston, 1875, 81 cts.; Brinley. 1881, 2d ed., 2.25; Cable, 1882, 1838 ed., 1.50; A. G. Greene, 1869, 1.00; Guild, 1887. 2.00. 146. ATWATER, EDWARD E. History of the Colony of Xew Haven to its Absorption into Connecticut. New Haven : 1881. 8vo, pp. 611, map and 16 illustrations, -f- The same with biographies and illustrations. Xew York : 1887. 4to, pp. 702. Sold: Manson, 1899, 2.25; Cable, 1882, 4.12; Bourquin. 1894,. 2.00; Guild, 1887. 3.75; Davenport, 1896, 2.50; Libbie, 30 AUSTIN. 1902, 3.00; Libbie, 1903, cl, 3.75; Cable, 1883, 4.00; Ander- son, 1903, 1881 ed., 3.20. 147. ATWATER, EDWARD E.; SMITH, R. A. History of the Colony of New Haven to its absorption into Connec- ticut. With Supplementary History and Personnel of the Towns of Branford, Guilford, Milford, Stratford, Nor- walk, Southold, &c. By R. A. Smith. Meriden : 1902. 8vo, pp. 767. Map. 148. ATWATER, FRANCIS. History of the Town of Plym- outh, Ct., with an Account of the Centennial Celebration May 4, 1895. (Also) A Sketch of Plymouth, Ohio, set- tled by Local Families. Rochester, N. Y. : E. Darrow & Co., 1896. Svo, pp. 448. Illustrated. 149. . History of Kent, Ct., including Biographical Sketches of many of its Present or Former Inhabitants. Meriden : Journal Publishing Co., 1897. Pp- I 7 ( 5- 150. . Atwater History and Genealogy. Meriden, Ct. : Journal Publ. Co., 1901. Svo, pp. 8, 492. Illustrated. 151. ATWOOD, CHARLES R. Reminiscences of Taunton in Ye Auld Lang Syne. Taunton : 1880. 121110. Portrait. Sold: Manson, 1899, 75 cts. ; Guild, 1887, 2.10. 152. AUGER, EDOUARD. Voyage en Californie, 1852, 1853. Paris : L. Hachette et Cie, 1854. i6mo, 2p. 1, pp. 238. 153. AUSTERLITZ, E. H. A Condensed History of Cincinnati from 1800 to 1875. Combined with Exposition Guide for 1875. Cincinnati : 1875. Illustrated. 154. AUSTIN, GEORGE LOWELL. A Popular History of Massachusetts, from the Landing of the Pilgrims to the Present Time, including a Graphic Narrative of the Per- secutions by State and Church in England ; the Early Voyages to North America; the Explorations of the Early Settlers, their Hardships, Sufferings, and Conflicts with the Savages; the Rise of Colonial Power; the Birth of Independence; the Formation of the Commonwealth; and the Gradual Progress of the State from its Earliest In- AYRES. 31 fancy to its Present High Position. Boston: 1876. 8vo, pp. 578. Illustrated. Sold: Manson, 1899, 1.75; Cable, 1883, 1.50; Child, 1882, hlf mo, 1.75; J. G. Smith, 1883, 1878 ed., 1.50; Bourquin, 1894, 80 cts. ; Bourquin, 1894, 50 cts. ; Cooke, 1883, 7.00; Proud, 1903, 1. 00; Guild, 1887, 1.12. 155. . The History of Massachusetts from the Landing of the Pilgrims to the Present Time, including the Early Voyages to America, Explorations of the Early Settlers, Hardships, Sufferings, and Conflicts with the Savages, &c. Boston: 1885. 8vo, pp. 598. Portraits. Sold: Whitmore, 1902, shp, 2.10. 156. AVERY, I. W. History of State of Georgia from 1850 to 1881, embracing the Three Important Epochs: The De- cade before the War of 1861-5; the War; the Period of Reconstruction. With portraits of the leading public men of this era. 25 steel and 31 woodcut portraits. New York: 1881. 4to, pp. 727. Sold: Cable, 1882, 3.50. 157. AVERY, JOHN. History of the Town of Ledyard, 1650- 1900. Norwich, Ct. : Noyes & Davis, 1901. 8vo, pp. 334. Illustrated. Portrait. Sold: Bartlett, 1903, cl, 3.25. 158. AVERY, RUFUS; HEMPSTEAD, STEPHEN. Narrative of Jonathan Rathbun. With Accurate Accounts of the Capture of Groton Fort, the Massacre that Followed, and the Sacking and Burning of New London, September 6, 1781, by the British Forces under the command of the Traitor Benedict Arnold. By Rufus Avery and Stephen Hempstead, Eye-witnesses of the same. Together with an Interesting Appendix. (No imprint.) i2mo, pp. 80. (1840.) Sold: Manson, 1899, 1.50. 159. AYRES, J. A. Legends of Montauk, with an Historical Ap- pendix. Hartford: 1849. 8vo, pp. 127. Sold: Woodward, 1869, 65 cts.; Brinley, 1890, 1.25; Alex- ander, 1895, 12.50; Anderson, 1902, hlf levt mo, git, by 32 BACHELDER. Bradstreet, 4.00; Anderson, 1902, hlf levt mo, git, Brad- street, 3.25; Boardman, 1883, 75 cts. ; Clogston, 1875, 25 cts. 160. BABSON, JOHN J. History of the Town of Gloucester, Cape Ann, including the Town of Rockport. Gloucester: Proctor Bros., i860. 8vo, pp. xi, 610. Map. "A considerable portion of this edition was destroyed by fire in ■ February, 1863." Sabin. Sold: Libbie, 1897, 8.00; Deane, 1898, 8.00; Blanchard, hlf mo, unct, 6.50; Libbie, 1898, hlf mo, uncut, 7.00; Wood- ward, 1869, 3.00; Cable, 1882, 7.00; Bushnell, 1883, 4.25; Thornton, 1878, 4.37; Manson, 1899, 7.00; Child, 1882, 6.50; J. G. Smith, 1883, 7.75; S. L. Boardman, 1883, 5.50; Balcom, 1901, 6.50; Bangs, 1896, 5.12; M. D. Gilman, 1884, 5.00; Guild, 1887, hlf mo, unct, git, 9.00; Clogston, ■ l &75< 3-5°i Libbie, 1899, 8.50; Bangs, 1900, lacks map, 5.75; Hassam, 1903, cl, 6.25; Libbie, 1904, cl, 6.75. 161. . Notes and Additions to the History of Gloucester. Part First: Early Settlers. Second Series, Early Records. 2 vols. Gloucester: Salem Press Publ., 1876-91. 8vo. Sold: Manson, 1899, 2.50; Balcom, 1901, 3.00; Cable, 1883, 62 cts. ; J. G. Smith, 1883, Part I, 1.50; Guild, 1887, 1.50. 162. BACHE, WILLIAM. Historical Sketches of Bristol Bor- ough, in the County of Bucks, anciently known as "Buck- ingham :" being the Second Chartered Borough in Penn- sylvania ; commencing with its Colonial Settlement, in 1681, and closing with the Year 1853. Bristol. Pa.: Printed by Wm. Bache, 1853. i6mo, pp. 60.* Sold: Henkels, 1900, orig. covers, 2.25 ; Henkels, 1900, 3.25 ; Bourquin, 1894, 1.30; Harold Peirce, 1903, orig. covers, 3.50; Proud, 1903, 3.25; Polock, 1904, cl, 5.00; Penny- packer, 1906, 2.25. 163. BACHELLOR, A. S. The Relations of the Town and State. Historical Address at Centennial Celebration at Littleton, July 4, 1884. Concord: 1884. Sold: Balcom, 1901, 40 cts. 164. BACHELDER, IRA K. Peru. Reunion Celebration. To- gether with an Historical Sketch of Peru, Bennington BACON. 33 County, Vermont, and its Inhabitants from the first set- tlement of the Town: Brattleboro: Phoenix Job Print, E. L. Hildreth & Co., 1891. 8vo, pp. vii, 144. Sold: Clogston, 1890, 3.75; Conland, 1904, cl, 4.25. 165. BACON, EDWIN FAXON. Otsego County, N. Y., Geo- graphical and Historical, from the Earliest Settlement to the Present Time; with County and Township Maps from original Drawings. Oneonta, N. Y. : The Oneonta Herald, 1902. 121110, pp. 85, 1. Illustrated. Maps. 166. BACON, EDWIN MUNROE. King's Dictionary of Bos- ton. With an Historical Introduction by Geo. E. Ellis. Cambridge, Mass.: Moses King. 1883. 161110, pp. vii, 518. Map. Compiled like the London and Paris dictionaries. It is Guide, Handbook and Condensed History. Sold: Manson, 1899, 2.00. 167. BACON, EDGAR MAYHEW. Chronicles of Tarrytown and Sleepy Hollow. New York : G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1897. 121110, pp. x, 163. 168. BACON, GEORGE F. Manchester and its Leading Busi- ness Men; embracing also those of Goffstown. Illus- trated. Boston: 1891. 4to, pp. 126, square. 169. BACON, LEONARD. A Historical Discourse delivered at Worcester in the Old South Meeting House, Sept. 22, 1863, the Hundredth Anniversary of its Erection. With Introductory Remarks by Hon. Ira M. Barton, the Presi- dent on the Occasion. And an Appendix. Worcester: Edw. R. Fiske. 1863. 8vo. pp. 106.* Sold: Manson. 1899, 20 cts. 170. . Thirteen Historical Discourses on the Completion of Two Hundred Years from the beginning of the First Church in New Haven, with an Appendix. Xew Haven: Durrie & Peck, 1839. 8vo, pp. viii. 408. Frontispiece con- tains four portraits. Sold: Manson. 1899, J? cts. ; Davenport, 1896. 90 cts. ; Guild, 1887, 1.75; Anderson, 1905, hlf mo. unct, unopened, 4.00. 34 BACKUS. 171. BACON, LEONARD WOOLSEY. Norwich, the Rose of New England. Norwich, Ct. : Cranston & Co., 1897. Ob- long 241110, pp. 16. Illustrated. 172. BACON, OLIVER N. A History of Natick, from its first Settlement in 1651 to the Present Time; with Notices of the First White Families. And also an Account of the Centennial Celebration, Oct. 16, 1851 ; Rev. Mr. Hunt's Address at the Consecration of Dell Park Cemetery, &c, &c, &c. Boston : Damrell & Moore, Printers. 1856. 8vo, Title, pp. 261. Plate. Privately printed. Sold: Deane, 1898, 3.50; Fisher, 1866, 3.00; Woodward, 1869, 1. 13; Cable, 1882, 3.75; Bushnell, 1883, 1.12; Cable, I 883, 3.50; Manson, 1899, 2.00; J. G. Smith, 1883, 3.75; Hoffman, 1877, 2.00; Guild, 1887, title wanting, 3.00; Dar- rah, 1904, cl, 3.00. 173. BACON, T. R. The Hundredth Anniversary of New Haven with the Oration by T. R. Bacon, July 4, 1884. With a paper on New Haven in 1784 by F. H. Dexter. New- Haven : 1885. 8vo, pp. 97. Sold: Manson, 1899, 2 -5°- 174. BACKUS, ISAAC. A History of New England, with par- ticular Reference to the Denomination of Christians called Baptists. Containing the first principles and settlements of the Country; The rise and increase of the Baptist Churches therein ; The intrusion of Arbitrary Power under the cloak of Religion; the Christian Testinv of the Baptists and others against the same, with their sufferings under it, from the Beginning to the present Time. Collected from the most Authentic Records and Writings, both Ancient and Modern. By Isaac Backus, Pastor of the first Baptist Church in Middleboron: h. Vol. I, Boston: Printed by Edward Draper, 1777. 8vo, 4 p. 1.; Text, pp. 544; Appendix, pp. 15; Errata, 1 p. \ ol. II, Providence: John Carter, 1784. Title, pp. 448. Vol. III, Boston: Manning & Loring, 1796. Pp. 334. "Ci imp ralual ■ the third volume being generally deficient." Sabin. ! -. in this i! iii hed in a book called : Hon- . i' as well as Polii Fi rb : d the usi oi Secular Force in Religious iirs. Boston: !■■ ip 1 Folsom. 1789. (Not having time and BAEK. 35 room therefor, when our Baptist History was finished, a brief Index to it is inserted here.) The copy in Judge Green's Library sold for $75.00. Bancroft says the facts in this history are more to be depended on than any of the early histories of New England. The set is complete in three volumes. Sometimes the Abridge- ment of the Church History of 1804 is sold, making four vols. Sold: Brinley, elf, extra, uncut, 42.00; Cooke, 1883, levt mo, 61.50; Coburn, 1888, vols. 1, 2, sheets v. 3, marbled pap. cover, 60.00; Brinley, 1878, 4 vols., elf, extra, git, by F. Bedford, 68.00; Menzies, 1876, levt mo. unct, git, by Bed- ford, 112.50; Murphy, hlf mo, 2 vols., uncut, 1884, 84.00; Brinley, 1880, with Church History, 5 vols., 68.00; Deane. 1898, v. 1, 2, shp, 10.00; Sherman, with abridgment of Church History, 3 vols., hlf mo, 1898, 10.50; Bell, 1895. 4 vols., with Abridgment. Boston, 1804, 64.00; Shurtleff, 1875, 3 vols, and the 1804 abridgment, v. 3 and 4, unct. 36.00; Cooke, 1883, levt mo, git, by R. W. Smith, 61.50; A. G. Greene, 1869, 3 vols., 75.00; Terry, 1889, 39.00. 175. . A History of New England with Particular Refer- ence to the Denomination of Christians Called Baptists. Newton, Mass.: 1871. 2 vols., 8vo. Notes by David West' 11. Sold: Dunbar, 5.20; Thornton, 1878, 3.50; Child, 1882, 4.25 : Henkels, 1900, 4.50; Guild, 1887, 9.50; Stephens, 1904, cl, 3-50- 176. . Church History of New England from 1602 to 1804. abridged, with a concise History of the Baptists in the Southern Parts of America. Boston: 1804. 8vo. -+- With a Memoir. Philadelphia: Baptist Tract Dep., 1839. i8mo, pp. 250. -\- Philadelphia: American Baptist Publ. and S. S. Society, 1844. i8mo, pp. 250. This was published when the Rev. Mr. Backus was 80 years of age. Sold: Abridgment, 1804, Deane, 1898, 4.00; Brinley, 1878, 1839, Phila. ed., 1.50; Menzies, 1876, levt mo, git, by Bedford, 12.00; Cooke, 1883, 7.00; Guild, 1887, 2.00; 1844 ed., Thornton, 187S. 75 cts. 177. BAER, S. A. Educational History of Berks County Pa. Reading: 1877. 8vo, pp. 28. 36 BAILEY. 178. BAGG, J. N. Account of the Centennial Celebration of the Town of West Springfield, Mass., March 25, 1874, with the Historical Address of Thomas E. Yermilye, the Poem of Mrs. Ellen P. Champion, and other Facts and Speeches. Springfield: 1874. 8vo. Portraits and Illustrations. Sold: Manson, 1899, 1.00; Cable, 1882, 75 cts. 179. BAGG, M. M. Pioneers of Utica. being Sketches of its In- habitants and Institutions, with Civil History of the Place from the Earliest Settlement to 1825, the Era of the Opening of the Erie Canal. Utica: 1877. 8vo, pp. 665. Seventeen portraits and plate. Sold: Bangs, 1895, 3.00; Cooke, 1883, 4.50. 180. BAGLEY, JOHN J. Old Times. Reminiscences of the Early Days of Michigan. Detroit: 1876. 8vo, pp. 12. 181. BAILEY, HENRY D. B. Local Tales and Historical Sketches of Dutchess County, N. Y. Fishkill Landing: New York Historical Society, 1874. 8vo. Illustrated. Contains early history of Dutchess County, Poughkeepsie, Fish- kill, Pine Plains, the Fishkill Indians, Revolutionary Sketches, etc. 182. BAILEY, JOHN C. W. Sangamon County Gazetteer. With City Directories of Springfield and Jacksonville, Business Directory of Sangamon County, &c. Spring- field and Chicago: The Author, 1866. 8vo, pp. 433. 183. . Kane County Gazetteer. With Directories of Cities ("Aurora City, Batavia, Dundee, Elgin City, Geneva, St. Charles), Kane County Business Directory. &c. Chicago: The Author, 186 — . 8vo, pp. 347, xv. 184. . Illinois State Gazetteer and Business Directory, for the Years 1864-5, embracing Descriptive Sketches of all the Cities, Towns and Villages throughout the State. Chicago: J. C. W. Bailey, 1864. 8vo, pp. 820, lxvii. 185. BAILEY, JAMES M. History of Danbury, 1684-1896, from Wiles and MSS. left by James M. Bailey. Compiled, with Additions, by Susan B.Hill. New York : 1896. Roy. 8vo, pp. 583. Portraits and Illustrations. Sold: Libbie, [901, 4.25. BAIRD. 3/ 186. BAILEY, J. R. Mackinac, formerly Michilimackinac, look- ing backwards to about the Time of the Flood, and for- ward to the Present. Lansing: Privately printed, 1895. 8vo, pp. 220. Map. -f- 1897. 8vo, pp. 226. 187. BAILEY, J. T. An Historical Sketch of the City of Brook- lyn and the Surrounding Neighborhood, including the Village of Williamsburg and the Towns of Bushwick, Flatbush, Flatlands, New Utrecht and Gravesend, to which is added an interesting account of the Battle of Long Island. Compiled from the best Authorities. Brooklyn: Publ. by Author, 1840. i2mo, pp. 72. Sold: Brevoort, 1890, 5.50; Brinley, 1880, 5.00; Bangs, 1898, orig. paper covers, 5.50; Rice, 1870, hlf mo, 2.75; Davis. 1865, hlf mo, git, 22 maps and plates inserted, 9.00; Roche, 1867, 2.25; Woodward, 1869, 2.50; Cable, 1882, bds, 3.00* Bushnell, 1883, 1.75; Bourquin, 1894, 1.20; Hoffmann, 1877, hlf mo, unct, 4.25; Bangs, 1900, levt mo, git, by Stillmann, 7.00; Anderson, 1904, mor, git, unct, presenta- tion copy from Author, 3.75. 188. BAILEY, SARAH LORING. Historical Sketches of An- dover, Mass. ; comprising the present Towns of North Andover and Andover, Mass. Boston: Houghton, Mif- flin & Co., 1880. 8vo. pp. 626. Map, photographic por- trait and plate. Sold: Balcom. 1901. 3.75; Manson. 1899, 5.25; J. G. Smith, 1883. 2.50; Cable. 1882, 3.00; Libbie, 1902, 2.00; Guild. 1887, 3.00; Libbie, 1898, 3.62. 189. BAILEY, W. T. Richfield Springs and Vicinity ; Historical, Biographical and Descriptive. New York: 1874. i2mo, pp. 222. Illustrated. Sold: Bourquin, 1894, 10 cts. 190. BAIRD, CHARLES W. Chronicle of a Border Town. History of Rye. Westchester County, New York, 1660- 1870. Including Harrison and White Plains till 1788. Illustrated by Abram Hosier. New York: 1871. 8vo, pp. 570. Map. Sold: Bushnell. 1883. 4.00: Bangs. 1895, 5.50; Libbie. 1896, 4.50; Bangs, 1897, 5.25; Blanchard, 1898, 3.00; Hoffmann. 38 BALCH. 1877, 3°°; Guild, 1887, 4.00; Perry, 1899, cl, unct, 5.25; Bangs, 1902, 3.75 ; Anderson, 1903, cl, unct, 4.75. 191. BAKER, DAVID S. Historical Sketch of North Kingston, R. I., delivered at Wickford, July 4, 1876. Providence : 1876. 8vo. Sold: Manson, 1899, 90 cts. 192. BAKER, D. W. C. A Brief History of Texas, from its Earliest Settlement. New York and Chicago: 1873. 121110, pp. 182. Appendix, 15 pp. "Intended for Schools. Extracts from historical speeches in appendix." Raines. 193. . A Texas Scrap Book, made up of the History, Biog- raphy and Miscellany of Texas and its People. New York and Chicago: 1875. 8vo, pp. 657. Portrait of Austin as frontispiece. + New York : 1887. Sold: Cable, 1883, 2.00; Guild, 1887, 3.25. 1887 ed. : Ander- son, 1904, sheets, 90 extra plates laid in, 11.50; Anderson, 1904, 90 extra plates, sheets, 9.90. 194. BAKER, H. A. History of Montville, Ct., formerly the North Parish of New London, from 1640 to 1896, with Genealogies. Hartford : 1896. Pp. 727. 195. BAKER, REV. WM. A Concise Description of Middle Tennessee. 2d ed., revised. McMinnville, Tenn. : 1868. 8vo. Sold: Henkels, 1898, 4.75. 196. BAKER, VIRGINIA. The History of Warren, R. I., in the War of the Revolution, 1776-1783. Warren, R. I.: Pub- lished by the Author, Virginia Baker, 1901. i2mo, pp. 68. Illustrated. 197. . Massasoit's Town Sowams in Pokanoket. its his- tory, legends and traditions. Warren, R. I.: Virginia Baker, 1904. 8vo, pp. 43. Paper. 198. BALCH, THOMAS. Letters and Papers relating chiefly to the Provincial History of Pennsylvania, with some Notices of the Writers. Privately printed. (Crissy & BALESTIEK. 39 Mackley, I'rs.) Philadelphia: 1855. 121110, pp. cxxxviii, 312. 2 vols.* Devoted principally to the Shipper) Family. 100 copies privately printed "so as in prevent anj excepl those connected by kindred ties from obtaining the volume.'' Known as the Shippen papers. Sold: Libbie, 1896, 12.60; Bushnell, 1883, 6.00; Menzics, 1876, hlf mo, git, unct, portr. of Penn inserted, 8.75 ; Bour- ("juin, 1894, 4.00; Proud, 1903, 16.00; Whitmore, hlf russ, 1902, 14.00; Polock, 1904, hlf 1110, 13.00; Henkels, 1904, hlf mo, git, unct, 13.75. 199. BALCH, THOMAS BLOOMER. Reminiscences of Georgetown, D. C. A Lecture delivered in the Methodist Protestant Church, Georgetown, D. C., Jan. 20, 1859. (Also Our Great Men, by Jno*. T. Bangs.) Washington : H. Polkinhorn, 1859. 8vo, pp. 28. 200. . Reminiscences of Georgetown, D. C. Second Lec- ture delivered in the Methodist Protestant Church, Georgetown. D. C, Mar. 9, 1859. Washington: H. Polk- inhorn, 1859. 8vo, pp. 26. 201. BALDWIN, ELMER. History of La Salle County, 111. : its Topography, Geology, Botany, Natural History, History of the Mound Builders, Indian Tribes, French Explora- tions, and a Sketch of the Pioneer Settlers of each Town to 1840. Chicago: 1877. Sm. 8vo, pp. 552. Frontispiece. Sold: Guild. 1887, 2.00. 202. BALDWIN, JAMES. The Discovery of the Old Northwest and its Settlement by the French. New York : American Book Co., 1901. i2mo, pp. 272. 203. BALESTIER, JOSEPH N. The Annals of Chicago ; a Lec- ture delivered before the Chicago Lyceum, Jan. 21, 1840. Chicago: Edward H. Rudd, 1840. 8vo, pp. 24. 204. . The Annals of Chicago. A Lecture delivered before the Chicago Lyceum, January 21, 1840. Republished, with an Introduction by the Author, and a Review of the Lecture in the Chicago Tribune. Chicago: 1876. 8vo, pp. 48. + Chicago: Fergus Printing Co., 1879. 8vo, pp. 48. No. [ of Fergus Historical Series. 40 IJALLOU. 205. BALL, T. H. (REV.). Lake County, Indiana, from 1834 to 1872. Chicago: 1873. 121110, pp. 364. 206. . Northwestern Indiana from 1800 to 1900 ; or a View of our Region through the Nineteenth Century. La Porte. Ind. : For Sale at Dakin's Book Store, 1900. 121110. pp. 570. Portrait and Map. Contains histories of Lake. Porter, La Porte, Starke. Pulaski. White, Jasper and Newton Counties. Embraces natural features, productions, native animals, Indians, early settlers, pioneer life, count}' organizations, modern life, churches, schools, towns and vil- lages. 207. BALLAGH, JAMES CURTIS. White Servitude in the Colony of Virginia : a Study of the System of Indentured Labor in the American Colonies. Baltimore, Md. : The Johns Hopkins Press. 1895. ^ vo - PP- 3- 99- Johns Hopkins University Studies, 13th -cries, Nos. 6-7. 208. BALLANCE. The History of Peoria. 111. Peoria: Printed by X. C. Nason, 1870. 121110, pp. 271." Sold: Bourquin, 1894, 1.10: Guild, 1887, 62 cts. 209. BALLARD, EDWARD. Memorial Volume of the Popham Celebration. Aug. 19, 1862, commemorative of the Plant- ing- of the Popham Colony on the Peninsula of Sabino, Aug. 19, O. S. 1607, Establishing the Title of England to the Continent. Published under the Direction of the Rev. Edward Ballard, Secretary of the Executive Committee of the Celebration. Portland : Bailey & Noyes, 1863. 8vo, pp. xiv, 368. Folding Maps. Sold: Bangs. Merwin, 1865, 1.2.5; Balcom, 1901, 4.00; Cable. 1882. 1.50; Libbie, Olcott, 1901. 1.62; Woodward, 1869, 1. 00; Field. 1875. 1. 00: Manson, 1899. 2.50; Guild, 1887. 2-75- 210. BALLARD, WILLIAM. Sketch of the History of Fram- ingham, Mass. Boston: 1827. 8vo, pp. 71. Sold: Blanchard, 1898. levt mo, unct, 3.12. 211. BALLOU, ADIN. History of the Town of .Milford, Worcester County (Mass.), from its First Settlement to 1881. In Two Parts. Part I, Strictly Historical. Part II, \ BANCROFT. 4 1 Biographico-Genealogical Register. Published by the Town. Boston: Franklin, Pr., Rami. Avery & Co., [882. 8vo, pp. xviii, 1 1 54. Folded map. 39 portraits and plal Sold: Manson, 1899, 3.50; Cable, 1882, 4.00; Cable, 1883, 3.62; Guild, 1887, 4.50; Libbie, 1896, 4.50; iyoo, hlf mo, 4.50; Bangs, 1S96, 4.00; Libbie, 1899, cl, 3.25; Anderson, 1903, hlf mo, 3.25; Stephens, 1904, hlf mo, 3.25. 212. BALLOU, MATURIN M. The new Eldorado: a summer journey to Alaska. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., [889. 121110, pp. 12. 352. 213. BANCROFT, HUBERT HOWE. The Works of Hubert Howe Bancroft. Vol. 15, History of The North Mexican States and Texas. Vol 1, 1 531-1800. San Francisco: A. L. Bancroft & Co., 1884. 8vo, pp. 48, 751. Vol. 2, San Francisco History Co., 1889. 8vo, pp. 16, 814.* 214. . Vol. 17, History of Arizona and New Mexico, 1530- 1888. San Francisco: The History Co., 1889. 8vo, pp. 38. 829.* 215. . Vol. 18. History of California. Vol. 1. 1542-1800. San Francisco : A. L. Bancroft Co., 1884. 8vo, pp. 88, 744. Vol. 2, 1801-1824. San Francisco: 1885. 8vo, pp. 16, 795. Vol. 3, 1825-1840. 1885. 8vo, pp. 15. 792. Vol. 4, 1840- 1845. 1885. 8vo, pp. 15. 786. Vol. 5. 1846-1848. San Francisco: The History Co., 1886. 8vo, pp. 15. 784. Vol. (..1848-1859. S. F. : The History Co., 1886. Pp. 11, 787. Of whole series. Vols. i8-23. :: 216. . Vol. 25, History of Nevada, Colorado and Wyo- ming, 1540- 1888. San Francisco: History Co., 1890. 8vo. pp. 32, 828. 217. . Vol. 26. History of Utah, 1 540-1886. San Francisco: The History Co., 1889. 8vo, pp. 47, 808.* 218. . Vol. 27, History of the Northwest Vol. 1. 1 543- 1 800. Vol. 2, 1 800- 1 846. San Francisco: The His- tory Co.. 1884. 8vo, pp. 33, 735; 14. 7 68 -* 219. . Vol. 29, History of Oregon. Vol. I, 1 834- 1 848. San Francisco: History Co., 1886. 8vo, pp. 39, 789. Vol 2. 1848-1S88. History Co., 1888. 8vo. pp. 15,808 I 42 BANCROFT. 220. . Vol. 33, History of Alaska, 1730- 1885. San Fran- cisco : A. L. Bancroft & Co., 1886. 8vo, pp. 38, 775.* 221. . Vol. 35, California Inter Pocula. San Francisco: The History Co., 1888. 8vo, pp. 6, 828.* 222. . Vol. 36. California Pastoral, 1769-1848. San Francisco: The History Co., 1888. 8vo, pp. 6, 808.* 223. . Vol. 36, Popular Tribunals. 2 vols. San Fran- cisco: The History Co., 1887. 8vo, pp. 13, 749; 8, 772. (Vols. 36, 37.)* Only the works devoted to history are listed here. The volumes on History of the Indian Trihes are omitted. Volumes 15 and 16 deal mainly with Texas, although they include chapters on the northern states of the Mexican confederation, viz., Chihuahua, Durango, Sonora, and Sinaloa, together with the Mexican Federal territory of Lower California. The four interesting stages in the evolution of the Texan commonwealth during the present cen- tury — (1) the period of discontent and rebellion, ending in secession from Mexico; (2) the epoch of political independence; (3) the an- nexation to the United Slates, the war with Mexico, the relatively slow development of the country under the slavery regime; and (4,) the amazing growth of the State in wealth and population resulting from the abolition of slavery and the inflow of white emigrants — are fully delineated. The book is especially full of biographical data. — Annual Amer. Cat. Volume 17 is an important volume. It is full of original data by Mr. Bancroft. He has consulted the Santa Fe archives, and has had access to rich stores of the most important documentary records from Spain and Mexico: and he has been specially fortunate in being able to utilize, practically for the first time, the works of Villagra and several important documents bearing on Onate's conquest. "Nowhere in my work." the author claims, "have I been able to correct more erroneous statements, fill more historical saps. or. except in the matter of minute details, to supplv in comparison with preceding writers more new matter." The result has been a condensed yet cxceedin°ly com- prehensive record of all that is historically valuable in the history of what may be considered the most interesting nortion of the Pacific United States, or, perhaps, of the whole republic. In volume 25 the author has grouped together the history o»f what are commonly termed the silver and centennial states, including also the partially intervening territory of Wyoming, which, with Utah and southern Idaho, whose annals are given in other volumes, form the central division of our Pacific coast domain, extending east- ward from California to the limits of the field occupied by this series. The region described is the most romantic thus far touched upon, being full of natural wonders, with a climate and configuration, a mountain, lake, and river system, a fauna and flora, a geology and mineralogy, all of them peculiar and distinct. The most interesting portion of the volume naturally is the account of the discovery and development of the mineral resources of this section, in particular the Comstock lode, the yield of which has reached fabulous figures. In BANKS. 43 preparing the material for this volume the author has consulted in addition to the printed books and periodicals and public documents, a large number of valuable manuscripts furnished by the actors in the scenes which thej describe. As usual, a full list of authorities con- sulted, and a good index is included. In volume 26, the history of Utah, we find the history of Mor- nionism. The origin of this peculiar people, the rise and progress of their peculiar doctrines, are related in this volume with more fulness and fairness than probably by any previous writer. Following the plan adopted from the first in his historical series, Mr. Bancroft has given serious consideration to both ides of the question. The story as told in the text is from the Mormon standpoint, and base 1 entirelj upon Mormon authorities, while in the notes, running side by ^ i • 1 ■ ■ with the subject-matter in the text, is given in full all the anti Mormon arguments and counter-statements. The story is rich in light and shade — in moving incidents, intolerance, crime, persecution, lawlessness, and deeds of vengeance. In the estimate of Brjgham Young's character, it will surprise readers to find he is not set down either as a knave or a hypocrite — "if a bad man, he was still a great man, and the evil that he did was done with an honest purpose." Chapters are devoted to the commerce, agriculture, stock-raising, manufactures and mining of Utah, also to its political, educational, and social institutions. 27 pages of authorities. Volume 29 is devoted to an account of the effect of the California gold discovery in Oregon; Lane's administration; the administration of Gaines ; discovery of gold in Oregon ; Indian affairs ; surveys and town-making; land laws and land titles; politics and progress; the Rogue river war; legislation, mining, and settlement; government and general development; further In Han wars; extermination of the Indians; Oregon becomes a state; the Shoshone war; the Modoc war, etc., etc. 224. . History of the Pacific States of North America. Vol. 26. Washington, Idaho and Montana, 1845-1889. San Francisco, Cal. : The History Co., 1890. 8vo, pp. 26, 836. Maps.* Sold: Bancroft. 1900, cl, 7 vols., 7.70; Bancroft, 7 vols, 1890, Libbie, 1902, 7.35. 225. BANG, THEODORE. The Mysteries of Papermill Village. Alstead, Papermill Village: 1845. 8vo. "One of the rarest N. H. local pamphlets, almost unknown to collectors." Manson. Sold: Manson, 1899, hlf roan, 11.00. 226. BANKS, A. BLEECKER. Albany Bicentennial; Historical Memoirs. 1686-1886. Albany :" Banks & Brothers. 1888. 8vo, pp. 461.* 227. BANKS, DR. C. E. A True Relation concerning the Estate of New England. 1634. With Notes by Dr. C. E. Banks. Boston: 1886. 4to, pp. 15. 44 BARIiE MARBOIS. 228. BANTA, D. D. A Historical Sketch of Johnson County, Indiana. Chicago: 1881. 8vo, pp. 170. 229. BANVARD. JOSEPH. Plymouth and the Pilgrims; or In- cidents of Adventure in the History of the First Settlers. Boston: Gould & Lincoln, 1851 and 1853. i8mo, pp. 288. Illustrations.* Sold: Manson, 1899, 1.00; Cable, 1883, 1853 ed., 12 cts. ; Henkels, 1902, 40 cts. 230. . Tragic Scenes in the History of Maryland and the Old French War. With an Account of various Interest- ing and Contemporaneous Events which occurred in the Early Settlement of America. Boston : Gould & Lincoln, 1856. i8mo, pp. 239. Illustrated. Sold: Cable. 1882, 1.37; Cable, 1883, 50 cts. 231. BARBE-MARBOIS, FRANCOIS. Histoire de la Louisiane et de la cession de cette colonie par la France aux Etats- Unis de l'Amerique Septentrionale ; precedee d'un dis- cours sur la constitution et le gouvernement des Etats- Unis. Par M. Barbe-Marbois, avec une carte relative a l'etendue des pays cedes. Paris : Firmin Didot, 1829. 8vo, 3 p. 1.. pp. 485. Portrait and Map. As the commissioner appointed by Bonaparte to represent France in the Preliminary negotiations with the United States Barbe-Marbois was well qualified to be historian of the event; and his book has proved the general source of information about it. The vividness of its style quickens the usual tedium of diplomatic negotiations into a real dramatic interest, which culminates in the cession as a climax rather than a result. Sold: Fisher, 1866, elf. 1.25: Libbie. 1904. hlf mo. 4.50. 232. . The History of Louisiana, particularly of the Ces- sion of that Colony to the United States of America; with an Introductory Lssay on the Constitution and Govern- ment of the United States. Trans, from the French by an American Citizen (Wm. Beach Lawrence). Philadel- phia: Carey & Lea, 1830. 8vo, pp. xviii, 15-455 (1)-* Sold: Deane. 1898, mo, gilt. 3.50: Brinley. 1881, 2.00; Cable. 1882, bds, unct, 3.50; Roche. 1867, bds, unct, 1.50; Bangs, Merwin, 1865, t .75 : Waterbury 1895, 2.12; Henkels, 1900, 2. to: Barlow. 1890. hlf mo, 6.00; Child, 1882, bds, unct. BARBER. 45 portr. of Marbois inserted, 2.87; Menzies, 1876, levt mo, git, by Matthews, unct, 5 illus. inserted, 5.75; Bourquin, 1894, bds, unct, 1.30; Field, 1875, 3.00; Hcnkels, 1903, hlf elf, 3.25; A. G. Greene, 1869, 1.75; Guild, 1887, hlf shp, 2.75; Anderson, 1905, bds, unct, stamp erased from title, 3.00; Henkels, 1904, shp, 6.25. 233. BARBER, JOHN WARNER. Historical Collections. being a | General Collection of Interesting Facts, Tradi- tions, I Biographical Sketches, Anecdotes, &c, | relating to the J History and Antiquities | of | Every Town in Massachusetts, | with | Geographical Descriptions. | Illus- trated by 200 Engravings. | By John Warner Barber. Author of Connecticut Historical Collections, Elements of General His- | tory, &c. | .. | Worcester: | Published by Dorr, Howland & Co., 1839. Crown 8vo, pp. Frontisp. (1), (1), iii, viii, 9-624. Map. Verso of title p. is "Printed by M. Spooner and H. J. Howland." Editions in 1840, 1841. -f- Worcester: Warren Lazell, 1844. Pp. 631. Map. + 1848. Folding map of Massachusetts. Frontispiece of City of Boston.* Sold: 1839 ed. : Rice, 1870, old elf, 5.50; Woodward. 1869, elf, 2.25; Livermore, 1894, 4.25; Bangs. 1894, 4.25: Man- son, 1899, 4.00; Cable, 1883, 1840 ed.. 2.y^; Child, 1882, 5.00; J. G. Smith, 1883, 4.75; Libbie. 1901, 3.25; Whit- more, 1902, 1.25; Clogston, 1875, 2.87; Bangs, 1901, hlf mo, git, 4.50; Morris, 1899, elf, 3.10: Patterson, 3.00; Lib- bie, 1901, 3.25; Deane, 1898, 3.2?; Balcom, 1901, 6.00: Massie, 1905. shp, 4.00; Bangs, 1898, 8.50: Blanchard. 1898, 3.50; Bangs, 1897, 3.25; Terry, 1889, 1.50; 1841 ed. : Henkels, 1902, broken. 1.30; Bangs, 1901, shp, 3.38; Bangs, 1901, 3.50; Libbie, 1898, shp, 4.75; Guild, 1887, 4.25; Lib- bie, 1901,4.75; Murphy, 1884,3.25; 1844 ed. : Bangs, Mer- win, 1865, 1.63; M. D. Gilman, 1884, 3.12; Bourquin, 1894, 2.10; Brinley, 1879, 6.00; Bushnell, 1883, 1848 ed., 4.00; Cable, 1882, 1848 ed., 3.75. 234. . Connecticut Historical Collections, containing a General Collection of Interesting Facts, Traditions. Bio- graphical Sketches, Anecdotes. &c, relating to the His- tory and Antiquities of every Town in Connecticut, with Geographical Descriptions. Illus. by 200 Engravings. New Haven: Durrie & Peck, 1836. 8vo, pp. 568. -f Sec- 46 BARBER. ond Edition. New Haven : Durrie & Peck and J. W. Bar- ber (1846). 8vo, pp. 576. Map. Sold: 1836 ed. : Brinley, 1879, 3.50; Dunbar, 1892, 5.50; West, 1889, 2d ed., 1.12; Manson, 1899, 5.25; Cable, 1882, 3.87; Cable, 1882, 1856 ed., 4.00; Cable, 1883, 3.50; M. D. Gilman, 1884, 3.12; Bourquin, 1894, 4.00; Bourquin, 1894, 2.80; Hoffmann, 1877, 3.25; Donnelly, 1894, 4.00; Libbie, 1898, shp, 4.00; Rogers, 1896, 3.50; Morris, 1899, 4.00; Cooley, 1866, 2.00; Leonard, 1875, 5.00; Bangs, Merwin, 1865, 1.50; Wickham, 1895, 3- 2 5 ; Be U> 1895, 4.50; Jill- son, 1896, 4.30; Patterson, 1896, 4.00; Forster, 1896, 3.75 ; Guild, 1887, shp, 4.25 ; Clogston, 1875, 3.00 ; Bangs, 1901, hlf mo, 7.50; Libbie, 1900, shp, 4.25; Libbie, 1899, 4.00; Clogston, 1899, shp, 5.00; Bangs, 1900, hlf mo. 4.25 : Anderson, 1903, shp, 4.00; Devine, 1904, shp, 4.25; 1838 ed. : Blanchard, 1898, 4.50; Davenport, 1896, 7.12; Libbie, 1902, 5.50; Murphy, 1884, 6.00; Deane, 1898, 5.12; Baxter, 1898, 4.75; Harris, 1896, 3.10; 1846 ed. : Co- burn, 1895, 4.10; Mitchell, 1891, bd. by Pawson & Nichol- son, hlf mo, git, 8.25; Field, 1875, 4.25; Proud, 1903, 3.00; Eames, 1905, orig. elf, 5.00 (1837) ; Anderson, 1903, old elf, 4.25 ; Manson, 1904, 6.00. 235. . History and Antiquities of New Haven from its Earliest Settlement to the Present Time. Collected and Compiled from the most Authentic Sources. New Haven : J. W. Barber, 1831. 121110, pp. 120. Map, six Plates, col- ored, and Woodcuts, plain. + 1846. Barber and Punderson. Contains view of New Ha n and Fort Hale, Battle 1 t I. ;inj ton, etc. Sold: Ed. 1831 : Murphy, 1S84, 2.63; Bangs, Merwin & Co., 1865, 1. 12; Deane. hlf elf, 1898, 3.50; Rice, 1870, hlf elf, git, 4.75; Thornton, 1878, 1.55; Brinley, 1879, 4.00; Brinley, 1893, 3.12; Bushnell, 1883, git, unct, 17 plates inserted, 4.25; Brayton Ives, 1891, unct, 5.00: Man- son, 1899, 3.50; Cable, 1882, 1.75; Child. 1882, 3.12; Bour- quin, 1894, 1.60; A. G. Greene, 1869, 2.38; Guild, 1887, 2.50; Lockwood, 1902, cl, 3.00; Anderson. 1003. 4.00; Dar- rah, 1904, cl, 4.25 ; Anderson, 1904. cl, 3.00; Manson, 1904, hlf 1110, git, unct, 4.50. 236. BARBER, JOHN WARNER; PUNDERSON, LEMUEL S. History and Antiquities of New Haven, Conn., from BARBER. 47 its earliest settlement to the present time. With Bio- graphical Sketches and Statistical Information of the Pub- lic Institutions, &c, &c. Second Edition. New Haven: 1856. 121110, pp. 180. 5 Plates and numerous Woodcuts. Sold: Bushnell, 1883, extra illus., hlf mo, 4.25; Manson, 1899, hlf mo, git, by R. W. Smith, extra illus. by 22 plates, 7.25 ; Child, 1882, 1856 cd., 3.00; Henkels. 1900, 2.30; Cable, 1882, 1.63; Hoffmann. 1877, 2.50; Davenport, 1896. 2.75; Manson, 1904, cl, 3.50. 237. . History and Antiquities, &c. 3d edition, revised and enlarged. New Haven: 1870. i2mo. Map and Illus. Sold: Manson, 1899, 2.00; Cable, 1882, 2.00; Bourquin, 1894, 70 cts. ; Clogston, 1875, 1.38. 238. BARBER, J. W. ; HOWE, HENRY. Historical Collections of the State of New Jersey, containing a General Collec- tion of the most interesting Facts, Traditions, Biographi- cal Sketches. Anecdotes, &c, relating to its History and Antiquities, with Geographical Descriptions of every Township in the State. Illustrated by 120 Engravings. Newark: Benj. Olds, for Justus H. Bradley, 1844. 8vo, pp. 512. + Editions in 1845, 1846, 1847, 1852, 1857, [861, 1866, 1868* Sold: Ed. 184 \: Bell, 1895. 3.10; Lawrence, 1896, 4.25; Ran- dall, 1901, 3.25: Munoz, 1S97, 3.50; Bangs, 1897, 3::-' Rons. 1897, 3.00: Henkels, 1900, 3.50; Henkels, 1901. 2.50: Miller & Bancker, slip, 1898, 3.50; Bangs, 1902, shp, 3.50; Hurst. 1004- shp, 3.00; Henkels, 1905. hlf mo, 4.25; Dun- bar, 1892, 3.00; Terry. 1889, 3.25; Bushnell, 1883. 2.75: Bushnell, 1883, unbd, unct, extra illus.. 5.25; 1845 ed., Libbie, 1897, 3.75; Murphy, 1845 ed., 1884, 5.00; Wood- ward, 1S69, 1857 ed., 4.00: Vroom, 1882. 1846 ed., shp, 2.75; Manson, 1899, 1868 ed., 3.75; Cable, 1883, 2.75; Bourquin, 1894. 1868 ed.. 2.10; M. D. Gilman, 1884. 1868 ed., 2.38; Bourquin, 1894, .Newark, i860 ed., 2.20; Law- rence, 1896, 4.25: Proud. 1903, 1861 ed., 3.50; Guild. 1887, 1868 ed., 4.00; Clogston, 1875. 2.38; Anderson. [903, 1861 ed., roan, 3.10; Hoffmann, 1877, 1857 ed.. 3.25. 239. . Historical Collections of the State of New York ; containing a General Collection of the most Interesting 48 BARBER. Facts, Traditions, Biographical Sketches, Anecdotes, &c, relating to its History and Antiquities, with Geographical Descriptions of every Township in the State. Illus. by 230 Wood Engravings. Xew York: 1841. 8vo, pp. 608. + 1842. + 1844. Pp. 616. + 1845.* 240. . Pictorial History of the State of New York. Coop- erstown, 1846. 4- The Same. New York: Published for the Author, Clark, Austin & Co., 185 1. 8vo, pp. 409. Chronological Table. 8 unnumbered pages. 4- 1854. Sold: 1841 ed. : Brinley, 1880, 4.25; Wood, 1895, 3.00; Law- rence, 1896, 3.00; Terry, 1889, 3.50; Murphy, 1884, 4.25; Baxter, 1898, 3.00; Bangs, 1902, 3.25; Bangs, 1898, 3.25; Bushnell, 1883, extra ills., 2.25; Barber, 1842, 2.25; Bour- quin, 1894, 1.60; Morris, 1899, slip, 3.00; Libbie, 1898, 3.25; Manson, 1898, 3.75; Bourquin, 1894, 2.40; Anderson, 1904, mo, git, 8.75; Weeks, 1902, 3.60; Donnelly, 1894. 4.50 ; Libbie, 1900, 3.75 ; 1842 ed. : Bangs, 1897, 4.00 ; Hunt- ington, 1905, shp, 3.00; 1844 ed. : Bangs, Merwin & Co., 1865, 1.62; Fisher, 1868, 5.50; Barlow, 1890, elf, 9.00; M. D. Gilman, 1884, 3.00; 1845 e d. : Bangs, 1894, 3.25; Mon- tayne, 1898, 4.50; Menzies, 1S76, hlf elf, 5.25; Hoffmann, 1877, 2.75; Cooke, 1883, 3.25; Leonard, 1875, 5.00; 1854 ed. : Cable, 1883, 6.00; 1846 ed. : Pictorial History: Cable, 1882, 4.00; Clogston, 1875, 2.00. 241. BARBER, JOHN WARNER. The History and Antiquities of New England, Xew York, Xew Jersey, and Pennsylva- nia, Embracing the following Subjects, viz.: Discoveries and Settlements — Indian History — Indian, French, and Revolutionary Wars — Religious Plistory — Biographical Sketches — Anecdotes, Traditions, Remarkable and Unac- countable Occurrences, with a great Variety of curious and interesting relics of Antiquity. Illustrated by numer- ous Engravings. Worcester: Dorr, Howland & Co., 1841. : "■ PP- 5?6- + The Same. Hartford: 1842, 1844, 1846, iS 47. 'Portland : 1848 + 1854. 4- Third Edition. 1 lart- f< rd : Allyn S. Stillman & Son. 1856. 8vo. pp. 8, 62 Sold [841 ed. : Rice, 1870. git, roan, 3.62: Brinley, 1878, silk, git. 2~- ? ; Manson. 1899, 2.25; M. D. Gilman, 1884, 2.50; Libbie, tQOi, 2.50; Donnelly, 1804. 4 1 -: Bangs, Merwin, [865, 3.00; [844 ed.: Bangs. 1903, slip. 5.20; 1846 ed.: Bangs, [903, shp, 3.25: 1847 ed.: Cable. 1883, 1.00; 1848 BARGERT. 49 ed. : Pangs, 1901, leath, 3.00; Manson, 1899, 2.25; M. D. Gilman, 1884, 2.12; Bourquin, 1894, 1.80; Guild, [887, em- boss mo, 2.50; Clogston, 1875, 2.00; Bangs, 1901, lilf mo, 3-25- 242. . All the Western States and Territories, From the the Alleghanies to the Pacific, and From the Lakes to the Gulf, containing Their History from the Earliest Times, with Local History, Incidents of Pioneer Life, Military Events, Biographical Sketches; combined with full Geo- graphical Descriptions of the different States, Territories, Cities, Towns; the whole being illustrated by 240 Engrav- ings, presenting views of the Cities and Principal Towns. Public Buildings and Monuments, Battle Fields, Historic Localities, Natural Curiosities, &c, principally from draw- ings taken on the spot by the Authors. Cincinnati : Howe's Subscription Book Concern, 1868. 8vo, pp. 11, 733-* 243. BARBOUR, G. M. Florida for Tourists, Invalids and Set- tlers: containing practical Information regarding Climate, Soil and Productions ; Cities, Towns and People ; the Culture of the Orange and other Tropical Fruits ; Farm- ing and Gardening; Scenery and Resorts; Sports; Routes of Travel, &c. New York : Appleton & Co., 1882. i2mo, pp. 310. Illustrated. "The writer of this book had special facilities for learning all about Florida, first as correspondent of the Chicago Times, when he accompanied General Grant on his tour through the State in 1880, and afterwards in a long residence there, when he engaged in a voca- tion which required him to visit all its most prominent places: the present volume is therefore the result of personal observation and study, and designed to be practical and accurate; is not written in the interests of any corporal inn. speculative scheme, or special local- ity, but for Florida entire." I'ubl. Weekly. 244. BAREIS, GEORGE FREDERIC. History of Madison Township, including Groveport and Canal 'Winchester, Franklin County, Ohio. Canal Winchester, O. : G. F. Bareis, 1902. 121110, pp. 8, 515. Plates. Portrait. Fold- ing maps. 245. BARGERT, JACOB. An Account of the Aboriginal In- habitants of the Californian Peninsula. Translated by Charles Rati. Washington : 1869. 8vo. Sold: Dunbar, 1892. 3.25. 5 i-75; Boardman, 1883, 1.50; M. D. Gilman, 1884, 1.50; Bourquin, 1894, 1.60; Cooke, 1883, 1.75; A. G. Greene, 1869. 1.50; Guild, 1887, 2.25; Clogston, 1875, 2.00; Child. 1882, 2.75. 265. BARTLETT, CHARLES H.; LYON, RICH. H. La Salle in the Valley of St. Joseph ; An Historical Fragment. South Bend, Ind. : Tribune Printing Co., 1899. i2mo, pp. 118. Illustrated. A sketch of La Salle's visit to the valley, two hundred and twenty-five years ago. 266. BARTLETT, ELLEN STRONG. Historical Sketches of New Haven. Stamford, Ct. : Publ. by the Author, Ellen Strong Bartlett, 1897. Folio, pp. 498. Also, New Haven : Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor, 1897.* Reprint of papers that appeared in The Connecticut Quarterly and The New England Magazine. Profusely illustrated. 267. BARTLETT, JOSIAH. An Historical Sketch of Charles- town, in the County of Middlesex, and Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Read to an Assembly of Citizens at the opening of Washington Hall, Nov. 16, 1813, and after- wards prepared, with notes, for the Massachusetts His- torical Society. Printed in its Collections, Series 2, Vol. 2, pp. 163-184. (1814.) Reprinted with same type (without change, even in a few evident errors), with a title page added, worded as above to "1813," and a preface of six lines: Inscribed to the Citizens of C. Boston: John Eliot. 1814. Svo, pp. 24. This pamphlet is now rare, especially in Charlestown. A recent sale catalogue holds one at $10.00. Reprint in 1880. larger paper. Sold: Reprint, 1814, Balcom, 1901, 2.25; Cable, 1883, 45 cts. ; Manson. 1899, 1st ed., 1.00; Manson, reprint, 60 cts. 268. BARTLETT, JOHN RUSSELL. Personal Narrative of Exploration and Incidents in Texas, New Mexico, Cali- fornia, Sonora and Chihuahua. Connected with the U. S. and Mexican Boundary Commission during the years 1850, 1851, 1852 and 1853. In 2 vols., with Map and Illus- trations. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1854. 8vo, half title, pp. xxii, 506; half title, xvii, 624.* BARTLETT. 5 5 Republished with tliis imprint: London: George Routledge & Co. 1854. And with this title: American Exploring Expedition, ;> Personal Narrative, etc. Sabin. Frontispiece of v. 1, Fort Yuma; of v. 2, Ruins Casas Grande. Folding Plates. Lithographic illustrations. Sold: Bangs, [898, 3.50; Baxter, 1898, 3.20; Bourquin, 1894, 1856 ed., 1.50; Donnelly, 1894, hlf mo, 5.50; Bangs, 1894, London ed.. cl, 4.00 ; Huntington, 1905, cl, unct, 4.25 ; Lib- bie, 1905, cl, 4.20. 269. . Records of the Colony of Rhode Island and Provi- dence Plantations in New England. Printed by Order of the Legislature. Transcribed and edited by John Rus- sell Bartlett, Secretary of State. Providence, R. I. : A. Crawford Greene & Bro., State Printers, 1856-65. 10 vols. V. 1, A. Crawford Greene & Bro., 1856. 8vo, pp. 549. 1636-1663. V. 2, Crawford Greene & Bro., 1857. 8vo, pp. 609. 1664-1667. V. 3, Knowles, Anthony & Co., 1858. Svo, pp. 595. 1668- 1 706. V. 4, Knowles, Anthony & Co. 8vo, pp. 622. 1707-1740. V. 5, Knowles, Anthony & Co., [860. 8vo, pp. 594. 1 741- 1756. V. 6, Knowles, Anthony & Co., 1 86 1. Svo, pp. 629. 1 757- 1 769. V. 7, A. Craw- ford Greene. 1865. 8vo, pp. 643. 1770-1776. V. 8, Cooke & Danielson, 1863. 8vo, pp. 661. 1776-1779. V. 9, Al- fred Anthony, 1864. Svo, pp. 763. 1780-1783. V. 10, Alfred Anthony, 1865. 8vo, pp. 527. 1784-1890. Fifty copies were printed on large paper. Sold: Murphy. 1884, V. 1 to 6, large pap., hlf mo. uncut, Bangs. 1894, 16.00; Coburn, 1895, 16.00: Barlow. 1890, slip, 15.00; Manson, 1899. 10 v., 16.25; Deane, 1898, 10 vols., hlf roan, uncut, 32.50; Guild, 1887. bds. uncut, 27.50; Livermore, 1894, presentation copy, 16.00; Thornton, 1878, cl, 7.50; Deane, 1898, large pap., folio, hlf roan, uncut, 32.50; Livermore, 1894, large pap., 16.00; Holliday, 1870. bds, unct, portr. inserted, 22.50; Guild, 1887, large pap., 27.50; Hassam, 1903, 9 v. cl, 1 v. slip, 11.50; Stephens, 1904, cl. 14.00. 270. BARTLETT, W. H. The Pilgrim Fathers ; or The Found- ers of New England in the Reign of James the First. London: Arthur Hall, Virtue & Co., 1853. Rl. 8vo, pp. 240. 28 plates. + Second edition, 1854. + New edition. Edinburgh : Nelson, 1866. 8vo, pp. 230. 28 Plates. 56 BARTON. Sold: Cable, 1882, 3.00; Bangs, 1894, cl, 4.25; Manson, 1904, 1 vol. in 3 vols, roy. 8vo, levt mo, extra, git, unct, 412 extra plates inserted, 132.00; Manson, large pap., cl, unct, 9.50. 271. BARTON, E. E. Historical and Commercial Sketches of Washington and Environs ; ... its Prominent Places and People (&c, anon.). Washington: E. E. Barton, 1884. 8vo, pp. xvi. 272. Illustrated. 272. BARTON, J. L. Address on the Early Reminiscences of Western New York and the Lake Region of Country, de- livered before the Young Men's Association of Buffalo, Feb. 16, 1848. Buffalo: 1848. 8vo, pp. 69, 1 slip errata. + Second edition, 1848. 273. BARTON, THOMAS. The j Conduct | of the | Paxton- Men. j impartially represented: | With some j Remarks ] on the I Narrative. ] Philadelphia : | Printed by Andrew Steuart. 1764. | Second Title: The Conduct of | the Pax- ton-Men, | Impartially represented : | The Distresses of the Frontiers, and the | Complaints and Sufferings of the People fully | stated; and the Methods recommended by the wisest | Nations, in such Cases, seriously consider'd. | With some | Remarks upon the Narrative, | Of the Indian- Massacre, lately publish'd. | Interspers'd with several in- teresting Anecdotes, relating to the | Military Genius, and Warlike Principles of the | People call'd Quakers: To- gether with proper Reflec- | tions and Advice upon the whole. I In a Letter from a Gentelman in one of the I Back-Counties, to a Friend in Philadelphia | . . . | &c Philadelphia : | Printed by A. Steuart, and sold by John Creaig. Shop- j keeper in Lancaster. 1764. | Sm. 8vo. pp. (2), 24. Sold: Brinley, 1880, 9.00; Proud, 1903, 22.00; Field. 1875, levt mo. by Matthews, 29.00; Pennypacker. 1906, hlf red mo, git, unct, 25.00. 274. . The Conduct of the Paxton Men Impartially Rep- resented ;. . . . with some Remarks upon the Narra- tive of the Indian Massacre, lately publish'd. ... In a Letter from a Gentleman in one of the Back Counties, to a Friend in Philadelphia. Philadelphia: A. Steuart, BARTRAM. 57 and sold by John Creaig, Shopkeeper in Lancaster, 1764. i6mo, pp. 34. Another title page prefixed has only Phila. : Andrew Steuart. 275. . The Conduct of the Paxton Men, Impartially rep- resented : the Distresses of the Frontiers, and the Com- plaints and Suffering of the People fully stated; and the Methods recommended by the wisest Natives, in such cases, seriously considered with some Remarks upon the Narrative, of the Indian Massacre, lately published. In a letter from a Gentleman in one of the Back-Counties, to A Friend in Philadelphia, with a half-title. Philadelphia : Printed by A. Steuart. £764. Sec, also, Nos. 4172 to 4182. 276. BARTRAM, F. S. Retrographs ; comprising a History of New York City prior to the Revolution. New York : 1888. pp. 196. 277. BARTRAM, JOHN. A Description of East Florida, with a Journal Kept by John Bartram of Philadelphia, Botanist to his Majesty for the Floridas, upon a Journey from St. Augustine up the River St. Johns as far as the Lakes, with Explanatory Botanical Notes. London: W. Nicoll, 1769. 4to, pp. viii, 40; xii, 36. Map of East Florida, plate of St. Augustine and of the Bay of Espiritu Santo. "The eminent John Bartram, who was a Pennsylvanian, became so famous for his proficiency in his favorite pursuit that Linnaeus pronounced him 'the greatest natural botanist in the world.'" Amer- ican Bibliophile. Sold: Aspinwall, 1879. 5.50; Henkels, 1898, 7.50; Murphy. 1884. 6.50; Fisher, 1866, hlf mo, 3.00; Brinley, 1881, hlf elf. git. 3d ed., 1769, 9.00; Henkels, 1901, hlf mo, git, 13.00; Guild, 1887, hlf elf, unct, 7.50; Miller & Bancker, 1898, hlf mo, 7.50; Libbie, 1889, unct, 10.00. 278. . Observations on the Inhabitants. Climate. Soil, Rivers, Productions, Animals, and other matters worthy of Notice. Made by Mr. John Bartram, In his Travels from Pensilvania To Onondago, Oswego and the Lake Ontario. In Canada. To which is annex'd. a Curious Account of the Cataracts of Niagara. By Mr. Peter 58 BARTRAM. Kalm, A Swedish Gentleman who travelled there. Lon- don : J. Whiston & B. White, in Fleet St., 1751. 8vo, Title, pp. 94. Map. "The journal was sent by Bartram to a friend in England and was published without his knowledge." Peirce Catalog. Sold: Fisher. 1866, hlf mo, 7.00; Brayton Ives, 1891, elf, extra, git, by W. Pratt, 18.00; Harold Peirce, 1903, hlf mo, git, 50.00; Henkels, 1905, hlf ro, 26.00; Pennypacker, 1906, hlf elf, 17.00. 279. BARTRAM, WILLIAM. Travels through North and South Carolina, East and West Florida, the Cherokee Country, the Extensive Territories of the Muscogulges, or Creek Confederacy ; and the Country of the Choctaws. Containing an Account of the Soil and Natural Produc- tions of these Regions; Together with Observations on the Manners of the Indians. Embellished with copper- plates. Philadelphia: Printed by James & Johnson, 1791. 8vo, pp. (2), 34, 522. Portrait of Mico Chlucco, the Song Warrior or Chief of the Seminoles. Map and seven plates. The Same. London: Reprinted for J. Johnson. 1792. 8vo, pp. 24. S20 (12). Portrait, map and seven plates. the Same. Dublin: Fox J. Moore, W. Jones, R. McAllister and J. Rice. 1793. 8vo, pp. 24. 520. Index, pp. 6. Directions 1 p., portrait, map, 7 plates. The Same. London: Reprinted for J. Johnson. 1794. 8vo, pp. 24. 520. Index and Directions. 4 1. 8 plates and map. This journal was sent by Bartram to a correspondent in England, and was published without his (Bartram's) knowledge. Henkels. In the second edition only the title page is new. 280. . Voyage dans les parties sud de l'Amerique septen- trionale; Savoir: les Carolines septentrionale et meridio- nale, la Georgie, les Florides orientale et occidentale, le pays des Cherokees, le vaste territoire des Muscogulges ou de la confederation Creek, et le pays des Chactaws. Contenant des details sur le sol et les productions natu- relles de ces contrees, et des observations sur les moeurs des Sauvages qui les habitent. Imprimie a Philadelphie, en 1791, et a Londres, en 1794, et trad, de l'ang. par P. V. Benoist. Paris: Cartaret et Brosson, Maradan. an VII. (1799- 1 801.) -f- Paris: Maradan. an IX. 2 vols. 8vo, 2 p. 1., pp. 457; (1), 2 p. 1., pp. 436; (1), Portrait, Map and 4 Plates. BASSETT. 59 281. . Reisen (lurch Nord-und Sud-Karolina, Georgien, Ost-und West-Florida, das Gebeit der Tskerokesen, Krihks und Tschaktahs. Aus dem Englischen mit An- merkungcn von E. A. W. v. Zimmermann. Berlin : Voss, 1793. 8vo. Plate. An edition was issued in Dutch, at Haarlem, in 1794-97. 8vo. Map. Translated from the English by J. D. Pasteur. Sold: 1791 ed. : Riker, 1896, 3.00; Carre, 1897, 3.50; Bartram, 1791 ed., Phila., Fisher, 1866, hlf elf, 4.25; Brinley, 1880, 3.50; Proud, 1903, signature of Proud in book, 16.50; Bangs, 1901, 1794 ed., elf, 4.50; Bangs, 1902, shp, 5.00; Libbie, 1897, 5.00; 1792 ed. : Rice, 1870, hlf mo, git, unct, Bradstreet, 10.00; M. D. Gilman, 1884, 2.50; Hoffmann, 1877, 7.62; Bourquin, 1894, 5.50; Harold Peirce. 1903, elf, 6.00; Cooke, 1883, hlf mo, git, unct, 11.50; Henkels, 1900, shp, 5.25; Bangs, 1901,4.50; Anderson, 1903, Dublin, 1793, hlf levt mo, git, map repaired, 5.50; Libbie, 4.00; Wil- liams, 1896, hlf elf, 3.75; Stone, 1897, 5.25; Bangs, 1898, 5.00; 1792 ed. : Brevoort, 1890, hlf mo, 6.50; Anderson, 1905, hlf elf, 6.00; 1793 ed. : Libbie, 1898, 4.00; Mitchell, 1891, old elf, 5.25; Roche, London ed., 1794, 2d ed., bds, unct, 5.25; Bell, 1895, 5.25; Dunbar, 1892, elf. 5.25; Men- zies, 1876, hlf mo, git, unct, 8.50; Cooke, 1883, shp, 5.00; Henkels, 1905, shp, 1 plate damaged, 5.60; Anderson, 1904, hlf elf, 1794 ed., Phila., 6.00; Pennypacker, 1906, John Elliott's copy, with his autograph on title and pref- ace, at end is inserted "Samuel Elliott to Isaac Bartram." old elf, broken, 9.00. BASANIER, MARTIN, see Laudonniere. 282. BASCOM, ROBERT O. The Fort Edward Book ; contain- ing some historical Sketches, with illustrations and Fam- ily Records. Fort Edward, N. Y. : J. D. Keating, 1003. 8vo, pp. 274. 4 pi., 2 maps. 283. BASS, H. ROYCE. History of Braintree, Vt., including a Memorial of Families that have resided in Town. Rut- land: 1883. 8vo. Plate. Sold: Guild, 1887, 2.62; Clogston, 1809, hlf mo, git. unct. 4-75- 284. BASSETT, JOHN SPENCER. The Constitutional Begin- 60 BATES. nings of North Carolina, 1663-1729. Baltimore, Md. : The Johns Hopkins Press, 1894. 8vo, pp. jt,. Johns Hopkins University Studies, 12th Ser., No. 3. 285. BASSETT, WILLIAM. History of the Town of Rich- mond, Cheshire County, N. H., from its First Settlement to 1882. Boston: 1884. 8vo. Portraits and Illustrations. Sold: Balcom, 1901, 3.50; Bell, 1895, 3.25; Manson, 1899, 3.00; Guild, 1887, 3.55. 286. BATCHELDER, GEORGE ALEXANDER. A Sketch of the History and Resources of Dakota Territory. Yank- ton : Press Steam Power Print, 1870. Svo, pp. 56. Paper. Colored Map as frontispiece.* 287. BATES, FRANK GREENE. Rhode Island and the For- mation of the Union. New York : Publ. for Columbia University by the Macmillan Co., 1898. 8vo, pp. 3, 320. Studies in History. Economics and Public Law. Vol. X, No. 2. 288. BATES, JOSHUA. An Anniversary Discourse delivered at Dudley, Massachusetts, March 20, 1853. With Topo- graphical and Historical Notices of the Town. Boston : Press of T. R. Marvin, 1853. 8vo, pp. 58.* Sold: Woodward, 1869, 50 cts. ; Roche, 1867, 10 cts. ; Hen- kels, 1901, 30 cts.; Manson, 1899, 50 cts.; Cable, 1882, 37 cts. 289. BATES, NEWTON W. History and Civil Government of Alabama. Florence: Herald Publ. Co., 1892. i8mo, pp. 64. 290. BATES, SAMUEL A. Records of the Town of Braintree, Mass., 1640 to 1793. Randolph: 1886. 8vo, pp. 940. Sold: Manson, 1899, 3.25; Guild, 1887, 2.75; Stephens, 1004, cl, 3- 2 5- 291. BATES, SAMUEL P. History of Greene County, Penna. Chicago: 1888. 4to, pp. xv, (7), 17, 898. 292. . Our Country and its People: a Historical and Me- BATTLE. 6 1 morial Record of Crawford County, Pa. Meadville: 1899. 4to. Map and portraits. The Aborifiiiu's ; Pain and the Quakers; Boundary Disputes; Indian Wars; Township Histories. 293. BATES, WILLIAM G. Address delivered in the New Court House, in Springfield, Mass., at the Dedication of the same, April 28, 1874, containing Sketches of the Early History of the Old County of Hampshire and the County of Hampden and of Members of the Bar of those Counties. With an Appendix. Springfield: 1874. 8vo. Illustrated. Sold: Manson, 1899. 30 cts. 294. . The W'estfiekl Jubilee: a Report of the Celebration at Westfield, Mass., on the Two Hundredth Anniversary of the Incorporation of the Town, Oct. 6, 1869, with the Historical Address of the Hon. William G. Bates, and other Speeches and Poems of the Occasion, with an Ap- pendix Containing Historical Documents of Local Inter- est. Westfield, Mass. : Clark & Story, 1870. 8vo, pp. 226.* Sold: Manson, 1899, 2.12; Cable, 1882, 25 cts.; Cooke, 1883, 1.50; Guild, 1887, 1.00. 295. BATES, W. R. The History and Future Prospects of the Saginaws. East Saginaw, Mich. : 1874. 8vo, pp. 133. Illustrated. 296. BATTLE, J. H. History of Columbia and Montour Coun- ties, Pennsylvania. Containing a History of Each County. their Townships, Towns, Villages, Schools, Churches, In- dustries, etc., Portraits of Representative Men ; Biogra- phies ; History of Pennsylvania, Statistical and Miscella- neous Matter, &c. Illustrated. Chicago: A. Warner & Co., 1887. 4to, pp. ix, 220. Colored map.* Sold: Proud, 1903, hlf mo, 7.25. 297. . History of Montour County, Penna. Chicago : War- ner & Co., 1887. 4to, pp. 220. 298. . History of Bucks County, Pennsylvania, including an Account of its Original Exploration ; its Relation to the Settlements of Xew Jersey and Delaware ; its Erection into a Separate County; also, its Subsequent Growth and 62 ISAXTER. Development, with Sketches of its Historic and Inter- esting Localities and Biographies of many of its Repre- sentative Citizens. Illustrated. Philadelphia, Pa.: Chi- cago, 111.: A. Warner & Co., 1887. 410, pp. viii, 1176. Folding map, mounted on linen.* 299. BATTLE, KEMP PLUMMER. Sketches of the Early His- tory of the City of Raleigh. Centennial Address, Fourth of July, 1876. Raleigh: Raleigh News, 1877. 8vo, il., pp. 71.* 300. . The Names of the Counties of North Carolina, and the History Involved in them. Winston, N. C. : Will- iam A. Blair, 1888. i2mo, pp. 38. Paper.* First published in "The Schoolteacher," now "The Southern Educator," for Jan., Feb., Mar., 1887. 301. . The Early History of Raleigh, the Capital City of North Carolina. A Centennial Address delivered by Invi- tation of the Committee on the Centennial Celebration of the Foundation of the City, October 18, 1892. And an Account of the Centennial Celebration prepared by the Chairman of the Publication Committee at the Request of the Board of Managers. Raleigh : Edwards & Brough- ton, 1893. 8vo, pp. 144.* The volume also contains "A Glance at Raleigh To-day, pp. 94-105; an Account of the Celebration, 106-137; Poem, 137-138; Digest of Laws. 139-141 ; Index, 14J-144." Weeks. 302. BAUDRY DES LOZIERES (LOUIS NARCISSE). Voy- age a la Louisiane, et sur le continent de l'Amerique Sep- tentrionale, fait dans les annees 1794 a 1798; Contenant un Tableau historique de la Louisiane, des observations sur son Climat, ses riches productions, le caractere et le nom des Sauvages ; des remarques importantes sur la naviga- tion ; des principes d'administration, de legislation et de gouvernement propres a cette Colonie, &c, &c. Par B D . Orne d'une belle carte. Paris : Dentu. An. XI, 1802. 8vo, pp. iv, 382. Map. + Second Voyage, &c. Paris: 1803. 303. BAXTER, JAMES PHINNEY. Sir Ferdinando Gorges and his Province of Maine. Including the Rrief Relation, the Brief Narration, his Defense, the Charter granted to BAYAKD. 63 him, his Will and his Letters. Edited with a Memoir and Historical Illustrations by James Phinney Baxter, A. M. Boston : Publ. by the Prince Society, 1890. 3 vols., 410. Vol. 1, pp. viii, ( 0,353, 3 illus. ; V. 2, pp. vi, (2), 270. (1), 2 maps; V. 3, pp. viii, (1), 353, 3 illus. Sold: Libbie, 1897, 3.75. 304- • The Pioneers of New France in New England, a romance based upon documents discovered in the English and French Archives, with Contemporary Letters and Documents. Albany: Joel Munsell's Sons, 1894. 4to, pp. 450. Illustrated. Sold: Winsor, 1900, 3.00; May, 1903, bds, unct, 3.30; Libbie, 1903, cl, unct, 3.85. 305. BAYARD, NICHOLAS. A | Journal | of the | Late Actions I of the I French at Canada. | With The Manner of their being Repuls'd, by His | Excellency, Benjamin Fletcher, Their Majesties | Governour of New York. | Impartially Related by Coll. Nicholas Reyard (sic), and Lieutenant Coll. I Charles Lodowick, who attended his Excellency, during the whole | Expedition. | To which is added. | I. An Account of the present State and Strength of Canada. | given by Two Dutch Men, who have been a long Time Pri- | soners there, and now made their Escape. | II. The Ex- amination of a French Prisoner. | III. His Excellency Benjamin Fletcher's Speech to the Indians. | IV. An Ad- dress from the Corporation of Albany, to His Excellen- | cy, Returning Thanks for His Excellency's early Assist- ance for I their Relief. | Licensed, Sept. nth, 1693. Ed- ward Cooke. I London: Printed for Richard Baldwin, in Warwick-Lane, 1693. | 410, pp. iv, 22. Reprinted for Joseph Sabin. New York: 1868. 4to, 2 p. 1., pp. 55. . Bayard's Journal. A Narrative of an attempt made by the French of Canada, upon the Mohaques Country. Reproduced in Facsimile from the first edition printed by William Bradford. 1693. With an introduction by A. R. Hasse. New York : Dodd, Mead & Co., 1903. sm. folio. "500 copies. From 1608 to 1902 no copy of the American edition of this most interesting little book was known to exist, and the earliest surviving volume known to have been printed in New York 64 BAVLES. was the 1694 edition of the New York Laws. On November II, 1902, a copy was discovered in the Public Record Office, London, endorsed on the back, 'Rec'd September 26, 1693, from Col. Fletcher. Fletcher at that time. Governor of New York, was chiefly instru- mental in inducing Bradford to settle in New York, and the book which was written by two officers who accompanied him on his hur- ri .1 trip to Albany against the French and Indians, in the winter of 1692, was the first product of the new press. It was probably printed during the summer of 1693 and a copy sent over to England to in- crease Fletcher's popularity there. From this the London edition, licensed Sept. 11, 1693, was doubtless printed. The New York edi- tion was immediately used up, as Lord Bellomont, writing in 1698, says, 'I cannot possibly get one of them for love or money,' and from that day until 1002 it has been one of the 'lost books' of which tradition tells. This facsimile reprint with a most interesting intro- ductory note by Miss Hasse, who discovered the original, is neatly bound in green cloth with uncut edges and is interesting both as the first New York imprint and as an account of one of the early expedi- tions in defense of the northern frontier of the province." Up to the time of the discovery of this unique imprint Keith's "Truth Advanced." issued in 160J. has been held to be the first book printed in New York. The finding of this earlier title is therefore an important event in the history of printing. Major Ingoldsby at Albany, expecting an attack from the French, sent a message on February 14, 1693, to Governor Fletcher, stating that all his provis- ions had been collected snd sent to Schenectady and he had levied upon all possible resources and could but muster 600 men. and asks immediate aid from New York. It is the account of how this aid was rendered which constitutes what is commonly known a? Bayard's Journal, and is sometimes referred to as "The Lost Bradford Jour- nal." Burrows Bros. Catalog. 306. BAYLES, RICHARD M. Historical and Descriptive Sketches of Suffolk County, and its Towns, Villages, Hamlets, Scenery, Institutions and Important Enter- prises ; with a Historical Outline of Long Island, from its first settlement by Europeans. Port Jefferson, L. I. : 1874. i2mo. pp. 424. Sold: Murphy, 1S84, 2.25; Holbrow, 1892, 2.00; Bangs, 1901. mor, git, Bradstreet. unct, 11.00; Bangs, 1902, cl, 3.50. 307. . History of Richmond County (Staten Island), from its Discovery to the Present Time. New York: [887. 4to. pp. 750. yj views, 4 maps and plans, 49 portraits. Sold: Bangs, 1902, hlf mo, 3.50; Alexander, 1895, 6.50. 308. . History of Newport County, R. I., 1638-1887. Xew York: 1888. Roy. 8vo, pp. 1060. Portraits, &c. Sold: Bangs, 1902, hlf mo, broken, 4.00. BAYLIES. 65 309. . 1 listory of Windham County, Ct. New York: 1889. 8vo, pp. 1204. Sold: Libbie, 1903, hlf mo, git, 3.25. 310. . History of Providence County, R. I., by R. IVL Bayles, assisted by a corps of writers. New York: 1891. 8vo. Illustrated. Published at 25.00. Sold: Perry, 1899, hlf mo, git, 4.40. 311. BAYLIES, FRANCIS. An Historical Memoir of the Col- ony of New Plymouth. Vol. I, Part the First. From 162a to 1641. Vol. II, Parts 2, 3, 4. Boston: Hilliard, Gray. Little and Wilkins, 1830. 2 vols. 8vo, pp. xii, 321 ; (1) ; ix, 286, 2 1., 193, 2 1., 170.* Sold: 1830 ed. : Brinley, 1879, hlf russia, author's autograph,. presentation to S. G. Drake, 4.00; Roche, 1867, sheets, unfolded, 1.00; Bushnell, 1883, hlf mo, git, unct, 2.00; Cable, 1883. bds, unct, 3.00; Clogston, 1899, cl, unct, 8.00: Murphy, 1884, with Drake's Supplement, 3 v., 2.70; Deane, 1898, 8.25; Barlow, 1890, hlf mo, unct, 6.00; Thornton. 1878, 1.50; Bourquin, 1894, 1.80; Bourquin, 1894, 2.10; Shurtleff, 1875, 1.20; Hoffmann, 1877, shts, folded, 2.00:: Libbie, 1899, bds, unct, 5.00. 312. . An Historical Memoir of the Colony of New Plym- outh, from the Flight of the Pilgrims into Holland in the Year 1608, to the Union of that Colony with Massachu- setts in 1692. With some Corrections, Additions, and a Copious Index, by Samuel G. Drake. Boston : Wiggin & Lunt, 1866. 2 vols. 8vo, Title, pp. xii, 321 (1), iii, ix, 286 ; 4 p. 1., 193, 2 1., 170, 145. 2 Portraits, 2 Maps, 1 folding 1. "This reissue of an old work, with a new title page, contains a Fifth Part by the Editor, which is new matter. Parts I and II form Vol. I. Parts III to V form Vol. II." Sabin. "Contains the Kennebec Patent with map, 2; (part 5) 36. Nar- rative of Col. Benj. Church, Eastern Expedition, 1689, 2; (part 5) 74." Williamson. Sold: Bangs, 1895, 4.40; Brevoort, 1890, 2.25; Bell, inserted autograph letters, 1895. 6.00; Coburn, 1895, extra illus., 16.00; Jillson. 1896, 5.50; Carruth, 1898, bds, unct. 3.50; Rice, 1870, bds, unct, 4.00; M. D. Gilman, 1884, 5.90; Waterbury, 1895, unct, 4.40; Manson, 1899, cl, unct, 11. 00; 66 BEAMAN. Child, 1882, unct, 3.00; Child, 1882, cl, unct, 3.00; Cable, 1882, cl, unct, git, 4.00; Hoffmann, 1877, hlf mo, git, 3.00; Massie, 1905, cl, unct, 4.75; Stephens, 1904, cl, unct, 5.10; Cooke, 1883, unct, 10.00; Guild, 1887, unct, git, 5.00; Hol- liday, 1870, 3.50; Hough, 1900, cl, unct, 6.00; Bangs, 1900, 8.00; Perry, 1899, hlf elf, git, 5.20; Libbie, 1902, cl, unct, 6.50 ; Manson, 1904, cl, unct, 8.00. 313. BEACH, ALLEN C. The Centennial Celebration of the State of New York. Prepared pursuant to a Concurrent Resolution of the Legislature of 1878 and Chapter 391 of The Laws of 1879. Albany: Weed, Parsons & Co., 1879. Roy. 8vo, pp. iv, (1) 459. Illustrated with steel portraits and woodcuts.* Accounts of the various celebrations of historical events in New York State. Sold: Cable, 1882, 3.25 ; Henkels, 1903, 20 cts. 314. BEACH, LEWIS. Cornwall on the Hudson. Its History from the earliest settlement to the present time. New- burg: 1873. 8vo, pp. 200. Illustrated. Sold: Cable, 1882, 1.00; Guild, 1887, 1.00. 315. BEADLE, J. H. The Undeveloped West; or, Five Years in the Territories. Philadelphia : 1873. 8vo. Illustrated. Sold: Bourquin, 1894, 25 cts. 316. . Life in Utah ; or, The Mysteries and Crimes of Mormonism. Being an Expose of the Secret Rites and Ceremonies of the Latter-Day Saints. Philadelphia: 1870. 8vo, pp. 540. Map. Sold: Bourquin, 1894, 15 cts.; Guild, 1887, 1.62. 317. BEALE, DAVID J. (REV.). Through the Johnstown Flood. By a Survivor. A Thrilling, Truthful, and Offi- cial History of the Most Appalling Calamity of Modern Times. Philadelphia : Hubbard Bros., 1890. 8vo, pp. 424. 318. BEAMAN, C. C. Historical Address at Scituate, July 4, 1876. Phenix:i877. 8vo. Sold: Manson, 1899, 15 cts. ; Cable, 1882, 30 cts. ; Guild, 1887, 60 cts. BECK. 67 319. BEAN, EDWIN F. Dean's History and Directory of Ne- vada County, California. Nevada: 1867. 8vo. 320. BEAN, JOSEPH. A Sermon delivered at Wrentham, Octo- ber 26, 1773, on compleating the first Century since the Town was incorporated. By Joseph Bean, A. M., Pastor of the First Church in said Town. Printed at the earnest Desire of the Hearers for the Preservation of Ancient Things to Future Posterity. Boston : John Boyle, 1774. 8vo, pp. 36. + n. p. 1834. 8vo, pp. 16. "One of the earliest and certainly one of the rarest of centen- nial histories." Woodward. Sold: Woodward, 1869, 1.75. 321. BEAN, THEODORE W. History of Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. Philadelphia : Everts & Peck, 1884. Imp. 8vo, pp. x, Map, 1 197, (1). Appendix: The Centennial Celebration of Montgomery County at Norristown, Pa., September 9, 10, 11, 12, 1884. Pp. Ixxxviii. Illustrations and Maps. Woodcuts in letterpress. Frontispiece of David Rittenhouse. Limited edition.* Published at 25.00. Sold: Henkels, May 8, 1901, 8.50; Randall, 1901, 8.75; Ran- dall & Shreve, 1901, 8.75; Bourquin, 1894, 4.50; Harold Peirce. 1903, hlf russia, git, 10.50: Henkels, 1903, 7.00; Henkels, 1898, hlf russ, git, 7.00. 322. BEAN, THOMAS W. Washington at Valley Forge One Hundred Years Ago. Norristown: 1876. 8vo. 323. BEARDSLEY, LEVI. Reminiscences; Personal and other Incidents; Early Settlement of Otsego County; Notices and Anecdotes of Public Men ; Judicial, Legal, and Legis- lative Matters ; Field Sports ; Dissertations and Discus- sions. New York: Printed for Chas. Vinten, 1852. 8vo, pp. x, 575. Portrait. Sold: Brinley, 1880, 2.00; Murphy. 1884. 1.75; Dunbar, 1892. 87 cts. ; Cable, 1883, 2.25; Holbrow, 1892, 80 cts. ; Guild, 1887, 1.50; West, 1889, 75 cts.; Cable, 1882, 1.75: Bour- quin. 1894, 50 cts.; Henkels, 1903. hlf mo, 7.00. 324. BECK, LEWIS C. A Gazeteer of the States of Illinois and Missouri; containing a General View of each State, a 68 BEECHER. General View of their Counties and a Particular Descrip- tion of their Towns, Villages, Rivers, &c, &c. With a Map and other Engravings. Albany : Charles R. and George Webster, 1823. 8vo, pp. 352. Map and 5 Plates. Sold: Fisher, 1866, bds, 5 extra plates inserted, .62; Brinley, 1881, bds, unct, 7.00; Bourquin, 1894, 6.50. 325. BECKLEY, HOSEA (REV.). The History of Vermont; with Descriptions, Physical and Topographical. Brattle- boro : Geo. H. Salisbury, 1846. 121110, pp. 396.* Sold: Murphy, 1884, 1.00; Fisher, 1866, .87; Clogston, 1875, 1.50; Balconi. 1901, 3.00; Bushnell, 1883, 2.25; Manson, 1899, 1.37; Cable, 1882, 2.50; Libbie, 1901, 1.15; M. D. Gilman, 1884, 1.75; Bourquin, 1894, 1.00; Proud, 1903, 1.60; Guild, 1887, 3.00; Conland, 1904, shp, 3.25. 326. BECKWITH, HENRY T. The History of Block Island. Read before the Rhode Island Historical Society, Novem- ber, 1856. Historical Magazine. April, 1858. 4to, pp. 8. "A few conies printed separately. With an Appendix, contain- ing an account of the Sands and Ray Families, and a map. 1873. Sold: Deane, 1898, 87 cts. 327. BECKWITH, H. W. History of Vermillion County, Illi- nois, Together with Historic Notes on the Northwest, gleaned from early Authors, Old Maps and Manuscripts. Private and Official Correspondence and other Sources. With maps and many portraits and views. Chicago: [879. 4to. pp. 1 041. See also Indiana. Sold: Wilson, 1905, paper, unct, 18.00. 328. BEEBE, HENRY S. The History of Peru, 111. Peru : 1858. 161110. 329. BEECHER, LYMAN. A Sermon, containing a General History of the Town of East Hampton, L. I., from its First Settlement to the Present Time. Delivered at East Hampton January 1, 1806. Sag Harbor, N. Y. : Alden Spooner, 1806. 8vo, pp. 40. Sold: Murphy, 1884, 6.50; Cable. 1883, 1.50; Miller & Bancker, 1898, 5.25. BELDEN. 6j 330. BEERS, F. W. Gazetteer and Biographical Record of Genessee County, New York, 1788-1890. Syracuse: 1890. 8vo, pp. 660, 199. 331. BEESLEY, MAURICE. Sketch of the Early History of Cape May County, to accompany the Geological Report of the State of New Jersey for Said County. Trenton: Office of True American, 1857. 8vo, pp. 159, 208.* 332. BEGERT, JAKOB. Nachrichten von der amerikanischen Halbinsel Californien : mit einem zweyfachen Anhang falscher Nachrichten. Geschriehen von einem Priester der Gesellschaft Jesu, welcher lang darinn diese letztere Jahr gelebt hat. Mannheim : Loeffler, 1772. 8vo, pp. 358. + 1773. 8vo. Map. Chapter XX relates to the Indians of California. For transla- tion of Ethnological portion, see Ran. in Smithsonian Report for 1863. 1864. Sold: 1773 ed : Eames, 1905, orig, hlf elf, 5.75. 333. BEGG, ALEX. History of the Northwest. Illustrated. 3 vols. Toronto: 1894-5. 8vo. 334. BEGGS, S. R. Pages from the History of West and North- west, embracing Reminiscences and Incidents of Settle- ment and Growth and Sketches of the Progress of the States of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and Missouri. By S. R. Beggs. Cincinnati: 1868. i2tno. Sold: Bourquin, 1894, 1.40. 335. BELDEN, E. PORTER. New York, Past, Present and Future, comprising a History of the City of New York, a Description of its Present Condition and an Estimate of its Future Increase. New York: G. P. Putnam, 1849. i2mo, pp. 125. 24 and 180 of advertisements. + Second edition. New York: 1849. i2mo. -f- Third edition. New York : 1850. -f Fourth edition. New York : Prall, Lewis & Co., 1851. 121110, pp. 141. Map and plates, -f- New York: 185 1. 121110, pp. 153, 26. Advertisements, 332. Sold: 1849 ed : Allan, 1864, 2.25: Bourquin. 1894, 80 cts. ; Gilsey, 1903, cl, 3.00; Brevoort, 1890. 1.00: De Voe, 1896, 3.25; Anderson, 11)04, hlf ro, git, 3.70: 1850 ed. : Cable. 1882. 1.25; Davis, 1865, 1.75; Woodward, 1869, 25 cts. JO BELKNAP. 336. BELL, CHARLES. Facts Relating to the Early History of Chester, N. H., from the Settlement in 1720, until the Formation of the State Constitution in the Year 1784. Collected by Charles Bell, 1851. Concord: For the N. H. Historical Society by G. Parker Lyon, 1863. 8vo, pp. 73. Paper. Sold: Balcom, 1901, 1.50; Terry, 1889, 1.00; Manson, 1899, 50 cts. ; Cable, 1882, 2.50. 337. BELL, CHARLES H. Men and Things of Exeter. Sketches from the History of an Old New Hampshire Town. Exeter: 1871 (n. d.). 8vo. 100 copies printed. Sold: Coburn, 1895, 3.25; Manson, 1899, 50 cts.; Deane, 1898, 2.00; Guild, 1887, 1.37; Balcom, 1901, 1.00. 338. . The Exeter Quarter Millennial. Historical Address by Charles H. Bell. Exeter: 1888. 8vo. One hundred copies were printed. Sold: Balcom, 1901, 50 cts.; Manson, 1899, 50 cts. 339. . History of the Town of Exeter, N. H. Exeter: 1888. 8vo, pp. 567. Steel portrait and maps. Contains genealogical register of families. Sold: Blanchard, 1898, hlf mo, git, unct, 5.50; Olcott, 1901, cl, 2.50; Whitmore, 1902, 4.50; Manson, 1899, 2.00; Bal- com. 1901, 3.75; Libbie, 1897, 3.75; Libbie, 1901, 3.00; Libbie, 1899, 4.00; Morris, 1899, 3.00; Winsor, 1900, 3.75; Libbie. 1904, hlf mo. 3.25. 340. BELL, HERBERT. History of Northumberland County, Pa. Chicago: 1891. 4to, pp. 1256. 341. BELL, MAJOR HORACE. Reminiscences of a Ranger; or, Early Times in Southern California. Los Angeles: 1 88 1. 8vo. Sold: Donaldson, 1899, 60 cts. 342. BELKNAP, JEREMY. The History of New Hampshire. Vol. I., Comprehending the Events of One Complete Cen- tury from the Discovery of the River Piscataqua. Phila- BELKNAP. 71 delphia: Printed for the author by Robert Aitkin, 1784. 8vo, pp. 8, 361, 84. + Boston: Reprinted for the author, 1792. 8vo, pp. 8, 363, 103. Vol. 2, Comprehending the Events of Seventy-five Years, from 1725 to 1790. Boston : Isaiah Thomas and Ebcnezer T. Andrews, 1791. 8vo, pp. 493 (1). Map, ii. Vol. 3, Containing a Geographical De- scription of the State, with Sketches of its Natural His- tory, Productions, Improvements and Present State of Society and Manners, Laws and Government. Boston : Belknap & Young, 1792. 8vo, pp. 480. Subscribers, 7 I and Errata (1).* "There are copies in which the imprint varies. Vol. 2, printed at Boston for the author, by Isaiah Thomas and Ebcnezer T. An- drews, Fausts Statue, No. 58 Newbury street, 1791. Boston, printed for the author by Thomas & Young. 1792; and Vol. 3, printed at Boston for the author by Belknap & Young, State street, 1793." Sabin. "Complete sets of Belknap are rarely met with, being published at various places and times, and 'being one of our earliest domestic histories, it was received in this country with peculiar respect.' " Chancellor Kent. Sold: 1784 ed. : Clogston, 1875, 3.25; Bell, 1895, V. 1, Phila., 1784. V. 2. 3, Boston, 1791, 1792, 8.25; Bangs, 1895, 3 vols.. 6.75; Coburn, 1895, Boston, 1792, 3 vols., 9.37; Terry, 1784-92, bds, unct, 1889, 9.75; Roche, 1784-1793, elf, 4.86; Anderson, 1904, old elf, bookplate of Bowdoin College and college stamp on title, 7.20; Libbie, 1897, map lacking, slip, 4.50; Brinley, 1879, 9.00; Coburn, 1888, hlf mo, tmct, 27.15; Olcott, 1901, hlf elf, 9.00; Waterbury, 1895, 3 vols., 1784-92, map lacking, 3.30; Blanchard, 1898, Boston, 1791-2. mo. git, unct. 3 plates inserted, 9.00; Child, 1882, 1791-2, levt mo, tooled, git, 21.00; Henkels, 1900, 3 vols., 1791-2, 12.75; Libbie, 1902. slip, 3 vols.. 6.94; Libbie, 1791, 1905, V. 1 lacks title, shp, 6.00; Mur- phy, Boston, 1843, 1884, 6.00; Mitchell, 1891, 1792 ed., crushed levt mo, tooled, git, by R. W. Smith, 17.25 ; Bush- nell, 1883, 1784-92, hlf elf, portrait inserted, 15.00; Cable, 1883, shp, 1784-9, 10.12. 1792 ed. : Joseph M'Kean, Bos- ton. 1818, 1.00; Libbie, 1898, 12.00; Miller & Bancker, 1898, 7.50; Libbie, 1900, shp, 7.80; Henkels, 1900, 12.75; Clogston, 1899, 9.00; Bangs, 1900. 6.30; M. D. Gilman, 1884, 7.86; Bourquin, 1894. 1792 ed., 6.00; Cooke, 1883, old elf, 1784-92, autograph of G. Washington on title page of each volume, 17.25. 72 BELKNAP. 343. . The History of New Hampshire, Comprehending the Events of One Complete Century and Seventy-five Years, from the Discovery of the River Piscataqua to the Year One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety. Con- taining also a Geographical Description of the State, with Sketches of its Natural History, Productions, Improve- ments and Present State of Society and Manners, Laws and Government. The Second Edition, with large addi- tions and improvements. Published from the author's last manuscript. Illustrated by a map. Boston: Bradford & Read, 1813. 3 vols. 8vo, pp. 351. Map. 377. 354. There are copies of this edition with the following title: The History of New Hampshire. Comprehending the Events of the com- plete Century from the Discovery of the River Piscataqua, Dover. N. H. : Printed for O. Crosby and J. Varney, by J. Mann and J. R. Remik. 1812. 3 Vols. 8vo, pp. 351 ; 377; 354. Map. Titles to Vols. 2 and 3 read same as the first edition. Sold: Leonard, 1875, 3.00; Bangs, Merwin, 1865, 7.50; Adee, 1895, 12.75; Coburn, 1895, 9.00; Patterson, 1896, 9.00; Libbie, Dover 1812 ed., 1896, 5.25; Chase & Dale, Dover 1812 ed., shp, 1897, 8.25; same ed., Deane, 1898, 9.75; same ed., Baxter, 1898, 9.38; Fisher, 1866, hlf levt mo, unct, git, 30.0x3; 1812 ed., Rice, 1870, hlf mo, git, unct, 11.62; Brinley, 1879, bds, unct, 6.75; Brin- ley, 1893, 8.25; Roche, 1867, bds, unct, 6.00; Barlow, 1890, elf, extra, 10.50; Manson, 1899, red mo, git, unct, 10.50; Child, 1882, bds, unct, 9.00 ; Adee, 1895, levt mo, git, unct, 12.75; J- G. Smith, 1883, 9.00; Menzies, 1876, hlf mo, git, unct, 3 portr. and 2 notes of author inserted, 18.75 I Shurt- leff, 1875, 6.38; Libbie, 1901, shp, 6.00; Bartlett, 1903, shp, 4.87; 1813 ed.: Cable, 1882, bds, unct, 7.89; Libbie, 1901. Dover 1812 ed., buckram, unct. 7.80; Proud, 1903, bds, unct, 6.75; A. G. Greene, 1869, bds, 9.75; Guild, 1887, hlf elf, map wanting, 9.00; Balcom, 1901, shp, portr. and autogr. Jeremy Belknap inserted, 9.00; Libbie, 1901, 10.50; Libbie, 1901, Dover 1812 ed.. buckram, unct, 5.10; Wy- man & Lesser, 1902, 7.87; Whitcomb, 1904, shp, 6.30; Whittier, 1903. shp, presentation copy to Mr. Whittier from J. T. Fields, with marginal notes in Whittier's writ- ing in V. I, 36.00; Massie, 1905, cl, 6.00; Knapp, 1905, shp, name cut fr. title. 5.25. 344. . The History of New Hampshire. From a Copy of the Original Edition, having the Author's last Correc- BELTRAMI. "3 tions. To which are added Notes, containing various Corrections and Illustrations of the Text, and Additional Facts and Notices of Persons and Events therein men- tioned. By John Farmer. Vol. I. Dover: S. C. Stevens and Ela & Wadleigh, 1831. 8vo, pp. xvi, 512. Portrait.* This is the 4th edition of Vol. 1 and all that was publisl Sold: 1831 ed. : Olcott, 1901. bds, unct, 3.50; Balcom, 1901, lids, unct, 4.00; Fisher, 1866, 1.00; M. I). Gil- man, 1884, bds, unct, 1.62; Livermore, 1894, 1.75; Brinley, 1879, 6.00; Deane, 1898, 2.00; Dunbar, 1892, 2.25 ; Manson, 1899, 2.50 ; Harold Peirce, 1903, hlf mo, a. 1. s. inserted, 7.00; Whitmore, 1902, 1.50; Guild, 1887, bds, unct, 2.00; Clogston, 1875, 50 cts. ; Libbie, 1901, bds, 4.00; Libbie, 1905, bds, unct, 3.50; Eames, 1905, bds, unct, with auto- graphs of F. W. P. Greenwood, A. Young, S. G. Drake, Silas Ketchum, 5.00; Manson, 1904, hlf mo, git, unct, 10.00. 345. . The History of New Hampshire (same title as 183 1 ed.). Dover: 1862. 8vo. Sold: Manson, 1899, 4.10. 346. BELTRAMI, GIACOMO CONSTANTINO. La decou- verte des sources du Mississippi et de la Riviere San- glante. Description Du Cours entier du Mississippi, Qui n'etait connu, que partiellement, et d'une grande partie de celui dc la Riviere Sanglante, presque entierement in- connue ; ainsi que du cours entier de l'Ohio. Observa- tions critico-philosophiques, Sur les Mceurs, la Religion, les Superstitions, les Costumes — le Denombrement, l'Origine, &c, &c, de plusieurs nations indiennes. Coup d'oeil. sur les Compagnies Nord-ouest, et de la Baie d'Hudson, ainsi que sur la Colonie Selkirk. Preuves evi- dentes, Que le Mississippi, est la premiere Riviere du Monde. Nouvelle Orleans: Imprime par Benj. Levy, 1824. 8vo, pp. v, 1 I., (Errata), 1 slip, 327. (1). The author accompanied the Long's Second Expedition. Long says: "An Italian whom we met at Fort. St. Anthony attache 1 him- self to the Expedition and accompanied us to Pembina. He has recently published a book which we notice merely on account of the fictions and misrepresentati ns which it contains." See N. A. R. 27, 89. qo. Sold: Brinley, 1881, 2.25; Bourquin, 1894, 50 cts.; Chitten- den, 1894, 60 cts. 74 BENNETT. 347- • A Pilgrimage in Europe and America, leading to the Discovery of the Sources of the Mississippi and the Bloody River; with a Description of the Whole Course of the former, and of the Ohio. By J. C. Beltrami, Esq., formerly Judge of a Royal Court in the Ex-Kingdom of Italy. London : Hunt and Clarke, 1828. 2 vols. 8vo, pp. lxxvi, 471, 2 1., Errata, 1 slip. Title, 545, 2 1., Portrait, Plan, Map and 3 Plates. Sold: Brink}', 1881, 8.00; Bourquin, 1894, 1.40; Dunbar, 1892, 2.25 ; Murphy, 1884, 3.50. 348. BEMIS, CHARLES A. History of the Town of Marlbor- ough, Cheshire County, N. H. With the Report of the Centennial Celebration in 1876, also embracing Genealo- gies and Sketches of Families from 1764 to 1880. Boston : 1881. 8vo. Portraits and Plate. Sold: Balcom, 1901, 3.12; Bell, 1895, 4.50; Olcott, 1901, 2.00; Manson, 1899, 4.12; Cable, 1882, 5.12; Guild, 1887, 4.25. 349. BENEDICT, WILLIAM A.; TRACY, HIRAM A. His- tory of the Town of Sutton, Mass.. including Grafton until 1735, Millbury until 1813, and parts of Northbridge, Up- ton and Auburn. Worcester: Sanford & Co., 1878. 2 vols. 8vo, pp. 837. 35 plates, including map and portraits and 35 cuts in text. Sold: Manson, 1899, 3.00; Cable, 1883, 2.75; Child, 1882, 3.00; J. G. Smith, 1883, 3.62; S. L. Boardman. 1883, 1.00; Pioud, 1903. 2.00; Guild, 1887, 3.00; Libbie, 1899, 4.00; Libbie, 1904, cl, 3.25 ; Hazen, 1905, cl, library stamp on title, 3.75 ; Hassam, 1903, cl, 3.25. 350. BENNETT, DANIEL K. Chronology of North Carolina. Showing when the most remarkable events connected with her History took place, from the Year 1584 to the Present Time ; with explanatory Notes. New York : James M. Edney, 1858. 121110, pp. 144. 351. BENNETT, FRED. E. Polygamist Mormons: How they Live and the Land they Live In. Chicago: 1887. i2mo, pp. 294. Illustrated. 352. BENNETT, JOHN C. The History of the Saints; or, An Expose of Joe Smith and Mormonism. Boston : Lcland BENTON. 75 & Whiting, 1842. i2ino, pp. 344. Illustrated. Several editions were issued in 1842. 353. BENSON, EGBERT. Memoir of the Names of Places in the Vicinity of New York, embracing those portions for- merly known as New Netherland, also on the Names of Persons, &c. Privately printed. New York: 1848. 8vo. Sold: Manson, 1899, 62 cts. 354. BENT, CHARLES. History of Whiteside County, Illinois. from its First Settlement, with Numerous Biographical and Family Sketches. Morrison, 111. : 1877. 8vo % pp. 536. Map. 355. BENTON, EVERETT C. History of Guildhall, Vt., con- taining some Account of the Place, of its First Settlement in 1764 and the principal Improvements made and Events which have occurred down to 1886. a Period of 122 Years, with various Genealogical Records and Biographical Sketches of Families and Individuals, some deceased and others still living, together with a brief Sketch of Essex County, Vt. Waverly. Mass. : 1886. 8vo. Portraits and Illustrations. Sold: Guild, 1887, 3.50; Libbie, 1901, 4.00; Clogston, 1899, 375- 356. BENTON, J. A. (REV.). The California Pilgrim (First Day in San Francisco, Stages. Early Mining Towns, etc.). By J. A. Benton. Illustrated. Sacramento: 1853. i2mo. 357. . California : As she was ; As she is ; As she is to be. Sacramento: 1850. 8vo, pp. 16. 358. BENTON, NATHANIEL S. A History of Herkimer County, including the Upper Mohawk Valley, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time : with a Brief Notice of the Iroquois Indians, the Early German Tribes, the Palatine Immigrations into the Colony of New York, and Biographical Sketches of the Palatine Families, the Pat- entees of Burnetsfield in the year 1825. Also Biographical Notices of the most Prominent Public Men of the County ; with Important Statistical Information. Albany : J. Mun- sell, 1856. 8vo, pp. v. (2). 6-497. M a P an d Plates. 76 BERGEN. Sold: Terry, 1889, 2.12; Murphy, 1884, 3.75; Roche, 1867, 3.50; Bangs, Merwin, 1865, 1.75; Holbrow, 1892, 3.75; Brinley, 1880, 3.00; Bushnell, 1883, extra illus., letter of author, 3.00; Bourquin, 1894, 1.70; Hoffmann, 1877, hlf mo, git, 3.50; Field, 1875, 3.00; Holliday, 1870, bds, unct, 5.25; Guild, 1887, 3.12; Clogston, 1875, 1.87; Cooley, 1902, cl, 3.25 ; Van Yorst, 1904, cl, 5.00. 359. BENTON, NATHANIEL. Documents and Records re- lating to the Province of New Hampshire, from the Ear- liest Period of its Settlement. Concord : 1867-73. 7 vols. 8vo. Sold: Shurtleff. 1875, 9.69. 360. BENSON, SAMUEL P. An Account of the Centennial Celebration at Winthrop. Maine, May 20, 1871, embracing the historic address and poem in full. (Poem by John \Y. May.) Augusta: Sprague, Owen & Nash, Prs., 1871. 8vo, pp. 69. Sold: Manson, 1899, 1.00. 361. BENZONE, HIERONYMO. Historia Indiae Occidentalis, Tomis duobus comprehensa. Prior, res ab Hispanis in India Occidentali bactenus gestas, acerbum illorum in cas Gentes dominatum, insigneque in Gallos ad Floridam Insulam sanitiae exemplum describit. Alter vero Brasilia (quae America dicitur) rerumque in ea obseruatione dig- narum a nobis penitus incognita descriptionem continet Hieronymo Benzone Italo & Ioanne Lerio Burgundo, tes- tibus ocularis, autoribus. Exeorum autem idiomate in Latinum sermonem Yrbani Calvetonis & G. M. studio connersi : perpetuis notis, argumentis, Figuris, Indicibus. & locupleti memorabilium rerum accesione illustrati. Ad- dita Totius Indiae Occidentalis, seu orbis illius noui bruis descriptio, quae maximam hanc mundi partem vno velus intuitu perlustrandam oculis subiicis. Excvdebat Evsta- thivs Vignon, 1586. i2mo. Illustrated.* 362. BERGEN, TEUNIS G. Register in Alphabetical Order of Early Settlers of Kings County, L. I., from first Settle- ment by Europeans to 1700, with Contributions to their Biographies and Genealogies compiled from various Sources. New York: 1881. 8vo, pp. 552. Sold: McKee, 1902, 3.00. BEVERLEY. Jf 363. . A History of the Town of New Utrecht, N. Y. Brooklyn : 1884. 4to. Illustrated. Paper covers. But 30 copies were printed. Sold: Guild, 1887, 1.90; Bangs, 1902, paper, unct, 3.50. 364. BERKLEY, SIR WILLIAM. A Discourse and View of Virginia. By Sir William Berkley the Governour. Lon- don : 1663. 4to, pp. 12. 365. BERNHEIM, G. D. History of the German Settlements and of the Lutheran Church in North and South Carolina. Philadelphia: 1872. 121110, pp. 557. 366. BERTHWICK, J. D. Three Years in California. Edin- burgh: 1857. Third Edition. 8vo, pp. 384. San Francisco in 1851. The Mines. Digger Indians, Lynch Law, Vigilance Committee, etc., Tinted Plates. 367. BESSON, J. A. B. History of Eufaula, Ala. The Bluff City of the Chattahoochee. Atlanta : 1875. 368. BEVERLEY, ROBERT. The | History | and | Present State I of I Virginia, | In Four Parts. | I. The History of the First Settlement | of Virginia, and the Government there- | of. to the present Time. | II. The Natural Produc- tions and Conveni- | ences of the Country, suited to Trade 1 and Improvement. | III. The Native Indians, their Re- ligion, Laws, I and Customs, in War and Peace. [ IV. The Present State of the Country, as to | the Polity of the Government, and the | Improvements of the Land. | By a Native and Inhabitant of the Place. | London: | Printed for R. Parker, at the Ynicorn, under the Piazza's of the Royal-Exchange, 1705. 8vo. Frontispiece, 6 1., (Text) pp. 104; 40; 64; 83, folded sheet after p. 50, (Tables and Errata) pp. 16 and 2 1. 14 Copperplates.* "Contains frontispiece of the arms of Virginia. 'By R. B. gent.' It has also 14 fine engravings by Gribelin, copied from He Bry's Latin edition of ll.iriit's Admiranda Narratio." Sabin. Sold: 1705 ed. : 11m, extra, git, Hoffmann, 1877, 15.00: Harold Peirce. 1903. red levt, git. by Riviere, 40.00; same sale, orig. elf, extra. 35.00; Cooke. 1883, elf, git, by Pratt. 8.00; Libbie, 1900, elf. cover missing, 15.50; Lundy. 1899, old elf. 16.00: Pratt, 1899, 18.00: Hardwicke, 1888, elf. £3 15s; 78 BEVEKLEV. Pleasanton, 1895, elf, 39.00; Sewall, 1896, elf, 16.50; Bell, 1895, 13.50; Jillson, 1896, 14.00; Bangs, 1896, 16.00; Ives, extra mo, 32.00; Barlow, 7.00; another, 8.50; Sewall, old elf, rebacked, 1896, 16.50; Fleisheim, Barker & Severn, 1897, 12.00; Murphy, 1884, 7.00; Deane, 1898, with rare bookplate. 1745. elf, 19.00; Rice, 1870, elf, 9.50; Brinley, 1880, 10.00; Barlow, 1890, 8.50; same sale, 7.00; Brayton Ives, 1891, blue mo, extra, git, paneled sides, 32.00; Man- son, 1899, full mo, extra git, early portrait of Raleigh in- serted, 23.00; Henkels, 1900, orig. binding, 15.00; Henkels, 1901, red cr levt, tooled, git, by Riviere, 44.00; Bourquin, 1894, elf, rebacked, 8.25 ; McKee, 1902, mor, git, by Man- sell, 24.00; French and Chubbuck, 1904, mor, 23.00; Good- win, 1903, levt mo, author's name on title, 31.00. 369. . Histoire de la Virginie ; &c, &c. Traduite de l'An- glois. Enrichie de Figures. Imprime a Orleans, & sa vend a Paris. Chez Pierre Ribou, 1707. 121110. (En- graved title) il., (Title and Preface) 4 1., pp. 416, folded sheet, (Table and Aprobation) 9I. 14 Plates. There is a ship on the engraved title page. Another French edition reads: Historie de la Virginia, &c, &c. Amster- dam: Chez Thomas Lombrail, 1707. i2mo. (Engraved title) (6), pp. 432. 1 1., folded, (Tables) 8 1. 14 Plates. The Same. Amsterdam: Claude Jordan. i2mo. "The Amsterdam editions vary only in the title page. I have seen in English Catalogues editions dated 1718 and 1722; probably errors as to date." Sabin. Sold: Woodward, 1869, 2.13; Whitcombe, 1904, Amsterdam, 1707 ed., orig. elf, 3.25; Barlow, 1S90, 2.00; Johnson, 1890, 2.37; Cooke, 1883, Amsterdam, 1712, hlf mo, 4.00; Cooke, 1883, 2 cop., 2.00; Deane, 1898, 2.75 ; Bangs, 1894, Amster- dam ed., elf, 2.50; Bangs, 1903, Amsterdam, 5.00; Ander- son, Amsterdam, 1707, 5.00; Bangs, 1903, Amsterdam, 1712, 5.50; Anderson, 1905, Amsterdam, 1712, hlf elf, 5.50. French edition, 1707, Brinley, 1880, 5.50; Bourquin, 1894, I.80; Amsterdam ed., 1718, Brinley, 1880, 2.50. 370. . The History of Virginia. In Four Parts. I. The History of the First Settlement of Virginia, and the Gov- ernment thereof, to the Year 1706. II. The Natural Pro- duction-, and Conveniences of the Country, suited to Trade and Improvement. III. The Native Indians, their BEVERLEY. 79 Religion, Laws, and Customs in War and Peace. IV. The Present State of the Country, as to the Polity of the Gov- ernment, and the Improvements of the Land, the 10th of June, 1720. By a Native and Inhabitant of the Place. The Second Edition revis'd and enlarg'd by the Author. London: Printed for B. and S. Tooke in Fleetstreet ; I Fay ram and J. Clarke at the Royal-Exchange and T. Bickerton in Pater-Noster Row, 1722. 8vo. Frontispiece, Title, (Preface) 3 I., pp. 284, (Table) 12 1. 14 Plates. "Some copies have the imprint: London: Printed for F. Fayram and J. Clarke at the Royal-Exchange, and T. Bickerson in Pater- Noster Row, \~22. The dedication in the first edition of 1705 is omitted here, and the preface is entirely different, and there arc many suppressions and a Iditions. The author spells his ndme Bev- erley on page ~2. See Jefferson's Notes on Virginia, Qncs. 222." Sabiti. "This work appeared anonymously in two English editions and one French, but is known to have been written by Robert Beverley. The plates by Gribelin are reduced copies of those in Hariot's Virginia, drawn and engraved by the Brothers De Bry." Field. Sold: Henkels, 1898, 16.00; Bangs, Merwin, 2d ed., 1865, 12.00; Murphy, 1884, 7.50; Murphy, 1884, 1722 ed., 7.00; Roche, 1867, elf, extra, git, by Pratt, 21.00; Barlow, 1890, hlf mo, copy owned by John Howard Payne, 8.50; Men- zies, 1876, hlf levt mo, git, by Matthews, 17.50; 2d ed., 1722: Deane, 189S, levt mo, extra, git, by Matthews, 27.00; Libbie, June, 1898, elf, 12.00; Cooke, 1883, elf, extra, 15.00; Dawson, 1S90, elf, 8.25; Barlow, 1890, hlf mo, 8.50; Brevoort, 1890, red mo, git, 7.25; Rice. 1870, elf, 8.00; Fisher, 1866, old elf, 10.00; Cooke, 1883, elf, git, 15.00; Field, 1875, 8.00; Bangs, 1901, 15.00; Miller & Bancker, 1898, mor, 16.00; Griswold, 1876, 35.00; Mitchell, 1891, hlf mo, 9.00; Clogston, 1899, elf, 16.00; Guild, 1887, hlf elf, 7.50; Bangs, 1903, elf, 18.00; Anderson, 1905, old elf, broken, 12.00. 371. . The History of Virginia, in Four Parts. I. The History of the First Settlement of Virginia, and the Gov- ernment thereof, to 1706. II. The Natural Productions and Conveniences of the Country, suited to Trade and Improvement. III. The Native Indians, their Religion, Laws, and Customs, in War and Peace. IV. The Present State of the Country as to the Polity of the Government, and the Improvements of the Land, the 10th of June, 1720. By Robert Beverly . Reprinted from the 80 BIGELOW. Author's Second Revised Edition, London, 1722. With an Introduction by Charles Campbell, Author of the "Co- lonial History of Virginia." Richmond, Va. : J. W. Ran- dolph, 1855. 8vo, pp. xx, 264. Sold: 1855 ed.: Deane, 1898, clth, 5.00; Brinley, 1880, 6.50; Cable, 1882, 3.00; Child, 1882, 1.87; Bourquin, 1894, 4.10. 372. BICKLEY, GEORGE W. L. History of the Settlement and Indian Wars of Tazewell County, Virginia. With a Map, Statistical Tables, and Illustrations. Cincinnati : Morgan & Co., 1852. 8vo, pp. 267. Sold: Field, 1875, 5.00; Betts, 1901, cl, 5.25; Henkels, 1899, 5-50. 373. BICKNELL, THOMAS WILLIAMS. An Historical Ad- dress and Poem delivered at the Centennial Celebration of the Incorporation of the Town of Barrington. R. I., June 17, 1870. With an Historical Appendix. Provi- dence: 1870. 8vo. Portraits and Illustrations. 374. . History of Barrington, R. I. Providence : For sale at Gregory's Bookstore, 1898. 8vo, pp. 600. Illustrated. Edition limited to 250 copies. Sold: Manson, 1899, 1.25; Cable, 1882, 1.50; Libbie, 1901, 37 cts. ; Proud, 1903, 60 cts. ; Guild, 1887, 2.10. 375. BIERCE, L. V. Historical Reminiscences of Summit County. Akron, Ohio: T. & H. G. Canfield, 1854. 121110, pp. 158. "One of the best arranged and most carefully written of our county histories. A biography of General Bierce taken from Bio- graphical Sketches of Eminent Americans precedes the work; then comes a Biography of Amzi Atwater, which is followed by a history of each township in the county. Many interesting events in the early history of the State, and new incidents of Indian life and warfare, will he found in this little volume." Thomson. Sold: Waterbury, 1895. 1.10; Smith, 1867, 1.50; Hubbard, 1867, 1.50: Woodward. 1869, 1.88. 376. BIGELOW, E. V. Narrative History of Cohasset, Mass. Cohasset : 1898. 8vo, pp. 561. Illustrations and Map. 377. BIGELOW, WILLIAM. History of Sherburne, Mass., from its Incorporation. 1674, to the End of the Year 1830; I1ILL0N. 8 1 including that of Framingham and llolliston, so far as they were Constituent Parts of that Town. Milford, Mass.: Ballou & Stacy, 1830. 8vo, pp. 80. Sold: Blanchard, 1898, hlf lev mo, unct, 3.50; Cable, 1882, 3.75; Manson, 1899, unct, 475; Thornton, 1878, hlf mo, 3.00. 378. . History of the Town of Natick, Mass., from the Days of the Apostolic Eliot, 1650, to the Present Time, 1830. Boston: Marsh, Capen & Lyon, 1830. 8vo, pp. 87(1). Sold: Blanchard, 1898, hlf levt mo, git, unct, orig. cover, bd in, 3.00; Rice, 1870, hlf mo, git, unct, by Bradstreet, 4.37; Woodward, 1869, unct, 1.75; Brinley, 1879, 1.25; Child, 1882, 1.00; Roche, 1867, unct, 1.12; Bushnell, 1883, 2.00; Cable, 1883, 3.50; Manson, 1899, 1.00; Thornton, 1878, 3.00; J. G. Smith, 1883, 2.00; Shurtleff, 1875, 1.12; Cooke, 1883, hlf mo, git, 2.75; Deane, 1898, hlf ro, 2.50; Field, 1875, 75 cts. ; Guild, 1887, 1.00. 379. BILL, LEDYARD. A Winter in Florida ; or, Observations on the Soil, Climate, and Products of our Semi-Tropical States, with Sketches of the Principal Towns and Cities in Eastern Florida; also a Brief Historical Summary, to- gether with Hints to the Tourist, Invalid and Sportsman. New York : Ledyard Bill, 1870. i2mo. Mr. Bill in 1871 compiled a guide-book to Minnesota with the following title : Minnesota, Its Character and Climate. Likewise Sketches of Other Resorts Favorable to Invalids. New York. 1S71. 8vo. Sold: Bourquin, 1894, 10 cts. 380. BILLON, FREDERIC L. Annals of St. Louis (Mo.) in its Early Days under the French and Spanish Dominations. St. Louis, Mo. : G. K. Jones & Co., 1886. 4to, pp. viii, 500. Portraits and Illustrations. Edition limited to 100 copies. Sold: Libbie, 1899, hlf rus, unct, 6.37. 381. . Annals of St. Louis in its Territorial Days, from 1804 to 1821, being a Continuation of the Author's pre- vious Work, the Annals of the French and Spanish Period. St. Louis: The Author, 1888. 8vo, pp. 463. Illustrated. Edition limited to 500 copies. Sold: Libbie, 1899, hlf rus, unct. 4.25; Bangs, 1903, cl, 3.20. 82 B1RKBECK. 382. BINGHAM, HELEN MARIA. History of Green County, Wisconsin. Milwaukee: Publ. by Author, 1877. i2mo, pp. 310. 383. BIORCK, TOBIAS E. Dissertatio Gradualis, | De | Planta- tione I Ecclesiae | Svecanae | in | America, | Quam, j Suf- fragante Ampl. Senatu Philosoph. in | Regio. Upsal. Athenaeo, | Praeside, | Viro Amplissimo atque Celeber- rimo I Mag. Andrea Bronwall, | Eth. & Polit. Prof. Reg. & Ord. I in Audit. Gust. Maj. d. 14 Jun. | An. 1731. | Ex- aminandam modeste sistit | Tobias E. Biorck. | Ameri- cano-Dalekarlus. | Upsaliae Literis Wernerianis. | 4 prel. leaves, 34 pp. Map, Delineatio Pennsilvaniae et Caesareae Nov. Occident seu West N. Iersey in America. "An extremely rare work, and of the highest importance for the early history of the Swedish Church in America, not mentioned by the bibliographers Rich, Sabin, Stevens, etc. The author, a son of Ericus Biorck, who was sent as minister to New Sweden in 1697, was a born American, and his History is the first work on that coun- try written by a native of it, which as far as I know, had been pub- lished in Sweden. It is full of interest not only for its historical details, but also for the knowledge of the Indians. In the preliminary pages will be found a dedication to Count Gyllenborg of Lund, and a letter of Andr. Hesselius to the learned American, Tob. Biorck, both in English, the first in verses. It is curious that they are not written in Swedish, and perhaps we may conclude from this circumstance that at that time already the Swedish language was rather unfamiliar to the colonists in New Sweden. The map seems to be taken from an English original, as it bears the English armours with the 'Je maintandria' (sic). This tract is sometimes attributed to A. Gron- wall, but erroneously, the disputation has been held under his presi- dentship, and therefore he is named on the title together with Biorck, as in Sweden it was the custom, as in Germany, for the Professors to write a dissertation, to be defended by their disciple-; ; but there were honorable exceptions, as, for instancce, here. Biorck is the only author." Miiller. Mr. Miiller says that this book is unknown to Stevens, bul I found the title given above in Stevens' Catalog of Rare Books Relat- ing to America, London, July, 1885, p. 15. Doubtless at the time Mr. Miiller published (1872) the book was unknown. Br. Sold: Pennypacker, 1906, title slightly imperfect, with rare map and verses, paper covers, 21.00; Betts, 1901, pap, 24.50; Hurst, 1904, 40.00. 384. BIRKBECK, MORRIS. Letters from Illinois. Illustrated by a Map of the United States, shewing Mr. Birkbeck's Journey from Norfolk to Illinois and a Map of English Prairie and the Adjacent Country, by John Melish. Phil- adelphia: Carey & Son, 1818. i2mo, pp. 154. 2 maps. + The Same. Philadelphia printed, Belfast, reprinted; 1818. I5ISHOPE. 83 -f French edition, Paris: L'Huillier et Dclaunay, 1819. 8vo, pp. xvi, 156. Map. -f- The Same. London: 1818. 8vo, pp. xv, 114. -\- Second edition, London: 1818. + Third edition, London : Taylor & Hessey, 1818. 8vo. See, also. Richard Flower. "The author, an English Communist, in 1817 purchased 16,000 acres on English Prairie, Illinois, founded there the town of New Albion, which was settled by English immigrants. The volume con- sists of letters written to persons in England, in reply to questions relative to economic and social conditions in the West. It is an intelligent, discriminating statement by a foreigner who soon came to understand his adopted country, and did much to inspire and wisely direct English emigration into Illinois." Burrows Bros. List. Sold: Shurtleff, 1875, 87 cts. ; Guild, 1887, bds, unct, 75 cts. : London, 1818 ed. : Barlow, 1890, hlf mo, with Letters and Notes on America, in one vol., 2.50. 385. . Notes on a Journey in America from the Coast of Virginia to the Territory of Illinois ; with Proposals for the Establishment of a Colony of English. Philadelphia: Caleb Richardson, 1817. 121110, pp. 189. + German edi- tion, Jena: 1818.* Sold: Polock, 1904, shp, 1.30. 386. BISBEE, JOHN H. Secular and Ecclesiastical History of the Town of Worthington, Mass., from its First Settle- ment to the Present Time. Albany, N. Y. : 1853. 8vo, pp. 72. 387. . History of Huntington, Mass., from its First Settle- ment to 1876. Springfield : 1876. 8vo, pp. 40. Paper. Sold: Child, 1882, 75 cts.; Cable, 1883, 65 cts.; J. G. Smith, 1883, 70 cts. ; Guild, 1887, 65 cts. 388. BISHOPE, GEORGE. New England Judged, | Not by Man's, but the Spirit of the Lord : And | The Summe sealed up of New England's | Persecutions. | Being | A Brief Relation of the Sufferings of the People called Quakers in | those Parts of America, from the beginning of the Fifth | Moneth 1656, (the time of their first Arrival at Boston from | England) to the latter End of the Tenth Moneth, 1660. | Wherein | The Cruel Whippings and Scourgings, Bonds and Imprisonments, Beat- | ings and Chainings. Starvings and Huntings, Fines and Confisca- 84 BISHOPE. ti- I on of Estates, Burning in the Hand and Cutting o» Ears, Orders of Sale | for Bond-men and Bond-women, Banishment upon pain of | Death, and putting to Death of those People, are Shortly touched; | With a Relation of the Manner, and some of the Other most Ma | terial Proceedings ; and a Judgement there upon | In Answer | To a Certain Printed Paper, intituled, A Declaration | of the General Court of Massachusetts holden at Boston, the | 18 October, 1658. Apologizing for the same. | By George Bishope. | — (Motto.) | London: Printed for Rob- ert Wilson, in Martins le Grand, 1661. | Sm. 4to, pp. 147.* ''There is an error in the pagination at pp 97-104." Sabin. . An I Appendex | to the Book, Entituled, | New England Judged : j being | Certain Writings, (never yet Printed) | of those Persons which were there | Executed. 1 Together | with a short Relation of the Tryal, | Sentence, and Execution, | of William Leddra. | Written by them in the time of their Imprisonment, in the | Bloody Town of Boston. I London : | Printed for Robert Wilson, at the sign of the Black-spread | Eagle and Windmill, in Martins le Grand, | 1661, | 4to, pp. 177-208.* "Pages 191-198 should read 199-208." Sabin. Sold: Brinley, 1880, both pts with appendix and slip of errata, blue mo, extra git, by Pratt, 210.00; Menzies, 3 vols, 1661, Appendix, and 1667, red levt mo, git, by Bed- ford, 130.00; Murphy,' 1884, 30.00; Stevens, 1886, London sale, both parts with appendix, 1661-67, bd in two vols., mo, extra, by Pratt, 8 leaves in 2d pt restored, 26.25 : Livermore, 1894, 14.00; Barlow, 1890, levt mo, extra, by Bedford, 3 vols., work compl., 165.00; Anderson, 1905, mor, by Bedford, 1661-1667, both parts in 1 vol.. 21.00; New England Judged, 1661 ; An Appendix to the Book entitled New England Judged, 1661 ; New England Judged, second part, 1667. London, 1661-67. 3 parts in 2 vols. Anderson, 1903, levt mo, git, by Stikeman, 80.00. 389. . New England | Judged. | The Second Part. | Being, I A Relation of the cruel and Bloody Sufferings of the People I called | Quakers, in the Jurisdiction chiefly of the Massa- ] chusetts; Beginning with the Sufferings of Will- iam Ledra. | whom they niurthered, and hung upon a Tree at Boston, the | 14th of the first month. 1 660-1. BISHOPE. 85 barely for being such a one as | is called a Quaker, and coming within their Jurisdiction; | And ending with the Sufferings of Edward Wharton, the 3d | month, 1665. And the remarkable Judgements of God j in the Death of John Endicot Governour, John Norton, | High Priest, and Humphrey Adderton, Major General. | By George Bishope. | (Motto.) London: Printed in the Year, 1667. | 4to, pp. 147. Errata, 9 lines.* "These three works should go together to form a complete book, and, when complete, they constitute a volume of great rarity." Sabin. The following work is an abbreviation : 390. . New England Judged, | by the | Spirit of the Lord. I In Two Parts. | First, Containing a Brief Relation of the Sufferings | of the People called Quakers in New Eng- land, from the | Time of their first Arrival there, in the Year 1656, to | the Year 1660. Wherein their Merciless Whippings, | Chainings, Finings, Imprisonments, Starv- ings, Burning in | the Hand, Cutting off Ears, and Put- ting to Death, with | divers other Cruelties, inflicted upon the Bodies of In- | nocent Men and Women, only for Conscience-sake, are | briefly described. In Answer to the Declaration of their | Persecutors Apologizing for the same, 1659. | Second Part, Being a farther Relation of the Cruel and | Blood)- Sufferings of the People call'd Quak- ers in New- | England, continued from anno 1660, to anno 1665. Be- I ginning with the Sufferings of William Led- dra, whom | they put to Death. | Formerly Published by George Bishop, and now | somewhat Abbreviated. | With an Appendix, | Containing the Writings of several of the Sufferers ; | with some Notes, shewing the Accomplish- ment of their Pro- | phecies ; and a Postscript of the Judgements of God, that | have befallen divers of their Persecutors. [ Also, | An Answer to Cotton Mather's Abuses of the said People, | in his late History of New England, Printed anno 1702. | The whole being at this time Published in the said Peoples | Vindication, as a Reply to all his Slanderous Calumnies. | Text. | — Rev. 12. 1 1. I London: Printed and Sold by T. Sowle, in White- | Hart-Court in Gracious Street. 1703. 8vo, Title, pp. (6), 498, 212, Index and Errata, 6 1.* "The following work forms the latter part -f- pp. 212; it is some- times found separately." Sabin. 86 BISHOP. Truth and Innocency | Defended ; | against | Falsehood and Envy : | And the Martyrs of Jesus and | Sufferers for his sake, | Vindicated. | In Answer to Cotton Mather (a Priest of | Boston) his Calumnies, Lyes and Abuses | of the People called Quakers, in his late | Church-History of New England. | With Remarks and Observations on sev- eral Pas- | sages in the same, and his Confessions to the | Just Judgements of God on them. | By John Whiting, j (Motto, 8 lines.) | London: Printed and sold by T. Sowle — | — 1702. I "For list of Bishope's writings, see Smith's Cat. Friends' Books, 1.277-283." Sabin. This book should have seven titles. Sold: 1702 ed. : Strong, 1878, 7.25; London, 1703 ed. : Bell, 12.00; Bangs, 1896, 7.63; Menzies, with 7 titles, 20.00; Terry, 1889, calf, extra, 21.00; Griswold, calf, 10.00; Reed, 1703 ed., 1896, 5.25; Murphy, 1703 ed., 1884, 20.00; Stone, 1703 ed., 1897, elf, git, by Bradstreet, 15.00; Chase & Dale, 1897, elf, 8.00; Koecker, 1897, levt mo, git, by Koecker, 19.00; Rice, 1870, elf, git, by Pratt, 20.00; Fisher, 1866, hlf elf, 11.50; Stevens, 1886, 1703 ed., elf, extra, by Piatt, 7.50; Manson, 1904, 3 parts in 1 vol., elf extra, 27 extra plates inserted, 17.00; Brinley, 1880, elf, git, by Pratt, 25.00; Strong, 1878, 7.25 ; Bangs, 1895, 1703-02, 2 pts, 9.25 ; Cable, 1882, with Whiting's Truth & Innocency, shp, 12.00; Johnson, 1890, 8.00; Thornton, 1878, 12.00; Bangs, 1905, 3 v., elf, 18.00; Hale, 1905, elf, by Pratt, 16.25; Hoffmann, 1877, 6.75; Cooke, 1883, br mo, with the 7 titles, 32.00; Cooke, 1883, 1702 ed.. 19.00; Richmond, 1899, Bancroft's copy, elf, 3.75; Pratt, 1899, elf, 10.00; Henkels, 1899, 9.25; O'Callaghan, 1882, elf, 21.00; Henkels, 1902, old elf, 10.00; Bangs, 1003, old elf, 8.75 ; Cresson, 1902, edition 1703, New England Judged, 1703, 2d title: New England Judged, not by Man's, &c. London : 1702-3. Title, 2d part. Relation of Cruel and Bloody Sufferings, &c. London : 1667, 10.00. 391. BISHOP, HARRIET E. Moral Home ; or First Years of Minnesota : Early Sketches, Latter Settlements, and Fur- ther Developments. New York: Sheldon & Co., 1857. i2mo, pp. 342. Portrait and Woodcuts. Personal experiences of aboriginal life. Sold: Field, 1875, 1.50. BLACK MAN. Sj 392. BISHOP, J. W. History of Fillmore County, Minnesota. With an Outline of her Resources and Advantages. Chat- field, Minn.: 1858. 8vo, pp. 40. 393. BISHOP, WILLIAM HENRY. Mexico, California and Arizona, being a new and revised Edition of Old Mexico and her Lost Provinces. New York: 1900. 8vo, pp. 581. Maps and 1 10 wood engravings. 394. BISLAND, ELIZABETH. Old Greenwich. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1897. i2mo. Half Moon Scr. V. I, No. 9. 395. BITTINGER, J. Q. History of Haverhill, N. H. Haver- hill, N. H.: 1888. 8vo, pp. 441. Steel Portraits and Map. Blank sheets for memoranda.* Sold: Balcom, 1901, 3.25; Bell, 1895, with a. 1. s. of author inserted, 3.00; Olcott, 1901, cl, 2.75; Proud, 1903, 1.00; Clogston, 1899, 3.25. 396. BLACK, ALEXANDER. The story of Ohio; illustrated by L. J. Bridgman. Boston: D. Lothrop Co., 1888. 8vo, pp. 4, 326.* "Mr. Black's book sketches the early history of the Ohio Valley, touching briefly upon the romantic Indian struggles and traditions, describes succinctly the movements that planted civilization in the Northwest, and brings the State history down to the present year, with its centennial observances, thus covering the full century of Ohio's life." Publ. Weekly. Sold: Whitmore, 1902, 40 cts. 397. BLACKMAN, EMILY C. History of Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania. From a Period preceding its Settlement to Recent Times, including The Annals and Geography of each Township with Maps and Numerous Illustrations. Also a Sketch of Woman's Work in the County for the United States Sanitary Commission, and a List of the Soldiers of National Army furnished by many of the Townships. Philadelphia: Claxton, Remsen & Haffel- finger, 1878. 8vo. pp. x, i 1 errata, folded map, pp. 640. Illustrated.* Sold: Henkels, 1900. 3.00: Bourquin. 1894, 2.10; Cable, 1882, slip. 3.50. 88 BLAKE. 398. BLACKMAN, LEAH. History of Little Egg Harbor Township, Burlington County, N. J., from its First Set- tlement to the Present Time, comprising the Genealogy of many of its Inhabitants, together with Short Biog- raphies of Eminent Characters ; also the Constitution, By-Laws, etc., of the Surveyors' Association of West Xew Jersey. Camden: 1880. 8vo. This volume was published in the first volume of the Proceed- ings of the Surveyors' Association of New Jersey and was never issued separately. Contains over 200 pages of the genealogy of prominent Burling- ton County Families, a History of Squankum and other papers. Sold: Henkels, 1900, 4.25. 399. BLACKMORE, WILLIAM. Colorado: Its Resources, Parks, and Prospects, as a Field for Emigration. With an Account of the Trenchara and Costilla Estates in the San Luis Park. London : Sampson Low, Son & Marston, 1869. 4to, pp. 217. Map and Illustrations.* Portrait (photo.) of Wm. Gilpin. Photo, of street in Denver. 3 folding maps. 400. BLAKE, FRANCIS E. Incidents of the First and Second Settlements of Worcester. Worcester: 1884. 8vo, pp. 33. 401. . Some Worcester Matters, 1689-1743. Worcester: 1885. 8vo, pp. 17. 402. . Rutland, Mass., and the Indian Troubles of 1723-30. Worcester: 1886. 8vo. Sold: Balcom, 1901, .75; Guild, 1887, 2,7 cts. 403. . Dorchester Neck (now South Boston). The Raid of the British Troops, Feb. 13, 1776, with an Account of the First Settlements at the Neck and various Miscella- neous Notes. Boston : 1899. 8vo. Sold: Whitmore, 1902, hlf mo, 2.50. 404. BLAKE, HENRY T. Chronicles of New Haven Green from 1(138 to 1862. A Series of Papers read before the New Haven Colony Historical Society. New Haven : 1898. 8vo, pp. 280. BLAKE. 89 405. BLAKE, HIRAM. Directory of Keene, N. H., for 1874-5, embracing a General and Business Directory and an Ap- pendix of much useful Information. Keene: R. S. Dillon & Co. 8vo. First edition of the Keene Directory, with an Historical Sketch of the Town, hy Hiram Blake, Esq. 406. BLAKE, JAMES. Annals of the Town of Dorchester. (1630-) 1750. Boston: David Clapp, Jr., 1846. i2mo, pp. vi, 95. Facsimile, 2 pp.* "Forms No. 2. of Collections of Dorch/fter Antiquarian and Historical Society.' 1 Sabin, Sold: Woodward, 1869, hlf bd, 1.25; Woodward, 1869, hlf mo, git, unct, 1.00; Bushnell, 1883, 30 cts. ; Barlow, 1890, bds, 25 cts. 407. BLAKE, JONATHAN. History of Warwick, Massachu- setts, from the First Settlement to 1854. By Jonathan Blake. Brought down to the Present Time by Others. With Appendix. Boston : 1873. 121110, pp. 240. Portrait and Plan. Sold: Manson, 1899, 3.75; Cable, 1882, 1.63; Cable, 1883, 1.00; J. G. Smith, 1883, 1.37; Olcott, 1901, 1.00; M. D. Gilman, 1884, 1.25; Cooke, 1883, 1.70; Guild, 1887, 1.75; Clogston, 1875, 1.30; Libbie, 1900, 3.10. 408. BLAKE, MORTIMER. History of Franklin, Mass., from its First Settlement to the Completion of its first Century. 2d March, 1878, with Genealogical Notices of its earliest Families. Sketches of its Professional Men and a Report of the Centennial Celebration. Franklin: 1879. 8vo. Portraits and Illustrations. Sold: Manson, 1899, 4.00; Cable, 1882, 2.50; Libbie, 1901, 4.00; M. D. Gilman, 1884, 3.00; Guild, 1887, cl, unct, 4.00: Libbie, 1901, cl, 4.00. 409. BLAKE, WILLIAM J. The History of Putnam County. N. Y. ; with an Enumeration of its Towns, Villages, Rivers, Creeks, Lakes, Ponds, Mountains, Hills, and Geo- logical Features; Local Traditions; and Short Biographi- cal Sketches of Early Settlers, &c. New York : Baker & Scribner, 1849. 121110, pp. iv, 13-368. 90 BLAND. Sold: Brinley, 1880, 1.25; Murphy, 1884, 2.25; Woodward, 1869, bds, 1.50; Bangs, Merwin, 1865, 75 cts. ; Waterbury, 1895, 3.62; Bourquin, 1894, 1.80; Bushnell, 1883, extra illus., 3.50; Hoffmann, 1877, 1.50; Field, 1875, 1.50; Hough, 1900, 5.25. 410. BLAKE, W. P. History of the Town of Hamden, Ct. ; with an Account of the Centennial Celebration June 15, 1886. Prepared and Published by the Authority of the Town. New Haven : Price, Lee & Co., 1888. 8vo, pp. 8, 350. Part I. Account of the Centennial Celebration. Part II. His- torical and Descriptive. Hamden. 1786; Centenary of Hamden. Ct., 1886; History of the Town of Hamden, Ct., with an Account of the Centennial Celebration, June 15th, 1886, prepared under the Editorial Supervision of W. P. Blake. 411. BLANCHARD, CHARLES. Counties of Clay and Owen, Indiana. Historical and Biographical. Illustrated. Chi- cago : 1884. 8vo, pp. 966. 412. BLANCHARD, RUFUS. The Discovery and Conquests of the Northwest, including the Early History of Chicago, Detroit, Vincennes, St. Louis, Ft. Wayne, Prairie du Chien, Marietta, Cincinnati, Cleveland, &c, &c. And In- cidents of Pioneer Life in the Region of the Great Lakes and the Mississippi Valley. Chicago: R. Blanchard & Co., 1879. Roy. 8vo, pp. 518. 7 maps and full p. engravings. + 1880. Wheaton: R. Blanchard & Co. + 1881. Sold: Donnelly, 1894, hlf mo, 3.25; Dunbar, 1892, paper, unct, 25 cts.; Bourquin, 1894, 1880 ed., 1.60; Cooke, 1883, shp, 6.50; Guild, 1887, shp, 1.25; 1881 ed. : Barlow, 1890. 1.50. 413. . History of Illinois; to accompany an Historical Map. Chicago: National School Supply Co., 1883. 8vo. 414. . Documentary History of the Cession of Louisiana to the United States till it became an American Province ; with an Appendix. Chicago : Rufus Blanchard, 1903. 8vo, pp. 4, 68, 3. Illustrations. Portraits. Map. 415. BLAND, EDWARD. The | Discovery | of | New Brittaine. I Began August 27. Anno Dom. 1650. | By Edward Bland, Merchant. Abraham Woode, Captaine. Sackford Brew- BLI-S. 91 ster, Elias Pennant, Gentlemen. | From Fort Henry, at the Head of Appa | mattuck River in Virginia, to the Fals I of Blandina, first River in New Brit | taine, which run- neth West, being | 120 Mile South-west between 35, | & 37 degrees, (a pleasant Country.) | of temperate Ayre, and fertile Soyle. | London : | Printed by Thomas Harper for John Stephenson, at the | Sun below Ludgate. 1651. | 4to, pp. (8), 16. Map and plate. Contains first published picture of Indian wheat (corn) and Jaybird. The Discovery of New Brittaine. Began August 27, Anno Dom. 1650. By Edwd. Bland, Abraham. Woode, Sackford Brewster and Elias Pennant. New York: Re- printed by J. Sabin & Sons, 1873. 8vo, pp. (8), 16. Sold: 1651 ed. : Barlow, 1890, mor, git, 135.00; 1873 ed. : Mur- phy, 1884, 1. 00. 416. BLAXLAND, G. CUTHBERT. "May Flower" Essays on The Story of the Pilgrim Fathers, as told in Governor Bradford's MS. History of Plimoth Plantation with a Re- production of Captain John Smith's map of New England. London: Ward & Downey, 1896. i2mo, pp. 6, 146.* 417. BLEDSOE, A. J. History of Del Norte County, California, with a Business Directory and Travellers' Guide. Eureka : Humboldt Times Print (Wyman & Co.), 1881. 8vo, pp. 175. Paper.* 418. BLISS, GEORGE. An Address delivered at the Opening of the Town Hall in Springfield, March 24, 1828. Con- taining Sketches of the Early History of that Town, and those in its Vicinitv. With an Appendix. Springfield : Tannatt & Co., Prs.^ 1828. 8vo, pp. 68. The appendix contains important historical and genealogical papers. Sold: Manson, 1899, 30 cts. ; Cable, 1882, 1.12. 4ig. . The Centennial Celebration of the Incorporation of Waldoboro, Maine, July 4, 1873. Bangor: Benj. A. Burr, 1873. i6mo, pp. 52. Sold: Manson, 1899, 2.00; S. L. Boardman, 1883, 37 cts. 92 BLOIS. 420. BLISS, GEORGE N. Historical Sketch of East Providence, R. L, July 4, 1876. 421. BLISS, LEONARD, JR. The History of Rehoboth, Bristol County, Massachusetts ; comprising a History of the Pres- ent Towns of Rehoboth, Seekonk, and Pawtucket, from their Settlement to the Present Time ; together with Sketches of Attleborough, Cumberland, and a part of Swansey and Barrington, to the Time that they were sev- erally separated from the Original Town. Boston : Otis, Broaders & Co., 1836. 8vo, pp. v, 294. Errata, 1 p.* Sold: Libbie, 1896, stamp on title, 4.00; Patterson, 3.25; Libbie, 1897, 3- 2 5 I Carre, 1897, 4.35 ; Murphy, 1884, 2.75 ; Deane, 1898. clth, 6.75; Woodward, 1869, 3.25; Brinley, 1879, 3.00; 1893, 3.00; Bushnell, 1883. 3.88; Henkels, 1905, hlf ro, 4.50; Manson, 1899, 9.50; Child, 1882, 3.50; Cable, 1882, 4.00; Henkels, 1900, 4.25; Cable, 1883, 3.00; Thorn- ton, 1878, 2.75; J. G. Smith, 1883, 3.00; Shurtleff, 1875, 2.25; Morris, 1899, 4.25; Cooke, 1883, levt, git, unct, 3.50; Henkels. 1902, 2.50; same sale, 2.25; A. G. Greene, 1869, 2.00; Guild, 1887, 4.25; Clogston, 1875, 2.00; Libbie, 1899, 6.50 ; Winsor, 1900, 3.00 ; Libbie, 1902, cl. 4.75 ; Libbie, 1902, 3.00; Libbie, 1903, cl, 3.12. 422. BLISS, WILLIAM ROOT. Colonial Times on Buzzard's Bay. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1888. 8vo, pp. 9. 185. Map and Illustrations.* -f- The same, Revised en- larged edition, 1900. Map. 423. . Quaint Nantucket. Boston : Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1896. 121110, pp. vi, 225. Only a few copies published, uncut. Written from town and court records, letters, journals, never be f ore published. Relates to the Nantucket of two hundred years ago. 424. . The Old Colony Town (Plymouth) and other Sketches. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1893. i2tno. 425. BLIVEN, CHARLES E. Maumee Valley and Pioneers. n. p. Petersburg: 1880. 8vo, pp. 48. 426. BLOIS, JOHN T. Gazetteer of the State of Michigan, in Three Parts, containing a General View of the State, a Description of the Face of the Country, Soil, Productions, IIOSCANA. 93 Public Lands, Internal Improvements, Commerce, Gov- ernment, Climate, Education, Religious Denominations, Population, Antiquities, &c, &c. With a Succinct History of the State from the Earliest Period to the Present Time. Also a particular Description of the Counties, Towns, Villages, Post Offices, Water Courses, Lakes, Prairies, &c, alphabetically arranged ; with an Appendix, contain- ing the usual Statistical Tables, and a Directory for Emi- grants, &c. Detroit : Sidney L. Rood & Co. New York : Robinson, Pratt & Co., 1838. i2mo, pp. 418. Errata, 1 1. + Reprinted in 1840. Sold: Brinley, 1881, 1.00; Cable, 1882, 1.50. 427. BLOOD, HENRY AMES. The History of Temple, N. H. Boston: Printed by Geo. C. Rand and Avery, i860. 8vo, PP- v, (2) 352. 28 plates. Sold: Balcom, 1901, 8.50; Woodward, 1869, 4.25; Guild, 1887, 8.00; Woodward, 1869, 2.13; Clogston, 1875, 1.75; Manson, 1899, 7.25; Nash, 1900, 7.00; Child, 1882, 4.50; Slee, 1900, hlf levt mo, git, 8.75 ; Winsor, 1900, hlf mo, git, 5.00; Libbie, 1902, cl, 7.50; Libbie, 1895, 9.25; Bell, 1895, 6.50; S. L. Boardman, 1883, 4.25. 428. BLUNT, EDMUND M. Blunt's Stranger's Guide to the City of New York. To which is prefixed an Historical Sketch, General Description, Plan and Extent of the City, and Engravings of Public Buildings. New York : Ed- mund M. Blunt, 1817. 121110, pp. xv, (2), 14-305. (1). + 1818 and 1822. Sold: 1817 ed. : De Voe, 1896, 3.25 ; Bushnell, 1883, bds, unct, 1.60; Barlow, 1890, hlf mo, 3.50; Bangs, 1900, hlf mo, unct, 14.00; Bangs, 1901, bds, unct, 11.00; Anderson, 1901, bds, unct, 9.00; McKee, 1902, bds, unct, 16.00; Anderson, 1904, levt mo, unct, 15.00. 429. BOSCANA, FRIAR GERONIMO. Life in California dur- ing a Residence of Several Years in that Territory, Com- prising a Description of the Country and the Missionary Establishments, with Incidents, Observations, &c, illus- trated with numerous Engravings, by an American ; To which is annexed an Historical Account of the Origin, Customs, and Traditions of the Indians of Alta California. 94 BOIES. By the Reverend Father Friar Geronimo Boscana. Trans- lated from the original Spanish Manuscript. New York: Wiley & Putnam, 1846. 121110, pp. 341. Sold: Murphy, 1884, 2.75 ; Field, 1875, 2.00. 430. BOARDMAN, SAMUEL LANE. Extracts from the Early Unpublished Records of the Province of Maine, n. p. n. d. (1866.) Reprint from Hist. Mag. 10. Supplt. 3: 77. 8vo, PP- 3 2 - Sold: Manson, 1899, 1.12; S. L. Boardman, 1883, 1.37. 431. . The Climate, Soil, Physical Resources and Agricul- tural Capabilities of the State of Maine; with special Ref- erence to the Occupation of its New Lands. Washing- ton, D. C. : 1884. 8vo, pp. 60. 432. . The Agriculture and Industry of the County of Kennebec, Maine, with Notes upon its History and Natu- ral History. Augusta, Maine : Printed for the Author, 1867. 8vo, pp. viii, 3-200. But 26 perfect copies printed. Privately printed. Sold: Woodward, 1869, 2.75 ; Manson, 1899, unct, 2.00; Man- son, 1899, 1.25; S. L. Boardman, 1883, 2 inserted por- traits, paper, unct, 2.00; Whitmore, 1902, hlf ro, unct, 1.50; Guild, 1887, 1.50. 433. BODGE, GEORGE M. Soldiers in King Philip's War; being a Critical Account of that War, with a Concise His- tory of the Indian Wars of New England from 1620-77, Official List of the Soldiers of Massachusetts Colony serving in Philip's War, and Sketches of the Principal Officers, &c. Leominster: 1896. 8vo. BOEHM, JOH. PH. See No. 4164. 434. BOGG, J. N. Account of the Centennial Celebration in West Springfield, Mass., March 25. 1874. 1874. 8vo, pp. 144. Portraits. 435. BOIES, HENRY L. History of De Kalb County, Illinois. Chicago: 1868. 8vo, pp. 530. Illustrated. BOLTON. 95 436. BOKUM, HERMANN. The Tennessee Handbook and Im- migrant's Guide. Giving a Description of the State of Tennessee, its Agricultural and Mineralogical Character, Railroads, &c. P.y Hermann Hokum, Commissioner of Immigration. Philadelphia : J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1868. i6mo, 2 1., pp. 164. Map.* 437. BOLLES, ALBERT S. Pennsylvania Province and State. A History from 1609 to 1790. By Albert S. Iiolles, Ph.D., LL.D., Lecturer in the College. Philadelphia and New York: John Wanamaker, 1899. 2 vols. 8vo, pp. x, 582; vi, 532. Part I, Vols. 1 to 9. Part II, Vols. 10 to 23. Part I, frontispiece Wm. Penn. Part II, frontispiece of An- thony Wayne.* Sold: Bangs, 1902, cl, 4.00. 438. BOLLES, SIMEON (REV.). The Early History of Beth- lehem, N. H. Woodsville : 1883. i6mo. Paper. Sold: Manson, 1899, 1.25; Balcom, 1901, 1.25. 439. BOLLER, HENRY A. Among the Indians; Eight Years in the Far West, 1858- 1866, embracing Sketches of Mon- tana and Salt Lake. Philadelphia: T. Ellwood Zell, 1868. i2mo, pp. 428. Map. Sold: Guild, 1887, 1.40. 440. BOLTON, CHAS. KNOWLTON. Brookline ; the History of a Favored Town. Brookline, Mass. : C. A. W. Spencer, 1897. 8vo, pp. 213. Illustrations, portraits, plates, map. 441. BOLTON, ROBERT. A History of the County of West- chester, N. Y., from its First Settlement to the Present Time. New York: Pr. by Alex. S. Gould, 1848. 2 vols. 8vo, pp. xxxii, 559 ; Title, 582. Map, folded Tables and Woodcuts. Sold: Brinley, 1880, 14.50; Polock, 4.80; Bangs, 1896, hlf mo. 8.50; Libbie. 1897. 5. 10; Montayne, 1898, 5.00; Bax- ter, 1898, 4.80; Bangs. Merwin, 1865, 6.00 ; Rice. 1870. ck 16.00; Bushnell, 1883, with autograph letter of author, 3.00; Cable, 1883, 2.50; Barlow, 1890, 7.00; Cable, 1882, cl. 7.50; Bourquin, 1894, 4.80; Lawrence, 1896, 7.00; Hoff- mann. 1877. 11.00; Bangs. 1899, 6.75; Donnelly, 1894, hlf 96 BOND. elf, 13.00; Guild, 1887, 3.50; Morris, 1899, 6.50; Bangs, 1899, 6.50, 5.00; Bangs, 1902, cl, title imper., 4.50; Bangs, 1902, cl, 5.80; McKee, 1902, cl, 6.00; Bangs, 1903, hlf mo, water stained, 4.75; Field, 1875, 17.25; Anderson, 1905, with autograph of Franklin B. Hough, orig. cl, 3.00. 442. BOLTON, ROBERT, JR. History of the Several Towns, Manors, and Patents of the County of Westchester, from its First Settlement to the Present Time, carefully revised by its author, the late Rev. Robt. Bolton. Edited by the Rev. C. W. Bolton. New York: 1881. Maps, folding pedigree, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. Sold: De Voe, 1896, 4.00; Bangs, 1897, 6.00; Bangs, 1901, 5.50; Blanchard, 1898, 5.00; Bangs, 1901, hlf mo, 9.00; Bangs, 1 901, cl, 5.00; Nash, 1900, slip, 5.20; Bangs, 1900, 4.80; Anderson, 1902, cl, 8.20; Bangs, 1903, hlf mo, 10.00; Merwin-Clayton, 1904, 6.25 ; 1905, 5.50. 443. BOND, ALVAN. Historical Discourses delivered at the 100th Anniversary of the Organization of the Second Con- gregational Church, Norwich. Ct., July 24, i860, with an Appendix. Norwich: i860. 8vo, pp. 64. Plan. 444. BOND, HENRY. Family Memorials. Genealogies of the Families and Descendants of the Early Settlers of Water- town, Massachusetts, including Waltham and Weston ; to which is appended the Early History of the Town. With Illustrations, Maps, and Notes. Boston : Little, Brown & Co., 1855. 2 vols. 8vo, pp. viii, 672 ; 2 1., 673- 1094. Maps, Plates, and Portraits. + Second Edition. With a Memoir of the Author, by Henry Gates Jones. Boston : i860. 2 vols, in one. 8vo, pp. xv, iii, viii, 1094. Map and Portraits. Sold: Roche, 1867, 1855 ed., unct, 2.00; Cable, 1882, i860 ed., 575; J- G. Smith, 1883, 5.25; Whitmore, 1902. hlf 1110, 8.00; Brinley, 1879, 8.00; Guild, 1887. i860 ed., 18.50. 445. BOND, J. WESLEY. Minnesota and its Resources, to which are Appended Camp Fire Sketches, or Notes of a Trip from St. Paul to Pembina and Selkirk Settlement on the Red River of the North. New York : Redfield, 1853. i2tno, pp. 364. Map and 2 Plates. -f- Chicago : Keen & BONREPOS. 97 Lcc, 1856. -\- Philadelphia: Chas. De Silver, 1856. 121110, pp. 412. Woodcuts, -j- Chicago: 1857. Sold: 1853 ed. : Cable, 1883, 10 cts. ; Bourquin, 1894, 40 cts. ; Shurtleff, 1875, 55 cts. ; 1856 ed. : Woodward, 1869, 20 cts. ; Clogston, 1875, 10 cts. ; 1857 ed. : Dunbar, 1892, 35 cts. 446. BONNELL, GEORGE W. Topographical Description of Texas. To which is added an Account of the Indian Tribes. Austin : Clark, Wing & Brown, 1840. i6mo, pp. viii, 7-150. Sold: Brinley, 1881, 4.50; Cable, 1882, bds, 1.37; Field, 1875, 1.25. 447. BONNEY, C. VAN RENSSELAER. A Legacy of His- torical Gleanings, 1630-1865. Early Colonial Incidents, Revolutionary War, War of 1812 and the Civil War. Al- bany : 1875. 2 vols. 8vo, pp. 1 100. Portraits and Illus- trations. Relates to Revolution and to New York State. Correspondence of the Van Rensselaer Family, and Historical Documents, not to be found elsewhere. 448. BONOEIL, JOHN. His Majesties Graciovs Letter to the Earle of Sovth Hampton, Treasurer, and to the Councell and Company of Virginia heere : commanding the present setting up of Silke-works, and planting of Vines in Vir- vinia. . . . And in the end, a Conclusion, with sundry profitable remonstrances to the Colonies. Set foorth for the benefit of the two renouned and most hopefull Sisters, Virginia, and the Summer-Hands. London : Felix Kyng- ston, 1622. 4to. Sold: Brinley, 1880, portr. James I. inserted, stampd elf, 56.00. 449. BONREPOS, DE. Description du Mississippi, le nombre des villes, et colonies etablies par les Frangais, les iles, rivieres et territoires qui le bordent ... les moeurs et negoces des sauvages qui y habitent, la maniere de se faire la guerre et la paix, la fertilite du pays et la chasse, &c. Tar M. le chevalier de Bonrepos. Paris: Gyrin, 1720. 8vo. + Rouen: 1772. 121110. Sabin says this book has less than 4S pages. 9S BORTHWICK. 450. BONWICK, JAMES. The Mormons and the Silver Mines of Nevada, Utah" and Colorado. London: 1872. i2tno, PP- 425- 451. BOOGHER, WILLIAM FLETCHER. Gleanings of Vir- ginia History ; an Historical and Genealogical Collection, largely from Original Sources. Washington, D. C. : W. F. Boogher, 1903. 8vo, pp. 8, 443. 452. BOOTH, MARY L. History of the City of New York, from its Earliest Settlement to the Present Time. Illustrated with over One Hundred Engravings. New York : W. R. C. Clark & Meeker, 1859. 8vo, pp. 846. + The Same, i860. Svo. pp. 850.* This book was issued with a new dale. New York: W. R. C. Clark. tS65, l856, and 1R67, and the following title: 453. . History of the City of New York. New York: W. R. C. Clark, 1867. 2 vols. 8vo, pp. 892. Illustrated.* "This edition, in two vols., is the same as the others, up to page 753. From this point the authoress has made some additions and alterations, and omitted the Charter. One hundred copies were printed on large paper." Sabin. The numbering is continuous in the two volumes. Frontispiece of Peter Stuyvesant in the first volume. 454. . History of the City of New York. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co., 1880. Roy. Svo, pp. 920. Illustrated.* Sold: Balcom, 1901, 2.00;. 1859 ed. : Brayton Ives, 1891, hlf mo, git. unct, 4.00; Randall & Shreve, 1901, 1.80; S. L. Boardman, 1883, i860 ed., full mo, git, 2.75; Menzies, 1876, hlf mo, git. unct, 8.50; Hoffmann, 1877, unct. 2.12; Bangs, 1897, 3.00; Cooke, 1883, cl, 34.00; Cooke. 1883, 2.00; Redpath, 1894, 90 cts. : Guild, 1887. 1.12; Bangs, Merwin & Co., 1865, 1.50; Randall, 1901, 1.80; i860 ed. : West, 1889, 2.00; Bushnell, 1883, 25 cts.; 1863 ed. : Cable, 1882, 2.25; 1866 ed. : Bourquin, 1894, 1.50; Proud, 1903, 80 cts.; 1867: Weeks, 1902, 2.00; Bangs, 1902, shts, fid, large pap. 7.00; Roberts, 1896, 5.00; Rice, 1870, bds, unct, large paper, 14.50; 1880 ed. : Weeks, 1902, 2.70; Cable, 1882, shts, fid, 1.00; Cable, 1883, shts, fid, 1.00. 455. BORTHWICK, J. D. Three Years in California. With Eight Illustrations by the Author. Edinburgh: \Y. Black- wood & Sons. 1857. Svo, pp. 384. Relates to early mining in that country, the Chinese, lynch law, gambling dens, etc. bossu. 99 456. BOSS, HENRY R. Sketches of the History of Ogle County, 111., and the Early Settlement of the Northwest. Written for the Polo Advertiser. Polo, Illinois: Henry R. Boss, 1859. 8vo, pp. (2), 75. -+- (Ibid.) 1859. 8vo, pp. (2), 88. 457. BOSSU, N. Nouveaux voyages aux Indes Occidentales Contenant line Relation des differens Peuples qui habitent les environs du grand Fleuve Saint-Louis, appelle vul- gairement le Misissippi ; leur religion, leur gouvernment, leursmoeurs, leurs guerres & leur commerce. Par M. Bossu, Capitaine dans les Troupes de la Marine. 2d edi- tion. Paris: Le Jay, 1768. 2 vols. i2mo, pp. xx, 187, 193, 3 1. 4 plates. -f- Amsterdam: D. T. Changuin, 1769. 2 vols. 1 2mo, pp. xx, 187, 193, 31. 4 plates. Sabin finds no record of the first edition. Publ. in Dutch in Amsterdam, in 1769. In German in Frank- furt, Leipzig, in 1771-74. In Helmstadt in 1776. 458. . Nouveaux Voyages dans l'Amerique Septentrionale. contenant un collection de Letters ecrites sur les lieux par l'Auteur. a son ami, M. Douin, &c. Amsterdam: 1777. 8vo, pp. xvi, 392. 4 plates. Paris : Changuion. "Bossu's account of his two first voyages to Louisiana was printed in 176S, after which he made a third voyage, the account of which i^ given in this volume, which, not having been reprinted nor translated into any other language, is a much scarcer work than the former." Rich. "Largely devoted to his personal intercourse with the Indians-" Field. Sold: Brinley, 1881,4.25. 459. . Travels through that Part of North America for- merly called Louisiana. By Mr. Bossu, Captain in the French Marines. Translated from the French, by John Rheinhold Forster, F.A.S. Illustrated. With Notes rela- tive chiefly to Natural History. To which is added by the Translator a systematic Catalogue of all the known Plants of English North-America, or a Flora Americae Septen- trionalis. Together with an Abstract of the most useful and necessary Articles contained in Peter Loefiling's Trav- els through Spain and Cumana in South America. Re- ferred to the Pages of the original Swedish Edition. Lon- don : T. Davies, 1771. 2 vols. 8vo, pp. viii, 407. Half Title, Title pp. 432. IOO BOUTON. Sold: Brevoort, 1890, 2.50; Murphy, 1884, 3.00; Brinley, 1881, 3.50; Field, 1875, 5.00; Bangs, 1901, title imperf., hlf elf, 4.10; Polock, 1904, elf, 9.50. 460. BOSWELL, REV. GEORGE C. The Litchfield Book of Days. A Collation of the Historical, Biographical, and Literary Reminiscences of the Town of Litchfield, Ct. Litchfield: Alex. B. Shumway, 1899. i6mo, pp. 219. Il- lustrated.* 461. BOTTUM, ROSWELL. History of the Town of Orwell, Vt., from 1763 to 185 1. Rutland : Tuttle & Co., Prs., 1881. 8vo, pp. 50. 462. BOURNE, EDWARD EMERSON. An Address on the Character of the Colony founded by George Popham at the Mouth of the Kennebec River, August 19, (O. S.) 1607. Delivered in Bath, on the Two Hundred and Fifty- seventh Anniversary of that Event. Delivered and pub- lished at the request of the Committee of the Commemo- ration. Portland : 1864. 8vo, pp. 60. Bibliographical account of: Bulletin Boston Public Library. Vol. 3, P- 272. Sold: Manson, 1899, 1.00. 463. . The History of Wells and Kennebunk from the earliest Settlement to the Year 1820, at which Time Ken- nebunk was set off, and Incorporated, with Biographical Sketches. Portland: B. Thurston & Co., 1875. 8vo, pp. xxiii, 767. 5 illustrations. Sold: Bell, 1895, 4.00; Deane, 1898, 4.12; Manson, 1899, 4.00; Cable, 1882, 3.12; Child, 1882, 2.12; Balcom, 1901, 3.25; S. L. Boardman, 1883, 2.25; Whitmore, 1902, 4.00; Guild, 1887, 6.00; Libbie, 1901, 3.50; Libbie, 1898, 3.00; Libbie, 1902, 4.25 ; French and Chubbuck, 1904, hlf elf, 12.00. 464. BOUTELLE, THOMAS. Address at Bath, N. H., Jan. 23, 1854, by David Sutherland, with Historical Appendix by Rev. Thomas Boutelle. Boston : 1855. 121110. 465. BOUTON, NATHANIEL. Two Sermons preached 21st November, 1830, in Commemoration of the Organizing of BOUTON. IOJ the First Church in Concord, and the Settlement of the First Minister, on the 18th November, 1730, with a View of Concord in 1746. Concord: Asa McFarland, 1831. 8vo, pp. 102. Map. "These two Centennial Historical Discourses, with their ex- tensive notes and documents, are among the most valuable pieces of American local history we have." Stevens. Sold: Woodward, 1869, 25 cts. ; Manson, 1899, 40 cts. ; Child, 1882, 75 cts. 466. . An Historical Discourse in Commemoration of the Two Hundredth Anniversary of the Settlement of Nor- walk, Ct., delivered July 9, 1851. New York: 1851. 8vo.* Sold: Balcom, 1901, .75; Woodward, 1869, 1.13; Bushnell, 1883, 1.25; Manson, 1899, 3.25. 467. . The History of Concord (N. H.) from its First Grant in 1725, to the Organization of the City Govern- ment in 1853, with a History of the Ancient Penacooks. The whole interspersed with Numerous Interesting Inci- dents and Anecdotes, down to the Present Period, 1855 ; embellished with Maps ; with Portraits of Distinguished Citizens, and Views of Ancient and Modern Residences. Concord: Benning W. Sanborn, 1856. 8vo, pp. (4) 786. Frontispiece, portrait of N. Bouton.* Sold: Libbie, 1895, 6.50; Balcom, 1901, 6.00; Bell, 1895, 7°°; Libbie, 1895, 6.50; Wood, 1895, 5.25; Libbie. 1896, 7.10: Bangs, 1896, 4.00; Patterson, 1896, 6.10; Libbie, 1896 broken, 3.00; Hurst, 1904, cl, lacking map, 4.00; Massie, 1905, cl, 5.00; Libbie, 1897, 6.50; Terry, 1889, 3.63; Deane. 1898, cl, 8.00: Blanchard, 1898, hlf mo, git, unct, 8.00; Olcott, 1901, cl, 5.75: Woodward, 1869, 3.00; same sale, 4.12; Manson, 1899, 6.75; Cable, 1882, 4.75; Child, 1882, 5.00; Cable, 1883, 3.50; S. L. Boardman, 1883, 3.50; Proud, 1903, 5.00; Guild, 1887, 7.00; Bangs, 1901, 3.25; Brooks, lacks map, 1898, 3.25; Clogston, 1899, 7.75; Lib- bie, 1900, with library stamp, 3.50; Bartlett, 1903, cl, 6.00. 468. . Semi-Centennial Discourse at Franklin, N. H., June 12th, 1877. Concord: 1877. 8vo. Sold: Cable. 1882,, 85 cts. 102 BOWES. 469. BOUTWELL, FRANCIS MARION. Old Homesteads of Groton, Massachusetts. Groton : 1883. 8vo, pp. 11. Old Highways and Landmarks of Groton, Massachusetts. Groton : 1884. 8vo, pp. 20.* 470. BOWDITCH, JAMES H. Newport (Historical Sketches). 1884. Map and illustrations. 471. BOWEN, ABEL. Bowen's Picture of Boston, or The Citi- zens and Stranger's Guide to the Metropolis of Massa- chusetts, and its Environs. Embellished with Engrav- ings. Boston : Abel Bowen, 1829. i8mo, pp. 252. Map and Plates.* The Same, 2d ed. To which is prefixed the Annals of Boston by Alonzo Lewis. Boston : Lilly, Wait & Co. and Lorenzo H. Bowen, 1833. i8mo, pp. 316. Maps and Plates. 3d ed.. Boston: Otis, Broeders & Co., 1838. i8mo, pp. 304. + 1840. Engraved first title, 1833 edi- tion.* Sold: 1829 ed. : Livermore, 1894, bds, broken, 37 cts. ; Man- son, 1899, bds, unct, 1.25; Deane, 1898, 1.50; Whitmore, 1902, bds, 4.00; French, 1901, 3.00; Child. 1882, bds, unct, 2.12 ; Brinley, both 1829 and 1838 eds., 2 vols., 1.00; Cable. 1882, 1.25; 1833 ed. : Balcom, 1901, 1.25; Bushnell, 1883, 60 cts.; Bourquin, 1894, 25 cts.; Hoffmann, 1877, 1.25; Guild, 1887, 1.75; 1838 ed. : Randall & Shreve, 1901. 40 cts.; Woodward, 1869, 1.00; Bourquin, 1894, 15 cts.; Lib- bie. 1901, 1. 10; J. G. Smith, 1883, 1.62; Peirce, 1903, 50 cts.; Deane, 1898, 75 cts.; 1840 ed. : Manson. 1899, hlf mo, 75 cts. 472. BOWEN, CLARENCE. History of the Centennial Cele- bration of Washington. New York : 1892. 4to. Sold: Falconer, 1903, cl, git, 10.50; Anderson, 1904, git, I3-25- 473. BOWEN, CLARENCE WINTHROP. Woodstock, An Historical Sketch. Read at Roseland Park, Woodstock, Connecticut, at the Bi-Centennial Celebration of the Town, on Tuesday, September 7, 1886. New York and London : G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1886. 8vo, pp. 64.* Sold: Manson, 1899, 2.37; Deane, 1898, 1.00. BOWLES. 103 474. BOWEN, DANIEL. A History of Philadelphia, with a Notice of Villages in the Vicinity. Embellished with En- gravings. Designed as a Guide to Citizens and Strangers, containing a Correct Account of the City Improvements, Up to the Year 1839; Also, The State of Society in rela- tion to Science, Religion, and Morals; with an Historical Account of the Military Operations of the late War, in- cluding the Names of over Two Thousand Patriotic Offi- cers and Citizen Soldiers, who volunteered their Services in defence of this City, when threatened by an Hostile Army. In 1812-13 & 14. Philadelphia: Printed and Pub- lished by Daniel Bowen, 1839. 8vo, pp. iv, 200, and 15 pp. advertisements. Illustrated by queer woodcuts.* ■ This bonk was set up by, and all the work of printing it was done by Mr. Bowen. Mr David Noyes, of Maine, did a similar work on a history of Norway, Me. Sold: Henkels, 1896, 375; Bourquin, 1894. 1.30; Harold Peirce, 1903, 4.50; Proud, 1903, 2.50; Merwin-Clayton, 1904, bds, cl back, 3.30; Henkels, 1905, bds, presentation copy, 3.50; Pennypacker, 1906, 5.00. 475. BOWEN, ELI. The Pictorial Sketch-Book of Pennsylva- nia. Or its Scenery, Internal Improvements, Resources, and Agriculture, popularly described, by Eli Bowen. Il- lustrated with over 200 Engravings and a Colored Map. Philadelphia: J. W. Moore, 1852. + Philadelphia, 1853. + 8th edition, revised and greatly enlarged. Philadelphia: "\Y. White Smith, 1854. 8vo, pp. 309, and (Pedestrian Sketches) 207. + 9th edition, revised and enlarged. Phil- adelphia: 1854.* The map is often wanting. Sold: Waterburv, 1895, 1853 ed., 30 cts. ; Henkels, 1900, 1852 ed., 1. 10; Rogers, 1900, 40 cts.; Bourquin, 1894, 1853 ed.. 15 cts; Bourquin. 1894. 10 cts.; Harold Peirce, 1903. 40 cts. ; Cresson, 1902, 35 cts. ; Guild, 1887, map wanting, 1.25. 476. BOWEN, F. W. History of Port Elizabeth, Cumberland County, N. J. With a full account of the Centennial Cele- bration, also the Centennial Poem by C. B. Ogden. Phila- delphia: 1885. 8vo. Illustrated. 477. BOWLES, SAMUEL. Colorado. Its Parks and Moun- tains. Springfield: Samuel Bowles & Co., 1869. i6mo. 104 BOYD. 478. BOYCE, J. California from the Conquest in 1846 to the Second Vigilance Committee. A Study of American Character. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1886. i6mo, pp. 513. Map. 479. BOYD, C. R. Resources of Southwestern Virginia, showing the Mineral Deposits of Iron, Coal, Zinc, Copper, and Lead. Illustrated by Numerous Plates and a large col- ored Map. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1881. 8vo. Sold: Whitmore, 1902, 25 cts. 480. BOYD, DAVID. A History of Greeley and the Union Col- ony of Colorado. Greeley, Colo. : The Greeley Tribune Pub. Co., 1890. 121110, pp. 448. Illustrated.* 481. BOYD, JOHN. Annals and Family Records of Winchester, Conn. With Exercises of the Centennial Celebration on the 16th and 17th Days of August, 1871. Hartford: 1873. Pp. 631. 19 portraits. Sold: Patterson, 1896, 3.50; Manson, 1899, 4.00; Cable, 1882, 4.00; Cable, 1883, 2.25; Hoffmann, 1877, cl, unct, 3.25; Guild, 1887, 4.00. 482. BOYD, WILLIAM H. The Newport Directory, containing the Names of Citizens, also a reprint of the Centenary Discourse of the Rev. John Callender, A. M., being a History of Rhode Island to 1738, printed 1856-57. New- port: Chas. E. Hammett, Jr. (n. d.). 241110, pp. 121. The first Newport directory. 483. . Pictorial Directory of Broadway, in which will be found an Alphabetical, a Business, and a Numerical or Street Directory, giving the Names of the Occupants of every Building on Broadway. Illustrated with Views of Public Buildings and Places of Business. New York: Wm. H. Boyd, 1859. 8vo. 484. BOYD, WILLIAM P. History of the Town of Conesus, Livingston County, N. Y., from its First Settlement in 1793 to 1887, with a Brief Genealogical Record of the Conesus Families. Conesus: 1887. Sm. 4to, pp. 177. I 'ortraits. Sold: Harris. 1896, 3.25; Libbie, 1901, 3.00. BOYNTON. I05 485. BOYLE, CAPT. ROBERT. The Voyages and Adventures of Capt. Robert Boyle, in several parts of the World, &c. Intermix'd with the Story of Mrs. Villars, an English lady with whom he made his surprising Escape from Barbary. To which is added the Voyage, Shipwreck, and Miraculous Preservation of Richard Castleman, gent. With a Description of the City of Philadelphia and the Country of Pennsylvania. London: J. Watts, 1726. 8vo, 5 '•> PP- 374- Plate. Second edition. London: 1727. -f- 1728. + 1735. + Wolverhampton: 1744. i6mo, pp. 317. London: 1762. 1777. Edinburgh: 1780. London: 1787. i2mo. French edition. Amsterdam: Wetsteins & Smith, 1730. 2 vols. 121110, 4 1., pp. 341 ; 276. Table, 6 1. 7 Plates. Italian edition. Venezia : 1734. i8mo, pp. 447. German edi- tion. Leipzig: 1793. "Boyle's narrative is probably fictitious, but that of Castleman bears mark of authenticity. The latter's visit to Philadelphia took place in 1710. Boyle's Voyages have been often reprinted, but Castle- man's relation is only to be found in the early editions. This work has been attributed to Benj. Victor and to Daniel Defoe." Sabin. Sold: Munoz, 1897, 4- 2 5- 486. BOYNTON, REV. C. B.; MASON, T. B. A Journey through Kansas; with Sketches of Nebraska; describing the country, climate, soil, mineral, manufacturing, and other resources. By Rev. C. B. Boynton and T. B. Mason, committee from the "Kansas League" of Cincinnati With a new and authentic map. Cincinnati: Moore, Wil- stach, Keys & Co., 1855. 8vo, pp. 216. 3 editions. Sold: J. G. Smith, 1883. 1855 ed.. 2.00; A. G. Greene, 1869, 20 cts. 487. BOYNTON, E. C. History of West Point, and its Military Importance during the American Revolution ; and the Origin and Progress of the United States Military Acad- emy. By Capt. Edward C. Boynton, A. M. New York: D. Van Nostrand, 1863. 8vo, pp. xviii, (1), 9-408. 35 Illustrations, including Maps.* 100 copies printed on large paper. London: Sampson, Low, Son & Marston, 1864 Xew York: D. Van Nostrand. + 1866. 8vo, pp. xviii. 408. I06 BOZMAN. 36 illustrations and folding plans, -f" New York : Van Nostrand, 1871. 2d Edition.* Contains a facsimile reprint of the trial of Major Andre, 1780. Sold: 1863 ed. : Balcom, 1901, 2.25; Brevoort, 1890, large pap., 3.75; Breevoort, 1890, ordinary paper, 1.50; Bangs, 1896, large pap., mo, 5.00; Murphy, 1884, 2.50; Hayes, hlf levt mo, git, 7.75 ; Deane, 1898, large pap. ed., cl, unct, 3.50; Livennore, 1894, large pap., 2.75; Cable, 1882, 1.37; West, 1901, 3.00; Bangs, 1894, 3.38; 1864 ed. : Child, 1882, large pap., unct, 4.50; same sale, 8vo, 3.00; Menzies, 1876, large pap., 16 engravings inserted, hlf levt mo, git, unct, 10.50; Cooke, 1883, large pap., 7.50; Henkels, 1902, 1.60; W. F. Fowle, 1864, lar. pap., cl, unct, 17.50; Anderson, 1903, 1866 ed., cl, 3.00; O'Shaughnessy, 1905, hlf mo, large pap., 10.00; Rice, 1870, large pap., unct, 5.00; Fisher, 1866, large pap., 1864, cl, 10.00: Butler, 1889, 1864 ed.. large pap., 2.00; Roche, 1864, large pap., 1867, 8.00; Barlow, 1890, cl, unct, large pap., 2.00; Bangs, 1895, large pap., cl, unct, 2.25; large pap., hlf mo, git, unct, 2.50; 1873 ed. : Guild, 1887, 3.25. 488. BOYNTON, W. W. The Early History of Lorain County, Ohio. An Address delivered July 4, 1876, at Elyria, Ohio. 8vo, Title, pp. 35.* "First published in the Elyria Weekly Republican, July 7, 1876." Thomson. Issued by the Lorain County Agricultural Society, n. d. Sold: Bourquin, 1894, 30 cts. 489. BOYLSTON, E. D. Historical Sketch of the Hillsborough County Congress, held at Amherst, N. H., 1774 and 1775, with other Revolutionary Records. Amherst : 1884. 8vo. Paper. 490. BOZMAN, JOHN LEEDS. A Sketch of the History of Maryland, during the Three First Years after its Settle- ment: to which is prefixed a Copious Introduction. Balti- more: Edward J. Coale, 181 1. 8vo, pp. viii, 387, (1). Portrait of Geo. Calvert.* Sold: Murphy, 1884, .40; Rice, 1870, shp, 1.87; Fisher, 1866, hlf elf, portraits of 2 Lords Calvert inserted, 2.12; Brinley, 1880, 3.75; Cable, 1883, 2.00; Holbrow, 1892. portrait of BRACKENRIDGE. 107 Ld. Baltimore inserted, shp, 1.50; Waterbury, 1895, 60 cts.; Barlow, 1890, hlf mo, 14.00; Rogers, 1900, 1.70; Ilenkels, 1900, 1.60; Thornton, 1878, 45 cts.; Eourquin, 1894, name cut from title, 60 cts. ; Hoffmann, 1877, shp, 70 cts.; Henkels, 1902, 1.70; Guild, 1887, 1.00; Anderson, 1903, orig. elf, bookplate of author, 2 extra portr., 4.15. 491. . The I History of Maryland, | from | its First Settle- ment, in 1633, I to The Restoration, in 1660, | with | A Copious Introduction | and | Notes and Illustrations. | Baltimore: | James Lucas & E. K. Deaver. | 1837. 2 vols. 8vo, pp. xii, 9-314; 728.* The aboriginal history is very complete. Sold: Brevoort, 1890. 1.75; Coburn, 1895, 4.25; Murphy, 1884, 8.00; Deane, 1898, shp, 3.00; Ives, 1892, elf, extra, unct. 14.00; Fisher, 1866, shp, 3.00; Mitchell, 1891, hlf mo, git, Pawson & Nicholson, unct, 8.50; Brinley, 1880, 3.50; Bangs, Merwin, 1865, 1.75; Brayton Ives, 1891, elf, extra, git, 14.00; Child, 1882, shts folded, 6.30; Henkels, 1900, 1.50; Alexander, 1895, 4.00; Adee, 1895, hlf cr levt mo, git, unct, by Matthews, 11.00; M. D. Oilman, 1884, 1.75; Bourquin. 1894, hlf mo, git, unct, map inserted, 4.20; Field, 1875, 5.00; Donnelly, 1894, hlf mo, git, 4.50; Guild, 1887, shts fid, 2.50; Henkels, 1900, shp, 3.00. 492. BRACE, CHARLES LORING. The New West, or Cali- fornia in 1867-68. New York: 1869. 8vo. Sold: Bourquin, 1894, 10 cts. 493. BRACE, JONATHAN. A Leaf of Milford History; a Thanksgiving Sermon preached in the First Church, Mil- ford, Ct., Nov. 25, 1858. New Haven : 1858. Pp. 24. 494. BRACHT, VIKTOR. Texas im Jahre 1848. Nach mehr jahrigen Beobachtungen dargestellt von Viktor Bracht. Mit verschiedenartigen Zugaben Auszugen aus Briefen. Elberfield : Jul. Badeker, 1849. 8vo, pp. xii, 322. 495. BRACKENRIDGE, HENRY M. History of the Western Insurrection in Western Pennsylvania, commonly called the Whiskey Insurrection. 1794. Pittsburgh: Printed by W. S. Haven, 1859. 8vo. pp. 336. IOS BRACKENRIDGE. See Hist. Mag, 3, 377. Sabin says: "The author's father defended the insurgents; in this work the father is defended." See Hugh H. Brackenridge. "Most of the copies of this book were destroyed by fire." Barlow. Sold: Bangs, Merwin, 1865, 2.50; Rice, 1870, cl, 2.25; Cable, 1883, 1. 12; Fisher, 1866, hlf mo, unct, git, 8.50; Barlow, 1890, 4.50; Cable, 1882, 1.25; Manson, 1899, 2.25; M. D. Gilman, 1884, 75 cts. ; Donaldson, 1899, 1.30; Menzies, 1876, hlf mo, git, unct, by Bradstreet, 5.00; Bourquin, 1894. 2.50; Bourquin. 1894, 1.80; Hoffmann, 1877, 3.25; Guild, 1887, 1.50. 496. . Views of Louisiana; together with a journal of a Voyage up the Missouri River, in 1811. Pittsburgh: Cramer, Spear & Eichbaum, 1814. 8vo, pp. 304.* Reprinted with the following title : Views of Louisiana ; contain- ing Geographical, Statistical and Historical Notices of that Vast and Important Portion of America. Baltimore : Schaeffer & Maund. 1817. i2mo. pp. 323. This does not include the Journal, which was published sepa- rately. Baltimore. 1817. Sold: Brevoort, 1890, 1.25; Henkels, 1900, 1.30; Randall, 1901, i8i7,ed., 3.20; Murphy. 1817 ed., 1884, .50; Cooley, 1866, 1817' ed., hlf mo, 1.00; Woodward, 1869, 1814 ed., elf, 35 cts.; Woodward, 1869, 1817 Bait, ed., 25 cts.; Brin- ley, 1881, 1814 ed., 1.75; 1893, 1.75; Brinley, 1881, 1817 ed., 1.50; Brinley, 1893, 1817 ed., 1.62; 1814 ed. : Dunbar, 1892, bds, 1.30; Waterbury, 1895, shp, 1.37; Rogers, 1900, 1.30; M. D. Gilman, 1884, 2.00; Bourquin, 1894, 1.10; Bangs, 1901, hlf mo, 8.00; Bangs, 1898, 3.75; Garnett, 1902, shp, 4.00 ; Henkels. 1904, shp, broken, 6.25 ; Ander- son, 1905, shp, 5.00; Rich, 1861, is. 6d. ; 1817 ed. : Randall & Shreve, 1901, bds, unct, 3.20; Shurtleff, 1875, 1.00; Proud, 1903, 3.25 ; Field, 1875. 87 cts. ; Henkels, 1900, 1.30. 497. . Ansichten von Louisiana nebst einem Tagebuche einer in Jahre 181 1 den Missouri-Fluss aufwarts gemach- tete Reise. Aus dem Englischen. Weimar: Ind-Compt, 18 1 8. 8vo. 498. . Journal of a Voyage up the River Missouri ; per- formed in Eighteen Hundred and Eleven, by H. M. Brackenridge, Esq. Baltimore: Coale & Maxwell, 1815. 121110, pp. 247. Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged by BRADBURY. 109 the Author. Baltimore: Coale & Maxwell, 1816. i2mo, pp. viii, 246. First published with the "Views of Louisiana." Sold: Brinley, 1881, 1.75; Barlow, 1890, hlf mo, 2d ed., 5.00; Field, 1875, 2.87. 499. . Recollections of Persons and Places in the West. By H. M. Brackenridge, a Native of the Ohio. Philadel- phia : James Kay. Jun. and Brother, 1834. i2mo, pp. 244. Second Enlarged Edition. Phila. : J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1868. i2mo, pp. 331. Editions also dated 1836, 1838, and 1840. Sold: Brinley, 1.25. 500. BRACKENRIDGE, HUGH H. Incidents of the Insurrec- tion in the Western Parts of Pennsylvania, In the Year 1794. Philadelphia: John McCulloch, 1795. 8vo, Title, 1 1, pp. 5-124. V. II, pp. 84. V. Ill, pp. 154. "It was at first intended to publish this work in three vols., with an appendix to each vol. But this plan was relinquished, and it was judged best to publish the whole in one vol. (pp. 154). This accounts for the three paginations; that the second and third begin with page S is, perhaps, owing to title pages, &c., being dropped." Sabin. Sold: Brinley, 1880, 15.50; Fisher, 1866, bds, unct, 22.00; Menzies, 1876, hlf mo, git, unct, 14.50; Bourquin, 1894, 3.30; Donnelly, 1894, unct, levt 1110, by Pratt, 12.50; Bangs, 1900, hlf shp, 4.00; Bangs. 1899, 4.00; Anderson, 1903, hlf mo, git, some Is stained, hole in title, 5.00; Pennvpacker. 1906, hlf mo, git, unct, name Richard Cooper on title, 11.00. 501. BRADBURY, CHARLES. History of Kennebunk Port, from its First Discovery by Bartholomew Gosnold, May 14, 1602, to A. D. 1837. Kennebunk: Printed by James K. Remick, 1837. i2mo, pp. 301. Plate. "The town authorized a subscription of 500 copies to be dis- tributed among the families. See N. Am. Rev., '47, 259; Am. Mo. Mag., 11, 81." Williamson. Sold: Murphy, 1884, 4.00; Brinley, 1879, 5.25; Cable. 1882, 3.87; Manson, 1899. hlf mo, extra, 8.00; Thornton, 1878. 3.12; S. L. Boardman. 1883, title torn, 3.00; Guild. 1887, 6.00; Morris, 1899, 6.00; Libbie, 1902, cl, 3.25. IIO BRADFORD. 502. BRADBURY, JOHN. Travels in the Interior of America, in the Years 1809, 1810, and 181 1 ; including a Descrip- tion of Upper Louisiana, together with the States of Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, and Tennessee, with the Illinois and Western Territories, and containing Remarks and Observations useful to Persons Emigrating to those Countries. Liverpool : Printed for the author by Smith & Galway. London : Published by Sherwood, Neely & Jones, 1817. 8vo, pp. xii, Errata 1 slip, (1), 10-364. + Second Edition. London: Sherwood, Neely & Son, 1819. 8vo, pp. 346. Map. Contains Osage vocabulary. 503. BRADDOCK, GENERAL. The Expedition of Major Gen- eral Braddock to Virginia ; with The Two Regiments of Hackett and Dunbar. Being Extracts of Letters from an Officer in one of those Regiments to his Friend in Lon- don, describing the March and Engagement in the Woods. Together With many little Incidents, giving A lively Idea of the Nature of the Country, Climate, and Manner in which the Officers and Soldiers lived; also the Diffi- culties they went through in the Wilderness. London: Printed for H. Carpenter, 1755. 8vo, Half-Title, pp. 29. "A rare tract and a vile misrepresentation of everything that the worthless, unknown scribbler undertakes to describe." Sabin. 504. . Etat Present de la Pensilvanie, 011 Ton frouve le detail de ce qui s'y est passe depuis la defaite du General Braddock jusqu'a a la prise d'Oswego, avec tine Carte particuliere de cette Colonic Paris: 1756. 121110. Sold: Murphy. 1884, 1.75. 505. BRADFORD, ALDEN. History of Massachusetts, From 1764 to July 1775 ; when Gen. Washington took Command of the American Army. Boston : Richardson & Lord, 1822. 8vo, pp. vii, 414.* Sold: Olcott, 1901, bds, unct, covers loose, .50; Fisher, 1866, hlf mo, unct, git, 13.00; Libbie, 1901, bds, unct, 1. 12; Roche, 1867, bds, unct, 2.75; Dunbar, 1892, bds, unct, 1.25; Barlow, 1890, 4.00; Menzies, 1876, hlf mo, git, unct, portr. inserted, 4.50; Hoffmann, 1877, unct, 1.62; Cooke, 1883, levt mo, git, 3 vols., 16.50; Holliday, 1870, bds, unct, 2.75; Anderson, 1904, bds, unct, 5.00. BRADFORD. Ill 506. . History of Massachusetts, from July, 1775. when General Washington took Command of the American Army, at Cambridge, to the Year 1781;. ( Inclusive, 1 When the Federal Government was established under the Pres- ent Constitution. Boston : Wells & Lilly. 1825. 8vo, pp. Sold: Leonard, 1875, 3.00; Bangs, 1895, 4.50; Libbie, 1897, lil f elf, extra git, 3.00; Fisher, 1866, bds, 2.75; Waterbury, 1895, 1822-25 ed., 2 vols., shp, 2.75 ; Rogers, 1900, 50 cts. ; Barlow, 1890, 4.00; Menzies, 1876, hlf mo, git, unct, portr. inserted, 4.50; West, 1889, 2.75; Bourquin, 1894. 1.60; Hoffmann, 1877, bds, unct. [.62; Shurtleff, 1875, 2.75. 507. . History of Massachusetts, from the Year 1790 to 1820. Boston : The Author, 1829. 8vo, pp. 327. Sold: Leonard, 1875, 2.37; Bangs, Merwin, 1865, 75 cts.; Balcom, 1901, 3 vols , 1822, 1825, 1829, hlf mo, git, unct, 10.50; Hale, 1905, 1829 ed., orig. bds, unct, 3.00; Adee, 3 vols., 1822-29, 1895, levant mo, extra, unct, 27.00; Barlow, 3 vols., hlf mo, unct, 12.00; Rice, 4 vols., hlf mo, unct, 24.00; Deane, 1898, 3 vols., 1822-29, hlf elf, 7.50; Chase & Dale, 1897, 3 vols., 1822-29, with Hist, of Mass., 1620 to 1S.20, 4 vols., hit mo, extra git, unct, autograph of Gen'l Artemtts Ward on one title p., 19.00; Menzies, 1876, hlf mo, git, unct, portr. inserted, 4.50. At the Menzies sale the editions of 1822, 1825, and 1829, uniform in binding, sold each at 4.50, or for the three, 13.50; Hoffmann. 1877. bds, unct, 1.62; A. G. Greene, 1869, 3 vols.. 1822-25, 6.75; Guild,. 1887, hlf mo, git. unct, 3 vols., 1764-1820, 6.75; Cooke, 1883. hlf levt mo, unct, 16.50; Coburn, 1888, bds, unct, 11.00; Brinley, 1879, 3 vols., 1822-29, hlf mo, extra, unct, 16.50; Barlow, 1890, the 3 vols., 12.00; Child, 1S22. 3 vols., 1822-29, bds, unct, 4.1 1; Cable, 1882, bds, unct, 6.36; Manson. 1(^04. hlf mo, git, unct, 3 vols., 10.50; Man- son, 1904. bds. unct, 3 vols., 8.25; Manson, levt mo, extra git, unct, 454 extra illus. inserted, 129.00; Libbie, 1901. 1 vol. shp. 2 vols, bds, unct, 10.50. 508. . History of Massachusetts, for Two Hundred Years : from the Year 1620 to 1820. Boston: Hilliard. Gray & Co., 1835. 8vo, pp. 12, 480. Map.* Sold: Rice. 1870. 3 vols., 1822-29, 3 vols, and Hist, of Mass. for 200 yrs.. Bost., 1835, 4 vols., hlf brown levt mo. git, 112 BRADFORD. unct, 24.00; Cable, 1882, bds, 3.00; Child, 1882, bds, unct, portraits inserted, 2.62; Libbie, 1901, bds, 1.37; Thornton, 1878, 1.00; Deane, 1898, 2.50; 1835 ed. : Balcom, 1901, hlf mo, git, unct, 3.75; Cameron, 1896, 3.00; Libbie, 1897, 3.50; Livermore, 1894, 1.25; Brinley, 1879, hlf elf, git, 3.25 ; Holbrow, 1892, 39 portraits inserted for binding, 2.62; Cable, 1883, 1.75; West, 1889, 2.50; Manson, 1899, 87 cts. 509. . Complete and Authentic History of the Battle of Bunker Hill, June 17, 1775, derived from the Best Author- ities. Boston: Bradley & Co. (1825). 8vo, pp. 14. Sold: Manson, 1899, 50 cts. 510. . A Particular Account of the Battle of Bunker or Breed's Hill, on the 17th June, 1775. By a Citizen of Boston. Boston : 1825. 8vo, pp. 26. -\- Second Edition. Boston : Cummings, Hilliard & Co., 1825. 8vo, pp. 27. Sold: Coburn, 1895, hlf mo, unct, extra illus., 4.25 ; Rice, 1870, unct, 1.00; Manson, 1899, wrappers, unct, 1.25. 511. . New England Chronology; from the Discovery of the Country, by Cabot, in 1497, to 1800 (1820). Boston: S. G. Simpkins, 1843. 121110, pp. 202. Sold: Cable, 1882, 1.12. 512. BRADFORD, JAMES. An Address at Rowley, Mass., Sept. 5th, 1839, the Second Centennial Anniversary of the Settlement. Boston: Ferdinand Andrews, 1840. i2mo, PP- 54- See, also, Thomas Gage. Sold : Woodward, 1869, 63 cts. ; Thornton, 1878, 95 cts. ; Manson, 1899, 50 cts. 513. BRADFORD, LAURENCE. Historic Duxbury in Plym- outh County, Massachusetts. Boston : 1900. 8vo, pp. 6, 128. 514. BRADFORD, WILLIAM. History of Plymouth Planta- tion. By William Bradford, the Second Governor of the Colony. Now first printed from the original Manuscript for the Massachusetts Historical Societv. Published at UKADFOKD. I 1 3 the charge of the Appleton Fund. Boston: Publ. for the Society, by Little, llrown & Co., 1856. 8vo, pp. 476.* 515. BRADFORD, GOV. WILLIAM. History of Plymouth Plantation by William Bradford, the Second Governor of the Colony. Reprinted from the Massachusetts Histori- cal Collections. Edited, with Notes by Chas. Deane, Member of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Bos- ton : Privately printed, 1856. 8vo, pp. xix, (1), 476.* See Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. 4th ser. v. 3. But 50 copies in pres- ent edition, for presentation. Sold: Gregg, 1895, 7.50; Bangs, 1894, 7.50; Libbie, 1897, 9.25; Murphy, 1884, 5.00; Deane, 1898, cl, unct, 21.25; Menzies, 1875, hlf mo, unct, 7.00; Guild, 1887, cl, unct, 10.00; Livennore, 1894, cl, unct, 7.50; Manson, 1899, 10.50; Rice, 1870, cl, unct, 2.88; J. G. Smith, 1883, 3.30; M. D. Gilman, 1884, 2.12; Shurtleff, 1875, 7-5° ; Guild, 1887, 10.00: Libbie, 1898, 8.00; Perry, 1899, 3.75; Poole, 1900, 3.12; Libbie, 1902, cl, unct, 3.75; Chaffee, 1903, 3.60; Libbie, 1904, cl, unct, 3.00; Massie, 1905, cl, unct, 5.00; Eames, 1905, cl, 5.25. 516. . Mourt's Relation or Journal of the Plantation at Plymouth with an Introduction and Notes by Henry Mar- tyn Dexter. Boston ; John Kimball Wiggin. 1865. 4to, pp. xxxi, 8 1., pp. 176. Map. 517. . Governor Bradford's Manuscript History of Plym- outh Plantation and its Transmission to our own Times, by Justin Winsor. Cambridge: University Press, 1881. Private edition. Seventy-five copies printed. Sold: Brevoort, 1890, 4.00. 518. . The History of the Plimoth Plantation ; written by William Bradford, one of the Founders and Second Gov- ernor of that Colony ; reproduced in facsimile, by Pho- tography of the Original Manuscript ; with an Introduc- tion by J. A. Doyle. Boston : Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1895. 4to. 5ig. . History of the Plimoth Plantation. Reproduced in facsimile from the original manuscript. London : 1896. Folio. Introduction by J. A. Doyle. Sold: Pratt, 1899, cl, unct. 14.50: Massie, 1905, cl, unct, 11.50. I 14 BKAI1.M. 520. . Bradford's History of "Plimoth Plantation" ; from the original Manuscript with a Report of the Proceedings incident to the Return of the Manuscript to Massachu- setts. Printed under the Direction of the Secretary of the General Court. Boston (Commonwealth of Massachu- setts, Office of Secretary) : 1898. Svo, pp. yj, 555. Por- traits and facsimiles.* Sold: Balcom, 1901, 2.50; Whitmore, 1902, 1.50; Bangs, 1901, 4.12. 521. BRADFORD, WILLIAM JOHN ALDEN. Notes on the Northwest, or Valley of the Upper Mississippi. Com- prising the Country between Lakes Superior and Michi- gan, East ; the Illinois and Missouri Rivers, and the Northern Boundary of the United States ; including Iowa and Wisconsin, Part of Michigan Northwest of the Straits of Mackinaw, and Northern Illinois and Missouri. New York and London: Wiley and Putnam, 1846. 121110, pp. vi, (1), 302.* Sold: Fisher, 1866, .50; Brinley, 1881, 10 cts. ; Cooke, 1883. unct, 3.75 ; Guild, 1887, 1.00; Polock, 1904, cl, 3.25. 522. BRADSBY, H. C. History of Bradford County, Penna., with Biographical Selections. Chicago : S. B. Nelson & Co., 1891. 4to, pp. xi. 1320. Folding colored map.* 523. BRADSTREET, JOHN. An Impartial Account of Lieut. Col. Bradstreet's Expedition to Fort Frontenac. To which are added, A few Reflections on the Conduct of that Enterprise, and the Advantages resulting from its Success. By a Volunteer on the Expedition. London: T. Wilcox. 1759. 8vo, 2 1., pp. 60. See Munsell's Hist. Ser. No. IV. Bancroft, IV, p. 308. 524. BRADY, WILLIAM. Glimpses of Texas: its Divisions, Resources, Prospects, &c. Houston : 1871. 121110, pp. 104. Map. An Immigration Document. Sold: Bourquin, 1894, 20 cts.; Henkels, 1902, 60 cts. 525. BRAHM, JOHN GERAR WILLIAM DE. History of the Province of Georgia : with Maps of Original Surveys. By 1SKKAZEALE. I I 5 John Gerar William de Rrahm, His Majesty's Surveyor- General for the Southern District of North America. Now First Printed. Wormsloe (N. C.) : 1849. 4to, pp. 55, (1). 6 Plates. Fort\ nine copies were privately printed from MSS in the Library of Harvard College for the editor, George Wytnberly Jones. An ordinary ropy in the Ingraham sale, 1851, brought 49.00. Five copies are on plate paper. Sold: Murphy, 1884, hlf mo, git, unci, 45.00; Barlow, 1890, cl, unct, plate pap., presentation copy to Winthrop Sar- gent from Mr. Jones, 36.00 ; Menzies, 1876, plate pap., hlf mo, git, unct, 52.00; Henkels, 1900, cl, unct, 30.00; Ander- son, 1905, orig. cl, presentation copy from editor, G. W. Jones, 31.00. 526. BRAMAN, D. E. E. Braman's Information about Texas. Carefully Prepared by D. E. E. Braman, of Matagorda, Texas. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1857. i2mo, pp. 192. + 1858. Sold: Bourquin, 1894, 25 cts. ; Guild, 1887, 25 cts 527. BRANDEGEE, AUGUSTUS. Some Incidents of the Early History of New London, Ct., gathered from its Tomb- stones. 8vo. pp. 8 & 14. 14 plates of ancient tombstones. 528. BRANDOW, JOHN HENRY. The Story of Old Sara- toga ; or, the History of Schuylerville. Albany, N. V. : Brandow Print Co., 1901. i2mo, pp. 396. Maps. 529. BRANT and FULLER. Memorial Record of Alabama. A Concise Account of the State's Political, Military, Pro- fessional and Industrial Progress, together with the Per- sonal Memoirs of many of its People. In two volumes. Illustrated. Vol. I, (2). Madison, Wis.: Brant & Fuller, 1893. 4to, pp. viii, 17-1144; V. II, pp. vii, 17-1100. Largely devoted to personal memoirs. 530. BREAZEALE, J. W. M. Life As It Is; or Matters and Things in General : containing, amongst other things, his- torical sketches of the Exploration and first Settlement of the State of Tennessee ; Manners and Customs of the In- habitants ; their Wars with the Indians ; Battle of King's Mountain; History of the Harps, (Two noted Murder- Il6 BRERETON. ers;). A Satirical Burlesque upon the Practice of Elec- tioneering, &c, &c. . . . Knoxville : Pr. by James Williams, Office of the Post, 1842. i2mo, pp. 256.* Sold: Bangs, 1896, orig. bds, 6.75. 531. BRECK, SAMUEL. Sketch of the Internal Improvements already made by Pennsylvania ; with Observations upon her Physical and Fiscal Means for their Extension; par- ticularly as they have reference to the Future Growth and Prosperity of Philadelphia. Illustrated by a Map of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia: 1818. 8vo, pp. 82. + Second Edition, revised and enlarged. Philadelphia: M. Thomas, 1818. 8vo, pp. 81. (1). Map. Sold: Bourquin, 1894, 35 cts. 532. BREESE, SIDNEY. The Early History of Illinois, from its discovery by the French in 1673, until its cession to Great Britain in 1763, including the narrative of Mar- quette's discovery of the Mississippi. With biographical memoir, by M. W. Fuller. Edited by Thos. Hoyne. Chi- cago : E. B. Myers & Co., 1884. 8vo, pp. 438. Portraits and Maps. Sold: Slee, 1900, 3.25 ; Bangs, 1902, elf, git, by Pratt, 5.00. 533. BRENDLE, A. S. A Brief History of Schaeffertown, Pa. York, Pa.: Privately Printed, 1901. 8vo. Portraits and facsimiles. 534. BRERETON, JOHN. A | Briefe and true Relation of | the Discouerie of the North | part of Virginia ; being a | most pleasant, fruitful! | and commodious | soile : | Made this present yeere 1602, by | Captaine Bartholomew Gosnold, Cap- I taine Bartholomew Gilbert, and diuers | other gen- tlemen their associates, by the | permission of the honour- able knight, I Sir Walter Raleigh, &c. | Written by M. John Brereton | one of the voyage. | Whereunto is an- nexed a Treatise, | conteining important inducements for I the planting in those parts, and | finding a passage that way I to the South fea, | and China. | Written by M. Ed- ward Hayes, | gentleman | long since imploied in the like action. | I.ondoni, | Impensis Geor. Bishop. | 1602. 4to, pp. 48.* BREWER. 117 "Gosnold first made land at York Harbor, May 14, 1602. There were two impressions of this tract in 1602. Three copies of the first are believed to exist. One is in the John Carter Brown Library at Providence. A copy brought ^265 in 1886. The second impression contains twenty-four additional pages of 'Induccmenls,' and a copy now in the Lenox Library was sold at the Barlow auction in 1890 for $1,125." Williamson. "A work of the greatest rarity. Jadis' copy sold for £5, 15s. 6d. Reprint made: Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll., 3d Ser. VIII., 83-123." Sabin. In 1602 Capt. Bartholomew Gosnold and 32 Englishmen sailed from Falmouth to examine and explore "the North parts of Vir- ginia," and with him sailed John Brereton. The expedition sailed in March and returned in July, and between these dates they landed at Cape Cod and explored the coast and the Elizabeth Islands. Brere- ton was one of the five Englishmen who first landed on the shores of New England, and his account is simple and interesting. . He also gives a description of the natural advantages, products, etc., and a list of the animals, plants and minerals which they saw. The book includes a brief account of the voyage of Capt. Mace in search of Raleigh's lost colony in Virginia (Roanoke) and a Treatise by Cap- tain Edward Hayes on the advantages of a colony in Virginia and the likelihood of a passage to the South Seas. Sold: Brinley, 1878, dk green gros gr levt mo, broad inside borders, tooled and gilt on polished red mo, W. Pratt, with Rosier's Va., 1600.00; Barlow, 1890, vellum, git, 1125.00. 535. . A Briefe and True Relation of the Discoverie of the North Part of Virginia. By John Brereton. Reproduced in facsimile from the first edition of 1602. Introduction by Luther S. Livingston. New York : Dodd, Mead & Co., 1903. 8vo, pp. 7, 24. Facsimile printed as supplement to The Bibliographer. October, November. 1002 and afterwards issued in book form bv Dodd, Mead & Co., New York. Facsimile reprints. Historical Series, No. 2. 536. BREVOORT, ELIAS. New Mexico, her Resources and Attractions; A Collection of Facts on Mines, Public Lands and Spanish and Mexican Land Grants. Santa. Fe: 1874. 8vo, pp. 176. 537. BREWER, WILLIS. Alabama: her History, Resources, War Record, and Public Men. From 1540 to 1872. (Quo- tation, 12 lines.) (Seal of State.) Montgomery, Ala.: Barrett & Brown, 1872. 8vo, pp. 712. "This book must be regarded as the most valuable general con- tribution to the history of the State yet made. In the preparation of it the author lias displayed wonderful industry in collecting so much of interest and importance. His work possesses the greatest merit. t I 8 BREWSTER. however in that its accuracy of statements of fact is in the main without fault." Oiven's Bibl. Ala. Sold: Guild, 1887, 2.10. 538. BREWERTON, G. DOUGLAS. The War in Kansas. A Rough Trip to the Border, among New Homes and a Strange People. New York : Derby & Jackson, 1856. i2mo, pp. 400. Republished as the "Wars of the Western Border; or New Homes and a Strange People. New York : Derby & Jackson, i860." i2mo, pp. 400.* 539. BREWSTER, CHARLES W. Rambles about Portsmouth. Sketches of Persons, Localities, and Incidents of Two Centuries. Principally from Tradition and Unpublished Documents. Portsmouth, N. H. : C. W. Brewster & Son, 1859. 8vo, pp. 376. First Series. 540. . Rambles about Portsmouth. Second Series. Sketches of Persons, Localities and Incidents of Two Cen- turies : Principally from Tradition and Unpublished Docu- ments. With a Biographical Sketch of the Author by Wm. H. Hackett. Portsmouth, N. H. : Printed and Pub- lished by Lewis W. Brewster, 1869. 8vo, pp. 375.* Sold: Woodward, 1869, 2.00; Brinley, 1879, 3.00; J. G. Smith, 1883, 2.12; Manson, 1899, 2.00; Cable, 1882, 2 v., 1859-1869, 4.50; M. D. Gilman, 1884, 1st & 2d ser., 1869-73, 4.50; Hoffmann, 1877, 2.00; Whitmore, 1902, 1st & 2d ser., 4.50; Manson, 1904, bds, unct, 2 v., 13.00; Massie, 1905. cl, 7.00. 541. . Rambles about Portsmouth. Sketches of Persons, Localities and Incidents of Two Centuries. Principally from Tradition and Unpublished Documents. First and Second Series. Second Edition, Corrected. Portsmouth : Printed and Published by Lewis W. Brewster, 1869-73. 2 vols. 8vo. Sold: Balcom, igoi, 4.50; Olcott, 1901, 4.25; Manson. 1899, 4.75; Shurtleff, 1875, 2.12; Child. 1882, 2 vols., 4.50; S. L. Boardman, 1883, 2 v., 1869-73, 2 -9°'< S. L. Boardman. 1883, 1859-69, 2 v., 3.00: Guild, 1887, 2 v., 5.00; Harold Peirce, both ser., 3.80; Libbie, 190 1, 4.00. BRICKELL. 119 542. BRICE, WALLACE A. History of Fort Wayne, from the Earliest Known Accounts of this Point, to the Present Period. Embracing an extended view of the aboriginal tribes of the Northwest, including more especially the Miamies, of the locality — their habits, customs, &c. — together with a Comprehensive Summary of the General Relations of the Northwest, from the latter Part of the Seventeenth Century, to the Struggles of 1812-14; with a Sketch of the Life of the Late Hon. Samuel Hanna, to- gether with short Sketches of several of the Early Pioneer Settlers of Fort Wayne. Also an Account of the Manu- facturing, Mercantile, and Railroad Interests of Fort Wayne and Vicinity. With Illustrations. Fort Wayne, Ind. : D. W. Jones & Son, 1868. 8vo, pp. xvi, 324, 33* Steel plate of Hanna. The last 33 pages are the biographies and are paged independently of the rest of the book. Sold: Randall, 1901. 1.50; Cable, 1883, 75 cts. ; Dunbar. 1892, 80 cts.; Bushnell, 1883, extra illus., hlf mo, 3.00; Child. 1882, 1.37; Cable, 1882, hlf mo, unct, git, 1.50; Cable, 1883, hlf ro, unct, 37 cts.; Libbie, 1901, 1.00; Bourquin, 1894, 1. 10; Field, 1875, 1.37; Guild, 1887, 1.50. 543. BRICKELL, JOHN (M. D.). The Natural History of North Carolina. With an account of the Trades, Manners, and Customs of the Christian and Indian Inhabitants. Illus- trated with Copper-Plates, whereon are curiously En- graved the Map of the Country, several strange Beasts, Birds. Fishes, Snakes, Insects, Trees, and Plants, &c. Dublin: James Carson, 1737. 8vo, Title, 1 1., preface, iii-vi. subscribers, vii-xv, 408. Map and Two Plates. Reprinted with a new title page. Dublin, 1743. Sabin gives this book as published by The Author. Weeks, by Jas. Carson. "An almost exact verbal transcript of Lawson's History (Caro- lina), without acknowledgment on the part of the author, or even a hint that it is not original. Periods and paragraphs arc trans- posed ; parts arc occasionally omitted, and words here and there in- terpolated; but as a whole a more daring piece of plagiarism was never executed." Jarcd Sparks in No. Am. Rev., xxiii, 3S8. Sold: Dublin edition, 1737: Bangs, 1895. 5.50; Deane, 1898, title mended, 2 leaves dedication lacking, 7.00; Brinley, 1880, 1737 ed., 5.00; Chittenden. 1894, 3.25; Bangs. 1895, Bancroft's bookplate and autograph, 5.50; Bourquin. 1894, 3.75; Rich, 1861, 7s.; Field. 1875. 6.50; Guild, 1887, 7.00; 1743 ed. : Rice, 1870, elf, 13.00. 120 BROCK. 544. BRICKENSTEIN, H. A. Sketch of the Early History of Lititz, Pa., 1742-1775. Nazareth: 1885. 8vo, pp. 34.* Reprint from Trans. Moravian Historical Society of Penna., V. 2, 1 885. 545. BRIDGMAN, RAYMOND L. Ten Years of Massachu- setts. Boston: D. C. Heath & Co., 1888. i2mo, pp. 127. The ten years are from 1878 to 1888. The book is devoted to Sociology. 546. BRIGGS. ERASMUS. History of the Original Town of Concord, being the present Towns of Concord, Collins, N. Collins and Sardinia, Erie County, N. Y. Rochester : 1883. 8vo, pp. 977. 547. BRIGHAM, A. DELANY. Geneva, Seneca Falls and Waterloo Directory for 1862-63, with Histories of the Towns. Geneva, N. Y. 8vo. 548. BRIGHAM, WILLIAM. An Address delivered before the Inhabitants of Grafton (Mass.), on the First Centennial Anniversary of that Town, April 29, 1835. Boston : Light & Horton, 1835. 8vo, pp. 40. 549. BRINCKERHOFF, T. V. Historical Sketch of the Town of Fishkill from its First Settlement. Fishkill Landing: 1866. 550. BRINK, BENJAMIN MYER. The Early History of Sau- gerties ; inscribed to the Saugerties Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution. Kingston, N. Y. : R. \Y. Anderson & Son, 1902. i2tno, pp. 365, 12. Illustrated. 551. BRINTON, DANIEL G. Notes on the Floridian Penin- sula; its Literary History, Indian Tribes and Antiquities. Philadelphia: Joseph Sabin, 1859. 121110, pp. viii, 13-202.* Sold: Murphy, 1884, 1.25; Dunbar, 1892, 1.12; Bourquin, 1894, 1. 10; Henkels, 1900, 50 cts. ; Harold Peirce, 1903, 70 cts. ; Bourquin, 1894, 1.30. 552. BROCK, R. A. Richmond as a Manufacturing and Trading Centre: including Historical Sketch of the City, with Illustrations and Map. Richmond, Va. : Jones & Cook, 1879. 8vo. RRODIIKAD. 121 BROCK, SALLIE A. See No. 5223. 553. BROCKETT, L. P. Our Western Empire; or, The Xew West Beyond the Mississippi. The latest and most com- prehensive work on the states and territories west of the Mississippi. Philadelphia: 18S1. 8vo. Illustrations, Maps. 554. BRODHEAD, JOHN ROMYN. History of the State of New York. First Period, 1609-1664. New York: Harper & Bros., 1853. 8vo, pp. xv, 801. Folded Map of New Netherlands. History of the State of New York. Second Volume. First Edition. New York: Harper Bros., 1871. Svo, pp. xv, 680.* The Same. Second Edition. New York: Harper Bros., 1859. 8vo, pp. xv, 801. Advertisement, i 1. Map according to Charters granted by the States General, Oct. 11, 1614, and June 3, 1621.* At his death Mr. Brodhead left material for a third volume. Sold: 1853 ed. : Bangs, Merwin, 1865, 1.50; Weeks, 1902, 4.20; Thornton, 1878, 2.50; M. D. Gilman, 1884, 1.12; Shurtleff, 1875, 1.12; Bangs, 1902, V. 1, 2d ed., V. 2, 1st ed., 5.25; Deane, 1898, 1853-71, 2 vols., clth, 4.75; Bangs, 1895, 6.00; Wood, 1895, 6.20; Murphy, 1884, 1859-71, 2.50; Barlow, 1890, 11.00; Cooke, 1883, hlf mo, 12.00; Bangs 1901, 6.00; Perry, 1899, 3.60; Anderson, 1903, 1859-71. 4.40; Rice, 1870, cl, unct. 1.50; Roche, 1867, unct, 3.00; llolbrow, 1892, 4.00; Waterbury, 1895, 1859-71 ed., 2 vols., 6.00; Bushnell, 1883, 2.25; Hoffmann, 1877, 1859-71, sheets, 3.25; Menzies. 1876, hlf levt mo, git, unct, by Matthews, 2 portraits inserted, 13.75 ; Woodward, 1904, cl, 4.20: Merwin-Clayton, 1904, cl, 1859-71, 4.00; Henkels. 1901, 2 vols., 1874, 5.40; Cable, 1882, 5.00. 555. . Oration on the Conquest of New Netherland. De- livered before the New York Historical Society, Oct. 12. 1864. New York : 1864. 8vo, p. 87. Portrait and Map. Published by N. Y. Hist. Society, and including its Proceedings on 200th Anniversary of the "Conquest." Barton: Sold: Barlow, 1890, mo, git, unct, 2.25; Menzies, 1876. hlf mo. git, unct, 2.50. 122 BRONSON. 556. . The Government of Sir Edmund Andros over New England, in 1688 and 1689. Read before the New York Historical Society, 4th December, 1866. Morrisania, N. Y. : 1867. Svo, 2 1., pp. 40. Only a few printed. Sold: Barlow, 1890, hlf mo, git, 1.50; Cooke, 1883, 3.00. 557. BRODHEAD, L. W. The Delaware Water-Gap: Its Scenery, its Legends, and Early History. Philadelphia : Sherman & Co., 1867. 121x10, pp. 12, 276. -f- 1870. 4- 1890.* Sold: 1867 ed. : Bourquin, 1894, 10 cts. ; 1870 ed. : Dunbar, 1892, 75 cts.; Cable, 1882, 1.25; Bourquin, 1894, 25 cts.; Cresson, 1902, 60 cts.; Guild, 1887, 25 cts. 558. BROMME, TRAUGOTT. Michigan. Eine Geographisch- Statisch-Topographische Skizze fur Einwanderer und Freunde der Landen und Volkerkunde. Baltimore, Md. : 1833. 8vo, pp. 91. Map. Sketch for Emigrants, Inhabitants and the Public. 558a. . Alabama and Mississippi. Eine Geograph-statisch- topographische Skizze, &c. Baltimore: Scheld und Co., 1838. 8vo. 558b. . Illinois and Missouri. Taschenbuch fur Einwan- derer, &c. Baltimore: Scheld u. Co., 1838. Map. 558c. . Louisiana. Ein Taschenbuch, &c. Leipzig: 1837. 8vo. There were other guides and descriptive handbooks issued by Bromine between 1830 and 1840. See Sabin's Dictionary, Vol. 4. 559. BRONSON, HENRY (M. D.). The History of Waterbury, Connecticut ; The Original Township embracing Present Watertown and Plymouth, and Parts of Oxford, Wolcott, Middlebury, Prospect and Naugatuck. With an Appen- dix of Biography, Genealogy and Statistics. Waterbury : Bronson Bros., 1858. 8vo, Title, pp. viii, (2), 582. Errata, 2 1. 2 Plans, 6 Views, 19 Portraits, 1 Plate of Facsimiles.* Sold: Libbie, 1895, 3.75; Bangs, 1896, 3.75; Cable, 1882, 5.00; Bushnell, 1883, 2.37; J. G. Smith, 1883, 4.50; Manson, 1899, 4.87; Guild, 1887, 4.00; Bangs, 1898, 3.12; Perry, 1899, 3.10; Conland, 1904, cl, water-stained, 5.00. I! ROOKS. 123 560. BROOKS, CHARLES, REV. History of the Town of Med- ford, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, from its First Settlement in 1630, to the Present Time, 1855. Boston: James M. Usher, 1855. 8vo, pp. viii, 576. Illustrated, -f- Revised, Enlarged and Brought Down to 1885, by J. M. 'Usher. Boston : 1886. 8vo. Steel portraits and illustra- tions. Sold: 1855 ed. : Libhie, 1896, library stamp, 4.50; Libbie, 1896, hlf mo, 4.00; Libbie, 1897, 4.00; Balcom, 1901, 4.50; Bushnell. 18S3, 3.75; Cable. 1882, 6.50; Manson, 1899, 6.62; Cable, 1883, hlf mo, 6.25; Child, 1882, 6.25; Libbie, 1901, 3.25; Shurtleff, 1875, 5.50; J. G. Smith, 1883, 7.50; Whitmore, 1902, hlf mo, a. 1. s. author inserted, 3.50 ; Guild, 1887, 3.00; Libbie, 1901, 4.50; Libbie, 1901, cl, 3.25; Deane, 1898, cl, 5.25; 1886 ed. : Bangs, 1896, 4.12; Chase & Dale, 1897. cl, 3.50; Olcott, 1901, 3.75; Manson, 1899, 4.50; Guild, 1887, 4.50; Libbie, 1901, 2.75; Libbie, 1901, 3.00; Conely, 1902, cl. 3.50; Libbie, 1903, 3.25; Anderson, 1903, 4.50. 561. . The Tornado of 1851, in Medford, West Cambridge, and Waltham, Middlesex County, Mass. Being a Report by Rev. Chas. Brooks, and Reports by other Committees. Boston : J. M. Usher, 1852. i8mo, pp. 72. Sold: Manson, 1899, 20 cts. 562. . The Controversy touching the Old Stone Mill, in the town of Newport, Rhode Island, with Remarks Intro- ductory and Conclusive. With three woodcuts. New- port : C. E. Hammett, Jim., 1851. 121110, pp. 91. 563. BROOKS, ERASTUS. Historical Records of Staten Island ; Centennial and Bicentennial for 200 Years and more delivered at Staten Island, November 1st, 1883. 11. p. n. d. 8vo, pp. 39. Reprint from Proceedings of Bicentennial Celebration of Rich- mond County, 1883. 564. BROOKS, ELBRIDGE S. The Story of the States. The Story of New York. Boston : D. Lathrop Company. 1888. 8vo, pp. 311.* I 24 BROOMALL. 565. BROOKS, NOAH. First Across the Continent : the Story of the Exploring Expedition of Lewis and Clarke in 1803- 4-5. New York: Scribner, 1901. 121110, pp. 10, 365. Illus- trated. Map. 566. . Washington in Lincoln's Time. New York: Cen- tury Co., 1895. i2ino, pp. ix, il., 328. 567. BROOKS, J. TYRWHITT (M. D.). Four Months among the Goldfinders in Alta California; being the Diary of an Expedition from San Francisco to the Gold Districts London : David Bogue, 1849. Post 8vo, pp. xviii, 207 Map. + Second Edition. London : 1849. Post 8vo, pp xviii, 207. Map. + New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1849 8vo, pp. 94. -)- Paris : Galignani, 1849. Rl. 8vo, pp. 136 Map. Bryant*s California was published with this Paris edition. 568. . Vier maanden onder de goudzoekers in Opper-Cali- fornie, of Dagboek eener expeditie van San Francisco maar de gouddistricten. Uit het Engelsch door G. Francken. Amsterdam : 1849. 8vo, pp. 168. Map. 569. . Vier Monate unter Goldfindern in Ober Kalifornien. Tagebuch einer Reise von San Francosco nach den Gold- districten. Deutsch von Fr. Gerstacker. 1849. 8vo. Map. 570. . Vier Monate unter den Goldsuchern im Sacra- menio-Thale in Obercalifornien. Tagebuch von J. T. Brooks. Zurich : 1849. 8vo, pp. 56. "A rare and very striking pamphlet published as 'The result of actual experiencee.' which it doubtless was, being taken from the letters sent home by the author. It was very widely circulated in the Atlantic States i:i 1849, and has been more or less utilized by all careful students of the period to which it relates." Burrows Bros. Catalog. Sold: Waterbury, 1895, 95 cts. 571. BROOMALL, JOHN M. History of Delaware County for the Past Century. Read before the Delaware County Institute of Science and filed with the Congressional Librarian at Washington. Media, Pa.: Vernon & Cooper, 1876. 8vo, pp. 24.* Sold: Henkels, 1901, 2.00. I'.KOWN. 125 572. BROSS, WILLIAM. Historical and Commercial Statistics, Sketches, Facts and Figures, republished from the "Daily Democratic Press." What I remember of Early Chicago, by Wm. Bross. Chicago: Jansen, McClurg & Co., 1876. 8vo, pp. 126. Sold: Cable, 1882, 25 cts. 573- • Rock Island and its Surroundings, in 1853. Daven- port, 111. : 1854. 8vo. 574. BROWER, D. H. B. Danville, Montour County, Penna. ; A Collection of Historical and Biographical Sketches. Harrisburg: Lane S. Hart, 1881. 8vo, pp. 288.* Sold: Pennypacker, 1905, cl, 1.00. 575. BROWN, ABRAM ENGLISH. History of Bedford, Mass., from its Earliest Settlement to the Year 1891, embracing an Account of Indian Claims and Troubles, Colonial Grants, Sketches of its Heroes, its part in the struggle for Independence and the War of Nationality, its burial grounds and epitaphs, its industrial success and a record of its whole Progress, with a genealogical register of old Families. Bedford : 1891. Roy. 8vo. Steel portraits and illustrations. Sold: Olcott, 1901, cl, 6.50; Whitmore, 1902, 8.50; Manson, 1809, 9.50; Stephens, 1904, cl, 4.50. 576. BROWN, ALEXANDER. New Views of Early Virginia History, 1606-19. Liberty: 1886. i2mo, pp. 18. 577. BROWN, A. J. History of Newton County, Miss., from [834 to 1894. Jackson : 1894. 8vo, pp. 472. Portraits and Illustrations. 578. BROWN, CHARLES R. The Government of Michigan ; its History and Jurisprudence. Kalamazoo: Brown, Moore & Quale, 1874. i2mo, pp. 192. 579- • The Old Northwest Territory; its Missions, Forts and Trading Posts. Kalamazoo, Mich.: Brown, Moore & Quale, 1875. 8vo, pp. 32. Map. 126 BROWN. "This little work is intended as an aid in perpetuating a knowl- edge of the ninety-four Forts and Mission Stations which it locates in the Northwest Territory, and admirably does it fulfil its object. "The figures on the map indicate the localities, while the corre- sponding figures in the text indicate the paragraphs which embrace a brief history of the localities." Thomson. Sold: Bourquin, 1894, 1.20. 580. . Primary Government of Ohio. Including the His- tory, Resources, and Jurisprudence. Kalamazoo, Michi- gan : Brown, Moore & Quale, 1875. 121110, pp. 140. 581. BROWN, DAVID ARTHUR. The History of Penacook, N. H., from its First Settlement in 1734 up to 1900. Con- cord, N. H. : The Rumford Press, 1902. 8vo, pp. 8, 570. Illustrations and portraits. 582. BROWN, EDWARD. Wadsworth Memorial: Containing an Account of the Proceedings of the Celebration of the Sixtieth Anniversary of the First Settlement of the Town- ship of Wadsworth, Ohio. With the Addresses, Histori- cal Papers, and Poems, presented on that Occasion. Also, a Brief Sketch of the History to the Present Time ; with Sketches of the Early History of the Adjoining Town- ships. To which is annexed Biographical Sketches of the more prominent Pioneer Settlers and their Families. Wadsworth : Steam Printing House, 1875. i2mo, pp. 232. "Comprises a general history of Medina County, Ohio." Thorn- sou. Sold: Cable, 1882, 1.12. 583. BROWN, ELTON T. The History of the Great Minnesota Forest Fires, Sandstone, Hinckley, Mission Creek, Poke- gama, Skunk Lake. St. Paul, Minn. : Brown Bros. & Kingsley, 1894. Illustrated. 121110, pp. z^y. Map of the burnt district.* There is a list of names of the victims, and the story is largely told by the survivors. 584. BROWN, F. W. Cincinnati and Vicinity, Map and Numer- ous half Tones. Gazetteer and Guide to the City. Cin- cinnati: 1898, pp. 196. 585. BROWN, GEORGE M. Ponce DeLeon Land. Second Edition. St. Augustine, Florida. Jacksonville, Fla. : Da BROWN. 127 Costa Printing Co., 1895. ^ v "' PP- h\, '59- Paper. Por- trait.* The first edition was issued in 1892. Mr. Brown was an Ord- nance Sergeant, U. S. A., stationed in Florida. 586. BROWN, GEORGE W. Historical Sketches; Chiefly Re- lating to the Early Settlement of Friends at Falls, in Bucks County, Penna. By G. \V. 1!. Philadelphia: Printed by John P. Murphy, 1882. 121110, pp. 152. ;: 587. . A Concise Account of Pennsbury in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. By G. W. B.. 1881. Philadelphia: J. P. Murphy, 1881. 121110, pp. 24. Paper.* 588. . The Origin and Growth of Civil Liberty in Mary- land. A Discourse delivered before the Maryland Histori- cal Society, April 12, 1S50. Being the Fifth Annual Address to that Association. Baltimore: Printed by John D. Toy, 1850. 8vo, pp. 40. 589. . Reminiscences of Gov. R. I. Walker, with the True Story of the Rescue of Kansas from Slavery. Rockford : 1902. 121110. Portraits. 590. BROWN, HENRY. The History of Illinois from its First Discovery and Settlement to the Present Time. New York: J. Winchester, 1844. 8vo, pp. x, 492. Map.* "With great pretence in its chapter headings of saying much of the Aboriginal inhabitants of Illinois in the first 200 pages, the author gives us absolutely nothing but a melange of trite historical relations which blend Hannibal and Harrison, Tecumseh and Tonti, La Salle and Ponce de Leon, in an astonishing but not an interesting man- ner." Field. Sold: Bangs, Merwin, 1865, .75; Bangs, 1895, 4.00; Polock, 1895, 3.50; Bell, 1895, 3.50; Bangs, 1896, spotted, 3.10; Polock, 1904, cl, 4.20; Mann, 1897, 4.00; Fisher, 1866, 1.12; Stevens, 1886, elf, extra, 3.00; Brinley, 1881, 1.25; M. D. Gilman. 1884, 2.00; Chittenden, 1894, 3.25; Field. 1875. 2.75; Bourquin. 1894, 3.20; Guild, 1887, 4.00; Clogston, 1875, 2.50; West, 1901, 3.75; Bangs, 1899, 3.25; Clogston, 1899- 5-75- 591. . Present and Future Prospects of Chicago. Rise and Progress of Chicago. By Jas. A. Marshall. Chicago in 1836; Strange Early Days by Harriet Martineau. Chi- cago : Fergus Printing Co., 1879. 8vo. Fergus Historical Series, No. 9. 128 BROWN. 592. . A Narrative of the Anti-Masonick Excitement, in the Western Part of the State of New York, during the Years 1826, '7, '8, and a part of 1829. By Henry Brown, Esq., Counsellor at Law. Batavia, N. Y. : Printed by Adams & M'Cleary, 1829. 121110, 4 1., pp. 244. Sold: Bangs, Merwin & Co., 1865, 1.38; Bourquin, 1894, 1.40. 593. BROWN, HENRY ARMITT. The Settlement of Burling- ton, N. J. An Oration at the Commemoration of the Two Hundredth Anniversary. Burlington : Liberty Company, 1870. + The same. 1878. Svo. Sold: Henkels, 1900, unct, 4.00; Bourquin, 1894, 25 cts. ; Pennypacker, 1906, hlf mo, autograph copy from author, 1. 10. 594. BROWN, IGNATIUS. History of Indianapolis, from 1818 to 1S68. Indianapolis: Logan & Co., 1868. Svo, pp. 100. With Indianapolis Directory. 595. BROWN, JAMES S. Life of a Pioneer in Utah and the West. Salt Lake : 1900. 8vo. 596. BROWN, JOHN HENRY. History of Dallas County. 1837- 1887. Dallas, Texas : 1887. i6mo, pp. 114. Has special reference to the Pioneer settlers. 597. . History of Texas from 1685 to 1892. St. Louis : 1892. 2 vols. Svo. Portraits and illustrations. 598. BROWN, JOHN M. Brief Sketch of the First Settlement of the County of Schoharie by the Germans ; Being an Answer to a Circular Letter, addressed to the Author, by "The Historical and Philosophical Society of New York." By John M. Brown. Schoharie : Printed by L. Cothbert, 1823. 8vo, pp. 23. Sold: Brinley, 1880, 5.50. 599. BROWN, JOHN MASON. Political Beginnings of Ken- tucky. Narrative of Public Events bearing on History of State up 10 Time of Admission into American Union. Portrait. Louisville: 1889. 4to, pp. 263. Filson Chili. Publication No. 6. BROWN. 129 600. BROWN, LEONARD. History of Whitingham, Vt., from its Organization to the Present Time (with family sketches). P.rattleboro : 1886. 8vo. Sold: Guild, 1887. 2.00. 601. BROWN, MRS. MARY M. A School History of Texas, from Its Discovery in 1685 to 1893. For the use of Schools, Academies, Convents. Seminaries, and all Insti- tutions of Learning. Dallas: 1894. i2mo, pp. 318. Portr. of Houston. 602. BROWN, PAUL. Twelve Months in New Harmony, In- diana; presenting a faithful Account of the Principal Oc- currences which have taken place there within that Period; interspersed with Remarks. Cincinnati: 1827. 8vo, pp. 128. 603. BROWN, SAMUEL R. View of the Campaigns of the Northwestern Army, comprising Sketches of the Cam- paigns of Generals Hull and Harrison, a Minute and Inter- esting Account of the Naval Conflict on Lake Erie — Mili- tary Anecdotes — Abuses in the Army — Plan of a Military Settlement — View of the Lake Coast from Sandusky to Detroit. Troy: 1814. 121110, pp. 156. + Burlington, Vt. : Printed by Samuel Mills, 1814. 121110, pp. 156. -f Phila- delphia: Wm. G. Murphy, 1815. 121110, pp. 156. "Probably but one edition, with a change of imprint." Sabin. Sold: Fisher, 1866, 1.75 ; Green, 1870, 3.25 ; Drake, 1876, 1.25. 604. . The Western Gazetteer; or Emigrant's Directory, containing a Geographical Description of the Western States and Territories, viz. : the States of Kentucky, In- diana. Louisiana, Ohio, Tennessee, and Mississippi: And the Territories of Illinois, Missouri, Alabama. Michigan and Northwestern. With an Appendix, containing Sketches of some of the Western Counties of New York, Pennsylvania, and Virginia ; a Description of the Great Northern Lakes; Indian Annuities, and Directions to Emigrants. Auburn, N. Y. : Printed by H. C. Southwick, 1817. 8vo, pp. 360. Errata, 1 slip. + Belfast. 1819. 8vo. + A New Edition. Auburn: 1820. 8vo, pp. 360. -4- Lon- don : 1 820. 8vo. See No. Am. Rev., vi. 1.H-138. I30 BROWNE. 605. BROWN, STIRLING W. In the Limestone Valley; (his- tory of pioneer life in Western Wisconsin). West Salem, A\'is. : Stirling W. Brown, 1900. i2mo, pp. 250. 606. BROWN, WARREN. History of the Town of Hampton Falls, N. H., from the Time of the First Settlement within its Borders, in 1640, to 1900. Manchester : 1900. 8vo, pp. 637. Illustrated. Sold: Libbie, 1902, cl, 3.00. 607. BROWN, WILLIAM GARROTT. History of Alabama, for use in the Schools. New York : University Publishing Co., 1901. 121110, pp. 384. 608. BROWNE, GEORGE WALDO. Traditions of early New Hampshire and its History. 1887. Manchester: 1887. 8vo, pp. 4. 603. . Proprietors Records of Tyng Township, N. H., 1735-1741, with Notes and Sketches. Manchester: 1901. Svo, pp. 88. Illustrated. Edition of 60 copies. 610. BROWNE, J. ROSS. Adventures in the Apache Country; a Tour through Arizona and Nevada, with Notes on the Silver Regions of Nevada. Illustrated. New York: Har- per & Bros., 1869. i2mo, pp. (3), 6, 535. + 1874. "It is a truthful portraiture of the terrors which attend bo life in Arizona, where one-twentieth part of the population had been pt away by the incursions of the Apaches in three years." Field. Sold: Field, 1875, 3.00. 611. . Relacion de los Debates de la Convencion de Cali- fornia, sobre la Formacion de la Constitucion de Estado en Septembre y Octobre de 1849. Nueva Yorke: S. \\ . Benedict, 185 1. 8vo, pp. 439. Appendix, pp. xiii. . Report of the Debates in the Convention of Califor- nia, on the Formation of the State Constitution, in Sep- tember and October, 1849. Washington: Pr. by John T. Towers, 1850. Svo, pp. 479. Appendix. Constitution of the State of California. Pp. 46. BRUCE. I 3 t 612. . Resources of the Pacific Slope. A Statistical and Descriptive Summary of the Mines and Minerals, Climate, Topography, Agriculture, Commerce, Manufactures, and Miscellaneous Productions, of the States and Territories West of the Rocky Mountains. With a Sketch of the Set- tlement and Exploration of Lower California. With an Index to J. Ross Browne's Report, and a Sketch of the Settlement and Exploration of Lower California, viz., Historical Summary of Lower California ; from its Dis- covery in 1532 to 1867, by Alexander S. Taylor; also with Historical Memoir of Washington Territory and Sketch of Nevada. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1869. 8vo, pp. 678, 200. Sold: Cable, 1883, 37 cts. ; Guild, 1S87, 1.00. 613. BROWNE, WILLIAM HAND. Maryland; the History of a Palatinate. Boston : Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1884. i2mo, pp. 6, 292. Map. Am. Commonwealth Series. 1890. Pp. xi, 292. + 1895. Revised Ed. 1904. i6mo, pp. 12, 381.* The history is confined to the period of the palatinaj 614. . George Calvert and Cecilius, Barons Baltimore of Baltimore (1605-1676) and the founding of the Marylai '1 Colony. New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1890. 121110, pp. x, 181. Makers of America Series, No. >. 615. . An Historical Sketch of the early movement in Illi- nois for the Legalization of Slavery. Chicago : Press of Scripps, Bross & Spears, Printers, 1857. 8vo, pp. 30. An Address. + Chicago : 1865. Pp. 44. 616. . Early History of Illinois. A Lecture read before the Chicago Lyceum, Dec. 8, 1840. 617. BROWNELL, W. C. American Summer Resorts. New- port. By W. C. Brownell. Illustrated by W. S. Yander- bilt Allen. New York: Chas. Scribners Sons, 1896. i2mo, pp. 85.* 618. BRUCE, DWIGHT H. (GEN.). The Empire State in Three Centuries. Volumes I, II. A Narrative of Events, 132 BRUCE. by David Van Pelt. Volume III. Biographical. Bio- graphical Index. New York : The Century History Co. n. d. Roy. 8vo, pp. xii, 412 ; x, 405 ; 4, 476.* Profusely illustrated by full-page steel portraits. Sold: Weeks, 1902, hlf mo, git, 6.60. 619. . Memorial History of Syracuse, N. Y., from its Set- tlement to the Present Time. Syracuse : H. P. Smith & Co., 1891. 4to, pp. 718, 131. Steel portraits.* 620. . Centennial History of Onondaga County, New York. Maps, Portrait and Illustrations. Boston : 1896. 2 vols. Roy. 8vo. Sold: Proud, hlf russ, 3.00. 621. BRUCE, MINER W. Alaska; its History, Resources, Gold Fields, Routes and Scenery. Seattle, Wash. : Lowman & Hanford. (New York: F. Warne & Co.) i8mo, pp. 129. Illustrated. -)- New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1899. 8vo, pp. x, 237. 622. BRUCE, PHILIP ALEXANDER. Economic History of Virginia in the Seventeenth Century. By Philip Alex- ander Bruce. 2 vols. New York : Macmillan & Co., 1896. i2mo, pp. 634, 643. "These volumes, by the author of 'The Plantation Negro as a Freeman,' mark a notable achievement in historical research. The materials for the preparation of such a work are abundant, and some of them have been utilized by other writers, though not for the same purpose. Mr. Bruce has confined himself strictly to the economic phases of Virginian history. His chapters on the slave system and the agriculture of the colony are of especial importance, since they throw much light on the origin of conditions which prevailed for generations and profoundly affected Virginia's attitude at the out- break of the Civil War."— Publ. Weekly. Sold: Carruth, 1898, 5.20; Bangs, 1899, 3.25. 623. BRUCE, THOMAS. Southwest Virginia and Shenandoah Valley. Richmond, Va. : J. L. Hill Publ. Co., 1891. 8vo, pp. 259. "An inquiry into the causes of the rapid growth and progress of Southwi st Virginia, with history of the Norfolk and Western and Shenandoah Valley railroads and sketches of the towns and cities." — Publ. Weekly. Sold: Henkels, 1900, 2.10; Proud, 1903, 2.75. BRYANT. I 3 J 624. BRUMMELKAMP, A. Holland in Amerika oder die hol- landische Colonie im Staate Michigan. Mitgetheilt fur Auswanderer. Aus dem Hollandischen von G. A. Mnhl- hcim a d Rubr. Nieten. 121110, pp. 25. -f- Arnhem : 1847. 625. BRUNDAGE, A. N. History of Gilson Township, Susque- hanna (Pa.). An Address delivered July 4, 1891. 626. BRUNNER, D. B. The Indians of Berks County, Pa., Being a Summary of all the Tangible Records of the Aborigines of Berks County, and Containing Cuts and Descriptions of the Varieties of Relics found within the County. Written for the Society of Natural Sciences of Reading, Pa. Reading, Pa. : The Spirit of Berks Book & Job Print, 1881. 8vo, pp. 177. -(- Second and Enlarged Edition. 1897. 8vo, pp. 257.* Contains many plates of ilustrations of Indian arrowheads and other relics. Sold: Pennypacker, 1906, hlf ro, 1.75. 627. BRUNSON, ALFRED. Communication relative to his Travels in the Northwestern Wilderness of Wisconsin. Leg. Doc. Dec. 19, 1843. 8vo, pp. 12. 628. . Description of Northern Wiskonsan. Madison: 1843. 8vo, pp. 16. 629. . Prairie du Chien ; its Present Position and Future Prospects. Milwaukee : Daily Sentinel Steam Power Press, 1857. 8vo, pp. 12.* 630. BRY, THEODORE DE. New Found Land of Virginia. See Hariot. 631. BRYANT, CHARLES S. (A. M.) ; MURCH, ABEL B. A History of the Great Massacre by the Sioux Indians, in Minnesota, including the Personal Narratives of many who escaped. Second Edition. Cincinnati : Rickey & Carroll, 1864. 8vo, pp. xi, 504. Illustrated with wood cuts. Two editions in 1864.* Sold: Dunbar, 1892, 87 cts. ; Guild. 1887. 75 cts. 632. BRYANT, EDWIN. What I saw in California: being the Journal of a Tour by the Emigrant Route and South Pass 134 BUCK. of the Rocky Mountains, across the continent of Xorth America in the Years 1846, 1847. By Edwin Bryant, Late Alcade of San Francisco. New York : D. Appleton & Co., 1848. i2tno, pp. 455. 4- Second Edition. New York. 1848. Third Edition. New York and Philadelphia: Geo. S. Appleton, 1849. i2mo, pp. 455. A sixth edition was published in 1849. Reprinted, London : Routledge, 1849. 8vo, pp. 144. "This was the first of the modern books to draw attention to the large deposits of gold in that country. An edition was published in Paris in 1849, with Brooks' 'Four Months in Alta California.' " Sab in. Sold: McLaughlin, 1893, 45 cts. ; Dunbar, 1892, 55 cts. ; Bourquin, 1894, 1.10. 633. . Voyage en Californie. Description de son sol, de son climat, de ses mines d'or. Traduit par X. Marmier. Augmente de divers renseignements sur l'etat actuel de la Californie, et d'une Notice scientifique sur For et son exploitation. Paris: Artbus Bertrand, 1849. 8vo. Map. 634. BRYANT, J. An Account and History of the Oregon Ter- ritory, together with a Journal of an Emigrating Party. London: William Lott, 1846. i6mo, pp. (2), 159, (1), viii. 635. BRYAN, CLARK W. Book of Berkshire, Mass., describing its Hills and Homes. Great Barrington : 1866. 121110, pp. 292. 636. BUCK, EDWIN AUGUSTUS. An Historical Discourse delivered at the Semi-Centennial Anniversary of the Slatersville Congregational Church, Sept. 9, 1866. Woon- socket: S. S. Foss, Patriot Office, 1867. 8vo, pp. 48. 637. BUCK, JAMES S. Pioneer History of Milwaukee, from the First American Settlement, 1833, to 1841. With a Topo- graphical Description as it appeared in a State of Nature. Illustrated with a map. Milwaukee: Milwaukee News Co., 1876. Roy. 8vo, pp. 8, 292, 1 p. Errata. 4 vols. 1876- 86. 19 portraits, 3 maps. Additional title to Vols. 3, 4: Milwaukee under the Charter. Revised edition of Vol. 1 in 1890.* Sold: Cable, 1883, 75 cts.; M. D. Gilman, 1884, 2 vols, 1876- 81, 2.75; Bourquin, 1894, 30 cts.; Guild, 1887, 4 v., 10.00. BUCK. 135 638. . History of Milwaukee, from 1833-1860 inclusive. Milwaukee, Wis. : C. N. Caspar, 1895. 8vo, pp. 1712. 4 vols. 639. BUCK, DR. R. A. Virginia and Virginians. Executives of the Colony of Virginia from Sir Thomas Smyth to Lord Dunmore. Executives of the State from Patrick Henry to Fitzhugh Lee. Sketches of Generals A. P. Hill, R. E. Lee, T. ]. Jackson, and Commodore Maury. With a History of Virginia from the settlement of Jamestown to the close of the Civil War, by Prof. Virgil A. Lewis. Toledo: 1888. 2 vols. 121110. 640. BUCK, WILLIAM J. History of Montgomery County. within the Schuylkill Valley, containing sketches of all the Townships, Boroughs and Villages in said limits, from the earliest periods to the present time ; with an account of the Indians, the Swedes, and other early settlers, and the local events of the Revolution ; besides notices of the Progress in Population, Improvements and Manufactures; Prepared chiefly from Original Materials. Norristown : Printed by E. L. Acker, 1859. Imper. 8vo, pp. 124. In- dex. Errata, pp. 4.* Sold: Bushnell, 1883. extra ill., 2.00; Henkels, 1900, 12.00; Proud, 1903. 5.00; Henkels, 1900, 5.00; Henkels, 1901, 4.50; Bourquin, 1894, 1.80; Bourquin, 1894, 1.50; same sale, 1.20; Hoffmann, 1877, 1.87; Harold Peirce, 1903, 5.50; Henkels, 1902, 5.25; Anderson, 1903, cl, 3.05; Hen- kels. 1904, cl, 3.00; Schaffer, 1904, 4.50. 641. BUCK, WILLIAM J. Historical Atlas of Montgomery County, Pa., containing a History of the County, also County and Township Maps, Portraits, Views. &c. Phila- delphia : 1877. Folio. Sold: Proud. 1903, 1.50. 642. . The History of Mooreland from its First Purchase and Settlement to the Present Time. Philadelphia: 1853. 8vo, pp. 34-* Reprint: Colls. Hist. Soc. Penna., Vol. I, 1853. 643. . Local Sketches and Legends pertaining to Bucks I36 BUDD. and Montgomery Counties, Pennsylvania (n. p.). Printed for the Author, 1887. 121110, pp. vi, 340.* Only 200 copies were printed. Sold: Henkels, 1899, 1.25; Bourquin, 1894, 1.00; Harold Peirce, 1903, 6.50; Cresson, 1902, 5.25; Henkels, 1904, cl, 3-25- 644. . History of Bucks County, to which is Appended A History of the Township of Wrightstown, by Chas. W. Smith, M. D. Doylestown, Pa.: Printed by John S. Brown, 1855. 8vo, pp. 118, Appendix, pp. 24.* Only a small edition was printed for gratuitous circulation. Sold: Stone, 1897, hlf roan, with portrait & a. 1. s. of author inserted. 17.00; Bushnell, 1883, extra illus., 4.62; Henkels, 1898, orig. covers, 12.00; Henkels, 1900, orig. covers, bd in lilt mo, 18.00; Bourquin, 1894. 2.30; Hoffmann, 1877, 4.00; Harold Peirce, 1903, orig. covers, bd in, 18.00; Henkels, 1904, cl, 10.50; Henkels, 1905, cl, 5.50. 645. . The Cuttalossa and its Historical, Traditional and Poetical Associations. Doylestown : Printed at The In- telligencer Office, 150 copies, for the Author, 1897. 8vo, pp. 90. Reprint from Bucks County Intelligencer, 1897.* It was published in 24 numbers, April 8 to September 16, 1873. Cuttalossa is a small river in Solesbury Township, Bucks County, Pa. Sold: Harold Peirce, 1903, 6.00. 646. . History of the Indian Walk Performed for the Pro- prietaries of Pennsylvania, in 1737. to which is Appended a Life of Edward Marshall. Philadelphia: Printed for the Author, 1886. i2mo, pp. 269.* Only 210 copies were printed. Sold: Henkels, 1898, 1.30; Harold Peirce, 1903, 5.50; Hen- kels, 1900, 1.70; Coxe, 1904. cl, 3.00; Pennypacker, 1906, cl, 2.25. 647. BUDD, THOMAS. Good Order Established | in | Penn- silvania & New-Jersey | in | America, | Being a true Account of the Country ; [ With its Produce and commod- ities there made, j And the great Improvements that may be made by | means of Publick Store-houses for Hemp, Flax, and | Linnen-Cloth ; also, the Advantages of a Pub- BUDD. 137 lick- I School, the Profits of a Publick-P.ank, and the Proba- I bility of its arising', if those directions here laid down are | followed. With the advantages of Publick Granaries. | Likewise, several other things needful to be understood by | those that are or do intend to be con- cerned in planting in | the said Countries. | All which is laid down very plain, in this small Treatise; it | being easie to be understood by any ordinary Capacity. To | which the Reader is referred for his further satisfaction. | By Thomas Budd. | London : Printed in the Year 1685. 4to, pp. 40.* Priced in the Nuggets, id, 16s. 6d. Willis & Southeran, £3. 3s. 648. . Good Order Established in Pennsylvania and New Jersey, in America, being a True Account of the Country; with its Produce and Commodities there made in the year 1685. A new edition, with Introduction and Notes by Edward Armstrong. New York : W. Gowans, 1865. 8vo, pp. in.* Sixty copies on large paper. Forms No. 4 of Gowans' Bibliotheca Americana. "The first book printed in America by Bradford of which not more than eight copies are now known to exist." Bradford Bibl'y, Grolier CUih. Probably printed by Bradford in Philadelphia, though the im- print is London. Mr. F. D. Stone was of this opinion, and also Mr. Hildcbiirn. Mr. Mackellar, the type founder, also thought the book came from Bradford's office, "Good Order was going through the press when the publication of the Almanac called forth the order 'not to print anything but what shall have lycence from ye Council.' and as Budd had recently pub- lished in Lontlon some strictures on Edward Byllinge, which also reflected on Penn and other Quakers, an application for a license in this case would have met with delay, if not a refusal. These consid- erations no doubt induced Bradford to omit his name from the im- print." Hildeburn. 649. . Good Order Established in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Reprinted from the original edition of 1685. With Introduction and Notes by Frederick J. Shepard, of the Buffalo Public Library. Cleveland : The Burrows Bros. Co., 1902. 8vo, pp. 80.* No. 3 of Burrows Bros, reprints. 250 copies printed. Tin- edi- tion was reprinted from a copy in the Lenox Library, New York City. 1 l ( . "Budd's Pennsylvania and New Jersey: verso, "Of this edition 250 copies have been printed and the type distributed. This is " (no of copy given) title; Introduction, half title. "Budd's Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Philadelphia: William Bradford, 138 BULLOCK. 16S5. Title page and text reprinted from a copy of the original edi- tion in the Lenox Library, New York City." Facsimile of original title ; 1 If. preface, 1 If. text of book, 57 pp. Sold: 1685 ed. : Rice, 1870, red levt mo, by Pratt, 155.00; Brinley, 1880, red mo, extra, unct, 160.00; Barlow, 1890, green levt mo, extra, git, by Pratt, 400.00; Menzies, 1876, levt mo, git, by Pratt, the Rice copy, 150; French and Chubbuck, 1904, levt mo, git, Barlow copy, 600.00; Rich, 1861, elf, extra, by Bedford, £5.17.6; Gowan ed., 1865; Murphy, 1884, 1.40; Henkels, 1901, 90 cts. ; Rice, 1870, cl, unct, large pap., 3.50; Roche, 1867, unct, 3.50; Dun- bar, 1892, 1. 12; Barlow, 1890, unct, large pap., 11.50; Menzies, hlf elf, git, unct, large pap., 3.00; Henkels, 1902, unct, 60 cts. ; Anderson, 1903, cl, unct, 3.00; Pennvpacker, 1906, cl, 80 cts. 650. BUFFUM, E. GOULD. Six months in the Gold Mines; from a Journal of three years' Residence in Upper and Lower California. 1847-8-9. By E. Gould Buffum, Lieu- tenant First Regiment New York Volunteers. Philadel- phia : Lea & Blanchard, 1850. i2mo, pp. 172. + London: 1850. i2mo, pp. 256. Sold: Barlow, 1890, hlf elf, 1.25. 651. BULLARD, E. F. History of Saratoga and the Burgoyne Campaign of 1777; an Address delivered at Schuvlerville. N. Y., July 4, 1876. Ballston Spa : 1876. Pp. 22.' Includes Saratoga County, by G. G. Scott, and Saratoga and Kay-ad-ros-se-ra, by N. B. Sylvesteer. N. Y. Lib. Bull. Sold: Manson, 1899, 3° cts - 652. BULLOCK, A. H. Commemorative Address at Royalston, Mass., August 23, 1865, the Hundredth Anniversary of its Incorporation. With the Poem and other Proceedings and an Appendix. Winchenden, 1865. i2mo, pp. 207. Sold: Manson, 1899, 1.00; J. G. Smith, 1883, 1.75. 653. BULLOCK, WILLIAM. Virginia | Impartially examined, and left | to publick view, to be considered by all Iudi- | cious and honest men. | Under which Title, is compre- | hended the Degrees from 34 to 39, wherein | lyes the rich and healthfull Countries of Roanock, | the new Planta- tions of Virginia | and Mary-land. | Looke not upon this BULLOCK. 139 Booke, as | those that arc set out by private men, for private | ends ; for being read, you'l find, the publick | good is the Authors onely aime. | For this Piece is no other then the Adventurers | or Planters faithfull Steward, dis- posing the Ad- I venture for the best advantage, advising | people of all degrees, from the highest | Master, to the meanest Servant, | how suddenly to raise their | fortunes. I Pursue the Table, and you shall finde the | way plainelv layd downe. | By William Bvllock, Gent. \ 19 April, 1649. Imprimatur, lien: Whaley. | London: | Printed by John Hammond, and are to be sold at his house | over-against S. Andrews Church in Holborne. 1649. Sm. 4to, 6 1.. pp. 66.* "This rare book is dedicated to the Earle of Arundell and Surrey and the Lord Baltimore. Reprinted in Force's Tracts. V. III. See Ternanx, No. 635, and Rich, No. 271. Poulson's copy sold for $80. Priced by J. R. Smith, £6, 16s. 6d. ; Nuggets, £10, 10s." Sabin. This is a guide for prospective settlers, and is a well written prospectus, notwithstanding that it was written in a week's time, as the author declares. "Had you given me more time, I should have been larger in your satisfaction, but this is what six nights could produce, which time you know is all I had ; and of this, the recollecting and reading my ancient studies took up much; but what is done (upon examina- tion) you'll find is clear and true." The author himself was never in Virginia. His book, he savs. was compiled from the books of Hariot. Lane and Smith, and from "discourses" with divers sea captains. On page a he says : "And to encourage Gentlemen, that are de- sirous of winning honour by making discoveries, ... let them peruse M. Henry Briggs (that famous mathematician) his Booke printed about 28 years since, wherein he makes it plaine that a Trade from Virginia may be easily driven into the South and West Sea, lying on the backside of Virginia." This book of Brigg's was in- corporated with Waterhouse's Virginia, published in 1622. though Allibone gives it as a separate publication with the date, however, of 1652. Burroivs Cat. Sold: Henkels. 1898, 82.00: Rice. 1870, crushed red levt mo. by F. Bedford, 80.00: Brinley, 1880, maroon mo, good copy, 115.00; Barlow, 1890, hlf russia. title backed, 72.50: Brayton Ives, 1891, levt mo, super-extra, git. by F. Bed- ford. 115.00; Cooke, 1883, bl mo, git. unct, by Bedford, one leaf in facsim.. 52.00; Rich, 1861, 1110, extra, by Bedford, £8; Menzies. 1876, levt mo. git. unct. by Bedford. 1 leaf in facsimile, 4 lvs. remargined by Yigne of Paris. 80.00; Bruce, 1868. 60.00; Miller & Bancker. 1898. hlf mo, 82.00; Barney, 1870, mor, 87.50; Anderson. 1903. hlf mo, lvs. cut into, last two in facsimile. 27.00. I40 BURK. 654. . Sketch of a Journey through the Western States of North America, from New Orleans, by the Mississippi, Ohio, City of Cincinnati, and Falls of Niagara, to New York, in 1827. With a Description of the New and Flour- ishing City of Cincinnati, by Messrs. B. Drake and E. D. Mansfield. And a Selection from Various Authors on the Present Condition and Future Prospects of the Settlers, in the Fertile and Populous State of Ohio, containing Information useful to Persons desirous of Settling in America. London: John Miller, 1827. 121110, pp. xxxi, viii, 135. 2 Maps. See also Drake. "Mr. Bullock's Journey occupies 31 pages, followed by a reprint of Drake and Mansfield's 'Cincinnati in 1826.' 92 pages. The ap- pendix. 36 pages, is made up entirely of extracts from 'Drake's Cin- cinnati in 1815,' and 'Flint's Recollections of Ten Years passed in the Mississippi Valley.' " "The author purchased an extensive tract of land below Cincin- nati, on the Kentucky side, where Ludlow now stands ; he returned to England and published the above work to induce emigrants to settle on his estate. A plan of the proposed settlement, which he called 'Hygeia,' is prefixed to the work : it is laid out by I. B. Pap- worth, Architect to the King of Wirtemburg." Thomson. 655. BUNNER, E. History of Louisiana, from its first discovery and settlement to the present time. New York : Harper, 1841. 121110, pp. xxxi, 14, 267. -f- New York: 1846. 121110. Form- V. 176 of Harper's Family Library. 656. BURCH, L. D. Kansas as it is. A Complete Review of the Resources, Advantages and Drawbacks of the Great Cen- tral State. Chicago: C. S. Burch & Co., 1878. 8vo, pp. 142. Illustrated. Has R. R. and Township Map of Kansas. 657. BURGESS, JAMES H. (DR.). Santee Circuit and Will- iamsburg Township. Chronicles of St. Mark's Parish, 1731-1885. Columbia. S. C. : 1880. 121110. pp. 108. 658. BURK, JOHN. The | History of Virginia, | From Its First Settlement | to j The Present Day. | By John Burk. | Petersburg, Virginia. | Printed for the Author, by Dick- son & Pcscud. j 1804. Vol. I, 8vo, 2 1., pp. iv, 348; Vol. II, Petersburg: 1805. Pp. 335. Appendix, lxii ; Vol. Ill, Pp. 469. The j History of Virginia, | commenced I by John P.urk, I and continued by | Skelton Jones, | and | Louis BUKK. HI Hue Girardin. | Vol. IV, Petersburg: Printed by M. W. Dunnavant, for the Proprietors, 1816. 8vo, pp. 538, x\ . (11).* Complete sets are very scarce, the greater portion of Vol 4 having been destroyed by lire. Sold at New York in 1884 for $90. Sabin. Sold: Rice, 1870, cr levt mo, extra, git, by Bedford, Vols. 1, 2, 3, unct, V. 4, large copy with rough leaves, 120.00: Mitchell. 1891, 4 M'ls., [804-16, hlf elf, 5.00; Brayton Ives, 4 vols., purple mo, super extra, git, unct, impression of original engraving of Capt. John Smith from the map in his history of Virginia, 1627, and a colored photograph of L. H. Girardin, account of Burr duel inserted, 68.00; Manson, 1899, set, 4 vols., 1804, 1805, 1816, with portraits inserted, of Washington, John Smith, Raleigh, Jefferson, and map, full levt mo, extra, git, gold, 80.00; Guild, 1887, hlf mo, 30.00; Terry, 1889, hlf shp, 72.00; Barlow, 1890, hlf mo, 56.00; Brevoort, 1890, mottled elf, 46.00; Ander- son, 1904, orig. shp, 4 v., 21.60; Hurst, 1904, old elf, 30.00; Henkels, 1905, shp, 30.00; Brinley, 1880, 4 vols., grosgr levt mo, extra, by W. Tratt, nearly unct, 132.00; same sale, original bds. 60.00; Waterbury, 1895, 2 vols., 1804-5 ed., 2.20; Barlow, 1890, hlf mo, git, 56.00; Henkels, 1900, 4 vols., 1, 2, 3 orig. bindg., V. 4 rebound, shp, 41.00; Polock, 1904, 4 v., shp, 40.00; Henkels, 1895, Pleasanton, Vols. 1, 2, 3, 1804, mottled shp, 31.00; Bell, 1895, 6 -°°: Murphy, 4 vols., hlf blue elf, 1884, 40.00; Deane. 4 vols., hlf mo, 1898, 32.50; Henkels, 1900, Vols. 1, 2, 3, bds, unct. 7.50; Cable, 1882. shp, 13.00; Cable, 1883, 3 v., bds, unct, 6.75; Welford, 1854. 4 vols, 20.00; Bourquin, 1894, shp, 23.60; Bourquin, 1894, 3 vols, in shp. 1 v. in bds. unct, 22.40; Hoffmann, 1877, hlf mo, git, 4 v., 27.00; Cooke, 1883, hlf mo, git, unct, 52.00; Proud, 1903, shp, bookplate of Girardin. 38.00; Guild, 1887. hlf mo, 4 vols., 30.00; Bangs, 1900, hlf levt mo, extra git, 56.00; Bangs, 1901, shp, 34.00; Bangs, 1898, lacks 1 sig., 70.00; same set with sig. fr. cut copy, Libbie, 1899, 68.00; Menzies, 1876. 4 vols., purple mo, panld git, unct. 4th vol. bound to match others, but cut, has engraving of 4th vol. bound to match others, but cut, has engraving of Capt. John Smith, photograph of L. H. Girardin. and ac- count of the duel which caused author's death, in the handwriting of Mr. Ingraham, inserted. 100.00; Bangs, 142 BURNETT. 1903, 4 v., shp, 26.00; Anderson, 1903, 4 v., levt mo, git, by Bedford, 36.00; Morrell, 1866, V. 1 to 3, unct, 90.00; Gilbert, 1873, shp, 60.00; Libbie, 1900, 4 v., 60.00. 659. BURKE, W. S. An Outline History of Council Bluffs, la. Chicago: 1867. 8vo, pp. 31. 660. BURNABY, REV. ANDREW. Travels Through the Mid- dle Settlements in North America, in the Years 1759 and 1760. With Observations upon the State of the Colonies. London: T. Payne, 1775. 4to, pp. viii, 106. Errata, 1 1. Maps and Plates, Plan of New York. -+- Second Edition. London : Payne, 1775. 8vo, pp. xvi, 198. Errata, 1 1. -f- Dublin: 1775. i2mo. + Edition the Third: revised, cor- rected and greatly enlarged by the Author. London : T. Payne, 1798. 4to, pp. xix, 209. Engraving of Passaic Falls and a Map. Reprinted in Pinkerton's Voyages, V. 13. 661. . Reisen durch die Mittlern Kolonien der Englander in Xord-Amerika. Von Andreas Burnaby aus dem En- glischen. (V. Ch. Dn. Ebeling.) Hamburg und Kiel: Carl Ernst Bohn, 1776. 121110, Title, 7 1., pp. 192. 662. . Voyages dans les colonies du milieu de l'Amerique Septentrionale, fait en 1759 et 1760. Avec observations sur l'etat des colonies. Traduit par M. Wild. Lausanne: 1778. 8vo, + A la Haye. 1778. 663. BURNETT, JACOB. Notes on the Early Settlement 1 if the Northwestern Territory. Cincinnati : Derby, Bradley & Co., 1847. 8vo, pp. 501. + New York : D. Appleton & Co., 1847. Portr. of Burnet.* "We know of nothing which illustrates inure forcibly the rapi growth of the vast region northwest of the Ohio River than the 1 1 of I'li- volume. The work is in reality an ai phical sketch of the autho 1 1 panied by a statement of such fuels and incidenl relating to the early settlement ol thi Northwestern Terri- tory as were within his rec 1 id mighl b con dered worth I11. an enlargemi 1 of his I 'tter; publishi d 111 tS.j : in H torical and Philosophical Society of Ohio, Vol l. pari II. "It was in 1796 I lacob Burnet en ' irs of age, left his home in New Jersey and passe ' into the nresten vildern ss; the young lawyer was bound for Cincinnati. On the eastern edge of the village stood Fort Washington, commanded at thai time by a young lieul 1 med William Henry Harrison. The young man ad- BURR. 1 43 vanced rapidly in Ins profession and in popular favor, and in 1798 we find him at the head of the council of five appointed to lorm a government for the Northern Territory; from tins time until his death, in 1853, lie continued one of the most respected in the com- munity in which he lived and occupied mum rims positions of trust in the State. His work with some few exceptions is considered accurate and is quoted as authority in more modern productions." Thomson. Sold: Brinley, 1881, 1.50; Bangs, 1901, 3.20; Waterbury, 1895, 1.75; Barlow, 1890, 1847 e< L 2.00; M. D. Gilman, 1884, 2.12; McLaughlin, 1893, hlf mo, git, 1.60; Guild, 1887, 2.62; Llanos. 1902, cl, presentation copy to Daniel Webster, with author's signature, and Webster's book- plate, 4.00; Hubbard, 1868, 4.25; Boon, 1870, 3.25; Field, i875. 3-37; Wiggin, 1876, 3.75; Bangs, 1896, hlf mo, 3.12; Fisher, 1866, 1.12; Bourquin, 1894, 2.10; Polock, 1904, shp, 4.00; Anderson, 1905, cl, present, copy to Daniel Webster, 4.00. 664. BURNHAM, CHARLES G. Proceedings of the Centennial Celebration of the Town of Dunbarton, Sept. 13, 1865. Address by Charles G. Burnham ; Poem by Henry E. Burnham. Manchester: Press of Henry A. Gage, 1866. 8vo, pp. 124. Sold: Balcom, 1901, 1.75. 665. BURNHAM, HENRY. Early History of Brattleboro, Windham Co., Vt., with Biographical Sketches of some of its Citizens. Edited by Abby Maria Hemmenway. Brattleboro: D. Leonard, 1880. 8vo, pp. 191. Portraits and Illustrations. Sold: Manson, 1899. 2.25; Balcom, 1901, 1.37; Cable, 1882, 2.50; Libbie, 1901, 1.50; Deane, 1898, 2.25; Whitmore, 1902, 1. 00; Guild, 1887, 4.00; Conland, 1904. cl, extra illus- trated, 5.50. 666. BURNHAM, J. H. Historj of Bloomington and Normal, in McClean County, Illinois. Blooniinp;ton : J. H. Burnham, 1879. 4to, pp. 144. Illustrated.* 667. BURR, CHARLES TODD. The Story of Xew York. Xew York: 1890. 121110. Illustrated. 668. BURR, GEORGE. Historical Address relating to the Count}- of Broome in the State of Xew York. Delivered 144 BURROWS. at Binghamton, July 3, 1876. Published under the Direc- tion of the Committee of Arrangements. Binghamton: Carl Stoppard & Co., 1876. 8vo, pp. 55.* 669. BURRELL, A. B. Reminiscences of George Le Bar, The Centenarian of Monroe Count}', Pa., who is still living in his 107th Year. And Incidents in the Early Settlement of the Pennsylvania Side of the River Valley, from Easton to Bushkill. With a Portrait. Philadelphia : Caxton, Remsen & Haffelfinger, 1870. 8vo, pp. viii, in. Frontis- piece of Mr. Le Bar.* Sold: Holbrow, 1892, 40 cts. ; Bushnell, 1883, 1.87. 670. BURROUGH, EDWARD. A | Declaration Of the Sad and Great | Persecution and Martyrdom | Of the People of God called | Quakers, in New-England, | for the Wor- shipping of God. I Whereof 22 have been Banished upon pain of Death ; | 03 have been Martyred ; | 03 have had their Right-Ears cut; | 01 hath been burned in the Hand with the letter H ; | 31 Persons have received 650 Stripes ; I 01 was beat while his Body was like a jelly. | Several were beat with Pitched Ropes, j Five appeals made to England, were denied | by the Rulers of Boston. ] One thousand forty four pounds worth of Goods hath | been taken from them (being poor men) for meeting | together in the fear of the Lord, and for keeping the Commands of Christ. I One now lyeth in Iron-fetters condemned to dye. Also some considerations presented to the King, which is I in Answer to a Petition and Address, which was pre- sented I unto Him by the General Court at Boston : Sub- scribed by I J. Endicot, the chief Persecutor there; think- ing thereby to | cover themselves from the Blood of the Innocent. J London : Printed for Robert Wilson, in Mar- tins Le Grand (1660). 4to, pp. 32. This work contains (he first printed account of the execution of Mary Dyer and others of Boston. Sold: Murphy, 1884, 22.00; Murphy, 1884, 1S.00; Stevens, 1886, London, elf, extra, by Piatt, 15.00; Menzies, 1876, elf. extra, git, by Bedford, 28.00. 671. BURROWS, THOMAS H. State Hook of Pennsylvania, Containing an account of the Geography, History, Gov- ernment, Resources, and Noted Citizens of the State; BURTON. 145 With a map of the State and of each Count}-. Philadel- phia: Uriah Hunt & Son, 1K47. 121110, pp. 314. 672. . State Book of Pennsylvania, containing an Account of the Geography, History, Government, Resources, and Noted Citizens of the State; with a Map of the State and of each County, and the Constitution of the State. For the use of Schools and Families. Second Edition. Phila- delphia: Uriah Hunt & Son, 1850. 121110, pp. 332. Illus- trated. Frontispiece. Map of Pennsylvania.* 673. BURT, REV. FEDERAL. Sketches of the Civil and Eccle- siastical History of Durham, N. H. Concord, N. H. : Asa McFarland, 1837. 674. BURT, HENRY M. The Attractions of Brattleboro. Glimpses of the Past and Present. Brattleboro, Vt. : D. B. Stedman, Pr., 1866. 121110, pp. 108. Plate.* 675. . First Century of the History of Springfield, Mass.; the official Records from 1636 to 1736, with an Historical Review and Biographical Mention of the Founders. Springfield: 1898. 2 vols. Roy. 8vo, pp. 473; 712. Maps and Illustrations. Sold: Clogston, 1899, cl, unct, 7.25. 676. BURTON, C. M. "Cadillac's Village;"' or, Detroit under Cadillac. With List of Property Owners and a History of the Settlement 1707 to 1710. Compiled by C. M. Bur- ton. Detroit: 1896. 8vo, pp. 43.* 677. . A Chapter on the History of Cleveland. Detroit, Mich.: Publ. by the Author. C. M. Burton, 1895. 8vo, PP- 3 1 - Regarding the Cuyahoga Purchase. The original Tndian deed conveying to Alexander Henry et al. a large part of the present site of Cleveland. 678. BURTON, H. W. The History of Norfolk, Virginia. A Review of Important Events and Incidents which oc- curred from 1736 to 1877 : also a Record of Personal Rem- iniscences and Political, Commercial and Curious Facts. I46 BURTON. By H. Burton (Harry Scratch). Norfolk: Virginian Job Print, 1877. 8vo, pp. 6, 264.* Sold: Barlow, 1890, 1.00; Bourquin, 1894, 40 cts. ; Guild, 1887, 1.75. 679. BURTON, N. J. Memorial of the Half Century Anniver- sary of the Organization of the First Church Fair Haven, New Haven, Ct., Wednesday, June 23, 1880. New Haven: 1880. Pp. 36. Address by Air. Burton. 680. BURTON, RICHARD F. The City of the Saints and across the Rocky Mountains to California. London: Longman, &c, 1861. 8vo, pp. x, (2), 707. 3 Maps. -|- Second Edition. London : Longman, 1862. 8vo, pp. 707. Map and Plates. -)- New York : Harper & Bros., 1862. 8vo, PP- 574-* Sold: Bourquin, 1894, 30 cts. ; Cooke, 1883, 3.50; Guild, 1887, 87 cts. 681. BURTON, ROBERT. The English | Empire | in | America I Or a Prospect of His Majesties Dominions | in the West- Indies. Namely, | New Foundland | New England | New York J Pennsylvania | New Jersey j Maryland | Virginia | Carolina | Bermuda's | Barbuda | Anguilla | Montserrat | Dominica | St. Vincent | Antego | Nevis, Or | Nevis | S. Christophers | Barbadoes j Jamaica | With an account of the Discovery, Scituation, | Product, and other Excel- lencies of these Countries. | To which is prefixed a Rela- tion of the first Discovery | of the New World called America, by the Spaniards. | And of the Remarkable Voy- ages of several English- | men to divers places therein. | Illustrated with Maps and Pictures. | By R. B. London: Printed for Nath. Crouch, 1635. i2mo, 2I., pp. 209. Map and 2 Plates. Second Edition. London: N. Crouch, 1692. i2mo. + Third Edition. London : N. Crouch, 1698. Fourth Edition. London: 1704. Fifth Edition. London : Crouch, 171 1. iSmo, pp. 191. Sixth Edition. London: A. Betts- worth, 1728. i8mo, pp. 192. Seventh Edition. Dublin: 1729. i2mo. -f- Dublin: 1735. 121110. (Another) Seventh Edition. London : 1739. i2mo. HUTEL-WJMONT. 147 " 'A name placed on the title-page of a number of books by Nath'I Crouch, a bookseller who is supposed to have written them himself.' Watt." Sabin. 682. BUSHNELL, CHARLES IRA. Journal of the Expedition against Quebec, under the Command of Colonel Benedict Arnold in the Year 1775. By Major Return J. Meigs. With an Introduction and Notes by Charles I. Bushnell. New York : Privately Printed, 1864. 8vo, pp. 57. 683. BUSHNELL, HENRY. The History of Granville, Licking County, Ohio. Columbus: 1889. 8vo, pp. 372. Illus- trated. 684. BUSHNELL, JAMES C. History of Ararat Township, Susquehanna County. Chapters xxii in The Transcript. Susquehanna: 1886-88. 685. BUSEY, SAMUEL CLAGETT. Pictures of the City of Washington in the Past. Washington : W. Ballantyne & Sons, 1898. 8vo, pp. viii, 17, 384. 686. BUTCHER, SOLOMON D. Pioneer History of Custer County, and Short Sketches of Early Days in Nebraska. Broken Bow, Neb.: S. D. Butcher, 1901. 8vo, pp. 403. Illustrated. 687. BUTEL-DUMONT, G. M. Memoires | Historiques | sur \ la Louisiane, | Contenant ce qui y est arrive de plus j memorable depuis l'annee 1687. jus | qu a present ; avec l'Establissement de la | Colonie Francoise dans cette Pro- vince I de l'Amerique Septentrionale sous la | direction de la Compagnie des Indes ; | le climat, la nature & les pro- ductions de ce pays ; l'origine & la Religion des | Sau- vages qui l'habitent ; leurs moeurs | & leurs coutumes, &c. I Composes sur les Memoires de M. Dumont. par M. L. L. M. (1. abbe Le Mascrier). Paris: Chez CI. J. B. Bauche, 1753. 2 vols. 121110, 2 I., pp. x, 261, 4 Plates; 2 1-, pp. 338, s Plans. "Written by an officer who served twenty-five years in Louisiana. The first volume is the 'Natural History;' the second volume an 'Historical Narrative from the deatli of La Salle, in 1687, to 1740. See Rich, 1,104,146, and Faribault. 83. For a translation, see Benja- min F. French's 'Historical Collections of Louisiana.' part V." Sabin. I48 BUTLER. Sold: Fisher, 1866, slip, 1.12; Vroom, 1882, elf, 5.00; Dunbar, 1892, 4.25; Field, 1875, elf, 12.75; Anderson, 1905, cl, in 1 v., 7.50. 688. BUTLER, A. W. Resources of Monterey County, Califor- nia. San Francisco : 1875. 8vo. Sold: Bourquin, 1894, 15 cts. 689. BUTLER, CALEB. History of the Town of Groton, in- cluding Pepperell and Shirley, from the First Grant of Groton Plantation in 1655. With Appendices containing Family Registers, Town and State Officers, Population, and other Statistics. Boston : T. R. Marvin, 1848. 8vo, pp. xx, 9-499. 2 Maps and 4 Plates. Sold: Bangs, Merwin, 1865, 2.13; Balcom, 1901. 5.25; Bell, J 895, 550; Patterson, 1896, 5.25; Libbie, 1897, 5.00; Mur- phy, 1884, 3.25 ; Chase & Dale, 1897, 5.25 ; Deane, 1S98, 6.25; Woodward, 1869, cl, 2.00; Brinley. 1879, 5.00; J. G. Smith, 1883, 4.12; Bushnell, 1883, 5 plates laid in, 3.50; West, 1889, 3.25; Libbie, 1901, 5.25; Manson, 1899, 5.50; Hoffmann, 1877, 3.50; Child, 1882, 4 plates inserted, 6.75; Cable, 1882, 5.63; Cable, 1883, 3.12; Thornton, 1878, 3.50; Guild, 1887, 7.00; Clogston, 1875, 4.50; Perry, 1899, 4.50; . Morris, 1899, 5.00; Libbie, 1899, 3.25, 3.50; Libbie, 1901, cl, 5.25; 1902, cl, 7.25; 1902, 4.75; May, 1903, cl, 5.00; An- derson, 1903, cl, 5.00. 690. BUTLER, FRANCIS GOULD. A History of Farmington, Franklin County, Maine, from the Earliest Explorations to the Present Time, 1776-1885. Farmington: Press of Knowlton, McLeary & Co., 1885. 8vo, pp. 683. Portraits. Most of the edition was destroyed by fire. Sold: Manson, 1899, 5.25; Guild, 1887, 7.50; Avery, 1900, hlf mo, git, 4.25 ; Poole, 1905, cl, 3.00. 691. BUTLER, J. C. History of Mac'on and Central Georgia. 1879. 8vo. 692. BUTLER, JAMES DAVIE, Prehistoric Wisconsin. An- nual Address before the Wisconsin State Historical Society in the Assembly Chamber, Feb. 18, 1876. 8vo, PP- 3 1 - Reprint from Wis. Hist. Soc. Coll., V. 7, pp. 80-101. BUTLER. I49 693. . Nebraska. Its Characteristics and Prospects. Plates, n. p. (1873.) 8vo, pp. 36. 694. BUTLER, L. C. The Memorial Record of Essex, Vermont. Prepared by L. C. Butler, M. D. Published by vote of the Town. Burlington : R. S. Styles, 1866. i2mo, pp. 59. (2).* Sold: Manson, 1899, 9.00. 695. BUTLER, MANN. A History of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Louisville, Ky. : Publ. by Wilcox, Dickerman & Co., 1834. 121110, pp. xi, 396. Frontispiece of Geo. Rogers Clark.* From the Indian occupation of the country to the middle of tin- war of 1812. The author was long a resident of the State, and in writing this book had access to the George Rogers Clark and other papers. The early land disputes, the difficulty between Virginia and Kentucky, and navigation of the Mississippi questions are especially well treated. The book ranks among the better class of work of its day. Sold: 1834 ed. : Murphy, 1884, 1.25; Fisher, 1866, shp, 2.00; Brinley, 1881, 2.00; Barlow, 1890, 3.50; Cable, 1882, 2.12; Bourquin, 1894, 1.40; Hoffmann, 1877, 1.50; Henkels, 1903, 3.00; A. G. Greene, 1869, 2.00; Guild, 1887, 2.75; Polock, 1904, shp, 6.50; Henkels, 1905, shp, 4.10. 696. . A History of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, from its Exploration and Settlement by the Whites, to the Close of the Northwestern Campaign, in 1813; with an Introduction, exhibiting the Settlement of Western Virginia, from the First Passage of the Whites over the Mountains of Virginia, in 1736, to the Treaty of Camp Charlotte, near Chilicothe, Ohio, in 1774. Second edition ; revised and enlarged by the Author. Cincinnati: J. A. James & Co., 1836. 121110, pp. xvi ; xiii-lxxii, 551. Some copies have a Louisville imprint. Sold: 1836 ed. : Bell, 1895, 3.50; Murphy, 1884, 2.75; Rice, 1870, hlf russ, git, unct, 5.00; Fisher, 1866, shp, portrait and newspaper cuttings inserted, 5.00; Brinley, 1881, unct, bds, 9.00; Brinley, 1881, elf, git, by Pratt, 14.00; Ander- son, 1905, old elf, 1 cover broken, 3.75 ; Eames, 1905, hlf mo, 5.00; Roche, 1867, unct, 5.50; Menzies, 1876, hlf mo, git, unct, portr. inserted, 5.50; Hoffmann, 1877, 3.50; Field, 1875, 2.25. I50 BUTTERFIELD. 697. . An Appeal from the Misrepresentations of James Hall, respecting the History of Kentucky and the West. To which is annexed a Chronology of the principal Events as far as they could be ascertained, in the History of the Western Country of the United States, from the Earliest Spanish and French Explorations to 1806. Frankfort, Ky. : A. G. Hodges, 1837. 8vo, pp. 32. 698. BUTLER, WILLIAM M.; CRITTENDEN, GEORGE S. Semi-Centennial Souvenir and Chronological History of Rochester, N. Y., to June 9-10, 1884. Rochester: 1884. 8vo. Illustrated. Sold: Henkels, 1900, 60 cts. 699. BUTTERFIELD, CONSUL WILLSHIRE. History of Seneca County : Containing a Detailed Narrative of the principal Events that have occurred since its First Settle- ment down to the Present Time ; a History of the Indians that formerly resided within its Limits ; Geographical De- scriptions, Early Customs, Biographical Sketches, &c, &c. With an Introduction, containing a Brief History of the State, from the Discovery of the Mississippi River down to the Year 1817. To the whole of which is added an Appendix, containing Tabular Views, &c. Sandusky : D. Campbell & Sons, 1848. i2mo, pp. 252. The introduction gives a very interesting history of the State, which is made up largely from the pages of "Chase's Sketches and Western Adventure." The History of Seneca Countty. pp. 53-190, is very carefully compiled, principally from the experience of the Set- tlers themselves. This work is uncommon ; 2,000 copies were printed, but 1,300 were destroyed by fire in a warehouse in Tiffin, Ohio, in 1849. Sold: Smith, 1867, 2.25; Drake, 1876, 3.25; Field, 1875, 3.25; Terry, 1899, 1.00; Murphy, 1884, 2.50; Bushnell, 1883, por- traits inserted, 4.25; Bourquin, 1894, 2.60; Field, 1875, 3.25 ; Guild, 1887, 2.00. 700. . Crawford's Campaign against Sandusky, 1782. An Historical Account of the Expedition against Sandusky, under Col. William Crawford in 1782. With Biographical Sketches, Personal Reminiscences, and Descriptions of Interesting Localities ; including also Details of the Disas- trous Retreat, the Barbarities of the Savages, and the awful Death of Crawford by Torture, with a fine Steel BUTTER FIELD. I 5 I Portrait of Gen. William Irvine, Commander at Fort Pitt, 1781-83, who authorized, helped to organize, and issued instructions for the campaign. Cincinnati : Robt. Clarke & Co., 1873. 8vo, pp. x, 403. Sold: Cable, 1882, cl, unct, git, 2.00; Anderson, 1903, cl, 3.10. 701. . History of the Discovery of the Northwest by Jean Nicolet in 1034, with a Sketch of his life. Cincinnati: Robert Clarke & Co., 1881. 8vo, pp. 113. Sold: Dunbar, 1892, 55 cts. ; Bourquin, 1894, 30 cts. ; Guild, 1887, 1. 00. 702. . History of Brule's Discoveries and Explorations, 1610-1626; being a Narrative of the Discovery, by Stephen Brule, of Lakes Huron, Ontario and Superior, and of his Explorations (the first made by civilized man) of Penn- sylvania and Western New York ; also of the Province of Ontario, Canada ; with a Biographical Notice of the Dis- coverer and Explorer, who was killed and Eaten by Sav- ages. Cleveland, O. : The Helman-Taylor Co., 1898. 8vo, pp. 12, 184. Illustrated. Map. Publications of the Western Reserve Hist. Society. "Stephen Brule was born in Champigny, France, about the year 1592. He came to New France in the ship commanded by Champlain in 1608. which brought men, arms and stores for the settlement to be founded on the River St. Lawrence. He was one of the eight white men who were the original settlers of Quebec. Brule wrote nothing, but his verbal recitals of adventure among the savages were recorded by Champlain. Sagard and Le Caron. From their narratives the author has written this bunk, which was presented in manuscript in 1897 to the Western Reserve Historical Association. An appendix of 50 pp. gives the author's authorities. Index." Publ. Weekly. 703. . History of Wisconsin. In Snyder, Nan Vechten & Co. Illus. Atlas of Wisconsin. 1878. Folio. Also in Early Histories published by Western Historical So- ciety, 1879-82. Also in Descriptive America, V. 1. 704. . History of the Gentrys, Being a Concise Account of the Gentry Brothers, Thomas, Simon, James and George, and of their Half-Brother John Turner. Also of the Part taken by them in Lord Dunmore's War, in the Western Border War of the Revolution, and in the Indian War of 1790-95. With a Recital of the Principal Events in the West during these Wars ; drawn from authentic sources. 152 BYFIELD. largely original. Cincinnati: Robert Clarke & Co., 1890. Roy. 8vo, pp. 13, 425, verso 1 p. errata.* In 1904 Mr. Butterfield published a History of Geo. Rogers Clark's Conquest of Illinois County. Published by F. J. Heer, Co- lumbus, O. 705. . History of La Fayette County, Wis. Chicago: 1881. 4to, pp. 799. Illustrated. 706. BUTTERWORTH, HEZEKIAH. Young Folks' History of Boston. Boston: D. Lothrop & Co., 1881. Illustrated. i6mo, pp. 480. Sold: Guild, 1887, 60 cts. 707. BYERS, WILLIAM N. A Hand-Book to the Gold Fields of Nebraska and Kansas; being a Complete Guide to the Gold Regions of the North and South Platte, and Cherry Creek, embracing a Reliable Description of the Country, Climate, Streams, Scenery, &c. ; Different Routes from the .Mississippi River to the Mines, the best Camping Places on each Route, and a Reliable Map of the same ; and Val- uable Information as regards a Complete Outfit for the Journey ; containing Narratives of Trips to and from the Gold Regions in the years 1858-59. By Wm. N. Byers, late Government Surveyor, and John H. Kellom, Sup't. of Pub. Instruction of Nebraska. Chicago : D. B. Cooke & Co., 1859. i2mo, pp. 113. Map. 708. BYFIELD, NATHANIEL. An Account | of the | Late Revolution | in j New England. | Together with the | Dec- laration I of the I Gentlemen, Merchants, and Inhabitants of Boston, I and the Country adjacent. April 18, 1689. | Written by Mr. Nathaniel Byfield, | a Merchant of Bristol in New England to his Friends | in London. | Licensed, lime 27, 1689. J. Fraser. | London: | Printed for Ric. Chiswell, at the Rose and Crown in j St. Paul's Church- Yard, 1689. I 4to, pp. 20. + Edinburgh : Reprinted in the Year 1689. 4to, pp. 7. These editions arc now scarce and sell at from $30 to $35^ Re- printed in Force's Tracts, v. 4. no. 10, and in the Andros Tracts, published by the Prince Society; and again, with the following title: 709. . An Account of the Late Revolution on New Eng- BVRD. 153 land. New York: Reprinted for Joseph Sabin, 1865. 4to, pp. 27. Edition, 250 copies, of which 50 arc on large paper. Form's No. 1 of Sabin's Reprints, quarto series. Sold: Brinley, 1880, 17.00; Terry, crim cr levt mo, extra, by Pratt, 1889, 25.00; Murphy, 1884, 16.00; Bangs, 1897, [689 cd., elf, extra git, 50.00; Deane, 1898, mo, git, by Hayday. 22.00; Rice, 1870, lvt mo, extra, 47.00; Menzies, 1875, elf, extra, by Matthews, 25.00; Brinley, 1879, mo, extra, 30.00; Cooke, 1883, elf, extra, 45.00; Barlow, 1890, hlf mo, 25.00; Brayton Ives, 1891, mo, extra, 42.50; Rice, 1870, 1699 ed., red levt mo, by Pratt, 47.50; Stevens, 1886, London, red mo, extra, by Pratt, 1575; Roche, 1867, 30.00; Brayton Ives, 1891, grd mo, extra, git, by F. Bedford, 42.50; Cooke, 1883, elf, git, by Zaehnsdorf, 45.00; French and Chub- buck, 1904, levt mo, git, by Matthews, in case, 67.00; reprint 1865: Barlow, 1890. 3.00; Cable, 1883, 37 cts. ; Hoffmann, 1877, large pap., hlf mo, 62 cts.; Rice, 1870, Sabin's reprint, hlf mo, git, unct, large pap., 2.75 ; the same, Sabin's, sm. paper, unct, .50; Roche, Sabin, repr., large pap., 1.00. 710. BYRD, A. J. History and Description of Johnson County. Texas, and its Principal Towns ; containing biographical sketches and notices of prominent men, together with topographical and statistical information regarding all portions of the country. Marshall, Texas : 1879. i2mo. 711. BYRD, WILLIAM. The Westover Manuscripts: contain- ing the History of the Dividing Line betwixt Virginia and North Carolina, a Journey to the Land of Eden, A. D. 1733; And a Progress to the Mines. Written from 1728 to 1736. And now first published. Petersburg: Edmund and Julian C. Ruffin, 1841. Imp. 8vo. pp. iv, 143. (1). Cover title reads: "Supplement to The Farmer's Register : containing the Westover Manuscripts. Petersburgh, 1842." Reprinted with the following title: 712. . History of the Dividing Line and other Tracts. From the Papers of William Byrd, of Westover, in Vir- ginia, Esquire. Richmond. Ya. : 1866. Pp. ix, 233 ; 3 1.. pp. 276. 154 CADV. "Edition, 200 copies, of which 20 are on large paper ; printed by J. Munsell, Albany. Includes a 'Journey to the Land of Eden,' and from Nos. 11 and 11 1 of the 'Historical Documents from the Old Dominion,' of which Lewis's 'Williamsburgh Orderly Book' was the first. The introduction and notes are by Thomas H. Wynne, Esq. See Notes and Queries, V. iv, 229." Sabin. "Edition of 200 small and 40 large paper copies. Edited by and published at the expense of Thomas H. Wynne, of Richmond. This edition was from the originals; the edition of 1841 being imperfect and incomplete." Weeks. Sold: Polock, 1904, 1841 ed., bds, bookplate of W. Byrd, 12.50; 1866 ed. : "Dividing Line," Polock, 1904, paper, unct, 9.20; Stephens, 1904, paper, unct, 11.00. 713. BYRNE, WILLIAM S. Directory of Grass Valley Town- ship (Cal.) for 1865, containing an Historical Sketch of Grass Valley, of Allison Ranch and Forest Springs ; also, a Description of the Principal Mines, all the Quartz Mills, Religious and other Organizations. San Francisco : 1865. 8vo, pp. 114. 714. CABALLERIA, JUAN. History of San Barnardino Valley from the Padres to the Pioneers, 1810-1851. Illustrated by Constance Farris. San Barnardino, Cal. : Father Ca- balleria, 1902. i2ino, pp. 4, 17, 130. Portrait. 715. CABELL, JULIA MAYO. Sketches and Recollections of Lynchburg, Va. By the Oldest Inhabitant. Richmond : C. H. Wynne, 1858. 121110, pp. 363.* Sold: Cable, 1882, 1.37; Bourquin, 1894, 25 cts. ; Hoffmann, 1877, 1.62; Henkels, 1902, 70 cts.; Cooke, 1883, 1.75; Proud, 1903, 15 cts.; Field, 1875, 1.15; Guild, 1887, 1.00; Waterbury, 1895, I - 2 5> Bushnell, 1883, 70 cts. 716. CABLE, GEORGE W. The Creoles of Louisiana. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1884. 8vo, pp. 7, 320. Illus- trated. Historical Sketches originally published in the Century Magazine. 717. CADY, H. N. (MRS.). A History of New England in Words of One Syllable. New York and Chicago : Belford, Clarke & Co., 1888. 8vo. Illustrated. 718. . A history of Pennsylvania in Words of One Syllable. Chicago: The Belford-Clarke Co., 1889. 8vo. Illustrated. CALEF. 155 719. . A History of Ohio in Words of One Syllable. New York and Chicago: Belford, Clarke & Co., 1888. 8vo. Illustrated. 720. CAHOONE, SARAH S. Sketches of Newport and its Vicinity ; With Notices Respecting the History, Settle- ment and Geography of Rhode Island. Illustrated with Engravings. New York: John S. Taylor & Co., 1842. i2mo, pp. 213.* Sold: Woodward, 1869, 2.00; Cable, 1882, 1.87; Thornton. 1878, 1.25 ; Guild, 1887, 75 cts. ; Polock, 1904, cl, 60 cts. 721. CALDWELL, A. B. A Lecture; the History of Harlem with Appendix of History of New York from 1589 to 1674, also a Business Directory of Harlem. New York : 1882. pp. 49. Delivered at Harlem April 24, 1882. 722. CALDWELL, J. A. History of Jefferson and Belmont Counties, and Incidentally Historical Collections pertain- ing to Border Warfare and Early Settlement of the adja- cent Portion of the Ohio Valley. Wheeling: 1880. 4to, pp. 594. Illustrated. 723. CALDWELL, T. A Tour through a Part of Virginia, in the Summer of 1808. In a Series of Letters including an Account of Harper's Ferry, the Natural Bridge, the New- Discovery called Weir's Cave, Monticello, and the Differ- ent Medicinal Springs. Hot and Cold Baths, visited by the Author. New York: Printed for the Author, 1809. 8vo, pp. 31. + Belfast: 1810. 8vo, pp. 63. Sold: Rice, 1870, hlf mo, unct, by Bradstreet. 4.50. 724. CALEF, JOHN. The | Siege of the Penobscot | by the | Rebels; | containing a | Journal of the Proceedings ] of | His Majesty's Forces detached from the 74th and 82d Re- I giments, consisting of about 700 Rank and File, under the Command of Brigadier-General Francis M'Lean, I and of | Three of His Majesty's Sloops of War. of 16 Guns I each, under the command of Captain Henry Mowat, I Senior Officer ; | when Besieged by | Three Thou- sand Three Hundred (Rebel) Land Forces, | under the Command of Brigadier General Solomon Lovell, | and | Seventeen Rebel Ships and Vessels of War, under the I 56 CALEF. Com- I mand of G. Saltonstall, Commodore, | To which is annexed | A Proclamation issued June 15, 1779, by Gen- eral I M'Lean and Captain Barclay to the Inhabitants; I Also I Brigadier General Lovell's Proclamation to the Inha- J bitants ; and his Letter to Commodore Saltonstall, found I on board the Rebel Ship Hunter; | Together with the Names, Force, and Commanders, of the Rebel Ships | destroyed in Penobscot Bay and River, August 14 and | 15, 1779. I With I A Chart of the Peninsula of Majabigwa- duce, and of | Penobscot River, | To which is subjoined | A Postscript, wherein a short Account of the Country of j Penobscot is given. | By J. C, Esq., a Volunteer. | London : I Printed for G. Kearsley, in Fleet Street, and Ashby and Neele (late Spilsbury's in Russel-Court, Covent Garden | 1 781. I 8vo, Title, pp. 44. 2 Charts. "The long title to this rare little volume is, in fact, an abridge- ment of its contents. The book consists chiefly of a daily journal, in which the events of the siege are recorded with apparent precision, but with a strong English bias. See Rich. An indifferent copy of this tract brought 20.00 at an auction in New York, Dec. 18, 1868." Sabin. 725. CALEF, ROBERT. More | Wonders | of the | Invisible World : | Or, The Wonders of the | Invisible World, | Dis- play'd in Five Parts. | Part I. An Account of the Suffer- ings of Margaret Rule, Written by j the Reverend Mr. C. M. I P. II. Several Letters to the Author, &c. And his Reply relating | to Witchcraft. | P. III. The Differences between the Inhabitants of Salem- Village, and | Mr. Par- ris, their Minister in New England. | P. IV. Letters of a Gentleman uninterested. Endeavouring to prove | the re- ceived Opinions about Witchcraft to be Orthodox. With short I Essays to their Answers. | P. V. A short Historical Accout (sic) of Matters of Fact in that Affair. | To which is added, A Postscript relating to a Book intitled. The | Life of Sir William Phips. | Collected by Robert Calef, Merchant of Boston in New England. | Licensed and entred according to Order. | London : | Printed for Nath. Hillar, at the Princes-Arms, in Leaden-Hall-street, | over against St. Mary-Ax, and Joseph Collyer, at the Golden Bible, I on London Bridge. 1700. | sm. 4to, 6 1.. pp. 156.* "The author gave great offense by opposing the then popular belief concerning witches. In his discussion with Cotton Nrathrr. he is as superior to him i« reasoning as he was in good sense and courage." N. Am. Rev., 3.316. cai.1 i . i 57 "One of the very rarest books relating to Witchcraft in New England. Copies have sold recently in London for 130, 145 and [90 dollars. A most bitter attack on the Mathers and thru treatment of witches, holding that the so-called Executions were so many bloody murders, and styling the whole proceedings at Salem and elsewhere as 'so Diabolical a Wickedness as cannot proceed but from a Doctrine of Devils.' No wonder Increase Mather ordered the book to be burned in the college-yard at Harvard." Win. George Catalog. Sold: Aspenwall, 1879, 46.00; Rich, 1861, elf, extra, by Bed- ford, £3 6s.; Menzies, 1875, Woodward's copy. 145.00; Murphy, blue mo, extra, git, by Bradstreet, 1884, 70.0 : Deane, 1898, anticpie mo, with errata, facsimile of auto- graph note inserted, 80.00; Brinley, 1880. levt 1110, extra. 120.00; Brinley, 1879, levt mo, extra, by Bedford, 190.00; Streatfield, 1889, elf, unct, £53; Barlow, 1890, mor, extra. 105.00; Ashburnham, 1897, old elf, £22; Woodward. 1869, polished elf, git, by Bedford, bottom edge unct, inserted document signed by Robt. Calef, extra fine copy, 137.50; Livermore, 1894, slip, 120.00; Brinley, 1879, smooth elf, extra, Hedford, 55.00; Brayton Ives, 1891, levt mo, extra, git, by W. Pratt, 145.00. 726. . More Wonders of the Invisible AYorld : or. The Wonders of the Invisible World displayed in Five Parts. To which is added a Postscript, Relating to a Book enti- tled, "The Life of Sir William Phips." Collected by Rob- ert Calef, Merchant, of Boston, in Xew England. Re- printed in Salem : Cushing and Carlton, 1796. i2mo, pp. 318. -f- Re-printed in Salem, by John D. and T. C. Cush- ing, Jr., for Cushing and Appleton, 1823. i2mo, pp. 312. -f- A New Edition. Boston: T. Bedlington, 1828. 24tno, PP- 333- Other reprints in : Drake's Witchcraft Delusion in New Eng- land, V. 2, 3. Salem Witchcraft. Sold: 1796 ed. : Terry, 1889, 6.50; Menzies, 1876, hlf elf, git, 5.00; Guild, 1887, 1. 12; 1823 ed. : Rice, 1870, 1.25; Fisher, 1868, full elf, 1.25; Woodward, 1869, bds, 20 cts. ; Brinley, 1879, 2.50; Chittenden, 1894, 90 cts.; Manson, 1899, 3.50; ShurtlefF, 1875, 90 cts.; Guild, 1887, 1.00; Murphy, 1884, 3.50; 1828 ed. : Brinley, 1879, 5.00; Roche, 1867, 20 cts.; Brayton Ives, 1891, 2.50. 727. CALEF, ROBERT; MATHER, COTTON. Salem Witch- craft; comprising more Wonders of the Invisible World, 158 CALIFORNIA. collected by Robert Calef and Wonders of the Invisible World, by Cotton Mather. Salem : 1861. 8vo. Sold: Murphy, 1884, .70; Waterbury, 1895, J-6o; Cable, 1883, 50 cts. ; West, 1889, 1.00; Deane, 1898, 1.00; Field, 1875, 1. 12; Bangs, Merwin, 1865, 1.37. 728. . Salem Witchcraft ; Comprising "More Wonders of the Invisible World" collected by Robert Calef, and "Wonders of the Invisible World" by Cotton Mather ; Together with Notes and Explanations by Samuel P. Fowler. Boston : Wm. Veazie, 1865. sm. 4to. 250 copies printed ; 100 cops, on large paper. See Deane's "Spu- rious Reprints," No. 539. Sold: Fisher, 1866, 5.00; Livermore, 1894, large pap, 6.00; Roche, 1867, large paper, unct, 3.00; Holbrow, 1892, 2.75; Balcom, 1901, 4.12; Manson, 1899, hlf mo, git, 3.50; Child, 1882, large pap, unct, 3.00; Cable, 1882, large pap, unct, 5.12; Cable, 1882, i2mo, 1.00; Wales, 1903, cl, unct, 6.25; Bangs, 1894, 6.00; Chase & Dale, large pap, cl, unct, 5.00; Menzies, 1876, hlf levt mo, git, unct, large paper, 5.00; Bourquin, 1894, 3.00; Hoffmann, 1877, large pap, unct, 2.50; Deane, 1898, 2.00; Guild, 1887, large pap, letter re subject by Chas. Deane, 5.00; Bangs, 1899, 3 v., pap large, unct, Roxbury, 1866, 27.75 > Chittenden, 1894, unct, 1.37; Hayes, 1898, large pap, 4.00; Rice, 1870, hlf levt mo, git. unct, large pap, 5.13. CALHOUN, G. A. See No. 1033. CALIFORNIA. 729. All about California and Inducements to Settle There. San Francisco : Published by California Immigrant Union, 1870. 8vo, pp. 64, 16. Map. Illustrated. California as a home for the emigrant.* 730. Alta California: embracing Notices of the Climate, Soil and Agricultural Products of Northern Mexico and the Pacific Seaboard. Philadelphia: 1847. 8vo. Sold: Bourquin, 1894, 60 cts. 731. California as it is. Written by Seventy of the Leading CALIFORNIA. 1 59 Editors and Authors of the Golden State for the Weekly Call. San Francisco: 1882. Map. 8vo, pp. 175. Sold: Guild, 1887, 1.37. 732. California ; its Past History ; its Present Condition ; its Fu- ture Prospects. Containing a History of the Country from its Colonization by the Spaniards to the Present Time. A Sketch of its Geographical and Physical Features. In- cluding a Minute and Authentic Account of the Discovery of the Gold Region, and the History of the Rise, Progress, and Present Condition of the Mormon Settlements. With an Appendix Containing the Official Reports made to the Government of the United States. London: 1850. 8vo, pp. 270. Hand colored plates, and map. 733. California, from its Discovery by the Spaniards to the Pres- ent time, with a brief description of the Gold Region, its present position, together with a few hints to Gold Hunt- ers, and Guide to those about to visit that Country. By a Traveller. New York: 1848. 8vo, pp. 32. Sabin queries this as by Chas. E. Kells. 734. California 350 Years Ago. Manuelo's Narrative translated from the Portuguese. San Francisco : 1888. 121110. Illus- trated. 735. Colusa County, California. Illustrations descriptive of its Scenery, Fine Residences, Public Buildings, Schools, Mines, &c. from original drawings, with Historical Sketch of the County. San Francisco : 1880. Folio. Sold: Guild, 1887, 2.00. 736. The Gold Regions of California ; a Geographical, Topo- graphical, and Historical View of that Country; with ex- clusive Authentic Particulars and colored Map of the Country. London: iS4<). Svo, pp. 88. From 1849 to iS'55 quite a number of Guides to California were issued in London, and a great many in the United States. 737. An Historical Sketch of Los Angeles County, California, from the Spanish Occupancy by the Founding of the Mis- sion San Gabriel Archangel, Sept. 8, 1771, to July 4, 1876. Published by Louis Lewin & Co. Los Angeles: Mirror Print. 1876. Svo. pp. 12.* l6o CALIFORNIA. 738. An Illustrated History of Los Angeles County, California : containing a History of Los Angeles County, from the earliest Period of its Occupation to the Present Time, together with Glimpses of its Prospective Future. With Profuse Illustrations of its Beautiful Scenery, Full page Portraits of some of its most Eminent Men, and Bio- graphical Mention of many of its Pioneers, and also Prom- inent Citizens of to-day. Chicago: 1889. 4to. Steel por- traits and Plate. Sold: Libbie, 1899, mo, git, 5.75 739. History of Alameda County, California. Oakland : M. W. Wood, 1883. Portraits and Illustrations. Large 8vo. 739a. Historical Atlas of Alameda County. Oakland : Thompson 1881. Oblong 4to. 739b. History of Amador County. Oakland: Thompson & West, 1881. Oblong 4to. 739c. History of Butte County. Oakland: Thompson & West, 1877. 4to. 740. History of Kern County. San Francisco: W. W. Elliott & Co., 1883. Folio. 740a. History of Marin County. Also an Historical Sketch of the State of California. J. P. Munro Fraser, Historian. San Francisco: Alley, Bowen & Co., 1880. Illustrated. 8vo. 740b. Historical Atlas of Sonoma County. Oakland: T. II. Thompson & Co., 1877. Folio. 740c. History of Siskiyou County, California. By H. L. Wells. Oakland: Thompson & West, 1881. Folio. 74od. Atlas and History of Yolo County, California. San Fran- cisco: De Pue & Co., 1879. Illustrated. Folio. 740c Western Shore Gazetteer and Commercial Directory, Yolo County. Compiled and published by C. P. Sprague and Ii. W. Atwell. Woodland : 1870. 8vo. 741. History of San Mateo Counts . California. San Francisco: B. F. Alley, 1883. Illustrated. 8vo. CALIFORNIA. l6t 741a. History of Merced County. San Francisco: Elliott & Co., 1881. Folio. 742. History of Nevada County, California. With Illustrations descriptive of its Scenery, Residences, Public Buildings, &c. Oakland : Thompson & West, 1880. Folio. Sold: Guild, 1887, 3.50. 742a. i listory of San Diego County, California. San Francisco: W. W. Elliott & Co., 1883. 742b. History of San Joaquin County, California. Oakland: Thompson & West, 1879. 4to. 742c. History of Sutter County. Oakland: Thompson & West, 1879. 4to. 743. History of Yuba County. Oakland: Thompson & West, 1879. 4to. 744. Historical Alias of Santa Clara County, California. San Francisco : Thompson & West, 1876. Folio. 744a. History of Sacramento County. Oakland: Thompson & West, 1880. 4to. 745. Xachrichten von der Americanischen Halbinsel Californien ; mit einem zweyfachen Anhang falscher Nachrichten. Geschreiben von einem Priester der Gesellschaft Jesu, welcher lang darinn disse letztere Jahr gelbt hat. Man- heim, 1772. i2mo. -f- Manheim, 1773. "A work written to abuse the public mind as to the 'rumored mineral riches and pearls of California,' which had spread from Mexico to Madrid and Germany, to shew that the 'sterile land of rocks and stone quarries, of sand hills and stunted bushes, having neither wood or water, with a mere handful of inhabitants, was but one remove from the beasts of the field.' " Murphy. Sold: Murphy, 1884, 13.00; Barlow, 1890, 1.25; Barlow, 1890, 1773 ed., 1. 00; Cooke, 1883, 3.75. 745a. Noticias de la Provincia de Californias. en tres cartas, de tin Sacerdote Religioso hijo del real convento de predicadores de Valencia a tin amigo suyo. Valencia: 1794. 8vo. See also Venegas. Sold: Barlow, 1890, levt mo, git, unct, by Bedford, 6.00. l62 CAMPANIUS-HOLM. 746. CALLENDER, JOHN. An | Historical Discourse | on the | Civil and Religious Affairs | of the Colony of | Rhode Island I and | Providence Plantations | in New England | in America. | From the first Settlement 1638, to the End of I first Century. | By John Callender, A. M. | Boston : | Printed and Sold by S. Kneeland and T. Green j in Queen St. 1739. 8vo, pp. 14, 120, (1).* Sold: Murphy, 1884, 3.50; Deane, 1898, mo, git, 10.00; Rice, 1870, elf, by Bedford, 22.00; Menzies, 1875, ^ evt m0 > extra, Bedford, 17.00; Brinley, 1879. elf, unct, 14.50; Roche, 1867, 30.00; Rich, 1861, 13s.; Barlow, 1890, elf. extra, 14.00; Manson, 1904, levt mo, extra, git, unct. 32 extra plates inserted, and map, 26.00; Brayton Ives, 1891, levt mo, extra, git, by F. Bedford, 27.50; Manson, 1899. hlf mo, unct, 6.00; Hoffmann. 1877, portrait of Callender inserted, mo. extra, 15.75: Cooke, 1883. mo. git, unct. 5.50: Clog- ston, 1899, mo > g^, unct, 20 portr., views & 2 maps insert.. 12.00. 747. . An Historical Discourse on the Civil and Religious Affairs of the Colony of Rhode Island. With a Memoir of the Author ; Biographical Notices of some of his distin- guished Contemporaries ; and Annotations and Original Documents, illustrative of the History of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, from the First Settlement to the End of the First Century. By Romeo Elton. Provi- dence : Knowles, Vose & Co., 1838. 8vo, pp. 270, (2).* "Forms the fourth volume of the R. I. Historical Society. This was also issued as a third edition, with the title : The Early History of Rhode Island. Boston : Thomas Wells & Co., 1843. Facsimile. See N. Am. Rev., 47, 253." Sabia. Sold: Bushnell, 1883, 70 cts. ; Barlow, 1890, 1.25; Manson. 1899, 50 cts. : Henkels, 1900, 1.00; Polock, 1904, cl. 90 cts. ; 1843 ed. : Manson, 1899, 50 cts.; Cable. 1882, 1.12: M. D. Gilman, 1884. 1.50; Cooke, 1883, 4.50; Field, 1875, 87 cts.; Guild, 1887, I - 2 5- 748. CAMP, DAVID NELSON. History of New Britain, Ct, with Sketches of Farmington and Berlin. Conn., 1640-1889. New Britain : 1889. 8vo, pp. 538. Portraits and woodcuts. 749. CAMPANIUS-HOLM, THOMAS. Kort Beskrifning | Om I Provincien | Nya Swcrige | uti | America, | Som nu fortj- den af the Engelske Kallas | Pensylvania. | Aflarde och CAMPANIUS-HOLM. 163 trowardige Mans skrifter och berattelser ihopale tad och sammanskrefwen, saint med athskilligc Figurer | utzirad af J Thomas Campanius Holm. | Stockholm Tryckt uti Kongl. Boktr. hos v Sal. Wantijfs j Antiamed egen be- kostnad, af J. II. Werner Abr. 1702. 4to v. Engraved and Printed Title, 9 I., pp. 190. Errata, i 1. 6 Maps, and Plates.* "The author was never in America. 1 1 is work is made tip from verbal accounts received from his father, and notes left by his grand- father, to which he has added facts obtained from the manuscripts of Peter Lindstrom, an engineer." Duponccau Miiller gives the number of maps as 10. "The anther was the son of the well-known John Campanius, who translated Luther's Catechism into Virginian, in 1696, and who accompanied the Swedish Governor, John frintz, to New Sweden in 1642. An account of this voyage, taken from his journal, is inserted in the present work. The maps and plates are no less valu- able than the text. Except one, taken from Nic. Visscher's map of Virginia, they all seem to be original ones. Among the maps we find a very remarkable one of New Sweden, drawn by P. Lindstrom, Ingen. fort if, in 1654 and 1655; it is evidently made with great care and perhaps the oldest map of Pennsylvania existing. Among the plates are views of Trefalldigheets Forte, and of the town of Chris- tini.-e Skantz during a siege by the Dutch in 1655." "Rich in noticing the rarity of the book and the mistake by which some American cataloguers had given the author's name as Holm, regretted (in 1846) that it had never been translated into any lan- guage than Swedish. He did not know that it had been translated by Du Ponceau. "As I have found discrepancies regarding the number of plates in the catalogues and as far as I know no collation of them exists I insert here an exact notice of them made upon trie present copy which conforms to that of the Royal Library at Stockholm. "1. Plate to face the title: Novae Sueciae seu Pennsylvaniae in America descriptio. Engraved. "2. Map numbered 1 to face page I. Totius Americae descrip- tio. Engraved. "3. Plate numbered 2 to face p. 4. Cataract of Niagara. En- graved. "4. Map numbered 3 to face p. 10, Terre de Jesso. In woodcut. "5. Map numbered 4 to face p. 26, Novae Sueciae Tabula. En- graved. "6. Map numbered 5 to face p. 36, Nova Suecia hodie dicta Pennsylvanuia. Engraved. "7. Map numbered 6 to face p. 52, Yirginiae. N. Angliae, N. Hollandiae delincatio. Engraved. "8. Plate numbered 7 to face p. 76. Trefalldig beets Forte. Woodcut. "9. Plate numbered 8 to face p. 81, Christinae Skantz. En- graved. "10. Plate numbered o to face p. IIO, Three Indian Aborigines. Engraved." Fred Mtille "This excessively rare work is of the highest interest. It begins by a general description of America, and in the account of Virginia 164 CAMPAXIUS-HOLM. divides it into three regions : New Sweden, New England and New Netherland. The work includes 32 pp. of vocabularies. Campanius does not omit the old Norse discovery of America. He was grand- son of John Campanius, who translated Luther's Catechism into Vir- ginian. "The separate plates consist of three pictures: I. View of Niag- ara; II. Meeting of Penn and the Indians; III. Group of Three Sav- ages, designed by P. Landstrom, 1655; and of four maps: I. General Map of America; II. Nova Suecia, after Nic Vischer; III. English America ; IV. Nova Suecia, designed in 1654-55 by Landstrom. All the plates were engraved by Campanius in 1702, at Stockholm. Clean and perfect copies like this, in the original binding, are seldom met with." Pennypacker Catalog. Sold: Brevoort, 1890, 35.50; Murphy, 1884, with frontispiece, 7 maps and plates, red mo, git, by Bedford, 24.00; Mur- phy, 1884, without maps or plates, imperfect, 3.50; Mur- phy, 1884, 1702 ed., 28.00; Brinley, 1880, levt mo, extra, Bedford, all the engravings, &c, 85.00; Puttick & Simpson, 1861, £2 6s.; Brinley, 1880, engraved title, all plates and maps, levt red mo, by W. Pratt. 80.00; Barlow, 1890, red mo, git, by Matthews, 47.50; Bangs, 1895, elf, orig bdg, Lenox Dupl. 31.50; Henkels, 1901, hlf bd, perfect, 51.00; Stille, 1 901, frontispiece gone, 11.00; Betts, 1901, old elf, 27.00; Menzies, 1876. levt mo. git. by Pratt, 37.50; Hoff- mann, 1877, levt mo, git, by Pratt, 32.50; Harold Peirce, 1903, hlf bd, 46.00; Cooke, 1883, levt mo, git, Pratt, 25.00; Field, 1875, 17.00; Hurst, 1004, bds, vellum back, 21.00; Hurst, mo. 1904, book lacks 2 leaves, and some plates mended, 6.00; Hurst, 1904. view of Niagara cut close, stamp on title. 14.00; Pennypacker, 1006. vellum, 55.00. 750. . A Short Description | of the | Province of New Sweden. | Now called, by the English, | Pennsylvania, in America. | Compiled | from the Relations and Writings of Persons worthy of credit, | and adorned with Maps and Plates. I By Thomas Campanius Plolm. | Translated from the Swedish. | for the Historical Society of Pennsvlvania. I With Notes. | By Peter S. Du Ponceau, LL. D. '| Phila- delphia: I McCarty & Davis, 1834. 8vo, pp. vi, v-166. Five Maps and Plates.* "Also forms pages 1-168 of the Trans, of the Hist. Soc. of Penna., V. .3, Part 1. For 'An Extract of a Translation of the His- tory of New Swecd Land in America' see, N. Y. Hist. Coll., V. 2 The book is often improperly catalogued under the name of Holm.'' Sabin. Sold: Bangs, Merwin. 1865, 2.50; Murphy, 1884. 4.00; Koecker, 1897, bds. 10.50; Rice, 1870, bds, unct, 3.50; CAMPBELL. 165 Roche, 1867, bds, unct, 2.25; Dunbar, i8<;j, bds, 7.50; Barlow, 1890, hlf mo, unci, 11.00; Henkels, 1898, bds, unct, 2.25 ; Weeks, 1902, bds, unct, 10.00; Menzies, 1876, hlf mo, git, unct, frontisp. inserted, 5.25; Field, 1875, 1.50; Guild, 1887, hlf mo, unct, git, 3.25 ; Hurst, 1904, levt mo, by Ked- berg, of Stockholm, 15.00; Hurst, 1904, cl, 6.50. 751. CAMPBELL, CHARLES, [ntroduction to the History of the Colony and Ancient Dominion of Virginia. Rich- mond : X. B. B. Minor. 1847. Roy. 8vo, pp. 200. Corri- genda, and Index, 4 1. Sold: Murphy, 1884. 2.12; Brinley, 1880, 2.50; Deane, 1898, 2.00; Roche, 1867, 50 cts. 752. . History of the Colony and Ancient Dominion of Virginia. Philadelphia: Lippincott & Co., i860. 8vo, pp. xi, 765.* Claimed to be, for the student, the best history of Colonial Vir- ginia ever published. Sold: Bangs, 1895, 5.00; Bangs, Merwin, 1865, 1.38; Bre- voort, 1890, 2.12; Fisher. 1866, 2.50; Waterbury, 1895, 5.00; Cable, 1882, 1.50; Henkels, 1898, 3.25; Bourquin, 1894, 2.90; Deane, 1898, 3.00; Field, 1875, 1.50; Guild, 1887, 5.25; Perry, 1899, 5.10; Henkels, 1899, 3.40; Ander- son, 1904. hlf ro, 3.50. 753. CAMPBELL, DOUGLAS. Historical Fallacies regarding Colonial New York. An Address by Douglas Campbell before Oneida Historical Society, January 14, 1879. New York: Privately Printed. 1879. 8vo, pp. 32. 754. CAMPBELL, D. M. Sketch of the History of Oneonta, N. Y. Oneonta: 1883. pp. 67. 755. CAMPBELL, G. L. A Relation or Journal of a late Expe- dition to the Gates of St. Augustine on Florida under the conduct of Gen. Oglethorpe. London : 1744. 8vo. 756. CAMPBELL, HOLLIS A.; SHARPE, WM. C. : BAS- SETT, FRANK J. Seymour, Ct.. Past and Present. With Family Genealogies. Seymour: W. C. Sharpe, 1902. 8vo, pp. 613. Illustrated. 1 66 CAMPBELL. 757. CAMPBELL, J. L. Idaho; Six Months in the New Gold Diggings. The Emigrant's Guide Overland. Itinerary of the Routes, Features of the Country, Journal of Residence, &c. &c. Chicago: John R. Walsh, 1864. i6mo, pp. 62. Map. + 1865. + 1866. Republished with the title: The Great Agricultural and Mineral West. Chicago : Western News Co., 1866. 758. CAMPBELL, J. V. Outlines of the Political History oi Michigan. Early Explorations and Settlements. Detroit under La Motte, Cadillac, Michigan, under French Rule, British Military Rule, British Law, and under the North- western Territory and Indiana. Gen. Hull's Civil and Military Administration, British Possession and Ameri- can Reconquest. Administration of Gov. Cass. Last Years of the Territory. Michigan under the Constitu- tions of 1835 and 1850. Detroit: Schober & Co., 1876. 8vo, pp. xiv, 606. Sold: Cable, 1882, 3.00; Bourquin, 1894, 1.80. 759. CAMPBELL, J. W. A History of Virginia from its Discov- ery till the year 1781, with Biographical Sketches of all the most distinguished Characters that occur in the Colo- nial, Revolutionary, or Subsequent Period of our History. Philadelphia: J. W. Campbell, 1813. i2mo, pp. 310. -+- The Same. Petersburg (Va.) : Published by J. W. Camp- bell. Wm. Fry, Printer. 1813.* Sold: Henkels, Oct., 1900, 1.75; Randall, 1901, Petersburg ed., unbd, unct, 3.00; Murphy, Phila. ed. 1813, 1884, 1.50; Fisher, 1866, Phila. ed.. 1.12; Fisher, Petersburg ed., 2 v., 2.00: Brinley, 1880. 1.50: Brinley, 1893, 1.37; Chittenden, 1894. 1.25; Polock, 1004, shp, broken, 4.00: Manson, 1899, Petersburg ed., hlf shp, 1.25: Rogers, 1900, 1.75; Deane, 1898, 3.00; A. G. Greene. 1869. 1.75: Clogston, 1875, hlf turkey, 2.00; Bangs, 1903, shp, 3.55: Anderson, 1905. shp, broken, Phila., 4.05. 760. CAMPBELL, LOOMIS JOSEPH. Historical Sketch of Minnesota, to accompany Seavey's edition of Goodrich's History of the United States. Boston : Brewer & Tileston. (n. d.) 8vo, pp. 321-329. 761. CAMPBELL, R. A. Gazetteer of Missouri, from Articles contributed by Prominent Gentlemen in each County in the State, and Information collected and collated from CANDAGE. 167 Official and other Authentic Sources by a corps of expe- rienced canvassers. St. Louis: 1874. 8vo, pp. 806. Maps and Engravings. 762. CAMPBELL, RICHARD L. Historical Sketches of Colo- nial Florida. Cleveland, Ohio: The Williams Publ. Co., 1892. 8vo, pp. 284. View of Pensacola. "Contains much about Mobile, the Indians, and affairs affecting the then inhabitants of the present Florida. The book was written to supply history of British rule in West Florida." Otcfii, Bibl. Ala. 763. CAMPBELL, WILLIAM W. Annals of Tryon County, or the Border Warfare of New York during the Revolution. New York: J. & J. Harper, 1831. 8vo, pp. 191. Appen- dix, p. 78. Map and facsimile.* Sold: Lawrence, 1896, 3.00; Murphy, 1884, 1.20; Rice, 1870, shp, 1.25; Henkels, 1889, slip, 1.40: M. D. Oilman, 1884. map imperfect, bds, unct, 1.00; Woodward, 1869, 50 cts. ; Dunbar, 1892, 2.00; Cable, 1882. 2.00; Waterbury, 1895, 2.75; Menzies, 1876, 3.00; Chittenden, 1894, shp, 2.50; Manson, 1899, 2.00; Henkels, 1904, shp, 4.25; Anderson, 1904, old elf, 3.25; Bourquin, 1894, 2.00; same sale, 1.20; Lawrence, 1896, 3.00: Field, 1875, hlf mo, 3.25; Brevoort, 1890. 2.62; Brinley, 1880, 2.00: Brinley. 1893, 1. 50; Bangs, 1900, 3.25 ; Dayton, 1902, shp, 3.25 ; Anderson, 1902, hlf roan, 3.00; Anderson, 1902, elf. 4.00; Anderson, 1903, elf, 3.60: Knickerbocker, 1905, shp, 3.75. 764. . The Border Warfare of New York During the Revolution ; or. The Annals of Tryon County. New York : Baker & Scribner, 1849. i2mo, pp. 396. Without the Map and Facsimile. Second edition of Annals of Tryon County. Sold: Henkels, 1889, 1.40; Bangs, 1896, 3.35: Terry, 1889, .80: Murphy. 1884, 3.00: Rice, 1870. cl. 1.12; Wood- ward, 1869, 1. 12: Dunbar. T802. 2.25; S. L. Boardman, 1883, 1.30; Bushnell, 1883, extra ill, 2.75; Barlow. 1890. hlf mo. 5.50: Slee, T900. 2.10; Hoffmann. 1877, 1.75; Field, 1875, 2.50; Guild, 1887, 2.25; Bangs, 1902, cl. 5.50. 765. CANDAGE, RUFUS GEORGE FREDERICK. Settle- ment and Progress of the Town of Bluehill, Maine. An Historical Address by R. F. G. Candage. member of N. E. Hist. Genealogical Society, at Bluehill Falls, Sept. 7, 1886. 1 68 CARDOZO. Published and for Sale by the Ladies' Social Library, Bluehill, Maine. 8vo, pp. 43. Portraits. Sold: Manson, 1899, 50 cts. 766. CANFIELD, WILLIAM HARVEY. Outline Sketches of Sauk County, Wis., including its History from the first Marks of Man's Hand to 1861 ; and its Topography, both Written and Illustrated. Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7. Maps and portraits. Baraboo : 1861. 6 pamphlets. 8vo. "Issued at different times. No. 1 only bears date of publica- tion." Thwaites. Sold: Libbie, 1904, 4 parts, 3.60. 767. . Outline Sketches of Sauk County, Wisconsin, in- cluding its History from the first Marks of Man's Hand to 1891 ; and its Topography, both Written and Illustrated. Volume 2. Baraboo. Ninth Sketch. Baraboo: 1S91. Folio, pp. 53. 768. CANNER, THOMAS. Scheeps-togt van M. Pringe gedaan in't jaar 1603, van Bristolna't noorder gedeelte van Vir- ginien. Mitsgarders een tweede reys in't selve jaar 1603 naar Virginien gedaan van B. Gilbert. Beschreven door Thomas Canner. Nu aldereerst uyt het Engelsch ver- taald. Leyden : 1606. 8vo. 769. CAPRON, E. S. History of California, from its Discovery to the Present Time ; comprising also a Full Description of its Climate, Surface, Soil, Rivers, Towns, Beasts, Birds, Fishes, State of its Society, Agriculture, Commerce, Mines, Mining, &c. with a Journal of the Voyage from New York via Nicaragua to San Francisco, and back, via Panama. With a New Map of the Country. Boston : John P. Jewett & Co., 1854. 121110, pp. xi, 356.* Sold: Cable, 1882, 2.12; Cable, 1883. 95 cts.; Bourquin, 1894, 1.20. 770. CARDOZO, J. N. Reminiscences of Charleston (for 65 Years). Charleston: Joseph Walker, Agt., 1866. i2mo, pp. 144. Paper. This book, published at the conclusion of the war, is very scarce. Sold: Brevoort, 1890, .80; Barlow, 1890, 1.50; M. D. Gilman, 1884, 1.25. CARPENTER. \( ,j CARLETON. See C. C. Coffin. 771. CARLISLE, FRED. Chronography of Notable Events in the History of the Northwest Territory and Wayne County (Michigan), 1591-1890, with Sketches of Early Explorers and Pioneers. Detroit: 1890. 8vo, pp. 484. 772. CARNESWORTHE. Atlantic City: Its Early and Modern History. Philadelphia: Wm. C. Harris & Co., 186R. 16 mo, pp. 96.* + The Same. 1888. The first history of Atlantic City. "Carnesworthe" is a pseudonym. Sold: 1868 ed. : Henkels, 1900, 60 cts. ; Cable, 1882. 1.12; Ran- dall, 1901, 50 cts.; Bourquin, 1894, 1.10; Dunbar, 1892, 1. 00. 773. CARPENTER and MOREHOUSE. 1731- 1896. The His- tory of the Town of Amherst. Mass. Published in Two Parts. Part One. General History of the Town. Part Two. Town Meeting Records. Complete in One Volume. Compiled and published by Carpenter & Morehouse. Am- herst. Mass. : Press of Carpenter & Morehouse, 1896. 8vo. pp. xxiii, i 1.. 640; addenda, i p.; errata, i p., 263. Illus- trated.* 774. CARPENTER, W. H. ; ARTHUR, T. S. Lippincott's Cabi- net Histories. Pennsylvania. Philadelphia: Lippincott, Grambo & Co., 1854. (Engraved title.) The History of Pennsylvania from its Earliest Settlement to the Present Time. Philadelphia: Lippincott, Grambo & Co., 1854. T2mo, pp. 357. Frontispiece of Wm. Perm. Engraved title, with vignette of State Coat of Arms. Half title : Lip- pincott's Cabinet Histories of the States. Pennsvlvania. Title.* It was the intention to publish a condensed history of every State in the Union. Histories were issued in 1853-1856 of Vermont. Connnecticut, New Jersey, Illinois, Tennessee, Ohio. Kentucky, Geor- gia. Massachusetts. New York, Pennsylvania. Each volume" has the engraved title with the State Arms, and rich lias an engraved frontis- piece of some celebrated man of the State in question. This scries was stereotyped and many imprints were made in different years See also: T. S. Arthur. Some of these State histories have the name of T. S. Arthur first on the title, and in some the name of W. H. Carpenter is given precedence. 17O CARPENTER. 775. . History of Connecticut, from the Earliest Settle- ment to the Present Time. Philadelphia: 1854. 121110, pp. 287. Engraved title. State Coat of Arms. Portrait Frontisp. of John Winthrop.* One of the Lippincott Cabinet Series of State Histories. 776. . The History of Illinois, from its Earliest Settlement to the Present Time. Philadelphia : Lippincott, Grambo & Co., 1854. i2mo. pp. 255. Frontispiece, portrait of Geo. Rogers Clark, Engraved title ; Lippincott's Cabinet Histories. Arms of the State of Illinois. Printed title.* 777. . History of Tennessee, from its Earliest Settlement to the Present Time. Philadelphia : Lippincott, Grambo & Co., 1854. 121110, pp. 284. Engraved title with State Coat of Arms. Frontispiece of Gov. John Sevier.* 778. . The History of Ohio, from its Earliest Settlement to the Present Time. Philadelphia : Lippincott, Grambo & Co., 1854. i2mo, pp. 277. Portrait of Arthur St. Clair. Engraved title. State Coat of Arms. Forms one of Lip- pincott's Cabinet Histories.* 779. CARPENTER, W. H. The History of Massachusetts, from its Earliest Settlement to the Present Time. Philadel- phia : J. B. Lippincott, Grambo & Co., 1853. i2mo, pp. 330. + The Same. Philadelphia : 1858. 121110. Engraved title with State Arms. Frontispiece of Gov. Winthrop.* Sold: Rice. 1870, cl, .50. 780. . The History of Vermont, from its Earliest Settle- ment to the Present Time. Philadelphia: Lippincott, Grambo & Co., 1853. 121110, pp. 260. 1 leaf, Lippincott's Cabinet Histories of the States. Vermont. Frontispiece, plate of Statue of Ethan Allen. Engraved title, Lippin- cott's Cabinet Histories. Vermont. State Coat of Arms.* Sold: A. G. Greene, 1869, 37 cts. 781. . History of New Jersey, from its Earliest Settlement to the Present Time. Philadelphia: Lippincott. Grambo & Co., 1853. 241110, pp. 261. 2 plates, -f 1858. i2ino, pp. 261. Engraved title, State Arms. Frontispiece of Lewis Morris.* Sold: Bourquin, 1894, 85 cts.: Hoffmann. 1877, 50 cts.; A. G. Greene, 1869, 75 cts. CAKTER. I 7 1 782. CARR, EZRA S. A Brief Sketch of La Crosse, Wisconsin. showing the Location of the Place, its Surrounding Scenery, Commercial Advantages, Early History, &c. La Crosse: 1854. 8vo, pp. 28. 783. CARR, JOHN. Early Times in Middle Tennessee. By John Carr, a Pioneer of the West. Nashville : E. Carr, 1857. i6mo, pp. 248. Sold: Dunbar, 1892, 1.60. 784. CARR, LUCIEN. Missouri; a Bone of Contention. Bos- ton: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1888. i6mo, pp. 377. Map.* American Commonwealth Scries. 785. CARRERE, J. F. Spokane Falls, Washington, and Tribu- tary Country. Spokane Falls: 1889. 121110, pp. 40. 786. CARROLL, B. R. Historical Collections of South Carolina ; embracing many Rare and Valuable Pamphlets, and other Documents, relating to the History of that State, from its first Discovery to its Independence, in the Year 1776. Compiled, with various Notes, and an Introduction, by B. R. Carroll. New York: Harper & Bros., 1836. 2 vols. 8vo, pp. lxxx, 9-533 ; 576.* Sold: Fisher, 1866, 6.25 ; Brinley, 1880, 3.25 ; Hoffmann, 1877, 2.74; Waterbury, 1895, 3.50; Guild. 1887, 3.00; Barlow. 1890, 4.00; Cooke, 1883. 17.50: Cresson. 1902. 4.50: Field. 1875, 5.50; Clogston, 1875, 2.75; Middleton, 1899, 3.20; Bangs, 1901, hlf mo, git, 3.50; Anderson, 1903, cl, 4.00; Anderson, 1905, hlf mo. 6.40; Eames, 1905, shp. 4.00; Merwin-Clayton, 1905, cl, 3.20; Bell, 1895. 4.00; Murphy. 1884, 4.00; Bangs, 1897, hlf mo, 3.20; Brevoort, 1890, elf, cracked. 4.40; Rice. 1870. hlf 1110, 3.00: Cable, 1882, 4.00: Bangs, 1894, 4.75; Polock, 1904, muslin, 8.00. 787. CARSON, J. H. Early Recollections of the Californian Mines, and Description of the Great Tulare Valley. Stockton : 1852. 8vo, pp. 64. 788. CARTER, A. History of the Parish and Town of Berlin, Mass. Worcester : 1878. 161110, pp. 40. Paper. Sold: Cable, 1883, 30 cts. ; J. G. Smith. 1883. 87 cts. 1/2 CARTEK. 789. CARTER, BENJAMIN F. Historical Address, "Woodbury and Vicinity." At the Request of the Young People's Christian Association, in the Methodist Episcopal Church. Woodbury, N. J., February 27th, 1872. Published by the Association. Woodbury: A. S. Barber, Pr., 1873. i2mo, pp. 51.* Sold: Henkels, 1900, 1.10. 790. CARTER, CHAS. FRANKLIN. Missions of Nueva Cali- fornia : an Historical Sketch. San Francisco, Cal. : Whit- aker & Ray Co., 1900. 4to. pp. 189. Illustrated. 791. . Some By- Ways of California. New York: Grafton Press, 1903. i2mo, pp. 6, 189. 792. CARTER, N. F.; FOWLER, T. L. History of Pembroke, N. H., 1730-1895. In Two Volumes. Vol. 1. Historical. Vol. 2. General. Concord, N. H. : Republican Press As- sociation, 1895. 8vo, pp. xi, 428; viii, 459.* Two volumes in one. Steel portraits and Plates. Sold: Balcom, 1901, 6.50. 793. CARTER, JAMES GORDON. A Geography of New Hampshire. Embracing 1. A Short Topographical and Historical Sketch of every Town. 2. A General View of each County. 3. A General View of the State. 4. A Glossary. Portsmouth: March, 1831. i8mo, pp. x, 246. 794. CARTER, WILLIAM. A | Genuine Detail | of the Several Engagements, Positions, and Movements of the Royal and American Armies, during the Years 1775 and 1776; | with an | Accurate Account of the Blockade of Boston ; | and a | Plan of the Works on Bunker's Hill, | at the time it .was I Abandoned by his Majesty's Forces | on the 17th of March, 1776. | In a Series of Letters to a Friend. | By William Carter, Late Lieutenant of the 40th Regiment of Foot. London: G. Kearsley, 1784. 4to. Title, pp. 50. Plan. Errata, 9 lines. Printed for the Author and sold by him. Sold: Aspinwall, 1879, 31.00: Rice, 1870, 26.00; Menzies, 1875, 27.00; Brinley, 1879, 18 extra plates, 45.00; Aspen- walt, 1879. 31.00; Manson, 1899, elf, extra, unct, by W. Pratt, 75.00. CARVER. 173 795. CARTER, W. C. ; GLOSSBRENNER, A. J. Glossbrenner's History of York County, from its Erection to this Present Time. York: A. J. Glossbrenner, 1834. I2mo, pp. 183, (30).* Illustrated. Frontispiece of York Court Mouse. Sold: Stone, 1897, shp, 3.00; Brinley, 1880. slip, git, 18.00; Bushnell, 1883, extra ill, 4.12: Bourquin, [894, 3.25; Hoff- mann, 1877, 2.50; Perry, 1899, shp, 3.75; Polock, 1904. shp, a. 1. s. Michael Atkinson to Thos. Penn inserted, 8.50; Henkels, 1905, orig shp, 15.00; Pennypackcr, 1906. slip, 8.00. 796. CARTLAND, J. H. Ten Years at Pemaquid (Ale.). Sketches of its History and its Ruins. Pemaquid Beach : 1899. 8vo, pp. 202. Illustrated. 797. CARUTHERS, ELI W. Revolutionary Incidents; and Sketches of Character, chiefly in the "Old North State." Philadelphia: Hayes and Zell, 1854. i2mo, pp. 431. 798. . Interesting Revolutionary Incidents and Sketches of Character, chiefly in the "Old North State." Second Series. Philadelphia: Hayes & Zell, 1856. 121110, pp. 448. "The first volume is devoted to the earlier days of the Revolu- tion and its causes. Vol. 2 contains an account of the British invasion of 1781. The volumes are made up of incidents gathered from m iny sources." Weeks Bibl. N. Car. 799. CARVALHO, S. N. Incidents of Travel and Adventure in the Far West with Col. Fremont's last Expedition, across the Rocky Mountains ; including Three Months' residence in Utah ; and a Perilous Trip across the Great American Desert to the Pacific. By S. X. Carvalho, Artist to the Expedition. New York: Derby & Jackson, i860. 1211m. pp. 250. Mormonism, pp. 130. "The adventures of Col. Fremont among the Indian tribes of the mountains and the plains are more minutely narrated in this volume than in either of the many narratives, journals, or reports of the ex- plorer himself." Field. Sold: Field, 3.50; Guild, 1887. 1.25. 800. CARVER, JOHN. Sketches of New England, or Memories of the Country. By John Carver. Esq., Justice of the 174 CARVER. Peace and Quorum. New York: E. French, 1842. 121110, pp. 286. John Carver was a nom de plume for N. S. Dodge. See : N. Am. Rev. April, 1S42. Sold: Bourquin, 1894, 40 cts. ; Guild, 1887, 50 cts. 801. CARVER, JONATHAN, CAPT. Travels through the In- terior Parts of North America, in the Years 1766, 1767, and 1768. By J. Carver, Esq., Captain of a Company of Provincial Troops during the late War with France. Il- lustrated with Copper Plates. London : Printed for the Author, and sold by J. Walter, 1778. Svo, 10 1., pp. xvi, 543, (1). 2 Maps and 4 Plates, -f Dublin: S. Price, 1779. 8vo, 10 1., pp. 50S. Map and 2 Plates. Second Edition. London: J. Dodsley, 1779- 8vo, pp. xxii, 543. 2 Maps and 4 Plates. -\- Third Edition. To which is added, Some Account of the Author, and a copious Index. London : C. Dilly ; H. Payne ; and J. Phillips, 1781. 8vo, 2 1.. pp. 22, 11 1., yj, 543, 21. Portrait and 1 Plate, 3 colored Plates. 2 Maps. "The first edition is printed with a large margin, and is often billed in booksellers' catalogues, large paper. 1 have seen many copies, but they were all the same size until cut by the binder. To the third and best edition, a biography of the author, and an index are added by John Coakley Lettsom, M. D., who had become the proprietor of the work, and whose preface is dated March 30, 1781. The new plates include a portrait of Carver, and a colored drawing of the tobacco plant. With the exception of the prefatory matter, however, and the index to this edition, the three are precisely alike. The life and index were printed separately, 'for the convenience of the purchasers of the first and second editions; on whom I was un- willing to raise an extraordinary tax for the third edition.' " /. C. Lettsom. "Lowndes quotes a large paper copy ; but I have not seen one entitled to that appellation. Carver came to England soon after he returned from his travels, with the intention of publishing an account of them; but when he had already sold the MS. to a bookseller, he was ordered by the government to deliver up all his maps and jour- nals ; and it was not until near ten years after that he obtained per- mission to publish the work. Mo. Rev. 60, 90." Sabin. 802. . Three Years' Travels through the Interior Parts of North America for more than Five Thousand Miles, etc. Philadelphia: Joseph Crukshank and Robert Bell. 1784. 8vo, pp. 217. -f- Philadelphia: J. Crukshank, 1789. 121110. pp. xvi, 282. (2 editions in 1780.) + Philadelphia : Printed by Joseph Crukshank. i"hj. 1 2mo, pp. xvi. 282. -|- Printed CAKVEK. 175 at Portsmouth, N. H., by Charles Pierce, for David West. Boston: 1794. umo, pp. xvi, 282. -f- Philadelphia: 1795. 8vo. Sold: I'.rinley, 1881, Phila., 1784 ed., 1.25; Phila., 1792, 10 cts.; Portsmouth, 1794 ed., 25 cts. : I.oston, 1797, 10 cts. ; Charleston, 1802, 25 cts.; Walpole, 1813, 25 cts.; 1781 ed.: I'.rinley, 1881, 6.00. 803. . Three Travels through the Interior Parts of North America for more than Five Thousand Miles; containing an Account of the Great Lakes, and all the Lakes, Islands and Rivers, Cataracts, Mountains, Minerals, Soil, and Vegetable Productions of the North West Regions of that Vast Continent, with a Description of the Birds. Beasts, Reptiles, Insects and Fishes Peculiar to the Country, to- gether with a Concise History of the Genius, Manners and Customs of the Indians inhabiting the Lands that lie adja- cent to the Heads and to the Westward of the Great River Mississippi ; and an Appendix Describing the Unculti- vated Parts of America that are the most proper for form- ing Settlements. Philadelphia: Key & Simpson. [796. 8vo, pp. xx, ix, 360. Subscribers, pp. 28.* + Boston : Printed by John Russell, for David West, 1797. 121110, pp. xvi. 5-312. -|- Edinburgh: 1798. 8vo. + Charlestown : 1802. !2mo, pp. 312. Edinburgh: 1807. 8vo. -f- Edin- burgh: 1808. 8vo. Walpole, N. H. : Isaiah Thomas & Co., 1813. 121110, pp. 280. + Walpole, N. H.: Isaiah Thomas, 1838. i2mo, pp. 280. "This valuable work lately attracted much attention from its de- scription of parts near the supposed Northwest Passage." Lowndes. "Although the work was very favorably received and went through several editions, its author derived but little benefit from it; and in 1780. 'a putrid fever supervening a long continued dysentery, brought on by want, put an end to the life of a man, who, after ren- dering at the expense of fortune and health, and the risk of life, many important services to his country, perished through want, in the first city of the world.' " Lcttsom. See No. Am. Rev. 50, 75. Mo. Rev. 65, 392. Schoolcraft's Per- sonal Memoirs, p. 168. "The opening of the Wisconsin Territory suggested to an enter- prising firm the republication of this work under the following title : 804. . Travels in Wisconsin, from the Third London Edi- tion. New York: Harper & Bros., 1838. 8vo, pp. 376. 5 Plates, 2 Maps, and Portrait. 176 CASE. 805. . Reisen durch die innern Gegenden von Nord-Amer- ika in den Jahren 1766, 67 und 68, mit einer Landkarte. Aus dem Engliachen. Hamburg: C. E. Bohn, 1780. 8vo, pp. xxiv, 456. 806. . Voyage dans les parties interieures de l'Amerique septentrionale, pendant les annees 1766, 67 et 68, par Jon. Carver. Traduir sur la troisieme edition angloise par M. de C. (Chanla, pseudon. for Montucla), avec des re- marques et quelques additions du traducteur. Paris: Pissot, 1784. 8vo, pp. 24, xxviii, 451. Map. 807. . Aventures chez les sauvages de l'Amerique Sep- tentrionale. 5th ed. Tours: Mame et Cie, 1852. i6mo, 2 1., pp. 236. 808. . Reize door de binnenlanden van Noord-Amerika, door Jonathan Carver schildkn — Naar den derden Druk uit het Engelsch vertaald door J. D. Pasteur. Met plaaren. Leyden : A. en J. Honkoop, 1796. 2 vols. 8vo, 2 1., pp. xxvi, 248; 2 1., pp. 280, (16). Sold: Henkels, 1903, orig elf, 4.25. 809. CARVER, ROBIN. History of Boston. Boston: 1834. i6mo, pp. 160. Sold: Woodward, 1869, 1.00; Bourquin, 1894, 20 cts. ; Whit- more, 1902, hlf mo, 1.25; Manson, 1904, hlf mo, git, unct, 32 extra plates inserted, 5.00. 810. CARY, MOSES. Genealogy of the Families who have set- tled in the North Parish in Bridgewater, Mass. To which is added a Historical Sketch of North Bridgewater. Bos- ton : Pr. by Bannister & Marvin, 1824. 8vo, pp. 48. "Contains a very valuable collection of materials ; but it is some- what confused in its arrangement. Judge Mitchell has incorporated most of the facts into his 'History of Bridgewater.' " Whitmore. 811. CASE, ALBERTSON. Historical Sketch of Southold Towns (N. Y.). Read July 4th, 1876. at the Celebration held in Greenpoint, L. I., by the Author. Carefully Re- vised and Corrected. Greenpoint : D. O. Crawford, 1876. 8vo, pp. 16.* Sold: Henkels, 1901, 90 cts.; Harold Peirce, 1903, .80. CAULKIXS. 177 812. CASE, LEONARD. Early Settlement of Warren, Trum- bull Co., Ohio. By the late Leonard Case. Cleveland: Fairbanks, Benedict & Co., 1876. 8vo, pp. 34. Forms No. 30 of the pamphlets published by the Western Reserve and Northern Ohio Historical Society. 813. CASPAR, CARL NIKALAUS. The City of Milwaukee. ( luide to the "Cream City" for Visitors and Citizens. giv- ing a History of the Settlement, Development and Pres- ent Importance of the City, with a Chronology of inter- esting Events. A Souvenir of the 24th Sangerfest of the X. A. Sangerbund at Milwaukee. July 21-25. 1886. Map. Illustrations. Milwaukee: Caspar & Zahn, 1886. 8vo, pp. 119. Published in English and German. 814. CASPAR, CARL NICALAUS JOS. MATTHIAS. Mil- waukee ; a Picturesque and Descriptive Account. 1903. Milwaukee: C. N. Caspar Co., 1903. 121110, pp. 88. Illus- trations. Portraits. 815. CASSEDAY, BENJAMIN. The History of Louisville, from its Earliest Settlement to the Year 1852. Louisville : Hull & Brother, 1852. i6mo, pp. 255. Map. Sold: Waterbury, 1895, 2.62; Cable, 1882. 3.25; Henkels, 1900, 2.10: Bourquin, 1894, 2.90; Hoffmann, 1877, 2.50; Guild. 1887. 35 cts. 816. CASWALL, HENRY (REV.). History of the Mormons, or Latter Day Saints. London: Rivington, 1843. Mr. Caswail also published in 1S43 the following book on Utah and Mormonism: "The Prophet of the Nineteenth Century; or. The Rise. Progress, and Present State of the Mormons, or Latter Day Saints : to which is appended an analysis of the Book of Mormon. London : J. G. F. & T. Rivington, 1843. 8vo, pp. xx. 277." 1 Litho- graph. 817. . The City of the Mormons: or. Three Days at Nau- voo. 111., in 1842. London : J. G. F. & J. Rivington. 1842. 8vo. -(- Second Edition, London : 1843. i6mo. 2 1.. pp. 87. 818. CASWELL, LILLEY B. Athol. Massachusetts. Past and Present. Athol : 1899. 8vo. pp. 7. 448. Illustrated. 819. CAULKINS. FRANCES MAINWARING. History of Norwich. Conn., from its Settlement in 1660, to January, I78 CAULKINS. 1845. Norwich: Thomas Robinson, 1845. 121110, pp. 359. 6 Plates. Sold: 1845 ed. : Bangs, Merwin, 1865, 1.00; Balcom, 1901, 2.25 ; Patterson, 1896, a. 1. s. of author inserted, 4.50; Mur- phy, 1884, 2.00; Deane, 1898, cl, 5.50; Fisher, 1866, 1.50; Woodward, 1869, 50 cts. ; Brinley, 1879, 2.50; Bushnell, 1883, hlf elf, git, 2.25; same sale, cl, 1.50; Manson, 1899, 1.50; Cable, 1883, 1.87; Libbie, 1901, 1.50; Bourquin, 1894, 2.10; Bourquin, 1894, 80 cts. ; Hoffmann, 1877, 1.25 ; Shurt- leff, 1875, l -°°- Cooke. 1883, 1.10; Guild, 1887, 1.75; Clog- ston, 1875, 75 cts. 820. . History of Norwich, Conn., from its Possession by the Indians to the Year 1866. (Hartford:) Published by the Author, 1S66. 8vo, pp. xi. 17-704. 16 Portraits.* Sold: Patterson. 1896, 6.00: Murphy, 1884. 4.00: Woodward, 1869, 2- 2 5- Bushnell, 1883. cl, 5.00: Cable, 1882. 3.50; Child, 1882, hlf mo; unct, git, 5.50: M. D. Gilman, 1884, 4.50: Hoffmann, 1877, 2.75; Guild, 1887, 5.75; Clogston, 1875, 2.62; Halloran. 1899, 7-5°- Clogston. 1899, 3.75: Libbie, 1899, 4.00; Libbie. 1902. 3.25: 5.00: Hassam, 1903. cl. 3.00. 821. . History of Norwich, Conn., from its Possession by the Indians to the Year 1866. Also a Brief Sketch of the Life of the Author, to which is added an Appendix; con- taining Notes and Sketches, continuing the History to the close of the Year 1873. Hartford, Conn.: Published by the Friends of the Author, 1874. 8vo. pp. xl, 714. xi. 18 steel portraits and illustrations.* Sold: Manson, 1899, hlf mo, extra, unct, git, 6.25; Cable, 1882, 4.25: Morris. 1899, 5.50: Deane, 1898, cl, 5.50. 822. . History of New London, Connecticut, from the First Survey of the Coast in 1612 to 1852. New London: The Author, 1852. 8vo, pp. xi, 679, (1). Maps and Wood- cuts, -f- Second Edition. Continued to i860. New Lon- don : i860. 8vo, pp. 680.* Sold: 1852 ed. : 1st ed., Coburn, 5.00: Bangs, Merwin, 1865, 2.25; Patterson, 1896, 5.50; Murphy, 1884, 4.50; Deane, 1898, cl, 5.25 ; Bushnell, 1883, extra ill, hlf mo, by R. W. Smith, 14.00; M. D. Gilman, 1884, 5.00; Shurtleff, 1875, CAVERLY. 179 4.00; Libbie, 1901, cl, 3.00; Lockwood, 1902, cl, prcsenta- tion copy, 4.50; Anderson, 1904, cl, 3.80; Henkels, 1905, cl, 4.75; Merwin-Clayton, 1905, cl, presentation copy from I.. II. Sigournev to Erastus Smith, 4.00; Anderson, 1905, 3.10; 1800 cd. : Brinley, 1879, 6.00; Brinley, 1893, 6.25; Manson. 1899, 4.62; Cable, 1882, 5.75; Child. 1882, 6.00; Hoffmann, 1877, 3.50; Clogston, 1875, 2.75; Bangs, 1896, 5.12; Anderson, 1905, cl, 3.80. 823. . History of New London. (Reprint of edition of i860.) New London, Ct. : H. D. Utley, 1900. 8vo, pp. 18, 696. Illustrated. -\- New London: 1895. Sold: Libbie, 1899, 1895 ed., 4.12; Libbie, 1902, cl, 1900 ed., 3-50. 824. CAUTHORN, HENRY SULLIVAN. A History of the City of Vincennes, Indiana, from 1702 to 1901. Vincennes,. Ind. : Margaret C. Cauthorn, 1902. i2mo, pp. 220. Illus trations. Portraits. Privately printed. 825. CAVERLY, A. M. (M. D.). An Historical Sketch of Troy. N. H.. and its Inhabitants, from the first Settlement of the Town, in 1764. to 1855. Keene : Printed at the N. II. Sentinel Office, 1859. 121110, pp. 299. Lithograph and lithographed portraits. The edition was nearly all destroyed by fire. Sold: Bell, 1895, 5.50; Blanchard, cl, 5.00; Woodward, 186 1. 1. 00; Cable, 1882, 2.00; Bushnell, 1883, cl, 4.00; Manson, l %99> 3-75; Balcom, 1901, 4.50; S. L. Boardman. 1883, 5.25; Guild, 1887, 6.00; Clogston, 1875, 2.00; Morris, 1899, 3.25; Huntington, 1905, cl, 4.25. 826. . History of the Town of Pittsford, Vt. with Bio- graphical Sketches and Family Records. Rutland : Tuttle & Co., 1872. 8vo, pp. viii, 751. Portraits and Map. Sold: Balcom, 1901, 3.50; Olcott, 1001, cl, 4.00; Manson, 1899, 3.00; Cable, 1882, 2.50; M. D. Gilman, 1884, 4.00; Clogston, 1899, 5.00; Guild, 1887, 4.00; Clogston, 1875, 2.38; Libbie, 1901, 3.25. 827. CAVERLY, ROBERT BOODEY. Boodey Annals in New England, Together with Lessons of Law and Life, from John Eliot, the Apostle to the Indians. By Robert Boodey l80 LE CHALLEAUX. Caverly, Counsellor at Law, Poet, and Author of Books. Lowell, Mass. : Published by the Author, 1880. 8vo, pp. 297. Illustrated.* 828. CHADWICK, H. E. Centennial Celebration at Bradford (Mass.), July 4, 1876. Haverhill: 1877. 8vo, pp. 40. Historical oration by Mr. Chadwick. 829. CHAFFIN, WILLIAM L. History of the Town of Easton, Massachusetts. Cambridge : John Wilson & Son, Uni- versity Press, 1866. 8vo, pp. xviii, 838. Folding map.* Portraits and other Illustrations. Sold: Manson, 1899, 4.00; Guild, 1887, 5.00. 830. LE CHALLEUX, NICOLAS. Brief discovrs et | histoire d'vn I voyage de quelques Francois en | la Floride : & du massacre autant | iniustement que barbarement exe- | cute sur eux, par les Hespagnols, Fan mil cinq cens soixante cinq. I Par ci devant redige | au vray par ceux qui s'en retirerent : & maintenant | reuue & augmentee de nouueau, par M. Vrbain Chavveton. Ensemble | vne requeste pre- sen- I tee au Roy Charles neufiesme, en forme de | com- plainte, par les femnes vefues & enfans | orphelins, parens & amis de ses suiets, qui | furent tuez audit pays de la Floride. | (n. p.) 1579. 121110, pp. 104. "The second portion or 'requests' mentioned in the title, is not in the work. The work is extracted from G. Benzoni." Sabin. 831. . Discovrs De L'Histoire de la Floride, contenant la trahison des Espagnols, contre les subiets du Roy, en l'an mil cinq cens soixtante cinq. Redige au vray par ceux qui en sont restez. Chose autant lamentable a ouir qu'elle a este proditoirement & cruellement executee par lesdits Espagnols: Contre l'authorite du Roy nostre Sire, a la perte & dommage de tout ce Yoyaume. A Dieppe. Pour lesse le Sellier, 1566. iamo, pp. 54 (for 52, 2). 832. . Discovrs | De L'Histoi- | re de la Floride, con- | tenant la Cruaute des Espagnols contre | les subiets du Roy en l'an mil cinq cens | aoixante-cinq. | Redige au vray | par ceux qui en sont restez. Chose autant la- | mentable a ouir. qu'elle a este proditoirement & cruelle- | ment executee par lesdits Espagnols Contre l'authorite du I Roy nostre Sire, a la perte & dommage de tout ce CHAMBERLAIN. I 8 r Royaume. Item vne reqveste av | Roy, faite en forme de complainte par les fem- | mes vefues, petits enfans orphe- lins et autres | les leurs amis, parents et alliez de ceux qui out este | cruellement envahis par les Espagnols, en la | France anthartique, elite la Floride. | De Dieppe, ce 22 de May, 1566. i2mo, pp. 62. 833. . Discovrs de l'Histoire de la Floride — (n. p.), 1566. i2mo, pp. 22. "Dans cettc deuxieme edition on a ajoute (p. 48 une petite epitrc faite par l'auteur en 21 vers de huit syllabcs." Ternaux. No. 101.). 834. . Histoire | Memorable | du Dernier | Voyage aiix Indes, lieu appele la Floride, fait par Capitaine lean Ri- baut, et enterpris par le commandement du Roy en l'an M. D. LXV. J A Lyon. | Par Jean Savgrain, | 1566. | Auec priuilege | (Colophon :) Fin de la Floride, acheuee d'im- primer le 25 d'Aoust, 1566. i2mo, pp. 71. "An edition unknown to bibliographers. Brunet describes an edition of the same year and by the same printer under Ribaut, and again under Le Challeux, who, in reality, was the writer of the work. * * * Chauveton in his Latin version of Benzoni, first printed in 'Geneva in 157S. Svo., has given at the end of the volume a Latin translation of the relation of Le Challeux ; and the original French text is reprinted at the end of Chauveton's French version of Ben- zoni. Geneva, 1570. Svo. De Bry in the sixth part of the Graivl-- Voyages 2d appendix, 'Expeditio in Floridam,' and at the end of chapter 1, and in chapter 11, pages 87 et seq., has given an exact copy of Chauveton's Latin version of this little tract of Le Challeux. J. R. Bartlett." Sabin. The following is a translation : A true and perfect de- | scription of the last vo- | yage or Nauigation attempted by | Capitaine lohn Ribaut, deputie | and general for the Frenchmen, into | Terra Flor- ida, this yeare past, 1565. | Truely sette forth by those that re- | turned from thence, wherein | are contayncd things as la- | mentable to heare as thev | haue bene cruelly | executed. | Imprinted | at Lon- don bv Henrv Denham, | for Thomas Hacket. and | are to be solde at his'Shop | in Lumbart | streate. | 1566. i2mo. 4. p. I, 24, I. "A volume of excessive rarity. We know of but two copies, one in Mr. Brown's library and one in the British Museum." Sabin. 835. CHAMBERLAIN, EVERETT. Chicago and its Suburbs: A full Account of the History, Business. Statistics. Parks. &c. : and Complete Histories of all the Suburban Towns. Chicago: T. A. Hungerford & Co.. 1874. Svo, pp. 468. Folded Map and Illustrations.* Statistical, of Chicago, past and present. Sold: Cable. 1883, $7 cts. ; Cable. 1882, 1.50: Guild. 1887, 1.10. 182 CHAMBEKI.AINE. 836. CHAMBERLAIN, JOSHUA LAWRENCE. Maine: her Place in History. Address delivered at the Centennial Exhibition, Philadelphia, Nov. 4, 1876, and in Convention of the Legislature of Maine, February 6, 1877. With a Communication from the Governor and the Report of the Centennial Commission. Published by Order of the Leg- islature of Maine, of February 7, 1877. Augusta : Sprague, Owen & Nash, 1877. 8vo, pp. 129. Maps. The maps were not issued with the later editions. Sold: Manson, 1899, 1.00; Cable, 1882, 1.25; J. G. Smith, 1883, 1.20; S. L. Boardman, 1883, extra illus, 1.50; Deane, 1898, 75 cts. ; Guild, 1887, 75 cts. 837. . Maine, An Historical Sketch. Boston : 1882. 121110, pp. 6. See Encyclop. Brittanica, ed. vol. 15, for which it was writ- ten. It occupies four pages and its title is : Maine. Copyrighted, 1882, by Joshua L. Chamberlain. There is also a colored map of Maine. Sold: Manson, 1899, 1.75. 838. CHAMBERLAIN, REV. L. T. An Address on the Early History of Old Brookfield, Mass. New York: 1895. 8vo. Sold: Henkels, 1900, 70 cts. 839. C(HAMBERLAINE), R(ICHARD). Lithobolia: | or, The I Stone-Throwing Devil. | Being | An Exact and True Account (by way of Journal) | of the various Actions of Infernal Spirits, or (Devils Incarnate) Witches, or both; and the great Disturbance and Amaze- | ment they gave to George Waltons Family, at a place call'd | Great Island. in the Province of New Hantshire, in New- | England, chiefly in Throwing about (by an Invisible hand) | Stones. Bricks, and Brick-bats of all Sizes, with several other | things, as Hammers, Mauls, Iron Crows, Spits, and other | Domestick Utensils, as came into their Hellish Minds, | and this for the space of a Quarter of a Year. | By R. C. Esq.; who was a Sojourner in the same | Family the whole Time, and an Ocular Witness | of these Diabolick Inventions, j The Contents hereof been manifestly known to the Inhabi- | tants of that Province, and persons of other Provinces, | and is upon record in his Majesties Council-Court held I for that Province. | London, | Printed and are to be Sold by E. Whitlook near | Stationers-Hall, 1698. I 4to, 2 1.. pp. 16.* "This rare piece has a poetical address at the beginning. Re- printed in Historical Magazine, Nov., 1861, v. 321-327." Sabin. I II \l'l\. 183 840. CHAMBERS, GEORGE. Historical Sketch of Pottsvillc, Schuylkill County, Pa. Read at Union Hall, Pottsville, July 4, [876. Pottsville, Pa.: Standard Publ. Co., 1876. 8vo., pp. 19.* Sold: Henkels, 1901, 30 cts. 841. CHAMPIGNY, CHEVALIER DE. Etat-present de la Louisiane, avec toutes les particularites de cette Province d'Amerique. Pour servir de Suite a l'Histoire des Eta- blissemens des Europeens dans les Deux Indes (De Ray- nal) ; par le Colonel, Chevaler de Champigny. La Haye: Frederic Staatman, 1776. 8vo, pp. 147, (2). + Amster- dam : 1 78 1. Translation in French's Hist. Coll. of Louisiana. V. 287. 842. . La Louisiane ensanglantee avec toutes les Particu- laritees de cette horrible Catastrophe. Amsterdam: 1773. 8vo. 843. CHANDLER, SETH. History of the Town of Shirley, Mass., from its early Settlement to 1882. Portraits and Plates. Shirley : Seth Chandler, 1884. 8vo, pp. 744. Sold: Libbie, 1895. 3.50: Libbie. 1897, 3.00: Carruth, 1898, cl, 3.00; Manson, 1899, 3.50; Guild, 1887. 5.00. 844. CHANDLESS, WILLIAM. A Visit to Salt Lake; being a Journey Across the Plains, and a Residence in the Mor- mon Settlements at Utah. London : Smith, Elder & Co., 1857. i2mo, pp. xii, 346. Map. Sold: Guild, 1887, 1.25. 845. CHANNING, GEORGE G. Early Recollections of New- port, R. I., from the year 1793 to 1831. Newport. R. I.: A. J. Ward, Charles E. Hammett, Jr., 1868. i6mo, pp. 284. Sold: Child, 1882, 2.00; Cable. 1882, 2.00; S. L. Boardman, 1883. 75 cts. : Bourquin, 1894, 20 cts. ; Deane. 1898. 50 cts. ; Guild, 1887, 1. 00. 846. CHAPIN. REV. ALONZO B. Glastenbury for Two Hun- dred Years: a Centennial Discourse. May 18th, A. D. 1853. With an Appendix containing Historical and Statistical 184 CHAPMAN. Papers of Interest. Hartford : Press of Case, Tiffany & Co., 1853. 8vo, pp. 252. Plan. The Appendix contains the genealogy of Glastenbury Families. Sold: Woodward, 1869, 25 cts. ; Brinley, 1879, 1.25; Cable, 1882, 1.87; Bushnell, 1883, hlf mo. git, 2.25 ; Manson, 1899, 2.55; Cable, 1883, 1.00; Henkels, 1900, 2.00: Clogston, 1875, 75 cts.; Hoffmann, 1877. 50 cts.; Whitmore, 1902, 2.75 : Guild. 1887, 2.00. 847. CHAPIN, CHARLES WELLS. Sketches of the Old In- habitants and other Citizens of Old Springfield, of the Present Century, and its Historic Mansions of "Ye Olden Tyme." With 124 illustrations and 60 autographs. Spring- field : Springfield Binding and Printing Co.. 1893. 8vo, pp. xi. 1 1., 420.* Sold: Libbie, 1904, cl, 3.00. 848. CHAPMAN, GEORGE W. History of Gilead. and Prose and Poetic Writings. Portland : Published by the Author. B. Thurston & Co., Prs., 1867. i2mo. pp. 132. Sold: Manson, 1899, 2.37; Cable, 1882, bds, 4.00; S. L. Board- man, 1883, 1.75. 849. CHAPMAN, ISAAC A. A Sketch of the History of Wyo- ming. To which is added An Appendix containing a Sta- tistical Account of the Valley and Adjacent Country. By a Gentleman of Wilkesbarre. Wilkesbarre, Perm. : Sharp D. Lewis, 1830. 121110, pp. 209. Map. Sold: Terry, 1889. .75 ; Rice, 1870, hlf mo. git, 3.25 ; Fisher. 1866, elf, 2.00 ; Woodward, 1869. 55 cts. ; Cable, 1882, 1.37 ; Brinley. 1880, bds, 2.25; Waterbury, 1895, 2.62; Menzies, 1S76, 2.50; Bushnell, 1883, hlf elf. git. 1.63; Manson, 1899, 1.00; Bourquin, 1894, 80 cts.; Coxe, 1004, shp, 3.00; Hen- kels, 1905, shp, 3.80; Bourquin. 1894, 60 cts.; Henkels, 1898, 1.75; Bangs. Merwin, 1865, 2.21; Hoffmann. 1877. t.oo; Field, 1875, 1.60; A. G. Greene. 1869. 87 cts.; Guild, 1887, 3.12: Clogston, 1875. 87 cts.; Bangs. 1901, shp, map of Wyoming and Lackawanna Valleys, by Geo. Jones. engraved by Doolittle. inserted, 5.25. 850. CHAPMAN, JOHN A. The Annals of Newberry. In Two Parts. Pari First, by John Belton O'Neall, LL. I). Part CHAPPEIX. 185 Second, by John A. Chapman. Newberry, S. C. : Aull & Ih.useal, 1892. 8vo, pp. 816. Index, pp. \ii. Portraits of Old Settlers. Early Settlements, Palatine Settle- ment, Friends and their Migration to Ohio, Events preceding Seces- sion, War Times in Newberry, The Soldiers of Newberry. Part 1 was published in 1859. Part 2 in 1892. Sold: Proud, 1903, 1.00. 851. History of Edgefield County. From the Earliest Settlement to 1897. Biographical and Anecdotical ; with Sketches of the Seminole War; Nullification; Secession; Reconstruc- tion ; Churches and Literature; with Rolls of all the Com- panies from Edgefield in the War of Secession ; "War with Mexico and with the Seminole Indians. Newbury, S. C. : Elbert H. Aull, 1897. 8vo, pp. 521. Folding map, vi.* 852. CHAPMAN, S. Handbook of Wisconsin. Milwaukee: l8 55- + Second Edition. Enlarged. Milwaukee: S. Chapman, 1855. 321110, pp. 117. Sold: Waterbury, 1895, 25 cts. ; Field, 1875. 1.10. 853. CHAPMAN, THOMAS J. The Valley of the Conemaugh. Altoona, Pa.: McCritm & Dern, Prs., 1865. i6mo, pp. 202.* Sold: Henkels, 1903, 2.10. 8 54- • The French in the Allegheny Valley. Cleveland. O. : W. W. Williams. Pittsburg, Pa. : T. J. Chapman. 1887. 121110, pp. 209. Historical data regarding the French, gathered from many sources. 8 55- • Old Pittsburgh Days. Pittsburgh : iyoo. 121110, pp. 237- 856. CHAPPELL, ABSALOM HARRIS. Miscellanies of Geor- gia. Historical. Biographical, Descriptive, &c. Parts 1. 2, 3, all published. Columbus. Ga. : 1874. Printed by Thomas Gilbert. 8vo. Pt. 1, 2 prel. lvs.. pp. 73, i 1.: Pt. 2, pp. 137; Pt. 3, pp. 24. 8 57- • Miscellanies of Georgia; Historical. Biographical. inscriptive. &c. Atlanta, Ga. : James F. Meegan. 1896. 8vo, pp. 244. 1 86 CHASE 858. CHARLTON, EDWIN A. New Hampshire as it Is. In Three Parts. Part I. A Historical Sketch of New Hamp- shire from its First Settlement to the Adoption of the Federal Constitutional in 1788. Part 2. A Gazetteer of New Hampshire ; containing a Particular Description of the Several Towns. Cities. Villages, &c. ; Remarkable Curiosities, Mineral Localities, Statistical Tables; also of the Counties, both Historical and Topographical. Part 3. A General View of New Hampshire ; containing a De- scription of its Soil, Productions, Climate ; its Geological and Mineralogical Features ; the Principal Mountains, Lakes, and Rivers ; Education and Religion ; Biographical Sketches of Distinguished Men ; Literary, Scientific, and Charitable Associations ; Banks, Railroads, Newspapers, &c. Together with the Constitution of the State. Com- piled from numerous Authentic Sources. Claremont, X. H. : Tracy & Sandford, 1855. 121110. + Third Edition. Revised, with an Appendix. Claremont : Tracy & Co., 1856. 8vo, pp. 592. (4).* Some copies have the imprint : Claremont, N. H. : A. Kenney & Co., 1857. l2mo. Sold: Balcom, 1901, 1856 ed., .40; Libbie, Olcott, 1901. 1855 ed., shp, .75; Waterbury, 1895, Claremont. 1857, 3d ed., 1.00: Manson. 1899, 75 cts. ; Cable, 1882, 1855 ed., 3.00; Cable. 1883, 1857 ed., 62 cts. ; J. G. Smith, 1883. 1856 ed., 1.37: Guild, 1887. 1.25 : Clogston, 1875, 1857 ed.. 75 cts. 859. CHASE, BENJAMIN. History of Old Chester, from 1719 to 1869. Auburn, N. H. : The Author, 1869. 8vo, pp. xvi, 702. Map. Woodcuts, and 15 Portraits. "Old Chester included Raymond Candia, Hookset, Derryfield and Auburn." Sabin. Sold: Chase & Dale, 1897, cl, 4.25 ; Blanchard, 1898, hlf mo, git, 4.50; Balcom. 1901, 5.50; Olcott, 1901, cl, 5.10: Man- son, 1899, 4.50; Cable, 1883, 3.75; Guild, 1887, 6.50; Clog- ston, 1875, 2 - 2 5 ! Bartlett, 1903, cl, lacks map, 4.00; Has- sam, 1903, cl, map lacking, 4.00. 860. CHASE, FRANCIS (M. A.). Gathered Sketches from the Early History of New Hampshire and Vermont ; contain- ing Vivid and Interesting Accounts of a Great Variety of the Adventures of our Forefathers, And of other Inci- dents of Olden Time. Original and Selected. Edited by CHASE. 187 Francis Chase, M. A. Claremont, N. H. : Tracy, Kenney & Co., 1856. 121110, pp. 215. Woodcuts.* Sold: Terry, .63; Woodward, 1869, 1.50; Henkels, 1900, 50 cts. ; Dunbar, 1892, 35 cts. ; Cable, 1882, 1.00; Waterburv. 1895, 1.20; J. G. Smith, 1883, 90 cts.; Bushnell, 1883, 60 cts. ; S. L. Boardman, 1883, 62 cts. ; Manson, 1899, 55 cts. : Child, 1882, 87 cts.; Bourquin, 1894, 10 cts.; Guild, 1887. 45 cts. 861. CHASE, FREDERICK. History of Dartmouth College an. 1 of the Town of Hanover. N. H. Vol 1. Edited by John K. Lord. Cambridge: Wilson, 1891. Roy. 8vo.- Portraits. Vol. I is all that was ever published. Sold: Balcom, 1901, cl, unct. 3.25. 862. CHASE, GEORGE WINGATE. The History of Haverhill. Massachusetts, from its First Settlement in 1640, to the Year i860. By George Wingate Chase. (Motto.) Hav- erhill : Published by the Author, 1861. 8vo, pp. xvi, 663, (1). Index, xx. Lithographic Plates.* Sold: Cable, 1882, 3.50; Cable, 1883, 1.75; Libbie, 1901, mo, unct, git, extra illus with 27 portraits, 5.62 ; same sale, cl. 3.25; M. D. Gilman, 1884, 3.25; J. G. Smith, 1883, 1.87; Balcom. 1901, 4.00; Hoffmann, 1877. 3.00; Shurtleff, 1875, 3.75; Harold Peirce, 1903, hlf mo, git, unct, 5.75; Cooke, 1883 (2 cops.), 3.20; Anderson, 1904, hlf mo, unct. 22 extra illus, 3.50; Hazen, 1905, hlf elf, 3.75 : Patterson, 1896, 3.00; same sale, 3.50: Libbie, 1897, 4.00; Libbie, 1897, 5.00; Murphy. 1884, 2.25; Sherman, 1898, 5.25; Deane, 1898, 3.00; Woodward, 2.50; Brinley, 1879, 3.50; Bushnell. 1883, 1.75; Manson, 1899, 2.75; Child, 1882, 2.50; Ander- son, 1905, hlf 1110, unct, 25 extra illus, 10.00; Idem.. 13.00; Field, 1875, 2.75 ; A. G. Green, 1869. 1.75 ; Guild, 1887, 3.50; Clogston. 1875, 2.12; Libbie, 1901. hlf mo, git, unct, 6.00; Libbie, 1898, 3.00; Libbie, 1900, 4.50; Anderson, 1902. cl, 3.00; Libbie, iqoi, hlf mo. unct. 27 plates inserted, 5.62; 1902, hlf mo, git, unct, 25 pi. inserted. 5.00; Bartlett. 1903, hlf mo, unct, 22 extra plates inserted. 4.25. 863. CHASE, P. F. The Lancaster (N. H.) Sketch Book. Brat- tleboro: 1887. i6mo. Paper. Sold: Olcott, 1901, paper, .65. 1 88 CHILD. 864. CHASE, SALMON P. A Sketch of the History of Ohio. Cincinnati: Care}' & Fairbank, 1833. 8vo, pp. (2), 40. "This was prefixed to Chase's Statutes of Ohio. Cincinnati. 1833. 3 vols. A few copies were separately printed." Sabin. "In the 'Statutes' the title was : 'A Preliminary Sketch of the History of Ohio.' It was the first general history of Ohio published." Thomson, Sold: Brinley, 1881. 1.50. CHEEVER, GEORGE BARRELL. See G. Mount. 865. CHENEY, T. APOLEON. Historical Sketch of the Che- mung Valley. Watkins, N. Y. : 1868. 8vo, pp. 59.* Dedicated to Wm. Cullen Bryant. Sold: Bushnell, 1883, extra ill, hlf mo, 3.50; Henkels, 1900, 2.00; Henkels. 1901, 25 cts. 866. CHENEY, TIMOTHY C. Reminiscences of Syracuse. By Timothy C. Cheney. Compiled by Paris B. Johnson. From Personal Recollections of the Author first published in the Syracuse Daily Standard. Syracuse : Summers & Brother, 1857. 8vo, pp. 32. Sold: Hoffmann, 1877, 1.00. CHETWOOD, W. R. See Robert Boyle. 867. CHIDLAW, B. W. An Historical Sketch of Paddy's Run, Butler County, Ohio, delivered Saturday, July 30, 1876. Hamilton, O. : Hamilton Telegraph Job Rooms, 1876. 8vo, half title and ten leaves unnumbered. 868. CHILD, DAVID LEE. The Taking of Naboth's Vineyard, or History of the Texas Conspiracy, and an Examination of the Reasons given by the Hon. J. C. Calhoun, Hon. R. J. Walker, and others, for the Dismemberment and Rob- bery of the Republic of Mexico. New York : S. W. Bene- dict & Co., 1845. 8vo, pp. 32. 869. . The Texan Revolution. Republished with Addi- tions from the Northampton (Massachusetts) Gazette, to which is added A Letter from Washington on the annexa- tion fif Texas, and the late outrage in California, by I'robus. (Republished with additions from The Libe- rator. Washington: 1843.) pp.84. CHILD. [89 870. CHILD, FRANK SAMUEL. South Dakota: Resources. People, Statehood ; the Gleanings of a Journey through the Territory. New York: The Baker Taylor Co., [888. 121110, pp. 67. 871. . An Old New England Town: Sketches of Life. Scenery, Character. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1895. i2ino. pp. 16. 230. Illustrated.* Papers about the old town of Fairfield, Conn., read before the Eunice Dennie Burr Chapter of Daughters of the American Revolu- tion, concerning the early history and romance of the town. 872. CHILD, HAMILTON. Gazetteer and Directory of Jeffer- son County. X. Y., for 1866-7. Watertown,. N. Y. : I.. Ingalls & Co., 1866. 8vo, pp. 208. -\- The Same. 1868-9. 8vo, pp. 356. Continued.* 873. . Gazetteer of Berkshire County (Mass.), 1725-1885. Compiled by Hamilton Child. Syracuse: 1885. 8vo, pp. 947. Illustrated. Sold: Manson, 1899, 5.50. 874. . Gazetteer of Cheshire County, N. H., 1736 to 1885. Syracuse : 1885. Roy. 8vo. Portraits and Plates. Sold: Bell, 1895, 6.50; West, 1901, russ, 3.75. 875. . Gazetteer of Grafton County. N. H., 1709 to 1886. With Business Directory, 1885-86. Syracuse : 1886. Roy. 8vo. Steel portraits and Illustrations. Sold: Balcom, 1901. 5.50; Bell, 1895, 3.25. 876. . Gazetteer and Business Directory of Addison County, Vermont. 1882-3. Compiled and Published by Hamilton Child. Syracuse, N. Y. New York : 1882. 8vo, PP- 55 1 - Includes history and war records of each town. 877. . Gazetteer and Business Directory of Bennington County, Vt., for 1880-1. Syracuse, N. Y. : 1882. 8vo, pp. 500. 878. . Gazetteer and Business Directory of Caledonia and Essex Counties, Vermont, 1764-1887. Syracuse: 1887. 8vo, pp. 492 ; 298. I9O CHI F.MAN. 879. . Gazetteer and Business Directory of Chittenden County, Vermont, for 1882-83. Syracuse : 1882. 8vo, pp. 584- 880. . Gazetteer and Business Directory of Franklin and Grand Isle Counties, Vermont, for 1882-83. Syracuse: 1883. 8vo, pp. 612. 881. . Gazetteer and Business Directory of La Moille and Orleans Counties, Vermont, for 1883-84. Syracuse: 1883. 8vo, pp. 658. 882. . Gazetteer and Business Directory of Orange County, Vt., 1762-1888. Syracuse: 1888. 8vo, pp. 214. Steel portraits. Sold: Clogston, 1899, 4.00. 883. . Gazetteer and Business Directory of Washington County, Vermont, 1783-1889. Syracuse: 1889. 8vo, pp. 544 ; 280. 884. . Gazetteer and Business Directory of Windsor County, Vermont. Syracuse: 1884. 8vo, pp. 666. Illus- trated. Includes War Record, History of each town, &c. 885. CHILD, LYDIA MARIA. The First Settlers of New Eng- land : or, Conquest of the Pequods, Narragansetts and Po- kanokets: as related by A Mother to her Children, and designed for the Instruction of Youth. By a Lady of Massachusetts. Boston: Munroe and Francis, 1822. i8mo, pp. 282, (1). Plate. + Boston: 1829. 121110, pp. 282, (1). Plate. Sold: Manson, 1899, 2.50. 886. CHILDE, CROMWELL. Old New York Downtown. New York: The Brown Green Co., 1901. 8vo, pp. 60. Illus- trated. 887. CHIPMAN, R. MANNING. The History of Harwinton, Connecticut. Hartford: Williams, Wiley & Turner, i860. 8vo, pp. 152. With an appendix. e CHUKI H. 191 Sold: Woodward, 1869, 1.00; Brinley, [879, 4.00; Hoffmann, 1877, 2.12; Bushnell, 1883, hit mo, 2.00; Manson, 1899, 2. 12 ; Guild, 1887, 2.00. 888. CHITTENDEN, HIRAM M. The Yellowstone National Park. Historical and Descriptive. Maps. Views and Portraits. Cincinnati : The Robert Clarke Co., 1895. 8vo, pp. 14, 397. Contains a list of the geographical names of the Park, and a 24-page bibliography of the literature concerning the region. 889. CHURCH, BENJAMIN. An Oration delivered March Fifth, 1773, at the Request of the Inhabitants of the Town of Boston ; to Commemorate the Bloody Tragedy of the Fifth of March, 1770. Boston: Printed and Sold at the New Printing Office, 1773. 4to, pp. 20. -(- Boston, 1773. 4to, pp. 16. -(- Third Edition. Boston, 1773. 4to, pp. 18. -f- Boston, 1785. 8vo, pp. 14. Sold: Chase & Dale, 1897, 3d ed.. 1773, hlf mo, unct, 5.00; Deane, 1898, hlf mo, 5.50. 890. . The History of King Philip's War. With an Intro- duction and Notes by Henry Martyn Dexter. Boston : John Kimball Wiggin, 1865. 4to, i 1., pp. 1, i 1., pp. (3), 205. 2 vols. 250 copies printed in fcap 4to, and 35 on large paper, rl. 4to. Library N. E. Hist., No. 2. "Contains reprint of T. C.'s 'Entertaining Passages.' There are 4 pages before the title page, on the first is: 'Library of New Eng- land History, No. 11;' on the third, 'Church's Fhilip's War, Part 1.'" Williamson. There is a monograph of J. K. Wiggin on title page. The 4 volumes of Wiggin's Library of New England History : Church's King Philip's War, 2 vols.; Mourt's Relation; Plain Deal- ing; sold. Woodward, 1S69, hlf mo. extra, by Bradstreet, git, 22.00. Sold: Large pap. Bell, 1895, 8.50; Coburn, sm pap. [895, 7.00; Sherman. 1898, cl, unct, sm 4to, 8.00 ; Philip's War and Eastern Expeditions, 2 vols, 1865-67, Olcott. 1901. cl. unct, 8.20; Stephens, 1904. hlf mo, unct. 9.50; Massie, 1905, hlf mo. unct. India pap. 11.00; Rice, 1870. 2 vols, 4to, blue levt mo, git, large pap, 14.50; the same sale. 4to, unct, 3.00: Livermore, 1894. 2 v, large pap, 10.00; Liver- more, 1894, 2 v, sm pap, 9.00; Brinley, 1879, 2 v, 1865-67. unct, 4.50; Roche, 1867, pap, unct. 14.00; Dunbar. [892, 8.50; Bangs, 1894, 9.00: Balcom, 1901, 10.00; Bushnell. I92 CHURCH. 1883, Philip's War and Eastern Expedition, 1867, 2 vols, 3.75; Manson, 1899, 2 vols, elf, git, unct, 8.00; Child, 1882, large pap, unct, 7.00; Thornton, 1878, 2.00; J. G. Smith, 1883, inserted portrait of Church, unct, 6.25; Hoffmann, 1877, large pap, cl, unct, 3.25 ; Shurtleff, 1875, large pap, 5.50: Field, 1875, 2.62; Bangs, 1901, 2 v, 4.50; large pap, 6.00; Clogston, 1899, hlf mo, unct, 3.75; Poole, 1900, hlf mo, unct, 9.00; Wales, 1903, pap, unct, 2 v, large pap, 10.00. 891. . The History of the Eastern Expeditions of 1689, 1690, 1692, 1696, and 1704 against the Indians and French. With an Introduction and Notes by Henry Martyr) Dex- ter. Boston : J. K. Wiggin and Wm. Parsons Lunt, 1867. Sm. 4to. pp. xxxii, (1), 203. Map. + 1868. Library of N. E. Hist. No. in. See, also, Francis Baylies. Edi- tion of 250 copies small 4to and 35 royal 4to. Sold: Field, 1875, 2.63 ; Perry, 1899, Philip's War & Eastern Expedition. 5.20. 892. CHURCH, CHAS. JUST S. Litchfield County Centennial Celebration, held at Litchfield, Conn., 13th and 14th of August, 1851. Hartford: Edwin Hunt, 1851. 8vo, pp. 212. Plate. Historical address by Ch. Just S. Church ; Poem by Rev. J. Pier- pont; The Age of Homespun, by Rev. Dr. H. Bushnell. Sold: Brinley. 1879, 1.50; Cable, 1882, 6.00. 893. CHURCH, JOHN HUBBARD. The First Settlement of New England. A Sermon delivered in the South Parish in Andover, April 5, 1810; being the Annual Fast in Mas- sachusetts. Sutton (Mass.) : Sewell Goodridge, 1810. 121HO, pp. 24* Sold: Woodward, 1869. 2.00; Guild, 1887, t.oo. 894. CHURCH, THOMAS. Entertaining Passages | Relating to I Philip's War | which | Began in the Month of June, 1675. I As also of I Expeditions | More lately made j Against the Common Enemy, and Indian Rebels, j in the Eastern Parts of New England: | with | Some Account of the Divine Providence | towards | Benj. Church Esqr. ; | By T. C. Boston: Printed by B. Green in the Year 1716. | 4to. Title, pp. (4), 120.* CHURCH. If)} Hiving my Minutes by ine ; my Son has taken the care and pains to Collect from them the lnsuing Narrative — which I have had the perusal of and find nothing a-miss.' Benj. Church. To the Reader of the 'Entertaining Passages.' This is one of the rarest books of its class. I have never seen a copy for sale." Sabin. Sold: Contem'y slip. 1716, Murphy, 1884, 310.00; Brinley„ 1879. interleaved, pp. (4), 120, portrait of B. Church in- serted, hlf russia, 150.00; this copy belonged to Saml. G. Drake; Ives, i8c)i, same copy, 500.00. 895. . The I Entertaining | History | of | King Philip's War, J which began in the Month of June, 1675. | As also of I Expeditions | more lately made | Against the Common Enemy, and Indian | Rebels, in the Eastern Parts of New- England : I With some Account of the Divine | Providence towards | Col. Benjamin Church : | By Thomas Church. Esq., his Son. The Second Edition. | Boston : Printed 1716. I Newport, Rhode Island. Reprinted and Sold | by Solomon Southwick, in Queen St. 1772. | 8vo, pp. iv, 198. (1).* "The picture of King Philip first published in this edition is fictitious; so also is that of Col. Church (see Rich, Vol. I, 198), who expresses the opinion that they 'are probably among the first speci- mens of engraving done in New England.' The latter is said to have been taken from a picture of Charles Churchill, the poet, with th. addition of a powder-horn slung round the neck. This edition is rare." Sabin. "This contains the excessively rare portrait of Col. Benj. Church. engraved by Paul Revere, the Mercury of the American Revolution, and which appears in this edition for the first time." Henkels. Sold: Deane, 1898, shp, later impression of portrait, New- port, 1772, 13.50; Rice, 1870, elf, git, by Bedford, portrait inserted. 17.00; Brinley. 1879, red gros gr levt mo, extra. by Bedford, 20.00 ; McKeen. 1902, hlf mo, git, 25.00 r Pennypacker, 1906, Second edition of Philip's War bd with New England's Memorial, Newport, 1772, contemn- shp, from library of Richard Stockton, signer, with his autograph, 40.00: Murphy, 1884, hlf mo. git. 5.50. 896. . The History of King Philip's War. Commonly Called The Great Indian War, of 1675 and 1676. Also of the French and Indian Wars at the Eastward, in 1689. K«)o. 1692, 1696 and 1704. By Thomas Church. Esq. With numerous Notes to Explain the Situation of th> Places of Battles, the Particular Geography of the Rav- aged Country, and the Lives of the Principal Persons Engaged in those Wars. Uso an Appendix. Containing 194 CHUKCH. an Account of the Treatment of the Natives by the early voyagers, the settlement of N. England by the forefathers, the Pequot War, narrative of Persons carried into cap- tivity, anecdotes of the Indians, and the most important Indian wars to the time of the Creek War. By Samuel G. Drake. Boston : 1825. i2mo. Plates. -)- Second Edi- tion, with Plates. Boston: Printed by J. H. A. Frost, 1827. i2mo, pp. 360. 3 Plates. + Boston: Wiat, 1827. i2mo, pp. 360. + Second Edition, with Plates. Exeter, N. H.: J. & B. Williams, 1829. i2mo, pp. x, 358. + Sec- ond Edition, with Plates. Boston : Milo, Mower & Co., 1829. i2mo, pp. viii, 356. Plates. 4- Third Edition, with Plates. Boston: 1825. i2mo, pp. 360. Frontispiece. 4- Exeter, N. H. : 1836. i2mo. -4- Reprinted, with Plates. Exeter, N. H. : 1839. -4- Exeter, 1840. -4- Exeter, N. H. : 1843. i2mo. -J- Another Edition. Revised and Corrected in several places. 1845. -f- Revised Edition. New York : H. Dayton. 1845. 8vo, pp. 360. -f- Revised Edition. Coop- erstown : H. & E. Phinney, 1846. 121110. + Hartford : Silas Andrus & Son. (n. d.) + Silas Andrus & Son, 1851. + Hartford, 1854. i2mo, pp. 360. The extra edition of 1829 is from the same plates as the Boston edition of 1827, with a new title page. "Also printed on large paper, with lines around the page, form- ing an octavo volume, with coarsely colored woodcuts. The stereo- type plates finally passed into the hands of another publisher, and this edition is dated 'New York, 1859,' 8vo : another edition, New York. i860. 8vo, pp. 360. It was also reprinted in 'Knapp's Lib. Amer. Hist.' and finally reissued by a different editor." Sabin. Sold: 1825 ed. : Woodward, 1869, 3.50: Brinley, i88t, 2.00: Manson, 1899, Hartford ed., n. d.. 3.00; Cable, 1882, Hartford, 1854 ed., 2.12: M. D. Oilman. 1884. 1828 ed., 1 If torn, j$ cts. ; Shurtleff, 1875. 1 S5 1 ed., Hartford, 62 cts.; 1S27 ed. : Olcott, 1901, slip, 2.75: Bar- low, 1890, elf, 4.00; Manson, 1899, 1.60; Shurtleff, 1875. 62 cts.: Guild, 1887, shp. t,j cts.; Hassarn, 1003. shp, 5.10; Manson, 1904, shp, 7.00; 1820. Host. ed. : Rice, 1870, shp. .75; Barlow, 1890, 1.50: J. G. Smith. 1883, 4.37; Balcom, 1901, 2.00; Merwin-Clayton, 1904, hlf mo, 10.00; Exeter, 1829: A. G. Greene, 1869. 2.50; Stephens, 1904, shp, 3.10; Chittenden, 1894, 1.00; Dunbar, 1892, 1.37; Manson, 1899, 2.15; Cable, 1882, 1.00; M. D. Gilman. 1884, 87 cts.; Cooke, 1883, shp, 1.25; Polock, 1904, shp. 1.30; 1836, Exeter ed. : Murphy. 1884, 1.75; Rich, 1861, CIST. I95 2s. 6d. ; 1834 ed.: Libbie, [899, slip, 3.00; Brinley, 1881, 1.00; West. [889, [.37; Manson, [904, Drake, New York, 11. d., levt mo, extra. git, unct, 71 extra plates inserted, 27.00. 897. CHURCH, SAMUEL. A Historical Address delivered on the One hundredth Anniversary of the first Town Meet- ing of the Town of Salisbury, Ct., October 20, 1841. New Haven: 1842. 8vo, pp. 96. Sold: Proud, 1903, bd with thanksgiving sermon by Ad Reid, full mo, git, 3.25. 898. . Address on the History of Salisbury, Ct., at the Centennial Celebration of the Town, October 20th, 1841. Salisbury: 1842. pp. 59. 899. CHURCHILL, AMOS. Sketches of the History of the Town of Hubbardton. Vt., with remarks on the Ancient Customs and Practices of the People and some Miscella- neous Articles. By an Old Man. Rutland: Steam Press of G. A. Tuttle & Co., 1855. i2mo, pp. (4), 64. Reprinted in Vermont Historical Gazetteer, Vol. 3, pp. 746-778. Sold: Clogston, 1875, 1.25. 900. CHURCHILL, JOHN C. Landmarks of Oswego County, Xew York. Edited by J. C. Churchill, L L. D. Assisted by H. Perry Smith and W. Stanley Child. Syracuse, N. Y. : D. Mason & Co., 1895. 4to, pp. xi, 853 ; Part 2. Biographical, pp. 348. Illustrated.* Sold: Proud, 1903, 2.50. 901. CIST, CHARLES. Cincinnati in 1841 : Its Early Annals and Future Prospects. Cincinnati: Printed and published for the Author, 1841. 121110, pp. xi, 300. Plates. 902. . Sketches and Statistics of Cincinnati in 1851. Cin- cinnati : W'm. H. Moore & Co., 1851. i2mo. pp. 8, 356.* 903. . Sketches and Statistics of Cincinnati in 1859. (Cin- cinnati: 1859.) 121H0, pp. vi, 367. Plates. 22 pages of illustrated advertisements at the end of the book.* Cist gets information largely from Drake's Picture of Cincinnati, i8 I5 . I96 CLAPP. The "Early Annals" were compiled from the Western Spy and Hamilton Gazette, from files as far back as 1789. Large editions of Cist's books were printed. Sold: 1841 ed. : Brinley, 1SS1, 13 cts. ; Bourquin, 1894, 15 cts. ; Woodward, 1869, 1.00; Child, 1882. 75 cts.; Bour- quin, 1894, 10 cts.; Cooke, 1883. 50 cts.; Deane, 1898, 30 cts.: A. G. Greene, 1869, 50 cts.; 1851 ed. : Woodward, 1869, 25 cts.; Bourquin, 1894, 5 cts.; Hoffmann, 1877, 25 cts. : Deane. 1898, 25 cts.; 1859 ed. : Bushnell, 1883, 50 cts. 904. . The Cincinnati Miscellany, or Antiquities of the West ; and Pioneer History and Local Statistics : com- piled from the Western General Advertiser, from October 1st, 1844. to April 1st, 1845. (Vol. 2 to April 1st, 1846.) Cincinnati: Caleb Clark, Printer, 1845-46. 2 vols. 8vo, pp. 2J2 : 364, iv. -|- Cincinnati : Robinson & Jones, 1846. 2 vols. 8vo. A larger edition of Vol. 2 than of Vol. 1 was published, and it is often found separately. Sold: Smith, 1867, 6.00; Hubbard. 1867, 5.20; Field, 1875, 3.75; Randall, 1901, Vol. i only, 2.00; Brinley, 1881, Vol. 1 only, 1. 00; Bushnell, 1883, 2 vols., bds, 4.40; Guild, 1887, 2 v., bds, 3.00. 905. CLAIBORNE, JOHN FRANCIS HAMTRANCK. Missis- sippi, as a Province, Territory and State, with Biographi- cal Notices of Eminent Citizens. Volume 1. Jackson. Miss.: Power & Barksdale, 1880. 8vo, pp. xxiii, 545, ( 1 I. 7 portraits. Volume one is all that was published. "While in an advanced state of preparation, Vol. 2 was destroyed by fire. This work is the best source of information respecting Alabama while a part of Mis- sissippi Territory. 1798-1817." Oicen, Bibl. Ala. 906. . Historical Account of Hancock County, and the Seaboard of Mississippi. New Orleans, La. : 1876. Svo, pp. 16. 907. CLAPP, DAVID. Ancient Proprietors of Jones's Hill, Dor- chester, including brief Sketches of the Jones, Stoughton, Tailer, Wiswall, Moseley, Capen, and Holden Families. Boston : Printed for Private Distribution, 1883. 8vo. Sold: Whit more, 1902, 2 letters of author inserted, 5.25. CLAKK. ' 97 908. CLAPP, EBENEZER. History of the Town of Dorchester, Massachusetts. By a Committee of the Dorchester Anti quarian and Historical Society. Boston: Ebenezer Clapp, Jr., 1859. 8vo, pp. xii, 672. "First published in parts. Mr. K. Clapp is the author of the greater part, and the editor of the whole of the History of Dorches- ter; Edmund Baker wrote the account of Neponsel River, Wm. B. Trask, the account of the schools, James M. Robbins part of the early history, and Mr. Clapp all the rest." Sabin. Sold: Bangs, Oct., 1894, 5.25; Bangs, Merwin, 1865, 1.75; Libbie, 1896, 7.00; Patterson, 1896, 5.50: Murphy, 1884, 3.50; Deane, 1898, cl, 11.00; Blanchard, 1898, hlf levt mo, git, unct, 5.00; Manson, 1904, unct, 7.50; Woodward, 1869, bds, unct, 3.00; Brinley, 1870, 3.50; Roche, [867, unct, 5.00; same sale, cl, unct, 3.00; Cable, 1882, unct, 4.50; Dtmlap, 1892, 4.50; Thornton, 1878, 2.50; Bushnell. 1883, 3.63; Manson, 1899, 12.50; J. G. Smith, 1883, 4.62; S. L. Boardman, 1883, 4.50; Rice, 1870, hf elf, git. 3.25; Hoff- mann, 1877, 6.25; Child, 1882, 5.75; Shurtleff, 1875, 2 - 2 5 ; Cooke, 1883, 4.00; Whitmore, 1902, cl, 8.25; Guild, 1S87, 5.50; Clogston, 1875, 2.00; Perry, 1899, 5.20; Libbie, 1899, 8.00 ; Clogston, 1899, 6.50. 909. CLARE, ISRAEL SMITH. Brief History of Lancaster County, Pa., with special reference to the growth and de- velopment of its institutions designed for home and school. Ed. by Anna Lyle. Lancaster : Argus Co., 1892. i2mo, pp. 317.* 910. CLARK, C. M. The Picturesque Ohio: ;; historical Mono- graph. Columbian edition. Cincinnati, O. : Cranston & Curts. [893. i2mo, pp. 238. Illustrated. 911. CLARK, FRANK G. Historical Address given at the 150th Anniversary of the Settlement of the Town of Lynde- borough, N. H., Sept. 4, 1891. Concord : 1891. 8vo, pp. 68. Sold: Manson, 1899, 1.00; Balcom, 1901, 1.00. 912. CLARK, GEORGE FABER. A History of the Town of Norton, Bristol County. Massachusetts, from 1669 to 1859. Boston: Crosby, Nichols & Co.. 1859. 121110. pp. xxv. 550. 19 Portraits and Plates. Sold: Libbie, 1896, 3.50: Patterson. 1896, with a. 1. s. of author inserted, 3.25; Deane, 1898, cl, 3.75; Woodward, T 9S CLARK. 1869, 2.13; Cable, 1882, 3.75; Manson, 1899, 2.62; Cable, 1883, 2.00 ; Child, 1882, 3.50 ; J. G. Smith, 1883, 3.00 ; Shurt- leff, 1875, 1.75: Guild, 1887, 4.50: Libbie, 1904. cl, 3.25; Libbie, 1904, cl, 3.12. 913. CLARK, GEORGE ROGERS. Col. George Rogers Clark's Sketch of his Campaign in the Illinois in 1778-9. With an Introduction by Hon. Henry Pirtle, of Louisville, and an Appendix containing The Public and Private Instructions to Col. Clark and Major Bowman's Journal of the Taking of the Post of St. Vincents. Cincinnati : Robert Clarke & Co., 1869. 8vo, pp. viii, 119. Portrait. Forms No. 3 of Ohio Historical Series. Small and large paper copies were published. 914. CLARK, G. T. Oswego: an Historical Address delivered July 15, 1896, at the Centennial Celebration of the Evac- uation by the British of Fort Ontario, Oswego, N. Y., and their Surrender of the Military Posts of the Northern Frontier to the United States, n. p. 1896. 8vo, pp. 26.* 915. CLARK, HENRY. An Historical Address delivered at Hubbardton, Yt., on the Eighty-second Anniversary of the Battle of Hubbardton, July 7, 1859. With an Appen- dix Containing an Account of the Celebration. Rutland: George A. Tuttle & Co., 1859. 8vo, pp. 16. Sold: Conland. 1904. orig. paper, presentation copy from author, 3. 10. 916. CLARK, HIRAM C. History of Chenango County, con- taining the Divisions of the County, and sketches of the Towns : Indian Tribes and Titles ; Gov. Clinton's Pur- chase of Twenty Townships; Early Inhabitants and Set- tlements ; Also : Land-Patents ; Rise and Progress of Agri- culture; Manufactures and Trade; Annals of the Che- nango Canal ; Church History ; Eminent Men and States- men, Professors, &c. Norwich: Thompson & Pratt, 1850. 8vo, pp. 120. "One hundred copies made up from the pages of a newspaper were printed." Sabin. Sold: Bushnell, 1883, hit mo, extra ill, 5.75: Massie, 1905, sewed, unci. 5.50. CLARK. 199 917. CLARK, JOEL W. Miniature of Dansville Village. Hum- bly Inscribed to the First Settlers and their Descendants. Dansille, K. Y. : J. W. Clark, 1844. 121110, pp. 72. 918. CLARK, JOHN. Ill Newes | from | New England. | Or a Narrative of New Englands | Persecution. | Whereunto | Is added Eight severall Arguments to | prove that no servant of Christ hath any Liberty much | less Authority from Christ to prosecute others for | case of Conscience, against those who to | maintain their own interest do invite the Ma- | gistrate, therein to exceed his Commis- sion. J By John Cleark Physitian of Rode Island in Amer- ica. I ... I London | Printed by Henry Hills, and are to be sold at his house in Fleet-Yard, | . . . 1652. I 4to. Title, pp. (18), 76. This book, from which the above title was taken, is in the Har- vard College Library. 919. . Ill I Newes | from [ New England: | or | A Narrative of New-Englands | Persecution, j Wherein is Declared ] That while old England is becoming new, New England is become Old. | Also four Proposals to the Honoured Parliament and Councel of State, | touching the way to Propagate the Gospel of Christ (with small | charge and great safety) both in Old England and New. | Also four conclusions touching the faith and order of the Gospel of | Christ out of his last Will and Testament, confirmed and justified j By John Clark, Physician of Rode Island in America. | (Texts of Scripture, three lines) London, | Printed by Henry Hills living in Fleet Yard next door to the Rose and Crown, in the vear 1652. | sm. 4to, pp. (20). 76.* Publ. in Mass. Hist. Coll., 4th Ser., V. 2. Sold: Barlow, 1890. elf, git, 170.00; Brayton Ives. 1891, red levt mo, extra git, by Bedford, unct. 120.00; Menzies. 1876, levt mo, git, unct, by Bedford, 105.00. 920. CLARK, JAMES ALBERT. The Wyoming Valley, Upper Waters of the Susquehanna, and the Lackawanna Coal Region. Scranton : J. A. Clark, 1875. 8vo. pp. viii. 236. Numerous photographs. Mr. Clark also published "Sketches of the Scranton and Adja- cent Coal Fields." (1875.) Sold: M. D. Gilman, 1884, 1.62. 200 CLAKK. 921. CLARK, JONAS. The Fate of Blood-thirsty Oppressors, and God's | Tender Care of his Distressed People. | A | Ser- mon | Preached at Lexington, | April 19, 1776. | To com- memorate the Murder, Blood- | shed, and Commencement of Hostilities, be- | tween Great-Britain and America, in that Town. | by a Brigade of Troops of George iii, under I Command of Lieutenant Colonel Smith, | on the Nine- teenth of April, 1775. I To which is added | A Brief Nar- rative of the principal | Transactions of that Day. | By Jonas Clark. | motto 7 lines | Massachusetts-State : Bos- ton : I Printed by Powers and Willis. | 1776. | 8vo, pp. 31.8. 922. . Opening of the War of the Revolution. 19th of April, 1775. A Brief Narrative of the Principal Trans- actions of that day. By Jonas Clark, Pastor of the Church in Lexington, appended to a sermon preached by him in Lexington, April 19, 1776. With copies of engravings of scenes in Lexington and Concord, made and published in 1775. Taken by permission from an original set belong- ing to Hon. George Bancroft. 4 full page heliotype plates of the original coppers engraved by Amos Doolittle. Bos- ton : 1875. Folio, pp. 8. Sold: Manson, 1899, 15.00. 923. CLARK, JOSEPH S. An Historical Sketch of Sturbridge, Mass., from its Settlement to the Present Time. Brook- field : E. and L. Merriam, Printers, 1838. 8vo, pp. 48. Sold: Woodward, 1869, 1.75; Cable, 1883, 35 cts. ; Manson, 1899, 75 cts.; Shurtleff, 1875, 2.00; Guild, 1887, 1.10. 924. . Repairing the Breach. A Historical Discourse preached in Plymouth, Mass., at the Twenty-fifth Anni- versary of the Pilgrim Conference of Churches. May 16, 1855. Boston : Press of T. R. Marvin, 1855. 8vo. pp. 30. Sold: Woodward, 1869, 75 cts. 925. CLARK, LYMAN. Civil and Religious History of Andover Centre, N. H. Haverhill, Mass. : 1901. 8vo, pp. 20. Sold: Libbie, 1902, 50 cts. CLARKE. -'''I 926. CLARK, MARY. A Concise History of Massai husetts from its First Settlement, and for Fourteen Years the History of all New England. Boston: 1837. 241110. Sold: Woodward, 1869, hlf bd, 1.30. 927. CLARK, REV. SOLOMON. Antiquities, Historical, and Graduates of .Northampton, Mass. Northampton: 1882. 8vo. Sold: Guild, 1887, 2.12. 928. CLARKE, C. F. Whitneyville Congregational Church, 1795-1895; 100th Anniversary of the Organization of the Congregational Church at Whitneyville, Ct. New Haven : 1896. pp. 54. 929. CLARKE, E. Y. Illustrated History of Atlanta, Georgia. Atlanta: 1877. 121110, pp. 193. 193 illustrations. -\- The Same. 1881. The title page calls for a map, but it is not probable that one was made. 930. CLARKE, F. W. Views around Ithaca: Being a Descrip- tion of the Waterfalls and Ravines of this Remarkable Locality. Ithaca, N. Y. : Andrus, McChain & Co., Pub- lishers, 1869. i2mo, pp. 155. 931. CLARKE, JOHN. An Impartial and Authentic Narrative of the P.attle fought on the 17th of June, 1775, between His Britannic Majesty's Troops and the American Pro- vincial Army, on Bunker's Hill, near Charles Town, in New England. With a true and faithful account of the officers who were killed and wounded in that memorable battle. London: 1775. 121110, pp. 32. "Rare original edition. Brinley, Menzics. Barlow, Ives, Rice, did not possess this first edition. Second edition in Menzies' sale brought $34.00." Manson. Sold: 1st ed. : Manson, 1899, elf. extra, git, by P. Riach, for H. Stevens, 140.00. 932. . An J Impartial and Authentic | Narrative I of the | Battle I Fought on the 17th of June. 1775. j between His Britannic Majesty's Troops | and the | American Provin- cial Army, I on I Bunker's Hill, near Charles Town, in 202 CLARKE. New England. I With \ A True and Faithful Account of the Officers | who were killed and wounded in that mem- orable | Battle. | To which are added, | Some particular Remarks and Anecdotes which j have not yet transpired. | The whole being collected and written on the Spot. [ The Second Edition, | With Extracts from Three Letters lately received from | America ; | And all the Promotions in the Army and Marines | since the said Battle. | By John Clarke, | First Lieutenant of Marines. | London : | Printed for the Author: And Sold by J. Millar. Whitehall; | J. Bew, in Pater-noster-Row ; and — Sewel, in Cornhill. | 1775. I 8vo, Title, pp. 36. "This interesting contemporary report is a volume of much rarity. Mr. Rich notices the first edition, and describes it as having pp. 36 and as this has no more, it is difficult to understand how the 'Extracts from three Letters lately received from America' should have first appeared in this second edition. See M. R. 53, 265." Sabin. Privately reprinted. 99 copies. New York : 1868. Sold: Menzies, 1875, unct, 34.00; Brinley, 1879, 13.00; Rice. 1870, elf, by Bedford, 17.00; Stevens, 1886, London, elf, extra, 5.50; 1868 reprint: Barlow, 1890, on Whatman drawing paper, unct, 8.00; Manson, 1899. 2.00. 933. CLARKE, JOHN B. History of Manchester, X. H. A Brief Record of its Past and a Picture of its Present ; with 38 Steel and 18 Wood Engravings of its Prominent Men and Buildings. Manchester: 1875. 8vo, pp. 463. Sold: Balcom, 1901, 1.50; Olcott, 1901, 1.12; Manson, 1899. 1.50. 934. CLARKE, JOSHUA V. H. Onondaga, or Reminiscences of Earlier and Later Times: being a Series of Historical Sketches relative to Onondaga ; with Notes on the several Towns of the Count}', and Oswego. In Two Volumes. Syracuse: Stoddard & Babcock. 1849. 8vo, pp. xv, 402; iv. 392. 1 1. "Conclusion." "To Gentle Reader." Portraits and Maps." "This valuable work was principally derived from chiefs or pio- neers, then living, and holds the highest rank among treatises on Aboriginal affairs for original information." Sabin. Full page steel plate portraits. Sold: Brinley, 1880, 3.00; Bangs. 1895, 4.75; Patterson, 1896, a. 1. s. author inserted, 4.00; Murphy, 1884, hlf mo, 7.00: Murphy, 1884, 4.00; Deane, 1898, hlf mo, 6.25; Fisher, CLARKSON. 203 1866, 4.50; Bangs, 1895, 5.00; Woodward, 1869, 2.50; Bangs, Merwin, 1865, 3.00; Dunbar, 1892, 8.00; Water- bury, 1895, 5.00; Hoffmann, 1877, shp, 4.00; Cable, 1882, 1.80; Bushnell, 1883, shp, 2.25; Cooke, 1883, hlf levt mo, unct, 6.50; Guild, 1887, slip, 6.00; Clogston, 1875, 3.50; Hough, [900, slip, 4.50; Anderson, [903, cl, 5.80: Ander son, [905, hlf levt 1110, unct, 8.50; Anderson, 1905, shp. in 1 vol., 3.50. 935. CLARKE, PRESCOTT O. Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, an Historical Sketch. 1885. 936. CLARKE, SAMUEL. A True and Faithful | Account of the I Four Chiefest | Plantations | of the | English in America, j To wit, | Of Virginia. | Xew England, j Ber- mvdvs. I Barbados, j With the Temperature of the Vir The nature of the | Soil: The Rivers. Mountains, I!east.->. Fowls, Birds, | Fishes, Trees, Plants, Fruits, &c. | As also. I Of the Natives of Virginia, and New-England, their | Re ligion, Customs, Fishing, Huntings, &c. | Collected | By Samuel Clarke, sometimes Pastor in Saint Bennet-Fink. London. | London, | Printed for Robert Clavel, Thomas Passenger, William Cadman, William Whitwood. Thomas Sawbridge, and William Birch, 1670. Folio, pp. 85- Also included in Clarke's Geographical Description of all the Countries in Knowne Worlde. London: 1670-71. 937. CLARKE, S. J. History of McDonou^h County. Illinois. Its Cities. Towns and Villages. With Early Remi- niscences, Personal Incidents, and Anecdotes, and a com- plete Business Directory of the County. Springfield : D. W. Lusk, State Printer. 1878. 8vo, pp. 692. : = Sold: Guild, 1S87, 2.25. 938. CLARKSON, THOMAS STREATFIELD. A Biographi- cal History of Clermont or Livingston Manor. Before and During the War for Independence, with a Sketch of the first Steam Navigation of Fulton and Livingston. Clermont. X. Y. : 1869. Rl. 8vo, pp. 319. 5 Plates. "One hundred and fifty copies privately printed. Some copies lack the plates." Sabin. Sold: Murphy. 1884. 4.75: Bushnell, 1883, 3.75: Clogston, 1875, hlf turk. unct, 3.50; Hough, 1900. cl. git, 6.00. 204 CLAYTON. 939. CLAVIGERO, FRANCESCO SAVERIO. Storia della California : Opera Postuma del Nob. Sig. Abate D. Fran- cesco Saverio Clavigero. Venezia: Modesto Fenzo, 1789. 2 vols. 8vo, pp. 276, i 1. ; pp. 212, i 1. Map. Sold: Dunbar, 1892, 5.50. 940. . Historia de la antigua o baja California. Obra posthuma, traducida del italiano por el presbitero D. Nico- las Garcia de San Vicente. Mejico: Juan R. Navarro, 1852. 8vo, 7 1., pp. 252. Table, 3 1. 941. CLAY, JEHU CURTIS (REV.). Annals of the Swedes on the Delaware. To which is added The Charter of the United Swedish Churches. Philadelphia: J. C. Pechin, 1835. 241:10, pp. 180. Portrait. + Second Edition, cor- rected and enlarged. Philadelphia: F. Foster, 1858. i2mo. pp. 179. (H. Hooker & Co.)* Portrait of Dr. Collin and view of Wicacco Church. Sold: Bangs, Merwin, 1865, .50; Balcom, 1901, 2.00; Murphy, 1884, 1.50; Fisher, 1866, hlf slip, .88; Fisher. 1866, hlf mo, autograph of N. Collin inserted. 2.75; Woodward, 1869. 2.00; Henkels, 1901, hlf mo, git, 2.50; Brinley, 1880, 2.25; Roche, 1867, slip. 1. 00; Bourquin, 1894. 1.20: Hoffmann. 1877, 1.80; Guild, 1887, 1.50: Polock, 1904. hlf ro, 3.00; Weeks, 1902, 2.25 : Pennypacker, 1906, autograph presen- tation copy, 2.00; same sale, with a. 1. s. of author, 2.25; 1858 ed. : Bushnell, 1883, 35 cts. ; Henkels. 1898, 2.00; Hen- kels, 1899, 1.30; Henkels. 1900. 2.80; same sale. 1.80: Hen- kels, 1901, 1.50: Weeks, 1902, 1.20: Bourquin. 1894, 1. 10: Guild, 18S7, 2.12; Bangs, Merwin, 1865. 1.00. 942. CLAYTON. W. WOODFORD. History of Onondaga Count}', New York, from the Earliest Period to the Pres- ent Time, with Biographical Sketches of its rioneers and Prominent Men. Syracuse : 1878. 4to, pp. 430. Maps, Portraits and Illustrations. 943. . History of Union and Middlesex Counties, N. J. With Biographical Sketches of many of their Pioneers and Prominent Men. Illustrated. Philadelphia: Everts & Peck, 1882. Roy. 8vo, pp. vii, 885. Maps.* 944. . History of Steuben County, New York; with Illus- trations and Biographical Sketches of Some of its Promi- I LEAVELAND. 205 nent Men and Pioneers. Philadelphia: Lewis, Peck & Co., 1879. (Printed by Lippincott & Co.) 4to, pp. 460.* Sold: Henkels, 1900, 3.50; Bangs. 1900, russ, 10.50. 945- • History of York County, Maine. With [llustrations and Biographical Sketches of its Prominent Men and Pioneers. Philadelphia: Everts & Peck, 1880. 4to, pp 442.* Sold: Manson, 1899, 8.50. 946. . History of Davidson County, Tennessee, with Illus- trations and Biographical Sketches of its Prominent Men and Pioneers. Philadelphia: J. W. Lewis & Co., 1880. 4to, pp. 499. Portraits and Views.* 947- ■ • History of Cumberland County, Maine. With Illus- trations and Biographical Sketches of its Prominent Men and Pioneers. Philadelphia: Everts & Peck, 1880. Press of J. I!. Lippincott & Co. 4to. pp. 456.* Sold: Manson. 1899. hlf mo, git, 1S.n0: Libbie, 1902, hit* mo git, 5.50. 948. CLAYTON, W. WOODFORD; NELSON, WILLIAM. History of Bergen and Passaic Counties, New Jersev. With Biographical Sketches of many of their Pioneers and Prominent .Men. Illustrated. Philadelphia: Everts & Peck, 1882. 4to, pp. 577. (Printed by Lippincott & Co.)* Sold: Henkels, 1900, 8.00; Bangs, 1900, 5.25: Bangs, 1896. 6.00; Proud, 1903, russ. git, 4.50: Anderson, 1904, russ. git, 4.00: Merwin-Clayton, 1904. russ, 4.25; Merwin-Clay- ton, 1905, russ, 4.25. 949- CLEAVELAND, NEHEMIAH. An Address delivered at Topsfield in Massachusetts, August 28, 1850; the Two Hundredth Anniversary of the Incorporation of the Town. New York: Pudney & Russell, Prs., 1851. 8vo. pp. 74. (1), xxxix. Portraits. Sold: Manso,,. 1899. 75 cts. : Cable, 1882. 1.12; Guild. 1SS7. 75 cts. 2o6 CLEMENT. 950. CLEVELAND, STAFFORD C. History and Directory of Yates County, Containing a Sketch of its Original Settle- ment by the Public Universal Friends, the Lessee County, and others, with an Account of Individual Pioneers and their Families; also, of other Leading Citizens Including Church, School and Civil History, and a Narrative of The Universal Friend, Her Society and Doctrine. By S. C. Cleveland, Editor Yates County Chronicle, Vol. 1. With 18 Illustrations. Penn Yan, N. Y. : S. C. Cleveland, Chronicle Office, 1873. 8vo, pp. xxiii, 766. Folding map, index to v. 1, pp. 13. Frontispiece of Friends' Log Meet- ing House.* Only volume 1 was published. 951. CLEAVER, CHARLES. Early Chicago Reminiscences. Revised from the Chicago Tribune. Chicago: Fergus Printing Co.. 1882. 121110, pp. 52, (1).* Fergus Hist. Sen, No. 19. 952. . History of Chicago, from 1833 to 1892, describing the Difficulties of the Route from New York to Chicago and Hardships of the First Winter. Also describing sev- eral Trips to the Various Villages around, including one to the East in the Year 1834, and Commencement of the Packing and Grain Business in 1842. By Charles Cleaver, one of the oldest residents of Chicago. Chicago: 1892. i2mo, pp. 157.* 953. CLEMENS, ORION. City of Keokuk in 1856. A View of the City, embracing its Commerce and Manufactures, and containing the Inaugural Address of Mayor Curtis, and Statistical Local Information ; also a Sketch of the Black Hawk War, and History of the Half Breed Tract. His- torical and Statistical Matter. Keokuk: Printed by O. Clemens, 1856. 8vo, pp. 44. Sold: Woodward, 1869, 2.25; Field, 1875, 62 cts. 954. CLEMENT, JOHN. Sketches of the First Emigrant Set- tlers in Newton Township, Old Gloucester County, West New Jersey. Camden, N. J.: Sinnickson Chew, 1877. 8vo. pp. 442. 1 leaf errata. 3 folding maps and original surveys at end of book, Frontispiece portrait of J. Cle- ment.* COBURN. 207 Sold: Dunbar, 1892, 2.75; Bourquin, 1894, 2.10; Cress- in, 1902, hlf mo, git, 5.25; Henkels, 1900; 4.25; Proud, 1903, cl, 4.50; Henkels, 1900, 4.25; Henkels, 1899, 4.00; Bangs, 1900, 4.75. 955. . Historical Sketches relating to the Early Settle- ments of West New Jersey. Printed for Private Distri- bution. 8vo, pp. 42. (Paper, n. p. n. d.) Privately printed.* Sold: Rogers, 1900, r.40; Henkels, 1900, 1.40. 956. CLUTE, J. J. Account of the Centennial Celebration at Xorthfield. of the 4th of July, 1876, including the Oration by G. W. Curtis, and Historical Sketch by J. J. Chile. New York: 1876. pp. 23. 957. . Annals of Staten Island, From its Discovery to the Present Time. New York: Press of Charles Yogt, 1877. 8vo, pp. xii, 464. Frontispiece of old church.* Sold: Murphy, 1884, 2.00; Weeks, 1902, 2.25; Cable, 1882, 1.00; Cable, 1883, 37 cts. ; M. D. Gilman, 1884, 1 .00; Cooke, 1883, 1.30; Guild, 1887, 2.50; Bangs, 1902, cl, unct, 5.00; Bangs, 1902, cl, 3.10; Conland, 1904, cl, 3.60; Anderson, 1904, cl, 3.30; Hurst, 1904, cl, 3.25. 958. CLYDE, JOHN C. (REV.). History of the Allen Town- ship Presbyterian Church and the Community which has sustained it, in what was formerly known as the "Irish Settlement." Northampton County. By Rev. John C. Clyde, A. M., whose Ancestry have been identified with the Settlement in its Infancy. Philadelphia: Presbyterian Histor. Society, 1876. i2mo, pp. viii, 198.* Sold: Cable, 1882, 80 cts. 959. COBURN, FRANK WARREN. The Centennial History of the Battle of Bennington ; Compiled from the Most Re- liable Sources and fully Illustrated with Original Docu- ments and Entertaining Anecdotes. Col. Seth Warner's Identity in the First Action completely established. Em- bellished with a Portrait of General Stark, a plan of the Battle Field, and other Engravings. Boston : George E. Littlefield, 1877. 8vo, pp. 72. 20S COCHRANE. 960. COBB, SANFORD H. The Palatine or German Immigra- tion to New York and Pennsylvania, a Paper read before the Wyoming Historical and Genealogical Society. Wilkes-Barre, Pa.: 1897. Printed for the Society. 8vo, pp. 30.* 961. . Story of the Palatines, an Episode in Colonial His- tory. New York & London : G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1897. 8vo, pp. 319.* 962. COCHRAN, JOSEPH. History of Mifflin County, its Phys- ical Peculiarities, Soil, Climate, &c, including an Early Sketch of the State of Pennsylvania. Vol. 1. Harris- burg: Patriot Publishing Co., 1879. 8vo, pp. 422, 4 pp. advertisements. Frontispiece of Gen. J. P. Taylor.* Sold: Proud, 1903, cl, 4.50. 963. COCHRANE, CHARLES H. History of the Town of Marl- borough, Ulster County, New York, from 1712 to 1887. Poughkeepsie : 1887. 8vo. Sold: Proud, 1903, cl, 3.50. 964. COCHRANE, CLARK B. Address delivered at the Cen- tennial Celebration of the Incorporation of New Boston, New Hampshire, July 4, 1863. Albany, N. Y. : J. Munsell, Pr., 1863. 8vo, pp. 44. Sold: Henkels, 1901, 25 cts. ; Hoffmann, 1877, 10 cts. 965. COCHRANE, HARRY H. History of Monmouth and Wales, Me. (with genealogies). Illustrated by the Author. East Winthrop : 1894. 2 vols. 8vo, pp. 849 ; 216. Portrait and maps. Paged continuously, Genealogy in Appendix, V. 2, pp. 1-216. Sold: Manson, 1899, 5.25. 966. COCHRANE, WARREN ROBERT. History of the Town of Antrim, from its Earliest Settlement to June 27, 1877. with a Brief Genealogical Record of all the Antrim Fam- ilies. Manchester: 1880. 8vo. Steel Portraits and Plates. g66a. . Memorial Sermon and Membership of the Presby- COFFIN. 20y tcrian Church in Antrim, N. H. Boston : Noyes, Snow & Co., 1877. 121110, pp. 64.* Historical sermon by W. R. Cochrane, Nov. 5, 1876. Sold: Bell, 1895, 5.25; Balcom, 1901, 5.25; Manson, 1899, 4.00; Cable, 1882, 3.75; Guild, 1887, 3.75; Hale, 1905, cl, 5-25- 967. COCHRANE, WARREN ROBERT; WOOD, GEORGE K. History of Francestown, N. H. From its Earliest Set- tlement, April, 1758, to January 1, 1891. With a Brief Genealogical Record of all the Francestown Families. Published by the Town. Nashua, N. H. : James H. Bar- ker, l'r.. i8<)5. 8vo. pp. v, (1), 1016. Index, xvi. Folded Plan of Town. Steel Plates. Frontispiece, Daniel Wood- bury.* Sold: Balcom. 1901, 6.00; Blanchard, 1898, hlf mo, git, unct, 6.00 ; Bartlett, 1903, hlf mo, 3.50. 968. CODMAN, JOHN. The Mormon Country. A Summer with the Latter Day Saints. New York: 1874. i2ino, pp. 225. Sold: Guild, 1887. 1.00. 969. COFFEEN. Colleen's Handbook of Vermillion County, In- diana, 1870-71. Danville: n. d. i.'mo. Sold: Bourquin, 1894, 25 cts. 970. COFFIN, CHARLES. History of the Battle of Breed's Hill. By Major Generals William Heath, Henry Lee, James Wilkinson, and Henry Dearborn. Compiled by Charles Coffin. Saco : Printed by Wm. J. Condon, 1831. 8 vo, pp. 35. Sold: Brinley, 1879, hlf bd, 2.00. 971. . History of the Battle of Breed's Hill. By Major- Generals William Heath, Henry Lee, James Wilkinson and Henry Dearborn. Portland : D. C. Colesworthy, 1835. 8vo, pp. 36.* Sold: Rice. 1870, author's autograph. 1.63: Woodward, 1869, 1.75; Roche, 1867, 2.00; Menzies, 1876, hlf mo, git, plate inserted, 2.50; Manson, 1899, 50 cts. ; Bangs, Merwin, 1865, 2IO COFFIN*. 50 cts. ; Hoffmann, 1877, 1.62; Cooke, 1883, hlf mo, git, 6.00. 972. COFFIN, CHARLES CARLETON. Story of the Great Fire, Boston, November 9-10, 1872. By Carleton, an Eye Witness. Boston: Fields, Osgood & Co., 1872. 121110, pp. 32. Maps. Illustrated by Billings. The Nom de plume of Mr. Coffin was "Carleton." Sold: Manson, 1899, 75 cts. 973. . The History of Boscawen and Webster from 1733 to 1878. Compiled by Charles Carleton Coffin. With Map and Illustrations. Concord, N. H. : Printed by the Republican Press Association, 1878. 8vo, pp. xxix, (2), 666.* Sold: Balcom, 1901, 8.00; Bell, 1895, 6.00; Olcott, 1901. cl. 5.25 ; Guild, 1887, 5.25 ; Libbie, 1900, 3.75 ; Libbie, 1903, cl, bdg broken, 9.00; Bartlett, 1903, cl, bdg broken, 5.75; Manson, 1899, 4.50; Cable, 1882, 5.25; Cable, 1883, 5.00. 974. . Proceedings of the Centennial Celebration at Bos- cawen July 4, 1876, with Historical Oration by C. C. Coffin. Fisherville : 1876. 8vo, pp. 27. Sold: Balcom, 1901, 55 cts. 975. COFFIN, JOHN P. Washington. Historical Sketches of the Capital City of our Country. (Anon.) Washington : 1887. 8vo, pp. 343, including illustrations. Advertisements inserted. 976. COFFIN, JOSHUA. A Sketch of the History of Newbury, Newburyport, and West Newbury, from 1635 to 1845. Boston: Samuel G. Drake, 1845. 8vo, pp. 416. Portrait of Dr. John Clark.* Sold: Murphy, 1884, 5.00; Woodward, 1869, 1.35; Henkels, 1900, 2.50; Livermore, 1894. 1.50; Thornton, 1878, 3.00; Brinley, 1879, 4.00; Brinley, 1893. 1.50; Roche, 1867, cl, unct, 2.00: Leonard. 1875, 3.50: Balcom, 1001, 3.00; Man- son, [899, 4.00; Cable, 1882, 2.75; Child. 18S2, 3.25; Cable, 1883, 1.62; J. G. Smith, 1883. 2.50: M. D. Gilman. 1884, 3.00; Bourquin. 1804, 1.80; Hoffmann, 1877, 2.50; Harold Peirc<\ 1003. hlf niss, 2.75; Cooke. 1883. 2 cops., 3.25; COGSWELL. 2 I I Deane, 1898, 2.00; Guild. 18K7, shts fld, 1.50; Clogston, 1875, 1.62; Libbie, 1901, 3.50; Libbie, 1899, 3.50; Libbie, 1903, hlf mo, 3.00; Libbie, 1904, cl, 4.00. 977. COGSWELL, ELLIOTT C. History of New Boston, New Hampshire. Compiled and Written by Elliott C. Cogs- well, Pastor of the Presbyterian Church, New Boston, N. H. Boston : Rand & Avery, Prs., 1864. 8vo, pp. 470. Map and Illustrations. Only a small edition was printed, for the town. Sold: Bell, 1895, 6.75; Libbie, 1896, 7.00; Libbie, 1895, 7.50; Balcom, 1901, 8.00; Cable, 1882, 3.40; Manson, 1899, 8.25; Guild, 1887, 8.00; Clogston, 1875, 3.25; Libbie, 1902, cl, 7.75; Anderson, 1904, cl, 6.25; Anderson, 1905, cl, 5.00; Henkels, 1905, cl, 5.25. 978. . History of Nottingham, Deerfield, and Northwood, comprised within the Original Limits of Nottingham, Rockingham County, N. H., with Records of the Centen- nial Proceedings at Northwood, and Genealogical Sketches. Manchester : Pr. by John B. Clarke, 1878. 8vo. pp. xi, 1 1., 790.* Portraits and Illustrations. Frontispiece of Harvey's Lake. Sold: Bell, 1895, 4.00; Manson, 1899, 3.62; Balcom, 1901, 5.50; Cable, 1882, 3.75; Guild, 1887, 5.00; Libbie, 1901, 4.50; Libbie, 1902, cl, 5.00. 979. COGSWELL, LEANDER W. History of Henniker. X. H., from the Date of the Canada Grant by the Province of Massachusetts, in 1735, to 1880, with Genealogical Regis- ter of the Families of Henniker. Concord: 1880. Svo. Steel and lithograph portraits and Map. Sold: Bell, 1895, 7.50; Balcom, 1901, 8.25; ( >lcott, 1901, hlf mo, 3.50; Cable, 1882, 4.00: Manson, [899, 0.50; Cable, 1883, 2.25; Guild, 1887, 4.50. 980. COGSWELL, W. T. History of Rockville, Ct.. from 1823 to 1871, including also a brief Sketch <>f Facts which ante- date the Incorporation of Vernon and bring dates up to the Time when this History begins. Rockville: 1872. pp. 48. Sold: Cable. 1882. 1.00; Guild, 1887, 70 cts. 212 COl. DEN. 981. COHEN, M. M. Notices of Florida and the Campaigns. By M. M. Cohen (an officer of the Left Wing). Charleston, S. C. : Burgess, 1836. 121110, pp. 240. Map and Portrait of Osceola. Sold: Dunbar, 1892, hlf mo, 5.00. 982. COLBERT, ELIAS; CHAMBERLIN, EVERETT. Chi- cago and the Great Conflagration, with Numerous Illus- trations by Chapin & Gulick, from Photographic Views taken on the Spot. Cincinnati : New York : C. F. Vent, 1871. 121110, pp. 528.* Sold: Cable, 1882, 1.00; M. D. Oilman, 1884, 1.12. 983. COLBATH, H. N. The Barnstead (N. H.) Reunion, Aug. 30,1882. Concord : 18S4. Svo. 984. COLBERT, E. Chicago; Historical and Statistical Sketch of the Garden City ; a Chronicle of its Social, Municipal, Commercial and Manufacturing Progress ; from the be- ginning until now. Containing also. Names of Early Set- tlers and the Office Holders. With full Statistical Tables. By E. Colbert, Commercial Editor Tribune. Chicago: 1868. 8vo, pp. 120. 985. COLBY, CHARLES. Historical Account of the Proposed Territory of Nebraska and Kansas. New York: R. Blanchard, 1854. 8vo, paper. 985a. . Hand-book of Illinois to accompany Morse's New Map of Illinois. New York: Blanchard. iS^v 18111c, pp. 36. 986. COLBY, GEORGE H. History of Lancaster, New Hamp- shire ; compiled by a Committee of Three Residents. Lan- caster, X. 11.: G. H. Colby, 1900. Svo, pp. 9, 652, 93. Illustrated. 987. COLDEN, CADWALLADER. The | History | of the | Five Indian Nations | Depending on the | Province | of | New York I In America. | Printed and Sold by William Bradford, in | New York, 1727. j 121110. Title, 1 1., pp. xviii, 119. Errata, 1 p. "A volume of the greatest rarity, not more than six copies being known in the U. S. For some interesting particulars concerning the COLE. 2 I 3 author, sec Dr. Shea's introduction to his reprint of thi> edition. The work was occasioned by a dispute between the government of New York and some merchants, and is mainly a legal argument." Sabin. Sold: Brinley, 1880, lilf levt mo, git, Bedford, 111a;), and por- trait of author inserted, 320.00; Brayton Ives. [891, levt mo, extra, by Bedford, 425.00; McKee, [902, orig. shpskin, resewn, autograph of Hugh Wilson. 1745. 1 kplate of Henry Stevens, bound in at end, title and three leaves of first issue of the Felix Leeds' "American Almanac," 860.00; Henkels, 1905, old elf, lacking' all after p. 81. 37.00. The Same. London: 1747. 988. . The History of the Five Indian Nations of the Prov- ince of New York. Reprinted exactly from Bradford's New York Edition. (1727.) With an Introduction and .Votes by John Gilmary Shea. New York: T. H. Morrell, 1806. 8vo. pp. xl, i 1., pp. xvii, (il. 141. Portrait and Map. Of this reprint 100 copies were printed in 8vo and 25 copies in imp. 8vo. "This fourth edition is a reprint of the first. Dr. Shea gives in his introduction a valuable bibliographical notice of the editions with collations of their contents, and an analysis noting the changes made by the English editors or publishers." Field. Sold: Bell, 1895, London, 1747 ed., portrait inserted, 7.00: Roche. 1867, 1866 ed., large pap, 9.00; Barlow, 1890, hlf mo, git, tinct. 5.00; Manson, 1899, 4.25: Brayton Ives. 1891, large pap, 5.50; S. L. Boardman. 1883, ttnet, 3.75: Hoffmann, 1877. hlf mo, unct, git. by Bradstreet. 4.00: same sale, large pap. 4.50: Field, 1875, large pap. 3.50: same sale, 2.88; Bangs, 1901, cl, unct. 6. 30: Dunbar. Lon- don. 1747 ed.. ^,.7^: Dunbar. 1866 ed.. 4.25. 989. COLE, DAVID. Historical Address delivered at the 25th Anniversary of the Reformed Church of Yonkers, X. Y.. on the 23d of April, 1868. New York: 1868. pp. 109. 99°- • History of Rockland County (X. Y.). Biographical Sketches of its Prominent Men. New York: 1884. 4to. pp. 419. 58 portraits, 5 maps, and 17 views. 991. COLE, J. R. History of Tolland County. Ct. Xew York: 1888. 4to, pp. 992. 2 14 COLLINS. 992. COLESWORTHY, D. C. Chronicles of Casco Bay. Bos- ton : 1814. Portland: Semborn & Carter, 1850. + 1863. 8vo, pp. 56. Steel frontispiece. Woodcuts. First settlement in Casco Bay. First Indian attack on Fal- mouth, Chronicles of 1S04, George Burroughs. Chronicles of 1807. Sold: Woodward, 1869, 50 cts. ; Manson, 1899, 1.25; Guild, 1887, 30 cts. 993. COLLES, JULIA K. Authors and Writers Associated with Morristown, with a Chapter on Historic Morristown. Morristown, N. J.: Vogt Bros., 1893. 121110, pp. 436. Il- lustrated. -f~ Second Edition. Morristown : 1895. i2mo, pp. v, 454. Illustrated. 994. COLLIN, J. F. History of Hillsdale, Columbia County, N. V. Memorabilia of persons and things of interest passed and passing. Edited by H. S. Johnson. Philmont : 1883. Svo, pp. 143, 195. 995. COLLINS, LEWIS. Historical Sketches of Kentucky, em- bracing its History, Antiquities, and Natural Curiosities, Geographical, Statistical and Geological Descriptions; With Anecdotes of Pioneer Life, and more than One Hun- dred Biographical Sketches of Distinguished Pioneers, Soldiers, Statesmen, Jurists, Lawyers, Divines, &c. Illus- trated by 40 Engravings. By Lewis Collins. Published by Lewis Collins, Maysville, Ky., and J. A. & U. P. James, Cincinnati, 1847. 8vo, pp. xvi, 560.* -+- The Same. 1848. -j- 18^0. There are copies with the imprint. Philadelphia: 1847. Sold: 1847 ed - : Murphy, 1884, 2.25: Baxter. 1898, mor, 4.25: Hoffmann, 1877, 4.00: Proud, 1903, 3.50; Clogston, 1875, lvs loose. 1.87; Francis, 1900, 4.12; Henkels, 1900, 2.25; Brinley, 1881, 2.75: Chittenden, 1894, 2.00; Rogers. 1900, 2.25 ; 1848 ed. : Cable, 1882, 2.50; Cable, 1883, 25 cts. ; 1850 ed. : Field, 1875, 2.75 ; Bangs, 1894, 4.25 ; Bangs, Merwin & Co., 1865, 1.25 ; Barlow, 1890, 3.00; Dayton, 1902, hlf ro, 3.25; Henkels, 1905, shp, 3.70. gg6. . Historical Sketches of Kentucky, &c. &c. Revised and enlarged threefold, and brought down to the Year 1874, by his Son, Richard H. Collins. Louisville: i%77- X\ . .. COLORADO. 2 I 5 997. . Collins' Historical Sketches of Kentucky. History of Kentucky, Revised, Enlarged Fourfold and brought down to the Year 1874, Embracing Pre-Historic Annal9 for 331 Years, Outline, and by Counties, Statistics, An- tiquities and Natural Curiosities, Geographical Descrip- tions, Sketches of the Court of Appeals, the Churches, Freemasonry, Oddfellowship and Internal Improvements, Incidents of Pioneer Life, and nearly 500 Biographical Sketches of Distinguished Pioneers, Soldiers, Statesmen, Jurists, Lawyers, Surgeons, Divines, Merchants, Histo- rians, Editors, Artists, &c. &c. Illustrated by 84 portraits, a map of Kentucky, and 70 other Engravings. Coving- ton, Ky. : Published by Collins & Co., 1878. 2 vols. Roy. 8vo, pp. 683 ; 804.* Sold: 1874 ed. : Bourquin, 1894, 8.00; Bangs, 1902, shp, in red cases, 8.00. 998. COLLINS, EDWARD DAY. A History of Vermont; with Geological and Geographical Notes, Bibliography, Chro- nology. Boston: Ginn, 1903. i2mo, pp. 7, 325. Illustra- tions. Maps. Portraits. COLORADO. ggg. History of the Arkansas Valley, Colorado. Illustrated. Chi- cago: O. L. Baskin & Co., Historical Publishers, 1881, 4to, pp. vii, 889.* 1000. History of the City of Denver, Arapahoe County, Colorado, with a History of the State, &c. Chicago : 1880. 4to, pp, 652. 1001. First Annual Report of the Union Colony of Colorado. In- cluding a History of the Town of Greeley, from its date of Settlement to the Present Time. New York: 1871. 8vo, pp. 40. 1002. Cripple Creek and Colorado Springs : A Review and Pano- rama of a Unique Gold Field, etc. Illustrations, maps, etc. Colorado Springs : 1896. 410, paper. 1003. Mines and Mining Men of Colorado ; Historical, Descriptive and Pictorial ; an Account of the Principal producing Mines of Gold and Silver, the Bonanza Kings and suc- cessful Prospectors, the picturesque Camps and thriving 2l6 COMSTOCK. Cities of the Rocky Mountain Region. Denver, Col. : J. G. Canfield, 1893. Obi. 4to, pp. 3, 120. Illustrated. 1004. The Rocky Mountain Directory and Colorado Gazetteer, For 1871, Comprising a brief history of Colorado — and a condensed . . . account of her . . . Interests . . . with a . . . Directory . . . First Year of Publication. Denver: S. S. Wallahan & Co., 1870. 8vo, pp. 442. 1005. COLTON, J. H. The State of Indiana delineated; Geo- graphical and Historical. Prepared to accompany Col- ton's map. New York: J. H. Colton & Co., 1838. i6mo, pp. 92. 1006. COLTON, JULIA M. Annals of Old Manhattan, 1609- 1664. New York : Brentano's, 1902. 8vo, pp. 10. 238. Illustrated. 1007. COMLEY, W. J. History of the State of New York, with an Encyclopaedia of Biography of some of the Old Set- tlers and many of her most Prominent Men. New York: 1877. Sm. 4to, pp. 656. Portraits. There are no pages numbered 125 to 326. Sold: West, 1889, 3.25. 1008. COMLEY, W. J.; D'EGGVILLE, W. The Future Great State : her Manufacturers, and a History of her Commer- cial Cities, Cincinnati and Cleveland, with lithographic Portraits and Biographies of Old Settlers, Prominent Men, etc. Cincinnati : 1875. 4to. 1009. . Comley's History of Massachusetts, with Portraits and Biographies of some of the Old Settlers, and many of her most Prominent Manufacturers, Professional a".d Business Men. Boston: 1879. 2 vols. 4to. Portraits. Sold: Manson, 1899, 4.50: Cable, 1882, 8.50. 1010. COMSTOCK, CHARLES. A History of South Kingston, R. I., with a particular description of the Hornet's Nest Company, and the Cats let out of the Bag. Newport: Printed by the Author, 1806. 121110, pp. 32. "A persona] satirical narrative, with a woodcut of the 'Cat In- spector.' The 'Hornet's Nest' is the Little Nest Hill." Sabin. COXNKCT1CUT. 2\"] ion. CON ANT, E. Conant's Vermont: Geography, History, and Civil Government and Constitution. Rutland, Vt.: The Tuttle Co., 1890. 121110, pp. 288. Illustrations and Map. 1012. CONDIT, J. H. Early Records of the Township of Orange, N. J., 1807 to 1845. With Biographical .Votes. Orange: 1897. 8vo, pp. $7. 1013. CONDIT, UZAL W. (REV.). The History of Easton, Pa., from the Earliest Times to the Present, 1739-1885. Published, Illustrated, and Printed by George \\ . West. (Easton, Pa.: 1885.) 4*0. 2I. Portrait of Mr. West. pp. 500. Index to Illustrations, 1 1. Erontispiece portrait of Mr. Condit.* Published in twenty paper parts at 50 cts. per part. 1014. . History of Eastern Pennsylvania, from Revolu- tionary Times to the Present. Easton. Pa.: U. \Y. Con- dit, 1890. Roy. 8vo, pp. 500. Illustrated. 1015. CONE, ANDREW. Petrolia : a Brief History of the Penn- sylvania Petroleum Region, its Development, Growth, Resources, &c, from 1859 to 1869. Edited by Walter R. Johns. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1870. 8vo. pp. 652. Illustrated. CONNECTICUT. 1016. Journal Publishing Company. Souvenir History of the Town of P.ristol, Ct., 1897. Meridan: 1897. pp. 79. 1017. The Colonial and Revolutionary Homes of Wilton. Xor- walk, Westport, Darien and Vicinity. Xorwalk : Pri- vately Printed, 1901. 8vo. paper. Illustrated. 1018. Davenport Ridge, Stamford, Ct. Historical Sketch. Brook- lyn : 1892. pp. 15. 1019. Expedition to Connecticut. An Address to Major General Tryon. written in consequence of his late expedition. 8vo. "Printed 1779." Extremely scarce in any condition. 21 8 CONNECTICUT. 1020. The One Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary of the Fairfield County Consociations, Fairfield East and Fairfield West, with the Historical Address and other Addresses and Proceedings at the Congregational Church, Fairfield, Ct., June 8, 1886. Bridgeport: 1886. 8vo, pp. 63. The historical address was by A. C. Pierce. 1021. Sketches of Farmington, Connecticut, from its first Settle- ment to the Present Time. By an Inhabitant. Windsor, Vt. : 1882. 8vo, pp. 16. 1022. 1779- 1879. Centennial Commemoration of the Burning of Fairfield, Ct., by the British Troops under Gov. Tryon. July 8th, 1779. New York: 1879. 8vo, pp. 104. 1023. History of Franklin, Conn. New Haven : 1869. 8vo. Map and portraits. Sold: Cable, 1882, 1.87; M. D. Gilman. 1884, 1.00. 1024. Celebration of the Two Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary of the Settlement of Guilford, Ct., Sept. 8, 9, and 10, 1889. 1639-1889. New Haven : 1889. 8vo, pp. 290. Contains an account of the Founders of Guilford, etc. A List of the Original Planters and their Houses, Epitaphs, etc Histori- cal Discourses by J. A. Gallup. Saml. Hart. 1025. Hartford Board of Trade. Hartford, Ct., as a Manufactur- ing, Business and Commercial Center, with Brief Sketches of its History, Attractions, Leading Industries and Institutions. Hartford : 1889. pp. 220. 1026. History of Litchfield County, Ct., with Illustrations and Biographical Sketches of its Prominent Men and Pio- neers. Philadelphia: J. W. Lewis & Co., 1881. 4to, pp. xiii. 730. Steel portraits, maps and illustrations.* Sold: Manson, 1899, hlf mo, git, 12.00; Henkels, 1905, shp. 4-25- 1027. History of Middlesex County. Ct., with Biographical Sketches. New York: 1884. pp. 579. 1028. Norwich Jubilee. Report of the Celebration at Norwich. Conn.. Sept. 7th and 8th, 1859. See J. W. Stedman. CONNKCTICUT. 2I9 1029. Proceedings in Commemoration of the Settlement of the Town of New Haven, April 25, 1888, Founders' Day, 1638-1888. n. p. n. d. 8vo, pp. 68. See H. T. Blake. 1030. One Hundredth Anniversary of the City of New Haven ; with the Oration by T. R. Bacon, July 4, 1884. See T. R. Bacon. 1031. New London. Pettypaug Point. Description of the De- fences of New London in the War of 1812 with Repro- duction of a Rare Map of the District, published during the War. New York: Historical Printing Club. (n. d. ) Fifty 4to copies were printed. 1032. Two Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary, a brief History of New London, Conn. New London : 1896. 8vo. Illus- trated. 1033. Historical Address before the Church of Christ in North Coventry, Ct., at their First Centennial Celebration, Oct. 9, 1845. Hartford: 1846. pp. 44. The Address was by Rev. G. A. Calhoun. 1034. Norwich, Conn. Its Importance as a Business and Manu- facturing Center, and as a Place of Residence. A Brief Review of its Past and Present. Norwich: 1888. 8vo v pp. 112. Illustrated. 1035. Norwalk after Two Hundred and Fifty Years. An Account of the Celebration of the 250th Anniversary of the Char- ter of the Town. 1651. Sept. nth, 1901. Including His- torical Sketches of Churches, Schools, Old Homes, In- stitutions, Eminent Men, Patriotic and Benevolent Work, together with the Record of Soldiers and Sailors enlisted in Norwalk from 1676 to 1898. The Civic Prog- ress in the Last Century, and Statistics of Commerce and other Miscellany of Local Interest. Published under the auspices of the Norwalk Historical and Memorial Library Association. South Norwalk: C. A. Freeman, Publ'r. n. d. 8vo, pp. 387.* 1036. Savbrook's Ouadrimillennial ; Commemoration of the 250th 220 CONOVER. Anniversary of the Settlement of Saybrook, Nov. 27, 1885. Hartford: 1886. pp.69. History of early settlement by Sam'l Hart, address on Saybrook Platform by L. Pratt, &c. Sold: Manson, 1899, 2.00. 1037. Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences. A Statistical Account of the Towns and Parishes in the State of Con- necticut. Vol.1. Xo. 1. New Haven : 181 1. 8vo, pp. 83. All that was published. Contains an account of New Haven, by Timothy Dwight. Proposals for a Statistical History of Connecticut. New Haven: 1800. 24mo. pp. 12. (Connecticut Academy Arts and Sciences.) 1038. Business Directory of Windham County, Conn., with a His- tory of each Town. West Killingly : 1861. 121110. A rare local history. Sold: Manson, 1899, ^S - 1039. CONNELL, F.; JENKS, G. C. Official History of the Johnstown Flood. Pittsburgh: 1889. 8vo, pp. 252. Il- lustrated. 1040. CONNELLY, EMMA M. The Story of the States. The Story of Kentucky. Boston : D. Lothrop Company, 1890. 8vo, pp. 337. Illustrated.* 1041. CONNELLEY, W. E. The Provisional Government of Nebraska Territory, and the Journals of William Walker. By W. E. Connelley. Beatrice (Neb.) : 1899. 8vo. pp. 423. Full page plates. "The story to which Mr. Connelley has devoted nearly twenty years of research and attention is interesting, not so much as a sketch of a Territory, as it is a picture of times, manners and men when Kansas City, Kan., was an Indian reservation and the present Kansas City, Mo., was nothing in particular except a trading post or both, and was called Kansas." 1042. CONOVER, GEORGE S. Early History of Geneva. (Formerly called Kanadesaga.) By George S. Conover, President of the Village. From the Geneva Courier, March, 1879. Geneva, N. Y. : Courier Steam Print, n. d. 8vo, pp. 48. Calendar of Land Papers relating to the Gore, pp. 12. Supplement to History of Geneva, pp. 3.* The address is by Geo. S. Conover, Dec. 22, 1879. COOK. 22 t 1043. CONOVER, GEORGE S. ; ALDRICH, LEWIS CASS. History of Ontario County, New York. Willi Illustra- tions and Family Sketches of sonic of the Prominent Men and Families. Edited by G. S. Conover. Com- piled by L. C. Aldrich. Syracuse. X. Y. : 1). .Mason & Co., 1893. 4to, pp. 518, il., Short poem by « >. W. Holmes. Tart 2. Family Sketches, pp. 306. Illustrated by steel plates.* 1044. CONRAD, HOWARD L. History of Milwaukee from its First Settlement to the Year 1895. Chicago: American Biographical Publ. Co. Milwaukee, Wis.: C. X. Caspar. 1896. 2 vols. Folio, pp. 1 1 10. 1045. CONWAY, CORNELIUS. Utah Expedition; With Ac count of the Mormon Campaign. Cincinnati: 1858. 8vo. 1046. CONWELL. RUSSELL H. History of the Great Fire in Boston, Nov. 9, 10, 1872. Portraits and Illustrations. Boston: 1873. 121110, pp. 312. Sold: Manson, 1899, 1.62; Cable, 1882, 30 cts. ; Shurtleff, 1875, 1.50. 1047. CONYNGHAM, REDMOND. An Address on the Early Settlement of the Valley of Pequea. Delivered by Red- mond Conyngham at the Lyseum Celebration Fourth of July. 1842, at Paradise. With an Appendix. Containing a History of the Piquaws. with a Notice of Tanwa. An Indian King of Great Celebrity. To which is appended Anecdotes of William Penn. with the Names of the Early Settlers and Dates of Settlement. Published for the Paradise Lyceum, 1842. 8vo, pp. 12.* Sold: Bourquin, 1894, 2.00. 1048. COOK, FLAVIUS J. Home Sketches of Essex Count;.. First Number. Ticonderoga. What it Is: What it I >o &c. Keeseville. X. Y. : W. Lansing & Son. 1858. Svo. pp. 140.* It was published in paper covers. Sold: Field. 1875. 2.00; Bangs, 1900, 3.50. 1049. COOK, J. H. Guide Book and Pocket Map : giving the Early History of St. Louis. &c. St. Louis : Clayton & Babington, 1867. 241110. pp. 44. Map. 222 COOKE. 1050. COOK, R. H. Historical Notes of the Island of Nantucket and Tourist's Guide. Nantucket: 1871. i8mo. 1051. COOK, WEBSTER. The Government of Michigan. Its History and Administration. New York: The Macmil- lan Co., 1903. i2mo. 1052. COOKE, JOHN ESTEN. Virginia : A History of the Peo- ple. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1883. i6mo, pp. xxi. 521. Maps. + 1887. + 1895. New Edition, with Supplementary Chapter, by YVm. Garrett Brown. 1903. i2mo. pp. xxi. 535.* American Commonwealth Series, Edited by Horace E. Scudder. 1053. COOKE, JOHN HENRY (CAPT.). A Narrative of Events in the South of France, and of the Attack on New Orleans in 1814 and 1815. London: 1835. i2mo. 1054. COOKE, PHINEAS. Historical Recollections. Discourse delivered at Lebanon, N. H.. Nov. 25, 1830, embracing the Leading Events in the Civil and Ecclesiastical His- tory of said Town. Concord: 1831. 8vo, pp. 17. Sold: Manson, 1899, 62 cts. ; Cable, 1882, bds, 1.87. 1055. COOKE, P. ST. GEORGE. The Conquest of New Mexico and California ; An Historical and Personal Narrative. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1878. 121110, pp. 307. Map.* 1056. COOKE, SAMUEL. The violent destroyed: And op- pressed delivered. A Sermon preached at Lexington, April 19, 1779, for a Memorial of the Bloody TrageJy barbarously acted by a party of British Troops in that Town and the Adjacent. April 19, 1775. Boston : Thomas & Nicholas Bowes. 1777. 8vo, pp. 31. Sold: Manson, 1899, wrappers, unct. 16.00. 1057. COOKE, WILLIAM D. (A. M.). Revolutionary History of North Carolina, in Three Lectures, by Rev. Francis L. Hawks, Hon. David L. Swain, and Hon. Win. A. Graham: To which is prefixed a Preliminary Sketch of the Batik- 1 >i" the Alamance. Compiled by Win. I>. Cooke, A. M. Raleigh: Wm. D. Cooke: New York: COOPER. 223 George P. Putnam, 1853. 121110, pp. 236. 5 Woodcuts and 1 Facsimile of Writing. Sold: Menzies, 1876, hlf mo, 4 portr. inserted, 4.25 ; Bour- quin, 1894, 1. 10; Guild, 1887, 1.75. 1058. COOLEY, THOMAS McINTYRE. Michigan: a History of Governments. Boston : Houghton, Miftlin & Co., 1885. 121110, pp. 7, 376. Map.* American Commonwealth Series. Descriptive of the various governments, the habits, manners and customs of the early settlers, and the constitutional changes made in her law. The book is his- torico-legal ; the chapters on educational institutions are valuable. 1059. . The Acquisition of Louisiana. Indianapolis: The Bowen-Merrill Co., 1887. 8vo, pp. 25. Indiana Historical Society Pamphlets, No. 3. An address de- livered by Judge Cooley before the Indiana Historical Society, Feb. 16, 1887. 1060. COOLIDGE, AUSTIN JACOBS; MANSFIELD, J. B. History and Description of New England. General and Local. By A. J. Coolidge and J. B. Mansfield. In Two Volumes. Vol. 1. Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont. Boston : Austin J. Coolidge, 1859. 8vo, -pp. xxvii, 1023, (1). 3 Maps and 81 Woodcuts. + Boston : i860. + Bos- ton : A. J. Coolidge, 1864. -f- 1865. "But one volume was published. A table of historical works, general and local, relating to Maine, is given on pp. xvi to xx." Williamson. Bib'y Me. Sold: Olcott, 1901, i86oed., cl. 2.12: Waterbury, 1895, 1.75: Chittenden, 1894, hlf mo, 1.25; Manson. 1899, 75 cts. ; Child, 1882, i860 ed., 3 vols., 6.00: Cable, 1882, 2.25 : M. D. Gilman. 1884, 75 cts.: Shurtleff. 1875. 3.25; Cooke. 1883. 4.75 : Guild, 1887- hlf mo, 2.50: Cable. 1882. 87 ct- .; S. L. Boardman, 1SS3. i860 ed., slits,; Cable. is' v :. 1. 12 ; Child. 18S2, 2.00. 1061. COOLIDGE, SUSAN. A Short History of the City of Philadelphia from its Foundation to the Present Time. Boston: Roberts Bros., 1887. 121110, pp. 288.* "Susan Coolidge" is the pseudonym of Sarah C. Woolsey. Sold: Balcom. 1901, 25 cts.: Manson. 1899. 50 cts. 1062. COOPER, JAMES FENNIMORE. Guide in Wilderness; or, History of First Settlements in Western Counties of 224 COPLEY. New York, with useful instructions to future settlers, in series of letters addressed by Judge Cooper, of Coopers- town, to 'William Sampson, Barrister, of New York. Dublin: 1810. 8vo, pp. 50. A Reprint of 300 copies, with introduction by James Fennimore Cooper, for George P. Humphrey. Rochester, 1897. 1063. . The Chronicles of Cooperstown. Cooperstown : H. & E. Phinney, 1838. 121110, pp. 108. Sold: Brinley, 1880, 5.50; Brinley, 1893, 1.30; Woodward, 1869, 50 cts. ; Guild, 1887, 87 cts. 1064. . The Battle of Lake Erie, or Answers to Messrs. Burges, Duer and Mackenzie. Cooperstown : H. & E. Phinney, 1843. pp. 117, (1). 1065. COOPER, JOHN. An Historical and Statistical Sketch of Croydon, N. H., from its Incorporation to the Year 1832. Containing much Local Information which must be highly interesting to every inhabitant of the Town. Con- cord : 1852. 8vo, pp. 52. See also, N. H. Hist. Coll., Vol. 6. Sold: Balcom. 1901, 1.75; Cable, 1882, pap, 5.12. 1066. COPELAND, ALFRED. Our County and its People. The History of Hampden County, Massachusetts. Springfield: Century Memorial, 1902. 3 vols. 8vo. Published at $16.00. Sold: Libbie. 1903, cl. unct. 3.37. 1067. COPELAND, ALFRED M. A History of the Town of Murravfield, Mass., Earlier known as Township No. 9. and Comprising the present Towns of Chester and Hunt- ington, the Northern Part of Montgomery and the South- east Corner of Middlefield, 1760- 1783. Springfield, Mass.: Clark W. Bryan & Co., 1892. 8vo, pp. 175. Maps.- 1068. COPLEY, JOSIAH. Kansas and the Country Beyond on the Line of the Union Pacific Railway, Eastern Division, from the Missouri to the Pacific Ocean. Philadelphia: j. 11. Lippincott & Co.. 1867. 8vo, pp. 86. Map. Sold: Cable, [882, 75 cts.; Bourquin, 1894, 80 cts. CORNELL. 225 1069. CORDLEY, ROBERT. A History of Lawrence, Kansas, from its First Settlement to the Close of the Rebellion. Lawrence: 1895. 8vo. Portraits. 1070. . i'ioneer Days in Kansas. Roston : The Pilgrim Press. (New York, Chicago.) 1903. 121110, pp. 274.* CORDOVA, JACOB DE. Texas Resources. See De Cor- dova. 1071. COREY, ALLEN. Gazetteer of the County of Washing- ton, N. Y., comprising a correct Statistical and Miscella- neous History of the County and several Towns from their Organization to the Present Time. Schuylerville : 1 849. 8vo, pp. 246. Sold: Dunbar, 1892, 1.30; Bushnell, 1S83, 2 letters of author laid in. 4.25. 1072. COREY, DELORAINE PENDRE. The History of Mai- den. Massachusetts, 1633-1785. Maiden: Published by the Author, 1899. Roy. 8vo, pp. xvii, 870. Illustrated.* Sold: Hassam, 1903. cl, unct, 5.10. 1073. CORLISS, JOHN B. First Era in the History of Haver- hill, 1640-1715. Haverhill: 1885. 8vo. Only 35 copies printed. Sold: Guild, 1887, 1.37. 1074. CORNELL, WILLIAM MASON. The History of Penn- sylvania from the Earliest Discovery to the Present Time, including an Account of the First Settlement by the Dutch, Swedes, and English, and of the Colony of William Penn, his Treaty and Pacific Measures with the Indians; and the Gradual Advancement of the State to its present Aspect of Opulence, Culture, and Refinement. Philadelphia : Quaker City Publishing House. 1876. 8vo. pp. 576. Illustrated. + 1878. + 1879.* Sold: Child, 1882, 2.25 : Cable, 1883. 1879 ed.. 2.50; Henkels. 1900, 1.20; J. G. Smith, 18S3, 1876 ed., 2.87; Bourquin. 18. ,4. 85 cts. 226 COSTANSO. 1075. . Recollections of ye Olden Time. Illustrated. Bos- ton : 1878. i2mo. Over one hundred and fifty pages on Quincy, Mass., besides ac- counts of Boston, Philadelphia, etc. 1076. CORNER, WILLIAM. San Antonio de Bexar: a guide and history. San Antonio, Texas : Bainbridge & Corner, 1890 [1891]. 8vo, pp. 7, 166. Illustrated. A full description of the Texan city that has played so large a part in missionary efforts. Full particulars of climate, railroads, churches, buildings. A table of historical, statistical and interesting dates relating to the city is arranged by months, dates from 1685 to 1886. and occupies thirty-six pages. This includes an historical sketch of the city written in 1872. by Sidney Lanier. Sold: Proud, 1903, 60 cts. 1077. CORRY. A Description of the Situation. Climate. Soil and Productions of Certain Tracts of Land in the District of Maine, n. p. n. d. Boston : 1703. Sm. 4to. pp. 44. Title in Williamson's Bibliography of Maine, taken from N. E. Gen. Register. 1078. COSTANSO, M. Diario Historico de los Viages de mar y tierra hechos al norte de California, de orden del Virrey de Neuva Espana Marques de Croix y por direccion de D. Jose Galvez. Executados por la tropa destinada a dicho objeto al mando de Caspar de Portola, y por los Paquebotes S. Carlos y S. Antonio de orden del Exc. Sr. Virrey. Mexico: En la imprenta del Gobiernn, 1771 >. Folio, pp. 56. "Signed D. Miguel Costanso. Printed for private distribution. The following is probably a translation from this rare Spanish Original." Sabin. 1079. . An Historical Journal of the Expedition by Sea and Land to the North of California: in 1768. 1769, and 1770; when Spanish Establishments were first made at San Diego and Monte Rev. From a Spanish MS., trans- lated by William Revely. Esq. Published by A. Dal- rymple. London: George Bigg. 1790. 4I0. pp. 76. Maps. "According to Rich this is a translation of a Spanish manu- script presented to Dr. Dalrymplc by Dr. Robertson. The rarity of the original may have rendered it necessary to cause a transcript to be made; according to the Monthly Review, the translator has en- riched it with notes and two maps." Sabin. COTTON. 227 1080. COTHREN, WILLIAM. History of Ancient Woodbury, Connecticut, from the First Indian Deed in [659 to 1854, including the Present Towns of Washington, Southbury, Bethlem, Roxbury, and Part of Oxford and Middlebury. Waterbury, Conn.: Bronson Bros., 1854. 8vo, pp. xi, 9-833, viii. Portrait and Plates.* Sold: Libbie, 1896, nior, 5.00; Patterson, 1896, cl, 6.00; Mur- phy, 1884, 3.25; Deane, 1898, cl, 6.50; Woodward, 1869. 1.75; Bourquin, 1894, 2.90; Brinley, 1893, 3.50; Libbie, 1901, 3.12; Bushnell, 1883, 2 portraits laid in, 2.30; Clog- ston, 1875, 3.00; Manson, 1899, 5-25; Bangs, 1899, elf. 3.75; Henkcls, 1906, cl, 3.25. 1081. . History of Ancient Woodbury, from the First In- dian Deed in 1659 to 1872, including the Present Towns of Washington, Southbury, Bethlehem. Roxbury, and a Part of Oxford and Middlebury. Waterbury and Woodbury : Bronson Brothers, 1854-72. 2 vols. 8vo, pp. xi, 833, vii ; x, 1610, vi. Portraits and Illustrations.* Sold: Patterson, 1896, 8.00. 1082. . History of Ancient Woodbury, Ct., from the First Indian Deed in 1659 to 1879; including the Present Towns of Washington, Southbury. Bethlehem, Roxbury and a Part of Oxford and Middlebury. 3 vols. Water- bury : Bronson Brothers, 1854-79. 8vo. pp. xi, 833, vii; x, 1610. vi ; 3 1.. iii, 706. Index. 1 1.* Sold: 1854-79, 3 vols. ed. : Bangs, Harris. 1896, 14.63: Manson. 1899, 3 vols., 15.00; Cable. 1882, cl, 3 vols., 90 cts. ; Cable, 1883, 3 v., 8.25 ; Cooke, 1883, 4.75 ; Hoffmann, 1877, 2 v., 7854. 5.25; Guild. 1887. 3 v.. 10.25; Libbie, 1899, cl & slip, 13.13. 1083. . Second Centennial Celebration of the Exploration of Ancient Woodbury, and the Reception of the First Indian Deed, held at Woodbury, Conn.. July 4-5. 1859. Woodbury: 1859. 8vo, pp. 223. Sold: Woodward, 1869. 1.50; Cable. 1882, MO. 1084. COTTON, ANNE. Vn Account of Our Late Troubles in Virginia. Written in T676. by Mrs. An. Cotton of O. Creeke. Published from the < (riginal Manuscript, in the 228 COUES. Richmond (Ya.) Enquirer of 12 Sept., 1804. Washing- ton : Printed by Peter Force, 1835. 8vo, pp. n.* Forms No. 9, Vol. 1, of Peter Force's Tracts. 1085. . An Account of our Late Troubles in Virginia. Written in 1676 by Mrs. Ann Cotton of O Creek. Pub- lished from the Original Manuscript in the Richmond ( Ya.) Enquirer of 12th September, 1804. A List of those who have lately been Executed for the Late Rebellion in Virginia, by Sir William Berkeley, Governor of the Col- ony. Published by George P. Humphrey. Rochester: Xo. 9. January, 1898. (Second Title.) An Account of Our Late Troubles in Virginia. Written in 1676 by Mrs. An. Cotton, of O. Creeke. 8vo, pp. 12. List of Executed, 1 leaf." This list is signed by Governor Berkeley. 1086. COTTON, JUDGE A. J. (REV.). Cotton's Keepsake. Poems on Various Subjects. To which is appended an autobiographical sketch and a condensed history of the early settlements, incidents, and improvements of Dear- born Count}-. Indiana. Cincinnati: Applegate & Co., 1858. -|- i860. 121110, pp. 526. 1087. COUES, ELLIOTT. New Light on the Early History of the Greater Northwest. The Manuscript Journals of Alexander Henry. Fur Trader of the Northwest Corn- pan v, and of David Thompson, Official Geographer and Explorer of the Same Company, 1799-1814. Exploration and Adventure among the Indians on the Red. Saskatch- ewan, Missouri and Columbia Rivers. Edited with Co- pious Critical Commentary, by Elliott Coues. In Three Volumes. Vol. 1. The Red River of the North. New York: Francis P. Harper, 1897. Roy. Svo, pp. 28, 440. Vol. 2. The Saskatchewan and Columbia Rivers. Har- per, 1897. PP- 6, 447-916. Vol. 3. Index and Maps. pp. 917 to T027.* Continuous numbering of volumes. Limited edition of 1000, 100 on hand-made paper. Sold: Henkels, 1900, 7.50: Howard Goodwin, 1903, unct. hand-made paper. 16.50; Henkels. 1899, 5.25; P>angs. 1 000, 12.75. eowuEv. 229 1088. COURTENAY, WILLIAM A. The Centennial of the In corporation of Charleston (with a History of Charleston, 1670 to 1883). Charleston : 1884. 8vo, pp. 259. 12 maps and plates. 1089. COWELL, BENJAMIN. The Spirit of Sevent} six in Rhode Island ; or Sketches of the Efforts of the 1 iovern- ment and the People in the War of the Revolution. To- gether with the Names of those who belonged to Rhode Island Regiments in the Army. With Biographical Notices, Reminiscences, &c, &c. Boston: A. I. Wright. 1850. 8vo, pp. 352. 1090. COWEN, M. V. B. The Indiana State Gazetteer and Ship- pers' Guide for 1866-7. Lafayette, Ind. : Rosser, Spring & Cowen, 1866. 8vo. pp. xv, 428. 1091. COWLES, E. Sketches of the Early Settlement of the Plymouth Colony (in Farmington). New Britain (Conn.) : 1880. 8vo. 1092. COWLES, E. B. History and Directory of Berrian County, Mich., Containing Historical and Descriptiye Sketches of the Villages and Townships within the County, and the Names and Occupations of Persons re- siding therein. Buchanan, Mich. : 1871. 8vo, pp. 384. 1093. COWLES, GEORGE W. Landmarks of Wayne County. New York. Illustrated. Edited by G. W. Cowles, As- sisted by H. P. Smith and others. Syracuse. N. Y. : D. Mason & Co., Publishers, 1895. Roy. 8\o, pp. viii, 437: 343* 1094. COWLEY, CHARLES. A Hand-Book of Business in Lowell. Mass.; with a History of the City. Lowell: 1856. 8yo, pp. 166. 1095. • Memories of the Indians and Pioneers of the re- gion of Lowell. Lowell: Stone & Huse, Printers, 1S62. 8vo, pp. 24. (1). 1096. . Illustrated History of Lowell. Re\ised Edition. Boston: Lee & Shepard, 1868. 121110. Title, pp. 9-135. Woodcuts. -f- Lowell: B. C. Sargeant and fulius Merrill, 1868. 23O COXE. Sold: Barlow, 1890, 25 cts. ; Cable. 1882, 63 cts. ; Manson. 1899, 1.50; Balcom, 1901, 50 cts.; Cable, 1883, 25 cts.; J. G. Smith, 1883, 75 cts.; S. L. Boardman, 1883, 37 cts.; M. D. Gilman, 1884, 1.38; Cooke, 1883, 75 cts.; Guild. 1887. 1.25; Clogston, 1875, 75 cts. Reminiscences of James C. Ayer and the town of Ayer. Lowell: Penhallow Print Co., 1879 (1880). 8vo, pp. 156. Sold: Barlow, 1890, 75 cts. 1097. COX, ROSS. Adventures on the Columbia River, includ- ing the Narrative of a Residence of Six Years on the Western Side of the Rocky Mountains, among various Tribes of Indians hitherto Unknown ; together with a Journey across the American Continent. London : Henry Colburn and Richard Bentley, 183 1. 2 vols. 8vo, pp. xxiv, 368; viii. 400. + The Columbia River; or Scenes and Adventures. Second Edition. London: 1832. 8vo. + New York: Harper & Bro.. 1832. 8vo, pp. 15- 2 5. 335- Sold: Henkels, 1900, 2.10. 1098. COX, SANFORD C. Recollections of the Early Settle- ment of the Wabash Valley. Lafayette: Courier Print- ing House, i860. 8vo, pp. 160.* A series of articles on "Old Settlers" was published by "Incog," in the Lafayette Daily Courier, in October and November, 1859. The above book results from a collection, revision, and publication of these articles, with many additions. Sold: Waterbury. 1895, 1.00; Cable. 1882. 1.37. 1099. COX, WILLIAM WALLACE. History of Seward County. Nebraska ; together with a Chapter of Remi- niscenses (sic) of the Early Settlement of Lancaster County. Lincoln. Neb. : 1888. 8vo. 1 100. COXE, DANIEL. A Description Of the English Province of Carolana. by the Spaniards call'd Florida, And by the French La Louisiane. As Also of the Great and Famous River Meschacebe or Mississippi, The Five vast Navi- gable Lakes of Fresh Water, and the Parts Adjacent. Together With an Account of the Commodities of the Growth and Production of the said Province, And a Preface containing some considerations on the Conse- COXE. 23I quences of the French making Settlements there. By Daniel Coxe, Esq. London : Printed for B. Cowse, at the Rose and Crown in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1722. 8vo, 27 I., pp. 122. Map. "A crude performance drawn up from various journals and voyages to impress the public with the great importance of the re- gion described, and to make them jealous of its occupation by the French." Rich. "Under the name of Carolana was comprehended the present state of Georgia, the Floridas, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana. The whole of this territory was claimed by Dr. Coxe, the father of the author, as proprietor under the Crown. The author explored a great part of it and lived there fourteen years. See N. Am. Rev. 2, 1." Sabin. For Biography of Dr. Coxe, see Penna. Magazine of Hist'y. 7, Sold: Bell, 1895, 7.00; Thornton, 1878, 2.25; Hoffmann. 1877, 4.50; Guild, 1887, elf, 8.00; Hurst, 1904, old elf, lacks map, and pp. 121, 122 are in MSS., Gen. Phineas Lyman's copy, with his autograph, 14.00. 1101. . A Description of the English Province of Caro- lana, By the Spaniards call'd Florida. And by the French La Louisiane. As also of the Great "and Famous River Meschachebe or Mississippi. The Five vast Navigable Lakes of Fresh Water, and Parts Adjacent. Together with an Account of the Commodities of the Growth and Production of the said Province. And a Preface contain- ing some Considerations on the Consequences of the French making a Settlement there. London : Printed for Edward Symon, against the Royal Exchange in Corn- hill, 1727. 8vo, pp. 56, 122. Map. This is the 1722 edition with a new title. Sold: Brinley, 1881, old elf, 13.00; Barlow. 1890. 12.50: Hoffmann, 1877, London, 1726 ed., 5.00; same sale, 1727 ed., 2.37; Cooke, 1883. 9.00; Bangs, 1901, levt mo, git, map lacking, 8.50; Bangs. 1901, mor, lacks map, 4.50. 1 102. . A Description of the English Province of Carolana. By the Spaniards called Florida, and by the French La Louisiane. As Also of the Great and Famous Mescha- cebe or Mississippi, The Five Vast Navigable Lakes of Fresh Water, and the Parts Adjacent. Together with An Account of the Commodities of the Growth and Pro- duction of the Said Province. And A Preface containing 232 COXE some considerations on the Consequences of the French making Settlements there. London : Printed for B. Crowse, at the Rose and Crown in St. Paul's Church- yard, 1732. St. Louis: Churchill and Harris, Prs., 1840. 8vo, pp. vi, 90. Folding map of Carolana.* Sold: Randall, 1901, 1.60; Fisher, 1866, hlf mo, 3.00; Don- aldson, 1899, bds, 2.10. 1 103. . A Description of the English Province of Caro- lana. By the Spaniards call'd Florida, and by the French, La Louisiane. Viz. 1. A Description of the great and famous River Meschacebe or Mississippi. 2. A Descrip- tion of the Countries, People, Rivers, Bays, Harbours and Islands, to the East of the Meschacebe. 3. A De- scription of the Sea Coast, the large Rivers ; their Heads and Courses to the West of the Meschacebe. 4. A De- scription of the Five Great Seas or Lakes of fresh Water. 5. A new and curious Discovery of an easy Communi- cation between the River Meschacebe and the South Sea — which separates America from China, by means of several large Rivers and Lakes ; with a Description of the said Sea, to the Streights or Uries ; as also of a rich and considerable Trade to be carry'd on from thence to Japan, China and Tartary. 6. An Account of the use- ful Animals, Vegetables, Metals, Minerals, and other rich and valuable Commodities, which this Province naturally produces. 7. An Appendix containing the orig- inal Charter, &c. With a large and curious Preface, demonstrating the Right of the English to that Country, and the unjust Manner of the French usurping of it ; their prodigious Increase there. &c. and the inevitable Danger our other Colonies on the Continent will be ex- posed to, if not timely prevented ; interspersed with many useful Hints, in Regard to our Plantations in General. To which is added a large and accurate Map of Carolana, and of the River Meschacebe. London: Printed for and sold by Olive Payne, at Horace's Head in Pope's Head Alley, Cornhill, opposite the Royal Exchange, 1741 . 8vo, 27 1., pp. 122. .Map. This work was reprinted in St. Louis. 1840. 8vo, pp. vi, 90. And reprinted in Frenches Historical Collections of Louisiana, II, 221. Philadelphia : 1850. "The text contains a description of the resources and attrac- tions of the country, the preface an account of the vessel which was CKAFFOKD. 233 turned back from the entrance of the Mississippi by Bienville. The appendix is an argument setting forth the claimant's title to the grant, and also contains a curious story of the expedition from Massachusetts to New Mexico in 1678, in which he claims that La Salle's guides were Indians who accompanied that expedition." Burrows Bros. Catalog. Sold: 1741 cd. : Bangs, Merwin, [865, 8.00; Plessanton, 1895, 8.20; Brevoort, 1890, 12.25; Murphy, [884, o.oo; Deane, 1898. sewed. 8.25; Dunbar, 1892, 8.50; Cooke, 1883, old elf, 11.00; Field, 1875. hlf mo, unct, by lirad- street. 10.00; Bangs, 1901, elf. 10.50; Del Monte, [901, elf, 2 other pieces bd in, 8.10; Anderson, [905, lilt mo, 16.00. 1104. COZZENS, SAMUEL W. The Marvellous Country: or Three Years in Arizona and New Mexico, the Apaches' Home. Comprising a Description of this Wonderful Country, its immense Mineral Wealth, its magnificent Mountain Scenery, Ruins of Ancient Towns, &c. Bos- ton : Lee & Shepard, 1876. 8vo. Illustrated. Sold: Donaldson, 1899, 1.10; Guild, 1886, 1.30. 1 105. CRAFFORD, JOHN. A Xew and Most | Exact Account | Of the Fertile and Famous Colony of | Carolina (On the Continent of America) | whose Latitude is from 36 Deg. of North Latitude, to 29 Deg. | Together with a | Mari- tine Account of its Rivers, Barrs, Soundings and Har- bours; I also of the Natives, their Religion, Traffick and Commodities. | Likewise the Advantages accrewing to all Adventurers by the Cu- | stoms of the Countrey ; Being the most Healthful and Fertile | of his Majesties Territories on the said Continent of | America. | As also an Account of the Islands of Bermudas, the Harbours, Situa- I tion, People. Commodities. &c, belonging to said Islands ; | the whole being a Compendious Account of a Voyage made (by | an Ingenious Person) for a full discovery of the above-said places. | Begun in October 82, and finished this present Year, 1683. | Dublin : Printed for Nathan Tarrant at the Kings-Arms in Corn-Market. 1683. I 4to, pp. 7. "The two last lines read: 'Taken by John Crnfford, who was Super cargo of the good Ship the James of Erwin, burthen about 50 Tuns." Sabin. Sold: Barlow, 1890, elf. git. extra, by Bedford, 2 leaves pieced, 105.00. 234 CRAIG. uc6. CRAFT, DAVID (REV.). History of Bradford County, Pennsylvania, with Illustrations and Biographical Sketches of Some of its Prominent Men and Pioneers. Published by L. H. Everts & Co., 1878. (Philadelphia.) 4to. pp. 492, 9.* Lithograph frontispiece of Lake Pond Hill. 1 107. CRAFTS, JAMES MONROE. History of the Town of Whately, Mass. ; including; a Narrative of leading Events from the First Planting of Hatfield, 1661-1899, as revised and edited by J. M. Crafts, with Family Genealogies. 2d edition. Orange, Mass.: D. L. Crandall, 1903. 8vo, pp. 628. Illustrations. Portraits. Maps.* Revised and enlarged from J. H. Temple's History of Whately. 1660-1871. 1 108. CRAIG, C. F. A Summary of the Advantages of North- west Missouri. Including the Celebrated Platte Pur- chase. St. Joseph : 1880. 8vo, pp. 109. Map. 1 109. CRAIG, NEVILLE B. The History of Pittsburgh with a Brief Notice of its Facilities of Communication, and other Advantages for Commercial and Manufacturing Pur- poses. With Two Maps. Pittsburgh: Publ. by John Mellor, 1851. i2mo, pp. xiv, 312. Folding Map of Brad- dock's Route. Frontispiece, folding outline plan of Pitts- burgh and the rivers and country about.* Sold: Fisher. 1866, .62; Woodward, 1869, 1.00; Cable, 1882. 1.63; Brinley, 1880, 1.00; Henkels, 1900, 1.70; Waterbury. !895, i-37: Bushnell, 1883, plates inserted, 1.62; West, 1889, 1.25 ; Bourquin. 1894. 90 cts. ; Hoffmann. 1877, 1.75 ; Shurtleff, 1875, 75 cts.; Bangs, Merwin, 1865, 38 cts.; Clogston, 1875, 1. 00. 1 1 10. . Exposure of a Few of the many Misstatements in H. M. Brackenridge's History of the Whiskey Insurrec- tion. Pittsburgh : John S. Davidson, 1859. i8mo, pp. vi. 79. Errata 3 lines. Sold: Bangs, Merwin, 1865, .25; Fisher, 1866, 2.00. in 1. . Lecture upon the Controversy between Pennsyl- vania and Virginia about the Boundary Line, delivered at the University Building, Pittsburgh, December 5, CRAMER. 235 [843. Pittsburgh : Printed by A. Jaynes, 1843. 8vo PP 30.* Reprinted in "The Olden Time," 1, 434. This was a monthly devoted to historical subjects. Two volumes were issued Pitts- burg, 1846-48. 8vo, pp. viii, 576; iv, 572. ma. CRAMER, ZADOK. The | Navigator: | or the | Trader. useful Guide J in navigating the | Monongahela, Alle- gheny I Ohio and Mississippi | Rivers; | Containing an ample account | of those much admired Waters | from the Head of the former to the Mouth of the latter; j A Concise description of their | Towns. Villages, Harbours, Settlements, &c. | with Particular Directions | how to navigate them | in all stages of the Water. Pointing out their | Rocks, Ripples, Channel, Islands | Bluffs, Creeks. Rivers, &c, | and the distances from place to place. | Il- lustrated with thirteen accurate Maps of the | Mississippi and one of Pittsburgh. | The fifth edition much improved and enlarged. | To which is added an account of Louisi- ana : I and a notice of the | Mines, Minerals. Natural Curiosities, &c. | Pittsburgh : | From the Press of Zadok Cramer. | 1806. | 121110, pp. 94. The first edition was reprinted with additions as below : Cramer, Z. The Navigator, &c. To which is added an Appendix containing an Account of Louisiana. &c. as discovered by the voyage under Captains Lewis and Clarke. Sixth Edition, Improved and Enlarged Pittsburgh: 1S08. i2mo. Maps. + Seventh Edition Enlarged With Maps of the Ohio added and Appendix (as before). Pitts- burgh: Feby., 1811. l2mo, pp. 295. JII 3- • The Navigator: containing directions for Navi- gating the Monongahela. Allegheny. Ohio, and Miss sippi Rivers ; With an ample Account of the much ad- mired waters, from the head of the former to the mouth of the latter, and a concise description of their Town-. Villages, Harbors, Settlements, &c, with Maps of th< Ohio and Mississippi. To which is added An Appendix. Containing an Account of Louisiana, and of the Mis- souri and Columbia Rivers, as Discovered by the Voyage under Capts. Lewis and Clarke. Eighth Edition. Im- proved and Enlarged. Pittsburgh: Cramer, Spear and Eichbaum, 1814. i2mo, pp. 360. * + Ninth Edition. Pittsburgh (Ibid.) : 1817. i2mo. PP- 304- + Tenth Edition. Pittsburgh : Cramer & Spear. 1818. I21HO. pp. 304. + Eleventh Edition. 1821. i2mo, PP- 283. + Twelfth Edition. 1824. 121110. pp. 27;. 236 CRAPO. "For an amplification of this work, see Cumings (S.). The author's name does not appear on the title. In the 10th and nth editions the words — improved and enlarged — are left out, otherwise exactly as above; in the 12th and last edition the words Monon- gahela, Allegheny, are left out, as well as the — improved and en- larged. On the last page of the 7th and all subsequent editions, there is a list of articles of merchandise and boats, &c. &c. on the Ohio, 'Taken from the Pilot Books— By James McDrum.' For this list of editions of Cramer, I am indebted to Mr. W. M. Darlington of Pittsburgh, who is good authority." Sabin. Sold: Bangs, 1805 ed., 1873, fi -°°: Bangs, 1814 ed., 1873. 6.50; Brinley, 1808 ed., 1881, 2.50; Polock, 1904, 1818 ed., hlf bd, 4.00; Pennypacker, 1814 ed., bds, 4.25. 1114. CRAMPTON, S. W. Brief History of St. George's Parish, Hartford County, Md. Baltimore: Printed by John D. Toy, 185 1. 1 61110, pp. 42. Plate. 11 15. CRANE, JAMES M. The Past. Present and Future of the Pacific. San Francisco: Sterett & Co., 1866. 8vo, pp. 79. paper. 1 1 16. CRANZ, DAVID. Alte und Neue Bruder Historie oder kurz gefasste Geschichte der Evangelischen Bruder Uni- tat. Barby: 1771. 8vo. -f- Barby : Chr. Fr. Laux, 1772. 8vo, 8 1., pp. 868, (55). The complete history of the Moravians, from their start to 1769, with all the early history of their settlement in Pennsylvania. Sold: Pennypacker, 1906, elf, 1.25. 1 1 17. CRAPO, WILLIAM W. Proceedings at the Celebration at New Bedford, Sept. 14, 1864, of the 200th Anniversary of the Incorporation of the Town of Dartmouth (with historical address by W. W. Crapo, and poem by James B. Congdon). New Bedford: 1865. 8vo, pp. 175. Sold: Manson, 1899, 50 cts. 1 1 18. . Centennial in New Bedford, historical Address by Wm. W. Crapo, delivered on the Occasion of the Cele- bration in New Bedford of the Fourth of July, 1876, to which is added an Account of the Celebration and an Appendix. New Bedford: 1876. 8vo. Sold: Manson, 1899, 20 cts.; J. G. Smith, 1883, 40 cts.; Cooke, 1883. 1.25 : Guild, 1887, 50 cts. CRICK. H. 237 1119. CRAPSEY, EDWARD. The Nether Side of New York; or, The Crime. Poverty, and Vice of the Greal .Metrop- olis. New York: Sheldon & Co., 1877. 8vo, pp. 185.* 1120. CRAWFORD, LUCY. The History of the White Moun- tains, from the First Settlement of the Upper Coos and Pequaket. By Lucy, Wife of Ethan Allen Crawford, Esq., White Hills, 1846. Portland: Printed by F. A. & A. F. Gerrish, 1846. [6mo, pp. 204, (1). Sold: Manson, 1899, 2.25; Cable, 1882, full mo, git, 7.50; M. D. Oilman, 1884, 2.50; Deane, 1898, 175: Guild, 1887, 1. 12. 1121. . The History of the White Mountains, from the First Settlement of Upper Coos and Pequaket. By Lucy. Wife of Ethan Allen Crawford. Esq. First published in 1845. With Preface by Henry Wheelock Ripley. Port- land, Maine: Hoyt, Fogg & Donham. 1883. i6mo, pp. 230. Illustrated. + Portland: 1',. Thurston & Co.. 1886. iomo, pp. 228. Illustrated. Sold: 1883 ed. : Balcom, 1901, .87. 1 1 22. CRAYON, JOSEPH PERCY. Rockaway Records of Mor- ris County, X. J., Families: Cemetery Records. Church History, Military Records. Local History, Genealogies of the Old Families, nearly 20.000 Data. Rockaway. X. I. : Rockaway Publ. Co., 1002. 121110, pp. 300. Por- traits. 1 123. CREIGH, ALFRED. History of Washington County. Pa., from its First Settlement to the Present Time. Fir^t under Virginia as Yogogania, Ohio, or Augusta County until 1781, and subsequently under Pennsylvania. With Sketch of all the Townships, Boroughs and Villages, &c. : and to which is added a Full Account of the Cele- brated Mason & Dixon"s Line, the Whiskey Insurrec- tion. Indian Warfare. Traditional and Local Historical Events. Second edition revised and corrected. Harris- burg: B. Singerly, 1871. 8vo, pp. 375. Appendix, pp. 132.* Sold: Stone. 1897, cl, i,-?: M. D. Gilman, 1884. 2.00: Bour- quin. 1804. ' Q o cts. ; Perry. 1899. 3.00. 2^8 CREVECOEUR. 1 124. CREVECOEUR, J. HECTOR ST. JOHN. Letters from an American Farmer ; Describing Certain Provincial Sit- uations, Manners, and Customs, not generally known ; and conveying some Idea of the late and present Inte- rior Circumstances of the British Colonies in Xorth America. Written for the Information of a Friend in England. By Hector St. John (Creve Coeur), A Farmer in Pennsylvania. London : Thomas Davies and Lockyer Davies, 1782. 8vo, 8 1., pp. 318. 2 Maps. + Dublin: John Enshaw. 1782. 121110, 6 1., pp. 256. 2 Maps. -|- New Edition. London: Thomas Davies, 1783. 8vo, 7 1., pp. 326. 2 Maps. -\- Philadelphia : From the Press of Mathew Care}-, March 4, 1873. 121110, pp. 240. -)- Phila- delphia, 1798. 1 21110, pp. 260. "The author was a native of Normandy, of noble birth, and came to the British Colonies at the age of sixteen. Having estab- lished himself on a farm near the frontier, he became one of the first victims of the War of Independence, the Indian allies of Great Britain setting fire to and destroying his property. He wrote his letters during the different epochs of the war, in English. Return- ing to France he translated them into French." Rich. "His work is a most pleasing report of the resources and charms of the country when it was far more isolated and exclusively rural than at present. Somewhat like a prose idyl is this record: Hazlitt delighted in its naive enthusiasm, and commended it to Charles Lamb, as well as in the 'Quarterly,' as giving an idea how American scenery and manners may be treated with a lively poetic interest. Tuckerman's America and her Commentators." Sabin French editions : Paris : Cuchet. 1784. 2 vols. 8vo. 1785. Paris: Cuchet. 3 vols. 1787. Dutch and German editions: Leyden : L. Herdingh. 1784. 8vo. Leipzig und Leignitz : David Geigert, 1784. l2mo. 4- Berlin : 1802. -j- Large paper edition, with plates in folio. Paris : 1801. 3 vols. Sold: 1783 ed. : Barlow, 1890, 2.50: 1784 ed., Paris: Chitten- den. 1894. 80 cts. 1125. . Letters from an American Farmer, by J. Hector St. John Crevecoeur. With a Foreword by Professor W . P. Trent of Columbia, and an appendix containing some hitherto unpublished letters from Crevecoeur to Franklin. 8vo. "A reprint of a delightful American classic first issued in 1782 and now for more than a century out of print. Crevecoeur, whose full name was J. Hector St. John Crevecoeur, was horn in Nor- mandy in 1731 and came to this country at the age of twenty-three. His book, written in the form of letters from an American Farmer in Pennsylvania to a friend in England, became immediately popular and won praise from Hazlitt, and Charles Lamb. Its graceful Eng- lish style, its love of nature and keen observation of natural phe- CROCKETT. 239 nomena, its cheerful optimism and humor make it as fresh and readable to-day as it was one hundred years ago." Burrozvs Bros. List. 1126. CREW, HARVEY W. Centennial History of the City of Washington, D. C. ; with full outline of the Natural Ad- vantages, &c. Dayton, Ohio: W. J. Shuey, 1892. 4to, pp. 770, 1. 24 plates. This book was written almost exclusively by W. B. Webb and J. Wooldrige. 1 127. CRISSEY, THERON WILMOT. History of Norfolk. Litchfield County, Connecticut, 1744-1900. Everett, Mass. : 1900. 8vo, pp. 648. See Joseph Eldridge. 1128. CROCKETT, DAVID (COL.). A Narrative of the Life of David Crockett of the State of Tennessee. Written by Himself. Philadelphia: E. L. Carey and A. Hart, 1834. i2ino, pp. 211. -f- Boston: Allen & Ticknor. pp. 211. 4" Sixth Edition. Philadelphia: 1834. 121110, pp. 211. + London : 1834. 121110. -j- Twelfth Edition. Phila- delphia: 1835. i2mo. -f- New York: 1837. 121110, pp. 21 1. New York: 1845. i2mo. -f- New York: Wm. H. Gra- ham, 1848. i2mo, pp. 211. A Pictorial Life and Adventures was published in Philadelphia in 1852. 8vo, pp. 193. Also Life and Adventures. Cincinnati : 1833. i2mo. The Same. By the author of Kit Carson. New York: Beadle & Co. i6mo, pp. 96. (n. d.) 1129. . Life of Col. David Crockett, written by Himself. Comprising his Early Life, Hunting Adventures, Serv- ices under General Jackson in the Creek War, Election- eering Speeches. Career in Congress, Triumphal Tour in the Northern States, and Services in the Texan War. To which is added an account of Col. Crockett's glorious Death at the Alamo while fighting in defense of Texan Independence. By the Editor. Philadelphia: G. G. Evans. 1859. 121110, pp. 405. 1130. . Col. Crockett's Exploits and Adventures in Texas; wherein is contained A full account of his Journey from Tennessee to the Red River and Natchitoches, and thence across Texas to San Antonio; including his many Hair-breadth escapes; Together with a Topographical. 24O CROXISE. Historical and Political View of Texas. Written by himself. The Narrative brought down from the Death of Col. Crockett to the Battle of San Jacinto, by an Eye Witness. Sixth Edition. Philadelphia: Y. K. & P. G. Collins, 1837. i2mo, pp. viii, 13-216. Portrait, -f- Lon- don : 1837. i2mo. -)- Cincinnati: U. P. James, 1839. i8mo, pp. 216. + New York: 1845. 1 131. CROFUTT, G. A. Grip-Sack Guide of Colorado. Vol. 1. Omaha: 1881. Imp. 8vo. Folding map. Illustrated. 1132. CROFUT, W. A. ; MORRIS, JOHN M. Military and Civil History of Connecticut, during the War of 1861-5; Com- prising a Detailed Account of the various Regiments and Batteries. New York: Ledyard Bill, 1868. 8vo, pp. 892. Illustrated. -f- Third Edition. New York : Ledyard Bill, 1869. 8vo, 2 1., pp. 891. 14 Plates. Sold: J. G. Smith, 1883, 3.50. 1 133. CROLL, REV. P. C. Ancient and Historic Landmarks in the Lebanon Valley. Philadelphia: Lutheran Publish- ing Co., 1895. 8vo, pp. xii, 334. Illustrated.* Frontispiece portrait of Mr. Croll. First published as a series of articles in the Lebanon daily paper. Story of the early settlement of Western Pennsylvania. Sold: Cresson, 1902, 1.80. 1 1 34. CRONISE, TITUS FEY. The Natural Wealth of Califor- nia. Comprising Early History, Geography, Topog- raphy, and Scenery ; Climate ; Agriculture and Commer- cial Products ; Geology, Zoology and Botany ; Mineral- ogy, Mines, and Mining Processes; Manufactures, Steamship Lines, Railroads, and Commerce; Immigra- tion, Population and Society; Educational Institutions and Literature ; together with a Detailed Description of Each Countv ; its Topography. Scenery. Cities and Towns, Agr cultural Advantages, Mineral Resources, and Varied Productions. San Francisco: IT. TT. Ban- croft & Co., 1868. Roy. 8vo, pp. xvi. 696. Sold: Manson, 1890, 50 cts. ; Child, 1882. 2.25.; Randall. 1901, 80 cts.; Randall. 1901, 80 cts.; S. L. Boardman, 1883, 50 cts.; M. D. Gilman, 1884. 1.25; Bourquin, 1804, 1.00; Cooke, 1883, hlf mo, 5.75; Guild, 1887. 2.75. CROSSWELL. 24I 1 135. CROSBY, JAAZANIAH. History of Charlestown in New Hampshire, from its First Grant by the Province of Mas- sachusetts in 1735 to the Year 1833. Ry Jaazaniah Crosby, Pastor of the First Church in said town. Con- cord : Marsh, Capen & Lyon, 1833. 8vo, pp. 41. Sold: Manson, 1899, paper, 4.00; Darrah, 1904. orig. paper, cover, 3.50. 1 136. CROSS, C. F. History of Lyon County, Minna. Historical and Descriptive. Marshall : 1884. 8vo. 1137. CROSS, DAVID. History of Weare, N. H. Compiled b) a Committee appointed by the Town, consisting of David Cross, Josiah G. Dearborn, Sylvester C. Gould, Abner P. Collins, and Robert Peaslee. Published by the Town. Manchester. 1138. CROSS, FRED J. The Free Lands of Dakota. With a Description of the Country, the Climate, the Valleys. Prairies, Crops, Land Laws, &c. Yankton, Dakota: 1876. 8vo, pp. 31. 1139. CROSS, L. R. H. Bygones. Some Things not generally Known in the Flistory of Northficld, \ T . H. Concord: 1900. 8vo, pp. 15. 1 140. CROSSMAN, JOSEPH W. New- Years discourse deliv- ered at Salisbury, Ct., on Lord's day, Jan. 2, 1803, con- taining the ancient history of the town. Hartford: 1803. pp. 28. 1141. CROSSWELL, JOSEPH. A New World planted: or the Adventures of the Forefathers of New England : who landed in Plymouth, December 22, 1620. An Historical Drama. Boston : 1802. i2mo, pp. 45. Sold: Manson, 1899, 5.25. 1 142. CROSSWELL, SHERMAN. A General History of Con- necticut ; from its first Settlement under George Fen- wick to its latest period of amity with Great Britain prior to the Revolution, including a Description of the Country and many curious and interesting Anecdotes. New Haven : 1829. i2mo. Sold: Henkels, 1901, 3.50. 242 CUMING. 1 143. CROWELL, JOHN (M. D.). Colonial and Revolutionary History of Haverhill, Mass., an Oration delivered July 4, 1876. Haverhill: 1877. 8vo, pp. 38. 1144. CROWELL, ROBERT (D. D.). History of the Town of Essex from 1634 to 1700. Boston: C. C. P Moody, Printer, 1853. i2mo, pp. 166, (3). Map and Woodcut. Sold: Blanchard, 1898, hlf levt mo, git, unct, 3.00; Cable, 1883, 50 cts. ; Manson, 1899, 3.75; Henkels, 1900, 1.00; Thornton, 1878, 2.00; Guild, 1887, 1.12; J. G. Smith, 1883, 1.25; Clogston, 1875, 1 .00. 1 145. . History of the Town of Essex from 1634 to 1868. By the late Rev. Robert Crowell, D. D. With Sketches of the Soldiers in the War of the Rebellion. By Hon. David Choate. Essex: The Town, 1868. 8vo, pp. 488." Sold: Manson, 1899, 7.50; J. G. Smith, 1883, 2.87; Guild, 1887, 2.50; Clogston, 1875, hlf elf. unct. 2.75: Collins. 1902, cl, presentation copy from author, 3.00. 1146. CRUMRINE, BOYD. History of Washington County. Pennsylvania, with Biographical Sketches of many of its Pioneers and Prominent Men. Illustrated. Philadel- phia : L. H. Everts & Co., 1882. 4to, pp. 1002.* Published at $25.00 in a limited edition. Sold: Proud, 1003. russ, git, 9.25; Henkels, 1898, russ, git. 6.00 ; Henkels, 1905, hlf mo, 6.25. 1 147. CULVER, I. F. Alabama's Resources and Future Pros- pects, 1897. By I. F. Culver, Commissioner of Agricul- ture. Birmingham: Roberts & Son, 1807. Svo, pp. 387. Contains historical sketches of the counties and information re- garding the manufactures and agricultural interests. "Undertakes to meet an inquiry that is being made by home- seekers in the South." Preface. 1 148. CUMING (F.). Sketches of a Tour to the western Coun- try through the States of Ohio and Kentucky. A Voy- age down the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers, and a Trip through the Mississippi Territory and Part of West Flor- ida. Commenced at Philadelphia in the Winter of 1807, and concluded in iSo'i. With Notes and an Appendix, containing some Interesting: Facts, together with \ CUMINGS. 243 Notice of an Expedition through Louisiana Pittsburgh: Cramer, Spear & Eichbaum, 1810. i2mo, pp. 504.* "This is one of the most interesting works relating to the West. We believe it to have been edited by Zadok Cramer. The journey was entirely on foot. At p. 324 Mr. Cuming's tour ends, then fol- lows, 'Notes of a voyage from Bayou Pierre to the mouth of the Mississippi in 1799, by a gentleman.' pp. 325-354." "The appendix contains narratives of great importance.' - Thomson, Sold: Hubbard, 1867, 4.25; Mayer. 1870. 3.00; Clogston, 1875. 2.75; Drake, 1876, 2.50; Bell, [895, 3.50: Wood, T 895. 375; Bourquin, 1894, 2.30: Brinley, 1881, 6.00: Guild, 1887. slip, 3.25; Barlow, 1890. 12.00-; Anderson, 1903, slip, cover loose, 3.10; Libbie, 1904, slip (library stamp on title), 3.40; Polock, 1904. slip. 13.50. 1 149. CUMINGS, SAMUEL. The Western Navigator; contain ing Charts of the Ohio River, in its whole Extent, and of the Mississippi River, from the mouth of the Missouri to the Gulf of Mexico, accompanied by Directions for the Navigation of the Ohio and Mississippi, and such infor- mation concerning the Towns, &c. on their Banks as will be most useful to Travelers. By Samuel Cumings. Phil- adelphia : E. Littell, 1822. Vol. 1. Folio. This is the title to the volume of charts. The letter press has the following title : . The Western Navigator; containing Direction^ for the Xavigation of the Ohio and Mississippi, and — Infor- mation concerning the Towns, &c, on their Banks — Accompanied by Charts of the Ohio River in its full Extent; and of the Mississippi, from the Mouth of the Missouri. Philadelphia: E. Littell. 1822. Vol. 2. 8vo. pp. 4, 232, (6). 1150. . Western Pilot; containing Charts • ;" the Ohio River and of the Mississippi from the Mouth of the Mis- souri to the Gulf of Mexico ; accompanied with Direc- tions for Navigating the same, and a Gazetteer; or De- scription of the Towns on their Banks. Tributary Streams, &c, also, a Variety of Matter interesting to Travellers, and all concerned in the Navigation of those Rivers. Cincinnati: 1828. 8vo. + Cincinnati: X. X G. Guilford. 1829. 8vO, pp. 104. Maps and _» Plates. -f- 244 CURTIS. Cincinnati: Guilford, 1834. 8vo, pp. 152. -\- With a Table of Distances from Town to Town on all the above Rivers. Revised and Corrected by Capt. Charles Ross & Geo. Conclin. Cincinnati: Geo. Conclin. 1840. 8vo, pp. 144. Maps. -|- The Same. 1841. The Charts are 43 engraved on wood and printed with the book, each occupying a page. See Cramer, from whom Cuming got most of his data. Sold: 1829 ed. : Brinley, 1881, 4.25; same sale. 1832 ed., 3.50; Cable, 1883, 1849 ec U 37 cts. 1151. CUNNINGHAM, G. A. History of Neenah, illustrated. Being' a Complete Historical Sketch from the "Early Days" to the present Time. Containing also a Full and Complete Record of Neenah in the Rebellion, and a Com- plete City and Business Directory. To which is ap- pended Historical Sermons and Sketches by Resident Clergymen, making a Complete Church History of Nee- nah. Neenah, Wis. : The Author. 1878. 121110. pp. 254, 53- 1152. CURLEY, EDWIN A. Nebraska, its Advantages, Re- sources, and Drawbacks. Ilustrated. New York: The American and Foreign Publication Company, Araer. News Co., 1875. 8vo, pp. 6. 433. Maps and Plates. + The Same. London: 1875. 8vo, pp. 433. Sold: Cable, 1882, mor, git, 1.00; Cable, 1883, London, 1875 ed., 75 cts.; Bourquin, 1804, 1875, N. Y.. ed., 90 cts.: London, 1875 ed. : Guild, 1887, 2.25. 1153. CURRIER, JOHN JAMES. History of Newbury, Mass., 635-1902. Boston: Damrell & Upham, 1902. 8vo. pp. 755. Portraits, maps, facsimiles. 1154. CURRY, DANIEL. New York ; a Historical Sketch of the Rise and Progress of the Metropolitan City of America, by a New Yorker. With Illustrations. New York: Pub- lished by Carlton & Phillips, 1853. i2mo, pp. 339. Maps and engravings.* 1155. CURTIS, C. B. New Castle. Bi-Centennial Souvenir, 1693-1893. Compiled by C. B. Curtis. (With Historical Address by F. W. Hackett.) Concord: 1893. 8vo, pp. 50. Illustrated. Sold: Balcom, 1901, 1.30. CUSHING. 245 1156. CURTIS, GATES. I >ur Country and its People; a Memo- rial Record of St. Lawrence County, X. Y. 3 parts in one. Syracuse: 1891. 8vo. 1157. . A .Memorial Record of St. Lawrence County, \. V. Syracuse: 1894. 8vo, pp. 1160. Illustrated. 1158. CURTIS, JONATHAN. \ Topographical and Historical Sketch of Epsom, New Hampshire. Concord: [823. 8vo, pp. 17. Also in Farmer & Moore's Collections, (2), 321. 1159. . A Topographical and Historical Sketch of Epsom, New Hampshire. Republished by Request Pittsfield, N. H. : Analecta Publishing Co., 1885. 8vo, pp. 12. First published in 1823. Republished by John C. French. Sold: Balcom, 1901, .87; Guild, 1887, unct, 5.25. 1 160. CURWEN, MASKELL C. A Sketch of the Hist. ]>. 191. Portraits and Illustrations. 1233. DAVIS, WENDELL. I'.arnstable. Massachusetts. A De- scription of the Eastern Coast of the Colony of Barn- stable, from Cape Cod or Race Point to Cape Malle- berre, or the sandy point of Chatham, pointing out the spots on which the Trustees of the Humane Society have erected Pluts, &c. By a Member of the Humane Society. Boston, 1802. 8vo, pp. 88. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll.. ii, viii. 1 19-202. 1234. DAVIS, WILLIAM HEATH. Sixty Years in California. A History of Events and Life in California, Personal, Political and Military, under the Mexican Regime, dur- ing the Quasi-military Government of the Territory by the United States, and after the admission of the State into the L T nion, being a Compilation by a Witness of the Events described. San Francisco: 1889. 8vo, pp. 639- 1235. DAVIS, WILLIAM T. Ancient Landmarks of Plymouth. Part 1. Historical Sketch and Titles of Estates. Part 2. Genealogical Register of Plymouth Families. Boston : A. Williams & Co., 1883. 8vo. pp. viii. (2), plate, 312. Maps.* The Same. Second Edition. Boston : Damrell & Upham, Old Corner Bookstore, 1899. 8vo, pp. viii, (3), plate, 383.* DAVIS, i] Sold: Libbie, 1897, 3.75; Deane, 1898, cl, 4.75: Manson, 1899, unct, 5.50 ; Cable, [883,3.00; VVhitniore, [902,4.00; Guild, 1887, 3.50; Hayes & Brown, [900, 3.50; Vnderson, [903, cl, 4.00. 1236. . The New England States, their Constitutional, Judicial, Educational, Commercial, Professional and In- dustrial History. Illustrated. Boston: I). II. Hurd & Co.. 1897. 4 vols. 4to, pp. vi. 498; iv. 499 to 1101 ; iv, 1 102 to I7Q[ ; iv. 1792 to 2608. Numbering U continuous. I2 37- • History of Plymouth, with a Sketch of the Origin and Growth of Separatism. Philadelphia: [885. Roy. 8vo. Illustrated. Sold: Balcom, [901, 2.50; Deane, [898, j.j^; Libbie, 1900. 3.00. 1238. . Professional and Industrial History of Suffolk County, Massachusetts. In Three Volumes. Vol. 1. History of the Bench and Bar. Vol. 2. (Trade, Com- merce, &c.) Vol. 3. (Constitutional History of Boston, &c.) Boston: The History Co., 1894. 4;... pp. 670, i 1., errata: J2<>: 690. Illustrated with full page steel engrav- ings.* Sold: Libbie, 1896, 10.50; Forster, 8.25; Sherman, 1898, hit" mo. 3.00: Libbie, 1898, hit" mo, 4.50: Manson, 1809, 6.00: Brooks, [898. hlf mo. 6.00; Lincoln, 1901. hlf mo, 4.50: Libbie, 1002. hlf mo. 4.50; Cressy, 1903. hlf mo. 6.00: French and Chubbuck, 1004. hlf mo. 4.20. 1239. DAVIS, WILLIAM WATTS HART. The History of Bucks County, Pennsylvania, from the Discovery of the Delaware to the Present Time. Doylestown. Pa.: Dem- ocrat Book and Job Print, 1876. 8vo. pp. xii. (2), 875. : Appendix, pp. $3, contain- the Flora of Bucks County. Sold: Bangs, 1895, 5.50; Stone. [897, cl, 8.00: Henkels, 1900, 3-5°: 4-5°; Henkels. 1898. 11.25; Bourquin, 1S04. 4.75- Harold Peirce, 1903. 6.00; Henkels, 1902, 3.80; Proud. 1003. 8.00: Burton. 1901. 4.00; Richmond. 1809. 6.50: Donaldson. [899, 8.25; Henkels. [904. cl. *,.j^: Henkels. 1905. roan. 4.25: Philips & Shreve, 1901. cl, 3.30: Ander- son, 1903, 5.25. 262 DAWSON. 1240. . The Fries Rebellion — 1798-99. An Armed Resist- ance to the House Tax Law passed by Congress July 9, 1798, in Bucks and Northampton Counties, Pennsylvania. Doylestown, Pa. : Doylestown Publ. Co., 1899. 8vo, pp. xi, 143. Appendix, 14.* "This is a seriously undertaken and exhaustively and ably executed historical monograph on one of the most curious incidents in our early annals — the armed resistance in Bucks and North- ampton counties, Pennsylvania, to 'The House Tax Law' of 1798. As one of the minor rebellions against the new federal authority Fries' insurgency has a place in our history alongside Shay's Rebel- lion in Massachusetts in 1786. and the Whiskey Insurrection in Southwestern Pennsylvania in 1792-94. But while both of these were long ago dignified by treatment in books especially devoted to them, it remained until recently for Fries' Rebellion to receive similar attention. The subject could not well have come into more competent hands than of Gen. W. H. H. Davis, the veteran editor of the Doylestown Democrat, and author of a much-prized history of Bucks county and various other works. Living in the theatre of the home tax war. the author came gradually into posses- sion of a great mass of curious local information in regard to John Fries and other actors in the insurrectionary movement, and com- bining these new and little known facts with the broader ones more generally in the knowledge of historical writers and students, of which he exhibits a most complete grasp, he has made a contribu- tion of real worth to history, whether viewed from a local or national standpoint." Leary's Catalog. Sold: Pennypacker, 1906, hlf mo. unct, 1.75. 1241. DAWSON, HENRY B. The Assault on Stony Point, by General Anthony Wayne. July 16, 1779. Prepared for the N. Y. Historical Society and read at its regular Monthly Meeting, April 1, 1862, With a Map, Facsimiles, and Illustrative Notes. Morrisania, N. Y. : 1863. Roy. 8vo, pp. viii, 156. "250 Copies privately printed. Forms Part xi of Dawson's Gleanings from Harvest Field of American History. Up to 1872 only Pts. r, 4. 5, 6. 11 had been issued." Sabin. Sold: Bell, 1895, a. 1. s. H. B. Dawson inserted, hlf 1110, 3.00: Anderson, [904, paper, unct, 3.10; Libbie, 1904, cl, unct, 3.75. 1242. . New York City during the Revolution. From Manuscripts in possession of the Mercantile Library As- sociation. New York: 1861. Plan. Sold: Anderson, 1904, hit mo. git, unct, 4.00. 1243. . The Gazette Series. Vol. 1. Yonkers, X. Y. : r866. (Second Title.) Papers Concerning the Capture SHERMAN. 263 and Detention of Major Andre. Collected by Henry B. Dawson. Yonkers, N. Y. : 1866. 8vo, 4 1.. pp. 246. Vol. -2. Papers Concerning the Town and Village of Yonkers, Westchester County. A Fragment. Yonkers, N. Y. : 1866. 8vo, 4 1., pp. 293. Vol. 3. Papers Con- cerning the Boundary between the States of New York and New Jersey. Written by Several Hands. Yonkers, N. Y. : 1866. 8vo, 4 I., pp. 159. Vol. 4. Rambles in Westchester County, N. Y. A Fragment. Yonkers: 1866. 8vo, 4 I., pp. 43. "Twenty-six copies printed, for private circulation only. Made up from the columns of the 'Westchester Gazette.'" Sabin. 1244. . Records of the City of New Amsterdam in New Netherlands. Edited by Henry B. Dawson, and Pub- lished by Permission of the Common Council of the City of New York. Vol. I. Morrisania, N. Y. : 1867. 8vo, pp. 79.* Only 100 copies were printed. Sold: Weeks, 1902, hlf mo, git, 2.10. 1245. . Westchester County, New York, during the Amer- ican Revolution. Morrisania, New York City: 1886. Portrait and Map. 4to, pp. 6, 281.* 500 copies printed and signed. Sold: Whitmore, 1902, pap, unct. 6.50: White, 1901, hlf mo. unct, 7.50: Hall, T903, 4.00: Bangs, 1S95, 5.00; Water- bur}-. 1895. pap, unct. 3.00: Anderson, 1903, pap, unct, presentation copy from author to Martha J. Lamb, 3.95. 1246. DAWSON, HENRY B.; DAVIS, WILLIAM J. Remi- niscences of New York and its Vicinity. New York: 1855. I2mo - PP- 3SO. But 50 copies were printed, for presentation. Pp. 58-64 are by Mr. Davis. The papers were written for Valentine's Manual. Sold: Livermore, 1894, 1.00: Bangs, 1900, shts. flded, pres- ent'n copy, 4.00: McKee, 1902. hlf levt mo, git, unct, 8.50; Arnold, 1905, mor, presentation copy, W. J. Davis to J. G. Shea, 6.25; Bangs, Merwin. 1865. 4.50: Menzies, 1876, hlf mo, git, unct, 20 illustrations inserted, 30.00: Donnelly, 1894, mo, git, 3.75. 1247. DAY, SHERMAN. Historical Collections of the State of Pennsylvania: Containing a Copious Selection of the most Interesting Facts, Traditions, Biographical 264 DEANE. Sketches, Anecdotes, &c, relating to its History and Antiquities, both General and Local, with Topographi- cal Descriptions of Every County and all the larger Towns in the State. Illustrated by 165 Engravings. Philadelphia : Published by George W. Gorton. New Haven : Durrie & Peck, 1843. 8vo, pp. 708.* Sold: Bangs, Merwin, 1865, 2.37; Randall, 1901, 3.90: Law- rence, 1896, 3.00; Henkels, 1896, 3.00; Henkels, 1900, 2.25; Murphy, 1884, 2.50; Bangs, 1898, shp, 3.50; Hen- kels, 1901, 2.25; Fisher, 1866, 4.00; Anderson, 1903, shp, 3.15; Brinley, 1880, 4.00; Polock, 1904, shp, 3.50: Bush- nell, 1883, 3.00; West, 1889, 2.12; Randall, 1901, 3.90; Manson, 1899, 3.10; Bourquin, 1894, 2.00; Bourquin, 1894, 1.90; Lawrence, 1896, 3.00: Henkels, 1902, 2.10; Proud, 1903, 1.25; Guild, 1887. shp, 2.50; Hough, 1900, elf, 5.25; Libbie, 1899, 3.12; Bangs, 1902, hlf mo, git, 3-25- 1248. DAY, THOMAS. An Historical Discourse delivered be- fore the Connecticut Historical Society and the Citizens of Hartford on the Evening of the 26th Day of Decem- ber, 1843. Hartford : 1844. 8vo, pp. 36. 1249. DEAN, JAMES. An Alphabetical Atlas, or Gazetteer of Vermont ; affording a Summary Description of the State, its sevral Counties, Towns, and Rivers. Montpe- lier : Printed by Samuel Goss for the Author, January, 1808. 8vo, pp. 43, (1). 1250. DEAN, SILAS. A Brief History of the Town of Stone- ham, Mass., from its First Settlement to the Present Time; with an Account of the Murder of Jacob Gould, On the Evening of Nov. 25, 1819. Boston : Printed at S. R. Hart's, 1843. 121110, pp. 36. + Stoneham: [870. i6mo, pp. 34. Sold: 1843 ed. : Woodward, 1869. 1.00; Cable, [883, 1.25; Manson, 1899, 1.00; Hoffmann, 1877, 1.62; Child, 1882, 60 cts. ; Shurtleff, 1875, 1.50; Deane. 1898, 1.00; Guild, 1887, 75 cts.; Clogston, 1875, hlf mo, 1.87; 1870 ed.: Cable, 1882, 1.12; J. G. Smith, 1883, 1.10. 1251. DEANE, CHARLES. A Summary of the Histor) of New DEARBORN. 265 England to the Time of Andros. Cambridge, Mass.: 1886. Imp. 8vo. Sold: Barlow, 1890, 3.00. 1252. DEANE, SAMUEL. History of Scituate, Massachusetts, from its First Settlement to 1831. Boston: James Lor- ing, 183 1. 8vo, 2 1., pp. 406, (2). Reprint in 1899. "One of tlie rarest of the town histories. A large portion of the edition was destroyed by fire at the time of publication. See Chris- tian Examiner, 12, 163, and Am. M. Rev. i, 72." Sabin. Sold: Woodward, 1869, 5.00; Cable, 1882, unct, 8.75; Brin- ley, 1879, cl. unct, 7.75 ; Brinley, 1880, shp, 8.50; Manson, 1899, c '> unct, 18.00; Child, 1882, cl, unct, 11.00; Cable, 1883, cl, unct, 6.50; Thornton, 1878, shp, 6.50; Whit- more, 1902, 6.00; Clogston, 1875. cl. unct, 5.50; Libbie, 1899, 10.00; Anderson, 1904, orig. cl, with label, unct, 11.50; Manson, 1904, roan, a. 1. s. of author inserted, 5.75; Leonard, 1875, 9.00; Brinley, 1880, 8.50; Bangs, 1897, 9.00; Libbie, 1902, shp, 8.50; Deane, 1898, mor, 23.25 ; J. G. Smith, 1883, with Broadside on satin and newspaper cuttings of town, 10.50; Hoffmann, 1877, unct, 5.25; Shurtleff, 1875, 9.00; Libbie, 1902, shp, 5.25. 1253. DEARBORN, HENRY. An Account of the Battle of Bunker Hill. Written for the Portfolio at the request of the Editor. By H. Dearborn, Major-General U. S. A. Illustrated by a Map, drawn by Henry de Berniere. 10th Royal British Infantry, and corrected by Gen. Dearborn. Philadelphia: 1818. 8vo, pp. 16. Map. -f- The Same. Boston : 1818. 8vo, pp. 8. "For Reply, see D. Putnam." Sabin. Sold: Manson, 1899. unct, 75 cts. ; Menzies, 1876. hlf mo, git, 2 engravings inserted, 2.50; Cooke. 1883, 3.50: Po- lock, 1904, unct, 1.20. 1254. DEARBORN, JEREMIAH WADLEIGH. A History of the First Century of the Town of Parsonsfield. Maine. Incorporated Aug. 29, 1885, and celebrated with Im- pressive Ceremonies at North Parsonsfield. Aug. 29, 1885. Portland. Me.: Brown. Thurston & Co.. t888. 8vo, pp. xiv, (1), 499, (1). 100 ports. Folded plan and plate. 266 DEBOUCH EL 1255. DEARBORN, JOHN JACOB. The History of Salisbury, New Hampshire. From Date of Settlement to the Pres- ent Time. The whole Interspersed with numerous Inter- esting Incidents. Embellished with Maps, Cuts, and Portraits of Distinguished Citizens. Collated by John J. Dearborn. Edited by James O. Adams and Henry P. Rolfe. Manchester, N. H. : William E. Moore, 1890. 8vo. pp. vi, i 1., pp. 888. Frontispiece and Illustrations.* Copyrighted, 1884. Sold: Bell, 1895, 4.50; Balcom, 1901. 4.00; Olcott, 1901, cl, 375- 1256. DEARBORN, NATHANIEL. Reminiscences of Boston. and Guide through the City and Environs. Boston : Nathaniel Dearborn, 1851. 181110, pp. 180. Sold: Shurtleff, 1875, 1.00; Bangs, Merwin, 1865, 25 cts. ; Whitmore, 1902, 50 cts. 1257. . Boston Notions; being an Authentic and Concise Account of that "Village" from 1630 to 1847. Boston : Nathaniel Dearborn, 1848. i8mo, pp. xx, 7-426. List of 30 Engravings, i 1. Sold: Polock, 1895, 3.25; Fisher, 1866. shp, 60 cts.; Liver- more. 1894, 3.00; Cable, 1882, 2.63; Child, 1882, 2.25; Cable. 1883. 1.25; Shurtleff, 1875, 2.75; Proud, 1903, 2.50; Whitmore, 1902, 3.00; Guild. 1887, 3.10: French. 1901. hlf ro, 5.00: Libbie, 1898, autograph of author, a. 1. s., 5-25- 1258. DEARBORN, R. F. Saratoga and How to See it. Con- taining a full Account of its Mineral Springs and attrac- tions, with numerous illustrations. Saratoga: R. F. Dearborn, 1871. i6mo, pp. 70. + Ibid. 1871. Editions were published in 1872, 1873, 1S74. 1259. DE BAR, J. H. DISS. West Virginia Handbook. A Sketch of the State of West Virginia. Farkersburg : 1870. 121110. pp. 193. Map. 1260. DEBOUCHEL, VICTOR. Histoire de la I.ouisiane de- puis la premiere decouvertc jusqu'en 1840. Xouvelle- Orleans: 1 841. 121110, pp. 197. DE COSTA. 267 1261. DECKER, HENRY, Jr. The Village of Menasha, Wis.: its Location, History, and Advantages. Menasha: 1857. 121110, pp. 20. 1262. DE CORDOVA, JACOB. Texas. Her Resources and her Public Men. A Companion for J. De Cordova's New and Correct Map of the State of Texas. 1st edition. Philadelphia: 1858. 8vo, pp. 371. A cyclopaedia of Texas. Sold: Bourquin, 1894, 40 cts. 1263. . The State of Texas. Her Capabilities and her Resources. Galveston: (n. d.) 8vo. Mr. De Cordova also published a Texas Immigrant, and Guide Book to Texas. Austin : 1S56. i2mo, pp. 103. Sold: Henkels, 1902, 25 cts. 1264. DE COSTA, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (REV.). Lake- George: Its Scenes and Characteristics, with Glimpses of the Olden Times. To which is added some Account of Ticonderoga with a Description of the Route to the Schroon Lake and the Adirondacks. With an Appen- dix containing Notes on Lake Champlain. New York: A. D. F. Randolph, 1868. i6mo, pp. 181, xiv. Map and Woodcuts, -f- Third Edition. New York: Anson D. F. Randolph & Co., 1871. i6mo, pp. 186, xiv. Map and Woodcuts. Sold: Manson, 1899, 1869 ed., 1.37: Manson. 1899, 1869 ed.. 62 cts. 1265. . The Fight at Diamond Island, Lake George. Re- print from the New England Historical and Genealogical Register. New York : J. Sabin & Sons, 1872. 8vo, pp. 11.* 1266. . Notes on the History of Fort George during the Colonial and Revolutionary Periods, With Contempo- raneous Documents and an Appendix. New York: J. Sabin & Sons, 1871. 8vo, 2 1., pp. 72.* Sold: Holbrow, 1892. paper, unct. 40 cts.: Bushnell, 1883. paper, unct. 80 cts.: Mansell. 1899. 75 cts.; Hoffmann. 1877. 87 cts. 1267. . A Narrative of Events at Lake George, from the 268 DE COSTA. Early Colonial Times to the Close of the Revolution. New York: The Author, 1868. Imp. 8vo, pp. 75. Seventy-five copies printed. Sold: Bushnell, 1883, hlf mo, by Smith, extra ill., 5.75 : Manson, 1899, large paper, 5.00; Manson, 1899, roy. 8vo, 90 cts. 1268. . The Northmen in Maine ; a critical Examination of the Views expressed in connection with the Subject, by Dr. J. H. Kohl, in Volume 1 of the New Series of the Maine Historical Society. To which are added Criti- cisms on other Portions of the Work and a Chapter on the Discovery of Massachusetts Bay. Albany: Joel Munsell, 1870. 8vo, pp. 146. Sold: S. L. Boardman, 1883. 1.55; M. D. Oilman. 1884, 2.00; Menzies, 1876, 1.50; Polock, 1904, cl, 2.00. 1269. . Hand Book of Mount Desert. Coast of Maine. With all the Routes thither, Descriptions of the Scenery and Topography, Sketches of the History, with Illustra- tions and Views of Mount Desert, and Penobscot and Frenchman's Bay from the United States Coast Survey. Boston: A. Williams & Co. New York: T. Whittaker. Bar Harbor, Me.: A. W. Bee, 1878. 121110, xiii, 161. Published anonymously. Sold: Manson, 1899, 2.25. 4270. . A Relation of a Voyage to Sagadahoc now first printed from the Original Manuscript in the Lambeth Place Library. Edited with Preface, Notes and Appen- dix by the Rev. B. F. De Costa. Cambridge : John Wil- son & Son, 1880. 8vo, pp. 43. Reprint from Proc. Mass. Hist. Soc. 18. (1880-81.) Contains a facsimile of the original MSS title. "It would seem from the internal evidence furnished by the lournal and express testimony of Purchas (Smith's Generall His- toric, p. 203). that this composition was by James Davies, who, in the organization at Sagadahoc, held the office of captain of the fort. This journal was found to he the source whence Strachey drew his account of the colony." U'insor. Hist. Am. .;. 193. "Alexander Brown (Genesis U. S., 1, 141), says that it was probably written by Davies. The preface reviews the story of the settlement, and the appendix reprints the extracts from Gorges, Smith. Purchas and Alexander, from which, previous to the publication of Strachey's DE HASS. account, all knowledge of the colony was derived." Williamson, I, 356. Limited edition, for private circulation. Sold: Manson, 1899, 1.25; S. L. Boardman, 1883, 62 cts. 1271. DEERING, RICHARD. Louisville, her Commercial, Manufacturing and Social Advantages. Including her History, &c. Louisville, Ky. : Hanna & Co., 1859. 8vo, pp. 99. Woodcuts. 1272. DE FOREST, HEMAN PACKARD; BATES, EDWARD CRAIG. History of Westborough, Mass. Part 1. Early History. By Heman Packard De Forest. Part 2. Later Llistory. By Edward Craig Bates. Cambridge : Pr. by J. Wilson & Son, 1891. 8vo, pp. 521. 16 Plates, 6 Maps and Plans. 18 Portraits. Published by Town History Committee for the town. Sold: Coburn, 1895, 3.05. 1273. DE FOREST, JOHN W. History of the Indians of Con- necticut from the Earliest Known Period to 1850. Pub- lished by Sanction of the Connecticut Historical Society. Hartford: Wm. Jas. blamerslev, 1851. 8vo. pp. xxvi, 509. Map and Woodcuts, by Darley. -j- Ibid. 1852. 121110. -f- Ibid. 1853. 8vo. Sold: Murphy, 1884, 2.25; Manson, 1899. 2.00; Manson, 1899, 1853 ed., 1.50; Polock. 1904. 1.50. 1274. DE FOREST, T. R. ( )lden Time in New York. By Those who Knew. New York : Anderson & Smith, 1833. I2m<>. PP- 54- Sold: Bangs, Merwin. 1865, 7.00: Barlow, 1890. hlf mo, 2.50; Gilsey, 1903. 6.25. 1275. DE HASS, WILLS. llistory of the Early Settlement and Indian Wars of Western Yirginia: embracing an Ac- count of the Various Expeditions in the West, previous to 1795. Also Biographical Sketches of Col. Ebenezer Zane, Major Samuel McColloch, Lewis Wetzel. Genl. Andrew Lewis, Genl. Daniel Brodhead. Capt. Samuel Brady, Col. Wm. Crawford ; and other Distinguished Actors in our Borders. Illustrated by numerous Engrav- ings. Wheeling: Published by H. Hoblitzell. Philadel- 2"0 DK LANCV. phia: Printed by King & Baird, 1851. 8vo, pp. 416. 4 plates and folding plan.* "Originally sold by subscription and now scarce." Thomson. Sold: Fisher, 1866, hlf mo, 5.50; Smith, 1867, 4.00; Barney, 1870, 4.00; Field, 1875, 5.12 ; Menzies, 1876, hlf mo, 10.25; Drake, 1876, 5.00; Hoffmann, 1877. 5.00; Bangs, Mer- win. 1865, 1.25; Henkels, 1895, 7.80; Alexander. 1895, 7.25; Bell. 1895, 5-5°; Mann, 1897, 5.10; Murphy, 1884, 3.25; Brevoort, 1890, hlf red mo, 5.25; Fisher. 1866, hlf mo. git, 5.50; Brinley, 1880. 3 letters inserted. 3.50; Drowne, 1903, cl, 5.10; Roche, 1867, 2.25; Guild, 1887, 4.75; Dunbar. 1892, 5.50; Clogston, 1875. 2.25; Henkels. 1899. 4.25; Menzies, 1876, hlf mo, git, 10.25; Field. 1875. cl, 5.12; Perry, 1899, 4.40; Rogers. 1900, 4.50; Cable. 1882. 5.75; Clogston. 1899, 6.00; Henkels. 1899, 4.25; Hangs, 1902, unbd, 4.25. 1276. DELAFIELD, J., Jr. A Brief Topographical Description of the County of Washington, in the State of Ohio. By T. Delafield, Junr., Marietta, O. New York: Printed by j. M. Elliott. 1834. 8vo, pp. 39. Folded Plate. The first County History published in Ohio; it was republished in the Journal of the Hist, and Phil. Society of Ohio. Vol. 1, part 1, p. 82. Sold: Boon. 1870, 3.00; Brinley, 1881. 3.00. 1277. DE LANCY, EDWARD FLOYD. History of New York during the Revolutionary War. and of the Beading Events in the other Colonies at that Period, by Thomas [ones. Justice of the Supreme Court of the Province. Fdited by Edward Floyd De Fancy. For full title, see Thomas Jones. 1278. . History of the Town of Mamaroneck in the County of Westchester and the State of New York, New York: 1886. 4to, pp. 43. Reprint from J. T. Scharf's Westchester County. 1279. . Origin and History of Manors in the Province of New York and in the County of Westchester. New York : 1886. 4tO, pp. 100. Portrait and maps. (inly a few issued separately from Scharf's ''Westchester County." DENISON. ?Jl 1280. DE LANCEY, WILLIAM H. Early Records of New Am- sterdam. An Address before the St. Anthony Club. April 23, 1892. New York : 1893. 8vo. Illustrated. 1281. DELANO, A. Life on the Plains and among the Diggings ; being Scenes and Adventures of an Overland Journey to California; with Particular Incidents of the Routes, Mis- takes and Sufferings of the Emigrants, the Indian Tribes, the Present and the Future of the ( Ircat West. Auburn : Miller, Orton & Mulligan, [854. 121110, pp. 384. 1282. DELAVILLE, ABBE. Eta1 Present de la Pensylvanie. 011 'on trouve le detail de ce qui s'y est passe depuis la defaite du General Braddock jusqu a la prise d'OswcL'<>. avec une Carte particuliere de cette Colonic 1750. n. p. n. d. unii), pp. 128. Map. Sold: Barlow, 1890, 2.50. 1283. DEMAREST, DAVID D. (REV.). History and Charac- teristics of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church. New York: Board of Publication of the Reformed Dutch Church, 1856. i2mo, pp. xxviii, 221. Errata. 1 slip. Il- lustrated by 8 plates.* Mnrc than half of this volume relates i" X\ u Jersey. Sold: Dunbar, 1892. 35 cts. 1284. . The Huguenots on the Hackensack. A Paper read before the Huguenot Society of America in the French Church Du Saint Esprit. W Y.. April 13, [885; before the N. J. Historical Society at Trenton, Jan. 26, 1886 ; before the New Brunswick Historical Club, Feb- ruary 18, 1886. and in the North Reformed Church of Schraalenberg, N. J., February 19, 1886. New Bruns- wick, X. J.: Daily Fredonian Steam Printing House. 1886. 8vo, pp. 24. Paper.* Sold: Henkels. 1899. 25 cts.; Weeks. 1902. 1.10. 1285. DE MOEN, C. G. De Toestand der Hollandische Koloni- satie en den Staat Michigan. Amsterdam: 1849. 8vo, pp. 40. 1286. DENISON, FREDERIC (REV.). Westerly and its Wit- nesses for Two Hundred and Fifty Years, 1626- 1876. In- cluding Charlestown, Hopkinton, and Richmond. By 272 DENNETT. Rev. Frederic Denison. Map, portraits, and views. Providence: J. A. & R. A. Reid, 1878. 8vo, pp. 314. Sold: Barlow, 1890, 2.00; Cooke, 1883, 1.75; Manson, 1899, 2.50; Guild, 1887, 2.50. 1287. . Illustrated New Bedford, Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket. With Sketches of Discovery, Settlers, Wars and Historical Incidents. Providence: J. A. & R. A. Reid, 1879. 8vo. 1288. . The Past and the Present. Narragansett Sea and Shore : Illustrated Guide to Sea Side Resorts of Rhode Island. Providence : J. A. & R. A. Reid, 1879. 8vo. Contains historical notes. 1289. DENNISTON, GOLDSMITH. Survey of Steuben Count)', N. Y. Giving its history from first settlement in 1789 to the present time, original state of the county and settlement, its geology, climate, etc. Map. Albany: 1 861. 8vo, pp. 114. 1290. . Survey of Orange County, N. Y. Its early history and settlement, source of title to land, geology, soils, etc. Map and illustrations. Albany : 1863. 8vo, pp. 100. Reprints from trans. N. Y. State Agricultural Society. 1291. DENNETT, DANIEL. Louisiana as It Is: its Topog- raphy and Material Resources — its Cotton, Sugar Cane, Rice and Tobacco Fields — its Corn and Grain Lands — its Numerous Varieties of Field Crops — its Valuable Grasses — its Fruits — including the Orange and other Tropical Fruits — its Vegetable and Flower Gardens — its vast and valuable Forests of Timber — its Prairies, Bot- toms. Swamp and Hilly Lands — Health and Longevity — Various Popular Errors corrected touching the Soil, Climate and People of the State. Reliable Information for Farmers, Patrons of Husbandry. Labouring Men, Manufacturers, Capitalists, Men of Enterprise, Invalids — Any who may desire to Settle or Purchase Lands in the Gulf States. New Orleans: Eureka Press. 1S76. 8vo, pp. xiii, 288. Folding map of La.* While it is largely statistical, yet there is much (if historical value in this book. \n edition of 10,000 copies was issued. Sold: Randall, 1901, 10 cts. DENTON. 273 1292. DENTON, DANIEL. A | Brief Description | of | Xevv York : | Formerly Called | New-Netherlands. | With the 1 Maces thereunto Adjoyning. | Together with the | Man- ner of its Scituation, Fertility of the Soyle, | Healthful- ness of the Climate, and the | Commodities thence pro- duced. J Also I Some Directions and Advice to such as shall go I thither: An Account of what Commodities they Shall I take with them ; The Profit and Pleasure that | may accrew to them thereby. | Likewise | A Brief Rela- tion of the Customs of the | Indians there. | London : | Printed for John Hancock, at the first Shop in Popes- Head Alley in | Cornhil at the three Bibles, and William Bradley at the three Bibles | in the Minories. 1670. 4to. 2 1., pp. 21.* "The first account of New York printed in English, and very rare. The title-page being printed on paper iarger than the rest of the volume, the date is often cut nit by the binder. The only copy we have seen with the date not cut off belongs to John F. McCoy, whose copy is uncut, and measures 8x6 inches.'' Sabin. "This volume will always command a place in the very front rank of Americana as the first account of New York printed in English. It contains much interesting information told in quaint fashion. In giving an account of the fruits natural to the island the author mentions 'Mulberries, Posimons, Grapes great and small. Huckelberries, Cramberries, Plums of several sorts, Rosberries and Strawberries, of which last is such abundance in June that the Fields anil Woods are died red; Which the Cotmtrey-People per- ceiving, instantly arm themselves with bottles of Wine. Cream and Sugar, and instead of a Coat of Male, every one a Female upon his horse behind him and so rushing violently into the fields, never leave till they have disrob'd them of their red colours, and turned them int.) the old habit." Brayton Ires Catalog. "The title-page was printed on such a large scale that the date at the bottom of it was uniformly cut off by the binder. The datt was so rare that Gowans, the veteran collector and dealer, had not seen a copy with it, and omitted it in his reprint of the book." Bray- ton Ives Catalog. This volume was written during 1670 by one Daniel Denton, an officer of the law. in Jamaica, in Queens County, on Long Isalnd, and is a vivid and clear description of New York city and of the surrounding country (including the present Stat.' of New Jersey) of that period. The inhabitants, their customs, habits and conditions are also carefully noted, the Indians are mentioned quite exhaust- ively, and the whole forms a narrative of great historical interest. "Aside from its physical peculiarities, the subject-matter is of much interest to the collector of Americana or the student of the youth of his country." Reader Magazine. Burrows Brothers Cat. Sold: Brayton Ives, 1801. vellum, believed to be the only copy in this country which has the printed date, perfect copy, unusually clean. 615.00; Menzies. 1S76. red levl mo, git, by Bedford, date restored in facsimile by Mr. 274 DENTON. Harris of London, 220.00; Bangs, 1903, levt mo, in case, by Riviere, imprint cut from title page, 625.00; Brinley, 1880, levt mo, extra, by Pratt, 385.00; Murphy, blue mo, Bradstreet, 1884, 80.00; Stanley, London, 1813, 1670 ed., 11 shillings; Barlow, 1890, vellum, 525.00. 1293. . A Description of New York, formerly called Xew Netherlands, with the Places Thereunto Adjoining. Likewise a Brief Relation of the Customs of the Indians there. By Daniel Denton. A New Edition, with an Introduction and Copious Historical Notes, by Gabriel Furman. New York: Win. Gowans, 1845. 8vo, pp. 17, 52, 16.* "In large paper. 4to. 100 were printed. Five, in folio, Forms No. 1 of Gowans' Bibliotheca. Also reprinted by Historical Society of Penna. Edited by Jobn Pennington. Philadelphia. 1845. 8vo. pp. 16.'' Sabin. Sold: Bangs, Merwin, 1865, 1.12; Balcom, 1901, Penn. Hist. Soc. Print, .50; Brevoort, 1890, 1.50; Brinley, 1880, 1.50; S. L. Boardman, 1883, 20 cts. ; Brinley, 1880, 1.50; Rice, 1870, cl, unct, large pap, 2.75 ; Rogers, 1900, 40 cts. ; Roche, 1867, unct, 4.50; Cable, 1883, cl, unct, 10 cts.: Dunbar. 1892. 1.12; Bushnell, 1883, with Miller's N. Y.. 1843, 2.50; Allan, 1864, 5.00; Barlow, 1890, hlf mo, 2.50: West, 1889, 55 cts.; Menzies, 1876, large pap, hlf elf, git, unct. 6.00; Bourquin, 1894, 30 cts.; Hoffmann, 1877. large pap, unct. 4.00; Shurtleff, 1875, 1.00; Deane, 1898. 1.50; Field, 1875, c l> 1-63; Holliday, 1870, large pap, cl. unct, 1.25; Bangs, 1899, shts. folded, 4.25; Murphy, 1884. 1.75; Harold Peirce, 60 cts.; Polock, 1904, cl. unct, 1.00. 1294. . A Brief Description of New York, formerly called New Netherlands, with the Places Thereunto adjoining, together with the Manner of its Scituation, Fertility of the Soyl, Healthfulness of the Climate, and the Com- modities thence Produced. Also Some Directions and Advice to such as shall Go Thither: An Account of what Commodities they Shall Take with Them : The Profit and Pleasure that may accrue to them Thereby. Like- wise a Brief Relation of the Customs of the Indians There. By Daniel Denton. London: 1670. Edited by John Pennington. Press <>f Historical Society of Penn- sylvania. 1845. 8vo, pp. 16.* 1295. . A Brief Description | of New York | Formerly DE SMET. 2/5 Called New Netherlands | By Daniel Denton. Re- printed from the original edition of 1670 Willi a Bib- liographical Introduction by | Felix Neumann of the Library of Congress. | Cleveland: | The Burrows Broth- ers Company. | 1902. 8vo, pp. 63. Introduction, pp. 32; facsimile title of 1670 edition. Hlf. title: I. Denton's New York, London. John Hancock and William Brad- ley 1670. Title page and text reprinted from a cop\ the original edition in the Library of Congress, Wash- ington, D. C, with kind permission of the librarian. .Mr. Herbert Putnam.* Forms No. 1 of the Burrow; reprints of which there were 15 copies on Japan paper, each one signed bj the iilitor. and 250 copies on handmade paper, uncut, bound in antique boards, each volume numbered. Deckle edges. 1296. DE PEYSTER, FREDERIC. (The Early Political His- tory of New York.) An Address delivered before the New York Historical Society on its 60th Anniversary. Tuesday. Nov. 22. 1864. New York: Published for tin- Society, 1865. 8vo, pp. 76.* 1297. DE PUY, HENRY W. Ethan Allen and the Green Moun- tain Lleroes of '76. With a Sketch of the Early History of Vermont. Buffalo: Phinney & Co., 1853. 121110, pp. 428. + New York: J. C. Derby, 1854. 121110. pp. 42S. + Boston : 1853. 121110, pp. 428. Portrait, map and illustra- tions. Buffalo: 1859. -f New York: 1861.* Sold: Manson, 1899, 1.25; Cable, 1882, 1861 ed., 1.12. 1298. DERBY, JOHN B. A Few Reminiscences of Salem. Mass., embracing Notices of its Eminent Men known to the Author Forty Years ago. Boston : 1847. 8vo, pp. 15. Sold: Woodward. 1869, 10 cts. 1299. DERRY, J. T. Georgia, its Cities. Towns. Scenery, and Resources. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1878. 121110. Il- lustrated. Sold: Cable. 1882, 1.25. 1300. DE SMET, P. J. Missions de l'Oregon et Voyages aux Montagnes Rocheuses aux Sources de la Columbie, de 1' Athabasca et du Sascatshawan, en 1845-46. (Vi- gnette.) Gand : Impr. ec Lith. de Ye Yander Schelden, 276 DE SOTO. editeur. (1848.) 121110, engraved title, pp. (2), ix, 9-389, and printed covers. 3 folded maps and 15 plates. "This edition seems to have been prepared by the author him- self. It contains more material than the edition in English (Oregon Missions) the illustrations are different, and the three maps are entirely new." Stibin. The Same. Paris : Poussielgue-Rusand. A. Lyon, Chez J. B. Pelagaud et Cie. i8_|8. 121110. hit title, engraved title, printed title, pp. ii. 7-408. Printed covers. 13 plates. "The lithographed plates are identical with those in the New York edition. Oregon Missions, from which this translation seems to have Irs! made. In the latter part it follows the other French edition published at Ghent." Sabin. Sold: Dunbar, 1892, 1.12. 1301. . Oregon Missions and Travels over the Rocky Mountains, in 1845-46. By Father P. J. de Smet, Of the Society of Jesus. New York: Edward Dunigan, 1847. 121110. half title, engraved title, printed title, pp. (2), xi, 408. (4). Map and 13 plates. "The two unpaged leaves at the end contain the Lord's Prayer, &c. in several Indian languages. Some copies were subsequently issued without the plates." Sabin. Editions were published in Dutch and German. Sold: Dunbar, 1892, 2.50; Bourquin, 1894, 2.10; Waterbury, 1895, 2.25; Guild. 1S87. 1.62. 1302. DE SOTO, HERNANDO. The Discovery and Conquest of Terra Florida, by Don Fernando de Soto, and Six Hundred Spaniards, his Followers. Written by a Gen- tleman of Elvas, employed in all the Action, and trans- lated out of Portuguese, by Richard Hakluyt. Re- printed from the Edition of 1611. Edited with Notes and an Introduction, and a Translation of a Narrative of the Expedition of Luis Hernandez de Biedma, Factor to the Same. By William B. Rye. London: Printed for the Hakluyt Society, [851. 8vo, 3 1., pp. lxvii, pp. 200, v. Map. " 1303. . Histoire de la Conqueste de la Floride par les Espagnols sous Ferdinand de Soto. Ecrite en Portu- gais par tin Gentil-homme de la ville d'Elvas. (Traduite) par M. D. C. CCitri de la Guette.) Paris: Denys Thierry, 1685. 121110, 13 1.. pp. 300. -}- Paris: Edme Couterot, 1699. i_'m.>. 13 I., pp. 300. "The only differer© between these editions consists in the imprint. For the original, see Relacam (title follows). The follow- DE .SOTO. 2JJ ing is an English translation of this French version. It is - as to numbers, distances and names of places, and very inferior t" that by llakluyt, published in 1609 as 'Virginia richly valued,' and in [6ll as 'Discovery and Conquest of Terra Florida.'" Sabin. Sold: llakluyt ed. : Brinley, 1881, 1851 ed., el. unct, 3.00; Thornton, 1878, 1851 ed., 87 cts. ; Dunbar, [892, 3.00; Field, 1875, 5.25; Hangs, 1895, Lenox Dupl., 350; Men- zies, 1876, Hakluyt ed., 1851, hlf 1110, git, unct, 9.13; Paris, 1685 ed. : Barlow, 1890, 5.00. 1304. . Relaxant verdadei | ra dos trabalhos que ho guernador | do Fernado d' | souto e cer | tos fidal gos Portugueses passarom | no d'scobrimeto da' J prouincia da Fro | lida. Agora | neuaniete feita por hu fidalgo Deluas. | Foy vista por ho sciior inquisidor. ! (Colophon 1 Foy impressa esta relacam do | descoubrimento da Fro- lida I em casa de anfree de Bur | gos impressor caullei ro da casa do se- j nhor Cardeal j iffante. | acabouse aos des dias de Febrei- | ro do anno de mil & quinbentos : & cincoenta & sete annos. | na nobre & sempre leal cidade de Euora. | (1557.) 8vo, clxxx leaves. Original edition. "A volume of the greatest rarity. The only known copy in America is in Mr. Lenox's library. Rich priced it in 1830 at thirty guineas, and says 'Frodida,' which is an error, repeated by Ter naux and Brunet. It is reprinted in facsimile in Vol. 1 of 'Collecao de opusculos reimpressos relitavos a historia das navigac.oes. Lis- bon. iS'-|-|. 4to. pp. 8, xxii, 139.'' Sabin. Sold: Murphy, 1884, Relation of Invasion, &c, 1686, Lon- don, 6.00; Fisher, 1866, Hakluyt-London ed., 1851, 4. 25. 1305. . A Relation of the Invasion and Conquest of Flor- ida by the Spaniards under the command of Fernando de Soto; "Written in Portuguese by a Gentleman of the Town of Elvas. Now Englished. To which is sub- joyned (with separate titles but continuous paging) Two Journeys of the present Emperour of China into Tartary in the Years 1682 and 1683. With some Dis- coveries made by the Spaniards in the Island of Cali- fornia, in the Year 1683. London : John Lawrence, at the Angel in the Poultry over against the Compter, 1686. i6Vno. Imprimatur Title. Preface and Table. 8 !.. pp. 273- "Rennet's Bibl. Am. Trim, lives this title with some variati ins ~dated 1687. See also Purchas, iii. 807. 1532, 1603." Sabin. "Translated from the edition in French, printed in Pari- the 2/6 DE VEAUX. year before. Mr. Rich says the translator seems to be unaware that Hakluyt printed it in English, nearly 80 years previously, that is, in 1609. It is the second printed account of Florida, the Commentaries of Cabeca de Vaca having been printed in 1555. It contains the first relation of the settlement of California printed in English." Field. Sold: Brinley, 1881, 6.00; Barlow, 1890, hlf mo. git, 10.00; Field, 1875, 32.00. 1306. . Histoire de la Conquete de la Floride, on Relation de ce qui s'est passe clans la Decouverte de ce Pais, par Ferdinand de Soto * * traduite en Francois par Sr. Pierre Richelet. Xouvelle Edition, divisee en deux tomes. Leide : Chez Pierre Vander. Aa. 1731. 2 vols in one. Sm. 8vo. Map. Plates. Sold: Dunbar, 1892, 12.50. x 3°7- • Letter of Hernando de Soto, and Memoir of Her- nando de Escalante Fontaneda. Translated from the Spanish by Buckingham Smith. Washington: 1854. Folio. Map. "These translations are made from MSS in the Original Span- ish belonging to the Historical collection of James Lenox, Esq. One hundred copies have been printed for G. \V. R(igg)." Note by Mr. Smith. "Soto conquered the native tribes of Indians of Florida in 15.TO. and this letter, dated July 9th. 1539, addressed to the Justice and Board of Magistrates of Santiago de Cuba, is the official account of the expedition." Barlozt.: Sold: Barlow, 1890, hlf mo, git. unct. 13.00. 1308. . Narratives of the Career of Hernando de Soto in the Conquest of Florida, as told by a Knight of Elvas. and in a relation by Luys Hernandez de Biedma, Factor of the Expedition, translated by Buckingham Smith. Xew York: Bradford Club. 1866. Roy. 8vo., pp. xxviii. 324, (4). Bradford Club Series No. 5. 150 copies. Sold: Murphy. 1884. 2 vols., 25.00: Woodward, 1869. 4.00; Brinley, 1881, unct, 4.00; Waterbury, 1895, cover gone, leaves dusty, 4-75; Wales, 1903, pap, unct, 11.00; Bush- nell, 1883, Imper. 8vO, pap. unct, subscriber's copy, 775: West. 1889, unct, J.JS'- Bangs, 1895, unct, y.2^. 1309. DE VEAUX, JAMES. Memoir of Charleston, S. C. By Robert W. Gibbes, M. D., of Columbia, S. C. Columbia, S. C. : 1846. 8vo. pp. 258. DEW HURST. 279 1310. DEVENS, SAMUEL A. Sketches of Martha's Vineyard and other Reminiscences of travel at home, &c. By an Inexperienced Clergyman. Boston: James Munroe & Co., 1838. 121110, pp. viii, 207, (1). Sold: Woodward, 1869, 6.50; Livermore, 1894, 1.75; Brin- ley, 1871), 4.25; Manson, 1899, 2.75; Cable, 1882, 1.12; Guild, 1887, 5.25. 131 1. DEWEES, W. B. Letters from an Early Settler of Texas. Compiled by Cora Cardelle. Louisville, Ky. : Morton & Griswold, 1852. 121110, pp. 312. -+- Louisville: Hall & Brothers, Printers. [854. 121110, pp. 312. Map. Sold: 1854 ed. : Clogston, 1875, 1.38; Dunbar. 1892, 75 cts. 1312. DEWEY, CHESTER. A History of the County of Berk- shire, Massachusetts. In Two Parts. The First being a General View of the Country ; The Second, an Account of the Several Towns. By Gentlemen in the County, Clergymen and Laymen. Pittsfield : Printed by Samuel W. Bush, 1829. 121110, pp. 468. Woodcuts and 2 Maps. Sold: Patterson, 1896, 4.25 ; Blanchard, 1898, hlf levt mo, git, unct, 5.00; Cable, 1883. 2.25; Manson, 1899, 7-5° S Libbie, 1901, bds, unct. 5.00; Child, 1882, 4.12; Bell, 1895, 6.00; Murphy, 1884, 3.75; Bangs, 1894, 5.50; Brin- ley, 1879. 3.25; Bourquin, 1894. 3.90; Shurtleff, 1875. 2.87; Guild, 1887, shp, 2.12; Anderson, 1904, shp, 4.00; Manson. 1904, shp, 5.00; J. G. Smith, 1883, 2.50; Deane, 1898, 3.25; Clogston, 1875. 3.25; Morris. 1899, shp, 5.50; Clogston, 1899, hlf mo. git. unct, 6.00: Libbie, 1900, shp, 3.12: Libbie. 1901, bds, unct, 5.00. 1313. DEWEY, FREEMAN DANA. Early History of Wau- paca, Wisconsin. Waupaca, n. d. 121110. pp. 95. 1314. DEWEY, SHERMAN. An Account of a Hail Storm which Fell on Part of the Towns of Lebanon, Bozrah and Franklin, on the 15th of July. 1799. Perhaps never Equalled by any other ever Known, not even in Egypt. Walpole, N. H. : 1799. i2mo, pp. 2j. 1315. DEWHURST, WILLIAM W. The History of Saint Augustine, Florida, with an Introductory Account of the Early Spanish and French Attempts at Exploration and Settlement in the Territory of Florida, together with 280 DICKINSON. Sketches of Events and objects of interest connected with the oldest town in the United States. To which is added a Short Description of the Climate and advantages of Saint Augustine as a Health Resort. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1881. i2mo. pp. 7, 182.* 1316. DEXTER, HENRY MARTYN. Memoranda, Historical, Chronological, &c. Prepared to aid those whose interest in Pilgrim Memorials, and History is freshened by this Jubilee Year. Printed but not published for the use of Congregational Ministers. 1870. Boston. 8vo, pp. 39. But 25 copies were issued. Sold: Manson, 1899, 5.12. 1317. DEXTER, SAMUEL. Our Father's God, the Hope of Posterity. Some serious Thoughts on the Foundation, Rise and Growth Of the Settlements in New England, * * *. A Discourse Delivered at Dedham, on the Day of Publick Thanksgiving, Nov. 23, 1738, Upon the Con- clusion of the first Century, since a Church of Christ was Gathered in that Place. Boston : S. Kneeland and T. Green, 1738. 8vo, pp. 51. -f- Second Edition. Boston: Reprinted by Thomas Fleet, Jun., 1796. 8vo, Title, pp. ", S 1 - Sold: Brinley, 1879, hlf mo, unct, 9.00. 1318. DICKINSON, GIDEON. Milford's First Centennial. Milford, Mass. : 1880. 1319. DICKINSON, JOHN. Letters | from a | Farmer | in | Pennsylvania, | to the | Inhabitants | of the | British Colonies. | Philadelphia: | Printed by David Hall, and William Sellers. | 1768. | 8vo, pp. 71. The Second Edi- tion. "The first edition was published in March, and the second in June following. These letters appeared simultaneously in the Penn- sylvania Chronicle and Gazette, in twelve issues. beginning Dec. 3, 1767; towards the close of the series the Chronicle was a few days ahead of the Gazette and Journal, which joined the others with numbers one and two, on the 10th of Dec. They were promptly reprinted in nrarly all the twenty-five papers then published on the continent. Miller and Sower's German papers and the Roston Even- ing Post being the exceptions. The French edition states that 30 editions were published in America within si\ months. This state- ment may have included the newspaper reprints, as only eight in pamphlet form are now known to have been printed in America. DICKINSON. 281 Two editions wire also published in London and one in Dublin." Hildcbum, 2, 75. Sold: Harold Peircc, 1903, 9.50; Cooke, 1883, 3.50; Proud, 1903, 1st ed., 3.50; Child, 1882, 1769 ed., 1.87; Henkels, 1898, 1768 ed., 2d ed., 2.25; Henkels, 1898, 1774. London reprint, extra illus. with 18 portraits, &c, 9.00; Henkels. 1899, 1768 ed., 2.20: Menzies, 1876, hlf mo, Kdes & (.ill. 1768 ed., 2.00; Hoffmann, 1877, 25 cts. ; Cooke, 1883, hlf mo, London, 1778, 3.25; Bangs, 1902, orig. elf. 5.00; An- derson, 1903, unbd, 6.00; Menzies, 1876, J. Almon, [768 ed., hlf mo, unct, 2.00; Hoffmann. 1877. London, 1774 ed.. 1.25; Henkels, 1898, Lond.. 1774 ed., j8 portr. & newspaper clippings, 9.00; Bangs, 1899, same as Hen- kels copy, 14.25; Barlow, London, 1774 ed., 1890, 1.00; Polock, 1904, 3d ed., 2.25; Putlick & Simpson, 1861, 1st ed., 5s. 6d. 1320. . Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania to the In- habitants of the British Colonies. Boston: Printed by Mein & Fleeming, and to be sold by John Mein, at the London Book Store, North Side of King Street. 8vo, Title, pp. 5, 146. To the Ingenious Author, 2 pp. Third Edition. Phila. : William and Thomas Brad- ford, 1769. 8vo, Title, pp. 104. -f Boston: Edes & Gill. 1768. 8vo, pp. 146, (2). -\- London: Reprinted. J. Al- mon, 1768. 8vo, 2 1., pp. iii. 118. -f Dublin: 1768. 8vo. + New York: Reprinted by John Holt. 1768. i2mo. pp. 118. 4- Williamsburgh (Ya.) : 1769. 8vo. Phila.: 1774. 8vo. pp. 136. + London : J. Almon. 1774. 8vo, pp. 136. "My Lord Hillsborough mentioned the Farmer's Letters to me. said he had read them, that they were well written, and he believed he could guess who was the author, looking me in the face at the time, as if he thought it was me. He censured the doctrine as ex- tremely wild. I have read them as far as No. 8; I know not if any more has been published. I should have thought they had been writen by Mr. Dclancy, not having heard of the others you point out as joint authors." Franklin's letter to Son. 1321. . Lettres d'un Fermier de Pennsvlvanie aux Habi- tans de l'Amerique Septentionale, Traduites de l'Anglois. Amsterdam: Aux Depens de la Compagnie, 1789. 121110, pp. xxviii, 258.* Sold: Barlow, 1890. 2.00. 1322. . Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania to the In- habitants of the British Colonics. With an Historical 20 2 DIFFENDERFFEK. Introduction by R. T. H. Halsey. New York: The Out- look Co., 1903. 8vo, pp. 68, 148. A reprint. Edition of 39 copies on Japan paper and 260 on Van Gelder hand-made paper. Illustrated by a portrait of John Dick- inson. "Written in a plain style, didactic yet argumentative, and with illustrations taken from classical and English constitutional sources, each point proven with telling accuracy, John Dickinson's clear exposition of the constitutional relations between Parliament and the Colonies circulated widely, and did much to mould opinion at home and abroad. "Owing to the beauty of its page and typography, and the excellence of its binding, one of the Boston editions was selected for reprinting at The Gilliss Press in a limited edition of two hundred and sixty copies on Van Gelder hand-made paper. "The type used is the Caslon Old Style, the nearest approach to that used in the original edition and the book is set page for page, and line for line with original. "The historical introduction is by R. T. H. Halsey, and there are for illustrations a portrait of John Dickinson (photogravure on copper by Bilbo, after a contemporary print), and a gelatine print in colors, of a contemporary Chelsea-Derby porcelain statuette." Burrows Catalog. 1323. DICKENSON, M. F., Jr. Historical Address delivered at the Centennial Celebration in Amherst, Mass., July 4. 1876. Amherst : 1878. 8vo, pp. 44. 1324. DICKINSON, RODOLPHUS. A Geographical and Sta- tistical View of Massachusetts Proper. Greenfield : Printed by Denis & Phelps, 1813. 8vo, pp. 80.* 1325. . A Description of Deerfield, in Franklin County ; intended as an Exhibition of the Plan of a contemplated Gazetteer of Massachusetts Proper. Deerfield. Mass.: John Wilson, 1817. 8vo. 1326. DIDIMUS, H. New Orleans as I found it. Part 1. New York: 1845. 8vo. 1327. DIFFENDERFFER, FRANK REID. The German Immi- gration into Pennsylvania through the Port of Philadel- phia, 1700 to 1775. Part 2. The Redemptioners. Pre- pared at the request of the Pennsylvania German Soci- ety. By Frank Reid Diffenderffer. Lancaster, Penn. : Published by the author, 1900. 8vo, pp. ix. 330. Illus- trated.* An edition of 250 copies printed. Sold: Pennypacker, 1906, cl, git, unit. 1.25. DILLON. 283 1328. . The Three Earls. An Historical Sketch, and Pro ceedings of the Centennial Jubilee, held at New Holland, Pa., Jul} 4. 1876. New Holland: Ranck & Sandoe, 1876. [2mo, pp. 1 15.* Sold: Cable, 1882, 1.12. 1329. DILLENBACK, J. D. Grand Rapids in 1874. Sketches of the Trade. Progress of the City. Local History, &c. Grand Rapids: 1875. Svo, PP- ^O- 1330. DILLON, JOHN B. The History of Indiana, from its Earliest Exploration by Europeans, to Close of the Ter- ritorial Government in 1816. With an Introduction con- taining Historical Notes of the Discovery and Settlement of the Territory of the United States. North west of the River Ohio. Vol. 1. Indianapolis. la.: Wm. Sheets & Co., 1843. 8vo, pp. xii. 456. "This edition was not completed." Sabin. Sold: Fisher, 1866, slip, 4.50: Henkels, 1900. 2.00: Field. 1875. 2.75. 1331. . A History of Indiana, from its Earliest Explora- tion by Europeans to the Close of the Territorial Gov- ernment, in 1816; Comprehending A History of the Dis- covery, Settlement and Civil and Military Affairs of the Territory of the U. S. Northwest of the River Ohio, and a General View of the Progress of Public Affairs in Indiana, from 1816 to 1856. Indianapolis: Bingham & Doughty, 1859. 8vo, pp. xii. 637. Map. Plate of five portraits, and woodcuts.* Sold: Dunbar, 1892, 2.12; Randall, 1901. 1.80; Child, 1882. 3.50: Cable. 1882, 2.75; Cable, 1883, 4.00: Randall, 1901. 1.80; Bangs, 1896, 3.25; Br. Ives. 1891, cl. unct 2.50: Bourquin 1894, shp, 2.20; Hoffmann. 1877. sewed, unct. 2.37; Field, 1875, cl. unct. 4.00; Guild. 1887. shp. 3.25: Clogston, 1875. hlf turk, unct. 4.12. 133 2. . History of the Early Settlement of the North Western Territory, from its Earliest Exploration^, by Europeans, to the Close of the Territorial Government in 18 16: With an Introduction containing Historical Notes of the Discovery and Settlement of the Territory of the United States. North West of the River Ohio. 284 D1STURNELL. Indianapolis. Ind. : Published by Sheets & Braden, 1854. 8vo, pp. 456. Two portraits. "This book was first published in 1843. as Dillon's History of Indiana, Vol. r. which was all that was published of that edition. The complete work by the same author was not published untii l8 5°- . "The above title was printed separately and pasted in the unsold copies of volume 1; the work contains valuable historical noti s relating to the discoverv and settlement of the Northwest Terri- tory.'' Thomson. Sold: Fisher, 1866, 4.50; Field, 1875. 2.75. 1333. DIMITRY, JOHN. Lessons in the History of Louisiana. from its Earliest Settlement to the Close of the Civil War. To which are appended Lessons in its Geography and Products. New York: A. S. Barnes & Co., 1877. i2mo, pp. 216. Illustrated. + 1878. i2mo, pp. 216.* Sold: Cable. 1882, 75 cts. 1334. DINSDALE, THOMAS J. The Vigilantes of Montana; or Popular Justice in the Rocky Mountains. Being a correct and impartial Narrative of the Chase, Trial, Cap- ture and Execution of Henry Plummer's Road Agent Band. Virginia City, M. T. : 1866. i6mo. This title is included because the book gives one a good idea of the justice of the far territories in the early days. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 1335. Historical Sketches of the Capitol City and account of busi- ness establishments and advertisements, n. p. (1887.) 8vo. pp. 343. Illustrated. (Washington. D. C.) 1336. DISTURNELL, JOHN. Xew York as it is in 1S35. New York: 1835. i8mo. Maps and View. Sold: Anderson, 1904, roan, 3.2-,. !337- • A Description of the City of New York. 1847. See O. L. Holley. 1338. . New York as it Was and as it Is; giving an Ac- count of the City from its Settlement to the Present Time, forming a Complete Guide to the Great Metropo- lis of the Nation, including the City of Brooklyn and t lie surrounding Cities and Villages. New York: J. Dis- turnell, 1876. pp. 296. DODD. 285 1339. DIX, JOHN A. Sketch of the Resources of the City of New York, with a View of the .Municipal Government, Population, &c. &c. From the Foundation of the City to the Date of the Latest Statistical Accounts. New York: G. & C. Carvill, Broadway, 1827. 8vo, pp. 104. -j- New York, 1829. 8vo.* Sold: Harold Peirce, 1903, autograph presentation copy to Dr. Francis, 2.00; 1829 ed. : Holbrow, 1892, 40 cts. ; Weeks, 1902, 1827 ed., 1.10. 1340. DIX, JOHN ROSS. A Hand-book of Newport and Rhode Island. By the author of "Pen and Ink Sketches." New- port : C. E. Hannity, 1852. uinn, pp. xii. 170. Illus- trated with woodcuts. 1341. DIXON, J. M. Centennial History of Polk County, Iowa. By J. M. Dixon, Blind Editor. Authorized by the Board of Supervisors of Polk County. Mrs. J. M. Dixon and J. W. Doughty, Amanuenses. Des Moines: State Regis- ter Print, 1876. 8vo, pp. 389. 22 pp. advertisements. Illustrated.* 1342. DODD, STEPHEN. The East Haven Register; in Three Parts. Part 1. Containing a History of the Town of East-Haven, from its First Settlement in 1644. to the Year 1800. Also, an Account of its Boundaries, Iron Works and Mills, Division of Lands., Controversies with New Haven and Branford, Town Charters. Ecclesias- tical Affairs, Schools, Population and Taxes, Losses by War, Natural History and Curiosities. Roads and Public Lands. Part 2. Containing an Account of the Names. Marriages, and Births of the Families which have first Settled, or which have resided in East-Haven, from its Settlement in 1644, to the Year 1800. Part 3. Contain- ing an Account of the Deaths in the Families named in the Second Part, from the Year 1647 to the End of the Year 1823. Compiled by Stephen Dodd. Pastor of the Congregational Church in East-Haven. New Haven: Published for the Author by A. H. Maltby & Co., 1824. 121110. pp. 200. "An extremely ran local history." Sabin. Sold: Man-..,;;. [899. 9.50; Cable. [882, to. 50; Cable, [883, slip, 5.50. 286 DODDRIDGE. DODGE, N. S. See John Carver. 1343. DODGE, J. R. Red Men of the Ohio Valley : an Aborigi- nal History of the period commencing A. D. 1795. em- bracing Notable Facts and Thrilling Incidents, in the Settlement by the Whites of the States of Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio and Illinois. Springfield, O. : Ruralist Publ. Co.. i860. i2mo, pp. 435. 1344. . West Virginia. Its Farms and Forests. Mines and Oil Wells ; with a Glimpse of its Scenery, a Photograph of its Population, and an Exhibit of its Industrial Sta- tistics. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1865. 121110, pp. 276. Mr. Dodge was an official of the U. S. Dcp't of Agriculture. Sold: Bourquin, 1894, 50 cts. DODGE, JOHN WILBUR. See Washington State. 1345. DODGE, RICHARD I. The Black Hills. A minute De- scription of the Scenery, Soil, Climate. Gold, Geology. &c. Illustrated. New York: Putnam. 1876. 121110, pp. 151- Four sectional drawings, 10 plates from photographs taken on the spot. Sold: Bourquin. 181)4. 20 cts. 1346. DODGE, WILLIAM E. Old New York. A Lecture. De- livered at Association Hall April 27th. 1880. upon the Invitation of Merchants and other Citizens of New York. New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1880. 8vo, pp. 59. Frontispiece portrait of Air. Dodge on steel. ::: Sold: Weeks. 1002, 1.20: Cable, 1882. 1.25. 1347. DODDRIDGE, JOSEPH. Notes on the Settlement and Indian Wars of the Western Parts of Virginia and Penn- sylvania, from the year 1703 until the year 1783 inclu- sive. Together with a View of the State of society and manners of the first settlers of the Western Country. By the Rev. Dr. Jos. Doddridge. Wellsburgh, Va. : Printed at the Office of the Gazette, for the Author. 1824. 121110. pp. v. 316. Second Edition. Winchester: 1833. 121110. "This work i^ the production of a gentleman who was reared DODDRIDGE. 2.SJ in the wilderness, and was intimately acquainted with the whole subject on which he writes; it is drawn from original sources, and almost entirely from personal observation. Brought up in the wil- derness, the inmate of .1 cabin, Dr. Doddridge spent his whole liie in the midst of those dangers and vicissitudes which made up the life of the borderer, and he has detailed a variety of minute circum- stances which render the book exceedingly valuable. "It is one of the original authorities, and although erron> in some respects is in the main correct. This work, and Wither's Chronicles, have long been considered of primary importance in collections of books relating to America, and especially to tl relating to the Ohio Valley; this constant demand has rendered them very scarce, and onlj to be had at a high figure. "Doddridge's Notes is reprinted almost entire in Kerch. Vallej of Virginia, in which reprint Brantz Meyer says, 'some li ties have been taken In way of transposition.' Fn m an "1 1 n; papei clipping we learn that in the infancy of the Protestant Episco- pal Church Dr. Doddridge cheerfully gave his services in its behalf, but in 1820 he announced his intention of resuming the med profession as the means of acquiring a competency for his approach- ing age." Thomson. "It was reprinted in Kircheval's Valley of Virginia, pp. 251-410, and in part in Beckley's Indian Wars." Sabin. Sold: Wellsburg edition: Fisher, 1866. 6.62; Smith. [867, 6.00; Hubbard, 1867, 7.50; Morrell, 1859, 10.00; Wynne, 1875, 10.50; Clogston, 1875, 9.00; Field, 1875. 10.50; Drake. 1876, 9.00; Hoffmann, 1877, 8.25; Bangs. 1895, 5.50: Alexander, 1895, 6.00; Rogers. 1896, 6.50; Bangs, 1896, slip. 6.50; Murphy, 1884, 11.00; Fisher. 1866. slip. orig. binding. 6.62; Brinley, 1880, 7.00; Brinley, [8! t, unused copy. 40.00; Hoffmann, 1877. 8.25; Clogston, 1875, slip, 9.00; Bangs, 1902, orig. slip. 025 : Bangs. i< orig. shp. 8.75; Polock, 1904, shp, 13.00: Henkels. 1905, slip. 13.00: Anderson. 1905. 5.35; Field. 1S33 ed.. 1875. 10.50. 1348. . Notes on the Settlement and Indian Wars of the Western Farts of Virginia and Pennsylvania, from 1763 to 1783. inclusive. Together with a view of the State of Society, and Manners of the First Settlers of the Western Country. 'With a Memoir of the Author by his Daughter. Edited by Alfred Williams. Albany: }••<■; Munsell, 1870. 121110. pp. iv, 331.* "An exact reprint of the original edition, with the addition of the Memoir and an Index." Thomson. Sold: Wickham, hlf calf, gilt, 4 plates inserted. 1895. 3.50; Dunbar. 1892. 2.00; Cable, 1882. 87 cts. ; Chittenden, 1894, 1.37; Cable. 1883, 2.37: Henkels. 1899. 2.30: S. I.. Boardman, 1883. ^j cts.: M. D. Gilman, 1884. 55 cts.; 288 DONCK.. Cooke, 1883, 3.75 ; Henkels, 1902, 2.25 ; Guild, 1887, 90 cts. ; Anderson, 1903, cl, 4.00; Polock, 1904, hlf ro, unci:, unopd, 2.90. 1349. DOGGETT, JOHN. The Great Metropolis for 1845. Guide to New York. New York: 1845. i8mo. -f The Same. 1846, 1850, 1851, 1852. Sold: Anderson, 1904, 5 vols, 4.75. 1350. DOMENECH, ABBE. Missionary Adventures in Texas and Mexico ; A Personal Narrative of Six Years' Sojourn in Those Regions. Translated from the French under the Author's Superintendence. London: Longman, Brown, Green, Longman & Roberts, 1858. 8vo, pp. xv, 366. Map. 1351. DONCK, ADRIAEN VAN DER. Beschryvinge | Van | Xieuvv-Nederlant, | (Ghelijck het tegenwoerdigh in Staet is) | Begrijpende de Nature, Aert, gelegentheyt en vrucht- J baerheyt van het selve Lant; mitsgaders de proffijtelijcke en- | degewenste toevallen, die aldaer tot onderhout der Menschen, (soo [ uyt haer selven als van buyten ingebracht) gevonden worden. | Als Mede | De maniere en onghemeyene. Eygenschappen vande Wilden ofte Naturellen van den Lande. | Ende | Een bysonder verhael vanden wonderlijcken Aert | ende het Weesen der Bevers, | Daer Noch By Gevoeght Is | Een Liscours over de gelegentheyt van Nieuw Nederlandt, | tusschen een Nederlandts Patriot, ende een j Nieuw Nederlander. | Beschreven door | Adriaen vander Donck, j Beyder Rechten Doctoor. die teghenwoor- | digh noch in Nieuw Ncdcrlant is. | t'Aemsteldam, | By Evert Nieuvvenhof, Boeck-verkooper, woonende op't | Ruslandt in't Schrijf-boeck. Anno 1655. | 4to, 4 1.. pp. 100. Reg- ister, (4).* '"First edition of this valuable work, 01 the highest interest for the history of New York, concerning which, sec Asher, No. 7. The engraved view of 't' Fort Nieuw Amsterdam op de Manhatens,' on page 9 is not in the second edition. The recto of the third leaf of this edition is 'Inleydinge Van de Autheur' ; in the second edition it is 'Aan de leeser.' The poem in the first edition is signed G. Ver- biest ; in the second, F.. Nieuwenhoff. What the first folio is to an English collector, a Van der Donck is to an American. When he h:is once screwed his courage to the price of a Van der Donck. he Seldom flinches at any other rare work that may turn up. This first edition usually commands from f.12 to £_>o in Europe." Stevens. DONCK. 289 Sold: 1655 ed.: Brinley, 1880, hlf red mo, fine copy (7%x6 inches), contains 2d engraved view of New York, 85.00; Brinley, 1880, levt red mo, git, by Pratt, 62.50; Murphy, mo, 1884, 55.00; Barlow, 1890, mor, extra, git, by Mat- thews, 125.00. "The second edition contains a map which is not in the first. This map is entitled 'Nova Bclgica, sive Nienw Nederlandt,' and is copied from the rare map of N. J. Vischer. "See Asher's list oi Charts and Maps of New Netherlands, p. 12. It is usually followed by the 'Conditien, Die door dc Heeren Burgermecsteeren der Stadt Amsterdam, volgens't gemaccte accoort met de West-lndische Conipagnic ende dc- Approbatie van hare Hog. Mog. de Heeren Staten Generael der Vereenighde Nederlanden daer op gevolght gepresenteert werden aen alle de gene, dii Coloniers na Nieuw-Nederlandt Willen vertrecken if Amsterdam Mel Consent, &c. "In Puttick & Simpson's Catalogue, No. 2202, i860, a copy i- described as the second and best impression of the second edition, con- taining some variations in the preliminary leaves, which we think i- an error. For the translation see N. V. Hist. Soc. Coll.. Second Ser . Vol. I. After page 16 both editions are alike." Subiii. For titles of tracts by Donck, see Sabin's Diet. America, V. 5. P. 48.?. "Van der Donck arrived in New Amsterdam in 1642. He served as the sheriff of the colony of Rennselaerwyck and purchased an estate on the Hudson near the site of the village of Yonkers. Before this work was published he had printed 'An Exposition of the New Netherlands.' Hague, 1650, in which the administrations of Kieft and Stuyvesant were vigorously assailed." Fields. ^S 2 - • Beschryvinge | Van | Nieuvv Xederlant, | (Geli het tegenwoordigh in Staet is) | Begrijpende de Nature. Aert, gelegentheyt en vruchtbaerheyt j van het selve Landt ; mitsgaders de proffijtelijcke ende gewenste t< vallen, die | aldaer tot onderhoudt der Menschen. uyt haer selven als van buyten inge- | bracht ) gewonden worden. Als mede de maniere en ongemeyne Evgen- schap- j pen vande YVilden ofte Xaturellen vanden Lande Ende een bysonder verhael | vanden wonderlijcken Aert ende het Weesen der Bevers. | Daer noch by-gevoeght is I Een Discours oder de gelegentheyt van Xiew-Xeder- landt, I tusschen een Xederlandts Patriot, ende een Nieuvv Xederlander. | Beschreven door I Adriaen vander Donck, I Beyder Rechten Doctoor. dietegenwoordigh | noch in Nieuw-Nederlandt is. I En hier achter by ge- voeght I Het voordeeligh Reglcment vande Ed: H Achtbare | Heeren de Heeren Burgermeesteren deser Stede I betressende dc saken van Xiemv-Xederlan Den tweeden Druck. ! ATet een pertinent Kaertje vai 29° DONCK. zelve Landtverciert, | en van veel druck-fouten gesuy- vert. | t'Amsteldam, | By Evert Nieuwenhof, Boeckver- kooper, woonende op | 't Ruslandt, | in't Schrijf-boeck. Anno 1656. I Met Privilegie voor 15 Jaren. Sm. 4to.* Collation : Four prel. leaves, viz. : Title, on the referse, "Ex- tract uyt Privilege, &c. ; Four wood-cuts of coats of arms, "Op- dracht, Aen De Hoogloffelijcke, Wel-wijze zienige Heeren. &c. Signed E. Nieusenhof, 2 pp.: "Mitsgaders Aen de Erenfeste Wijse ende seer Waerdige Heeren, &c, 2 pp. ; Aen de Leser, 1 p. ; "Op de Voorstanders en de Beschrijvinge, &c, 1 p.; Map, Nova Belgica sive Nieuw Nederlandt ; Text, 100 pp. Register, 4 pp. Conditien Die door de Heeren Burgermeestern der Stade Amsterdam ; volgens t'gemaecte Accoort met VVest-Indische Compagnie, &c. Title, re- verse blank ; text 5 pp. ; Lyste, 1 p. Sold: 1856 ed. : Brinley, 1880, vellum, with map, and Con- ditien, and with seven rare tracts: 1. Herbert's Zee-en Lant Reyse, 1658; 2. Beschrijvinge van't Koninckrijck Congo, Amsterdam, 1658; 3. Jan Somers Zee en Landt Reyse, 1661 ; 4. Beschryvinge van Nieuw Xederlant ; 5. Journael ende Historis, Amsterdam, 1660: 6. Journal ofte gedenwaerd, Amst., 1639; 7. Korte Beschryvinge van de Ongeluckige, &c, 1663 ; 8. Jaer-Doek der Geden- waerd, 1661 (see Brinley catalog, pt. 2, p. 15), 190.00; Murphy, 1884, with Conditien of 4 leaves, 50.00; Bar- low, 1890, mor, git, by Matthews, 105.00 (lacks Condi- tien) ; Menzies, crushed red levt mo, git, unct, by Bed- ford, 90.00; Weeks, 1902, vellum, git, with Conditien and extra appendix (Conditien), dated 1659, mounted view from Montanus or Ogilby, margin of title mended. 305.00; Cooke, 1883, green levt mo, git, by Bedford (said by Mr. Bedford to be one of the best he ever bound), 75.00; same sale, with map and Conditien, brown mo, git, 72.00; Miller & Bancker, 1898, lacks map, title imperfect, 3.50; Pennypacker, 1906, 1656 edition, full mo. git, inside dentelle borders, Conditien bound in a separate volume, full mo, git, map lacking, 25.00; Puttick & Simp- son, 1861, bl mo, extra, by Bedford, £18. ^353- • A Description of the New Netherlands (as the same are at the Present Time); comprehending the Fruitfulness and Xatural Advantages of the Country, and the Desirable Opportunities which it presents, within itself, and from Abroad for the Subsistence of Man ; which are not surpassed elsewhere. Together with Remarks on the Character and Peculiar Customs DONCK. 291 of the Savages, or Natives of the Land; Also, a Particu- lar Description of the Wonderful Nature and Habits of the Beaver. With a Dialogue between a Netherland Patriot and a New Netherlander, on the Advantages of the Country. Written by Adriaen Van der Donck, Doc- tor of both Laws, at present in the New Netherlands. To which are added the Regulations of the Affairs of the Country, by the Council of the City of Amsterdam. &c. The Second Edition, with a Map of the country. At Amsterdam, published by Evert Nieuwenhof, book- seller. Anno Domini, 1656. (New York: Reprinted, 1841.) Translated from the original work l>\ Gen'l Jeremiah Johnson for the Collections of the New York Historical Society. 1841. "New Netherlands" was also published in Boston, Old South Leaflets, No. 69, n. d., pp. 24. Sold: Menzies, 1876, hlf mo, git, by Bradstreet, portr. of Peter Stuyvesant inserted, 18.00. 1354. . Vertoogh | Van | Nieu Neder-Land, | Weghens de Gheleghentheydt, | Vruchtbaerheydt, en Sobe- | ren Staet desselfs. | In's Graven-Hage, | Ghedruckt by Michiel Stael. Bouckverkooper woonende | op 't Buyten Hof. tegen-over de Gevange-Poort, 1650. 4to. pp. 49. ( Representation of New Netherland, concerning the Situation. Fruitfulness and Sad Condition thereof.) "Its rarity in Europe may be inferred from the fact that the illustrious Ebeling mentions it as probably a printed document, and Lambrechtsen, the late Dutch historian of New Netherland, says, that notwithstanding repeated efforts he had been unable to obtain possession of it." Murphy. "The author was probably Adrian vander Donck. " O'Calla- han's Hist. N. Neth., it. Brodhead, New York, i. I "This small volume of not more than jo pp. is perhaps the most important for the History of New Netherland of all up to the date of its publication. Mr. O'Callaghan. in his 'History of New York, vol. ii, pp. oo-n-126. gives a complete history of it. from the author's (van der Donck's ?) arrival in the Country, his difficulties when writing it, &c, up to his return to Holland." MUller. Sold: Brinley, 1880, 112.50: Barlow, [890, levt mo, git. by Riviere, 35.00. 1 355- • Vertoogh v Nieu Nederland and : Breeden Raedt aen de Vereenichde Nerderlansche Provinticn. Two rare tracts printed in 1649-50. relating to the administration of affairs in New Netherland. Translated from the 292 DOOL1TTLE. Dutch by Henry C. Murphy. New York: 1854. Large 4'co. pp. vii, (1), 190. "This edition of the translation of the Vertoogh, probably writ- ten by v d Donck and formerly published in the Collections of the New York Historical Society, 1S-19, and of the Bret-den Raedt, was privately printed in 125 copies by the care and at the expense of James Lenox, Esq., of New York. It is accompanied by a preface and a learned introduction of the translator, who also added on pp. 101 to 124 and 180-190 a great number of documents relating to these questions, all taken from original sources. A map on page 120 is a reproduction of part of a map in Goos Zee-Atlas." F. Midler. Sold: Pennypacker, 1906, large pap, cl, unct, 4.50. T356. . Representation of New Netherland, concerning its Location, Productiveness and Poor Condition ; pre- sented to the States General of the United Netherlands, and printed at the Hague in 1650; translated from the Dutch for the New York Historical Society with Notes by Henry C. Murphy. New York: 1849. pp. 28. Publ. m Coll. Hist. Soc. 1357. . Remonstrance of New Netherland, and the Occur- rences there. Addressed to the High and Mighty Lords States General of the United Netherlands, July 28, 1649. With William Yan Tienhoven's Answer. Translated from a copy of the original Dutch MS. by E. B. O'Cal- laghan. Albany: Weed, Parsons & Co., 1856. 4to, 3 1., pp. 65, (1). "This volume forms par) 1 f the Documentary History of New York. A few copies only issued with a separate title for presenta- tion. This is not a translation of that Vertoogh translated by Mr. Murphv, but of the transcript of the Notarial copy of the original MS at 'The Hague." Cooke Catalog. Sold: 1854 ed. : Menzies, 1876, hlf mo, git, unct, 9.50; 1856 ed. : Cooke, 1883, hlf mo, 5.00. 1358. DONNELLY, IGNATIUS. Nininger City. Dakota County, Minnesota. Philadelphia: 1856. 8vo. pp. 32. 1359. . "Minnesota:" an Address delivered at the Broad- way House, New York, March 27, 1857. New York: 1857. 8vo. pp. 15. 1360. DOOLITTLE, MARK. Historical Sketch of the Congre- gational Church in Belchertown, Mass., from its Or- ganization, ii ! year With notices of the pastors and DOTY. 293 officers, and a list of communicants chronologically ai ranged, tracing genealogies, intermarriages and family relatives, also embracing numerous lads and incidents relating to the first settlers and early historj 1 £ thi place. Northampton, Mass.: Hopkins, Bridgman & Co., 1852. 1 2111c >, ])]>. 282. Sold: Brinley, [879, 1.63; Cable, 1.87; Cable, [883, 1.75: Manson, 1899, 90 cts. 1361. DOOLITTLE, THOMAS (REV.). A Short Narral of Mischief done by the | French and Indian Enemy on the j Western Frontiers ] of the Province of the ' Massa- chusetts-Bay; I From the beginning of the French \\ ar, I proclaimed by the King of France j March 151I1, 1743. 4; and by the King | of Great Britain March 29th 1744. to August 2d 1748. I Drawn up by the Rev. Mr. Doolittle of North- I field in the County of Hampshire; and found among | his Manuscripts after his Death. | And at the Desire of some is now published with some small Addi tions, to render it more perfect. | Boston : | Printed and Sold by S. Kneeland, in Queen St. | 1750. | 8vo, Title, pp. 22. 1362. DORR, HENRY C. .Rhode Island Historical Tracts. No. 15. The Planting and Growth of Providence illustrated in the General Accumulation of the Materials for Domes tic Comfort the Means of Internal Communication and the Development of Local Industries. Providence : Sid ney S. Rider, 1882. i2mo, pp. 267.* 1363. DOTTERER, HENRY S. Falkner Swamp. Schwenks ville: Grubb & Thomas, Prs. i6mo, pp. 22. First published in Vol. 3. Nos. no. in, of the Weekly Item, Schwenksville, Montgomery Comity. Pa. "Further Information re- garding Falkner Swamp is earnestly solicited for publication in the Item." 1364. DOTY, JAMES DUANE. Wisconsin Territory. (Xo title. Colophon.) Publ. by C. C. Sholes. Madison. (1838.) 8vo, pp. if.. 1365. DOTY, LOCKWOOD L. History of Livingston County from its Earliest Traditions to its Part in the War : r the Union. With an account of the Seneca nation of 294 DOUGLASS. Indians, and biographical sketches of earliest Settlers and Prominent Public Men ; to which is prefixed a Bio- graphical Introduction by A. J. H. Duganne. Geneseo : 1876. 8vo, pp. 685. Illustrated by portraits on steel. 1366. DOUGLAS, CHARLES H. J. Financial History of Mas- sachusetts ; from the Organization of the Massachusetts Bay Company to the American Revolution. New York : (Prof. Edwin A. Seligman, Columbia College, N. Y.) : 1892. Svo, pp. 2, 148. Studies in History, Economics and Public Law, No. 4. 1367. DOUGLASS, BEN. History of Wayne County, Ohio. from the Days of the Pioneers and First Settlers to the Present Time. By Ben Douglass. Wooster. Ohio. In- dianapolis, Ind. : Robert Douglass. 1878. 8vo. pp. 868. 1 1 portraits.* Published by Subscription. Sold: Bourquin, 1894. 1.70; Proud. 1903. 1.25; Woodward. 1903, slip, presentation cop}- from author. 3.00. 1368. DOUGLASS, WILLIAM (M. D.). A Summary, Histori- cal and Political, Of the first Planting, progressive Im- provements, and present State of the British Settlements in North America. Containing 1. Some general Account of ancient and modern Colonies, the granting and set- tling of the British Continent and West India Island Colonies, with some transient Remarks concerning the adjoining French and Spanish Settlements, and other Remarks of various Natures. 2. The Hudson's-Bav Company's Lodges, Fur and Skin Trade. 3. Newfound- land Harbours and Cod Fishery. 4. The Province of L'Accadie or Nova Scotia; with the Vicissitudes of the Property and Jurisdiction thereof, and its present State. 5. The several Grants of Sagadahock, Province of Main. Massachusett's-Bay, and New Plymouth, united by a new Charter in the present Province of Massachusetts Bay, commonly called New-England. Vol. 1. Boston, New England: by Rogers and Fowle, 1749. 8vo, pp. iii, (3)> 568- Vol. 2. 1751. 8vo, 2 1., pp. 416. "This work was original!} printed in numbers, as by W. D. 1 M. D.), the firsl of which appeared in 1747. The first volume was finished in [749, the second in 1751. The death of the Author in Oct.. i75-\ prevented the completion of the work. There are some DOW. 295 copies of volume ii. (With Appendix 'to render this work more complcat, from Salmon's Geographical and Historical Grammar,' 1751.) Boston: D. Fowle, 1753. 8vo, 2 1., pp. -140." Sabin. 1 2f>9- • A Summary, &c. (as before). Boston: New Eng- land, printed. London : Reprinted for R. Baldwin, 1755. 2 vols. 8vo, 3 1., pp. iv, 568. Map. 3 1., pp. 416. "An exact reprint of the Boston edition of 1749 with the addi- tion of a map. Although at the end of the contents of Vol. 1 there is 'Place the Map to face the Title of Vol. I,' no copy has yet been found, in its original state, with the map." Sabin. 1370. . A Summary &c. (as before). London: R. and J. Dodsley, 1760. 2 vols. 8vo, 3 1., pp. iv, 568. 3 1., pp. 416. 3 1., Map. "A reprint of the edition of 1745, almost page for page, with a few alterations and corrections. At the heads of each page are placed the parts and sections. The work is authentic and valuable, and should find its place in every American library. Adam Smith characterizes the author as 'The honest and downright Dr. Doug- lass.' See also Bancroft, iv, 58." Sabin. 1371. DOUSMAN, GEORGE G. On the Number, Locality, and Times of Removal of the Indians of Wisconsin ; with an Appendix containing a Complete Chronology of Wiscon- sin from Earliest Times * * * to 1848. By I. A. Lapham, Levi Blossom and George G. Dousman. Mil- waukee : 1870. 8vo, pp. 27. 1372. DOW, DANIEL. Reminiscence of Past Events ; a Semi- centennial Sermon preached in Thompson, Ct., April 22, 1846; with an Appendix. New Haven : 1846. pp. 32. 1373. DOW, JOSEPH. An Historical Address delivered at Hampton, New Hampshire, on the 25th of Dec, 1838. In Commemoration of the Settlement of that Town. Two Hundred Years having elapsed since that event. Concord : Asa McFarland, 1839. 8vo, pp. 44. Sold: Ralcom, 1901, 10 cts. ; Woodward, 1869, 1.50. 1374. . History of the Town of Hampton, from its Settle- ment in 1638, to the Autumn of 1892. By Joseph Dow, edited and published by his Daughter, Lucy E. Dow. Salem : 1893. 2 vols. 8vo, pp. 1 104. Portraits, Maps and Illustrations. Sold: Balcom, 1901. 8.50; Manson, 1899, 8.50: Libbie. 1902. cl. 5.00: Libbie, 1903, 6.00. 296 DRAKE. 1375. DOWSE, THOMAS. The Xcw Northwest, Montana, Fort Benton ; Its Past, Present and Future. Chicago : Com- mercial Advertising Co., 1879. 4 t0 > PP- 2 4- Illustrated.* A reprint was made in 1880. 1376. DOY, JOHN. The Thrilling Narrative of John Doy of Kansas, or Slavery as it is, Inside and Out. Boston: Thayer & Eldridge, i860. i2mo. + New York: Thomas Holman. Printed for the Author, i860. 121110, pp. 132.* Dr. Doy went to Kansas with the first party of settlers from Boston, in 1854. He was an Englishman, and also introduced the medical system of homoeopathy into the State. He says he put up the first logs for a cabin on the hill where Lawrence now stands. 1377. DOYLE, J. A. English Colonies in America: Virginia, Maryland and the Carolinas. New York: H. Holt & Co., 1882. 8vo, pp. 16, 420. Map. 1378. . The English in America. The Puritan Colonies. New York: H. Holt & Co., 1887. 2 vols. 8vo, pp. xii, 333; xiv - 4i6. Maps. This is the second volume of a series intended to embrace ;he entire history of early American colonization. 1379. DOYLE, JOHN T. Memorandum as to the Discovery of the Bay of San Francisco. Worcester, Mass. : 1874. 8vo, pp. 14. 1380. DRAKE, BENJAMIN; MANSFIELD, E. D. Cincinnati in 1826. Cincinnati : Morgan, Lodge & Fisher, February, 1827. 8vo, pp. 100. Plates 2. See also, Bullock. "A large number of copies of this work were published and circulated, so that even at the present time they are quite plenty. It was also printed as a supplement to 'Bullock's Journey,' published in London, 1S27." Thomson. Sold: Deane, 1898, hlf mo, unct. 7.50; Woodward, [869, 3.50; Brinley, 1881, 75 cts. ; Roche, 1867, unct, 6.00; Woodward, 1869, 3.50: Bangs & Co.. 1871, 3.75; Bour- quin, 1804, 50 cts.; Bourquin. 1894, 25 cts.; Hoffmann, 1S77, 2.00: Fisher, 1 1.00; Guild, 1887, bds, 87 cts. ; Hazen, 1905, bds, 4.40; Hazen, 1905. slip, presentation copy from author, with autograph, 4.00. 1381. DRAKE, BENJAMIN. Tales and Sketches of the Queen City. Cincinnati : E. Morgan & Co., 1838. 121110, pp. 1S0. DKAK.E. 297 1382. DRAKE, DANIEL. Notices concerning Cincinnati. Cin- cinnati : Printed for the author, at the Press of John \Y. Browne & Co., 1S10. 8vo, pp. 60, Appendix, pp. iv. "Without doubt the rarest work relating to Cincinnati; I inn trace the existence of but three copies. The author printed a small number for presents to In, friends. [1 was issued in two parts; the first 28 pag< were published about May. 1S10, and the remainder about August of the same year. The w< rk is divided into five sec- tions: Topography, Geology, Climate, Condition of the Town, Ins- eases. Contains very little- matter concerning its history." Thomson. 1383. . Natural and Statistical View, or Picture of Cincin- nati and the Miami Country. Illustrated by Man--. With an Appendix containing Observations on the late Earthquakes, the Aurora Borealis, and South \\ est Wind. Cincinnati: Printed by Looker and Wallace, 1815. i2ino. Preface ix, Corrections, pp. i, unnumbered, Contents, pp. i, unnumbered. 251. Index. 2 leaves, un- numbered. "Often erroneously catalogued as the first book printed in Cin- cinnati. Facing title is map of Cincinnati in 1815, and at p. 34 map of Miami County." Thomson. "This book is very rare. It is the first Western book of local history ever published." A. G. Greene Catalog. Sold: Woodward, 1869. 4.00; Bangs & Co.. 1871. 5.50; 1873, uncut, 5.50; Polock, presentation copy, 1895, 3.00: Mur- phy, 1884, 1.50; Woodward. 1869, 4.00; Brinley, 1881, hlf mo, unct, 50 cts. ; Brinley, 1893. 4.50; Cable, 1882, 3.50; Barlow, 1890, 2.50; Deane. 1898, 2.62; Henkels, 1900, 3.25; A. G. Greene. 1869. bds, 3.62; Bangs, 1898, hlf mo, 3.12; Conely, 1902. shp, 3.10: Anderson. 1903. hlf levt mo. git. by Bradstreet, 3.25; Wilson, 1905. orig. bds, unct, 7.50. 1384. . A Series of Reminiscential Letters from Daniel Drake, M. D., of Cincinnati, to his Children. Edited with Notes and a Biographical Sketch, by his Son, Charles D. Drake. Cincinnati : Robert Clark & Co., 1870. 8vo, pp, xlvi, 263. Fifty copies on large paper. Sold: Bourquin, 1894. 1.00: Clogston, 1875, 1.62. 1385. . Pioneer Life in Kentucky. A Series of Reminiscen- tial Letters, addressed to his Children. Edited, with Notes and Biographical Sketch, by his Son. Hon. Charles 298 DRAKE. D. Drake, of St. Louis. Cincinnati : Robert Clark & Co., 1873. 8vo, pp. 263. Some copies were printed on large paper. 1386. DRAKE, FRANCIS S. Town of Roxbury, its memorable persons and places, its History and Antiquities, with numerous illustrations of its old landmarks and noted personages. Boston : A. Williams & Co., 1878. 8vo, pp. 475- Sold: Balcom, 1901, 10.00; Olcott, 1901, cl, 5.50; Hassam. 1903, cl, 3.25; Stephens, 1904, cl, 4.25; Child, 1882, cl. unct, 3.50; Libbie, 1900, 6.10; Brooks, 1898, 5.25; Morris. 1899, 6.00; Clogston, 1899, hlf mo, git, unct, 8.50; Libbie, 1900, 4.75; Manson, 1899, 8.50; Cable, 1883, 2.25; Whit- more. 1902, cl, unct, 5.25; 4.00; 3.25; Libbie, 1902, cl, 6.00: Chaffee, 1903, 3.12. 1387. DRAKE, SAMUEL ADAMS. Historic Fields and Man- sions of Middlesex. Illustrated. Boston : James R. Os- good & Co., 1874. 8vo, pp. xiv, 442.* "The heliotype plates were only issued with the octavo edition, being destroyed by fire; the duodecimo edition was published with- out plates." Balcom Catalog. Sold: Chase & Dale, 1897, 8vo ed., cl, 4.75; Brown, 1898, 8vo ed., 4.25 ; Cable, 1882, 2.37 ; Child, 1882, 1.87 ; Balcom. 1901, 5.00; Cable, 1883, 1.37; S. L. Boardman. 1883, 2.75; J. G. Smith, 1883, 2.62; M. D. Gilman, 1884, 2.25; Bour- quin, 1894, 1.50; Hoffmann, 1877, sheets, unct. 1.00; Cooke, 1883, 2.50; Guild, 1887, 1.87; Libbie, 1898, 6.25; Bangs, 1900, levt mo, git, unct, 142 extra plates, 20.00; Libbie, 1901, cl, 4.50. 1388. . Old Landmarks and Historic Personages of Bos- ton. Profusely Illustrated. Boston : James R. Osgood & Co., 1873. 8vo, pp. xvii, 484. + 1874. + 1875.* Sold: Cable, 1882, 1.75; S. L. Boardman, 1883. 1.25; J. G. Smith, 1883, 1874 ed., 1.75; M. D. Gilman. 1884, 1.25: Clogston, 1875, 1.50; Harold Peirce, 1903, 1.50; Shurtleff, 1875, 2.00; Cooke, 1883, 1875 ed.. 1.00; Guild, 1887, 1.70. 1389. . Bunker Hill. The story told in letters from the battle-field by British officers engaged, with an introduc- / DRAKE. 299 tion and sketch of the battle. Boston: Nichols & Hall. 1875. 8vo, pp. 76.* Sold: Manson, 1899, 60 cts. ; Cable, 1883, 75 cts. ; J. < ■. Smith, 1883, 2.00; S. L. Boardman, 1883, 25 cts.; II matin . 1877, 50 cts. 1390. . General Israel Putnam, The Commander at Bunker Hill. To Accompany Drake's Bunker Hill. Boston : Nichols & Hall, 1875. 8vo, pp. 24.* 1391. . Old Landmarks and Historic Fields of Middlesex. Boston : J. R. Osgood & Co., 1876. 121110. Illustrated. -f 1888. Sold: Bourquin, 1894, 50 cts.; Whitmorc, 1902, 1888 ed.. 1. OO. 1392. . Georgia. Its History, Condition and Resources. New York: 1879. pp. 31. Folding Map. I 393- • History of Middlesex County, Massachusetts, Con- taining Carefully prepared Histories of Every City and Town in the County. By well known Writers, and a General History of the County from the Earliest to the Present Time. Illustrated. Boston: Estes & Lauriat. 1880. 2 vols. 4to, pp. 505, 572. List of Subscribers, pp. 17. Maps, Plans, Portraits, Illustrations." Sold: Balcom, 1901, 8.00; Libbie, 1896, 8.00; Libbie. 1897. 7.50: Libbie. 1897. 6.00: Cable, 1882, 8.00; Sherman, 1898, hlf mo, 3.00: Brown, 1898, cl, 7.00; Manson, 1899. 5.75; J. G. Smith, 1883, 9.00; Child. 1882. cl. unct, 7.00; Massie, 1905, cl, 3.50: S. L. Boardman, 1883, 7.50; Knapp, 1905. cl, 5.00; Cooke, 1883. unct. 24.00; Whitmore, 1902, hlf elf, 11.00; Libbie, 1900. 4.60; Hayes & Brown. 1900, 6.00; Brooks, 1898, cl. unct. 5.25; Lib- bie, 1898, 5.00; Libbie, 1899, unct, 7.00; Lincoln. 1901, cl. git, unct. 4.50; Libbie, 1900, 6.25; 1899. 3.50: Libbie, 1902, cl, git, 6.60; May, 1903, hlf elf, 6.50: Libbie. 1903, 4.00. 1394. . Around the Hub. A Boy's Book about Boston. Boston: Roberts Brothers, 1881. i2mo, pp. iv, 267. Il- lustrated. Sold: Guild, 1887. 1.10. 3 DRAKE. 1395. . The Heart of the White Mountains; their legend and scenery with illus. maps. 8vo, pp. 350. New York : Harper, 1882. Sold: Whittier, 1903. presentation copy to J. G. Whittier. 4.00. 1396. . Making of the Great West 1512-1883. New York: Chas. Scribner's Sons, 1887. 121110, pp. 12, 339. With many Illustrations and Maps.* 1 397- • The Making of New England. 1580-1653. With many Illustrations and Maps. New York : Charles Scrib- ner's Sons, 1886. i2mo, pp. x, (2), 251. -+- Edition in 1888. + N. Y. 1894.* Especially valuable for its account of the home life and pursuits of the pioneers. Sold: Manson, 1899, 1894 ed., 1.37; Balcom, 1901, 1.00; Manson, 1899, 1886 ed., 62 cts. ; Guild, 1887. 1.12. 1398. . The Making of Virginia and the Middle Colonies, 1 578- 1 70 1. New York: Chas. Scribner's Sons, 1893. 121110, pp. 7, 228. Illustrated.* Compend of early history originally designed for schools, but of value to teachers on account of the many explanatory notes and references. Frontispiece of Lake Champlain. !399- • The Making of the Ohio Valley States, 1660- 1837. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1894. 121110, pp. 269. Illustrations and Maps.* Stories of American History for Young Readers. Treats of the formation of Kentucky. Ohio. Indiana, Illinois, Michigan and Wisconsin, out of the Northwest Territory. 1400. . The Making of Virginia and the Middle Colonies. 1578-1701. London: i8<;4. 121110. Map and Illustra- tions. 1401. DRAKE, SAMUEL G. Discovery of some Materials for the Early History of Dorchester, General and Particular. Boston: 1851. 8vo, pp. 20. Map and Engravings. This also contains a catalogue of books for sale. Sold: Livermore, 1894, 1.25; Shurtleff, 1875, 1.62; Manson. 1899, 1.00; Deane, 1898, 1.25; Whitmore. 1902, cl, unct, 87 cts.; Guild, 1887, 1.50. DRAKE. 3OI 1402. . The History and Antiquities of the City of Boston; the Capital of Massachusetts, and Metropolis of New England) from its Settlement in [630 to the Year 1670, with notes, Historical and Critical. Also, An Introduc- tory Histor) of the Discovery and Settlement of New England. Boston: Luther Stevens, 1854. Roy. 8vo, pp. x, 840. Plates and Woodcuts. -(- Second Edition. Bos- ton : 1857. 8vo, pp. xii, 816. 20 plates.* Published in 18 parts. too copies only, printed on large paper. Sold: 1856 ed. : Harold Perce, 1903, hlf mo, Chas. Dickens' copy, with his bookplate, present, copy from author to Chas. Dickens, 25.50; Shurtleff, 1875, 18 nos. 6.75; same sale, hlf mo, 11.50; Stephens, 1904, hlf mo, 3.50; Cooke, 1883, hlf mo, git, unct, large pap, 106 additional illustra- tions, 1856-7, 50.00; same sale, 8.50; Cooke, 1883, unct, orig. nos, 5.75 ; French and Chubbuck, 1904, hlf mo, 6.50; Libbie, 1904, cl, unct. 7.^7; Anderson, 1904. hlf mo, 6.00; Field, 1875, cl, unct. 5.25; W. F. Fowle, 1864, bds, unct, 16.00; Guild, 1887. cl, unct, 9.50; Clogston, 1875, hlf turk. 5.00: Libbie, 1901. pts. unct, 18.25 ; Hayes & Brown. 1900, hlf 1110, n.oo ; Bangs, 1900, hlf mo, 4.25 : Sheldon & Allen, 1901, 7.10; Libbie, 1890. 10.25; Pratt, 1899, 10.00; Libbie, [899, 8.25; Libbie, 1904. cl. 6.00; Libbie, 1904, hlf mo, 5.25; Perry. 1899, hlf mo, autogr. of author, a. 1. s., 6.25; Bangs, [899, 2d ed., hlf mo, 7.50; Libbie, 1898, 2d ed., large pap. shts. fold... unct, 15.00; Richmond. 1899, 2d ed.. git, hit nio. 10.25; Libbie, 1900, 7.25; Poole, 1900, 7-:^: Lincoln. 1901. hlf elf, 8.75; Libbie. 1901, hlf mo, 5.00; 1902. hlf mo. 6.50; 8.62; 4.00; May, 1903, hlf mo, 7.00; Wales, 1903. cl. unct. 9.50: Libbie. 1903. mor, 7.50: Bart- Iett, 1903, 6.50; Bangs, 1895, 8.00; Libbie, 1895, 7.50; Balcmn. 1901, 8.00; Bell, 1895, 10.50; Coburn, 1895. in original parts, uncut. 10.00: Jillson, 1896, hlf mo, 7.50; Davenport, [896, hlf mo, 7.25; Bangs, 1 S<>4, tsted., 15.00; Bangs. [894, 1st v.}.. 12.00; Murphy. [884, folio, large pap, slur!.-, folded, extra illus., 20.50: Libbie. 1897, 1856 ed.. 18 original parts, covers stained, paper covers, 6.50; Deane, [898, mor. 0.00: Carruth, 1898. hlf mo. 9.25; Deane, [898. mor. 20.00: Henkels, [898, hlf 1< • git, unct. by Bradstreet, large pap ed.. 1857, 18.00: Brinley, [879.. (856 ed., hlf mo, extra, unct, 0.00: same sale, large pap. portrait of Drake, extra portraits, folded, unct. 14.00; 302 DRAKE. same sale, 1856 ed., hlf mo, extra, unct, extra portrts., 13.00; Roche, 1867, levt mo, git, by Pawson & N., large paper, 18.00 ; same sale, bds, unct, 5.25 ; Rice, 1870, bds, unct. 3.50; Fisher, 1866, hlf mo, extra illus., 6.50; Wood- ward, 1869, 6.00; Livermore, 1894, bds, 12.00; Child, 1882, hlf mo, git, unct, large pap, 24.50; Johnson. 1890, unct, 9.00; Thornton, 1878, 7.25; Puttick & Simpson, 1861, 16s. ; Libbie, 1897, hlf mo, 7.50; Libbie, 1897, 5.00; Terry, 1889, bds, unct, 8.00; Bourquin, 1894, 4.90; Mur- phy. 1884, 6.25; Knapp, 1905, orig. parts, unct, 10.00; Hazen, 1905, hlf mo, unct, 6.00; Libbie, 1905, orig. parts, unct. 15.00; J. G. Smith, 1883, hlf mo, git, 8.25; S. L. Boardman, 1883, 7.12; M. D. Gilman, 1884, 7.38; Massie. 1905, hlf mo. 4.00; Menzies, 1876, 2 v., hlf mo, git, unct. large pap. 44.00; Bourquin, 1894, 4.25; Hoffmann, 1877. levt mo, git. unct. Bradstreet, 36 inserted plates & 2 plans of Boston, 15.50; Davenport, 1896, hlf mo, ~.2y. 1857 ed. : \Yhitmore, 1902, 3 v., large paper, hlf mo, unct, 2 v.. text, 1 v. plates, 13.50; Libbie. 1900, shts. flded. unct. lacks gen'l pedigree, 5.00; Hough, 1900, large pap. hlf mo. git. unct, 9.00; Bangs, 1901. present, copy ir. Wm. Menzies. with autograph, 18.00; Libbie. 1898. levt mo, git, unct, 16.50; Bangs, 1899, hlf mo, 9.50; Probasco. 1899, hlf mo, git, present, fr. author to Chas. Dickens, 16.00; Barlow. 1890, folio, hlf mo, git. unct, large paper. 20.00; Manson, 1899, large paper, shts. folded, unct. 16.00; Cable, 1882, 18 parts, paper, 8.37; Cable. 1883. 18 pts., pap. unct. 3.50; J. G. Smith. 1883. large pap, sheets folded, 19.00; Sewell, 1896, large pap, mor. with 170 portraits, views, &c, inserted. 80.00; Livermore. 1894, full mo. git. 14.00; Libbie, 1902, shts. flded. unct. large pap. 18.00: Rogers, 1896. 5.25; Koecker, 1898. large pap. shts.. 10.50; Eames, 1905, hlf mo, large pap, 12.00; An- derson. 1905. large pap, hlf mo, 12.00. 1403. . Result of Some Researches among the British Archives for Information relative to The Founders of New England: made in the Years 1858. [859 and i860. 1 >riginally collected for and published in the New Eng- land Historical and Genealogical Register, and now cor- rected and enlarged. Boston: Published at Office of X. E. Hist. & Gen. Register, i860. 4to, pp. 130, (1). Also a Drake Catalogue of Americana, -f- j<\ ed. 1863. DRAKE. 303 75 copies were printed on large paper. Three copies on What- man's Drawing Paper. Sold: i860 ed. : Livermore, 1894, 3.25; S. L. Boardman, 1883, 2.50; Manson, 1899, 4.50; Hoffmann, 1877, 1.25; Menzies, 1876, hlf mo, git, unct, large pap, 4.00; Hoff- mann, 1877, 3d ed., 1865, unct, 4.25 ; same sale, 1863, lar^'e pap, 4.00; same sale, Whatman's drawing paper, 6.50; Harold Peirce, 1903, cl, unct, 3.00; Shurtleff, 1875, 3.00; Guild, 1887. 2.75; (i860), same sale, 1865 ed.. 3.75; Woodward, 1903, cl, 3.15; Stephens, 1904. hlf elf, unct, 3.00; Balcom, 1901, hlf mo, git, unct, 4.50; Allen. 1901, 3.00; Anderson, 1904, cl, 3.00; Libbie, 1904, 4.00; Libbie, 1905, cl, 4.50; 1865 ed. : Wales, 1903, levt mo. git, by Bedford, 8.50. 1404. . Founders of New England. Result of Some Re- searches among the British Archives for information re- lating to the Founders of New England made in the Years 1858-59-60. Privately reprinted. Boston: John Wilson & Co., 1865. Roy. 4to. pp. xxi. 148. Map and Portraits. Large paper, 75 copies printed. Sold: Livermore, 1894, 5.00; Cable, 1883. 2.00: Bourquin, 1894, 4.00. 1405. . The Witchcraft Delusion in New England; its Rise, Progress, and Termination, as exhibited by Dr. Cotton Mather, in the Wonders of the Invisible World; and by Mr. Robert Calef, in his More Wonders of the Invisible World. With a Preface. Introduction, and Notes. Roxbury, Mass.: Printed for W. Elliot Wood- ward. 1866. 3 vols. 4to, xcviii, (4). 247. xxix, 212, 244. Nos. 5, 6, 7 of Woodward's Historical Series. Copies on large paper, royal octavo and royal quarto. 280 copies on large paper; 4 copies on Whatman's drawing paper. Sold: Ed. 1865-6: Livermore, 1894. 3 vols., unct, large pap, 50 cops, publ., 4.85; same edition, sm. paper, 6.36; S. L. Boardman, 1883. 4.50; Holbrow, 1892, copy on Whitman drawing paper, unct. 8.25: Proud, 1903, 4.00; Bushnell, 1883, pap, unct, 3 v., 9.75 ; J. G. Smith, 1883, 7.1 1 : Fames, 1905, hlf mo, git, 4.80; Eames, 1905. hlf mo. git. unct. by Bradstreet, 7.20; Field, 1875, bds. unct. n.T,- ; Bangs, 1894, 3O4 DRAKE. 4.87; Stephens, 1904. hlf mo, unct, 5.50; Hurst, 1904, paper, unct, 6.20; Hoffmann, 1877, unct, 6.75; Shurtleff, 1875, 6.00; Cooke, 1883, full mo. git. unct. drawing pap copy, 19.50; same sale, 8vo, 11.25; Wales, 1903, pap, unct. 14.25; Holliday, 1870, unct, large pap, 4.50; Bangs, 1901. hlf elf, 7.88; Stephens. 1904, large pap, unct, 9.30; Perry, 1899, hlf mo, git, 4.80; Libbie, 1902, hlf mo, git, unct, 6.50; Dayton, 1902, large pap, hlf mo, git, 10.12; Cressy, 1903, paper, unct, 7.50; Stephens, 1904. hlf mo, unct, 6.75; paper, unct, 10.50; Woodward, 1869, hlf mo, turkey, extra, by Bradstreet, git top, 13.50; Wood- ward, 1869. one of 4 copies printed on Whatman's English drawing paper, 22.50; Woodward, fcap 4to pap, unct. 1869, 8.25; Brinley, 1879, 9.00; May, 1903, hlf mo, git, 14.25; Brinley, 1879, large paper. 10.50; same sale, unct, largest pap. 9.00 ; May, 1903, large pap, 8.25; Barlow, 1890, hlf mo, git. unct, 7.50; the same, large pap, 9.00; Balcom, 1901, 12.75; Matthews, 1897. 15.75; Murphy, 1884. 15.75; Sherman, 1898. cl, git. unct, 7.50; Olcott, 1901, pap. unct. 10.50; Rice, 1870, hlf levt mo, git top, large pap, 19.50 ; Hurst, 1904. pap, presentation copy from W. E. Woodward, with autograph, 5.55 ; Henkels, 1905, large paper, 6.75 : O'Shanghnessy, 1905, large pap, 4.05 ; Anderson, 1905. large pap, 8.25. 1406. . Annals of Witchcraft in Xew England, and else- where in the United States, from their first Settlement. Drawn up from Unpublished and other Well Authenti cated Records, of the Alleged ( )perations of \\ itches and their Instigator, the Devil. Boston: W. Elliot Wood- ward, 1869. 4to. pp. 306. < Inlj -'50 copies printed. No. 8 of Woodward's Hist. Series. Sold: Balcom. 1901, 6.00; Brinley. 1879. cl, extra, unct. 8.75 : Bushnell, 1883. cl. unct. ^,.2^; Whitmore, 1002. unct. 4.00; Manson. 1899, 11.50; J. G. Smith. 1883, 4. 12; Cooke. 1883. hlf mo, git. unct, by Matthews. 7.00; Proud, 1003. 4.00; Hassam, 1903, pap, 4.25; Stephens, 1904, hlf mo. unci, 3.00; Hurst. [904, pap, unct, 5.00; Miller & Bancker, 1898, hlf mo, git. 8.00: Libbie, [898, cl. unct. 4.75: Morris, 1 81 jo. 0.75; Bangs. iKow, large pap, 4.00: Clogston. 1891), hlf mo, unct. 5.25; Poole, [900, 5.12: Cooler. 1902. pap, unct, 5.37 : Libbie, ;<>-.;. |.oo; Ben DRAPER. 305 kels, 1905, large pap, 3.25 ; Hale, 1905, large pap, unct,. 3-25- 1407. . A Particular History of the Five Years' French and Indian War in New England and Parts adjacent, from its Declaration by the King of France. March 15, 1744, to the Treaty with the Eastern Indians. Oct. 16, 1749, sometimes called Governor Shirley's War. With a Memoir of Major-General Shirley, accompanied by his Portrait and other Engravings. Albany : Joel Munsell, 1870. 4to, pp. 312.* Limited edition, some on large paper. Sold: Sherman, 1898, cl, git, unct, 3.00; S. L. Boardman. 1883, hlf mo, unct, 1.50; Waterbury, 1895. unct. 4.00: Manson. 1899, 6.50; Br. Ives, 1891, cl. unct, 4.00; M. D. Gilman, 1884, 2.25; Menzies, 1876. hlf mo, git, unct. by Bradstreet, 4.50; Hoffmann, 1877. hlf levt. mo, Brad- street, 2.75 ; same sale, cl, unct. 1.00; Harold Peirce, 1903. pap. unct, 5.50; Bangs, 1895, 4-0°; Cooke, 1883, large pap, 2.75; Henkels, 1902, large pap. unct. 3.50; Field. 1875. cl, unct, 3.50: Guild. 1887, large pap. 2.12; small pap, 2.12; Pratt, 1899, 3.50; Polock, 1904. cl, unct. 2.75. 1408. . An Plistorical Memoir of the Colony of Xew Plym- outh. Part 5. Boston: 1867. 8vo, pp. 145. ''A continuation of Baylies' Historical Memoir. See Baylies. V. 1. Contains additions to and corrections to that work, together with an Index." Sabin, Sold: Cooke. 1883, bds, unct, 3.50. 1409. . Early History of Georgia. Embracing the Em- bassy of Sir Alexander Cuming to the Country of the Cherokees, in the Year 1730. With a Map of the Chero- kee Country, from a Draft made by the Indians (about 1750). Boston: Pr. by David Clapp & Son. 1872. 410, pp. 20. Sold: Bushnell, 1883, 1.00; J. G. Smith. 1883. 25 cts.: Chit- tenden, 1894. 50 cts. : S. L. Boardman, 1883, 35 cts. ; M. D. Gilman, 1884, 50 cts.: Hoffmann. 1877, 1.35: Field. 1875. 50 cts.; Bangs, rcjoi, 4.00. 1410. DRAPER, JAMES. History of Spencer (Mass.). from its Earliest Settlement to the Year 1841. including a Brief 306 DRAPER. Sketch of Leicester to the Year 1753. Worcester: Spooner & Howland, 1841. 8vo, pp. 159. Map. Sold: 1841 ed. : Olcott, 1901, cl, .75; Rice, 1870, 2d ed., lilt brown mo, git, top, by Bradstreet, 4.25; Brinley, 1879, 60 cts. ; J. G. Smith, 1883, 90 cts. ; Manson, 1899, 50 cts. ; Cooke, 1883, 70 cts. ; Child, 1882, 62 cts. 141 1. . History of Spencer from its Earliest Settlement to the Year i860, including a Brief Sketch of Leicester to the Year 1753. Second Edition, enlarged and improved. Worcester : Henry J. Howland. n. d. i2mo, pp. 276. Portrait. Sold: Balcom, 1901, 1.00; Deane, 1898, bds, unct, 3.00: Blanchard, 1898, hlf levt mo, git, unct, 3.00; Woodward. 1869, 3.25; Roche, 1867, bds, unct, 1.62; Cable, 1883. 50 cts.; Bushnell, 1883, 1.13; Hoffmann, 1877. 1.25; Manson. 1899, 1.30; Shurtleff, 1875, 1.62; Guild, 1887. 5.50; Clog- ston, 1875, 1.38. 1412. DRAPER, LYMAN COPELAND. Narrative of a Jour- ney down the Ohio and Mississippi in 1789-90. By Major Samuel S. Forman. With a Memoir and Illus- trative Notes by Lyman C. Draper. Cincinnati : Robert Clarke & Co., 1888" i2mo, pp. 67. 1413. . Madison, the Capital of Wisconsin; its Growth. Progress, Condition, Wants, and Capabilities. Madison : Calkins & Proudfit, 1857. 8vo, pp. 48. Paper.* Map, and picture of Madison on last cover. Sold: Bourquin. 1894, 5 cts. ; Hoffmann, 1877, 10 cts. : Hen- kels, 1902, 25 cts. 1414. . King's Mountain and its Heroes: History of tin- Battle of King's Mountain (Wisconsin), October 7th, 1780. and the Events which led to it. Portraits, maps and plans. Cincinnati: Peter G. Thomson, 1881. 8vo, pp. 612. Sold: Hassam, 1903, cl, 4.10; Conland. 1904. cl. 4.00. 1415. DRAPER, SOLOMON. An Historical Sketch of Knox County, Nebraska. Delivered July 4, 1876. Niobrara: 1876. 8vo, pp. 15. DRISKO. 1416. DRAYTON, JOHN. A View of South Carolina, as re- spects her Natural and Civil Concerns. Charleston: Printed by W. P. Young, 1802. 8vo, 2 1.. pp. 25 r. Map and Plates. A German version was issued al Weimar in 1808. Sold: Rice, 1870. elf, git. unct, by Bradstreet, 12.25; Brin- ley, 1880, 13.50; Brinley, 1893, lacks map, 4.50; Cable, 1882, bds, unct, 6.00; Roche, 1867, bds, unct. 10.00: Bar- low, 1890, hlf mo, 10.50; Bourquin, 1894. 3. .20: Hofl mann, 1877, hlf mo, git, by Bradstreet, 12.25; same sale, bds, unct, 5.00. 1417. . Memoirs | of the | American Revolution, | from its Commencement to the Year 1776, inclusive: | as relating to I The State of South Carolina; j and occasionally re- ferring I to the States of | North Carolina and Georgia. In two vols. Charleston: A. E. Miller. | 1821. 8vo, pp. 27, 430; 399, errata. Frontisp. portrait of Wm. Henry Drayton. Map. 1418. DROWN, S. DE WITT. The Peoria Directory for 1844. with a History of the Town. Peoria, 111.: 1844. 121110. 1419. . Record and Historical View of Peoria, from the Discovery by the French Jesuit missionaries in the Sev- enteenth Century to the Present Time. To which is added a Business Directory of the City. Peoria: E. < >. Woodcock. 1850. 121110, pp. 164. 1420. DROWNE, SOLOMON. An Oration delivered at Ma- rietta, April 7, 1789, in Commemoration of the Com- mencement of the Settlement formed by the Ohio Com- pany. Worcester, Mass.: Isaiah Thomas, 1789. Roy. 4to, pp. 17. Sold: Brinley. i88r, large pap. hlf mo, unci. 8.00. 1421. DRISKO, GEORGE W. The Revolution. Life of Han- nah Weston; with a brief Record of her Ancestry. Also a condensed History of the first Settlement of Jones- borough, Machias and other neighboring Towns. By a Citizen. Machias. Me.: C. O. Furbush S Co., [857. i6mo, pp. 163. Sold: Manson. 1899, 1.50: S. L. Boardman, 1883. j^, ct.». 30.S DUDLEY. 1422. DUBOIS, ANSON. A History of the Town of Flatlands. Kings County. X. Y. Brooklyn: 1884. But 50 copies were printed. 1423. DUBOIS, JAMES T.; PIKE, WILLIAM J. The Cen- tennial of Susquehanna County, Penna. Washington. D. C. : Gray & Clarkson. 1888. 8vo, pp. 138. i 1.* 1424. DUBROCA. L'ltineraire des Francais dans la Louisiane, contenant Thistoire de cette colonie Francaise. sa descrip- tion, le tableau des moeurs des peuples qui l'habitant, l'etat de son commerce au moment de sa cession a l'Es- pagne et le degre de prosperite dont elle est susceptible ; d'Apres les renseignements et les relations les plus au- thentiques. A Paris: 1802. i6mo. pp. (1), 104. Map. 1425. DU BOSE, JOEL CAMPBELL. Sketches of Alabama History. Philadelphia: Eldridge. 1901. 121110. pp. 275. 1426. DUDLEY, DEAN. Plymouth and Barnstable Counties. Directory and History for 1873-4. Boston: 1873. 8vo. pp. 206. History of all towns in Plymouth and Barnstable counties. Sold: Manson. 1800. [.25. 1427. DUDLEY, DOROTHY (MISS GREELEY). Theatrum Majorum. The Cambridge of 1776: Wherein is set forth an Account of the Town, and of the Events it Witnessed: With which is Incorporated The Diary of Dorothy Dud- Icy, now first published : Together with an Historicall Sketch: Severall Appropriate Poems: Numerous Anec- dotes, patriotick. weighty, indifferent, and diverting; Many References to the Renowned University; and De- scriptions of the People of the Olden Time. All of which is adapted to the furtherance of Good Manners. Virtue Piety, Intelligence. Love of Country, and Admiration of Cambridge. Done by Divers Eminent Hands, and Edited for the Ladies Centennial Committee by A. < ', Adorned with Cuts and a Map. Cambridge: Printed on the Sile of Fort Number One: Over against the Town of Brighton, on the River Side. To be sold in Boston by Lockwood Brooks X' Co. on Washington an. I Brom field Sts.. 1870. 8vo, pp. 5. (41. 123. Illustrated.- 'li, Diarj was written !>■• Miss A Greeley; there are also i les 1>\ oilu r authoi -. DUFUR. 309 Sold: Olcott, 1901, .75; Cable, 1882, cl, unci. 1.50; Cable, 1883, shts, unct, 50 cts. ; Livermore, 1894, 50 cts.; Man- son, [899, 1.75; Guild, 1887, 20 cts.; Balcom, [901, 50 cts. 1428. DUDLEY, MYRON S. History of Cromwell, a Sketch by Rev. M. S. Dudley. Middletown : Constitution Office, 1880. 8vo, pp. 36.* Based on a Centennial Discourse delivered at Cromwell, July 16. 1876. Sold: Cable, 1883, 2s cts.; Guild, 1887, 62 cts.: Henkels, [899, 25 cts.; M. D. Gilman, 1884, 60 cts. 1429. DUDLEY, THOMAS (GOV.). Massachusetts, or the First Planters of New England, the End and Manner of their coming thither, and Abode there. In Several Epistles to the Countess of Lincoln. With a Conclusion by John Cotton. (Signed T. D.) Boston, New Eng- land: B. Green & J. Allen, Printers, 1696. 121110. pp. 56. Reprint. Mass. Hist. Coll., 8, 36. N. H. Coll., V. 4. Force's Tracts, V. 2, No. 4, with notes by Dr. John Farmer. Chronicles of Mass. Bay, by Dr. A. Young. Boston, 1846. See Scottow. Sold: 1696 ed. : Murphy. 1884, red mo, git. by Trait. 50.00; French and Chubbuck, 1904. Icvt mo, extra, git, by Ri- viere, 90.00. 1430. DUER, WILLIAM ALEXANDER. New York as it was during the Latter Part of the Last Century. An Anni- versary Address delivered before the St. Nicholas Society of the City of New York, Dec. 1st, 1848. Xew York: 1849. 8vo, pp. 48. Sold: Henkels, 1901, 2.60: Anderson, 1904, lilf ro, git. orig. pap covers bd in, 4.75. 1431. . Reminiscences of an Old New Yorker. Xew York : Printed for W. L. Andrews. 1867. 8vo. "Thirty-five copies privately printed for VV. L. Andrews, Esq. These articles originally appeared in 'The American Mail.' 1847. and have become so scare that but one copy could be obtained from which to reprint this volume." Sabin. Sold: Hoffmann, 1877. 10.25. 1432. DUFUR, A. J. Statistics of the State of Oregon. Contain- ing a Description of the Agricultural Development, Natu- ral and Industrial Resources. Together with the Physi- 310 DUNBAR. cal, Geographical. Geological, and Mineral Statistics of the State. Salem, Oregon : Willamette Farmer Office, 1869. 8vo, pp. 128. 1433. DUGAN, M. C. Outline History of Annapolis and the Naval Academy. Baltimore, Md. : B. G. Eichelberger, 1902. 121110, pp. 70. Illustrated. 1434. DUGANNE, AUGUSTINE J. H. California and her Gold Regions. Philadelphia: 1849. 121110. Sold: Dunbar, 1892, 75 cts. 1435. DUIS, E. (DR.). The Good Old Times in McLean County, Illinois. Containing two hundred and sixty-one Sketches of Old Settlers ; a complete Historical Sketch of the Black Hawk War, and Descriptions of all Matters re- lating to McLean Count}'. Bloomington : The Leader Publishing and Printing House. 1874. 8vo. pp. xvi, 865. Appendix of Advertisements of Business Houses.* 1436. DULANY, W. J. C. Dulany's History of Maryland. From 1632 to 1881. Prepared for the use of Schools in the State. By a Marylander. With numerous Illustrations. Baltimore: Wm. J. C. Dulany and Company, 1881. 8vo, pp. 295. Map.* DUMONT. See Butel-Dumont. 1437. DUNBAR, EDWARD E. The Romance of the Age; or. the Discover}- of Gold in California. New York : D. Appleton & Co.. 1867. i6mo, pp. 134. Portrait of Sut- ter.* 1438. DUNBAR, ELIJAH. Sermon preached at the Ordination of Rev. William Richey, Canton, July 1, 1807. Also an Appendix giving an Historical Account of Churches in Canton. Sharon, and Stoughton. Dedham : 1809. 8vo. pp. 29. 1439. DUNBAR, W. Discoveries made in Exploring the Mis- souri, Red River and Washita, by Captains Lewis and Clark, Doctors Sibley and William Dunbar, Esq., with a Statistical Account of the Counties adjacent, with an Appendix. Natchez: Printed by Andrus. Marshall & ( !< ... [806. 8vo, pp. 174. DUNN. 3 I I 1440. DUNHAM, SAMUEL. An Historical Discourse delivered at West Brookfield, Mass., on the Occasion of the One Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary of the First Church in Brookfield, Oct. 16, 1867, With a Poem and Appendix. Springfield. Mass. : Samuel Bowles & Co., Printers, 1867. 8vo, pp. 123. i<4i. DUNLAP, WILLIAM. History of the New Netherlands. Province of New York, and State of New York, to the Adoption of the Federal Constitution. New York : Printed by Carter & Thorp. 1839-40. 2 vols. 8vo, pp. 487; 282, ccxlvi, 1 1. Portrait of Peter Stuyvesant, and Maps.* Sold: Bushnell, 1883, elf, git, 5.50; same sale, cl, portrait missing, 3.25; S. L. Boardman, 1883. 5.00; Barlow, 1890. hlf mo, 8.00; Weeks, 1902, bds, 5.00; Menzies, 1876, hlf mo, git, unlettered artist proof of author and other illus. inserted, 10.00; Anderson, 1904, hlf ro, git, unct, 6.00: Knickerbocker, 1905, hlf mo, 6.20; Stone. 1897, bds, 4.00; Baxter, 1898, bds, 5.00; Fisher, 1866, 8.00; Brinley, 1880. hlf gr elf, 4.00; Brinley, 1893, 6.00; Bourquin, 1894, bds, 4.20; Bangs, 1894, 11.50; Bangs, Merwin. 1865, 4.50; Brevoort, 1890, 2.00; Holbrow, 1892, 8.00; Hoffmann. 1877, illustrated copy with many portraits loosely in- serted, 7.00; Brinley, 1880, 4.00; Polock, 1895, 4.40: Bangs, 1895, 4.25; Bell, 1895, 5.00: De Yoe, 1896, 4.00; Sewall, 1896, 8.50; Roberts, 1896, 6.50; Matthews, 1897, 9.50; Mann, 1897, 5.00; Murphy, 1884. green mo. git, 9.00; Cooke, 1883, hlf mo, git, illus. inserted, artist's proof portrait of author inserted, 17.00; same sale, hlf mo, 12.00; Henkels, 1902. bds, 6.20; Field. 1875. 4°° '< Guild. 1887, bds, 4.00; Hough, 1900. 5.20; Beveridge, 1901, 4.50; Anderson, 1903, 7.50; Polock, 1904, orig. cl. 4.60. 1442. . A History of New York for Schools. New York : Harper & Brothers, 1837. i8mo, pp. 216, 268. 2 vols. -)- New York: 1844. + New York: 1855.* Sold: Brinley, 1880, 60 cts. ; Davis, 1865, 60 cts. ; Wood- ward, 1869, 20 cts. ; Cable, 1883, 20 cts. 1443. DUNN, JOHN. History of the Oregon Territory and British North American Fur Trade : with an Account of the Habits and Customs of the Principal Native Tribes 312 DUNTON. on the Northern Continent. By John Dunn, late of the Hudson's Bay Company, Eight Years a Resident in the Country. London : Edwards and Hughes, 1844. 8vo, pp. viii, 359. Map. + Second Edition. 1846. 8vo, pp. viii, 359. Map.* Reprinted in Smith's Weekly Volume, Vol. 1. Phila.. 1845. 4to. Also under the title : 1444. . The Oregon Territory and the British North American Fur Trade. With an Account of the Habits and Customs of the Principal Native Tribes of the North- ern Continent. Philadelphia: G. B. Zieber & Co., 1845. i8mo, pp. 236. 8 pp. book advertisements.* The Home and Traveller's Library No. 8. Sold: 1844 ed. : Guild, 1887, cl, unct. 6.50: Stephens. 1904, cl, unct, 6.00; Brinley, 1881, 75 cts.: Henkels. 1900, 20 cts. ; Waterbury, 1895, 75 cts I Cable, 1882, 55 cts. ; Bour- quin, 1894, 30 cts.: Field, 1875. 25 cts.; A. G. Greene, 1869, 50 cts.; Field, 1875, 1.75. 1445. DUNN, J. P., Jr. Indiana ; a redemption from Slavery. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1888. 121110, pp. viii, 453- Map.* American Commonwealth Series. 1446. DUNN. Dunn's Illustrated Review of St. Joseph, Missouri, comprising a Brief History of the Metropolis of the West. 1887. 4to. Illustrated. Sold: Henkels, 1900, 1.40. 1447. DUNNING, A. A Historical Discourse preached in Thompson, Ct., Feb., 1855. Worcester, Mass.: 1855. pp. 62. 1448. DUNNINGTON, G. A. History and Progress of Marion County, West Virginia, from its Earliest Settlement. Fairmont : 1880. i2mo. 1449. DUNTON, JOHN. Letters written from New England, A. D. 1686. By John Dunton. In which are described his Voyages by Sea, his Travels on Land, and the Char- acters of his Friends and Acquaintances. Now First Published from the Original Manuscript, In the Bodleian Library, Oxford, with Notes and an Appendix, by W . IT. Hi' PRATZ. 3 13 Whitmore. Boston: Published for the Prince Society, 1867. 4(0, pp. xxiv, 340. 100 copies printed in flscap 4to and jo in rl. 4to. Sold: Woodward, 1869, unct, large paper ed., 20 cops., 3.75 ; Brinley, 1879, unct, 5.00; Roche, 1867, rl. 4to, unct. 6.00; Idem., rlscp, unct, 6.50; Manson, 1890, la 1 f mo, unct, git, 14.00; Libbie, 1901, lilf mo, extra, unct, git, 11.50: Whit- more, 1902, full mo, git, 21.00; Wales, 1903. pap, unct, 18.00; Clogston, 1899, hlf mo, git, unct, 8.00: Poole, [900, hlf mo, git, 7.2$; Libbie, [901, hlf mo, git, unct, 11.50; Libbie, 1902, large pap, hlf mo, 3-2-,: Stephens, 1904, hlf mo, unct, 17.50; Knapp, 1905. hlf mo. in 2 v.. 13.50; Eames, 1905, hlf mo, by Bradstreet, 13.00. 1450. DU PONCEAU, PETER. A Discourse on the Early His- tory of Pennsylvania ; being an Annual Oration delivered before the American Philosophical Society on the 6th of June, 1821. Philadelphia: Abraham Small, 1821. 8vo, pp. 38. Sold: Cable, 1882, 2.25. 1451. DU PONCEAU, PETER S. ; FISHER, J. FRANCIS. \ Memoir on the History of the Celebrated Treaty made by William Penn with the Indians under the Elm Tree at Shackamaxon in the Year 1682. Philadelphia: Mc- Carty & Davis, 1836. 8vo, pp. 63.* 1452. DU PRATZ, LE PAGE. The History of Louisiana, or of The Western Parts of Virginia and Carolina; Contain- ing A Description of the Countries that lye on both Sides of the River Mississippi: With An Account of the Settlements, Inhabitants, Soil, Climate, and Products. Translated from the French (lately published 1. by M. Le Page Du Pratz; with Some Notes and Observations relating to our Colonies. London: T. Becket & P. A. De Hondt, 1763. 2 vols. i2mo. V. 1, Half title, title, 5 pp. vii, 368 pp. 2 maps. V. 2, 4 prel. leaves. 272 pp. 1453. . The History of Louisiana, or of the Western l'arts of Virginia and Carolina : Containing a Description 1 if the Countries that lie on both Sides of the River Mississippi : With an Account of the Settlements. Inhabitants, Soil, Climate, and Products. Translated from the French of 314 DURANT. M. Le Page Du Pratz ; With some Notes and Observa- tions relating to our Colonies. A New Edition. Lon- don : T. Becket, 1774. 8vo, pp. (8), xxxvi, 387. 2 Maps.* Some copies have only pp. (2), xxxvi. 387. 2 Maps. This is a reprint of No. 145J. Sold: 1763 ed. : Bangs, Merwin, 1865, 2.00; Henkels, 1900, 3.50; Puttick & Simpson, 1861, us.; Roos, hlf mo, 1897. 5.00; Fisher, 1866, hlf mo, 3.50; Brinley, 1881, 4.50; Field, 1875, 6.00; Henkels, 1900, 6.00; Bangs, 1895, 8.00; Cable. 1882, elf, 2.25; Hurst, 1904, old elf, 31.00; 1774 ed. : Rice, 1870, shp, 1.00; Brinley. 1881, 2.00; Rogers. 1900, 3.50; Menzies, 1876, hlf mo, git, unct. by Matthews. 8.00; Field, 1875, 12.75; Bangs. 1901. 6.00; Cooley, 1902, elf, 4.00; Bangs, 1896, 3.25 ; Brevoort, 1890. 1.70; Murphy. 1884, 3.50; Henkels, 1905, old elf, 7.25. 1453a. . Histoire de la Louisiane Contenant la Decouverte de ce vaste Pays ; sa Description geographique ; un Voy- age dans les Terres ; l'Histoire Naturelle ; les Moeurs. Coutumes & Religion des Naturels, avec leurs Origines; deux Voyages dans le Nord du noveau Mexique. dont un jusqu'a la Mer du Sud ; ornee de deux Cartes & de 40 Planches en Taille douce. A Paris, chez De Bure, 1758. 3 vols. 121110. 1. xvi, 358 pp., 2 maps. 2. Half title, title, 441 pp., 34 plates. 3. Half title, title, 451 pp. Ap- probation and Privilege. 3 pp. errata, 1 p., 4 plates. Sold: Murphy. 1884. 4.50; Brinley, 1881. 1.13; Bourquin. 1894, 4.80; Dunbar, 1892, 8.25; Field, 1875, 6.67; Cooke. 1883, old elf. 3.00; Bangs, 1900, orig. elf. 9.38: Puttick & Simpson. 1861, elf, 8s. 1453b. . An Account of Louisiana, exhibiting a Compen- dious Sketch of its Political and Natural History and Topography, with a Copious Appendix containing sev- eral Important Documents. Newbern : Franklin & Gar- row, 1804. i8mo, pp. (4). 2~2, cxviii, (2). 1454. DURANT, SAMUEL W. and P. A. History of Kalama- zoo Count}', Michigan, with Illustrations and Biographi- cal Sketches of its Prominent Men and Pioneers. Phila- delphia : Everts & Abbott, 1880. 4to. pp. 552. Litho- graphs and woodcuts.* DURFEE. 315 1455. . History of Lawrence Count}', Pennsylvania; with Illustrations and Biographical Sketches of its Promii. Men and Pioneers. Philadelphia: Everts & Co., [877. 4to. 1456. . History of Mercer County, Pennsylvania; with Illustrations and Biographical Sketches of its Prominent Men and Pioneers. Philadelphia: L. H. Everts & Co 1877. Folio, pp. 156. 1457. . History of Oneida County, X. Y. With Illustra- tions and Biographical Sketches of some of its Promi nent Men and Pioneers. Philadelphia: Evarts & Co.. 1878. 4to, pp. 678. 1458. . History of Ingham and Eaton Counties, Michigan. With Illustrations and Biographical Sketches of the Prominent Men and Pioneers. Philadelphia : Evarts & Co., 1880. 4to, pp. 586. 1459. DURANT, S. W.; PEIRCE, H. B. 1740. History of St. Lawrence County, New York, with Illustrations and Biographical Sketches of some of its Prominent Men and Pioneers. Philadelphia: L. H. Everts & Co.. 1878. 4tO, pp. 521.* 1460. . 1797; History of Jefferson County, X. Y.. with Illustrations and Biographical Sketches of some of its Prominent Men and Pioneers. Philadelphia: L. H. Evarts & Co., 1878. 4to, pp. 593. * Sold: Libbie, 1896, 4.50. 1461. DURETT, R. T. (COL.). Centenary of Kentucky and Celebration by the Filson Club, June 1, 1892. containing Historical Address by Col. R. T. Durett. &c. Louisville : 1892. 4to, pp. 200. 1462. DURFEE, J. R. Reminiscences of Carbondale. Dundaff and Providence, R. I., Forty Years Past. Philadelphia : Miller's Bible House. 1875. 121110. pp. 150.* Sold: Cable. 1882. 1.25. 1463. DURFEE, THOMAS. Historical Discourse at the 250th Anniversary of the Planting of Providence. Providence: 1887. 8vo. 3l6 DUVAL. 1464. DURRIE, DANIEL STEELE. The Early Outposts of Wisconsin : Green Bay for Two Hundred Years, 1639- 1839 ; Annals of Prairie du Chien. A Paper read before the State Historical Society of Wisconsin, December 26. 1872. Madison : 1873. 8vo, pp. 12. 15. Sold: Henkels, 1901, 50 cts. 1465. . A History of Madison, the Capital of Wisconsin. including the Four Lake Country, to July, 1874; with an Appendix of Notes on Dane County and its Towns. Illustrated. Madison, Wis.: Atwood & Culver, Prs.. 1874. 8vo, pp. 420. Illustrated with plates and photo- graphs.* Sold: Olcott, 1901. cl, .55; Thornton, 1878. 1.62; S. L. Boardman, 1S83, 50 cts.; Hoffmann, 1877, 1.87; Proud, 1903, 60 cts.; Guild, 1887, 1.50. 1466. DUTCHER, L. L. The History of St. Albans, Vt., Civil, Religious, Biographical and Statistical. With valuable contributions from Hon. James Davis; Rev. A. B. Swift ; Rev. J. H. Hopkins ; J. S. D. Taylor ; Mrs. B. H. Smalley, and others. With a fine portrait engraved on steel, of Ex-Gov. J. Gregory Smith, President of the Northern Pacific and Vermont Central Railroads. And the History of Sheldon, Vt. By R. H. Whitney; Rev. Geo. B. Tol- man : and Rev. A. H. Bailey. St. Albans, Vt. : Published from the Stereotypes of Miss Henenway's Vermont His- torical Gazetteer, Vol. 2. By Stephen E. Royce, 1872. 8vo, pp. 94. Sold: Manson, 1899. 5.00; Cable, 1882, 1.37; Cable. 1883. 1.00; M. D. Gilman, 1884, 87 cts.; Conland, 1904, cl. 5.25. 1467. DU VAL, B. T. History of Sebastian County, Arkansas. Historical Address at Fort Smith, July 4th, 1876. Fort Smith: 1877. 8vo. 1468. DUVAL, J. C. Early Times in Texas. (Also) The Young Explorers : a Historical Story of Texas with true inci- dents. Austin : H. P. N. Gammel & Co., 1892. 121110, pp. 135. 238. 1469. DUVAL, M. V. History of Mississippi and Civil Govern- ment. Louisville: 1892. Illustrated. DWIGHT. 317 1470. DUVALLON, BERQUIN. Vue de la colonie espagnolc dii Mississippi mi - nin, 1896, 4.00; Bangs, 1896, 3.20; Murphy, 1884, mo, git, 4.00; Baxter, 1898, hlf elf, 6.75; Fisher, 1866, 3.12; Bun- nell, 1883, autograph letter of author, 3 pi. inserted, hlf elf, 4.25; Anderson, 1904, hlf elf, 5.10; Weeks, 1902, hlf elf, 6.20; Cable, 1882, 2.63; Guild, 1887, 4.25; Hough, 1900, 4.50; Cook, 1900, 3.75 ; Libbie, 1901. cl, worn. 3.25 ; Bangs, 1899, 3.90; Hurst, 1904, shp, 5.00. 1485. EARL, HENRY H.; PECK, FRED M. Fall River and its Industries: An Historical and Statistical Record of Village, Town, and City, From the Date of the Original Charter of the Freeman's Purchase in 1656 to the Pres- ent Time. With Valuable Statistical Tables, Family Genealogies, &c. Illustrated by Mews and Portraits on Steel. New York : Atlantic Publishing and Engraving Co. Fall River: Benj. Earl & Son. 1877. Folio, (4), 380.* This first edition contains genealogies no) published in later editions. Sold: Coburn, 1895. 4.12; Cable, 1883, 1.25: J. G. Smith, 1883, 3.37: S. L. Boardman, 1883, 1.00; Manson, 1899, 2.25 ; Cable, 1882. 2.25 ; Guild. 1887. 4.75. i486. EARL, ROBERT. Reminiscences concerning Several Persons connected with Important Historical Events, n. p. 1896. pp. 8. Papers of Herkimer Co. Hist. Society, 1896. 1487. . Fort Herkimer; an Address delivered before the j-O EASTMAN. Herkimer County Historical Society, Oct. 8, 1898. n. p. pp.3. 1898. Also in Papers of Herkimer Co. Hist. Soc., 1898. 1488. . Mohawk River in History; a Paper read before the Herkimer County Historical Society, Sept. 8, 1896. n. p. n. d. pp. 4. Also in Herkimer Co. Hist. Soc. Papers, 1896, Am. Hist. Reg- ister, Oct.-Nov.. 1896. 1489. . Mohawk Valley and the Palatines. An Address delivered before the Herkimer Co. Historical Society, Nov. 12, 1898. n. p. 1898. pp. 6. Papers of Herkimer Co. Hist. Soc, 1898. 1490. EARLE, MRS. ALICE MORSE. Colonial Days in Old New York. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1896. i2mo, pp. 7. 312. Humorous description of the early life in New York. Mostly in the Dutch Period. 1491. . Stadt huys of New Amsterdam. New York: 1896. 121110, pp. 29. Half Moon Series. Vol. I, No. I. 1492. EASTLACK, FRANCIS F. History of Merchantville, N. J. Published by the Author, 1899. 8vo. Sold: Henkels, 1905, 4.00. 1493. EASTMAN. F. S. A History of Vermont from its First Settlement to the present Time, with a geographical ac- count of the Country and a view of its original Inhabi- tants. For the use of Schools. Brattleboro : Holbrook & Fessenden, 1828. i8mo, pp. iv, no.* Sold: Brinlcy. 1879, 1.38; Rogers. 1900. 30 cts. ; Manson, 1899, 3.00; Clogston. 1899, 3°°- 1494. . A History of the State of New York, from the First Discovery of the Country to the Present Time; (With a Geographical Account of the Country, and a View of its Original Inhabitants). Designed for the use of Schools & Families. New York: F. Bliss, 1828. EATON. 32 1 121110, pp. viii, 279, (1). + A New Edition. New York: Augustus K. White, 1833. 121110, pp. 455, (1).* Has engraved frontispiece of Hudson discovering the North River. Portraits. Sold: 1828 ed.: Woodward, 1869, slip, 63 cts. ; Manson, 1899, 1.80; Guild, 1887, 62 cts.; Cable, 1882, 1832 ed., r.75 ; 1830 ed. : Bangs, 1903, shp, 8.50; 183 1 ed. : M. D. Gilman, 1884, 30 cts.; Bourquin, 1894, 1.70; 1832 ed. : Bangs, Merwin, 1865, 90 cts.; Polock, 1904, shp, 25 cts.; 1833 ed.: Brinley, 1880, 1.13. 1495. EASTMAN, HERBERT W. Semi-Centennial ofthe City of Manchester, Sept. 6-9, 1896 (with Historical Address). Manchester : 1897. Roy. 8vo. Portraits and Illustra- tions. 1496. EATON, CYRUS. Annals of the Town of Warren ; with the Earl_v History of St. George's Broad Bay, and the Neighbouring Settlements on the Waldo Patent. Hal- lowell: Masters, Smith & Co., 1851. 121110, pp. xi, 437. 2 Maps and one portrait. Second Edition. Hallowell : Masters & Livermore. 1877. 121110, pp. xvi, 680. 7 illustrations and maps. Sold: 1851 ed. : Murphy, 1884, 1.75; Brinley, 1879, 1.25: Cable, 1882, 2.37; Manson, 1899. hlf mo, folding map of St. George inserted, 2.00; S. L. Boardman, 1883, 50 cts.: Cooke, 1883, 70 cts.; Deane, 1898, 2.60; Field. 1875, 3.05: Guild. 1887, 2.75; Clogston, 1875. 1.75; Libbie. 1901, 3.00: 2d ed., 1877: Barlow, 1890, 2.00; Manson, 1899, 3 portr. inserted. 3.25; Child, 1882, shts. folded, 2.25; Cable. 1883, shts. folded, 2.37; S. L. Boardman, 1883, 3.00: Guild. 1887, 3.75; Manson, 1904, bds, unct. 3.00. 1497. . History of Thomaston, Rockland, and South Thomaston, Maine, from their First Exploration. A. D. 1605; with Family Genealogies. Hallowell: Masters. Smith & Co., Prs., 1865. 2 vols. 121110. pp. xii. 46S. iv. 4/2. Sold: Patterson, 1806. 4.50; Murphy. 1884. 4.50; Deane. 1898, cl, 6.25; Hayes. r8o8, bds, unct, 4.30; Blanchard. 1898, cl, 5.00: Woodward, [869, bds, unct. 1.50; Roche. 1867, cl, unct, 1 .00: Bushnell, 1883, 6.25; Barlow, 1890. ^50; Manson, [899, hlf git, unct, 16 portraits insei 322 EATON. 10.00; S. L. Boardman, 1883, 1.25; Child, 1882, hlf mo, unct, 7.00; Hoffmann, 1877, cl, unct, 5.00; Cooke, 1883, 3.60; Field, 1875, cl, unct, 4.00; Guild. 1887, 5.50; Clog- ston, 1875, shts, 2.44; Brooks, 1898, hlf ro, 5.00: Libbie, 1898, 6.50; Bartlett, 1903, cl, 8.00. 1498. EATON, F. B. History of Candia; once known as Charm- ingfare ; with Notices of some of the Early Families. Manchester, N. H. : Press of the Granite Farmer, James O. Adams, Pr., 1852. 8vo, pp. 151. Map.* Sold: Balcom, 1901, 1.37; Olcott, 1901, paper, 1.75; Brinley, l %79> 75 cts - : Cable, 1883, 50 cts. ; Bushnell, 1883, 2.70; Cable, 1882, 2.50; Manson, 1899, 1.37; M. D. Gilman, 1884, 1.75; Guild, 1887, 1.75; Clogston, 1875. hlf turk. 1.25. 1499. EATON, HARRIET P. Jersey City and its Historic Sites. Jersey City: 1879. 121110. Sold: Weeks, 1902, 1.60. 1500. EATON, HORACE. The Early History of Palmyra, New York: A Thanksgiving Sermon, Nov. 26, 1858. Roch- ester: 1858. 8vo, pp. 26. 1501. EATON, LILLEY (HON.). General History of the Town of Reading, Mass. Including the present Towns of Wakefield, Reading, and North Reading, with Chrono- • logical and Historical Sketches from 1639 to 1874. Bos- ton : Alfred Mudge & Son, 1874. 8vo, pp. xxviii. 815.* Sold: J. G. Smith, 1883, 3.25; M. D. Gilman, 1884, 3.25; Guild. 1887, 4.00; Bangs, 1899, 3.25; Manson, 1890, 5.00: Libbie, 1902, cl. 4.75 ; 4.50. 1502. EATON, S. J. M. Petroleum: A History of the Oil Re- gions of Venango County, Pa.; its Resources. Mode of Development, and Value, &c. With a Map. Philadel- phia: J. P. Skelly & Co., 1866. 121110. pp. 209. Illustra- tions. Sold: Balcom, 1901, 25 cts.; Ilenkels, iqoo. 40 cts. 1503. . Centennial Discourse: A Sketch of the History of Venango County, Pa., delivered at Franklin, Pa., July 4th. 1876. Illustrated by a Map of the ( )ld French Fort EDSON. 323 and its Surroundings. Franklin, Pa.: Venango Sp tator Job Office, 1876. 8vo, pp. 48.* Sold: Randall, 1901, .50; Henkels, 1901, 1.80; Bourquin, 1894, 15 cts. 1504. EBELING, CHRISTOPH. DANIEL. D. Anton Friedr. Buchungs Erdbeschreibung, Siebenter Th. welcher America begreist. Die vereinten Staaten von Nord- amerika. Vol. 5. Hamburg: C. E. Bohn, 1799. i2mo, pp. 807.* 1505. EBBUTT, PERCY G. Emigranl Life in Kansas. Illus- trated. London : 1886. 8vo, pp. 237. Account of bona fide experiences in Kansas when it was n unknown. Relates to farming, herding, the prairies, etc. 1506. EDEN, JOHN. The Mt. Holyoke Handbook and Tourist's Guide for Northampton, and its Vicinity. Northampton. Mass.: Hopkins, Bridgman & Co., 1851. i8mo, pp. J2. 1507. EDGAR, JOHN F. Pioneer Life in Dayton and Vicinity, 1796-1840. Dayton, O. : United Brethren Publ. House (W. J. Shuey), 1896. 8vo, pp. 2, 268. Portraits. "History of Dayton from its earliest settlement, including names of its pioneers." Publ. Weekly. 1508. EDSALL, JAMES M. Long Island. Celebration of the Re-Setting of the New Utrecht Liberty Pole (erected just after the Revolutionary War), with historical ad- dress by Mr. Jas. M. Edsall, and historic account of the first pole setting, illustrated with the American flag in gold and colors. 8vo. n. p., n. d. 1509. EDSALL, T. H. History of the Town of Kings Bridge, now Part of the 24th Ward, New York City, with Index. New York: Privately printed. 18S7. pp. io^. Only 53 copies issued, for presentation. Sold: Bangs, 1899, 15.00; mo;, cl, 3.75; Anderson, 1905, large paper. 5.05. 1510. EDSON, OBED. Celebration of the One Hundredth An- niversary of American Independence, at Sinclairville, N. Y.. July 4. 1876, in the 68th Year of the Settlement of the Town of Charlotte: including an Historical Vddress 324 EDWARDS. by Obed Edson. With an Appendix. Sinclairville, X. Y. : E. L. Husted, 1876. 8vo, pp. 73. (Ptibl. by O. Ed- son.) 1511. EDWARD, DAVID B. The History of Texas; or the Emigrant's, Farmer's, and Politician's Guide to the Character, Climate. Soil and Productions of that Coun- try : geographically arranged from Personal Observation and Experience. Cincinnati : J. A. James & Co., 1836. 121110, pp. 336. Map.* Sold: Brinley, 1881, 3.50: Henkels, 1899, 1.10; Dunbar, 1892, 1.40; Cable, 1882. 1.75; Henkels, 1900, 70 cts. ; Bourquin, 1894, 50 cts. ; Proud, 1903. 2.00 : Field, 1875, 1.50; A. G. Greene, i860, 15 cts.; Polock, 1904, cl, 3.25. 1512. EDWARDS, BELA BATES. Address delivered at South- ampton. Mass., at the Centennial Celebration of the Incorporation of the Town. July 23. 1841. Andover: 1 84 1. 8vo, pp. 54. 1513. EDWARDS, NINIAN W. History of Illinois from 1778 to 1833. Also the Life and Times of Gov. Xinian Ed- wards. Springfield: State Journal Co., 1870. 8vo, pp. 552-* Sold: Cooke, 1883, 3.25; Guild. 1887, 5.25 ; Cable, 1882. 1.87. 1514. EDWARDS, RICHARD. Statistical Gazetteer of the States of Virginia and Korth Carolina, embracing im- portant Topographical and Historical Information, from Recent and Original Sources, together with the Results of the last Census, Population, and Statistics, in many cases to 1855. Richmond: Published for the Proprietor. 1856. 8vo, pp. 601.* Illustrate! by woodcuts. One side of the pave i^ devoted to the letterpress, the other t" advertisements. The Coats (if Arms • ii Virginia and \ Carolina form part of the title. "So far as is known the first directory of North Carolina published." Weeks. 1515. EDWARDS, RICHARD; HOPEWELL, M. (M. D.L The Great West and her Commercial Metropolis, em- bracing a General View of the \Yes;. and a Complete History of St. Louis, from the Landing of Ligueste in ij(>4. to the Present Time: With Portraits and Bioj raphies of the I lid Si ttlers and many of the most Promi- EIGHTS. 3-5 nent Business .Men. Splendidly Illustrated. St. Louis: Office of the Edwards Monthly, i860. 8vo, pp. 604. 66 portraits and 55 plates.* Sold: Cable, 1882, 2.12 ; Cable, 1883, 30 cts. ; Bourquin, [894, 10 cts. 1516. EGLE, WILLIAM HENRY (DR.). An Illustrated His- tory of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Civil. Politi- cal, and .Military, from its Earliest Settlement to the Present 'rime, including Historical Descriptions of each County in the State, their Towns and Industrial Re- sources. Harrisburg: De ^Vitt C. Goodrich &Co., 1876. 8vo, pp. 1186. Illustrated.* Sold: Henkels, 1900, 1.30; Bourquin, 1894, 1877 ed.. I.IO; Proud, 1903, hlf elf. 3.60; Pennypacker, 1906, cl. auto- graph presentation copy from author inserted, 1.75. 1517. . 1 785- 1885. Centenary Memorial of the Erection of the County of Dauphin and the Founding of the City of Harrisburg. Harrisburg: Telegraph Printing House, 1886. 8vo, pp. 397. Frontispiece, of Centennial medal.* Sold: Pennypacker, 1906, 60 cts. 1518. . History of the Counties of Dauphin and Lebanon in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania : Biographical and Genealogical. Philadelphia: Everts & Peck, 1883. 4to, pp. 8, (i),969-* Sold: Freeman & Co., 1903, 4.00; Pattison, 1904, hlf mo. presentation copy from author to Gov. Pattison, 3.25 ; Henkels, 1905, hlf mo. 4.75; Proud, 1903, cl, unct, 5.00; Proud, 1903. hlf russ, 4.00. 1519. . History of the County of Dauphin in the Com- monwealth of Pennsylvania, Biographical and Genea- logical. Philadelphia: Everts and Peck, 1883. 4tO, pp. 616.* 1520. . History of the County of Lebanon in the Com- monwealth of Penna., Biographical and Genealogical. Philadelphia : Everts & Peck, 1883. 4to, pp. 360.* 1521. EIGHTS, J. Reminiscences of the City of Ubany, with an Engraving, showing a view of the City from the oppi 1- site side of the Hudson River. Albany: [836. I2mo, pp. 18. 326 ELIOT. 1522. ELDER, JANUS GRANVILLE. History of Lewiston. Written by J. G. Elder expressly for Androscoggin One- Price Company, Blue Store, corner Lisbon & Ash Sis.. Lewiston, Me.. 1882. Boston: Abr. G. Daniels, Pr. 8vo, pp. 48. Mr. Elder published a history of Lewiston. in French's Atlas of Androscoggin County, 1875. 1523. ELDRIDGE, JOSEPH; CRISSEY, THERON WIL- MOT. History of Norfolk, Litchfield County, Conn., 1744-1900. Everett, Mass.: 1900. Svo, pp. 648. Illus- trated. 1524. ELIOT, JOHN. New | Englands | First Fruits; | in respect, | ( Conversion of some. ") First of the i Conviction of divers, '.- of the Indians. ( Preparation of sundry ) 2. Of the progresse of Learning, in the Colledge at I Cambridge in Massachusetts Bay. ; With | Divers other speciall Matters concerning that Countrey. | Published by the instant request of sundry Friends, who desire | to be satisfied in these points by man}' New England Men | who are here present, and were eye or eare- | witnesses of the same. | By W. Mathews. | London, | Printed by R. ( ). and G. D. for Henry Overton, and are to be | sold at his Shop in Popes-head Alley. 1643. I 4to. pp. (2). 26, (l). "The first, and one of the rarest of the series of reports from New England relative to the conversion of the aborigines. Pages 18-jo contain the Commencement theses at the graduation of the first class in 1642." Sabin. Sold: Livermore, 1894, hlf elf. title too closely trimmed at top. 20.00; Roche, 1867, unbd, cut close, 10.00; Barlow, 1890, hlf rus. 180.00; Br. Ives, 1897. br cd mo. extra, git, by Matthews, 120.00; Hoffmann, 1877. 11.00; Cooke, [883, levt mo, git. extra, by W. Matthews. 48.00; same sale, levt mo. git. unct, 36.00; Field. 1875, levt mo. 22.50; Menzies, 1875. cr red levt 1110, git. inside lined with hi mo. tooled, mo joints, git. by W. Matthews. 33.00: l'.rin- K-v. 1X71;. maroon mo, antogr. Cotton Mather on guard leaf. 21.00: Puttick & Simpson, [861, elf, extra, l>v Bed- ford, £3. KLIOT. 327 1525. . New England's First Fruits; with Divers other special Matters Concerning that Country. New York : Joseph Sabin, 1865. 4to, pp. (4), 47. This is a reprint of the 1643 edition. It is No. I of the Eliot Tracts. "This reprint of the first of that series of reports to the Cor- poration for Propagating the Gospel among the Indians of New England, known as the Eliot Tracts, has the great defect <>f being published without note, comment or biographical sketch. Indeed, the whole of Mr. Sabin's reprints are unedited, and thus an excel- lent opportunity of adding to the common stock of knowledge regarding their bibliographical history, as well as that of their author, editors, and the venerable society which printed them, was lost.' T. W. Field. "I was unkind enough not to avail myself of Mr. Field's offer to do something of the hind here suggested, and I think the above specimen of Mr. Field's indifferent English will be a sufficient reason for my declination." Sabin. Sold: Roche, [867, large paper, unct, 75 cts. ; Roche, 1867, flscp, unct, 75 cts.; Hoffmann, 1877, 50 cts.; Field, 1875. 1. 12. 1526. . A Brief | Narrative | of the | Progress of the Gos- pel amongst | the Indians in New England, in | the Year 1670. I Given in | By the Reverend John Elliot. | Minister of the Gospel there, | In a Letter by him directed to | the Right Worshipfull the Com- | missioners under his Majesties | Great-Seal for Propagation of the | Gospel amongst the poor Blind Na- | tives in those United Colonies. | London, | Printed for John Allen, formerly living in Little-Britain at | the Rising-Sun. and now in Wentworth street near Bell- | Lane, 1671. | 4to, pp. ir. Exceedingly rare. 1527. ELIOT, JOHN. A Brief Narrative of the Progress of the Gospel among the Indians of New England. 1670. With Introductory Notes. By W. T. R. Marvin. Boston : John K. Wiggin & Wm. Parsons Lunt. 1S6R. Sin. 4to, PI 1 - 36- 170 copies printed, 20 on large paper. Reprint of No. 1526. 1528. ELIOT, JOHN; MAYHEW. Tears of Repentance; | Or. A further | Narrative of the Progress of the Gospel | Amongst the | Indians | in | New England ; | Setting forth, not only their present state and condition, but sundry Confessions of sin | by diverse of the said In- dians, wrought upon | by the saving Power of the Gos- 328 ELLIOT. pel ; Together | with the manifestation of their Faith and Hope I in Jesus Christ, and the Work of Grace upon | their Hearts. | Related by Mr. Eliot and Mr. Mayhew, two Faithful Laborers | in that Work of the Lord, j Pub- lished by the Corporation for propagating the Gospel there, for the | Satisfaction and Comfort of such as wish well thereunto. | (Motto) London : Printed by Peter Cole in Lead Hall, and are to be Sold at | his Shop, at the Sign of the Printing Press in Cornhill | near the Royal Exchange, 1653. | 4to, 18 1., pp. 47. Reprint, Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll., v. 4, 3d Scr. Sold: Rice, 1870, elf, by Pratt, 100.00. 1529. ELLIOTT, CHARLES W. The New England History, from the Discovery of the Continent by the Xorthmen, A. D. 986, to the Period when the Colonies declared their Independence, A. D. 1776. New York: Charles Scribner, 1857. 2 vols. 8vo, pp. 479; 492. 2 Plates. Sold: Bell, 1895, 3.50; Coburn, 1895, 3.50; Bangs, 1896, 3.25; Bangs, 1897, cl, 4.25; Deane, 1898, 4.50; Manson, 1899, 3-5°; Cable, 1882, 4.90; Cable, 1883, 2.25; Thornton, 1878, 2.75; Menzies, 1876, hlf mo, git, unct, by Trent, 26.00: Bourquin, 1894, 4.00; Shurtlefr, 1875, 3.50; Avery, 1900, 3.10; Libbie. 1898, 4.00; Richmond, 1899. 3.20; Jordan, 1904, cl, 4.00. 1530. ELLIOT, HENRY W. Our Arctic Province, Alaska and the Seal Islands. New York : C. Scribner & Sons, i8?6. 8vo, pp. 14, 466. Illustrations and Maps. 1531. ELLIOTT, JEHI. A Discourse delivered on the Sabbath after the Commencement of the Year 1802. Middle- town : 1802. 8vo, pp. 35, 3. Sold: Brinley, 1879, 4.00. 1532. ELLIOT, JONATHAN. Historical Sketches of the Ten Miles Square forming the District of Columbia; with a Picture of Washington, describing Objects of General Interest or Curiosity at the .Metropolis of the Union; * * * Washington: J. Elliot, 1830. pp. 554. Plate. Sold: Bourquin, 1894, 1.60. ei.lis. 329 1533. ELLIOTT, JOSEPH P. History of Evansville and Van- derburgh County, Ind., From the Earliest Times to the Present, embracing Reminiscences of the Pioneers and Biographical Sketches. Evansville: 1897. 8vo, pp. 400. 1534. ELLIOTT, RICHARD SMITH. Notes taken in Sixty Years. St. Louis. Washington, D. C. : Brentano Bro 1884. 8vo, pp. 4. 336. Portrait. This is both personal experience and ;i history 1 of the western country. Col. Elliott went to St, Louis in 1843. 1535. ELLIOT, W. C. A History of Reynoldsville an.d Vici Located in Jefferson County, Pa. Reynoldsville: "Vol- unteer" Print, [894. [2mo, pp. 58. 4 pp. business adver- tisements at end.* 1536. ELLIOT, WILLIAM. The Washington Guide: contain- ing an Account of the District of Columbia ; the City of "Washington, its Capture by the British in 1814. Wash- ington : S. A. Elliot, 1822. i8ino, pp. xii, 138. + 1830. -f- 1834. -j- Washington: Frank Taylor. 1837. i8mo. pp. xii, 310. Map and Plates. Sold: Bourquin, 1894. 20 cts. ; same sale, 1837, 40 cts. 1537. ELLIS, AGNES L. Lights and Shadows of Sewickly Life: or. Memories of Sweet Valley. Philadelphia: 1893. 8vo, pp. 308. 1538. ELLIS, ALBERT GALLATIN. Hand Book of Stevens Point, and the Upper Wisconsin. Its Character, Early Settlement, Villages, Population, and General Advan- tages for Settlers ; with a Correct Map of the State. Stevens Point: Ellis. Tracy & Swayze, 1857. i6mo, pp. 45- 1539. . History of Portage Count}-, Wisconsin, read at the Centennial Celebration held at the City of Stevens Point. July 4, 1876. Stevens Point: 1876. 8vo, pp. 14. 1540. ELLIS, CHARLES MAYO. The History of Roxbury Town. Part 1. The Early History of the Town. Bos- ton: Samuel G. Drake, 1847. 8vo, pp. [46. But the part one was ever printed. Sold: Woodward. 7869, 2.50: Cable. 1882, shts. folded. 1.50: Brinley, 1879, 4.00: Manson, 1899, shts. folded, unct, jj 330 ELLIS. cts. ; Child, 1882, 2.75; Cable, 1882, cl, 2.12; Cable, 1883, 2.00; Thornton, 1878, 5.00; Balcom, 1901, 2.12; J. G. Smith, 1883, portr. and inserted plates, 2.25 ; Shurtleff, 1875, with MS. marginal notes, 2.00; same sale, unbd, 1.87; Cooke, 1883, 1.50; Deane, 1898, 2.00; Whitmore, 1902, cl. unct, 1.50; Guild. 1887, 2.50; Clogston, 1875, 2.50. 1541. ELLIS, FRANKLIN. History of Genessee County, Mich- igan, with Illustrations and Biographical Sketches of its Prominent Men and Pioneers. Philadelphia : Everts & Abbott, 1879. 4to, pp. 446.* Sold: Freeman & Co., 1903, 2.50. 1542. . History of Berrien and Van Buren Counties, Mich- igan, with Illustrations and Biographical Sketches of its Prominent Men and Pioneers. Philadelphia : Ensign & Co.. 1880. 4to. pp. 548. Lithographs and woodcuts. Outline map.* Sold: Freeman & Co., 1903, 3.00. 1543. . History of Shiawassee and Clinton Counties, Mich- igan, with Illustrations and Biographical Sketches of their Prominent Men and Pioneers. Philadelphia : D. W. Ensign & Co., 1880. 4to, pp. 541. Lithographs and woodcuts.* Sold: Freeman & Co., 1903, 3.00. 1544. . History of Fayette County, Pennsylvania; with Biographical Sketches of many of its Pioneers and Prominent Men. Copiously illustrated with portraits, views and maps. Philadelphia: Everts & Peck. 1882. 4to, pp. 602. "*■ Published at $25.00. Only a limited number printed. Sold: Henkels, 1898, 5.25. 1545. . History and Future of Minnehaha County, Da- kota, and the City of Sioux Falls. Sioux Falls : 1887. 8vo. Illustrated. Map. 1546. . History of Monmouth County, Xcw Jersey. Illus- trated. Philadelphia : R. T. Peck & Co.. 1885. " 4to, pp. 10. 902. Outline map, steel and woodcuts." ELLIS. 331 Sold: Bangs, [898, hlf mo, git, 8.25; Henkels, 1900, 7.50: Proud, 1903, 8.25; Bangs, 1899, 5.50; Bangs, 1900, 10.50; Freeman & Co., 1903, 7.25. 1547. ELLIS, FRANKLIN; EVANS, SAMUEL. History Mi- Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. With Biographical Sketches of many of its Pioneers and Prominent Men. Illustrated. Philadelphia: Everts & Peck, 1883. 4 pp. viii, 1101.* Sold: Henkels. 1900, 6.00; Proud, 1903, 5.50; Freeman & Co., 1903, 5.00; Henkels, 1905, hlf rus, 4.25. 1548. ELLIS, GEORGE EDWARD. Sketches of Bunker Hill 1 '. a 1 1 1 e and Monument: with Illustrative Document- Charlestown : C. P. Emmons, 1843. 121110, pp. 172. " Second Edition. -|- Third Edition, -f- 121110, pp. 172. Map and Plate. -f- Fourth Edition. [844. i8mo. pp. 172. -j- Charlestown : 1863.* Sold: Brinley, 1879, 2d ed., 1843, 1.00; Brinley. 1879, 41 li ed.. 1844, 50 cts. ; Manson, 1899, 1843 e d-. 1.62 ; Hoffmann. 1877, ed. of 1863, 25 cts. J 549- • An Authentic History of the Bunker Hill Battle. together with a full account of the building of the monu- ment, by James Savage. Charlestown: 185 1. i6mo. Sold: Manson, 1899, 50 cts. I 55°- • The Puritan Age and Rule in the Colony of th Massachusetts Bay, 1(120-1685. Boston: Houghton, Mif- flin & Co., 1888. 8vo, pp. 19. 576. I55 1 - • An Oration delivered at Charlestown. Massachu- setts, on the 17th of June, 1841, in Commemoration of the Battle of Hunker Hill. Boston : William Crosby & Co., 184I. 8VO, pp. J2. Sold: Menzies, 1876. hlf mo, git, unct. 28 illus. inserted, 6-75- 1552. . History of the Battle of Bunker's (Breed's) Hill. on June 17. 1775. Map. Boston: 1875. 8vo. The Same, recast, with changes, Map and note. Svo. pp. 69. Boston : 1875. Sec also, N. V. Herald, June 8, 1875. 332 ELLSWORTH. Sold: 1875 ed. : Olcott, 1901, bds, original covers bd in, 25 cts. ; Manson, 1899, hlf mo, git, unct, extra illus., with 31 portr., 7.50; Harold Peirce, 1903, 30 cts.; Harold Peirce. 1903, 60 cts. 1553. ELLIS, LEONARD BOLLES. History of New Bedford and its Vicinity (with Biographies), 1602 to 1892. Syra- cuse: 1892. Roy. 8vo, pp. 731. (5), 175. Portraits, Maps and Illustrations. Sold: Coburn. 1895, 6.00. 1554. ELMER, LUCIUS Q. C. History of the Early Settlement and Progress of Cumberland County, Xew Jersey; ami of the Currency of this and the Adjoining Colonies. Bridgeton. N. J.: George F. Nixon, 1869. 8vo, pp. 142. '"■ Sold: Dunbar, 1892, 75 cts.; Henkels, 1900, 90 cts.; Hen- kels, 1899, 1. 10; Bourquin. 1804, 1.10; Bourquin, 1894, 60 cts.: Randall, 1901, 50 cts.; Cresson, 1902. 80 cts. I 555- • The Constitution and Government of the Prov- ince and State of Xew Jersey, from 1776 to 1845, and Reminiscences of the Bench and Bar. During more than Half a Century. Newark, N. J. : Martin R. Dennis & Co.. 1872. 8vo, pp. viii, 895.* This is Vol. 7 of Coll. N. J. Histor. Society. Sold: Henkels, 1900, 50 cts.; Henkels, 1901, 25 cts.; Hen- kels, 1900, 90 cts.; Randall, 1901, 50 cts.; Bourquin. 1894. 25 cts. 1556. ELLSWORTH, C. S. Views in and around Sparta, Vis. Giving a Brief History of the City, and setting forth its Advantages for Manufacturing and as a Place of Resi- dence. Together with some Account of its Celebrated Magnetic Mineral Water. Portage : 1888. 121110, pp. 48. 1557. ELLSWORTH, H. L. Illinois in 1837; a Sketch descrip- tive of the Situation, Boundaries, Face of the Country, Prominent Districts, Prairies, Rivers, Minerals, Animals. Agricultural Productions, Public Lands, Plans of Inter- nal Improvement, Manufactures, &c, of the State of Illinois: also. Suggestions to Fmigrants, Sketches of the Counties, Cities and Principal Towns in the State: to- gether with a Letter on the Cultivation of the Prairies, ELWELL. 333 l'.\ the I loii. II. L. Ellsworth. To which are annexed The Letters from a Rambler in the \\ 0 l_ H1GHSM1TH 45-102 PRINTED IN U S.A. D 000 300 7/: